t. y. į , , , , , , , • • • • • • • A FRENCH AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY u/ITH INDICATION OF PRONUNCIATION, ETYMOLOGIES, AND DATES OF EARLIEST APPEARANCE OF FRENCH WORDS IN THE LANGUAGE BY HJALMAR EDGREN, PH.D. Professor of Romance Languages in the University of Nebraska, author of various works ·. | · | in Romance, Germanic, and Sanskrit philology # : . : AND , PERCY B. BURNET, A. M. Of the High Schools of Chicago, formerly Adjunct Professor in the University of Nebraska NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY •rt ^ 'ê }, .4» º^ _cº# . \--^ --#aAº^•-' 4 —*-? p 5. - y , . ' () s" & $..• r#rº- - #º.… # # # * -- # 2 # Copyright, r9or, BY - HENRY HOLT & CO. RoBERT DRUMMoND, PRINTER, NEW YORK. "TYPOGRAPHY OF LANGUAGES PRINTING COMPANY 1 14 FIFTH AvENUE, NEw YORK PREFACE MoDERN study of living languages does not yield in thor- oughness to that of the classical. Yet, while the more scholarly Latin and Greek dictionaries used in America are quickened with the results of recent philological research, no dictionary of a mod- ern language (saving, conditionally, Whitney's German) is calcu- lated to satisfy the philological student in the college, much less in the graduate school. That there is need of a more scho- lastic work in this line may therefore be asserted without any implied disparagement whatever of various practical dictionaries, excellent within their own sphere. This need is especially pro- nounced for a language which, like the French, can be traced, in the main, toits source by every student of Latin, and the historical study of which may thus be to him both a valuable discipline and a practical aid. º It is in this belief that we have endeavored to prepare a work embodying : 1 - I. A scholarly and yet thoroughly practical French-English dictionary, founded upon the highest modern authorities, and embodying a measurably complete list of modern and obsolescent | French words with their pronunciation, derivation, and earliest occurrence in the language, as well as their meanings and less obvious uses; and » - & - II. An English-French dictionary serving the purposes of French composition and speaking, and containing a sufficient . amount of modern and archaic words with their pronunciation, and etymologically arranged, to serve the French student of English. These general features of the present work are more fully explained below. •r *s I. THE FRENCH ENGLISH PART | 1. Authorities. The main authorities relied upon have been Hatzfeld-Darmesteter-Thomas' ºDictionnaire général de la langue française " (to fascicule 28), and Littré's * Dictionnaire de la langue 139398 Vi PREFACE française." But various other lexical works, such as Scheler's, Spiers', Thibaut's, Sachs', Roubaud's (Heath's), Webster's and the Standard dictionaries have been used, and * Romania" and * Zeitschrift der romanischen Philologie" consulted for the most recent philological suggestions. - , 2. Vocabulary. Without any claim to completeness, unattain- able by even far bulkier works, this dictionary nevertheless contains a much greater number of French words than ordinary school dictionaries of its size; and many of these words, recently become current, are wanting in most large lexical works. The words have not been compiled promiscuously, but selected on the joint authority of Hatzfeld-Darmesteter-Thomas (which bids fair to be the standard dictionary of France) and Littré. Very few words contained in the former work have been omitted, but several not found there are included. Numerous proper nouns of somewhat unfamiliar form, but of ordinary occurrence, have also . been given in the general alphabetical list. The important dis-. tinction between living and obsolete words has been indicated throughout by the use of a dagger (f) before the obsolete. - 3. Irregular forms of inflection have been noted, and where it seemed advisable (as for the principal parts of the simple irregular verbs) in alphabetical order. The full conjugation of each irregular verb is given either directly where the verb occurs, or by reference. . 4. Of French idioms, all that are self-explaining have, as a rule, been omitted as mere chaff, hiding the grains that are sought. It is different in the French-English part, where any idiomatic turn of an ordinary expression deserves notice. · 5. Pronunciation. Regarding pronunciation, this work, though using a wholly independent system of presenting it, has otherwise followed, in the main, that of Hatzfeld-Darmesteter- Thomas. Only an exceptional use has been made of Michaelis- Passy's pronouncing vocabulary, which was not published before our work was nearing its completion. Fortunately the discrepancies between the two great authorities are not serious, and the advantage of following in the main one of them will be readily recognized. The pronunciation of each word is denoted directly, without special transliteration, by the aid of subscript diacritical marks for the less common sounds. The student knowing that all signs above a letter (and the cedilla) are French, and all others conventional, will feel at home at once. A glance at the PREE'ACE vii French words will show that they are not marred in clearness by this unobtrusive marking, while their pronunciation stands out from the more or less unphonetical spelling, forcing itself upon the attention of the student, who is apt to neglect phonetic respell- ings. To avoid such complexity and minuteness of marking as would necessarily defeat its own purpose, some few finer shades of utterance, as especially the distinction between long and semi-long quantity, more or less uncertain and wavering (somewhat differ- ently treated by the two works referred to above, and left undistinguished in Vietor's * Fonetikº), have been omitted. The Key to our plan of marking the pronunciation is found at the end of the preface (p. xi). 6. Derivation. The immediate etymological derivation of every French word is given, as far as known, within brackets (or, · in case of direct French derivation, indicated, where alphabeti- · cally feasible, by their place under the source-word). When · the derivation is unknown or questionable, this is denoted by | an interrogation-mark, alone or before a suggested etymology. Hypothetical etymologies are only sparingly resorted to, because | in a work of this kind cautious reserve is preferable to guessing. Besides the immediate source of the French word, a yet re- moter source is also : denoted in parenthesis whenever this | seems advisable in order to explain the present meaning of | the French word, or to point out a Latin word apt to be more familiar to the student than the immediate source-word. This second word is chosen without reference to its immediate or more remote antecedency to the first. The meaning of the Latin word, whenever deviating from the French, is given. It is an ana- chronism to suppose every student to know Latin, and the etymologies are calculated for all students. For a like reason Greek words are transliterated. Popular Latin source-words postulated by philologists are, as usual in such cases, preceded by an asterisk. Instead of the accusative, from which the French nouns, etc., are ordinarily derived, the Latin nominative is given. This will not trouble the Latin student, while it will serve other · students who may wish to know, in its ordinary form, the Latin word from which the French is derived. Latin prototypes of primitive French words (words marked °) have their long vowel quantities marked : the popular Latin forms, again for practical ends, without consideration of their gradual surrendor of long viii - PREE'ACE quantities, and exchange of quantitative for qualitative differences (a conversion easily made by the student of French phonetics). 7. Principles of arrangement. The dictionary is entirely alphabetical. Kindred words following each other are grouped together. This for three reasons : first, as a means to furnish a valuable aid of association in acquiring the language, and foster the etymological sense; second, to avoid needless repetition of etymologies; third, to save space. This grouping will in nowise impede the ready use of the dictionary, since the words of each group stand out boldly, and there is a time-saving element in the very grouping, which provides for a rapid passing from one set of forms to another. • The first word of each group is given in full; the following words are abbreviated as far back as practicable. The division is marked by a rolled hyphen (-) for the head-word of the group, and by an ordinary hyphen (-) for the other words. Besides, to aid the eye in finding the head-word within the group — for it is not necessarily the first word, but the word under which the etymology is especially treated — it is preceded by double bars (|). , ' . In the division of words, the principles of spelling, pronun- ciation and space-saving have been reconciled as far as practicable, to the exclusion of a more etymological division, which is in- compatible with them, and superfluous in view of the special statement of etymologies everywhere. The words are not grouped with reference to immediate deriva- tion from one another, which would have necessitated very nu- merous groups, but simply, and as far as it has seemed advisable, with reference to near relationship of some kind. Hence the head-word of the group, though often the actual source-word from which the others are derived, may be simply the word lying, on the whole, farthest back of them all, or best suited for explaining the etymology of the group. Y et every word not directly derived from that head-word, has its immediate etymo- logical source indicated. The student will thus find not merely helpful etymological suggestions, but an historically exact etymology as far as known, for every French word, enabling him to use the dictionary for scientific purposes, if desirable. 8. Date of occurrence. In addition to the etymology of the French words, their earliest occurrence in the language is also PREE'ACE - ix indicated. Words of popular Latin origin, brought into Gaul directly by the Romans (often identical with their classical types), are followed by a small circle; those introduced later, from | whatever source, by an exponent number denoting the century of their earliest authenticated appearance in the language (e.g. abîme°= " abîme, of direct popular Latin origin'; abat* = * abat, first known appearance in 1500-1599'). The philological value of this information needs no demonstration. 9. Definitions. The definitions of the French words, though not exhaustive, cover all the ordinary meanings, and to a consider- able extent also such as are more exceptional or technical. The aim has been, especially for other than source-words, to give distinct varieties of meaning rather than mere synonyms, which the student may readily make out for himself. The definitions are arranged, as far as it has seemed practical, in the sequence of their historical development, and always so as to show their inter- relation. Such definitions as for instance être, *be, belong, have,º etc. — found in much used school-dictionaries — are bewildering and uninstructive to the student, especially where his grammar furnishes no key to them, which it does in the instance quoted. An attempt has frequently been made — though, as not ar- ranged for from the beginning, with some discordance for different letters — to indicate the true relation between French and English cognates or equivalents overlapping each other in meaning, by parenthesising after the English the meanings čovered also by the French, thus aiding the student not only in selecting the appropriate rendering, but also in appreciating an interesting correlation (cf. abandon, fourche, goutte, gousset, œil, etc.). English cognates, from whatever source, when not evident at first sight, are in small capitals, but only once and under the French source-word, provided an English cognate occurs there, and in a form sufficiently suggestive also for derivative words, To denote perfect identity of form, English cognates written like the French are denoted simply by the sign =. A II. THE ENGLISH-FRENCH PART This part of the dictionary, though more immediately based on previous works of a similar scope and purpose than the first, is arranged, however, like it, to show the etymological kinship of X - - E> R EE'A CE the words, as well as their pronunciation. The requirements of pronunciation and accentual variation have at times necessitated a less rigorous and complete grouping of related words than in the first part. Except as suggested by the etymological grouping, and by French cognates (found for more than half of the English words), no etymologies have been given, as it would generally lead to sources unknown by the ordinary student of this part of the work. As regards pronunciation, the principle of subscript signs for sounds deviating from the ordinary has been followed also here, except for the tone-vowel, which always has a sign over it, this being the easiest way of denoting the shifting English accent. To avoid a confusing multitude of signs, the many varying shades of toneless vowels are marked only when distinctly deviating from the ordinary or neutral sound (cf. further the table below), and the palatal n only when the following g is silent. Though the marking might have been more detailed here, the greater gain has seemed to be attained on the whole by greater simplicity; and it is believed that any one familiar with the rudiments of English pronunciation will be amply helped by the system here adopted. The work on this dictionary has been divided between its authors in such a way that Mr. Edgren, besides its general plan- ning, has prepared the letters A, D, E (part of this letter with the assistance of Dr. M. Osterholm), G, H, I, J, K, O, Q, R, T, U, V of the French-English Part, and all of the English-French Part; and Mr. Burnet the letters B, C, F, L, M, N, P, S, W, X, Y, Z of the French-English Part. If, in spite of frequent conferences on all points of detail, some discrepancies are found in the execution, it is believed that they are all of minor consequence. And the authors now submit their work to the public in the hope that, though it have not attained a result adequate to their aim, nor their liberal outlay of time and labor, it may, however, contribute its share to both a practical and scholastic study of a language of the greatest cultural and philological interest. HJALMAR EDGREN. PERCY B. BURNET. August, 1900. PRoN UN CIATIoN T. FRENCH l#" As no description of linguistic sounds, however detailed, can satisfactorily teach to the student untrained in phonetics their reproduction, the subjoined list gives but the briefest hints of the approximate English equivalents of the French sounds. The best way of acquiring their exact utterance is to learn from a competent person the pronunciation of the French key-words in the list. - l. All signs above a letter, and the cedilla (s), are genuine French signs, and not to be considered in the pronunciation, except for é, which is constantly = e, and g, always = s. 2. Other signs are conventional, to denote pronunciation. 3. Short quantity is unmarked. Long is marked by the usual long quantity mark placed below its vowel(s), and above any other subscript sign (cf. 8 below). Medial quantity is unmarked (cf. Preface, p. vii); but the student may remember that a long thematic accent-vowel is ordinarily semi-long in a protonic syllable (rose, rosé). 4. Silent letters are in heavy italics (e.g. les = le, dette = dett, an = e, fille = fil, élever = élve). 5. French always accents the last or only fully pronounced vowel of the word (donne'r, â'me). » 6. The pronunciation of the repeated part of the first word of a group applies to all the words of the group, observing that long quantity belongs only to accent syl- lables (cf. $ 3). « Observing these principles, our system of marking the French pronunciation is as follows : 7. SIMPLE VOWELS (cf. $$ 1, 3, above) a = open a of Eng. calf (Webster) : . . . . . . .. la, à ($ 1) a = close a (nearly as in Eng. far) : . . . . . . . bas (4), âme (1, 4) a = nasal a (a with nasal resonance) : . . . . . .. an, danse (3) e = open e in Eng. met : . . . . . . . . . . . e or é = close e (approaching e in they; e of Germ. - - sehr, but short) : . . . . . . . . . . .. donner (4, 5), été E ('e mute') = e in Eng. proclitic the : . . . . . .. IE, mEner (4, 5) mette, même (1,3) e = nasal open e (e with nasal resonance) : . . . . .. bien e — #l » above : @ t@ @ $ # ſ$ $ @ $ @ © @ $ 4 e7v, vendre (3) i = i in Eng. pique : iI, île (1, 3) = i in Eng. piano, before vowel : . . . . . . .. fier, bien = i'y (or i) : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. prier, étrier J 1 i e, above : . . . . . . . . . . .. vin, minee (3) o = open o (as in Germ. soll; in Paris approaching u of Eng. bun) : s $ e e e @ s @ s bonne 9 = close 0 (in Eng. no, without glide) : . . . . . .. nos, côte (1, 3) e = nasal 9 (o with nasal resonance): . . . . . . on, L9ndre (3) xi xii t#. Germ. ii (Eng. i with rounded lips) : tIl u in Eng. guano (Eng. w) : . $ same sound, slightly dimmed, before vowel : PRONUNCIATION du, une, mûr (l, 3) lui, tua , . . . . .. guano, quadrat l resonance) : .. un, luavd y, analyse (3) syntaxe, nymphe (3) 8. VOWEL-COMPOUNDS (cf. $$ 1, 3, above) # = nasal Fr. eu (eu, cf. below, with nasa y = Fr. i (cf. above) : . - y = nasal i (cf. above): , . $ @ ai = open Fr. e (cf. above) : . au = open Fr. o (cf. above) : . e# au = close Fr. Q (cf. above) : . ay = Fr. è-y: . @ # @ @ ei = open Fr. e (cf. above) : . $ $ eu = open Fr. e with rounded lips (Germ. in Eng. fur) : @ @ @ eu = Fr. eu, close (Germ. close ö) : oi (not oi) = Eng. wa- in wag (Fr. oua) : oi = Eng. wa- in wattle (Fr. oua) : . oi = Fr. oi (wi, Eng. u) : ou = Eng. oo in foot (long fool) : . = Eng. w, before vowel : Qy = Eng. wä'y- (Fr. oi'y-) : . uy = Fr. ui'y- : fait, paître (1, 3) Paul, eentaure (3) au, agne (3) payer° (pè-yé) $ $ $ peine, reître (3) open ö, near u seul, jeune (1, 3) feu, heureuse (3) . . moi, boire (3) bois, croître (1, 3) moins, moindre (3) foule, épouse (3) oui rQyal fuyard . «© In other vowel-compounds, unless differently marked, each, or the extra, vowel has its own sound (slightly dimmed as initial): xnoël, ha-ir, a-éré ; e.hi-ourme, lui-eur, lou-eſr ; ou-i. 9. LONG VOWELS OR DIGRAPHS These, as already indicated ($ 3, and in the examples above), are denoted by the sign - placed below the vowel(s), but above the subscript sign : a, a (â), a ® • © #29 S# 9 etc. ; ai ; eu, eu, etc. ; e (è, ê), 10. CONSONANTS Those not given below are pronounced as in English, observing that mutes before a vowel are less forcible, but before another consonant more distinct than in English ; and that d, t are more dental. 9 = 0. .. • • • • • • • • • • . absolu C = H0 .. • • • • • • • • • • • . car e (ç) = s: . . . . . . . . . . iei, ça eh = Eng. sh : . . . .. ehaque, co ehe g = g in Eng. g0: . . . . . . gai, guet g = Eng. z in azure: .. .. gêne h silent, for * h aspirate': . .. héros j = z in Eng. azure : . . . .. je, jour 1 = yin Eng. you : .. tailler, bétail, fille n = Eng. n'y- (but n pala- agneau, règne s s e s é e t s © © © © qui, ehaque r = dental trill (stage r); or uvular r (about as Germ. ch in ach; in Paris, etc.) : . rQse, parlet° s = sharp s: . . . . . . . . . son?, s = S of Eng. aS (very sonant): r9se t = 8: . . . . . . . . . . . . . nation X = 93 . . , . . . . . . .. • . . exil PRoNUNCIATIoN xiii II. ANGLAIS ſ#" Attendu qu'aucune description de sons linguistiques, quelque détaillée qu'elle soit, ne pourrait les enseigner entièrement à l'étudiant sans connaissances phonétiques, la liste ci-dessous ne donne que quelques indications approximatives de la nature des sons anglais. Pour les connaître parfaitement il faudra bien apprendre les exemples anglais de la liste. 1. Le son de la voyelle tonique (accentuée) est marqué au-dessus d'elle. Les autres signes de prononciation sont en règle placés au-dessous de leur lettre (excepté pour e, th, voy. plus bas) : accümulate. » 2. Les lettres muettes sont imprimées en italiques grasses : āble, fåtten, thöugh, chronîque. - 3. Les voyelles atones non marquées se prononcent comme celles de signe court (ä, é, etc.), quoique moins distinctement, s'approchant souvent de l'e muet en français (ainsi dans les désinences -er, -or, -ar, -on, -or ou -our). ' Celles qui ont un signe se prononcent comme les voyelles toniques du même signe, mais moins distinctement, et en général sans l'appendice glissant (" glide") de celles-ci. 4. L'accent anglais, ordinairement descendant, est variable, et ne porte que rare- ment sur la dernière syllabe. Il est plus énergique que l'accent français, obscurcissant ainsi plus ou moins l'énonciation nette des syllabes atones. 5. La prononciation des mots repétés n'est pas marquée, excepté pour des raisons specielles. •r Observant ces principes, voici notre système de désigner la prononciation anglaise : 6. VOYELLES à (aton. a) = a de la (français), tirant sur è: . . . ät ; attäin ($ 1) = ei (é glissant en i, $ 3) : . . . . . . äle, fäin ; émiilate (1, 2) = de la : . . . . . . . . . . . . . àsk, dànee de bas, plus guttural : . . . . . . . ârt, fâther ; ârcã'de â angl., tirant sur au ouvert : . . . . . àll ; althöugh ö anglais : . . . . . . . . . . .. wás, quálity ā (a à á(a)# : . ā ai de faire : . . . . . . . . . . .. căre, fäir é (e) e de mette (e + r = e muet) : . . . . mét, létter ë (e) î d'île : . . . . . . ' . . . . . .. më, sëen ; cöncrete ê = ä anglais : . . . . . . . . . . .. prêy, vêin è = ä anglais : . . . . . . . . . . .. thère, hèir ë (e) = eu de leur : . . . . . . . . . . . ërr, ëarn ; fertility èW = y0u : . . . . . . . . . . . . .. fëW i (i) = i d'il, tirant sur é: . . . . . . . .. it, bitter ; cābin i (i) = dy anglais : . . . . . . . .. " . .. mine, aisle ; idëa î = î d'île : . . . . . . . . . - . .. pîque, mien i (i) = ë (e) anglais : . . . . . . . . .. fir, bird ; täpir ö (o) = o de folle, tirant sur â angl. : . . . . . ödd, fölly ; oppréss ö (o) = o de rose, glissant en ou, $ 3) : . . . .. röse, röam ; poétie (3) ô = à angl. (ou tirant sur ö angl.) : . . . . ôrb ; môrtã'lity ô = o en donne (Paris) = ü angl. : . . . .. dône, lôve ö (o) = ou long de blouse : . . . . . . . .. môve, fôol ; hécatomb é = ou bref de foule . . . . . . . . . w6lf, f6ot ö = é anglais : , , . . , , . . . , .. wörk, wörld xiv öi = à'y anglais : $ öu, öw = à u anglais : . ( ) © $ ü (u) = o de donne (Paris : o bref tirant sur eu): qu = ku (kw) anglais : • • • ü (u) = you (après d, t, s, l, presque = ou): û = ö anglais : , e $ u (u) = ou bref de foule : 6© © © © ©; ü (u) = ë anglais : © © , © y (y) = i (i) anglais : º e s "e e s e y (y) = i (i) anglais : © © © © $ PRONUNCIATION öil föul, öwl üp, büt ; submit quärrel, cönquest üse, püre, düke ; unite rûle, rûin füII, häteful ürn, överturn mystic, pity style ; mystify 6. CONSONNES , Les consonnes omises de la liste se prononcent en pratique comme en français. Observez pourtant que les plosives (k, t, p; g, d, b) sont énoncées avec plus d'emphase | (d'aspiration) devant une voyelle, mais moins distinctement devant une autre consonne ; que les sonnantes (g, d, b, v, z) finales sont moins sonnantes qu'en anglais ; et que d, t sont formés contre le palais antérieur. c = k: . . . . . . . . . . . cart e = s de son : . . . . . . . eell e = ch en cher : . . . . . . ferögious ch = tch (le tout plus pa- latal): . chap, chest, church | eh = sh anglais : . . . . . . ·eharãde g = g de garde:. .. .. . gäme · g = j anglais: . .. ... . gém, gist h = h, distinctem. aspiré : hāve j = dj- d'adjoint (mais j plus umi, et plus pa- latal) : . . . . . . . . jöke n = n formé contre le pa- lais postérieur : . .. song, lôving q = k qu = kºº : . . .. pîque; quést r, non roulé, formé contre le palais antérieur; (après une voyelle lougue, r = eur; dans le Sud de l'Angleterre -r final est tombê): röll, rèar, fäther s = s de son : . . . . . . séll s = s de rose : . . . . . . à s, röse s = ch de cher : . . . . . sûre s = j de jour : . . . . . . pléasure sh = ch de cher : . . . . . shë, shün t = ch de cher : . . . . . ëption t = ch anglais : . . . . . question th = t avec la pointe de la langue entre les dents : . . . . . . . thin th = th angl., sonore : . .. thë, bäthe | w = Ou, (wh = h9u): . .. wás ; whist X = 93. - - • • • • • • • • exist x = k'sh angl. : . . .. . .. anxious z = s angl. : .. .. .. . äzure 1LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (Explanation in French added where needed.) abbr., abbreviation. adj., adjective. adv., adverb. agri., agriculture. alch., alchemy. alg., algebra. A7n., AmeriCan. Ct7vCtt., anatOmy. antiq., antiquity. Ar., Arabic. arch., architecture. ct'rith., arithmetic. a/rt., article. artil., artillery. astrol., astrology. astron., astronomy. d,ttacil., auxiliary. bot., botany. [gion. , Cath. rel., Catholic reli- carp., carpentry, charpen- terie. A chem., chemistry, chimie. coll., collective. com., commerce. conj., COnjunction. cook., cookery, cºtisine. dial., dialectic. dy., dyeing, teinture. ecc., ecclesiastical. ech(oic), onomatopoetic. Eng(l)., English. engr., engraving, gravure. ent., entomology. eacc., exclamation. f., feminine. j'a/m., familiar. fenc., fencing, escrime. fig., figuratively, au figuré. fim., finance. fort., fortification. Fr., French. Fut., Future. ga0°d., gardening, jardi- 7bCbg6. 4 geol., geology. . geom., geometry. Ger(m)., German, Tn,OL'n,d. Germ'c, Germanic. Gr., Greek. Cº,lle- · her., heraldry, blasom. hist., history. horl. or horol., horology. hort., horticulture. httnt., hunting, chasse. hydr., hydraulics. ichth., ichthyology. imp., impersonal. Ind., Indicative. indecl., indeclinable. intr., intransitive. interj., interjection. iron., ironically. Ipf., Imperfect. ſirr., irregular. It., Italian. I've, Imperative. jest., jestingly, par plai- Sa n,teſrie. jur., jurisprudence. L., Latin. leg., legal. lit., literature. l. L., late Latin (vulgar or Scholastic). log., logic. m., masculine. ma m., mammalogy. man., manège. · manu., manufacture. Tma r., marine. math., mathematicS. 9mec. Or mech., mechanics. med., medicine. 1metal., metallurgy. mil(it)., military art. min., mineralogy. mol., mollusk. mºts., music. myth., mythology. i, obsolete word or meaning. - °, of popular Latin origin (brought directly by the Romans). º, º, etc., 10th, 11th, etc., century (first authenticated appearance). * before a word, hypothetical form. |, sign to help find the source-word within a group. -, division-sign of the source-word of a group (showing primary etymology). -, division-sign of other than source-words. =, abbreviation-mark for feminines and plurals, without reference to ordinary division (-, -). -, French hyphen between compounds. n., nOun-Substantive, nom substantif. 7bOL v., naVal. O Fr., old French, ancien français. Opt., Optics. · orni., ornithology. P., Past. ſpa.int., painting. ſpa ?'b., participle. pers., person. phd r7m., pharmacy. · philos., philosophy. phys., physics, physique. ſpl., plural. ſp. L., popular Latin. ſpOet., pOetic. ſpOl., politics. pOſ0., pOpular. Pr., Present. ſp7'ef., prefix. ſprep., preposition. Pret., Preterit. print., printing, imprime- 7°ie. 1 1 ſp7'O72., prOnOun, prO7vO9m. prov., prOverb. - Tefl., reflexive. rel., religion. rhet., rhetoric. Sansk., Sanskrit. seulpt., sculpture. S(ing)., singular. Subj., Subjunctive. Swed., Swedish. Spam., Spanish. 8urg., surgery, chirurgie. Syr., Syriac. tech., technology. theat., theatre. theol., theology. tr., transitive. triv., trivial. vet., veterinary art. 2Oöl., Zoölogy. XV TABLE : OE' FRENCH MONEY, MEASURES AND WEIGHTS, REDUCED TO AMERICAN MONEY, MEAsURES AND WEIGHTS. a# ITINERARY MEASURE. © Cl) # # E # .. | Mètre (ten-millionth part of the arc of a ) # # # # #idian between the pole and the equa- 3'2808992 feet. - OI° 8 r e º $ $ @ $ # - g e* º© º @ @ s $ s $ @ $ s s s « # $ # $ Décamètre (10metres).................. 32"808992 feet. 1 Kilomètre (1,000 metres).... ........ | ... , 1093'633 yards. Myriamètre (10,000 metres)..... . • • • • • • • • • v • » 6'2138 miles. Fr. C. $ c » - LONG MEASURE. · · · 9 º | 0 01 | Décimètre (10th of a metre)............. 3°937079 inches. $ Centimètre .(100th of a metre)............. 0'39871 inch. 0 10 . 0 02 | Millimètre (1,000th of a metre)... .... .... 0 03937 inch. 0 25 | 0 05 SUPER FICIAL MEASURE. 0 50 0 10 | Are (100 square metres)...... .. .... 0"098845 rOOd. 1 Hectare (10,000 square metres)........... • • • 2'471143 acres. Centiare (l square metre) ........ . © e s s s s 1'196033 squareyard. 1 00 0 20 · 2 00 0 40 MEASURE OE CAPACITY. - Litre (1 cubic decimetre)........... 1"760773 pint. 3 00 0 60 | Décalitre (10 litres).... . $ e e s e ts † † - -- $ $ .0096 ga,llOIlS O7° 4 00 0 80 lHectolitre - (100 litres)....... .... 3 #, cubic feet. KilUllLre, LuèLre cube (1,000 llLres)........ ... 4 2#8 gallons or # • | 35'3171 cubic feet. 5 00 1 00 | Décilitre (10th of a litre) .. ....... 0'176 pinº. » " Centilitre (100th of a litre).... ....... 0'0176 pint. 6 00 1 20 | t ºn | 1 40 ©. SOLID MEASURE. • Stè (1 cubi tre) - # # #? 7° - I'e Cll OlC DCi6 LI'6) • • • • • • • • . . . .. , . . . Cu DIC Ieet, ·8 00 1 60 13'1 †º # "L CUlDlC ya,rCiS, 9 00 1 80 Décastère (10 steres) ........... ...... ..... | 3 # # ## # Cub1c feet, 918° o o | , oo | Déeistère doth of a stere)… | cubic incheS. 11 00 | 2 20 WEIGHTS. 12 00 2 40 Gramme (weight of a cubic centimetre of - water in its state of maximum density or )- 15'432349 grains troy. 39# Fahrenheit Or 4 degrees centigrade).. º 13 00 2 60 | Décagramme (10 grammes) ........... 5°6438 † Hectogramme (100 grammes)........ .... # #, oz avoird o 14 00 2 80 - 3'2154 oz. troy. Kilogramme (1,000 grammes)........ * .3 #º O? 15 00 3 00 , | Quintal métrique (50 kilogrammes) 110'231 lb, avoird. Millier, tonneau de mer (500 kilogrammes) 9 cvvt. 94 lb. 5 OZ. 6 00 3 Tonne (1,000 kilogrammes) 19 cwt. 86 lb. 10 oz. 1 20 Décigramme (10th of a gramme) .. ... 1 5432 grain. Centigramme , (100th Of a gramme).. .... . Q 1543 , grain. 17 00° 3 40 | Milligramme (1,000th Of a gramme)..... .. 0-015432 grain. 18 00 3 60 TEIERMOMETER. 19 00 3 80 0°, Centigrade Melting ice . ............. 32° Fahrenheit. 100° dO. Boiling Water ... .......... 212o do. 0 00 4 00 0° Réaumur Melting ice.. ........ .. .... 32° do. 2 80° do. Boiling water ... .......... 2129 dO. * The " par " of French Exchange in New York is 5francs to the dollar. It fluctuates by eighths of centimes. Perhaps the most frequent quotation is 5.12%, Which makes the franc represent $0.19512192. FRENCH-ENGLISH FRENCH-ENGLISH #l, a [L.], m. : a (the letter). à° [L. ad, to], prep. : to, till, until; to- wards ; at, on, in ; with, by; for; per. a-, ab- [L. ab, from, or ad, "to,' or Fr. à, to] : prefix. abais-seº, f : flattened dough, crust, under-crust. -se-langue*, m. : (surg.) tongue-depressor. -sement*, m. : low- ering, depression , abasement (degrada- tion ; humiliation) ; decline (fall, dip ; de - crease); subjection. |-ser* [baissºrl, tr. : lower, depress ; ABASE (degrade, de- base ; humiliate, humble) ; reduce, lºvel, cut down; lop ; disparage ; s'-, be low- · ered ; fall (subside, decrease ; abate, de- cline); humble one's self (stoop). -seurº, m. : depressor ; (anat.) depriment. fabait = abet. abajoue" [? la bajoue], f : cheek-pouch (of certain animals), chop, chap. abalourdirº [balourd], tr. : make heavy ; dull (s pe#). aban-donº, m. : abandonment (sur- render, relinquishment) ; surrender of self, hence abandon (unconstraint, ease ; . recklessness) ; forlornness : à l'-, at random ; in confusion ; uncared for, un- protected, in utter neglect ; to wreck and ruin ; (nav.) adrift. -donnataire*, m. : person to whom property is as- signed, assignee, releasee. -donné, part. : abandoned, etc.; reckless, forlorn ; dissolute (lewd, profligate) ; m., f : reck- less or forlorn creature, etc. -donne- mentº, m. : abandonment (surrender, renunciation) ; recklessness, profligacy. f-donnémenvt*, adv. : unreservedly (freely); recklessly. |-donner* [à, OFr. bandon, * power'], tr. : surrender, give up; ABANDON (forsake, desert) ; re- lease ; s'-, give one's self up (to), become addicted, indulge ; neglect one's self, be careless ; prostitute one's self, lead a dis- solute life ; begin to walk unaided ; slacken one's pace. •r abaque* [L. abacus, counting-board], m. : abacus. • abasourdirº [fr. sourd, like abalourdir fr. lourd], tr. : stun, dumfound. aba-tº [-ttre], m. : +felling; thing felled, offal; downpour. -tage*[-ttre], m. : fell- abbatial ing, cutting down ; clearance ; slaughter ; leaning down, tendency to fall ; work knocked down (quantity of work done) : vente à l'-, sales of wares spread out on the pavement. -tant* [-ttre], m.: (piece falling upon another, as) flap, falling- door, shutter. º, abâtar-dir* [bâtard], tr. : render de- generate, debase, corrupt (akin to, but differing in sense from BASTARDISE). -dissementº, m. : degeneracy. aba-té eº, f. : (nav.) falling off leeward. -t-faim ", m. : fore-dish (esp. joint of meat). -t-foin º, m. : hay-hole (to a rack), loft-trap. -tis*, m. : felling, cut- ting down ; killing ; thing felled : fallen heap ; ( fort.) abatis ; giblets ; (hunt.) foil- ing. -t-jour*, m. : (what brings down the light, as) sky-light, small window ; reflector, lamp-shade ; .(what softens or turns off the light, as) window blind or shade, Spanish blind ; awning. -t-sonº, m. : sound-reflector (over church bells), louvre-window. -ttement*, m. : ftear- ing doWn ; dejection, depression ; prostra- tion ; weakness. -tteur*, m. : knocker- down, feller ; slaughterer : - de besogne, hard worker ; - de quilles, busy pre- tender. -ttoir*, m. : slaughter-house,=. |-ttre° [p. L. *ab-báttvere, cf. battre], irr. (cf. battre); tr. : beat or knock down, cut down ; fell, overthrow ; slaughter ; cast down, dishearten ; lower, ABATE; lay (the dust) ; lay down, heave down (a ship) ; strike off, remove ; intr. : lay down one's cards ; (nav.) cast, fall off; s'-, break down, tumble ; be cast down, be de- jected ; fall, abate; stoop ; strike or come down suddenly (upon), pounce ; (nav.) heel over, lie along : — les cuirs, skin (dead animals). ^ -ttu, part. : beaten down etc. ; depressed, downcast, low- spirited, sad ; prostrated ; low, down ; languid, faint; drooping. -tture*, f : knocking down, felling ; #havoc ; f(hunt.) abature, foiling. -t-ventº, m. : (what turns off the wind, as) wind-screen ; pent- house (of a steeple) ; weather-board ; garden mat. -t-voix º, m. : sounding- board (of a pulpit). ab-batial* [L. -batialis], adj. : . 2 - abc -baye° -bé-i [L. -batia], f : abbey ; #hos- pitable mansion. ll-bé° [L. -bas (Syr. -ba, father)], m. : abbot, priest ; ecclesias- tic, clergyman ; lay-abbot, reverend gentle- man : monsieur l'-, reverend Sir, Sir. | -besse° [L. -batissa], f. : abbess. abe* a-bé-sé, m. : a,b, c ; alphabet. ab-eéderº [L. abs-cedere, go off], intr. : open (of an abscess). -eès* [L. abs- cessus], m. : abscess. fabeisse = abscisse. · Abdias, m. : Obadiah. abdi-eation º [L. -catio], f : = ; dis- inheritance. |-quer* [L. -care, dis- ' own], tr. : abdicate, renounce. abdo-menº [L.], m. : adj. : =. 4 ° abdue-teur* [L. ab-ducere, lead offl, m.: abductor ; adj. : abducent. -tion* [L. -tio], f : =. abé eé-(dé)º, m. : a, b, c; alphabet; primer. -daire* [L. -darius], adj. : abecedary, alphabetical. - ºººººººº * [à, bec], tr. : feed (a bird). abée* [OFr. a-beer (= bayer), be open], ſ. : opening or shoot (of mill-dam to the Wheel), mill-leat. a-beillageº, m. : right (ownership of swarming bees). |-beille* [Prov. abelha (L. apicula, small bee)], f. : bee : — bourdon, humble- bee ; - de ruche, hive-bee, honey-bee ; - mère, queen-bee. -beillerº, =ère, adj. : with bees, of a bee, bee-. abequet° = abequer. aberration " [L. -tio (errare, wander)], bee-culture; bee- f : =. , #abetº [? OFr. -ter, lure], m. : bait. abê-tir*. [à, bête], tr. : stupefy; dull ; intr. or refl. : be stupefied, grow stupid or dull. -tissementº, m. : stupefying, stultification. ab hoe et ab hae* [L.], adv. : this way and that, at random, confusedly. abhorrerº [L. -rrere (horrere, bristle, shiver)], tr. : abhor. - abigéat* [L.-geatus (ab-igere, carry off)], m. : cattle-stealing. abî-me° [p. L. *abissimus, superl. of abyssus (Gr. á-bussos, * bottom-less')], m. : abyss, ABYSME ; middle (of a shield). -merº -bi-, tr. : throw into an abyss, ingulf, bury deeply ; ( fam.) destroy, injure ; s'-, fall into an abyss, be en- gulfed or swallowed up, be lost or ruined. ab intestat* [L. -tato], adv. : abintestate (without a will). ab iratoº [L.], adv. : in anger. abjee-tº [L. -tus], adj. : = (wretched, base). -tEmentº, adv. : abjectly. -tion* [L. -tio], f : = (baseness, low or Wretched condition) ; (self-)contempt. abord abju-ration* [L.-ratio],f. : =. |-rerº [L. -rare], tr. : abjure, forswear. abla etation* [L. -tatio (lac, milk)], abla-tirº [L. -tivus (ab-latus, carried off)], m. : ablative. -tion* [L. -tio], able° [p. L. *albulus (L. -bus, white)], m. : ABLET (a fish), bleak. ablégat" [L. -gatus (-gare, send off)], m. : ablegate (pope's representative). - a-blEret* [-ble], m. : hoop-net. -blette* [-ble], f. : Small ablet. < ab-luerº [L. ab-luere, wash off], tr. : wash, revive (old writing) by washing. -lution* [L. -lutio], f : =. abnégation * [L. -tio, deNIAL], f. : = ; self-deNIAL, self-sacrifice. 4 4 a-boi* [-boyer], m. : barking, BAYing ; cry; urgent appeal; pl. : barking (of hounds closing around the stag) ; desperate con- dition (as of the stag), last shift, BAY : aux -s, at bay, at the last extremity. -boiement* or -boîment [-boyer], m. : barking, baying. abo-lir* [L. -lere (olere, grow), destroy], tr. : abolish, annul. -lissement*, m. : abolishment. -Iition* [L. -litio], j. : =, royal pardon. -1itioniste* [Eng. -t], m. : abolitionist. - abomi-nable* [-nabilis], adj. : -nablEmentº [-nable], adv. : abomi- nably. -nation* [L. -natio], f : =, horror. |-nerº [L. -mari (omen), " shun as ill-omened, abhor], tr. : ' abominate, abhor. . abon-damment* [-dant], adv. : abun- dantly. -danee* [L. -dantia], f. : abundance, plenty, profusion ; (students' phrase) drink of wine and much water : parler d'-, speak extempore ; garler avec —, speak fiuently. -dant* [L. -dans], adj. : abundant, abounding, pro- fuse. ll-derº [L. -dare (unda, wave)], intr. : ABOUND, overflow ; be affluent ; trust abundantly (as in one's own opinion), have full confidence ; be over-confident. abon-nataire*, m. : subscriber; con- tractor, lessee. -néº, -née, m., f. : subscriber; ticket-holder. -nement*, m. : subscription ; agreement ; season- ticket ; ticket. ll-nerº [à, borne, limit : OFr. 'agree to pay a limited sum'], tr. : subscribe, engage ; contract ; s'-, subscribe. abon-nir* [à, bon], tr., intr. : better, improve. -nissementº, m. : improve- ment. a-bordº, m. : landing; approach ; access ; attack : d'-, or de prime —, at first ; in the first place, to begin with ; at once ; first of all ; au premier -, at first aborigène approach; at first view, at first; tout d'-, at first ; at once. -bordable º, adj. : approachable, accessible. -bordage*, m.: (nav.) boarding ; collision, fouling. -bordée*, f. : (nav.) boarding. |-bor- derº [à, bord, " shore,' (nav.) * board'], tr., intr. : come to the BORDER or shore (of), land (at), approach; enter (on); touch, approach, accost ; (nav.) BOARD ; run foul of. -bordeurº, m. : (nav.) boarder. aborigène º [L. -gines], m. or adj. : ab- originàl ; pl. : aborigines. abor-nEmentº, m. : placing of limits or land-marks. |-nerº [à, borne], tr. : set boundaries or limits to. abortifº, =tive [L.-tivus (cf. avorter)], adj. or m. : abortive. abot* [for -bout], m. : break or clog (for horses). fabou-ehementº, m. : parley, interview. |-eherº [à, bouche], tr. : bring together (" mouth to mouth'), effect an interview " between ; fmake fall forwards (' on the mouth’). fabou-grir*[à,bougre], intr.: be stunted. -grissementº, m. : stunted growth. | abou-tº, m. : BUT-end. -tageº, m.: splicing, tying together (two ropes). -te- ment*, m. : joining together (end to end). |-ter* [à, bout], tr. : join by the end (BUT to BUT). -tirº [à, bout], intr. : come to an end, issue, come (to) ; border on, ABUT ; break (of an abscess); push: - à rien, come to nothing, be aimless. -tissantº [-tir], adj. : issuing, bordering, abutting , m.pl. : ends, bounds ; circumstances, conditions ; details : les tenants et —s d'une terre, the , property and bounds of an estate (i.e. all pertaining to it) ; les —s d'une affaire, the circumstances (details) of a thing ; savoir tous les —s, know all the circum- stances (or details) ; les tenants et —s d'un homme, a man's surroundings. -tisse- mentº [-tir], m.: ending, termination ; (med.) suppuration ; joining piece. ab ovo [L., "from the egg'], adv. : from the beginning. abo-yant, adj. : barking, baying. | I.-yer° [old a-bayer (bayer ?)], intr. : bark, BAY ; ftr. : bark at ; dun. 2.fabo-yerº [à, bayer], intr. : long, yearn. I.-yeur*, m. : aspirant. 2.aboyeur* [I.-yer], m. : barker, snarler. abraeadabraº [Gr.], m.: = (charm- word). abraquerº, tr.: haul taut. abrasion " [L. -rasus (part. of radere, scrape off)], f. : = ; excoriation. abré-géº, m. : abridgment, summary : en -, in an abridged form, briefiy. -ge- ment*, m. : abridgment ; dismember- ment (of a fief). Il-ger° [L. ab-breviäre absolu 3 (brevis, BRIEF, short)], tr. : ABRIDGE, shorten, ABBREVIATE ; dismember (a fief). abreu-vage* or -vement*, m. : water- ing. |-ver° [p. L. *ab-biberäre (L. ad, bibere, drink)], tr. : make drink, water (esp. animals) ; fill, soak, steep ; s'-, drink plentifully ; go to water ; be steeped. -voir*, m. : watering-place (for animals); (mas.) =. - abré-viateur* [L. -viator], m. : abbre- viator. -viatif*, =ive, adj. : abbre- viatory. -viation* [L. -viatio], f : abbreviation. -viativement* [-viatif], adv. : briefiy. f-viature* [L. -viare], f. : sign of abbreviation. |#-vier [L -viare (brevis, short, BRIEF)], tr. : abbre- viate. - #yer = abrier. abriº [abrier], m. : shelter : à l'-, shel- tered ; tente d'-, shelter tent. abri-cotº [Port. (L. prœ-coquus, PRE- COCIOUS, early ripe)], m. : apricot. -coté*, m.: candied apricot. -cotierº, m. : apricot-tree. -cotinº, m. : apricot-plum. abri-er [?], tr. : shelter ; (nav.) becalm. | -ter* [abri], tr. : shelter, screen. -vent* [abri, vent], m. : shelter against the wind ; wind-break ; sentry-box; cover. abro-gation* [L. -gatio], f. : =, repeal. |-gerº [L. -gare (rogare, ask)], tr. : abrogate, repeal ; s'-, be abrogated, fall into disuse. abrou-tir" [à brout], tr. : fbrowse; part. -ti, nipped, stunted. -tisº, m. : browsed copse. -tissementº, m.: browsing (of young trees), damage done by browsing. abrup-tº [L.-tus (rumpere, break)], adj. : —, #. -tEmentº, adv. : abruptly. -tion* [L.-tio], f. : = ; fracture. abru-tirº [à, brute], tr. : BRUTALISE ; besot. -tissantº, adj. : brutalising, stupefying. -tissementº, m. : brutal- isation ; brutalised condition, beastliness. abscisse" [L. -ssa (scindere, cut)], f : absciss(a). ab-senee* [L. -sentia], f. : =; lack : - d'esprit, absent-mindedness. ll-sent* [L. -sens (ab-esse, be away)], adj. : lacking. -senter* [L. -sentare], tr. : fabsent; s'-, absent one's self, withdraw. absi-dalº, adj. : apsidal. |-deº [L.-da (Gr. âpsis, tying, arch)], f. : APSE (apsis, semicircular termination of a church, etc.). -diole*, f. : small apse. absin-the [L. -thium, wormwoodl, f : absinth (plant or drink). -théº, adj. : mixed with absinth. thique*, adj. : absinthian. | 1 abso-luº [L.-lutus (solvere, loosen)], adj. : absolute. -luementº, adv. : absolutely. -lution* [L.-lutio],f. : =. -lutismeº [L. -tus], m.: absolutism. -lutiste* y 4 absorbant [-lutisme], adj. or m., f. : absolutist. -lu- · toire* [L.-lutorius], adj. : absolutory. absor-bant ", adj. : absorbent. -be- ment", m. : absorption. -bere, drink down], tr. : absorb. -ption " [L. -ptio], f. : =. -ptivité*, f.: ab- sorptivity. ab-soudre° [L. -solvere], irr.; tr. : AB- SOLVE (acquit ; exculpate ; give absolution to). -sout, part. : absolved. -soute, f. of -Sout, fabsolution ; funeral prayer; public absolution (on Thursday before Easter). abstème* [L. -temius (ab-s, ftemium, strong drink)], adj. or m. : abstemious (person). abs-tEnir* [L. -tinere (ab-s, tenere, hold)], irr.; refl. : ABSTAIN (refrain, for- bear); decline. -tention* [L. -tentio], f.: =; withdrawal. -tentioniste* [-ten- tion], m. : abstainer from voting. abster-gentº [L. -gens], adj. : |-gerº [L. ab-s-tergere, wipe off], tr. : absterge (cleanse). -gifº, =ive, adj. : · abstergent. -sion* [L.*-sio], f : =. absti-nenee*[L.-nentia],f : =. -nent* [L.-nens (ab-s-tinere, hold off)], adj. : =. abstrae-teurº [L.-tor], m.: abstracter ; subtle reasoner. |-tif, =ive [L.-tus (ab-s- trahere, draw away)], adj. : abstractive. -tivement" [-tif], adv. : abstract(ive)ly. -tion* [L.-tio], f : =; separation. abs-traire* [L. ab-s-trahere, draw awayl, irr.; tr. : ABSTRACT (withdraw, separate) ; contemplate separately. -traitº [L.-tractus], adj. : abstract(ed) ; isolated ; abstruse. -traitement, adv. : abstract(ed)ly. abstrusº [L. ab-s-trusus, thrust away], adj. : abstruse (recondite). absur-deº [L. -dus], -dement, adj. : absurdly. -ditas], f. : absurdity. abu-sº [L. -sus], m. : abuse (misuse ; offence) ; error, mistake. -serº, tr. : abuse (misuse, maltreat ; revile , violate ; fEng. deceive) ; s'-, deceive one's self, be mistaken ; intr. : abuse, misuse ; take undue advantage, impose (upon), encroach ; (leg.) consume. -seurº [-ser], m. : abuser, deceiver; seducer. -sifº, =ive [L.-sivus], adj. : abusive, improper; #deceitful. -sive- ment, adv. : abusively, improperly. abuter* [à, but], intr. : throw (a ball, etc., towards a mark) for a start; fit; ftr. : , lean upon. abyssal [L.-ssus (cf. abîme), abyss], adj. : abyssal, immeasurable. r ac- [L. ad-, "to'; or Fr. à-], pref. facabie*, f, -bit [?],m. : nature (quality). aca eia * [L.], m. : = (plant). acadé-mieienº [L.-micus], m. : acade- mician. ll-mie* [L.-mia (Gr. Akademia, adj. : absurd. -dité !º [L. |-ber* [L. #l,GC ®11S © Akademos' garden, where Plato taught], f. : - academy (Plato's ; society of learned men ; high institution of learning, uni- versity; district sub-division of the Uni- versity of France); training-school; riding- school; gaming-house. -mique* [L. -micus], adj. : academic(al). -mique- mentº [-mique], adv. : academically. -misme*, m.: adherence to academic traditions (esp. in paint. and sculpt.). -misteº, m.: academist (fmember of the French academy) ; pupil of a riding- school. aeagnarderº [à, cagnard], tr. : make slothful ; confine in a corner. acajouº [Port. (Brazil)], m. : mahogany. a-cantha eé", adj. : acanthine. -can- theº [L.-canthus],.f. : acanthus (plant or ornament). acare or -rus [L.-rus, mite], m. : tick. aca-riâtreº [?], adj. : fpossessed (with the devil); crabbed, cross-grained. f-riâ- trEté, f. : #wicked nature. acatalectique" [L. -ticus (Gr. a-katá- lektos, " not defective at the end')], adj. : acatalectic. acatalep-sie* [Gr. a-katalepsia, non- comprehensionl, f. : acatalepsy, incom- prehensibility of things. -tique*, adj. : acataleptic. acauleº [Gr. á-kaulos, stem-less], adj. : acalous. acca-blant*, adj. : overwhelming. -blE- ment º, m. : overwhelm, crushing blow or fall ; crushed condition, extreme de- jection, exhaustion. |-blerº [à, OFr. cabler (l. L. cadabula, Gr. kata-bolé, CATA- pult), crushl, tr. : crush or weigh down, overwhelm ; deject. . • aecalmie" [OFr. a-calmir, CALM down], f.: lull. - aeeapa-rement", m. : entire occupation, engrossment ; monopoly. |-rerº [It. -rar (-rra = Fr. arrhes, EARnest-money)], tr. : #take in paying earnest; by extens. take or buy up entirely, forestall; engross; take for one's self, monopolise. -reurº, -reuse, m., f. : engrosser, monopolist. aecastil-lageº, m. : fcastle of a ship ; upper works of a ship. ll-lerº [Sp.-llar (cf. château)], tr. : furnish (a ship) with its CASTLE or upper works. aeeéderº [L. -re (cedere, yield)], intr. : have access ; accede, agree. t aeeélé-rateurº, -ratriee [L. -rare], m., f. as adj. : accelerator, accelerative. -ration* [L. -ratio], f : acceleration. |-rer* [L. -rare (celer, quick)], tr. : accelerate, quicken. I.aceense" [L. -sus (-sere, join)], m. : (Rom.) apparitor. aCaruS, 8 , C2C GB1I1S© 2.aceen-se, -ser = acense, -ser. - aceen-t* [L. -tus (ad, cantus, singing)], m.: accent. -tuationº [-tuer], f. : =. -tuerº [L. -tuare], tr. : accent(uate). aeeep-tableº, adj. : =. -tant,-tante, m., f : accepter; legatee. -tation*, f.: =. |-terº [L. -tare (capere, take)], tr. : accept. -teur", m. : acceptor. -tilation* [L. -tilatio], f. : =, release without payment. ance ; taking into account, consider- ation, regard ; acceptation or sense (of words). ae-eès* [L. -cessus (ac-cedere, move to)], m. : access (approach; admittance; attack, fit ; return of a fever, etc.); turning over of votes (for a pope). -eessibilité* [-cessible], f. : accessibility. -eessible* [L. -cessibilis], adj. : =. -eession* [L. -cessio], f : =; adhesion; union. -eessitº [L., "he has approached'l, m. : prize or distinction granted to one coming next to the required votes, honourable mention ; # over of votes (for a pope). -ees- soire* [l. L. -cessorius], adj. : accessory, additional ; m. : accessory. -e essoire- ment* [-cessoire], adv. : accessorily. aceiden-tº [L. -s (ac-cidere, fall to, , happen)], m. : (CASUalty, mishap); irregularity (unevenness, variation); result; (mus.) accidental. -téº, adj. : irregular (of ground), broken. -telº, =lle, adj. : accidental, adventitious. -tellement [-tel], adv. : accidentally. - aceise* [l. L. -sia (ac-cidere, cut into)], f. : fimpost (gen'ly); fexCISE ; octroi. accla-mateur* [L. -mare], m. : ac- claimer, shouter. -mationº [L. -matio], f : =, shout. |-merº [L.-mare (clamare, shout)], tr. : acclaim (greet with accla- , mation, cheer). acclamperº [à, clamp], tr. : CLAMP. acclima-tation*, f. : acclimatisation. -tementº, m.: acclimation. ll-ter" [à, climat], tr. : acclimatise. accoinçon " [à, coin], m. : hip-rafter. accoin-tanee*, f. : acquaintance ; inti- macy. |-terº [à, OFr. coint (L. cognitus, known), friend], tr. : make ACQUAINTed ; bring into intimacy ; s'-, become ac- quainted or intimate. accoi-sementº, m.: appeasement. ll-ser° [p. L. *ad-quietiäre (L. quiës, QUIET : cf. coi)], tr. : render QUIET (appease, calm). acco-ladeº[Prov.-lada (L. collum, neck)], f : embrace ; =; brace ; (print.) double brace. -laderº [-lade], tr. : (print.) brace together (words in a paragraph). -lage", m. : tie up (vines). -lement*, m. : joining, coupling. ll-lerº [à, col], tr. : put the arms arôund the neck of, embrace; couple; tie together, tie up ; «ºg•s sºs-s -tion º, f. : faccept-| accort - 5 brace. -lure", f. : (what serves to tie) band ; (thing tied) bundle ; raft-frame. accommo-dable*, adj. : =, adjustable. - dageº, m. : arrangement; dressing (of meat , orfhair). -damtº, adj. : accommo- dating. -dation* [L. -datio], f. : =, adaptation. -dementº, f : accommo- dation, suitable arrangement, fitness ; agreement, reconciliation ; term ; dispo- sition to agree, agreeable disposition ; f(economical) ease. ll-derº [L. -dare (ad, com-modus, commodious)], tr. : accom modate (adapt, suit, fit ; adjust ; make agree, reconcile); dress, trim; s'-, accom- modate or adapt one's self ; be suited or . pleased ; agree, come to terms. -deurº, -deuse, m., f. : accommodator. accompa-gne", m. : sort of gold-brocade. -gnateur, -gnatriee, m., f. : accom- panist. -gnEment*, m. : accompani- ment ; attendance; appendix. ll-gner* [à, old compaign (cf. compagnon)], tr. : accompany (follow); join ; fassociate. accomparer* [à, comparer], tr. : com- pare. ºººº pli *, adj. : accomplished, perfect. |-plir* [à, old com-plir (L. plere, fill)], tr. : accomplish (fulfil, effect; fcomplete); s'-, be accomplished, etc. -plisse- ment*, m. : accomplishment, fulfilment. ac-conº [?], m. : Small lighter. -co- nageº, m. : lighterage. -conier*, m.: lighter-man. accoquiner = acoquiner. accorage* [-rer], m. : popping (of a ship). " - accor-dº, m. : = (agreement; accordance; bargain ; harmony) : d'-, agreed ; être (demeurer) d'-, be agreed, agree; tomber d'-, come to an agreement ; tenir l'-, keep in time. -dable*, adj. : grantable; =; tunable. -dailles*, f pl. : betrothal. f-dant*, adj. : =. -déeº, adj. : wedded ; m. : bridegroom ; f. : bride. -déon º [Ger. -dion], m.: accordion. |-derº° [p. L. *-däre (cör, heart)], tr. : accord, bring to agree, harmonise ; recon- cile ; tune ; wed ; accord, grant, bestow, concede ; s'-, accord, agree, correspond, concur ; -de! ready ! (order to pull to- gether). -deur*, m. : tuner ; fharmo- niser: clef d'-, tuning-hammer. -doirº, m. : tuning-hammer. aeeo-reº [OEng. score, now shore, "prop; coast')], m. : prop or SHORE (for a ship); , bluff, declivity. -rerº, tr. : prop, shore up. aecornéº [à, corne], adj. : (her.) HORNed; ( fort.) provide with a horn-work. accor-t* [It.-to (L. cor-rigere, leadright), cleverl, adj. : fclever ; engaging, pleas- ing. -tementº, adv. : cleverly, -tige", f. : complaisancé, affability, 6 accostable | accos-tableº, adj. : =. -tageº, m.: coming alongside, approach. -tantº, adj. : affable. |-terº or (nav. term) -kô-té [It. -tare (L. -costa, rib, side)], tr. : accost (come up to); (nav.) come alongside of ; fbe at the side of; s'-, keep company (with). accotº [-ter], m. : support. aecotarº [?], m.: (nav.) filling piece. accotementº [2.-coter], m.: (horl.) friction of two pieces ; side of a road following a causeway, a bank ; side of railroad. - I.accoterº [à, côte], tr. : support by one side ; intr. : lean on the side ; (her.) place at the side. 2.acco-ter* [OFr. cote, support], tr. : prop up. -toirº, m. : prop; leaning-stick. faccouardir* [couard], tr. : cow. · accou-ehéeº, f.: lying-in (or confined) woman. -ehement*, m.: =, delivery (giving birth); aid in delivery : il a fait bien des -s, he has delivered many women. l-eher* [à, coucher]: give birth to ; deliver (of a child) ; intr. : be delivered : être -ée, be confined. -eheurº, m. : man mlldwife. -eheuse", f. — (luidwife). accou-dementº, m. : leaning; (mil.) ser- ried order (elbow to elbow). |-derº [à, coude], tr. : support by the elbow ; s'— · lean with the elbow. -doirº, m. : elbow- rest (cushion, etc.), support. accouerº [à, OFr. couer (coue = queue, tail)], tr. : train-halter, tie (horses, etc.) head to tail (one after another) ; ham- string (a stag). - accou-plageº, m. : coupling. ple". f : coupling, leash. -plEment*, m.: coupling, pairing; copulation ; fcombi- nation. |-pler* [à, couple], tr. : COUPLE (join by twos; yoke, pair ; match) ; s'-, | couple, pair ; COPULATE. accour-eirº [à, court], tr. : shorten, abridge, CURTail. -eissementº, m. : shortening, abbreviation. ac-courir° [L. ac-currere (cf. courir)], irr., tr. : run to, hasten to. -courresº, f, pl. : (hunt.) starting-place (where the pack waits for the game). -course", -coursieº, f. : (nav.) passage-way (in the hold) ; (arch. -se) external gallery. accou-trEment*, m. : garb. |-trer* [?], tr. : accoutre, dress; dress in a strange fashion, dress out. -treur*, m.: (old) arranger ; workman rounding the holes of wire-drawing plate. accoutu-man eeº, f : custom, habit. |-merº [à, coutume], tr.: ACCUSTOM, habituate ; fuse habitually : fà l'-mée, as usual ; usually. accréditerº [à, crédit], tr. : accredit (give credit or sanction to); make credible; 9 h- accumulateur s'-, get into credit ; ingratiate one's self ; gain credit. accrémen-titielº [L. -mentum], adj. : referring to accretive generation. |-ti- tion* [L. -tum (crescere, grow)], f : AC- , CRETIVE generation (of plants or animals). accreseentº [-cens (crescere, grow)], adj. : (bot.) accrescent. fac-crocº, m. : hooking; tear, rent ; check. -croehage*, m. : º# grappling; catching; tearing. -ero ehe " f : hooking ; clasp ; check. -cro ehe- cœurs*, m. : heart-breaker (curl). -eroehementº,m. : hooking; grappling; tearing. -croehe-platº, m. : plate- rack. |-croeher* [à, croc(he)], tr. : hook (on), hang, grapple ; catch (by a hook), check ; catch and tear, rend ; pick up ; put upon the shelf; s'-, hook on ; catch in, hang on. accroireº [à, croire], tr. : only in faire -, make believe : en faire - à, impose upon ; s'en faire -, be self-conceited. ae-croissan ee*,f. : increase. -croisse- ment*, m. : increase, enlargement, growth ; ACCRETION. -eroît*, m. : in- crca5c. | - croître° [L. cregere (grow)], irr. (cf. croître); tr. (or refl.); inCREASE (grow, augment, enlarge); fintr. : increase, grOW. accrou-pir* [à, croupe], tr., refl. : sit down upon the hams or heels, squat down, squat; cower; (fr. croupir) fbe stagnant. -pi, squat, cowering ; (her.) couchant ; fstagnant. f-pie, f. : squat position. -pissementº, m. : squatting; cowering. ac-cru, part. of -croître. -crue*, f. of -cru.; f. : fincrease ; increase of land by the retiring of waters; extension of a forest ; extension of a net. accue-il* akeu-y, m. : reception, wel- come ; acceptance. -illant*, adj. : kindly receiving, affable, accessible. ) |-illir° [p. L.*ac-colligere (cf. cueillir)], irr. (cf. cueillir); tr. : gather (up); receive , (well or ill) ; welcome, entertain ; accept honour (a draft, etc.); fjoin; fassail; over- take : la tempête nous -illit, we were over- taken # the storm. - accu-lº [à, cul], m. : place without egress, " tight corner ; burrow, hole ; blind alley ; cove; breeching (of a gun). -lementº [-ler], m. : cornered position ; running down. -1er* [à, cul], tr. : fseat or place on the back ; place with the back against ; push back, drive into a corner (or place intr. : bend down astern; heave astern. accumu-lateurº, -latriee, m., f : accumulator. -lation º, f : =. ll-lerº [L.-lare (cumulus, heap)], tr. : accumulate (heap up). accusable aeeu-sable º, adj. : -sateurº, -satriee [L. -sator], m., f : accuser. -satif* [L. -sativus], m. : accusative (case). -sation * [L. -satio], f : =, in- | dictment : actes d'-, articles of indict- ment ; mise en -, arraignment ; chef d'-, count of indictment. -satoire* [L. -sa- torius], adj. : accusatory. -séº, =ée, m., j. : (person) accused ; m. (com.) acknowl- edgment : banc des -sés, dock; bar; -sé de réception, receipt. |-ser° [L. -säre (causa, cause, lawsuit)], tr. : accuse (indict, impeach ; reprehend ; betray) ; dispute the validity of; acknowledge (la réception, the receipt) : -sé, accused, etc. ; prominent, marked ; and çf. above. a-eens* [à, cens], m. : taxed domain ( subject to a cense'). -eenseº [censer], f : tax-contract. -eenser* [à, cens], tr. : give for a tax or cense (quit-rent). a eéphaleº [L. -lus (Gr. a-, not, kephalé, HEAD)], adj. : acephalous, without a head or chief. a eérainº [acier], adj. : steely. aeer-be* [L. -bus (acer, sharp)], adj.: acerb, sour, sharp. -bité [L. -bitas], f. : acerbity, sharpness. - a eère* [Gr. a-, not, kéras, HORN], adj. : hornless, without feelers. a eé-réº, adj. : steeled, sharp. ll-rerº [acier], tr. : steel, sharpen. a eertEner* [à, certain], tr. : render certain. ' a eescenee" [L -scens (acer, sharp)], a eét .. º [L. acetum (acer, sharp), *vinegar'] in many technical (esp. chem- ical) words, much like corresponding words in English. Achab, m. : Ahab. a ehalan-dage*, m. : procuring of cus- tomers; customers (coll.). |-derº [à, chaland], tr. : draw customers to, get custom for. · a ehar-nEmentº, m.: furious intentness, desperation, obstinacy. -né*, adj. : in- furiated, desperate, intense. |-nerº [à, OFr. charn (L. caro, flesh) = chair], tr. : flesh or lure (by flesh) ; make eager, madden (with desire), infuriate, make in- tent ; s'-, make desperate effort, be intent upon, persist. a ehatº [-ter, old form of acheter], m. : purchase. a ehe° [p. L. *apia (L. apium)], f. : age (sort of parsley : fEng. ache). a ehéeº [L. esca (edere, eat), food], f. : earthworm, bait. - a ehemi-mementº, m. : walking for- ward, advance. |-nerº [à, chemin], tr. : start on the way forward ; s'-, take one's Way, Walk on, journey, advance. small- acquéreur '/ A ehéronº, m. : Acheron (river of the infernal regions ; infernal region). a ehe-ter° [p. L. *accaptäre (L. ac-cipere, accept, viz. for cash)], tr. : buy. - teur*, -teuse, m., f. : buyer. a-ehevéº, adj. : complete(d), finished, perfect, absolute, downright. -ehève- ment*, m. : completion, close; perfec- tion. |-ehever° [p. L. *ac-capäre (L. caput, head)], tr. : bring to a close (lit. " head'), complete, finish ; perform, suc- ceed, ACHIEVE ; serve out : -chevez! out | with it ! go on ! Aehille*, m.: Achilles. aehilléeº [L. -llea], f. : milfoil. a ehop-pement*, m. : stumbling; im- pediment. |-per* [à, chopper], intr. : stumble ; fail. achor(e)º [Gr.], m.: achor, tetter. achroma-tique " [Gr. a-, not, chrôma, colour], adj. : achromatic. -tiserº, tr.: achromatise. -tisme*, m. : achroma- tism. » a eieulaire* [L. -la (dim. acus, needle)], adj. : acicular. aei-deº [L. -dus (acer, sharp), sour], adj.; or m. : acid. -difiable" [-difier], adj. : =. -difierº [ fier, L. facere. make], tr. : acidify. -dité* [L. -ditas], f.: acidity. -duleº [L. -dulusl, adj. : acidulous. -dulerº [-dule], tr. : aci- dulate. • a-eier° [p. L. *aciärium (L. acies, 'edge,' same root as äc-er, sharp)], m. : steel. -eiérage, m. -eiération ", f. : con- verting into steel; plating with steel. , eiérerº, tr. : convert into steel, steel ; plate with steel. -eiérie", f : steel manufactory. acoly-tatº, m. : order of acolytes. ll-te* [l. L. -tus, attendant], m. : =. acompte" [à, compte], adv. : instalment, in advance. aconitº [L. -tum], m. : aconite (herb). acoqui-nant", adj. : fascinating. |-nerº [à, coquiner], tr. : (fam.) attach by habit ; s'-, be greatly attached, be fascinated : il s'-ne auprès de cette femme, he is fascinated by that woman. acotylédone" [Gr. a-, not, cotylédon], adj. : acotyledonous ; f : acotyledon. facoulure =°accolure. à-coup* [à, coup], m.: jerk. acoustique" [Gr. -tikôs (akoûein, hear)], adj. : acoustic ; f : acoustics. . ac-quéreur*, m., f. : acquirer, buyer ; vendee. |-quérir° [p. L. *acquœrere, L. ac-quirere (quœrere, seek)], irr. $ ; tr. : acquire (procure ; obtain, gain, se- cure) ; gain over ; purchase (buy). être acquis à, be attached or wholly de- voted to. -quêt, m. : acquest; (leg.) 3S 3.Il 8 · acquiescement common acquisition (made by husband and wife). . $ Ind. : Pr. acquier-s, -s, -t ; acquér-oms, -ez, acquièremtt. Ipf. acquérais. Pret. ac- guis. Fut. (Cond.) acquerraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. acquièr-e, -es, -e , acquér-ions, -iez, ac- guièrertt. Ipf. acquisse. - I've acquiers. - Part. : Pr. acquéraztt , P. acquis. acquies-cement*, m., -cenee*, f : ac- quiescence, submission. |-cerº [L. -cere (quies, rest)], intr. : acquiesce, sub- mit, agree. - acqui-s* [acquérir], part. : acquired, etc.; m. : acquirements (attainment, re- finement). -sitif, =ive [L. -sitivus], adj. : facquired; acquiring. -sition* [L. -sitio], f. : = : contrat d'-, deed of purchase ; faire l'- de, purchase, procure. -sivité*, f : acquisitive fac- ulty. - • acqui-tº, m.: acquittance (discharge) ; (com.) receipt ; (leg.) acquitted ; lead (in placing a ball at billiards) : pour -, received (on bills) ; en l'- de, for the discharge of; jouer de l'-, play for who shall pay for the whole. -t-à-caution, m.: (cust.) permit. -ttable º, adj. : payable. -ttement*, m. : payment, liquidation ; acquittal. -tterº [à, quit- , ter], tr. : acquit, discharge (from an obligation) ; pay, liquidate ; fulfil; re- ceipt ; s'-, acquit one's self, perform, get through ; pay off. acrauacº [? for a-crocs], m. pl. : harpoon angles. # acre* [l. L. acra (pl. of acrum, fr. Eng. acre)], m. : â-creº [L. acer], adj. : acrid, tart, sharp. .-crEté a-, f. : acridity, tartness ; acri- mOny. acri-déº [L. acris (Gr.), locust], adj. : locust-like ; m. pl. : crickets. -do- phageº [Gr. phageîn, eat], adj. : locust- e-mat @ eating. » acrimo-nie*[L. -nia (acer, sharp)], f : acrimony. -nieux", =euse, adj. : acrimonious, sharp. acro- [Gr. ákro-, high, extreme] : -bateº [Gr. -batos (baínein, go), 'extremity- walker'], m., f. : acrobat, rope-dancer. -batieº [-bate], f. : acrobatism, rope- dancing. ººtique# [-bate], adj. : ac- robatic. -mionº [Gr. -mion (hômos, shoulder)], m. : = (extremity of the shoul- der blade). -nyque* [Gr. -nukos (nûx, NIGHT)], adj. : acronycal. -poleº [Gr. -po- lis (pôlis, city), " high-city', upper part or citadel of a city], f : acropolis. -sti.eheº [Gr. -stichon (stichos, verse)], m. : acros- tic. -tèreº [L. -terium (Gr. -têrion)], m. : acroterium, Small pedestal. ao-t* [L. -tus (agere, drive)], m. : act (= action ; document ; part of a play) ; adherence deed, charter : - faux, forged deed ; — de brevet, unrecorded act ; donner - de, put upon record, give an official certificate of; prendre-de, have (a thing) recorded, demand official certificate of; signer à un -, witness a deed ; signer un - judi- ciaire à, serve a writ upon. -teur*, -triee [L. -ctor], m., f : actor, actress. -tif, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : activé ; açt- ual; m. : active (voice) ; assets : - met, surplus ; - et passif, assets and debts. -tion * [L. -tio], f. : = (act, deed; en- gagement, battle ; lawsuit ; fEng. share): - libérée, paid-up share ; - de jouissance, revenue share, profit ; par -s, joint stock ; intenter une -, bring a suit. -tionnaire" [-tion], m. : share-holder. -tionnerº, tr. : bring an action against, sue ; (fam.) = tiver. -tivementº [-tif], adv. : actively. -tiverº [-tifl, tr. : give increased activity to, hasten or urge on. -tivité* [L. -tivitas], f : activity ; active service. -tuaireº [L. -tuarius], m. : (Rom.) scribe; actuary. -tualiserº [L. -tualis, actual], actualise. -tualité* [-tuel], f.: actuality. -tuel*, =lle [L. -tualis], actual (real ; present). -tuelle- ment [-tuell, adv. : actually (really ; at present). acuité* [L. acutus, sharp], f : acuteness, sharpness, aculéiforme* [L. -leus (dim. acus, needle), Fr. forme], adj. : aculeate. aeuminé* [L. -men, point], adj. : acu- minate. — - - acutangle* [L. acutus, Fr. angle], adj. : acutangular. - adage* [L. -gium (aio, say)], m. : adage, proverb. • adagio" [It. (agio, ease)], adj. : =. adamantinº [L. -tinus (Gr. a-, not, da- máein, conquer)], adj. : adamantine. adap-table*, adj. : -tion º, f. : =. |-ter*[L. -tare (aptus, fixed)], tr. : adapt, fit, suit. addi-tion*[L.-tio (ad-dere,add)], f. : =; bill. -tionel", =Ile, adj. : additional. -tionnerº, tr. : add up, sum up. addueteurº [L. -tor (ducere, bring)], m. : adductor; adj. : adducent. ademption" [L. -tio (emere, take)], •-mº -- s aden-tº, m.: mortise. ll-terº [à, dent], tr. : fix (as by teeth). adepteº [L.-tus (apiscor, reach), attained (sc. proficiency)], m. : adept. adéquatº [L.-tus (œquare, make EQUAL)], adj. : adequate. adextrerº [â, dextre], tr. : flead with the right hand ; (her.) place on the dexter (right) side. adhé-reneeº, f : adherence, -rentº, ad hoc =ente [L. adhœrens], adj. or m., f : ad- herent. ll-rer* [L. ad-hœrere, stick to], intr. : adhere (stick, cling), -sifº, =ive [-sion], adj. : adhesive. -sion* [L. -sio], ·f. : adhesion, adherence. ad hoc [L.], adv. : =, to that effect, pur- · posely. adiabatique* [Gr. -tos, impenetrable], adj. : adiathermic, impervious to heat. adiante LL. -tum], m. : adyantum, maid- en-hair. adieu* [à, Dieu], interj. or m. : good-bye. adipeux , =euse [L. adeps, fat], adj. : adipose, fatty. a direrº [?], tr. : mislay, lose. adition* [L.-tio (ire, go), going to], f.: (leg.) acceptance of an inheritance. adja eent [L. -cens (jacere, lie)], adj. : =. adjec-tifº, =ive ſtr. -tivus (jacere, throw), thrown to, added], adj. : adjective ; -tif [L.-tivum (sc. nomen)], m. : adjective. -tivement*, adj. : adjectively. ad-joindre° [L. ad-jungere, join to], irr. (cf. joindre); tr. : adjoin, associate. -joint, part. : adjoined ; m. : ADJUNCT, as- sociate, colleague; deputy. jonctionº [L. -junctio], f. : adjunction. adjudant* [Sp. ayudante (L. ad-juvare, assist)], m. : adjutant ; (French army) commissioned or non-commissioned officer attached to a superior. adjudica-taire*, m., f.: (person to whom a thing is adjudged, hence) pur- chaser (at auction), vendee ; contractor. ll-teurº, m.: adjudicator, awarder. -tifº, =ive, adj. : adjudicating, awarding. -tion* [L. -tio (-re, adjudge)], f.: = ; (assigning by sale, hence) auction sale ; contract ; (com.) allotment. adjuger° [L. -judicåre], tr. : adjudge (adjudicate, award) ; knock down (at auc- tion) ; grant a contract for ; (com.) allot ; s'-, appropriate. adju-ration º[L.-ratio],f.: =. |-rer* [L. rare (jus, oath)], tr. : adjure (charge · or entreat earnestly) ; make promise by oath ; fconjure. adju-vantº [L.-vans (juvare,and)], adj. : =, auxiliary. -vatº [L.], m.: AID. ad libitum [L.], adv. : = (at pleasure). admettre* [L. ad-mittere (after mettre, which see)], irr.; tr. : admit, allow, let in. adminiculeº [L. -lum (manus, hand)], m. : Support, auxiliary ; (leg.) adminicle, presumptive proof ; (bot.) plant-support. —, adminis-trateur*, -tratriee [L. -tra- torl, m., f : administrator, -stratrix, man- ager. -tratifº, =ive, adj. : adminis- trative. -tration* [L. -tratio], f.: =, management. -trativementº [-tratif], adv. : by way of administration. |-trer * adouber 9 [L. -trare (minister, servant)], tr. : ad- minister (manage ; apply) ; (leg.) furnish (proof), find (witnesses). º admi-rable* [. -rabilis], adj. : = ; fas- tonishing. -rablEmentº [-rable], adv. : admirably. -rateurº, -ratriee [L.-ra- tor], m., f. : admirer. -ratifº, =ive [L. -rativus], adj. : admiring. -ration * [-ratio], f. : = ; fwonder. |- rerº [L. -rari (mirari, wonder, mirus, strange)], admire (fEng. regard with wonder, marvel at ; regard with delight). ad-missibilité º, f.: admissibility. l-missible* [L. -missus (-mittere, admit), admitted], adj. : =, allowable ; passed (allowed to enter a higher course). -missionº [L. -ssio], f : = ; admittance. -mittaturº [L., *let him be admitted'], m.: =, (students' or priests') certificate. admo-nestation * or f-nétationv [-nester], f. : admonition, reproof. |-nes- ter° or #-néter [p. L. *ad-monestäre (L. monëre)], tr. : admonish, reprove ; #warn. -niteurº, -nitriee [L. -nitor], m., f.: adviser. |-nition [L. -nitio (monere, REMIND)], f. : = (warning) ; fadvice. adoles-eenee* [L. -centia], f.: l-eent * [L. -cens (olere, grow), growing up], adj. : = ; m. : lad. -eente, f : lass. adomestiquerº [à, domestiquer], tr. : attach to one's home. Adon [cf. Adonis], m. : fAdonis (the god) ; Adonis (handsome man). adone* [à, donc], adv. : then. ado-niemº or -nique [L. -nius], adj. : adonic (verse — - - | — —). Adonis [L.-Gr.], m. : Adonis. -niserº, tr. : adonise, deck out. • adonner* [à, donner], tr. : fgive ; fem- ploy; s'-; give one's self up, devote or apply one's self, addict one's self ; fre- quent ; flead to ; (nav., of the wind) turn favourable, veer. adop-tant", m. : adopter. -tée, part. : adopted ; m., f : adopted son or daughter. |-ter* [-tare (optare, choose)], tr. : adopt. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : adoptive : père -, foster-father. -tion * [L. -tio], ado-rableº [-rabilis], adj. : =. -ra- teur º, -ratriee [L. -rator], m. : adorer. -ration [L. -ratio], f : =. |-rer* [L. -rare (orare, pray)], tr. : adore (worship). ado-s*, m. : (gard.) sloping platband, shelving-bed. -ssementº, m. : leaning (as with the back), backing, bordering. |-sser * [à, dos], tr. : sit or lean with the back (à, against), lean, support , s'-, lean ; fplace on the back. adouber° [p. L. *ad-dobbäre (Germ'c dub- ban, strike)], tr. : DUB (i.e. strike with the sword and make knight) ; fput in repair ; •m-dº 10 (nav.) repair ; (chess, etc.) adjust (a piece without moving it). - adou-eirº [à, doux], tr. : soften, soothe, assuage. . -eissage", m. : smoothing. -eissantº, adj. : softening, soothing, emollient ; m. : (med.) emollient. -eis- sement*, m.: softening, assuagement, mitigation. -eisseur, m. : glass-polisher. adoué º [OFr. dou (= deux), TWO], adj. : (hunt.) paired. ad rem [L.], adv. : =, pertinently. a-dresse*, f : direction (ftowards, fdi- rect way or guide); address (of resi- dence ; speech, formal message ; ADROIT- ness, skill, cleverness) : bureau d'-, in- telligence office ; tour d'-, sleight of hand, trick ; avoir l'- de, be able to. |-dresser* [dresser], tr. : DIRECT (fset RIGHT or on the direct way) ; address ; s'—: direct one's self (one's step), be directed; address one's self, apply; #intr. : go straight : — mal, misdirect ; s'- mal, apply to the wrong person; s'- ici, in- quire here (or within). adroger* [L. -gare (rogare, ask)], tr.: (Rom. lau) adopt. adroi-t° [p. L. ad-directus, well directed], adj. : adroit, dexterous, skilful, clever ; fstraight. -tementº, adv. : adroitly, cleverly. adseritº [L. -scriptus], adj. : written at the side. adu-lateurº, -latriee [L. -lator), m., f : adulator, flatterer. -lation* [L. -latio], f. : =. ll-ler [L. -laril, tr. : flat- ter servilely, fawn upon. adulteº [L. -tus (olere, grow), grown up], adj. : adult. adul-térateurº, m.: adulterant. -té- ration, f.: adulteration. |I.-tèreº adoucir [L. -ter (alter, other)], adj.: adulterous ; ' (theol.) apostate, false ; adulterate; m., ſ. : adulterer, adultress. · 2.-tère* [L. -terium], m. : adultery. -térerº [L. -terare], tr. : adulterate (corrupt, fdefile ' by adultery). -térinº, -térine [L. -terinus], adj. : adulterine ; m., f. : adulter- ine (adulterous child). - adu-rent* [L. -rens (urere, burn)], adj. : burning. -steº [L. -stus (urere)], adj. : adust, burnt. -stion º [L. -stio (urere)l, ad-vEnir [OFr. avenir, L. ad-venire, come to], irr. (cf. venir), intr. impers. : come up, occur, happen. -vEnaºvt, part. : happening, in the event of. -ventiee" [L.-venticius], adj. : adventitious. -ven- tifº, =ive [L. -ventum, advent], adj. : adventive, casual. · adver-be* [L. -bum (ad, to, verbum, verbl, m. : adverb. -bialº [L. -bialis], adj. : adverbial. -bialement* [-bial], affaire adv. : adverbially. -bialité [-bial], f. : adverbial nature. adver-se* [L. -sus (ad-vertere, turn to or against)], adj. : =. -saire* [L. -sarius], m. : adversary. -satif, =ive [L. -sati- vus], adj. : adversative. -sité" [L. -si- tas], f : adversity. -ten.ee* [L. -tencia], f. : =, direction of (the sinner's) mind (to his sin). adyna-mie" [Gr. a-dunamia, lack of strength], f : (med.) adynamy. -miqueº, adj. : adynamic. aé-r ... [L. aer or Gr. aèr, AIR]. [-rer], m. : airing. -ration [-rer], j.: airing. I.-ré* [-rer], part. : aired, airy. 2.-réº [L. aereus], adj. : aerial. -rerº, tr. : air. -rien*, =enne, adj. : aerial. -rifère* [L.ferre, bear], adj. : aeriferous. -riforme" [L. forma, form], adj. : aeri- form. -robieº [Gr. bios, life], adj. : (zool.) living by air. -rographie" [Gr. gráphein, Write], f. : aerography. -ro- litheº [Gr. lithos, stone], m. : aerolite. -rologie [Gr. lógos, discourse], f. : aerol- ogy. -roman eieº [L. -tia (manteía, -rage prophecy)], f : aeromancy. -romètre" [Gr. métron, MEASURE], m. : aerometer. -rométrie" [-romètre], f. : aerometry. -naute" [Gr. naûtes, , pilot], m., f. : aeronaut. -ronautique [-ronautel, adj. : aeronautic ; f : aeronautics. -rostat" [Gr. statôs, placed], m. : aerostat, air-bal- loon. -rostation [-rostat], f : aero- station. -rostatique" [-rostat], adj. : aerostatic. -rostier" [-rostat], m.: aerostat soldier (during the French revo- lution). af- [L. af = ad, or Fr. à, "to'], pref. affa-bilité " [L. -bilitus], f. : affability. |affa-ble [L. -bilis ( fari, speak), * easy to speak to'], adj. : =. -blEmentº [-ble], adv. : affably. affabulation " [L. -tio (cf. fable)], f : moral of a fable, (fEng. =). affa-dir* [à, fade], tr. : make VAPID, um- savoury, or tasteless ; fdisgust. -dis- . santº, adj. : disgusting. -dissementº, m. : rendering insipid or tasteless ; insip- idity, tastelessness ; languidness. affai-blirº [à, faible], tr. : enfeeble (weaken, impair, lessen). -blissantº, adj. : weakening, etc. -blissement*, m. : enfeeblement, etc. . affainéantirº [à, fainéanler], tr. : make sluggish. •- affai-re* [à, faire], f. : affair (thing done or to be done, matter ; business, trans- action ; serious affair; fight ; laWsuit, case) : — d'intérêt, money matter ; s'at- tirer une —, get into a scrape ; faire l'- de quelqu'un, answer some one's purpose ; tirer d'-, extricate, help out; se tirer affaissement d'-, get out of trouble ; vider une —, settle an affair ; j'en fais mon -, I take it on myself. -réº, adj. : appearing very busy; fin need (de, of). -rementº [-ré], m. : hurry. affais-sementº,m. : depression,weighing down, sinking. |-serº [à, faix], tr. : weigh down (under a burden), press down ; s'-, be weighed down, give way, sink. affai-t*, m.: tannery; tanner's business. -tageº, m. : falcon training. -tement*, m.: falcon training; dressing of leather. ll-ter° [p. L. *af factäre, L. :fectäre (fa- cere, make), strive after], tr. : fFASHION ; dress (leather); train (falcons). affaîterº [à, faîte], tr. : provide with a ridge. affalerº [Dutch af-halen], tr. : (nav.) HAUL down; s'-, slide down; be embayed; (fam.) sink down. affamé*, adj. : famished, hungry, greedy. |-mer° [p. L.*-märe (L.fämes, hunger)], tr. : FAMISH (starve) ; bait (fish); (build.) Weaken, cut away. affangissements* [ fange], m.pl. : mud (in a river). afféa-gementº, m. : enfeoffment. |-gerº [à, féage], tr. : enFEOFF (give a noble estate as an arriere-FEE). affec-tation*, f : = ; (leg.) mortgage, charge. ll-terº [L. I.-tus (afficere, affect); 2.-tare (afficere), aim at, dispose], tr. : I.affect (touch) ; 2.affect (dispose ; affect, pretend ; #Eng. have a preference for, love, aspire to; assume). -tif, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : affective. -tion* [L. -tio],.f. : =, love. -tionné º [-tion], adj. : affectionate. -tionnémentº [-tionné], adv. : affectionately. -tionnerº [-tion], tr. : have an , affection for, love, fancy ; faffect; s'-, conceive an affection (for), become fond (of), take a liking or fancy to. -tueusement* [-tueux], adv. : affec- tionately. -tueux*, =euse [L. -tuosus], adj. : affectionate ; #devoted. -tuositéº [L. -tuosus],f. : affectionate nature. affe-nageº, m. : feeding (animals). | - nerº [à, foin], tr. : feed (animals). I.afférent* [OFr. -rir (cf. férir), affect], adj. : coming due (of property), reverting. - 2.afférentº [L. -rens ( ferre, bring)], adj. : afferent, conducting. affer-mage*, m.: lº# land ; fhiring (a servant). I.ll-merº [à, ferme], tr. : lease (land), FARM. 2.faffermer, pop. form of affirmer. affer-mirº [à, ferme], tr.: make firm, strengthen; fix firmly, fasten ; confirm ; harden, consolidate. -missementº, m. : strengthening, etc. - affé-téº [old -ter = affaiter], adj. : AF- afHictif ll FECTED, pretentious. -terie º, f : affec- tation. - affi-ehageº, m. : placarding. -ehe*, f. : placard, hand-bill; poster; fadvertising sheet ; f(fisher's) fixing-pole or stake ; for- nament (fixing) : homme-affiche, man carry- ing a placard or advertisement for public show, street-advertiser. |-eherº [à, ficher], tr. : post, fix or stick up (a placard), placard; make public, proclaim; s'-, set up (for) ; expose or compromise one's self, observe no decency. -eheur, m. : bill. poster. - affi-davitº [Eng. (p.L.*he has attested')], 77l . " -dé(e)º [It. -dato], adj. : trusted, trusty ; m., f. : trusty friend, conFIDENT ; member. |-der° [p. L. *affidäre (fides, faith)], tr. : conFIDE ; affirm; attest. affi-leº, f : grease-bag (for a whet-stone). -1é*, adj. : whetted ; sharp, nimble (of the tongue) ; d'-lée, adv. : in file, in suc- cession. |-ler* [à, I.fil, 2.file], tr. : set an edge ( fil) on, whet, sharpen ; 2.draw out into threads ; put in FILE or in a row. -1eurº, m. : sharpener, grinder. aſſi-liation º[L.-liatio],f. : =. |.-Iierº [L.-liare (filius, son)], tr. : affiliate; fadopt. aifiloir(e)º [-ler], m., (f): sharpening in- strument ; ( f.) whet-stone. - affi-nageº, m. : =, refining. -nementº, m. : refining; cheating. ll-ner* [à, fin], tr. : refine (make fine, purify) ; finish off ; fcheat (by fine tricks). -nerie,.f. : refinery (-furnace); wire-forge; roll of refined iron. -neurº, -neuse, m., f. : refiner; fde- ceiver. - affinité* [L. -tas (ad-finis, neighbouring), relationship by marriage], f. : affinity, alliance ; congeniality. affinoirº [-mer], m.: hatchet; frefinery. affiquet* [Norm. -que = -che], m. : little fixing, hair-ornament (pl. baubles, gew- gaws) ; knitting-sheath. affir-matif*, =ive [L. -mativus], adj. or f.: affirmative. -mation * [L. -matio], ſ : =; (log.) predication; oath. -mative- ment* [-matif], adv. : affirmatively. |-merº [L. -mare ( firmus, firm)], tr. : (affirm, assert ; leg. affirm to by oath) ; (log.) predicate; s'-, pretend to be. affi-xalº, adj. : =. |-xeº [L. -xus ( figere, FIX)], adj. or m. : affix. afHeu-rement", m.: levelling, making flush ; evening; (min.) cropping. -ré(e), adj. : even, flush; f : pulp. |-rerº [à, fleur, even], tr. : make level (even, flush), level ; (nav.) fay ; be level with, rise to ; intr. : be even or level ; (min.) crop ; mix evenly barley, wheat and rye flower. af-flictifº, =ive [L. flictus], adj. : faf- flictive ; (leg.) affecting the criminal. -fliction º [L. flictio], f. : =, grief. | 12 -fligeantº, adj. : afflicting, grievous. |-fligerº [L. fligere ( fligere, strike)], tr. : afflict (grieve, distress) ; mortify (the body). - afflou-ageº, m. : setting afioat. ll-erº · [à, flouer], tr. : set afloat. afflu-en-ee* [L. -ential, f. : (abundant) flow ; influx; abundant supply, affluence ; concourse. -ent [L. -ens], adj. : flowing afflouage into, tributary ; m. : tributary ; fjunction (of a river). |-erº [L. -ere (fluere, flow)], intr. : FLOW (abundantly towards a place), flock, crowd, congregate. -æº, [L. -æus], m. : afflux(ion). affo-lant*, adj. : infatuating. -lement*, m.: infatuation. ll-lerº [à, fol ( fou)], tr. : make foolish or mad, infatuate ; de- range; bewilder; s'-, be or grow infatu- ated, dote (on). -lir, tr. : s'-, get mad, madden ; faire -, drive mad. affou-age* [OFr. affouer (cf. feu)], m. : FUEL; right of cutting wood (for fuel) ; repartition of fuel (from communal woods). -agerº, adj. : relating to fuel, etc.; m. : licensed wood-cutter; sharer of fuel. affou-illement*, m. : washing away, undermining. ll-illerº [à, fouiller], tr.: wash away, undermine. affourager* [à, fourage], tr. : fodder, provide with fodder. affour-eheº, f.: (nav.) small bower. l-eherº [à, fourche], tr. : arrange fork- wise ; (nav.) moor (by two anchors with crossed cables) ; straddle. affranehi(e)*, adj. : freed, (en)fran- ' chised; postpaid; m. : freed man ; f : freed woman. |-ehirº [à, franc], tr.; set free (free, enFRANCHISE, liberate) ; relieve ; pay the postage or carriage of (prepay) ; pass (leap) over or across, cross; castrate. -ehissementº, m.: freeing, enfranchisement, etc. -ehis- seurº, m.: liberator. affre* [Frank. aibhor (ak. to Eng. abhor), bristled], f (only in pl.): fterror; agony. affré-tementº, m. : chartering (a boat). |-terº [à, fréter], tr. : charter (a boat for freighting) ; #freight. -teur, m. : charterer. af-freusementº, adv. : frightfully, hor-| ribly. ll-freuxº, =euse [affre], adj. : frightful, horrible. af-frianderº [à, friand], tr. : allure (by dainties); accustom to dainties. -friolerº [à, frioler], tr.: allure (by dairrties). - affron-tº [It. -to], m. : = (open in- sult, outrage ; fam. shame, reproach). -tementº, m. : fconfrontation ; ap- proach from the front ; bold approach ; affront; tcheating. ll-ter* [à, front], agathe tr. : fput face to face (confront) ; (carp.) fit together; #approach from the front ; approach boldly; AFFRONT (insult, out- rage, offend) ; cheat impudently, deceive. -terieº, f : boldness ; impudent cheating. -teurº, =euse, m., f : confronter; fim- ' pudent cheater. affruiterº [à, fruit], tr. : provide with fruit. affu-blEment*, tr. : covering, wrapping, old garment. |-bler° [p. L. *affibuläre (L. fibula, clasp)], tr. : cover (with a dress), wrap up, muffle ; dress or rig out ; -é d'une opinion, wrapped in (wedded to) an opinion ; s'- de, be wrapped up in, be always with. . # affû-t*, m.: watch (place or act); frame or support ; gun-carriage : être à l'-, be on the watch, lie in wait, be on the look-out, watch ; chasse à l'-, stalk- ing. -tage*, m.: fputting in position (esp. a piece of ordnance), mounting ; putting in repair, repair (of tools), setting, whetting ; set of tools (arranged for work), implements. ll-ter* [à, fût], tr.: fpost behind a tree (fût) or a bush, etc. (to watch the game) ; #place in position, tmount (a gun) ; #dispose ; put in shape (of tools), esp. set, sharpen. -teur*, m.: (hunt.) stalker; saw-setter, grinder. -tiau", m.: bauble, trifle. a-finº [à, fin], adv. : in order (de or que, that), so (that). + - à fortiori [l. L., "from the stronger,' viz. to the weaker], adv. : = (all the more). afri-cain, -caine, adj. or m., f. : African. |-que, f. : Africa. fagaº [dial. for -gare, Imp've of OFr. -garer (cf. gare), regard], interj. : lo ! look ! now ! - agaçantº [-cer], adj. : vexing, inciting ; enticing ; f. : sort of jewel. faga ee [OHG. agalstral, f. : magpie. aga-eementº, m. : setting the teeth on edge, (nervous) irritation. Il-eerº [?l, tr. : cause a nervous irritation, irritate, set (the teeth) on edge ; plague, tease ; provoke, incite. -eerieº, f. : irritation, provocation. • agameº [Gr. á-gamos, without marriage], adj. : agamous. aga-peº [L. (Gr. ágape, love)], f.: =, love-feast. -pètesº [L. -petœ (Gr. -petôs, beloved)], m.,f. pl. : agapetae (eccl. : clercs or women living in the communities of the opposite sex). Agar, f. : Hagar. agarie* [L. -cusl, m. : fagasse = agace. agate* [L. achates], f. : burnisher. agatheº [Gr. -thé, good], f : tulip. 4-as -»e •s @ y agate- agavé agavé" [Gr. -gaué, admirable], f : agave (plant). · age [dial.for 2.haie], f. : plough-beam. â-ge° [p. L. *œtäticum (L. œtas, age)], m. : age ; century: bas -, infancy; — virile, · manhood; fleur de l'—, prime of life ; honoré par l'-, time-honoured. -gé lº, adj. : aged, old ; elderly; - de cinq ans, five years old. v, agen ee* [-gent], f : agency. agen-eementº, m. : arrangement, dis- position. |-eer° [p. L. *-tiäre (L. geni- tus, cf. Fr. gent, fair), make nice], tr. : arrange (appropriately), order, dispose, fit up ; s'-, dress up. agen-da* [L. pl. (agere, ACT), things *to be done'], m.: memorandum-book, register. agen-de* [L.-da],f. : (Protestant)ritual. agenou-ilIerº [à, genouil, old form of genou], refl. : kneel down; (with ellipsis of se) make kneel down : -illé, kneeling, on one's knees. -ilIoirº, m. : kneeling- stool, hassock. I.a-gentº [L. agens (agere, act)], m.: agent, active principle. 2.-gent,-Cente, m.,f. : agent (person), mediator : — comp- table, accountant, purser; - de change, stock broker; - de police, police officer, policeman. Aggée, m. : Haggai. - agglomé-ration [L. -ratio], f.: agglo- meration. |-rerº [L. -rare (glomus, ball)], tr. : agglomerate. aggluti-nantº, adj. : -natifº, =ive, adj. : #tinative -nation º, l-nerº[L.-nare [gluten, GLUE)], tr. : agglutinate. aggra-vant*, adj. : aggravating. -va- tion*, f. : =. -veº -äv, f.: anathema. -verº [L. -vare (gravis, heavy)], tr. : aggravate ; fmake heavy (weigh down) ; anathematise. faggrég ... = agrég ... • agi-leº (L. -lis (agere, ACT)], adj. : = (nimble). -lement*, adv. : nimbly. -Iité* [L. -litus],f. : agility. I.agio* [? Gr. hágios, saintly], m.: monious manner, gew-gaw, trinket. 2 agio" [It. aggio (?)], m.: [-tèr], m. : =, stock-jobbing. -ter", tr. : speculate in stocks, job. -teur [-ter], m. : (stock-)jobber. - a-girº [L. agere], intr. : ACT (operate); (leg.) proceed; s'- de, (be agitated as a question : hence) be the question about, be at stake, be the matter: e.g. il s'agit de, it is the question about, the question is, the point is; de quoi s'agit-il ? what is the question (about)? what is up? what is the matter? il s'agit de sa vie, his life is at stake ; fen - avec quelqu'un, use or treat any-one (well, etc.). -gissantº, $ •e-s é•-s •s-4 C6l"G- -tage" 13 ddj. : acting, active ; effeetual, efficacious. -gissements*, m.pl. : manner of acting ; légal proceedings. agi-tateur" [L. -tatorl, m. : agitator ; (phys.) agent. -tation* [L. -tatio], f.: = ; emotion ; disturbance. -tatoº [It.], adv. : =, hurriedly. |-terº [L. -tare (frequ. of agere, act)], tr. : agitate (shake; disturb, trouble); ruffle ; s'-, be agitated, be disturbed ; get rough ; stir about, Wag. faglom ... = agglom ... fagIut ... = agglut ... agna-tº [L. -tus (ad, natus, born)], 77l,. " #e (relative on the male side). -tion* [L. -tio],f. : agnation. -tique", adj. : agnatic. a-gneau° [L. agnellus (agnus, lamb)], m. : lamb. |-gneI° [old form of agneau], m.: (orig. lamb) ; cold-coin (bearing the mark of a lamb). -gnelle° [L. agnella], .: ewe. -gnElageº [agneler], m. : lambing. -gnElerº, intr. : lamb, yean. -gnEletº, m., f-gnElette,.f. : lambkin ; half of an agnel (coin). -gnElin, adj. of a lamb, lamb's ; m. : lambskin (with the wool). -gnèlementº [agneler], m. : lambing. Agnes, f : Agnes; artless girl. agnus Dei dé-i [L., " lamb of God'], m. : =. ago-nieº : [L., Gr. -nia (Gr. agôn, struggle)], f.: agony (fanguish; death- agony, death-struggle) ; hour (point) of death. -nirº, tr. : (dial.) overwhelm (with insult), insult. -nisantº, =ante [-miser], adj. : in death-agony, dying ; m., f : dying person. -niser* [l. L. -zare], intr. : be in the agony (pangs) of death, be dying. -nistique* [Gr. -nistikôs], adj. : agonistic, athletic. agora* [Gr. -rá], f : =, public place. agra-feº, f : agraffe, clasp; cramp-iron ; fhook. |-ferº [à, OFr. grafe (cf. grappe), hook], tr. : fhook ; clasp. agrainerº [à, graine], tr.: give grain to; strew with grain (for game). agraire [L. agrarius (ager, field)], adj. : agrarian. L agran-dir* [à, grand], tr. : enlarge, make greater, aggrandise ; magnify, exalt. -dissementº, m. : enlargement, aggran- disement ; advancement. agrape* [OFr. -per = fer], f. : fhook ; boring tool. fagrav ... = aggrav ... agré-able*, adj. : agreeable : avoir pour —, be pleased to permit, allow. -ablE- mentº, adv. : agreeably. -é, part. : accepted, etc.; m.*: attorney (in the tri- bunals of commerce). I.ll-érº [à, gré], intr. : be agreeable (be convenient or pleasant, suit) ; tr.: receive agreeably agréable · 14 agréer or pleasantly ; (be pleased to) accept, ap- prove, agree to, relish. . 2.agréerº [à, gréer], tr.: rig (a ship). agré-gat", m.: [L. -gatum], aggregate. -gatifº, =ive, adj. : aggregative. -ga- tion* [L. -gatio], f : aggregation, ag- gregate; assemblage ; admission (into a body, society, etc.) ; admission to the title of agrégé (cf. below) or licentiate : , concours d'-, examination for the licen- tiate degree. -gé*, part. : aggregated, etc.; m. : associâte; esp. licentiate (uni- versity graduate entitled to lecture in a lyceum or faculty) : — d'histoire, licen- tiate in history; etc. |-ger [L. -gare (ad, to, grex, flock)], tr. : aggregate, take up (receive) into a body (a society, etc.), associate, unite. agrémen-t* [agréer], m. : agreeableness (pleasingness, charm ; comfort) ; (esp. pl.) ornament, embellishment; (mus.) fgrace ; (theat.) fdivertisement ; agreement (ap- probation, consent) ; fremedy, finjection : arts d'-; accomplishments. -terº, tr. : render agreeable ; ornament. fagrEner° = agrainer. agréner [?], tr. : pump or bale out. agrès* [agréer, rigl, m.pl. : rigging. agres-seur* [-sor], m. : aggressor. |-sifº, =ive [L. -sus (ad, to, gradi, go)], adj. : aggressive. -sion* [L. -sio],f. : =. agreste* [L. -tis (ager, field)], adj. : agrestic, rustic. agreyeurº [?], m. : wire-drawer. • agri-eoleº [L. -cola (ager, field, colere, CULTivate)], m.: fagriculturist ; adj. : agricultural. -culteurº [L. -cultor], m. : agricultor; fwriter on agriculture. -cul- tureº [L. -cultura], f : =. agriffer* [à, griffe], tr.: grasp with the claws, cling to. agri-menseurº [L. -mensor (ager, field, mentirs, MEASURE)], m. : (Rom.) surveyor. -paume* [L. -palma], f : motherwort. agripperº [à, gripper], tr. : snatch, grlpe. agrono-meº [Gr. -nómos (agrôs, field, mômos, law)], m. : agriculturist. -mie*, f : agronomy. -mique" [-miel, adj. : agrOnOmlc. agrou-elle or -ette [dial. for écrouelle], f.: prawn; (-elle) sort of scrofula. agrouperº [It. ag-groppare (cf. groupe)], tr. : groupe. - aguerrirº [à, guerre], tr. : inure to war, harden, train. aguet* [OFr. -ter (cf. guetter)], m. : fwatchfulness ; pl. watch : être (se tenir) aux -8, be upon the watch, lie in wait. aguimpé* [à, guimpe], adj. : provided with a chemisette ; veiled. ah, interj. : ah ! oh ! aigreur fa-hanº, m.: bodily exertion. |-haner [?], intr. : make a painful effort, toil. aheur-tementº, m. : stubbornness. |-ter* [à, heurter], tr. : (fknock against); stop before (find) an obstacle ; esp. s'- (à): persist (in spite of obstacles), be stubborn (in), stick (to). ahiº, interj. : ah ! ay ! oh dear ! ahu-rir [à, hure : " bristle in head'], tr. : astound, bewilder. -rissement*, m. : bewilderment. - I.aïº a-i [Brazil], m. : aye-aye, ai, sloth. 2.aï a-i [Ai, a city], m. : foaming champagne. ai-deº, f. : aid (help or relief; grant or tax; ffemale assistant) ; m. : aid (assist- ant, ADJUTANT, staff-officer) : appeler à l'-, call for help ; cour des —s, court of aids (settling finally questions of taxa- tion) ; - de camp, aid-de-camp ; - du pa- tron, master's mate; - major d'escadre, naval adjutant. |-der° [L. ad-jutăre (juvăre, help)], tr. : aid (help, assist) ; intr. : aid, give assistance ; s'-: help one's self, make use (of) ; help one another. aïe ay, interj. (of pain) : oy, oh (dear) ! aïeu-1°, -le° a-yeul [p. L. *avi-ölus, -öla (L. avus, avia, same meaning)], m., J. : grandfather, grandmother; -Isº, -les, pl. : (m.) grandfathers, grandfather and grandmother; (f) grandmothers ; an- cestral mothers. -ac°, pl. m. : (fgrand- fathers) ; forefathers, ancestors. - aigle° [L. aquila], m. : EAGLE (the bird generally, or as an emblem; a coin) ; f : she-eagle ; eagle (Roman standard sur- mounted by an eagle ; arms) : - de mer, osprey ;— criard, spotted eagle ; - blanc, (chem.) muriate of mercury ; - noir, (chem.) sublimate of cobalt. aigr-e° [L. ācer, sharpl, adj. : sour, ACid, sharp ; shrill; musty; sour-tempered, ACRI- monious ; m., sourness, etc. ; acid drink or liquid. -E-doux º, adj. : sour-sweet, sourish. -E-finº, m. : adventurer ; sharper [deriv'n not certain]. -Eletº, =ette, adj. : sourish. -Ement*, adv. : acrimoniously, sharply. ,•- - aigrEmoine* [L. agrimonia], f : agri- mony, liver-wort. aigret, =ette [-gre], adj. : sourish. aigret-teº [aigron, dial. form of héron], ſ.: EGRET (white HERON) ; aigret(te) (tuft of feathers, plume, crest ; tuft of hair ; head-ornament of precious stones, esp. in the form of a heron's crest). -té, adj. : (bot.) with an aigret, tufted. - ai-greur° [L. äcror, sharp], f : sourness, acidity; acrimony (sharpness, surliness, ill-temper). |-grir* [-gre], tr. : sour, make sour; sharpen, embitter, incense); aigu sharpen (increase) ; intr. : turn sour (be soured) ; grow bitter ; grow worse. aigu°, =uè [L. aciitus], adj. : (pointed ; keen, ACUTE; shrill). ai-gua ... [OFr. -gua (L. aqua, Water)] ; -guadeº, f. : (nav.) water-supply; water- ing-station ; faire —, take in fresh water. -guailº, m. : (hunt.) dew-drop. -gua- yer, tr. : wash, bathe (a horse). mariºneº, f : aqua-marina, beryl. -gui- ère º, f : EWER, pitcher. -guiéréeº (-guière), f. : ewerful, pitcherful. aiguil-lade* [through Prov.], f. : goad. -lageº [-ter], m. : (railr.) shifting of points. -latº [through Prov.], m.: dog- fish. |aiguil-le°[p. L. aciicula (L. acus, needle)], f. : needle (sewing-needle; pointed piece of metal, as hand of a watch, etc. ; index of a balance ; spindle of a compass, etc.) ; spire (of a steeple) ; (railr.) switch or frog ; needle-fish (horn-fish, etc.) : - à reprises, darning needle ; d'ardoise, slate-pencil. -]ée*, f. : needleful. -ler, tr. : (railr.) set or turn (a switch); f(surg.) couch (a cataract). -letage" [-leter], m. : (nav.) seizing; lashing. -leter [-lette], tr. : trim (or lace) with tags, fix or button with lace (or cords), lace ; (nav.) bind with ropes ( seize,' lash). -letier* [-lette], m.: tag-maker, lace-maker. -lette*, f : A(I)GLEt (pointed tag of cord or lace) ; aiglet-tipped cords or braids ; ornamental cordon or lace (of various kinds, but especially on uniforms), shoulder-knot ; tricing line or rope ; thin slice of skin or flesh. -1eurº, m.: (railr.) switchman. -lien°, m. : needle-maker ; fneedle-case. -]ière, f. : needle-maker; fnet. aiguil-lon° [p. L. *acilleo (L. -leus, sting)], m. : goad ; incentive ; # (of in- sects, etc.) ; prickle. -[onnéº, adj. : provide with a goad ; -lonnerº, tr. : goad ; incite. aigui-sageº, -sement*, m. : sharpen- ing, whetting. ll-ser° [p. L. *acutiäre (L. aciitus, sharp)], tr. : sharpen, whet. -seurº, m.: sharpener, grinder. -soir*, m. : sharpening-tool. ail° pl. aulac, or, esp. in bot., ails [L. al(l)ium], m. : garlic. - ailanteº [Chin. allanto], m. : (bot.) ailan- tuS. ai-le° [L. äla, wing], f. : wing (of birds, bats, etc.) ; wing-like appendage (as wind- mill, Vane, van, fan) ; side-appendage (as Wing or aisle of a building; wing of an army; etc.) : à tire d'—, at a single flight ; tirer de l'-, take to wing; en avoir (tenir) dans l'-, be affected or struck, have a screw loose. -#é, adj. : winged. -leron*, m. : extremity of a wing (with the big feathers), pinion ; fin (of certain sharp -gue- - 15 fishes); wing-like appendage (as feather of an arrow ; float-board of a water-wheel ; scroll over a window, etc.) -lette !, f.: flittle wing ; wing-like appendage (as Small wing of building ; shoulder-piece Ornament ; side-lining ; screw-blade ; rifle- band of a projectile to fit in the rifles of aire a gun. ailladeº [Prov. alhada (ak. to ail)], f. : garlic sauce. - ailleurs° [L. aliörsum (alio-versum, else- Where directed)], adj. : ELsewhere : d'-, besides; in other regards; from another 1 63,SOIl Ol" Ga,l1SG. ailloliº [Prov. aiôli, "garlic-oil'], m. : cullis of garlic (sort of jelly).] ai-mable° [L. amåbilis (amo, love)l, adj. : , amiable, agreeable. -mablE- mervtº, adv.: amiably. I.-mantº [-mer], adj. : loving, affectionate. 2.aiman-t° [L. adamas (Gr. a-dámas, in-vincible)], m. : magnet, load-stone, fEng. adamant. -tation", f : magnetisation. -ter*, tr. : make magnetic, magnetisé : -té, part., magnetic. -tin, adj. : mag- netical. Aimée, f. : Amy. aimerº° [L. amăre], tr. : love ; be fond of, like : - mieux, like better, prefer. I.aine° [p. L. inguina (L. inguen)], f. : groin. 2.aineº [?], f : herring-stick (on which they are strung). aî-né*, - née [ains, né], adj. : elder, · eldest, senior; m., f : elder (-est) son or daughter. -nesse, f. : primogeniture, seniority. - • fains° [p. L. *anteis (L. ante, before)], adv. : but. ainsiº [ain ? si], adv. or conj. : thus, so ; then (= consequently) ; just as ; so that ; , fat the same time ; #like : — du reste, and so forth ; - que, just as, as well as ; p0ur - dire (or parler), so to say, as it were. air° [L. äer, air], m. : air (atmosphere ; appearance, look, or style ; tune) : avoir l'- bon (mauvais), look good-natured (ill- natured) ; avoir l'- de, look like ; avoir l'- à, have a mind to ; être en l'-, be in a flurry ; faire prendre l'- à, give an air- ing to ; un coup d'-, a scold ; des gens du bel —, people of high life ; un homme du grand -, a man who makes a great figure ; un — de famille, a family likeness. airain° [L. aerāmen (aes, metal)], m. : · brass, bronze ; object made of bronze (as guns, bells) : un front d'-, a brazen face. air-e° [L. ărea], f : area ; threshing-floor ; paving-foundation, bottom ; rock-surface on which the eagle builds its nest, AERIE, EYRY (the nest itself, nest of large birds); forest-area ; point of a compass in the di- 16 airelle rection of the wind (- de vent). -é(e), f. : lot of sheaves on a barn-floor; (bak.) batch. airelle, f. : whortle-berry. airer* [à, aire], intr. : make its eyry or nest. ais° [L. axis, plank], m. : plank, board ; (print.) whetting-board ; butcher's block. ai-sanee * [OFr. -ser], f : ease, free- dom; comfort, easy circumstances, compe- tency ; faccommodation, privilege , pl. : water-closet : lieux (cabinets) d'-s, Wa- ter-closet; fosse d'-s, cess-pool. llai-se [OFr. -ser (?)], f. : ease, convenience, comfort ; content, gladness, joy; adj. : glad, happy : à l'-, comfortable ; easily ; être à son —, be well (off), be at ease or unconstrained ; se sentir mal à l'-, feel uncomfortable ; aimer ses -ses, love one's ease ; j'en suis bien -, I am very glad of it. -sé* [OFr. -ser], adj. : easy; comfort- able ; in easy circumstances, well-to-do (also as noun). f-sement*, m. : -Sance. -sément* [-sé], adv. : easily, with ease ; comfortably. aissaugue* [Prov. -go (?)], f. : fishing- net, fishing-boat. I.aisseau* [OFr. -sse (L. ascia, ax)], m. : adze. W, 2.ais-seau* [ais], m.: roof-shingle. -selette, f. : bottom-piece (of a cask). -selier, m.: (carp.) brace. f-selière, f. : = -selette. aisselle° [L. axilla], f. : axil(la) ; jointure. aissette* [ais], f : adze. aitreº [L. atrium,fore-court], m. : atrium, fore-court ; free ground round a church (for cemetery). - ajointerº [à, joint], tr. : joint, connect. ajonc [?], m. : furze ; thorn-broom. a-jour* [à, jour], m.: hole, orifice. -jouré, adj. : provide with holes (for the daylight) ; (her., etc.) fretted. ajour-nEment*, m. : adjournment; (leg.) summons. |-nerº [à, OFr. jorn = jour], tr. : adjourn, put off; (leg.) summon; fim- pers. : dawn. ajou-tage, m. : added piece. ll-ter° [p. L. *ad-juxtäre (L. juxta, near)], tr.: add, join ; give added value (to) ; refl. be added : - foi à, give credence to, believe in ; - au conte, embellish (or stretch) a story ; -té, part.; also m. : addition (in a proof-sheet, etc.). -toir, m. : added piece. aº -stº, m. : (nav.) tying. -stageº, m. : à djustment; fixing the legal rate (of coin). -stEmentº, m.: adjustment (fitting, arrangement ; accommodation, reconcilia- tion) ; fixing (of the toilette, etc.); toilette (attire, garb); fcorrectness. |-sterº [à, juste], tr. : adjust (set aright, adapt, fit ; fix, fix the value of) ; aim (a gun) ; arm-pit ; (bot.) alcarazas take aim at ; adjust (make agree, recon- cile ; accommodate) ; fix or arrange (the toilette, etc.), attire, trim, fit up ; fgive it well to, punish. -steurº, m.: adjuster, fitter; weigher at the mint. -stoirº, m. : assay-balance; adjusting tool. -stureº, f. : curve given to a horse-shoe. -tage or -toir, m.: adjutage ; connection tube or pipe. - al- [L. ad *to' or Fr. à] : pref. falaise = alèze. alambi-e* [Ar. al-ambiq (Gr. ámbix, vase), the vase], m. : alembic, still : tirer à l'-, pass through the alembic, strain ; passer à l'-, examine critically, scrutinise. -querº, tr. : pass through the alembic, distil, extract (the essence), strain ; refl. : strain or puzzle one's self, refine too much upon : -qué, part. : strained, subtle, fine- spun ; s'- l'esprit sur, puzzle one's brain about. #-queurº, m.: alchemist. aIandierº, m. : mouth of a furnace. alan-guirº [à, languir], tr. : fmake languid; refl. : become languid, languish. -guissementº, m. : languor. alarguer [Prov.-gar(large)], intr. : (nav.) stand out to sea, sheer off. alar-mamtº [-mer], adj · alarming |-me* [à l'arme !], f. : summons to arms, alarm; sudden fear, anxiety. -merº, tr. : alarm, startle ; fcall to arms (give the alarm to). -miste" [-mer], m., f.: alarmist. alaterneº [L. -nus], m. : (bot.) alatern. albâtre* [L. alabastron], m. : alabaster. albatros [Engl.], m. : albatross. alber-geº [Sp. -chiga (Ar.)l, f. : small peach, =. -gier, m. : alberge-tree. Albigeoisº, in. : (pl.) Albigenses. albi-nismeº, m. : albinism. |-nosº [Port.-no (L. albus, white)], m., f : albino. albu-gine [L. -go, whiteness], f. : albugo. . -giné, -gineux , f =euse, adj. : albu- gineous, whitish. 3. album" [L., *white'], m.: scrap-book ; album ; (Rom.) white inscription tablet. albu-menº [L. (albus, white), white of an egg], m. : =. -mine", f. : albumin. -mineux, =euse, adj. : albuminous. -minoïdeº [-mine, Gr. eîdos, form], adj. : albuminoid. -minose* [-mine], .: =. -minorie [-mine, Gr. oûron, urine], f. : albuminuria. alcade [Sp. -calde (Ar.)], m. : =, alcaid. alcaïqueº [L. -caicus], adj. : alcaic. alea-lescenee" [-lescent], f.: alkales- cence. -Iescent*, adj. : alkalescent. |-liº [Ar. al-qali, the ashes of salt-wort], m.: alkali. -lin, adj. : alkaline. -liserº, tr. : alkalise. -loïde*, m. : alcaloid. alearazasº [Sp. -rraza (Ar.)], m. : =, un- glazed jug. mm-•s alcée aleée* [L. -cea], f.: holly-hock. Aleée, m. : Alcaeus. Ale este, m. : Alcestis. Aleibiade, m. : Alcibiades. alehi-mie" [p.L.-chymia (Ar. al-kimia : | cf. chimie)], f. : alchemy. -mique, adj. : alchemical. -miste, m. : alchemist. aleide, m. : Alcides. · alcoo-lº -ko-ol or (gen'ly) -kol [fr. Ar.], m. : alcohol. -latº, m. : alcoholate. -iique*-lik, adj. : alcoholic. -lisation, f : alcoholisation. -liser, tr. : alcoholise -lisme*, m. : alcoholism. - - aleoranº [Ar. al-goram, the reading], m. : Koran. • aleQ-veº [Sp. -coba (Ar. -kobba, the bed- room)], f. : alcove, recess: tenir -, hol reception (like les femmes précieuses). -visteº, m. : attendant (at the receptions of les femmes précieuses). al-eyon* [L.], m. : halcyon ; king-fisher. -eyonien º, =enne, adj. : halcyon. aldébaranº [Ar.], m.: (astr.) aldebaran. alderman [Engl.], m. : =. aleº ël [Engl.], f. : ale. ale-a* [L., throw of dice], m.: hazard. -atoire" [L. -torius], adj. : hazardous, uncertain. -atoirementº[-atoire], adv. : by chance, in an uncertain manner. alê-neº [OHG. alesna = Ger. ahle], m.: AWL. -nierº, m.: awl-maker. alénois* [L. aurelianensis, *from Or- leans'], m. : only in cresson -, garden CI'GSS. - alen-tirº [à, lent], tr. : make slow, slacken. -tissement, m. : slackening. alentour or à l'entour*, adv. : around, - about ; m. pl. (only alentours): surround- ings, environs, neighbourhood; persons about or around. alépineº [Alep, Aleppo (where made)], ·f. : bombazine. . alérion° [OHG. adalaro = Ger. adler, eagle], m. : flarge eagle ; (her.) spread- eaglet (without beak or foot). - alerteº [It. all'erta, * on the top’ (for watching)], interj. : up ! look out; noun j. : Warning signal, alert, alarm; adj. : on the watch, alert, vigilant; ready, quick, · Wide-awake ; en —, on the watch. alé-sageº, m. : boring, drilling. ll-ser" [= aliser], tr. : polish or even a bored surface (or the edge of a coin), bore. -soir", m. : boring-instrument. º» alestir [à, leste], tr. : (nav.) lighten the rigging of. alésure" [-ser], f. : borings (chips) of metal. ale-vin° [p. L. *allevāmen (L. al-levăre, elevate)], m. : young fry (for breeding). -vinage º [-ner], m. : fish-breeding ; rejected fry. -vinerº, tr. : stock 17 with fry; intr. : spawn. -vinier º, fry- -pond. » alexandrinº [L. -drinus], adj. : Alex- andrian (school); alexandrine (verse), also m. al(e)zanº [Sp. alazan], adj. : chestnut- (coloured) ; m. : chestnut-horse : — saure, sorrel ; - roux, red bay. alèze* [OFr. -lesier (L. latus, broad, spread)], f. : sheet (under sick persons) ; extra board (to widen another) ; osier binding. • falézer = aliser. alfaº [Ar.], m. : alfa (plant). alfange [Sp. (Ar.)], m. : scimitar; long- leaved lettuce. - aliénable d | alfénideº [Halphen, the inventor], f.: alloy of nickel and copper. - algalie* [l. L. argalia], f.: catheter. alganon" [L. organum, instrument], m. : chain for galley-slaves. - algaradeº [Sp. -da (Ar.), battle-tumult], j. : fsudden attack ; petulant insult, af- front. . - . - · - algazel [Ar.], m. : African gazelle. al-gèbre* [l. L. -bra (Ar)l, f.: algebra. -gébriqueº, adj. : algebraic(al). -gé- briquementº, adv. : algebraically. -gébristeº, m.: algebraist. - - Algé-rie, f : Algeria; -rien,-rienne, adj. or noun : Algerian. 8 algi-deº [L.-dus], adj. : algid, ice-cold. -dité º, f. : algidity. - algologie* [algue, Gr. lôgos, speech], f : algology. · • algonquinº [Am.], m. : Algonquin; un- civilised person. . • - algorithmeº [p. L. (Ar.)], m.: algorithm. alguazilº [Sp. (Ar. al-wazir, the vizir)], m.: = (Spanish constable). - algue* [L. -ga], f.: alga, sea-weed. fallaire = alliaire. . alibiº [L., elsewhere], m. : = ; #diver- sion, fsubterfuge. #-forain * [ forain], m,: irrelevant or shuffling talk (answer), evasion. » alibileº [L. -lis], adj. : alible. » aliboron*, m.: only in maître -, fper- son able to do everything, handy-andy ; ready-witted or cunning fellow. · alicante or -cant [province Alicante, where made], m. : alicant (Spanish wine).. aliehonº [aille], m.: float-board. alidadeº [L. -da (Ar.)], f.: =. - alié-nableº, adj. : alienable. -nation* [L. -natio], f. : alienation (transfer of property ; mental derangement). -né, =ée, part. : alienated, etc. ; m., f. : luna- tic, maniac : maison d'-s, mad-house. |-ner [L. -nare (alius, other)], tr. : alien- ate (transfer as title ; estrange or dis- affect); derange the mind of, drive 18 alignement · mad. -niste º, adj. : alienist (treating insane). ali-gnement*, m. : alignment, line ; (mil.) dressing (à droite -! right dress !) ll-gnerº, [à, ligne], tr.: align (form to a line or in a line ; mil. dress) ; refl. (mil.) dress; take position (to fight a duel) : - ses phrases, square one's sentence ; -gné, part.; fstraight. -gnette", f : herring- stick. alimen-t* [L. -tum (alere, nourish)], m.: = (food, nourishment); (leg.) allow- ance (pl. alimony);things insured. -taireº [L. -tarius], adj. : alimentary: pension -, alimony; maintenance; régime -, diet. -tation* [-ter], f.: =, feeding. -terº, tr. : aliment, nourish, feed; sup- ply. -teux º, =euse, adj. : alimental, nutritive. - alinéa [L. a linea, "from the line'], interj. : new line ! (i.e. from the old) ; m. : break (between paragraphs) ; para- graph. -- aliquanteº [L. -tus, some], adj.f. : ali- , quant. - cliquote* [L. -t, some], adj.f. : aliquot. alise* or -ze [OHG. eliza], f.: service- berry. - aliser or -zerº [UFr. dlis (cf. lisse), Smooth], tr. : make even ; (her.) shorten. alisier* or -zier [-se], m. : service- tree. •- ali-tementº, m.: takingto bed. |-terº, [à, lit], tr. : put to bed; lay down (refl. lie down); arrange in layers : -té, part.; bed- · ridden. alivrerº [à, livre], tr. : make up into parts of one pound. . aliza-riº [Sp. (Ar.)], m. : madder-root, -rineº, f : alizarin. alizéº [? aliser], adj. : vents —s, trade- winds. falizer, f-zier = aliser, -sier. falkali = alcali. alkékenge* [fr. Ar.], m.: winter-cherry. alkermèsº [fr. Ar.], m. : Allah [Ar. al-ilah, the god], m.: allai-te", f : dug of a she-wolf. mentº, m.: nursing, suckling. · [L. al-lactäre (läc, milk), give tr. : nurse, suckle ; fsuck. allant* [-ller], part.: going; adj. : ever going ('on the go'), stirring, active; m. : goer : -s et venants, comers and goers. fallarguer = alarguer. g-• e •- e s-• -te- milk to], aIIé-ehantº, adj. : alluring, enticing. | -ehementº, m. : allurement, enticement. |-eherº° [p. L. fallecticāre (L. al-licere, attract)], tr. : allure, draw. allée* [aller], f : going; passage; entry, alley; lane. - fallé-gateurº [L. -gare], m. : alleger. |-ter° | aller |-gation* [L. -gare (cf. -guer)], f : allegation. al-Iège* [-léger], f : lighter, tender ; window-sill. I.-légeanee* [-léger], f.: alleviation, consolation. 2.allégeanee" [Eng. allegiance (Fr. lige)], f. : allegiance. allé-gement*, m. : alleviation, relief. |-ger° [p. L. *alleviäre (L. levăre)], tr. : LIGHTen (render less heavy; ALLEVIATE ; reLIEVE; disburden, unload) ; (nav.) buoy up. -girº, tr. : lighten, reduce. aIlégo-rie* [L. -ria (Gr. állo-, other, , agoreûein, speak), 'describing one thing by another'], f. : allegory; allusion. -rique* [L. -ricus], adj. : allegorical. -riquementº [-rique], adv. : allegoric- ally. -riserº, tr. : allegorise. -riseurº [-riser], m. : allegoriser. -riste º, m.: allegorist. a1-lègre° [L. alācer], adj. : lively, quick, cheerful, allacrious. -légrEment*, adv. : lively, joyously, alacriously. -lé- grerº, tr.: render lively, alacrify. -Ié- gresse*, f.: falacrity; lively joy, glad- ness, cheerfulness, mirth. -Iégrettoº [It. -gretto], adv. : (mus.) allegretto. -1égro* [It. allegro (L. alacer, lively)l, adv. : (mus.) allegro. . falléguer [L. al-legare, send to or for, summon], tr. : ALLEGE (adduce, plead, af- | firm; #Eng. cite as authority). aIléluia* a(l)-lé-lui-ya [L. (Hebr., *praise God')], m.: hallelujah; (bot.) wood- sorrel. Alle-magne°, f. : Germany. alle- mand°, -mande, adj. or m.,.f. : German. aIler" [?], irr. $ ; tr.: go, move; go on ; proceed, be about (to do a thing) ; get along, be (in health); amount (to); (fam.) go or be suitable (with, to), suit; impers. with y: be at stake or concerned (e.g. il y va de la vie, life is at stake) ; refl. with en (s'en aller) go away, leave; pass aWay, be dying ; be going, be about to ; pass, proceed; pass away; be lost; infinit. : going; run ; (nav.) outward voyage ; imperat. (va, allons, allez) often inter- jectionally : come ! now ! etc. : - à cheval (à pied, en voiture), go on horseback (on foot, in a carriage) ;- au pas, Walk, pace ; — bon train, go on well or at a good round pace ;- son train, keep on, take · one's own course ;- aux voix, put to the vote ; — de pair, be equal ; - à la gloire, aim at glory; se laisser - à, give one's self up to ; au long -, in the long run ; au pis —, at the worst ; c'est votre pis -, it's your last shift ; avoir l'- pour le venir, lose one's labor; cela vous va, that suits you ; il en va, it is, il en ira, it will be ; cela ne va pas, that won't do ; allen allons donc ! come now ! nonsense ! va t'en l or allez-vous-en! go away ! be off with you ! comment allez-vous ? or ( fam.) comment cela va-t-il?how are you ? $ Ind. : Pr. vais, vas, va ; allons, allez, vont. Ipf. allais. Pret. allai. Fut. (Cond.) trai(s). - Subj. : Pr. aill-e, -es, -e , allions, alliez, azllezzt. Ipf. allasse. — I've z'a ; allez. — Part. : Pr. allazzz ; P. allé.. alleu° [OHG. all-od 'all property'], m. : allodium, freehold. . alliableº [-lier], adj. : miscible. allia eé* [L. -ium, garlic], adj. : (bot.) alliaceous. . & alliage [-ier], m.: fcombination ; alloy- -age, alloy. alliaire* [L. -ium, garlic], f : hedge- garlic. . al-lian ee*, f.: union ; marriage ; wedding-ring; covenant ; combination. -lié, =ée*, m., f.: ally, confederate; rela- tive (by marriage). I.|-lier° [L. -ligăre, bindto], tr. : ALLY, (combine, unite, marry); mix (ALLOY) ; reconcite ; refl. : be allied or enter into alliance, etc.; suit ; part. : allied, etc. ; confederate ; related (by marriage), akin. 2.allier* [?], m. partridge-net. alligator" [Engl. (Sp. lagarto, LIZARD)], allingue, m. : barrier. allitération " l-l [L. ad, litera, letter], f. : alliteration. - alli-vrEmentº, 77?,. " aSSeSSment. |-vrerº [à, livre, pound], tr. : tax (acc'g to income). aIl9º [Eng.], interj. : halloo! hello ! (as telephone-call). º - , allobrogeº [name of a tribe, despised by the Romans], m.: rude person, clown ; adj. crude. | , allocation º [location], f.: = (grant). " allocution* [L. -tio (loqui, speak)], f. : =, address. - , aIlodia-lº [l.L.-lis (cf. alleu)], adj. : =, freehold. -lité º, f : free tenure. · a1-longe*, f : lengthening (delay) ; ' lengthening-piece, leaf (of a table), rider (of a bin) ; (nav.) futtock. -Iongé, adj. : lengthened, elongated, drawn; lame. -longement, m.: lengthening, elonga- tion. ' |-longerº [à, long], tr.: length- en (prolong, , stretch out ; protract, de- lay) ; thrust, launch (a blow), allonge (a thrust) : - la courroie à quelqu'un, let out the reins for some one, give him full play. allo-patheº, m.: allopath(ist). |-pa- thieº [Gr. állos, other, páthos, suffering : i.e. cure by producing a different effect], f. allopathy. -pathiqueº, adj. : allo- pathic. - fallo-terº, -tir [à, lot], tr. : allot. sº-•s aloyage" [-yer], m. : 19 a1-louable º, adj. : allowable. |-louerº [à, louer], tr. : fplace near or in the service of; assign to, grant, ALLOW ; regulate. allu ehon* [ak. to loquet], m. : cog. allu-mageº, m. : lighting ; kindling. -meº (-mé), f : fire-brand. -me-feuº, m.: kindling-stick (of fir). |-mer° L. -minäre (L. lümen, light)], tr. : alsine iight (kindle, illuminate) mette º, | f : match : — chimique, lucifer-match. -meurº, m.: lighter. -moirº, m. : lighter (that which lights). allure* [aller], f. : way of walking or moving or acting ; gait, pace, turn ; car- riage, conduct, manner; process; (hunt.) track, trail; fmeans of going, vehicle ; pl. way of acting ; intrigues. allusion [L. -sio (ludere, play)], f. : fjest ; allusion, hint. allu-vialº [L. against)], adj. : =. #flood. aImageste* [Ar.], m. : almagest. aImanach * [l. L. -chus], m. : almanac. almée [Ar.], f. : Oriental dancer. alo-ès* [L. -e], m.: aloe (plant or juice). -étique", adj. : aloetical. - aloi [-loyer], m. : falloy ; standard (of gold, etc.) ; value, quality. falong ... = allong ... - alopéeie* [L. -cial, f.: alopecy. « • ' , alors* [à, lors], adv. : then : d'-, of that time. - aIg-se° [L. -lausa], f : =, shad. m. : shad-net. alouette* [O.Fr. aloue* (L. alauda)],f. : lark : pied d'-, (bot.) lark's heel. alour-dirº [à, lourd], tr. : render heavy or dull; fstun. -dissement*, m.: heaviness, dulness. -vius (al-luere, wash -vion º [L. -vio], 5 -sier, (tinsmith's) alloy; f = alliage. aloyau* [?], m. : sirloin of beef. aloyer° [older form of I.allier], tr. : alloy (for forming tin) ; fdetermine the standard of. - alpa-ca, or -ga [Sp. -paque (Peruv.)], m. : =, llama. Alpes [L.], f. pl. : Alps. [L. -pestris], adj. : alpine. - alpha* [L. (Gr.)], m.: =, beginning. alpha-betº [L. -betum (Gr. álfa bêta, a b)], m. : = ; vocabulary. -bétique, adj. : alphabetical. -bétiquement [-bé- tique], adv. : alphabetically. Alphée, m. : Alpheus. alpin, f. -pine, adj. : alpine. alpiouº [It. al più = Fr. au plus], m.: double stake (at cards). alpisteº [Sp.], f : canary-grass. aIsineº [L.], f : chickweed. alpestre* 20 altaïque altaïque, adj. : of Altal mountains, Altaic. alté-r ... [L. alter, other] : -rableº [-rer], adj. : alterable. -ramtº [I.L. -rans; 2.-rer], adj. : alterant (as noun alterative); 2.causing sleep, soporific. -rateur", -ratriee [-rer], m., f : alterer, modifier. -ration * [l. L. -tio], f.: falteration ; (alteration for the worse :) deterioration, corruption, adulteration, fal- sifying, misrepresentation, morbid change ; fexcessive thirst. -reasº, m. [-rquer], or -reation * [L. -rcatio], f : altercation, wrangle. faltè-reº [-rer], f : trouble. -ré* [-rer], part. : altered, etc. ; thirsty, thirsting, dry ; greedy. -rerº [L.-rare], tr. : alter (change) ; change for the worse (deteriorate, adULTERate, impair, weaken, misrepresent, distort) ; make thirsty or dry; refl. be altered ; be impaired, spoiled, etc.; intr. : excite thirst. -rité* -tas], f. : altered condition. alter-nameeº [-ner], f.: alternation, succession. -nant* [-ner], adj. : alter- nating. -nat" [-ner], m. : alternateness, succession (of crops). -natif*, =ive [-mer], adj. : alternate, alternative. f-na- tionº [L. -natio], f : =. -nativeº l-natnfl, f. : alternative, choice ; alter- nation, permutation. -nativement* [natif], adj. : alternately. |-neº [L. -mus (alter, other), one after another], adj. : alternate (by turns; reciprocal).. -nerº, intr. : alternate (take turns; act by turns); tr. : alternate. alterquer [L. -rcari (alter, other)], intr. : altercate. altesseº [It. -tezza [L. altus, high)], f. : highness (as title). althaeaº -té-a [L.], f : althaea (marsh- mallow). al-tier º, f : =ère [It. -tiero (L. altus, high)], adj. : haughty, proud; lofty. -tièrement, adv. : haughtily, proudly. al-titude* [L. -titudo (altus, high)] ; ſ : altitude. -to" [It.], m.: betw. tenor and bass, alto. altruisme [L. alter, in anal. with autrui], m.: altruism. alude" [L. aluta, soft leather], f : sheep- skin (for books). aludel [Sp. (Ar.)], m. : (chem.) =. faluine° [p. L. faloxina (Gr. alôë, aloes ; 0xínës, acid)], f. : absinth. - alumelle* [à, lamelle], f : +blade (of a knife, etc.) ; planing or polishing tool, scraper ; iron-sheating of the tiller-hole. alumi-naire*, adj. : aluminous. |-ne" [L. alumen, ALUN], f : alumina. -neux º, f =euse, adj. : aluminous. -nium*, 7ll. . - . a-lun°[L.alümen],m.: alum. -lunageº armarrage -lunation º, f : [-ner], m. : aluming. -lunerº, tr. : (chem.) alun-making. alum, steep in alum. -luneux*, =euse, adj. : alun-bearing. -Iunière*, f : alum mine. -Iuniteº, f.: =, alum stOne. alvé-olaire", adj. : alveolar. ll-oleº [L. -lus (alveus, hollow), small cavity], m. (f): alveolus (cell of a honey-comb ; or socket of a tooth) ; seed-cell. -oléº, adj. : alveolate. I.alvinº, =ine [L. -nus (alvus, belly)], adj. : alvine. - 2.falvin, etc. = alevin, etc. falysse = alysson. alyssonº [L. (Gr. a, "not,' lûssa, "mad- ness'), as a supposed curative against], m.: alyssum (madwort). falzan = alezan. amabilitéº [L. -bilis], f : amiableness ; floveliness. amade [Ger. hamm, close place], f. : (her.) three parallel lists in a shield. amadis [A., hero in a romance], m. : chivalrous lover ; tight sleeve (as worn in the 17th cent. by a stage A.). ama-dou* [? Prov. (L. amare, love)], m. : =, German finder ſas inflammahle), touch-wood. -douerº, tr. : coax, ca- jole. I.-doueur", m. : tinder-maker. 2.f-doueur [-douer], m. : cajoler. -dou- vier, m. : agaric of the oak, tinder- agaric. - amai-grir* [à, maigre], tr. : make MEAGRE, lean or thin, eMAciate; reduce in bulk or thickness ; make steril ; #intr., refl. : grow lean or thin. -grissementº, m. : growing thin, falling, emaciation. amalga-mation º[-mer], f : =. Il-me* [L. -ma (Ar.)], m. : amalgam(a); amal- gamation, medley. -merº, tr. : amal- gamate; mingle. V. amanº [Ar.], m.: grace (to Arabs who surrender). • aman-de° [L. amygdala (Gr.)], f : ALMOND ; kernel ; oval part of the sword- hilt. -déº, m.: milk of almonds, amygda- late. -dierº, m.: almond-tree. - amant, -mante° [L. amans, lovingl, m., ff. : flover (paramour); m. : sweetheart. amaranteº [L. -tus (Gr. a-márantos, unfading)],.f. : amaranth ; adj. : amaranth- coloured. - amari-nageº, m. : (nav.) manning a prize. ll-ner* [à, marin], prepare (a vessel) for the sea ; man (a prize); inure (a crew) to the sea. amarqueº [à, marque], f. : buoy; sea- mark. amar-rageº, m. : mooring or fastening (a ship). amar-re*, f : mooring cable, seizing, rope. |-rer* [Dutch maaren, amaryllide fix], tr. : belay, tie. amaryllide, -ryllis [L. Amaryllis, shepherdess in Virgil], f. : amaryllis (lily- asphodel). ama-sº, m. : MASS, heap, pile, accumula- tion. Il-sser* [à, masse], tr. : amass, (heap up, accumulate, hoard up); fpick up ; refl. : be heaped up, accumulate, crowd. .. -ssetteº, f : palette knife. -sseurº, m. : collector; hoarder. amatelo-tageº, m. : (nav.) classing the men. |+-terº [à, matelot], tr. : (nav.) class the crew. amateur* [L. -tor (amare, love)], m.: lover (of a thing or fperson) ; amateur, virtuoso. amâtinerº [à, mâtin], tr. : cross with a mastiff. - - amatir* [à, matir], tr. : render tarnished or dull; deaden (gold). amau-roseº [Gr. -rosis, darkening], f : amaurosis. -rotique, adj. : amaurotic. amazone [L. -zon], f. : amazon (myth.) ; riding woman ; riding-habit. ambages*[L. ambi, around, agere, drive], f. pl. : = (idle circumlocution, quibble). ambassa-de* [l. L. ambaciare (L. am- bactus, vassal, fr. OHG. ambaht, public servant), go on a mission], f. : embassy ; ambassade; ambassador's house; message. -deurº, m. : ambassador; envoy, messen- ger. -drieeº [-deur], f.: ambassadress ; messenger. am be" [It.-L. -bo, both], m. : combination of two numbers (in lottery or game). ambEsas* [OFr. ambes, two, as], m.: ambs-ace, two aces. MOOR, fasten a ship, seize, am biº [Gr. ámbe, spatula], m.: = (in- strument used in luxations of the hu- merus). ambiantº [L.-biens (amb-ire,go around)], adj. : ambient, surrounding. ambidextreº [-ter (ambo, both, dexter, right), adj. : ambidextrous, m. : ambi- dexter. ambi-gu*, =uè [L. -guus (amb-igere, | wander about)], adj. : ambiguous (equivo- cal) ; m. : ambiguity ; ambigu (cold colla- tion); mixed play or game. -guïté*, f : ambiguity. -gumentº, adv. : ambi- guously. ambi-tieusementº [-tieux], adv. : am- bitiously. |-tieux*, =euse [L. -tiosus (amb-ire, " go about' in search of office)], adj. : ambitious (fintriguing to push one's self) ; dazzling ; moun : ambitious person. -tion* [L. -tio], f : = (fintrigue to push one's self). -tionnerº [-tion], tr. : ambition, seek with ambition, desire eagerly. - am-bleº, m.: amble, pace. ll-bler° [L. 21 -buläre, walk], intr. : amble, pace. -bleur, =euse, adj. : ambling; m. : ambler. amblyopie [Gr. -opía (amblûs, blunt, ôps, eye)], f : amplyopy. amené ambonv" [Gr. ámbon, briml, m. : ambo, pulpit. - am-bre* [Ar.], m.: amber : - gris, ambergris ; fin comme l'-, shrewd. -bréº [-brer], adj. : amber-coloured ; amber-scented. -brerº, tr. : perfume with amber. -brette*, f. : amber-seed. fam-broise, =bro(i)sie* [L. -brosia | (Gr. a-, not, brotôs, mortal), the *immortal- ising' food of the gods], f. : ambrosia. I.-brosien º, =enne, adj. : ambrosial. 2.aſm brosien, =enne [L. -sianus], adj. : Ambrosian (pertaining to St. Ambrosius). ambu-lanee" [-lant]; f : (field- hospital) ; ambulatory state ; office of an ambulating collector. -laſneierº, -laneière [-lance], m., f. : person em- ployed in an ambulance. |-lantº [L. -lans (-lare, go about)], adj. : ambulant (ambulatory, itinerant, strolling ; shifting). -latoire [L. -latorius], adj. : ambulatory, changeable. âme° [L. anima], f : soul, spirit, mind ; vital or essential part of a thing ; hence inner part of a thing : core, pith, central thread, axis, moulding-block, sound-post (of a violin), air-valve, bore (of a gun) : - bien mée, well-constituted mind ; — damnée, condemned soul; (mere) tool; égalité d'-, equanimity; rendre l'-, give up the ghost ; à l'-, -souled. famé [OFr. amer = aimer], adj. : well- beloved. - amélio-ration*, f : amelioration, im- provement. |-ren°º, f-rir [à, meilleur, assim. to L. melior, " better'], tr. : better (a)meliorate, improve. -rissementº, m. : amelioration. amen # [Hebr., * certainly'], interj. or 77l. . -. amena-geº [-ner], m.: transport. aména-gement, m. : management ; forest-management. il-gerº [à, ména- ger], tr. : arrange for usage, regulate ; regulate the management of (a forest). amen-dableº, adj. : =, improvable ; compensatory. amen-de, f. : ransom, penalty, fine, forfeit : mettre à l'-, fine ; faire — honorable, make due apology. -dement*, , m. : = ; fimprovement (in health). |-der° [L. emendäre (e, from, menda, fault), correct], tr., fintr. : amend, improve; refl. : amend, grow better; re- form. amèneº [L. -mœnus (amare, love), pleas- ant], adj. : pleasant, agreeable (of nature). ame-né, part. : brought, etc. ; m. : bring- ing; (anc.law) secret summoning. -née*, 22 ·f. : bringing or conveying (esp. of water) : canal d'-, supply-canal. |-nerº [à, mener], tr. : to come, bring (in, on, about, around) ; lead; induce ; (nav.) haul down, AMAIN ; throw (of dice) : - à bon part, bring to a good issue ; être -mé de bien loin, be far-fetched. aménité* [-mœnitas (cf. -mène)], f. : amenity, pleasantness. s - aménorrhée* [Gr. a-, not, mén, month, hreîn, flow], f. : amenorrhœa. amenta eé" [L. -tum, thong], adj. : (bot.) amentaceous ; f : such plant. amenui-sement*, m.: thinning, thinness. |-ser* [à, menuiser], tr. : thin, reduce. a-mer°, =ère [L. -märus], adj. : bitter ; briny; m. : bitterness; gall; pl. (med.) bitters. -mèrementº, adj. : bitterly. améri-cain, -caine, adj. or m., f. : American. Améri-que, f. : America. amers" [? for amerc-s, MARKS], m. pl. : sea-marks, land-marks. Also pl. of amer. amertume° [p. L. famaritilmina (L. amaritildo, bitterness)], f. : bitterness ; grief : - de la bière, yeast-bitter. améthys-teº [L. -tus], f. : amethyst. tiºn, adj. : amothystino. amétro-peº [Gr. a-, not, métron, measure, ôps, eye], adj. : ametropic. -pie*, f. : ametropia. · ameu-blEmentº [-bler], m. : furniture. f-blen°º [à, meuble], tr. : furnish (= meu- bler)]. |-blirº [à, meuble], tr. : (agr.) mellow or make lighter; (jur.) convert into personal property. -blissementº [-blir], m.: (agr.) mellowing ; (leg.) conversion into personal property. fameulonnerº [à, meulon], tr. : (dial.) stack (hay). ameu-tementº, m. : (hunt.) forming a pack, |-terº [à, meute], tr. : join (hounds) to a pack, train to hunt together ; fjoin, or combine ; gather (persons) to- gether (against), form into riotous crowds ; s'-, gather in a riotous crowd or mob, riot. a-mi°, -mie° [L. -micus, -mica], m., f or adj. : friend ; friendly; bonne —, sweet- heart ; m'amie (old for mon amie; also, by misunderstanding, ma mie), my love, my duck. -miable° [L. -micābilis], adj. : f= ; amicable, friendly; salutary : à l'-, in a friendly way, amicably ; (of sales) private. -miablEment* [-miable], adv. : amiably. . - - - · amianteº [Gr. -tos (a-, not, miaînein, corrupt)], m. : amianthus. - amica-lº [L. -lis], adj. : amiable, friendly. -Iement", adv. : amicably. amict* [l. L. -tus, cloak], m.: AMICE. ami-don * [L. amylum], m. : starch ; (chem.) fecula. -donnageº [-donner], A» © As aInénité amollir m.: starching. -donnerº, tr. : starch. -donnierº, m.: starch-maker. - amignarderº [à, mignard], tr. : make delicate or dainty. amignotter* [à, OFr. mignot = mignon], tr. : make delicate or dainty. • • amin-eirº [à, mince], tr. : render thin, thin, lessen ; refl. : grow thin. -eisse- mentº, m.: thinning; thinness. • ami-ralº [Ar. amir, chief], m.: fchief ; admiral (person, ship, or shell); adj. : admiral('s). -rale, f. : admiral's wife. -rautéº, f : fadmiralship; admiralty (department or court of naval affairs). · amis-sibilitéº [-sible], f : amissibility. -sible", adj. : amissible. -sion * [L. -Sio (a-mittere, loose)], f. : omission, loss. amitié°[p.L. amicitas (L. amicus, friend)], f. : friendship (AMITY, affection) ; expres- sion of friendship or regard (pl. regards), kindness : prendre en -, take a liking to ; ſaites-lui mes -s, remember me kindly to him ; mil -s, best Wishes, my regards. am-manº [Ger. Amt-mann, man of office], m. : chief of a (Swiss) canton. -meistre* [Ger. Amt-meister, MASTER of an office], m * (German) alderman. ammiº [Gr.], m. bishop's-wort. am-monº [Gr. Ammon, name of Ju- piter with the ram's horn], m. : ammonite (as resembling a horn). -monéen*, =enne, adj. : amoniferous. -moniae*, =aque [L. -moniacus], adj. : of the tem- · ple of Jupiter Ammon ; amoniac (cf. -niaque below). -moniacal" [-moniac], adj. : ammoniac(al). -moniaque" [-moniac], f : ammonia (the salt first pro- duced near the temple of Jupiter Ammon). -moniteº, f : amonite (cf. -mon). -moniumº, m. : amonium (cf. -moni- aque). \. amnésie* [Gr. -nesia (a, not, mna-, re- member], f : amnesia (forgetfulness). am-niosº [Gr. -neiôs], m. : (anat.) =. -niotiqueº, adj. : amniotic. amnis-tieº [Gr. -nestia (a-, not, mnâ- sthai, remember), forgetting, pardon], f.: amnesty (general pardon). -tier, tr. : amnesty ; -tié, =ée, part., m., f. : person pardoned by amnesty. amo-diataire", m. : renter of land, lessee, farmer. -diateurº, m. : renter (who lets out on lease). -diation*, f : leasing. |-dier* [l. L. ad-modiare (mo- dius, bushel)], tr. : farm out or lease (la,:d for a payment in kind), rent out (land). amoin-drir° [p. L. ad-minorire (L. mi- nor, less)], tr. lessen diMINish; intr., refl. : grow smaller or less. -drissement*, m.: lessening, diminution, decrease. amol-lir* [à, mol = mou], tr. : soften, MOLLify ; Weaken, effeminate; refl.: #l) ( 101001® grow tender or weak ; grow effeminate. -lissantº, adj. : softening, effeminating. -lissementº, m. : softening; weakening ; enervation. amçmeº [L. -mum], m.: (bot.) amomum. amoneelerº [à, monceau], tr. : heap up. -eellementº, m.: heaping up, accumu- lation. amontº [à, mont], adv. : fupwards; up the stream (or river); m. : higher or upper part : mettre l'oiseau -, send the bird flying; vent d'-, land wind ; en -, up the river; en - de, above. amor-ee* [OFr. a-mordre, bite at], f. : · (what causes to bite, hence) bait, decoy ; allurement, attraction ; bribe ; (what com- municates the fire to gunpowder, or kindles · it, hence) priming, tinder; flint, percus- sion-cap ;- first portion of a road (to be built), beginning : sans brûler une -, without firing a shot. -eerº, tr. : bait (decoy, · allure) ; prime (firearms), cap ; prepare, (sculpt.) boast; open up (a road). -çoirº [-cer], m. : boasting tool. amorphe* [Gr. -phos (a-, not, morphé, form)], adj. amorphous, formless. amor-tir* [à, mort], tr. : deaden, grad- ually extinguish, lessen ; hence allay, weaken, moderate, break (a fall), slacken (speed), lay (dust); pay off (gradually) ; sink; redeem (land, etc.) ; (paint.) flatten ; bruise (flesh) ; slack (lime) ; #amortise ; refl. : be deadened, etc. -tissable*, adj. : payable by instalments, redeemable. -tissement*, m.: deadening, slacken- ing; diminution ; us'ly gradual , paying off | or liquidation, sinking, redemption ; amortisement ; tapering point of a build- ing, finishing; pediment or cavetto ( deadening the violence of the rain). amoulerº [à, OFr. mole = meule], tr. : grind, sharpen. amou-r° [L. amor], m. (f): love (feel- ing, or object loved), passion ; delight ; heat (of animals) ; Amor or Cupid ; pl. f. : loves ; (feelings of) love or delight ; amours ; Loves, Graces : pour l'- de | Dieu, for God's sake ; ses premières -s, his first love. -raeherº [It. amorac- ciare (-raccio, improper love)], tr. : make fall in love, make enamoured (used depreciatively); refl. : fall in love, be smitten. f-reauº, m. : little love. -rette º, f : flighty love or inclination, amour, love-affair; object of a flighty love ; pleasing thing ; (bot.) = ; marrow (used as a delicacy) : - des près, (bot.) lychid ; - mousse, saxifrage. -reuse- ment* [-reux], adv.: amorously, lovingly. -reux°, =euse [p. L. amorö- sus], adj. : loving, in love, enamoured ; impassioned; m., f. : lover; sweetheart ; ampoule 23 admirer; spark. -r-propreº, m.: self- love; over-esteem of one's self. amo-vibilité", f. : removability, re- vocableness. -vibleº [L. a-movere, re- move], adj. : liable to transfer, removable. amphi- [Gr. (directly or through L.) of both kinds, around]: -bieº [Gr. -bios (bios, life)], adj. : amphibious ; of mixed nature; m. : amphibian; jack of all trades. -boleº [G. -bolos (bállein, throw), doubt- ful], f = -bologie* [L. -bologia (cf. -bole)], f : amphibology. -bologique * [-bologie], adj.: amphibological. -braque" [Gr. -brachus (brachüs, short)], m. : amphibrach (- - -). -etyonº [Gr. -ktûon (? -ktiones, dwellers)], m. (us'ly pl.) : Amphiktyon(s). -ctyonideº [Gr. -ktuenís], adj., f. : Amphictyonic. -etyonieº [Gr. -ktuonîa], f.: amphicty- ony. -ctyonique* [Gr. ktuonikás], adj. : amphictyonic. -gouri" [? Gr. gûros, circle], m.: amphigory, nonsense poem or speech, rigmarole. -gourique" [-gouri], adj. : amphigoric, absurd. -macre" [Gr. -makros (makrôs, long)], m.: amphimacer (---). -sciens [Gr. | -skios (skiá, shadow)], m. pl. : amphiscii. -théâtreº [Gr. -théatron (cf. théâtre)], m.: amphitheater; first gallery ; dissect- ing-room. -triteº [Gr. -trite], f. : Amphitrite, goddess of the sea ; sea. -tryon [Gr. trûon], m. : Amphitryon (Theban king; or person in a comedy by Molière) ; host, master of the feast. am-phoreº [L. -ra (Gr. amphâ, on both sides, phoreûs, bearer), two-handled jar], f : amphora. -phoriqueº, adj. : (med.) amphoric. am-ple° [L. amplus, full all around], adj. : ample (large, spacious). -plE- ment*, adv. : amply. -pleur", f : ampleness, amplitude, largeness. -plia- tif*, f. =ive [L. -pliare], adj. : am- plifying, additional. -pliation* [L. -pliatio], f. : amplification ; (old law) completion ; duplicate or official copy. -plier* [L. -pliare], tr. : fmake ample ; (old law) prolong, postpone. -plifiantº [-plifier], adj. : amplifying, enlarging. -plificateurº [L. -plificator (cf. -plifier)], m. : amplifier. -plification* [L. -plificatio (cf. -plifier)], f. : =. -pli- fien°* [L. -plificare (-plus, full, facere, make)], tr. : amplify, enlarge ; expatiate upon. -plissime* [L. -plissimus (superl.)], adj. : most considerable, most excellent (old title of the rector of the University of Paris). -plitude* [L. -plitudo], f. : = (fulness, richness). ampou-le° [L. ampulla (?)], f : ampulla (swelling jar), vial ; #water-bubble ; blister; (biol.) ampulla (membraneous 24 amputation bag); (bot.) bladder. -léº [OFr. -ler , (-le), swell out], adj. : fswelling; in- , flated (bombastic, turgid) ; (metal.) blistered. -lette*, f. : f(nav.) little #º (mil.) fuze-tube (of a shell, , etc.). , ampu-tation* [L. -tatio], f : =. -téº, -tée, m., f. : cripple (from amputation). |-terº [L. -tare (am- = ambi, around, putare, prune)], , tr. : amputate ; cripple , (by surgery). - º amuletteº [L. -letum (Ar.)], f. : amulet. amu-reº [?], f : tack of a sail : grand -, main tack. -rerº, tr. : haul aboard the tack of (a sail). - amu-sableº, adj. : =. -sant, adj. : · amusing. -sement*, m.: =; entertain- ment, sport; trifling, flirtation. |-serº [à, muser], tr. : amuse (entertain, divert) ; put off with fair words, detain with trifles ; trifle with, deceive ; refl. : amuse one's self, etc. ; sport, trifle ; trifle away the time, delay : - le tapis, talk the time away ; s'- bien, amuse one's self well ; have good fun ; s'- à la mou- tarde, stand trifling. -sette º, f.: little amusement, fun, trifling. -seurº, m. : amuser. -soirº, f.: amusement ; tOy. . - . 1 » amygda-leº [L. -la (Gr.-le)], f. : (anat.) ALMOND (tonsil). -liteº, f. : inflammation of the tonsils. -loïde" [Gr.-loeidés],f. : amygdaloid, almond-like. - amy-laeéº, adj. : amylaceous. |-leº | [L. -lum, starch], m. : (chem.) amyl. | -lique*, adj. : amylic. - am° [L. annus], m. : year : le jour de l'-, New-Year's day; l'- bisextile, leap-year. I.ana [L. neut. pl. ending -ana], m.: =, sayings (cf. Engl. " Johnson-iana,' the sayings of J.). 2.ana [L. (Gr. aná, 'again, distributive- ly)], adv. : (pharm.) =, of each, aa. ana- [Gr. aná, up, back, again, likel : pref. · ana-baptisme* [ana-, again], m.: ana- baptism. -baptiste º, m.: anabaptist. anacar-de* [Gr. -dion (aná, kardía, heart)], m. : anacardium-nut, , cashew-nut. -dierº, m. : anacardium. anachorète* [Gr. -retés (aná, back, , chôros, , place)], m. : an(a)choret, an- , chorite. • 1 | anachromismeº [Gr. -môs (aná, back, · chrônos, time)], m. : anachronism. anacoluthe" [Gr. an- not, akôluthos, , following], m. : anacoluthon (want of grammatical sequence). · anacosteº [Arschot, a city in Holland], f. : anacostia, kind of serge. anacréontique" [L. -ticus (Anâcreon, the Greek poet)], adj. : Anacreontic. like, | anaphrodisiaque anaérobie* [Gr. an-, not, Fr. aérobie], adj. : anaérobitic (of microbes ºliving without air'). - anagaIlisº [Gr.], m. : red pimpernel. anaglypheº, -glypte [Gr. -phos (aná, up, glüphein, chisel), Wrought in relief], m. : anaglyph. 1 " < anagnosteº [Gr. -gnôstes, reader], m], ſ.: slave-reader (at a repast); freader. anago-gie* [Gr. -gogé (aná, up, ágein, lead), leâding upl, f.: anagoge, research of the mystic meaning in Holy Writ. -giqueº, adj. : anagogic(al). amiagram-matiserº, tr. : anagramma- tise. -matisteº, m. : anagrammatist. . ll-meº [Gr. -ma (aná, back, gráphein, Write)], f. : anagram. anagyre*, -gyris bean - trefoil. " anal* [L. anus, anus], adj. : =. analectes" [Gr. -ta (ana-légein, gather up)], m. pl. : analects, analecta. - analem-matique, adj. : of an ana- lemma. |-me [L.-Gr. -ma (ana-lambá- nein, take up), support, sun-dial], f. : ana- lemma. analeptiqueº [L. -cus (Gr. ana-lambá- nein, take up)], adj. : analeptic (restora- tive). º analgésie* [Gr. -gesia (an-, not, álgesis, sense of pain)], f : analgesia. analo-gie* [L.-Gr. -gia (Gr. aná, accord- ing to, lôgos, proportion)], f : analogy. [Gr. -guros], m. : | -gique* [L. -gicus], adj. : analogical, analogous. -giquement* [-gique], adv. : analogously. -gueº [L.-Gr. -gos], adj. : analogous. .. " ana-lyseº [L.-lysis (Gr.-lûein, un-loose, dissolve)], f. : analysis ; parsing : en der- nière -, after all is said, as a final up- shot. -1yser" [-lyse], tr. : analyse, dis- sect. -lyseurº [-lyser], m. analyser | (person, thing, or part of polariscope). -lyste [-lyser], m.: analyste. -1ytiqueº [L.-lyticus], adj. : analytical. -lytique- mentº [-lytique], adv. : analytically. anamorphose" [Gr. aná, again, morphé, form], f. : anamorphosis, distortion. ananasº [Brazil], m. : =; pineapple ; ſraise —, ananas-scented strawberry. anantheº [Gr. an-, not, ánthos, flower], adj. : ananthous, flowerless. ana-peste* [L. -pœstus (Gr. ana-paîein, strike back, invert), *inverted'dactyl], m. : anapest (- --). -pestique* [L. -pœs- ticus], adj. : anapestic. - anaphoreº [L. -ra (Gr. ana-phérein, carry back)], f : anaphora, repetition. anaphro-disiaque*[Gr.-phrodisiakôs], adj. : (med.) anaphrodisiac, blunting the venereal appetite. -disie* [Gr. -disia], f : anaphrodisia. |-dite* [Gr. -ditos anaplastie (an, not, Aphrodite, goddess of love)], adj. : lacking venereal appetite, impotent. anaplastie* [Gr. ana-plássein, re-form], f : (med.) anaplasty, restoration (of lost parts). anar-ehieº [Gr. -chîa (dn-, not, archôs, ruler)], f : anarchy. -ehiqueº, adj. : anarchial. -ehiste", m. : anarchist. anasarque* [Gr. aná, throughout, sârx, · flesh], f. : (med.) anasarca, dropsy of the skin. - anastom9-seº [Gr. -sis (stôma, mouth)], f. : (med.) anastomosis, inosculation of ves- sels or nerves. -ser", tr. : anastomose. anastrophe " [L. (Gr. aná, back, stré- phein, turn)], f. : =, inversion of words. ana-thématiserº [l. L. -thematizare], tr. : anathematise. -thématisme* [L. -thematismus], m. : anathematisation. | ll-thème* [L., Gr. -thema (Gr. ana-tithé- mai, set up a votive gift), devoted (to a curse), accursed], m. : anathema (religious ban or curse ; reprobation) ; anathema- tised person. anatifeº [abbr. of anatifère], m. : bar- nacle. fanatifèreº [L. anas, * duck,' ferre, "bear': the barnacle being popul. sup- posed to produce a kind of duck], adj. : conque -, barnacle. anato-mie* [L. -mia (Gr. ana-témnein, cut up)], f : anatomy (dissection) ; analy- sis (of a book) ; #skeleton : pièce d'-, dissected-body (or part of a body), plaster- cast (of a dissected part) ; #- sèche, skele- ton. -miqueº, adj. : anatomical; fanat- omist. -miquement" [-mique], adv.: anatomically. -miserº, tr. : anatomise, dissect ; analyse ; fdivide. -misteº, m.: anatomist. &* an eêtre° [L. ' ante-cessor, *fore-goer'], m. : paternal ANCESTOR ; pl. : ancestors, ancestry. r an-eheº [OHG. -cha, tibia, pipe], f : fpip or mouth-piece of a wind-instrument ; reed (of a mus. instrument) ; organ-pipe ; mil- ler's scuttle. -ehéº à, adj. : (her.) curved. - an ehiflure" [?],f. : worm-hole. an ehois* [Sp. -choa], m.: anchovy. an-eien°, =enne [p. L. fanteiānum (L. ante, before)], adj. : ancient (old, faged ; by-gone); older, senior; m. : ancient ; senior; elder; old codger : l'-, Old Nick ; · les -s d'une église, the elders. -eienne- ment*, adv,: anciently, formerly. -eien- neté*, f. : ancientness, antiquity; senior- ity ; fadvanced age : de toute —, from the earliest times, from time immemorial. an eile* [L.], m. : = (sacred shield, the palladium of Rome). ancolie* [l. L. aqui-legia, " water-collect- 25 ing’ (viz. with urn-like petals)],f. : colum- bine (flower). amconé" [l. L. -nœus (Gr. -kôn, elbow)], adj. : (anat.) anconal (pertaining to the elbow). - an-erage* [-crer], m.: anchorage; anchor- ground. lan-ere° [L. -cora],.f. : anchor (of ship, of a wall = brace ; of a watch ; or fig.): - de large, sea anchor ; maî- tresse -, sheet anchor; - de rechange, spare anchor; chasser sur les -, drag the anchors ; traverser l'-, fish the anchor; fatiguer à l'-, ride hard ; brider l'-, shoe the anchor. -créº, adj. : (her.) anchor-like. -erer° [p. L. -coräre], tr. : anchor, fix or brace. -crure" [crer], f : bracing (of a wall) ; crease (in cloth, made in shearing it). - anda bateº [L. -ta], m. : gladiator who fought blindfolded. andai19 tº [?], m. : (nav.) cringle, iron ring (in a sail, for the rope). andain * [root and, as in Ital. andare, go], m. : (OFr. stride) ; swath (mowed at each " stride'). andalou*, =louse [Sp. -luz], adj. or moun : Andalusian ; Spanish genet (horse). andan-te" [It., * going'], adv. or m.: (mus.) =, moderately slow. -tinoº, adv.: A, :,, ſil© andouille° [p. L. *inductile (in-dilcere, bring in)], f. : sausage (of intestines of swine, chitterlings) ; roll or twist (of to- bacco) : #vêtu comme une -, amply cov- ered. andouiller° [p. L. *antoculăris (L. ante, before, oculus, eye)], m. : ANTLER : pre- mier -, brow-antler ; second -, bez- antler. . • andouillette* [-lle], f : (of #) andrienne" [Andrienne], f. : long morn- ing-gown (used in playing Andrienne by Baron). andrinople*[Andrinopel, Turk. city],f. : ' red paint ; red cloth. andro- [Gr. andr(o)-, of anêr, man] : -oe eieº [Gr. oikia, house], f.: andrœ- cium, stamens of a flower (collectively). -gyneº [Gr. guné, woman], adj. : andro- gynous, being both male and female. -ideº [Gr. eîdos, form], m. : android, (ºman-formed') automaton. -Inède* [Gr. Androméda, wife of Perseus], f. : Andro- meda (constellation). -phoreº[Gr.phorôs, bearingl, m. : =, support of stamens. âne° [L. asinus], m. : ASS (donkey ; dunce) ; vice, jack : dos d'-, (arch.) shelving ridge; tête d'-, bull-head (fish) ; pas d'-, (bot.) colt's foot ; bit ; part of a sword-hilt (16th cent.) ; coq-à-l'-, cock-and-bull story ; pont aux -s, ass's bridge ; conte de peau Small sausage · 26 d'-, child's story ; herbe aux -s, sun- drop. anéan-tir* [à, néant], tr.: bring to naught, annihilate ; prostrate, dumfound ; refl. be annihilated, etc. -tissementº, m. : annihilation, destruction ; prostra- tion. anecdo-teº [Gr. -ta (an-, not, ék-dotos, given out), *unpublished things’ (title of a work of Procopius)], f. : = ; #adj. : anec- dotal. -tier º, m.: relater of anecdotes. -tique", adj. : anecdot(ic)al. ânée* [âne], f.: ass's load. ané-mie* [Gr. an-, not, haïma, blood], f.: anaemia (bloodlessness). -mierº, tr. : render anaemic ; refl. : become anae- · mic or ill supplied with blood. -mique*, adj. : anaemic. anémo- [Gr. ánemos, wind] : -mètre [Gr. métron, MEASure], m. : aneometer, wind gauge. -neº [L. -na], f : = (wind- fiower). -seopeº [Gr. skopeîn, view], f. : anemoscope, wind vane. ânerieº [-nier], f : gross ignorance or blunder. anéroïdeº [Gr. a-, not, nerôs, humid], adj. : aneroid, liquid-less (barometer). ânesse* [âne], f : sho aUG. anesthé-sie* [Gr. anaisthesia (a-, not, aisthesis, feeling)], f. : anaesthesia, loss of sensation. -sierº, tr. : anaestetise. -tiqueº, adj. : anaesthetic. aneth* [L. -thum], m.: dill. anévris-malº, adj. : aneurismal. ll-meº [L. aneurysma (Gr. aná, up, eurûs, wide)], m.: aneurism (sort of tumor)]. anfrae-tueux º, =euse [L. -tus (fran- gere, break), fractured], adj. : anfractu- ous (winding). -tuositéº, f.: anfractu- osity (sinuosity). anga-rieº [It.-Lat. -ria (Gr. -ros, royal courier), villenage], f : compulsory service, statute-labor; forced renting of ships (in war). -rier* [It. -riare], tr. : torment, vex. an-ge° [L.-gelus (Gr.-gelos, messenger)], m. : angel; angel-fish; angel-shot ; chain- shot : être aux -s, be in a transport of joy ; rire aux -s, be in a laughing fit. -gélique*[L.-gelicus], adj. : angelic(al); jf : angelica (plant), lung-wort ; sort of lute : Salutation -, angelic salutation (to º Mary that she was to bear Christ). -géliquement* [-gélique], adv. : angel- ically. -géliserº [L. -gelisare], tr. : angelise, render angelic. -gelotº, m.: A» © anéantir flittle angel ; = (coin with the image | of St. Michael ; sort of Norman cheese stamped like the coin). -gélusº [L. -gelus, word beginning the prayer], m. : angelus (morning, noon, prayer in memory of the angel's saluta- and evening | anguillade tion to Mary ; bell, sounding for this prayer). tanger = enger. angi-neº[L.-na(angere, strangle)],f : an- gina (strangulating; throat-trouble; inflam- matión). -neuacº, =euse, adj. : anginous. angio- [Gr. angeîon, vessel]: -graphie* [Gr. gráfein, write], f : angiography. -logie" [Gr. logôs, discourse], f. : angiol- ogy. -spermeº [Gr. sperma, seed], adj.: angiospermous. anglai-sº, -se [Angle, =], adj. : Eng- lish; m., f. : Englishman ; English woman ; (m.) English language ; (f) sort of dance ; silk lace; (pl.f) long curls. -serº, tr. : dock a horse's tail. an-gle° [L. -gulus], m.: =, corner : à - droit, rectangular. -glé", adj. : angu- lar. -gler*, tr. : form into angles. -gletº, m. : flittle angle ; (arch.) angu- lar indenture between bossages, channel. AnglEterre [Angle, Angle, terre], f.: England ; a-, English worsted ; sort of lace. angleux*, =euse [-gle], adj. : fangular; having the seeds or kernels imbedded in angular cavities : noix -se, butternut, walnut hard to pick out. . an-glicanº LEng.], adj. : Anglican. -glicanismeº, m.: Anglicanism. -gli- eisme", m.: Anglicism. -glomane" [-manie], adj. or m. : affected with Anglo- mania ; Anglomaniac. angois-se° [L. angustia (ang-ere, con- tract), narrowness, distress], f. : ANGUISH (pang; affliction): poire d'-, choke-pear; gag; avaler des poires d'-, go through trials or harsh treatment. f-ser, tr. : an- guish, distress deeply. -seux*, =euse, adj. : heart-rending, distressing; fdis- tressed. - angon* [L.], m. : (Frankish) javelin ; shell-fish hook. angoraº [A., city in Asia Minor], adj. : (invar.) or m. : = (cat or goat). fanguishure = enguichure. an-guilladeº, f. : whip (of eel-skin) ; stroke with a twisted handkerchief or a lash. |-guille° [L.-guilla (angere, con- tract)], f.: eel; eel-like thing; rollers (in launching a ship), launching-Ways; gun- slide (art.); bulging (in cloth) ; fly the garter (game). - de mer, conger-eel ; — des haies, adder ; - plat-bec, grig ; nœud d'—, slip-knot ; écorcher l'- par la queue, begin a thing at the wrong end ; il y a - sous roche, there is a Snake in the grass ; être comme l'- de Melun, cry out before being hurt (a certain Anguille of Melun, acting St. Bartholomew, crying out on seeing the executioner). -guil- lière º, f.: eel-pond. -guillule*, f : eel-like microscopic worms. angulaire angu-laireº [L. -laris (-lus, angle)], adj. : angular; being at a corner, corner- : dent -, canine tooth ; nerf —, nerve of the corner of the eye ; pierre -, corner- stone. -leux º, =euse [L. -losus], adj. : terminating in an angle, peaked ; angular ; rough. angus-tie* [L. -tia (angere, compress), narrowness], f. : (med.) tightness, con- traction; fstraits; difficulty. - tiéº, adj. : very narrow (of a road). anhé-lationº [L. -latio], f : anhelation. |-ler [L. -lare, pant], intr., tr. : breathe rapidly, pant; blow at. -leux º, =euse, adj. : anhelous, panting. · anhydreº [L. an-, not, hudor, water] ; adj. : (chem.) anhydrous. anicroeheº [hani? croche = croc], f. : slight impediment, hitch. ânier°, =nière [L. asinarius], m. : driver; fadj. : asinine, stupid. ani-lº [Ar.], m.: =,indigo plant. -lineº, jf. : aniline. 3.SS- anille° [? L. anaticula, little duck], f : crutch ; prop (of a wall) ; crampin-iron ; mill-rend ; (her.) cross anchored ; tendril. ani-m . .. [L. -ma, -mus, soul, spirit] : -madversion* [L.-sio (ad-vertere, turn to)], f. : =, reproof, censure. I.-malº [L. -mal], m.: =, beast, brute. 2.-malº [L. -malis], adj. : = ; carnal : règne -, animal kingdom. -maleuleº [-mal], m.: -malierº -lyé [-mal], m. : painter or sculptor of animals. -malité* [L. -malitus (-mal)], f : animality. -ma- tionº [L. -matio],f. : =. -meIleº [It. -mella (L. -mal)], f (esp. in pl.) : (cook.) delicate parts of an animal (lamb's-fry, kidneys, etc.). -merº [L. -mare], tr. : animate; (enliven; force to; excite ; heighten) ; refl. : become animated, etc., cheer up; take fire, be angry. -mismeº, m.: animism. -misteº [-misme], adj. : animistic; m.,f. : animist. -mosité* [L. , -mositas], f. : animosity. Y ani-s* [L. -sum], m.: anise ; aniseed. -- de Verdun, candied aniseed. -serº, tr. : perfume with anis. -sette", f : =, anise liquor. anisotropeº[Gr.ân-isos,unequal, tropés, turning], adj. : (phys.) =, anisotropic. anky-19se" [Gr.-kûlosis (-kûlos, bent)], jf. : (med.) ancholysis (formation of a stiff joint). -loserº, tr. : anchylose. an-nal* [L.-nalis (-nus, year)], adj. : of a year's duration, for a year. -nalesº [L.-malesl,f.: annals. -naliste* [-nales], m. : annalist. -mate* [l. L.-nata, a year's incomel, f. : annats (payment to the pope of the first. year's income of a spiritual preferment) ; preferment tax (paid to bishops, etc., for a benefice) ; first-fruits. 27 anneau° [L. -nellus (dim. of anus, ring)], m. : ring; link; ringlet; ANULUS; in many technical expressions, as: - à vis, screw- hoop ; - d'écoutille, ring-bolt ; — d'es- sieux, linch-loop ; - de licou, halter ring, collar; - de pivot, socket-ring, etc. année° [p. L. -näía [L. -nus, year)], f : year (esp. as qualified with regard to its nature, or implying something performed ; twelvemonth) : — bisextile, leap-year ; — scolaire, school-year; ses belles -s, his prime of life ; perdre une -, lose a year (of work, or income). • an-neléº, adj. : annulated, ring-streaked; in ringlets; m. : annulate (pl. -ta). |-ne1er º [-nel, old form of -neau], tr. : arranged in rings or ringlets, curl. -melet* [-nel], m.: small ring, ringlet ; (arch.) annulet (moulding or fillet around a column). -nélidesº [-nel], m. pl. : (zool.) annelida, ring-formed articulata. -nelureº, f : curling into rings ; ring- formation. an-nexe* [L. -nexus (-nectere, tie to)], j.: annex (appendage ; parochial chapel) ; (of deeds) rider. -nexer*, tr. : annex, annulable append. -nexion* [L. nexio], f : an- nexation. annihi-lation* [L. -latio], f : = | |-lerº [L. -lare, (nihil, nought), tr. : annihilate. anniversaire* [L. -sarius (annus, year, vertere, turn)], adj. or m. : anniversary. annongireº [L. -narius], adj. : (Rom.) relating to (the price or produce of) pro- visions. - - an-n9neeº, f : announcement; advertise- ment : faiseur d'-s, puffer; faites vos -s, send in your name. |-none en° [L. an- nuntiare (nuntius, messenger), report], tr. : announce (make known, tell, advertise, publish ; forebode) ; s'-: proclaim or present one's self. -norveeurº, m. : announcer; actor who gives out the next play. -noneiadeº [It. -nunziatal, f. : name of various orders instituted in honour of the Annunciation. -non eiation* [L. -nuntiatio], f. : fannouncement ; Annun- ciation (to the Virgin Mary); Lady day. anno-tateurº, m. : annotator. -ta- tionº [L. -tatio], f.: =, (old leg.) in- ventory of seized goodg. |-ter* {L. -tare (nota, mark)], tr.: annotate ; (old leg.) make an inventory of (attached goods). - annu-aire" [L. annus, year], m. : an- nuary, yearbook. -elº, =elle [L. - alis], adj. : annual ; m. : annual (daily mass for a deceased person during one year). -elle- mentº [-el], adv. : annually. -ité* [L. -itas], f. : annuity. annulableº [-ler], adj. : =. 28 annulaire* [L.-larius (-lus, ring)], adj. : annulary : le doigt -, the ring-finger. annulaire annulatifº, =ive, adj. : annulling, cancelling. -lation*, f : annulment, cancelling. |-ler* [L. -lare (nullus, nothing)l, tr. : annul, cancel; ( fam.) quash. ano-blirº [à, noble], tr. : ennoble (raise to the rank of nobility ; less qften elevate in quality, us'ly ennoblir). -bli, part. : ennobled ; m. : newly created nobleman. -blissementº, m. : ennoblement. ano-din* [L.-dynon (Gr. an-, not, odûne, pain)], adj. : anodyne, soothing ; m. : ano- dyne. -dinementº, adv. : soothingly. anodonte* [Gr. an-, not, odoûs (stem, -dont), TOOTH], m.: anodon (fresh-water bivalve). < ano-mal* [l. L. -malus (Gr. a-nômos, law-less)], adj. : anomalous, irregular. -malieº [L. -malia], f. : anomaly, irreg- ularity. -malistique" [-malia], adj. : (astr.) anomalistic(al). -mie" [L. -mia], f. : anomia (genus of bivalve shelves). â-nonº a- [âne], m. : ass's foal, young ass ; little fool. ner], m.: stuttering, stammering. -non- nerº, intr. : stutter, stammer; ffoal (of the ass). ano-nymatº, m. : anonymousness. |-nymeº [Gr. an-ônumos, unnamed], adj. : anonymous, nameless ; joint stock ; 77b. , -. anor-die",f. : (nav.) north-wind. |-dir" [à, nord], intr. : (nav.)blow fromthe NORTh. anormal* [cf. mal], adj. : abnormal. fanouart = hanouart. anoure* [Gr. an-, not, ourá, tail], adj. : anurous, tailless. . » 1.fan-se* [L. -sa, handlel, f : curbed handle (as of a cup, pot, basket, etc.) ; handle-like object : cove, bay, creek : - de panier, basket-handle ; (arch.) surbased arch ; — du panier, servant's profits ; - d vis, screw-handle ; eye-bolt ; faire le panier à deux -s, have a woman on each arm ; faire danser l'- du panier, gain in marketing ; profits de l'- du panier, (cook's) profits in marketing. -séº, adj. : ansated, provided with a handle. 2.anse, anséatique = hanse, hanséa- tique. ansérinº [L. -rinus (anser, goose)], adj. : anserine ; f : all-good (plant). an-sette* [-se], f. : small handle ; clasp for decorations) ; (nav.) cringle. -sière " [-se], f : net for bay-fishing. anspectº [Engl. handspike], m.: hand- spike. . ,. anspessadeº [It. lancia-spezzata, * lance-break'], m. : (old) lancepesade (cor- poral's assistant, lance corporal). antago-nisme" [Gr. -misma (anti, # -nonnementº [-mon- anthropocaie against, agôn, contest)], m. : antagonism, -nisteº [L. -nista], m. : antagonist. fantan* [O.Fr. ant (L. -te), before, an], adj. : of last year. - antanaclase" [Gr. -sis (anti, back, aná- klasis, bending)], f. : (rhet.) antanaclasis, repetition (of a word) in a different sense. antanaireº [-tan], adj. : (falc.) having feathers from a preceding year. antarctique* [L. -ticus (Gr. anti, against, árktos, bear)], adj. : antarctic. I.ante º [L. -ta], f. : (arch.) anta (pillar in relief) ; (mil.) wind-arm. 2.ante º [cf. hante], f. : handle. anté- [L. ante, before, against] : pref. anté-eédemmentº -dam-, adv. : ante- cedently. -eéden eeº, f : antecedence. |- eédentº [L. -cedens (ante-cedere, go before)], adj. : antecedent, foregoing ; m. : antecedent (term, word, etc., previous life). -eesseurº [L. -cessor], m. : (ancient) title of a professor of law. antéchristº -kri or (pop.) -krist [L. -tus], m. : antechrist. anté eiens* [Gr. anti, against, oikeîn, dwell], m. pl. : antœcians. antédiluvien", =enne [L. ante, be- fore, diluvium, DELUge], adj. : antedilu- V13,Il, antéfixeº [L. -xa], f. : (arch.) antefix, frieze-ornament. anten-ne* [L. -nna, sail-yard], f : la- teen sail-yard ; antenna (horn, feeler of insects). -nule", f : small antenna. antEnois* [-tan], adj. or m. : of a preced- ing year, one year old (esp. of lambs and poultry). - . anté-nuptialº [nuptiœ], adj. : ante- nuptial. antépénultièmeº [penultième], adj. or f. : antepenult, third from last. anté-rieurº [L. -rior (ante, before)], adj. : anterior (prior, former, frontal). -rieurementº, adv. : anteriorly, previ- ously. -riorité º, f.: anteriority. - anthémisº [L.], f. : anthemis (plant). anthèreº [L. -thera (Gr. ánthos, flower)], · f. : anther, pollen-head. · anthologie" [Gr. -gia (ánthos, flower, -logos, gāthering, discourse)l, f. : anthol- ogy (collection of poems; or ftreatise on flowers). an-thraeène*, f. : anthracene, solid hydrocarbon. -thraeiteº, m. : anthra- cite. |-thraxº [Gr. -thrax, coal; dark carbuncle], m. : = (carbuncle). anthrène" [Gr. -thréne, hornet], f. : anthrenus, Small beetle. anthropo- [Gr. ánthropos, man]: -caie" -käy [Gr. kaâein, burn], adj. : man-burning. paint-brush or Gr. anti, anthyllis -ïde !º [Gr. eîdos, form], adj. : anthropoid, man-like. -logie* [Gr. lôgos, discourse], f : anthropology. -logique* [-logiel, adj. : anthropologic(al). ' -mètre* [Gr. métron, measure], f. : anthropometry. -morphisme" [Gr. morphé, form], m. : anthropomorphism. -morphite, m. : =. -phage* [Gr. fageîn, eatl, adj. : an- thropophagic; m. : -phagite, cannibal. -phagieº [-phage], f : anthropophagy, cannibalism. anthyllisº, -Ilide [Gr. -thullis], f : kid- ney-vetch (plant). anti- [Gr. anti, 'against'; or L. ante, "be- fore'], pref. - anti- (in comp., cf. each member) : - pºp#º# adj. : anti-apopleptic. -ehambreº [aft. It. anti-camera], f : antechamber, anteroom. -chrèse" [Gr. chrêsis, use], f. : pledge to pay a revenue to the creditor. -ehrétienº, =enne, adj. or m., f.: antichristian. -chris- tianisme º, m. : antichristianism. -ei- pantº [-ciper], adj. : anticipating ;fièvre —e, intermittent fever returning before time. -eipation* [L. -cipātio (cf. -ciper)], f. : = ; encroachment ; fante- date. -eiper * [L. -cipare (ante, before, capere, take)], tr., intr. : anticipate; fore- stall ; encroach : — sur ses revenues, spend one's income beforehand. -con- stitutionnelº, =IIe, adj. : anticonstitu- tional. -dartreux*, =euse, adj. : anti- herpetic. -dateº [-dater], f. : antedate. -daterº, tr. : antedate. -dote* [L. -dotum (Gr. dotôs, given)], m. : -doterº [-dote], tr. : antidote. -enne° -tyen' [p. L. *ante-phona (Gr. phoné sound, song)] f. : ANTHEM (fhymn sung by one- half choir answering the other; us'ly verse sung before a psalm and repeated after it) : imposer l-, sing in a low tone its first notes to the priest (who then sings it out). -fébrile º, adj. : ^ntifebrile. -laiteux*, =euse, adj. : ANTIgaLACTIC. -logieº [Gr. -logia (lógos, word)], f. : antilogy, contradiction. antilope" [Eng. -telope (Gr. -thólops)], ·f. : antelope, gazelle. anti-moine* [L. -monium (Gr. ?)], m. : antimony. -monialº, adj. or m. : =. -moniéº, adj. : antimoniated. anti- (in comp., cf. each member) : nomieº [Gr. -mîa (nómos, law)], f.: antinomy, opposition of one law to an- other, incompatibility. -papeº [L. papa, pope], m. : antipope. -patheº [Gr. -thes (páthos, affection)], adj. : antipathetic, opposed in sentiment ; m. : reverse (in sentiment). -pathieº [Gr. -pátheia páthos, affection)], f. : antipathy. -pa- thiqueº [-pathie], adj. : antipathetic(al), - #ll 11l 1©l * | 29 repugnant. -patriotique", adj. : an- tipatriotic. -péristaltique", adj. : , antiperistaltic. -péristaseº [Gr. -sis (peri-istánai, stand around)], f. : antiper- istasis, reaction roused by opposition. -pestilentiel",=Ile, adj. : antipestilen- tial. -phernal* [Gr. pherné, (phérein, bear), dowry], adj. : apportioned by mar- riage (to the wife). -philosophique*, adj. : antiphilosophical. -phlogis- tiqueº, adj. : antiphlogistic. -pho- naire*,-phonier [l.L.-phonarium (Gr. phoné, sound)], m.: antiphonary, book of antiphons. -phraseº, f : antiphrasis.. -pode* [Gr. -podes, pl. of -pous (poûs, FOOT)], m. : -politiqueº, adj. : antipolitical. -psorique* [-psore], adj. : · antipsoric, itch-curing. -putride", adj. : antiseptic. -purineº [Gr. pûr, FIRE, fever], f : =. anti-quaille* [It. -caglia], f,: fantiq- uity (old relic); old-fashioned thing, old rubbish. -quaireº,-kér[L.-quarius], m. : antiquary. |-que* [L. -quus (ante, be- fore), old], adj. : à l'-, after the old fashion. -quitéº [-quitas], f : antiqui- ty : de toute -, from the remotest times. anti- (in comp., cf. each member) : -re- ligieux º, =euse, adj. : antireligious. -sciensº [Gr. skiá, SHADE], m. pl. : an- tiscians, men on different sides of thé equator ( whose shadows fall in opposite directions'). #ºº#que# adj. : antiscorbutic. -septique*, adj. : anti- septic. -soeial", adj. : =. -sopo- reux", =euse [L. sopor, sleep], adj. : preventing sleep. -spasmodique", adj. : antispasmodic. -stropheº,f : -syphilitique*, adj: antisyphilitic. -thèse º, f : antithesis. -thétique [-thèse], adj. : antithetic(al). -tonnerre", f.: lightning-rod (formerly, now para- tonnerre). -trinitaire, adj. : antitrini- tarian. -vénérien º, adj. : antivenereal. -vermineux", =euse, adj. : vermi- fugal. Antoine, m. : Ant(h)ony. antoiser [?], tr. : heap up (manure). antoitº [?], m.: wraining-bolt. Antonin, m. : Antonius. anto-nomaseº [L.-nomasia],f. : antono- masia, name-substitute. Il-nyme* [Gr. anti, against, ônoma, NAME], m. : anto- nym, counterterm. antreº [L. -trum], f.: cavern, cave; den ; (anat.) antrum. antrustion " [l. L. -tio (OHG. trust, trusty)], m. : sort of liegeman (rich Frank joining the king in war), volunteer. #- $ - - e anuer [?], tr. : (hunt.) fire at a favour- able moment (esp. at the partridge flying out), have a timely shot at. - 30 anuiterº [à, nuit], fintr. : become night (grow dark), tr. : fretard until night ; refl. : be benighted. - anurie* [Gr. an-, not, oûron, urine], f : anury, lacking secretion of urine. anusº [L.], m. : =. anx-iété* [L. -ietas (angere, contract)], f : anxiety, anguish. -ieux º, =euse [L. -iosus], adj. : anxious. aoristeº [Gr. -tos (a-, not, horistôs, lim- ited)], m. : aorist. aor-teº [Gr. -té (aeirein, carry)],.f. : aorta. -titeº, f. : aortitis. -tique", adj.: aortic. aoû-t° [L. Augustus, the Rom. emper- or], m. : August (the month) ; harvest : faire l'-, make harvest, fmake profit. -tage* [-ter], m. : harvesting. -terº, tr. : harvest ; intr. : ripen (by the heat of August); fmake harvest. -teronº [-ter], m. : harvester, reaper. ap- [L. ad, *to,' or Fr. à]: pref. apaise-ment*, m.: appaisement. ll-serº anuiter [à, paix], tr. : APPEASE, PACify, calm, ) soothe, allay, quench ; s'-; be appeased, grow calm, etc. ; subside, abate. apala ehine" [-che,. Apalachian], f : emitic holly. .* - - apa-nage* [OFr. -ner (p. L. -nare: ad, to, panis, bread), nourish], m. : appanage . (domain assigned by the king to his younger sons or brothers) ; #domain ; property; tendowment. -nagerº, tr. : endow by an appanage. -nagisteº, adj. or m. : (prince) endowed with an appanage. apartéº [L. a parte, apart], adv. or m. : aside ; word(s) spoken apart. apa-thieº [L. -thia (Gr. a-, not, pathôs, PASSion)], f. : apathy, dispassion. -thi- que", adv. : apathetic, indifferent. Apelle, m. : Apelles. apenS, see guet-apens. apepsieº [Gr. -ía (a-, not, péptein, cook)], j. : apepsy, indi#stion aper-eeption º, f : apperception. -eE- vable*, tr. : perceivable, perceptible. -eEvan ee*,f. : perceiving. |-eEvoirº [à, percevoir], irr. (cf. recevoir) ; tr. or refl. : PERCEIVE, discover, observe, notice ; discern. -çu, part. : perceived, etc. ; m. : rapid view, survey, estimate (at first sight), rough estimate; sketch, compen- dium. apéritifº, =ive [L. aperire, open], adj. : aperient, laxative. aper-tement* [OFr. -perte (-pertus, open)], adv. : openly. -tiseº [OFr. pert, brave], f. : feat of strength. » apétaleº, -talé [Gr. a-, not, Fr. pétale], adj. : apetalous. apetis-sement*,m. : diminution. |-ser° [p. L. *ap-pittittiäre (*pittitus = Fr. aplet petit)], tr. : make smaller, diminish ; intr. : diminish. apha-sie* [Gr. -sia (a-, not, phásis, word)], f. : aphasia (loss of the power of speech). -sique*, adj. : aphasic. aphélieº [Gr. apô, away, hélios, sun], m. : (astr.) aphelion. ' aphérèseº [L. aphœresis (Gr. apô, away, haireîn, take)], f : apheresis, loss of an initial letter or syllable. apho-neº [Gr. á-phonos, voiceless], adj. : voiceless, suffering with aphonia. -nie* [Gr. -nîa], f. : aphonia, loss of speech. aphoris-meº [L. -mus (Gr. apô, from, horizein, part)], m. : faphorism, ('sharp- ly defined') maxim or saying. -tique [Gr. -tikós], adj. : aphoristic(al). aphrodisiaque" [Gr. -kós (Aphrodíte, goddess of love)], adj. : aphrodisiac(al) ; m. : aphrodisiac. aph-teº [L. -ta (Gr. âptein, inflame)], m.: (med.) aphtha, specks or vesicles (in the mouth) ; pl. thrush. -teux*, f. : =euse, adj. : aphthoid. aphylleº [Gr. á-phullos, leaf-less], adj. : aphyllous, leafless. I.apiº [L. Appius], m. : apple. 2.api* [L. -ium], m.: parsley). api-eoleº [L. apis, bee, colere, CULTi- vate], adj. : relating to apiculture. -cul- teur* [L. cultor], m. : bee-breeder. -cul- tureº, f.: apiculture, bee-breeding. #-erº [L. -arium], m. : (pop.) bee-hive (gen'ly ruche). apiqu-ageº, m.: (nav.) peaking. |-erº [à, riel (in)tr. : (nav.) top, PEAK (yards, etc.). - apitoyer* [à, pitié], tr. : move to pity; s'-, be moved to pity. aplai-gner° [p. L. *ap-planiäre (L. planus, PLAIN)], tr. : render PLAIN or smooth ; caress ; teasel or dress (cloth). -gneurº, m.: teas(e)ler. aplanerº [à, plan], tr. : render PLAIN or Smooth. apla-nirº [à, plan], tr. : render PLAIN or level, level, smoothen, even ; level down, remove ; s'-, grow level or smooth ; be removed. -nissement*, m. : levelling, smoothing ; removal ; levelness, evenness. -nisseurº, m.: leveller. aplaterº [à, plat, dish], tr. : divide into messes. apla-tir [à, plat, FLAT], tr. : make FLAT, flatten, beat down. -tissementº, m.: flattening, flatness. -tisseur", m. : flatter : (agr.) bruiser ; corn-crusher. -tis- soire*, f. : flatter (drawplate), rolling cylinder. aplet° [dial. for *-ploit, p. L. *ap-plicitum small reddish smallage (sort of M, aplomb (L. -catum, applied)]; m. : (OFr. utensil); herring-net. aplombº [à, plomb], m.: PLUMB direction, perpendicularity, equilibrium ; self-posses- sion, assurance : d'-, plumb, perpendic- ularly ; upright(ly) ; steady, steadily. apnée"[Gr.-noia (a-, not,pneîn, breathe)], f. : apnœa, suspension of breath. apo- [Gr. apô, 'off, from, away, asunder'] : pref. apocalyp-se* [Gr. -sis (apo-, kalûptein, cover)], f. : apocalypsis, revelation : (fam.) style d'-, obscure style ; cheval d'-, sorry jade. -tique*, adj. : apocalyptic(al). · apoco" [It. (h)a poco, "has little'], m. : fool. apo- [apo-] : -copeº [L. (Gr.kôptein, cut)], f. : =, omission of a final letter or part of a word ; (surg.) fracture with loss of a part of a bone. -crisiaire" [l. L. -crisi- arius (Gr. -krisis, answer)], m. : proclaimer of (the Greek) emperor's answers or edicts. apocrisiary (pope's nuncio). -cryphe* [L. -phus (Gr. krüptein, hide)], adj. : apo- cryphal, of doubtful authority, spurious ; m. : apocrypha. -eynº [L. -cynon (Gr. kûon, dog)], m. : dogbane. -eyna- eées", -eynées [-cyn],f. pl. : family of apocyneous plants. apodeº [Gr. -d, stem of á-pous, foot-less], # apodal (footless ; without ventral fins). apo- [apo-]: -dictiqueº [L. -dicticus (Gr. deiknûmai, show)], adj. : apodic- tic(al). -gée* [L.-geus (Gr. gaîa, earth)], m.: apogée (point where the moon or sun is farthest from the earth ; highest degree, climax). -grapheº [L. -graphon (Gr. gráphein, write), copyl, m. : apograph, autograph-copy; copying-machine. Apollon l-l [L. Apollo, Gr. Apôllon], m. : Apollo. " apolo-gétique* [L.-geticus], adj. : apol- ogetic(al), regretfully excusing. ll-gieº [L. -gia (Gr. apô, from, lôgos, speêch)], f : apology,justification, excuse. -giqueº [-gie], adj. : apologetic(al). -gisteº[-gie], m.: apologist. -gue* [L. -gus], f.: =, moralfable. 2.-gue*[-gie], m.: apologist. apoltronnirº [à, poltron], tr. : #make a poltroon ; cut the hind-claws of (a falcon). apo- [apo-] : -névroseº [Gr. -neûrosis (neuron, NERVE)],f. : aponeurosis. -névro- tique" [-névrose], adj. : aponeurotic. -phtegmeº [Gr.-phthegma (phthéngestai speak)l, m. : apothegm, pithy saying. -physeº [L. -physis (Gr.fûein, grow)],f : apophysis, prominence of a bone. -plec- tique*[L.-plecticus (Gr. pléssein, smite)], adj. or m. : apoplectic(al). -plexie* [L. -plexia (Gr. pléssein, smite)], f. : apoplexy. -stasie* [L. -stasia (apo-stênai, stand off, - apparat 31 revolt)],f. : apostasy. -stasierº [-stasie], intr. : apostatise. -stat* [L. -stata (cf. -stasie)], m. : apostate. -stème*[L.-stema (Gr. apo-stênai, stand off)], m. : aposteme, abscess. aposter* [à, poste], tr.: post or place (for a bad purpose), place in ambush, se- crete. à posteriori [L.], adv. : a posteriori (from facts). fapos-tille*,f : =, marginalnote. f-til- ler* [à, postille], tr. : annotate in the margin, add a recommendation to (a peti- tion). - apo- [apo-]: -stolatº [L. -stolatus (cf. apôtre)], m.: apostleship. -stolique*[L. -stolicus (cf. apôtre)], adj. : apostolic(al). -stoliquementº [-postolique], adv. : apostolically. -stropheº [L. I.-strofa, 2.-strqfus (Gr. stréphein, turn)l, f. : apos- trophe (I.turning from the discourse to a personal address, interpellation ; 2.' sign of , omission'). -stropherº [-strophe], tr. : apostrophise (I.address by apostrophe ; charge ; #2.mark with an apostrophe). -stume* [L. -stema (Gr. apo-stênai, stand off, separate)], f. : , aposteme, abscess. -thé9seº [L. -theosis (Gr. theôs, god)], f. : apotheosis, deification, exaltation. -thi- caire* [l. L. -thecarius (-theka, store- house : Gr. tithénai, place)], m. : fapothe- cary (who sells and administers medicines, sub-physician as yet in England) ; druggist (us'ly pharmacien) with a tinge ofreproach: note (or mémoire) d'-, exorbitant bill. -thieairerie*[-thicaire],f. : pharmacy ; dispensary. I.apôtre º [l. L. -postolus (Gr. apo-stellein, send off)], m. : apostle : faire le bon -, play the saint. 2.a-pôtre° [for -pôte, L. ap-posita, af- fixed], m. : knight-head. -potureau*, [-pôte (cf. -pôtre)], m. : (nav.) kevel-head. apozème* [L. -zema (Gr. apô, off, zeîn, boil)], m. : apozem, decoction. ap- [Lat. ad, "to'] : pref. apparaître° [p. L. ap-parescere (L. pa- rëre)], irr. (cf. paraître) ; intr. : APPEAR (come in sight ; occur) : faire -, make appear, exhibit. appa-ratº [L. -ratus (parare, prePARE)l, m.: (showy preparation, hence) pomp, show, parade, ostentation ; #vocabulary and notes or syllabus ( prepared' on an author) : #- royal, beginners' dictionary. . -rauac [old pl. of -reil], m. pl. : full apparatus (outfit) of a ship ; gymnasium apparatus. -reil* [2.-reiller], m. : fpreparation ; apparatus (implements collect.); organs (collect.); disposition of stones (in masonry), size (of stones) ; display (of anything prepared) ; AP- 32 PARel (attire) ; (surg.) dressing; fpomp, #parade : — de guerre, warlike dis- play or (completed) preparations ; - de bel, fine building ; - réticulé, diamond work ; grand (petit) -, layer of big (small) stones ; une assise de haut -, a layer of large stones ; mettre le premier —, give (a wound) its first dressing. -reillageº [2.-reiller], m. : fprepara- tion ; getting under sail. -reillementº [-reiller], m. : matching ; yoking ; pair- lng. (like to like) ; couple, pair ; yoke ; join, place together. 2.appa-reiller° [p. L. *-riculäre (L. -räre, prePARE)], tr. : fprepare ; fit out (a ship) ; prepare to sail,get under sail, Weigh ; dress (stones in building). -reilleur* [2.-reiller], m.: preparer (fitter, dresser, trimmer) : implement-maker. -reil- leuseº [I.-reiller], f. : procuress. appa-remment* -ra-m-, adj. : appar- ently ; #in appearance. -renee* [L. -rentia], f. : appearance ; likelihood. |-rent* [L.-rens (parere, appear)], adj. : apparent (visible ; not real) ; obvious ; re- markable, considerable, important. - apparen-tageº, m. : alliance. ll-ter* [à, parent], tr. : make related by mar- riage ; #recognise as a relative ; s'-, ally one's self by marriage : bien (mal) -té, of good (low) family connections. apparesser [à, paresse], tr. : make lazy. appa-riementº, -rîment [-rier], m. : PAIRing, matching. |-rier* [à, parier], tr. : PAIR (match ; couple, mate) ; fcom- pare. appa-riteur* [L. -ritor], m. : apparitor (guard of a Rom. tribune ; messenger of an ecclesiastical court) ; beadle or bedel of a faculty. -rition* [L. -ritio], f = ; vision. |-roir° [L. ap-parère], def.'(only Inf., and 3 sing. appert); intr. : APPEAR, be evident. - g appar-tementº [It. -tamento (see te- nir)], m. : apartment (division in a house, suit of rooms) ; reception (in the king's department) : grands-s, reception apart- ments ; petits -s, every-day rooms. -tE- nan ee* [-tenir], f : pertaining, prop- erty, prerogative ; appurtenance (of a domain). -tEnamtº [-tenir], adj. : (ap)- pertaining. |-tEnir° [p. L. *-tenëre (L. per-tinëre, pertain)], irr. (cf. tenir); intr. : APPERTAIN, belong ; be related. fappas, old pl. of appât, often used as a Slng. appâ-t° [p. L. *appastus (L. ap-pascere, feed)], m. : ffood; bait, allurement; charm; (pop.) neck of a woman. -teler*, tr. : #feed; bait, allure. -terº, tr. : feed (esp. birds), nourish ; (fig.) fatten ; bait, allure. appareiller I.-reiller* [à, pareill, tr. : match | applaudir appauméº [à, paume], adj. : (her.) =, hav'g hand showing the PALM. appau-vrir* [à, pauvre], tr. : make POOR, imPOVERish; s'-, grow poor. -vrissementº, m. : impoverishment. appeau [other form of appel], m. : fcall ; bird-call; decoy-bird ; striking part (of a clock). - - ap-pelº [-peler], m. : call (summon) ; levy ; roll-call (muster) ; APPEAL; fchal- lenge ; (tech.) draught : - nominal, call of the names; cour d'-, court of appeal ; officier d'-, muster-master ; être sujet à —, be appealable ; interjecter -, lodge an appeal ; répondre à l'-, answer to one's name. -peIantº, -pelante, adj. or m. f. : appelant; m. : decoy-bird. |-peler° [L. ap-pellare, address, call], tr. : call (send for; summon, call in ; call over names) ; (leg.) APPEAL; challenge (to a duel) ; call, name ; intr. : call, appeal ; bay (of dogs) ; caterwaul (of cats) ; chuck (of cocks) ; (tech.) draw ; s'-, be called or named, be one's name. -peleurº, m. : decoy-bird. -pellatif*, f =ive [L. -pellativus], adj. : (gram.) appellative, common. -pellation* [L. -pellatio], f.: = (naming) ; naming of the letters of the alphabet ; (ley.) appeal or pro- test. - 8 ap-pendiee* [L. -pendix], m. (f): ap- pendix, appendage. -pendicule [L. -pendicula], m. (f): Small appendix, ap- pendicle. ll-pendre° [L. ap-pendere, hang to], tr. : hang up (votive offerings). -pentis° [p. L. *-penditicius (part. of *-penditus = L. -pensus)], m. : PENT-house, shed. < appEsantir* [à, pesant], tr. : render heavy or oppressive ; weigh down; dull ; ' s'-, be or grow heavy, be weighed down ; dwell or expatiate (on). -tissementº, m. : heaviness, dullness. appé-teneeº [L. -tentia (see -ter)], f : appetence, appetency, natural craving. -terº [L. ap-petere, strive after], tr. : crave, desire (something satisfying natural appetites). -tibilité º [L. -ti- bilitas], f : appetibility. -tissantº [pr.* part. of an old -tisser (-tit)], adj. : appetis- ing, tempting. . -titº [L. -titus], m.: ap- petite ; craving; fwhat excites appetite (delicacy) : il n'est chère que d'-, hunger is the best sauce ; demeurer sur son -, check one's appetite. -titifº, =ive [L. -titivus], adj. : appetitive. -titionº [L. -titio], f : appetition, craving. fappiétrirº [à, piètre], tr. : shabby, deteriorate. applau-dirº [L. -dere (plaudere, clap)l, tr. or intr. (à) applaud; s'-, applaud or congratulate one's self, glory (in). make applicable -dissement*, m. : applause, cheering. -disseurº, m. : applauder. appli-cable* [-quer], adj. : =. -cageº, m. : applying. -cation º[L.-catiol,f. : = ; employment (of money) ; diligence, intent- ness ; (gild.) charging : juste -, appo- siteness ; sans - determinée, unappro- priated. -que*, f.: applying or fixing (one thing to another, as) charging (in gilding),setting (jewels), inlaying. -qué*, part. as adj. : applied, etc. ; intent, diligent, sedulous. ll-querº [L. -care (plicare, · fold)], tr. : APPLY (adapt, lay or fix on; de- vote); (leg.) award (judgment); s'-, apply one's self, apply one's mind, study hard ; be applied, be laid or fixed (upon), be appo- site ; apply or take to one's self ; appro- priate. -queuse*, f.: finisher (woman applying flowers, lacé, etc., on tulle). appoin-tº, m.: (what arranges, settles, hence) sum setfling an account ; money completing a payment (balance, comple- ment) ; boot; d'-, to boot, odd ; faire l'-, make up a sum with Small change. -tageº, m.: completion; (tan.) last full- ing. -tement, m.: fadjustment; stipu- lation ; #designation to an office ; provid- ing the means, equipment ; allowance, salary (qften in pl.); appointment (in so far as applicable to preceding definitions). I.|]-ter° [p. L. *ap-punctäre (L. punctum, · POINT)], tr. : fregulate ; #adjust ; #pun- ish ; #appoint ; #provide for; provide with a salary : commis -té, salaried clerk. 2.appoin-ter* [à, pointe], tr. : form into a POINT; (her.) put point to point ; fold and sew together. appointeurº [I.-ter], m.: · bitrator. appointirº [à, pointe], tr. : sharpen into a point. appontementº [à, pont], m.: bridge- like scaffolding or structure, temporary bridge or platform. - appor-tº [-ter], m. : bringing; place : where things are brought, market-place ; yield (of profit or interest); thing brought : · share, portion, personal property ; docu- ment (deposited). |-ter° [L. ap-portāre (carry)], tr. : bring; bring along ; bring to bear, apply; produce ; allege : - de la précaution, use precaution. • appo-ser* [à, poser], tr. : place or fix (upon); affix, add, insert. -sition* [L. sitio], f. : =. referee, ar- appré-eiable*, adj. : appreciable. -eia- teurº, =triee, m. : appreciator, valuer; appraiser. -eiatifº, =ive, adj. : denot- ing the value ; (theol.) instinct with true valuation. -eiationº, f. : valuation, estimate; appreciation. |-eier* [L. ap-pretiare (pretium, price)l, tr. : appre- 33 ciate (estimate, value); determine the value of, estimate, rate. appréhen-derº [L. ap-prehendere (seize)], tr. : fseize ; apprehend. -sifº, =ive [L. -sivus], adj. : apprehensive. -sion* [L. -sio], f : fseizing; appre- hension. - º - · · · appren-dre° [p. L. *-dere (L. ap-pre- hendere, seize)], irr. (cf. prendre); tr. : acquire, learn, be informed ; teach, inform, let know : - des nouvelles, hear of news ; je l'ai appris de bonne part, I have it from a good source. -ti°, -tie ; -tif, | -tive ; -tis, -tisse [p. L.*-ditius (*-ditus, for -sus)], m.f. : apprentice ; novice, tyro. -tissageº [-tis], m.: apprentices§ apprès" [fr. an old ap-presser, press to- gether], m. : wedge (to tighten staves) ; sometimes for apprêt. · · apprêtº, m. : preparation (us'ly -ts) ; (tech.) preparing process (of various kinds : priming, sizing, dressing, cooking, (glass- painting) ; studied manner, ,-affectation. -tageº, m. : (tech.) preparing or finishing process. -te*, f.: piece of bread, sop. -té, part. as adj. : prepared, etc.; studied, affected. |-ter° [p. L. *ap-prestare [L. prœsto = Fr. prêt, ready)], tr. : make (prepare) ; (tech.) prepare with size, size ; gloss, dress ; cook ; s'-, prepare one's self, make ready, be about, be on the point of : - à rire, be a laughing-stock. -teur º, m. : dresser (of cloths). , : apprivoi-sementº,m. : taming. ll-ser° [p. L. *ap-privitiäre (L. privus, PRIVate, own), make one's own, master], tr. : tame (animals) ; render tractable ; render fa- miliar or sociable ; s'-, be tamed, grow appropriation · tame, become familiar, be sociable ; #agree. ll-seurº, m. : tamer. - approba-teurº, -triee [L. -tor, -trix], m., f. : approver. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : approving. ll-tion* [L. -tio (ap- probare, approve)], f : = ; authorisation (to publish a book ; to preach). -tive- , ment* [-tif], adv. : approvingly. appro-ehable*, adj. : approachable. -ehantº, adv. : approaching, near; nearly like ; adj. : something like, about, nearly. -ehe*, f : approach ; approaching, draw- ing near; uniting; (print.) sign of clos- ing up : lunette d'-, spy-glass. -ehe- ment*, m. : fapproach ; bringing to- gether. |-eherº [à, proche], tr. : bring near, draw close ; approach ; fbring to- · gether, compare; intr. or s'-, draw near, approach ; be nearly alike. . · · approfon-dirº [à, profond], tr. : make more deep or PROFOUND (deepen); examine deeply or thoroughly. -dissementº, m. : deepening; deep research, sounding. appro-priation* [L. , -tiol, f. : = # 34 approuver adaptation ; (leg.) conversion. |-prierº [L. -priare (proprius, one's own)], tr. : appropriate ; adapt, fit ; make PROPer or neat, clean ; s'-, appropriate to one's self, convert to one's own use. approu-ver° [L. ap-probäre (probus, good), esteem good], tr. : approve (of). - vé, part. : approved (on documents); m. : sign of approval. approvi-sionnementº, m. : supplying with (or supply of) provisions, victualing, supply. |-sionner* [à, provision], tr. : supply with provisions, victual, store. approxi-matifº, =ive [L.-mare], adj. : approximative. -mation* [L. -mare (proximus, nearest)], f. : -mative- mentº, adj. : approximately. ap-pui*, m. : support (I.act of support- ing ; 2.thing serving for a support, as : prop, stay, staff, sill, Window-sill, buttress, hand-rail, fulcrum) : hauteur d'-, breast height ; pièces à l'-, corroborating pa- pers. -pui-main º, pl. -puis-main, m. : (painter's) maul-stick. |-puyer° [p. L. *ap-podiäre (L. podium, foot-hold, bal- cony, Gr. poûs, foot)], tr. : I.lean, sup- port, rest ; dwell or lay stress (upon) ; 2.sustain, support, strengthen; s'-, lean, rest, rècline ; rely. â-pre° [L. asperl, adj. : harsh, rough ; sharp ; tart, crabbed ; eager : - au gain, greedy of gain ; - à la curée, eager of prey. -prEment*, adv. : harshly, etc. aprèsº [à, près], prep. : after, next to ; for ; about ; adv. : after, afterwards, then: - que, after, when ; d'-, after, according to, from ; attendre —, wait for ; crier —, cry out against, scold ; être — quelque chose, be about something. -de- main,º, adv. : day after to-morrow; +m. : third day after. -dîner*, m. : after-dinner, afternoon. -midiº, m. or f : afternoon. -souper*, m. : evening. âprEté* [-pre], f. : harshness, sharpness, ASPERITY ; tartness ; eagerness. à priori [L., "from prior’ viz. concep- tions], adv. : a priori. à-proposº, m. : propriety, pertinency. apsideº [L. -da (Gr. âpsis, tying, arch)], ſ. : # (now Fr. abside) ; (astr.) apsis. apte* [L. -tus], adj. : APT, fit, qualified. aptère" [Gr. -ros (a-, not, pterôn, wing)], adj. : apterous, wingless. aptitudeº [L. -do (cf. apte)], f. : = ; (leg.) qualification. apu-rement*, m. : auditing (accounts). |-rer * [à, pur], tr. : fpurify ; wash (gold) ; examine and adjust (an account), audit. apy-re" [Gr. -ros (a-, not, pûr, FIRE)], adj. : apyrous, incombustible. -rexie º [Gr. -rexia], f. : apyrexy, absence of fever. , m. : etcher. aratoire aqua-fortiste * a-kwa- [It. - forte (L. aqua, water, fortis, strong), nitric acid], -relle " [It. -rella], f = (painting in water-colours). -relliste * [-relle], m. : aquarellist. -rium * [L., reservoir], m. : -tinta º [L., ' tinged water’], f. : -tique * [L. -ticus], adj. : aquatic. a-queduc" [L. aquœ-ductusl, m. : aque- duct. -queux º, =euse [L. -quosus], adj. : aqueous, Watery. aqui-linº [L. -linus, fr. -la, " eagle ' (-lus, dark)], adj. : aquiline (hooked). -lon * [L. -lo (-lus)], m. : north-wind ; #Eng. =. ara " [Ind.], m. : = (macaw). ara-be º [L. -bus], adj. or n. : Arabian ; Arabic ; miser. -besque º [It. -bescol, adj. : # Arabic ; = f.: (ornamentation of interwoven plants, animals, etc.). |-bie [? Hebr. -bas, desert], f. : Arabia. -bique [L. -bicus], adj. : Arabian, Arabic. arable° [L. -bilis (arare, plough)], adj. : e-m-m •- e s-& - e araehideº [Gr. -kis, vetch], f : peanut. arach-nideº [Gr. -ne, spider], m. : arachnid(an). -noïde* [Gr. no-eidés (eî- dos, form)], adj. : arachnoid (membrane). arackº [Ar. araq, juice], m. : arrack. faragne = araigne. arai-gne° [L. arănea, spider], f. : fspi- der; bucket-hook (for lifting the bucket from the well). -gnée*, f. : fspider's web ; web (of various kinds); gen'ly (fr. | 15th c.) spider ; (spider-like thing, as) cir- cle with radiating arms of the astrolabe ; mine with radiating passages ; crowfoot ; small vehicle on big wheels : — de mer, weaver, small crab ; pattes d'-, spider's legs, scrawling hand (in writing); toile d'-, cobweb ; ôter les —s, sweep away the cobwebs. -gneux º, =euse, adj. : araneous, cobweb-like. araireº [Prov. (L. aratrum, m. : swing plough. . araméen º, =enne [Aram, Hebr. name for Syria], adj. : Aramean. aramerº [à, rame], tr.: stretch (cloth) On tenters, tenter. 1 ar-anéideº [L. -anea, spider], f. : hairy (venomous) spider; (pl. araneida). -ané- oleº [L. -anea], f : Small weaver. -an- tèle* [L. -aneœ, tela, web], f. : (dial.) spi- der's web ; web-like formation on the stag's foot. ar-aseº, f. : level state : pierre d'-, (mas.) levelling course. -sement*, m. : levelling ; level state, evenness. |-ser* [à, ras], tr. : level, even, make flush. aratoireº [L. -torius (arare, plough)l, adj. : aratory, tillage. plough)l, araucaria arauearia* [after Arauco Indians in Chile], m. : = (conifer). - arba-Iète ° [L. arcu-balista (Gr. bálein, · throw) * bow-hurler'], f.: arbalist (cross- bow) ; steel-bow (used for mechanical de- vices); dormouse-trap : - à jalet, stone- bow ; cheval en -, horse harnessed in front of two others. -létée * or -1é- trée, f. : crossbow range (or shot). -lé- trierº, m. : crossbow-man, archer ; (build.)roof-rafter. -létrière*,.f. : loop- hole for a crossbow. -létrille, f. : (nav.) Jacob's staff, cross-staff. arbi-trage*, m.: arbitration (ºde- termining a place of exchange in banking- business ; replacing one value for another by the Exchange). -tragiste* [-trage], m.: bank or exchange arbitrator. -trai- re*[L.-trarius], adj. : arbitrary; optional; m.: arbiter. -trairement* [-traire], adv. : arbitrarily. -tral*[L.-tralis], adj. : =, relatingto an arbiter. -tralementº, adv. : by arbitration. -tration* [L. -tratio], f. : = ; award. |arbi-tre* [L. I.-ter; 2.-trium], m.: I.arbiter (ar- bitrator, umpire ; sovereign ' disposer) ; #2.will. -trer* [L. -trari], tr. : arbitrate ; decree, award. ar-borer* [It. -borare], tr. : raise (like a tree), set up, hoist (a flag); proclaim. -borescen eeº [-borescent], f. : arbores- · cence. -borescentº [L. -borescens, be- coming a tree], adj. : arborescent. -bori- culteurº [L. -tor], m. : arboriculturist. -boricultureº [L. arbor, Fr. culture], f.: =. -borisation * [-borisé], f. : ar- borisation. -borisé* [L. -bor], adj. : ar- borised. f-boriserº [L. -bor], intr. : gather plants. -boriste*, m.: arborist (versed in the knowledge of medicinal plants and trees). -bouseº [Prov. -bossa (L.-butus)],f. : arbute-berry. -bousierº m.: arbute, strawberry tree. |ar-bre° [L. -bos, -bor], m.: tree; beam ; (tech.) ARBOR or axle, shaft ; mast : - en espalier, wall-tree ; - sur pied, : standing tree ; grand —, shaft ; — de couche, horizontal shaft ; — de Diane (Jupiter, etc.), arbor Dianae (etc., alchem. terms for various crystallisations) ; — de mestre, mainmast ; - de trinquet, foremast; se tenir au gros de l'-, adhere to what is ancient ; ſaire l'- fourchu, walk on one's hands. -bretº, m. : fsmall tree ; small tree with lime-twigs (for bird-catching). -bris- , seau° [p. L. *arboriscellus], m. : shrub, s# #º . -busteº [L. -bustum], m. : lºl1l0, - ar-c° [L. -cus], m. : bow ; arc ; arch ; curved piece (as of a wagon-pole, etc.): - en plein cintre, semi-circular arch ;- dou- bleau, chief arch, massive rib ; — de tri- 3 35 omphe, triumphal arch. -eadeº,f. : = ; curved object, as (anat.) arch, bridge (of spectacles), bow (of a saddle), etc. . arcane* [L. -nus (arca, box) hidden], adj. : deeply hidden, secret, (Eng. obs.) =. m. : arcanum, mystery. 8 areanne* [l. L. alcanna (Ar.)], f. : red chalk. arcansonº [?], m. : colophany. arcasseº [Prov. -ssa (L. arca, box), large box], f. : stern-frame (of a ship) ; pulley- block. + ar-cature* [arc], f.: line of decorative arcades. -c-boutantº (pl. —s —s), m. : arched BUTTress ; (brace of various kinds, as) aBUTment, support, prop, shore, spar, stanchion, stay, cross-piece, supporter. -c-bouterº, tr.: BUTTress, prop, sup- port. -c-doubleau* (pl. -s -x), m. : groin (of vaults). -eeau* (pl. -x) [arc], m. : arch ; ribs (of groined arches) ; tre- foil ornament ; supporting-piece. -c-en- eiel* (pl. —s —), m. : rainbow. &l,I ºC # 17, adj. : archaic(al).. |-ïsmeº [Gr. -ismós (-îos, ancient)], m. : archaism. - arehal° [L. orichalcum (Gr. ôros, mount- ain, chalkôs, brass)], m. : brass, orichalch, only in fil d'-, brass-wire. 1 arehange* [L. -gelus (Gr. archi-, chief, ángelos, angel)], m. : archangel. I.arehe° [L. -ca, box, chest], f : ark (Noah's; or of the sanctuary); pump-box (covering the pump of a vessel) ; small furnace (for making the frit); ark- shell : l'- d'alliance, the ark of the COVenant. A 3 1 ar-ehe° [l. L. *-ca, for acc. -cum (-cus, bow)], f. : arch (of a bridge, viaduct, etc.), arching. I.-ehée° [p. L. *arcata], f. : range of a bow, bow-shot. - 2.arehée º [l. L. -cheus (Gr. -chaîos, old)], m. (f.): (alch.) archeus (central fire or vital energy of the universe). - arehEletº [-chet], m. : drill-bow. archéo-logie" [Gr. archaio-, ancient, logía, discoursel, f : archaeology. -logi- que*, adj. : archaeologic(al). -logueº, m.: archaeologist. ar-eher° [p. L. *-carius (-cus, bow)], m. : = (bow-man) ; constable ; fig. Cupid : franc —, cf. franc-archer. -eherotº, m.: little archer, Cupid. -ehetº [arc], m. : (small bow of various kinds, as) fiddle-bow, fiddlestick ; drill-bow ; fish- hook bow ; top-head (of cradles) ; bed- rack, guard (holding the bed-covers so as not to weigh on the sick). arehétype* -tip [L. -pus (Gr. arche-, chief, tûpos, stamp)], m. : archetype. arehe-vêehéº, m. (ff): archbishopric ; archbishop's residence. |-vêque° [L. archevêché y 36 archiâtre archi-episcopus, Gr. -pos, * chief-bishop' (cf. évêque)], m. : archbishop. arehi- [Gr., chief], in comp. (cf. each member) : #-âtre º [Gr. -atros (iatrôs, physician)], m. : archiater, chief physician. -ehaneelierº, m. : arch-chancellor. -ehapelain",m. : chief-chaplain. -con-| frérieº, f. : chief or central brother- hood. -diaconatº [L. -tus], m. : arch- deaconship (dignity, or office). -dia- coné * [l. L. -diaconatus (cf. above)], f. : archdeaconry (district). -diaereº [L. diaconus], m. : archdeacon. -ducº, m.: archduke. -ducalº [-duc], adj. : arch- ducal. -duehé" [-duc], m. : -duehesse* [-duc], f : : -episcopalº [L. -lisl, adj. : =. -epis- copatº [L. -tus], m. : archiepiscopacy. arehière* [arc], f.: loop-hole for archers; crenel (open space between the | teeth of a battlement) ; archer's quiver- strap. - ' . arehiman-dritat", m. : archimandrit's dignity or function. |-driteº [L. -ta (Gr. archi-, chief, mândra, fold, monastery)], m. : =, chief of a monastery (Gr. church). - I.arehine* [-che], f.: centre. . , - 2.arehine" [Russ.], f. : Russian meas- ure of length (ab. 72 centimeters). arehi- [Gr., chief]: -pelº [It. -pelago (Gr. pélagos, sea)], m. : archipelago. -presbytéral" [L. -lis], adj. : of an archpresbyter. -prêtre* [L. -pres- byter], m. : archpresbyter, archpriest. -prêtréº [-prêtre], f. : archpresbytery. -teeteº [L. -tecton (Gr. tékton, work- · man)], m. : architect. [L. -tectonicus (cf. -tecte)], adj. : archi- tectonic. -teeturalº[-tecture], adj. : =. -tecture* [L.-tectura (cf. -tecte)], f : =. -traveº [It. (trave, L. trabs, beam)], j. : = (part of an entablature nearest the column). -travéº [-trave], adj. : archi- traved. -trielinº [L. -nus (Gr. ârcho, lord, tri-klimon, table *with THREE couches')], m. : (Rom.) arranger of a feast, chief steward. - arehi-vesº [L. -vum, Gr. arch-eî-on (arché, chief place), government house, pl. archives], f, pl. : = (public records) ; archive, record-office. -viste º, m. : archivist. - - arehivolteº [It. -to (archi-, chief, volto, vault)], f : archivolt (moulding of an arch). - . ar-ehontat", m. : archonship. ll-chon- te* [Gr. -chon (-chein, rule)], m. : archon, chief magistrate (in Athens). arçon° [p. L. *arcio (L. arcus, bow)], m. : saddle-bow; carding bow; vine bent (to small arch or archduchy. archduchess. | -tectonique*| aréomètre give more fruit) : vider les -s, be un- , horsed. areotº [?],.m. : dross, scoria. arc-tique* [L. -ticus (Gr. -tikôs, árk- tos, " bear,' the constellation)], adj. : arctic. -ture* or -turus [L. -turus (Gr. árktos, oûros, guard)], m. : Arcturus (the star). - arcure* [arquer], f : arching (esp. of branches to promote fructification). ardéliomº [L. -delio], m. : busybody, bore. - - ar-demment* -dam- [-dent], adv. : ardently, etc. -dent* [L. -dens], adj. : = (burning, fiery; passionate, zealous) ; red (of hair) ; (nav.) griping; m. : , ignis fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp ; candle ; (Midd. Age) person afflicted with gangrenous erisypelas : chapelle -e, room with lighted tapers round a coffin ; chambre —e, tribunal that condemned to death by burning. f||-der = ardre. -deur° [L. -dor], f : ardour, heat ; fervour, passion. ardezº [for a-gardez (old a-garer, re- GARD)], interj. : lo ! - ardier* or -dière [harde], m., f. : beam- rope ſof a loom). ardillon* [hart], m. : buckle ; tag. fardoir = ardre. - ardoi-se*. [?], f. : slate : couvreur d'-, slater; avoir une - chez, have a bill at. -séº, adj. : slate-coloured. -serº, tr. : slate. -sierº, =ère, adj.: slaty; m. : slate worker. -sièreº, f.: slate quarry. ar-dre° [p. L.*-dere (L. -dëre), irr. $ ; tr., · intr. : burn. -duº [L. -duus], adj. : arduous, hard to ascend, steep ; difficult, abstruse. $ P. Part. ar(d)s. a-re* [L. area], m. : = (surface of 100 square meters). -réageº, m. : meas- urement (by ares), surveying. · arecº [Canarese], m. : areca (sort - of palm). « . - aréfactionº [L. arefacere, dry], f. : are- faction. - - a-réna eéº [L. -renaceus], adj. : arena- ceous, sandy. |-rène* [L. -rena, sand, sandy place], f : sand; arena (orig. sandy part of a circus, etc.), pl. circus, amphitheatre ; mortar. arénerº [= éreinter], tr. : fbreak the back of; make bend (under a heavy weight), sink. · aréneux*, =euse [L.-nosus (-na, sand)], adj. : arenous, sandy. - aréo-leº [L. -la (area, surface)], f.: (anat.) areola (coloured ring). -léº, adj. : areolate. aréomètreº [Gr. araiôs, thin, métron, measure], m. : areometer. tongue of a aréopage aréopage" [L. -gus (Gr. Areios págos, "hill of Ares' = Mars, where the highest judicial court of Athens was held)], m. : areopagus; high court. -gite* [L. -gites], m. : areopagist. © aréostyleº [L. arœostylos (Gr. araiôs, thin, spread, stûlos, column)], m. : araeo- style, spaced colonnade. aréquierº [arec], m. : palm). arer° [L. aräre, plough], tr. : fplough ; drag (the anchor). N, a-rête° [L. arista, 1.fish-bone ; 2.awn], m. : I.fish-skeleton, fish-bone ; line of in- tersection between two planes, two slopes, etc., ridge ; angle, edge ; (arch.) ARRIS ; 2.aWn, prickle, beard, ARISTA : à vive -, sharp-edged ; - d'un comble, corner- rafter, hip. -rêtierº m. (arch.) hip; areca (sort of arris. -rêtièreº [-rêtier], f. : hip- plastering. farganeau = organeau. argémoneº [Gr. -mône], f. : thorny pOppy. argen-t° [L. argentum], m. : silver; sil- ver-coin ; money (gen'lly) ; (her.) ARGENT : - comptant, ready money : vif-— (f- vif), quicksilver, mercury ; - blanc, Ger- man silver (alloy of nickel and copper);— fulminant, ammonium of silver; — rouge, silver glance ; un - fou, man with no end of money; bourreau d'-, spendthrift; être brouillé avec l'- comptant, never have any ready money. -tal*, adj. : contain- ing silver ; (dial.) shining like silver, ar- gent. -tan º, m. : =, German silver. -tation* [-ter], f : =, silvering; injec- tion of mercury. -ter*, tr. : silver, cover with silver; plate. -terie º, f. : silver-plate, silver-ware ; froyal fund (an- nual for extraordinary needs). f-teur* [-ter], m. : silverer, plater. - teuacº, =euse, adj. : moneyed. -tier° [L. -tärius], m: (anc.) banker (dealing in silver) ; royal steward (in charge of jew- elry, etc.). -tifèreº [L. -tum, ferre, bear], adj. : argentiferous. -tinº, adj. : silvery ; argentine ; silver-toned ; f : ar- gentine (fish; stone); f : silver-weed; wild tansy. -ture* [-ter], silver-plating. argi-le° [L. argilla], f. : potter's clay, cläy, ARGIL. -leux*, =euse, adj. : clayey, argilous. -lière*, f. : clay-pit. -lifère [L. ferre, bear], adj. : argilifer- ous. -lolithe [Gr. lithos, stone], m. : clay-stone. argo [L., Gr. -gô, name of Jason's ship], m. Argo (the ship, or the constellation). -nauteº [L. -nauta (Gr. naûtes, sailor)], m.: argonaut (hero sailing with Jason to Colchis in the Argo ; or the mollusc). I.argotº [?], m.: fband of thieves and 37 vagabonds ; = (cant of thieves and vaga- bonds, low slang ; cant). 2.argo-tº [same as ergot], m. : stub of cut branch. -terº, tr. : cut the stub of a branch (above the eye). fargotierº,-tière [I. -got], m., f. : vaga- bond. argouletº [?], m. : mounted archer. argousier [?], m. : buckthorn. argousinº [O.It. algozzino (? Sp. algua- zil, =, constable)], m. : convict-keeper, warden. ar-gueº [L. organum, instrument], f : drawbench (for wire-drawing). I.-guerº, tr. : wire draw. 2.argu-er° [p. L. -täre (L. -ere, point - out)], tr. : argue (prove by evidence, evince, prove) : - de faux, prove as false. -ment * [L. -mentum], m. : = (proof, evidence ; theme ; summary). f-men- tantº [-menter], m. : arguer, opponent. -menteurº [L. -mentator], m. : arguer. -mentation* [L. -mentatio], f : menter* [L. -mentari], intr. : argue ; tr. : argue or discuss with. Argus [L.], m. : Argus (myth.) vigilant person ; sort of peacock). argu-tie* [L. -tia (cf. arguer)], f : subtlety, quibble. -tieux*, =euse, adj. : quibbling. aria * [?], m. : ( fam.) bustle, botheration. Ariane, f. : Ariadne (Theseus' lover, abandoned by him) ; abandoned lover. arianismeº [-rien], m. : arianism. ari-deº [-dus], adj. : arid, dry; sterile. -dité* [L. -ditas], f : aridity, dryness ; barrenness. I.arien*, =enne [L. Arianus, Arius], m., f. or adj. : Arian (follower of Arius). 2.farien = aryen. ariette" [It. -tta (aria, AIR)], f : arietta. farimer = arrimer. Aristarqueº, m. : Aristarchus ; severe critic. º aristocra-te", m. : aristocrat. |-tie* [Gr. -teia (áristos, best, krateîn, rule)], f : aristocracy. -tique* [Gr. -tikôs], adj. : aristocratic. -tiquementº [-tique], adv. : aristocratically. -tiser* [-tie], tr. : render aristocratic. aristolo eheº [L. -chia], f : birth-wort. Aristo-tèle, m. : Aristotle (Greek phil- osopher).-télieienº,=enne [L.-telicus], adj. or m. : Aristotelian. -télique º, adj. : Aristotelic. -télisme", m. : Aris- totelianism. arithmé-tieienº, -tieienne, m., f : arithmetician. |-tique* [L. -tica (Gr. arithmôs, number)], adj. : arithmetical ; f : arithmetic. -tiquementº [-tique], adv. : arithmetically. - arlE-quinº, -quine [It. -cchino (?)], m., arlequin armada 38 f. : harlequin, merry-andrew; (m.) mixed stew, hodgepodge ; boat (used in hunting the merganser : harle): - politique, politi- cal harlequin (who assumes the colours of all the parties) ; habit -, work of incon- gruous parts. -quinade", f : harle- quinade. ar-mada [Sp. (L. -mata, 'armed,' viz. fleet)], f.: =. -madilleº [Sp. -madillo (dim. of -mado, armed)], m. : armadillo (crustacean). -mateurº [L. -matorl, m. : outfitter of a vessel. [L.-matura], f. : farmour ; = (iron braces ; magnet-a. ; fossil crust) ; sharps and flats. ll-me° [p. L. -ma, arms], f. : weapon ; pl. arms ; troops ; military profession ; bat- tle ; fencing ; coat of arms, emblazonry ; —s blanches, side arms ; -s aux bras ! support arms ! -s à feu, firearms ; - de jet (de trait), missile ; - à silex, flint-gun ; assaut d'-s, fencing match ; jaque d'-s, coat of arms ; fait d'-s, feat ; maître d'-s,fencing-master; salle d'-=-s, armoury ; fencing-school; passer par les -s, be put to the sword ; portez les -s! shoulder arms ! -mée* [-mer], f : army; host ; slating (of a mansard to protect against rain) : — de mer et de terre, sea and land forces ; - permanente, standing army. . - armElineº [It. -llina, *fur of the ARME- nian rat'l, f. : ERMINE. - armEment* [-mer], m.: armament. Armé-nie, f. : Armenia. -niem, -nienne, adj. or m., f. : Armenian (pertaining to Armenia ; or to Armenian church). 9 ar-mer° [L. -märe (-ma, arms)], tr.: arm (provide with arms) ; furnish (equip) ; man (a pump) ; ship (the oars); cock (a gun) ; provide with sharps and flats. -metº [-me], m. : helmet; (in jest) head. ar-millaireº, adj. : armillary, formed of rings. |-mille* [L. -milla (-mus, arm), bracelet], f. : annulet (fillet en- circling a column), ring of an armillary sphere. arminienº, =enne [Arminius], adj. or m., f. : Arminian. ar-mistieeº [L. -ma, weapons, statio, rest], m. : =, truce. -moire* [L. -mari- um (-ma, orig. ' fittings'), ' closet,' per- haps also ºweapon-closet': cf. Eng. armou- ry, same word],.f. : closet, cupboard, press. -moiries* [OFr. -moyer, decorate with arms], f. pl. : coat of arms, armorial bear- ings. - armoise° ſp. L. artemisia], f : ARTEMISIA. armoisin º [It. ermesino (? Ormuz, a city)], m. : sarcenet. •. armon° [L. artemo, sort of lever], m. : futchel (of a coach). -mature* arquE-busadeº, f : =. arrachage armorialº [-moiries], adj. : armorial ; m.:, book of heraldry. armoricain [-rique], adj. or n. : Ar- . morican. - - armorierº [-moiries], tr. : ornament with armorial bearings. « Armorique, f. : Armorica. - ar-moristeº [-moiries], m. : armorist. |-mure* [L. -matura (-mare, arm)], f : armour; fish of a mast (or yard) : - de tête, head-piece. -murerie* [-murier], f : armoury (manufactory of arms). -mu- rier*, m.: armourer, maker of arms. Arnaud, m. : Arnold. arni-ca" or farnique [l. L. -ca], f.: arnica. -eine*, f : extract of arnica. aro-mateº [L. -matum], m.: aromatic. -matique*, adj. : aromatic(al). -ma- tisation** [matiser], f : aromatisation. -matiser, tr. : aromatise. llaro-me [Gr. âroma], m. : aroma, flavour. aronde° [p. L. * hirunda (L. -do), swal- low], f. : fswallow ; swallow-fish : queue d'-, (carp.) dove-tail ; sort of fortifica- tion. farpailleur [harpailler, grasp], m. : gold-seeker, gold-washer. ar-pège" [It. -peggio (arpa, HARP), play on the harpl, m. : (mus.) arpeggio. -pègementº [-pégerl, m. : playing ar- peggios. -péger", tr. : play (a piece) in arpeggios. arpen-t° [l. L. *arependis, L. arepennis (Gall.)], m. : = (old measure of about one acre). -tage* [-ter], m. : land-measur- ing, survey. ' -terº, tr. : measure or sur- vey (land) ; walk over at great strides. . -teur*, =euse [-ter], m.: land-surveyor ; (f) caterpillar. « V, arponº [Gasc. -pan], m. : (mar.) sort of large saw (used in dock-yards). . =. |-buser* [It. arquibuso (Ger. haken-biichse, 'HOOK- gun')],f. : arquebus(e). -buserº, fintr. : shoot with an arquebus; tr. : shoot down with an arquebus, shoot. -buserieº [-sier], f. : #troop of arquebusiers ; arque- bus, or gun-smithery. -busierº, m. : = ; arquebus- or gun-Smith. ar-querº [L. -quare (-cus, bow)], tr., intr. : ARCH, curve, bend. -quet" [arc], m.: wire or rod of a shuttle. arra-ehageº, m. : pullingup (vegetables). -ehement*, m. : tearing up or away ; digging up ; weeding; (arch.) toothing. -ehe-piedº (d'-), adv. : without ces- sation. |-eher° [L. ex-rädicāre (rädix, root), "root up'], tr. : tear up or away, pull up, Snatch away ; draw (Violently), ex- tort, extract, wring ; s'-, tear (away) ; break away. -ehe-sondeº, m.: in- strument for pulling out the fragments arraisonnement of a broken bone or probe, bone-extractor -eheur*, -ehense, m., f : tearer, pull- er; ( f) workwoman who pulls the long hair from beaver-skins ; potato-plow or digger. -ehis*, m. : uprooted plant ; felonious up- rooting of young trees. -ehoirº, m. : weeding-machine, extirpator. arraison-nement*, m. : farguing; sani- tary inspection of a vessel. |-nerº° [p. L. *ar-rationäre (L. ratio, REASON)], tr. : REASON or argue With. arrangeantº, adj. : accommodating; (for part., cf.-ger). -gementº, m. : =, setting in order; fixing; disposition ; (pl.) terms, measures. ll-gerº [à, ranger], tr. : arrange (set in order; fix up ; dispose) ; accommodate (suit); compromise; (ironic.) give a scolding to (cf. Eng. º fix'), blow up ; s'-, arrange or fix one's self; place one's self, settle ; make dispositions ; accom- modate one's self; put up with : cela m'arrange, that suits me; cela s'arrangera, that will be all right ; il s'est bien —gé, he has made his house very comfortable ; arrangez-vous, do as best you can; decide ; je m'en arrange, I make shift with it. -geurº, -geuse, m., f : arranger (usl'y in bad sensê); transposer (of music). arren-tement*, m. : renting. |-terº [à, rente], tr. : rent ; let out. arré-ragerº, intr. : be. in arrears. ll-rages* [arrière], m., pl. : ARREARS : - dè rentes, periodical payments of annuities. - arrestation* [arrêter], f.: arrest ; custody. arrê-tº, m. : stopping, coming to a stand- still, check ; arrest (chiefly in pl.) ; (fixed) decree, judgment, sentence ; seizure ; (checking device, as) catch (of a gun, etc.), rest (of a lance) ; stop-work (of a clock) : — de mort, sentence of death; chien d'-, setter ; robinet d'-, stop-cock ; maison d'-, jail; mandat d'-, warrant (to arrest) ; aux —s, under arrest; -s sim- ples, open arrest ; - de défense, safe- conduct ; mettre la lance en —, couch the lance. -téº, m. : decree, resolution ; settlement (of accounts). -te-boeufº, m. : rest-harrow (leguminous plant). |-ter° [p. L.*ar-restäre (L. re-stäre, stand back)], tr. : ARREST (stop, stay, check) ; hold back, delay; fasten, fix; engage, hire ; decree, resolve; settle (an account) ; s'- , stop, pause, stand still; tarry, re- main ; be resolved or decreed ; be allayed : - un point, fasten a stitch (in sewing) ; ſaire -, give into custody ; — sa place, secure one's place ; — court, stop short ; action d'-, stop(page). -tiste" [-t], m. : compiler of decrees. -toirº, m. : stop or · catch (as of a bayonet, etc.). " , arriser 39 ar-rhementº[arrher],m.: givingearnest. -rh en°º, tr. : hire or buy by giving earnest. |ar-rhes° [L. arr(h)a], f.pl. : EARNEST (money). , I •- arrière° [p. L. *arretro (L. ad, towards, retro, back)], adv. : backwards, behind ; (nav.) abaft ; interj. : back ! avaunt ! m. : back part, REAR; stern (of a ship); ARREAR: en -, backwards ; (interj.) back ! abaft ! in arrears ; en - de, behind ; tomber de l'-, fall astern ; se ranger de l'-, veer. arriéréº [-rer], adj. : deferred, etc. ; behindhand, in arrears ; m. : what is behindhand ; arrearage : avoir de l'-, be behindhand. arrière-banº, m.: arriere-ban (call of the feudatory or inferior vassals, arrière- vassaux ; service due by them ; body of feudatory vassals). -becº, m. : (down- stream) cutwater (of a bridge). -bou- eheº,f.: pharynx. -boutiqueº, back- shop. -corpsº, m. : rear part of a structure ; recess. -courº, f. : back yard. -faiacº, m.: after-birth, placenta. -fermier, m. : under-farmer, under- tenant. -fiefº, m. : arriere fief (or fee), secondary fee. -garantº, m. : bail of a bail. -garde*, f : rear-guard, rear. -goût, m. : after-taste. -grand- oncleº, d = t , pl.-s -s, m.: grand- father's or grandmother's uncle ; great- uncle's or great-aunt's father. -grand- tanteº, pl. -s -s, f. : cf. preced. -main º, f. : back of the hand; blow with the back of the hand, indirect blow ; hind-quarters of a horse. -nEveuº, m. : great-NEPHEW ; (pl.) posterity. -pen- sée º, f. : masked thought or intention, mental reservation. -pEtite-fille", pl. -s -s, f. : great-granddaughter. -petit-fils", pl. -s -, m. : great- grandson. -pEtits-enfants, m. pl. : great-grandchildren. #len º, m.: (paint) background. -pointº, m. : back-stitch. arriérer* [arrière], tr. : leave behind, postpone ; leave behindhand ; s'-, stay behind ; get in arrears. %. arrière-saison º, m.: end of autumn ; decline (of fall). -train,º, m. : hind part of a quadruped ; back part of a four- wheeled carriage. -vassalº, =aux, m. : vassal of a mesne lord, inferior vassal. -voussureº, f. : back arch (of a gate or window). arri-mageº, m. : (nav.) stowage; trim (of the hold). |-merº [?], tr. : stow away; trim (the hold). -meurº, m. : stower, stevedore. -- #arriolerº [fr. Prov. (L. ad, rivulus, current)], refl. : cease to roll (of the sea). arrisen°º [à, ris], tr. : reef (sails): - les vergues, strike the lower yards, 40 arri-vage*, m. : arrival (of ships or boats in port ; of merchandise by water ; of merchandise or provisions generally). -vée º, f. : arrival ; (nav.) falling off : aussitôt son -, immediately after his (her) arrival ; #d'-, from the beginning, from the very first. -vement*, m.: arrival. |-verº [à, rive], intr. : arrive (fcome to the shore or land ; us'ly come, reach ; arrivage enter; happen, occur) ; bear away, bear down; veer : - à ses fins (à son but), compass one's ends ; whatever may happen, come what may. arrobeº [Sp.-ba (Ar.)],f. : arroba (weight in Mexico and S. America, varying between 25 and 32 lbs. avoir). Y. arroehe° [Norm. form, L. atriplex], f : arrach or orach (plant), goose-foot. arro-gamment* [-gant], adv. : arro- gantly. -gamee* [L. -gantial, f.: =, haughtiness. -gant* [L. -gansl, adj. : =, haughty. ll-ger* [L. ar-rogare, 'ask to' viz. one's sèlf, claim], refl. : arrogate to one's self, unduly assume. farroi*[OFr. areer (?), array], m. : ARRAY, equipage. arron-dir* [à, rond], tr. : round, round out, fill out ; (nav.) double, sail rnnnd -dissementº, m. : rounding (out), round- ness ; complement ; administrative district (esp. part of a département; or ward of a city). arro-sageº, m.: sprinkling, watering, irrigation. -sement*, m. : sprinkling, watering ; (cook.) basting; paying all around (at play). |-ser° [p. L. *-säre (L. ad-roräre, fr. rös, dew)], tr. : bedew, (be)sprinkle, water, moisten (fEng. AR- ROSE); irrigate ; (cook.) baste ; distribute money to, pay by instalments ; (play) pay all around. -seurº, =euse, m., f. : sprinkler of public roads, waterer. -soirº, m. : watering-pot; sprinkler. arrow-rootº ou = ou [Engl.], m. : =. arrugieº [L. -ia (ruga, furrow)], f. : (min.) drain. I.ars° [L. armus, shoulder], m. pl. : fold between the breast and fore legs of a horse. - • 2.ars [part. of ardre], adj. : burnt. arsEnal* [It. -le (Gr.-Ar.)], m.: marine, dock-yard. arséniate", m.: arseniate. ll-sEnieº [L. -senicum], m.: =. -sEnicalº, adj. : =. -sénieux ", =euse, adj. : arsenious. -sénique º, adj. : arsenic. -sénite", m. : arsenite. arsin* [2,ars], m. : woods damaged by fire. - arsis [L.-Gr. (Gr. airein, raise)], m. : (stressed part of a rhythmic foot). art° [L. ars], m. (f.º) : art; means: beaux • @ y #ms•-r quoi qu'il arrive, · aruspice —s, fine art ; — d'agrément, accomplish- ment ; termes de l'-, technical terms. ar-tère*[L.-teria],f. : artery. -térielº =IIe, adj. : arterial. -térieux º, =euse, adj. : arterial. -tériole", f. : small artery. -tériologie" [Gr. lôgos, dis- course], f : arteriology. -tériotomieº [L. -mia (Gr. tomé, cutting)], f : arteri- otomy. artésien ", =enne [Artois, in France], adj. : artesian. arthri-teº [L. -tis (Gr. ârthron, joint)], f : arthritis, gout. -tique* [L. -ticus], adj. : arthritic. - artie hautº [It. -ticioco (Ar.)], m. : arti- choke ; spike (on fences, etc.) : avoir un cœur d'-, have numerous affections. arti-cle* [L. -culus (artus, joint)], m. : = (statement; item, matter; articulation): à l'- de la mort, on thé point of death ; faire l'-, puff one's goods. -eulaireº [L.-cularis], adj. : articular. -eulationº [L.-culatiol,.f. : = (joint); coupling; (leg.) allegation. -culé* [-culer], adj. : articu- late(d) ; les—s, the articulates. -culer* [L. -culare], tr. : articulate (joint, couple ; utter, enunciate; express distinctly); (leg.) sefi fnrth, allege. •. artifi-ee* [L. -cium (arti-fex, artificer)], m. : = (skilful contrivance, device ; crafty device, stratagem ; fart or skill ; #trade); pyrotechnic preparation; warlike projectile (cannon-cartridge, bomb, shell, etc.) : feu d'-, fireworks ; tirer un feu d'-, set off fireworks ; caisse d'-, powder-chest ; ab- sence d'-, guilelessness ; sans -, guile- less, undesigning. -eiel*, =lle [L. -cialis], adj. : artificial; fskilful. -eielle- . mentº [-ciel], adv. : artificially;fskilfully. -eierº, m.: firework-maker, pyrotech- nist; ordnance soldier. -eieusement* [-cieux], adv. : artfully, craftily. -eieux*, =euse [L. -ciosus], adj. : artful, crafty, cunning ; #skilful (fEng. artful). artil-lerº [art.], tr. : arm (with engines of war). -lerie*,f. : artillery, ordnance. -1eurº, m. : artilleryman. 3 artimon* [L. -temo (Gr. -tân, hang, arrange), gallant-saill, m. : mizzen (sail) : perroquet d'-, mizzen top-mast. artisanº [It. -tigiano (L. ars, art)], m. : =, mechanic ; fartist. arti-sonº [?], m.: wood-fretter (insect). -sonné*, adj. : worm-eaten. artis-teº [art], m., f : artist; player ; alchemist ; adj. : artistic (gifted for arts ; fconformable to art). -tEmentº, adv. : artistically. -tique*, adj. : artistic. arumº [L.], m. : = (plant). aruspieeº [L. (h)aru-spex ('entrail- seer'), Rom. soothsayer], m.: =, (h)aru- spex, soothsayer. aryen aryenº, =enne [Sanskr. ārya, excellent], adj. or m.,f. : Aryan (of the Aryan stock). aryténoïde" [Gr. -taino-eidés, " ladle- formed'], adj. : arytenoid. arzelº [Sp. argel (Ar.)], m. : = (horse with white hind legs and forehead). as° [L. as, unit (of coin or measure); small coin], m. : ACE; AS (Rom. coin or weight). · as- [L. as- = ad, *to'l : pref. asa = d88d. asaretº [L. -rum], m. : asarum (plant). asbesteº [L. -tos (Gr. a-, not, sbennûmai, *extinguish,' as unaffected by fire)l, m. : asbestos (mineral). ascarideº [L. -da], m. : ascarid (worm). ascen-daneeº, f. : ascending (family-) line ; rising or ascension (of a star). l-dant [L. -dens (ad, scandere, climb)l, adj. : =, ascending; m. : ancestor; (astr.) ascending node; (astrol.) ascendant (rising of a star at one's birth) ; influence (of one's star) ; fascendency, governing in- fluence. -seurº [L. -sor], m. : " vatOr. -sion* [L. -sio], f. : = ; ascent; rising ; up-stroke (of machinery) : jour de l'-, Ascension-day, Holy Thursday. -sion- melº, =lle [-sion], adj. : ascensional. -sionnisteº [-sion], m., f. : mountain climber, one ascending high mountains. · as-eèteº [l. L. *-céta (Gr. asketés, fr. as- keîn, exercise)], m., f.: ascetic. -eéti- que º [L. -ceticus], adj. : ascetic. -eé- tismeº, m.: ascetism. aseiens [L. -cius (Gr. a-, not, skiá, shadow)], m.pl. : ascians. aseiteº [L. -tes [Gr. askôs, belly)], f : ascites, dropsy. I.asclépia-de" [L.-deus (first used by · the Greek poet Asclepias)], adj. or m. : asclepiad (verse). 2. asclé-piadeº, f. : -pias [L. -piasl, m.: asclepias, swallow-wort. -piadées*, f. pl. : family of asclepias. a-siarcatº [-siarque], m. : dignity of an asiarch. -siarque* [L. -si-archa (Gr. archôs, ruler)], m. : asiarch. -siatique, adj. : Asiatic. |A-sie, f : Asia. I.asile* [L. asylum (Gr. a-, " not, sûlon, right of seizure)], m. : asylum, refuge, place of refuge, shelter : salle d'-, infant school ; — des pauvres, poor-house ; house of industry. 2.asileº [L. -lus], m. : wasp-fly, asilus. asi-neº [L. -nus, ass], adj.f. : fbête -, ass; asinine. -nimº, adj. : asinine. aspect* [L. a-spectus (spec-, look)], m. : aspect (appearance, look) ; view ; #posi- tion ; (astrol.) aspect (situation of stars at a given moment) : - du ciel (astrol.): decumbiture. asperge" [L. asparagusl, f,; asparagus ; 4l rib of whale-bone : une — montée, tall and lean person. - asper-ger* [L.-gere (spargere, strew), scatter], tr. : sprinkle, ASPERSE (in sense of 'sprinkle'). -ges* [L. -ges, *thou shalt sprinkle,' first word of the anthem before the mass], m. : asperges (moment of sprinkling with holy water) ; aspergill (ºp#b#sh). aspérité* [L. -tas (asper, rough)], f : asperity, ºu#n#s ; sharp point. asper-sion* [L. -sio (cf. -ger)], f.: = (in sense of "sprinkling'), sprinkling (holy water). | -soirº [l. L. f-sorium], 77l. , #ll (holy-water brush). assaillant asphalteº [L. -tus (Gr. -tos)], m. : as- phalt; asphalt side-walk. asphodèle* [L. -lus], m.: asphodel (plant). - asphyx-iant* [-ier], adj. : producing asphyxia. |-ie" [Gr.-ia (a, not, sphüxis, pulse)l, f : asphyxy (suspension of anima- tion). -ier*, tr.: asphyxiate, suffocate. . r.aspic* [L. aspis], m. : = (asp; venom- ous reptile). 2.aspic* [Prov. espie (L. spica, SPIKE, ear)], m. : = (SPIKEnard, lavender). 3.aspic* [?], m. : = (meat jelly). aspi-railº, =raux, m. (us'ly pl.) : draft- hole. -rant*, part.: aspiring, etc. ; (of pumps) sucking, suction; m., f. : aspirant, candidate, suitor : — de marine, midship- man. -rateurº, =triee, adj. : pro- ducing suction ; m. : ventilator. -ra- tion* [-ratio],f.: = (in sense of : fervent desire ; pronunciation with flatus ; breath- ing, inhaling, inspiration); suction ; (hydr.) exhaustion. -ré, part. : aspired, etc.; aspirate; (hydr.) exhausted ; -rée, f. : aspirate (sound). |-rerº [L. a-spirare, "breathe towards' (I.outwardly, 2.in- wardly)] : intr. : pant (for), ASPIRE (to), long; tr. : emit with aspiration, ASPIRATE ; 2.inhale, inspire; suck in ; (hydr.) ex- haust ; s'-, be aspirated; suck. . aspre* [Gr. -ron (Turk.)], m. : asper (Turkish coin). assa* [l. L. asa (Pers.)] : f (m.): asa (gum) : - dulcis, f : asa-dulcis, benzoin ; - fœtida, f. : asafœtida. assa-gir* [à, sagel, tr. : render sage or Wise ; intr. : grow wise. -gissement, rendering wise ; growing wisé. assail-lant*, adj. : assailing, aggressive ; m. : assailant, aggressive. t-leur*, m. : (inveterate) assailer. |-lir° [p. L. *as-salire, L. -silire (ad, salire, leap), leap upon], irr. $ ; tr. : ASSAIL, ASSAULT, attack. $ Ind. : Pr. assaille. Ipf. assaillazs. Pret. assaillis. Fut. (Cond.) assailliraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. assaille. lpf. assaillzsse, - I've assatlle, - Part. : Pr, assaillant, 42 assai-nirº [à, sain], tr. : render healthy assainir or salubrious. -nissement", m. : rendering healthy; salubrity ; (agr.) drainage. assai-sonnementº, m. : seasoning; (what seasons) seasoner, condiment. |-son- ner* [à, saison], tr. : SEASON, render savoury or agreeable, spice ; adapt, fit, temper; combine pleasantly ; fsubmit to the influence of a favourable season ; dry ; ripen, mature). assas-simº, -sine [It. -sino (Ar. 'hash- ishin,' " hashish-drinker')], m.,.f. : assassin ; adj. : assassinous, murderous, killing. -sinanntº, adj. : murdering, killing; ex- ceedingly tiresome. -sinatº, m. : assas- sination, wilful murder. -sinateurº, m.: assassin(ator). -sinen°º [It. -sinare], tr. : assassinate, murder ; ( fig.) bore to death. -sineurº, =euse, m., f : as- sassin. assaut° [p. L. *-saltus, L. -Sultus (ad salire, leap upon)], m. : ASSAULT (onset, onslaught, attack, storm) ; fencing-match : faire — de, vie with each other in ; faire — d'esprit, make a trial at wit. assauvager* [à, sauvage], tr. : render savage ; intr. : become savage. - r - assavoir là, savoir], adv. : to wit, faire —, make known; c'est -, to wit, namely. fas-se° [L. ascia, hammer], f. : (dial.) cooper's hammer. hammer. as-see º [à, sec], m. : (of ponds) time of draining dry. -sé ehementº [-sécher], m.: drying out, draining. -sé eherº [à, sécher], tr. : dry out, drain ; intr. : grow dry, be drained. asséeur* [asseoir], m. : ASSESSOR. - assem-blage º, m. : =, collection, gather- ing; jumblè ; (carp.) coupling, scarfing ; (nav.) tabling (of the beams). -blée*,f : fassembling; assemblage, meeting, com- pany; congregation. -blEmentº, m.: assembling, assemblage. |-bler° [p. L. *as-simuläre (L. ad, simul, together), bring together], tr. : assemble, bring to- gether, gather, collect ; convoke ; (carp.) couple, scarf, trim ; (mil.) muster ; s'-, assemble, meet, flock together; muster. -bleur*, -bleuse, m., f : collector, gatherer. assEner° [L. as-signare (signum, sign), mark out], tr. : deal or strike (a blow) ; apply. assen-tement*, m. : I. fassent; 2.(hunt.) scent. -timent*, m. : I.assent, agree- ment ; 2.(hunt.) scent. |-tir° [I.L. -tire (ad, sentire, feel) ; 2.à, sentir], intr. : I.#ASSENT ; 2.tr., intr. : (hunt.) SCENT, find the scent. asseoir° [p. L. *as-sedëre (L. sedère, sit)], -seau*, m. : roofer's assignable irr. $ ; tr. : SEAT ; SET, place, establish, lay; SETtle ; train (a horse) ; s'-, seat one's self, be seated, sit down : - les fondements, lay the foundations : - une rente, settle an annuity ; - un camp, pitch a camp, $ Ind. : Pr. assieds, assieds, assied ; asse- 3/ozzs, -yez, - yezat. Ipf. czsse yaz.s. Pret. asszs. Fut. (Cond.) asseyeraz(s) or assiérai(s). — Subj. : Pr. asseye or asseie. Ipf. assisse. — I've assieds ; asseyez. - Part. : Pr. asseyazzz ; P. asszs. asseption = acception. assermenter* [à, serment], tr. : bind by oath, swear in. asser-tifº, =ive [L. -tus (ad, serere, bind)], adj. : assertive. -tion* [L.-tio], • . -tivement*, adv. : assertively. asser-vir* [à, serf], tr. : reduce to SERVItude, inthral, enslave ; subdue, bring under subjection. -vissant, adj. : en- slaving. -vissementº, m. : enslave- ment, inthralment, subjection ;. servitude, bondage. asses-seur* [L. -sor (as-sidere, seat by)], m.: assessor (of a judge, president, etc.), associate. -soratº, m. : assessor- ship. assetteº [assel, f : hammer. assez º [à, OFr. sez (L. satis, enough)], adv. : enough, sufficiently; rather, pretty; pretty well. •R assi-du* [L. -duus (as-sidere, sit near or close)], adj. : assiduous; SEDulous. -duité* [L. -duitus], f. : assiduity, ap- plication. -dûmentº, adv. : assiduously, sedulously. < assieds, etc., forms of asseoir, which see. assié-geant*, adj. : besieging; m. : be- sieger. |-ger° [p.L.*as-sediäre (*sedia, siege, fr. L. sedëre, sit)], tr. : lay SIEGE to, besiege ; beSET. assiet-te* [OFr. assiet, 3 s. Pres. of as- seoir],f. : posture, seat, situation; position; ASSESSment (of taxes) (cf. ASSETS), site; stability; course (of a repast); dish (foreach course) ; (us'ly) plate : - blanche, clean plate ; - à soupe, soup-plate ; - d'une église, site of a church ; être dans son -, be steady; be at ease ; be in good humour ; ſaire l'- de, assess; piquer l'-, sponge ; l'- d'une rente, the fund of an annuity; — d'un vaisseau, trim of a ship. -tée º, f.: dish, plateful. assi-gnableº, adj. : =. -gnatº, m. : trent assigned on landed property; = (paper money based on the security of lands appropriated by the state during the Fr. revolution 1790-6). -gnation* [L. -gnatio], f. : = ; assignment (of a dower); (com.) check ; (fin.) transfer ; (leg.) writ ; · summons ; subpœna : donner une - à, cooper's or slater's assimilable | have a writ out against ; signifier à quel- qu'un une -, serve a writ upon any one. -gné, =ée, part. Summoned ; m.,.f. : defendant. ll-gner* [L. as-signare (signum, sign), mark out], tr. : assign (appoint, determine, fix, allot); summon, subpœna : obtenir permission d'-, take out a Writ against. assimi-lable*, adj. : =. -lationº · [L. -latio], f : =. |-ler* [L. -lare (similis, like)], tr. : assimilate (render like ; liken ; compare). 1 as-sis, part. (or prt.) of asseoir : seated. -sise*, f. : layer or course (of stones in building), stratum ;pl. : assembly of judges; (us'ly) SESsion of a criminal court, AS- SIZES. assi-stan ee*, f : = (aid); attendance, body of bySTANDers, company; assistants' station (province or country where the assistants of certain religious orders Were sent): l'- publique, administration of · public charities ; - judiciaire, bureau aiding the poor in litigations. -stant*, -stante, adj. : assisting, assistant, at- tendant, adjutor; m., f. : assistant of re- ligious orders); m. pl. : attendants, by- standers, persons present. |-sterº [L. a8-sistere, stand by], intr. : assist (STAND by, help ; stand near, be present, attend). º asso-eiation*, f : = (act or state); partnership ; society : - illégale, con- spiracy; - de secours mutuels, friendly benefit society. -eiéº, =ée, m., f. : associate, member ; partner, companion. ll-eier* [L. as-sociare], tr. : associate (admit as partner; connect) ; marry; s'-, associate one's self (with), enter | into partnership (with); associate, admit as partner ; participate (in). fassoifferº [à, soif], tr. : (fam.) make thirsty ; esp. in part. : assoiffé de plaisir, thirsting for pleasure. asso-lementº, m.: distribution (of land) for varied crops. -lerº [à, sole], tr. : divide (a field) in parts for varied crops. assom-brirº [à, sombre], tr. : darken, obscure, rendergloomy or somber. -bris- sement*, m. : darkening, gloom. assom-mantº, adj. : killing; overwhelm- ing ; tiring to death, most tiresome or wearisome : être -, be a great bore. ll-mer* [à, somme, burden], tr. : knock doWn (with something weighty), beat to death ; overwhelm with blows, beat un- mercifully; overpower, bear down ; bore or Wearyto death, tire out; s'-, kill one's self ; overburden one's self ; be overwhelmed. | -meurº, m. : killer; slaughterer (of cattle) ; bore. -moirº, m. : weapon for knocking down ; bludgeon ; trap (for 43 killing animals); low tavern : un coup d'-, overwhelming blow or accident. assomption * [L. as-sumptio (sumere, take)], f : assumption ; (rel.) Assumption (the act of, or the feast). assonah, See Somma. Hº,SSTl1Iº3l,| IlC © asso-naneeº [L. -nare], f =. -nant" [L. -nans], =. |-nerº [L. -nare (sonare, sound)], intr. : be assonant ; bring an assonance. assor-timentº, m.: assortment. ll-tirº [à, sort], tr. : assort, match, pair, suit ; provide with well-assorted wares, stock, furnish ; s'-, match, agree, be suitable ; ir. -tissantº, adj. : matching ; suit- besot; s'-, be infatuated, be madly ' fond of. assou-pir* [l. L. *as-sopire (L. sopor, sleep)], tr. : render sleepy or drowsy, drowse; lull, quiet, appease ; s'-, grow drowsy or dull, doze, fall asleep ; be quieted, be assuaged, be appeased. -pis- santº, adj. : rendering drowsy, sleep- inducing, SOPORific. -pissement º, m. : rendering drowsy, quieting, assuagement ; drowsiness, listessness, indifference. assouplir* [à, souple], tr. : make supple · or flexible, bend ; break (a house) ; s'-, become supple. assour-dirº [à, sourd], tr. : render deaf, deafen ; render surd ; stun ; deaden (sound); muffle (a bell, an oar, etc.) ; darken (a pointing). -dissantº, adj. : deafening, etc. -dissementº, m. : deaf- ening, etc.; deafness, silence. assou-vir° [p. L. *as-sopire (L. sopor, sleep), lull asleep, calm], tr. : gratify, satiate, glut. -vissement*, m. : grati- fication ; satiating, glutting. assu-jettir* or jétir [à, sujet], tr. : SUBJECT (bring into subjection, subdue, enthral) ; fix (fasten) ; wedge in. -jet- tissant" or -jétissant, adj. : sub- duing, keeping in subjection, tyrannical. -jettissementº, m. subjection, subdual ; constraint. . s assumer* [L. -re (sumere, take)], tr. : assume, take upon one's self. assu-ranee*, f : = (assertion ; security, certainty; pledge ; trust ; reliance ; self- reliance, self-confidence, boldness ; in- surance) : - contre l'incendie, fire in- surance ; — sur la vie, life insurance ; bureau d'-, insurance office ; police d'-, insurance policy; être en lieu d'-, be in a safe place ; il n'y a pas d'- à prendre en lui, there is no reliance to be placed in him. -re",f. : woof texture. -ré, =ée*, part. : assured, etc. ; adj. : sure, certain ; safe, secure ;, self-reliant, bold; m., f : 44 insured person. -rémentº [-ré], adv. : assuredly, surely. |-rerº [à, sur], tr. : assure (make sure or certain, confirm ; assert ; inspire with confidence ; insure) ; accustom to the bit ; s'-, make sure of, ascertain, satisfy one's self ; be assured, be persuaded : - l'argent, make sure of the money ; - pour l'aller (pour le re- tour), (com.) insure out (home) ; s'— d'un poste, take possession of a position. -reurº, m.: insurer, underwriter. astatique* [Gr. á-statos, un-stable], adj. : astatic. · as-ter or -tère* [L. aster, STAR], m. : aster, starwort. -térie*, f : asterias, sea-star. -térismeº [Gr. -terismás], m. : asterism (star-cluster ; star-shaped reflection on certain crystals). -téris- que* [L. -teriscus], m. : (print.) asterisk, star; (Greek church) star on the paten. -téroïdeº [-teroeidés (eîdos, form)], m. : asteroid. asthénie" [Gr. -neia (a-, not, sthénos, strength)], f : asthenia, loss of strength. asth-matique* [L. -maticus], adj. or m., f : asthmatic(al). [-me* [L.-Gr. -ma (áein, blow)], m. : asthma. astie" [? Eng. stick], m. : glazing-stock, polisher. - asticot* [?], m. : gentle, maggot. asticoterº [?] tr.: plague, tease. astigmatisme* [Gr. a-, not, stigma, point], m. : astigmatism. astiquerº [-tic], tr. : polish, furbish. astracan* [A., Russian city], m. : As- trakhan fur. - astragale* [L. -galus], f : astragalus (ankle-bone ; milk-vetch) ; astragal (con- vex moulding on a column, etc.). as-tralº [L. -tralis], adj. : =. |-tre* [L. -trum], m.: STAR, fixed star. -tréeº [Gr. -traîa, f of -îos, starry], f : astraean, star-coral. - a-streindre* [L. as-stringere, draw tight], irr.; tr. : bind (oblige, force, compel, ASTRINGE). -striction * [L. -strictio], f. : (med.) =. -stringeneeº #gºl, f : astringency. '-strin- gentº [L. -stringens], adj. or m. : as- tringent. astro-ïte", [L. -tes (Gr. ástron, STAR)], f : astroite (star-stone) ; star-coral. -labe* [L.-labus (lambánein, take)], m.: astrolabe (antiquated instrument for ob- serving the stars). -logie º [L. -logia (Gr. lôgos, discourse)], f. : astrology. -logique* [-logie], adj. : astrologic(al). -logiquementº #lºgiq#el, adv. : as- trologically. -logueº [L. -logus (cf. -logie)], m. : astrologer. -nomeº [L. -nomus (mômos, law)], m. : astronomer. astatique -nomie* [L. -nomia (cf. -nome)], f.; athrepsie astronomy. -nomique* [L. -nomicus (cf. -nome)], adj. : astronomic(al). -no- miquementº [-nomique], adv. : astro- nomically. astu-ee* [L. -tia (astus, craft)], f.: astuteness, craft, cunning. -eieuse- mentº [-cieux], adv. : astutely, craftily. -eieuacº, =euse, adj. : astute, crafty, cunning. fasyle = asile. - asymp-tote" [Gr. a-sûm-ptotos (pip- téin, fall), " not falling together'], f. : (math.) =. -tique", adj. : asymptot- ic(al). # asyndète [Gr. -deton (a-, not, sûn-detos, böund together)], m. : (rhet.) asyndeton, leaving out a connective. atarax-ie* [Gr. -ía (a-, not, taraktós, disturbed)], f : ataraxy, calmness. -ique*, adj. : referring to ataraxy. atavismeº [L. -vus (avus, grandfather), ancestor], m. : atavism. atèle* [Gr. a-telés, in-complete], m. : ateles (monkey, lacking a thumb). atElierº [OFr. astelle, dim. of aste (L. hasta), stick], m. : (old : place where pieces of wood were kept ; carpenter's workshop) ; : atelier (workshop gen'lly ; studio); office ; manufactory ; school of | painting or sculpture : - de construction, factory ; - de gréement, (nav.) rigging loft ; - de forgeron, forge, blackSmith's shop ; chef d'-, foreman. atellanesº [L. -nœ (Atella, city)], f.pl. : atelans (anc. farcial drama). ater-moiementº, -moîment, m.: delay of payment, respite ; composition (adjustment of a debt). |-moyer* [à, OFr. termoyer (L. termen, TERM, limit), defer], tr. : defer (to a limit of time) ; " try to delay or gain time ; s'- avec ses créanciers, compound (come to terms) with one's creditors. Athalie, f. : Athaliah. athé-eº [Gr. âtheos (a-, not, theós, god)], m.: atheist; adj. : atheistic(al). -ismeº, m.: atheism. #-isteº, m. : atheist. a-thénée" [L. -thenœum (Gr. -thénaion, a temple of Athéné)], m. : athenaeum ; establishment for public lectures and teaching. A.-thènes [Gr. -théme (? the *blooming ' goddess = Minerva), us'ly in pl. -thênai], f. : Athenes. -thénien, =enne, adj. or moun : Athenian. athermaneº or -mique [Gr. a-, not, thérme, heat], adj. : athermanous, not transmitting heat. . ath-lèteº [L. -leta, Gr. -letés (-leîn, con- tend for a prize), prize-fighter], m. : ath- lete. -létique* [L. -leticus], adj. : ath- letic(al) ; f : athletic art, athletics. athrepsie* [Gr, á-threptos, un-nour- atinter ished], f. : innutrition, wasting away for want of nourishment. I.atinterº [à, tin], tr. : (nav.) fasten on blocks. - 2.atinter* [?], tr. : dress out (extrava- gantly). 3 at-lanteº [It.], m. : man-statue support- ing an entablature, pl. ATLANTES. -lan- tique [L. -lanticus (Gr. -kôs, sea west of Atlas)], adj. or f. : Atlantic. |-las [L.-| Gr. Atlas (tlénai, bear), the god bearing up the pillars of heaven ; or the African . mount], m. : Atlas ; atlas (first vertebra of the neck ; collection of maps or of plates). atmos-phère" ' [Gr. atmôs, vapor, Sphaîra, sphere], f. : atmosphere. -phé- riqueº, adj. : atmospheric(al). atollº [Maldive], m. : = (coral island). ato-Ineº [L. -mus (Gr. a-, not, témnein, cut)], m. : atom. -mique", adj. : atomic- (al). -misme", m.: atomism. -miste", m.: atomist. -mistique* [miste], adj. : atomi(sti)c. ato-neº [Gr. -nos (a-, not, tônos, TONE, strength)], adj. : atonic (unaccented ; lack- ing vitality). -nie* [Gr. -nía],.f. : atony (weakness of the system). -niqueº [-nie], adj. : atonic (characterised by atomy). atou-rº, m. : (woman's) attire, finery or Ornament : dame d'-, (queen's, etc.) lady of the toilette or bed-chamber. #|-rner [à, tourner], tr. : (wrap around, hence) attire, deck out, bedizen. -rneurº, -rneuse, m., f : dresser, tirewoman. atout* [à, tout], m. : trump(-card); strong · blow. ' atra-bilaireº, adj. or n. : atrabilious or hypochondriac (person). |-bileº [l. L. atra-bilis, black BILE], f.: black bile, hypochondria, melancholy. âtre* [OHG. astrih (l. L. -tracum, Gr. ôstrakon, potsherd, brick) = Ger. estrich, stone-floor], m. : (floor of brick on which a fire is made, hence) hearth, fire-place, floor (of ovens). atrium* [L.], m. = (inner court). atro-ee* [L. atrox], adj. : atrocious. -eementº, adv. : atrociously. -eité*, [L. -citas],f. : atrocity ; atrociousness. atro-phieº [L. -phia (Gr. a-, not, tréphein, nourish)], f. : atrophy (wasting for lack of nourishment). -phier º, tr. : atrophy, cause to waste away, wither ; s'-, waste away. atropine* [l. L. -pa, name for bella- donna], f : =. attabler* [à, table], tr. : seat to table ; s'-, sit down to table : —é, seated at table. - atta-ehantº, adj. : engaging, attractive, attelage 45 interesting. -ehe*, f : I.attaching or tying; attached letter of authority ; 2.(what serves to attach or fix, as) fasten- ing, band (of iron, wood, etc.), brace, rivet, cord, strap, leash, tether, etc. ; 3.attach- ment, affection : droit d'-, right of bar- ring a water-course ; tax on water-privi- leges ; port d'-, matriculation port ; avoir l'- de quelqu'un, have somebody's authority; chien d'-, bandog, that must be kept tied ; à l'-, tied up ; mettre à l'-, tie up ; lier par une —, tether ; vivre sans -, live free. - ehé, part. : at- tached, fastened, tied, etc., intent on ; m. : attaché (of an embassy). -ehement*, m. : attachment, affection, fondness ; eager application; verification attached to a mem- orandum of work performed. |-eherº [à, tache, fixed point], tr. : attach (fasten, fix; affix, join, bind ; endear) ; interest ; s'-, be(come) attached, or fastened, or fixed ; fasten on, take hold ; hold (to), cleave ; adhere ; be attached or devoted ; apply one's self : - du prix à, set a value upOn. - atta-quabIeº, adj. : attackable, assail- able. -quant º, part. : attacking; m. : attacker, assailant. -que*, f. : attack · (assault ; fit, stroke) ; pl. : approaches (in a siege). |-querº [It. -ccare (tacca = Fr. tache: cf. attacher)], tr. : attack (assail ; oppugn, impugn ; affect ; take hold of a subject, tackle, begin) ; contest, challenge ; spur on (a horse) ; (nav.) stand in for or near (a coast, island, etc.) ; s'- (à), venture to attack, encounter ; find fault with ; challenge, defy : - quel- qu'un de conversation, begin a conversa- . tion with any one ; il -e bien la note, he makes the note tell distinctly ; s'- à son maître, encounter one's master (or more than one's match). attarderº [à, tarder], tr. : delay; s'-, be delayed, tarry. $1 at-teindre°[p. L. *at-tangere (L.tangere, 2 . touch)], irr. (cf. peindre) tr. (intr.): ATTAIN (reach, arrive at ; touch); hit, strike ; affect ; overtake, join, equal : - le but (or au but), attain one's end ; hit the mark ; — son maître, equal one's master; être atteint de, be attacked with ; atteint d'un crime, arraigned for a crime. -teinte*,f. : attainment, reach ; ATTAINT, touch, blow, stroke, attack, fit ; violation, breach ; hurt, injury, damage, outrage ; approach : porter — à, commit an offence against, injure, impair ; subir une -, receive a blow or injury; les -s du froid, the approaches of cold. at-telageº, m. : harnessing, yoking ; har- ness, yoke ; team (yoked animals). |-teler ° [p. L. *-läre (L. tëlum, "pole')l, 46 attelle tr. : put (horses) to, hitch up (attach to a vehicle), yoke. I.-telle, Pres. of -teler. 2.attelle* [OFr. astelle (L. hasta, stick)], f. : hames (of a harness) ; (surg.) splint. , attenantº [pr. part. of an old at-tenir, hold to], adj. : APpurTENANT, adjoining, contiguous, next. - attendre° [L. at-tendere (tendere, stretch), reach out, direct one's mind to], tr. : look forward to, expect, wait for, await (fEngl. ATTEND) ; s'-, fdirect one's attention (fEngl. attend) ; count or rely on, trust ; look forward, expect, anticipate : attendez ! stay ! hold ! qu'il attende, let him wait ; se faire -, keep people Waiting ; je m'y attends, I expect it ; attendez-v0us-y, I wish you would get it (or succeed) ; en at- tendant, in waiting, in the expectation ; in the meantime, meanwhile ; attendu que, considering that, (inasmuch) as, whereas. atten-drir* [à, tendrel, tr. : make tender, soften, move, touch, affect ; s'-, grow tender, be moved, soften, melt, relent: s'- sur, be moved at or by. -drissant", adj. : softening, touching, affecting. -drissement", m. : growing tender ; emotion, affection ; relenting ; tondorness, cQmpassion. attendu, part. of attendre, which see. attenta-tº [L. -tum (cf. attenter)], m.: (fEngl. =), criminal attempt, conspiracy, | crime; outrage. -toireº, adj. : of crim- · · inal attempt or intent ; temptatory. attente* [l. L. -ta (cf.-dre)], f : expecta- · tion, waiting; hope : salle d'-, waiting hall, ante-room ; vive -, sanguine expec- · tation, pierred'-, (arch.) toothing ; (fig.) stepping-stone. • attenterº [L. -tare (tentare or temptare, touch), ATTEMPT], intr. : make a (criminal) ATTEMPT, conspire : — à la vie de, make an attempt upon the life of ; - à ses jours, lay violent hands upon one's self. atten-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (cf. -dre)], adj. : attentive (regardful ; watchful ; stu- dious) : être - à, look after, see to ; be intent upon. -tion [L. -tio], f. : = ; heed ; regard : faute d'-, for lack of attention ; inadvertently ; faire (prêter) — à, pay attention to, mind ; n'y faites pas —, don't name (mention) it. -tivementº, adv. : attentively. atté-nuantº, adj. : fattenuant (also m.); extenuating, mitigating. -nuation º, f. : attenuation, extenuation, mitigation. | |-nuerº [L.-nuare (tenuis, THIN)], tr. : attenuate, make thin or slender, emaciate ; eXtenuate, mitigaje : attenué, attenuated, etc.; tapering. atter-rage* [-rer], m. : (nav.) making land, landfall. -rantº [-rer], adj. : overwhelming, astounding. -rer* [à, attractif terre], tr. : fbring or strike to the ground ; overthrow (demolish) ; throw into deep consternation (overwhelm, astound) ; intr. : (nav.) manœuvre to make land ; make land. |-rirº [à, terre], intr. : (nav.) make land ; descend (of a balloon) ; ftr. : fill with earth. -rissage * [-rir], m. : (nav.) making land, landing. -risse- ment* [-rir], m. : alluvion, alluvium ; (nav.) making land, landing ; descent (of a balloon). attes-tation* [L. -tio], f : =, certifi- cate, voucher. |-ter* [L. -tari (testis, witness)], tr. : attest (bear witness to, cer- tify ; (fEngl. call to witness, invoke) : j'en -e le ciel, heaven be my witness. atti-eisme* [L. -cismus (cf. -que)], m. : atticism. -eiste*, m. : Atticist. - attié-dir* [à, tiède], tr. : render tepid or lukewarm ; render less warm or cold (as the case may be) ; cool; s'-, grow cool. -dissementº, m.: growing lukewarm, abatement ; lukewarmness. - atti-fer* [à, old tiffer (unc. deriv.), adorn the head], tr. : fadorn ; dress out (ridicu- lously), bedizen, embellish. -fetº, m. : Woman's head-gear. Affi-que [T. -ca (Gr. -ké)], f. : Affica ; atti-que* [L. -cus], adj. or m. : Attic ; (arch.) attic. -quementº, adv. : in the Attic manner. - atti-rable", adj. : attractable. -railº, m. : (orig'ly, things" drawn or broughtalong- for some purpose, hence) apparatus : ma- terials, implements (fEngl. TIRE), utensils, gear, equipage,train, paraphernalia,tackle, etc. -rantº, adj. : attractive, alluring. |-rerº [à, tirer], tr. : ATTRACT, draw to one's self ; draw, entice ; win over; s'-; draw or bring upon one's self, incur ; at- tract, win ; attract each other : s'- des affaires, get one's self into scrapes. atti-se", f. : brewer's fuel. |-ser* [à, tis, radical of tison, brand], tr. : stir up or poke (the fire), animate. -seurº, m. : stirrer up ; instigator; discord-maker. atitrerº [à, titre], tr. (rarely used except in p. part.): attach by title (to a function); appoint ; fclandestinely appoint, bribe. attitudeº [It. -dine (L. aptitudo, fr. aptus, fitted), position fitted to a certain feeling], f : = (posture, pose ; position). attou-ehement*, m. : touch(ing), con- . tact ; #feeling of touch. |-eherº [à, toucher], tr. : touch. - at-traetifº, =ive [L. -tractivus], adj. : attractive. -traction * [L. -tractio], j'.. -tractionnaire, m. : adherent of the theory of attraction. |-traire° [L. at-trahere, draw], irr. (cf. traire); tr. : ATTRACT, allure. -trait*, m. : attraction, allurement, charm ; inclination. -- e attrape attra-peº, f : trap, snare, catch; take-in, trick ; elbow-tongs ; (nav.) relievingtackle. -pe-lourdaud " (pl.-, or-s),m. : fool- trap, clap-trap. -pe-moueheº (pl. -, or -s), m. : fly-trap. -pe-nigaud " (pl. -, or -s), m. : fool-trap, clap-trap. -pe- · parterre" (pl. -, or-s), m.: clap-trap (for the pit). |-perº [à, trappe], tr. : entrap (ensnare, take in) ; catch, catch on, - get ; seize, secure ; surprise ; reach, hit : - un rhume, catch a cold ; — un coup, get a blow ; - sur le fait, catch in the act ; - le sens (la pensée), catch the sense thought ; - la ressemblance, hit off the likeness. -peurº, -peuse, m., f : en- trapper, deceiver, cheat. -poireº, f.: trap, Snare, trick. attrayant* [-raire], adj. : attracting, charming, winning. • attrem-pageº, m. : gradual heating (of a furnace). | |-perº [à, tremper], tr. : heat gradually (a furnace); #temper (steel). attri-buerº[L.-buere (tribuere,"bestow,' origºly on a tribe, tribus)], tr. : attribute (assign, confer) ; attach ; impute; s'-, attribute or arrogate to one's self; claim, assume. -butº [L. -butus], m.: =. -bu- tif, =iveº [-but], adj. : attributive. -bu- · tion º [L. -butio], f : = ; conferring (a , privilege), privilege ; power, function, de- partment. · attris-tant", adj. : saddening, grievous. |-terº [à, triste], tr. : sadden, grieve, afflict ; s'-, grow sad ; grieve. attrition º [L. -tio (terere, rub)], f. : = (fwearingbyfriction; repentance forfear). attrou-pementº, m. : riotous assem- blage, rabble. , , assemble (in crowds or flocks), gather to- gether ; s'-, assemble in crowds, flock to- gether (tumultuously). au [contraction of à le], to the. aubade* [Prov. -ba = Fr. I.aube, dawn], ſ. : morning serenade ; (irony) reproof, scolding. aubageº [2.aube], m. : panels. - au-bain° [p. L. alib-anus (L. alibi, else- where)], m.: ALIen, foreigner. -baine*, ſ. : = (succession to the property of an alien) ; unexpected acquisition or profit, Windfall. | # - I.aube° [L. alba, ºf. of -bus, white], f.: dawn, day-break ; ALB (priest's vestment of *white' linen). ·2.aube° [p. L. *alva; L. -vus, bellyl, f. : thin board connecting the bows of a saddle (these boards called its * belly') ; hence float board, puddle. - - aubépine° [p. L. *albi-spina (L. alba, white, spina, thorn], f. : hawthorn, white- thorn, - ll-perº [à, troupe], tr. : | enter here ! —, none. split boards for audience 47 aubère* [OSp. hobero (? Ar.)], adj. : flea- bitten gray (of horses). aubergeº [Prov. -go (like OFr. herberge, fr. OHG. heri-berga, * army-shelter,' i.e. camp ; quarters, inn = Ger. herberge], f. : inn, lodging house, hostelry. aubergine" [Catal. -gina (Ar.)],f. : mad- apple. #rsiste º [-ge], m. : innkeeper, land- lord. - auberonº [?], m. : catch (of a lock). aube-vigne º, f. : (vulg.) virgin's-bower (climbing plant). aubien°º [L. albus, white], m. : ALBURIllIml. faubifoin * [?], m. : (vulg.) bluebottle (plant). , « 1 I. faubin° [L. albumen white of an egg. 2.au-bin,* [old hobin, fr. Eng. hobby], m. : fHOBBY (ambling nag) ; canter, hand- gallop. I.-binerº, intr. : canter. 2.aubinerº [?], tr. : raise (vine-slips) for replanting. faubition = aubifoin. - I.aubour° [p. L. *alburnum, for L. la- burnum], m. : LABURNUM. 2.aubour° [p. L. alburnum (albus, white)], m. : (nav.) sapwood, ALBURNum. au-eun*, -cune [OFr. auque (L. ali- quis), any, un, one], adj. or pron. : any ; any one; (us'ly with ne) no, no one; not any, none : - sujet, any subject; - ne vient, no one comes , connaissez-vous -? do you know any one? - chemin de fleur ne conduit à la gloire, no flowery road leads , to glory; qu'- n'entre ici! let none - -eunementº, adv. : fin, by some manner ; (us'ly with ne) in no wise, nowise, by no means, not at all : e.g. je me le ferai -, I shall nowise do it ; nowise ; not in the least. auda-ee* [L. -cia (audere, dare), f : au- dacity, daring, boldness. -eieuse- ment*, adv.; audaciously, boldly. -eieuacº, =euse, adj. : audacious, dar- ing, bold. . audi-enee* [L. -entia (audire, hear)],f. : = (fhearing; admittance to hearing; au- ditory) ; sitting of a court (to " hear’ cases), court ; (Spanish) judicial district : publique, open court ; pleine —, full hear- ing; jour d'-, court-day; salle d'-, au- dience-chamber ; court-room ; lever l'-, break up the court. -eneierº, adj. or m.: (huissier) —, crier of a court, usher. -teur* [L. -tor], m. : hearer, listener ; *auditor ' (member of the council of state ; counselling judge ; member of the papal tribunal, auditor). -tifº, =ive [-tusl, adj. : auditory, pertaining to the organs of hearing. -tion* [L. -tio], f,: hearing, sapwood, (-bus, white)], m. : 48 (perception of sound ; hearing of witnes- · ses); auditing (of accounts). -toir* [L. -torium], m. : auditory (auditorium ; au- dience) ; congregation ; court-room. aufe º [Prov. fo = Fr. alfa] f. : esparto graSS. - au-ge° [p. L. *alvia, L. -veus (-vus, belly) hollôw vessel], f. : trough ; plasterer's hose, hod, bucket ; spout (of a water-mill) ; vase (for electric piles). , -gée*, f : troughful, hodful. -get*, m. : seed-box or drawer (of a bird-cage) ; spout (of a water-wheel, or of a mill-hopper) ; bucket or scoop (of a dredge) ; fire-conduit (to a mine). augmen-tº [L. -tum (augere, increase)l, m. : (gram.) augment ; (Rom. law) in- crease of a wife's portion (during mar- riage) ; (mediœv. lau) wife's portion of a deceased husband's property. -tatifº, =ive [-ter], adj. : augmentation. -ta- tion* [-ter], f : = (increase, enlarge- ment). -terº [L. -tare (-tum)], tr. : aug- ment, (enlarge, increase) ; (elipt.) increase the salary of; intr. or refl. : augment, in- crease, grOW. au-guralº [L. -guralis], adj. : I.ll-gure* [L. -gur (? au- rad. of av-is, bird, root -gur, telling)], m. : augur, (Rom.) diviner. 2.-gure* [L. ..-gurium], m.: augury, omen. -gurer* [L. -gurari], · tr. : augur, conjecture, infer. augus-te* [L. -tus (? augere, increase)], adj. : august, sublime, sacred ; Augustus | (title given to the emperor Octavius · and his successors) ; August (the Roman | month, in Fr. août). -tement, adv. : in an august manner. -tin, =tine [prop. | name], m., f. : Augustine, Austin friar, saint —, (print.) English. º• aujourd'hui* [au jour d(e) hui], adv. or m. : to-day, now ; the present day ; d'- en huit, this day week. I.au-lique* [L.-licus (-la, hall)], adj. : · aulic. 2.-liqueº [L. -la], f.: defence of the thesis for the doctorship of divinity (in the " hall' of the archbishopric). faulnaie, -ne, -née = aunaie, etc. auloffée" [au lof], f : (nav.) luff. au loc, pl. of ail. . . aumaille° [L. animälia, animals], f : horned cattle. aumô-ne° [l. L. eleemosyna, Gr. -sûne (eleeîn, pity)], f. : ALMS (charity) : faire l'-, give alms ; demander l'- beg (alms) ; reduir à l'-, reduce to beggary ; #don- ner des terres en franche —, bestow lands free (without return) ; —fieffée, fief or benefice without return. #-nerº, tr. : give (us'ly pay a fine) by way of alms. -nerie*, f : almonery. I.-nier° [p. L. eleemosynarius], m. : almoner (priest dis- aufe •aº $ auriste pensing alms); chaplain (of public institu- tions). 2.f-nierº,=ère, adj. : charitable. 2.-nière*, f : alms-purse (attachedto the almoner's girdle). aumusse* or -muee [Ger. miitze, cap], f : fur hood ; AMICE (cape worn by canons over the left arm). aunage* [-ner], m. : ALNAGE, measure- ment (by the ELL). - au-naie*, f : alder-plot. I.llau-ne° [L. alnus], f : ALder-(tree). 2.auneº [OHG. elina (elle, fore-arm)], f : ELL (old measure, about 45 inches) : mesurer les autres à son —, measure . others by one's self ; tout le long de l'-, at full measure, abundantly ; savoir ce . · qu'en vaut l'-, know the cost, or to one's cost (by experience). aunée* [? L. helenium], f. : (herb). au-nerº [2.-ne], tr. : measure (by the ell) : — l'abit de quelqu'un, give one a cudgeling. -neurº, m. : ALNAGER, meas- llrer. - . - auparavantº [au par avant], adv. : be- fore (of time) ; heretofore ; #prep. : before (of time) : l'année d'-, the preceding year. - - auprès* [au près], prep. — de : near, near to, by; with ; in the estimation of ; in comparison with ; adv. : near by : ex- cuser - de, excuse to ; m'être pas bien — de quelqu'un, be under anybody's dis- pleasure. aurantiaeéº [l. L. -tia (cf. orange), or- ange-tree], adj. : of the nature of the or- ange (tree) ; f pl. : the genus citras (orange trees). aurate* [L. -rum, acid with a base). faureillon = oreillon. auréo-le* [L. -la (sc. corona, crown), dim. qf aureus, golden)], f : aureola, halo, glory. -1éº, adj. : provided with a halo, areolated. 1 auri-culaireº [L. -cularius], adj. : auricular : f. : ear-finger, little finger (also doigt -) : témoin -, ear-witness. |-culeº [L. -cula (auris, EAR)], f. : auricle (external EAR ; ear-shaped lobe of owls, etc.) ; auricula (sort of mollusk ; species of primrose). -culé", adj. : au- riculate. auri-fère*[L. aurum, gold, ferre, BEAR], adj. : auriferous, gold-bearing. -fica- tion º [ fier], f. : filling (teeth) with gold. -fierº [L. facere, make], tr. : fill (teeth) with gold. I.-que*, adj. : gold, auric. 2.aurique* [?], adj. : voile -, shoulder- of-mutton sail. ** -- . , auriste* [L. -is, ear], m.: aurist, EAR- doctor. elecampane gold], m. : = (auric auroohs aurochs* [OHG. urohso, Ger. auer-ochs (aue, meadow), wild "field-ox"], m. : =, URUS, bison. aurone° [L. abrotonum], f. : sort of mug- wort or artemisia. aurore* [L. -ra (old root aus, vas, shine)], f. : aurora (dawn, morn ; EAST) ; gold-colour ; sort of butterfly ; ranunculus (herb with yellow flowers) ; Aurore, f. : Aurora. auscul-tation* [L. -tatio], f : =. |-terº [L. -tare (auris, orig. aus-is, EAR)], tr. : auscultate (examine with the ear or with the stethoscope). I.au-spieeº [L. -spex (contr. of avi- spec-s, " bird-seer")], m. : AUgur, diviner. 2.-spiee* [L. -spicium], f. : =, omen ; prospect. aussi° [p. L. *aliud-sic], adv. : also, too ; thus, therefore ; so, as : ne . .. -, neither; — bien, as well ; the more so as ; for, because. faussière = haussière. aussitôt* [aussi tôt], adv. : as soon (que as), at the same time ; at the very instant, immediately, forthwith ; - dit que fait, no sooner said than done. aus-ter* [L. (root aus, burn, scorch)], m. : = (south-wind). -tère* [L. -terus (Gr. -terôs, root aus, scorch)], adj. : austere (stern, severe ; #sour). -tèrement*, adv. : austerely. -térité [L. -teritas (cf. -tère)], f : austerity, sternness. -tralº [L. -tralis], adj. : =, southern. autanº [Prov., p. L. altanus (L. altats, high), wind of the "high' sea], m. : (poet.) south-west wind or squall (foreboding a storm), blast. autant° [p. L. *aliud tantum], adv. : as (so) much, as (so) many, as (so) far ; as well ; m. : as much, an equal quantity ; (leg.) duplicate, copy : - dire, (you may) as well say ; - vaut, what amounts to the same ; — en emporte le vent, it is wasted trouble ; d'-, in proportion : fd'- plus (or mieux), or (by elips.) d'-, so much the more, all the more, the more (or rather) ; boire d'-, drink a great deal ; à la charge d'-, on condition of a return ; #d'- moins, so much the less, (all) the less. aute1° [L. altäre (altus, high)], m. : · ALTAR ; ( fig.) church ; flame-bridge (of furnaces) ; (astr.) Ara : le Sacrement de l'-, the holy Sacrament, the host ; tableau d'-, altar-piece. auteur* [L. au(c)tor (augere, increase, produce)], m. : author; authoress : droits d'-, copyright, royalty. authen-tieité ",f. : authenticity. ll-ti- que* [L. -ticus (Gr. autôs, self)], adj. : authentic, genuine ; legal ; f. : original autour 49 document (fE. authentic, 1aw, constitu- tion), -tiquement º, adv. : authen- tically. -tiquerº, tr. : frender au- thentic ; punish (an adultress) accord- ing to the original (Rom.) law. auto- [Gr. autós, self] : # phi# ſ. : autobiography. - eephale * [Gr. képhalos (kephalé, head)], adj. : evêque --, bishop independent (of patriarchal juris- diction). -chtone* [Gr. -chthon (chthôn, earth)], m. or adj. : autochton. -clave º [L. -clavis, key], adj. : self-closing ;.f. : =. -crate " [Gr. -krátes (krateîn, rule)], m. : autocrat. -oratie " [-crate], f. : autocracy. -cratique * [-crate], adj. : autocratic(al). -cratiquement * [-cra- tique], adv. : autocratically. autodafé " [Port. auto da fe, * ACT of FAITH'], m. : auto-da-fé, burning of a heretic. auto- [Gr. autôs, self]: -graphe º [Gr. -graphos (gráphein, write)], adj. : auto- graphic(al); m. : autograph. -graphie* [-graphe], f : autography. -graphierº [-graphier], tr. : autograph. -graphi- que* [graphiel, adj. : autographic(al). -mate* [Gr. -matos (root ma, strive)], adj. : automatic(al) ; m. : automaton. -matique* [-mate], adj. : automatic(al). -matiquement* [-matique], adv. : automatically. -matisme" [-mate], m.: automatism. automédon* [A., Achilles' driver], m.: (jest.) coachuan. • au-tomnal* [L. -tumnalis], adj. : au- tumnal. -tomne* [L. -tumnum], m. or f : autumn or fall. auto- [Gr. autôs, self] : -nomeº [Gr. nómos, law], adj. : autonomous. -no- mie" [Gr. -nomîa (nómos, law)], f. : . antonomy. -nomiste* [-nomie], : m. : autonomist (partisan of communal self- government). -plastie* [Gr. plássein, form], f. : autoplasty (repairing lesions by transfer of a piece of healthy tissue). -psie" [Gr. -psia (ôpsis, view)], f. : self- contemplation ; extatic vision ; autopsy, post-mortem examination. autori-sation*, f. : authorisation ; li- cence, warrant. |-ser* [l. L. auctori- zare (L. auctor, author)], tr. : invest with authority, authorise, empower ; licence, warrant. -taire* [-té], adj. : authorita- tive (impressing others with authority), dictatorial ;favoring authority (in politics). -té* [L. -tas], f. : authority (legal power, warrant ; sway ; precedent) : avoir de l'- sur, have power or influence with ; faire -, be an authority. I.autourº [au tour], prep. : - de, (a)round, about ; adv. : around, about, near by : ici -, hereabouts. · 50 2.au-tour° [p. L. *austurius (L. asturis, " bird of Asturia')], m. : goshawk. -toursE- rie* [-toursier], f : training of gos- hawks ; place for such training. -tour- sier* [-tour], m : trainer of goshawks. au-tre° [L. alter], adj. : other, else ; otherwise, different : tout —, quite dif- ferent ; any other ; tout - que vous, any- body else but you ; l'un l'-, one another, each other; l'un et l'-, both ; les uns les —s, each other ; les uns et les -s, autour all ; ni l'un ni l'-, neither ; de part et d'-, on both (or all) sides ; l'un vaut l'-, one is as good as the other ; this for that ; causer de choses et d'-s, talk of different things ; entre -s, among other things ; amongst others ; nous -s Français, we (autre explet.) Frenchmen or French · folks ; il n'en fait point —s, he does no other things ; these are his usual pranks ; il en sait bien d'-s, he knows a trick worth two of that ; j'en ai vu bien d'-, I have seen many stranger things than that ; à d'-s! find something better ! pshaw ! I know better. -trE-fois* [fois], adv. : in former times, formerly. -trE- mentº adv. : otherwise ; else ; dif- ferontly : böon , fä1 Ullierwise ; on the very contrary ; il n'est pas — riche, he is not over rich ; voilà qui est — beau, there is something that may be called really beautiful. - Autri-ehe, f : Austria. autri-ehien, =nne, adj. or m., f. : Austrian. autru ehe° [p. L. avis-, bird, strüthio (Gr. strouthôs, sparrow)], f. : OSTRICH. autruiº [old oblique case of autre], m. : another or (us'ly) others, other people (used after prepos.): le bien d'-, another's property; dépendre d'-, depend on others ; fl'-, other people's property (or rights). auvelº [Prov. (? -ve = Fr. 2.aube)], m. : · hurdle. auvent* [?], tr. : shed over a door, etc. (to protect against the rain), penthouse, stoop ; (agr.) tilt. auver-gne [?], f. : solution of tan. -gne7°, tr. : tan. -gneur, m. : tanner. auvernat* [for -gnat (Auvergne)], m. : | Orleans wine. - aux [contraction of à les], to the. , auxiliaire* [L. -liaris (-lium, help)], | adj. or m. : auxiliary. avaehirº [à, OHG. weich-jan, soften], tr. : make flabby ; s'-, become flabby, flag, break down. - I.avalº [? à, valoir], m. : guaranty for · payment. 2.ava-lº [à val], adv. : down(wards) ; down the stream ; m. : lower part : pays d'-, country at the lower course of a avant river, dôwn river country; vent d'-, sea-breeze (i.e. on the coast of France = west-wind) ; en - de, below. -Iage * [-ler], m.: going or sending down (as a boat . on the river, fish in the stream, wine in the cellar, etc.) ; droit d'-, right of catching fish going down the river. -laison* [-ler], f.: torrent (descending from the mountains) ; lashing westerly wind (cf. vent d'aval, under aval). -1an eheº [Swiss dial. (Fr. -ler)], f. : = (Snow-slip). f-lasse, same as -laison. I.-lerº, tr. : fbring down (lower, cut down) ; us'ly swallow (down), gulp down ; quaff off ; accept or pocket (an in- sult) ; *intr. : go down with the stream. oreilles -lées, hanging-down ears ; à brides -lées, with loosened reins ; — des sabres, act the charlatan ; - sa langue, hush up. 2.favalerº [2.aval], tr. : guaranty. avaleur* [I.-ler], m.: swallower, glutton : - de gens (or de chàrettes ferrées), braggart. avaliser [2.avall, tr. : guaranty. ava-loire* [I.-ler], f.: (jest.) swallow ; breeching (of harnesses) ; #trap. -lureº [I.-ler], f. : swelling of a horse's foot. 1 avan-çage º, m. : limit for the place of public véhicles, coach-stand. avan- ee*, f : advance; distance in advance, start ; projection, prominence ; advance (-money) : prendre l'-, get the start; d'-, in advance; beforehand. -eéº, adj. : advanced; forward, early; m. : (leg.) order to advance a case out of its turn ; ſ. (-eée) : advanced post (before the gate of a citadel). -eement*, m. : advance- ment, progress ; preferment ; promotion. |-eer° [p. L. *abantiäre (*abante, cf. avant)], tr. : advance (move or put forward ; hold forth, stretch out ; for- ward, hasten, promote) ; intr. or s'-: ad- vance, move forward ; make progress ; proceed ; be successful ; (intr.) go too fast (of a clock) ; jut out, project : s'- sur le terrain de, encroach upon the land of ; — en voiture, drive up. -çon*, m. : ex- tra line (for hooks) ; stop-plank in reels (in rope-making). avanie* [l. Gr. abanía], f.: *injury (to Christians by Turks) ; humiliating injury, outrage, insult. avan-t° [p. L. abante (L. ab, from, ante, before)], prep. : before (of time or order) ; adv. : before ; in front ; forward (far, deep, late) ; m. : forward or front part, prow or bow (of a ship) : en —, forward ; en - de, in front or ahead of; mettre en -, bring forth in evidence ; s'engager trop -, become too deeply entangled ; creuser fort —, dig very deep ; plus -, | avant-bec farther ; deeper ; - que, before, ere. -tage*, m. : advantage ; superiority ; ben- efit, behalf ; (nav.) weather-gauge ; (man.) whip-hand ; (play) odds : avoir -, have the advantage ; prevail, gain ; tenir à son -, have the advantage of ; à l'- de vous revoir, I shall be pleased to see you again, good-bye, Sir. -tager* [-tage], tr. : give | (bestow) an advantage to (on) ; endow, fa- vour ; (leg.) give property to ; s'-, use to one's advantage, profit by ; bestow prop- erty upon each other (as man and wife). -tageusement* [-tageux], adj. : advan- tageously; favourably. -tageux *,=euse [-tage], adj. : advantageous, profitable ; vainglorious (i.e. elated by some advan- tage), presuming, conceited. · avant-bee*, m. : pier-head (of a bridge), cut-water. -bras*, m. : fore-arm. -corpsº, m. : (arch.)fore-part. -courº, f : fore-court. -coureur*, m. : fore- runner, van-courier ; harbinger. +-cour- rierº, =ère, m., f : forerunner, harbin- ger. -dernier", =ère, adj. : last but one. -due", m. : abutment of a bridge. -fossé º, m. : (fort.) advance fosse or moat. -garde*, f. : avant-guard, van- guard ; (nav.) VAN. -goûtº, m. : fore- taste. -hier* -t-ier, adv. : day before yesterday. -main º, f : inner side of - the hand, palm ; fore-hand stroke (at tennis) ; m. : forehand (part of a horse in front of the rider). -mur*, m. : outer wall ; (her.) piece of wall jointed to a tower; tonsil. -pêehe º, f. : white nut- meg peach. -piedº, m. : fmetatarse ; VAMP, upper (of a boot). -port", m. : , outer port. -posteº, m. : outpost. -pro- jetº, m. : first draught of a bill; rough model. -proposº, m. : short preface or introduction, preamble. -quart", m. : warning stroke (just before the bell strikes). -scène º, f. : (anc.) prosce- nium ; (mod.) front of the stage (between the foot-lights and the scenery) ; front stage box; prelude (preliminary play). -toit, m. : projecting roof. -train º, m. : forepart of a vehicle ; forepart of an ani- mal (chest and front legs). -veille", f : second day (two days) before. ava-reº [L. -rus], adj. : avaricious (gree- dy; penurious, sparing) ; m. : miser. -re- mentº, adv. : avariciously. -riee* [L. -ritia], f : =, greed. -rieieuse- ment* [-ricieux], adv. : avariciously. -rieieux*, =euse [-rice], adj. : ava- ricious, greedy. ava-rie* [It., l. L. -ria (cf. Ger. hava- rie)], f : anchorage or port duty (fEng. AVERAGE) ; average (extra expenses for a ship and its freight ; damage to ship or freight); damage (gen'ly to freight or 51 goods) : -s communes, general average. . -rier ", tr. : damage. avatarº [Sanskr. ava-tara, 'de-scent'], tr. : = (descent of a deity to earth : Hind. myth.). avau [another form of 2.aval], prep. : down : in - l'eau (incorr. à vau-l'eau), down stream : l'affaire est - l'eau, the affair has failed ; — vent, with the wind ; #- route, routed, in flight. avé* [L. ave, hail] in — Maria, m. : Ave M. ! aveeº or favecque [OFr. av-uec (L. apud, with, hoc, this)], prep. : with, along with ;among ; adv. : therewith : d'-, from. faveindre° [L. ab-emere, take away], irr. (cf. peindre) ; tr. : bring, fetch. faveine = avoine. avelanède = velamède. aveli-ne° [L. abellana, Abellin (sc. nut)], ſ : filbert. -nier*, m. : filbert-bush. avénage* [-voine], m. : avenage (oats paid to a feudal lord). a-venantº [avenir], adj. : coming to, acceding to ; à l'-, becoming, appropri- ate ; pleasing, prepossessing ; m. : inherit- ance (of a daughter) ; additional clause. -vènement*, m. : farrival (coming) ; advent, accession ; succession. . avèneron * [aveine, old form of avoine], m. : wild oats. • I.ave-nirº [à, venir], m. : time to come, future ; posterity ; future life ; (future) existence : à l'-, in the future, hereafter. 2.-nir [pop. form of advenir], irr. : (cf. venir) ; intr. : come to pass, happen, oc- cur : non -nu, not occurred ; null and void. à-venir º, pl. -, m. : (leg.) summons to appear (to an attorney). avent* [L. ad-ventum (venire, come)], m. : advent. aventu-re° [L. adventüra (fut. part. neut. pl. of ad-venire, " come to,' viz. hap- pen, used as sing.f.)], f. : adventure (unex- pected occurrence ; hazardous enterprise) ; fate or fortune ; #experience in life : à l'-, by accident or chance. -rer*, tr. : ad- venture, hazard, risk ; s'-, venture, risk : -ré, ventured, hazardous. -reusement* [-reux], adv. : (ad)venturously. -reux, =euse*, adj. : adventurous, venturesome. rier*, =riere, m., f. : adventurer, ad- venturess. -rineº, f. : = (sort of gold- spangled glass, first produced by accident). avenu, part. of -nir; -nue*, f : =. avérer° [p. L. ad-vëräre (L. vèrus, true)], tr. : prove or recognize as true, verify, AVER : obsol. exc. in part. -véré, evidenced, averred. - aversº [L. adversus, opposite], m. : ob- verse (of a coin). averseº [à verse], m. : shower, downpour. #lVerºsé) 52 aversion aver-sionº [L. -sio (a, vertere, turn away)], f. : =, disgust. |-tin * [L. tere], m. : faberration (of mind, madness) ; (vet.) staggers, sturdy. aver-tir° [L. ad-vertire (L. ad-vertere, turn to)], tr. : apprise, notify, inform ; Warn, caution ; admonish ; urge (a horse) : - à l'avance, give notice or warning ; - d'avance, premonish ;, l'- de son salut, give him a wholesome piece of advice. -tissement*, m.: information, noti- fication, warning, caution ; admonition (in these senses : fEng. ADVERTISEMENT) ; preface (in a book). -tisseur*, m. : in- former, warner ; (theat.) call-boy. favette° [p. L. *apitta (dim. of L. apis, bee)], f. : bee. aveu* [-vouer], m. : Avowal, confession ; authorisation : de son -, according to his own admission, confessedly, avowedly ;der- niers -x, dying confession ; homme sans -, vagrant (fwho could not invoke the protection of a lord). - aveu-gleº [p. L. *aboculus (L. oculus, eye)], adj. : blind ; implicit. -glEment* [-gler], m. : blindness. -glément*, adv. : blindly. .. -glerº, tr. : blind (deprive nf sight ; dazzle; obscure); (nav.) stop up or fother (a leak) : s'-, blind one's self, be blind, shut one's eyes. -glette*, f : in à l'-, adv. : blindly or groping. avi-ation º [L. avis, bird], f. : aërial navigation with appliances heavier than the air. -cule* [L. -cula, little bird], f. : avicula (mollusk). avi-de* [L.-dus (avere, longl, adj. : long- ing eagerly, eager, greedy, covetous, AVID; voracious, rapacious. -dementº, adj. : eagerly, greedily, voraciously. -dité* [L. -ditas], f.: avidity, eagerness, greediness ; rapacity. . avi-lirº [à, vil], tr.: make vile, debase, · VILIFY , disparage, lower ; depreciate ; s'-, debase or disgrace one's self ; Inder- value ne's self. -lissant º, adj. : de- basing, disgraceful. -lissementº, m.: debasement, vileness. avillon º, [dial. form of aiguillon], m.: hind-claw (of a bird of prey). -lonnerº, tr. : claw. . avinen** [à, vin], tr. : soak or season with wine : un homme (or corps) —é, a toper, a regular tippler. avir" [?], tr. : beat down the edges of. avi-roºv* [à, OFr. viron (cf. virer), turning tool], m. : oar; pot-ladle or stir- ring stick : jeu d'-s, set of ars ; — à couple, scull ; armer les —s, ship the oars. -ronnerie, f. : oar-maker's shop. a-vis* [à, OFr. vis (L. visus, fr. videre, see), seen], m. : (way of seeing, and 80) , opinion (judgment) ; ADVICE (counsel ; avoir notice, notification, information) ; warning (caution) ; prefatory notice ; vote : changer d'-, change one's mind ; recevoir - de, be advised from ; sous -, with advice ; jusqu'à nouvel -, until you hear further ; aller aux —s, put to the vote. -visé*, adj. : discreet, prudent, wary, circumspect, (well) advised. -viserº [a, viser], tr. : perceive, espy; direct (somebody's) atten- . tion, apprise, advise (give notice), Warn, caution ; tr. : s'-: turn one's mind to, bethink one's self, think of; take it into one'shead ; intr. : consider, reflect (à, on) ; think advisable ; look (to) : avisez-y bien, consider it well ; vous y aviserez, you will look to it. -visoº [Span.], m.: advice boat, dispatch boat. avissure* m.: [avir], f : down. # favitail-lement*,m.: victualling.-lerº [à, OFr. vitaille = victuaille], tr. : VICTUal stOre. $ •- avi-vage", m.: reviving, brightening, polishing; renewing; first laying of tin- foil (on glass). |-ver* [à, vifl, tr. : render more vivid; brighten, polish, height- en (colours) ; froghon (woundo); out (wood) sharp-edged. avives* [fr. Arab.], f. pl. : (vet.) VIVES. avo-easserº, pettifog. -casserie* [-casserl,f.: pettifogging. I.ll-cat*,=te [L. ad-vocatus (vocare, call), " called to" another], m.f. : (rare) advocate, attorney (at law), lawyer, barrister : - général, at- torney general : — de Pilate (or de balle, or à tort), briefless barrister ; - du diable, one appointed, in questions of canoniza- tion, to argue against l'- de Dieu, one,. arguing against religion ; defender of a bad cause. 2.avoea-tº [Mex.], m. : avocado (trop. · fruit). -tier º, m. : avocado-tree. avocatoire" [L. a-vocare (ab-v.), call away], adj. : (dipl.) calling away or home ; recalling ; m. : recall. - l avoeette" [It. -tta], f : avocet, scooper (bird). - avoine° [L. avëna], f. : oat, oats (plant or grain); pl. standing oats : balle -, husk of oats, vat-chaff. - I.avoir° [L. habère], irr. $ ; tr. : HAVE ; with certain abstract nouns, numerals expr sing age, and impersonally with iI y, to be rendered by ºbe':-faim (soif), be hungry, (thirsty), — chaud (froid), be warm (cold), — raison (tort), be right (wrong);-honte,be ashamed ;-troisan8, be three year's old; il y a, there is (or are), il y avait, there was (or were), etc.; il n'y a pas de quoi, there is no occasion, (please) don't mention it; il y a de quoi vous amuser, you will find amusement edge beaten avoisinant enough ; il y a (before words of time), *there is (are) now’ (variously rendered in Engl., e.g.) il y a un mois que je suis ici, I have been here now a month, je suis venu ici, il y a un mois, I came here a month ago ; il y a un mois que je ne vous vois, I have not seen you for a month ; combien y a-t-il d'ici ? how far is it from here ? qu'avez-vous ? what is the matter with you ? en -, have some ; catch it, meet with a disappointment : il en a, he has caught it. 2.avoirº, inf. as m. : possession(s), property ; (com.) credit ; assets : - du poids, m. : avoirdupois ; ayant cause, (jur.) assign ; ayant droit, (jur.) party concerned. $ Ind. : Pr. ai, as, a ; av-oms, -ez, omt. Ipf. avais. Pret. eus. Fut. (Cond.) aurai(s). - Subj. : Pr. ai-e, -es, -t , ay-opus, -ez, aient. Ipf. ezésse. — I've aze. — Part. : Pr. a yazut ; P. eu. avoisi-nant*, adj. : neighbouring, adjoin- · ing, near. -nerº [à, voisin], tr. : be in the VICINage or nearness of, be situated near, •-- border upon : être bien -mé, have good . neighbourhood. - avor-té, adj. : abortive. -tement*, m. : · abortion, miscarriage. ll-ter° [p. L. : *ab-ortāre (L. oriri, be born)], intr. : abort (become sterile) ; bring forth prematurely, I miscarry), prove abortive, not ripen, fail ; (of anim.) cast or drop prematurely : faire —, cause abortion ; baffle. -ton º, m. : animal of premature birth (fEng. abor- tive) ; undeveloped, deformed, or stunted being, dwarf, wretch ; abortion (fruit or plant that does not come to maturity) ; premature or crude productions (gen'ly) : saule —, dwarf willows. Lavouable* [-vouer], adj. : avowable. avoué° [L. -vocātus (cf. advocat)], m. : attorney, solicitor ; substitute : étude d'-, attorney's office. a-vouer* [à, vouer], tr. : avow (acknowl- edge, confess, own) ; grant, allow ; ap- prove. -voyer [for -voyé, dial. for -voué], m. : chief magistrate in Swiss cantons (fEng. =). a-vrilº, or -vri, or (Acad.) -vriy [p. L. *aprilius (L. aprilis)], m. : April : pois- son d'-, April-foolery; donner un pois- son d'- à, make an April-fool of. -vriller*, =ère*, adj. : of April; m. : April wheat. avuer* [à, vue], tr. : (hunt.) follow with the eyes, mark down. avulsion* [L. -sio (a-vellere, tear off)], f. : =, tearing or breaking asunder. - · - ax-e* [L. axis], m. : axis ; axle ; shaft ; - tournant, axle-tree. -ialº, adj. : =. -illaire* [L. -xilla], adj. : axillar(y). | a-zurº [fr. Pers.], m.: bâbord 53 axiomeº [L. -ma (Gr. âxios, worthy)], m. : axiom. .. : ax-iomètre" [axe, Gr. métron, MEASURE], m. : tell-tale (showing the position of the helm). I.-is* [L.], m. : = (second ver- tebra of the neck). 2.axisº [L.], m. : = (spotted deer). axongeº [L. ax-ungia, axle-grease], f. : hog's lard. - - ayanº [Arab.], m. : = (Turk. official). azalée* [Gr. azaléos, dry], f : azalea (shrub). azédaraeº [fr. Pers.], m. : Pride of India (tree). azero-leº [fr. Sp.-Ar.],f. : azarole (fruit). -lierº, m. : azarole (shrub). azimu-tº [fr. Ar.], m. : azimuth. -talº, adj. : azimutal. - azo-tate º, m. : azotite, nitrite. ll-te" [Gr. a-, not, zoé, life], m. : =, nitrogen. -téº, adj. : azotic, nitric. -teux, =euse, adj. : azotous, nitric. -tique", adj. : azotic, nitric. -tite º, m. : -ture º, m. : = (combination of azote with a simple substance). azedarach, azure (sky-blue) -zurageº, m. : blueing. -zuré*, adj. : azure(d), sky-coloured. -zurerº, tr. : azure, colour blue. #-zu- rinº, adj. : azurine. -zurine º,f. : vari- ety of azure-colour. -zurite º, f. : (blue carbonate of copper). - azygosº [Gr. -gos (a-, not, zugôn, yoke)], adj. : azygous. . - azyme* [L. -mus (Gr. a-, not, zûme, leaven)], adj. : azymous, unleavened, m. azym. - colour ; sky. 1E b bE, or older bé, m. : b (the letter): (fam.) être marqué au B, i.e. be borgne, boiteux or bossu, etc., have some natural defect. ba- [L. bis, twice], disparaging pref. babaº [Pol.], m. : kind of cake. Babet, or -bète, f. : Elizabeth. I. babeurreº [bas, below, beurre], m. : buttermilk. 2.babeurreº [bat (battre), beurre], m. : dasher (of a churn). $ 1 fbabieheº, =ehom = barbiche, -chon. ba-bil* (Acad.) iy, m. : babbling, prattle. -billageº, m. : babbling, prating. -bil- lard*, adj., m., f : talkative ; prater ; bolt-box hole. -billementº [-biller], m. : prattle, garrulity. |-billerº [echoic], intr. : BABBLE (prattle ; gossip). babineº [?], f. : lip (of animals) ; (fam.) lip (of man), chop. babioleº [It. -bbola (L. -bulus, foolish)], ſ. : BAUBLE. bâbordº [Dutch bak-boord (bak, fore- 54 babouche castle, formerly on the left)], m. : port- side, larboard. - babou ehe" [fr. Ar.], f. : baboosh, toe- slipper (of leather). fbabou-e* [?],f. : grimace. -in*, -ine, m., f. : BABOON (with protuberant lips) ; pimple on the mouth ; m., f. : little monkey (speaking of children ; or of a grotesque/ figure which soldiers were made to kiss by their comrades as a punishment) : fbaiser le —, suffer an insult. #baby bé-bé = bébé. Babylo-ne,.f. : Babylon (the city). -nie, ſ. : Babylonia. , bae* [Dutch bak, trough], m. : trough, vat, tub ; ferry-boat. - baccalauréatº [l. L. -reatus (-reus, for Fr. bachelier)], m. : bachelor degree. baccara(t)º [?], m. : BACCARAT (card game). bacch-analº,=le [L.-analis (Bacchus)], adj. : bacchanalian ; m. : wild uproar; f : orgies ; tumult. -analesº, f.pl. : bac- chanals. -ante [L. -ans], f. : bacchante ; woman-reveler. bac eifèxeº [L. bacca, · adj. : bacciferous. fba eha = pacha. bâehe º lak. to bac], f. : box; water-hole or puddle (after a tide) ; hotbed frame ; tilt, awning ; bag (of a net). ba ehe-lette* [OFr. baisselette (ak. to I.bagasse), by anal. with -lier], f. : maiden, lass. |-lierº ſp. L. baccalaris (?)], m. : BACHELOR (in knighthood, or at a uni- versity ; #unmarried man). bâeherº [-che], tr. : cover (with an awning). ba ehique º [L. bacchicus (of Bacchus)], adj. : BACCHIC. baeho-tº [bac], m. : wherry, ferry-boat. -teur", m. : ferry-man. - baeileº [? L. -cillus, rod], m. : sea-fennel. ba eiIle* [L. -llus,rod], m. : bacillus (rod- shaped vegetable microbe). bâ-clage", m. : barring up, chaining up ; zº Z berry, ferre, bear], tying, mooring; stoppage (as by ice). | ll-clerº [Prov. -clar (L. -culum, rod)], tr. : bar, chain, fasten ; stop (in its prog- ress), bungle. . bacté-rie* [Gr. -ria, rod],f. : bacterium (pl. bacteria). -riologie º [-rie, Gr. lôgos, speech], f. : bacteriology. bacul* [bat (battre), cul, rump], m. : crupper. Bade, f. : Baden. badau-dº [Prov. badau, ak. to bayer], adj. : lounger. -der", intr. : lounge, saunter. -derieº, f. : lounging. badelaire* [?], m. : short broadsword. baderne" [Bret.], f : fender (wrapping baguier badianeº [Pers. -n], f : anise (tree o, seed). - badi-geomº [?], m. : = (paint) ; white- wash ; stony paste. -geonnageº, m. : ainting ; white-washing. -geonnerº /, : paint. -geonneurº [L. geonner], m.: painter; white-washer. ba-dinº [Prov. ak. to bayer], adj. : ffoolish ; jesting, sportive, sprightly ; light ; m. : fclown ; jester, humorist. -dinageº, m. : jocularity ; frolicsome- · ness. -dinamtº [-diner], m. : spare- horse. -dine " [-diner],f. : switch, whip ; Small tongs. -dinerº, intr., tr. : jest ; joke, trifie with, play; dangle. -dinerieº [-diner], f : trifling ; jesting. badrouille* [?], f. : mop. bafouerº [?], tr.: baffle ; scoff at, bâ-fre",f. : gorging (with food). |-frerº [?], intr. : gormandize. -freur", =euse. m., f. : gormand, glutton. fbaga ee = 2.bagasse. bagage* [bague], m. : baggage, luggage : outfit : plier -, pack up ; move off. bagarreº [?], f : brawl, confusion. I. bagasseº [Prov.-ssa (?)],f. : fslattern : wench. : 2.bagasse" [Sp.-gazol, f : = (sugar cal from the IIIill). - baga-tEIierº, m. : trifler. |-telle [It. -tella (l. L. baga, BAG)], f. : = (trifle bauble) ; light gallantry ; bit of ligh'. poetry. bagne" [It. -no, bath (also a bath in Constantinople converted into a prison)], m. : Turkish slave-prison (fEng. bagnio) ; convict prison. . bagou" [?], m. : loquacity, gab. I. bagueº [Prov. -ga (L. baca, berry ; link)], f. : ring (circular band ; hoop ; finger ring ; ring-like thing) ; astragal (upper moulding of a column) : course de -, running in the circular track. 2.f bague = bagues. bague-naude* [?], f. : bladder-nut ; trifle. -nauder*, intr. : trifle. -nau- derie º, f : trifling. I.-naudier º, m. : bladder-nut tree. 2.-naudier * [-nauder], m. : trifler ; certain game. I. baguerº [I.-gue], tr. : ring, furnish with rings. 2.baguer* [2.-gue], tr. : (old) pack, attach ; (gen'ly) stitch, baste. #bagues* [? Norse baggi, load], f. pl. : baggage. baguette*[It.bacchetta (L.baculus,rod)], ·f. : stick, rod ; wand ; switch ; drum-stick ; (arch.) baguet(te); pl. : gauntlet : coup de -; beat of the drum ; passer par les —s, run the gauntlet. baguierº [-gue], m. : ring-holder, casket of ropes to prevent friction); trash. for rings. bah , bah ſechoic], interj. : bah ! bahu-tº [? Ger. behiiten, preserve], m. : (convex) trunk, chest ; jut (of wall) ; plat- band. -tier º, m. : trunk-maker. " bai [L. badius, brownish red], adj. : BAY (coloured) ; m. : bay (colour). . fbaïart = bayart. I. baie° [L. bāca], f.; berry. 2.baie [l. L. baia, port],f. : BAY (of water). 3.baie* [old baer (= bayer)], f : gap, opening, BAY ; unpaved part of a street ; #disappointment : donner la - à, disap- point, deceive, humbug. bai-gner° [L. balneäre], tr. or intr. : bathe; soak. -gneurº, =euse, m., f : bather ; bath-keeper ; f. : bathing cap. f-gnoir*, m. : bathing place. -gnoire*, ·f. : bath-tub ; lowest box (at theatre). bail*, pl. baux [-ller], m. : care (of a minor); lease. º baiIeº [L. bajulus, carrier; trusteel, m. : Venetian consul (at Constantinople) ; royal ambassador. bâillant" [-ller], adj. : yawning, gaping. baille [Celt. bal], f. : (nav.) bucket, tub. baille-blé*, pl. — [-ller], m. : bolt-box hole. - · bâillement* [-ller], m.: gaping, fhiatus. bailler° [L. bäjuläre, ' carryl, tr. : have charge of; place in the charge of ; lease, i rent ; give, bestow : vous me la baillez le bonne, you humbug me ; - de soufflets, deal out blows. · bâiller* [l. L. *bataculare (cf. bayer)], , intr. : yawn ; Snap ; be ajar. c#bai-lleresse = -lleur. · bailletº, =ette [OFr. -lle (? L. badius, BAY)], adj. : light red, sorrel. #bailleulº [?], m. : bone-setter. bailleurº,-lIeresse [-ller], m.,f. : lessor. bâilleurº, =euse [-ller], m., f : yawner. - bail-liº [OFr. -lir (= Fr.-ler), adminis- ter], m. : in France : (king's or lord's) high judiciary or officer (Eng. BAILIFF insense of high officer) ; Germ. judicial officer; ord. of Malta : Knight above the command-- er. -liageº, m. : BAILIwick ; tribunal of a bailli. -Iiagerº, =ière [-liage], adj. : of a BAILIwick. -liveº, f : BAILIFF's wife. · bâil-lon* [-ler], m.: gag. -lonerº, tr. : gag ; suppress (free speech, etc.). bailloque " [?], f. : ostrich feather. baillotte", [-lle], f. : little tub, bucket. bain° [L. balneum], m. : bath ; bathing ; bath-room or (plº) house. baïonnetteº [the town Bayonne], f. : BAYONET. bairam" [Turk.], m. : = (Mussulman feast). bai-se-main* [-ser], m. : fhandkissing ; · animals). balbutie 55 reception ; pl. : compliments. -sement*, m. : kissing. |-sen°° [L. basiãre], tr. : kiss ; m. : kiss. -seurº, =euse, m., f. : kisser. -sot(t)erº, tr. : be always kissing. bais-se", f : letting down, lowering ; levelling down ; falling ; decline. -se- ment*, m. : letting down. |-ser° [l. L. *bassiäre (L. bassus, low)], tr., intr. : lower, level down ; fall, decline ; decrease. -sierº [-sel, m. : " bear" (speculator). -sière*, f : low place, rain hole ; set- tlings, lees, dregs. -soir", m. : water- box (in salt works). baisure º [-ser], f. : * kiss,' mark (from the touching of two loaves in baking). bajoireº [?], f : double-headed coin. bajoue* [ba, joue], f : JOWL, cheek (of bajoyer* [? bajoue], adj. : lateral, m. : side-wall (of canal, wharf) ; embankment. bal* [-ller], m. : fdance ; ball (dancing). baIa-dinº, =ine [Proyos-din], m., f. : fdancer ; buffoon, merrºy Andrey. -di- nage", m. : buffoonery . - bala-freº [ba-, OHG. # leffur, lipl, j: gash; scar. ..-frerº, initr : gash, slash.º balai° L# Celt. orig.], m :: broom, brush ; tail (of dog, bird). & 1 1 balais* [fr. Pers.], (as a ruby, nose). #. balan-ee° [p. L. bilancié , L. bilanx (bis, twice, lanæ, plate)l, f : =, (scales; Libra ; Suspense , differencein acc(ounts).-eeIIe 18 [-cer],f : light boat, feluc(ca. - eement14 [-cerl,. m. : balancing, pé)ising, rocking ; Wavering; waddling. -ee,r 12, tr. : intr. : balance; Weigh ; consºider; hesitate ; Waver; shake. -eeuh 18 [-cer], m.; fWeigher : certain bird. -'.-eier 15 [-cer], m.: pendulum ; balance-p ple , walking beam. 2.-eier*, m. : selier o r maker of scales. -eine*, f : lift (ois, ship) -çoireº [-cer], f : see-saw; swing. .. , fbalandran º, f-dras [Prov.], m. : large coarse cloak. bala-ne* [L. -nus, acorn], m. : sea-acorn, barnacle. -nite",.f. : #fossil balane ; bala- nitis. t balant = ballant. . ba-lauste* [L. -tium], f. : wild pome- granate. -Iaustier", m. : balaustine, wild pomegranate tree. bala-yageº, m. : sweeping. ll-yerº [balai, broom], tr. : sweep ; clear. -yette*,f : little broom. -yeurº, =euse, m., f. : sweeper ; broom-maker, or -seller ; f : street-sweeping machine. -yure*, j. : sweepings. balbu-tieº [-tier], f. : stuttering. -tie- ment", m. : stuttering, stammering. | |- tierº [L. -tire, lisp], tr., intr. : stut- · ter, stammer. dd . : BALAss; red 56 balbuzard balbuzardº [Eng. bald-buzzard], m. : osprey, fish-hawk. balcon * [OHG. -lcho, beam], m. : CONY . ts baldaquin" [It. -dacchino, silk from BAGDAD, i.e. Baldacco], m. : = ; canopy. fbale = balle. Bâle [L. Basilea],f. : Basle (city in Switz- erland). - balei-neº [L. -laena],f. : whale ; Cetus ; whalebone. -nerº, tr. : furnish with ' whalebone. -neauº, -lé-, or old -non, m. : whale-calf. -nier*, =ière, adj. : Whale ; m., f. : whaler (man or , ship) ; whalebone worker or seller. balèvre* [ba, lèvre],f. : flips, large lips ; jut, prominence (of wall, seam). fbali = pali. bali-sage* [-ser], m. : placing of beacons ; system of placed beacons. |-seº [?], J. : beacon, set sign ; buoy. -ser*, tr. : set signs # Qns, buoys. -seur" [-ser], m., léacon-settè r, -keeper. $ a,isier 14 [?], y t. : cert.American flower- - lig reed. \… Tbalis-telº [L. -#lista, hurling machine (Gr. bállein, throw)j, f : BALLISTA ; certain · fish. -tique 17, adj. : ballistic : f. : hal- llstics. ,! - bali-vageº [ak.to -veau], m. : staddling, leaving " young} trees , in a clearing. |-veau* [?], m. : staddle. baliver-neº [?], f : nonsense, fiddle- faddle. -ner !º, intr., tr. : trifle ; talk nonsense to. . " ballade º [Proiv. -llar, dance], f : fdance song ; BALLAD. " © º, baIIantº [-lle ], adj. : waving, swing- g - I BAL- lIlg . #iarin 15 R : J, m. : (Hungary) falcon. baIIastº lEng.], m. : =. 1 baH * [OHG. balla], f. : BALL, sphere ; Bl ... LET , BALE. 2.baIIe* [Ger. balg, bag], f. : husk, BoLL, glume. - ballequeue* [baller, queue], m. : (dial.) | wagtail. bal-ler° [p. L. -läre (cf. I.balle)], intr. : dance. -letº [It. -letto (-lo, dance)], ballierº [2.-lle], m. : chaff-pile. I.baIIonº [?], m. : Siamese row-boat. 2.bal-lon * [2.-le, infl. by It. pallone, large ball], m. : BALLOON ; foot-ball; globe (of lamp). -lonnementº [-lonner], m : swelling, distention. -lonnerº, tr. : in- flate, swell. -lonnier º, m. : balloon- maker, or -seller. ba1-lotº [-le], m. : small BALE of goods. -lotin", m. : dim. of -lot. -lottage !º, m. : re-balloting. -Iotteº [-le],f. : ilittle ball ; ballot. I.-lotterº [-lotte], intr., bandage tr. : ftoss (a ball) ; vote ; re-vote upon. 2.-Iotterº, tr. : bale. fbalme = baume. balnéaire* [L. -nearis (-neum, bath)], adj. : bathing. - bâloise " [Bâle], f. : three-colored tulip. ba-lourdº [It. -lordo], m., f. : dullard, numskull. -lourdise º, f : stupidity ; absurdity. - balsa-mier" [L. -mum (Gr. -m0s, bal- . sam-tree)], m. : balsam-tree, -shrub. -mineº [L. -mum], f : balsam-plant. -minées* [-mine], f.pl. : balsam-plant family. -miqueº [L. -mum], adj. : BALMY, balsamous. -mite* [L. -mum], f. : costmary plant. Balthasar, m. : Babylon). Baltique, f. : Baltic sea. baluette" [?], f. : float, bob. balus-tradeº,f. : = ; railing. ll-tre* [It. balaustro], m. : BALUSTER, railing. -trerº, tr. : rail in. bal-zanº [It. -zano (OHG. balz, BELT)], adj. : white-footed (of a horse). -zaneº, f. : white spot above hoof. bam-binº, =ine [It. -bino (Gr. baâein, babble)], m., f. : siIiall child. bambo ehade " [It. -bocciata (Bamboccio, * doll,' nickname of the painter De Laar)], f : rural painting (in the style of B.); spree. I. bambo eheº [It. -boccio (cf. -bin)], f : puppet, doll ; deformed person ; spree. . 2.bambo eheº [old -bouc, BAMBOO], f : BAMB00 Ca.Ile. - bambo-eherº [I.-che], intr. : become drunk. -eheur*, =euse, m., f. : drunkard. bambouº [Malay], m. : bamboo. fbâme = baume. I.banº [Croatian], m. : (Slavonic) com- mander of a district. . - 2.ban* [bannir], m. : ban ; bans ; exile. banalº, adj. (no masc.pl.) : feudal , mer- cenary; ordinary; trite. banalité º [banal]. f. : feudal duty ; triteness ; com- Belshazzar (king of " monplace. bana-neº [East Ind.], f. : banana (fruit). -nierº, m. : banana tree. ban-cº, pl. often bans [Ger. bank], m. : BENCH, seat ; pew. -calº, adj. : hav'g bench-legs, bandylegged. -casse" [Prov. -casso], f. : sea-chest (used as bench and bed). -eelle º, f : seat or box (of cab). -eheº [dial. form of banc], f. : marl or chalk bank : planking (of pounding, or stamping box). -ehée" [-che], f : ma- sonry supporting a wall. -co" [It.], m. : =, bank value. banero ehe" [?cf. bancal], adj. : crooked- legged, bandy-, bow-legged. ben-dage* [-der], m.; =; BANDAGing ; bande tire ; BINDING ; truss. -dagiste", m. : maker of bandages or trusses. I. bande º [It. banda, Goth. bandi, bond, all ak. to 2.bande], f. : fband (of soldiers under one BANner) : troop, gang, crew. 2.ban-de* [old bende, OHG. binda], j. : BAND, strip ; girth ; badge ; cushion (of billiard table). -déº, adj. : banded, striped. -deau*, m. : headband ; blind- · fold ; wreath ; loop (of curtains) ; small girth ; truss. -delette* [old -delle, fr. -deau], f. : little band, ribbon, bandage. -der*, tr., intr. : bind up, tie up ; brace up, stiffen ; stretch ; be tight ; touch (cushion at billiards). -dereau*, m. : trumpet string. -deroleº [-diere], f. : pennant, BANDROL ; strap (of knapsack). f-dière* [It. -diera], f : army banner. -dingue" [Prov. -dengo, ak. to -der], f. : guy-rope (of seine), brail. - bandinsº [It. -dini], m.pl. : taffrail. banditº [It. -dito (-dire, BANish) outlaw], 77l. . -. bandoir" [-der], m. : spring (that binds, holds in place). fbandolierº or f-doulier [Sp. -dolero (-da, BAND, faction)], m. : *factioner’(one set against law and order); BANDit (robber, outlaw). bandoulière* [Sp. -dolera (-da, BAND)], f. : bandoleer (shoulder belt) ; certain fish, WI"2.SSe . bandure" [Sanskr. -dhura],f. : BANDURA, | gentian. banianº [Hindu. -niyan, merchant], m. : =, non-flesh-eating Hindu. bank-note* [Eng.], f. : =. banlieue*, f. : jurisdiction (under * ban' for about a * league' around a village) ; suburbs, environs. ban-ne° [L. benna, chariot], f. : wagon (for coal, etc.) ; wooden vessel (totransport vintage); large basket ; awning. -neau*, m. : cart ; grain-, orvintage-vessel ;vinegar cask. -nerº, tr. : cover (with an awning). banneretº [-nnière], adj., m. : =. ban-neton* [banne], m.: bread-basket ; fish-box, cauf. -nette* [banne], f. : basket. banni* [-nnir], m. : exile. bannière* [ak. to 2.bande], f. : banner, standard, flag. ban-mir* [Frank. -njan, proclaim], tr. : banish. -nissableº, adj. : banishable. -nissement*, m. : BANISHMENT. ban-que* [It. -ca f of -co (Ger. bank), BENCH, counter], f : fcounter (counting office ; hawkers'shop) ; now bank (banking house or business ; bank at gambling) ; BENCH (of artisans). -querouteº [It. -ca-rotta, ' banc rompu'], f : bankruptcy. -queroutierº, =ière [-queroute], m.,f. : JBarbade 57 bankrupt. -quet* [It. -chetto (dim. of co)], m. : -queter* [-quet], intr. : BANQUET, feast. -queteur [-ter], m. : reveler. -quette* [Prov. -queta (dim. of banc)], f. : = ; (covered) bench ; foot- Way, rampart-walk ; sidewalk ; stone sup- port (of window). . -quierº, m. : banker. -quise* [banc, fEng. ice?], f : iceberg. -quiste*, m. : mountebank, quack. fbans = bancs, m. pl. of banc. banse" [Ger. banse, basket], f. : hampcr. ban-vinº, m. : proclamation (of the day for selling new wine) ; privilege of lord to sell wine a certain time to the exclusion of others, wine-law. fbapaume" [?], m.: (of ship). bap-tême° [L. -tisma, Gr. -tizein, dip], m. : BAPTISM. -tiserº [L. -tizare], tr. : baptise ; christen ; name. -tismalº, pl. aux [L. -tisma], adj. : -tistaireº [tiser], adj. : pertaining to baptism. -tis- tèreº [L. -terium], m. : baptistry. - a complete becalming •- 6 ba-quetº[bac], m. : BUCKET; tub; trough. -queter*, tr. : dip, scoop, bail out (water). baquettes" [for béquettes?], f.pl. : tongs (for drawing wire). baqueture" [-quet], f : wine). - I.i bar = bard. 2.barº [Eng.J, m. : = (drinking place). 3.bar* or bars [Ger. bars(ch)], m. : PERCH. baragou-inº [Bret. bara, bread, gwin, wine, not understood by the French, hence " gibberish'], m. : gibberish. -inageº, m. : jabbering. -inerº, tr. : jabbér ; pro- nounce badly. -ineurº, =euse [-iner], m., f. : jabberer. - - baraliptonº [coined by logicians], m. : = (certain syllogism.) barandageº [? Prov. -randa, closure (-rrar, BAR)], m. : reserved fishing (ind- cated by a net stretched across the stream). barange" [-rrer], f. : wall (to keep the wood from the live coals, in salt-works). bara-que* [It. -cca (L. barra, bar)], f. : BARRACK in sense of " hut'; hovel ; shed (of boards answering for tent) ; locker (for books);temple. -quement*[-quer], m. : hutting, soldier-quarters; encampment. -querº, tr. : hut. barat* [?], m.: fraud. barate" [?], f. : sail band (rope stretched across the convex side of a sail tO strengthen the sail). drippings (of bara-ter*[-rat], tr. : deceive. -terie*, ſ. : fraud (esp. against ship-insurers). barat-teº [?], f. : churn. -terº, tr. : | churn. - - Barbade, f : Barbadoes (island in West Indies). . 58 barbaeane* [Ar.], f. : BARBICAN ; loop- hole ; scupper. fbarbacoleº [name in a playl, m. : school- maSter. - barbaraº [coined by logicians], m. : = (a certain syllogism). barbarasseº [?],f. : roping (to strengthen hawsers). - barba-reº [L. -rus, orig. 'stammerer')], adj. : BARBARIAN ; barbarous (rude ; cruel). -rementº, adv. : like a barbarian. - qº" [It. -resco], adj. : of Barbary. -rieº [L. -ria], f. : barbarity; barbarism ; cruelty. -risme* [L. -ismus], m. : bar- barism (of grammar, or culture). I.bar-beº [It. -bero], m. : horse ; adj. : of Barbary. 2.bar-be° [L. -ba], f. : beard (of man, of animals ; whiskers ; BARB ; filament ; awn of grain ; beardlike appendage) ; fuzzy mold ; fringe ; jagged edge (as teeth of a saw); bit (of a key). 3.-beº [Pied. barba, beard ; venerable person], m. : preacher, priest (among Vaudois). -béº adj. : bearded, barbate. I.-beau* [L. -bellum (barba, beard)], m. : BARBEL barbacane BARBARY (fish). 2.-beauº, m. : blue-bottle (plant). -bElé* [OFr. -bel, little barbe], adj : barbod (aD an arrow). -belle º, f : little beard ; pappus. -bErie* [-bier], f. : fbarber-shop ; barber's art. -bEronº, m. : plant goat's beard, salsify. -bErotº, m. : fbarber's assistant ; poor barber. Barberousse, m. : Barbarossa (lit. "red-beard'). I.-betº, I.-bette, m., f. : water-spaniel (cf. caniche); (com- mon name of several fish) mullet, BARBEL, etc. 2.-betº [3.-be], m. : Vaudois re- fugee; smuggler (in the Alps). 2.-bette º, f. : = ; nun's head-dress : coucher à la -, *lie down flat.' -beyerº [? if fr. -ba, *beard'it is like Eng. * whisk' and " whis- kers'], intr. : shake, flap (as a sail). -bieheº, f. : weak beard; goatee, im- perial. -biehon " or -biehet [-biche], m. : little water-spaniel. -bier*, m. : barber. -bifierº, tr. : shave. -bille", f. : little beard; wire-edge of coins. I.-bil- lon* [-lle], m. : barbel; gills ; wattle. 2.-billon º [-beau], m. : little barbel (fish). -bonº [It. -bone, large beard], m. : old codger, gray-beard ; sweet rush (plant); adj. : peevish. barbo-tageº, m. : dabbling, paddling ; muttering. -te*, f : (common name for) eel-pout and loach. -teau* [-bote], m.: (common name for) chub, - see chevanne. |-ter* [?], intr. : dabble, splatter, splash (in mud, in water) ; beat against wind (as a ship) without advancing, toil ; tr. : splatter, garble (a language). -teur º, =euse, m., f : splatterer, dabbler ; tame barguignage duck ;f. : prostitute. -tière*,.f. : paddle, duck-pond ; duck-trough. -tine", f. : semen-contra (vermifuge), wormwood; pot- tery glue (for sticking decorations); pottery with relief decorations. barbouil-lageº, m. : daubing ; daub ; . scrawl; jabbering. ll-ler* [?], tr. : daub, smear; blot ; muss ; mar; scrawl ; stam- . mer. -leurº, =euse, m., f. : poor painter, dauber ; poor writer or talker. barbouquet" [bar (L. bis, twice), bou- quet], m. : sore, slight wound (on lips); eruption (on sheep). barboute" [?], f. : sugar (with too much syrup in it, after one refining). barbu* [-rbe], adj. : bearded; f. : brill, dab (fish). f barbuquet = -bouquet. barbure" [-rbe], f. : roughness, wire- edge (of coins). barcaroIle" [Venetian -rola, f. of -rolo, gondolier], f. : Venetian boat song. fbar.eelonnette = bercelonnette. bar-d° [for beard = bayart], m. : barrow; truck. #-daeheº [It. -scia], m. : sodo- mite. -dage*, m. : moving, carrying, loading (with a barrow). bardane* [l. L. -dana [L. -da, cover)l, J. : burdock (plant). - I.barde º [L.-dus (Gall.)], m. : BARD, poet. 2.bar-de* [It. -da (from Arab.)], f. : barb, horse-armour ; saddle-blanket ; slice of bacon (used to baste meat). -deau*, m. : shingle ; lath ; fboard-dam. s I. bardéeº [I.-der], f. : barrow-load. 2.bardée* [2.-der], f. : slices of fat (in basting fowl). bardelleº [2.barde], f. : saddle-blanket. I.barder " [bard], tr. : load, carry on a barrow. - 2.barder* [2.barde], tr. : cover (a horse) with armour ("barde");baste (fowl). bardeurº [bard], m. : hod-carrier ; bar- l"OW-Iſla,Il. bardisº [-rde], m. : partition (in hold of ship); water-tight planking. barditº [l. L. -tus (L. baritus)], m. : battle-cry (of the anc. Germans). bardot º [It. -dotto ak. to 2.bardel, m. : beast of burden ; drudge ; refuse paper ; butt (of ridicule); lead-mule ; hinny. barège* [valley Barèges], m. : = (a wool cloth). barème º [mathematician Barrême], m. : ready-reckoner, interest-book. , I. bargeº [?], f. : god-wit (bird). 2.barge º [l. L. -ga (? Celt.; cf. barque)], bargui-gnageº, m. : haggling; hesitat- ing ; |-gner* [?], tr., intr.: fcheapen (cf. BARGAIN) ; hesitate. -gneur ", =euse, m., f. : hesitater ; haggler, ( barigel barigelº [It. -gello], m. : chief of sbirros (Italian detectives). barigouleº [Prov. -goulol, f : certain mushroom ; way of preparing artichokes. bari-lº [?], m. : BARREL (keg; tub) ; door spring. -lIet*, m. : little barrel; cylinder (of revolver) ; ink-stand ; jewel- case ; box (for tape-line) ; drum , tube ; roller. -llon ", m. : little barrel ; cylin- der (of pump). bario-lageº, m. : mixture of colours, motley. | |-lerº [?], tr. : variegate ; mottle. #barise1 = barigel. fbarite = baryte. | fbarium = baryum. barleº [?], f. : fault, break, fracture of Strata. barIin " [?], m. : knot (for twisting silk). barlong*, =ongue [bar (L. bis), twice, etc., long], adj. : of unequal length; longer on one side than the other. barlotière " [? barreau], f. : bar (in a window sash). barna eheº [Ir.], f : certain wild goose. baroeentrique* [Gr. báros, weight, L. centrum, centerl, adj. : courbe -, curve measured by the intersection of two lines vertical to each other on same meridian. barocoº [coined by logicians], m. : (syllogism). lbaro-mètreº [Gr. báros, weight, métron, measure],m. : BAROMETER. -métrique", adj. : barometrical. ba-ronº [? L. baro (sense of "soldier')], rabbeted (vulg.) barnacle ; : =. -ronnage°*, m. : rank of baron ; | 77l. . body of the barons. -ronne, f. : baron- ess. ronnet" [Eng.], m. : baronet. -ronnialº, pl. =aux [-nnie], adj. : bar- onial. -ronnie*,f. : barony; baronage. baroqueº [Sp. barrueco, ill-shaped pearl], adj. : = (odd-shaped ; queer, grotesque). baroscopeº [Gr. báros, weight, skopêin, examine], m. : =. bar-que* [It. -rca], f : boat ; bark (cf. barge). -quée*, f : boat-load. -quE- rolleº,f. : small boat ; (Adriatic) barge. -quette º, f. : little boat. 1 bar-rage*, m. : barring up ; closure (of road) ; 'dam. -rager* [-rage], m. : toll- taker. llbar-re* [?], f. : BAR (at court) ; tiller; helm ; hyphen ; lever ; obstacle ; stripe. -reau*, m. : rail, bar (of wood, of iron) : court, bar ; body of lawyers. -re-fortº [#fort = forte], m. : pine beam. bar-rer*, tr., intr. : bar up; ob- struct; cancel; stripe; turn the tiller, steer. I.bar-rette*, f. : little bar; axle, pin. 2.barretteº [It. -tta], f. : bonnet, official · cap, = : parler à la - de quelqu'un, say it to one's face, 59 barreurº [-rrer], m. : header, dog trained to prevent the escape of game ; tiller-holder, helmsman. barri-cadeº [It. -cata (-ca, cask)], f. : -eaderº, tr. : barricade (orig'ly with casks) : se -, screen one's self. barrière*[barre], f. : BARRIER, obstacle ; gate ; tilting place. barrique* [Prov. -rrica (cf. baril)], f. : BARREL with capacity of 200 litres or more; hogshead. - barr-irº [L. -ire], intr. : trumpet (of ele- phant). -itº [L. -itus], m. : trumpeting (of elephant). barroirº [-rre], m. : cooper's auger. I.barrotº [ak. to baril], m. : kit (for anchovies). 2.bar-rotº [-rre], m. : beam (supporting deck of ship). -roterº, tr. : fill, load to the barrot. - barrure* [-rrer], f. : cross bars of lute. f bars = 3.bar. bartavelle" [Prov. -vela], f. : Greek partridge. baryte" [Gr. barûs, heavy], f. : barytes, oxide of BARIUM. baryton" [Gr. barûs, heavy, tônos, tone], m. and adj. : barytone. baryumº [ak.to -yte], m. : barium (chem. element). bas°, basse [p. L. bassus, "thick' and * short'], adj. : low (short ; heavy-set ; BASE, coarse ; vile ; Vulgar; cheap ; BASS, heavy; subaltern) ; lower (part of towns, rivers, mountains) ; common, not literary ; m. : subaltern (officer) ; BASE, bottom ; stocking ; low or lower part (of dress, house, stairway, etc.) ; commonplace ; coarseness ; adv. : below, low, deep, down ; in humble condition, at low ebb ; in secret : bas-bleu, bluestocking, literary woman ; en —, below, downstairs ; traiter de haut en —, treat contemptuously ; à-l down with him ! à — les traîtres! down with the traitors ! mettre —, put down, overturn ; drop yº# basal-te* [L. -tes], m. : BASALT (rock). -tique*, adj. : basaltic. basa-ne* [Prov. -na (fr. Ar.)], f : # skin (for benches, chairs, etc). -né*, tr. : fmake like sheep-skin ; render tawny, adj. : tawny, tan. -nerº, tr. : tan. fbas-bleu see bas, m. baseu-le* [for bacule (old -ler, spank : battre cul)], f. : see-saw ; scales ; lever. -lerº, intr. : see-saw; rock. ba-se* [L. (Gr.) básis], f. : =, bottom ; BASIS. -serº, tr. : base, found. -s-fondº, m.: low place ; shallows. -silaire*, adj. : basilary, principal. basileº [?], m. : slant (of the blade of a plane). basile red or 60 basilio I. basi-licº [L. -liscus, Gr. -liskos (dim. of -léus, king)], m. : BASILISK (myth. mon- ster ; certain harmless arboreal reptile). 2.-Iie* [L. -licon], m. : sweet BASIL (plant). -lieon * or -lieum [L.fr. Gr.-likón, roy- al], m. : = (ointment). I.-lique* [L. -lica], f. : basilica (Roman edifice), temple ; (later) church. 2.-lique* [Gr. -likôs, kingly], adj. : basilic, basilical (of blood vessels), principal. basinº [fr. It.], m. : cloth ; #Eng. BOMBACE). basique* [base], adj. : basic. ba-soehe° [L. -silica (cf. I.-silique) tribunal], f. : body of clerks (of court) hav'g certain privileges ; body of lawyers. -soehien º, m. : clerk or lawyer (as be- longing to the basoche). basque* [fr. baste (?) infl. by -quine], f. : = (part of woman's dress) ; skirt (of a man's coat) ; lead (so shaped for roof- ing). basquineº [Sp. -quina], f. : certain skirt (used among the Basques). #bas-relief = relief. fbassage = passage. I.bas-se° [fem. of bas, low, etc. ; (infl. by It. -so)], f. : BASS (in music) ; bass voice ; · violoncello : de viole, (formerly violon- cello) ; shoal (shallow water). 2.-seº [It. -sa (-sare, lower)], f. : slope (used for galloping). -se-contreº, pl. -8-, f. : (formerly * bass-voice') bass-singer. -se-courº, pl. -s-s, f : finner court or yard (for the querry) ; farm-yard ; poultry-yard. -se-fosse", pl. -s-s, f. : dimity (a cotton underground or deep prison, dungeon. | -se-marehe, pl. -, f. : treadle. -se- ment*, adv. : humbly; BASEly, coarsely ; fsoftly (of voice). -serº [?], tr. : dress (the warp in weaving). -sesse*, f : BASEness, meanness ; base action or deed ; servility ; depravity. -set*, =tte, adj. : rather low ; m. : = (low-set dog). -se- tailIeº, pl. -s-s, f. : (formerly * bary-| tone’ between bass and tenor) ; basso- profondo ; fbas-relief. -sette º [It. -setta], f. : BASSet (game at cards). fbassile = bacile. bas-sim° [l. L. bacchinon (? ak. to bac)], m.: BASIN (hollow vessel, bowl ; reservoir dock for ships ; river-system) ; dessert- plate ; plate (of balance) ; pit ; pelvis. -sinage* [-ner], m. : sprinkling (plants) ; wetting up (bread). -sine º, f. : pan (for confectionery). -sinée º, f. : basinful, panful. -siner*, tr. : moisten, wet ; soak (willows) ; warm (as a bed with a BASIN of coals). -sinet*, m. : little basin ; fire-pan (of old flint-lock gun) ; fmetallic hood (of helmet) ; drip-cup (under a light) ; crowfoot (plant). -sinoire* [-siner], bâtardière f : warming-pan. -sinot, m. : tub (of a yer). bassonº [basse], m. : bassoon (musical instrument) ; bassoonist. fbas-tantº [-ter], adj. : sufficient. I.-teº [3 sing. Pr. Ind. -ter], interj. : enough ! nonsense ! hold ! 2.baste* [It. -ta], f. : dress). 3.basteº [Sp. -to, clubs at cards], m. : ace of clubs (at ombre). basterº [It. -tare], intr. : fsuffice ; be satisfactory. basterne " [l. L. -terna], f. : (Roman) litter; ox-chariot (of early French kings). bas-tideº [Prov. -tida (-tir= Fr. bâtir)], ·f. : fortification, redoubt ; = ; (dial.) country-house. -tille*, f : ffortress ; bastile (fort in Paris, used as a prison). bas-tingage" [-tinguer], m. : protective ºp# (about a fighting ship). |-tin- que º [It. -tinga], f. : (ship's) quarter- netting. -tinguerº, tr. : furnish with protective roping ; arrange, stow (in the bastingage, rope barricade). bas-tion * [It. -tione], m. : =, mass of protective earth. -tionnerº, tr. : furnish with a bastion ; -tionné, adj. : bastioned. bastonnadeº [Sp. -tonada (-ton = Fr. bâton, cane)], f. : bastinado, caning. bastringue* [?], m.: noisy public dance. #bastude = battude. bas-ventre, m. : hypogastric region. I. batº [battre], m.: fbeating (of pulse) ; beater, tail (of fish), tip (of wing). 2.bat [? ak. to bâtir], m. : covering board, plank-sheer (of ship-planking). bâtº [l. L. bastum, ak. to Gr. bastázein (?), carry], m. : pack-saddle. bataclamº [?], m. : traps, luggage. ba-tail* [-ttre], m. : hammer, striker (of clocks). -taille°ſp. L. -ttalia (L. -ttuere, beat)], f. : BATTLE ; card game ; line of battle ; infantry (forming centre of army) : c'est son cheval de —, it is his hobby. -tailIéº, adj. : hav'g a batail, striker. -tailler* [-taille], intr. : bat- tle, give battle (not used of armies). -tailleur*, =euse [-tailler], adj. : con- tentious, fond of fighting. -tailIonº [It. -ttaglione], m. : battalion. bâtar-d* [bât: ref. to the use of saddles as beds by muleteers], adj. : BASTARD (of impure race, or stock) ; feigned ; m. (f. -de) : illegitimate child. I.-deauº, m. : dim. of bâtard. 2.bâtardeau* [OFr. bâtard (bâtir), structure, dike], m. : dam or embankment ; planking (aboard ship to keep out water). bâtar-dière* [-d], f. : nursery (of bud- fold, plait (of Batavie - ded or grafted trees). bastardy. Bata-vie, f. : Batavia (poetic for Hol- land). -vique*, adj. : Dutch : larme -, Prince Rupert's drop (a glass globule that breaks up fine if it is broken at all). + bate = 2.bat. - bâte* [l. L. basta ak. to bâtir, bâton], f : fsupport ; setting (of ring) ; case (of · watch, snuff-box). bâtéº [-ter], adj. : hav'g a pack-saddle on, saddled. bateau* [OEng. bat], m. : BOAT: boatload; (boat-like) bed ; body (of carriage) ; dish : - à vapeur, steamboat. I.batelageº [-leur], m. : hand. " · 2.ba-telage*, m.: loading, unloading of ships, ' lighterage. -telée* [-teau], ſ : boat-load. ll-teler* [-teau], intr. : load or unload (ship). -telet* [-teau], m. : little boat. bateleur*, =euse [OFr. basteler, jug- gle], m., f : juggler, magician ; mounte- bank. ba-tElier*, =ière [-teler], m., f. : boat- man. -teIIerie*, [-teau], f : transfer (by boats). f batême, etc. = baptême, etc. bâter º [bât], tr. : saddle (with a pack- saddle). bathomètre* [Gr. bathüs, deep, métron, measure], m. :-BATHYMETER. I.bâti* [-tir, build], m. : lattice, trellis-work. 2.bâti" [-tir, baste], m. : BASTing. bâ-tier* [bât], m. : maker of pack- saddles. -tière* [bât], f.: pack-saddle ; roof (resembling pack-saddle). sleight-of- scaffolding, batifo-lageº, m. : romping. -Iantº, adj. : playful, romping. ll-lerº [It. battifolle, " rampart' as a place for play], intr. : play, have sport ; esp. play games With the hands. -leurº, =euse, m., f. : player. bâtimentº [-tir, build], m. : fconstruc- tion (of building) ; structure ; ship, ves- sel : être du -, be participant in an affair. bâtimeº [bât],f. : cushioned pack-saddle. I.bâtirº [OHG. bastjan, sew], tr. : BASTE, tack. - 2.fbâ-tir° [p. L. bastire (?)], tr. : build | (construct, erect; frame, shape, form). f-tissageº, m.: constructing (of house, etc.) ; shaping (of hats). -tisse", f. : heavy part (of building) ; walls. -tis- seurº, =euse, m.,f. : builder; one fond of building. -tissoir", m. : stave-setter (cooper's machine). batiste* [name of first maker], f. : cambric (cloth). -diseº [-d], f : bat-tage*, m,: battage - 61 bâ-tomº [l. L. fbasto (?)], m. : = ; stick, rod ; cane ; support ; pole (for banners, etc.) ; round, rung (of a chair) ; whip ; staff, rod (of authority) ; pump- handle ; wand ; stroke (in writing) ; bar (music) ; crook ; crosier (of bishops) ; perch ; spoke (of wheel): battre l'eau avec un —, try in vain ; mettre des —s dans les roues, put on brakes ; à —s rompus, piecemeal ; tour de - dishonest gain ; -s flottants, driftwood ; what ap- pears important but proves of no con- sequence ; #- blanc, bare branch, i.e. empty-handedness, poverty ; Martin Bâton, proverbial name for a valet who cudgels. -tonnage*, m. : tickling (a brute's palate tô cause eructation). -tonnatº [-tonnier], m. : functions or term of a bâtonnier. -tonnée º, f : pumpage, spurt (of one stroke of ship's pump). -tonnerº, tr. : cudgel, fiog, whip ; cross out (what is written). -ton- net*, m. : little bâton; tip-cat (children's game with stick sharpened at both ends) ; straight part of a cup-and-ball ; four- edged ruler ; veterinary's instrument (for "bleeding) ; minute cylindrical body in the retina ; name of certain infusoria. -ton- · nier*, m.: fstandard-bearer ; chief of the lawyer's association ; annual president (of lawyer's association in France). -ton- niste, m. : cudgel-player ; stick-trick- · ster (with a magic wand). - batoudeº [? It. battuto (ak. to battre), flooring], f. : spring-board. batra eien * [Gr. -chos, frog], m. : BA- TRACHIAN. - beating, hammering ; threshing (of grain) ; churning (of but- ter) ; pulverizing. -tant*, adj. : beat- ing, pelting : porte battante, two-leafed door ; self-acting door ; m. : clapper (of bell) ; each leaf (of a door, table) ; latch (of door) ; flap, fiy. f-tant-l'œil", pl. —, m. : morning cap. I.-teº [?], f. : . cantle of a saddle. 2.-te*, f. : ham- mering ; striker (flat stick for smoothing down plaster, etc.) ; paving-rammer ; dasher (of churn) ; ball-BAT ; wooden sword ; meat-mallet ; wash-board. -téeº, . f.: what a workman can beat at one stroke ; jamb (of door). -telIementº [? OFr. -teiller, indent], m. : lowest layer (of roof- tiling). -tement º, m.: beating (of drum, feet, oars); repeated beating, flut- tering; palpitation ; jamb (of door, or anything on which a movable piege closes); shake (in music). -terie*, f : battery ; fight ; beat (of drum) ; striking strings (of guitar, instead of picking them) ; (electric) battery ; , apparatus Or place for beating in manufacturing ; 62 kitchen utensils (as of métal battu). -teur*, =euse, m., f. : beater ; (fiail ; thresher, gold-worker ; beater who scares bau up game); scout ; marauder ;.f. :* thresh-. ing machine, separator. -titure* [It. -titura], f. : spark, scale (from forged iron). -toir*, m. : bat ; beetle (in washing) ; tennis-racket. f-toire, f : (dial.) churn. | bat-tre° [L. báttuere], irr.$ ; tr. : beat (strike, BATTER, pound ; defeat ; thresh ; hammer ; search as though beating up game ; clap hands) ; beat, mark time) ; flap (wings) ; shuffle (cards) : se —, fight, comBAT, scuffle ; scramble ; — l'air, l'eau, have one's trouble for nothing ; — le pavé, run the streets ; se - à la perche, struggle in vain ; il me bat plus que d'une aile, he hasn't all his resources. -tu, adj. : beaten : fer -, sheet iron ; m. : un - d'or, gold-foil, gold-leaf. -tude º [Prov. batuda], f. : seine -tue*, f. : beating up (wild game), hunt ; beating (of silk co- coons in hot water) ; hoof-beat (of a horse). -ture*, f. : fbeating; batter, mixture ; gold-lackering ; shoals, reef (where waves beat). S Ind. : Pr. bats, bats, bat. — I've bats. Otherwise regular. bau* [OHG. balcho (= Ger. Balken), beam], m. : beam (of ship) ; maître —, mid-ship beam. baubiº [?], m. : certain stocky dog (for hunting fox, boar, etc). bauehe* [also bauge, ak. to bauque], f : mortar (of dirt and straw) ; mud (for building rude houses). bau-dº [? OHG. bald, BALD], m.: (Bar- bary) deer-hound. -detº, m. : jack-ass ; block-head ; saw-buck. -dirº, tr. : set (dogs) on, excite, incite. Baudouin, m. : Baldwin. baudrier* [OHG. balderich, (? L. balteus, belt)], m. : BELT. baudrueheº [?],f. : an intestinal mem- brane (used to make toy-balloons, and by gold-beaters to enclose gold-leaf). * baufe" [Prov. fo],f. : trot-line. bau-geº [?], f : lair (of wild animals) ; see bauche. bau-gerº, refl. : betake itself to its lair. fbaugue = bauque. . - I.baume* [l. L. balma (? Celt.)], f. : grotto. 2 bau-me° [L. balsamum (fr. Gr.-Heb.)], m. : BALSAM, BALM ; mint : — d'acier (facet.), dentist's forceps. bau-mier*, m. : balsam tree. bauque" [Prov. bauco, ak. to bauche],f. : (grass, etc. used as) bedding, packing. bauquièreº [bauc, old for bau],f. : (nav.) beam support. béat bauquinº [= I.bouquin], m. : end (of glassblower's tube). baux, see bail. bavar-dº [bave], adj. : talkative ; m., f : talker, prattler; busybody. -dage", m. : prattle, talk, bosh. -derº, intr. : prate; blab. f-dErie* [-der], f. : talka- tiveness. -dinerº, intr. : (humor.) prattle. f-diseº [-der], f : talk, trifles. bavarois, =oise, m., f. : Bavarian ; m. : Bavarian language ; f : drink (made of tea, syrup and milk) ; adj. : Bavarian. ba-veº [echoic ; cf. babiller], f. : (OFr.) babbling, prattling ; slobbering ; slime (of snail); first threads secreted by silk-worm. -verº, intr. : slobber; flow steady (as blood fr. a vein, not an artery). -vette*, f. : bib ; piece of flesh under the sirloin (fr. its shape) ; lid, cover (in certain constructions) : tailler une -, prattle. -veuse* [-veux], f : blenny (fish). -veux *, =euse, adj. : slobbering; run- ning (of wound) ; scrawling (writing) : not cooked enough (of omelette). -vo- eherº [-ver], tr. : mar (in #, etc.); make uneven. -voehure" [-vocher], f : blurred work ; unevenness. Bavière, f. : Bavariâ. bavoisº [?], m. : table of rates of coinage taxes. bavo-letº [bas, volet], m. : rustic head- dress. -lette º, f : girl wearing a peasant hood. bavure* [-ver], f : mark, monk's seam (left by the joint in the mould). bayadère* [Port. bailadeira, ak. to bal], f. : East Indian dancing girl. - bayart* [?], m. : kind of barrow truck ; (cf. bard). ba-yer° [p. L. *batäre (?)], intr. : yawn, gape ; gaze ; Proverb : #béer contre un four, be overmatched ; — aux corneilles, lose one's time in gazing ; gaze with eager desire. -yeurº, =euse, m., f : curious or idle gaper. fbayonnette = baionnette. bazarº [Pers.], m. : = (market). bdellaire* [Gr. bdélla, leech], m. : animal of leech type. bdellium* [L. (fr. Heb.)], m. : =. béantº [p'le of béer, old for bayer], adj. : gaping, yawning. béa-tº, -te [L. beatus, happy], adj. : fhappy; beautified by the church ; sanc- timonious ; hypocritically pious ; m., f. : fsilent beneficiary ; hypocrite ; béates, f. pl. : women who keep the rules of an order though not members of it. -tifi- cation º [-tifier], f. : =. -tifierº [l. L. -tificare], tr. : fmake happy; beatify. -tifique* [l. L. -tificus], adj. : beatific. -tillesº, f. pl. : work of béates, miscel- moutn º-m# beau laneous things ; tid-bits, dainties. -ti- tude* [L. -titudo], f.: = ; title of sov- ereign pontiff. - beau° (or bel bef. vowel-sound), pl.-ac,f. · belle [p. L. bellus], adj. : BEAUtiful (hand- some, fair, fine); exact; m. : (the) beautiful; beauty; beau ; belle ; adv. : finely, well : j'ai - (elipt. for *it is all very well for me,' hence) it is useless for me, I. .. in vain ; e.g. j'ai (tu as, il a, etc.) - dire, it is useless for me (thee, him) to speak, I (thou, he) speak in vain ; vous avez — faire, you try in vain ; le - sexe, fair sex ; - mangeur, great eater; les -x arts, fine arts ; un bel esprit, person of fine taste ; les belles, the fair sex, women ; le temps est au -, the weather is fine ; cela vous fait une belle jambe, what good will that do you ? porter -, carry himself well (of horse, or dog) ; acheter du —, buy things of good quality ; les —x esprits se rencontrent, great minds run in same · channel (said when two have same idea at once) ; une belle affaire, fine affair (fine muss) ; faire un - coup, make a lucky hit ; tout -, be still ! (expression to quiet a cross dog) ; il est arrivé — premier, far ahead (of race horse) ; au — milieu de la rue, exactly in the middle ; bel et bon, perfectly. -coup*[lit. ' fine piece'], m. : great deal, much ; (with de) much, many; a great deal ; adv. : much, consid- erably : à - près, by a great deal, near ; , de -, by far; a good deal ; il s'en faut de —, it is very far from. beaucuit* [pop. etym. Eng. buckwheat], 77l. : BUCKWHEAT. beau-filsº, pl. -x-, m. : step-son ; (rarely) son-in-law. -frèreº, pl. —x-s, m. : brother-in-law. -père*, pl. —x-s, step-father; father-in-law. beaupré* [pop. for Eng. bowsprit], m. : , BOWSPRIT. - Tbeauté° [p. L. *bellitas (cf. beau)], f. : BEAUTY . t beauveau = biveau. beauvotte* [? L. belua, beast],f. : (dial.) · grain insect. bébé* [Eng. baby], m. : BABY ; doll. bec°. [p. L. beccus], m. : BEAK (of birds, turtles, fish, certain insects, etc.) ; mouth ; PEAK, point (as of pen, anchor, ship) : tenir quelqu'un le - dans l'eau, keep one waiting in vain (fr. the figure of a water bird waiting); faire le petit —, mince matters ; Marie bon bec, great talker ; être pris par le —, convicted by his own words ; avoir le - bien affilé, be talkative ; blanc -, mouth with no moustache, green- horn. fbécardº, m. : (vulg.) merganser ; (vulg.) salmon. bécardeº, f,: magpie . (of Cayenne). · { bedon 63 bécarreº [It.be-quadro *B-sQUARED'],f. : natural (in music). bécas-se* [bec], f. : wood-cock; dupe, fool ; basket-maker's machine : brider la -, catch the dupe ; — d'arbre, owl. -seau*, m. : young wood-cock; sand- piper. -sinº, -son, m. : small snipe. -sine* f : snipe. fbeccard = bécard. fbec-cornu = becque-cornu. bec-d'âne = bédâne. -dE-cane º, pl. -s- -, m. : " duck bill," surgeon's nip- pers ; lock (hav'g a beveled bolt) ; knob or handle (ofa door). -dE-corbin*, pl. -s--, m. : ship-calker's nippers ; hal- berd (of king's guards) : les becs-de-corbin, gentlemen.. -dE-grue°, pl.-s--, m. : crane's-bill (geranium). -dE-Iièvre º, pl. -s--, m. : hare-lip. becfigue* [bec (bequer), figue], m.: fig- pecker (bird). bé ehamelº [the gourmand Bechamel], ſ. : cream sauce. bé ehardº [bêche], m. : sort of hoe. bé eharu" [Prov. becharut], m. : (vulg.) · flamingo. I.i bê ehe = bechevet. bê-eheº [l. L. besca], f. : spade ; insect. -ehelon º, m. : small grubbing hoe. -eherº tr. : dig, spade. -eheton* [-chette], m. : garden spade. -ehette*, ſ : spade. bêehe-vetº [L. bis, doubly, chevet], m. : fbolster (pillow) : couchera à —, lie, one's feet at other's head. -vEterº, tr. : place end for end. béehique* [L. -chicus (Gr. béx, cough)], adj. : BECHIC (cough-relieving), cough ; m. : cough-medicine. - bê-ehourº [-cher], m. : large hoe. -ehonº [che], m. : little hoe. bécotº [bec], m.: little snipe. becque- cornuº [I. becco-cornuto, horned buck], m. : cuckold ; fool. fbecquée = béquée, etc. fbéeuneº [bec], f : sea-pike (fish). bEdaine* [OFr. boudaine (boude, big belly)], f. : (very fam..) big belly ; belly, paunch ; globular vase ; rock (as pro- jectile). - bédâneº [for bec-d'âne], m. : chisel. bE-deau* [L. -dellus (Ger. root bid-, cry out)], m. : BEADLE (old, lower court officer ; university sergeant ; n0w, church or parish officer). -deaude*, adj. : f. : of mixed colour (in allusion to robe of beadle). bédegar* [fr. Pers.], m. : rose-gall. bEdo-mº [ak. to bedaine], m. : big belly ; fdrum : — de Suisse, double-headed drum. -ndaineº [bedon, bedaine], f. : fbig belly; bag-pipe ; rock (as projectile) ; hurling machine. 64 bée «r bée* [for bêêe (bêer)], adj. : open, gaping ; f : [same word as baie, gapl, opening, ,lower end of mill-race. fbeefstealx bif = bifteck. #bée r = bayer. beffler*, [ak. to Eng. baffle], tr. : cule ; mystify. A beffroi* [OHG. berc-vrit (bergen, protect, vride, peace), protecting tower], m. : movable tower (used in sieges) ; alarm- bell tower, BELFRY, bell. A bé-gaiementº -gé-, m. : stammering, im- pediment (in speech). -gayant* -gai-, adj. : stammering. f-gayement-gai- -gaiement. ll-gayer* [-gue], intr. : stammer, hesitate ; champ, shake the bit (said of horse). hégonia " [Gen. Bégon], m. : = (plant). béguº, =guè [?], adj. : having age marks (on teeth after time for marks to disap- pear, said of horses). bègue* [?], adj. : stammering; m., f : stammerer. bégueu-le* [bée (béer), gueule], f : gaper ; one who makes much ado about nothing ; adj. : affectedly scrupulous, pru- dish. -lerie",f. : affected nicety. bégu-in*, m. : BIGGIN, Beguine's cap ; cap that ties under the chin ; (very fam.) avoir un - pour quelqu'un, pour quelque chose, have a passion for. -inage*, m. : community of Beguine nuns ; exaggerated piety. |-ine* [Bègue, founder of the order], f. : Beguine (relig. sister) ; sister of thirdorder of St François; affected devotee. beige* [bis, brown], adj. : (dial.) yellow- white (as wool). beignetº [bigne], m. : fritter. fbeiram = bairam. béjaune* [bec, jaune], m. : yellow BEAK (of young birds) ; young bird ; eyas (young hawk) ; -s, new-comers : payer son -, pay initiation. bel = beau. - bélandre º[Dutch-der (by, * near,' land)], fridi- g-s- little lump; fruit jf. : bilander (flat bottomed boat with sails). bê-lant*, adj. : bleating. -lementº, m. : bleating. |-lejº° [bălăre], intr. : bleat. bElette* [bel, as though * little beauty'], jf : Weasel. - Belgique, f : Belgium (the kingdom). bè-iier°* [Flem. bell, bell], m. : BELL- Wether ; Aries ; battering-ram ; pile driver ; (hydraulic) ram. -1ière*, f. : clapper-ring ; watch-ring ; leather ring supporting cavalry sabre. bE-Iim*, m.: (dial.) sheep. bélître*, [Ger. bettler, beggar], m. : fbeggar; good-for-nothing. bénéfice beIIadoneº [It. bella donna, "fair lady'], f : belladonna (plant, medicine). bellâtre º [bel], adj. : of insipid beauty ; m. : insipid beauty. ·| belle (see beau): -à-voir*, pl. -s-—, f : summer cypress. -dameº, pl.-s-s, f. : BELLADONNA, garden spinage ; notch- weed ; butterfiy. -dE-jour º, pl. -s- -, f : asphodel, day-lily. -dE-nuitº, pl. -s--, f : jalap (blooms at night) ; sedge-warbler ; (very fam.) " night bird" (gay woman). -d'onze-heures*, pl. —s-—; f : star of Bethlehem (flower). -d'un-jour*, pl. -s-—, f : (yellow)t asphodel. -fille º, pl. —s-s, f : # daughter; daughter-in-law. -mentº, adv. : steady ! easy ! (to quiet a horse, etc.). -mère*, pl. -s-s, f. : step- mother ; mother-in-law. -s-lettres, f pl. : = (polite literature). -sœur* C8tl = eII, step-sister ; sister-in- law. belli-gérantº [L. -gerans (bellum, war, gerere, wage)], adj. : belligerent. -queux*, =euse [L. -cosus], adj. : belli- cose, martial. belIisº [L.], f : daisy. beIIissiiueº [Il. -mv (L. bellus, prctty)], adj. : (fam.) most beautiful. bElotº, =otte [bel], adj. : pretty (as a child) ; m., f. : pretty one (term of endearment). bElo-ee* [?], f : (dial.) wild plum. -eierº, m.: wild plum-tree. bElone* [L.], f : sea-pike, gar-fish. bElouse, see blouse. bel-outil, m. : jeweler's anvil. -vé- dère º [It., *beautiful view'], m. : belve- dere (place commanding a fine view ; bel- vedere pavilion). - bembexº [Gr., spinning top], m. : digger- WaSp. bémolº [bé (lettre b), mol], m. : b-flat (in music) ; sign for b-flat. ;- ben* [Ar. bân], m. : BEN (-tree-nut, -oil). | bénarde* [Bernard], f : kind of lock, rim-lock. -- bénédieité * [L. bene-dicite, *bless ye,' first word of the prayer], m. : prayer (said before a meal), blessing. bénédictinº, =ine [l. L. -tinus (Bene- dictus)], m., f : monk, nun (order of St. Benedict). , bénédiction*[L.-dictio(-dicere,bless)], ſ. : =, blessing; consecration. bénéfi-ee* [L. -cium (bene, well, fa- cere, do), BENEFIT], m. : benefit ; bene- fice ; advantage. -eiaireº [L.-ciarius], adj. : of a benefice (law, person), bene- ficiary ; of legally limited liability for debts ; m. : beneficiary. -eialº, adj. : of a church-benefice. I.-eier* [l. L. -ciarius], m. : holder of a benefice. benêt 2.-eier", intr. : make a profit (in business, , etc.) ; enjoy an advantage. bEnêt* [Norm. -neeit (L. -ne-dictus, blessed)], adj. : kindly; silly; m. : perSOn. - béné-vole* [L.-volus (bene, well, volo, I WILL)], adj.: benevolent (kind, well-wishing, charitable). -volement*, adv. : benevo- | • bereelleº[cf.brucelle],f. :(glassworker's) · tOngS. - bereElonnette*[-ceau],f : little cradle. ber-eer* [bers], tr. : cradle, rock; quiet ; lently. bé-nignement*, adv. : benignly. -ni- gnité* [L. -nignitas], f. : benignity, kindness ; non-malignity (of disease). ll-ninº, =igne [L. benignus, kind], adj. : benign, kind. · bé-nir [l. L. bene-dicere (ºwell-say'), bless], tr. : bless ; consecrate. -nit, =ite, adj. : blessed; fdevoted (consecrated, holy): eau bénite, holy water ; insincere prom- ises. -nitier* [OFr. eau-benoitier (fr. eau-benoite, -bénite, holy water)], m. : aspersorium, basin (for holy water), = ; large shell (to use as basin). Benjamin [Jacob's youngest son], m. : favorite child. benjoin* [l. L. benzoe (fr. Ar.)], m. : BENJAMIN (BENZOIN). - fbenne° [L. -nna (fr. Gall.)], f : (dial.) cart ; hutch ; lift (of mines) ; hurdle (in Water to keep fish back). BEnoî-t, m. : Benedict (the saint). ·f. : Benedicta. - -te, , bEnoît, =oîte, [L. -nedictus (bene, well, dicere, say) blessed], adj. : fgood ; (fam.) | sanctimonious, affectedly -noîte º, [L.-medicta (sc. herba, *herb')], f. : BENNET (plant). ben-zine* [l. L. benzie],f.: =. -zoate", 770. " -zoïque", adj. : benzoic. béotien " [Beotie, Beotia], m. : dullard. bé-qué* [bec], adj. : beaked. -que- bois, m. : woodPECKER. -quée º, f : BEAK-ful ; food (in the beak). -quer*, tr. : pick or peck (with beak). -que- roIIe, f. : (dial.) snipe. -quet*, m.: vulg.) salmon (cf. bécard); triangular patch (of leather or cloth) ; pad (in print- ing) ; tag (to a proof-sheet). -queter*, tr. : pick (with beak) ; caress. -quette", f : forceps (of wire-worker, etc.) ; helm- post (to which the tiller is fastened). -quillard "[-quille, crutch], m.: cripple ; (fam.) codger. -quille º, f : crutch ; spade-like hoe ; helm-post (cf. béquette): | couteau à -, two-bladed spud-knife ; door- handle. -quillerº [-quille], intr. : go on crutches ; tr. : prop up, stay (a ship) ; cultivate (with a béquille). I.-quillon [-quille], m. : béquille. . 2.-quillonº, m. : beak (of young hawk, etc.) ; beak-shaped leaf (of certain plants). f-quot = bécot. fber = bers. . silly | religious. short crutch, prop ; little 65 Berber, =ère, m., f. : Berber; f : Bar- . bernaudoir · bery (in Africa). bercail° [p. L. *berbicălius (L. berbex, sheep)], m. : sheep-cot,-fold ;fold (church). beree º [?], f. : cow-parsnip. bereeau* [bers], m. : cradle ; bower, arbor-walk; vault; printer's plank, bank ; (engraver's) scraper. pace (of horse); lull. -eeuse*, f : rocker, she who rocks ; cradle-song. béret* [Prov. (L. birrus, red)], m. : Basque º# head-dress. bergameº [Bergame, Ital. city], f : coarse tapestry (superseded by wall-paper). bergamo-teº [It. -motta (fr. Turk.)], f : bergamot (pear) ; confection (made of its essence). -tier*, m.: bergamot (tree). 1.fberge* [? Celt.], f. : walls (along ditch, river) ; sidewalk (along river-bank). 2.fberge = I.barge. 3.fberge = 2.barge. . ber-ger°, -gère [p. L.*-bicarius (L. -bex, sheep)], m. : shepherd ; swain, lover; f : shepherdess ; lass, nymph ; wagtail (bird) ; head-dress (of 18th C.) ; easy-chair ; adj. : amorous : l'heure du -, the lucky mo- ment. -gErette*, f : little shepherdess ; Wagtail ; shepherd's Easter-song ; Easter- wine. -gErie*, f : sheep-fold, -cot ; pastoral poetry. -gEronnette*,f. : little shepherdess ; wagtail. fbergin = bourgin. béri éhotº [?], m. : #béril = béryl. berle° [L. -rula], f. : water-parsley. - ber-Iine" [Berlin], f. : berlin (four- wheeled carriage). I.-lingot", m. : single-seated berlin ; poor carriage. 4 . 2.berlingotº [It. -gozzo (?), macaroon], m. : caramel. Berlioz, m. : (1803-69). #be lºqºe = breloque. · berlue* [bis-, OFr. *lue (ak. to L. lux, LIGHT)], m. : visual defect, dimsightedness. I.bermeº [Dutch breme, BRIM],f. : BERM, walking space by a ditch. 2.ber-me" [?], f : tub, vat. =ère, m., f. : laborer at the vat. bermudienne* [Bermuda], f. : Bermuda lily. *. - bernable" [-ner], adj. : hazable ; to be (dial.) wren. B., the music composer -mier ", " | tossed (in blanket). # berna ehe or bernacle = barnache. bernageº [bren, old for bran], m. : feed- or forage-crop. n _ , bernard-l'hermiteº, m. : hermit-crab. bernaudoirº [?],. m. : fluff-, or thrum- 66 basket (in wool-mills to gather up flue). - I.berneº [?], f. : waft, distress-signal (doubling of flag at half-mast as distress- berne signal, etc., at sea) : en -, aWaft, on | half-mast. 2.ber-neº [Sp. bernia, rug, blanket], f : fbed-cover ; blanket (to toss with) ; #toss- ing; banter. -nementº [-merl, m. : tossing ; hazing. -ner, tr. : toss, blanket, haze ; ridicule. -neurº [-ner], m. : tOSSer. + bernicle = barnache. bernique" [?], interj. : (fam.) fooled again ! berniquet* [?], m. and interj. : être au —, be at his wits' end ; (fam.) - pour gansonnet, you can't make it ! béron " [?], m. : spout, outlet (for cider, oil in a press). • berquinade* [Berquin, author of moral books for children], f. : work in Berquin's style. º # berret = béret. bers* [?], m. : fcradle ; ways (over which to launch ship) ; hurdle. bertavelle º [It. -llo], f. : bow-net (of reeds, willow). 1 + hertEler = bretteler. bertheº [fr. modest Queen Berthe], f : bertha (cape worn with décolleté dress). bérubleau" [Ger. berg-blau, mountain blue], m. : carbonate of copper. béryl* [fr. L. -ryllus], m. : =, kind of emerald. - bEsa-ee° [p. L. *bissaccia (L. bis, twice, saccus, sack)], f. : beggar's ( two-bagged') sack (hung across the shoulder), wallet, bag ; ( fig.) beggary. -eier, m. : beggar. bEsaigre* [L. pejorat. bis, Fr. aigre], adj. : half-sour, sourish. bEsaiguè* [L. bis, twice, Fr. aiguë], f. : battle-ax ; twibil. bEsant° [L. byzantius (B'm)], m. : byzant (coin), bezant. fbEsasº [L. bis, twice, as, ace], m. : (throw of) two aces. bésau* [Prov. (ak.to Eng. bed)], m.: irri- gation ditch. fbéseau = biseau. bEsetº [L. bis, twice], m. : dice). bEsiº [Dutch -sie (ak.to berry)], m. : kind of pear. fbEsicles* [for -ricles (béryl)], f pl. : eye-glasses. bEsierº [besi], m : pear-tree. bésigue* [?], m. : card game. fbEso eheº [Gasc. -soch (ak. to vouge, , spade)], f. : (dial.) grubbing hoe. bE-sogne* [ f. form of -soin], f. : ( fam.) two aces (at business ; calling ; affairs ; baggage: tailler l beurre de la - à qqn., make trouble ; aimer -- ſaite, not fond of work. -sogner*[-gne], intr. : work. -sogneux º, =eIsse, adj. : always hard-up, necessitous. ll-soin º[?], m. : need ; Want ; Wants ; necessity : faire -, become necessary ; payer au —, pay as security because principal on note fails to # bEsolet" [? ak. to biset], m. : tern (sea- bird). - besson º, =onne [L. bis, twice], adj., m., ſ. : twin. - I. bes-tiaire* [L. -tiarius (-tia, animal)], m.: BEAST fighter, gladiator. 2.-tiaire*, m. : bestiary (book of tales of animals). -tial*, pl. =als or =aux [L. -tialis], adj. : =. -tialement* [-tial], adv. : beastly. -tialité* [-tial],f. : bestiality. -tiasseº [It. -tiaccia], f. : ( fam.) brute ; fool. -tiaux * [-tial], m.pl. : live-stock. -tiole* [L. -tiola], f. : little animal. -tion*[L.-tia], m. : little beast; fanimal figure-head. bêta" [for bétail], m. : brute; dolt. bétail*, pl. bestiauac [OFr. bestail for betial, hence the pl.], m. : cattle. bête º [L. bestia], f. : BEAST (animal, brute ; filthy or brutal person : loo af cards) : remonter sur sa -, remount (on) his beast (after being unsaddled, e.g. in debate) ; - noire, wild boar; cock-roach ; ( fig.) bugaboo ; - brute, brute beast (brutal person) ; une bonne -, good beast (good person of ordinary mind) ; une — du bon Dieu, a beast of the good Lord (too benevolent) ; faire la -, act the an- imal (stupidly). bételº [E. Ind.], m. : betel (pepper, masti- catory). bê-tement* [-te], adv. : stupidly. -tiseº [-te], f : stupidity ; stupid act. - Bethsabé,.f. : Bathsheba (mother of Solo- mon). - bétoine° [L. -ttonica], f : BETONY (plant). I. béton º [OFr. bet (?)], m. : (vulg.) first milk (after child-birth). 2.bé-tonº [L. bitumen, pitch], m : beton ; concrete. -tonnageº, m. : work (in beton). -tonnerº, tr. : pave, etc. (with béton). bette* [L. beta], f. : BEET. -rave º, f : beet, beet-root ; mangel-wurzel. bétulineº [L. -tula, birch], f : BETULIN. bétuse° [?], f. : cauf (barrel for live fish) ; grain-bin. bétyle " [L. batulus], m. : cred stone). beu-gIEmentº, m. : bellowing. |-gler* [OFr. gle (L. buculus, dim. of bos, ox)], intr. : bellow ; low. beur-re°[L. bütyrum, Gr.boûtyron (?boûs, cow, turós, cheese)], m. : BUTTER : — noir, BAETYLUS (sa- beuse brown butter ; — et noir, black and blue ; promettre plus de - que de pain, promise more than one can do ; tour de -, " butter- tower" (church-towerbuiltfr. money gotten d# Lent). -ré º, m. : butter pear. -rée º [-rer], f. : (buttered) piece of bread. -rer*, tr. : butter. -rerie º, f. : butter- dairy. -rier*, =ière, m., f. : butter- seller ; butter-vessel (-dish, -churn, -cloth). beuse" [buse], f : scrap-box (to save brass · trimmings). - beuvante " [for buvaude], f : privilege (reserved by ship-owner of shipping so much wine). - fbeuveau = biveau. . bévue º [L. bi-, Fr. vue], f. : blunder ; double-vision, (med.) diplopy. bey" [Turk. beg, lord], m. : =. bey-lier°[?], m. : slubbing-billy. -Iieur°, m. : slubber. - - bEzestan " [Turk. *wool-market'], m. : public market (in Syria). - + bEzet = beset. bézoardº [Port. -zuar (fr. Pers)l, m. : BEZOAR, concretion (in stomach) ; amulet (stone). • + bEzo ehe = besoche. fb-fa-si" bé-, m. : si (musical note). bi- [L. bis], pref. : bi-, TWIce ; or disparag- t7lg. biai=s° [L. bi-fax, double FACE], adj. : ob- lique, slanting ; BIAS ; ( fig.) fbiased ; m. : slope, diagonal ; bias. -sement* [-ser], m. : indirection. -serº, intr.: cut across, go obliquely ; ( fig.) go round-about way : ne prendre qu'en biaisant, approach only indirectly. - bibasique* [L. bi-, base], adj. : hav'g double base. . · - bibelot* [? (cf. bimbelot)], m. : curio. I. bibe-ronº, =onne [L. -re, drink], m., f :( wine-)BIBBER, tippler. 2.-ronº [l. L. *-rare, make drink], m. : drink ; long-lipped cruet ; nursing bottle. . bible* [l. L. -blia. Gr. -blia (pl. of -blion) books], f. : Bible. - biblio- [Gr. biblion, book]: [Gr. gráphein, write], m. : bibliographer. -graphieº [L. -graphia (cf. -graphe)], f : bibliography. -mane" [cf. -manie], m.: =, bibliomaniac. -manie" [Gr. ma- · •nial, f. : bibliomania. -phile" [Gr. phí- los, friend], m. : =, book-fancier. . -thé- caire* [L. -thecarius (cf. next)], m. : librarian. -thèque* [L. -theca (Gr. théka, case)], f. : library : — bleue, blue library (collection of stories of the middle ages, bound in blue). · · , · · biblique º [bible], adj. : biblical. bibusº [?]. m. : trifle. . - biear-bonate* . [bi-, carbonate], m,: -graphe" -boné [carbone], adj. : hav'g bi-| 67 -bure* [carbure], m. : bi- Tbien carbonate. carburet. bicarré* [L. bi-, Fr. carré, sQUARED], adj. : (algebra) BIQUADRATIC. - bieeps* [L. (bis, twice, caput, head)], 77b. .. -. I.biehe* [?], f. : hind, doe : doe (darling). 2.fbi.ehe = bisse. I.biehetº [?], m. : plant). ; 2.biehet* [?], m. : ancient grain measure. I.biehette" [?] f. : fishnet. 2.biehette* [biche, hind], f. : little hind ; little dear, love. biehofº [Ger. bischqf], m. : BISHOP (wine). bi-ehon º, =onne [for barbichon ?], m., ſ. : little curly dog ; little darling. - ehon- nerº, tr. : curl, friz ; primp. - bicoq [for bicot], m. : arm (of hoisting crane or derrick). + bicoque* [It. -cocca], f : poorly fortified place. ,r bicorneº [L.bicornis], adj. : TWO-HORNED. bi-eyeleº [bi-, Gr. küklos, circle], m. : T -eyclette º, f. : bicycle (with two · equal wheels), safety. bidauetº [?], m. : brown paint. • biden-tº [L. -dens, TWO-TOOTHED], m. : two-tined fork ; plant, =. -té [L. bis, two, dens, tooth], adj. : hav'g two teeth, two tines. - - bidetº [It. -detto (Celt.)], m. : = (nag, pony; sitz-bath) ; work-bench ; spindle ; pocket-pistol. bidon º [?], m. : ma -, my rocou, annatto (dye- * ºm•s @i measure (five pints) ; · wooden drinking vessel ; canteen ; tin-can. biefº [OHG. bed, bed], m. : basin, BED (of stream): lock, lift (of canal); mill-race. bielle " [?], f. : motion-rod; crank. bien° [L. bene], adv. : well ; comfortably; very; much, plenty or many (with de le); really; good-looking; m.º: good (benefit, welfare); boon, gift, mercy; goods (prop- erty, estate, fortune): - vu, he is well liked ; un homme — comme il faut, a man just as is proper (right kind of a man); · croit-il de — ce qu'il dit ? does he really believe what he says ?-- que, although ; — moins, much less. -aimé(e) * n'aimé, adj. : well-beloved ; m., f. : well-beloved, love, darling. -direº, m. : fine speaking. -disantº [dire], adj. : well-spoken; fcom- plimentary. -être* -n'ëtr, m. : well- · being, welfare. -faire*, intr. : do well (to others). -faisanee* or fE- [ fai- sant], f. : BENEFICENCE, charity. -fai- sant* or fE- [pr. part. of faire], adj. : BENEFICENT, kind ; charitable. -fait* [L. factum], m. : BENEFIT, kindness, favour. -faiteurº, =triee [ fait], m.f. : BENE- FACTOR, benefactress. -fonds°, pl. -s- biennal 68 [bien, propºrtyl m. : real-estate. -hen- reux *, =euse -n'neu-, adj. : very happy; lucky (time, money); blessed ; beatified (by the church). - biennalº, pl. =aux [L. -nalis], adj. : biennial. le bien- [bien] : -séanee * [-séant], f : comfortableness ; propriety ; decency. -séant*, adj. : fitting, decent, proper, decorous. -tEnant*, =ante, m., f : property-owner. -tôt*, adv. : soon ; à —, ("till soon") good-bye (for a while); cela est — dit, that is soon said (but not so easily done). -veillanee*[-veillant], , f : BENEVOLENCE. -veillant* [old part. adj. fr. vouloir], adj. : -vEnirº [only in Inf.; fr. -venu], tr. : welcome. -vEnu*, adj. : welcome. -vE- nue* [-venu], f. : welcome, favorable reception : payer sa -, buy one's welcome (treat those who welcome one). f-voulu*, adj. : hav'g the good wishes of others, well-beloved. I. bière º [OHG. vera], f. : coffin, BIER. 2.bière º [Ger. bier], f. : BEER. bièvre° [L. bebrum (biber)], m. : name for castor) BEAVER. fbicz = bigf. - 2.fbiffeº [?], f. : false diamond, false ap- (old pearance. 2.biffe º, f.: mark of cancellation ; marker. |-ferº [?], tr. : cancel, annul. • bifteclcº [for Eng.], m. : BEEFSTEAK. bifur-cation º, f : =. |-querº [L. -cus, TWO-FORKED], tr. : make forked. biga-me* [L. -mus (bi, Gr. gámos) mar- riage], adj. : married the second time ; married to a widow; bigamous. -Imie*, j. : second wedlock ; BIGAMY. - biga-radeº [Prov. -rrado (= Fr. -rré)], f : =, bitter orange. -radier", m.: bigarade-tree. -rré* [p. part.], adj. : variegated. -rreauº, m. : white-heart cherry (of two colours). -rreautierº [-reau], m. : white-heart cherry-tree. ll-rrerº [?], tr. : variegate, streak. -rrure º, f. : motley; medley. bigeº [L. #ºl, m. : two-horse chariot. bigéminé " [L. bi-, geminus, twin], adj. : (bot.) bigeminous. I.bigleº [fr. Eng.], m. : BEAGLE (dog). 2.fbi-gle* [?], adj. : · squint-eyed. f-gler º, intr. : squint. fbigne* [OHG. bungo, tumor], f. : lump (on head from a blow). bigor-neº [Prov. -na (L. bi-cornis, Two- · HORNED)],.f. : BICKERN, (two-pointed) anvil; iron wedge ; currier's wood. -neau*, m. : small bickern ; sort of snail. -nerº, tr. : weld, forge (on an anvil). bigot* [?], adj. : bigoted ; m., f. : bigot. bigue* [Prov. biga], f. : BENEVOLENT. | biller fbigotèreº [Sp. -tera (-te, moustache)], f. : moustache-curler. bigo-terie* [-got], f. : bigotry, punc- tilious devotion. -tismeº [-got], m. : bigotism. - bigoudiº [?], m. : hair-curler. I.bigre* [l. L. -garus], m. : BEE-WARDEN. 2.f bigre, -ment = b0ugre, etc. sheers (tempo- rary derrick). - #biguerº [?], tr. : exchange (at cards). bihoreau* [?], m.: night-heron. bijon º [?], m.: pine-resin. bijou*, pl. -x [Bret. bizou, finger-ring], m. : jewel, =. -terie" [-tier],f. : jewelry- trade, jewelry. -tierº, =ière, adj., m., f. : fjewel-fancier; jeweler. bijugué" [bi-, L. jugum, yoke], adj. : bijugate, hav'g two pairs (of leaves, etc.). · bilanº [It. -ncio (L. bi-, lans, scale)], m. : BALANCE : déposer son -, put down his balance (declare himself bankrupt). bilatéralº pl. =auac [bi-, latéral], adj. : bilateral. biIb quetº [bille, boquet], m. : = ; cup- and-ball ; planchet (in minting); hair- curler ; balancing toy; job (in printing); stUue chips. - bi-leº [L. -lis], f : BILE. -liaire", adj. : biliary. -lieux º, =euse [L.-liosus], adj. : bilious ; irascible. bilingue* [L. -guis], adj. : bilingual. biIi º [Eng.], m. : act (of parliament, con- gress). . billageº [-ller], m. : haulage, drawing (of boats). I.bil-lard º, m. : staff (with crook at the end) ; #billiard-cue ; billiard-table ; iron-lever (for setting mast-hoops); iron form (for tennis-rackets. 2.-lardº, adj. : (dial.) very divergent (horns). -larderº [-lard], tr. : set mast-hoops ; intr. : fstrike a billiard ball twice ; curve outward (as horns) ; swing (front feet) out (in trotting). I.|bil-leº [? Celt. -l, stem], f. : log, bar; (tip-cat) bat ; wringer, stick ; rolling-pin shoot ; moulding rod ; little boat. 2.bille* [?], f. : (billiard) ball ; marble ; ball (of bicycle bearings). billebarrerº [I.bille, bar, barrer], tr. : (fam.) stripe. fbillebau-deº [I.bille, OFr. baud, BOLD], f. : random, confusion. -derº, intr. : do a thing (esp. hunt) at random or confusedly (as dogs). biller* [I.bille], tr. : flatten (with roller), roll ; wring (skins, wool, etc.) ; haul (a boat by bille, " single-tree'): - une pièce de bois, pivot a piece of wood (on end, as centerpost in merry-go- round). - billet bil-letº [for bullet fr. bulle, scroll], m. : =, short letter, note ; ticket, bank- note : - doux, sweet letter (love-letter). -letéº [-lette, ticket], adj. : BILLETY (as a shield). ë -letteº [for bullette], f. : little note, official notice (to pay, of having paid toll). billette º [I.bille], f. : stick of wood) ; (cut) firewood ; roller ; prop ; fbar (of metal (certain moulding ; band (of colour); strap ; m. : monk wearing shoulderstrap, scapulary. billevEsée* [OFr. -veze (?), bagpipe], f : ( fam.) nonsense ; foolish trash. biIIionº [bi-, -llion of million], m. : (as in Am., i.e. a thousand millions). bil-lon * [I.bille], m. : squared pine ; (pruned) vine ; ridge ; fbar of metal ; = alloy of gold or silver with copper ; de- based coin ; copper coin ; #= mint. -lonnage* [-lonner], m. : fcoinage (of debasedmoney); ploughingridges. -lonne- mentº [-lonner], m.: coining (of debased money). -lonnerº, tr. : prune close ; castrate ; ridge ; fdebase coin ; sort (coin for recoinage). #-lonneur [-lonner], m. : debaser (of coin). billotº [I.bille], m. : (smoothed) block ; (chopping-, anvil-, executioner's) block ; clog ; rod ; crowding-stick. bilobé" [bi-, lobe], adj. : bilobate, hav'g two lobes, two-lobed. biloculaire [bi-, L. loculus, cell], adj. : bilocular, two-celled. biloquerº [? for binoquer (biner)], tr. : plow-deep. bimane " bi-, [L. manus, hand], adj. : two-handed, of the order BIMANA. bimbe-lotº [= bibelot], m. : toy; trinket. -loterie " [-tier], f : toy-trade. -lo- tier*, =ière, m., f : toy-merchant. bi-nageº [-ner, L. bini, double], m.: second hoeing ; saying mass second time (same day). -naire º [L.-marius], adj. : binary. - binardº [?], m. : mason's truck. bi-neº, f. : hoe. |-nerº [l. L. *-nare (L. bini, double)], tr. : cultivate second time ; say two masses (same day) ; hitch on an extra team (to pull uphill). -net*, m. : fsecond tillage, dressing ; light plow (cf. binot) ; save-all : faire —, make sec- ond dressing (take candle out of the stick so it can burn clear down, use the save- all); I.-nette", f : prong-hoe. 2.binette" [Binet, barber to Louis XIV], ·f. : # (like that of Louis XIV). | biniou* [l. Bret.], m. : (Breton) bagpipe. bi-nocleº [L. bini, two, oculus, eyel, m.: fsort of telescope ; spectacles ; bandage (over eyes, in surgery). -noculaire, adj. : binocular. º•s -leterº, tr.: =, ticket. | 69 biscornu binoirº [-ner], m. : light plow. binômeº [L. bis, twice, Gr. nomé, divi- sion], m. : binomial (in Alg.). bi-not", m. : light plº#; -notageº, m. : ploughing. ll-noter* [-ner], tr. : ploug second time ; plough lightly. -notisº, m. : (dial.) ground ploughed second time. - binubeº [L. -nubus (bi-, nubere, marry)], adj. : second time married. bio- [Gr. bios, life] : -graphe* [Gr. gráphein, Write], m. : biographer. -gra- phie" [-graphe], f : biography. -gra- phique" [-graphie], adj. : biographical. -logie* [Gr. lôgos, discourse],.f. : biology. -logique* [-logie], adj. : biologic(al). biom," [?], m. : shears (of glass blower). bioxideº [bi-, oxyde], m. : dioxide. I. bipède º [L. bipes, TWO-FOOT], adj. : biped. 2.bipéde*, m. : biped (the fore feet or the hind feet of a horse). bipenne", or -penné or -pinné [bi-, L. penna, feather], adj. : two-winged, dip- terOuS. bi-queº [?], f. : she-goat. -quetº, m. : kid ; (dial.) beam (of balance) ; money scales. -queter*, intr., tr. : kid ; weigh. quette º, f. : kid. fbiram brotº [fr. Hol. : meaning, * beer and bread'], m. : BEER-soup. bireº [for buire],f. : bow-net. birèmeº [L.-remis (bi-, remus, oar)], f. : = (two-banked galley). g3 ° biréfringentº [bi-, réfringent], adj. : =, doubly refractive. . biretteº [?], f : wooden rake. - biribi" [It. -bisso], m. : game (like loto). birloirº [?], m. : sash-fastener, bolt. birette º [l. L. *-ttum, cf. barrette], f : biretta, (hat). I. bisº, =ise [?], adj. : brown. 2.bi-sº [L.], adv. : TWICE ; bravo ! (to an actor); m. : encore. -sage" [-ser, re-dye], m. : dyeing over. -saïeulº, -saïeule [aieull, m., f : great-grand- father, -mother. -saiguë" [? ak to L. aequare, equalise], m. : polishing stick (of shoemaker). bis- [L. bis], pref. : bis-, TWIce ; or dis- paraging. bisaille" [bis, brown], f : coarse flour ; chicken feed (of peas and vetches). bisannuel", =elle [bis-, annuel], adj. : BIENNIAL. bisbilleº [It.-biglio, murmur], f. : teasing, raillery. bis-blanc º, adj. : m. : brownish-white. biseaïen * [Biscaie (Spanish province)], m. : BISCAYAN (gun) ; ball (size of hen's egg). fbis ehof = bichqf. biscornuº [bis-, cornu], adj. : (fam.) odd, extraVagant. 70 biscotin bis-cotin" [It. -cottino], m.: sweet deli- cate BISCUIT, -eotte* [after It. -cotto, biscuit], f : rusk. |-cuit* [bis-, L. coctus, cooked], m. : =, cracker; cuttle bone ; clinker ; bisque (pottery). biseº [?], f : north wind ; · wind. biseau* [?], m. : chamfer, bevel. -tage* [-ter], m. : beveling. -ter, tr. : bevel. bisel* [bi-, sel], m. : BI-SALT. I. biserº [bis, brown], intr. : turn brown, spoil (as grain). 2.biser" [L. bis, twice], tr. : re-dye. biset* [bis, brown], m. : rock-pigeon ; cer- tain coarse cloth. r I.bisette* [?], f. : formerly * gold lace'; coarse lace, footing. 2.bisette* [bis, brown], f. : (vulg.) scoter (duck). - bismuth º [Eng.], m. : =. bisonº [L. wild ox], m. : = (buffalo). bisonne* [bis, brown], f : lining. bisquain " [?], m. : sheep-pelt. I.bisque º [?], f. : odds ; advantage, 2.bisque º [?],f. : strong soup, BISK. bisquer" [? ak. to OEng. baisk, sour], # ſpº#) ra# bissa e* [bis, sac], m. : beggar's ( two- bagged') sack (hung across the shoulder), Wallet ; bag ; ( fig.) beggary. . bisseº [It. -scia (L. bestia, beast)], f. : (her.) =, snake. bis- [L., twice] : -secteur º, =triee [Fr. secteur], adj. : bisecting ; f : bisectrix. -section " [Fr. section], f. : bi-section. | -serº, tr. : repeat. -sêtre º [for -sexte, leap-year day, considered unlucky], m.: fmisfortune ; harm. -gexeº [Fr. sexe], adj. : bisexual. -sexte* [L. -sextus (sextus, sixth : 6th of the calends of March, 24th Feb., by the Romans counted "twice' every fourth year), intercalary day, 24th Feb.], ? ... : leap-year day, 29th Feb. -sextilº [L. -sextilio], adj. : bis- sextile : année -e, leap-year. -soe* [Fr. soc], m. : double-shovel (plough). -to- quet " [Fr. toquer], m. : billiard-cue ; stick (in game called bistoquet). f-tord, = bitord. -torte* [l. L. -torta (L. tor- quere, twist)], f. : snake-weed, polygonum bistorta. -tierº [-tort, twisted], m. : pestle. bistou-ri [?], m. : knife). knife. bistour-nageº, m. : distortion. |-ner ! [L. bis-, tourner], tr. : distort ; deform (by turning) ; castrate. bis-treº [?], m. : BISTER (soot pigment) ; adj. : swarthy. -tré º, adj. : bister. -trerº, tr. : colour bister. winter BISTOURY (surgeon's f-riser, tr. : ( fam.) treat with (cloth for) blanc bisulque* [L. -sulcus, two-furrowed], adj. : cloven-footed. - bitord º [-bis, L. tortus, twisted], m. : rope (of two strands). | bi-tteº [O. Norse biti, beam], f. : BITT (for cable). -tterº, tr. : bitt, make fast on the bitts. - bitterº [Holl., bitter], m. : bitters. bitton º [-tte], m. : small BITT. bitture º [-tter], f. : turn (of rope around bitt-head). · bitu-meº [L. -men], m. : BITUMEN ; as- phalt; (artist's) colour. -merº, tr. : pave ; colour (with bitumen). -mineux º, =euse [L. -minosus], adj. : bituminous. #bivac = bivouac. bivalve" [bis-, valve], adj. : =. fbivaquer = bivouaquer. biveau* [ak. to OFr. -ver, *bias'], m.: BEVEL. \ #biviaire º [L.-vium, parting of road], adj. : bivial. bivoie º [bis,-, voie], f : fork of roads. bivoua-cº [Ger. bei-wache, by-WATCH], m. : =, (night-watch ; open air camp). -querº, intr. : bivouac, camp without tentS. • hizar-reº [Sp. ro, gallant], adj. : =, odd, whimsical, funny. -rementº, adv. : fantastically. -rerieº, f : queerness. blaekboulerº [Eng. infl. by Fr. boule, ball], tr. : BLACKBALL. • blafard º [OHG. bleihvaro, pale], adj. : pale (wan, pallid) ; lurid. - · bla-gue* [Ger. balg, bellows],f. : tobacco- -guerº, tr. : pouch ; humbug, hoax. -gueur*, =euse [-guerl, m., humbug. f. : † blaireau* [? blé], m. : badger. blâ-mable*, adj. : =. -meº, m. : = ; reprimand (at law). |-mer° [L. blasphemäre, blaspheme], tr. : censure ; reprimand. blan-cº, blanehe [OHG. blanch], adj. : ; BLANK, white, argent ; clean ; bare ; m. : white (the colour) ; purity ; bareness ; small silyer coin ; white material (cloth) : bonnet — et — bonnet, six of one and half-a-dozen of the other ; un -, a white man ; fer —, tin ; une -che, half-note (in music) ; nuit -che, sleepless night ; voix —che, clear voice ; il n'est pas -, he isn't clear ; there's a crow to pick with him ; coup -, missing blow ; - bois, useless wood (as thorn, etc.) ; vouer un enfant au -, consecrate a child to the Virgin (fr. custom ofthen dressing children in white) ; chauffer à —, heat to white heat ; réduire quelqu'un au —, reduce one to poverty (to Small silver coin) ; tirer de but (or fbutte) en —, shoot point-blank ; right at the bull's-eye (go straight to the blandice point) ; saigner à -, bleed to whiteness (fig. exhaust). -card ", m. : =, see blanchard. f-e-aune º, pl. —s-s, m. : (vulg.) lotus. -c-bec, pl. -s-s, m. : greenhorn, Smart Aleck. +-c-cul°, pl. -s-s, m. : (vulg.) bullfinch. #-c-euletº, pl. -s-s, m. : (vulg.) white-tail (finch). -ehaille", pl. -s-s, f. : small fish (fry or bait). -ehard*, m. : Normandy cloth, BLANCARD. -ehâtre* adj. : whitish. -ehe-coiffeº, pl. -s-s [lit. white- hood], f. : kind of magpie. -ehe- mentº, adv. : cleanly. f-ehe-queue º, pl. -s-s, m. : (vulg.) eagle (lit. white tail). -eherº, m. : (dial.) leather-worker. f-ehe-raie°, pl. -s-s, m. : (vulg.) star- ling. -eherieº, f. : bleaching place. -ehetº, m. : BLANKET (of printing, paper- making, bed); coarse strainer (for syrup); (vulg.) thrush (disease) ; (vulg.) corn- salad. -ehette°, f. : (vulg.) corn-salad ; goose-foot (plant), chenopod. -eheur*, f. : whiteness. -ehimentº [-chir], m. : BLEACHing, Washing (ofmetals). -ehirº, tr. : whiten, bleach, blanch, whitewash ; Wash; prepare ; clean ; plane ; acquit ; intr. : turn White : - une page, whiten a page (make more space between lines) : — un arbre, whiten a tree (chipping off bark, or blazing). -ehisº, m. : blaze (on tree). -ehissageº [-chir], m. : washing; clari- fying, réfining. -ehissantº [-chir], adj. : bleaching. -ehisserie " [-chis- seur], f : place of bleaching. -ehis- seur*, =euse [-chir], m., f : bleacher ; launderer. -e.hoeuvrie1° 0eu = eu [blanche œuvre, formerly * cutlery'], m. : edged-tool dealer (cf. Ger. weiss-schmied, white-Smith). f-ehoyer º, intr. : gleam white. -c-manger*, pl. -s-s, m. : blanc-mange(r). " -c-manvteau*, pl. -s-s, m. : guillemite, monk. -c-pen- dard º pl. —s-s, m. : (vulg.) butcher- bird. -c-ployant", pl.—s-s, m. : brittle place (iniron). -c-poudré", adj. : white with powder. -c-rhasisº [the physician Rhasis], m. : white ointment (for burns). -c-seingº or signé, pl. —s-s, m. : SIGNATURE in BLANK. -c-soudantº, m. : Welding heat, fusion heat. f-c-tapis, pl. -s-, m. : gambling house. fblaavdi eeº [L. -ditia],f. : flattery. blan-que* [It. bianca, white],f : lottery (of BLANKS and prizes) : à la —, at all hazards. -quetº [blanc], m. : whitefish : (= blanchaille) ; parasitic plant on the olive-tree ; pear. -quette º[blanc], f. : = (veal with white sauce ; blanket pear ; crude soda - ash made from lamb's let- tuce); lamb's lettuce ; goose-foot (plant); White grape, or its wine. f-queurº [blanque], m. : keeper, banker of a lottery. bleu -quierº [blanc], m. : watches). - blaser* [?], tr. : fuse; sate with pleasures, render BLASÉ. bla-son* [?], m. : blazon, coat of arms ; device ; heraldry. -sonner*, tr. : blason, describe heraldically. f-sonneurº [-sonner], m. : railer, mocker. ©r 7l blank-maker (of blas-phémateur*, =triee, m., f. : blasphemer. -phématoire º, adj. : blasphemous. I.-phème* [L. -mia], m. : blasphemy. 2.-phème* [L.-mus], adj. : blasphemous; m., f. : blasphemer. |-phémerº [l. L. -mare (Gr. bláptein, hurt, phemi, speak)], intr. : blaspheme, CurSe, SWear. - blas-teº [Gr. -stôs, germ], m.: blastus, plumule. -tême* [Gr. blástema, sprout], m. : blastema. : blatier* [ak. to blé], m. : grain-dealer. blatteº [L. -tta], f. : cockroach ; blatta. fblandeº [for bliaud], f. : (dial.) blouse. fbla-velleº or-véole [blave (dial.) form of bleu],.f. : corn-flower. -vetº, m. : corn- flower, centaury ; (dial.) edible mushroom. bléº [l. L. bladum (? L. ab-latum, cf. Ger. getreide = ºgetregede, root trag-, bear)], m. : corn ; grain ; grain crop ; field of grain : manger son - en herbe, eat one's corn on the stalk (spend income in advance). . . ' blê-eheº [? Ger. bleich, soft], adj. : fweak; hypocritical. f-ehirº intr. : become fickle or weak. bleimeº [? ak. to blême], f. : corn, sand- crack (of horse's hoof). blê-me* [OFr. blesmir, wound blue, BLEMISH], adj. : pallid, deathly pale. -mirº, intr. : become pallid. blende" [Ger.], f : =, false gelena. blen-nie* [Gr. blénna, mucus],f. : blenny. -norrhagie" [Gr. rhéein, flow], f. : blen- norrhagia, gonorrhea. - - bléphariteº [Gr. blépharon, eye-lid], f. : blepharitis, inflammation of eye-lid. - blè-sementº, m. : lisping, stammering. |-ser [L. blaesus, lisper], intr. : lisp. -sité*, f : pronouncing g, z, t for ch, j, k, etc. bles-santº, adj. : wounding. |-serº [? ak. to blet], tr. : wound ; damage ; hurt, injure. -sure*, f. : wound, lesion ; mortification. bletº,=tte [Germ'c blet, discoloured], adj. : melloW. blette º or blète [L. blitum], f. : BLITE (herb). blettir* [blet], intr. : become too ripe. . bleu [Ger. blau], adj. : BLUE ; m. : blue ; sky : un petit —, a little blue (telegram in blue envelope) ; le cordon -, the blue ribbon (order of knighthood) ; member of 72 bliaud the order ; good cook ; le -, imaginary space ; une chose passée au -, a thing gone to the blue (utterly disappeared). -âtre *, adj. : BLUISH. -etº, m.: corn- flower; kingfisher ; dogfish. f-ette = bluette. -eurº, m. : BLUER (of needles). -irº, tr. : make blue ; intr. : turn blue. -issageº [-ir], m. : making blue. -isse- mentº [-ir], m. : turning blue. -issoir", m. : (watchmaker's) bluing-instrument. -manteau*, m. : bluish gull. biiaud º [?], m. : ancient blouse. biin º [for belin], m. : boom iron (of ship) ; 1'3,IIlII1GI". blin-dage", m. : sheeting (with iron) ; armor-plating. blin-deº [Ger. blende, blind, cover], f. : BLIND, heavy shutter to protect gunners in a fortification. -der º [Ger. blende, BLIND, cover], tr. : plate, encase, sheet (with steel, iron) ; protect; | put blinds to. blinerº [blin], tr. : ram (wedge, mast- hoop). blo-c* [Ger. block], m. : BLOCK ; lot (of merchandise) : en —, in a lump (whole- sale ; entirely). -cageº [-quer], m. : filling of rubble-stone ; blocking. -cail- leº, f. : rnbble-sfione. -ehetº, m. : tie- piece (of sleeper). -ckhaus* [Ger.], m.: = (small fort of logs). -eus* [Ger. block-haus], m. : fsmall fort (to cut off communication) ; BLOCADE ; investment. · blon-dº [?], adj. : =; m. : =. -dasseº, adj. : (fam.) dull blond. blon-de" [? -d, adj.], f : blond-lace. f-dElet*, =ette, adj. : slightly blond. -dinº, · =ine, m., f. : ( fam.) youngster ; lass : un -, young beau. -dinetº, =ette [-din], m., f. : (very fam.) little white-head' -dir*, intr. : turn blond. [-dir], adj. : becoming blond. f-doyer*, intr. : look, be somewhat blond. I. blo-quer* [bloc], tr. : BLOCK up, fill up ; sell by the lump ; turn (a type). 2.-quer* [bloc, in blocus], tr. : blockade, invest; pocket(billiard ball). -quette º, f : children's game. blo-tº [bloc], m. : perch for a falcon ; ship's log. blottirº (se) [? ak. to Eng. blot], refl. : crouch down, cower. 1.blouse* [?l, f : =, coarse loose gar- ment. 2.blou-seº [?], f. : pocket (of billiard table) ; mould ; (tennis) fball-rack, ball- holder. -serº, tr. : pocket (ball) : se —, pocket one's self(one's own ball, i.e. lose) ; (fam.) make a blunder. - blousse " [?], f. : combings (of wool). j bluet = bleuet. - - bluette º [OFr. belue], f. : fspark ; light flash, bagatelle, light literary effort. blu-tageº, m. : BoLTing, sifting. -tantº, -dissantº bogue adj. : bolting. -teau*, m. : sieve, bolt. |-ten°* [old bure, coarse cloth, L. birrus, rain-cloak], tr. : BOLT. -terie*, f. : bolt- ing place. -toirº, m. : bolting place ; bolter. - - boa° [L. bo(v)a (bos), cow-Snake (i.e. milker)], m.: I. bobè ehe* [?], f. : socket (of candle- stick) ; drip-dish (under light) ; steel edge. - - 2.bobè eheº [proper name], m. : Andrew. bobe-linº [?], m. : patched shoes ; patch. botch, patch. cobbler. bobille" [ak. to bobine], f. : brass wire (in making pins). bobi-nage* [-ner], m. : winding, filling (the bobbins). |-neº [?], f. : BOBBIN, spool. -neau*, little bobbin. -nerº, tr. : wind on a bobbin. -netteº, f.: (dial.) latch. -neuse " [-ner], f. : bob- bin-winder; or -noir* [-ner], m. : wind- ing machine. bobo* [echoic], m. : (baby-talk) hurt. I.bocage* [ak. to bocard], m. : crushed, , sfamped ore. 2.boca-ge* [ak. to bois], m. : =, wood- land. -gerº, =ère, adj: silvan. bocalº, pl. =aux [It. -le, fr. Gr. kálion, jug], m. : jar; globe (for fish); mouth-piece (of cornet), etc. . bocambre" [Ger. poch-hammer, pound- ing hammer], m. : ore-crusher. bocaneº [dancing-master Bocan], f. : dance. bocar-d" [Ger. pochen, pound], m. : ore- stamper or crusher. -dageº, m. : crush- ing. -der", tr. : crush, stamp. Bocca ee, m. : Boccaccio (Ital. author). boehetteº [It. boccietta (boccia, ball)], f : ball-game. - boek º [Ger. bock-bier], m. : glass of beer. bodée" [?], f. : stove-bench (glass-works). bodinure" [?], f. : protective wrapping of anchor. - bodru ehe = baudruche. boes-se* bwes [form of brosse], f. : trim ming-chisel. -ser°, tr. : trim. - # boete = bouette. bœuf° beuf pl. beu [acc. L. bös, bov-, ox], m. : ox ; BEEF ; hard-worker : — de mer, hippopotamus; sea-cow; - musqué, musk- ox ; — des marais, bittern ; — (pr. beu) gras, fat ox (of processions) ; pied de -, ox-foot (children's game). bogº [?], m. : card game ; two equal cards in same hand at the game. - bogheiº [for Eng. buggy], m. : light car- riage. I.bogueº [Prov. -ga], f. : = (fish). merry fcoarse shoes ; -linerº, tr. : -lineurº, f. : patcher, cylinder for bogue 2.bogue º [? ak. to OHG. baug, ring], f. : iron ring (on handle of forge ham- mer). 3.bogueº [? ak. to Ger. balg, BAG], f. : burr (of chestnuts). · Bo-hême [l. L. Bohemia], f. BOHEMIA ; gipsydom. -hème* (or -hémien, =ienne) [l. L.-hemus], m., f : Bohemian ; gipsy ; rover. fboiard = boyard. - I.boire° [L. bibere, drink], irr. $ ; tr. : drink ; imBIBE ; absorb ; m. : drink- ing drink ; - sec, drain dry (a glass of liquor) ; donner pour -, tip, give a small present ; tenir à -, keep a saloon ; (fam.) of a swimmer who swallows much water ; ce n'est pas la mer à -, not so difficult ; croyez cela et buvez de l'eau, believe it and drink, to Wash it down ; faire — une étoffe, make extra length disappear by loosely sewing ; étoffe boit, cloth puckers. $ Ind. : Pr. boi-s, -s, -# ; bu-zºoms, -zvez, bozvezut. Ipf. buvais. Pret. bus. Fut. (Cond.) bozraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. boz-zve, -ves, -zve ; bzt- zyzozzs, -zviez, boizvezzz. Ipf. busse. — I've bozs. — Part. : Pr. buz'azut ; P. bzé. - ' 2.boireº [ak. to Prov. bouiro, mill-race], ·f. : (dial.) wash-out ; excavation, hollow ; ditch. - boirin " [? irr. fr. bouée], m. : a buoy). - boi-sº [l. L. *boscus (? ak.to Eng. bush)], m. : forest ; tree ; timber ; lumber ; wood ; (ship's) hull : l'homme des -, orang-ou- tang ; - à coton, Virginia poplar; il n'est ·feu que de - vert, only youth has enthu- siasm ; —flotté, rafted wood ; visage de - flotté, changed face. -sage" [-ser], m. : roping (of wood-work , planking ; timbering. -sèº, adj. : wooded ; timbered. -sement*, m. : wooding (converting into timberland). -serº, tr. : add wood-work, do wood- work. -serieº [-ser], f. : wainscot- ing. -seux º, =euse. adi.: ligneous : @ @ y = == #*- 9 2. wooden. bois-seau* [ak. to boite], m. : BUSHEL, measure ; cylinder ; section (of cylindrical conductor, such as a pipe, smoke-stack) ; key-hole. -selée*, f. : bushelful : — de terre, what a bushel of grain will sow. -selierº, m. : bushel-maker. -selière º, f. : great shrike (bird). -sellerie" [-lier], f. : bushel-busi- Ii8SS. boisson° [L. bibitio, drinking], f. : BEVER- age, (strong-) drink ; drunkenness. boîtardº [boîte, box], m. : botillion. boite° [part. of L. bibere, drink], f : fdrinking ; (dial.) wine (made from pomace). - boî-te° [p. L. *buxta (Gr. puxis, fr. pûxos, BOX-tree)], f : BOX ; case ; fbone-socket ; 73 mortise : la - à Perrette, a savings-box for some secret purpose. boi-tementº, m. : limping. : |-ter* [boîte, *bone-socket'], intr.: limp. -terie º, f.: lameness : - basse, great lameness. -teux*, =euse, adj: lame ; f.: certain old dance : il ne faut clocher devant les —, no need of calling attention to one's faults ; attendre le -, await Time (await news which is slow coming). boî-tierº (-te], m : chest, case (for med- icine, instruments, etc.) ; Watchcase. -tillon ", m. : socket (of millstone). # boitte = bouette. boit-tout " [boire], m. : (lit. ' drink-all') glass without foot ; great drinker ; cess- pool. I.bolº [Eng. bowl], m. : BOWL. 2.bo-lº [l. L. -lus, morsel clod], m. : lump, large pill ; BOLE (clay) ; BOLUS (drug). -laire", adj. : argillous, clayey. boldue* [town Bois-le-Duc], m. : coloured string. boléroº [Sp.], m. : dance-song; dance. boletº [L. -tus], m. : BOLETUS (mushroom). fboliehe = boulièche. bo-lideº [L. -lis, meteor (Gr. bállein, hurl)], m. : = (exploding meteor). bolivarº [Bolivar, liberator of S. Am.], m. : high hat. #bolus = 2.bol. bom-bage*[-ber], m. : bulging. -baneeº [? L. bombus, noise], f : high-time, feasting. |-barde* [L. bombus, noise], f. : hurl- ing-machine ; bombard (earliest cannon) ; mortar (gun) ; bomb-ketch (ship) ; mouth (of furnace) ; certain sleeve ; trumpet ; largest pipe (in reed-organ). -bardE- ment" [-barder], m. : bombardment. -barderº, tr. : bombard. -bardier*, m. : = (artilleryman ; beetle). bombardon,º [It. -done], m. : trombone. fbom basin = basin. bom-beº [It. -ba (L. -bus, din ; Gr. bôm- bos, din)], f. : bomb ; (bomb-like) bottle ; ball (as signal at sea). -bEmentº [-ber], m.: bulging; convexity. -ber", tr. : make convex; barrel (a road). -beur* [-ber], m. : dealer in convex glasses or lenses. -bonne* [Prov.],f. : jug. bombyxº [Gr.], m. : = (silk-worm). bôme* [Holl. boom, tree, mast], m. : spanker BOOM. bomerie º [Holl. bodemery], f. : BOTTOMRY (ship mortgage). b-on,° =onne [L. bonus], adj. : good ; kind ; BOON ; complete ; m. : (abstract) good ; check ; f. : nurse : dire la -me aventure, tell fortune ; à la -ne heure ! very well ! de — matin, early ; de -me heure, early, soon ; à - marché, cheap ; sentir —, smell good ; cela est - à dire, bon · 74 easier said than done ; son - ami, or sa —me amie, lover ; à — vin, pas d'en- seigne, good wine needs no bush ; tenir —, hold firm ; pour de -, for good ; seriously; — homme, simple soul. -on- na ee* [It. bonâccia (cf. -onnasse)], f. : lull (at sea). bonard " [?], m. : hood (for smoke to escape, in glass works). bonase * [Gr. -sos], m. : rochs). - bonasseº [bon in anal. with It. -accia, simplicity], adj. : good, simple. bon-bancº, m. : quarrystone (fr. near Paris). -bee see bec. -bonº, m. : (child's word for) cookies ; candy. fbonbonne = bombonne. bonbonnière" [bonbon], f. : candy-box ; neat dwelling. - bon-chrétien*, pl. -s-s, (pear). bond º [-dir], m. : BOUND, leap ; bounce. bon-de* [ak.to Ger. spund (?L. punctum, pierced)], f. : bung, sluice ; bung-hole. -derº, tr. : fill (to the bung) ; crowd full. bondieu* [?], m. : wedge. . - b9n-dir° [p. L. *bombitire, be noisy (L. bombus, din)], intr. : reverberate ; re- bound ; leap. -dissantº, adj. : leaping. -dissementº, m. : rebounding; rever- beration. - bon-don* [bonde], m.: (in shape of bung). -donnerº, tr. : make bunghole ; bung up. -donnière" [-nner], f. : bung-auger. bondrée* [? Ger. bunt, variegated], f. : kind of hawk. bondue" [Ar.], m. : = (shrub). bongare* [E.Ind.], m. : = (rock-snake). bongeau" [OFr. bonge (Ger.), BUNCH], m. : two bundles of flax (retting). bon- pron.bo-n [bon]: f-henri[Henri]º, m.: wild spinach. -heur* [heur (L. augu- rium, omen)], m. : goodfortune, goodluck ; success ; happiness. -homie* [-homme], · f. : =, companionableness ; credulity. -homme*, pl. -s-s [homme], m. : amiable man ; simple-hearted man ; plebeian ; old codger; good fellow ; toy- man, pl. : St. Augustine friars, Albigenses, and other orders. -hommeau* [-homme], m. : poor good-fellow. boniº [L. phrase aliquid boni, some good], m. : proceeds (from a pawned ob- ject), BONUS. ) fboni ehon = b0nard. bonard BONASUS (au- 7m. : I.boni-fication* [2.fier], f. : = ; allow- - ance. 2.-fication º, f : improvement. I.|-fierº [bon, fier = faire], tr. : im- prove ; bonify ; fcut up (whole). 2.-fier º, tr. : pay proceeds ; make up, make good. BUNG ; cheese | bord -ment* [bon], m. : (fam.) street-crying, humbuggery (of tricksters, quacks). boniteº [l. L. -ton (?)], f. : BONITO (fish). fbonjeau = bongeau. bonjour" [bon, jour], m. : good-day (sal- . utation) ; donner le —, bid one good-day ; vol au -, where supposed absentee sur- prises the thief. bonne°, cf. bon; f. : servant-girl ; bonne (nurse). bonneau* [? ak. to borne], m. : buoy. bonne-dameº, pl. -s-s, f. : orach (plant). -grâee f : fcurtain orna- ment ; tailor's wrapping cloth. -ment*, adv. : simply ; exactly. boule-ponche. - bon-netº [? cf. Hindu bānāt, broad- cloth], m. : =, hood, cap ; boot-top ; reticulum, honeycomb (second stomach of ruminants) : - d'Hippocrate, bandage ;- vert, long-term prisoner ; opiner de -, assent without giving a reason ; un - carré, a doctor ; new horns (of deer) ; un gros -, a big man (in an organisation) ; un — rouge, revolutionist. #-netade º, ·f. : romoval of hat (in honour, in saluting). -netageº, m. : capping (of guns). -neteau* [-neteurl, m,: card game. -cterº, tr. : load with attentions servilely; cap (a gun). -neterieº [-etier], f. : hosiery ; hosiery traders. -neteur" [-meter], m. : ffawner, sharper. -netierº, m. : hosier. -netteº, f : bonnet (of fort) ; bonnet-sail. f-p9n ehe = bonne-voglieº [It. buona-voglia, good , will], m. : hired galley-oarsman. bonsoirº [bon, soir], m. : good-night ; farewell. bonté° [L. bonitas], f. : goodness, kindness. b9nze [Jap. bozu], m. : = (Buddhist monk). boquet [?], m. : (dial.) mudscoop or shovel. - boquette° [? bequette], f. : (box-maker's) (dial.) pincers. boquilIonº [ak. to bois], m. : wood-seller. fbora-eique = borique. rax], f. : = (mineral). bo-rate", m. : |-raxº [fr. Ar.], 77b. .. -. · borborygme* [Gr. -môs], m. : borygmus (rumbling of intestines). bor-d [l. Ger.], m. : border, edge ; brim ; strip ; bank ; tack ; side (of ship) ; ship : être du -,-be on the side (of some one). -eiteº [bo- bor- | -dage*, m. : fborder; siding, planking. | -daille", f : plank of the ship's side) ; side. -dant !",- m. : foot-rope (of sail). -de [formerly " hut', ak. to bord], f. : farm. -déº [-der], m. : lace ; hem. -dée º, f. : cannon (on one side) ; broad- \ bordigue side ; tack. -delº [-de], m. : brothel (house of ill-fame, bawdyhouse, fEng. BORDEL, -dello). -dEmentº [-der], m.: flange ; enameling. -derº, tr. : border ; line ; bound ; bind (a coat, etc.) : - la côte, sail near the coast ; - le lit, tuck in the bed-clothes. -dereau*, m. : itemized statement, memorandum. -derie* [-de], f. : (dial.) little farm. -deyen°º, intr. : , tack ; beat about. I.-dierº [-de], m. : farm-tenant (on shares). 2.-dierº, adj. : lop-sided ; m. : poorly balanced ship. bordigueº [Prov. -ga], f. : fish-crawl , (pen). \ bor-doyerº [-d], intr. : show dark (as enamel on poor gold). -dure*[-der],f. : =, BORDER ; #frontier. boreº [-rax], m. : boron (simple chemical element). boréal*, pl. =éaux [L. -lis], adj. : northern. bor-gne* [?], adj. : blind in one eye (one-eyed) ; ( fig.) blind ; dark ; hav'g one opening or one part ; m., f. : one-eyed person : ancre -, anchor with one fluke ; • maison -, of bad appearance. -gnesse, ſ. : (rare) one-eyed woman. bor-ne* [l. L. bodina], f : landmark, boundary store, BOURN ; (natural) bar- riers ; goal ; curb-stone. -nerº, tr. : set landmarks ; hedge in ; ditch about ; bound ; limit : un homme borné, dull man. | bornoyer* [borgne], intr.: fbe one-eyed ; tr. : sight (observe line) with one eye. · borraginé* [l. L. -go], adj. : like borage ; f. # borage family of plants. bor(r)ureº [bore], m. : boruret. bosanº [fr. Ar.l, m. : boza (beverage). · boselº [?], m. : torus (round moulding). · bosquetº [It. -schetto (-sco, wood)], m.: grOVe. bos-sageº, m. : = (stone left to be worked) ; EMBOSSAGE. I.ll-seº [?], f : hump ; knob ; dent ; (phrenological) bump ; bas-relief ; swelling, tumor ; lump (dis- · ease on jaw) ; blight (of corn) ; BOSS ; BOSSET ; hummock ; knot (at end of rope): se donner une -, live high ; la — de ce7f, Sprouting young horn (of a deer). 2.bosse" [Flem. bos, bundle], f. : fuller's brush (of thistle-heads). , 3 bosseº [for botte, cask, BUTT], f : large vessel : - à feu, powder shell ; — à sel, salt hogshead. bosse-lage", m. : relief work (of gold- smith). '|-ler* [bosse, lump], tr. : em- boss, do relief work ; dent (metal). -lureº, f : embossing; indentation. fbossemanº [for Flem. bootsman], m.: boatsWain's mate, quarter-master. bos-serº [bosse, lump], tr. : fasten (with knotted rope). I.- setie? * [-sette], m. : y eº 75 stud-rowel-maker. 3.-setier", m. : glass-blower. -sette*, f. : rowel, stud (of bridle). -sier" [-se, box], m.: salt-boxer, packer. -soirº, m. : cat- head, anchorbeam. t-sonº [-sse, hump], m. : outwork (of ships), projection. -su*, adj. : hunchbacked; humped ; embossed. -suelle" [? -su], f.: tulip. bostangiº [Turk.], m. : sultan's house- hold guârd. boston" [city Boston], m. : =, card game. botº [Flem. bot, blunt], indecl. adj. : club- footed ; deformed. bota-nique* [Gr. -táne, plant], adj. : botanical; f : botany. -nisteº, m. : botanist. # botargue = boutargue. bothrion º [Gr. (bôthros, cavity)], m. : ulceration of the cornea. - I. botte* [?], f. : BOOT ; step (of car- riage) ; pipe (for sewerage) : serrer la -, press foot against flank of horse ; le cheval va à la --, the horse bites at his rider's leg ; mettre du foin dans les —s, make one's self comfortable. 2.botte* [It.], f. : BUTT, cask ; #wine-skin. 3.botteº [It. -tta], f. : blow (with sword), pass ; sudden attack. 4.bo-tteº [?], f : bunch (of vegetables, etc.); bundle ; hank. -ttelageº, m. : bundling. |-tteler* [OFr. -ttel, dim. of -tte], tr. : bind together, bunch. -tte- Ieurº, m. : binder. -tteloirº, m. : stick (to draw a band tight) ; block with a peg (to tie and top vegetables). bot-terº [-tte, shoe], tr. : shoe, furnish with BOOTS : se -, prepare to leave ; get the feet very muddy ; (very fam.) cela me botte bien, that suits me exactly. -tier " [-tte], m. : boot-maker. I.-tillon º [-tte], m. : leather-guard (over shoe-tops to keep out mud), gaiter. 2.bottillon * [4.-tte, bunch], m. : bunch (of vegetables). bottine* [-tte, boot], f. : = ; buskin, half- boot ; gaiter. fbouard = bouvard. bouboulerº, [echoic], intr. : tee-whit- tee-whoo (hoot as an owl). bou-e* [fr. root of Ger. bock], m. : he- goat ; goat-skin ; hoisting machine (salt works): - émissaire, scapegoat. -cage ", m. : saxifrage, burnet. I.ean* [? äk. to boucl, m. : drinking place ; rumpus. 2.boucanº [Carib.], m. : smoked turtle ; gridiron. boueanggeº [-ner, cure meat], m. : ing, smoking (of meat). I. boucanerº ,-can, bad place], intr. : frequent low placs ;. - 2.bouca-nerº [-can, smoked meat], tr. : Smoke, cure (meat) ; intr. : live like a boucaner little y Clllº- 76 buccaneer; #be cruel. -nierº, m. : buccaneer (hunter ; freebooter). boucaroº [Sp. bûcaro], m. : porous, red clay (for water Jars). - boucassin* [?], m. : fustian. boucauº [Prov. (ak. to Fr. bouche)l, m.: entrance to harbor. v, boueautº [bouc], m.: goat-skin ; rude hogshead (for sugar, etc.). - bou ehage* [boucher, stop up], m. : stop- ping up. - bouehardeº [?], f. : stonemason's ham- mer; matting - chisel (with jagged edge). I. # bouehe = bouge. - 2.bou-ehe° [L. bucca, cheek], f. : mouth ; opening , tongue ; eating ; food : prendre sur Sa -, economise in food ; être sur sa -, be a gourmand ; être à — que veux-tu, be in affluence ; faire la petite —, mince matters, not be frank ; officier de —, provisioner, steward ; — d'or, eloquent tongue. -ehé° [-cher, stop up], adj. : Smothered, dull. -ehée*, f. : mouthful. -eheIieº, f : division (of a fishtrap or pen). I.boueher* [OFr. bousche, bundle (of brushwood)], tr. : stop up ; cork ; cover. 2. bou-ehen°*, =ère [bouc], m., f. : BUTCHER ; bungler. -eherie*,f. : slaugh- ter-house ; meat-shop ; butchery. I. bouehetº [? another form of bouquet], m. : drink ; kind of pear. 2.bouehetº [?], m.: rope (of a dragnet). bou-ehe-trouº, pl. —s [-cher, trou], m.: gap-filler, makeshift. -ehoirº [-cher, close up], m. : door (of furnace). bou-ehon* [ak. to bois], m.: BUSH (sign of tavern); inn, drinking place : stopper (of glass) ; float (of fish-line) ; stove-door ; darling : à bon vin ne faut point de —, good wine needs no bush ; — de foin, wisp of hay ; jouer au —, game where one tries to knock coin off a cork. -ehonnerº, tr. : rub (with a wisp), curry; rub (as a pig) ; fondle ; cork up, close. -ehonnier º, m. : cork-maker, or -dealer. bouehotº [OFr. bousche, bundle, brush- #l m. : fish-crawl ; (artificial) oyster- G01. $ bou-ele° [L. buccula (dim. of buccu, check)], f. : BUCKLE; ring; ringlet; ear- ring ; sort of Spade ; stomatitis (disease of mouth of stock). f-cle-gibeeière, pl. -s-s, m. : ornamental knocker. -cler*, tr., intr. : buckle ; ring (a pig's nose) ; ringle (a mare) ; chain (shut) ; imprison ; kink. -clette º, f. : little ring; mesh (of lace). -clierº, m. : BUCKLER, shield ; shell ; carrion-beetle ; lump-fish : levée de boucaro jewel ; door-knocker ; fish-scale ; bouganèse -s, raising of shields (by Romans as sign of displeasure). fboncon* [It. boccone (L. bucca, mouth), mouthful], m. : poisoned drink or food. bou-derº [ ak. to Prov. pot, lip], intr.; POUT, sulk ; be annoyed ; tr. : glower at, be sulky towards : - contre son ventre, from ill humor abstain from eating; il ne boude #º à table, he eats heartily. -derieº, f. : sulkiness. -deurº, =euse, adj. : pouting ; surly. bou-din* [?], m. : sausage ; pudding ; mud ; twist (of tobacco) ; spring; fuse ; saddle portmanteau ; sandbag ; pad, cush- ion ; torus, (swelling) base of a columnf swelling. -dinade º, f : lamb-roast (with boudin stuffing). -dinageº [-ner], m. : roving (slubbing of thrèad before winding on bobbins). boudine* [?], f : navel ; bulge (of crown glass). boudinerº [-din], tr. : slub (slightly twist wool, etc.). ^ boudoir" [-der], m. : (lit. where one may sulk when annoyed) = (lady's private room) ; un homme qui a de i succès de -, a fortunate man. - hone* [?], f : mud; daub, stucco, plaste1 , slime ; pus ; settlings ; lees. bouée* [?], f. : BUOY, sign, mark : — de Sauvetage, life-preserver ; - de bers, ap- paratus to float a launched ship. bouerº [?], tr. : stamp (coin with a ham- mer). - bouetteº [?], f : bait (for codfish). " - bou-eurº [-e], m. : mud-man, street- cleaner. -eux*, =euse [-el, adj. : muddy. bouf-fantº, adj. : swollen, puffy; m. : s puff (of sleeve, etc.) ; sort of chemisette ; hoop-skirt. -farde º [ fée], f. : (vulg.) short-stemmed pipe. .. I.-feº, f. : puffing (of cheeks). 2.-fe" [It. buffa, joke], adj. : comic, funny; m., f. : comic actor. " -féeº, f. : breath, whiff; breeze ; warm wave; spell. |-fer* [echoic], intr. : puff up or inflate the cheeks (gesture of anger) ; be angry; (pop.) drink by big ! mouthfuls ; eat heartily ; tr. : inflate ; . swell. -fette*, f. : tassel, bow ; certain sail. -fiº [ fir], adj. : swollen ; turgid (style). -fir* [ak. to rffer], tr. : inflate ; bloat ; intr. : swell (from a blow ; with anger). -fissureº [ fir], f : bloating ; bombast. -foirº, m. : (butcher's) bellows. -fonº =onne [It. buffone (buffa, jest), m.: BUFFOON ; adj. : comic. -fonnerº [ fon], intr. : make fun. -fonnerieº [ ffon], f. : buffoonery. f-fonneurº [ fon], m. : buffoon. ® bouganèse* [?], m., f. :, mestizo, cross between an Indian and a negro woman. bouge f,bouge° [L. bulgal, f : BAG ; BEL- LOWS. 2.bouge* [? L. bulla, bubble], m. : BULGÉ ; top (of loaf) ; side-room, closet ; · hut ; hollow ; rounded hammer ; tub (for grapes). ing wood (preparatory to charring). bougeoirº [-gie], m.: short candle-stick. I.bouger°[p. L. bullicăre(L.bullire, BOIL)], | intr., tr. : stir (move a little, budge). 2. bougerº [2.-ge], tr. : coverwith a mound (wood to be charred). #bougetteº [2.-ge], f. : wallet, BUDGET. Jbou-gie º [the town B.], f : candle (of wax, tallow, etc.) ; taper ; = (for the urethra) : pain de -, taper (for lighting). -gierº, tr. : wax (to prevent raveling) ; treat (with medicated bougie). • bougillonvº [I.-ger], m. : (vulg.) fidgety person. bou-gonº, =onne, adj. : (fam.)grumbler. |-gonnerº [?], intr. : (fam.) grumble ; ' tr. : find fault with. f bougraine = bugrane. 3 bougran* [town Boukhara], m.: BUCK- RAM. fbougrane = bugrane. bou-gre° [L. bulgärus, Bulgarian heretic], m.: BUGGER, sodomist. -grEment º, adv. : (vulg.) extremely, awfully. -gr.E- rie*, f : sodomy. bouguière* [Prov. -ro (boga, certain fish)], f. : seine (for bogue-catching). boui-boui* [?], m. : (slang) bad resort. bouillabaisse* [Prov. -sso], f : fish- stew (flavoured with wine, served on bread); mishmash. bouillantº [-llir], adj. : boiling. I. bouilleº [-ller], f : pole (to scare up fish). 2.bouille" [Sp. bolla (L. bolla, seal)], f : lead seal. -3 bouille* [?], f. : (dial.) coal-measure ; hod (for grapes). bouilleauº [It. bugliuolo, bucket], m. : convicts soup-platter. I.bouillerº [? ak. to -llir], tr. : scare up, stir up (fish, with pole in deep water). 2.bouiller " [2.-lle], tr. : seal (as with wax). - bouil-lerie º, f : distillery. -leur", m. : | distiller ;. BOILER : — de cru, private dis- tiller. -li*, -lie [part. -lir,], adj. : hav'g been boiled : m. : boiled beef; f. : (pap for infants) ; _ pulp (paper) ; chicken- feed. ll-lir° [L. bullire (-lla, bubble)], irr. $ ; tr., intr. : boil. -lissage º, m. : pulp-boiling. -Iitoire º, m. : blanching coin). -loirº, m. : boiler (for whitening coin). -Ioire", f : kettle. -Ionº, m.: = (soup); bubble ; froth ; drainings ; puff (of cloth). -lon-blancº, pl. -s-s, -geage* [2.-ger], m. : cover-| 77 m.: mullen. -lonnement* [-lonner], m. : boiling ; excitement. -lonner !º [-lon], tr. : puff, flounce ; intr. : bubble. -lotteº, f : little boiler; card game. $ Ind. : Pr. boze-s, -s, -# ; bozez-llozzs, -llez -llezut. Ipf. bozézllazs. Pret. bozzzlZzs. Fut (Cond.) bouillirai(s). — Subj. : Pr. bouille, . etc. Ipf. bozezllzsse. — I've : bozés. — Part. : Pr. bouillant ; P. bozzzllz. bouin * [Prov], m. : hank of silk (ready for dyeing). - » f bouis = buis. fbouisse = buisse. boujaronº [? Sp. bûcaro, vessel made of clay of same name], m. : gill cup (on shipboard). boukinkanº [Eng. Buckingham], m. : English bonnet. boulageº [bouillir], m. : boiling (in bleaching) ; pressing (of beets to make sugar) ; batch (of linen, or of beets). boulaie* [OFr. boul], f. : birch nursery. bou-langeº, f : baking; material (to be baked). ' I.ll-langerº, =ère [? L. polenta, barley], m., f : baker. 2.-lan- ger*, tr. : knead, make (bread). -Ian- gerieº, f : bread-making; bakery. boular [?], m. : (vulg.) long-tailed tit- II1Ol1S6). - . bouldureº [?], f. : wheel). • I. boule° [L. bulla], f. : ball, sphere, BOWL : tenir pied à -, be indefatigable, firm ; à la - vue, hastily ; rashly. - 2.bouleº [merchant Boule], m. : buhlwork (furniture). bouleau* [OFr. boul], m. : birch. boule-de-neigeº,f. : snow-ball (flower). bouledogue* [for Eng.], m. : BULL-DOG. boullée" [? ak. to Prov. boli, sediment], f. : (solid) residue (of tallow). bouléjon,º [Prov. -joun], m. : sardines). • bou-le-ponehe" [for Eng. bowl-punch (Fr. boule)], f.: PUNCH. -lerº [-le, ball], tr. : roll, whirl ; intr. : swell. -lerotº [-le], m. : (vulg.) goby (fish). -letº [-le], m. : cannon ball; fetlock-joint ; = (disease) : — ramé, cross-bar shot ; - rouge, red, i.e. hot ball (to set fire) ; - creux, bomb. -letéº [-let], adj. : crowned, hav'g fetlock bent forward. -letteº [-le], f. : little ball (esp. of soft material, food); poisoned food. -leux " [-le], =euse, adj. or m., f : tough (horse) ; plodder. boulevard* [Ger. bohlwerk, (lit.) log- structure], m. : BULWARK ; = (first so called when made of old breastworks). boulevari* [? for hourvari], m. : (fam.) noisy disorder. boulever-sementº, m. : overthrow ; sub- version. |-serº [boule, ball, verser], bouleversement pit (under water- BUHL, seine (for 78 boulevue tr. : fupset ; disturb, confuse ; turn topsy- turvy. boulevue, see under boule, ball. bou-Iiè eheº [Prov. -liècho], f. : large drag-net. I.-Iierº [L. Prov. -liech], m. : bag-net. - 2.boulier* [-le, ball], m. : kind of abacus (counting-board). boulimieº [Gr. -mia (boûs, ox, limôs, hunger)], f. : bulimia, abnormal appetite (as from tapeworm). boulin º [? -le, ball], m. : crock (for pigeon nest) ; pigeon-hole ; scaffolding- hole, putlog hole. bouli-ne* [Eng. bow-line], f : BOWLINE : vent de -, a wind that one sails close to ; courir la —, run the gauntlet (the ends of bowlines being used as knouts). -ner º, tr. : haul close to the wind ; intr. : sail close to the wind; reel. -nette º, f. : top-sail bowline. · boulingrinº [Eng. bowling-green], m. : bowling-green ; lawn. - boulinqueº [?], f. : sky-sail. boulinierº [?] m. : ship (that can sail close to the wind). bouloir* [-ler], m. : pole (to scare up fish) ; stirring pole (to mix mortar; to stir hides in tanning). boulois* [?], m. : fuse (for blasting). bou-lon* [-le, ball, bubble], m. : iron pin, bolt, boss (of book-cover) ; #steelyard. boulongeon [?], m. : rags (for low-grade paper). " bou-lonnerº [-lon], tr. : bolt, secure by pins. -lonnerieº, f. : bolt factory. -lonnier*, m. : bolt-maker. -lon- nière*, f. : auger (to make bolt holes). -lotº, =otte [-le, ball, bubble], adj. : (fam.) heavy-set, fat. -lotterº [-lot], intr. : (vulg.) get along so-so. -lue* [part of bouillir], f : kind of bottle. -lureº [-ler],f. : warty growth (on plants). bou-que* [Prov. -buco, mouth (L. -cca)], f : strait, channel ; entrance way (offunnel fishnet). -querº [Prov. bouca], tr. : make kiss, force to kiss ; force. I.bou-quet* [variant of bosquet], m. : fclump of trees, bunch ; = (nosegay) ; aroma ; choice ; cream ; verses, sonnet ; -quetierº, m. : bouquet-maker; flower- vase. -quetière º, f. : flower-girl. 2.bouquet* [-que, dial. form for bouche], m. : tetter (disease of sheep). 3.bouquet* [bouc], m. : little buck (goat, rabbit) ; kind of crayfish. bou-quetin * [Prov. boc-estain (Fr. bouc) = solid-hoofed (?) buck], f. : wild goat. -queton " [-quet, sense of ' crab'], m. : schrimp-net. - bouquetteº [Flem. bockweit "beech- wheat"], f. : (dial.) BUCKWHEAT. bourdonnement I. bouquinº [-que, dial. for bouche], m. : mouthpiece (of trumpet, of pipe) ; tetter (sheep disease). 2.bouquinº [bouc], m. : old he-goat buck-rabbit ; #satyr; adj.º : fgoat-like. . , COVer 3.bou-quinº [Flem. boeckin, little BOOK], m. : (fam.) old book (rather con- temptuously) : il est toujours dans ses —s, he always , has his nose in a book. I.-quinerº, intr. : (fam.) thumb books ; examiné (books before buying). 2.bouquinerº [-quin, buck], intr. · the female (said of rabbits). bouqui-nerie" [-neurl, f : (fam) º#, books, old book trade. ll-neurº [I.-ner], m. : hunter after old bboks. -niste " [bouquin, old book], m. : dealer in old books. - bouraeanº [Ar. barrakan (Pers. barak, camel's-hair cloth)], m. : barracan (cloth). bouraeherº [-rras], m.: silk-worker, -Wea,Velº. - bourbe* [?],f. : mud (of pond ; inkwell). bourbElierº [?], m. : breast (of wild boar). bour-beux º, =euse [-be], adj. : muddy ; f. : (fresh-water) turtle. -bier* [-be], m. : mire ; scrape. -billonº [-be], m. : core (of an abscess). -botte" [-be], f. : (vulg.) eel-pout (fish). bourbouille* [?], f. : heat. fbour-eer, -eet, -eette = bourser, etc. bour-dº [Prov. = bastard, fr. L. bur-. dus, mule], m., adj. : bour-daine* -den [?], f : black alder. bourdalou" [? fr. prop. name], m. : hat- band ; chamber-pot. s bourdaloueº [preacher B.], f : cheap cloth (worn by women after B.'s sermon on luxury). I.bourde* [l. L. burdus, mule], f : fcrutch ; shore, prop (of ship). 2.bourde" [?], f : inferior sal soda. . 3.bour-de* [ak. to OHoll. boerde, prac- (vulg) prickly tical joke], f. : fib. -der*, intr. : fib. f-deurº [-der], m.: fibber. - # bourdigue = bordigue. bourdillon " [bourde, prop], m. : barrel Stave. - I.bourdon° [L.-do, mule], m. : pole ; staff ; jousting lance ; brail (of seine) : - de St. Jacques, (vulg.) marshmallow (plant). 2.bourdonº [?], m.: fhumming ; droning (of bass, of bagpipe) ; great bell ; drone-bee. - 3.bourdonº [bourde, fib], m. : (printer's) out, omission ; flaw (in pin). bourdonnant º [-nner], adj. : humming. bourdonné º [-don, staff], adj. : =, cross pommée (device on coat-of-arms). bourdon-nementº, m. : humming, dron- 2 alder (bush). >- 'i bourdonnet ing sound. |-ner* [?], intr. : buzz, hum ; tr. : yodle (a tune), hum ; tinkle. bourdon-net" [-don, 'staffº in sense of knob on the staff], m. : pellet (of lint), pledget (for a wound). -nierº, m. : pintle (of door) ; shaft (of wind-mill). -nière*, f. : step, socket (to receive pivot or pintle). I.bourg° [l. L. burgus, ºstronghold,' fr. Ger. burg] m. : market-town ; BOROUGH. 2.f bourg = bourd. bourgade* [It. borgata], f. : village. fbourgène = bourdaine. bourgeoi-sº, =oise [bourg], m., f.: burgher, tradesman ; free-holder ; civilian, common citizen ; townsman ; owner; hack- man ; plebeian ; adj. : private ; homely ; common, vulgar. -sementº, adv. : plain- ly; modestly; privately. -sie*, f. : citi- zenship ; middle class. bour-geonv* [?], m.: bud (of plants, in- vertebrates) ; granulation ; proud-flesh ; (fam.) rum-blossom ; pimple. -geonné º, adj. : pimply, pimpled. -geonnementº, [-geonner], adv. : budding. -geonnerº, · intr. : bud ; (fam.) begin tô show rum- blossom. -geonnierº, m. : (vulg.) bull- finch (bud ravager). bourg-épineº [? bouc, épine in anal. with L. spina cervina, " buck-thorn'], f. : buck-thorn. bourgEronº [? p. L. burra, shaggy gar- ment], m. : blouse. . bourgEteurº [OFr. -gette, Flemish wool- en clôth], m. : wool-worker. bourgin* [Prov.], m. : seine (on Mediter- ranean sea). - bourgmestre* [for Ger. burgmeister], 77l. , BURGOMASTER. bourgne [* [Prov. -gno, (lit.) * cavity'], ſ. : bow-net (used as tide ebbs). Bour-gogne [L. Burgundia], s. : Bur- gundy (the country). bour-gogne, f : , Burgundy wine ; (dial.) sainfoin (forage plant). -guignotteº,f. : sort of helmet ; fsailor cap ; ( fam.) head. bourjassotteº [Prov. -ssoto (Sp. town Burjazot ?)].f. : (dial.) variety of fig. | bourleº [It. burla (L, burrae, jokes)],f. : trick, practical joke. fbourlet = bourrelet. bourlinguer* [boulingue], intr. : toil ; labor (as a ship against wind and water). fbournous = burnous. I.bourra ehe* [l. L. borrago (Ar. abou rach, "father of sweat')], f. : BORAGE (herb). * 2.bourra eheº [?],f. : bow-net. - bour-radeº [-rer], f. : fsnap, bite (of a dog) ; cuff (with fist, with butt of gun). -rage* [-rer], m. : tamping. - bourras*[-rre], f. : BARRAs (Dutch-cloth). boursette 79 bourrasque* [It. borrasca], f : gust, squall (of wind). • bour-re° [p. L. burra], f. : hair (of an- imals), coarse wool ; wool-fluff, silk-fluff ; down (ofbuds);gun-wad; abuse. I.-reau*, m. : fcushion ; shoulder-pad (for carrying burden). 2.bourreau* [?], m. : executioner (heads- man, hangman) ; ( fig.) torturer, assassin ; brute, Wretch. - I.bourrée* [-rrer],f. : fagot ; quailtrap. 2.bourrée º [?], f. : dance (in Auvergne. bourrelerº [2.-reau], tr. : harrass, tor- , ment. - #bourrelerie = bourrellerie. bour-reletº or fbourlet [-reau, pad], m. : =, cushion pad ; padding (about win- dows) ; puddening (fender, Wreath of rope) ; swelling (on trees) ; tumor; packing. -re- lier* [-reau], m. : harness-dealer. bourelle*[-rreau, hangman],f. : woman- executioner, fwife of hangman. bourrellerie*, f : harness-trade. bour-re-noiœ º, pl. -, m. : (gunsmith's) punch. |-rerº [bourre, hair], tr. : stuff ; cram ; ram ; wad, mistreat ; Snap, bite out (a bunch of hair) : - de latin, fill (one) with Latin. -rette*[-re],f. : silk (next the cocoon). 1 bourrieheº [? for -rrache], f : hampex (for oysters, game). bourrierº [-rre], m. : fpile (of straw, manure) ; parings (of leather) ; chaff. bourri-que* [Prov. -co (L. burricus, small horse)], f. : she-ass ; ignoramus. -quetº, m. : young ass; hand-barrow ; windlass ; saw-horse. -quier º, m. : ass- driver. bourrirº [?], intr. : whir, whiz (as quail flying). bour-roirº [-rer], m. : tamping bar ; -ronº [-re], m. : wool (for padding). -ruº [-re], adj. : downy (as buds) ; rough ; rude ; new (wine) ; crabbed : moine —, bugbear ; un — bienfaisant, kindhearted but roughspoken man. boursal"[Prov.fr.-so, purse],m. : fishnet. boursautº [bour (?), saut, willow], m. : certain willow. lbour-se°[p. L. bursu (Gr. bürsa, leather)], . : =, exchange ; PURSE ; money (in Orient) ; cell ; pocket ; wallet : pod ; Schol- arship, fellowship ; pl. scrotum. -seau*, m. : fwelt ; leaden ridge (of slate roof) ; (plumber's) hammer. -serº, tr. : clew up (a sail) ; cure (hides). boursetº [Holl. boeg-zeil, (lit.) BOW-SAIL], m. : certain sail. bour-sette*[-se],f. : flittle purse ; (vulg.) shepherd's-purse (plant) ; lamb's-lettuce. -sicaut* or -cot [-se], m. : ( fam.) sav- ings. -sicoterº, intr. : lay up money ; 30 ſpeculate (on small scale). -sicotierº ·icot], m. : ( fam.) small speculator. ter*, =ière* [-se], adj. : or m. f : urse-maker ; fellow (in college) ; specu- •tor. -sillerº [-se], intr,: fpay quota boursouflage »f club, etc.) ; club in together. -sonº -se], m. : trousers-pocket. • ;ursou-flage", m. : bombast. -fléº, :dj. : turgid; bombastic. -flEmentº, n.: inflation ; swelling. ll-fler* [for #boud (cf. bouder), souffler], tr. : swell, bloat : la maladie lui a boursoufflé les chairs, he is swollen fr. his disease. -souflure, f. : swelling ; puffiness. bou-sage*[bouse], m. : dunging. -sard ", m.: deér-dung. bousculerº [for boute-culer (bouter, cul)], tr. : upset (turn topsy-turvy) push roughly (jostle, hustle). bou-se* [?], f. : cow-dung. -serº, tr. : dung (i.e. mix dung with earth in plastering, · leveling a threshing floor ; as a process in dyeing cloth). -sierº, m. : dung-beetle, tumble-bug. -sillageº[-siller], m. : plas- ter, mud-mortar, mud-and-straw ; adobe- | work;botch. -sillen°º,tr.: buildwithmud- mortar or adobe; botch. -silleur*, =euse, m.,f. : mud buildcr; botcher. 1.-sirvº, m. : peat ; dirty ice ; sand vent (rotten stone). 2.bou-sinº [for sailor-slang Eng. boozing- ken], m. : low drinking-house ; disorder. -singotº, m. : sailor-cap ; young ultra- democrat (after 1830 in France). boussole*[It. bussola, little box],f. : com- pass ; guide. boustrophédonº [Gr., fr. boûs, ox, stré- phein, turn)], m. : = (early Greek way of Writing alternately right to left, and left to right). · I.bout* [-ter], m. : butt, end ; extreme ; nipple ; prow ; bit, piece. - 2.boutº [?], m. : (vulg.) sunfish. bou-tade* [-ter, sense of " pierce'], f. : caprice (whim, Eng. boutade) ; ballad ; freak : par -s, by spells, by fits and starts. | 4 ! 1 , bou-tisº [-ter], m. : rooting (of hogs); · place of rooting. -tisse º [-terl,.f. : header, -tage* [-ter], m.: sticking (of pins in order into paper or card). boutargueº [Prov. -argo (fr. Ar.)], f. : | BOTARGO (Mediterranean dish of saltedroe). | fbout-dehors = boute-hors. - bout-de-l'amº, m. : funeral service (at the end of one year after bereavement). #boute* [Prov. -to (?)],f. : BUTT, hogshead (for wine, water, tobacco) ; box of cards (in packs). bouté* [-ter], adj. : thick (wine); hav'g crowned joint (horse). boute-à-port", m. : wharf-master. fbouteau = bouteux. boute-eharge* [bouter, put], m.: signal (t6 cavalry to put load on their horses). fboute-dehors = boute-hors. ^ bout-rimés I.boutée* [-ter, push], f. : boutade ; ABUtment ; pier. 2.boutée* [-te], f : quantity of cards in one boute, pack. . bou-t-en-trainº, pl. [-te (-ter, put)], m.: inciter, merry-maker, life of the party ; bird used to teach birds stallion. -tefeuº, m. : linstock ; incen- diary. -te-hors*, m. : (ancient game like) prisoner's base ; boom ; out-rigger ; fire-hook ; knack (of pleasing in society). boutëil-le°te- [ak. to boute], f : BOTTLE ; bottleful ; #bubble ; tumor ; quarter gallery to sing ; (of ship) : être dans la —, be inthe secret. . I.-Ierº, m.: BUTLER. have bubbles (said of glass). I.-lerie* [-ler], f. : buttler's office. 2.-lerie º, f. : bottle-factory; bottle-trade. boute-lof [bouter], m. : fore-tack boom. bouterº [Teut. botan, knock], intr. : put to sea, stand out ; sprout ; grow ; thicken (of wine) ftr. : start up (wild game) ; put ; †º (pins) : - dessus, put on one's at bouterameº [Flem. boterham], m. : but- tered piece of bread. » bou-tereau", pl.-x,[-terl, m.: chisel(of nailmaker). -terol1e* |-ter], f. : chape (of scabbard) ; chamber ; fishnet (with handle); key-hole. -teroueº [-ter, roue], ·f. : fcurb-stone, curbing; iron footing (on bridges, or flooring, to prevent wear by wheels). -te-selleº [-ter], m. : trumpet- signal to prepare to mount, saddling signal. f-te-tout-euire º, (fam.) dissipater. -teur", =euse [-ter], m., f. : pin-sticker (who puts into papers). -teuacº, m. : fishnet (with handle). boutielardº [-tique], m.: (dial.) fish. booth; fish vessel (to keep fish alive in). | i boutillier = bouteiller. bouti-que* [L. apotheca, store (Gr. apô, away, théke, box)], f. : shop, store ; fish- box (for live fish); box (of a peddler). -quierº,.=ière, m., f : store-keeper. bond-stone, binding-stone. -toi, or-toirº [-terl, m. : snout (of hog) ; horse-shoer's tool. pimple ; key (of violin); knob : - d'Alep, carbuncle (common in Syria). -tonné* [-tonner], adj. : budding ; pimply; BUT- TONED. -tonner*, intr. : bud ; tr. : button üp. -tonnerie* [-tonnier], f. : button business. -tonneux º, =euse, adj. : pimpled. -tonnier*, m. : button- dealer. -tonnière º, f. : button-hole ; uterine surgical operation. #-triot = -tereau. bout-rimés º, m.pl. : bouts-rimés (end- rhymes for verses to be filled out, crambo, 2.-lerº, intr. : # |-ton * [-ter], m. : BUTTON ; bud ;s pl. - [-ter], m. : º •-ſ # bouturage a game); hence sing. (=é) stanza made with given rhymes. bou-turageº [-turer], m. : propagating (by cuttings, slips). I.-ture* [-ter], f. : shoot, sprout, cutting. 2.boutureº [bouillir], f. : cleansing silver or gold. bouturerº [I.-ture], intr. : sprout, bud ; tr. : make cuttings. I.bouvardº [bœuf], m. : (dial.) bullock. 2.bouvardº [bouer], m. : coining hammer. I.bouveau*[OFr. bove, cave], m. : fcave ; gallery (in a mine). Water for · 2.bou-veau* [bœufl, m. : young steer. -veletº, m. : young ox. -vementº [bov (for bœuf)], m. : certain grooving plane. f-veret = -vret. -verie* [bov (for bœuf)], m. : cow-stable, ox-stable. i-veron -vron. -vetº [bov- (for bœuf)], m. : fyoung ox.; grooving plane. -veterº [-vet], tr. : plane. -vier*, =ère, m., f. : cowherder ; (vulg.) wag- tail, fly-catcher ; Boötes (constellation). -villon* [bov (for bœuf)], m. : young ox. -vretº [-vier], m. : African sparrow. -vrette* [-vret], f. : bird-organ (to teach birds to sing). -vreuil" [-vier], m. : bull-finch. -vron,º [vier], m. : kind of bull-finch. bo-vidés* [L. bos, gen. bov-is, ox], m. pl. : bovidae. -vineº [L. -vinus], adj. : bovine. + bowl = I.bol. e-ms box-e*, f : fist-fight, boxing match ; box, slap. ll-erº [Eng. box], intr. : box, spar (with fists). -eurº, m. : boxer. boyardº [Russ. boiar, lord (OSlav. bol, great)], m. : BOYAR, nobleman. boyart* [for bayart], m. : certain part of a sluice. boyau° [L. botellus, sausage], m. : gut, BOWEL; sausage ; (water) hose ; branch (trench) ; long gallery ; narrow way : le cheval m'a pas de --, is thin flanked ; des- cente de -, hernia, rupture ; corde à —, catgut, string (of violin, etc.). -derie º, · f. : catgut establishment. -dierº, m. : gut-worker. boyer [for Holl. boeijer (boey, buoy)], m. : (old type of) Flemish sloop. bra eeletº [bras], m. : = ; armlet; ring, band (of one color, or material). braehet* [OHG. braccho], m. : (hound). braehialº, pl. =aux [L. -lis], adj. : = (of the arm). braehiopodes* [Gr.brachion, arm, poûs, · foot], m. pl. : brachiopoda (bivalve mol- lusks). - braehistoehrone" [Gr. brachístos, shortest, chrônos, time], adj. : cycloidal ; f. : = (curve of swiftest descent). #barrow; BRACH 81 braiment fbraehmane = brahmane. ' • brachyeéphaleº [Gr. brachüs, short, kephalé, head], adj. : brachistocephalic, short-headed (as Mongolians). braehyne* [Gr. brachûs, short], m.: bombardier-beetle. braehys eienº,=nne [Gr.brachûs,short, skia, shadow], adj. : equatorial. braehyureº [Gr. brachüs, short, ourá, taill, adj. : short-tailed; m. : crablike Crustacean. braconv* [?], m. : beam (of engine, or sluice). bracon-nageº, m.: trespassing, poach- ing. ll-nerº [ak. to braque, hunting dog], intr. : poach, infringe. -nier* [-n], m. : poacher; intruder. braeonnière* [ak. to braie], f. : mailed aprOn. brac-téate" [L. -tea, metallic leaf], adj: showing the stamp on both sides (as a medal). -tée" [L. -tea], f. : bract. -téole" [L. -la (dim. of bractea)], bradypepsieº [Gr. -psia (bradûs, slow, pépsis, digestion)], f. : bradypepsy. bra-gueº [Prov. -ga, ak. to braie], f. : fbreeches, crib (for children) ; breeching (of guns). -guet", m.: heel-rope (to a mast). -guetteº, f. : opening, flap (of trousers). brahma-neº [Skt. -n], m. : BRAH- MIN priest. -niqueº, adj. : Brahminic. -nisme*, m.: Hindu religion. I.brai* [?], m.: mud; mortar; rosin, pitch. 2.fbrai = brais. 3.brai* [OFr. broi, ak. to Ger. brett ?], m. : bird-trap. - braie° [L. braca, clout], f. pl. : clout ; breeches, drawers ; outer-wall ; fat (of cow's udder); matting (to keep out water); collar (of hammer). - #brail = 3.brai. brail-lardº [I.-ler], adj. : blatant; m. : speaking-trumpet (on ships). . I.braille" [2.-ler],f. : shovel (to stir her- ring). 2.braille" [?],f. : (dial.) chaff. brail-lementº, m. : brawling, howling. I.-lerº° [p. L. *braguläre (ak. to braire)], intr. : (fam.) cry, squall; whine. 2.braillerº [?], tr. : stir (herrings with wooden shovel) in curing. brailleurº, =euse [I.-ler], adj. : brayer ; brawler ; whinnying horse. br-aimentº, m.: braying. ll-aire° [p. L. *bragere (?)], irr. S ; intr. : (old) make a noise ; (nou) BRAY ; : m. : braying. $ Defective verb. — Ind. : Pr. il brait. Ipf. bra-yait, -yaient. Fut. brai-ra, -ront. Cond. braz-rait, -raient. — Part : Pr. bra- J'azºt. 82 brairette fbrairette = brayette. brais° [L. brace, white corn], m. : barley (in brewing). brai-se* [OHG. brasa], f : live coals (em- bers) ; roast meat; charcoal; ( fam.) money. | -ser", tr. : roast, BRAIZE. -sette*, f : (small amount of) charcoal. -sierº, m.: (baker's) charcoal-bin. -sière", f : BRAISING-pan, BRAZIER (open pan for live coals). braisine" [? brai, mud], f. : clay-mortar (used in cementing steel). #brame = brahmane. bra-mement", m. : belling, cry (of deer). |-merº [OHG. breman, bellow], intr. : fbellow, roar; bell (as deer). #bramine = brahmane. bran° [p. L.*bremnum (Celt.)], m. : fbran (husk) ; #sawdust ; (lou) refuse, excre- ment, dung. . bran cadeº [Prov. -cado, (lit.) branch with fruit], f. : fchain-gang ; chain (of convicts). e* bran-cardº[Prov.-cal(branco, branch)], m. : fEng. brancard, horse-litter ; arms ; handles (of barrow) ; thills, shafts (of vehicles); barrow. -eardierº, m. : thill- horse ; ambulance man. bran-ehage* [-che], m.: top (branches, not trunk of tree). bran-ehe° [p. L. -ca, claw (cf. bracchium)], f. : branch ; s'accrocher aux -s, grasp at straws. -ehementº [-cher], m. : branching, at- · taching (as one pipe to another pipe). -eherº, intr. : BRANCH out ; alight on a limb ; tr. : hang up ; solder (pipes). -ehette*, f : little branch. -ehe- ursine*, pl. —s-s [(for l. L. branca ursina ursus, bear), bear claw], f : BRANK-URSINE, bear's-breech (plant). branehialº, pl. =iaux [-chies], adj. : =. branehier* [-che], adj. : not able to leave the branches, brancher (as young falcon). bran-ehiesº [L., Gr. -chia], f. pl. : branchia, gills. -ehio-podeº [Gr. poûs, foot], adj. or m. : branchiopod (with gills on feet). , -ehio-stègeº [Gr. stégein, † adj. : branchiostegal (covering the glllS). branehu* [-che], adj. : (well) branched. f branc-ursine = branche-, etc. brandº [OHG. fire-brand], m. : (heavy) sword. brandadeº [Prov. -dado, (lit.) stirred], ſ : = (dish of codfish, oil and garlic). brande* [?], f : heather (plant); heath ; fagot (to spread fire on ship). brandebourgº [prop. name], m., f : · brandenburg (certain ornaments on mili- tary clothing) ; summer-house. fbrande-vin " [for Flem. -dewyn, (lit.) crushed brasage burnt wine], m. : brandy. -vinier !", =ière, m., f. : brandy-maker, or seller (suttler). #brandiº [OFr. braidif, * quick' of unc. orig.], adj. : alive. brandilleº [L. -dir, pin], f. : hole (for wooden peg). bran-dillementº [-diller], m.: ling, swinging. -diller*, tr., intr. : swing, dangle. -dilloireº [-diller], f. : swing, see-saw ; (vulg.) poor plough. I.|-dirº [brand, sword], tr. : brandish. 2.brandirº [?], tr. : pin (beams, etc.). I. brandon * [Ger. brand], m. : fire- . BRAND, torch ; burning débris (after con- flagration). 2.bran-donº [?], m. : twist of straw " (on a stake, as sign that sheriff has seized the crop). -donner º, tr. : mark (field as sign of seizure). branée* [bran], f : (dial.) bran-slop (for hogs). bran-lantº, adj. : tottering, shaky. bran-leº, m. : impulse ; swing; whirl, turn; start; pendulum; hammock; jaw (of vise). -le-bas", pl. —, m. : the cry:"all hammocks down" ; clearing (of the deck); commotion. -lement*, m. : swinging, reeling, wagging. -le-queue*, $ (vulg.) wag-tail (bird). dang- # |-lerº [ak. to brandir, BRANDISH], tr. : swing, shake ; intr. : vibrate ; reel ; be loose (as blade in a handle), rattle ; waver. -lette º, f : piece of fishing line. -loireº, f : see-_ saw ; distaff. bransquEterº [for Flem. brandschat- ten], tr. : lay under contribution ; extort. braque* [OHG. braccho], m. : Dalmatian dog ; BRACH ; daredevil. braquemart* [? Gr. bracheîa mâchaira, short sword], m. : broadsword. bra-quementº, m.: aiming, sighting . ll-querº [?], tr. : aim, point (gun, tele, scope) ; fix (eyes on one). ' . " fbraquesº [L. brachia, arms], f. , pl.. claws (of crab). fbraquetº [? fam. for -quement], m. : short sword ; shoe-peg. «. bras° [L. brachium], m. : arm ; sleeve ; fin ; front leg; handle ; branch ; BRACE (of a yard); bay ; avoir sur les -, on one's hands ; à force de -, by (work of) one's hands, by hand ; - dessus, - des-º sous, arm-in-arm, confidentially ; - long, great power, influence ; faire les grands -, act big, put on airs ; beaux -, fine manners ; à - ouverts, with open arms. bra-sageº, m. : brazing. bra-seº, f : live côals. -sementº, m. : brazing, soldering. |-serº [braise, sense of 'embers'], tr,: braze, hard-sölder; intr. : crack (as crust). -sero* [Sp., fr. Fr. brasque -sier], m. : brazier, -sier º [-se], m. : brazier (coal-pan); fire-place ; sa tête est un -, has strong imagination. -sille- ment* [-siller], m. : glistering (as of sea). -siller* [-se], tr. : roast, broil ; intr. : sparkle, glisten. bras-que" [?], f.: = (clay and charcoal mortar). -querº, tr. : line,with brasque. brassadelleº [? for brasa- (braser)], f. : muzzle (of gun). I.brassage* [I.-sser], m. : mashing (in brewing beer) ; mix (coin metal) ; seign- iorage. - 2.brassage" [2.-sser], m. : BRACINGs (of sails). " bras-sardº [bras], m. : =, armlet; badge (on the arm) ; leather sleeve. |-se° [L. brachium (in pl.), arm], f. : length of two · arms, fathom, BRACE, =, stroke (of swim- mer) : le navire est sur les —s, the ship is in fathomable water. -sée* [bras], f. : armload ; stroke (of swimmer). I.-serº [bras, brace of a yard], tr. : brace (a sail): - au vent, haul weather brace ; — sous le vent, haul lee brace. 2.bras-ser* [ak. to brais], tr. : (malt, soaking hides) ; brew. ſ. : brewery, beer-saloon. =eyIS€, 7ml., brewer, agitator. fbrasseyer = brasser. brassiage* [ak.to 2.-sser], m. : sounding. brassieaire* [L. -ca, cabbage], adj. : cabbage. bras-si-courtº [for bras-], adj., m.: knee-sprung (horse). -sière* [bras], f. : BRACE, strap ; garment (with straps), chemise, flannels ; breast of pigeon. bras-sinº [2.-ser], m. : mash-tub, tub- ful ; soap-kettle ; kettleful. -soirº [2.-ser], m. : stirring (stick). brassoure" [?], f. : water-pipe (leading to saltworks). - brasure* [-ser], f. : brasing; soldering. stir -serie*, -seur*, beer-seller ; brava-eheº [It. -ccio (bravo, brave)], f-eherie º, f. : -7iiº-blaggart, bully. boasting, swaggeriñ# . , ... bra-vadeº [It.-vatal, f : bravºººº bra-ve* [It. rous)], adj. : =, -vo [L. barbarum, bold; homest (in th precedes the noun); (fam.) good; #smartly § vementº, adv. : braVºYº -ven lº, tr. : brave, face ; fdre# fine. i-verieº, f : finery. I.-vQ [It.l, interj.: =. 2.-voº [lt.l, m. : =, hired assassin. y -voureº [It.-vural, J : bravery; gallantry. º 6 §º [brail, tr. : cover with pitch. 2.bra-yerº brè-yé [braie], tr. : set (a stone). 3-yerº, m. : #trouser-band ; truss; axis (of scales) , rump (of falcon, etc.). ·ba- | bréfve º § ,- " § brE-lanv* [OHG. bretlenc (dim. of breti, breline 83 brayère* [naturalist Brayer], f : Abys- sinian plant (used againat tapeworm), brayette* [braie], f. : little clout ; cow- slip ; #flap (of trousers). brayon* [brayer], m. : trap (for skunk, fox, etc.). breakº [Eng.], m. : = (wagonette). f bréant = bruant. brEbis° [L. vervex, wether], f. : sheep. brèehe* [OHG. brecha], f. : gap ; flaW. toothed. - brEehetº [ak.to Eng.brisket],m. : breast- bone (of animals). #bré ehetº [brèche], m. : flaw. - #bré ein = bressin. » - bréda" [?], m. : certain short rope with iron hook at one end. . $ brédaler" [? OFr. bredeler, .**hberl, eWe ; BREACH ; -dent*, pl. -, adj. : gap- little brèche, intr. : rattle (as spinning wheel#.. brEdi-brEdaº [echoic], addi (ºn, slap-dash. tºy-tackle . brEdimdim º [?], m. : st •y ackle ; fcarriage. - ch (wi bré-dirº [?], tr. : join, stit, , º# leather strings).. -dissure*aused b herence (of gums to cheek, c stitchi ulceration). -dissage, m. : ng (with leather). © | sputter- bredouil-lageº, m. : jabbering # - ing -leº ou long,f : trick-tracl § adj. : hav'g done nothing ; hay'gnentiº, game; left in the lurch. , -le, intr. m. : sputtering. ll-lerº [ºl,.tr-e§. jabber unintelligibly. -leurº, " " m., f. : jabberer. fbrée = braie. , ) [L brefº (or brief), =ève (or =ièv#ic§ brevis], adj. : short ; m. : brief (o§ document); (ship's) papers; f : short (noï . syllable, etc.). fbrEgin = bourgin. bregmaº [Gr.], m. : = (point on cranium where sutures meet). ^ ! bréhaigne* [?], adj. : sterile, BAE"' f : #erile#lºiau on (a horseshoe). board)l, m.: +table (to dice on) ; = (eard game); gambling house. -lader lº, intr. : frequent low resorts; be addicted to card- playing. -ladierº,=ière, m., f. : keeper of gaming house ; inveterate cardplayer. ladinier", =ière, m., f : stall-keeper, street-seller. © brElauderº [? -landerl, intr. : ( fam.) fritter away time. brElée" § barley],f. : (dial.) green- feed (of oats and barley). #brEline = berline. · 84 brElique-brEloqueº [? (cf. breloque)], adv. : (fam.) helter-skelter, topsy-turvy. brel-le" [?], f : small raft. -1er !º, tr. : bind fast (beams, etc., as in flooring pon- toon bridges) ; woold. brElo-queº [?], f. : watch-charm or trinket, locket ; signal to break ranks : il bat la -, wanders from the point. -quetº, m. : trinkets (on a chain). fbrElu eheº [?], f : drugget (Normandy cloth). brème* [OHG. brahsema], f : (fish). brEneux *, =euse [bren, old for bran], adj. : (low) dirty (with dung). brEquinº [Flem. borkin (boor)], m. : BORING instrument, drill, bit. · bré-silº [?], m. : BRAZIL-wood; Bré-sil, m. : Brazil. -silIerº, tr. : dye red (with Brazil-wood) ; intr. : crumble (like Brazil Wood). | -silletº, m. : inferior Brazil # Woods of Europe : noix de —, ta résolesºº. - † # " [It. braciuola (lit. cut of meat §l, et#on a BRAZIER)], f. pl. : collops of bressiº1º brelique-breloque BREAM hook †is [bras], m. : hoisting rope (with §). , the end) ; fbrncc (rope tu a yard- steº, . @ # # (viº [ ak to brai, bird trap],f : snar- adh lime). # ſ. : Brittany (old province in étail . # of -lerº [brette], intr. : (fam.) be lenger # -leur", m. : fighter, chal- au I6I1C€l'. # lerº [bis-, disp., tondre], tr. : horses.lip unevenly, or too close (dogs, brE-t etc.) ; crop ears of; castrate. §et geheº [? ak. to Breton; or OHG. pl, board], f. : BRETESSE, IſlOV3 - , le Wooden, battlement ; Wooden tower. -têeherº, tr. : fembattle, fortify with high towers ; proclaim (from a tower). hºtel-le* [?], f. : strap ; suspender (of y brie ing (of sail). -illerº, tr. : breech, truss up (a sail). #breuilles = brouailles. breuvage° [p. L. *biberaticum (L. bibere, drink)], 'm. : drink ; wine and water (for sailors) ; drench (for horses, etc.). br-Evet* [dim. of bref, brief document], m. : = (fletter patent ; grant, warrant, commission) ; agreement (contract) ; fcharm (against bad luck) ; prescription. -evetageº, m. : certain chemical process in preparing alum. -evetaire", m. : patentee. #-èveté = -ièveté. -eveter", tr. : patent ; grant patent tO. brEveux " [?], m. : hook, gaff (to catch lobsters, etc.). bré-viaire* [L. -viarium (-vis, short)], m. : BREVIARY (prayer book) ;epitome. -vi- penne" [L. -vis, short, penna, PINION], adj. : short-winged ; m. pl. : ostrich class (of birds). - bribeº [OFr. -ber, beg (? ak. to Bret. -va, break)], f usually pl. : fpiece (of bread, meat) for a beggar; fragment (never in sense of Eng. BRIBE). bribri [echoic], m. : bunting (bird). brie º [echoic], adv. : de — et de braſ , from here and there, right and left ; #à - et à brac, right or Wrong. -à-brac, 77l. , E. briehe* [?], f. : fannoying situation ; in- te7.j. : pshaw ! brielcº or fbrig [Eng.], m. : brig (two- masted ship). - brico-leº [It. briccola, catapult (? ak.to Ger. brechen, break)], f. : = (strap ; breast strap ; harness ; glance shot ; back stroke at billiards) ; rocking (of a vessel). -lerº, intr. : make a glance shot ; clear fences or bushes, etc. (as a horse) ; track poorly (as a dog) ; use indirections, be tricky ; tr. : trifie with. -1eurº, =euse, adj. : poor at keeping the scent. -Iier", m. : (fam). tricky man ; coach-fellow, side horse. bri-cotº=-gaut. -coteauº,m. : fstone- quoit ; tread-board. ...-a...º"-- bri-deº [Germ'- 3-auj, f.# reins , BRIDLE ; ºººs : ſençon lace; strings (of bonnet) : aller à toute -, or à - abattue, go with loose ººS, g0 at full speed; aller — en º go carefully; avoir la — sur le cou, be one's own master ; à cheval donné º # ºgarde pas la —, one doesn't l§ # #t horse in the mouth. d§ § bridle; check. -deuse º, f : (woma ) maker of Alençon lace. doir là [-der] 77l. " #strings ; chin-piece (of bridie). -dole" [Prov. -äolo (brido, bridle)], f : Wri#staff. -donº, m. : bridle § Snaffle bit. -dure 14 [-derl, f : cross-turn (for tightening ropes). 1.brie* [broyer], j ; rolling-pin, lier f); net (for catching sea-dog). f : leaded net (f# #,. -1ière º, # -têche, etc. · bretteº |? ak. to Bretagne], f . ams sword, fleuret. gne], f flong- bret-telerº, tr. : indent (as head - lath-hammer), hatch. -telure18 of a hatchings ; indentation. l-tºriº ir. | # # # boasting-chisel · bretteur -ile], m. : r $ duellist. ovdy, fighter, brettureº [-tter], m. : rough-dressi · stone) ; tooth (on b0asting-chisel). ng (of · 1 breuilº [l. L. brogil (? al . tO Bret. br0, country)], m. : enclosed thicket. 2 fbreu-il* [braie, girdle], m.§ §eech- ºm-ºm brie 2.brieº [Brie (region in France)], f : wine (from Brie) ; m. : cheese (from Brie). , fbr-ief, =iève = bref, etc. -iève- ment* [-ve], adv. : briefly. -ièveté* · [ f], f. : briefness ; brevity. bri-fableº [ fer], adj. : (fam.) eatable. -faud * [ fer], m. : glutfion. #brifaud- = brisaud-. bri-feº, f. : ravenous eating. #-féeº, f,: gulp. |-ferº [?], tr. : gulp down ; crumple (linen). -feurº, =euse, m., f : (pop.) glutton. - brifier " [?], m. : leaden-seaming, leading (on tile roofs). - # brig = brick. bri-gadeº [It. -gata (l. L. briga, strife ; troop)], f. : -gadierº, m. : = ; police-sergeant, captain ; chief (of for- esters, custom-house officials). ll-ganclº [It. -gante (-gare, go in troops, briga, troop)], m. : = (robber ; rascal). -gan- dage*, m. : = (highway-robbery, plun- der); rascality. -gandeau*, m.: (fam.) little brigand, robber. -ganderº, intr. : act the brigand ; tr. : plunder. f-gan- deurº [-gander], m. : robber. gan- dine*, f : = (mailed coat). -gan- tinº [It. -gantino], m. : pirate vessel (Eng. brigantine, sort of two-masted ves- sel); ship or camp bedstead. -gantineº [-gantin], f : = ; spanker (sail). bri-gautº [for OFr. -cot (-que, chip)], m.: limbs lopped (off from forest trees). brignoleº [town B.], f.: kind of prune. bri-gue*[It.-ga, strife], f : = (election trick) ; intrigue. -guerº, intr. : scheme ; tr. : scheme for (office, etc.) ; #solicit. f-gueur* [-guer], m. : schemer. bril-lamment" [-lant], adv.: brilliantly. -Iantº, adj. : bright ; m. : brilliancy ; diamond (of finest cut) ; certain varnish. -lanvtéº [-lanter], m. : brilliant (cot- ton fabric with raised woven figure). ·lanter" [-lant], tr. : cut (into a bril- liant diamond) ; make sparkle (as a dress With stones); render florid. -lantineº [-lant], f : figured silk ; shiny pomade. |-lerº [It. -lare (L. beryllus, beryl], intr. : be brilliant, shine ; sparkle ; blaze ; be ardent ; track well (as a hound). brimadeº [-mer], f : hazing. brimba-lantº, adj. : oscillating. -leº, f : pump handle ; #little bell (on harness, etc.). |-lerº [? ak. to bringuebale], tr. : make oscillate ; intr. : oscillate. brimborion* [? student slang for bre- viarium], m. : fstammering prayer ; trifle, BRIMBORIUM. #brimerº [dial.for brumer], tr.: fblight ; haze : le soleil brime les raisins, sun spots grapeS. • br-inº [?], m,; sprout, sprig; blade (of 85 grass); ray, rib (of fan) ; bit, small piece ; beau - de fille, fine girl. -inasseº [Prov. -sso], f. coarse tow. brindeº [Ger. (ich) bringe dir's, here's to your health], f. : fhealth ; (fam.): être dans les -s, be drunk. fbrindestocº [Holl. spring-stock "jump stick'], m. : pole (with both ends shod). brindilleº [brin], f : twig; branch with its fruit. brin-gue" [? brique], f : (fam.) piece : grande - de femme, a clumsy woman. -guebaleº [Prov.bringa, leap, Fr. baller, dance], f : pump-handle. , . brioº [It.], m. : animation (in music). brise brio ehe* [? brie], f : = (cake ; cushion ; blunder). - I.i brion = bryon. 2.brionº [?], m. : forefoot, cutwater (of. a vessel). . * briotte" [?], f : kind of anemone (flower). bri-quaillon", m. : BRICK-bat. |-que* [Eng. brick, (OEng. brice, fragment)], f : brick. I.-quetº [?], m. : BRIQUETTE (steel, to strike fire) ; tinder; hinge (to a table leaf). < 2.briquet* [? braque], m. : .terrier). 3.briquetº [? braquet], m. : sabre. , brique-tageº [brique], m. : brickwork ; painting to imitate brickwork. -téº [brique], adj.: brick-red. -ter* [brique], tr. : fbuild of brick ; imitate brickwork. -terieº [brique], f : -tierº [brique], ' m. : brick-dealer, or maker. -tteº, -kèt [brique], f : block (of cheap fuel). bri-s* [-ser], m. : breaking (of seals, doors, prison) ; Wreck, wreckage (of ship). -sage [-ser], m. : carding (of wool). -saivtº [-ser], m. : breaker (wave) ; breakwater. -saudageº, m. : first card- ing. -sauderº [-ser1, tr. : give the first carding to. -s-d'huis, pl. -, m. : pattee or claw-hinge (on a shield). fbriseaſm bille = brusquembille. I. briseº [?], f. : breeze. 2.bri-seº, f : sliver, splinter; beam (under the king-posts). -se-bise º, m. : listing (around a window to keep draft out). f-se-couº pl. -, m. : break-neck (place). -sées*,f. pl. : branches broken (or cut) off (as mark, sign where game was). -se-gla ee", m.: ice-breaker, starling (piles to protect a bridge). -se-lamesº, m. : break-water (before harbor). -se- lunettesº pl. —,m. : eye-bright (flower). -sementº, m. : breaking. -se-mottes*, m.: roller, clod-crusher. -se-osº, m. : sea-eagle. -se-pierreº, m. : (bladder stone-crusher. |-serº [? ak. to Eng. bruise], tr. : break ; mark (by breaking branches, a place one wishes tofind again) ; BRACH (fox 86 briska card (wool) ; interrupt ; jar (metal) : rimes brisées, lines purposely made to make sense read alternately. -se-raison", m. : (fam.) silly talker. -se-scellé", m. : seal-breaker (thief). -se-toutº, m. : awk- ward lout. -seur*, =euse, m.,f. : breaker (person). -se-ventº, m. : wind-break, screen. -sis*, m. : angle (of a hip-roof). briskaº [Russ.], m. : BRITZSKA (carriage). brisoirº [-ser], m. : brake (for hemp). brisque" [?], f : = (card game) ; (pop.) stripe of reënlisted soldier : une vieille -, an old soldier. - brisure* [-ser], f. : fissure, break ; joint. brizeº [Gr. briza, certain cereal], f. : (quaking grass). I. broc° [p. L. -cchus, man with prominent teeth], m. : jug; quart (measure). 2.brocº [dial. form for broche, *spit'], f. : de - en bouche, hot from the spit, hastily. 3.fbroc = bric. brocaille*[for blocaille (dim. of bloc)],f. : macadam, rubble stone (for paving roads). brocan-tageº, m. : second-hand business, curio-business. -teº -a-, f. : ( fam.) sell- ing of rarities, curios : exfira-work, side- work (outside of regular hours). |-terº [? ak. to Eng. BROKER, Ger. brauchen, use], tr. : deal in, handle (second-hand wares). -teur", =euse, m., f. : second-hand dealer. I.bro-eard* [-quer, dial. form of -cher, fscoff], m. : = (gibe, jeer). 2.-eardº m-sº •=sº [-che], m. : yearling (male deer, goat, etc.) ;' BROCKET. -carderº, tr. : scoffat, taunt. -cardeurº, =euse, m., f : scoffer. -cartº [It. -ccato (lit., stitched)], m. : BROCADE (silken fabric woven with raised figures). : -catelleº [It. -ccatello (dim. of -ccato, brocaded)], f. : coarser brocade, brocatel. f-ecoli = -coli. -ehage º [-cher], m. : brocading ;stitching. |-éhe° [p. L. *-cca (? L. -ccus, projecting) prick], f : BROOCH ; spit, skewer ; knitting- needle ; spigot ; pin, peg; tusk (of boar) ; young horn (of deer) ; spindle ; tooth (of a comb) ; rod; bolt (of door): couper la — à l'affaire, make the affair cease (sense of cutting off spigot or bung close to the bar- rel). -ehéeº[-che], f : spitful (of meat) ; rodful (of candles). -eher° [p. L. *-ccare], tr. : BROCADE (embroiderwith raisedneedle- work), emboss; stitch, bind loosely (books); shoe (horse, etc.); give a slight dressing to (vines) ; intr. : sprout (shoot, bud): — un travail, do a Work carelessly (sense of stitching a book). -ehetº [-che], m. : =, pike (fish). -ehetaille" [-chet],f. : pike- fry, young pike. -eheter" [-chette], tr. : skewer ; measure (with compasses). -ehe- teur* [-cheter], m. : measurer, -ehe- brondissage tonº[-chet], m. : young pike. -ehette* [-che], f : =, little spit (skewer) ; pin ; brooch ; peg; little rod (to poke food down a bird's throat) : élever un enfant à la-, rear a childtoo delicately. -eheur º, =euse, [-cher], m., f : stitcher (of books) ; embroiderer; fknitter. -ehoir* [-cher], m. : (horse-shoer's) hammer. -ehureº [-cher], f. : = (pamphlet) ; embroidery. -coliº [It. -ccoli (-cco, peg)], m. : borecole (kind of cabbage) ; cabbage sprouts. brocotte " [?], f : clabber. I.#brodeº [?], f : dark-skinned, tanned WOII13.Il. 2.brodeº [-der], f : embroidery; filling in (of point-lace pattern). brodequinº [Holl. brosekin], m. : certain material ; BRODEKIN, BUSKIN ; comedy. bro-derº [OFr. brosd-er, root brosd-, "point,' cf. Eng. brist-le, etc.], tr. : em- BROIDER; fill in (the pattern of point-lace); ( fig.) adorn, embellish. -derie*, f : em- broidery; embellishment. -deur*,=euse, m., f : fancy needle worker ; adorner. -doirº, m. : bobbin (for silk); frame (for lace-work). f-dure º, f. : broidery. brogwcº [Eng.], f. —, BRUGAN (coarse shoe). I.broie* [for braie in sense * cavezon, nose-band'], f. : cavezon (in a coat-of- arms). 2.broi-e* [broyer], f : brake (for hemp, etc.). -ementº, m. : braying, pulver- 1Z1ng. bro-mateº, m. : = (bromos). I.ll-meº [Gr. brômos, stench], m. : BROMINE. 2.brome" [L., Gr. -mos, oats], m. : BROME- grass, cheat. bromé-Iiaeéº, adj. : of pineapple family. |-lieº [botanist Bromel], f : pineapple (plant). bro-mique* [-me, bromine], adj. : bromic. -mure º [-me], m. : bromide. #bronehadeº [-cher], f. : stumbling. broneheº [L. and Gr. -chia (-chos, wind- pipe)], f. : BRONCHUS, each of the bronchial tubes, larger air passages. . :- broneherº [? ak. to L. pronus, prone], intr. : stumble ; make mistakes. bron-ehial" [-che], adj. : =. f-ehies = branchies. -ehiqueº [-che], adj. : bronchic, bronchial. -ehiteº [-che], f : bronchitis. -choeèleº [Gr. -chos, throat, kéle, tumour], f : =, goiter. - bron ehoir" [? -cher], m. : crossbar (over which to measure off yard lengths of cloth). bromehotomie" [Gr. brônchoi, windpipe, témno, cut], f : bronchotomy (surgical operation). brondissageº [? ak. to Flem. breeuwen, calk a vessél], m,: stopping up (of chinks in mines). bronzage bron-zageº [-zer], m. : bluing (of nee- dles); brönzing. bron-ze*[It.-zo (L. town Brundusium)], m. : = (the metal ; statue). -zerº, tr. : BRONZE ; blue (needles) ; tan ; make brazen, harden. -zierº, m. : maker or dealer in bronze. f broquart = brocart. · bro-queº [It. -cco], f : cabbage sprout. broquelinº [Flem. brokkelen, break fine]. m. : tobacco rubbish. bro-quer [dial. for -cher], tr. : fix on the hook (small fish for bait). -quette* [dial. for -chette], f. : tack, brad, carpet- tack. f-quiIIonº [-que, dial. for -che], m. : tack. bros-sage º [-ser], m. : brushing. -saille = broussaille. ll-se* [Ger. borste, BRISTLE], f : BRUSH (made of hair, feathers, broom-corn, etc.) ; tuft ; fbrush- wood; thicket. -sée* [-ser], f. : (fam.) brushing (= whipping). -serº, tr. : brush (clothes, hair, teeth, etc.) ; paint ; ( fam.) whip, brush ; intr. : brush along or past, hurry; rush through the woods (as game, or a hunter). -serie* [-sier], f : brush-business. -seur*[-ser], m. : brusher (servant of an officer). -sierº, m. : brush- dealer. -sure", f : colouring (of leather, applied with a brush). brouº [for brout], m. : hull, outer covering (esp. of walnuts) ; walnut dye ; pl., curds. brouailles° [p. L. *botula (L. botulus, BOWEL)], f. pl. : entrails (of fish, game, etc.). fbrou-ée* [ak. to Ger. brodeln, bubble], j. : vapor, fog. -et* [ak. to Ger. brot, BREAD], m. : i BROTH ; caudle (soup). brouet-te* [L. bis, twice, Fr. roue, wheel], f : rolling-chair (on two wheels); wheelbarrow. -tée º, f : wheelbarrow- ful. -terº, tr. : carry, wheel (in a wheelbarrow). -teur*, =euse [-tter], m., f : wheeler. -tier*, tr. : barrow- Iſl3 Il brouhahaº [echoic], m. : hullabaloo ; uproar; din (of applause). broui" [?], m. : (enameler's) blow-pipe. brouillageº [-ller], m. : mulching (with dead weeds and rubbish) ; slaty streak, stony interruption (in a vein of coal). brouillaminiº [pop. etym. for L. pre- script.-formula boli armenii, of clay of Armenia], m. : fArmenian BOLE, or clay; mish-mash (of medicine) ; jumble, confu- SlOIl. brouil-lard *, m. : fog; day-book : pa- pier -, blotting paper, filter paper; être dans les -s, be in the fumes of wine. . -lasseº [lasser], f : (fam.) wet fog. -lasserº, impers.: drizzle. brouil-le", f : misunderstanding, quarrel ; panic-grass. bro-yageº, m. : -lement*, m,; confusion, jumble. bruire 87" ll-1er* [? ak. to Ger. brodeln, bubble], tr. : roil, rile ; agitate ; EMBROIL; mix, confuse with ; roche brouillée, irregularly veined rock ; être brouillé avec la verité, be at variance (habitually) with truth. -lerie*, f. : misunderstanding, falling-out ; incon- sistency, variation ; discord ; jumble. -Ionº, m. : marplot; blunderhead , rough- draft ;muss ; adj. : blundering. -lonnerº [-lon], tr:: scratch down, jot down (a letter). brou-irº [OHG. bruejen, cook], tr. : blight (as the sun). -issure*, f. : blight. brous-sailleº [brosse],f. : thicket, brush, briar-bushes. -saillerº, tr. : browse. fbrousseº [Prov. -sso], f. : (dial.) curd (of goat milk). f brousser = brosser. broussin° [p. L. *bruscinum, L. bruscum, knot on maple], m. : excrescence, gnarled wood, curl-wood (valuable for cabinet- making). fbroussureº [? for brouissure], f. : rust (of wheat). brou-t* m. : fbrowsage ;browsing, browse- Wood; sprouts. -tageº, m. : jar, jolt (making a flaw in lathe-work, pottery, etc.). -tantº, adj. : browsing. -tementº, m. : browsing; jolt. |-terº [MHG. broz, shoot, sprout], tr. : BROWSE ; mar (in lathe- Work, or turning). -tier°, =ière, adj. : (old enough to browse) browsing. -tille*, [-t], f : sprout, stick ; knick-knacks (jew- elry, etc.) ; trifle. -ture, f. : browsed, cropped branch. - crushing, crush. -ye = broie. ' |-yer* [ak. to Ger. brechen, BREAK], tr. : BREAK fine, BRAY, pulverise ; crush ; grind. -yeur*, m. : breaker, pounder. -yon*, m. : (printer's) brayer ; roller (for crushing lime, etc.) ;- trap (for skunks, etc.). bru* [Goth. bruths], f. : (cf. Eng. BRIDE). bruantº, or fbréant [for bruyant (bruire)], m. : bunting (bird) ; yellow- hammer. - brueelles" [for bercelle],f. pl. : tweezers. brueheº [L. -chus, Gr. broûchos, wingless locust], m. : BRUCHUS (weevil-like bug). brugnonº [Prov. -gnoun (L. prunum, plum)], m. : nectarine. - - brui-neº [ak. to brouée (cf. L. pruina, hoar frost)], f. : cold drizzling rain, mizzle. -né*, adj. : spoiled (by drizzle). -nerº, impers.: drizzle. bruir*" [old form of brouir], tr. : steam, dampen (with steam and so make pliant.) bruire° [? p. L. *brugere (L. rugire, *roar,' by Celt. influence)], irr. $ ; intr. : #roar (as thunder); make a noise, be noisy. (© daughter-in-law 88 bruiriner S Ind. : Pr. brui-s, -s, -t. Ipf. bruyais, etc. Fut. (Cond.) bruirai(s), etc. — Part. : P. bruit. bruirinerº [old -sier (= briser) break, BRUISEl, tr. : grind (malt). brui-ssement* [-re], m. : rustling; hum- ming ; rattling. lbrui-t° [-re], m. : noise, din ; roar ; peal ; uproar ; report ; fame ; sound (auscultation) : qui a - de se lever matin peut dormir jusqu'au soir, one who has the name of rising early, can sleep till evening (i.e. a reputation is not so easily changed). brû-lableº, almost brü- in brûler and deriv. (not comp.), adj. : burnable, fit to burn. -lageº, m. : burning, combustion. -Iantº, adj. : burning, hot, in flames ; fiery : une question -e, delicate question. -Ié*, adj. : burnt, scorched ; m. : burnt thing ; scorched smell or taste ;.f. : certain mollusk (with scorched-looking shell) disease (of silkworms). -le-amoreeº, m. : primer, percussion cap (for firing the powder of a gun as signal at sea). -le- boutº, m. : save-all (to BURN the BUTT of a candle). -le-gueule*, m. : short- stemmed pipe. -ment*, m. : burning. -le-pourpointº, adv. : à -, at short range : face fo face. le qucuc", m.. hot-iron (to sear a horse's tail when docked). -ler° [p. L. *brustuläre, L. ustuläre, burn, affected by Germ'c bren-, BURN], tr., intr. : burn : — la politesse à quelqu'un, go without leave-taking ; crême brûlée, caramel ; il brûle d'amour, is ardently in love; la gelée a brûlé la vigne, frost has nipped the vine. -lerie*, f. : (fam.) burning; distillery. -le- toutº, m. : save-all. -leur*, =euse, m., f : burner; distiller. -Iis*, m. : burnt tract (of a forest). -loirº brü-, m. : roaster (for coffee). -lotº, m. : fire- · ship ; incendiary ; whiskey, rum ; #highly seasoned food. -Iotierº [-lot], m.: sailor (of a fire-ship). -Iure*, f : fcon- flagration ; burn (from fire, or acid) ;blight (from frost) ; inflammation. bru-maille" [-me], f : slight fog. -maire" [-me], m.: = (second month in the calendar of the first French republic, from Oct. 23 to Nov. 21). -malº [L. -malis], adj. : brumal. fbrumanº, or fbrumen [bru, Ger. ſmann, man], m. : son-in-law; bridegroom. bru-masseº [-me], f : little fog. -mas- serº [-masse], intr. impers. : be misty, hazy. ll-me* [L. -ma, winter], f : fog ; | dense fog (esp. at sea). -merº, intr. impers. : be foggy. -meux", adj. : brumous ; gloomy. br-unº [Germ'c brun, brown; brilliant], adj. : BROWN ; m. : brown (the colour) ; brown-haired, brown-faced man; f : =euse, | bube twilight. -unâtre º, adj. : brownish. -uneIleº, f : heal-all (plant), self-heal. -unet*, =tte, adj. : somewhat dark ; m., f : persons, plants, objects so-called from their hue. -uniº, m. : burnish (polish). -unirº, tr. : turn brown; tr. : make brown, tan; BURNISH, polish. -unissageº [-unir], m. : polishing. -unisseur*, =euse [-unir], m., f : polisher. -unis- soirº [-unir], m. : burnisher (of tem- pered steel, etc.). -unissureº [-unir], ſ : browning, polish, burnish. bruse* [Prov. (? L. ruseum)], m : butch- er's broom (plant). brusqueº [It. -sco (?)], adj. : =, blunt. | fbrusquem billeº [comedian Bruscam- bille] f : certain card game. brus-quEmentº [-que], adv. : rudely ; abruptly. I.-querº [-que], tr. : treat rudely, roughly; do suddenly, abruptly. 2.brus-querº [Prov. -co, heather], tr. : bream, clean (a ship's bottom). 3.brusquerº [for busquer], tr. : seek (one's fortune). brus-quErieº [-que], f : abruptness, bluntness. -quetº, =ette [-que], adj. : (fam.) rather gruff : à brusquin -, to a gruſf person (be) gruff. -quiaº" [-que], adj. : (in that expression only). - brussoles" [for brésoles], f. pl. : (dish) filets with végetables. bru-t(e)* [L. -tus], adj. : = (stupid ; animal ; crude) ; gross (weight). -tageº, m.: : cutting, finishing (of diamonds). -tal* [-talis], adj. : = (sensual, savage) ; m. : brute. -talementº [-tale], adv. : brutally. -taliserº [-tall, intr. : fact , the brute; tr. : treat brutally. -lité !º, f : brutality. • .- Bruxelles -zel, f : Brussels (capital of Belgium). bru-yamment* or -ui-y- [-yant], adv. : noisily. -yant* [bruire], adj. : noisy. bru-yère* or -ui-y- [l. L. -garia], f : heath, erica (plant); open sterile tract (where heather grows), heath. br-yaeéesº, f pl. : BRYONY family (plants) ; br-yonº [L. (Gr. brûo, swell)], m. : tree-moss, BRYUM. -yomeº or f-yoine [L. -yonia (Gr. brûo, swell)], f : bryony. -yophylleº [l. L. -yophyl- lum (Gr. phüllon, leaf)], f. : plant (of houseleek kind). -yozaire* [Gr. brûon, moss, zôe, life], m. : BRYOZOAN. buade" [?], f. : certain bridle-bit. buan-derie* [-dier], f : wash-house ; laundry. -dier*, f=ière [buer], m., f : washer, launderer. • buba-le" [L. -lus], m. : BUBALIS (African antelope). fbu-be* [l. L. *-ba (Gr. boubôn, groin)], f : pimple. -bon* [Gr. boubón], m.: bucail bubo (sore) ; stone-celery (used to cure buboes). -bono eèle " [Gr. boubonokéle (kéle, tumour)], f. : = (inguinal hernia). #bucai-lº, -le [Holl. bockweit, lit. BEECH- WHEAT], f. : (vulg.) buckwheat. bucardeº [Gr. boûs, ox, kardia, heart], f. : heart-shell (mollusk). . bne-calº [I , -lis (bucca, mouth)], adj. : buccal. ,º buc-ein" [L. -num, horn, trumpet], m. : certain mollusk, BUCCINUM. -einateurº [L. -cinator, trumpet-blower], m. : buc- cinator (muscle in the cheek). bu een-taureº [It. -toro (Gr. boûs, ox, kéntauros, centaur), so called from its figure-héad], m. : BUCENTAUR (state barge of Venice). - A Bueépha-leº [L. -lus, Gr. Bouképhalos | (boûs, ox, kephalé, head)], m. : name of Alexander's horse ; (fam.) horse. - bâ-eheº [l. L. *busca (buscus)], f. : stove-wood ; stick of wood ; perch ; work- block ; certain musical instrument ; block- head : à -s perdues, not rafted, loose (wood). I.-e.herº, m. : wood-box or bin ; (funeral) pile ; stake. 2.-eher*, tr. : chop, hew ; whack ; knock (at a door) ; put to roost. -eheron*, =onne, m., f : woodchopper, hewer. -ehette*, f. : chips ; fcuts (in sense " draw cuts," or " straws"). -ehille*, f : metal filings or shavings. - bu-colique* [L. -colicus, Gr. boukolikós (bou-kôlos, cow-herd)], adj. : bucolic, · pastoral; f : rustic poetry; f pl. : (fam.) duds. « s- bucrâneº, krān [Gr. boûs, ox, kraníon, CRANIUM], m. : BUCRANIUM (sculptured ox- head). - bud-get" [Eng., itself from Fr. bougette, bag], m. : = (statement of probable reve- nue and proposed expenditures for en- suing year). budget. bu-ée*,f. : flye; steam. |-erº [ak. to Ger. bauchen], tr. : #BUCK (with lye) ; intr. : steam, give off steam. I. buffetº [It. :ffa], m. : chin-piece (of a helmet). 2.buffe-tº [? bouffer], m. : = (sideboard, cupboard for chinaware ; table for refresh- ments) ; cabinet (of an organ) ; foffice ; shop. I.-terº, tr. : fchange (wine in the shop before retailing) ; steal (from the barrel). - 2.buf-feter ! [OFr. fet, slap], tr. : slap, cuff. - fbuffeteurº [-ter, steal wine en route], m. : (drayman) wine-thief. buf-fle* [It. bufalo (Gr. boûs, ox)], m. : · buffalo ; buff. -fleterie º, f. : strappings, | belts (of soldier's outfit). -flEtinvº, m,: -gétaire*, adj. : of the · bu-Ilaire" [-lle], adj. : bullaire 89 young buffalo. -flonº, =onne, m., f : young buffalo ; f : buffalo cow. bufonie* [L. bufo, toad], f : toad-grass. buga-dierº [Prov. (-da, lye)], m. : kettle (for making ointment). -dière º, f. : vat (for making soap). • bugalet" [?], m. : coasting vessel (in Britain). I.bugle* [Eng., that from OFr. (L. buculus, bullock)], m. : BUGLE (horn with keys). 2.bu-gleº, [l. L. bugula, certain plant], f : = (plant of the mint family). -glosse" [L. -ssa, Gr. boüglossos (boûs, ox, glôssa, tongue)], f : bugloss (borage plant). -graneº [see -crane], f : rest-harrow (plant). E buhoreau = bihoreau. bu-hot* [? ak. to It. buco, hole], m. : fbobbin, shuttle ; small needle (for fancy work) ; feather-dresser's sign ; (dial.) schrimp. -hotierº, m. : schrimp-net. fbuie* or buire [ak. to Ger. bauch, belly], f : fmud-hole ; BUIRE (claret flagon). - bui-s° [L. buxus], m. : box (shrub) ; box- wood. -ssaie*, f : box nursery. -sse", f : piece of box-wood ; (tailor's) goose. fbuisserie = busserie. buis-sière º [buis], f : place or walk set with box. |-sonº [? buis, or ak. to Ger. busch], m. : thicket ; BUSH ; trim- ming, cut : trouver — creux, find the birds flown ; se sauver à travers les —s, beat about the bush, make excuses. -sonnaie*,f. : largethicket. -sonnerº, intr. : sprout thick ; take to the thicket (as a deer). -sonnetº, m. : little thicket. -sonneux*, =euse, adj. : bushy. -son- nierº, =ière, adj. : of thickets : école -e, school kept outside of a parish to avoid rent ; faire l'école buissonnière, play truant ; un -, tree made bushy by trim- ming; place set with bushy trees or shrubs. : buissure" [for bruissure (bruire)], f. : coating (put on, preparatory to gilding). bul-be* [L. -bus], f : BULB ; bud, cullion ; bulge ; m. : lobe, medulla oblongata ; pupil (of eye). -beuacº, =euse .[L. -bosus], adj. : bulbous. -bille º, f : little bulb. buli-meº [l. L. -mus (? bulla, bubble)], m. : bulimid (mollusk). · of papal bulls ; m. : BULLARY (collection of papal edicts). |-Ile * [L. -lla, bubble; ball], f : bulla (locket of noble Roman children) ; bull (from pope) ; seal ;BULLEN-nail (with large head) ; bubble; boil (sore). -Iléº, adj. : sealed ; seal-like (in shape). -Iletin* [It. -lletino], m. : = ; ballot; (baggage) check. -1letiniste" [-lletin], m. : writer (of bulletins, etc.). -Ileux º, =euse, adj,: 90 bune full of boils. -Iteau" [for bulleteau], m. : tree trimmed bushy. - bune" [?], f. : smokestack, mantle (of furnace). bunette" [?], f : certain (winter) warbler. buniadeº [L. -nias (in acc. -niadem)], f : Swedish wild turnip. . bunion º [L.], m. : Swedish turnip. buphthal-me" [L. -mum], m. : ox-eye (plant). -Imie* [Gr. boûs, ox, ophthalmós, eye], f. : BUPHTHALMIA (dropsy of the eye). bu-plèvreº [L. -pleuron, Gr. boûpleuron (boûs, ox, pleurôn, side)], m. : hare's-ear (plant). -preste* [L. -prestis (Gr. pré- thein, swell)], m. : buprestis (serricorn beetle), stink-bug. #buquerº[dial. for bûcher], intr. : knock (at a door). - , buque-tº [bûche], m. : ladle (to stir indigo). -tte" [dial. for bûchette], f : measuring stick (gauged to several dimen- sions of a mast). burailº [It. -ratto], m. : (cloth). - bu-raliste" [-reau], m., f : stand-keeper; postmaster. bura-tº [It. -tto], m. : drugget (cloth). -tinº, -tine | lt. -ttino], m., f : silk poplin. -téº, adj. : like drugget. I. bure* [buire],f. : kind of vase ; kind of fishnet. - 2.#bure" [Flem. booren, BORE], f : (of a mine) ; = bune (smoke-stack). 3.bu-re° [L. burra, certain shaggy cloth], f : drugget (cloth). -reau*, m.: | coarse wool cloth ; tablecloth ; table ; = (chest of drawers ; office ; men of an office) : — restant, hold (letter) till called for ; prendre l'air du —, try to find out something from the knowing ones. -reau- crate*, m. : bureaucrat (arbitrary officeholder). -reaucratie" [Gr. kra- teîn, rule], f : bureaucracy. -reaucra- tique", adj. : bureaucratic. -relé* [-reau], adj. : barry (escutcheon). -relleº [-relé], f : barry stripe, barulet. burette* [buire], f : = (cruet ;graduated tube) ; oil-can. bur-gau* [?], m. : = (univalve nacreous shell). -gaudine", f : mother-of-pearl. burgea-geº, m. : bubbling, causing bub- bles. ll-gerº [?], make (glass) bubble (by plunging a stick of green wood into · the molten glass). burgra-ve* [Ger. burggraf, castle- count], m. : '=. -viatº, m. : title or domain of a burgrave, burgraviate. bu-rinº [Ger. bohren, BORE], m. : = (graver's tool) ; pick ; crowbar; rammer. -rinerº, tr. : engrave; hollow out (horse's teeth, showing false age) ; ram (oakum, etc.), •. silk poplin stall-, or shaft buttage bur-leº [It. -la], f : jest. -lesqueº [It. -lesco], adj. : =. -lesquEment º, adv. : in a burlesque manner ; ludicrously. burnous" [Ar. burnus], m. : BURNOOSE (hooded cloak). buron* [Germ'c bur, dwelling], m. : fcabin ; cheese-house. bur-saire* [l. L. -sa, purse], adj. : purse-shaped ; f : certain plants, or infu- soria. -salº [l. L. -sal, adj. : impost, tax (measure). busº [buste], m. : BUST (on an escutcheon). bus-aigle* [buse, aigle], m. : EAGLE- hawk. -ard* [buse], m. : hen-hawk, European BUZZARD. buseº [It. -co, sprig], m. : BUSK (of corset stays) ; trigger-guard (of a gun). I. buse* [Flem. buis, canal], f.: channel, pipe. - 2.bu-se° [p. L. *butia (L. buteo, hawk)], j. : European BUZZARD ; hawk ; lout. -ser*, intr. : hunt slow or indifferently (as a dog). -setteº, f : certain winter warbler. -son*, m.: (Guinea) buzzard ; stupid man. - - fbus-que = busc. -qué", adj. : con- vexed; aquiline. I.ll-querº [busc], tr. : supply with BUSK; make convex. 2.fbus-querº [Sp. -car, seek], tr. : fhunt for. - fbusquièreº [busc], f.: (for a stay, or BUSK). fbus-sard *, m. : cask, hogshead. ll-se* [for botte], f : kind of barrel. -serie", ſ : barrelstave. busseroleº [Prov. -lo (ak. to buis)], f : barberry, bear's grape. I. buste* [It. -ta, ak. to Fr. boîte], m. : BOX (for raisins). 2.buste* [It. -to], m. : chest). - bu-t*, m. : butt, goal, end : — à -, nip and tuck. f-tant" [-ter], adj. : abutting. -teº [-ter], f : BUTTERIS (hoof-paring tool). -téeº [-ter], f. : aBUTment-pier (of a bridge). -ter*, intr. : abut ; stumble ; take aim ; tr. : prop ; induce : se —, resist. f-tièreº, f. : target- tube, sheath, pocket BUST (head and gun. bu-tinº [Goth. *büt = Ger. beute, prey], m.: BOOTY, spoils. -tinerº, tr. : plun- der; intr. : get booty. -neurº, =euse [-tiner], adj. : plundering. -toir" [-ter], m. : leather-scraper, parer (tool) ; door- stop, bumper. butome" [Gr. boûtomos], m. : flowering- rush. buto-r* [? L. butio], m. : mire-drum, bittern ; dolt. -rde, f. : silly goose (woman). -rderie º, f. : stupidity. but-tageº [-ter], m. : banking up, earth- ing up. |-teº [but], f. : = ; hillock, butyreux hummock ; target stand ; ftarget-practice. -té º, adj. : chien —, dog with swollen foot. f-tée = butée. -ten°º, tr. : ridge up ; bank up ; intr. : stumble (as a horse). -toir* [-ter], m. : shovel-plough, cultivator. -tureº, f. : swelling (on a dog's foot). buty-reux º, =euse [L. -rum, BUTTER], adj. : butyrous, like butter. -rique* [L. -rum], adj. : butyric. - bu-vable* [boire], adj. : drinkable. i-vande° [L. bibenda, things to drink], ſ. : (dial.) light drinks. -vantº [boire], adj. : drinking. -vardº [boire], adj. : absorbing : papier -, blotting paper ; un -, book of blotting paper. fbuveau = biveau. fbu-vée [boire], f. : bran-water (for stock). -vetierº buf-tyé [-vette], m. : BUFFET keeper. -vetteº [boire], f : drinking place, refreshment room ; ( fam.) drinking. -veur*, =euse [boire], m., f : drinker. -voterº [boire], intr. : sip. #byº [for buis], m. : (dial.) trench, ditch (to drain a pond). - byssusº [L. (Gr. bûssos, yellow flax)], m. : = (fine linen ; filaments of certain bivalves ; fungus). » . By-zanee [L. -zantium], f. : Constan- tinople. by-zantin* [L.-zantinus], adj. : Byzantine. - - | C, c sé or mod. SE [L.], m. : c (the letter) ; c. (C.) abbreviation for cent(ime), contre, compte, carbone, carré, Christus, etc. ; ç, c with cedilla = s; c.-à-d. = c'est à dire, that is to say. c'= ce. e" for ce. ·c çaº [cela], pron. : (fam.) this, that : comme -, like that ; c'est —, that's it ; ça ira, * it will go' or succeed (title of a revolutionary song). çà° [p. L. *iça (L. ecce hac, behold)], adv. : hither; #now ; interj. : here ! cabº [Eng. (Fr. cabriolet)], m. : cab. eaba-leº [Heb. kabbalah, tradition], f : CABALA (occult system of doctrine) ; CABAL (scheme, intrigue ; ' factious league). -lerº, intr. : cabal. cabaletteº [It. -tta], f : cabaletta (gal- loping final aria in an operetta). caba-leurº, =euse [-ler], m., f. : schemer, intriguer. -liste º [-le], m. : cabalist, occultist ; #faction maker. -lis- · tique* [-liste], adj. : mysterious. feaballin* [L. -llus, horse], adj. : CA- BALLINE, equine. caban* [Sp. gaban], m. : heavy blouse (with hood and close sleeves). 91 · caba-nageº [-ner], m. : lodging. |-ne* [Prov. -na], f : booth, hut, CABIN ; tent ; Warren (for rabbits) ; breeding-cage ; cocoon twigs (for silkworms) ; fawning (aboard ship). -neau*, m. : shelter, awning (on shore for cod fishers). -nen°º, tr. : flodge in a hut ; fix twigs (for silk- worms to form cocoons on) ; capsize (a boat). -nonº, m. : (dial.) little hut ; villa ; dungeon. f-notº, m. : little hut. cabarer" [?], intr. : (in brewing) run the contents of the hop back into the cooler. I.cabaret" [?], m. : certain linnet. 2.cabare-t* [?], m. : dram-shop (saloon, tavern, fEng. cabaret) ; certain plant that catches water; tea-set. -tierº, -ière, m., f : grog-seller. - - caba-s* [Prov. (? L. capax, holder)], m. : = (rush-basket for figs, grapes, etc. ; woman's work-basket). -sser*, tr. : put into a basket; filch. -ssetº, m.: kind of helmet. fcabéliau = cabillaud. cabestanº [Prov. (L. capistrare, halter, bind)], m. : CAPSTAN. cabiai* [SAm.], m. : hog. cabillaud * [Holl. kabeljau], m. : fresh- water cod, KEELING. - cabil-Iet" [Prov. -lha, peg], m. : side (of the form for shaping tennis rackets). -lotº [Prov. -hot], m. : belaying-pin. - ca-bine " [Eng. -bin (Fr. -bane)], f. : cabin (of ship) ; room (in bath-house). -binetº [It. -binetto], m. : = (small apartment, closet ; set of drawers ; fine piece of furniture) ; office : by ellipsis office patronage, clientele ; summer-house : homme de -, close student ;- d'aisances, water-closet ; - noir, secret closet (where suspicious letters were opened). cabiouº [?], m. : certain confection. fcabirotade = capilotade. câ-ble* [Prov. (L. capulum, halter)], m. : CABLE. -blé* [-bler], m. : cord (of four or six strands). -bleauº, or -blot, m. : cable (to smaller anchors). -bler", tr. : make cable of; twist into rope. fcabliau = cabillaud. câblière" [-ble], f : anchorstone (used for anchor). - fcâblot = câbleau. ca-boehe* [L. -put, head], f : (fam.) . pate, noddle ; sparrow-owl ; hobnail. -boehgnº, m. : = (precious stone uncut, but polished) ; hobnail ; certain mollusk. -bosse", f : (vulg.) cocoanut. cabosserº [pejorative ca, bosse], tr. : stave in (a hat, box, etc.). cabo-tage", m. : = (coast navigation, trading) |-terº [Sp. cabo, CAPE, cabotage capybara, Water- 92 headland], intr. : sail along coast, coast. -teur*, =euse, adj. : coasting; m. : coaster. -tierº, =ière, adj. : coasting; f : coasting-ship. -tinº, =ine [?], m., f : (fam.) travelling comedian. -tinageº [-tiner], m. : (fam.) life, or ways ôf a roving actor. -tinerº [-tin], intr. : (fam.) rove about (as an actor). eabouilIe* [Sp. -buya], f : (vulg.) agave (plant used to make rope). ca boulotº [?], m. : whisky shop. - ca-breº [Prov. -bra (L. capra) goat], f : derrick, sheers. -brer º [Prov. -brar], refl. : rear (on the hind legs) ; frage. -briº [Prov. -brit], m. : kid. -brioleº [It. -priola], f : CAPRIOLE ·(leap and a kick). -briolerº [-briole], intr. : leap and kick. -briolet* [-brio- lerl, m. : =, CAB, carriage; gun- truck ; shoe-last ; laminated knife-handle ; (French) handcuffs. -brioleurº, =euse [-brioler], m., f : leaper, CAPERER. -brionº [Prov. -brioun], m. : chock, block, wedge ; -bron,º [Prov.], m. : kid- skin ; buff-tool. cabus* [Prov. (cap, head)], adj. m. : chou -, CARRAGF (wifih head). cabouille ca-caº [L. -care], m. : CACK. #-cadeº [It. -cata], f : cacking; fizzle. caca-oº [Sp. (fr. Mex.)], m. : =. CacaO-tree. G3,C3,O -oyerº, or -otier, m. : -oyère" oiyèr, or -otière, f : plantation. cacarderº [echoic], intr. : (as geese). feaeatoès or -tois* [echoic, Hindu ka- katua], m. : cockatoo ; royal (sail or mast). ca ehalot" [? Catal. quichal, tooth], m. : = (sperm-whale). ·f. : kind of honk, gaggle I.ea ehe" [dial. for chasse], staked fishnet, seine. • - 2.fca ehe = caiche. - 3.ca-eheº [-cher], f. : (fam.) =, hiding place ; (in comp., I've of -cher). -ehe- ca eheº, m. : hide-and-seek. f-ehe- (ca ehe-)mitoulasº [-che, mie tu ne | l'as (thou hast it not)], m. : children's game = jeu du furet. -ehe-corsetº, pl. -, m. : corset cover. caehe etique* [L. -ticus (Gr. kakôs, bad, héxis, state)], adj. : CACHECTIC (of general bad health). ca ehe-entrée", pl.-, m. : drop, escutch- eon, key-hole guard. -époutisº, pl. -, m. : dye (put on with brush, to touch up colour of wool imperfectly dyed). -lu- mière º, pl.—,m. : vent cover (of cannon). fca ehe-marée = chasse-marée. ca ehe-mèeheº, pl. --, m. : match-tub (of cannon). f-mentº [cacher], m. : con- cealing. cadastral caehemi-reº [C., state of India], m. : cashmere. -retteº, f : cashmerette. fca ehe-mitoulas = cache-cache-mitou- las. #-museau = casse-museau. -Iiezº, pl., m. : muffler. -peigneº, m. : curl, ribbon (covering a comb). -potº, pl. —, m. : = (ornamental covering for flower- pot): à -, clandestinely, like a smuggler. -poussière*, m. : duster (light over- coat). ca-eher° [p. L. *co-acticāre (L. cögere, compress)], tr. : hide, secrete, conceal. -ehère", f : annealing bin (in glass- making). -eherieº, f : secrecy. ca eheron* [?], m. : string. ea-ehetº [-cher], m. : = (seal, stamp); (stamped) ticket : lettre de —, = (letter with royal stamp sentencing to prison or exile without trial). -ehe-tamponº, m.: "hide-stick" (game). -eheter º, tr. : seal. -ehette* [-che], f : hiding place. -eheurº, =euse [-cher], m., f : secreter, concealer. 6 ea ehexieº [L. -xia, fr. Gr. kachexia (kakôs, bad, héxia, state)], f. : CACHEXY (general ill-health): - aqueuse, dropsy. eaehi-ment" [Creole], m. : custard apple, papaw (fruit UI tIée): de maraig, · alligator-apple. -mentier", m. : papaw- · tree. ca ehoIongº [?], m : = (certain opal). ea ehotº [cache], m. : secret place; dun- geOn. - fca ehotte = cageotte. - ca ehot-terº [cacher], tr. : hide un- necessarily. -terieº, f. : silly conceal- ment. -tierº, =ière, m., f : lover of secretS. ca ehouº [EInd.], m. : = (aromatic drug). cachuchaº ka-tchou-tcha [Sp.], f. : cer- tain dance. caeiqueº [Sp. (Central Am.)], m. : (Indian chief). · fca eis = cassis. caeo-ehymeº [Gr. -chumos (kakôs, bad, chumós, tumour)], adj. : debilitated. -ehy- mieº [Gr. -chumia], f : cacochymia (weakened condition). -graphieº [Gr. gráphein, write], f. : poor spelling, cacog- rapny. cacoletº [Bearn], m. : =, bat, pack- saddle. eaco-Iogieº [Gr. kakôs, bad, lôgos, speech],f. : faulty expression. -phonieº [Gr. phonia (phône, sound)], f : CACOPH- ONY. fcacous, =ouse = cagou. eac-tée*, f : plant of cactus family. -tier " or |-tusº [Gr. káktos, thorny plant], m. : cactus. cadas-tralº, pl. =aux, adj. : =. |-treº [Prov. (? l. L. capitastrum, L. caput, cadavéreux - head)], m. : = (survey or registry as basis for land tax valuation). -trer", tr. : put into the cadaster; intr. : make the cadaster. - ca-davéreux º, =euse [L. -daverosus], adj. : cadaverous, corpselike. -davéri- queº, adj. : of the corpse. ll-davreº [L. -daver (-dere, fall)], m. : CADAVER, carcass, corpse (of larger animals). I.cadeº [Prov.], m. : = (juniper). 2.eade" [L.-dus], m. : = (measure of 1000 litres) ; barrel. ca-deau* [Prov. -pdel (L. -put, head)], m. : fcapital letter with flourish; #flourish; fdiversion ; complimentary present, gift. -dédiouº, or -dédis [Gascon for cap- de-dious, head of God], interj. or dis- guised oath : God's head, zounds ! #-de- lerº, tr. : ornament (with pen). cade-nasº [Prov. -nat (L. catena, CHAIN)], m. : padlock ; lock ; case (with lock). -nasserº, tr. : padlock. ca-deneeº [It. -denza (L. -dere, fall)], j : = (rhythm, harmony, gliding, beating of time). -deneerº, tr.: time; render rhythmically. cadèneº [It. -na (L. catena)], f : CHAIN (for rigging; for convicts). cadenetteº [marshal Cadenet], f. : = (lovelock of men). cade-t, -tte [Gascon capdet (L. caput, head) CAPtain (us'ly younger son of a noble)], m., f : younger, next oldest, or youngest person (esp. child, brother or sister, fEng. CADET); junior ; pl. : company of volunteers (of younger sons, fEng. cadets); f : short cue (at billards) ; small cut paving stone ; adj. : younger, next oldest : c'est mon —, that is my youngest child ; il est mon -, he is my youngest boy; he is my junior (younger than I); un - de famille, a younger (youngest) son ; c'est le — de mes soucis, it is the least of my cares ; un - de haut appétit, afellow with extravagant tastes. -tterº, tr. : pave. eadi* [Ar. gādhi, judge], m. : =. eadiehonº [-det], m.: little CADET. cadilº [cade, cask], m. : litre measure. eadisº [Prov.], m.: CADDIS (cloth). Cadix -dis, m. : Cadiz (the city in Spain). cad-mie* [L. -mia (cadmus)],f : cadmia (zincoxide). -miumº, m. : =. cadoganº [Count C.], m. : tress (of hair, · held by a knot). cadoleº [Prov. -daulo (Gr. kata-bolé, " down-throw')], f : bolt (of a lock). ca-dran*[L. quadrans, QUARTER-circle], m. : CADRANS ; plate (of [sun-]dial); face (of watch), dial; certain mollusk : dor- mir le tour du —, sleep twelve hours. -drannerie", f : factory (for marine cagnard 93 instruments). -drannier", m. : em- ployee (of factory for ship's instruments). -drannure", f. : windshake, anemosis. f-drant=-dran. -drat"or-dratin [L. quadratus, SQUARED], m. : QUADRAT. -dra- ture* [-dre], f : clock-work. ca-dreº [It. quadro, square], m. : frame ; out- line ; limit =, list (as of officers) ; corps ; props, shores (in a mine); berth, bunk (aboard ship): - de réserve, retired list. -drerº [-dre, L. quadrare, Square], intr. : suit, conform ; fit ; tr. : stretch (skins on a frame): les livres cadrent mal avec le mariage, books (authorship) do not go well with matrimony. f-dril- lage, -driller = quad-rillage, etc. cadu-cº, -que [L. -cus (cadere, fall)], adj. : CADUCOUS, tottèring, falling ; de- ciduous ; lapsed : mal -, falling sickness, epilepsy. cadu-eée* [L.-ceum, ak. to Gr. kerûkeion (kêrux, herald)], m. : CADUCEUS, the wand of Mercury. cadu eité [-duc], f : CADUCITY (liability to fall, or lapse). eae-calº sé-, adj. : =, blind, hav'g one end closed. ll-cumº [L., blind], m. : blind gut, vermiform appendix. Caen [L. Cadomum], m. : Caen (the town in France). r eaesium* sé- [L., bluish], m. : = (silver- white metallic element). ca-fardº, =farde [?], m., f : =, im- postor; sly backbiter, hypocrite. -far- dage", m. : cant. -farderº, intr. : cant, play the hypocrite. -farderie*, ſ : cant. -fardiseº, f. : hypocrisy. ea-féº [It. caffè (fr. Ar.)], m. : COFFEE ; café (coffee-room, light restaurant) : - noir, strong coffee ; — en poudre, ground coffee ; --concert, — chantant, music hall with refreshments. -féier " or #-fier, m. : coffee-shrub; coffee-planter. -féièreº [ feier], f : coffee-plantation. -féineº, f. : caffeine (drug). cafetanº [Turk.], m. : CAFTAN (garment of honour). 1 ca-fetierº, =ière [café], m., f : keeper of café ; f : coffee pot. #-fier = féier. caftan = cafetan. ea-ge° [L. cavea (cavus, hollow)], f : = ; trellis-work ; case (as of time-piece); staircase. -géeº, f : cageful, birds in a cage. -géot*, m. : flittle cage ; tub (to drain oil fr. cod livers) ; -geotte", f : tobacco-pipe (with no heel). "-ge- rotteº, f : draining-basket (for cheese). -getteº, f : little cage. -gierº, =ière, m., f : fbird-seller; cage-maker or seller. I.cagnardº [coin], m. : fnook ; tramp's camp (under a bridge); weather-cloth, aWning (at sea). - 94 2.ea-gnardº [-cagne], adj. : lazy-bones. -gnarderº [-gnard], intr. : lie around, be lazy. -gnardiseº f : laziness. ea-gue* [It. -gna, L. canis, dogl, f : fbitch , slattern. -gneux º, =euse, adj. : knock-kneed. -gnotº [Prov.], m. : dog-fish. cagnotteº [?], f : pot (at card table). ca-gotº, =ote [dial.], m., f : (formerly in Bearn) leper; bigot. -goterieº, f : -goterieº, f : bigotry. -gotisme", m.: bigotry. |-gou* [Breton cacou], m. : (formerlyin Bretagne) leper; #Wretch, beggar. ea-gouilleº [Sp. -gollo (L. cucullus, hood)], f : volute, scroll (on prow of a ship). -goule* [coule], f : monk's cloak (enveloping the whole body), COWL. cague" [Holl. kaag], f : sloop ; keg (of about four gallons). eahier ° [L. quaternio, number four], m. : note-book ; = (quarter of a quire ; official instructions to delegates ; memorial to authorities). eahin-eaha* [? L. qua hic, qua hac, now there, now here], adv. : so so. caho-t* [?], m. : jolt (of vehicle). -tage* [-ter], m. : jolts. -tant" [-ler], ddj. : jolting. -tementº [-ter], m. : jolting, shaking up. -terº, tr. : jolt. cahute* [?], f : shanty. fcaie = caique. fcaiehe = quaiche. eaïdº [Ar.], m. : governor). caïeuº [?], m. : small bulb, clove. caillasseº [ak. to caillou], f : gravelly Iſl3,1"6. caille * [Germ'c (l. L. quaquila)], f : QUAIL : le roi des —s, meadow crake. I.ieaillebot" [?], m. : (dial.) guelder- I'OSG. - - 2.feaillebot = caillot. caillebo-te" [?], f : cleat, brace (on ship's rib), dutchman. -tisº, m. : hatches. eail-lebotteº [-lebotter], f. : clot ; curd. f-lebotter * [caille-, (cailler), botter (bouter)], tr. : COAGULATE, clot. f-lebot- tin = calebottin. -le-lait", m. : cheese- rennet, bed-straw (plant). -lementº, m. : curdling, coagulation. I.|-lerº° [L. coagulärel, tr. : eoagulate, clot, curdle. 2.cailler* [caille], m. : QUAIL-trap. eailletage" [-tte, clown], m.: chatter. " eailleteau* [caille], m. : young QUAIL. cail-leter", intr. : chat, nonsense, gossip. I.|-lette [famous clown C.], f : gossip. 2.eailletteº [-le], f : QUAIL-like petrel. | 3.eailletteº [-ler], f : rennet, fourth stomach (of calf); (slang) pudenda. -lotº [-ler], m, : clot. cagnard =, alcaide (leader ; silly calame caillot-rosatº [? Caillouel, name of place], m. : certain pear. 1 caillou*, pl. -ac [chail], m. : gravel ; pebble, flint. -tageº [-ter], m. : graveling; pebble-work ; fiint pottery. - téº, m. : maçadam road ; fine pottery. -tenºº, tr. : gravel ; set with stones. -teurº [-ter], m. : macadamizer; flint Worker. 4 =euse, adj. : stony, gravelly. -tisº, m. : macadam. caïmacanº [Ar. = place-holder], m. : =, lieutenant of the grand vizir. - caïmaavº [Sp. fr. Carib.], m. : =, alligator (of S. Am.). - fcaimand, etc. = quémand, etc. caïqueº [It. caicco (fr. Turk.)], m. : launch , Small sailing vessel. ©. 5 ça ira" [lit. 'it will go, i.e. succeed], m. : title of a revolutionary song. caire" [? Malay kayar, twist, rope], m. : COIR (fiber or rope of cocoanut-husk). caironº [Prov. (L. quadrum, SQUARE)], 77l. 5 stone (for banking up a caldron, etc.). cais-seº [Prov. -sa (L. capsa, box)], f : CHEST; CASE; crate; office; CASH; counter; public coffer, treasury; drum : sauver la -, abscond with the money; grosse -, bass-drum ; much ado about nothing ; battre la grosse -, play the scamp. -setinº [Prov.], m. : raisin-box; work- box. . -sierº, =ière, m., f : CASHIER. -sonº [It. cassone], m. : = (large or heavy box for ammunition, etc.; water- # box, for workmen below in riverbed, etc.). - cajeputº kash-[Malay], m. : cajuput (oil). cajo-lerº [? cage], intr. : chatter (as magpie) ; drift (down stream against wind); tr. : cajole, dupe, flatter. -lerieº, f : flattery. -1eurº, =euse, m., f : cajoler. t feajot, etc. = cageot, etc. eajuteº [Holl. kajuit], f : berth (on ship). calº [L.-llus], m. : hardened skin, callus. caladeº [It. -lata], f : = (slope to train horses on). I.calageº [-ler, lower], m. : (topmast), sinking. 2.calageº [-ler, tighten], m. : tightening, wedging. - fcalaïde = callaide. State-rOOm ; lowering calaisº [? Gr. kdiathos, basket], m. : market basket. 1 Calais, m. : = (French port) : Pas-de- —, straits of Dover. - calaison " [-ler, lower], f : draft, gauge. calam-bourº, or -ba(e), or -bart, or -bou(e),-bourg [Malay], m. : aloes-wood. calameº [L. -mus, reed], m. : reed pen, calamus. ' . -teuoc lº, 1 , calament ealament* [L.-minthe (Gr. kalôs, beauti- ful, mintha, mint)], m. : CALAMINT. ealami-naire*, adj. : of calamine. ll-neº [l. L. -na (L. cadmia)], f : calamin (ore of zinc). - cala-mistren°* [l. L. -mistrare (L.-mis- y trum, curling iron, ak.to -mus, reed)], tr. : frizzle, curl with an iron. I.-miteº [If. -mita (-mo, reed), i.e. reed-stone (for · magnet of compass used to be floated in a reed)], f : fload-stone ; certain clay. 2.-mite* [L. -mus, reed], f : frosin (collected in reeds) ; = (fossil plant). 3.-mite* [L. -mites (Gr. -mâtes, green frog)], f : toad.. calami-té* [L. -tas], f : calamity. -teux º, =euse [L. -tosus], adj. : calami- tOuS. - ea-landrageº [-landrer], m. : smoothing (with calender or mangle). I.|-lan- dreº [? -landrer, or L. cylindrum, cylinderl, f : CALENDER, mangle (for linen). 2.-landreº [Holl. kalender (? ak. to I.)], f : weevil. 3.ealandre* [Prov. -dra (Gr. kálan- dros)], f. : calandra (kind of lark). . calan-dren°* [-dre, CALENDER], tr. : smooth (with mangle), mangle. -dreurº, =euse, m., f : mangler. calam-queº or -gue [Prov. -co (ak. to I.cale)], f. : creek. caleaire" [L. -carius (calx, lime)], adj. : calcareous, limy. caleanéum º [L.], m. : heel-bone. ealeé-doine* [L. -donius (town Chalce- dôn)], f : CHALCEDONY (kind of agate). -donieux º, =euse, adj. : like chalced- ony, milky white. caleéolaire" [L. calceolus, little shoe], J. : lady's-slipper (plant). #- º · eal-eetº [It. -cese (L. carchesium, drink- ing cup)], m. : mast-head (shaped to attach a lateen sail, or a pulley). I.eal-einvº [L. calx, lime], m. : limy crust (on stones fr. exposure to air). 2.-ein", m. : glass rubbish (to be remelted). -ei- nation º, f : =. -einerº [L. calx, lime], tr. : calcine, reduce to lime ; roast (by dry heat). -eiumº -om [L. calx], m. : = (chemical element). I.ealeu-lº [L. -lus, pebble], m. : CALCU- LUS, stone (in the bladder, gall, etc.). 2.-l* [-ler], m. : calculation; calculus (mathematics). -Iable" [-ler], adj. : =. -lateurº, -latriee [L. -lator], m., f : calculator : - arithmétique, calculating machine. -1er°º [L. # tr. : calculate ; manage well, plan. -leux º, =euse, adj. : calculous (gritty ; afflicted with stone). I.cale* [It. (-lare, descend)], f : low part, hold (of ship); slip, dock ; creek ; lead (of 95 fishline), sinker; ducking, keel-hauling (punishment) : il est à fond de —, he is ruined ; - flottante, floating dock (for graving) ; donner la -, keel-haul (a cul- prit). 2.caleº [?], f : hood, cap; grisette,lackey. 3.ealeº [ak. to Ger. keil, wedge], j : block, wedge. - calebas-seº [Sp. calabaza (fr. Pers.)], j. : CALABASH, drinking gourd ; crucible ; furnace. -sier", m. : gourd plant ; gourd tree. calebotinº [?], m. : thread, etc.). calè eheº [Ger. kalesch (fr. Pol.)], f : #" (buggy; hood in, anal. with calash- tOp). 1 ealeçon* [It. -lzone (-lza, stocking, L. calx, heel)], m. : drawers (garment). calefaction* [L. cale factio, making'], f : =, warming, heating. fealéidoscope = kaléidoscope. fealemande, -mar = calmande, etc. calem-bour* [?], m. : pun, play on words. -brEdaine", f : humbug; wild scheme ; fib. calemearº [Pers.], m. : painted calico. ca-lendaire º [L. -lendarium, account book], m. : church register, calendar, record. ll-lendes* [L. -lendae], f.pl. : first day of the month, calends, CALLING days; fconference (on first of each month). -1endrierº [l. L. -lendarium], m. : calendar; almanac : - perpétuel, running thirty-five years ; — de Flore, giving flowers for different months of the year. calenture" [Sp. -tura (L. calere, be hot) fever], f : =, delirious fever. - I.ealepinº [author Calepino], m. : =, fdictionary ; memorandum-book, pocket notebook. 1 2.fealepin = canepin. I.eaIerº [It. -lare (Gr. chalân, relax)], tr. : let down ; drop ; strike (mast or sail); tntr. : sink, settle. 2.calerº [-le, wedge], tr. : wedge true, straighten up (with wedge) : c'est un homme calé, he is a man in a good place. calèreº [Prov. carel], f : certain fishnet. caleurº [2.-ler], m. : idle workman. cal-fait, m. : calking iron. |-fatº [Prov. -afat, fr. Ar.], m. : CALKer ; calking iron ; fcalking. -fatageº [ fater], m. : calking. -fater º, ir. : CALK (drive tarred oakum into the seams of). -fa- teurº [ fater], m. : calker. -feutrageº [ feutrer], m. : stopping up of chinks. -feutrerº [= fater], tr. : calk; stop up (air cracks), chinse. • ca-librageº [-librer], m. : gauging ; moulding. |-lihre* [It. -libro (fr. Ar.)], m. : = (bore of a gun ; gauge, size, ca- calibrage cobbler's basket (for *hot- 96 pacity). -librerº, tr. : bore, mold, gauge or measure to a calibre. I.ca-liee* [L. -lyx (Gr. kálux, bud)l, m. : CALIX (of flower). 2.-liee* [L. -lix (Gr. külix, cup)], m. : CHALICE (cup). calieheº [S. Am. Sp.], m. : =, Chile salt- petre. calicotº [town Calicut], m. : (cloth). caliculeº [L. -lyculus (calyx, cup)], m. : calicula, calycle. - cali-fatº, m. : califate (reign, office or dignity of calif). |-feº [Ar. khalifa, lit. * successor'], m. : calif (head of the Mo- hammedans). califour ehonº[pejorative cali,fourche], in à -, astride, straddle. calige* [L, -ga], f : Roman (soldier's) boot. calin " [Port. -laim], m.: Chinese tin, Banca tin (used to line tea-chests). câlinº, =ine [?], m., f.: fsluggard, fbeg- calice CALICO gar ; wheedler, cajoler; adj. : wheedling, cajoling. calinage* [-lin], m. : tea boxes. - câ-linerº [-lin], tr. : fondle, pet : fse-, idle about, loaf. -1iIIerieº,f. : cajolery. caIiorneº [Prov. -liourno (? Gr. kálos, rope)], f. : stock-tackle (used in stowing the anchor). . callisson* [Prov. -ssoun], m.: kind of almond cake. eaIIaïde" [L. -llais], f : (greenish wax-like mineral). eaIleux º,=euse [L. -llosus (callus, hard place)], adj. : callous, hardened. caIli-carpe" [Gr. -karpos (kállos, beau- ty, karpôs, fruit)], m. : ornamental shrub. -graphe" [Gr. -gráphos (gráphein, write)l, m. : fine penman. -graphie* [Gr. -graphía], f. : caligraphy, fine pen- manship. -pyge" [Gr. pugé, buttocksl, adj. : #py#n. . callosité * [L. -tas (callus, hard)], f : · CALLUS, hardened place, callosity (on plants ; on a wound). calmande" [?], f : CALAMANCO (wool cloth). calmant" [-mer], adj. : sedative. calmarº manufacture of CALLAINITE , or calemar [L. calamarium, case for "reed’ pens], m. : fpen-case ; calamar(y), ink-fish. I.eal-meº [It. -ma (? Gr. kaûma, heat)], m. : calm, stillness : - plat, perfect calm. 2.-me* DIt. -mo], adj. : quiet, at rest. -mer* [fr. 2.-me], tr. : quiet, calm. calomelº or calomélas [Gr. kalôs, beautiful, mélas, black], m. : = (chloride of mercury). calom-niateur*, =triee [L. calumnia- tor], m., f : calumniator. ll-nie* [L. camariila calumnia (calvi, deceive)], f. : calumny. -nierº [L. calumniari], tr. : calumniate, slander : se —, pretend to be worse than one is ; f- quelqu'un de quelque chose, asperse one with. -nieusementº [-nieux], adv. : with calumny, slanderously. -nieux º, =euse [L. calumniosus], adj. : calumnious, slanderous. calonnièreº [cf. canonnière], f.; pop- gun ; spindle (of lathe). calo-rie* [L. -r, heat], f : calory, heat unit in physics. -rifèreº [L. -r, ferre, bear], m. : =, heating apparatus. -rifi- que" [L. rificus], adj. : calorific, heat- bearing. -rimètre" [L. -r, Gr. métron, measure], m. : calorimeter. -rique" [L. -rl, m. : caloric, heat. I. calotº [?], m. : piece of wood; piece of (unworked) slate. 2.calotº [cale, wedge], m. : little wedge. 3.fcalotº [écale], m. : nut. . 4.ca-lotº, m. : crown (of cap). -lotin", m. : cap-wearer ; squib writer ; (fam.) priest; priest-haunter : un transport -, a satirical outburst. f-lotineº [-lotin], f : satirical epigram. -lotte* [cale, cap], f : =, cap, skull-cap, fez; skull; memher of a literary club whose emblem was a cap and bells, hence : a satirical squib ; vault; case (of watch). -lotterº, tr. : slap, cuff, box. caloyerº, =ère [mod. Gr. kalôgeros (Gr. kalôs, beautiful, géron, old man)], m., f. : = (monk or nun of order of St. Basil). cal-que" [It. -col, m. : CHALK. ll-querº [It., L. care (L. calx, lime)], tr. : chalk, trace, copy; imitate. -quoirº, m. : tracer (tool). calumet" [chalumet], m. : =, pipe. fcalus = cal. 1 - calvaire" [L. -varia, skull; sense fr. Heb. golgotha (skull), " place of a skull'], m. : CALVARY, hill of the crucifixion (also proper name). calvilleº [town C.], m. : = (apple). calvitie* [L. -vities (-vus, bald)], f. : CALVITIES, baldness. camaïeu*[l. L.*-mateum, Gr. kamateûein, work], m. : = (cameo ; picture in one colour). - - camail* [Prov. capmalh, " head-mail'], m.: = (mail covering for neck ; kind of hood ; garment or robe). camara-de* [Sp. -da (cámara, room)l, m. or f. : COMRADE, intimate friend. -de- rieº, f : comradeship, comradery; mu- tual support among friends. camard º, =arde [l. L. camus (Gr. kemös) muzzle for horse], adj. : snub-nosed, pug- nosed, flat-nosed. - camarilla* [Sp., dim. of cámara, room], J. : =, group, clique of advisers of a king. cambiste eam-bisteº [It. -bista (-bio, CHANGE)], m. : cambist (one versed in exchange values), speculator. ll-bium* [l. L. (L. -bire, CHANGE)], m. : = (zone of cells be- tween wood and bark). cambouis* [?], m. : coom (dirt from grease on wheels ; dirt in a horse's sheath). cambré º, adj. : cambered, curved, arched : pied —, foot strongly arched ; taille -e, waspish body. |-brer° [p. L. *cameräre (camera, vault)], tr. : camber, make slightly convex, curve. -breurº, m. : camberer. -brillon ", m. : stiffener (of shoe-heel). -brioleurº [fr. slang cambriole, room], m. : flash-man, porch-climber, burglar (of · upper chambers). -brureº, f : convex- ity, arch ; pigeon-breast. cam buse " [Holl. kabuys (ak. to Eng. cabin)], f : CABOOSE, cook's galley, stew- art's room (on ship) ; ( fam.) drinking place. fcam buser = combuger. - cam busierº [-sel, m.: steward, purser. I.eame" [Ger. kamm, COMB], f. : CAM, camwheel ; cog. - · 2.fcame = chame. camée" [It. -meo, ak. to -maieu], m. : C3 II1GO. camélée" [L. -laea], f : spurge-flax (shrub). caméléon* [Gr. chamai-léon, "ground- lion'], m. : chameleon ; ſickle person. fcaméléopard = camélopard. camélia º [botanist Camelli], m. CAMEL- LIA, Japan rose. widow-wail, camelineº [Gr. chaimai-mélinos " like - earth-apple'], f : camomile, aster. . ca-melle* [Prov. -melo, camel], f : salt pile (heaped up to evaporate). -mélo- pardº [l. L. -melopardus, Gr. kamelo- párdalis, * camel-leopard'], m. : giraffe. |-melotº [chameau], m. : coarse cloth, CAMLET ; slop-goods ; slop-peddler. -me- Iote", f : shoddy article. -meloterº, tr. : make roughly. -melotier", m. : : fSmuggler ; slop-goods maker, coarse · paper. •. camé-rierº [It.-riere (L. camera, room)], m. : CHAMBERlain (of the pope). -risteº [Sp. camarista], f : lady-in-waiting (of princess). - eamer-lingatº, m. : CAMERLINGATE, , office of pope's chamberlain. camer- Iingue* [It. -lingo (L. camera, room)], m. : cardinal CAMERLINGO. I. camionº [?], m : pin, minikin, small teasle ; child's shoe. 2.ea-mion º [?], m. : •4 gun-carriage ; y truck, dray; paint pot. -mionnageº, m. : trucking, drayage. -mionnerº, tr. * move, transport with trucks. 3.f ea mionnerº [-mion, pin], tr,: pin. 97 dray- C8lIIll1S camionneurº [-mion, dray], m. : Iſl3lIl. fcami-sade * [It. -ciata (-cia, shirt, Worn over armour at night-attacks)], f : = (night attack). -soleº [It. -cioa],f : = (overblouse ; straight jacket). fcamme = came. camomilleº [L. -lla (Gr. chamai-melon, earth-apple)], f : camomile, aster. ça mon, See 2.m0m. camouflet* [?], m. : whiff of smoke (blown purposely into one's face); affront ; = (powder mine to stifle or shut off under- miners). camourlotº [?], m. : kind of mastich, cement. - I.feaſmvp = khan. - 2.cam-pº [It. -po, L. -pus, field], m.: camp ; fight ; side ; farena : prendre le -, accept combat; decamp. -pagnard º, =arde [-pagne], m., f : rustic, country- man. -pagne* [It. -pagna], f : country ; plain ; field (of battle) ; CAMPAIGN. -pa- gnol" #l, m. : field-mouse, vole. campa-neº [l. L. -na (?), bell], f : fbell (campana); bell-shaped ornament ; head (of Corinthian column) ; ornament of tassel or fringe ; tuft ; drop ; (arch.) campana (drop) ; bell-shaped soap-kettle ; tumour (on a horse). f-nelleº or -nette, f : (dial.) bindweed. -nileº [It.], m. : = (bell-tower). -nula eéº [l. L. -nula, little bell], adj. : of bell-wort family. -nule* [l. L. -nula], f : cam- panula (plant), bell-flower, bell-wort. -nulé" [l. L. -nula, little bell], adj. : campanulate, bell-shaped. campeº [?], m. : corded drugget (cloth). campêeheº [Campeachy in Mex.], m. : bois de -, log-wood. cam-pementº, m. : camping. ll-perº [carp], intr. : camp; tr. : put in camp, encamp (an army) ; set, place ; leave in the lurch, desert : cheval campé, spradling horse. camperehe" [chant, side, perche], f. : certain cross-piece (in weaving frame or loom). - eam-phre* [l. L. -phora], m. : camphor. -phréº, adj. : camphorated. -phrerº, tr. : treat with camphor, camphorate. -phrierº, m. : camphor tree. . campine" [C., in Belgium], f. : = (fat pullet). camposº [students' L. habere -, "get leave to go into the country'], m. : holi- day, Vacation. ca-mus*, =use [? ak. to L. -muru8, curved], adj. : snub-nosed, flat-nosed, pug- nosed; sheepish, bashful. -muset*, =ette, adj. : somewhat sheep-nosed. -muson º, f : flat-nosed woman. 98 eanail-le * [It. canaglia (L. canis), " pack of dogs'], f : = (gang; rabble); brats (children) ; rascal ; adj. : rascally ; low. -lerieº, f : blackguardism. cana-lº [L.-lis], m. : =, CHANNEL. -lisa- bleº [-liser], adj. : that may be canalized. -liserº, tr. : canalize. caInamelle = cannamelle. canapé* [L. -nopeum (Gr. konopeion, mosquito-curtain)], m. : sofa, divan ; bench (of syrup refiner) : - d'anchois, bread spread with anchovies. - eamapsaº [Ger. knappsack], m. : KNAP- SACK; foot-soldier. canar-d* [cane], m. : duck ; = (fabri- cated story, hoax) : prendre un -, dip lump of Sugar in rum, or tea, etc. ; faire un -, make a false sound in canaille music ; donner un — à moitié, catch, trap one ; chien -, water spaniel. -deauº, m. : duckling. -derº, tr. : shoot (fr. a blind, as in duck-hunting), ambush ; intr. : quack (like a duck), make false notes (in music) ; ship water for- wards. -dière º, f : duck-pond ; blind (for duck-shooting) ; gun for duck- shooting. oana-riº [Sp, -rin], m. : CANARY-bird, -rieº or -ries [Canary Islands], m. : cer- tain dance. canas-se" or -tre [Sp. -tro (L. canistro, basket)], m. : box (for tea, tobacco, etc.) ; kind of tobacco. - . can-canº or quanquan [L. quam- quam, 'although’ (university harangues usually began so)], m. : (formerly) univer- sity speech ; hubbub, great ado ; cancan (vulgar dance). -canerº, intr. : make much ado ; dance the cancan. -canierº, adj. : noisy; m., f : noise-maker. - can-eel* [L. -cellus, balustrade, lattice work], m. : chancel; seal case, or room. -eeller* [L.-cellare], tr. : cancel, annul. can-eer [L.], m. : =. -eéreux º, =euse, adj. : cancerous. - 1 can eheº [?], f : hairgrass, bent grass, rush. - canere* [L. -cer], m. : crab, crawfish ; slow student ; grasping man. eamerElatº [Holl. kakerlak], m. : Amer- ican cockroach. { } ean-délabreº [L. -delabrum], m. : can- delabrum (chandelier; group of street lamps on one post ; ornament in archi- tecture). -dEletteº [Prov. -deleto, " small candle'l, f : fish-tackle (on ships for raising anchor to gunwale). - eandeurº [L. -dor], f : candour, frank- 62SS. - candiº [Ar. qandi, cane sugar], adj. : sucre -, candied sugar, candy. candi-dat* [L. -datus (-dus, white, ® * êaiiiiage Rom. candidates dressing in white)], m. : candidate. -dature* [-de], f : candi- dacy. |-deº [L. -dus, white], adj. : can- did (sincere, frank, ingenuous). -de- mentº, adv. : frankly. 48 candirº [-di], intr. : CANDY; crystallise. caneº [ak. to canard], f : duck : faire la -, escape danger (fr. duck's habit of avoiding an enemy). - cané-fiee" [Sp. cañafistola], f : cassia, guava (shrub). -eier", m. : (vulg.) cas- sia shrub. canepEtière* [cane, petière], f : little bustard. canéphore º [L. -ra (Gr. káne, basket, phérein, carry)], f : canephore (maiden that bore the sacred utensils among the Greeks). canepinº [?], m. : fine lamb or kid-skin. ca-nerº [ne], intr. : fquack ; funk ; #cacare. -meterº [-ne], intr.: quack ; waddle (like a duck). eanetière* [2.-nette], f : spooler (woman or machine that winds thread on bobbins). ea-netonvº [-ne], m. : duckling. I.-net- te*, f : young duck, young teal; cannet (duck on escutcheon). 2.+canette = cannette. canevas* [ak. to chanvre], m. : CANVAs; plot ; design. 8 - - canevetteº [It. -navetta (dim. of -nova, cave)], f : liquor-case (on ship). canezouº [?], m. : bodice, corsage. fcangrène = gangrène. cangue" [Chinese kang, carry, kia, col- lar], f : = (portable wooden stocks for the neck, as punishment). cani" [Prov., *canine'], m. : ber (of ship). cani-ee" [cane], m., f : water spaniel, poodle. I.-e.honº, m. : poodle-pup. 2.-e.honº [cane], m. : duckling. canieu-laire*[L.-laris], adj. : canicular. |-le [L. -la (canis, dog)], f : Sirius (the * dog-starº) ; dog days (July 24-Aug. 24). canièreº [ak. to chien], f. : large- meshed seine (for porpoises = chiens de mer). eanif* [Norse knifr], m. : KNIFE, pocket knife : ( fam.) donner un coup de - dans le contrat, stab the contract (of marriage), i.e. be slightly untrue. » caninº [L. -ninus (-nis, dog)], adj. : ca- nine ; f pl. : canine teeth : muscle -, Snarling muscles. . eanitie* [L. -ties], f : Il6}SS. caniveau* [? ak. canal], m. : KENNEL- StOne, gutter-Stone. fcanivetº [ak. to canif], m. : knife. can-nage" [-ner], m. : fmeasurement (with yard-stick); caning (chairs). rotting tim- CANITIES, hoari- -( t [l. L.-nonicatus], m. : canneberge -naie", f : cane-brake. -nameIIeº [l. L. -namella (L. -na, cane, mel, honey)], f : sugar-CANE. |-ne* [L. -na, reed], ſ : CANE (plant; walking-stick ; bamboo ; rattan) : - d'Inde, Indian shot ; — de jonc, Malacca cane ; - à pêche, fishing pole. eanneberge " lºl, f : cranberry. ean-neladeº, f : falcon cake (for fal- con). -lasº [Prov. -nelat], m. : sugar- plum (with cinnamon flavour). -nelerº, tr. : groove ; flute; striate. -nelier ", m. : cinnamon tree. |-nelleº [canne], ſ : little tube, hence : cinnamon ; faucet ; groove, CHANNEL. -nelure* [-meler], f : =, chamfer, flute ; ribbing ; fluting ; rifling (of gun). cannequinº [Chinese], m. : = (cloth). can-nerº [-ne], tr. : measure (with a yard-stick) ; cane (chairs). -netille* [It. -utiglia], f : ribbon-wire ; gold or sil- ver-thread. -nette* [-ne], f : little tube ; faucet ; fuse (for blasting) ; bob- bin ; mug. canniba-leº [Sp. canibal (Carib.)], m. : cannibal. -1isme º, m. : cannibalism ; cruelty. cannierº [-nne], m. : CANER (of chairs) ; cane-maker. canole" [Prov. -naulo], f. : paStry. I.ca-non* [It. -nnone (-nna, tube)], m. : cannon (gun) ; barrel (of firearms) ; nose (of bellows) ; trouser-leg; pipe (of liquid); kind of stick, bar, tube, stalk : - rayé, rifle-bore gun. 2.ll-norv* [L. (Gr. kanôn, rule, káne, reed)], m. : = (church law ; rule ; , decree ; list of saints ; size of type equal to four-line pica ; books of the Bible ; an- nual rent) : - de la messe, canonical law that tells of the mass ; tablet containing the law on the altar of Catholic church ; - emphythéotique, ground-rent (on an emphyteutic tenure or perpetual lease). -monial*, pl. =aux [chanoine and L. -monicalis], adj. : canonical. -nonicatº canonship. -noni- eité º [-nonique], f : canonicity. -noni- que* [L. -nonicus], adj. : according to the canons, canonical : âge -, age of forty years (minimum age of female servants of an ecclesiastic) : elle a l'âge —, she will never seeforty again. -noniquement* #u . adj. : canonically. -nonisa- tion*, f : canonizing. -noniser* [l. L. -m0nizare], tr. : canonize. -noniste*, m. : canonist (one versed in canon law). canon-nadeº, f : cannonade. -nage", m. : gunnery ll-ner* [canon], tr. : can- nonade, fire upon : — une voile, reef a sail (lit. put it into roll). -nerie º [canon], f : foundry (for big guns) ; attack | 99 (with ordnance). -nier* [canon], m.: cannoneer. -nière* [canon], f : ften'. (for cannoneers); floophole (in a wall) ; gunboat ; popgun ; certain graver's tool. ea-motº [Sp. -noa (fr. West Ind.)], m. : (#f): CANOE ; cutter. -notageº, m. : boating. -noterº, intr. : row a boat. -notier", m. : boatman (of barge or cutter). - I.fean-t = 2.chant. 2.ean-tº [Eng.], m. : = (formalism, perfunctory tàlk, insin- cerity). -tabile" [It.], m. : = (music or words easy to sing). cantalº [mount C.], m. : = (Auvergne cheese). cantaloup" [Cantalupo, near Rome], m. : = (muskmelon). canta-metteº [It. -retta], f : stern post (of ship) ; small locker. canta-te" [It. -ta], f : CANTATA. - tille", f : little cantata. -triee º [It. fr. L. -trix], f. : professional songstress. cantharideº [L. -ris], f. : blister-beetle, Spanish fly, CANTHARIS. can-thère* [L. -tharus], m. : black bream (fish). -thusº [l. L., fr. Gr. kanthôs], m. : = (corner of eye where lids join). eaavtilè-neº [It., L. -na], f : CHANT, ballad, twang. eanti-neº [It. -na (? ak. to L. canaba, hut)], f : CANTEEN (suttler's shop ; mili- tary provision-chest) ;. dram-shop ; bottle case. -nier", =ière, m., f : canteen- keeper. eantique* [l. L. -ticum], m. : CANTICLE. ean-ton* [It. -tone (L. cantus, corner)], m. : = (district, division). -tonadeº [It. -tonata], f : place behind the scenes, slides, slips. -tonal*, pl. -aux, adj. : = (of the cantons). -tonnementº [-tonner], m. : cantonment (quarters, housing, stationing ; game preserves ; portion under one's control). -tonnerº, tr. : canton, station ; adorn (a church). -tonnien°º, m. : road-mender. -ton- nière º, f : valance, drapery; anchor ropes ; sheet-iron trimmings. . cantre" [?], m. : (weaver's) bank, creel (for holding bobbins or spools). ca-nule* [L. -nula (canna, tube, reed)], f : canula, tube (in surgery) ; clyster- pipe. -nut°, =use [-nnette], m., f. : (dial.) silk-worker. #caolin = kaolin. caouaneº [?], f : loggerhead (sea-turtle). caoutehouc" [So. Am.], m. : =, rubber. eap* [L. caput, head], m. : fhead ; knob, block ; knot ; head (of a ship) ; end ; cape (of land) : — de mouton, dead-eye, sheave- less block (on ship) ; - -de-more (head of a moor), a roan horse with.black hºa#: Cº ® © « * e ® eap .. . cantilena, $ ©t © _ { º © , , «é, 100 · capable capa-ble* [L. -bilis], adj. : fhº# able to contain ; efficient, able. -eité * [L. -citas], f : capacity. - ca-pade [Prov. -pado (lit. a CAPE-ful)], f : =, bat (certain quantity of wool or hair in hat-making). -paraçon* [Sp. -para- zôn (capa, cape)], m. : caparison, housing (of a horse). -paraçonnerº [-para- çon], tr. : caparison. -para eonnierº [-paraçon], m. : maker of trimmings or trappings for a horse. |-pe* [form of chape fr. It. cappa], f : =, mantle ; monk ; outer fold of a cigar : n'avoir que la — et l'épée, be without fortune, have nothing but a name, or nobility ; rire sous —, laugh in one's sleeve. -péerº or -peyer [Prov. -peiar], intr. : try, lie to in a gale, be under storm sails. -pelage" [-peler], m. : rigging (of ship) ; crew. -pelanº [Prov.], m. : fneedy priest ; =, kind of codfish. -pelerº [Prov. -pelar], tr. : rig (a mast). -peletº [Prov.], m. : capellet (wenlike lump on a horse's leg). -peline* [Prov. (capel, hat)], f : = (fskull-cap of iron ; lady's riding cap ; bandage as for amputated limb). capendu* [?], m : court-pendu (apple). capero}'v = cdpr0n. capharnaumº [town C., Capernaum], m. : lumber-room ; rubbish-room. ca-pie" or -peuse [? cap], f : end (of yarn passed around a skein). -pier", tr. : fasten (thread or yarn by passing it around the skein). capil-laire* [L. -laris (-lus, hair)], adj. : capillary, hair-like ; m. : maiden's hair, (fern) ; hair-line. -1arité º, f : capillarity, capillary attraction ; hairlike tenuity. capilotadeº [for Sp. -pirotada (-pirote, hood), lit., sauce covering food like a hood], f. : hash. capionº [Prov. capioun], m. : ship) ; sternpost. capiseolº [Prov. (l. L. capi-scholus, head of school)], m. : head of chapter of canons. capi-taine* [l. L. -taneus (L. caput, · head)], m. : captain. -tainerie º, f : captaincy. stern (of -talº, pl. =aux [L. -talis], adj. : = ; m. : = (letter; chief town ; head of a column ; money). -tale- mentº, adv. : excellently. -talisa- tion º [-taliser], f : -taliserº [-tal], tr. : capitalise, change into funds. -taliste" [-tal], m. : capitalist. -tanº [It. -tanol, m. : bully (in the old plays). -taneº, f : the captain's galley. -tan- paeha [It. -tanpascia], m. : admiral ; admiral's vessel (among the Turks). -ta- tion º [L. -tatio], f : poll-tax. -té* [L. -tatus], adj. : capitate, ending in heads. -t#º,::-,as# #L. caput, headl, adj.. $ Mº ſ, } @ # # # , g» © capre heady, strong : un boisson -, drink that goes to the head quick. -tonº [It. -tone], m. : CAPPADINE (waste silk- flock) ; tuft (in upholstering). -ton- nen°º [-ton], tr. : tuft, quilt (furniture). -toulº [Prov.], m. : =, any one of the earliest magistrates of Toulouse ! -toulatº [-toul], m. : office of capitoul. -tulaire* [L. -tularis (-tulum, assem- bly)], adj., m. : capitulary, capitular. -tulairement* [-tulaire], adv. : in ses- sion. -tulantº [l. L. (-tulum, chapter)], adj., m. : hav'g a vote (in a chapter). -tulation* [-tuler], f : = (agreement, convention, condition). -tule [L. -tulum, chapter (lit. 'a little head')], m. : =, les- son (in church) ; capitulum (in botany). -tulerº [l. L. -tulare (-tulum, article, clause)], intr. : make terms, capitulate. fcaplaſm = capelan. capnoman eieº [Gr. kapnomanteia (kap- môs, smoke, manteía, divination)], f. : cap- nomancy, prophesying by Smoke. I.eapon º [Prov. (cap, head)], m. : cot, stock-tackle (on ship). 2.ea-ponvº [for chapon, under infl. of L. cap0], m. : coward ; tell-tale, tattler; cheat (at play) ; adj. : charge caponne, empty office. I.-ponner ", tr. : wheedle, fawn on ; intr. : cheat ; tattle (esp. at school). 2.eaponnen°º, tr. : hoist, cat (anchor). caponnière º [It. capponiera (lit. COOP, i.e. place to fatten capons, cf. Sp. capo- nera, coop ; tunnel)], f. : caponiere (pas- sage, gallery in fortifications). capora-lº, pl. =aux [It. -le (L. caput, head)], m. : chieftain (in Corsica) : faire venir quatre hommes et un -, use force (as though summoning four soldiers led by a corporal). -Iismeº, m. : military influence. I.ea-potº [cape], m. : fmonk's cloak ; mantle; seaman's overcoat ; hood (over a stairway on ship); hot-bed. 2.-potº [perhaps extension of meaning in sense of faire -], m. : = ; adj. indecl. : être -, fail to score (in a game) ; faire quelqu'un -, slam, keep one from scoring. i-po- tage" [cap, head of a ship], m. : sighting (of course by the pilot). I.-pote", f : cloak with hood ; soldier's cloak ; hood (for head; of carriage ; bandage). 2.-pote" [3-pot], f : play that makes capot for an opponent. -poterº [? cap; cf. chavirer = cap virer], intr. : capsize. capoulière" [Prov. -ro (lit. *header')], ſ : net (to prevent fish escaping from a crawl). Cappado ee, f : Cappadocia (in Asia Minor). fcappe = cape. capreº [Holl. kaaper], m. : corsair; - à CORPORAL ; shag (tobacco) ; . câpre la part, sailor who goes on shares of booty. câpre* [It. cappero (L. capparis)], f : caper (plant) ; - capucine, pickled nas- turtium. capri-cantº or f-sant [L. caper, goat], adj. : caprizant, jumping. -eeº [It. -cciol, m. : =, whim ; capriccio (in music) ; ir- regular mine. -eieusementº [-cieuse], adv. : capriciously. -eieux º, =euse [It. -ccioso], adj. : capricious. -corne* [L. -cornus], m. : capricorn (constellation ; beetle). câprierº [câpre], m. : caperbush. capri-fication" [L. fieus, goat-fig, wild figtree], f. : = (forcing the maturity of figs). -figuierº [L. ficus], m. : wild fig. capri-nº [L. -nus, caper, goat)], adj. : goatlike, goatish. f-ole, etc. = cabriole, etc. f-sant or f-zant = -camt. ca-pronº [câpre (from its flavour)], m. : pineapple strawberry. -pronnierº, m. : the plant. cap-selle* [L. -sella], f : capsella, shep- herd's-purse (plant). -sulaire º, adj. : capsular, hav'g a pod. |-suleº [L. -Sula, dim. of capsa, box], f : = (seed case ; shallow dish ; little box; envelope ; per- cussion cap ; cap of a bottle). -sulerie*, ſ. : factory of percussion caps. . cap-tage* [-terl, m. : piping (of a spring at its source). -tateurº, -tatriee [L. -tator, -tatrix], m., f : user of undue in- fluence, briber. -tation º [L. -tatio], ·f : use of undue influence, bribery. -tatoireº, adj. : of undue influence. |-ter* [L. -tare, reach after (capere, seize)], tr. : influence unduly; CAPTIVATE ; pipe (an entire spring at its source). -tieusement*[-tieuse], adv. : captiously. -tieux *, =euse [L. -tiosus], adj. : cap- tious, specious. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : captive. -tiver* [L. -tivare], tr. : fcapture ; hold captive, captivate ; #se —, submit. -tivité* [L. -tivitas], f : captivity. -ture* [L. -tura], f : =. -turerº [ture], tr. : capture. capu-eeº [It. -ccio (cappa, CAP, CHAPE)], m. : monk's hood. -eheº, f. : (lady's) hood or bonnet. |-ehonº [It. -ccio], m. : hood (on a cloak), cowl. -ehonné", adj. : hood-shaped. -ehonnen°º, tr. : cover with a hood. -einº, -eine [It. -ccino (lit. * hooded')], m., f : capuchin (monk, nun) : barbe de —, long beard ; des -s de carte, cards in a row, ready to fall. -einade" [-cin], f. : (fam.) monk- ish talk, or action. -eineº [-ce], f. : nasturtium (plant) ; band, strap (of iron, as on a gun) ; drip-stone ; earthen dish with handle. -einière" [-cin],f. : (fam.) mOnaStery. 101 capuletº [dim. of cape], m. : (dial.) sort of hood. - ea-quage", m. : barreling, packing. -que, f : keg, barrel; furnace (of wax- workers). |-querº [Flem. kaaken (lit., clean the jaws)], tr. : cure (fish) ; pack, barrel up. feaquerolle = casserole. caque-sangue* [It. caca-sangue (L. cacare, It. sangue, blood)], f : dysentery. ca-quet* [-queter], m. : cackling (of hen); chatter. -quetage* [-queter], m. : cack- ling. l© - fcaquète =-quette. ca-queter* [echoic], caractère intr. : cackle ; chatter. -queterie*, f : palaver. -queteur º, =euse, m., f : chatterer. -quetoirº, m. : gossips' den. -que- toireº, f : fhighbacked chair ; causeuse ; rung (of plough tail). ca-quette" [caque], f : fish-basket (keep- ing fish in water). -queur", =euse [-quer], m., f : herring cleaner, packer ; knife (for cleaning fish). fcaqueuœ, =euse = cagou. car° [L. quä-rë, by which thing], conj. : for, because ; m. : why, wherefore, reason. caraba " [?], m. : kind of oil. carabasº [Marquis C., in a tale by Per- rault], m. : kind of heavy carriage. * I.earabeº [Sp. -ba], f : kind of skiff ; chair for carrying. 2.earabe" [L. -bus, crayfish], m. : beetle, carabus. . - carabéº [Port. (fr. Ar.)], m. : yellow amber. g* - cara-binº [?], m. : fscout, skirmisher ; player who quits ; sawbones (medical student). - #-binade º, f : skirmish. -binageº [-bine], m. : rifling (of guns). -bine º, f : carbine, rifie; flight har- quebus. -biné", adj. : stiff (said of a gale not contrary). I.i-binerº, intr. : skirmish. 2.-binerº [-bine], tr. : rifie (a gun). -binien°º [-bine], m. : carbineer (formerly select foot-soldier ; now cavalry- II13 Il ). caracal" [Sp.], m. : =, lynx. caracara" [echoic], m. : =, carrion- buzzard or Vulture hawk. carae9º [? Sp.], m. : loose corsage. . caraeo-leº or fcaracol [Sp. -l, snail], f. : spiral, helix ; corkscrew ; certain plant ; figure (in training horses ; in drill- ing soldiers, caracole) ; escalier en -, spiral stairs. -1erº, intr. : make cara- coles, wheel right and left in sudden CUll VGS. carac-tère* [L.-Gr. character (Gr. cha- rássein, cut, engrave)], m. : character (dis- tinctive mark, sign ; trait, disposition ; moral excellence). -tériserº, tr. : char- 102 acterise (mark; distinguish). -térisme", m. : specific power of plants to heal by virtue of analogy of parts). -téris- tique* [Gr. charakteristikôs], adj. : char- acteristic. carafe cara-feº [It. :ffa, fr. Ar.], #º =, Water- bottle, decanter. I.-fon,º, m. : little carafe (esp. of fixed size). 2.f-fonº, [It. :ffone, big bottle], m. : big carafe (to be placed in ice). caragneº [Sp. -raña],f. : CARANNA (gum). Caraïbes, f. pl. : Caribbean Islands. carambo-lage* [-ler], m. : CAROM, can- non (at billiards). I.f-leº [Sp. -la (? bola, ball)], f : red billiard ball. » 2.carambole" [Sp. -la], f : CARAMBOLA (fruit). carambo-lerº [I.-le], intr. : make a cannon (at billiards). carambolier" [Sp.-la], m. : CARAMBOLA tree (of India). cara-melº [Sp. -lo (fr. Ar.)], m. : (candy). -méliserº, tr. : make into caramels or burnt sugar ; mix with car- amel. • I. carangueº [?], f : CARANX (fiat fish). 2.fcarangue = calangue. eurapa ee" [Sp. -pacho], j. : = (upper part of turtle shell, of armadillo, etc.). caraque* [It. -racco, ak. to L. carrus, car], f : CARACK (large merchantman). caratº [It. -to (Ar., fr. Gr.kerátion, * little horn,' a seed)], m. : = (four grains, jew- · eller's measure of weight ; #r part); little diamond. caratehº [Turk. Ar. = tribute], m. : poll- · tax on foreigners in Turkey. carature" [-rat], f : alloying (of gold or silver). cara-vane* [Pers. karwan, group of travelers], f : CARAVAN ; cruise. -va- nierº, m. : driver (of a caravan). -van- sérailº [Pers. karwan-serai, house of the caravan], m. : caravansary. I.caravelle* [It. -lla], f : #large Turk- ish Warship ; Portuguese caravel; herring vessel. - 2.fearavelle = carvelle. carbatineº [L. -tina, Gr. karbatine], j. : green hide, pelt. carbetº [Carib.], m. : big hut ; shed (for boats). carbona-risme* [-ro], m. : carbonarism. l-roº, pl. -ri [It., 'charcoalman'], m. : = (member of a revolutionary secret Society). carbo-nate" [-ne], m. : -natéº [-matel, adj. : reduced to a carbonate. l-ne" [L. carbo], m. : carbon. -né", adj. : carbonated. -nifère* [L. ferre, carryl, adj. : containing carbon. -ni- que", adj. : carbonic. -nisationº cardite [-niser], f : carbonisation. -niser* [L. carbo, carbon], tr. : reduce to carbon, coal. -n(n)adeº [It. -nata, coal, carbon], f : carbonate (fish, etc., scored and broiled). car-bouille° [L. -bunculus, little char- coal], f. : (dial.) rust (of grain). -bura- tion º [-burer],f : carburisation (combin- ing of carbon and an element). |-bure" [L. -bo, carbon], m. : carbide (compound of carbon and an element). -buréº, adj. : carburised. « l fcarcaillen° = courcailler. careaise" [form of carquois, quiver], f : furnace (in glass works). carcajou" [?], m. : Labrador badger, wolverine. eareanº [OHG. querca, neck], = (iron collar for punishment) ; yoke (on a breechy hog) ; necklace. . carcasseº [It. -ssa], f. : (fam.) skeleton ; CARCASS, body; framework ; coarse basket Or crate. careérule [dim. of L. carcer, prison], f : = (dry many-celled fruit). car-einº [Gr. karkinos], m. : crawfish. -einomateux º, =euse [-cinome], adj. : cancerous. -einomeº [Gr. karkinôma], m. : carcinoma, cancer. cardage" [-der], m. : carding (of wool). cardamineº [L. -na], f : = (plant). cardamome* [L. -momum], m. : carda- mom (India plant of ginger family). cardasseº [It. -sso], f : cardass, card (for waste silk) ; nopal (cactus called " Indian fig" on which cochineal bugs feed). car-deº [Prov. -da (L. -duus)], f : edible rib (of artichoke leaves) ; teasel ; card ; carding board. -déeº [-der], f : card- ful (of wool). -derº, tr. : comb, card. -dère" [-der], f : teasel. -deurº, =euse [-der], m., f : carder. eardi-a* [Gr. kardia, heart], m. : (opening fr. the throat to the stomach). | -aeeº [Gr. kardia], adj. : heart-shaped (said of certain mollusks. -algie* [Gr. kardialgia (álgos, pain)], f : pain about the cardia. -aque* [L. -cus], adj. : car- diac ; of the heart ; of the cardia ; m. : CORDIAL (medicine). feardierº, =ière [-de], m., f : seller of cards. cardina-lº, pl. =aux [L. -lis (cardo, hinge, pivot)], adj. : = (pivotal; principal); m. : = (any one of the seventy electors of the pope, who wear red cloaks and caps, hence : red-bird, red-shelled mollusks, cer- tain red butterflies, flower, etc.). -latº [l. L. -latus], m. : cardinalate. -lieeº [It. -lizio], adj. : of cardinals. cardite" [Gr. kardia, heart], f : = (bi- valve mollusk) : CARDITIS (inflammation of the heart). gas-s m-» cardon ear-donº [Prov.], m. : cardoon, prickly artichoke (with edible leafstalks). #-don- nette = chardonnette. -dua eé* [L. -duus, teasel], adj. : thistle-like. carême° [p. L. *quarësima, L. quadra- gësima (sc. dies), fortieth (day before Easter)], m. : Lent ;,faire le -, keep Lent ; provisions de -, fish and vegetables ; ar- river comme mars (or marée, for *fish') en -, come apropos, come in the nick of time ; face de -, wan-face. -prEnant*, m. : (lit. " Lent beginning,' hence :) the three days before Ash-Wednesday, shrove- tide ; carnival ; masquerader. carénageº [-ner], m. : careening : gril de -, grounding place, carenee*[l. L.-ntia (L. carens, lacking)], f. : absence of assets (law term). ca-rèneº [It. -rena (L. -rina, keel)], f : · keel ; petal, etc., of certain plants. -ré- né", adj. : keel-shaped. -rénerº, tr: careen, repair (a boat). - cares-santº, adj. : caressing; affec- tionate. -seº [It. carezza], f. : caress. |-ser* [It. carezzare (L. carus, dear)], tr. : caress, fondle ; stroke ; entertain, flatter. I. caretº [dial. dim. of char], m. : roller, reel (for rope-making). 2.caretº [Sp. carey fr. Malay], m. : hawk's bill sea-turtle. carex* [L.], m. : sedge, reed-grass. car-gaison º [Prov. -gazon (-gar, CHARGE, load)], f : cargo. -gueº, f : brail. |-guerº [Prov. -gar, load], tr. : clew up (sail). eariº [Malabar], m. : CURRY (a food). caria º [?], m. : white ant (of the Antilles.) cariatideº [It. (Gr. karuátis, priestess of Caryae, in Laconia)], f. : caryatid (fe- male figure as column). caribou" [Indian], m. : =, No. Am. rein- deer. cariea-ture" [It. -tura], f : picture in- tendedto ridicule ; poor image. -turerº, tr. : caricature ; misrepresent. -tu- risteº, m. : caricaturist ca-rie* [L. -ries, wastel, f. : caries, wast- ing away (ofteeth) ;blight, rust (ofplants). -rierº, tr. : rot; smut. caril-lon° [p. L. *quatrinio, union of FOUR], m. : =, chime (of varied notes) ; tone, music, ringing ; clinking; squared bar (ofiron, etc.). -lonné º, adj. : (fam.) ·fête -e, fête announced by chimes. -lon- nerº, tr. : ring a chime from ; make peal. -lonneurº [-lonner], m. : chimer, ringer. - fcariopse = caryopse. carisel* or créseau [Eng. kersey], m. : fcoarse serge , coarse canvas. I.carlinº [It. -no, dim. of Carlo (king 103 carline (old coin worth carnier of Naples)], m. : seven cents). 2.carlin" [Carlo Bertinazzi, actor with black mask], m. : black-nosed pug dog. carlineº [It. -na (?ak. to carde, thistle)], f : = (sudorific thistle). carlingueº [?],f. : carline, keelson ; mast socket (in the carline), carmagnoleº [city C.], f, m. : = (jack- et; revolutionary song, or dance ; violent Jacobin). carme* [L. quaternum (quatuor, four)], m. : cast in trictrac where two dice count four each. carmEline" [Sp. -na], adj. : laine -, carmeline-wool (second grade). carminº [l. L. -minium (? kermés, mi- nium)], m. : carmine (purple ; rouge) ; adj. indecl. : carmine., - carminatif*, =ive [L. -nare, card, clean (wool)], adj. : carminative. carminéº [-min], adj. : carmine red. car-nageº [It. -naggio (L. caro, fiesh)], m. : carnage (flesh for beasts of prey ; slaughter, butchery). carnalº, or -nau, pl. =aux [Prov., cf. I.carne], m. : tackle (to raise galley- awning), end of yardarm ; corner of sail. car-nassierº, =ière [Prov. carn, flesh)], adj: CARNIVorous (as lion, tiger ; insect). -nassière" [Prov. -ssiera], f : game- bag. -nation * [L. caro, flesh], f : flesh- colour. f-nau = carnal. -naval*, pl. =als or =aux [It. carnevale, " meat-fare- well'], m. : carnival (last three days before . Lent) : costume de -, fantastic dress ; c'est une vrai -, a true masquerader. -navalesque* [It. -valescol, adj: car- nival-like. I.carne° [L. cardo, hinge], f. : CORNER, angle. 2.ear-neº [It. (L. caro, flesh)], f : (low) *bad meat,' cagmag; ;grub ; carrion, (a8 low insult) lump of carrion, trull, hag, jade. -néº [L. caro, fleshl, adj. : flesh- coloured. ear-neau* [for créneau], m. : flue hole (of pottery furnace). |-nElerº [form of créneler], tr. : mill (coin) ; embattle, en- circle. -nelle º, f : milled circle, border (of coin). - carnet* [dim. of L. quaternum (cf. ca- hic r)], m. : note-book, memorandum : - d'échéance, book of bills payable or receiv- able ; — de visite, pocket case for visiting cards. car-nier" [It. -niere (carne, meat)l, m. : gamebag. -nification " [l. L. -nificati0 (caro, flesh, facere, make)], f : = (morbid change in tissue, as of the lungs). -ni- fier " [L. caro, flesh], tr. : carnify. -niv9reº [L. -nivorus (vorare, eat)], 104 adj. : carnivorous, fiesh-eating. -nositéº [l. L. -nositas], f : fleshy growth, carnos- ity. carogne* [dial. for charogne], f. : (low) earogne hag. - fearolusº [Charles VIII], m. : an old · coin (legend Karolus Francorum rex, Charles king of the French), worth one cent. caronade" [Eng. carronade fr. town Carron], f. : short-chambered ordnance- piece. caronculeº [L. -la, dim. of caro, fiesh], f. : caruncle (little fleshy prominence). caroti-deº [Gr. karotides], f : carotid (artery of the neck). -dien ", =enne adj. : carotid. -que" [Gr. karotikôs], adj. : carotic, stupefying. carot-teº [L. carota], f : carrot : vivre de -s, live niggardly : jouer la -, stake Small sums ; (fam.) tirer une — à quel- qu'un, * bleed’ one a little, get money out of him by fraud. -terº, intr. : (fam.) stake little ; tr. : - de l'argent à quel- qu'un, - quelqu'un, wheedle money from one, wheedle one. -teur*, =euse [-ter], m., f. : (fam.) Small bettor; sharper. -fierº, -ière, m., f. : (fum.) small bettor, penny-player. carou-be* [l. L. carrubia (Ar.)], m., f : CAROB, locust (fruit). -bier º, m. : carob-tree. #-ge = -be. I.earpeº [Gr. karpôs], m. : wrist. 2.carpe* [L. -pa], f : CARP (fish). -peau*, m. : little carp. earpeIleº [Gr. karpôs, fruit], m. : (seed vessel, pistil; part of pistil). fcarpendu = capendu. carpette* [Eng. -pet (l. L. -pita)], f : carpet ; rug. ear-pierº, f=ière [2.-pe], m., f : carp pond. . -pillonº, m.: carpel trOut. carpologie" [Gr. karpôs, fruit, lôgos, speech], f : science of fruits. fcarquaise = carcaise. carquEronº [? ak. to L. calcare, press], m. : lever, cross-lathe (in weaving). earquois* [l. Gr. tarkásion], m.: quiver (for arrows). carrare* [town C. in Tuscany], m. : marble. *3 fearrassimº [?], m. : kind of carp. cgr-re* [-rer], f : SQUARE ; crown (of hat) ; shape (back and shoulders of a man) ; toe (of shoes) ; side (of a sword) : d'une bonne -, broad-shouldered. -ré° [L. quadratus, squared], adj. : square ; rectangular; quadratic ; hav'g four sides, full (as a phrase) ; m. : square ; quadri- lateral ; quarter ; die (for striking medals, yOung carp. -pionº [It. -pione], m. : speckled Alpine earte etc.) ; key-post (of clocks). -reau° [l. L. *quadrellum (L. quadrum, square)], m. : little square (of chessboard, carpet, flooring. tile) ; floor ; pane (of glass) ; tailor's goose ; diamonds or knave of diamonds (at cards) : cushion ; square file ; paving · brick ; square-mesh seine ; disease of the mesen- tery : avoir garde à -, be looking out ! each direction, be ready for anything ; sur le -, in the floor, on the ground. -rée* [-ré], f : square-sail; cordage, roping (of a bed) ; slate ; (old) music note; fcanopy (of a bed). -refour° [p. L. quadri-farcum, FOUR-FORK], m. : cross- roads ; public place : poètes de —, Grubstreet poets. . carré-gerº [Prov. -jar, ak. to Fr. char- # intr. : sail strong (with many sails set). carre-lageº, m. : paving : pavement. |-Ierº ' [carreau], tr. : pave (with SQUARE tile) ; cobble (shoes). -letº [carreau], m. : net (for fish, birds) ; filter (on crosspieces of wood) ; flat-fish ; shoe-awl ; file ; edged needle ; sword ; chisel. -letteº [-let], f : flattened file. -leur*,m. : paver; street-cobbler, -Iierº [carreau], m. : tiler. -Iure*, f : cob- bling. carré-ment* [carrée], adv. : at right angles ; squarely ; ( fam.) up and down, decidedly. carre-rº° [L. qua- dräre], tr. : SQUARE, make square : se -, shape one's self ; take a good position. carrickº [? prop. name, C.], m. : kind of coat. - car-rier*, m. : quarry-man. |I.-rière* [p. L. quadraria (cf. carrer)], f. : stone- , QUARRY. • - - 2.car-rière º [It. -riera (-ro, CAR)], f : race course (for CHARiots) ; CAREER, course. -rioleº [It. -riuola], f : little tilt cart. - carros-sableº, adj. : practicable, pas- sable (for vehicles). |-seº [It. -za (carro, CAR)], m. : coach, carriage ; (rope- maker's) truck ; round-house (on ship). -séeº, f : coachful. -serº, tr. : (fam.) se faire -, go by coach, ride ; sail strong (carrying much sail). carrouselº [It. carosello (?)l, m. : tourn-. ament ; carousal (merry-go-round). fearrousseº [Ger. gar-aus, end (of the night)], f. : carouse, debauch. . . earrure* [-rré], f. : shoulder-breadth, shape at the shoulders ; distribution (musical term). cartable* [-te], m. : (dial.) falbum ; cardboard. cartahuº [?], m. : whip (on ship), rope. cartayer [? ak. to charrette], intr. : quarter (avoid ruts in driving). car-te* [L. -tal, f : CARD; pasteboard ; R < \ ? · carteron map ; bill of fare ; ticket : basses -s, low cards (sixes and down) ; -s hautes, ace and face cards : fausse -, not ad- vantageous ; - fausse, false, marked card (to beat with) ; filer la —, cheat with cards ; voir le dessous des -s, look at one's cards ; tours de -, card tricks : - muette, map with no names ; - de visite, calling card ;.fille en -, ticketed (licensed) girl, i.e. prostitute. -telº [It. -tello], m. : = (card of challenge ; fagreement for exchange of prisoners) ; field of a shield ; tablet ; clock-case ; clock : bâtiment —, cartel ship. -telleº [It. -tella], f : fmusic parchment ; veneer wood; plank (that holds the millstone). fcartErom = quarteron. earthameº [l. L. -mus], m. : (saffron thistle). cartierº [-te], m. back layer (of playing card). carti-lageº [L. -lago], m. : = (gristle). -lagineux*, =euse [L. -laginosus], adj. : cartilaginous. car-tisaneº [It. -teggiana (L. -ta, card)], f. : cardboard (covered with gold thread, etc., used in lacemaking and fancy- work). -tographie* [-te, Gr. gráphein, write], f : art of map-making. -toman- eie* [-te, Gr. manteia, divination], f : cartomancy, fortune-telling (by cards). -toman eienº, =ienne, m., f : card fortune-teller. -tonº [It. -tone], m. : (pasteboard; pasteboard box or case, etc., box) ; cartoon : - à chapeaux (rubans, etc.) hat box, bandbox, etc. ; - de des- seins, portfolio of drawings ; personnage ºs-º de -, person of no importance ; battre . le -, play cards a great deal. -ton- nage" [-tonner], m. : =, boarding (working with pasteboard as in bookbind- ing) ; pasteboard work. -tonnerº [-ton], tr. : bind in boards ; wrap (on boards for glossing). -tonnerie" [-tom], f : pasteboard factory ; art of making pasteboard. -tonnierº [-ton], m. : pasteboard maker or seller ; pigeon- holes of desk). -ton-pierreº, m. : = (paper-pulp and plastermixed). -toueheº [It. -toccio], f, m. : = (scroll ; cartridge ; round case, etc.). -toueherieº [-touche], f : cartridge factory. -tou ehier" [-touche], m. : box for cartridges ; shot belt (of sailors). -tulaire* [l. L. char- tularium], m. : archives, register. carusº [l. L. (Gr. káros, heavy sleep)], m. : = (profound coma). carvelleº [Holl. karviel, frame nailed fast], f : ship-nail (square-headed). carvi* [l. L.], m.: CARAWAY (plant, seed). fcaryatide = cariatide. challenge ; . carthamus . : card maker or seller ;. 105 caryo-phyllé" [L. -phyllon (Gr. kâruon, nut, phûllon, leaf)], adj. : of the clove- pink family. -pseº [Gr. ôpsis, likeness], m. : caryopsis (seed-like fruit such as wheat, rye, etc). -teº [Gr. karuôtis, date], m. : palmtree. I.eas* [L. -sus (-dere, fall)], m. : CASE ; instance ; situation : peu de -, little im- pOrtance. 2.cas°, =asse [L. quassus (part. of qua- tere, quake)], adj. : cracked, hoarse. casanierº, =ière [It. -re (casa, house)], adj. : domestic, homekeeping. casa-que* [It. -cca], f : sleeved-cloak ; cassock ; (livery) coat ; (woman's) gown. -quinº, m. : jacket. casea-de [It. -ta (-re, fall)], f : =. casearille" [Sp. -rilla, dim. of -ra, bark, rind], f : cascarilla (aromatic bark of West-Indian shrub). cascatelleº [It. -tella (-ta, cascade)], f. : little cascade. case* [L. casa, house], f. : hut, cabin ; space (stall ; square on chess-board) ; division. caséeux", =euse [L. -seus, cheese], adj. : CHEESEY . - casema-teº [It. casa-matta, 'dim house'], ſ : = (bomb-proof chamber); #protected gun-platform;tunderground gallery;fmoat shelter; cavern, den. -ter", tr. : supply. · With casemates. caserº [-se], tr. : (fam.) place; adjust ; make a point (at backgammon). caserette" [L. -seus, cheese], f : mold. -- caser-neº [? ak. to L. quaterna (qua- tuor, four) meaning place for four men], f : barracks. -nementº, m. : quarter- ing, lodging (in barracks) ; boarding (at school). -nerº, tr. : put, lodge ; intr. : live in barracks ; be subject to rules of boarding-school. . casernet" [Prov. -zernet (cazern, note- book)], m. : time-book; log-book (at cassaille cheese sea). - casette" [casel, f : annealing pot (to protect delicate pottery from flame). caséum* [L.], m. : =, casein (of milk). casier* [case], m. : bureau; police regis- ter ; bownet. casimir* [Eng. for prop. name of region . in India], m. : CASHMERE (a cloth). easino* [It., dim. of casa, house], m. : = (pleasure resort). casoar" [Malay], m. : cassowary (bird). eas-que* [Sp. -co (lit., skull)], m. : =, helmet ; tuft, top-knot. -qué", adj. : helmeted. -quetteº.f. : cap. cassadeº [It. -ciata, hunting], f. : pre- tence ; fib. cas-sailleº [-ser], f. : breaking up (first 106 ploughing). -santº [-ser], adj. : brittle ; Snappish, abrupt. -sation* [-ser], f : =, annulment ; appeal (law term). cassaveº [Guarani], f : cassava, tapioca. I. casse* [Prov. -ssa, ak. to L. catinus, bowl], f : metal basin ; dipping spoon ; porcelain pot. 2.casseº [It. -ssa], f. : (printer's) CASE : haut de -, upper case (that contains capitals, figures, etc.). 3.casse* [L. -ssia, Gr. kasia], f : CASSIA (plant). 4.easseº [-sserl, f : breakage, break ; cashiering; donner de la - à quelqu'un, discharge one (in allusion to 3.casse). cassé° [-sser], adj. : navire —, ship with its keel out of true ; m. : sucre cuit au -, sugar boiled to brittleness (when dropped in water). ' casseau" [2.-sse], m. : (printer's) half- case ; drawer ; spindle-box; grooved cylin- der (used in castration). casse-cou" [-sser], m. : (fam.) break- neck (e.g. rickety stairway); cry (of cau- tion in blindfold); daredevil. #-lunet- tes = brise - lunettes. -ment*, m. : breaking : - de tête, anxiety. -mot- tes º, m. : clod-crusher, roller ; sparrow. -museau*, pl. -ac, m. : punch, blow (in face) ; cake. -noisettesº, pl. —, m. : nut-cracker ; figure en -, face with nose | and chin meeting. -noiacº, pl. -, m. : nut-cracker; crow. -pierreº, pl. -, m. : saxifrage ; stone-hammer. casser° [L. quassäre], tr. : break, shatter, crumble ; abrogate; dismiss, discharge : se - la tête, make great effort ; se — le nez à la porte, find one's self shut out ; se - le ccu, make a grave mistake. casseroleº [I.-sse], f : = (stew pan). casse-têteº [-sser], m. : club ; weary Work, Worry; noise ; heady wine ; net Overhead to prevent accidents fr. falling objects : - chinois, puzzle. cas-setinº [It. -settino], m. : drawer; pot (for molten metal): — du diable, waste box (for old type). |-sette* [It. -setta, dim. of cassa, box], f. : little box (as for jewels, treasure). casseurº, =euse [-sser], m.,.f. : breaker : un - d'assiettes, blusterer ; un grand — de raquettes, boaster of being strong (i.e. he breaks tennis rackets). cassie" [Prov. cacio, L. acacia], f : acacia (shrub). I.eassierº [3.-sse], m. : 2.cassierº [I.-sse], shelving. - cassineº [It. -na], f : = (country house). I.eassis* [?], m. : black-currant ; ratafia (liquor made of black-currants). 2,eassisº [-sser, break (fr. broken stone)], C8 ,SS#l, AV © cassia tree. m. : case-holder, catadoupes m. : water-bar (across a road on a hill- side, to prevent washing). cassitérite* [Gr. kassiteros, tin], f. : peroxide of tin. cassole* [2.-sse], f : glue-pot (of paste- board makers). cassolette* [Sp. cazoleta, dim. of -zuela, . vasel,f : = (perfume dish,incense burner). * cas-sonº [-ser], m. : broken glass (to be remelted) ; crushed cacao or sugar. -sonadeº, f : =, raw crushed sugar. cassot" [I.-sse], m. : sorting box (for rags). cassure* [-sser], f : break, fracture. castagnetteº [Sp. -tañeta (-taïia, L. -tanea, CHESTNUT)], f. : castanet. caste" [Port. -ta [(L. -tus, pure, CHASTE)], ·f : caste. eastelº [Prov.], m. : fcastle ; (humor.) lordly house. Castille, f : Castile (in Spain). eastille* [?], f : ( fam.) little quarrel. castineº [Ger. kalk-stein],f. : lime-stone. eas-tor* [L.], m. : beaver; cloth or hat of beaver skin. -toréum [L.], m. : castor (secretion fr. the beaver, used in medi- ' cine). #ſ = (cloth). castramé-tation* [L. -tari, lay out camp (castra, camp, metari, measure)l, f : = (planning or laying out camp). castra-tº [It. -to], m:: gelding, eunuch ; castrato (man castrated in boyhood to preserve his soprano). -tignº [L. -tio (-trare, castrate)], =. easua-lité* [l. L. -litas (L. -lis, acci- dental)], f : casualty, accident. casuarineº [casoar], f : casuarine (hard, wood tree of Australia). casue-l*, -Ile [L. casualisl, adj. : casual; m.: profit. -IIementº, adv. : acci- dentally. casuis-teº [L. casus, * case' of con- science], m. : -tiqueº, f : casuistry; sophistry. catachrèseº [L. -sis, Gr. katáchresis, abuse (of words)], f : catachresis (mixing of metaphors). cataclysmeº [L. -mus, Gr. kataklusmôs (katá, down, klûzein, overflow)], m. : cata- clysm ; deluge. featacois = cacatois. eataeombe* [It. -ba (? Gr. kata, down, kumbe, hole)], f. : bones). . catacoustique" [Gr. katakoûein, listen], adj. : pertaining to sound-reflexion ; f : catacoustics. catadioptrique* [arbitrary word fr. catoptrique and dioptrique], adj. : of light-reflection and refraction, catadiop- tric ; f : catadioptrics. cata-doupes* or -dupes [L. -dupa, Gr. castrated male, > casuist, moraliser; sophist. , -sé catacombs (vault for - -( catafalque katâdoupa, lit. rushing down], f pl. : cata- raCt. catafalqueº [I. falco], m. : (cf. Fr. chafaud); stately bier. cataire" [l. L. cattaria (cattus, cat)], f. : CATmint. - catalec-tesº [L.-ta, Gr. katálekta (légein, gather)], m.pl. : choice collection (fr. old authors). -tiqueº [L. -ticus (Gr. kata- légein, ceasel, adj. : vers -, catalectic line, classic line ending in an incomplete foot. catalep-sieº [L. -sis, Gr. katálepsis, seizurel, f : catalepsy, spasm. -tique" [L. -ticus], cataleptic ; m., f ; person sub- ject to fits. . catalo-gue* [L. -gus, Gr. katá-logos (légein, gather)], m. : =, list : un époux du grand -, a husband of the large list (of deceived ones). -guerº, tr. : list, enroll. •a, catalpa " [?], m.: SCAI'FOLD catalpa (tree). cata-lyseº [Gr. katálusis (lüein, loosen)], | f : catalysis, contract-action (in chem- istry). -1ytique* [Gr. -lutikôs], adj. : catalytic. cataplasme* [L., Gr. katáplasma (plás- sein, form on)], m. : poultice, cataplasm. cataplexie" [Gr. katáplexis, stupor (katá, down, pléssein, strike)], f : cata- plexy, nervous shock causing paralysis. catapulte* [L. -ta], f : catapult, hurl- ing machine. - catarae-teº [L. -ta, Gr. katarâktes (kata- rássein, tear down, arássein, clatter), cataract, falls.-The sense seems taken fr. "falling-door, portcullis'], f : cataract (water; disease of the eye). -té", adj. : hav'g a cataract (of the eye). eatar-rhal", pl. =aux, adj. : =. lea- tar-rhe* [L.-rhus, Gr. katárrhoos (katá | down, rheîn, flow)], m. : catarrh (disease of the mucous membrane). -rheuacº, =euse, adj. : afflicted with catarrh. catastropheº [L. -pha, Gr. kata-strophé, return ; end], f : = (end ; disaster ; great calamity). catau [nickname for Catharine], f : bar- maid ; girl of loose morals. caté-ehèse* [L. -sis, Gr. katéchesis (echeîn, ECHO, sound)], f : catechism, oral instruction. catE-ehète * [Gr. kata- chëtës], m. : catechiser. -ehisen°º [L. chizărel, tr. : catechise. -ehisme* [L. -chismus], m. : catechism, oral instruction. -ehisteº [L. -chista], m. : catechist. -chumène* [L.-chemenus], m., f : cate- chumen, new convert. -gorieº [L. -goria (Gr. kategoría (kategoreîn, assert)], f : category (class; summum genus; concept a priori). -goriqueº [L. -icus], adj. : categorical : l'impératif-, absolute claim 107 [ of moral law to our obedience. -gori- quement* [-gorique], adv. : categori- cally. - featéroleº [se catir, crouch], f : rabbit- . hole. cathar-teº [Gr. kathartés, purifier], m. : Vulture. -tique* [Gr. kathartikós (ka- tharôs, purel, adj. : purging; m. : purga- tive, cathartic. . cathé-dral* [l. L. -dralis (Gr. kathédra, seat)], adj. : =. f-drantº [l. L. -drans], m. : chairman (in judging a thesis). cathérétiqueº [Gr. kathairetikôs], adj. : catheretic (mildly caustic, as for warts). ca-thète* [L. -tus, Gr. káthetos, lowered (katá, down, hiénai, send)], f : cathetus (imaginary line, axis) ; #perpendicular. -théterº [L.], m. : = (tube, as for the urethra). -thétérisme* [L. -theteris- mus], m. : application of the catheter. -thétomètre* [Gr. káthetos, plumb, métron, measure], m. : cathetometer (meas- ure for vertical distances). eatho-Iieisme", m. : catholicism. -li- eitéº, f : catholicity; body of Catholic nations. -Iieonº [l. L. (Gr. katholikôn, universal)], m. : = (panacea, cure-all medi- cine). |-lique* [l. L. -licus, Gr. kathg- likôs, universal], adj., m., f : Catholic, of the Roman church ; general, universal. -liquementº, adv. : like Catholics. . catiº [-tir], m. : gloss (on cloth). f-tieheº [se catir], f : otter's hole. catilinaire° [conspirator Catiline], f. : angry speech (like Cicero's orations against · Catiline). catil-lae" or -lard [?], m. : =, pear. eatimini* [Gr. kataménia, (katá, by, mén, mouth)], m. : catamenia, menses ; adv. : en -, stealthily. I.catinº [nickname for Catherine ; cf. catau], f : (pop.) loose girl, whore. 2.catin* [L. -nus, basin], m. : pot (for molten metal). ca-tir° [ºp. L. coactire (L. cogere, press#], tr. : glaze, gloss (cloth, etc.,to give lustre) ; gild. -tissageº, m. : pressing; glossing. caudal -tisseur*, 'm. : presser. -tissoir" m. : gilder's knife. fcatogan = cadogan. I.catonº [censor Cato], m. : stern man. 2.caton" [? -tir], m. : triangular iron (ready to be drawn). catoptriqueº [Gr. kaloptrikôs (kátop- tron, mirror)], adj. : of reflection ; f : catoptrics, science of reflection of light. eau-ehemar* [OFr. chaucher (L. calcare, oppress) and Ger. mar, sprite], m. : night- MARE. -eherº [OFr. chaucher], m. : folio, mould (to press gold leaf, etc.). eau-dalº [L. -da, tail], adj. : =. -da- taire !º [L. -da], m,: train-bearer (of 4b- - caudebec 108 cardinal, pope, etc.). -déº [L. -da], adj. : tailed, CAUDATe. ea udebec [town C.], m. : hat. eaudexº [L.], m. : = (stem, trunk). eaudrette" [ak. to chaudière, CALDRON], f : net for crabs. eau-leseentº,=ente [L.-lis, stem], adj. : =, hav'g stem. -licoleº [It. -licolo (L. -liculus)], f : =, leaf-stem (on a column). -lieule º [fr. L. dim. of -lis], f : little | stem, caulicle. · eauris" [Bengal, lit. " shell'l, m. : COWRy (coin). eau-salº [L. -lis], adj. : =. -salité* [-sal], f. : causality, laws of cause and effect. I.-santº, =ante [2.-ser], adj. : effective. 2.-sant, =ante [ I.-ser, talk], adj. : talkative. -satif*, =ive [L. -sati- vus (-sa, cause)], adj. : causative. ll-se* [L. -sa], f : cause (reason ; lawsuit; party, side) : - grasse, mock cause (alluding to mardi gras : cf. Eng. grass widow !). I.-ser* [L. -sari, give reasons], intr. : chat ; gossip; chatter. 2.-serº, tr. : cause, make. -serie* [I.-ser], f : chat ; gossip. -sette º [I.-ser], f. : (fam.) little chat. -seurº, =euse, adj., m., f : talker ; tattler ; f. : reverse seat or sofa for two. causse" [Prov. (L. calx, lime)], m. : limy plain. r - caus-tieité", f : sharpness, causticity. —, |-tique* [L. -ticus, Gr. kaustikôs (kaiein, burn)], adj. : corrosive, caustic, biting. eau-tº, =aute [L. -tus, CAUTIOUS], adj. : wary. f-tèle* [L. -tela], f : caution : à —, on condition. -teleusement* [-teleux], adv. : CAUTIOUSly, cunningly. -teleux º, =euse [-tele], adj. : wary, prudent. cau-tère* [L. -terium, Gr. kautérion (kaîein, burn)], m. : CAUTERy; searing iron ; searing : - sur une jambe de bois, useless act ; - royal sur épaules, crimi- nal's brand. -térisation* [-teriser], jf : -tériser* [L. -terizare], tr. : cauterise, sear. eau-tion* [L. -tio (cavere, beware of)], ·f. : = (bond ; pledge ; bondsman). -tion- nementº [-tionner], m. : security. -tionnerº, tr : secure, bail. , - cavagnole" [It. -lo (cavagno, basket)], m. : gOne. eava-leade* [It. -lcata], f. : =, ride (by several); cavalry on the march. -lca- dourº [It. -lcatore], adj. m. : of the prince's horses: écuyer -, prince's master of horses. |-leº [It. -lla (f of -llo, L. caballus, nag)], f : mare (in poetry). -lerieº [It. -lleria], f : cavalry; stable of horses. -Iierº, =ière [It. -liere], ceci m., f. : = (horseman) ; knight (at chess) ; · hill over a rampart ; spoil-bank ; gallant ; escort, partner; royal (paper). -1ière- , mentº [-lière], adv. : like a horse-man. cavatine" [It. -na], f : cavatina, simple aria, song of one part. » I.ca-ve° [L. -vus, hollow], f : = ; wine cellar. 2.caveº, adj. : hollow: veines —s, venae cavae , (trunk artery) ; mois —, lunar month. -veau*, m.: little cave, cavity ; little cellar, vault (for burial). 3.cave [-ver, bet], f. : stake, pool. ca-vèee* [Sp. cabeza (L. caput)], f : head : cheval -- de more, black-headed horse. -veeé", adj. : - de noir, — de blanc, black-headed, white-headed (and body another colour). -veçon º [It. ! -vezzone (L. capitium, hole for a head)], m. : CAVESSON (head-stall for unruly horse). ca-véeº, # hollow way (in a woods). I.ll-ver* [L. vare (-vus, hollow)], tr. : fur- row, make hollow ; undermine. 2.-verº [It. -vare, draw out (money fr. the pocket)], intr. : bet, stake money. -verne* [L. -verna], f : cavern, cave, cavity. -verneux*, =euse [L. -verno- Sus], adj. : full of caves, of cavities, spongy; râle —, hollow rattle (of diseased lungs). -vetº [It. -vetto, dim. of cavo], m. : = (grooved moulding). caviarº [It. -viale], m. : = (Russian dish of roe). fcaviIlation * [L. -tio], f : sophistry. fca-vinº [-ve], m. : hollow-way, pass. -vité* [L. -vitas (cavus, hollow)], f. : . cavity. -voir" [-ver], m. : tool (for working glass). cayeº [Sp. -ys], f : KEY, low coral or rocky island. - cayenne" [?], f : waiting place (for sailors), vessel so used ; ship's kitchen set · up on land. - fcayeu = caieu. cazelle" [?], f : spool (for gold thread). I. eE° [p. L.*ecceoc (L. ecce, behold, hoc, this)], pron. indecl. : this ; that ; it (expletive) : c'est-à-dire, that is to say; c'est vous, it is you ; quelle heure est-ce ? what time is it ? qu'est-ce que c'est que cela ? what is it ? ce que je sais le mieux, c'est . .., what I know best, is . . . 2.eE°,or (before a vowel, or h mute) eet, m., eette, f., pl. m., f ees [L. ecce, - behold, istum, that], demons. adj. : this, that. eéansº [ça (cela), ens (L. intus, within)], adv. : inside ; in this house. eEei* [I.ce, ci (L. ici, here)], demons. pron. : this (here), that : — et cela, one caviling, thing and another. 2 cécité eé eité* [L. caecitas (caecus, blind)], f : blindness. eédant", =ante, adj. : yielding; m., f : ceder, yielder. -derº [L. -dere], tr. : give up, abandon, CEDE ; intr. : yield, submit ; give way, give in. eédilleº [Sp. -lla, " little c'],f. : cedilla (ç). eé-drat" [It. -drato (cedro, CITRON)], m. : citron. -dratier º [-drat], m. : citron tree. I. eèdreº [It. -dro, CITRON], m. : only in aigre de -, an acid drink of green citrons. 2.eè-dre* [L. -drus, Gr. kédros], m. : cedar. eé-drel" [l. L. -drela, because of stately cedar-like size], m. : cedrela, Jamaica cedar. eé-drieº [L. -dria], f. : resin. eédule* [L. schedula, leaf of paper (scheda, strip of bark, scindere, split, tear)], f. : document (in law), list ; bill, warrant. Cf. Eng. cedula. y I.eein-dre° [L. cingere], irr. $ ; tr. : gird; / encircle; enwreathe. eein-te*, f. : girdle · (of ship). $ Ind. : Pr. cein-s, -s, -t ; ceignons, etc. Ipf. cezgmazs. Fut. (Cond.) ceindraz(s). Pret. ' ceignis. — Subj. : Pr. cezgzze. Ipf. ceignisse. — Part. : Pr. cezgmazet ; P. ceint. eein-trageº [-trer], m. : frapping, plank- ing over the wales of a ship. -trerº [l. L. cincturare (cinctura, belt)], tr. : · girdle (a ship) ; intr. : - sur son câble, get foul of the anchor cable. -ture° [L. -tura], f. : belt ; zone ; waist ; sash ; CINCTURE. -turelle* [L. -ture],f. : little belt; shroud (of ship). -turette* [-ture], ſ : strap (of hunting horn). -+turier* (-turel, m. : belt maker or seller. -turon* [-ture], m. : belt (for sword, etc.) -tur- ronnierº [turon], m. : belt maker or seller. eEla* [ce, that, là, therel, indecl. demons. pron. : that, all that : comme —, like that ; so so ; ceci et -, one thing and another ; il ne manquait plus que -, that was the last straw. . eéladonº [lover C., in a novel], m. : mawkish lover ; sea-green colour. eélation * [L. -tio], f : =, conCEAL- ment (law term). eélé-brant* [-brer], adj. m. : le prêtre -, officiating priest (at mass). -bra- tion* [L.-ebratio],f. : =. |célè-bre* [L.-ebris, noted], adj.: celebrated. -brer* [L. -ebrare], tr. : celebrate; solemnise. -brité * [L. -ebritas], f : celebrity; fame. eEler° [L. -lare], tr. : conceal, keep hidden. ' eéleriº [It. dial. selleri for It. seleni (L. selinum, parsley)] m. : CELERY (plant). eélerin * [?] m. : sardine. eélérité* [L. -tas], f : celerity, speed. · butler. 109 eélesteº [L. coelestis (coelum, heaven)], adj. : heavenly : le - empire, China. eéliaque* [L. coeliacus, Gr. koiliakós (choilia, belly)], adj. : of the intestines : artère —, CELIAC artery. eéliba-t* [L. coelibatus, coelebs, unmar- ried], m. : celibacy. -taire", m., f : single, unmarried person. feelle see celui. eel-lérier*, =ière, m., f. : cellarer, keeper of food and wine in a monastery ; |-lier° [L. -larium], m. : store- © © 1$ rOOm, CELLAR. . eellu-laire", adj. : cellular; hav'g cells, apartments. |-Ieº [L. -la (dim. of cella, CELL)], f : cell. -leux ", =euse, adj. : having cells. -loïdº [Eng. (L. -la, cell, Gr. eîdos, form)], m. : =, parkesine (imi- tation ivory, shell). -19se*, f : = (cell tissue in plants). eElui°, f eelle, pl. m. eeuac, f eelles [p. L. *ecc-illui, *-illa, *-illos, *-illas (L. ecce, behold, ille, that one)], demons. prom. : that, that one. -- ei, eelle-ei, etc., this one (near) ; the latter ; —-ci, —-là, this one and that one. -Ià, that one (re- mote); the former ; the one we spoke of. eémen-tº [L. caementum, block of stone (caedere, cut)], m. : -tation º [-ter], ſt -tatoire" [-tation], adj. : ce- mentatory. -terº, tr: cement, modify a metal by cementing, by packing and heat- ing in another metal : acier cémenté, car- burised steel ; cuivre cémenté, bronzed, oxydised copper. eénacle* [L. cœnaculum, dining room (coena, supper)], m. : room of the last supper; society or coterie. een-dre° [L. cinis], f : CINDERS ; coals ; embers ; ashes ; penitence : mercredi des -s, ash-Wednesday; le feu couve sous la —, fire (revenge) lurks under the ashes ; — de plomb, fine-shot. -dré* adj. : ashy gray. -drée*, f. : very fine shot ; oxide scum on molten lead ; mixture, ce- ment of coal and lime. -dreux º, =euse, adj. : fall of ashes ; fer —, iron that doesn't polish clear. -drier*, m. : ash- catcher, ash-pan. -drillon [girl C. of the fairy story], f. : a Cinderella, drudge. -drures", f.pl. : flaws (in metal). eène* [L. cœna, supper], f : Lord's Supper. .I eEnelle* [? L. acinum, berry], f : haw. eénobi-teº [L. cœnobita (Gr. koinôbion : koinôs, common, bios, life)], m. : monk. -tiqueº, adj. : cenobitic, monastic. eénotaphe* [L. -phium, Gr. (kenôs, empty, táphos, tomb)], m. : cenotaph, mon- ument without a grave. - een-s* [L. -sus], m. : census (estimation for taxing) ; feudal rent ; rating (voter's 110 qualification tax). f-seº e long [l. L. -sa], f : farm. -séº [-ser (L. -sere, judge)], adj : fcounted ; assumed : si le prince est prisonnier, il est — être mort, if the prince is a prisoner he is supposed to be dead. -sémentº [-sée], adv. : sup- posedly. -seur* [L. -sor], m. : CENSOR, judge, critic, monitor. #-sier*, =ière, adj. : pertainingtothe census. -sitaire", m. : le — d'un fief, holder of a fief ; voter (qualified by his property). -sive* [l. L. -sira (sc.) terra, taxable land], f. : land, farm; tax. -sorial", pl. =aux [L. cent -sorius], adj. : tribunal -, censorship. f-suelº, f=elle [L. -sualis], adj. : feu- dal, under tax. -surable º [-surer], adj. : =, blameworthy. -sure º [L.-sura], f. : = (blame) ; censorship ; body of cen- sors ; penalty. -surerº [-sure], tr. : CellSU1l'e. een-t° [L. -tum, HUNDred], num. adj. or m., f. : =, hundred; hundredth part : pour -, per cent ; un - pesant, hundred pounds. -taine*, f : group of a hun- dred, hundred of a kind ; thread that binds a skein. eentaure* [L. -rus, Gr. kéntauros], m. : centaur. -rée* -to- [L. -real, f. : cen- taury, star thistle. een-tenaire* [L. -tenarius (cf. cent)], adj. : a hundred years old ; m., f. : cente- narian ;. m. : hundredth anniversary. -te- nierº [L. -tenarius], m. : centurion, captain of a hundred. -tésimalº, pl. =aux [L. -tesimus, hundredth], adj. : =. -tiare" [L. -tum, hundred, Fr. are], m. : =, centare, square meter (about 1# square yards). -tième*, adj. : hundredth : — dernier, one per cent tax (on purchase of realty); m. : hundredth part. -tigradeº [L. -tum, hundred, gradus, degree], adj. : = (divided into 100 degrees). -ti- gramme" [L. -tum, hundred], m. : =, r#o gram. -ti-litre* [L. -tum, hun- dred], m. : T#o litre. -time", m. : =, r#o franc. -ti-mètre" [L. -tum, hundred], m. : =, T#o meter. eenton* [L. -to, Gr. kéntron, patchwork garment], m. : CENTO, patchwork (in poe- try, music, etc.), medley. - een-tralº [L. -tralis], adj. : =. -trali- sateurº, =triee [-traliser], adj. : that brings to a centre. -traIisation " [-tra- liser], f : =. -traliser", tr. : central- ise. een-treº [L. centrum (Gr. kéntron, y point)], m. : = : être dans son —, be in one's element. -trer", tr. : adjust (as lenses). -treurº, m. : wick-holder (of candle mould). -trifuge" [L. fugere, flee], adj. : centrifugal. -tripète" [L. petere, seek], adj. : centripetal. -trisqueº [Gr, kentriskos (kéntron, eeree spur)], m. : centriscus (fish with tubular mouth). -trobarique" [Gr. báros, weight], adj. : centrobaric (supposing all the weight to be at the centre). eent-suisse" [les cent Suisses de la garde, the hundred Swiss of the guard], m. : soldier of the French king's guard. eentum-virº [L.], m. : one of the cen- tumvirs, or hundred judges. -viralº, pl. =aux [L. -viralis], adj. : of the cen- tumvirs. -virat", m. : centumvirate. eentu-pleº [L. -plus (centum, hundred)], adj. : =, hundred-fold. -pler º, tr. : centuple, increase hundred times, or many times. eentu-riateurº, m. : centuriator (a writer of the Magdeburg Centuries). |-rie* [L. -ria], f : century, hundred (of anything) : les -s de Magdebourg, cer- tain work on church history (divided by centuries). -rion * [L. -rio], m. : (commander of cohort of one hundred men). . eep° [L. cippus, stake (Gr. sképein, brace ak. to shaft)], m. : vine-stock ; sole (ofplough);rod;fclog,fetters. eépageº, m. : vines of one place. eèpe* [Gascon], 77l,. " large mIishronm, hnlet.Ils, eép au 12, m. : matrix-holder (in stamping coin). eépée*, f : sprouts (about a stump or tree) ; young wood. eEpendant* [ce, pendant], adv. : fdur- ing this ; however (nevertheless). eépha-lalgie* [L. -lalgia (Gr. kephalé, head, algeîn, pain], f : headache. -liqueº [L. -licus], adj. : cephalic, of the head. -lopodeº [Gr. kephalé, head, poûs, podôs, foot, m. : cephalopod (mollusk). -lop- tère* [Gr. pterôn, wing], m. : Brazil fly- catcher, umbrella bird; ox-ray (fish). feeps = cèpe. céra-mie* [l. L. -mium (Gr. kerámion, jar)], f : ceramium, red algae. -mique* [Gr. keramikôs (kéramos, pottery)], adj. : ceramic. -misteº, m. : ceramist, expert in pottery. - eérasineº [L. -sus, cherry], f : gum (of · cherry, peach, etc.). eéraste* [L. -tes (Gr. kéras, horn)], m. : Egyptian viper (with horny scale over · each eye). - eératº [L. -tum (cera, wax)], m. : (unctuous compound). - eéraunite* [Gr. keraunôs, thunder], f : = (meteoric stone). eerbère º [L -rus, Gr. kérberos], m. : dog Cerberus (the three-headed guardian of Hades). eercaire" [Gr. kérkos, tail], m. : : CARIA, fluke, larval distome. eer-ee* [ak. to cercle],f. : hoop (of sieve, , barrel) band; curve of a vault. -eeau° CERATE CER- À cercelle [p. L. circellum (circus, ring)], m. : hoop ; part of a hoop ; arch ; pinion-quill. feereelle = sarcelle. eer-elageº [-cler], m. : hooping (of bar- rels). |-cle° [L. circulus (dim. of circus, ring)], m. : circle ; (vulg.) circumference ; society; series ; hoop, ring. -clerº, tr. : encircle, hoop. -clier º, m. : hooper. eerco-pe" [Gr. kerkôpe fr. its tail-like (kérkos, tail) egg-dropper], m. : frog-hop- per (insect). -pithèque* [Gr. pithekgº, monkeyl, m. : long-taiſed monkey # eercueil° -keu'y [L. sarcophagus (Gr. sárx, flesh, phageîn, eat)], m. : coffin, SARCOPHAGUS. - eéréaleº [L. -lis (Ceres, goddess of grain)], adj.f. : cereal. eéré-belleux º, =euse [L. cerebellum, little brain], adj. : of the cerebellum. -bralº, pl. =aux [L. -brum, brain], adj. : -bro-spinal*, pl. =aux [L. spina, thorn ; backbone], adj. : =. eérémo-nial*, pl. =aux [L. -nialis], adj. : =, ritual ; m. (sing. only) : =, solemnities, rites, forms. |-nie* [L. -nia (ak. to Skt. kar, make)], f : cere- mony, rites : formalities. -nielº, =eIle, adj. : ritual, formal. -nieux *, =euse, adj. : ceremonious, too formal. eerf° [L. cervus], deer, deer-kind. eerfeuil° [L. cœrefolium (Gr. chârein, rejoice, phüllon, leaf)], m. : (plant). - eerf-volantº, pl. —s-s, m. : (vulg.) staghorn beetle ; kite (toy). eE-risaie*, f : cherry grove. |-rise° [p. L. *-resia, L. -rasus], f : CHERRY ; adj. indecl. : cherry-coloured. -risette º, f. : (dial.) dried cherry; plum. -risier*, m. : cherry-tree. • ' eérite [l. L. -thium, inexact for Gr. kerü- kion, shell (kêrux, herald)], m. or f : = (univalve mollusk). eer-ne° [L. cercinus (Gr. kirkinos, pair of compasses)], f : circle, ring (about the eyes, moon, on end of log, etc.). -neau* [-ner], m. : kernel of green walnut. -nerº, tr. : envelope, inclose entirely ; ' cut around (a tumor) ; deaden, girdle (a tree) ; ditch around. #-noirº, m. : knife (to open green walnuts). eer-tain°, =aine [p. L. *-tanus (L. tus, sure)], adj. : = (fixed ; sure, confident). -tainement º, adv. : certainly. -tesº [p. L. *-tas for L. certo], adv. : surely. -tificatº [L. -tificatum], m. : certificate. -tificateurº [L. -tificator], m. : certifier, voucher, receipter ; giver of certificates. -tifier * [l. L. -tificare (L. certum, cer- tain, facere, make)], tr. : certify ; guar- antee. -titudeº [L. -titudo], f. : certainty. y CHERVIL 111 eéru-men [l. L. (L. cera, wax)], m. : ear- wax. -mineux ", =euse [l. L. -mino- Sus, waxy], adj. : of wax. chablage - eéruse* [L. -Ssa], f : white lead. eervaison* [cerfl, f : deer-season. eer-veau° ſp. L. -ebellum (L. -ebrum)], m. : brain : rhume de -, nasal catarrh (falsely thought to come from the brain) ; - creux, hollow brain, cracked brain ; un - brûlé, an extremist. -vElasº [It. -llato], m. : fsort of bassoon ; saveloy (sausage). -vEletº, m. : cerebellum. -velle° [L. -ebellum], f. : brain matter : - rompue, tired mind. • eerviealº, pl. =aux [L. -vix, neck], adj. : =, of the neck. eervier [L. -varius], adj. : attacking deer : loup--, deer-killer (wolf). eervoise° [L. cervisia (fr. Celt.), beer], f. : ancient beer (of grain and herbs). ·eeS, See ce. - ·eésa-rº [Caesar], m. : emperor. -rien º, =enne [L. Caesar, child cut from the womb (caedere, cut)], adj. : opération -me, Caesarean operation (cutting a child from the mother, over the pelvis). -risme*, m. : empire like Caesar's. ·eésium * [L. caesius, bluish], m. : white metal CAESIUM (named for its spectrum). ees-sation º, f : -se*, f : stop, CEASE. |-ser° [L. -säre (cèdere, yield)], intr., tr. : cease, quit. -sibleº [L. -sibilis], adj. : assignable, transferable. . -sion* [L. -sio], f : =, ceding, abandon- ment, (esp.) assignment. -sionaireº, m., f : assignee. I.eeste* [L. caestus (caedere, hew)], m. : CESTUs (ancient boxing glove). 2.fees-teº [L. -tus, Gr. kestôs (lit. · stitched)], m. : CESTUS, girdle (of Venus, etc.). -toïdeº [Gr. eîdos, form], adj. : m. : vers -s, cestoid worms (like adult tapeworms). -treau" [L. -trum, Gr. késtron, pointed iron], m. : betony (plant). - eésure* [L. caesura (caedere, cut)], f : caesura (pause in a poetic line). ·e et, See 2.C6. - - eéta eéº [L. cete], m. : (whale, porpoise). eétéra e* [l. L. (l. Gr. kitaráx, fr. Ar.)], m. : ceterach (scaly fern). eétoine" [l. L. -tonia], f : floral beetle. eette, See ce. eeuoc, see celui. . eévadille" [Sp. -lla (cebada, barley)], f : insect-powder (of cevadilla plant). - ehabin° [ak.to chèvre, goat (dial. chabre)], m. : (dial.) cross (of goat and sheep). eha-blageº [I.-bler], m. : towing ; pilot- ing (on rivers). flehâ-ble = câble. f-bleau, or -blQt = cableau. I.-ble rº, any CETACEAN 112 chabler tr. : haul, pull, lift (by a cable) ; fmake into a cable. 2.ehablerº° [for chapeler], tr. : (dial.) shake nuts down. ehableur* [I.-bler], m. : water-bailiff. I.ehablisº [2.-bler], m. : windfallen tree or wood. · 2.ehabIisº [town Ch. in France], m. : Chablis (wine). 1-,. ehabot * [for *chevot (chef, head)], m. : miller's thumb (fish). ehabotte" [?], f : anvil-bed. fehabraque = schabraque. ehacal" [Turk.], m. : JACKAL (wolf). ehaconneº [Sp. -cona], f : = (slow song or dance) ; necktie (as worn by the dancer Pécourt). eha-eun°, =une ſp. L. *casc-ünus (L. quisque, each, unus, one)], pron. : each one (distributively) ; everybody. -cu- nière º, f. : (humor.) home. ehafau-d° [p. L. *catafalicum (Gr. katá, sense of " like,' L. fala, platform], m. : SCAF- FOLD, platform to dry codfish. -dierº, m. : platform-maker. ehafouinº, =ine [chat, fouin], m., f : (dial.) skunk ; Sneak ; wretch ; adj. : sly ; miserahle, I. ehagrin* [?] adj. : (fam.)fretful; sad ; m. : =, vexation. - 2.ehagrinº [Turk. saghri (form infl'd by I.)], m. : SHAGREEN (muleskin, horse- hide). ehagri-nantº, adj.: vexatious. I.ll-nerº [I.-n], tr. : CHAGRIN, vex. 2 ehagriner"[2-nl, tr.: grain (leather). ehah = schah. - ehaiº [?L. cavea, cave], m. : liquor ware- · house. ehai-1° [L. calculus], m. : (dial.) gravel ; stone : — aigre, silex ; — de moulin, mill- stone. -lIe°, f. : (dial.) broken stone (for roads) ; jurassic flint. • ehaî-nageº [-ner], m. : survey, CHAINING ; iron of a house, chain-bond. | ehat-ne° [L. catèna], f : CHAIN (linked iron ; measure of 100 links ; warp ; fetters ; series); right and left (dance). -nerº, tr. : survey (land) : -netier* [-nette], m. : maker of necklaces, etc. -nette*, ·f. : little chain, chainlet ; CATENARY : ma- chine à -, sewing machine with chain- stitch. -neurº [-ner], m. : land sur- veyor. -nierº, or -niste, m. : maker of watch-chains. -nonº, m. : link ; atlas, top-vertebra ; little range (of mountains). I. ehair° [L. caro], f : flesh (of men, ani- mals, fruits, etc.) : - de poule, goose skin or pimples ; - baveuse, proud flesh ; l'aiguillon de la —, the thorn in the flesh ; convoitises de la -, lusts of the flesh. 2. ehair* [Eng., seat with a back], m. : chambellan = (iron support between the tie and the rail). | ehai-re° [L. cathédra, (Gr. hédra, seat)], f. : fseat ; stage, platform ; pulpit, chair (professorship). ehai-se* [for -re], f. : CHAIR ; frame ; chaise : - longue, lounge ; - percée, night-stool. -sier*, =ière [-se], m., f : chair-maker ; renter of seats (in a church). fehako = schako. I. ehalandº [l. Gr. chelândion fr. ?], m. : barge, lighter. - 2.ehalan-dº, =ande [-loir], m., f : customer ; (fam.) wooer. f-diseº, f : patronage. chalasti-que* [L. -cus, Gr. -kôs (cholá- ein, yield)], adj. : soothing, chalastic. chalazeº [Gr. -za, hailstone], f : chalaza (pullet-sperm ; seam of the ovule where the coats join). fehal-eiteº [L. -citis, Gr. -kites (chalkôs, copper)], f : chalcites. -cographe" [Gr. gráphein, Write], m. : engraver (on metal). Chaldée, f : Chaldea. ehâle* [Eng. shawl, fr. SHAWL ; scarf. fehalemie* [l. L. calamaula (L. cala- mus, reed, Gr. aulôs, flute)], f : reed-pipe. ehalet" [ak. to château], m. : = (Swiss cottage). - eha-leur° [L. calor], f : heat ; fever ; passion. -leureusementº, adv. : warm- ly. -leureux º, =euse, adj. : warm. # ehâlit [p. L.* catalectum (Gr. katá, L. lectum, bed)], m. : bedstead (of wood). . ehaloir° [L. calère, be warm], intr. im- pers. (used only in 3d pers. Pres. Ind., chaut and Pres. Subj., chaille) ; il ne m'en chaut, I don't care for it. ehalon º [?], m. : drag-net (for two boats). ehaloupeº [Sp. -lupa (Holl. sloep)l, f : SLOOP. - ehalumeau° [L. calamus, reed], m. : stalk ; tube, SHAWM, flute ; = (lowest re- gister of clarinette) ; blowpipe ; limed stick (to catch birds). ehalut" [ak. to -lon], m. : drag-net (for one boat). chaly-bé " [L. -bs, Gr. chálups, steel (fr. tribe Chálybes)], adj. : hav'g iron, chalyb- eate (as mineral water). feha-madeº [It. chiamada],.f. : = (signal for parley). |-mailler° [L. clamäre, shout], intr. : squabble ; tr. : se —, scuffle ; brawl. -maillisº, m. : squabble, row ; brawl. A 43 ehamar-rerº [ak. to simarre], tr. : array, dress out ; #bedizen ; #heap ridicule upon. -rureº, f : finery, ribbons ; fridicule. - - eham bellanº [OHG. chamarlinc (dim. of chamar, chamber)], m. : CHAMBERLAIN. Pers.], m. : chambourin ehambourin " [?], m. : strass (white sand to make paste diamonds). ehambranleº [?], m. : = (casing of doors, etc.). ·ehamv-bre° [L. camera, Gr. kamára, vaulted room (kámptein, arch)], f : CHAM- BER (room, space ; assembly hall) ; ship's cabin ; association ; story (of a house), deer's hiding place : ouvrier en —, home worker (who keeps no shop); garder la -, stay indoors (from sickness) ;— haute, house of Lords. -brée º, f. : occupants of a room ; (fam.) audience ; level, stage (in slate quarry). -brElanº, m. : flodger, roomer; home worker (hav'g no shop). -brerº, intr. : room, lodge ; rest (as a deer) ; tr. : closet, confine ; hollow, CHAMBER. -brette !, f : (fam.) little room. -brière*, f : chambermaid, serv- ant; (hence :) prop, rack ; hook ; stay (of rigging) ; poker; horsewhip. -brillen,º, ſ : errand girl. ehameº [L. -ma; Gr. yawn)], f : chama, heart coccle (mollusk), giant clam. - - eha-meau°, pl. - x [L. camëlus, Gr. kámëlos, fr. Heb.], m. : camel (the ani- mal ; float to help a ship in shallow water)]. -mElierº, m. : cameldriver. -melle º, ſ : female camel. eha-mois* [OHG. gamuz, cf. Ger. gemse (? Eng., GAME)], m. : SHAMMY. -moiserº, tr. : SHAMOY, dress (like chamois). -moi- serie" [-moiser], f : shamoy leather business. -moiseur" [-moiser], m. : leatherdresser (who imitates chamois). I.fehamp = 2.chant. - 2.ehamp° [L. campus], m. : field (in all senses) ; pl. : country ; = (in architecture) : les -s Elysées, the Elysian fields, heaven ; avenue in Paris ; — de Mars, field of battle ; place in Paris ; se mettre aux -s, become angry ; prendre la clef des -s, take to one's heels ; sur-le- —, on the spot, at once ; le tambour bat aux —s, the drummer summons to march. -pagne° [p. L. -pänia, of the field], f : = (wine) ; i CHAMPAIGN (country, plain) ; CHAMPAIN (lower third of coat-of-arms). -part* [champ, part], m. : CHAMPART (land-rent in shares of the crop). -parterº [-part], tr. : share (crops). -partEresseº [-part], adj., f : grange —, barn for share-crops. -parteur* [-parter], m. : crop-renter (holder of rights to a crop, to field-rent). f-peauacº, m.pl. : prairies. -pêtre° [L. campestris, of the fields], adj. : of the country, rural. +-pi = -pis. -pignon º, m. : mushroom, toadstool ; hence : snuff, thief (of a candle) ; proud flesh (in a wound) ; form (for peruke) ; button (on sword point) : — de couche, chéme (chaînein, chan iatte 113 hot-bed mushroom ; blanc de -s, mush- room-spawn. -pignonnière* [-pignon], ſ : mushroom-bed. -pion º, m. : defender ; fighter. f-pis*, =isse, m., f : (dial.) ffoundling. fehampleure = chantepleure. ehamp-lEver", tr. : groove (in enamel- ing). #mº I. ehampIure" [?], f : frost-blight. 2.feham plure* = chantepleure. ·ehan ee° [p. L. *cadentia (cadere, fall)], f : = ; tcast (of dice) ; game of dice : donner la —, cast dice first ; bonne -, good luck (to you) ! . y fehan eel = cancel. chan eE-Iantº, adj. : tottering. |-lerº [l. L. -llare (L. cancellus, bar)], intr. : (lit. cross legs in walking) stagger, totter ; vacillate. -Iierº [L. -llarius, who stays at the bars, door-keeper], m. : CHANCELLOR, keeper of the seal. -lière" [-liere], f. : ( fam.) chancellor's wife ; foot-muff. chan eel-lement* [-er], m. : keeping the seal. -ierie! [-ier], f : chancellery (house or office of chancellor). . chan eeux º, =euge [-nce], adj. : risky ; lucky. - eham-eirº [?], intr., or reflex. : become mouldy. , -eissure º, f. : mouldiness. 138 complaire PLAINtiff. llt-plaindre* [l. L. -plan- gere (L. plangere, strike)], irr. (cf. plaindre]; reflex. : COMPLAIN. -plainte*, ſ : complaint ; plaint, wail. . com-plaire* [L. -placere, please much (placere, please)], irr. (cf. plaire) ; intr. : be pleasing ; reflex. : be pleased : je ne songe qu'à — à Monsieur, I think only of pleasing you, Sir ; de me - on ne prend Tºul souci, no one takes the trouble of pleasing me ; j'aurais beau me — en ma propre beauté, it would be useless to delight in my own beauty; elle se com- plaît en ce fils, she takes satisfaction in this son. -plaisammentº [-plaisant], adv. : complaisantly, with satisfaction. | -plaisan eeº, f : =, wish to please ; complacency ; kindliness. -plaisantº, adj: COMPLAISANT ; obliging ; time-server ; self-complacent. • complant* [OFr. -ter, plant together], m. : # orchard ; vineyard (esp. set out by lessee in lieu of rent). complectifº, =ive [L. -ti, embrace, en- close], adj. : hav'g buds Wrapped up to- gether in a leaf. com-plément* [L. -plementum (cum, with, plere, fill)l, m. : = (what must bo added to COMPLETE a fixed measure) : le - d'un angle, enough to make a right angle ; le - d'un astre, angular distance to the zenith ; le - d'un verbe, what be- longs with the verb idea in a sentence. -plémentaire*, adj. : complimentary, necessary to fill out. -plet*, =ète [L. -pletus], adj. : complete, full, entire ; m. : suit (of clothes) : nous sommes au -, we have no more room, we are at the end. -plétement* [-plète], adv. : completely. -pléterº [-plet], tr. : complete, fill out. -plétifº, =ive [L. -pletivus], adj. : com- · pletive, making complete (in grammar). eom-plexeº [L. -plexus fr. -plecti, en- close (cum, with, plectere, braid)], adj. : COMPLEX, hav'g diverse elements or parts. -plexion* [L. -plexio], f : =, aspect, make up ; #union of diverse things, a com- plex. -plexité", f : complexity, in- tricacy. . com-plication* [L. -plicatio, folding together], f. : =, combination. |-plieeº [L. -plex, participant (cum, with, plicare, fold)], adj. : accessory; m., f. : accom- plice, confederate. -plieité*, f : com- plicity, participation (in Wrong-doing). eomplies* [OFr. -plir, finish (L. -plere, fill up) ; pl. is due to infl. of heures, vêpres, etc., cf. Eng. vespers, matins], f. pl. : COMPLINS (last service for the day, · after vespers). compli-mentº [It.-mento (L. cum, with, plere, fill)], m. : = (laudatory address or compréhensible poem ; praise, congratulatory greetings ; formalities). -menterº, tr. : compli- ment, address praises to. -menteurº, =euse [-menter], adj. : complimentary. compli-quéº, adj. : complicated, intri- cate. |-quer* [L. -care, foldtogether], tr. : complicate, involve. com-plotº [?], m. : =, conspiracy. -ploterº, tr. : complot, plot together, scheme. compon* [-pomé], m. : compony part (of two tints, on a shield). componction* [l. L. -punctio (L. cum, with, pungere, pierce)], f. : compunction (sting of conscience). componé * [for couponné, fr. coupon], adj. : (her.) compony (hav'g two #ints). componendeº [fr. l. L. sense " payable,' L. -dum, put together], m. : papal fees ; fee office. compor-tement*, m. : =, conduct. |-ter* [L. -tare (cum, with, portare, carry)], tr. : accord with, fit, match ; re- flex. : comport, conduct one's self, present one's self : le navire se comporte bien à la mer, the (new) vessel behaves beautifully at Sea. - eomv-poservt", =sHrvte, ddj. orf. : compo- nent; constituent element. ll-poser* [L. -ponere (ponere, put)], tr. : compose (put together : combine ; create ; Write ; set type ; calm) ; intr. : agree, come to terms : fleurs composées, compositae family ; mouvement composé, resultant, compound motion ; temps composé, compound TENSE ; - avec sa conscience, make peace with one's conscience. -positeº [L.-positus], adj. : = (made of several elements or styles of architecture : m. : Italic archi- tecture). -positeur* [L. -positor], m. : fwriter ; composer (of music) ; composi- tor, type-setter; adjuster (of legal differ- ences). -position* [L. -positio], f : = (make-up, composure ; compound ; essay ; payment). -postº [Eng., fr. OFr.], m. : manure, fertilizer. -posteurº [It. -po- store, fr. -porre, compose], m. : (printer's) stick; form (for printing gilt on bindings); transfer-picture. -pôtº [OFr. compost, composed], m. : composition, character ; (dial.) esp. succession of crops. -pote* [for OFr. -poste fr. post, composed], f. : =, stew (where fruits keep their shape). -potierº [-pote], m. : =, dish for com- potes. com-préhensible* [l. L. -prehensibilis], adj. : =. -préhension* [L. prehensio], j. : =, ability to understand ; extent, con- ,tent. ll-prendre* [L. -prehendere (cf. prendre)], irr. (cf. prendre); tr. : compre- hend (include ; comprise, contain ; under- stand), J compresse com-presse* [OFr. -presser (L. -pres- sare, press together)], f : compress, soft pad, wet cloth. -presseurº [L. -pressor, presser], m. : compressor (fmuscle ; sur- gical instrument). -pressibilitéº [-pressible], f. : compressibility, compress- ibleness. -pressibleº [-pressus, pressed together], adj. : =. -pressifº,=ive [l. L. -pressivus], adj. : compressive, exerting pressure. -pression* [L. -pressio], ® condensation under pressure. -primerº [L. -primere], tr. : compress, reduce by pressure. y compro-mettantº, adj. : compromising. |-mettre * [L. -mittere, promise mutu- ally to abide by a decision], irr. (cf. mettre); intr. : compromise ; (fagree to arbitration, imperil]. -mis*, pret. or part. of -mettre; m. : compromise ; flaw- suit; critical situation. -mission*, f : #compromise ; surrender ofone's principles. comp-tabilité " [-table], f : accounts, bookkeeping. -table*, adj. : accountable; m. : accountant, paymaster: - à sa patrie, responsible to his country. -tant*, adj. m. : l'argent -, spot cash ; adv. : payer une marchandise -, pay for goods in cash; m. : le -, the cash. comp-teº [form of conte ; in comp. it is fr. -ter], m. : =, count ; account ; number ; reason, mo- tive ; bill : un — rond, number with no fractions ; — borgne, one-eyed (i.e. odd) number ; à bon —, at fair price ; être à " son —, be on his own expenses ; demander - à quelqu'un de ses actions, ask one for an explanation of his conduct ; à -, on account ; à votre —, according to your story ; au bout de —, on the whole, after all ; solde de —, payment in full; nous sommes loin de —, we are far from agreeing. -te-fils º, pl. -, m. : magni- fying glass (to count threads in fabric). -te-gouttesº, pl. —, m. : burette, drop- ping tube. -te-pasº, pl. -, m. : pedom- eter, walking-wheel (to measure distance walked]. |-ter° [form of conter], tr. : COUNT, calculate ; number ; price ; intr. : count ; cipher, figure, reckon ; #render an | account ; intend : on peut - sur lui, one can depend on him ; tout compté, every- thing considered; se - pour quelque chose, regard one's self as somebody ; à pas comptés, with measured step, slowly ; qui compte sans son hôte compte deux fois, he who reckons without his host reckons twice ; il faut — avec l'opinion des hom- mes, We must consider people's opinions. -teur*, =euse, m., f : numberer , meter (for gas, water, bicycles, etc.). -toir*, 77b. . (counter, table, or desk for counting money; counting house, com- mercial agency). coneer-tº [It. -to], m. : 139 concert compul-ser* [L. -sare, press violently], tr. : fdemand (a copy legally) ; inspect. -sifº, =ive [L. -sus, fr. compellere, compel], adj. : compulsive. ll-sion* [L. -sio (cum, with, gºllºre, push)], f : =, constraint. -soirº [L. -sus, fr. com- pellere], m. : warrant, order (to inspect or examine). compu-tº [l. L. -tus, fr. -tare, count], m. : computus (set of church calendar tables). -tationº [L. -tatio], f : reckoning (of movable dates). -tisteº [l. L. -tus], m. : computer (of church calendar). com-talº, pl. =aux, adj. : of a count or earl. f-tat = -té. lcom-te° [L. comes, associate, sc. of a king (cum, with, ire, go)], m. : COUNT, earl. -téº, m. : county, earldom. -tesse*, f : countess. concamération * [L. -tio, vault (cum, with, camera, arch)], f. : = (vault ; cham- ber of nautilus, etc.) ; sound wave's length. con-casser* [L. -quassare, shake vio- lently .(cum, with, quassare, intens. fr. quatere, shake)], tr. : pulverize, bray, crush. -casseurº, m. : (grain) crusher. concaténationº [L. -tio (cum, with, catema, chain)], f. : =, chain-like series. conca-ve* [L. -vus (cum, with, cavus, hollow)], adj. : =, incurved (as the inside of a sphere) : verbe —, Arabic verb hav'g semi-vowel in root. -vité* [L. -vitas], ·f. : concavity, concave surface, hollow. con eéder* [L. -dere (cum, with, cedere, yield)], tr. : concede, give over, grant ; surrender. con een-tration " [-trer], f : = ; in- tenseness. -trerº [L. cum, with, Fr. centre], tr. : concentrate, intensify; in- close. |-trique* [L. cum, with, Fr. centre], adj. : concentric, hav'g common centre ; approaching the centre. -tri- quementº, adj. : concentrically. con eep-t* [L. -tus (cum, with, capere, take)], m. : =, general and abstract idea or notion. -tacleº [L. -taculum], m. : =, seed sack (of certain low plants). -tion* [L. -tio], f : = (beginning of the fœtus ; idea) : une — originale, an original theme (for a painting) ; avoir la - vive, have a quick perception, mind. -tualisme* [l. L. -tualis] m. : concep- tualism (doctrine of general abstract types without concrete instances). - eoneer-ner* [l. L. -nere, lit., mix with], tr. : concern, pertain to. - =, combination, united action, esp. in music. -tamtº [-ter], adj. : playing, singing (in concert). -terº, tr. : plan together ; arrange ; compose ; intr. : take part in a concert. 140 concession concussion -toº [It.], m. : = (pretentious musical | irr. $ ; tr. : conclude (finish; infer, de- composition). cide). -clusif, =ive [l. L. -clusivus], conees-sion* [L. -sio (cum, with, | adj. : conclusive. -clusion* [L. -clusio], cedere, yield)], f. : = (deeding, grant, sur-| f : =, decision, final solution. render of property or claims). -sion- $ Ind. : Pr. conclus. Ipf. concluais. Pret. #-- 217 $ # # conclus. Fut. (Cond.) conclurai(s). — Subj. : IlaiI'e *. # # grantee, concessioner. Pr. cozzclue. Ipf. cozzclaésse. - I've cozzclus. eon-eetti* [It. pl. of -cetto, concept, — Part. : Pr. cozzcluant , P. cozzclzes. notion], m. : witty CONCEIT, fancy. -eE-| feoncoctionº [L.-tio (cum, with, coquere, vable !º, adj. : conceivable, imaginable. | COOK)], f.: = (digestion; maturation of a |-eEvoir° [L. -cipere (cum, with, capere, | sore). - take)], irr.$ ; tr. : conceive (become | eoneombre*[L. cucumis], m. : CUCUMBER. pregnant ; think, plan ; fancy). concomi-tanee* [L. -tari, accompany $ Ind. : Pr. conçoi-s, -s, -t , conce-z/o72s, (cum, with, comes, companion)], f : =, -zez, conçoivent. , Ipf. concez ais. Pret. covº- | Subsistence together. -tantº [L. -tans], çus. Fut. (Cond.) concevrai(s).— Subj. : Pr. : • — $ conçoizº-e, -es, -e , conce-zviozas, -z/zez, caveçoi- adj. : =, accompanylIlg. vent. Ipf. conçusse. — I've conçois. - Part. : concor-danee*, ſ : = (agreement ; Pr. concezvant ; P. conçu. index). -dant*, adj. : =, agreeing. 1.com eheº [It. -ncis, lit., with which], f : -datº [l. L. -datum], m. : = (agreement en -, in order, in trim. between the papal see and a secular 2.cgm-ehe" [L. -cha, sea-shell; hollow | power); terms (with creditors). -da- place],f. : (dial.) brine-pond, salt-basin (to | taire* [-dat], adj. : févêques-s, bishops evaporate sea-water). -chite" [L. -cha], | approving the concordat; failli -, certifi- f : clay petrified in an empty shell. | cated bankrupt (who has made terms with -choïdeº [Gr. konchoeidés (kônche, shell, his creditors). -de* [L. -dia], f.: con- eîdos, form)], adj. : =, shell-shaped : | cord, harmony. ll-der* [L. -dare (cum, courbe —, conchoid curve in geometry. | with, cor, heart)], intr. : be of one mind, -chylienº, =enne [L. -chylium, Gr. | be in harmony, concur. konchûlion, shellfish, oysterl, adj. : ter-| eon-courant", adj. : concurrent (meet- rain —, ground hav'g shells. -ehylio-| ing at a point). |-courirº [L. -currere, logie " [Gr. konchûlion, shell, lógos, | run together], irr. (cf. courir); intr. : con- speech], f : conchiliology, science of | verge, meet; coöperate; compete. -coursº shells. -chyliologiste* [-chyliologiel, | [L. -cursus], m. : concourse, meeting; con- m. : conchiliologist, student of shells. vergence (of lines) ; contribution ; com- | coneier-ge* [?], m., ." : = (door-keeper, | petition. : . $ porter, janitor). -gorieº, f : = (fjani-| con-cretº, =ète [L. -cretus, lit., grown | tor's lodgings ; at Paris chief judge's | together], adj. : concrete, solid ; not ab- dwelling and the prison , prison). stract. -crétionº [L. -cretio], f. : =, conei-le* [L. -liur (cum, together, | clot, solidifying. V, calare, call)], m. : (ecclesiastic) council. | concubi-nage*, m. : =, living asthough -liable " [-lier], adj. : reconcilable, | married. -naire* [l. L. -narius], m. : capable of harmonizing. -liabuleº [L. | concubinarian, one hav'g a concubine. -lum, place of assembly], m. : =, fun-| -natº [L. -natus], m. : concubinage. sanctioned council; cabal. -liant", | ll-neº [L. -na (cum, with, cubare, lie adj. : conciliating. -liateurº, =triee | down)], f. : =, mistress. [L. -liator], adj. : reconciler, peace-maker. | concupi-seenee* [l. L. -scentia (cum, -liation* [L. -liatio], f. : = ; reconcili-| with, cupiscere, desire)], f : =, lustful ation. -Iiatoire", adj. : conciliatory. | desire. -seible* [l. L. -scibilis], adj. : -lierº [L. -liare], tr. : CONCILIATE, make | =, lustful. - I> agree, harmonize : - le plaisir avec le | eoneur-rementº, adv. : unitedly; with travail, unite work and pleasure. equal right; competitively. -renee, f. : conei-sº, = eise [L. -sus, cut up, fr. | = ; competition (emulation) : faire - à, concidere (cœdere, cut)], adj. : concise, | compete with, oppose ; jusqu'à - de, to terse, compact. -sion", f : =, concise-| the amount (extent) of. ll-rent*, neSS. • - =ente [-rens (concurrere, run together)], coneitoyen*, =enne [L. cum, with, Fr. | adj. : =, contributory; m., f : com- citoyen], m., f : fellow-citizen. petitor ; contributor : jours —s, extra con-clave* [L., closed room (lit., with a | days (needed to make civil year equal key)], m. : = (college of cardinals electing | solar year). 4 - a pope). -clavisteº, m. : attendant (on | concus-sion* [L. -sio fr. concutere, cardinal during conclave). scare, blackmail (cum, with, quatere, con-cluantº, adj. : decisive. ll-cIure*| shake)], f : extortion. -sionnaire º, [L. -cludere (cum, with, claudere, close)], | adj. : (un juge) -, extortioner. condamnable condam-nable*, adj. : blamable. -na- tion º, f : condemnation ; censure, blame. ll-nerº [L. condemnare (cum, with, damnare, harm ; doom)], tr. : CON- DEMN; convict; sentence; declare against: — à (or fde) payer, fine ; Dieu condamne le mensonge, God censures lying ; les mé- decins l'ont condamné, the doctors have given him up (to die). - - conden-sateur ", m. : condenser (of electricity). -sation * [L. -satio], f : = (volume-reduction ; concentration ; accu- mulation). |-serº [L.-sare (cum, with, densus, dense)], tr. : CONDENSE, consoli- date (by pressure, cold, etc.); accumulate. -seurº, m. : condenser (of steam). conde-seendaneeº, f : condescension, compliance ; pl. : act of condescension. -seendantº, adj. : condescending, com- pliant. |-seendre* [L.-scendere (cum, with, de, down, scandere, climb)], intr. : condescend, stoop, deign : - à la vo- lonté de quelqu'un, concede to one's wish ; #- envers quelqu'un, be affable towards. - condi-gne* [L.-gnus (cum, with, dignus, worthy)], adj. : condign, fitting, merited. -gnité º, f : condignity, fitness. condiment* [L. -tum, spice (condere, · lay up)], m. : =, seasoning, sauce. condisciple" [L. -pulus (eum, with, " discipulus, learner)], m. : fellow-student. . condit* [L. -tus, preserved (see condi- ment)], m. : candied fruit. condi-tion * [L. -tio, -cio (condicere, speak together, agree)], f : = (station ; circumstances ; terms of agreement) ; standard. -tionné* [-tionner], adj. : conditioned; fixed (drunk). -tionnelº, =elle [L. -tionalis], adj. : CONDITIONAL (event ; mode of a verb). -tionneIle- mentº [-tionnel], adv. : conditionally. -tionnementº [-tionner], m. : drying (of silk). ' -tionner*, tr. : make, manu- facture in a fixed way : - un act, add conditions to an act. · eondoléanee* [-douloir infl. by dolé- ance], f : condolence, expression of sym- pathy in grief. 1 - condorº [Sp., fr. Peruv. cuntur], m. : = (Andes vulture). condottiereº [It. * CONDUCTOR'], m. : =, pl. -ri, leaders of bands of military ad- venturers in Italy in the 14th Cent. condouloir* [L. -dolere (cum, with, dolere, grieve)], irr. (cf. douloir) ; refl. : condole, express sympathy : se - avec eux de la perte, condole with them over the loss. con-ducteur*, =triee, m., f : con- ductor (leader; overseer; grooved stick to guide an instrument in certain opera- confesse 141 tions) ; adj. : leading ; conducting. -duc- tibilité º, f : conductivity (power to transmit heat, electricity, etc.). -duc- tion * [L.-ductio],f. : renting. |-duire° [L. -ducere (cum, with, ducere, lead)], irr. $ ; tr. : conduct, lead, drive ; guide, escort ; train ; manage. -duiseur*, m. : +windlass-man (in slate quarry) ; wood-agent. -duit*, m. : = (pipe ; pas- sage ; channel). -duiteº, f : conduct (management ; behaviour) ; series of con- duits (as for air). $ Ind. : Pr. condui-s, -s, -2 ; -sons, -sez, -sezzz. Ipf. cozzduzsazs. Pret. conduisis. Fut. (Cond.) comzdaezraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. cozzduzse. Ipf. cozzaluzszsse. — I've conduzs. - Part. : Pr. cozzaluzsant ; P. conduit. condupliqué* [L. -catus, doubled (cum, With, duplicare, double)], adj. : | condupMcate, doubled lengthwise (as v-leº [L. -lus, Gr. köndulos, con knuckle; cf. Skt. kandas, lump], m. : =, en- larged end of a bone. -lomeº [L. -loma], , m. : condyloma (wart-like growth usually ( near the anus). 1 côneº [L. -nus, Gr. kônos], m. : CONE (geometrical figure ; strobila ; strobile ; fruit of pines ; pencil of light). confabu-lation* [L.-latio], f : CONFAB, chat. |-lerº [L. -lari (cum, with, fabu- lari, talk)], intr. : confabulate, chat. confarréation º [L. -tio (cum, with, far, grain)], f : = (patrician form of mar- riage, presenting spelt cake to Jupiter). cgmfee-tion* [L. -tio fr. conficere, pre- pare (cum, with, faceré, make)], f. : mak- · ing, construction ; ready-made garment ; remedy. -tionnerº, tr. : complete ; construct; make. -tionneurº, =euse [-tionner], m., f. : maker : — de vête- ments, maker of ready-made clothing. confédé-ratifº, =ive, adj. : (rare) al- lied. -ration* [L. -ratio], f : fleague of powers, temporary alliance ; permanent union, FEDERATION. -ré*, m. : ally. |-rerº [L. confœderare (cum, with, fœdus, bond)], tr. : unite, ally. confé-renee* [l. L. -rencia], f : fcolla- tion (texts) ; =, discussion ; lecture ; class : maître de -, professor in charge of a course. -reneierº [-rence], m. : chairman , of a conference ;- lecturer. |-rerº [L. conferre (cum, with, ferre, carry)], tr. : CONFER ; collate, compare ; take counsel. conferve" [L. -va fr. -rvere, boil to- gether, heal (cum, with, fervere, be hot)], f. : conferva (plant). eonfes-seº, f : aller à -, go to confes- sion. |-ser* [L. -sus fr. confiteri, avow (cum, with, fateor, acknowledge)], tr. : confess. -seur* [l. L. -sor], m. : pro- 142 confiance fessing Christian ; confessor. -sion ! [l. L. -8io], f. : = (acknowledgment, avowal). -sionalº, pl. =aux [It. -sionale], m. : = (cabinet where priests hear confession) ; high-backed chair. con-fian ee* [L. fidentia fr. fidere, CONFIDE (cum, with, fido, trust)], f : con- fidence, reliance. -fiantº [ fier], adj. : confident, trusting ; reliable. -fidem- mentº -dam- #fidens, trustful], · adv. : +with confidence ; confidentially. -fidenee* [L. fidentia], f : =, faith, trust : en -, confidentially, secretly ; tenir un bénéfice en -, have the income while another has the title of a benefice. -fident*, =ente [It. fidente], adj. : fhav'g one's confidence ; m., f. : confident, trusted person. -fidentiaireº [L. :fidential, m. : trustee of an oral bequest ; beneficiary par or en confidence, by private understanding. -fidentiel", =elle [L. :fidential, adj. : confidential. -fiden- tiellement" [ fidentiel], adv. : confi- dentially. -fierº [L. fidere], tr. : CON- FIDE, entrust. configu-ration º, f =, structural form, outline. |-rerº [L. -rare (cum, wilh, figura, shape)], tr. : configure, form after a model. confi-nement*, m. : = (of prisoners). -ner*, intr. : lie adjacent, border; fen- close (fields, etc.) ; confine, shut in ; im- prison. leonfi-ns* [L. pl. of -nis, bordering], m. pl. : confines, borders, boundaries. confire° [L. ficere (cum, with, facere, make)], tr. : preserve, pickle ; candy; dip - (hides, in curing them, into the sour water called confit) ; and cf. confit. confir-matifº, =ive, adj: confirma- tive, substantiating. -mation*, f : = (support of higher authority, ratification ; church rite). |-mer* [L. -mare (cum, with, firmus, strong)], tr. : confirm (strengthen, ratify; establish as a church member) ; slap (in allusion to stroke of confirming priest). confis-cableº [-quer], adj. : =, liable to be confiscated. f-cant = -quant. -eation* [L. -catio], f : =, appropria- tion of private property by the state ; property seized. confi-serie", f. : confectionery. |-seurº, =euse [-re], m., f. : CONFEC- · TIONER. . confisquer* [L. -care, (cum, with, fiscus, basket ; public treasury)], tr. : confiscate, take as forfeited ; escheat. confi-t* [-re], part. : preserved, pickled ; candied ; steeped ; accomplished, perfect, consummate; ruined ; m. : sour water (in tanning shammy) ; (dial.) preserved fowl. confutation confitéor* [L.,* I confess'], m. : = (prayer beginning thus). - - confi-ture* [-t], f : preserves (fruit). -turerie º [-turier], f. : preserving fac- tory. f-turierº, =ière, m., f : seller of preserves. - conflagration* [L. -tio, (cum, with, jlagrare, burn)], f. : = (fire ; excitement). conflit* [L. flictus fr. fligere (cum, with, fligere, strike], m. : conflict, clash- ing; contest. - con-fluentº [L. fluens, runningtogether], m. : confluence, juncture (of two streams) ; adj. : =, uniting : variole -e, confluent variola (where the pustules unite). -fluerº L. fluere, flow together], intr. : unite (as streams), flow together. confondre° [L. fundere (cum, with, fun- dere, pour)], tr. : confound (mix ; confuse ; silence, overwhelm ; put to shame). confor-mateur* [-mer], m. : conforma- tor (measure for hats). -mationº [L. -matis], f : =, general form or ar- rangement of parts. -me* [L. -mis], adj. : conformable (like in form ; suit- able ; proper). -mémentº, adv. : con- formably, in conformity. |-merº [L. -mare (cum, with, forma, form)], tr. : conform (form like ; suit to; comply with ; adopt). -misteº [Eng. -mist], m., f : conformist, member of the official church. -mité* [L. -mitas], f : con- . formity, harmony. I.con-fortº, m. : encouragement, support. 2.-fortº [Eng. comfort], m. : comfort, well-being. -fortable* [Eng. comfort- able], adj. : agreeable, enjoyable. -forta- blEmentº [ fortable], adv. : COMFORT- ABLY. -fortantº or f-fortatifº, =ive, adj. : strengthening (as medicine) ; corroborative. -fortation*, f : =, making strong. |-forter° [L. fortăre (cum, with, fortis, strong)],tr. : strengthen, FORTIfy. con-fraternelº [ frère (infl. by frater- nel)], adj. : mutual and brotherly. -fra- ternité* [l. L. fraternitas], f : confra- ternity, brotherly association. |-frère* [l. L. frater (cf. frère)], m. : =, fellow- member. -frérie*, f : FRATERNITY : entrer dans la -, become a married man. confron-tation* [l. L. -tatio (cum, with, frons, face)],.f. : =, facing. -ter* [l. L. | -tare], intr. : fface, look ; tr. : confront, bring face to face. confu-s*, =use [L.-sus, poured together], adj. : confused ; mixed ; disconcerted.. -sément* [-s], adv. : confusedly, indis- tinctly. |-sionº [L. -sio (cum, with, fundere, pour)], f : = (bewilderment, per- plexity ; shame). confutationº [L.-tio, fr. confutare, re- - - 77l. : · conge press boiling liquid (cum, with, ºfutăre, intens. of fovere, be hot)], f : =, disproof. congeº[L.-gius, measure of three quarts], m. : ore basket. congé° [L. commeatas, going to and fro (cum, with, meäre, go)], m. : = (leave- taking ; permission to leave ; dismissal ; fpermission ; apophyge of pillar). f-géa- bleº [OFr. -geer, let leave], adj. : dis- missable, dischargeable. -gédierº [It. -gedo, congé], tr. : discharge, dismiss. congElable*, adj. : congealable, liable to harden. -gélation* [L. -gelatio], f : freezing, hardening. |-gElerº [L. -gelare (gelu, frost ; chill)], tr. : congeal, harden with cold. - congé-nèreº [L. -ner (cum, with, genus, | KIND)], adj. : of the same GENUS, CONGENE- RIC. -nialº, pl. =aux [L. genius, spirit], adj. : =, of same KIND, alike. -nitaiº, | pl. =auoc [L. -nitus, born with], adj. : =, existing from birth. conges-tion* [L.-tio (cum, with, gerere, bear)], f : =, unhealthy accumulation (esp. of blood). -tionnerº, tr. : congest, mass together. - congiaireº [L. -giarium (-gius, three- quart measure)], m. : congiary, gift, largess to the people. conglo-bation* [L. -batio, heaping to- gether], f : summary of arguments. ll-berº [L. -bare (cum, with, globus, sphere)], tr. : conglobate, gather into a lump. -mérat * [L.-meratum, piled up], conglomerate (concretion of frag- ments of older rocks). -mérerº [L. -merare (cum, with, glomus, ball ak. to globus)], tr. : conglomerate (collect in con- cretion or lump). congluti-nationº [L. -natio], f : gluing together, sticking together. Il-nerº [L. -nare fr. cum, with, gluti- · mare, stick (gluten, GLUE)], tr. : congluti- nate, unite (as fractures or wounds). congratu-lationº [L. -latio], f : =, felicitation (expression of sympathetic satisfaction). |-lerº [L. -lari (cum, with, gratulari, show delight (gratus, pleasing; cf. Skt. hary, love)], tr. : con- gratulate. congre* [L. -grus, Gr. gôngros, sea-eel], m. : CONGER-eel. • com-gréage", worming (of ropes). -gréer" [? OFr. conreer, arrange], tr. : worm (wind spun yarn, etc., along a rope to fill grooves and make rope smooth). congréganiste" [L. -gregus, one of a flock (grex)], m. : lay-member ; adj. : école -, denominational school. -grégation * [L. -gatio (cum, with, grex, flock)], f. : = (church membership ; audience ; body of priests ; committee of cardinals). 3 conjugaison l43 congrès* [L. -ssus, meeting (eum, with, gradi, go)], m. : congress, meeting of delegates. - con-gru* [L. -gruus, suitable, fr. " -gruere, agree], adj. : congruous; #appro- priate : grace -e, ample grace (fitting the conditions of the man) ; réduire quelqu'un à la portion -e, leave one just enough to live on. -gruentº [L. -gruens], adj. fbecoming (as clothing). -gruisme ", m. : congruism, doctrine that divine grace is dependent on the character of the re- cipient. -gruiste", m. : congruist, be- liever in congruism. -gruité º, f : congruity (fharmony; receptivity of divine grace, assumed in congruism). -grûmentº, adv. : properly. coni-eine* [L. -um, Gr. kôneion, hem- lock], f : CONINE (poison principle of hem- lock). |-fère* [L. fer (conus, cone and ferre, bear)], adj. : CONIFER ; m. pl. : pine family. -queº [Gr. -kôs (kônos, cone)], adj. : CONIC. -rostre* [L. conus, cone, rostrum, beak], adj. : hav'g cone-like beak ; m. pl. : sparrow family. • conjec-turalº, pl. =aux, adj. : =, doubtful. -turalementº [-tural], adv. : on conjecture. -ture* [L. -tura], j : =, supposition. |-turer* [L. -turare fr. con-jicere, throw (facts) to- gether], tr. : conjecture, guess. con-joindre* [L. -jungere (cf. joindre)], irr. (cf. joindre); tr. : fJOIN together; join in marriage. -joint*, adj. : conjoint, united, associated ; married. -jointe- ment*[ joint], adv. : conjointly, unitedly. -jonctifº, =ive [L. -junctivus], adj. : conjunctive, uniting : la membrane con- jonctive, the conjunctiva (membrane lin- ing the eyelids). -jonction* [L. -junctiol, f : = (part of speech ; appar- ent approach of stars, etc. ; sexual union). -jonctiviteº [ jonctive], f : conjuncti- vitis, inflammation of the conjunctiva. -jonetureº [It. -giontura], f : conjunc- ture, combination of circumstances. fcon-jouirº [L. -gaudere, cum, with, gaudere, rejoice (gaudium, JOY)], reflex. : rejoice. -jouissanee*, f : rejoicing. conju-gaison* [L. -gatio], f : conjuga- tion (all the forms of a verb) : #- des nerfs, nerves by pairs ; trous de -, nerve holes in the vertebrae. |-gal*, pl. =aux [L. -galio (-gium, marriage)l, adj. : =, of married people. -galementº [-gal], adv. : (rare) conjugally, matri- monially. -guéº [L. -gatus], adj. : con- jugate (coupled, paired). -guer* [L. -gare], tr. : #JOIN together ; CONJUGATE (verbs). -jungoº un = o [L., " I join together’ fr. the marriage formula], m. : (fam.) prononcer le -, pronounce the 144 conjurateur wedding ceremony ; après le —, after the wedding. - conju-rateur*, m. : conjurer, magician. -ration * [L. -ratio], f : conspiracy (against government) ; adjuration ; spell, magic. -réº [L. -ratus], m. : sworn con- spirator. |-rerº [L. -rare (cum, with, jurare, swear)], tr. : conjure ; adjure ; conspire. connai-ssable*, adj. : knowable ; -ssaneeº, f : KNOWLedge, understand- ing; intelligence ; acquaintance : une vieille —, an old friend or acquain- tance ; les -s, the tracks (of an animal). -ssement*, m. : bill of lading. -sseur*, =euse, m., f. : connoisseur, experf, criti- cal judge. -connaî-tre° [L. cognos- cere (cum, with, moscere, know)], irr. $ ; tr. : KNOW (well ; by experience : carnal- ly) : be acquainted with ; recognise : ne - autre, not know any one else (i.e. know him as well as one knows one's | self) ; gagner à être connu, improve on acquaintance ; gens à ce connaissants, peo- · ple aware of these matters ; je me con- mais à ces sortes de choses, I am at home in such things ; tribunal charqé de — des affaires correctionnelles, tribunal whose duty is to take cognisance (judge) of mat- ters liable to penalty. $ Ind. : Pr. commaz-s, -s, comma2-2 ; cozz- zzazssozzs. Ipf. cozzzzazssazs. Pret. cozzzzzés. Fut. (Cond.) commaîtraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. cozz- maisse. Ipf. comzzzesse. — I've cozzzzazs. — | Part. : Pr. cozzzzazssanzé ; P. commzt. conné" [L. -nnatus (con, with, nasci, be , born)], adj. : (rare) CONNATE, joined (as leaves) ; CONGENITAL. connectif" [L.-tere, twine together], m. : connective (stamen filament uniting the anther lobes). conné-table° [L. comes stabuli, COUNT of the STABLE], m. : CONSTABLE (equerry ; chief of cavalry ; commandant of fortress, or town, or whole army) ; f : constable's wife. -tablie*, f : marshal's tribunal (formerly presided over by constable ; marshalcy). - conne-xeº [L. -xus (connectere, bind to- gether)], adj. : connected, related. -xionº [L. -xiol, f. : connection. -xité º, f. : connexity, connection, relation. conni-venee* [L. -ventia, lit., winking], ſ. : connïvance, silent or secret or guilty assent. -vent" [L.-vens, winking], adj. : converging, touching (as certain insect wings, or stamens with each other). llf-verº [L. -vere, wink (cum, with, ni- vere, nicere, shut, ak. to Ger. neigen, in- cline)], intr. : CONNIVE, passively assent to Wrong. connu [-nnaître], m. : aller du - à l'inconnu, go from known to unknown. conseil conoïdeº [Gr. konoeidés (kônos, cone, eîdos, shape)], adj. : conoid. c9nque* [L. -cha (cf. Fr. conche)], f. : CONCH (trumpet of the Tritons ; CONCHA, spiral of the ear ; certain mollusk). conqué-rant*, =ante, m., f. : CON- QUEROR. |-rir° [L. -quirere (cum, with, quaerere, seek)], irr. (cf. acquérir); tr. : CONQUER, overcome, win. feonquêt* [-quest, old part. of -quérir], m. : realty acquired after marriage. conquête* [-quest, old part.fr. -quérir], f. : CONQUEST, country acquired. feonquêterº [-quête], tr. : conquer, acquire. consa-crant*, adj. : évêque -, conse- crating bishop ; m. : consecrator, blesser. |-ererº [L. -crare (cum, with, sacer, sacred)], tr. : consecrate, make sacred, dedicate. consan-guinº, =ine [L. -guineus (cum, with, sanguis, blood)], adj. : hav'g one parent the same, half- (brother, sister). -guinité* [L. -guinitas], f : consan- guinity, blood-kinship (of half-brothers by the same father). com-seienee* [L. -scientia (scientia, knowledgo)], f. : = (thé IIIUral gulde of right and Wrong, corresponding to the physical guide taste); CONSCIOUSNESS: vous ne pouvez le faire en bonne -, you cannot do that with a good conscience ; la main sur la —, with his hand upon his heart (gesture , of sincerity) ; - large, broad (easy) conscience ; avoir - de soi, be conscious of one's self. -seien eieuse- -mentº [-sciencieux], adv. : conscien- tiously. -seien eieux º, =euse, adj. : conscientious. -seientº [L. -sciens, knowing with], adj. : CONSCIOUS. con-scription * [L. -scriptio (cum, with, scribere, write)], f. : =, enrolment for the militia. -scritº [L. -scriptus, written with], adj. : pères -s, conscript fathers ; m. : CONSCRIPT, drafted soldier ; novice, greenhorn. - - consécra-teur" [l. L. -torl, m. : conse- crator (of priest; of eucharist). ll-tion* [L. -tio, consecrare (cum, with, sacer, holy, SACRED)], f. : =, dedication, blessing. consécu-tifº, =ive [L. -tus, following (cum, with, sequi, follow)], adj. : consec- utive, successive ; CONSEQUENT. -tion* [L. -tio, a following], f : logical sequence : mois de -, consecution month (lunar month). -tivementº [-tif], adv. : in succession. con-seil° [L. -silium, -sulere, take coun- sel], m. : COUNSEL (advice ; adviser, attor- ney; plan); COUNCIL, tribunal. I.-seiller° [p. L. *-siliare, L. -siliäri], tr. : counsel, advise ; prescribe. 2.-seillerº°, =ère [L. -siliärius], m., f. : COUNSELOR, ad- . consensuel , viser ; COUNCILOR, advocate; councilman. -seilleur* [-seiller, advise], m. : ad- viser. consen-suelº, =elle [L. -sus, consent], adj. : consensual, founded solely on mu- tual consent. -tement*, m. : consent, acquiescence. |-tir° [L. -tire (cum, with, sentire, feel)], intr. : CONSENT, get out of place (as a mast); tr. : approve; admit, agree tO. consé-quemmentº -kam-, adv. : log- ically; accordingly : — à quelque chose, consistently with a thing. |-quenee* [L. -quentia (-qui, follow up)], f : = (log- ical result ; #importance) : en -, in con- sequence, accordingly. -quent* [L. -quens], adj. : = (consistent, logical ; re- sultant) ; m. : =, conclusion. conser-vateurº, =triee [L. -vator, -va- trix], m., f. : , preserver ; conservative (in politics) ; adj. : preservative, saving. -vation* [L. -vatio], f : =, keeping, conservancy, preservation. -vatoire º, adj. : conservative ; m. : conservatory (place to keep or preserve music or art, or collections). -veº, f : = ; consort- ship : naviguer de —, sail in company (with other ships for protection) ; sail same course ; aller de —, go with escort ; pl. : dark eyeglasses. ll-verº [L. -vare (cum, wit ., servare, keep)], tr. : conserve, preserve ; guard ; ( fam.) keep (one's hat, cane); raise (a child). #-viteurº cum, Fr. serviteur], m. : fellow-servant. considé-rable º, adj. : important. -rablementº [-rable], adv. : considera- bly, in large measure. -rant", m. : pre- amble, whereas. -rationº [L. -ratio],.f. : =, esteem, regard. f-réº, adj. : prudent, well determined : |-rer* [L. -rare, lit. view the stars (cum, with, sidus, star)], tr. : consider, estimate, think over, es- teem. eon-signataireº, m. : CONSIGNEE; depos- itary. -signation º, f : =; consignment. -signe*,.f. : orders (to sentinel); sentinel, gate-keeper ; keeping in (of pupil as pun- ishment); baggage-room. ll-signer* [L. -signare (cum, with, signum, sign)], tr. : consign ; deposit (as guarantee) ; de- tain (under orders) ; keep in (pupil) ; mention, itemize (in report). consis-tan-ee* [L. -tentia], f : consist- ence, thickness, solidity ; quantity, matter. -tant º, adj : consistent, firm, solid. |-terº [L. -tere (cum, with, sistere, stand)], intr. : consist ; #be solid : en (or #à) quoi consiste son revenu, of what does his income consist. consi-stoire* [l. L. -storium, L. -Stere, sense of * sojourn'l, m. : consistory (au- , thoritative church assembly). -storial*, y 145 pl. =auac, adj. : of the consistory. -sto- rialementº [-storial], adv. : accord- ing to the consistory (its rulings or enactments). - conso-lable* [L. -labilis], adj. : =, able to be comforted. -Iantº, adj. : consol- ing, soothing. -lateurº, =triee [L. | -lator, =trix], m., f. : consoler, comforter ; conspirant adj. : comforting. f-latifº,=ive [L.-lati- vus], adj. : consoling. |-lation* [L. -latio (solari, soothe)], f. : =, comfort, SOLACE : fiche de —, fish, counter (in play- ing) given to a loser. -1er* [L. -lari], tr. : console, comfort. consoli-dantº, adj. : =, tending to heal wounds. -dation * [L. datio], f. : (uniting; fcentralization ; making solid. ll-derº [L. -dare (cum, with, solidus, firm)], tr. : CONSOLIDATE, SOLIDify; cen- º-m-s | tralize ; fund : les consolidés, consolidated funds, consols. I.eonsommateurº [l. L. -summator (L. Summa, sum)], m. : consummator, finisher, perfector. 2.con-sommateur" [L.-sumere (sumere, take)], m. : consumer; guest (at a res- taurant). I.ll-sommation* [-sommer, CONSUME], f. CONSUMPTION, using. 2.eon-sommation * [L. -summatio], f : =, complotion. I.-sommé* [-sommer, complete], adj. : accomplished, finished, perfected. 3. 2.con-sommé º, m. : =, broth. I.ll-som- merº [L.-summere (cum, with, sumere)]; tr. : Consume, use up. . 2.eonsommer* [L.-summare (cum, with, . Summare, fr. summa, sum)], tr. : consum- mate, complete, perfect. - fconsomp fº, =ive [L. -ptus, part. fr. consumere, consume], adj. : caustic, con- suming. -ption* [L. -ptio], f : con- sumption (using up ; the disease). conso-nan ee* [L. -nantia (-nare, SOUND together)],f. : =, musical accord; rhyming. -nant*[L.-nans], adj. : =, alike insound. -nne* [L. -na f : cônsonant (letter sounded with a vowel). consortº, =sorte [L. -sors, hav'g same fortune (cum, with, sors, lot)], m., f. : fsharer, partner, = : prince -, queen's husband (in England) ; un tel et —s, such a one and his partners, ass iates. consoude° [L. -solida (solidus, firm)], f : CONSOUND, black briony (astringent). conspi-rant", adj. : CONSPIRING. -ra- teur*, =triee, m., f : CONSPIRATOR. |-ration* [L. -ratio (cum, with, spirare, breathe)], f ' CONSPIRACY, fconvergence, common tendency. -rerº [L. -rare], tr. : #pursue together ; plan, plot together ; intr. : conspire ; tend (to a common object). 146 conspuer conspuer" [L. -re, spit upon], tr. : treat contemptuously, grossly insult. - constable* [Eng.], m. : =, petty officer. eon-stamment* [-stant], adv. : con- stantly ; firmly; faithfully. ll-stanee* [L. -stantia, lit., standing together], f : constancy; loyalty. -stant* [L. -stans], adj. : =, firm; proved ; established; loyal. -statº [L., *it is evident'], m. : = (certi- ficate of record ; attested copy). -sta- tation º [-stater], f. : verification, evi- dence. -stater" [L. -stat, *it is evident'], tr. : establish, prove. constel-lation* [L. -latis (cum, with, stella, star)], f. : =, named group of stars. -léº [fr. root of -lation], adj. : made under the influence of stars, magic. -lerº [L. -lare], tr. : stud or set with stars. consterº [L. -stare, be manifest], impers. intr. : be ascertained, evident, or proved. conster-nationº [L. -natio], f : =, dismay, panic. I.ll-nerº [L. -nare (cum, with, sternere, strew)], tr. : overwhelm, confuse with terror. 2.f-nerº [L. -nere, strew], tr. : beat down. consti-pation* [L. -patio], f : =, stop- page. ll-perº [L. -pare (cum, with, stipare, stuff, crowd full)], tr. : constipate, StOp up. - consti-tuantº, adj. : constituent, com- ponent ; authorizing. |-tuer* [L. -tuere (cum, with, statuere, establish)], tr. : con- . · stitute, establish legally; make ; com- pose. -tutif", =ive [L. -tutus, estab- lished], adj. : constitutive, establishing. -tution* [L. -tutio], f : = (establish- ment ; make-up, composition ; form of government ; bodily habit or temper). -tutionnalité" [-tutionnell, f : consti- tutionality, accord with the constitution. -tutionnel", =eIle [-tution], adj. : constitutional (inherent in the consti- tution ; according to a Written constitu- tion). -tutionnellement" [-tution- nell, adv. : according to the constitution. con-strieteur" [L. -strictus, squeezed], · m. : constrictor, squeezer; sphincter (muscle). |-striction* [L. -strietio, cum, with, stringere, bind tight (cf. Gr. stránx, Squeezed out, drop ; and Eng. strong)], f. : =, tightening. -strin-| gent" [L. -stringens], adj. : =, binding. construe-teur* [L. -tor], m. : builder. |- tion* [L. -tio fr. cum, with, struere, pile up, arrange (cf. Gr. strônnumi, I spread ; Skt. upa-star, make ready)], f : = (building ; form ; structure ; sentence arrangement). construi-reº [L. con- struere], tr. : CONSTRUCT, build ; form ; interpret (by syntax of words). consubstan-tialité* [l. L.-tialitas (L. cum, with, substantia, matter)], f : con- contemplateur substantiality (coexistence in same SUB- STANCE). -tiation " [l. L. -tiatio], f : =, Lutheran doctrine of real presence. -tiel*, =elle [l. L. -tialis], adj. : le Fils est - au Père, the Son is consubstantial · with the Father (has the same substance). -tiellementº [-tiel], adv. : les trois . personnes de la Trinité sont unies —,the three persons of the Trinity are united consubstantially (by being of the same substance). - consu-lº [L. fr. cum, with, root of salire, leap], m. : = (magistrate or officer of varying functions). -laire* [L. -laris], adj. : consular, of a consul. -laire- mentº [-laire], adj. : in a consular way. -latº [L. -latusl, m. : consulate (dignity or rule of a consul). -ltantº [-lter], adj. : consulting; m. : one taking or giving counsel. -ltatifº, =ive [-lter], adj. : consultative, advisory. -1tationº -ltatio], f : = (counseling with specialists, as doctors or lawyers). I.f-lteº [-lter], f : (dial.) consultation. 2.-Ite" [It. -lta], ſ. : COUNCIL : la —- cisalpine, formed to establish the cisalpine republic. -1ter* [L. -ltare], intr: ftake counsel, seek advice; tr. : consult; #submit (a case) for advice. -1teur* [-lter], m. : counselor, esp. adviser of the pope. - · consu-mantº, adj. : consuming. ll-merº [L. -mere (cum, with, sumere, take)], tr. : consume, use up, exhaust ; fconsummate (see 2.consommer). contabes-eenee* [L. -cere, waste away (tabes, dwindling)], f. : =, atrophy. -eentº [L. -cens], adj. : =, suffering decline. - conta-etº [L. -ctus (cum, with, tactus, tôuching fr. tangere, touch)], m. : = (coming or being together). -gieux*, =euse [L. -giosus], adj. : contagious, catching, communicable. -gion* [L.-giol, =, infection, tendency to spread. -minationº [L. -minatio (root tag, touch)], f : =, defilement. -miner* [L. -minare, soil], tr. : contaminate (fsoil, pollute ; infect by disease). 1 conte* [-ter; cf. compte], m. : fCOUNT, · tally; story, narration : les -s de la mère l'oie, Mother Goose tales ; -s bleues, fairy stories ; —s à dormir debout, stories about sleeping standing (fish stories, cock-and- bull stories). contempération* [L. -tio, mixture (cum, with, temperare, qualify ; tempus, time)], f. : = (doctrine that the will is in- clined by divine grace, but not controlled). contem-plateur*, =triee [L. -plator, | -trix], m. : observer; thinker. -platifº, =ive [L. -plativus], adj. : contemplative, meditative ; m, pl. : contemplatives, her- contemporain mits given up tomeditation. ll-plation* [L. -platio, cum, with, templum, temple (taken fr. the language of augury)], f. : =, meditation. -pler* [L. -plari], tr. : contemplate, think on. contempo-rain* [L. -raneus (cum, With, tempus, time], adj. : contempora- neous, of the same time. -ranéité*, ſ : contemporaneousness, existence at one time. contem-pteur* [L. -ptor fr. -nere (cum, With, temmere, despise)], m. : CONTEMNER, despiser. f-ptible* [L. -plibilis], adj. : =, odious. v conte-naaveeº [-nir], f : holding capac- ity, contents ; extent ; countenance, face. feontendre* [L. -dere (cum, with, ten- dere, stretch)], irr. (cf. prendre) ; intr. : contend, dispute. com-tenir° [p. L. *-tenire, (L. -tinère, tenere, hold)], irr. (cf. tenir) ; tr. : CON- TAIN, hold ; control. -tent* [L. -tentus], adj. : content; satisfied. -tentement* [-tenter], m. : contentment ; satisfaction. -tenterº [-tent], tr. : CONTENT, satisfy. conten-tieusement*, adv. : conten- tiously. |-tieux *, =euse [L. -tiosus fr. -tio, quarrel (contendere, contend)], · adj. : CONTENTIOUS, fond of disputing. conten-tifº, =ive [-ir], adj. : bandage -, bandage to hold together (severed parts). I.-tion" [-ir], f : holding together. 2.contention* [L. -tio fr. -dere (cum, With, tendere, stretch)], f. : = (fdebate ; INTENSITY, TENSION). · conter° [L. computare], tr. : recount. - contes-tableº, adj. : =, to be striven for. -tation* [L. -tatio], f : contest- ing, struggle. -teº, f : contest, dispute. |-terº [L. -tari (cum, with testari, TESTIFY, fr. testis, witness)], tr. : CONTEST ; dispute ; contend. · conteur*, =euse, [-ter], m.,f : narrator ; story-teller : grand - de fleurettes, great teller of fibS. contex-teº [L. -tus, joining (cum, With, texere, weave)], m. : context, pas- sages Or Verses preceding and following a certain text, or place. -tureº [L. -tus, connection], f : = (made up of WoVen Or connected materials). conti-gu*, =uë [L. -guus (cum, with, tangere, touch)], adj. : contiguous, ad- relate, tell, joining. -guïté*, f : contiguity, ad- jacency. conti-nenee* [L. -nentia], f : =, self- restraint (in desires, passions, etc.). |-nent* [L. -mens fr. -nere (cum, with, tenere, hold)l, adj. : =, self-restrained ; 147 CONTINUOUS, uninterrupted ; m. : =, grand division of land (as Europe). -nentalº, pl. =aux, adj. : =, of a continent, esp. European. contin-geneeº [L. -gentia (cum, with, tangere, touch)], f : CONTINGENCY (touch- ing; possibility of happening). -gent*, [L. -gens], adj. : =, touching. º conti-nu* [L. -nuusl, adj. : continuous, lasting ; unbroken, uniform : à la -e, without cease. -nuateurº, =triee contradicteur [-nuer], m., f. : continuer (of what another began). -nuation* [L. -nua- tio], f : =, carrying on, duration. |-nuel*, =elle [L. -nuus (continere, hold together)], adj. : CONTINUAL, con- stant. -nuellement*, adv. : con- tinually. -nuerº [L. -nuare (-nuus, lasting)], tr. : CONTINUE, carry on ; intr. : last; extend. -nuité*, f : continuity (endurance ; extension) : amputation dans la —, amputation of the bone (not at the joint). -nûmentº [-nu], adv. : con- tinuously. contondreº [L. -tundere (cum, with, tundere, pound, thump)], tr. : fbruise, pound : as adj. : instrument contondant, bruising, blunt instrument (as a club). contorniate" [It. (L. tornare, turn, round off, fr. tornos, lathe)], f : = (coin with circular furrow on each side) ; adj. : médaille -, medal furrowed on each side. - contorsion* [L. -sio (-quere, twist to- gether)], f. : CONTORTION, twisting, wry- ness ; fdistortion (of the truth). com-tour* [It. -torno, infl. by tour], m. : =, outline. -tournerº [It. -tornare (L. -tornare fr. tornos, turner's wheel)], tr. : make round ; warp, distort ; en- circle. - feontrac-tamtº, =ante, adj. : contract- ing, m., f : contractor. -teº [L. -tus], adj. : contract(ed), shortened. I.-terº [L. -tus, agreement], tr. : CONTRACT, agree, covenant ; acquire, get. 2.-terº [L. -tus, shortened], tr. : contract, short- en. -tile* [L. -tus, shortened], adj. : =, capable of drawing together. -ti- lité* [-tile], f : contractility, ability to shorten up. |- tion* [L. -tio (con- trahere, lit. draw together)], f. : = (short- ening, in all senses). -tuel", =eIIe [L. -tus, bargain], adj. : contractual, according to contract. -ture º [L. -tura], f : =, permanent contraction or rigidity ; diminution (of a column). contradic-teur* [l. -tor], m. : contra- dictor, opponent, esp. an advocatè. ll-tion* [L. -tio, (contra, against, dicere, speak)], f : =, denial, opposition. -toire* [L. -toriusl, adj. : contradictory, incon- 148 contraignable sistent, opposite. -toirementº [-toire], | adv. : negatively. con-traignable*, adj. : constrainable, compellable. f-traignant*, adj. : constraining, forcing. |-traindre* [L. -stringere (stringere, bind)], irr. (cf. peindre), tr. : CONSTRAIN (compel, urge ;em- barrass). -traintº, adj. : CONSTRAINED, ill at ease : basse -e, bass that con- tinues on the same note while the song changes. -trainte*, f : CONSTRAINT (uneasiness ; force ; detention). com-traireº [L. -trarius against)l, adj. : CONTRARY, opposed, op- posing, adverse : - aux lois, contrary to the laws ; m. : CONTRARY, opposite : au --, on the contrary. -trairementº, adv. : in contrary way. -tralto" [It. (contra, against, alto)l, m. : = (low feminine voice). -trapontiste" [It. -trappuntista], m. : CONTRAPUNTIST (mu- sician skilled in counter-point). -trari- antº [-trarier], adj. : vexatious, contra- dicting. -trarierº [l. L. -trariare (L. -trarius)], tr. : oppose, thwart ; vex, tease. -trariété* [L. -trarietas], f : contra- riety, contradiction, inconsistency : fvex- ation, opposition ; rcpugnancč. contras-tant", adj. : contrasting, un- like. ll-teº [It. -to (L. contra, against, · stare, stand)], m. : fstruggle, conflict ; CONTRAST, unlikeness. -terº, intr. : contrast, be unlike ; tr. : compare (unlike things), show differences in. cgntrat* [L. -tractus (trahere, draw)], m. : CONTRACT, agreement ; deed. contravention º [L. contra-venire, go against], f. : =, violation (of law, or obli- · gation), offence. contrayervaº [Sp., lit. 'herb against' (sc. poison)], m. : (tropical tonic nettle). contre° [L. contra], prep. : against ; pref. cpntre- before vouy., contrE- before cons't : COUNTER —, etc. : pied - pied, foot to foot ; sa maison est - la mienne, his house is close to mine ; tout -, close by; ci--, at hand ; la porte est tout -, the door is slightly ajar ; adv. : pour et -, pro and con, for and against ; de -, on the other hand ; à -, in the opposite Way ; par -, per contra, on the other side ; --à--, alongside (as ships). -ac- eusation º, f : counter-charge (against one's accuser). -allée", f. : walk (running with the main walk in a park or garden). -amiralº, pl. =aux, m. : rear-admiral. -appelº, m. : sec- ond call (of a name) ; caveating (certain sword shift). -approehesº, f. pl. : counter-approach (zig-zag trench to meet enemy's mines). -arc", m. : counter- (contra, | contre-clef arch (part of keel where the masts foot). -arehetº, adv. : à -, contrary bowing (drawing the bow wrong). -arê- tier*, m. : oblique slate (cut to go next to hip or arris of a roof). -attaques*, f.pl. : counterworks, breastWorks (thrown up by the besieged). -aube*, f : coun- ter-paddle (board between paddles of water-wheel). -balan eerº, tr.: counter- balance. * contre le ban'], f. : contraband (smuggling or smuggledgoods). -bande*,f. : (her.) half-band. -bandéº [-bande], adj. : hav- ing bands of different halves. -ban- dierº, =ière [-bande], m., f : smuggler. - barre º, f : counter-bär (of shield). -barré* [-barre], adj. : having counter- bars. f-basº, adv. : -, (or better) en --, at a lower level. -basseº [basse], ſ : double-bass, contre-bass instrument or player. -bassiste* [-basse], m. : player of bass-viol. -basson º, m. : deep bassoon. -batterieº, f : counter- battery, cross-battery. -battre*, tr.: cannonade (a hostile battery). f-biaisº, adv. : contrary-wise. -biseau", pl. -ac, m. : counterbevel (piece of a pipe in reed-oigaii). -bille", f : bitt sup- port or brace (on ship). -bordº, adv. : à —, on opposite tack. -bordée*, f : opposite tack. -bouque*, f : funnel net. -boutant* [-bouter], m. : buttress. -bouterº, tr. : buttressup. -brasserº, tr. : counter-brace (a sail). -brEtêehe", ·f. : one of corresponding bretesses (on bratticed coat-of-arms). -brEtêehéº [-bretêche], adj. : counter bretessé, em- battled on both sides. -brodé", m. : -bandeº [It. contrabbando, cheap black and white beadwork trimming. -buter = -bouter. -calquer", tr. : counter-trace, reverse by drawing (as a picture). -caniveau*, m. : paving (next to the gutter, or kennel stone). -capion", m.: brace (to stern-post of ship). -carre* [-carrer], f. : counter- stake (at cards). I.-carrerº, tr. : thwart, oppose. 2.-carrerº, refl. : double the stake (at card game bouil- lotte in order to win from one who has doubled). -eaution º, f. : second bail, counter security. - ehambranleº, m. : cOunter moulding (of cornices). - eharge", f : counterpoise, balance weight.ºf-eharmeº, m. : counter-charm. - ehâssisº, pl. -, m. : outer sash, storm-window. - ehEvron,º, m. : counter- chevron (bar in a coat-of-arms correspond- ing to another bar). -ehEvronné* [-chevron], adj. : counter-chevronny. -ei- vadière",.f. : sprit-sail. -clavette*, ' f : nose-key, fox-wedge. -elefº, f : key- stone course (masonry next to keystone). contre-coeur I.-cœur*, m. : shoulder, middle-rib (of 2.-eoeurº, # 16 G y beef) ; back (of a fireplace). adv. : à -, reluctantly. -compon adj. : (her.) counter-compony (hav'g two rows of square and alternating colours). -corbeauº, m. : counter-corbel. -cor- · nière", f. : hawse-piece (in stern of ship). -coupº, m.: =, rebound, con- cussion. -coupe*, f. : odd cut or shape (of a sail). -courantº, m. : counter- current. -courbe º, or -courbure, ·f. : counter-curve (upper one of two curves in half arch). -critiqueº, f : counter- critique (answering criticism). -danseº [Eng. country-dance], f. : ancient dance ; contra-dance, quadrille. -déclarationº, f : counter-declaration. -défenseº, f : outer breast-works (to fortify other breast- works). -dégagement*, m. : dodging (a parry blow in fèncing). -dégagerº, intr. : counter-disengage ; escape à blow struck as a parry (in fencing.). -dé- non eiation º, f : agreement to release (a debtor from certain obligations). -digueº, f. : DIKE (made to protect another). -dire° [L. -dicere], irr. (cf. dire); tr. : CONTRADICT; confute; #dispute, oppose. -disant* [-dire], adj. : contra- dictory. -ditº [-dire], m. : contention, plea, dispute. contréeº [p. L. *-trāta (L. contra, opposite)], f. : COUNTRY ; cli- mate; soil. -écaille", adv. : à-, against the grain. -écartº, m. : division of counterquartered shield). -écartèle- mentº, m. : sub-quartering (division of a quarter into quarters). -écartElerº, tr. : counter-quarter (redivide a quarter of a shield into quarters). -éehange* [OFr. -echanger], m. : counter-exchange. -édit", m. : counter-edict (reversing a previous edict). -émail", pl. =aux, m.: enamel at the back. -émaillerº, tr. : counter-enamel (enamel the back of). -empoise*, f : counter-bushing or bearing. -empreinte*, f : raised mould (left by fossil). -enquête", f : counter-inquiry. -épauletteº, m. : fringeless epaulet. -épreuveº, f : counter-proof; feeble copy; verification of a vote. -espalierº, m. : counter- espalier, secondtrellis. -étambotº, m. : knee (ofstern post). -étraveº,f : apron, backing-piece (bolted to a vessel's stern). -expertiseº, f. : counter expert-evi- dence. -extensionº, f : counter-exten- sion (as of a broken leg). -façon*, f : counterfeit, fraudulentimitation ; forgery. facteur" [ faire], m. : counterfeiter ; pirate. -faction" [ faire], f : counter- feiting. -faire*, irr. (cf. faire) ; tr.: COUNTERFEIT, imitate for fraud ; disfigure. -faiseurº [ faire], =euse, m., f : (fam.) 149 forger; mimic. -fanomº, m. : bunt-line (to truss up middle of a sail). -faseeº,f. : (her.) counter-fess ; fess of two enamels. -fascéº [ fasce], adj. : hav'g counter- fesses. I.-feu*, pl. -x, m. : plaque covering the fire-back. 2.-feuº, pl. —ac, m. : counter-fire (to burn before an ad- vancing fire and so head it off). -fiehe*, ſ : brace, strut. -filº, m. : à -, wrong way ; against the grain. f-finesse º, f : counter-trick, counter-plot. -forgerº, tr. : forge by hammering both sides at | contre-opposition once. -fort*, m. : buttress ; counter (of shoes) ; spur of mountains. -fra.e- ture*, f : counterfracture. -frgseº [ fraser], f. : last kneading (of bread). -fraserº, tr. : finish kneading. -fruitº, m. : talus wall (plumb on one side, sloping on the other). -fugueº, f : counter- fugue (in music). -gardeº, f : coun- ter-guard (in front of a bastion ; stones around pier to reinforce it). -ha eherº, tr, : cross-hatch ; counter-etch (shade picture by cross-lines). -ha ehure " [-hacher], f : shading, cross-hatching. -hâtierº, m. : kitchen fire-dog. -haut", adv. : en — (or #-), at a higher level. -heurtoirº, m. : knocker-stop, plate (of door-knockers). -indication*, f : contraindicant (symptoms suggesting dif- ferent remedy). -issantº, adj. : (her.) counter-salient (rampant with its back toward another similar animal). -janº, m. : wrong cast (at trick-track). -jourº, · m. : counter-light (spoiling the effect). -jumelieº,.f. : kennel stones (side-stones of a gutter). -latte*, f : counter-lath. -latter * [-latte], tr. : counter-lath. -1ettre*, f : defeasance (document an- nulling previous one). -lobeº, m. : leaf (of clover, separating the lobes of a rosette on a column). -maître*, m. : boatswain's mate; foreman. -manderº, tr. : coun- termand. -manœuvre º, f : counter- manœuvre. -marehe",f. : countermarch, back march; riser (between steps of stair). -marée", f. : eddy (tide). -marque*, ·f. : counter-mark, second mark ; check (of theatres). -marquerº [-marque], tr. : counter-mark. -mesure*, adv. : à -, by counter-measures (in music). -mineº, ſ : counter-mine ; underplot. -miner*, tr. : counter-mine. -mineur" [-mine], m. : counter-miner. #-mont*, adv. : up- hill; up-stream. -motº, m. : counter- sign. -murº, m. : counter-mure (wall to protect another wall). -murerº [-mur], tr. : counter-wall. -noteº, f : diplomatic note (in response to a note). -9mgleº, m. : reverse direction : pren- dre le -, follow trail (as of deer) the Wrong way. -opposition º, f : contre-ordre 150 counter-opposition. -ordre º, m. : coun- ter-order. -ouvertureº, f : contra- aperture (incision near previous one, as to aid discharge). -palº, pl. =aux, m. : (her.) pale (of two kinds of enamel or metal). -paléº [-pal], adj. : counterpaled. -panetonº, m. : counter-bit (of lock). -partie*, f : counter-part; reverse. -pasº, pl. -, m. : counter-pace (to catch step). -passation " [-passer],f. : signing back (draft to drawer). -passeº, adv. : à -, across the grain, perpendicularly to the grain. -passerº, tr. : sign back (draft to order of drawer). -penteº, f. : drain stop, descent ; gutter sides. f-pEser*, tr. : counter-poise, counter- balance. -pèterieº [OFr.-péter],f. : sort of galimatias (as trompez sonnettes for sonnez trompettes). -pied º, m. : back- scent; opposite sense. -platine", f : screw-plate (of gun). -poids*, pl. -, 77?,. " counter-poise, balance-weightS. -poil*, adv. : à -, against the hair, nap. -point*, m. : counter-point (in music). -pointe", f : edged part (of back of sword); edge and point fencing. I.-pointer* [courte-pointe], tr. : coun- terpoint. tie (a quilt). 2,-pointerº, tr. : point against (as one cannon against another) ; set point to point (as emblems on shield) ; #thwart. +-pointiste = contrapontiste. -poison º, m. : counter- poison, antidote. -porteº, f. : storm- door, double door ; second entrance or gate. ance staff (socket of balance wheel axle in a watch). -pressionº, f : counter- pressure (to piston). -projetº, m. : counter-project. -proposition", f : counter-proposition. -quilleº, f. : false ' or upper KEEL. -rEtable", m. : altar- piece, panel (back of altar). -révo- lution ", f : reaction fr. . a rev- olution. -révolutionnaire", adj. : against revolutionary results. -ri- posteº, f : counter-thrust. -ruseº, f : counter-ruse. -sangle*, f. : or -sanglom, m. : girth-strap (of saddles). -scarpe* [escarpe], f : counter-scarp (slope opposite the parapet of a ditch). -seel*, m. : counter-seal (reverse side of pendent seal). -seeIlerº [-scel], tr. : counter seal. -seingº, m.: counter-signature. -sensº, m.: wrong sense, misinterpretation ; Wrong side (of | · cloth, etc.). -signer*, tr. : countersign. -sommier", m. : sommer-cover (of parchment makers on which to roll skins) ; footing, winter base (supporting a print- ing press). -sujet*, m. : counter-sub- ject (in music). -taille", f : counter- tally; counter-lines or cross cuts in en- -potenee", f : end-stone of bal- eon-vaincantº, convaincant graving. -taillerº, tr. : cover with cross lines. -tempsº, pl. -, m.: (awkward incident; Wrong time in music): jouer à -, play in wrong time. -ter- rasseº, f : counter-terrace (joining one of different level). -tirer º, tr. : take a counter-proof of ; #trace, copy. -vairº, m. : counter-vair (of shields). -vallationº [L. vallatio, breastworks], ſ. : contravallation (ditches and breast- works made by besiegers to resist sallies fr. the besieged). -vEnant, =ante, part. used as adj. or noun fr. - vEnir* [L. contravenirej, irr. (cf. venir) ; intr.: CONTRAVENE, infringe upon, violate : - à un règlement de police, break a police regulation. -ventº [vent], m. : WINDow- shutter ; straining-piece. -venterº [-vent], tr. : brace (with straining-beams). -véritéº, f : mock truth ; mock praise. -visiteº, f. : second visit (to search or inspect a place). contri-buable*, m. : tax-payer. -buerº [L. -buere], tr. or intr. : contribute, aid. |]-bution* [L. -butio (-buere, allot by TRIBES)], f : =, tax. contris-ter* [L. -tare (tristis, sad)], tr. : grieve, afflict. 1 • contri-tº [l. L. -tus (L. terere, rub) bruised], adj. : CONTRITE, repentant. -tion* [l. L. -tio], f : =, repentance. contrô-le* [contre, rôle], m. : control (check-list, double register ; guidance ; power to regulate) ; administrative stamp or check-mark ; official verification or sanction. -lerº, tr. : enter in register ; control ; check up ; censure, criticise. -leurº [-ler], m. : controller; time- keeper; check-taker, official stamper. controuverº [L. con (cum, with), Fr. trouver], tr. : fabricate, invent, state falsely. eontrover-sable*, adj. : controversial. |-se* [L. -sia (contra, against, vertere, turn)], f : controversy, discussion. -séº, adj. : controverted, questionable. -serº [-sé], tr. : controvert, attack (doctrine) in debate. -sisteº, m. : controversialist, disputant. I.eomtuma-ee* [L. -cia, pride (cum, with; temnere, despise)], f. : contumacy | (fstubbornness ; contempt of court). 2.-ee* or =x [L. -æ], adj. : contumacious ; m. or f. : refractory, obstinate person. #-eer * [2.-ce], tr. : declare (one) to be in contempt. contu-sº, =use [L. -sus], adj. : contused. |-sionº [L. -sio (cum, with, tundere, beat) bruise], f : =. -sionnerº, tr. : contuse, injure by a blow. 4- adj. : convincing. |-vaincre* [L. -vincere (cum, with, convalescence vincere, conquer)], irr. $ ; tr. : CONVINCE, CONVICT ; #prove. -vainqu . . ., cf. -vaincre. | $ c becomes qu before vowels except 2é. - Ind. : Pr. 7e zwaizzcs. Pret. 7e z'aznquis. - Part. : Pr. zwazzzgzéarzé , P. zwazzzcze , etc. eonvale-seen ee* [L.-scentia (cum, with, valere, be well)], f. : =, recovery of health. -seentº, =ente [L. -scens, recoveringl, adj. or m., f : =. conve-nable*, adj. : fit, proper, suitable. -nablEment* [-nable], adv. : properly ; decorously. -nanee*, f : = (propriety); expediency. -nant*,=ante, adj. : fsuit- able ; m. : fitness, propriety. | convE- nir° [L. -mire, agree (cum, with, venire, come)], irr. (cf. venir) ; intr. with avoir : suit, please, become ; with être : agree ; | harmonize ; concede, admit. feonven-t= couvent. -ticule*[L.-ticu- lum], m. : conventicle, secret religious meeting. ll-tion* [L. -tio, meeting ; agreement], f. : = (agreement, contract ; social propriety ; assembly of delegates). -tionnel*, =elle, adj. : conventional (usual) ; according to tacit agreement ; m. : delegate (to convention of 1792 in France). -tionnellement" [-tionnel], adv. : conventionally. -tualité* [-tuel], f : convent life. -tuel*, =elle [l. L. -tualis], adj. : conventual. -tuelle- ment* [-tuel], adv. : as in convents. conver-genee", f : gradual ap- proach. ' |-gentº [L. -gens fr. -gere (cum, with, vergere, turn, incline)], adj. : = (CONVERGING, tending to one point). -gerº [L. -gere], intr. : converge, ap- proach gradually. - conver-sº, =verse [L. -sus, turned (cum, with, vertere, turn)], adj. : CON- VERTED (to God's service, esp. flate in life) ; employed (at a convent) ; f : CON- VERSE (proposition or statement). i.-serº [L. -sari, be with], intr. : CONVERSE, talk ; deal, associate : - avec soi-même, solilo- quize. 2.-serº [L. -sus], intr. : face about (as soldiers). -sion* [L. -sio], f : = (change to another religion ; changing into something else ; facing about, change of front ; transposed statement of proposi- tion). -tible* [L. -tibilis], adj. : =. |-tirº [L. -tere, turn with], tr. : CONVERT (turn ; change ; fconvince ; transpose a statement). -tissement*, m. : exchange » (of values) : le — d'un billet en espèces, | conversion of a note to coin. -tisseurº, m. : convert-maker ; converter (cementa- - tion apparatus for iron). | eonvex-e* [L. -us, rounded (cum, to- gether, vehere, bring)], adj. : convex, curving out. -ité º, f : convexity. #convi* [-vier], m. : finvitation. 151 convie-tº [Eng., fr. L. -tus (cum, with, vincere, conquer)], m. : = (criminal con- demned by law). -tion º [L. -tio], f : =, opinion ; #proof of guilt. eon-vierº [OFr. -vi, banquet; L. -victus (cum, with, vivere, live)], tr. : invite ; urge, appeal to : - à une fête, invite to a fes- tivity ; mon roi me convie à parler, my king asks me to speak ; les conviés, the guests. -viveº [L.-viva], m. orf. : guest. convocation * [L. -tio (cum, together, vocare, call)], f. : =. - convoi* [-voyer], m. : convoy (escort ; fleet or baggage-train or squad under escort) ; train of cars ; funeral proces- copahine sion. -table*, adj. : covetable, desi- rable. |-ter° [OFr. coveitier (L. cupi- ditas, desire)], tr. : COVET. - teuacº, =euse, adj. : covetous, lustful. -tise*, f. : covetouSness ; lustfulness. eonvoler* [L. -lare, flock together; re- marry (cum, with, volare, fly)], intr. : marry (esp. of widows). convo-lutéº [L. -lutus, rolled about], adj. : convolute. -1vuleº or -lvulus [L. -lvulus], m. : =, bind-weed, morning- glory. convo-querº [L. -care (cum, together, vocare, call)], tr. : convoke, summon. eonvo-yerº [p. L. *-viare (cum, with, via, road), go with], tr. : fescort ; convoy, escort for protection. -yeur*, m. : con- voy-ship. - eonvul-ser* [L. -sus, convulsed (cum, together, vellere, pull)], tr. : CONVULSE, twist by spasms. -sifº, =ive, adj. : con- vulsive, spasmodic. -sion* [L. -sio], f : = (spasm; agitation). -sionnaire*, m. : convulsionary, Jansenist (who had miraculous fits at grave of Deacon Paris). -sivement* [-sif], adv. : convulsively. coobligé º, =ée [L. co-, with, Fr. obligé], m., f : coöbligor, joint obligor. #coolie = couli. • * coopé-rateurº, =triee [L. -tor, -trix], m., f. : COôPERATOR, member of coöpera- tive society. -ratifº, =ive, adj. : co- operative. -rationº [L. -tio], f. : =. |-rerº [L.-rari (cum, together, operari, work)], intr. : coöperate. - coop-tationº [L. -tatio], f : =, admis- sion (by special favour, as at a university). -terº [L. -tare], tr. : admit (even though not all conditions are fulfilled). eoor-dination º [L. -dinatio (cum, with, ordinatio fr. ordo, order)], f : = (making or being of same class or rank). -don- nerº [L. co- (cum), Fr. ordonner], tr. : coördinate, arrange with reference to each other. - feopahier = copayer. copa-hineº, f : principle of COPAIBA. 152 copain l-huº [S. Am. copay-ba, copay-tree], m. : COPAIBA (nauseous balsam for certain mu- cous affections). f-ier = copayer. copain,º [fr. old nom. compain, COMPAN- ION (L. cum, with, panis, bread)], m. : (fam.) chum. copalº [Sp. fr. Mex. copal, gum], m. : = (hard resin used in varnish). copartageantº, =anvte [L. co- (cum, with), Fr. partageant], m., f. : COPARCENER, sharer, joint-heir. copayer" [S. Am. copay], m. : COPAIfera (see copahu). copreau, pl. -æ [for coupeau], m. : chip, shaving ; strip (to make combs of). fcopeek = kopeck. copermutantº [L. co- (cum, with), per- mutant, changing], m. : exchanger (esp. of a benefice). co-pie* [L. -pia, plenty (cum, with, opes, wealth)], f : COPY. -pierº, tr. : copy, reproduce, imitate. -pieusementº [-pieux], adv. : copiously. -pieux*, =euse [L. -piosus, abundant], adj. : fco- pious ; ample ; plentiful. -pisteº, m. or | ·f. : copyist. coprEneur" [L. co- (cum, with), Fr. pre- meur], m. : co-lessee, co-renter. copro-litheº [Gr. kôpros, dung, lithos, stone], m. : COPROLITE (petrified dung of extinct animals). -phage" [Gr. -phágos (phágein, eat)l, adj. : coprophagous, dung- eating. coproprié-taireº [propriétaire], m. or f : joint PROPRIETOR. -téº [propriété], ſ : joint-property. coprose* [Ger. klapper-rose, corn poppy], f : (dial.) red-poppy. W- cop-tée º, f. : chime, tolling. |-ter* [ak.to coup], tr. : clapper (a bell, strike it repeatedly on one side). copula-teur*, =triee [ak. to couple], adj. : coupling, connecting. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : copulative. |-tion*[L. -tio (copula, thong, tie; co-apere, fasten,Gr. hâptein, touch)], f : =, sexual connection. copule* [L. copula], f : fsexual union ; copula (in grammar). I. coqº [Holl. kok], m. : ship's COCK; tar- warmer (of rope-makers). 2.coq* [echoic], m. : COCK (male fowl ; things resembling a cock in some way) : - d'Inde (pron. co-), turkey ; — puant, male PEWet ; - gaulois, cock formerly on the French flag ; — hardi, cock with right foot lifted to strike ; — de bruyère, black grouse ; - de mer, goldfish ; sea- duck ; box-crab ; au chant du —, at day- break ; avoir des mollets de —, (fam.) have legs like broomsticks ; être comme un - en pâte, be like a fattening cock, i.e. have all one's wishes. -à-l'âneº coquillade [(talk going from) cock to ass], m. : cock-and-bull story; nonsensical, wild tale. -sourisº, pl. -s--, m. : certain sail (on a sloop, or galiot). coquard *, m. : bad cock, old cock ; #idiot ; hybrid (pheasant and hen). coquâtre º, m. : half-capon. coque* [? L. concha, shell], f : shell (of eggs, nuts, etc.) : œuf à la -, (soft) boiled egg ; - d'œuf, imperfection on porcelain surface ; - de cheveux, knot of hair ; - de perle, pearly lump in a sea- shell. • 1 . coque-eigrueº [?], f : bugaboo; fiddle- faddle, scary story : à la venue des -s, on the Greek calends, i.e. never. -frE- douilleº [?], m. : duffer, ninny. -licotº [echoic for cock], m. : corn-poppy (fr. its red color like a cock's comb). -lourdeº [?], f : rose-campion ; pasque (Easter) flower; anemone ; velvet pink. -lu-ehe* [?], f : ancient hood ; watersparrow (fr. its crest) ; whooping-cough (formerly a cough for which one wore a hood). f-luehonº [-luche], m. : (monk's) hood. coquemarº [? L. cucuma (coquere, cook), kettle], m. : boiler. - fcoquemelle = coucoumelle. co-queretº [coq, the redness of the fruit suggesting the crest of a cock], m. : winter cherry, strawberry-tomato (of nightshade family). -quEricoº [echoic], m. : cock-a-doodle-doo. coquerie* [coq, cook], f. : wharf cooking- room, harbor-cookery, kitchen to cook for ships. co-quetº, =ette, m., f : flirt, beau, coquette ; adj. : coquettish, affected ; vain. |-queterº [coq, cock], intr. : act like a cock ; flirt, play the lover, COQUET. -quetier* [coque], m. : egg or poultry-dealer ; egg-cup. -quette- ment" [-quet], adv. : coquettishly. -quetterie º, f. : coquetry, flirting; af- fectation ; finicalness. . coquil-ladeº [Prov. -lada, wearing a hood (-le)], f : tufted lark ; blenny (fish). -lageº, m. : mollusk, shellfish; sea or river shells. -lardº, m. : (formerly) egg-cup; conchitic rock. ]lcoquil-le* [L. conchylium, * shell' infl. by coque], f. : shell (of mollusks), cockle-shell ; (shell- like thing :) egg-shell (esp. empty or open); husk ; sauce-dish ; arch ; spandrel (of stair- case); firepan ; lid ; thimble ; demy paper ; blister in bread-crust; (printer's) error: — à boulet, bullet mould ; — de St. Jacques, mollusk ; portez vos —s ailleurs, take your trash elsewhere, i.e. don't try to fool me with such stuff. -Iéº, adj. : pain -, blistered bread. f-ler only in re- coquiller. -lierº, =ière, m. : mollusk coquin collection ; paint case ; adj. : conchitic. -Ionº, m. : little shell ; leaf-like silver. co-quin*, =ine [? coq or L. coquina, kitchen], m., f : fbeggar; rascal, scamp ; ·f. : (esp.) whore ; adj. : ver -, tape-worm ; un air -, tricky look ; - fieffé, arrant knave ; un heureux —, a lucky devil ; mon - de neveu, my rogue of a nephew. -quinerie º, f : knavery ; rascality. -quinet", =ette, m., f : little rogue. fcoquioleº [Prov. -lo (lit.) cuckoograss], ·f. : (dial.) wild oats. cor° [L. cornu, horn], m. : HORN (of ani- mals, or made of ivory, tin, etc.) ; horn- blower ; CORN (as on toes) ; pl. : antlers (only in cerf (de) dix —s, etc., five- pronger, i.e. six-year-old deer) : - de chasse, French horn ; à — et à cri, with hue and cry. coracoïdeº [Gr. korakoeidés (kôrak, crow, eîdos, form)], adj. : coracoid (beak- like process on the shoulder-blade). co-rail*, pl. =aux [L. -rallium, Gr. ko- rállion], m. : CORAL : — des jardins, all- spice. -railleur*, m. : coral-diver. -rallinº, =ine [L. -rallinus], adj. : fcoralline, red ; f. : coralline (algae or sea-weed). coranº [Ar. qoran, (lit.) reading], m. : KORAN, bible of the Mohammedans. cor-beau* [OFr. corp (L. -vus)], m. : raven ; crow ; corvus (constellation) ; (jest.) undertaker (who brings away the dead) ; grappling-iron ; anything like a crow's beak (hook on a pole to tear down walls ; jutting stone in a wall) : - blanc, white-beaked vulture ; — de mer, cor- morant ; — de fer, iron rest for a beam. corbeille° [L. -bicula, dim. of -bis, bas- ket], f. : basket (hence : clump, bed of flowers ; space in the Bourse surrounded by railing ; basket of flowers, by exten- sion the flowers themselves). fcorbigeauº, pl. - x [corbeau, -geau (L. gallus)], m. : (dial.) curlew. corbillardº [Town Corbeil], m. : boat or carriage (running between Paris and Corbeil) ; state carriage ; hearse. corbillatº [-beau], m. : young crow. corbillon [-beille], m. : little basket ; bread basket (on ships) ; crambo (game). cor-binº [ak. to -beau], m. : fcrow ; bec-de--, battle-ax. -bine", f. : carrion- CrOW. $ corbleu* [euphemistic for corps (de) Dieu], interj. : oath something like " good gracious." • . corbule* [L. -la, little basket], f : heart- · cockle (sea-shell). fcoreelet = corselet. cor-dageº, m. : =, rope ; cording (meas- 153 uring of wood). |-de° [L. chorda], f : CORD (rope ; chord , bow-string; measure for Wood , cord-like organs as spinal cord, vocal cords, or corded muscles): un homme de Sac et de -, a man fit to be drowned or hanged ; il file Sa -, he will be hanged yet ; m0ntrer la -, be threadbare ; la — sensible, sensitive point ; #grosse —, main point ; cheval qui fait la -, horse that shows its sinews, windbroken horse. -deau*, m. : little cord, string; rope ; hangman's halter. f-dEle rº [-deau], tr. : twist into a rope. -dEletteº [-delle], f : little string. -dElien°*, I.=ière [-delle], m., f : =, gray friar (who wore a knotted cord) ; sur la mule des -s, afoot. 2.-dElièreº [-delier], f : monk's cord, girdle ; vignette. -dE- line" [-delle], f : , selvedge ; ferret (of glassworkers). -delle*, f : tow-line. -derº, tr. : twist, make into a twist, or rope ; tie up ; measure (wood). -derie* [-dier], f : rope factory ; rope business. cordia-l*, pl. =aux [L. -lis (cor, heart)], adj. : = (of drinks ; hearty). -lementº, adv. : cordially, heartily. -lité *, f : cordiality. cordien°*, maker, or dealer. eordiforme " [L. cor, shape], adj. : cordiform. cor-don* [-de], m. : = (ornamental cord to show rank ; line of sentinels or forts ; jutting stone-course) ; strand of rope ; bell-rope, rope ; string (of bonnet, purse, shoes, apron, etc.); hangman's rope; milled edge of coin ; ligament, cord : grand —, emblem (by extension, member) of the Order of the Holy Spirit. -donnageº, m. : perfecting (of the cordon, or milled edge of a coin-die). -donnerº, tr. : twist (into rope). - cordonnerie* [-nnier], f : shoe-busi- ness, or store or factory ; shoe-room (in certain buildings). cordonnetº [-don], m. : CORD, braid, twist ; milling (of coins). cordonnier*, =ière [pop. etym. fr. OFr. cordouanier, worker in Cordova leather], m., f. : shoeman : - en neuf, shoemaker ; — en vieux, shoe-mender, cobbler. Cor- doue, f. : Cordova. fcorée = chorée. coreligionnaire* [co-, religionnaire], m. : coreligionist, one of same sect. coria-ee* [L. -ceus (corium, leather)[, adj. : coriaceous, leatherlike, tough. -eé" [L. -ceus], adj. : thick, leathery. -eité º, j. : toughness, thickness. fcoriam be = choriambe. coriandre* [L. -drum], f. : (plant). coriandre =ière [-de], m, jf. : rope- heart, forma, CORIANDER 154 corindon " [E. Ind.], m. : (stone). corinthienº [Corinth], adj. : Corinthian. fcoris = cauris. cor-meº [? L. -nus, cornel-cherry], f : sorb (fruit of service-tree, mountain ash). -méº, m. : sorb-cider. -mier*, m. : sorb-tree. cormoranº [OFr. corp, raven, moran, marine], m. : cormorant. cornacº [E. Ind.], m. : elephant driver. cornaeées* [L. -nus, cornel-cherry], f. pl. : dog-wood family. cor-nageº [-ner], m. : ftooting (of a horn) ; ' wheezing distemper (amongst horses, etc.). -naline*, f : carnelian- stone. I.-nard*, m. : one with horns ; (humor.) cuckold ; glassworker's hook (to lift crucibles) ; 2.-nardº, =arde [-ner], adj. : wheezy, roaring. -naret" [I.-nard], m.: uniCORN plant. I.|-ne° [L. -nu], f. : HORN (of ox, snail, rhinoceros, devil, corindon CORUNDUM moon) ; plough handle ; dog's-ear of a | book or card ; horny substance as hoof : il entend de -, he hears like horn, i.e. hears hard ; - d'abondance, cornucopia ; donner un coup de - à un cheval, bleed a horse by a punch in the palate. 2.-ne° [L. -num], f : cornel-cherry. -néº [I.-ne], adj. : HORNY. I.corneáuº [?], m. : dog (cross between mastiff and hound). 2.i corneau = créneau. cornéenne" [-né], f : HORN-stone. cor-neillard º, m. : young croW. I.|-neille° [p. L. *-nicla (L. -nicula, dim. of -nix, crow], f. : crow : - mantelée, or bedeaude, hooded crow ; - des clo- chers, jackdaw ; bayer aux -s, gape and gaze, waste time. 2.corneilIeº [ak. to -néole], f : (vulg.) lysimachia, poley grass. corneil-lon" [-le, crowl, m. : CrOW. cor-néite* [-née], f. : corneitis (inflam- mation of the cornea). -nEment* [-ner], m. : roaring (in the ears) ; droning (of a reed organ fr. an imperfect joint). -nE- · muse* [-ne, horn, muse(tte)], f : bag- young plpe. cornéoleº [l. L. -la (?)],.f. : (vulg.) dyer's weed, lysimachia. - cor-nerº [-ne, HORN], tr. : trumpet; bray ; roar, wheeze (as a sick horse); horn, hook ; make horny (as leather) ; dog-ear (leaves of book) ; intr. : sound, blow a horn ; #smell bad (like burnt horn) : - requête, excite, urge on dogs in hunting. -mErotte" [-ne,l, f. : (vulg.) owl. -netº [-me], m. : = (little horn ; trumpet ; cor- net-stop of organs) ; (horn-shaped things :) dice-box; cornucopia ; vase ; spiral ; cone ; | COI'OIl ear-trumpet : agiter le -, shake the dice ; — de mâts, vertical planking about the foot of masts. -nEterº [-net], tr. : cup (a horse). +-mEtier* [-ne], m. : horn- worker. -nette º [-ne], f : CORNET, mob- cap (with big bow, like horns, under the chin) ; broad band (worn as badge in certain professions) ; swallow-tail pen- nant ; ensign, standard, then the officer (cornet) bearing ensign. -néule* [-née], f : facet (unit of the compound eye of in- sects). -neurº, =euse, m., f : horn- blower ; adj. : cheval —, wheezy horse. I.-ni.eheº [-ne], f : flittle horn ; (vulg.) Water-nut, caltrop. 2.cornieheº [It -ce (? fr. Gr. koronís, wreath)], f. : CORNICE (ornamentation of a column ; scroll-work on a ship) ; marroW path (along precipice). cor-niehonº [-ne, HORN) ; cucumber pickle ; kind of grape ; kind of mollusk ; greenhorn. -nieuIeº [ne], f : little horn ; cup (for cupping sick man). -Iai- culé* [-nicule], adj. : like a little horn. -mier*, =ière [-ne], adj. : at a CORNER ; ſ. : corner-channel (of roofs that meet) ; angle-iron ; corner iron. cornil-latº [corneille, crow], m. : young crow. I.-lon* [cornevlle], m. : young crow ; jackdaw. 2.cor-nillonº [-me, HORN], m. : bony core (of cow horn). -nion" [-ne], m. : point, end (of bownet). -nisteº [cor], m. : CORNIST, CORNETTIST. Cornouailles, m. pl. : Pointe de —, Land's End. cor-nouille* [p. L. -nucla (L. -nus fr. its horny hardness)], f. : CORNEL-cherry. -nouiller*, m. : cornel-cherry tree, dog- wood. |-nu°[L.-nütus (-nu, HORN)], adj. : HORNED : lièvres —s, horned hares, i.e. fantastic ideas ; raisons (visions) -es, crazy reasons (visions) ; argument -, the sophism : you have what you haven't lost ; you haven't lost horns, therefore you have horns ; cheval —, horse with too prominent hips ; blé —, grain with spurs or beard. -nude" [Prov. -nudo], f.: bucket (with spout used in soap-works). -nue* [-nu], ſ : wooden vessel for grapes ; retort (of chemists, or in gas-works). -nuelle " Cornwall : la [-nu], f : water caltrop (plant ; cf. corniche). -nuetº [-nu], m. : bident, two - pronged fork ; bidens (plant) ; paStry. corol-laire* [L. -larium wreath (as present)], m. : corollary (an obvious in- ference) ; #new argument. -le" [L. -la, dim. of corona, crownl, f : corolla of flower. -léº [-le] adj. : corolla-like. I. coron * [?], m. : end (of iron bar cooled too soon) ; fluff (of wool). COI ºO ! . 2.coronº [?], m. : quarters (for coal- miners). eoro-naire* [L. -narius (-na, crown)l, adj. : coronary. -malº, pl. =aux [L. -nalis], adj. or m. : =. -nelle* [L. -na], f. : wire-wing (of bobbin) ; tooth- holder (in weaver's comb). -nerº [Eng.], m.: =. -nille" [Sp. -nilla], f : chick- weed. -nis* [L., fr. Gr. koronís], f : = (apostrophe l'] as sign of crasis ; a paraph | or flourish). coronoïde" [Gr. korône, crow, eîdos, form], adj. : coronoid, beak-shaped. coronule* [L. -la, dim. of corona, crown], f. : = (circle of spines at apex of tibia in certain insects). • corosso-lº [? island Curaçao], m. : custard apple : - des marais, cork wood, alligator apple. -1ier", m. : custard apple-tree. corpo-ral*, pl. =aux [l. L. -rale (L. corpus, body sc. of Christ)], m. : corporal- cloth (spread over the altar during com- munion service). -ralierº, m. : case where communion cloth is kept. -ralité* [L. -litas], f : corporality, not spirituality. -ration" [Eng. (l. L. -rari, form a body)], f. : = (extent of a town ; business asso- ciation). -réité* [l. L. -reitas], f : cor- poreity, bodily existence. -relº, = elle [L. -ralis], adj. : bodily, material. -rel- lement* [-rel], adv. : corporally, bodily, materially. -rifierº [L. corpus, body, facere, make], tr. : CORPORIFY, embody, give body to, materialise. cor-ps° [L. corpus], m. : = (of an army), body; person ; corpse : - de maîtres, faculty of a school ; à son — défendant, in self-defence, reluctantly ; en -, in a body ; à - perdu, headlong, with might and main ; prendre à -, seize, Wrestle with ; se tuer le — et l'âme, work one's self to death ; un drôle de -, a queer chap ; un malin -, mean fellow ; femme ſolle de son -, woman who lives disorder- ly; faire rentrer à quelqu'un ses paroles dans le -, make one sv7allow his words, take back what he said ; les gardes du -, body guards ; les petits -, atoms (of Epi- cure) ; le — calleux, corpus callosum of the brain ; vin qui a du -, wine of good strength ; esprit de —, = (interest in the body one is member of, common spirit pervading an association of men). -pu- len ee* [L. pulentia (-pus, body)], f : =, largeness of body. -pulent* [L. -pulentusl, adj. : =, fat. ll-pus º[L.], m.: =, body ; holy bread (as being body of Christ) : le — (juris), whole of Roman law. -pusculaire" . [-puscule], adj. : corpuscular, atomic. -pusculeº -pusculum], m. : corpuscle, atom. corre-ctº [L.-ctus (cum, together, rectus, corrompre 155 right)], adj. : =. -ctEment* [-cte], adv. : correctly. -cteur*, =tri ee [L. -ctor], m., f : corrector; #punisher : — d'imprimerie, proof-reader. -ctifº, =ive [l. L. -ctivus], adj. : corrective, tending to set right, or improve. -ction * [L. -ctio], f : = (improvement, setting right ; emendations ; punishment, discipline ; cor- rectness ; proof-reading) : sauf —, sub- ject to correction ; maison de —, reform school for minors. -ctionnaliserº [-ctionnell, tr. : bring (a crime) under penalty. -ctionnel*, =elle [-ction], adj. : hav'g penalty. -ctionnellementº [-ctionel], adv. : by way of prosecution. corré-gidorº [Sp. ºruler'], m. : = (chief magistrate of a town). corréla-tifº, =ive [l. L. -tivus (L. cum, with, relativus, connected)], adj. : cor- relative. -tionº [l. L. -tio], f. : =, reciprocal connection. -tivementº[-tif], adv. : in mutual relation. corres-pondan eeº, f : correspondence (likeness ; relation ; exchange of letters) ; harmony : voiture de —, branch coach, transfer coach. -pondamtº [l. L. -pon- dens], adj. : correspondent ; correspond- ing ; like ; guardian (over child away fr. home). |-pondre* [l. L. -pondere (L. cum, with, respondere, respond)], intr. : correspond (be like ; answer to, respond ; communicate by letter) ; transfer (take passengers fr. connected line). corridorº [It. -dore (correre, run)], m. : = (covered way around fortification ; wide gallery or hallway). corri-ger* [L. -gere], tr. : CORRECT (set right ; read proof; punish). -geurº, m. : corrector (who makes changes indi- cated by proof-reader). -gible*, adj. : =, not hopelessly bad. $ fcorrivalº, pl. =aux [L. -lis (cum, with, rivalis, rival)l, m. : RIVAL. corrobo-ramtº, adj. : corroborating, establishing. -ratifº, =ive [-ration], adj. : corroborative, strengthening. ll-ra- tion* [L. -ratio (cum, with, robur, strength ; lit. ' oak')], f. : =, confirmation. -rer* [L. -rare], tr. : #strengthen (by medicine, etc.) ; corroborate, support by proof. •& corro-dant*, m. : or adj. : corrodent. |-derº [L. -dere (cum, with, rodere, gnaw)], tr. : corrode, consume, rust, eat away gradually. cor-roi* [-royer], m. : = (puddling, claying, plaster ; cement for ship-hulls, etc.) ; CURRYING (of leather) ; bench (to work cloth). -roierieº or -roirie [-royer], f : currier's shop, or business. cor-r9mpre* [L. -rumpere (cum, with, rumpere, break)] (cf. rompre); tr. : COR- 156 corrond RUPT (spoil ; make worse ; bribe) ; modi- fy, change : - le cuir, soften the leather. fcorrond = coron. corro-sifº, =ive [L. -sivus (cum, with, rodere, gnaw)], adj. or m. : corrosive. -sionº [L. -sio], f : = (rustiness ; grad- ual decay). corro-yageº, m. : currying (of leather, etc.). |-yerº [OFr. conreer, prepare], tr. : prepare ; CURRY (leather), (iron) ; dress (wood) ; make mortar of ; puddle (plaster) ; coat over; plaster (cisterns) : #- les balles, squeeze the water out of printer's pads (so they will take ink better). -yère º, f : sumac (shrub used in tanning). -yeur*, m. : currier. - corrudeº [L. -da], f. : wild asparagus. corruga-teur",=triee, adj.: corrugant; m. : corrugator (muscle which wrinkles the skin). |-tion* [L. -tio (cum, with, ruga, wrinkle)], f. : =, muscular wrin- kling. corrup-teurº, =triee [L. -teur, -trix], m., f. : corruptor ; briber; adj. : corrup- tive, vicious. -tibilité* [L. -tibilitas], f : corruptibility. -tible* [L. -tibilis], adj. : = (liable to spoil ; open to bribery) ; m.: fimpurity, dirt. |-tion* [L. -tio, cor-rumpere, break up], f : =, bribery, vitiation (of health ; of integrity; of a text ; of a person). - i cors = cor. - corsae" [fr. Russ.], m. : = (Asiatic fox). corsage* [corps], m. : f= (waist gar- ment) ; woman's bust ; fbody, person : les gens de -, serfs. cor-saire* [It. -saro (L. cursus, COURSE, run)], fadj. : cruising, sailing; m. : cor- sair, pirate, robber : à -, — et demi, out-Herod Herod. cor-sé* [corps], adj. : well-bodied, strong : drap —, thick cloth ; vin -, strong wine. -sElet* [corps], m. : = (fbody armour ; thorax of insects). -serº [corps], tr. : igrapple with ; (recently) spike (as wine, to put whiskey into it ; strengthen). -set* [corps], m. : = ; fwaist of a dress. -sEtierº, =ière [-set], m., f. : corset- dealer or maker. •- cor-tègeº [It. -teggio (corte, court)], m.: = (procession, esp. historical or symbolic). -tèsº [Sp.], pl. f. : = (national legisla- ture). cor-tical", pl. =aux [L. -tex, bark, rind], adj. : outer, exterior. -tieine * [f . -tex], f. : corticin (tannin obtained fr. vegetable rinds). cortine" [L. -na, cauldron, esp. one sacred to Apollo; anything spherical], f : work cosmétique CORTINA, CURTAIN, veil (on margin of fungi). s coruscation* [L.-catio (-care, flash)], f : =, scintillation. cor-véable", adj. : subject to feudal duty; m. : base tenant. ll-vée* [l. L. -rogata (L. -rogare, call together, fr. cum, with, rogare, ask)], f : = (feudal obliga- tion, statute labor such as mending roads); tiresome task. corvette* [L. -bita, freight ship (-bis, basket)], f. : = (war vessel of wood). corvidés* [L. -vus, crow], m. pl. : cor- vidae, crow-family. cory-bante* [L. Gr.-bas], m.: corybant, priest to Cybele. -bantique" [Gr. -bantikôs], adj. : corybantic, frenzied ; f. pl. : festival to Cybele. co-rymbeº [L. -rymbus, Gr. kôrumbos (kôriis, helmet)], m. : corymb, flower cluster. -rymbifère" [L.ferre, bear], adj. : corymbiferous ; f pl. : the family of the corymb-bearing plants. -ryphéeº [L. -phaeus, Gr. koruphaîos (koruphé, head)], m. : corypheus, chorus leader ; leader of a ballet; (in irony) leader. -ryza * [L. ; Gr.kôruza, cold in the head], m. : = (nasal catarrh, common cold) ; similar affection in animals. cosaqueº [Russ. kosaku], m. : Cossack ; (fam.) brutal man ; f : fcosaque (dance). cosécante" [co-, sécante], f : cosecant, secant of the complement of an angle. coseigneurº [co-, seigneur], m. : joint- owner or lord (of feudal property). cosignataire* [co-, signataire], m., f : fellow-signer, joint signer. - cosinusº [co-, L. sinus, curve], m. : cosine (of angle). cos-métiqueº [Gr. kosmetikós, ornamen- tal], adj. or m. : cosmetic ; _f. : art of using cosmetics. |-mique* [Gr. kósmos, order ; world], adj. : cosmic ; cosmical : l'espace —, space where heavenly bodies are ; lever — d'une étoile, rising of a star close with the sun. -mogonie" [Gr. -mogonía (gônos, birth)], f. : cos- mogony, theory of the origin of the world. -mogonique* [-mogonie], adj. : cosmo- gonic. -mographe* [L. -mographus, fr. Gr.], m. : cosmographer. -mogra- phie º[L.-mographia, Gr. kosmographia], ſ. : cosmography, description of the world. -mologie" [Gr. kosmologia], f : cos- mology, science or theory of the world. -mologique" [Gr. kosmologikôs], adj. : cosmological. -mopoliteº [Gr. kosmo- polites (polites, citizen)], adj. : cosmo- politan ; m. : citizen of the world, cos- mopolite, one at home anywhere. -mopo- Iitismeº [-mopolite], m. : cosmopolitan- ism, broadmindedness. -moramaº [Gr. cossats hôrama, view (horân, see)], m. : = (exhibi- tion of views fr. over the world). fcos-satsº, m. pl. : (dial.) pod-heap. ll-se* [?], f : pod; husk; (nav.) anti- chafing ring, thimble ; upper layer (of slate-quarry) : parchemin en —, rough, unfinished sheepskin. cosserº [It. -zzare], intr. : butt, bunt. I.cosson* [-ssus], m. : cossus, larva of the · bombycid moth ; weevil. 2.cosson" [?], m. : shoot (of vine after trimming). < - cossu* [-sse], adj. : (dial.) podded, hav'g husks ; ( fam.) well-off; rich. cos-talº, pl. =aux [L. -ta, rib], adj. : =. f-tière = cotière. costu-meº [It. fr. L. consuetudo], m. : = (fCUSTOM ; dress ; style of dressing ; wardrobe, outfit of clothing). -merº, tr. : costume, dress. -mier º, =ière, m., f. : costumer. cotangente" [co-, tangent], f : cotangent. cote* [l. L. quota (L. quotus, how much)], j. : quota, proportion; quotation (of stock); rank; number; figure: fune — mal taillée, an approximate estimate. cô-te° [L. costa, rib], f. : rib (of the body; of a ship ; ridge) ; COAST ; side ; slope : faire —, strike bottom ; être à la —, be stranded. -téº, m. : right or left half ; side ; flank ; direction : le — de l'épître (de l'évangile), right (left) of the altar ; (old) le - de la campagne (de la ville), right (left) of the stage ; (nou) le — cour (fdu roi), the right of the stage ; le — jardin (de la reine), the left of the stage;. à - de, near.; aside ; du — de, towards ; à —, away off; de —, º#ue# askance ; at one side, alone. co-teauº, pl. -ac, m. : hillock; vineyard.; member of the ordre des -x, wine club (of seventeenth century). -telé*, adj. : =, ribbed, hav'g many sides. -telette*, f. : =, CUTLET, chop. eo-telineº [?], f : = (muslin fabric usually corded). cotepalisº [?], m. : cloth (of silk and goat hair). 8 - coter* [-te], tr. : QUOTE (stocks, assess- ments ; passage fr. a book, etc.); number; assess ; grade, graduate. feoteret = cotret. coterie* [-tier], f. : (old) cotters (of one landlord) ; inheritance (subject to a tax) ; club, =. cothurneº [L. -nus], m. : buskin ; loop, strap (of a shoe). coti-ee* [?], f. : (her.) narrow band (diagonal fr. right to left). -eéº, adj. : having bands. cotierº, =ière [OFr., COT], adj. : subject to a Vassal tax. oô-tierº, I.=ière [-tel, adj. : of the cothurnus, 157 COAST ; hilly : (cheval) -, horse for hills ; (pilote) -, coasting pilot; fleuve -, river in a basin. 2.-tière* [-te], f : (old) slope, hill-side ; fcoast ; (nou) shelving garden bed ; half (of a mould for lead pipe) ; side rock (in furnace or chimney). co-tièrementº [-ter], adv. : by feudal title, or tenure. - cotignacº [Prov. coudougnat, L. cotoneum, QUINCE (fr. city Cydonia)], m. : =, quince marmalade. cotillon * [-tte], m. : petticoat ; girl, woman; bloomer-like drawers; = (dance). cotinº [L. -tinus], m. : fustet, Cuba wood, Venetian sumac. cotinga" [S. Am.], m. : = (bird). cotique* [?], m. : univalve mollusk. fcotir* [? ak.to cosser], tr. : bunt; bruise. coti-sation º, f : quota ; assessment. |-serº [côte], tr. : (old) assess ; (now) se -, contribute, club together. feotissure" [-tir], f. : bruise (on fruit). co-ton* [fr. Ar.], m. : cotton ; down : ſiler mauvaise -, have poor health, have hard luck. -tonnadeº, f : = (cheap cotton cloth). -tonner*, tr. : (old) furnish with cotton ; (nou) cover with down; make spongy. -tonnerie" [-ton- nier],.f. : cotton plantation. -tonnette º, ſ : kind of cotton cloth. -tonneuacº, =euse, adj. : downy, cottony; pithy, spongy. I.-tonnierº, m. : cotton-plant. 2.-tonnier*, =ière, adj. : cotton. -ton- nière º, f. : cotton-weed. -tonnineº, ſ : sail-cloth (of cotton). côtoyer* [-te], tr. : fgo side by side with ; coast, sail along ; approach. • cotre* [fr. Eng.], m. : CUTTER (ship). eotretº [?], m.: fagot; stick; slat. cottageº [Eng.], m.: =. - I.cotteº [l. L. -ttus], m. : miller's thumb cou (fish). 2.cot-te* [ak. to Ger. kotze, rug], f : fcloak ; petticoat : - morte, property a monk leaves. #-teronº, m. : little skirt. cottière" [?], f : (thick) bar (of iron). cotuteurº, =triee [co-, tuteur], m., f : joint-guardian. coty-leº [Gr. kotûle, cavity], m. : = (bone-socket ; measure half-pint). -lé- donº [Gr. kotuledôn, socket], m. : coty- ledon (embryonic leaf; area of the uterine placenta). -lédonéº [-lédon], adj. : cotyledonous. -let" [Gr. kotûle], m. : house-leek. -#oïde" [Gr. eîdos, form], adj. : cup-shaped. cou° [L. collum], m. : neck : --de-pied, instep ; - de cygne, crane-neck (curved bottom of carriage for front wheels) ; - de chameau, narcissus (plant) ; --blanc, fallow-finch ; —-jaune, warbler (of St. Domingo) ; --coupé, grosbeak (of Sene- 158 gal) ; --tors, wry-neck ; prendre ses jambes à son -, flee precipitately. couae* [echoic], m. : QUACK, false note. couagga* [echoicl, m. : QUAGGA, kind of Zebra. . cou-ailleº [queue, tail], f : tail-wool, breech-wool ; backwater arm (of pond). |-ardº [queue, tail], adj. : COWARD (turn- ing tail; cowardly); m. : poltroon ; rump, haunch ; head (of scythe blade). -ardE- ment*, adv. : cowardly. -ardise º, f. : cowardice. cou-ehant*, adj. : =, couching; setting; m. : west : chien -, setter ; faire le chien -, cringe. -ehe*, f : couch (bed, floor ; layer; first coat of paint) ; marriage-bed ; child-bed, confinement; swaddling clothes; stakes, bet; cheek-piece (of a gun): fausse -, miscarriage. -ehéº, adj. : =, lying down. -ehéeº, f : fsleeping; lodging station. I.ll-eher° [L. collocāre, place together], tr. : couch (cause to lie down ; put to bed ; deposit ; lay; layer; lay on ; write down; bet, wager) ; intr. : be abed, lodge, sleep : se -, set (of sun, stars, etc.) ; - en joue, aim, aim at ; - gros, bet heavily ; - par écrit, put in black and white ; ( fam.) allez vous —, be off with you ; #- de, pretend to ; — d'impos- ture, impose on one by lying. 2.-eherº, m. : going to bed ; sleeping ; #lodging ; bed ; setting : le petit :-, the time a king withdraws and prepares for bed. -ehe- rie*,.f. : (pop.) sleeping (with a woman). -ehette º, f : little bed : #mignon de —, young gallant. -eheur*, =euse, m., f : bed-fellow ; coucher (of paper pulp) ; f : woman coucher (in Alençon lace). -ehisº, pl. -, m. : bed (for paving) ; layer (to form a new plant) ; lathing ; boards (of the trusswork of a vault). -ehoirº, m. : tool (for handling gold-leaf). -ehure", C}Oli8l,C} f : couching (of steel comb-teeth ; of the first threads in lace-making). couei-coueiº [It. cosi S0 S0 cosi], adv. : cou-cou* [echoic], m. : cuckoo; cuckoo clock ; any wooden clock; cry (of chil- dren at hide-and-seek) ; barren straw- ·berry plant ; Parisian buggy (for travel- lers). -couerº, intr. : utter cuckoo cry. coucoumelle* [Prov. -melo (? ak. to L. cucumer, cucumber)], f. : kind of mush- I"OOIIl. 8 , coucourelleº [Prov. -relo (ak. to coque fr. its red interior)], f. : kind of fig. cou-de° [L. cubitus], m. : elbow (angle ; turn ; bend) : lever or hausser le —, be fond of drink ; jouer des -s, elbow one's way. -dée*, f : CUBIT, eighteen inches ; elbow-room. -der*, tr. : bemd, put an elbow into. -doiementº [-doyer], y coulavan m. : elbowing, shoving. -doyer º, tr. : elbow, jostle ; touch, join with. coudraie* [I.-dre], f. : hazelnut thicket. fcoudran, etc., = goudron, etc. I.fcoudre° [p. L. *colurus (L. corylus)], m. : hazelnut bush. 2.coudre° [p. L. *cösere (L. con-suere, sew together)], irr. $ ; tr. : sew ; stitch together; bind with wire or willow ; fix to ; nail fast : - la bouche, keep a close mouth, keep silent ; joues cousues, thin, sunken cheeks ; un visage cousu de petite vérole, a pock-marked face. $ Ind. : Pr. cotéds, couds, coud ; cousons, cotésez, cotése7tt. Ipf. cotésais. Pret. cotészs. Fut. (Cond.) coudrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. couse. Ipf. cotészsse. — I've cozéa.s. — Part. : Pr. cou- sant , P. cousu. - cou-drementº, m. : soaking (of hides to loosen hair). |-drerº [? ak. to chau- dière], tr. : soak (prepare for tanning). cou-drette* [I.-dre], f : flittle hazelnut bush ; hazel-thicket. -drierº [I.-dre], m. : hazelnut bush. couen-ne° kwan [p. L. *cutinna (L. cutis, skin)], f : pig-skin ; porpoise-skin ; yel- lowish, jaundice skin ; buffy coat (of blood) ; false membrane (in diseases of the throat) : une — de lard, rind of ba- con. -neux", =euse, adj. : buffy. couet* [écoute, rope], m. : sheet (rope at the lower corner of a sail). I. couette° kwat [L. culcita], f. : feather- bed ; cushion, socket. 2.fcouette* [queue], f. : little tail. couffe" [ak. to cqffin], f : flexible basket- work (for cotton, coffee, etc.). couguarº [fr. Brazilian], m. : puma. . - - - coui" [Creole word], m. : calabash tree. fcouier " [queue], m. : (dial.) pa(i)nter (rope at bow to tie up skiff). couillard *, adj. : (lou) well hung (hav'g large testicles) ; m. : beam (each of two timbers supporting dome of windmill); brail (to truss up middle of a sail). |eouille° [p. L. * côlia (L. cöleus) sheathl, f. : (lou) cod (scrotum): —-de-loup, house- leek. couillon*, m. : (low) testicle ; teat (made in a sail to attach a line); projection (on an anchor shaft, to fit grooves and hold anchor steady); runner block (for rope) : --de-chien, ,stander- wort ; --de-prêtre, prick-wood. cou-lageº [-ler], m. : leakage; draw- ing off, pouring; waste. -lammentº [-lant], adv. : fluently. I.-lantº [-ler], adj. : running ; fluent ; flowing : nœud -, slip-knot. 2.-lantº [-ler], m. : runner ; slide (a sliding ring, locket, weight, etc. ; groove, place, or object where a thing slides) : - d'une lampe, burner of a lamp. coulavan" [Chinese], m. : kind of oriole. COugar, coule fcoule° [L. cuculla], f : hood. cou-lé" [-ler], m. : molten metal, cast ; = (slide in dancing; slur in music ; run- ning together of letters) ; push (at bil- liards). - léeº [-ler], f : flow, flux ; =, lava stream ; cursive script ; repair (of a deer). fcoulemelle* or f-motte [ak. to colon- me], f : kind of mushroom. cou-lementº, m. : +flow (of liquids) ; glizade (gliding stroke in fencing). |-ler° [L. cöläre, strain (cölum, strainer)], tr. : pour , cast (metals) ; drain ; leach ; make leak and sink ; drown ; exhaust ; while | aWay, scald, bleach (wash with lyewater) ; ' slur over, glide over; slide over; pass OVer ; transfer, put ; refl. : spread ; be- come current, transpire ; slide ; intr. : flow, be abundant ; drip ; leak; sink ; be drowned ; run ; glide ; Sneak ; drowned (by rains) creep : - une affaire, investi- gate or discuss an affair thoroughly ; un homme coulé, a used-up man ; — une taille, engrave parallel lines. -leresseº, f. : (old) strainer; (now) vat. -le-sangº [I've of -ler], m. : Martinique viper. -lette", f. : spindle (for winding spools or bobbins) ; (Garonne river) hoop-net. couleur° [L. color], f. : color (tint, hue ; complexion ; paint ; show, appearance ; pretence, disguise ; flag; badge) ; livery ; fib : les pâles -8, green sickness; de quelle - tourne-t-il ? what is trumps ; donner de la —, follow suit ; nommer la -, make the trump (at ombre) ; prendre -, stake and cut (the cards at lansque- net) ; peindre à pleines —s, paint with a full brush ; l'affaire prend —, the matter begins to show improvement. cowl, monk's eou-leuvre° [p. L. *colöbra, L. colübra], | f : COLUBER, adder : avaler des —s, show great forbearance. young snake. -leuvréeº, f : white briony. -leuvrinº, =ine, adj. : colu- brine, snake-like. -lEvrine º, f : CUL- VERIN (cannon) : sous la -, within range. couliº [servant caste in India], m.: COOLIE (Chinese or Indian contract labor- er, porter or menial in employ of for- eigners). - eou-linageº, m. : singeing. |-linerº | [? -ler], tr. : singe (trees with torches on account of insects). eou-lis*, =sse [-ler], adj. : vent coulis, draft of wind ; m. : grout (fluid metal, mor- tar, etc., to be poured in to fill up chinks and holes) ; groats, porridge. -lisse, j. : coulisse (grooved timber ; theatre slide ; space between slides ; purlieus of the theatre) ; behind the scenes ; un- · authorized part of the stock exchange ; -leuvreauº, m. : | 159 board, case, drawer, etc., sliding in a groove , port-CULLIS ; fold (for curtain rod ; for drawstring) : faire les yeux en -, look slyly at one ; - de galée, print- er's galley. -lisséº, adj. : (her.) hav'g a port-CULLIS. -lisseau*, m. : groove (for bed rollers, for drawers ; tongue for a groove) ; guide (to keep roller, slide, etc., in place). -Iisserº, tr. : groove. -lissierº, m. : stock-jobber (non-licensed exchange broker). -lissoire" [-sser],f. grooving-tool, groover. fcoul-melle, -motte see coulemelle, etc. cou-loir* [-ler], m. : side-entrance, pas- sage-way; log-slide, milk-strainer ; #bile- duct ; fglizade (in fencing). -loire* [-ler], f : sieve, strainer; funnel; draw- plate (in making pins). fcoulon° [L. columbus], m. : (dial.) fpigeon. - coulotteº [-ler], f : slide (where the lead plate is lifted fr. the mould). coulpe° [L. culpa], f : fmistake ; sin : dire sa -, confess one's sins ; battre sa -, repent (beating one's breast). cou-lureº [-ler], f : =, drowning (loss of pollen by rain); leakage, spilling ; sinker : -s d'une seine, leaded up-and- down cords of a seine. coup coumailleº [?], f : rock (fr. coal mines). coumarou" [Guiana], m. : =, Tonka beantree. coumier" [Guiana], m. : cuma tree. coup° [p. L. *colapus (L. colaphus)], m. : blow (stroke, hit, knock ; cuff ; kick) ; act, motion of a limb or instrument ; shot (discharge of a firearm) ; clap of thunder slash, cut ; pinch ; push, thrust ; haul of a seine ; pull ; poke at the fire ; play of a machine ; throw at dice ; move at chess ; crunch of the jaws, bite ; crack of a whip ; beat of a drum ; time ; attempt : — d'œil, cast of the eye, ( fig.) glance, look ; ogle ; sight ; aspect ; penetration ; bird's-eye view ; - de grâce, mercy stroke, finishing stroke, death-blow ; - de temps, sudden occasion ; - de jarnac, treacherous or unexpected blow ; faire — double, kill two birds with one stone ; porter —, have 'its effect ; donner un — de mains (or d'épaules) à, lend a helping hand to ; donner un - de chapeau, tip one's hat ; - de feu, shot ; shot-wound ; great heat ; scorch ; busy time ; être dans son - de feu, be very busy ; - de tête, act of des- peration, sudden resolution, impulse ; - de maître, master-stroke ; - d'essai, first trial, effort ; - d'état, =, stroke of state policy ; - de main, surprise, attack ; - de théâtre, dramatic turn; unexpected step; clap-trap ; boire un -, take a sip, ( fig.) 160 - coupable droWn ; tout d'un —, all of a sudden ; revolver à six —s, six-shooter ;— amorti, spent shot ; - de partie, decisive blow ; - de revers, back-stroke ; - de sang, apoplectic stroke ; — d'air, a cold ; à - perdu, in vain ; — sur -, one after an- other, Without stopping ; après -, too late ; à - sûr, to a certainty; — de čannon à l'eau, shot between wind and water ; - fourré, mutual stab (where each wounds the other). cou-pable° [L. culpabilis], adj. : culp- able ; sinful ; guilty; m., f. : CULPRIT. -pablEmentº, adv. : culpably. cou-page* [-per], m. : fcutting; diluting. -pantº, =ante [-perl, adj. : ºut# sharp ; m. : edge (of a blade). I.-pe* [-per], f. : cutting (of hay ; of wood ; of cards) ; cut (of pattern of garment ; of hair) ; style ; division ; section : mettre un bois en - réglée, apportion woods for cutting (so much to be cut each year), ( fig.) impose on one constantly ; acheter un melon à la -, plug melon before pay- ing for it ; nager à la —, swim sailor- fashion ; faire sauter la —, restore the cards after the cut ; être heureux à la -, win by cheating ; être sous la — de quelqu'un, play first at cards, be at a dis- advantage ; ( fig.) be dependent on some one ; - de verre, lump of molten glass (on the blower's pipe). $ 2.coupe° [L. cuppa], f : CUP (drinking vessel ; fcommunion cup ; wine) ; basin of a fountain : il y a loin de la - aux lèvres, there is many a slip twixt the cup and the lip. coupé" [-per], m. : = (carriage arched for the front wheels ; front compart- ment of French diligence or of railway coach ; coupée) ; rise (in the bridge of a ship over the cabin) ; one quarter of a shield ; slash ; staccato note : --lit, sleeping-car; berth in sleeper. I.-peau*, pl. -ac [-perl, m. : CHIP, shaving(#of wood ; fr. an engraver's tool) ; sheet (of five playing cards in process of manufactur- ing). - 2.fcoupeau*, pl. - x [2.-pe], m. : top, summit. f'coupe- [couper] : f-bourgeon", m.: (dial.) vine-grub. -bourseº, m. : cut- purse ; thief. - eercleº, m. : measur- ing compasses; round-punch. - ehouacº, m. : cabbage-cutter (case-knife ; menial). -corsº, m. : (toe) corn-cutter. #-culº, adv. : ( fam.) jouer à -, play game of cards without revenge. coupée" [part. of couper], f. : rise (over cabin, cf. coupé). -fau.eille", m. : (dial.) lion's-mouth, snap-dragon (plant). -fileº, pl. -, m. : pass (cutting the line of car- couplage riages at a reception). -foin º, pl. -, m. : mowing-machine. -gazon", pl. -, m. : turf- or sod-cutter (machine). -gorge*, pl. -, m. : =, cut-throat place ; cutlas ; curved timber (under the head of a ship) ; f(term at lansquenet) when the dealer leads, dealer loses all ; sweeps all. coupeillon" [Prov. -payoun (?)], m. : hoop-net. | coupe- [couper] : -jarretº, m. : cut- throat ; assassin (Who approaches fr. behind). -1ande*, f : heavy hoe. -légumes*, pl. -, m. : vegetable knife. coupel-lation " [-ler], f : cupellation, assaying. |-le* [coupe, CUP], f. : CUPEL ; powder ladle, charger (of gunners) ; #test. -ler", tr. : cupel, cupellate. cou-pe-mariageº, pl. -, m. : thread- guide (to prevênt threads touching in winding silk ^fr. the cocoon). -pe- paille", pl. -, m.: straw-cutter. -pe- pâte, pl. -, m. : dough-knife. -pe- queueº, pl. -, m. : docking-knife ; * (leather-dresser's) tail-trimmer ; (chan- dler's) evener. |-perº [coup], tr. : cut (divide, sever ; carve; slice ; chop ; trim ; clip, shear ; amputate ; castrate ; pass through ; cross ; stop, shut off; inter- rupt) ; dilute, adulterate (liquids) ; break (as cloth or leather) : — le sifflet à quelqu'un, cut one's throat ; ( fam.) make one keep mum ; pour - court, in short ; se -, be galled ; (of horses) to interfere ; se - la gorge, fight a duel ; — court à quelqu'un, cut one off short ; — par le plus court, take the shortest cut ;- dans le pont (or dedans), get into the trap. -pe-raeinesº, pl. -, m. : root-breaker (for cutting up turnips, etc.). -peretº, m. : chopping-knife ; (enameler's) file ; hammer-chisel. I. coupero-se* [?], f. : COPPERAS : — bleue (blanche, verte), blue (white, green) vitriol. 2.-seº [? same as I.], f : stone- pock. -seº [2.-se], adj. : blotched (by stone-pock). feou-peru" [Imv. of -per, ru, brook], m. : (dial.) little seine. -pe-sève*, pl. -, m. : girder (to deaden trees). coupetº [? OFr., summit], m. : (cone- shaped) sea-shell. fcoupetée, -ter see coptée, -ter. eou-pe-tête* [-per], fheadsman ; leap- frog. -peur*, =euse [-per], m., f : cutter ; (esp.) tailor ; vintager ; hound (that takes short cut to head off game) ; clipper, trimmer ;.f. : bee (that cuts leaves) : - de bourse, pickpocket ; — d'eau, cut- water; scissor-bill. -pisº [-per], m. : riser (of the Pont coupé). cou-plage" [-pler], m. : (joined) pair (of coupoir boats on the Loire); one-sixteenth one sec- tion (of a logfloat). llcou-ple°[L. cöpula], ſ : copula, tie, bond ; couple, two ; m. : pair (man and wife ; twins; two friends ; male and female ; yoke of oxen ; span of horses ; two hooks to a line, etc.) ; two parallelforces (acting on a lever). -plerº, tr. : couple (unite, join, put together). -pletº, m. : = (two rhyming lines ; a song of such rhymes) ; tirade ; hinge. -plEterº [-plet], tr. : satirize one (in couplets). -plière", f : willows (hold- ing raft together). coupoirº [-per], m. : cutting instrument (knife ; shears ; blade ; dressing bench ; folder ; worm ; groover ; puncher-chisel ; mortise machine). - coupoleº [it. cupola (cupa, cup)], f : cupola, dome. cou-pon* [-per], m. : = (part cut off or to be cut off ; remnant of cloth ; share or dividend warrant ; ticket, note) ; division, | section, of a raft. -pureº [-per], f : = (passage cut through a glacis ; ditch behind a breach) ; cut ; break ; water- trench ; fractional part ; bank note (of low denomination). cour° [p. L.*curs, L. cohors, cors, pen,yard], ·f. : COURT (residence of a ruler ; state council ; court coumcil ; government ; vas- sals, or retinue of a sovereign ; homage ; courting, obsequious attention ; palace ; tribunal ; hall ; seat of judgment, law court ; judicial body ; yard, enclosure) ; | (dial.) f country estate ; # estate of a | sovereign : --basse, poultry yard ; - de comptes, audit office ; — du roi Pétaud, Bedlam, where everybody talks ; hors de -, out of court, non-suited ; m. : dis- missal, non-suit ; - plenière, full court of the king ; ( fam.) great crowd ; — d'assises, criminal court ; le côté --, left of the actor ; l'eau bénite de -, empty promises. courable* [-rir], adj. : bête —, beast that may be hunted. feouradeº [?], f. : (dial.) sardine. coura-geº [cœur], m.: = (heart; brav- ery, daring ; will, resoluteness, spirit) ; fdisposition : tenir son - à deux mains, summon up all one's courage. -geuse- ment*, adv. : courageously. -geux*, =euse, adj. : courageous. $ fcourai, -rayer see corroi, corroyer. cou-raillerº [-rir], intr. : run back and forth ; ( fam.) lead an irregular life. | -ramment*, adv. : fluently, easily. ll-rantº, =ante [-rir], adj. : current (running; present ; usual; ordinary, regu- lar) ; fluent ; flowing ; lineal, length ; m. : current, stream (of air, water, etc.) ; length ; runner (moving rope in a pulley) ; courge · 161 f : running-hand ; upper millstone ; cou- rant (dance) ; (lou) diarrhœa : main —e, day-book, blotter ; monnaie -e, current coin ; titre -, title (repeated on every page) ; être au -, keep up with the times ; be well informed ; se mettre au —, pay one's debts ; compte -, standing account ; prix -, market price. -rantille" [Prov. -rrentilho], f : drifting seine (for tunny). -rantinº, =ine, m., f : un- stable person; errand-boy; line-rocket. courbaeheº [fr. Turk.], f : courbash, bastinado whip. - courbarilº [?], m. : = (locust-tree; gum animé). - courbatonº [Sp. curvaton, Eng. curve], m. : futtock. courba-tu* [court, battu], adj. : knocked up, over-fatigued, bruised ; foundered (as horses); lumbaginous. -ture º, f.: over-fatigue, extreme lassitude ; founder ; lumbago. -turerº [-turel, tr. : knock up, tire, wear out. - cour-be° [p. L.*curbus (L. curvus)], adj. : CURVED, rounded ; f : curve (any curved object ; railroad curve ; arch ; curved beam ; curve pattern ; double-tree ; joint, elbow ; knee) ; windgall ; stifle ; curb (of horses) : à double courbure, tortuous curve ; - rampante, string-board (of stairs). -bEmentº [-ber], m. : bend ; bending. -ber° [L. curväre], tr., intr. : bend, curve. -betº, m. : bow (of pack- saddle); large pruning bill. -bEton " [-bet], m. : (dial.) yoke pin. -betteº, f. : curvet (of horses) ; scraping and bow- ing (of persons). -betterº [-bette], intr.: curvet, prance. -bureº [-berl, j. : curve, curvature ; arch ; sagging. courcail-lerº [echoic], intr. : cry (as quails). -let*, m. : cry (of quail). . fcour-ee" [ak. to accourcir (L. curtus, short)], f. : trimmed stalk (of vine). f-eetº [OFr. acourcier, shorten], m. : pruning-hook. fcoureive = coursive. - courçon* [court], m. : trimmed vine or branch ; short bar; pile, stake ; (gun mould) hoop, band. coureauº [-rir], m. : yawl (for fishing or lighterage); channel, pass(betweenislands). I.fcourée = corroi. - 2.fcourée* [cœur], f. : (dial.) fentrails. coureur*, =euse [-rir], m., f : runner (any animal that runs much or rapidly, cursorial bird, etc. ; esp. race-horse, or . driver; bootman, valet ; messenger) ; scout ; deer hunterin Canada ; frequenter esp. of vile places ; bad character ; layer, course (a thing lying lengthwise of some- thing else) : filon —, surface vein of coal. I,courge° [L. cucurbita], f : GOURD. 162 2.eour-ge* [? ak. to courbe], f : yoke (for carrying two buckets) ; bracket (for chimney-mantle). ·f. : yoke-load. 2.courgée* [? OFr. corgiee, thong], f : trellised branch or vine. courir º [courre], irr. $ ; intr. : run (move rapidly; speed; hurry; rush ; race ; flow ; pass ; circulate ; sail ; spread); tr. : make run (chase ; risk ; travel over ; overrun) ; attend, frequent ; look over, in- spect ; sail ; extend along : - après son argent, try to recover lost bets ; en cou- rant, quickly ; faire - une Santé, make a toast go around, make all guests drink a : health ; les appointements courent du premier janvier, the obligations must be met the first of January ; il court le cachet, he gives lessons in town ; - les filles, run after women ; - la poste, jour- ney rapidly ; ( fig.) act with great haste ; — des bords, or bordées, tack ship ; ( fig.) to go fr. wineshop to wineshop ; - le bon · bord, attack a merchantman for booty ; devancer en courant, out-run ; - à l'hôpi- tal, be ruining one's self ; - la pretan- taine, gad about. $ Ind. : Pr. cours, etc, Pret. courus. #ut. (Uönd.) courraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. coure. Ipf. couz-zusse. — I've cozers. — Part. : Pr. courazzz ; courge I .-gée 13, P. cozzrzz. eourlieu* [echoic], or courlis, m. : curlew (bird). - feouroi = corroi. eou-roirº [-rir], m. : passageway (on | ships). couron-nadeº [-ner].f. : surrounding (in ordertoattack). |-ne°[L. coröna, chaplet], f. : CROWN (garland, wreath ; sovereign's crown; CORONET ; shapely top of anything ; corona ; coronary; crown-works; hair; ant- · lers, etc., coin or paper bearing a croWn ; fig., sovereignty ; sovereign) : - impérial, crown imperial (flower) ; —- royal, trefoil ; — de terre, ground ivy. [-ner], m. : crowning (coronation, topping off ; coping ; finishing) ; taffrail ; military occupancy; roof-timbers ; (horse's) bare or broken knee : - d'un arbre, trimmed tree- top ; withering tree-top. -nerº, tr. : crown (put on crown, wreath, garland or cope or tonsure, etc.) ; occupy (with troops) : ouvrage couronné, prize work ; spire couronnée, apex of seashell sur- rounded by points; cheval couronné, broken- kneed horse. feourratien° = courtier. feourre° [L. currere], def (only in Inf.) ; intr., tr. : run : - un cheval, gallop at top speed ; - une lièvre, hunt a hare ; le laisser —, the moment to let loose the dogs ; m. : un beau -, good region for coursing. I. courrierº [It. corriere], console, . -nement* courtaille m. : courier, riding messenger ; post ; ma.l or express coach ; mail ; journal ; race- boat ; seine-float ; (vulg.) wader, courser (plover). 2.feourrierº [ak. to corroi],.m. : stew- ard (of bishop, abbot of a convent). # courroi = corroi. courroie° [L. corrigia, rein (regere, rule)], ſ : strap ; belt : étendre la —, make the most of one's means ; lâcher la — à quel- qu'un, give one more rope ; faire de cuir d'autrui large —, ride a free horse to death. cour-roueer° [p. L. *corruptiäre (L. corruptus, spoil)], tr. : make angry, enrage. -rouacº, m. : wrath, anger. feourroyer, etc., see corroyer, etc. cour-s° [L. cursus (currere, run)], m. : COURSE (stream ; movement ; route ; run ; orbit, path ; layer ; scope ; distance ; prog- ress ; continuation ; space ; curriculum ; series); voyage; public drive; circulation; market price ; currency ; #series of text- books : salle de —, lecture-room ; faire (suivre) un —, give (attend) course of lectures ; premier (dernier) —, opening (closing) price ; - de plinthe, range of stono ; - d0 pann00, purling ; d'ü 55i- ses, continuous stone-course ; - civil, Justinian code ; canonique, monk Gratian's decretals ; - ecclésiastique, hours for prayer. -se*, f : run, running (COURSE ; race ; career ; trip ; excursion); quick march ; tilt, joust ; cruising ; fora- ging; play of (piston, etc.); range. f-sie = coursive. -sier*, m. : courser, fleet horse ; gangway, passageway (between benches of rowing convicts) ; mill-race ; shuttle-race. -sive*, f : gangway, pas- sageway, walk (on ships). fcourson = courçon. court°, =te [L. curtus], adj., adv. : short ; CURT : vue —e, short-sightedness ; vent —, wind requiring short tack; avoir les bras courts, lack credit ; tirer au - fétu, draw straws ; #pour le faire -, in short ; prévôt de robe —e, judge of limited authority ; jésuite de robe -e, layman suspected of favoring jesuitism ; vouloir la vie —e et bonne, go in for a good time at all hazards ; —e honte, surprise ; fail- ure ; tourner —, turn short; demeurer -, stop short ; rester (tout) -, come to a standstill, forget what one wanted to say. courtage* [-tierl, m. : business of a broker ; commission, brokerage. cour-taille" [court], f. : short pin (too short to be used). |-taud * [court], adj. : docked (hav'g ears or tail cut off) ; thickset, dumpy; m., f. : short and stubby person or thing ; dumpy, thick-set person ; docked horse ; punch ; ancient mortar- court-bâton gun ; dumpy bass instrument : un - de boutique, lout ; étriller en (or comme un) chien -, beat like a dog. -tauderº, tr. : dock ; ( fam.) mistreat. eourt-bâton º, pl. -s-s, m. : cour- bash, bastinado cudgel : ftirer quelque chose au —, contend furiously for a thing. -bouillonº, pl. -s-s, m. : wine-sauce (to boil fish in), Polish fish-broth. -bouil- lonerº [-bouillon], tr. : cook in wine- sauce. f-bouton = courbeton. -car- reau", pl. -s-s, m. : upright shaft (of triphammer). -côté ", pl. -s-s, m. : overcheck (of bridle). #-cureau = -C0,7°7"80,7L. - courtE-botte", pl. -s-s, m. : (pop.) short man, dumpy fellow. -boule º, f. : short bowls. -épée°, pl. —s-s, f. : short weapon (dagger, poniard, etc.). -épine", pl. -s-s, f : porcupine-fish. f-graisse, f : manure (fr. privies). f-haleine º kourt^ alen, f : asthma. -lettre º, pl. -s-s, f. : clipped type (to make letter show better). -ment * [court], adv. : curtly. straw (for drawing cuts). -paumeº, f : indoor tennis. courtE-pointe* [OFr. coute, COVER], f : counterpane. -pointier*, m. : coun- terpane maker or seller. courtE-queue", pl. -s-s, f. : (short tailed) Carolina turtle ; short-stemmed cherry. fcourtEroleº [cour], f : (of may-bug) ; mole-cricket. fcourt-fétu see court and fétu. courtier*, =ière [? ak. to courir], m., jf. : broker, middleman ; match-maker : — marron (or non breveté), unlicensed broker. fcourti-lº [cour], m. : (dial.) #little garden. -Iière º, f : mole-cricket. courtine° [L. cortina], f. : CURTAIN (fbed- drapery ; rampart) ; staked seine ; mantle (of moss). courti-sanº [It. cortigiano (corte, COURT)], m. : courtier ; fawner ; courter. -saneº [It. cortigiana], f : courtesan. -sanerie º, f : court-flattery (fawning); courtesanship (harlotry). -serº [cour, infl. by -san], tr. : court, pay court to. court-jointé º, adj. : short-jointed (in the pastern); short-legged (of falcons). -man eherº, tr. : pin up, skewer up (leg of mutton, etc., by doubling it up close). -monté º, adj. : sway-backed. cour-toisº, =oise [cour], adj. : COURT- EOUS, polite : farmes —es, harmless Weapons ; ( fig.) polite terms ; chambre -e, privy. -toisementº, adv. : politely. -toisie*, f : courtesy. courton " [court], m. : (dial.) larva short hemp. -paille°, f. : cut, | go-between ; ' couteau 163 fcourt-pendu = capendu. court-vêtuº -vé-, adj. : dressed in short clothes. court-vite [courir], m. : courser, runner (bird). fcourueº [courir], f. : flooding (fr. pond to float raftwood). - couseou" [Antilles], m. : soaked seed (of corn and red millet). couscous* [fr. Arab.], m. : = (meat dumpling cooked in oil). feouseau* [?], m. : (dial.) bundle (of barley and wheat straw). cou-seur*, =euse [-drel, m., # sewer ; ·f. : (esp.) stitcher (of books to be bound) ; (rare) sewing-machine. I. cousin° [p. L. *culicinus (L. culex)], m. : gnat ; mosquito. 2.cou-sin°, =ime [p. L. *cosinus (L. con- sobrinus)], m., f. : cousin : petits--s, second-cousins ; être -s, be good friends. -sinageº, m. : cousinhood (kinship as cousins ; body of cousins). -sinerº, tr. : treat like a cousin ; intr. : be good friends. -sinetteº [I.-sin], f : variety of apples. I.-sinière", f : (humor.) hot bed, nest of cousins. 2.teousinière" [I.-sin], f : mosquito-bar. cou-soirº [-dre], m. : sewing-press (for bookbinding). , : - cous-sin° [p. L. *coxinus (coxa, hip)], m.: CUSHION (bag filled with hair, or feathers, etc., to prevent hard impacts ; pad ; bol- ster ; bumper ; anything like a cushion) : - de mire, bed of a cannon ; — d'amure, yarning, Wrapping to save friction of the leech-rope. -sinerº, tr. : pad : se —, pad out one's form. -sinet*, m. : little . cushion (pad ; rest ; pulvinus ; pulvillus ; pulvinar; COUSSINET; rest ; chair under . iron rails) : — oculaire, haw of horse's eye ; - planturé, frog of horse's foot. fcouston = c0urton. - coût* [-ter], m. : costs; expense. f-tant See -ter. fcoutardeº [?],.f. : (dial.) custard. cou-teau°, pl. -ac [L. cultellus], m. : knife ; #short sword ; COUTEAU ; heads- man's ax : - de tripière, two-edged knife ; le — de Jeannot, same old knife with new blade and new handle ; - de feu, searing iron (for horses) ; — de chaleur, sweat shingle ; - sourd, scraping-knife ; - pliant, clasp-knife ; - à decouper, carvin knife; — à pied, circular knife. -telasº, m.: CUTLAS : — de boucher, (vulg.) sword- fish. -telerº, tr. : fcut (with a knife) ; damage (with shaving tool in dressing hides). -teletº, m.: little knife ; en- trance (to a crawl). -telier*, =ière, m., f. : cutler ; m. : long-shelled bivalve ; f : #knife-box. -tellerie* [-telier], f. : cutlery (business or wares). -telure" 164 coûter [-teler], f. : flaw (made in parchment by knife). - coû-ter° [L. constăre], intr., tr. : COST : tout lui coûte, everything is an effort to him ; coûte que coûte, at any price ; - cher, - bon, be dear, be expensive ; cost much ; en -, cost ; cost effort, be painful, be a trial. -teusementº # adv. : expensively. -teux*,=euse [coût adj. : expensive. cou-tier*, =ière [-te], m., f : (old) mattress-maker ; (now) ticking-maker. | -tilº [-te], m. : =, ticking. fcou-tilladeº, f : stab. |-tille* [ak. to -teau], f : flarge knife; fescue-grass. coutissée* [?], f. : side piece (of em- broidery frame). eouton * [ak. to côte], m. : pin feathers. eou-tre° [L. culter], m. : colter (knife ahead of ploughshare) ; riving knife ; ax. #-trier º, m. : plough (with a large colter). e outu-me° [L. consuetildo], f. : CUSTOM (habit ; usage ; practice ; tax, tariff) : de -, usually. I.-mier*, =ière, adj. : customary (habitual; usual; common) : pays (de droit) -, country under common law. 2.-mierº, m. : customary (embod- iIIIeul of laws alld customs of à country). -mièrement*, adv. : according to cus- tOm. coutu-re° [p. L. *cösetilra (L. con-suere, SEW together)], f : SEAM (joint ; crack ; · ridge ; scar ; Wrinkle ; mould-mark) ; pock- marks; oakum (in joints); SEWing ; needlework. -rer*, tr. : seam. -rerie* [-rier], f : fneedlework ; sewing-room. -rier*, =ière, m., f : ftailor ; seamster, seamstress ; m.: sartorius (longest muscle). cou-vage*[-ver], m. : brooding, setting (on eggs). '-vainº [ver], m. : brood, group (of insect eggs) ; brood-comb (of bees). -vaison*[-ver], f. : brooding-time, period of INCUBATION. -vée* [-ver], f.: nest ; brood (cf. COVEY). - couventº [l. L. conventum (L. con-venire, come together)], m. : convent (cloister ; Catholic school for girls). couver° [L. cubäre, lie down], tr. : sit on, hatch out ; brood on ; brood over ; incu- bate ; intr. : lie hid, smoulder : - quelque · chose des yeux, keep the eyes set on a thing ; la maladie qui couve, the disease which is about to appear. cou-vereeau° [p. L. *copercellum], m. : #COVER ; covering (for furniture); cap (of a millstone). ll-vercle° [L. co-operculum | (operire, cover)], m. : lid, cover : (pop.) il n'est si méchant pot qui ne trouve son —, every Jack has his Jill. -verseau, see -verceau. -vertº, part. of -vrir; m. : cover (envelope ; protection ; pretence, pretext); all the table furniture (usually y coxal for one person); (esp.) fork and spoon : petit —, prince's or king's ordinary meal ; grand —, official formal meal; mettre le —, set the table ; être à — de quelque chose, be protected against a thing ; be protected by a thing. -verte* [-vrir], f : +covering, fcover; large tail feather (of falcons); glaze, enamel : vol à la -, swoop at game under cover of a hedge, etc. f-vertement* [-vert], adv. : covertly. -verture* [-vert], f : cover (covering ; roof ; bed-cover ; counterpane ; pretext ; of books) ; tectrices ; security; guaranty ; privilege (in Spain of keeping one's hat on in presence of the king) : troupes de -, frontier troops to protect settlers ; - piquée, quilt ; faire la -, turn down the -verturierº [-verture], m. : maker of blankets. cou-vetº [-voir], m.: foot-stove (of pot- tery or metal). -veuseº [-verl, f. : set- ting-hen; incubator. -viº [-ver], adj. : œuf —, rotten egg. -voirº [-ver], m.: #nest (for setting hen) ; foot-stove ; incu- bator. couvrailleº [-vrir], f. : (dial.) covering (grain with earth) ; sowing. eou-vrE-bouehe º, pl. -, m. : (leather) hood (for mouth of cannon). - ehefº, pl. -s, m. : (humor.) head-gear. -vrE- eulasseº, pl. —, m. : leather hood (for breach of cannon). -vrE-feu*, pl. -, m. : CURFEW signal ; fire-cover (to keep fire). -vrE-giberneº, pl. -, m. : cart- ridge-box cover or hood. -vrE-jointº, pl. -, m. : joint hider. -vrE-litº, pl. -, m. : bed drapery. -vrE-lumière*, pl. -s, m. : apron (of cannon). -vrE- pied(s)º, pl.-, m. : foot-coverlet. -vrE- platº, pl.-s, m. : dish-cover (to keep food warm). -vrE-platine", pl. -, m.: lock cover (of # -vrE-shakoº, pl. -, m. : shako cover. -vreur*, m. : roofer (tiler ; slater ; thatcher). |-vrir° [L. co-operire (cover)], irr. $ ; tr. : COVER (overlay, overspread ; envelop ; roof ; dress ; protect ; hide ; disguise ; excuse ; guarantee; leap); set (table); meet (ex- penses) : se -, put on one's hat ; le temps se couvre, the weather is cloudy ; - une carte, match a card ; - un tableau d'or, pay high for a picture ; allée cou- verte, shady walk. ti $ Ind. : Pr. couvre, etc. Ipf. couz rais. Pret. couvris. Fut. (Cond.) couz rirai(s). — Subj. : Pr. couzire. Ipf. couvrisse. — I've couzire. - Part. : Pr. couzºrant ; P. couzverz. covendeurº [co-, vendeur], m.: joint- vender. covetº [?], m. : whelk (sea-shell). cowpoxº cou- [Eng.l, m. : =. cox-alº, pl. =aux [L. -a, hip], adj. : =. coyau -algie* [Gr álgos, pain], f : coxalgia, hip-disease. -o-fémoralº, pl. =aux, adj. : of the hip and femur. I.coyau*, pl. - x [ak.to queue], m. : peg # † a float of a waterwheel) ; chant- ate. 2.coyau", pl. - x [?], m. : tench (fish). I. coyer* [queue], m. : frump (of an ani- mal) ; hip-rafter. - 2.coyer* [queux], m. : StOne case. I.erabe" [Port. cravo], m. : (of America). 2.cra-be* [ak. to Ger. krabbe], m. : CRAB ; crab-yaws (sores on the foot-sole). -bier", m. : crab-eater; (night-heron, crabier; craber, water-rat). -biteº, m. : = (fossil crab). - crabronº [L. -bro, hornet], m. : fhornet ; (dial.) scythe- clove-myrtle fcritic ; digger-wasp. crabsº † "two aces'], m. : craps (dice-game). CI lº3:),G §l, interj. : crack ! pop ! m. : back-worm (disease of hawks). cra-ehatº, m. : spit, saliva; spot, flaw (in glass); cuckoo-spit (vegetable blight); badge, star : - de lune, or de mai, frog- spittle (green algae); maison faite de boue et de -, house built of very poor ma- terial ; se noyer dans un —, let little things perplex one. -ehe*, f : fspit- tle ; dripping metal (that runs over). -ehement*, m. : spitting; blowing (of owder by loose firearms). |-eher ! Germ'c, ak. to Sw. kräkas, spew, AS. hrœkan], intr., tr. : spit, spit out ; sputter ; spout ; spill, waste : - sur quelque chose, disdain ; - au bassin, be obliged to pay down; la plume crache, the pen scatters ink; le revolver crache, the revolver blows (wastes) powder; c'est son père tout craché, he is a chip of the old block. -eheurº, =euse, m., f : spitter. -ehoirº, m. : spittoon : tenir le —, hold the floor, keep on speaking. -ehoterº, intr. : spit often. Cracovie, f. : Cracow. cragº [Eng.], m. : = (shelly sand). craie° [L. crëta], f. : chalk; CRAYON; hard, | stony dung (disease of falcons) : loger à la -, lie in quarters (assigned by chalk marks) ; - coulante, rock-milk. crail-lementº, m. : cawing (of crows). ll-lerº [echoic], intr. : caw. crain, see I.cran. crain-dre° [p. L. *cremere, L. tremere, TREMBLE], irr. $ ; tr. : fear; dread: à —, to fear; to be feared ; formidable, dreadful. -te*, f : fear; awe: de — qu'il ne le fasse, lest he should do it. crain-tifº, =ive [-te], adj. : fearful, timid. crain-tive- ment* [-tifl, adv. : timidly. 165 $ Ind. : Pr. crain-s, -s, -t ; craign-oms, -ez, -ent. , Ipf. crazgºuais. Pret. craigmis. Fut. (Cond.) craizzdrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. craigzue. Ipf. craignisse. — I've crains. — Part. : Pr. crazgzzazzz ; P. crazzzt. 3 - cra-mail* [l. L. -maculum (? ak. to Ger. krampe, hook)], m. : (dial.) #pot-hook. -mailIerº, m. : fpot-hook; notch-wheel. crambeº or -bé [L., fr. Gr. krámbe], m. : = (sea-kale). cramiderº [? ak. to Ger. krampe, hook], tr. : stretch (hides preparatory to tan- ning). cramoisi* [Ar.], adj. : crimson ; bright coloured ; m. : crimson (cf. fEng. cra- moisie). cram-pe* [Germ'c kramp], adj. : curved, hooked ; f : hook ; CRAMP (of muscles) : goutte -, distorting gout. -pon*, m. : = (cramp-iron ; crampit ; calkin, frost-nail; aérial root ; climbing spur) ; click, ratchet; sash-lock. -ponner* [-pon], tr. : clamp, fasten with cramp- irons ; (fig.) stick close to. -ponnetº [-pon], m. : little crampon ; (esp.) lock- staple. - I. cran° [p. L. *cremnum (L. crëna)], m. : notch (nick of type ; sight of a gun ; hole for a peg; cog) ; cleft, fissure, CRANNY. 2.eranº [caréner], m. : CAREENING (of ship). 1 - $ 3.cranº [Slavic], m. : wild horse-radish. I.cranageº [-ner], m. : notch. 2.feranage = carénage. 1 craneelin º [Ger. kränzlein, little crown], m. : (her.) part of a crown on a : shield. - I. crâneº [L. cranium], m. : cranium. 2.crâne" [?], m. : (fam.) fblusterer ; positive fellow ; adj. : smart. -mentº, adv. : (fam.) swaggeringly. cranequin* [LGer. kraeneke, CRANE], m. : = (arbalest ; rolling purchase to set a bow-gun or arbalest). - I.cranerº [cran, notch], tr. : indent. - 2.fcraner = caréner. crânerieº [2.crâne], f : (fam.) bluster- ing, #. crangon" [Gr. kraggôn, crab], m. : shrimp. - eranie" [l. L. -nia],.f. : crania (brachio- pod). crânienº, =enne [crâne], adj. : cranial. cranio-logieº [Gr. kranion, skull, lôgos, discourse], f. : craniology. -tomie º [Gr. tomé, a cut], f. : craniotomy. . cranoirº [I.-mer], m. : file (for indent- erapaud notch, 3 ing). feranologie = craniology. crapau - d* [Germ'c orig.], m. : toad ; (fig.) homely little fellow (brat, urchin) ; easy chair (hav'g all wood covered) ; 166 waterfall (of hair) ; mortar carriage (of a gun) ; bufonite (mineral) ; crepance ; · goose-neck (of helm) ; flaw (in diamonds, etc.) : — de mer, toad-fish ; - volant, churn-owl ; — ailé, wing-shell (mollusk) ; — pêcheur, fishing-frog; pierre de —, crapaudine ; avaler un -, take a bitter pill ; être chargé d'argent comme un - de plume, have as little money as a toad has feathers. f-daille = crépodaille. -dière º,.f. : toad-hole. -dine*,f. : =, ulcer (of horse's hoof) ; bufonite, toad- stone ; doubling (of pigeon to broil giving it a toad shape ; punishment of tying soldier's legs) ; iron-wort ; toad-fish ; socket ; pivot support ; hollow half of hinge ; escape pipe ; pan (of printing- press). crape* [ak. to crafe], f. : (dial.) fdung ; filth ; dirt (collected on a mill-stone). crapeletº [-paud], m. : (fam.) little toad. craponne" [town C.], f. : watchmaker's flat square file. - crapoussinº, =ine [-paud], m., f : (low) dumpy or dwarfish person. fcraps = crabs. crapu-leº [L. -la], f : excess, intemper- , ance (drunkenness ; gluttony) ; (low) drinkers and eaters ; drunkard or glutton. f-lerº, intr. : be intemperate, commit excess. -leusement* [-leux], adv. : excessively (like a guzzler or glutton). -leux*, =euse [L. -losus], adj. : crapu- lent, inte per#e. à I.cra-que*, f : gull, fib, humbug, lie. 2.-que* [Eng. crack], f : cluster of crystals. -quelage* [-queler], m. : process of crackling (of china, etc.). -quelé " [-queler], m. : crackled ware, cracklin. -quelerº, tr. : crackle. -quelin*, m. : cracknel, fancy cracker ; soft-shell (crab); creaky ship ; (slang) shaky man. -quelotº, m. : crackler ; red-herring; slightly cured herring. -quelotière* [-quelot], f : herring- curer (woman). -quelureº [-queler], f. : crackle (of china-ware, paintings, etc.). -quementº, m. : crackling sound ; crepitation (in disease). |-querº [crac], intr. : crack (give short sharp sound; Snap); (low) fib, lie (cf. fEng. crack, *brag'). -querie", f : (lou) fibbing. -quetº, m. : sea-wrack. -quètementº [-queterl, m. : crackling sound. -queterº, intr. : crackle, sound short and sharp ; gnash. -quette", f : scum or dirty de- posit (fr. melted butter) ; (tailor's) notch. -queur", =euse, m., f : (low) fibber. craseº [Gr. krâsis, mixture], f. : crasis (coalescence of vowels ; characteristic make-up). #crassane = cresane. crape crédence cras-satelle" [coined by naturalist Lamarckl, f. : crassatella (mollusk). ll-seº [L. -sus], adj. : CRAss (thick, dense ; coarse ; GROSS) ; f : dirt, filth ; pl. : dross (of metals) ; coarseness ; rude- ness ; squalor; miserliness. -sementº [-ser], m. : fouling (of firearms). -serº, tr. : foul, make dirty (guns). -seux º, =epise, adj. : soiled, dirty ; sordid. -sier", m. : slag, dross. -sulaeéesº [-8ulel, f pl. : crassulaceae, houseleek family. -suleº [l. L. -sula], f : crassula (thick-leafed plant). cratèreº [L. -ter], m. : cup ; Volcano). fcraticuler = graticuler. crava-ehe" [Ger. karbatsche, ak. to Fr. . courbache], f : cowhide (whip). -ehéeº, f : whipping. -eherº, tr. : whip. cravanº [?], m. : brant, wild-goose ; (dial.) barnacle (crustacean). crava-teº [nation Croatia], m., f. : CROAT (Croatian horse ; Austrian light cavalryman); cravat, necktie ; knot (of a lance) ; coil (to hold the after-anchor) : --blanche, shrike ; —-noir (-verte, do- rée), black (green, golden) humming- bird. -terº, tr. : put a tie on. crayerº [?], m. : clinker (in coal). cra-yère*[eraie], f : chalk-bed. -yeux º, =euse [craie], adj. : chalky. |-yonº [eraie], m. : marl ; crayon (chalk or charcoal pencil ; pencil ; crayon- or pencil- sketch). -yonnerº, tr. : sketch ; mark upon. -yonneurº, I.=euse [-yonner], m., f : sketcher. -yonneux, 2.=euse, adj. : marly ; chalky. créaneeº [croire],f : CREDENCE; belief ; credit : lettre de —, credentials ; letter of credit ; une - douteuse, bill receivable hard to collect. créan eierº, =ière, m., f : creditor. créa-tº [It. -to, pupil (L. -tus, created)], m. : creat, riding-master's attendant. -teur*, -triee [L. -tor], m., f : creator, makèr; adj. : creative. créati-neº [Gr. kréas, flesh], f : crea- tin (chemical substance found in muscle). -nineº,.f. : creatinine (alkaloid). eréa-tion* [L. -tio (-re, create)], f : creation (making ; the thing made). -tureº [L. -tura], f : creature (created thing ; living being ; dependent, tool). cré-eeIIe" [? p. L. *crepicella (L. crepi- tacillum)], f. : fEng. CRESSELLE, rattle. -eereIIe*, f : kestrel (hawk). -' crèehe* [OHG. krippja], f. : CRIB, man- ger ; creche (public nursery ; foundling asylum). créeyº [town C.], f. : carrot. cré-denee* [It. -denza (L. -dere, be- lievel,.f. : credence (ftrust ; assayingfood; crater (bowl ; créer | fcredence-table ; side-table ; cupboard). -deneierº, m. : assayer, taster of food ; steward. -dibilitéº [l. L. -dibilitas], f : credibility. -dit* [It. -dito], m. : · credit (ffaith ; confidence ; trust ; power ; influence ; favour) : en -, in good repute ; à -, on credit ; établissement de —, bank ; le - foncier, mortgage-bank. -diterº [-dit], tr. : credit. -diteur* [L. -ditor], m. : creditor; #believer; adj. : compte -, credit account or side. cre- do* [L. * I believe'], m. : creed (what one believes). -duleº [L. -dulus], adj. : credulous ; superstitious. -dulité* [L. -dulitas], f. : credulity ; superstition. créer* [L. creare], tr. : create ; make : - une rente, settle an annuity. crEma* [? L. -mare, burn], m. : tion (of iron fr. fire). cré-maillère* [cramaill, f : pot-hook ; rack, toothed rack ; = (zigzag line of fortifications) : ( fam.) pendre la —, have a house-warming. -maillonº [OFr. -mailleſ, m. : small pot-hook. crémasterº [Gr. kremastér], m. : master (groin muscle). • & crémation* [L. -tio (-re, burn)], f : cremation (burning of a body). crème* [? cf. L. cremor, thick juice], f. : cream (rich fat of milk; choice; cosmetics; cordial ; skin of hot milk ; delicacy of milk, etc.): - de riz, sweetened soup ; fromage à la -, cream-cheese ;- fouettée, whipped | Cream. crément" [L. -tum, increase], m. : fAC- CRETION of; increment (in words). cré-merº [crème], intr. : cream, mantle (form cream). crè-merie* [-mier], f. : creamery (in all senses). -meuacº, =euse [crème], adj. : creamy. -mier, =ière [crème], m., f. : milkman or woman. crémillée* [cramail], f. : (dial.) #pot- hook ; ward (of a lock). crémone" [Italian town Cremona], m. : Cremona (violin) ; f : window fastening. crénage* [-ner], m. : nicking (of type). | créna-teº [ak. to -nique], m. : crenate (salt of crenic acid). -téº, adj. : hav'g Crenates. - - cré-neau* [cran, notchl, m. : crenelle, embrasure (of battlements); space between troops ; aperture (in a furnace) ; shaft ; Wastepipe (on ships). -nelage" [-meler], m.: notching; milling (of coin). -nelerº, tr. : crenelate (notch) : roue crénelée, º# Wheel , le crénelé, perch (fish). -nelureº [-meler], f : crenature; indentation. -nerº [cran], tr. : KERN, nick (type); cut off. -nerie" [-ner],f. : kerning (of type). ferEnetº [?], m. : (dial.) curlew (bird). créneurº, m. : kerner; signature cutter (in type). oxyda- GI"e- 167 crénique* [Gr. kréne, fountain], adj. : crenic (of an acid formed in springs). cré-nonº [cran], m. : first splitting (of block of slate, in quarry). -nure ! [cran], f : point hole (in printing press). créoleº [Sp. criollo], m., f : creole (old, a white born of Sp. parents in the tropics ; now, one born in a European colony in the tropics). créo-solº [ak. to -sote], m. : creosol (aro- matic liquid). -soteº [Gr. kréas, flesh, sôzein, preserve], f. : creosote (an anti- septic). cré-page" [crêper], m. : glossing (of crape). crê-pe° [L. crispus, curled], m. : CRAPE ; mourning veil ; f : pancake : - crêpé, real crape ; - lisse, crêpe-lisse, Smooth crape. |crê-per° [L. crispare], ' tr. : curl ; frizzle ; gloss : (cheveux) crêpés, frizzles ; (pop.) se - le chignon, pull each other's hair. -piº [-pir], m. : rough-coat, rough-cast (of plaster). crê-pière º [crêpe], f. : pan-cake woman. crépin see saint-crépin. cré-pine* [crêpe], f. : lace-work, fringe (of showy tassels, tufts, tinsel, etc., as for a dais); epiploön, omentum, caul. I.-pi- netteº [crêper], f : bird spurry (knot grass). 2.-pinetteº [-pine], f : brain- sausage (in a caul). -pinière* [? crê- perl, f : berberry (plant). |-pirº [OFr. crespe, frizzed], tr. : (old) curl (hair ; friz- zle ; grain or pommel leather); (now) rough-coat (with plaster). -pissageº, m. : rough-coating. -pissureº, f : rough- casting ; rough-coat. - crépi-tant* [-ter], adj. : crepitant; (esp.) râle -, rattling sound (in the lungs). -tation* [L. -tatio], f : crepitation (grat- ing of ends of bones ; rattling of the lungs in disease). -terº [L. -tare], intr. : 'crepitate (crackle ; rattle). cré-podailleº,f : gauze crape. |-ponº [crêpe], m. : ffrizzle ; false curls ; crepon (cloth). 1 •r fcreps = crabs. cré-pu* [crêpe], adj. : CRISPY, wooly. -pure* [-per], f : curliness ; curl. crépuseu-laire", adj. : crepuscular, ob- scure. |-le* [-lum (creper, dark)], m. : twilight (after sunset ; then also at dawn; fEng. crepuscle, -cule). ferè-que* [Ger. krieche], m. : wild-plum. cré-quier*, m. : wild-plum tree ; (her.) seven-branched tree or candlestick. crEsaneº [? name of a place], f : berga- mot (autumnal pear). creseendo" [It., INCREASING], adv. : (in music). créseau, see carisel. eres-sonº [OHG. chresso], m. : CRESS : - alénois, garden cress ; — des près, lady's cresson º-ºes crésus 168 smock ; - sauvage, water plantain ; - de roche, or - doré, golden saxifrage ; jus de-, depurant, purgative. -sonnière*, f : cress bed. crésusº [Lydian king Croesus], m. : rich man. · crésy-lique* [ak. to créosote], adj. : cresylic. -lolº [ak. to créosote], m. : cresyl (extract fr. coal, or beech-Wood, etc.). crétaeéº [L. -ceus (creta, chalk)], adj. : cretaceous. crê-te° [L. crista, tuft], f. : CREST (top- knot, comb ; cresting ; ridge of helmets, hills, roofs, etc.); excrescence ; high head- dress ; baisser la -, come down a notch ; dresser la —, show boldness ; blé en -, heaped up grain. -téº, adj. : crested. -te-dE-coqº, pl. -8----, f. : cocks- comb (louse-wort, etc., plants with red- tufts ; hog's-ear, etc., mollusks With plaited valves) ; morbid growth, proud- flesh ; mass of crystals. #erételerº or krèt-[echoic], intr. : cackle. feréteIIe* [crête], f. : (dial.) dog's-tail, rattle grass. - ferête-marine see christe. crêter ! . [-te], tr. : fbristle up ; (dial.) seize by the comb, tread ; crest; fringe. · cré-tin " [Alpine patois (L. christianus, Christian)], m. : cretin, deformed imbecile ; very idiot. -timiserº, tr. : ( fam.) make a cretin of. -tinisme*, m. : cretinism (incurable deformity and idiocy). crEton * [?], m. : fat (greaves, tallow- scraps ; cracklings). crEtonne* [town Creton], f. : = (cotton fabric for curtains). · creu-sage", m. : digging ; excavating ; deepening. -sement*, m. : digging ; hole dug. |-ser* [creux], tr. : dig; deepen ; make hollow : - la tête, med- itate over something earnestly; rack one's brain. - 4 - creuset * [ak. to croix], m. : CRUCIBLE (melting pot, CRUSET ; cupel); hearth (of furnace). creu-seurº [-ser], m. : (rare) investi- gator. -soir" [-serl, m. : gouge (for making violins, etc.). -sure* [-ser], f. : hollowed piece (of clocks, etc.). |ereu-ac*, =euse [OFr. crues (?)], adj. : hollow ; deep ; empty ; loose ; m. : hollow, cavity; pit ; trough ; mould ; hull ; vessel ; bowl ; (fam.) deep voice : songer -, have day dreams. - . crE-vailleº [-ver], f : bursting; (low) feed, stuffing (over-eating). -vaisonº [-ver], f. : (lou) death (of animals). |-vasse* [-ver], f : =, CREVICE ; crack (in chapped hands) ; break (in engraved · with hue and cry. criée lines). -vasserº, tr. : crack. -vélº [-verl, m. : gash, slit. ferève-ehienº krèf-, pl. — [crever], m. : (dial.) black nightshade (weed). -cœur*, pl. -, m. : heart-break, afflic. tion. fcrEvelle = caravelle. crEver° [L. crepăre], tr., intr. : burst (crack, break, rend, explode), cram (stuff); swell ; die (of animals) ; (jest.) die, kick the bucket ; destroy, use up ; (nav.) bilge. crEvet" [?], m. : stay-lace (with tags). crEvetteº [dial.for chevrette], f. : prawn ; shrimp. crève-vessie"[-ver], m. : bladder burster (vessel closed with bladder which collapses when vessel is exhausted, apparatus show- ing atmospheric pressure). crEvure* [-ver], f. : (dial.) fcrevasse ; break (in lines of engraving). - crexº [Gr. kréx (echoic)], m. : (shore wader). criº [crier], m. : cry (loud sound of the voice ; natural call or voice ; scream ; yell ; shout ; roar) : - perçant, shrill cry ; - de guerre, watchword ; cri d'armes, motto, device on a shield ; donner du — à la soie, to sulphur silk ; à cor et à —s, -age* [-er], m. : public crying. -ailIerº [-er], intr. : clamor, cry for something. -aillerieº [-ailleur], f : clamoring, bawling, crying for something. -ailleurº, =euse [-ailler], m., f : habitual crier. -antº [-er], adj. : un abus -, a crying shame ; une injustice -e, a crying, rank injustice. -ardº, -arde [-er], adj. : crying, squall- ing; shrieking, discordant ; m., f. : bawler, scold : dette criarde, urgent debt ; ton —, poor tone ; couleurs criardes, loud colours. cri-blageº [-bler], m. : sifting. llcri- ble* [L. criblum], m. : CRIBBLE, sieve ; riddle ; cribrum ; ancient vizor. -bler !º, tr. : sift ; riddle : visage criblé, pock- aVOcet markéd#face. -bleurº, =euse [-bler], m., f : sifter. -bleux º, =euse, adj. : cribriform. - blureº [-bler], f. : siftings (residue). -bration º (L. -brare], f : = (act of cribbling). eric* [? ak. to OHG. kriec, attempt], m. : jack-screw (for lifting). crie erae" [echoic], interj. : crack ! rip ! (imitative of a breaking or ripping sound). crieéalº [Gr. krikos, circle], adj. or m. : cricoid (of fish). cricketº [Eng.], m. : = (ball-game). ericoïde" [Gr. krikoeidés, ring-like], adj. or m. : cricoid (bone of larynx). cricriº [echoic], m. : shrilling (of cricket); cricket ; creeper (bunting). ferid = criss. cri-ée*, f. : fproclamation (of sale); auc- | crinole" [Gr. krinon], f : •. crime tion ; audience des -s, auction hall (for selling houses and land). |-er° [p. L. *critäre (L. quiritäre, wail; orig. appeal to the citizens, L. quirites)], intr., tr. : CRY (utter the natural voice aloud ; shout ; call ; shriek ; screech ; creak ; scold ; clamour ; proclaim ; hawk): - au secours, shout for help ; les boyaux crient, bowels rumble ; #- quelqu'un, upbraid one ; - à l'injustice, cry out against the injustice ; - haro sur quelqu'un, raise a hue and cry after one ; - une marchandise, offer at auction. -erie*, J. : clamour. -eurº,=euse, m., f. : crier (bawler ; hawker ; auctioneer). crime* [L. -men, (lit.) judgment], m. : = (offence against law ; against society; sin ; iniquity ; felony) : - qualifiée, indictable offence ; - de lèse-majesté, lese-majesty, · treason ; porté au -, prone to guilt. Crimée, f. : Crimea. crimi-naliserº [L. -nalis, guilty], tr. : fspeak against, accuse ; transfer (fr. the civil) to the criminal docket, to the crown | side. -naliste" [L. -nalis], m. : crim- inal lawyer. -nalitéº [L. -nalis], f : (rare) criminality. -nelº, =eIle [L. -malis], adj. : criminal (guilty; pertaining to crime); m.,f. : criminal, culprit; m. : au -, in criminal court; le grand (petit) —, criminal court for grand larceny, etc. (for petty larceny, etc.). -neIlement*[-nel], adv. : criminally. crin° [L. crinis], m. : hair (mane ; tail ; fhuman hair) ; cheval à tous —s, horse with full mane and tail; un homme à tous -8, a man with much hair and beard ; ( fig.) à tous -s, in the full sense, in every respect; sommier de —, hair mat- tress. - crimerinº [echoic], m. : poor fiddle. cri-nierº [crin], m. : horse-hair worker. -nièreº [crin], f : mane (of horses, lions, etc.). - crinum (kind of lily). erinolineº [crin], f. : = (stiff fabric, originally haircloth ; stiff skirt, hoop- skirt). • crio-bole" [Gr. kriobôlion, ram-slaying], m. : sacrifice of a ram. -eère" [Gr. krios, ram, kéras, horn], m. : crioceras (grain insect). I.crique* [Norse kriki], f. : CREEK, small bay ; ditch. f2.erique = criqûre. cri-querº [echoic], intr. : (dial.) +crac- kle ; become brittle (as wool fr. gluing) ; crack in cooling (as steel). I.-quetº, m. : CRICKET (house cricket ; locust). 2.criquetº [!], m. : little horse; little man ; small wine. - · · GI°OG 169 3.criquet = cricket. cri-queterº [-quer], intr. : crackle, crepitate slightly. -qûre* [-quer], f : crack (in metal, etc.). -quetisº, m. : sharp sound (fr. poor copper in engraving). criseº [L. -sis], f : crisis. cris-patifº, =ive, adj. : crisping, shriv- eled. -pation", f : shriveling; thrill ; fidgets. . |-per" [L. -pare], tr. : crisp, shrivel ; make nervous. crispinº [valet C. in Molière], m. : typ- ical valet ; short cloak. crissº [Malay kris], m. : CREESE, poniard. cris-serº ſechoic], intr. : grate the teeth. -sure", f : surface flaw (in wire). crista-lº, pl. =aux [L. crystallus, Gr. krüstallos], m. : crystal (clear solid ; colourless quartz, rock - crystal ; flint glass; regularly formed solid fr. a liquid) ; pure water; fcristaux de lune (de Mars, de Vénus), salt of silver (iron, copper) ; - d'Island, Iceland spar. -Ilerie ", jf : flint-glass business or manufacture. -lIierº, m. : glass-cutter; glass-closet. -Ilièreº, f : rock-crystal mine ; cutting- table (for glass). -llifère º [L. ferre, bear], adj. : crystalliferous. -Ilinº [-llinus], adj. : crystalline, crystal : le (corps) -, the crystalline lens ; capsule -e, membrane around the lens ; (phlyc- tène) -e, phlyctenosis ; (ficoide) —e, fig- marigold. -IIisableº [-lliser], adj. : crystallisable. -Ilisationº [-lliser],.f. : crystallisation. -Iliserº, tr. or intr. : crystallise : - la soie, let alum crystallise on silk. -llographie " [Gr. gráphein, write],f. : crystallography. -IIométrie º ' [Gr. métron, measure], f. : crystallometry. cristé* [L. -tatus, crested], adj. : having crest-like appendages (as shells). + criste = christe. + cristi = sacristi. ferit = criss. eri-tère" or (L. form) -terium [Gr. kritérion], m. : criterion, basis, test. . -tieismeº, m.: criticism. -tiquable" [-tiquer], adj. : exceptionable, open to criticism. I.|-tique* [L. -ticus, Gr. kritikôs, decisive (krinein, decide, judge)], adj. : critical; m., f : critic. 2.-tiqueº [Gr. kritiké], f : critique, censure, critical review ; body of critics. -tiquerº, tr. : review, criticise ; censure. -tiqueurº [-tiquer], m. : criticiser, censor. fero-ailler = croasser. -assemen m.: cawing, croaking. ll-asser* [echoic], intr. : caw, croak (as crows). ſt I.eroeº [echoic], interj. : crunch ! 2.cro-c° [p. L. *-ccum (?)], m. : crook ; hook; grapnel; fang, dog-tooth : - à émerillon, swivel-hook. -e-en-jambe*, pl. —s-—--, m. : tripping up; supplant- t, 15, 170 crocodile ing. -eheº [ak. to -c], fadj. : crooked, hooked at the end ; f : anvil-tongs (with curved handles) ; quaver (in music). -eherº, tr. : hook, seize with hook ; bend, crook : - une note, put a stem or a hook to a note. -ehetº, m. : hook (crook; crotchet in forts ; pole or rod with crook at the end ; boat-hook; bill- hook; pot-hook; clasp; crochet-needle ; bracket in printing) ; skeleton-key, pick- lock ;two-bladed hoe ; claw ; fang ; canine- tooth ; horse's wolf-tooth ; turn in the road ; #embrace : sur les -s de quelqu'un, at some one's expense. -ehetable * [-cheter], adj. : serrure -, lock that may be picked. . -ehetageº, m. : lock-pick- ing; raking, hoeing. ' -ehetée* [-chet], f.: one stretch (what one crochets with- out stopping). -eheter* [-chet, skel- eton-key], tr. : pick, force. I.-e.heteur* [-cheter], m. : lock-picker, burglar. 2.-e.he- teurº [-chet], m. : street-porter. -ehe- tonº [-chet], m. : little hook, esp. of street-porter's pole. -ehuº, adj. : hooked: cheval --, narrow-hipped horse ; avoir la main —e, be close-fisted. crocodile* [L. -lus], m. : = ; (hinged, metal) shingling press (suggesfing jaws) ; automatic railroad-signal (suggesting alli- gator's back). crocusº [L.], m. : = saffron (herb). fcroie = craie. croiler = crouler. croire° [L. crëdere], irr. $ ; tr., intr. : believe (trust ; credit ; have faith in ; think; suppose, etc.) : - aux revenants, believe in ghosts. $ Ind. : Pr. croi-s, -s, -t ; cro-yons, -yez, crozemt. Ipf. croyais. Pret. crus. Fut. (Cond.) croirai(s). — Subj. : Pr. croie. Pret. crusse. — I've crois. — Part. : Pr. croyant ; P. cz-zz. croi-sadeº, f : crusade. -sé, see -ser. -sée º, f. : crossing, intersection ; win- dow-cross ; window-sash ; window; cross- piece ; transept : - cintrée, arched win- dow ; - d'ogives, pointed arches. -se- mentº, m. : crossing; cross-breeding. |-serº [croix], tr. : CROSS (intersect ; pass through or over ; mix in breed- ing; make the sign of the cross over ; put a cross on ; lay cross-wise ; cut) ; intr. : CRUISE : (tissu) croisé, kersey, serge ; les (bâtons) croisés, crosses sup- porting a tight-rope ; rimes croisées, alternating rhymes ; les fils des croisés, sons of crusaders, i.e. of ancient ancestry. -serie",f. : wicker-work. -seté*[-sette], adj. : (her.) having crosses. -sette* [croix], f : little cross ; fencing-master's sword ; St. Andrew's cross (shrub). -seurº, m. : CRUISER ; cross-vein (ore that crosses another vein) ; sea-swallow. croquade . -sière º, f : intersection, cross ; cross- ing (of two railroads) ; cruise, voyage ; cruising vessels; cruising region. -sille* [croix], f. : little cross ; whirl-carrier (in rope-making). -sillon* [croix], m. : cross-bar; pl. : braces (within a cylinder). -soire*, f. : stamp, marker (for sea-bis- cuits). - crois-san ee° [L. crescentia], f : growth, growing ; petrified vegetation (for adorn- ing grottoes). I.-santº [croître], m. : ftime of the waxing moon ; CRESCENT (waxing or waning moon ; curved loaf of bread ; defect in a hoof, fr. fallen coffin- bone ; Moslem flag) ; anything of crescent shape (pruning-hook ; rack for shovel and tongs ; bout of violin ; paper with crescent grain ;\arm to hold back a curtain ; etc.). 2.-sant " [croître], adj. : increasing, §\ -sement [croître], m. : grow- lIlg. • croisure* [-ser], f : intersection, cross- ing (of two lines, of two threads, of two fibers) : la — de l'écu, central point of a shield ; - des rimes, alternating of rhymes. croî-tº, m. : increase (esp. of flocks) : — de cens, tax over and above the feudal quit-rent ; bail à -, lease on shares of the increase. | croî-tre° [L. crèscere], irr. $; intr. : grow, inCREASE ; swell ; #tr. : (fig.) augment. $ Ind. : Pr. croî-s, -s, -ë ; croi-ssous, -ssez, -ssezzé. Ipf. crozssazs. Pret. crâs. Fut. (Cond.) croitraz(s). - Subj. : Pr. croisse. Ipf. crâsse. — I've croîs. — Part. : Pr. croissant; ' P. criè. croiac° [L. crux], f. : CROSS (all senses ex- cept : cross in breeds, willing defeat and swindling surrender of a race or any con- test) : jouer à - et à pile, play heads or tails ; - de par Dieu (or de Jesus), primer with a cross in the title ; alphabet ; mys- tère de la -, dogma of the incarnation ; ſoie de la -, acceptance of the dogma of incarnation ; - de mérite (or de sagesse), reward of merit at school ; — de cheva- lier, water-chestnut. fero1(I)er = crouler. eromlechº [Brittany, "curved stone"], ſm. : = (ancient monument). cromorneº [Ger. krummhorn, crooked horn], m. : cromorna (ftrumpet ; clarinet- like organ stop). - I.erône", [?], f : wash-out (on a bank). 2.crôneº-[Flem. kran], m. : crane (at a wharf). cro-quadeº [-quer], f : hasty, rough sketch. I.-quantº [-quer], adj. : crisp, brittle ; f : crisp dessert (tart, almond- cake) ; m. : gristle. 2.-quantº [sus aux croquants, " down with devourers of the people," cry of the revolting Guyenne croque-abeille peasants], m. : peasant, boor; worthless fellow. croque-abeille", f : bee-eater, tit- mouse. -au-sel (à la) see croquer. -en-boueheº, m. : crisp or crackling cakes, etc. -lardonº, m. : sponger. -mitaineº, m. : bugbear. -mortº, m. : , ( fam.) hearse-driver. #-noisette* or f-noiac, m. : (dial.) dormouse. -note", m. : (fam.) mu- sician (of little ability). I.lleroque-rº [echoic crocl, intr. : crackle ; tr. : crunch ; devour ; sketch, dash off, outline : manger quelque chose (quelqu'un) à la croque au sel, or croque-au-sel, eat a thing with salt only (devour a person tooth and nail) ; ( fam.) — le marmot, wait forever for some one ; - une poulette, make a pullet one's prey ; - une note, skip a note. 2.croquerº [Prov. crouca], tr. : grapple, hook. i croque-sol = croque-note. . I.eroquetº [Eng.], m. : = (the lawn game). 2.cro-quetº [I.-quer], m. : crackling, · brittle cake, snap. -quette* [I.-quer], ſ : = (flattened ball of rice, meat, etc.). -queur", =euse [I.-querl, m., f : gormandizer, devourer. -quignoleº [? I.-quer], f : fillip, nose-pull ; cracknel, brittle fancy-biscuit. -quis" [I.-quer], m. : = (hasty sketch, first draft). crosneº [village Crosnes], f : Japan sal- sify (with edible roots). , eros-seº [ak. to croc], f : stick with ' curved end (crook ; crosier; cricket-bat ; crutch ; stake) ; butt-end (of fire-arm) ; cricket (ball-game) ; bar (of iron to be soldered) : vivre sous la -, have a church- man for a master. -séº [-ser], adj. : hav'g a crosier. intr. : play cricket. (of a vine) ; = (shoulder-piece, elbow, ancon of buildings). -seurº, =euse [-ser], m., f : cricketer. crotale" [L. -lum, Gr. krôtalon], m. : tartS, crotalum (rattle ; sleigh-bell) ; snappers, castanets ; rattlesnake. fcrotesque = grotesque. crotonº [Gr. krôton, castor-oil plant], m. : = (genus of the spurge family). erot-teº [?], f : dung, esp. in pellets (as treadles, crotels) ; mud. -ter*, tr. : dirty, soil. -tin*, m. : pile of dung. -ton ", m. : (lit.) little dung ; sugar- lumps (in the sieve). -tu", adj. : pock- marked. crou ehautº [? ak. to croupe], m. : crutch (part of a ship's knee-timber). crou-lantº, adj. : un édifice -, a crumb- ling, tottering house. f-leº [? -ler], f : (dial.) snipe-hunt. f-lement*, m. : -serº, tr. : bat ; kick ; -sette º, f. : layer 171 settling, collapsing. ll-ler° [p. L. *crolu- läre (? ak. to Fr. crotale)], intr. : go to ruin, crumble, fall in; tr. : shake; wag; launch; drop dung (as falcons). -lier*, =ière, adj. : miry, quaggy; f : mire. - croup" [Eng.fr. Scotch], m. : croup (acute inflammation of the throat). - croupadeº [-pe], f : = (leap where the horse draws his hind legs close to his belly). croupalº [croup], adj. : of croup. crou-peº [ak. to Ger. kropfl, f : rump ; (poet.) tail ; hump, peak; dome-roof (at one end of a church) ; gable (of hip-roof) : monter en —, ride behind. -pé*, adj. : cheval bien -, horse hav'g good croup. -piader" [-piat], intr. : cast anchor astern. -piatº [Prov. -pias], m. : spring (on cables). -piemº, =enne, adj. : of the rump. -pierº, m. : frider behind ; (gambler's) croupier, assistant ; secre* ally, capper; backer...-pionº, m. : # buttocks. -pionnerº[-pion], #† behind (as though about to kic# # intr. : (old) sit on haunches ; # y lie; stagnate, become foul: - r) s ay, sère, wallow in Wretchedness. -pis# mº; [-pir], adj. : becoming foul ; st# ing. -pon", m. : rear half (of a hide). " - crousilleº [Prov. -silho], f : fish crawl | (at edge of salt lagoon). - crous-tadeº [It. -tata (-ta, CRUST)], f : pot-pie (of meats and crusts). -tillant" [-tiller], adj. : ffunny; crackling, crusty. |-tilleº [Prov. -tilho], f. : little CRUST ; lunch. -tillerº, intr. : | eat crust ; crackle. -tilleusementº [-tilleux], adv. : ( fam.) funny ; obscenely. -til- Ieux º, =euse, adj. : funny; smutty. croû-te° [L. crusta], f. : CRUST (hard outside of bread, pie, the earth, etc.) ; crumbs ; morsel ; toast ; scales, scab ; old painting ; poor painting, daub ; old fogy, fossil. #-telette*, f. : little crust. -teux º, =euse, adj. : incrusted, crusty. f-tier", m. : dauber, poor painter. -tonº, m. : end crust (of a long loaf) ; toast ; drudge. 1 cro-yable * [croire], adj. : credible, trust- worthy. -yamee* [créance], f : fbe- lieving; belief; CREED. -yant* [eroire], adj. : believing; m., f : believer : com- mandeur des —s, leader of the faithful. I.eru° [L. crüdus], adj. : CRUDE, raw ; rude ; indigestible ; not ripe : à —, with- out any extras ; monter à -, ride bare- back ; maison à -, house without a foundation, built right on the ground ; eau -e, very hard, or poor Water. 2.eruº [croître], m. : native growth : vin du —, native wine ; bouilleur de -, dis- tiller of brandy for his own use, not to GI ºU.L 172 sell ; œuvre de son -, original produc- tion. crû, crûs, part. and pret. of croître. cruauté° ſp. L. *criidalitas (L. crudeli- tas)], f. : CRUELTY. cru-ehe* [Germ'c kruka (ak. to Ger. krug)], f. : pitcher, jug, CROCK; (fam.) dolt. -ehée*,.f. : pitcherful. -ehon*, m. : little pitcher. - cruei-alº, pl. =aux [L. crux, cross], adj. : cross-like. -fère " [L.ferre, bear], adj. : fbearing a cross ; crucifer (plant) ; pl. : cruciferae (familyofplants). -fiantº, adj. : crucifying, subduing the flesh. -fie- ment* or -fîment, m. : crucifying, crucifixion. |-fier* [l. L. figere (L. crux, cross, figere, fix)], tr. : crucify (in all · senses). -fiac* [l. L. fixus, crucified], m. : = (cross with the image upon it). -fixion º [l. L. fixio], f : =. #di#é* [L. -ditas], f : crudity; raw- º§s bºrdness of water ; indigestible ' !terness. food : l § • -- : -- $ c§i2 roître],f : fgrowth; increase (in crû , aº• • i elle [p. L. *criidalis (L. cru- - - #. : = ; f : heartless woman. # gºvtº, adv. : cruelly; (fam.) very. crû ºntº [cru, CRUDE], adv. : bluntly, gruffly* - · cruralº, pl. =aux [L. -lis (crus, leg)], adj. : =. - crustaeé" [L. -ta, CRUST], adj. : hav'g a shell ; m. pl. : crustacea (all crabs, prawns, etc.). . cryp-tè" [L. -ta (Gr. krûpte, hidden place, kruptós, hidden)], f : crypt (vault under a church ;. follicle of skin or mucous mem- brane). - crypto- [Gr. kruptôs, hidden in]: -game" [Gr. gámos, marriage], adj. : cryptoga- mous, hav'g invisible seed-organs. -ga- mie" [Gr. gámos, marriage], f : crypto- gamia. -gramme* [Gr. grâmma, letter], m. : cryptogram, secret message. -gra- phie" [Gr. gráphein, write], f : cryptog- raphy, secret writing. fcrystal, etc. = cristal, etc. cténite* [Gr. kteis, combl, m. : pectinid (mollusk). fcu see cul. cu-bage" [-berl, m. : cubing, measuring in uniform solids. -bature", f : =, reducing to a cube. |-be* [L.-bus, Gr. kübos], m. : =. - cubèbe* [l. L. cubeba, fr. Ar.], m. : cubeb. cuberº [cube], tr. : cube, measure the solid contents of; intr. : contain. | cubilotº [?], m. : cupola (furnace). cubi-que* [L. -cus, Gr. kubikôs], adj. : cubic. - ouir cubi-talº, pl. =aux, adj. : = (of the forearm). |-tusº [L.], m. : radius (of forearm). cu-bocube* [Gr. kubôkubos], m. : ninth power, cubocubocube. -boïde* [Gr. kubo- eidés], adj., or m. : cuboid, fcu eeron = cusseron. eucubale" [L. -lus], m. : (plant of the pink family). feueulleº [l. L. -lla], f. : cucullus, monk's COWL ; scapular. cucurbi-taeées" [L. -ta, gourd], f pl. : cucurbitaceae, gourd family. -te* [L.-ta, gourd], f. : cucurbit (body of an alembic). -tin* [L. -tinus], adj. : gourd-like ; m. : tape-worm (fr. its joints like gourd seeds). cueil-lageºkeu-, m. : gathering (offruits ; of molten glass on blow pipe). -laison*, f : gathering time. -leº keu'y, f. : (dial.) gathering (of fruits) ; breadth (of sail cloth). -lette*, f : gathering (esp. of olives and apples) ; collection (of money contributions ; of rags) ; mixed cargo. -leur*, =euse, m., f : fruit-picker or gatherer; ladler, dipper (of molten glass). '-lie*, f. : batch (of plaster) ; bundle (of wires for needles). |-lir° [p. L. *colli- gire (L. colligere)], irr. $ ; tr. : COLLECT ; (esp.) CULL, pluck, pick ; COIL (rope); ladle out (molten glass, etc). -loir*, m. : fruit- basket ; fruit-scissors. - $ Ind. : Pr. cueille. Ipf. cueillais. .. Pret. cueillis. Fut. (Cond.) cueillerai(s). — Subj. : Pr. cueille. Ipf. cueillisse. — I've cueille. — Part. : Pr. cueillazzz ; P. cueilli. cuffatº [? Ger. kufe, vat], m. : hoisting bucket, or cage (in a mining shaft). feuider° [L. cogitäre, think], tr. : be- lieve : se -, put on airs. - cuil-1ère° or -ler [L. cochlearium], f. : spoon ; ladle ; gouge : biscuit à la -, bis- cuit made with a spoon ; -s des roues, axle-caps ; le hérom -, spoon-bill crane ; herbe à —s, spoonwort. -leronº, m. : bowl (of a spoon) ; hollow (at base of in- sects' wings).. cuineº [Ar. qanina, glass vessel], f : tort (for making nitric acid). cui-r° [L. corium], m. : fskin ; hide (of pachyderms) ; tanned hide ; leather : — de laine, a thick wool cloth ; —s bruts, raw-hides ; - chevelu, scalp ; — bouilli, leather hardened by boiling or soaking ; (fam.) faire des —s, link French words badly. -rasse*, f : cuirass (breast- plate ; bony plate, carapace ; armour of boats) : le défaut de la —, end of the cuirass ; ( fig) the weak spot. -rasse- mentº [-rasser], m. : casing with iron, plating (of ships). -rasserº [-rasse], tr. : arm with a cuirass ; case in iron ; (fig.) harden, toughen : un (navire) cui- rassé, an iron-clad. -rassierº [-rasse], cucubalous I'e- cuire m. : =, heavy armed soldier. #-ratier" [Prov. curatié], m. : leather-worker. euire° [p. L. *cocere (L. coquere)], irr. (cf. conduire)l; tr., intr: COOK (bake ; boil ; roast) ; digest ; burn ; smart : vin cuit, syrupy wine ; terre cuite, TERRA COTTA ; ( fig.) il vous en cuira, you will suffer for it ; trop gratter cuit, too much scratching hurts ; better not talk too much. 1 - cui-rerº [euir], tr. : cover with leather. : -ret* [cuir], m. : unhaired hide ; leather (of the hatter's bow). -rierº [cuir], m. : leather apron. • | cui-sage* [-rel, m. : fcooking; charring (of wood). -sant* [-re], adj. : burning, smarting, severe. -seur* [-re], brick- burner ; wine boiler. |-sine° [L. co- cina], f. : KITCHEN, cuisine, COOKERY ; cooking ; #spice-box : batterie de -, cook- ing utensils ; favoir - froide, have poor fare. -siner*, intr. : do the cooking. -sinier*, =ière, m., f : cook; m.: cook book; f : meat-oven. - cuis-sardº, m. : CUISH (thigh-armour) ; thigh-piece (of an artificial leg). |-se° [L. coxa, hip], f : thigh : aide des -s, thigh exercise (of cavalry) ; - de noix, part of a nut ; - de triglyphe, tablets of a triglyph ; - de verrerie, pillar of lat- eral (glass-) ovens. -seau*, m. : fillet (of veal). f-sedame, or -se-madameº, ·f. : pear (gourd-like, yellow variety). -sette º, f. : ( fam.) #little hip ; half a gang (of threads). -sière º, f : thigh leather (on the left hip of drummers). cuisson° [L. coctio (coquere, cook)], f. : cooking (of food) ; dressing, preparing ; burning, Smarting. cuissotº [-sse], m. : haunch. cuistreº [? cf. OFr. coustre, fr. p. L. *cus- tor (L. custos), guardian], m. : funder- steward (of a college) ; pedant ; boor. cuite* [cuire], f. : baking ; cooking ; burning ; batch : (low) se donner une -, get drunk. cui-vrageº [-vrer], m. : coppering. cui- vre° [p. L. *coprium (L. cuprum fr. island Cyprus)], m. : COPPER : - jaune, , brass ; — de rosette, pure copper ; - vierge, native copper ; fonte de -, pig copper ; cuivres, plates for engraving ; brass horns. oured ; metallic (voice). -vrée* [-vrer], f : copper gilding. -vrerº, tr. : copper, cover with copper. -vrette º, f. : reed, mouthpiece (of bassoon, etc.). -vreux º, =euse, adj. : like copper, coppery. -vrique*, adj. : cuprous. -vrotº, m. : chill-box (of time-pieces). cu-l° or feu [L. ciilusl, m. : buttocks, bottom ; poop, stern ; wash-out ; corbel ; •2º -vré", adj. : copper-col- 173 tail ; tail-piece (in printing) : être à —,. be at one's wits' end ; montrer le —; be ragged ; run away ; in many self-explain- ing names of birds (--blanc, —-rouge, --rousset, -d'or); — d'âme, seanettle (fish) ; --d'artichaut, artichoke root ; - de basse-fosse, hole in a dungeon ; --de-chapeau, rounded end of a bolt ; --de-chaudron, pot-hole fr. an explosion ; culottage | --de-four, =, spherical vault ; —-de-hotte, y : medlar; --de-lampe, breach of a cannon ; univalve mollusk ; —-de-mulet, variety of fig; --de-niche, convex circular lid ; --de-plomb, sluggish person ; --de- pot (or incorrect, -de-porc), wall-knot ; --de-poule, pouting lips ; touch-hole of a gun, etc. ; --rond, round stern fishing Smack ; --de-sac, blind alley ; washout by the sea ; --de-singe, purple sea shell ; --de-verre, cataract spot in horse's eye ; couleur --de-verre, deep green ; —-de- voûte en pendentif, dome on pendentive vaulting. -lard ", m. : bracket (holding the spring of a trip-hammer). -lasse º, ſ : breech of (guns) ; crown (of an anchor) ; pavilion (of a diamond) ; —-de- jatte, cripple (who drags himself in a bowl). cuIave" [?], f : baking-pot. cul-blanc, see cul. culbu-te* or feulebute, f. : somerset : , au bout du fossé la —, follow a fatal career ; être à la -, be topsy-turvy. ll-terº or feulebuter [eul, buter], intr. : turn a somerset ; tumble headlong ; tr. : throw down, upset : pigeon culbutant, tumbler pigeon. -teur º, m. : tumbler (acrobat ; toy). -tisº, m. : jumble. cul-dE- .. ., see under cul. - -" fculebutis = culbutis. cu-lée* [cul], f.: tail-end (of hides) ; stump (of trees) ; bank-abutment (of bridges) ; buttress, pier; stern-way, back- . ing up, or grounding of a ship. -ler* [cul], intr. : back up, fall astern ; veer ; strike bottom. -leronº [-lier], m. : crupper. -leton* [cull, tail-end (of bel- lows). -lierº, =ière [cul], adj. : boyau -, rectum ; (sangle) culière, breech, hip- strap, turn-back (to a saddle). 1 fculière = cuillère. culinaire* [L. -narius], adj. : culinary. culmi-nant", adj. : culminating, highest. -nation º,.f. : = (of stars). |-nerº [L. culmen, top], intr. : culminate, pass its zenith. culot* [cul], m. : bottom (of hanging lamps, etc.) ; = (cup with an issuing scroll ; cup of a Minie ball) ; residuum ; youngest (chick, child, etc.). culot-tage* [-ter], m. : (fam.) brown- ing (of a tobacco-pipe). ll-teº [cul], 174 f. : rump ; trunk-hose ; (often pl. in) breeches, trousers, bloomers ; branched pipe or tube ; upright ' tube (of tube- boiler) ; heel-plate (of pistols) : --de- suisse, branded or striped drinking-glass with stem ; banded shell ; striped pear ; --de-velours, velvet cock ; --de-chien, orange-tree. -terº, tr. : put trousers on ; brown (a pipe) : nez culotté, rum blos- som. -tier", =ière, m., f : dealer in trousers ; (esp.)f : pants-maker. -tinº, m. : ( fam.) flittle trousers ; child in first pants, " little man." culpabilité* [L. -bilas], f : culpability. cul-rouge, etc., see cul. - culteº [L. -tus], m. : CULT (worship ; cere- monies): — de latrie, worship of God only, latria ; - de dulie, saint-worship, dulia. cultellation" [L. -llus, knife], f : (dropping something to mark the foot of a vertical). culti-vable*, adj. : -vateur*, =triee, m., f. : tiller of the soil ; cul- tivator (plow). t-vation º, f. : |-ver* [l. L. -vare (L. colere)], tr. : CULTIVATE (till ; raise ; train, educate ; exploit). culture º [L. cultura], f : (tillage; refining, training); crop, growth. cuminº [L. cuminum, Gr. küminon], m. : cumin : - des prés, caraway seed ; — cornu, or faux -, black cumin. cumu-lº, m. : accumulation, junction, plurality : — du pétitoire et du possessoire, combining ownership and possession. -lardº, m. : (fam.) pluralist, place-man (disposed to hold several offices at once). -latifº, =ive, adj. : cumulative. -Iati- vementº [-latif], adv. : all together. ll-lerº [L. -lare, pile upl, tr. : combine (different causes in one action at law ; hold different offices at one time). cunéiformeº [L. cuneus, wedge, forma, form], adj. : cuneiform, arrow-shaped. eunetteº [It. (la)cunetta, LAGOON], f : =, cuvette (deep ditch in a moat). cuniculaire* [L. -lus, hare], adj. : bur- rowing ; m. pl. : burrowing rodents. cupi-de* [L.-dus], adj. : feager ; COVET- OUS. -dementº, adv. : covetously ; eagerly. -dité* [L. -ditas], f : cupidity (fpassion ; avarice). Cupidon * [L. Cupido, son of Venus], m. : Cupid ; beau- tiful child or youth. cuprate* [L. -prum, copper], m. : (salt of cupric acid). cupressinées* [L. -nus, of cyprus], f. pl. : cyprus group of pines. cu-prique* [L. -prum, copper], adj. : cupric. -priteº [L. -prum], m. : (cuprous oxide). cupu-laire", adj. : cupular. ll-le" [L. -la, cup], f. : = (involucre, burr of nuts). culpabilité i- #-•º 8me-sº-º l, ©mºmº «-• Em•-8 •* curial -lifère* [L. ferre, BEAR], adj. : cupulife- rous ; f pl. : cupuliferae, oak-family. curabIe* [L. -bilis (cura, cure)], adj. : (rare) =. curaçao* [island C. in Antilles], m. : (the liquor). - I.curage* [for cul-rage], f : water-pep- per, smartweed. 2.eu-rage* [-rer], m. : cleansing, cleaning &-•s &-ma (of sewers, wells, etc.) ; (dial.) bleaching (of cloth). -randierº, =ière [-rer], m., f. : (dial.) bleacher. - curare* [Brazil], m. : = (arrow-poison). cura-teIle* [l. L.-tela as if f of L. -tor, keeper], f. : guardianship, trusteeship. -teur*, -triee [L. -tor, -trix], m., f. : guardian ; trustee : - au ventre, guardian for unborn child ; — à la mémoire, ad- ministrator for deceased convict. -tifº, =ive [L. curare, cure], adj. : curative. -tion* [L. -tio], f : treatment. - curcumaº [Sp.fr. Ar., 'saffron'], m. : (genus of ginger family). - . | cu-re° [L. cilra, CARE],.f. : = (church cure ; benefice ; rectory ; treatment ; healing) ; dose (for falcon) : armer la -, put meat with the dose (to tempt the falcon). -ré *, m. : = (priest of a Catholic par- ish) : Gros-Jean qui veut en remontrer à son -, the clerk would teach the parson ; M. le - n'aime pas les os, que lui donne- t-0m ? children's game where one must an- swer with a word hav'g no o. cureau* [?], m. : (clothshearer's) stick, beater. cure-dent* [-rer], m. : tooth-pick. curée* [cuir], f : QUARRY ; food : sonner la -, give the call to the quarry ; de- fendre la -, keep the dogs off till the signal ; mettre les chiens en -, give the dogs the quarry to excite them ; âpre à la -, greedy for one's part ; la - des places, scramble for office. cure-feu, pl. -ac, m. : poker, stithy-pick (to clean furnaces). -langue", m. : tongue-scraper. -môleº mol, m. : dredg- ing machine. -oreille*, m. : ear-spoon. -pied º, m. : horse-picker (to clean hoofs). I.lleure-rº° [L. curäre], tr. : cleanse, clean up ; pick ; #attend to, CARE for. 2.cure-r [cure, pill for falcons], intr. : treat falcons. curetº [for cuiret], m. : leather (used in gilding). cu-rette* [-rer], f : = cleaner; scraper. -reur* [-rer], m. : cleaner (of sewers, Wells, etc.). I.-rialº, pl. =aux [cure], adj. : of a church cure or living, rectorial : mais0n -e, parsonage. 2.curial", pl. =aux [L. -rialis], m. : member of the Roman curia. -rieº [L. -ria], f. : curia (Roman tribal division ; skin, buffalo- y curieusement place of meeting ; senate-house ; town- council ; body of officials of papal govern- ment). , cu-rieusementº, adv. : fvery carefully ; curiously, § § |-rieux º, =euse [L. -riosuslrädj . : fCAREful ; CURI- OUS ; interested in ; interesting, amusing ; m., f : curious or inquisitive person. . curion " [L. -rio], m. : chief of a curia ; sacrificer (for a curia). curiosité* [L. -tas], f : +carefulness, finterest ; CURIOSITY. curle" [?], f : twisting-wheel, cord-wheel (for rope-making). curoirº [curer], m. : plough, shovel, etc.). cur-seur" [L. -sor, runner], m. : frunner ; cursor (movable piece on measuring in- struments ; indicator). -sifº, =ive [l. L. -sivus (L. -rere, run)], adj. : cursive ; f : flowing hand. curuleº [L. -lis (currus, chariot)], adj. : chaise -, curule chair ; magistrature —, magistracy privileged to use the cerule chair. curures* [curer], f.pl. : dirt (cleaned fr. wells, sewers, etc.). . cur-vatifº, =ive [L. -vare, bend], adj. : curvative (hav'g margin slightly curved). -viligne* [L. -vus, curved, Fr. ligne], adj. : curvilinear. -vité * [L. -vitas], f. : (rare) curvity. cuscuteº [fr. Ar. (Gr. kasûtas)],f. : cus- cuta, bindweed, dodder. - euspidé* [L. -pis, spear], adj. : cuspi- date, sharp-pointed (as thistle leaves). cus-seron* [ak. to cosson, weevil], m. : (dial.) grain-insect. -sonné* [-son], adj. : worm-eaten. I.custo-de* [L. -s], m. : custodian ; scraper (to clean a warden (monk). 2.-de* [L.-dia, custody], | f. : curtain (fof beds ; of high-altar) ; pyx-cloth ; sacraments ; carriage pillow ; flap (of pistol holster). -die", f. : ward, province (of monk). -di-nosº [L., "guard us'], m. : acting clergyman (hold- ing a living in trust). cu-tanéº [L. -tis, skin], adj. : cutaneous. -ticuleº [L. -ticula, little skin], f. : CUTICLE, epidermis. fcutter = cotre. eu-vagé* [-ver], m.: wine) ; fermenting outfit. lleu-ve° [L. cüpa, CUP], f. : vat ; tank ; waterwheel- pit. -veau*, m. : little vat, tub. -vée*, f : vatful. -velage" [-veler], m : tub- bing. -velerº, tr. : tub (case inside, line a shaft). -ven°º, intr. : work, fer- ment ; tr. : sleep off (drunkenness). f-verie º, f. : (dial). fermenting place (cellar or ship). -vette*, f. : = (bowl ; basin ; pot ; receiving vessel for moltea fermenting (of f-son = cosson. |. 175 glass ; cunette, ditch) ; cap (of a watch) ; cistern (of barometers) : - d'un plomb, funnel-mouthed pipe (to receive water fr. eaves, etc.) ; - de jauge, waste water basin ; - d'un canal, bed of a ditch. -vier*, m. : drip-tub (for lye ; for tem- pering steel ; for washing kaolin). feuzcuz = couscou. eyame " [l. L. -mus, Gr. kûamos, bear)l, m. : cyamid, whale-louse. | eyan- [Gr. kûanos, blue] : -hydrique* [ak.to -0gène and hydrogène], adj. : cyan- hydric, prussic, hydrocyanic. -iqueº [ak. to -ogène], adj. : cyanic. -ogène* · [Gr. gennân, produce], m. : cyanogen (colourless gas). -omètre" [Gr. métron, measure], m. : cyanometer. -ose* [Gr. kuanos%s, blueness], f. : cyanosis, blue jaundice ; cyanosite (mineral). -ureº [ak. to -ogène], m. : cyanurate. eyathe" [L. -teus, Gr. kûathos], m. : cyathus (pouring cup ; measure). - eyel- [Gr. küklos, CIRCLE] : -adeº [Gr. kuklás, rounded], f : cyclas (mollusk). -amenº [L. (Gr. kuklamînon)], m. : =, sow-bread (plant). eycl-eº [L. cyclus], m. : = (period of time which re- peats itself ; series of processes in phy- sics which brings back to the first condi- tion ; entire turn of a spiral leaf-struc- ture ; body of poetry or legends on one theme ; curative process where the remedy was gradually increased). -iqueº [L. -icus], adj. : cyclic. -oïdal", pl. =aux [-oide], adj. : cycloidal. -oïdeº [Gr. ku- koeidés, CIRCULAR], f. : cycloid (curve traced by a point in a rolling circle). -oneº [Eng. (Gr. kûklon, turning)], m. : =, great wind-storm. -opeº [L. -ops (Gr. kûklops, circle-eye)], m. : cyclops (one-eyed mythological giant; one-eyed person; crus- tacean of the cyclopidae). -opéen*, =enne [-ope], adj. : cyclopean. -os- tomeº [Gr. stôma, mouth], adj. : hav'g rounded mouth (as certain fish and mol- lusks). eygne* [L.-nus (Gr. kûknos)], m. : swan ; poet. eylin-drage* [-drerl, m. : mangling (of linen). | eylin-dre*[L.-drus (Gr.külin- dros)], m. : cylinder (the geometric solid ; anything resembling it, esp. in machinery ; roller ; mangle ; CALENDER ; etc.) : - à braise, bucket (for heating water by put- ting live coals into it). -drerº, tr. : mangle (linen). -driqueº, adj. : cylin- drical. -droïde " [Gr. eîdos, form], adj. or m. : cylindroid. feymaise = cimaise. eymba-laire* [L. -laria], f. : toad-flax (fig-wort). [-le º[L.-lum (Gr. kümbalon)], j. : cymbal. -Iierº, m. : cymbal-player. cymbalaire 176 ey-me" [L.-mo], f. : = (flat topped clus- ter of flowers). -mette º,f. : sprout (of Brussels cabbage). eyn- [Gr. küon, dog] : f-an-eie = e8- quinansie. -égétique" [Gr. kunege- tikôs], adj. : cynegetic ; f : cynegetics, art of hunting with dogs. -ipsº [Gr. îps, wood insect], m. : =, gall-fiy. -ique* [L. -icus], adj. : cynic, Sneering, cynical ; impudent ; m. : cynic philosopher : sneerer ; impudent person. -iquement* [-ique], adv. : cynically. -isme" [L. -ismus], m.: CYNICISM; impudence. -oeéphaleº [L. -ocephalus, Gr. kunoképhalos (kephalé, head)], m. : dog-headed baboon, cynoce- phalus. -oglosse" [L. -0glossus, Gr. kunôglosson (glossa, tongue)], f. : cyno- glossum, hound's-tongue. -osure* [L. -osura, Gr. kunôsoura, dog's tail], f. : cynosure (constellation containing the pole star) ; rattle grass, dog's-tail grass. eypéra eées* [L. -ros, Gr. küpeiros, galingale], f. pl. : cyperaceae, sedge family. eyprès* [L. -pressus], m. : cypress (the tree ; grief ; death) : le petit -, orna- mental hedge aster. 1 ' eyprin * [L. -nus, carp], m. : carp lilke figh. eyril-lien º, =enne or -lique [Slavic saint Cyrille], adj. : Cyrillic : alphabet -, cyme - cyprinoid, original of the present Russian alphabet. , eyst- [Gr. küstis, bladder] : -algie* [Gr. âlgos, pain], f : cystalgia, neuralgia of bladder. -ieerque* [Gr. kérkos, tail], m. : cysticercus, encysted young tape-worm. -ique*, adj. : cystic. -ite º, f. : cystitis, inflammation of the bladder. -oïdeº [Gr. eîdos, form], adj. or m. : cystoid, bladder-like. [Gr. tomé, section], m. : = (instrument for cutting the bladder). -otomie º [Gr. tomê, section], f : cystotomy, opera- tion for the stone. . eytiseº [L. -thisus], m. : trefoil. eytothèque* [Gr. kûtos, cell, théke, | case], f. : cytotheca (integument covering the thorax of pupas). fezar, tsar, etc. = tzar, etç. cytisus, bean- 1D d dE or older dé [L.], m. : d (the letter) : D., sign for Dame, Don; D, sign for (Rom.) 500, d' for de before vowels or h mute. -daº [?], adv. suff. : (fam.) indeed : oui- da, yes forsooth ; nenni-da, no, indeed. da-capo* or da capo [Xt. ' from the head or beginning'], adv. : da capo. -otomeº | dalot Daeie, f. : Dacia (land of the old Daci, Eastern Europe). dacty-le* [L. -lus, Gr. dáktulos, finger ; dactyl (ref. to three joints)], m. : dactyl (— - -); sort of plant. -lique º, adj. : dactylic. -lographe* [Gr. -los, grá- phein, Write], m. : keyboard for communi- cation between blind or deaf-mutes. -lolalie"[Gr.-los, lállein, talk],.f. : finger language (as used between deaf mutes). -loptère" [Gr. -los, pterôn, wing], m. : dactylopterus, flying-fish. dadaº [echoic], m.: (child-lang.) horse ; (fam.) hobby. dadaisº [?], m. : booby, dolt. fdagorneº[? dague, corne],f. : one-horned cow ; beldame. da-gue* [?], f : ancient DAGGer (#Eng. DAG), dirk ; scraper ; knout (for flogging sailors) ; DAG (unbranched antler of a young deer) ; boar's tusk. -guerº, tr. : fstab ; strike with the horns ; (hunt.) rut ; (falc.) fly with spread wings. daguerréotype* [Daguerre, the in- ventor, -type], m. : daguerreotype (early kind of photograph). - daguetº [-gue], m. : bracket (young deer). dahlia " [l. L. (Dahl, Swedish botanist)], m. : = (aster). daigner° [p. L. dignäre, L. -ri (dignus, worthy)], int. : DEIGN, condescend, vouch- safe. dail*, dail-le, m., f : (dial.) scythe ; whetstone ; pholas (shell). fdaillot = andaillot. : d-aim° [p. L. *damus (L.-ma)], m. : deer ; (male) buck : chasseur de —, deer-hunter, deer-stalker ; des gants de -, deerskin gloves. -aineº, f : doe. daintier° [fr. old-tié, L. dignitas, * honor,' so ' piece of honor, DAINTY'], m. (us'ly pl.) : dowcet (testicle of a stag). dais° [L. discus, DISC, table], m. : #platform ; canopy): — de verdure, ar- ,-s-3 s-sma bour. daïs" [l. L. dais], m. : exotic shrub. dalbergia " [l. L. (named after Dalberg)], m. : black-wood. fdaleau = dalot. Dalécarlie, f. : Dalecarlia (province of Sweden). • dal-lage*, m. : paving with flagstones ; flagstone pavement, flagging. |-le* [? cf. E. deal, plank], f : slab (of stone or timber), flagstone, flag; slice ; gutter, spout; (nav.) scupper; powder-tub. -lerº, tr. : pave with flagstones, flag. Dalma-tie, f. : Dalmatia (land east of the Adriatic). -tique* [l. L. -tica, tunic Worn in Dalmatia], f. : dalmatica (priest's Vestment at mass). dalot" [dalle], m. : scupper (-hole). daltonisme daltonisme* [Dalton, physician affected by it], m. : daltonism, colour blindness. damº [L. damnum, DAMage], m. : fdam- - § ; (theol.) privation of the sight of O0l. I.IDa-mas [fr. Hebr.], m. : Damascus (city in Syria). da-mas*, m. : DAMASK ; Damascus blade, damaskin ; DAMson (Da- mascus plum). -masquinº [It. -mas- chinol, adj. : of Damascus, damascene ; m. : damaskening. -masquinageº [-masquiner], m. : damaskening. -mas- quinageº [-masquiner], m. : damasken- · ing. -masquinerº [-masquin], tr. : · damaske(e)n (decorate steel, etc., with in- laid or etched patterns). -masqui- merie" [-masquiner], f : damaskening. -masquineurº [-masquiner], m. : da- maskener. -masquinure* [-masqui- mer], f : damaskening. -masser" [da- mas], tr. : damask (esp. textile fabrics); damassé, damask. -massure º [-masser], f : damasking (word, design). I. dame° [L. domina, mistress], f : = (anc. noble lady; married lady ; woman generally , figure in certain games, as) queen (in cards and chess), king (double in checkers), counter or man (in backgam- mon) ; rammer (of pavers) ; bolt ; row- lock ; (in comp'd names of birds, flowers, etc. : belle-dame, etc.) ; interj.º (fr. Notre Dame, cf. below) : on my faith ! in- deed ! well ! etc. : Notre Dame, our Lady, the blessed Virgin, Virgin Mary; — d'atour, (queen's, etc.) lady of the toilettes or bedchamber ; —s de France, daughters of the King of France ; — d'onze heures, (bot.) star of Bethlehem ; faire —, (checkers) become queen (doubled); jeu de -s, game of draughts or checkers. 2.dameº [Ger. damm], f. : DAM, bank (across a water course). dame-jeanne* [Prov. damajano (? Ar.)], DEMI-JOHN (as in Fr. by pop. etym.). da-merº [I.-me], tr. : queen (a pawn at chess), crown (at checkers); tamp (with a paver's rammer) ; puddle (clay) ; pion -é (or incor. dame damée), queened pawn (at chess) ; - le pion à quelqu'un, outdo any one. -meretº [I.-me], m. : man of ef- feminate elegance, dude, ladies'man ; adj. : dudish, foppish. -merette" [I.-me], f. : moth. f-mette* [I.-me], f : flass ; (dial.) wagtail. -mier º [I.-me], m. : checkerboard; chessboard; (arch.) checker- work, fretWork ; name of various spotted animals and plants (kind of petrel, butter- fly, mollusk, etc.). dam-nable*, adj. : =. -nablement* [-nable], adv. : damnably. -nation * [L. -natio], f : =. - né, =ée, adj. or n. : · damned : être l'âme -mée de quelqu'un, be dard 177 somebody's tool, be wholly in his power. |-nerº [l. L. -nare (-num, damage)], tr. : damn (doom to perdition ; condemn as bad) : faire -, drive to mortal sin (esp. by anger), cause to be damned, drive mad. - damoi-seau° [p. L. *domnicellus (dim. of L. dominus)], m. : (midd. ages) aspirant to knighthood, page, (fam.) ladies'man, spark, beau. -selle° [p. L. *domnicella], f : DAMSEL (midd. ages, young gentlewoman ; then young lady gen'ly). dan-dinº, m.: ninny. -dinantº, adj. : waddling. -dineº, f : whipping rod. | -dinementº, m. : waddling, swayingmo- tion. |-dinerº [echoic (ak. to O.Fr. -din, table bell),'move like a bell-clapper'l, ſimtr. : sway to and fro (naturally or af- fectedly), waddle : se -, sway, twist one's self (one's body). dam-dyº [Eng. (? ak. to -din.)], m. : =. -dysme*, m. : dandyism. Danemark, f. : Denmark. - daneau", pl.-x [dain], m. : young deer. dan-gerº°[p. L.*domniärium (L. dominus, lord), powerl, m. : = (fpower ; power to harm ; peril, risk). -gereusementº [-gereux], adv. : dangerously. -gereux *, =euse, adj. : dangerous. , danois, =oise [l. L. Dani], m., f. : Dane; m. : Danish language ; adj. : Danish : chien -,.great Dane. dans* [de, OFr. ens (L. intus), within], prep. : in, within; into; with ; accordingto; at ; — ce but, with this end in view ; avoir ſait - le temps, have done formerly ; être - l'abattement, be in a state of dejection, be downcast. v, - dan-santº, part.: dancing : soirée -e, dancing (evening) party. dan-se*, f : dance, dancing : en -, a-going, started ; mener la —, give the impulse ; donner une - à, shake up, give a drubbing to ; - de corde, rope-dancing ; - de St. Guy, Saint-Vitus dance ; - des morts, - ma- cabre, dance of death ; maître de -, dancing-master. |-ser* [OHG. -son, draw, form a row], tr., intr. : dance ; leap : faire - quelqu'un, dance with some one ; ·faire - quelqu'un sans violon, give some one a drubbing ; maître à -, dancing master. -seur, =euse*, m., f : dancer: - de corde, rope-dancer. Daphné [Gr. dáphne, laurel], f. : Daphne. daphné, m. : daphne (shrub). fdaree = darse. - dar-dº [fr. Germ'c], m. : DART, short javelin ; sting (of serpents, scorpions, bees, etc.) ; (pointed objects of various kinds, as) brass tip (of scabbard) ; point (in a moulding), pistil ; shell rocket (also - à jeu); dart (sort of carp): sans -, stingless. 178 dare -der*, tr. : dart, hurl, beam. -dillon º, m. : little dart ; barb (of a fishhook). dareº [echoic], adv. : (fam.) in great haste. - dariole* [?], f : cream-cake. darneº [Bret.], f : slice (of large fish). darse* [It. -sena (Ar.)], f : wet dock. dar-tre* [? Celt.], f. : herpes (eruption of the skin). -treuacº, adj. : herpetic. darwinisme* [Darwin], m.: Darwinism. dataire*[L. -tarius (L. -tum, given)], m.: datary (papal officer in charge of the da- taria or appointment office). da-te* [L. -ta (L. -re, give), given], f : = : prendre -, take rank at a certain date ; être le premier en —, be the first applicant (etc.), have priority; faire —, form en epoch. -terº, tr., intr. : date ; make an epoch. - daterie º [-taire],f. : dataria. 1.da-tif* [L. -tivus (-re, give), *to be given', sc. casus, case], m. : dative. 2.-tifº, =ive, adj. : dative (given by a judge ortestamentary disposition). -tion * [L. -tiol, f : giving, assigning (by a judge or testamentary disposition). datisme* [Gr. -mós (Datis, character · lfſ a cUIIIely by Aristophanog)], m. : #. dat-te* [L. dactylus, Gr. -los, finger],f. : date (the fruit). -tier", m. : date palm. datura º ſfr. Sanskr.], m. : =, thorn- apple. dau-beº [It. dobba (-bbare, fit)],f. : stew- ing (meats) and garnishing; garnished stew. I.-berº, intr. : prepare a daube, steW. 2.dau-berº [?], tr. : cuff, drub ; scold, jeer ; ( fam.) - des mâchoires, eat with great appetite. -beur", m. : jeerer, banterer. - daubière* [daube],f. : stewpan. dau-phin° [p. L. *dalfinus, L. del- phinus (Gr. delphís, dolphin)], m. : dolphin (fish ; constellation); (nav.) curved wooden brace; curve of a tunnel ; curved nip- pers ; dauphin (old title of counts of Vienna, conferred on the French Crown- prince when, in 1349, Dauphiny was bequeathed to Philippe de Valois). -phi- nelle" [Gr. delphinion], f : lark-spur (plant). daurade*[Prov.-da = Fr. dorée, gilded'], f. : gilt-head (fish). davantage* [de avantage], adv. : more, longer (ujithout complement; arch. also with). davierº [? Davi(d)], m. : forceps ; tongs, crow, cramp ; (nav.) DAVIT ; roller. dE° [L. de], prep. : of, out of, from ; 's (possess.) ; some, any (partit.) ; by, with ; for ; at ; expletive (after adverbs of débanquer quantity, etc.) : - près, near; - loin, afar ; se moquer -, laugh at ; d'entre (*from amongst') of; — par le roi, in the king's name ; beaucoup - livres, many books ; cinq de tués, five killed ; du (de l'), de la, des, some, any. I.dé° [p. L. datus, given, thrown], m. : DIE (for playing ; of a pedestal, between base and cornice ; metal block of ma- chinery ; various other die-shaped or cubical parts of instruments, etc.); piece of domino : jouer aux -s, play at dice ; avoir le —, be the first to play; flatter le —, slide the dice ; soften a thing down ; à vous le —, it is your throw (turn) ; tenir le — (de la conversation), do all the talking (not leave it to others) ; - pipé, loaded die. 2.dé° [OFr. deel, p. L. *ditäle (for digitale, L. digitus, finger) : dé, by anal. to I.dé], m. : THIMBLE ; ferrule or mounting (of the handle of a banner) : - Panurge, harness ring (for the reins). dé- [L. dis-], pref. : dis-, un-, apart. #-dea, old for -da. débâehen°º [dé, bâche], tr. : uncover (car- riages); put back, let down, tilt off. dé-hâni ageº, m. : clearing (of a port). -bâcleº, m. : breaking up (of the ice in a river) ; break up, overthrow ; debacle ; clearing (of a harbour). -bâclEmentº, m.: breaking up of the ice. |-bâclerº , [dé-, bâcler], tr. : funbar (doors etc.) ; clear (a harbour of unloaded vessels and make room for loaded) ; intr. : break up (of the ice in a river). -bâcleur, m. : clearing officer (of a harbour). débadinerº [dé-, badiner], intr. : re- move a mark (in playing). débagou-lerº [dé-, OFr. bagouler (? ba, bah ! goule = gueule, mouth), abuse], tr. : (vulg.) spew, vomit ; launch into abuse against, abuse. -1eurº, m. : (vulg.) scurrilous abuser. débâillonnerº [dé-, bâillon], tr. : un- gag. débal-lageº, m. : unpacking. -lerº [dé-, balle], tr. : unpack ; fremove pack- ageS. « 1 déban-dadeº, f : disbanding, break up, confusion : à la -, in great confusion, helter-skelter. -dement", m. : dis- banding; leaving the ranks. I.|-der [dé-, I.bander, 2.bande], tr. : I.remove a band or bandage from, unbind, relax, unbend (a bow), uncock (fire-arms), unbrace (drums) ; 2.fdetach from a troupe: se -, I.be relaxed, unbent, etc. ; #grow milder (of weather) ; 2.disband (be broken up), leave the ranks. I. débanquerº [dé-, banque], tr. : break the bank of (at play). - - débanquer 2.débanquerº [dé-, banc], tr. : (nav.) take away the thwarts (seats) from; intr. : quit a fishing bank. débaptiserº [dé-, baptiser], tr. : fannul the baptism of (dechristianise) ; change the name of : se faire -, renounce one's baptism. · débarber* [dé-, barbe], tr. : funbarb ; prune the roots of (vines). débarbouil-lerº [dé-, barbouiller], tr. : clean ; wash the face of : se -, ( fig.) wash one's face ; clear or extricate one's self. -loir º, m. : (fam.) towel, napkin. débarcadère, f-dourº [-barquer], m. : landing-place ; terminus (of railways). débar-dage", m. : unlading (of wood). |-derº [dé-, bard], tr. : unload (a boat, etc., esp'ly of wood) ; transport (a broken up raft or felled wood) to the place of lading, clear off ; break up (an old boat). -deurº, m. : man that unloads or transports wood, lumper ; sort of ulcer. débar-quementº, m. : disembarkment, landing. ll-querº [dé-, barque], tr., intr. : disembark, land ; step off (from a train, etc.) : un nouveau débarqué, a new- comer ; il fut arrêté au débarqué, he was arrested as he landed (or stepped off). débar-rasº, m. : riddance, disencum- brance ; lumber-room. |-rasserº [dé-, the radical of em-barrasserl, tr. : dis- embarrass, disencumber, rid, clear (away), free : se —, disencumber or rid or free one's self, get rid or clear (of), extricate one's self ; -rassé, part. : disembarrassed, untrammeled, free. debarrer* [dé-, barrer], tr. : unbar. débat* [-ttre], m. : debate, discussion ; quarrel. débâter * [dé-, bât], tr. : unsaddle. I.débâtirº [dé-, bâtir, build], tr. : pull down (a building), demolish. 2.debâtir* [dé-, bâtir, baste], tr. : un- baste (a dress), untack. débattre* [dé-, battre], irr.; tr. : DE- BATE, discuss, argue ; contest : , se -, struggle, strive, Writhe. dé-baueheº, f : debauch(ery), revelling. -bauehéº, =ée, adj. : debauched, dis- solute; m., f : debauchee, dissolute person, rake. |-baueher* [dé-, old bauche, of uncert. meaning], tr. : debauch. -bau- eheur*, =euse, m., f : debaucher, se- ducer. #dé belle) * [L. -llare (bellum, war)], tr. : subdue by war. | débet* [L., * he owes'], m. : debit, debt : , - d'un compte, balance of an account. #débifferº [dé-, bifferl, tr. : wear down, weaken : être tout :ffé, be quite out of sorts. débi-leº [L. debilis], adj. : feeble, weak, déblayer 179 - (fEng. debile). -lement*, adv. : feebly. -litantº [-liter], adj. : (med.) debilitant ; m. : debilitant (drugs, bleeding, etc.). -litation* [-liter], f : debilitation, en- feeblement. -lité*[L.-litas], f : debility, feebleness. -literº [L. -litarel, tr. : de- bilitate, enfeeble. débillar-derº [dé-, billard], tr. : (carp.) cut (a log, bille) into pieces ; cut into cantles. -dement", m. : (carp.) cutting diagonally. débillerº [dé-, bille], tr. : take off, un- harness (horses drawing a boat). débi-neº, f. : (economical) embarrass- ment, straits, misery. |-nerº [?], intr. : decline, fall into misery ; tr. : belittle, slander, bring into trouble. I.débitº [L. debitum (-bere, owe), thing DUE], m. : debit. 2.débi-tº, m. : retail sale, traffic ; retail shop ; market ; cutting up or into pieces (as wood, etc.) ; apportionment ; delivery (of an oration, etc.) ; recitative : de -, saleable ; marchandises de (bon) -, com- modities that sell well ;- de tabac, tobac- conist's shop ; un beau -, a fine delivery. -tage", m. : cutting up (of wood, etc.). -tant, =tante, m., f. : (retail) dealer. I.|-ter [? L. debitum (-bere, owe), thing due], tr. : (sell by) retail, sell ; give out, circulate, spread; cut up or into pieces (as wood, etc., for certain uses); perform suc- cessively ; give forth or yield successively (of liquids, etc.); recite or deliver (an ora- tion, etc.), utter, give expression to : - en gros (en détail), sell wholesale (by retail) ; — son rôle, recite one's part ; — des nouvelles, spread news. - débi-ter"[I.débit],tr. : debit. I.-teur*, -triee [L. -tor, -trix], m., f : debtor ; (leg.) obligor. 2.débiteurº, =euse [-ter], m., f : re- tailer ; reciter, teller, newsmonger : - de sornettes, teller or hawker of idle stories. débitterº [dé-, bitte], tr. : unbitt (a cable). déblaiº, -blaiment" [-blayer], m. : clearing away (earth, rubbish), levelling, excavating ; riddance ; (-blai, esp. in pl.) earth or rubbish (cleared away); detritus : être en —, be levelled away or excavated. déblanehirº [dé-, blanchir], tr. : skim the crust of (metals in fusion). * déblatérerº [L. de-blaterare ( babble, BLATTER'), slander], intr. : give vent to abuse, scold, slander. déblayer * [dé-, blé: formerly "rid of the grain'], tr. : free from encumbrance or rubbish, clear (away); level down, cut : — un rôle (theat.), pass rapidly over the less salient parts of a rôle. 180 déblo-eageº, m. : (print.) removal of a turned type. I.-querº [dé-, I.bloquer, turn a type], tr. : remove (a turned type to put in the right one). 2.débloquerº [dé-, 2.bloquer], tr. : raise the blockade of. déboire* [dé-, boire], m. : disagreeable after-taste ; disappointment, mortification. dé-boisementº, m. : clearing of trees. |-boiserº [dé-, boiser], tr. : clear (land) of trees. déboî-tementº, m. : dislocation (of a joint), luxation. |-terº [dé-, boîte], tr. : unbox, remove from its cover or casing ; unsocket, disjoint, dislocate. débom-berº [dé-, bomber], tr. : press out (the crown of a hat). -boirº, m. : flattening instrument. débon-derº [dé-, bonde], tr. : unbung (a cask, etc.); open up; intr. or refl. : escape by the bung-hole or sluice, pour out; gush, give vent to one's feelings, burst forth. -donnement [-donner], m. : unbunging. -donnerº [dé-, bondon], tr. : unbung. débon-naireº [de bon, OFr. aire (not mod. Fr. aire), disposition], adj. : good- natured, compliant. nairement*, adm : in a good-natured manner, compliantly. -naireté*, # compliance. - débonneterº [dé-, bonnet], tr. : deprive of the cap ; un-corol (of fruit) ; uncap (a fuse); intr. : shed its blossom. deboqueterº [dé-, Pic. bosc = Fr. bois], tr. : strip of planks. dé-bord º, m. : = -bordement; part of the street bordering on the sidewalk; edge or rim of a coin ; border lining. -bordé, part. : overflowed, etc. ; dissolute, de- bauched, lewd. -bordement*, m. : overflow(ing), inundation, flood, irrup- tion; defluxion; dissoluteness, debauchery. |-border* [dé-, bord], intr. : pass or flow over its borders or banks, overflow, run over, burst forth, spread ; project, put out, bulge ; be dissolute ; tr. : send over the borders or banks ; pass beyond ; outrun ; project beyond ; (mil.) outflank ; (plumb.) edge ; remove from the border ; remove the border from, unborder : se —, pour itself out, overflow, spread ; (nav.) get clear, sheer off. -bordoirº, m. : edging-tool (of a plumber). débosselerº [dé-, bosseler], tr. : from creases or dents, smooth. débossen°º [dé-, bosser], tr.; (nav.) free, unstopper (a cable). débot-té*, m. : taking the boots off. |-ter* [dé-, botte], intr. : pull (anybody's) boots off ; as moun, taking the boots off : surprendre quelqu'un au - (débotté), sur- prise some one just as he returns. débou-ehéº, I.f-ehement" [2.-cher], déblocage free | debout m. : opening, outlet, issue ; expedient ; (com.) channel, market ; water-way (of bridges). . - 2.débou-ehement", m. : unstopping, clearing (pipes, etc.), uncorking. I.|-eherº [dé-, boucher], tr. : unstop, free from obstruction, uncork, clear. 2.déboueherº [dé-, bouche], intr. : issue (from a narrow space into a more open), DISEMBOGUE, fall into ; DEBOUCH, march out ; relieve the bowels. débouehoir" [I.-cher], m. : strument ; lapidary's tool. déboucler* [dé-, boucle], tr. : unbuckle, uncurl ; smooth : - un prisonnier, set a prisoner free ; - une jument, unring a II1a,l"G. débouil-lirº [dé-, bouillir], tr. : (dyeing) boil. -li, m. : boiling. •' débouler " [dé-, bouler], intr. : (fam.) roll down like a ball, tumble down ; déboulé, m. : tumbling down; (hunt.) start (from a burrow). déboulonnerº unbolt, unpin. - débou-quementº, m. : (nav.) issuing from a narrow channel ; strait, narrow channel. |-querº ldé-, bouque], intr. : sail out of a strait or narrow channel. débourberº [dé-, bourbe], tr. : free from mud, cleanse ; polish ; pull out of the mud or mire : — du vin, draw off wine after fermentation; - le poisson, put the fish in- to clear waterto disaccustom it to the mud. débourgeoiser" [dé-, bourgeoisl, tr. : polish (the manners of). débourrerº [dé-, bourre], tr. : free from hair (as skins) or wool, etc.; unstop, clean out, worm (fire-arms) ; render less clumsy, polish ; break in (a horse) : se -, become less thick or clumsy, become more polished, improve. dé-bours", m. : disbursement ; extra freight expense (out of port, as for repair, duty, etc.). -bourséº, m. : disburse- ment, money laid out, advance. -bourse- mentº, m. : disbursement, paying out, expenditure. ll-bourser* [dé-, boursel, tr. : DISBURSE, pay out, expend. dEbout* [de, bout], adv. : on end, upright; on one's feet, standing, up (not lying down) ; subsisting ; (of goods) unloaded, without examination ; (nav., also de boui) *by the end, viz. prow (of the vessel)', hence : ahead (of the wind, etc.), head- against ; contrary ; interj. : arise ! ,up ! être -, stand (up), be (up) ; be stirring ; bois —, wood worked according to the graining ; droit —, right ahead ; tomber -, fall upon one's legs ; avoir vent -, have a head-wind ; être — au vent et au courant, head to wind and tide. clearing in- . [dé-, boulonner], tr. : débouter débou-terº [dé-, bouter], tr. : (leg.) over- rule, reject the claim of. -té, m. : (leg.) dismission. - débouton-né* [dé-, bouton], adj. : stripped of buttons, or of buds ; (part. of -mer) unbuttoned : fleuret -, bared foil (i.e. with the point stripped of its cover- ing). -neºº [dé-, boutonner], tr. : un- button : se —, unbosom one's self. . débraillerº [dé-, old brail (cf. braie, bosom)], tr. : bare, uncover the breast of : -llé, open-breasted, bared, naked ; un- reserved. débraiserº [dé-, braise], tr. : free (a heated oven) from embers (to bake), rake out. I.débrayage* [I.-yer], m. : removal of tar or pitch. 2.débrayage* [2.-yer], m. : (tech.) un- coupling, disengaging. V. I.debrayerº [dé-, brai], tr. : free from pitch or tar. 2.débrayerº or désembrayer [em- brayer], tr. : uncouple, disengage. débrEdouillerº [dé-, bredouille], tr. : (trick-track) save from being in the lurch, save from complete failure ; break (some- body's) bad luck, restore the chances of. débri-dée", f : fshort stop at an inn (while *unbridlingº the horse) ; #expense during such a stop ; troop or crowd stopping at a place : il a eu toute la -, they all lodged with him. -dementº, m. : unbridling; uncoupling; freeing from restraint ; hurrying over, dispatching ; (surg.) relieving constriction by incision. |-der * [dé-, brider], tr. : unbridle ; free from restraint; hurry over, dispatch; free, untie ; relieve constriction by incision ; intr. : unbridie, halt, stop : au débridé, at the arrival ; sans —, without unbridling or stopping, at a stretch ; il aura bientôt débridé, he will soon have dispatched. -deurº, =euse, m., f. : one who detaches stones from cables (in quarries); performer. débrisº [OFr. -ser (cf. briser), crush], m. : fcrushing ; débris, rubbish, ruins, remains, Wreck. débro-ehage*, m. : removal from the spit; unstitching. ll-eherº[dé-, I.broche, 2.brocher], tr. : unspit ; unstitch. débrouil-lardº, m. : ( fam.) artful dodger, one who knows how to disentangle himself or get out of a difficulty. -le- mentº, m.: disentangling; unravelling. |-lerº [dé-, brouiller], tr. : clear up, disentangle, unravel ; se -, be cleared up, be disentangled, unravel. -leur, =euse, m., f : disentangler. dé brûlerº [dé-, brûler],tr. : disoxygenise. débru-tirº [dé-, brut], tr. : rough-polish. -tissement", m. : rough-polishing. 181 dé-bueher* [dé-, bûche], intr. : (hunt.) start (from the BUSH or wood) ; tr. : dis- lodge, start ; m. : starting ; starting- signal. -busquement" [-busquer], m. : driving (an enemy) from the wood, dis- lodging. -busquerº [other form of -bucher, through Ital. influence], tr. : drive (an enemy) from the wood, drive out, dis- lodge ; (hunt.) start. débu-tº, m. : I.opening play or throw ; outset ; début (first attempt, first appear- ance before the public); opening, beginning; 2.displacing (a ball from its position); po- sition for displacement : être en beau -, be in a favourable position for displacement (i.e. where a ball may be easily hit); be a good shot ; l'oiseau est en beau -, the bird is a good shot. -tant, -tgſrvte, m., f. : =, beginner, actor or actress ap- pearing for the first time. |-ten° [dé-, but], I.intr. : open a game (by placing the ball as little removed "from the mark or limit’ as possible, usually in order to decide who is to have the first play; hence) make a first attempt, make an appearance on one's DEBUT publicly; open, begin, set out ; 2.tr. : displace (an adversary's ball) from near the mark or jack (but), knock décamètre aWay. dEçà* [de, ça], adv. : (on) this side, here ; prep. : this side of : de (or par, en) -, on this side. déca-ehetageº, m. : unsealing. |-ehe- terº [dé-, cacheter], tr. : break the seal of, unseal, break open. décade* [L. -cas (Gr. déka, ten)], f : decade. · déca-deneeº[l. L.-dentia (cadere, fall)], f : decadence, decay, fall. -dentº, adj. : decadent, deteriorating. déca- [Gr. déka, ten] : -diº [L. dies, DAY], m. : tenth day of the decade (French Revol. calendar). -èdreº [Gr. hédra, base], adj. : decahedral ; m. : decahe- dron. -gonal*, pl. =aux [-gone], adj. : decagonal. -goneº [L. -nus (Gr. gônos, angle)l, m. : decagon. -gramme " [gramme], m. : decagram. -gyne " [l. L. -nus (Gr. guné, female)], adj. : decagynous. décaisser" [dé-, caisse], tr. : take out of the box, unpack. décalerº [dé- caler], tr. : unwedge. déca-litre" [déca-, litre], m. : decalitre (about 2# gallons). -Iogue* [l. L. -gus (Gr. lôgos, word)], m. : decalogue. décalotter" [dé-, calotte], tr. : uncap, llIlCOVGr. décal-que*, m. : counter-drawing, copy. |-quer " [dé-, calque], tr. : counterdraw, trace : papier à -, tracing paper. décamètre" [déca-, mètrel, m. : deça- meter (393,7 inches . » 182 décam-pementº, m. : decampment. |-perº [dé-, camp], move off. décampement déca-nal", pl. =aux [l. L. -nus (decem, TEN), dean (cf. doyen)], adj. : decanal, per- taining to a DEAN. -natº [l. L. -natus (-nus)], m. : deanship. décan-dre", adj. : decandrous. |-drie" [l. L. -dria (Gr. déka, ten, amér, man), " having ten stamens'], f : decandria (class of plants). #décanilIerº [? L. canis, dog], intr. : (low) take one's self off. décan-tageº, m. : decanting. -tation", f : (chem.) decantation. |-ter" [l. L. decanthare (canthus, mouth of a jar)], tr. : decant, pour off gently (from one vessel into another and so as not to disturb the sediment). -teur*, m. : decanter. décapage* [2.-per], m. : removal of rust, cleaning. • décapelerº [dé-, capeler], tr. : strip off the yards or rigging ; unfix. 1.décaperº [dé-, cap], intr. : sail beyond a cape, Weather, double a cape. 2.déca-per" [? dé-, cape], tr. : clean (from rust or oxyde), polish. -peur*, m. : metal-cleaner. · décapi-Latignº, f : dccapitation, bô heading. |-terº [L. -tare (caput, HEAD)], tr. : decapitate, behead. décapodes* [Gr. déka, ten, poûs, m., pl. : decapoda. décarbonaterº [dé-, carbonate], tr. : decarbonate. décarburerº [dé-, carbure], tr. : de- carbonise. · decarrelerº [dé-, carreau], tr. : deprive (a floor, etc.) of its tiles or paving, un- paVe. - déca- [Gr. déca, ten] : -stère* [stère], m. : decastere (10 cub. metre). -styleº [L. -stylos (Gr. stûlos, column)l, m. : deca- style (10-columned portico). -syllabe" [L. -syllabus (cf. syllabe)], adj. : decasyl- labic ; m. : decasyllabic word. -sylla- bique" [-syllabel, adj. : decasyllabic. FooTl, déca-tirº [dé-, catir], tr. : sponge (woolens). -tissageº, m. : sponging † -tisseurº, m. : sponger (of WOO1GI1S ). - • décaverº [dé-, 3.cave], tr. : gain the whole stake or pool from ; ruin, beggar ; bring into disrepute : un homme -vé, a ruined man ; il a été -vé, he has lost all his money. • dé eé-dé, =ée, part. : died, dead, deceased; m., f. : (person) deceased. |-der* [L. de-cedere, de-part], intr. : depart (by death), die, expire, DECEASE. déeeindre* [dé-, ceindre], irr.; tr. : ungird. - dé-eèlementº, m. : disclosure ; revela- fdé eep-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (de-cipere, 2 déchaperonner tion. -eelerº [dé-, celer], tr. : disclose, reveal ; betray. déeembre* [L. december (-cem, ten), 10th month, Rom. calendar], m.: December. déeemmentº -sam- [décent], adv. : de- cently, in a decent manner. déeem-vir* [L. (decem, ten, vir, man)j, m.: decemvir (one often Rom. magistrates). -viral", pl. =aux [L. -viralis], adj. : decemviral. -viratº [L. -viratus], m. : decemvirate. déeenee* [L. decentia (-cere, be proper)l, j. : decency, propriety. déeennalº, pl. =aux [L. -lis (decem, ten, annus, year)], adj. : decennial. déeent* [L. -cens (-cere, be proper)], adj. : decent, proper. < idée entoir = décintroir. de eentrali-sation*, f : decentralisa- tion. |-serº [dé-, centraliser], tr. : decentralise. déeentrerº [dé-, centre], tr. : (tech.) put out of centre. deceive)], adj. : deceptive. -tion * [L. -tio], f. : deception (the being deceived). dé eercler* [dé-, cercle], tr. : deprive of itg ring5 or hoops. déeernerº [L. de-cernere, decide], tr. : DECREE (determine); issue (a Writ); award (bestow). fº déeèsº [L. de-cessus (-cedere, depart)], m. : DECEASE, death, demise. fdéee-vable*, adj. : deceivable. -vant, adj. : deceiving, deceptive. |-voir° [p. L. de-cipère (L. -pere, capere, take), catch, insnare], tr. : DECEIVE. dé ehaî-nementº -chè-, m. : unchaining, breaking loose ; unrestraint ; passion, wild- ness. ll-nerº [dé-, chaîne], tr. : unchain ; let loose, give free course to ; exasper- ate : se -, break loose (from one's chains), be unchained ; run riot ; inveigh. #déehalander = désachalander. déeha-lementº, m. : high and dry posi- tion (of a ship, of a bank at ebb-tide). |-lerº [?], intr. : be left high and dry (of a ship, a bank) : la mer -le, the sea withdraws from the shore. - #déehangerº [dé-, changer], tr. : (rare) rechange. déehan - t * [dé-, chant], m. : (double song ; variation of an air, by or- nament of the plain song). I.-ter*, tr. : sing as descant or variation; intr. : descalit. 2.dé-ehanter* [dé-, chanter], intr.: sing · differently, change one's tones ; sing an- other tune, lower one's pretentions. déehaperº [dé-, chape], tr. : take (the model) out of the mould. dé ehaperonnerº [dé-, chaperon], tr. : unhood ; dismantle (a wall) of the coping. DESCANT . décharge déehar-ge*, f : discharge (unloading, unlading; flowing out, outfall, evacua- tion ; firing off; exoneration, acquittance, release, dismission) ; place for unloading (rubbish, etc.), lumber-room (- publique, dumping-place); reservoir ; relief; (leg.) defence; discolouration or staining (as from a newly painted or printed object) ; (print.) blotter : à —, for (in favour of) the prisoner ; en —, in full; pièce de —, lumber-room; entendre les témoins à charge et à -, hear the witnesses for and against. -gEment ", m. : unloading, unlading. -geoir*, m. : what serves to discharge · or unload ; outfall or drain, mill-dam sluice ; roller (of a loom). |-gerº [dé-, charge], tr. : DISCHARGE (unloâd, unlade, disburden ; lighten ; empty, emit ; vent ; shoot or fire off, let fly ; exonerate, ex- culpate, release, set free ; dismiss); give off colour, taint ; rub the ink off ; se —, discharge or free one's self ; disembogue, empty itself, flow off : go off (of a gun) ; change, fade (of colours); se — d'une faute sur quelqu'un, lay the blame of a fault on any one. -geur*, m. : unloader; wharf- man ; dischârger (spec. of electric wires). déeharné* [-ner], adj. : stripped offlesh, fleshless, emaciated, gaunt. # fdé eharnElerº [dé-, charnier], tr. : (dial.) unprop (vines). dé eharner* [dé-, charn (L. caro), flesh], tr. : strip of the flesh, exCARNATE ; ema- ciate, render meagre. · fdé eharpir* [p. L. dis-carpire (L. car- pere, pluck)], tr. : fseparate, part (persons fighting). déehasser* [dé-, chasser], tr. : drive out (nails, pegs, etc.) ; intr. : (danc.) take a · step to the left. déehau-mage*, m. : digging or plough- ingup the stubble. |-mer" [dé-, chaume], tr. : dig or plough up the stubble of, break up (fallow land). (to break up a stubbled field). dé-ehaussé, adj. : bare-footed ; cf. also -chausser. -ehaussementº, m. : bar- ing the roots (of trees, fEng. ablaquea- tion) ; baring (teeth) ; lancing (the gums). -ehausser° [p. L. *dis-calciäre (L. cal- ceus, cf. Fr. chaussure)], tr. : pull off shoes and stockings ; bare at the base (as roots of trees for airing, teeth, walls, etc.), lay bare ; se -, take off one's shoes and stockings ; become bare ; scratch the ground (said of the wolf). -ehaussoir*, m. : gum-lancet. -ehaussureº, f. : (hunt.) place where the wolf has scratched - the ground ; wolf's lair. f-ehaux º, º adj. : barefoot. % fdè eheº [? déchoir], f. : (low) want, pov- erty. «. -meur*, m. : plough | 183 dé-ehéanee* [-choir], f : decadence, decline, fall ; falling due, forfeiture. -ehet* [-choir], m. : decadence ; waste, loss ; deterioration. dé eherrai -ré, =ais -rè, Fut., Cond. of dechoir. fdé ehEveler * [dé-, cheveu], tr. : dis- hevel. #dé ehevêtren°º dè- [dé-, chevêtre], tr. : take off the halter from ; 'set free. dé eheviller* or dè- [dé-, cheville], tr. : unpeg, unpin. dé ehif-frable", adj. : decipherable. -frEmentº, m. : deciphering. -frer* [dé-, chiffre], tr. : decipher ; make out. -freurº, =euse, m. : decipherer. déehique-ter* [dé-, chiqueter], tr. : cut up, lacerate, jag, indent ; pink ; -té, laciniate (leaf). -ture º, f : cutting up, laceration, jagging, indentation, pinking. déehi-rage", m. : tearing up, breaking : up (esp. boats). -rantº, adj. : # - heart-rending, harrowing. -rementº, m. : tearing, rending, laceration. ll-rer* [dé-, Frank. Skérran (ak. to Eng. shear), cut], tr. : tear, rend, lacerate, mangle, har- row ; slander, traduce ; cut up (of sounds); tear up or off ; -ré, torn, rent, ragged ; tattered ; — en arrière, backbite ; — à belles dents, cut to pieces; - de toutes pièces, tear in pieces. -reurº, =euse, m., f. : tearer, render ; breaker up. -rure*, f : tear, rent. dé ehoirº [dé-, choir], irr. and def. $ ; tr. : fall, fall down or off; decline, decay ; loose, forfeit : être déchu d'un droit, to have forfeited a claim. $ Ind. : Pr. déchoi-s, -s, -t or déchet ; -c/toyozzs, -choyez, -choient. Ipf. —. Pret. décimable déchzés. Fut. (Cond.) dé-cherraz(s), rarely -choirraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. déchoze. Ipf. dé- chzésse. — I've déchois. — Part. : Pr. — ; P. déchzé. dé ehouerº [dé-, échouer], tr. : set afloat (a ship aground). dé ehuº, part. of -choir : fallen, etc. déeiareº [deci- (L. decimus, tenth), are], m. : * deciare’ (10th of an are). déei-déº, adj. : decided, determined. -dément", adv. : decidedly, positively. |-der* [L. -dere (cœdere, cut)], tr. : decide, settle ; determine, resolve ; make (somebody) determined, induce, lead : se —, decide, resolve, make up one's mind ; · be decided. déeiduº [L. -duus, falling], adj. : de- ciduous. déei- [L. decimus, TENTH]: -gramme", m. : decigram (10th of a gramme). -litre", m. : decilitre (10th of a litre). dé eilIerº [dé-, ciller], tr. : unseal (the eyelids), open. 1 déei-mable º [L. -mus], adj. : tithable. 184 -mal*, pl. =aux (L.-mus), adj. : fof the : tithe; decimal. -mateurº [l. L.-mator], m.: tithe-owner. -mation* [L. -matio], ·f : decimation. |-me [L. I.decimus, 2.-ma, TENTH], I.m. : decime (10th of a franc) ; war-tax; f : TITHE. -merº [L. -mare], tr. : decimate ( kill every tenth,' then gen'ly slay, destroy). -mètre", m. : decimetre (10th of a metre). deein-trage * or -trEment", m. : (arch.)taking awaythe centres. |-trerº [dé-, cintre], tr. : (arch.) take away the centres of (an arch). -troirº, m. : cut- ting-hammer. déeirer [dé-, cire], tr. : take the wax off. déei-sif*, =ive [I.L. -sivus, L. de-cidere (cœdere, cut), decide], adj. : decisive, con- clusive, positive. -sion* [L. -sio], f : decision ; determination. -sionnaire" [-sion], m. : one who decides everything. -sivementº, adv. : decisively, positively. -soire* [l. L. -sorius], adj. : (leg.) deci- Sory. déeiviliserº [dé-, civiliser], tr. : un- civilise. 2 - décla-mateur* [L. -mator], m. : de- claimer, orator ; declaimer, flowery talker ; as adj. : declamatory, high-flown. -ma- tion* [L. -matio], f : declamation (rhe- torical delivery ; empty rhetorical display); elocution. -matoireº [L. -matorius], adj. : declamatory (with rhetorical display, , high-flown). |-merº [L. de-clamare (clamare, cry out)], tr. : declaim ; recite ; spout out ; intr. : declaim ; inveigh (against). décla-rateurº [L. -rator], m. : declarer. -ratifº, =ive* [L. -rativus], adj. : de- clarative, declaratory. -ration* [L. -ratio], f. : declaration ; notification ; affi- decintrage davit; disclosure; (leg.) schedule; statute (of bankruptcy); verdict : — d'entré, dec- laration of goods (at the custom-house) on #nº# -ratoireº, adj. : declaratory. ll-rer* [L. de-clarare (clarus, CLEAR)], tr. : declare, make known; make a declar- ation of; certify ; proclaim ; denounce, impeach ; (leg.) find (guilty or not) : se —, declare one's self (one's mind, itself) ; break out ; set in (of the weather) ; -ré, declared, open ; - par écrit, make affi- davit of; la peste s'est -rée, the plague has broken out. déclas-sementº, m. : changing or change of class ; neglect (of a fortified place). ll-ser* [de-, classe], tr. : change the classing of ; -sé(e), lowered from one's class, degraded ; m., f : person who has lost his social position ; fort -sé, neglected fort ; ville -sée, city whose fortifications are no longer kept up, · pass); (gram.) declension. décolleter déelen-ehementº, m. : unlatching, un- clicking. |-eherº [dé-, clenche], tr. : unlatch (a door) ; ungear. déelie* [-cliquer], m.: click-spring; de- tent-spring. I.-clin " [for-clinc =-clic], m. : mainspring (of firearms). 2.dé-clinº, m. : decline ; wane ; ebb ; close. -clinable* [L.-clinabilis], adj. : declinable. -clinaison *, f. : (astr., phys.) declination ; deflection (of the comº -elinantº, adj. : declining. -elinateur", m.: de- clinator (surveyor's compass). -clina- toire, adj. or m. : (leg.) declinatory (plea), exception ; (geom.) serving to measure a declination ; surveyor's compass; declina- tor. |-clinerº [L. -clinare], intr. : decline (bend aside or downward ; be on the wane, fall off; deflect); tr. : decline (turn aside, reject ; inflect) : — son nom, state one's name ; - une jurisdiction, except to the jurisdiction. décli-quer* [dé-, root of cliquet ], tr. : (mach.) unclick, ungear. -queterº [dé, cliquet], tr. : (mach.) uncog, untooth. dé-cliveº [L.-clivis (clivus, slope)], adj. : decliv(it)ous, sloping ; (surg.) declining. -elivité* [L. -clivitas], f : declivity, slope. décloîtrerº [dé-, cloître], tr. : withdraw from a cloister ; secularise. dé-cloreº [dé-, clore], irr.; tr. : unclose, throw open. -elos, part. : unclosed, open. déclouer* [dé-, clouer], tr. : unnail. déco-ehementº, m. : discharge (of ar- rows), shooting. |-eher* [dé-, coche, notch], tr. : discharge (an arrow), let fly ; bring out. décoc-téº [L. -tus (coquere, cook)], m. : decoction (extract). -tion [L. -tio], f : decoction (act or product). dé-cognoir º, m. : (print.) shooting- stick. - décoiffer* [dé-, coiffe], tr. : take off the head-dress of; disorder the hair of; un- cap (a bottle ; a fuse) : se -, undo one's head-dress, take off one's cap ; rid one's self (of). . - décolérerº [dé-, colère], intr. : (fam.) get over one's anger. . décollation* [L. -tio (collum, neck)], f. : decollation, beheading. décol-1ementº, m. : ungluing; (surg.) separation of two tissues. I.|-lerº [dé-, coller], tr. : unglue, unpaste, remove the gum from ; (bill.) get (a ball) from the cushion ; disengage. f2.decoIlerº [L. -llare (collum, neck)], tr. : decollate, sever from the neck, be- head. *i - décolleter" [dé-, collet], tr. : bare the neck and shoulders of; cutlow: se -, wear décolorant low-cut dress ; -té, in a low dress ; low- necked (of dresses). décolo-rant", adj. : discolouring; m. : discolouring substance. -ration º [L. , -ratio], f. : discolouration. |-rerº [L. -rare (color, colour)], tr. : despoil of its colour, tint, or hue ; discolour. -ri- mètre* [-rer, Gr. métron, measure], m. : instrument for measuring discolouration. · décombantº [L. de-cumbens, lyingdownl, adj. : decumbent. dé-combre*, m. : fclearing away of rub- bish ; pl. : rubbish (of a demolished build- ing), débris. ll-combrerº [dé-, l. L. combrus (? L. cumulus, heap ; cf. Engl. cumber), barrier], tr. : clear of rubbish. décommanderº [dé-, commander], tr. : countermand. - décompléter º [dé-, compléter], tr. : render incomplete. décompo-sable ", adj. : decomposable. ll-serº [dé-, composer], tr. : decompose ; discompose ; dissolve ; distort (of features). -sition º, f : decomposition ; discompo- sition. . · fdecompôtº [dé-, compôt], m. : (dial.) change of the order of cultivation. dé-compte*, m. : deficiency ; disappointment. |-com/p- ter* [dé-, compter], tr. : DISCOUNT, de- duct ; reckon off ; intr. : lose one's illu- sions, be disappointed ; count wrongly : une pendule qui décompte, a timepiece which passes one or more hours without striking. déconeer-tementº, m. : disconcertion ; discomposure. |-terº [dé-, concerter], tr.: disconcert, make dissonant, disarrange, confuse, baffle. • #décon-fire° [p. L.*disconfecere (cf. con- .fire)], tr. : discomfit, baffle ; nonplus. -fiture*, f. : discomfiture, defeat, over- throw ; (leg.) insolvency. déconfor-tº, m. : discomfort. +-terº [dé-, conforter], tr. : discomfort, grieve. déconseiller* [dé, conseiller], dissuade. déconsi-dération ", f. : loss of consid- eration, disesteem, discredit. -dérer " [dé-, considérer], tr. : bring (refl. fall) into disrepute, discredit ; -deré, fallen into disrepute, discredited. déconstiperº [dé-, constiper], tr. : re- lieve (from constipation). déconstruire* [dé-, construire], tr. : unbuild, demolish. - fdécontenan-eement º, m. : discompo- sure. |-eerº [dé-, contenance], tr. : discountenance, put out of countenance, discompose, disconcert, abash. déeonvenue* [old des-convenir], f : dis- comfiture, disappointment, mishap. dé-e9rº [-corer], m. : decoration (esp. by discount, deduction ; , discharge. 185 painting, gilding, etc.), ornament ; (theat.) scenery : - en bois, graining in imitation of wood ; peintre en -, grainer; une pièce à -s, a decoration piece (one de- . pendent on the richness of its scenery). -corateur* [-corer], m. : decorator, or- namental or scene-painter, grainer. -co- ratifº, =ive [-corer], adj. : decorative, ornamental. -coration* [L. -coratio (cf. -corer)], f. : decoration, ornamenta- tion ; (theat.) scenery ; decoration (mark of honour, as a cross, medal, or ribbon of an order of knighthood ; esp. star of the Legion of Honour). décor-derº [dé-, corde], tr. : untwist (a cord or rope). -donnageº, m. : un- twisting. $ décorerº [L. -rare (decus, ornament)], tr. : decorate (ornament, adorn, embel- lish); honour with the insignia of an order of knighthood (esp. with the star of the Legion of Honour) : décoré, decorated ; knighted ; m. : knight ; knight of the Legion of Honour : - d'un titre, dignify with a title. · décornerº [dé-, corne], tr. : deprive of horns, dehorn ; turn back the dog's-ears of (a book, etc.). • déeorti-eation " [L. -catio], f : decorti- cation. [-querº [L. de-corticare (cor- tex, bark)], tr. : decorticate, strip of its bark or envelope, bark, peel ; pulp : légumes -quées, preserved vegetables. décorum* [L. (decor, comeliness)], m. : decorum, dignity. décou eher* [dé-, coucher], ftr. : turn out of bed ; intr. : sleep out (of one's bed or home). ' . déeoudre* [dé-, coudre], irr.; tr. : un- sew, rip up ; tear open, gore ; (nav.) un- nail ; #intr. : ( fam.) — or en —, have a fight (a " ripping up" with the sword), fight, contend ; se -, come unsewed or unhitched ; décousu, unsewed, etc. (see the word). - découennerº [dé-, couenne], tr. : skin, strip off the skin. - dé-coulementº, m. : flowing off, dis- charge. |-coulerº [couler], intr. : flow (off or out), trickle ; proceed, spring ; découple décou-page*, m. : cutting or carving out : - à l'emporte-pièce, punching. |-per* [dé-, couper], tr. : cut up (into pieces), carve ; cut off; cut out ; pink . (cut in Small angles) : se —, be sharply outlined ; découpé, cut up, carved, etc. ; (paint.) too sharply outlined ; (her.) ser- rate ; (hort.) well designed ; m. : nicely designed parterre. -peur*, =euse, m., f. : cutter out, carver. dé-coupleº, m. : (hunt.) uncoupling, un- 186 découpoir leashing. |-coupler* [dé-, coupler], tr. : uncouple ; unleash ; #separate (a couple) ; disengage ; free ; -, m. : un- coupling, unleashing : -couplé, uncoupled, etc.; strong and agile, strapping; gaillard bien -couplé, big strapping fellow. décou-poir* [-per], m. : cutting press ; punch, stamping press. -pure* [-perl, f : cutting out ; pinking ; thing cut out, |' cut paper-work. découra-geant", adj. : discouraging. -gement º, m. : discouragement ; de- spondency. |-ger* [dé-, courage], tr. : discourage, dishearten : se —, be dis- couraged. - décourber [dé-, courber], tr. : straighten, unbend. découronnerº [dé-, couronne], tr. : dis- crown; cut the top off ; (mil.) drive the enemy from the crest of (a hill). déeours* [L. de-cursus (currere, run)], m. : decrease, Wane (of the moon) ; pass- ing aWay. dé-cousu, part. of -coudre : unsewed, ripped up ; torn, gored ; unconnected, dis- cursive, desultory. -cousure º [-coudre], ſ : part unseWn or ripped, rip ; goring, gasli, as fluui tusks. décou-vert*, part., cf. -vrir; m. : un- covered state Or condition ; covered balance ; deficit : à -, uncovered, exposed, unsheltered, without protection ; openly; in the open air; (com.) unguar- anteed ; overdrawn (of accounts) ; on credit. -verte*, f : discovery; (fam.) detection ; uncovering, exposure (in fenc- ing) ; (mil.) reconnoitering; (nav.) look- out : faire un échec à la —, check (at chess) by discovering ; #agir à la -, act " openly. . -vreur*, m. : discoverer. |-vrirº [dé-, couvrir], irr.; tr. : un- cover ; bare, expose, unWrap ; unroof ; unveil, disclose ; DISCOVER, find out, espy : se -, uncover one's self ; expose one's self; unbosom one's self; be detected ; make one's self known; clear up (of the sky) ; - son jeu, show one's game or hand ; - la Mediterranée, find a mare's nest ; -- le pot aux roses, unravel the · mystery ; venir à bout de —, sift out. éléerasser* [dé-, crasse], tr. : rid of dirt, clean, scour ; polish, free from coarseness or Vulgarity. j'décrédi-tementº, m. : discrediting. |-terº, tr. : discredit; deprive of credit : se -, bring discredit upon one's self, disgrace one's self. décré-pirº [dé-, crepir], tr. : deprive (walls, etc.) of rough-casting or plastering. -pissageº, m. : unplastering. - déerépi-t* [L. de-crepitus (crepare, burst)], adj. : decrepit, broken down with (com.) un- décruer age. I.-tation " [-ter], f : decrepita- tion, crackling noise. -ter" [dé-, cré- piter], intr. : decrepitate, crackle. -pi- tude º, f : decrepitude. # eena° "[It. (L.-scere, DECREASE)], 0L0,'!). .. -. dé-cret* [L. de-cretum (cernere, de- cide)], m. : decree (authoritative order ; edict of a council ; writ). -crétale * [-cretalis], f : decretal (authoritative letter of the pope). -crétalisteº [-crétale], m. : decretist (expert in the decretals). -créter*, tr. : decree ; enact ; (leg.) issue a writ against. décreus . . . = décrus . . . dé-eri*, m. : #prohibition ; fcrying down (denunciation) ; disrepute, discredit. |-crierº [crier], tr. : prohibit (by the public crier) ; decry, cry down, clamour against, disparage, discredit : se -, bring one's self into disrepute ; cry one another · down. dé-crire* [L. de-scribere], irr. (cf. écrire) ; tr. : DESCRIBE. -crit, part. : described. -crivant, pr. part., describ- lng. décro-ehementº, m. : unhooking ; (arch.) uncvcn moulding. | - ch97° * [d6 , croc], tr. : unhook, unfasten ; form (a curve) with several axes : ligne -chée, uneven line ; - la timbale, (pop.) fetch down the prize from a greased pole; over- come a difficulty. -ehoirº, m. : un- hooking instrument. #décroire* [dé-, croire], irr.; tr. : dis- believe. déeroi-sementº, m. : uncrossing, un- folding. |-serº [croiser], tr. : change so as not be crossed, uncross, unfold (arms). . dé-croissan eeº, f : decrease. -crois- sant", adj. : decreasing; (math.) de- scending (progression). -eroissement*, m. : decrease. -croît*, m. : decrease ; wane ; decrease of leased cattle. ll-croître* [dé-, croître], irr.; tr. : DE- CREASE, grow less, diminish , wane. décrot-tageº, m. : cleaning of mud. |-terº [dé-, crotte], tr.: clean from mudor dirt; clear, brush; polish. -teurº, =euse, m., f. : shoe-cleaner, bootblack. -toir*, m. : scraper (for shoes), door-scraper. -toire*, f. : brush-scraper (for shoes). déeroû-tageº, m. : freeing from the crust, cleaning. |-terº [dé-, croûte], tr. : free from the crust ; rub (off) ; clean (esp. diamonds from the dirt). déeruage" [-cruer], m. : lye-washing. dé-cru, part. of -croître; -crue º, f : decrease, fall (of water). - dé-eruerº [dé-, cru], tr. : (dye.) lye- Wash (thread), scour. -crueurº, m. : déçu lye-washer. -crûment", m. : lye-wash- ing, scouring. -crusage", -cruse- mentº [-cruser], m. : lye-washing (of cocoons). -cruserº [from Prov. = Fr. -cruer], tr. : lye-wash (cocoons) ; ungum. I. déçu, part. of décevoir : deceived, etc. 2.fdéçu = dessu. décubitus" [L. (cubare, lie down)], m. : (med.) decubitus, lying attitude. déeuireº [dé-, cuire], irr.; tr. : (change the cooking of, hence) thin (syrup, etc.) ; liquefy. déculasser* [dé-, culasse], tr. : breech (a gun). décu-ple* [L. -plus (decem, TEN)], adj. : decuple, tenfold. -pler, tr. : make ten- fold, (# decuple). - déeu-rie º [L.-ria (decem, TEN)],f. : dec- ury (Rom. squad of ten men). -rionº [L. -rio], m. : decurion (chief over ten men). dé-current" [L.-currens (currere, run)], adj. : (bot.) decurrent. -cursif, =ive [L. -cursus], adj. : (bot.) decursive. décurta-tion º [L. -tio (curtus, short)], .f. : cutting short (trees with withered top), (fEng. decurtation). - décus-sation º [L. -satio (decussis, form of X, ten)], f : decussation (crossing at an acute angle). -sé* [L. -satusl, adj. : decussate, crossed. décu-vage", m., -vaison º, f : pour- ing from the vat or cask, tapping. |-verº [dé-, cuve], tr. : pour or tap (wine, etc.) out of the vat or cask. dé-daigner* [dé-, daigner], tr. : DIS- DAIN, scorn. -daigneusement* [-dai- gneux], adv. : disdainfully, scornfully. -daigneux, =euse* [-dain], adj. : dis- dainful, scornful ; haughty. -dain *, m. : disdain, scorn ; token (expression) of disdain or disregard. dédaleº [Dédale, Daedalus (builder of the labyrinth of Crete)], m. : labyrinth, lIſl- II13,Z6. dédallerº [dé-, dalle], tr. : unpave. dédamerº [dé-, damer], tr. : discrown (a wrongly crowned piece at checkers); ' intr. : open one's kingrow at checkers. dEdansº, adv. : within, inside, in ; #prep. inside, into ;. m. : inside, interior : de -, from within ; en (par, au) -, inside, within, on (at) the inside ; mettre -, put in prison, imprison ; put into hole ; (of a target) hit the mark ; take in, trick ; get into a scrape ; se mettre -, be taken in, be tricked, get into a scrape ; donner -, get into a Snare, be taken in or deceived ; être -, be imprisoned ; be in for it ; au — et au dehors, within and without ; at home and abroad. - dé-dica eeº [L. -dicatio], f : dedication ; inscription. -dicatoireº [L. -dicare], défaire 187 adj. : dedicatory. -dierº [l. L. de- dicare, declare], tr. : dedicate ; inscribe. dé-dire* [dé-, dire], irr.; tr. : gainsay, contraDICT ; unsay : Se -, unsay, revoke (go back on) one's Word, retract, recant, take back. -dit, part. : gainsaid, etc. ; m. : unsaying, retraction , forfeit(ure) : au - de, on the forfeiture of; avoir son ' dit et son -, retract what one says. dédoler" [L. -lare, hew smooth (cf. doler)], tr. : (surg.) remove the surface of (tissues). · dédomma-gementº, m. : reparation of damage, indemnification, compensation, amends. ll-ger* [dé-, dommage], tr. : compensate " (for damage), inDEMNify, make amends to, make up. dé-dorer* [dé-, dorer], tr. : ungild : -doré, ungilded ; lacking money. dédou-blageº, m. : undoubling; re- moval of a covering, unsheathing (a vessel) ; diluting (alcohol). -blEmentº, m. : undoubling ; dividing into two ; analysis. |-blen°* [dé-, doubler], tr. : undouble ; take out the lining of, unline ; unsheath (a vessel) ; reduce to one half ; divide into two ; cut (stones) lengthwise ; (chem.) decompose ; dilute (alcohol) : -blé, undoubled, etc. ; m. : diluted brandy. dé-ductifº, =ive [L. -ducere], adj. : deductive. -duction * [L. -ductio], f. : deduction (inference ; taking off part of a sum due) ; defalcation ; enumeration, re- cital. |-duireº [L. de-ducere, draw off], irr. (cf. conduire); tr. : take off, deduct, subtract ; deduce, infer ; enumerate, nar- rate. -duit, part. : deducted, etc. ; fm. : diversion, sport. déduperº [dé-, duper], tr. : undeceive. déesse* [L. dea], f.: goddess. défâeherº [dé-, fâcher], tr. : pacify : se -, be pacified, be pleased again. défail-lanee*, f : ffailing (absence, lack) ; exhaustion ; sudden weakness, , fainting fit, swoon ; decay ; (leg.) non-ac- complishment. -lant*, adj. : failing, coming to an end ; of declining strength, enfeebled, faltering, drooping, powerless, unnerved ; decaying ; defaulting (failing to appear in court) ; m. : defaulter (who fails to appear in court). |-lirº [dé-, jaillir], irr.; tr. : ffail (come to an end) ; (of physical or mental powers), fail, be- come enfeebled, decline, grow weak or . faint, faint away, swoon ; decay. - dé-faire º [dé-, faire], irr.; tr. : undo, unmake, take asunder ; unpack ; decom- ' pose ; annul; unfasten (untie, unpin, , etc.) ; put in disorder ; deliver, rid ; do away with, destroy ; DEFEAT, overthrow ; Waste, emaciate : se -, rid one's Self, get rid of ; kill ; ease one's self ; leavo off, 188 défalcation forsake ; come undone, become loose ; weaken, lose its flavour (of wines, etc.) ; — un mariage (un marché), annul or break off a marriage (a bargain) ; se - d'un charge, get rid of an office or com- mission ; se - d'un domestique, discharge a servant. -fait, part. : undone ; de- feated, etc. ; wasted, emaciated ; dejected. -faite*, f. : defeat, overthrow ; getting rid of, sale ; #means of escape (evasion ; shift, sham) : (com.) être de -, sell well ; une fille de -, a marriageable girl ; c'est une -, that is a mere excuse. défal-cation º,.f. : defalcation, deduction. |-querº [l. L. de-falcare (L. falx, sickle)l, tr. : defalcate, cut off, deduct. défausserº [dé-, fausser], tr. : unbend, strengthen; refl.º [dé-, fausse], throw away, discard (throw out poorest card). dé-fautº, m. : FAILing, absence, lack, want, deficiency; defect, flaw, fault, im- perfection, break (of armour, etc.) ; default : faire —, be lacking, fail ; à (or · au) — de, for lack of ; il sait votre -, he knows your vulnerable spot ; c'est là le — de la cuirasse, that's his blind side ; jugement par -, judgment by default. #|-faute* [ faillir], f. : (old) lack, de- fault. défa-veur* [dé-, faveur], f : disfavour, | disgrace. -vorable* [dé-, favorable], adj. : unfavourable. -vorablEmentº, · adj. : unfavourably. f-voriser* [dé-, favoriser], tr. : disfavour, injure. défécation " [L. -tio (fœx, dregs)], f : defecation, clarifying (by racking off). défec-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus, de ficere ( facere, do), be wanting], adj. : defective. -tion* [L. -tio], f : defection, desertion ; disloyalty. -tueusement* [-tueux], adv.: defectively. -tueux º, =euse [l. L. -tuosus], adj. : defective, deficient, imperfect. -tuosité * [l. L. -tuositas], .f. : defectiveness, imperfection. dé-fendable*, adj. : capable of defence, defensible, (fEng. defendable). -fendeur, -fenderesse, m., f. : (leg.) defendant. |-fendre* [L. de-fendere ( fendere, strike)], tr. : defend (protect, shelter ; fend off) ; (fEng. defend), forbid, pro- hibit : se -, defend, etc., one's self ; excuse one's self, decline ; deny ; forbid one's self ; faire — sa porte, refuse to accept visitors, deny one's self; be denied; faute de -, (leg.) for want of being de- fended. -fendu, part. : defended ; for- bidden, etc. f-fendude [Prov. -do], f. : (dial.) sign défense d'afficher, post no bills'. -fens* [L. fensum], m. : (old) defence : bois en —, young wood where cattle may not be let in. -fensable* [fens], adj. : (old) defensible: bois-, youngwood where · défi cattle may be let in without danger to the trees. -fenseº [l. L. fensa (L. fensio)j, f : defence; protection; plea, vindication; ( fort.) outwork; tusk; fang; (nav.) fender; prohibition, interdiction, disallowance : hors de -, incapable of defence (of being defended) ; donner ses -s, give one's plea, answer ; arrêt de -, decree to suspend the execution of another decree ; bois en -, cf. défensable; armé (muni) de —s, tusked orfanged. -fenseur* [L. fensor], m. : defender ; advocate. #-fensibleº [L. fensibilis], adj. : defensible. -fem- sifº, I.=ive [l. L. fensivus], adj. : defen- · sive. 2.-fensive º, f : defensive. -fem- sivement [ fensif], adv. : in defense. déféquerº [L. de fœcare (fœx, dregs)], tr. : defecate, clarify. | | fdéfé-rantº, adj. : deferential. -reneeº, f : deference. -rentº [L. -rens], adj. : deferent, carrying off; deferential ; m. : deferent (circle in which heavenly bodies Were supposed to be carried around : Ptol. astr.; also cercle -e) ; name of place en- graved on a coin, etc. : canal -, excretive duct of the testicles. |-rerº [de-ferre, bear off], tr. : defer, submit, refer ; ad- minister (an oath); confer, bestow, tender; intr. : yield or pay deference (to), defer, submit, comply : - un serment à, tender (administer) an oath to, put on oath. . déferlerº [dé-, ferler], tr. : unfurl (sails); intr. or refl. : break into foam (of waves). défermerº [dé-, fermer], tr. : funclose (open, let loose) ; detach (a block in a quarry). fdé-ferre*, f. : old horseshoes (coll.) ; old clothes. -ferrementº, m. : stripping of irons; unshoeing (horses). |-ferrerº [dé-, ferl, tr. : strip off (irons or tags, etc.); strip off (shoes), unshoe (horses); remove the fetters from, unfetter; ( fam.) deprive; disconcert, confuse, unhinge ; fdraw the sword, fscorn : se -, come untagged ; lose its shoes ; be confused or nonplussed ; ce cheval est ferré, this horse has lost a shoe (or several); être ferré d'un œil, have lost an eye ; il se ferre aisément, he is easily confused.' défet* [L. defectus ( facere, make)], m. : (ôld) defect; (print.) supplementary sheets. défeuiller* [dé-, feuille], tr. : strip of leaves : se -, be stripped of or lose its leaves. dé-fiº [ fier], m. : defiance ; challenge : porter ( faire) un -, challenge, summon to fight a duel ; auteur d'un —, challenger; mettre au -, set at defiance. -fian ee [ fier], f : (old) defiance ; (now) distrust, mistrust, misgiving ; DIFFIDENCE ; #sus- picion : être dans la -, have one's mis- déficeler givings. -fiantº [ fier], adj. : distrust- ful, suspicious. défi eelerº [dé-,ficelle], tr. : untie. défi-eientº [-ciens (de ficere,lack)], adj. : doficient. -eitº [L. deficit, it lacks], m. : deficit (lacking part ; deficiency). défier º [dé-, fier], I.tr. : DEFY, set at defiance, brave ; challenge, provoke ; refl. : defy and challenge each other ; 2.(perhaps direct fr. L. diffidere) refl. (with de): dis- trust, mistrust ; suspect ; be diffident ; tr. : (nav.) look out for (a wave, a sudden wind, etc.), bear off from : se - de soi- même, distrust one's self ; qui se défit, distrustful, diffident. - - défigerº [dé-, figer], tr. : render liquid, melt. défigurerº [dé-, figure], tr. : deface, mar; disguise. défi-ladeº [I.-ler], f : defiling (marching off in a line), filing off. -lage" [2.-ler], m. : picking out the threads (ôf a texture), unthreading; tearing up of rags (in paper- making). -lateur* [2.-ler], m. : defi- lading instrument. I.-léº [I.-ler], m. : · defile (narrow pass where troops can march only in a file, gorge, strait) ; filing past, military review. 2.-Iéº [2.-ler], m. : torn up mass of rags. I.-lementº [I.-ler], m. : filing off or past. 2.-iement" [2.-ler], m. : defilement (protection, protect- ing from an enfilading fire): plan de -, de- filading plan; ligne de -, limit of a de- filement. I.|-lerº [dé-, root of enfiler], intr. : defile (march file by file), file off or past, pass in review ; ftr. : pass in review; fm. : review. 2.|-ler* [dé-, fil (I.as in enfiler)], tr. : I.take from a thread or string, unstring; defilade (construct so as to shelter from enfilading fire) ; #2.pick apart thread by thread, ravel ; unthread (a needle); tear up (rags in paper-making): - s0n chapelet, say all one has to say ; give up devotions ; la chapelle se défile, the links (of the family, association, etc.) are falling away, the ranks are thinned. -leurº, =euse [2.-ler], m., f. : raveler ; lint-maker : pile -, shredding machine. - défi-ni*, adj. : definite, determinate ; m. : (philos.) definiteness. ll-nirº[L. de-finire ( finis, end), limit, definel, tr. : DEFINE (determine ; explain ; describe). -nis- sable*, adj. : definable. [-nitor], m. : religious chapter). -mitifº, =ive [L. -nitivus], adj. : definitive, positive : en -nitive, definitively; in short. -nition * [L. -nitio], f : definition ; decision. -ni- tivementº [-nitif], adv. : definitively, positively. -nitoire º [L. -nitorium], m. : chapter-house. - disfigure, -niteur* ecclesiastic deputy (to a , 189 déflagration* [L. -gratio (flagrare, flame)], f. : deflagration. défléehir* [L. de-flectere, bend aside], tr. : turn aside, deflect. défleg-mation ", f : dephlegmation. ll-merº [dé-, flegme], tr. : dephlegmate (clear of aqueous matter). f défleu-raison, f : fall of the blossom. |-rir* [dé-, fleurir], intr. : shed the blossoms ; tr. : strip of blossoms ; deflower : pêche -rie, peach stripped of its down. déflexion º [L. -xio ( flectere, bend)], f : deflection. déflo-raison º [ floraison], f : fall of the blossom ; season when blossoms fall. -ration º, f. : defloration (of a virgin). |-rer* [L. -rare ( flos, FLOWER)], tr. : DEFLOWER (strip of flowers ; deprive of virginity). - défoliation º [L. -liare ( folium, leaf)], f. : defoliation. défon-çageº, f : digging up ; deep ploughing. -eementº, m. : digging (up); trenching; staving in. |-eerº [dé-, ol fons = fond], tr. : knock out the bottom ( fond) of, stave in, knock in ; tear asunder ; dig or plough deep, trench ; cut up (a road), cut deep cuts in. - eeuse*, f : plough without mould-board. . défor-mationº [L. -matio], f : deforma- tion. .. |-mer* [L.-mare (forma, form)], tr. : deform, disfigure, put out of shape : se -, become deformed. défouetterº [dé-, fouet], tr. : unwhip ; (book-bind.) untie. . défournerº [dé-, old fourn = four], tr. : take out of the oven. défour-rer* [dé-, fourrer], tr. : draw, take out of its sheath or cover; unWrap ; thresh out. -rureº, f : unsheathing ; threshing: — des moutons, threshed sheaf given to the sheep. - - défrai* [ frayer],ºm. : defrayal, expendi- ture ; equipment. défraîehirº [dé-, frais, fresh], tr. : de- prive of freshness or lustre, tarnish : se -, lose its freshness, fade. . défrayerº [dé-, frai(s), expense], tr. : provide for (at one's expense), defray (the expenses of); furnish a repast ; entertain, amuse ; amuse at one's expense (be the laughing stock of) : se —, pay one's ex- penses ; être -yé de tout, be provided with everything. fdéfri-ehage or -ehement*, m. : clear- ing of lands, or land cleared ; grubbing up. -eherº [L. dé-, friche], tr. : clear (waste or fallow lands), cultivate ; grub up ; unravel ; polish. -eheurº, m. : clearer (of lands), cultivator. - défriperºº [dé-, friper], tr. : smoothe, unrumple. 1 défriper 190 défriser défriserº [dé-, friser], tr. : uncurl (hair); disappoint. défroneer * [dé-, froncer], tr. : unplait ; unknit (the blows). défro-que º, f. : clothes left by a monk (at his decease) ; cast-off clothes ; old furniture, etc. |-quer [dé-, froc], tr. : unfrock, deprive of priestly character. #défu(b)Ier * [dé-, root of affubler], tr. : take off clothing or hat, uncover. défuner [dé-, L. funis, cord], tr. : unrig. défuntº [L. de functus (fungi, perform)], adj. : defunct, deceased. déga-géº, adj. : free(d), etc. ; disen- gaged, disembarrassed ; loose, easy, flip- pant ; apart, leading to a private en- trance (of rooms) : chambre -gée, room with a back-door ; escalier -, back stairs. -gementº, m. : freeing, dis- engaging; clearing, clearance ; release, discharge ; redeeming, redemption ; easy or flippant tone or bearing : (arch.) de -, private. |-gerº [dé-, gage], tr. : redeem (a pledge), free, disengage ; clear ; with- draw (one's word) ; extricate, disentangle, loosen ; rake (fire) ; make a private en- trance to (rooms) : se —, be freed, dis- engaged, cleared, etc. ; (chem.) be evolved ; - la tête (poitrine), ease or relieve one's head (chest) ; (fenc.) - le fer, disengage, withdraw. dé-gaineº, f : faction or manner of un- sheathing a sword ; clumsy manner, awk- wardness : d'une belle -, in a pretty awkward manner. -gainementº, m.: unsheathing. |-gainer [dé-, gaîne], tr. : unsheath, draw (the sword), open (the purse) : brave jusqu'au -, brave till it comes to drawing the sword, till it comes to the scratch. dégalerº [dé-, gale], tr. : clean (a hide, etc.). déganten°* [dé-, gant], tr. : strip off glove, unglove. - dégarnirº [dé-, garnir], tr. : disgarnish (strip of ornaments or furniture, etc., un- furnish ; dismantle) ; deprive of troops, (fEng. degarnish); thin ; unhang ; unrig (a vessel): se -, strip one's self or be stripped, etc. ; grow thin ; put on lighter clothes. dégaseonnerº [dé-, gascon], tr. : free from Gascon speech or manners. dégâtº [old -gaster (cf. gâter), DEVAS- TATE], m. : devastation, ravage ; damage, Waste. . dégau-ehirº [dé-, gauche], tr. : smooth, straighten ; polish. -ehissementº, m. : Smoothing, straightening. dé-gel*, m. : thaw : être au -, be thawing. -gelée º, f. : (fam.) shower of blows, thrashing. ll-geler* [dé-, gelér], tr., intr. : thaw. . dégoût dégéné-ration* [L. -ratio], f : de- generation, degeneracy. |-rer* [L. de-generare (genus, race, kind)], tr. : degenerate. -reseenee" [-rescent], f : degeneracy. -reseentº [L. -rare], adj. : degenerating. dégingandéº [old -der (?)], adj. : dis- proportioned, ill-formed ; of a swinging gait. dégluer* [dé-, glu], tr. : unglue, take off the bird-lime from, remove the gum from (the eyes). - déglutition º [L. -tio], f : deglutition. . dégobil-lageº, m. : vomiting. |-lerº [dé-, gober], tr. : disgorge, vomit, spew. -lis º, m. : spewings, vomit. dégoiser* [dé-, root of gosier], tr. : ( fam.) rattle of (words), blab ; chirp, warble. dégom-mageº, 77?,. " ungumming. |-merº [dé-, gomme], tr. : free from gum, ungum ; (pop.) turn out of office, Oust. dé-gonflEmentº, m. : reduction (of swellings or volume), subsiding. |-gon- flerº [dé-, gonfler], tr. : disinflate, re- duce (a swelling, etc.), come to subside or collapse, empty (a balloon of gas) : - son cœur, ease one's heart ; unbosom one's self. dé-gor", m. : discharging tube. -gor- gementº, m. : disgorgement, discharge ; clearing, cleansing. -gorgeoirº, m. : place where waters are discharged, chan- nel of discharge ; discharging tube, spout ; discharging or clearing instrument (prim- ing wire, vent pricker ; scraper ; instru- ment for removing the fish-hook from the mouth of the fish). |-gorger* [dé-, gorge], tr. : disgorge, discharge ; clear, cleanse ; purge : se -, discharge, empty itself ; be cleansed ; faire -, cleanse ; purge (fish) ; - un canon, open its touch- hole with a priming wire. dégoter* [?], tr. : knock (a ball, etc.) out of its place ; #displace ; (pop.) oust ; get the better of. dégour-di*, part. : quickened, etc., as adj. : quick, shrewd, sharp ; forward (of women), pert. |-dir* [dé-, gourd], tr.: free from numbness or dullness, quicken, revive ; sharpen, render shrewd ; polish ; restore the circulation to ; half-bake : se -, lose its numbness ; become sharp or shrewd, brighten up. -dissementº, m. : removal of numbness ; quickening, reviving. fdégoutº [-tter], m. : dripping, dribble. dégoû-tº, m. : disgust, repugnance, dis- tastè, dislike ; vexation, mortification : prendre en --, take a dislike to, loathe. -tamment", adv. : [-tant], disgustingly. dégouttant -tantº, adj. : disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, revolting. |-ten°º [dé-, goût], tr. : DISGUST, make disgusted (with), give a distaste or dislike (for) ; put out of conceit : Se -, take a disgust, distaste, or dislike (de, for), be disgusted ; nau- seate, feel squeamish. -té, =ée, dis- gusted, etc. ; m., f. : fastidious person : faire le -, be fastidious or squeamish ; c'est un bon -, he likes good things. dégout-tant*, adj. : dripping. -tement, m. : dripping. ll-ter [dé-, goutter], intr. : drop, drip, trickle. dégra-dant", adj. : degrading. -da- teur*, m. : photographic instrument for | toning down pictures. -dation* [I.L. -datio; 2.-der], f : I.degradation, debase- ment ; damage, dilapidation ; 2.toning down (of light and shade in a picture). |-derº [I.l. L. -dare (gradus, step, degree) ; 2.It. di-gradare (L.)], tr. : I.de- grade (deprive of rank, debase, disgrace); deteriorate, damage, dilapidate ; waste ; 2.tone down (light and shade in pic- tures). dégraferº [dé-, OFr. grafe (cf. grappe), hook], tr. : unhook, unclasp : se -, be- come unhooked, unclasped, or unfastened ; unfasten, unbutton one's clothes. dégrais-sage", -sement", m. : clean- ing (ofgrease or dirt), scouring. ll-ser* [dé-, graisse], tr. : clean off grease or fat, clear, scour ; skim off the fat of; extort money from, fleece ; impoverish (land) : terre à —, fuller's-earth. -seurº, =euse, m. : cleaner, scourer. -sis, m. : scourings. -soir", m. : cleaning instru- ment, Scraper. dégras " [? -graisser], m. : greaSe. dégraveller" [dé-, gravelle], tr. : clean (a pipe, etc.) of gravel or sand. dégra-voimentº or -voîment, m. : laying bare (by water). |-voyer" [dé-, gravoi(s)], tr. : bare (a wall, etc., in speak- ing of waters), wash bare ; free from gravel. dEgré° [p. L. *-gradus (L. gradus, step)], m. : step, round (of a ladder), stair; DEGREE, GRADE : par -s, by degrees, gradually ; gradatory. dé-gréement", m. : unrigging; dis- mantling (by the storm). |-gréer [dé-, gréer], tr. : unrig ; dismantle (a ship). refuse oil ; , dé-grèvement", m. : freeing from en- cumbrance ; reduction (of taxes). |-grE- verº [grever], tr. : free from encum- brance, release ; reduce (taxes). - dégringo-ladeº, f. : tumble, fall. |-lerº [?], intr. : tumble down, roll down, fall. dégri-sement*, m. : getting sober. déicide 191 ll-ser" [dé-, griser], tr. : sober, cure of intoxication ; sober down. - dégronderº [dé-, gronder], intr. : cease scolding. dégros-sage" [-ser], m. : reducing ; drawing fine (wire). -serº [dé-, gros], tr. : reduce, draw fine (as wire). |-sirº [dé-, gros], tr. : reduce in bulk, or roughness, rough-hew, chip, trim ; grind (glass) ; make a rough sketch of. -sissage", -sissementº, m. : rough-hewing, trim- ming. -sisseurº, m. : cylinder of a flatting machine, trimmer. déguenillerº [dé-, guenille], tr. : make ragged ; -llé(e), ragged, tattered, in rags; m., f : ragged person, tatterdemalion. déguer-pir* [dé-, OFr. guerpir (ak. to Ger. werfen, throw), quit], tr., intr. : quit, give up ; pack off. -pissementº, m. : (leg.) giving over, yielding. dégueu-1er* [dé-, gueule], intr. : (vulg.) spew, vomit. f-leur", m. : spouting fig- ure (of a fountain). .. ». , - déguignonner" [dé-, guignon], tr. : free from ill-luck, change the bad luck of. dégui-sement*, m. : disguise(ment). ll-ser* [dé-, guise], tr. : disguise ; mask ; hide. dégus-tateur º, m. : taster (of wines). -tation* [L. -tatio], f : tasting (of wines). |-terº [L. -tare (gustus, taste)], tr. : taste (wines), try by tasting, (fEng. degust). déhalerº [dé-, haler], tr. : haul or tow back (a ship) ; disembarrass, extricate. . déhâlerº [dé-, hâler], tr. : clear of sun- burn. , 4 déhan-ehéº, part. : hipshot; distorted ; waddling. -ehementº, m. : hipshot condition ; affected gait. |-eherº [dé-, hanche], tr. : dislocate the hips, make hip- shot : se -, walk as if hipshot, waddle. déharder" [dé-, harde], tr. : unleash. déharna-ehementº, m. : unharnessing. |-eher* [dé-, harnacher], tr. : unharness. déhis-eenee" [L. -cens], f : dehiscence. -eentº [L. -cens (hiscere, gape)], adj. : dehiscent, bursting open. fdéhon-téº [dé-, honte], adj. : shame- less, unblushing. f||-ter* [dé-, honte], tr. : cover with shame, dishonour. dEhors° [p. L. *deforis (L. foris, out of DOORS)], adj. : outside, out of DOORS, out ; externally ; (nav.) at sea ; spread (of sails) , fprep. : outside ; m. : outside, ex- terior, pl. (outside) appearance, air, man- ners ; ( fort.) out-works ; dependencies (of a house) : en -, without, outside ; de -, from without ; au dedans et au —, within and Without ; at home and abroad ; sauver les -, save appearances. - déi- [L. deus, God]: -eideº [l. L. -cida, 192 déjà (L. caedere, kill)l, adj. : God- (Christ-) kill- ing; m. : deicide ; profaner of the host ; destroyer of the faith in Christ. -fica- tionº [L. ficatio (facere, make)], f : deification. -fierº [L. ficare ( facere, make)], tr. : deify. -fique* [L. ficus (facere, make)], adj. : deific. -sme* [L. deus], m. : deism. -steº [L. deus], m. : deist. -té* [L. -tas], f. : deity, divinity. déjà* [dés, jà], adv. : already. déjarrerº [dé-, jarre], tr. : strip (skins) of coarse hairs, dress. déjectionº [L. -tio (jacere, throw)], f. : dejection. déjeter* [dé-, jeter], tr. or refl. : warp, twist. déjeuner* [dé-, jeun], intr. : breakfast ; (or part. #-né), m. : breakfast ; breakfast- service. déjoindre* [dé-, joindre], irr.; tr. : DISJOIN. - déjouer* [jouer], intr. : play or wave in the wind, flap ; take back a piece played (at chess, etc.) ; play at random ; tr. : foil (some one at play), baffle. déjour* [dé-, jourl, m. : space between the spokes of a wheel. #dé-jue º, m. : time of leaving the roost. |-jueherº [dé-, jucher], intr. : leave the roost ; tr. : bring from the roost or perch ; dislodge ; oust. - déjugerº [dé-, juger], refl. : change opinion. dElà* [de, là], prep. : beyond ; adv. : on yon side ; yet more : au - (de), beyond, further than, on the other side of; deça et —, hither and thither, this side and that side ; il a regagné et -, he has more than got his money back. déla-brEmentº, m. : dilapidation, ruin, raggedness. |-brerº [?], tr. : bring in- to a condition of ruin or decay, dilapi- date, shatter, tear to rags or tatters, ruin : se —, fall into ruin or tatters, go tO wreck, decay ; -bré, dilapidated, shattered, tattered, in rags. déla een°º [dé-, lacer], tr. : unlace. dé-lai* [dilayer (old dél-)], m. : delay. délaiementº [-layer], m. : dilution. dé-lais*, m. : (leg.) relinquishment. -laissement*, m. : abandonment ; for- lornness, destitution ; (leg.) relinquish- ment, abandonment (to a mortgagee). ll-laisser* [dé-, laisser], tr. : abandon, forsake, desert ; (leg.) relinquish, abandon (mortgaged prope#) ; discontinue (a suit). délai-tageº, -tementº, m. : freeing butter fröm whey. -terº [dé-, lait], tr. : free (butter) from whey ; twean. délar-dEmentº, m. : unlarding; (arch.) trimming (a stone, a piece of wood), cut- ting off the edge, chamfering, splaying. délicat ll-derº [dé-, lard], tr. : free from lard, unlard ; (arch.) free from thickness, trim down ; trim off the edge, chamfer, splay. dé-lassement*,m. : relaxation (remission of application or attention), repose, ease ; recreation, diversion, pastime. ll-las- serº [dé-, lasser], tr. : reLAX (refresh, rest ; divert). déla-teurº, -triee [L. -tor (ferre, bring)], m., f : delator (accuser, informer). -tion* [L. -tio], f : delation (accusa- tion by an informer, information). déIatter* [dé-, latter], tr. : unlath : se -, become unlathed. déla-vageº, m. : diluting. -vé, part. : diluted, etc., washy; faint (in colour), pale, dim. |-verº [dé-, laver], tr. : DILUTE, soak : se -, be diluted, become faint or pale, lose colour. déla-yageº, m. : diluting, -yant", part. : diluting; m. : (med.) diluent. -yemeºvtº, m. : diluting, dilu- tion. |-yer* [?], tr. : dilute ; draw or spin out ; temper (lime). de-leatur" [L., *let it be effaced'(-lere)], m. : (print.) DELE. dé-lébileº [L. dele- bilis], adj. : deleble. délec-table* [L. -tabilis], adj. : delecta- ble, delicious. -tation * [L. -tatio], f. : delectation, delight. ll-ter* [L. -tare (de-licere, allure)l, tr. : (or refl.) DELIGHT. délé-gantº, -gante, m., f : delegator. -gataire*, m.,f : delegate. -gateur*, -gatriee [L. -gator, -gatrix], m., f. : delegator. -gation * [L. -gatio], f : delegation ; proxy ; assignment (of debts). -gué*, m. : delegate, deputy ; proxy. . | |-guer* [L. -gare (legare, send with a commission, lex, LAW)], tr. : delegate ; as- dilution. Slgn. - , délen-terº [dé-, lente], tr. : free from nits. -toir*, m. : nit-comb. déles-tageº, m. : unballasting. ll-terº [dé-, leste], tr. : unballast. -teurº, m. : ballast-heaver. délétère " [Gr. deletérios (-leisthai, * hurt' ak. to Lat. delere)], adj. : deleterious. . déliaison º [dé-, liaison], f : disjointing. délibé-rantº, adj. : fdeliberating ; de- liberative. -ratifº, =ive [L. -rativus], adj. : deliberative. -ration * [L. -ra- tio], f : deliberation ; decision. -ré*, adj. : deliberate, resolute ; easy, free ; m. : deliberation (of the judges) : de pro- pos —, deliberately. -rément* [-rél, adv. : deliberately, boldly. |-rer* [L. -rare (librare, weigh, libra, weight)], intr. (tr.) : deliberate, consider ; determine, re- solve ; train (a circus-horse) : il en sera -ré, it shall be taken into consideration. déli-eat* [L. -catus], adj. : delicate, dainty ; nice ; fastidious, ticklish : faire le délicoter —, be fastidious ; homme -, man of delicate health ; il est - et blond, he is hard to please. -eatement* [-cat], adv. : delicately, daintily. #-eaterº, tr. : fondle, pamper. -catesse* [-cat], f : delicacy; daintiness ; nicety. ll-ee* [L. delicium, -cere, delight (lacere, allure)], m. : DELIGHT. -ees* [L. de-liciœ], f, pl. : delights : faire ses - de, delight in ; faire les — de, be the delight (darling) of. -eieusement* [-cient], adv. : deliciously, delightfully. -eieuacº, =euse [L. -cio- sus], adj. : delicious, delightful. délicoterº [dé-, licot], tr. : (esp. refl.) : slip (off) the halter. délietueux º, =euse [L. -tum, faultl, adj. : unlawful, felonious. - I. délié* [L. delicatus, delicate], adj. : slender, thin, slim, cunning ; m. : thin stroke, upstroke. dé-lié º, adj. : untied, loose. |-lierº [dé-, lier], tr. : untie, unbind ; release, free : se -, come untied, be released. déligation º [L. -tio (de-ligare, bind up)], f : deligation, bandaging. délimi-tation ", f : delimitation, fixing of limit. |-ter* [L. -tare], tr. : delimit, fix the limits of, bound. délinéation º [L. -tio (linea, LINE)], f : delineation. - 8 diéIin-quant*, -quante, m., f : delin- quent, offender. ll-quer* [L. -quere (linquere, LEAVE), fail], intr. : (leg.) offend, trespass. déliques-eenee", f. : (chem.) deliques- cence. ll-eent" [L. -cens (liquere, flow)], adj. : deliquescent. deliquium" [L. (liquere, flow)], m. : =. dé-lirantº, adj. : delirious : c'est -, it is enough to make one mad. -Iireº [L. -lirium], m. : delirium, frenzy. |-lirerº [L. de-lirare (lira, furrow), go out of the furrow, rave], intr. : rave, be delirious, (fEng. delirate). de-lirium tremensº [L.], m. : =. délis-sage", m. : smoothing, sorting. |-sen°º, tr. : smooth (paper or rags for making paper), sort ; undo (the hair). -seurº, = euse, m., f : rag-sorter. I.délitº [L. de-lictum (linquere, LEAVE)], m. : legal offence, misdemeanour, DE- LINQUENCY, crime : corps du -, material evidence of the crime ; en flagrant -, in the very act. 2.déli-tº, m. : *unbedding ' (cf. -ter), laying against the grain. -tageº, m. : shifting the bed (of silk-worms). "|-terº [dé, lit], tr. : *unbed' (shift the position of a stone with reference to its natural bed or stratification), lay against the grain ; split (a stone) in the line of its grain ; shift the bed of (silk-worms) ; 193 refl. : split ; break into scales, flake off. ,-teseenee* [-tescent], f : breaking into scales, scaling. I.-teseentº, adj. : breaking into scales or flakes, scaling. 2.déliteseeneeº [L. -scere, lie hid] ; j. : (med.) delitescense. dé-livran ee *, f. : deliverance, delivery ; childbirth. I.-livre*, adj. : +free ; (falc.) à -, lean. 2.-livre*, m. : (vulg.) afterbirth, heam (of animals) ;º canal or feeder of salt-basin, etc. |-livrer° [p. L. dë-liberäre (L. liber, free)], tr. : deliver (set free, release ; make over). -li- vreur*, m. : deliverer; distributor (of provisions) ; (manuf) groom ; doffer (of a spinning-machine). délo-gementº, m. : removal, change of quarters. |-ger* [dé-, loger], intr. : leave one's lodging, move, decamp ; tr. : turn out (of a house), oust ; dislodge. délotº [old del = dé], m. : thumb-stall. déloverº [dé-, lover], tr. : uncoil (a rope). » dé-loyalº, pl. =aux [dé-, loyal], adj. : dis- loyal. -loyalement*, adv. : disloyally. -lQyauté º, f. : disloyalty, perfidy. Delphes [Gr. Delpho%], f. : Delphi. delphineº [Gr. -nion, delphine], f. : delphinine (poisonous alcaloid). - #pºigºe [Delphes], adj. : Delphic. del-taº[Gr. name of the letter A, * D'], m. : -toïde º [Gr. -to-eidés, delta-shaped], adj. : deltoid, triangular. déluge* [L. diluvium (luere, wash)], m. : deluge, flood; torrent. déluré* [? dé-, leurré], adj. : (fam.) wide-awake, quick. - délustrerº [dé-, lustre], tr. : remove the lustre from. fdélusoire [L. -Sum (ludere, play)], adj. : delusory. déluterº [dé-, lut], tr. : unlute, unputty. déma-gogie" [Gr. -gia], f : demagogism. -gogique" [-gogiel, adj. : demagogical. -gogue* [Gr. -gogôs (dêmos, people, agogôs, leading)], m. : demagogue. - démaigrirº [dé-, maigrir], tr. : thin (a piece of wood, etc.) ; intr. : (fam.) grow less thin, recover one's flesh. º ' z démail-ler* [dé-, maille], tr. : undo the meshes of; (nav.) unlace. démailloter* [dé-, maillot], tr. : swathe. º dEmain° [p. L. de-mane (L. mane)], adv. : to-morrow; m. : to-morrow : après —, day after to-morrow. déman-ehé, part. of -cher (which see) ; m. : (mus.) shift. -ehementº, m. : taking off the handle ; lack of a handle ; (mus.) shifting. -eherº [dé-, manche], tr. : deprive of handle ; take apart, dis- locate, disarrange ; intr. : shift the hand démanché llI1- 194 on the reel or finger-board ( handle') of a violin, etc., to produce high notes ; (nav.) get out of a channel : se —, loose its handle ; go wrong. dEman-de*, f : demand, request; re- quirement ; question, inquiry ; (com.) order, (leg.) suit : l'offre et la —, demand | and supply. |-der° [p. L. -dare; L. mandare (manus hand, dare give), give in charge, order], tr. (intr.) : demand, re- quest; require ; question, ask, ask for ; solicit, beg; want; (com.) order: -dé, (com.) in demand, request. -deur*, =euse, or -deresse, m., f : demander, asker, applicant. déman-geaison º, f : itching; inor- dinate desire. |-ger* [dé-, manger], intr. : itch ; (fig.) have a strong or inor- dinate desire : la main me -ge, my hand is fairly itching (to strike) ; les pieds lui -gent, he is eager (longs) to go out. déman-tèlementº, m. : dismantling. -teler [dé-, manteau], tr. : dismantle. démantibulerº [dé-, mandibule], tr. : (fam.) break (the jaw-bone of), break llp. - démar-cageº [-quer], m. : unmarking, re- moving thè marks. -cation " [Span. cación (Uſ. Fr. -quer)l, f. : demarcation. démar-ehe*, f : step ; walk, gait ; pro- demande ceeding, measure ; attempt, application : ·faire une -, take a step or measures. |-eherº [dé-, marcher], intr. : walk : se -, walk with a proud gait, strut. démargerº [de-, marger], tr. : (holes of an oven). démarier* [dé-, marier], tr. : unmarry, divorce : se -, get a divorce. démar-que", f : (play) withdraw the marks; unmark. -qiuement*, m. : un- | marking ; fraudulent removal of marks (on reserved trees). |-querº [dé-, marquer], tr. : deprive of its mark or sign, | unmark ; (play.) deduct (points marked) ; intr. : lose the mark of its age (in speaking of the teeth of horses). démar-rage", m. : unmooring. |-rer* [dé-, root of amarrer], tr. : unmoor ; pull out or ahead ; unbend (ropes); intr. : leave or break her moorings ; move off. démas-clageº, m. : barking (cork trees). ll-clerº [mod. Prov. -cla, EMASCULATE], tr. : bark (cork trees). #-- démasquerº [dé-, masquel, tr. : un- · mask. démastiquerº [dé-, mastic], tr. : deprive , of mastic or putty. démâ-tage", m. : dismasting. ll-terº [dé-, mât], tr. : unmast; intr. : be un- · masted, lose her masts. démê-lageº, m. : unravelling, sorting (wool). -lé, m. : contest, strife, conten- open derneurant tion. -lementº, m. : unmingling, dis- entanglement. |-lerº [dé-, mêler], tr. : unmingle, separate, disentangle, unravel ; distinguish ; settle (an affair) : se -, un- ravel, be disentangled, etc. ; #extricate one's self ; part one's hair ; avoir à — avec, have to do with ; avoir quelque chose à - avec, have an affair to settle with ;- le vrai d'avec le faux, distinguish truth from falsehood. -loir", m. : sepa- rator ; comb for parting the hair. démem-brEment*, m. : dismember- ment ; dismembered part. |-brerº [dé-, membre], tr. : dismember; cut up ; .. Separate. - déména-gementº, m. : removal (change of residence), moving. |-ger* [dé-, ménage], tr. : remove (household goods) ; plunder ; intr. : remove (change res- idence) ; be off ; (#º) become distracted or crazy. -geur*, m. : remover. démenee*'[L. de-mentia (mens, MIND)], f : DEMENTIA, madness, insanity : tomber en -, become insane. démenerº dèm- [dé-, mener], ftr. : agi- tate ; refl. : throw one's self about, struggle, toil. dément* [I, de-m0n0 ( mons, MIND)], adj. : mad, insane ; also noun. démen-tiº, m. : exposure of an untruth, contradiction : donner le - à, give the lie to ; avoir le — de, be checked in, get the worst of. |-tirº [dé-, mentir], irr.; tr. : give the lie to, contradict, belie ; refute ; disown ; retract : se -, contradict one's self, belie one's self ; be c radicted or proved to be false ; be inconsistent ; fall off, flag ; give way. démer-gementº, m. : diminished draught of a ship. |-gerº [dé-, root of im- merger], intr. : diminish in draught (of a ship). deméri-teº [dé-, mérite], m. : demerit. |-terº [dé-, mériter], intr. : demerit (deserve blame) ; sink in favour. -toire*, adj. : lacking in merit, blamable. démesu-réº dèm- [dé-, mesurél, adj. : inordinate (in measure), excessive, huge ; immoderate. -rémentº, adj. : inordi- nately, excessively. démettre* [dé-, mettre], irr.; tr. : I.dis- place; dislocate, put out of joint ; 2.[di- rectly from L. de-mittere] #DISMISS ; (leg.) overrule. démeu-blEmentº, m. : unfurnished, removal of furniture ; lack of furniture. |-bler* [dé-, meuble], tr. : unfurnish, strip of furniture ; deprive. dE-meurant*, =ante, adj. : ftarrying ; residing, dwelling ; m. : fremainder (resi- due); m. : dweller. -meure*,f : #tarry- ing, fdelay; dwelling (act of; or house), demi residence, abode. ll-meurer° [p. L. *de- moräre, L. -morări (mora, delay)], tr. : #tarry ; remain ; dwell, live, reside, stay ; stand, stop : - en arrière, stay behind ; — d'accord, agree ; où en est-il -meuré ? where did he stop or leave off? la victoire nous est -meurée, victory remained with us ; - sur son appétit, not fully satisfy one's appetite. dEmi°, =ie [p. L.*dëmedius (L. di-midius, fr. medius, MIDDle)], adj., or m., f., or adv. : half; demi- (invar.), in many self- explaining compounds (half, semi-), like demi-heure (also demie), half hour, demi- pied, half foot, demi-cercle, semicircle, demi-plein, half full, etc. (compounds of peculiar meaning explained below) : je suis corsaire et -, I am a corsair and a half, i.e. more than an ordinary corsair ; à trompeur, trompeur et -, set a cheat to catch a cheat ; à -, by halves. -ai- grette", f : blue heron. -amazone ", ſ : parrot (of Guiana). -bain º, m. : hip bath. -bande º, f : inclination (of a ship) to the middle of the keel. - bâ- ton", m. : pause-mark (in music). -bat- toirº, battledoor (at tennis). -dame, ſ : middle-class lady. -dieuº, pl. —ac, m. : demigod. - démiellerº [dé-, miel], tr. : take honey from. - dEmi-finº, adj. : containing about one half of alloy. -fortuneº, f : sort of buggy (for one horse). -futaie,.f. : from 40 to 60 year old tree. -jeu", pl. —ac, m. : playing between forte and piano. -lune º, f. : (fort.) demilune, ravelin ; semicircular place before a building, etc. -mondaine*, f. : woman of the demi- monde. -mgnde*, m. : demimonde (so- ciety of doubtful reputation). -plaeeº, ·f. : place at half price. -reliüre º, f : half leather binding. -soldier, m. : soldier on half pay. démis-sion* [-sio (mittere, send)], f : resignation (of an office, fEng. demission ; fgiving up of property to children). -sionnaire*, adj. : resigned (officer, etc.) ; #recipient (heir). 1 dEmi-tour", m. : half-turn : - à droite ! (mil.) right about face ! · démitrer [dé-, mitre], tr. : unmitre. démiurgeº [L. -gus, Gr. demiourgôs, worker for the people, Creator], m. : demiurge. démobiliser [dé-, mobiliser], tr. : demob- ilise. démocra-te", m. : democrat. [Gr. -tia (dêmos, people, krateîn, be strong)], f : democracy. -tique* [Gr. -tikôs], adj. : democratic. -tiquementº [-tique], adv. : democratically. |-tieº 195 démoderº [dé-, mode], tr. : put out of fashion : se —, get out of fashion. dEmoiselIe° [p. L. domnicella (L. domi- na, mistress)], f : flady of noble birth ; gentlewoman ; unmarried lady (usually) young lady, =, DAMSEL ; lady (married or unmarried, in an establishment, etc.) ; name Qf various animals (Numidian crane ; dragon-fly; titmouse) or tools, etc. (paving beetle ; cross-piece of a sawing-trestle ; glove buttoner ; hot-water bottle). démo-lir* [L. -liri (moliri, construct, moles, mass)], tr. : demolish. -lisse- mentº, m. : demolishment. -Iisseurº, m. : demolisher, subverter. -lition º [L. -litio], f. : demolition, destruction ; pl. : materials (of a demolished structure). démon* [L. dœmon (Gr. daimon)], m. : demon (anc. good or evil genius) ; fiend, devil ; (jest.) wild child or fellow : faire le -, play the devil. démonéti-sation*, f : demonetisation. l-ser* [dé-, L. moneta, money], tr. : de- monetise. démo-n ... [cf. démon] : -niaque* [L. dœmoniacus], adj. : demoniac(al) ; m., f. : demoniac, demon. -nographeº [-grá- phein, write], m. : demonographer. -no- graphie* [-nographe], f. : demonology. -nomanieº [Gr. daimono-mania (rage)l, ſ : demonomania; belief in devils; demon- démoucheter ' ology. démonstra-teur* [L. -tor], m. : demon- strator. -tif, =ive* [L. -tivus], adj. : de- monstrative. |-tion * [L. -tio (mon- strare, show)], f : demonstration. -tive- ment* [-tif], adv. : demonstratively. démon-tage*, m. : taking to pieces; dis- mounting. |-ter* [dé-, monter], tr. : dis- mount (unhorse ; take down or to pieces) ; run down (the weight of a clock, etc.); re- lax (a spring, etc.) ; put out of service ; unhinge, baffle, foil, nonplus ; unset ; un- ship (a rudder) ; (nav.) supersede in com- mand : se -, be taken to pieces, be broken up, get out of repair, be or become de- ranged ; be dislocated ; be baffled, etc. démon-trable*, adj. : demonstrable. -trerº [L. de-monstrare, show], tr. : demonstrate, prove; show. démorali-sateur*, -satriee, m., f : demoraliser; adj. : demoralising. -sa- tion º, f : demoralisation. |-ser [mo- raliser], tr. : demoralise. • - démordre* [dé-, mordre], intr. : let go one's hold with the teeth ; let go ; relax, desist, abate, change (one's ways, opinion). Démosthène, m. : Demosthenes. démotique* [Gr. -tikôs (dêmos, people)], adj. : demotic, populous. démou eheterº [dé-, moucheter], tr. : take the button off (a foil). 196 dé-moulageº, m. : taking out of the mould, unmoulding. |-mouler [dé-, moule], tr. : ' take out of the mould ; (metal.) dress. démouvoirº [dé-, mouvoir], irr.; tr. : turn aside. démunirº [dé-, munir], tr. : deprive, ' strip ; strip of ammunition. démurerº [dé-, murer], tr. : unwall, open. déxmuselerº [dé-, museler], tr. : un- muzzle. f dénaire [L. denarius], adj. : denary, TEN- fold. •s démantir* [dé-, nantir], tr. : deprive of security. . • dénationaliserº [dé-, nationaliser], tr. : denationalise. dénatterº [dé-, natter], tr. : untangle, | unmat (hair). - dénatu-rer* [dé-, nature], tr. : alter the nature of, pervert, distort, adulterate, misrepresent ; (chem.) debase ; deprive of natural sentiment, harden. -ré, part. : altered in nature, perverted, etc.; deprived of natural sentiment, unnatural, hardened, barbarous. den-ehé° [p. L. *denticătus (L. dens, TOOTH)l, adi,: (her) nANCETté, indonted. -ehure º, # : (her.) indented border. den-drite " [Gr. -drites (-dron, tree)], f. : (min.) =. -droIitheº [Gr. déndron, tree, lithos, stone], f : dendrolite. -dro- phage* [Gr. déndron, tree, phageîn, eatl, adj. : wood-eating. dénéga-teur" [L. -tor], m. : denier. -tion* [L. -tio], f : denial, (fEng. dene- gation). |-toire* [L. de-negare (ne, not), DENY], adj. : negatory. dénéralº, pl. =aux [denier], m. : (coin.) assaying-plate. déni* [-nier], m. : denial ; refusal. déniai-serº [dé-, niais],tr.: sharpen the wits of, render cunning ; fcheat (dupe) : se -, grow sharp or cunning. -sé, cun- ning ; une fille -sée, a girl who has lost her innocence, an impudent girl. I.démiehe,°* [dé-, nid (cf. nicher)], tr. : take or drive out of the nest, drive out, hunt out ; intr. : leave its nest, fly away, quit ; -ché, flown, gone. 2.déni-eherº [dé-, niche], tr. : take out of its niche (a statue, etc.) ; ( fig.) deprive of worship. I.-eheurº, m. : remover of statues (from their niches). 2.dénieh eurº, =euse [I.-cher], m., f : bird's-nester ; fortune-hunter, sharper: — de merles or fauvettes, adventurer. dEnier° [p. L. -märius (L. dëni, by ten)], m. : denarius (Rom. coin worth ten asses); denier (old Fr. coin, # of a sou); rate of interest; (esp. in pl.) money, specie, funds; (pharm.) scruple : - fort, big interest ; démoulage dent - à Dieu (or d'adieu), earnest; gratuity; - de Saint-Pierre, Saint-Peter's pence ; - de fin, de loi, standard ; le — de la veuve, the widow's mite ; à —s découverts, in cash ; au - vingt, five per cent. dénier* [L. de-negare], tr. : DENY; dis- . own ; refuse. « déni-grantº, adj. : denigrating, dis- paraging. -grEmentº, m. : denigration, defamation, disparagement. |-grerº [L. -grare (niger, black), blacken], tr. : slander. DEnis, or -ys, m. : Dionysius, Denis. dénive-lerº [niveler], tr. : put out of level. -lation º, f : putting out of level. dénom-brEment*, m. : enumeration ; census. ll-brerº [L. de-numerare (nu- merus, number)], tr. : number, count. déno-minateur* [L. -minator, namer], m.: (arith.) denominator. -minatif*, =ive [L. -minativus], adj. : (gram.) de- nominative. -mination * [L.-minatio], ſ : denomination ; #denominator. |-mi- nerº [L. -minare (nomen, NAME)], tr. : NAME, mention ; denominate, call. dénon-eerº [L. de-nuntiare (nuntius, messenger)], tr. : announce or declare of- ficially, proclaim, (fEng. denounce) : de- IIUullUe, inform against, accuse. -eia- teur*, =triee [L. -ciator, -ciatrix], m., f. : denunciator, informer, accuser. . -eiation * [L.-ciatio], f : public declara- tion ; denunciation. déno-tation * [L. -tatio], f : denotation. -terº [L. -tare (nota, note)], tr. : denote, betoken. dé-nouementº, or -noûment, m. : (rare) untying; denouement, unraveling (of a plot), catastrophe (of a drama, etc.), event. ll-nouer* [dé-, nouer], tr. : untie, unknot ; solve ; unravel (a plot) ; set free : se -, become untied, unravel, cOme Out. - denrée* [denier: " what may be had for a denier"], f : provision, food; com- modity : vendre bien sa —, make the most of one's talents. den-se* [L. -sus], adj. : =. -sitas], f. : density. den-t° [L. dèns], f : TOOTH ; notch, cog ; TINE (of a pitchfork, etc.) : - angulaire, canine, canine tooth ; fang ; eye-tooth ; —s de lait, first teeth ; —s d'en haut, upper teeth ; -s d'en bas, lower teeth ; —s de devant, front teeth ; faire ses —s, cut one's teeth ; les -s percent à cet en- ·fant, that child is cutting his teeth ; le mal de -8, the tooth-ache ; avoir mal aux —s, have the tooth-ache ; avoir une — contre, have an old grudge against ; avoir des -s, be notched ; déchirer à belles —s, tear to pieces ; être sur les —s, be tired out ; prender le mors aux —s, take the bridle, -sité [L. dénudation run away ; be earnest in business ; rire du bout des—s, pretend to laugh. -taire"[L. -tarius], adj. : dental ; f : dentaria, tooth- wort. -talº, pl. =aux, adj. : dental (esp. of letters). -t-de-lion, m. : DANDELION. -t-de-loup, m. : big pin or bolt ; sharp crag. -té*, =ée, adj. : toothed ; (bot.) dentated ; cogged ; f : bite of a hound ; stroke, rip (of a tusk): -tée en scie, ser- rated. -telaine " [-telé], f : lead-wort. -teléº, adj. : denticulated, indented, notched. -telerº, tr. : indent, notch, jag. -teletº, m. : (arch.) dentil. -telle º, ſ : lace (as ordinarily denticulated) ; lace- work (in engraving or sculpture) ; facet (of a jewel). -tellière* [-telle], f : lace-maker, lace-woman ; lace-machine. -telureº [-telé], f : indented border, indenting, jagging. -terº, tr. : tooth, cog (a wheel). -ticulaire* [-ticule], adj. : denticulate. -tieuleº [L. -ticulus], m. : (arch.) DENTIL. -tierº, m. : fset of (natural) teeth ; set of (artificial) teeth ; metal plate for artificial teeth ; indented knife. -tifriee* [L. -tifricium (dens, j'ricare, rub)], m. : =, tooth-powder; adj. : tooth- : poudre -, tooth-powder. -tiros- tresº [L. dens, rostrum, bill], m. pl. : family of denti-rosters (kind of sparrows). -tiste", m. : dentist. -tition " [L. -ti- tio], f. : cutting of teeth. -ture*, ſ. : set of teeth ; (tech.) teeth-range. dé-nudation * [L. -nudatio], f. : -nuderº [L. -nudare], tr. : denude, lay bare. -nué, part. : bereaved, stripped ; destitute; void. -nuementº, m. : depri- vation, destitution. |-nuer° [L. -niidäre (nildus, NUDE, bare)], tr. : deprive, strip : y - - s se -, deprive or strip one's self, leave one's self bare or destitute ; -nué, see above. -nûment = -nuement. déontologie* [Gr. déon, duty, lôgos, doctrine], f : deontology. dépaillerº [dé-, paille], tr. : strip of StraW. dépalisserº [dé-, palisser], tr. : untrellis. dépaqueter* [dé-, paquet], tr. : unpack. fdéparager* [dé-, parage], tr. : degrade by unequal marriage, (fEng. DISPARAGE). dépareillerº [dé-, appareillerl, tr. : unmatch, separate from its match, spoil a pair or set of. déparerº [dé-, parer], tr. : disadorn ; undress (esp. altars) ; disfigure, mark, DISPARage. - déparierº [dé-, parier], tr. : take away one of a PAIR, separate (male and female). déparlerº [dé-, parler], intr. : (fam.) cease talking. déparquer* [dé-, parquer], tr. : unpen ; disembark. départ* [-tir], m. : l departure, setting · 197 out, start ; #parting, separation : être sur s0n -, be about to set out ; faux —, un- even start (of horses); p0int de -, start- ing point. départagerº [dé-, partager], tr. : break the equality of (votes); decide between : - les voix, give a casting-vote. dépar-tEment*, m. : department (fdis- tribution ; fassigned lodging ; division of executive government, of an institution, etc., province; territorial division in France governed by a prefect). -tEmentai", pl. =aux [-partement], adj. : departmental. f-tieº, f : departure, separation. |-tir Idé-, partir], irr.; tr. : fseparate ; distrib- ute, dispense, bestow : se - (de), depart, deviate or swerve (from), desist (from). dépasser* [dé-, passer], tr. : go beyond, pass ; reach beyond ; overstep, exceed ; surpass ; outsail ; draw out ; (nav.) un- TeeVe. dépa-vageº, m. : unpaving. [dé-, pavér], tr. : unpave. dépayser* -pè-i- [dé-, pays], tr. : trans- fer from one's country, send from home, transplant ; put out of one's element, course, or track ; put on a Wrong scent. dé-pEçageº, m. : cutting or taking to pieces, cutting up, carving, dismember- ment. -pèeement*, m. : cutting up or in pieces, dismemberment. |-pEeerº [dé, pièce], tr. : cut or take to PIECES, carve, dismember. -pEeeur, =euse, m., f : one who cuts or takes to pieces. dépêehe*, f. : DISPATCH (fexpedition, ffinishing up ; speedy message or com- munication) ; correspondence, mail : les -s, the post-bags ; faire les -s, make up the mails ; une marchandise de mau- vaise -, a merchandise hard to dispose of; à - compagnon, cf. -cher. |-eher* [dé-, root of empêcher], tr. (us'ly refl.) : frid of or free from (as a hindrance) ; DISPATCH (expedite, send off ; send prompt- ly; make away with, kill); intr. : send off a dispatch or a speedy messenger; make haste ! hurry up ! à -che compagnon, in a hurry, quickly ; without giving quarter. depEçoir" [-cer], m. : chopping-knife. dépeindre* [L. de-pingere (pingere, PAINT)], irr. (cf. peindre), tr. : DEPICT, describe ; old PAINT. dépelotonnerº [dé-, pelotonner], tr. : unroll, unwind (thread, etc.). dépEnail-léº [OFr. de-pané (pan, in its early sense of "rag')], adj. : tattered, in rags ; emaciated (of the face). -le- ment", m. : raggedness; emaciation. fdé-pendammentº [-pendant], adv. : dependently. -pendan ee* [I.-pendre], f : dependence ; dependency ; appendage, out-house : être dans la — de, be de- dépendamment |-verº 198 pendent on. -pendant* [I.-pendre], adj. : dependent ; (leg.) attendant. -pen- deur*, -pendeuse [2.-pendre], m., f : unhanger, detacher : un - d'andouilles, a tall lean fellow (capable of taking down the antlers over a butcher's shop). I.ll-pendre* [L. de-pendere (pendere, hang)], intr. : depend, be dependent; be a dependency. 2.-pendre*, tr. : unhang, take down. 3.-pendre° [p. L. dis-pen- dere, weigh out], tr. : expend. -pens* [l. L. dispensum (cf. 3-pendre)], m., pl. : fexpense(s); cost(s). -pense* [l. L. dis- pensa (cf. -pens)], f. : exPENSE, expendi- ture ; yield ; steward's office ; larder ; pl. supplies (of parliament) : - de bouche, expense for living ; ne pas plaindre la -, · not to spare expense ; faire de la -, spend money. -penser* [-pense], tr. : expend, SPEND ; employ; consume. -pen- sier*, -pensière [-pense], m., f : dis- penser, disburser, bursar; adj. : fond of expending money, as moun SPENDthrift, extravagant. déperdition º [L. de-perdere, lose grad- ually], f. : gradual loss or destruction, (fEng. deperdition); (med.) discharge. dépé-rir* [L. de-perirel, intr. : die away, waste (away), PERISH, decay, go to ruin, dwindle. -rissementº, m. : dying or wasting away, decay, perishing ; wasted or withered condition. dépêtrer* [dé-, root of empêtrer], tr. : funchain ; disentangle ; disengage, ex- tricate. - dépeu-pIEmentº, m. : depopulation. |-pler [dé-, peuple], tr. : DEPOPULATE, dispeople ; unstock ; reduce ; thin (a forest) ; draw (a pond). déperdition dépiauterº [dé-, piau, dial. for peau],. tr. : (fam.) skin. fdépieage = dépiquage. dépiéeei * [dé-, pièce], tr. : pieces. . dépéiterº [dé-, pied], tr. : expose at the , foot or root. I. dépi-lageº, -lement [2.-ler], m. : re- moval of piles in a mine. 2.dépi-lageº, m. : taking off the hair or fleece, fleécing. -Iatifº, =ive, adj. : depilatory. the hair, loss of hair ; depilation. -la- toire º, adj. : depilatory. I.ll-lerº [L. de-pilare (pilus, hair)], tr. : depilate, strip of hair, denude : se -, lose the hair. 2.depilerº [dé-, pile], tr. : remove the piles or supports of (a mine). dépi-quage" [Prov. dépicage (cf.-quer)], m. : treading of grain. I.-querº [Prov. depica (espigo = Fr. épi)], tr. : thresh (grain, by treading of horses, or mules, or under rollers), take to | ant, disagreeable. -lation*, f : falling off of déplumer 2.dépiquerº [dé-, piquer], tr. : unstitch, unquilt ; pacify (one piqued or offended), unruffle ; fconsole. dépisterº [dé-, piste], tr. : track, trace, trail, hunt out ; throw off the track or trail, put on the wrong track ; misdirect. I. dépi-t° [L. despectus (de-spicere, look down upon, DESPISE) ; contempt], m. : + contempt ; " despite, spite ; vexation, anger ; (old adj. : spiteful) : en - de, in spite of, despite ; en - qu'on en ait, in spite of all one may do, in spite of one ; avoir du - (contre), spite, be spiteful (against); be vexed (with). -ter*, tr. : fdespise ; spite, thwart ; vex. -teux *, =euse, adj. : (old) spiteful ; (now only of falcons refusing to return when they have lost the quarry). - dépla-eement º, m. : displacement, change of place. |-eer* [dé-, place], tr. : displace, misplace, remove, shift. . dé-plaire* [dé-, plaire], irr.; intr. (with à): displease, be unpleasant or disagree- able (to), offend :. se (dat.) - (de), be dis- pleased (with), dislike ; pine (of plants, animals); displease each other ; m'en de- plaise (à), may it not displease ; with the leave nf ; with all dne deferenco (to); no vous (dat.) en déplaise, with your leave (cf. preceding); je ne me déplairais pas ici, I should not dislike living here. f-plaisaneeº, f : dislike, aversion. -plaisant*, adj. : displeasing, unpleas- -plaisir* [dé-, plai- sir], m. : displeasure ; dislike, distaste ; uncomfortableness ; affliction, trouble. déplan-tation *, f : displantation. |-terº [dé-, planter], tr. : displant ; tear up (plants, etc.) ; heave up (anchor). -teur, m. : displanter. -toir, m. : (hort.) trowel. déplâtrer [dé-, plâtrer], tr. : unplaster. déplier º [dé-, plier], tr. : unfold; expose goods. déplisserº [dé-, plisser], tr. : unplait ; Smooth. déploiementº or -oîment [déployer], m. : unfolding, display ; (mil.) DEPLOY- MENT. déplomberº [dé-, plomber], tr. : unseal (customs); remove fillings (of teeth). déplo-rable º, adj. : deplorable. -ra- blEment [-rable], adv. : deplorably. -rer* [L. -rare (plorare, wail)], tr. : fcry over ; deplore ; bewail, lament. déployer* [dé-, ployer], tr. : unfold, un- furl, unroll; DISPLAY, put forth ; array ; spread (a sail); DEPLOY (troops): à voiles -yées, under full sail. déplumer* [dé-, plume], tr,: displume, unfeather, pluck : se —, shéd feathers, moult ; (fam.) grow bald. *, dépolir ^ dépo-lir* [dé-, polir], tr. : remove the polish from ; rough (glass). -lissage º, m. : unpolishing ; glass-roughing. ' déponent* [L. de-ponens (ponere, put), "laying aside,' viz. the active form], adj. : (gram.) deponent. dépopulariser" [dé-, populariser], tr. : render unpopular. $ dépopulation º [L. people)], f : depopulation. I.déportº [dé-, root of report], m. : (stock exch.) backwardation ; contango. 2.dépor-tº, m. : fadministration (of a benefice or fief after the death of the in- cumbent); management, discretion, re- gard ; delay ; challenging one's self (of judges, etc.): sans —, without discretion (or regard); à payer sans -, to be paid without delay. -tation* [L. -tatio], f : deportation. -té, cf. -ter. -tement*, · m. : fdeportment (conduct) ; bad conduct, misconduct ; enlargement (of a model with reference to its shrinkage in cooling). | |-ter* [I.dé-, porter; 2.L. de-portare], tr. : I.i conduct; fsustain, #favour, fspare; 2." deport, send into banishment : #I.se -, divert one's self ; desist ; challenge one's self ;-té, part. : (as noun) person sen- tenced to deportation, transport, convict. dépo-santº, =ante, m., f : deponent, depositor ; bailer ; as part. çf -ser. dépo-seº, f : removal (of any fixture). |-ser* [dé-, poser], tr. : lay down, deposit ; lodge (a complaint) ; lay aside ; depose, dethrone ; divest ; remove ; intr. : settle, leave sediment ; give evidence : se -, be deposited ; settle ; fabdicate. -si- taire* [L. -sitariusl, m., f : depositary; trustee. -sition* [L. -sitio], f : de- position (laying down of testimony, evidence ; setting aside a sovereign, etc., divestiture); removal (en — de croix, re- presentation of the body of Christ de- tached from the cross). depos-séder* [dé-, posséder], tr.: dispos- sess. -sesseur, m. : dispossessor. -ses- sion º, f : dispossession, ouster; fdeliver- · 3 IlCe. déposterº [dé-, poste], tr. : drive from a post. - dépôt* [L. de-positum (ponere, put), de- posit], m. : depositing; deposit ; trust ; , depository, warehouse ; depot; repository; deposit, sediment ; settlement ; concre- tion : - de mendicité, poor-house ; en -, in deposit or trust ; on sale or return. dépo-tementº, m. : decantation ; gag- ing. ll-terº [dé-, pot], tr. : decant ; take out of a pot. -toirº, m. : decanter, place for receiving or gaging wines ; general deposit of night-soil, dumping- ground. -tio (populus, dislodge, 199 dépoudrer" [dé-, poudrer], tr. : un- powder. dé-pouille*, f : skin or slough ( stripped off' an animal, fEng. SPOIL), shell ; (mortal) remains or envelope, body, tenement ; wardrobe (left by persons deceased), in- heritance ; SPOIL, (fEng. DESPOIL), booty, plunder ; act of taking anything out of a mold or matrix : -s opimes, *spolia opima'(arms of a slain enemy) ; droit de -, the right of bishops to certain things left by a deceased ecclesiastic ; être de —, be easily taken out of a mold. -pouille- ment*, m. : (de)spoiling, spoliation, plun- der; friction ; flaying ; taking out docu- ments, etc., for examination, abstract (of accounts, etc.), ascertaining the result (of a ballot). |-pouiller° [L. de-spoliäre (spolium, booty)], tr. : strip off the skin or garment, (fEng. DESPOIL), skin; DESPOIL (divest, to strip, deprive, plunder) ; cast off; gather (crops) ; take out (documents, etc.) for examination, inspect : se —, shed its skin, moult ; divest one's self; dispense (de, with); -pouillé, stripped, naked ;jouer au roi -pouillé, ruin any one. . - dépour-voir* [dé-, pourvoir], irr. (little used except in part., cf. below) ; tr. : leave UNPROVIDED or destitute. -vu!, part. : unprovided, destitute : au —, un- prepared, unawares. - dépra-vateurº, =triee [L. -vator], m., f : depraver; adj. : depraving. -va- tion º [L. -vatio], f : depravation ; de- pravity ; ruin, disordered condition. l-verº [L. de-pravare (pravus, crooked, perverse)], tr. : deprave, pervert, vitiate. dépréca-tif, =ive [L. -tivus (de-precari, avert by PRAYER)], adj. : deprecatory. -tion*, f : deprecation. -toire*, adj. : deprecatory. 6 - dépré-eiateur*, =triee, m. : de- preciator. -eiation ", f : depreciation. l-eierº [L. de-, pretiare (pretium, PRICE)], tr. : depreciate, undervalue, de- cry. - * » dépré-dateurº, =triee [L. -dator], m., f : depredator. -dation * [L. -datio], f : depredation, plundering. +|-derº [L. de-prœdari (prœda, PREY, plunder)], tr. : depredate, despoil. déprendre* [de-, prendre], irr.; tr. : take apart, detach, loosen. dépression * [L. -ssio (premere, PRESs)], jf : depression ; hollow. I.fdé-prier° [p. L. de-precäre (L. -preca- ri), tr. : PRAY. 2.-prierº [dé-, prier], tr. : ask not to come (a person invited), send excuse to. déprimerº [L. de-primere (premere, PRESS)], tr. : DEPRESS, press down; flatten; underrate. # déprimer 200 #dépriser* [dé-, priser], tr. : DEPRECI- · ATE, underrate. de profundis [L., *from the depths,' opening words, of the psalm], m. : (funeral psalm).\ dépromettre º [dé-, promettre], irr.; tr. : take back (a promise). #dépueeler* [dé-, pucelle], tr. : (vulg.) , deprive of virginity, debauch. dEpuis* [de, puis], prep. : from (of time, place, order), since, after ; adv. : since, since that time ; #since (because) : - que, conj. : (ever) since ; — longtemps, for a long time ; - peu, recently, lately ; - deux ans, for two years, these two years. dépu-ratif", =ive, adj. : depuratory. -ration *, f : depuration. -ratoire", adj. : depuratory. -rerº [l. L. -rare (purus, pure)], tr. : depurate. dépu-tation* [L. -tatio], f : deputa- | tion, deputyship. : -téº, m. : deputy. |-ter* [L. -tare (putare, prune), orig'ly 'cut off, so * set apart, commission': cf. détacher], tr. : depute, delegate, commission. , déraei-nement*, m. : rooting up, eradi- cation. |-ner* [dé-, racine], tr. : pull up by the root, root up, pluck up, ERADI- CATE. déraderº [dé-, rade], intr. : be driven from the roadstead (by the wind or tide), be driven out to sea. deraidirº [dé-, raidir], tr. : unstiffen, render pliant : se —, lose one's stiffness, grow pliant. dérail-lementº, m. : unrailing, running off the rail. |-lenºº [dé-, rail], intr. : run off the rails, derail. dérai-som*[dé-, raison],f.: unreasonable- ness, IRRATIONality. -sonnable* [dé-, raisonable], adj. : unreasonable, senseless, preposterous. -sonnablEment* [-son- nable], adv. : unreasonably, preposterously. -sonner" [dé-, raisonner], intr. : reason falsely, talk nonsense. - · déralinguerº [dé-, ralingue], strip (a sail) of the bolt rope. déran-géº, adj. : deranged, disordered, out of ôrder; crazy; out of sorts, unwell. -gementº, m. : derangement, disorder ; embarrassment, trouble ; indisposedness ; disorderly conduct. ll-gerº [dé-, rang], tr. : derange (put out of place or order); discompose ; disconcert, discommode ; un- settle, put out of sorts : se -, be de- ranged, get out of order ; be unwell ; disturb or trouble one's self ; misconduct one's self, lead a disorderly life. déraperº [Prov. -pa (ak. to Germ'c rapp, * seize')], tr. : (dial.) tear ; intr. : (of anchors) start ; be atrip : faire — l'ancre, trip the anchor. déra-terº [dé-, rate], tr. : deprive of the dépriser tr. : dermatose spleen (to make hounds quicker), spleen ; -té, deprived of the spleen, spleened ; lively, sharp, cunning. dé-rayerº [dé-, rayer], intr. : plough a furrow (for draining or to separate two fields). -rayure º, f. : border furrow (between two fields). derbyº [Eng. (name of a lord)], m. : dErEchefº [de, re, chef], adv. : for the second time, anew, again, afresh. dé-réglé*, adj. : irregular; unruly, dis- Orderly ; inordinate, intemperate, immod- erate ; dissolute, profiigate. -règIE- ment*, m. : irregularity; unruliness ; intemperance ; dissoluteness : vivre dans le -, lead a disorderly life. -réglé- ment* [-réglé], adv. : disorderly; inor- dinately ; dissolutely. |-réglerº [dé-, régler], tr. : put out of order, derange, disorder : se -, get (or be) out of order, be deranged ; lead a disorderly life. dé-riderº [rider], tr. : unwrinkle, make Smooth, Smooth : se -, unbend one's brow ; cheer up. déri-sipn * [L. -sio (ridere, laugh)], f : derision, ridicule. -soire* [L. sorius], adj. : derisive. -soirement* [-soire], adv. : derisively. déri-vatifº,=ive [L.-vativus (cf. -ver)], adj. : fderivative ; (med.) producing deri- vation ; m. : (med.) derivative ; relief. I.-vation º[L.-vatio], f : leadingor draw- ing off of Water from a stream, etc., (fEng. derivation) ; derivation (drawing of fluids from one part of the body to another ; tracing origin ; deriving one function from another). 2.dé-rivation º, f : DRIFT or derivation (of a ship from its course) ; derivation of a projectile. -rive º, f : DRIFT, lee-way : en —, adrift ; avoir belle —, have good sea-room. I.ll-riverº [orig'ly driver, fr. Eng. drive], intr. : (nav.) DRIFT, be driven along by a current, etc., deviate from the regular course. 2.dériver* [L. de-rivare (rivus, stream)], tr. : turn the course of (a river, water, etc.) ; (#Eng. derive), divert ; draw (blood, fluids) from one part of the body to another ; derive (deduce, trace origin) ; intr. : leave its source; derive (be derived, be deduced, have origin, descend) ; -vé, derived, -vée, f. : thing derived ; (chem.) derivative. 1 3.dériver* [dé-, rive], tr. : fmake over- flow ; free or clear from the bank or shore, set adrift. 4.dériverº [river], tr. : unrivet. #derle * [?], f : porcelain clay. der-matoseº [Gr. dérma, skin], f : (med.) dermatosis. -meº [Gr. derma, skin], m. : derma, dermis. º-ms $- s 45 dernier der-mier*, =ière [fr. OFr. derrain, from p. L. deretränum (de-retro, behind)], adj. : last ; final; utmost (highest, lowest); finishing ; (mus.) closing ; m., f. : last ; end of the gallery (tennis) : en — lieu, in the last place ; en - ressort, ultimately ; être du - ridicule, be excessively ridiculous. -nièrement*, adv. : lately, of late. déro-bé, part. : stolen ; spare or leisure (of time) ; back or private (of doors, staircases, etc.) : à la -bée, by stealth, privately ; s'en aller à la -bée, steal aWay; fèves -bées, beans slipped out of their skins. -bement*, m.: frobbing ; squaring (of stones). |-berº [dé-, OFr. rober (Germ'c root, ak. to Eng. rob)], tr. : ROB (steal, pilfer, purloin); take or hide away (à, from), conceal; screen, shelter ; shell (beans) : se -, steal away, escape, disappear; avoid, shun ; - à la justice, screen from justice ; se — à la justice, fly from justice. « I. déro-ehage*, m. : scouring (a metal). I.ll-eherº [dé-, 2.rocher], tr. : scour (prec. metals). - 2.dero eherº [dé-, roche], tr. : · throw from a rock. déro-gation * [L. -gatio], f : derogation. -gatoire* [L. -gatorius], adj. : deroga- · tory. f-geanee º, f : forfeiture (of nobility). " |-gerº [L. de-rogare (ro- gare, ask, solicit)], intr. : deviate (from law or agreement), swerve ; withdraw, derogate, detract, take away ; lose privi- leges ; be debased ; degenerate ; descend, act beneath one's rank or dignity, (fEng. derogate) : - à noblesse, forfeit one's no- bility. #déroidir = déraidir. dé-rompageº, m. : cutting rags (for paper). -rom poirº, m. : (pap.) cutting table. ll-r9mpreº [dé-, rompre], tr. : cut to pieces, fcut off or interrupt ; sort rags (for paper) ; break up (land). déroquer* [Norm. form of 2.derocher], tr. : hurl or throw from a ROCK. dérougirº [dé-, rougir], tr. : take off the redness of : se -, lose one's redness. dérouillerº [dé-, rouiller], tr. : remove the rust from, polish : se -, lose its rust; read up a subject. dérou-lement", m. : unrolling; produc- tion of the evolute (of curves). |-lerº [rouler], tr. : unroll, spread out, display ; (geom.) produce the evolute. dérou-teº, f : rout, defeat, overthrow, confusion. |-ter* [dé-, route], tr. : put out of one's road or way, put out of the right road ; disconcert, baffle, bewilder. derrière° [p. L. de-retro], prep. or adv. : behind ; m. : hinder part, back; poste- riors ; (artill.) train ; pl. : rear : porte de hurl or | disabuse (undeceive) : se —, 201 -, back-door, evasion ; être logé sur le —, lodge at the back of the house ; montrer le -, turn tail ; fiee ; montrer son —, have torn clothes. dervieheº or -vis [Pers. derouisch, poor; poor monk], m. : dervish, dervis(e). des dé or emphat. dè [for de les], of (from) the. dès° [p. L. dë ex], prep. : from, since ; im- mediately after leaving. dés que, conj. : as soon as, since, as : #- là, from then, thence, consequently ; - lors, from that time ; #thence (consequently) ; — à pré- sent, from this moment, henceforth. des-, (bef. vowel) dés- [L. dis], pref. : dis-, un-, away, off. In compounds çf. each member. dés- [L. dis] : -abonnerº, tr. : discon- tinue the subscription of : se —, withdraw one's subscription for. -abuserº, tr. : be dis- abused, undeceive one's self. -accord º, m. : discord (disagreement, variance) ; (mus.) lack of harmony. -accorderº, tr. : make disagree ; (mus.) untune, put out of tune : se -, disagree; get out of tune. -accoupler*, tr. : uncouple.. -accoutumanee*, f : want of custom or habit. -accoutumerº, tr. : disaccus- tom; disinure. -a-ehalanderº, tr. : take away the custom(ers) from. -aeiérerº, tr. : unsteel. -affeetation* [-affecter], f : disturbed function, disorder. -affec- terº, tr. : disturb the functions of, dis- affect. -affection ", f : .. disaffection, alienation of affection. -affectionnerº, tr. : alienate the affection for, disaffect : se —, lose affection for. -affour eherº, intr. : heave up anchors, unmoor. -affu- blerº, tr. : unmuffle, unwrap. -agré- able*, adj. : disagreeable, unpleasant, distasteful, displeasing. -agréablE- mentº, adv. : disagreeably, unpleasantly. fI.-agréerº, intr.: displease. f2.-agré- er = dégréer. -agrégation*, f : dis- aggregation. -agrégeant*, adj. : disin- tegrating; m. : disintegrant. -agréger", tr. : disaggregate; disintegrate. -agré- mentº, m. : disagreeable circumstance or thing, disagreeableness ; (rare) dis- agreeable feature, defect, blemish. -aimanterº [aimanter], tr. : unmagne- tise. -airer* [dés-, aire], tr. : let out (falcons) from the aerie. -ajusterº, tr. : disadjust, derange, put out of order. -alignerº, tr. : put out of line, break the line of. -altérerº, tr. : slake the thirst of : se —, slake or quench one's thirst. -amarrerº, tr. : unmoor. -an- erer !, tr. or intr. : weigh anchor of. -animer*, tr. : (rare) disanimate. f-ap- pareiller = dépareiller. f-apparier désabonner 202 = déparier. -appointement* [ap- pointer], m. : disappointment. -appoin- terº, tr. : fdismiss; disappoint. -ap- prendre*, irr.; tr. : unlearn. -appro- ba-teur", =triee, m., f : person who disapproves, critic ; adj. : disapproving. -approbation ", f : disapprobation, disapproval. -appropriation º, f : re- nunciation (of property). -approprierº, lr. : despoil of property ; se -, renounce (property). -approuverº, tr. : disap- prove (of). -arçonner* [dés-, arçon], tr. : unsaddle, unhorse, dismount ; baffle, foil. -argenterº [argenter], despoil of silver, unsilver ; free from silver-alloy ; (fam.) drain of money or cash : se —, lose its silver ; spend one's money. -armE- mentº [-armer], m.: disarmament, dis- arming ; (nav.) dismantling. -armerº, tr. : disarm ; dismantle (a fort, strip it of guns, etc.) ; dismantle (a ship) ; lay up ; unship (oars), uncock (firearms) ; (fig.) baffle ; appease ; intr. : unarm ; (nav.) be dismantled or laid up. -arroiº [OFr. -rroyer (?), disarray], m. : DISARRAY, dis- order. lation, disjointing. -articulerº, tr. : disarticulate, disjoint ; amputate through the joint. -assembler*, tr. : take to pieces. -assortirº, tr. : spoil the match of, mismatch ; thin out the stock or mer- chandise of, unstock: -assorti, disarranged, incomplete (of a book) ; unstocked. -astreº ["untoward star"], m. : DIS- ASTER. -astreusement" [-treux], adv.: disastrously. -astreux º, =euse [astre], adj. : disastrous. -attristerº, tr. : re- lieve of sadness, cheer. -avantageº, m. : disadvantage. -avantager*[-ävan- tage], tr. : disadvantage, injure the inter- est of. -avantageusementº [-avan- tageux], adv. : disadvantageously. -avan- tageux*,=euse, adj. : disadvantageous, detrimental. -aveu* [désavouer], m. : disavowal, disowning : faire le —, disown. | -aveuglerº, tr. : unblind, undeceive, disabuse. -avouerº, tr. : DISAVOW, dis- own, disclaim. . deseel-lement", m. : unsealing; unbed- ding. ll-lerº [dés-, sceller], tr. : unseal, undo ; unbed (a stone, etc.). de-seendanee*, f : descent ; lineage ; (coll.) descendants. -seendant*, adj. : descendant, descending ; (mil.) coming off duty ; m., f : descendant, offspring. -seenderie*, f : means of descent (into a mine). |-seendre° [L. -dere (scandere, climb)], intr. : descend (go or come down, step down ; get off, dismount, alight); (alight at a hotel, hence) put up, stay (reside temporarily), stop ; incline, slope ; make a descent (on) or irruption descellement -articulation º, f : disarticu- déséchouer (into) ; condescend, stoop, ebb, go out, subside ; (leg.) make a search ; (nav.) touch land, land ; go on shore ; tr. : de- scend, go down along ; take or let down, help or lift down (as from a horse, etc.) ; drag down ; bring down, lay low ; land, put on shore : - la garde, come off guard. -seente*, f : descent; going or getting down, letting down; alighting; landing ; subsiding (of waters), fall ; (mech.) down stroke ; run (on a bank, etc.) ; (leg.) search (in virtue of a warrant) ; (med.) hernia, rupture ; (mil.) coming off (guard, etc.) ; place for descent ; matting ; water- pipe ; hidden passage (leading into a moat, etc.). - descrip-tifº, =ive [L. -tus (scribere, Write)], adj. : descriptive. -tion,* [L. -tio], f : description ; inventory. fdesçu = dessu. dés- [L. dis] : -é.ehouerº, tr. : et afloat. -emballage", m.: u§ -emballerº, tr.: unpack. -embarque- mentº, m. : disembankment, landing. -embarquerº, tr. : disembark, land ; unload. -embourberº, tr. : draw out or extricate from the mire. #-embour- rerº, tr. : free from stuffing. -em- brayer, etc.= débrayer, etc. -emman- eherº, tr. : deprive of its handle. -em- parerº, tr. : dismantle (a fort, a ship), disable ; fcease to occupy; leave, quit ; fset free : sans —, without lºv# (the place) ; on the spot. -empennerº, tr. : strip of its feathers. -empEserº, tr. : unstarch. -emplirº, tr. : render less full, empty ; intr. or refl. : become less full, become empty. -enamourerº, tr. : free from love, disenamour. -en-ehan- tementº, m. : disenchantment. -en- ehanter*, tr. : disenchant. -en- claverº, tr. : disenclose, open up (lands), extend. -enclouerº, tr. : free from nails ; unspike (a gun). -encom- brerº, tr. : disencumber, clear away. -enfilerº, tr. : unthread, unstring : se -, come unstrung. -enflerº, tr. : dis- inflate, remove the Swelling, inflation, or volume of; sober down. -enflureº,f. : disinflation, reduction of swelling. -en- fournerº, tr. : remove from the oven. -engager*, tr. : disengage : se -, throw up an engagement ; desist from an accepted invitation. -enger*, tr. : free from a bond. -engrEnerº, tr. : throw out of gear; uncouple. -enivrerº, tr. : (make) sober, bring to : se —, get sober. -ennuyer*, tr. : dispel the tedium of, divert, amuse. -enrayerº, tr. : free, unskid(a wheelfr.brake). -enrhumerº, tr. : cure of a cold. -enrouerº, tr. : cure of hoarseness. -ensablerº, tr,: free (a désert boat, etc.) from the sand or mud. -ensE- velirº, tr. : disinter, exhume, unwrap (a dead body). -ensoreElerº, tr. : un- charm. -ensoreèlementº, m. : disen- chantment. -entêterº,tr. : cure of obsti- nacy ; get out of the head of. -entor- tillerº, tr. : untwist, untwine. -en- traverº, tr. : unfetter. -enverguer*, tr. : unbend (a sail). + 9 dé-sert° [L. -sertus (de-serere, desert, serere,joint)], adj. : tdeserted (abandoned); desert (forsaken, solitary); m.º [l. L. -ser- tum], desert (forsaken region, wilderness). -serter*, tr. : #make desert (lay waste); desert, abandon, forsake ; intr. : desert. -serteur*, m. : deserter. -sertion [L. -sertio], desertion. #dés- [L. dis]: -espéradeº [-espérer], in à la -, desperately. -espéran ee*, f : despair, hopelessness. -espérantº [-espérer], adj. : desperate, hopeless. -es- péré*[-espérer], adj.: desperate, hopeless; in despair, despondent. -espérémentº [-espéré], adv. : desperately. -espérer*, intr. : despair, give up hope ; tr. : drive to despair, madden : se -, be in despair ; yield to despair; je ne -espère pas que vous ne (explet.) soyez (subj.) heureux, I do not despair of your being happy. -espoir* [-espérer], m.: despair, hopeless- ness, despondency ; desperation. -ha- billé º [habiller], m. : dishabille, undress. -habiller*, tr. : disrobe, undress, strip. f-habité*, adj. : uninhabited, deserted. -habituerº, tr. : disaccustom, break of. -hérenee* [dés-, hoir], f : lack of heirs ; escheat (for lack of heirs). -hériter, tr. : disinherit, deprive of ordinary ad- vantages, unfavour. -heurer" [heure], tr. : disturb (any one) in his regular hours ; une horloge -heurée, a clock striking Wrong hours. -honnête*, adj. : indecent, im- modest, shameful. -honnêtement* [-honnête], adv. : indecent, immodestly. fhonnêtetéº [-honnête], f : indecency, immodesty. -honneurº, m. : dishonour, disgrace, shame. -honorable*, adj. : dishonourable, disgraceful. -honorant". [-honorer], adj. : dishonourable, disgrace- ful. -honorer*, tr. : dishonour, dis- grace : - un arbre, lop off the top of a tree. désidératumº, pl. =ta [L. (cf. désirer)], | m. : desideratum. dési-gnatifº, =ive [l. L.-gnativus], adj. : indicative. -gnation * | f : designation, indication ; nomination. ll-gner* [L. de-signare (signum, mark)], tr. : designate, indicate, point out; appoint, assign ; nominate, elect ; -gné, designated, appointed. dés- [L, dis] : -illusion º, f : disillusion. [L. -gnatio], | désolant 203 -illusionnerº, tr. : disillusion, un- deceive, disenchant. -incorporerº, tr. : disencorporate, disembody. désinenee* [l. L. de-sinentia (L. -mere, leave off, cease ; sinere, let)], f. : termi- nation, ending, desinence. dés- [L. dis]: -infatuerº, f : dispel the infatuation of, disillusion, undeceive. -infectant* [-infecter], adj. : disinfect- ing; m. : disinfectant. -infecterº, tr. : disinfect, deodorize. -infecteurº [in- ſecter], adj. : disinfecting. -infection º, ſ : disinfection, deodorization. -intéres- séº, adj. : uninterested ; disinterested ; unselfish, impartial. -intéressementº * [-interesser], m. : disinterestedness, im- partiality. f-intéressément" [-inte- ressé], adv. : disinterestedly. -invtéres- serº, tr. : render disinterested or un- selfish; render uninterested or indifferent; protect or satisfy the interests of, in- demnify ; buy out the interest of. -in- vertirº, tr. : (mil.) restore from inver- sion, turn right. -investirº, tr. : cease | to invest ; divest (of a function, etc.). -inviterº, tr. : recall the invitation of. -involteº [Sp. des-envuelto (L. in-vol- vere, ENVELOP), free, impudent], adj. : un- constrained, free and easy ; m. : uncon- straint, unconcern. -involture* [-in- volte], f : unconstraint, ease, unconcern. dé-sirº, fdE-sir, m. : desire (wish ; longing). -sirable*, adj. : desirable. |-sirer° [L. desideräre (sidus, * con- stellation': metaphor uncertain)], tr. : desire, long or wish for. -sireuac, =euse º, adj. : desirous, solicitous. désis-tEmentº, m. : desistance, desist- ing ; (leg.) nonsuit. ll-terº [L. de-sistere (stare, stand)], refl. or fintr. : fdesist ; (de) waive (a legal claim, etc.), abandon. dés- [L. dis] : -obéir*, tr. : disobey. -obéissan ee*, disobedience ; (leg.) con- tumacy. -obéissant*, adj. : disobedient. -obligeamentº [-obligeant], adv. : dis- obligingly. -obligean ee", f : disobliging disposition, disobligingness.-obligeantº, =ante, adj. : disobliging, uncomplaisant ; ſ : old narrow vehicle, sulky. -obliger º, tr. : disoblige ; #free from obligation. -obstruant* [-obstruer], adj. -ob- structif", =ive, adj. : (med.) deobstru- ent. -obstruction º, f : deobstruent action. -obstruer, tr. : deobstruct, clear from obstructions. f-oeeupation º, f : want of occupation. f-occuperº, tr. : deprive of occupation; -occupé, unoccupied, unemployed. -œuvré " eu-vré [dés-, œuvre], adj. : unoccupied, idle, unemployed. -œuvrEment" [-œuvre], m. : want of occupation or employment, idleness. déso-lantº, adj,: afflicting, dishearten- 204 désopilant ing, disconsolate. -Iateurº, m. : deso- later ; afflicter. -lation* [L. -latio], f : desolation ; disconsolateness, affliction. |-lerº [L.-lare (solus, alone), leave alone or lonely], tr. : desolate, lay waste ; dis- tress ; make disconsolate, afflict : -lé, disconsolate, distressed, afflicted ; ex- tremely sorry. dés- [L. dis]: -opiIantº [-opiler], adj. : (med.) deobstruent ; laughable. -opila- tifº, =ive [-opiler], adj. : (med.) deob- struent. -opilation º [-opiler], f : (med.)removal of obstruction. f-opilerº [dés-, L. op-pilare (pila, post), obstruct], tr. : deobstruct ; make laugh.' -ordon- né*, adj. : disorderly;unruly, unrestrained; , inordinate, intemperate ; excursive. -or- donnément* [-ordonné], adv. : dis- orderly ; inordinately. f-ordonnerº, tr. : put into disorder. -ordreº, m. : disorder, confusion ; uproar; riot, dis- orderly life. -organisateur", =triee, m., f : disorganizer. -organisation", f : disorganisation. -organiserº, tr. : disorganize. -orienterº, tr. : confuse as to which way is east, disorient, cause to lose the bearings, put out of one's reckoning ; disconcert : être -é, lose one's bearings or way ; be confused or bewild- ered. -ormais* [dés-, or, mais], adj. : from this time, henceforth, hereafter. -ossement" [-osser], m. : taking out the bones, boning. -osser* [dés-, os], tr. : take out the bones of, bone. -ourdirº, tr. : unweave, unravel. -oxydation ", | f : deoxydation. -oxyder" [des-, oxyde], tr. : deoxydise. -oxygénation ", disoxygenation. -oxygéner*[dés-, oxy- gène], tr. : disoxygenatè. despo-te*[Gr.-pôtes, master],m. : despot. -tique* [Gr. -tikôs], adj. : despotic(al). -tiquementº [-tique], adv. : despoti- cally. -tismeº, m.: despotism. déspu-mation º, f : despumation. |-merº [L.-mare (spuma, foam)], tr. : (pharm.) despumate, skim. désquamation" [L. -mare (squama, scale)], f : desquamation. des- [L. dis] : -saigner, tr. : free from blood. -saisirº, tr. : deprive of the pos- session. -saisissementº [-saisir], m. : divesting one's self. -saisonner*, tr. : cultivate unseasonably. -salement" [-saler], m. : unsalting. -saler, tr. : render less salt, freshen ; #make cunning (only in -salé(e), cunning, sharp ; m., f : sharp person). loosen the girth of. -saquerº [dés-, sac], tr. : take from the sack or bag, unbag. des-séehantº, drying. -sé ehementº or -sèehement, m. : drying ; dryness ; draining, drainage; emaciation. : | desseu-vrEmentº, m. : -sangler*, tr. : ungird, |-sé- dessolement eherº [dé- (L. de), sécher], tr. : dry (up) ; parch, wither; drain ; emaciate, waste ; #ºi fintr. : become dry; pine with OVe, - dessein* [-seigner = -siner], m. : design (plan ; project, intention) : à -, on pur- pose, designedly, purposely, intentionally ; à bon -, with a good intention ; à — de, with a design to, in order to; à — que, to the end that ; that ; sans -, undesign- edly, unintentionally. des- [L. dis] : -seller*, tr. : unsaddle. -serre*, f : loosening : être dur à la —, spend money freely. -serrer º, tr. : loosen, slacken, let go ; unlock (teeth ; or, in print., a form) ; funbend (a bow, etc.), fdischarge, flet fly, deal (a blow). -sertº [2.-servir], m. : (old, clearing the table) ; dessert. I.-serteº [-sert], f : dishes cleared away from the table ; leavings. 2.-serte* [I.-servir], f : service ; eccle- siastical service, officiating ; communal service. -sertirº, tr. : unset (gems, etc.). -servant* [-servir], m. : parochial priest, curate. -servir° [p. L. dë-servire (L. servire, serve)], irr. (cf. servir); tr. : (old gain in serving, earn) ; serve punctually ; perform religious service at, officiafe or conduct public service at, (#Eng. tr. offici- ate) ; serve as a means of communication, (of coaches, etc.) pass through, stop at, call at. 2.-servirº [dés-, servir], irr. (cf. servir); tr. : remove (dishes, etc., from the table), clear (intr. : clear the table) ; disserve, do an ill service to, harm ; try to damage. • separation of sheets of paper. ll-vrerº [dé-, sevrer], tr. : SEPARATE sheets of paper. dessicca-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (siccare, dry)], adj. : desiccative. - tion * [L. -tio], jf : desiccation. fdessibler = déciller. des-sinº, m. : design, drawing, sketch, draught ; pattern ; (mus.) arrangement. -sinateurº, -sinatriee, m., f : de- signer, sketcher, pattern drawer. |-si- nerº [It. disegnare (L. de-signare, sig- num, mark, SIGN)], tr. : DESIGN (draw, delineate, sketch) ; outline ; etch ; set off | (the shape) : se -, be delineated or out- lined, become visible ; assume form ; dis- play one's figure to advantage. 'des- [L. dis] : -solement" [I.-soler], m. : change in the order of cultivation. I.-so- lerº [des-, root of assoler], tr. : change the order of the cultivation of (lands). 2.-soler* [dés-, sole, sole], tr. : unsole (horse, etc.). -solureº [-soler],f : unsol- ing (of animals). -sornerº [dés-, sorne], tr. : free from scum or dross. -souehe- ment" [-soucher], m. : clearing (land of dessous stumps). |-soueher"[souche], tr. : clear (land) of stumps of trees. -souder*, tr. : unsolder. -soulerº, tr. : bring out of drunkenness, sober ; refl., intr. : get sober again. dEssousº [de, sous], fprep. : under, be- loW ; adv. : under, below, underneath ; m. : under side or part ; disadvantage, worst ; lee (wind) : en —, undermeath ; downward ; sly ; le — du vent, leeward ; avoir le -, have the disadvantage or Worst of it, be worsted ; au - (de), be- low, beneath ; par -, under, beneath. fdessu*\[dés-, su, * known'], m. : au (or à) -, unknown. dEssusº [de, sus], adv. : on, upon, over, above, uppermost ; m. : upper side or part, top ; upper hand, advantage ; fprep. : (up)on : au -, above ; upwards ; en -, on the upper or right side ; in the upper part ; above ; at the top ; le - de la main, the back of the hand ; le - de la tête, the crown of the head ; le - d'un livre, the upper part or the cover of a book ; le - du vent, (nav.) the weather gage. des-tinº, m. : destiny, fate; issue; fdes- tination (purpose). -tinataire*, m., ·f. : person for whom a thing is destined, to | whom it is addressed, addressee, con- signee, receiver. -tinateurº, -tina- triee, m., f. : sender, consignor. -tina- tion * [L.-tinatio], f : =. -tinatoire*, adj. : (leg.) destining ; assigning. -ti- née º, f. : destiny, fate ; Destiny. |-ti- nerº [L. -tinare (de, *stinare, ak. to stare, stand), fix], tr. : ffix ; destine (al- lot, doom ; design, intend); #resolve: 8e -, be destined, make up one's mind ; -timé pour, (nav.) bound for, (post.) addressed ; personne qui -tine, appropriator. • desti-tuable º, adj. : removable from office. ll-tuerº [L. -tuere (statuere, set), set away], tr. : set wide, remove, dismiss, discharge ; #deprive, (fEng. DES- TITUTE). -tution [L. -tutio], f : removal, dismissal (from office). I.des-trier°º [OFr. destre (L. dextra), right hand (the squire leading his master's horse on his right)], m. : war-horse, steed, charger, fEng.DESTRER. 2.-trier*[Prov. (L. dextra, right hand)], m. : smith's ham- IſlGI". destruc-teur*, -triee [L. -tor (de- struere, un-build)], m., f. : DESTROYER, destructor, despoiler ; adj. : destructive. -tibilité " [L. -tibilitas], f : destruc- tibility. -tible " [L. -tibilis], f. : -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : destructive. -tion * [L. -tio], f : =. -tivité º, f : (phren.) destructiveness. désuétude º [L. de-suetudo (suescere, be used)], f : desuetude, disuse. &•ms $ détente 205 dés- [L. dis]: -union*, f : disunion, dis- ruption. -unir*, tr. : disunite, disjoin, sever. f-unissantº [-unir], adj. : dis- uniting. f-usité º, adj. : disused, obsolete. déta-ehementº, m. : detachment (sepa- ration, disengagement, abstraction ; body detached, troop) ; #separatistic religious party. I.ll-eherº [dé-, tache, fixed pointl, tr. : detach, separate, disengage, loosen ; abstract ; deal (a blow) ; (mil.) detail ; draft : se —, become detached or loosened, come off or undone ; free or dis- engage one's self ; se - de, renunciate ; leave off. 2.détaeherº [dé-, tacher], tr. : free from spots or stains, clean. détaeheur* [I.-cher], m. : detacher, SGOl1l'eI°. dé-tail*, m. : detail, particular, minute- ness ; retail. -taillantº, -taillante, m., f : retailer. |-taillerº [dé-, tailler], tr. : cut up (in pieces) ; sell by retail, retail; detail, particularize, spe- cify. f-tailleur*, -tailIeresse, m., f : retailer. • déta-lage", m. : taking in goods (that have beèn exposed for sale). |-Ierº [dé-, root of é-taler], tr. : take in goods (exposed for sale), pack up ; intr. : (fam.) Scamper away, abscond. détalinguerº [dé-, root of étalinguer], tr. : unbend (the cable). detaIler" [dé-, talle], tr. : strip (a plant) of its suckers or shoots. détaperº [dé-, taper], tr. : remove the tampion of (a gun), or the tap of. détapisser* [dé-, tapisser], tr. : strip of tapestry; unpaper. » détax-eº, f : reduction of a tax. |-erº [dé-, taxer], tr. : remove or reduce a tax. détectiveº [Eng. de-tective (L. tegere, cover)], m. : detective. déteindre* [dé-, teindre], irr.; tr. : , take out the dye or colour of; intr. (refl.): | lose colour, fade, come out. dételer* [dé-, root of atteler], tr. : un- harness, unyoke. - dé-tendageº, m. : loosening the warp. l-tendré* [dé-, tendre], tr. : unbend, relax, slacken, unbrace; unhinge, unhang, take down, strike (a tent). $ détenir* [L. de-tinere (tenere, hold)], irr. (cf. tenir); tr. : detain, keep or hold back ; keep (in prison) ; -nu, -nue, m., f : prisoner (before trial): les jeunes -mus, young prisoners subject to special rules. détente* [-tendre (L. tendere, stretch)], ſ : unbending or relaxing ; pulling (a trigger, thus relaxing the spring) ; trig- ger ; detent, catch ; reduction of the tension (of gases) ; cutting off the steam 206 (for expansion) ; relaxation of force, vio- lence or severity : lâcher la —, pull the trigger ; double -, hair trigger ; ma- chine à -, expansion engine ; à la -, in pulling the trigger ; dur à la -, having stiff trigger ; close-fisted ; la - du temps, the relaxation in the severity of the temperature ; la de la maladie, the reduced severity of the sickness, the improvement ; : la - de l'esprit, the tempered violence of the mind ; une — dans les relations, a relaxation of the strained relations. déten-teur*, -triee [L. -tentor (tenere, hold)], m., f : holder, DETAINER. -tion º [L. -tio], f : detention. 1 déte-nu*, I.-nue [-nir], part. : detained, etc. ; m., f : prisoner. 2.f-nue*, f : de- tention. déter-gentº [L. -gens], adj. or m. : detergént. |-gerº [L. -gere (tergere, rub off)], tr. : déterge, cleanse. détério-ration *[L.-ratio],f : deteriora- tion. |-rer* [L. -rare (deterior, worse)], tr. : deteriorate, make worse, impair : se -, deteriorate, grow worse, be defaced. détermi-nable º, adj. : determinable. -nant*, adj. : determinative ; deter- mined, decisive; m. : (gram. or algebr.) détenteur determinant. , -natifº, =ive, adj. or m. : (gram.) determinative. -nation º [L. -natio], determination. -I1é, part. : determined ; resolute ; determinate ; m. : resolute or desperate fellow. - nément [-né], adj. : determinedly, resolutely ; determinately, positively. |-nerº° [L. -mare (terminus, limit)], tr. : determine (fix, settle ; define, limit; ascertain; bring to a conclusion, decide ; cause to come to a conclusion or decision, make some one take a resolution, induce) : se —, deter- mine, resolve, make up one's mind. -nisme º, m. : determinism (doctrine that the will is inevitably determined by motives). -niste º, m. : determinist (cf. -nisme). - , déter-rerº [dé-, terre], tr. : unearth, DISINTER, dig up ; discover, bring to light ; unkennel (foxes) ; -ré, dug up, etc. ; m. : person dug up : avoir l'air d'un -ré, look like one risen from the dead. -reur, m. : one who disinters or brings to light ; curiosity-hunter ; body-snatcher. déter-sifº, =ive [L. -sus (tegere, rub)], adj. : detersive, abstergent, cleansing. -sion* [L. -sio], f : detersion, cleansing. détes-table* [L. -tabilis], adj. : detest- able. -tablEmentº, adv. : detestably. -tation º, f : detestation. |-terº [L. ,-tari (testari, testify), curse in calling a deity to witness, execrate], tr. : fcurse (also intr.); detest, abhor, loathe. - détraquement détirer* [tirer], tr. : draw or pull out, · stretch : se -, stretch one's self (or one's limbs) out comfortably. " • fdétiser* [dé-, root of attiser], tr. : moderate (the fire) by spreading out the fuel. détisserº[dé-, tisser], tr. : unravel; unsew. déto-nant", adj. : detonating. -na- tion º,.f. : detonation. -nerº [L. -nare (tomare, thunder)], intr. : detonate. detonnerº [dé-, ton], intr. : get or be Out of tune ; be discordant ; talk non- S61lSe. détordreº [dé-, tordre], tr. : untwist, un- twine, unravel, unwring; ftwist, +wrench : #détors, old part.,untwisted. +-torquerº [L.-quere], tr. : DISTORT. f-tors, see dé- tordre. -torse*, f : twist, sprain. -tor- tiller* [tortiller], tr. : untwist ; un- ravel. 4 détoueherº [dé-, toucher], intr. : (nav.) get off or afloat. fdétouper* [dé-, toup], tr. : unstop, take the tow out of; take the wool out of (the ears). détoupillonerº [dé-, toupillon], tr. : prune (orange trees). dé-tour*, m. : fnrning, winding ; cir- cuitous road, by-way; evasion, shift, sub- terfuge ; recess : je connais ses tours et -s, I know all his evasions and subter- fuges ; être sans —, be sincere ; les -s du cœur, the recesses (or folds) of the heart. -tourneº, f : turning of the points the same way (in pin-making) ; (cant) turning away the attention (vol à la -, shoplifting). -tournEment*, m. : turning away or aside ; abduction ; em- bezzlement. |-tourner [dé-, tourner], tr. : turn away or aside, take out of his road ; divert, avert, ward off; deprecate ; convey or steal away, abduct, embezzle : se -, turn away or aside, swerve ; -tourné, turned away, etc. ; oblique ; crooked, indi- rect ; chemin -tourné, by-way; voie -tour- née, crooked or indirect way, wrong way. détrae-terº, tr. : defame, disparage, slander. |-teurº [L. -tor (de-, trahere, draw away)], m. : detractor, slanderer. -tion* [L. -tio], f : detraction, disparage- ment, slander ; (leg.) deduction from the inheritance of foreigners. détrangerº [dé-, old étranger (cf. étran- ger), take away], tr. : destroy (insects in- jurious to plants). fdétra-pe", f : (dial.) riddance, disen- cumbrance. ll-per* [dé-, trappe], tr. : (dial. and arch.) get rid of, disembarrass of. détra-quementº, m. : derangement, dis- order. |-quer* [dé-, trac], tr. : fde- range (in his walk), flead astray ; fmake A. / /, détrempe . / (a horse) break his gait ; derange (in its mechanism), disorder; unsettle, craze. dé-trempe*, f : distemper (body-colour of pigments tempered 6r diluted with glue, instead of oil),painting in distem- per; (fig.) lack A5f genuineness : un ouvrage en —, slovenly literary work; un mariage en -#, a pretended marriage, con- cubinage ; softening (of steel). ll-trem- per° [I.L. dis-temperäre (cf. tremper) ; 2.dé-, tremperl, tr. : dilute, TEMPER or water (lime, etc.) ; DISTEMPER (colours, with size) ; fmollify ; dissolve (solids) ; 2.deprive (steel) of temper, soften. détresse° [p. L. di-stricta (L. stringere, draw tight)], f : DISTRESS (anguish, grief ; extreme danger). · détresser* [dé-, tresser], tr. : unplait, unweave. détretº [dial. form of -troit], m. : hand- VIGe. détri-ment* [L. -mentum], m. : detri- ment, damage ; (geol.) detritus (mass * worn off'). |-terº [L. de-terere (terere, rub, bruise)], tr. : bruise, crush (seeds, etc.). -tion * [L. -tio], f : detrition. -tiqueº | [-sus], adj. : detrital. -toire*, m. : crush- ing mill (for olives). -tusº [L.], m. : detritus (mass ' worn off'). détroit° [p. L. *di-strictus (L. stringere, draw tight)], m. : STRAIT, narrow, sound ; (anat.) inlet; fnarrow pass (gorge), fisth- mus ; #DISTRICT. détromperº [tromper], tr. : undeceive ; disenchant : se -, be undeceived, return or recover from an error. détroncation*[L.-tio(truncare, maim)], • f : detroncation. - détrô-nementº, m. : dethronement. |-nerº [dé-, trône], tr. : dethrone. détroquerº [Gasc. des-trouca (ak. to troche, bundle)], tr. : separate (oysters) for planting. détrous-ser* [dé-, trousse], tr. : untuck, let down ; #unpack ; plunder, rifle, rob. -seurº, m. : robber, highwayman. dé-truire°[p. L.*destrügere(L. de-struere, 'un-build,'tear down)], irr. (like conduire) ; tr. : DESTROY (tear down, demolish ; ruin, subvert) ; extinguish : se -, destroy one's self, be destroyed, fall to ruin, decay ; destroy each other; neutralise each other. -truisantº, adj. : destroying, destruc- tive. det-te° [p. L. *dèbita (L. -tum, debëre, owe)], f : DEBT ; obligation. f-teur° [L. debitor), m. : debtor. déturbateur º, =triee [L. de-turbare (turba, disorder)], adj. : disturbing. deuil° PL. dolium (dolère, be pained)], m. : mourning (grief ; mourning dress or drap- ery, black) ; funeral procession, mourners ; devant 207 time of mourning : habit de —, mourning clothes ; grand (petit) -, deep (half) mourning ; prendre le -, go into mourn- ing; mener le -, lead the funeral proces- sion, be the chief mourner; be the sur- vivor; faire son - d'une chose, make up one's mind to the loss of a thing. deu-tér ... [Gr. deûteros, second]: -téra- goniste*[Gr. agonistés, ACTOR], m. : actor of second parts (in Greek plays). -ter- gie* [Gr. érgon, WORK], f : secondary or indirect effect (of medicines). -téroea- nonique " [Gr. kanonikôs, canonic], adj. : put into the canonic books at second-hand, interpolated. -téronome* [L. -mium (Gr. nómos, law)l, m. : Deuteronomy (5th book of the Pentateuch, containing the 2d giving of the law). -téropathie" [Gr. páthos, sickness], f. : (med.) deuteropathy (sympathetic affection); secondary disease. -téropathique" [Gr. páthos, sickness], adj. : deuteropathic. -téroseopie" [Gr. skopeîn, see], f. : deuteroscopy, second sight. -to . .., prefix (in chem. terms): deuto- (of the second degree). deu-x° [L. duos (acc. of duo)l, adj. or m. : TWO ; second ; DEUCE : — fois autant, twice as much (or many) ; de - jours en - jours, every two days ; de - jours l'un, every other day ; piquer des -, clap spurs to one's horse ; tous -, both (to- gether) ; tous les —, both ; n'en faire ni un ni —, decide at once. -xième* x = z, adj. or f : second. -xièmement" a = z [-xième], adv. : secondly, in the second place. -x-quatre", m. : (mus.) two fourths line. -ac-points, m. : colon. -ac-ponts, m. : two-decker. dévalerº [dé-, val], fintr. : descend a slope (go down); tr. : descend, let down, lower. dévali-serº [dé-, valise], tr. : rob of the valise or property, plunder, rifle. -seur", =euse, m., f. : robber, plunderer. dEvan-eerº [devant], tr. : get before or ahead of, outstrip, outrun-; surpass ; pre- cede ; have the precedence of; happen or take place before ; forestall ; anticipate : il l'a —é, he has outstripped him (left him behind). -eierº, -eière, m.,.f. : prede- cessor; pl. also ancestors. dEvan-tº [de, -vant in anal. with avant], prep. : before (a place, fin time), in front of, in the presence of; (nav.) ahead of ; adv. : before (of place, fin time), in front ; (nav.) ahead ; m. : fore-part front ; fore- ground ; (cards) lead : ôtez-vous de - moi, get out of my sight ; ôtez-vous de — mon jour, get out of my light ; par -, before ; sens — derrière, hind part fore- : · most. -teau*, m. : fapron ; sail-lining. f-tier º, m. : apron. f-tière º, f : rid- 208 dévaser ing-petticoat. -ture º, f : fore-part or front (esp. of a building) ; jointure be- tween a chimney and the tiles. dévaserº [dé-, vase], tr. : free from mud. dévas-tateur", -tatriee [L. -tator], m., f. : devastator, destroyer, ravager ; adj. : devastating, etc. -tation * [L. -tatio], f : devastation. |-ter* [L. -tare (L. vastare, lay WASTE)], tr. : devastate, lay Waste, ravage. déveine* [dé-, veine], f : luck. 4 dévelop-pable*, adj. : susceptible of run of bad development. -pante", f. : (geom.) in-| volvent ; involute. -pateur º, m. : devel- oper (chem. reagent to develop photo- graphs). -pée", f. : (geom.) evolute. -pement*, m. : development, unfolding, evolution. |-perº [dé-, root velop (de- riv. ?)l, tr. : develop, unfold, unwrap ; ex- pand ; expound ; #free or deliver (from infolds or troubles), fdisembarrass : se —, become developed, develop, expand, un- fold, extend, grow. dEvenir° [L. de-venïre (venire, come)], irr. (cf. venir) ; intr. : BECOME, get, turn, be : - à rien, come to nothing ; qu'est-il -mal ? what has become of him ? que vou- lez-vous -? what do you wish to be, what profession will you follow ? je ne sais plus que -, I don't know which way to turn ; faire - fou, drive one mad. déventerº [dé-, vent], tr. : take the wind out of (sails). dévergon-dageº [-der], m. : shameless or impudent conduct, impudence, barefaced licentiousness. |-dée [dé-, OFr. vergonde (cf. vergogne)], adj. : shameless, impudent, lewd ; m., f. : impudent or rakish person ; rake ; harlot. f-dementº [-der], m. : shameless conduct or life. . -derº, refl. : lose all sense of shame, be shamelessly dissolute. dévernir º [dé-, vernir], tr. : rub off the Varnish or polish of, se -, lose its polish. déverrouiller* [dé-, verrouiller], tr. : unbolt. dEversº [de-, vers], prep. : towards, near : · par -, towards ; near, with, in the pos- session of ; (leg.) before ; de —, from somewhere about. dé-versº [L.-versus (vertere,turn),turned down], fadj. : bending, inclining ; m. : in- clination, leaning, slant, incline ; lever. -versEment* [2.-verser], m. : outpour- (ing), discharge ; overflowing ; pouring, decantation. I.-verserº [-vers], tr., intr. : bend, incline, lean. 2.-verser " [verser], tr. : pour (out), discharge, DIVERT (waters), pour or throw (contempt, etc.). -versoir* [2.-verser], m. : overflow- pipe or basin or waste (of a pond, tub, devoir etc.); water-gate, sluice, discharging slope of a dam, drain hole ; reservoir (receiving an overflow); pavement slope (towards the gutter). - dévê-tirº [vêtir], irr.; tr. : undress, despoil of vestments or clothes ; DIVEST. -tissement*, m. : (leg.) divestiture. déviation * [L. -tio (via, WAY)], f : de- viation ; deflection. dévi-dage", m. : winding off. |-der ! [dé-, vidèr], tr. : #VOID (empty) ; wind off (into skeins or balls), unwind ; spin out ; run through, go over. -deur*, =euse, m., f : winder. -doir*, m. : winder, reel ; hose-cart ; (vulg.) twisted shell. dévierº [L. de-viare (via, WAY)], intr. : deviate, swerve, deflect ; tr. : deflect, turn aside, twist : feuille -ée, leaf whose up- per surface is turned towards the sun. dE-vian°, -vine [L. di-vinus (ak. to deus, God)], adj. : divine ; m. : diviner, soothsayer ; boa constrictor (as worshiped by certain savage tribes), black Snake. -vinerº, tr. : divine, prognosticate; con- jecture, guess. -vineresse * [-neur], f : diviner, soothsayer, prophetess, sorceress. -vineurº, =euse [-ner], m., f. : (fam.) guesSer. dévi-rageº, m. : (nuv.) unrulling , curbed form, curving. |-rer" [dé-, virer], turn back, unroll ; turn out, round. . dEvis* [-ser], m. : specification, estimate; fdiscourse (talk). - dévisagerº [dé-, visage (2.by influence of envisager)], tr. : I.scratch or injure the face of, disfigure ; 2.º stare (one) in the face, stare at (rudely). - dévi-seº, f : fdivision (her. half-width) ; devise (emblematic design in an escutch- eon ; such sign with a motto ; emblem ; motto, posy, verselet. -ser° [p. L. *-säre (L. dividere, divide)l, ftr. : divide (dis- tribute, dispose) ; intr. : discourse, talk, chat. dévisser* [dé-, visser], tr. : unscrew. dévitrifierº [dé-, vitrifier], tr.: devitrify. dévoiement* [-voyer], m. : fleading out of the way; slant or inclination (of pipes, chimney-fiues, etG.) ; physical disorder ; diarrhœa. dévoi-lementº, m. : unveiling. |-lerº [dé-, voiler], tr. : unveil, uncover, discover. I.dEvoir° [L. debère], irr. $ ; tr. (with noun object): owe; intr. : be in DEBT; (with infinitive object) be DUE, be bound ; be destined, be (to) ; should, must, ought : se -, owe (it to) one's self; dû, owed, etc., due ; il doit venir ce soir, he is to be here this evening; il devait partir ce matin, he was to set out this morning ; je lui dois mon malheur, I owe my mis- fortune to him ; il doit se conduire autre- 209 relieve the bowels of, relieve ; se —, lose one's way, #º astray : be slanting. dévrillerº [dé-, vrille], #r: unravel. dex-térité* [L. -teritäsl, f : dexterity, adroitness, skill. |-tréº [L. -ter, right, skilful], adj. : #right (ôïijthe right hand), fdexter; dexterous, # skilful; f : right hand or side. #rE-mentº, adv. : dexterously. -trineº, f : gum-like sub- stance (so named from its rotating the plane of polarization to the right). -tro- [-ter], in some raré, words much like the Ehmglish. Jº deyº [Turk, dai], m# = (ancient sovereign of Algiers). 4 diaº [?], interj. : #haw ! (= "go left !" to dévole diacommatique ment, he must (should, ought to) behave differently ; elle doit être belle, she must be beautiful. 2.-voir [Infinit. of I.devoir], m. : DUTY, obligation ; task, exercise ; pl. DEVOIRS, marks of respect, respects, hon- ours (to the dead). $ Ind. : Pr. doz-s, -s, -# ; dev-ozzs, -e2, doi- vent. Ipf. dezſazs. Pret. dus. Fut. (Cond.) devra2(s). — Subj. : Pr. doz-z/e, -es, -e ; dezº-zozzs, -iez, dozvezut. Ipf. dusse. — I've dozs. — Part. : Pr. dezvazzz ; P. dû. dévo-leº [dé, vole], adj. : (cards) slam- med, having no trick. -lé, =éeº, m., f : player who has made no trick. -lerº, intr. : lose all the tricks. dévo-lu*, f-lut [L. -lutus (de-volvere, roll down, pass on)], adj. : devolved; es- cheated ; m. : devolution (transference) ; reversion of a benefice (to the pope, etc.), lapse of right ; letter of transference (of a benefice reverted to the pope) : une bénéfice tombée en —, a benefice fallen in- to lapse of right ; jeter un - sur, lay a claim to, pretend to. -Iutaire* [L. -lutus], m. : obtainer of a benefice fallen into lapse of right. -lutus], adj. : causing a transfer : appel -, appeal to a higher court. -lution º [L. -lutus], f : devolution, escheat ; fall- ing of property to children of the first marriage ; transference (of a benefice). dévonien º, =enne [Eng. -nian (Devon, shire in E.)], adj. : (geol.) devonian. dévo-rantº, adj. : devouring, consuming; voracious; sharp (of the air). -rateur*, -ratriee [L. -rator], adj. : devouring, wasting. |-rer* [L. -rare (vorare, eat greedily)], tr. : devour; consume ; squan- der; suppress, conquer : - un affront, brook or pocket an offence ; — des yeux, stare at. -reur*, =euse, m., f : de- Vourer, glutton. -lutifº, =ive -[L. | horses): il n'entend ni à hue ni à—, he won't gee nor haw, won't understand anything. dia-bèteº [Gr. -bêtes (dia-bainein, go through)], m. : diabetes (disease attended with excessive discharge of urine). -bé- tique*, adj. : diabetic ; m., f : sufferer with diabetes. - dia-bIeº [l. L. -bolus (Gr. -los, dia-bállein, caluminate)], m. : DEVIL (Satan ; wicked or wretched person, fellow), deuce ; name qf various objects, as jack-in-a-box (toy), air tube (in a furnace), Cartesian devil, machine for cleaning hair or cotton ; truck, (artil.) mortar truck carriage, (nav.) bung-drawer ; interj. : the devil ! . the deuce! — des bois, sort of ape ; - de mer, sea-devil ; à la —, Wretchedly bad ; un bon —, a good-natured fellow ; c'est le —, there's the devil of it ; faire le - à quatre, play the devil ; être -, be a devil, be bad ; au —! the devil take it ! -bIE- ment º, adv. : devilishly, furiously. -bIE- rie*,f. : sorcery (by the aid of the devil), witchcraft, diabolical plot; répresenta- tion (play, painting, writing, etc.), in which devils play a part ; diabolical conduct, dé-vot*, -vote [L. -tus (vovere, vow)], à, deviltry; wildness. -blesse*, f : she- adj. : DEVOUT, pious ; sanctimonious ; m., j : devout, religious person; devotee, devil ; hag, shrew. -blEteau*, m. : saint. -votement*, adv. : devoutly ;| little devil, devilkin. -bIEzotº, interj. : sanctimoniously. f-votieusementº | the devil ! -blotº, m. : fdevilkin ; [-votieuxl, adv. : devoutly. , f-votieux*, | mizen-top-gallant stay-sail. -blotinº [-blot], m. : little devil ; wild child ; kind of petrel (bird) ; candy or chocolate cracker ; mizen-top-mast stay-sail ; little storm-cloud ; indigo-tub ; olive-oil work- man (who brings the olives). -boIique * [L. -bolicus], adj. : diabolical. -bolique- ment* [-bolique], adv. : diabolically. diacante" [Gr. di-, twice, âkantha, thorn,], adj. : double-thorned. diacaustique* [Gr. diá, through, Fr. caustique], adj. : diacaustic. diaehylon º, -lum [L. -lon (Gr. diá- chulos, thoroughly juicy)], m. : diachylon (plaster once made of several juices). diacommatique" [Gr. diá, through, =euse [L. -votus], adj. : devout. -vo- tion * [L. -votio], f : devotion, devout- ness ; #devotedness : être-dans la -, be a devotee ; faire ses —s, perform one's de- votions, receive the communion. -voue- | ment* or -voûment [-vouer], m. : devotion (fconsecration, fsacrifice ; de- votedness). -vouerº [de- (L. de), vouer], tr. : devote (corsecrate; attach, addict, resign ; consign). dé-voyé*, m.: stray sheep ( out of the wayº of salvation). |-voyer * [dé-, voie], tr. : lead the wrong way, mislead, lead astray ; build or place slanting or · obliquely (-voyé, slanting, out of true) ; | 210 diacona1 Fr. comma], adj. : (mus.) that raises a · note to make a harmonious transition. diaco-malº [l. L. -nalis (cf. diacre)], · adj. : diaconal. -natº [l. L. -natus], m. : diaconate, deaconry; deaconship. -nesseº [l. L. -nissa], f : deaconess. -nie* [l. L. -nia], f. : church of a cardinal deacon, deaconry. fdiacoustique" [Gr. diá, through, Fr. ºſ , ſ : diacoustics. diaere* [L. -conus, Gr. diákonos (?), ser- vant, minister], m. : DEACON (person ad- mitted to the lowest orderinthe ministry). diacri-se" [l. L. -sis (Gr. dia-krînein, DISCERN)], f. : characteristic crisis of a disease. -tique* [Gr. -tikôs], adj. : dia- critic(al). diadelphe" [l. L. -phia (Gr. di-, twice, adelphôs, brother)], f. : (bot.) diadelphia. dia-dème* [L.-dema (Gr. dia-deîn, bind round)], m. : diadem. -déméº, adj. : diademed. - Diaguernat, m. : Juggernaut (Hindoo ' deity). diaglypheº or -glypte [Gr. -phos (diá, glüphein, carve)], m. : diaglyph, engraving. dia-gnoseº [Gr. diá-gnosis (diá, through, gignôskein, KNOW)], f : diagnosis. -gmos- tic, -gnostiqueº [Gr. -gnostikôs], adj. : diagnostic ; m. : diagnostic diagnosis. '-gnostiquerº [-gnostique], tr. : diag- 110S6). diagomètre* [Gr. diágein, conduct, mètre], m. : diagometer , (sort of electro- scope). diagona-lº [L. -lis, Gr. dia-gônios (gonía, angle), from angle to angle], adj. : -lement, adv. : diagonally. dia-gramme" [Gr. -gramma], m. : dia- gram. ll-grapheº [Gr.-gráphein (write), design], m. : diagraph. diaireº [L. -arius (dies, DAY)], adj. : (med.) lasting one day. dialee-talº, adj. : dialect(ic)al. ll-te [L. -tus (dia-légesthai, converse, légein, speak)], m. : dialect. -tieien *, -ti- eienne [L. -ticus], m., f : dialectician. -tique * [L. -ticus], adj. : dialectic(al) ; f : dialectics, logic. -tiquementº [-tique], adj. : dialectically. - diailageº [Gr. -gé, changel, m. : (min.) dialo-gique" [L. -gieus], adj. : dialo- gi(sti)cal. -giser = -guer. -gismeº [Gr. -gismôs], m. : dialogism. f-giste [-gisme], m., f : dialogist. |-gue* [L. · -gus (Gr. dia-légesthai, discourse, légein, speak], m. : dialogue. -guerº, intr. : ( fam.) converse ; tr. : arrange in dia- logue. - - dia-lysable* [-ser], adj. : capable of dialysis. ll-lyseº [L. -lusis (Gr, diá- diastaltique luein, part asunder, lûein, LOOSE)], f : dialysis. -lyserº,tr. : dialyze. -1yseurº [-lyser], m. : dialyzer. diaman-t* [I.L. *diamas, l. Gr. -mante, corruption of Gr. âdamas, gen. -mantos (a, not, damâin, TAME)], m. : diamond; gem (gen'ly as of a crown) ; adamant, diamond- shaped ornament (i.e. cut with facets), crown of an anchor. -taire º, m. : fdia- mond-cutter; adj. : diamond. -téº, adj. : diamonded, set with diamonds. -tifère º, adj. : gold-bearing. dia-métral* [L. -metralis], adj. : dia- metral. -métralementº [-métral], adv. : diametrically. |-mètre* [L. -metrus (Gr. diá, through, métron, meas- ure)], m. : diameter. - dian-dre", adj. : diandrian. |-drie" [L. -dria (Gr. di-, twice, anér, man)], f. : diandria (class of plants with two stamens). -drique = -dre. Diane, f. : Diana. - dianeº [Sp. -na (L. dies, DAY)], f : re- veille (beat of drum about daybreak), morning gun ; reveille time, dawn : bail- ler la - à l'ennemi, surprise the enemy at daybreak. dian-treº [euphem. of diablel, m. : deuce. -trEmentº, adv.: (fam.) deucedly. diapason* [L. (Gr. dià, through, pasôn, gen. pl. of pâs, all, viz. notes)], m. : (octave including all the tones of the dia- tonic scale) ; tuning fork ; a general tone or disposition (of a person). diapédèse" [Gr. -pédesis (diá, through, pedân, leap)], f : (med.) diapedesis. diapha-neº [Gr. -nés (dia-phaínein, shine through)], adj. : diaphanous ; trans- parent ; m. : transparency. -néité*, f : diaphaneity. - diaphonie" [Gr. -phonia (phoné, sound), discordance], f : diaphony, elementary harmony (in plain chant) of fourths, fifths · and octaves. diaphoreº [Gr. -ra (dia-phérein, DIF- FER)], f. : (rhet.) repetition of a word in a different sense. diapho-rèse" [L. -resis (dia-phoreîn, carry through)], f. : diaphoresis (increase of perspiration). -rétique* [L. -reti- cus], adj. : diaphoretic(al). . diaphrag-matique*, adj. : diaphrag- matic. |-me* [L. -ma (diá, through, phrâssein, fence)], m. : diaphragm. dia-prerº [l. L. diasprum (? L. jasper), flowery textile fabric], tr. : diaper, varie- gate. -prure*, f : diapering, varie- gation. - diarrhée* [L. -hœa (Gr. diá, through, rheîn, flow)], f : diarrhœa. diastaltique* [Gr. -kôs, apt to sepa- rate], adj. : muscle-contracting. 8-4 diastase diastase" [Gr. -sis (dia-stánai, STAND apart)], f : (chem.) diastase ; (surg.) dias- tasis, dislocation. } diastoleº [Gr. -te (dia-stéllein, put asunder)], f. : diastole (dilatation of the heart, etc. ; sign in Greek manuscripts · separating words). - diastyle* [L. -lus (Gr. diá, through, stûlos, pillar)], f. : (arch.) diastyle. diathèse º [Gr. -sis (dia-tithénai, put apart, arrange)], f : diathesis (predispo- sition to a disease). • • diatomi-que" [L. -cus (Gr. diá, by, tônos, TONE)], adj. : diatonic (pertaining to the scale of eight tones). -quement", adv. : · diatonically. diatragacanthe [l. L. -thum], m. : tra- gacanth powder. diatribeº [L. -ba (Gr. dia-tribein, rub away)], f : diatribe, virulent criticism. die horée [L. -reus (Gr. di-chôreios, two- choreus)], f : dichoreus (joining of two chorees : anc. metries). diehoto-me" [Gr. -mos (di-cha, in TWO, témein, cut)], adj. : divided in two ; dicho- tomous. -mie", f : dichotomy. -mi- que º, adj. : (bot.) dichotomous. diehroïsmeº [Gr. di-chroos, TWO-col- oured], m. : dichroism. ^ - dieIine" [Gr. di-, TWICE, kline, bed], adj. : (bot.) declinans (hav'g stamens and pistils in separate flowers). - dieotylédone " or - né [Gr. di-, TWICE, · cotyledon (cf. lédon)], adj. : dicotyledo- nous ; f : dicotyledon. dietame* [L. -mum], m. : dittany (mint- plant). #die-tamen* [L.], m. : dictate, dictamen. -tateur* [L. -tator], m. : dictator. -ta- torialº, pl. =aux [L. -tatorius], adj. : =. -tature* [L. -tatural, f : dictator- ship. -tée º, f : dictation. |-ter* [L. dictare (dicere, say)], tr. : dictate ; pre- scribe ; prompt ; inDITE. -tion * [L. -tio], ·f. : = ; #expression. -tionnaire* [l. L. -tionarium], m. : dictionary : - vivant, walking dictionary ; à coup de -, by reference to the dictionary. f-ton* [L. -tum], m. : saying, saw; sarcasm. f-tumº [L.], m. : judge's decision. . dida-etiqueº [Gr. -ktikôs (didáskein, teach)l, adj. : didactic(al). -ctique- ment", adv. : didactically. -skalieº [Gr. -skalia], f. : (ant.) direction (by the author of Greek plays to the actors) ; rec- ord (of plays) ; argument (of a play). fdidleau = guideau. didelphes" [Gr. di- TWICE, delphús, uter- us], m. pl. : (zoöl.) didelphia (kangaroo, etc.). - Didon, f : Dido (foundress of Carthage). didue-teur*, adj. : separating; m. : · difficile 211 separating muscle. .. -tion* [L. di-, apart, ductio, leading], f : diduction; (zoöl.) · sidewise motion of the lower jaw in · chewing the cud. didyme" [Gr. didymos, Two-fold ; TWIN], adj. : (bot.) didymous ; m. : (chem.) didym. dièdre" [Gr. di-, TWICE, hédra, base], adj. : di(h)edral. _ ' dié-rèse" [L. diœresis (Gr. di-aireîn, take apart, DIvide)], f : diaeresis (separa- tion of one syllable into two ; separation- mark ") ; (surg.) severing by operation. -résileº, f : (bot.) capsular fruit, divid- ing into shells when ripe. d-ièse º or -iésis [L., Gr. diesis (Gr. diá, through, hiénai, send)], m. : diesis, sharp. -iéser", tr. : raise (a note) by a sharp. I.diète º [l. L. dieta (dies, DAY)],f : diet (legislative assembly in certain European countries). 2.d-iète* [L. diœta, Gr. díaita (ak. to bios, life), manner of living], f : diet (ffare, regimen prescribed). -iététi- que" [L. diœteticus], adj. : dietetic(al). diétineº [I.diète], f : dietine (small diet or assembly in Poland). 4 dieu°, Dieu [L. deus], m. : god, God : le bon -, the host ; plût à —, God grant ; à - ne plaise, God forbid ; jurer ses grands -x, swear by all that is sacred. -donné, adj. : god-sent, heaven-sent. . diève* [Dutch dieve (ak. to Eng. deep)], f : sort of argilaceous deposit. 1 diffa-mantº, adj. : defamatory. -ma- teur*, -matriee, m., f : defamer, calumniator. -mation * [L. -motio], f. : defamation. -matoire*, adj. : defama- tory, slanderous. ll-mer* [L. -mare (fama, fame)], tr. : defame, slander, ca- lumniate. - diffé-remmentº -ram- [-rent], adv,: differently. -renee* [L. -rentia], f : difference, distinction ; disparity : à la — de (prep. phrase), as distinguished from, in this respect differing from, unlike. -reneierº [L. -rentiare], tr. : make a difference between, distinguish ; differenti- . ate (us'ly -tier). -rend = rent (mean. 2). -rentº, adj. : I.different, dissimilar ; various ; 2.m. (us'ly, though wrongly -rend): difference (disagreement in opinion or interest, dissension, controversy, quar- rel). -rentiel", =elle [L. -rentia], adj. : differential; f : (math.) differential ; fluxion. -rentier= rencier. |-rerº [L. -rre (dis-, apart, ferre, BEAR)], tr.: DEFER, delay; adjourn ; intr. : DIFFER, disagree. diffi-eile* [L. -cilis (dis-, facilis, easy)], adj.: difficult, hard; hard to please, particu- lar; unaccommodating ; wilful (of horses). -eilementº, adv. : with difficulty. -culté* [L. -cultasl, f : difficulty; ob- 212 diffluence jection, scruple ; difference, trouble. -cultueux º, =euse [-culté], adj. : rais- ing difficulties. difflu-en-eeº, f : =. |-ent [L. -ens (diffiuere, flow apart)], adj. : =. diffor-meº[l. L.-mis, L. de formis], adj.: deformed, unshapen. -merº [L. -mare], tr. : deform ; deface, spoil. -mité* [L. -mitas], f. : deformity, ugliness. diffrae-terº, tr. : diffract. -tifº, =ive, adj. : diffractive. |- tion º [L. -tio (dif- fringere, break apart)], f : =. diffrin gent [L.-gens], adj. : diffractive. - diffu-s* [L. -sus (dif fundere, pour out)], adj. : diffuse, prolix, verbose. -sémentº, adv. : diffusely. -ser*, tr. : (phys.) diffuse. -sibilité* [-sible], f : diffusibility. -sible º, adj. : diffusible. -sifº, =ive, - adj. : diffusive. -sion º [L. -sio], f. : =; diffuseness. » digamma [Gr.], m. : = (Greek f). digastrique [Gr. di-, TWICE, gastér, belly], adj. : digastric (of certain muscles fleshy at each end). di-gérér* [L. di-gerere, carry apart, ar- range], tr. : DIGEST (arrange methodically, classify ; think over, examine ; digest as food ; (med.) mature ; (pharm.) soften, dis- solve; bear patiently, brook). -gesteur" [L. -gestus], m. : digester (chem. vessel). | -gestible* [L. -gestus], adj. : digestible. -gestifº, =ive, adj. : digestive. -ges- tion* [L. -gestio], f : = (of food; genera- tion of pus ; softening of solution). digi-talº, pl. =aux [L. -talis (-tus, finger)], adj. : = ; m. : club-top (plant). -tale, f : digitalis, fox-glove ; young salmon. -talineº, f. : (chem.) digitalin. -tation* [L. -tus], f : =. -té [L. -tus], adj. : (bot.) digitate. -tigradeº [L. , -tus, gradi, walk], adj. or m. : =. di-giieº [L.-nus], adj. : worthy, deserv- ing; upright ; DIGNIFIED. -gnement*, adv. : worthily, deservedly, etc. -gni- taire" [-gnité], m. : dignitary. -gnité* [L. -tas], f. : dignity; high station : être constitué en -, be raised to power. diggºvº [-guer], m. : (dial.) barb ; (nav.) flag-pole ; gaff (hook). digramme* [Gr. di-, TWICE, grámma, letter], f : digram, DIGRAPH. digression * [L. -ssio (di-gradi, step apart)], #º —. " . di-gue* [Flem. dijk], f. : DIKE, dam ; bank, embankment. f-guerº, tr. : dam, dike ; (fr. same root as -gue) prick, spur. digyne " [L. -nus (Gr. di-, TWICE, guné, wôman)], adj. : digynous (hav'gtwo pistils). dihydrique* [Gr. di-, TWICE, hydr- of hydrogène], adj. : (chem.) containing two parts of hydrogen to one other. dila eé-ration* [L. -ratiol, f : dilacer- dimissoire ation. |-rer* [L. di-lacerare, tear asunder], tr. : (di)lacerate, tear to pieces. dilapi-dateur*, -datriee, m., f : squanderer. -dation " [L. -datio], f : =, waste. ll-der* [L. -dare (lapis, stone), scatter like stones], tr. : dilapidate (in sense of " squander'), waste. dila-tabilité" [-table], f : dilatability. -tableº, adj.: =. -tant", adj.: dilative; m. : dilator (expanding instrument). -ta . teur º, =triee, adj. : dilative ; m. : dilator (expanding instrument). -ta- tion* [L. -tatio], f : dila(ta)tion, en- largement. +-tatoireº -tateur. ll-terº [L. di-latare (latus, broad)], tr. : dilate, expand, enlarge. #-tion * [L. -tio], j. : delay(ing). -toire* [L. -torius], adj. : dilatory. fdilayerº [?], tr. : delay. - dilection* [L. -tio (legere, choose)], f : pious love, (fEng. =). dilemme* [L.-ma (Gr. di-, TWICE, lambá- nein, take)], m. : dilemma. dilet-tante*[It. (L. de-lectare, delight)], 77?,. . -tantisme*, m. : dilettanteism. dili-gemment* -jam-, adv. : diligently. -geri ee* [L. -gential, f : diligence (de- voted effort, assiduity; stage-coach); promptness, fready speed (eagerness); proceedings, suit: faire -, make haste; user de -, use despatch ; aller en -, go with speed ; go by coach ; bureau des —s, coach-office. |-gent* [L. -gens (legere, choose), careful], adj. : = (devotedly at- tractive ; assiduous, industrious) ; expe- ditious. f-genter*, tr. : urge on, hasten. dilobéº [Gr. di-, TWICE, lobé], adj. : having two lobes. dilu-er* [L. -ere wash)], tr. : DILUTE. .: =. -vien", =ienne [L. -vium, deluge], adj. : diluvian. -vium º, m. : =. diman ehe° [p. L. *diaminica for fdia Dominica, " lord's day'], m. : Sunday : - de Pâques, Easter Sunday ; — des Ra- meaux, Palm Sunday ; - gras, Shrove Sunday. • - dîme° [L. decima, TENTH (sc. pars, part)l, f : TITHE. dimension * [L. -sio (metiri, MEASURE)], s-smx (luere lavare, -tion * [L. -tio], dîmerº [-me], tr. : TITHE ; intr. : levy tithes. dimère º [Gr. di-, TWICE, méros, part], adj. : dimerous (having two parts). dimètre" [L. -trus], adj. : dimeter. dîmeur* [-mer], m. : tithe-gatherer. dimi-nuer [L. -nuere (minus, less)], tr., · intr. : diminish, lessen. -nutifº, =ive [L.-nutivus], adj. : diminutive. -nutionº [L.-nutio], f : =, abridgement, reduction. dimis-soireº [l, L. -sorius (L. mittere, dimorphe send)], m. : letters dimissory (by which a bishop sends a person to another diocese). -sorialº [l. L.-sorius], adj.: =, dimissory. · dimor-pheº [Gr. di-, TWICE, morphé, form], adj. : dimorphous. -phisme*, m. : dimorphism. dinan-derieº,.f.: brass-wares. +|-dierº [Dinant, city in Belgium], m. : brazier. dînatoireº [-ner], adj. : dinner-like, only in déjeuner -, lunch serving as dinner, heavy lunch. din-de* [for d'Inde (at first* coq d'Inde), *from India’ (viz. West I. = America, esp. Mexico)], m., f. : · turkey-cock or (us' # hen ; ( fam.) stupid woman, goose. -dom º, 77l. . turkey-cock ; ( fam.) stupid man, goose. -donnade* [-don], f : skin- eruption (on turkeys). -donneauº [-don], m. : young turkey. -donnerº [-don], tr. : dupe. -donnierº, =ière [-don], m., f. : turkey keeper or raiser ; adj. : (humor.) turkey, in -donnière gent, turkey tribe, turkeys. fdî-né, m. : dinner. f-née*, f : dinner (esp. in traveling); dining-place. I.|-nerº° [p. L. *disjunare, for *dis-jejunare (L. jejunus, fasting ; cf. jeun, déjeuner)], intr. : DINE ; (dial. +take the first meal of the day). 2.-nerº, m. : dinner ; dinner- party. -nette º, f : little dinner ; children's or doll's dinner. -neurº, =euse, m., f : diner. dio-eésain*, m. : dweller in a diocese, fEng. diocesener. -eèse* [L. -cesis (Gr. di-oikeîn, keep house)], m. : diocese. dio-don * [Gr. di-, TWICE, odoûs, TOOTH], m. : = (fish) ; notched falcon. dioïque" [Gr. di-, TWICE, oîkos, house], adj. : (bot.) diœcian. - dionée" [L. -nœa (Gr. Diône = Aphro- dite)], f : dionaea (plant). - diony-siaque" [Gr.-siakôsl, adj. : Diony- sian ; f pl. : Dionysian feast. -siesº [Gr. -sia], f. : Dionysian feast. |-sos, m. : Dionysius (Greek deity = Bacchus). diop-treº [Gr. -tron (diá, through, ôpso- mai, I shall see)], m. : diopter; fspeculum, -trie* [-trique], f : dioptre. -triqueº [Gr. -triké], adj. : dioptric(al). dioramaº [Gr. di-orân, see through], 77l. , E diphthérie* or -ite [Gr. -théra, skin], k f : diphtheria ( membrane'-forming dis- ease). diph-t(h)ongue* [L. -gus (Gr. di-, TWICE, phthôngos, sound)], f : diphthong. -t(h)onguerº, tr. : diphthongise. diploma-te", m. : diplomat(ist). -tie", f : diplomacy. ll-tique" [I.L. -ticus (cf. diplôme) ; 2.Fr. -te], adj. : diplomatical (I.pertaining to diplomatics, paleographic; 2 pertaining to diplomacy); f : diplomatics 213 -tiquement º, dirimant (science of diplomas). adv. : diplomatically. diplôme [L. -ploma, Gr. dí-ploma (di- plôos, TWO-FOLD, DOUBLE), "folded docu- ment'], m. : diploma. -méº, adj. : pro- vided with a diploma. - diplopie" [Gr. -plôos, DOUBLE, ôpsis, sight], f : diplopy (seeing double). - dipode [Gr. dí-pous], adj. : TWO-FOOTED. diptère º[L. -terus (Gr. di-, TWICE, pterôn, wing)], m. : dipteral temple (i.e. sur- rounded with a doublerow of columns); adj. : dipteral ; m. pl. : diptera (fiies, gnats, etc.). diptyque º [Gr. di-, TWICE, ptuché, fold], m. : diptych (two-leaved tablet). dire° [L. dicere], irr. $ ; tr. : say ; tell, relate; utter, express ; recite; name, call: se -, say to one's self ; be said ; call or style one's self, pretend to be; m. : saying, speaking, statement ; (leg.) alle- gation : on dit, it is said ; on dirait, one | would (might) say ; one might call it, it appeared, just like ; vouloir -, wish to say ; mean, be ; cela va sans -, that goes without saying, that is a matter of course; cela ne dit rien, that is nothing to the purpose ; pour ainsi -, so to say, as it Were ; ce n'est pas à dire que, it does not follow that ; au - de tout le monde, according to what everybody says ; #avoir (or trouver) à —, regret ; être à —, be lacking. - f $ Ind. : Pr. dzs, dzs, dit ; a'zsozzs, dites, dzsezzz. Ipf. disazs. Pret. dzs. Fut. (Cond.) diraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. dise. Ipf. disse. — I've dzs. — Part. : Pr. disant ; P. dié. º direc-t [L. -tus (regere, rule)], adj. : direct, straight, RiGHT. -teº, f : (feud.) domain, lordship. -tEment º, adv. : . directly, just. -teurº, -triee [L. -tor], m., f : director (directress), manager ; adj. : directing. -tifº, =ive, adj. : direc- tive. -tion* [L. -tio], f : = (manage- ment ; order; directorship ; board of direc- tors ; line of conduct or motion, bearing) : biens en -, goods placed under the direc- tion of assignees. -toire* [L. -torium], m. : directory (rule, esp. book of direc- tions for the conduct of worship ; body of directors, esp. the executive council of France, 1795-99). -toratº [-teur], m. : directorship. -torial", pl. =aux [I.-toire, 2.-teur], = (I.relat. to the Directory of France ; 2.relat. to a director). diri-geable*, adj. : dirigible, capable of being directed or guided. -geantº, adj. : directing. |-ger [L.-gere (regere, rule)], tr. : direct, guide, govern, conduct ; se -, direct one's self (or one's steps or course), proceed, go (towards) ; (nav.) stand in ; govern one's self, take pattern (from). dirimant" [L. -mens (-mere, take away, emere, take)], adj. : (can. law) invalidat- | 214 discale ing : empêchement -, impeachment that invalidates a marriage. discale* [It. dial. -lo (It. calo, diminu- tion)], m. : shrinkage. fdiscant = déchant. - diseer-nable", adj. : discernible. -nE- mentº, m. : discernment, distinction, dis- cretion. |-ner* [L. -nere (cernere, separate)], tr. : fseparate; discern, dis- tinguish. disei-ple* [l. L. -pulus (discere, learn)], m. : disciple, pupil. -plinable* [-pliner], adj. : =. -plinaire* [-pline], adj. : disciplinary. -plinairementº, adv. : in a disciplinary manner. -plineº [L. -plina], f : discipline (subordination, train- ing ; fchastisement; fpenitential scourge); scourging instrument. -plinerº, tr. : · discipline, train ; scourge. discoboleº [L. -lus (Gr. disko-bôlos, dis- cus-thrower)], m. : discobolus ; sort of fish. discolore º [L. dis-color], adj. : two- coloured, of diverse colours. fdis-eompte" [It. -conto (cf. escompte)], m. : DISCOUNT. -compterº [It. -con- tare], tr. : discount. disconti-nu* [l. L. -nuus], adj. : discon- tinuous. -nuation*, f. : =, discontin- uance. | -nuç1° [l. L. -ivuure (L. cvn- tinere, hold together)], tr. : discontinue, interrupt, suspend ; intr. : discontinue, cease. -nuité" [-nu], f : discontinuity, lack of continuity ; discontinuance. disconve-naneeº, f : unsuitableness, in- convenience ; incongruity, discrepancy, dis- similarity. |-nirº [L. -nire (cf. con- venir)], irr. (cf. venir); intr. : be incon- venient or unsuitable ; disagree, disown, deny. • - I.dis-cordº [L. dis-cors (cor, HEART)], adj. : discordant, out of tune, dissonant. f2.-cord * [-corder], m. : discord, dissen- tion. -cordanee* [-corder], f : dis- cordance, discordancy, discord ; (mus.) in- consonancy. -cordant [-corder], adj.: dis- cordant, dissonant, jarring; incongruous. -corde* [L. -cordia], f : discord, dissen- sion, variance, strife ; (myth.) discord ; four kings in one hand (at hombre). #-corderº [L. -cordare], intr. : be dis- cordant, be out of tune, jar. • dis-coureur, =euse, m., f : discourser, discusser, talker. |-courir* [L. dis- currere, run to and fro], irr. (cf. courir) ; intr. : discourse (converse, talk ; reason). -cours* [L. -cursus], m. : discourse (talk, conversation ; speech, oration) : parties du -, parts of speech. discourtoi-s* [It. dis-cortese (cf. cour- tois)], adj. : discourteous, uncivil. -se- mentº, adv. : discourteously. -sieº [It. discortesia],f : discourtesy. dislocation discrédi-tº [It. -to (L. credere, believe)], m. : depreciation (of value); discredit, dis- repute. -ter", tr. : depreciate (values); discredit (bring into discredit or disrepute, deprive of esteem). dis-cret*, =ète [L. -cretus (cernere, separate)], adj. : discreet, considerate, prudent ; cautious, reserved ; (med.) dis- seminated ; discrete (of proportions). -crètement*, adv. : discreetly. -cré- tion * [L. -cretio], f : +DISCERNment ; discretion (discreetness, caution ; power to decide) : à -, at discretion (without conditions, at Will, ad libitum) ; se re- mettre à la de, submit to the will of. -crétionnaire* [-crétion], adj. : dis- cretionary. -crétionnairement º[-re], adv. : with or at discretion. -crétoire º, m. : convention, assembly (of the * discreet' guardians) ; assembly room. discul-pation º, f. : =. |-perº [OFr. des, coulpe (L. culpa, fault)], tr. : exculpate, (fEng. disculpate), vindicate. discursifº, =ive [l. L. -sivus (cf. cours)], adj. : discursive. dis-cussifº, =ive [l. L. -cussivus], adj. : (med.) discutient. -cussion * [L.-cussio], f : =; debate, altercation ; seizure and sale (of the property of a debtor) : une — de biens, appraise for sale the goods (of a debtor). -eutable*, adj. : debatable. |-cuterº [L. dis-cutere (quatere, shake)], tr. : DISCUSS (debate, argue ; examine, sift, canvass ; leg. examine and appraise, as the property of a debtor). -cuteur*, =euse, m., f : debater. diser-tº [L. -tus (serere, join)], adj. : voluble, eloquent, fluent. -tement*, adv. : eloquently. diset-te* [?],f. : scarcity, want; dearth ; beet. -teux*, =euse, adj. : needy. di-seur*, =euse [dire], m., f : sayer, talker ; big talker : un beau -, a fine talker ; a superficial talker ; -- de bonne aventure, fortune-teller ; — de bons-mots, jester ; - de nouvelles, newsmonger. dis-grâeeº [It. dis-grazia (cf. grâce)], f : disgrace (disfavour); misfortune, evil ; (rare) ungracefulness. -gra eiéº [-gra- cier], part. : disgraced, out of favour ; fof ungraceful form (deformed). -graeierº [It. -graziare], tr. : disgrace (put out of favour); deform. -graeieusement" [-gracieux], adv. : ungracefully. -gra- eieux º, =euse, adj. : ungracious (un- graceful, uncouth, awkward, unlovely). dis-joindreº [OFr. des-,* L. dis-jungere], irr. ( f. joindre); tr. : DISJOIN, disunite : se --, come apart. -jonctifº, =ive [L. -junctivus], adj. : disjunctive. dislocation * [L. -catio (locus, place)], J. : =; luxation ; breaking up. -querº, dispache tr. : dislocate, put out of joint ; break up. dispaehe * [It. -ccio, DESPATCH], m. : (mar. lau) adjustment, arbitration. , disparaître* [dis-, paraître], irr. (cf. paraître); intr. : disappear, vanish (away). fdis-paratº, I.-parate [L. -paratus (par, equal)], adj. : disparate, unequal, incongruous ; m., f : incongruity ; pl. disparates. 2.-parateº [Span.], f : extravagance. -parité º, f : disparity, dissimilarity. . disparition* [-raître], f : disappear- 3,I1C6). dispen-dieusementº, adj.: expensively. ll-dieux", =euse [L. -diosus (dis-pen- dere, weigh out)l, adj. : expensive, costly. dispen-saire*, m. : dispensatory (for- mulary of drugs) ; dispensary (laboratory; place where the poor can have medical advice and medicines free); place where public Women are examined periodically. -sateur*, =triee [L. -sator], m., f : dispenser. -sation * [L. -satio], f : = (distribution) ; dosing, medicines. dis- pen-seº, f : dispensation (relaxation, exemption ; licence ; permission). |-ser* [L. -sare (-dere, weigh out), bestow], tr. : dispense (grant permission or exemption, esp. by ecclesiastic authority, bestow ; exempt, absolve, excuse ; deal out, dis- tribute); dose out (medicines): se —, dis- pense (with), be distributed ; exempt one's self. disperme" or -matique [Gr. di-, TWICE, spérma, seed], adj. : dispermous. disper-serº [L. -rgere #ºgº, throw)], tr.: disperse, scatter. -sifº,=ive, adj.: dis- persive. -sion*[L.-sio], f : =, scattering. dis-ponibilité* [-ponible], f : power of disposal (of property) ; state of being sub- ject to service (while released from duty), conditional retirement ; body of troops subject to muster, available force. -po- nible* [L. -ponibilis], adj. : disposable (subject to disposal, free to be used, dis- engaged, vacant ; not assigned to any service) ; subject to be called into service, available. -pos* [L. -positus], adj., m. : disposed, inclined, ready. -posant", -posante, m., f : (leg.) deposer, deponent. ll-poser* [L. -ponere (ponere, put, cf. poser)], tr. : dispose (arrange, adapt ; make ready ; incline, make inclined, pre- vail upon) ; intr. : dispose (of), get rid (of) ; ordain ; (com.) draw a bill : se —, adapt one's self, prepare, get ready ; array one's self; be disposed. -positif*, =ive, adj. : disposing; m. : (leg.) purview, en- acting part ; decretal part ; preparation to locate a mine. -position* [L. posi- 215 tio], f : = (arrangement ; provision ; ten- dency , adaptation, aptness ; inclination, humour ; disposal) : avoir de bonnes —s pour, be well disposed towards ; être en bonne -, enjoy a good habit of body ; être à la - de, be at the disposal or ser- vice of. - dispropor-tion* [proportion], f : dissimulateur -tionné, adj. : disproportionate. -tion- nel*, =eIIe, adj. : disproportional. -tionnerº, tr. : disproportion. - dispu-table º, adj. : disputable. -tail- lerº, intr. : dispute incessantly about . trifies, Wrangle. f-tant", m. : =. -te !º, f : (fdiscussion, fdebate ; ' contention, wrangle). |-ter* [L. -tare (putare, think)], intr., tr. : dispute (dis- cuss, debate ; contend ; contest, resist ; quarrel, Wrangle): se -, dispute ; wrangle. -teur*, =euse, m., f : disputatious per- son, Wrangler. º (cf. qualifier)], º• disqualifierº [Eng. tr. : disqualify. - disque* [L. discus], m. : discus (disk, quoit) ; disk (disk-like thing of various kinds). disquisition* [L. -tio (quœrere, seek)], dissº [Ar.],f : =, African graminous plant. dissec-teurº [L. dis-secare, cut in two], m.: dissector. -tion* [L. -tio], f : =. dissem-blable* [dis-, semblable], adj. : DISSIMILAR, unlike. -blablEment !º, adv. : dissimilarly. -blanee*, f : dis- similarity. f-blant", adj. : dissimilar. dissémi-nation" [L. -natio], f : dis- semination ; (bot.) semination, scattering (of seeds). -nementº, m. : dissemi- nation (state of). |-nerº [L. -nare (semen, SEED)], tr. : disseminate, scatter. dissen-sion* [L. -sio], f : =, discord, strife. -timentº, m. : dissent, dis- agreement. |-tirº [-tire (sentire, feel)], intr. : dissent. dissé-querº [L. dis-secare, cut up], tr. : dissect; analyse critically. -queur", m. : dissector. disser-tateur" [L. -tator], m. : disserta- tor. -tation º [L. -tatio], f : fdiscus- 'sion ; =. ll-ter" [L. -tare (serere, join)], tr. : dissert, discuss. dissi-denee" [L. -dentia], f : discidence, dissent. ll-dentº, =ente [L. -dens (dis-sidere, sit apart, disagree)], adj. : dis- sident, dissenting ; m., f : dissenter. dissimi-laire* [dis-, similaire], adj. : dissimilar. -lation º, f. : =. |-lerº [cf. as-similer],tr. : dissimilate. -litude* [L. -litude], f. : =, dissimilarity. . dissimu-lateur*, =triee [L. -lator], m.,.f : dissimulator, dissembler. -lation * [L. -latio], f : =. -lé, =ée, adj. : dissem- 216 dissipateur bling, double-faced; m.,.f. : dissembler, dou- ble-faced person. |-lerº [L. -lare (cf. simuler)], tr. : DISSEMBLE, (fEng. dissimu- late ; feign, disguise, mask, feign to ignore); se —, dissemble, conceal ; be concealed. dissi-pateur*, =triee [L. -patorl, m., f : squanderer, spendthrift ; adj. : squandering, extravagant. -pation* [L. -patio], f. : = (#dispersion ; waste ; dis- soluteness) ; distraction, pursuit of light frivolous pleasures ; diversion, amusement. |-per* [L. -pare (supare, throw)], tr. : dissipate (disperse and cause to disappear ; · squander, waste); divert (amuse) ; turn to | frivolous pleasures, make dissolute : une personne dissipée, a dissolute person. disso-eiaton,f : =. -eierº [L. -ciare (sociare, unite)], tr. : dissociate. disso-lu* [L. -lutus (solvere, loose)], adj. : dissolute (loose in morals, lax, licen- tious, profligate). -luble* [L. -lubilis], adj. : =. -Iument*, adv. : dissolutely (licentiously). f-lutifº, =ive [L. -lutum (supine)], adj. : dissolving. -lution*, f : = ; dissoluteness, dissipation, (fEng. dissolution). -lvantº [dis-soudre), adj. or m. : (dis)solvent, resolvent. disso-nam eeº [L. -nantial, j. : disso- nance, discord. -nantº [L. -nans], adj. : dissonant, discordant. |-nerº, intr. : be discordant. dis-soudre* [L. dis-solvere], irr. (cf. résoudre); tr. : DISSOLVE (break up; melt); refl. : dissolve, be dissolved ; melt. -sous, -soute, part. : dissolved, broken up. dissua-derº [L. -dere (suadere, advise)], tr. : dissuade. -sion* [L. -sio], f : =. dissylla-beº [L. -bus (cf. syllabe)], adj. : dissyllabic ; m. : dissyllable. -biqueº, adj. : dissyllabic. -bisme*, m. : dissyl- labic state. dis-tanee* [L. -tancia (stare, STAND)], f.: =; difference. -taneerº, tr. : dis- tance. -tant*, adj. : distant, remote. dis-tendreº [L. -tendere (tendere, stretch)], tr. : distend, expand. -ten- sion * [L. -tensio], f : =. - distil-lateurº,m. : distiller. -lation* [l. L. -latio], f : =. -ler* [L. -lare (stillare, drop)], tr. : distil (let fall in drops ; extract by distillation); draw the essence from ; tintr. : distil (fall in drops) : - son esprit sur, puzzle one's brains about ; - deux fois, rectify. -le- rie", f. : distillery. dis-tinet* [L. -tinctus], adj. : = (differ- ent ; clear). -tinctement* [-tinct], adv. : distinctly. -tinctifº, =ive[-tinct], adj. : distinctive. -tinction* [L. -tinc- tio],f. : = : sans —, without distinction ; indiscriminately, promiscuously. . |-tin- guer* [L. -tinguere (*stinguere, prick)], diurnal tr. : distinguish (separate, discern, dis- criminate ; recognise ; confer distinction on, treat with distinction, honour) : se -, distinguish one's self ; be distinguished. -tinguoº [L. * I distinguish'], m. : act of making distinctions in an argument. I.disti-que* [L.-Gr. -chon (di-, TWICE, stichos, row, line)], m. : distich (verse of two lines). 2.-que" [Gr. -chon], m., adj. : (bot.) having leaves, flowers, etc., in two opposite rows. fdis-tordre º [L. -torquere (cf. tordre)], tr. : DISTORT. f-tgrs [L. -torsus], adj. : distorted. -torsionº [L. -torsio], f. : distortion. dis-traction * [-tractio], f : = (draw- ing apart, separation, Subtraction , per- turbation of mind) ; abstraction (ab- sence of mind) ; inattention ; diversion, recreation, relief. ll-traire* [L. -tra- here (cf. traire)], irr. (cf. traire) ; tr. : distract (draw apart or away, separate, subtract ; deprive ; divert, turn away ; amuse, entertain):, se -, divert one's at- tention, be disturbed ; divert or amuse one's self. -trait*, =aite, adj. : dis- tracted ; absent-minded ; heedless ; m., j. : absent-minded person. -traitementº [-trait], adv. : in an absent-minded way. -trayant º, adj. : diverting, amusing. distri-buable º, adj. : distributable. -buerº [L. -buere (tribuere, allot, ori- g'ly to a tribus, *tribe')], tr. : distribute (deal out, apportion ; lay out, arrange) ; cast (the parts of a play). -buteurº, =triee [L. -butor], m., f. : distributer. -butifº, =ive [L. -butivus], adj. : dis- · tributive. -bution * [L. -butio], f : = [cf. -buer]. -butivementº [-butif], adv. : distributively. • distrietº [L. -tus (stringere, draw tight)], m. : =, jurisdiction. dit, part. of dire, said ; #m. : saying ; word (given); legal proof ; short saying, maxim. - dithyram-beº [L. -bus [Gr. -bos)], m. : dithyramb(us), wild lyric. -bique º [L. -rambicus], adj. : dithyrambic. ditoº [It. detto (L. dictum, the thing said)], adv. : ditto, as aforesaid. #ditonº [L. -nus (Gr. di-, twice, tônos, TONE)], m. : ditone (interval of two tones). diu-rèse" [L. -resis (Gr. oûron, urine)], f : diuresis (over-excretion of urine). -rétiqueº [L. -reticus], adj. : diuretic. diur-nalº, pl. =aux [L. -nale, 'daily, sc. officium, " service'], adj. : daily; m. : (Rom. Cath.) diurnal (daily service-book | for the " small hours"). |-ne* [L. diur- nus (dies, DAY)], adj. : daily, diurnal ; readable on the day ; m. : diurnal (viz, bird or insect; pl. diurna). diva diva º [It. (orig'lly "goddess')], f : star singer. - diva-gateurº, =triee, m., f : ram- bling speaker; adj. : rambling, desultory. -gation º, f : =, straying, rambling. -guerº [L. -gari (vagari, stroll)], intr. : fstray ; wander (away from reason), ramble, be incoherent ; rave. divanº [Turk. diouan], m. : = (oriental council : hall ; high council, council of y state ; reception hall ; cushioned seat, tax | register ; collection of poems). fdiveº [L. -va (deus, god)], f : as adj. : divine. diver-geneeº [L. -gentia], f : =, di- vergenêy. -gentº [L. -gens], adj. : =. |-ger" [L. gere (vergere, bend)], intr. : divèrge (spread apart ; vary). di-vers* [L. -versus], adj. : after its · noun : diverse (varied, various, differ- goddess ; ent) ; before its noun : divers (sundry, several). -versEmentº [-vers], adv. : diversely. -versifier* [L. -versificare], tr. : diversify, vary. -version * [L. -versio], f : =. -versité* [L. -versi- tas], f : diversity. |-vertir* [L. -ver- tere (turn)], tr. : divert (#turn away from a place, purpose, or occupation ; amuse, entertain, recreate, delight) ; fturn to , one's own use (embezzle): se -, divert, enjoy or recreate one's self, take one's pleasure ; make sport : deniers divertis, embezzled money. -vertissantº, adi. : diverting, amusing, entertaining. -ver- tissement*, m. : diversion (#turning aWay ; amusement, recreation, pastime, sport, fEng. divertisement) ; embezzle- ment ; = (imterlude between acts); small play (written for private theatricals) ; piece of light music ; intérval between the repetitions of a fugue. divette º [-va], f : little star singer. dividendeº [L. -dus (dividere, divide)], m. : dividend : faire un -, declare a divi- dend ; — arriéré, unclaimed dividend. divin* [L. -nus (deus, god)], adj. : divine. divina-teur º, -triee [L. -tor (-re, to * divine,' fr. divinus, * divine ; diviner,' cf. devin)], m., f : diviner, omen-taker. -tion* [L. -tio], f : = (act or power of divining). -toire* [-tion], adj. : divina- tory. º divi-nement* [-n], adv. : divinely. -niserº [ n], tr. : deify, (#Eng. divinify). -nité* [LNsnitas], f : divinity. divisº [L. divisus, DiVIDED], m. : (leg.) | division. `N i divise = devise. . divi-ser* [L. -depe, divide, through Fr. deviser (which see)], tr. : DivIDE (sunder, separate, distribute; disunite, set at vari- ance) : se —, divide, bé divided ; be dis- docimasie 217 united. -seur* [L. -Sor], m. : (arith.) di- visor; adj. : divisive, dividing. -sibi- lité* [-sible], f : divisibility. -sible lº . [L. -sibilis], adj. : =. -sifº, =ive [L. -sum, divided], adj. : (surg.) serving to keep apart. -sion * [L. -sio], f : = (di- Viding, partition, disagreement, variance ; separated part ; division, i.e. two or more; combined brigades in an army, or compa- nies in a batallion ; squadron ; territorial division under one military commander) ; departmental bureau. -sionnaire " [L. -sion], adj. : divisionary, divisional ; of a division ; m. : division general ; sec- tion teacher. - divor-ee * [L. -tium (vertere, turn)], m.: = (dissolution of a marriage ; separa- tion, rupture, variance) : faire - (avec), divorce ; renounce. -eerº, ftr. : divorce, separate ; intr. : be divorced. divulgation * [L. -gatio], f : |-guerº [L. -gare (vulgare, spread among the " people,' vulgus)], tr. : divulge, make public. divulsionº [L. -sio (vellere, snatch)],f. : di-x° dis; before vow. diz, bef. cons't di · [L. deceml, adj. or m. : TEN ; tenth. -x-huit* x = z; t silent bef. cons't, adj. or m. : EIGHTEEN ; eighteenth. -x-huitième* x = z [-x-huit], adj. or f : eighteenth. -xième* x = z, adj. : . tenth ; m. : tenth part ; f. : (mus.) tenth. -xièmement x = z [-xième], adv. : tenthly. -x-neuf* x = z, adj. m. : NINETEEN ; nineteenth. -x-neu- vième* x = z [-x-neuf], adj. or f. : nineteenth. -x-sept* dis-set, adj. or m. : SEVENTEEN ; seventeenth. -x-sep- tième* x = s [-x-sept], adj. or f : seven- teenth. -zain*, m. : assemblage of ten like objects ; decastich (poem of ten lines); package of ten decks of cards ; #tenth of a rosary. -zaineº, f : group of ten unities or objects, half a score ; some ten ; ancient city district ; group of the ten es- sential beads in a rosary. f-zainier = -zenier. -zeauº, m. : (dial.) shock (of ten sheaves) of wheat ; heap (of ten bun- dles) of hay ; stack. f-zenier [-zaine], m. : tithing-man. djinn* [Arab.], m. : (d)jinee (Arab. Myth. : genius or demon of the fire, capa- ble of assuming various forms). Djaguernat, m. : Juggernaut ( lord of the world, name of the Hindoo god Vishnu). 1 - d9 [It.], m. : (mus.) do. - doei-leº [L. -lis (docere, teach)], adj. : =, tractable. -lementº, adv. : with docility. -lité* [L. -litas], f. : docility. do eima-sie" [Gr. dokimasia (déchesthai, Or 218 dock approve)], f : docimacy (test of ores ; or of certain vital parts of a body). -stique [Gr. -stikôs], adj. : docimastic ; if : docimacy. dockº [Dutch dok, Eng. dock], m. : dock (fbasin for vessels ; #stocks ; piers or wharves for vessels) ; large store (of some merchandise). doc-teº [L. -tus (-ere, teach)], adj. : learned, erudite. -tEmentº, adv. : learnedly. -teur* [L. -tor], m. : doctor (teacher of a doctrine ; holder of a doc- tor's degree ; physician) : - de, teacher of or in ; - en, doctor of (philosophy, law, etc.). -tissimeº[L.-tissimus], adj. : most learned. -toralº, pl.=aux [L.-tor], adj. : -toralement" [-toral], adv. : in a doctoral way. -toratº [l. L. -torcatus], m. : doctorate ; doctor's degree. f-tore- rieº [L. -tor], f. : doctor's degree ; thesis for a doctor's degree (in theol.). -toresse* [L. -tor], f. : ( fam.) doctress ; learned woman. -torifier* [L. -tor, - fier], tr. : (jest.) make a doctor of, doctorise. doctri-naire*, m. : flay brother; doc- trinaire (a liberal tied by certain political doctrines); adj. : lay; doctrinaire. -nal*, pl. =aux [L. -malis], adj. : =. -nale- mentº, adv. : doctrinally. |-ne* [L. -na (docere, teach)], f. : = ; flearning. documen-tº [L. -tum (docere, teach)], 77?,. ! (fprecept ; original writing). -taire º, adj. : documentary. -ter*, tr. : document. dodéca- [Gr. dôdeka, twelve]: -èdre* [Gr. dodekáedron (hédra, base)], m. : (geom.) dodecahedron (solid with 12 faces). -gonal*, pl. =aux [-gone], adj. : twelve- angled. -goneº [Gr. -ron (gonia, angle)], m.: dodecagon. -gyne" [l. L. -gynia (Gr. guné, female)], adj. : dodecagynian (having 12 pistils). -ndre" a nasal [l. L. -ndria (Gr. anér, man)], adj. : do- decandrian (having 12 or more stamens). -style* [Gr. stûlos, column], m. : building with twelve columns in front. dodeli-nementº, m. : rocking (of head or body). |-nerº [? ak. to dodiner], intr., tr. : rock (head or body), swing to and fro. dodi-nage", f. : oscillation. f-neº, f : sort ôf sauce. |-nerº [echoic], tr. : rock gently ; coddle ; #intr. : oscillate : se -, nurse one's self ; coddle or make 1Auch of one's self. -dinette º, f : rocking ; coddling. dodoº [for dormir], m. : (to children) sleep ; lullaby ; bed. doduº [?], adj. : plump. do-garesse* [It. -garessa], f : doge's wife. -gatº [It. -gato], m. : dogate (office of doge). |de-geº [It. (L. dux, dolichocéphale leader, chief)], m. : -garesse. dog-matique* [L. -maticus], adj. : dog- matic. -matiquementº [-matique], adv. : dogmatically. -matiser* [l. L. -matizare], intr. : talk or preach of dog- mas or doctrines ; dogmatize ; #tr. : teach dogmatically. -matiseur [-matiser], m.: dogmatizer. -matisme º [-matiser], m. : doctrine of dogmatic philosophers (cf. scepticism, etc.). -matiste º [-matiser], m. : dogmatic philosophy. |-meº [L. Gr. -ma (Gr. dokeîn, think)], m. : dogma (tenet, doctrine). dogreº [Dutch dogger(-boot), (-boat)'], m. : dogger(-boat). I.dogue* [Eng. dog], m. : bulldog, mas- tiff ; pl. hounds. 2.dogue = dock. fdoguerº [?], tr. : butt (with the head or horns). - doguinº, -ine [I.-guel, m., f : pug-dog ; (dial.) short-nosed hog. doig-t° [p. L. *ditus (L. digitus)], m. : finger ; toe ; DIGIT ; (finger-like object, as) finger of a glove ; indicator : montrer au -, point out ; mettre le - dessus, hit up- on a thing ; hit the nail on the head ; avoir sur les-s, get a rap on the knuckles; mon petit — me l'a dit, a little bird told me ; un - de vin, a drop of wine. -té " [I.-ter], m. : (mus.) fingering; finger guide. I.-ter", tr. : (mus.) finger. +2.-ter = -té. -tier*, m. : finger-stall ; brass thimble ; little handkerchief (suspended from the priest's little finger when he was officiating) ; foxglove (plant). doisil* [OFr. dois, source], m. : spigot. #I.doit° [L. ductum, * duct'], m. : conDUIT. 2.doit [devoir], m. : Dr. (= debtor). doi-te" [doigt], f. : thickness of thread. -tée [doigt], f. : piece of thread (needle- ful doge. f-gesse = "codfish I.dol* [L. -lus], m. : deceit, fraud. 2.dol" [Turk. davoul], m. : big drum. dola-bre [L. -bra, mattock], f : battle-ax, dolabra. -briforme", adj. : dolabriform. dolageº [-ler], m. : dressing (with the adze). dolee " c = Eng. ch [It. (L. dulcis, sweet)], adv. : (mus.) =. do-1éanee* [douloir], f : mournful com- plaint, lament. -lemment* -lam- [-lent], adj. : mournfully. -lentº [L. -lens (-lere, suffer)], adj. : +mournful (DOLEful) ; suffering. doler* [L. -läre], tr. : chip or dress (with a sharp instrument, an adze); fashion. dolicº [Gr. -lichos, bean], m. : black bean. dolicho- [Gr. dolichôs, long] : phaleº [Gr. kephalé, head], adj. : dolicho- cephalic (long-skulled); m. : dolichocephalic dolima.Il man or being. -pode* [Gr. poûs, FOOT], adj. : long-footed ; m. pl. : diptera. dolimanº ['l'urk. dholâma], m. : = (Turk- ish robe) ; poet. for dolman. dollar " [Eng. (Ger. Thaler)], m. : =. dolman * [Ger. (Turk. dholâma, cf. doli-, man)], m. : hussar's pelisse (embroidered jacket hanging loose over the shoulder). dolmen* [Celt. (tol, table, men, stone)], m. : =, cromlech. do-loir* [-ler], m. : paring-knife, scraper. -loire° [p. L. *-latoria (L. -läre, 'chip)], ſ : adze ; chip-axe ; (her.) axe without handle ; mason's shovel (used in mixing lime and sand) : en -, dolabriform. dolomie " or -mite [French geologist Dolomieu], f. : dolomite (mineral). · dolosifº =ive [L. -sus (dolus, fraud)], adj. : (leg.) fraudulent. dolureº [-ler], f : scraps of skins (for making glue). dom° [L. -minus, lord], m. : dom (flord ; title given to certain church dignitaries or monks), don. 48 do-maine° [L. -minicus (-minus, lord), pertaining to a lord], m. : domain (DE- MESE, estate, property ; dominion ; depart- ment). -manialº, pl. =aux [L. -ma- nialis], adj. : demesnial. -manierº, m. : member of the administration of a do- main ; #farmer of taxes. dôme* [Ital. duomo (L. domus, house)], m. : dome (principal church in an Italian city ; church with a cupola ; cupola ; dome-like object, as arch of an arbour ; upper part of a furnace ; hood, companion- hatch). · domerieº [dom], f : ecclesiastic benefice whose holder bore the title of dom ; abbey. domes-tication* (-tiquer), f : =. -ti- eité [L. -ticitas], f : domesticity (domes- tic state) ; servants or menials (of a household); domesticated state. |-ti- que* [L. -ticus (domus, house)], adj. : domestic (household, home, home-bred ; internal ; menial) ; domesticated ; tame ; m., f : domestic (fperson attached as a page, lady of honour, etc., to a high digni- tary; hired servant, menial) ; m. : (body of) domestics or servants; the inner of house, home, family : il aime son —, he loves his home. -tiquementº, adv. : domestically; as a servant. -tiquer*, tr. : domesticate, tame. domiei-le* [L. -lium (domus, house)], m. : = (legal abode; residence, house) : - civil, ordinary residence, dwelling ; faire acquérir le - légal, (leg.) give a settlement. -liaire* [L. -lium], adj. : domiciliary : visite -, house search. -lierº [L. -lium], tr. : domiciliate (domi- don 219 cile, make reside, settle ; domesticate) : -lié, domiciliated, settled ; residing ; resi- dent. domifierº [L. ,ficare, build a house, domus], intr. : .(astrol.) domify, divide the heavens into 12 " houses." domi-nant*, -nante, adj. : = (pre- dominant ; ruling, reigning ; prevalent) ; j. : (mus.) dominant. -nateurº, =triee [L. -nator], m., f : dominator, ruler; adj. : dominant, ruling; domineering, arrogant. -nation* [-natio], f : = (dominion, rule ; pl. first order of angels in the second hierarchy). |-nerº [L. -nari (-mus, lord)], intr. : dominate (rule, gov- ern ; prevail) ; fcommand (a view), frise above ; tr. : dominate (rule, govern ; domineer over) ; rise above, command. domini-cain*, =aine [Dominicus, founder of the order], m., f. : Dominican (monk or nun). dominica-l*, -le, pl. m. =aux [L. -lis (dominus, lord)], adj. : = (relating to our Lord); f : Sunday sermon; dominical let- ter; m. : dominical linen (on which women used to receive the eucharist); dominicale, veil (used by women at the Lord's Supper): l'oraison dominicale, the Lord's prayer ; le jour -, the Lord's day, Sunday. domi-noº [? abl. of L. -nus, lord], m. : = (priest's hood ; woman's mourning veil ; masquerade costume ; person wearing a domino ; last matching in the game of dominoes ; the game of dominoes ; domino piece) ; little black prune ; spotted gros- beak ; fcoarsely coloured paper patterns. f-noterieº [-notier], f : coloured paper (for games). -notierº, m. : fwood engraver; maker of coloured paper (for games). - Domitien, m. : Domitianus. dom-mageº [dam], m. : DAMAGE (in- jury, harm, loss) ; p# (in c'est —, it is a pity). -mageable*, adj. : injurious, hurtful, detrimental, (fEng. damageable). -mageablEmentº, adj. : in a damag- ing way. domp-table*, adj. : domitable, tame- able. -tageº, m. : subduing, taming. |-ter° [L. domitare (domare, TAME)], tr. : TAME, subdue, quell ; break in (a horse) : se -, subdue or quell one's pas- sion, master one's self. -teurº, =euge, m., f. : subduer, tamer. -te-vEninº, m. : swallow-wort. f-tureº, f : taming. I.dom° [L. -num], m. : gift (donation, present ; endowment, talent, nack, power): le - de la parole, the gift of speech. 2.d-on* or fdom [Sp. don (L. dominus, lord)], m. : = (Sp. title of a prince or nobleman). -onaº or f-ona [Sp. doña], | f : = (lady of rank), 220 dona-taire* [L. -tarius], m., f : donee (receiver of a gift); (carelessly) donator. -teur* -triee [L. -tor], m., f : donator, giver. |-tion * [L. -tio (L. dare, give)], donataire donc°, bef. vow., or in emphat. use done [p. L. *dumque (L. dum)], conj. : then, consequently, therefore. don donº [?], f. : (fam.) stout and fresh- coloured woman ; plump or buxom girl. don-jon * [l. L. acc. domnion-em (L. do- minus, lord)], m. : = (chief tower, castle- keep) ; turret, watch-tower; belvedere (on a building). -jonné º, adj. : turreted. don-nantº [-ner], adj. : generous (in giving). I.-ne", f : deal at cards. 2.dionne = dofia. don-néº, part. : given; m. : lay monk ; invalid Supported by certain monaste- ries. -née*, part.: given ; f : fgift (distribution to the poor) ; DATUM (pl. data : fact or principle granted, fact ; known quantity) ; fundamental fact, foun- , dation, starting-point, theme. |-nerº° [L. donäre], tr. : give (present ; bestow ; grant ; yield, produce ; impart) ; deal (at cards) ; wish (good morning, etc.) ; con- sider ; attribute ; intr. (us'ly by ellipsis) : give (way) ; give one's self up, become addicted ; hit ; strike ; (mil.) charge ; get into the head (of liquors) ; deal (at cards) ; look, lead or open into (for don- ner vue or accés): se -, give one's self ; procure ; take place (of battles) ; devote, attach or addict one's self ; give one's self out as : - rendez-vous, appoint a meeting ; - une baie, humbug ; - gain de cause, admit defeat, give up ; en - à, make a fool of; beat, maul, cheat ; - à penser à, set a-thinking, make think ; - dedans (or dans le piège), fall into a Snare ; - dans une embuscade, fall into an ambuscade ; le soleil donne dans, the sun shines into ; — dans l'œuil (or dans la vue) à quelqu'un, dazzle somebody ; cette fenêtre donne sur, this window looks out upon, overlooks ; cette porte donne sur, this door leads to. -neur, -neuse*, m., f. : giver; DONOR. fdonques = donc. dont° [p. L. *de undel, prom. particle : of (from) which, of whom, whose. fdonzelle º [It. -lla (cf. demoiselle)], f : DAMSEL, wench. fdorade = daurade. do-radille" [Span. -lla (dorado, gilt)], f : finger-fern ; dorado (fish). |-ré [-rer], part. : gilt ; golden : SQt,7° tranche, gilt-edged (of books). -rée°, f : doree (yellow fish) ; yellow cake ; dung-balls, lesses, fumet. -relle* [-rer], f : ornamental plant. dosable dorénavant* [for d'or en avant, "from now on'], adv. : henceforth, hereafter. do-rer° [L. de-auräre (aurum, gold)], tr. : gild (over) ; embellish ; cover or glaze with something like gold (as with the yolk of eggs, etc.) : se -, gild ; be- come golden. -reur*, -reuse, m., f. : gilder. Doride, f. : Doris (daughter of Oceanus). dorien º, =enne [Gr. Dôres, Dorians], adj. : or m., f. : Dorian, Doric. dorine" [Dorine, woman's name], f. : golden saxifrage. dorique º [L. -ricus (Gr. -rikôs)], adj. : Doric (of Doris or the Dorians in ancient Greece); m. : Doric architecture : un -, | Small kind of pilasters. dorlo-terº [OFr. dorelot (?), hair curl- ing], tr. : surround with tender care, fondle, coddle, pamper; nurse. -tine*, ·f. : easy carriage. dor-maillerº, intr. : be half asleep, doze. -mant*, adj. : sleeping, = ; stagnant ; dull; unemployed (of money) ; m. : (carp.) dormant, dormer, sleeper, post : manœuvre dormante, (nav.) standing part of a tackle. -meurº, =euse, m., f. : sleeper, lover of sleep, sluggard ; m. : crawfish ; f : easy carriage ; sort of earring. |-mir° [L. -mire], irr. $ ; intr. : sleep (be asleep, be in repose, lie dormant, be dead) ; be stagnant ; m. : sleep : il n'y a point de pire eau que l'eau qui dort, still water runs deep. f-mitifº, =ive [L. -mire], adj. or m. : dormitive. -mition * [L. -mitio, sleeping],.f. : (theol.) last sleep of the Virgin (during which oc- curred her Assumption). $ Ind. : Pr. dor-s, -s, -t ; dorm-oms, -ez, . Ipf. dorzºzazs. Pret. dor7m2is. Fut. (Cond.) dormirai(s). — Subj. : Pr. dormze. Ipf. dorzzzzsse. — I've dors. — Part. : Pr. dor- zvzazat ; P. dorzmzz. doroirº [-rer], m. : glazing brush (for pastry).. doronie " [l. L. -cum (Arab.)], m. : leop- ard's-bane (plant). dor-sal*, pl. =aux [l. L. -salis (dorsum, back)], adj. : =. -sibran eheº [L.-sum, branchia, gill], adj. : dorsibranchiate ; m. pl. dorsibranchiata (sea-worms). dortoir° [L. dormitorium (sleep)], m. : DORMITORY. dorure* [-rer], f : gilding; glazing (of pastry). doryphore" [Gr. dôru, spear, phorôs, BEARER], m. : spear-bearer ; South Ameri- can beetle. dos° [p. L. *dossum (L. dorsum)], m. : back ; ridge : - d'âne, shelving, ridge. dq-sable º, adj. : of determinated dose or quantity. -sage*, m. : (pharm.) dosing, proportioning. d9-se* [L.-Gr. -sis (d'- (dormire, dosse dômai, give)], f : dose (quantity, portion). -serº, tr. : dose. ios-se* [dos], f. : first board sawed from · a log ; rough board or plank , convex part of a bone. -seretº [-sier], m. : backing, back-piece, pilaster; brace, check. -sierº [dos], m. : back (of a seat) ; head-board (of a bed); DOSSER (sort of basket to hang on the back); back drain of a basin ; sup- port, brace; backboard; bundle of papers (marked on the back), brief (of barristers), documents. -sière" [dos], f : ridge-band (of a harness); back of a cuirass. dio-tº [L. dos (dare, give)], f. : DOWRY, marriage portion ; nun's gift (when ad- mitted to a nunnery). -talº, pl. =aux [L. -talis], adj. : =. -tation * [L. -tatio], f : allowance to a widowed queen or princess ; allowance to a prince or high dignitary ; enDOWment, dotation ; civil list ; annual appropriation or budget (for certain de- partments). -ter* [-täre], tr. : enDOW (furnish with a dower ; settle - an in- come on). - dou-aire° [p. L. dotărium (dos, gift)l, f. : DOWER (jointure, marriage-settlement). -airier*, -airière, m., f : child re- fusing a father's heritage, to have the maternal DOWER ; f : dowager. W doua-ne* dwan [It. doana (Ar. diouan, register)], f. : custom-house ; (custom-) duty : conseil des -s, board of customs ; droit de -, custom-house duty. -nerº, tr. : seal (goods for further transpor- tation); clear (at the custom-house). I.-mierº, m. : custom-house officer; tide- waiter. 2.-nier*, -nière, adj. : relating to the custom-house or to customs. . douarº[Ar.], m. : tent-village ; Smalltribe. dou-blage* [-bler], m. : doubling; sheath- ing. dou-ble° [L. duplus (duo, TWO)], adj. : = (twofold, duplicate ; deceitful) ; m. : = (twofold ; duplicate, counterpart ; doubling, fold ; theat. understudy, substi- tute) ; (vulg.) paunch, first stomach (of ox, etc.); adv. : double: partie -, (com.) double entry. -blé" [-bler], part. : doubled, etc.; m. : plated metal; (billiards) doubler. -bleau*, m. : (carp.) binding, joist. I.-biEment*, adv. : doubly. 2.-bIE- ment* [-bler], m. : doubling; bracing. -blen°[L. duplare], tr. : double (duplicate ; redouble, increase ; fold ; pass or sail round, clear) ; line (clothing); sheath (ships); plate (metals, etc.); (bill.) play with rebound against the cushion ; (theat.) play as sub- stitute of orin ; intr. : be doubled, double. -blet*, m. : = (counterfeit gem of two crystals with a colour between them ; double lenses ; sort of backgammon ; word identical in derivation with another). -blE- té*, adj. : having a two-coloured tissue. douillard 221 -blette º, f : principal (of organs) ; two- inch board. -bleur*, =Ieuse [-bler], m., f. : doubler; maker of plate metal ; m. : lapping engine ; f : pounder. -blis" [-bler], m. : gutter tile; lower part of a fence or trellis. I.-blon*, m. : (print.) faulty repetition ; folded plate; double metal bands flattened together. 2.-blgnv [Sp. doblon], m. : doubloon (gold coin = about 315.60). -blot", m. : double linen thread (for selvage). -blureº [-bler], j. : lining ; paneling, covering; brace (of stone to strengthen marble); (theat.) un- derstudy. · dou-çâtre* [doux], adj. : insipidly sweet. |-ee, f of doux, sweet, etc. -ee- amère", f : bitter-sweet. -eeâtre = -çâtre. -eementº, adv. : sweetly ; gently ; agreeably; slowly ; peaceably, patiently, considerably : aller tout -, be as usual. -eereusement* [-cereux], adv. : insipidly. -eEreuoc* [-ceur], adj. : insipidly sweet, sweetish, mawkish, sug- ared, affected. -eetº, -eette [doux], adj. : mild, demure ; m., f. : mild or de- mure person ; m. : sort of sweet grape or apple ; sort of fish ; f : corn salad ; mo- lasses ; sort of soda. -eettement* -[-cet], adv. : ( fam.) gently, softly : il va -, he is so so. -eeurº [doux], f. : sweetness, agreeableness ; mildness, gen- tleness ; softness, douceur ; fragrance ; melodiousness; pleasure, comfort; delight. dou-eheº [It. doccia (L. ductio, flow of water)], f : = (shower-bath). -eherº, tr. : give a douche. -eheur*, -eheuse, m., f. : person who gives a douche. fdoueinº [doux], m. : sea-urchin; crab apple ; brackish water. - doueine* [?l, f : (arch.) = ; (carp.) moulding-plane. doueirº [doux], tr. : polish (a looking- glass). fdouègne = duègne. - douelle * [douve],f : stave; (arch.) archi- volt ; facing of a voussoir. douer° [L. dotare (däre, give)], tr. : en- DOW (ffurnish with a dower; bestow upon as a gift). fdouge = douche. douil-lardº, m. : (pop.) soft or effemi- nate person. -le° [L. ductile (ducere, lead)], f : socket ; pipe ; cartridge shell ; mattress cover. |-letº, =ette [OFr. -le (L. ductilis), * ductile,' as influenced by doux, soft], adj. : delicately soft or . mellow ; effeminate, soft, over-gentle ; delicate, sensitive ; m., f. : soft or effemi- nate person ; f : soft wadded garment. -lettementº, adv. : softly, effe e# -letterº, tr. : coddle, nurse. -Ieuacº, - =euse [OFr. -le], adj. : of uneven texture. . 222 douleur i-lon " [OFr. -le], m. : (dial.) inferior wool. dou-leur° [L. dolor (-lëre, suffer)], f : pain, ache, pang, DOLOR ; grief, anguish, woe. f-loir [L. dolere], refl. : be pained ; grieve, wail. -loureusement* [-lou- reux], adv. : grievously. -Ioureux º, =euse, adj. : painful; grievous, Woeful ; dolorous. - fdoussin = doucin. dou-teº, m. (rarely f.º) : DoUBT (uncer- tainty, suspense ; distrust, misgiving ; scepticism): sans -, no doubt that. |-ter° [L. dubitäre (duo, TWO)], intr. : doubt (waver; be sceptical); ftr. : doubt; refl. : (fEng. doubt), suspect, surmise, have an idea ; distrust, fear : je -te qu'il vienne, I doubt whether he will come ; je ne -te pas qu'il ne (explet. after douter used negat. or interrog.) vienne, I doubt not he will come; je me -te qu'il vienne, I suspect he will come. -teur*, m. : doubter. -teusement* [-teux], adv. : doubtfully. -teux*, =euse, adj. : doubtful, dubious. dou-vain*, m. : stave wood. dou-veº | [l. L. doga (Gr. doché, receptacle)], f. : ditch ; cavity ; inner slope of a ditch or a basin ; stave ; scraping board ; spear-wort (growing in ditches); intestinal worm (pop. supposed to be engendered by the spear- wort). Douvres, m. : Dover (English city on the Channel). dou-vé* [-ve], adj. : filled with intestinal worms. f-velle = douelle. douac°, f. douee [L. dulcisl, adj. : sweet (pleasing to the senses or mind, agreeable; fragrant ; mild, gentle ; calm, peaceful ; soft, mellow ; fresh, not salt) ; adv. : sweetly, gently ; softly ; submissively : billet -, love-letter ; poisson d'eau douce, fresh-water fish ; il fait bien -, the weather is very mild ; une taille douce, a copper-plate ; filer -, be submissive ; tout —, (quite) softly, gently. dou-zain*, m.: piece of twelve verses ; package of twelve decks of cards. -zaine*, f : dozen. Ildou-ze° [p. L. *dödece (L. duo-decim)], adj. or m. : TWElve ; twelfth : f(fam., play on the word dis, * say,' as of dix, *ten') je vous dis et vous - que tous les médecins n'y feront rien, I bet you all the doctors will accom- plish nothing. -zième º, adj. or m., f : twelfth. -zièmement" [-zième], adv. : twelfthly. fdouzil = doisil. doxologie [L., Gr. -gía (Gr. dôxa, glory, lôgos, speech)], f : doxology. • doy-en°, -enne [l. L. decanus (decem, TEN), " chief of ten'], m., DEAN (ecclesi- astical dignitary; head officer in a Univer- dramatique sity faculty; senior of a corps). -enné*, m. : deanship ; deanery ; dean's-pear. fdraban = traban. drachme* [L. -ma (Gr. drássesthai, grasp)l, f : drachma, dram. draco eéphale" [l. L. -hem (Gr. drákon, DRAGOn, kephalé, HEAD)], m. : dragon's- head (plant). Dra-con, m. : Draco (lawgiver of Athens). dra-conien*, =enne, adj. : draconian, rigorous. draconte or -tium* [l. L. -tium (Gr. drákon, DRAGON)], m. : dragon's-wort. dragage*[-guer], m. : dragging, dredging. fdragé = dréche. dra-gée* [L.-Gr. tragemata, dainty], f : comfit, sugar-plum ; small shot; grain : -8 lisses, plain sugar-plums ; grosse —, buck-shot ; avaler la -, swallow the pill ; - de cheval, buckwheat. -geoirº, m. : comfit-dish. s dra-geon* [Germ'c root draib, ak. to " drivé, push'l, m. : shoot, sucker. -geon- nerº, intr. : shoot suckers. fdragme = drachme. fdragoman = drogman. dra-gonº [L. draco (Gr. -kon, dérkes- thai ; look ;viz. fiercely)], m. : dragon (fab. monster lizard ; fierce person, esp. woman, vixen ; Satan ; constellation ; winged crea- ture in a coat of arms) ; DRAGOON (light cavalry man : their standard having once a dragon on it) ; spot in a diamond ; spot in a horse's eye ; as adj., -gon, -gonne, dragoon-like, fierce : — de vent, hurri- cane ; - d'eau, water-spout ; une mission -gomme, a dragonnade ; à la -gonne, like a dragoon, in a brutal way. -gonnade", f : =. -gonneº, f : sword-knot (orig. of dragoon's sword) ; violent woman ; and cf. -gon. -gonnéº, adj. : dragon- formed. f-gonnerº, tr. : dragoon, tor- ment. -gonnier*, m. : dragon-tree. fdraguage = dragage. I.drague = drèche. - 2.dra-gueº [Eng. drag], f : DREDGE, dredging-machine ; DRAG. -guerº, tr. : drag; dredge. -gueur", m. : dredger ; dredging boat ; dragnet fisher. draille = traille. dr-ain* [Eng.], m. : =, draining-pipe. -ainageº [-ner], m. : =. fdraine = drenne. drainerº [drain], tr. : drain. draisi(en)ne* [Drais, inventor], f. : =, (earliest) velocipede of 1817. dra-matique* [L. -maticus], adj. : dramatic. -matiquement* [-matique], adv. : dramatically. -matiser, tr. : dramatize. -matiste º, m., f. : (rare) dramatist (playwright). -maturge" [Gr. -matourgôs], m. : dramatist, drama- · dramet turgist. -maturgie # -matourgía], f : dramaturgy. ll-me" [L., Gr. drama (Gr. drân, act)], m. : drama. dranetº [Eng. drag-net], m.: drag-net. dra-p° , [p. L. *drappus (?, cf. Eng. drab, from Fr.)], m. : cloth ; sheet ; pall : - mortuaire, pall; adder ; beetle ; spot- ted marble ; - d'or, sort of shell ; crocus; sort of plum or apple ; être entre deux —s, be in bed ; être dans de mauvais (beaux) -s, be in a bad (fine) mess or pickle ; tailler en plein -, have an abun- dance of means. -pade",.f. : Languedoc serge. . -page* [-perl, m. : draping. -peau*, pl.-x, m. : fpiece ofcloth (rag), fswaddling-cloth ; flag (banner, standard ; ensign ; streamers) : être sous les —x, serve in the army. -perº, tr. : fmake cloth of; cover with (esp. black) cloth ; drape (adorn with folds of cloth) ; rub with cloth ; censure, (fEng. drape); se —, drape or cover one's self; parade ; assume airs ; intr. : wear mourning. I.-perie*, . : drapery (fcloth stuffs ; textile fabric hung in folds). 2.-perie* [-pier], f : cloth-making; cloth-trade. 3.-perie* [-per], f : draping; wearing black or mourning ; privilege of being dressed in mourning at court. -pier*, -pière, m., f. : clothier; draper, woolen-draper ; sea-martin ; f : folding or packing pin. rastique" [Gr. -tikôs (drân, act)], adj. : or m. : drastic (purgative). rave* [Span. draba], f : whitlow-grass. rawbaekº aw = o [Eng.], m. : =. ra-yageº, m. : fleshing (hides). |-yerº [?], tr. : flesh (hides). -yoire", f : fleshing- knife. -yure", f : fleshing (hides). rê-ehe" [?], f : malt : four à — malt- kiln. .drègeº [?], f : dragnet. .dr-ège", f : flax-comb. |-éger " [Ger. dreschen, THRESH), tr. : comb (flax). rE-linº [echoic], interj. : tinkle ! m. : inkling. - resde, f. : Dresden (capital of Saxony). res-sage", m. : dressing; fixing ; train- ng. -seº, f : underlay (piece of leather bO u de y a shoe worn on one side). sement*, m. : dressing, fixing ; drawing put a bundle of wire. |-serº° [p. L. ºdrectiäre (L. di-rectus, direct, RIGHT)], #r. : set RIGHT or straight, (fEng. dress), nold upright, eRECT, prick ; raise, set up ; DRESS (set in order, adjust, align, straight- pn, trim , arrange, prepare for use, draw p, lay out, give proper shape to, deck ; rain or break, educate) ; DIRECT ; start ogs ; intr. : stand upright, rise on end ; ollow the right path ; se -, stand erect, ise ; be straightened or formed ; stand on (dial.) 223 end. -seur*, -seuse, m., f : dresser, trimmer ;rammer-man (in paving). -soir*, m.: dresser, sideboard; trimming board ; dressing or trimming tool (of various kinds). fdret,=tte, except'lyin rhyme = droit, -te. I.drilleº [?], f : rag (for making paper). 2.+drilleº [?], m. : (dial.) stunted oak. 3.drilleº [?], m. : fold soldier; (fam.) fellow. 4.drilIe" [Ger. -en, bore], f : drill. drillerº [?], intr. : fshine ; run. fdril-leuacº, =euse [I.-le], adj. : ragged. f-lier" [I.-le], m. : rag-picker. drisse º [It. drizza (-are, raise, cf. dresser)], f : halyard (rope for hoisting yards, etc.) ; gear. - drog-manº [It. dragomano (fr. Arab.)], m. : dragoman (interpreter in the East). -manatº, m. : dragoman's function. dro-gueº [?], f. : DRUG ; (fam.) stuff, rubbish ; old iron ; split stick (which the loser in a sailor's game " pinch-Peter" puts on his nose) ; the game itself. -guerº, tr. : drug, physic ; adulterate ; intr. : be * Peter," keep the split stick on the nose till one wins, hold out ; (fam.) dance attend- ance. -guerieº, f : drug-trade; drugs ; drug-store. -guetº, m. : drugget. f-gue- tier", m. : drugget-weaver. -gueur", m.: fdruggist ; (fam.) effective drug. f-guierº,m. : medicine-chest. -guisteº, m. : druggist. I.droi-t° [p. L. *drectus (L. di-rectus, direct) in sense of "right-hand’ for oldc: destre], adj. : RIGHT (straight, DIRECT ; up- right, erect, stand-up; correct, just, true; right-hand) ; adv. : straight, straight on ; directly ; uprightly, honestly; m. : straight line. 2.-droi-t° [p. L. *drectum, neut. of -us], m. : right (just claim, title, privilege, authority, reason); law, decree ; dues, tax, (custom-)duty ; excise ; fee, commission : docteur en —, doctor of laws ; faire son —, study law ; faire -, decree ; judge definitely ; le — du contrôle, the stamp- office fee ; -s d'un collège, pensions ; frauder les —s, commit revenue fraud, evade the duty ; - de péage, toll. -te ( f. of I.droit, with main, hand, etc., un- derstood), f. : right (viz. hand), right hand or side : à —, on the right ; prendre la —, or tourner à —, turn to the right. -tement*, adv. : rightly; uprightly, sin- cerely. -tier*, -tière, m., f : right- handed person. -ture° [p. L. *drectura (L. directüra)], f : fdirectness (en -, straight on) ; uprightness, integrity ; (rare) rectitude. #-turier* [-ture], adj. : direct, erect. dr-olatique º, adj. : amusing, laughable. ll-Qle, -ôlesse [?], m., f : funny or lu- drolatique 224 dicrous fellow ; rogue, rascal, knave ; f : strumpet ; adj. : DROLL (ludicrous, comi- cal, strange) : un - de corps, a queer dromadaire fellow. -ôlementº, adv. : comically, jocosely. -ôlerieº, f : drollery, merry trick. -ôlesse, cf. -ôle. dro-anadaire* [L. -medarius (Gr. -más, runner)], m. : dromedary. -masº or I.-me [Gr. ' runner'], m. : sandpiper. 2.drome" [?], f : float, raft ; spare masts and yards ; dismantled sloops ; head-beam ; main rope (of a net). dromo- [Gr. -mos, run] : -mëtre* [Gr. métron, MEASURE], m. : pocket instru- ment serving to control the indications of a dromoscope (inst.). -seopeº [Gr. sko- peîn, observe], m. : cyclometer, indicator of the speed of a vehicle. dronteº [Mauritian], m. : =, dodo (bird). dropº [Eng.], m. : (nav.) drop (for lower- ing Weights), crane. drosehkiº [Russ.], m. : carriage). droséra* [l. L.], f, m. : (bot.) sun-dew. dros-seº [It. trozza, block (of rigging)], ·f. : (nav.) fparrel ; TRUSS ; breeching of a cannon. -ser [? -se], tr. : drive (a ship) to leeward. fdroui-neº [Celt.], f : tinker's sack. -neurº, m. : tinker. drous-sage", m. : carding. -se" or -sette, f : comb, card. |-ser" [?], tr. : card (wool). , -seur", =euse, m., f : carder. - druº [?], adj. : full of sprouts, rich, thick- set ; thick, abundant ; vigorous, lively ; fledged ; adv. : thick(ly) : fcette fille est -e, this girl is ready to marry. drui-deº, =esse [L. -da (fr. Celt.)], m., f : druid, druidess. -dique*, adj. : druidical. -disme", m. : druidism. dru-paeé", adj. : drupaceous. |-pe [L. -pa, olive], f : = (pulpy stone fruit). -péoleº, f : drupel (small drupe). drya-de* [L. dryas (Gr. drûs, TREE)], ſ : dryad (wood-nymph) ; rosaceous shrub. -déesº, f.pl. : dryadaea. du [de le] : of (from, by) the ; some, any. dû, f. due [ of devoir], part. : owed, DUE ; , m. : due ; duty. dua-iisme* [L. -lis (duo, Two), dual], m. : dualism. -listeº [L. -lis], m., f : dualist ; adj. : dualistic. -lité º [L. -lis], f : duality. dubita-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (cf. doute)], adj. : dubitative. -tion [L. -tio], f : =. -tivement, adv. : dubitatively. drosky (open du-eº [L. dux (ducere, lead), leader], m. : | DUKE (lord of a certain territory; digni- tary next to the king ; prince) ; two- seated carriage ; horn-owl. . -cal*, pl. =auac, adj. : =. -cat [It. -cato, coin orig'ly dur – e -eaton " — l — 5 issued by a duke], m. [-cat], m. : ducatoon (silver coin • 4 ducat). -ehé, m. (#f.) : dukedom, duchy. -ehesse º, f : duchess ; kind of sofa ; kind of pear : lit à la -, canopied bedstead ; coiffure à la -, breast knot. ducroire " [du, croire], m. : del credere, commission allowed an agent for guaran- teeing the payment of the goods he sells. dueti-ie* [L. -lis (ducere, lead)], adj. : =. -lité", f : ductility. - duègne º [Span. dueña (L. donna, domi- na, mistress)], f : duenna (governess). I.duelº [L. dualis (duo, TWo)], m. : dual number. - - 2.due-lº [L. -llum (duo, Two)], m. : : appeler en -, challenge. -liste º, m. : duelist. - duettin9º [It. (L. duo, Two)], m. : dugazon * [Dugazon, name of a female singer], f. : heroine's part (in a comic Opera). I.fduire° [p. L. docere (L. docère), teach], tr. : train. 2.fdui-re° [L. diicere], defect. $ ; tr. : •- lead; charm ; intr. : please, suit. -t*, m. : artificial bed (of a river) ; dike. -tageº [-te], m. : woof (texture). -te", f : weft; warp ; (nav.) rope-yarn. Ind. : Pr. il dazzz ; ils dazzsezzz. Ipf. duzsazs. Fut. (Cond.) duirai(s). - du I.ei-fiantº, adj. : dulcifying. -fiea- -tion", f. : -fierº [L. ,ficare (dul- cis, sweet, facere, make)], tr. : dulcify, mollify. - du1einée* [Span. Dulcinea, mistress of the affections of Don Quixote],.f. : dulcinea. du lie* [l. L. -lia (Gr. douleia, servitude)], ſ : dulia (worship of saints as the servant of God). - - dûmentº [dû], adv. : duly. dun-e*[Netherl.], f : =, down. -netteº, f : little dune ; (nav.) poop. du-oº [It., *TWO'], m. : =, duet(to) -odé eennalº, pl. -aux [L. -odecim, TWElve, annus, year], adj. : duodecennial (of twelve years). ..-odé eimaiº, pl, -aux [L. duo-decimus, 12th], adj. : duo- decimal. -odi" [L. duo, TWO, dies, DAY] m. : = (2d day of a decade : Fr. Revol.). du-pe* [?], f : fgull (bird) ; =, gull -perº, tr. : dupe, gull. -perie º [-per] f : dupery, trickery. -peur* [-per], m.. duper, trickster. - - dupli-cata " [L. (duplex, DOUBLE)], m.. duplicate. -cation * [L. -catio], f : =. -eatureº [L. -catus], f : =. eité* [L. -citas], f : duplicity. #-que [-quer] f : (leg.) rejoinder. #-quer* [L. -care] intr. : make a rejoinder. duquel for de lequel. dur° [L. durus], adj. : hard (obDURATE dur dull ; harsh, severe ; hard-hearted) ; adv. : hard, firmly : il a l'oreille —e (or il entend —), he is hard of hearing ; avoir la tête —e, be dull or thick-headed ; avoir la vie —e, resist death ; un esprit —, a dull understanding ; le temps est -, the weather is severe. du-r ... [L. -rus, hard, or -rare (-rus), last, fEng. DURE) : -rabilité [L. -rabili- tas], f : durability. -rable° [L. -rabilis], adj. : =. -rablement* [ rablel, adv. : durably, lastingly. -rant* [part. of -rer], prep. : during : f- que, while. -r-bec", pl. -s--s, m. : hawfinch. -reirº [dur], tr. : harden, indurate ; finure; intr. : grow hard. -reissementº, m. : hardening. dure° [ f of dur], adj. : hard, etc. ; f : bare ground or floor. -rée* [-rer], f : duration. -rementº [dur], adv. : hard, harshly, severely. -re- mère* [mère], f : (anat.) dura mater -rer° [L. -räre], intr. : enDURE, last, con- tinue (fEng. dure) ; hold out ; wear well ; seem to last, seem long : ne pouvoir - en · place, be unable to remain anywhere ; le temps lui -e, time hangs heavy upon him ; ſaire vie qui -e, look out for to-morrow. -retº, =ette [dur], adj. : rather hard ; m. : sort of apple ; sort of maple. -reté [dur], f : hardness ; harshness ; severity, sternness ; hard word or thing. -ril- Ionº [dur], m. : callosity, hard skin ; corn (on the foot) ; nodosity. -riuseuleº [L. -riusculus], adj. : somewhat hard. duum-vir" [L. (duo, Two, vir, man)], m. : =. -viralº, pl. -aux [L. -viralis], adj. : =. -viratº [L. -viratus], m. : duumvirate. - du-vetº [dial. dumet (ak. to Eng. down)], m. : DOWN (soft under feathers ; soft hair or beard ; wool, nap). -veté º, adj. : downy. -veteux º, =euse, adj. : downy. dyadeº [L. -as (Gr. du-ás)], adj. : dy- ad(ic), of two units. - ò dyna-m . . . [Gr. dünamis, power] : -mie*, f : power-unit, dynam. -miqueº [Gr. -mikôs], adj. : dynamic(al); f : dynam- ics. -misme º, m. : dynamism. -misteº [-misme], m. : dynamist. -mite º, f : =. -momètre*, m. : dynamometer. dynas-te* [L. -tes (Gr. dûnasthai, be strong)], m. : dynast, petty sovereign. -tie* [Gr. -teia), f : dynasty. -tiqueº [-tie], adj. : dynastic. dys- [Gr. dus-, ill] : -chroïe [Gr. chrôa, skin], f : dyschroa, morbid alteration of · the colour of the skin. -einésie* [Gr. kinesis, motion], f. : dyscinesia (morbid condition making motions difficult). f-cole* [L. -colus], adj. : sullen, choleric. -erasie* [L. -crasia (Gr. krâsis, mixt- ure)], f : dyscrasia, long bad health. ébahir 225 -éeée* [L. -ecœa (Gr. akoûein, hear)], f : weakness of HEARing. -enterie* [L. -enteria (Gr. éntera, ENTRAILS)], f : dys- entery. -entérique* [-enterie], adj. : dysenteric. -lalie* [Gr. laleîn, talk], f : dyslalia, difficulty in articulating words. -ménorrhée º [m.], f : dysmenorrhea. -ménésie* [Gr. mnáomai, reMEMBER], f : weakness of memory. -pepsie" [Gr. péptein, COOK, digest], f : dyspepsia. -peptique* #iel, adj. : dyspep- tic(al). | -pnée* [L. -pnœa (Gr. pneîn, breathe)], f : dyspnœa. f-sentérie = -enterie. -urie* [L. -uria (Gr. oûron, URINE)], f. : dysury. dytique* [Gr. dutikôs (dûein, plunge)], adj. : plunging ; m. : water-insect; pl. : divers (birds). E e E, or older é [L.], m. : e (the letter). é- [L. ex, from, out of], pref. : e-, ex-, etc. eau°, pl. -ac [L. aqua], f : water (body of Water, as sea, pond, etc. ; vapour; liquid secretion ; luster of a diamond ; pl. mineral waters) ; water-works ; tide ; broth ; tea- infusion ; wake (of a ship) : - bénite, holy water ; — bénite de cour, fair or deceitful promises : — blanche, bran and water ; (pharm.) Gourland water ; — de b0udin, thin air ; smoke ; nothing ; - du · ciel, rain-water ; — claire, ( fig.) mere water, empty stuff, of no use ; — forte, aqua fortis, etching acid ; - de Javel (Javelle), = (disinfecting and bleaching solution) ; - de Luce, = ; — panée (sucrée), toastwater; - régale, AQUA REGIA ; (chem.) — seconde, lye water ; — de vin, brandy ; — vive, spring (hard) water ; -x mortes, neaptide ; —x vives, springtide ; grandes -x, high flood ; entre deux —x, in difficulty, between two fires ; voies d'-, leakage ; à fleur d'-, between wind and water; (nav.) lurking (of a rock); mettre de l'- dans son vin, lower one's pretensions ; (nav.) faire —, spring a leak ; make water ; (nav.) faire de l'-, take in water; make water; pump a ship ; prendre l'-, let in water ; prendre les —x, drink mineral waters. - béni- ter " [eau, bénite], tr. : sprinkle with holy water ;-bénitierº, m. : holy water basin (ofsilver). -de-vie, pl. -x-de-vie, f : brandy. -forte, pl. -x--s, aqua fortis (etching acid) ; etching (design, im- pression). -fortier [ forte], m. : etcher. éba-hirº [é-, bah, * bah !'], intr. or refl. : be amazed, wonder. -hi, adj. : amazed, wondering. -hissement*, m. : amaze- ment, wonder. 226 - fébalaçon or ébalançon º [old -cer (é-, balancer, out-balance)], m. : estrapade, kicking, bucking (of a horse, trying to , throw its rider). ébar-bage", m. : stripping or shaving off; paring; edging off. -bEmentº, m. : shaving, stripping ; paring away. |-ber * [é-, barbe, *unbarb'], tr. : shave off (any unevenness) ; strip (as a quill) ; pare; edge off. -beuse*, f : paring- machine. -boirº, m. : paring instru- ment; parer. -bure", f : shavings. -doir" [?] m. : parer; grater. ébarou-ir" [?] tr. : dry up. -issageº, m.: dried up condition ; dryness. féba-tº, m. : sport, play, amusement ; f-ttement*, m. : balancing, swinging (of a vehicle). |-ttre* [é-, battre], irr.; refl. : disport one's self; sport, play, gam- bol. - ébau-biº [é-, baub (L. balbus, stammer- ing)], adj. : amazed, thunderstruck. -birº, tr. : astonish ; s'-, be dumfounded. -bis- sement*, m. : amazement. ébau-ehageº, m. : sketching, drawing. -eheº, f. : outline, sketch. #-ehement, m.: sketching. |-eherº [? OFr. es- bouschier, "un-bush," unbranch ; "strip a tree of its branches], tr. : outline ; sketch ; rough-model ; half-finish ; trace out ; prepare ; (sculp.) s'-, to point. -eheurº, m. : sketcher; rough-caster ; =; adj. : roughing. -ehoirº, m. : (sculp.) boaster ; boasting-tool. #ébau-dirº [é-, OFr. baud], tr. or refl. : exhilarate, cheer ; frisk ; frolic ; make merry. f-dissement*, m. : cheering ; frisking ; glee ; merry-making. ebbe, ébe [Eng. ebb], m. : ebb-tide. ébé-naeées*, f pl. : sort of ebony-tree. |ébè-neº [L. ebenus], f : ebony : - rouge, Grenadas cocus, grenadillo. -nerº, tr. : ebonize. -nierº, m. : ebony-tree. -nisteº, m. : ebonist, cabinet-maker. -nisterie", f : cabinet-making. ébergE-ment* [é-, berge], m. : (river) banks. éberguerº [é-, Bergen (city in Norway)], tr. : prepare (codfish in Norwegian man- ner). éberner = ébréner. ébertauderº [é-, bretauder], tr. : give first shearing to (cloth). ébeurrer* [é-, beurre], tr. : free (milk) from butter. ébiseler* [é-, biseau], tr. : countersink. éblou-ir° [é-, Germ'c root blaud (= Ger. blöde, weak)], tr. : dim ; dazzle. -i, part. : dazzled; dizzy. -issantº, adj. : dazzling; glaring. -issement, m. : dimness ; flash ; dizziness ; fascinations. · ébalaçon repairing chamfer ; ébranchage ébor-gnageº, m. : nipping off (buds). -gnEmenitº, m. : nipping; blinding ; state of being one-eyed or nipped. ll-gnerº [é-, borgner], tr. : render blind in one eye ; nip off (buds). ébotter" [é, bout], tr. : top ; prune. ébou-age*, m. : scavengering; cleaning (the streets). |-erº [é-, boue], tr. : re- move dirt from ; clean (the streets) ; scavenge. -eur, m. : roadscraper; scav- enger. . fé-bouffer [é-, bouffer], refl. : burst out (laughing). ébouil-lantageº [-lanter], m. : apply- ing warm watèr to (something). -lan- terº [é-, bouillant], tr. : apply warm water to ; scald. |-lir* [é-, bouillir], irr.; intr. : boil down ; boil away. ébou-lageº, m. : thin part of a piece of cloth (the threads not being close to- gether). -lementº, m. : falling in ; sinking ; landslide ; rubbish. |-ler* [é-, old bouel (= boyau), BOWEL], tr. and refl. : cave in (sink ; give way). -leux, =euse", adj. : liable to fall ; loose. -lis", m. : fallen ground ; rubbish. ébouquer* [é-, bûche], tr. : burl; dress or finish up cloth. N. »' ébouqueterº [é-, bouquet], tr. : nip the leaf buds off. ébouqueur, -euse* [cf. ébouquer], m., ſ : burler (one finishing up cloth). ébouquinerº [é-, bouquin], tr. : rid (a park) of goats, rabbits, etc. ébourgeon-nementº, m. : nipping off buds. . |-ner* [é-, bourgeon], tr. : dis- bud; nip the buds off. -neurº, m. or adj. : bud-picker (bird) ; bud-picking. -noirº, m. : nipping-knife; pruning- knife. ébourif-fantº [ fer], adj. : ruffling ; stunning ; startling; dazzling. |-féº · [fr. Prov. (same deriv. as é-, bourre)], adj. : disordered (hair, etc.) ; ruffled ; daz- zled ; dumfounded. -ferº, tr. or refl. : dis- order, ruffle, dazzle ; be dazzled or as- tôunded. # ébour-rage", m. : peeling (a hide). ll-rerº [é-, bourre], tr. : peel (a hide). ébousinerº [é-, bousin], tr. : remove the crust from (a freestone), clean off. |? ébou-tageº, m. : cutting, shortening, trimming. -teuse*, f : lace-trimmer. . |-terº [é-, bout], top off, prune, trim. ébouturerº [é-, bouture], tr. : strip (a tree, etc.) of slips (for replanting). ébrai-ser" [é-, braise], tr. : free (a furnace, etc.) of cinders ; rake out. -soir, m. : furnace-shovel. x ébran-ehageº, m. : lopping, pruning, trimming. -ehement", m. : pruning. |-eher* [é-, branche], tr. : deprive of ébranlement branches ; lop (prune, trim). -ehoirº, m. : bill-hook, pruning-hook. ébran-lementº, m. : shaking; disturb- ance ; decay ; motion ; straining (of ship). |-lerº [é-, branler], tr. : shake ; shock ; disturb , move ; refl. : be shaken, shake ; totter, Waver ; yield. ébra-sementº, m. : (arch.) splay, splay- ing. |-serº [é-, root bras (?)], tr. : splay, cut obliquely. é-brèehementº, m. : notching, etc. |-bré eher* [é-, brèche], tr. : break (off); diminish ; notch. ébrE-nerº [é-, bran (old bren)], tr. : change, clean (a child). -neurº, -neuse, m. or f. : cleaner ; nurse (of a child). ébriété* [L. ebrietas (ebrius, intoxi- cated)], f. : ebriety ; intoxication. fébrilIadeº [It. sbrigliata (briglia, BRIDLE) bridled], f : ebrillade, checking (a horse). ébron-derº [?], tr. : deoxidate (heated iron). -deurº, m. : one who deoxidates. ébrosser = ébrousser. ébrou-age* [é-, brouer], m. : washing ; cleaning. - ébrou-dage", m. : wire-drawing. -deur, m. : wire-drawer. |-dir [?], tr. : draw Wire through the draw-plate (to make it very fine) : fil (or fer) -di, wire drawn through four plate holes ; extra fine wire. - ébrou-ementº, m. : snorting; sneezing. I.ll-en°* [?], refl. : snort, sneeze. 2.ébrouerº [é-, root brou in brouet], tr. : Wash in bran and water. 3.ébrou-erº [é-, brou], tr. : shell or husk (nuts). -euseº, f : walnut-sheller. ébrousserº [é-, brousse], tr. : strip (a tree) of leaves, etc., prune. ébrouterº [Prov. esbrouta (es, brout)], tr. : free (a mulberry tree) of twigs (that could harm the young silk-worm). ébruiterº [é-, bruit], tr. : BRUIT or noise abroad ; make known; disclose, divulge. ébuard " [?], m. : wooden wedge. ébul-lioscope* [L. -lire, Gr. skopeîn, examine], m. : ebullioscope. |-lition * [L. -litio (bullire, BOIL)], f : ebullition ; boiling ; effervescence ; rash ; eruption. ébur-nation º,f : eburnification. |-néº [L. -meus], adj. : EBURNEAN (like ivory). éeabo-ehage*, m. : removing; stripping. |-eherº [é-, caboche], tr. : strip (a tobac- co-leaf) of its head. - éea-ehement*, m.: SQUASHING ; flatten- ing. |-eher* [é-, cacher, tread down], tr. or refl. : SQUASH, crush, flatten. -eheur*, m. : squasher; wire-drawer. écaferº [L. scapha (Gr. Skapteîn, dig), boat], tr. : split (an osier, etc.) in two. 227 SRCEIN Or écartement écagne* [Ir. sgainnel, f. : SKAIN. écail-lage"[-ler],m. : scaling. llécail-le [Goth. Skalja, tile], f. : SCALE, SHELL ; chipping. -[éº, adj. : scaled, scaly. -lementº [-ler], m. : scaling ; remov- ing the scales from. -lerº, tr. : scale ; open (oysters) ; s'-, scale off; peel off. -lerº, =ère, m., f : oyster- vender; oyster-opener. -leux º, =euse, adj. : scaled, scaly. -lureº [-ler], f : scale ; film (removed from lead by a plumber). I.écale = escale. 2.écale" [?], f : depression (near coining- machine where the mintman stands). 3.éca-le* [OHG. skala (Goth. skalja, "tile)], f : SHELL, pod (husk); pl. rubble. -lerº, tr. or refl. : husk ; shell ; be shelled or husked ; chip off. -Ieuseº [écaler], f. : woman shelling, cracking or selling nuts. -1ure º [écaler], f. : hard skin (of certain fruits). écan-g, m., écan-gue", f : tewing-beetle (for cleaning flax or hemp).. -gageº, m. : cleaning. |-guer" [?], tr. : clèan (flax or hemp). -gueur", =euse, m. and f : washer (of flax or hemp). écarbouiller = écrabouiller. écarla-te* [?], f. : SCARLET colour. f-tin º, adj. : scarlet ; kind of cider ; certain red woolen cloth. féearner " [é-, carne], tr. : damage (the corners of) ; spoil (by breaking the cor- ners). écarquil-lementº, m. : spreading out ; opening wide. ll-lerº [é-, quart : " square out'], tr. : open wide ; spread out. écarr . .. = équarr . . . I.écar-tº [I.-ter], m. : step aside; digres- sion; fault; error; difference (in price); flight : à l'-, aside, in a lonely place. 2.écartº [2. -ter], m. : cards discarded. 3.écartº [-teler], m. : quartering (of coat of arms). 4.écart* [écarver], m. : joint ; joint. I.écar-table* [I.-ter], adj. : truant : (hunt.) faucon —, a falcon, flying very high (to escape the heat). 2.écar-table* [2.-ter], adj. : discardable. -té*, m. : = (a game). - écar-tèlementº, m. : quartering (of coat of arms, or as punishment). |-tEler* [é-, quartier], tr. : QUARTER (a criminal SCARF ; scarf- etc.). -tElureº, f. : quartering. écar-tEmentº, m. : removal ; separa- tion ; diversion ; interval ; diastasis. I.ll-ter* [é-, quart : orig'ly " put out of the way into a quarter or corner"l, tr. : set or turn aside (divert, remove ; Ward off) ; drive away ; scatter; distance ; dis- 228 card (reject, waive) ; s'-, turn aside, deviate, swerve ; rove, stray; disperse, scatter ; strain one's self. ' 2.écarterº [é-, cartel, tr. : disCARD; put aside (cards). : écarteur* [I. ter], m. : bull-fighter. écartillement, -lIer, see écarquille- ment, -ller. éearver" [Swed. skarfva, join], tr. : SCARF, gather, join. éca-tir, -tissage, -tisseur, see ca-tir, -tissage, -tisseur. écatoir" [?], m. : sword cutler's chisel. éeaudé * [é-, L. cauda, tail], adj. : ecau- date : les -s, frogs, etc. (batrachian family of reptiles). féeaveçadeº [It. scavezzata (-zare, jerk the cavezon)], f : ebrillade. ecbaseº [L. exbasis, Gr. ék-basis, going out], f. : (rhet.) exbasis ; digression. eeee homoº [L.], m. : = ( behold the · man') ; painting of Christ crowned with thorns : un vrai -, a thin, pale man. eeehy-mgseº[Gr. ekchümosis, ek-, chéein, pour out], f. : ecchymosis (skin disease). -moserº, tr. : ecchymose. ecclésias-te* [Gr. ek-klesiastés, preach- er (ek-kaleîn, call out)], m. : author of a certain book in the Old Testament ; the book itself (Ecclesiastes). -tique* [Gr. -tikôs], adj. : ecclesiastical ; ecclesiastic ; m. : clergyman ; Ecclesiasticus (apocryphal book in the Old Testament) : habit -, church attire. -tiquement* [-tique], adv. : ecclesiastically. 1 éeen-teº [L. scindula, SHINGLEl, f : (Norm. dial.) SHINGLE. -ter*, tr. : shingle ; cover with shingles. é eéper* [é-, cep], tr. : break off (shoots of a vine). éeervElé* [e-, cervelle], adj. : brainless ; foolish ; wild, rash. éehafau-dº [é-, chafaud], m. : SCAFFOLD, (scaffolding, stage, platform ; platform for execution); execution. -dageº, m. : scaffolding; preparation; display. -derº, intr. : scaffold; erect scaffolding or stage; make preparation or display ; tr. : expose (as a criminal) on the scaffold ; dis- honour. » éehal-as° [p. L. *ex-characium (Gr. cha- rakoeîn, prop up)], m. : prop, wine-stick, lath ; shank. -assementº [-sser], m. : propping. -asserº, tr.: prop (shrubs). féehalier° [l. L. scalarium, ladder], m. : (dial.) staircase ; hurdle ; fence ; stile. éehaloteº [L. ascalonia (fr. Ascalon in Palest.)], f. : (e)schalot : - d'Espagne, mild garlic. éeham-p* [O.Fr. eschamper, ESCAPE], m.: space (bet. two rows of vines). -peauº écarter | -, free trade. jerking the CAVEZON, échardonnage [? same origin], m. : end of fishline (where hook is fastened). éehampir" [é-, champ], tr. : (art) set off, adorn. éehan-ererº [?], tr. : slope ; hollow ; indent; notch; s'-, hollow inwards; form a semicircle ; be notched. -crure º, f. : sloping ; hollowing, etc. •^ éehandole* [L. scandula, SHINGLE], f. : · (dial.) SHINGLE ; stave. I.éehange" [2.-gerl, m. : soaking; washing (linen) ; smoothing or pressing (newly- made paper). 2.é ehan-geº, m. : EXCHANGE, barter ; escapement (of a watch): système du libre -geable", adj. : ex- changeable. I.-gerº [é-, changer], tr. : EXCHANGE (barter; interchange ; reciprocate; change about); re-roll (cloth). 2.é ehanger* [L. ex-Saniare, press out (impuritiès)], tr. : soak ; wash out (linen) ; press (newly-made paper). féehangiste" [2.-ge], m. : freetrader. éehan-son* [Germ'c *skankio (= Ger. schenk, fr. schenken, pour out drinks)], m.: cup-bearer. -sonnerie*, f : wine- cellar; cup-bearers (of princes). éehant = échamp. • éehantignole = chantignole. féehanvtil-lon* [?], m. : (dial.)standard; sample; pattern; sCANTLING. -lonnage* [-lonner], m. : gauging; sampling, etc. -lonner*, tr. : cut out as patterns ; make patterns of; sample ; (dial.) fgage to a standard. éehan-vrerº [é-, chanvre], tr. : hackle (HEMP) ; hatchel. -voirº, m. : hackle. éehapoter = chapoter. I. éehap-pade", f. : (wood-engr.) slip (of engraver's burin). 2.-padeº [é-, chape], f.: combination steamer (cooking utensil). -patoireº,f : evasion, subterfuge. -peº, ſ : (hunt.) act of letting the game loose (in order to have it attacked by the falcon). -pée*, f : ESCAPE; Snatch ; glimpse ; vista ; sally ; rounding off : - de vue, vista ; à l'-, by stealth ; par -s, by · snatches. -pement*, m. : escapement (of a watch or clock); escape ; rounding off : — à repos, dead-beat escapement. |-perº [é-, chape], refl. : ESCAPE (make one's escape, flee); forget one's self ; intr. : get away, off or out ; slip ; escape ; tr. : fescape : l'- belle, have a narrow eScape. féeharbot* [L. scarabœus, scarab], m. : (dial.) SCARAB ; Water- chestnut. • éeharde* [Ger. scharte, " SHARD, notch], ·f : splinter, thorn, prickle; (dial.) stickle- back (a fish). -- éehardon-nageº, Water-caltrop ; m. : clearing of écharnage thistles. |-ner* [é-, chardon], tr. : clear (a field) of thistles ; nap, raise nap on (cloth). -netº and -noirº, m. : thistle extirpator. éehar-nage", m. : fleshing (of hides). -nEmentº, m. : fleshing (of hides). |-nerº [é-, OFr. charn (L. caro), flesh], tr. : flesh (hides), clear of flesh. -né, fleshless ; bare and rugged. -noir", m. : fleshing-knife. -mure*, f : fleshings, scrapings (removed from a hide). éehar-peº [Germ'c skerpa, purse (hung about the neck)], f : SCARF (sash; badge of distinction ; light shawl or kerchief) ; sling (bandage); (mas.) guiding rope; tie; diagonal piece, cross-piece ; cross-ditch ; embankment ; diagonal direction, cross- wise ; (her.) SCARP : en -, scarf-wise ; in a sling ; obliquely ; slopingly, crosswise ; heedless, absent-minded ; changer d'-, change colours or sides, be a turncoat ; tirer en -, fire slanting. -pementº [-per], m. : oblique march. I.-per*, tr. : tie a band around ; march obliquely. 2.é ehar-perº [é-, OFr. charper (= Fr. charpir)], tr. : pluck apart, pick (wool, horse-hair) ; cut to pieces ; cut, slash. -piller*, tr. : pluck apart, pick (horse- hair) ; cut to pieces. éehar-s° [p. L. *ex-carpsus (L. carpere, pluck), ak. to Eng. scarce], adj. : (old) greedy ; deficient, below par; light and variable (of winds) ; m. : deficient value (of money, depreciation). -sement*, adv. : greedily. -serº, tr. : depreciate (values); intr. : become light and variable (of winds). -sEté*, f : (old) avarice ; depreciation (of money). - | éehas-se* [ak. to Eng. skate], f : stilt ; stilt-bird ; stud (studding, upright scant- ling) ; trestle, scaffolding-pole : être sur des -s, be stilted or bombastic; — à man- teau noir, longlegged plover. -siers*, m. pl. : wading birds, grallics. éehau* [cf. esseau], m. : drain, water- course. 1 éehaubou-léº, adj. : pimpled, full of pimples. |-lureº [= dial. chaude- bouillure, " hot BOIL,' blister], f : pimple, blotch, rash ; scald or burn. I.é ehau-dage* [2.-der], m. : lime-wash- ing; limewash, whitewash ; steeping (in lime-water material for making glue). 2.é ehau-dage*, m. : scorching; SCALD- ING ; testing (a casket) with hot water. -dé, part. : scorched ; scalded. -de- mentº, m. : scorching; scalding; steep- ing. I.ll-derº [é-, chaud], tr. : SCALD (steep in hot water) ; scorch. 2.é ehauder" [é-, chaux], tr. : white- wash ; steep (in lime-water materials for making glue). 229 éehau-dillon* [I.-der], m. : soldering- lI'0Il. éehaudis" [?], m. : buckle (of large size); ring (used to prevent rope or cable from · slipping). éehau-doirº [I.-der], m. : SCALDING- house ; scalding-tub or -vat. -dure*, ſ : SCALD. éehauf-faison º, f. : overheating; rash ; eruption (on the skin). -fantº, adj. : heating; binding (of food) ; m. : heating ; binding (food). 1 éehauf-fe, f. : drying- or sweating-stove (for the removal of hair from hides). -fée", f : evaporation (of salt water in salt-making). -fement*, m. : heat ; fermentation; rash; constipation. -fer* [é-, chauffer], tr. : heat ; bind (of food); constipate ; CHAFE ; inflame ; provoke ; s'-, grow hot ; become (get or grow angry). éehauffourée* [?], f. : skirmish ; blunder ; mess. éehauffure* [ ffer], f. : tation ; constipation. féehauguetteº [Germ'c skar-wachte, *troup-WATCH'], f. : WATCH(ing) ; look- out, sentinel ; watch-tower. éehauler" [é-, chaux], tr. : lime, manure with lime. éehaume° [L. scalmus], m. : thole, thole- pln. - éehaumerº [é-, chaume], tr. : plow or break (the field). éehauac = échau. . êehe° or èehe° [L. esca (ed-ere, EAT), meat, bait], f. : bait (for fish). éehé-anee* [échoir], f : falling due (of a note). -aneierº, m. : bill-book. -antº, adj. : falling due, etc. éehecº [? Pers. schah, king], interj. : CHECK (at chess);. m. : check (check at chess ; arrest, stop, rebuff, repulse) ; pl. : chess (the game), chessmen : - et mct, checkmate. éehée* [ak. to écheveau], f : skein. éehe-lageº, m. : (old leg.) ladder-right (right of placing a ladder on an adjoining lot). -lerº, tr. : fSCALE (climb) ; form (troops) in echelons. -let or I.-lette º, m. or f. : (dial.) wall-creeper (kind of dentiros- tral sparrow). 2.-lette º, m. : weaver's guide, rack; rathe (rave, shelving). -lien°, · m. : rack-ladder; rack ; rathe (shelving). |é ehe-Ile° [L. scala], f : ladder (step- ladder, fEng. SCALE) ; steps ; scale (gra- dation, degree; order; music-scale); (nav.) landing-place (where the landing-plank, * ladder'is laid), seaport : — de commande- ment, accommodation-ladder ; - de siège, scaling-ladder; faire -, (nav.) touch. éehe-IIier = -lier. -lon*, m. : round échelage affray ; scuffle ; rash; fermen- expiration ; 230 échenal (step of a ladder, rung); ( fig.) step (stepping-stone) ; echelon (each part of a body of troops formed in divisions behind and to the right or left of each other). -ionner* [-lon], tr. : form (troops) in echelons ; deliver or pay in installments. éehe-nal* or -neau, pl. -aux [é-, che- nal], m. : (dial.) wooden gutter ; basin. échénéideº [Gr. -néis (échein, possess, naôs, ship), 'ship-attacher'], m. : ECHENEIS; suck(ing)-fish, sucker, remora. é ehe-nillageº, m. : destruction of cater- pillars. I.ll-nillerº [é-, chenille], tr. : worm, free (a tree) of caterpillars. 2.fé eheniller = smiller. - éehenil-leurº, =euse [I.-ler], m., f : caterpillar - destroyer ; caterpillar - eater (bird). -loirº [-ler], m. : caterpillar- destroyer, averruncator (shears). 'éehen9, é eheoir, = échenal, échoir. éeheveau* [?], m. : skein. éehEveléº, adj. : dishevelled. ll-ler* [é-, cheveul, tr. : DISHEVEL, disorder (the hair). - éehevette* [-veau], f : small skein. éehe-vin* [l. L. scabinus (fr. Germ'c, ak. to Eng. shape)], m. : (dial.) sheriff ; alderman ; mayor. -vinage*, m. : sheriffship ; aldermanship ; mayoralty ; city-council. , éehicoterº [é-, chicot], tr. : remove the stump from ; stub ; extract (pieces of a tooth). échidnés* [Gr. échidna, viper], m. : echidna ; porcupine ant-eater. - féehifº, =ive [OFr. eschiver (cf. esqui- ver), shunl, adj. : wild ; greedy; voracious. éehiffe*, -iffre [? ak. to Germ. schief, (a)SKEW], m. or f : watch-tower; parti- wall (of a staircase). .. - féehigner = échiner. #ono ", -gnole [écagne], m., f : I'e6l. éehillonº [?], m. : waterspout. · échim9se = ecchymose. I.ée.hi-neº [OHG. skina, prickle], f : CHINE (spine, backbone, back). -née*, f : chine (of pork) ; chine-piece. I.é ehi-neº [L. -nus (Gr. -nos), hedge- hog], f : ECHINUS ; ovolo, egg and anchor molding. -né* [L. -nus], adj. : echinate ; echinated ; bristled. -néens* [Gr. -nos], m., pl. : echini (sea-urchins or sea-hedge- hog family). -nelleº [Gr. -nos, chest- nut], f. : sort of seaweed. éehinerº [I.-ne], tr. : break the back of; tire out ; smash ; kill ; s'-, break one's back ; work hard ; be or get used up ; be killed. échi-nides* [Gr. -nos, hedgehog], m., pl. : echinideans. -nite", f : echinite (sea-urchin fossil). -nodermes" [Gr. , inform ; A* © éclaire -no8, dérma, -skin], m., pl. : echinoderms, radiata. éehi-quetéº, adj.: checkered. |-quierº [é-chec, check], m. : chessboard ; checker; square ; EXCHEQUER ; supreme court (of Normandy): en -, in square ; (mil.) alter- nately ; (nav.) in a bow and quarter-line ; chancelier de l'-, secretary of the treasury. éch-o* [L.], m. : echo ; (myth.) Echo. -oïque [L. -oicus], adj. : echoing; echo- like. éehoir* [é-, choir], impers., def $ ; intr. : fall due (expire) ; run (of bills) ; happen. $ Ind. : Pr. é-choit or -chet ; -choient or -chéezzt. Ipf. -choyait. Pret. -chut ;-churezut. . Fut. (Cond.) -cherra(it), -choira(it). — Subj. : # #e Ipf. -chîèt. — Part. : Pr. -chéazzt ; éehoite, -ehôme, -ehople, -e.hop- pler = é-chute,-chaume,-choppe,-chopper. I.é ehoppe° [p. L. *scalpra (L. -prum), graving tool], f : engraving tool ; graver. 2.é ehoppe* [Germ. Schoppen, shed], f : stall ; booth ; shed ; SHOP. - éehopperº [I.-ppe], tr. : engrave; edge. é ehoppier*, =ière [2.-ppel, m., f : stall- keeper ; (dial.) grocer. éehou-ageº, m. : stranding; beaching. -ementº, m. : stranding; running aground. |-erº[?], intr. : strand ; be cast ashore; fail; lie dry; tr. : fbeach (a vessel). é-ehu* [-choir], part. : fallen or become due. -ehute*, f : succession (in old feudal law). - éei-mageº, m. : topping (a tree). |-merº [é-, cime], tr. : top (a tree). éclabous-sement*, m. : splashing. |-ser* [?], tr. : splash, soil or wet by splashing ; spray. -sure*, f : splash ; spray ; spoon-drift ; chance-stroke (aimed at another) or blow (from one fighting). éclai-r* [-rer], m. : flash (lightning, gleam) : faire des -s, lighten. -rage", m. : lightning ; light ; illumination (with any artificial light). -rantº, adj. : light- ing ; illuminating. éclair-eie*, f : clear spot (in the sky); clearing (in the woods) ; vista ; thinning out. |-eir° [p. L. *ex-claricire], tr. : CLEAR (clear up ; brighten up); polish ; throw light upon ; enlighten ; thin out ; space out. -eissageº, m. : cleaning or polishing (watch crystals). -eissement*, m. : clearing up ; explanation, etc. éclai-re*, f : that which lights; (dial.) air-hole (in a cave) ; opening (admitting light into a vessel) ; pilewort, tetterwort (herbs). |-rer° [p. L. *ex-clariäre (L. -räre)], intr. : give light (shine ; sparkle ; glitter); tr. : light (light up); illumine ; reconnoitre ; (dial.) fork out (money) ; #watch ; elucidate (throw light A* Aº éclamé upon). -rette", f : (dial.) tetterwort, small pilewort (herb). -reur", m. : (mil.) scout; vessel (for reconnoitring). éclamé " [OF. esclam, fracture, ?], adj. : broken-winged, broken-legged. éclampsie" [L. -sis (Gr. ek, out, lámpein, shine)l, f : eclampsy, convulsive disease (of women and children) with fancied flashes before the eyes. féclan eheº [? ak. to Germ. schenkel, SHANK], f : shoulder or leg (of mutton). éclan eherº [?], tr. : unrumple. écla-tº, m. : fragment (piece); explosion ; (loud noise ; peal) ; flash ; (glory, splen- dor, pomp, display) ; exposure (scandal) ; declaration : - de rire, roar of laughter. | -table, adj. : liable to burst ; explosive. -tant*, adj. : piercing, shrill; bright | (brilliant, splendid, glistening) ; pompous · (gorgeous); flashy (gaudy); striking (sig- nal, eminent, glorious) ; open (public). -tementº, m. : breaking up ; breaking into fragments, explosion. |-ter* [?l. L. *ex-clapitare (Germ'c root klapp, clap)], tr. : fbreak (something) with a noise ; intr. : fly into splinters or pieces (explode; split, chip) ; break forth ; shine forth ; (blaze out, flash, sparkle ; display ; appear); be exposed ; make a noise (resound, roar). éclec-tique" [Gr. ek-lektikós (-légein, choose)], adj. : eclectic, selecting. -tis- me", m. : eclecticism. éclEfin = aigrefin. é-cliº, m. : (nav.) splinter (of wood). |-clier* [OHG. slizan (Germ. schleis- sen), split, SLIT], tr. : (nav.) splinter (a piece of wood). éclip-se* [L. -sis (Gr. ek-leipeîn, leave out)], f : eclipse. excel. -tique* [L. -ticus], adj. : eclip- tic, f : ecliptic. éclis-seº, f : splinter; splitwood; rib (of a violin) ; wicker ; cheese-drainer or -vat. I.ll-serº [OHG. slizan (Germ. schleis- sen), SLIT], tr. : fsplit ; cause to break with a noise ; cause (water) to gush ôr splash. 2.-ser [-se], tr. : splint ; tie up (a fractured member) with splints. -soire*, f(dial.) syringe ; squirt. éclogue = églogue. éclo-perºº [é-, OFr. cloper, limp], tr. : lame ; cripple. -pé, adj. : crippled, lamed ; uneven (one side being longer). é-elore*[é-, clore], irr., def $; tr. : fcause to open up ; hatch ; intr. : open (open up; blow, bloom ; dawn), hatch ; be disclosed (come into light); be ushered in : faire -, hatch ; bring to light, usher in, produce; disclose ; give birth to. -closion ", f : hatching ; appearing; opening. $ Ind. : Pr. éclo-s, -s, éclô-t ; -sozzs, etc. Ipf. éclosais. Fut. (Cond.) éclôrai(s). Subj. : Pr. éclose. - Part. : Pr. éclos. -ser*, tr. : eclipse ; | 231 é-cluse° [p. L. *ex-clilsa (sc. aqua), shut out (water)], f. : SLUICE ; dam ; flood-gate; oyster-bed ; mussel-bed ; fish-weir, crawl. -elusée º, f : lock of water ; lockage ; raft of logs (just right for passing an open fiood-gate). -clusementº, m. : locking (canals) ; passing (a vessel) through the lock or locks ; circulation of compressed air (as motive power). -elu- serº, tr. : lock (canals) ; pass (a vessel) through the lock or locks ; circulate com- pressed air (as motive power). -clu- sier, -clusière*, m. and f : lock-man ; lock-keeper; adj. : pertaining to locks, of locks. - éelyse" [Gr. ek-lûsis], f. : (anc. mus) making a note # lower. éeo-buage",f. : paring and burning (peat- lands) ; burning weeds, turf or sod ; turf and sod-ashes. -bue", f : paring-spade ; turf-iron ; weeder ; paring-plow ; pl. : weeds ; sod; turf-ashes. |-buerº [?], tr. : pare and burn (peat-lands) ; : burn weeds, turf or sod (on the land). éeo ehe-lageº, m. : delivering in sheaves; raking of grain. |-lerº [?], tr. : (dial.) deliver in sheaves ; rake grain. éeœu-rant º, ékeu-, adj. : sickening. -rementº, m. : nausea ; disgust. ll-rerº [é-, cœur], tr. : nauseate, sicken, make · sick. éco-fierº [Germ'c scoh (= Ger. schuh, SHOE)], m. : (dial.) tanner; shoemaker. -fraiº, -froi, m. : (tanner's, shoe- maker's) cutting board. - - éeoinçon, -son* [é-, coin], m. : diagonal or angle- ( corner-') tie ; jamb (of a door) ; reveal (of a window); corner-piece (of furniture). - écoi-neº [?], f. : rough flat file (used by minters) ; rasp ; plane (for working iron). -ner", tr. : plane (iron, etc.). -nette", f : small plane (for iron, etc.). éco-lage*, m. : (dial.) instruction ; tu- ition. ' #-lâtre * [l. L. scholasticus], m. : teacher in a cathedral school. ll-le* [L. schola, SCHOOL], f. : school ; college ; sect ; school of philosophy : - de droit, school of law; - gratuite, ragged school; — libre, private school ; - maternelle, in- fant school ; — normale primaire, train- ing school ; basse -, elements of horse- manship ; haute -, high horsemanship ; ſaire une —, commit a blunder; make an experiment ; (backgammon) be , pegged. -Iierº, -lière, m., f. : scholar (school- boy, schoolgirl ; pupil; student) ; novice ; tyro. - - écol-lageº, m. : freeing (a hide) of head, legs, etc. |-lerº [é-, col, 'un-neck'], tr. : fbehead ; free (a hide) of head, legs, etc. -leterº [é-, coller], tr. : fcut off ; écollage - 232 éconduire round (piece of gold or silver on the anvil). -lette* [-leter], f. : rounding (a piece of metal). - éeon-duireº [l. L. ex-con-dicere, ex- cuse], irr. (cf. conduire) ; tr. : frefuse ; deny ; bow (a person) out ; dismiss. -duite*, f : refusing, refusal. éeono-matº, m. : stewardship ; bursar- ship; treasurership. |-me* [L. œcono- mus (Gr. oîkos, house, nomeîn, manage)], m., f : steward, stewardess ; bursar ; treasurer; adj. : economical, saving. -mie* [L. -mia], f : farrangement (of house or household) ; economy ; thrifti- ness; saving. -mique* [L. -cus], adj. : economic ; economical ; cheap ; pl. : eco- nomics. -miquementº, adv. : econom- ically. -miser* [-miel, tr. : economize, , save, put by; be sparing. -miste" [-mie], m. : economist. éco-pe* [Swed. skopa, SCOOP], m. : scoop; skeet; ladle ; skimmer. -perº, tr. : scoop ; bale ; ladle ; skim. écoperehe* [?], f : lift (with a pulley), derrick ; scaffold-pole. - écoquerº, -queterº [é-, coq], tr. : rid (woods) of pheasant cocks, etc. écorageº [2.-rerl, m. : SCORE, making a score ; superintending sales of fish (in ports on the English channel). écor-çage ", m. : barking (a tree) ; peel- ing; stripping. |-ee° [p. L. *excortex (L. cortex, bark)], f : bark; rind ; shell ; crust ; appearance. -eement* [-cer], m.: barking (a tree) ; peeling. -eerº, tr. : bark (a tree) ; peel ; strip. écor-ehé, part. : skinned, flayed ; m. : (sculp. and paint.) figure divested of the skin ; cles). -ehE-culº [-cher, cul], adv. : sliding on the ground; unwillingly; against the grain. -ehée, f. : striated cone. -ehement*, m.: excoriation. -eher° [L. ex-corticāre (cortex, bark)], tr. : remove the bark from ; EXCORIATE ; flay ; rub off the skin, bark (of) ; taste rough (to the palate); murder (a language); fleece (over- charge). -ehErie*,.f. : knacker's yard ; inn (where travellers are -eheur*, -eheuse, m., f : knacker ; flayer; fleecer; red-backed shrike (bird). -ehüre*, f : excoriation ; scratch. -eier", m.: storage building (for oak bark for tanning). I. éco-re,-rer = aecore, -rer. 2.éco-re*, f : SCORING, marking; super- intending the sale of fish. 2.|-rer " [Eng. score], tr. : superintend (sale of fish- imports on the English channel). -reur", m. : SCORER ; superintendent (of sales of fish) ; book-keeper (some trade). écor-neº, f : affront; insult. |-nerº (for the study of the mus- fleeced). écousse · [é-, corne], tr. : deprive (something) of its HORNS ; break the corner(s) of; damage ; dog's-ear; curtail; lessen. -nifler*, tr. : (vulg.) sweep in everything ; sponge (upon some one) ; live at the expense of another. #-niflErieº [-nifler], f : spong- ing. -nifleur, =euseº [-nifler], m. and f : (vulg.) sponger; hanger on. -nure º, ·f. : corner broken off ; breaking at the corner(s); chipping. écos-sais, -saise, adj. : Scotch, Scottish ; m. : Scotchman ; f. : Scotchwoman ; scot- tish (a dance). ||I.Ecos-se [? Ir. scuite (Gael. sguit), a wanderer], j. : Scotland. 2.écos-se* [é-, cosse], f. : shelling (of beans, peas, etc.). -seurº, -seuse, m. and f. : sheller, husker. éco-tº [l. Ger. skot (= Ger. schoss), SCOT], m. : contribution ; share, quota ; scot ; expense ; (table-)company ; stump or log of wood ; piece of slate. écôtage" [-ter], m. : tobacco). éco-tardº [écot], m. : chainplate, large piece of wood or iron (on a vessel) to which the shrouds are fastened. -té*, adj. : lopped. • écô-ter" [é-, côtel, tr. : free (tobacco- leaves) of (their) stems (or ribs) ; stem (tobacco) ; draw wire through second hole in draw-plate. -teur ", =euse, m., f : stemmer (of tobacco). fécou-aille, f-ane, f-aner, f-anette =-couaille, écouine, -mer, -nette. écou-ehe*, -ehoir,.f., m. : hackle; beetle (for tewing hemp, etc.). |-eher° [p. L. *excussäre (L. excutere), shake out], tr. : hackle ; beat (hemp, etc.) with a beetle ; clean (hemp) by beating. -ehure*, f : rubbish (fallen from hackled hemp). écouen-ne, -ner, -nette, see écoine, -mer, -mette. , » écouer* [é-, queue], tr. : strip off the tail. écoufle* [Corn. skoul], m. : (dial.) kite (bird ; toy). écou-lementº, m. : flow, fiowing, run- ning out ; drainage ; discharge , outlet ; sale ; gleet. |-ler* [é-, couler], refl. : flow or run away, run out (pass away ; glide away, slip away ; elapse) ; be spent ; disperse ; sell ; go off : faire -, drain, disperse ; sell off. • fécupe = écope. féeourgéeº [é-, OFr. corgée (L. corium, leather)], f. : SCOURGE ; cat-o'-nine-tails ; whip ; lash ; lashing. écourgeonv* [?], m. : six-rowed barley ; winter-barley. écourter* [é-, court], tr. : crop ; curtail. fécous-se, f-ser, i-soir, f-sure = écouche, -che, -choir, -chure. stemming (of SHORTEN ; écoutant écou-tant* [-ter], adj. : listening : avocat —, briefless barrister ; m. : listener ; cate- chumen (in the early churches). I.-te*, ·f. : flistener ; catechumen ; listening ; overhearing ; #listening-place ; (mil.) lis- tening-gallery : Sœur -, listening nun ; — s'il pleut ( mill, if it rains'), mill ; weak man ; trash. 2.écoute*[Dutch schoote (= Ger. schote)], f : (nav.) SHEET (rope fastened to lower corners of a sail). à écou-ter° [L. auscultäre], tr. : listen to (overhear) ; hear; mind ; intr. : listen (hear) : s'-, listen to one's self. -teur*, -teuse, m., f. : listener ; eavesdropper. -teux º, =euse, adj. : flistener; (of horses) shy ; skittish. écou-tilleº [Sp. escotilla (deriv. ?)], f : (nav.) hatchway. -tillon º [Sp. esca- tillon, trap-door], m. : (nav.) SCUTTLE. fécoutoir* [-ter], m. : ear-trumpet. écou-vrette* [L. scopa, broom], f : Small broom ; shovel. -villon º, m. : Small broom ; oven-sweeper ; shovel ; mop ; (mil.) sponge-rod; rammer. -villon- nerº [-villon], tr. : sweep or clean (the oven) ; mop ; (mil.) sponge. écrabouillerº [?], tr. : crush to pieces ; Smash. . écranº (phys.) white-ground : cheval-screen. écraneher" [?], tr. : smooth out (cloth). écra-sant", adj. : crushing, humiliating ; overwhelming ; excessive. -sée*, f.: caving in (of mines). -sementº, m. : crushing, crush ; mashing ; crash, ruin. |-serº [Sw. krasa, CRASH, crush], tr. : Crush ; bruise ; squash ; Smash ; scatter ; smother. -seurº, -seuse, m., f : crush- er; (surg.) écraseur. écré-mage", m. : skimming (milk, etc.). -maison º, f : skimming (molten glass). |-merº [é-, crème], tr. : remove the cream from (skim ; cream) ; take the best of. -mière º, f : (dial.) fresh-water mussel (used for creaming). -moir", -moire, m., f. : skimmer ; skimming in- strument (for moltenglass, etc.). -mure*, jf : scum (of molten glass, etc.) ; scoria. féerénage, f-ner = crénage, -mer. écrê-temientº, m. : removing the crest, top, comb (of a cock) ; lowering a road ; (mil.) battering the top (of a work). ll-terº [é-, crête], tr. : remove the CREST, top or comb of (a cock) ; (mil.) batter the | top of (a work). écrEvisse* [OHG. krebiz (Ger. krebs), · CRAB], f : CRAWFISH ; crab ; (astr.) cancer ; Smith's tongs : - de mer, lobster. I.éerierº [é-, crier], refl. : cry out; ex- claim ; cry; fcall (à). [?], m. : SCREEN, fire-screen ; — de cheminée, horses, cattle, etc.). 233 2.éeir-er" [?], tr. : clean or polish (wire with powdered sandstone). -eur, -euse", m., f. : wire-cleaner or polisher. écrille" [?], f. : (dial.) grate (of a fish- pond). écrin° [L. scrinium, casket], m. : SHRINE ; jewel-box, case or casket. é-crire° [L. scribere (from which Eng. scribble, scribe, etc.)], irr. $ ; tr. : write ; put down : s'-, write to each other; sign one's name. -crit*, m.: writing; writ- ten agreement ; work : par d'-, in writ- ing. -criteau* [-crit], m. : bill; board ; signboard; label. -eritoire* [L. scrip- torium], f. : fsmall secretary ; inkstand ; fcell (in a monastery for monks, copying manuscripts). -criture° [L. scriptüra], ſ : writing; handwriting; SCRIPTURE ; pl. : accounts, books, papers; Scriptures. -eri- vaillerº, intr. : SCRIBBLE. -erivail- leurº, =euse [-crivailler], m.,f. : scrib- bler; cheap novel-writer. -crivain°[p. L. *scribānus], m. : writer ; SCRIBE ; letter- Writer ; copying clerk ; (nav.) purser ; vine-fretter (an insect). -crivassier º, =ière, m., f. : (vulg.) SCRIBBLER ; poor author; cheap novel-Writer. $ Ind. : Pr. écrz-s, -s, -t ; -z/ozzs, -zezzz. Ipf. écrzzſazs. Pret. écrzzyzs. Fut. (Cond.) écriraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. écrive. Ipf. écrivisse. - I've écri-s ; -z/ez. — Part. : l'r. écrzvant ; P. écrit. fécrotage, -ter = écroûtage, -ter. I.écrouº [MHG. schrube (= Ger. schrau- · be), SCREW], m. : (screw-)nut. - 2.éerou*, #-e [?], m., f.: #parchment ; jail-book. écrou-eIIes°[p. L.*scrqfellas, L. scrofulas (scrQfa, sow)], f. pl. : scrofula, king's-evil. -elletº, m. : tumour (on the neck of -elleux º, =eus€, adj. : scrofulous ; m., f. : scrofulous person. écrou-erº [2.écrou], tr. : enter in the jail-book ; put in prison. -es, see 2.écron. écrou-irº [?], tr. : hammer-harden (metals). -issageº, m. : hammer-haz- dening. -issementº, m. : hammC - hardening. écrou-lementº, m. : falling or crumbling down; collapse ; ruin. - ler* [é-, crou- ler], refl. : crumble down (tumble over, fall to pieces ; perish). écroû-tage", m. : removing the crust of. -mentº, m. : removing the crust of. |-ter* [é-, croûte], tr. : remove the crust of : s'-, lose its crust or outside. . éeru* [é-, cru], adj. : crude; raw ; un- bleached ; brown. écrue*[part. ofoldes-croistre (= croître)], f : fgrowth ; woods of recent growth. eetozoaire* [Gr. ektôs, outsider, zôon, animal], m. : parasite (living on the human body). - ectozoaire -z/c2, 234 eotropiomº [Gr. ektrôpion, turning out], m.: ectropion ; eversion of the eyelids (a disease). eetroti-que" [Gr. -kôs, causing mischief to], adj. : ectrotic ; preventing or retard- ing disease. fectype º [Gr. ék-tupon, out, stampl, f : raised design on a medallion ; ectype ; seal ; stamp. éeu° [L. scütum, shield], m. : shield ; quarter of an arm ; crown (money). -age*, m. : ESCUAGE, SCUTAGE ; (feud.) land-tax. -anteur*, f : raylike position of the spokes in the hub. écubierº [Sp. escobén (?)], m. : (nav.) hawse-hole. écueil* ue = eu [L. scopulu8, high rock], m. : rock ; reef ; sandbank ; obstacle ; danger. - éeuel-le° [p. L. *scütella (L. dim. of -tum, shield)], f : porringer ; dish ; plate. -1ée º, f. : dishful ; plateful. éeuisser º [é-, cuisse], tr. : fcripple (by injuring the thigh) ; splinter (a tree) at the foot in felling. 1.éculer * [écuelle], tr. : dish out ; pour (wax) into moulds. 2.éeulerº [é-, cul], tr. : run down (a shoe at the heel). éculon " [-uellel, m. : metal) for bleaching Wax. écu-mage* [-merl, m. : skimming; scum- ing. -mant* [-merl, adj. : foaming, frothy. |-me* [OHG. scum], f : SCUM ; foam ; froth ; dross ; lather : (vulg.) - de terre, pewter. - fécuménieité, -nique, -niquement, see œcuménicité, -nique, -niquement. écu-merº [-me], tr. : free from scum or foam (scum, skim); (nav.) scour (the seas), intr. : foam, scum. -meresse* [-meur], f. : skimmer (forsugarrefining). -mette*, f : skimmer (for pipe-makers). -meur, I.=euse*, m., f. : skimmer; collector ; pirate; sea-rover. -meux*, 2.=euse, adj. : foaming; foamy, frothy. -moire*, ſ. : skimmer. - éeu-rageº, m. : scouring, cleaning. -re- -mentº, m. : (dial.) scouring; cleaning. |-rer* [é-, curer], tr. : scour clean, cleanse thoroughly. -rette*, f. : thistle- destroyer (instr.) ; card-cleaner (instr.) ; scratcher. éeureuil° [p. L. *scilriolus (L. sciilrus, Gr. skiá, SHADE, ourá, tail)], m. : SQUIRREL. éeu-reur*, -reuse [-rer], m., f : scourer, cleaner (of cards and thistles). écurie*[-cuyer],f. : fsquireship ; fsquires (collect.); flodging for squires, pages, and horses ; now stable (for horses or mules); stabled horses ; stud (for raising fast horses); (railw.) horse-box. ectropion vase (of some éducable fécurieu, dial. form écureuil. écus-sonº [écu], m. : ESCUTCHEON, shield ; coat of arms ; hatchment ; crest ; (of a key-hole) escutcheon ; (grafting) leaf- bud, gem : greffer en -, bud. -son- nable* [-sonner], adj. : budding, able to bud. -sonnerº, tr. : bud. -sonnoir" [-sonner], m. : budding-knife. écu-yer° [L. Scütärius (-tüm, shield)], m.: SQUIRE (knight's shield-bearer; noble- man below the knight ; esquire); officer ; equerry; rider, riding-master ; young stag ; prop (for a tree) ; railing ; false shoot. , -yère, f. : horsewoman ; riding-mistress : à l'-, horse-back fashion ; bottes à l'-, riding boots. eczéma" [l. L. (Gr. ék-zema, ebullition)], m. : (med.) eczema (a skin disease). Ateux*, =euse, adj. : eczematous. Eden [Heb.], m. : garden ; paradise (Bible). édentés", m. pl. : toothless (animals); edentata, anteaters, etc. |-ter* [é-, dent],tr.: deprive (somebody or something) of the teeth. - édicterº [L. -tum, edict], tr. : decree ; enact ; pass ; impose. - édi-cule* [L. œdicula (œdes, house), small house], m. : chapel ; shrine ; Small house. édi-fiant, -ficateur* constructor, ·ficatio], f. : adj. : edifying, up-building. [L. ficator], m. : (rare) builder. -fication * [L. edification ; constructing (a building); erecting. -fiee* [L. ficium], m. : edifice ; building. |-fier° [L. œdifi- care (œdes, house, facere, make)], tr. : build up, (erect ; raise) ; #edify (instruct); satisfy. édi-le* [L. -lis (œdes, house), house- inspector], m.: edile, aedile ; house and town-inspector; councillor. -1itaireº [-lité], adj. : pertaining to edileship ; mu- nicipal. -Iité* [L. -litas], f : edileship ; administration ; aldermanship ; mayoralty ; resolutions of a city-council ; public build- ing; public improvements. édi-t* [L. e-dictum (dicere, say)], m. : (in ancient Rome) ordinance ; EDICT ; decree. édi-terº [L. e-ditus (dare), given out], tr. : edit ; publish (books, etc.) ; (law) quote. -teur", -triee [L. -tor, -trix], m., f. : editor; publisher. -tion * [L. -tio], f. : = édosser" [é-, dos], tr. : (hort., agr.) pare off ; cut away ; press out (water from wet hides). , édrE-dom " [Sw. ejder-dun, EIDER-DOWN], m. : eider-down; counterpane, quilt (of eider-down). édu-eable* [-quer], adj. : educable ; teachable. -cateurº, -triee [L. -tor, trix], m., f. : educator, teacher ; grower, édulcoration producer, adj. : educating, educative, in- structing. -eation* [L. -catio], f.: edu- cation ; instruction ; rearing, training ; II13 IlIlGI"S. édulco-ration", f : edulcoration, sweet- ening. -rerº [l. L. -rare (L. e, dulcis, sweet)], tr. : edulcorate, sweeten. éduquerº [L. e, ducere, lead out], tr. : educate ; bring up ; rear; school. éfaufilerº [é-, faufiler], tr. : reeve ; rip (a seam). efendi" [Turk., Mod. Gr. authénte, mas- ter], m. : high Turkish title. effa-çable*, adj. : effaceable, deleble. -çage*, m. : effacing, obliterating ; -eement*, m. : =, effacing ; defacing ; erasion ; blotting out ; eclipsing ; keep- ingin the background ; humility. Il-eer* [é-, face], tr. : efface (obliterate ; blot out) ; keep in the background ; do aWay with ; outshine ; surpass ; keep on the side of : s'-, be effaced, etc. ; (mil.) keep in line ; (nav.) present the broadside. -çure*, f : erasure, obliteration. effa-nage", m. : (agr.) stripping (a tree, etc.) of its leaves. |-nerº [é-, fane], tr. : strip (a tree or plant) of its leaves or top, top. -neurº, -neuse, m., f : pruner; one stripping (a tree, etc.) of its leaves or top. -nure º, f : leaves or tops cut off. effa-rementº, m. : fright, terror. |-rerº [variant of effrayer], tr. : scare, make AFRAID, frighten ; bewilder : s'-, take fright. - effarou-ehantº, adj. : scaring, startling. |-eherº [é-, farouche], tr. : make wild ; scare (frighten ; startle, shock) : s'-, grow wild ; take fright. effaueheter [é-, fauchet], tr. : rake up. feffau-filer, -tage = éfaufiler, effûtage. effec-tifº, =ivé [L. -tivus (efficere, make out, effect)], adj. : effective, real ; positive ; in cash. -tivementº, adv.in- deed ; certainly ; positively, "to be sure." -tuation º [-tuer], f : effect. |-tuer* [l. L. -tuare], tr. : put into effect ; effect ; realize ; perfect. effélureº [?], f.: shreds (of white skin for making #). effE-melerº [é-, femelle], tr. : fstrength- en (a forest) by removing dead and use- less branches. effémi-nation* [L. -natio], f : effemi- nating; effeminacy. |-nerº [L. -nare (ex, femina, woman)], tr. : effeminate ; render effeminate. féffendi = efendi. efférentº [L. -rens (ex-ferre, bring out)], adj. : efferent. efferves-een eeº [L. -cere, grow warm], efHorescence 235 f.: =, effervescing; excitement. -eentº [L. -ceus], adj. : =, effervescing. effet* [L. fectus (efficere, make out)], m. : effect, consequence ; end, purpose ; per- formance ; work ; sensation, impression ; mark ; bill; security ; pl. : effects, re- sults ; luggage ; power; traps : - rétro- grade (billiard) screwing back ; à l'- de, in order to ; with a view to ; faire -, take effect ; faire l'- de, have the same effect as. effeuil-lageº, m. : stripping of leaves. -laison", f : stripping of leaves. -le- mentº, m.: fall or loss of leaves, defoli- ation ; leaflessness. ll-lerº [é-, feuille], tr. : strip of leaves ; pick (a flower) ; #divide into leaves, shreds : s'-, shed the flowers. -Iure º, f : leaves plucked for feed. effi-caeeº [L. -cax (efficere, make out)], adj. : efficacious (efficient, effective ; adequate); [L. -cacia], f : efficacy. -caee- mentº, adv. : efficaciously, efficiently. -caeité* [L. -cacitas], f : efficacy; ef- fectualness. -eientº [L. -cicus], adj. : em-gie" [L. -gies (effingere, fashion)], f : effigy. -gierº, tr. : burn or behead in effigy. © effi-lageº, m. : un# i thinning. [é- -1é", 'm. : fringe. |-lerº [é-, fil], tr. : unravel (ravel out) ; taper (thin) ; fex- haust ; (hunt.) fatigue, emaciate (the dogs). -1eurº, -leuse, m., f : un- raveler, one unraveling, etc. -loehage" [-locher], m. : tearing up ; shoddy ; mungo ; shoddy-trade -loehe" [-locher], f : , fray ; untwisted silk ; light refuse silk. -loehée* [-locher], f. : shoddy; mungo. -loeherº, tr. : tear up, devil. -lo- eheur", -eheuse [-locher], m., f : shoddy-manufacturer; adj. : shoddy : cy- lindre -, shoddy cylinder. -loquer = . -locher. -lure º, f : ravellings. efflan-querº [é-, flanc], tr. : reduce the flanks of; emaciate. -qué, part. : ema- ciated; m., f : longshanks. effleu-rage", m. : paring, scraping. -rement º, m. : fremoving the flower of; paring. |-rer* [é-, fleur], tr. : fstrip of flowers ; remove the surface of; skim the surface of, graze ; touch lightly; press lightly (a kiss) ; glance over, examine superficially ; pare ; (carp.) level plane. -rir" [é-, fleurir], intr., refl. : (chem., mineral) effloresce. -roir", m. : lamb-skin ; woollen # (used by parchment-makers). -rure", f : par- ings, scrapings (of skin). efflores-een eeº [L. -cens, -cere, open as a flower], m. : =. -eentº [L. -cens], adj. : = ; about to bloom. 236 efHlotter efflotterº [é-, flotte], tr. : separate (one - ship from another) ; separate from the fleet. ef-fluenee" flu- [L. fluens (fluere, run away)], f : effluence. -fluent", adj. : effluent. -fluve" [L. fluvium], m. : effluvium. -fluxion " [L. fluxio], f. : s-ms q --•s effon-drEment", m. : digging; subsoil- ing. |-drerº [é-, fond], tr. : dig deep ; subsoil ; break up ; weigh doWn ; stave in ; draw (poultry); gut (fish) : s'-, fall in, | cave in, give way. -drillesº, f. pl. : sediment (grounds, dregs). ef-foreerº [é-, forcer], refl. : exert one's self (make effort, endeavour, work hard). -fortº, m. : = (exertion, endeavor, at- tempt ; strain, force, work) : faire un - sur soi-même, do violence to one's self. effractionº [L. -tio (frangere, BREAK)], f. : breaking open ; house-breaking. effraie* [?], f. : barn-owl. effra-yammentº, adv. : frightfully, grimly. -yamtº, adj. : frightening ; frightful (terrible,horrible, grim). |-yerº [L. ex, OHG. fride, peace], tr. : frighten (scare, terrify, alarm ; frighten away) : s'-, be frightened, etc., take fright ; mind. effréné* [L. -natus, (ex, frenum, bridle)], adj. : unbridled ; ungovernable, lawless ; wild. effri-tementº, m. : making (the ground) unfruitful or sterile. I.ll-ter* [é-, fruit], tr. : render the soil unfruitful or unproductive. - 2.effriterº [é-, root offriable], tr. : make crumble ; reduce to dust or powder : s'-, crumble to dust. effroi* [effrayer],'m. : fright, terror, dis- may. effron-té* [é-, front], adj. : shameless, · impudent, bold. -tément*, adv. : shamelessly, impudently, boldly. -terieº, ·f. : effrontery, impudemce, boldness ; as- surance. ` effroya-ble* [effroi], adj. : frightful ; terrible ; shocking. -blementº, adv. : frightfully, terribly ; shockingly. effruiter* [é-, fruit], tr. : (dial.) strip (a tree) of its fruit. - feffumerº [é-, fumer], tr. : (paint.) soften the colour of. effusion* [L. -sio (effundere, pour out)], f.: effusion ; overflowing ; shedding. effûtage" [é-, fût], m. : refuse planks. éfoureeau" [?], m. : kind of cart (for heavy hauling) ; pair of wheels ; tugs ; trolly. - éga-greº [Gr. aigagros (aîx, goat], f : wild goat. wool-ball], m. : wool-ball or hair-ball -gropile" [Gr. -gros, pîlos, | églander (formed in animals by licking and swallow- ing the wool or hair). égaiementº [-gayer], m. : cheering up : enlivening ; cheerfulness ; merriment. fégail = aigmail. égal*, pl.=aux [L. œqualis (œquus, level)], adj. : EQUAL (like, alike) ; even (level ; uni- form); all the same (indifferent) ; worthy of : à l'- de, equally with ; equal to; d'- à -, between equals ; on equal terms. égaléº [Eng. eagle], adj. : white-spotted (on the back, said of falcons). I.éga-lement* [-l], adv. : equally; uni- formly ; impartially. 2.f-lement*, m. : equalization (old law). |-ler* [-l], tr. : make equal; equal ; match ; rival ; com- pare : s'-, compare one's self (to). -lirº, tr. : equalize. -lisation º [-liser], ſ. : equalization. -liser*, tr. : equalize ; level ; square (accounts). -lisoir º [-liser], m. : sieve (for sifting gunpowder). -Jissage* [-lir], m: equalization ; squar- ing (of accounts). -lisureº [-liser], f. : sifting gunpowder. -litaire º[-lité], adj. : (politics of equality) ; based on equality ; levelling ; m., f. : one who levels ; parti- san of equality. , -lité º, f : equality ; parily , evenness ; uniformity ; fairness. égalureº [-lé], f. : white spots (on the back of a falcon). égard* [old verb -der (cf. garde, watch over)], m. : REGARD (respect ; considera- tion) : avoir des -s pour, show attention or deference to. - éga-rement*, m.: (rare) losing one's way ; straying ; wandering; error ; con- fusion ; misconduct; frenzy. |-rerº [é-, Germ'c warôn (= Ger. wahren), keep], tr. : mislead (lead astray) ; mislay; lose ; derange ; let stray : s'-, go astray, stray, wander, lose one's way, be lost. - égarrotterº [é-, garrot], tr. : cut the withers of (a horse) ; injure or hurt in the withers. féga-yementº = égaiement. I.ll-yerº [é-, gai], tr. : render gay or cheerful (cheer, cheer up, lighten) ; go out of (deep mourning) ; thin (trees) ; hiss (an actor) : S'-, grow cheerful, cheer up ; amuse orie's self ; be merry ; sport. 2,fégayer° = aiguayer. Egérie° [L. Egeria], f : Egeria, nymph who inspired the laws, given by Numa Pompilius to the Romans ; good genius ; inspirer. .. : égi-ºdeº [L. œgis, (Gr. aix, goat)], f : shield of Pallas (covered with goat-skin) ; protector. -lope" [L. œgil-opa (Gr. aix, goat, ôps, eye)], f : ſbot.) aegilops, hard-grass. -Iops* [L. = preced.word.], m. : (med.) aegilops, auchilops. églander" [é-, glande], tr. : remove the églantier glands from (under the tongue of a horse). - églan-tierº [OFr. aiglent, p. L. faqui- lentus (L. acus, needle)], m. : dog-rose bush, eglantine bush. -tineº [Prov. aiglentina], f. : dog-rose ; sweet-briar rose ; eglantine. églEfin = 2.aigrefin. église° [p. L. *eclesia, L. ecclesia (Gr. ek- kaleîn, call out, call together)l, f. : (Eglise) church (assembly of Christians) ; (église) Catholic church (the building) ; chimney- cowl (as reminding of a steeple). églogue* [L. ecloga (Gr. ek-légein, pick out, select)], f. : eclogue ; seLECTion, ex- cerpts ; pastoral poems. égogerº [?], tr. : square (hides). égoïneº [?], f. : hand-saw. égo- [L. ego, I] : f-iserº, intr. : egotize. -ïsme", m. : selfishness; egoism; ego- tism. -ïste", m., f. : egotist; egoist ; selfish man or woman. -ïstEmentº [-iste], adv. : egotistically ; selfishly; ego- | tistically. f-metº [L., I myself], m. : (rare) egotist, selfish person. • égor-gEmentº, m.: slaughter ; butch- ery; murder. #-geoir", m.: slaughter- house ; cut-throat place ; (nav.) spilling- line. |-gerº [é-, gorge], tr. : cut thé throat of; murder; sacrifice ; ruin ; cut to pieces; fleece. -geurº, -geuse, m., | f : cut-throat ; assassin ; murder. égosiller* [é-, I.root of gosier], refl. : make one's self hoarse : brawl ; sing- or chirp too loud. égotisme* [Eng. -tism (L. ego, I)], m. : egotism. égou-tº, m. : GUTTER ; sewer; drain ; sink; projecting roof; eaves : - collec- tant, main sewer. -tierº, m.: sewer- man ; plumber. -ttageº, m. : drainage ; draining; dripping. '-ttement*, m.: draining, dripping. |-tter* [é-, goutte], tr. : drop (as a liquid); drip. -ttoirº, m.: drainer; plate-rack. -ttureº, f : drainings ; drippings ; dregs. | égrain, -ner = egrin, -grener. égrap-per"[é-,grappe], tr.: pick (grapes) from the bunch; dress (ore). -peur", m. : one dressing (the ore). -poirº, m. : grape-picking instrument ; picking-vessel (for grapes) ; (mineral.) jigging-sieve (for dressing the ore). égra-tigner * [é-, OFr. gratiner (Fr. gratter), scratch], tr. : scratch ; (paint.) stencil. -tigneurº, =euse, m., f. : Scratcher ; stenciller. -tignoir", m. : stenciller ; instrument for stencilling. -%ignure*, f : scratch ; slot, track (made by the deer). égravillonnerº [é-,gravillon],tr.: (host.) remove the dirt from (a tree), ablaqueate. 237 égravoir" [?], m. : tool used by tennis- racket-maker. fégrEfin = aigrefin. égrEnage* [-ner], m. : ing, picking. égrène* [?], f : corner-iron ; angle-iron. é-grènementº, m. : shelling, husking, picking ; gin ; telling (one's beads). |-grEner* [é-, grain], tr. : remove the grains from (husk ; shell) ; pick (grapes, etc.) ; smooth ; gin ; tell (one's beads). fintr. : lose the grain (as a sword); grain. -grEneurº, =euse, m., f : sheller, husker. -grEnoir", m.: sheller ; corn- sheller; gin ; cotton-gin. égrEnoire", -grainoire [?], f : low cage (closed with sticks). - égrillardº [?], m., f. : lively, sprightly person ; fast man or woman : adj. : sprightly; lively, fast. égrilloirº [OFr. escriller, glide, escape], m. : Weir, grate. - égrin = aigrin. égri-sageº, m. : grinding ; roughing down; cutting a diamond. -sé", m., f. : diamond-dust. |-serº [?], tr. : grind rough down; cut (diamonds). -soir", m.: vessel (or receptacle for diamond- dust). égru-geoirº, m., f : mortar. ll-gerº, [é-, gruger], tr. : crush; pound ; grate. égueu-lementº, m. : cracking at the neck or mouth ; |-lerº [é-, gueule], tr. : break at the neck, mouth or spout of : s'-, break at the neck, mouth or spout; bawl, shout one's self hoarse, " split one's throat’; strain one's voice. - égyp-tiae* [L. œgyptiacus, Egyptian], ddj.: oxymel of verdigris ; aegyptiacum éjarrer shelling, husk- unguentum. -tien, =enne [L. -ticusl, adj. : Egyptian, gypsy. eh = hé. féhan ehéº [é-, hanche], adj. : hipped, hipshot, ungainly, awkward. féherber * [é-, herbe], tr. : remove the grass from ; weed. éhontéº [é-, honte], adj. : not ashamed ; brazen-faced ; bold. éhouper" [é-, houppe], tr. : top (trees). eiderº [Swed. ejder, eider-duck], m.: eider-duck. feissaugue = aissaugue. éjacu-lateurº, =triee, adj. : ejaculat- ing, ejaculatory. -lation*, f. : ejaeula- tion. |-1er-º [L. -lari, shortl, tr. : ejaculate; throw out. éjamberº [é-, jambe], tr. : steam (to- bacco-leaves). éjar-rerº [é-, jarre, coarse hairl, tr. : remove the coarse hair from (a hide). -reur", -reuse, m., f. : workman, re- moving the coarse hair from (a hide). 238 féjeetion* [L.-tio (e-jicere, throw out)], f. : ejection. - féjouir* [é-, jouir], refl. : enjoy one's self. élabo-rationvº [L. -tio], f. : elaboration. |-rerº [L.-rare (ex, out, labor, work)], tr. : elaborate, work out; refine. élabré* [é-, labré], adj. : without a la- brum (upper lip in insects). éla-gage", m. : lopping, pruning. -guer * [?], tr. : prune, cut off; suppress; remove; shorten; condense. -gueur", m.: lopper, pruner. élaiser* [é-, laize, breadth], tr. : fwiden ; enlarge (the blanks of coins by striking them with the flattening-hammer). I.élan* [Ger. elen, moose], m. : (zool.) ELK, moose-deer. 2.é-Ianº, m. : spring, start; flight; sally ; impulse ; rush ; impetuosity ; life ; enthu- siasm. -laneementº, m. : fspring, bound ; dash; shooting (pain) ; twitching, twinge; transport, yearning. ll-laneerº [é-, lancer], tr.: LAUNCH (hurl, dart, shoot); incite (drive, push on) ; intr. : shoot (of pain) ; twinge ; twitch : s'-, spring, bound, dart ; throw one's self; rush on or toward ; shoot (like pain) ; burst ; become or grow glondor ; thin. élar-gir* [é-, large], tr. : widen; en- · large; set at liberty; refl. : get loose ; · gain one's liberty. -gissement*, m. : widening; enlarging; rélease. -gissureº, ſ : piece let in ; eking-piece ; inlay. élas-tieité", f.: elasticity, springiness. ll-tiqueº [L.-ticus (Gr. e-laünein, drive, repel)l, adj. : elastic ; springy; m. : spring ; india-rubber. éla-tèreº [Gr. -tér (e-laünein, drive), driver], m.: elater (elastic filament for dis- persing the spores). -térie* [Gr. -tér], jf : fruit (of the ephorbia or spurge family). -térineº [-térium],f. : (chem.) elatine (extract of wild cucumber). -tériteº [Gr. -tér], m. : elaterite, elastic bitumen. -tériumº [L. -terium], m. : wild cucumber. ..-tineº [Gr. -tine], f : elatine, water-pepper, water-wort. éla-vé*, adj. : soft (of colours); discol- · oured. |-verº [é-, laver], tr. : (dial.) soften (of colours) ; discolour; cause to fade. elbeuf" [Fr. Elbeuf, name of a city], m. : (vulg.) fine cloth. •. Eldorado" [Sp. (el,the, dorado, gilt)], m. : = (golden country; imaginary country in South America ; any very desirable place). . élec-teur* [L. -tor (e-ligere, pick out)], m.: elector; voter. -tif, =ive* [l. L. -tivus (L. -tus, picked out)], adj. : elective. -tion* [L. -tio], f : fchoosing; election ; polling; choice ; return ; appointment. éjection élevage -toralº, adj. : electoral ; election. -toratº, m. : electorate ; vote; right tO Vote. électri-eien " [root of -tricité], m. : electrician. |-eité " [l. L. -citas (Gr. élektron, amber)],f. : electricity. -trique" [l. L. -tricus], adj. : electric. -trisable" l-triser], adj. : electrifiable. -trisant" [-triser], adj.: electrifying. -trisation", [-tiser], tr. : electrify. -triser 17 [root of -trique], tr. : electrify. électro-[Gr.élektron, amber]:-aimant!º, m. : electro-magnet. - ehimieº, f : elec- tro-chemistry. -ehimique º, adj. : elec- tro-chemical. -de [Gr. hodôs, road], f. : electrode. -dynamique*, f.: electro- dynamics. -lyseº [Gr. lüsis (lüein, de- compose)], f# electrolysis. -magné- tique*, adj. : electro-magnetic. -ma- gnétisme º, f : electro-magnetism. -mètre", m. : electro-meter. -moteurº, -motriee*, adj. : electromotive. -méga- tifº, =ive, adj. : negative. -phore " [Gr. phorós (phérein, bear, carry)], m. : electrophorus. -physiologiqueº, adj. : electro-physiological. -positifº, =ive, adj. electro-positive. -seope"[Gr.skôpein, examine], m. : electroscope. -statique º, , adj. : electrostatic. -thérapeutiqueº [-rapie], adj. : electro-therapeutic. -thé- rapie*, f.: electro-therapy. -typeº, m.: electrotype. -typie* [Gr. tûpos, impression], f : electrotyping. électrumº [L. (Gr. élektron, amber)], m. : electrum (alloy of gold and silver of amber colour). électuaire* [l. L. electuarius (Gr. ék- leiktos, chosen)], m. : electuary. élefº [é-, lever], m. : rising, origin. élé-gamment º, adv. : elegantly. -gan ee*[L.-tial,f : elegance. ll-gant* [l. L. -gans], adj. : elegant. éIé-giaque* [L. -giacus], adj. : elegiac ; m.: elegiast, elegist. ll-gie* [L. -gia (Gr. -geia, distich verse, -gos, plaint)], f : elegy (mournful or tender poem). télégir = allégir. éIé-memtº [L. -mentum], m. : element ; component part. -mentaire* [L.-men- tarius], adj. : elementary. - élémiº [Sp. elem%], m. : elemi (gum). éIéphan-tº [L. -tus], m. : elephant. -teau*, m. : small or young elephant. -tiasis* [L.], f : elephantiasis (a disease). -tinº [-tinus], adj. : elephantine. é-levage*, m. : raising (of cattle); breed- ing. -1évateurº, =triee [L. elevare, raise], adj. : elevatory, lifting ; m. : ele- vator. -lévation * [L. -levatio], f. : elevation, raising; rising; height; increase; preferment ; (of sound) acuteness ; view ; (at mass) elevation of the host. -1éva- elfe toireº [L. elevare], adj. : elevatory ; raising ; lifting ; m. : elevator (in surg.). I.-lève º, m., f. : pupil, student ; school- boy ; schoolgirl ; apprentice ; midship- man. 2.-lève º, f. : breeding, rearing (of animals). f-lèvement*, m. : raising ; rise. |-leverº [é-, lever], tr. : elevate (raise ; exalt); erect ; lift up ; bring up (educate); rear (breed); run up (accounts); (nav.) near ; refl. : raise one's self ; rise, ascend; run up (accounts); increase; groW proud; be erected; (of the weather) clear up. -leveur*, m. : breeder (of cattle, horses, etc.). -levure*, f. : blister, pimple. elfeº [Eng. elfl, m.: elf. éliderº [L. ex, lœdere, strike out], tr. : elide ; cut off. élierº [é-, lie], tr. : draw off, rack off, rack. éli-gibilité ",.f. : eligibility. |-gible* [L. gibilis (e(x), legere, pick out)], adj. : eligible. *- I.élimer* [é-, limer], tr. : wear out. 2.élimerº [L. e-limare, clean], tr. : clean (the falcon before the hunt). élimi-nation",f. : elimination. ll-nerº [L. -nare (ex, limen, threshold), throw out of doors], tr. : eliminate (remove ; throw out ; exclude ; strike out). élingué * [L. ex lingua, without tongue], adj. : tongueless (said of certain animals) without tongue or trumpet. éIin-gue* [OHG. slinga, slingl, f. : sling. -guer", tr. : (nav.) sling. -guetº, m. : pawl or click (used to prevent the capstan from backing). é-lire° [p. L. *ex-legere (L. ë-ligere, pick out)], irr. (cf. lire) ; tr. : elect (choose) ; return; appoint. -lisantº, adj. : electing. élisionº [L. -sio (ex, lœdere, strike out)l, ·f. : elision, striking out. éli-te* [élire, fr. old part. élit, selecte(d)], ſ. : select, choice, best. -terº, tr. : (vulg. and old) choose, take the best of. élixir* [Arab. el-iksir, the philosopher's stone], m. : elixir. ellagique* [coined by Braconnot by reversing the word galle], adj. : ellagic (acid).. eile° [L. illa, that], pron. : she ; her, it ; pl. : they, them : — même, herself, itself ; alone ;. too. ellé-bore* [L. -borus (Gr. -boros)], m. : hellebore (a plant). I.-borineº [L. -borine], f : helleborine (a plant). 2.-bo- rine*, f : azotic substance, drawn from the black hellebore. -borismeº [L. -bo- rismus], m. : treatment with the hellebore plant. - ellip-se" [L. -sis (Gr. élleipsis, defect)], f : ellipse ; ellipsis. -soïdal* [-soide], adj. : ellipsoidal. -soïde" [-se, eîdos, 239 form], adj. : ellipsoid. -tieité " [-tique], f.: ellipticity. -tique" [Gr. elleiptikôs, defective], adj: elliptic. -tiquementº [-tique], adv. : elliptically. #Elme (Saint), cf. feu. élo eher* [é-, locher], tr. : loosen. élocution* [L. -tio], f. : of oratory. élo-geº [l. L. eulogium (Gr. eu-logia, praise)], m. : eulogy; eloge. -geux º, =euse, adj. : eulogistic. -gistè", m. : eulogist. - © éloi-gnement*, m.: removal; remote- ness ; absence, separation ; estrangement, dislike, reluctance ; neglect; forgetful- ness. ll-gnerº [é-, loin], tr. : keep away; remove (separate) ; put to flight ; dismiss (discard, repudiate) ; alienate (estrange) ; delay ; defer; deter; indis- pose ; refl. : go or move away or off ; go to a distance; withdraw; wander; depart ; deviate ; fail; forsake ; disappear; (nav.) stand away, sheer off. - élon-gation* [L. -gatio], f : elongation. |-gerº [é-, long], tr. : (nav.) splice, lengthen out (lay out, stretch); pass along- side. #-gisº, m.: (nav.) splice, bars of wood (fixed on each side of the low masts). élo-quemmentº-kam-, adv. : eloquently; -quenee* [L.-quential, f : eloquence ; oratory. ll-quent* [L.-quens (ex, loqui, speak out)], adj. : eloquent. élu, part. of élire. élu ei-dation º,f. : elucidation. |-der* [L. ex-lucidare (lucidus, clear)], tr. : make clear, explain, throw light on. élucu-bration" [L. -brare, compose by lamplight], f.: elucubration. -brerº [L. -brare], tr. : elucubrate. » éluderº [L. é-ludere, play out], tr.: elude ; evade. 4 élydorique" [root of Gr. élaion, oil, hûdor, water], adj. : (paint) elydoric. élyme" [Gr. élumos], m. : lyme grass. Ely-sée*[L.-seum, Gr. elûsion], m.: Elys- sum. -séenº, =enne, adj. : Eysian. -sienº [L.-sius], m. : Elysian fields. ély-tre" [Gr. élutron, case ; vagina], m. : elytrum (of certain insects), wing- case. -trite* [Gr. -tron], f : elytritls. -troeèleº [Gr. -tro-kéle (tumour)], f. : trocele. -trorrhagie* [Gr. -tro-ragé (ruption)], f. : hemorrhage of the vagina, elzévirien º, =ienne [Elzévir, a cele- brated printer], adj. : Elzevirian, Elzevir. em- [for en or L. in, into], pref. : em-, in. éma eiéº [L. -ciatus, emaciated], adj. : emaciated, poor, lean. émai-lº [Germ'c Smalt, Eng. smelt], m. : enAMEL ; gloss ; tincture (of a shield]. -llerº, tr. : enamel ; adorn ; refl. : be , émail (fdial) shake elocution ; art émanation 240 enamelled ; become covered with flowers. -llerie*,f. : enamelling. -lIeurº, m. : enameller. -lIure*, f.: enamelling ; spots (on the feathers of certain birds of prey). émanation º [L. -tio (e-manare, flow out)], f. : emanation. émanei-pateur*, -patriee [L. -pator, -trix], m., f : emancipator. -pation º [L. -patio], f : emancipation. ll-perº [L. -pare (manceps, purchaser)], tr. : eman- cipate ; set free ; refl. : be free ; break loose (from). - émanerº [L. e-manare, flow from], intr. : emanate. < émar-gEment", m. : emargination; mar- ginal note or signature. ll-gerº [é-, marge], tr. : cut the margin of, emar- ginate; sign in the margin of; sign (a receipt). - émascu-lation", f : emasculation. |-lerº [L. -lare (masculus, MALE)], tr. : emasculate; castrate. embabouiner* [en, babouin], tr. : wheedle, coax, gammon. env bâcleº [en, root of débâcle], m. : ice- | pack ; obstruction (for a ship). embal-lageº, m. : packing, packing up ; | wrapping üp. -Iement º, m. : packing ; wrapping up ; fly up (in anger). |-Ierº [en, balle, bundle], tr. : pack (pack up ; wrap up) ; pack off; lock up ; (vulg.) run away (of horses). -leurº, m. : packer ; a deceitful person. em bander [en, bande, bandage], tr. : bandage up ; bind up ; swathe. . embanquerº [en, banc], tr. : come to a fishing-bank ; go codfishing. embarbeº [?], f : looped string (used in cloth to preventit fromfraying orravelling). embarbouillerº [en, barbouiller], tr. : muddle, entangle. embar-cadère" [Sp.-cadero (cf.-quer)], m. : place of embarkment ; pier ; wharf ; (railway)-station. -cation" [Sp.-cación], ſ : boat ; craft (with one or two masts). embar-dée º, f : (nav.) yaw, lurch. |-derº [?], intr. : yaw, lurch ; tr. : turn (a ship so as to avoid the yaw). embargoº [Sp. (barra, bar)], m.: = (a prohibition to sail) ; detention (of a vessel in port). 3 embaril-lageº, m. : barrelling. |-Ierº · [en, baril], tr. : barrel, barrel up. | embaronnerº [en, baron], tr. : call or style baron or baroness. embar-quEmentº, m. : embarkment, embarking; shipping, shipment. |-quer* [en, barque], tr. : embark (ship; put upon a ship ; engage in something); refl. : go on board ; go to sea ; engage ; involve (in some difficulty). · embéguiner embar-rasº, m. : embarrassment, em- . barrassing, .. encumbrance ; impediment, obstacle ; di#ºu# puzzle ; fuss ; family way. -rassantº, adj. : embarrassing ; awkward; cumbrous, cumbersome. |-ras- serº [Sp. embarazar, or It. imbarrazzare (l. L. barra, bar)], tr. : embarrass (hamper, obstruct ; complicate ; hinder; confuse ; puzzle) ; refl. : become confused or per- plexed ; trouble one's self with ; meddle with ; feel uneasy (about) ; take notice (of). I.-ren°* [en, barre], tr. : #sink - down; pry, put a lever under (anything heavy for lifting it). 2.-ren°º [It. im- barrare], refl. : be entangled (especially of horses). I.-rureº [I.-rer], f : commi- nuted fracture of the skull ; pl. : work of (masonry) fixing the ridge-tiles. 2.-rure" [2.-rer], f : wound (on a horse's leg). em-bas* [en, bas], m.: base (or low part of something); adv. : below, down. -base " [OFr. -baser], f. : support ; trunnion ; gud- geon ; collar. -basementº [It. im- bassamento], m. : continued base. -bas- sure* [en, bas], f : part of a glass- blower's furnace-wall. embastiller* [en, bastille], tr. : fim- prison ; surround with forts ; fortify. em batageº [-tre], m. : putting tires on (wheels). em batail-lementº, m.: embattling. |-ler* [en, bataille], tr. : embattle. - em bâter* [en, bât], tr. : saddle ; put a burden on. - embatoir" [-tre], m. : pool of water (for wheels) ; shoeing-pit. em bâtonner* [en, bâton], tr. : farm with a stick or reed. embatre" [en, battre], tr. : fsink down ; plunge ; tire (a wheel). embau-ehage*, m. : engaging, engage- ment ; hiring ; enlist (in the army) ; de- coying. -ehée", f. : resumption of work (in an arsenal). |-eherº [?], tr. : hire ; engage; entice; decoy; crimp. -eheur º, -eheuse, m., f. : hirer ; enticer , de- coyer; recruiting officer. -ehoir [for embouchoir], m. : boot-last ; boot-crimp. -ehureº, f. : utensils (necessary in a salt- pit). - embau-mement*, m. : embalming. |-mer* [en, baume], tr. : embalm ; per- fume ; intr. : Smell sweetly ; refl. : be em- balmed ; become perfumed or scented. -meurº, m.: embalmer. embec-querº [en, bec], tr. : feed (a bird) ; bait (a fishing-hook). -queterº, intr. : enter a strait or narrow passage. embéguinerº [en, beguin], tr : fmuffle up ; wrap up (a child) ; bewitch ; refi.. muffle up one's self ; be or become infat- uated ; be wrapped up in ; be wedded to. | embelle embelle º [en, belle, maindeck], f. : gang- Way, Waist. embel-lie" [en bel], f. : lull, calm ; favor- able change (in the weather). |-lir* [en, bel], intr. : EMBELLISH ; beautify ; exaggerate; refl. : improve ; grow beauti- ful. -lissement*, m.: embellishment ; adorning , improvement ; decoration. embérize " [l. L. emberiza (dial. Ger. emberitz)], f. : yellow hammer (a bird) ; bunting. emberlificoterº [?], tr. : (pop.) en- tangle ; muddle ; coax, bring round ; refl. : | get entangled, muddled, etc. ; become con- fused. femberlucoquerº [?], refl. : be infat- uated ; adhere (strongly and foolishly to an idea). em bEsogne * [en, besogne], adj. : busy, busily engaged. embê-tantº, adj. : annoying. -te- mentº, m. : annoyance, nuisance. |-terº [en, bête], tr. : annoy, bother, vex, Worry , weary ; be obnoxious ; refl. : bother one's self or each other. . enn beurrerº [en, beurre], tr. : butter, Smear; put butter on or around. em-blavageº, m.: sowing (with grain) ; putting in the grain. |-blaver* [en, blé], tr. : sow (with grain). -blavure*, f : field sown with grain. -blayer* [en, blél, tr. : (dial.) encumber, embarrass. femble = amble. eºn-blée, cf. embler. em-blématiqueº, adj. : emblematic. -blème º [L. -blema (Gr. émblema, inlaid work)], m. : emblem. I.em bien°° [L. in-voläre, fly at], tr. : #cap- ture (take) : d'emblée, adv. : at the first onset, at once, slap-dash, instantly ; with- Out opposition. 2.femv-bler, -bleur = ambler, ambleur. emblier = emblayer. . env bloquerº [en, bloc], tr. : flatten into a block. , fenn.bo-belinerº [en, bobelin], tr. : #piece, patch ; circumvent, coax, wheedle ; muffle or wrap up. -binerº [? en, bobine], tr. : coax, wheedle. fenv bodinure = bodinure. env boire* [en, boire], irr., tr. : coat or cover (a mould) with wax, oil ; refl. : (paint.) become chilled ; be absorbed, sucked up. emboi-ser* [en, OFr. boiser (?), deceive], tr. : coax, deceive by deceitful, caressing words. -seurº, =euse, m., f. : coaxer ; deceitful person. emboî-tage", m. : fitting, inserting; join- ing, clamping. -tementº, m. : fittings ; socket ; (mil.) covering or locking the step; locking up ; insertion. ll-terº 241 [en, boîte, tr. : box (enclose in a box) ; fit in (fit, put in, insert) ; clamp ; joint ; (mil.) lock or cover steps ; (fig.) submit, yield : s'—, fit into each other, fit in, fit. -ture º, f. : fitting in, fitting ; junction ; joint, socket ; clamp; panel-frame. embo-lie* [Gr. -le, obstruction], f. : em- bolus (plug in a blood-vessel). -Iisme* [L. -lismus], m. : embolism (intercalation). -1ismique", adj. : embolismic. embonpointº [en, bon, point], m. : good condition, stoutness (plumpness, corpu- lency). embordurerº [en, bordure], tr. : frame. embos-sage", m. : (nav.) bringing the broadside to bear. |-serº [en, bosse], tr. : bring the broadside of (a ship) to bear : s'-, bring the broadside to bear, bring head and stern broadside on ; f. : (nav.) spring. emboucanter* [en, boucant], tr. : bar- rel (codfish, etc.). embou-ehe*, f. : (dial.) putting to one's mouth ; feeding (fattening) : pré d'-, feeding pasture. -ehéº, part. : mouthed ; blown, etc. ; having a mouthpiece : mal —, foul-mouthed. |-eher* [en, bouche], tr. : put into the mouth ; put to one's mouth, blow (an instrument), sound ; bit (horse) ; give (one) his cue, coach up, pre- pare ; (nav.) enter ; (dial.) fatten : s'-, discharge itself (of rivers), empty, fall. -ehoirº, m. : mouthpiece (of an in- strum.) ; upper band (of a musket) ; boot- last. -ehure*, f. : mouthpiece (of . a wind-instrum., of a bit, etc.) ; tonguingº, blowing; mouth (of a river, =) ; (engr. . outfall. • embouclerº [en, boucle], tr. : provide . with a buckle. embouer* [en, boue], tr. : make muddy (mud, soil, bemire). embouter embou-quement", m. : (nav.) entering the mouth of (a strait, etc.) ; entrance. |-querº [en, bouque], tr. : (nav.) enter the mouth of (a strait, etc.), enter. embourber* [en, bourbe], tr. : put or stick into the mud or mire, get into the mire : s'-, stick or sink in the mire ; stick fast ; involve one's self. embourder" [en, bourde, prop], tr. : prop up ; shore (a ship). fembourrer* [en, bourre], tr. : stuff ; pad. embourser* [en, bourse], tr. : the purse ; pocket. emboutº [embouter], m. : ferrule. embouteillerº [en, bouteille], tr. : bot- tle. embou-terº [en, bout], tr. : provide (an umbrella, etc.) with a ferrule. ll-tirº [en, bout], ftr. : tip, draw out ; beat out ; . put into embranchement 242 scoop out, relieve, stamp ; plate. -tis- sage*, m. : tipping, beating out, stamp- ing; plating. -tissoir*, m. : machine (for making metal plates). I.fem branehement, bronchement, embroncher. 2.embran-ehement* [en, branche], m.: branching (off) ; branch (road, line) ; junction. -eher", tr. : branch, put to- gether, join. embraquerº [em, root of abraquer], tr. : (nav.) haul taut. I.#embrasennent = ébrasement. 2.embra-sement*, m. : putting on fire ; burning ; fire ; ardent desire ; passion. I.|-ser° [en, braise], tr. : put on fire ; burn, fire ; be eager ; refl. : become in- flamed, be aglow. 2.fenv braser = ébraser. embras-sadeº, f : embrace; clasping, hugging ; kissing, kiss, -se*, f : fem- brace ; curtain-loop, curtain-band. -se- ment*, m. : embrace, clasping. ll-ser° [p. L. *imbrachiäre (L. in, brachium, arm)], tr. : EMBRACE (clasp, hug; circle ; comprise ; undertake ; avail one's self of ; seize) ; .. embrace and kiss, kiss. -seur, =euse, m., f : embracer ; kisser ; piece of iron, clasping the collar of a cannon. -sure*, f : iron binder. embrasure" [2.-ser], f : embrasure. em-brayage*, m. : engaging; connec- tion of cogged wheels. ll-brayer* [en, braie], tr. : engage, connect. embrElerº [en, OFr. brael or braiel, cord], tr. : (dial.) fasten, bind (a wagon load). embrEnerº [en, bran], tr. : soil with dirt ; dirty ; (dial.) get into a mess. em-breuvementº, -brèvement, m. : (carp.)franking. |- breuver*,-bréver [en, root of abreuver], jtr. : (carp.) frank, join, mortise. em briga-dementº, m. : brigading, en- listing. -derº [en, brigade], tr. : brigade, enlist, recruit. em brocation º [l. L. -catio (Gr. en, bré- chein, wet on the surface)], f. : (med.) = (rubbing and moistening diseased parts). embro eher* [en, broche], tr. : pierce, put on the spit. em bron-ehementº, m. : collection of overlapping pieces. ll-eherº [en, bron- cher], tr. : overlap. "- embrouil-lamini", m. : confusion, muddle. -lementº, m.: entanglement ; embroiling ; perplexity. |-1er* [en, brouiller], tr. : EMBROIL (entangle, con- fuse, perplex) ; (nav.) brail up the sails : s'-, become entangled or intricate ; get confused or muddled ; (nav.) get cloudy ; get fuddled. - º- -eher 62770- émettre embruiné* [en, bruine], adj. : (dial.) covered with drizzling rain ; spoiled by drizzle. - em-brumer* [en, brume], tr. : cover with fog or mist ; refl. : get foggy or covered with mist. -brun º [en, mod. Prov. em- brum], m. : (nav.) foggy weather; spray. fernbrunelaer = broncher. • fem brunir* [en, brun], tr. : make or turn brown. embryo-génie* [Gr. génos, birth], f. : embryogeny. -logie" [Gr. lôgos, dis- course],f. : embryology. lembryo-n** [Gr. émbruon (brûein, swell)], m. : embryo ; small man, dwarf. -nnelle º, f. : stamen of cryptogamic plant. -nnaire º, adj. : pertaining to embryo ; embryonic. -to- mie" [Gr. embruotomía (témnein, cut)], ·f. : embryotomy. env bu, part. of emboire. em-bûehe*, f : AMBUSH ; snare ; danger. -bûeher* [en, bûche, thicket], tr. : bring back into the lair ; covert ; begin cutting (trees). -buscade º [It. imboscata (OFr. embusche)], f : ambuscade ; ambush ; lurk- ing-place. -busquer* [It. imboscare], tr. : ambush ; place in ambuscade. embuvageº [-boire], m. : covering with wax or oil, etc. émen-dation*,f : emendation. ll-derº [L. -dare (ex-, mendum, fault)], tr. : EMEND, correct ; amend. éme-raude* [L. smaragdus], f : EMER- ALD. -raudine", f : kind of coleoptera (insect) of green colour. / émer-genee*, f : emergence ; emer- gency. -gent* [L. -gens], adj. : emerg- ing, emergent. |-gerº [L. -gere (ex, mergere, plunge)], intr. : emerge,rise out of. émeri* [It. smeriglio (Ger. schmergel)], m. : EMERY (corundum blended with oxide of iron). émeril-lon* [?], m.: kind of falcon ; kind of a long cannon ; large fishing-hook, swivel-hook. -lonné*, adj. : brightened up ; ruddy ; sprightly ; lively ; gay. émériteº [L. emeritus (e, out, merere, serve)], adj. : emeritus, retired, pensioned ; deserving ; honourably discharged. émersionº [L. -sio (e-mergere, dip out)], f : emersion ; rising out of. émérusº [l. L. emerus], m. : S6>IlI13,. émerveil-lement*, m. : wonder, aston- ishment. |-lerº [é-, merveille], tr. : astonish, Wonder, amaze. émé-tiqueº [L. emeticus (Gr. emeîn, vomit)], adj. : emetic. -tiser", tr. : put | some emetic in ; give an emetic. émettre º [L. e-mittere, send out], irr. (cf. mettre) ; tr. : fissue ; emit ; send or put forth ; express ; give out. scorpion- | émeu émeuº [South Sea isl.], m. : emu (Austra- lian bird of large size), émeuler* [é-, meule], tr. : grind (mother- of-pearl). émeut* [I.-tir], m. : . falcon. . ' - émeu-te* [émouvoir], f : #anxiety; up- roar, riot, mutiny,stir. -tierº, m. : rioter. I.émeutir* [?], intr. : dung (of birds). 2.émeutir" [?], tr. : sollicit rank or title (in the order of Malta). é-mier* [é-, mie], tr. : reduce to crumbs ; crumble. -miettementº [-mietter], m. : crumbling. -mietter" [é-, miette], tr. : crumble ; refl. : crumble. émi-grantº, adj. : emigrating ; emigrant. -gration " [L. -gratio], f. : emigration ; migration. -gré", -grée, m., f. : emi- grant; refugee. ll-grerº [L. -grare, migrate-out], intr. : emigrate ; migrate. -grette, f : game (in vogue at the time of the revolution) ; a piece of ivory (for thread). émine erº [é-, mince], tr. : MINCE. émi-nemmentº -nam-, adv. : eminent- ly; in a high degree. -nenee* [L. -nentia], f. : eminence ; height ; rising ground. ll-nent* [L. -nens (e-minere, stand ' out)], adj. : eminent, high, lofty. -nentissimeº [It. -nentissimo], adj. : very eminent. émirº [Arab. amîr, commander], m. : emir (governor of an Arabian province) ; descendant of Mohammed. I.émis-saire º [L. -sarius], m. : emis- sary : bouc -, scapegoat. 2.-saireº [-sarium, sluice], m.: drain, viaduct. | |-sifº, =ive [L. -sus, part., emittere, EMIT], adj. : emissive, emissory. -sionº [L. -sio], f : emission, issue ; discharge ; taking (vows) ; putting (money) into cir- culation. excrement of the émissoleº [Prov. emissolo], f. : shark (in the Mediterranean). - emmagasi-nage", m. : warehousing, storing; storagé. -nement*, m. : stor- ing. |-ner" [en, magasin], tr. : put into a Warehouse ; store, store up. - femmaigrir* [en, maigrir], tr. : make or render lean or thin ; intr. : become or grow thin. emmaillo-tementº, m. : swathing, Wrapping up. |-ter* [en, maillot], tr. : sWathe, Wrap up. emman-eheº, f : putting pieces so as to form a triangular pyramid on a shield or coat-of-arms. -ehementº, m. : putting in a sleeve, handle or stick, fit- ting ; joining , beginning, making a move. |-eherº [en, manche, handle, sleeve], tr. : put a handle to ; fitting in (a sleeve) ; joining; beginning ; making a émoilient 243 move ; (nav.) enter into a bay or strait, -eheur*, m. : handle-maker, handle- setter. -ehureº, f : arm-hole, emmannequiner" [en, mannequin], tr. : put in hampers ; basket (plants, etc.). emmantelerº [en, manteau], tr. : fcover with a cloak ; (mil.) wall around. emmarehement" [en, marche], m. : arrangement of steps (in flight of stairs) ; notch (made in the side planks to receive these steps). femmariner = amaimer. emmarquiserº [en, marquis], refl. : call one's self a marquis, marchioness. emmèeherº [en, mèche], tr. : provide with a match, etc. emmê-lement*, m. : mixing up, en- tanglement. |-Ier* [en, mêler], tr. : entangle, MIX up. emména-gement*, m.: removal, mov- ing; inställation ; (nav.) conveniences ; accommodations. ll-gerº [en, ménage], tr. : move ; arrange (a ship) ; refl. : re- move, move in ; settle ; buy furniture. emménagogue" [Gr. ém-menos, month- ly, agogôs, leadingl, m. : emmenagogue (a remedy). •. emmenerº [en (L. inde), mener], tr. : lead away ; take away ; carry away. emmenotterº [en, menotte], tr. : mana- cle, handcuff. emmerderº [en, merde], tr. : (vulg.) cover or soil with dirt ; throw dirt at ; bother ; not care a whit for. femmeublEment, -bler ment, ameubler. - emmeuler* [en, meule, stack], tr. : put up (hay) in stacks ; stack. femmiº [en, mi], prep. : in the midst of. emmiel-1er* [en, miel], tr. : cover or sweeten with honey ; coax; speak honeyed words to. -lure*, f. : honey-poultice. emmitonnerº [en, miton], tr. : wrap up, cover ; coax, lull. emmitouflerº [en, mitoufle], tr. : muffle up. emmortaiser* [en, mortaise], tr. : mor-. tise. emmottéº [en, motte], adj. : covered with soil (of roots). # r emmouflerº [en, moufle], tr. : put (any- thing) into a muffle. emmurerº [en, mur], tr. : immure, en- close with walls ; imprison for life. emmuseler* [en, museau], tr. : muzzle ; silence. - I.émoi* [OFr. es-moyer (Germ'c magan, be able), orig'ly " deprive of power'], m. : anxiety ; flurry ; emotion. ameuble- ·2.fémoi = mait. · émollientº [L. -iens (e-mollire), soften)], adj. : emollient, soothing. 244 émolumen-t* [L. -tum (e, out, m0- liri, work)], m. : emolument, fee, perqui- site. -ter*, intr. : profit ; get fees or perquisites. émonetoire* [L. emunctorium (e-mun- gere, blow the nose)], m : emunctory, excretory duct (in man or beast). émon-dageº, m. : pruning, trimming (a tree). -dation º [L. emundatio], f : purification (of substances used in pharm.). éxmon-de*, f : pruning. ll-der* [L. emundare, cleansel, tr. : prune, trim (trees); clean (the grain). -deurº, =euse, m., f. : pruner, trimmer; f : place for cleaning the grain. -doirº, m. : pruning-knife. émorfilerº [é-, morfil], tr. : beard offwith draw-knife, etc. ; blunt or dull the edge of. émo-tionº [émouvoir], f.: emotion; agi- tation, excitement. -tionnerº, tr. : impress, affect ; stir with emotion. émot-terº [é-, motte], tr. : crush or break the clods of; rid (sugar) of lumps. -teur º, m.: one crushing clods; lump- crusher. -toir*, m.: clod-crusher. fémou = émeu. émou-eherº [é-, mouche], tr. : rid of flies (drive the flies from) ; winnow (the grain). I.-ehetº lmouchet], m. : spar- row-hawk. 2.-ehet", m. : tail (of pre- pared hide). -eheter = démoucheter. -ehette º,.f. : horse-net, fly-net. -eheur, =euse º, m., f. : fly-driver, fly-flapper. -ehoir*, m. : fly-flap. é-moudre° [p. L. *exmolere (ëmolere, grind)], irr. (cf. moudre) ; tr. : grind (whet, sharpen). -moulageº, m. : grind- ing, whetting. -moulerie*, f. : whiten- ing a lamina (by filing). -mouleur*, m. : grinder, knife-grinder. -moulu, part. : ground, etc. émoussage* [2.-sser], m. : ridding of Inoss. émous-sementº, m. : blunting ; deaden- ing; softening ; daunting. I.ll-serº [é-, mousse, blunt], tr. : render blunt, or dull, take the edge off; deaden ; soften, · enerVate. 2.émous-serº [é-, mousse, moss], tr. : remove the moss from. -soir", m. : mOSS-SCraper. émous-tillantº, adj. : sprightly, brisk, lively. |-tillerº [é-, moustille], tr. : brisk up, stir up ; exhilarate. émou-vanvtº, adj. : moving, stirring, touching. |-voir° [p. L. *exmovère (L. ë-movëre, move)], irr. (cf. mouvoir) ; tr. : move, touch, rouse, excite, effect; refl. : become moved or stirred up. envpail-lageº, -lementº, m. : covering with straw, stuffing, packing. |-lerº [en, paille], tr. : fsupply with straw ; émolument clearing or empêchant cover with straw ; stuff, pack. -leur, =euse º, m., f. : chair-bottomer, -stuffer; bird-stuffer, taxidermist. - I.empalement" [en, pale], m. : gate ; shuttle. 2.empa-lementº, m. : impaling, impale- ment. |-lerº [en, pal], tr. : pierce with a pale or post, impale. º empanº [Ger. spannen, stretch], m.: (dial.) SPAN. empanaeher* [en, panache], tr. : adorn with a plume. empannerº [en, pannel, tr. : bring to (a ship). - empannon* [-penner, featherl, m. : barb (of an arrow) ; rafter; end of a buggy-shaft. empaque-tage*, m. : packing, packing up. |-terº [en, paquet], tr. : put into a package (pack or Wrap up). emparerº [Prov. amparar (L. ante, be- fore, parare, make)], tr. : ffortify : s'-, seize, take possession of; master ; pos- sess ; engross ; monopolize. empasmeº [Gr. émpasma (-pâssein, salt)], m. : empasm (sweat-powder). empastElerº [en, pastel], tr. : dye (woolens) blue. - fempatage, -tement empattement. empâ-tageº, m. : covering with paste flood- ©-•º empattage, or sticky matter. -tementº, m.: stickiness, cramming; impasting, puf- finess. |-ter* [en, pâte], tr. : cover with paste or sticky matter ; (paint.) impaste. ſ. : fattener. empat-tage", m. : footing, basing; fix- ing, fastening. I.-tementº [en, patte], m.: footing, foot, base(ment) ; water- table ; stern. 2,-tement", m.: ºp# I.ll-terº [en, pattel, tr. : splice. 2.-terº [I.-tement], tr. : foot, base. -ture º, f.: splicing(s). - - em-paume*, f : a projection ; (arch.) course. |-paumer* [en, paume], tr. : seize in the PALM of the hand ; strike (ball) with palm of the hand ; catch (ball, etc.) ; take in hand ; scent (of dogs) ; manage well ; coax, fool. -paumureº [en, paume], f : palm (of a glove); deer's head and antlers (resembling hand and fingers). fempeau* [en, peau, back], m. : budding, grafting. empê-ehant*, adj. : preventive, pre- venting, hindering. -ehementº, m. : obstacle, impediment ; hindrance ; objec- tion. ll-eherº [L. im-pedicare (pes, FOOT), fetter the foot], tr. : #fetter (em- barrass in actions) ; prevent (hinder, bar), IMPEDE; oppose ; keep from : s'-, for- 18 · fatten ; -teur*, =euse, m., empeigne bear; abstain. -eheur*, =euse, m., f. : obstructer ; obstacle. empeigne* [?], f. : instep (of a shoe) ; instep ; Vamp. empai-gnementº, m. : braiding. |-gnerº [OFr. empeindre (L. impingere, strike togéther)l, tr. : braid. i'empellement = empalement. empeloterº [en, pelote], tr. : put into a pin-cushion, etc. : refl. : form itself into a ball (said of food, not digestible in a bird). empê-nageº, m. : lock-bolting; state of · being lock-bolted ; cavity for the bolt. |-nerº [en, pêne], tr. : provide with a bolt ; intr. : be bolted empen-ne", f. : barb (of an arrow). -né, part. : barbed, feathered. -melage" [-meler], m. : backing (of an anchor). -meler" [-nelle], tr. : back (an anchor). -nelleº [-ne],f. : small anchor. |-nerº [en, penne], tr. : provide (an arrow) with barbs or feathers ; feather. empEnoirº [?], m. : lock-chisel. empereurº [L. imperator (imperare, command)], m. : emperor; imperator ; a kind of fish ; wren (bird) ; small butterfly. emperlerº [en, perle], tr. : adorn with pearls ; cover with drops. empE-sageº, m. : starching. ll-ser* [en, poix (OFr. peis)], tr. : starch ; wet (a sail) ; make stiff ; refl. : be starched. -seurº, =euse, m., f : starcher. empesterº [en, peste], tr. : infest, taint ; poison ; intr. : stink badly. empêtrer° [p. L. *impastoriäre (cf. It. pastoia, horse's clog)], tr. : fetter; en- tangle, embarrass, hamper; saddle ; en- gage. env-phaseº [Gr. émphasis, appearance, (en, in, phaínein, show)], f.: emphasis ; stress ; bombast ; magniloquence. -pha- tique* [Gr. -phatikôs], adj. : emphatic ; bombastic ; pompous ; affected. -pha- tiquementº [-phatique], adv. : emphat- ically ; bombastically ; affectedly. emphy-sémateux º, =euse, adj. : emº physematous, swollen, bloated. |-sème [Gr. emphûsema (en, in, phusân, blow)], m. : emphysema, wind-dropsy (a disease). emphy-téoseº [l. L. -teosis (Gr. -teûein, plant land)], f. : (leg.) emphyteusis (con- · tract to improve certain land, and thereby e gain right of possession). -téoteº [l. L. -teota (L. -teuta)], m., f : emphyteuticary, · tenant with a long lease; owner of emphy- | teusis. -téotique º, adj. : emphyteutic ; for term of years. empiè eementº [en, pièce], m. : bit (of an apron) ; breastpiece. empiégerº [en, piège], tr.: entrap ; take in a tráp. - empier-rement", m. : stoning, ballast- 245 ing, metalling; broken stone, metal ; metalled road. |-rerº [en, pierre], tr. : provide with stones ; stone ; metal (roads). empié-tantº, adj. : pouncing (of a fal- con) ; -té* [en, pied], adj. : provided with legs, feet or claws ; legged. -tementº, m. : encroachment ; infringement ; tres- passing; pouncing. |-terº [en, pied], emplette tr. : (falc.) hold or seize with the claws (fEng. pounce); pounce upon ; seize (usurp; encroach upon, infringe on). empif-frerº [en, piffre], tr. : cram, stuff (with food). -frErie º, f. : cram- ming, stuffing ; gluttony. - empi-lage* [2.-ler], m. : (fish-hook-) attachment. -le", f : leader, gut-line (for fishing). - empi-lementº, m. : piling, stacking, binning. I.|-lerº [en, pile], tr. : pile up, stack, bin. - 2.empilerº [en, pile, gut-line], tr. : at- tach (hook) to a gut-line. empileur*, =euse [I.-ler], m., f : piler, stacker, binner. - empi-perº [en, pipe], tr. : pack (smoked herring). -peur", m. : packer (of smoked herring). . fempiranee* [-rer], f. : waste, damage, loss (by wear). - empireº [L. imperium (imperare, com- mand)], m.: = (sovereignty, dominion ; power; sway; command ; reign). fempirée = empyrée. empirer° [p. L. *im-pejoräre (L. pejor, Worse)], tr. : render worse ; intr. : become Or grow Worse ; be damaged or wasted. empiri-que* [L. -cus (Gr. en, in, peîra, trial)], adj. : empirical, resting on expe- rience. -quementº, adv. : empirically. -sme" [root of -que], m. : empiricism. I.empla-eementº [en, place], m. : site, situation, place, piece of ground. 2.f-ee- mentº, m. : placing, storing (esp. salt). fll-eer* [en, place], tr. : put in place ; store (salt) ; put in new supply of. femplage* [emplir], m. : filling up (casks) ; refreshing; filling, fillings. emplai-gnerº, -gneurº, = aplai- gmer, aplaigneur. emplanture" [en, planter], f. : step (of a mast). em-plastique*[Gr. -plastikôs], adj.: em- plastic, used for emplastering. -plastra- tion º [L. -plastratio], f. : -plas- trerº [L. -plastrare], tr. : femplaster ; bud ; graft. |-plâtre° [L. -plastrum (Gr. en, in, plássein, mold)l, m. : PLASTER ; salve; ointment. -plâtrerº, tr. : cover with a plaster; emplaster, spread as a plaster ; lay gold colour on. emplette° [p. L.*implicita (L. im-plicăre, infold)], f. : purchase, ºm-msms •- • 246 emplir em-plirº [p. L. *implire (L. -plëre, fill in)], tr. : fill up; refl. : be filled. -plis- sageº, m. : filling up (casks). em-ploi*, m. : employing, employment ; use ; occupation ; service ; appropriation ; outlay ; entry ; line of character (theatre). |-ployerº [L. implicare, implicate], tr. : EMPLOY ; occupy ; devote ; exert ; spend ; enter. femplumerº [en, plume], tr. : feather (an arrow) ; adorn (a hat) with plume ; fledge ; quill ; refl. : feather one's nest, etC. emplure* [emplir], f : leaves of vellum (used to deaden the blows when hammer- ing gold leaves). : empo eherº [en, poche], tr. : put into one's pocket, pocket. em-poigne*, f : grasping, grabbing ; apprehending. |-poigner* [en, poing], tr. : grasp, grab, nab, apprehend. I.empoin-ter* [en, pointe], tr. : sharpen into a point. 2.-ter* [en, point], tr. : stitch. -teur", =euse, m., f. : pointer · (of needles, etc.). -ture" [en, pointe], f.: (nav.) caring. empois* [empeser], m. : starch. empoise* l'!|, f : pillow-block, half-cylin- der (on which turns a wheel). empoison-nement*, m. : poisoning. | |-merº [en, poison], tr. : poison (infect or kill with poison ; corrupt ; embitter) ; intr. : be poisonous ; stink badly. -neur*, =euse, m., f. : poisoner ; corrupter ; pest ; adj. : poisonous. - fempoisserº [en, poix], tr. : pitch (cover or smear with pitch, make sticky). empoisson-nementº, m. : stocking with fish. |-ner* [en, poisson], tr.: · stock with fish. empoitrailléº [en, poitrail], adj. : hav- ing a chest, chested, bosomed. empor-tº, m.: (leg.) carrying away un- lawfully, taking away. -té, part. : car- ried away, etc. ; passionate (violent, hasty, hot-headed) ; run-away, unman- ageable. -tEment*, m. : fcarrying away; transport (outburst, fit) ; passion (anger, hastiness, frenzy) ; excess (extrav- agance) ; running riot, flight. -tE- pièeeº, m. : punch, punching-press ; #firing-iron ; bitter satirist : à (l')-, exactly fitting (into the grafting-slit) ; pungent(ly), sharp(ly). |-ter* [en (L. inde, away), porter], tr. : carry away (bring or take away, run away with, re- move) ; enrage (make beside one's self, anger); prevail over (turn ; outweigh) ; excel; bring with itself (imply, involve, entail); destroy (the scent) ; burn (the mouth) ; move (along) : s'-, be carried away; lose one's temper (become excited, empyrée fly into a passion, fire up) ; get wild (be- come unmanageable or ungovernable, run away) ; go beyond bounds, run riot ; in- veigh (abuse) ; rub off ; (hort.) grow only upward : l'- sur, carry it over, have the advantage (get the mastery) over, get the better of; overcome ; surpass, excel ; out- weigh ; prevail over ; carry or gain the day, bear off the palm, triumph ; s'- · comme une soupe au lait, take fire like gunpowder. $ empo-tageº, m. : potting. ll-terº [en, pot], tr. : pot (put into a pot). fem poudrer* [en, poudre], tr. : cover with powder or dust. empouil-le", f us'ly pl. : grain (ready to be cut). -lerº [?], tr. : sow (the ground): terre empouillée, field of ripe grain (ready | to be cut). empouperº [en, poupe], tr. : strike (as the Wind) in the stern ; have favourable Wind. empourprerº [en, pourpre], tr. : colour purple, purple. 8 * «s 5 empou-tage", m. : adjusting (the threads in a power loom). -ter" [?], tr. : adjust (the threads in a power-loom). empoutrErie* [en, poutre], f. : bracing, propping. - em-preindre° [p. L. *impremere (L. imprimere, IMPRINT)], irr. (cf. peindre); tr. : IMPRINT, IMPRESS; tinge. -preinte*, f : imprint, impression ; priming, dead- colouring (paint). empres-santº, adj. : pressing, eager. -sé, adj. : pressing, eager, earnest ; ready, prompt, active, zealous ; sincere ; best : faire l'-, show one's self very busy. -sementº, m. : eagerness, earnestness ; promptness ; zeal ; sincerity; hurry. ll-ser* [en, presser], tr. : fpress, squeeze ; refl. : be eager or earnest ; prompt, zealous (sincere) ; hasten (flock, crowd) ; bestir or busy one's self. emprise* (old em-prendre, undertake], f : fenterprise ; expropriation. emprison-nement*, m. : imprisonment. |-nerº [en, prison], tr. : put in prison ; imprison ; confine. s emprun-tº, m. : borrowing (loan); arti- fice : d'-, borrowed ; false ; fictitious. |-ter° [p. L. *imprümütäre (L. prömü- tuus, advance money)], tr. : borrow ; de- rive : s'-, borrow from each other. -teur*, =euse, m., f : borrower; adj. : borrowing. empuan-tirº -pu- [en, puant], tr. : in- fect : s'-, stink. -tissement", m.: infection ; stench. empyème* [Gr. empûema (en, in, pûon, pus)], m. : empyema (pus of a sore). empyrée* [L. -rius (Gr, en, in, pûr, empyreumatique fire)], adj. : empyrean (pertaining to the celestial dwellings). empyreu-matique", adj. : empyreuma- tic. |-meº [Gr. empûreuma (êm-puros, on fire)], m. : empyreuma (disagreeable odour, caused by burning certain sub stances). - fému, part. of émouvoir. ému-lateur*, .=triee [L. œmulator (œmulari, emulate)], m., f. : (rare) emula- tor, emulatress. -lation* [L. -latio, rivalry], f. : emulation. -leº [L. -lus, rival], m. or f : emulator, emulatress ; rival, competitor, competitress. émul-gentº [L. -gens, milking out], adj. : emulgént, milking out, draining. ll-sifº, =ive [L. -sus (e-mulgere, milk out)], adj. : emulsive. -sineº [L. -sus], f : emulsine (albuminoid principle extracted from al- monds). -sionº [L. -sus], f : emulsion. -sionnerº [-sion], tr. : mix an emulsion With. v, I.enº [L. in, in], prep. : in, into, to; with- in, with ; of; at ; on ; for; in the capacity of, as, like ; in course of; made of; from ; through ; while ; dressed in, dressed or clad as a. 2.em [L. inde, from there], prom. adv. : thence (from that place) ; hence (from here, away) ; of him, his ; of her, her; of it, its ; of them, their; of that ; by him, her or it ; by them ; for that, for it, for them ; on that account ; With about, at, to, like him, her, it, them. en- (before vow. or h mute en-) [L. in or Gr. en, in ; or L. inde, thence], énaIlageº [L. (Gr. en, allássein, ex- change)], m. : enallage (change of words, genders, modes, etc.). fenamouren°* [en, amour], tr. : enamour, inflame With love. fénan eher = enôcher. énanthèmeº [Gr. en, in, antheîn, bloom], m. : enanthema (skin disease). énanti9se* [Gr. en-anti-osis, opposition], ·f. : enantiosis (in Pythagoras'philosophy, each of the 10 , affirmations of contra- ries). · enarbrerº [en, arbre], tr. : · on wood. º fenar-rhement", m. : giving of earnest money. |-rherº [en, arrhe], tr. : give earnest money for. énarthroseº [Gr. en, in, ârthron, joint)], ſ. : enarthosis (ball-and-socket joint). ' énaser* [é-, nez], tr.: deprive of the nose ; crush the nose of. fénaucher = emôcher. fen-bas = embas. feneabanementº [en, cabane], m.: part of the side of a ship. fix or mount 247 encablure" [en, in, câble], f : cable's length. - - 1 enca-drEment", m. : framing ; frame ; (mil.) enlistment. |-drer" [en, cadre], tr. : frame ; encircle ; introduce ; insert ; (mil.) enlist. -dreurº, m. : framer. f-drureº [en, cadre], f : framing ; in- CaSIng. - encager* [en, cagel, tr. : cage, put in a cage, imprison. - en-caissable*, adj. : able to be incased. encâssure -caissage*, m. : incasement. -cais- santº, adj. : incasing. -caisse* [en, caisse], f. : cash in hand : - métal- lique, coin reserve (of, gold and silver). -caissement", m. : incasing, casing ; packing; payment, encashment ; receipt ; collection ; embankment ; road or river- bed tubbing : sauf -, when paid, if paid. ll-caisserº [en, caisse], tr. : incase (case, box, pack, enclose) ; put in a cash box (encash) ; collect ; receive ; embank ; (bed, lay a bed to) ; (part.) tub : s'-, go or run deep. -caisseurº, m. : casher, broker ; person incasing ; packer. - encanº [l. L. inquantum (adv. inquan- tum, for how much)], m. : auction sale ; auction. - encanaillerº [en, canaille], tr. : lower in rank; degrade (to the level of the rabble) ; mix with low people ; refl. : keep low company ; degrade one's self. fencaperº [en, cap], intr. : embay (as a ship). - encapuehonnerº [en, capuchon], tr. : put a hood or cowl on ; make a monk of ; (of horses) lower the head. - enca-quement", m. : packing, barrel- ing; heaping up. ll-querº [en, caque], tr. : pack ; barrel ; heap up (in a wagon). -queur", =euse, m., f : packer (of herring, etc.). - · encarpeº [L. encarpe (Gr. en, in, karpôs, fruit)], m. : encarpus (in old architecture, garlands composed of leaves, flowers and fruit). en ear-tº, m. : insertion ; (bookbind.) pack of leaves (pages 9-16, inserted between · 1-8, and 17-24). -tageº, m. : inserting, enclosing. -tation º, f. : insertion ; en- closing. |-terº [en, carte], tr. : insert ; enclose. , encarton-nageº, m. : inserting between pasteboards; insertion ; pressing cloth be- tween pasteboards. ll-nerº [en, car- ton], tr. : insert between pasteboards ; in- sert ; press cloth between pasteboards. encartou-ehageº, m. : forming into cartridges. | -eherº [en, cartouche], tr. : form or put into cartridges, fen-cas = en cas. femcâssure = enchâssure, # 248 encastageº [-ter], m. : placing into Jºe CGSSGS. 5 - encastage encastE-lerº [It. in-castellare, fortify], refl. : be or become hoof-bound (of horses, etc.). -lureº [It. incastellural, f. : con- traction of the hoof. g eneas-terº [en, casette], tr. : put (pottery) into recesses. -teur*, m. : Workman placing (pottery) into recesses. encastil-lage accastillage. -le- | mentº, m.: framing, mounting. fll-lerº [encastrer], tr. : enclose, frame, mount. 2.f-Ier = accastiller. f-lureº, f : fram- ing, mounting, filling in. encas-trEmentº, m.: fitting, fitting in, recess. ll-trerº [It. incastrare, EN- CHASE], tr. : fit in, fit ; insert. en-caume* [Gr. émkauma (en, in, kaiein, burn)], m. : encauma (ulcer in the eye). -caustiqueº [Gr. egkaustiké], f : en- caustic, furniture-paste ; painting in heated wax. -caustiquerº [-causti- que], tr. : polish. - enca-vementº, m.: putting or storing in a cellar. ll-ver* [en, cave, cave], tr. : place in a cave or cellar; store ; (jest.) fall into the cellar. man, waiter, wine-porter. en-eeindre° [L. in-cingere, gird about], irr. (cf. ceindre) ; tr. : gird about, enclose, surround. I.-eeinte*, f. : enclosure ; º mº • •s circumference; compass; preCINCTS; walls; fence ; place ; premises ; building ; (fort.) body of the place, enceinte. 2.-eeinte° [p. L. in-cincta, un-girdled], adj. : preg- nant, with child. - en eellu-lementº, m. : confining in a cell. -lerº [en, cellule], tr. : confine in a cell. en een-s* [l. L. in-censum, thing burnt (in-cendere, kindle)], m.: INCENSE; fra- grance ; flattery; praise. -sement* [-ser], m. : incensing ; perfuming ; prais- ing; flattering. -serº, tr. : incense (perfume) ; offer incense to (pay homage to, worship, praise) ; intr. : fburn incense. -seur, =euse* [-ser], m., f. : burner of incense ; flatterer. -sierº, m. : fcenser ; rosemary (a flower). -soir* [-ser], m. : incenser, thurible ; flattery ; (astr.) Ara. feneépha-le" [Gr. eg-képhalos (en, in, · kephalé, head)], adj. : encephalous, en- cephalos. -lique*, adj. : encephalic. -liteº, f. : encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). -loeèle" [-le, Gr. kéle, tu- mour], f. : encephalocele (hernia of the brain). -loïde º [-le, Gr. eîdos, form], adj. : encephaloid ; m. : brainstone coral. en eercler* [en, cercle], tr. : surround with a circle ; encircle. - en ehaî-nement*, m. : chaining; chain ; links ; series ; connection ; concatenation, -veur", m. : cellar- enchère. ll-nerº [en, chaîne], tr. : chain, chain up ; tie down; bind ; enslave ; check ; stop ; connect ; span ; refl. : be linked, etc. -nure*, f : fchaining, chain, etc.; links, chain-Work ; concatenation. « en eha-lage ", m. : piling up; heaping up. ll-ler [?l, tr. : gather, pile up (esp. fagots). -leur, m. : one piling up (fagots). en ehambrer* [en, chambre], tr. : put in a room, prison ; raise (silk-worms) in the house. · en ehante-lageº, m. : piling (timber, wood) in the yard; putting (casks) on a stand; placing, putting. ll-1er* [en, chantier], tr. : pile, stack (timber, wood) in the yard; put (casks) on a stand; place, put. en ehan-tement*, m.: enchantment ; magic ; charm ; delight. |-ter° [L. in- cantäre, sing a magic formula], tr. : EN- CHANT (bewitch ; fascinate ; delight). -teurº, -tresseº, m., f : enchanter, en- chantress; adj. : enchanting, charming, delightful. en eha-perº [en, chape], tr. : bird-nest, put one barrel or case into another. -pe- ronnerº[chaperon], tr. : hood (a falcon). -pure*, f : fastening. - fen ehargeººº [on, chargc], tr. : give in charge or trust. V, - en eharibotté* [?], adj. : (rare) moved, touched ; vexed. en eharnElerº [en, charnier, bundle of sticks], tr. : (dial.) prop (vines). - en eharnerº [en, charnière], tr. : hinge. en ehâs-ser* [en, châsse], tr.: enchase ; enshrine; insert ; introduce. -sure*, f.: setting. , A en ehatonner* [en, chaton], tr.: insert, mOunt. . - en ehâtre* [-châtrer (old form of -cas- trer)], f : fitting(s), mounting. fen ehauler = échauler. « en ehausséº [en, chausse], adj. : forming a chausse (of a shield or coat-of-arms). en ehausse-ner*,or-mer[?],tr. : soak, steep (skins)in lime-water (to prepare them · for tanning). -noir", or -moir, m. : vat or tub (for steeping skins in lime-water). en ehausser* [en, chausser], shoe ; mulch (a tree) ; provide (a wheel) with spokes. en-ehauac* [en, chaux], m. : bath of lime- water (for steeping skins). en-ehère*, f. : higher bid(ding); bid(ding); auction ; price ; penalty. |-ehérir* [en, cher], tr. : raise the value, price of ; bid for; outbid ; intr. : grow or become dear or dearer; rise : - sur, outbid, sur- pass, improve upon, go beyond ; be strong- er than. -ehérissement*, m. : in- crease in price. - ehérisseurº, m. : bidder, outbidder : fol —, foolish bidder, one not able to redeem his promises. enchevalement gn eheva-lement", m. : propping, props (of a well). ll-ler [en, cheval], tr. : prop (a wall, etc.). - en ehevau-eherº, tr. : overlap. -ehu- re", f. : overlapping. exnehevê-trer* [en, chevêtre], tr. : tie (a horse) with a halter; tie together with a halter; embarrass; confuse. -trure*, j. : state of being bound ; halter-cast (an excoriation) ; raft, rafters (tied together). en eheviller* [en, cheville], tr.: pro- vide with pegs, pins, etc. ; fasten, pin or Deg. en ehi-frènementº, m. : obstruction, stuffing up (of the nose). +|-frEner* [en, chanfrein, forepart of horse's head], tr. : cause a cold in the head : s'-, get a cold. emehiridionº [L. = (Gr. en, in, cheîr, hand)], m.: manual. enchondromeº [Gr. énchondros (en, in, chômdros, cartilage)], m.: enchondroma (a cartilaginous tumour). - enchymose" [Gr. enchûmosis (en-cheîn, pour out)l, f. : ecchymosis (a skin disease). en eirerº [en, cire], tr. : wax, cover with W3,X. fenclasser" [en, classe], tr.: classify. en-clavation*, f.: (nav.) immersion of masting; building in water. -claveº, ·f. : piece of land within the limits of another; territory lying within another state; boundary; recess; inclave. -clave- ment*, m. : inclosing. |-claver* [en, clef], tr. : close with a key or bolt ; close ; inclose (in) ; shut (in) ; bind ; fix; fit in. en elem ehementº [en, clenche], m.: automatic unfastening (of some piece of machinery). enclin° [L. inclinis (-clinäre, bend)], | adj. : INCLINED, apt, given. enclinomène* [Gr. enklinômenos (en, in, klinein, LEAN)], m. : word, depending on another, but which cannot have the tonic accent; enclitic word. enclique-tage", m. : (tech.) catch. |-ter* [en, cliquet], tr. : click (of a wheel), catch. - enclitiqueº [L. -ticus (Gr. en, in, kli- nein, LEAN)], adj. : (gram.) enclitic (word or particle). encloîtrer* [en, cloître], tr. : put or place in a cloister. en-clore° [p. L. *in-claudere (L. inclii- dere, ENCLOSE)], defect. $; tr. : ENCLOSE, fence in : s'-, fence one's self in; enclose. -clos*, part.; m. : enclosure; enclosed field ; close ; vineyard ; orchard. $ Ind. : Pr. en-clos, -clos, -clôt ; -closons, etc. Rest like clore. enclotirº [Prov. enclotir (en, clot, cavity)], tr. : burrow (hunting term). 249 encloture* [enclore], f.: fenclosing ; border. - enclou-age", m. : spiking (a cannon). l-er* [en, clou], tr. : spike (a cannon); prick (horses in shoeing). -ure*, f.: pricking (of a horse) ; (vulg.) getting stuck ; hitch. enclu-me° [p. L. *incliido (L. inciis, anvil)], f. : anvil ; (anat.) incus (small bone in the ear). -meau*, -mot, m., -mette, f. : small portable anvil, hand- anvil. enco-eheº, f : notch (in an arrow) ; notch. -eherº [en, coche, notch], tr. : make a notch in ; fit (an arrow to the bow). -ehureº, f.: notching; making fast the sails (of a ship). fencocure = encoqûre. encoffrer* [en, coffre], tr. : pocket ; lock up. encognureº, -coignure [en, coin], f : corner, angle; corner-piece (of furniture). encoler* [en, cou], tr. : fput to the neck. encol-lageº, m : sizing. ll-lerº [en, colle], tr. : size. -leuse*, f.: sizing- machine. encolureº [en, cou],f. : neck (of animals); look, looks, appearance; height of the ribs of a ship. en-combrantº, adj. : encumbering; hin- dering. -cgm bre*, m. : hindrance, im- pediment. -combrEmentº, m.: fen- · cumbering, hindering; obstruction; crowd; glutting. ll-combrerº [en, l.L. cumbrus, barrier], tr. : obstruct (block up, stop) ; encumber, crowd ; saddle (with) : s'-, become or be obstructed, etc. fencommeneer* [en, c ...], tr.: begin. I.encgm-treº [en, contre], prep. : (old) against : à l'- de, against, in opposition to; counter; contraryto. 2.encontre* [encontrer], m., f. : (old) occurrence ; oc- casion, chance, luck. enco-querº [en, coque], tr. : (nav.) fasten (by means of a buckle). -qûre º, ·f. : fastening. encor = encore. - encorbellement* [en, corbeau], m. : (arch.) corbelling; corbel. - encore º, (poet.) -cor [? L. hanc horam, this, hourl, adv. : yet, still; as yet; again ; besides; too; more; still more; moreover; longer; left ; even ; at least ; but ; else ; what next ; what of it : encore que = quoique; ou bieu -, or else. encor-nailº [en, corne], m. : hole (made in a mast); piece put in the hole. -nerº [en, corne], tr. : provide with horns; strike with the horns; gore. -netº [en, cornet], m. : calamar, calamary, squid ; devil-fish ; bloodsucker. -netterº [en, cornette], tr.; provide with night-caps, 1 encornail coffer ; 250 encotonnerº [en, coton], tr. : trim with cotton. - - encouderº [en, couder], tr. : (dial.) shape as an elbow ; bend. eneouloir" [en, couler], m. : piece of a loom. fen coulure = encolure. encoura-geant", adj. : encouraging. -gement º, m. : encouragement; en- côuraging. ll-gerº [en, courage], tr. : encourage; cheer; incite; promote; abet; Spur. - I.en-courir*[en, courir], irr., tr. : INCUR, bring down upon. 2.-courir* [en- (L. inde), courir], irr. refl. : run. encourtiner* [en, courtine], tr.: pro- vide with curtains, hangings, tapestry. encouru", part. of -rir; fadj. : (leg.) running. - encou-ture" [old en-coudre, sew on], f. : (nav.) clincher-work. -turerº, tr. : build (ships) with clincher-work. encrage* [-crer], m. : (print.) inking. eneras-sementº, m. : making foul, dirty, greasy; greasiness, dirtiness. |-serº [en, crasse], tr. : cover with grease or dirt; soil ; mako foul. encre° [L. incaustum (Gr. en, in, kaiein, burn), purple red ink], f. : ink, writing fluid. enerèehement* [en, crèche], m. : fence; palings. - en crêperº [en, crêpe], tr. : cover with crape ; put crape or weed or band on ; dress in mourning. en-crerº [encre], tr. : (print.) ink. -ereurº, adj. : printer; inker. -erierº, m.: inkstand ; ink-bottle ; kind of mush- I'OOIIl. - encri-neº [Gr. en, in, krînon, lily], m.: kind of polypary. -nite" [Gr. as above], m.: stone-lily (a fossil). -nitiqueº [-nite], adj. : pertaining to encrinite. en-eroisement*, m.: arranging (threads) in such a manner that they cross each other two by two. |-croiser [en, croiser], tr. : arrange (threads) so as to cross each other two by two. -croiacº, m.: arrange- ment (of threads in weaving as above). encrou-age", m. : twisted or entangled state (of a tree). |-erº [?], tr. : fix or attach (to something) ; entangle (esp. in the part.) : arbre -é, entangled tree. encroû-tementº, m. : crust, covering with a crust ; caking ; getting hard. -terº [en, croûte], tr. : cover with a crust ; crust ; cover (a wall) with mortar ; refl. : get stupid, etc. encuirasser* [en, cuirasse], tr. : cover with a cuirasse ; refl. : put on one's cui- rasse ; get rusty, hardened. enculasserº [en, culasse], tr. : breach (a gun). encotonner endoctriner encu-vage ", m. : tubbing. |-verº [en, cuve], tr. : put into a tub or vat, tub. en ey-clique " [Gr. én-kuklos (en, in, kûklos, circle)], adj. : encyclical, circular. -clopédie* [Gr. -klo, paideîa, instruc- tion], f : encyclopedia. -elopédique" [-clopédie], adj. : encyclopedic. -clopé- diste" [-clopédie], m. : encyclopedist. fendan ehé = endenché. endau-bage*, m. : daubing; (nav.) sea provisions. ll-berº [en, daube], tr. : (cook.) put (piece of meat) into a stew. fendécagone = hendecagone. - endé-mieº [Gr. endémia (en, in, dêmos, people)],f : endemie (adisease). -mique º, adj. : endemic. enden ehéº [en, denché], adj. : provided With indentations. - en-dente ", f : indentation (carp.). -dentement", m. : indenting, supply with teeth. ll-denter* [en, dent], tr. : provide with teeth ; indent ; cog. -den- · ture*, f : fteeth ; indented map. - endermique* [Gr. en, in, dérma, skin], adj. : endermic, endermatic. endet-tementº, m. : indebtedness. ll-ter* [en, dette], tr. : charge with a debt; cause to run into debt; get In- debted. fendê-véº, - adj. : beside one's self, mad, irritable, passionate ; m. : madman. | |-verº [en, OFr. desver, lose one's rea- son], intr. : (pop.) fume, be vexed or mad : faire -, tease, vex, aggravate. endia-blé* [en, diable], adj. : possessed of the devil ; mad, furious ; terribly bad, wicked. -blerº, intr. : be possessed of the devil ; be furious or mad : faire —, torment, vex. - endi-guementº, m. : damming; dam, embankment. |-guerº [en, digue], tr. : dam, embank. en diman eherº [en, dimanche], tr. : dress in Sunday clothes. endive* [l. L. -via], f : endive, kind of chicory or succory (plant). endivision-nementº, m. : forming into divisions. |-nen°* [en, division], tr. : form into divisions (companies, etc.). endizeIer* [en, dizeau], tr. : put (grain, etc.) into shocks of ten sheaves, shock. endobraneheº [Gr. êndon, within, Fr. branchie], adj. : having internal branchiae or gills (of animals). endocar-de* [Gr. éndon, inside, kardía, HEART], m. : endocardium (membrane). -dite*, f.: endocarditis (inflammation of the endocardium). endocarpe* [Gr. êndon, inside, karpôs, fruit], m. : endocarp (membrane, compos- ing the inner la yer of-fruit). endoctriner* [en, doctrine], tr. : fin- endogène doctrinate, instruct ; coach up ; bring or get around (coax, wheedle). endogène* [Gr. éndon, inside, root of gignosthai, be born], adj. : endogen (plant increasing by internal growth). endolorirº [en, L. dolor, pain], tr. : make sore ; refl. : become sore, ache. endomma-gement*, m. : damage, in- jury. |-ger * [en, dommage], tr. : damage, injure. endor-mantº, adj. : inducing sleep, drowsy; tedious. -meur*, =euse, m., f. : tiresome person ; coaxer, wheedler. | |-mirº [en, dormir], irr., tr. : put to sleep ; benumb ; lull; wheedle. endosº [-sser], m.: endorsement, signa- ture. - endosm9se* [Gr. éndon, inside, osmôs (otheîn, push)], f. : =, endosmosis (the transmission of a fluid orgas, osmose into). endosperme* [Gr. éndon, inside, spérma, seed], m. : endosperm (albumen of a seed, surrounding the embryo). en-dossage*, m. : a new back (of a book). -dosse*, f : burden, trouble, responsibility. -d9sse- mentº, m. : endorsing, endorsement ; putting on a new back (on a book). |-dosserº [en, dos], tr. : ENDORSE; put on one's back ; put on (clothes); don, buckle on ; take upon one's self; acknowl- edge ; ridge (a field). -dosseurº, m. : endorser. -dossure, f. : endorsing ; re- binding (a book). -- . endroitº [en, droit], m. : place (spot ; passage, side) ; right side (of cloth) : à l'- de, with regard to ; à cet —, in this respect ; à mon (ton, etc.) -, with regard to me ; à deux —s, reversible (cloth). en-duire° [L. in-dilcere, induce], irr. (cf. conduire) ; tr. : # put into ; absorb ; | do over, cover ; digest ; rub ; plaster, daub; render. -duit º, m. : coat(ing) ; · paint ; plaster ; varnish ; polish. endu-ram-ee* [-rer], f. : (dial.) =. -rant* [-rer], adj. : enduring, patient, placid. endur-eirº [en, durcir], tr. : harden (make hard ; toughen; make hardy ; in- ure ; steel); refl. : harden one's self, etc. -eissementº, m. : hardening, toughen- ing, making hardy, steeling ; hardness. endurerº [L. in-durare (durus, hard), harden], tr. : endure ; Suffer ; undergo ; bear ; allow. éner-gie* [l. L. energia (Gr. en, in, érgon, work)], f : energy. -gique º, adj. : energetic. -giquement", adv. : energetically. ée énergumène* [l. L. -menos (Gr. ergeîn, work up]), m. : energumen (frantic, wild person, desperado). endorsing ; putting on enfiiade 251 éner-vant º, adj. : enervating. -va- tion *, f : enervation ; enervating ; slaughtering (an ox, etc.). -ve* [L. -vis, nerveless], adj. : (bot.) without nervation. -vEment*, m. : enervation, weakness. l-ver* [L. -vare (ex, nervus, nerve)], tr. : enervate ; unnerve : s'-, become enervated. enfaî-teau*, m. : ridge-tile (gutter-tile). -tementº, m. : ridge ; ridge-lead (of a roof). |-ter* [en, faîte], tr. : cover the ridge of (a house, with tiles or lead), pro- vide with ridge-tile (or ridge-lead). en-fan-ee° lL. infantia], f. : infancy (childhood, early days); children (young people) ; childishness (childish action) ; second childhood (dotage). f-fançgn° [p. L. infantio], m. : small child. |-fant° [L. in-fans, " not-speaking'], m.,.f. : infant, child (boy, girl) ; adj. : childish : —rs perdus, forlorn hope ; - à la mamºëlle, sucking-child ; -s de France, rfoyal chil- dren of France ; petits-s, grandchildren ; ſaire l'-, play the child, act lik.e a child. -fantementº [ fanter], m. : clnildbirth ; production. . -fanter*, tr. : bring forth (a child), give birth to, beget; produce. -fantillageº [old adj. fantil (l,. infan- tilis)], m. : childishness, child's play; drifle. -fantin *, adj. : childish, infanitine ; child's. - - · enfarinerº [en, farine], tr. : beflour ; cover with flour : être enfariné de, be tainted with, have a smattering of; un air de gueule enfarinée, the appºarance . of one hoping everything. , + enfer° [L. infernum (inferus, lowee)], m.- infernal or lower region (us'ly pl.) . #sil : d'-, infernal, hellish; dreadful. ' enfermer* [en, fermer], tr. : enclose (lock or shut up ; surround ; hem in ; in- clude ; contain) ; harbour ; conceal. enfer-rer* [en, fer], tr. : pierce (with the iron of a weapon): s'-, injure one's self ; betray or contradict one's self ; fall into the snare ; fix (with nails). -rure*, #ºgi filing (pieces of slate with Il8,11S. · fenfeu* [enfouir], m.: (dial.) grave. femfeuilIerº [en, feuille], refl. : adorn With leaves. enfieelerº [en, ficelle], tr. : tie up with a string ; do up. enfieller* [en, fiel], tr. : gall, embitter, fill with anger, rancour, hatred. emfiévrer* [en, fièvre], tr. : give fever to, fever. enfi-ladeº, f. : row, suite ; string (of); enfilade : d'-, (mil.) raking. -le- aiguille*, m. : needle-threader (instr.); a kind of dance. -lement º, m. : thread- ing. |-ler* [en, fil], tr, : thread (a enfin 252 needle); string (pearls); pierce ; get into (a road); slip on ; cheat : s'-, lose much ; engage (in a discourse). -1eurº, =euse, m. : header (of string beads) ; cheat. -lure º, f : string (of beads), string (of words). - enfin * [en, fin], adv. : finally; in short ; after all; in fact ; well ; now then ; yet. enflammer° [L. in-flammāre], tr. : in- flame (set on fire ; ignite ; kindle ; incense, provoke); refl. : take or catch fire ; be- come incensed or inflamed. enfle* [,fler], f : (dial.) swelling; game of cards. -flE-boeufº, m. : golden beetle, burn-cow. - enflé-eherº, tr. : supply with ratlines ; go up. ll-ehureº [en, flèche], f : (nav.) ratline. e,nfler° [L. in-fläre, blow into], tr. : IN- FLA IXE (distend, blow or puff up ; swell ; elate); 1caise ; (vulg.) drink, soak. emfleurer* [en, fleur], tr. : fadorn or " supply with flowers; scent (perfumery) With flowk2rS. enflureº [ fler], f : swelling; inflation. enfolier º [en, L. folium, leafl, tr. : in- foliate. l' enfon-cºggeº, m. : forcing in ; heading. -eement*, m.. sinkiing ; sinking down ; breaking in, down, open, or through ; forcing in ; heading; bottom ; recess ; (point.) back- groun(. ll-eer* [en, fons, old form of jonds], tr. : sink,, plunge ; sink to the botto ) ; swamp; bury; break in, down, open pr through : stave or force in; hol- ' low ; bull down; balk; surpass; take in ; ruil , bottom, head (a cask) ; examine. -eeurº, =euse, m., f : house-breaker ; diddler, cheat; jobber:-de portes ouvertes, braggart, boaster. -çure*, f : cavity, hole ; bottom-pieces (of casks) ; bottom. enforeirº [old enforcier (en, force)], tr. : strengthen, reinforce ; refl. : gather strength ; thrive. I.enformerº° [L. informäre (in, forma, form)], tr. : (old) form, fashion. 2.enformerº [en, forme], tr. : put on the block or form. e2v-fouir° [p. L. *in-fodire (L. fodere, dig sinking, plunging ; into)], tr. : bury ; hide ; cover with earth. -fouissementº, m. : burying ; hiding ; covering with earth. -fouis- , seurº, m : burier; necrophore (sexton- beetle). enfour-ehement* [en, fourche], m. : crossing, saddle-grafting. |-eherº [en, ſourche], tr. : bestride. - ehirº [en, fourche], intr. : form a fork ; be fork- shaped. -ehure* [en, fourche], f. : fork (of the legs, trousers etc.); forked ant- lers ; forked head of a stag. engeance enfour-nageº, m.: putting into the oven. -née*, f. : ' putting into the oven. -nE- mentº, m. : putting into the oven. |-ner* [en, four], tr. : put (bread, etc.) into the oyen ; begin ; engage in (an af- fair); refi.: get into difficulty or fix. -neurº, m. : man putting (bread, etc.) into the oven. enfourrerº [en, fourrer], tr. : place (vellum, containing gold leaves) into parchment ; stuff (horse-collars). enfrangerº [en, frange], tr. : fringe ; fimbriatè. enfra-yerº [en, frayer], tr. : begin to use, break in (new cards). -yure", f : first wool, prepared on a new card. enfreindre° [p. L. *infrangere (L. in- fringere, break against)], irr. (cf. pein- dre) ; tr. : infringe (break, violate). enfuirº [en, fuir]; irr., refl. : flee (take flight ; run or be away; escape ; abscond ; elope) ; vanish ; run out, leak ; boil over. enfu-merº [en, fumer], tr. : fill with smoke ; besmoke ; Smoke out ; fume ; in- toxicate. -moirº, m.: instrument for fuming bees with sulphur, smudge. en-futaillerº, -fûter [en, futaille or fût], tr. : put (wine) into casks, cask. enga-geantº, adj. : engaging, pleasing, attractive. -gement*, m. : engage- ment; pledging, pawning; mortgage; as- signment ; hiring; enlistment ; bounty ; liabilities ; action. |-gerº [en, gage], tr. : engage (pledge ; enlist, hire) ; pawn ; mortgage ; assign ; entangle ; advise ; win over ; compel ; begin ; refl. : fall (sick) ; enter ; place ; induce ; invite ; enlist. -gisteº, m., f.: tenant. engaî-nant", adj. : sheathed (especially. of plants). ll-nerº [en, gaîne], tr. : sheathe, case. engal-lageº, m. : (dye) galling. ll-lerº [en, galle], tr. : gall (clothes before dye- ing them). - - fenganter* [en, gant], tr. : (nav.) come up with, join ; grab; steal ; (dial.) glove ; refl. : be hand and glove with ; be thick with ; be infatuated with. : en-garde*, f : vine (cut long to produce more fruit). -garderº, tr. : keep ; preserve. - fengarrotter = égarrotter. engastrimytheº [Gr. -thos (en, in, gastér, stomach, mûthos, word)], m., f.: (old) ventriloquist. . « engaverº [en, gaver], tr.: bird). engazon-nementº, m.: turfing ; -ner- [en, gazon], tr. : turf, sod. engean-ee* [enger], f : breed, race, bröod. -eerº, tr. : +provide with breed, feed (a etc. ; engumber (with something) ; saddle. engeigner emgeignerº [engin], tr. : (old) entrap. enge-lerº [en, geler], tr. : freeze per- fectly. -lure, f. : chilblain. engen-drEment*, m. : begetting, gen- erating; breeding; producing. ||I.-drer° [L. ingeneräre (in, genus, birth)], tr. : beget, generate, breed; produce; form. 2.engendrerº [en, gendre], tr. : (jest.) provide with a son-in-law; take for a son- in-law. fengeoler, -geoleur joleur. © fenger* [OFr. œngier (?), provide], tr. : breéd, provide (with stock or breeding animals) ; fill. engerberº [en, gerbe], tr. : bind into shèaves; pile or heap up. engin° [L. ingenium, contrivance], m. : tingenuity ; engine ; device ; instrument ; tackle ; appliance; lift ; snare ; (jest.) a poor small boat or craft. . ºns-ms ©-s» enjoler, en- englantéº [en, gland], adj. : having acorn(s) or tassel(s). engloberº [en, globe], tr. : collect, unite (into one) ; merge ; include ; annex. englou-tir° [L. in-gluttire, swallow], tr. : swallow up ; engulf; absorb ; squan- , der. -tissement*, m. : swallowing up ; engulfing; absorbing ; squandering. englu-ement*, m. : glue ; liming ; catching; taking in. ll-er* [en, glu], tr. : cover with glue ; stick (like glue) ; lime ; catch ; take in ; refl. : stick in bird- lime ; be caught. engo-beº, m. : glazing (of pottery). |-berº [en, gober], tr. : glaze, cover (pottery) with glazing. - engommerº [en, gomme], tr.: With gum, gum. engoneerº [en, gond], tr. : choke (of a collar) ; smother; cover up ; sink; give an awkward look to. - engor-gement*, m. : choking; engorge- ment. '|-gerº [en, gorge], tr. : obstruct (any passage), choke, stop up; engorge, congest. engou-ementº, engoûment, m. : ob- struction, choking ; extreme fondness. |-erº [?], tr. : choke ; refl.: choke one's self; be extremely fond of, be infatuated. engouffrer* [en, gouffre], tr. : engulf, swallow up ; devour ; blow hard. fengoujure = goujure. engou-lantº, adj. : swallowing or gob- bling up. ll-Ier* [en, gueule], tr. : gob- ble up, swallow, devour. -levent* [le, vent], m. : goatsucker (bird) ; night-jar; fern-owl. engour-dir* [en, gourd], tr. : make , numb, or torpid ; blunt ; enervate. -dis- sementº, m. : stupor; numbness; tor- por; enervation, weakness. COVer seed-corn ; 253 seed grain ; one-grained enguignonné 1.engrain* [en, grain], m. : corn-sowing ; wheat. 2.engrainº [engrener], m. : bevel made in the upper millstone. 8 engrai-sº, m. : manure; fattening. -sse- ment*, m. : making fat, fattening ; stoutness , corpulence ; manuring; manure. ll-sser° [p. L. *incrassiäre (L. incras- săre, make fat)], tr. : make fat ; enrich ; grease ; manure ; refl. : get or become fat or rich ; thicken ; become ropy. engranger* [en, grange], tr. : put in the granary, house (corn); gather in. engraulis [Gr.], m. : anchovy (kind of fish). engra-vé", -vée, m., f : injºy (in the foot of an animal). -vement", m. : stranding · (of a vessel). ||I.-ver [en, gravier], tr. : strand (on the gravel, sand), run aground ; cover with gravel or sand ; refl. : wound (by sand or gravel entering into the foot of an animal). 2.fengraver* [en, graver], tr. : engrave ; cut. - - engrê-léº [en, grêle], adj. : purled ; en- grailed. -lerº [-lure], tr. : purl ; en- grail. -lureº, f : purl (of lace); en- grailing. en-grEnage", m. : gear, gearing; heap- ing up of barrels or casks. -grène- ment", m. : gearing, throwing into gear. ll-grEner* [en, grain], tr. : supply or fill (the hopper) with grain ; begin ; prime (a pump) ; load , fatten with grain ; fit together (cogwheels) throw in gear, fit ; heap (casks into a pile) ; polish. -grEnure", f. : gear ; fitting in or working into each other. engriº [African], m. : leopard (from . Congo). engrois* [?], m. : a small wedge. engrosser*, t-ssir [en, gros], tr. : make large ; get with child. . engrumelerº [en, grumeau], tr. : coag- ulate, clot. - enguenillerº [en, guenille], tr. : cover with rags, clothe in tatters. I.engueu-lement* [en, gueule, open- ing], m. : notch ; cut (made in the princi- pal rafters of a false roof, where they join to be propped up by the king post). 2.-le- mentº, m. : shouting at ; abusing ; hum- bugging. |-lerº [old adj. engueulé (en, gueule)], tr. : shout at, abuse ; humbug. engui-ehé*[en, OFr. guige, strap], adj. : having a horn-belt ; having a mouthpiece (of) ; mouthed. -ehure*, f. : horn-belt, trumpet-belt or strap. · enguignonné* [en, guignon], adj. : un- lucky ; bringing, having bad luck ; ill- omened. 254 enguirlanderº [en, guirlande], tr. : adorn with garland(s) ; wreathe. en + h asp. = en ; + h = en-n . en hardir* [en, hardi], tr. : embolden, encourage ; refl. : grow bold; pick up courage (for). enharmoni-e", f. : (anc.) enharmonic scale, consisting of quarter tones and major thirds ; change of notes to the eye only. ll-que* [L. -cus (Gr. en, in, har- monia, harmony)], adj. : enharmonic (see above) ; pertaining to enharmonic scale. enguirlander en harna eher* [en, harnais], tr. : har- ness, rig out. enha-yer" [en, haie], tr. : put in a row (bricks). -yeur", m. : brick-carrier. enhendéº [Sp. enhendido (L. findere, split)], adj. : (her.) split (croix -e, cross with arms terminated in two hooks, be- tween which projected a Small spear of iron). - - en herberº [en, herbe], tr.: sow with grass ; turn into prairie. enhu-ehéº [en, huche], adj. : (nav.) moon-sheered. -eherº, tr. : moon-sheer (a vessel). en hydre* [Gr. enudros (en, in, hüdor, water)], adj. : enhydrous. éniellerº [é, nielle], tr. : clear (grain) of corn-cockles. 4 énig-matique* [L. œnigmaticus (Gr. ainissesthai, speak darkly)], adj. : enig- matic. -matiquement, adv. : enigmat- ically. -me* [L. œnigma], f : enigma, riddle. - eni-vrant*, adj. : intoxicating; inebriat- ing. -vrEment*, m. : intoxicating, in- ebriating. |-vrerº [en, ivre], tr. : in- toxicate (make drunk ; elate). - enja-bler* [en, jable], tr. : bottom, head (a cask). cask). en-jaIerº, jauler [en, joual], tr. : stock (an anchor). enjam-bé * [en, jambe], adj. : provided with legs ; legged : haut -, court —, long-legged, short-legged. -bée* [en, jambe], f. : stride. -bem9ntº, m. : striding over; = (running of the sense into the next line of a verse). |-berº [en, jambe], tr. : stride over, bestride ; intr. : go beyond ; carry words of a sentence from one verse-line into another. enjarreté* [en, jarret], adj. : having the legs tied together; tied. femjauler = enjaler. enjavelerº [en, javelle], tr. : (grain) into sheaves or bundles. · enjeu" [en, jeu], m. : (at play) stake. enjoindre* [L. injungere], irr. (cf. joindre), tr. : enjoin, order, bid; prescribe, SllIIlIIlOIl. form -blureº, f : bottoming (a | | enliouber enjô-1er* [en, geôle, cage], tr. : wheedle, coax, inveigle. -1eurº, =euse, m., f. : Wheedler, coaxer. - enjoli-vementº, m. : ornament, embel- lishment ; setoff, flourish, scroll. ll-verº [en, joli], tr. : embellish (adorn, set off, decorate). -veurº, =euse, m., f : em- bellisher, beautifier. -vure, f. : small ornament, trinket. - enjon eher*, tr. : strew, scatter. fenjoualer = enjaler. en-joué* [en, jeu], adj. : playful, sport- ive, humourous, lively. -jouementº, -joûment [ jouer], m. : playfulness, sport- iveness, sprightliness. I.-jouerº, tr. : make playful, sportive, etc. 2.enjouerº [en, joue], tr. : bring (butt of a gun) to the cheek, aim. fenjoûment = enjouement. enjuponnerº [en, jupon], tr. : dress in a petticoat ; refl. : be tied to the apron- string ; have the head turned by a woman. enkys-té" [en, kyste], adj. : encysted. -tEmentº, m. : encysting. |-terº, refl. : encyste ; become encysted . en-laeement*, m.: lacing; entwining; entangle. l]-laeerº [en, lacer], tr. : lace ; entwine ; entangle ;fold. -laçüre*, f : lace. enlai-dir* [en, laid], tr. : make ugly ; spoil ; refl. : grow ugly, be disfigured. -dissement*, m. : disfiguring, spoil- Ing. enlar-me" [OFr. en-arme (L. armus, arm), strap for tying the shield to the arm], f : mesh, ring (of strong thread) of a crow-net. -merº, tr. : supply (a crow- net) with meshes or rings. -müre " · [-mer], f : fringe of meshes or rings. en-levage*, m. : removing, removal. -lèvementº, m. : removing, removal ; carrying aWay ; kidnapping ; rape ; mo- nopoly ; elopement ; abduction ; sending up (a kite) ; translation (to heaven). |-lever* [en (L. inde, thence), lever], tr. : lift away ; remove (carry or take away) ; Wash out ; run away with (abduct) ; rob ; ravish ; carry away ; transport ; elate; cause to ascend ; raise up ; stand erect ; refl. : be lifted, etc. ; rise ; peel off ; wash out ; fly into a passion. -le- veur º, m. : kidnapper; ravisher; actor ; (old) soldiers, surprising the enemy in his quarters. -Ievure*, f. : shred, piece, skin (for making gloves) ; pimple ; blister ; raised work ; flaw. enlier* [en, lier], tr. : lay (brick, stone, etc., in building). enlignerº [en, ligne], tr. : put in line ; space (in print) ; line (pages of a book). enliouber" [en, lioube], tr. : put (a piece of wood) into a mortise. enliser enliser* [en, lise], tr. : sink in quicksand. enlumi-nerº [en, L. lumen, light], tr. : fmake light or luminous ; colour (prints) ; give different colours to (as a map) ; illu- minate ; refl. : become coloured, flushed. or excited (with drinks) ; paint. -neur*, =euse, m., f : colourer; illuminator. -mure*, f : colouring, illuminating; col- oured prints ; redness (of face) ; over- colouring ; bad taste (in dress). enné-. .. [Gr. ennéa, nine] : -agonal*, pl. =aux [-agone], adj. : enneagonal (hav- ing nine angles). -agone**[Gr. gonia, angle], m. : enneagon (polygon with nine sides or angles). -agyneº [Gr. guné, female], adj. : enneagynous (pertaining to a flower or plant, producing nine pistils). -andre [Gr. anér, male], adj. : ennean- drian (pertaining to plant or flower having nine stamens). -andrie [l. L. -andria (Gr. anér, male)], f. : class of flowers or plants (having nine stamens). ennemi* [L. inimicus (in, not, amicus, friend)], m., f : enemy (foe ; opponent ; prejudicial or injurious thing) ; adj. : inimical (hostile ; adverse ; opposed ; hurt- ful) ; of the enemy ; repugnant. enmillage* [en, mille], m. : fastenings (of a millstone to the axis). ennoblir* [en, noble], tr. : ennoble ; make noble or good ; raise ; (old) elevate into noble rank, knight. en-nui*, m.: = (feeling of tediousness, weariness, tedium) ; vexation (annoyance, spleen). -nuyamtº, adj. : tedious, tire- some, vexatious. ]-nuyer° [p. L. *in- odiare (L. in, in, odium, hatred)], impers. : fcause ennui or vexation ; tr. : tire (weary ; ANNOY, worry, vex; disgust). -nuyeusement*, adv. : tediously, weari- · somely. -nuyeux *, =euse, adj. : tire- some, Wearisome, dull ; provoking ; annoy- ing ; m. : tiresome person, bore. enô eherº [en, OFr. osche, notch], tr. : tnotch ; make pins (below the pin-head). énon-eéº, m.: statement, declaration, enunciation ; terms. ll-eerº [L. enun- tiare (e, out, nuntius, messenger)], tr. : state, declare, assert ; enunciate ; express ; word. -eiatif, =ive, adj. : enunciative, expressive. -eiation, f. : enunciation ; statement ; utterance ; delivery ; word- ing , proposition. énoperº [é-, nope], tr. : burl, pick knots from (cloth). - enorguEillir* [en, orgueil], tr. : make proud , refl. : grow or get proud or haughty. énor-me* [L. enormis (e, out of, norma, rule)l, adj. : enormous ; immense ; exces- sive; grievous. -mémentº, adv. : enor- mously; excessively; atrociously. -mité* enrobage 255 [L. enormitas], f : enormousness ; enor- mity ; grievousness ; atrocity. énost9se [Gr. en, in, ostéon, bone], f : in- ternal tumour of the bone. énou-antº, m.: burling (of cloth). |-erº [é-, nœud], tr. : burl (cloth). -eurº, -euse, m., f : burler (of cloth). en-quérant*, adj. : inquisitive, prying. |-quérir° [p. L.*in-quœrere (L.-quirere, seek into)], irr. (cf. acquérir) ; tr. : search or pry (by questioning) : s'-, in- quire ; ask. -querré = enquerir. -querré* [-querre], adj. : pertaining to arms or weapons, peculiar in some way, of arms of curiosity. -quête*, f.: inquiry, inquest; investigation; commission. -quê- ter* [-quête], refl.: inquire ; go in search. f-quêteur* [-quête], m.: finquirer ; commissioner ; distributer (of aid to the poor). enquinauderº [en, quinaud], tr. : make a fool of, wheedle, coax. emraei-nementº, m.: rooting; invete- racy. |-nerº [en, racine], tr. : root ; refl. : strike or take root. . enra-geantº, adj. : provoking, vexing, bothersome. ll-gerº [en, rage], intr. : be or go mad ; rage ; fume : faire -, drive · mad, make furious. en-raiement*, -rayement, m. : put- ting spokes to (a wheel) ; checking (a sickness. -rayageº, m. : putting spokes to (a wheel). |1.-rayerº [en, rai], tr. : spoke (a wheel) ; put the break on ; check (a sickness) ; put the drag on. 2.enrayer* [en, raie], tr. : trace the first furrow. - en-rayoirº, I.-rayure [I.-rayer], f : spoke; lock-chain, break. 2.-rayureº [en, rai], f. : radiated work ; platform. 3.enrayureº [I.-rayer], f. : first furrow. enrégimenterº [en, régiment], tr. : form into a regiment ; enlist. enregis-trEmentº, m. : registration, enrollment ; entry, |-trer* [en, regis- tre], tr. : register, enter, enroll ; take note of; record. -treur*, m.: registrar. enrêner* [en, rêne], tr. : put the reins on (a horse) ; rein in ; tie by the reins. enrhumerº [en, rhume], tr. : give a, cold to ; refl. : take a cold (in the head) ; have a cold. fenrhuner = enrimer. enri-ehirº [en, riche], tr. : enrich, make rich ; adorn ; store ; refl. : grow rich ; be stored. -ehissement*, m,: enriching ; embellishment. 4 enrimer " [en, root of arrimer], tr. : arrange ; dispose of; provide (a pin) with a head. enro-bage*, m. : putting on a robe, Wrapping, coating. |-ber* [en, robe], enrochement 256 tr. : wrap in a robe ; wrap ; cover ; coat ; glaze. enro-ehement", m.: enrockment. |-eher* [en, roche], tr. : enrock. enrô-lement*, m. : enrollment; enlist- ing; engagement. |-Ier* [en, rôle], tr. : enroll; enlist; engage. -1eurº, m. : re- cruiting officer. en-rouement*, -roûment, m. : hoarse- ness ; huskiness. |-rouer° [p. L. *in- raucāre (L. raucus, hoarse)], tr. : make hoarse ; refl. : get hoarse or husky. fenrouiller* [en, rouille], tr.: allow to rust ; leave in an inactive state. enrou-lement º, m.: rolling, roll; twist- ing; scroll, roll (one thing) around another; roll up ; twist. enrubannerº [en, ruban], tr.: trim with ribbons, ribbon ; trim (a hat) ; deck with ribbons. ensa-blEment", m. : sandbank ; hea of sand ; ballast; gravelling. |-blerº [en, sable], tr. : sand ; fill with sand ; refl. : sink in the sand ; run aground ; strand ; be ballasted ; be graveled. ensabo-tementº, m. : putting on wood- en shoes. -té* [en, sabot], adj.: havin wUUden shoes on. ll-terº [en, sabot], tr. : skid ; bottom (shoe) ; put on wooden shoes. ensa eher* [en, sac], tr. : put into a sack, sack, bag. ensaisi-nement*, m. : seizure (ofrented land). |-nerº [en, saisine], tr. : put in the possession of another; seize ; put (a new tenant) on the estate. ensanglanterº [en, sanglant], tr. : stain or spot with blood ; ensanguine ; kill. en-seignant", adj.; teaching : un corps —, university; l'Eglise —e, the first apostles. -seigne° [L. insignia, signs], f. : signs, signboard ; advertisement ; token ; figure; grounds ; predicament ; (mil.) ensign ; pl. : colours, flag : -s déployées, with flying colours. -seigne- ment*, m. : instruction ; proof; pre- cept; lesson ; education ; teaching. |-seigner° [p. L. *insignäre (L. signäre, indicate)], tr. : make known by a sign ; instruct ; teach ; tell ; show ; direct ; send tO. fensellerº [en, selle], tr. : saddle; part.: saddle-backed. ensemble° [p. L. *insimul (L. in, simul, together)], adv. : together; at the same time; m. : assembly (mass); effect ; en- tirety; unity ; , part-music : mouvement d'—, concerted movement. ensemen-eementº, m. : sowing. |-eerº [en, semence], tr. : sow ; refl. : be sown; put small fish (into rivers). - | emsi-lageº, m.: |-ler* [en, rouler], tr. : entablement fensémer = ensimer. I. fen-serrerº [en, serrer], tr. : enclose ; put away ; hide. 2.enserrerº [en, serre], tr. : put in a greenhouse or hothouse. enseuillement* [en, seuil], m. : sill. ensEve-lirº [en, OFr. sevelir (L. sepelire, bury)], tr. : bury ; put in a shroud ; lay out ; refl. : bury one's self ; retire. -lisse- ment*, m. : burying; shrouding; laying out ; interment. ensiformeº [L. ensis, sword, forma, form], adj. : ensiform, having the form of a sword. ensilage. ll-lerº [en, silo], tr. : put or keep in pits. -lotageº, m. : ensilage ; putting or keeping in the pits. -loterº, tr. : put or keep (grain, etc.) in pits. ensi-mage", m.: covering slightly with lard. |-merº [en, OFr. saim (= Fr. sain), grease], tr. : cover slightly with lard (cloth). I - enso ehureº [en, soc], f : socket (for fix- ing the ploughshare to the plough). . ensoiement [ensoyer], m. : providing with bristles. ensoleillerº [em, soleil], fr,: sun, mako bright with sun rays. ensommeilléº [en, sommeil], adj. : fall- en asleep ; drowsy ; sleepy. fensona illé = ensouaille. ensor-eElantº, adj. : bewitching. |-eE- lerº [en, sorcier], tr. : bewitch. -eE- leurº, =euse, m., f : bewitcher, sor- ceress; adj. : bewitching. -eellementº, m. : bewitching, bewitchment. ensonailIe* [?], f. : small cord (tied to the rudder-rope of a large ship). ensou-frer* [en, soufre], tr. : sulphur ; · sulphurize, smoke (a dask) with brimstone; dip in sulphur. -froir", m. : sulphuring stove ; place for sulphurizing cloth, etc. en-souple° [L. insubulum], f. : cylinder (in a loom). -soupleauº, m. : roller (of a loom). * ensoyer* [en, soie], tr. : provide with bristles ; bristle (as a shoemaker his thread). femsuble = ensouple. ensuifé * [en, suif], tr. : tallow, cover with tallow. - en-suite º, prep. : fwith ; consequent up- on ; instead of; in consequence of; at the time, formerly ; adv. : after(wards) ; then; in the next place ; well ? what of that ? f-suivant*, adj. : following. |-suivre* [en, suivre], irr.; refl. : fol- low, ENSUE ; result; proceed ; spring. I.emta-blEment* [en, table], m. : en- tablement, entableture. 2.-blEment", m.: entableture. |-blerº [en, table], enta cage tr. : entable ; (of a horse) throw the hips | forward. -blureº, f. : place where the blades of a pair of shears are riveted. entacage" [-taquer], m. : pin (of Wood, used for stretching cloth in a loom). enta eherº [en, tachel, tr. : stain ; taint, infect. en-taillageº, m. : notching; grooving. -taille*, f. : cut; notch ; gash ; groove ; mortise. ll-tailler [en, tailler], tr. : cut into ; notch ; groove ; fornament by carving (fEng. ENTAIL). -tailloir", m.: notching or cutting tool. -taillure*, notch, cut. fentailinguer = étalinguer. enta-me*, f. : first cut, first slice. |-mer° [p. L. in-taminäre (L. tangere, | touch), touch, take], tr. : touch and cut into (cut the first slice of) ; cut into ; bite into ; break into ; make a hole in ; graze ; scratch ; damage ; touch or take hold of (begin ; enter into or on ; broach ; attack); make an impression upon ; prevail upon ; get over; run down. -mure*, f : in- cision ; grazing ; first cut ; beginning. entaquerº [en, root of taquei], tr. :" stretch (the cloth in a loom by means of pins (of wood). entas-sement*, m. : #eºp# 3,0Gtllſſll1- lating; pile; crowd. ll-ser* [en, tas], tr. : put in a heap (pile up; accumulate) ; cram (crowd ; lumber); drift. -seur*, =euse, m., f. : heaper, hoarder, collector, collectress. - I.ente°[p. L.pl.*emputa (Gr. em-phuteüein, plant)], f. : graft stock ; handle of a brush) ; decoy (a stuffed bird). 2.fente = ante, hante. entélé ehis* [L. entelechia, an actuality (Gr. en-telés, perfect, échein, have)], f. : entelechy (in Aristotle's phil., an object completely actualised, in distinction from mere potential existence ; in Leibnitz's phil., a monad, a simple substance having in itself the principle of its being). fentement* [enter], m. : grafting ; jointing. - - - en-tendantº, adj. : hearing, understand- ing, etc. -tendementº, m. : under- standing ; sense ; judgment. -tendeur*, m. : listener, hearer. -tendre° [L. in- tendere, stretch out], fintr. : pay atten- tion ; tr. : hear (listen to) ; understand ; intend ; mean ; require : s'-, hear one's self or each other; understand each other; understand ; be skilled in ; man- age ; come to terms ; be in collusion ; be heard ; be understood ; - mal, misunder- · stand ; - parler de, hear of. -tendu*, adj. : heard, understood ; agreed ; con- trived ; skilled ; intelligent : faire l'-, pretend to be wise or knowing. -tente° entier 257 [p. L. *intenta (L. intendere)], f. : under- standing ; agreement ; harmony; mean- ing ; skill ; judgment. enterº [I.ente], tr.: graft, ingraft ; joint. - A 1 entéralgie* [Gr. énteron, intestine, al- geîn, suffer], f. : enteralgy (pain in the bowels). - 1 entéri-nementº, m. : ratifying (an act) judiciously; confirmation. |-mer* [OFr. -n (entier), entire], tr. : ratify, confirm. enté-riqueº [Gr. enterikós (énteron, intestine)], adj. : belonging to the intes- tines. |-rite* [énteron, intestine], f.: enteritis (inflammation of the intestines). -roeèle º [L. enterocele (Gr. -ron, kéle, tumour)], f : intestinal hernia (a disease). | -romésentérique* [Gr. -ron, mesén- teron (mésos, middle, énteron, intestine)], adj. : pertaining to the intestines and mes- #: fièvre —, typhoid fever. mie* [Gr. -ron, tomé, section], f.: dis- section of the intestines. -rozoaire* [Gr. -ron, zoárion, small animal], m. : animal living in the intestines of another. enter-rageº, m. : interment, funeral. -rementº, m. : burial, funeral, interment. |-rerº [en, terre], tr.: (inter, put in the ground ; bury) ; hide ; eclipse ; end ; sink (of money). -reurº, m. : burier; necro- phore (sexton-beetle). - entête* [en, tête], m. : letter, etc.); head. entê-té*, adj. : headstrong (stubborn, obstinate, wilful) ; wayward ; infatuated ; vain (of); haughty. -tementº, m.: stubbornness ; wilfulness ; infatuation. | |-ter* [en, tête], tr. : affect the head of; . make giddy; make vain ; infatuate; head (pins, etc.) : s'-, get obstinate, be obsti- nately bent (upon); be(come) infatuated, take a fancy (to); become vain. -teur*, m.: header (of pins, etc.). -toir", m.: pin-header (an instr). . - enthou-siasmeº [Gr. -siasmós (ên- theos, inspired by the " god')], m. : en- thusiasm; rapture. -siasmerº, tr. : enthuse; enrapture; refl. : be enthusiastic; be enraptured. -siasteº [Gr. -siastés], m., f. : enthusiast; adj. : enthusiastic ; rapturous. » enthymème* [L. -mema (Gr. en, in, thumôs, mind)], m.: enthymeme (syllogisin in which one of the propositions is sup- pressed). - - - enti-ehementº, m.: infection, infatua- tion; state of being tainted. ll-eher* [én, tache], tr. : taint, infect; begin to spoil with, by; infatuate ; refl. : be in- fatuated with. » en-tier°, =ère [L. integer, ENTIRE], adj. : entire (whole; total; complete) ; positive, heading (of a -roto- 258 entité self-willed; (arith.) integral; m. : entire- ness ; entirety; totality; integer : en -, in full, entirely. -tièrementº, m.: entirely, wholly; bodily; quite. entité* [l. L. entitas (L. ens, being)], f. : entity ; essence. entoi-lageº, m.: lining ; mounting on canvas ; mounting. |-lerº [en, toile], tr. : mount (on canvas) ; mount; line. entoir" [enter], m. : grafting-knife. entoiserº [en, toise], tr. : arrange or lay out to be measured. entomolo-gie" [Gr. éntomon, insect, lôgos, discourse], f : entomology (part of zoölogy treating of insects). -gique", adj. : entomological. -giste", m. : ento- mologist. @ enton-nageº, m.: tunning, casking. -naisonº, f : tunning, casking. -ne- mentº, m. : tunning, casking. I.ll-nerº [en, tonne], tr. : tun, cask; refl. : be tunned ; rush, blow (of wind). 2.entonner* [en, ton], tr.: INTONATE, give the tone to, strike up (an air). entonnerie" [en, tonne], f : house or place where tuns, casks, etc., are kept for being filled. g1vtonnoirº [I. nner], m. : funnel; gnllet; hard drinker ; anything funnel-shaped ; a kind of mushroom. . entor-seº [old en-tordre, twist],f : twist; sprain ; shock; remainder of molten wax. -tillage", m.: entanglement; involved discourse or style. -tillementº, m. : twisting ; entanglement ; winding ; per- plexity; obscure talk. |-tillerº [old en-tordre, twist], tr. : twist ; entangle ; perplex, involve ; circumvent ; get round ; coax ; trouble. entou-rº [en, tour], m.: #parasite, hanger-on ; .. surrounding : à l'-, in the neighborhood. -rage", m. : surroundings; enclosure ; fence ; frame ; mounting ; set- ting; casing ; connections ; associates ; company. -rantº, adj. : surrounding, enclosing, etc. -rerº, tr. : surround (en- close ; hem around ; encircle ; wreathe) ; clasp; set; be about; associate with; refl. : surround one's self with (de). -rnerº, ' tr. : fsurround, enclose, etc.; (nav.) wind (a rope). -rnureº [en, tour], f.: (of sleeves) sloping ; arm-hole : être gêné aux —s, be ill at ease. entozoaire* [Gr. entós, inside, zoárion, small animal], m. : animal, living in the body of other animals. entr'- [entre]: -accorderº, refl.: agree together. -accuser*, refl. : ac- cuse each other. -aeteº, m. : interval betweèn the acts (at the theatre) ; in- termission ; interlude ; (mus.) entr'act. -aiderº, refl. : help each other. entr'éclaireir entrailles° [p. L. inträlia (L. intra, in- . side)], f. pl. : entrails ; bowels ; feelings ; heart ; pity. entr'aimer* [entre, aimer], refl. : love each other. en-trainº [en, train], m. : animation (ardor, spirit ; life ; conviviality). -traî- nable*, adj. : impulsive; enticeable ; excitable. -traînant", adj. : fasci- nating; overpowering ; carrying away ; alluring; training. -traînement", m. : carrying away; impulse; force; animation; enthusiasm; temptation; fascination; mis- take ; training (horses, etc.). |-traî- ner* [en, trainer], tr.: drag along; carry away (lead on, impel ; draw along ; win ; fascinate; overpower; allure; excite; ani- mate); involve ; cause ; turn (the scale) ; train (horses, etc.). -traîneur, m. : one who trains ; horse-trainer. entrait° [p. L. *intractus (L. in, trahere, DRAG)], m. : (carp.) tie-beam. entrant* [-trer], adj. : entering; insin- uating ; m. : incomer ; ingoer. entr'appelerº [entre, appeler], refl. : ' call each other. entravaillerº [en, travail], tr. : hinder or bind with fetters : oiseau -vaillé, bird with a stick passed between the out- stretched wings and the feet. en-traveº, f (mostly in pl.): clog; fet- ter; shackle ; bond ; hindrance, restraint. |-traver* [en, OFr. -tref (L. trabs, beam)], tr. : clog ; fetter ; trammel ; bind, tie ; entangle ; impede; oppose ; thwart. entr'avertirº [entre, avertir], refl. : inform each other ; warn each other. entravonº [entrave], m.: leather strap (for attaching a clog to a horse). entre° [L. inter, between], prep. : be- tween ; among; with ; in ; into ; (in com- position) mutually; partly ; a little, some- what. entrE- [entre, bef. cons't] : -bâille- mentº [-bâiller], m.: part-opening ; standing partly open. -bâillerº, tr.: half open (a door, etc.). -baiserº, refl. : kiss each other. -bande*, f : piece of (different coloured) string or ribbon (tied to a roll of cloth). -bas" [?], m. : de- fect (in a piece of cloth). -battreº, irr.; refl. : fight each other. -blesserº, refl. : wound each other. -caresserº, refl.: caress each other. - eéderº, refl. : #ºld to each other ; give up. -ehatº [-chasser], m. : (danc.) caper (a leap during which the feet are quickly knocked against each other). - eho- querº, refl.: strike, knock against each other. $ entr'éclaireirº [entre, éclaircir], refl. : inform or enlighten each other. entre-eolonnement - entrE- [entre] : -colonne(ment)º, m. : intercolumniation (space between columns). -communiquerº, refl. : communicate with each other. " -connaître º, irr.; refl. : know each other. -eôte", m. or ·f. : piece off the ribs, piece of meat. -coupe* [couper], f : space between two spherical vaults or arches ; intersection ; turning space. -couperº [couper], tr. : intersect, cross, cut; interrupt; refl. : cut each other ; intersect each other ; cross ; | cut. -eours*, m. : fexchange ; agree- ment (by which inhabitants of two ad- joining provinces may reside in each other's territory and retain their rights) ; interchange of pasturage between several communes. -croisement* [-croiser], m.: intersection, crossing. -croiserº, tr. : cross (lay crosswise) ; refl. : cross each other. -cueillirº keu'yir, tr. : gather at intervals, gather (fruits, etc.) in a measure as they mature or ripen. -cuisse(s)º, m. : space between the thighs. ehirerº, refl. : tear each other to pieces. -dEmanderº, refl. : ask each other (something) mutually. -dépossé- derº, refl. : dispossess, oust each other. -détruire º, irr.; refl. : destroy each other. -deux º, m. : space between two things ; partition ; pier-piece (of furni- ture) ; pier; insertion ; (of cod) middle ; balk ; waist (of a ship) ; trough or hollow (of the sea). -dEvoirº, refl. : owe each other. -dévorer*, refl. : devour each other. -dire*, irr.; refl. : tell each other; -donnerº, refl. : give each other. - entrée* [-trer], f : entering; admission ; entrance (entry) ; reception ; access ; pas- sage ; opening ; beginning; birth ; impor- tation ; duty; entrance fee ; admission- ticket ; free admission ; seat ; first-course side dish ; dish : droit d'-, import duty. entrE- [entre] : -faite* [ fait], "inter- mediate act, in sur l'-, sur ces —s, while this was going on, in the midst of all this, in the meantime. -fesse* [ fesse], f : space between the buttocks. -fesson [ fesse], m.: space between the buttocks. -filetº, m. : short paragraph. -flat- terº, refl. : flatter each other. -frap- perº, refl. : strike each other. -frois- serº, refl. : bruise, etc., each other. -frotterº, refl. : rub against each other. -garderº, refl. : protect each other, etc. | -gentº [gent], fways of the world (ci- vility) ; skill in handling people (tact). entr'égorgerº [entre, égorger], refl. : cut each other's throat. entrE- .[entre] : -gratterº [gratter], refl.: scratch each other. -haïrº, refl. : hate each other. -heurterº, refl. : -dé- 259 hurt each other; get hurt against each other. -1a eement* [-lacer], m. : inter- lacing, interweaving, intermixing ; Wreath- ing ; twisting; blending. -1a eerºº [lacer], tr. : interlace, intertwine, inter- Weave, intermix; Wreathe ; twist ; blend. -lacs* [-lacer], m. : twine; interlaced ornament ; fiourishes. -larderº, tr. : interlard ; refl. : pierce each other. -ligne*, m. : interline ; interlineation (space or insertion between two lines) ; parenthesis, digression. -luire*, irr.; intr. : glimmer, flicker. -mangerº, refl. : eat or devour each other. .. -mê- 1er*, tr. : intermix, mix up or together ; interweave ; twist ; blend ; refl. : meddle. -mEsurerº, refl. : measure each other. -mets*, m. : second course ; dish (com- ing between roast meat and dessert). -metteur*, =euse [-mettre], m., f : go- between (gen'ly in bad sense); meddler, procurer, procuress. - mettre*, irr.; refl. : interpose ; intercede ; (inter)meddle. -mise* [-mettre], f : interposition, inter- ference; mediation; agency; (nav.) carling. -modillon º, m. : (arch.) intermodillion (space bet. two modillions). -mordre*, irr.; reft. : bite each other. -nerfº, m. : space between two cordings (on back of a book). -noeud º, m. : internode (space between two nodes or points on the stem of a plant). entre-nuire entr'entendre* [entre, entendre], refl. : listen to each other. - entrE- [entre]: -nuire*, irr.; refl. hurt or injure each other. f-pas* [p , m. : ambling pace (of a horse). -pay- erº, refl. : pay each other. -per- eerº, refl. : pierce each other -pied º, m. : fpedestal, support ; circular space (in a millstone). -pilastre º, m. : in- terpilaster (space bet. two pilasters). -pointillerº, tr. : interpoint; inter- mix with dots. -pont", m. : (nav.) be- tween-decks ; under-deck : gºgº d'-, steerage passenger. -posº [-poser], m. : rest, pastime. -poserº, tr. : bond, ware- house. -poseur" [-pôt], m. : warehouse- keeper. -positaire* [-poser], m., f : bonder. -pôtº [-poser], m. : warehouse ; store ; bonded warehouse ; free port ; mart ; emporium ; bond ; 'entrepôt. -pousserº, refl. : push each other ; push against each other. -prEnant* [-prendre], adj. : enterprising; pushing ; , bold; encroaching. -prendreº, irr.; tr. : undertake ; contract for (or to); en- deavour ; lay hold of; effect, seize ; intr. : encroach, intrench ; intrude ; make an attempt. -prEneurº, =euse [-prendre], m., f. : undertaker ; contractor ; builder ; master ; manufacturer ; maker. -pres- 260 entrer serº, refl. : crowd each other. -prê- terº, refl. : lend each other. -prise* [-prendre], f : enterprise, undertaking, contract ; attempt ; encroachment ; usur- pation ; violence ; establishment : à l'-, by contrast. -produire º, irr.; refl. : produce mutually. -quEreIIerº, refl. : quarrel with each other. -quitterº, refl. : leave each other entrer° [L. inträre (intro, inward)], intr. : enter ; go in, come in ; go on ; penetrate ; begin ; contribute; share ; be concerned in ; be ; tr. : bring or carry in ; take in ; get , in ; get on; let in ; (book-keep.) enter : — en âge, be of age ; - en maison, become a servant ;- en religion, become a monk or nun. entrE- [entre]: -rEgarder*, refl.: look at each other. -répondreº, refl. : answer each other. -sEcourirº, refl. : help or assist each other. -solº [-sole, floor], m. : rooms between two floors ; suite of rooms bet. ground-floor and first floor ; mezzanine-floor. -soute- mirº, irr. (cf. tenir) ; refl. : support, sustain each other. -suivre*, irr.; refl. : follow each other. I.-taille " [taille], f. : (eng.) interline. 2.-taille" [-tailler], f : fcutting itself (of horses) ; (dancing) act of placing one foot in the place of the other (raised). -taillerº, tr. : cut, interfere. -taillure* [-tailler], f.: cutting; Wound (on a horse, having cut itself). -temps* [OFr. entre-tant], adv. : interval, meantime, meanwhile ; m. : interval, meanwhile. f-tènement* [-tenir], m. : keeping in repair; mainte- nance; support. -teneur*, =euse-trèt'n- [-tenir], m., f : keeper (of women); person who maintains. -tenir* -trèt'n- [tenir], irr.; tr. : hold; hold or keep together; keep up ; sustain ; support ; keep ; feed ; keep alive ; keep in ; converse with ; ENTER- TAIN ; cherish : s'-, keep up ; maintain ; support ; preserve ; keep in repair; enter- tain ; talk. -tien º [-tenir], m.: fmain- taining, keeping in repair; maintenance, support ; livelihood ; conversation ; dis- course ; communication ; conference. -toileº, f : cutwork; open work. -toise* [?], f. : intertie, interduce ; tie- piece, crosspiece. -toueherº, refl. : touch each other. -tromperº, refl. : deceive each other. -tuerº, refl. : kill each other, murder each other. -visi- terº, refl. : visit each other. -voie [voie], m. : space between two parallel railroads. I.-voirº, irr.; tr. : see partly, but a little indistinctly ; catch a glimpse of; perceive ; have an imper- fect idea of; see through ; 2.f-voirº, irr., refl. : see each other; visiteach other. · entripailléº [en, tripaille], adj. : envenimer -vousº [?], m. : interjoist. -vue* [-vois], f. : interview, meeting. entriguetº [? intrigue, work], m. : gens de l'-, people of importance. entr'immolerº [entre, immoler]: refl.: immolate one's self or each other. entr'instruireº [entre, instruire], irr.; refl. : instruct each other. - sWag- bellied. entropion " [Gr. en, in, trépein, turn], m. : entropium, entropion (reversion of the eyelashes). entroque" [l. L. -trochus (Gr. en, in, trôchos, disk)], m. : entrochite (a fossil made up of petrified starfishes). entr'ouir* [entre, ouir], tr.: hear partly, 'indistinctly or poorly. entr'-ouverture*, f. : (rare) standing part open : shoulder-pitch | (in horses). |-ouvrirº [entre, ouvrir], irr.; tr. : open a little, half-open ; open, rend. enture" [enter], f.: incision, cut (for grafting) ; scarf, scarf point ; pegs ; in- sertion (of a thread). - énucléation * [L.-cleare (e, out, nucleus, kernel), remove the kernel], f. : enuclea- tion ; removal of a tumour; solution (of a difficulty). - - énumé-rateurº, m. : enumerator. -ra- tifº, =ive, adj. : enumerative. -ra- tion* [L. -ratio], f : enumeration. |-rer" [L. enumerare (ex, out, numerus, number)], tr. : enumerate. . 4 enva-hir° [p. L. *in-vādire (L. -vädere, go in)], tr. : INVADE (overrun) ; over- spread ; overgrow ; encroach on ; grasp ; fill; absorb. -hissant", adj. : invad- ing, overgrowing, etc. -hissement*, m. : invasion ; encroachment ; usurpation. -hisseurº, tn.: invader. envaler" [en, val], tr. : keep (a hoop- net) open (by means of a branch, made into a hoop). - enva-sementº, m. : filling up or choking with mud or silt. |-serº [en, vase], tr. : fill or choke with mud or silt ; refl. : get stuck (in mud or silt). ,- enveillo-tageº, m. : cocking (hay or grass). |-terº [en, veillote], tr. : cock (hay, etc.). envelop-pantº, adj. : enveloping, en- closing. -peº, f : envelope ; wrapper ; cover(ing) ; casing; shell ; peel; (anat.) coat ; (of an eye) tunic ; exterior, skin. -pée", f : (geom.) line enclosed by anoth- er; involute. ll-pement*, m. : envelope- ment, Wrapping, enveloping. |-perº [en, root velop-(?)], tr. : envelop ; wrap ; shroud ; muffle ; disguise ; hide ; involve; beset. envenimer* [en, venin], tr. : envenom ; irritate; exasperate. · enverger · enver-gerº [en, verge], tr. : wicker ; distribute (the pulp in the fabrication of paper). -geure", f : wickering; dis- tributing (pulp). - enver-guerº [en, vergue], tr. : (nav.) bend (sails) to the yards. -gureº, f. : span (of the wings of a bird) ; bending (of sails) to the yards. fen-verjure = envergeure. . I.en-versº [en, vers], prep. : towards, to, against : - et contre tous, through thick and thin. 2.|-vers° [L. in-versus (vertere, turn)], m. : Wrong side ; under side; reverse ; back : à l'-, on the wrong side ; upset ; beside one's self. -ver- serº, tr. : fturn upside down; rub re- verse of. I.enviº [I.-vier], m. : fchallenge ; (game) bet, additional stake : à l'- de, in struggle or contention with, in spite of ; emulously, eagerly. 2.fenvi(s) [L. invite, against Will], adv. : reluctantly. enviable* [2.-vier], adj. : enviable. enviderº [en, root of dévider], tr. : fill (a bobbin, etc., with thread). envieº [L. invidia, ENVY], f. : envy ; desire ; inclination ; want ; longing ; whim ; flaw ; hang-nail ; Small piece of skin. . - # fenvieillir* [en, vieil], tr. : make old ; make inveterate. I.envier° [L. invitäre, invite, challenge], tr. : fchallenge ; add an additional stake (in playing). 2.en-vier* [envie], tr. : envy (grudge) ; wish for (long for, covet, desire) ; #re- fuse. -vieux*, =euse [envie], adj. : envious ; m., f : envious person. enviné* [en, vin], adj. : saturated with, smelling of wine. - envi-ronvº [en, OFr. viron, tour], prep. : about ; adv. : thereabouts ; m. : surround- ing(s). -ronnantº [ronner], adj. : sur- rounding. -ronnerº, tr. : environ (sur- round) ; stand around or about ; beset. envisagerº [en, visage], tr. : look in the facé of; look at ; consider; view. envvoi* [-voyer], m. : sending; expedition ; thing sent ; consignment ; parcel ; mes- sage ; ENVOY : lettre d'-, letter of ad- vice. - - envoilerº [en, voile], refl. : (of metals) bend, warp. · envoisinerº [en, voisin], tr. : surround with neighbours. envo-lerº [en, voler, fly], refl.: fly away (fly; escape ; vanish). -1ée*, part. f flying away ; escaping ; disappearing. envoû-tement*, m. : magical charm. |-ter* [en, OFr. vout, image (L. vultus, face)], .. tr. : charm ; bewitch ; represent 261 by means of a wax face evils that will fall back upon another. » - en-voyerº [en, voie], tr. : send; for- Ward ; dispatch ; commit ; give ; shy; ad- dress ; convey ; curse ; banter. -voy- eurº, =euse, m., f : sender; dispatcher ; adj. : sending. éo-le [L. AEolus (Gr. Aiolos)], m. : god of the winds; wind. -1ien ", =enne, adj. : Eolian : harpe éolienne, Eolian harp. -li- pile, -lipyle [L. pila, ball], m. : eolipile ; apparatus for driving away Smoke. éon" [L. œon (Gr. aion, time)], m.: eon ; (phil.) power, emanating from the su- preme being, creating and governing the World. - épae-tal", adj. : epactal. ll-te* [L. -ta (Gr. epaktá, sc. heméra, added day)], ·f. : epact. . ' épagneul°, -eule [p. L. *hispaniolus (L. Hispania, Spain)], m., f. : SPANIEL. épagomène" [Gr. epagômenos (epi, to, dgein, bring)l, adj. : (chronol.) added : jour -, one of the five days the Egyptians and Chaldeans added to the year of 360 days to complete the solar year. épail-lageº, m. : husking ; purifying. ſ-lerº" [é-, paille], tr. : husk; purify (metals). - épai-s°, -sse [L. spissus, thick], adj. : thick ; large ; dull; heavy ; gross ; pro- found. -sseurº, f : thickness; density ; thick part; breadth; dullness. -ssirº, tr. : thicken ; become thick ; refl. : grow thick or dense ; grow stout ; get dull. -ssementº, m. : thickening; swelling. épa-lementº, m. : measuring (a jar with liquids). |-1er* [?], tr. : measure (a jar with liquids). épam-prageº, -prEmentº, m. : prun- ing (a vine). |-prerº [é-, pampre], tr.: free (a vine) of its branches, prune. épan-ehementº [-cher], m. : outpouring (effusion); overflow(ing); outburst ; open- ing; discharge. -eher° lp. L. *expan- dicăre], tr. : pour out ; shed ; flow ; gush ; open (a boil); discharge ; vent ; unbosom one's self to. -ehoir" [-cher], m. : out- let; drain. -dageº, m. : spreading (of manure). |épan-dre° [L. ex-pandere, spread-out], tr. : pour out (shed ; spill ; spread ; throw out); stretch (extend, ex- pand). épanne-lageº, m. : cantlings; cantles. -lerº [é-, panneau], tr. : cantle. épannerº [é-, pan], tr. : remove a piece from ; Cantle. épanorthoseº [L. -thosis, reparation (Gr. epi, again, aná, up, straight, orthoûn, set)], f : epanorthosis (a figure in rhet. by which a speaker recalls what he has saidto substitute somethingmore effective). épanorthose 262 épa-nouirº [Germ'c spannen, span], tr. : expand (spread); open (of a flower): s'-, expand (spread); open (blow, as a flower); brighten; gladden. -nouissement º, m.: expansion; blowing, opening (of a flower); brightening ; cheering. épar* [OHG.sparro (Ger. sparren, beam)], m. : beam, joist, bar, bolt ; crosspiece, cross-bar. é-(s)pareetº,m.,-(s)pareette*[Prov.], m., f. : (dial.) sainfoin, French grass. éparerº [It. sparare, dart], tr. : fling, throw (as a horse). épar-gnant*, adj. : saving, economising. -gne*, f.: saving; economising; economy; kind of pear : caisse d'-, sayings-bank ; gravure, taille en -, (engr.) reserve. épanouir |-gnerº [ak. to Ger. sparen, save], tr. : SPARE (save, lay by); manage ; be sparing of (husband); varnish. . - éparpil-lementº, m. : scattering; dis- persion. |-lerº [? p. L. *sparpiliäre (L. spargere, scatter)], tr. : scatter (dis- perse, squander) ; arrange (the light in painting): s'--, be scattered (about); waste one's thoughts; divide one's attention; be divided. fé pgii e = épar. épars°, =arse [L. sparsus (spargere, scatter)], adj. : scattered (SPARSE; strag- · gling); dishevelled. I. fépart = épar. 2.fépart = sparte. - 3.é-partº, m. : lightning; heat light- ning. -partir* [é-, partir], irr.; tr. : · fdivide ; spread ; shed, spill. éparvim,* [?], m. : SPAVIN (swelling on a horse's leg). épa-tamtº, adj. : fussing; amazing; up- setting. -tementº, m. : fuss; amaze- ment; upsetting ; flatness (of the nose). |-terº [é-, patte], tr. : deprive (a glass, etc.) of the foot ; cause to fall on all fours ; flatten, taper upwards. épau-frerº [?], tr. : chip; cause to burst; scratch. -frure", f : chipping, scratch. épau-lardº, m. : grampus (kind of fish). |épau-le° [L. spathula, spatula], f. : shoulders; (mil.) epaule. -lée*, f : shouldering (push with the shoulder); fore-quarter (of mutton) ; kind of bivalve shell. -lementº [-ler], m. : shoulder ; epaulement; breastwork. -lerº, tr. : in- jure the shoulder of ; splay ; bring (gun) to the shoulder; support; protect with an epaulement ; give (to the bow of ship) a more rounded form. -letien°º [-lette], m. : epaulet-maker ; epaulet-merchant. -1ette º, f. : shoulder-piece ; epaulet ; shoulder - strap ; brace ; shoulder - plate. -1ière º, f : shoulder-plate ; strap; epau- liere. éphèdre épave* [L. ex-pavidus (pavere, fear)], adj. : stray, strayed; f : stray ; waif ; Wreck. épeautre° [L. spelta], m. : barley ; bearded wheat. épée° [L. spatha (Gr.)], f. : sword; swords- man ; military profession : - de chevet, adviser ; hobby ; — de mer, swordfish. . épeieheº [Ger. specht, woodpecker], f. : (dial.) great spotted woodpecker. é-pelerº[Goth. spillon, narrate], tr. : fex- plain, signify; spell. -pellation", f.: spelling. épenehyme*[Gr.-mos, injection (epî, in- tensive, en,in, chumós,juice)],m. : vegetable tissue (in which starchy matter exists). épendyme* [Gr. epénduma (epî, on, énduma, clothing)], m. : ependuma (lining membrane of the ventricles of the brain and spine). épen-thèse* [L. epenthesis (Gr. en, in, tithénai, put)], f. : epenthesis (insertion of a letter or syllable in the middle of a sentence or word). -thétique " [Gr. thetikôs], adj. : epenthetic. éper-du* [old es-perdre, lose com- pletely], adj. : distracted, bewildered ; dis- mayod. -dumentº, adv. : distractedly, desperately. - éperlan* [Ger. spierling, SPARLING], m. : smelt (a small fish). - épe-ronº [OHG. sporon (= Ger. sporn, SPUR)], m. : spur (in all its various mean- ings); gaffle (of game-cocks); crow's-foot ; Wrinkles ; buttress ; pier ; breakwater ; starling; beak-head, prow; rostrum (of a ship); breaker. -ronné º, adj. : spurred, having a spur. -ronnelleº, f : general name for several plants as the crosswort, etc. -ronnerº, tr. : spur (a horse, etc.); | spur on, stimulate ; gaffle ; wrinkle (the eyes). -ronnerieº [-ronnier], f. : spur- making (trade) ; spurs. -ronnier*, -ronnière, m., f. : spurrier, spurmaker ; polyplectron, Indian peacock ; f. : lark- spur ; columbine ; toad-flax (plants). éper-vierº [OHG. sparvari (Ger. sper- spelt ; great- ber)], m. : sparrow-hawk, hawk; (fish) sweep-net. -vière", f. : hawk-weed (a plant). fépervin = éparvin. épeu-ler* [é-, poil], tr. : thread out, remove the threads from. -leuse º, f. : woman removing the threads from ; re- IIlOVelº. é-phèbeº [L. ephebus (Gr. éphebos)], m. : (Gr. antiq.) ephebe, young man (betw. 15 and 20 years). -phébieº [Gr. -phebia], j. : organisation of young men for de- fending Greece. . éphèdre " [L. ephedra (Gr. -dra)], f : ephedra, shrubby horse-tail (a plant). éphélide - éphélide* [L. -lis (Gr. epî, upon, hélios, sun)], f. : ephelide, freckle, spot ; scorch ; discolouration of the skin. º éphé-mère* [Gr. ephémeros (epî, for, eméra, day)], adj. : ephemeral (lasting for a day); m., f. : ephemera, ephemeran, day-fly (insects) ; spiderwort (a plant). -mérideº [L. ephemeris], f : ephemeris (day-book, etc.). -mérine", f : ephem- eran (an insect); spiderwort (a plant). éphidroseº [Gr. ephidrosis (epî, on, hi- dros, sweat)], f : insufficient perspiration. éphodº [Heb.], m. : (Jewish antiq.) ephod (kind of girdle, belonging to the sacerdotal habit). é-phoratº, m. : (Gr. antiq.) ephoralty. l-phoreº [L. ephorus (Gr. epî, on, horân, see)], m. : (Gr. antiq.) ephor (one of the five magistrates or overseers in Sparta). é-pi° [p. L. spicus (L. spica, ear of corn)], m. : ear (of corn); SPIKE ; cluster; top ; top-knot ; tuft (of hair), cowlick ; (Surg.) spica ; common name of several gram- ineous plants : d'eau, pond-weed. -piaee * [épier, earl, m. : earing. -piaire*, f : kind of herbaceous plant. -piation* [épier, earl, f : earing. · I.épicarpe" [Gr. epi, on, karpós, Wrist], m.: (med.) topic (or poultice) applied to the Wrist. 2.épiearpeº [Gr. epi, on, karpôs, fruit], m. : epicarp (external layer of the peri- carp or fruit). épicaume" [Gr. epikauma (epî, on, kaiein, burn], m. : (med.) blistering (of the cornea). épieeº [L. species, substance], f : SPICE ; fcourt-fees : pain d'-, gingerbread. épieéaº [= picéa], m. : pitch-pine. épieène* [L. epicœnus (Gr. epi, on, koinôs, common)], adj. : epicene (common to both sexes). épi-eer* [-ce], tr. : season ; charge; lay it on ; salt ; tax spices ; make fun of. -eerie*, f : spices ; grocery trade; gro- cer's store ; #ºers trade-union. épiehérème" [L. epichirema (Gr. chei- rema, attack)], m. : epichirema (a syl- logism in which the proof is introduced with the premises, and the conclusion is derived as usual). épieier * [-ce], m., f : grocer ; small tradesman ; vulgar man or woman. épicorolléº [Gr. epi, on, Fr. corolle], adj. : having the corolla fastened to the ovary (of a plant). I.épicrâ-ne" [Gr. epî, on, kraníon, cra- nium], m. : epicranium (things as hair, etc., covering the cranium or head). 2.-neº [Gr. epikrânios], adj. : (anat.) pertaining to the epicranium. -nieav, =enne, adj. : epicranian. 263 épieu-rien º, =enne [L. epicurus (Gr. Epikouros, Gr. philosopher)], adj. : epicu- rean. -risme* [L. epicurius], m. : epi- curism. épiey-cleº [L. -clus (Gr. epi, on, kûklos, circle)], m. : (astr.) epicycle (a circle whose centre moves in a larger circle). -eloïdeº [Gr. epi-küklos], adj. : epi- cycloid. W épidº-mie* [l. L. epidemia , (Gr. epi, among, démos, people)], f. : epidemic (a general disease). -miqueº, adj. : epi- demic. -miquementº, adv. : epidem- ically. - épider-meº [L. epidermis (Gr. epi, on, dérma, skin)], m. : epidermis, cuticle, scarf-skin. -mique º, adj. : epidermic. épidictique* [L. -ticus (Gr. epi, on, deiknûnai, show)], adj. : epideictic, demon- strating. épididy-meº [L. -mus (Gr. epi, on, didumos, testicle)], m. : (anat.) epididymis (a canal formed by the union of all the seminiferous vessels folded upon | them- selves). -mite*, f. : inflammation of the epididymis. épidiscalº [Gr. epî, on, diskos, disk], adj. : (bot.) discal ; situated on the disk. épidote * [Gr. -dotéos (epî, didônai, grow)], m. : epidote. épié* [épi], adj. : eared ; in ear; spicated ; (of a dog's tail) ending in a tuft. épieº, f : spy. I.-pierº [OHG. spëhôn (Ger. spähen, spy)], tr. : SPY, watch, listen. 2.épier* [epi, ear], intr. : ear (as corn). épier-rageº, -rement, m. : cleaning of stones. |-rerº [é- pierre], tr. : clear of stones ; rub or scrape (a skin) with a StOne. - é-pieuº [Germ'c speot, spear], m. : boar- hunting-spear; heavy weapon. épieur*, =euse [épier, spy], m., f. : spy, watcher, listener, eavesdropper. épigas-treº [Gr. epigástrion (epi, on, gastér, stomach)], m. : (anat.) epigastrium (upper part of the abdomen). -triqueº, adj. : epigastric. épigé"[Gr. epigaios (epî, on, gaîa, earth)], adj. : epigeous, growing on top of soil; f : epigaea, kind of a bush. épigé-nèse" [Gr. epi, on, génesis, birth], f : epigenesis. -nésiqueº, adj. : epi- gene. -nie* [Gr. -neá, birth], f. : (min.) epigneny, change of nature without chang- ing form (of a crystal). épigeonnerº [é-, pigeonner], tr.: plaster, overlay, daub. - | épiglot-te* [L. -tis (Gr. epi, on, glôtta, tongue)], f. : epiglottis. : -tite º, ·f. : epiglottitis (inflammation of the epi- glottis). épiglotte 264 épigone" [Gr. epi-gonos, descendant], m. : epigone (hero of the second Theban war); person in the second generation ; follower. épi-grammatique* [L. -grammaticusl, · adj. : epigrammatic. -grammatique- mentº, adv. : epigrammatically. -gram- matisteº [L. -grammatistal, m. : epi- grammatist. -gramme* [Gr. -gram- ma], f. : epigram ; Small piece of meat. |-grapheº [Gr. -graphé (epî, on, grá- phein, write)], f : inscription ; epigraph. -graphie º, f.: epigraphy (science of the study of inscriptions). -graphique* [-graphie], adj. : epigraphic. -graph- isteº [-graphie], m., f : student of epigraphs. ' épigyne* [Gr. epî, on, güne, female], adj. : (bot.) epigynous. - fepilan ee = épilence. épi-lation º [-ler], f : depilation. -la- toire" [-ler], adj. : (d)epilatory, hair- destroying. épi-leneeº, -lepsie [l. L. -lempsia, L. -lepsia (Gr. epi, on, lambánein, seize)], f : , epilepsy, falling-sickness. -leptiformeº [-leptique, forme], adj. : epileptiform, re- sembling epilepsy. -leptique* [L. -lep- ticus], adj. : epileptic ; subject to epi- lepsy; m. : epileptic. épi-lerº [é, L. pilus, hair], tr. : depilate, pull the hair off; take out the gray hairs ; skim (molten pewter). -Ieurº, =euse, m., f. : depilator. - épilletº [epi, earl, m. : (bot.) spikelet. épilobe" [l. L. epilobius (Gr. epi, on, lobôs, lobe)], m. : epilobium (willow-herb). épilo-gue* [L. epilogus (Gr. epi-légein, say in addition)], m.: epilogue (short speech or poem at the close of a perform- ance; summing up; conclusion). -guer*, tr. : fsum up, recapitulate ; find fault with ; censure. -gueurº, =euse [-guer], m., f. : fault-finder, hair-splitter, cen- SUlrGI". épilureº [-ler], f : slag, dross (of molten pewter or tin). 1 épi-naie* [-ne], f : thicket of thorny bushes, spinny. -nardº [Sp. espinaca (L. spina, thorn)], m. : spinage (spinach) ; spinage-green : épaulette à graine d'-s, with bullion, distinguishing superior offi- cers. -nardeº [-ne], f. : (dial.) stickle- back (a fish). épigone épin-çage*, -eelage* [-celer], m.: burling. " -eelerº, tr. : burl. |-eer * [é, pince], tr. : burl (cloth) ; prune (a tree) ; cut (stone) with a paving-hammer. -ee- terº [é, pincette], tr. : sharpen (claws and beak of a falcon). -eetteº [é, pin- cette], f. : burling-tweezers. -eeurº, =euse, m., f : burler. -çoirº, m.: paver's hammer. - - épiplocèle é-pine° [L. spina, thorn], f. : thorn ; SPINE (backbone) : - blanche, hawthorn. -pi- mette*, f. : hemlock spruce ; thorn hook (for fish) ; coop (for birds) ; spinet (an old mus. instr.) ; kind of harpsichord. -pi- neuacº, =euse [L. spinösus], adj. : thorny , spiny ; knotty (difficult) ; spine- like. -pine-vinette º [-pine, vignette], f. : kind of a wild vine, having very sour grapes. -pingle° [L. spinula, Small thorn], f : pin ; scarf-pin ; pl. : pin-money, gratuity, bonus : tirer son - du jeu, get out of a difficulty in a skilful manner ; ice- crystal (in ice-cream) ; Small drop of (molten) pewter. -pinglerº [-pingle], tr. : pin, pin up ; prick, clean (with a pin). -pinglE-rie* [-pinglier], f : manufac- ture of pins ; pin-business. -pinglierº, -pinglière [-pingle], m., f : pin-maker ; pin-vender ; m. : fpin-box; small horse- shoe-shaped piece onthe bobbin of a sewing- machine. -pinierº, =iere, adj. : spinal ; ſ : hawthorn ; m. : thicket of thorny bushes. -pino eheº, f. : stickleback (a fish). #-pino eherº [-pinoche], intr. : (vulg.) eat daintily; cause disgust ; trifle, stand on trifles. épipastique" [Gr. epipastos, salt], adj. : " (pharm.) papier -, paper covered with a sticky matter, upon Which is spread can- tharis or Spanish fly for blistering; Spanish fiy. épiphanie* [L. -phania (Gr. epi, pha4- mein, show forth)], f. : epiphany (mani- festation of Jesus to the magi of the East) ; festival celebrated on Jan. 6th. épiphonème* [L. -ma (Gr. epi, phoneîn, say in addition)], m. : epiphonema (an ex- clamation summing up or concluding a speech). épiphora" [L. (Gr. epi, phérein, bring to)], m. : epiphora ; the watery eye (dis- ease caused by obstruction of the lachrimal ducts). | • épiphragme* [Gr. -ma (epî, phrâssein, block upl, m.: epiphragm (membranous body by means of which certain mollusks close the opening of the shell in winter). épiphylleº [Gr. epi, on, phullón, leaf], adj. : (bot.) epiphyllous, growing on the leaves of plants; epiphyllum (cactus). épiphyseº [Gr. -phusis (epî, phûein, grow upon)], f. : (anat.) epiphysis (a bony portion, attached to a bone by cartilage, changing later to a bone). 1 épiphyte* [Gr. epi, on, phutón, plant], adj. : (bot.) epiphytal ; m. : epiphyte (plant). épi-ploeèle*[Gr. epiploon, kéle, tumour], f. : epiplocele (hernia of the epiploön). -ploïque º, adj. : epiploic. -ploïte, f : inflamimation of the epiploön. -plom- épique · phale" [-ploon, Gr. omphalôs, navel], m.: hernia of the navel. ll-ploonº [Gr. epiploon (epi, pleîn, sail on, cover)], m.: (anat.) epiploon (a membranous ex- pansion floating on the intestines). épi-que* [L. epicus, Gr. -kos (épos, song)], adj. : epic, heroic. épiseopa-lº [l. L. -lis (Gr. epí-skopos, overseer)], adj. : episcopal, pertaining to a BISHOP. -lementº, adv. : episcopally. -tº [L. -tus], m.: episcopate ; bishopric ; bishops. épiso-de* [Gr. ep-eis-odos, a coming in besides], m. : episode, incident. -dier, tr. : fdivide into episodes. -diqueº, adj. : episodical. -diquementº [-dique], , adv. : episodically. épiphastique* [Gr. -tikôs (epí-, spân, draw to)], adj. : epispastic, blistering ; m.: plasters, kind of coleopterous insects. épisperme* [Gr. epi, on, spérma, seed], m. : episperm (outer coat of a seed) ; membranous sack with some algae. épis-serº [Dutch splitsen (= Ger. splis- sen, SPLICE)], tr. : (nav.) splice. m. : (nav.) marling-spike, fid. (nav.) splice. épistaminé* [Gr. epî, L, stamina (stare, stand), stamens], adj. : having double stamens on the pistil. . épister" [é-, pistare, pound], tr. : pound † a mortar) ; crush. épisto-laire* [L. epistolaris (epistola, letter)], adj. : epistolary ; letter ; m., f. : letter-writer. f-lier [L. -la], m., f : let- ter-writer. #-lographe* [Gr.-lográphos (-lé, letter, gráphein, write)], m.: famous letter-writer(s) (as Cicero, etc.). - épistyleº [L. epistylium (Gr. epi, on, stûlos, column)], m. : (antiq.) epistyle (a heavy piece of stone or wood, placed on the abacus of a pillar or column). épisyllogisme* [Ger. -gismus (Gr. epi, on, syllogismôs, syllogism)], m. : episyllo- gism (a sorites with two syllogisms in which one assumes the conclusion of the preceding syllogism as one of the prem- ises). épitaphe* [L. -phium (Gr. epi, on, taphé, tomb)], f. : epitaph ; inscription on a tombstone ; eulogy; stone, etc., upon which epitaph is Written. épitaseº [L. -tasis (Gr. epi, teinein, stretch over)], f. : epitasis (fpart embrac- ing main action of a play, poem, etc.) ; raising of the voice on syllable having the tonic accent in music. épithalameº [L. -mium (Gr. epî, on, thálamos, bridal bed)], f. : epithalamy, epithalamium (a bridal song). épithé-Iialº, adj. : pertaining to epithe- lium. -Iiumº -om [Gr. epi, on, thelé, -sure, f. : · lay upon, add)], m. : -soir 16, 265 nipple], m. : (anat.) epithelium (layer of minute cells, covering many animal mem- branes). épi-thème* [L.-thema (Gr. epi, tithênai, epithem (topical ap- plication to the body) ; certain horny ap- pendix (at the root of the beak of certain †) -thète* [L.-thetum], f.: epithet; title. épitoge* [L. -togium (epî, over, toga, toga)], f : shoulder-knot ; (antiq.) epito- gium (garment worn over the toga). épito-méº [L. (Gr. epi, témnein, cut on the surface)], epitome (an abridgment of a book). fll-merº [L. -mare], tr. : abridge (a book). épître* [L. epistola, letter], f : epistle ; letter ; missive. - . épitrite" [L. -tritus (Gr. epi, besides, tritos, one third = 1 + #)], m. : epitrite (foot consisting of three long and one short syllables). épitrope" [L. epitrope (Gr. epi, trépein, refer to)], f : epitrope (a figure of speech, by which a permission is granted to the opponent). e épizo-aire* [Gr. epi, on, zoárion, small animal], m. : epizoan (parasitic insects living on other animals), |-otie " [Gr. epî, on, zoôtes, animal nature], f : epi- zoötic (pestilence among brute animals). -otique", adj. : epizoötic. féplaigner, -gneur = | aplaigneur. éploré* [é-, pleur], adj. : in tears; tear- ful ; distressed. éployé* [es- (L. ex) ployer], adj. : with wings extended, spread (eagle); expanded. éplu-ehage", m.: picking,sifting; scruti- nizing. -éhement*, m.: picking; scruti- nizing. -eherº [é-, pelucher ( )l, tr.: pick ; clean ; sift, scan ; scrutinize; pare. -eheur*,=euse, m., f : picker, cleaner ; fault-finder. , -ehoirº, m. : pruning- knife; workshop (of a pasteboard-maker). -ehureº, f : pickings; parings ; refuse. épode* [L. epodos (Gr. epi, to, âdein, sing)], f. : epode (in old classic poetry the third and last division of an ode, coming next to the strophe and antistrophe) ; second verse of a distich. fépoi = épieu. fépoinçonnerº [é-, poinçon], tr. : goad, sting, drive, incite. . fépoindre*, tr. : sting. époin-tageº, m. : blunting; kind of instr. for removing points. ll-terº [é-, pointe], tr. : break the point of; blunt; injure (the thigh of) ; cut. -tiller = époutier. -tureº, f. : bluntness; hip-shot (of an animal); blunting the cordings (of a book). - épointage aplaigner, 266 I.éponge° [L. sponda, side (of a bed)], f : edge, border ; hook (of a horse-shoe); tumour (near the foot of a horse) ; hoof (of a deer). 2.é-p9nge° [L. sp0ngia, SPONGE], f : sponge ; '(bot.) rose-gall : passer l'- sur : obliterate,forget. -pongerº, tr. : sponge; mop ; glaze (bread). -pongierº, m. : fcarrier of sponges : camaradè -, donkey loaded with sponges. éponte° [L. sponda, side (of a bed)], f : stratum; place of contact of a metallic vein with the ground in which it is found. épon-tillage", m. : (nav.) propping ; prop-making ; props. -tilleº [It. pontile (L. pons, bridge), stay], f : prop; stanchion (of a ship). I.-tillerº, tr. : prop, shore (a ship). 2.f-épontiller = époutier. éponyme" [Gr. epônumos (epí, on, ónoma, name)], adj. : eponymous, eponym. épopéeº [Gr. epopoiia (épos, poem, poieîn, make)], m. : epopee; epic poem ; exploits. époqueº [Gr. epoché, check (ep-échein, hold on, check)], f. : epoch ; era ; period ; date; (med.) courses, term; menstruation. époueé* [é-, pouce], adj. : thumbless. fépoudrerº [é-, poudre], tr. : dust, whisk; beat the dust out of. éponge époufferº [é-, pouffer], refl.: steal away; disappear; get out of breath; (vulg.) burst out (de rire, laughing). épouiller* [é-, pou], tr. : louse, free from lice. époular-derº [é-, poularde], tr. : pick, clean (tobacco leaves). -da.geº, m. : picking, cleaning (of tobacco leaves). époule*, -lin [Germ'c spola (= Ger. spule, SPOOL)], f., m. : bobbin (of wood). époumoner" [é-, poumon], tr.: tire the lungs of; exhaust. épousailles° [p. L. *sponsälias (L. spon- sälia)], f, pl. : espousals ; wedding. épouse see époux. épou-ser° [L. sponsäre (sponsus, be- trothed)], tr. : ESPOUSE (marry; adopt ; take up or embrace). -seur*, m. : in- tended (husband) ; lover ; marrying man ; woman-killer. épous-setage", m. : dusting, whisking. ll-seter* [é-, poussière], tr. : dust, whisk; remove the dust from ; bang ; clean (gun- powder). -setoir", m.: diamond-cutter's brush. -sette*, f. : brush, whisk-broom, duster. -seter*, tr. : (fam.) dust, whisk. épou-ti*, m.: filth (in cloth). -tiage", m.: picking, burling (cloth). ]-tier" [é-, OFr. poutie (L. puls, porridge), scrap], tr. : pick, clean, burl (cloth); colour or dye (threads). épouvan-table* [-te], adj. : frightful, shocking, abominable. -tablEment* | A* équarrier [-te], adv. : in a frightful manner; shock- . ingly. -tail* [-te], m.: scarecrow ; bugbear ; black tern (a bird). épou- van-te, f : fright ; terror. -tement*, m. : frightening ; horrifying, #terror |-ter° [p. L. *expaventäre (L. ex, out, pavens, frightening)], tr. : frighten, horrify. époux°, =ouse [L. sponsus (spondere, promise solemnly)], m., f. : spouse (hus- band ; wife) ; bride (of Christ or church). éprein-dre° [p. L. *expremere (L. pri- mere, PRESS)], irr. (cf. peindre) ; tr. : EXPRESS (press or squeeze out) ; press, squeeze. -teº, f : squeezing (out) ; straining, tenesmus ; excrements (of cer- tain animals). éprendreº [é-, prendre], irr.; tr.: fcatch (set on fire, kindle) ; affect, charm : s'-, take fire ; be kindled ; fall in love, be smitten. épreuve* [éprouver], f : PROOF (trial, test, experiment ; trial, affliction, ordeal ; proof-sheet ; proof, sample) : mettre à l'-, put to the test ; à l'- du feu (de l'eau, des balles), fire- (water-, ball-) proof ; à toute -, proof against everything ; - judiciaire, ordeal ; temps d'-, probation ; tirer une -, (print.) pull a proof. éprisº [part. of éprendre], adj. : caught ; Smitten, in love, enamoured. éprou-verº [é-, prouver], tr. : test, try, put to the proof; experience, feel, meet with. -vette º, f. : testing instrument (as gauge ; =). epta- = hepta-. épueerº [é-, puce], tr.: clear of fleas. épui-sable*, adj. : exhaustible. -sant", adj. : exhausting, exhaustive. épui-seº, f : draining or pumping machine : - vo- lante, wind-mill pump. -sé, adj. : drained; exhausted; out of print Worn out, thread- bare. -sementº, m. : draining (off) ; exhaustion. |-ser [é-, puiser], tr. : drain (a well, etc.) ; exhaust (tire out, use up). -sette", f. : bail (for bailing water) ; scoop ; purse-net (for fishing) ; little bird-net. « épuli(d)eº [Gr. epoulis, gum-boil], f : epulis (tumour). épulonº [L. -lo], m. : presiding priest (at a Roman feast). - épu-ration º, f. : epuration, purification. -ratoire, adj. : purifying. épu-reº, f : diagram (drawn on a wall, etc., to direct workmen), plan, sketch. -rement*, m. : purifying, refinery; purification. |-rer* [é-, pur], tr. : purify (render pure) ; refine (as gold, etc.). épurge* [OFr. espurgier (cf. expurger)], ſ : caper-SPURGE (plant). - équar-rierº [é-, root of carré], tr. : square l (wax-lights). |-rir* [é-, root of • | équateur tr. : SQUARE (cut at right angles); quarter or cut up (animals): -ri, squared; hammer- dressed (of stones) ; m. : square figure. -rissage*, m. : squaring; squareness ; cutting up (animals). -rissement*, m. squaring. -risseurº, m. : one who cuts up animals, knacker. -rissoirº, m. : squaring instrument ; punch , knacker's knife. . équa-teur*[L. œquator (œquus, EQUAL)], m.: equator. -tion* [L. œquatio], f : equation. -torial", adj. : equatorial ; m. : equatorial (instrument). équer-rage", m. : (nav.) bevel: - gras, obtuse bevel ; — maigre, acute bevel. équer-re° [p. L.*ex-quadra], f : SQUARE (carpenter's instrument); knee, brace : ſausse —, bevel ; - d'arpentier, cross (instrument); à l'-, square ; à fausse -, out of square ; de (or en) -, square. -rerº, tr. : square. -rinº, adj. : square- like, knee-like. - équestre* [L. -tris (equus, horse)], adj. : equestrian. • équi- [L. œquus, EQUAL]. -angleº, adj. : equiangular. -distan eeº, f : equi- distance. -distantº, adj. : equidistant. équifle" [?], f : (dial.) squirt. équignon * [Norm. eskine = Fr. échine], m. : axle-tree bar. équi-latéralº [L. œqui-lateralis], adj. : equilateral. -latère* [L.-laterus], adj. : equilateral. équi-libration* [L. œquilibratio (cf. next)], f. : equilibration. |-libreº [L. œqui-librium (libra, weight)], m. : equi- librium ; equipoise, balance. -librérº [L. œquilibrare (cf. -libre)], tr. : equilib- rate, balance, poise. -libriste* [-libre], m. : equilibrist. - - équin*, =ine [L. -nus (equus, horse)l, adj. : equine. . équi-noxe* [L. œqui-noctium (œquus, equal, nox, NIGHT)], m. : equinoX. -nox- ial*, adj. : equinoctial. équinterº [?], tr. : cut to a point. équi-page*, m. : equipage (foutfit of a vessel ; 'outfit, equipment ; carriage) ; crew ; implements : maître d'-, boat- ·swain ; être en triste -, be badly equipped; avoir son -, keep one's carriage. -pe*, f : train of boats; gang (of workmen); | boat's crew. f-pée", f : adventurous ex- pedition ; foolish enterprise, frolic. -pe- mentº, m. : equipment (fitting out or outfit of a vessel ; equipment of troops). |-perº [OFr. esquif, boat, SKIFF], tr. : (old s'-, go to sea) ; equip (fit out a vessel) ; furnish for service; accoutre; ( fam.) dress up; put in order. -pet" [OFr. esquipe, coat ; chest], m. : (nav.) locker. -peurº, m. : gunSmith. éreiav-tementº, éreintement 267 équi- [L. œquus, equal] : f-pollence*, # equipollence. . #-pollentº, adj. : equipollent. f-pollerº [L. pollere, be strong], intr : be equipollent or equiva- lent. -tableº [-tê], adj. : equitable, just. -tablEmentº [-table], adv.: equitably. équi-tant* [L. -tans, riding], adj. : said of leaves overlapping or bestriding each other. |-tation º [L. -tatio (equus, horse)], f : equitation. équi- [L. œquus, EQUAL] : -té* [L. œquitas], f. : equity (justice). -valen eeº [-valent], f : equivalence. -valentº [L. œqui-valens (cf. below)], adj. or m. : equiv- alent. -valoir " [L. œqui-valere (valere, be worth)], tr. : be worth, be equivalent. -voque*[L. œqui-vocus(vox,VOICE)], adj.: (old, homophonous), equivocal (ambiguous, doubtful, uncertain); doubtful (of morals), of doubtful reputation, suspicious;.f., fm. : equivocation (ambiguity) ; (paint.) uncer- tainty (of form, colour, etc.), defect; (old) pun. -voquerº [-voquel, ftr. : make ho- mophonous ; #s'-, use one homonym for another, make a mistake; intr. : make puns. érable° [p. L. *acer-arbor, · maple-tree], m : maple : - à sucre, sugar-maple ; — blanc, sycamore. - éradication º [L. -tio (ex, from, radix, ROOT)], f. : eradication. éra-flEment*, m. : breaking the bore of a gun. |-flerº [é-, rafler], tr. : scratch, wound lightly, graze ; break or carry away (a portion of the bore of a gun, said of exploding projectiles). -flureº,.f. : (slight) scratch. érail-lementº, m. : raveling, praying ; raveled state ; eversion of the eyelids. |-lerº [é-, OFr. rœillier (L. rotare, turn), ROLL], tr. : froll out, fturn out (the eyelids) ; ravel (cloth), fray ; tear : une , voix —ée, a hoarse voice. -Iure º, f : raveled or frayed condition ; fret. éra-terº [é-, rate], tr. : spleen (deprive of the spleen); render gay or sprightly: s'-, run one's self out of breath ; -té, spleened; gay, lively, arch. - - erbue = herbue. ère* [L. œra],.f. : era (epoch). Erèbe [L. Erebus (Gr. érebos, darkness)], m. : Erebus (Gr. myth. place of utter darkness). érec-teur", -triee [-tor], adj. : erector. -tileº [-tion], adj. : erectile. -tilité [-tile], f : erectility. |- tion* [L. -tio (e-rigere, E-RECT)], f. : erecting, erection. m.: fbreaking the back ; tiring out ; destructive criticism. |-ten°º [é-, rein], tr. : fbreak the back of, fbreak ; tire out, harass to death ; condemn by criticism. -teur*, m. : se- vere critic. - érémitique 268 érémitique* [L. -ticus (cf. ermite)], adj. : eremitic(al), hermetical. érémont = armon. érésip . .. = érysip . .. éréthisme" [Gr. -mos, irritation], m. : erethism (morbid irritation). ergastule* [L. -lum (Gr. érgon, WORK)], f. : (Rom.) slave prison. er-go* [L.], conj. : therefore, hence, -glu(e), familiar expression for conclud- ing a ridiculous argument. . ergot* [?], m.: spur (of birds); =; dew- claw ; stump of a dead branch (of fruit- trees); ergot (disease of grains); calcar (spur-like tubercle in the brain); (nav.) taggle : monter (or se lever) sur ses —s, get on one's high horse (lit. " spurs,' like cock); - de coq, cock's-spur (plant). ergotageº [-ter],m. : quibbling, cavil(ing). ergo-té º [-t], adj. : provided with spurs (of birds) or dew-claws ; ergotized. I.-terº [-t], tr. : free from dead branches. 2.ergo-ter* [ergo], intr. : (fam.) argue sophistically, quibble, cavil. -terieº,.f. : sophistry, quibbling. -teur*, =euse, m., f : sophistical arguer, quibbler ; caviler. I.f-tismeº, m. : quibbling. 2.ergotisme* [-got], m. : (med.) ergotism. éridelle = héridelle. ériger* [L. e-rigere], tr. : ERECT (raise, rear; set up, establish). érigneº or f-rine [araigne], f.: sur- geon's tongs. - - érinnyeº or -nys [L. nys], f : (avenging deity). éristique " [Gr. -tikôs (éris, strife)], adj. : controversial (fEng. eristic). . ermin" [? arménien, Armenian], m. : custom-duty in the Levant. erminette = herminette. ermi-tageº, m. : hermitage. ll-teº [L. eremita (Gr. erêmos, solitary)], m. : hermit (recluse ; hermit-crab). éro-derº [L. e-rodere (r . ., gnaw)], tr. : erode, corrode, gnaw. -sionº [L. -sio], f. : erosion. éro-tique" [L. -ticus (Gr. éros, love)], adj. : erotic. -tiquementº, adv. : eroti- cally. -tomanie" [Gr. -to-mania], f : erotomania, nymphomania. I.errantº [old errer (p. L. *iterare, L. iter, journey), walk], adj. : ever walking, wandering, = : le juif -, the wandering Jew ; chevalier -, knight-errant. erinys 2.er-rantº [-rer], adv. : roving about (roaming, nomadic); unsteady, uneasy ; (theol.) erring (deviating from the truth, apostle) ; m. : lost sheep. -rata º or -ratum [L.-ratum, pl. -ta], m. : = (error). #atique *, adj. : erratic.. er-re* [old -rer (cf. I.errant), walk], ſ. : manner of walking, gait ; swiftness (of escalade a ship), route; track (of a stag, etc.), footstep ; forepart (of an animal): aller . grande (or belle) —, go very fast. -re- ments* [old -rer], m.pl. : course (of ac- tion), track ; action ; manner. er-rer* [L. -rare], intr. : rove about, (roam, ramble, wander, fEng. ERR); err (from truth); be mistaken. -reur* [L. -ror], f : froving about; error, mistake, falsity; pl. : straying (morally), irregu- larities. errhinº, =ine [Gr. -non (en, in, rhis, nose)], adj. or noun : (med.) errhine. erroné* [L. -neus], adj. : erroneous. I.ers° [L. ervum], m. : = (vetch, lentil). ' 2.fers° [for I.ars], m. pl. : shoulders (of a horse); forepart (of an animal). ferse = herse. ferte = alerte. érucage" or-cago or-cague [l. L.-cago (L. eruca)], f : (bot.) rocket. éructation* [L. -tio (ructare, belch)], ,f. : eructation. érudi-tº [L. -tus (e- away, rudis, rude)], adj. : erudite. -tion º [L. -tio], f. : eru- dition. érugineux*, =euse [L. œruginosus (œrugo, rust)], adj. : eruginous. érup-tifº, =ive [L. -tus (rumpere, break)], adj. : eruptive. -tionº [L. -tio], eruption ; cutting (of teeth); rash. érynge* [L. -ge], f. : eryngium (plant). érysi-pélateux º, =euse, adj. : erysipe- latous. ll-pèle* [L. -pelas (Gr. éruthros, RED, péla, skin)], m. : erysipelas. ès ê [en les], prep. : fin the ; of (in some titles of degree, as bachelier — arts, bache- lor of arts ; or in expressions like étudiant - sciences, student of sciences). es- [Lat. ex, from, out of], prefix. | esbrou-feº, m. : fuss, bragging. ll-ferº [Prov. fa (cf. ébrouer)], tr. : embarrass, bluff, impose upon, cow. -feurº, =euse, m., f. : bluffer, fusser. esca-beau* [L. scabellum], m. : stool. -belle*, f. : stool. -belon º [It. sca- bellone], m. : pedestal, stand. esca eheº [It. scaccia (cf. écacher)], f.: SCATCH (bridle-bit). - esca-dre* [It. squadra (L. quadra, square)], f. : SQUADRON (old, body of troops; division of a fleet; now, detachment of vessels). -drille*, f. : squadron of small vessels, small squadron. -dron * [It. squadrome, batallion], m. : squadron (body of cavalry); troop. -dronnerº [-dron], intr. : manœuvre (of cavalry). fesca-feº, f : kick. |+-ferº [?], tr. : kick. fescafignon º [OFr. fin (= escarpin)], m. : sort of slipper. $ esca-ladeº [It. scalata], f : escalade escalin (scaling a wall). -Iaderº [-lade], tr.: escalade, scale ; climb. |-leº [It. scala, ladder], f. : landing-place (where the bridge, " ladder," is laid), port ; putting in: faire - dans, put in at, touch at. -lerº, intr. : putin ; touch, land. -lierº [Prov.], m. : staircase, stairs ; water raiser ; cockle: - dérobé, private staircase;— en limaçon, winding staircase ; - de commendement, (nav.) companion-ladder ; — de service, servants' staircase, back stairs ; haut de l'-, stair-head, landing. escalin * [Eng. shilling], m.: (coin of varied value). eseaIopeº [OFr., *scallop’ (mollusk : cf. also the Eng. sense of 'dish resembling a scallop shell')], f. : ragout (on a slice of meat or fish); bean ; stew. escamo-tage", m. : juggling. -te", f,: juggler's ball. ll-terº [Sp. -tar (?)], tr. : juggle away, shuffle (a thing) out, smuggle; filch, pilfer. -teurº, =euse, m., f : jug- gler : tour d'-, juggler's trick, legerde- main. - | escam-pativosº [Gasc.], m. : flight ; furtive or secret excursion. llf-perº [It. scampare (L. ex, from, campus, field)], intr. : SCAMPER off, flee. -pette", f.: scampering : prendre l'- (or de la poudre d'-), scamper away, take to one's heels. escapadeº [It. scappata (cf. échapper)], ·f. : running away, non-attendance, tru- ancy; lark ; escapade (freak, prank ; fling of a horse, gambol). escapeº [L. scapus], m. : SCAPE (SHAFT of a column). escarbille" [ak. to carbon], f.: cinder. escar-billatº or -billard [Gasc. -bil- hat (?)], adv. : wide-awake, sprightly; m. : mischievous person, rogue. shilling coal escarbitº [?], m.: (nav.) calking bucket (containing the oakum). escarbot* [other form of écharbot, by assim. to L. scarabœus], m. : SCARAb(ee), horn-beetle ; (dial.) May-bug; adj. : scara- boid. - • escarboucleº [es-, L. carbunculus, little coal], f. : CARBUNCLE (red gem ; her. escar- buncle). - fesearelleº [It. scarsella (? ak. to Fr. écharfe)], f. : girdle purse, purse. escar-got* [Prov. -gol (cf. caracole)], m. : spiral Snail (edible) ; spiral staircase ; archimedean screw (for raising water); (pop.) sort of cab. -gotageº, m. : de- struction of snails (in a vineyard). -go- tière*, f. : snail-pit or cellar, where edible snails are raised. - escarmou-ehe* [It. scaramuccia (?)], ·f. : SKIRMISH. -eherº, intr. : skir- escomptable 269 mish ; tr. : attack by skirmishers, assail. -eheur*, m.: skirmisher. \ escarole* [It. scariola (?)], f : endive (chicory herb). escarotique = escharotique. I.escarpeº [cant], m.: robber, assassin. 2.escar-peº [It. scarpa (ak. to Eng. sharp)], f. : (e)SCARP (slope of the ditch next the parapet), slope of a wall. -pé º, adj. : steep. -pement" [-per], m : es- carpment (steep declivity, steep bank or ridge ; fort. steep ditch). -perº, tr. : cut steep ; (fort.) escarp (furnish with a · steep slope). *, escar-pinº [It. scarpino (dim. of scarpa, shoe, ak. to Eng. sharp)], m. : light shoe, pump ; torture-shoe : jouer de l'-, take to one's heels ; -s de Limoges, wooden shoes. f-pinerº, intr. : take to one's heels, be off. 3 escarpoletteº [It. scarpoletta],f. : swing. escarre = eschare. escartº [variant of écart], m.: start (of some steps allowed in a game at base). . Escaut, m. : Scheldt (river). escaveçade = écavesade. escha-re*[L.-ra],f.: eschar (dry slough, scab). -rifieation* [-rifier], f. : slough- ing. -rifierº, tr. : cause to slough : s'-, slough. -rotiqueº [L. -roticus], adj. : escarotic. eschatologie* [Gr. éschatos, last, lôgos, discourse], f. : escatology. - 4 fes eient° [L. sciente (in me -, to my knowledge)], m. : knowledge : à bon -, willingly, in good earnest. eseionnerº [é-, scion], tr. : free from SprOutS. fesclaire, -clameº [ak. to Ger. schlank], adj. : thin, slender. #esclandre* [l. L. scandalum], m. (ff): SCANDAI,; scandalous quarrel. . es-clavageº, m. : slavery (bondage) ; neck-chain (ornament); bracelet with a chain. -clavagiste*, m. : partisan of slavery. |-clave* [lit. 'Slav'], m., f. : SLAVE, bondman. Es-clavonie, f. : Slavonia. - esclipot" [variant of esquipot], m. : fish-box. escobar-(d)º [Escobar, Spanish casuist], m.: equivocator. -derº, intr. : equivo- cate, prevaricate ; tr. : gain by fraud. -derie", f.: prevarication, shuffling. fescoffion º [It. s-caffione (cf. coiffé)], m. : woman's head-dress. escogriffeº [?], m. : ugly-looking cus- tomer, sharper. escomp-table*, adj. : discountable. escomp-teº [L. s-contol, m. (ff): dis- count. |-terº [It. s-contare], tr. : dis- COUNT, cash. -teurº, m. : discounter. 270 esco (u)pe = écope. · eseo-petteº [It. schioppetto, small gun], ,f. : small arquebus ; blunderbuss, carbine. -petterie º, f.: volley from arquebuses or carbines. escgr = escart. eseor-teº [It. s-corta (L. cor-rigere, correct)], f. : escort; (nav.) convoy. -terº, .tr. : eScOrt. escotº [? anacoste], m. : escoupe shalloon (sort of serge). escotard = écotard. eseouadeº [variant of escadre], f.: SQUAD. escoupe = écope. escoirg . .. = ec0rg .. . fescousse* [old es-courre (L. cutere, shake), shake], f : balance, run (before leaping), start. eseri-me* [? It. scherma (OHG. skirm, shield)], f. : fencing : hors d'-, off one's guard; at one's wit's end. -merº, fintr. : fence ; dispute ; manage : s'-, fence ; argue ; make a trial ; apply one's self ; try one's hand at, manage. -meurº, m. : fencer. es-erocº [It. scrocco (? Ger. schurke, ras- cal)], m. : fsponger; swindler, sharper, blackleg. -croquerº [It. scroccare], tr)s #sponge ; get by swindling ; swindle, rob. -eroquerieº,f : swindling, swindle; fraudulent acquisition. -croqueurº, '=euse, m., f. : swindler. Esculape [L. AEsculapius], m. : Escula-' pius ; ( fig.) skilled doctor. eseulent [L. -tus (edere, EAT)l, adj. : esculent. esherber* [es-, herbe], tr. : weeds, hoe, weed. esmiller = smiller. eso ee" [L. esox], m.: pike (fish). Esope [Gr. Aîsopos], m. : AEsop ; (fam.) humpback. free from ésotérique* [Gr. esoterikós (esôteros, inner)], adj. : esoteric. esoueh ... = essouch . .. espa-ee* [L. spatium], m., ff. : SPACE (interval; room ; extent ; period). -ee- mentº [-cer], m. : spacing ; interspace, interval. -eer*, tr. : space, leave a space between, separate ; distribute; spread : s'-, enlarge, speak at length, dilate. espadassin = spadassin. espa-de* [Prov. espado (L. spatha, sword), ak. to Eng. spade],.f. : hemp-beetle (for pounding or tewing hemp), break. -derº, tr. : tew (hemp). -dille = spa- dille. -donº [It. spadone (aug. of spada, sword)], m. : = (large two-edged sword); broadsword ; sword fencing ; swordfish. -donnerº [-don], intr. : with the espa- don or broadsword. - - esporel espadrille" [Prov. -pardillo (-part = Fr. sparte)], f. : braided shoes (soles of mat-weed). Espa-gne, f : Spain. -gnol, =le, adj. : Spanish , m. : Spanish ; Spaniard ;.f. : Span- ish woman. -gnolette", f. : fine sateen (woollen stuff) ; window-lock. espa-leº [It. spalla (cf. épaule), shoul- der, support], f. : stern bench (in a galley). -letº [It. spalla], m. : half-cock (to the hammer in a gum). I.-lierº [It. spal- liera], m. : = (fruit-wall): venir en —, grow on an espalier or trellis. 2.-lierº, m. : last rower (in a galley). - espal-me", m. : pitch, tallow (for smear- ing vessels). |-merº [Prov. (cf. paume), * smear with the PALM of the hand'], tr. : smear (the bottom of vessels) with tar and grease, grave. - espar, -rc . . . = epar, -rc . . . espardille = epardille. espargoute, cf. spergule. espart = épar, Sparte. espèee* [L. species], f : SPECIES (kind, sort, variety); (med.) pimple ; (leg.) case (at issue); (esp. in pl.) specie, hard cash, ready money ; (phil.) impression ; (theol.) element (bread and wine in the eucharist); #odd customer, tom-fool : l'- humaine, mankind ; de nouvelle -, of a new species or kind ; new-fangled ; d'-, special. espé-raºn ee*, f.; hope, expectation ; (hope-inspiring, hence) promise : de grande -, hopeful, of great promise, very prom- ising; donner peu d'-s, give little hope ; unpromising. |-rerº [L. sperare], tr. : hope ; hope for, expect ; intr. : hope (fde, for), be hopeful ; put one's hope (en, fà, in). esperlucat*[Prov. (-car, openthe eyes)], m. : (fam.) wide-awake fellow. espiè-gleº [Ger. Eulenspiegel, cunning novel-character], m., f. : rogue (pleasantly mischievous person), wag ; adj. : roguish, frolicsome. -glErieº, f. : roguishness ; roguish trick. espignole" [?], f.: blunderbuss. es-pion º, =onne [It. spione (aug. of spia, SPY, of Germ'c orig.)], m., f. : SPY. -pionnage" [-pionner], m. : Spying. -pionnerº, tr. : spy - esplanade* [It. s-pianata (-nare, PLANE off, L. flºº)l, f : =. espoir* [-perer], m. : hope ; (old) deck- gun. espo-1e = époule. -lette* [It. -leita], f.: fuse (of a shell, etc.). -lim = épou- lin. espontonº [It. s-puntone (L. punctum, POINT)], m. : spontoon (half-pike); point of the bar of a grating. esporel . .. = ép0ul . .. •=•e• $ y espringale espringale* [? ak. to Eng. spring], f. : · mediaeval ballister or sling. espri-t* [L. spiritus (-rare, breathe)], m. : SPIRIT (breath ; vital breath or prin- ciple ; soul, mind ; heart, courage, energy ; character, disposition ; tendency ; ethereal being, ghost, SPRITE ; Ghost ; guiding gen- ius ; distilled liquid); intelligence, intellect ; wit ; (gram.) breathing : bel -, fine wit, wit; bon -, good spirit ; right-minded person ; - borné (or étroit), narrow in- tellect ; - dérangé, disordered mind ; (gram.) - doux, soft breathing ; - folet, goblin ; - fort, strong mind ; freethinker, latitudinarian ; - grand, vast intellect ; — malin, evil spirit, fiend ; — naturel, natural intelligence, mother-wit ; - net, clear intellect ; — présent (or prompt), ready wit ; (gram.) - rude, rough breath- ing, aspirate ; - saint, holy Spirit; spirit of God; pious spirit ; - du bien public, public-spiritedness ; - du corps, - de corps, = (corps-spirit, brotherhood); carac- tère d'-, turn of mind ; homme (femme) d'-, sensible man (woman); wit; petitesse d'-, narrow-mindedness ; présence d'-, presence (readiness) of mind, presence ; trait d'-, flash of wit, witticism ; à (l')—, -minded, -spirited, -witted (e.g. à l'- bas, low-minded ; à l'- vif, quick-witted) ; avec -, sensibly ; wittily; humourously ; plein d'-, witty ; aliéner l'- à, drive mad ; avoir l'-, be minded, give one's mind to ; avoir de l'-, be intelligent or sensible ; be witty ; avoir l'- mal tourné, be cross-grained ; courir après l'-, seek for wit ; faire de l'-, be witty ; seek for wit ; mettre dans son -, get into one's head ; rendre l'-, yield up (give up) the ghost ; reprendre ses -s, recover one's senses; come to. -téº, adj. : (fam.) in- telligent, Witty. esquieherº [Prov. -cha (cf. écacher)],' , intr. or refl. : play one's lowest card (in order not to win a trick); avoid com- mitting one's self; avoid taking sides. esquifº [It. schifo (Germ'c)], m. : SKIFF. es-quilleº [L. schidia (root skid-, split)], f.: splinter (of a bone). -quilleux º, =euse, adj. : splintery. esquinam eie* [Gr. kun-ánche, dog- choke], f : QUINSY. - I.fesquineº [variant of échine], f. : spine, loin. - 2.esquixie = squine. esquinten°* [Prov. s-quinta, divide in . FIVE], tr. : break the back of, knock up. fesquipotº [Norm. (équipe, in old sense of " vase')], m. : earthen money-box. esquis-seº [It. squizzo (?)], f : SKETCH : cahier d'-, sketch-book. -serº, tr. : sketch. 271 esquiven°º [It. schivare (OHG. skinhan, SHY, shun)l, tr. : avoid adroitly, escape, (fEng. ESCHEW) ; #intr. : slip away, make off, escape. essaiº [essayer], m. : trial, examination ; testing ; ASSAY , ESSAY (attempt, effort ; short or general treatise); sample ; injury to young trees (by deer, etc.). es-saim° [L. exāmen (agmen, throng, troop)l, m. : swarm (of bees, or gen'ly). -saimage* [-saimer], m. : swarming. -saimerº, intr. : swarm (of bees). essandole = échandole. essanger = 2.échanger. essarderº [OFr. -dre (L. ardere, burn)], tr. : fdry; (nav) clean with a mop, swab. essar-t° [p. L. *ex-sartum (L. sarrire, weed)], m. : = (piece of land cleared of trees, .. etc., for cultivation), clearing. -tageº, -tementº [-ter], m. : clear- ing of lands, grubbing. -terº, tr. : assart, clear (land of wood, bushes, etc.,. -tis [-ter], m. : assart (cleared piece of land). - essaugue = aissaugue. essaver° [p. L. *ex-aquäre (L. aqua, water)l, tr. : clear of water, scoop out. es-sayage*, m. : attempt(ing). |-sayer° [p. L. *exagiäre (L. ex-agium, weighing)], tr. : try, test, EXAMINE ; try on ; ASSAY ; essette | ESSAY, attempt; exert ; intr. (with de or fà): try, endeavour: s'-, try one's strength or ability or hand (at), make attempt. | -sayerie, f : assay-office (in the mint). -sayeur*, =euse, m., f : trier on (of clothes), fitter ; m. : assayer. -sayisteº [Eng. -sayist], m. : essayist. esseº, f. : s (the letter) ; s-shaped object (s-shaped iron ; linch-pin ; fore-lock of gun-carriages ; hook ; sound-hole of a violin, etc.). esseau = aisseau. essei-glageº, m. : weeding out rye. |-gler [é-, seigle], tr. : weed (a field of oats) from sprouts of rye. esselier = aisselier. essenee* [L. -ntia (esse, be)], f : (constituent elementary quality, notion, or substance); species (of trees); extract (of vegetable or animal food): — de la # heart's blood ; de la même —, coessen- tial. essente, -ter° = écente, écenter. Essénien, m. : Essene ; adj. : Essenian. essen-tiel*, =Ile [L. -tialis (cf. -ce)], adj. : essential. -tiellementº, adv. : essentially. - esser" [esse], tr. : form like an s. essère" [L. -ra (Ar.)], f. : (med.) sort of rash. esseret" [esse], m. : punch-chisel. essette = aissette. Jºº • 272 esseuler* [é-, seul], tr. : leave alone : -lé, solitary. essieu° [p. L. *axile (L. axis)], m. : AXLE- tree ; (mach.) spindle. essimerº [é-, sain, fat], tr. : fmake lean ; starve (falconsfor hunting);exhaust (soils). essonierº [?], m. : (her.) double orle (wreath encircling a shield). es sor*, m. : fairing (fig. publication) ; soar, soaring (upward flight, transport, strain, scope). -sorage*, m. : airing, drying. -sorant, adj. : (her.) soaring. |-sorer°[p. L.*ex-auräre (L. aura, AIR)], tr. : dry in the air, AIR ; fdart upward, SOAR. -soreuse*, f : drying-machine. essoril-lement*, m. : cropping. ll-ler · [es-, oreille], tr. : fcut the ears off ; (fam.) crop (some one's) hair short, crop. essou-ehement*, m. : clearing (land of stubs). |-eher" [é-, souche], tr. : clear (land) of stubs, clear. cssouf-flé, part. : out of breath, breath- less. -flEment", m.: breathlessness, panting. ll-fler* [é-, souffle], tr. : put out of breath ; wind (a horse). es-sui*, m. : drying; drying air or wind ; drying-place, drying-house.-suie-mainº, pl.-s or-, m.: towel. -suie-plumeº, pl. -s or -, ſm. : penwiper. -suyage*, m. : wiping; drying. ll-suyer° [L. ex- sücāre (siicus, juice)], tr. : wipe dry, wipe (off) ; clean ; dry; go through, endure, sustain. -suyeur*, =euse, m.,f. : wiper; scraper. est* [Eng. East], m. : East : d'-, eastern; of the East. estacadeº [It. steccata (-cca, STICK), stockade], f. : boom (of a harbour); break- water (of piles) ; barrier; planking (be- tween the ribs of a vessel); loading-bridge. estadou* [Prov. (?)], m. : comb-saw. . esta-fette º [It. staffetta (-ffa, STIrrup, fr. esseuler OG. stapf, STEP), * one a staffetta'],f.: esta- fet(te), courier. -fierº [It. staffiere], m.: armed footman (who held his master's stirrup); hector, bully ; bawd, procurer. -filade º [It. staffilata, " slap of the sbirrup-strap'], f : slash, cut (esp. in the face) ; rent. f-filaderº [ filade], tr. : glash, cut. - # estain = étain. · gta-me* [variant of étaim], f. : worsted. - netº, m. : woollen fabric. · sºazninet" [Wall.], m.: café (where #moking is allowed); smoking-room : pilier d'-, frequenter of cafés. ostam-page", m. : stamping, engraving. estam-pe* [I.-per; 2.It. stampa], f : , I.stamp (stamping-instrument), punch ; 2.print, engraving, cut, (fEng. stamp): magasin d'-s, print-shop ; cabinet d'-s, department of engravings. ll-per* à estoe [Germ'c stamp], tr. : stamp, imprint; punch (a horseshoe) ; press (smooth) ; brand. -peur*, m. : stamper; stamp; moulding- iron. -pillage" [-piller], m.: stamp, official mark. . -pille" [Sp. -pilla], f. : stamp (official mark) ; brand. -piller " [-pille], tr. : stamp (furnish with an official mark). -poirº, m. : stamp (for stamping metals). -pure", f.: punch-hole (in a horseshoe). - , festan ee = étance. ester [L. stare], intr. : appear in court. estère" [Sp. estera (L. storea, mat)], f.: straW mat. festerlin = sterling. festeuble = éteule. . - esthétique" [l. L. œstetica (Gr. aisthe- tikôs, perceptive)], f : aesthetic ; adj. : aesthetic(al). - Esthonie, f. : Esthonia (Russ. province). esti-mable*, adj. : = ; fcapable of esti- mation. -mateur*, =triee, m., f. : valuer, appraiser. -matifº, =ive, adj. : estimative. -mation* [œstimatio], f.: (valuation, estimate) ; (nav.) reckonings, bearings. -me*, f. : f=. -mation, f : opinion ; good opinion, esteem, regard ; good reputation : à l'-, by calculation or inference; in the opinion; prendre de l'- pour, conceive an esteem for, hold in . esteem ; être perdu d'- et de réputation, . have lost one's reputation and fair name. |-mer* [L. œstimare], tr. : ESTIMATE (value, appraise, calculate; fopine; esteem, consider, deem, think); ESTEEM (prize or regard highly): s'-, esteem, consider or deem one's self ; esteem one another ; — trop, overestimate, overvalue; - trop peu, undervalue ; se faire -, make ome's self esteemed; gain (the) esteem. I.estivage" [I.-ver], m. : tight stowing. 2.esti-vageº [2.-ver], m. : summering cattle (in the mountains). -val* [L. œstivalis], adj. : = (summer). -vation* [L. œstivatio], f : (zoöl., bot.) =. et esti-veº [It. stiva], f. : cargo of com- pressed wares (such as cotton, Wool, etc.). I.-verº [It. stivare (L. stipare, crowd ; cf. Eng. con-stipate and stevedore)], tr. : press down (an elastic cargo, such as cot- ton, wool, etc.), stow tightly. 2.estiver° [L. œstivāre (œstas, summer)], fintr. : aestivate (pass the summer); tr. : have pass the summer; summer (cattle) in the mountains. esto-e*[Germ'c stoc], m. : stump (of atree), STOCK; fstock (family), race; fstick (cane); fboasting-tool; long straight sword, rapier, (fEng. TUCK): couper à blanc —, cut even With the ground, cut to the root ; être reduit à blanc —, be done up or for; frapper d'-, thrust straight out ; d'- et estomac de taille, at random. -cadeº [It. stoc- cata], f. : stoccado (sword-thrust), thrust ; unexpected attack; (old) rapier. -caderº | [-cade], intr. : thrust out (lunge); (jest.) hold out the hand, beg ; tr. : thrust forth, offer. -card ", m.: long poker. estoma-c* [L. stomachus], m. : stomach; (of poultry) forepart of the body; brace (of anvil). -quer* [L. stomachari], tr. : | ( fam.) overcome with surprise or indig- nation ; exhaust by speaking. es-tompeº, f. : stump (for drawing). ll-tomperº [?], tr. : draw or shade with the stump ; shade lightly, tone down. festouffade = étouffade. estradèº [Prov. -da (L. stratum, spread ; pavement ; carpet)l, f. : +road ; estrade (platform) : battre l'-, maraud; (mil.) batteur d'-, scout ; vagrant. estragonº [? Ar.], m. : ARRAGON (plant). estrama-çon* [It. stramazzone (-zare, knock down; L. stramen, strand)], m. : fsword-cut ; edge of a sword ; end of a cane : coup d'-, sword-stroke ; caning. -çonnerº, tr.: strike with the end of a | sword. $ estrapa-deº [L. strappata, fr. -pare, ak. to Eng. strap, pull)], f : strappado (punish-| ment by pulling an offender to the top of a beam) ; turn on the trapeze (passing the · feet between the hands) ; estrapade (rear- ing of a horse); beast (at ombre). -derº, tr. : give the strappade. f-sserº [It. stra- pazzare (-pare)], tr. : overwork (horses), founder. festrapontin = strapontin. . • estraquelle ", [?], f : glassmakerº ladle. - estrifº [OHG. strit (= Ger, streit)l, m. : (dial.) fight. - - estri-que*, f : (dial.) smoothing-knife. |-quer" [Ger. streichen, rub, STROKE], tr. : (dial.) smooth, fill out (cracks, etc.). -queur, m. : STRICKle. - #estriver = étriver. festrop(e), #r = étrope, étroper. festro-piatº [It. stroppiato], m. : cripple; crippled soldier-beggar. ll-pierº [It. stroppiare (?)], tr. : cripple (maim, muti- late, disable); disfigure ; mangle, murder | (a language, a part, etc.) ; mispronounce ; garble ; ridicule by parody : -pié, crippled, etc.; m., f : cripple : être -pié d'un bras, have an arm disabled. estuaire* [L. œstuarium (-tus, surge)l, m. : estuary (bay left dry by the tide ; tidal river-mouth). esturgeon* [OHG. sturio], m. : sturgeon. ésule* [l. L. -la], f. : (bot.) esula. et° [L.], conj. : and ; both (et . .. et . .., both . . .. and); explet. in plus . . . moins . . ., the more ... the less ..., etc. | port) ; (her.) chevronet. · m. : propping, staying. et étal 273 é-tablage*, m. : price of stabling ; middle-shaft (of a carriage). ||I.é.-table° [p. L. *stabula (L. stabulum, stare, STAND)], f. : STABLE (not, as in Eng., especially for horses, but for cattle, and also for sheep, pigs, etc. ; cattle-shed, stall, sty). - 2.étable = étrave. établerº [I.-ble], tr. : stable. éta-bli*, part. : cf. -blir; m. : shop-board (joiner's bench ; tailor's table upon which he sits). |- blir° [L. stabilire], tr. : es- tablish (set up, fix; found ; appoint ; prove; set up in business); prove, make out, make good; strike (balance); find aT place for, arrange for; marry (give in marriage), settle : s'-, establish one's self; fix (take up) one's residence, settle (down) ; settle (marry); set up in busi- ness, set up a shop. -blissement*, m.:, = (cf. -blir); settling; setting up in business; imposition of taxes : l'- de ses enfants, the settling of one's children ; frais de premier -, first expenses ; cost of the plant. éta-geº [éter], m. : fstation, fdwelling ; story (of a house), floor; range ; (geol.) layer; grade, degree, station, state, con- dition : flige —, forced residence (of a vassal near his lord) ; l'animal à triple -, animal of biggest kind (elephant); un 8ot à triple -, a consummate fool ; une : personne de bas -, a person of low station or rank ; un menton à double -, a double chin. -gerº, tr. : arrange in rising tiers or rows, arrange amphithea- trically ; taper (hair). -gère*, f : = (what-not, stand) ; shelf. " - I.é-tai* [A.Sax. stœg], m. : STAY (rope, supporting masts): - de misaine, fore- stay; - d'artimon, mizzen-stay ; — du grand mât, main-stay. 2.-taiº or f-taie [O.Dutch stœye], m. or #f : STAY (prop, sup- f-taiement, étaim° [L. stämen, warp], m.: long wool (for the warp of certain stuffs). · I.étain° [p. L. *stãgnum (L. stannum)], m.: tin ; pewter : - fin, pure tin ; — commun, block tin ; — métallique, white tin ; - en feuilles, tin-foil ; — de glace, tin-glass ; plaque d' -, tinplate ; oxyde d'-, tin-stone. éta-lº [OHG. stall], m. : +STALL or booth (for displaying wares); butcher's stall ; butcher's shop; codfish bench. -lage* [-ler], m.: laying out, spread, multitude ; ' exposition (of goods); exhibition, show ; display (ostentatious show, show); oyster- bed. -lagisteº [-lage], m., f. : keeper of an open stand (with wares for sale ; not a regular shop-keeper), stall-keeper ; 274 . étalinguer keeper of a bookstand. -Ie" [-ler], adj. : (nav.) stationary, steady, fixed, motionless : mer —, high tide ; l'- (m.) de la marée, the high tide ; navire -, motionless ship ; vent -, steady wind. -lerº, tr. : expose or display (merchan- dise) ; spread, spread out, stretch out ; expose to view, show ;. display, parade : s'—, be exposed for sale ; be displayed ; stretch one's self out, sprawl ; show off, make a display. f-leurº [-ler], m. : = -lagiste. -1ier*, m.: journeyman-butcher: · garçon -, butcher boy. étalinguer = talinguer. | … , I.étalon* [l. L. stallio (stallum, STALL)], 77l. : STALLION. 2.éta-lon * [OFr. e-stel (fr. Germ'c), post], m. : pole ; (carp.) draught-board ; STAddle (tree reserved from cutting) ; STANdard (of weight, measure, etc., orig. ' measur- ing rod'). -lonnageº, -Ionnementº [-lonner], m. : stamping (of weights and measures), gaging. -lonnerº, tr. : stamp (weights and measures) ; gage. -lonneurº [-lonner], m. : officer who stamps weight and measures. - étamage" [-merl, m.: tinning, foliation ; plating. é§t º [Scand. stam, STEM], m. : (nav.) stern-post. étambraiº [?, ak. to Eng. timber], m. : partner (of a mast or capstan); opening in a deck (for a mast, etc.). éta-mer* [étain], tr. : tin ; plate (glass), foliate. -meurº, m.: tinner; plater. I.étami-neº [L. stamen, thread], f : STAMEN (of flowers). 2.-neº [étaim],.f. : STAMIN (light woollen cloth); felt, filtering or bolting-cloth ; ( fig.) strict examination or scrutiny : faire passer par l'-, care- fully examine, sift or scrutinise; tout passait par -, everything was scrutinised by him. -né, adj. : stamened. -neuse, adj. : staminate. -nierº [2.-ne], m. : stamin or filt-maker. fétamp . .. = éstamp .. . étamureº [-merl, f : tinning or plating material. étam ee* [OFr. ester (cf. éter)], f. : (nav.) STANCHION. - » I.étan-eheº, adj. : water-tight, tight ; stanch (tight and strong). 2.étan-eheº, f : tightening ; water-tight condition. -ehementº, m. : checking (the (flow), standing, stopping ; quenching, slaking. |- eherº [étang (old —c)], tr. : STANCH (dam up, check the flow of, check ; #Eng. quench, slake); stop (a hole), tighten ; make water-tight. -ehoir", m.: tighten- ing-iron. étan-çon* [-ce], m. : prop, stay, sup- · port ; (nav.) stanchion ; rim of a battle- éteignant dore. -çonnerº, tr. : prop, underprop, shore. fétanfieheº [? étant (éter), fiche], f.: quarry-stratum. - é-tang° [p. L. *stancum (L. stagnum, ak. to Eng. stagnant)], m.: pond, pool; tem- pering-tank (in a forge). - étangueº [Dutch tang], f.: blank, large TONGS. -- , - étant, part. of être. - - éta-pe* [l. Ger. stapel, mart], f. : (old) STAPLE (mart) ; storehouse ; supply (for troops on a march), rations ;. (us'ly) halting-place (for troops on a march), night-quarters ; distance to a halting- place, day's march. -pierº, m. : (old) furnisher of rations. • état* [L. status, STAnding], m.: STATE (condition ; station ; situation, position ; profession ; professional or political body, legislative body $; dominion ; nation, coun- try); form of government; statement, list, register, inventory, muster-roll ; (med.) acme : être en -, be in a condition, be able ; se mettre en —, put one's self in a state, prepare for, make ready; tenir en -, keep ready; keep in its place ; keep in suspense ; tenir un grand -, keep a large establishment ; cuup d'-, coup d'é- _tat, stroke of state-policy ; homme d'-, statesman ; raison d'-, state-policy; l'- populaire, the popular form of govern- ment ; faire -, value ; judge, presume ; intend ; rely ; faire un - de, make a trade of. -majorº, pl. —s--s, m. : staff (of a general, etc.), Etat Major; staff-office : —s généraux, states general $; —s-Géné- raux, m. pl. : Dutch assembly ; Holland. -s-Unis, m. pl. : United States. $ état, in royal France, the nobility, clergy, or burghers ; les états, all three of these, or an assembly of them ; états géné- raux, states-general. étau [for plural of estoc], m. : vise, vice : - à main, hand-vise. étaupiner* (é-, taupinière], tr. : free from mole-hills. é-tayageº, -taiement*, -tayement, m.: staying, supporting, shoring, prop- ping. |-tayer* [étai], tr. : STAY, sup- port, prop, shore. et caetera sé- [L.]: =. • été° [L. œstas], m. : summer; second fig- ure in a quadrille : se mettre en -, put on summer clothes ; - de Saint Martin, In- dian summer (in November, the 11th being the feast of Saint M.); returning youth- fulness in old age ; être dans son -, be in one's prime. 1 . é-teignant, part. of -teindre. -tei- gneurº, m. : extinguisher. -teignis, pret. of teindre. -teignoirº, m. : extin- guisher (instrument); sort of mushroom. étendage |-teindre° [p. L. *extingere (L. extin- guere)], irr. (cf. peindre); tr. : EXTINGUISH (put out, quench, allay; obliterate; eclipse); pay off, liquidate (a debt); soften (col- ours); slake (lime): s'-, be extinguished, be put out, be quenched ; die away or Out, decrease, go out ; be slaked (of lime); - une pension, buy up (redeem) an annuity ; - une obligation, cancel an obligation ; cette maison va s'-, that family will soon die out. -teint, part. : extinguished, etc.; extinct; very low, dull. -teinte*, f. : extinction. étem-dage", m. : drying-lines or -poles ; drying-room. -dard º, m. : STANDARD, banner; cavalry-flag;fship's flag. -delleº, ·f. : stretching-place ; thing stretched ; gun- ny cloth; sack. -derieº, f. : stitching- room. -deur*, =euse, m., f : extender, stretcher; #extensor (muscle). -doirº, m. : stretching apparatus ; drying-pole ; drying-room ; (print.) peel. |éten-dre° [ex-tendere], tr. : EXTEND (stretch, length- en ; spread, expand, enlarge ; hold out); lay dead, kill on the spot ; throw down, overthrow; lay down (colours) : s'-, stretch one's self out ; extend, reach out, reach ; expatiate. -du, part. : extended, etc., wide. -due*, f : extent, exten- sion, expanse, compass ; extensiveness. éten-te*, f. : (old) extension ; (nou) ex- tended thing ; extension-chain (spinn.); fishing-net (stretched between stakes). féter° [L. stäre], intr. : (old) stand : fen étant, standing, not cut down (of trees). éter-ne1*, =IIe [l. L. œternalis], adj. : eternal (everlasting, endless); m. : eternal or almighty God; f. : cudweed. -nelle- ment º, adv. : eternally. -niserº [L. œternus, eternal], tr. : etern(al)ise, immor- talise : s'--, be perpetuated or immortal- ised. -nité* [L.œternitas], f. : eternity. éter-nuement* = nûment. ll-nuer° [L. sternutäre (sternuere)], intr. : sneeze. - nûment, m. : Sneezing. étésien º, f-sie [L. etesius (Gr. étos, year)], adj. m. : etesian (periodical). étê-tement", m. : cutting off the head ; pollarding, topping. -ter* [é-, tête], tr. : cut off the head of; pollard, top. feteu-fº [?], m. : ball at tennis : courir après son -, try to recover what is lost. f-fien°, m. : ball-maker. - éteule° or féteuble [p. L. *stupila (L. stipula, straw)], f : STUBBLE. - é-ther* [L. œther], m.: ether. -théré, adj. : ethereal. - thérifien°, tr. : etherise. -thérisati9nº [-thériser], f. : (chem.) etherification; (med.) etherisation. - thé- riserº, tr. : etherise. -thérismeº, m. : etherisation (insensibleness under the in- fluence of ether), etherised condition. 275 Ethio-pie, f. : Ethiopia. -pien, =nne, adj. or m., f. : Ethiopian. -ps", m. : ethiops (black oxid). éthique* [L. ethicus, Gr. éthos, custom)], adj. : ethic(al); f. : ethics. ethn- [Gr. éthnos, people] : -archie* étisie [Gr. -archia], f : ethnarchy. -arque" [Gr. ârche3 (ârchein, rule)], m. : ethnarch. -ique* [L. -icus], adj. : ethnic(al). -ographeº [-ographie], m. : ethnologist. -ographie*[Gr. gráphein, write], f : eth- nography. -ographique* [-ographie], adj. : ethnographical. -ologie* [Gr. lö- gos, discourse], f : ethnology. -ologi- que * [-ologie], adj. : ethnologic(äl). -ologue* [-ologie], m. : ethnologist. etho- [Gr. êthos, custom] : -logie º [Gr. lôgos, discourse], f : ethology. - péeº [L. -pœia (Gr. poieîn, make)], f. : (rhet.) etho- poetic figure (denoting character). étiage" [étier], m. : low-water mark. Etienne, m. : Stephen. fétier° [L. œstuärium], m. : (dial.) cana from the sea to a salt marsh. . - étin-eelant* [-celer], adj. : spº# glittering, brilliant, flashing. -eelé º, adj. : (her.) star-sprinkled, starry. -ee- lerº, tr. : sparkle, glitter, flash, scintil- late, twinkle. -eelette*, f : little star. |-eelle° (p. L. *stincilla (L. scintilla)], ſ. : spark, flash, rill, SCINTILLA. -eelle- ment* [-celer], m. : sparkling, scintilla- tion, glistening, twinkling. étio-lement*, m. : etiolation (bleaching). |-lerº [?], tr. : etiolate (blanch, bleach ; render pale and emaciated). étiologie" [Gr. aitio-logia, * cause-dis- course'], f : etiology. étique* [variant of hectique], adj. : fhectic (habitual); emaciated (by consump- tion), lean. éti-quet=-quette. -quetage* [-queter], m.: labeling, ticketing. -queterº, tr. : label, ticket (goods). |-quette* [OFr. e-stiquer (Germ'c, ak. to Eng. stick)], f. : (old) sign or notice ( STUCK'to something); (nou) TICKET (on goods), label ; terms of address ; ETIQUETTE, ceremonial ; net-pole ( stuck' in the bottom); net (fixed to a net-pole) : juger (condamner) sur l'- du sac, judge ; (condemn) without examina- tion (sac referring to the lawyer's bag with a name of the contestants); tenir à l'-, be particular in respect to etiquette, stand on ceremonials. éti-rageº, m. : stretching, drawing : banc d'-, drawing-frame. éti-reº -ir, f. : stretching-iron (of curriers). |-rer* [e-, tirer], tr. : stretch (out); draw, wire- draw. -reurº, m. : stretcher ; wire- drawer; adj. : drawing. étisie" [étique], f. : consumption. 276 étoc étoc = estoc, étau. •7 étof-fe* [?], f. : STUFF (material to be worked up ; esp. woven material, cloth, fabric ; materials, furnishings , natural gift ; quality): tailler en pleine --, cut liberally, use liberally ; - drapée, woollen stuff. -ferº, tr. : stuff (fashion by pack- ing with some material), furnish richly ; render ample or well formed ; dilute : fé, stuffed (of furniture, etc.); well furnished; comfortably off; ample ; well formed. étoi-le° [p. L. *stëla (L. stella)], f. : STAR, etc. (heavenly body, star-like object, deco- ration, asterisk, etc., brilliant actor) ; blaze (white spot on the forehead of a horse); crack (in a bottle, etc.); centre (of walks in parks, etc.); star-like fort ; cross-bandage ; star-wheel ; fat globule on broth : tombante (or filante), shoot- ing star; à la belle -, in open air ; ob- tenir les -s, reach the grade of general; la place de l'Etoile, the great centre in Paris, where the Triumphal Arch stands ; — du berger, Venus ; water plantain ; - de mer, sea-star, starfish ; - des bois, ' stitch-wort ; — de Bethléem, star-flower. -1é*, adj. : studded with stars, starry ; radiating; cracked (of glass); (vulg.) name · of some birds (blackbird, heron, etc.); f : tulip. -Ierº, tr. : stud with stars, star ; crack (bottles); blaze (marked with a star or white spot); s'-, star, crack. étole* [l. L. stola (Gr. stéllein, set, equip)], f. : STOLE (band worn by priest). éton-namentº [-nant], adv. : astonish- ingly. -nantº, adj. : fshocking; aston- ishing, amazing, marvellous. -nement*, m.: fshock ; #sudden emotion ; astonish- ment, amazement. |-ner° [p. L. *ex- tonäre (L. tonäre, THUNDER)], tr. : fshock, move deeply ; ASTONISH (amaze, ASTOUND): s'—, be astonished, wonder. -nure*, f : flaw (in a diamond). étranglant cotton, fill in. -pier*, =ère, m., f.: person who makes oakum. -pille", f : quick-match, lunt. -pillen° [-pe, -pille], tr. : stop with oakum or cotton ; furnish with a quick-match. -pillon* [-piller], m. : oakum-stopper. § º[It. stoppino], m. : quick-match ; oakum-stopper. étourdeau = hêtondeau. étour-derieº [-di], f. : (fam.) giddy act, blunder ; giddiness, heedlessness. -diº, -die, adj. : giddy(-headed), heedless, rash; m., f. : giddy-head, rattle-head, mad- cap : à -e, giddily, heedlessly ; jeter à l'-, blurt out. -diment* [-di], gid- dily, heedlessly. ll-dirº [?], ir. : stun, make dizzy or giddy, astound; weary, bore (by talk, etc.), din; render senseless; dull, assuage, allay, alleviate ; take off the chill of (water) ; parboil : s'-, render one's self insensible (sur, as regards), harden one's self, try to forget; s'— sur son état, try to forget one's con- dition. -dissantº, stunning; dinning ; confusing (noise), deafening. -disse- ment*, m. : stunning; dizziness, giddi- ness, stupor, amazement, shock. étourneau° [p. L. *éturnellus (L. stur- mus)], m. : starling; giddy goose, mad- cap ; black and white : d'-, flea-bitten (of horses); flea-bitten horse. étouteau* [?], m. : catch (of a watch- wheel or a bayonet). a-4 fétrain° [L. stramen (sternere, STREW)], m. : (dial.) litter. - étran-ge° [L. exträ-meus], adj. : STRANGE (fforeign; odd; queer): chose -, strange to say ; l'- chose que la vie ! what a strange thing is life. -gement*, adv. : strangely, queerly. I.-gerº,=ère, adj. : strange (foreign, unrelated, extraneous); unconnected, irrelevant ; unacquainted ; m., f. : stranger (foreigner, alien ; of another family ; unknown person); foreign étoqueau*, -quereau [estoc], m. : check | country or parts: à l'-, abroad. 2.-gerº, (in a lock), catch. tr. : remove drive away : s'-, (hunt.) étouble = êteule. leave, disappear from (a country). -gère, étouffade, f. : = étouffé. . v cf I.-ger. -geté *, f : strangeness, queer- étouf-famtº [ fer], adj. : suffocating, sul- | ness. try. -fé, part. of fer. étouffée* [It. stufata (stufa, STOVE)], f : estoufade (steamed STEW). étouf-fementº, m. : suffocation, stifling. |-fer*[?], tr. : suffocate, choke, smother, stifle ; suppress ; deaden (sound); intr. : be choking, be choked, be suffocated : — la voix, drown the voice ; — de rire, choke with laughter. -foirº, m. : extinguisher (for charcoal); damper (of a piano); suf- focating place. - étou-page* [-perl, m. : calking. ll-pe° [L. stuppa], f : tow, oakum. -per*, tr. : stop with tow or oakum, calk; stop with fétran-glantº, adj. : #. choking, overwhelming. -glEmentº, m. : stran- gling; (med.) strangulation. |-gler° [L. stranguläre], tr. : STRANGLE (throttle, choke; stifle, suppress); compress; tighten; make too narrow; lash up, bowse (sails); intr. : be strangled or choked: cet habit est etranglé, that coat is too scanty. -gleurº, =euse, m., f : strangler. -glion = -guillon. -gloirº, m.: brail (rope for hauling in corners of sails). -glure", f : false crease (in fulling cloth). -guil- lon* [It. stranguglione], m. : (vet.) stran- gler : poire d'-, choke-pear. étrape étra-peº, f. : small sickle. ll-per° [L. extirpäre, root out], tr. : cut (stubble) close to the ground. -poire = -pe. étraqueº [Germ'c, ak.to Eng. streak], f : (nav.) breadth of a streak or STRAKE (i.e. side-planking). étraquerº [é-, traquer], tr. : (hunt.) track · on the Snow. - fétrasse = strasse. étraveº [Icel. stafn, later stamm], m. : STEM (of a boat). I.ê-tre° [p. L. *essere (L. esse)], irr. $ ; intr. : be ; (with certain verbs, esp. of motion, or reflexives) have ; (with à and a personal object) belong : il est allé (tombé), he has gone (fallen); il s'est levé, he has risen ; le livre est à lui, the book belongs to him ; y —, be at it, have hit it, have it; be ready ; il n'en est rien, it is nothing of the sort, such is not the case, there is nothing to it ; — bien (mal) avec, be on good (bad) terms with ; — de moitié, go half; il est de Paris, he is a native of Paris ; en — pour, be in for; be out of it (save one's self) at the loss of; quoi- qu'il en soit, be that as it may ; at all eVents; si ce n'est que, except that, un- less ; n'eût été que, had it not been for ; ce sont eux, it is they ; je suis à vous, I am at your service ; qu'est-ce que c'est ? what is it ? qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un ·freux ? what is a rook ? vous y êtes, you have hit it; où en êtes-vous ? where are you ? where did you leave off? j'y suis pour un tiers, I am in for a third part ; c'en est fait de lui, it is all over with him; | que sera-ce de lui ? what will become of him? je me suis pour personne, I am at home to no one ; madame n'y est pas, my mistress is not at home. 2.ê-tre, m. : being (existence ; living existence or creature); essence ; forigin ; #condition ; -tres, pl., or see the word : —s de raison, imaginary beings; couper à blanc —, cut down to the root ; mon —, nonentity. $ Ind. : Pr. suis, es, est ; sozmzmes, êtes, sozat. Ipf. [fr. éter] étazs. Pret. [fr. L. /zé- fus. Fut. (Cond.) serai(s). — Subj. : Pr. soz-s, -s, -ć , soyons, soyez, soiezzé. lpf. [fr. L. /u-] /usse. — I've sois. — Part. [fr. éter] : Pr. étazut ; P. été. étré-eir° [old -cier, p. L. *strictiäre (L. strictus, tight)], tr. : tighten, narrow, · contract, take in (clothes): s'-, tighten, shrink, contract, become narrower. -eis- sementº, m. : tightening, shrinking, contraction. f-eissureº, f : tightness, Il alºrOWIleSS. - étrei-gnant, -gnis, part. and pret. of -ndre. -gnoirº, m. : vice-pin; glue-press. fétrein = êtrain. é-treindre° [L. stringere], irr. (cf. peindre); tr. : wind tightly around, tie up ; étroit 277 holdtightly, clasp; tie, RESTRICT. -treint, part., -treinte*, f : tying, clasp, em- brace ; knot; fbuckle; tightening bag (for oleaginous seeds). - étrem-page*, m., -pure, f. [-per] : deep ploughing; regulator for deep ploughing. étren-ne° [L. strèna, omen, new year's present], f : new year's gift (us'ly —s, pl.); handsel (first sale of the day); first use of a thing, trial : (fam.) donner l'- de sa barbe, give the shaving-kiss (kiss immediately after shaving). -ner !, tr. : (rare) give (bestow) a new year's gift to (on); bring the occasion for (procure) a first sale, bring a handsel ; try (make use of) for the first time, handsel ; intr. : make the first sale of the day; receive a handsel ; (tr.) get something unpleasant, get it. êtres° [p. L. *exteras (L. -ra), externals], m. pl. : arrangements of a building, ins and outs (of a house). étrésil-lomº [OFr. es-teser (L. tendere, stretch)], m. : prop, stay; strut ; partition- piece (between boards in a pile). -lon- nerº, tr. : prop, strut ; stay. étri-eage* [-quer], m. : fitting together (two pièces of wood). -eher* [Germ'c, ak. to Ger. streichen, rub], tr. : scour, clean (cat-gut). é-trierº [? Germ'c *streupo, STROP], m.: stirrup (saddle-stirrup ; stirrup-like clamp Or support; stirrup-bone, stapes); (surg.) stirrup-bandage ; strap (of trousers), foot- strap (used by roof-tilers to hold them- selves in place): coup (or vin) de l'-, stirrup-cup, parting-cup ; à franc —, at full speed ; faire vider les —s à, unhorse. -trièreº, adj. : supporting, clamping; f : stirrup-strap. -trieu, m. : prop. é-trille°[p. L. strigula (L.-gilis, strigil)], j. : curry-comb. -trilier° [p. L. *strigu- läre], tr. : curry (a horse); thrash; fleece. étriperº [é-, tripe], tr. : gut, eviscerate ; clean (fish) ; untwist (cords) : aller à étripe-cheval, ride (a horse) at a wild pace. étri-qué, adj. : reduced, scanty, poor. |-quer* [dial. variant of -cher], tr. : (nav.) fit (a piece of wood to another) by slicing, shape ; thin down, scant ; fit tighter. - é-trive" [? étrier], f.: (nav.) seizing. I.-triverº, tr. : (nav.) seize. - 2.fétriverº [Germ'c strivan, STRIVE], . intr. : quarrel. 1 étrivière* [étrier], f. : stirrup-strap ; strap, lash : donner les -s, strap (beat), lash. étroi-t° [L. strictus], adj. : STRAIT (nar- row, tight; close, intimate; STRICT): à l'-, narrowly ; être à l'-, be in straits, be pinched; vivre à l'-, sparingly; être étron 278 logé à l'-, live in narrow quarters. -te- ·ment*, adv. : narrowly, tightly; in nar- row quarters; closely, intimately. -tesse*, f. : narrowness. étron * [l. Ger. strunt], m. : filth. étronçonnerº[é-,tronçon], tr. : cut down to the trunk, lop off. étro-peº [OEng. stropp], f. : (nav.) STROP. ,-perº, tr. : (nav.) provide with a strop. Etru-rie, f. : Etruria. -sque [L. -scusl, adj. : Etruscan. étu-de* [L. studium], f. : STUDY (appli- cation to learn or observe ; branch or object studied ; room for study, work, or observation, office, chamber ; representa- tion of art ; piece of music for prac- tice); time of study; lawyer's practice ; class-room ; class, grade (esp. pl. = edu- cation); studied art, affectation : - d'un notaire, lawyer's office ; cabinet d'-, study (room) ; maître d'-, assistant master (superintending students at their study or recreation-hours), usher (under- teacher); faire ses -s, pass one's grades, finish one's studies or education ; faire de bonnes ==s, have a good education ; avoir de l'-, be well educated, be a person of attainments ; elle plaît sans -, she pleases without effort. -diantº,-diante [part. of -dier], m., f. : student (in a uni- versity or faculty) : — en droit (médi- cine), law (medical) student ; - ès lettres (sciences), literary (scientific) student. -dierº [L. studium], intr. : STUDY ; fap- ply or prepare one's self ; tr. : STUDY (try to learn ; examine and prepare carefully ; devote one's self to ; practice ; prepare for effect): s'- (à or fde, fpour), make it one's study (to), apply one's self, en- deavour. f-dioleº [It. studiolo], f : letter-case (on a table). étui* [old estuier (?), enclose], m. : (case fitted to the thing contained ; box, needle-case); sheath ; sail-cover (oil-cloth protecting furled sails); sting socket (of insects); fish-bucket: - de mathématiques, case of mathematical instruments. . étu-ve* [l. L. stupa (?)], f. : (old) bath- room or establishment ; (now) heated room, excrement, «-•s STOVE (drying-room or oven): — de bains, sweating room (in baths); — sèche, hot- air room or bath ; - humide, vapour bath ; — à désinfection, disinfection-room. I.-vée* [-ver], f. : boiling by steam ; STEW (lit. steamed dish). -vementº [-ver], m.: drying; bathing, fomenting (of a wound). -ver*, tr. : put into the drying room ; stew (boil slowly); fbathe in warm water; foment (a wound). f-viste º, m. : bath-keeper. - étymolo-gie* [L.-gia (Gr. étumos, true, · MEASURE], f. : évaluable lóg08, Word)], f : etymology. -giqueº [L. -gicus], adj. : etymological. -gique- mentº [-gique], adv. : etymologically. -giserº, intr. : etymologise. -giste º, m., f : etymologist. Eubée, f. : Eubœa (island). eucalyptus" [l. L.], m.: = (tree). eucharis-tie º [l. L. -tia (Gr. eû, well, cháris, thanks)], f : Eucharist. -tiqueº, adj. : eucharistic(al). eudio-mètre" [Gr. eûdios, fine, métron, eudiometer. -métrie", j : eudiometry. -métrique", adj. : eudiometric(al). eufraise [l. L.-phrasia (Gr. eû, well, phrén, heart)], f : euphrasy, eyebright (plant). euh º [echoic], int. : euh ! oh ! aha ! eulogieº [l. L. -gia (Gr. eu-logía, bene- diction)], f : consecrated bread; pl. (Gr., church): broken remnants of the host. euménide* [L. -nis], f.: Fury, (pl.) Eumenides. eunuque* [L. -chus (Gr eûne, bed, échein, guard)], m. : eunuch ; #sort of flute. eupatoire* [L. -toria], f.: eupatorium (herb). eºp# qºe º, adj. : euphemistic. |-misme " [Ur. -mismós (eû, well, phú- mai, speak)], m. : euphemism. eupho-nieº [L. -nia (Gr. eû, well, phoné, sound)], f : euphony. -nique", adj. : euphonic(al). - euphor-be* [L. -bia], f : euphorbia (plant). -biaeées*, f.pl. : euphorbiaceae. Euphrate, m. : Euphrates (river). euphuïsme* [Eng. -ism], m. : euphuism (affected language). Euripide, m. : Euripides. Euro-pe,.f. : Europe. -péen, -péenne, adj. or m., f. : European. 1 eurythmie* [L. -mia (Gr. eû, well, rhuthmos, rhythm)], f. : eurythmy. Eusèbe, m : Eusebius. Eusta eheº [the physician], m. : Eusta- chius. eustaehe, m. : (fam.) coarse clasp knife. * eux [L. illos], pers. pr. : they, them. éva-cuant", adj. : (med.)evacuant. -eua- tif, =iveº [l. L. -cuativus], adj. : evac- uant. -euation* [L. -cuatio], f : evac- uation ; (leg.) expedition. |-cuer* [L. -cuare), tr. : evacuate (empty, throw off, clear; leave). évaderº [L. e-vadere, go out], fintr. or refl. : evade (escape, slip away, break loose, save one's self). évagation * [L. -tio (vagari, wanderer)], f : evagation. évaltonnerº [é-, OFr. valeton (dim. of · valet)], refl. : be emancipated ; exert one's self. éva-luableº, adj. : capable of valuation, A* évanescent ratable, estimable. -Iuation º, f.: evaluation. |-Iuer* [é-, OFr. value], tr. : evaluate (value, estimate the value of, rate). - - évaneseentº [L. -cens], adj. : (bot.) eVanescent. - évan-géliaire" [l. L. -geliarium], m. : evangélistary (book of the gospels read at mass). -gélique* [l. L. -gelicus), adj. : evangelical. -géliser*, tr. : evangelise (instruct in the Gospel). -géliste* [l. L. -gelista], m. : evangelist. ll-gile [l. L. -gelium (Gr. eu-angélion, 'good news,' Go-spel)], m. : Gospel (E-, the whole or one Gospel; é-, gospel-passage), Evan- gel : l'- du jour, the news of the day ; côté de l'-, left-hand side of the altar. - évanou-ir° [p. L. *ex-vanuire (L. e-va- · nescere)], refl. : VANISH (disappear, fade) ; swoon (away), faint. -issement*, m. : vanishing; swooning (away), swoon ; faint- ing : revenir d'un -, recover from a SWOOIl. évapo-rableº, adj. : evaporable. -ra- tion º [L. -ratio], f. : evaporation ; light- ness of spirit, giddiness. -ratoire*, adj. : evaporating. ll-rer* [L. -rare (vapour)], ftr. : evaporate (vaporise ; give vent to, pour out); refl. : evaporate (pass off into vapour, be dissipated); get giddy- brained or heedless : -ré, part., evaporated; giddy-brained; m., (-rée) f. : light or giddy- brained character (person). éva-sement*, m.: gradual widening, widened shape ; width ; (arch.) splay. |-ser* [é, vase], tr. : widen gradually (toward the orifice or top like a *vase'), extend : nez -sé, nose with Wide nostrils ; — un arbre, make a tree spread toward the top. éva-sifº, =ive, adj. : evasive. -sion * [L. -sio (cf. -der)], f : slipping away, escape, flight ; evasion (shift). -sive- ment" [-sif], adv. : evasively. évasure* [-ser], f. : widened or splayed opening, splay. Eve ë-, f : Eve, Eva. évêehéº -vé- [évêque], m. : bishopric ; episcopate ; bishop's house. évection* [L. -tio (vehere, bring)], f. : (astr.) evection. é-veil*, m.: fawakening; watch, guard, alert ; warning, hint : en -, on one's guard ; on the alert. -veiller° [p. L. *ex-vigiläre (L. e-vigilăre)], tr. : awaken (rouse from sleep or indifference; excite); raise (the hairs on furs); intr. : awake : s'-, wake up, awake; be stirred up; éveillé, awakened, awake;wide-awake, lively, brisk; m., (éveillée) f. : wide-awake or sprightly person; meule éveillée, rough-grained mill- éveu 279 stone (grinding mill). -veillure", f : roughness of a millstone. événementº [L. e-venire, arrive], m. : EVENT (occurrence, issue); striking event, effect; sensation; emergency; dramatic end or dénouement : à tout —, at all events ; en cas d'-, in case of emergency ; cela a ſait -, that made effect (or a sensation). éven-tº, m. : exposure to the air, airing ; effect of too much airing, vapid taste, va- pidity, flatness ; air-hole ; windage (of a gun), spout-hole; blow-hole (of cetaceans): une tête à l'-, a vapid or giddy head ; sentir l'-, smell vapid ; #mesurer sans -, measure liberally. -tageº, m. : airing. -tailº, m. : fan ; screen ; the shape of a fan : croisée à --, fan-shaped window. f-tailIierº, #=ère or -taillisteº [-tail], m., f : fan-maker or painter. -taire*, m.: hawker's basket or tray. -ter* [é-, vent], tr. : expose to the wind or air, air; fan (grain); injure by exposure to the air, make vapid or flat, deaden, dampen, destroy; divulge ; render stupid or spirit- less, dull; winnow (grain); get the wind of, scent, Smell, discover ; turn the nostrils to the wind : s'-, fan one's self ; become vapid or flat, etc.; be divulged; take vent; -té, part., cf. above; vapid, flat; thought- less, giddy. -tillerº [é-, OFr. v. (cf. ven- tiler)], intr. : ( falc.) flap the wings. -toire º, m.: fire-fan; air-hole (in a mine). éven-trerº [é-, ventre], tr. : disembowel, eviscerate, gut (fish); split or cut open ; rip open : s'-, rip open one's bowels. -treurº, m. : disemboweler, ripper. éven-tualité º, f. : eventuality (con- tingency). |-tuel", =lle [L. -tus, event], adj. : eventual (contingent) ; incidental ; m. : incidental or accessory income (esp. a professor's from lecture and examination- fees), perquisite, grant. -tuellement", adj. : eventually (contingently). éventure* [-ter], f : flaw (in a gun- barrel), crevice (in a mine). évêque" [l. L. episcopos (Gr. epí-skopos, " over-seer')], m. : BISHOP ; highest box in theatre ; American sparrow (with violet plumage): - in partibus, bishop in parti- bus (titular bishop) ; disputer de la chape à l'-, dispute about what does not con- cern one ; fun - des champs, a hanged man (giving the blessing with his feet). évérerº [é-, ver], tr. : free from worms. féverole º, f. : blister. féversion * [L. -sio], f : eversion (over- throw). évertuerº [é-, vertu], refl. : do one's ut- most, exert one's self, strive. féveu°, =euse EL. aquösus], adj. : AQUE- OUS, drained by rain. 280 éviction éviction * [L. -tio], f : eviction (legal dispossession of property bought on good faith). évidementº [-der], m. : hollowing (out), scooping, grooving , hollow, groove. évi-demment* -dam-, adv. : evidently. -denee * [L. -dentia], f. : evidence, clearness, obviousness, certainty; clear or convincing light; evident truth or correct- ness : être en -, be clearly seen, be con- spicuous ; mettre en -, make evident, show clearly ; se mettre en -, make one's self conspicuous; d'-, evidential; se refuser à l'-, oppose an evident fact or truth. -dent* [L. -dens (videre, see)], adj. : evident (clear, obvious). v, évi-derº [é-, vider], tr. : hollow or bore out, scoop out; (surg.) clean out (the inner part of a bone) ; groove, flute ; cut wider (a dress), round out; round off, finish off ; (arch.) form in grille work ; cut out the middle branches of (a tree); free (linen) from an excess of starch, unstarch : esca- lier -dé, staircase open in the middle ; — la lame d'une épée, groove the blade of a sword ; toile -dée, rent cloth or canvas. -doirº, m. : boring tool. -dure*, f : hollowing ; widening, sloping. évierº [eaul, m.: sink-stone, sink ; gutter-stone, drain. évin-eementº,-m. : eviction (cf. -cer). [-eer [L. -cere (vincere, VANQUISH)], tr. : EVICT (dispossess legally of property); keep out by fraud, defraud. ' évirerº [L. -rare (vir, man)], tr. : (rare) emasculate (fEng. evirate). évi-table º, adj. : (rare) evitable, avoid- able. -tage", m., or -téeº, f. : (nav.) swinging (around the anchor), berth (sea room); navigable width (of a river, etc.). -tement, m.: avoiding, evasion ; (railw.) siding, switch : gäre (voie) d'-, switch. |-terº [L. -tare (vitare, shun)], tr. : avoid (evade, shun, fEng. evite, evitate); spare ; fintr. : (- à), avoid, escape from; (nav.) swing (at anchor, so as to turn with the wind or tide): s'-, spare one's self; avoid each other ; — quelque chose à quelqu'un, spare some one something (save him from it), e.g. - fatigue à quel- qu'un, spare some one the fatigue (save him from it). évoea-ble" [-quer], adj. : (leg.) that may be evoked. -teurº, -triee [L. -tor], m., f : evocator, summoner. -tion º [L. -tio], f. : evocation; conjuring or sum- moning up (spirits ; memories) ; (leg.) transfer to another court. -toireº [L. -torius], adj. : (leg.) causing transfer to another court. évo-luerº, intr.: revolve, turn or swing around ; (mil.) perform evolutions ; evolve. exaucement ll-lutionº [L. -lutio (volvere, turn)],f : revolution (turning or swinging around); ' evolution. -lutionisteº, m., f. : evo- lutionist. - évonymeº [Gr. eu-ônumos,'well-named'], m. : euonymus (prickwood). évoquerº [L. e-vocare], tr. : evoke (con- jure up spirits, call up, summon memories, recall ; remove from one tribunal to an- . other). évul-sifº, =ive, adj. : uprooting. |-sion,º [L. : -sio (vellere, pluck)], f. : evulsion. ex-º [L.], adv. : ex-. $ exaeerbation [L. -tio (acerbus, bitter)], ſ. : (med.) =. exac-tº [L.-tus (agere, drive)], adj. : =. -tEmentº, adv : exactly. f-tesse, f-tEté = titude. -teur* [L. -tor], m.: exactor. -tion* [L. -tio], f. : =, ex- tortion. -titude º, f. : = (exactness, accuracy, punctuality). - fexaèdre = hexaèdre. ex aequo* é- [L.], adv. : with equal rank. exagé-rateur* [-rator], m., -ratriee, f : éxaggerator. -ratifº, =ive, m., f.: exaggerative, -rating. -ration * [L. -ratio], f. : exaggeration. |-rerº [L. -rare (agger, heap)], tr. : fbring to its highest point; exaggerate (magnify, over- state). f-reurº, =euse, m., f. : exag- geratOr. . - fexagone = hexagone. exal-tation* [L. -tatio], f. : =. -té, =ée, part. : exalted; elated; (over-)excited, heated, feverish ; m., f. : elated or excited person, enthusiast. |-terº [L. -tare (altus, high)], tr. : exalt (extol, magnify ; elate; fintensify the activity of); excite, over-excite : s'-, become elated or ex- cited ; extol one another. exa-menº [L., weighingl, m. : examina- tion (investigation ; trial, examen): jury d'-, board of examiners. -minateur*, -minatriee [L. -minator], m., f : ex- aminer. -miner* [L. -minare], tr. : examine : s'-, examine (search) one's self ; observe one another exan-thémateux º,=euse, adj. : (med.) exanthematous. . |-thème* [L. -thema (Gr. ex-antheîn, bloom out)], m. : exan- thema (eruption). ex-archatº, m. : exarchate. -arqueº [L. -archus (Gr. ârchein, rule)], m. : ex- arch. exaspé-rant*, adj. : exasperating. -ra- tion º, f.: exasperation. |-rerº -rare (asper, rough)], tr. : exasperate (irritate, provoke ; aggravate) : s'-, be exasperated. exau-eement, m. : granting. |-eer [variant of exhausser], tr. : gladden . ,/ executable 281 -tatio], f : =. |-ter* [L. -tare (citare, rouse)], tr. : excite (rouse, stir up, move, stimulate, prompt ; incite, irripate): s'-, excite one's self, be excited (etc.); excite " (rouse) one another. -teurº, =euse, m., f. : exciter. excla-matif", =ive, adj. : exclamative. © CC3:, ºJ (,léB1º (EXALT) by granting a prayer or vow ; grant (prayers or vows), vouchsafe. exearner" [L. ex-, caro, fiesh], tr. : ex- Carnate. . exea-vateurº, m. : excavator (machine). -vation º [L. -vatio], f. : =. |-verº [L. -vare], tr. : excavate. excé-dant*, adj:: exceeding; over and | -mation* [L. -matio], f : =. -mative- · above, extra ; unendurable, wearisome | mentº, adv. : exclamatively. |-merº ( beyond measure'). -dent" [L. -dens], | [L. -mare (clamare, cry out)], refl. : ex- adj. : excess, surplus, overweight. | claim (cry out). , ex-clure* [L. -cludere (CLOSE)], tr. : EXCLUDE (shut out, debar). -elusifº, =ive [L. -clusivus], , adj. : exclusive. -clusion* [L. -clusio], f. : =. -clu- |-derº [L. -dere (cedere, pass)], tr. : ex- ceed, go beyond, surpass ; igo to an ex- cess ; pass beyond the endurable, tire or wear out : s'-, be worn out ; tire or wear one's self out, tire; - de coups, beat | sivement* [-sif], adv. : exclusively. unmercifully. - exeommu-nieation* [L. -nicatio], excel-lemmentº -lam- [-leni], adv. : | f. : =. |-nier* [L. -nicare (communis, excellently. -lenee* [L. -lentia], f. : | common)], tr. : excommunicate (exclude excellence; excellency. -lent* [L. | from communion with the church). -lensl, adj. : excellent. -1entissime* | fexcompt . .. = escompt ... -rierº [L. (surg.) ex- exeo-riationº, f : = [L. -lentissimus], adj. : most excellent. - -riare (corium, hide)], tr. : |-lerº [L. -lere (root cel, rise)], intr. : excel (surpass, be eminent). coriate. excentri-eitéº [L. -citas], f : excen-| exeorporation* [L. ex, corpus, body], tricity. ll-que* [L. -cus (Gr. kéntron, | f : exclusion from the diocese (of a centre)], adj. : excentric ; m. : excentric ; | priest by the bishop). excentric wheel. -quementº, adv. : | exerémen-t [L. -tum (cernere, sepa- excentrically. rate)], m. : excrement (excretion ; alvine excep-té, part. : excepted, except, save, | discharge ; ordure, scum, dregs). -teuacº, but. ll-ter* [L. -tare (capere, take)], | =euse, or -tiel, =IIe, adj. : excremen- tr. : except. -tion* [L. -tio], f. : = | titious, excremential. (exclusion ; leg. objection, plea) : - dé- | exereseenee = excroissance. clinatoire, objection to jurisdiction ; - | excré-teurº, -triee, adj. : excretory. péremptoire, demurrer; - tiré de l'aveu, | -tion º [L. -tio (cernere, separate)], f. :: estoppel ; à l'- de, with the exception of, | excretion. -toireº, adv. : excretory. except ; à cette - près, with this excep-| excroissan ee* [l. L. ex-crescentia (L. tion ; tribunaux d'-, extraordinary tribu- | crescere, GROW)], f. : excrescence. nal. -tionnel", =IIe [-tion], adj. : | exeur-sion * [L. -sio (currere, run)],f. : exceptional (containing an exception ; | = (trip ; expedition ; digression); inroad, rare). -tionellementº, adv. : excep-| invasion ; (astr.) deviation from the eclip- tionally. - tic. -sionnisteº, m., f : excursionist. ex-cès* [L. -cessus (cedere, pass)], m. : | ex-cusable*, adj. : excusable. f-cusa- excess (surplus, remainder; superabun- dance; extravagance, immoderation); (leg.) outrage. -eessif*, =ive, adj. : exces- tion* [L. -cusatio], f : fEng. =, plea. -cuse*, f : = (apology; plea). -cu- ser* [L. -cusare], tr. : excuse (plead or I'e- apologise for; exculpate, pardon ; lieve): s'-, excuse one's self, apologise ; decline ; throw the blame upon (sur). exeatº [L., "let him go forth'], m. : = (permission, leave of absence from a col- lege, a diocese, etc.). - exé-crable* [L. -crabilis], adj. : exe- crable (damnable, accursed, abominable) ; fcursing. -erablEment* [-crable], adv. : execrably. -cration * [-cratio], exci-tabilité" [-table], f : excitability. | f : execration (cursing, curse ; detesta- . -table*, adj. : excitable. -tantº, | tion, abomination); profanation of a adj. : exciting, excitant, arousing; m. : | sacred place. |-ererº [L. -crari (sacer, (med.) excitant. -tateur*, -tatriee | SACRED)], tr. : execrate (abhor as unholy [L. -tator], m., f : exciter. -tatifº, | or detestable, detest, abominate). =ive, adj. : excitative. -tation* [L. | execu-tableº, adj. : =, feasible. sive; extravagant. -eessivement*, adv. : excessively. exci-per* [L. -pere (capere, take)], intr. : (leg.) allege an exception. -pient" [L. -piens], m. : (pharm.) =. - excise [Eng. (? L. ex-cidere, cut off)], f : = ; excise bureau. exci-serº, tr. : excise (cut off). |-sionº [L. -sio (ex-cidere, cut off)], f : = (cutting away, removal). 282 -tant", =ante, adj. : executing; m., f. : (mus.) performer, player. [L. part. of ex-sequi, follow out], tr. : exe- cute (perform, complete ; put to death exégèse legally); distrain ; sell by forced auction : s'-, be performed ; take place ; sell off (for the benefit of creditors); sacrifice one's self, yield, comply. -teur*, -triee [L. -tor], m., f. : executor, execu- trix; executioner; fadj. : executive : - testamentaire, executor (of a will); — des hautes œuvres, executioner. -tifº, =ive, adj. : executive ; m. : executive power. -tion* [L. -tio], f : execution (performance ; fulfilment ; arrangement ; fine touch in playing ; putting to death); distraint (seizing by distress) ; forced auction ; sacking, (fEng. execution) : ordre d'-, death-warrant. -toire* [L. -torius], adj. : executory (to be carried into effect); (titre) -, order of legal ex- penses and their payment. exé-gèse" [l. L. -gesis (Gr. ex-égesis, explanation)], f : exegesis. . -gète ! [Gr. -getés], m. : exegete. -gétiqueº [l. L. -geticus], adj. : exegetic(àl). I.exem-plaire* [L. -plaris], adj. : ex- emplary. . 2.-plaire* [L. -plarium], m. : fexemplar (model, ideal) ; copy, (fEng. exemplary); specimen. -pIaire- ment* [-plaire], adv. : in an exemplary manner ; exemplarily. |exem-pleº [L. -plum (ex-imere, take out)], m. : ex- ample (specimen ; instance ; pattern ; precedent); copy-slip, copy : à l'- de, in imitation of; par —, for instance ; (interj.) upon my honour ! I.ex-emptº, -empte [L. -emptus (ex- imere, take out)], adj. : exempt(ed). 2.-emptº, m. : (old) cavalry sergeant detailed to serve in the absence of the lieutenant (cf. Eng. exempt, one freed from duty) ; provost marshal ; police officer ; clergyman exempted from the jurisdiction of the ordinary. -empterº, tr. : ex- empt (free, dispense). -emption* [L. -emptio], f : =; exemption mark (given to students for good standing, whereby they may escape a punishment, etc.) : lettre d'-, bill of sufferance. exequatur" [L. ex-(s)equatur, *be it executed'], m. : (legal or official authorisation). exer-eer° [L. -cere], tr. : exercise (train, drill ; practice ; carry on ; exert, inflict); visit (manufacturers, etc.) to collect duties. -eiee* [L. -citum], m. : exercise (train- ing; drill; practice ; performance ; wor- ship ; function ; use ; trial, test); fsevere trial ; visit for collecting duties ; budget period ; curriculum : entrer en —, begin one's practice or term of service; collège e-ms $m•-, |-terº exode de plein -, college with a full curriculum (as in a lycée); faire l'-, exercise, prac- tise ; se tenir en —, keep one's self in practice ; - à feu, rifle practice. -eita- tion * [L. citatio], f. : exercise. exérèse" [Gr. ex-aîresis (haireîn, take)], f : (surg.) cutting out or away, amputation. exfo-liationº,f. : =. |-lier º [L.-liare (folium, leaf)], tr. or refl. : exfoliate. exha-Iaison º, f.: exhalation. -Iantº, adj. : exhaling ; m. : exhaling vessel. -la- tion*[L. latio], f : =. -latoire", adj. : exhalant, evaporating ; f : evaporator. |-lerº [L. -lare (halare, breathe)], tr. : exhale (breathe forth, emit), vent. exhaus-sement*, m. : raising; height ; rising up. ll-ser* [OFr. es-haucier (cf. hausser)], tr. : raise higher, raise, elevate. exhaustion " [L. -tio (-haurire, draw water)], f : = (drawing out, draining ; old geometrical method); (log.) complete statement of hypotheses. exhéré-dation " [L. -datio], f : disin- heriting, disinheritance, (* Eng. exhereda- tion). |-der* [L. -dare (heres, HEIR)], tr. : disinherit, (fEng. exheredate). exhi-ber* [L. -bere (habere, hold)], tr. : exhibit. -bition* [L. -bitio], f. : =. exhila-rantº [L.-rare (hilaris, merry)], adj. : exhilarating. -ration* [L.-ratio], exhor-tatif, =ive [L. -tativus], adj. : ex- hortative. -tation [L. -tatio], f : =. |-ter* [L. -tari], tr. : exhort. exhu-mationº, f : =. |-mer [L.-mare (humus, ground)], tr. : exhume. exi-geant*, adj. : exacting, severe; pre- tentious. -genee* [L. -gentia], f : ex- actingness (êxacting claim or demand); exigence, -cy. ll-ger* [L. -gere (agere, drive)], tr. : EXACT (require peremptorily ; wrest). -gibilité* [-gible], f. : liability to demand or exaction ; thing liable to de- mand ; bank-depositions (etc.) payable on demand. -gible º, adj. : = (liable to be demanded or exacted). exi-guº, =uè [L.-guus (root ag-, weigh)], adj. : exiguous (scanty, slight, slender). -guïté º [-guitas], f : exiguity (scanti- ness, etc.). exi-lº [for OFr. essil, L. ex-silium (root sal, leap)], m. : exile (banishment). -lerº, tr. : exile (banish); remove : s'-, exile one's self, withdraw. -- exis-tantº, adj. : existing, extant, exist- ant. -tenee*[L.-tentia], f : =. |-ter [L. -tere (stare, STAND)], intr. : exist. ex librisº [L. *from my books'], m : (one's own) book-stamp. exo eetº [L. cœtus (Gr. koîte, home)], m. : exocetus (flying fish). I.exo-de* [L. -dus (Gr. ex, out, hodôs, exogène way)], f : exodus ; emigration. 2.-deº · [L. -dium], m. : exode (end of a Greek tragedy, after the chorus had " gone out'). exogène* [Gr. éxo, outside, root gen, be born], adj. : exogenous (having distinct bark, wood, and pith). ' exoné-ration º [L. -ratio], f. : exonera- tion. ll-rerº [L. -rare (onus, load)], tr. : exonerate (relieve, free). - exopht(h)al-mie" [Gr. -mos (ophthal- môs, eye)], f : exophthalmia (protrusion of the eyeball). -mique, adj. : exophthalmic. exorable* [L. -bilis (orare, pray)], adj. : exorbi-tammentº, adj. : exorbitantly. -tant* [L. -tans (orbis, orbit)], adj. : ex- orbitant (extravagant, excessive); fdevi- ating (de, from), foutside (de, of). exor-eiser*[L.-cisare (Gr. ôrkos, oath)], tr. : exorcise (cast out by conjuration, conjure away ; purify from the influence of evil spirits); conjure, implore, urge, exhort. -eismeº [L. -cismus], m.: exor- cism. -eiste* [L.], m. : exorcist. exordeº [L. -dium (ordire, begin)], m.: exordium (introducing part of a discourse). exostoseº [Gr. -sis (ostoûn, bone)], f : exostosis (excrescence of a bone ; bot. knot). exotérique* [L. -ricus (Gr. éxo, out- side)], adj. : exoteric(al) (public, fit to im- part to the public). exotique* [L. -cus (Gr. éxo, outside)], adj. : exotic. expan-sibilité", f : expansibility. -si- ble*, adj. : expansible, -sive. |-sion " [L. -sio (pandre, spread)], f. : = (expand- ing, distension, expanse); organic devel- opment ; openness (of heart), communica- tiveness ; growth (of ideas). expa-triation º, f : =. |-trierº [L. ex, patria, FATHERland], tr. : expatriate. expec-tant* [L. -tans (spectare, look)], adj. : = (waiting for the efforts of nature for effect or growth) ; fm. : expectant (candidate in expectance). -tatifº, =ive [l. L. -tivus], adj. : expectative (contin- gent); expectancy. -tation * [L. -tio], f : =. -tativeº Lf of-tatif], adj. : ex- pectative ; f. : expectation, prospect ; ex- · pectancy; (schol.) disputation for the doc- tor's degree. expecto-ramtº, adj. : =. -ration º, f : =. ll-rerº [L. -rare (pectus, breast)], tr. : expectorate (spit forth); (Rom. Cath.) proclaim Cardinal (who was nominated in petto): fs'-, speak openly. expé-dient* [L. -diens (-dire, free, viz. the FOOT, pes)], adj. : expedient (promoting, proper, fit); m. : expedient (shift); #(leg.) compromise. -dierº, tr.: expedite (hasten, dispatch, send off, forward); get through 283 with ; finish, kill ; ruin ; clear (at the cus- tom-house); draw up (a deed, etc.). -di- teur* [-dier], m.: sender, consignor, ship- ping clerk; shipper. -ditifº, =ive [-dier], adj. : expeditious, quick, (fEng. ex- peditive). -dition * [L. -ditio], f. : ex- pedition. -ditionnaire* [-dition], adj.: expeditionary ; expedition ; forwarding, shipping ; m. : expedition clerk ; copyist ; forwarding or shipping clerk. -tive- ment* [-tif], adv. : expeditiously. expé-rien ee*[L.-rientia(-riri,try, root par-, FARE)], f. : experience ; experiment, (fEng. experience). -rimentalº [L. -ri- mentum, experience], adj. : experimental. , -rimentalementº, adv. : experiment- ally. -rimentateur* [-rimenter], m. : experimenter. -rimentation* [-ri- menterl, f. : experimentation. -rimen- té* [L.-rimentum, experience], adj. : ex- . perienced. -rimentérº [L. -rimentare], tr. : try by experience, test, try ; intr. : experiment. exper-t*[L.-tus (part. of-iri, cf.-ience)], adj. : =; m. : expert (experienced person ; specialist; appraiser); surveyor. -tement, adv. : expertly. -tiseº, f. : (old) expert- ness, skill ; (leg.) expert opinion, appraise-- ment; survey. -tiser* [-tise], tr. : sub- mit to appraisement. ®- • ex-piable, adj. : =. -piateurº,=triee [L. -piator], adj. : (rare) expiatory. -pia- tion* [L. -piatio], =, atonement. -pia- toireº [L. -piatorius], adj. : expiatory. |-pierº [L.-piare (pius, pious), appease | with pious deeds], tr. : expiate (purify with sacred rites ; atone for ; make amends for). - expi-rantº, adj. : expiring, dying. -ra- teur", adj. : expiratory. -ration * [L. -ratio], f : =. |-rer* [L. -rare], tr. : expire (breathe out, emit, exhale ; intr. : breathe one's last, die, cease, terminate). explé-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (plere, FILL)], adj. : expletive ; m. : expletive. -tive- mentº, adv. : expletively. expli-cable*[L. cabilis], adj. : =. -ea- teur [L. -cater], m.: explainer. -catifº, =ive [L. -cativus], adj. : explicative, ex- planatory. -cation* [L. -catio], f. : = (explanation ; interpretation). -eitº [L. -citus], m. : = ( finis,' 'end' of a book). -eiteº [L. -citus], adj. : ex- plicit (express, definite). -eitementº [-citel, adv. : explicitly. ll-querº [L. -care (plicare, FOLD)], tr. : explicate (un- fold, develop ; explain, interpret ; solve ; account for); translate aloud : s'-, ex- plain one's self ; explain itself, be ex- plained; have an explanation (avec, with). exploi-tº, m. : = (heroic deed, feat); (leg.) writ, summons : faire un -, per- exploit 284 form a feat; signifier un -, serve a Writ. -table*, adj. : that may be worked or cultivated with profit, workable, promis- ing; (leg.) distrainable. -tantº, adj. : working to a profit, exploiting ; (leg.) | serving Writs ; m. : exploiting person, cultivator, improver ; adventurer. -ta- tion º, f.: exploitation (working, uti- lizing, cultivation, improving) : champ (chantier) d'-, (min.) working place, room ; chef d'-, manager ; (rail.) traffic- manager ; matériel d'-, Working stock ; en -, in operation ; mettre en —, work. |-terº° [p. L. *ex-plicitäre (L. plicăre, FOLD), ºunfold' (OFr. * perform')], tr. : Work profitably or to advantage (as a mine, etc.), Work, cultivate, utilize ; make the most of; use to one's own advantage, take advantage of, impose upon, work ; fintr. : (iron.) get through, do; serve explorateur Writs ; (tr. rare, serve a writ on): — une · mine (route), work a mine (road); — un bois, cultivate a wood for sale ; - une place, make the most of a situation ; - la curiosité publique, speculate upon public curiosity ; non -té, unworked, un- cultivated, unimproved. -teur*, =euse, m., f. : worker; person taking advantage of or using others. explo-rateur*, -ratriee [L. -rator], m., f. : explorer ; (surg.) probe ; adj. : exploratory, -rative. -ration . -7"0,- tio], f : =. |-rerº [L. -rare], tr. : ex- plore ; probe. . • explo-seurº, m. : explodent. -sible º, adj. : explosive ; m. : explosive. -sifº, =ive, adj. : as regards explosion; explosive (causing explosion; "mute’viz. consonant); m. : explosive (explosive agent); f : ex- plosive ( mute’ consonant). |-sion " [L.-sio (plaudere, clap)], f : =. - exponetuerº [ex-, p ...], tr. : (pal.) de- note effacing by a dot ; EXPUNGE. exponentiel*, =lle [L. ex-ponens, ex- posingl, adj. : exponential. - expor-tateur" [L. -tare, export], m. : exporter. -tation " [L. -tatio], f : =. |-ter* [L. -tare (portare, carry)], tr. : export. expo-santº, part. : exposing; m. : (alg.) exponent ; m., f : exhibitor ; (leg.) peti- tioner. -sé, part. : exposed ; m. : = (ex- position of facts, brief statement, outline, leg. recital). ll-ser* [L. -mere (ponere, · put)], tr. : expose (to view, action or dan- ger ; exhibit ; 'endanger, risk ; render liable ; lay open, reveal); expound, ex- , plain; intr. : exhibit; explain: s'-, expose one's self, be exposed, be liable ; lie open ; — en vente, expose for sale; - un enfant, expose a child to perish ; place a child in an asylum. -sition * [L. -sitio], f : 3-s extase (exposing, exhibition ; public exhibition ; lying in state ; expounding, explanation ; account ; exposure ; #Eng. situation with reference to sun, light, wind, etc., location, aspect): un appartement de bonne —, nicely located apartments ; maison d'une - agréable, house with an agreeable as- pect; l'- d'un tableau, the place (hanging) of a picture; l'- d'un enfant, the exposure of a child (to perish). -sitoire [L. -sito- rius], adj. : expository. - I.ex-près*, =esse [L. -pressus], adj. : express (exact, positive; special ; m. : express special messenger). 2.-près* [I.-près], adv. : expressly (purposely, on purpose). -pressº [Eng.], adj. : =; m. : express train. -pressément* [I.-près], adv. : expressly. -pressif*, =ive [-pres- sion], adj. : expressive. -pression* [L. -pressio], f. : =. -primableº, adj. : expressible. ll-primer* [L. -primere (premere, PRESS)], tr. : express (press or squeeze out; give expression or utterance to; manifest): s'-, express one's self; be expressed. - ex professoº [L.], adv. : =, as an expert. expro-priation*, f. : = (depriving of ownership, dispossession):-forcée, seizure (of property); jury d'-, valuation jury. |-prierº [L. ex, proprius, proper, own], tr. : expropriate (deprive of possession, dispossess): débiteur -prié, debtor whose property has been sold at public auction ; - un particulier pour cause d'utilité publique, condemn private property (for public use). -- expul-serº [L. -sare (pellere, drive)], tr. : EXPEL (drive or force out, fEng. ex- pulse). #-seur*, -triee, adj. : expul- sive. -sion * [L. -sio], f : = ; ejection. expur-gatoire* [L. -gatorius], adj. : expurgatory. ll-gerº [L. -gare (purus, pure)], tr. : expurgate. exqui-s* [L. -situs (quœrere, seek)], adj. : exquisite (choice, rare ; fkeen, subtle): ſièvre reglée —e, very regular intermittent fever. -sement º, adv. : exquisitely. exsangueº [L. -guis (sanguis, blood)], adj. : anaemic (bloodless, pallid). exsue eion " or - tion [L. ex-sugere, SUCK out], f. : exSuction. exsu-dation " [L. -datio], f : ex(s)uda- tion. |-derº [L. -dare (sudor, SWEAT)], intr. : exude, perspire. - fextantº, adj. : (leg.) = (existing). ex-taseº [L. -tasis (Gr. ék-stasis, " out of place or STATE')], f. : ecstasy (rapture). -tasierº, tr. : enrapture, (fEng. ecstasy); refl. : be in ecstasy or rapture, be enrap- tured ; become enthusiastic. -tatique* [l. L. -taticus], adj. : ecstatic, rapturous : m., f. : ecstatic person. extemporané extemporanéº [L. -neus (ex-tempore, out of time)], adj. : extemporaneous; (leg.) unpremeditated ; (pharm.) prepared by prescription. extem-seur", adj. or m. : (anat.) exten- sor. -sibilité" [-sible], f. : extensibility. -sible", adj. : =. -sifº, =ive, adj. : extending, expanding; extensive (wide- reaching); (agr.) capable of cheap exten- sion. -sion,º [L. -sio (tendere, stretch)], f.: = (stretching ; enlargement ; tension; amplification); extent. -so, cf. in -. exté-nuation* [L. -nuatio], f : exten- uation (rendering thin ; emaciation ; miti- gation, palliation); (rhei.) softening, modi- fication, euphemism. |-nuerº [L. -nu- are (tenuis, THIN)], tr. : extenuate (make thin or slender ; emaciate, reduce, en- feeble ; palliate, mitigate); soften (an ex- pression), modify. exté-rieur* [L. -rior], adj. : exterior (external, outside; foreign ; m. : outside, · externals, external appearance or de- portment, manner); foreign countries, abroad : les nouvelles de l'-, the news from abroad ; à l'intérieur et à l'-, at , home and abroad; donner trop à l'-, be too much given to externals (external ceremonies). -rieurementº, adv. : ex- ternally, outwardly. -rioriserº [L. -rior], tr. : (phil.) place (the cause of sen- sations) outside of one's self. extermi-nateur*, -natrie e [L. -na- tor], m., f. : exterminator; adj. : extermi- nating, destroying. -nation*[L. -natio], f : |-nerº [L. -nare (terminus, end)], tr. : exterminate (fdrive out; de- stroy, root out). exter-natº, m. : day school ; externe's office. |-neº [L. -nus], adj. : external (exterior, outdoor); m., f. : day student (student residing outside the school); ex- tern (physician student in hospitals). extinc-teurº, -triee [L. -tion], m., f.: extinguisher ; m. : extinction apparatus. -tion* [L. -tio (stinguere, quench)], f : = (quenching, extinguishment ; destruc- tion, suppression, end ; quelling ; liquida- tion, redemption); moment when the lights are to be extinguished ; slacking (of lime): (alg.) - des racines, evolution ; jusqu'à - (de chaleur naturelle), till one is exhausted ; (auct.) à l'- des bougies, (timing sale) by inch of (lit.) candle. extir-pateur*, -patriee [L. -pator], m., f : extirpator; (agri.) weeding instru- ment. -pation* [L. -patio], f. : = (up- rooting; excision ; destruction). |-perº [L. -pare (stirps, root)], tr. : extirpate (uproot, eradicate, destroy; cut out). extor-querº[L.-quere (torquere,twist)], tr. : extort (wring, exact by moral vio- - s , fdenoting origin; m. : extractive. 285 lence) : s'-, force upon one's self. -sienº [L. -sio], f. : extortion. extraº, pl. — [abbr. of extra-ordinaire], m.: = ; servant employed only certain days ; adj. : extraordinary , adv. : extra, unusually : un plat (un vin) d'-, an extra dish (extra wine); un vin -, extra fine Wine. extra- [L., beyond], prefix : extra-. extrabudgétaire* [extra-, budget], adj. : over and above the regular budget. extrac-tifº, =ive, adj. : extractive ; -tip?n, extrême [L. -tio (trahere, DRAW)], f. : =. extra-derº, tr.: extradite. |-dition " [L. ex, traditio, giving up], f : =. extra-dosº [extra-, dos], m. : = (extern- al curve of an arch). -dosser, tr. : curve (an arch). extra-fin, adj. : extra fine. ex-traire° [p. L. *-tragere (L. trahere, DRAW)], irr. (cf. traire); tr. : EXTRACT (draw out ; quote); make extracts from, abridge ; transfer (from a place of con- finement to another, or before a magis- trate). -traitº, m.: extract ; abstract; copy; certificate ; epitome : - mortuaire, · certificate of death ; un - d'homme, an epitome of a man ; - authentique, cer- tified copy. extrajudi-eiaire* [extra-, j...], adj. : extrajudicial. -eiairementº, adv. : extrajudicially. . extraordi-naire* [L. -narius], adj. : extraordinary (uncommon); f(leg.) crimi- nal (viz. process); m. : extraordinary (un- common thing or condition ; fextraordi- nary expense ; extended authority; special post or messenger). -nairement*, adv. : extraordinarily; extra ; fcriminally. fextrapassen° = strapasser. - extrava-gammentº, adv.: extravagant- ly. -gan ee*, f : = (fexcess; extrava- gancy, recklessness, wildness ; extrava- gant word or action). |-gantº, -gante [l. L. -gans (L. vagari, Wander)], adj. : extravagant (fbeyond bound or rule ; reckless, Wild, senseless); m., f. : extravagant person, wild felloW ; f. : ex- traordinary bull or edict. -guerº [l. L. -gari], intr. : +Wander out of the Way, rove, (fEng. extravagate); digress; do or : say extravagant things, rave, talk idly. extra-vasationº or -vasion, f : (med.) |-vaserº [extra-, L. vas, vessell, refl. : be extravasated (let out of the proper vessel or veins). ex-trêine* [L. -tremus], adj. : extreme (utmost ; excessive, radical); m. : extreme (utmost point, limit, or condition ; math. first or last term): (jusqu') à l'-, to an extreme ; les femmes sont -s, women are 286 * inclined to extremes ; les - s se touchent, extremes meet. -trêmementº, adj. : extremely. -trème-onction º, f : ex- treme unction. -tremis, cf. in -. -trémité* [L. -tremitas], f : extremity (extreme limit or condition ; extreme ; limb ; excess) ; death ; extreme measure ; violence : à l'-, to extremity; at a push; on the point of death, dying; passer à la dernière —, drive ' ) extremity; resort to violent measures. extrinsè-que* [L. -cus (exter, outside, extrinsèque secus, also)l, adj. : extrinsic(al). -que- mentº, adv. : extrinsically. exubé-raneeº [L. -rantia], f : exuber- ance. -rant* [L. -rans (uberare, be fruitful, uber, UDDER)], adj. : exuberant (overflowing, abundant). exuleé-rationº [L. -ratio], f : exulce- ration. ll-rerº [L. -rare (ulcus, sore)], tr. : exulcerate. exul-tationº [L.-tatio], f.: =. |-terº [L. -tare (salire, leap)], intr. : exult. exutoire* [L. -uere, draw out], m.: exu- tory (issue, artificial ulcer). ex votoº, pl. -[L., 'after the vow'], m.: = (votive offering). - IE" f, fE, m., or older eff, f. : f (the letter) ; abr. for forçat, convict : parler par B et par F, curse and swear. fa* [L. fa-muli in a hymn], m.: = (note in music). - faba-gelle º, or -go [l. L. for L. fava, bean], f. : caper (plant). fa-ble° [L. -bula (färi, speak)], f : (invented tale ; plot) ; common talk subject. -bliau* [for *-leau], m. : (short, metrical tale, usually humourous, of a real or possible incident in every-day life in the middle ages). -blierº, m.: (humor.) teller of fables. fabri-camt* [-quer], m. : manufac- turer. -eateur*, =triee [L. -cator, -trix], m., f : fmaker, producer ; fabri- cator, contriver; forger. -cation* [L. -catio], f : =. -eienº, or -eier [L. -ca, FABRIC], m. : administrator, warden (of church property). |-que* [L. -ca, work-shop (faber, artisan)], f : fabric (structure ; texture, composition ; made article) ; factory : marque de —, trade- mark ; le conseille de —, or by elips. la -, council of parish trustees, adminis- trators of church property. -quer* [L. -care], tr. : make, manufacture ; create. fabu-leusement*, adv. : fabulously. ll-leux º, =euse [L. -losus (-la, tale)l, Or y - façon adj. : fabulous, like a fable ; (fam.) in- credible, imaginary ; mythical. -1iste !º [L. -la], m. : fabulist. fa-çadeº [It. -cciata], f.: =, front side of a building. |-ee° [p. L. *-cia (L. -cies)], ſ.: = (countenance ; front ; surface side of a solid ; aspect) ; #o of the height of man ; first card the banker shows at basset : un homme à deux —-s, a two-faced, deceitful man ; faire — à, face, stand one's ground against ; pile ou -, heads or tails ; - de carême, pale, or tired face ; en -, opposite, in presence of; cheval de belle -, horse with white face or blaze. -ee-à-main º, pl. —, m. : opera-glasses with a handle. -eerº, tr. : fface : - quelqu'un, match one's card at basset. faeé-tie* [L. -tia (ak. to fari, speak)], f : joke ; practical joke. -tieusement* [-tieux], adv. : in jest, as a joke. -tieux *, -euse, adj. : facetious ; witty, funny. fa eet-te* [ face], f : little face, facet (as of a diamond, of a compound eye) : style à —s, brilliant style, manner. -ter*, tr.: - un diamant, cut, FACET a diamond. fâ-eher° [p. L. ºfasticăre (L. fastus, disdain)], tr. : fdisgust ; offend, anger ; displease, vex ; pain, make sorry : se -, get angry; take offence, ' be offended ; fall out ; fâché de, vexed at ; fâché contre, angry with ; se - avec, quarrel with ; #il leur fâche, they are sorry, grieved. -ehe- rie*,f. : vexation; quarrel; disagreement. -eheusement*[-cheux], adv. : disagree- ably; sadly. -eheux*, =euse, adj. : fdifficult; troublesome, annoying; painful; disagreeable ; regrettable ; peevish ; m. : disagreeable thing ; m., f. : disagree- able person, bore : le mot est - à dire, the word is unpleasant to say. faeialº, pl. =aux [L. -cies, face], adj. : =, of the face. ffa-eiendaire*, m. : FACIENT, agent. |-eiendeº [It. -ccenda [L. -cienda, things to be done)], f. : business ; intrigue, scheme. 8 faeiesº [L., "face'], m.: =, countenance. faei-leº [L. -lis ( facere, do)], adj. : =, easy ; pliant, yielding ; skilful, handy ; affable ; ( fam.) of easy virtue. -le- ment*, adv. : easily. -Iité* [L. -litas], ſ : facility ; ease ; readiness ; delay (al- lowed a debtor to pay). -literºº [It. -litare], tr. : facilitate, aid. façon° [L. factio (facere, do) doing], f : FASHIONing (shaping, making); shape,form; dressing ; style, FASHION (manner, way); material (furnished to a workman); ap- pearance ; ceremony: il travaille à -, he works with furnished material ; je vais te servir d'un plat de ma -, I am going to faconde do you a good turn ; c'est une - de parler, it's just a way of speaking, not to be · taken literally ; #parler de la —, speak so ; fen — du monde, not at all ; sans-s, without any ado ; par -, affectedly, by way of show or pretence ; #point de -s, no ceremony, don't stand on ceremony. faconde º [L. -cundia (fari, speak)], f. : eloquence (cf. fEng. FACUND, eloquent). façon-nerº [ façon],tr. : FASHION, shape, make, dress (land, vines, etc.) ; train ; educate ; ornament ; render stylish ; intr.: (rare) be affected, put on airs. -nierº, =ière [ façon], m., f. : worker (to whom material is furnished), skilled workmen ; ceremonious, affected person. · fae-similéº or facsimilé [L. fac (facere, make), simile, like], m. : fac- simile, exact copy. -tage* [ak. to fac- teur], m.: delivery (of parcels from stores) ; delivery-business. -teur*, -triee [L. -tor], m., f : fmaker, framer ; manufacturer (esp. ofmusicalinstruments); FACTOR (in math.); agent ; postman ; car- rier; clerk ; auctioneer. -tieeº [L. -ti- cius], adj. : artificial; acquired, notinnate. -tieementº, adv. : artificially. -tieuse- mentº [-tieux], adv. : factiously. -tieux º, =euse [L. -tiosus], adj. : fac- tious ; m. : partisan. -tion* [L. -tio], f. : = (group of partisans); watch, guard- duty; fmaking, doing ; legal capacity (to make one's will, to testify, etc.) ; warring. -tionnaireº [-tion], m. : sentinel. -ti- tifº, =ive [L. -titare, freq. of facere, make], adj. : factitive, causative. -to- ratº [-teur], m.: auctioneering. -tore- rie* [-teur], f. : branch-house, agency abroad. f-totomº or -totum [L. fac totum, do all], m. : (fam.) factotum, man of all work. -tumº [L., * done'], m. : =, statement (of a case at law) ; docu- ment. I.-ture* [L.-tura, work done], f : = (composition, construction) ; manufac- ture (of musical instruments); size (of organ pipes): morceau de —, difficult bit of composition. 2.-tureº [-teur], f : bill, invoice. I.-turerº [2.-ture], tr. : bill, put into the invoice. 2.f-turerº [I.-ture], tr. : make. #-turierº [I.-ture], m. : manufacturer, fabricant, facule* [L. -la, dim. of fax, torch], f : FACULA (bright spot on the sun's disk). faeul-tatifº, =ive [L. -tas, faculty], adj. : facultative, optional. -téº [L. -tas], ,f : faculty (ability; power; privilege, right; body of professors ; property) : la Faculté, the faculty of medicine; (fam.) the doctor; assurance sur -s, insurance covering all kinds of things ; exceller dans une —, excel in one study. fa-dasseº, adj. : (fam.) insipid, dull, flat. faille 287 |-de° [L. vapidus (vapor, steam)l, adj. : =(VAPID, flavourless, spiritless,uninterest- ing). -dementº, adv.: vapidly. -deurº, f. : vapidity, dulness, flatness. #fafeluº [? cf. fanfreluche], adj. : (old and dial.) plump. Faeroé or -er [fr. Scan., lit. 'sheep- islands'], m. : Faroe Islands. faga-ra" or -re [Oriental word], m.: fruit of the fagaro-tree. -rierº, m.: fagaro (thorny ash). fagineº [L. -gus, BEECH ak. to Gr. phá- gein, eat], f.: =, fagin (an alkaloid fr. beechnuts). . e fagneº [dial. (cf. fange)], f. : swamp (on a hill). fa-gotº [?], m. : = (bundle of untrimmed limbs for fuel, gabions, ditches, etc.) ; fig. martyrdom at the stake ; bassoon, FAGOT- TO : — d'épines, a person hard to handle ; habillé comme un -, dressed very care- lessly; sentir le —, (formerly) be a here- tic ; (now humor.) be of doubtful piety ; chaloupe-en--, convertible ship's boat ; (formerly) compter des -s pour des co- trets, count fagots for stovewood, (then) conter or faire -s, tell fibs. -gotageº [-goter], m. : bundling of fagots; shiftless attire. -goter*, tr. : gather into bun- dles; arrange with poor taste. -goteur*, =euse [-goter], m., f. : fagot-gatherer. f I.-gotinº [humor. fr. -goter, sense of dress odd], m. : (street-player's) monkey ; clown. 2.-gotinº, m. : little fagot (to kindle fire). ffagoueº [?], f.: sweetbread (of calves) ; pancreas (of swine). ffaguenasº [Prov. faganas (?)], m.: odor (fr. the warm body); hospital smell. fai-blardº, adj. : ( fam.) very feeble. |fai-ble° [L. flëbilis, lamentable, pitiable (flëre, weep)], adj. : FEEBLE, weak; ten- der ; thin ; light weight, scant ; m. : weak- ling ; weak place ; weakness ; FOIBLE ; fondness : une mère trop -, a too indul- gent mother; cheval - de reins, horse weak in the kidneys ; le - d'une épée, part of sword near the point ; le - d'une personne, one's chief passion ; avoir un - pour une personne, have a fondness for one. -blEmentº, adv. : feebly. -blesse*, f : feebleness ;weakness, weak spot (lit. and fig.) ; fondness, underweight, scantness. f-bletº, =ette, adj. : (old and fam.) rather weak. -blir*, intr. : grow weaker ; show weakness. faïen-ee º [town F. (It. Faenza)], f : = (pottery highly decorated and of sever- al colours). -eerie " [-cier], f. : faience- ware, or factory. -eierº, =ière, m., f : faience-dealer, or maker. - I.faille* [Dutch, falie (? L. velum, sail ; 288 faille VEIL)], f. : = (fnun's head-dress, hood ; silk dress-fabric). 2.fai-lle" [dial., ak.to-llir],f. : (in mines) FAULT. fail-liº [It. fallitol, m. : failer, bankrupt. -libilité, f. : fallibility. -lible*, adj. : fallible. |-lir° [p. L. ºfallire (L. fallere)], irr., def. $; intr. : FAIL; lack, be wanting; barely miss, be about to ; err, be at fault ; become bankrupt, fail ; fmiss (one's aim) : il faut, it is necessary ; failli gars, worth- less sailor, poor hand ; à jour failli, when the day is done ; au bout de l'aume faut le drap, every thing plays out at last ; il faillit de tomber, he almost fell ; coup failli, certain game. -liteº [It. fallita], f : bankruptcy. f-loiseº [?], f. : west (seaman's term). $ Ind. : Pr. /au-x, -x, -t ; faill-oms, -ez, -ent. Ipf. faillais. Pret. faillis. Fut. (Cond.) faillirai(s) or faudrai(s). — Subj. : Ipf. fail- lisse. — Part. : Pr. faillant ; P. failli. — In sense of * fail in business * often conju- gated like finir. faim° [L. fames], hunger; appetite ; FAMINE ; greed : crier (à) la —, be very hungry; un meurt-de-faim, a poor wretch; étourdir la grosse -, stay one's appetite (by eating a little); mariage de la - et lu sUiſ, IIlarriage of tWo pôor people. -vaIIe* [? Britt. gwall, bad], f : bulimia, voracious appetite (in horses). faîne° [p. L. fagina (L. fagus, BEECH)], f. : beechnut. · fainéan-tº [#fai (of faire), néant], m., f : = (do-nothing, idler) ; adj. : lazy, use- less. Term applied to the later Merovin- gian kings. -terº, intr. : idle. -tiseº, j. : faineance, indolence. - ' ffaînée* [-ne],f. : crop of beechnuts. fai-re° [L. facere], irr. $; tr. : make (do ; create; form; cause); raise (crops); (fam.) say ; cacare; deal (cards) ; cast young ; impers. be; m. : doing, deed, execution (esp. of a painter, etc.) : lettre de — part d'une mort, letter announcing a death ; — beau- coup de vin, raise much wine ; - un lit, make a bed ; - sa tête, be making antlers (said of deer as new horns grow); — la médicine, make medicine one's profession ; - dans les draps, dealin cloth ; c'est à — à eux, they are the ones to (get up such a feast, etc.); je l'en ferai repentir, I shall make him regret it; impers. : il fait beau, froid, jour, etc., it is clear, cold, day, etc.; il fait cher vivre, it costs high to live. f-re-IE-fautº, m.: necessary thing, unavoidable thing. -sable* fE-, adj. : FEASIBLE. $ Ind. : Pr. /ai-s, -s, -t ; /aisons,* faites, jfont. Ipf. faisais.*. Pret. 7îs. Fut. (Cond.) ferai(s). — Subj. : Pr. fasse. Ipf. fîsse. — Part. : Pr. faisant*; P. fait. * fai- before a syllable beginning with s pronounced /E-. · faix faisan*, =ande [L. phasianus (river Phasis)], m., f. : pheasant (bird) ; adj. : une poule faisane or faisande, pheasant hen. - faisanee* fE-[ faire], f. : faction (cf. Eng. malfeasance) ; obligation (above the rent, due from a tenant) : - valoir, improve- . ment of land ; improved land. faisan-deau* [ faisan], m. : young pheasant. -derº [ faisan], tr. : ripen (meat by keeping). -derie º [ faisan], f : pheasant yard. -dierº [ faisan], m. : pheasant keeper. fais eeau° [p. L. ºfascellus (L. fascis)], m. : bunch (bundle, cluster); sheaf (of arrows, - etc.); (pl.) FASCES (bundle of rods borne before the Roman consuls, etc., as sign of power); group (of banners); stack (of arms); pencil (of light); FASCIA (oftissue); FASCICLE (of flowers); (fig.) consulship ; set (of irregular tiles): colonne en -, column made of many small pillars. fai-seur* fE- =euse [-re], m., f. : doer, maker. -sible* [-re], adj. : FEASIBLE, practical ; pleasant. faisse° [L. fascia], f : ffascia, bandage ; willow-twist (at regular intervals in a hasket), - / faiselle° [L. fiscella (fiscus, basket)], f. : basket ; cheese-drainer; cider-press. fais-ser° [L. fasciare; cf. faisse], tr. : bandage, Wrap ; strengthen, reinforce with twists of willow. -serie " [-se], f : open wicker-work, basket-work. -sier" [-se], m. : wicker-worker. fait° [L. factus], part. of faire; m. : FACT (act, deed) ; action, conduct ; property ; the proper thing ; interest, side, cause : donner à quelqu'un son -, take vengeance on one ; être par le —, or au -, or fdans le -, understand the case ; si -, but I say yes ; tout à —, entirely ; #- à - que, just as ; voie de -, by deeds, not words ; . blows, violence. faî-tage*, m. : (feudal) fortification tax; ridge-pole or beam : — double, ridge and rafters, roof-timber; ridge-lead. |faî-teº [OFr. fe(r)ste, fr. OHG. firste, Ger.first], m. : ridge-pole ; ridge, crest; top, summit : ligne de —, ridge, top of a roof; of a mountain chain. -teau* fè, m. : ridge- tile or zink. -tière º fè, adj. : of a ridge ; f : ridge-tile pantile ; top-pole (of a tent) ; plank-awning (for shelter over boat-builders). 4 fait-toutº, pl. -[ faire], m. : crock, pot. I.faiac° [L. fascis], m. : burden ; settling (of a building); block of slate. 2.faix * [ak.to faîte], m. : (old) ridge of a roof ; upper part : — de pont, planking on the deck-beams ; ralingue de -, bolt-rope (of a sail). - faix-du-corps #fai3c-du-corps = faux-du-corps. #fakir = faquir. A fa-laise* [ak. to Ger. fels, rock], f. : cliff. -Iaiserº, intr. : break (as the sea) against the cliffs. - falari-que* [L. -ca (fala, scaffold)],f. : | fire-bearing missile. ' falbalaº [? It. faldella, fold of a gar- ment], m. : =, FURBELOW (flounce ; orna- ment). falcadeº Lfalquer],f. : = (certain move- ment of a horse, throwing himself on his haunches repeatedly). faleiforme º [l. L. -mio (L. falx, sickle, formis, form)], adj. : falciform (of liga- ments, etc.). - faleonides* [L. -co, falcon], m. pl. : fal- conidae (hawks, falcons, eagles and buz- . zards). ffalla-ee* [L. -cia], f : deceit (cf. Eng. fallacy). -eieusementº [-cieux], adv. : deceitfully. -eieux º, =euse [L. -ciosus], deceitful. - falloirº [form of faillir], irr.S; impers.: be necessary : comme il faut, as is proper ; s'en -, lack, be wanting ; peu s'en faut, there is little lacking. . $ Ind. : Pr. il faut. Ipf. il fallait. Pret. il fallut. Fut. (Cond.) il faudra(it). — Subj. : Pr. il faille. Ipf. il fallût. - Part. : P _fallu. Other forms wanting. I.falotº [It. -lô fr. .. Gr. phanôs], m. : big lantern ; cresset. 2.fa-lot*, =lote [? Eng. fellow], m., f : fcomic person ; adj. : funny. f-lote- ment*, adv. : comically. ffalourdeº [?], f. : bundle (of fire-wood). I.falque* [Sp. falca], f. : washboard (of ships). - 2.#fal-que = falcade. |-querº [It. -care (L. -x, scythe)], intr. : make FAL- CADES, throw himself on his haunches re- peatedly in stopping (said of horses). . falquetº [It. -chetto, little FALCON], m. : ' tree-falcon, hobby. · · falsi-ficateurº, =triee, m., f : falsifier. -fieation,º, f. : =. |-fier* [L. :ficare (falsus, false, facere, make)], tr. : falsify. fa-lun" [?], m. : shell-marl (cf. Eng. FALUNs). -lunerº, tr. : manure, fertilise (with shell-marl). · pit or bank. fâ-me* [L. -ma], f : = (reputation).. · fa-mé*, adj. : bien —, of good report; mal -, of bad reputation. famélique* [L. -licus (fames, hunger)], · adj. : starveling, ill-fed. fa-meusementº, adv.: famously, remark-| ably. ll-meux º, =euse [L. -mosus (-ma, fame)], adj. : famous, notable. fa-milial*, pl. =aux [L. -milia, family], adj. : of the family. -miliariserº [L. -miliaris, familiar], tr. : familiarise : se -lunière", f. : marl- 289 —, be too familiar, become usual or easy ; se - avec une langue étrangère, learn a strange language. -miliarité* [L. -miliaritas], f. :, familiarity (acquaint- ance ; easy style of #ee# etC. ; pre- sumption). |-milier*, -ière [L. -mi- liaris]; adj. : familiar; of the family ; too familiar ; ' usual ; m. : easy literary style. -milièrement* [-milier], adv. : familiarly. |-mille* [L. -milia], f : FAMILY, hence : any group of like things (blood-kinsmen ; class of animals, etc. ; ancestry; group of genera; offspring of a married pair) : fils de -, young man still with his parents at home ; young man of good family ; air de -, family resemblance. fanfreluche fa-milleuxº, =euse [OFr. -millier, be hungry], adj. : fstarved ; greedy (said of falcons). |-mine* [faim], f : , scarcity of food : crier -, cry aloud for hunger; pacte de -, grain monopoly as- sociation (in France, 1729-1789); prendre par -, starve out. fan, famner = faon, faonner. I.fanage" [-ne], m. : dead leaves. 2.fa-nage* [-ner], m.: turning (of hay), drying. ' -naison * [-ner], f.: haying- time. fa-naIº, pl. -aux [It. -nale (Gr. phanôs)], m. : large lantern (esp. at sea, or of light- house); signal fire ; hollow pillar (in cem- eteries formerly, a lantern was put in it). 'fana-tique*[L. -ticus (fanum, temple)], adj. : fanatic(al), over-zealous in religion ; m.: one who thinks himself inspired ; a fanatic ; extremist : un admirateur — de Shakespeare, great admirer of Shake- speare. -tiserº [ak. to -tique], fintr. : act fanatically; tr. : make fanatical. -tismeº [ak. to -tique], m.: fanaticism, fierce zeal. - fameh9nº [Fanchon, for Françoise], f.: kerchief (for a woman's head). fandangoº [Sp.], m.: = (dance). fane* [?], f : leaves, (esp.) dead leaves, or vines ; bedding; envelope of flowers. fa-nerº ſfoin], tr. : turn (hay), cure ; dry up. -neurº, =euse, m., f. : hay- maker ; #º machine for turning hay. fanfanº [pet name fr. enfant], m. or f.: little child ; dear child. fan-fareº [?], f : =, flourish (of trum- pets); much ado ; brass-band; horn-signal (that the deer is started, etc.). -farerº, #intr. : make a display; tr. : celebrate (by a display). -faristeº, m. : player (in a brassband). -faronº, =onne [Sp. ·farron], m., f : =, boaster; adj. : boast- ful. -faronnadeº [Sp. farronada], f. : boasting. famfrElu ehe° ſp. L. ºfanfalilca (Gr. pom- 290 fange phôlux, air bladder)], f. : bauble, trifle ; geWgaW, trinket. fan-ge* [?], f : mud, filth. =euse, adj. : muddy; dirty. fanion º [ak.to non], m. : = (marking-flag brigade's baggage, for surveying); FANNEL. #fa-mirº [for -ner], intr. : fade, wither. -noirº [-ner], m. : wooden rack (for drying hay, etc.). fanomº [ak. to Eng. vane], m. : = (cloth for handling holy vessels ; priest's mani- pule, napkin used at mass; orale ; fsplint for leg or thigh ; lappet of a miter) ; streamer to a lance, pennon; pennant ; frallying-flag ; dewlap ; wattle ; fetlock ; whale-fin, baleen ; bracelet (on shields) : faux -, linen folded between the splint and the limb. fan-taisie * [L. -tasia (Gr. root pha, show)], f. : FANCY (fimagination ; whim, caprice ; liking ; PHANTASY ; FANTASIA ; idea, notion) ; silk thread (saved out of waste). -taisiste*, m., f : fanciful painter, artist, etc. -tasia* [It.], f : fancy manœuvre (of Arab cavalry). -ta- sier*, tr. : imagine, dream ; weary, tire with fancies. -tasmagorie* [Gr. phán- tasma, phantasm, aqoreûein, speakl, f : phantasmagoria (fantastic magic-lantern exhibition with optical illusions). -tas- magorique* [-tasmagorie), adj. : phan- tasmagorial ; illusory. -tasqueº [for -tastique], adj. : fantastic ; m., f. : whim- sical person. -tasquEmentº [-tasque], adv. : fantastically. fantassinº [It. -taccino], m. : soldier. fantas-tique* [L. -ticus], adj. : fimagi- native ; imaginary, fantastic ; m. : fancy, · chimerical idea. -tiquementº, adv. : chimerically. fan-tocciniº -tot-chi- [It. (ak. to Eng. infant)l, m. pl. : =, puppets. -toeheº [It.-toccio], m. : puppet; fantastical person. fantôme° [p. L. *fantasma (Gr. phán- ta8ma)], m. : phantom (apparition, ghost ; delusive image ; chimera ; shadow ; FANCY). ffantom = fenton. fanu* [-nel, adj. : hav'g many dead leaves, too leafy. fanum " [L. (fari, speak)], m. : temple. faon° [p. L. ºfèto (L. fëtus, young)], m. : FAWN (young of deer; fany young animal). faonnerº, intr. : fawn (cast young). fa-quinº [It. -cchino (?)], m. : fporter ; strawman, dummy, puppet; bungler. -qui- nerie º, f. : stupidity : quelle —! how vexing ! | -- faquirº [fr. Ar., lit. ' poor'], m. : (begging monk). farandoleº [Prov. -lo], f. : = (dance). -geu3C, INFANTRY FANE, •m-s *-s farouche faraud ", =aude [? ak. to fier], m., f : snob, swell. 4 far-ee° [p. L. *-sa (L. -cire, cram)], f. : ' = (stuffing; comic play); nonsense, prank: ſaire une - à quelqu'un, play a trick on one ; faire ses -8, carry on wildly. -eeurº, =euse, m., f : ffarce-player ; tom-fool. -ein° [L. -cimen, sausage], m. : . f=, farcy, glanders. -eineux º, =euse [-cin], adj. : glandered ; farcy-like. fard* [2.-der, paint], m. : paint, cosmetic (cf. fEng. fard) ; disguise. fardage* [I.-der, burden], m. : = (dun- nage of ships). I.farde* [Ar. -da, half camel-load], f.: sack (of mocha coffee). 2.ffarde = falque. .far-deau* [? ak. to hardes (cf. #Eng. FARDEL)], m. : burden ; anxiety ; settling, threatening bulge (in mines) ; fpackage ; bundle (of packages, boxes). I.-derº [ak. to -deau], ftr. : load ; intr. : weigh heavy ; bear down upon (another boat) ; settle (as walls) ; bulge (as sails). 2.farder* [?], tr. : paint (the face), rouge; disguise, varnish : - la vérité, gloss the truth over ; - sa marchandise, tell great · things of one's wares (to deceive buyers). fardierº l-deau], m. : dray, low-wheeled WagOn. - farfadetº [?], m. : goblin, imp; frivo- lous man. - farfouiller º [ far (?), fouiller], intr., tr. : (fam.) rummage, slash about. ffargue = falque. faribole º [?], f. : idle tale, talk. faridondaine [echoic], f. : chanter la -, sing a popular ditty ; marier la -, be in good spirits. fari-naeéº [L. -naceus], adj. : farina- ceous. Il-ne° [L. -na ( far, spelt)], f. : flour ; FARINA : folle -, flour dust ; fleur de -, choicest flour ; reprocher à quel- qu'un la -, reproach one as of ignoble descent; - fossile, fossil farina, carbonate of lime; - empoisonnée, oxide of arsenic. -nelle º, f : farinose mushroom. -ner*, tr. : flour (sprinkle with flour) ; intr. : become floury or farinose. -nerº, m. : one-faced die (blank on five sides). -neux º, =euse [L. -nosus], adj. : fari- nose : dartre -neuse, whitish tetter (skin . disease). -nier*, =ière, m., f : flour- dealer. ffarlouseº [?],f. : (dial.) titlark, meadow- pipit. farnienteº [It.far-niente, 'do-nothing'], m. : idleness, leisure. faroueh(e)*" [Prov. (? fe riuche = foin rouge, red hay)], m. : red clover. farou ehe° [p. L. ºferôticus (L. ferox)], adj. : FIERCE ; savage ; wild ; shy. farrago farragoº [L. (far, meal)], m. : = (mix- ture of grains grown for forage). ras-eeº [L. -cia], f. : frieze ; FESS (of shields). -eé º fa-ce, adj. : hav'g fesses, fessy. -eiation * [-cie], f. : = (ribbon- like malformation of plants). -eiculeº [L. -ciculus], m. : fascicle (collection or bunch of plants ; installment, part of a printed work). -eieulé* [L. -ciculus], adj. : fasciculate, growing in bundles. -eie * [L. -cia, bandage], f : fascia (band, stripe on shells ; side part of violins, etc. ; deformed, fasciated part of a plant). -eié" [-cie], adj. : fasciated (banded, deformed). • faseinageº [-ner, fascine], m. : fascine- works. fasei-nateurº, =triee [-ner, fascinate], adj. : charming. -nation * [L. -natio], fasei-ne* [L. -na, fagot], f : =, bavin. I.-nerº, tr. : fascine, strengthen with bavins. : 2.faseinerº [L. -nare], tr. : fascinate, bewitch ; dazzle. faseiole* [L. -la (fascia, band), little, | bandage], f. : fasciola (liver fluke). #faseier, or +-seyer = fasier. #faséole* [L. -lus], f : (dial.) phasel (bean). fa-shionºor-cheun'[Eng.], f.: = (mode ; the élite). -shionable º, or fa-cheu-nābl [Eng.], m., f. or adj. : =. fasierº [?], intr. : shiver (as sails when close to the wind). #fasin " [ak. to fraisil], m. : (dial.) char- coal dust (used to sprinkle the mould be- fore making a casting). fasse, see faire. I.faste* [L.-tus, pride], m. : pomp, display. 2.fas-te* [L. -tus (fari, speak)], adj. : jour -, court day (when judgment could be pronounced). -tes* [L. -ti, pl.], m. pl. : fasti (calendar ; records). fasti-dieusement", adv. : fastidiously. |-dieux º, =euse [L. -diosus (fastus, pride)], adj. : tiresome, irksome ; nauseat- II19 . fastigié" [L. -gatus (-gium, speak)], adj. : fastigiate, tapering to a point (like Lom- bardy poplars). fas-tueusement º, adv. : ostentatiously, gorgeously, magnificently. ll-tueux º, =euse lL. -tuosus (-tus, pomp)], adj. : ostentatious, showy. fatº [Prov. fr. L. -tuus], adj. m. : (dial.) ffQolish ; haughty ; FATUOUS ; m. : fop ; coxcomb. - fa-talº, pl. f=s or f=aux [L.-talis (-tum, FATE)], adj. : = (fated; disastrous). -tale- mentº, adv. : inevitably, fatally. -ta- lisme", m. : fatalism (belief in fate). 291 -talité !* faudage -taliste", m., f. : fatalist. [L. -talitas], f. : fatality (fate, doom ; fated consequence). -tidique* [L. -ti- dicus, "fate-telling'], adj. : prophetic. fati-gantº, adj. : tiresome. -gueº, f : =, weariness : cheval de -, work-horse ; habit de -, working clothes. ll-guer* [L. -gare], tr. : fatigue (tire ; vex); over- work, exhaust ; intr. : labour ; be under a strain. - fa-tras* [?], m. : jumble, confused mass. -trassier º, =ière, m., f. : untidy per- SOIl. » fatui-té* [L. -tas], f : fatuity (ffoolish- ness ; insanity) ; foppishness, conceit. fau-berº [? Dutch zwabber], m. : sWAB, mop (for ship-deck). -berter, tr. : mop. fau-bourg* [OFr. fors-bourg, outer town], m. : =, outskirts, suburb : le noble -, faubourg (St. Germain in Paris) where the nobility live ; les -s, the labouring class of a city. -bourien º, =ienne, m., f. or adj. : suburban. fau-eard º [Norm. = -chard], m. : scythe (of several blades for algae, sea-weed). -carderº [-card], tr. : mow, cut. -ehage*, m. : mowing, reaping. -ehai- son *, f : mowing-time. -ehardº [-x, · sickle], m.: (two-faced) bill-hook (cf. Eng. =, weapon). fau-eheº, f : freap- ing; harvest, crop. -ehée*, f.: one cut (quantity mowed in a day, or before whet- ting again). |-eherº-[p. L. ºfalcăre (falx, scythe)], tr. : reap, mow, cut off ; intr. : swing the legs out (in walking, etc.). -ehère " [Prov. falquièro], f. : (sickle-shaped) tailpiece (of wooden pack- saddle). -ehet*, m. : hay-rake ; stir- ring hoe (for paste in making paper). -ehette º [-x, sickle], f : little bill- hook, pruning hook. -eheur*, m. : reaper, sickle-man ; field-spider. f-eheux = -cheur. -ehon* [-x, sickle], m. : sickle. -eille° [p. L. ºfalcicula (L. falci- cula)], f : reaping-hook ; rake for fish ; (vulg.) gilt-head (and other fish, etc., from their form). -eillon* [-cille], m. : little sickle ; curved piece (in a lock ; in a key bit). fau-con°[L. falco (falx, scythe, with ref. to talons)], m. : FALCON (hawk ; 16th cen- tury cannon) : - sor, soar hawk ; - pèlerin, peregrine, common falcon. -con- neau*, m.: young falcon; falconet (cannon); boom (of a derrick). -con- nerie*, f. : falconry; falcon yard. -connier*, m. : falconer : monter en -, mount from the right-hand side. -connière*, f : game-bag; saddle-bag. fau-dage",m.: doubling down, lengthwise FOLDing; weft-mark. #fau-de* [fr. root of -der], f. : (dial.) sheepfold ; (dial.) kiln 292 faufil (for charcoal, for lime, etc). ſ-derº [OHG.faldan, FOLD], tr. : FOLD lengthwise; mark (with a silk thread after folding). -detº [-de sense of " hurdle'], m.: dress- ing-frame (for teazeling cloth). -deur*, m. : folder. #aufi-Iº, m. : basting thread. |-lerº [ forfiler (fors,fil)],tr. : baste,tack ; *intr. : (fam.) slip in ; intrude : se —, be tacked or basted ; (fam.) slip (in, etc.); worm one's self (in), insinuate one's self; ingra- · tiate one's self ; intrude. ffaulde = faude. ffaulac = faux, scythe. 1.fau-me* [L. -nus], m.: faun (sylvan god). 2.fau-neº, f.: fauna (treatise on animals of a region; animals of a region). fauperdrieu*, pl. -ac [OFr. fauc, fal- con, perdrieu, PARTRIDGE], m. : partridge- hawk, goshawk. ffauque = fºlquº - faus-saire* [L. falsarius], m., f : falsi- fier, forger. f-se-braie lfaux, FALSE], ·f. : = (second rampart of a fort). -se- ment* [ faux, false], adv. : falsely. t-ser° [L. falsäre], tr. : make FALSE ; bend ; pervert ; violate ; injure, spoil : - une clef, strain a lroy. r -set* [ faux, , false], m. : FALSETTO, shrill voice, or tone. 2.faussetº [?], m. : bung, plug; sharp pen (cf. Eng. faucet). faus-seté* [faux, false], f : falsity, falseness. -setierº [faux], m. : imi- tator (lapidary who makes imitation gems). -sure* [-ser], f : flaw (esp. in a bell). faut, see faillir. faute° [p. L. ºfallita (L. fallere, deceive)], f.: FAULT (defect ; lack, failure ; break in a pipe, cf. Eng. fault in geology ; error, mistake ; offence, sin ; blame): - de, in default of, for want (lack) of; cela m'a fait -, that has been wanting to me ; faire — de pleurer, fail to weep ; sans -, without fail. fauteuiIº [OFr. falde-stuel (Ger.), FOLD- ING-STOOL], m. : = (upholstered chair, esp. official chair): — à la Voltaire, reclining chair ; briguer un — à l'Académie, scheme for membership in the Academy ; porter quelqu'un au —, make one chair- man. - - fauteur*, =triee [L.-tor], m., f : (fEng. fautor), patron ; promoter. fautifº, =ive [-te], adj. : FAULTY (defec- tive ; erroneous). fautre = feutre. • fau-veº [ak. to Ger.falb, FALLOW], adj. : tawny ; m. : fawn-colour ; tawny animal (deer, etc.). -vette, f. : =, warbler (bird). · I.faux°, fausse [L. falsus], adj. : FALSE ; m.: false, falseness ; imitation ; forgery : je m'inscris en - contre vos paroles, I will fécule undertake to prove your words false ; por- ter à -, not be truly perpendicular. 2.faux° [L. falx, sickle], f. : scythe ; FALX (curved process of the dura mater of the skull): - à rateau, cradle (for grain). 3.fauac, see faillir. faux-du-corpsº [faux ofunc. orig.], m. : taper, narrowing (of the body above hips, or above chest): saisir par le —, or fà -, seize by the Small of the back. faux-fuyantº [pop. etym. fr. ºforfuir (fors, fuir)], m. : fby-way (by which game escapes) ; excuse, subterFUGE. -mar- eherº, intr. : travel sidling (as a deer after shedding antlers). -saunage, see Saunage. -saunier, see saunier. fa-veur* [L.-vor], f. : favour (good will; advantage ; present, token ; behalf) ; rib- bon : lettres de -, letter of recommenda- tion ; billet de —, complimentary (free) ticket ; à la - de la nuit, with the advan- tage of darkness -vorable* [L. -vora- bilis], adj. : =. -vorablement* [-vora- ble], adv. : favourably. -voriº, =rite [It. -v0rito], adj. : favourite; m., f.: favourite ; m. pl. : side-whiskers. -voriser* [L. -vor], tr. : favour (befriend ; help); present (one) with. -voritisme* [-vori], m.: favouritism, partiality. faygnee fa-y- = faience. féage* [ fie(f)], m.: feudal tenure, or contract. - féal* [foi], adj. : #FAITHful, Eng. feal ; m. : c'est son -, that is his intimate friend ; à nos amis et féaux,to our friendly and loyal friends (a royal formula). fébri-eitant* [L. citare, have fever], adj. : FEVERish ; m., f. : fever patient. -fuge* [L. -s, fever, fugare, put to flight], adj. : =. |-leº [L. -lis (febris, FEVER)], adj. : febrile. - fécalº, pl. =aux [L. fœx, dung, dregs], adj. : fecal. fèeesº [L. fœces, pl. of fœx], pl. : feces (excrement ; settlings). fée helle = faisselle. féeialº, pl. =aux[L.fetialis (fari,speak), ambassador], m. : fetial (priestly herald in national affairs of war or peace); adj. : le droit —, law as to duties of the Roman fetiales or patres patrati. # féeon-d*[L.fecundus], adj. : fecund (fer- tile ; prolific ; abundant, rich). -dant", adj. : fecundant, fertilising. -dation º, f : fecundation, impregnation. |-der* [L. fecundare], tr. : fecundate, impregnate. -ditéº [L. -ditas],f. : fecundity (fertility ; power of procreation ; productiveness). fécu-leº [L. fœcula (fœx, dregs)], f.: fecula (starch, esp. fr. farinaceous pulp). -len ee* [L. fœculentia], f. : feculence, foulness from sediment, muddiness. -lentº [L. fœculentus], adj. : feculent, fédéraI turbid; starchy. -lerie º, f : fecula-fac- tory or laboratory. fédé-ral", pl. =aux [L. fœdus, BOND], adj. : federal (of the union ; allied). -raliserº, tr. : federalise, unite. -ra- Iisme", m. : federalism (doctrine or prin- ciples of union in government). -raliste", adj. : federalistic ; m. : federalist, advo- cate of federalism. -ratif, =ive [L. fœ- deratus, allied], adj. : federate. -ra- tignº [ fœderatio], f. : federation (union of states ; league of armed citizens). -ré" [L. fœderatus], adj. : allied, federated. fé-e° [p. L. ºfata (L. fatua, sylvan goddess)], f : FAY, FAIRY. -erº, irr. $ ; tr. : en- chant, charm; put under a spell. -erie*, ſ : fairyland ; enchantment. -erique* [-erie], adj. : fairy-like, magical. $ Part. : P. fée (for féé) used as noun or adj. » fein-dre° [L. fingere], irr. $ ; tr. : FEIGN, pretend ; + limp : (se) -, conceal one's thoughts. fein-te*, f. : feint, pretence, (sham, false show); FICTIon. #-tise* fe, f. : feint, sham. $ Ind. : Pr. /ezm-s, -s, -t ; /e2gvz-ons, -ez, -ent. , Ipf. Yezgzzazs. Pret. /ezgzzzs. , Fut. (Cond.) _Yezndrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. Yezgzee. Ipf. feignisse. — I've feizus. - Part. : Pr. Jfezgvzazat , P. /ezvzt. félatier* [ fêle], m. : glassblower. feldspath * [Ger.], m. : FELDSPAR. fêle° [L. fistula, tube], f. : blow-pipe (of glasSmoulders). 1 fêler* [?], tr. : crack (glass, etc.). félibreº [Prov. ? as if faire livre)], m. : dialectic poet (of southern France). féliei-tation º, f. : congratulation. -té* [L. -tas], f. : felicity, happiness. |-terº [L. -tare (felix, happy)], tr. : fe- licitate (make happy : congratulate); intr. : rejoice : se - de quelque chose, count one's self happy in a thing. félinº [L. -nus (felis, cat)], adj. : feline, cat-like ; treacherous. fellah º [Ar.], m. : = (Egyptian field- labourer). felle = fêle. fé-lon º, =onne [l. L. -llol, adj. : trai- torous, disloyal; m., f : felon. -lonieº, f. : disloyalty, felony (crime). fElomque º [Sp. faluca (Ar. fulk, ship)], ·f. : felucca (small sailing vessel). ffElouac = flou. fêlure*fè [-ler], f. : crack. f-Emelle° [L. femella], f. : female (of animals, plants) ; (lau) woman ; female (or inside) screw ; ostrich feather (fr. the female bird, not so large as fr. the male); socket ; adj. : female, feminine ; ( fam.) effeminate. -èmelotº [ femelle], m. : knuckle, socket (for a hinge); collar (for y plug on a log line). -éminin* [L. féodal 293 feminimus], adj. or m. : feminine : e -, silent * e'; rime -e, feminine rhyme, end- ing in silent 'e’; vers -, verse hav'g feminine rhymes. -éminiserº [L. femi- na, woman], tr. : (rare Eng.) feminize, make womanish ; make of feminine gen- der. |f-emme° fam [L. fëmina], f. : woman (adult female ; wife ; womankind ; | womanhood ; female servant or attendant): - Sage, proper woman ; sage--, mid- wife ; bonne -, kind old soul. -emme- letteº fam-, f.: weak, silly woman. fé-moralº [L. -moralis], adj. : femoral. -murº [L.], m. : femur (thigh-bone); third joint of an insect's leg; plane space between the channelings in a Doric frieze. ffEnaison = fanaison. 8 fen-dage*, m. : splitting. -dantº, m.: (lit.) swordsman ; bully; #head-blow (in fencing). -derie º,.f. : splitting ; splitting furnace (where iron is made into bars); bar-machine (for making iron into bars). -dil#eº [-diller], f. : crack (in wood, iron, etc.). -dillementº [-diller], m.: cracking. -dillerº, tr. : crack (as wood by heat; as iron in founding). -dis",pl.—, m.: ardoise en -, slate in the flat (split upreadyforfinishing). -doirº, m.: cleaver. fen-dre° [L. findere, split], tr. : split, divide, cleave : le navire fend l'eau, the ship ploughs the water ; - le cœur, break one's heart ; un homme bien fendu, a manº with long legs ; yeux bien fendus, eyes | well shaped, large ; la tête me fend, my head is about to split (with noise, or questions); se -, burst ; lunge (in fenc- ing). -due*, f : fcleft; open trench, cut. ffêne = faine. e fE-nestré" [L. -nestratus], adj. : fenes- trate. -nêtrage*, m.: windows (as a whole). |-nêtre° [L. -nestra, ak. to Gr. phánein, appear], f. : window, window-like opening ; FENESTRA ; perforation ; blank space left on manuscript. -nêtré*, adj. : · perforated, slit. - fe-nil° or -ni [L. -nile (fœnum, hay)], m.: hay-barn, hay-loft. -nouil° [p. L. *-nu- culum (L. -niculum)l, m. : FENNEL (plant). -nouilletº, =ette [-nouil], m., f. : fen- nel-apple (fr. its fragrance); f. : fennel- brandy, fennel-water. fen-te* [-dre], f : crack (split ; crevice ; chap ; gap ; fissure ; cleavage) ; slit ; joint-succession (by the heirs of both parents). f-toir* [-dre], m. : (butcher's) chopping-knife. -tonº, m. : (lit. split iron, hence :) clamp ; iron-tie ; cramp ; peg-wood. fEnugree* [L. fœnum grœcum, * Greek hay'], m. : fenugreek (of bean family). féoda-1* [l. L. -lis], adj. : feudal. -1e- mentº, adv. : feudally, as in feudal fer . 294 · -1ité !º, f. : feudality; feudal- times. 1SIſl, - I.fer° [L. ferrum], m. : iron (the metal ; a tool or instrument of iron ; swords, chains, etc.) : - battu, Wrought iron ; - fondu, or - de fonte, or fonte de -, cast- iron ; — aigre, brittle iron ; - doux, soft iron ; — à cheval relevé, calked horse- shoe ; tomber les quatre -s en l'air, fall flat on one's back (lit. with his four horse- shoes in the air); sur le -, at anchor ; les -s, pincers, forceps. fErais, see faire. 2.fer [? ak. to feurre], m. : stuff: marchand de literie et de - en meubles, upholster- er's furnisher. 3.fer [?], m. : cheptel de -, original capi- tal (due, in cattle, to one whose cattle have been leased). ffératier = félatier. féraudº or -rault [? fer], adj., m. : liais -, or -, ironstone lias (a jurassic limestone). fer-blancº, m. : tin-plate, tin. -blan- terie º [-blantier], f. : tin-business ; tin- ware. -blantier ", m. : tin-man (seller or maker of tinware). - ehaudº, m. : (old) cautery ; heart-burn, pyrosis. fféret = ferret. . fé-riableº [old ferier, celebrate], adj. : festal, festive. -rial*, pl. =aux [l. L. -rialis], adj. : ferial (hav'g to do with week-days). |-rie* [L. -riœ, holidays], f.: (old) feria (rest day, holiday ; week- day) : faire (l'office de) la -, do the of- fices of the day ;-s majeures, last three days of holy week, i.e. of the week just before Easter. -riéº [L. -riatus], adj. : jours -s, holidays. +férir° [L. ferïre], tr. : strike, smite : only in sans coup -, without striking a blow, (fam.) without effort ; and rarely part. féru : le cœur -, the heart smitten. fer-Iageº, m. : furling (of sails). -lerº [?], tr. : furl, fold up (sail). ferletº [?], m.: T (tool, T-shaped, for handling moist paper). fermage* [ ferme, FARM], m. : farm- rent. " ffer-mail*, pl. =aux [-mer], m. : (fclasp, hook on clothing). -maillé º, adj. : (her.) having fermails. fer-mant* [-mer], adj. : closing; fold- ing; m. : leaf, lid (that locks). I.|•me° [L. firmus], adj. : firm ; adv. : firmly ; interj. : allons! -! come ! cheer up ! 2.-me* [-mer], f : contract, lease ; thing 4-5 leased, FARM ; farm-buildings ; revenue from a lease ; impost contract ; license ; | farming out (letting work, contracts, etc.) ; roof-truss ; girders, bracing ; (va- riety of) baccarat (card-game); dice-game ferrant (with blank dice except sixes) ; set-piece (of a stage). -mEment*, adv. : firmly. fer-mentº [L. -mentum ( fervere, boil)], m. : = : — figuré, mycodermic fungi (alcohol or vinegar bacteria) ; - soluble, diastasic ferment ; enzyme. -maervta- tifº, =ive [-menter], adj. : fermentative, causing fermentation. -mentation* [L. -mentatio], f : -mervter * [L. -mentare], ftr., intr. : ferment. -men- tes eible" [L. -mentescere, be ferment- ing], adj. : fermentable. - fermer° [p. L. firmäre (L. firmus, firm)], tr. : close (bring together, join , shut ; close up ; end) ; fmake FIRM ; intr. : close ; cease : se -, shut, go shut ; aristo- cratie fermée, exclusive aristocracy ; - la marche, bring up the rear. ffermEret = formerei. 4gs fer-mEté* [I.-me], f : firmness. -met- teº [2.-me], f. : truss, girders; tem- porary or movable truss. -mEtureº [-mer], f. : (means or act of closing, hence :) fastenings (of doors, Windows, etc.) ; plate (space between port-holes in the same wale) ; closing (of electric cur- rent); (cf. Eng. fermeture, breach-closing apparatus of cannon or guns). -mier*, =ière [2.-me], m., f. : farmer (agricul- turist ; revenue collector); tenant ; banker (at cards). I.-moir* [-merl, m.: clasp. 2.fermoirº [former], m. : chisel (for chamfering, for sizing, etc.). fermure* [-mer], f. : fastener, holder, (esp.) pole (to keep a raft fast to the bank) : - des sabords, port-hole plate, solid space between port-holes in the same strake (cf. fermeture). Fernambouc, m. : Pernambuco (city of | Brazil). féro-ee* [L. -x], adj. : FIERCE, cruel, savage ; #uncivilised. -eité* [L. -citas], ·f. : ferocity, cruelty ; fsavagery. Féroé, f. : Faroe Islands (north of Scot- . land). • fer-rageº [-rer], m. : ironing, fitting with iron; shoeing (of a horse). |-railleº [fer],f : scrap-iron, old iron. -raillerº er], intr. : fight ; fence ; Wrangle. I.-railleurº [-railler], m. : fighter, fencer; wrangler. 2.-railleur", m. : old-iron dealer, junkman. -randierº, =ière [-rer], m., f. : hemp-dresser, or braker. ferran-dineº [inventor Ferrand],f. : = (cloth). f-dinier º, m.: ferandine-weaver. fer-rant º, adj. : maréchal -, shoer, FARRier. -rasse " [fer], f : iron-box (for glass-scraps to be remelted) ; furnace- | door (of sheet-iron) ; drying-hurdle (for mirrors). fer-re° [?L. -ra, irons], f : glass- tongs; iron dust. I.-rement° [L. -ra- ferse mentum], m.: firon tool; iron piece ; (surgeon's) forceps. 2.-rement*, m. : ironing, (esp.) horse-shoeing. -remente° [L. -ramenta (pl.), things of iron], f : iron- work (of ship). -re-muleº, adj. : mule- shoeing; tricky. |-rerº.[fer, iron], tr. : iron (put irons on, fit with iron ; shoe ; fetter ; hobble ; tip, point with iron or metal ; metal, macadamise); brake (hemp): ferré à glace, shod for ice, rough shod ; (fig.) well equipped, skilful ; palais ferré, palate that stands hot food ; voie ferrée, railroad ; #- la mule, make expense pur- posely ; eau ferrée, iron water ; route fer- rée, metaled, stone road. -retº [ fer], m.: little iron ; small tools of iron ; metal tip ; (chandler's) tube ; (glass-blower's) rod ; hard spot (in a stone): , or — d'Espagne, red ocher. -retierº [fer], m.: shoeing-hammer. -reur*, m. : tag- ger (of aiglets). -rière* [fer], f. : tool- bag ; (king's) wine-bottle (of silver). -ron* Lfer], m. : bar-iron dealer. -ron- nerie* [-ronier], f. : iron-store ; iron- ware. -ronnierº, I.=ière [-ron], m., f.: iron dealer or worker; La Belle Fer- ronnière, mistress of François I., hence : 2.-ronnière*, f. : chaplet (with a stone at the forehead). -rugineux º, =euse [L. -rugo, rust], adj. : ferruginous (hav'g iron). -rure* Lfer], f. : iron-work ; shoeing (job or shoes). ferseº [?], f. : width (of sailcloth). ferti-le* [L. -lis], adj. : =. -lement*, adv. : (rare) fertilely. -lisable* [-liser], adj. : fertilisable. -Iisant" [-liser], adj. : fertilising. -Iisation" [-liser], f : fer- tilisation. -Iiserº, tr. : fertilise. -lité * [-litas], f. : fertility. fé-ru, see férir. -rule* [L. -rula], f. : ferule, rod ; ferula (plant). » fer-vemment*-vam-, adv. : (rare) fer- vently. |-ventº [L. -vens (-vere, boil)], adj. : =. -veur* [L. -vor, warmth], f. : fervour (pious zeal ; fardour). fes-se° [p. L. ºfissa (findere, split)], f : buttocks, nates ; tuck (of ships). -se- cahierº [-ser], m. : (low) quill-driver. -sée º, f : spanking. -se-mathieu* [-ser], m. : (lou) skinflint, miser. -se- pinteº [-ser], m. : (low) whisky-bloat. -serº, tr. : spank (slap with the hand ; low, hurry up, hustle along) ; chastise ; beat (wire for pins). -seurº, =euse [-ser], m., f. : spanker, chastiser ; beater (of pin wire). I.-sierº, m. : (low) but- tocks. 2.-sierº, =ière, adj. : gluteal, of the rump ; m. : gluteal muscle. ffessair = fossoir. fessu* [-sse], adj. : (low) hav'g large but- tocks. fes-tinº (It. -tino], m. : FESTival, banquet, 295 feast. -tinerº, ftr., intr. : banquet, feast. -tivalº [Eng.], m. : = (of music). -tonº [It. -tone], m. : festoon (garland ; curved carving of a frieze) ; festoon, scal- lop ; embroidery ; curve. -tonner* [-ton], tr. : festoon ; scallop ; embroider a festoon ; zigzag (in walking, as a drunken man). -toyer* [ fête], tr., intr. : FEAST. festueaire* [L. -ca, stalk, strawl, m. : straw-worm (found in the intestines). fê-tard º, =arde fè, m., f. : banqueter, reveller. |fê-te° [p. L. #festa, L. festum], f. : = (festive occasion ; holiday ; festiv- ity) ; feast ; anniversary day : - carillo- née, (lit. chimed, i.e.) holiday announced by chimes the eve before ; --Dieu, Corpus Christi day ; - patronale, patron saint's day ; donner une -, give an entertain- ment or party ; se faire une - de quelque chose, anticipate great pleasure ; f faire - de quelque chose à quelqu'un, promise one great things ; se faire de -, intrude uninvited ; — de morts, All-Souls' day ; aux bonnes-s, b0ns coups, the noisier the better. -terº, tr. : fête, celebrate; hon-. our by a celebration : c'est un saint qu'on ne fête plus, he is a man not to be trusted ; - quelqu'un, receive one royally. féti-ehe" [Port. -ço (L. facticius, artifi- cial)], m. : fetish ; charm. -ehisme", m. : fetishism. féti-de* [L. -dus (fetere, stink)], adj. : fetid, foul. -dité", f. : fetidity. ffêtoyer = festoyer. fé-tu° (p. L. *festiicum (L. festiica)], m. : straw (stalk ; trifle ; cf. fEng. fescue- grass): ftirer au court -, draw straws ; rompre le — avec quelqu'un, fall out with one ; un cogne -, a fussy person. #-tu- en-cul = paille-en-cul. -tuque" [L. festuca], f : festuca (grass). • I.feu°, pl. -ac [L. focus, hearth, p. L. *fire'], m. : fire (burning, combustion ; flash, lustre ; light ; firing, shooting ; heat ; ardour ; vivacity ; inspiration ; sparks ; sparkling ; sore trial) ; fireplace, hearth ; fire-utensils, andirons, etc. ; hot iron for cautery ; inflammation ; gas-jet ; light- house ; bonus to an actor : - de paille, fire of straw, ( fig.) passing enthusiasm ; — follet, ignis fatuus ; - grisou or gré- geois, Greek fire ; - de joie, bonfire ; — d'artifice, fireworks ; — persique, shingles, herpes ; — Saint-Antoine, erysipelas ; - céleste, gangrened erysipelas ; en mettre la main au --, stake one's life on it ; ni — ni lieu, neither house nor home ; bouche à —, cannon ; tache de -, (dog's) tan spot ; à l'épreuve du —, fire-proof; donner le — à, sear (horses, etc.); faire -, fire, shoot; faire — qui dure, husband one's re- sources ; take care of one's health ; faire feu feuL 296 — des quatre pieds, make every effort (as a horse strikes fire with his shoes) ; ne voir que du — à quelque chose, be dazzled, confused over a thing ; faience à grand —, faience ware baked at high temperature ; être dans son coup de -, be at one's busiest time ; un - roulant, steady fire. 2.feu° [p. L. ºfatütus (L. fatum, fate), fulfilled destiny], adj. : deceased, late : le — roi, the late king ; la -e reine, the late queen ; usually uninflected before the article : — les princes, the late princes ; — ma mère, my (dead) mother. feu-dataire* [l. L. -datarius (-dum, fief)],m. : feudatory. -disteº [l. L.-dista], m.: feudist (one versed in feudal law). #feuil-lade = feuillée. -lageº, m. : FOLIAGE, leafage. -lagiste* [-lage], m. : maker of artificial leaves. -laison " [-ler], f. : foliation, leaving out. feuillantineº [Feuillants, monks], f : , puff-pastry. feuil-lardº, m. : branches (with foliage | for winter feed); hoop-wood. |feuil-le° [p. L. ºfolia (L. folium)], f : leaf (of plants, books, etc.; sheet ; blade) ; scale ; door ; fold ; FOIL ; ſlap , pane of glass ; #newspaper ; list, register ; check-list ; way-bill; fall, autumn ; petal (of rose, etc.): -- d'épreuve, proof-sheet ; bonne -, cor- rect or final copy; -s (cahiers) volants, diary, journal ; - de route, itinerary, route (of a theatre troop, of soldiers, etc.) ; — de présence, register (for employees to sign as they come to work). -1é*, adj. : foliate ; leafy; m. : leaves (in a painting). -lée*, f. : foliage; leafage ; arbour : ſaire la — pour les vers à soie, collect (mulberry) leaves for silkworms. -le- morteº, m. or invar. adj. : =, FILEMOT (russet-yellow ; colour of dead leaves). -lerº, intr. : leave, put forth leaves; tr. : cover with leaves; rabbet, rebate. -le- retº [-ler], m.: fillister, rabbet-plane. -letº, m. : sheet, leaf (of paper; any- thing flat and thin like a sheet, hence :) scale ; membrane ; thin board ; fold ; =, manyplies (third stomach of ruminants which has many follicles) ; saw-blade. -4etageº [-leter], m. : making, preparing (of püff-pastry) ; puff-pastry. -leterº [-let], tr. : laminate ; make into puff- pastry ; turn the leaves of, peruse here and there ; skip through (a book) : se -, scale off, peal off. -letis" [-leter], m. : cleavage-line (in slaty deposits), contour, setting-edge (of cut stones). -leton " [-let], m. : = (lower part, about a third, of French newspapers, which is devoted to stories, reviews, criticism, etc.). -}eto- niste* E-leton], m., f. : feuilletonist. ficeler I.-lette*, f. : little leaf; (esp.) cotton leaves (separated from the cotton by beating). - 2.feuillette* [?], f. : lons). - feuil-liste" [-le], m., f. : (rare) news- paper-writer. -lu* [-le], adj. : leafy, clothed with leaves : arbres —s, trees with leaves (not needles). -lüre* [-ler], f. : socket ; mortise ; rabbeting, rebate. feurre* [Goth. fodr, cover : ? FoDDER], m.: fstalks ; straw (for chairs ; for thatching). - feu-trage" [-trer], m. : felting. llfeu- treº [l. L. filtrum (of Germ'c orig.)], m.: · FELT (compact fabric of wool, or hair, etc., or things made of it, as hats, pad- ding, packing, etc.). -trerº, tr. : felt, make into felt ; pad. -trier*, m. : felt- maker. -trière", f.: felt-cloth (on which a hatter lays his materials). fè-ve° [L. faba], f. : bean (the plant or its seed ; bean-like seed or plant) ; chrysalis (of silkworms) ; lampers (of horses) : roi (reine) de la -, twelfth-night king (queen) ; trouver la - au gâteau, find the bean in the twelfth-night cake ; find out a thing -verole*, f : horse-bean (for horse-feed) ; little mollusk bivalve. fé- vier", m.: honey-locust. fèvre° [L. faber, workman], m. : (dial.) +metal-worker ; boiler (workman who at- tends to the boiling in salt-works). février° [L. Febrärius], m. : February (the month). #févrolle = fèverole. fèzº [town Fez in Morocco], m. : fez (brimless cap). - I.fi* [echoic], interj. : fie ! for shame ! 2.#fi = fic. fiaereº [hotel St. Fiacre], m. : =, coach. fiammetteº [It. -tta, little FLAME], f. : flame colour. fian-çailles*,f. pl. : betrothals. -eé*, 77l,. ! -eée*, f.. |-egrº [OFr. -ce ( fier, trust), engagement], tr. : affiance, betroth. 1 fiascoº [It. far fiasco, fizzle], m. : =, fail- ure, breakdown. fi-breº [L. -bral, f : =. -breuacº, =euse, adj. : fibrous. -brillaireº [-brille], adj. : hav'g little fibres. -bril- leº, f : little fibre, filament. -brine º, f : fibrin (whitish proteid from blood). -bromeº, m. : fibrous tumor. fibuleº [L. -la], f. : clasp, hook (on clothing). fie° [L. ficus, FIG], m. : fig-shaped growth of flesh, ficus, fig-wart, fig (of the frog of a horse's foot). -caire " [l. L. from its likeness to figs], f. : figwort. fi-eelerº, tr. : tie, bind : mal ficelé, ill cask (of 35# gal- «•-s - $ $ fichant dressed; (pop.) ficelé comme un saucisson, bound up (in tight clothes) like a sausage. | f-eelier = -cellier. |-eelle° [p. L. *filicella (L. filum, thread)], f. : string (to tie small bundles ; wire to move puppets) : tenir les —s, do the wire pulling, ( fam.) be the power behind the throne ; voir la -, see the trickery. -eeIlier", m. : reel, string-winder. fi-ehantº, adj. : feu -, darting fire (meant to fall upon an object). -ehe *, f : fixing (driving in); stake; pin, peg ; pointing-up trowel ; mark, label ; FISH, counter (in games) ; list (of books, of deeds, etc.) ; order, note (to an agent on the bourse) ; bit (of comfort), crumb. |-eher° [p. L. ºficcāre (? L. -gere)], tr. : FIX, fasten ; drive in ; point-up (masonry) ; stare at ; fix (eyes) on ; give rudely ; intr. : matter (signify); hit : se -, be fixed or driven ; stick ; enter ; fall ; dress ; se - de, laugh at, make game or a fool of; not care for, not to give a straw for; fiche- moi le champ d'ici, get out of here ; je t'en fiche, you can't come it ! not a bit of it ! nonsense ! -eheron* [-che], m. : bolt-pin. -ehetº [-che], m. : fpaper seal; papertag; peg (for trick-track). -ehoirº, m. : clothes-pin. -ehtre [euphemistic], interj. : (very.fam.) the deuce ! I.-e.huº, part. : fixed at ; adj. : (pop.) done for ; miserable : mal -, badly togged out, dressed ; l'argent que vous avez prêté est -, the money you have lent is gone up. 2.-ehu" [?], m. : = (a light shawl or cape over the head or shoulders). -e.hu- ment" [-chu], adv. : (triv.) deucedly. fieoïde " [L. -cus, FIG, Gr. eîdos, form], adj. : ficoid ; f : les -s, the ficoideae, fig- marigold family. - - fic-tifº, =ive [ak.tofiction], adj. : fictive | (imaginary ; fictitious ; feigned) : entrepôt -, bonded warehouse. -tivement*, adv. : feignedly. fidéieommi-s* [L. -ssum, trust ( fidem committere, give faith)], m. : fideicommis- sum. -ssaire* [L.-ssarius], m. : trustee. fidéjus-seurº [L. -sor (fides, faith, ju- bere, command)], m. : surety, person bound for another. -sionº [L. -sio], f : bond, guaranty. -soireº [L. -soriusl, adj. : of bail, of security. fi-dèle* [L. -delis (fides, faith)], adj. : true (loyal ; faithful; truthful). -dèle- mentº, adv. : loyally. -délité* [L. -delitas], f : fidelity. fidu-eiaire" [L. -ciarius], adj. : fidu- ciary, confidential; hav'g a fideicommissum or trust for another : contrat —, contract given as security for a loan ; monnaie —, paper money. - eiairementº [-ciaire], adv. : with a confidential understanding, figue 297 with a title in trust. |-eieº [L. -cia (fides, faith)], f. : conditional sale (to be void when borrowed money is paid back). -eielº, =elle [L. -cia], adj. : la ligne —le des oscillations, vertical line through the point of suspension of a pendulum, the truing line. 1 l fie-fº [OHG. fehu, cattle], m. : = (FEUDal estate ; other property held for another). -fferº, tr. : rent, give as a fief; provide, endow with a fief : ( fam.) filous fieffés, arrant knaves. fiel° [L. fel], m. : GALL (bile ; malice ; hatred) : - de verre, glass-gall, glass- slag ; - de terre, fumitory (plant). fien-te° [p. L.femita (L. fimus)],.f. : # esp. of birds (cf. fEng. fiants). -terº :fya-, tr. : manure ; intr. : drop dung. I.fier° [p. L. fidare (L. fidus, true)], tr. : #trust ; refl. : se -, trust, depend on, have faith in. · · 2.fie-r°, =ère [L. ferus, FIERCE], adj. : fsavage (wild ; her. FIERCE) ; proud, haughty; bold ; (fam.) strong. -r-à- brasº, pl. — [giant Fierabras], m. : bully. -rementº, adv. : proudly; sav- agely ; boldly (of painting); (pop.) very. ffierteº [L. feretrum, hand-barrow], f. : (dial.) shrine. I.fierté° [L. feritas, fierceness], f. : pride ; haughtiness, disdain ; boldness, courage. 2.fierté [? ak. to fer], adj. : baleine -e, parti-coloured whale. . ffieux = fils. - •. fiè-vrc° [L. febris], f. : FEVER (abnormal heat fr. disease ; excitement ; agitation) : — d'accès, fit of fever ; - de la rampe, stage-fright ; tomber de - en chaud mal, fall from the frying pan into the fire. fié-vreuacº, adj. : feverish ; m., f. : fever-patient. fié-vrotte º, f. : ( fam.) slight fever. - fifi, fifille ſpet name for fils, fille], f. : .darling. fi-freº [Ger. pfeifer (L. pipare, whistle)], m.: FIFE ; fifer. -frerº, intr., tr. : pipe, fife. - . ! figaroº [name F. in the playl, m. : (fam.) =, barber. ' t ' fi-gementº, m. : coagulation. ll-ger° [p. L. ºfidicre (ak. to foie, liver), make like liver], tr. : clot; solidify; congeal. fignolerº [ fin], fintr. : be subtile, split hairs ; tr. : finish, do, overnicely, finically. fi-gue* [L. -cus], f : FIG : faire la - à, treat contemptuously; moitié -, moitié raisin, half #y) and half (unwil- lingly). -guerie* [-guier], f : fig- orchard. -guierº, m. : fig-tree; fig- eater, beccafico : — d'Adam, Adam's fig- tree ; — de l'Inde, Indian fig, cactus apple, prickly pear. 298 figulineº [L.-na (fingere, shape)], f : =, pottery, esp. decorated pottery. figu-rable* [-rer], adj. : capable of shaping. -rant*, =ante, m., f super(numerary); adj. : figurative, sym- bolic. -ratifº, =ive [L. -rativus], adj. : figurative (adorned with forms; in figures; not literal ; florid); m., f. : la (lettre) figu- rative, the characteristic (of a mood, tense, etc.); les figuratives de la Bible, symbols in the Bible. -ration * [L. -ratio], f. : · = (shaping ; shape) ; supernumeraries, figuline y y supers as a whole. -rativementº [-ratif], adv. : #ºtiº# (in forms); symbolically. |figu-reº [L. -ra (L. · fingere, shape)], f. : = (shape, visible form ; design ; diagram ; movement of a dance ; pictorial language, trope, metaphor, etc. ; fancy; symbol, type; syllogism; horoscope; musical phrase) ; face ; face-card ; part, rôle. -rémentº [-ré (-rer)], adv. : figura- tively. -rerº [L. -rare], tr. : figure · (form ; symbolize ; imagine); express figu- ratively; dance or group in figures ; play a silent part, be a super ; cut a figure. -rineº [It. -rina], f. : =, statuette ; flittle figure. -risme", m. : figurism (the theory that Old Testament events are types of the New). -risteº, m., f. : figurist, believer in figurism ; molder (of plaster casts). fi-1° [L.filum (ak. to L. figere, FIX)], m. : thread (sewing-thread; string; yarn); story; fine wire ; fibre ;"fine line of colour ; thread (of a story); edge (of blades); fibre, grain (of wood, meat, marble, etc.); cur- rent (of a stream); crack, flaw (in pottery, etc.): de droit —, in a straight line ; - de la Vierge, or de Notre-Dame, gossa- mer; — à plomb, plumb line; - de caret, rope-yarn ; — d'archal, iron wire ; - d'Ecosse, cotton ; aller de - en aiguille, go from one thing to another ; suivre le —, go with the current ; finesse cousue de — blanc, ill concealed artifice ; il y a un - de manqué, there's something Wrong; - d'araignée, Alpine sengreen (plant); — de mer, seawrack (plant); — de ser- pent, thread-worm (in men); a bright- coloured India snake. -ladièreº [Prov. -lat, seine], f : flat-boat. I.-lage* [-ler], m.: spinning, twisting. 2.-lageº, or -lago [l. L. -lago (L. -lum, thread)], m. : (cotton-rose, cudweed). f-lagor" [ fil (?)], m. : packing-thread. -lagoreº [ fil (?)], f. : twine. f-lagramme = filigrane. -laires* [l. L. -laria], m., f. pl. : filaria, thread-worms (of the intes- tines). -lamentº [L. -lamentum], m. : = (fibre, fibril, thread). -lamenteuacº, •-, =euse [-lament], adj. : hav'g filaments, fibrous : membrane filamenteuse, after- filière birth. f-landière* [-ler], f. : spinning woman. -landre* [-ler], f. : =, back- worm ; string fibres (in vegetables ; in meat); proud fiesh in sores ; gossamer webs; filth (on ship hull); flaw; soft vein in marble. -landreux º, =euse [-lan- dre], adj. : fibrous, stringy. -lantº [-ler], adj. : flowing; darting. -lardeau*, m.: young pike ; young shoot. -lardeux º, adj. : marbre -, veiny marble. -laretº [It. -laretto], m. : railing, taffrail (ôf wood on a galley). -lasse*, f. : tow, harl (hackled hemp or flax fibres); tissue; bast: - de montagne, asbestos. -lassierº, =ière [-lasse], m., f. : hemp-dresser or seller. -lateurº, I.=triee [-ler], m., ·f. : silk-winder (fr. the cocoon); head (of spinning factory). 2.f-latrieeº [It. -la- ticcio], f. : ferret-woven cloth. -lature " [-ler], f. : = (place or process of reeling raw-silk). -le* [-ler], f : = (row, series; rank): prendre la -, take one's position in file. -1er° [L. -läre], tr. : twist (into a thread or rope); spin (thread, cloth, web, etc.); string out ; unwind ; lower (a burden by giving rope) ; draw (wire) ; drawl (a sound); intr. : string, rope, be- come stringy or ropy; string out, uncoil ; file, go in a line; shoot (as stars or light); flare ; Smoke (as lamps); purr (fr. spin- ning sound): - doux, go easy, take in- sults ; - quelqu'un, follow, shadow any- one ; - la carte, slip a card ; or filé or filé d'or, gold thread twisted with silk thread, cotton thread, etc., tinsel-cord. -lerie º, f. : wire-mill. I.-let !, m. : · (little thread, hence:) filet (coloured line to mark the edge); fillet (filament; ligament; narrow band ; ribbon ; slice ; meat for slicing ; raised rim; band moulding, facet, strip between flutes on a column ; stripe ; band (on a shield); screw-thread; frenum); printer's rule; snaffle-bit and rein, bridoon; jet of water; thin voice; scrawl: — d'un violon, incrustation (fr. the rosin) under violin strings. 2.-letº, m. : seine ; net. -letageº [-leter], m. : wire-drawing. -leter * [-let, little thread], tr. : draw (wire); thread (a screw). -1eurº, =euse [-ler], m., f. : spinner; wire-drawer; cheat at cards; marbler (of stone). -leux, pl. - [= leur], m. : kevel (on ships). filia-1*, pl. =auac or =als [L. -lis], adj. : = (like one's child, fit for one's child); f : la —e d'une maison de commerce, branch- house. -1ement*, adv. : filially. -tion [L. -tio], f : filiation (tie to one's parent); kinship as tO ancestry ; connection, re- lation. filicule" [L. -la (filix, fern)], f. : hair- fern. - - filière* [fil], f : +string; creance (for filiforme falcons); line, rope; strip (of wood); pole- plate, purlin ; vein (of metal); fillet (of shields); filiere, needle gage ; draw-plate; screw-plate ; vermicelli-sieve ; spinneret ; process (through several stages or per- sons) ; negotiable order (on a time-sale). fili-forme" [L. filum, thread, forma, form], adj. : filiform. -graneº [It. -grana (L. granum, grain)], m. : =, filigree work; water-mark (of paper). -granerº [-grane], tr. : make into filigree. fi-limº [-l], m. : halliard (rope for raising a sail). -lipendule* [L. -lum, thread, pendulus, hangingl, adj. : hanging by a thread, filipendulous. ffil-lage*, m. : virginity. -lasseº, f. : (triv.) bitch (harlot). |fil-le° [L. filia], f. : daughter ; girl ; virgin ; servant : -s de Mémoire, Muses ; vieille -, old maid ; — d'honneur, maid of honour; - de joie, or - publique, prostitute ; - mère, un- married mother ; — repentie, reformed woman. -lette*, f : little or young girl. filleul°, =eule [L. filiolus, little son], m., f. : godchild. - filo-eheº [ fil], f. : network ; rope (to raise a millstone). -eherº, intr. : make a netWork. . - fi-loir* [-ler], m. : spinning machine. -lon º [-l], m. : vein (of ore). filoseIIe* [It. -llo (L. folliculus, envel- ope)], f. : floss-silk. ffi-lotier*, I.=ière [-l], m., f. : thread- buyer. 2.-lotièreº [-l], f. : window- sash. filouº [?], m. or adj. : thief; pickpocket ; scamp. -tage º [-ter], m. : thieving, roguery. -terº, tr. : filch, steal (by pocket-picking). -terieº [-ter], f. : pocket-picking, theft. fils° [L. filius], m. : son : - dénaturé, un- natural, unfilial son ; - de famille, minor son ; son of good family; les — de Bélial, idolators ; (fam.) beau -, dapper young fellow ; (fam.) les quatre - Aymon, the four Aymon boys ; il est - de son père, · he is a chip of the old block ; il est - de ses œuvres, he is a self-made man ; ·faire le beau —, act the fool. fil-trage* [-trer], m. : filtering, purify- ing. -trant º [-trer], adj. : filtering. | -tration º [-trer], f. : = (clarifying ; percolation). I.ll-treº [It. -tro, ak. to Eng. felt], m. : filter. 2.#filtre = philtre. filtren°º [I.-tre], tr. : filter ; infiltrate ; intr. : ooze out ; shine through. filureº [-ler], f : spinning. fim-briaires* [L. -bria, FRINGE], m. pl. : fringe-worms (of the intestines). -brilleº [L. -bria], f. : fimbrilla (of flowers). finage 299 fimieoleº [L. fimus, dung, colere, dwell], adj. : living in dung. I.fin° [L. finis], f. : end (final thing ; ex- tremity ; result; death ; aim, object, pur- pose): à la -, finally; en - de compte, in conclusion ;\mettre - à, put an end to ; cheval à toute -, horse for all purposes ; prendre -, end, terminate ; à cette —, With this in view ; —s de non recevoir, motion to have the plaintiff's petition de- nied ; courroie sans —, endless belt ; être Sur Sa -, be near its close ; faire une—, settle, marry; faire une bonne —, die con- verted, repentant ; renvoyer des —s de la plainte, refuse the petition of the plain- tiff. • 2.fim° [p. L. *finus (L. -nire, finish)], adj. : FINE (finished, nice ; elegant ; deli- cate ; choice ; subtle, acute ; tart ; exact ; not coarse); #terminal; ffinal; m. : pure metal ; fine quality ; subtlety ; f. pl. : les -es, fine coal (no lumps); l'oreille —e, dis- criminating ear ; ( fam.) une -e gueule, a gourmand ; une -e lame, a fine swords- man ; jouer au -, try to outwit each other ; un - matois, a sharper ; un — voilier, a vessel that sails close to the · wind ; cheval -, de bouche —e, tender- mouthed horse ; fen - fond, at the very bottom, at the very end ; (fam.) partie -e, pleasure trip on the sly (with ladies). ffi-nage* [fin, end], m. : confines. Il-nai* [L. -nalis (finis, end)], adj. : = : la -e (sc. note, syllabe, figure, etc.), the finale, last note in music ; ultima ; last figure of a dance: (fam.) en fin —, at the end. -nale* [It. -nale], m.: = (the last movement in music ; last part of an opera). -nalement*, adv. : finally. -nalité º, f. : finality (theory of final causes). -nanee* [-ner], f : = (mone- tary affairs ; system of control of revenue ; revenue, income) ; #wealth ; cash ; finan- ciers ; pl. : finances, pecuniary resources : écriture de -, sort of round type ; lettres de -, type resembling writing ; chiffres de -, Roman numerals represented by italics ; la haute -, management of large Sums of money ; monied people. -nan- eerº [-nance], tr. : fpay down (cash) esp. for a license ; intr. : ( fam.) spend money. -naneier*, =ière [-nance], m. f : = (farmer of revenues ; manager of reve- nues and payments ; one skilled in money- matters ; capitalist) ; adj. : financial, aris- tocratic : chiffres —s = de finance. -nameièrementº [-nancier], adv. : financially. -nasserº [-nesse], intr. : (fam.) use artifices, tricks. -nasserie " [-nasser], f. : (fam.) artifice, trick. -nas- seur", =euse or =ier, =ière [-nasser], m.,f. : (fam.) sharper,trickster. -naudº, 300 fincelle =aude [-n], m., f. : sly, sharp, cunning person ; adj. : sly. - fine elle" [for ficelle], f. : rope, esp. to a seine. - fi-nement* [ fin, fine], adv. : finely; deli- cately. |-nerº [ fin, end], intr. : (old) finish; pay. -nesse* [fin, fine], f : = (artifice, stratagem ; cunning) ; FINENESS (delicacy); subtlety. f-net*, I.=ette [fin, fine], adj. : (fam.) sly. 2.-netteº [-net], f. : light cotton cloth. fi-ni, part. : finished, done, complete ; finite; · m. : finish; extent. f-nimentº [It. -mimento], m.: nicety. |-nir° [L. -mire], tr. : finish (complete; end ; perfect ; de- | feat ; ruin ; kill); flimit ; intr. : cease ; end ; die : un homme fini, lost or ruined man ; un filou fini, a finished rogue; les êtres finis, finite beings ; mode fini, finite mood ; le fini, the finite ; finissez donc ! get through, hurry up ! -nissage", m. : finishing touches; finish. f-nissement º, m. : finishing ornament. -nisseur*, =euse, m., f.: finisher (workman who · puts on the last touches). • Finistère, or -terre, m. : Finisterre (cape in Spain); department in France. finnois, =oise, adj. : Finnish; m.,.f. : Finn. fioleº [l. L. phiola (L. phiala)], f : PHIAL, VIAL : — des éléments, vial to test density; — d'épreuve, test-bottle (to be cooled sud- denly to test the glass). fioriture* [It. -ra (fiore, FLOWER)], f. : fioritura (embellishment in music). firmament* [L. -tum (firmus, firm)], - - firmanº [Turk.], m. : = (edict, permit). fis-cº [L. -cus], m. : = (ftreasure ; treasu- ry; royal donation ; treasury department). |-cal* [L. -calis], m., or adj. : = (fiscal officer; adj. : financial). -ealementº, adv. : fiscally. -ealité", f : fiscal sys- tem, farming ;zeal (forthe public treasury). fis, fisse, see faire. fissi . .. [L. fissus, cleft] : -dactyleº [Gr. dáktulos, finger], adj. : fissidactyl (hav'g the digits, claws, or toes divided). -foliéº [L. folium, leaf], adj. : having cleft leaves (i.e. split at the end). -leº [L. -lis], adj. : = (tending to split). -pareº [L. parere, produce], adj. : fissiparous (re- producing by fission). -pède " [L. pes, foot], adj. : fissiped (hav'g foot divided in- to digits). -penne* [L. penna, feather, wing], adj. : hav'g divided wings. -rostreº [L. rostrum, beak], adj. : fissirostral (hav'g the beak widely split, as swallows). fis-sure* [L.-sura], f : = (cleft, split). -surelle º, f. : fissurella, keyhole limpet (mollusk). s fis-tulaire º, adj. : fistulous (hav'g a tube) ; m. : fistularia (fish) ; f : fistuli- flamant form mollusk; fistulate seaweed. |-tuleº [L. -tula, tube], f : fistula (canal formed by disease). -tuleux º, =euse [L. -tulosus], adj. : fistular; fistulate. fix-age* [-er], m. : fixing (of days; of a negative) ; fastening, making fast. -ateur* [-er], m. : fixer, adjuster (tool or man); mordant (to fix dyes); hyposulphite - of soda (to fix negatives). -atif !º, =ive [-er], m. or adj. : fixative. -ation * [-er], f : =. llfix-e* [L.-us], adj. : fixed (set- tled , stable ; set ; not easily volatilized) : fixe ! eyes front ! machine -, stationary engine ; beau -, settled fair weather ; gaz -, gas not capable of liquefaction ; idée -, hobby; un (jour) —, set, regular day ; prix -, fixed price. -e-fruit" . Lfruit, batter], m. : wedge (to raise ma- sonry). -e-longue*, m.: tether-holder (to keep an animal fr. entangling itself). -ementº, adv. : with eyes fixed, steadily. -erº, tr. : fix (make fast, stable, regular or uniform ; solidify). -ité º, f. : fixity, permanence. flaº [echoic], m.: double blow (on a drum). flabel-lationº [L. -lum, fan], f. : =, fanning. -liforme [L. -lum, forma, form], adj. : flabelliform. flac, see flic-flac. fl-ae eidité" [L.-accidus, flaccid], f : flac- cidity. |-a-ehe° [L.-accus], adj. : (dial.) flabby ; f. (dial. m.): soft plaºe ; flaw ; hollow ; sap-wood. -a-eher*, tr. : blaze (a tree in order to mark it). -aeheuacº, =euse, adj. : hav'g flaws, faulty ; hav'g sap-wood. flacon* [l. L. flasco], m. : FLASK; FLAGON: - de pélerin, gourd. - fflageI-Iantº, =ante, m., f : flagellant, self-scourging fanatic. -lation * [L. -latio], f. : =, self-chastisement. |-lerº [L. -lare], tr. : flagellate, whip. fla-geoler* [OFr. -geol (L. flare, BLOW, FLUÎE)], intr. : fplay the flute; tremble (as a horse's legs) ; (fam.) stagger. I.-geoletº [OFr. -geol], m. : = (flute blown at the end). 2.flageoletº [? Prov. faioulet], m. : young haricot bean. flagor-ner* [?], tr. : adulate. -nErie º, f : adulation, fawning flattery. -neur*, =euse, m., f. : servile flatterer. flagrant* [L. -grans, burning], adj. : =, glaring : en - délit, in the very act. flai-rº, m. : scent : bon -, keen nose, fig. shrewd discernment. |flai-rer° [L. ſragrăre], tr. : (dial.) be fragrant ; scent (Smell, snuff); Smell out ; m. : smelling, scent; suspect shrewdly. -reurº, =euse, m., f. : (fam.) smeller, sleuth : - de cui- sine, sponger. - flamant º [Prov. -menc (L. -mma, flambage FLAME)], m. : Wings). flam-bageº[-ber], m.: singeing. -bant*, adj. : singeing ; glistering ; (her.) flamant. -bart* [-ber], m. : live coals; St. Elmo's fire ; kettle grease ; catboat. |flamv-be° [for -me, flame], f. : (dial.) bright fire ; flamboyant sword ; iris (plant). -beauº, pl. -ac, m. : = (torch; candlestick; boiler receiving direct heat, in sugar works). -béeº [-ber], f. : blaze, quick fire (as of straw). -berº, intr. : blaze; tr. : singe:- le capitaine, reprimand the captain; (fam.) un homme flambé, a done-up man, a lost man. -bergeº [und. infl. of -be, fr. Floberge, name of Montauban's sword], f. : flamberg, heavy long sword ; save-all (for candles). -boyant* [-boyer], adj. : = (flaming; florid, showy). -boyerº, intr. : flare up, blaze : up. -bure" [-ber], f. : spot of colour, uneven colouring. #flamiehe* [?], f. : (dial.) pastry (of eggs, butter and cheese). flamineº [L. -men], m. : flamen (Roman priest). - I.flamme* \ L. phlebo-timus, lit. vein- cutter],.f. : FLÈAM, lancet for horses; chisel for slate. 2.flam-me° [L. -ma], f. : flame (blaze ; | ardour, passion ; fire of shields); pendant ; ornament shaped like a flame ; name of certain plants from their redness, or their caustic qualities. -mèehe*, f. : fire- spark, burning fragment. -merole*, f : (vulg.) will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus ; St. Elmo's fire. I.-mette º,f. : little flame ; pendant, streamer ; Smaller spearWort, and other caustic plants ; mactra (sea- clam). 2.flammette* [-mme, FLEAM], f. : lancet (for horses) ; scarifying lancet. flammuleº [L. -la, little FLAME], f. : spearwort. flan* [ak. to Ger.fladen, FLAT cake], m. : custard pie ; coin disk (unstamped); mould- ing pulp. flan-cº [?], m. : flank (side ; flanking bastion); womb ; entrails : battre les -s, flamingo (from its red pant ; fig. exert one's self in vain ; être sur le -, be on one's back, sick in bed ; prêter le -, expose one's self to attack ; par le - droit! right about! -ehetº, m. : thin flank cut (of beef) ; breast (of codfish). #-ehis = quis. -conadeº, f : = (fenc- ing thrust at the side). flandrin * [country Flanders], m.: lubber. flaneIIe º [fr. Eng.], f : flannel. fla-nerº, fla- [?], intr. : loaf, stroll. -nerie º, f. : lounging, loafing. -neurº, =euse, m., f : ==, idler, loafer. flanier" [ flan], adj. : meule flanière, mov- ing die (the concave die in coinage). y flavelle 301 flano eher º [ flâner], intr. : (fam.) lounge, stroll a little. flan-quantº, adj. : flanking. -que- | menvtº, m. : flanking. I.ll-querº [-c], tr. : flank (border ; adorn with flanches ; guard the flank of) : écu flanqué, shield with flanches ; face flanquée, defensive works protected by artillery at the side. 2.flanquerº [? for flaquer], tr. : (fam.) hurl rudely. flanqueur" [I.-quer], m. : flanker (sol- dier who protects the flank). -quisº [-quer], m. : (her.) saltier with flanches. flaque" [dial.for.flache], f : pool, puddle (made by rain or overflow). fla-quée", f : dash, quantity of liquid dashed. |-quer * [echoic], tr. : dash (water, etc.). flaquière º [?], f : cheek-pieces (of tin for a mule bridle). I.flasque* [ak. to Ger. flach, flat], m. : cheek (of gun-carriage ; f : support of trestle-trees'of a mast) ; top or bottom of bellows. 1 2.flasque* [It. fiasca], f. : powder-FLASK. 3.flas-queº [for flaque (L. flaccus, flac- cid)], adj. : flabby. -quEmentº, adv. : flabbily, weakly. » flatinº [maker F.], m. : pocket-knife. fla-tir* [low Ger. root flat-], tr. : flatten (upon an anvil). -toirº, m. : hammer for flattening coin. flâ-trerº [? for flatter, fr. low Ger.flat, FLAT], tr. : flatten, make flat ; #brand (a dog on the forehead to prevent madness) : se -, crouch down (as wild game). -trure º, f : squatting place (of wolves, hares, etc.). flat-terº [low Ger. flat, FLAT], tr. : flat- ten (Smooth out ; flat a musical note) ; flatter (caress ; praise ; deceive) ; stroke ; encourage ; handle gently : le chien flatte son maître, dog fawns upon his master ; - le courant, turn the current gently, by slightly sloping dams ; - la corde, play a musical string delicately ; se -, flatter one's self, imagine. -terie*, f : flattery, false praise ; caresses. -teur*, =euse, m., f. : flatterer; adj. : flattering; delu- sive. -teusementº [-teur], adv. : flatter- ingly. fla-tueux º, =euse [L. -tus, wind], adj. : flatuous, causing flatulency. -tulenee* [-tulent],f. : =. -tulentº [L. -tus, wind], adj. : =, windy. -tuosité º, f. : flatuous- ness ; flatulency. fla-velle" [L. -vus, yellow], f : alucita (moth with yellow spots on wings). -véole" [L. -vus], f. : yellow-hammer (woodpecker). -vert* [L. -vus, Fr. vert], m.: Cayenne finch. -veseentº [L.-ves- cens], adj. : =, yellowish. 302 flavetº [?], m. : serge cloth (formerly made in Normandy). fléau° [L. flagellum], m. : FLAIL (tool for threshing grain) ; swingle of a flail ; scourge ; beam (of scales); arm (of bel- lows); bar; swinging pole ; press-bar. I.flèehe* [fr. Skand.], f. : FLITCH, side of bacon. 2.f1-è.ehe* [?], f. : arrow ; sagitta ; flèche (spire ; point of backgammon-board ; field- fortification, bonnet) ; (anything resem- bling an arrow in. shape, or in project- ing on the bow, hence :) long pin for the hair; indicator, pointer on scales ; pole of a wagon ; plough-beam ; cautery iron ; young cane-shoot; stake ; vertical height of an arch ; (geom.) sinus versus : la — du Parthe, Parthian arrow, i.e. a thrust or shot in leaving ; - en l'air, royal mast; - de mer, dolphin; - de tré- buchet, beam of a hurling machine; - de pierre, belemnite (fossil). -éeherº, tr. : (old) shoot with an arrow; cover (the ewe) ; intr. : sprout up straight (as sugar cane). flé-ehirº [? L. flecterel, tr. : bend; make yield ; intr. : bend ; yield, give in. -ehis- , sement*, m. : bending, kneeling. -ehis- seurº, adj, " malscle -, flexor muscle. ffleg-magogue, f-masie, etc. = phleg- magogue, etc. -matique*[L. phlegmati- cus], adj. : phlegmatic, not easily excited or moved. -matiquement" [-matique], adv. : coldly, calmly, indifferently. |-me* [L. ma (Gr. phlégein, inflame)], m. : PHLEGM (mucus, esp. fr. disease ; coolness, apathy). -mon, etc. = phlegmon, etc. fléole*" [?], f. : cat-tail grass. Flessingue, m.: Flushing (town in Hol- flavet land). - f1-et* [ak. to Eng. fleet], m. : fiounder, -étanº, m. : great flounder. I.flétrirº [OFr. flestre, faded (L.flaccidus, flaccid)], tr. : blight, wither; fade, decolour; make flabby or languishing. I,flé-trir* [for flattrir, variant of -tir (cf. flâtrer)], tr. : (old) mark ; (esp.) brand (with ignominy) ; blemish, disgrace, dis- honour; stigmatize. I.-trissantº, adj. : dishonouring. 2.flé-trissantº [I.-trirl, adj. : (fig.) with- ering. I.-trissure* [I.-trir], f. : wither- ing, decay. ' - 2.#flétrissure [2.-trir], f. : brand ; dis- graCe. • fletteº [OEng. fleot, boat ; Eng. fleet], f. : skiff, tender. < I.fleurº [for flueur], f. : (fam.) les —s, FLOWERS, menstrual FLUX. 2.fleu-r° [L. flös], f. : FLOWER (blossom ; flowering plant ; reproductive parts of a flower; beautiful thing; best period ; choice, cream; figure of Speech; fine powder | fleuveº [L. fluvius], m. : flibot of sublimation) ; vegetation-like forms of minerals ; bacteria growth, mould or scum on liquids ; fuzz of peaches ; surface ; hull above water-line : à — de tête, level with on's head ; à - de terre, level with the ground ; - de lis, fleur-de-lis, lily, as an emblem ; l'aigle et la - de lis, the empire and the monarchy ; (fam.) - de pois, chief frog in the puddle ; la Fleur des saints, biography of the saints ; à - de peau, skin-deep, superficial , emotion. -rageº, m. : (old) fiowerage, totality of flowèrs ; (now) bran (of grits, by extens. of potatoes) ; crystals (formed by etching glass). -raison", f. : flowering; time of blossoming. -rdEliserº[ fleur de lis], tr. : mark with fleurs-de-lis. -ré*, adj. : (her.) flowered. -rée*, f : scum (on blueing vat). »- fleurerº [pop. for flairer], ftr. : exhale (an odour) ; intr. : Smell, be fragrant. fleu-retº [2.-r], m. : FLORET (silk yarn or floss fr. best grade of waste; floret silk ; fencing-foil, fleuret) ; choice wool, cotton, etc.; dancing-step (on the toes) ; stone-drill : — démoucheté, rapier with the button tip removed. -reté* [-rette], adj. : (her.)fleury. -retisº, pl. — [OFr. -reter, flourish], m. : improvised flourish (in sing- ing) : #fig. c'est du -, more of display than solidity. -rette* [-r], f. : little flower ; compliment : conter des -s à une dame, pay court to a lady. f-r-feuille*, f : (dial.) clary (plant). -rirº [-r], irr. $ ; intr. : flower (bloom ; #Eng. flourish, thrive, prosper; tr. : fam. adorn with flowers ; adorn) : Pâques fleuries, Palm Sunday ; barbe fleurie, white beard ; langage fleurie, florid language ; gothique fleurie, Gothic style profusely ornamented. -rismeº [-r], m. : fondness for flowers. -rissantº [-rir], adj. : in blossom ; #thriving, flourish- ing. -risteº [-r], m.,f. : florist. -ronº · [-r], m. : flower as ornament ; flower-work ; vignette ; (printer's) tail-piece ; jewel ; flower (in the close head of the compositae). -ronnéº [-ronner], adj. : adorned with flowers; havingflowers. -ronnerº[-ron], intr. : bloom ; tr. : adorn with flowers. S In sense of * flourish ' the Ipf. is floris- sazs, and Part. Pr. 72orissazzt. river. . flex-ibiIité !º, f. : flexibility. |-ible* [L. -ibilis (flectere, bend)], adj. : = (plia- ble, elastic, plastic) ; #yielding. -ionº [L. -io], f. : flexion ; inflection (of nouns, etc.). -ionnel.º, =elle [-ion], adj. : flectional; hav g inflections. -ueux*, =euse [L. -uosus], adj. : fiexuous. -uosi- téº [-ueux], f : flexuosity. flibotº [fr. Eng.], m. : fiy-boat, herring- Smack. - flibuste fflibus-teº [-ter], f. : filibustering, piracy. -ter", tr., intr. : filibuster (get by buc- caneering) ; act pirate, play the rogue. |-tierº [OEng. filibutor], m. : FREE- BOOTER, buccaneer ; robber. flie flac or flicflac (echoic), m. : flick, Crack of a Whip , clog dance. flinº [Eng. flint], m. : white pyrites (used | to polish steel). flinquerº [Ger. flinken (flink, quick)], lr. : cut into equal stripes. flint-glassº [Eng.], m. : = (for lenses). flionº [?], m. : (dial.) tellina (mollusk). flipot* [? name Phillipot], m. : filling piece (set into wood to help a bad place ; piece set into the bars of wind-chest of an organ). flir-tageº, m. : flirting. -tation º, f : |-terº [Eng. flirt], intr. : FLIRT, cOquet. . flo-e° [L. -ccus], m. : silk), hank. #-eheº [OFr. -cher, be loose, fr. -c], adj. : soft ; esp. loosely twisted (as silk). -con*, m.: little tuft ; flake : ramasser des -s, pick at the bed- - cover (as the dying sometimes do); voir des -s, to see muscae volantes (spots be- fore the eyes). -conneûacº, =euse [-con], adj. : in tufts, in flakes. flonflonº [echoic], m. : refrain (of a song). fflo-raison = fleuraison. -ralº [L. -ralis], adj. : = : Jeux Floraux, poetic literary contest (in which the victor re- ceived gold flowers). -ran* Lfleur, level], m.: pulp-vat (in papermaking) I.llflo-reº [-rer], m. : grease, tallow (for a ship). 2.flo-re [L. Flora, goddess of flowers], ſ. : flora (totality of flowers and plants in a region). I.-réal" [L.-reus, of flowers], m. : Floreal (eighth month by Fr. calendar of first republic, 20 Apr. to 20 May). 2.ffloréal, see franc-real. florée* Lfleur], f. : poor indigo. flo-renee* [city F.], m. : =, sarsenet (silk dress-goods). -reneéº [city Flor- ence], adj. : (her.) flowery, hav'g fleurs- de-lis at each end. -rentine", f : = -7"877.662. florerº [fleur], tr. : tallow, grease (a ship). florès º [?], m. : (old) faire —, live in | clover ; cut a figure ; (nou) create a furor. flo-rifère* [L. -ri-fer, BEARing flowers], adj. : floriferous. -rilège [l. L. -rilegium (L. flos, flower, legere, collect)], m. : flori- legium, anthology. -rin* [It. fiorino (fiore, flower, there being a flower on the first coins struck)], m. : = (worth about fifty cents). -rissant*[irr. part. of fleu- rir], adj. : FLOURishing, prosperous. ll-ruleº [L. -s, flower], f. : floret (in the close head of the compositae). -sculeux ", tuft (of wool ; of | 303 =euse [L. -sculus, little flower], adj. : floscular (hav'g floscules orflorets, flowery). I.flot* [ak. to Goth.flodus, FLOOD], m. : bil- low, wave ; FLOOD, downpour ; rising tide ; crowd ; drift, drifting : mettre à —, set afloat, help along ; être à -, be afloat, still have money ; à -s, in abundance ; les -s, the sea, ( fig.) the air. 2.tflQt = floc. fflgtre = feutre. flot-table, adj. : FLOATABLE (navigable for rafts or wood ; light enough to float). -tage*, m. : floating of wood : - en train, by rafts; - à bûches perdues, float- ing the logs single. -taison*, f. : water line (of a floating object). -tantº, adj. : floating ; wavy ; wavering, changeable. I.-te*, f : FLOAT (buoy to hold up a rope, etc. ; cork to float a seine ; of a fish-line); washer (to prevent friction). 2.-te* [?], ſ : group ; (fam.) gang, crowd ; fleet (esp.) of warships. -tement*, m.: ffloat- ing; irregular line (in marching). |-terº [? L. fluctuare], intr. : float ; drift ; waver ; be wayyi tr. : buoy up ; make float. -teron ", m. : float (of a fish-line). -teur*, m. : raftsman ; floating object ; water-gauge. -tille" [Sp. -illa, dim. of flita, fleet], f. : flotilla. flou* [ak. to Ger. flau, weak, lax], adj. : (old) feeble ; (nou) soft in colour ; m. : softness (of touch ; of the brush) ; adv. : softly, lightly. flou-erº [slang ?filou], tr. : (fam.) fleece, cheat. -erie*, f. : cheating, fleecing. fflouet, etc., see fluet, etc. 1 flou-etteº [#oul ſ. : weather-vane (on a ship). -eurº, -euse [-er], m.,f. : (fam.) sharper, cheat. · · flouve" [?], f. : forage plant (of prairies). flu-ate" [ak. to -eur], m.: =, fluoride. -até,° adj. : chaux -, fluate of lime. fluc-tuant* [L. -tuans (-tuare, ebb and flow)], adj. : tumeur —e, tumour hav'g a liquid in it. -tuation * [L. -tuatio], f. : = (variation ; mobility of a tumour). f-tueux*, =euse [L. -tuosus], adj. : fluctuating , changeable. flu-ente" [L.-ens (-ere, flow)], f. : (math.) fluent (a variable quantity in fluxions) ; (fam.) current (of time). -er* [L. -ere, · flow], intr. : run, discharge matter, mat- urate. 1 fluet*, -ette [ flou], adj. : lean, thin, slender. ffiu-eurº [L. -or, flowing, flux], f. : fluor (calcium fluoride ; pl. : menstrual flow). l-ideº [L. -idus], adj. : fluid (liquid ; gaseous ; not solid) ; limpid, clear; pass- ing ; m. : fluid. -idité º, f. : fluidity : - de gaz, fluidness of gas. . flu-or" [L.], m. : (old) name loosely ap- fluor •m===• # sam-º © 304 flûte plied to chemical earths ; (nou) fluorine. -oreseen eeº, f. : = (property of giving off light). -or-hydrate º, m. : hydrate of fluorine. -orine*, f. : calcium fluoride. I,flûte º [ fuste], f. : flute (narrow-sterned flyboat). ° c 2.flû-te* [? ak. to L. flare, bloW], f. : flute (wind instrument ; flute-stop of organs ; French roll of bread); shuttle of tapestry looms ; tall wine-glass ; butter- probe : (fam.) leurs -s sont mal ajustées, they don't agree very well, quarrel ; greffe , en -, graft with a thin joint ; (fam.) ce qui vient de la —, s'en retourne au tam- bour, come easy, go easy ; jambes comme des -s, legs like broomsticks. -té, see -ter. -teau*, m. : toy-flute; water- plantain. -terº, intr. : (fam.) play the | flute ; test butter (with a probe called flute) ; (hum.) drink : voix -tée, high voice. -tetº, m. : flutet, three-holed flute. -teur*, =euse, m., f. : flute- player ; whistling bird. flutist, expert player. fluvia-l*, pl. =aux [L. -lis], adj. : of rivers. -tileº [L. -tilis], adj. : (growing near, or caused by rivers). flI1-ac* [L, -xus (-ere, flow)], m. : (fany flowing; abnormal discharge ; sub- stance to help fusion ; rising tide) : - blanc (noir), white (black) flux, nitre and cream tartar compounds used in welding. -xion* [L. -xio], f. : = (rate of varia- tion of a fluent ; morbid supply of blood to an organ). -xionnaire" [-xion], adj. : fluxionary. +foarre = feurre. foe* [Dan. fok], m. : jib (triangular sail): clin -, flying jib; grand -, standing jib. focalº [L. -cus, hearth], adj. : J. : (geom.) caustic curve. #fo eileº [?], m. : grand —, cubitus, or tibia ; petit -, radius or ulna. ffoène = fouine, fork. #ferre = feurre. fœ-talº fé-, adj. : fœtal. |-tusº [L.], -tiste º, m., f. : y s = -3 s-º s-ms 8-•a# 9 77l. , - . fogue* [?],f. : angle of the shuttle-race. foi° [L. fides], f. : FAITH (in all senses); (her.) clasped hands : bonne —, good faith, honesty ; - de gentilhomme, on the word of a gentleman ; ligne de -, opti- cal axis of a lens ; guide line. foie° [p. L. ºfidicum (L. ficatum, sc. jecur, FIG-fattened liver)], m. : liver : — douvé, liver having flukes ; - de soufre, d'anti- moine, liver of sulphur, of antimony ; — gras, morbidly large liver (esp. of the goose) as a delicacy. , I.foin° [L. fœnum, hay], m. : hay : mala- · die de -, hay-fever ; (fam.) mettre du — dans ses bottes, feather one's nest ; - folié grec, fenugreek ; gros -, wild sainfoin : - du champignon, gills of mushroom ; — d'écrevisse, appendages of a crab. 2.foin [?], interj. : - du loup, fie on the wolf ! ffoine, etc., see fouine, etc. - ffoi-nier*, =ière [-n], m., f. : hay. dealer. < #foi-rail*, or +-ral, m. : (dial.) fair grounds. 1 ffoirande* [-rer], f. : (dial.) mercury- weed. I.foire° [L. fëriœ, holidays], f. : FAIR ; fairing, present : la - n'est pas sur le pont, there is no, hurry ; #- de respect, extension of time (to a commission mer- chant). 2.foi-re° [L. föria], f. : (lou) flux, diar- rhœa ; faint. -rerº, intr. : (lou) have diarrhœa. -reux *, =euse, adj. : (low) diarrhœal ; m., f. : one having diarrhœa ; f : mercury-weed. f-roleº, f. : (dial.) mercury-weed. fois° [L. acc. vicem, turn], f. : time : une -, once ; once upon a time, when once ; for once ; deux -, twice ; à la —, at one time ; at, once ; at the same time ; all at once ; bien des -, often ; une - pour toutes, or une bonne -, oIIce ſUI all , une - que, once as ; when once ; if once ; as soon as ; toutes les - que, whenever. ffois-du-corps = faux-du-corps. foi-son° [l. L. fusio, L. füsio, spreading (fundere, pour)],.f. : proFUSION, abundance (fEng. foison) : à -, in great plenty. -sonnantº, =ante [-sonner], adj. : in- creasing. -sonnementº [-sonner], m. : spread, increase. -sonner º, intr. : in- crease plentifully ; abound. foissier", =ière [foie], m., f. : liver-bar- rel (for getting oil from the cod liver). fol, cf. 2.fou. folâ-treº [ fou], adj. : frivolous, playful. -trEmentº, adv. : playfully, sillily. -trerº, intr.: frolic, romp, play. -trE- rie*, f : pranks, sportiveness. fo-liaeé* [L. -liaceus], adj. : foliaceous, leafy, leaf-like. -liaire " [L. -lium, leaf], adj. : foliar. -liation " [L. -lium, leafl, f. : = (leafing out ; manner of form- ing into leaves). fo-liehonº, =onne [ fou], adj. : (fam.) clown, wag. -lie honnerº [-lichon], intr. : (fam.) be roguish, act the clown. -lieº [ fou], f.: craziness, insanity ; FOOLishness ; FOLLY ; craze ; passion ; burlesque ; sexual intercourse : à la -, to madness ; faire - de son corps, pros- titute one's body ; (fam.) en -, in heat (of animals). • folié* [L. -lium, leaf], adj. : foliate (hav'g leaves ; laminate). folilet folilet* [ fol l'y laissel, m.: (of venison fr. the shoulder). fo-lio" [L., "in leaf'], m. : = (leaf, sheet ; page number) : folio recto (verso), first (second) page (of the same leaf). -1iolº [L. -liolum, little leaf], f. : =, leaflet. foliot* [OFr. -lier, act the FooL, run about, cf. fEng. foliot, goblin], m. : thumb- latch. - folio-tageº, m. : paying, numbering of leaves. ll-ter Lfoliol, tr. : page, number the pages of. I.fol-leº [? L. -llis, covering], f : large meshed seine (for soles, turtles, etc.) : - tramaillée, staked seine. 2.fol-le, see fou, crazy. -lementº, adv. : madly ; FOOLishly. -let*, = ette [ fol], adj. : giddy, gay, sportive ; m., f : rollicking person ; goblin ; f. : fichu : ·fièvre -lette, an epidemic fever of 1732 and 1733; feu -, ignis fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp; cheveux -s, light or loose hairs ; poil -, downy beard. folli-culaire* [coined by Voltaire (L. | -culus, " little bag' as if fr.folium, leaf)], m. : pamphleteer, newspaper scribbler. -cule* [L. -culus, dim. of follis, bag], m. : follicle (glandular cavity ; dry seed- vessel of one carpel). fomen-tation º [L. -tatio, ak. to fovere, · burn], f. : = (treatment with hot water, hot ashes, etc.). -ter* [L. -tare], tr. : foment (treat with warm appliances ; in- cite, foster). . fon-çage* [-cer], m. : driving in, ram- ming in ; sinking (of wells, posts, etc). -çaille* [OFr. fos, bottom], f. : head- board (of barrels, tubs) ; bed-slat. -eeau* [OFr. fos, bottom], m. : plug (to close ends of bits) ; wood-frame (to form a fusion pot over). -eée", f. : - (sunk in a slate mine). |-eerº [OFr. ſos, BOTTOM, L. fundus], tr. : head (bar- rels), bottom (tubs) ; cover (the bottom of) ; sink (a shaft, pile, etc.); deepen | (colours) ; intr. : bear hard ; stand the ex- penses : trou foncé, hole fr. one side ; bleu foncé, deep blue. -eetº [OFr. -s, bot- tom], m. : transport drawing deep ; plate (of a lock). -eeurº, m. : primer (one Who puts on the dead colour). I.xière [OFr. -s, bottom], adj. : of real- estate ; grounded : propriété -cière, real estate ; un propriétaire —, a landed | proprietor ; l'impôt —, or le —, realty · tax ; fun hommé -, a proFOUND man. 2.-eière* [OFr. fos, bottom], f. : slate- bank (and schist). -eièrement* [-cier], adv. : thoroughly, at bottom. -çoir", m. : set (chisel for shaping an- chors). fone-tion* [L. functio (fungi, act)l, f : choice piece shaft . -eierº, 305 function (action in a fixed place ; duty ; power of action; functions ; activity, action ; office ; quantity varying whenever some other quantity varies) ; side opera- tion (in printing such as proof-reading, paging). -tionnaire", m., f : func- tionary. - tionnelº, =elle, functional. - tionnement* [-tionner], m. : action, acting. -tionnerº, intr. : act, work. fond° [L. fundus, BOTTOM], m. : bottom (lowest part) ; bed of streams, of lakes ; foundation ; base ; seat ; basis ; strength ; root ; heart ; dregs ; priming colour ; back-scene (of theatres) : jeux de -, octaves (of organs) ; de - en comble (pron. fonCt-), from the ground up ; à double -, hav'g a false bottom ; bas--, low-lying land, bottom-land ; cheval qui a du -, horse that has good endurance. fondage* [-dre], m. : smelting (of ores). " fon-damentalº, pl.=aux [L. fundamen- talis], adj. : fundamental. -damen- talement* [-damental], adv. : funda- mentally. - fondamtº [-dre], adj. : fusing, melting, liquefying : pommade -e, pommade for reducing swellings ; m. : un (corps) -, a flux promoting fusion ; une poire -e, a soft pear; m. pl. : des —s, soft candies. fon-dateurº, =triee [L. fundator, -trix ( fundare, found)], m., f. : founder. -da- tion º [L. fundatio], f. : =. -dement° [L. fundamentum], m. : (fEng. funda- ment), foundation ; basis, essential thing. |-den°° [L. fundäre ( fundus, BOTTOM)], tr. : FOUND, base, establish ; build ; en- dow ; FUND. fon-derie º, f : fondrier foundry ; laboratory ; tallow-kettle. -deur*, m. : founder, foundry-man. -dis*, m. : caving in (of walls, or stone). -doir*, m. : render- ing-house (where fats are boiled down). |fon-dre° [L. fundere], tr. : FUSE (liquefy, melt); FOUND (cast); blend ; dis- solve ; soften ; diminish ; reduce (tumours); intr. : become liquid ; melt away ; disap- pear ; fcave in, give way ; dart, rush, pounce : - la cloche, make the best of it ; - en larmes, melt into tears, burst out crying ; - le cœur, melt the heart (with pity). fon-drierº, =ière [-d], adj. : bottom, basic ; sinking (cf. Eng. FOUNDER), hardly floating ; m. : waterlogged raft ; bed- wall of a furnace ; f. : mud-hole ; un- covered mine; rock-cleft (filled with snow). f-drilles º,f. pl. : sediment. -dsº [-d], m. : real-estate, land ; FUNDS ; capital ; , business ; cash : les — et les tréfonds, ground and appurtenances ; à - perdu, in a losing investment. . 306 fondue fondue* [-dre], f. : scrambled eggs and cheese. ffongerº [? OFr. -ge, fungus], intr. : ab- sorb (as blotting paper). fongible" [L. fungibilis (fungi, act)], adj. : FUNGIBLE (that can be replaced in kind). - fon-giforme* [L. forma, form], adj. : fungiform. -gosité* [-gueux], SPONGI- ness ; spongy growth, proud flesh. -gueux * [L. -gosus], adj. : fungous, hav'g morbid growth. |-gus* [L. fun- gus], m. : fungus (mushroom ; mold ; proud flesh). ffonsoir = fonçoir. fon-taine° [L. -tāna, adj. fr.fons, foun- tain], f. : fountain (spring of living water ; artificial basin of water) ; hollow (in a kneading trough); blow-holes (of whale's head). +-tainier=-tenier. -tanelleº, f : fontanel (interval between the bones of the cranium, soft spot of infants' heads); seton, artificial ulcer. fontangeº [Duchess Fontanges], f. : = (tall head-dress). font, see faire. I.fon-te" [It. fonda, pocket], f.: holster (pistol-case). 2.fon-te* [-dre], f. : melting; casting, founding ; cast-iron ; pig-iron ; #brass alloy (for cannon) ; #discharge (of tu- mours) ; mixing, blending (of wools of different colours). -tEnier* .[-taine], m. : dealer in fountains ; waterman ; well- digger or borer. f-ticule" [l. L. -culus, little fountain], m.: fonticulus, seton, artificial sore. -tinal" [L. -tinalis], adj. : of springs ; m. : (sc. mousse) spring-moss (growing on water-wheels, rocks, etc.). f-tis = -dis. -tsº [L. -tes, "fountains', pl. of fons], m. pl. : bap- tismal font : (fam.) tenir quelqu'un sur les -, quiz one or discuss one at length. for* [L. -rum, market square], m.: juris- diction, tribunal ; customs, usages : - intérieur, conscience. I.forage* [OFr. juer, price], m. : pricing, fixing of prices ; tax, duty (esp. on wine). 2.forage* [-rer], m. : boring (guns; wells). forain *, =aine [ fors, abroad], adj. : (old) foreign, alien, of or for foreigners ; (now as if fr.foires, fair) of fairs: tribu- nal -, foreign court (judging claims for or against foreigners) ; traite —e, port duties ; docteur -, non-resident lecturer (at a university); rade -, outside roads, public open roadstead or anchorage ; marchand -, traveling merchant ; les -s, merchants selling at fairs, or actors playing at fairs., foraminé* [L. -men, hole], adj. : crib- rate, pOrOuS. - forcine I.for-harvº, m. : banishment, exile. 2.-ban [ fors, outside, ban, lawl, m. : pi- rate; plagiarist. ll-bannir* Lfor8, bannir], tr. : banish. forbieine " [l. L. cina (? It. -ci, scis- sors)], f. : lepisma, bristletail (sugar- mite). for-çage* [-cer], m. : forcing (of plants) ; . overwèight (of coins). -çatº [It. -zato], m.: = (formerly, prisoner of a Turkish or French galley; now, convict, deported criminal). I.i-ee = forces. 2.|-ee° [p. L. -tia, fr. -tis, strongl, f. : = (strength ; power; energy ; coercion ; intensity ; weight, importance ; validity ; violence ; animation ; body of men, esp. armed men); quantity : il m'est - de, I am bound to; maison de -, house of cor- rection, of enforced labour; à toute -, by all means ; faire - de voiles, crowd all sails ; à - de, by strength (dint) of, by means of ; by much, by repeated ; à - de bras, by mere physical strength ; ( fam). - gens, lot of people ; (fam.) il travaille à -, he does lots of work. -eeau", m. : stake (holding a net). f-eement* [-cer], m. : compulsion: - de recette, com- pelling of officials tn make good all defi- cient taxes. -eément* [fr. part. of -cer], adv. : forcedly; of necessity ; for- cibly. for-eEnant = forsenant. |-eEnéº, =née [ fors, outside, OFr. sen (Ger. sinn), SENSE], adj. : senseless; madly impetuous, furious ; m., f. : mad person : cheval -, fiery charger (on escutcheon). f-eène- ment* [-cener], m. : madness, fury. f-eEner* [ fors, OFr. sen, reason], intr. : rage, be furious. #-eènerie* [-cener], f : madness, rage. fore eps" [L. for-ceps, " heat-takers"], m.: = (pincers). for-eer* [-ce, power], tr.: force (compel; constrain ; drive ; urge ; hasten, crowd ; overcome ; use violence on): - un cheval, overdrive, overheat a horse ; - une clef, twist a key ; - la porte de quelqu'un, enter a forbidden door ; — une carte, trick a card into an unexpected position ; mat forcé, stale mate (at chess); plante -cée, hothouse plant ; voix -cée, strained voice. -eErie º, f. : hothouse. for-ees° [L. fices (pl. of fex)], f. pl. : shears (with spring-handle). fore etº [-ce, power], m.: binding tobacco). for eettes* [-ces], f. pl. : little shears. foreière* [OFr. fourser, milt, impreg- nate (?)], f. : fishpond (for breeding). foreine" [? -ce, sense of 'strong place'], f. : thickening (of a tree trunk at base of a limb). string (for forclore #for-elore* [ fors, clore], irr. (cf. clore); tr. : FORECLOSE. -clusion*, f : fore- closure. fo-rer* [L. -rare], tr. : BORE (wells, can- non, etc.). -rerieº, f.: boring depart- ment (where cannon are bored). forestier*, =ière [-rêt], adj. : forestall ; m., f. : forest warden, forester. foretº [-rer], m. : =, vent drill (for guns); gimlet, drill. forêtº [L. -ris, abroad, out of doors], j. : FOREST ; timbers, bridge-work, truss- work (of great extent, as in a dome) : - vierge, virgin forest (in its original con- dition) ; - de cheveux, mass of hair. Forêt-Noire, f. : Black Forest (in Ger- · many). for-faireº [ fors, faire], tr., intr. : FOR- FEIT. I.-fait º, m. : crime (formerly # forfeit had the same sense). 2.-faitº [fr. Eng.], m. : forfeit, Smart-money (ear- | nest-money sacrificed). 3.forfaitº [ for, price, fait, made], m. : contract : - de communauté, reversion clause (in marriage contract, stating what property reverts to either party). forfaitureº [-t, crime], f. : felony, offence (to a feudal lord) ; prevarication (of a magistrate); treason. for-fante* [It. furfante (L. foris, out- side, facere, do)], m. : maleFACTOR (rascal); boaster, charlatan. -fanterieº [It. fur- fanteria], f. : fmean act; boastfulness, bragging. forfieule" [l. L. -cula, dim. of L. forfex, shears], f. : earwig (fr. its scissor-like anal appendages). for-ge° [L. fabrica, work-shop], f. : = ; foundry : maître de -, iron-master ; — de campagne, portable forge. -geable º, adj. : =. -geage", m. : forging, shap- ing by heat and hammer. |-ger° ·fabricăre, make], tr. : FORGE (work, fash- ion metals ; invent ; imagine ; Write false- ly) : — à froid, work cold ; en -geant on devient forgeron, by blackSmithing one becomes a blackSmith, practice makes perfect. -gEronº, m. : blackSmith. -geur*, =euse, m., f : forger, Smith ; inventor (of tales, news), FABRICATOR. for-hu*, m. : winding (of the horn, to call the dogs back); meat, bait (used as a lure in training hounds to answer a call). |-huer or f-huir [ fors, huer], intr. : blow a horn (to call off the hounds). #fo-rière* [ fors], f. : (dial.) foutskirts, edge : par la - on entre dans le champ, we must begin at the beginning. ·. for-jetº, m. : faulty prominence (out of true). |-jEterº [ fors, jeter], tr. : put out of line or plumb ; intr. : be out of true. -lâehure* [lâcher], f : flaw, 307 loose thread (in a high warp). -laneerº [lancer], tr. : start, scare up (wild game). -Iannçure" [lancer], f : flaw (in a fabric, arising from a poor throw of the shuttle). forlane" [It. furlana, dance of region Frioul in Austria], f. : forlana, Venetian dance. fforli-gnementº, m. : degenerating. |-gner* [fors, ligne], intr. : fdegener- ate, go out of the direct line ; err, make a false step. forlonger* [ fors, longer], tr. : distance, out-run ; intr. : frun away; lengthen out; refl. : spin out, be long drawn out. forma-liser* [L. -lis, formal], tr. refl. : ftake sides for one ; take offence, feel slighted ; tr. : offend. -lisme* [L. -lis, formal], m. : formalism (close following of · conventional usages ; fondness for scrupu- · lous etiquette). -listeº [L. -lis, formal], · adj. : formal, punctilious ; m., f. : formal- ist, one over-nice in formalities. -lité * [L. -lis, formal],f : formality (set method or rule of procedure; material form of any being). - | formariage* [OFr. se formarier (fors, marier), marry outside (of one's rank or seniory)], m. : marriage between serfs of different lords; license or fine (for such marriage). for-matº [L. -matus, formed], m. : size (folio, quarto, etc., of a book). -mateur*, =triee [L.-mator, -matrix], m., f.: former, sharper; adj. : formative. -mation* [L. -matio], f. : =. -me* [L. -mal, f : form (shape ; frame ; size ; mould ; image; structure ; rabbit's bed ; method; proced- ure; style; printer's chase or its contents); shoe-last ; hat-block ; bed (of gravel, etc.); manners : - pour la -, form for form's sake ; chapeau à haute -, high hat, silk hat. -mel*, =elle [L.-malis], adj. : formal, exact; fessential, real (as opposed to the material) ; m. : essence : le - du péché, where the real sin lies. -meIle- ment* [-mel], adv. : formally, actually; essentially. -merº [L. -mare], tr. : form (shape ; create; make ; constitute); train. -mEret* [-me],m. : rib (of a groined arch). for-miate" [ak. to -mique], m. : formic salt. -mica-le9* [l. L. (lit.) ant-lion], m. : myrmeleon (insect). -micantº [I,. -micare, craw llike ants], adj. : = (said of a weak pulse). -mieation* [L. -micatio], f. : =, itching (as if from ants). formi-dable* [L. -dabilis], adj. : =, dreadful. -dablEmentº, adv. : for- midably. •. formier* [-me], m. : last-maker. formique º [L.-mica, ant], adj. : formic. formuerº [ fors, mue], tr. : -- un faucon, cure a falcon of molting. formuer formulaire 308 forme-Iaire * [L. -la, rule], m. : formu- lary, collection of formulae ; ritual. |-leº [L. -la, little form], f. : formula (exact method; creed ; prºsºptiºn ; group of chemical symbols). -ierº, tr. : formulate. - forni-cateur*, =triee [l. L. -cator (L. -x, vault ; brothel)], m., f. : fornicator. -cation* [l. L.-catio],.f. : = (whoredom). -querº [l. L. -cari], intr. : fornicate. for-nouer" [nouer], tr. : knot double (in weaving). f-paiser = wrong form for -payser. -paisson* [paisson], f : tres- paSS pa# f-paître = false form of -payser* [pays], tr. : (old) exile, banish ; (now, used of deer, rabbits, etc.) : se -, Wander from cover, feed, graze at a distance ; (also intr.). |-for-s° [L. -ris, abroad], adv. : (old) , outside, fexcept. -sEnant" [-cener], adj. : chien -, eager, keen dog. • , fort°, I.=orte [L.-tis], adj. : strong (power- ful ; able) ; abundant ; rancid ; strong- minded ; far-stretched ; difficult, painful, hard ; severe ; violent ; f. : les fortes, the hard consonants ; m. : strong person ; fort ; stronghold ; , lair, den ; strength, height ; ada · strongly : much, very : le — de l'hiver, the depth of winter, severest part of winter; trop -, too bad ; terre ·forte, heavy ground to work; - de la halle, carrier, burden-bearer ; droit du plus -, law of might makes right. ffort-du-corps = faux-du-corps. • 2.for-te* [It. (L. -tis, strong)], adv. : = (in music). -tEmentº [-t], adv. : strongly. f-te-piano = piano-forte. -teresse* [-t], f : fortress, stronghold. ' -tifiantº, adj. : strengthening ; comforting ; m. : in- vigorating food or drink. -tification º [L. -tificatio], f. : = (act of fortifying ; works of defence). |-tifierº [L. -tifi- care ( fortis, strong, facere, make)], tr. : fortify; strengthen; comFORT. -tinº [It. -tino, dim. of -te, fort], m. : little fort. f-tiori, see à fortiori. fortitrer º [ fors, titre], intr. : avoid (as deer) the relays offresh dogs. for-traitº [OFr. -traire, overdo, (lit.) draw beyond], adj. : narrow-flanked (from overdriving) -traiture" [-trait], f. : jaded condition. for-tuitº [L. -tuitus (fors, chance)], adj.: fortuitous, accidental. -tuitementº, adv. : by chance. -tuneº [L. -tuna], f. : = (luck ; chance ; success ; goddess For- tuna ; fate ; condition ; wealth) ; risk : brusquer la -, tempt fortune ; en —, in luck ; — de mer, risks at sea ; #de (or par) —, by chance ; mât (voile) de —, jury-mast (-sail). -tuné* [-tune], adj. : fortunate, successful ; happy; Wealthy. foudroiement fort-vêtu, wrongly for forvêtu. forum " [L.], m. : = (market; public square ; tribunal). forureº [-rer, bore],f. : hole (bored, etc.). forvêtu [? feurre vêtu], m. : over-dresser, swell (whose clothes. are better than his purse Warrants). fos-se° [L. fossa ( fodere, dig)], f.: pit ; (ditch ; trench; grave; FOSS ; FOSSA ; den ; pitfall) : - basse, dungeon ; — à piquer, cinder pit (where locomotives leave their ashes) ; - d'aisance, cesspool, privy-vault; mettre des clefs sur la —, re- nounce an inheritance ; - à tan, tan-pit, bark-pit. -sé° [L. -sātum], m. : ditch, trench ; drain ; moat : faire de la terre le -, dig one hole to fill another ; au but du - la culbute, persist in a losing game. -sette*, f.: little pit (chuck-hole; dimple; bird-snare). -sileº [L. -silis], adj., or m.: fossil. -soir°[L.-sörius, for digging], m.: vineyard hoe. -soyage* [I.-soyer], . m.: ditching. I.-soyer°º, intr. : ditch. 2.f-soyer* [-sé], tr.: trench around, make a ditch around. -soyeurº [I.-soyer], Tm. : grave-digger, sexton ; sexton-beetle. I. ffou° ſp. L. #faus (L. fagus)], m. : BEECH. 2 fou° (fol before a vowel), f. foIle [L. follis, wind-bag], m., f. : madman or Woman ; court-fool, jester ; m. : bishop at chess ; f : crazy-gun (cannon that shoots wild) : la folle du logis, imagination; adj. : mad, crazy ; wild ; extravagant ; excessive; distracting : fou rire, hysterical laughter ; folle farine, choicest, finest flour; folle avoine, sterile oats ; plus on est de fous, plus on rit, the more, the merrier ; balance ſolle, unstable equilibrium. foua-ee° [p. L. focăcia (L. focus, hearth), pastry baked at the fireplace], f. : ash- bread. f-eierº, =ière, m., f : baker or | seller of ash-bread, sea-biscuit. fou-age* [ feu, fire], m. : FEUage (feudal chimnéy-tax). -ailleº [ feu, fire], f. : cooked quarry, refuse of wild-game (for" the dogs). . fouaillerº [ak. to fouet], tr. : whip. ffouane = I. fouine. ffouarre = feurre. ffoucade = I fougade. I.foudre° [L. fulgur],.f. (+m.): lightning ; thunder ; thunderbolt ; thunderstone, be- lemnite ; great warrior or orator. 2.fou-dre* [Ger. fuder, FOTHER], m. : hogshead, fFUDDER-cask. -drErie !º, cooper-shop (for making vats). fou-droiement* or -droîment, m. : stroke, shock. -droyantº, adj. : fulmi- nating; crushing;terrible; =. |-droyer* [I.-dre], tr. : strike with lightning; over- whelm; crush; intr. : FULMINATE (lighten; thunder; explode; threaten). fouée fouée* [ feu], f. : ffire (for hunting), jack- light ; kindling fire (to start a furnace), #dli# foue-t* [ fou, BEECH], m. : (old) beech- brush ; (now) brushing, whipping ; spank- ing ; whip (for chastisement ; for a top) ; lash ; cord ; cat-o'-nine-tails ; runner (of vines), tuft (of a tail), tip (of wings, of masts); sharp pain: tir de plein -, raking shot (fr. a battery); - de Neptune, lami- naria (sea-weed). -ttage" [-tter], tr. : whipping (of cream, of eggs, etc.); cas- tration (by means of ligatures). -tte- mentº [-tter], m.: whipping (beating ; flapping, lashing). -tterº, tr.: whip (lash ;. chastise ; en-Wrap ; stir rapidly); castrate by binding ; sweep, rake (by a level shot): - un cordage, strengthen a rope by wattling a smaller one to it. -tteur*, =euse [-tter], m., f. : whipper. ·I.fougadeº [-gue], f. : (fam.) whim, caprice. ) <. 2.ffougade* or -gasse [It. -gata (? ak. to fuoco, fire)], f. : fougade, well-like powder-mine ; trap, snare (concealed). fou-geº, m. : food, grub (of wild boars). f||-ger° [L. fodicåre, fr. fodere, dig], intr. : root (as hogs). fou-geraieº, f : fernshaw, fern-plot. | - gère° [p. L. #filicăria (L. filex)], f. : fern; fern glass (made from potash of | en -, alternatingly like fern | ferns): leaves. fougon * [Prov. (ak.to focus)], m. : galley (on shipboard). I.fougueº [by pop. etym. fr.foule, press], .f. : mât (vergue) de -, mizzenmast (yard); vergue de -, yard with no sail. 2.fou-gue* [It. foga (L. fuga, flight)], f. : impetus, ardour ; fury, rage ; rank growth (at the expense of the fruit) ; rocket (without a stick). -guette*, f. : rocket. -gueux º, =euse, adj. : impetuous, spirited, fiery. - fouil-leº, f : digging; excavating; un- covering; rummaging. -le-au-potº, pl. -, m. : ( fam.) drudge, scullion. -le- Imerde º, m. : (lou) tumble-bug, turd- beetle. |-ler° [p. L. ºfodiculäre (cf. Fr. ſouger)], tr. : dig, excavate ; ransack ; explore ; search ; intr. : burrow ; tunnel ; rummage : - le marbre, cut away marble (leaving a relief). -1eur*, =euse, m., ſ. : excavator, digger; searcher (of sus- pects); subsoiler (plough). -lisº, pl. -, m. : ( fam.) pile, jumble. #fouillot = foliot. $ I.fouine° [L. fuscina, dim. of furca, FORK], j. : pitchfork ; trident (for harpooning large fish). 2.foui-ne* [ fou, beech],f. : beech-marten, stone-marten, or its fur; mould (on grape cook's 309 (fam.) sneak fourbe leaves). -nerº, intr. : | aWay. fouinette* [I.-ne],f. : small hay-fork. fou-ir° [p. L. ºfodire (L. fodere), dig], tr. : dig, burrow. -isseurº, m. : digger, (esp.) mole or mole-like animal; digging insect (whose species make holes in the ground for eggs). fou-lage* [-ler], m. : treading, pressing (of grapes). -lant" [-ler], adj. : tread- ing, pressing : pompe -, force-pump. foulardº [?], m. : = (silk fabric, esp. silk handkerchief). . fou-le*, f : crowd (multitude; press; mob, common herd) ; #fulling (of cloth): pêche à la -, get fish out of the sand ; mât de mizzen-mast (see I,fougue) ; sortir (se tirer) de la —, rise above the crowd, distinguish one's self. -lée º, f. : tread (track ; step of a staircase ; stepping) ; batch of skins, pile (for one fulling). |-lerº° [p. L. ºfullāre (L. fullo, FULLER)], tr. : full, mill ; trample ; crowd, press ; oppress : - aux pieds, trample under foot ; — un cheval, override a horse ; les chiens -lent la bête, the dogs overcome and kill the animal ; se - la rate, get a pain in the side from ' running. -Herie*, f. : fulling-mill, or machine ; wine-press. -leur*, =euse, m.,.f. : fuller, esp. of hides. -loir*, m. : fulling instrument, beater; rammer; place of fulling; tub (of a wine-press); dentist's tool (for filling teeth). -Ioire*, f.: fulling-board (for hats) ; fulling-tub or vat. -lon° [L. fullo], m. : fuller: chardon à —, carding thistle, teasel. f-lonnier" [OFr. -lommer, to full], m. : fuller. foulque° [L. fulica], f. : fulica, coot. foulure* [-ler], f.: sprain. fou-l'y-laisse = sot-l'y-laisse. ffoupirº [ak. to : friper, rumple], tr.: linge Jº#, crumpled linen. fouquet* [man F.], m. : fsquirrel ; sea- swallow. 1 I.four° [L. furnus, oven], m. : oven ; fur- nace; kiln; vault, dome; pit (of theatres): kidnapping-house : - de campagne, port- able bake-oven ; pièce de -, baked deli- cacy ; cake ; être au - et au moulin, do two things at once ; faire -, (old) post- pone a play for lack of audience ; (nou) fail (as a play, or a work). 2.four* [-rche], m. : fork (of trees ; of roads); futtock, crotch (of ships). I.four-be*, f. : = (#trick ; cheating). 2.-beº [-ber], adj. : tricky; m. : scamp. #-ben°º [I.-be], tr. : cheat; trick, defraud. -berieº [I.-be], f. : fraud, trickery ; cheating, (fEng. FURBERY). ll-birº [OHG. -bjan], tr. : FURBISH, scour, clean up, polish. -bissage*, m.: polishing, sm-smm 310 fourbu furbishing. -bisseurº, m. : FURBISHER, burnisher. -bissure º, f. : burnishing. . four-buº [OFr. fo(u)r-boire, drink to ex- cess], adj. : foundered; fatigued. -bure", f.: founder. four-catº [Prov., "fork'], m. : futtock (of a ship's rigging). ll-ehe° [L. furca], f.: FORK (of trees ; of roads; pitchfork) ; position (of fingers in flute-playing); lower mandible branches (of birds); boil between the fingers : fourche patibulaire, gibbet, patibulary fork ; les Fourches Caudines, humiliating defeat. -ehé*, adj. : (her.) = (forked at the end). -ehécº, f. : fork- ful. -ehe-fière*, pl. -s--s [L.ferrea, of iron],.f. : fork (of two tines, for sheaves). -eherº, intr. : fork, divide : #se -, part (as hair or beard); la langue lui a fourché, his tongue tripped. -eheretº [?], adj., or m. : autour -, or -, medium-sized goshawk. -ehetº, m. : foot-rot (of sheep). -ehetée* [-chette], f. : table-forkful. -ehette º, f. : table-fork ; = ; anything forked (çrotch ; crutch ; tool for turning hot iron; FORK of horse's hoof; wish-bone, breast-bone of birds; stake to hold a seine; fEng. FOURQUINE, musket rest ; joining of root-tImbers) : dejeuner à la , take a meat breakfast; avoir un joli coup de -, or être une belle -, be a great eater ; avoir la —, have two cards which lose at the end of the game, no matter which is played first. I.-e.honº, m.: tine, prong · (of a fork). 2.-ehonº [-cher], m. : crotch, furcation, branching. -ehu*, adj. : forked : pied —, cloven foot. f-ehureº, f. : crotch. I.fourgonº [?], m. : van; baggage-wagon. 2.four-gon° [p. L. ºforico ak.to L. foräre, BORE], m. : poker: la pelle se moque du -, the pot calls the kettle black. -gonner*, intr. : poke, stir a fire ; rummage. four-mi° [p. L. ºformix (L. formica)], f. : ant : avoir des —s dans les jambes, feel a sensation as of crawling ants. -milier", m.: ant-eater, tamanoir. -milière* [for OFr. -miere], f. : FORMICARY (ant-hill ; colony of ants); , spongy-hoof (fr. chronic founder). -mi-lipnº [after L. formico- leo], m. : ant-lion (long-winged insect). -millant* [-miller], adj. : swarming ; tickling (like ants crawling). -mille- mentº [-miller], m. : surging (of a crowd); formication (itching as if from crawling ants). -millerº, intr. : swarm (teem, abound); be much frequented; itch, · tingle (as if fr. ants) : le pied fourmille, the foot is asleep. four-nage* [ four], m. : charge (for bak- ing). -naise° [p. L. #furmătia (L. for- max)], f. : furnace. -neau* [fourl, m. : furnace ; stove ; = : - à réverbère, rever- fourrage beratory furnace ; haut -, blast furnace ; potager, cooking stove ; - à charbon, charcoal kiln ; - de mine, powder-mine ; - d'une pipe, bowl of a pipe ; - écono- mique, coke-stove , charity station (that distributes food). -née* [ four], f. : batch (of bread ; of earthenware) ; group, set : (fam.) prendre un pain sur la —, antici- pate the consummation of marriage. -nette* Lfour],f. : little enamelling oven, or furnace. -mie rº, =ière [ four], m.,f. : country-baker ;oven-keeper ;furnace-man ; oven-bird, furnarius. -milº [ four], m. : bake-house ; kneading-room ; laundry- lſº0Oſſl. four-nimentº, m. : fpowder-horn; belts, straps (of soldiers). |-nirº [Germ'c frum- jan], tr. : FURNISH (fit out ; fill up; equip ; · supply ; yield); intr. : supply ; suffice ; fol- low Suite (at cards): f- à quelqu'un de quelque chose, supply one with something ; - aux dépenses, meet expenses; - à quel- que chose, assist With a thing ; se - de quelque chose, provide one's self with a thing. f-missementº, m. : furnishing ; paying in ; share (of capital) : procé- der au (compte de) -, open accounts. -nisseur*, =euse, m.,.f. : furnisher, con- tractor. -niture*, f : furnishings; sup- plies ; tools ; dressing ; scraps for glove fourchettes : jeu de -, combination (to give fuller tone to an organ). I.fourrage* [-rrer], m. : yarning, wrap- ping (of ropes to prevent wear by friction). 2.four-rageº [feurre], m. : FORAGE,feed ; foraging-party. I.-ragerº, intr., or tr. : forage (ravage ; plundèr); muss. 2.-ra- gerº, =gère, adj. : plantes foragères, forage plants; f : pasture. -rageur*, m.: forager. -reauº [OFr. feurre, fr. Goth. ·fodr], m. : sheath (covering; scabbard ; envelope ; case) ; sack, short gown (for children or ladies); tube ; FOREL ; sky- rocket ; titmouse. -réº [-rer], m. : thicket. -rée* [-rer], f. : crawl (set with netting to catch fish as the tide goes down). -relier * [-reau], m. : (rare) scab- bard- or case-maker, or dealer. - rerº [OFr. fuerre, envelope], tr. : stuff ; line with FUR ; pad ; coat ; plate ; serve, Wrap (ropes) ; (fam.) intrude ; poke ; rope into, inveigle : un pays fourré, a country of thickets ; se - de, dress in, wear; paix ſourrée, hollow, feigned peace ; un c0up ·fourré, an a tempo thrust; - quelque chc ce dans la tête de quelqu'un, cram something into one's head; - qº dedans, get one into a muss. -reur* [-rer], m. : fur- rier. -rien°º, f=ière [feurre], m., f. : (old) forager; harbinger; #forerunner ; (nou) quartermaster. -rière* [feurre], j. : (old) forage-ground ; fuel-office; (nou) fourvoiement pound (for strays). -rure* [-rer], f. : FUR ; fur lining ; ermine robe ; service, Wrapping (of ropes where they rub); tuft (left by cattle in pastures); plug (of wood ; of tow); pile of boilers (over each other). four-voiement*, m. : straying, wander- ing. -voyant*, adj. : erring, straying. |-v9yer* [ fors, voie], tr. : mislead, mis- guide : se -, err; blunder. ffou-teau* [fou, beech], m. : (dial.) beech. f-telaie*, f. : beech grove. fovie º [fr. Prov.], m. : coriaria (shrub for dyeing black). , fgyer° [p. L. ºfocārius (L. focus, fire)], m. : = (lobby of a theatre; basin of à furnace); hearth ; fireplace ; grate ; home ; center ; rug for the fireplace; mantle; FOCUS; seat (of disease): - des acteurs, green-room. frae " [?], m. : FROCK (coat). fra-eas* [It. -casso], m. : (lit.) fcrash ; din; =; tumult. |-easser* [It. -cassare (L. quassare, shake to pieces)], tr. : break to pieces, shatter. frac-tion* [L. -tio (frangere, break)], ·f. : = (fbreaking, ffracture ; frite of breaking bread ; part of a unit). -tion- · naire", adj.; fractional. -tionne- ment* [-tionner], m. : dividing into parts. -tionnerº, tr. : divide into fractions. -ture* [L. -tura], f.: = (break). -tu- rerº [-ture], tr. : fracture, break. fragiform* [L. -gum, strawberry, for- ma, form], adj. : sphérie -, parasitic plant. ºù fragi-le* [L. -lis (frangere, break)], adj. : = (easily broken ; FRAIL, feeble). -lité* [L. -litas], f : fragility, frailty. fragmen-t* [L.-tum (frangere, break)], m. : = (piece broken off; part). -taire º, adj. : fragmentary. -terº, tr. : break up ; make into scraps. fragon * [?], m. : ruscus, butcher's broom (shrub). fra-granee*[L. -grantia (-grare, emit a scent)], f. : =, sweetness of Smell. f-grantº [L. -grans], adj. : (rare) =. fraiº [ frayer], m. : wear of coins ; spawn ; roe ; young fry. fraî-ehe, f. of frais, FRESH. -ehe- Inent*, adv. : freshly ; coolly; recently. -eheur*,f. : coolness; breeze;freshness; ruddiness, lustre; brilliancy: (fam.) attra- per une -, catch a cold. -ehirº, intr. : grow cooler; freshen up. fr-ainº [OFr.-aindre (L.-angere) BREAK], m. : fragor, breaking and din (of waves). -ainte* [OFr.-aindre, break],f. : shrink- age , Waste. frairie* [frère, brother], f : (old) broth- erhood ; (nou) village anniversaryfestivity. I.fr-aisº, =aîehè [OHG. frisc], adj. : FRESH (cool, cold; newly prepared; not 311 stale ; new ; recent ; green ; brisk ; unused ; ruddy; brilliant); m. : coolness ; cold air ; FRESCO ; f. : ( fam.) cool of the day ; cool drink ; cool breeze ; green field : à la fraîche ! cool drinks ! - 2.frais* [OHG.fridu, peace], m.pl. : (old) court fees, price of peace ; expenses (cost ; charges): faux -, incidentals; tous - jaits, all expenses paid ; constituer, mettre quelqu'un en -, put one to the expense ; faire ses -, accomplish one's object ; sur nouveaux -, from the first again ; all over again. I.fraise° [p. L. ºfräsea (L. frågrum)], f. : strawberry; birthmark: - en grappe, ar- butus ; - d'écorce, fungus on bark. 2.frai-seº [?], f. : = (pointed stakes of rampart); ruff (crown of calves, of lâmbs; frill-collar ; wattles of turkeys); burr (bony ring at base of antlers). 3.-seº [2.-ser], f. : = (marble worker's tool); drill; reamer. -sementº [2.-ser], m. : fortifying with stakes ; stakes (of a fraised rampart). I.-serº, tr. : hull, shell out (esp. beans). 2.-serº, tr. : FRAISE, enlarge ; rout (with a tool); frill, ruffle ; fortify with pikes. 3.fraiser*[?], tr. : work, kneadthoroughly (adding more water). #frai-sette º [2.-se], f. : little ruffle. -seuse* [2.-se], f : routing-machine. fraisier* [I.-se], m. : strawberry plant : - en arbre, strawberry-tree, arbute. fraisil° [p. L. ºfacile (L. fax, torch)], m. : waste charcoal ; coal dust ; coal ashes. .. frai-soirº [2.-ser], m. : champfering au- ger. -sure" [2.-ser], f. : beaded border, routing. fram-boise*[?], f : raspberry. -boi- serº, tr. : flavour (or scent) with rasp- berry. -boisierº, m. : raspberry bush. framée* [L. -mea], f. : Frankish javelin. I.Fran-cº, Fran-que [L. Francus], m., f.: Frank (Gaul; European in the Levant); adj. : la langue franque, lingua franca (mongrel Romance as commercial lang. in the Levant). 2.fran-cº [L. -corum rex, * king of the French, legend of the coin], m. : = (coin worth about twenty cents, unit of value in France) : au marc le —, proportionately, relatively. 3 fran-cº, fran-ehe [Franc], adj. : frank (free, exempt; open, candid; plain); complete, arrant ; real ; adv. : frankly ; entirely: franche de port, post-paid ; avoir son - parler, speak right out ; vent -, steady, favourable wind ; terre franche, land free fr. gravel and sand ; vin -, dry wine ; arbre —, seedling ; enter sur le —, graft a seedling; un cheval - du collier, honest puller ; cheval - d'amble, natural, born pacer; botte franche, blow Franc 312 francatu - that lands with full force ; pompe franche, pump which has exhausted the Water ; sauter un fossé tout -, jump a ditch clear ; jouer au - carreau, play quoits throwing for the centre of a square ; y aller de — jeu, act without reflection ; carte franche, highest card (yet to play); dormir la franche matinée, sleep the whole morning ; franche lippée,s good meal free; gouverner à barre franche, steer by the tiller without wheel or tackle. -çaisº, =aise [France], adj. : French ; m., f. : Frenchman, Frenchwoman; m.: French (language): à la française, in French fashion ; parler -, ( fig.) speak decidedly ; ( fam.) les Français, actors of Le Théâtre Français, or the theatre itself. Fran-ee, f. : =. f-c-alleu [3 franc], pl. —s-—s, m. : freehold. f-c-arehen° [3.franc], m. : = (tax-free archer of Charles VII). francatuº [?], m. : variety of apples. frane-bord, pl. -s--s [3 franc], m. : frank-board ; bank (at foot of parapet in fortifications). -étable, adv. : s'aborder de —, meet end on, prOW to proW. -fief, m.: commoner's tax-free fief. -filin (or -fulint), m. : untarred rope or cable. fran-ehement* [3 franc], adv. : FRANK- LY; freely. ffran ehipane, etc., see frangipame, etc. fran-ehirº [3.franc], tr. : (old) enfranch- ise, liberate ; dispose of; (nou) leap over, clear ; cross ; intr. : become free ; act freely : la pompe franchit, (ship's) pump gains on the water ; #- le mot, say the word (after hesitancy); le vent franchit, the wind becomes regular. -ehiseº [3 franc], f. : = (right, privilege ; liberty ; immunity, exemption ; asylum, refuge); frankness; facility, readiness; freedom (fr. fservitude or fimprisonment ; in painting). -ehissement*, m. : leaping : gradins de -, terraced cuts of breastworks (made. to aid in surmounting). fran-eisation* [-ciser], f.: Gallicising, · Frenchifying ; registering (a ship) as French. -eisen°º [ak. to -çais], tr. : Francise, Gallicise. -eisqueº [l. L. -ciska], f. : = (Frankish battle-axe). franc-maçon ", pl. -s--s [imit. of Eng.], m. : free-mason. - maçonnerie " [-maçon], f : free-masonry. francoº [It. porto franco, free carrying], ' adv. : postage paid. francolinº [It. -lino (?)], m. : =, kind of partridge. franc-quartien°°, pl. -s--s, m. : (her.) frank-quarter. -réal, pl. -s--s, m. : kind of pear. -salé, pl. -s--s, m. : privileges on salt. -S-tireurs, m. pl. : = (volunteers). v» frayer fran-ge° [L. fimbriœ : shreds], f. : FRINGE (fimbria ; valance ; band caused by the in- terference of light); fish with fringy barbs; moth with fringy wings. -geon º, m.: (rare) fringe ends. I.-gerº, tr. : fringe ; fimbriate. 2.-gerº, m. : fringe-maker. frangipa-ne° [Roman family Frangi- pani], f. : frangipani (perfume). -nier", m.: red jasmine (plant). - frangulineº [l. L. -la, alder buckthorn], f. : frangulin, yellow colouring-matter fr. the buckthorn. franquetteº [3 franc], f. : (fam.) à la -, frankly, honestly. frap-page*, m. : stamping, impression. -pantº, adj. : striking, noticeable. -peº, ſ. : stamp, imprint ; matrix, die (for a let- ter). -pementº, m. : striking, stamp- ing. |-perº [?], tr. : strike (beat ; hit ; stamp, coin); impress ; meet; afflict ; pun- ish ; chill, freeze ; intr. : knock, beat, stamp: - à la porte, knock at the door ; - dans ses mains, clap one's hands; le malade commence à se -, the sick man begins to fear death ; frappé de l'hypo- thèque, mortgaged ; - une manœuvre, fasten a rope tight. -peur, =euse, m. : ſ.: ( fam.) beater, rapper : esprits-s, rap- ping spirits (that answer through me- diums). frasº [?], m. : stifle-joint. ffrasage, frase, fraser = fraisage, etc. . " «t frasque* [It. -ca], f : prank. fra-ter* [L., BROTHER], m.: (hum.) =, FRIAR ; fbarber-surgeon ; field or ship's barber. -ternel*, =elle [L. -ternus], adj. : fraternal. -ternellement* [-ter- nel], adv. : fraternally. -terniserº [L. -ternus, brotherly], intr. : fraternise, act like brothers. -ternité * [L. -nitas], ·f. : (rare) kinship as brothers ; brother- hood; fraternity. I.-trieide* [L. -tri- · cidium (cœdere, kill)], m. : 2.-tri- eide* [L. -tricida], m. : =. frau-de* [L. -s], f : fraud. -derº [L. -dare], tr. : deceive, defraud ; Smuggle (goods) in. -deurº, =euse [-der], m., f.: defrauder, cheat. -duleusement * [-duleux], adv. : fraudulently, by cheating. -duIeuacº, =euse [L. -dulosus], adj. : fraudulent. 1 ffraulen° = frôler. fraxi-néesº [L. -nus, ash-tree], f. pl. : fraxineae, ash-tribe. -nelleº [L. -nus], f : fraxinella (fragrant herb). - fra-yantº, adj. : expensive. [ frais, expense], intr. : cost. 2.fra-yerº° [L. fricăre, rub], tr. : #rub ; graze ; wear off; chafe, gall; make, open (a road); intr. : spawn ; milt; live pleasantly: - une lame, grind the mould mark off a I .|-yer 12 frayeur blade; monnaie frayée, worn coin; - avec quelqu'un, live on good terms with one. -yère º, f. : spawning place. frayeur° [OFr. freor, L. fragor, din], f. : fear, horror, terror. fra-yeux º, m. : worn-place (from the poker or fire-iron). ll-yoir* [-yer, rub], m. : rub (where a deer has frayed off vel- vet). -yon* [-yer], m. : (dial.) chafe, gall ; plough-share; cap (of the iron core of a mould). frEdaine* [?], f : prank. frE-donº [?], m.: trill; three of a kind (at cards ; hum. group of three persons); re- frain (of a song). -donnement* [-don- ner], m. : trilling ; humming. -donnerº, tr. : trill ; add a refrain to ; hum (a tune). frégateº [It. -ta], f : frigate (ship; bird). frégileº [l. L. -lus], m. : fregilus, chough (bird). I.frein° [L. frënum], m. : bit ;. bridle (check ; curb); brake ; FRENUM. 2.frein = frain. ffreinte = frainte. #frElampierº [ frère lampier, lamp- lighter in a convent], m. : weak character, SCamp. - frEla-tageº, m. : adulterating. ll-terº [Holl. verlaten, rack wine, change casks], tr. : adulterate; change. -terieº, f. : adulteration. -teurº, =euse, m., f : adulterator. frêle° [ fragilis, fragile (frangere, break)], adj. : FRAIL ; weak. - frElo eheº [ak. to -luche], f. : net (for catching insects). I.frElon° [p. L. furlo (? fur, thief, leo, LION)], m. : hornet (which robs bees). 2.frElonº [?], m. : butcher's-broom (plant). 3.frElon," [?], m. : hairs (in bird's nostril). frE-luehe* [ak. to -loche], f. : tuft; gos-| samer (webs); card-game. -luquetº, m. : (old) coin (of low value) ; (now) weight (to hold a strand taut) ; fop, cox- comb. fré-mir° [p. L. -mire (L. -mere)], intr. : roar; surge ; tremble ; shudder ; vibrate ; rustle ; murmur. -missant*, adj. : roar- , ing; boiling; vibrating. -missement*, m. : murmuring ; surging ; trembling. frênaie*, f. : ash-grove. |frêne° [L. fraxinus], m. : ash-tree. fréné-sie* [l. L. phrenesia (L. phrene- sis)], f. : FRENZY (fury; madness ; wrath). -tique* [L. phreneticus], adj. : FRANTIC ; frenzied. fré-quemment* -kam-, adv. : fre- quently. -quenee* [L. -quentia], f : frequency. ]-quentº [L. -quens], adj. : frequent. -quentatifº, =ive [L.-quen- tativus], adj. : frequentative (denoting repetition). -quentation* [L. -quenta- | epicurean. · 313 tio], f. : visiting. -quenter* [L. -quen- tare], tr. : frequent (visit often, resort to habitually, throng); intr. : keep company with ; fbe often: - dans un lieu, appear at a place frequently. fr-ère° [L. frater], m. : BROTHER ; FRIAR, monk : - aîné (cadet), elder (younger) brother ; - de lait, milk-brother ; —s jumeaux, twins ; - de père et de mère or germain, full-brother ; - de père or com- sanguin, brother on the father's side ; — de mère, or utérin, brother on the mother's side ; - convers, lay-brother ; — chapeau, line of poetry given for sake of the rhyme. -érotº, (fam.) little brother. frEsaie* [? L. (avis) prœsaga, (bird) of omen], f. : white-owl. • fresqueº [It. -sco, (lit.) FRESH], f : fresco : à -, in fresco. - - fressure* [?], f. : pluck, haslet. fr-et* [low Ger. fracht, (lit.) fee], m. : FREIGHT (charges for transportation ; cargo, load) ; chartering, rent (of a boat). -ètementº [-éter], m. : chartering. -éterº, tr. : let, charter, rent; hire ; fit fricassée out. -éteurº [-éterl, m. : charterer, shipper. frétil-lageº, m. : twitching, jerking. -lant*, adj. : twitching; wriggling. · f-lardº, adj. : flickering; dangling. -le- mentº, m.: wriggling. |-lerº [?], intr. : Wriggle ; twitch ; fidget. - Ion *, m. : (fam.) fidgety person. frEtin° [OFr. fret (L. fractus, broken)], m. : (old) rubbish ; (now) too small fish ; . abortive branches ; trifle. fret-tage" [-ter], m.: hooping. [?], f. : hoop, iron band. 2.fret-teº,f. : fret (interlaced lines of a shield ; of architectural ornament). |-té* [ak.to Eng. fret, to furrow], adj. : fretted, hav'g a fret. fretten°* [I.-tte], tr. : hoop. freuac* [OHG. hruoh], m. : RooK, raven. fri-abilité º, f. : friability. |-able !º [L. -abilis (friare, rub)l, adj. : =, easily crumbled. frian-dº [frire], adj. : dainty; fond ; -dise*, f. : daintiness (of taste); dainty morsel. #fric frac* [echoic], adv. : il n'y a mi fric ni frac, there is nothing to eat ; there's no help for it. - *, fricandeau* [?], m. : = (veal cutlet with herbs). fricas-sée*, f.: fricassee (chopped meat I .-te 12 With gravy); fhasty meal ; (fam.) sudden destruction ; mixture ; drum-call to as- semble ; ancient dance. |-ser* [?], tr. : fricassee (make into a stew) ; (fam.) squander, waste; intr.: do cooking: (fam.) on t'en fricasse, you don't get any of it, 314 fricatif -seur*, =ense, m., f. : bad cook; spend- thrift. fricatif*, =ive [L. -care, chafe], adj. : (consonne) fricative, a fricative sonant). friehe * [?], f. : fallow : laisser une terre en -, let land lie fallow. fri-cotº [ak. to -casser], m. : (pop.) stew. -coterº, intr. : make a stew; feast, live high ; be a usurer; tr. : spend in fast liv- , ing. -coteur", =euse [-coter], m., f. : stewer ; poor cook ; fast liver; usurer, overreacher. 1 1 frie-tion º [L. -tio (fricare, rub)], f. : - tionnerº, tr. : subject to rubbing. fri-gidité* [L. -giditas (-gidus, cold)], f.: frigidity (inactivity of an organ). -go- rifique" [L.-gus, coldness,.facere, makel, adj. : frigorific, producing cold. -leuoc°, =euse [L. -gorosus], adj. : chilly; sensi- tive to cold; m., f. : chilly person ; robin- redbreast. fri-maire" [ak. to Eng. rime], m. : Fri- maire (third month in calendar of first Fr. repub., 21 Nov. to 20 Dec.). -mas* [ak. to Eng. rime], m. : hoar-frost: - de la mer, sea-foam; spray on a ship ; (fam.) avaleur de -, one Who sleeps open-mouthed. frime* [OFr. frume],f : faspect ; äppear- ance, pretence : faire la - à quelqu'un, make a face at any one ; faire - de s'en aller, act as though leaving. frimousse or f-mouse [?], f : (pop.) face. fringaleº [ faim-valle], f. : (fam.) sudden strong appetite. fringant* [-guer], adj. : frisky; viva- C1OUIS. fringiIleº [L.-lla, chaffinchl, f : fringilla (finch). fringuer* [?], intr. : frisk ; rinse. frio-lerº [frire], tr. : (old) FRY. rie º, f. : dainties. ffri9n = frayon. I.friper* [?], tr. : #gobble down, devour ; · steal. 2.fri-perº [OFr. frepe, #l, tr. : Wear out, tatter, shred. -perie* [OFr. frepe- rie], f. : frippery (old clothes ; old furni- ture or utensils ; shed for sugar-cane : (hum.) se jeter sur la - de quelqu'un, at- tack one. fripe-saueeº, m. : (pop.) greedy-gut ; bad cook. fripier*, =ière [2.-per], m., f : fripper (dealer in old clothes, in old furniture); f : shell (to which the mollusk has at- tached various objects). #ri-ponº, =onne [I.-per], m., f. : (old) gourmand ; m. : delicacies ; f : box (of sweetmeats); (now) rascal ; pilferer; pick- pocket ; nimble, adroit person. -pon- neauº, m,: little rascal. -ponnerº, -le- (con- frivole tr.: steal adroitly, pilfer. -ponnerieº, ſ. : (old) dainties, sweetmeats ; (now) ras- cality; roguishness. f-ponnier*, =ière [-ponner], m., f : rascal ; pickpocket. friquetº [ak. to frisque], m. : fgallant; tree-sparrow. - frire° [L. frigere], irr. $ ; tr., intr. : FRY : (fam.) il est frit, he is done for. $ Ind. : Pr. fri-s, -s, -t. Fut. (Cond.) fri- rai(s). — I've fris. — Part. : P. frit. Frise, f. : Friesland (province in Holland). I.friseº [It.fregio, ornament, fr. L. phry- gium (sc. opus), Phrygian (work)], f. : E'RIEZE. 2.frise* [Province F. in Holland], f. : (toile de) -, frieze (cloth): cheval de —, =, fence-like obstruction to resist cavalry. 3.fri-se*, f. : friezed cloth, frieze ; wad- ding (about port-holes); friezing machine, FRIZZing-machine. -see", f : disease of potatoes (where the leaves curl up). I.|-serº [?], tr., intr. : curl; frizz ; graze, pass close to : interfere (as horses); blur : - la corde, be near hanging. 2.friserº [3.-se, wadding], tr. : plug (with thick cloth to keep out water). fri-sette º [I.-ser], f. : (fam.) frizzle. -soir" [I.-ser], m. : curling-iron ; nap- bUard (uf à frigging machine); concave chisel. I.#frison * [-se, thick cloth], m. : friezed cloth ; skirt of frieze. 2.frison º [province Frise in Holland], m. : liquor jug or pot (aboard ship); fgal- lon measure. 3.fri-sonº [I.-ser], m. : curl ; silk floss ; waste-paper, rags ; wavy lines (of marbled paper). -sotterº [I.-ser], tr. : (fam.) frizzle. frisque* [?], adj. : lively. frisquetº, =ette [ak. to frais, FRESH], adj. : slightly cold, cool ; m. : coolnesS. frisquetteº [?], f. : (print.) frisket. fris-son° [p. L. ºfrictio (-gere, FRY)], m. : chill, shiver. -sonnantº [-sonnerj, adj. : shivering. -sonnementº [-son- ner], m. : shivering. -sonner*, intr. : shiver ; tremble. frisureº [I.-ser, curl], f : =, hairdress. fri-teau* [-re], m. : meat-fritter. -teur*, =euse [-re], m., f : (p0p.) hot- sausage vendor. fritiIlaire º [L. -llus, cone-shaped dice- box of horn], f. : fritillary (lily). fri-tteº [-re], f. : frit (partially vitrified mass); vitrification. -tterº, tr. : partly vitrify. -ture* [-re], f. : frying ; fried food ; frying fat : canning of sardines -turerie* [-ture], f : canning house (for sardines). -turier º, =ière [-ture], m. f. : (pop.) vendor of fried things. frivo-le* [L. -lus], adj. : frivolous froc -lementº, adv. : frivolously. -lité", f. : frivolity ; fancy-work. fro-e* [? ak. to Ger. rock, coat], m. : frock (monk's robe or garment); cloth for a frock. -caille", f. : (fam.) monks. -cardº, m. : (fam.) monk. froi-d° [p. L. ºfrigidus (L. frigidus)], adj. : cold (FRIGID ; lacking heat ; dull ; indifferent); m. : coldness (cold; chilliness; lukewarmness). -dementº, adv. : coldly, coolly -deur*, f : coldness (mostly in fig. sense). -dir*, intr. : (fam.) grow cold. -dure*, f : cold air ; winter. -dureux º, =euse [-dure], adj. : fcold ; chilly, sensitive to cold. frois-sement*, m. : crushing; crash ; chagrin (fr. an insult); (esp.) compressing of an artery. |-ser°. [p. L. frustiäre ( frustum, particle)], tr. : crush, break up ; crumple ; press ; offend, insult ; slight: se —, take offence ; feel slighted. f-sis*, m. : crash. -sure*, f : crumple, rumple. frô-lement", m. : touch, grazing. |-lerº [?], tr. : touch, rub lightly, graze, glance OVel'. fro-mage* [forme], m. : cheese : (fam.) entre la poire et le —, at dessert ; faire des -s, squat suddenly while whirling so the dress fiares like a bell ; - de cochon, hog's-head cheese ; - à la pie, cheese- cake. -magerº, =ère, adj. : cheesy ; m., f : cheese-dealer ; m. : cheese basket. -magerieº, f : cheese-business ; cheese- factory. fromen-t° [L. frumentum], m. : wheat, frumentum : — de saison, winter-Wheat ; (bibl.)— des élus, bread of life ; — d'Inde, or de Turquie or d'Espagne, corn, maize ; faux -, rye grass. -taeé", adj. : fru- mentaceous; f. pl. : wheat family. f-talº or f-tel [OFr. -tal, wheaten], m. : (dial.) rye-grass. -téº, adj. : straw-coloured, reddish-yellow ; f. : May-bug. f-tée º, f. : (dial.) flour-soup, gruel. fron-ee* [? Ger. runzel, wrinkle], f. : faulty double, wrong fold (in paper or in cards); shirr. -eementº [-cer], m. : frowning. -eerº, tr. : FLOUNCE ; wrinkle; shirr: — les sourcils, frown. -eisº [-cer], m. : gather, shirr. ffroncle = furoncle. . fron-daisonº [L. frons, leaf], f : folia- tion, I.from-de* [L. frons], f. : frond (" leaf" of ferns, or sea-weeds). 2.fron-de° [L.funda], f : sling; surgeon's bandage ; Fronde. -derº, tr. : sling ; hit with a sling ; censure ; intr. : be a Fronde partisan ; be discontent. -deur*, =euse [-der], m., f. : slinger; fault-finder ; Fronde partisan ; malcontent. fron-tº [L. -s], m. : = (forehead ; face ; 315 brow ; fore-face; façade ; effrontery, bold- ness); top, summit : de -, abreast ; n'a- voir point de -, not be backward or modest ; se frotter le -, scratch one's head, trying to think ; se frapper le —, signify that one has solved the difficulty. fruit | -tailº [-tal], m. : brow-band (of bridles) ; head-band. -talº, pl. =auoc, adj. : = ; m. : = (head-bandage, topic ; frontlet, chaplet of Jews); instrument of torture ; fretting tool (for stringed instruments). -teau*, m. : head-bandage ; phylactery, frontlet (of Jews); brow-band ; arch (over windows); breastwork (ofships). -tière*, f or adj. : frontier. -tispieeº [L. -tis- picium], m. : frontispiece (title-page illus- tration ; front façade). -tonº [It. -tone], m. : = ; pediment (low gable). froquerº [ froc], tr. : (fam.) frock. ffrot-tade = -tée. -tageº, m. : rub- bing ; friction. -tantº, adj. : rubbing. -téeº, f. : ( fam.) sound drubbing ; (dial.) bread and garlic. -tementº, m. : fric- tion, rubbing : bruit de —, auscultated sound indicating rough pleura. |-ter* [?], tr. : rub ; chafe ; polish ; intr. : rub : se - à quelqu'un, provoke one ; attack one ; - les oreilles, box one's ears ; qui s'y frotte s'y pique, he who meddles gets hurt. -teur*, =euse, m., f : rubber, scrubber, polisher ; f : smoother, dresser (of type). -tisº, m. : transparent colour (in mural or canvas painting); copy, im- press (by leadpencil on paper held tight over the original). -toirº, m. : cloth for wiping ; razor cloth ; scrub-brush ; pad (for silk hats) ; electric cushion ; rubbing or : smoothing tool. -tomº, m. : colour-die (for playing cards). frouerº [?], intr. : imitate the owl (to attract birds). frou-frouº [echoic], m. : =, rustling (of silk) ; humming-bird. fruc-tidorº [L. -tus, FRUIT], m. : = (12th month by republic. calendar, 18 Aug. to · 16 Sept.). -tification* [L. -tificatio(fa- cere, make)], f : =. -tifier * [L.-tificare ( facere, make)], intr. : be fruitful ; yield results. -tueusement* [-tueux], adv. : fruitfully; profitably. -tueuoc*, =euse [L. -tuosus], adj. : fruitful ; advantageous. fru-galº, pl. =aux [L. -galis (frux, FRUIT)], adj. : =. -galementº, adv. : frugally, economically. -givore" [L. vorare, DEVOUR], adj. : frugivorous, fruit- eating ; m. pl. : frugivora, flying-foxes. . I.fruitº [ frit], m. : batter-wall (sloping). 2.frui-t° [L. früctus], m. : = (seed with itS pulpy mass ; seed vessel and contents ; seed ; produce, yield ; offspring) ; #des- sert : avec -, profitably ; — sec, plucked candidate (who failed in the final examina- 316 frusques tion); — noir, mulberry ; le - de Pallas, the olive ; — à pepin, kernel fruit. f-tage*, m. : (dial.) edible fruits. -té, adj. : (her.) fructed. -terie*, f. : fruit- room, fruit-house ; fruit-stand ; fruit busi- ness. -tierº, =ière, m., f.: fruit dealer ; m.: fruit orchard ; fruit-house ; adj. : jar- dim -, fruit-garden. frus-quesº, f. pl. : (pop.) duds, furniture. |-quinº [slang], m. : (fam.) one's all. frusteº [?], adj. : defaced, worn (of coins); coarse ; m. : Wear. frus-tratoire* [L. -tratorius (fraus, FRAUD)], adj. : frustratory. -trerº [L. -trari], tr. : frustrate, disappoint ; defraud. fru-teseentº [L. -tex, shrub], adj. : =, shrubby. - frutil-le" [Sp. -la], f.: Chile strawberry. -Iierº, m. : strawberry plant (of Chile). fuca eées* [L. fucus, sea-weed], f. pl. : fucaceae family. fuchsiaº [botanist Fuchs], m. : = (plant). fuchsineº [Ger. Fuchs, fr. commercial house Reynard (= Ger. fuchs, FOX) at Lyons], f. : (chemical substance) =. fucusº [L., rock-weed, lichen], m. : =, sea-Wrack. fu-ga ceº [L. gax (-ga, flight)], adj. : fugacious, volatile. -gitif*, =ive [L. -gitivus], adj. or m., f : fugitive. -gueº [It. -gal, f. : = ; flight. fui-e° ſp. L. ºfüga (L. fuga, flight)], f. : (old) retreat; (now) dove-cot; pigeon- house. |fui-r° [p. L. fügire (L. fugere)], irr. S; intr. : flee (fly, run away ;.escape ; retreat); spill over ; glance off; leak ; slope back ; tr. : evade, shun, avoid, elude. -te° [p. L. ºfügita], f. : flight ; evasion ; escape ; leaking ; #subterfuge. f-tif°, =ive [p. L. fügitivus (L. fugitivus)l, adj. : fugitive. S Ind. : Pr. _/ui-s, -s, -t ; _/2ey-oms, -ez, fuient. Ipf. fuyais. Fut. (Cond.) fuirai(s). — Subj. : Pr. fuz-e, -es,_-e , fuy-ions, -iez, jfuiezzé. Ipf. fuisse. - I've yuis. - Part. : Pr. ftevant ; P. _/uis. ful-gore" [l. L. -gora (L. -gor, light- ning)], m. : firefiy. -gural* [L.-guralis], adj. : of lightning : science -, divination by lightning. -gurantº [L. -gurans], adj. : attended by lightning (cf. rare Eng. fulgurant); darting (of pains). -gura- tion º [L. -guratio], f.: =. -guriteº [L. -gur, #ngl f. : =, lightning-tübe. fuligi-neº [L. fuligo, soot], f : sooty vapour (in medicine). -neux º, =euge [L. -nosus], adj. : fulginous, sooty brown. -nosité º [L. -nosus], f : fuliginosity (griminess ; sooty colour in typhoid fever). fulmi-coton* [L. fulmen, thunderbolt, Fr. coton], m. : guncotton. -nant* [L. -mans], adj. : =, fulminating ; threaten- ing. -nateº [L. fulmen, thunderbolt], m. : funérailles =, explosive chemical salt. -nation* . [L. -natio], f. : =, thundering; explosion. -natoireº [l. L. -natorius], adj. : fulmi- natory, striking terror. -né* [L. -neus], adj. : coquille -e, shell hav'g zigzag fur- rows. -nerº [L. -nare, hurl thunder- bolts], intr. : fulmine (flighten ; fulminate ; explode ; tr. : utter vehemently, thunder forth). -nique* [L. fulmen], adj. : ful- minic. ·. - ful-vErinº [L. -vus, yellow], m. : colour for brown-glazing. · I.fu-mage", m. : smoking, curing by smoke. 2.-mage* [2.-mer], m. : manur- ing. -magine* [L.-mus, smoke], f, or -mago, m. : smut (black fungus). -mantº, adj. : fuming, smoking. -ma- riaeées* [l. L. -maria, fumitory], f. pl. : fumariaceae (fumitory, earth-Smoke fami- ly). -mé°, m. : (engrav.) Smoke-proof. -mée*,f. : Smoke,fume (vapour; incense); flattery ; vanity; tipsiness ; fumet ; flaw (in diamonds): (fam.) vendre de la -, promise more than one can do ; manger son pain à la - du rot, enjoy in imagina- tion. I.ll-mer° [L. -märe], tr., intr. : Smoke. 2.mer° [p. L. ºfemare (L. fimus, manure)l, tr. : manure, fertilise. -me- roleº, f. : fumarole, breathing-hole. -meronº, m. : ill-prepared charcoal. -metº, m. : flavour; scent. -meterreº [l. L. fumus terrœ, ground Smoke], f : fumitory, mountain-fringe. I.-m.eurº, =euse, m., f. : Smoker of tobacco ; f : chair for Smoking. 2.-meur°, =euse [L. -mösus], adj. : smoky, fumy ; intoxicating ; tipsy. -mier° [p. L. ºfemarius (L. fimus, dung)], m. : manure ; dung-hill ; trash. -migation* [L. -migatio],.f. : =, smok- ing to disinfect. -migatoire* [L. -mi- gare (agere, drive), fumigate], adj. : fumi- gatory, cleaning by smoke. -migerº [L. -migare], tr. : fumigate. -miste", m. : chimney expert. -misterieº [-miste],f.: chimney business. -mivoreº [L. vorare, DEVOUR], adj. or m. : Smoke consumer. -moirº, m. : smoking-room ; smoke-house. -mureº [2.-mer], f.: manuring; quantity of manure. fu-nambuleº [L. -nambulus (funis,rope, ambulare, walk)], m., f. : funambulist. -nambulesque*, adj. : of ropewalkers. |fu-ne* [Prov. fun (L. funis)], f. : rope, cable. funèbre * [L. -bris (funus, "funeral')], adj. : funereal, mournful. funerº [-re], tr. : equip with ropes. fu-nérailles* [L. -neralia, funereal things ( funus, obsequies)], f. pl. : funeral. - néraire* [L. -nerarius], adj. : funeral. -neste * [L.-nestus], adj. : deadly; fatal ; baneful ; (rare Eng.) funest. -nestE- fuIugus | mentº [-neste], adv. : fatally. -nesterº ' [It., L.-nestare], tr. : pollute with murder. ffungus = fomgus. fu-nieulaire" [L.-niculus], adj. : funicu- lar, rope-like, of ropes ; m. : cable-road ; f : catenary. -nicule* [L. -niculus], 7/l. " |fu-nin° [p. L. fünämen (L. j'ünis, rope)], m. : froping, ropes (of a ship) ; white hawser. - fur* [L. forum, market; rate], m. : au (fà) - et à mesure, in proportion. fu-ret° [p. L. ºfürittus, dim. of L. für, thief], m. : FERRET ; sleuth : jeu de —, old maid (card-game) ; hunt-the-key (game). -retage* [-reterl, m. : ferreting; search- ing. - reterº, intr. : ferret ; tr. : ferret out ; search. -reteurº, =euse [-reter], m., f : hunter (with ferrets); rummager. fureur* [L. -ror], f : rage, FURY, anger ; passion ; furor; mania, madness. furfura eé [L. -ceus (furfur, bran)], adj. : bran-like ; (esp.) scurfy. fu-ribondº[L. -ribundus], adj. : raging, furious. -ribonder *, intr. : (rare) be- come furious. -rie* [L. -ria], f. : fury (violent rage ; storm of passion ; frenzy ; intense passion); avenging goddess, Fury. -rieusement* [-rieux], adv. : furiously ; (fam.) excessively. -rieux º, =euse [L. -riosus], adj. : furious (raging ; frantic ; insane ; extreme). furoleº [ fuir], f : =, St. Elmo's fire. furonº [ak. to -ret], m. : young ferret. fu-romcleº .[L. -runculus, little thief (fur)], m. : furuncle, boil. -romeuleuxº, =euse, adj. : furuncular. - rtifº, =ive [L. -rtivus], adj. : furtive. -rtivementº [-rtif], adv. : furtively. fusain* [L. -sus, spindle], m. : spindle- tree ; crayon, fusain ; charcoal-sketch. fusantº [-ser], adj. : fusing. fu-saroleº [It. -saruola], f : =, astragal. |-seau° ſp. L. ºfiisellus (L. füsus)], m. : spindle (handle grip of a sword ; bobbin ; | Whelp, rib of capstan ; axis ; rondle ; peg ; spit ; geometrical figure ; spindle-stromb mollusk) ; quill (of porcupines) ; pole ; rod ; tube ; section (of a ball-cover). -sée° [p. L. *-säta], f : fspindleful ; fusee (splint · for a horse ; fusiform figure ; cone of a watch) ; spindle ; barrel, cylinder ; rocket ; fistula ; lozenge : - volante, sky-rocket. -séen* [-sée], m. : rocket-shooter (soldier trained to shoot fusées). -selé* [-seau], adj. : fusiform. fuserº [L. -sus (-ndere, power)], intr. : · fuse (liquefy ; blend). fuserole" [-seau], f : spit (of a spindle). fu-sibilité º, f. : fusibility. |-sible* [L. sus [-ndere, pour)], adj. : fusible. fusiforme" [L. fusus, spindle, forma, form], adj. : fusiform. - gabatine fusi-l° [p. L. ºfocile (focus, fire)], m. : steel (for striking fire); gun ; whetting- steel or whetstone. -lierº, m. : =, -lière º, f adj. : pierre —, gravel for fountains. -llade* [-ller], f : =, general discharge of fire-arms. -ller", tr. : shoot ; whet. -l1ette" [ak. to fusée], f. : little fusee ; fiery serpent. - fu-sionº [L. -sio (-ndere, pour)], f : = (melting ; blending). -sionnement * [-sionner], m. : fusing. -sionnerº, intr. : unite. · fuste* [It. -ta], f.: fust, galley with sail and oars. fustetº [Prov.], m. : =, smoke-tree. fusti-gation* [L. -gare, flog], f : -ger* [L. -gare], tr. : whip. f-üt° [L. fustis, stick], m. : fstem ; shaft (of a column; of a pilaster); stock (of a gun); plough-tail ; handle ; barrel ; box : of a compass ; body (of a drum ; of a trunk). -utaieº, f : forest : — sur taillis, forest of trees forty years old; haute -, forest of trees over one hundred and twenty years. old. -utaille*, f. : cask : — en bottes, cask in staves ; - montée, cask put to- gether (ready for wine, etc.). -utaille- rie* [futaille], f. : wood for coopering. futaine* [Fostat, suburb of Cairo, in Egypt], f : fustian (cloth). I.fu-té * [ak. to fût], adj. : (old) tired out ; (nou) sharp, cunning. 2.-téº [ fût], adj. : (her.) hav'g handles, shafted. -téeº [ fût], f. : putty (for wood). futi-leº [L. -lis], adj. : -lementº, adv. : futilely, to no purpose. -Iité* [L. -litas], f : futility (uselessness ; useless thing): futu-rº [L. -rus, about to BE], adj. or m.: future. -rition º, f.: =, certainty in a future event. fu-yantº Lfuir], adj. : fiying ; tapering ; disappearing. -yardº lfuir], fadj. : apt to run away ; m. : runaway, fugitive. esm-sms s-emsi 6 º - mº s-•e $ G. g, jE or older jé [L.], m. : g (the letter). ga, cf. gars. - fgaban = caban. gabare* [?], f : lighter (barge, trans- port-vessel) ; large net. gaba-riº [?], m. : model (of a ship); car- riage-gauge. I.-rier", tr. : model. 2.gabarier* [-bare], m.: lighter-man, ' master of a transport-vessel. fgabarit = gabari. 4 gabarotº, =otte [-bare], m., f. : small lighter. ,- fgabatineº [It. -bbatina (ak.to Eng. gab, 317 . 318 gabegie fdeceive ; prate)], f. : trick (at cards) ; deceit, mystification : donner à quelqu'un la -, humbug some one. gabegie* [?], f. : (pop.) fraud. ga-belage* [-belerl, m. : drying salt ; mark to recognise the salt of the excise. -belerº, tr. : deposit (salt) in the stores of the excise-office for drying. -beleurº [-beler], m.: gabeler (collector of salt- taxes). |-belleº [? cf. Arab. kabala, tax], f. : GABEL (salt-tax) ; gabel office ; salt-store (of the excise, for depositing and drying salt). -belouº, m.: gabeler (in derisive use); toll or custom officer. gaberº [Icel. gabb, mocking], tr. : mock : se - de, mock at. I.gabetº [?], m. : vane (on a mast, or on an instrument). 2.gabetº [?], m. : parasitic worm. ga-bion [It. -bbiome (-bbia, L. cavea, CAGE)], m. : = (cylinder of wickerwork filled with earth to shelter men from an enemy's fire). -bionnade º [-bionner], f : = (travers with gabions). -bionnerº, tr. : fortify with gabions. - gabordº [ga ? bord], m. : garboard. gabu-ronº [?], m. : clamp (of a mast). -ronnerº, tr. : brace with clamps. gâ-ehage* [-cher], m. : mixing of mortar; careless loss. I.gâ-eheº [-cher], f. : plasterer's mortar-tool ; baker's spatula. 2.gâehe* [?], f : nab, box-staple, bolt- receiver (of a lock) ; gutter brace (piece of iron holding the gutter to the wall). gâeherº [Germ'c waskon, WASH], tr. : temper (lime) with water, temper ; cover with damp earth ; make a mess of; lose by carelessness ; set under price. gaehet" [?], m. : black tern (bird). gâehette* [2.-che], f. : catch (of a lock) ; tumbler (of a gun). gâ-eheur*, =euse [-cher], m., f : person that tempers mortar, mason's assistant ; bungler, botcher, careless squanderer. f-eheux º, =euse [-cher], adj. : mois- tened, splashy, sloppy. -ehisº [-cher], m. : mortar ; Wet mud ; bad business, mess, pickle. -ehoirº [-cher], m. : potter's #e, gade" [Gr. -dos], m. : codfish. fga-douardº, m. : night-man. |-doueº [?], f : filth, night-soil; prostitute. gaélique, adj. : Gaelic. gaf-fe* [?], f. : GAFF, boat-hook; awk- Wardness. -fer, tr. : push or draw with a hook ; intr. : do an awkward thing ; fumble. - ga-geº [Germ'c *wadjo (ak. to Eng. wager, and to wage, "risk')], m. : pawn (pledge, security) ; (leg.) bailment ; for- feit (in plays) ; WAGER (stake) ; (old) challenge ; (esp. in pl.) Wage(s), hire, gaillard pay : prêteur sur -s, pawnbroker ;jouer aux -s, play at forfeits ; casser aux —s, discharge, dismiss. -ge-mort = m0rt- gage. -gerº, tr. : fseize (furniture, etc.) for debt ; wager, stake, bet ; hire, en- GAGE. -gerie" [-ger], f. : (leg.) seizure, distress. ' -geur*, =euse [-ger], m., f. : wagerer, bettor. -geure* [-ger], f. : Wager, stake, bet ; strange act (as if per- sisted in on account of a wager): faire une -, lay a Wager ; soutenir une —, persist in or stick to a thing. -giste º, m. : paid person, hireling, (theatr.) super- numerary; musician in military band (not liable to service); (leg.) bailee. ga-gnage*, m. : pasture (-land) ; feed or pasture (sought by certain birds or beasts in the fields). -gnant, -gnante, adj. : gaining, winning; m., f. : winner. fga-gne*, f. : (dial.) gaining, earning. f-gne-dEnie rº, m.: labourer, toiler. -gme-pain*, m. : means of subsistence, bread-winner. -gne-pEtitº, knife- grinder. |-gner* [OHG. waidan-jan (mod. Ger. weiden), pasture], intr. (OFr., except in a few hunting-terms) : pasture ; make booty ; tr. : GAIN (acquire, win, conquer ; WIn over ; prevall upon, attract ; earn, get ; attain, reach, occupy): se -, gain, earn ; be contagious ; - sa vie, gain one's support, work for one's living ; - Sur, prevail upon ; - un rhume, catch a cold ; la faim me gagne, Iam beginning to feel hungry ; - du chemin, gain ground ; - les champs, scour away ; — le devant, get the start ; - le dessus, get the upper hand, get the better (of) ; — à être connu, improve upon acquaintance. -gneurº, -gneuse, m., f : gainer, winner. - gai* [?l, adj. : GAY (merry, cheerful ; light); loose : il a le vin —, he is merry in his liquor. -memtº, adv. : gaily, mer- rily. -té, f. : gaiety, merriment, mirth ; sportful act, word or composition ; frolic : être en -, be merry with wine ; cheval qui a de la -, meddlesome horse ; de - de cœur, sportively, Wantonly. . - gail-lardº, -larde [?], adj. : merry, jovial, joyous, (fEng. gaillard); free, wan- ton ; fresh, cool (of the wind); tipsy ; fsolidly built ; m. : merry or jovial fellow, (fEng. gaillard), blade, jolly dog (fellow); castle of a ship ; elevator deck, forecastle, quarter-deck ; f (=de): merry or wanton woman ; gaillard (old lively dance); bour- geois (small type) : gros —, big jovial fel- low ; petit -, sly dog ; — derrière, quarter-deck ; - d'avant, forecastle. -lardementº, adj. : merrily, joyously ; boldly. -lardise º, f : merriment, mirth, frolicsomeness ; sportful (wanton) word, act or composition. gaillet gaillet" [L. galium], m. : joint-grass : - jaune, cheese-rennet ; - grateron, gOOSe-graSS. gaîment = gaiement. gainv* [gagner], m. : = (profit ;. win- ning) : âpre au -, eager for lucre ; - de jeu, winnings ; tirer du - de, profit by ; avoir - de cause, carry a cause, carry a suit ; donner - de cause, yield ; -s mup- tiaux (or de survie), portion of the sur- vivor. gai-ne° [L. vagina], f. : sheath (scabbard ; sheathlike covering) ; canvas edging ; (arch.) support of a bust (enveloping as it were its lower part). -nerie * [-nier], j. : sheath or casket-making. -nier*, -ière, m., f. : sheath-maker or seller ; casket-maker or seller ; m. : judas-tree ; f. : sort of bee. gaîté = gaieté. gala " [It.], f : = (pomp). galac-t . .. [Gr. gála, milk] : -tite", f : =. -tomètre" [Gr. métron, MEAS- URE], m. : galactometer. ga-lammentº, adv. : courteously, grace- fully. |-lantº, -lante* [Pr. Part. of OFr. -ler (from Ger.), be glad], adj. : flively; graceful, courteous ; bef. its moum, delicate, honourable ; aft. its noun, gallant (polite or attentive to ladies, chivalrous);|. m. : ladies' man (wooer, lover); brisk fel- low; gracefulness, refined taste ; knot, --#de -#t-homme, an honest man, a gentleman ; un homme -*,-3-ladies.m,,f" une femme —, a woman fond of love-in- trigues, a courtisan ; un billet -, a billet- doux, a love letter ; faire le -, act the ladies' man, court the ladies ; un vert -, a brisk spark, a devoted ladies'man ; verts -s, or -s dans la feuillée, robbers in the wood ; - d'hiver, (bot.) snow-drop. -lan- terie º, f : gracefulness, politeness ; gal- lantry (to ladies, attention) ; courteous compliment ; sweet words ; love-affair, intrigue ; syphilis. -lamtim º, m. : beau, spark. galantine* [? ak. to gélatine], f. : = (mixed meat served cold in gelatine) ; (bot.) snow-drop. . fgalantisen°º [-lant], tr. : flatter; dangle after : se -, admire one's self. galaxie* [L., Gr. -xia (Gr. gála, milk)], ·f. : Galaxy, MILKY-way. galbanum* [L.], m. : = (gum resin) : fdonner du - à, put a sham upon, wheedle. gal-beº [It. garbo], m. : (arch.) general outline, profile ; graceful sweep. -béº, adj. : (arch.) of a special outline ; lightly outlined. galeº [?], f : itch, scab, scurf. galé* [Eng. -le], m. : GALE (plant). 319 ga-léa ee* or -léasse [It. -leazza (L., Gr. -lea, galley)], f. : galeas (large galley). -lée º [Gr. -laîa], f. : galley (old oared vessel ; now tray for set up type). fgalefrEtie'rº [?], m. : ragamuffin. galégaº [It. -lega], m. : goat's-rue (plant). galène* [Gr. -léme, lead], f : galena (lead- sulphid). - fgalerº [-le], tr. : scratch. galère* [It.-lera (-lea)], f. : (nav.) galley ; tumbrel , large plane ; scraper on wheels ; furnace. galerie*[l. L.-ria (?)], f. : gallery (covered passage, corridor , picture, etc., gallery ; balcony , now stern or quarter-gallery ; galoche fort. covered communication ; min. work- ing drift) ; spectators' alley (at a game of tennis), spectators ; moulding of furniture, etc.; fender : - d'écoulement, drain- | \ gallery ; drift ; - du faux pont, gang- # º Way. vict. | galerneº [?], m. : north-west wind. galet* [OFr. gal (?)], m. : beach pepble ; disk, roller, caster ; net buoy. galetas* [Galata, tower in Co#ºutino- ple], m. : garret; wretghed ledging. galette* # round, flat cake ; sea- biscuit ; h#oi ; (slang) money ; block- head. .. ..* galºº cº, =euse [-le], adj. : scabby, scur- V,ºm., f : scabby person : bois -, worm- eaten tree. galhaubanº [gal- ? hauban], m. : (nav.) back-stay : rides de -, lanyards of the back-stays. fgaliette = gaillette. galimafrée* [?], f. : hash, hodge-podge. galimatiasº [?], m. : = (confused mix- ture, nonsense, balderdash). ga-lion* [OFr. -lie = Fr. -lée], m. : (nav.) galleon ; brace (of a hatchway). -liote* [OFr. -lie], f : half-galley ; river-boat ; brace ; (bot.) bennet. galipotº [?], m. : white resin. galisº [-ler], m. : slot, track of a deer. galle* [L. -lla], f : gall (excrescence on plants, etc.); oak-apple. - galli-cam* [L. -canus (Gallia, Gaul)], adj. : Gallican. -canisme º, m. : Galli- canism. -eismeº [L. -cus], m. : gallicism. galli-na-eés*[L.-maceus], m.pl. : gallinae (order of birds). -neº [L. gallus, cock], adj. : gallinaceous. I.gallique* [L.-llicus (-llus, Gaul)], adj. : Gallic. 2.gallique* [-lle], adj. : (chem.) gallic. gallois, = oise, adj. : Welsh ; Welshman ; Welsh (lang.) ; f : Welsh woman. gallonº [Eng.], m. : =. galo ehe° [p. L. *-lopia (Gr. kaló-pous, , ,--* -44 galérien º [-lere], m. : galley-slave ?con- 320 galon *wood-shoe')], f. : = (overshoe) ; (nav.) clamp. - ga-lon º, m. : galloon, lace, petty officer's stripe ; lining band (of a sail) ; grocer's round box. |-lonner * [?], tr. : adorn with galloons or lace, lace. -Ionie rº, m. : lace-maker. ga-lopº, m. : gº# gallopade ; (pop.) scolding. -lopade*, f : galloping; gal- lop. -lopantº, adj. : galloping; that progresses far (of diseases). -Iopeº, f : gallopade (dance) ; à la -, precipitously. |-loper* [?], intr. : gallop ; dance the gallopade , tr. : make gallop ; hurry on. -1opinº,m. : errand-boy; scullion; (fEng. gallopin); street-boy, rogue ; Small glass of wine (before starting). galoubet" [Prov. (?)], m. : flute (with three holes). galuehatº [inventor G.], m. : shark- ,-# (prepared for etuis, etc.). §niqueº, adj. : galvanic. nisa- §º,f : galvanisation. -niserº, tr. : galvaº |-nisme " [Galvani, Italian §hysiºisºl, m. : galvanism. -nomètreº [Gr. métron, MEASURE], m. : galvanometer. §opiastie" [Gr. plássein, form], f. : galvanoplasty, electººYºº , • * galvau-derº [?], tr. : fabº ; demean. -deux*, =euse, adj. : (pop) worthless, idle. · · · · gam-badeº [It. bata (-ba, leg, cf. jºel f : gambol; skip (a debt). -baderº, | intr. : gambol, romp. -bette [It. -ba], f : red-shank (bird). -bier , m. : iron bar ; shin. -billerº [It. -beggiare], intr. : dangle one's legs ; kick about ; pull one's self along a stretched rope with the hands ; shift (a sail). -bit* [It. -betto], · m. : = (at chess). - ga-melleº [It.-mella (L. camella, wooden vase)], f. : porringer (bowl) ; platter ; mess (of officers, cadets, and physicians). -melonº, m. : small porringer. ga-minº, -mine [?l, m. : boy assistant ; , m., f : street-boy, urchin, gamin. -mi- · nen°º, tr. : act the street Arab. -mine- rie !º, f : urchin's trick. gaxmmareº [L. -rus (Gr. -ros)], m. : cray- fish. gamme* [Gr. gâmma, the letter 'g', once usedto designatethe first note of the scale], f : gamut, scale : chanter la - à, scold thoroughly : mettre hors de -, disconcert. gana eheº [L. ganascia (? Gr. gnáthos, jaw)], f : lower jaw (of a horse) ; block- head, dunce, dolt (fr. avoir la — pesante, have a heavy or stupid appearance); pro- trusion of the lower lip (of insects): fau- teuil —, easy chair for old people. gandin,º [? reference to boulevard de Gand, Paris], m. : dandy. garde ganerº [-no], intr. : give away the lead (at ombre). - gan-giionº [L., Gr.], m. : =. -glion- naire*, adj. : ganglionary. v gan-grène* [L. -grœna (Gr. grân, gnaw)], f : gangrene. -grEnerº, tr. : gangrene; corrupt. -grEneux º, =euge, adj. : gangrenous. gangue" [Ger. gang, passage], f : =. ganoº [Span. (cf. gagne), "I gain'], m. : mine the deal ! (at ombre). gam-seº [Prov. -80 (?)], f : cord, loop, bobbin. -sen°º, tr. : hem with a cord. gan-tº [OHG. want], m. : glove, GAUNT- let: - d'escrime, fencing glove; cela vous va comme un -, that fits you admirably; perdre ses -s, lose one's innocence; avoir les -s de, profit by ; se donner les —s, attribute the merit to one's self ; — de Notre-Dame, throatwort, foxglove. -te- léeº, f. : foxglove (plant). -teletº, m. : GAUNTLET ; hand-leather ; (surg.) glove- bandage. -telineº, f : foxglove (plant). -terº, tr. : glove, fit with gloves ; fit (of gloves) : cela me -e, that just suits me. -terie*, f : glove-making; glove-store. | -tier*, -tière, m., f : glover. garage* [-rer], m. : putting (a boat) in a dock, docking ; (rail.) shunting. ga-rançage" [-rancer], m. : madder dye- ing. |-ram-ee* [?], f : (bot.) madder. -raneer:º, tr. : madder. -raneeurº , [-rancer], m. : madder-ºyer.º-ra.ºvèièreº, ' f : mañüer-plantation or establishment. garan-tº, =ante [OHG. wèrents (wèren, WARRANT)],m., f : Surety (person orthing), WARRANT(er), voucher;GUARANTEE. -tie*, ſ. : warranty, guaranty, security, voucher: — accessoires, (leg.) collateral security. -tirº, tr. : guarantee, warrant, vouch for; pledge ; secure, protect ; indemnify : se -, secure, protect or shelter one's self, keep clear of. | garbure" [Gasc. (?)], f : thick porridge. gar-ee* [f. of gars], f. : (old) girl ; strumpet. I.-eette*, f. : (old) little girl; (nav.) GASKET. - - 2.gare ette* [Span. -ceta, heron], f : (old) lady's head-dress (sort of bangs), gar-çon º[?], m. : boy (lad, fellow, waiter; assistant); bachelor ; journeyman : faire le mauvais -, hector, bluster ; se faire beau —, be a jolly fellow, dissipate ; premier —, foreman. -çonner*, intr.: play with boys (or girls). -çonnetº, m. : little boy. -çonnière*, adj. : fond of playing with boys ; tomboy ; boy's lodging. I.gar-deº, f : GUARDing (protection, keeping, defence, watch, custody) ; GUARD (body of armed men ; protecting fixture of various kinds, as the guard of a sword hilt, WARD of a lock, anchor-watch ; fly- » garde leaf of books, etc.) ; care, heed ; inclina- tion ; low card : prenez -, take care (de, not to); faire la -, être de -, upon guard; monter une - à, reprimand severely; des- · cendre la —, come off guard ; la - mon- tante (descendante), body of troops going on guard (coming off guard) ; - du corps, life-guard ; corps de -, guard-house ; faire bonne-, keep good Watch; donner en - à, commit to the keeping of; se tenir en —, be on one's guard ; fruit de -, fruit that will keep ; sans y prendre -, without in- tending it; se donner de - de, be on one's - guard against ; s'en donner jusqu'à la —, take pleasure to the full; n'avoir — de, not be inclined to, not be fool enough to ; à la —, guard ! watch ! 2.gar-deº [I.-de], m., f : guard (person that guards) ; guardsman ; Warden ; Warder, keeper ; nurse: — royal, soldier of the royal guard; —s nobles, pope's body-guard ; - des sceaux, keeper of the seals ; du commerce, sheriff's officer, bailiff ; - du corps, life- guardsman ; les -s du corps, the life- guards,the body-guards. -dE-barrièreº, pl.-(s)--s, m. : gate-keeper. -dE-boisº, pl. —, or -s--, m. : forest-keeper. -de- bourgeoise, pl. -s--s, f : right of wardship. -dE-boutique*, pl. -, or —s, funsaleable commodity ; pastor (bird). -dE-canalº, pl.,-, canal-watch. -dE- eendreº, pl.-, or-s, m. : fender. -dE- ·ehampêtre, pl.-s--s, m. : field-keeper. -d-E-ehasseº, pl. -, or -s--s, m. : , gamekeeper. or —s--, m. : convict-keeper. eorpsº, pl. -, m. : (nav.) hand-rail, life- line; swifter. -dE-e$teº, pl. —s-—s, m. : guard-ship, coaster ; coast-guard. -dE-erotte º, pl. -, m. : splash-board. -de-étalon", pl. -, or —s-—s, m. : stallion-keeper. -dE-feuº, pl. —, or -x, m. : fire-guard ; fender. -dE-fou!º, pl. -s, m. : parapet (of bridges, etc.), hand-rail ; (nav.) life-line ; swifter. , magasinº, pl. -, or-s--s, m. : store- house-keeper, warehouse man ; funsale- able comodity. -dE-maladeº, pl. —, or -s--s, m., f. : sick-nurse. -dE- man eheº, pl.-s, m. : half-sleeve. -dE- manger*, pl. -, m. : pantry, larder ; safe. ' -dE-marteauº, pl. --, or —s- -s, m. : hammer-keeper (authorised to mark the trees to be cut down). -dE- meuble º, pl. -, or -s-—s, m. : store- room, lumber-room. -dE-national", pl. -8--aux, m. : national guardsman. -dE-nationale", pl. -s--s,f. : nation- al guard. -dE-noble, pl. -s--s, f. : right to enjoy the children's property un- til they were of age ; m. : member of the pope's guard. f-dE-noteº, pl. -s--s, -dE-ehiourmeº, pl. —, -dE- | -dE- 321 m. : notary. -dE-pêehe", pl. -, or -s--s, m. : river-keeper, water-bailiff. -dE-portº, pl. -s, m. : haven-agent. |-derº [Germ'c wardon (ak. to Eng. ward), wait, watch], intr. : watch, be on the guard, beware, keep, tr. : guard (pro- tect, preserve, wateh, care for) ; keep (ob- serve ; hold, reserve, retain, lay up ; keep to, remain in) : se -, keep one's self from, beware, take care not ; take care of one's self; en donner à --, impose upon ; - étroitement, keep in close custody; — par devers soi, hold back; - une médi- cime, keep a dose of medicine on one's stomach ; se - bien de, take good care not to ; gardez de rien dire, take care (be sure) not to say anything ; ce fruit ne peut - longtemps, this fruit cannot keep long. -derie º, f : infant-home (while the mothers are out working). -dE- rivièreº, pl. —, or —s-—s, m. : river- guard. -de-robe*, pl. -s, f : WARD- ROBE (closet ; apparel) ; privy, water- closet ; southern-wood (used to protect clothes in a closet) ; fm. : apron (with sleeves). -de-roleº, pl.-s, m. : keeper of the rolls, registrar. -dE-seellésº, keeper of the seals. -deur*, =euse, m., f : warder; keeper; herd. -dE-vaisseIleº, pl. —, or —--s, m. :, yeomen of the silvér scullery (keeper of a prince's dishes). -dE-venteº, pl. -, or -s--, m.: wood-merchant's agent. -dE- vue", pl. -, m.: screen for the eyes, shade. -dien*, -dienne [-de], m., f : guardian, keeper; warden ; door-keeper; trustee ; (leg.) bailiff's man ; superior (of a cloister) ; adj. : guardian, tutelary : - gargariser de la paix, police agent ; - de la Sainte- Barbe, (nav.) gunner's yeoman. gardon* [?], m. : redfin, roach. I.ga-reº [I've of -rer], interj. : out of the way ! look out ! : — à vous, look out ! — de devant ! make way before ! — le fouet ! beware of the rod ! 2.ga-reº [-rer], f : basin, wet-dock ; (rails) platform station : - d'évitement, switching line ; chef de -, station-master. -renne* [l. L. warenna (fr. same Germ'c radical as garer)], f. : freserve for fishing or hunting; rabbit-WARREN, rabbit-pen ; place where rabbits abound. -rennier* [-renne], m.: warren-keeper. |-rerº [Germ'c warjan (A.-S. warian, WARE, guard)], tr. : put out of reach, secure, protect, fasten (a boat) ; se —, keep out of the way ; (nav.) keep in shore. - gargamelIe* [Prov. -gamela (?)], f : throat, gullet. - garga-riserº [L. -rizare (Gr. -rizein)], tr. : gargle. -risme* [L. -risma)], f : gargarism, gargle. - 322 gar-gotageº, f : poor kitchen or fare. -goteº, # low eating-house ; dramshop. |-goterº [OFr. -gate, gullet], intr. : fbubble (with a gurgling noise) ; feat or drink slovenly; frequent low eating-houses or dram-shops. I.f-gotière* [-gote], f : = -gote. -gotierº, 2.-gotière [-gote], m. : keeper of a low eating-house ; bad cook. fgargouehe = gºrgº#. gar-gouillade" [-gouille], f : gurgling song; tipping step (in dancing). |-gouil- le* [?], f : GARGOYLE, water-shoot, spout. f-gouillementº [-gouiller], m. : gur- gling or rumbling sound. -gouillerº, intr. : gurgle, rumble (of water) ; dabble, paddle (in water) ; tr. : fix (a shaft) in a marble socket. -gouillisº [-gouiller], m. : gurgling, splashing (of water). gargous-seº [for cartouche], f : cannon- cartridge. -sier, m. : cartridge-box. fgarite = guérite. gar-nEmentº [-nir], m. : (OFr., " gar- nish, ornament'; mauvais -, "poor o.', hence by ellipsis :) wretch, worthless fel- low; scapegrace. -ni, cf. -nir. |-nirº gargotage [OHG. warnian (ak. to Eng. warn), pro- tect], tr. : cover (with something that pro- tects), GARNISH (furnish, provide ; stock ; | ornament, trim); line ; (nav.) rig; quilt ; se -, protect one's self ; furnish, provide, or stock one's self ; -ni, part. : garnished, furnished, etc. ; m. : furnished room or house ; stone-filling : chambres -nies, fur- nished rooms ; maçonnerie -nie, masonry filledupin themiddle. -nisaire"[-nison], m. : guard placed over seized property ; guard placed over persons avoiding mili- tary service, or the payment of taxes. -nison*, f. : GARRISON ; guard placed over seized property, bailiff's man; gar- nish. f-nisonnaire = -misaire. -Iiis- sage*, m. : garnishing; trimming; facing. -nisseur*, =euse, m., f : trimmer, mender. -nitureº, f : set of accesso- ries (completing or ornamenting a thing), garniture, set, (set of) trimmings or orna- ments ; lining ; (nav.) rigging : une - de cheminée, a set of mantel-piece ornaments; une - de robe, dress trimmings (lace, rib- bons, etc.); une - de diamants, a set of diamonds. I.garou" [?], m. : spurge-flax. 2.tga-rou [for loup-garou], m. : werewolf ; bugbear : courir le -, seek mighty ad- ventures, debauch. f-rouageº, m. : de-| bauch. garronº [?], male partridge. I.garrot* [?], m. : withers : blessé sur le -, wither-Wrung ; injured in one's repu- tation. 2.garrot" [?], m. : = (sort of duck). 3 gar-rot* [?], m. : fstick; bending lever, gâte-bois twister ; (surg.) =, tourniquet; (inquis.) iron collar. -rotte [Span.], f. : garrote (strangulation with an iron collar). -ro- ter*, tr. : prop (a tree, etc.); fasten (a burden, etc.) by the aid of a twister ; lie down, bind, pinion. garsº fam. ga [old Nomin. of garçon], m. : boy. garumº [L.], m.: = (sauce of small fish). Gascogne, f : Gascony (former district in the south-west of France, settled by BASQUES). gas-con, -conne [-cogne], m.,f. : Gascon (native or, m., dialect of Gascony); boaster, braggart. -conismeº, m. : Gasconism. -connadeº, f. : gasconade, brag, vaunt. -connerº, ftr. : rob ; intr. : fgasconade (brag); speak with Gascon accent. gaspil-lage", m.: squander, waste. |-lerº [?], tr. : squander, waste, lavish ; throw into confusion. -leurº, =euse, m., f : spendthrift, squanderer. - gas-t ... [Gr. -tér, stomach] : -terº [L.], m. : stomach. -téopodes* [Gr. poûs, FOOT], m. pl. : gasteropods. -tralgieº [Gr. álgos, pain], f : gastralgia. -tral- gique* [-tralgie], adj. : pertaining to gastralgia. -trique", adj. : gastric. -triteº, f. : gastritis. -troeèle" [Gr. kéle, tumour], f. : hernia of the stomach. -tro-laryngiteº, f.: inflammation of the stomäch and larynx. -tronomeº [-tronomie], m. : gastronomist. -trono- mie* [Gr. -tronomía (nômos, law)], f : gastronomy, art of good living; epicurism. -tronomique* [-tronomie], adj. : gas- tronomic(al). -troraphieº [Gr. rháp- tein, saw], f : gastroraphy. -trotomie º [Gr. tomé, cut], f. : gastrotomy. gâteau* [?], m.: cake ; (cake-like mass, as) honeycomb ; filling ; resinous layer, bed ; (surg.) pledget. - gâ-te-bois*, m.: (ºwood-spoilerº), poor carpenter ; butterfly (whose larva eats the wood). -te-enfant", pl. —, or —s, m. : spoiler of children. -te-maison º, -ménageº, pl. -, m. : too zealous servant (in the eyes of his comrades), simpleton. -te-métierº, pl. —, m.: person who spoils a trade, price-cutter. -te-papier*, pl. -, m.: scribbler. -te-pâteº, pl. -, m. : poor baker, bungler. |-ter° [L. vastäre (infl, by OHG. wastan), WASTE], tr. : flay WASTE ; spoil, damage (Eng. leg. waste), destroy, corrupt, taint : se -, be spoiled, spoil, taint ; become corrupt ; — du papier, waste paper, scribble; le temps se —e, the fine weather is changing. -terieº,' j. : spoiling attention, corruption. -te- sau eeº, pl. -, or -s, m. : poor cook; scullion. -te-tout, pl. -, m.: mar-all. gatte -teurº, I.=euse, m.,f. : spoiler. -teuxº, | 2.=euse, m., f. : paralytic, having lost control of his excretory organs ; imbecile. -tineº, f. : clearing, heath. #-tis", m. : damage (done by cattle). gatteº [Prov. gata (cf. jatte), bowl], f.: (nav.) manger. gattillier" [?], m. : chaste-tree. gau-ehe* [-chir; in sense of * left' for older semestre], adj. : crooked (winding); awkward (gawky); (us'ly) left (hand); f. : left hand or side ; left-hand side ; left (party); left wing or flank : à -, on the left, to the left ; donner à —, be in the wrong box. -ehement", adv. : awk- wardly, clumsily. -eherº, -ère, adj. : left-handed ; m., f. : left-handed person. -eherie*,f. : awkwardness, clumsyaction. -ehirº [older gauchir, Germ'c wenkjan (mod. Ger. wanken), reel], intr. : turn aside; be warped; flinch, dodge, prevaricate; ftr. : turn; warp. -ehissementº [-chir], m.: turning (aside); warping. gau-de* [Germ'c walda], f. : (bot.) dyer's- woad ; hasty-pudding. -derº, tr. : dye yellow. fgau-dirº [L. -dere], refl. : rejoice, be jolly. -driole", f. : broad joke. fgaudron, étc. = godron, etc. gau-frageº, m. : goffering (mode of plaiting ôr fluting). |gau-fre* [l. Ger. wafel ( fe = Ger. wabe), honeycomb], f. : honeycomb ; WAFFLE ; victim, dupe ; em- bossing (of paper). -frerº, tr. : GOFFER, plait. .. -fretteº, f : little waffle. -freur", =euse [ frer], m., f : gof- ferer. -frierº, m. : waffle-iron. -froirº [ frer], m. : goffering-iron. -frure* [ frer], f : goffering; embossing; shape of artificial flowers. fgau-ladeº,f. : stroke of a pole. -lageº [-ler], m. : knocking (down) with a pole. Gaule, f. : Gaul(the country). |gau-leº [?], f. : pole ; switch. -1éeº, f : what is knocked down with a pole, knock-down. -lerº, tr. : beat, knock with a pole ; fravage. -1ette*, f : little pole. -lisº, m. : branch ; Small wood. gau-lois, -loise [Gaule, Gaull, m., f : Gaul (person) ; Gallic language ; adj. : Gallic; old-fashioned (m., f person), rude; somewhat free, frank. #-loisementº, adv. : simply. -loiserie º,f. : somewhat free act or language ; frankness. fgaupe* [?], f : sloven, slut ; slovenly. gaus-seº, f. : mocking tale. ll-serº [?], refl. : jeer, banter. -serieº, f. : banter- ing. -seurº, =euse, m., f : banterer. Gauthier°, m. : Walter. fgava eheº [Span. -cho], m. : coward. adj. : gaverº [Prov. -va (?)], tr. : cram. 323 gavial" [fr. Hind.], m. : = (sort of croc- odile). fgavion* [OFr. -ve, throat], m. : throat. gaviteauº [Prov. -ten], m. : buoy. gavotteº [Prov.-to, 'dance of the Gavots' (nickname of Alp-dwellers)], f. : GAVOT (dance or air). ga-zº [word made by Van Helmont], m. : gas; (med.) flatus : - étouffant, choke- damp ; bec de -, gas-burner. gazeº [?], f : GAUZE. gazé-fierº[gas], tr. : gassify. -iformeº, adj. : gasiform, gaseous. gazelle* [Ar. ghazal], f. : =. gazerº [-ze], tr. : cover with gauze; cover thinly, gloss over. fga-zetierº, m. : gazetter. f-zetimº, m. : little gazette or paper. |-zetteº [It. -zetta (orig. a coin, the cost of the paper)], f : = daily paper, paper; distri- bution of papers ; newsmonger. - ga-zeux ", =euse [gazl, adj. : gaseous. I.-zier*, =ère [gaz], adj. : of gas, gas-. 2.fgazier", -zière [-zel, m., f : gauze- maker. gazomètre" [gaz, mètre], f : gasom- gélif GlUGI°. ga-zon*[OHG. waso (= Ger. wasen], m. : sward, sod, grass, turf; ( fort.) = : parterre de -, grass-plot, lawn. -zonnantº [-zonner], adj. : producing sod or grass. -zonnement" [-zonner], m. : turfing, sodding. -zonnerº, tr. : cover with sod · or grass, sod; intr. : form a sod, be cov- ered with grass. gazouil-lement*, m. : chirping, war- bling; babbling. |-lerº [?], intr. : chirp, warble, twitter ; murmur. -lisº, m. : chirping, twitter ; murmur. geai* [?], m. : JAY. géant°, -ante [p. L. *gagas (L. gigas, '-gantis)], m., f. : GIANT, giantess; adj. : gigantic. $ gecko" [echoic], m. : = (lizard). Gédéon, m. : Gideon. géhenne* [L. -na (Hebr. ghe-hinnom, ''valley of Hinnom')], f. : gehenna ; hell. I geindre° [L. gemere], irr. (cf. peindre); intr. : whine, moan. 2.fgeindre = gindre. fgel° [L. gelu], m. : frost. gélati-neº [L. gelatus, frozen], f : gela- 'tin. -neux ", =euse, adj. : gelatinous. gE-1éº, part. : frozen; frost-bitten. -lée° "[p. L. *-lata], f. : frost ; JELLY : - blanche, hoar-frost ; - de mer, jelly-fish. |-ler° [L.-läre], tr. : freeze; intr. or refl. : freeze; be very COLD. -leur º, =euse, m., f : freezer ; (jest.) saint celebrated in the frosty season. •- gélifº, -ive [geler], adj. : cracked by the · frost. { 324 · fgEli-ne° [L. gallina], f : hen. -notteº, ·f. : hazel-hen ; fattened fowl. géli-sº, -sse [geler], adj. : cracked by 'the frost. -ssure", f : frost-crack. fgé-meau*, pl. -x, -melle [L. ge- mellus (-minus)], m., f : twin; pl. : GEMINI. -miné" [L. -minatus], adj. : geminate, double ; (leg.) reiterated. gé-mir*[geindre, by change of conjug'n], 'intr. : groan, moan ; lament ; repine. -missant*, adj. : moaning, lamenting. -missement*, m. : groan, moan ; lam- entation. gem-malº, adj. : gemmaceous. -ma- 'tion" [L. -matio], f : =. |-me" [L. -ma], f : gem ; (bot.) gemma, leaf-bud. -mipare" [L. parere, produce], adj. : (bot.) gemmiferous ; (dial.) gemmiparous. -muleº, f. : =. - - gémoniesº [L. -nicel, f. pl. : gemoniae | (place where executed persons were ex- posed in Rome) : traîner aux -, over- whelm with insult. génal" [L. gena, cheek], adj. : of the · cheek. gênantº [gêner], adj. : embarrassing, · troublesome ; inconvenient. geneive° [L. gingiva], f : gum. gendar-me* [gens d'armes], m. : fman- 'at-arms (esp. mounted soldier, fEng. gen- darme) ; police soldier ; ( fig.) * dragoon' (strong-headed man or woman) ; guard of a ploughshare ; (jest.) spark (of fire) ; lees (in wine) ; spot (in the eye) ; flaw (in a diamond). -merº, refl. : arm one's self, make resistance, resist, oppose ; tr. : (rare) : dragoon. -mErie º, f : fgen- darmery; corps of police soldiers; barrack. gendre° [L. gener (ak. to genus, KIN)], · m. : son-in-law. ' gê-ne * [old form gehine, fr. OFr. gehir " (OHG. jehan), 'avow'; early influenced by gehenne, "gehenna'], f : (OFr. avow, avow by torture) ; ftorture ; constraint, incon- , venience, trouble ; embarrassment, pecu- niary difficulty : avec -, uneasily, un- comfortably; dans la -, under constraint; embarrassed, uncomfortable; sans -, un- constrained; unembarrassed, at one's ease, at home ; without ceremony; être à la —, be uncomfortable,be uneasy; mettre à la —, render uncomfortable ; put to trouble ; se mettre l'esprit à la -, torment one's self, rack one's brains. -né [-ner], part. : con- strained, embarrassed, uneasy ; short of cash. généaIo-gie* [L.-Gr. -gia (Gr. geneá, · birth, race, lôgos, discourse)], f : gene- alogy. . -gique*, adj. : genealogical. -gisteº, in. : genealogist. % génépi" [Savoy. (?)], m. : Alpine arte- · misia ; remedy made of this plant. geline génial gêner* [gêne], tr. : torture, torment; con- · strain, incommode, trouble, disturb; annoy; embarrass, pinch : se -, constrain or in- commode one's self, trouble one's self ; be ceremonious ; me pas se -, make no cere- mony, be at one's ease, make one's self at home. généra-l*, -Ie [L. -lis, "rel. to a genus 'or Whole class'l, adj. : general; m. : general ; f : fire-drum ; general (roll of the drum) ; general's wife. -latº, m. : gº# (grade, dignity). -le, see -l. -lement*, adj. : generally. -lisateurº, =triee [-liser], adj. : generalising. -Iisa- tion" [-liser], f. : generalisation. -li- serº, tr. : generalise : se —, become general or common. -lissimeº [It. -lissi- mo], m. : generalissimo. -lité*, f : gen- erality, old administrative district; general staff of an # headquarters. généra-teurº, -triee [L. -tor (-re, · produce)l, adj. : generating; m., f. : gen- erator, generant. -tifº, =ive [L. -re], adj. : generative. -tion* [L. -tio], f : generation. géné-reusementº, adm - generously, nobly. ll-reux º, =euse [L. -rosus (genus, race), high-born, noble], adj. : gen- erous (fof noble birth ; noble ; open- handed ; abundant ; exalting). générique* [L. genus, race], adj. : · generic. . générosité* [L. -rositas (cf. Fr. -reux)], f : generosity. Gènes, f : Genoa (city of Italy). gEnèse* or f-nésie [Gr. génnesis], f.: · production, GENESIS. gE-nestrol(l)e* [Prov. -lo], f : dyer's- · broom, green-weed. ll-nêt° [p. L.-mistum (L. -mista)], m. : (bot.) broom. gEnetº [Span.jinete (?)], m. : = (small 'Spanish horse). généthliaque* [L. -liacus (Gr. genéthe, · birth)], adj. or m. : (astrol.) genethliac. gEnêtière º [-nêt], f : broom-land. génétique* [Gr. gennetikós (gennân, en- · GENDer)], adj. : genetic. I.gEnette* [Span. jineta (fr. Ar.)], f. : genet, -tte (small carnivore). 2.gEnette* [-net], f. : bit (with a ring- shaped curb) : à la —, with short stirrups (genets being thus mounted). GEnè-ve, f. : Geneva (chief city of Swit- Zerland). géne-vois, -voise, adj. or m., f. : Genevese, Genevan. gEné-vrette"[genièvre],f : juniper-beer. "ll-vrierº [genièvre], m.: juniper-tree. gé-nialº, adj. : denoting genius, (fEng. · genial), inspired, keen. |-nieº [L. genius (root gen, beget), 'divinity presid- ing over births, tutelar deity’; influenced by in-genium, "innate gift'], m. : GENIUS 325 -tillâtre*, m. : lordling. -tillesse !, f. : (old) nobility ; pleasingness, graceful- ness, prettiness ; pretty thing or thought ; pretty trick. -timent* [for -tilment], adv. : pº# gracefully, nicely. gentlEman" [Eng. (Fr. gentil, Eng. · man)], m. : =. génuflection* [L. genu-flexio, " KNEE- | bending'], f. : genuflection, kneeling. géo- [Gr. ge0-, gê, earth] : -eentrique" · [Gr. kéntron, CENTre], adj. : geocentric. -de [L. -des], f : geode. -désie º [Gr. -desia (daíein, divide)], f. : geodesy. -de- sique " [-désie], adj. : geodesical. -gno- sie* [Gr. gnôsis, KNOWledge], f : geog- nosy. -graphe* [L. -graphus (cf. next)], m. : geographer. -graphie* [L.-graphia (Gr. graphé, description)], f : geography. génien gerbage (good or evil spirit presiding over man's destiny, etc. ; fairy ; animating spirit ; allegorical being personifying certain arts ; innate disposition, talent or superior gift ; a man thus endowed); (mil.) enGINeering ; corps of engineers. génienº,-enne [Gr. géneion, CHIN], adj. : · genian. gEnièvre° [L. jüniperus], m. : · juniper berry ; GENEVA, GIN. génisse° or gEnisse [p. L. jünicia (L. · jünix, YOUNG girl or cow)], f. : heifer. géni-talº [L. -talis (root gen, beget)], 'adj. : genital. -tifº [L. -tivus, of birth or source], m. : genitive. f-toires* [L. -talia], m. pl. : genitals. f-ture* [L. -tural, f. : offspring. gE-nou°, pl. -æ [old genouil; cf. der. : juniper ; · p. L. f-nuclum (L. -nu)], m. : KNEE; ar- ticulated part of various things ; ball and socket : à -x, on one's knees ; aux -x, -graphique* [L. -graphicus (cf. pre- ced.)], adj. : geographical. -graphiqtue- mentº [-graphique], adv. : geographi- at the feet. f-nouilIadeº, f : genu- flection. -nouillere*, f : knee-pro- | tector, knee-piece (of armour), knee-cap ; top (of boots); pulley-piece. genreº [L. genus; KIN, race], m. : GENUS '(class, species); kind, sort ; style, fashion ; GENDER ; GENRE : de bon -, gentlemanly ; ladylike ; de mauvais -, ungentlemanly ; unladylike. - I.g-ensº [old pl. of gent], m. or f. pl. : people, persons, men; domestics, attend- ants : - de bien, honest people ; - de guerre, warriors, soldiers ; - d'affaires, business men; les petites-, humble people. 2.-ens* [L.], f : clan, gens. I.ll-ent° [L. gens (root gen, beget), family, tribe], f : tribe, race, nation. 2.fgentº [L. genitum, born], adj. : fair, comely. · gentia-neº [L. -na], f : gentian (plant). · '-nées*, f. pl. : genus of gentiana. -nelle", f : small gentian. I.gentilº [l. L. -lis (gens, tribe)], m.: Gentile, heathen. 2.gen-til° -tiy bef. vowel, -tille [L. -tilis (gens, family), 'of (good) family'], adj. : (old) noble ; pleasing, pretty, fine ; cally. geô-lage", m. : (old) gaolfee. |geô-le° "[p. L. caveola (dim. of L. cavea, CAGE)], f. : (old) CAGE; GAOL, JAIL, prison ; jailer's lodging. -1ier*, -ère, m., f : gaoler, jailer. , 1 géo- [Gr. gê, earth]. -logie" [Gr. lôgos, 'discourse], f : geology. -logique" [-lo- gie], adj. : geological. -logiquement*, adv. : geologically. -logue" [-logie], m. : geologist. -manee* or -maneie [L. -mantia (Gr. manteia, divination)], f. : · geomancy. -maneie2vº,=enne [-mance], m., f : geomancer. -métralº [-mètre], adj. : geometrical. -métralementº [-métral], adv. : geometrically. -mètre* [L. -metres (cf. next)], m. : geometrician ; surveyor; geometer ('inch-worm,' looper); adj. : of a —. -métrie* [L.-metria (Gr. métron, MEASURE)],.f. : geometry. -métri- que* [L. -metricus (cf. preced.)], adj. : geometrical. -métriquement* [-mé- trique], adv. : geometrically. -ramaº [Gr. hórama, sightl, m. : georama. géorgien, adj. : Georgian. géorgique [L. -gicum (Gr. gê, earth, ér- GENTEEL (polished, polite); m., f. : pretty | gein, WORK), agricultural, sc. carmen, person : faire le -, play the aimiable, af- songl, adj. : Georgic; pl. Virgil's Geor- fect graceful manners. -tilhommeº, | gics. - pl. -tilshommes [homme]; m. : noble- géraneeº [-rant], f. : management. man, (OEng. GENTILman); royal attend-|géraniumº [L. (Gr. -nos, GRANE)l, m. : ant ( gentleman'); booby (bird): —s de geranium (plant With a beaklike torus). la chambre, king's gentlemen (special at-| gérantº, -rante [-rer], m., f : manager, tendants) ; vivre en —, live without work- | regent ; responsible editor. ing; - à lièvre, poor country squire (as | ger-bage* [-ber], m. : sheaving (ofwheat). living by hunting). f-tilhommeau* | '|-be* [OHG. garba (= Ger. -be)], f : [-tilhomme], m. : poor nobleman. -til-| sheaf; gerbe (in fire-works). -bée*, f : hommerieº [-tilhomme], f. : gentility ; | bundle ofstrawnot thrashed clean. -ber*, cheap gentry. -tilhommière º [-til- tr. : sheave, bind into a sheaf or sheaves ; homme], f. : small country-seat. -tilitéº | heap up ; intr. : be gathered into a sheaf [I.-til], f. : Gentile nations ; heathendom. | or sheaves. -bier, m. : grain-stack, rick. · 326 gerb9", m. or -boise, f [fr. Ar.] : jerboa " (rodent). ger-eeº, f. : chink, crack ; moth. ll-eer° "[p. L. *carptiäre (L. carpere, tear)], tr. : crack, chap: se -, crack, chap. -çure*, f : chap, crack, chink. gérerº [L. gerere, lead], tr. : manage, ad- · minister. gerfaut* [OHG. gir (= Ger. geier), vul- 'ture, fauc, old Nomin. of faucon], m. : GERFALCON. I.germain, -aine [L. -manus (? fr. Celt.)], adj. : Germanic; m., f : GERMAN (native of ancient Germany). 2.germain°, -aine [L. -manus (ak. t0 -men, germ)], adj. : GERMAN (born of the same parents, full; born of brothers or sisters, first) ; m., f. : brother ; sister ; cousin-german : issu de -, second cousin ; il a le - sur moi, he is cousin-german to my father (mother). · germandrée* [L. chamœdrys (Gr. cha- maí-drus, " earth-oak')], f : germander. germanisme" [L. -manus (cf. I.-main)l, · m. : germanism. ger-me° [L. -men], m. : GERM; sprout, · shoot, seed ; (bot.) ovarium. -mer° [L. -minarel, intr. : germinate (sprout, shoot, spring up) ; tr. : germinate, breed. -mi- nal" [L. -men], adj. : germinal ; m. : Germinal (seventh month of the revolution- ary calendar : March 21st to April 19th). -minatifº, =ive [L. -minare, germi- nate], adj. : germinative. -mination* [L. -minatio], f. : -moir" [-mer], m. : seed-holder; malt-house. f-mure " [-mer], f. : germination. #gérofle = girofle. gérondifº [L. gerundivum (gérere, per- · form)], m. : gerund. géronteº [comic character (Gr. géron, · old man)], m. : weak-minded old man. gerbo gerseauº [?], m. : (nav.) small grummet. gerseau* [?], m. : fennel-flower. gésier° [L. gigerium, entrails of poultry], · m. : GIZZARD. #gé-sineº, f : confinement, childbed. |-sir° [L. jacere], def. $ ; intr. : lie ; lie buried. - $ Ind. : Pr. gît ; gis-oms, -ez, -ent. gisais, etc. — Part. : Pr. gis(s)ant. gesse* [Prov. geissa], f. : vetch. gestation " [L. -tio (gerere, bear)], f : ' = (period of pregnancy). I.gesteº [L. -ta (gerere, act), deeds, feats], ſ : feat, (fEng. GEST), exploit ; trick : chanson de -, (French) epic poem (of the middle ages). 2.ges-te* [L. -tus (gerere, act)], m. : gesture, sign. -ticulateurº, =triee [L. -ticulator], m., f : gesticulator. -ti- culation* [L. -ticulatio], f : -ti- Ipf. ? gilet culerº [L. -ticulare (-tieulus, mimic gesture)], intr. : gesticulate. gestion * [L. -tio (gerere, act)], f : man- 'agement. geyser*gè'y- [Isl. (-sa, GUSH forth)], m.: giaour [Turk.], m. : = (infidel). gibbeux*, =euse [L. -bosus (bus, hump)], · adj. : gibbous (humped, protuberant). gibbonº [Ind.], m. : = (ape). gibbosité* [L. -sus, cf. Fr. gibbeux], f. : · gibbosity. - gibeeière* [OFr. -cer (cf. gibier), go | hunting], f : game-bag; bag, pouch ; juggler's pocket : faire des tours de -, play tricks of legerdemain. gibelet* [?], m.: WIMBle, GIMLET (fr. · Fr.): il a un coup de -, he is cracked. gibelinº [It. Ghibellino (fr. Ger.)], m. : " Ghibelline (adherent of the German em- peror, not of the pope ; 12th and 13th cent.). gibeIotte" [?], f. : rabbit-stew. giberne" [It. -na (?)], f. : cartridge-box. gibet* [?], m. : gibbet, gallows; cross. gibier* [?], m. : (OFr. chase) :— à plume, · feathered game; gros -, forest game (roe-buck, boar, etc.) ; menu -, small game (birds, hare, etc.); - de potence (de galère, de grève), gallows-bird (Newgate- bird, jail-bird) ; pièce de —, head of bird ; cela n'est pas de son -, that is not his fancy ; that is beyond his reach. giboulée* [?], f.: gusty shower (of rain, hail, or snow): — de mars, April shower. fgibo-yerº [ak. to bier], intr. : go hunting. -yeurº, m. : huntsman ; dealer in game. -yeux º, =euse, adj. : full of game. gi-fleº [?], f : fcheck; slap in the face. -flerº, tr. : slap in the face. | gigan-tesque* [It. -tesco (-te, GIANT)], adj. : gigantic. -tesquement*, adv. : gigantically. Gigogne", f. : name of a woman in a children's play, surrounded by numerous children ; primrose : mère (madame) -, woman with many children ; danse -, old dance. •» gi-got* [?], m. : leg of mutton ; hind-leg '(of a horse) ; (jok.) leg, shank (of a per- son); fwatchman ; sleeve puff. -gotéº, adj. : strong-limbed. -goter", intr. : shake the legs, kick ; (jok.) dance. I.gigueº [Eng. jig (OHG. gîge = Ger. geige, fiddle)], f : JIG (tune, dance). 2.gi-gueº, f : leg, shank: une grande -, tàll, slim girl. #|-guer* [?], intr. : gambol, frisk. gi-let" [Gille, who introduced the vest], 'm. : waistcoat (vest; woman's garment ; undergarment). -letier º, =ère [-let], gille m., f. : waistcoat-maker. I.ll-Ileº [Gille, name of a clown], m. : clown ; ninny : #faire —, run off. 2.gilleº [?], f. : fishing-net. gimbletteº [Prov. -to (?)],.f. : ring-shaped · biscuit ; cake. gindre ° [p. L. *junior (L. jünior), · YOUNGER], m. : baker's workman. gingas* [?], m. : ticking, tick. gingembre* [L. zingiberi (Orient.)], m. : · GINGER. . gingivalº [L. -va, gum], adj. : =. ginglyme* [Gr. -mos], m.: ginglymus, hinge joint. . gin-guer* (dial.) = giguer. -guetº, '=ette, adj.: sourish; of small value, worth- less ; scanty, frivolous ; m. : sourish wine. girafe* [It. ffa (fr. Ar.)], f. : giraffe. giran-deº [It. -randa (L.gyrare, turn)], f : sheaf (jet) of water or light, giran- dole. -doleº [It. -dole], f. : = (re- volving firework ; branched candlestick); jet of water; ear-ring with many pendants. girasolº [It. -le (L. gyrare, turn around, · sol, sun)], m. : = (HELIotrope ; opal). giratoireº [L. gyrare, turn], adj. : gyra- tory, gyral. giraumont" [?], m. : pumpkin. girie º [?], f. : affected complaint ; affec- · tation. - giro-fle* [L.-Gr. caryophillon (Gr. ká- · ruon, nut, phillon, leaf)], m. : clove (bud of the clove-tree): clou de -, clove. -flé*, =ée, adj. : of clove; f : GILLI- FLOWER : - jaune, wallflower ; — à cinq feuilles, five-leàved gilliflower ; (jok.) slap in the face (leaving a mark of the five fingers). -flier, m. : clove-tree. giroleº [Prov. -oulo (?)], f : parsnip. . girolleº [? gyrare, turn], f. : kind of · edible mushroom. | . gi-ronº [OHG. gero], m. : (OFr. triangu- lar piece); GYRON (triangle in an escutch- eon); winder (triangular or trapezoidtread of stairs); (OFr. flap of garment); lap, bosom: - droit, rectangular tread; — de l'église, lap or bosom of the Church. -ron- né", adj. : arranged in gyrons, gyronny; arranged with winder steps. girouetteº [L.gyrare, turn],f. : weather- · cock, vane. · gi-sant* [Part. of gésir], f : lying out- stretched ; lodged ; m. : person lying sick ; part of the shaft resting on the axle-tree : meule -e, nether millstone. -sement* [gésir], m. : (nav.) position (of a coast), bearing; position of layer or vein of ore ; deposit, layer, lode. gît, 3 sing. Pres. Ind. of gésir : ci-gît, here · lies (on tombstones). •. gitano, -na [Span.], m., f : gipsy. gî-teº jit Igésirl, m. : resting-place, 327 lodging, home ; form or bed of a hare ; (nav.) f. : stranding-place ; deposit, layer, bed ; bedding ; nether millstone ; lower part of a carriage top : revenir au -, re- turn to one's own ; attendre le lièvre au -, find people at their home, see them personally ; #- d'étape, soldiers' halting- place. -ter*, intr. : lie down, lodge ; tr. : lodge. 4 I.fgivre, f. : -é = guivre, -é. 2.gi-vre* [?], m. : hoar-frost, rime; frost- work. -vréº, adj. : covered with frost or frost-work. -vreuxº,=euse, adj. : flawed (of precious stones). -vrure*, f : flaw (in a diamond). glabre* [L. glaber], adj. : glabrous, Smooth. gla-çant" [-cer], adj. : freezing, icy. |-ee° [p. L.*-cia (L.-cies)], f : ice; freez- ing-point ; ice-cream ; frostiness ; (what resembles ice, hence) plate-glass, mirror, coach-window ; frost-work ; jelly ; flaw (in a diamond). -eé", -eée [-cer], part. : frozen, iced ; icy cold, chilly ; freezing, nipping ; frosted ; glazed ; m. : glazing ; varnish; f : ice-plant; sort of apple. -eer° [L. -ciäre], tr. : freeze, ice, chill, benumb ; freeze up, congeal ; frost ; glaze, varnish ; smooth, stitch down (a lining); intr. : freeze : se -, freeze, become icy or chilled. -eieux*, =euse, adj. : ffreez- ing; flawed. -eiaire* [L.-cies, ice], adj. : (geol.) glacial. -eialº, =le [L. -cialis], adj. : glacial (frozen, frigid); cold ; freez- ing. -eier", m. : = (moving field of ice), ice-cream dealer; glass dealer. -eièreº, ſ. : ice-cellar, ice-house ; fmass of ice. -eisº [-cer], m. : = (smooth slope ; esp. in fort., slope inclining outwardly from covered way); (arch.) talus, weathering ; glazing; plastering; stitching (in a lining). -çon*, m. : piece of ice ; icicle. -çure", f : glazing (glossy substance). gladiateur* [L. -tor (gladius, sword, GLAIVE)], m. : gladiator ; #duellist. gland fgl-ai° [L. gladius, sword, GLAIVE], m., -aïeul° [L. gladiolus, small swordl, m. : GLADIOLE (lily-like plant), côrn-flag. glai-rageº [-rer],m. : glairing. glai-re° [p. L. *clăria (L. clärus, clear)], f : GLAIR. -rerº, tr. : glair. -reux *, =euse, adj. : glairy. -rureº [-rer], f. : glair (used in gilding). glai-se° [p. L. *glitia (glis, loam ; ? ak. to CLAY)],.f. : potter's clay: terre -, loam, clay. -serº, tr. : loam, marl. -seu*, =euse, adj. : clayey, loamy, marly. -sière", f. : clay-pit, marl-pit. glaiveº [L.gladius], f. : = (sword, blade). fglama = lama. - glanageº [-merl, m. : gleaning. glan-d° [L. glans], m. : acorn; (acorn- 328 glane like thing, as) tassel-ball, tassel, ball, GLANS : - de terre, pea-nut, earth-nut ; — de mer, acorn-shell. glan-de* [L. -dula (dim. of glans)], f. : GLAND; tumour. 1.-déº, adj. : acorned. 2.-déº [-de], adj. : glandered. -dée*, f. : crop of acorns ; mast pannag (food of swine in the woods, as acorns, etc.). -dulaireº [-dule], adj. : glandular. -duleº [L. -dula (dim. of glans)],.f. : =. -duleux º, =euse [-dule], adj. : glanduous. gla-ne*, f : handful of grain gleaned, gleaning; bunch (of fruit, etc.): - d'oi- gnons, rope of onions. -ner° [L. glenäre], tr. : GLEAN. -neurº, =euse, m., f. : gleaner. -nure*, f : gleaning. gla-pirº [for -tir], intr. : yelp; screech. | -pissantº, adj. : yelping; squeaking, shrill. -pissementº, m. : yelping ; squeaking, scream. - glaréole* [L. -la], f. : sort of plover. glas° or fglais [L. classicum, trumpet signal (for a class or body of men)], m. : (old) ringing of all the bells of a church ; (nou) knell, or toll (at the death or funeral of a person), passing bell, funeral bell ; slow firing of guns (at a military funeral). fglatir° [L. -rel, intr. : (old) yelp glaueierº [L. -ciuml, m. : horn poppy. glau-come" [L. Gr. -comal, m.: glau- coma. glau-que* [L. -cus (Gr. -kôs, blue-gray)], adj. : glaucous (sea-green). glèbe* [L. gleba], f. : glebe (clod; soil, ground, land): attaché à la -, bound to the soil. - I.glène" [Prov. -na (tr. glane)], f. : coil. 2.gl-ène* [Gr. gléne, cavity], f : (anat.) cavity, socket. -énoïdal or -énoïde, =dien [Gr. gléne, eîdos, foam], adj. : glenoid(al). · glette* [?], f. : (dial.) form; litharge. gletteron,º[OHG. chlëtto (= Ger. klette)], m. : burr ; scratch-weed. gline " [?], f. : fisher's basket. gIis-sade º, f : slide (sliding, = ; slip ; slippery or icy surface); (danc.) side-step. -sant*, adj. : slippery. -sé, part. : glided, etc.; m. : (danc.) side# -sementº, m. : slide, sliding. -ser* [OHG. glitan, · GLIDE], intr. : GLIDE, slide, slip ; glance, pass lightly (sur, over), make no impres- sion ; glide or slip away ; tr. : slide, slip or steal (in); insinuate : se -, slide, slip or steal (in); worm or insinuate one's self ; glissons là-dessus, let us pass over that. -sette*, f. : (math.) =. -seurº, =euse, m., f : slider. -sière*, f : slide, groove. -soirº, m. : log slide (on mountain sides). -soire*, f : slide (on the ice or snow); (mach.) guide. glo-be* [L. -bus], m. : = (sphere, ſorb, ball). -bée", f : ginger (plant). -bu- gluer laire" [-bule], adj. : globular, spherical ; f. : mud-wort. -buleº [L. -bulus (dim. of -be)], m. : =. -buleux º, =euse [-bule], adj. : formed of globules. gl-oire° [L. glôria], f. : GLORY (renown ; splendour; halo; bliss). -oriaº [L.-oria], f. : coffee with brandy in it. -orieuse- . ment* [-orieux], adv. : gloriously. -orieux º, =euse [L. -oriosus], adj. : glorious ; glorified, blessed ; feeling glori- ous, proud ; vainglorious, conceited, boast- ful, (fEng. glorious); m., f : vainglorious person, braggart : faire le -, be a brag- gart. -orification* [L. -orificatio (cf. -orifier)],f : =. -orifierº [L.glori-ficare (facere, make)], tr. : glorify : se -, glory (de, in), boast, plume one's self. -oriole" [L. -oriola (dim.)], f. : vainglory. gl-ose* [L. -ossa (Gr. -ôssa, tongue)], f : GLOSS (rare old or obscure word with its explanation ; such explanation alone ; com- ment); malignant comment; carping; bur- lesque comment, parody : #- d'Orléans, gloss more obscure than the text. -oserº, ftr. : gloss (explain by a gloss); criticise ; intr. : gloss (make comments); make criti- cism, carp (at, sur). -oseurº, =euse [ ooor], m., f. carper. -ossaireº LL. -088arium], m. : glossary. -ossateur* [L. -ossa], m. : maker or collector of glosses, glossarist. -osse=-ose. f-osser, f-ossement = -0usser, -oussement. -os- sien º, =enne, -ossique* [Gr. -ôssa], adj. : glossal. -ossiteº [Gr. -ôssa], f. : glossitis (inflammation of the tongue). -ossipètre* [Gr. -ôssa,pêtra, rock], m. : tooth of a fossil fish (at first taken for a serpent's tongue). glotteº [Gr. glôtta, tongue], f : GLOTTIS. glou-glo(u)terº, intr. : gobble (of tur- keys). |-glouº [echoic], m. : gurgling ; gobble (of turkeys). fgloume = glume. glous-santº, adj. : clucking. -sementº, m. : clucking. |-ser° [p. L. *glöciäre (L. glöcire)], intr. : cluck (of hens). iglout°, -te [old nomin. of -ton], m., f. : GLUTTON. - glouteron* [pop. for gletteron], m. : (pop.) burr, burdock. glou-ton°, -tonne [L. glutto], m., f : glutton (voracious person ; carnivorous mammal); gluttonous. -tonnementº, adv. : gluttonously, greedily. -tonnerie, f-tonnie*, f : gluttony. glu° [L. glus, glüt-], m. : birdlime ; GLUE. -ant* [-er], adj. : limy, sticky ; glutinous. -auº, m. : lime-twig : tendre des -, set lime-tWigs. - glu-eine" [Gr. -kôs, sweet], f : glucina. -c9se* [Gr. -kôs], f : =, grape-sugar. glu-er* [glu], tr. : lime (#with birdlime; glui Smear with a viscous substance, render sticky). -eux º, -euse [glu], adj. : (rare), Sticky, viscous. fgluiº [?], m. : (rye-)straw. glu-me* [L. -ma (-bere, peel)], f : =, husk. -melle º, f. : =. glu-tenº [L.], m. : =. -tinatifº, =ive, adj. : glutinative. -tineux º, =euse [L. -tinosus], adj. : glutinous, viscous. giy-eérineº [Gr. glukerôs, sweet], f : glycerin(e). |-eine" [Gr. gluküs, sweet], f : climbing vetch. -cogèneº [Gr. genân, produce)], adj. : producing sugar. -cogé- mie* [-cogène],f : glucogeny. f-e9se = glucose. - gly-pheº [Gr. gluphé (glûphein, carve), | carving], m. : (arch.) glyph (groove, chan- nel). -ptique" [Gr. -ptikôs],f. : glyptics. fgnaeareº [It. -rra (Ar.)], f : cymbal. gnafº [? echoic for the drawing of the cobbler's thread], m. : (pop.) cobbler. gnan-gnan* [echoic], m., f. : (pop.) Whining person ; adj. : whining. gneiss" gnèys [Ger.], m. : =. gnognotte* [?], f : (pop.) trash. gnole" [?], m. : (pop.) clash (of two tops); slap, scratch. gn-9meº [coined by Paracelsus, probably from the Gr. root gno-, KNOW], m. or adj. : =. -omide", f : gnome. gno-mique" [Gr. -mikôs (root gno, KNOW)], adj. : gnomic(al), sententious. -momº [Gr. -mon], m. : =. -monique · [L. -monicus (Gr. -kôs)], adj. : gnomon- | ic(al); f : gnomonics. gnon, same as gnole. gn-9seº [Gr. -osis (root gno, KNOW)], f : (theol.) gnosis (perfection of Christian science, as claimed by the Gnostics); Gnostic doctrine that all spiritual beings having emanated from the Deity must return to it. -ostieisme* [-ostique], m. : gnosticism. -ostiqueº [Gr. -ostikôs], m. : gnostic ; adept in gnosticism. gnouº [Hottent.], m. : gnu (Afric. ante- lope). goº or fgo-b [gober], m. : *morsel,' only in tout de -, at once, straightWay ; un- ceremoniously, freely. go-b(b)eº, f. : fattening ball (for chickens, etc.); poison · ball (for mad dogs, etc.). - gobe-let* [OFr. -l (?)], m. : goblet (drink- ing cup); butlership (office of one in charge of the king's wine, bread, etc.); juggler's box; cup-like flower ; trimming of fruit- trees : en -, cup-shaped ; joueur de —s, juggler ; tour de -, juggler's trick. -leterie" [-letier], f : glass-making or trade. -IEtierº, m.: glass-maker (for goblets) or seller. fgobelinº [l. L.-nus (Gr. kôbalos, knave)], m. : goblin. $ gOgO 329 gobe-lot(t)erº, m.: [-let], intr. : tipple. : -loteurº, =euse, m., f : tippler. go-be-mouehesº, m.: fly-catcher (bird); fly-trap : credulous fellow ; gull, simpleton. ll-berº [Celt. gobb, mouth], tr. : swallow greedily, GOBBLE, gulp down; believe credu- lously : 8e -, be one's own dupe ; — quel- qu'un, be somebody's dupe ; —les mouches, believe credulously, be gulled; trifle away the time. - I gobergeº [?], f : cramp, brace; cross- bar; handle (of a joiner's press). - gobergerº [?], refl.: famuse or enjoy one's self ; take one's ease, lounge. go-bet* [Celt. gobb, mouth], m. : mouth- ful; GOBBling, Swallowing ; gobbler, credu- lous believer, gull : prendre au -, take by surprise. -beterº, tr. : fill in or stop (joints, etc., with plaster), rough-plaster. -betisº, [-beter], m. : filling-plaster ; rough-plastering. -beurº, =euse [-ber], m., f : swallower; credulous person, gull : - de mouches, gull. - gobille [? ak. to bille], f. : ball. fgobinº [It. -bbino (-bbo, humped, GIB- BOSE)], m. : hunchback. godage " [-der], m. : creasing, puckering. go-daille* [for gogaille], f : merryfeast; spree. -daillerº, intr. : tipple, drink. -dailleurº, =euse [-dailler], m., f : tippler. - godan(t)º [?], m. : deceit, fraud, story. godelureau* [goguelu], m. : coxcomb, Spark. - fgodenotº [?], m. : juggler's puppet; vile Wretch. goderº [? -dron], intr. : crease; pucker. godet* [?], m. : cup (cup without handle ; cup-like receptacle ; acorn cup); spout ; vent-shell (of mortars). godiehe" [root of Godon, pet name for Claude (which see)], m., f : simpleton, ninny. go-dille" [?], f : scull (stern oar). -dillerº, tr. : scull. fgodinette* [? L. gaudere, rejoice], f : civil girl. - godiveau* [?], m. : force-meat pie. go-dron* [?], m. : round plait; godroon . (carved moulding). -dronner º, tr. : plait round ; provide with godroons. goéland* [fr. Bret.], m. : sea-gull. goélette" [?], m. : schooner ; sea swallow. goémon* [fr. Bret.], m. : wrack (sea- · weed) ; seaweed manure. goétie* [L.-Gr. -tia, sorceryl, f : invoca- tion of evil spirits, (fEng. goety). fgoffeº [It. :ffol, adj. : heavy, coarse. gogaille* [-gue], f. : (pop.) merrymaking. I.gogo* [?], adv. : in à -, plentifully ; in clover. 2.gog9º [?], m. : (fam.) dupe, gull. 330 +gogue* [?], f. : mirth. -lu*, adj. : self- content. -nard º, =arde, adj. : mock- ing, jeering, derisive ; m., f : jeerer, ban- terer. -narderº [-nard], tr. : mock, jeer, banter. -narderie* [-nard], f : mockery, jeering, bantering. - goguenotº [?], m. : (dial.) cider jug ; beton work supporter ; (triv.) privy. goguette* [-gue], f : (fam.) mirth ;merry story : être en —(s) à, be gay (from drink- ing); chanter -(s) à, reproach, abuse. goin-freº [?], m. : (old) marauder ; para- site; gormandiser, glutton. -frerº, intr. : gormandise. -frErie º, f : gormandising. goî-treº, m. : = (swelling on the neck). ll-treux*, =euse [Prov. -tros (L. guttur, throat)], adj. : goitrous (cf. -oître); m., f : person affected with a goitre ; pelican. golfe* [It. fo (Gr. kolpos, bosom, bay)], 77l. .. GULF. - fgomène = gumène. gom-mage*, m. : gumming. ll-me* [L. -mis (fr. Egypt)], m. : GUM : - élastique, India rubber. -merº, tr. : gum. -meuxº, =euse, adj. : gummous, gummy; m. : young man with exhausted vitality ; libertine ; dandy, fop. -mierº, m. : gum-tree. gQnd° [I, gnmphnts, bolt], m. : hinge (huuk on which a door swings) ; pintle (of a rud- der) : hors des -s, unhinged, beside one's self, mad. · gondo-leº [It. -la (?)], f : gondola; drink- ing cup (without handle) ; oval saucer ; paved gutter. -lerº, intr. : warp. -lierº, =ère, m., f : gondolier. gonfal . .. = gonfan . .. gonfa-nonº [OHG. gunt-fano, " battle- banner'], m. : = (military or ecclesiastical banner). -nonierº, m. : gonfalonier (standard bearer) : — de l'Eglise, Pope's official in Italian cities. - gon-flEment º, m. : swelling, inflation. |-flerº [It. flare (L.flare, blow)], tr. : in- FLATE, puff up, swell : se -, swell (up), be swollen ; become inflated ; avoir le cœur -flé, feel like crying. gongº [Malay], m.: - Goninº or gonin [prop. namel, m. : trickster, rogue. gonneº [?], f : tar-barrel, cask. gonorrhée* [L. -hœa (Gr. goné, semen, rhéein, flow)], f : gonorrhœa. gord* [?], m. : fishing net (between poles, in a river). gordien [Gordus, King of Phrygia], adj. : Gordian. goret* [OFr. -re, sow], m.: little pig; dirty child; (nav.) * hog ' (scrubbing broom). gor-ge° [p. L. *-ga (?)], f. : throat (neck ; pharynx; gullet, gorge); neck and shoulders (of a woman), breast; gorge (narrow open- ing or pass, defile, strait ; entrance into a gogue •- - e goujon bastion, concave moulding; groove; what is gorged by a hawk, etc.) : mentir par la -, lie openly ; rendre -, vomit ; disgorge, refund ; à pleine -, at the top of one's voice ; faire des -s chaudes de, ridicule ; donner - chaude, give palpitating flesh (to a hawk, etc.). -ge-dE-pigeon, m.: variegation of colour (like a * dove's neck'); adj. : variegated, shot. -gée*, f : gulp, draught, mouthful. -ger*, tr. : gorge. -gère*, f.: (old) ladies collar; gorget. I.-gEretº, m. : gorget (surg. instrument). -gErette* [-gère], f : fladies' collar ; bonnet string. -gErin * [-gère], m. : (old) gorget (piece of armour) ; (arch.) -getº, m. : moulding tool; concave mould- ing, groove. Gorgone [L. -go, Gr. -go (-gos, terrible)], ſ : Gorgon (fabled monster). gorgoneº, ·f : kind of polypier, basket-fish. gorilleº [l. L. -lla (Punic)], m. : gorilla. gosier* [?], m. : throat (inside), gullet ; fauces ; windpipe : (mus.) coup de —, breath. - gossampin*[fr. L.], m. : gossypium (cot- ton plant). gothi-que* [Goth.], adj. : Gothic : m. : Golhle (länguage, architecture, style); f : Gothic writing ; Old-English type. goton " [pet form for Marguerite], f : (fam.) country lass ; wench. goua-eheº [It. guazzo (?), splash], f : =, paintingin water body-colour. -ehéeº, adj. : in water body-colour. gouail-lerº [?], intr. : (fam.) mock coarsely, chaff, banter. -1eurº, =euse, m., f. : mocker, banterer. goua-peº, f : vagabondage; band of vaga- bonds. |-perº [?], intr. : (cant.) vaga- - –• • | bond. -peur*, =euse, m., f : vagabond. fgoudran = goudron. gou-dromº [fr. Ar.], m. : tar; f(mil.) tarred fascine. -dronnageº [-dronner], m. : tarring. -dronnerº, tr. : tar; mix with tar. -dronnerieº, f : tar-making ; · tar-works. -dronnierº, m. : tar-maker. -dronnière*, f. : tar-manufactory. gouet° [for goi, p. L. *gubius (L. -bia, chisel)], m. : arum (plant), cuckoopint. gouffre* [same as golfe], m. : GULF, abyss: un - d'argent, wild spendthrift. I.fgou-ge* [Prov. -jo (?)], f : girl ; wench. 2 gou-ge° [L. gobial, f : = (scooping chisel ; surgeon's chisel). -gerº, tr. : gouge (chisel out). , • gouin*, =ine [?], m.: (dial.) bad fellow ; ſ. : Wench, street-walker. goujat* [Prov. ( jo: cf. I.-ge)], m. : dier's servant ; coarse fellow, boor. I.goujon° [L. gobio], m. : GUDGEON (fish): avaler le —, believe a fib. 2 goujon* [2.gouge], m. : sculptor's chisel; sol- goule gudgeon dowel. goule* [Ar. ghoul], f. : GHOUL. gou-lée* [gueule], f. : (fam.) swallow, mouthful. -letº [gueule], m. : neck (of a bottle) ; funnel-like opening, entrance. -lette = -lotte. -lotº [gueule], m. : neck (of a bottle) ; spout (of a watering pot). -lotteº [gueule],f. : water-channel. -luº, =ue [gueule], adj. : gluttonous, greedy; m., ſ. : glutton (voracious eater ; the mammal). -Iûment* [-lul, adv. : voraciously, greed- (iron pin) ; adjusting pin ; lly. gou-mº [Ar.], m. : (mil.) Algerian con- tingent. -mier*, m. : rider in a goum. fgoupil° [p. L. vulpiculus (L. vulpes, fox)], m. : fox. gou-pille" [?], f : joint-pin, pin, bolt. -pilIerº, tr. : pin. goupil-lon* [for guip-(cf. guipon)], m. : aspergill (holy-Water Sprinkler, aspersori- um) ; bottle brush, chimney-brush. -lon- ner, tr. : clean with a bottle-brush. gourbi* [Alger.], m. : hut, cabin. fgourd°[L. gurdus], adj. : fswelled; heavy, | immovable. gour-de", f : stunning bloW. - 2.gourde° [L. cucurbita (cf. courge)], f. : GOURD (fruit ; vessel made from its shell ; bottle in wicker). gour-dinº [It. cordino, small CORD], m. : (old) rope's end (for sail, and for whipping sailors); cudgel, club. f-diner", tr. : cudgel. - fgou-re", f : adulterated drug. ll-rer* [cant], tr. : fadulterate (drugs) ; dupe, cheat. -reux ", =euse, m., f : fadult- erator of drugs ; cheat, deceiver. gourgandineº [?], f : prostitute, street- Walker ; low dress. - gourganeº [?], f : horse bean. fgourgouran" [?], m. : Indian silk fab- I"1C. gourmadeº face) ; punch. gour-mand º, =mande [?], adj. : glut- tonous ; loving good cheer, gastronomical ; m., f. : gourmand ; lover of good cheer, gastronomer, epicure. -manderº, fintr. : be a gourmand ; tr. : devour with avidity ; waste, consume ; rule, command, curb ; treat roughly ; reprove harshly, scold, chide ; lard. -mandiseº, f : gluttony, greediness ; gastronomy. gourme* [?], f : glanders ; mumps; milk- scab : jeter sa -, have a running nose ; sow one's wild oats. . gour-merº [?], tr. : curb (a horse); cuff (in the face), punch : -mé, curbed ; stiff, affectedly grave ; se -, cuff each other. gourmet* [ak. to Eng. grooml, m. : wine -mer], f. : cuff (in the 331 taster ; judge of wine or good cheer; epi- ClIre. gourmette* [-mer], f. : curb, curb-chain. gournableº [?], f : (nav.) tree-nail. fgouspiller = houspiller. goussautº [?], m. : thick-set horse; stout man ; adj. : stout, bulky. gousse* [?], f : pod, husk. gousset* [?-sse], m. : (old) arm-pit ; (now) GUSSET : (piece of garment connecting sleeve and shoulder; piece of armour ; triangular piece in a coat-of-arms ; trian- gular bracket, brace); folding seat in a carriage ; (old) Small bag (fixed at first under the arm, then to the trousers); (nou) Small pocket, fob, vest-pocket : sen- tir le -, smell of the arm-pit ; avoir le — vide, be without money ; vider un —, pick a pocket. goû-t° [L. gustus (root gus-, try)], m. : taste (sense of taste or savour; savour, flavour ; relish, goût ; intellectual relish, fine discernment ; inclination, liking ; style, fashion): avoir du — pour, have a liking for, like, relish ; avoir le — difficile, be difficult to please, be particular ; avoir bon -, have a good taste, taste nice ; de bon -, in good taste ; viande de haut —, highly seasoned meat ; être du - de, be to the taste of (be palatable to ; hit the fancy of); dans le - de, in the style of ; lui faire passer le - du pain, take his life. -ter° [L. gustäre], tr. : taste ; rel- ish, enjoy, like ; intr. : taste (try food or drink ; eat a little); lunch ; have a taste ; m. : lunch(eon). gout-te° [L. gutta], f : drop (drop of a liquid, fEng. GOUT ; sip ; drop-like orna- ment) ; GOUT (articular disease, at first attributed to an infiltration of humors); pl. : drops (medicine, esp. against fainting): me pas voir (entendre) -, not to hear (understand) a thing ; mère -, unpressed wine ; - sciatique, sciatica ; - sereine (med.) amaurosis. -telette*,f. : droplet. -ter° [L. guttāre], intr. : drip. -teuacº, =euse, adj. : gouty ; m., f. : sufferer from gout. -tière*, f : GUTTER (eaves, chan- nel, spout ; narrow channel or groove); water-way (of a ship); fore-edge (of a book); decayed heart (of a tree). gouver-nable*, adj. : governable. -nail° [L. gubernăculum], m. : rudder, helm, regulator. -naneeº, f. : (old) = ; tri- bunal. -nant*, -nante, adj. : (rare) governing ; fm. : governor ; f : fgover- ness (ruler ; governor's wife); governess (instructress of children in their home). -neº, f : guidance ; steering. -nE- mentº, m. : government; management ; governor'shouse; steering. -nEmentalº, adj. : governmental, ll-ner° [L. guber- gouvernable 332 goyave näre (fr. Gr.)l, tr. : steer; GOVERN (direct, manage, rule, command ; require) ; take care of, bring up (children) ; husband ; breed (animals) ; rein up (a horse): 8e -, govern one's self, be governed ; behave one's self. -neur*, m. : governor, direc- tor ; tutor. go-yaveº [Span. -yaba (Peruv.)], m. : guava (fruit). -yavierº, m. : guava- tree. - graba-tº [L. -tus (fr. Gr.)], m. : Wretched bed; sick-bed, pallet. -taire", adj. : bed-ridden ; m., f. : bedrid person. gra-beau*, m. : (old) sifting ; GARBLE. #-beler º [It. garbellare (fr. Arab.)], tr. : sift, (# garble). grabuge* [It. garbuglio (?)l, m. : quarrel (wrangling ; #Eng. GARBOIL). . gr-âee* [L. -atia (-atus, agreeable)], f : GRACE (gracefulness, charm; taste; favour, divine favour, mercy; pardon, forgiveness;. pl. Graces) ; us'ly in pl. thank(s), (fEng. grace-s) : de -, for mercy's sake, pray ; bonnes -s, good graces ; head curtains of a bed ; rendre -(s), return thanks ; coup de —, finishing stroke ( stroke of mercy', as ending a criminal's punishment); ac- tions de —, thanksgiving ; demander - à, ask pardon of, crave quarter of; faire - à, pardon, forgive ; prendre les bonnes -s de, lose the good graces of; dire ses -s, say grace ; — à Dieu, thank God ; - d'é- tat, special grace (of God) ; resignation. -a eiableº [-acier], adj. : pardonable. -aeierº, tr. : pardon. -aeieusement* [-acieux], adv. : gracefully; graciously. f-aeieuserº [-acieux], tr. : treat gra- ciously; congratulate. -aeieuseté* [-acieux], f. : graciousness, kind favour. -aeieux*, =euse, adj. : graceful, ele- gant ; gracious, kind, courteous ; merci- ful; m. : the graceful or elegant style : à titre —, benevolently. gra eiIité* [L. -tas (gracilis, slender)], f : gracility, slenderness ; shrillness. Gracques [pl. of Gracchus], m. : Gracchi. gra-dationº [L. -datio], f : =. -deº [L. -dus (-di, go), stepl, f. : = (rank, esp. military) ; deGREE (received from an in- stitution of learning) : prendre tous ses -, take all one's degrees (viz. as bachelor, licentiate and doctor). -déº, adj. : hold- ing a rank (esp. subordinate) in the army, non-commissioned : un militaire mon -, a simple soldier, a private. -dille*, f : denticulated sculpture. -dinº [It. -dino], m. : = (seat raised over another, tier ; step-like member, shelf). -duation* [-duer], f. : =. -dué [p. part. of -duer], adj. : graduated; progressive ; m. : gradu- ate. -duel*, =elle [L. -dualis], adj. : gradual ; m. " gradual (Rom. Cath. anti- grammaire phone sung on the steps ; service book). -duellementº, adv. gradually. -duer * [l. L. -duare], tr. : graduate (mark with degrees ; admit to a degree); grade : se faire -, graduate. graffiteº [It. -to (Gr. gráphein, write)], m. : ancient drawing on walls. fgraib-le° [L. grācula, jay], f. : (dial.) crow. -lement", m. : hoarseness. -lerº, intr. : emit a hoarse sound ; (hunt.) blow the return-signal (recalling the dogs). I.graillon º [?], m. : smell of burnt fat Or meat ; broken meat ; scraps, leavings : Marie -, slattern. 2.grail-lon* [-ler], m. : hawked up phlegm. I.-Ionnerº, intr. : hawk up phlegm. 2.graillonnerº [I.-llon], smell burnt fat. I.grainº [?], m. : squall. 2.gr-ain° [L. gränum], m. : = (grain of cereals, cereals ; seed kernel ; grain- like particle, particle ; grain of leather, etc. ; Small weight = # of a gros); berry; bead ; spot on the skin : gros —s, wheat and rye ; menus -s, spring corn ; petit -, granule ; - de beauté, mole ; — de raisin, grape ; - de merre, glaSS boad ; à -s, grained, berried ; #être dans le —, be in a good thing. f-ainage, f-ai- maille = -enage, -emaille. -aine° [p. L. -äna (L. -änum)], f : seed : monter en -, run to seed ; grow mature without marrying; une mauvaise -, an unpromis- ing child ; - de lim, linseed ; — d'Avi- gnon, French berry; — de vers à soie, silkworms eggs ; - de niais, fool's-food. f-aineterie, f-ainetier, i-ainette = -èneterie, -ènetier, -enette. -ainier º, =ère, m., f : seedsman, seedswoman ; f : seed-collection. f-ainoir = -enoir. . grais-sage* [-ser], m.: greasing; con- verting into grease. grais-se° [p. L. *crassia (L. crassus, fat, CRASS)], f.: fat, (GREASE); fatness, corpulency; richness : prendre de la -, grow fleshy or corpu- lent ; être noyé dans la -, be very fleshy or corpulent ; étoiles de -, fatty par- ticles; - de cuisine, kitchen-stuff. -serº, tr. : grease ; soil With grease ; intr. : be- come oily : - ses bottes, prepare to depart; - la patte à quelqu'un, fee some one, give him a sop. -seurº [-ser], m. : greaser. -seuœº, =euse, adj. : fatty, greasy ; spotted With grease. -sier, m. : grease-dealer. - gra-menº [L.l, m. : graminous plant. -minée" [L.-mineus], adj. : graminous ; j pl., gramineae. gram-maire* [L. -matica (Gr. -ma, let- ter)l, f : grammar. -mairienº,=enne, m.,,f : grammarian, -matical* [L. -ma- gramme ticalis], adj. : -maticalementº [-matical], adv. : grammatically. -ma- - tisteº [L. -matista], m. : grammatist. gramme" [L.-Gr. -mal, m. : gram. gran-d°, =ande $ [L. grandis], adj. : great or grand (in their various uses); tall, high ; long ; large ; bulky; big; grown up ; higher or fashionable (society); broad, open (daylight, sea, etc.); m. : tall or great (person); grand ; grandeur; grandee ; highest point ; f. in à la -de, in grand style : - homme, great man ; but homme -, tall man ;-de personne, grown-up per- son ; - prêtre, high-priest ; — monde, fashionable world; -des eaux, floods; en -, on a large scale ; voleur de - chemin, highwayman ; - ressort, mainspring ; - livre, ledger ; trancher du -, carry it with a high hand ; du petit au -, com- paring Small things With great ; en -, on a large scale ; in grand style ; (paint.) at full length ; le - de l'eau, the highest point of the tide. f-datº, m. : grandee. -d-bandeº, pl. -s--s, f : orchestra. -d-ehambre, pl.-s,f. : special tribunal. -d-ehambrier, pl. -s, m. : member of the grand-chamber (cf. above). -d-croiac, pl. -s-, m. : grand cross ; bearer of the grand cross. -d-duc, pl. -s--s, m. : grand-duke. -d-ducal, pl. =au3c, adj. : grand-ducal. -d-du-ehé, pl. -s--s, m. : grand-duchy. -de-du.ehesse, pl.-s--s, | f : grand-duchess. -deletº,=ette, adj. : somewhattall,tallish,grown. -dementº, adv. : greatly, vastly; abundantly; grandly, nobly; high (time). -desseº [Sp. -deza], f.: grandeeship. -deur*, f : greatness or grandeur in their various uses ; (also) tallness, height, length, breadth, size ; bulk ; nobility ; lordship : regarder quel- qu'un du haut de sa -, look down upon any one. -d-gardé, pl. -s, f. : outpost. -digse", adj. : = (grand, imposing); m. : grandeur. -dirº, intr. : become great or tall, grow up ; grow big, increase ; tr. : render tall or great ; magnify; elevate : se -, grow taller; stand on one's toes ; be- come greater ; rise, be elevated. sant, part. of -dir. -dissimeº [It. -mo], adj. : very great, etc. -d-maman, pl. -s, f. : grandmamma. -d-mère (or-d'- mère, cf. $ to grand), pl.-s, f. : grand- mother. -d-messe, pl.-s, f. : high mass. -d-onele, -d = t, pl. -s--s, m. : great- uncle. -d-père, pl. -s--s, m. : grand- father; grandsire. -d-tante, pl. -s, f. : great-aunt. $ The older feminine grand is yet used before certain nouns (chère, chose, faimz, hâte, mzercz, paré, pezne, pezér, Aztzé, rzée), and in some regular compounds (with ama- mam, mère, éapute, etc.). In either case it is usually written grand', as if an abbreviation --- e -dis- 333 of grande (e.g. grazzal'chère ; grand'mère, etc.). This dictionary, following Hatzfeld- Darmesteter, uses grazza-, instead of grazza ? . in compounds. - gras graºuge° [p. L. gränia (L. -num, GRAIN)], f.: barn, (fEng. grange): battre en -, thresh. grani-tº, or -ni [It. -to (L. granum, GRAIN)], m. : granite. -telle" [It. -tello], m. : fine granite. -terº, tr. : speckle like granite. -tien°º, m. : granite worker. -tique", adj. : granitic. granivore" [L. -num, GRAIN, vorare, deVOUR], adj. : granivorous; m. pl. : gran- ivorous animals. granu-laire * [L. -lum], adj. : granular. -lationº [-ler], f : =. |-leº [L. -lum (-m, GRAIN)], f. : =. -lerº [L. -lum], tr. : granulate. -1euacº, =euse [L. -lum], adj. : granulous, granular. gra-phie" [Gr. -phein, write], f : de- scription,graphic presentation. -phique" [Gr. -phikôs], adj.: graphic(al); m.: graphic art; f : design. -phiquement" [-phique], adv. : graphically. -phiteº [Gr. -phein], m.: =. -phologie* [Gr. -phein, lôgos, discourse], f : grâphology. - fgrapignanº [name of a procurer in an old play], m. : procurer. fgrappin = grappin. grap-pe* [? of Germ'c orig. (ak. to Ger. krapf, hook)], f : hook, CRAMP ; frost-nail (of a horseshoe); cluster (of fruits or flowers), bunch (of GRAPES); grape, grape- shot ; (vet.) grape, wart : mordre à la —, bite at the hook, swallow the bait. f-pelleº, f : (dial.) scratch-weed. -pil- lage* [-piller], m. : gleaning (in a vine- yard). -pillerº, intr. : glean grapes, glean; make little profits; tr. : glean, pick (up). -pilleurº =euse, m., f : grape- gleaner, gleaner ; person who makes little profits; pilferer. -pillonº, m. : small cluster, Small bunch (of grapes). -pinº [Prov. (same root as grappe)], m. : (nav.) grapple, grappling iron; grapnel; chimney- . sweep's scraper; iron lclaw (for climbing trees, etc.): - de brulôt, fire grappling. -piner" [-pin], tr. : (nav.) grapple ; free (melted iron) from blisters. -puº; adj. : loaded with clusters, clustered. gr-as°, =asse [L. crassus, fat, CRASS], adj. : fat (fleshy, plump, corpulent ; GREASY, oily; unctuous, rich ; fertile); thick (of liquids ; utterance); broad, inde- cent; clayey (of soil); fat-faced, heavy (of type); m. : fat, fat or fleshy part; meat ; plumpness, corpulency ; calf (of the leg); adv. : thick ; richly : faire (or manger) —, eat rich meat ; jours -, days when meat may be eaten; les jours —, the shrove- days, shrove-tide (mardi —, Shrove-Tues- day, etc.); dîner -, meat dinner; vin —, 334 thick wine ; temps —, heavy weather ; pavé —, slippery pavement ; parler -, speak thick (= grasseyer); avoir la langue -asse, speak thick. -as-double º, m. : tripe. -as-fonduº, adj. : (vet.) suffering with (molten) grease ; m. : sore heel, grease. -as-fondureº [ fondu],.f. : (vet.) molten- grease ; unsound obesity. -assementº, adv. : richly, largely, liberally. -asset*, =ette, adj. : fattish, rather fat or plump ; grat m. : stifle joint ;f. : butterwort. -asseye- | mentº [-asseyer], m. : thick pronuncia- tion (of r). -asseyerº, intr. : give a guttural sound to r, speak thick. -as- seyeur", =euse [-asseyer], m.,f. : person who gutturalises r, who speaks thick. -assouilletº, =ette, adj. : rather plump or corpulent. gra-t* [-tter], m. : place scratched by fowls : envoyer au -, send away. - grateron* [pop. for gletteron], m. : scratch-weed, goose-grass. grati-eule" [It. -cola (L. cratis, wicker- work)], f. : = (design in squares for re- producing in other dimensions). -culen°º [It.-colare], tr.: (paint.)square,graticulate. grati-fication* [L. ficatio], #. - # seuse Uf gratuity, bounty). -fierº [L. ·ficare (gratus, pleasing, ficare, make)], tr. : gratify (esp. by bestowing a gift), enrich. # gra-tinº [-tter], m. : burned crust (on the side of a frying-pan, etc.), scrapings ; "gratin’ (various dishes covered with bread-crust) ; crackling (browned rind of roasted pork). -tinerº, intr. : form a Crust. - gratioleº [L. -la (gratia, GRACE)l, f : · hyssop. gratis* [L. (-tia, favour)], adv. : = (gra- tuitously) ; fm. : free gift, free instruction. gratitude* [L. -do (gratus, grateful)], f : =. grat-tage", m. : scraping. -te", f : (nav.) scraper; little profits. -teau", · m. : gilder's polishing-instrument. -te- boesseº [boesse, dial. for brosse], f : gilder's brush. -te-boesser [-boesse], tr. : smooth with (gilder's) brush. -te- eulº, m. : dog-rose, canker. -teleux, =euse* [-telle], adj. : itchy. -teIleº,f : itching rash. -tementº, m. : scraping. -te-papierº, m. : quill-driver; copyist. |-terº [Germ'c orig., ak. to Eng. grate], · tr. : scratch, scrape ; rub : se -, scratch one's self or each other; flatter each other. -teur*,=euse, m., f. : scratcher, scraper. -toirº, m. : scraper, scratching-knife. -ture*, f : scraping(s). gratui-tº [L. -tus , (gratus, pleasing)], adj. : gratuitous. -té* [L. -tasl, f : gra- tuity. -tement*, adv. : gratuitously. grec gravatierº [-vats], m. : rubbish-carter. gravatifº, =ive [L. -vare (-vis, heavy), weigh], adj. : (med.) dull, heavy. < gravats* [grève], m. pl. : coarse siftings or remains of plaster; fallen plasterwork, rubbish. - - grave* [L. -vis], adj. : fheavy; grave (weighty, important ; serious, solemn, sedate ; mu8. low, deep , accent grave) ; m. : gravity, serious style, the grave; deep note(s) ; grave accent : chute des —s, (phys.) descent of bodies. gra-velage* [-veler], m. : gravelling. -veléeº, adj. : gravelly; crude; f : pearl- ash : cendre -, pearlash. -velen°º, tr. : gravel. -veleux º, =euse, adj. : gravelly, sandy ; containing or affected With gravel ; coarse, obscene, Smutty ; m., f : person affected with gravel. |-velIe* · [grève], f : GRAVEL (in med. use gravel of the kidneys, or the disease) ; wine tartar. | -velureº [-veleux],f. : obscenity, broad- ness, immodest discourse, smuttiness. gravementº [-ve], adv. : gravely, seri- ously; soberly ; (mus.) deeply. gra-ver* [OHG. graban, dig, fEng. GRAVEl. tr. : GRAVR, engravo, imprint : se -, be engraved or impressed; impress. -veur*, m. : engraver. gra-vierº [grève], m.: GRAVEL. -vière*, ſ : gravel-pit. . gravir* [?], (in)tr. : crawl or climb up. gravi-tant", adj. : gravitating. -ta- tion" [L. -tatio], f : =. |-té* [L. -tas (gravis, heavy)], f. : gravity (heaviness ; graveness, seriousness ; mus. lowness). -ter" [l. L. -tare], intr. : gravitate. gravoir* [-verl, m. : engraving tool. fgravois = -vats. gravure* [-ver], f : (en)graving : - en creux, die-sinking, intaglio ; - en taille- douce, copperplate-engraving. gré° [L. grātum, 'aGREEable thing'], m. : satisfaction, pleasure, liking, wish, will, (fEng. GREE); fGRATEfulness (GRATItude, thanks): avoir en -, like ; trouver à son —, be pleased with; au -, to the pleasure (or liking) ; at pleasure ; at random ; bon —, mal —, willing or unwilling, willy nilly, whether or no; de - ou de force, by con- · sent or constraint, willing or unwilling ; de — à -, by mutual consent ; savoir — à, be grateful (thankful) to ; savoir bon (mauvais) -- à, be pleased (displeased) with, take kindly (unkindly) of. gréageº [gréer], m. : rigging. grèbè º [?], m. : grebe (bird). gr-ec, =ecque [L. -œcus (Gr. -aikôs)], adj. : Greek, Grecian ; m., f : Greek ; fGreek scholar (#learned person); sharper, trickster; m. : Greek language; f. : grecque, fret-work, fret ; (bookb.) notch, notching- ) gredin saw. Gr-èee, f. : Greece. -éeiserº, tr. : grecise, hellenise. -é-eisme, m. : grecism. -éco-romain, adj. : Greco- · Roman. -eeque, f of grec. -ecquerº, tr. : (bookb.) saw-bind. I.grEdin", =ine [?], m., f : lapdog. 2.grE-dinº [? ak. to Eng. greed, Goth. gredus, hunger], m., f. : fbeggar; #starve- ling or pitiful author ; scamp, scoundrel. -dinerieº, f : rascality, blackguardism. gré-ement", m. : rigging. |-er" [? Holl. ge-reiden, make READY], tr. : rig (a ship). -eurº, m. : rigger. gref-fage º, m. : grafting. I.|-fe* [L. graphium (Gr. gráphein, write), stylus], f. : (old) style, stylus ; GRAFT (the scion resembling a style). 2.-feº [ fer], f. : grafting, engraftment : - en écusson, shield-graft, graft by gems, budding ; - en fente, chink-graft ; - en flûte, flute- graft. 2.-feº [ fer], m. : (leg.) record- office, registry ; recorder's fee. -ferº, tr. : graft. -feur * [ fer], m. : grafter. -fierº, =ère [l. L. graphiarius (L. -phium)], m. : (leg.) clerk of the court, recorder, registrar ; f : recorder's wife. -foir* [ fer], m. : grafting-knife. -fon,º, m. : Small graft, slip. grège" [It. greggia (?)], adj. : raw (silk). Grégoire, m. : Gregorius. grégeois* [Prov. grezesc (fr. L.)]; adj. : (old) GREEK : feu —, Greek fire, wildfire. grégorien, =enne [-goire], adj. : Gre- gorian. fgrè-gue* [? Prov. grega = grecque], f (esp. in pl.) : breeches, GALLIGASKINS : tirer ses —, retire ; run away ; laisser ses -, die. #-guerº, tr. : pocket. I.grê-le° [L. gracilis], adj. : thin, slim ; shrill; adv. : in a shrill tone; m. : highest note (of horns, trumpets). 2.grê-le" [2.-ler], f. : thinning tool, GRAILLE, file. 3 grê-leº [? ak. to grésil], f : hail, hail- storm ; particles of pit-coal (cf. fEng. grail, gravel); tumour of the eyelid : grain de -, hailstone ; - de coups, shower of blows. I.-Ier º, intr. (impers.): hail; tr. : strike or ravage by hail; devastate; pock- mark ; (her.) set with heads : il a été -lé, he has suffered great loss ; he has been pockmarked (pitted with small-pox). 2.grêlerº [I.grêle], tr. : thin. I.fgrElet = grelot, or grillon. ·grElet" [?], m. : mason's hammer. rêlette " [2.-ler], f : file, GRAILLE. rElinº [?], m. : (nav.) warp, steam-cable. rêlon* [3-le], m. : hailstone. rE-lotº ſºl, m.: little bell; hawk's bell; rattle (of a snake) : #trembler le —, tremble or shiver (so that one's teeth chatter); attacher le -, bell the cat, engage in a perilous enterprise. -lot- grès 335 tantº [-lotter], adj. : shivering. -lot- terº, intr. : shiver (with cold), tremble ; - la fievre, shiver in fever. fgrElu-ehon " [?], m. : paramour. -ehonne º,f.: trowel. grémentº [= gréement], m. : rigging. grémial* [l. L. -miale (L. -mium, lap)], m. : gremial (bishop's lap-cloth). grémil* [?], m. : GROMWELL (plant). I.GrEmade, f. : Granada (old kingdom or city in Spain). 2.grEna-de* [L. granatum (granum, GRAIN)], f. : pomeGRANATE; grenade (shell) ; spotted cloth or silk. -dier*, m. : pomegranate tree; grenadier (grenade- thrower ; soldier of a picked corps); mas- culine woman : à la -dière, like a gren- adier. -dière º [-dier], f. : grenade- pouch ; upper band (of a gun, where the sling is attached) : mettre le fusil à la -, sling the musket (carry it on the shoulder by the sling). -dilleº [Sp. -granadilla], ſ : passion-flower. -din", m. : eyelet ; finch (African); pink ; (cook.) small fri- candeau. -dine*, f : = (silk). grEnail-leº [grain], f. : refuse grain ; small shot; particle of charcoal. -ler", tr. : granulate, make Small shot of. grEnat* [= grenade], m. : GARNET (mineral) ; garnet colour. grE-nelerº[grain(e)],tr. : GRAIN (leather). -nerº[grain(e)], intr.: produce seed, seed, run to seed ; tr. : granulate, corn ; grain (leather) ; stipple. -neterº [grain], tr. : grain (leather); stipple. grène-terieº, f. : seed trade. |-tierº, =ière [grain], m., f : seeddealer. -tisº [grain], m. : milled edge (of coins); punch. grEnette" [graine], f. : coarse powder (siftet out); Avignon berry. grEnier° [L. grānārium (granum, GRAIN)], m.: GRANARY, corn-loft ; loft ; garret, attic, lumber-room ; floor-ceiling (of a ship) : en -, in the granary, in store, (nav.) in bulk ; aller du - à la cave, write crookedly ; talk incoherently, ramble ; - à puces, lousy dog (cat, etc.). grE-nouille° [p. L. *ranucula (L. rānun- culus, dim. of rāna, frog)l,.f. : frog.; money- box, cash ; (mach.) pivot-hole, socket. -nouillen°º, intr. : dabble (in water) ; guzzle, tipple. -nouillère º, f : frog- marsh, marsh, bog ; bathing pool (for Such as cannot swim). -nouillet", m. : frog- bit (plant). -nouillette º, f. : small frog, tree-frog ; small tumour (under the tongue) ; frogbit (plant). grE-nu* [grain], adj. : full of corn or grain ; full-corned, seedy ; granulous-; grained (of skins) ; m. : grain (of stones, etc.). -nure*, f : graining. gr-ès* [OHG. grioz (G. gries)], m. : sand- 336 grésillement stone, GRIT ; sandstone pavement ; pulver- ized sandstone (for scouring) ; potter's clay; pottery. -ésie rº, m. : Workman in a sandstone quarry. -ésière*, f : sandstone quarry. -ési4*, m. : sleet ; pounded glass. grésil-lement", m. : shrivelling (up), shrivelled state. I.-lerº [OFr. grediller (?)], tr. : shrivel (up). 2.grésil-lerº [grésil], impers. : sleet. -linº [grésill, m. : sleet. I.f-lon* [-lerl, m. : cricket. 2.-lon,º [grésil], m. : pow- dered glass ; Small coal ; coarse meal, grit. gresserieº [grès], f. : sandstone quarry, grit quarry ; stOneWare. - grève° [p. L. *grāva (fr. Celt.)], f. : sand beech ; strand, sand bank ; mortar sand ; La Grève (place near the border of the Seine, in Paris, where executions formerly took place, and where people looking for work used to gather) : anges de G-, street-porter ; work ; be on a strike ; se mettre en (or faire) —, strike. grEvenº° [p. L. *-väre (L. gravis, heavy)], tr. : foppress, fagGRIEVE ; burden, en- cumber ; entail ; -vé, burdened, et C. ; m " (leg.) heir of entail. grévisteº [grève], m. : person on a strike, striker. #grianneau" [dial. (Ger. grigel-hahn, * cry-cock')], m. : (dial.) young heath- cock. gribletteº [?], f. : broiled meat. gri - bouillageº, m. : scrawl; daub. -bouilIeº [pop. muddle-head, Gribouille], m.: simpleton. |-bouillerº [?], tr. : scrawl, scribble; daub. -bouilletteº, ſ.: scramble : à la -, slovenly. -bouillis = -bouillage. gribouriº [?], m. : (old) imp; vine fretter. fgrideiinº [gris de lin], adj. : = (gray violet). - griè ehe * [f. of OFr. griois (L. grœcus)], adj. : (old) GREEK ; now only in ortie-g., pie-g., which see. I.gr-ief* [grever], m. : grievance, wrong, injury ; complaint. 2.#|-ief°, =ève [p. L. *grevis (L. gravis)], adj. : GRAVE. -ièvementº, adj. : gravely, seriously. -ièveté, f. : graveness, enormity. - grif-fadeº, f. : clawing, scratch. |-fe* [fr. same root as Eng. grip], f. : claw, talon ; grasp, GRIP, clutch ; tendril ; catch ; (gard.) bulb; signature stamp ; music- pen : apposer Sa - à, put one's signature to. -fen°º, tr. : claw ; scratch ; stamp. I.-fon,º, m. : fish-hook. 2.griffon * [L. gryphus], m. : = (griffin). 3.griffon * [Prov. foun (?)], m. : spring of mineral Water. être en —, be without |. -bouil- leurº, =euse, m., f : scrawler, dauber. . grimoire griffon-nageº, m. : scrawl(ing), scrib- ble. -nerº [grifer], tr. : scrawl, scribble. -neurº, =euse, f-nier, =èreº, m., f : scrawler, scribbler. -Iuisº, m. : pen- sketch. - grif-fuº [ fe], adj. : armed with claws. -fure* [ fer], f. : scratch. gri-gne", f : fold ; break in a crust (of bread) ; unevenness ; brown colour (of a crust). |-gnerº [fr. Germ'c, ak. to Eng. grin], intr. : (old) GRIN ; crease. -gnon º, m. : piece of crust; piece of a biscuit. -gnoterº, tr. : nibble. -gno- tis" [gnoter], m. : (engr.) crisping. grigouº [?], m. : wretch, sordid miser. gr-il° [p. L. *graticulus (L. cr . .., dim. of crātis, GRATe, HURDLE)], m. : gridiron, GRILL; GRATE : être sur le -, be roasted, be in hot water. -illadeº [-iller], f : =, broiled meat ; toast. -ille° [p. L. *graticula ' (L. crātis, hurdle)], f : (grating, lattice); bars ; railing (fence) ; grate; grated parlor (of a convent) ; helmet-bar; - flourish. I.-illerº, tr. : broil, grill ; roast, scorch, singe ; torment : se -, be broiled, be scorched, be roasted. 2 -iIlerº [ illo], tr. : cover witli a glate, grate ; enclose with a railing, rail in ; fconfine within rails : -illé, grated, etc.; open; m. : open lace-work. I.-illetº [I.-iller], m. : blister (by a burn). 2.gril-letº, =ette [? ak. to -lon], m., f : (falc.) hawk's bell. f-leté º, adj. : belled. grillon° [p. L. *grillio (L. -llus)], m. : cricket : - domestique, house-cricket. grima-cantº . [-cer], adj. : grimacing, grinning. |-ee* [?], f : = (wry face ; smirk, affected smile) ; wrinkle : faire la -, make a face. -eerº, intr. : make grimaces, make faces ; smirk ; pucker (of clothes, etc.). -eerieº [-cer], f. : grima- cing, making faces, smirking. -eierº, =ère, adj. : grimacing, Smirking, affected; m., f. : Smirking person, simperer, dis- sembler. » gri-maudº [?], m. : (old) beginner (of school-boys), first-grader; (nou) school- pedant ; scribbler ; sorry Writer ; adj. : s-mº cross. #-maudageº, m. : verbiage. -mauderie º, f : verbosity. I.-meº, m. : bad schoolboy, urchin. 2.grimeº [It. -mo, *wrinkled'], m. : (theat.) funny old man. ! fgrime-linº [ak. to -maud], m. : little schoolboy, urchin ; petty gamester; adj. : wicked. f-linageº, m.: gaming. -li- ner, tr. : practice petty gam(bl)ing; make petty profits. - grimerº [2.-me], tr. : (stage) make up old. grimoire* [dial. var. of grammaire], f : book of mystery, conjuring book ; obscure thing or language ; illegible scrawl. grOs 397 gri-som*, =onne ſgris], adj. : grayish ; m. : graybeard ; gray-tint ; lackey dressed in gray (for secret errands) ; monk in gray; donkey, ass; sand. -sonnantº [-sonner], adj. : getting gray. -sonnerº, intr. : turn gray ; tr. : tint in gray. grisou"[?], m.: (min.) fire-damp. -teux, =euse*, adj. : containing fire-damp. gri-ve* [? f. of old grin, GREEK], f : thrush. -velé*, adj. : speckled. f-ve- lée [-veler],f. : illicit profit. -velerº, intr. : make illicit profit (orig. *act like . the thrush'). f-vèlerie [-veler], f : get- ting illicit profit. -veleurº, =euse, m., f. : person making illicit profits, pecu- lator. -velureº [-velé], f : grayish tint. -vette º, f : little thrush ; blackbird. -vière", f : thrush aviary. gri-voisº, I.=oise, m. : soldier (orig. German in French service); f : canteen Woman ; m., f : rough and gay companion; adj. : rough and gay, jolly; broad, smutty. grimpant grim-pantº, adj. : climbing. -per* [gripperl, intr. : climb, creep or clamber (up). ·perea# m. : nut-hatch (bird). -peurs º, m. : climber; pl. climbers (birds). grin-eement*, m. : creaking; gnashing. |-ee7°* [?], intr. : creak, grate ; #tr. : gnash (the teeth). -eheuacº, =euse, adj. : ill-tempered, crabbed ; m., f : ill- tempered person, growler. gringalet* [?], m. : thin and frail per- son, weakling. gringo-le [? for gargouille], f. : (her.) snake-head. -léº, adj. : (her.) snake- headed. gringotter* [?], (in)tr. : twitter; hum. gringuenaude º [?], f : dirt; scraps. fgriot = gruau. griot-teº [for agriotte (aigre)], f.: EGRIOT (large sour cherry) ; cherry-spotted marble. -tierº, m. : egriot-tree. gri-pº, m. : prey. -ppageº, m. : fric- tion, catch. -ppe*, f : fsudden fancy i (whim) ; sudden dislike ; la grippe (influ- | enza): prendre en -, take a dislike to. -ppé* [-ppe], adj. : suffering with la grippe; shrunk. f-ppe-ehairº, m.: constable. f-ppe-coquinº, m. : thief- trap ; constable. -ppe-fromageº, m. : cheese-thief, cat. -ppeler", tr. : wrinkle, crease. -ppementº, m. : wrinkling ; friction. |-pper* [low Ger. -pan], tr. : GRIPE (clutch, seize, nab); wrinkle (crease) hook. -ppe-sou", m. : (old) rent-col- lector; pinch-penny. gri-sº [OHG.], adj. : GRAY (gray-coloured, gray-haired), hoary; gloomy, foggy; fud- dled, drunk, tipsy ; m. : gray colour; gray 2.ll-voiseº [for rivoise (Ger. reib-eisen, grater)], f. : (old) snuffbox with a grater (used by soldiers). grogº [Eng. (Grog, nickname of Admiral Vernon, fr. grogram cloth)], m. : =. gro-gnant*, adj. : grumbling. -gnardº, =arde, adj. : grumbling, growling ; m., ſ : grumbler (m., name given to soldiers of the Old Guard). gro-gne*, f : grum- bling discontent. -gnement*, m.: grumbling, growling, grunt. |-gner° [L. grunnire], intr. : grunt, grumble, growl. -gneurº, =euse, adj. : grum- bling; m., f : grumbler. -gnomº, m., jf : grumbler ; adj. : grumbling. -gnon- squirrel; gray fur : lettres —es, flourished | nerº [-gnon], intr.: grunt, croak ; letters ; temps -, raw weather; mine | grumble. - -e, displeased or angry look ; - de lin, | groin° [p. L. *grunnius (L. grunnire, grunt)], m.: snout (of a hog). fgrois- = grés-. grol(I)e°[L. grācula],.f. : (dial.) crow,rook. grommeler* [OHG. grummeln], intr. : GRUMBLE, mutter. gron-dantº, adj. : roaring, rumbling ; | scolding. -dementº, m. : roaring, rum- bling. |-der° [L. grundire], intr. : grumble (growl, snarl; rumble, roar); ftr.: mutter; scold, reprimand. -derieº, ſ : fgrowling ; scolding, chiding. -deur, =euseº, adj : grumbling, scolding; roar- gridelin (colour) ; ventre de -, light gray fur (from the squirrel's belly). -saille º, ·f. : relief painting (in black and white) ; grayish hair ; black and white texture ; night-bug; (dial.) white poplar. -saillerº [-saille], tr. : paint gray ; paint in relief (black and white) ; intr. : turn gray. -sardº, fadj. : dark-gray; m. : (pop.) gull; badger; white poplar. -sâtre*, adj. : grayish. -serº, fintr. : turn gray; fuddle, make tipsy, intoxicate : se -, get tipsy or intoxicated. -serie* [-ser], f : © 1 6 intoxication. -set*, =ette, fadj. : gray- | ing. -dinº, m. : (dial.) red gurnet ish, m. : name given to various birds (sea | (fish). Swallow, young goldfinch, etc.) ; f : gray groom groum [Eng.], m. : = (servant). Woolen cloth ; grisette (girl of the lower gros,° =9sse [L. grossus], adj. : big classes, dressed in ' gray'; coquettish | Working girl of easy virtue) ; name of various birds (warbler, diver, etc.) or in- sects (night-bugs, etc.). *. grisol(I)er" [echoic], intr. : warble (of the lark). (large, bulky, great, thick, GROSS, stout ; great With young, pregnant ; coarse, rough) ; heavy (of cavalry) ; dark (of col- our) ; bad (of weather) ; rich, substantial ; adv. : much ; m. : GROSS (larger part, bulk, mass, main body) ; wholesale ; # of 338 groseille an ounce ; f : large hand(writing) or type ; writing or execution (of an act), drawing up, copy; GROSS (12 dozen) : - mots, coarse words, oaths ; - drap, coarse cloth ; -sse viande, butcher's meat ; - marchand, substantial tradesman ; une -sse femme, a stout woman ; une femme -sse, a pregnant Woman ; la mer est -sse, the sea is high ; en -, in bulk ; in general, as a whole ; wholesale ; gagner -, earn much. -beeº, m. : GROSS-BEAK. groseil-le* [Ger.kraus, * crisp'in kraus- beere, GOOSEBERRY], f. : currant ; GOOSE- berry : - à maquereau verte, gooseberry. -lerº, m. : currant-tree, gooseberry-bush: - à maquereau, gooseberry-bush. gr-os-jean [Jean], m. : GROBIAN, boor : être - comme devant, be as plain or hopeless as before, be disillusioned. -9sse, f of gros. -ossementº, adv. : on a large scale, on the whole. -osserieº, f : big edge-tools ; (rare) wholesale. -ossesse*, f : pregnancy, gestation. -osset, =tte*, | · adj. : rather big or large, biggish. -osseur*, m. : bigness, size, bulk; swell- ing; full size. -ossier*, =ère, adj. : coarse (thick ; clumsy, plain, unpolished ; ross) ; +wholesale. 9ssièreu1entº §. adv. : coarsely, clumsily, rudely, unmannerly. -ossièreté* [-ossier], f : coarseness, grossness, rudeness, impolite- ness ; coarse or rude act or thing ; coarse · language, scurrility. -ossir*, intr. : grow big or large, be enlarged, swell, increase ; grow stout ; tr. : make bigger or larger, enlarge, swell, increase, magnify; exag- gerate. -ossissantº [-ossirl, m. : enlarg- · ing ; magnifying. -ossissement [-ossir], m. : enlargement (magnifying, increase). -osso-modoº [l. L.], adv. : on the whole ; summarily. -ossoyer*, tr. : execute or drum up (an act : cf. gros, f). grossulariées* [l. L. -laria (cf. gro-| seille)], f, pl. : currant tribe. gro-tesque* [It.], ff. : = (strange fig- ure or ornament, as found in ancient crypts or grottoes) ; adj. : =. -tesque- | mentº, adv. : grotesquely. |-tteº [It. -tta (L. crypta, crypt ; Gr. krüptein, conceal)], f. : grotto, grot. grouil-lantº, adj. : swarming, crawling, stirring. -lement", m. : swarming ; rumbling. |-ler* [?], intr. : be in a con- fused motion ; swarm ; stir; rumble, whirr. grou-pº [It. gruppol, m. : money-bag (sent by the mail). -page* [-per], m.: grouping. -peº [It. groppol, f : group, cluster. -pement* [-per], m. : group- ing. -perº, tr. : group. · -- #gru*[Germ'c orig.], m. : GRUEL. I.-au*, m.: GROATS, GRUEL , oat-meal. guère 2 gru-au*, m. : young crane; small crane · (lifter). |gr-ue° [p. L. *grüa (L. grus)], f : CRANE (bird ; lifting machine) ; simple- ton, goose ; old War engine ; iron collar (for punishment) : faire le pied de —, dance attendance. gruer* gru- [gru], tr. : reduce to grits Or grOutS. - gruerie* [gruyer], f.: forest-jurisdic- tion, forest-right (of a king). gru-ger* [? Germ'c, ak. to grit], tr. : bruisè ; craunch, eat; devour; #sell and sharethe profits. f-gerie", f. : craunch- ing; selling and dividing the profits. . grume" [? L. gluma, hide], j. : bark (on felled trees). . gru-meau* [p. L. -mellus (L. -mus)], · m. : clod, clot, lump, GRUME. -melen°º, tr. : form in clots : se -, clot. -meleux º, =euse, adj. : clotted, GRUMOUS ; rough. -millon º, m. : cinder (of forged iron). I.gruyer* [? Germ'c, ak. to grou], m.: forest-master ; forest-right (of a lord or king). 2.gruyerº, =ère [grue], adj. : (of the) . crane : faucon -, falcon trained to fly the Crane. . gruyère" [G., Swiss city], f.: Gruyere cheese. r. guano" [Sp. (Peru, 'dung')], m.: =. gué° [L. vădum (vädere, gô)], m. : ford : passer à -, ford ; sonder le —, examine carefully. -able* [-er], adj. : fordable. guèbre" [Pers. ghebr], m. : gheber, fire- Worshipper. gu-ède* [Germ'c orig.], f : WOAD (plant or dyestuff). -éderº, tr. : dye with woad ; saturate, stuff. guéer° [L. vadäre (cf. gué)], tr. : ford ; bathe (horses) at a ford, water ; wash (linen). - guelfe* [Ger. Welf, name of a family supporting the Pope], m. : Guelph. guelte* [Ger. geld, money], f : commis- sion (share of a sale). guE-nilleº [?], f : ragged garment, rag, tatter ; rubbish : troussez vos -s! be off ! hence ! -nilleux ", =euse, adj. : tat- tered, ragged. -nillon º, m. : little rag, · SCI"3, |). - guEnipe* [?], f. : slattern, wench. guE-nonº [?], f. : (she-)monkey; ugly woman, fright. -nueheº, f : young monkey ; little fright. guépardº [? Eng. leopard], m.: cheetah, hunting-leopard (of India). - guê-pe° [L. vespa], f : WASP. |-pier, m.: bee-eater ; wasp's nest. fguer-donº [OHG. widar-lon, *re-re- ward'], m. : = (reward). f-donner, tr. : guerdon, reward. guère* or (poet.)guères [OHG. weigaro], guéret . adv. : much ; esp. with ne : ne ... . -, not much (many), but little, hardly, not very ; (fam., without ne) but little : n'avoir - de, hardly have any, have but little ; m'avoir — plus, have little more ; ' il ne s'en faut —, it wants but little ; il n'y a - que, scarcely any but. - guéret° [p. L. *varactum (L. vervactum)], m. : ploughed land ; fallow land ; (poet.) grain-field. - guéridonº [G., pers. name], m. : little round table, lamp stand ; (nav.) scoop. guérilla* [Sp. guerrilla (dim. of -rra, WAR)], f : guerilla. - 4 gué-rirº [OHG. warjan (= Ger. weh- ren), WARD off], tr. : cure, heal ; intr. : be cured, cure; recover ; get rid : se -, be cured or healed, recover, mend ; get rid. -rison º, f : cure, healing, recovery. -ris- sableº, adj. : curable. -risseur*, =euse, m., f : healer. guérite* [? ak. to -rir], f : sentry-box ; watch-tower; #refuge ; (nav.) top ; mouth of a ventilator. 4 guer-reº [OHG. werra, quarrel], f : WAR ; strife : vaisseau de -, man-of-war ; petite —, sham fight ; #petit war (scouting, marauding) ; gens de -, military men, soldiers ; place de -, fortified place ; nom de -, soldier name ; pseudonym ; nickname ; faire la - à, make war upon, struggle against ; faire la - avec, serve with or under ; en faire la - à quel- qu'un, rail any one for it ; faire bonne - à, deal gently with ; faire la - d'œil, - keep watch to profit by circumstances, be · wide awake ; de bonne -, by fair play ; moitié —, moitié marchandise, half will- ingly, half unwillingly. -rierº, =ère, - adj. : of war, warlike, martial ; m., f. : ' warrior. -royant [-royer], adj. : war- ring, warlike, martial. -royerº, tr. : wage war against; intr. : make or wage war, war. -royeur*, m. : lover of | W3,I". gue-tº [-tter], m. : watching, watch ; sentinel : — de nuit, night-watch, night patrol; mot du —, watchword, counter-| sign ; chevalier du —, chief of the watch. faire le -, keep watch ; be on the look out ; se donner le mot de —, act in con- cert. -t-apensº, pl.-s--[OFr. a-pen- ser, think of, plan : " planned watch"], m. : ambush, ambuscade : dresser un - à, waylay. - guê-tre* [?], f : gaiter : grande —, leg- ging ; tirer ses -s, run away ; #venir en -s à, come poor to. -trerº, tr. : gaiter. | -trier º, m. : gaiter-maker. fguet-te* or guè-te, f. : (dial.) watch-| ing; watch. |-terº [l. L. evactare OHG. wahte, WATCH)l, tr. : WATCH for, lay guidage 339 in wait for. -teur*, m. : watch(er), watchman ; (nav.) signal-man. gueu-lardº, =arde, adj. : open-mouthed; , m. : furnace-mouth ; m., f. : big eater ; bawler. |-le° [L. gula], f. : mouth (of certain animals; opening), jaws ; (humor.) big mouth, chops ; (arch.) GULA (mould- ing), snap-dragon (plant) ; revolving chimneytop. -lée*,f. : (lou) large mouth- ful; big talk, big word. -lerº, intr. : (low) bawl, clamour ; tr. : seize (with the mouth, catch, snap). gueules* [Pers. ghul, rose], m., pl. : GULES. gueuleton* [-le], m. : (triv.) feast. gueu-sailleº [gueux], f : beggary, rab- ble. -sailler", intr. : go begging, mump. -santº [-ser], adj. : begging. -sard º, -sarde [gueux], m., f. : beggar, mumper ; rascal. | gueuse* [Ger. guss, casting (ak. to Eng. . gush)], f : pig-iron ; kentledge (ballast of pig-iron) ; pig-iron mould. gueu-serº [gueux], intr. : beg, go beg- ging; tr. : beg. , , -serieº, f : beg- gary. - - gueusetº [-se], m. : pig-iron. gueux*, =euse [cant (?)], m., f. : vile beggar, ragamuffin ; rascal, knave ; coal- · pot (for holding burning coals), brazier ; . adj. : poor, beggarly, vile, wretched : tas de -, pack of scoundrels ; - revêtu, up- start. I.gui° [L. viscum], m. : mistletoe. 2.guiº [Prov. (ak. to guide) 'support'], m. : (nav.) main boom. guibelet = gibelet. - guiboleº [cant (?)], f. : leg. guibre° [other form of -vre], m. : (nav.) Cut-Water. - • - guiehe° [p. L. *vitica (L. -tis, vine)], f. : (old) strap ; band, lining. gui-ehet* [? Scand. root wik-, fold], m. : WICKET (Small door in the gate of a city, fort, prison, etc.; grating or small window of prison-doors, confessionals, banks, etc.). -eheti9rº, m. : prison-door warder, turn- key. . & gui-dageº, m. : guiding. -de, m. (tf) : guide (leader; guide-book; fugleman ; reg- ulator; indicator) ; f : rein (of a bridle): conduire à grandes —s, drive four-in- hand; mener la vie à grandes —s, live high ; payer doubles —s, double the pay (orig. to a postilion for driving faster). -de-âne", m. : simple guide or guide book. -de-ehaine, m. : (horol.) guard, ratchet. -de-maimº, m. : =, hand-guide. |-derº[Germ'c root vit, know],tr. : GUIDE (direct, lead); steer. -domº [It. -done], m. : = (old cavalry-flag; now guide flagº attached to a gun, flag-bearer; colours ; A$ | gui-gnierº 340 guifette pennant); guide-book ; aim ; foresight (of guns) ; nota, reference mark. guifette [?], f. : sea-swallow. I.guigne* [?], f : white-heart cherry. 2.gui-gne*, f : bad luck. ll-gner [?], tr. : (fam.) look wistfully at. guignes* [?], f. pl. : gills. guignette" [? -gner], f : sand-piper. [-gne], m. : white-heart cherry-tree. -gnolet*[-gne], m. : cherry wine. gui-gnon* [-gner] m. : bad luck. -gnonnantº, adj. : full of ill luck, vexing. guigue [Eng. gig], f : (nav.) GIG. guildive" [?], f. : rum. guilée* [?], f. : (dial.) gusty shower. guillage" [-ller], m. : working (of beer). Guillaume, m. : William; guillaumeº, m. : rabbet-plane ; sieve. , fguilledin [Eng. gelding], m. : GELDING. guilledou*[?], m. : only in courir le —, frequent places of ill-fame. guille-metº [Guillaume], m. : quotation marks (« »). -mEterº, tr. : put be- tween quotation marks. -motº [Guil- laume], m. : = (bird). I.gullle'rºº [ÛDutch ghilen], intr. : work (of beer). 2.guil-ler* [OFr. guile, WILE], tr. : cheat. -1Eret*, =tte, adj. : gay. . guilIeriº [? echoic], m. : chirping. guillo-eheº, f. : = (twisted ornament). |-eher* [?], tr. : ornament with a guil- loche ; (art) engine-turn. -ehis", m. : guilloche ; engine-turning. Guilot, m. : Bill, Billy. guillo-tine" [Dr. Guillotin, who pro- posed beheading as the only death-punish- ment, 1790], f : =. -tiner*, tr. : guil- lotine, behead. - guimauve° [p. L. *viscomalva (Gr. ibis- kos, L. malva)], f. : marshMALLOW. guimbardeº [?], f : jew's-harp; poor vio- lin ; long cart ; #strumpet. guimpe* [OHG. wimpal (Ger. pel, bande-| : (Indian philosopher, who went almost naked). -dantº, m. : (nav.) hoist (of | topmasts, sails, etc.). -das*[Scand.wind-| role)], f. : chemisette ; veil. guin-dageº, m. : (nav.) hoisting. -dal = -das. ' ass ( winding-ass')], m.: WINDLASS (winch); small cloth-press. guin-de [Ger. winde], f : small cloth-press. -deau=-das, WIND- lass. -der* [Germ'c root wind-], tr. : WIND up or raise (with an engine), hoist ; lift ; raise artificially, stilt : -dé, wound up, united ;stilted, affected; strained, stiff ; se —, be stilted, be strained ; fall into bombast. -deresseº,f. : (nav.) top-rope. -derie, f : affectation, constraint. Guinée º, f. : Guinea (land in w. Africa). guinée", f : guinea (gold coin = 21 - gyratoire shillings : orig. struck from Guinea gold) ; long-cloth (first used for trading in G.). guinganº [?], m. : gingham (cloth). guingois* [?], m. : (fam.) crookedness : de -, crooked(ly), awry; cross-grained. guingette* [?], f : suburban inn or tav- ern, tea-garden ; country inn. guio-rant, adj. : squeaking. [? echoic], intr. : squeak. guipon [Germ'c root wipp-, move], m. : (old) holy-water brush ; mop. guirlandeº [It. ghirlanda (?)], f : gar- land (fguirland), wreath ; girdle (of jew- els) ; (arch.) belt (of a column); rim (of a trumpet, etc.). - guiseº [OHG. wisa], f. : WISE, manner, way, fashion ; fancy : en — de, by way of ; vivre à sa -, live as one likes. gui-tareº [Sp. -tarra (L. cithara)], f : guitar. -tariste*, m. : guitar player. -terne* [L. cithara], f. : (old) guitar; (nav.) prop. - guit-guit", pl. -s--s [echoic], m. : humming bird. guivre° [L. vipera, VIPER],f. : (her.) ser- |-rer pent. - • . gumène* [It.-na (Ar.)],f. : fancliur cable; (her.) cable. '*s X ° gusta-tifº, =ive [L. -tare, taste], adj. : gustatory. -tion º [L. -tio], f : =. Gustave, m. : Gustavus. - gut-ta-perchaº [Eng. (Malay)], f : g#reha. -te, f : gamboge (gum). -tier*, m. : gamboge tree. -tifèreº [L. ferre, BEAR], adj. : guttiferous. gutturalº [L. -ttur, throat], adj. : =. Gygès, m. : Gyges (Lydian king). gym-ngseº [L. -nasium (Gr. gumnôs, naked)],f : gymnasium. -nasiarqueº[L. -nasiarcha], m. : gymnasiarch. -masteº [Gr. gumnastés], m. : gymnast. -nasti- que* [L.-nasticus], adj. : gymnastic; f : gymnastics. -nique º [L. -nicus], adj. : gymnic(al), athletic. 1 - V. gymno- [Gr. gumnôs, naked] : -so- · phiste* EL. -sophista], m. : gymnosophist ! -sperme* [L. -spermia (Gr. spérma, seed)], adj. : gymno-spermous. -te" [l. L. -tus (Gr. nôtos, back)], m. : gymnotus, electric eel. - gynandrie" [l. L. -dria (Gr. gunê, | woman, amér, man)],f : gynandria, orchids. gyné eée" [L. gynœceum (Gr. gyné, wom- · an)l, f : gynaeceum (part of a house re- served for women); ladies' apartment. gypaète* [Gr. -paietos (güps, vulture, aetôs, eagle)l, m. : griffin. gyp-se*[L. -sum], m. : gypsum. -seuxº, '=euse, adj. : gypseous. gy-r ... [Gr. gûros, circle] : -ratoire = · giratoire. -romaneieº [Gr. manteîa, · h divination], f : gyromancy. -rovague" [L. vagus], adj. : vagabond ; wandering ; m. : wandering monk. 1#I A#- H is always silent, and should as such be marked by an italic below. But to distinguish the so-called * aspiratedºº h (once pronounced, and yet preventing elision and linking) from the " mute * h, only the latter is printed with an italic. | h hE, or older ache, f. : h (the letter). ha, interj. : ah ! ha ! habi-leº [L. -lis], adj. : ABLE (capable ; skilful, expert) ; apt (fEng. habile). -le- mentº, adv. : ably, skilfully, cleverly. -leté º,.f. : ability. -Iitation* [-liter], f.: =. -lité* [L.-litas], f. : (leg.) com- petency, title. -liter* [L. -litare], tr. : (leg.) qualify, entitle, (#Eng. habilitate). habil-lageº, m. : fitting; trussing. -lantº, adj. : fitting, becoming, dressy. -lementº, m. : clothing, attire, dress, habiliment; (pl.) clothes. ll-ler [?], tr. : dress (clothe, attire, Wrap up ; cook. pre- pare) ; make clothes for; be becoming to (of clothes): s'-, dress (one's self); abuse | each other. -leur, =euseº, m., f : dresser; skin-dresser. habitº [L. -tus (habere, have)], m.: dress, (garment, garb) ; coat ; dress-coat (eccl.) cloth ; (pl.) clothes : - complet, suit of clothes; - de cheval, riding coat; -s de deuil, mourning ; - habillé, dress coat. habi-tableº, adj. : inhabitable. -tacleº [L. -taculum], m. : (Bible) habitation; =; (nav.) binnacle. -tant, -tante, fadj. : dwelling ; m., f. : inhabitant ; dweller ; denizen. -tatº, m. : -tation* [L. -tatio],.f. : =, abode; dwelling-place, resi- dence; habitat, haunt. |-ter* [L.-tare], intr. : dwell (reside, live), roam ; inHABIT (dwell or live in, reside in); (leg.) cohabit. habi-tude* [L. -tudo (cf. habit)], f : habit, custom ; use ; relation ; #bad habit (trick). -tué, =uée [-tuer], part. : accus- tomed, etc. ; m, f. : customer, frequenter. -tuel*, =eIIe [L. -tualis], adj. : habit- ual, customary. -tuellement* [-tuel], adv. : habitually, usually. -tuerº [L. -tuare], tr. : habituate (accustom, inure). hâ-blerº[Sp.hablar (L.fabulari), speak], intr. : brag, boast. -blErie º, f : brag- · ging. -bleur, =euse, m., f : bragger, boaster. ba-ehage* [-cherl, m. : chopping. -ehardº, m.: shears. ll-eheº [l. Ger. hacke], f. : axe, HATCHET : — d'armes, battle-axe ; boarding axe ; faire à coup de -, do clumsily; porter la — à, set the hatchet to work at, begin; avoir un coupe Haleine 841 de -, be crack-brained. -ehé [-cher], adj. : chopped; abrupt (style). -ehe- légumesº, m. : vegetable cutter. -ehe- ment* [-cher], m. : chopping, cutting. -ehe-paille, m. : straw-cutter. -eherº, tr. : chop (up), hew, cut to pieces ; chip ; HATCH (cross with lines) ; be abrupt in (style). -ehereau*, m. : little hatchet. -ehette*, f : small hatchet, hackin knife; ablet (fish); moth. -ehisº † m. : minced meat, HASH. ,' haehisehº [fr. Ar.], m. : hashish (Indian hemp; narcotic prepared from it). ha-ehoir* [-cher], m. : chopping-knife ; chopping-board. -ehotte" [dial. for -chette],f. : chipping-axe. -ehure [-cher], jf : =, hatching. hagard º [Norm. (Fr. haie, HEDGE) : · prop'ly of the hedge or woods, wild], adj. : (falc.) haggard (untamed); wild-look- lng. - hagio- [Gr. hágios, holy]: -graphe* [Gr. gráphein, write], adj. : hagiographal; m. : hagiographer. -graphie* [-graphe], j. : hagiography. -logie* [Gr. lôgos, discourse], f : hagiology. hahaº [?], m. : sudden obstacle ; ha-ha (sunk fence) ; hag, scare-crow. Hahé* [echoic], interj. : (hunt.) hold. hai = hé. haie* [Germ'c haga], f : HEDGE, hedge- row; wall; line (of persons bordering a street, etc., to give free passage to a pro- cession); beam (of a plough) : - vive, quickset hedge ; border (or faire, former) la -, (mil.) form a double line (on each side of a passage). & haïeº [echoic], interj. : get up ! gee up ! haillon* [OHG. hadil], m. : rag, tatter. #hain° [L. hāmus], m. : fish-hook. hai-ne* [hair], f. : hatred, hate; disgust. -neusement [-neux], adv. : hatefully. -neux*, =euse, adj. : hateful, spiteful. haïrº [Germ'c hatan], tr. : HATE, detest. haire° [OHG. *haria], f : HAIR-shirt ; coarse stuff. haïs-sableº [hair], adj. : hateful, odious. -seurº, =euse [hair], m., f : hater. halage* [-ler], m.: hauling, towage. hal-branº [MGer. halb-erent, *half- duck'], m. : young wild duck. -brEnéº [-bremer], adj. : ragged feathered; broken up, tired out. -brEnerº, intr. : hunt wild ducks ; tr. : break the wings of (said of falcons hunting ducks), break up, tire out ; change to wild ducks. hâ-le* [-ler], m. : scorching or tanning of the sun, burning sun. -lé [-ler], part. : sunburnt, tanned, swarthy. hale-bas" [-ler], m. : downhaul tackle. -boulineº, m. : raw sailor ; greenhorn. haleine° [p. L.*-lëna (L.-läre, exHALE)], 342 halemient f : breath, wind : reprendre -, recover one's breath ; de longue -, long-winded. halementº [-ler], m. : hauling; haul ; hauling rope. ha-lenée* [-leine], f. : smell, whiff. -le- nerº [-leine], fintr. : exhale; tr. : exhale, breathe ; smell the breath of; (hunt.) get the scent of. - - I.haler* [Scand. -la], tr. : HAUL, tow ; | (nav.) heave to, stop : se - dans le vent, ' or - le vent, haul the wind, heave to ; - .. un bâtiment, track a vessel. 2.haIerº [hare], tr. : (hunt.) halloo, incite | | by shouts, set (the hounds) on. hâler* [?], tr. : scorch, burn; tan (of sun and weather) : se -, become sun-burnt or tanned. • hale-tantº, adj. : panting, ll-terº [for aleter (aile), lit. ºbeat the · wings'], intr. : breathe quickly or violently, pant, puff, blow; pant after, desire eagerly. haIeurº, =euse [I.-ler], m., f. : hauler, · tracker. - halieutique" [L.-ticus], adj. : relating to fishes. - haIin" [I.-ler], m. : towing line, drag-rope. haliteux º, =euge [L. -tus, breath], adj. : (med.) halituous (sl1ghtly moist). haIlage* [-lle], m.: = (market-dues). haIlali " [echoic], m. : (hunt.) mort call or trumpet-blow (for the hounds, when the stag succumbs), death-flourish, halloo: assister au -, be in at the death. halle* [OSax. -lla],.f. : market (i.e. market HALL or building, covered marketplace) ; public store-house ; (iron.) shed : - aux blés (au poisson, etc.), grain- (fish-, etc.) market; les -s centrales (or les —s, la -), the central marketplace of Paris ; langage des -s, Billingsgate, foul lan- guage ; cette chambre est une -, this room is a poor shed. - hallebar-deº [MHG.helm-barte,' helmet- ax'], f. : HALBERD : donner la - à, make · a sergeant. -dier*, m.: halberdier. fhallebrEdaº [?], m., f : burly fellow. I hallier" [-lle], m.: market-keeper, market-man ; market-guard. - 2.haIIier* [? Germ'c], m. : thicket. 3.f hallier = allier. · hallopeº [ºl, m. : dragnet. .. halluei-nation* [L. -natio], f : -natoire* [-nation], adj. : hallucinatory. · ll-néº, =ée [L. -natus (-nari, wander in · mind)], adj. : , affected by hallucination ; m.,.f. : one thus affected. hal9º [L. -los], m. : =. haloir* or hâloir [hâler], m. : drying- room (for hemp). HaIotº [?], m. : rabbit burrow. . hal-teº [Ger. halt], f. : halt, halting-place. -ter, intr. : halt. gasping. – s stop , harangue haltère* [L. -ter], m. : dumb-bell. hamac * [Sp. -ca (Indian orig.)], m. : HAMMOCK. - 7 hamadryade* [Gr. -dryas (Gr. háma, together, drûs, TREE)], m. : hamadryad (tree nymph). - hameau* [ak. to OEng. ham = home, " house'l, m. : HAMLET. - hame-çon* [hain], m. : (fish-)hook; bait. -çonné º, adj. : hooked (provided with a hook ; bent like a hook). - - hamée* [?],f. : staff; (gun.) sponge-staff. I.hampe* [OHG. wampa, WOMB], f : breast of the deer ; stifle-joint. · . 2.ham-peº [cf. hante], f : staff (of a lance), handle (of a painter's brush) ; flower-stalk. -péº, adj. : provided with a staff or handle. hamster" [Ger.], m. : = (rodent). han* [echoic], m. : heave (in striking). hanap* [ak. to Ger. napf (older hnap), bowl], m. : (old) goblet. - hanehe* [l. Ger. -che], f : HAUNCH, hip ; (nav.) quarter ; lower a vase on vessel : les poings sur les -, arms akimbo. handica-pº [Eng.], m. : =. tr. : #P, hanebane* [Eng. henbane], f. : henbane. hangarº [?], m. : shed, cart-shed. hanneton * [Ger. hahn, cock], m. : cock- chafer, chafer, May-bug ; fool, giddy gOOse. - - -pet° 18, Hano-vre, f : Hanover ; -vrien, =enne, adj. : Hanoverian. | han-se* [OHG. -sa], f : = (association of merchants ; of cities ; esp. Hanse Towns). -séatique*, adj. : Hanseatic. fhansière = haussière. ' . fhante° [older hamste, L. hasta, lance (n from Ger. hand)], f : lance-staff ; handle. han-ter* [?], tr. : frequent, visit famil- iarly; HAUNT. -tise º, f : intercourse. . hap-pantº, adj. : snapping; catching, sticky. -pe*, f. : (various devices for catching or holding, as) cramp-iron, tongs, holder, axletree clout. -pe-ehairº, pl. -, m. : (pop.) bum-bailiff (catching debtors and thieves), catch-poll, nabber. -pe- lourde*[lourd : lit. catch-fool],f : fool's gem (false gem thought real); fool's horse (apparently good but worthless); good- looking ninny. -pementº, m. : snapping. ll-per* [Dutch -pen, bite (ak. to Eng. · hap)], tr. : snap, catch suddenly, nab. fhaquenée* [?], f : HACKNEY (in sense of 'ambling nag'); ungainly woman. ha-quet* [?], m. : dray. -quetier m. : drayman. ,.. Haran-gue* [l. L. harenga (OHG.hring, 'RING' of people)], f. : = (address, ora- tion). -guer*, tr. : harangue. -gueur, 14 y · =euse [-guer], m., f : haranguer, orator. · harasserº [?], tr. : haras I,haras* [?], m. : stud (for breeding). 2.fharas = ara. - harasse* [?], f : crate. HARASS (tire out, jade). - - har-eèlementº, m. : harassing. ll-eE- Ier [herser], tr. : harass (by repeated attacks), torment. - fhard = hart. I.harde* [l. Ger. herde], f : HERD. 2.har-de* [hart], f. : leash (for dogs). -deau* [hart], m.: thin withe or rope ; viburnum (plant). I.-derº, tr. : leash (dogs). - 2.fhar-derº, tr. : barter. |-des [?], f. pl. : clothes, wearing apparel. har-diº [Germ'c root], adj. : HARDY (bold, intrepid); audacious, impudent. -diesse*, f. : boldness, intrepidity, hardihood ; au- dacity. -diment*, adj. : boldly, daringly; impudently. - Hare* [echoic], m. : hounds). haremº [Ar.], m. : =. Haren-g* [OHG. hâring], m. : herring. -gaison º, f : herring fishing. -gère*, f : herring-woman, fish-woman. -gerie *, f : herring-market. -guière", f : her- ring-net. haret [?], adj. : wild. 4# fhar-gner [OFr. -gne, ill-temper], intr. : be ill-tempered, growl. -gnerie, f. : squabble. -gneux, =euse [OFr. -gme], adj. : ill-tempered, cross-grained, surly, cross ; snarling ; vicious (of horses). harieot* [?], m. : = (stew of mutton and turnips); kidney-bean. - harideIle* [?], f : vicious old horse, jade. Harleº [?], m. : merganser (bird). harinaleº [l. L. -la (Ar.)], f. : (plant). - harmo-nica" [Ger. -nika], f : =. |-nie [L.-Gr. -nia (Gr. harmôs, joint, fitting)], f : harmony, coneord ; (mus.) harmonics. | -nier, tr. or reflex. : harmonise. - nieu- sementº [-nieux], adv. : harmoniously. -nieux º, =euse, adj. : harmonious. -nique* [L. -nicus], adj. : harmonic(al); m. : harmonics. -niquementº, adv. : harmonically. -niser*, tr. or refl. : har- monise. -niste ", m. : harmonist. -nium º, m. : =. halloo ! (to incite rue har-na-ehementº [-nacher], m. : har-| nessing ; harness. -naeherº, tr. : har- ness. -na eheur*, m. : fharness-maker; harnesser, stable-boy. | - nais* or fnois [?], m. : HARNESS (farmour; horse- gear; heddles, etc., of a loom); fishing or hunting-gear : cheval de -, draught- horse. - haroº [?], interj. : (old) help ! (now) fie ! / 343 · shame ! crier — sur, set up a hue and cry after, shout one's disgust to. haroueIle" [?], f. : trout-line. harpagonº [H., character in Molière's - l'Avare], m. : miser. harpail* [?], m. : herd (of deer). harpailler* [-per], refl. : wrangle, squabble. I.harpe* [? Gr. root harp, seize],f : claw; clamp; (mas.) toothing; binding-stone. 2.har-pe* [Germ'c harpa], f : HARP ; harp-shell. -péº, adj. : well-shaped (lit. *rounded like a harp'). I.-perº, intr. : (old) play the harp ; (of horses) raise one hind leg stiffly, have springhalt. - 2.harperº [I.-pe], tr. : claw, grapple, gripe : se -, grapple one another. fharpeur*, =euse [I.-perl, m.,f. : (old) harper. harpie* [L. -pyia (Gr. root harp, snatch, RAPE)], f. : harpy; (Gr. myth.) winged mon- ster. - - # harpinº [I.-pe], m. : boat-hook. harpisteº [2.-pe], m.,f. : harpist, harper. har-ponº [I.-pe], m. : HARPOON, grap- pling iron, grapple ; clamp ; double-han- dled saw. -ponage" [-ponner], m. : har- pooning. -ponnerº, tr. : harpoon, spear. -ponneurº [-ponner], m. : harpooner. -ponnier*, m.: squacco heron ; climbing plant. - - hart* [?], f. : withe (for binding); frope (for hanging, halter). - ha-sard * [?], m. : = (old game at dice ; risk ; chance): coup de -, lucky chance ; de -, second-hand thing ; à tout -, at all events ; par -, by chance, accidentally ; jeter au -, leave to chance. -sarder*, tr. or refl. : hazard, venture, risk ; intr. : venture, run a risk. , -sardeusementº -deux], adv. : hazardously. -sardeux º, =euse, adj. : hazardous, venturesome. haschisch = hachisch. haseº [Ger.], f : doe-HARE ; doe-rabbit. has-tº, m. : staff of a lance, etc.: armes d'-, weapons fixed on a long staff (lance, hâtereau · halberd, etc.). -taire* [L. -tarius], m. : (Roman) spearman. |has-teº [L. -ta], .f. : spear. -té", adj. : hastate(d). I.hâte* [fr. Germ'c ; ak. to Eng. haste, borrowed fr. OFr.], f : HASTE, hurry. 2.#hâ-te* [L. hasta, spear], f. : spit (for roasting); roast. -telet, m. : Small spit, skewer. -telette [-telet], f : delicate morsel (roasted on a skewer). hâterº [I.-te], tr. : hasten, hurry on ; force (fruit): se -, hasten, make haste, hurry up. - fhâ-tereau* [2.-te], m. : fried pork-liver. f-teur* [2.-te], m. : cook (charged with • the roasting). -tier* [2.-te], m. : spit- rest. 5 344 'hâtif hâ-tifº, =ive [I.-tel, adj. : hasty, rapid ; forward, precocious, early. -tiveau*, m. : early fruit ; hasting (pear or pea). -tivementº, adv. : rapidly; early. f-ti- veté º,f. : forwardness ; precocity. hau-banº [fr. Germ'c ; ak.to Eng. head (viz. of a mast) and band], m. : shrouds (set of ropes serving as stays for masts), stays. -bannerº, tr. : fasten with stays. hau-bergeonº, m.: small hauberk. |-bert [OHG.hals-berc, ºneck-protector'l, m. : HAUBERK (coat of mail). haus-seº, f. : raising; elevation; frise (advance in price); (piece for raising any- thing, as) block, underlay, disk ; back- sight (of a gun), breech-sight ; nut : jouer à la —, speculate on a rise ; - d'archet, nut of a fiddle-bow. I.-se-col*, m. : [? pop. etym. for haus-cot (Ger. hals, neck), cotte], m.: gorget. 2.-se-colº, m. : ring- necked bird (ring-neck, colibri, lark, etc.). -sement, m. : raising; shrug; frise (of value). -sepiedº [pied], m. : ffootstep (stepping-stone); wolf-trap ; heron-hawk. #-ssequeue = hochequeue. ll-ser° ſp. L. *altiäre], tr. : raise (higher), elevate, lift up ; shrug (shoulders); advance (value); intr. : 1ise ; increase : se -, raise one's self, rise, be raised ; wish to appear high up or big; clear up (of weather); ad- vance, rise (of value); - la coude, drink hard ; le change -se, the rate of exchange is rising ; la rente -se, the funds are ris- ing. -sierº [-se], m. : bull (speculator on a rise in values). haussièreº [?], f : HAWSER (rope). haussoir" [-sser], m. : stop-gate (of a dam). hau-t° [L. altus (h fr. Ger.)], adj. : high (elevated, lofty ; HAUGHty; upper ; chief ; loud) ; adv. : high ; aloud, loud(ly) ; m. : height (altitude, size ; top, summit, upper part ; high notes) ; la chambre -e, the upper house ; de - goût, high-seasoned ; tirer la bride —e à, keep a high hand over ; en -, on high ; upstairs ; de -, in height ; high ; d'en -, upper ; regarder de - en bas, look at from head to foot ; look down upon, regard with scorn ; trai- · ter de - en bas, treat contemptuously ; plus -, higher; above, already; de plus —, farther back (in reading) ; tout —, (quite) aloud ;.faire - le pied, be off, dis- appear ; run off ; - à la main, with a high hand ; in a high-handed manner; off- hand ; with a tight rein. #-t-à-bas", m. : peddler. I.-tain*, adj. : fhigh-soaring ; haughty, arrogant. 2.f-tain = -tim. -tainementº [I.-tain], adv. : haughtily. -tbois* [bois], m. : hautboy; pastoral song; hautboy-player. -tboïsteº [-tbois], m., f. : hautboy-player. -t-de-ehaus- hébraïque se(s), pl. -s--s, m. : knee-breeches (ºup- from-stockings'), trunk-hose, hose. -te- eontreº, pl. -s--, f. : counter-tenor. -tementº, adv. : loudly, aloud; superbly, magnificently, grandly; proudly. -tesse*, f. : (old) elevation ; (nou) Highness (as title, esp. of the sultan). f-te-taille", l. -s--s, f : upper tenor. -teur*, f. : height, altitude, elevation ; loftiness ; ris- ing ground, eminence ; haughtiness, pride ; haughty action or word ; " depth' (of ocean, heavens, troops) ; (nav.) parallel, bearing (à — de, off) : à - d'appui, breast-high ; prendre la - du soleil, take the sun's altitude ; la - d'un bataillon, the depth of a batallion ; à la - d'une île, off an island ; à la - de quelqu'un, up to (capable of comprehending, abreast with) any one ; avec -, haughtily, imperi- ously. -t-fond, pl. -s--s, m. : shoal. -tinº, m. : climbing vine ; prop (for a climber). -t-le-coeurº, m. : nausea. -t-le-corps*, m. : start; skip. -tu- rierº, =ère, adj. : fskilled on the high seas; of the high seas, distant ; m. : sea- pilot. - Hâveº [?], adj - wan, omnciated. haveneau* [Norw. haav], m. : shrimp net. - haveron,º.[OHG. habaro (= Ger. hafer)], m. : wild oats. havet*[fr. Germ'c], m. : hook;tenter-hook. havir* [? hâve], tr. : dry, scorch. havre* [fr. Germ'c], m. : (old) HAVEN ; dry harbour. Havre, f. : = (sea-port city in France). - havrEsacº [Ger. haber-sack, * oat-sack'], m. : fknapsack (cf. Eng. haversack, "ra- tion-bag'); wallet, tool-bag. ha-yerº [haie], tr. : HEDGE. -yom [haie], m. : shelter ; tent ; end-board (of a wag- gOn). - héº [echoic], interj. : hey ! ho ! ah ! heau-meº [OHG. helm], m. : (old) HEL- MET. -mierº, m. : helmet maker. hebdoma-daireº [L. -darius (Gr. héb- domos, SEVENth)], adj. : hebdomadary, weekly. héber-geº [OHG. heri-berga, "army- shelter'], f. : flodging ; #structure leaning on a party-wall ; parting-line between two contiguous structures of unequal height. -gement* [-ger], m. : lodging. -gerº, tr. : lodge ; HARBOUR ; support against a party-wall; fintr. : lodge. hébéter* [L. -tare (hebes, dull)], tr. : render dull or obtuse, dull, blunt, hebe- tate ; -té, -tée, m., f. : dolt, blockhead. hé-braïque* [L.-braicus], adj. : Hebraic, Hebrew. -braïquement, adv. : He- braically. -braïsant [-braisme], m. : Hebraist. -braïsme º, m. : Hebraism, hécatombe |-breu, pl. - x [L.-brœus], adj. (m.) : Hebrew, Hebraic ; m. : Hebrew (person or language). - hécatombeº [L. (Gr. hekatôn, 100, boûs, ox)], f. : hecatomb. hectare [Gr. hekatôn, 100, Fr. are], f : (100 ares). hec-tique [L. -ticus (Gr. héxis, habit)], adj. : hectic. -tisie", f. : consumption. hecto- [Gr. hekatôn, 100]: -gramme", m. =. -litreº, m.: hectometre. - hégémonie*[Gr.-nia (hegaîsthai, lead)], f : hegemony (leadership, supremacy). ems-sºs •-- e hégireº [fr. Ar.], f : hegira (Moham- medan era). heiduque" [fr. Hung.], m. : Hungarian foot-soldier; valet (dressed like such a soldier). · heinº [echoic], interj. : hey ! hélas* [hé, las, in old sense of*wretched'], interj. : ALAS ! Hélène, f. : Helen. Hélerº [? Eng. hail], tr. : (nav.) hail, speak. héIi- [Gr. hélios, sun]: -antheº [Gr. -aſn- dinthos, flower], m. : sunflower. thème" [Gr. ánthemon, flower], m.: rock-rose. heliacal. héli-eeº [L. -x], f. : helix, screw; shell- snail. -eimº, adj. : helicine, spiral. -coïdº [Gr. -koeides], adj. : helicoid, spiral. hélio- [Gr. hélios, sun] : #que 7, adj. : heliocentric. -graphie º, f. : heliography. -graphique º, adj. : helio- - heliometer. -seopeº [Gr. skopeîn, look at], m. : helio- -stat" [Gr. statôs, placed], m. : | -tropeº [L. -tropium (Gr. trépein, turn)], m. : heliotrope (theflower ; | hé-raldique", graphical. -mètre ", m.: SCOpe. heliostat. bloodstone ; astron. instrument). hélixº [Gr.], m : helix (external ear). hel-lène [Gr. -lenôs], m. : Hellene, Greek. -lénique .[Gr. -lenikôs], m. : Hellenic. -lénisme [Gr. -lenismôs], m. : Hellenism. -léniste º [Gr. -lenistes], m. : Hellenist. Ivelmintheº [Gr. hélmis, worm], m. : intestinal worm. Héloïse, f. : Eloise. Helvé-tie [L.-tia], f : Helvetia. -tique, | · adj. : Helvetic. hemº [echoic], interj. : hem ! héma- [Gr. haîma, blood] : l } =euse, adj. : hematoid. -tie º, red blood corpuscle. -titeº (Gr. haimatites], f. : hematite. -t9seº [Gr. haimatosis], f. : hematosis. -turie* [Gr. haimatouria | (oûron, URINE)], f. : hematuria. hémérocalleº [Gr. -llis, 'day-beauty'], f.; hemerocallis. -mètreº, m. : -aque" [Gr. -akôs], adj. : : her-baeéº [L. - teuacº, berbacé 345 hémi- [Gr. hemi-, half, SEMI-] : -eyeleº, m.: hemicycle. -èdre* [Gr. hédra, SEAT], adj. : hemihedral. -oneº [Gr. ôno8, ass], m. : =, wild ass (India). -plégie [Gr. plége, stroke], f. : hemiplegy. -ptère [Gr. pterôn, wing], adj. : hemipteral ; m . pl. : hemiptera. -sphère* [L. -sphœrium (Gr. sphaîra, sphere)], m. : hemisphere. -sphérique* [-sphère], adj. : hemispher- ic(al). -sti.eheº [L. -stichium (C : . stichos, line)], m. : hemistich. #s hémo- [Gr. haima, blood] : -ptoïque" [Gr. ptûein, spit], adj. : spitting blood. -ptysie [L. -ptysis (Gr. ptûein, spit)], f : hemoptysis. -rr(h)agieº [L. -rrhagia (Gr. rhag-, burst)], f : hemorrhage. -rr(h)oïdalº [-rroide], adj. : hemorrhoi- dal. -rr(h)oïde* [L. -rrhois (Gr. rheîn, flow)], f. pl. : hemorrhoids, piles. -rr(h)oïsse [L. -ssa (2.rheîn, flow)], f. : (Bible) woman troubled with the bloody issue. hendéea- [Gr. hen- déka, eleven] : -gone" [L. gônos, angle)], m. : hendec- agon. -syIlabeº, adj. : hendecasyllabic ; m. : hendecasyllable. hen-nir° an- [L. hinnire], intr. : neigh. -nissantº, adj. : neighing. -nisse- ment*, m. : neighing. hépathi-que* [L. hepaticus (Gr. hépar, . ' liver)], adj. : hepatic ; f. : liverwort. -te ·[Gr. -tis], f. : hepatite, liver-stone ; hepa- titis. hepta- [Gr. heptá, SEVEN] : -corde [L. -cordus], adj. or m. : heptachord. -èdre" |[Gr. hédra, SEAT, base], m. : heptahedron. -gonalº [-gone], adj. : heptagonal. -goneº [L. -gonus (Gr. gonia, angle)], adj. : heptagonal ; m. : heptagon. hep- ta-mdre [-drie], adj. : heptandrion. hey - ta-mdrie" [l. L. -ia (Gr. âner, man = *stamen')], f : heptandria. adj. : heraldic. -r, J. student of heraldi : . herald. -baceus], adj. : herba- ceous. -bage*, m. : = (grass; pasture). -bagement lºgerl m. : feeding, pastur- ing. I.-bager", tr. : feed, graze, pai - ture. 2.-bager, m. : grazier. -bageuœ º, =euse [-bage], adj. : grassy. ll-be° [L. -ba], f. : HERB, grass ; blade : — marine, seaweed ; — militaire, milfoil ; — de Saint-Jean, mugwort; — de la Saint-Jean, ground-ivy; mauvaises —s, weed(s); - aux chats, cat-thyme ; - aux cuilliers, scurvy-grass ; - gueux, clematis ; - au pauvre homme, hyssop ; — aux perles, gromwell ; - de siège, figwort ; - aux verrues, heliotrope ; bouillon d'-s (or aux -s), herb soup ; marcher sur une ·(mauvaise) -, be nettled or surly; cm- diste º, m. : |-rautº [?], m. : 346 ployer toutes les -s de Saint-Jean, try all possible means ; en -, in the blade ; growing, promising ; in hope ; manger son Herchage blé en —, ( eat the grain while in the blade'), eat up one's income beforehand ; couper l'- sous le pied à, supplant, oust. -beillerº, intr. : graze. -ber* grass (expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching) ; treat with grass. f-berie*, f : fherb-market ; bleaching-ground for wax. -bette*, f : short or tender grass. -beuac,° =euse [L. -bosus], adj. : herbose, · grassy. -bier*, m. : grass bank (in a stream, etc.) ; grass shed ; paunch (of ruminants) : herbarium ; herbal. -bière*, f : herb-woman. -bivoire * [L. -ba, v0rare, eat], adj. : herbivorous ; m. : herbivorous animal. -borisation" [-bo- riser], f. : herborisation. . -boriserº, intr. : herborise. -boriseur [-boriser], m. : herboriser (collector of plants). -bo- riste º, m. : herborist, herbulist. -bo- risterie*, f. : herb-trade, herb-shop. -bu*, adj. : grass-grown, grassy. -bue", f. : her-ehage, m. : ore-cart. ll-eher [Norm. for -ser], tr. : · cart ſore in mines) -chour, -cusc, m., f. : ore-carter. · • Her-cule, m. : Hercules. -culéen º, · =enne, adj. : Herculean. · hère º [?], m. : sorry or poor fellow, wretch ; card-game ; young deer. hérèdi-taire* [L. -tarius], adj. : heredi- tary. -tairement*, adv. : hereditarily. |-téº [L. -tas (heres, HEIR)], f.: heirship, vegetal or rich soil. hereditary rights ; heredity ; finheritance. héré-siarqueº [fr. l. L.], m. : · here- · siarch. ll-sie* [l. L. hœresis (Gr. haire- · sis, taking, choosing)], f. : heresy. -ti- eité º [L. hœretique], f. : heretical nature. -tique* [L. hœreticus], adj. : heretic(al) ; m., f. : heretic. · · · - . ihergne = hargner. héris-sement* with sharp points, arm : se -, , bristle, | stand on end or erect; be bristling or armed with. ll-son° [p. L. *herico (L. -cius)], m. : hedgehog, URCHIN ; (name of various objects with points, as) HERISON (fort.) ; sprocket(-wheel), canting-wheel, rag-wheel, spur-wheel; bottle-drainer, · rack ; chimney-scraper; top-knot (hair- dress); prickly mushroom ; chestnut burr ; prickly peº - de mer, sea-urchin. -sonné º, adj. : (her.) crouching. f-son- ner*, tr. : bristle ; rough-plaster. . , héri-tageº, m. : heritage, inheritance : —s librés, fee-simple ; —s substitués, fee- tail. |-ter° [p. L. hereditäre (L. heres, HEIR)], intr. : be heir, inherit ; tr. : in- i @ , tr. : ore-carting. -eheº, f. : [-ser], m. : bristling. | -ser° [p. L. *hericiäre], tr. : bristle ; set hersage - herit, succeed to. -tier°, =ère [p. L. hereditärius], m., f. : HEIR, heiress, inher- itor : - par substitution, heir of entail ; - universel, sole heir ; — présomptif, heir-apparent. - herle = harle. hermaphro-disme", m. : hermaphro- dism. |-dite* [L. -ditus (Gr. Her- maphrôditos, mythol. youth joined in one body with a nymph when bathing)], m. : = ; adj. : hermaphroditic. fhermEline = hermeline. - herméneutique" [Gr. -neutikôs (-neü- ein, interpret)], adj. : hermeneutic(al); f : hermeneutics. Her-mès [Gr.], m. : Hermes (Greek divinity, by the Romans identified with Mercury); statue of Hermes or Mercury ; Hermes' or Mercury's head (on a short , pillar). -métique, adj. : hermetic (re- ferring to alchemy, as supposed to have been taught by the Egyptian Hermes ; close, as a sealed tube of alchemists), hermetical ; crowned with a Hermes' head or with a man's head. -métiquementº [-métique], adv. : hermetically. hermi-neº [fr. armine, prop'ly 'Arme- IIiaII"], j : ermine (wInter-weasel; fur ; her. ermine moth). -né*, adj. : her- mined. -nette º,f. : (carp.)adze. - nite", ſ : (her.) hermine (argent field, tufted with black). . hermitage, -te = ermitage, -te. her-niaire º, adj. : hernial ; rupture- wort : bandage -, truss. |-nie [L. -nia], f. : hernia, rupture. -nioleº, f. : rupturewort. - s. * • hernuites* [town Herrenhut], m. pl. : Herrnhuters (Moravians, United Brethren). Héro-de, m. : Herod. -diens, m. pl. : ©-•s Herodians. Hérodote, m. : Herodotus. héroï-comiqueº, adj. : heroi-comic. -deº [L. -s], f : heroic epistle. -neº [L.], f. : heroine. |-que* [L. -cus (Gr. héros, hero)], adj. : heroic(al). -que- mentº, adv. : heroically. -smeº [hé- ros], m. : heroism. s ! - hé-ron° [p. L. *hagiro (OHG. heigir)], m.: heron : masse de -, heron plume. -ronneauº, m. : young heron. -ron- nerº, intr. : (falc.) hunt the heron. f-ronnierº, f=ère, adj. : heron-like, long and lank, thin. -ronnière*, f. : heronry. hérosº [L-Gr], m. : hero. herpeº [?], f : sea-drift, washed ashore. her-pès* [L.-Gr. (Gr. hérpein, creep)], · m. : herpes, tetters. -pétique*, adj. : herpetic. hers-age* [-ser], m. : harrowing (of a field). " hiersch hers eh « . . = herch . . . her-se° [L. hirpex], f. : harrow ; (fort.) HERSE, portcullis ; barrier (of a house) ; grating, screen ; spiked bar; branched candlestick (in Rom. Cath. churches) ; small table with lights (between the scenes in a theatre), scene light (concealed by the scenes) ; frame ; (nav.) iron cringle. | -sé, adj. : (her.) with a herse ; and cf. -ser. -serº, tr. : harrow. -seur, =euse [-ser], m., f : harrower. -sillon º, m. : =. hesi-tantº, adj. : hesitating. -tationº [L. hœsitatio], f : hesitation ; faltering. |-terº [L. hœsitare, intens. of hœrere, *stick'], intr. : hesitate ; falter, hem and | haw; demur : faire -, stagger. hessois, adj. or moun : Hessian. hétaire" [Gr. hétaira, companion], f : concubine. - - hétéro- [Gr. héteros, other] : -clite* [Gr. klinein, bend], adj. : heteroclite, -clitic(al), anomalous; strange. -doxeº [Gr. -doxôs (dôxa, opinion)], adj. : hetero- - dox. -doxie " [Gr. doxia (dôxa, opinion)], f : heterodoxy. -gèneº [Gr. -genés (génos, kind)], adj. : heterogeneous. -gé- néité º [cf. -gène], f : heterogeneity. ' hetman [Pol.], m. : = (Cossack chieftain). hêtre* [Netherl. heester], m.: beech (-tree). - fheur°[L. augurium, augury], m.: chance, happy chance, luck, good fortune. : heure° [L. höra], f : HOUR ; o'clock ; mo- ment ; pl. : hours, time ; Hours (myth.) ; · primer (prayer-book): une -, one o'clock; une - et demie, half-past one ; sur la · une —, about one o'clock ; de bonne -, early ; de meilleure -, earlier, sooner ; , à l'- qu'il faut, in due time ; in the nick of time ; —s perdues, lost hours, leisure hours ; donner -, fix an hour ; — du berger, wooer's hour (propitious for woo- ers) ; pour l'-, for the moment, at pres- · ent ; à l' — qu'il est, at this present hour, now ; tout à l'-, by and by, presently ; just now, not long ago ; d'- à autre, now and then ; à la bonne -, in good time ; · well and good, very well ; livres d'-s, primer ; une paire d'-s, a primer; cher- cher midi à quatorze-s, run a wild-goose | chase ; quart d'- de Rabelais, paying time, settling time ; trying time. heu-reusementº, adv. : happily, luckily ; successfully, prosperously ; by good luck. : ll-reux º, =euse [heur], adj. : happy; fortunate, lucky, favourable ; blissful, blessed : felicitous, excellent. heur-tº, m. : clash (collision, blow, knock) ; mark after a blow (bruise, hurt) ; rising or sudden obstacle ; highest point or elevation ; (dial.) dumping ground. -tEment*, m. : clash, collision ; hiatus. | hedron. Hipparque 347 |-ter* [?], (in)tr. : knock, hit or run (against), strike, shock, jostle ; run counter to ; run foul of ; HURT, offend ; (paint.) colour hard : se -, strike or hit one's self ; hit, run, or butt against one another, clash, run foul of each other. come into collision, jostle ; -té, abrupt, rough, choppy. -toirº, m. : fknocker (of a door); (various objects serving to check a blow, as) door-catch, catch, stop, stopper, buffer, fender. heuse* [?], f : (old) bolt; (nav.) pump rod or spear. 3 · hexa- [Gr. héx, SIX] : -èdre " [Gr. hédra, SEAT, base], adj. : hexahedral; m. : hexa- -gonalº [-gone], adj. : hexag- onal. -gone* [L. -gonus (Gr. gonia, angle)], adj. : hexagonal ; m. : , hexagon. -mètre* [L. -metrus], adj. : hexamet- rical ; m. : hexameter. hex-andre", adj. : hexandrous. -an- drie" [l. L. -andria (Gr. héx-, SIX, amér, man = stamen], f. : hexandria. hiatusº [L. (hiare, gape, YAWN)], m. : hiber-malº [L. -nalis], adj. : =. -nerº · [L. -nare], intr. : hibernate. hibouº [?], m. : owl; unsociable person : ·faire le -, mope like an owl. - hie" [L., "here'], m. : hard point, difficulty, rule. - hidalgo* [Sp. (hijo de algo, . 'son of something')], m. : =. fhi-deur*, f : hideousness. -deuse- mentº, adv. : hideously, horribly. |-deux º, =euse [OFr. hide (?), fright], adj. : hideous, horrible. Hie* [l. Ger. heie], f. : rammer. hièble° [L. ebulum], f : dwarf-elder. hiemalº [L. -lis], adj. : hyemal (winter-). I. hier° [L. heri], adv. : yesterday : — au soir, last night ; homme d'-, upstart. 2.hier* [hie], tr. : ram ; intr. : creak. hiérar-ehieº [l. L. -chia (Gr. hierós, holy, ârchein, rule)], f. : hierarchy. -ehique*, adj. : hierarchic(al). -ehique- ment [-chique], adj. : hierarchically. hiératiqueº [L. -ticus (Gr. hierôs, holy)], adj. : hieratic. - hiérogly-pheº, m. : hieroglyph. -phi- que* [L. -phicus (Gr. hierós, holy, glüphein, carve)], adj. : hieroglyphic(al). hierophanteº [L. -tes (Gr. hierôs, holy, phaínein, show)], m. : hierophant. . - hila-rantº [L. -rans], adj. : exciting laughter : gaz -, laughing-gas. -re [L. -ris], adj. : hilarious. -rité* [L. -ritas], f. : hilarity, mirth. hileº [L. -lum, eye hilum. · hiloire º [Sp. esloria (?)], f : (nav.) roof- tree. Hipparque, m. : Hipparcus, sº- •- e of · a bean], m. : 348 hippiatrieº or -trique [Gr. -tria], f : veterinary art. hippique* [Gr. -kôs (híppos, horse)l, adj. : hippic. hippo- [Gr. híppos, horse]: -campeº [L. -campus (Gr. kámpos, sort of fish)], m. : hippocampus, sea-horse. -drome* [L. -dromus (Gr. drômos, course)], m. : = (circus ; race-course). -griffeº [It. ippo- grifo ( griffin')], m. : hippogriff (winged horse). -litheº [Gr. lithos, stone], f. : (vet.) hippolith. -potame* [Gr. pôtamos, river], m. : hippopotamus. hiron-deau* [-de], m. : young swallow. -deIleº [-de], f : swallow ; light boat : - de cheminée, house-swallow;-rustique, - de fenêtre, martin ; — de mer, sea- gull; swallow-fish;— de rivage (or rivière), sand-martin. hirsute* [L. -tus], adj. : = (shaggy). hispideº [L. -dus], adj. : hispid, bristly. hisserº [fr. Scand. -ssa], tr.: HOIST (up), heave, haul up (sails), sway up (yards). histiologie = histologie. histoire * [L. -toria (Gr. -toria, root vid, know, WIT)], f. : history; story; idle story, falsehood : — de, for the mere sake of; mcrely to ; fu iseur d'-s, story-leller ; d'-, historical. histologie * [Gr. histos, tissue], f. : his- tology. fhisto-rial* [L. -rialis], adj. : historical. |-rien * [histoire], m. : historian. hippiatrie à -rierº, tr. : frelate in detail ; #illustrate; | adorn, embellish. -rietteº [histoire], f. : little story or tale, story. -riographeº [L. -riographus (Gr. gráphein, write)], m.: historiographer. -rique* [L. - history. -riquementº [-rique], adv. : historically. - his-trionº [L. -trio], m.: = (player of farces); poor actor ; (iron.) comedian. -trionique*, adj. : histrionic(al). lviver° [L. hibernus (hiems, winter), win- try], m. : winter : cœur de l'-, mid- winter. -nageº, m. : (nav.) winter-sea- son ; rainy season (in equinoctial climates) ; winter harbour; wintering place ; (agr.) winter-fallowing ; (dial.) winter-sowing ; winter-fodder. -nalº, adj. : winter-, wintry. -nerº, intr. : winter; tr. : winter- fallow ; feed on winter-fallow ; #inure to cold. ho [echoic], interj. : ho ! hoa ! ahoy ! hobereauº[OFr. -be (Germ'c)], m. : HOBBY (small falcon); (iron.) country squire ; (dial.) petty tyrant. hocº [? L., *this'], m. : "hock’ (game at cards) ; certain share, certainty : cela lui est —, he is sure of that. - hoca * [?], m. : "hoca' (game of chance). -ricus], | adj. : historical ; m. : historical sketch, hommasse hoehe* [?], f : notch, nick. ho-ehementº [-cher], m. : tossing, shak- ing. f-ehepied [pied], m. : heron-hawk (for hausse-pied). -ehepotº [pot], m. : hodge-podge. - ehequeue [queue], m. : wag-tail (bird). I.|-eher* [?], tr. : · shake, toss, wag, jerk. 2.ho eher* [-che], tr. : notch. hoehetº [I.-cher], m.: rattle (for chil- dren). fhogner* [?], intr. : grumble, growl. fhoi-r° [p. L. *hërem (Acc. of L. res)], m. : HEIR. f-rie*, f : inheritance. holà [ho, la], interj. : holla ! hoa ! ho ! hô-leme2vt", m. : hooting (of owls). |-ler* ſechoic], intr.: hoot (of owls, etc.). hollan-dais, =aise, adj. : Hollandish, Dutch ; m. : Hollander, Dutchman ; Dutch . language ; f : Dutch woman. | Hollan- de, f. : Holland. -dé", adj. : dressed (of quills) : batiste -dée, thick cambric. -derº, tr. : dress (quills). holocauste* [L. -tum (Gr. hôlos, all, kaustôs, burned)], m. : holocaust (burnt- offering; sacrifice). fholographe = olographe. homº [echoic], interj. : hum ! humph ! Hoinardº [UNorse humarr], m. : lobster. hombre º [Sp. (L. homo), man], m. : ombre (game at cards). homélie* [l. L. -milia (Gr. -milia, ser- . mon)], f. : homily. . homéo-patheº, adj. : homeopathic ; m. : homeopath. |-pathie* [Gr. hómoios, like, páthos, sickness], f. : homeopathy. -pathique*, adj. : homeopathic. . A ^, <- Aº , Homère, m. : Homer. homérique, adj. : Homeric. homiei-de* [L. I.-da, 2.-dium], I.m. f : homicide (manslayer) ; adj. : murderous ; 2.m. : homicide (manslaughter): - volon- taire, willful murder ; — involontaire, manslaughter ; - par imprudence, homi- cide by misadventure. f-derº, tr. : mur- der, slay. hom-mage* [l. L. hominaticum (L. homo, * man', l. L. also 'servant')], m. : homage (of a tenant to a lord ; reverence, · respect ; gift) : rendre ses -s, pay one's respects ; - de reconnaissance, token of gratitude. I.-mager*, tr. : hold by hom- age. 2.-mager º, m. : homager. hom-masse*, adj. : manlike, masculine. ll-me° [L. homo], m. : man ; (pop.) hus- . band, old man : - à tout, man of all work ; pauvre -, pitiful man ; — pauvre, poor (indigent) man ; bon -, good man ; good- natured fellow ; old fellow ; — bon, kind- hearted man ; good man ; brave —, good fellow, excellent fellow ; — brave, brave man ; - de bois, fagot, dumb-jockey ; à tout faire, jack at all trades ; - des homocentrique bois, orang-outang ; baboon, wild man. 'F-meau, m. : little man. -dieu, m. : man-god. homo- [Gr. homôs, SAME, like] : -een- trique* [L. -centricus], adj. : homocen- tric. -gène* [Gr. -genése (génos, kind)], adj. : homogeneous. -généité*[l. L. -ge- neitas (cf. -gène)], f : homogeneity. -lo- gatifº, =ive [-loguer], adj. : homologa- tive. -logation º [-loguer], f : = (ap- proval). -loguerº [l. L.-logare (Gr. lôgos, speech)], tr. : homologate, affirm, approve. -nymeº [L. -nymus (Gr. ónoma, NAME)], adj. : homonymous ; m., f. : homonyme, namesake. -phone* [Gr.-phonos (phoné, sound)], adj. : homophonic. -phonie" [Gr. -phonia (phoné, sound)], f. : homoph- Ony. honº [echoic], interj. : bah ! shame ! thon ehet = jonchet. hon-greº [for-grois], adj. : gelded; emas- culated ; m. : gelder. -grEIine º,.f. : (old) body coat (with large flaps). -grerº [-gre] tr. : geld ; emasculate. -greur l-grer], m. : gelder. |Hon-grie, f : Hungary. -grois, = oise, adj. : Hunga- rian ; m., f : Hungarian ; (m.) Hungarian language. -groyer", tr. : tan (Hunga- rian fashion). -groyeur" [-groyer], m. : tanner. hon-nête* [L. honestus], adj. : honest, upright ; virtuous ; genteel, accomplished ; | polite ; suitable ; fitting, fair : - homme, honest man ; - femme, virtuous Woman ; | homme —, civil (genteel) man; prix -, reasonable price ; habit -, decent (or presentable) coat ; récompense -, hand- | some reward. -nêtement*[-nête], adv. : honestly ; virtuously ; genteelly, politely ; courteously ; becomingly, decently; hand- somely; moderately. -nêteté* [-nête],.f. : | honesty, probity; virtue, chasteness ; po- liteness ; courtesy ; propriety, fitness, deco- rum ; present ; règles de l'-, rules of pro- priety ; faire une - à, make an acknow- ledgment or present to; be courteous to. |-neur° [L. honor], m. : honour; purity (of women); honour card ; pl.regalia : che- valier d'-, gentleman in waiting; croix d'-, cross of the Legion of Honour; fille d'-, maid of honour; demoiselle d'-, bride's-maid ; garçon d'-, bride's-man, best man ; partie d'-, rubber (of cards) ; decisive game ;. en -, in honour, hon- oured ; in favour, in request; faire - à, do honour to; do credit to; honour, meet (bills, etc.) ; ascribe the honour of to ; se faire — de, esteem as an honour; be proud of; take credit for; faire réparation d'-, make an apology; se piquer d'-, feel one's honour piqued ; en sortir avec - (or à son —), come off with honor; tenir à — 349 de, esteem it an honour to ; foi d'homme d'-, as I am a man of honour. honnirº [OHG. haunjan (= Ger. hoh- men)], tr. : disgrace, shame, dishonour : h0nni soit qui mal y pense, evil be to him who evil thinks. f. : horizon hono-rabilité º, honourableness. |-rable* [L.-rabilis (-r, honour)], adj. : honourable, creditable ; m. : member of the deputy chamber : amende -, public confession (of a criminal); amends. -ra- blement*, adv. : honourably, respecta- bly; sumptuously. -raire* [L. -rarius], adj. : honorary, titular; m. (esp. #: emolument, compensation, fee. -rerº [L. -rare], tr. : honour; be an honour to : s'-, do one's honour ;. acquire honour; deem (esteem) it an honour; pique one's self (on), take a pride (in). -rifiqueº [L. -rificus], adj. : honorific, honorary. -ri- fiquement* [-rifique], adj. : in an hon- orific way. , . hon-teº [OHG. haunita (ak.to Ger. hohn, scorn)], f. : shame; disgrace : avoir -, be ashamed ; mauvaise ( fausse) -, unde- served feeling of shame, groundless self- reproach, diffidence, bashfulness ; faire -- à, make ashamed ; avoir toute - bue, be lost to all shame ; (prov.) que - me vous jasse dommage, don't be ashamed to do : what is right. -teusement*[-teux], adj.: shamefully. -teuoc", =euse, adj. : shame- ful, disgraceful, scandalous; ashamed ; shamefaced, bashful, timid ; m., f. : timid or modest person : avoir l'air -, look ashamed or bashful ; pauvre -, mod- est poor (person ashamed to beg); parties -teuses, organs of generation, pudenda ; morceau -, last piece in the dish (at table);. il n'y a que les - qui perdent, only faint hearts fail. hôpital* [L. hospitale (-pes, GUEST)], m. : hospital ;: poor-house : - ambulant, field- hospital ; aller à l'-, go to the work- house ; go to the dogs. , hoplite " [L.-Gr. -tes], m. : = (heavy- armed Greek soldier). Hoquetº [?], m.: hiccough; fblow, shock : — de la mort, death-rattle. - hoqueton* [old al- coton (Ar. al, the, Fr. coton)], m. : (old) cotton, cotton cloth ; (now) cotton coat or cassock ; archer (dressed in a cotton coat), constable. horaireº [L. -rarius (-ra, HOUR)], adj. : horary, horal ; m. : time-table. hordeº [Tart.], f. : horionº [?], m.: violent blow, bang. hori-zon* [L.-Gr. (Gr. -zein, border)], 77?,. ! -zontalº, pl. =aux, adj. : =, level. -zontale, f : demi-mondaine (gay woman). -zontalementº [-zontal], adv. : horizontally. ºm•» ,-• $ sms •- e 350 · · horloge hor-Ioge* [L. horologium (Gr. hôra, HOUR, légein, tell)], f (m.) : horologe, clock ; (nav.) glass : - d'eau, clepsydra ; — de sable, hourglass. -logerº, m. : clock- and watch-maker or -seller. -lo- gère º, f. : clock or watch-maker's wife. -logerieº [-loger], f : clock- and watch- making or trade; clock-work ; horology. -logeur = loger. hormis* [hors, mis, " put'], adv. : except, S3 V6 . - - horo- [Gr. hóra, HOUR]: -graphieº, f : horography. -scopeº [Gr. skopeîn, view], m. (ff): =. -scopique*[-scope], adj. : horoscopic. Ivor-reur° [L. horror (-rëre, shiver)], f : , horror (shudder, dread ; horrible thing); detestation, abomination ; fright (of per- sons); awe : belle -, awful spectacle. -rible* [L. -ribilis], adj. : =. ment* [-rible], adv. : horribly. -rifi- que º [L. -rificus], adj. : (fam.) horrific. horripi-lantº [-ler], adj. : causing a shiver, hair-raising. |-lationº [L. -latio (horrere, bristle, pilus, hair)], f. : -lerº, tr. : give a shiver to, horrify. horsº [for forsl, prep. : outside of; beside, beyond ; except(ed); out (with de); adv. : outside ; — (que), unless : - de combat, disabled ; — de prix, extremely dear; - d'œuvre, or -d'oeuvre, m. : what is outside the subject, digression; out-work ; side-dish (butter, radishes, etc., usually | surge. houlette* [OFr. -ler (?), throw], f. : : shepherd's spade (staff with a Small spade between #ºup and first course). hortensia" [l. L.], f : = (rose). horti-coleº, adj. : horticultural. -cul- teur*, m.: horticulturist. |-cultureº [L. hortus, GARDEN, Fr. c ..], f. : =. hosanna* [L. (Heb.)], intr. or m. : Ho- sanna; Palm-Sunday hymn: fdimanche -, Palm-Sunday. - hospi-ee* [L.-tium (hospes, GUEST)], m. : #place , of hospitality ; hospice ; hospital, almshouse, asylum (for children and old people). -talierº,=ère [I.l. L. -talarius (-tale, hospital); 2.-talité], adj. : hospital, almshouse ; 2.hospitable ; m., f. : I.hos- pitaler. -talièrementº [-talier], adv. : hospitality. -taIisation * [-taliser], f : admission in or change to a hospital. -taliser* [hôpital], tr. : place in hospital or almshouse ; change into a hospital. -talité [L. -talitus], f. : hospitality. hostieº [L. -tia, victim], f. : offering - (victim offered) : victim ; HOST (conse- | crated wafer). hosti-le* [L.-lis], adj. : =. -Iementº, adv. : hostility. -1ité* [L. -litas], f : · hostility. - hô-te° [L. hospes], m. : HOST (entertainer; · landlord, innkeeper); GUEST; lodger: table d'-, ordinary. -tel° [L. hospitäle, j) -rible-, houleux ", =euse [-le], adj. : hourailler guest-room], m. : hotel ; mansion ; royal mansion ; large public building : - de ville, town-hall ; - des monnaies, mint ; maître d'-, steward. -tel-Dieu, pl. —s-—, m. : principal hospital of a toWn. -telier*, =ère, m. : innkeeper, land- lord, landlady. -teIlerie* [-telier], f. : HOSTELRY, inn, small hotel; apartment for guest in a convent. -tesse, f. : hostess (entertainer; landlady); guest; lodger. hot-te* [Germ'c], f. : dosser (basket, strapped on the back) ; rain tub ; drag- scraper; basket funnel. -tée º, f. : basketful. #-ter*, tr. : (dial.) carry in a dosser. f-tereau*, -teret, m. : (dial.) small dosser; garden-basket. -teurº, =euse, m., f. : basket-carrier. - houaehe or -aiehe = ouaiche. houage* [houer], m. : hoeing. hou-blon* [Netherl. hop], m. : HOP (plant) : perche à -, hop-pole. -blon- ner, tr. : hop. -blonnière, f : hop- field, hop-garden. - hou-e* [OHG.-wa], f : HOE. -erº, tr. : hoe. -etteº, f : small hoe. houil-leº [?], f : (pit-)coal. -lerº, =ère, adj. : coal-, coaly. -1ère*, f : coal-mine. -leurº, m.:, coal-miner, col- lier. -leux º, =euse, adj. : containing. coal, coaly. + houlan = uhlan. - - houleº [?], f : swell (of the sea), rolling, for throwing clods of earth at straying sheep ; synonymous with Eng. 'shepherd's crook, crook; shepherd's condition'); gardener's trowel ; long spoon ; bivalve. smelling, rolling. , - houlque" [L.-cus], f : feather-grass. hou-p [echoic], interj. : holla ! -perº, tr. : (hunt.) whoop (incite by shouting): se -, shout to each other. - - houp-pe* [?], f : leafy tree-top ; tuft (of feathers, hair, etc.), tassel ; top-knot ; powder-puff. -péº, adj. : tufted. -pée*, f : foamy surge (of a wave), swell. houppelande* [?], f : great coat (long, loººº # wadded overcoat). • a7 houp-per" [-pe], tr. : tuft ; comb (wool). -petteº [-pe], f. : small tuft or tassel. -pierº [-pe], m. : tufted tree (with the lower branches cut off) ; tree-top. fhouque = houlque. fhour = hourd. houraº [Russ. -ura], interj. or m. : war- cry (of Russian soldiers) ; hurrah ; alarm. hourail-lerº [houret], intr. : hunt with bad hounds. -]isº, m. : pack of worth- less hounds. - - hourd - hour-dº [OHG. hurt, HURDle], m. : (old) palissade, scaffolding ; (now) sawyer's trestle ; wooden - shoe - maker's shed. -dage* [-der], m. : rough-walling; pug- ging, deafening. -derº, tr. : (old) pali- sade, intrench ; pug (lath joists and fill With clay) ; rough-cast. -dis* [-der], m. : (mas.) pugging, rough-cast; (nav.) Wing-transom. l houretº [?], m. : worthless hound. Houriº [Turk.], f : = (Moham. nymph of paradise). hourque* [Dutch hulk], f : HULK (flat- bottomed boat). - - Hourra* [fr. Eng.], interj. or m. : hur- ra(h). hourvariº [?], m. : return to the start- ing-point (said of hunted game, thus put- ting the dogs off the track) ; baffling trick ; huntsmen's cry in calling back the dogs; hubbub, uproar. fhousard = hussard. fhou-seau* [OFr. huese (OHG. hosa), HOSE], m. : legging. f-ser* [OFr. huese], tr. : put on boots; -sé, booted ; (jest.) mud-covered. Houspiller*[housse-pigner (=-peigner), 'comb the cloak'], tr. : shake up, tousle, mob; cut up, abuse, scold : se -, tug, scold each other ; wrangle. houssage" [-sser], m.: dusting (with a feather-broom). : . houssaie* [houx], f : holly-grove. fhoussard = hussard. - hous-se* [?fr. Ar.], f. : (old) short cloak ; cover (for furniture, etc.) ; tidy ; HOUsing (fEng. HOUSE), saddlecloth, horse-cloth ; | hammer-cloth ; carriage-trimming (of vel- vet, etc.). -serº, tr.: cover, trim, deck with a housing. 2.housser* [houx], tr. : with a holly-broom, then any broom), dust (with a feather-broom) ; fthrash. houssette* [?], f : self-locker (of trunk- locks). - hous-sière* [houx], f : holly-grove. -sine* [houx], f : switch. -sinerº [-sine], tr. : switch, whip. -soir* [2.-ser], | m. : holly-broom, broom (gen'ly); feather- broom, whisk. -sonº [houx], m. : knee- holly. houac* [OHG. huls], m. : HOLLY, holly- tree ; holly-cane : petit -, or -frelon, m. : butcher's broom. oyau* [houe], m. : mattock. u-age" [-er], m. : hooting. #-aille [-er], f : mob. -ardº [-er], m. : osprey; l0on. ublotº [? ak. to Eng. hole], m. : small port-hole. - ueheº [l. L. hutica (? ak. to Ger. hut, guard)], f. : (kneading) trough ; bin (of a sweep (orig. | hulotte 351 · mill); fish box (with holes, placed in water), fish pond. ·fhu-eher° [p. L. *hüccare (L. huc, here)], tr. : shout or whistle for. -ehet*, m. : hunting horn. - hueº ſechoic], interj. : (or us'ly) gee ! gee up ! hu-ée*, f : shout (to start game, etc.); shout of derision, hooting, hissing. |-erº [? echoic], tr. : rouse by shouting, shout after; intr. : receive with shouts of deri- sion, hoot (at), hiss. -ette º, f : black screech-owl. Hugue-notº, . =ote [Ger. eid-genoss, "oath-companion,' confederate], m., Huguenot (French Calvinist, 16th Cent.) ; ſ. : pipkin (earthen boiler without legs) ; Small stove with a sauce-pan upon it ; adj. (h-): Huguenot. -notisme º, m. : Huguenotism. - Hugues, m. : Hugh. huh au = hue. fhui° [L. hodie], adv. : fto-day, (leg.) this (to horses) get up ! | day. hui-lageº, m. : oiling. |-le° [L. oleum], ſ. : OIL : — de ricine, castor oil ; — de navette, rape-oil ; - comestible, salad-oil ; ' - de cotret, stirrup oil, cudgeling ; - de bras, elbow-grease, labor, pains ; sentir · l'-, smell oil, smell of the lamp ; tache d'-, oil-stain ; lasting evil or shame. -Ierº, tr. : oil; intr.: ooze or secrete oil. -lerieº [-lier], f. : oil-manufactory ; oil storage ; oil-shop. -leux º, =euse, adj. : oily. -Iier*, m. : oil-manufac- turer ; oil-merchant ; cruet stand, caster. -lière º, f. : (nav.) oil-pitcher. -lureº [-ler], f. : oozing (of fruit-trees). +hui-s° h asp. in - clos [L. ostium], m. : (entrance) door : à - clos, with closed doors, in private. -sserie*, f. : door- frame. -ssier*, f=ière, m., f. : (old) door-keeper ; m. : usher, gentleman usher; · tipstaff, sheriff's officer, bailiff : - au- diencier, crier at the court. - hui-t° bef. a cons't -t [L. octo], adj. or m. : EIGHT ; eighth : aujourd'hui en —, this day week. -taim*, m. : stanza of eight verses. -taineº, f : collection of eight ; (duration of) eight days : dans la —, in the course of the week. -tième*, adj. : eighth ; f : eighth part ; eighth class. -tièmement [-tième], adv. : eighthly. · huî-tre° [L. ostrea], f. : OYSTER : f - à l'écaille, edible oyster ; blockhead. -tri- er*, =ère, m., f. : oyster-dealer; m. : oyster-catcher (bird) ; f : oyster-bank ; adj. : oyster-like. fhulam = uhlan. hulot = hublot. hulotteº [ ak to owl],f : owlet. 352 humain hu-main* [L, -manusl, adj. : human ; humane ; #profane ; m. : human being, man. -mainement*, adv. : humanly ; - 6 .1 , $ humanely. -maniserº, tr. : humanise, civilize ; make humane, soften, mollify : s'-, become humanised ; be softened ; comply, come down to the intellectual level of others. -manisteº, m. : human- -manitaire* [-manité], adj. or ist. m.: humanitarian (philanthropist). -ma- zaité* [L. -manitas], f. : humanity (human nature ; mankind ; sympathy; classical literature); pl. : humanities ; classes of language and literature : faire ses -s,. pass through the classes of language and literature (i.e. the classes between those of grammar and philosophy) ; gain a lib- eral education. • hum-bleº [L. humilis (-us; earth)], adj. : =. -blEmentº, adv. : humbly. humec-tamtº, adj. : moistening, (#Eng. humective) ; refreshing. -tation* [L. -tatio],f : moistening, (fEng. =). |-terº [L.-tare], tr. : moisten, wet, (fEng. humec- tate) ; refresh. humer* [?], tr. : inhale, suck in. humé-ralº [L. -ralis], adj. : humeral. |-rusº [L.], m. : humerus. humeur* [L. -mor, moisture], f : humor (moisture, sap, animal fluid) ;. humour | (temper, disposition, mood ; whim) ; ill humour ; igaiety : - aigre, tart temper ; -s froides, scrofula ; — mauvaise, ill humour, moodiness; être d'-, be disposed; | avoir de l'-, be out of temper; avec —, moodily, peevishly. humi-de* [L. -dus], adj. : humid, moist, wet ; m. : humidity. -dementº, adv. : in a damp condition or place. -ditéº | [L. -ditas], f. : humidity. humi-liant*, adj. : humiliating. -Iia-| tion* [L. -liatio], f : =. -liare (cf. humble)],.tr. : humble; humili- ate. humility, meekness. - humoral. -risme*, m. : (med.) humor- alism. mor], m. : fcross or moody person ;: (med.) ' humoralist; humourist; adj. : fill-tempered; humouristic. -ristique º, adj. : humour- istic. • lvumour [Eng.], m. : humusº [L.], m. : = (vegetable soil). hu-ne* [fr. Scand.], f : top (platform at the head of a lower mast) ; bell beam : grande -, main top ; - de mizaine, fore- top. -nierº, m.: top-sail : grand -, main-top sail ; petit -, fore-top sail. hup-peº [= houppe], f : tuft of feath- ers, crest ; peewit : rabattre la -, humble, mortify. - pé*, adj. : tufted, erested ; e-mms-s » •-» s # hydrography. ll-lier [L. | : (Gr. méli, honey)], m. : -litéº [L. -litas], f : humbleness, | sº * · MEASURE], f : humo-raIº [l. L. -ralis], adj. : (med.) | ll-risteº [L. -r, moisture, hu- | hyémal (fam) distinguished, high up: les plus —s y sont pris, the most skilful may be caught. hure* [!],.f. : bristly head, head (of a boar, hog); big brush on a long handle : - de saumon, jowl of salmon. hurhau = hue. hur-lamtº, adj. : howling. -1 Ementº, m.: howl(ing), roar, yell. |-ler° [L. ululäre], intr. : howl, bellow, roar, yell. -1eurº, =euse, m., f : howler. hurluberluº, f-brElu [ak. to Eng. hurly-burly], m. : extravagant, giddy- head ; adj. : extravagant. •" huronº [-re], m. : (fam.) boor. hussardº [Hung. -8zar], m. : hussar. hut-te* [Ger. hiitte], f. : HUT, shed, cabin. f-terº, tr. : lodge in a hut ; hut. fhya einthe [L. -thus], m., f. : hyacinth (flower or gem); hyacinth-coloured cloth. hyalin* i-a- [L. -nus], adj. : hyaline. ·hybride" [L. -da], adj. : hybrid, mongrel. hydra-teº [Gr. hûdor, WATER], m. : hydrate. -téº, adj. : hydrated. hydraulique* [L. -licus (Gr. hûdor, WATER, aulôs, pipe)], adj. : hydraulic ; f : hydraulics. hydre* [I1. -dra (Gr. h4dor, WATER)], f.. · hydra. - hydro- [Gr. hûdor, WATER] : -carbo- nateº, m. : hydrocarbon. -eèleº [Gr. kéle, tumour],.f. : hydrocele. -eéphaleº [Gr. kephalé, head], f. : hydrocephalus ; adj. : hydrocephalous. -ehlorate", m.: ºehlorºque", adj. : hydrochloric. -dynamique ", f. : hydrodynamics. -gène" [Gr. root gen-, bear], m.: hydro- gèn. -généº [-gène], adj. : hydrogenated. | -grapheº [-graphie], m. : hydrographer. -graphie* [Gr. grâphein, write], f : -graphiqueº, adj. : hydrographic(al). -Iogie* [Gr. lôgos, discourse], f.: hydrology. -mel* [L. -mètre", m.: hydrometer. -métrie" [Gr. métron, hydrometry. -phobe" [L. -phobus (Gr. phóbos, fear)l, adj. : hydro- phobic ; m., f. : person affected with hydrophobia. -phobie* [cf. -phobe], f : hydrophobia. -pique* [L. -pieus], adj., or m.,f.: dropsical. -pisie*,f. : DROPSY. -scope" [Gr. -skôpos (skopeîn, look)],.f. : examiner of springs and sources. | -scopie" [-scope], f : the art of looking for springs and sources. -statique º, ·f. : hydrostatics ; adj. : hydrostatical. -sulfateº, -sulfure", m. : hydrosul- phate, hydrosulphuret. -sulfurique", adj. : hydrosulphuric. -thérapie* [Gr. therapeía, treatment], f. : hydropathy. hydrure* [Gr. hûdor, WATER], m. : hydru- ret. · #hyémal = hiémal. s•-•s º-m-a - s . hyène hyène* [L. -œna], f : hyena. hy-giène* [Gr. hugieiná (hugés, sound)], f. : ' hygiene. -giénique º, adj. : hy- gienic. -giéniquement* [-giénique], adj. : in an hygienic manner. hygro-mètreº [Gr. hugrôs, damp, mé- trom, MEASure], m. : hygrometer. -mé- trieº, f. : hygrometry. -métrique*, adj. : hygrometric(al). I.hy-menº or -men [L. (Gr. humén, root siv, SEW, bind)], m. : = (marriage, wed- lock); Hymen. 2.-menº or -men (Gr. membrane)], m. : = (virginal mem- brane). -ménée* [L. -menœus], m. : marriage ; Hymen. -ménoptère* [Gr. humén, membrane, pterôn, wingl, adj. : hymenºn al ; m. : hymenopter. hymne* [L. -nus (root ak.to Eng. seu)], m. or f. : hymn (f. in sense of church hymn). hyoïdeº [Gr. hu-oeidés, *U-like'l, adj. : hyoid. hypallage [L., 'exchange'l, f : =. hyper- [Gr. hupér, oVER] : -bateº [Gr. baínein, step], f : hyperbaton (inversion of words). -bole* [L. (Gr. bállein, throw)], f. : (rhet.) = ; (math.) hyperbola. -boliqueº [L. -bolical (cf. -bole)], adj. : hyperbolic(al). -boliquement* [-bo- lique], adv. : hyperbolically. -borée* or f-boréen, f=nne [L. -boreus (Gr. boréas, north-wind)], adj. : hyperborean. -cri- · tique", m. : hypercritic. -dulieº, f : hyperdolia. -trophieº [Gr. trophé, nourishment], f : hypertrophy (over- growth). -, hypèthreº [Gr. hûpaithros (hupô, under, aithér, heaven)], adj. : hypethral (open to the sky, uncovered). hypno-tique* [L. -ticus (Gr. hûpnos, sleep)], adj. : hypnotic. -tiserº, tr. : hypnotise. -tisme º, m. : hypnotism. hypo-- [Gr. hupô, under] : I.-cgndreº [L. -chondrium (Gr. chômdros, cartilage)], m. : hypochondrium (region beneath the cartilages of the false ribs). 2.-condreº [-condriaque], adj. : hypochondriac(al) ; senseless ; m., f : hypochondriac. -con- driaque º [Gr. -chondriakôs (cf. I.-con- dre)], adj. : hypochondriac(al). -con- drieº [-condriaque], f : hypochondria, -chondriasis. -cras*[Gr.krâsis, mixture], m.: hippocras (spiced wine). -erisie* [L. -crisis (Gr. -krisis, playing a part], f : hypocrisy. -erite* [L.-crita (cf.-crisie)], m., f. : hypocrite. -eritement" [-crite], adv. : hypocritically. -gastreº [Gr. gastér, stomach], m. : hypogastrium. -gas- triqueº [-gastre], adj. : hypogastric. -géeº [L. -geum (Gr. gê, earth)], m. : hypogeum (subterraneous structure). -glosse" [Gr.glôssa, tonguel, adj. : hypo- ichthyolithe 353 glossal ; m. : hypoglossal nerve. -gyneº [Gr. guné, female], adj. : hypogynous. -stase * [L. -stasis (Gr. histánai, cause to STAND)], f : hypostasis. -statique* [Gr. -statikôs (cf. -stase)], adj. : hypostat- ic(al). -statiquementº [-statique], vdj. : hypostatically. -styleº [Gr. stûlos, pillar], adj. : =. -ténuseº [L. -tenusa (Gr. teinein, stretch)], f : hypotenuse. -thecableº [-thèque], adj. : that may be mortgaged. -thécaire* [L. -thecarius (cf. -thèque)], adj. : on or of mortgage ; mortgage- : créancier -, mortgagee. -thécairement* [-thécaire], adv. : by mortgage. -thèque* [L. -theca, Gr. -théke (-tithénai, put under, pledge)l, f. : mortgage, hypotheca ; brandy. -thé- querº [-thequel, tr. : mortgage, hypothe- cate. -thèse* [L.-Gr. -thesis, 'sub-posi- tion’l, f. : hypothesis, supposition. -thé- tique* [L. -theticus, cf. -thèse)], adj. : hypothetical. -thétiquementº [-thé- tique], adv. : hypothetically. -typ9seº [L. -typosis (Gr. tupoûn, impress)], f. : hypotyposis (vivid description).. hypsomètre* [Gr. hüpsos, high, métron, measure], m. : hypsometer. hysope* or f-ssope [L. -sopus (Hebr.)], f : hyssop. hysté-rieºſ-rique], f : hysteria, hysterics. |-rique*[L. -ricus (Gr.hustéra, womb)], adj. : hysteric(al) ; m., f. : hysteric per- son. #-rite [Gr. hustéra],.f. : inflammation of the womb. hystérotomie" [Gr. hustéra, womb, tomé, cut], f. : hysterotomy. l I i [L.], m. : i (the letter). , " ïam-beº [L. -bus], m. : iambus (--; sa- tiric verse). -bique* [L. -bicus], adj. : iambic. 1 ibéride" [L. -ris],.f. : candy-tuft (plant). Ibérie, f. : Iberia (old name of Spain). ibidem* [L.], adv. : = (same place). ibis* [L.], m. : = (bird). Icare, m. : Icarus. ieelui°, pl. i eeuac, f ieel1e [old form of celui], pron. : (leg.) this, that. iehneumomº [L. (Gr. -neuein, track)], 77l. . - ichnogra-phie" [Gr. -phia (ichno8, track, gráphein, write)l, f : ichnography (ground-plan). -phique", adj. : ichno- graphic(al). ich-orº [Gr.], m. : = (pus). -oreux º, =euse, adj. : ichorous. ichthyo- [Gr. ichthüs, fish]: -Iithe"[Gr. lithos, stone], m. : ichthyolite. -logie" 354 ici [Gr. lôgos, discourse], f : ichthyology. -logique" [-logie], adj. : ichthyologic(al). -logiste" [-logie], m. : ichthyologist. -phage* [L. -phagus (Gr. phágein, eat)], adj. : ichthyophagous; m., f : ichthyopha- gist. -phagieº [cf. -phage], f : ichthy- ophagy. -saure* [Gr. saûros, lizard], m. : ichthyosaurus. - ici° [p. L. *ecce-hic, * lo here'l, adv. : here ; this time, now : par -, here ; this way; d'-, from here, hence; from this time, from now ; — près, hard by; — bas, here below. . - ieono- [Gr. eikôn, image]: -elasteº [Gr. kláein, break], m. : iconoclast. -grapheº [-graphie], m. : iconographer. -graphie" [Gr.gráphein, write],f.: icon- ography. -graphique" [-graphie], adj. : iconographic(al). -lâtre" [Gr.latreúein, adore], m., f : iconolater. -logie º, f. : iconology. -maqueº [Gr. máche, fight], m., f : enemy of image worship. icosam-dre" [l. L. -dris (Gr. eikosi, 20, amér, male)], adj. : (bot.) icosandrous. -drie", f : icosandria. . 1 ic-tère* [L. -terus], m.: icterus (jaun- dice). -térique* [L. , -tericus], idj : lctéric(àl). t T i ietusº [L., stroke], m. id. abbrev'n of idem. - ideº [?], m. : trick deciding a bet (in piquet). - idéa-lº [L. -lis], adj. : ideal, m. : ideal. -liserº, tr. : idealise. -lisme", m. : idealism. -1iste ", m. : idealist. | idée* [L. (Gr. ideîn, see)], f : idea (con- ception ; thought ; mind ; image ; imagina- tion ; object of imagination, fancy): en -, in imagination, ideally; il me vient (re- vient) à l'-, it occurs (recurs) to me ; se mettre dans l'-, take it into one's head ; perdre l'- de, lose all recollection of; — plaisante, odd conceit ; changer d'-, change one's mind. idem [L.], adv. : = (ditto, the same). identi-fieation º, f. : =. |-fier " [l. L. :ficare (L. idem, the same)], tr. : iden- tify. , - identi-queº [L. -cus (idem, the same)], adj. : identic(al). -quement º, adv. : identically. -téº [L. -tas], f : identity. . idéogra-phie* [Gr. idéa, idea, grá- : = (stress). phein, write], f : ideography. -phique*, adj. : ideographical. - ·. idéolo-gie" [Gr. idéa, idea, lôgos, dis- coursel, f : ideology. -gique º, adj. : ideological. -giste", or -gue, m., f : ideologist. ' . ides* [L. -dus], f pl. : = (Rom. cal.). idio- [Gr. idios, own] : idi9-meº [L. -ma], m. : idiom ; language. -pathie" [Gr. páthos, sickness], f. : idiopathy. -pa- I1ion thique" [-pathie], adj. : ideopathic(al). -synerasie" [Gr. sûn-krasis, mingling], f.5 idiosyncrasy. idio-tº, =ote [L. -tes], adj. : idiotic(al); m., f. : idiot; fool. -tie* [-t], f : idiocy; imbecility. I.-tismeº [L. -0tismus], m. : (gram.) idiom, idiotism. 2.-tismeº [-t], m. : idiocy. - fidoine* [L. idoneus], adj. : (leg.) proper. ido-lâtre* [L. -latres (Gr. eidolon, idol, latreía, service)], adj. : idolatrous ; m., f : idolater. -lâtrerº [-lâtre], fintr. : wor- ship idols; tr. : idolise. -lâtrie* [-lâtre], j : idolatry. |ido-le* [L.-lum (Gr. eidos, form)], f : idol; lifeless statue, dullard ; fphantom. idylleº [L. -llum (Gr. eidüllion, little image)], f : idyl. - . ifº [from Celt. or Ger.], m. : YEW(-tree); triangular stand. - ignareº [L. -rus], adj. : (fam.) ignorant, know-nothing. Ignase, m. : Ignatius. ig-néº [L.-neus (-nis, fire)], adj. : igne- ous. -nicole" [L.-nis, colere, worship], adj. : fire-Worshipping; m., f. : ignicolist. -nition º [L. -nis], f : =. igng- bleº [L. -bilis], udj. : lgnoble (#not noble; vile, mean). -blement", adv. : ignobly. ignomi-nie* [L. -nia (in, not, momen, NAME)l, f : ignominy. -nieusement * [-nieux], adj. : ignominiously. -nieux º, =euse [L. -nius], adj. : ignominious. - figno-ramment* [-rant], adv. : igno- rantly. -ranee [L. -rantia], f. : = -rantº, -rante [L. -rans], adj. : = ; m., f : ignorant person. -rantinº [-rant], m. : 'ignorant'(name modestly assumed by members of a certain brotherhood caring for the sick ; then ironically applied to teaching lay-brothers). -rantissimeº | [-rant], adj. : most ignorant. |-rerº [L. -rare], tr. : not KNOW, be ignorant of, be a stranger to ; ignore ; fintr. : be igno- rant : s'-, not know one's self; be igno- rant of one's capabilities. - iguaneº [Haiti], m. : iguana (lizard). il° fam. i before cons. [L. ille], pron. : he ; it, there ; pl. iIs fam. i before cons., they : - y a (or, esp. in poetry, - est), there is, there are. . - il- [L. il-, for in-], prefix : il-, un-. île° [L. insula], f : ISLE, ISLand : —s sous le vent, Leeward Islands ; —s du vent, Windward Islands. i-1éonº, or -léum [l. L. -leum, groin], m. : ileum. -les* [L. -lia], m. pl. : haunches. -1éus" [L. -lius], m. : ileus. -liaqueº [L. -liacus], adj. : iliac. ll-lion º, or -ium [L. -lium], m. : = (pelvic bone). - - Ilion, m. : Ilium (Troy). illee fille e° [p. L. illoque (L. illoc)], adv. : there, thither. - - - - - il-l .. l-l [L. il-, for in-, 'un-,']: -légalº [L.-legalis], adj.: illegal. -légalementº [-légal], adv. : illegally. -légalité* [-lé- gal], f : illegality. -légitime* [L. -legi- timus], adj. : illegitimate. -Iégitime- ment* [-légitime], adv. : illegitimately. -légitimité" [-légitime], f : illegitimacy. -lettréº [l...], adj. : unlettered,illiterate. -libéralº [L. -liberalis], adj. : illiberal. -libéralité [-libéral], f. : illiberality. -lieiteº [L. -licitus (licere, be allowed)], adj. : illicit, unlawful. -lieitementº [-licite], adv. : illicitly. -Iimité º [L. -limitatus], adj. : unlimited. -lisible" [lisible], adj. : illegible. -lisiblEmentº [-lisible], adv. : illegibly. | -logique* [logique], adv. : illogical. - : iIIumi-nateurº l-l-[l. L. -nator], m. : il- luminator. ..-natifº, =ive, adj. : illumi- native. -nation* [L. -natio], f : =. |-nerº [L. -nare (lumen, LIGHT)], tr. : illuminate (illumine, illume, ENLIGHTEN) ; -né, =ée, m.,f. : illuminee (one of spiritual illumination). -nisme º, m. : illumin- 1SIIl. • , * . illu-sion* l-l [L. -sio (ludere, playl, f : = (delusion ; deceptive appearance): faire - à, appear in a false light to; se faire- à soi-même, deceive one's self. -soire* [L. -sorius], adj. : illusory, illusive. -soirementº [-soire], adv. : illusively. illus-tration * l-l [L. -tratio], f : mak- ing illustrious, glorifying; illustrious per- son ; = (act of illustrating, explanation). |-tre* [L. -tris (lux, LIGHT)], adj. : il- lustrious, famous ; m., f. : illustrious or famous person. make illustrious, (fEng.illustrate), glorify ; illustrate (make clear). -trissimeº, adj. : most illustrious. . îlotº [île], m. : ISLET; group of houses. ilo-te" [L. -ta (Gr. heilôtes)], m.: helot (slave in Sparta); slave, wretch. -tie, f : helotism. · · · . - îlotierº [-t], m. : policeman watching a group of houses. - ilotisme* [-te], m. : helotism. - im- [L. in-], pref. : in ; in-, im-, un-, -less. ima-geº [L.-go], f. : = (picture; likeness; metaphor). I.-ger*, tr. : ornament with figures. 2.-gerº, =ère, m., f : image- maker or sellèr, (fEng. imager). -gerieº, f : image-making or trade. -ginable* [L. -ginabilis], adj. : imagináble. -gi- naire* [L. -ginarius], adj. : imaginary. -ginatifº, =ive [L. -ginativus], adj. : imaginative. -gination* [L. -ginatio], 4 -giner** [L. -ginare], tr. : im- agine ; invent ; s'-, imagine (one's self), fancy. - " » = s . -trer º [L. -trare], tr. : | -sémentº, adv. : immensely. 355 imanº [fr. Ar.], m. : =, imam (Moham- medan priesl); (iron.) priest. · imbé ei-leº [L.-llus], adj. or m. : imbe- cile (ffeeble; feeble-minded). -lementº, . adj. : in an imbecile way, foolishly. -litéº [L. -litas], f : imbecility. , imber-be* [L. -bis (barba, beard)], adj. : beardless. : imbi-terº [L. -bere (bibere, drink)], tr. : IMBUE, steep, soak, (fEng. imbibe). -tion* [L. -bere], f : imbuing, soaking. imboireº [boire], irr.; tr. : IMBUE. imbriqué* [L.-bricatus (imbrex, gutter- tile)], adj. : imbricated. - t " . imbroglioº [It. (cf. embrouiller)], m. : = (complication). im-bu [part. of -boire], adj. : imbued. -buvableº [im-, b.], adj. : undrinkable. imi-tableº, adj. : imitable. -tateur*, =triee [L. -tator], m., f : imitator. -ta- tifº, =ive [L. -tativus], adj. : imitative. -tation* [L. -tatio], f : =. ll-terº [L. -tari], tr. : imitate (copy, mock). imm... [im-, m...], pronounced im-m... immaculé* im-m [L. latus (macula, spot)], adj. : spotless, immaculate. - immanentº im-m [L.-nens (manere, dwell)], adj. : immanent (in-dwelling). immangeableº im-m [im-, m ..], adj. : immeuble 3-s uneatablè. - -- . imman-quableº im-m [im-, manquer], adj. : infallible, unfailing. -quable- mentº, adv. : unfailingly, without fail. immareeseibleº im-m [L. -bilis (mar- cescere, fade)l, adj. : unfading, (fEng. =). immaté-rialité " im-m [L.-rialitas],f : immateriality. |-riel*, =lle [l. L. -ria- lis], adj. : immaterial. -riellement", adv. : immaterially. -. immatricu-lation " im-m, f. : matricu- lation. -leº, f. : registering. |-lerº [l. L.-lare (matricula, public roll)], tr. : matriculate, enroll : s'-, matriculate, register, enroll. - · · immédia-tº im-m [L. -tus (cf. Fr. mé- diat)], adj. : immediate. -tementº, adv. : immediately. · •. immémorialº im-m [l. L.-lis], adj. : im- memorial. - 4> · · · - immen-se* im-m [L. -sus (metiri, meas- ure)], adj. : = (IMMEASurable, boundless). -sité !º ! [L. -8itas], f : immensity. · · · immergerº im-m [L. -gere (mergere, dip)l, tr. : immerge, immerse. | immérité* im-m [in-, m ..], adj. : un- merited, undeserved. • - immersignº im-m [L. -sio (mergere, dip)],.f. : =. «s - immeuble*, im-m [L. im-mobilis (movere, move)], adj. : (leg.) IMMOVABLE, real (of estate) ; m. : fixture ; real (landed) estate. 356 . à immi-grantº im-m, =ante, adj. or m., @; -gration º, f : =. ll-grerº [L. -grare (migrare, change abode)], intr. : immigrate. - # ami-neneeº im-m [L. -nential, f : =. |-nent* [L. -mens (minere, jut)], adj. : —, . impº#. #znini-seer* im-m [L. -scere (miscere, immigrant •-=* e #IX)], tr. : mix : s'-, mix one's self (into, duns), meddle (with), interfere. -xtionº [ſ ,. -xtio], f. : mingling; meddling, interfer- ing ; (leg.) entering on possession. #smmobi-le* Inove)], adj. : immovable, motionless, firm. -lement*, adv. : immovably. =ère [im-, m ..], adj. : immovable or fixed (of property or title), real (of estate): of fixed property or real estate. -lisationº [-liser], f. : rendering immovable; conver- sion (of money, etc.) into real estate. li- -serº [im-, m ..], tr. : immobilise, render immovable; disarm; convert (money, etc.) into real estate. -Iité* [L. -litas], f : immobility, immovableness. immodé-ration * im-m [L. -ratio (cf. m ..)],.f. : immoderation. -ré* [L.-ratus], g lj. : immoderate. -rément*[-ré], adj. : i.iIiIiUderalely. immodes-teº im-m [L. -tus (cf. m ..)l, adj. : immodest. -tEmentº, adv. : im- modestly. -tieº [L. -tia], f : immodesty. immo-lation* im-m [L. -latio], f : =. |-ler* [L. -lare (mola, cake), place the sacrificial cake on the victim], tr. : im- molate, sacrifice ; slay; ridicule ; s'-, immolate or sacrifice one's self; sacrifice one's feelings ; stand ridicule. - immon-de* im-m [L. im-mundus, un- clean], adj. : fimpure (immund) ; dirty, filthy. -dieeº [L. -ditia], f : filth, dirt, rubbish; (rare) impurity; pl. : heaps of dirt, refuse heap. immora-1" im-m [im-, m ..], adj. : =. -lité º, f. : immorality. - immor-taliserº im-m [L. -talis], tr. : immortalise. -taIité* [L. -talitas], f : immortality. (cf. m ..)], adj. : immortal ;. eternal, ever- lasting ; m. : (the) everlasting; m., f : immortal ; f : immortelle (everlasting, the plant). -tellement*, -tifieationº |l. L. -tificatio], f. : =. -tifié º [L. -tifi- catus], adj. : immortified. - #zm-muable* im-m [im-, m ..], adj. : im- mutable, unchangeable, fixed. -mvua- blEmentº, adv. : immutably, unalter- ably. - #mmunité* m-m [L. -tas (munus, duty)], ·f. : immunity (exemption from duty or charge, privilege). » immutabilitéº im-m [L.-tas (cf. m...)], f. : immutability. im-m [L. -lis (movere,. -lier*, |-tel*, -telle [L. -talis | impénitence impac-tº [L. -tus (pingere, strike)], m. : -tion º [-tio], f. : =. impair* [L. im-par, 'uneven'], adj. : un- even; unique : l'-, the sum of odd num- bers ; jouer à pair ou -, " play odd or even,' toss up; commettre (or faire) un -, do an awkward thing, commit a blunder. impal-pabilité*, f : impalpability. ll-pableº [L. -pabilis (cf. Fr. palpable)], adj. : = (intangible). impanation*[l. L.-tis (L. panis, bread)], f. : = (embodiment in bread, viz. of Christ). impardonnable* [im-, p . ], adj. : un- pardonable (fEng. =). 1 imparfai-tº [im-, p ..], adj. : imperfect;. m. : imperfect (tense). -tement*, adv. : imperfectly. imparisyllabique" [im-, p . ], adj. : imparisyllabic. « imparité* [L. -tas (cf. p . )], f : fim- parity. (disparity); indivisibility. impartageable" [im-, p . ], adj. : indi- · visible. ' impartia-1" [im-, p ..], adj. : = (just). -lement", adv. : impartially. -lité*, f. : impartiality. - impartir* [L. -tire (cf p. .)], tr. : (log.) · impart, accord. impasse" [im-, passer], f. (m.) : blind · alley, lane without egress ; inextricable difficulty, dead-lock.. impas-sibilité* [L. -sibilitas], f. : im- passibility, calmness. ll-sible* [L. -sibi- lis (pati, suffer)], adj. : = (impassive, un- moved, calm). -siblEmentº, adv. : im- passively. impastationº [L. in *in,' pasta, PASTE], - s – e impa-tiemmentº -siam-, adv. : im- patiently. -tien eeº [L.-tientia], f : =; (fam.) nervousness. |-tientº [L.-tiens (cf. p . )], adj. : = (restless; eager). -tientantº[-tienter], adj. : (fam.) trying to patience, provoking, irritating. -tien- · terº, tr. : make impatient, tire the pa- tience of, provoke, irritate : s'-, become impatient or irritated. 1 impatroniser* [im-, patron], tr. : place as a master or authority; refl. : make · one's self or become master, usurp au- thority ; take upon one's self. im-payable* [im-, payer], adj. : that can- | not be bought too dear, invaluable, price- less. -payé* [im-, p ..], adj. : unpaid. impec-cabilité º, f : impeccability. #ºie * [L. -cabilis (peccare, sin)], 000. .. =. « impéné-trabilité º,f. : impenetrability. l-trable* [L. -trabilus (cf. p . .)], adj. : impenetrable, impervious ; inscrutable. -trablEmentº, adv. : impenetrably. impéni-ten.eeº [L. -tentia], f : impeni- impense tence. ll-tentº [L.-tens (cf. p ..)], adj. : impenitent. I impense*[L.-sa (cf. Fr. dépense)],f. : (leg.). expense (for repairs or improvements). impéra-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (-tive, by command)], adj. : imperative; m. : impera- tive (mode). -tivementº, adv. : impera- tively. -toireº [l. L.-toria], f : master- wort. -triee* [L. -trix],f. : empress. impereep-tible* [l. L. -tibilis (cf.p..)], adj. : =. -tiblEmentº, adv. : imper- ceptibly. im perdable" [im-, perdre], adj. : that cannot be lost, certain. - ' imperfee-tibilitéº,f : imperfectibility. |-tible* [im-, p . .], adj. : -tion * [L. -tio (cf. p . )], f : =; waste. imperfo-ration º [im-, p . .], f : =. -réº [im-, p ..], adj. : (med.) imperforated. impé-rial*, =le, m.pl. =aux [L.-rialis (-rium, command)], adj. : imperial, su- perior ; m. pl. : *imperials’ (soldiers of the Emperor of Germany); f : imperial (chin beard in the style of Napoleon III; top of an omnibus, etc., with seats ; top of a canopy or tent ; imperial serge) ; large plum ; all-fours (cards), certain game ; Moorish vault. -rialement, adv. : im- s-sºs -- e perially. -rialisteº, m. or adj. : im- | perialist. -riaux, cf. -rial. -rieuse- ment º [-rieux], adv. : imperiously. -rieux*, =euse [L. -riosus], adj. : im- perious (commanding; haughty). impérissableº [im-, p . ], adj. : imper- ishable. impéritie* [L. -tia (peritus, ex-PERI- enced)], f : ignorance, lack of skill. impermé-abiliserº, tr. : make imper- meable. -abilité", f : impermeableness. ll-able" [L. -abilis (cf. p . )], adj. : im- permeable, impervious; tight, -proof (as in - à l'eau, water-proof). impermu-tabilité*, f : unchangeable- ness. |-table* [L. -tabilis (cf. p . .)], adj. : not permutable, unchangeable. imperson-nalité ", f : impersonality. ll-nel*, =Ile [L. -nalis (cf. p . )], adj. : impersonal ; m. : impersonal verb. -mel- lement*, adj. : impersonally. - imperti-nemmentº -nam-, adv. : im- pertinently ; #nonsensically. -nenee* [L. -nentia], f : impropriety; = ; imperti- nent word or act. |-nent* [L. -mens (cf. p . )], adj. : fmisplaced (improper, absurd); = (insolent, saucy, pert). impertur-babilité ", f : imperturba- bility. |-bable* [L. -babilis (cf. p . )], adj. : imperturbable. -bablEment", adv. : imperturbably. impé-trable* [L. -trabilis], adj. : (leg.) : -trant*, =ante, m., f : impetrable. grantee ; patentee ; candidate. ºsmºs (leg.) 357 -tration* [L. -tatio], f : (leg.) impe- tration. |-trer* [L. -trare (petrare, bring to pass)], tr. : obtain (a benefice, title, etc.) by request or application, (fEng.) impetrate. impé-tueusement*, adv. : impetuously. ll-tueux*, =euse [L. -tuosus (petere, fall upon)], adj. : impetuous (vehement, headlong). -tuosité* [L. -tuositas], f. : impetuosity, vehemence, fury. impi-eº [L. -us], adj. : impious, m., f : impious person, reprobate. -été* [L. -etas], f. : impiety, ungodliness. impito-yable* [in-, p . ], adj. : pitiless (merciless, relentless). -yablEmentº, adv. : pitilessly. impla-cable*[L. -cabilis (cf.p. )], im- placable (relentless). -cablEmentº, adv. : implacably. implan-tation º, f. : =. |-terº [L. -tare (cf. p . .)], tr. : 'implant, root : s'-, be implanted, be rooted or fixed. implexeº [L. -xus (plectere, PLAIT)], adj. : · implex. - impli-egnee (rare) or -cation* [L. -catio], f. : implication; contradiction. -eiteº [L. -citus], adj. : implicit (IM- PLIED, tacitly comprised). -eitementº [-cite], adv. : implicitly. |-querº [L. -care (plicare, FOLD)], tr. : implicate (fen- tangle ; involve, contain ; engage). implorerº [L. -rare (plorare, cry)], tr. : implore (supplicate, beseech). impoliº [im-, p . .], adj. : impolite. -ment", adv. : impolitely. -tesse [im-, p ..], f. : impoliteness. - impolitique" [im-, p ..], adj. : impolitic. -mentº, adv. : in an impolitic way. fimpoIIu* [L. -tus], adj. : unpolluted. impondérableº [im-, p . .], adj. : =. impopu-laire º[im-, p ..], adj. : unpopu- importer lar. -larité* [im-, p . ], f : unpopu- larity. - impor-tan eeº [2.-ter], f : = (conse- quence, moment, weight ; eminence ; con- sideration) : d'-, of consequence, etc. ; consequentially; soundly, thoroughly. -tantº [2.-ter], adj. : = (of consequence, weighty ; self-important) ; m. : important . thing or person. . impor-tateur", m. : importer. -ta- tion " [Eng.], f : =. I.-ter" [Eng. import (L. in, portare, carry)], tr. : im- port (bring in). - 2.importer* [for emporter (L. inde, away, portare, carry)], ftr. : bring with it (as an important consequence) ; intr. : be of consequence or moment, signify ; im- pers. : import, be of importance or conse- quence, concern, matter : il n'importe pas, it is of no consequence, it does not matter or signify ; n'importe, no matter, 358 never mind ; qu'importe ? what does it matter ? • impor-tun*, =une [L. -tunus (im-, not, portus, port)], adj. : importune (importu- nate, obtrusive, troublesome, vexatious); m.,.f. : tiresome person, bore ; dun. -tuné- ment*, adv. : importunately. -tunerº, tr. : importune, intrude on, annoy, pester. -tunité*, f : importunity. impo-sable*, adj. : taxable. -sant", adj. : imposing (commanding, stately). · ll-ser* [im-, poser], tr. : impose (lay on, lay on as a charge or tax; tax; prescribe; force upon ; impute; lay on hands as in ordination, etc.) ; intr. : impose, awe : s'-, intrude (one's self) ; tax one's self ; - des peines, inflict punishment ; - un pays, tax a country; en -, impose, tell importun an untruth ; lie ; en - à, impose upon. | -sition* [L.-sitio], f. : = (imposing, lay- ing on ; charge ; laying on the hands in ordination, etc.); IMPOST, tax : l'-, assess- ment. -steº [It. -sta], f. : impost (top member of a pillar, wall, etc.) ; top win- dow, transom. -steurº [L. -stor], adj. : imposing (deceitful, deluding) ; m. : im- postor. -sture* [L. -stura], f : = (im- position, deception). impôt* [L. -positum, *thing imposed'], m. : IMPOST (tax, duty); obligation : - sur chaque tête, poll-tax. - impo-tenee* [L. -tentia], f : impotence, -cy. -tentº, =ente [L. -tens (posse, be able)], adj. : impotent, infirm; m., f : im- potent or feeble person. fim pourvu*[im-, p ..], adj. : unprovided: à l'-, unawares, on a sudden. impracticableº [im-, p . ], adj. : = (not practicable ; incapable of being used ; intractable) ; uninhabitable. impréca-tion* [L. -tio (precari, PRAY)], f : imprecation. -toire, adj. : impreca- tory. ' , - impre-gnation*, f. : =. • ll-gnerº [L. im-prœgnare (prœ-genere, beget)], tr. : impregnate : s'-, be impregnated. -gnabIeº, adj. : =. imprEnabIe* [im-, p . ], adj. : impreg- nable. - - imprésarioº [It. 77b. .. E. - imprescrip-tibilité", f : imprescrip- tibility. |-tibleº [im-, p . .], adj. : =. impres-seº · adj. : impressed by sensation. -sion * [L. -sio], f : = (impress, effect; printing, print ; edition); priming : faute d'-, mis- print. -sionnabilité* [-sionnable], f : impressionability. -sionnable" [-sion- mer], adj. : =. -sionnerº [-sion], tr. : impress (stamp ; make an impression on, move). -sionniste*, m. : impressionist (-sa, enterPRISE)l, [L. -sa (primere, press)], impugner (artist seeking to produce an effect by neglecting details). - - impré-voyan eeº [im-, p ..], f : improv- idence, lack of foresight. -voyantº [im-, p ..], adj. : improvident, negligent. -vu* [im-, p ..], adj. : unforeseen (unex- pected, fEng. unprovided). impri-mer*[L.-mere (premere, PRESS)], tr. : IMPRESS (IMPRINT; stamp, implant); PRINT ; prime (canvass): se faire —, appear in print, rush into print. -merie*,f. : (art of) printing; printing office or establish- ment. -meur*, m. : printer. -mure", j. : priming (of canvass), ground. impro-bateurº, =triee [L. -bator], m., ſ.: improver. -babilité !" [-bable], f : improbability. -bableº [im-, p ..], adj. : =. -bation*[L.-batio],f : = (disappro- bation). |-be* [L. -bus (probus, good)], adj. : dishonest. -bité* [L. -bitas], f : improbity (dishonesty). improducti-fº, =ive [im-, p . .], adj. : unproductive. -vementº, adv. : unpro- ductively. 1 | impromptuº [in promptu, *in readi- ness'], adv. : •. - imprononçableº [im-, prononcer], adj.: unpronounceable. - - impro-pre* [L. -prius (cf. Fr. propre)], adj. : improper. -prEmentº, adv. : improperly. -priété* [L. -prietas], f : impropriety (of expression). - improverº [im-, L. probare], tr. : dis- approve, (fEng. improve). impro-visateur", =triee, m., f : im- proviser. -visation º, f : =. |-vi- serº [L. visare, observe (im-pro-visus, unforeseen)], tr. : improvise (extemporise, invent offhand). -visteº [It. -visto], adj. : funforeseen : à l'-, unexpectedly, on a sudden, unawares. - impru-demmentº -dam-, adv. : im- prudently. -denee* [L. -dentia], f : = (indiscretion,imprudent act). |-dentº, =ente [L. -dens (cf. p. .)], adj. : impru- dent (unwise, indiscreet) ; m., f : impru- dent or foolhardy person. - impubère* [L. -bes (pubes, adult)], adj. : in a state of impuberty, not nubile. impu-demment* -dam-, adv. : impu- dently. -deneeº [L. -dentia], f : =. |-dentº, -dente [L. -dens (pudere, feel shame)], adj. : = (shame- less, audacious, saucy) ; m., f : impu- dent person. -deur" [im-, p . ], f. : immodesty, effrontery. -dieité* [im-, p..], f : impudicity (immodesty; unchaste- ness ; lewd act). -diqueº [L. -dicus], adj. : immodest, unchaste, lewd. -dique- ment*, adv. : immodesty, unchastity. fimpugnerº [L. -nare (pugna, fight)], tr. : impugn. . • + impuissance impuis-sanee * [im-, p . ], f : power- lessness, impotence, incapacity. ..-sant* [im-, p.. .], adj. : powerless ; impotent. impul-sifº, =ive [l. L. -sivus (L. pellere, drive)], adj. : impulsive. -sio], f : = (impelling ; impulse, impetus). impu-némentº, adv. : with impunity. |-ni* [L. -nitus (cf. p . .)], adj. : un- punished. -nité* [L. -nitus], f : impunity (freedom from punishment). im-pur* -purus], adj. : impure. -purementº, adv.: impurely. -puretéº | [L. -puritas], f : impurity. impu-table*, -tation* [L. -tatio], f : =. |-ter [L. -tare (putare, think)], tr. : impute (attrib- ute, ascribe, charge ; count, deduct) : s'-, be imputed or attributed ; attribute to one's self. imputreseible* [L. -bilis (cf. p . )], adj. : =, incorruptible. in [L.], prep., in some Lat. phrases : in. in- [L. in], pref. : in, in-; un-, -less. inabor-dableº [in-, a . .], adj. : unac- cessible ; unapproachable ; unsociable. -dé [im-, a . .], adj. : unvisited. . inabrité* [in-, a. .], adj. : unsheltered. inac eentué* [in-, a . .], adj. : unac- cented. inac eeptable * [in-, a ..], adj. : unac- ceptable. inae ees-sibilité* [L. -sibilitas], f : in- accessibility, -bleness. |-sible* [L. -Sibilis (cf. a . .)], adj. : inaccessible, un- approachable. • s finaeeommodableº [in-, a . .], adj. : irreconcilable. inaecordable" [in-, a . .], adj. : that cannot be harmonised ;. that cannot be accorded or granted. inaccostableº [in-, a . .], adj. : that cannot be accosted, unapproachable. inaecoutumé* [in-, a ..], adj. : unac- customed; unwonted, unusual. ina ehevé* [in-, a . .], adj. : unachieved, uncompleted, unfinished. inac-tif", =ive [in-, a ..], adj. : inactive, inert. - tionº [in-, a ..], f -tivi- té*, f : inactivity. inadmis-sibilité º, f : inadmissibility. |-sible [in-, a . .], adj. : =. inadvertan eeº [l. L. -tentia (L. ad-ver- tere, turn to)], f. : inadvertence (-cy, over- | sight). inalié-nabilité", f : inalienableness. |-nableº [in-, a . .], adj. : inalienable. inalliableº [in-, a ..], adj. : unalloyable (not to be alloyed or joined). inalté-rabilité", f : inalterability. |-rable" [in-, a . .], adj. : inalterable (unalterable, unchangeable). inamis-sibilité º, f : inamissibleness. •- e -sionº [L. adj. : = (attributable). - inappli-eabilité", f : 359 = (that cannot incarcération |-sible [in-, a . .], adj. : be lost). - inamo-vibilité º, f : irremovability. l-vible [in-, a ..], adj. : irremovable. inanimé* [in-, a ..], adj. : inanimate. inani-té* [L. -tas (inanis, void)], f. : inanity (emptiness ; void space ; vainness). -tion* [L.-tio], f : = (exhaustion from want of nourishment). inaper-eEvable* [in-, a ..], adj. : un- perceivable, imperceptible. -çu " [in-, a. .], adj. : unperceived, unobserved. inappétenee* [in-, a. .], f : (med.) in- appetence (-cy, lack of appetite). inapplicability. l-eable" [in-, a ..], adj. : =. -quéº [in-, a. .], adj. : inattentive, lax; heed- less ; unapplied, untried. inappré eiable* [in-, a . inaptitude* [in-, a . .],.f. : =. inarticulé* [in-, a . .], adj. : inarticu- .], adj. : =. late. , . inassermenté* [in-, a . .], adj. : un- SWOI"n. - - ^ inassimilableº [in-, a . .], adj. : unas- similable. fº - inassouviº [in-, a ..], adj. : unsatiated. inattaquable" [in-, a ..], adj. : unas- sailable. ©t | inattenduº [in-, a ..], adj. : unexpected, unforeseen. . - inatten-tifº =ive [in-, a ..], adj. : in- attentive. -tion " [in-, a . .], f : =. inaugu-ralº, adj. : =. -ration * [L. -ratio], f : =. |-rerº [L. -rare (cf. a ..)], tr. : inaugurate. inauthen-tieité* [in-, au . .j, f : lack of authenticity. -tique* [in-, au . .], adj. : unauthentic. inavouable* [in-, a . .], adj. : unavow- able. fineaguerº [It. -gare], tr. : besmear (with excrements); defy (insolently). incaleu-lable" [in-, e ..], adj. : =, in- numerable. -lablEment", adv. : in- calculably. incamé-rationº, f : incameration. |-rerº [It. -rare (camera, CHAMBER, treasury)], tr. : unite (property) to the pope's domain. ineandes-een ee", f : =. |-eentº [L. -cens (candescere, become white or red hot)], adj. : =. incanta-tion* [L. -tio (-tare, CHANT a magic formula)], f : =. · : . inca-pable* [in-, c ..], adj. : =. -pa- eitéº [in-, c . .], f : incapacity : être frappé d'-, be incapacitated ; be under a disqualification. . - incareé-ration *, f : incarceration. |-rerº [l. L. -rare (L. carcer, prison)], tr. : incarcerate. 360 incarnadin incar-nadinº [dial. It. -nadino], adj. : carnation-coloured ; m. : carnation-colour. -matº [It. -nato], adj. : flesh-coloured, carnationed ; m. : carnation (flesh-colour, rosy pink). -nation* [L. -natio], f : |-nerº [L. -nare (caro, flesh)], tr. : incarnate : s'-, become incarnate ; grow into the flesh ; -né, incarnate. ºs-mº -• s incartadeº [?], f. : bad caprice, whim, insult. inveen-diaire* [L. -diarius], adj. or m., f : incendiary. |-dieº [L. -dium (-dere, · kindle)], f. : conflagration, fire : - par malveillance, arson. -dié", =ée, part. : ·burned (out) ; m., f. : sufferer by fire. -dier ", tr. : set fire to, burn. - ineer-tain* [in-, c. .], adj. : uncertain (doubtful ; irresolute ; unsteady) ; restive. -tainementº, adv. : (rare) in an uncer- tain way, doubtfully. -titude* [in-, c ..], f : = (uncertainty) ; unsteadiness, fickle- ness ; unsettled state. inees-samment*, ll-sant [in-, c . adv. : .], adv. : =. incessantly. -sible [in-, c ..], adj. : (leg.) not to be CEDED, in- alienable. inees-te* [L. -tus, UN-CHASTE], m. : in- cest ; fm. (f): incestuous person ; adj. : incestuous. -tueusement* [-tueux], adv. : incestuously. . -tueux *, =euse [L. -tuosus], adj. : incestuous ; m., f : incestuous person. ineho-atifº, =ive [L. -ativus (-are, begin)], adj. : inchoative ; inceptive. inei-demmentº -dam-, adv. : incident- | ally. -denee º, f : |-dent*, =ente [L. -dens (cadere, fall)], m. : = (occurrence); (leg.) difficulty; cavil ; adj. : incidental ; f : incidental proposition. f-dentaire", m. : caviller. f-denterº, intr. : raise incidents or difficulties. ineiné-ration* [L. -ratio], f : incinera- tion. |-rerº [L. -rare (ciner, ashes)], tr. : incinerate. in eipit [L. "it begins'l, m. : beginning (first words of a MS., etc.). in eircon-eisº [L.-cisus (cf. c . )], adj.: uncircumcised ; m. pl. : Gentiles. -ei- sion º [L. -cisio], f : uncircumcision. im-eise" [L. -cisum], f : incidental clause. l-eiser* [L. -cidere, * cut in'], tr. : in- cise (cut into, gash, carve; notch). -ei- sifº, =ive [L. -cisivus], adj. : incisive, incisory ; f : incisive tooth, incisor. -ei- sion º, f : -eisive*, cf. -cisif inei-tantº, adj. : inciting; m. : -tation* [L, -tatio], f : [L. -tare (citare, rouse)], tr. : incite. ineivi-lº [L.-lis (cf. c . )], adj. : uncivil ; fcontrary to civil laws. -lement*, adv. : uncivilly, impolitely, -lité [L. -lltas], f.: incivility. g•-* 4 •- º• 4-•s , imeli-naisonº, f : |-ter* incomplet inci-vique" [in-, c ..], adj. : unpatriotic. -visme" [in-, c ..], m. : incivism, lack of patriotism. inclé-meneeº [L. -mentia], f : inclem- ency. ll-mentº [L. -mens (cf. c ..], adj. : inclement. f inclination (state of being inclined). -nantº, adj. : inclin- ing, inclined. -nation* [L. -natio], f : = (act of inclining ; leaning, affec- tion ; person loved). |-nerº [L. -nare (clinare, bend, LEAN)], tr. : incline, bend, , slope ; bow ; dispose ; intr. : incline, bend, lean ; lean, be disposed : s'-, incline, slope, dip ; bow. in-elureº [L. -cludere], def (only Inf. and Part. -clus), tr. : inclose, enclose. -clus, -cluse, part. : enclosed ; f. : en- closed (letter, etc.). -cIusifº, =ive [l. L. -clusivus], adj. : inclusive. -clusive- ment*, adv. : inclusively. incoereibIe* [in-, c ..], adj. : =. incognitoº [It. (L. in-, not, cognitus, KNOWN)], adv. : =. incohé-renee" [in-, c ..], f : incoher- ence. -rent" [in-, c ..], adj. : incoherent. incolore* [L. -lor (color, colour)], adj. : colourless. incomberº [L. in-cumbere (cubare, lie)], intr. : be imposed or incumbent on. incombus-tibilité",f : incombustibility. |-tible* [L. -tibilis (cf. c . )], adj. : =. incommensu-rabilité*, f.: incom- mensurability. |-rableº [L. -rabilis (cf. c . )], adj. : =. - incommo-de* [L. -dus (cf. c . )], adj. : incommodious (inconvenient; troublesome). -démentº, adv. : incommodiously, in- conveniently. -der*, tr. : incommode (inconvenience, trouble, annoy); indispose : -dé, discommoded ; indisposed, unwell ; in distress (of ships). -ditéº [L. -ditas], f : inconvenience, (fEng. incommodity); indisposition ; distress (of a ship). incommuni-cableº [in-, c ..], adj.: =. -cabilité", f : incommunicability. incommu-tabilité", f : incommutabil- ity. ll-tableº [L. -tabilis (cf. c . )], adj. : incommutable. -tablEmentº, adv. : incommutably. - incompa-rable* [L. -rabilis (cf. c . )l, adj. : =. -rablEmentº, adv. : incom- parably. incompa-tibiIité*, f : incompatibil- ity. |-tible* [in-, c ..], adj. : =. incompé-temmentº -tam-, adv. : in- competently. -teneeº [in-, c ..], f : incompetence, -cy. |-tentº [L. -tens (cf. c . )], adj. : incompetent. ineom-pletº, =ète [L.-pletus (cf. c ..)], adj. : incomplete. -plètementº, adv. : incompletely. incomplexe incomplexe" [L. -xus (cf. c . )], adj. : | incomplex. - incompréhen-sibilité º, f : incompre- hensibility,-sibleness. -sible* [L.-sibilis | (cf. c ..)], adj. : incomprehensible. ineompres-sibilité", f : incompres- sibility. ll-sibleº [in-, c . .], adj. : =. incompris* [in-, c ..], adj. : not under- stood, unappreciated. - incon eevableº [in-, c ... ], adj. : incon- ceivable ; strange. incon eiliable" [in-, c ..], adj. : irrecon- cilable. inconditionné* [in-, c ..], adj. : uncon- | incorpo-ralité* [L. -ralitas], f : incor- ditional, absolute. inconduite" [in-, c ..], f. : misconduct. incongelableº [in-, c . ], adj. : uncon- )l adj. : gealable. incon-gru* [L. -gruus (cf. c . incongruous (inconsistent ; unfit, improper, indecorous). -gruité* [L. -gruitasl, f : incongruity;impropriety, indecency. -grû- mentº, adv. : incongruously ; improper- ly, indecorously. inconnaissable* [in-, c ..], adj. : un- knowable. inconnu* [in-, c ..], adj. : unknown; not felt or experienced before ; m., f. : un- known person, stranger ; m. (the) un- known; f : unknown quantity. - incon-seien eeº, f.: unconsciousness. -seiemmentº -siam-, adv. : uncon- sciously. -seient* [in-, c. .], adj. : un- conscious. • - inconsé-queneeº [L. -quentia], f : in- consequence , inconsistency. ll-quent" [L. -quens (cf. c . )], adj. : inconsequent ; inconsistent. ineonsidé-rationº [L. -ratio], f : in- consideration ; inconsiderateness. |-ré* [L. -ratus (cf. c . )], adj. : inconsiderate (thoughtless, indiscreet) ; unconsidered (rash). -rémentº, adv. : inconsiderate- ly ; rashly. inconsis-tanee" [in-, c ..], f : incon- sistency. -stantº, adj. : inconsistent. inconso-lableº [L. -labilis (cf. c ..)], adj. : = (disconsolate). -lablEment*, adv. : inconsolably, disconsolately. -Iéº [in-, c ..], adj. : unconsoled; disconsolate. incon-stammentº, adv. : inconstantly, lightly. -stanee* [L. -stantia], f : in- constancy, fickleness. -stantº [L.-stans (cf. c . )], adj. : = (fickle, unsteady). inveonstitution-nalité º, f : uncon- stitutionality. ll-nelº, =eIIe [in-, c . ], adj. : unconstitutional. -nellementº, adv. : unconstitutionally. ineontes-tableº [in-, c . ], adj. : =. -tablEmentº, adv. : inconstestably. -té [in-, c ..], adj. : uncontested. inconti-nenee* [L. -nentia], f : y 361 incontinency. |-nentº [L. -mens (cf. c ..)], adj. : incontinent (uncontrolled; un- chaste). 2.-nent* [L. in continente (sc. tempore)], adv. : without delay (im- mediately, at once, fEng. incontinently). inconve-nan eeº[in-, c ..], f : unbecom- . ingness, impropriety, indecorum. -nani* [in-, c. .], adj. : unbecoming, improper, un- befitting. inconvénient*[L. -niens (cf. convenir], fadj. : inconvenient; m. : inconvenience,-Cy. incunable inconvertibleº [in-, c ..], adj. : uncon- vertible. ineoordinationº [in-, c ..], f : =. poreality. -ration* [L. -ratio], f : =. -relº, =elle [L. -ralis], adj. : incorpo- real. |-rerº [L. -rare (corpus, body)], tr. : incorporate, embody. incor-rect* [in-, c. .], adj.: =. -recte- mentº, adv. : incorrectly. -rection * [in-, c ..], f. : want of correction, (fEng. incorrection), incorrectness. incorri-gibilité º, f : incorrigibility, -bleness. '|-gibleº [L.-gibilis (cf. c ..)], adj. : =. -gibIEment", adv. : incor- rigibility. " incorrup-tibilité* [L. -tibilitas], f. : incorruptibility, -bleness. ll-tible* [L. -tibilis (cf. c . )], adj. : =. incré-dibiIitéº[L.-dibilitas (cf. c ..)], f. incredibility, -bleness. -duleº [L. -dulus (cf. c ..)], adj. : incredulous. -dulité*[L. -dulitas (cf. c ..)], f.: incredulity. incréé* [in-, c ..], adj. : increate (uncre- ated). incrimi-nable*, adj. : that may be incriminated or prosecuted, accusable. ll-nerº [L. in-, crimen, crime], tr. : in- criminate, accuse. incro-yable* [in-, c ..], adj. : incredible; fabulous ; m., f : dandy, exquisite (Fr. re- vol. 1795-99). -yablEment*, adv. : incredibly. -yant*, -yante [in-, c ..], m., f. : unbeliever. incrus-tamtº, adj. : incrustating. -ta- tion º [L. -tatio], f : | |-terº [L. -tare (crusta, crust)], tr. : incrust, encrust, overlay. t - incu-bation" [L. -batio (-bare, lie on)], -beº [L. -bus], m. : incubus. - incul-pation"[L.-patio],.f. : =. ll-perº [L. -pare (culpa, fault)], tr. : inculpate (criminate, accuse). -pé, =ée, part., inculpated ; m., f : prisoner. • inculquerº [L. -care (calcare, tread)], tr. : inculcate. imeul-te* [L. -tus (colere, cultivate)l, adj. : incult (uncultivated, untilled; rude, savage). -ture" [in-, c ..], f. : want of cultivation, (fEng. =). incunable*[L.-bulum, cradle], adj. : dat- - - e s s•--» #- .362 ing from the earliest printing, early; m. : incunabulum. - - incu-rabilité", f.: incurability. |-ra- ble* [L. -rabilis (cf. c . )], adj. or m., f. : incurable. -rablEment º, adv. : incur- ably. incu-rieº [-ria, care], f. : lack of care, carelessness, negligence. -rieux*,=euse [L. -riosus (cf. c . .)], adj. : incurious. -riosité* [L. -riositas (cf. c ..)], f. : in- curiosity. imeursion* [L. -sio (currere, run)], f. : . =, inroad. incuseº [L. -sa, struck], f. : =. Inde, f : India. inde [L. -dicum], m. : INDIGO(-blue). - indébrouillable " [in-, débrouiller], adv. : that cannot be unravelled, indissol- uble. - - indé-eemmentº-sam-, adv. : indecently. -een eeº [L. -centia], f : indecency. |-eentº [L. -cens (cf. d . )], adj. : inde- cent, improper. - indé ehiffrableº [in-, déchiffre], adj. : indecipherable, unintelligible. indé-eisº, =ise [L. -cisus (cf. Fr. déci- sif)], adj. : undecided (doubtful, indetermi- nate); indecisive (irresolute). -eisionº [in-, d..], f. : indecision. - . indécli-nabilité º, f. : indeclinable na- ture. |-nable* [L. -nabilis (cf. d ..)], adj. : indeclinable. . indécomposableº [in-, décomposer], adj. : indecomposable. · indécrottableº [in-, décrotter], adj. : that cannot be cleaned; unpolished, in- tractable. - indéfec-tibilité º, f. : indefectibility. -tible* [in-, d . .], adj. : indefectible. indéfendableº [in-, défendre], adj. : indefensible. - , indéfi-ni [L. -nitus (cf. d ..)], adj. : in- | definite. -nimentº, adv. : indefinitely. -nissable" [in-, définir], adj. : inde- finable. indélébi-leº [L. -lis (cf. d ...)], adj. : indelible. -lité, f. : indelibility. indélibéréº [in-, d..], adj. : indeliberate. indélica-tº [in-, d ..], adj. : indelicate. -tementº, adv. : indelicately. -tesseº [in-, d . .], f : indelicacy. | indem-ne* [L. -nis (in, not, damnum, hurt)], adj. : indemnified ; unhurt. -ni- serº, tr. : indemnify, make good. -ni- té* [L. -nitas], f : indemnity. - indéniableº [in-, dénier], adj. : unde- niable. - indépen-dammentº, adv. : independ- ently. -pendaneeº, f : independence. -damtº [in-, d . .], adj. : independent. indéra einable" [in-, déraciner], adj. : ineradicable. · · · incurabiIité indignation indescriptible* [in-, L. describere, de- scribe], adj. : indescriptible, indescribable. indestruc-tibilité º, f. : indestructi- bility. |-tibleº [in-, d . .], adj. : =. indétermi-nable" [in-, déterminer], adj. : indeterminable. -nation º,.f. : inde- terminateness ; indetermination (irresolu- tion). |-né* [in-, d ..], adj. : indetermi- nate ; (rare) undetermined. -némentº, adv. : indeterminately. indEvinable [in-, deviner], adj. : not to be guessed. - indé-vot* [L. -votus (cf. d ..)], adj. : in- devout, irreligious. -votementº, adv. : indevoutly. -votionº [in-, d ..], f : in- devotion. • indexº [L. (dicere, say)], m. : = (fore- finger ; table of contents) ; prohibitory index (catalogue of books prohibited by the Pope) : mettre à l'-, prohibit. indica-teurº, -triee [L. -tor (-re, show)], m.,.f. : indicator (fperson; pointer); directory ; index. -tif, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : indicative ; m. : indicative (mode). -tionº [L. -tio], f. : =. indiee* [L. -cium (-care, show)], m. : in- dicator, sign, mark, token ; indication, symptom ; pl. indicia. indi-eible* [in-, L. dicere, say], adj. : unspeakable (inexpressible, ineffable). -ei- blEmentº, adv. : unspeakably. -etion ! [L. -ctio], f. : = (appointment ; cycle of fifteen years) ; fevocation. -culeº [L. -culus], m. : slight indication. indien, =enne [Inde], adj. or m.: Indian ; fº : printed calico. indiffé-remment* -ram-, adv. : in- differently. -reneeº, f : indifference, unconcern. -rent*, =ente [L. -rens (cf. d ..)], adj. : indifferent (indolent, neutral ; heedless, unconcerned ; immaterial) ; m., f.: indifferent or apathetic person. indi-génatº, m.: right of citizenship, naturalization. indigenee* [L. -gentia (cf. -gent)], f.: indigency, poverty. indigène* [L. genus (OL. indu-, in, root gen, be born)], adj. : indigenous, native ; m., f. : indigene, native. indigent*, =ente [L.-gens (OL. indu, in, egerè, need)], adj. : =, needy; m., f. : poor person. 7 - indiges-te*[L. -tus (cf. d . )], adj. : fun- digested ; hard to digest or assimilate, indigestible ; crude, (fEng. indigest). -tion* [L. -tio (cf. d . )], f : =. - indigète* [L. -ges (cf. -gène)], adj. : (Rom.) native, of the country : dieu —, native deified hero or semi-god. in-dignation* [L. -dignatio], f : =. ll-digne* [L. -dignus (cf. d . )], adj. : indign (unworthy, undeserving; disgrace- indigo ful, scandalous); debarred by law (from in- heriting); m.,.f. : unworthy or base person, wretch ; person debarred from succession. | -digné* [-digner], part. : indignant. -dignement*, adv. : unworthily, (fEng. indignly); disgracefully, basely. -dignerº [L. -dignari], tr. : render indignant, re- volt ; exasperate : s'-, feel indignant, be angered. -dignité * [L. -dignitas], f. : unworthiness, Worthlessness ; disgraceful- ness, baseness ; disgraceful act ; infamy ; t indignity, offence; preclusion from inheri- tance. - indi-gQº [Sp. * of India'], m. : · rie º, f : indigo manufacturing. -go- tier", m. : indigo-plant; workman in an indigo manufactory. indiquerº [L. -dicare (dicere, say)], tr. : indicate (point out, direct, show; appoint). indirec-tº [in-, d . .], adj. : =. -tE- mentº, adv. : indirectly. indis eernableº [in-, discerner], adj. : indiscernible ; m. : principe des -s, (Leibnitz's) principle of the non-existence · of identical things. indiseipli-nableº [in-, d ..], adj. : =, =. -gote- undisciplinable. -neº [in-, d . .], f. : = lack of discipline. -né" [in-, d ..], adj. : undisciplined. indis-cretº, =ète [in-, d ..], adj. : indis- creet (inconsiderate, unreserved, injudi- cious, heedless) ; unable to keep a secret, telltale, open-mouthed ; m., f. : indiscreet person ;telltale, babbler. -crètementº, adv. : indiscreetly, etc. -crétion* [L. -cretio], f. : flack of. discernment ; indis- cretion (inconsiderateness, heedlessness ; indiscreet act) ; lack of secrecy; injudi- cious disclosure of a secret. indisputable, uncontestable. -tablE- ment*, adv. : indisputably. indispen-sableº [in-, d ..], adj. : =. -sablEmentº, adv. : indispensably. indisponible" [in-, d. .], adj.: (leg.) that cannot be disposed of, inalienable ; (mil.) not available for active service ; m. pl. : retired soldiers. ndispo-sé*, part. : indisposed, unwell. |-ser* [in-, d ..], tr. : indispose (render unwell ; disincline, set against). -si- tion * [in-, d ..], f : = (slight illness ; disinclination). - - - mdisso-lubilité º, f.: indissolubility. |-luble* [L. -lubilis (cf. d . .)], adj. : -lublEmentº, adv. : indissolubly. indis-tinetº,=te [L. -tinctus (cf. d ..)], adj. : =. -tinctEmentº, adj. : indis- tinctly. mdivi-du* [l. L. -duus (in, not, divi- duus, divisible)], m. : individual (single being) ; (fam.) , certain person (un --, indiseu-tableº [in-, discuter], adj. : indult 363 somebody) : son —, one's self, number one. -dualiserº -du- [-duel],f. : indi- viduality. -duel*, =IIe, · adj. : individ- ual. -duellementº-du-[-duel], adv.: in- dividually. f-duité * -du- [L. -duitas], f : indivisibility. indivi-sº [L. -sus (dividere, divide)], adj. : undivided, joined : par —, by joint tenancy. -sémentº, adv. : indivisibly, in joint-tenancy. -sibilitéº [-sible], f. : indivisibility. -sible* [L. -sibilis], adj. : #iblEment",. adv. : indivisibly. -sion * [in-, d ..], f : joint-possession, joint tenancy. in-dix-huitº -di-zui, (print.) (in) decimo-octavo. indoei-leº [L. -lis (cf. d . )], adj. : =, intractable. -lementº, adv. : intract- ably. -lité, f. : indocility. indoc-teº [L.-tus (cf. d ..)], adj. : illiter- ate, ignorant. -tEmentº, adv. : ignor- antly. indo-européen*, =enne, adj. : Indo- European. -germanique*, adj. : Indo- Germanic. . •. indo-lemmentº -lam-, adv. : indolently. -lenee* [L. -lentia], f : =, sloth. |-lentº, =ente [L. -lens (dolere, feel pain or trouble)], adj. : = (med. causing no pain ; insensible ; idle, lazy, sluggish) ; m., f. : indolent person. indomp-table* [in-, dompter], adj. : •- e adj. or m. : indomitable, ungovernable. -té* [in- dompter], adj. : untamed, unsubdued, wild. Indou, m. : Hindoo. in-douzeº, adj. or m. : (print.) duode- cimo. indu* [in-, dû], adj. : undue, unseason- able. indubi-tableº [L. -bilis (cf. douter)], adj. : -tablEment*, adv. : indubi- tably, undoubtedly. - induc-teur* [-tion], adj. : (phys.) in- ductive. |-tifº, =ive [l. L. -tive (L. du- cere, lead)], adj. : (log.) inductive. -tion * [L. -tio],.f. : = (log. inference ; phys. induc- tion); finducement, instigation ; spreading on the surface ; pl. : circumstantial evid- GI1C6). im-duireº [for enduire], irr. (cf. con- duire); tr. : #INDUCE (entice, lead) ; infer, conclude, establish by inductive reason- ing (from effect to cause) ; (phys.) make inductive. -duissant, part. of -duire. -duit, part. : finduced, inferred, etc. ; inductive (as current, etc.). indul-gemmentº -jam-, adv. : indul- gently. -genee* [L. -gentia], f : = (leniency). | |-gentº [L.-gens (-gere, be kind to)], adj. : = (lenient, tolerant). indul-t* [L. -tum (-gere, be kind to)l, •- s 364 indûment m. : = (privilege granted by the pope). -taire º, m. : holder of an indult. indûment* [-du], adv. : unduly. indu-rationº [L.-ratio],f : =. |-rer* [L. -rare (durus, hard)], tr. : (med.) indu- rate, harden. - indus-trie* [L. -tria (-tris, diligent)], f. : skill (ingenuity, dexterity, trickery) ; industry (art, trade, manufactory), pl. : arts and industries : vivre d'-, live by one's wits ; chevalier d'-, sharper, swindler. -triel*, =lle, adj. : indus- trial, mannfacturing; m. : manufacturer. -trieusement º, adv. : skilfully, inge- niously. -trieux º, =euse [L. -triosus], adj. : skilful, ingenuous, industrious (-trial). indutº [l. L. -tus, clothed], m. : assistant priest (dressed in alb and tunic). inébran-lableº [in, ébranler], adj. : immovable, unshaken, firm. -lablE- ment", adv. : immovably, firmly. inéditº [L. -tus (cf. édir)], adj. : inedited, unpublished. inef-fabilité º [L. fabilitas], f : ineffa- bility. |-fable* [L. fabilis (ex, out, fari, speak)], adj. : inexpressible. -fablEmentº, adv. : ineffably. ineffaçableº lin-, delible. ineffica-ee*[in-, e ..], adj. : inefficacious, ineffectual. -eement", adv. : ineffica- ciously. -eitéº [in-, e . .], f : ineffi- CaCy. inéga-lº [in-, é. .], adj. : unequal; uneven. -lementº, adv. : unequally, , unevenly. -lité* [in-, é ..], f : inequality; uneven- I1GSS. - inélé-gan eeº [in-, é ..], f.: -gant*, adj. : inelegant. inéli-gibilitéº [in-, é ..],f.: ineligibility. -giblè " [in-, é ..], adj. : ineligible. inéluctable* [L. -bilis (e-luctari, strug- gle out of)], adj. ' ineluctable (irresistible, inevitable). inérrableº [L. -bilis (cf. narrer)], adj. : indescribable, (fEng. inenarrable). inep-te* [L. -tus (aptus, APT)], adj. : inept (unapt ; unfit, incapable, worthless). -tementº, adv. : ineptly. -tie* [L.-tia], f : ineptness, -titude. inépui-sableº [in-, épuiser], adj. : in- exhaustible. -sablEmentº, adv. : inex- haustibly. inerme" [L. -mis (arma, arms)], adj. : (bot.) inermis ('unarmed'), lacking prickles. iner-teº [L. -s (in, not, ars, art), un- skilled], adj. : inert, sluggish. -tie* [L. -tia], f. : inertia, inertness. inespé-rable* [in-, espérer], adj. : that cannot be hoped, beyond hope. y inelegance. effacer], adj. : in- -ré [in-, | infamant e ..], adj.: unhoped for, unexpected. -ré- mentº, adv. : unexpectedly. inesti-mable* [in-, estimer], adj. : =, -mé [in-, e ..], adj. : unestimated. inétendu* [in-, é ..], adj. : unextended. inévi-table º [L. -tabilis (cf. é..)], adj. : inevitable, unavoidable. -tablEment*, adv. : inevitably. inexac-t" [in-, e..], adj.: = (inaccurate). -tEmentº, adv. : inexactly. -titude ! [in-, e ..], f : inexactness. inexcusable* [in-, e ..], adj. : =. inexécu-tableº [in-, exécuter], adj. : inexecutable, impracticable. -té* [in-, e ..], adj.: unexecuted. -tionº [in-, e . .], jf : inexecution, neglect. inexereé" [in-, e ..], adj. : unexercised, unpractised. inexigible* [in-, e ..], adj. : that cannot be demanded. inexo-rable* [L. -rabilis (cf. e ..)], adj. : = (unyielding, relentless). -rablE- mentº, adv. : inexorably. inexpé-rien ee* [in-, e ..], f. : inexpe- rience. -rimenté* [in-, e ..], adj.: inex- perienced. inex-piable* [-bilis (cf. expier)], adj. : =. -pié*[in-, e,.], adj. : unafoned, ſfFing inexpiate). inexpli-cable* [L. -cabilis (cf. e ..)], adj. : -cablEment, adv. : inexplica- bly. -qué* [in-, e ..], adj. : unexplained. inexpIoité* [in-, e . .], adj. : unworked (of mines); untilled. ^. inexploré* [in-, e ..], adj. : unexplored inexplosible* [in-, e ..], adj. : unexplo- SlVe. inexprimableº [in-, exprimer], adj.. inexpressible, unutterable. inexpugnable* [L. -bilis (pugnare fight)], adj. : =. &, inextensible" [in-, e ..], adj. : =. in extenso [L.], adv. : = (in full). inextinguible* [L. -bilis (stinguere quench)], adj. : inextinguishable, unquench able. in extremis [L.], adv. : at the end, a the point of death. inextricable* [L. -bilis (ex-, out o tricœ, difficulties)], adj. : =. infail-libilitéº,f. : infallibility,-blenes |.-Iibleº [in-, faillir], adj. : infallibl -liblEment*, adv. : infallibly ; withou fail. infaisableº fE- [in-, f. .], adj. : unfe sible, impracticable. infamantº [ famer], adj. : defaming, in famous. -famation* [L. famatio f : (leg.) stamp of infamy, disgrace |-fâme* [L. famis (fama, fame)], adj. infamous (branded with infamy, disgraced scandalous, vile, base); (fam.) unworthy | infant - worthless ; m., f : infamous or base per- son. f-famerº [L. famare], tr. : make - infamous, defame, (fEng. infame). -fa- mie* [L. famia], f : infamy (ignominy, baseness). infan-t*, =ante [Sp. -te, L. -s (in-, not, fans, speaking)], m., f : infante, -ta (younger son or daughter of the king of Spain or Portugal). -terie º [It. -teria. (orig. * boys' or 'servants', followers of knights)], f : infantry. -tieideº [L. I.-ticidia, 2.-ticidium (cœdere, kill)], m., f.: infanticide (I.murderer of an infant ; 2.murder of an infant). -tileº [L.-tilis], adi. : =. #ti-cable" [L. -gabilis (cf. fatigue)], adj. : indefatigable. -gablEmentº, adv. : indefatigably. infa-tuation º, f : |-tuerº [L. -tuare (fatuus, foolish)], tr. : infatuate. inféeon-dº [L. -dus (cf. f..)l, adj. : in- fecund (unfertile, sterile). -dité* [L. -ditas], f. : infecundity, sterility. infec-tº [L. -tus (inficere, dip into, stain)], adj. : infectious (pestilential, cor- é-m-3 rupting). -tant* [-ter], adj. : infº# corrupting; offensive (of smell). -terº, tr. : infect (taint, corrupt, vitiate). -tieuacº, =euse [-tion], adj. : infectious. -tion* [L. -tio], f : =; infectious dis- ease ; stench. inféIieité º [L. -tas (cf. f . .)], f : infe- licity. inféo-dation º, f : infeodation, infeoff- ment. |-der* [l. L. -dare (feodum, FEUD, fief)], tr. : in feoff, entail. inférerº [L. in ferre, bring in], tr. : infer. infé-rieur* [L. inferior], adj. : inferior. -rieurementº, adv. : inferiorly (in an inferior manner). -riorité º [L. -rior], f : inferiority. - infernal* [L. -lis (infernus, lower)], adj. : = (nether; hellish, fiendish). inferti-le* [L. -lis (cf. f ..)], adj. : (unfruitful, sterile). f : infertility. infesterº [L. -tare (root fend, hurt)], tr. : infest (ravage, overrun ;. harass). infibu-lation º, f : =. |-lerº [L. -lare ( fibula, clasp)], tr. : attach a clasp to (the genital organs to prevent copula- tion), infibulate. &•º •sº #nfi-dèle* [L. -delis (cf. f..)], adj. : un- faithful (faithless ; untrue, false), infidel (unbelieving) ; m., f. : unfaithful person ; infidel ; f : unfaithful translation : les belles —s, the fine but inexact transla- tions. -dèlement*, adv. : unfaithfully, faithlessly. -délité * [l. L. -delitas], f. : infidelity (unfaithfulness, faithlessness ; faithless act; unbelief). iité ºfl iitasl, informer 365. infil-tration º, f : =. |-trerº [in-, filtre], refl. : infiltrate, be instilled. infi-meº [L. -mus], adj. : lowest (of rank) : les -s, those of lowest rank. -mitéº, f : lowest rank or condition. infi-ni* [L. -nitus (cf.f..)], adj. : infinite (unending, boundless). -nimentº, adv. : infinitely ; (fam.) extremely. -nité* [L. -nitas], f : inſinity, -teness. -nitésimalº [-nitésime], adj. : infinitesimal. -nité- sime" [L. -nitus], adj. : infinitesimal (in- finitely small). -nitifº, =ive [L. -niti- vus], adj. : infinitive ; m. : infinitive (mood). - infir-matifº, =ive [-mer], adj. : weak- ening, invalidating, (fEng. infirmative). -mation* [L. -matio], j. : weakening, invalidation. ll-meº [L. -mus (fir- mus, FERM)], adj. : infirm (fweak ; de- bilitated, feeble, sickly); m., f : sickly person, invalid. -merº [L. -mare], tr.. Weaken, invalidate ; nullify. -mErie* [-mier], f : infirmary. -mier*, =ère [l. L. -marius], m., f : attendant or nurse in an infirmary. -mité º [L. -mitas], f. : infirmity, frailty. inflam-mabilité, f. : inflammability. ll-mableº [L. -mare, inflame], adj. : =. -mation* [L. -matio], f : =. -ma- toire" [L. -mare, inflame], adj. : in- flammatory. - infléehirº [in-, f. .], tr. : inflect. inflex-ibilitéº,f. : inflexibility. |-ible12 [L. -ibilis (cf. f. )], adj. : inflexible (un- bending ; inexorable). -iblEment*, adv. : inflexibly. -ionº [L. -io (cf.f. .)], ·f. : inflection (-xion). infliction* [L. flictio], f : =. |-fli- ger* [L. fligere (fligere, strike)], tr. : INFLICT ; impose. • - inflores-een-ee" [L. -cere (flos, flower), begin to bloom], f : =. influ-enee*[L.-entia], f : =. -eneer " [-ence], tr. : influence. -ent", adj. : in- : fluential. -enzaº -in-dza [It.], f : =. |-erº [L. -ere ( flow')], ftr. : cause flow (into), instil, inspire ; intr. : #flow in ; have an influence or effect (sur, upon): , - sur, influence, affect ; move, prompt. -acº [L. fluxus], m. : in-folioº [L., "in the (print.) folio. - • - information* [-mer], f : finding out, inquiry, inquest: aller (procéder) à une —, make inquiries ; go for a character (of servants) ; prendre des —s, make in- quiries ; send for a character (of ser- vants). informe* [L. -mis (forma, form)], adj. : formless, shapeless; misshapen; unformed, crude ; #u#r, imperfect. informer* [L. -mare, ºgive form to'], leaf '], adj. (invar.): 366 infortune tr. : inform (give form or shape to, mould ; make known, apprise, instruct; accuse) ; intr. : seek information, institute an in- quiry : s'-, make inquiries, inquire, ask ; -é, informed, etc. ; m. : inquiry, inquest : charge d'-, informing. infortu-ne* [in-, f . .. l, f : misfortune, adversity. -né, =ée* [in-, f ..], adj. : unfortunate (unhappy, ill-fated) ; m., f : unfortunate person. infrac-teur*[L.-tor (frangere, BREAK)], m. : infractor, infringer. -tion* [L. -tio], f. : = (infringement, violation). infranehissable" [in-, franchir], adj. : insurmountable, insuperable. infréquentéº [in-, f . .], adj. : unfre- quented. - infrue-tueusement*, adv. : fruitlessly, in vain. |-tueux º, =euse [L. -tuosus (cf. f..)], adj. : unfruitful ; fruitless (una- vailing, vain). - • infu-s* [L. -sus (fundere, pour)], adj. : #poured or spread ; infused, instilled, given by nature, intuitive. -ser* [L. -sum (gerund of in-fundere)l, tr. : infuse, steep ; pour hot water on. -sibilité" [-sible],f. : infusibility. -sible" [in-,.f...l, adj. : =. -sion* [L. -sio], f : = (pour- ing on ; steeping ; inspiration ; pouring -out, as of the Holy Spirit). -soire" [L. -sorius], m. : infusorian (pl. infusoria). ingambeº [It. in gamba, 'in the leg'l, adj. : light of foot, nimble, active. . ingé-nier* [L. -nium (cf. génie), geni- us], refl. : tax one's ingenuity or wits, make (a mental) effort, strive hard. -ni- eurº, m. : engineer (orig. inventor of war- engines) : - constructeur, shipbuilder ; art de l'-, engineering ; - géographe, geographer; - opticien, optician. -ni- eusement* [-nieux], adv. : ingenuous- ly. -nieux*, =euse [L. -niosus], adj. : ingenious, skilful. -niositéº [L. -mio- sus], f. : ingenuity. ingé-nu*, =ue [L. -nuus (root gen, be born, inborn], adj. : ingenuous (leg. free- born ; upright, candid, artless); m., f : free-man ; ingenuous (artless) person. -nuité º [L. -nuitas], f. : ingenuousness (frankness, artlessness). -numentº, ·t lv. : ingenuously. #s gé-renee*, f.: interference, meddling. | | rerº [L. -rere (gerere, bring)], tr.: ſNGEST (introduce into the stomach): s'-, intrude one's self unduly, thrust one's self in, meddle (dans, with). ingestion* [L. -tio (gerere, bring)l, inglorieux º, =euse [L. -riosus (cf. g ..)], adj. : inglorious. - ingouvernable" [in-, gouverner], adj. : ungovernable. - · ENMITY (hos"ility, hatred). initial ingra-tº, -te [L. -tus (gratus, dear, grateful)l, adj. : ungrateful (unpleasing, ungraceful ; unthankful, thankless) ; m., f. : ungrateful person, ingrate...-tement*, adv. : ungratefully. -titude* [L. -titu- dol, f. : =. - ingrédientº [L. -ens (gradi, go)], m. : ingredient. - • x » inguérissable* [in-, guérir], adj. : in- curable. • - inguinal* [L. -lis (inguen, groin)], adj. : = (of the groin). * . ingurgi-tation* [L. -tatio], f : = ; (med.) introduction into the throat. ll-ter* [L. -tare (gurges, gulf)], tr. : (med.) introduce (a liquid) into the stom- ach ; ingurgitate (swallow). 1 inhabi-leº [L. -lis (cf. h . )], adj. : un- able (unapt ; unskilful, unqualified ; #Eng. inhabile). -lementº, adv. : unskilfully. -leté* [in-, h . .], f : inability (unskilful- ness ; incapacity). -lité* [in-, h ..], f. : (leg.) disability, incompetence. • inhabi-table* [L. -tabilis (cf. h . )], adj. : uninhabitable. -té* [in-, h . .], adj. : uninhabited. . inhalation " [L. -fio (halare, hreafh)], inhé-renee*, f : inherence. |-rentº [in-hœrere ( stick')], adj. : inherent. finhi-berº [L. -bere (habere, have)], tr. : inhibit. f-bition * [L. -bitio], f : =. inhospita-lierº, =ère [in-, h ..], adj. : inhospitable. -lièremient, adv. : in- hospitably. -Iité* [L. -litas], f : inhos- pitality. inhu-main*, =aine [L. -manus (cf. h . .)], adj. : inhuman ; m., f. : inhuman person. -mainementº, adv.: inhumanly. -manité* [L. -manitas], f : inhumanity. inhu-mation *, f. : =. |-mer* [L. -mare (humus, earth)], tr. : inhume (inter, bury). » inimaginableº [in-, imaginer], adj. : unimaginable. · · « - inimitable* [L.-bilis (cf. im ..)], adj. : =. inimitié* [L. -inicus (cf. ennemi)], f. : lack of ininteIli-genee* [in-, i. .], f : intelligence. -gentº [in-, i . .], adj. : unintelligent. -gible [L. -gibilis], adj,: unintelligible. . " - ininterrompu*[in-,i..], adj.: unbroken ini-que* [L. -quus (œquus, equal)l, adj.. iniquitous (unrighteous). -quement* adv. : iniquitously. -quité* [L. -quitas] f : iniquity. • ini-tial* [L. -tialis (in-, ire, go)], adj.. -tiateurº, =triee [L. -tiator], m. ſ : initiator. -tiation * [L. -tiatio], f. =. -tiativeº [L.-tium],f. : =. -tier* [L. -tiare], tr. : initiate, introduce. •-ms •-- s injecter · injec-terº [L. ger. of in-jicere, throw inl, tr. : inject; steep. -tion* [L. -tio], imj92vction * [L. -tio (cf. j . )], f : in- junction. injouable" [in-, jouer], adj. : that can- not be played. : . · - imjudieieux, =euse [in-, j ..], adj. : in- judicious. - inju-re* [L. -ria (in, not, jus, right)], f : +INJUSTICE; #injury; offence (abuse, insult; abusive or insulting words): faire - à, · wrong. -rier* [L. -riare], tr. : fwrong ; abuse, insult, call names. -rieuse- m, entº, adv. : funjustly ; offensively, abusively. -rieux*, =euse [L. -riosus], adj. : funjust, (fEng. injurious); offensive, abusive, insulting, scurrilous. just; m., f. : unjust person ; m. : unjust thing. -tement*, adv. : unjustly. -tiee* [L. -titia], f : =. -tifiable º [in-, justi- fier], adj. : unjustifiable. inlisible = illisible. - - innavi-gabilité" in-n, f : unnavigable condition. |-gable º [L. -gabilis (cf. n . .)], adj. : unnavigable. - - in-néº in-n [L. natus (cf. né)], adj. : innate (inborn, inbred). -néité º, f. : innateness. . : innervationº in-n [in-, nerve], f. : =. inno-eammentº-sam-, adv. : innocently. -eenee* [L.-centia], f : =. ll-eentº, =ente [L. -cent (nocere, harm)], adj. : = (harmless, guiltless; unsuspicious, simple ; silly); m., f. : innocent person ; simpleton : se déclarer —, plead not guilty; tarte d'-, pigeon pie. -eenter", tr. : declare inno- cent, find not guilty. - in-nocuité* in-n [L. -cuus (nocere, harm)], f. : innocuousness (harmlessness). innom-brableº in-n [in-, nombrer], adj. : innumerable, countless. -brablE- ment*, adv. : innumerably. nnom-méº in-n [in-, nom], adj. : un- named, nameless. -miné* [L.-minatus], adj. : unnamed. - nno-vateurº, =triee in-n [L. -vare], m., f. : innovator. -vation* [L.-vatio], j. : |-verº [L. -vare (novus, NEW)], tr. : innovate. - nobser-vable [in-, observer], adj. : un- observable. -vaneeº [L. -vantia], f.: =, non-observance. -vation º [in-, o ..], ſ. : =, non-observance. - noeeupé [in-, 0.], adj. : unoccupied. L. nervus, •- • noeu-lateur", -1atriee, m., f : in- oculator. -1ation* [L. -latio], f. : •- e eyes or buds)], tr. : inoculate (fbud or injus-te* [L. -tus (cf. j . )], adv. : un- n-octavo" [L.], invar. adj. : (in)octavo. |-lerº [ ... -lare (ocul-are, furnish with 367 graft ; med. communicate a virus to ; im- bue). • inodore" [L. -rus (L. odor)], adj. : ino- dorous, scentless. - - inoffen-sifº, =ive [in-, o ..], adj. : inof- fensive. -sivement, adv. : inoffensively. inoffieieux º,=euse [L.-ciosus (cf. o ..)], adj. : (leg.) inofficious (regardless of natu- ral obligation, disinheriting): un testament -, a will unjustly depriving an heir of his inheritance. , • inon-dation* [L. -datio], f : inundation. . |-derº [L. -dare (unda, wave)], tr. : in- undate (overflow, flood, deluge). - inopi-néº [L. -natus (opinari, judge)], adj. : unexpected (unforeseen, fEng. inop- inate). -némentº, adj. : unexpectedly, unaWares. . inoppor-tun* [L.-tunus (cf. o..)], adj. : inopportune. -tunement, adv. : inoppor- tunely. -tunité* [in-, o ..], f : inoppor- tuneness, unseasonableness. inorganique" [in-, o ..], adj. : inorgan- ic(al). inouï* [in-, oui], adj. : unheard of. inoxyd-able* [in-, o . .], adj. : that cannot be oxygenised. in pa ee [L. "in peace'], invar. m. : con- vent prison. in partibus [L. *in the parts', viz. of infidels], adv. : (can. lau) by title (as evêque -, titulary bishop, whose see is among the infidels). in pettoº [It. (L. pectus, breast), *in the breast'], adv. : (can. lau) in secret, in petto ; without official installation. in-plano [L. 'in plain'], invar. adj. : (print.) broadside. . in-promptu = impromptu. . inqualifiableº [in-, qualifier], adj. : unqualifiable. fin quar-t, f-tation = quartation. in-quartoº [L. *in a fourth'], invar. adj. or m. : (in) quarto. - in-quietº, =ète [L. -quietus (cf. q . )], adj. : unquiet (uneasy, restless, anxious). -quiétant", adj. : disquieting, alarming. -quiéter* [L. -quietare], tr. : disquiet, make uneasy, alarm, trouble : s'-, be un- easy, be anxious. -quiétude* [L.-quie- tudo], f : disquietude, uneasiness, anxiety, solicitude : avoir des —, be uneasy. inquisi-teur* [L. -tor (quœrere, seek)], m. : searcher ; inquisitor (examiner of the faith, member of the Inquisition). -tion* [L. -tio],.f. : = (fsearch ; judicial º º, © ·- © inquiry ; tribunal for the examination and punishment of heretics). -torialº, adj. : insalubre insaisissable" [in-, saisir], adj. : un- seizable ; imperceptible. insa-lubreº [L. -lubris (cf. s ..)], adj. : 368 insanité insalubrious, unhealthy. -Iubrité* [L. -lubritas], f. : insalubrity, unhealthfulness. insanité* [L. -tas (sanus, sane)l, f : in- sanity. insa-tiabilité*[L. -tiabilitas], f : insa- tiability, -bleness. -tiable* [L.-tiabilis, (satis, enough)l, adj. : -tiablE- mentº, adv. : insatiably. inseiemment* -syam- [in-, s . .], adv. : unwittingly. in-seriptionº [L. -scriptio)], f : = ; entry, registry; term (of schools) ; (fin.) stock-receipt : - hypothécaire, registry of mortgage ; - de faux, allegation of forgery; fraudulent alteration ; droit d'-, (customs) entry ; prendre ses -s, enter one's name for the study-courses ; avoir toutes ses —s, have pursued all the courses (of students). " |-scrire º [L. -scribere], irr. (cf. scrire); tr. : inscribe ; register, enter ; empanel (a jury). inserutable * [L. -bilis (cf. scruter)], adj. : =. ins eu = insu. in-sécableº [L. -secabilis], adj. : in- secable, indivisible. ll-seeteº [L. -sec- tum (secare, * cut')l, m. : insect. -secti- eideº [L. oœdere, kill], adj. : insect-kill- ing. -sectivoire* [L. vorare, devour], adj. : insectivorous. insécurité º [in-, s . .], f : insecurity. in-seizeº, adj. or m. invar. : (print.) in sixteen, sixteen-m0. insensé*, =ée [in-, s ..], adj. : senseless, mad, insane ; m., f. : fool, insane person. insen-sibilité*, f. : insensibility. ll-si- ble* [L. -sibilis (cf. s . .)], adj. : insen- sible (unfeeling ; imperceptible). -siblE- ment*, adv. : insensibly. insépa-rabilité*, f : inseparableness. |-rable*[L. -rabilis (cf. s ..)], adj.: =. -rablEmentº, adv. : inseparably. insérerº [L. -serere (serere, join)], tr. : INSERT. finsermenté = inassermenté. insertion º [L. -sertio (cf. Fr. -sérer)], •- - e insi-dieusement*, adv. : insidiously. |-dieux º, =euse [L. -diosus (in-sidiœ, ambush)], adj. : insidious. I.insi-gne* [L. -gnis (signum, mark)], adj. : marked, signal, notorious. 2.-gne [L. -gnia], m. : badge ; pl. : insignia. insigni-fian ee", f : insignificance. |-fiant " [in-, signifier], adj. : insignifi- cant. insin eère [in-, s . .], adj. : insincere. insi-nuantº, adj. : insinuating. -nua- tifº, =ive, adj. : entering gently ; in- sinuative. -nuation* [L. -nuatio], f : = (#gentle introduction ; gaining favour ; | hint); (leg.) fregistration. il-nuerº installation · [L. -nuare (sinus, curve, bosom)], tr. : in- sinuate (introduce gently ; suggest ; in- gratiate) ; (leg.) fregister : s'-, insinuate (creep, worm) one's self in. insipi-deº [L. -dus (in, not, sapidus, SAVOURY)], adj. : insipid (unsavoury, flat). -dementº, adv. : insipidly. -dité º, f : insipidity. insis-tam ee*, f : insistence. |-terº [L. -tere (sistere, stand)], intr. : insist, persist. inso-eiabilité", f : unsociableness. l-eiable* [in-, s . .], adj. : unsociable. : - eiablEment, adv. : unsociably. -eial, adj. : unsocial. insolation * [L. -tio (sol, sun)], f : =, · sunstroke. inso-lemment* -lam-, adv. : insolent- ly. -lenee* [L. -lentia], f. : ſ-lentº [L. -lens (in, solere, be wont)], adj.: insolent (funusual : impudent, saucy); , m., f : insolent person. #-lenvterº, tr. : treat with insolence. insoliteº [L.-tus (solere, be wont)], adj. : unusual. - - inso-lubilité* [L. -lubilis], f : insolu bility. |-luhle* [I , -lubilis (8olv6re solve)], adj. : =. insol-vabilité º, f. : insolvency. |-va ble* [in-, s . .], adj. : insolvent. insomnieº [L.-nia], f : insomnia (sleep- lessness) ; pl. sleepless nights. insondable* [in-, sonder], adj. : un fathomable. insou-eian eeº, f : carelessness, heed- lessness, indifference. |- eiamt [in-, soucier], adj. : careless, heedless, indiffer- ent; m, f. : reckless person. -eieux º, =euse [in-, s ..], adj.: careless, indifferent. insoutenableº [in-, soutenir], adj.. unsustainable, indefensible, untenable, un- bearable. inspec-tateurº [L. -tator], m. : (rare) close examiner, scrutiniser. |-ter " [L -tare (specere, see)], tr. : inspect, examine -teur*, -triee [L. -toºl, m., f : inspec tor, inspectress, superintendent. -tion ! [L. -tio], f : inspection (examination ; sur vey) ; inspectorship. inspi-rateurº, =triee [L. rator], adj. (anat.) inspiratory; inspiring; m., f. : i spirer. -ration* [L. -ratio], f : = -ré, =ée, part. : inspired ; m., f : inspire person. |-rer* [L. -rare (spirare breathe)], tr. : inspire (breathe into ; in hale ; animate ; prompt). in-stabilité * [L. -stabilitas], f : insta bility. |-stableº [L. -stabilis (star STAND)], adj. : unstable. instal-lation º, f : =. -lare (OHG. stal, stall)], place. º - -Jer* [l. I lr. : instal instamment -in-stamment º, adv. : with insistence, · urgently. -stanee* [L. -stantial, f : t urgent care ; instance (solicitation, en- treaty ; urgency, fEng, instancy) : vive —, earnest entreaty ; tribunal de pre- mière —, court of first instance ; avec -, earnestly, urgently; faire--, use entreaty, entreat. I.ll-stant* [L. -Stans (stare, STAND)], adj. : = (pressing, urgent, ear- nest). 2.-stantº, m. : (moment) : à l'-, instantly, immediately. -stantané · [2.-stant], adj. : instantaneous. -stan- , tanéité " [-stantané], f : instantaneous- , ness. -stantanémentº, adv. : instanta- neously. • . : instarº [L., * likeness'], only in à l'- de, in the manner of, like. instauration º [L. -tio], f : (rare) ES- TAblishment. - insti-gateur*, -gatriee [L.-gatio], m., | f : instigator. |-guer* [L. -gare (root , stig-, prick, STING)], tr. : instigate, incite. · instil-lation º l-l [L. -latio], f : =. -lerº [L. -lare (stilla, drop)], tr. : instil. in-stinct* [L. -stinctus (root stig-, · prick), impulse], m. : =. -stinctifº, s =ive, adj. : instinctive. -stinctive- mentº [-stinctif], adv. : instinctively. sinsti-tuer* [L. -tuere (statuere, make STAND)], tr. : institute (establish ; appoint ; #instruct) ; teach or subdue to law : -é, m., #tenant in full. -tutº [L. -tutum], m. : institute (fact of instituting, finsti- tution ; established society) ; Institute of France (comprising five academies). -tu- teurº, -tutriee, m., f : institutor (foun- der) ; instructor, -tress, teacher ; keeper of a school, schoolmaster. -tution* [L. -tutio], f : education ; school, boarding-school. in-structeurº [L. -structor], adj. : fin- structing (esp. in a military sense) ; m. : finstructor (esp. military drill-officer) ; adj.: (leg.)examining (magistrate). -strue- tifº, =ive, adj. : instructive. -struc- tion * [-structio], f. : = (information ; education ; direction) ; (leg.) examination : juge d'-, examining judge. ll-struire* [L. -struere (struere, build)], irr. (cf. con- duire) ; tr. : INSTRUCT (inform ; teach, educate; leg. direct a jury); (leg.) examine. instrumen-tº [L. -tum (struere, build)], m. : = (implement, tool). -taire*, adj. : assisting in arranging public documents, assistant ; #player on an instrument : té- · moin -, witness to a deed. -talº, adj. : -tation º [-ter], f : = (mus.). -ter*, intr. : draw up a legal instrument (as a deed, a contract, etc.); ftr. : com- pose for instrumental music. -tiste º, m. : instrumentalist (performer upon an instrument of music). y intellect 869 insuº [in-, su, known], m,: in à l'- de, unknown to, without the knowledge of. insubmersible" [in-, s ..], adj. : insub- mergible. - 1 insubor-dination " [in-, s . .], f : | -donné" [in-, s . ], adj. : insubordinate. insuceès*[in-, s ..],m. : lack of success, failure. - insuffi-sammentº, adv. : insufficiently. -•-ms &sns-sºs @ -san.eeº, f : insufficiency. ll-santº [in-, s . .], adj. : insufficient. insuf-flation* [L. flatio], f : = |-fIerº [L. flare (flare, BLoW)], tr. : BLOW or breathe in ; INFLATE. insulaire* [L. -laris (-la, island)], adj. : insular; m.,.f. : islander. insul-tantº, adj. : insulting. -tateurº, m. : insulter. |-terº [L. -tare (in- ' silire, leap upon)], fintr. : intrude ; of- fend ; insult (behave with insolence) ; tr. : insult (fasSAIL; affront, abuse). -teur º, m. : insulter. insuppor-table* [in-, supporter], adj. : =, intolerable. -tablement*, adv. : insupportably, intolerably. - insur-gé, -ée, part. : insurgent, in insur- rection ; m., f : insurgent. #-genee, f. : insurrection. f-gent [L. -gens], m. : in- surgent. ll-gerºº [L. -gere (surgere, rise)], refl. : revolt, rise in insurrection. insurmon-table* [in-, surmonter], adj. : insurmountable. -tablEment, · adv. : insurmountably. , insurree-tioºvº [L.-tio (surgere, rise)] © -tionnel", =IIe, adj. : insur- rectionary. - intae-tº [L. -tus (tangere, TOUCH)], adj. : (untouched, unblemished, entire). f-tileº [L. -tilis], adj. : intangible. intaille* [It. -taglio, 'in-cut'], f : in- taglio. - intan-gible* [in-, t ..], adj. : =. -gi- bilité, f. : intangibility. © intarissableº [in-, tarir], adj. : that. never runs dry, unfailing, ever-flowing. in-tégral*[L.-teger], adj.: integral(com- plete, entire; math. integral). -tégrale, j. : (math.) integral ; fluent. -tégrale- mentº, adv. : integrally, entirely. -té- grantº [L. -tegrans], adj. : =, integral. -tégration*[-tégrer],f. : =. |-tègreº [L. -teger, entire], adj. : wholly upright, honest, of integrity. -tégrerº [L. -te- grare], tr. : (math.) integrate. -tégrité* [L. -tegritas], f : integrity (entireness ; honesty). intel-Iect* l-l . [L. -lectus (inter, be- tween, legere, choose)], m. : -lectifº, =ive [L.-lectivus], adj. : intellective. -lec- tion* [L. -lectio], f : -lectuel*, =elle [L. -lectualis], adj : intellectual. -lectuellement º, adv. : intellectually. ' 4-•s © •s• -- s 370 -1igemmentº jam- [-ligentl, adv. : in- telligently. -Iigen ee* [L. -ligentia], f : intelligence (intellect , understanding ; intelligent being or spirit ; information, coremunication) : en bonne - avec, on good terms with ; être d'-, have an under- standing, be leagued together. -ligentº [L. -ligensl, adj. : =, -ligibleº [L. -ligibilis], adj. : =. -1igiblEmentº, adv. : intelligibly. @ • intempé-rammentº, adv. : intemper- ately, immoderately. -ranee* [L. -ran- tial, f : intemperance. -rantº [L. -rans], adj. : intemperate. f|-réº [in-, t . .], adj. : intemperate. -rieº [L. -ries], f : intemperateness (inclemency or severity of weather) ; #disorder. intempes-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (tempus, time)l, adj. : unseasonable, untimely, (fEng. intempestive). -tivementº, adv. : un- timely. intenableº [in-, tenir], adj. : untenable. inten-daneeº, f : intendancy (intend- ant's office or home ; district of an intend- ant, administration district ; superintend- ence, administration). -dantº, =ante, m. : intendant (superintendent, steward ; mil. commissary) ; f. : intendant's wife ; lady superintendent. in-tense* [L. -tensus (tendere, stretch)], intempéramment adj. : =. -tensifº, =ive, adj. : in- tensive. -tensité", f : intenseness, intensity. -tensivementº, adv. : in- tens(iv)ely. e - inten-terº [L. -tare (tentare, touch)], tr. : direct or enter (a charge or action against), bring, commence. inten-tion* [L. -tio (tendere, stretch)], j : = (design, purpose ; stretching, in- tension ; fintenseness) : à l'- de, on ac- count of; dans l'- de, with a view to. -tionné º, adj. : intentioned. -tion- nelº, =lle, adj. : intentional ; intended. -tionnellementº, adv. : intentionally. f-tionnerº, tr. : (purposely) direct. inter- [Lat.], pref. : inter-, between. interca-deneeº, f : irregular beating of the pulse. |-dentº [L. inter-, cadens, falling], adj. : irregular (of the pulse). interca-laireº [L.-laris], adj. : intercal- ary. -Iation* [L.-latio],f : =. |-lerº [L. -lare (calare, call)], tr. : intercalate. inter eéderº [L. -dere (cedere, pass)], intr. : intercede. intere eIIulaire* [inter-, cellule], adj. : intercellular. intereep-terº [L. -tus, part. (capere, take)], tr. : intercept. -tion º [L. -tio], interees-seur* [L. -sor (cedere, pass)], m. : intercessor, interceder. -sion * [L. -siol, f : =. intermède intercostalº [inter-, L. costa, rib], adj. : =. - intercurrent", adj. : =. inter-dietionº [L.-dictio],f. : = (prohi- bition; curse). |-dire* [L.-dicere], irr. . (cf. dire); tr. : interdict (prohibit, forbid ; deprive of one's functions, suspend ; shut up) ; deprive of one's right or liberty ; stupefy, overawe, astound; confuse. -ditº, part. : interdicted (prohibited, etc.; stupe- fied, etc.) ; m.* [l. L. -dictum], inter- dict. inté-ressantº [-resserl, adj. : interest- ing. -resséº [-resser], part.: interested; partial, prejudiced, selfish ; m. : party interested ; share-holder. -resserº, tr. : make a share-holder, (fEng. interest) ; attach to one's own interest or advan- tage, prejudice ; INTEREST (attract ; con- cern ; affect); (surg.) touch, injuré : s'-, be interested, take an interest ; be con- cerned. |-rêt* [L. inter-est, it imports], m. : interest (profit ; share ; concern, at- traction). interfé-reneeº [-rent], f : (phys.) inter- ference. -rentº, adj. : (phys.) inter- ferent. ll-rerº [L.ferre, bear], intr. : (phys.) interfere (act reciprocally). interfolierº [L. folium, leaf], tr. : inter- leave, (fEng. interfoliate). - inté-rieur* [L. -rior], adj. : interior (inner, internal) ; m. : interior (inside ; domestic life ; internal affairs). -rieure- ment*, adv. : internally, inwardly. intéri-mº [L., " meanwhile'], m. : inter- im. -maire*, adj. : temporary, pro- visional. - inter-jeetion* [L. -jectio], f : (gram.) = ; (leg.) lodging (of an appeal). |-jE- ter* [inter-, j ..], tr. : (leg.) lodge (an appeal). \ inter-ligneº [inter-, l ..], m.: space be- tween two lines; understood thing, secre- cy; f : (print.) lead. -lignerº, tr. : (print.) lead. -linéaire* [l. L. -line- aris], adj. : interlineary. interlocu-teurº, -triee, m., f : inter- locutor, interrogator. [-tion* [L. -tio (cf. l ..)], f : =. -toire*, adj. : inter . locutory; m. : interlocutory decree. interlope* [Eng. -per], fm. : interloper (vessel) ; adj. : interloping. interloquer* [L. -qui (loqui, speak)l, tr. : fgive an interlocutory judgment ; (fam.) nonplus. intermaxiliaire" [inter-, L. maxilla, jaw], adj. : intermaxillary. inter-mèdeº [It. -medio], m. : intermede (interlude between the acts of a play ; fshort play). |-médiaireº [L. -me- dius (medius, MIDDLE)], adj. : intermedi- ary, intermediate; m. : intermediary (me- interminable dium). #-Inédiatº [l. L. -mediatus], adj. : intermediate : congrégation -e, as- sembly between two chapters. interminable* [L. -bilis (terminus, end)], adj. : =. invter-mission* [L. -missio], f : =. -Iuitten ee", f. : =. |-mittentº [L. -mittens (mittere, sent)], adj. : =. intermuseulaire* [inter-, L. muscu- lus], adj. : intermuscular. internatº [-ne], m. : state of being a boarding-school student ; boarding-school; function of a house surgeon's assistant (in a hospital). ,z internationalº[inter-, nation], adj.:=. inter-neº [-nus], adj. : internal (inner, interior); m., f. : boarding-student, boarder (i.e. one living in a lyceum, college, or boarding-school) ; house surgeon's assist- ant (student of medicine living in a hos- pital as the surgeon's assistant). -nE- mentº [-ner], m. : interning, confine- ment. -nerº, tr. : intern (confine to a certain locality). internissable [in-, termir], adj. : that cannot be tarnished. • internon eeº [l. L. -nuncius (cf. n . )], m. : internuncio. -- interosseux º, =euse [inter, L. bone], adj. : interosseous. interpel-lation* l-l [L. -latio], f : =. | |-lerº [L. -lare], tr. : interpellate; ques- tion imperatively; summon ; question (in parliament, etc.). interpo-lateurº [L. -lator], m. : inter- polator. -lationº [L. -latio], f : =. |-ler [L. -lare (polire, polish)], tr. : interpolate. interpo-serº [inter-, p . .], tr. : inter- ^ pose : s'-, interpose, come between. -sition* [L. -sitio], f. : = ; objection. inter-prétatif", =ive [L. -pretativus], adj. : interpretative. -prétation* [L. -pretatio], f : interpretation. |-prète* [L.-pres], interpreter. -préter*[L.-pre- tare], tr. : #translate ; interpret, expound. interrègne* [L. -num (cf. r ..)], m. : interregnum. · interro-gantº [L. -gans], adj. : inquisi- tive ; finterrogative : #point —, interro- gation mark. f-gatº [L. -gatum], m. : (leg.) questioning. -gateurº, =triee [L.-gatorl, m., f : interrogator, questioner; adj. : questioning. -gatifº, =ive, adj. : interrogative. -gation* [L. -gatio], f : point d'-, interrogation mark. -gatoire* [L. -gatorius], m. : (leg.) questioning, examination : - contradic- toire, cross-examination. |-gerº [L. -gare (rogare, ask)], tr. : interrogate (question, examine). inter-rompre* [L. -rumpere (cf. r . )], OS, •- s 371 interrupt, suspend, leave off. -rupteurº, =tri ee [L. -ruptor], m., f. : interrupter ; adj. : interrupting. -ruption [L. rup- tio], f. : intersection* [L. -tio (cf. s . )], f : =. intersti ee* [L.-sticium (inter, between, sistere, SET)], m. : = (interval of space or time). - intertropiealº [inter-, tropique], adj. : ºn-s intervalle* [L. -lum (inter, between, vallum, WALL)], m. : interval. inter-vEnantº, =ante [-venir], adj. : · intrant | intervening; m., f : intervening party. |-vEnirº [L. -venire], irr. (cf. venir); intr. : intervene (come between, interfere; occur, happen). -vention* [L. -ventio], interver-sionº [L. -sio], f.: inversion. |-tirº [L. -tere (vertere, turn)], tr. : change about ; invert, (fEng. intervert). -tissementº, m.: inversion. interviewº, -vyou [Eng.], -erº, tr. : interview. intesta-t* [L. -tus (in-, not, testari, make a will], adj. (invar.): intestate: héritier ab -, heir of one that dies intestate. I.intes-tinº [L. -tinus (intus, within)], adj. : intestine, inner. 2.-timº [L. -ti- num], m.: intestine. -tinalº, adj. : =. inti-mation* [L. -matio], f : intimation, summons. ll-me* [J.-mus, innermost], adj. : intimate ; m., f. : intimate friend. -mementº, adv. : intimately. -merº [L. -mare], tr. : notify, summon; fappoint (time and place for) ; (leg.) fappeal (ac- cuse) : f-é(e), m., f. : appellee. intimidation º, f. : =. |-derº [in-, timide], tr. : intimidate. intimité" [-me], f. : intimacy. - intitu-léº, part.: entitled ; m. : title (of deeds ; of books, etc.). |-lerº* [L. -lare (titulus, label)], tr. : entitle, call. intolé-rable* [L. -rabilis], adj. : =. -rablEmentº, adv. : intolerably. -ran- eeº [in-, t ..], f. : intolerance. |-ramtº [in-, t ..], adj. : intolerant. -rantisme", m. : intolerance. intonation* [L. -nare (tonare, sound)], Mm-ms-s• 77?,. ! é -•s @ intoxi-cation*, f : = (poisoning); mor- bid absorption, infection. |-querº [L. -care], tr. : intoxicate (poison). intrados" [L. -intra, within, Fr. dos], m. : = (interior curve of an arch). intraduisible" [in-, traduire], adj. : untranslatable. intraitableº [in-, traiter], adj. : un- TRACTABLE (unmanageable, refractory). intransitifº, =ive [L. -tivus (cf. transi- tif)], adj. : intransitive. intrantº [L. -trans, ENTERING], m. : (old) 372 in-trente-deux elector (to the rectorship, university of Paris : cf. Eng. intrant, person entering upon some office). in-trente-deux º, adj. : thirty-two, thirty-two-mo. intrépi-de* [L. -dus (trepidare, TREM- BLE)], adj. : intrepid (fearless, dauntless). -dementº, adv.: intrepidly. -dité º, f. : intrepidity. - intri-gantº, =ante [It. -gante], adj. : intriguing; m., f : intrigue. -gue* [It. -go], f : = (#INTRICACY; plot, scheme). |-guerº [It. -gare (L. -care, tricœ, trifles)], ftr. : intrigue, perplex; intr. : intrigue (plot, scheme) ; make intricate, full of intrigue : s'-, intrigue ; pains. -gueur", -gueuse, m., f : in- triguer. intrin-sèque* [L. -secus, inner], adj. : intrinsic(al). trinsically. intro-dueteurº, =triee [L. -ductor], m., f : introducer. -ductifº, =ive [L. -ducere], adj. : (leg.) introductive, -ductory. -duction* [L. -ductio], f. : = ; (leg.) previous proceedings. ll-duire* [L. -ducere (intro, within, ducere, lead)], irr. (cf. condu i1 e), tr.. INTRUUUUE (bring in ; open a process ; present) ; train : s'-, in- troduce one's self; get in, enter; intrude. introïtº [L. intro-itus, 'in-going'], m. : introit (prayer with song introducing the Mass). intromission* [L. -mittere, put in], (print.) in introni-sation º, f. : enthronisation (of a bishop). |-ser* [l. L. -zare], tr. : en- throne (install a bishop). introuvabIeº [in-, trouver], adj. : not to be found, undiscoverable ; unparalleled. fin-trure* [L. in-trudere, thrust in], def. (only part.); tr. : intrude. -trusº, -truse, part. : intruded ; m., f : intruder. -trusionº, f.: =. intui-tif*, =ive [-tus], adj. : intuitive. -tion º [L. -tio (tueri, watch)], f. : imme- diate vision ; intuition. -tivementº, adv. : intuitively. intumeseenseº [L. -cere (tumere, swell)], f. : =. - inu-le" M. -la], f. : elecampane (plant). -line º, f. : (chem.) inulin. in-usable* [in-, user], adj. : that cannot be worn out. -usité* [in-, u ..], adj. : unused ; obsolete. inuti-leº [L.-lis (cf. u ..)], adj. : useless, (#Eng. =). -lement*, adv. : uselessly. -lité* [L. -litas], f. : inutility, useless- Il6>SS. invaincu*[in-, v ..], adj. : unvanquished, unconquered. - invali-dationº [-der], f : =. ll-deº take | -sèquementº, adv. : in- invisibilité [L. -dus (cf. v . )], adj.: invalid; (mil.) dis- abled ; m., f. : invalid ; pensioner; pension (to an invalid); small coin (4 sous): - ex- terme, out-pensioner ; l'hôtel des Invalides (or les Invalides), the Invalid's Home (old soldiers' home in Paris). -dementº, adv. : invalidly, without effect. -der º, tr. : invalidate, make void. -dité º,f. : invalidity. - inva-riabilité", f : invariability. |-ri- able* [in-, v ..], adj. : =. -riablE- ment*, adv. : invariably. invasion* [L. -sio (vadere, go)], f.: =. invee-tiveº [L. -tiva (vehere, carry)], jf. : = (reproach, railing). -tiver º, intr. : INVEIGH, rail. inven-dable" [in-, v ..], adj. : unsale- able. -du" [in-, v . .], adj. : unsold. inven-taire* [L. -tarium], m. : inven- tory ; (old) auction : bénéfice d'-, non-lia- bility to debts beyond assets. |-temº [L. in-venire, come upon], tr. : invent (find . out ; devise, imagine): - la poudre, set the East River on fire, be dull. -teur*, -triee [L. -tor], m., f. : inventor ; adj. : inventive. -tif*, =ive, adj. : inventive. -tion º [L. -tio], f. : ffinding (discovery); invention (contrivance ; fiction ; imagina- tion, ingenuity). -torier*, tr. : invoice, inventory. . inver-sableº [in-, verser], adj. : that cannot be upset. -seº [L. -sus], adj. : = (INVERTED); m. : reverse, contrary: en rai- son -, in inverse ratio ; en sens —, in the contrary direction ; faire juste l'-, do just the contrary. -sement", adv. : inversely. -sionº [L. -sio], f : =. - inver-tébréº [in-, v ..], adj. : inverte- brate. -tirº [L. -tere (vertere, turn)], tr.: invert : -ti, inverse. investiga-teur*, -triee [L. -tor (ves- tigare, track)l, m., f : investigator; adj. : investigating. -tion* [L. -tio], f : =. inves-tirº [L. -tire (vestire, clothe)], tr. : invest (clothe with office, install ; mil. inclose). -tissement", m. : (mil.) invest- ment. -titure º,f. : investment, investi- ture. - invété-rer* [L. -rare (vetus, old)], tr. : fix by age : s'-, grow inveterate. -ré, part. or adj. : inveterate. invin-eibilité º,f. : invincibility. |-ei- bleº [L. -cibilis (vincere, vanquish)], adj. : =. -eiblEment*, adv. : invin- cibly. - invio-labilité º, f.: inviolability, -ble- ness. |-lable* [L. -labilis (cf. violer)], adj. : =. -lablEment*, adv. : invio- lably. -1é [in-, v ..], adj. : inviolate. invi-sibilité º, f : invisibility, -bleness. |-sible* [L.-sibilis (cf. v ..)], adj. : =. -siblEment*, adv. : invisibly. invitation invi-tationº [L. -tatio], f : -ta- toire*[L.-tatorius], adj. : (liturg.)invita- tory ;.f. : invitatory psalm. -te",f. : invi- tation ; inviting card (at whist, denoting the colour desired). -té*, -tée, part. : in- vited ; m., f. : invited person, guest. |-tér* [L. -tare (?)], tr. : invite. - invo-cation* [L. -catio (cf. v . )], f. : involon-taire* [L. -tarius (cf. v ..)], adj. : involuntary. -tairement*, adj. : involuntarily. - invo-luereº [L. -lucrum], m. : (bot.) =. -Iutifº, =ive [L. -lutus], adj. : (bot.) in- volute. -lution*, f. : complication. •. invoquerº [L. -vocare (vocare, call)], tr. : invoke. - invraisem-blable" [in-, v ..], adj.: im- probable, unlikely. -blablEmemt, adv. : improbably. -blamee" [in-, v ..], f : im- probability, unlikeliness. 4-, · invulné-rabilité*, f : invulnerability. |-rable* [L. -rabilis (cf. v ..)], adj. : in- · vulnerable. io-deº [Gr. iôdes, violet-like], m. : iodine. -déº, adj. : iodised. ·-deux º, adj. m. : iodous. -diqueº, adj. : iodic. -dure", f : ioduret, iodide. -duré*, adj. : iodu- retted (containing an iodide). Io-nie, f : Ionia. -nien, =enne, adj. : · Ionian. -nique* [L. -nicusl, adj. : Ionic. - iota !º [Gr.], m. : = (Greek i ; JOT, tittle). ipécaeuanaº, fam. ipéca [Brazil], m. : ipecacuanha. ir- for in-, before r. iranien, =enne [Pers. Iran], adj. : Iran- 13.Il. iras-eibiIité º,f. : irascibility. -eible* [L. -cibilis], adj.: =, irritable. llfire" [L. ira], f : IRE, Wrath. iri-dium* [L. -s], m. : =. liri-s* [L.], m. : =. -sation* [-ser], f : iri- descence. -sé [-ser], adj. : irised, rain- bow-coloured, irisate ; iridescent. -ser, tr. : give rainbow colours to, make irides- cent. - Ir-lande, f. : Ireland. -landais, -lan- daise, adj. : Irish ; m., f : Irishman, Irishwoman ; m. : Irish language. iro-nie* [L. -nia], f. : irony. -niqueº [L. -nicus], adj. : ironic(al). - nique- ment*, adv. : ironically. Iroquois, =oise [Am.], m., f : Iroquois ; , lout. irr . .. [L. in-r . .], pronounced ir-r. irraehetable º ir-r [ir-, racheter], adj. : unredeemable. irra-diation * ir-r [L. -diatio], f. : =. |-dier* [L.-diare (cf. r . )], intr. : ir- · radiate. irraison-nable*ir-r [ir-, r..], adj. : un- 373 -nablEment, irrésolu reasonable (irrational). adv. : irrationally. irratio-nel*, =lle [L. -nalis (cf. r . .)], adj. : irrational. -nellement, adv. : irrationally. s irréalisable* ir-r [ir-, r. .], adj. : not realizable. irréconei-liableº ir-r [L. -liabilis (cf. conciliable)], adj. : irreconcilable. -lia- blEmentº, adv. : irreconcilably. -lié [ir-, r . .], adj. : unreconciled. irrécouvrableº ir-r [ir-, recouvrer], adj. : irrecoverable. irrécu-sable " ir-r [L.-sabilis (recusare, reject)], ' adj. : irrecusable. -sablE- ment, adv. : irrecusably. irréduc-tibilité " ir-r, f. : irreducible- † |-tible" [ir-, r ..], adj. : irreduc- ible. - irré-fléehiº ir-r [ir-, r..], adj. : thought- less,unguarded,inconsiderate. -flexion º [ir-, r . .], f. : want of reflection, thought- lessness. - irréformable" ir-r [ir-, r..], adj. : un- changeable, irrevocable. irréfra-gable* ir-r [L.-gabilis (fran- gere, BREAK)], adj. : irrefragable, irrefut- able. -gablEment, adv. : irrefragably. irréfu-table º ir-r [L. -tabilis], adj. : ir- refutable. |-té [ir-, r . .], adj. : unrefu- ted, not disproved. & irrégu larité* ir-r [l. L. -laritas], f : irregularity. -lier*, =ère [l. L. -laris (cf. r. .)], adj. : irregular; (math.) scaline; m. pl. : irregulars (irregular soldiers, vol- unteers). -lièrementº, adv.: irregularly. irréIi-gieusement* ir-r, adv.: irre- ligiously. ll-gieux*, =euse [L. -giosus (cf. r ..)], adj. : irreligious. -gionº [L. -gio], f : irreligion. @ irrémé-diable * ir-r [L. -diabilis (cf. r..)], adj.: irremediable. -diablEment*, adv. : irremediably. irrémis-sible* ir-r [L.-sibilis (cf. r. .)], adj. : irremissible, unpardonable. -siblE- mentº, adv. : irremissibly. irrépa-rable* ir-r [L.-rabilis (cf. r..)], adj:: irreparable. -rablEmentº, adv. : irreparably. . irrépréhen-sible* ir-r [L.-sibilis (cf. a ..)], adj.: irreprehensible, irreproachable. -siblEmentº, adv. : irreprehensibly. irrépressible* ir-r [ir-, r. .], adj. : irre- pressible. - irrépro-ehable* [ir- r . .], adj. : irre- proachable. -ehablEmentº, adv. : ir- reproachably. irrésis-tibilité ir-r, f : irresistibility. |-tible" [L. -tibilis (cf. r . .)], adj. : irre- sistible. -tiblEment", adv. : irresist- ibly. # éº irréso-luº ir-r [ir-, r..], adj. : irresolute. 374 -lumentº, adv. : irresolutely. tion* [ir-, r.], f : irresolution. irrespec-tueusementº ir-r, adv. : dis- respectfully. |-tueuxº, =euse [ir-, r..], adj. : disrespectful. . irrespirable" ir-r [ir-, r. .], adj. : =. irrespon-sabilitéº ir-r, f : irresponsi- bility. |-sableº [ir-, r ..], adj. : irre- sponsible. irretraetable º ir-r [L. -bilis (cf. re- tracter)], adj. : that cannot be retracted, | unchangeable. irrévé-remmentº ir-r, -ram-, adv. : ir- reverently. -renee* [L. -rential, f : irreverence. -reneieux*, =euse, adj. : irreverent, disrespectful. |-rent* [L. -rens (cf. r . .)], adj. : irreverent ; disre- spectful. irrévo-cabilitéº ir-r,f : irrevocability. |-cableº [L. -cabilis (cf. r . )], adj. : irrevocable. -cablEment*, adv. : irrev- ocably. irri-gable* ir-r, adj. : that can be irri- - gated. -gateur*, m. : irrigation-engine ; clyster. -gation * [L. -gatio], f : = ll-guerº [L. -gare (rigare, water)], ir. : , Water, irrigate. irr1-tabilité" ir-r [-table],f. : Irritability. -tableº [L. -tabilis], adj. : =. -tantº, adj. : irritating, vexing ; irritant ; m. : irritant. -tation* [L. -tatio], f : =. -té, part. : irritated, angry, wroth. |-terº · [L. -tare], tr. : irritate (exasperate, enrage, anger, provoke): s'-, be irritated, grow · angry. . irroration " ir-r [L. -tio (ros, dew)], f. : bedewing, (fEng. =). irruptionºir-r[L.-tio(rumpere, break)], irrespectueusement -lu- g• -; isabelleº [Spanish queen Isabella], adj. : isabel or dun-coloured ; dove-coloured (of | birds). 4 - Isaïe, m. : Isaiah. isardº [?], m. : chamois (in the Pyrenees). ischionº [Gr.], m. : = (seat-bone). ischu-rétique", adj.: ischuretic. |-rieº , [L. -ria (Gr. schein, hold, iûron, URINE)], | f : ischury (morbid retention of urine). isiaque [Isis], adj. : of Isis. Is-lam [Ar.], m. : Islam. m. : islamism. Islande, f. : Iceland. iso- [Gr. isos, equal] : -eèleº [L. -sceles (Gr. skélos, leg)], adj. : (math.) isosceles. -chrone"[Gr. chrônos, time], adj. : isoch- ronal,-chronous. -chronisme"[-chrone], m. : isochronism. iso-Iantº, adj. : (phys.) insulating. -la- tion", f : isolation ; insulation. -léº, adj. : isolated, lonely ; solitary ; insulated. -lement", m. : isolation, loneliness. , -lément"[-lé], adv.: separately. ll-lerº -lamisme, jable [It. -lare (L. insula, ISLE)], tr. : ISOLATE, separate ; INSULATE : s'-, isolate one's self; shun society. -loir", m. : insu- lator. - iso- [Gr. isos, equal]: -mèreº [Gr.-méres (méros, part)], adj. : isomeric. -morpheº [Gr. morphé, form], adj. : isomorphous. -seèle = cèle. -therme [Gr. thermôn, heat], adj. : isothermal. israélite [Israël], adj. : Israelite ; m., f : Israelite : un bon -, a plain, simple man. fis-santº, adj. : issuing; (her.) issuant. |-sir° [L. ex-ire, go out], intr. (now only in the irr. part. issu): issue. -suº, , part. : fissued ; born, descended, sprung. . -sue*, f : fmoving out; going out, leav- ing; issue (egress, outlet ; what passes out), refuse grain, offal of animals ; way out, result, conclusion. - isth-meº [L. -mus], m. : isthmus. -mique, adj. : Isthmian. : ita-Iianisme* [-lien], m. : Italianism. ||Ita-lie, f : Italy. -lien, =enne, adj. or m., f : Italian. -lique* [L. -licus], adj. or m. : (print.) italic. item* [L.], adv. : = (also); #m. : itérati-fº, =ive [L.-vus (iterum, again)], adj. : iterative, repeated. -vementº, adv. : repeatedly. ithosº [Gr. éthos, manner], m.: (rhet.) treatment of manners. - itinéraire* [L. -rarius (iter, walk)], adj. or m. : itinerary. iuleº [L. -los], m. : julus (plant). i-ve* or -vette [? if], f : iva (plant). -veteauº [?], m. : (dial.) little ivy. i-voire* [L. eboreum (ebur, ivory)], m. (fº): ivory. -voirier, m. : ivory-turner. i-vraie° [p. L. ebriaca (the juice intoxicat- ing)],.f. : tare (rye-grass, darnel). |i-vre° · [p. L. *ebrius (L. ëbrius)], adj. : drunk | (intoxicated, iNEBRIated, tipsy): - mort, dead drunk. #-vrer* [tr.], tr. : dial. intoxicate. -vresse*, f : drunkenness, intoxication. -vrogne*, m. : drunk- ard ; adj. : drunken (given to drink). -vrognerº [-vrogne], intr. : get drunk, guzzle, fuddle. -vrognerieº [-vrogne], f.: drinking habit, drunkenness, intoxica- tion, inebriation. -vrognesse* [-vrogne], f.: drunkard (woman). ixia" [L.], f. : = (plant). •- s iulus (myriapod); ' J j jE, or olderji [L.], m. : j (the letter). fjà° [L. jam], adv. : already. ja-ble º [?], m. : (coop.) cross-groove. -blerº, tr. : (coop.) cross. jabot ja-botº [?], m. : crop (of a bird), (fam.) stomach ; frill (of a shirt) ; enlargement in the gullet. -botage* [-boter], m. : gabble ; prattle. -boterº, intr. : gob- ble ; chatter, prattle. -boteur", =euse [-boter], m., f : gobbler (making a gob- bling sound), prattler ; African blackbird. jacas-seº, f. : talkative woman, chatter- box. ll-serº [? Jacques, cf. 'Jacquette,' name of magpiel, intr. : chatter (of the magpie) ; prate. -serie º, f : chattering. jacée* [L. -cea], f : knapweed. jacent* [L. -cens (-cere, lie)], adj. : (leg.) lying idle or unclaimed, in abeyance. ja-ehère* [?], f : fallow ground. -ehé- rer *, tr. : fallow. ja einte = hyacinthe. jacobée*[L. Jacobus, James], f. : ragwort. jaco-bin*, =ine [L. Jacobus, James], m., j. : Jacobin friar or nun (of the Dominican order, which had a convent at the Rue St. Jacques, Paris) ; Jacobin (member of the ultra-liberal party of the French Revolu- tion, which met in the Jacobin Convent), ultra-liberal, socialist ; adj. : Jacobinical. -binisme", m. : Jacobinism (radicalism). -bite", m. or adj. : Jacobite. fjaçoit q# [jà soit que], conj. : although. jaconas" [?], m. : jaconet (cotton cloth). jacquemart = jaquemart. rising of the peasants, jac-querie*, f. : 1357 ; peasant insurrection ; mob revolt. Jac-ques [L. Jacobus], m. : Jack, James; peasant: - bonhomme, peasant. -quetº, m. : lackey, servant ; sort of trick-track. -quette, f : = (woman's name); (pop. name given to the) magpie. -quot, m. : grey parrot ; ninny. jactanee* [L. -cia (jactare, throw)], f : boasting, (fEng. jactancy), swagger. jaculatoireº [L. -torius (jaculari, throw)], adj. : jaculatory (darting out ; ejaculatory). •. jadeº [?], m. : (min.) =, axstone. - jadis° #-di [jam diu], adj. : in times past, formerly, of old. . jaguarº[l. L.-ra (Brazil)], m.: =, leopard. fjaiet = jais. jail-lirº [?], intr. : dart up (of water), spout, spring, gush out. -lissantº, adj.: spurting or gushing up, spouting. -lisse- mentº, m. : welling or gushing up ; spring. jais° [L. gagātes (Gr. Lydia)], m. : JET. jalageº [-lel, m. : (feudal.) duty on wine. jala-pº [Sp. -pa (city Jalapa in Mexico)], m.: = (medic. plant). -pine º, f. : jal- apln. - jaleº [? ak. to gallon], f : large bowl. #jalet* [other form of galet], m. : pebble. ja-lonº [?], m. : marking-stake ; land- Gágas, town in 375 mark, guide. -lonnementº [-lonner], m.: marking by stakes, or offset staves, staking out. -lonner", intr. : fix mark- ing stakes or offset staves ; tr. : stake out, set landmarks for ; (mil.) mark by javelin-men ; align. -lonneurº [-lon- mer], m. : stake-setter, (mil.) javelin-man. ja-lousement*, adv. : jealously. -lou- serº, tr. : be jealous of. -lousie*, f. : jealousy (feager or anxious zeal; fappre- hensive love ; envy, umbrage ; rivalship ; solicitude, fear) ; lattice, blind ; amaranth. -louac°, -louse [p. L. *zelösus (L. zëlus, ZEAL)], adj. : jealous (ZEALOUS, solicitous, anxious ; suspicious ; envious) ; causing solicitude (exposed, inclined to fall) ; m., ſ : jealous person. jamaisº [jà, mais, more], adv. : fat any time ; ever ; never (elliptically, without a Verb or in certain phrases, for ne jamais, not ever); m. : (fam.) time without end : à -, for ever ; à tout —, for all time to come ; ne . . -, never ; me . . - plus, never any more ; l'avez-vous vu ? Jamais, have you seen him ? never; au grand —, for all eternity. jam-bage*, m. : JAMB (of a door, chim- ney, etc.) ; foundation wall (of a building); downstroke of written M, N, U, etc.); stocking, pawskin ; ( feud.) droit de -, lord's right (of the first night in a new-mar- ried vassal's bed). |jaſm-be°[p. L. gamba, hoof], f. : leg, limb ; thigh (of horses) ; foot (of compasses); (nav.) stem-timber; rafter, JAMB : la - tout d'une venue, leg without any calf; courir à toutes -s, run at full speed ; être haut en -, be long-legged ; redoubler de -s, double one's pace; jouer de -s, take to one's heels, run. -bé", adj. : legged. -bette*, f : small leg ; Small post, brace or jamb ; (dial.) pocket- knife. -bier*, =ère, adj. : of the leg ; m. : tibialis ; m., f. : leg-protector or sup- porter; f : legging, greave. -bon*, m. : ham, GAMMON of bacon. -bonneau" [-bon], m. : knuckle of ham ; sea-wing (mollusk). jambosierº [fr. Malay.], m. : rose-apple. janº [? Jean], m.: point (made in trick- track). - janissaire* [Turk. troops], m. : janizary. jansé-nismeº [Jansénius], m.: Jansen- ism. -nisteº, m., f or adj. : Jansenist. jan-te* [?], f. : felly (of a wheel). -tier, =ère, m., f. : (mach.) felly fitter. -tille º, f : paddle (of a water-wheel). -tillerº [-tille], tr. : provide with paddles. janvier° [L. Jānuärius (Jānus, god of the year)], m. : January. I. Ja-pom, m. : Japan. 2 ja-pon", m. : Japan Ware. -ponais, =aise, adj., or , Japon . iéni tcheri, new 376 m., f. : Japanese. tr. : japan (lacquer). jap-pement*, m. : yelping. ll-per* [echoic], intr. : yelp. -peurº, m. : yelper. I,jaque* [?], m. : (old) JACK (short coat : cf. jaquette). 2.jaque" [fr. Malay.], m. : jack-fruit. jaquemartº [Jaques], m. : jack (of the clock ; wooden man serving for a target); beam-spring. jaquet = jacquet. I.jaquette* [I.jaquel, f : jacket, short coat. » 2.jaquette for jacquette, magpie. jaquierº [2.jaque], m. : jack (E.Ind. tree). jarde º [It. giarda (fr. Ar)l, f : jards (bone-spavin). jar-dinº [OFr. jard (fr. Germ'c, ak. to Eng. gard-en], m. : GARDEN : - d'agré- · ment, pleasure-garden; - potager, kitchen- garden ; — fruitier, fruit-garden ; - des plantes, botanical garden ; - suspendu, hanging gardens. -dinage*, m. : gar- dening; garden-stuff; forest culture ; spot in a diamond. -dinéº, adj. : spotted (of diamonds). -dinerº, intr. : garden ; tr. : thin (a forest). -dinet*, | m. : Small gordcn. -diueux ", -euse, adj. : spotty (of precious stones). -di- nier*, -dinière, m., f : gardener ; · m. : yellow-hammer ; f : gardener's wife ; garden grub ; vegetable dish ; jardinière (flower-stand or bowl); vegetable wagon ; low ruffle ; adj. : garden-, of the garden : —fleuriste, florist ; un chien de -, a cross-grained fellow ; côtelettes en (à la) | —e, cutlets with vegetables ; exploitation —e, forest thinning. #jardon [It. giarda], m. : I. jargon " [It. giargone (?)], m. : (yellow stone ; Small stone). 2.jar-gonº [?], m. : = (gibberish; cant). -gonner*, intr. : talk jargon ; quack ; tr. : jargon. jarniº, -bleu, -dieu, -gué, -guien- ne [for je renie Dieu], interj. : by the Nick ! zounds ! • - · jarousse* or -osse [?], f : vetch. jarre [Ar. djarra], f. : JAR (crock). jarrebosse" [?], f : anchor line. jar-ret* [Celt. garr, leg], m. : ham (region back of the knee-joint), hamstring ; hock ; bare branch ; projection (forming a joint) ; knee-joint, tee (of a pipe) ; bit bars (of a bridle) : - de veau, knuckle of veal ; avoir du -, be a good walker or dancer. -reté º, adj. : close-hammed ; (arch.) protuberant. form a projection or point. 2.-reterº [-retière], tr. : garter. f-retier º,=ère, adj. : close-hammed. -retière º, f GARTER : l'ordre de la -, the Order of the jappement -ponner" [2.-pon], - (see jarde). I.-reter !º, intr. : Jean Garter ; ne pas aller à la - de quelqu'un, be nothing compared to any one. jars* [?], m. : gander : entendre le -, be a fool. - » jasº [Prov. (jazer, lie)], m. : anchor-stock. ja-ser* [?], intr. : babble, prate, chat- (ter); #ºssip. -serie º, f. : babbling, etc. -seurº, =euse, m., f : prater, talker ; chatterbox ; chatterer (bird). jas-minº [Arab.], m. : jasmine. -mi- nées", f pl. : jasmina (plants of the genus jasminum). - jas-pe* [L. -pis], m. : jasper. -perº, tr. : jasperise (make to resemble jasper), , marble, stain, variegate. -pureº [-per], ·f. : jasper-like formation ; marbling. jat-te° [L. gabata], f. : bowl. -tée º, f : bowlful. jau-ge [?], f : GA(U)GE; ga(u)ging-rod ; tonnâge. -geage* [-gerl, m. : gºº)g# -ger*, tr. : ga(ü)ge, measure. -geur* [-ger], m. : ga(u)ger. @ jaumièreº [?], f. : rudder-hole. jau-nâtreº, adj. : yellowish. jau-ne° [L. galbinus], adj. or adv. : YEL- , LOW ; m. : yellow : — d'œuf, yolk of an egg ; rire -, smile unnaturally; faire des cUhtes -s, tell Incredible tales. -neau*, m. : buttercup. -neletº, m. : yellow mushroom. -net*, =ette, adj. : yellowish ; m. : (pop.) gold coin ; goldcup (plant). -nir, intr. : turn yellow ; tr. : make or dye yellow. -nissantº [-nir], adj. : turning yellow, ripening. -nisse*, f : fyellow complexion ; jaundice ; (vet.) yellows. javartº [?], m. : (vet.) quitter, hoof-sore. ja-veau* [old -vel (?), heap], m. : sand- bank. -velage" [-veler], m. : bundling ; gathering (grain) in bundles (before sheav- ing). -veler* [-velle], tr. : gather in parcels or bundles, spread out (handfuls of mowed grain) for ripening ; intr. : turn | yellow (of grain). -veleurº, =euse, m., ſ : grain gatherer (who spreads it in heaps for ripening, before binding) ; bind- er (of a mowing machine). I.-velineº [-velle], f : small heap of grain (spread out for ripening). 2.javeline º [?], f : javelin. javelle* [old -vel = veau], f. : (old) heap; parcel, bundle ; handful of mowed grain gathered and spread out for ripening (be- fore binding), unbound sheaf. javelotº [? Celt.], m. : JAVELIN. fjayet = jais. jE° [L. ego], pron. : I. jé = jet. - Jean, m. : John. Jeanne,.f. : Jane, Joan: - d'Arc, Joan of Arc. Jeannette, f : Jenny; jeannette*, f : light chain or ribbon with a cross ; spinning-jenny. ; jectisse fjectisse = jetisse. jéjunumº [L.], m. : jejunum (Small in- testine). jérémiadeº, f : jeremiad, lament. |Jérémie, m. : Jeremiah (the wailing prophet). jersey* [Eng.], m. : jersey corset. jésui-teº [Jésus], m. : jesuit. #que 17, adj. : jesuitic(al). -tiquementº [-ti- que], adv. : jesuitically. -tisme º, m. : jesuitism. jet* [-ter], m. : throwing, throw ; darting, JET (of water), ray ; shoot, sprout ; cast- ing (metal) ; (agr.) tiller ; new swarm (of bees) : un — de pierre, a stone's throw ; - d'eau, =, fountain ; water-spout, d'un seul —, at one throw or stroke or cast ; faire le —, throw (goods) overboard ; — de marchandises, (com.) jetsam, jet(ti)son. jE-tage", m. : throwing ; throwing off ; discharge. -té, part. : thrown, cast ; m. : sort of dance. - téeº,f. : (old) throw(ing); graveling (of a road) ; (nou) JETTY, pier; casting, moulding ; new swarm (of bees); shifting (of gout). |-ter° [p. L. *jettăre (L. jactäre)], tr. : cast (throw, fling, hurl ; speed ; throw or hurl down ; shed ; mould); send or shoot forth, (fEng. cast) ; dis- embogue, empty : - un soupir, heave a sigh ; — les fondements, lay the founda- tions ; — racines, take root ; - une dra- perie, dispose a drapery; se - sur, rush or fall upon, attack ; fall on ; se - à tort et à travers, dash through thick and thin. -tisse*, adj. : thrown, dumped ; movable ; refuse. -tgn,*, m. : counter (piece of metal, ivory, etc., used in count- ing) ; medal or reward (given by certain societies) ; adjusting piece (to adjust types). jeu° [L. jocus (ak. to Eng. joke)], m. : play (fun ; diversion ; game ; .. dramatic composition or representation ; per- formance ; management ; room for motion, length of stroke ; ease); gambling ; stake ; pack (of cards), set (of chess), etc., denoting the thing played with : - de cartes, card-game ; pack of - cards ; - d'enfant, child's play ; — d'es- prit, Witticism ; - de hasard, game of chance ; - de mots, play upon words, pun ; couper -, stop playing ; be off with one's Winnings ; - de bourse, stock job- bing ; avoir beau -, have a good hand ; jouer bien son -, play one's cards well ; | se piquer au -, persist in playing ; mettre au -, stake ; jouer gros (petit) —, play high (low) ; être à deux de —, be upon even terms, be even ; avoir du —, (mec.) have too much play, not be steady ; — floraux, floral games. jeudi° [L. Jovis diem, ' Jove's day'], m. : mec. motion, | joli · 377 Thursday : — gras, Shrove Thursday ; — saint (or absolu, de l'absoute), Thursday before Easter ; la semaine des trois -s, IleVer. jeun° [L. jejunus (?)], adv. : à -, fasting, on an empty stomach. jeune° [L. juvenis], adj. : YOUNG ; m., f. : young ; young man or woman : - premier (-ère), actor (actress) acting as lover; - de langue, young student of Oriental languages ; - personne, young girl (or lady). jeûne* [-ner], m. : fast(ing). jeunement*[jeune], adv. : (fam.) youth- fully ; (hunt.) recently, just : cerf à dix cors -, stag just turned ten years. jeunerº° [L. jëjünäre (cf. jeun)], intr. : fast. jeu-nesse* [-ne], º : youth (young age ; young people ; lad ; young girl). -netº, =ette [-me], adj. : very young. º jeuneurº, =euse [-merl, m., f. : faster. joail-lerie*, f : jeweller's trade; jew- elry. ll-lier*, =ière [joyau], m., f : jeweller. jo-bardº, =de [OFr. -de], m., f. : ninny. -barderieº, f. : silliness. jockey" [Eng. (Scotch Jock)], m. : jockoº [Congo], m. : pongo (orang- outang). jocrisseº [comic character], m. : ton ; silly servant. . joie° [p.L.gaudia (pl. of L.-dium)],.f. : joy: ſeu de -, bonfire ; me pas se sentir de —, be unable to contain one's self for joy. j-oignant*, part. : joining; adj. : adjoin- ing, contiguous ; fprep. : near, next to. |-oindre° [L. jungere], irr. $; tr. : JOIN (unite ; adjoin ; annex); add; overtake ; (arch.) fay, fit ; intr. : join : se —, join, unite , meet; be adjacent ; be added. -oint*, part. : joined, etc.; ci-joint, en- closed; m. : joint; junction; seam; fissure. -ointe*, f : pastern; joint-board. -oin- téº, adj. : jointed (of a horse). -ointéeº, j.: double handful. -ointif*, =ive, adj. : (arch.) joined, closed. -ointoiementº [-ointoyer], m. : grouting, pointing (of Walls). -ointoyer* [joint], tr. : grout, point (walls). -ointure° [L. junctura], j. : joining, (fEng. jointure), joint, articu- lation. $ Ind. : Pr. join-s, -s, -t; joign-ons, -ez,. -evet. Ipf. joignais. Pret. joigmzs. ut. (Cond.) joindrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. 7ozgme. lpf. joignisse. — I've joins. — Part. : Pr. joignaut ; P. joint. jo-li* [ak. to Eng. jolly], adj. : pretty, nice looking; m. : pretty thing. -Iietº, =tte, adj. : rather pretty. -liment*, adv. : prettily ; (fam.) much, many. -live- té*, f : fprettiness ; pretty trait or say- ing, engaging ways, pretty thing. simple- 378 jombarde jombarde" [?], f : sort of flute. jon-c° [L. juncus], m. : rush, Malacca cane ; fring, keeper : - marin, sea-rush ; — odorant, camel's-hay. -(ca)eées", f : species of Juncus. - eerº, tr. : cane, bottom (chairs, etc.). -ehaieº, f : plan- tation of rushes, rush-bed. -ehée*, f : strewing of leaves, flowers, etc. (at festi- vals), scattering; (old) cheese-basket (of rushes); (nou) cream-cheese. -eherº, tr. : strew with rushes, leaves, flowers, or branches; strew, scatter. f-ehère*, f : cluster of rushes. -ehet* [-cher], m. : spilikin. -eiforme, adj. : rush-shaped. jonetionº [L. junctio], f. : junction. . jon-glerº, intr. : juggle; toss balls. -glE- rieº, f. : jugglery; juggling. -gIeurº [L. joculător (jocus, JOKE)], m. : (old) wandering minstrels ; (nou) JUGGLER. jonqueº [Chin.],f. : junk (Chinese vessel). jonquilleº [Sp. junquillo (junco, rush)], f : jonquil(le) (plant) ; m. : white and yellow. jouable " [jouer], adj. : that may be played or acted. jouail" [joug], m. : anchor-stock. jouailler" [jouer], intr. : play a game for amusement; play a little (on an instru- ment). joubarbe° [L. jovis-barba, Jove's-beard'], f. : sea-green (plant). jou-e° [L. gabata, bowl], f : cheek (side of the face, or of the head of animals ; * cheek’ of a machine), gill; bow (of a ves- sel); side : en —! take aim ! (for guns to the cheek !); le coucher (or mettre) en -, take aim at him (for lay the gun to the cheek, aiming at him). I.-éeº, f : reveal (thickness of the wall at the opening for a door, window, etc.); cloth covering (of a chair, etc.). 2.jouée º, part. of jouer; f : swing (of a door, etc.). º joueIIe* [joug], f : vine-support. jou-er° [L. jocāre, JOKE], intr. : play (sport ; play a game ; play music ; act ; joke ; move, operate); speculate , tr. : play; risk or stake (in playing); joke, guy, make game of; dupe ; refl. : play, sport, trifle ; make sport or a fool of (de), baffle ; do with ease : à qui à —? whose turn is it to play? - de son reste, stake one's all ; — du violon, play (upon) the violin ; — au plus fin, vie in cunning ; — des talons, take to the heels ; - les eaux, make the fountains play ; faire - une mine, ex- plode a mine ; me - que l'honneur, play for love ; - quelque chose, play for (stake) something ; - la comédie, act a sham part ; se - à quelqu'un, meddle with any one who is more than one's match. -ereau* [-eur], m. : poor player. -etº, joute m.: plaything, toy, sport. -ette", f.: rabbit's hole. -eur*, -euse, m., f.: player; gamester; gambler; speculator ; adj. : loving play ; gambling : - à la hausse, (of stocks) bull; beau -, agree- able person at play. jouffluº [joue], adj. : chub-cheeked; chub- by; m. : chub-cheeked person joug° or joug [L. jugum], m. : YOKE; cross- beam (of a galley); (nav.) hoisting-stick ; beam (of a balance). " jouière* [joue], f : lock or sluice-gate. jou-ir° [p. L. *gaudire (L. -dère)], intr. : have or derive enjoyment, (- de) ºj# have possession; (de) possess. -issaneeº, jf : enjoyment ; possession, use (of prop- erty); interest payable. -issantº, adj. : (leg.) enjoying, in possession ; m., f : pos- sessor. -isseur, =euse, m., f. : enjoyer; possessor. - joujou" [child's word for jouet], m.: (child's) toy, plaything ; play. jour° [L. diurnus, daily, pop. L., 'day'], m. : day (daytime ; space of 24 hours ; day- light, light); opening, gap ; way, facility: - gras, flesh day; les -s gras, shrove- tide ; - maigre, fish day; - naissant, spring ; à -, open, open-worked ; à court —, short-dated (of bills); à long -, long- dated (of bills); faire -, dawn, be day- light ; grand -, broad daylight ; plein -, open daylight ; mettre au -, bring to light, give birth to ; se faire -, make one's way; huit -s, a week ; quinze -s, a fortnight ; être de -, be upon duty ; vivre au — le — (or la journée), live from hand to mouth ; se mettre à tous les -s, make one's self cheap. Jourdain, m. : Jordan. jour-na1° [L. diurnalis], fadj. : daily; m. : journal (diary, newspaper): — nautique, log-book ; - de terre, land that may be tilled in a day (measure varying in dif- ferent districts). -naIierº, =ière, adj. : DIURNAL, daily ; liable to change from day to day, variable, inconstant. -nalisme", m.: journalism. -naliste", m. : jour- nalist. - jour-née°[p. L.*diurnāta (-nus, cf. jour)], f : day (daytime with reference to the weather, or to something performed); day's wages : travailler à la —, work by the day; homme de -, day-laborer; femme de —, charwoman ; dans la —, in the course of the day ; à grandes (petites) -s, by long or forced (short or slow) journeys, stages. -nellement* [archaic journel, daily], adj. : daily. jou-te*, f : joust, tilt; fight, contest. |-ter° [p. L. *juxtare (L. juxta, near), join], intr. : joust, tilt; contend. -teur*, m. : combatant, adversary. jouvence #jou-venee º [L. juventa], f : youth. |- ven eeau° [p. L. juvencellus (L. -ven- culus, dim. of -venis, young)], m. : young fellow, lad, stripling. -ven eelle, f. : · young girl, lass. #jouxte° [L. juxta], prep. : near; accord- ing to. jovia-lº [It. gioviale (L. jovialis)], adj. : -lementº, adv. : jovially. -lité º, ſ. : joviality, mirth. joyau*, pl. - x [OFr. joel, fr. jouer], m. : JEWEL. jo-yeusement*, adv. : joyfully, cheer- fully. -yeusetéº, f. : (fam.) fun, jest, ·gaiety. -yeux º, =euse [joie], adj. : joy- ful, joyous, merry, cheerful. jubéº [L. jube, command ! (first word of a hymn)], m. : = (gallery near the choir in a church, where parts of the service were performed ; rood-loft) ; command (in venir à -, come to reason, succumb, yield). jubi-laire* [I.-lé], " adj. : jubilary, of jubilee : docteur —, " jubilary doctor’ (i.e. of 50 years since graduation). jubi-lantº [-ler], adj : =. [L. -latio], f. : =. I jubi-léº [L.-lœus (Hebr.jobel,*trumpet- blast,' introducing the feast)], m. : jubilee (Hebrew celebration of every 50th year ; Rom. Catholic church-solemnity ; season or state of general joy). 2.-léº, adj. : of fifty years' standing. jubilerº [L. -lare], intr. : (fam.) jubilate, exult ; make merry. ju-eher* [?], intr. : roost, perch; tr. : place high up; refl. : roost. -ehoirº, 770. " #lace 1 - ju-daïque* [L. -daicus], adj. : Judaical, Jewish. -daïquementº, adv. : Judai- cally. -daïsen°, intr. : judaize. Judas, m. : Judas; judas, traitor; peep- hole : poil de -, carroty hair. Judée, f : Judaea. .. , judeIleº [?], f : coot (bird). #judi-eature* [L. -care, to JUDGE], f : =, magistracy. -eiaire* [L. -ciariusl, adj. : judiciary, judicial, legal. - eiaire- - ment* [-ciaire], adv. : judicially, legally. : -eieusementº [-cieux], adv. : judicious- ly, discreetly. -eieux º, =euse [L.-cium, JUDGEment], adj. : judicious, discreet. · ju-ge° [L. jüdex], m. : JUDGE : - de paix, justice of the peace; — de camp, stickler; - d'eſcamination, examining magistrate. -geable, adj. : amenable (to a tribunal). -gementº, m. : judgment (sentence ; opinion) ; trial : rendre un —, deliver judgment; rendre un - çontre, sentence ; subir un -, be under sentence ; mettre en -, put to, or bring up for trial, indict; passer en -, be brought up for trial. •- e -lation* 379 |-ger° [L. jüdicāre (jüs, right)], tr. : judge (pass judgment upon, decide ; sen- tence ; consider, think ; bring to trial, try); also intr. : - à propos, think proper; - sur, judge of; se -, think or deem one's self; (leg.) be tried or heard. -geurº, m. : judge (connoisseur, critic). " juglan-dées* [L. juglans, walnut], f. pl. : juglans (genus of nut-trees). -dineº [L. juglans], f. : juglandin (extract of walnut). - jugu-laire* [L. jugulum (root jug-, JOIN), neck], adj. : jugular; f : jugular vein; chin-strap (of a soldier's hat). juif, juive [L. judœus], m., f : Jew, Jewess ; adj. : Jewish. juillet* or jui-yé [old form jugnet (juin, June), adapted to L. julius, July], m. : July. juin° [L. Jünius], m. : JUNE. jui-ve, see juif -verie*, f : fjewry (Jews ward) ; jews or usurers' market ; usury shop. - juju-beº [L. zizyphum], m. : = (sort of fruit) : du -, jujube juice. -bierº, m. : jujube-tree. julep* [fr. Ar.], m. : = (drink). Ju-les, m. : Julius. -lien, m. : Julian. -Iienne, f : Juliana. julienne", f. : ·rocket (plant) ; vegetable soup. jumart [?], m. : =. ju-meau*, -meIIe [L. gemellus (ge- minus, twin)], adj. : twin, twin-born ; double ; m., f. : twin ; m. : twin muscle ; f (-melle) corresponding part (in a ma- chinery), doublet; cheek (corresponding side in machinery, etc.), side-beam ; fish (piece of timber to strengthen a mast, etc.) ; double glass ; GEMEL (parallel bar in a shield); gutter-wall. -melé" [-me- ler], adj. : matched ; gemel; f (-melée): piece adjusted to another, brace. -me- Ierº, tr. : match, fit together; support with a cheek, brace; (nav.) fish. -melle, f, see -meau. 4 jumen-t° [L. jümentum, beast of bur- den], f : mare. -terieº, f. : stud (for breeding stallions). -teux º, =euse, adj. : thick and high-coloured (of urine). jungle* un = 9 [Sanskr.jangala], f : =. Ju-nom, f : Juno. -nonien, =enne, adj. : Junonian. junte un = 9 [Sp. junta (L. juncta, JOINED)], f. : junta (assembly in Spain). ju-pe* [fr. Arab.], f : petticoat ; skirt (of a military coat). -pon º, m. : short (under) petticoat ; coat. -ponnerº [-pon], tr. : put a petticoat on. jurandeº [-rer],f. : wardenship (of trade- corporations) ; body of wardens. - jurassique* [Jura], adj. : (geol.) Juras- SlQ, - & jurassique 380 ju-ratoire* [L. -ratorius], adj. : by oath : caution -, oath to appear (at court) or to restore a thing entrusted. -ré* [L. -ratus], adj. : sworn ; having taken the oath of office ; m. : sworn person ; juror, juryman (pl. jury); member of a board (of appropriation, examination, etc.): chef des —s, foreman of the jury ; récuser un -, challenge a juryman. -rement*, m. : oath : prqférer un —, utter an oath. |-rer° [L. jüräre (jus, right)], tr. : swear (affirm by oath, vow; appeal to by an oath, swear by); intr.: swear (solemnly declare; blaspheme); (pour) speak well (for); swear (against), be discordant, not harmonise, clash, squeak (of mus. instruments): se -, swear to one another; il ne faut - de rien, we must swear tO nothing ; - un gros mot, utter an oath ; le vert -re avec le bleu, green swears against (does not har- monise with) blue. -reurº, m. : swearer (person taking oath ; blasphemer). -ri- diction * [L. -ris-dictio], f. : jurisdic- tion. - ridietionnelº, =lle, adj. : juris- dictional. -ridique* [L.-ri-dicus], adj. : juridical. -ridiquement* [-ridique], adv. : juridically. -risconsulte* [L. -ris-consultus], m. : jurisconsult, lawyer. -risprudeneeº [L. -ris-prudentia], f. : -risteº [L. -rista], m. : jurist. -ronº, m. : oath. -ryº [Eng.], m. : = ; | board of examination : banc du -, jury- box; chef du —, foreman of the jury; former un tableau (or une liste) du -, im- pannel a jury ; - de jugement, petty jury. jus°[L.jils], m. : JUICE (offruit, meat, etc.). jusantº [old jus (L. -Sum), down], m. : ebb, ebb-tide. 1 jusqu' for jusque before vowel. jusque° or poet. -ques [p. L. *de-usque (L. usque)], prep. : as far as, even (with à , juratoire é•-º g in adverb of place) unto, (even) to, up to, down to : jusqu'ici, as far as here, (even) to this place ; until now ; jusque là, as far as there, (even) to that place ; until then ; jusqu'à quand ? until when ? how long? jusqu'où, how far; jusqu'à ce que, till, until. «. jusquiame* [L. -mus], f : HYOSCIAMUS, henbane. · · · jussionº [L -io (jubere, order)], f : command, injunction. - jus-taucorps* [juste au corps], m. : long · close coat. ll-te*[L.-tus (jus,right)], adj.; just (right, equitable, fair); right, appro- priate, proper, fit ; fitting, tight ; m. : what is just ; just or upright man ; close jacket (worn by country women); adv. : justly, exactly, precisely; (mus.) true : un homme —, a righteous man ; des souliers trop -s, too tight shoes ; chanter -, sing true (in tune); raisonner -, reason closely; au Keepsake -, precisely, exactly. -tementº, adv. : justly, honestly; exactly. -tesseº, f : justness, exactness, accuracy ; appropri- ateness. -tieeº [L. -titia],f. : =; right- eousness ; fairness ; administration of justice, law ; officers of justice ; jurisdic- tion ; court of justice ; fexecution : rendre la -, administer justice ; appeler (or tra- duire) en —, sue, prosecute; lit de —, king's throne in the parliament of Paris ; sitting of the parliament of Paris in the king's presence ; en bonne —, in fairness. -tieiable* [-ticier], adj. : amenable : m., f : person amenable to a tribunal. I.-ti- eier* [L. -titia], tr. : punish corporally. 2.-tieierº, =ère [-tice], m.,f. : lover of justice ; justiciary. . -tifiable* [-tifier], adj. : =. -tifiantº [ fier], adj. : justify- ing. -tificateurº [L. -tificare], m. : ad- juster (of types). -tifieatifº, =ive [L. -tificare], adj. : justificatory, justifying. -tificationº [L. ,ficatio], f : =; adjust- ment. -tifierº [L.-tificare], tr. : justify (vindicate, clear, prove ; adjust, print. even types); intr. (with de) prove. jute* [Eng.], m. : =, fiber plant. iu-terº [jus], infr, : be juicy. =euse [jus], adj. : juicy. juvéni-Ie* [L.-lis], adj. : juvenile, youth- ful. -lementº, adj.: youthfully, boyishly. -lité, f. : youthfulness. $ juxta- [L. near] : -linéaire º, adj. : juxtalinear. -poserº, tr. : place to- gether (juxtapose). -position º,.f. : =. tcux !º, 1K lx ke, or older ka [L.], m. : k (the letter). kahouane = caouane. kakatoès, -toi = cacatois. lkaléidoscopeº [Gr. kalôs, beautiful, eí- dos, view, skopeîn, see], m. : kaleidoscope. lkaIi" [fr. Arab.], m. : = (glasswort); kalium. 4 lkalmie" [l. L. -mia], f. : shrub). lkamiehiº [Brâzil], m. : = (bird). Ikandjar or -giarº [Arab.], m. : Oriental dagger. , kangourouº or -guroo [Austral.], m. : kangaroo. lkan-tisme* [the philosopher Kant], m. : Kantism. -tiste º, m. : Kantist. lxaolin " [Chin.], m. : = (clay). karabé = Carabé. karat = carat. Ixarataº [West Ind.], m. : karatas (plant). kari = cari. lkatalxona = cacatois. lkeepsakeº kip-sèk [Eng.], m,: kalmia (laurel lképi lképi* [l. Ger. kaeppi (dim. of kappe, hat)]. m. : undress military CAP (worn by sol- diers or college boys). kermès* [f. Arab.], m. : kermes (insect ; kermes-scale); kermes-mineral. Kermesse * [Flem. kerk-misse, * CHURCH- MASS'], f. : = (or kirmess, festival and » fair). - x - lxetmie* [l. L. -mia (Ar.)], f. : = (plant). ikhédive [Pers.], m.: khedive (viceroy of Egypt). lrif-kifº [for équivalent], adj. : (slang) all the same. kilo* [Gr. chilioi, 1000], m. : kilo(gram). -gramme", m. : kilogram. -1itre", m. : kiloliter. -métrageº[-métrer], m. : meas- uring by kilometers. -mètre", m. : kilo- meter. -métrerº [-mètre], tr. : mark (a road) with kilometer-posts. -métriqueº [-mètre], adj. : of a kilometer. *- iKinétoscope* [Gr. kinetôs, movable, skopeîn, see], m. : kinetoscope. lkinine = quinine. Ixinkajouº [Amer.], m. : = (mammal). kiosque º [fr. Turk.], m. : kiosk (open pavilion ; small news-stand). - kirseh(-wasser)"-vas'r [Ger.,'CHERRY- WATER'; pronounced as in Ger.], m. : =. knout" [Russ. knut], m. : =, scourge. Horan = coran. Ixouan* [?], m. : cochineal. kyrielle* [l. L. kyrie (Gr. Kûrie, voc. of Kûrios, Lord)], f. : (old) litany ; long and tedious enumeration, long string (of things). Irys-teº [Gr. -tis, bag], m. : -tique", adj. : cystic. kystotome, -mie = cystome, -mie. cyst(is). L 1 le or older èl, f : l (the letter). I.la, def. art., see le. . 2.la [L. la-bii, LIP's, in the hymn fr. which the names of notes], m. : = (note in mu- sic : prendre le —, tune up one's instru- ment. là " [L. illac, thither], adv. : there; then ; so so ; interj. : well now ! there now ! labarumº [L.], m. : = (military stan- dard). Iabda eisme" [L. -mus. (Gr. la(m)bda, the letter l)], m. : bad enunciation of l. label-leº [L. -lum, little LIP], m. : label- lum (lower lip of orchids, etc.) ; (turned back) fold of shells. -1éº, adj. : lipped, hav'g a lip-like fold. >. Iabeur* [L. -bor], m. : labour; book-work: bêtes de —, draft animals ; terre en —, tilled land. lâchage 381 la-bial°, pl. =aux [L. -bium, LIP], adj. : = ; verbal, oral ; f pl. : labials (p, b, f, v, m). -bié" [L. -bium], adj. : labiate ; f. pl. : labiatae, mint family. . labileº [L. -lis (labi, slip)l, adj. : un- stable ; deciduous : (rare) mémoire -, bad memory. » la-boratoireº [L. -borare, work], m. : laboratory. -borieusementº, adv. : with difficulty; laboriously. -borieuacº, · =euse [L. -riosus], adj. : laborious ; in- dustrious. -bour, m. : tillage, ploughing; (poet.) plowed land. -bourable*, adj.: ploughable, arable. -bourageº, m. : till- age, husbandry ; #toiling, ftoil (of passing under a bridge ; of unloading barrels fr. a boat). |-bourerº [L. -borare, work], intr. : flabour (toil); unload full barrels (fr. a boat); tr. : plough; till; spade; fur- row ; cultivate ; toil through, read over again and again. -boureur*, m. : la- | bourer; deck-hand ; ploughman, tiller ; spade. Iabreº [L. -brum], m. : labrum (LIP; up- per lip of animals; outer lip of shells) ; labrus (fish). - labyrinthe* [L. -thus], m. : labyrinth, (intricate way ; irregular folds, winding passage of the ear, etc.). Iae * [L. -cus], m. : LAKE. : la-çageº, m. : lacing, tightening. ll-eer° [p. L. *laciäre, L. laqueäre (laqueus, noose)], tr. : lace (draw together with cord ; tighten); darn (seines), fecundate : - une voile, draw in a sail (on account of the wind) ; — la femelle, line the female ; -cé, crystal glass adorning a chandelier. Iaeé-ration* [L. -ratio], f : laceration, (tearing). |-rerº [L.-rare], tr. : lacer- ate (tear asunder, destroy): feuilles -rées, ragged leaves. - - la eeret* [losse], m. : wimble ; pin-drift ; bungbore ; pivot-drill ; ring-bolt SGreW. la eerie" [-cer], f : close weave (of wil- low or straw). Iaeerneº [L. -na], f : cloak. la-eeromº [? -cer], m.: sow-thistle. -eetº [-cs], m. : lace (corset or shoe- string); zigzag road (on mountains); Snare, noose, lasso ; bolt (to hinge) ; forked iron (holding a ring) : — de bonette, rope fastening two sails together; mouvement de —, side shift (at a turn in the road); — de mer, or de Neptune, filiform sea- Wrack. . • lâ-ehage*, m. : (fam.) desertion. Iâ- ehe*, adj. : LAX (loose ; remiss, weak) ; cowardly; m., f : coward. -ehement* [-che], adv. : loosely ; carelessly ; cow- ardly. |-eherº° [p. L. *lascăre (L. laxä- outside Roman Or \ | 382 lacier re)], tr. : reLAX (loosen ; slacken, un- bend) ; reLEASE (quit, let go) ; let fiy ; discharge (fire-arms), let out ; utter : - (une courroie d') un cran, let (a strap) out a notch ; - la bride, give rein ; - prise, let go one's hold ; - quelqu'un, abandon a person; - les chiens, turn the dogs loose; - un coup de fusil, fire off a gun; - pied, retreat, run #y ; — un mot, let a word slip. -eheté* [-che], f : listlessness ; cowardice, cowardly -eheur*, =euse, m. : deserter. Ia eier º, =ière [lacs], m., f : fish net. · la einiéº [L. -niatus, shredded], adj. : feuilles -es, jagged, laciniate leaves. la eisº [-cer], m.: network (of threads, nerves, etc.). laconi-que* [L. -cus (Gr. lakonikôs, of Laconia, Sparta)], adj. or m. : laconic (of few words, simple and plain ; briefness). -quementº, adv. : laconically. -smeº [Gr. lakonismós], m. : laconicism (brief and pointed remark). lacry-mal*, pl. =aux [L. -ma, TEAR], adj. : =. -matoireº [L. -mare, WEEP], adj. or m. : lachrymatory. mulc !º [L. -mula], f. : little tear. lacs° [p. L. *-cius (L. laqueus)], m. : string; noose ; Snare ; halter. lae- [L. lac, milk] : -taireº [L. -taris], adj. : lacteal : colonne -, milk pillar (where new-born babes were shown in Rome). -tateº, m. : salt of lactic acid. , -tation" [L. -tatio], f : = (secreting milk; giving suck). -té* [L. -teus], adj.: milk, milky. -teseentº [L. -tes- cens, becoming milky], adj. : having milky act, meanneSS. raftsman : m., f. : juice. -tifère" [L. ferre, BEAR], adj. : lactiferous. -tineº, f : milk sugar. -tiqueº, adj. : lactic. -tucarium* [L. -tuca, LETTUCE], m. : = (dried milky juice of plants). Iaeu-neº [L. -na (ak. to lacus, lake), pool], f : lacuna (gap ; break in a series ; empty place). -streº [L. -stris], adj. : lacustrine. ladanum* [L.], m. : la(u)danum (resin). la-dre*, -dresse [L. Lazarus, the beg- gar], m., f. : leper ; sordid fellow, miser ; whitish or hairless skin (of piebald horse); adj. : leprous ; measly, shabby; miserly. -ärErieº, f : leprosy; measles (of pork); miserliness ; #pest-house, LAZARETTO. Iago-pède* [Gr. lagôs, hare, L. pes, FOOT], m. : lagopode, ptarmigan (grouse). '-phtalmie* or - phthalmie [L. Gr. -phthalmon, hare-eye], f : lagophthalmia (disease where the lid doesn't cover the eyeball). -stomeº [Gr. stôma, mouth], m. : l#o#ºma, hare-lip. lagre" [Ger. lager, couch], f : = (bot- laisse tom sheet of smooth glass on which other sheets are laid). lagune" [It. -na (L. lacus, LAKe)], f. : lagoon. I lai* [O. Eng. laic (ak. to Goth. laik, dance)], m. : LAY, little poem. 2.flai [l. L. laicus, Gr. laikös (laôs, people)], adj. : lay (non-professional, not official); m., f : layman. flaic, laique, see laique. laîehe* [OHG. liscal, f. : cat's-tail, sedge. Iaïei-sation*, f : making lay or non- professional. |-serº [L. laicus, lay], tr. : — une école, replace the clergy officials by laymen. -té [L. laicus, lay], f. : lay character. - lai-dº, -de [OHG. laid, unpleasant (ak. to Eng. loathe)], adj. : ugly (ill-looking, un- sightly, plain ; unbecoming, mean) ; m. : ugliness ; ugly fellow ; f : ugly or plain woman ; naughty girl. -dementº, adv. : uglily, unbecomingly. -deron, m., f : ugly creature, fright. -deur*, f : ugliness, homeliness. f-dirº, tr. : make ugly ; intr. : become ugly. I.Iaie! [?], f. : wild sow. 2.laie* [?], f : wood-road, timber lane. 3.laie* [ak. to Ger. lade, box], f : chest (of an organ) ; trough, tub (for pressing grape pumice, etc.). 4.laieº [?], f : stonecutter's (dentated) hammer; dentated surface (made by pick- hammer). lai-nage*, m. : wool (fleece, wool goods); teaseling. | lai-ne° [L. lāna], f : wool (of animals ; fuzz, down ; worsted); sul- phate of lime : - de fer, flaky oxide of zinc ; #tireur de -, road-thief; se laisser manger la — sur le dos, let one's self be fleeced; laver la - sur pied, dip a sheep before shearing. -nerº,tr. : tease (cloth); flock (paper); m. : fuzzy woolly surface. -nerie*, f. : wool manufacture; woollens, woollen goods ; place of sheep-shearing ; teaseling shop. -nette*, f : moss (a vel- vet variety). -neurº, =euse [-mer], m., f : teaseler; f : gig, teasing machine. -neuac*, =euse, adj. : woolly, fleecy. I.-nier*, =ière, m., f. : wool-man (wool stapler ; wool-dealer; wool-sorter ; wool- 'comber). 2.-nier", =ière, adj. : of wool. - laïqueº [L. laicus], adj. : non-clerical, laic; m., f : layman, layWoman ; pl. : laity. lais* [-sser], m. : stand (tree left when others are cut down); old bed (of streams, or lakes). I.Iaisse* [?], f : LEASH (thong ; leading strap); place of leashing ; brace of dogs ; hat-cord : mener quelqu'un en -, lead one by the nose. laiss à 2.lais-seº, f. : ' laisse' (group of assonant lines of varied number in old French he- roic poems); alluvion, alluvium (left bare at low water); silt ; drift. -ses (orséesº), f. pl. : = (dung of deer, bears). |-ser° [L. laxäre, loosen], tr. : leave (quit, for- sake ; abandon ; cease ; give up ; give over ; leave behind ; bequeath); let (allow, per- mit); let go; reLEASE ; let slip (dogs): - faire, let alone ; - des plumes, escape with some damage ; cela laisse à désirer, that leaves something lacking yet ; laissez donc, nonsense ! cela ne laisse pas que d'être vrai, it is true nevertheless ; —- courre, start (where dogs are let loose to hunt). f-ses, see -se. -se-tout-faireº, pl. -, m. : Woman's apron. -ses-pas- serº, pl. -, m. : permit, pass. · lai-t° [p. L. lacte (L. lac)], m. : milk ; • white (of eggs); glair ; whitish chemical preparation ; milk-food : le — monte, the milk begins to be abundant ; frère de —, foster-brother ; monter comme une soupe au -, boil (with anger) like milk soup ; petit -, whey; - de chaux, whitewash ; - de poule, egg-nog (with or without liquor); - coupé, milk and wàter ; — de · roche, rock-milk, carbonate of lime ; — de couleuvre, a spurge variety ; — battu, fu- mitory; - d'âme, hare's-lettuce ; — doré, mushroom variety. -tageº, m. : milk - products. -tanee* or -te, f : sperm of male fish. -té* [-té], adj. : hav'g soft roe (as male fish). -terie º, f : dairy; milk- : depot. -terolº [-tier], m. : spout (of melting-pot). -teron º, m.: sow-thistle. I.-teux º, =euse, adj. : LACTEOUS, milky. 2.-teux º, =euse [-te], adj. : fertilised (by milt). I.-tierº, =ière, m., f. : milk- man or Woman ; f : woman who has milk, wetnurse, m. : milky mushroom. 2.-tierº, m. : glassy-slag ; lava. - lai-ton* [?], m. : brass. -tonnerº, tr. : · wire (with brass wire as ladies' hats). laitue° [L. lactüca (lac, milk)], f. : LET- · TUCE : - Sauvage, endive ; — pommée, cabbage lettuce ; — romaine, cos-lettuce; - de brebis, lamb's-lettuce ; — de lièvre, hare's-lettuce, sow-thistle. laize° [p. L. *lätia (L. lātus, brood)], f : width (of cloth). I.lamaº [Thibet], m. : = (priest). 2.lama" [Sp. llama (Peru)], m. : llama. ama-nage* [ak. to -neur], m. : piloting (on the coast). |-neurº [OFr. -n (Flem. lotman, LEAD-man)], m. : coast-pilot, harbour-pilot. amantinº [S. Am.], m. : MANATEE (ceta- cean). lamb-da-eisme = labdacisme. -doïdeº [Gr. lámbda, l (the letter), eîdos, form], adj. : lambdoid (like Gr. A). lampas 383 lam-beau* [?], m. : rag, shred, tatter (of flesh). | - bel [?], m. : (her.) =, LABEL lam-binº, =ine [?], m., f : loiterer ; m. : fcockchafer. -binerº, intr. : dawdle. lambourde* [?],f. : summer-beam; joist; scantling ; summer-stone ; bottom-stone ; scion. - lambrEquin* [dim. of Flem. lamper, veil], m. : = (helmet scarf; her. mantelet; ornamental hanging for top of doors, etc.); cloth lamboy, strip of cloth at bottom of cuirass. lam-bris° [p. L. *-brilscum (L. labrusca, wild vine)], m. : finish of a room (in wood, marble, etc.) ; wainscoting; paneling ; ceiling, canopy : les célestes -, the skies ; (fam.) - dorés, signs of wealth. -bris- sage* [-brisser], m. : wainscoting, panel- ing -brisserº, tr. : finish with wainscot, panels, etc. f-brissure*, f : finish work. -bruehe *, -brusque [L. labrus- ca], f. : wild vine. - la-me°[L.-mina, scale],f. : lamina (scale; sheet of metal, blade); flake, foil, spangle ; blade (sword); slat ; fold (of spring); sheet (of water), billow, surge ; flat jet (of water); flat wire ; ribbon ; ( fig.) swords- man. -mé", adj. : laminated. lamel-laire* [L. -la, little scale], adj. : lamellar. -1e" [L. -la], f : lâmella. -1é" [L. -la], adj. : lamellate. -leux ", =euse [L. -la], adj. : scaly, shaly. Iamen-table º [L. -tabilis], adj. : =. -tablement*, adv. : lamentably. -ta- tion * [L. -tatio], f : =. |-ter° [p. L. -täre (L. -täri)], fintr., reflex. : lament ; tr. : mOurn OVer. flamentin = lamantin. lamette* [-me], f. : little scale. lamieº [L. -mia], f : fabulous giantess Lamia ; dº#sh white shark. - I.#Iamier " [-me], m. : tinsel-maker, foil- maker. 2.Iamierº [L. -mium], m. : dead nettle. lami-nage ", m. : rolling, flattening. |-nerº [L. -na, scale], tr. : laminate (beat, roll, or press flat). -nerieº,f. : shin- glingworks, laminating shop. -neurº, m. : workman (in rolling-mill). -neuacº, =euse [L. -nosus], m. : cellular. -noirº, m. : laminating machine. I.lampa-daire" [L.-darius], m.: lampa- dary (official torch-bearer). 2.-daire " [l. L. -darium], m. : lamp-post. -diste" [Gr. -distés], m. : torch-racer. -dophore" [Gr. -dophoros], m. : torch-BEARER ; lam- padephore (runner in Greek torch-race) ; starter (who gave signal to run). lampant" [Prov.fr. lampa, glisten], adj. : clear. I.lampas* [ak. to -per]; m. : throat ; 384 · lampas LAMPERs (swelling of fleshy bars in horse's mouth) : humecter le —, drink. " 2.1ampas" [?], m. : stuff). •m-mrss ºssº-s-d I.lampe* [L. (Gr.) -pas], f : LAMP : -- carcel, carcel-lamp ; - de Davy or de sûreté, (miner's) safety-lamp. 2.flampe, see hampe, breast. lam-péeº, f : large draft (amount drunk at once). |-per [form of laper], tr. : gulp down. lamperonº [-pe], m. : socket, wick- holder. , - flam pier = frelampier. Iam-pion* [It. -pione, large lamp], m. : grease-cup (with wick). -pisteº [-pe], m., f : lamp-maker or seller; lamp-lighter. -pisterie* [-piste], f : lamp business ; lamp-room. Iamponº [-pons (-per), *let us drink,' the usual refrain], m. : lampoon. · lam-prilIonº, m. : little , lamprey. |-proie° [p. L. *-prëda (L. -petra)], f. : lamprey. f-proyon = -prillon. Iampsaneº [L. -na], f : wild mustard, charlock. Iampyreº [L. -pyris (Gr. lámpein, glis- teii)], m. : lampyris (firefiy; glow-worm). lan-cageº[-cer], m.: launching. |lan-ee° [L. -cea], f : (javelin ; spear; har- - poon ; knight, user of a lance ; flag- staff ; lancet, scalpel); trowel ; fire-poker; pike (of cheval-de-frise) ; tree (large enough to cut) : courir une -, charge with lance couched ; la sainte —, the holy lance (at eucharist) ; - à feu, lunt, fric- tion igniter ; — à eau, nozzle ; - de sonde, tallowed plum-bob (to show nature of bottom). -eement*[-cer], m. : launch- ing. -eéoleº [-ceola, little lance], f : fplantain (weed) ; lance-like leaf or petal, etc., little friction igniter. -eéolé" [L. -ceolatus], adj.: lanceolate. f-eepessade = anspessade. -eer° [p. L. *-ciäre], tr. : LAUNCH (hurl; dart ; start ; thrust) ; rush ; shoot ahead ; scare up, start ; pro- pel : se -, dart (rush, dash forth ; spring, fly) ; venture ; take liberties ; le lancé, starting wild game; the start. -eeromº, m. : young pike (fish). -eette*, f : lancet ; any sharp flat knife. -eet- tierº [-cette], m. : lancet-case. -eierº, m. : lancer (soldier armed with a lance ; dance, lanc(i)ers). -eièreº, f : discharge-flume (of water-wheel). -einant* [L. -cinare, tear upl, adj. : lancinating, acute, piercing (as pains). , -eis* [-cer], m. : patching (of stone wall); wedge-shaped stone (in door jambs ; in arches ; in façades) : - de l'écoinçon, projecting stone (in wall). -çoir* [-cer], m. : water-gate (to mill-wheel); log-slide <-3 •# (flowered silk la aguir • or chute. -çon* [-cer], m. : LANT, sand- ell ; young pike. landauº [Ger. town L.], m.: = (carriage). lande [fr. Celt., " open country"], f. : 11100l . Iand-grave* [Ger. land-graf, count], m. : = (title in Germany). -graviatº, m. : landgraviate. - - landier* [OFr. andier (?)], m. : kitchen ANDIR0N. landwehrº [Ger., * country-defence'], m. : = (reserve militia). laneret* [-nier], m. : lanneret, male of lanner (falcon). Iangageº, m. : language. Ianage° [L. lāneus, woollen], m. : swad- dling clothes ; swathing band ; parting- cloth ; (engrav.) blanket. Iangou-reusementº, adv. : languish- ingly. |-reux, =euse [langueur], adj. : languishing ; m., f : languishing lover. Iangouste° [L. locusta], f : #LOCUST ; palinurus, spiny-lobster. fIan-guardº, =arde, adj. : long- tongued ; m., f : talker, tattler. | la.av- gue [L. lingua], f : TONGUE (organ of speech , languagc ; tougue-sllapèd object, neck of land ; strip, tongue of plants, in- struments, etc.) : tirer la -, put out the tongue ; - bien pendue, gift of gab ; la - lui a fourché, his tongue tripped ; coup de -, slash of the tongue ; faire mer- veilles du plat de la -, do wonders to hear him tell it ; jeter sa — aux chiens, give up guessing ; - de bœuf, bugloss ; trowel ; - de carpe, carp's-tongue chisel; — de cerf, hart's-tongue ; - de chat, bidens (aster) ; seashell ; - de serpent, adder's-tongue ; - de vache, comfrey ; anvil (with fiat beak) ; — de voile, wedge (strip added to a sail). -gué*, adj. : (her.) langued (hav'g tongue of distinct tincture). -gueterº [-guette], tr. : cut tongue-shaped. -guette*, f : any- thing resembling a little tongue (LANGUET; tang ; flap over valve to bellows, or bal- loon ; index of scales ; slip in a reed ; tapering end of a tube ; key, valve to musical instruments ; appendage ; tail- piece). - - langueur° [L. -guor], f : languor (lan- guidness ; inertness) ; atonic debility. langue-yer* [langue], tr. : floosen the tongue of; inspect the tongue of (hog for measles) ; provide with a languette. -yeur*, m. : inspector (of hogs). Ianguideº [L. -dus], adj. : languid. Ianguier* [-guel, m. : smoked tongue and throat (of hogs). lan-guir° [p. L. *-guire (L. -guëre)], intr. : languish (be inert ; pine away ; droop; fall off, grow weaker). -guissam- y lanice mentº [-guissant], adv. : languishingly. -guissant*, adj. : languishing. la-nieeº [laine], adj. : woollen : bourre | -, flock, refuse wool. - nier°º [OFr., " soft" lit. " woollen"], m. : lanner (female falcon). lanière* [? L. lacinia, fiap], f : thong. lani-fère º [L. lana, wool, ferre, BEAR], or -gère* [L. -ger (gerere, bear)], adj. : wool-bearing; woolly; downy. laniste* [L. -ta], m. : trainer or seller of gladiators. flaſnspessade = anspessade. lansquEnet* [Ger. lands-knecht, " coun- try's servant'], m. : = (mercenary soldier; matching card game). lantana º, or -nier. [l. L., as if fr. L. lentus, pliant], m. : = (plant of vervain family). lanterº [?], tr. : hammer, model with a hammer. lanter-ne° [L. -nal, f : lantern (trans- lucent case ; tower; lantern-wheel ; up- right skylight) ; cone wheel ; glass case (over delicate balances) ; perforated cyl- inder (in machinery) ; cartridge shell ; cabinet (latticed, where one may listen unobserved) ; tomfoolery, nonsense : - sourde, dark-lantern ; — vive (or ma- gique), magic lantern; à la -, to the lamp- post (i.e. hang him) ! -neau*, m. : little tower (on dome ; sky-light). -nerº, intr. : talk nonsense ; trifle ; tr., trifie with ; hang (to lamp-post). -nErie* [-ner], f : trifling, fooling; idle stories, nonsense. I.-nier*, m. : lantern-man. 2.-nierº [-ner], m. : trifler. -nonº, m. : little lantern. Iantha-neº [Gr. -nein, lie hid], m. : lan- thanum (chemical element). flantipon-nageº, m.: trifling, nonsense. |f-nerº [?], m. : talk nonsense. lanture* [-ter], f. : hammered brass Ornament. lantur(e)Iuº [invented word], m. : re- frain (of disdainful song) ; beast (card game) ; jack of clubs (at beast) ; sifter attachment (for oat-meal). Ianu-gineux º, =euse [L. -ginosus (-go, fine wool, down)], adj. : downy. laper* [Germ'c orig.], tr. : LAP, drink with the tongue. lapereau* [ak. to -pin], m. : young rabbit. - - lapi- [L. lapis, stone] : -eideº [L. -cida (cœdere, cut)], m. : stone-engraver. I.-daire* [L. -s], m. : lapidary, gem cut- ter or his tool ; #treatise on precious stones. 2.-daire* [L. -darius], adj. : lapidary : style -, style of inscriptions. -dation* [L. -datio], f : = (stoning). -derº [L. -dare], tr.: lapidate, stone to leveret ; large 385 death. -dification " [l. L. -dificare, become stone], f. : =, petrifaction. -di- fierº [l. L. -dificare], tr. : petrify, lapidi- fy. -difiqueº [L. facere, make], adj. : lapidific, converting to stone. -lIeuacº, =euse [L. -llus, little stone], adj. : stony, hard. la-pinº, =ine [?], m., f : rabbit (buck, doe) : - de garenne, wild rabbit ; — de clapier (or de chou), tame rabbit ; — bélier, large kind of rabbit. -pinière º, ·f. : rabbit warren. | -- . lapis(-lazuli)* [l. L.], m. : lapis lazuli gem). I.Iaps* [L. -sus (labi, fall, glide)], m. : lapse. 2.laps* [L. -sus], adj. : fallen, backsliding (into heresy). laquais* [Sp. lacayo (?)], m. : (valet in livery). la-que* [l. L. lacca fr. Pers.], f : lac ; lake (pigment) ; m. : lacquer, varnish : gomme -, gum-lac. -querº, tr. : varnish. « flaqueton" [-quais], m. : little lackey. Iaqueux º, =euse [-quel, adj. : like lac. laraire* [L. lararium], m. : lararium (domestic altar, household shrine of the · LARES). - larbinº [slang], m. : lackey. - lareinº [L. latrocinium (latro, robber)], m. : LARCENY, theft : un doux -, a stolen kiss. - - lar-d° [L. -dum], m. : fat (of animals); esp. bacon, lard ; sap-wood (next bark): gros -, clean fat ; - maigre, or petit -, fat and lean ; (fam.) faire du -, fatten (fr. idleness); avoir mangé le —, be the guilty one ; pierre de -, Spanish (or tai- lors') chalk, soapstone. -derº, tr. : lard (sandwich with bacon, interlard ; pierce repeatedly); (fam.) goad, harass ; fill with nails (for holding plaster): - une carte, slip in an extra card ; pain lardé, poorly baked bread. -doire* [-der], f : larding needle ; iron-shoe (of a pile) ; Snag, sliver (left on stump). -donº [-der], m. : slice of bacon ; (fam.) cut, dig, sarcasm ; plug ; false card. -dure* [-der], f. : flaw (made by shuttle). - lareº [L. lar], m.: household god; home. lar-ge° [L.-gus, abundant], adj. : = (wide, broad;spacious, ample; liberal); lax(loose): aàv. : largely; wide ; m. : width, breadth ; extent ; open sea, offing : prendre le -, withdraw, go away ; (passez) au -, keep . off ! gagner le —, stand out to sea; au long et au —, in all ways; être au -, be at one's ease, well off; have a generous conscience. -gement*, adv. : liberally, abundantly. -gesse*, f : largess (generous act; large gift). -geur º,f. : width ; broadness; lib- erality. ' -gueº [Prov.], adj. : loose, flow lackey 386 ing, slack : vent —, large (side) wind ; (vent) grand —, quarter wind ; m., f. : high sea, open sea. -guerº [-gue], tr. : slack, loosen; intr. : break up (as a ship); sail with sidewind. larigot* [?], m. : = (flageolet, flute; or- gan stop): boire à tire -, drink hard. larixº [L.], m. : = (LARCH, tamarack). lar-me° [L. lacrima (Gr. dákruma)], f. : TEAR : — de Christ, gromwell (borage). -mierº, m.: tear-bag of deer; eye-vein, temple of horses ; corona, drip-stone); plinth, ledge under a spout or drain ; inner canthus or angle of the eye. -mière º, f : larmier of animals. -mille",f. : Job's- tears (plant). -moiement* or -moî- ment [-moyer], m. : weeping. -moyantº [-moyer], adj. : weeping; to be wept over. -moyerº,tr. : weep continually. -yeurº, =euse, m., f : weeper, cryer. lar-ron°, -ronnesse [L. latro], m., f. : thief (robber ; bad wick in candle); bite (in printing); folded leaf (uncut); sliver (on quill-pen); waste-pipe. -ronneauº, m. : little thief. Iar-ve* [L. -va, spectre], f : ghost ; larva (pupa, grub, maggot, etc.). -vé*, adj. : obscure, larvate : fièvre —, intermittont fever. laryn-gé º, adj. : laryngeal. -gien º, =eiine, adj. : laryngean. -gitè*, f : laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx. -goscope* [Gr. lârunx, skopeîn, look at], m. : =. -gotomie [L. -gotomial, f : laryngotomy (cutting open the larynx). lllaryn-xº [Gr. -xl, m. : = (special organ of voice). las°, lasse [L. -ssus], adj. : tired, weary; interj. : alas! m. : un — d'aller, a lazy- bones ; - de la guerre, tired of quarrel- ing; faire quelque chose de guerre -, do a thing for the sake of peace. lasei-f*, =ive [L. -vus], adj. : lascivious, larigot wanton. -vementº, adv. : wantonly ; lewdly. -veté* [L. -vitas], f. : lust, lewdness. - laser* [L.], m. : = (plant), asafœtida. las-santº, adj. : tiresome, wearisome. |-ser° [L. -säre], tr. : tire : se —, grow Weary. 4 - - flasseret = laceret. #lasserie = lacerie. . lassitude* [L. -do (lassus, weary)], f : , =, fatigue. lasso* [Sp. lazo (L. laqueus, halter)], m. : lasso (rope with a running noose to catch | cattle). - last(e)* [Dutch last (lit. * load')], m. : (two tons). • Iasting* ſÉng.], m. : = (Denmark satin). latanierº [?], m. : latania (palm). la-tent* [L. -tere, lie hid], adj. : = (pres- ©- -•º lavabo ent but not apparent): œil —, undeveloped bud. latéra-lº, pl. =aux [L.-lis], adj. : lateral (of the side). -lementº, adv. : laterally, at the side. flatere, see légat. latérite* [L. later, tile], f : laterite, brick-red clay. . la-tex* [L., liquid], m. : = (viscid juice or sap). -tieifère [L. ferre, BEAR], adj. : laticiferous. · laticlave º [L. -vus], m. : = (Roman tunic). ia-tinº, =ine [L. -tinus], adj. : Latin ; m. : Latin (language); Latinist; person of Latin stock (Frenchman, Spaniard, Italian, etc.): (voile) latine, lateen sail ; — de cuisine, stable-boy's Latin ; le rit —, cere- monial of the Catholic church. -tini- serº [L. -tinizare], tr. : Latinise, put into Latin. -tinismeº, m. : Latinism. -ti- niste *, m. : Latinist, Latin scholar. -tinité* [L. -tinitas], f : Latinity, char- acter of one's Latin. latitude* [L. -do (latus, broad)], f : lati- tude (extent, geographical distance fr. the equator, fr. the ecliptic ; freedom). latomic" [L. -mviu, Gr. -mla], j. : stone- quarry , quarry-prison (in Syracuse). latrie* [l. L. -tria (Gr. -treia)], f. : latria : (worship due God only). latrines* [L. -na], f.pl. : latrine, privy. lat-tageº [-ter], m. : lathing. |-teº [Ger.],f : LATH, strip of wood; bar, strip (of iron), falchion ; flat-board (in cera- mics). -ter*, tr. : lath, stack (lumber with spaces). -tis*, m. : lathing. laudanumº [form of ladanum], m. : = (tincture or extract of opium). lau-datifº, =ive [L. -dativus], adj. : laudatory. |lau-des* [l. L. (pl. of I. laus, praise)], f. pl. : LAUD, praise ser- V1Ge. laureº [Gr. -ra], f. : cells in early times). lau-réº [L. -rus, laurel], adj. : (coin) hav'g a wreathed head. -réat" [L. -reatus], adj. : crowned with laurel, vic- torious ; m. : victor. -rel1e " [ak. to -rier],.f. : oleander. -réole* [L. -reola, laurel branch], f. : spurge-laurel. |-rienº [OFr. lor (L. laurus)], m. : LAUREL ; pl. : laurels, victory, honours. -rinées* [L. -rinus, of laurel], f. pl. : lauraceae, laurel • family. - r flauriot, see loriot. la-vaboº [L., " I will wash'], m. : , = (washing of hands before celebrating the Lord's Supper ; napkin used by the priest ; canon hav'g the lines lavabo inter in- nocentes manus meas, " I will wash my hands among the innocent'); wash-stand. laura (row of monks lavanche | -vage*, m. : cleansing. lavan ehe, see avalanche. la-vandeº [It. -vanda], f : LAVENDER. | -vandierº, =ière [-ver], m. : fking's launderer ; f : flaundress ; washing ma- chine ; wagtail (bird). lavange = avalanche. lava-retº [? ak. to laver], m. : =, white fish. -sse* [laver], f : slop (watery wine, soup, etc.) ; drenching rain. lave" [It. -va (?)], f : lava. lave-mains*, m. : i wash-stand. -ment*, m. : = (washing at mass ; clyster). | lave-rº° [L. laväre], tr. : ' wash, bathe, LAVE, cleanse ; absolve, clear, wash away. -rieº, f. : washing-place (for minerals). lavetonº [lever], m. : short-wool, carding- wool. & - la-vetteº [-ver], f : dish-cloth. -veur*, =euse [-ver], m., f. : washer, scourer; bud- dle (for ore) ; f. : wool-washer (machine). lavique* [lavel, adj. : lav(at)ic. la-visº [-ver], m. : washing (shading in India ink) ; India ink drawing. -voir* [-ver], m. : LAVATORY (fstone basin ; wash- ing place) ; wash-stand ; ore-buddle, hutch; dipping-cage (for washing codfish) ; pis- cina ; swab (for guns), -vureº [-verl, f : dish-water ; Washing ; Wash, sweepings (particles recovered) ; scraps of metal. laxatifº, =ive, adj. or m. : laxative. I.layerº [laie, wood-road], tr. : travel through by timber lane ; set off, mark out by timber lane ; mark (trees to be · left). - 2.layerº [laie, toothed hammer], tr. : dress with a toothed hammer. Ia-yetierº, m. : box-maker, case-maker : - emballeur, packer. ll-yette º [laie, box], f : fdrawer ; fcontents of drawer ; baby-linen ; drone-peg (to bag-pipe). Ia-yeurº [I.-yer], m. : marker (who lays out forest). , I.-yonº [laie, wood road], m. : rough way (cut for hunters). : 2.layon * [for l'(h)ayon], m. : tail-gate (of wagon). laza-retº [It. -retto (-ro, Lazarus)], m. : fleprosy; hospital, lazaretto. -roneº [dial. It.], m. : laz(z)arone, us'ly pl. -roni (Naples beggar). * , - lazu-li, see lapis(-lazuli). -liteº, f. : = (bluish mineral). lazziº [It., pl. of lazzo, jest], m. : act, funny scene ; joke. lE°, la, pl. les [L. ille, that one], def art.: the (in a generic sense us'ly untranslated in Eng.) ; pers. prom. : him, it ; ( f. : her ; pl. : them). - - ' · » lé° [L. latus, broad], m. : (old) extent ; (now) breadth, width (of fabrics ; of - y wash ; therapeutic hinged comic , potentiary. légion 387 roads) : ftout du long et du —, in all respects. fléans° [OFr. laiens, p. L. illac-intus, thither within], adv. : inside there. lèehe * [?], f. : (fam.) thin slice. Iè ehe-doigtsº, adv. : à —, barely enough to taste, very sparingly ; niggardly. -frite* [lécher and frayer, rub], f : drip- pan ; studding sail. -ment, m. : licking. |lé ehe-rº [OHG., lecchon], tr. : LICK, lick up : une œuvre trop léchée, a work finished with too much nicety. lEçon° [L. lectio (legere, read)], f. : LESSON (freading; school task ; scripture-reading; moral ; advice ; reproof) : - de choses, · object-lesson. - lec-teur*, -triee [L. -tor, -trix], m., f : reader (#LECTOR ; lecturer, professor ; peruser; critical reader). -ture* [L. -tural, f : reading ; lecture. lède or lédon [L. (Gr.) lêdon], m. : ledum (shrub of heath family). léga-lº, pl. =aux [L. -lis (lex, law)], adj. : +LAW-abiding ; lawful, legitimate. | -lementº, adv. : legally. -lisationº [-liser], f : legalisation. -liserº, tr. : legalise. -lité [L. -litas], f. : legality ; floyalty. léga-tº [L. -tus (legare, send)], m. : LE- · GATE (fmessenger ; deputy; delegate ; pa- pal envoy) : #- a latere, cardinal pleni- -taireº [L. -tarius], m., f : legatee : - universal, residuary legatee. -tion * [L.-tio], f : legation (appointing of envoys ; persons, house of the embassy) ; business of a papal legate ; legate's dis- trict ; #mission, assigned task. -toire" [L. -torius], adj. : ruled by legate. lège º [Butch leeg, empty], adj. : light (without cargo): tirant d'eau -, of light water-draught. lé-gendaireº, adj. or m. : legendary (unhistorical ; relater or book of legends). |-gende* [l. L. -genda, lit. thing to be read], f : legend (book of saints ; #list or roll ; story-book of fables or traditions ; motto, inscription); tscripture lesson. lé-gerº°, =ère [p. L. *leviärius (L. levis, light)], adj. : light (of little weight ; slight ; thin ; feeble, weak ; flighty ; fickle ; dexterous, graceful, nimble ; easy ; cheer- ful) ; m. : lightness : être - d'un grain, be rattle-brained ; fcroire de -, be credu- lous ; à la —e, lightly ; inconsiderately, carelessly ; mœurs -es, easy virtue. -gèrementº, adv. : lightly. -gèreté*, f : lightness .(LEVITY ; deftness ; speed ; nimbleness ; thinness ; weakness). Iégiférerº [L. fer, law-giving], intr. : make laws. - lé-gion* [L. -gio (-gere, colLECT)], f : legion (Rom. body of soldiers ; multitude): 388 - étrangère, foreign volunteers (in French army outside of France). -gionnaireº [L.-gionarius], m. : legionary (soldierofthe legion) ; knight of the Legion of Honour. législa-teurº, -triee [L. -tor, -trix (lex, LAW)], m., f : legislator; LAW-giver. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : legislative. -tionº [L. -tio], f : legislation, body of · laws ; flawmaking power. -tivementº [-tif], adv. : by legislation. -ture", f. : legislature. légiste* [l. L. legista], m. : legist, expert in law. - légiti-maire", adj. : warranted (by laws of inheritance) : portion —, pºrtiºn due heirs of the blood. -mation* [-mer], f. : legitimation, legal recognition. |-meº [L. législateur -mus (lex, LAW)], adj. : legitimate (lawful, just); f : heir's right (which a will could not annul): droit de — défense, right of self-defense. -mement*, adv. : legiti- mately. -merº, tr. : legitimate, legiti- matise ; justify. -miste*, m., f. : legiti- mist (partisan of an old dynasty). -mité ", f : legitimacy. legs* [variant of lais, assimil. to L. lega- tum], m. : legacy, bequest. . - léguerº [L. -gare], tr. : bequeath, trans- mifi, légu-meº [L. -men (legere, gather)], m. : vegetable : -s verts, green vegetables ; -s secs, dried beans, peas, etc. -mier º, =ière, adj. : vegetable ; m. : vegetable dish. adj. : family. » Iemmeº [L. -mma (Gr.)], m.: (geom.) lemma (assumption, subsidiary propo- sition). - lemnis-cate" [L. -catus], f : =, figure 8 curve. ll-que* [L. -cus, Gr. -kos (lênos, wool)], m. : lemniscus (pendant ribbon to a victor's crown); ribbon of a seal; the sign + (meaning imitation of the Bible); the sign -- meaning transposition ; banded snake, coluber. •- lé-mureº [L. -mur, ghost], m. : shade (of dead person). -muriensº, m. pl. : lemuridae, lemurs (monkeys). lendemain* [le, en, demain], m. : next day, to-morrow. - Iendit* [l'endit (L. indictum), set time], m. : June fair (near Paris); leave-taking (of students); salary (of professors, paid in June): - scolaire, field-day contest of Paris schools. lendoreº [?], m., f : listless person, dawdler. léni-fierº [L. ,ficare (lenis, soft, facere, make)], tr. : assuage, soothe. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. or m. : lenitive. lent° [L. -tus, gentle], adj. : slow; pliant. lente° [L. lens], f : nit, louse's egg. leguminous ; f pl. : leguminosae # : -dium], -mineuac lº, =euse [L. -minosus], - · sus], adj. : leprous. lésinant lentement* [lent], adv. : slowly. flenter = lanter. lenteur* [lent],f. : slowness, remissness ; pl. : delays. len-tieulaire [L. -ticularis (lens, LEN- TIL)], adj. : lenticular. -ticulé* [L. -ticulatus], adj. : lentil-shaped. -ti- formeº, adj. : lentiform. -tigineux*, =euse [L. -tiginosus (-tigo, freckle)], adj. : lentiginous. ll-tille° [p. L. -ticula (L. -ticula)], f. : LENTIL; LENS; freckle. -til- lon º, m. : fine lentil (introduced by Queen Marie Antoinette). lentisque* [L. -scus], m. : mastic tree. - I.léonin * [L. -ninus (leo, LION)], adj. : leonine, lion-like. 2.léoninº [canon Léon], adj. : leonine (hav'g rhyming hemistiches, in Latin ; hav'g several rhyming syllables to the line, in French). léontineº [woman L.], f. : double watch- chain. · léonureº.or -urus [l. L. -urus (L. leo, lion, Gr. ourá, tail)], m. : motherwort (mint). léo-pardº [L. leo, lion, -pardus, leo- pard], m. : lcopard. -parlé", udj.. fspotted ; (her.) =, passant gardant. lépas" [L., Gr.], m.: lepas, goose-mussel. lépi- [Gr. lepis, scale] : -dierº [L. m. : lepidium (pepper-grass). -doptères* [Gr. pterôn, wing], m. pl. : lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). - léporides* [L. -pus, hare], m. pl. : lepo- ridae (rabbits and hares): un léporide, a leporide (hybrid). Iè-pre* [L., Gr. -pra (Gr. leprôs, scale)], f : leprosy. 1é-preux º, =euse [L.-pro- lé-proserieº [L. -prosus], f. : leper hospital. lepte* [Gr. -tós, fine], m. : leptus (spider). IEquelº, laquelle, pl. lesquels, lesquelles [le, quel], pron. rel. or inter- rog. : who, which. lérida º [town L. where Condé failed], f. : satirical couplet. lérotº [loir], m. : (dial.) lerot, garden- dormouse. les, see le, the. - Ièse-* [L. lœsa, injured (crimen lœsœ ma- jestatis, crime of treason)] : -faculté º, f. : (jest.) high treason against the faculty | (i.e. of doctors, disregarding their pre- scriptions). -humanité,.f. : high treason against humanity. -majesté, f. : high treason ; leze majesty. -nation, f : high treason against the nation. -répu- blique, f. : high treason against the re- public. léserº, tr. : be treasonable towards, injure. - flési-nantº, =ante [It. -nante], m., f : lentiscus, lésion scrimper, niggard; adj. : stingy. |-neº [It. -na (lit. awl), society of misers who mended their own shoes], f. : stinginess. -nerº, intr. : crimp and starve, save, be stingy. -nerieº [-ner], f : scrimping, pinching; stinginess. -neux º, =euse, adj. : stingy. - lésion* [L. -sio (lœdere, injure)], f.: lesion, hurt ; #treachery. lesse, see laisse. ·r - les-sif° [p. L. lixivum], m. : (pop. and dial.) lye. -sivageº, m. : washing with lye. |-sive° [L. lixiva (lix, ashes)], f. : lye-water, lye-washing; washing ; (fam.) heavy loss (in gaming), lixivium, alkaline solution : faire la - du gascon, turn one's linen, instead of washing it ; — du savon- nier, solution of caustic soda for soap- · making. -sive rº, tr. : wash with lye- Water, With soapy water ; lixiviate, LEACH out. -siveur*, =euse [-siver], m., f : lye-washer ; m. : bleacher (for rags in pa- per-making); f : clothes-washer. · les-t* [form of last], m. : balLAST (for ships or balloons); lead, weight (of seines). -tageº [-ter], m. : ballasting. les-teº [It. -to (? L. -tus, superl. of levis, light)], adj. : nimble, quick, unceremoni- ous, flippant ; not engaged : main -, hand ready for blows ; équipage -, unengaged carriage. -tementº, adv. : briskly ; , freely, promptly ; unconventionally. les-terº [lest], tr. : ballast; weight down. -teur º, m. : ballaster; ballast-lighter (carrying ballast for ships). © léthar-gie* [L. (Gr.) -gia (Gr. léthe, oblivion, álgos, pain)],f : lethargy (torpor; drowsiness). -gique* [L. -gicus], adj. : lethargic ; m., f : torpid person. léthifèreº [L. let(h)ifer (letum, death, jerre, BEAR)], adj. : lethiferous, fatal. let-tre° [L. littera], f. : letter (alphabet- ical character ; primary sound ; type ; text as it stands, literal sense ; written com- munication, epistle ; bill ; papal bull; note; document; order; commission; bill of fare; pl. : letters, LITERAture, belles-lettres ; culture); handwriting ; title, inscription : à la -, or au pied de la —, literally ; lever la -, distribute type ; épreuve avant lu -, artist's proof ; : clo3c, gealed state letter; (fam.) secret ; — de cachet, arbi- trary warrant committing to prison ; — de grâce, royal letter commuting punish- ment ; - de mer, pass ; — de noblesse, letter conferring noble title ; — domini- cale, dominical or Sunday letter; en toutes -s, without abbreviation, with all details ; - au rebut, dead letter ; — de service, summons to active duty ; — de voiture, bill of lading. -tré*, adj. : literary, learned ; m. : literary men ; pl. : learned levage 389 ruling class (in China). -trine",.f. : ref- erence (to footnote); heading (as over column of a dictionary). Ieu, see loup and queue. - leu-eiteº [Gr. -kôs, white], f. : = (sili- cate). -corrhée* [Gr. -kôrroia (rheîn, flow)], f. : leucorrhœa, whites. leudeº [Germ'c liudus (= Ger. leute), people], m. : high vassal. - I.leur° [p. L. illörum, gen. pl. of ille, that one], pers. pron. : to them. , 2.leur, pl. -s, poss. adj. : their : le (la, les) -, theirs - leur-reº [MHG. luoder], m. : LURE (bait esp. for calling falcons ; enticement). -rer*, tr. : LURE ; allure. # IE-vageº, m. : raising; rising; dress ; sº y - y train. -vain*, m. : LEAVEN. -vantº, adj. : rising : homme - et couchant, man living (at a place); soleil -, rising sun ; ( fig.) a coming power : m. : Levant (East, countries at the eastern end of Mediter- ranean sea; levant, east-wind). -vantinº [-vant], adj. or m. : Levantine (of the Le- vant); inhabitant of Asia Minor, etc., of European descent ; levantine (stout silk fabric). lè-veº,.f. : spoon (dished club in game of pall-mall) ; lift (in paper- making); crank (in levigating-mill). -véº, m. : levee (rising fr. bed ; morning recep- tion) ; rise (of hand beating time) ; sur- vey; trick at cards. 1è-ve-culº, adv. : jouer à -, play pussy-wants-a-corner with chairs ; oiseau qui chasse à —, bird (fal- con) that waits for game to rise. -vée º, f. : lifting, hoisting; erection ; removal ; adjournment ; gathering (of fruits) ; col- lection ; levee, embankment ; levy (of taxes, etc.) ; trick (at cards). 1è-ve- gazonº, pl. -, m. : sod-shovel. lè-ve- nezº, pl. —, m. : peak or throat hal- yard. I.ll-ver° [L. -väre (-vis, light)], tr. : raise (ELEVATE; lift ; hoist ; erect, scare up, flush ; gather, collect) ; remove ; survey; intr. : rise (spring up ; ferment): se -, rise fr. bed or sitting ; come above the horizon ; le temps se lève, the weather is clearing up ; le brouillard se lève, it is growing foggy ; - la lettre, distribute the type ; - les cartes, take up the trick; - les titres, fake up the stocks, securi- ties ; voter par assis et levés, take a rising vote ; ( fam.) - le pied, flee ; become bankrupt; au pied levé, headlong; (humor.) — le coude, drink. 2.-verº, m. : rising; morning reception, levee ; lifting of the feet (of horses) ; surveying : petit -, re- ception at bedside ; grand -, reception after king has made his toilet ; un - de rideau, curtain-raiser, one-act play. f-ver-dieu", pl. —, m. : elevation of the host. -veur*, =euse, m., f : lifter, ve 390 -vier !, m. : LEVER : - droit, dentist's turnkey; clef à —, splice-fid. -vière*, f. : flever; lifting-rope (of seine). lévi-gation" [L. -gatio (levis, smooth)], f : levigation, pulverising. -gerº [L. -gare], tr. : levigate, pulverise. lEvisº [-ver], adj. m. : fmovable up and down; pont-levis, drawbridge. I.Lévi-te* [l. L. -ta], m. : Levite (son of Levi). 2.lévi-teº, f : long robe (like a priest's dress). #IEvrau-derº, tr. : chase, harass. |-t [lièvre], m. : young hare ; Canada thistle. lèvre° [L. labrum], f. : LIP ; anything re- sembling a lip. - lE-vrEterº, intr. : drop young (rabbits). -vrette º, f. : greyhound (bitch) ; har- rier. -vrettéº [-vrette], adj. : slender (like a greyhound). |lé-vrier* [lièvre], m. : greyhound : - d'attache, boar-hound. -vron*, =onne, m., f : greyhound-pup ; harrier-pup. lEvure* [-ver], f. : yeast ; yeast plant ; scum ; waste fat ; frank quarter (of shield) ; starting mesh (of net). lexico- [Gr. léxis, word] : -grapheº [Gr. -graphos (gráph6in, Writc)], m. : lexi- cographer (maker oflexicon). -graphie" [-graphe], f : lexicography. -graphique [-graphie], adj. : lexicographic. -1ogie* [Gr. lôgos, speech], f : lº,iºlº# syste- matic study of words. -logique º[-logie], adj. : lexicological. -logue* [-logie], m.: lexicologist. lexiqueº [lexikôn], m. : lexicon, shorter dictionary. le2° [L. lātus, side], prep. : fby, near ; (now only in names of places, as le Plessis- lez-Tours). lé-zard° [L. lacertus], m. : lizard : faire le -, bask in the sun. -zarde* [L. lacerta], f. : (old) lizard ; (now) crevice ; braid (over seams in upholstered furni- ture); white streak (on printed page). -zarder !" [-zarde], tr. : crack. liage* [lier], m. : tying, binding; figuring (filling design into the fabric being woven); blending ; mixing (of ingredients of gun- powder). I.liaisº [?], m. : limestone (for building). 2.Iiais* [?], m. : heddle-rod. liai-son* [lier], f : union, combination ; joint ; means of uniting (solder ; mortar ; upward penstroke; slur in music ; linking, as of French words ; tie) ; hull (of ship) ; seizure (of prey) ; thickening (by adding yolks) ; intimacy. -sonnerº, tr. : bind (bricks, stones, etc., by alternating the joints) ; ( fig.) - le drap, to full cloth. lianeº [lier], f : liana (tropical climb- ing vine). Iiant* [lier], adj. : winning, amiable ; pliant, flexible ; m. : attractive- ness ; spring (of vehicles, etc.). lévigation lice liar-d* [OFr., gray], m. : = (copper- coin = 3 deniers, # sou ; fig. farthing). -derº, intr. : haggle over a liard, split hairs. lia-sº [Eng. (Fr. liais, Paris limestone)], m.: Lias, fossiliferous limestone. -siqueº, adj. : Liassic. libage º [OFr. libe, block of stone], m. : ashlér, rough block (of stone). libationvº [L. -tio (libare, pour)], f. : = (wine, etc., offered to a deity) ; (fam.) drinking. libel-le* [L. -lus (dim. of liber, book)], m. : flittle book; libel (published slander; ! notice to a court, allegation of the plain- tiff). -lerº, tr. : libel. -listeº, m. : libeller. libelluleº [l. L. -llula (lit. little level)], ·f. : libellula, dragon-fly. liberº [L., bark], m. : =, inner bark, bast. libera º [L. -rare (liber, free), set free], m. : prayer (for the dead : " deliver me, O Lord," etc.) : ( fam.) chanter un -, pro- claim one's self free. libé-ral*, pl. =aux [L. -ralis], adj. : liberal. -ralement*, adv. : liberally. -ralisme º [L. -ralitas], f. : liberality ; liberal gift. -rateur º, =triee [L. -rator, =trix], m., f. : liberator. -ra- tion º [L. -ratio],f : liberation. -rerº [L. -rare], tr. : liberate, set free. li- berté * [L. -tas], f. : liberty, freedom. liber-tinº, =ine [L. -tinus], m., f : fskeptic ; foutlaw; libertine. -tinage", m. : firreligion ; #wildness ; debauchery. -tinerº, intr. : (rare) act the libertine. libi-dineux º, =euse [L. -dinosus (li- bere, please)], adj. : libidinous, full of lewdness. -tum, see ad libitum. li-braire* [L. -brarius (-ber, book)], m.: fcopyist ; book dealer. -brairieº, f : flibrary ; book store ; book trade. libration º [L. -tio (libra, balance)], f. : =, pendulous motion, esp. of moon. libreº [L. -ber], adj. : free ; open ; un- occupied ; independent : papier -, un- stamped paper ; - échange, free trade ; traduction -, free, not-literal transla- tion ; il vous est — (or - à vous) de sor- tir, you are at liberty to go. -é-ehange, see échange. -éehangiste* [échange], m. : free-trader. IibrE-mentº, adv. : freely ; boldly. libret-tisteº, m. : librettist (writer). |-toº [It., dim. of libro, book], m. : =, text (of an opera); scenario, outline plot. liçage [licer], m. : ribbanding (of ships). I.li eeº [? OHG. lista, border], f : LIST (fbarriers ofa jousting-field; jousting-field; lists, public platform ; upper rail of rail ing or banister) : - d'exécution, #| lice (temporary strip to hold ribs in position during building of ship);º - de carême, curve of ship's keel. 2.Iiee* [L. -cium, thread], f. : LISSE, warp threads ; weaving frame ; rod, stick (used · in making saddle girths). 3.liee* [?], f : female hound. lieen-ee* [L. -tia (licere, be allowed)], f : license (permission ; legal permit ; consent ; disregard of propriety; liberty); licentiate's degree. -eiéº [l. L. -tiatus], m. : licentiate. -eiementº [-cier], m. : dismissal, disbanding. -eierº [l. L. -tiare], tr. : dismiss, disband; make over- bold. -eieusementº [-cieux], adv. : licentiously; fpresumptuously. -eieuxº, =euse [-tiosus], adj. : licentious. Ii eer* [lice, list], tr. : ribband (a ship). lieeronº [lice, thread], m. : warp-staff, leaf. lieet" [L., *it is allowed'], m. : mission. lieette " [lice, threadl, f. : little LISSE. liehenº [L. (Gr. leichén)], m. : = (plant; skin eruption). li-eherº [lêcher], tr. : (lou) LICK; eat, drink (like a brute). -eheur*, =euse, m., f : drinker, gourmand. - Iiei-tationº [L. -tatio (licere, be for sale)], f : = (joint owner's auction sale of property). -tatoireº [ak. to -tation], adj. : of licitation. |-teº [L. -tus], adj. : licit, lawful ; m. : legal thing. -te- mentº, adv. : licitly. -terº [L. -tari], tr. : sell at auction. + licol = licou. licorneº [L. unicornis, one-horned], f : · unicorn : (her.) - en défense, unicorn in a charge ; - de mer, narwhal. lieouº [lier, col], m. : halter. licteurº [L. lictor], m. : lictor (Roman officer). I.#Rie° [L. lœtus], adj. : joyous : faire chère -, make good cheer. 2.#ie" [? Celt.], f : LEES ; ( fig.) scum. liège° [p. L. *levius (L. levis, light)], m. : cork-tree; cork. liégerº, tr. : cork (a seine). © liement* [lier], m. : uniting, crossing. lien° [L. ligämen], m. : tie ; string, strap; band , bond, LIEN ; clamp. lienne" [?], f : warp (remaining to be woven). lien-terie* [L. -teria (Gr. leîos, smooth, énteron, gut)], f : lientery (diarrhœa). -térique* [L. -tericus], adj. : lien- teric. l-ier° [L. ligăre], tr. : bind, tie ; unite ; join ; cross (swords) ; link (words) ; slur (notes in music) : être fou à -, be crazy enough to tie up. -ierneº [?], f. : ridgepole ; rib (in arch); binding (timber); per- lignage 391 bottom plank (of boats). -iernerº [-ierne], tr. : rib (a groined arch). Iierre° [le, OFr. ierre (L. hedera)], f : ivy. fliesse° [L. laetitia (lœtus, glad)], f. : mirth. - Iieu°, pl. -æ [L. locus], m. : place (space ; position ; room ; house ; home ; passage in book); family; rank; turn (time); per- pendicular; occasion (cause); pl. : prem- ises (of debate); spot; water-closet (privy): avoir -, take place, happen ; come off ; have cause (reason, occasion); il y a -, there is (occasion), it is necessary; au - de, in the place of, instead ; au - que, instead of which, whereas ; en aucun -, nowhere ; en dernier —, in the last place, lastly ; last of all; ultimately ; donner - à, give rise to, lead to ; occasion ; n'avoir ni feu mi -, have neither house nor home; mauvais -, house of ill-fame ; -x (d'ai- sances), privy ; saints —x, shrines ; vider les -x, move out, vacate rooms ; tenir - de, be in place of. - lieue° [L. leuca (Celt.)], f : LEAGUE (about three miles). - lieur", =euse [lier], m., f : binder (of sheaves, etc.): (chenille) lieuse, leaf (spin- ning) caperpillar. 1ieu-tenan ee*, f : lieutenancy. ll-te- naavtº, =ante [lieu, tenir], m. : = ; f : (humor.) lady-lieutenant: — de louveterie, man appointed to destroy Wolves. liève* [lever], f : abstract (of a feudal terrier, land survey). lièvre° [L. lepus], m. : hare : — de Pata- gons, agouti, So. Am. rodent ; - Sauteur, Cape (of Good Hope) hare ; - marin, ocellated blenny ; mollusk ; gentilhomme à —, codfish aristocrat ; lever un -, raise a difficulty; savoir où gît le -, | know where the trouble is ; bec-de--, hare-lip. - - liga-mentº [L. -mentum], m. : ligament. -menteux,º, =euge [-ment], adj. : liga- mentous. |-tureº [L. -tura (ligare, bind)],.f. : = (tying of arteries, etc. ; double letter, logotype) ; piece of rope ; coarse girdle ; absorption into the being of God. -turerº, tr. : bind with liga- ture. ligeº [?], adj. : liege (bound to vassal sèrvice). I.1ignage [L. -num, wood], m. : forest privilegé; stakes (supporting a seine). 2.#li-gnageº, m. : lineage (all those of one kin), race. -gnager* [-gnagel, adj. : of the lineage : retrait —, kinsman's right of buying back (at the price paid, an inheritance); m. pl. : les -s, those of Same family stock. |li-gne° [L. lineal, ſ.: LINE (cord ; chalk-line ; fish-line ; drawn line ; distance in one direction ; 392 line of a page; verse ; row ; series): - à plomb, vertical line, plumb-line ; - de ſond, fish-line resting on the bottom ; - de loch (de sonde), log- (lead-) line ; - de partage des eaux, water-shed. f-gnée*, f : progeny. -gnerº, tr. : line (mapk with line ; impregnate) ; reef, furl. -gne- roleº, f. : string (made of old rope- yarn). -gnette*, f. : little fish-line. -gueul° [p. L. *lineolum, little line], m. : wax-end (waxed thread). -gneurº, m. : cod-fisher (man or boat fishing with line). Ii-gneux*,=euse [L.-gnum, wood], adj. : ligneous. -gnite" [L. -gnum], m. : =, brown coal. lignotier" [-ne], m. : cod-fisherman (who uses line). li-gote* [L. -gare, tie], f. : (fam.) cord, - string. -goterº, tr. : (fam.) bind, tie. li-gue* [It. -ga (-gare, tie)], f : league ; plot; cabal. -guerº, tr. : unite in a league. -gueurº, =euse, m., f : leaguer, member of league. ligu-leº [L. -la, little tongue], f : = ; ligula. -léº, adj. : ligulate. li-Iasº [Sp. -lac (fr. Ar.)], m. : (shrub ; bluish violet colour). lilia-eé [L. -ceus (lilium, LILY)l, adj. : lily-like ; pl. f : liliaceae, lily family. IiIIiputienº, =enne [fictitious country Liliput], adj. : liliputian, exceedingly Small. lima-ee° [p. L. *-cea (L. -æ)], f. : limax, slug; screw of Archimedes ; fouls (infiam- mation in hoof of cattle). -eienº, =enne, adj. : limaceous, slug-like, Snail- like. -çon*, m. : snail; winding-stairway; cochlea, Snail-shell process in the ear ; snail-wheel in clocks. -çonne* [-çon], f : kind of silk-worm. #-çonnerº [-çon], tr. : double up, bunch. -çon- nière º, f : snailery. Ii-mage* [-merl, m. : filing. |-mailIe* [-mer], f. : =, filings, file dust. -mail- Jeux", =euse, adj. : like filings. li-mande* [? -me], f : limanda, flatfish ; slat ; parcelling (tarred sailcloth for Wrapping ropes). -mender, tr. : par- cel ; put slats on. flimas, m. : = limace. lim-baireº, adj. : limbate, bordered. |lim-beº [L. -bus, border], m. : limb (edge, limbus; of corolla ; of leaf; of shell ; pl. : limbo ; confusion); graduated arm (of measuring instruments). I.limeº [Prov. limo], f. : LIME (sort of lemon). 2.lime° [L. lima], file : — douce, smooth file ; - sourde, dead smooth, noiseless file ; (fig.) sly person. -boisº, pl. — [limer], m. : wood-borer (insect). Iimer° [L. limäre], tr. : file. f-sourdº, f-sourde, adj. : cunning ; sly. ligneux lilac linge limestreº [?], m. : serge (made at Rouen). limet-teº [lime],.f. : limetta. -tier º, m. : sweet lime-tree. limeurº [-mer], m. : filer. limier* [liem, leash (old form of lien)], m. : LIME-hound, bloodhound ; sleuth. liminaireº [L. -naris (limen, thresh- old)], adj. : prefatory. limi-tatifº, =ive [L. -tare, limit], adj. : limiting, restrictive (in wills). -tationº . [L. -tatio], f. : =. -teº [L. limes, boun- dary], f : limit, bounds. -terº [L. -tare], tr. : bound ; limit. -trophe* [L. -tro- phus (limes, frontier, Gr. tréphein, nour- ish)], adj. : bordering : terres —s, fron- tier country assigned to Roman soldiers. I.limon° [p. L. *limo (L.-mus)], m. : LIMAN, river mud or slime : filles du —, frogs. 2.limon* [? L. -mus, oblique], m.: shaft, thill ; string-board, notch-board of stair- Way ; gasket. 3.li-mon* [l. L. -mo (fr. Ar.)], m. : LEMON. -monadeº, f : lemonade. -monadierº, =ière [-monade], m., f : lemonade-seller ; stand-keeper. Iimoner º [2.-n, thill], intr. : be large enough for buggy shafts. 1imoneux*, =euse [I.-n, slime], adj. : muddy. - I.limonierº [2.-n], m. : thill-horse. 2.limonierº [3-n], m. : lemon-tree. limonière" [I.-r], f. : shafts, thills. Iimoniteº [I.-n], m. : =, ferric hydrox- ide. , *- Iimosi-nage, or limousinage" [Prov- ince Limousin in France], m. : rough- masonry, ashlar-work. -neº [Limousin], f : coarse mantle. -1uerº [Limousin], intr. : do rough-walling : un limousinant, a rough-waller. limpi-de* [L.-dus], adj. : clear. -ditéº [L. -ditas], f. : clearness. Iimure* [-mer], f : ffiling; filings. lin° [L. linum], m. : flax : graine de -, linseed ; huile de —, linseed oil ; - d'A- mérique, American aloe ; - de la Nou- velle-Zélande, flax-bush, flax-lily, phor- mium ; — minéral or vif, mountain-flax ; - fossile, asbestos ; - des marais, or Iin-aigrette" [lin, aigrette], f : flax- like sedge. lin-aire* [l. L. linaria], f : toad-flax. -eeul°, or -eeul [L. linte0- lum], m. : fbed-cover ; shroud. - linçoirº [?], m. : girder, summer (beam); dormer. liné-aire* [L. -aris (linea, line)], adj. : linear. -al*, pl. =aux [L. -alis], adj. : lineal. -amentº [L. -amentum], m. : (outline, contour). linette* [lin], f. : (dial.) linseed. lin-ge° [L. lineum], fadj. : of linen ; m. : linen (cloth): être comme un — mouillé, be e=-m t-ms lingot limp as a rag. -ger*, =ère, m., f : linen- draper; linen-kéeper; f : linen woman ; moth. -gerie* [-ger], f : =; linen busi- ness ; keeping of linen; linen room. -gette*, f : serge. liiv-got* [Eng. ingot], m. : ingot (metal as cast fr. crucible or mold); quotation (for spacing in printing); slug (for guns). -gotièreº, f. : lingot, ingot-mold. · lingual", pl. =aux [L. -lis (lingua, tongue)], adj. : =, of the tongue. lingueº [fr. Eng.], m. : ling, cod-like food-fish. lin-guetº [ak. to langue], m. : forelock, · capstern-poll. -gueter = langueter. -guisteº [L. -gua, tongue], m., f : lin- guist. -guistique * [-guiste], adj. : linguistic. li-nier*, I.=ière [lin], m., #º dealer; adj. : flax. 2.-nière* [lin], f : flax-field. - linimentº [L. -tum (linere, smear)], m. : li-nomple* or flinon [lin], m. : linon, lawn(cloth). -not*, =otte [lin], m., f.: linnet : siffler la linotte, teach a linnet to sing ; (fam.) teach one his part ; have a dry throat. linteau° ſp. L. *limitale fr. L. limes, boundary (as if fr. limen, threshold)l, m. : LINTEL, headpiece, bar of a lintel ; cross- piece. - lion°, =onne [L. leo], m., f : lion, lioness; dressy person ; cross-brace : part de -, lion's share ; ( fam.) fosse aux lions, store- room (for ropes, tar, etc., on shipboard); - marin, hair-seal ; - des pucerons, leaf- louse ; dent de -, dandelion ; chien--, dog sheared to look like lion. -eeau*, m.: lion's whelp. lion-néº, adj. : (her.) léopard -, =, rampant. Iioube" [?], f : scarf (for uniting masts). liparolé* [Gr. -rôs, fat], m. : medicated ointment. lipogram-matique" [Gr. -matos (lei- pein, leave, grámma, letter)], adj. : hav'g a lipogram, lacking a letter. -meº, m.: lipogram, a Writing made up of words lack- · ing a certain letter. lipome" [Gr. lipôs, fat], m.: fatty wen. flipothymie º [Gr. -thumía (leîpein, | leave, thumós, mind)], f. : lipothymy, fainting. lip-pe* [Ger., * lip'], f : thick lower lip, blubber-lip ; lip-like ornament : faire sa —, pout. -pée*, f : mouthful, dainty bit: franche -, free meal ; good luck. Iippitude* [L. -do], f. : = (blearedness, chronic gummy lids). Iippuº [ ppel, adj. : blubber-lipped, hav'g thick lower lip. lipoma, : flinen- | 393 liqu- [L. liquere, flow] : -ationº -kwa- [L. -atio],.f. : =, melting of ores or alloys, unevenness (of alloy, esp. in bronze). -éfactionº [L. -efactiol, f : liquefaction, conversion to liquid. -éfiableº, tr. : liquefiable. -éfierº [L. -efacere, mako fluid], tr. : liquefy, melt. -eurº [L.-quor], ſ.: fliquid ; liquor : vin de -, sweet wine ; — de Fowler, Fowler's solution. -ida.ºn- barº [Sp.], m. : =, tree of witch-hazel family. iiqui-dateur* [-der], m. : liquidator, re- ceiver, one who settles with all creditors. -dation [-der], f : =, settlement. |-de* [L. -dus], adj. or m., f. : liquid : (consomme) -, liquid (l, m, n, or r); argent -, clear money; la plaine -, the sea. -derº, tr. : liquidate. -dité* [L. -ditas], f. : liquid- I16}SS, liquo-reux º, =euse [L. -r], adj. : sweet and strong. -riste" [L. -r], m., f : liquor-dealer. 1 lire° [L. legere], irr.$; tr. : read. $ Ind. : Pr. lz-s, -s, -ć ; -sons, -sez, -se7it. Fut. (Cond.) lirai(s). Ipf. lusse. — I've lis. — lissage Pret. lus. j. : Pr. lzse. Part. : Pr. lisant ; P. lzz. Iiron° [p. L. *glirö (L. glis)], m. : dor- mouse ; Alpine marmot. lis°, obsol. or her. lis [L. lilium], m. : LILY; (her.) fleur-de-lis ; fcriminal's brand in France : — martagon, Turk's cap ; - asphodèle, lily-daffodil; - d'étang, water- lily. - I.lisage" [lire], m. : sleaving (of threads). 2.Iisage" [-ser], m. : smoothing. lise* [glise (old form of glaise)], f : (dial.) drifting sand. li-serº [ak. to -sière], tr. : Smooth (cloth). -serage", m. : cording, pip- ing (embroidery). -seréº, m. : braid, ribbon; cording. |-sererº [-sière], tr. : cord, border with piping. • - liseron,º or I.liset (dial.) bind-weed. 2.Iisetº, =ette [names L(ou)iset, -etle], m., f. : (dial.) vine-grub. li-seurº, =euse [lire], m., f : reader (of books, etc. ; sleyer of threads); f : paper- knife. -sibilité* [-sible], f : LEGIBILITY, . readableness. -sibleº [-re], adj. : read- able, LEGIBLE. -siblement [-sible], adv. : legibly. Iisierº [dial. Swiss], m. : liquid measure. lisière* [?], f : border (list, selvage edge, outskirts, verge, edge of forest ; turf or hedge border); leading strings ; strips (for weaving coarse stockings). lisoirº [?], m. : axle-saddle; sloat; drying- frame (for cloth). I lissage" [-sser], m. : ing. 2.fiissage = liçage. [lis], m. : smoothing ; gloss- 394 I.flisse, see lice, warp, and liste. 2.lis-seº [? ak. to Ger. leise], adj. : smooth. -sé, f. : smoothness, gloss(iness); smooth surface ; glaze ; ropiness (viscous state of boiling sugar). I.-serº, tr. : Smooth; polish; gloss; glaze; sugar-coat: — de la laine, dye wool evenly. 2.f lisser = licer. flisseron = liçeron. I.lissette, see licette. 2.lis-sette" [-ser], f.: polishing-bone. -seur", =euse [-ser], m., f : smoother, glosser. -soir, m., or -soire, f. [-ser] : Smoothing-tool, polisher; Smoothing-box (for paper) ; fine-toothed comb. lis-te* [OHG. -ta], f. : (old) band ; (now) blaze (in horse's face) ; LIST : — civile, governmental list : or budget, civil list. -telº, pl. -teauoc [It. -tello], m. : =, fillet (of columns). -tonº, m. : scroll. Iit° [L. lectum], m. : bed (couch ; channel, lisse basin; layer, stratum); rabbit-form: - de camp, camp-bed (field-bed, portable bed); — à la duchesse, bed with four posts and ' a canopy and curtains ; - de parade, bed of state ; - de sangle, cot, folding-bed ; ruelle de —, bedside; — de Saint-Martin, straw bed; au saut du -, at rising. litage" [I.-terl, m. : rolling up of the list. lita-nie* [l. L. -nia (Gr. -neia, prayer)], f : litany ; pl. : repeated formal prayers ; sing. : old story. I.Iiteau*, pl. —x [liste], m. : coloured stripe (on napkins); wooden rod or bar. 2.Ii-teauº, pl. —x [lit], m. : wolf's lair. -tée* [lit],f. : den, lair, haunt. I.-terº [lit], tr. : pack in layers. 2.literº [lister], tr. : (old) put a rod or bar on ; (nou) roll up the list of; stripe before dyeing. , literieº [lit], f : bed (as a whole). º lith- [Gr. lithos, stone] : -arge* [L. -argyrus (Gr. -árguros, lit., silverstone)], m.: =, massicot; dross, scum. f-argé" or f=gyré, adj. : hav'g litharge. -iaseº [Gr. -íasis], f : lithiasis (granular forma- tions in the body). -ineº [-ium], f : oxide of lithium. -iumº, m. : =, the lightest metal. -ocolleº [Gr. -okôlla, stone-glue], f. : lithocolla, cement for pre- cious stones. -oeromie* [Gr. krôma, colour], f : lithochromatics. -ographeº [Gr. gráphein, write], m. : lithographer. -ographie* [Gr. gráphein], f : lithogra- phy; lithograph. -ographierº [-0gra- phie], tr. : lithograph. -ographiqueº [ographie], adj. : lithographic. -ologie " [Gr. lôgos, speech], f : lithology, science of stones. -ologue" [-ologie], m. : lithologist. -ontriptiqueº [Gr. tribein, crush, -ikôs, -ic], adj., or m. : lithontrip- livrable tic. -ophage* [Gr. phágein, eat], adj. : lithophagous, stone-eating. -ophanieº [Gr. phanôs, clear], f : lithophane. -ophyte" [Gr. phutón, plant], m. : stony polyp, as coral. -otomeº [Gr. -otómos (témnein, cut)], m. : =, cysto- tome. -otomie" [L., Gr. -otomía (Gr. témnein, cut)], f : lithotomy, cystotomy. -otomisteº [-otomie], m. : lithotomist, operator for stone in the bladder. -otri- teurº [L. tritor, crusher], m. : lithotrite (instrument for stone). -otritie º [ak. to -otriteurl, f : lithotrify. fiitier, see laitier, slag. litière* [lit], f. : LITTER (stretcher ; bed- ding for stock ; clutter, muss). liti-gantº [L. -gare (litem agere), sue at law], adj. : litigant, engaged in a law- Suit. liti-ge* [L. -gium], m. : cause, lawsuit ; litigation. -gieux*, =euse [L.-giosus], litigious. -spendanee* [L. -s-penden- tia (pendere, hang)], f. : pendency (of | Suit). litorneº [?], f : field-fare (bird). lito-teº [L., Gr. -tes, " smallness'], f : litotes, denial nf the opposito. - I.litre* [liste], f. : (her.) =, hatchment of black band with arms of the deceased. 2.li-tre", m. : liter (almost a quart). |-tronº [? l. L. -tra, pound], m. : (old) two-quart measure. litté-raireº [L. -rarius], adj. : literary. -rairement [-raire], adv. : in a literary way. ll-ralº, pl. =aux [L. -ralis (-ra, letter)], adj. : literal ; lettered ; written ; classic. -ralementº, adv. : literally. -ralité", f : literalness. -rateur* [L. -rator], m. : =, literary man, scholar. -rature* [L. -ratura], f : literature ; flearning. - litto-ralº, pl. =aux [L. -ralis (littus, shore)], adj. or m. : =. -relle " [L. littus], f : marsh plant. -rineº [L. lit- tus], f. : periwinkle (mollusk). - litur-gieº [Gr. leitourgía, public work], f : liturgy, ritual of worship. -gique" [Gr. leitourgikôs], adj. : liturgic. -giste", m. : liturgist, ritualist. $ liure° [L. ligatüra], f. : tie, cord binding a load down; lashing, seizing (as of the bowsprit) ; setting of enamel (in jewelry). livarde" [?], f : sprit, yard of a sprit sail; tow-cord (for tightening ropes). Iivêehe° [p. L. *levistica (L. ligusticum)], ſ. : levisticum, lovage (herb of the parsley family). Iivi-de* [L. -dus], adj. : livid, bluish, leaden. -dité º,f. : lividness. Ii-vrable º [-vrer], adj. : deliverable. -vraison* [-vrer], f : delivery; install- ment, part (of a printed work). 3 livre logographe 395 I.Iivreº [L. liber], m. : book " à — ouvert, Xoeman* [Dutch lotman], m. : coasting at first sight of the book, without prepa- ration ; - journal, day-book; grand -, ledger ; grand-- (de la dette publique), list of state's creditors ; - de bord, | ship's book for entering cargo and pas- sengers ; - de loch, logbook; laisse là tous les -s, giving up study; -s de fonds d'un libraire, book-dealer's publications ; - d'heures, prayer-book. 2.livre° [L. libra], f. : fpound, sixteen ounces ; livre (coin), franc : — parisis, Parisian livre, twenty-five cents ; — tour- m0is, Tours livre, twenty cents ; — ster- ling, pound sterling, twenty-five francs, :Él. li-vrée, f. : LIVERY (orig. *furnishing'), uniform ; badge ; coat (that changes of young animals or birds): — d'une pièce d'étoffe, silk-thread of a tag (factory mark). |-vrer° [L. liberäre, set free], tr. : deliver (give up ; give over ; give ; bring). livret* [I.-vre], m. : little book; LIBRET- TO; catalogue (of museum or art gallery); gold-beater's mould ; book at cards ; fold (in a ruminant's stomach) : — (d'algo- risme), multiplication table; — d'ouvrier, laborer's record. livreurº, =euse [2.-vre, pound], m., f : carrier, deliverer (of merchandise). lixi-viationº [L. -vium, lye], f : =, LEACHing. adj. : lixivial. lixiviate. fllama = lama. lo-beº [Gr. -bôs], m. : lobed. -vierº [L. -vium], tr. : . -bé ", adj. : -buleº, m. : =, little lobe. loca-l*, pl. =aux [L. -lis (locus, place)], adj. : = ; m. : locality; place. f-le- | mentº, adv. : locally. . -Iisationº [-liser], f : =. -Iiserº, tr. : localise ; locate. .. -litéº, f : locality; position. -taireº [I.louer, rent], m., f : tenant (roomer; lessee). I.-tifº, =ive [louer, rent], adj. : of a tenant : valeur locative, rent-value; risque -, tenant's risk. -tifº, =ive [L. locus, place], adj. : of a place ; m. : locative (case showing place in gram- mar). -tion" [L. -tio], f : renting (hiring; letting). -tis" [L. -ticius], m. : (fam.) hired horse or carriage; rented house. - # Iochº [fr. Eng.], m. : LOG (device to show speed of boats). Ioehage*[-cherl, m. : looseness, dangling. Ioehe* [?], f : LOACH (fish); (dial.) snail. loeherº [ak. to Ger. locker, loose], intr. : be loose ; tr. : shake : il y a quelque fer qui loche, there is a screw loose. loehiesº [Gr.-cheîa], f. pl. : lochia, bloody discharges after childbirth. -viel", =eIIe [L. -vium], | | pilot. loco- [L. locus, place] : -mobile*, adj. : MOVable ; f. : portable steam engine. -moteurº, =triee, adj. : locomotory. -motif", =ive [ak. to -moteur], adj. : | locomotive; f : locomotive, steam engine. -motion" [ak.to -moteur], f : =. -mo- tivité* [-motif], f : locomotive power. loculaire" [L. -lus, cell], adj. : locular, hav'g seed cells. locus-te* [L. -tal, f : locust (grasshop- per); crawfish. -telleº, f : grasshopper sparrow. locutionº [L. -tio (loqui, speak)], f : form of speech. flodierº [?], m. : quilt. lods* [los], m. pl. : feudal fees (due when land was sold). lo-fº [Scand.], m. : lee-side : aller au -, steer closer and closer to the wind. -ferº, intr. : luff alee, head to the wind. logarith-meº [L. -mus (Gr. lôgos, speech, arithmôs, number)], m. : logarith- mic ; f : logarithmic curve. lo-ge* [OG. laubja = Ger. laube, arbor], j. : LODGE (hut ; booth ; hall of a society ; little room) ; cabinet ; LOGGIA ; theatre- box, loge ; dungeon ; kennel ; den ; com- | partment. -geableº [-ger], adj. : habita- ble; fdisposed to lodge. -gementº [-ger], m. : lodging; lodging spâce ; room ; lodgings ; state room ; price of lodging ; . lodgment, entrenchment ; where some- thing is kept, barrel, bale : # faire les logements, arrange for the king's traveling retinue. -gerº, intr. : lodge, put up ; . tr. : entertain ; establish ; entrench ; place: - à la belle étoile, sleep in the open air. -gette º, f : (fam.) little lodge; pollen cèll. -geur*, =euse [-ger], m., f : keeper of lodging-house. Iogi-eien*, =enne [L. -cus, logical], m., f : logician ; adj. : (rare) logical. I.-que* [L. -ca, Gr. -ké (lôgos, reason)], f : logic. 2.-que" [L. -cus (Gr. -kôs)], adj. : logical. -quement" [2.-que], adv. : logically. logis* [-ger], m. : room, quarters ; en- trenchment ; home, habitation ; king's quarters : corps de -, main building ; la folle du -, imagination. logisti-que* [L. -cus (Gr. -kôs)], adj. : logistical. logo- [Gr. lôgos, speech] : I.-grapheº [Gr. -graphos (gráphein, write)], m. : logographer, early Greek prose writer. 2.f-grapheº [Gr. gráphein], m. : short- hand writer. -gripheº º[Gr. griphos, string], m. : logogriph, word-riddle. -ma- ehieº [Gr. -machia (mâche, fight)], f. : y logomachy, war of words. 396 I.loi° [L. lex, lëg-], f. : LAW. 2.Ioiº [aloi], f : alloy (of coins). - loin° [L. longe], adv. : afar, far, far off (in time or space): - à —, at intervals ; — de moi! begone ! -taim° [p. L. *longi- tānus], adj. : remote, distant ; m. : dis- tance, background. loir° [L. glis], m. : dormouse. loi-sible º, adj. : allowable. |-sir° [OFr. verb fr. licëre, be allowed], m. : LEISURE ; spare time, opportunity. lokº [fr. Ar.], m. : loch (medicine). lombaire º [-be], adj. : lumbar. lombard [name of a nation], m. : lombard (fmoney-lender ; pawnshop). lombe* [L. -bus], m.: LOIN. lombri-c* [L. lumbricus], m. : lumbric, earthworm ; intestinal worm. -calº, s pl. =auac, adj. : lumbric-like, worm-like s(as muscles). #londrin º [city Londres, London], m. : light wool cloth (French imitation of London cloth). lon-g°, Ion-gue [L. -gusl, adj. : long (in time or space); m. : length : une (syllabe, note) -gue, a long syllable or note ; de -gue main, of long standing; avoir des dont3 -gues, be famIshed ; habit -, ministerial garb ; lunette de -gue vue, or une longue-vue, eye-glasses, spy-glasses ; le -, or fau -, along ; during ; à la -gue, in course of time, in the long run; ftirer de -gue, be tedious ; tout au -, or tout du —, in detail, fully ; #tout du — et du lé, thoroughly ; en donner à quel- qu'un du - et du large, do one up com- pletely. -gailIeº, f : stave (of bar- rels, etc.). -ganimité* [L. -ganimitas (animus, mind)], f. : longanimity, forbear- ance. Ign-ge° [p. L. *-geal, f : halter, tether; lash : prise de -, hurt in a horse's pastern. 2.longe° [p. L. lumbea (L. lumbus)l, f : LOIN (of meat). lon-géº [I.-ge], adj. : (her.) hav'g tether of a distinct tincture. -gerº [long], tr. : go along; intr. : go far off. # 17 loi -gévité [L. -gœvitas (œvum, age)], f : longevity, great age. - longi-corneº [L. longus, long, cornu, horn], adj. or m. : longicorn (beetle). -métrie º [Gr. métron, measure], f : longimetry, length measuring. -penneº [L. penna, feather], adj. : longipennate ; m.pl. : longipennes, gulls, etc. -rostreº [L. rostrum, beak], adj. : longirostral ; m. pl. : longirostres, snipes, etc. longis º [Longinus, legendary name of soldier who pierced Christ's side], m. : (pop.) slow-poke (meaning infi. by long). longitu-deº [L. -do, length], f : ll-dinal*, pl. =aux [L. -do], adj. : g- ººº- lors -dinalement", adv. : in length, in lon- gitude. | long-jointé", adj. : long-jointed, hav'g $ long pastern. lgn-grine" [-gueur], f : girder; railroad tie. -gtemps" [long, temps], m. or adv. : long time. -guementº [long], adv. : long. f-gue-paume, see paume. f-gue- rie* [It. lungheria], f : lengthiness. f-guerine, see -grine. -guetº, =ette [long], adj. : ( fam.) rather lº# 770,. " (piano-maker's)hammer. -gueur*[long], f : length ; great length ; long delay. f-gue-vue, see long. flooch = lok. lopinº [?], m. : (fam.) morsel, share : — cinglé, lump of refined metal (ready for special furnace). loqua-ee* [L. -x (loqui, talk)], adj. : lo- quacious, talkative. -eité [L. -citas], f. : loquacity, talkativeness. Ioque* [? ak. to Ger. locke, curl], f : rag; polisser à la -, tie up vines with rags. fIoquèle* [L. -la, talking], f : smalltalk. I.Ioquet* [-que], m. : coarse wool (for mattresses) ; tuft (of boar's hair for hrnshes). - 2.Ioque-tº [OFr. loc (ak. to Eng. lock)], m. : door latch ; hatch-bar : couteau à -, knife with spring blade. -teau º, m. : little latch (of windows, etc.). - lo-queteux *, =euse [-que], adj. : ragged. -quetteº [-que], f : (fam.) little piece ; little hank of unspun wool ; slice (of salmon, etc.). - lord " [Eng.], m. : lord. lordose [l. L., Gr. -sis (Gr. lordôs, bent back)], f : lordosis (forward curvature of the spine). loréº [?], adj. : (her.) hav'g fins of a dis- tinct tincture. lor-gnadeº, f. : (fam., rare) ogle, glance (at a woman). -gnEmentº, m. : (rare) ogling. -gnerº [OFr.-gne, squint], tr. : glance at, ogle, make eyes at, peep at ; look at with opera-glasses. -gnErie*, f : (fam. rare) ogling. -gnette", f : =, opera glass; fspy-glass (for seeing sideways) ; #fan (with a glass in it). -gneurº, =euse, m., f : ogler. -gnomº, m. : eye-glasses. I.loriot [OFr. l'oriol (L. aureolus, golden)], 77?. " oriole (bird) : ( fig.) compère--, stye on the eye. 2.loriotº [?], m. : (baker's) trough. lor-mErie º, f. : (old) harness business. |-mier* [OFr. -ain (L. -um, thong)], m. : (old) harness-maker. lorré = loré. » lors* [l'or, adverbial -s], adv. : then : dès -, since that time ; — de, at the time of ; - que, or lorsque º, conj. : when. y los los° [L. laudes, pl. of laus, praise], m. : fpraising ; approval. lo-sange* [?l, m., or ff. : (her.) lozenge; diamond shape; rhombus. -sangerº, tr. : divide into diamond shapes. . ^. losse° [? ak. to Ger. loch, hole], f. : bung- borer. lo-tº [fr. Germ'c], m. : LOT (prize, for- tune ; heritage ; portion ; quantity ; allot- ment, job, contract). lo-terieº [It.-teria (lotto, lot)], f : lottery. I.lo-tier", m. : fishing partner (who shares equally). 2.Iotierº [L. -tus], m. : lotus flower. lo-tion * [L. -tio (lavare, wash)l, f : =, washing, bathing. -tionnerº, tr. : wash. lo-tir* [lot], tr.: allot; cull out, sample ; assay, test (ores). -tissage", m. : shar- ing, division. -tissement*, m. : allot- ment, lotting. -tisseurº, =euse, m., f. : | (rare) allotter. -to* [It. -tto], m.: (game). lotteº [?],f. : lote, burbot (fish). lotus* or -tos [L., Gr.], m.: =, tree of oblivion (making one forget his country). lou-able* [-er, praise], adj. : LAUDABLE, praiseworthy. -ablEment*, adv. : laud- ably. Iouage*[louer, rent], m.: rent, hire : (fig.) personnages de -, persons in a tableau merely to fill up. louan-ge* [louer, LAUD], f : praise. | -ger* [louer], tr. : (fam.) praise greatly. -geurº, =euse [-ger], m., f. : praiser, flatterer. I.louehe* [? ak.to losse], f : large spoon; ladle, bung-borer. 2.lou-ehe* [L. luscus, one-eyed], adj. : · squinting, cross-eyed ; half-blind ; blurred, - of uneven colour; m.,f. : cross-eyed per- son ; m. : obscurity. -eherº, intr. : squint, be cross-eyed. -eherieº, f : (fam.) #tiº# - louehetº [I.-che], m. : spade ; bucket (of an endless chain). lou-ehette" [-cher], f.: goggles (for cross-eyes). -ehirº [-che], intr. : cloud, become uneven in colour. -ehon * [-cher], m., f. : (pop.) squint or goggle-eyed person. . fIoudier = lodier. I.louer° [L. locare, fix in place], tr. : hire; let : fpersonnages à -, persons used to fill up a picture. 2.lou-erº° [L. laudărel, tr. : praise : se — de, be proud of, delighted with. I.-eurº, -euse, m., f : praiser. 2.1oueur*, =euse [louer, hire], m., f : livery-man, hirer of horses, etc. Iougre" [fr. Eng.], m. : lugger, pirate boat. louisº [King Louis XIII], m. : louis (old coin with image of the king ; nou twenty- franc gold-piece). 397 loup° [L. lupus], m. : WOLF; loup, light mask , flupus, sore ; flaw ; lump, clinker (in a molten mass); comb, devil (for raw wool): dent de -, goldsmith's ivory bur- nisher ; spike ; rod ; bar; trigger ; nail puller ; point of lace, etc.; gueule de —, chimney wind-cap ; snap-dragon (plant); pied de -, club-moss ; saut de —, moat ; - marin, or de mer, hair-seal ; umbrina (fish); - gris or blanc, old wolf ; were- Wolf; enrhumé comme un -, hoarse (fr. a lover ' cold); froid de -, severe cold ; avoir vu le -, be an old hand, old timer. —-cer- vier, Canada lynx. - Iou-pe* [?], f : wen ; gnarl; uncut gem ; pearl-stone (in a shell); red-hot iron (ready for hammer); brick (that has absorbed gold, etc.); magnifying-glass. -peux ", =euse, adj. : having gnarls. loup-garou*, pl. -s--s, m. : = (WERE- WOLF); bugbear ; unsociable man. lour-d° [p. L. *lurdus (L. lilridus)], adj. : heavy; awkward; dull; expensive. -daudº, =aude, m., f. : clumsy person ; dolt. -derie*,.f. : dullness. -deur",.f. : heavi- ness, weight. #-diseº, f. : blunder. loure" [?], f : = (fbagpipe, slow dance). flourerº, tr. : mark .(the first note of each beat). flousse = losse. Ioussec º [?], m. : scupper. loustie" or floustig -tik [Ger. lustig, merry], m. : company clown (of the Swiss regiments in French service) ; buffoon, ioker. - lou-tre*[L. lutra], f : otter. #-treur º, or f-trier, m. : (dial.) otter-hunter. lou-vard * or -vat [loup], m. : young wolf. |lou-ve° [L. lupa], f. : she-wolf ; fharlot ; staked seine ; hoop-net (with many entrances); barrel (with no bottom, through which codfish are loaded); sling, stone-tongs (for raising stone). louvelle " [?], f : flat planking (of ships, where boards lie square up instead of cov- ering each other). I.louver = lover. 2.lou-verº [-ve], tr. : raise (a stone with a sling). -vetº, =ette [loup], adj. : fox- coloured, sorrel. -vetageº [-veter], m. : combing (of wool). -veteau* [loup], m. : wolf-whelp ; claw (of stone-tongs). I.-ve- terº [loup], intr. : whelp. 2.-veterº [loup], tr. : comb (wool). -veterieº [-vetier], f : wolf-hunting company or out- fit. -vetierº [loup], m. : fchief wolf- hunter ; outfitter (for wolf-hunting). -vetteº [-ve], f. : dog-tick. louviers* [town L.], m. : kind of cloth. louvoyerº [lof], intr. : tack ship ; (fig.) scheme, manœuvre. lover " [?], tr. : coil; (dial.) roll up. S, 398 loxodro-mieº [Gr. -mos (loxôs, oblique, drômos, course)], f. : rhumb ; loxodrome (curvefollowing one direction). -mique", adj. : loxodromic. loy-al°, pl. =aux [L. legälisl, adj. : loyal; flawful : cheval -, submissive horse. -alement*, adv. : loyally. -autéº, f : loyalty. loyer° [L. locārium (locus, place), stall money], m. : rent, hire ; wages ; freward. flozange = losange. lu - bie º [L. -bere, desire], f. : whim, fancy. f-bieux º, f=euse, adj. : fanci- ful, whimsical. lubri-eité* [l. L. -citas],f. : lubricity. -fieation * [ fier], f : =. -fierº [L. -cus, slippery, facere, make], tr. : lubrify, oil. ll-que* [L. -cus, slippery], adj. : lustful, lecherous, lewd. '-quement*, adv. : lewdly, lustfully. Iu-caneº [L. -canus], m. : stag-beetle. loxodromie -carne* [ak. to L. lux, light], f : =, garret window. Iuei-deº [L. -dus (lux, light)], adj. : lucid, clear; fshining ; f. : brightest star (in a constellation) : somnambule -, clair- voyant medium. -dement*, adv. : lu- cidly. -dité º, f : lucidity. lueioleº [It. lucciola], f : glow-worm. lu-eratifº, =ive [L. -crativus (lucrum, gain)], adj. : lucrative, very profitable. -erativementº, adv. : profitably. -creº [L. -crum], m. : - cessant, case where a creditor hav'g lost interest can demand a bonus. - flucubration = élucubration. ludion" [L. -dio, actor], m.: "dancing dervish" (hollow figure in a jar to show pressure). - luette° [ºuette fr. p. L. *ilvitta (L. üva, · bunch of grapes)], f. : UVULA, soft palate. lueur° [p. L. *lücor (L. liicëre, shine)], m. : glimmer ; gleam. . lugu-bre*[L.-gubris], adj. : lugubrious, sad. -brEmentº, adv. : mournfully, dolefully. 4 lui° [p. L. *illui (L. ille, that one)], pers. pr0n. : he ; him, it ; to him, to her, to it ; himself, itself. lui-re° [p. L. *lücere (L. liicëre)], irr. $ ; intr. : shine. -santº, adj. : bright; m. : brilliancy ; f : brightest star (of a con- stellation). f-sette º, f : (dial.) disease (of silk-worms, making their bodies trans- parent). $ Ind. : Pr. luz-s, -s, -t; -sozzs, -sez, -semt. Ipf. laéisais. .. Pret. luis2s. Fut. (Cond.) luz- rai(s). — Subj. : Pr. luise. Ipf. luisisse. — I've luzs. — Part. : Pr. luzsant; P. luz. luite, see suite. luiton, see lutin. lumaeh elle" [It. -lla (lumaca, slug)], f : =, fire-marble (containing shells). lupanar lumbagoº [L., fr. lumbus, LOIN], m. : =, rheumatism of the back. lumière° [L. lüminäria (lumen, light), windows], f : LIGHT ; information ; opening (touch-hole of gun ; peep-hole ; sight of an astrolabe ; hole for water or steam to pass through in a machine ; slot in a plane); (her.) eyes of a boar or porcu- pine. - lumignon* [OFr. limegnon (?)], m. : fire- end of a wick, snuff ; stump (of candle). lumi-naire* [l. L. -nare (L. lumen, LIGHT)], m. : luminary, light ; lights of a church; eyes. -neusement* [-neux], adv. : luminously. -neux*, =euse [L. -nosus], adj. : luminous, giving light. I.Iu-naire* [L. -naris (luna, moon)], adj. : lunar; crescent-shaped. 2.-naireº [l. L. -narial, f. : lunary, moonwort (fern). -naison* [lune], f : lunation, time of lunarrevolution, lunarmonth. -natiqueº [L. -naticus], adj. : lunatic, moonstruck : cheval -, moon-eyed horse ; m. : lunatic. lun-ehº lo-sh [Eng.], m. : =. -eherº, intr. : lunch. - lundi° [p. L. *lünis dies (L. liinœ dies, day of the moon)], m. : Monday : - gras, last Monday of the carnival ; ( fam.) faire le -, fêter saint Lundi, make Monday a holiday instead of working. lu-ne° [L. lüna], f : moon (heavenly | body; lunar month) ; round hole ; metal disk ; gnarl in wood ; silvery object : — d'eau, water-lily ; sunfish ; crachet de la -, kind of algae ; - rousse, time for late frosts ; - de miel, honeymoon ; - bonne (mauvaise), good (bad) humour ; avoir des -s, be moonstruck. -néº, adj. : lunate; gnarled; moony. -nelº [Sp.], m. : (her.) formed of four crescents. -netierº, I.=ière [-nette], m., f : maker or seller of spectacles ; (humor.) wearer of spectacles. 2.-netière" [-nette], f : cruciferous plant (hav'g cells in twos sug- gesting spectacles). -nette*, f : lens ; telescope ; = (glass disk for the Host in Catholic churches ; conical vault window ; wish-bone ; semi-circular fortification) ; lens ; telescope ; rim holding the crystal of a watch ; steel-ring to verify caliber of cannon-balls ; privy-seat ; neck-groove (of guillotine) ; side-flue (of glass furnace) ; empty square (between two of adversary's pieces at checkers, at billiards) ; pl. : spectacles ; fcircular mirror. f-nettier, see -netier. -ni-solaire" [L. -na, moon, Fr. solaire], adj. : lunisolar. -nule " [L. -nula], f : little moon ; =, lunula ; glass crystal of the host. -nure*, f. : round flaw (in wood). lu-panar [L. (lupa, she-wolf)], m. : (house of ill fame). |-pin* [L. -pinus luron (-pus, WOLF)], m.: lupine (plant). -pi- nelleº [-pin], f : red clover, sainfoin. -puline " [L. *-pulas], f : yellow lucern- graSS. luronvº, =onne [?], m., f. : jolly fellow ; buxom girl. lus-trage" [-trer], m. : lustring; gloss- ing. -tralº, pl. =aux [L. -tralis], adj. : ' lustral, purifying. -tration* [L. -tra- tio], f. : =, method of purification. I.ll-treº [L. -trum (luere, appease)], m. : · lustrum (expiatory sacrifice amongst the Romans every five years ; census taken every five years ; period of five years). 2.lus-treº [It. -tro (L. lucere, shine)], 77l,. ! (gloss ; brilliancy ; splendour ; chandelier). -trerº, tr. : lustre (gloss, È make shiny). -treur" [-trer], m. : glosser. -trierº, m. : maker of chan- deliers. -trine", f. : lustring (heavy silk fabric) ; percaline (glossy cotton cloth). -troirº [-trer], m. : felted pol- isher (for mirrors). lu-t* [L. -tum, mud], m. : lute, luting (composition for excluding air or fire). -terº [L. -tare], tr. : lute, seal up. lu-th * [?], m. : lute (guîtar-like instru- ment). -therº, tr. : shape like a lute ; adapt to the lute. -therie" [-thier], f. : lute business. -thierº, m. : luter, lutist. lu-tinº [OFr. netun (? L. Neptunus, sea- god Neptune)], m. : hobgoblin, imp; rogue. -tinerº, tr. : irritate ; #play the deuce. lutrinº [l. L. lectrinum (Gr. léktron, bed)], m. : =, lectern (reading desk in church); choristers. lut-teº, f. : wrestling, wrestle ; struggle; contest ; conflict. -terº° [p. L. *luctäre (L. -ctäri)], intr. : wrestle; struggle, con- - tend. -teur*, =euse, m., f : wrestler ; COntestant. uxation* [L. -tio (luxare, put out of joint)], f : =. uxeº [L. -xus], m. : luxury; superfluity. uxerº [L. -xare], tr. : luxate, put out of joint. ux-eux*, =euse [luxe], adj. : luxurious, sumptuous. -ure* [L. -uria], f : lust, (fEng. luxury). -uriantº [L. -urians], adj. : =. -urieusement* [-urieux], adv. : luxuriously, in luxury. -urieux*, =euse [L.-uriosus], adj. : lewd. luzer-neº [Prov. -no], f : lucern-grass. -nière º, f : lucern-field. lycanthro-peº [Gr. -pos (lûkos, WoLF, ânthropos, man)], m., f : = (who imagines himself a wolf) ; (rare) werewolf. -pie* [Gr. -pia], f : lycanthropy (mania of im- agining one's self a wolf). - y-eéeº [L. Lyceum (Gr. Lükeion, Aris- totle's school)], m. : (old) lecture hall ; lectures ; (nou) lycée, lyceum, advanced 399 school. -eéenº, =enne, m., f : student of a lycée. Iyeh-nide ", f, or -nis [L. -nis (Gr. luk- mis)], m. : lychnis ; lampflower. 1yeiet" [L. -cium, buckthorn], m. : licium, of nightshade family. Iyeo-pe" [l. L. -pus (Gr. lûkos, WOLF, poûs, foot)], m. : water-hoarhound (plant). -pode" [l. L. -podium], m. : lycopodium, club-moss. lym-phatiqueº, adj. : lymphatic. -pha- tismeº [-tique], m. : lymphatic condi- tion. Illym-phe* [L. lympha, water)l, f : lymph, serous fluid, humor ; Water exudation ; sap : - de Cotugno, serum of the ear. lyneherº [fr. Eng.], tr. : lynch. Iynx* [L. (Gr. lûgx)], m. : lynx, cat-like mammal. Iy-re* [L. -ra], f : stringed instru- ment. -rique* [L. -ricus, Gr. lurikôs], adj. : lyric. macération y MI m* èm, f, or mE, m. : m (the letter). M. abbreviation for monsieur, majesté, maître, etc. ma, See m0m. . macabre* [? painter Macabre], adj. : danse -, dance of death (allegorical dance of rich and poor, high and low). macada-mº [engineer MacAdam], m. : = (broken stone ; paving, or road made of it). -misageº, m. : macadamising. -miserº, tr. : ' macadamise, pave with broken stone. macao* [Portuguese colony M. in China], m. : kind of vingt-et-un (card game). macaque" [Port. -caco (Congo word)], m. : =, macaco, African monkey ; mos- quito. macareux " [?], m. : diving-parrot, auk, puffin. maea-romº [Venetian -rone, It. macche- rone], m. : macaroon ; ornamental oval comb; clothes-rack. -ronée* [humor. fr. -roni], f. : macaronic, poem in bur- lesque Latin. -roniº [Venetian (It. maccheroni)], m. : = (paste tubes for food); purgative powder (of protoxide of antimony and sugar). -ronique* [It. -ronico], adj. : macaronic, in burlesque Latin. ma eédoine* [country Macedonia], f : hotch-potch (jumble ; dish of different vegetables or fruits). fma e en°, see masser. ma eé-ration * [L. -ratio (macer, lean, thin)], f. : maceration (steeping ; mortifi- 400 111#l,Gelº40#à cation of the flesh). -rer* [L. -rare], tr. : steep, soak ; mortify (the body). maeeronº [It. -ne (?)], m. : black pars- ley (edible plant). maefarlaneº [Eng.], m. : =, sleeveless cloak. Inachabées, m.pl. : Maccabees. - mâeheº [?], f. : corn-salad (plant); - bouehon [macher], m. : corking tool. mâeheeoulis* [?], m. : machicolation, loop-hole of overhanging parapet. mâehe-dru", pl. - [-cher], m. : (fam.) big eater. mâehefer * [?, fer], m. : scoria. mâ-ehe-laurierº, m. : would-be poet. -ehelierº°, =ière [OFr. maisseler, L. maxillaris (maxilla, jaw)], adj. : maxil- lary, of the jaw : (dents) mâchelières, jaw-teeth. |-eher° [L. masticăre], tr. : masticate, chew ; make pulp of; mangle : (fam.) — à vide, be hungry and have no food ; work to no purpose ; ne point - une chose à quelqu'un, not to mince mat- ters to one ; papier mâché, paper pulp ; bois (cordage) mâché, frayed wood (ropes). -eh eurº, =euse, m., f : chewer; eater. Inachiavé-lique º [Italian statesman Machiavelln], adj. : Machiavelian. -1is- meº [old verb -liser, be unscrupulously diplomatic], m. : Machiavellism, willful de- ceit in diplomacy. -liste º, m., f.: Machia- vellian, believer in the doctrine that the end justifies the means. mâ-ehieatoireº [-cher], m. : mastica- tory, something to chew in order to pro- duce saliva. f-ehicoulis = -checoulis. -ehilIerº [-cher], tr. : (fam.) chew partly. - ma-ehinº [-chine], m. : thingumbob, what-do-you-call-it, what's-his-name (used to supply forgotten name). - maehi-nal", pl. =aux, adj.: mechanical, machine-like. -nalementº [-nal], adv. : mechanically. -nateur*, =triee [L. -nator, =trix], m., f. : machinator, plot- ter. -nation* [L. -natio], m., f : =, crafty design. |-neº [L. -na (Gr. me- châne, engine)], f. : machine ; machinery ; devices : — à mâter, sheers for setting masts; - à vapeur, steam-engine. -nerº [L. -mari], tr. : machinate, contrive ; fit out, equip. -nerie º, f : machinery. -neur*, =euse [-ner], m., f : contriver, schemer. -nisme ", m. : mechanism ; mechanical philosophy, doctrine that man is a machine. -niste º, m. : machinist ; +inventor ; scene-shifter, manipulator of stage machinery. shoemaker's scraper (to smooth seams). mâ-ehoire* [-cher], f. : jaw (maxilla ; side of pincers, of tongs, etc. ; chops slag, clinkers, -noirº [-mer], m. : madame of a vise or flint-lock ; concave end of a boom or gaff; side of tackle-block) ; jaw- tooth ; blockhead : avoir la — pesante, be clumsy in speech. -ehonnement * [-chonner], m. : chew at, munch ; mumble. -ehure* [-cher], f. : frayed place, uneven edge (as of torn cloth or a wound); de- fect (as in nap of velvet). I.-e.hurerº . [-chure], tr. : rumple, mar (by too much pressure). 2.mâ ehurerº [ak. to masque], tr. : blacken .(make black, daub ; #slander); maculate, soil (in printing). maeis * [L.], m. : mace (aromatic spice fr. false aril of nutmeg). mackintoshº [fr. Eng.], m. : cloak or its material). I.macle º [?], f. : water-chestnut. 2.maeleº [? L. -cula, sense of " mesh'], ſ : =, twin crystal, chiastolite ; coarse meshed seine ; (her.) MASCLE. I.ma- clerº, tr. : crystallise in cross or star shapes. 2.maclerº [?], tr. : stir (molten glass with an iron bar). ma-çon° [p. L. macio (?)], m. : mason ; free-mason : soupe de -, thick soup (like mortar). -çonnage*, m. : magonry. -çonnerº, tr. : mason, plaster, build by masonry. -çonnerie º, f. : masonry (mason-work, brick or stone-work ; free- masonry): - en liaison, bound work (hav'g horizontal joints); — en échiquier, checker- work (hav'g oblique joints); — en blocage (or blocaille), rubble-work ; grosse —, foundation work, wall work. -çonni- que", adj. : masonic, of free-masonry. fmacque, etc., see maque, etc. fmacre = I.macle. macreuseº [macroule], f : king-duck, black scoter ; shoulder-cut, meat from shoulder. maero- [Gr. makrôs, large]: -eéphaleº [Gr. -képhalos (kephalé, head)], adj. : mac- rocephalous. -cosme* [Gr. kósmos, world], m. : macrocosm, universe. -dac- tyleº [Gr. -dáktulos], adj. or m. : macro- dactyl, long-clawed bird. -podeº [Gr. poûs, FOOT], adj. : macropodous, hav'g long footstalk. - macroule* [dial. (?)], f : COat. - macroure* [Gr. makrôs, long, ourâ, tail], adj. : macrourous ; pl. : macrura · (lobsters and shrimps). - maeu-latureº, f : = (sheet spoiled in printing ; Waste paper ; blotting paper) ; coarse paper for envelopes. #-le* [L. -la], f. : blemish ; spot. |-1er* [L. -lare], tr. : maculate (soil, blot ; fleck). madame*, pl. mesdames [ma, dame], f. Mrs. ; madam (title formerly of a knight' = (rain- large black madapolam wife, then of any woman of rank ; now, , title of respect to any married Woman, or stranger ; lady of the house): jouer à la -, play the lady. madapolamº [town M. in India], m. : = (fine cotton cloth). madé-faction ", f : madefaction, wet- ting. -fierº [L. made-facere], tr. : make wet, madefy. - madeleine* [woman Magdalena], f.: magdalen, repentant harlot ; little hard cake. mademoiselle*, pl. mesdemoiselles [ma, demoiselle], f. : Miss ; (old) title like " my lady" applied to all women of lesser rank; (n0w) title of the eldest princess ; title of respect to unmarried woman, or miss. Madère, f. : Madeira (island); madeira- wine. • madone [It. -nna, my lady], f : madonna, image of the Virgin. madragueº [Prov. fr. Ar.],f. : = (pound- net for tunny). - madras [town M. in India], m. : = (large bright-coloured silk and cotton handker- chief). madré [OFr. -dre, wood for goblets, ak. to Ger. maser, veined or curled wood], adj. : fmarbled, veined, striped ; (fig.) cunning. madré-pore" [It. -pora (madre, mother, Gr. pôros, tufa)], m. : madrepore, reef coral. -poriqueº, adj. : made of reef coral. madrier * [? L. materia, material], m. : = (heavy beam or plank). madrigalº, pl. =aux [It. -le (?)], m. : =, love-ditty. fmadrureº [-dré], f : marbling, veining. fmaestral = mistral. mafflé º or -fHu [?], adj. : ( fam.) hav'g fat cheeks, chubby-cheeked. - maga-sinº [It. -zzino fr. Ar.], m. : ma- gazine (store ; depot ; warehouse ; chamber of a repeater); commissary ship ; basket, coffer (fastened behind a coach) : un cheval qui fait --, a horse that lets food collect in his cheek ; commis de -, clerk; en -, in stock. -sinageº [obsolete -siner, lay up], m. : storage, rent for storing. -sinier", m. : keeper of a magazine. magdaléon º [L. -lium, Gr. -lia, stony paste], m. : = (medicine kneaded with breadcrumbs). - - I.#mage, see maje. . 2.ma-ge* [L. -gus fr. Pers.], m. : one of the Magi, Magus, ancient Persian priest ; fmagician. -gi.eien*, =enne [L. -gi- cus, magicl, m., f : magician. -gie* [L. -gia, Gr. -geia], f : magic ; fscience of the Magi : - m0ire, black art ; — blanche, legerdemain. -gique* [L. -gicusl, adj. : 401 magical, magic : carré -, charmed square. -gismeº, m. : Magianism. - magis-terº [L., MASTER], m. : school- master. -tère* [L. -terium, office of chiefl, m. : magistery, compound of two chemicals ; #headship of the order of Mal- ta. -tral*, pl. =aux [L. -tralis], adj. : = (chief, principal); masterful ; fdepen- dent on a master ; m. : =, compound for amalgamating silver by the patio process ; f. : magistral, magistral line (of a fortif- cation). -tralement* [-tral], adv. : in a masterful way. -tratº [L. -tratus], m. : magistrate (fmagistracy ; high offi- cial or office-holder) ; bench, body of judges. -tratureº [-trai], f : =, ma- gistracy, government ; bench, court, body of judges : la - assise, judges (who are permanent and sit during theirutterances); la - debout, removable judges (who change with the administration). - - magnanerie* [Prov., fr. magnon, silk- worm], f. : = (nursery for silkworms ; culture of silkworms). - magnani-me*[L. -mus (magnus, great, animus, mind)], adj. : magnanimous, gener- ous. -mement*, adv. : magnanimously. -mité* [L. -mitas], f : magnanimity. magné-sieº[L. (Gr.) magnes, loadstone], f. : magnesia : - noire, peroxide of man- ganese ; - anglaise, oxide of magnesium. -sien*, =enne, adj. : hav'g magnesia. -sique*, adj. : magnesian. -sium *, m. : magnesium, silver-white element. -tique* [L. -ticus], adj. : magnetic ; hypnotic. -tiquement" [-tique], adv. : magnetically, by magnetism. -tiser" [ak. to -tiquel, tr. : magnetise, mesmerise. -tiseur, =euse [-tiser], m., f : hypnotist, magnetiser. -tisme" [ak.to -tique], m. : magnetism ; hypnotism. - magot | Magnificat* [L., "magnifies," first word · of a hymn], m. : = (hymn to the Virgin, or the time (evening) of singing it): en- tonner le - à matines, do a thing out of season ; corriger (or gloser sur) le —, use poor taste in criticising. magni-fi.eenee* [L. ficential, f. : |f-fierº [L. ficare (magnus, great, facere, make)], tr. : magnify, exalt. -fi- que* [L. ficusl, adj. : magnificent, gorgeous ; excellent, exalted (used as title). -fiquement* [ fique], adv. : magnificently, grandly. . • magnolia " or fmagno- [botanist Mag- nol], m. : = (shrub). - - I.magotº [mugot], m. : laid up treasure. 2.magotº [biblical name Magog, country or nation in the far East], m. : = (Barbary ape ; grotesque figure in porcelain, china, etc.); ugly man. reserve money, 402 mahalebº [Ar. mahleb], m. : =, Euro- pean cherry-tree or wood (used for canes and pipes). - malvonilleº [town Mahon], f : (cruciferous plant). mahute* [OFr. mahustre, humerus (?)], m., f. : short coverts (of a falcon's wing). I.mai° [L. Maius (sc. mensis * month')], m. : May : (arbre de) —, May-pole ; beurre de -, May butter (considered medicinal). 2.fmai(e), see mait. maïeur° [L. major, greater], m. : (dial.) mayOr. I.mai-gre°[L. macer, lean], adj. : MEAGER (scant, poor; unproductive ; lean, thin, emaciated ; fit for Lent, lenten, fast-like); shallow ; narrow ; m. : shallow place ; lean meat, lenten food (with no flesh) : - auteur, barren author ; voler bas et -, have a short flight ; toile -, thin cloth ; viande -, meat allowable on fast days ; ſaire —, abstain from flesh. mègr |?], m. : umbrine, mud-minnow. -grEletº, =ette, adj. : pretty lean, rather thin. -grEInent*, adv. : meager- ly, scantily. f-gret*, f=ette, adj. : rather meager. -greurº, f : leanness, meagerness. -griehomº, =nnne, m, f : (fam.) spindleshanks (lean person). -grirº, intr. : grow lean ; tr. : reduce in flesh ; make thin. mail° [L. malleus], m. : hammer, (esp.) heavy hammer (cf. Eng. maul, fEng. mail); mall (game), mallet (for the game); alley (for playing mall). mail-lage" [3.-ller], m. : mauling. s fmaillard, see colin-maillard. I.maille° [L. macula, mesh or spot], f. : mesh ; knot (of nets) ; ring, scale (of a coat of mail); stitch ; interval (between crossthreads or crossing timbers); grain of wood ; (her.) tongueless buckle ; fat (on the iliac bones of cattle); spot (on quail's feathers); blossom mark ſon melons, etc.); haw, web (of eye). 2.maille° [p. L. *metallia (L. metallium, metal)], f. : ancient small coin, half a denier ; little weight, fourth of an ounce ; lesser (part of anything): avoir - à partir avec quelqu'un, have a crow to pick with any one. mailleau* [mail], m. : (cloth-shearer's) mallet, hammer (to make jaws of shears close). maille ehortº [inventors Maillot and Chorier], m. : German silver (alloy of cop- per, zinc and nickel). · I.mail-lerº [I.-le], tr. or intr. : mesh, knot ; checker, cross ; bind ; speckle, turn speckled : maçonnerie maillée or le maillé, net-work ; (her.) maillé, hav'g a coat of mail. mahaleb rocket 2.-greº | maint 2.tmailler, see mallier. 3.mail-ler* [mail], tr. : hammer (with MALLET). -1et* [mail], m. : mallet, wooden hammer, light maul ; stamper (in paper-making); hammer-fish. -letage", [-leter], m. : bestudding, bossing. '-le- ter* [-let], tr. : — le doublage d'un vais- seau, stick the keel sheathing of a vessel (with large-headed nails driven in with mallet). -loehe* [mail], f : heavy mal- let ; yarn-winder (for wrapping ropes). -loir*, m. : beating-stone. mail-lonº [-le, mesh], m. : little mesh ; link ; ring; loop. I.mail-lotº [?], m. : swaddling-band or clothes; new-born babe. 2.maillotº [inventor M.], m. : tights. mail-lureº [I.-ler], f : spots (on bird- feathers ; in wood). main° [L. manus], f : hand (of men ; of monkeys) ; deal or lead (at cards); hand- writing; handful ; claw ; clamp ; hook ; hand-rail; tendril; body-loop (ofcarriages); quire (24 sheets of paper): en -, in hand, under control, in one's power, at one's dis- posal; à la -, at hand; on hand; in hand, easy to handle ; just right ; tenir bon à la -, or amarrer bonne -, make fast (a rope) Without lotting it loogcn ; SUu5 -, under- handed, secretly; sur la -, openly ; - mise (levée, morte), see mainmise (-levée, -morte); donner la -, help; le cheval gagne à la -, the driver is steadily losing control of the horse ; il n'y a que la -, they are on close terms ; faire la belle -, act haughtily; homme de -, man of deeds ; de -, artificial, made by man's hand ; de la —, written by the king's hand ; à - morte, listlessly ; — morte, " slack-hand" (game); le cheval force la —+, the horse has his own way; cheval à toutes-s, horse broken to ride or drive ; donner la bonne -, give a tip, fee ; - heureuse, good luck (at cards, etc.); il a la -, it is his deal or lead; ( fam.) mettre la — à la pâte, pitch in and work ; la dernière -, the finishing touches ; de longue -, of long duration ; fait (écrit) à la —, made (writ- ten) by hand ; en venir aux -s, come to blows ; mariage de la - gauche, morga- natic marriage; tour de -, sleight of hand; en un tour de -, in a trice ; - basse, violent hands ; avoir la — crochue, be light-fingered ; - de gloire, mandrake as a charm to double money. -d'oeuvre", pl. -s--, f. : wages, labour. -forte, no pl., f : armed force ; assistance ; posse's aid; farmed hand. -levée* [lever], f : replevin. f-mise* [mettre], f : seizure. -mortable* [-morte], adj. : liable to mortmain. -morte*, f : mortmain. f-otte = menotte. - fmaintº[?ak.to Eng. many], adj.: manya. maintenant zmain-tenant* [main, tenant (tenir)], adv. : now. |-tenir* [main, tenir], irr.; tr. : MAINTAIN (sustain, keep in same place or state ; insist on). -tenue*, f. : decision (adjudging to one the possession of object in dispute). -tien*, m. : main- tenance ; behaviour, bearing, deportment. · fmaïolique = majolique. i mairain° [p. L. *materiamen (L. materia, · material)], m. : (old) lumber for building ; (now) wood for staves, clapboards ; deer- antlers. mai-re° [L. major, larger], m. : (old) head- steward, chief servant (of a king) ; pre- · siding official; chief justice; (now) MAYOR. | -rie*, f. : office of mayor ; town-hall. mais° [L. magis, more], conj. : but; why ! t adv. : fmore : puis-je —, can I (do) more ? | maïsº [Sp. maîz], m. : MAIZE, (Indian) corn : — ensilé, corn-fodder ensilage ; - quarantain, forty-day corn. #maishui* [mais, hui], adv. : today. mai-son° [L. mansio (mamëre, REMAIN)], ſ : house (dwelling ; building ; public edi- fice ; firm ; family ; household ; #lineage) : faire - mette, discharge all the servants ; faire - neuve, hire new set of servants ; - de jeu, gambling house ; - de santé, private hospital especially for insane ; - de fous, mad-house ; les Petites-Maisons, ancient insane asylum near Paris ; - de tolérance, house of ill-fame ; — de ville, town-hall; #- du roi, prison. -sonnée º, ·f. : ( fam.) family (all who live in one house). -sonnette*, f : (fam.) little house. Maïssour, m. : Mysore (division of India). mait° [L. magis], f. : kneading trough ; flour-bowl; meat basket ; mixing spade ; dripping box (for newly tarred rope); top, bottom (of press). maî-tre°, =esse [L. magisterl, m., f : MASTER, mistress, (owner ; ruler ; head ; expert ; principal, teacher ; boss as title, master), boatswain : #- d'œuvre, fore- man ; - des œuvres, inspector of public buildings ; - des hautes œuvres, hang- man ; — des basses œuvres, man with the night-wagon, scavenger; - garçon (valet, clerc), head-waiter (-valet, -clerk) ; - Jacques, one who does various kinds of work, servant of all work ; — d'hôtel, steward ; majordomo ; être — d'y aller, have choice of going or not ; --autel, high-altar ; petit--, dude, dandy ; (form- erly les petits--s, league of princes during the Fronde). -trise*, f. : +mastery ; rank of master ; teaching (of schools, of musicians) ; singing school. -trîser* [-trise], tr. : overpower, control, master, subdue. naje* [Prov. fr. L. major, greater], adj. : jage -, seneschal, mediaeval justice. | malade 403 ma-jesté* [L. -jestas], f : majesty. -jestueux º, =euse, adj. : majestic. -jeurº [L. -jor], adj. : major (greater ; normal, standard; of legal age); m. : fan- cestor; fadult; f. : major (premise; study). majolique* [It. -lica (fr. island Major- ca)], f : majolica, Rafaello ware (enameled earthenware). majo-rº [for majeur], adj. : superior (in rank): tambour--, drum-major; état- -, military staff ; (humor.) majoresse, major's wife. -rat" [L.-joratus], m. : =, entailed estate. -ration* [-rer],f. : =, raising, increase. -rdomatº [-rdome], m. : (rare) position of steward. -rdomeº [Sp. mayordomo (l. L. major domus, chief of the house)], m. : majordomo. -rerº [L. -r], tr. : increase, raise (values, sub- scriptions, etc.). -resse, see major. -rité [L. -ritas and Eng. -rity], f. : ma- jority (legal age ; greater part of votes cast, plurality); duties of a major ; head- quarters (of naval officer called major de la marine). - majusculeº [L.-lus, a little larger], adj. : capital ; f : capital letter. maki" [?], m. : =, lemur (monkey). makisº [Corsican macchia, " spot'], m. : thicket. I.mal°, pl. =aux [L.-lus], fadj. : bad; m. : evil, ill, harm; hurt; pain, ache, sickness; misfortune : bon gré, — gré, willy-nilly ; bon an, - an, taking the years as they come; vouloir - à quelque chose, be vexed at a thing ; chacun sent son -, each one feels his own troubles; - caduc, epilepsy, fits ; #chaude —, high fever ; de fièvre en chaude -, from bad to worse; — de tête, headache ; faire -, hurt ; ache ; — de mer, sea-sickness ; - de pays, homesick- ness ; - de Pott, caries of the vertebrae ; · mettre à - une fille, seduce a girl ; le — physique, death; le - moral, sin. 2.mal° [L. -le], adv. : badly; ill; wrong ; amiss, mistakenly : être ( fort) —, be (very) sick; · se trouver -, be ill; — à propos, ill-timed, out of place; être - avec, be on bad terms with ; c'est — à lui de, it is wrong of him to ; pas -, a good deal. mala-chite* [L., Gr.-chites (Gr. maláche, mellow)], f : = (the mineral). -eie" [L. -cia, Gr. -kia, softness (Gr. malakôs, soft)], f : malacia, craving for food. -coptéry- giens" [Gr. malakôs, soft, pterügion, fin], in.pl. : malacopterygii (fishofherringtype). f-ctique* [L. -cticus], adj. : softening, emollient. mala-de° [p. L. *male habitum, being in bad condition (L. male habere, be ill)], adj. : sick (ill, unwell, diseased) ; sore ; insane ; m., f : sick person ; invalid ; pa- tient. -die*, f : malady (sickness, dis- 404 order; mental disease) : la - des chiens, distemper in dogs. -difº, =ive, adj. : sickly, unhealthy. -drErie*,.f. : leper- hospital. mala-dresse" f : maladdress (lack of tact; awkwardness ; rudeness). ll-droitº [mal, badly, adroit], adj. : = (unskillful, awkward, tactless). -droitementº, adj. : awkwardly. - #malaguette, see maniguette. malai-se [mal, aise], m. : UNEASIness, uncomfortableness. I.f-séº, adj. : needy, not well off, in reduced circumstances. 2.-séº [mal, aisé], adj. : difficult. -sé- mentº [2.-sé], adv. : with difficulty. malan-dre* [L. -dria, blisters, esp. on horse's neck], f. : malanders (scaly disease of horses' knees); rotten place (in wood). -dreux º, =euse, adj. : rotten. malandrin [It. -drino (?)], m. : brigand, highwayman. •- maIapprisº [mal, appris (apprendre)], adj. : ill-bred (ipoorly educated ; impo- lite). • malart* [? name M.], m. : wild drake (cf. Eng. mallard, wild duck). - malaviséº [mal, avisé], adj. : ill-advised. malaxerº [L. -xarel, tr. : work up, knead. mal-bâtiº [mal, bâti (bâtir)], adj. : (fam.) poorly built, ill-shaped. -bou- ehéº [bouche], adj. : hav'g faulty teeth , (i.e. of horses, not showing age-marks well). #-ehanee = malechance. malchus* [M., whose ear Peter cut off], m.: =, short sword ; confessional (hav'g but one window). • mal-complaisant* [mal, complaisant l, adj. : unobliging, uncivil, not affable. -content* [content], adj. : =, dissatis- fied (esp. with the government). -dentéº maladresse [dent], adj. : hav'g poor teeth (for indi- | cating age). -disantº [dire], adj. : slanderous. -donneº [mal donner, deal , wrong], f. : misdeal (at cards). mâle° [L. masculus], m. : male, mascu- line ; manly : encens -, male incense (i.e. , in drops). mal-ebêteº [bête], f. : calking tool. -eehan eeº [chance], f : poor chance. -édiction * [L. -edictio], f : = (curse ; imprecation). #-efuim º [ faim],f. : sharp hunger. -éfiee [L. -eficium (facere, do)], m. : witchcraft. -éfieiéº [l. L. -eficiatus (facere, do)], adj. : bewitched. -éfique* [L. -eficus], adj. : baneful, malefic. l-ementº [mal, bad], adv. : banefully. f-emortº [mort], f : tragic death. #-en- com breº [encombre], m. : encumbrance, embarrassment. f-eneontre* [encon- tre], m.,.f : accident, mishap. -eneontreu- sementº [-encontreux], adv. : unluckily. · Ina-lignementº, malitorne -eneontreuœ *, =euse [-encontre], adj. : ill-timed, unlucky. f-enginº [engin], m. : trickery. -en-poiniº, adv. : in a bad fix, in a sorry plight. -entenduº [mal entendre], m. : bad understanding, ill-will, unfriendly attitude. f-epesteº [peste], interj. : plague take it! f-epeurº [peur], f : great fear. f-etôte, etc., see -tôte, etc. f.-êtreº or f-être, m. : bad condition. #-évoleº [L. -evolus (vella, wish)], adj. : malevolent, ill-dis- posed. #-façon* [façon], f : botchwork, poor work ; unfair profits (on work done). fma1-faire* [mal, faire], intr. : do ill. f-faisanee" [ faisant], f : malfeasance. -faisantº, adj. : evil-doing, mischievous. -faiteur*, =tri ee [L. malefactor, evil- doer], m., f : malefactor. -famé, see jamé. -graeieusement* [-gracieux], adv. : ungraciously, rudely. -gra eieuac, =euse [gracieux l, adj. : ungracious, un- civil. -gré* [gré], prep. : in spite of. malhabi-leº [mal, habile], adj. : un- skillful. -1ement", adv. : clumsily. -leté*, f : unskillfulness. malheur* [mal, heur], m. : misfortune, bad luck : porter -, bring bad luck ; c'est un , that is LUU bad ; joueur de -, un- lucky player. malheure, in à la-, untimely (see heure). malheu-reusementº, adv. : unfortu- nately. |-reux*, =euse [-r], adj. : un- fortunate ; unhappy; miserable ; needy ; unlucky. 1 malhonnê-te [mal, honnête], adj. : dis- honest : impolite. -tementº, adv. : dis- honestly; rudely. -teté º, f : dishon- esty ; impoliteness. mali-ee* [L. -tia], f : = (active ill- will ; spite ; meanness); roguishness. -eieusement* [-cieux], adv. : malicious- ly; spitefully. -eieux*, =euse [L.-tio- Sus], adj. : malicious ; roguish ; spiteful. adv. : malignantly. -lignité* [L. -lignitas], f : malignity ; animosity; virulence. ll-lin*, =igne, or I.f=ine [L. -lignus], adj. : malign (malicious, mischievous ; pernicious); ro- guish; acute; shrewd : l'enfant -, Cupid, love ; ce n'est pas -, that isn't very Smart. 2.maline° [L. -lina (?)], f : spring-tide, rising tide. malines" [town M. in Flanders], f : MECHLIN lace. malingre* [? prop. name], adj. : sickly, puny. maHintentionné º [mal, intentionné], adj. : evil-minded. malique" [L. malum, apple], adj. : acide -, malic acid. finalitorneº [maritorne], m., f. : un- malle gainly person. mal-jugé [juger], m.: erroneous judgment. @ r malle [OHG. malaha, bag], f. : trunk ; peddler's pack ; saddle-bag ; MAIL-pouch ; mail-service : faire (#trousser) sa —, pack one's trunk ; --poste, mailcoach. maIlé - abilité ", f. : malleableness. -able* [L. -are, beat (malleus, hammer)], adj. : malleable (capable of being ham- mered without breaking ; fig. pliant). -oleº [L. -olus, little hammer], f : mal- leolus (pointed bone at side of ankle). malle-poste, see malle. -tierº, =ière [malle], m., f : trunk-maker or seller. mallette* [malle], f. : little trunk ; shepherd's-purse (plant). mallier* [malle], m. : post-horse ; mail-carrier. mal-mEner* [mal, menerl, tr. : use roughly; maltreat. -9tru° [p. L.* male- astrucum, lit. ill-STARRED], adj. : (fam.) hard up ; faring ill ; coarse ; m. : boor. Malouines, f. : Falkland Islands (in South Atlantic). - mal-peigné* [mal, peigner], adj. : un- kempt, untidy. f-plaisantº [mal, plai- Sant], adj. : unpleasant. malpro-preº [mal, propre], adj. : im- proper, unfit, unusual ; untidy, slovenly ; m.,f : dirty, squalid person. -prementº, adv. : slovenly. -prEtéº, f : untidiness. #mal-sage* [mal, sage], adj. : unwise. -sain º, =aine [mal, sain], adj. : un- SOUND ; unhealthful ; injurious ; danger- ous. -séantº [mal, séant], adj. : unbe- coming, unseemly. -sEmé" [mal, semer], adj. : andouillérs -s, ill-matched antlers (one hav'g more prongs than the other). f-sentantº [mal, sentir], adj. : hav'g bad opinions or views, esp. in religion ; infidelic. -sonnant* [mal, sonnant], adj. : ill-sounding, offensive (to the ears or to the opinions). . - maltº [Eng.], m. : = (grain germinated artificially in brewing). #maltalentº [mal, talent], m. : grudge. malterº [malt], tr. : malt, make sprout artificially. - maltheº [L., Gr. -tha, tar], f : maltha, mineral pitch. $ maltô-teº [mal, OFr. tolte, tax], f. : ex- tortionate tax ; tax-levy ; tax-assessors ; revenue-office ; revenue cutter. #-tier 16, =ière, m. : assessor of revenues ; f. : as- sessor's Wife. maltraiterº [mal, traiter], tr. : mal- treat, misuse. º malva eées" [L.-ceus (malva, MALLOW)], f. pl. : malvaceae (mallow family of plants). malveil-lanee*, f. : malevolence. |-lant [mal, OFr. veuillant (vouloir)], adj. : malevolent, ill-willed. ill-Will, 405 malver-sation º, f : = (misconduct, ·esp. in public office). |-serº lL. -sari, act badly], intr. : be fraudulent esp. in office). malvoisie* [town M.], m. : MALMSEY (sweet wine). malvouluº [mal, vouloir], adj. : (rare) unfriendly, disliked. . mamanvº [echoic], f. : mama, mamma. fmamei = mammée. - ma-melle° [L. mamilla, dim. of mamma, breast], f : mammilla (teat ; breast ; nip- ple ; nipple-like object); each side of a cloven hoof; each half of saddlebow over the withers : arbre aux —s, St. Domingo apricot-tree ; - blanche, brune, rayée, kinds of mushrooms. -melon º, m. : =, nipple proper (dug ; teat, pap) ; mamelon (rounded hillock); papilla ; tubercle. -me- loxiné" [-melon], adj. : hav'g papilli, mammilated. f-meluº, adj. : hav'g large breasts, full-breasted. # mameluk* -louk [fr. Ar., slave], m. : Mameluke (soldier of a famous corps of Egyptian cavalry): - de la garde, cavalry- man of Napoleon I ; extreme partisan. mam-miliaire* [L. -millaris (-ma, teat)], adj. : mammillary, hav'g tubercles. -maire" [L. -ma], adj. : mammary. mamméeº [Sp. mamey infl. by L. mam- ma, teat], m. : St. Domingo apricot-tree. mammifère* [L. mamma, teat, ferre, BEAR], adj. : mammifer, mammal. mammouth " [fr. Russ.], m. : mammoth (extinct elephant). • mamour* or m'amour [mon amour, my love], m. : (fam.) caresses. mamantº [OFr. -noir, reMAIN], m. : (old) villager ; (nou) peasant ; boor. maneE-nilleº [Sp. manzanilla, little apple], f : manchineel or upas apple. -nillierº, m. : manchineel tree, poison- tree. Man ehe (la), f. : English channel. I.Inam-ehe° [L. mamica (manus, hand)], f. : sleeve ; bag seine ; arm, channel ; #wing of an army : donner la (bonne) -, give a tip, fee ; être — à —, be even ; — d'Hip- pocrate, filtering cloth ; du temps qu'on se mouchait sur sa -, in the olden time. 2.man-ehe° [p. L.*manicus], m. : handle: - d'une charrue, plough-tail ; — d'un violon, finger-board of a violin ; savoir son —, know how to play ; jeter le — après la cognée, give up in despair ; branler au -, or dans le -, be irresolute. I.-eheronv* [2.-chel, m. : plough-handle, tail. 2.f-ehe- manche malvasia, «-m-- · ron,*, m. : upper sleeve (of women's dress). -ehette*, f. : cuff ; ruffle ; wristlet; gaiter ; marginal note , padding (of chair back); red mark (fr. tight grasp); circular loaf : — de la Vierge, bear-bind y manchot 406 (plant). -ehon*, m. : muff (for hands); cylinder of glass ; coupler receiving a tube at each end. manehot°, =ote [OFr. manc, L. mancus, maimed], adj. : one-armed , one-handed ; awkward ; m., f : cripple (lacking a hand); m. : penguin (diving bird). man eipation * [L. -tio (manus, hand, capere, take)], f : = (sale and purchase in legal form). mandant*, =ante [-der], m., f : em- ployer. - manda-rinº [Port. (? Skt. mandalin, counselor)], m. : = (Chinese official): tuer le —, enrich one's self at whatever sacri- fice to others ; (canard) -, Asiatic duck. -rinatº, m. : mandarinate (office, etc., of a mandarin). -rineº, f. : mandarin (orange). -rinierº [-rine], m. : manda- rin-tree. -rinisme*, m. : Chinese sys- tem (of electing officials). manda-t* [L. -tum, order (manus dare, commit to one's hands)], m. : mandate (commission warrant ; order ; rescript of the Pope ordering a benefice); mandat, draft (of money). -taire [L. -tarius], m., f. : mandatory, agont : du pcuplé, the people's representative. -terº, tr. : draw, sign a check or draft for. mande* [manne, clothes - basket], f : (dial.) MAUND, large basket (esp. for pipe- clay). man-dement*, m. : command ; order, charge (of bishop to his clergy). |-der° [L. -dare, give into one's hands (manus, dare, give)], tr. : send word to ; send ; or- der ; summon. mandi-bulaire*, adj. : mandibular, of the mandible. |-bule* [-bula], f : man- dible (upper or lower part of bird's beak ; jaws of insects); (fam.) jaW. mandilleº [Sp. -dil (L. mantele, mantle, napkin)],f.: ffootman's overcoat; wretched garment. mam-doline" [It. -dolino], f : =, man- dolin. |-dore* [for pandore], f : (old kind of lute with four strings): - lu- thée, six-stringed madore. mandragore* [L.-gorasl, f : MANDRAKE : (magic plant). - mandrErie" [-de], f : splitwillow ware. mandril" [fr. Guinea], m. : mandrill (snarling baboon). mandrinº [? L. -dra, stall, pen], m. : MANDREL (rod, cone or cylinder of various forms, sizes and uses in machinery). manducation* [L.-catio (-care, chew)], f.: =, eating (esp. of emblems, or pascal lamb). - ma-néageº [OFr. maneier, act, perform], m.: harbour work (loading or unloading ships by sailors without extra pay). maniable |-nègeº [It. -neggio], m. : = (training . of horses ; training place; horsemanship); behaviour, MANNERS ; manœuvres, diplo- macy ; power (of machinery): - par haut, training to lcap ; - de guerre, training for breaking suddenly into a gallop ; un - de chevaux de bois, merry-go-round of wooden horses. -négerº, tr. : train (horses), manège. © •w manes* [L. fr. OL. manus, good], m. (or if) pl. : = (spirits of the dead). manetº [?], m. : fish-net. manette*[main],.f. : (dial.) handle, lever, grip ; iron footing (on which to construct masonry in water); cylindrical dibble (for taking up a plant, root and all). · manga-nèse* [It. -nese (L. magnesia)], m. : (old) peroxide of manganese ; (now) magnesium. man-geable*, adj. : eatable, edible. -geaille*, f.: feed (for birds, domestic animals). -geantº, adj. : eating. ll-ger° [L. -ducăre], tr. : eat ; devour ; consume, use up : je le mangerais, I could eat him (i.e. he looks so fine); - le pain des anges, or (fam.) - le bon Dieu, fake com- munion ; - son blé en vert, or en herbe, use money before it is earned ; spend in- come in advance ; se - le nez, fight each other fiercely ; (fam.) il y a à — et à boire, (fig.) there is good and bad together ; (tit. said of thick drink); — sur le pouce, eat without sitting down ; écu changé, écu mangé, When a gold-piece is changed it is soon gone ; le cheval mange l'espace, the horse covers distance rapidly; - des mots, clip one's words ; - la vache enragée, have a long run of hard luck ; se -, wear out. 2.-ger*, m. : food ; feed : - des viseaux, Guinea gourd. -gerie*, f : fex- tortion, imposition ; (fam.) gormandizing. -ge-toutº, m.,.f. : spendthrift; m. : green peas or beans (to be eaten with pods). -geur*, =euse, m., f. : (great) eater ; prodigal ; — de pommes, Norman ; - de grenouilles, Frenchman ; ( fam.) - de cru- cifix, bigot ; - de petits enfants, bully, fire-eater ; - de fourmis, ant-bear ; - de cerises, oriole. -geureº, f. : feeding ground (of wild boars); gnawed place (from mice). mam-gle* [Sp. fr. Malay], f : MAN- GROVE (the fruit ; #the tree). -glierº m. : mangrove tree. mangous-tan [fr. Malay], m. : mangos- teen (the tree ; #the fruit). I.-te", f.. mangosteen (fruit). 2.mangouste* [Sp.-gosta], f : mongoos Snake-killing rat, cane-rat. man-gue* [fr. Malay], f : mango, #| like fruit. -guier º, m. : mango-tree. ma-niable* [-nier], adj. : MANAGEABL 407 'handful'], m. : maniple (#o of a Roman legion ; priest's ornamental band on left arm); ingredient (in medicine); handle (to cooking utensils). -pulerº, tr. : man- ipulate (chemicals); ( fam.) tamper with. -puleur", =euse [-puler], m., f : (fam.) maniaque manquant easy to handle ; flexible, yielding ; ready : vent —, wind for manœuvres ; demi- cercle —, less violent half of a whirlwind. -niageº [-nier], m. : handling. - mania-que* [l. L. -cus (L. mania, mad- ness)], adj. or m., f. : maniac. manich ordion* [l. L. (Gr. monôchor-| operator. don, lit. one-chord instrument)], m. : mani- | fmanique = manicle. chord, dumb spinet. manitouº [Am. Indian], m. : = (spirit ; fetish): le grand -, the Supreme Being ; ( fam.) tin god. - maniveauº [?], m. : (flat) willow basket (for fruit). maniveIleº [main (?, Germ'c well-, manicle * [L. -cula (manus, hand)], f. : hand-leather; lever, handle for working heavy machinery. fmanicorde = manichordion. manie* [L. (Gr.) -nia, madness], f : mania. • turri)], f. : crank ; handle. ma-niementº, m. : handling, feeling ; | I.manne* [L. (Gr.) manna fr. Hebr], f : management ; manipulation ; fingering, | manna : - de Briançon, larch-tree gum. 2.llmanne [dial. Ger.], f : clothes basket (dial. Eng. MAUND, long basket for fish). I.-quin *, m. : small hamper, dosser (basket for the back); architectural fruit lbasket : arbuste en —, shrub growing in a basket. - 2.manne-quin* [Flem. maneken, little man], m. : manikin (model of human body for dressfitting, for studying anatomy, playing of an instrument ; crackling (of silk when handled) ; lumps of fat. |-nier* [p. L. *-nizăre (L. -nus, hand)], tr. : handle ; touch, feel of; manipulate ; govern ; knead, mould ; MANAGE ; ex- ploit : - le pavage (la toiture), repair the paving (the roof). -nière* [OFr. -nier, hand-made], f. : MANNER (method, mode ; way of doing or speaking or acting ; style ; conduct, manners) : de - ou d'autre, etc.); wooden horse (for studying gaits). somehow or other; par - d'acquit, for | -quiner", tr. : make or fit on wooden form's sake ; de - que, so that ; pl. : | figure : -quiné, ungainly, unnatural. mannette" [2.manne], f : little hamper. mano-cage* [-quer], m. : bundling (of tobacco leaves). manœu-vre° -neu- [p. L. *manuopera (L. manus, hand, opera, work)], f : MAN- IPulation, working, handling (of tools ; of ships ; of ropes ; of a deliberative body); sheets and halliards, rigging; mak- esp. manners : ( fam.) faire des -s, put on airs. -niéréº [-nière], adj. : affected, pretentious : un style —, affected style. -niérerº [-nière], tr. : affect ; #intr. : be affected. -niette", f : sponging cloth (for wiping copper engravings). -nieurº, =euse, m., f : handler, manager. manifes-tant*, =ante, m., f. : (rare Eng.) =. -tation* [L. -tatio], f : = ; | ing fast ; belaying of ropes ; manœuvre public demonstration. I.-te* [L. -tus], | (movement of troops or of a fleet ; strate- adj. : manifest, evident. 2.-teº, m. : | gy, scheming); m. : worker, labourer ; manifesto ; declaration (of cargo). -te- ment* [I.-te], adv. : plainly, manifestly. |-ter* [L. -tare (manus, hand, fendre, strike)], tr. : manifest (make plain or evi- drudge : -s courantes, running rigging ; -s dormantes, standing rigging ; (aide-) -, mason's assistant. -vrerº, tr. : manipulate, work, run ; intr. : manœuvre, dent ; show). mani-gan eeº [?], f : handed move, sly trick. (fam.) fix, machinate. fmaniguetteº [Sp. malagueta (?)], f : Tobasco #ppº manilleº [Sp. malilla], f : = (privi- leged card differing in different games ; game where the ten is highest). manîment = maniement. maniocº, m., or =oque, f : =, sweet cassava (shrub). mani-pulaire* [L.-pularis], adj. : of a maniple, manipular; m. : manipular chief. -pulateur*, =triee [-puler], m., f : make evolutions, drill ; scheme, make strategic moves. -vrier º, =ière, m., ſ : manœuvrer, strategist ; skilful sailor. ma-noir* [OFr. (L. -nere) REMAIN], m.: manor(-house); abode. manomètre" [Gr. manôs, thin, métron, measure], m. : manometer (for measuring gases and vapours). - mano-que* [main], f : bundle (of leaf- tobacco); skein. -querº, tr. : bundle. fmanotte, see menotte. manouvrierº, =ière [-nœuvre], m., f : day-labourer. man-quantº, =ante, adj. : missing, lacking; m., f : absentee. man-que*, (fam.) under- -gan eerº, tr. : manipulator (handler, operator ; tele-| m. : lack, want, something missing; mis- graphic transmitter). -pulation" [-pu-| step (of horses): (par) - de, for lack of. ler], f. : =. |-puleº [L. -pulus, lit. -quementº, m. : failure, short-comings ; 408 mansard lack. |-quer° [It. -care (L. -cus, maimed)], intr. : fail, be missing ; be lack- ing; be in want ; be absent ; owe ; miss ; tr. : fail in ; lose : — la balle belle, miss a good ball (at tennis); (fig.) la - belle, lose a good chance ; - le coche, miss the train ; (fig.) miss an opportunity , un mariage -qué, an unlucky marriage ; — (au respect qu'on doit) à quelqu'un, offend any one ; be short in one's duty ; - à sa parole, break one's promise ; poète -qué, failure as a poet. man-sard * [?], m. : (dial.) ring dove. man-sardeº [architect Mansard], f : mansard (hipped curb roof; garret room); roof-window; top (of a marquee tent). -sardé*, adj. : étage -, story, rooms in the roof ; chambre — e, room with hipped ceiling. I.maſnse = mense. 2.man-seº [l. L. -sus (L. manere, RE- MAIN)], m. : =, landholder's house and land. -sion* [L. -sio, inn ; night quar- ters], f. : = (one of the 28 positions oc- cupied by the moon in its course); posi- tion of a star; place (of a scene, in the mediaeval theatre). - mansuétude* [L. -do (man-suescere, accustom to the hand, make tame)], f : gentleness. | I.mante" [Gr. -tis, soothsayer], f. : man- tis : - religieuse, praying insect ; -s de mer, squills. 2.man-te* [Prov. -ta], f : cape (with hood); mourning veil. |-teau° [p. L. *-tellum, dim. of L. -tum, because it covered the hands (MANUS) only], m. : MANTLE (loose sleeveless cloak ; robe ; mantel, facing of fireplace ; tunic of ascidians ; flap or fold of mollusks ; (her.) mantling ; back and folded wings when of distinct colour as in some gulls ; covering in general ; pretence); soffit drapery : sous le — de cheminée, confidentially ; — court, or petit -, clergyman's walking cloak ; rôle à —, role of rich stingy man ; jouer les -x, play the rich man's part ; - bleu, glaucous gull ; - d'armes, cover for firearms ; garder les -x (alluding to the stoning of St. Stephen), support others in meanness. -teler*, tr. : (old) cover with mantle ; (nou) mantelé, =, having angles of the field cut off : cor- meille mantelé, black-mantled daw. -te- letº, m. : = (mantelletta ; cape ; cat- castle); saddle of harness ; port-lid. f-telineº, f : little cape (worn by coun- try women). -telure º, f : mantle (col- our on the back differing fr. that on sides and belly). -tilleº [Sp. -tilla], f : man- tilla (light cloak or head covering, esp. of Spanish women). marasquin ma-nuel*, =elle [L. -nualis (-nus, hand)], adj. : manual ; m. : manual, hand- book ; wine bucket (with handle); lever (for working cannon). -nuellementº, adv. : manually. manufae-ture* [l. L. -tura, making by hand], f. : = (thing made by industrial arts ; mill, manufactory). -turerº, tr. : manufacture. -turier, =ière, m., f. : manufacturer ; adj. : manufacturing. manu-mission* [L. -missio (manus, hand, mittere, send)], f. : =, setting free. -seritº, =ite [L.-scriptus, hand-written], adj. or m. : manuscript. -tention * [L. -tentio, holding with the hand], f. : fMAINTENANCE ; handling, managing ; ma- nipulation : la - de la farine, the knead- ing of flour ; (le bâtiment de) la —, bake- . house (for army). mappemonde* [l. L. mappa mundi], f. : map of the world. ma-que [ak. to Sp. matar, kill], f. : (old) war club ; (now) beetle, brake (for beating hemp). f-quer*, tr. : (dial.) break (hemp, flax, etc). maque-reau*, =elle [? ak. to L. ma- cula, spot, or Flem. makelaar, broker ; courtier], m. : MACKEREL (fish ; m., f. : Eng. mackerel, pimp; pander, go-between). -rellage*, m. : panderism. - maquette " [It. macchietta (dim. of macchia, spot)], f : small model ; rough sketch. , - maqui-gnon*, =onne [? Flem.makelen, to trade], m., f. : horse-dealer; sharper ; jobber; match-maker. -gnonnageº [-gnonner], m. : trading; trickery. -gnon- nerº, tr. : bishop, trim up (horses for sale) ; (fig.) - un mariage, manage, ef- fect a marriage. maquil-lageº, m. : prinking. -lerº [?], tr. : paint and powder; make up (for the stage); (slang) +work. maquilleurº [ak. to maquereau], m. : (mackerel) fishing smack. maquis, see makis. maraboutº [Port. -buto.fr. Ar.], m. : = (Mohammedan preacher ; marabou stork, or feather from it ; fine gauze ribbon); little mosque ; coffeepot (rounded like the cupola of a mosque). - - fmarager*, =ère or , maraîeher, =ère, m., f : vegetable gardener; adj. : good for vegetables. |maraisº [Germ'c marisk], m. : MARSH, miry land ; garden land : - Salant, saltpits, where sea- Water is evaporated for salt ; se sauver par les -, escape the best one can. marasme* [Gr. -smôs, wiltingl, m. : marasmus, Wasting away ; languor. maras-quinº [It. -chino (marasca, bitter cherry)], m. : maraschino, cherry cordial. marâtre marâtre° [p. L. *matrastra fr. L. mater, MOTHER (like poetASTER)], f. : stepmother. · marau-d*, I.=aude [?], m., f : scamp, jade. -dage" [-derl, m. : ravaging. f-daille º, f. : rabble. 2.-marau-deº, f : pillage, plunder, marauding. -derº [-de], intr. : maraud (pillage, rove and steal, plunder in the field) ; tr. : steal fr. fields. f-derieº, f. : marauding. -deur", =euse [-der], m., f : marauder. mar-bre° [L. -mor], m. : MARBLE (hard metamorphosed limestone ; object made of | marble ; printer's imposing stone) ; marble paste, stucco ; marbling, veining , palette, stone for grinding colours ; slab ; block (of steel, etc., resembling marble); table (used as stage, inthe Palace of Justice at Paris): — du gouvernail, barrel or drum of the steering wheel. -brerº, tr. : marble, vein like marble : (part. as noun) le mar- bré, veiny Pyrenees spar; kind of gecko ; kind of mushroom ; la marbrée, lamprey. -brErie" [-brer], f. : marble business, or works. -breurº, =euse [-brer], m., f : (paper) marbler. -brierº, m. : marble- cutter or polisher or quarry-man ; marbler (maker ôf imitation marble). -brière º, f : marble-quarry. -brureº, f. : mar- bling, veining. · I.marcº [Germ'c], m. : mark (8 oz. weight; coin): être payé au — la livre, or au - le franc, be paid so much on the pound, on - the franc. • 2.marc [-cher], m. : pumice (fr. pressed apples, grapes, etc.); dregs ; residue. marcassimº [?], m. : wild boar-pig, · grice. - marcassiteº [Ar.], f. : marcasite, white pyrites. fmar-cation º [-quer], f : demarcation. mareelineº [?], f : =, silk fabric for linings, sarcenet. - marees-eeneeº, f : decay. |-eentº [L. -cere, wither], adj. : withering. -ei- bleº [L. -cibilis], adj. : liable to wither. marehageº [-cher], m. : working (of clay). " mar ehan-d°, =ande [p. L. *mercatans · (L. mercări)], m., f. : merchant (trader, dealer ; storekeeper) ; customer ; bidder ; buyer ; adj. : merchant : -e publique, Woman running a shop ; (slang) - de Soupe, boarding-house keeper ; être mau- vais -, not to profit ; —e des quatre saisons, market-woman ; prix —, cost price ; café fin -, fine medium-grade coffee. -dage* [-der], m. : bargaining. -der*, tr. : cheapen; haggle over; bar- gain for : (fam.) - quelqu'un, jew one down; ouvrier -dé, cheap workman ; — à faire quelque chose, hesitate about doing a thing. -deurº, =euse [-der], 409 m., f. : haggler, bargainer ; cheap la- bourer. -dise*, f : =, goods ; com- merce, trade : il faut savoir faire valoir sa -, one must know how to show up his wares ; étaler, déployer, pour faire valoir sa -, put things in the best light ; bien débiter sa -, be a good salesman ; ( fig.) make one's words count ; le pavillon couvre la -, the flag protects the ship fr. in- spection by any man-of-war; ( fam.) the husband's name hides the wife's fault. marécage mar-ehantº [-cher], adj. : moving, marching. I.-eheº [-cher], f : step ; track ; mud ; pedal ; rung ; treadle ; Walking; marching; march ; moving ; progress ; course ; process of colouring. 2.mareheº [Germ'c marca], f : frontier country, borderland. marehé° [L. mercătus], " m. : MARKET ; agreement ; bargain ; purchase ; sale ; marketing; market-place ; state of trade : faire bon -, sell cheap ; à bon -, cheap ; , - au comptant, cash deal ; - à terme, time deal ; — à prime, time deal with a forfeit ; par-dessus le -, to boot, extra ; - clefs en main, (sc. contract to be filled by a certain date and) the keys in hand ; mettre à quelqu'un le - à la main, offer to let one out of his agreement. marehe-palierº, pl. -s-- [I.palier], f : stair landing. -pied [marcher, pied, FOOT], m. : step ; foot-rest; foot-brace ; foot-ropes ; step-ladder ; stepping-stone ; tOW-path. - mar-eherº [unc. orig. ; oldest sense is "trample"], tr. : pug, work (clay, leather); intr. : step ; walk ; march ; go; progress, proceed ; m. : gait, marching, moving. -ehette* [I.-che], f : trigger (of bird- trap). -eh eurº, =euse, m. : clay-mixer, . temperer, pugger ; m., f. : walker, goer ; f. : supernumerary (in a ballet) ; (lou) prostitute. -ehoirº, m. : clay pit, mix- ing place. -ehureº, f : starting (of the treadles in weaving). marcot-tage* [-ter], m. : layering. ll-teº [? àk. to L. mergus, vine-layer (mergere, dive)], f : layer. -terº, tr. : . layer. imardelle, see margelle. - I.mardi° [L. Martis dies, Mars' day], m. : Tuesday: - gras, last day of the carnival, Shrove Tuesday; — saint, Tuesday before Easter. 2.mardiº [disguised oath: mère de Dieu], interj. : good heavens ! . mare* [?ak.to Goth. marei, sea], f : pool, pond. maréage* [O. Fr. mareier, sail], m.: sailor's contract, hiring agreement. maré-cageº [marais], m. : marsh, bog- land. -cageuxº, =euse, adj. : swampy; marsh. ' • 4 l0 Inaré-ehal*,=ale, m.pl. =aux [Germ'c marah-scale, horse-servant], m. : (old) groom ; then master of the royal stables ; (now) horse-shoer ; MARSHAL (officer in charge of horses ; cavalry officer; field- marshal; marshal of France);.f. : marshal's wife ; m. : click-beetle, elater ; red-start (bird): — des logis, cavalry sergeant (who sees to lodgings); - ferrant, blackSmith; le tribunal des maréchaux, the court of honour (established to settle points of honour and prevent duels). -ehalatº, m. : marshalcy. -ehalerieº, f : black- smithing. -ehaussée*, f. : (old) moun- ted police ; (now) (jurisdiction of the) court of honour (to prevent duels). marée* [mer],.f. : tide ; fresh seafish: - qui porte au vent, wind-tide; comme - en carême, like fish in Lent, i.e. opportune ; port de toute —, deep-water port. marelle* [méreau], f. : (old) counter ; (now) hopscotch ; hopscotch diagram. maréo-graphe* or -mètre [marée, Gr. gráphein, write ; métron, measure], m. : mareograph, recording tidegage. mare- yeur", =euse [marée, seafish], m., f : fish-dealer. #marfil = morfil. margajatº [Brazil], m. : aboriginal (of Brazil), or his language ; odd character ; poor devil. marga-rineº [Gr. -ron, white of pearl], f.: =, fatty organic compound. -rique* [fr. Gr.], adj. : margaric, pearly white. margay -gai [Brazil], m. : = (striped wild cat). mar-ge* [L. -go], f : MARGIN (border ; scope, latitude); tympan sheet (of paper in printing). -gelle° [dim. of L. -go, brink],f. : well-curb. -geoir* [-ger], m. : bocca-stopper, damper (of glass furnaces). -gerº, tr. : close (with damper) ; place (ôn the tympan sheet, for printing). -geur", =euse [-ger], m., f : compositor (who makes ready for printing) ; damper- man (in glass works). -ginalº, pl. =aux [L. -go], adj. : =, on the border. -ginelle* [L. -go], f : marginella (mol- lüsk hav'g swollen margins). -giné" [L. -go], adj. : marginate, hav'g distinct border. -ginerº [L. -go], tr. : annote on margin. ' margotas" [?], m. : flat-boat. margoter" [?], intr. : croon, call (as a quail just before whistling loud). margotinº [woman Margot, MARGARET], m. : fagot, bundle; strands (for fish-lines). margouiller [? ak.to marne], tr. : (dial.) fsoil, make dirty. margouilletº [? Prov. -gouil, spindle], m. : thimble (wooden ring for ropes to run through). maréchal marionnette margouillis [-ller], m. : (lou) puddle, sludge : laisser dans le -, leave in the lurch. margouletteº [dial.], f. : (low) jaw. margousierº [?], m. : China lilac. mar-graveº [Ger. mark-graf, lit. count of a march], m. : =, nobleman. viatº, m. : margravate, rank or realm of a margraVe. marguerite* [L. -garita, Gr. -garites, pearl], f. : = (Easter-daisy fr. its white- ness, double chrysanthemum; aster); pearl; first white hairs (of a horse becoming old); messenger (rope for hauling a cable). marguil-lerie*, f. : church-warden's post. -lier* [l. L. matricularius, regis- . trer], m. : church trustee, or official : ( fam.) une marguillière, warden's wife. ma-ri° [L. -ritus (mas, MALE)], m. : hus- band: - commode, conniving husband; en puissance de -, subject to a husband, under coverture. -riable*, adj. : mar- riageable. -riage*, m. : marriage (wed- lock, matrimony; close union, uniting of things ; king and queen at cards) : - de conscience, private marriage ; - in extre- mis, deathbed marriage; - à la gaumine, a Gaumin wedding (i.e. without a bene- diction). |-rier [L. -ritare (infl. by Fr. -ri)], tr. : MARRY (join, give in wedlock ; unite closely): se -, marry, be married, wed; en âge de se -, old enough to marry; le marié, the bridegroom ; la mariée, the bride ; se plaindre que la mariée est trop belle, find fault with a good bargain. fmarie-salope, see salope. . marieur*, =euse [-rier], m., f : match- maker ; m. : (rare) one about to marry. mari-n, =ine [L. -nus], adj. : marine (of the sea; m. : mariner ; seaman ; f : fsea- shore ; things of the sea ; sea interests ; naval forces ; sea-piece, sea-picture) ; smell of the sea : avoir le pied -, be on one's sea-legs ; femme de -, femme de chagrin, sailor's wife is a worrying wife. -nadeº [-ner], f. : = (highly flavoured vinegar or pickle ; pickled meat ; food soused in spiced liquor). I.-néº, adj. : sea-damaged. 2.-néº, adj. : (her.) =, ending in a fish tail. -nerº, tr. : $ nate, souse (in spiced liquor) ; pickle. maringote* [?], f : light carriage (with shifting seats). maringouinº [Brazil], m. : woodcock. marinierº, =ière [-rin], adj. : marine ; m. : bargeman ; sailor; steamboat-hand ; ſ. : swimming sailor-fashion. marionnette º [Marion (dim. of Marie)], ·f. : =, puppet ; image ; bobbin : les -8, drumming (as signal that military punish- ments are being executed). mosquito ; -gra- marisque marisque* [L. -scal, f : large fig ; tumOur. marita-lº, pl. =aux [L. -lis (maritus, husband)], adj. : =, matrimonial. -le- mentº, adv. : like a husband. maritimeº [L. -mus (mare, sea)], adj. : =, of the sea. maritorneº [girl Maritornes in Don Quixote], f : ill-shaped or untidy woman. marivau-dage" [fine writer Marivaux], m. : affected, over-nice style. -derº, intr. : be very nice, be gallant. marjolaine* [l. L. -jorana], f : sweet marjoram. - fmarjolet* [OFr. mariole, statue of Virgin MARY], m. : fop. marliº [?], m. : thread gauze ; orna- mented border, rim (of a plate). fmarlin = merlin. #marmailleº [ak. to marmot], f. : (fam.) lot of brats. marmEladeº [Sp. mermelada, quince jelly (L. meli-melum, honey-apple, quince)], f : marmalade, preserved fruit, jam; Over- cooked meat, fish, etc. marmenteauº [OFr. mairment, antlers], adj. or m. : (bois) —, reserved forest. marmi-teº [?], f : pot; melting pot: - de Papin, boiler for raising water above 100° C.: la — est renversée, the dinner did not take place (when one expected to dine) ; they do not entertain any more in that house ; écumeur de -s, sponger. f-tée º, f. : (dial.) potful. -teuoc*, =euse [old : faire le marmite, play the saint], adj. : fwheedling ; miserable ; m. : poor devil. -tonº,=onne, m.,f. : kitchen drudge : (humor.) la marmitonne. fmarmonnerº [? echoic], tr. : mutter. marmoréen*, =enne [L. -reus], adj. : marmorean, like marble. mar-mot*, I.=otte [ak. to 2.-motte], m., ſ : monkey ; (nou) little child ; f : little girl ; puppet : croquer le -, wait a long time. -mottageº [-motter], m. : mum- bling, muttering. 2.-motteº [?], f. : (old) squirrel-monkey ; (now) marmot, wood- chuck ; matchtube ; head-dress (made of knotted handkerchief): — de voyage, trunk (hav'g two parts which fit into each other). -motterº [? echoic], tr. : mutter. -mot- teurº, =euse [-motter], m.,f. : mumbler, mutterer. -mouset* [?], m. : marmoset (monkey ; fugly fellow); little boy ; little man ; and iron ; grotesque figure. I.fmarnage, see maronage. 2.mar-nage* [-ner], m. : fertilizing (with marl). -Iie° [p. L. *margula (L. marga)l, f : MARL. I.-nerº, tr. : manure, fertilize with marl. 2.marner" [?], intr. : rise above high- Water mark. - 41l mar-nEronº [-nière], m. : marl digger. marquis -neux º, =euse [-ne], adj. : marly. -nière* [-ne], f : marlpit. maronage* [mairain], m. : cutting of clapboards. - maronnerº [? ak. to marmotter], intr. : mutter. I.maroquinº [?], m. : guy (rope to sup- port tackle). 2.maro-quimº [country Maroc, Morocco], m. : morocco leather. -quinage* [-qui- ner], m. : curing, preparing. -quiner", tr. : morocco, make into imitation morocco leather. -quinerie", f : morocco leather business, or factory. -quinier", m. : morocco dealer. • marotiqueº [French poet Marot], adj. : style —, style full of archaic words. " marotte* [pet name for Marie], f. : (old, dial.) little girl; hobby, whim; fool's cap. marouflageº [ fler], m. : lining (with paste). " • I.maroufleº [? ak. to maraua |, m. : im- pudent boor. . 2.marou-fleº [?], f : picture glue or paste. -fler", tr. : line (with paste). marprimeº [?], f : punch (for canvas). mar-quant" [-quer], adj. : striking; pe- culiar : la (carte) -e, the winning card (that secures points for holder of it). I.-que* [-quer], f : MARK (visible sign ; stigma; brand; trade-mark; owner's mark; badge, check mark; age mark) ; counter ; pock-mark; birth-mark : - de feu, bright red patch on skin; de première -, of best quality ; — de théâtre, theatre ticket. 2.mar-que* [Prov. -ca (?)], f. : lettres de -, letters of marque, (old) state licence to an individual to take justice into his own hands ; (now) captain's commission. mar-quer* [OFr. -cher fr. Germ'c], tr. : MARK (put a sign on ; brand ; stigmatize ; stamp; tally, record; note); trace out, lay out ; intr.: leave a mark ; have marks (of age) ; become distinguished : - un coup, (in fencing) feign a blow ; des traits mar- qués, features beginning to show age ; je lui ai marqué que, I wrote to him, that ; cela marquerait trop, that would attract attention. -quEterº, čr. : speckle ; checker : un parquet marqueté, an inlaid parquet. -queterie* [-queter], f : mar- quetry, inlaid work. -quEteur" [-que- ter], m. : inlayer. -quette" [Sp. -gueta], j : cake of crude wax. -queur*, =euse, m., f : marker. - mar-quisº [Germ'c marka, border], m. : = (ancient border chief ; nobleman next below a duke) : vous donnez furieusement dans le -, you try hard to be a marquis. -quisatº, m. : marquisate (rank, title or domain of marquis). -quise*, f : 412 (marchioness; parasol of about 1850 with hinged handle); marquee; awning, canopy ; stormdoor; kind of pear. -quoir", m. : stamp ; tailor's rule. marraine° [p. L. *matrana (L. mater, MOTHER)], f. : god-mother; christener ; SpOnsOr. - - fmar-re° [L. -ra], f.: (dial.) hoe, weed- hook. -rer*, tr. : (dial.) hoe. #mar-ri* [OFr. -rir], adj. : troubled, sad. t-risomº [OFr. -rir], m. or f : grief. : marron º [?], m. : maroon (French chest- nut ; the colour ; fire-cracker); curl tied with ribbon ; lump (in flour; in mortar) ; fsentinel's mark ; gilt-head (seafish); in- decl. adj. : maroon. © 2.marronvº, =onne [Sp. cimarron (cima, summit)], adj. : runaway, become wild (cf. Eng. maroon, runaway slave); m. : work printed secretly ; stencil plate : cocher (imprimeur) -, unlicensed coachman (printer). · • marronage = m07'07l0lge. marron-nage" [2.marron], m. : wild- ness (of MAROONS); clandestine printing, or brokerage. I.-nerº [2.marron], tr. : · print clandestinely. - 2.jmarron-nerº [marron], tr. : curl. Emarraine -nierº [marron, chestnut], m. : chestnut- tree : — d'Inde, horse-chestnut tree. · marrube" [L. -bium], m. : marrubium, hoarhound: - aquatique, water hoarhound. mars [L. Martius, of the god Mars], m. : MARCH : cela vient comme - en carême, that comes regularly, or apropos ; blé de -, or les -, barley, oats, millet, etc, marsaux° [L. mas salix, male willow], m. : goat-willoW. Marseillaise" [town Marseille], f. : = (French national hymn). - marsouinº [Frankish mar-swin, sea- hog], m. : porpoise ; ugly man ; (naut.) carline-knee. marsupial", =ale, m. pl. =aux [L. -pium, pouch], adj. : = ; m. pl. : marsu- pialia (opossum, kangaroo, etc.); f : purse- shaped medusa, nettlefish. martagonvº [Sp.], m. : =, mountain lily. · marte, see martre. mar-teau° [p. L. *-tellus (L. -cus, heavy hammer)], m. : hammer; doorknocker ; hammerfish : - d'assiette, tamper ; — à pointes, rough hammer for stone ; - à bascule, steam hammer ; - pilon, go- devil ; av0ir un c0up de -, be crack- brained ; - des eaux et forêts, marking | hammer (with raised figure for imprint- ing trees to be saved). f-telº [-teler], m. : mettre — en tête à quelqu'un, to har- ass one. -tElageº [-teler], m. : ham- mering (as means of marking trees ; of castrating bulls). -tElerº, tr. : hammer: masque tête martelé, cracked head. -tEleurº [-teler], m. : hammerer. -tElineº, f : sculptor's hammer. -tellerie* [-teler], f. : work-shop. martial*, pl. =aux [L. -lis (god of war Mars)], adj. : =, warlike ; #of iron. martin-ehasseur [saint Martin], m. : bee-martin. I.martinetº [saint Martin], m. : martin- swallow. . 2.mar-tinetº [-teau], m. : = (furling-line on the leech of a sail ; " mizzen peak-hal- yards ; scourge of thongs); tilt hammer ; flat candle-stick ; sandstone (piece for polishing marble). - martingaleº [Prov. -tegalo (town Mar- tegue)], f : = (chest strap, or a thing like it ; lower stay ; dolphin striker ; doub- ling in gambling); strip of leather on a knapsack ; wench : fausse-, breast strap. martin-pêeheur, pl. -s--s [saint Martin], m. : king-fisher (bird). -see, pl. -s--s [saint M.], m. : autumn pear. martoire" [? ak. to -teau], m. : lock- smith's hammer. martreº [Germ'c (ak. to Ger. marder)], m.: MARTEN ; bear-worm : — ziheline, sable ; — de Canada, mink ; rendre - p0ur renard, give as good as one gets. mar-tyrº, I.=yre [l. L. (Gr. -tur, wit- ness)], m., f : martyr : le commun des—s, the mass for all the martyrs ; (fig.) être comme le commun des -s, be of the com- mon herd. 2.-tyreº [OFr. -tirie], m. : martyrdom ; torment, suffering. -tyri- ser* [l. L. -tyrizare], tr. : kill cruelly ; (fig.) abuse, torment. -tyrologe [l. L. -tyrologium], m. : register or book of martyrs. - marum" [L. (Gr. máron)], m. : cat-thyme. mascaradeº [It. -cherata], f : MASQUE- RADE. mascaretº [Gascon], m.: eddy. mascaron " [It. -ne], m. : mask (in archi- tecture). - mascotte [Prov. -co, witch], f. : (fam). mascot (bringer of good luck). maseulinº [L. -linus (mas, male)], adj. : masculine : rime -e, masculine rhyme (hav'g last syllable accented). -limité*, f : masculinity, vigour. I.mas-queº [It. -chera or -cara (? fr. Ar.)], m. : mask (false face ; disguise ; ' blind ; masker , person in disguise ; cover, protection ; guard ; mould or figure fr. human face ; death-mask); head (in paint- ing) ; face (of actor); complexion (as symptom of disease); ugly face ; mask flower. 2.-queº [? Prov. -co, witch], f : naughty woman. -querº, tr. : mask (disguise ; cover, hide ; protect, etc.); fintr. : be masked ; pretend. massacrant massa-crant" [-crer], adj. : (rare lit.) killing ; (fam.) humeur -e, awful temper. |-ereº [OFr. macecle (?)], m. : = (whole- sale slaughter of men, of wild game ; deer's head); antlers and frontal bone ; botch-work ; botcher ; quarry, dead game. -ererº, tr. : kill indiscriminately, mas- sacre ; botch. -ereur*, =euse [-crer], m., f. : killer, ruthless slayer ; botcher. massage* [2.masserl, m. : = (bed gym- | nastics, kneading the muscles). I.masseº [p. L. *mattea],.f. : MACE ; sledge- hammer ; maul ; billiard cue ; big end of a cue ; kind of mushroom : - d'eau, reed Iſl3,06>. - 2.mas-se° [L. -sa], f : mass (lump; great number, crowd ; quantity ; bulk ; whole); fstake, pool (in betting); block of glass ; cone for crystallising alum ; realty ; per- sonal property ; capital stock ; reserve fund ; chorus of voices, concert of instru- ments : - de mise, sight (of a gun); grande —, smoke-stack ; - active (pas- sive), assets (liabilities); - de lumière, touch-hole nipple. -seau*, m. : shingled piece (of metal); piece of iron (made of bits fused together in a carbon furnace). -seletº [-seau], m. : little piece of iron. -selotte*, f : head, waster (left on a casting); nipple-piece (on gun). fmassement, see massage. mas-sepainº [It. marza-pane, paste- breadl, m. : MARCHPANE, almond sweet- cake. I.-ser [2.-se], tr. : mass ; fstake : - les troupes, draw up the troops , un massé, iron lump (at bottom of furnace); plan massé, block or bulk plan (without details). ,* 2.masser" [fr. Ar.], tr. : knead, rub, MASSAGE. 3.mas-serº [-se, MACE], tr. : strike (a bil- liard ball fr. above): un massé, a stroke fr. above, a twist. -sette* [-se, MACE], f. : hammer, mallet ; , reed mace : - à , ressort, kind of mushroom. masseur", =euse [2.-sser], m., f : =, massagist. I.massicot* [?], m. : =, litharge. 1 2.massicotº [inventor M.], m. : printer's guillotine (for cutting paper). massier* [-sse, mace], m. : mace-bearer. mas-sif, =ive [-se, mass], adj. : massive ; m. : group ; solid masonry ; wall ; pier ; wedge. -sivementº, adv. : (rare) mass- ively, solidly. * massue* [-sse, mace], f : club ; kind of cucumber; top of mushroom ; club-like mollusk. masti - e* [L. -chum, Gr. -che (-zein, chew)], m. : mastic (gum ; cement). -eage [-quer], m. : cemſenting. - C : ,- tion * [L. -catio], f : =. -catoireº [L. 413 -care, masticate], adj. : masticatory, good for chewing : un -, a masticatory, some- thing to excite a flow of saliva. -ga- dourº [Sp. -gador], m. : masticador, champing bit. I.-querº, tr. : cement. 2.-querº [-cation], tr. : chew. mastite [Gr. -stós, breast], f. : mastitis, inflammation of the breast. mastoe* [Ger. mast-ochs, fattening ox], m. : (pop.) clumsy fellow. - masto-d9nteº [Gr. odoûs, tooth], m. : mastodon, fossil elephant. |-ideº [Gr. eidés (mastôs, teat, eidos, form)], adj. : mastoid, breast-like. -ïdien", =enne, · adj. : of the mastoid process. mastur-bationº [L. -batio (? manus, hand, stuprare, defile)], f : =. -berº [L. -bare], tr. : se -, commit self-abuse. masulipatan " [town M. in India], m. : calico. masure° [p. L. mansilra (L. manère, re- main)], f : hovel, Wretched house. fmasurka, see mazurka. I.mat* [Pers. châh mât, king is dead], in- decl. adj. : check-mated (at chess); m. : checkmate. 2.mat*, adj. : dull; un- polished ; heavy : le -, unpolished spot ; matted, thick place in lace ; pâte -e, poorly raised, soggy pastry. mâtº [Ger. mast], m. : shipmast ; pole : - de perroquet (de beaupré; de misaine ; d'artimon), top-mast (bowsprit ; fore- mast ; mizzen-mast); - de cacatois, gal- lant-mast ; - de hune, top-mast ; - à pible, pole-mast ; - d'un brin, mast of one piece : - jumelé, or reclampé, or renforcé, fished, reinforced mast. matadorº [Sp. * killerº], m. : = (chief bull-fighter; high card at ombre and other games). mâtage" [-ter], m. : masting. matamoreº [name Matamoros, MOOR- killer in Sp. comedy], m. : boasting bully. matasseº [It. -ssa (L., Gr. métaxa, raw silk)], f. : skein. . mata-ssimº [Sp. -chin fr. Ar.], m. : (fcomic dancer with sword and shield ; now, his dance); comic dancer. • maté [Sp. maté, So. Am. word meaning first the " gourd' fr. which one drank], m. : =, Paraguay tea. - mateau* [? -tasse], m. : package of silk. matela-s [It. materasso (fr. Ar., ºbed')], m. : MATTRESS ; padding, squab (of coaches). -sserº, tr. : pad, stuff. -ssier", =ière, m., f : mattress-maker. - mate-lotº [ODutch, lit. bed-fellow, one occupying bed in turnl, m. : sailor ; sailor suit ; companion ship. -loteº, f : (dish of fish stewed in wine and oil); sailor-dance : à la —, sailor fashion. I.ma-ter* [I.mat], tr. : checkmate; curb ; mater 414 overcome. 2.-ter" [2.mat], tr. : make dull; render dense or soggy. mâterº [mât], tr. : mast; raise up like a mast, toss up : - les avirons, toss the oars up ; machine à -, sheers. mate- reau* [mât], m. : little mast. maté-rialiser" [L. -rialis, material], tr. : materialise, regard as matter. -ria- lisme" [L. -rialis], m. : materialism. -rialiste " [L. -rialis], m., f. : mate- rialist. -rialité º [L. -rialis], f : ma- teriality, reality. -riauac* [pl. of OFr. -rial; now -riel], m. pl. : building mate- rial ; literary material. |-rielº, =elle [L. -rialis (-ria, MATTER)], adj. : material, not spiritual ; materialistic ; coarse ; dull ; rude ; m. : material : faux -, forgery. -riellement*, adv. : materially; grossly. mater-nelº, =elle [L. -nus (mater, MOTHER)], adj. : maternal. -nellementº, adv. : maternally. -nité* [L. -nus, motherly], f. : maternity ; maternity hos- pital ; school of midwifery. mâteur [mât], m. : MAST-maker. - mathémati-eienº, =enne [L. -cus], m., f : mathematician. Il-que* [L. -cus, Gr. -kôs], adj. : mathematical ; #f. or.f. pl. : mathematics. -quementº, adv. : mafhe- matically. matière* [L. -teria], f : MATTER (MA- TERIAL ; substance); incentive, object ; subject ; contents ; .. matters ; deed : - médicale, materia medica ; (humor.) la forme enfoncée en -, physical dominating over the spiritual ; - d'un délit, criminal act ; en - d'hommeur, in affairs of honour. matin° [L. matutinus (Matuta, goddess Dawn)], m. : morning ; adv. : in the morn- · ing, early : du - au soir, all day ; one day; de grand, or de bon -, very early. mâtin°, =ine [p. L. *mansuetinus, sc. canis, tamed dog (L. mansuescere, accus- tom to the hand, tame)], m., f. : =, mas- tiff-like dog ; scoundrel. matinal*, pl. =aux [matin], adj. : =, morning ; early ; up early (by chance). mâtineau* [mâtin], m : little mastiff. matinée* [matin], f. : morning (fr. dawn till noon); =, afternoon entertainment. mâtiner* [mâtin], tr. : cover (a female dog): (by extens.) chien mâtiné, mongrel. mati-nesº [-n], f pl. : matins, hour of morning worship (originally just after midnight ; now day before); prayer-book : sonner les -, ring the matin bell ; étourdi comme le premier coup de -, stupid as one is when the matin bell rings. -neux º, | =euse [-mal], adj. : early-rising (habit- ually). -nier*, =ière [-n], adj. : of the morning : l'étoile matinière, morning star. | ma-tir* [mat, dull], tr. : MAT, deaden ; frost ; smooth up (soldering). -titéº mâter mausolée [mat], f : dullness (of a sound). -toirº [-ter], m. : matting tool (to give metals a dull look). matoi-sº, =oise [slang fmate, thieves' rendezvous], adj. : (fam.) cunning, sly ; m., f. : foxy person. f-sement", adv. : slyly. #-serie º, f. : trick. maton* [ak. to mat, and dial. Ger. matte, curds], m. : curdled milk; flake,tuft of wool; little tuft on a rope ; lump in a pulp. matouº [?], m. : tom-cat; rascal. I.matras* [? Celt. -tara, javelin], m. : heavy ironed dart (of hurling engine). 2.-tras [?], m. : matrass, glass retort. ma-tricaireº [L. -trix, womb (the plant m. was used to aid menstruation)], f : ma- tricaria (herb of aster family). |-tri-ee* [L. -trix], f. : matrix (womb ; formative cells or substance producing teeth or hair, or minerals ; mould ; concave or sunk die); catalogue, roll : église -, primitive or mother church ; couleurs -s, simple col- ours (whence come the rest). -trieielº, =elle, adj. : according to schedule : loyer -, fixed price of hire or rent. -triculeº [L. -tricula, little matrix], f : register, enrollment, membership list ; matricula- finn entry or cortifioatc. -triIIioI1lalº, pl. =aux [L.-trimonialis (mater, mother)], adj. : =. -trone* [L. -trona], f : ma- tron ; midwife. matteº [? ak. to dial. Ger. matte, curdled milk], f. : matt, white metal (product of the first Smelting). fmatteau, see mateau. fmatton, see maton. - - • matu-ratifº, =ive [L. -rare, ripen], adj. : maturant, hastening an abscess. -ration* [L. -ratio], f : =, ripening ; curing (of tobacco, etc.). mâture* [mât], f : masting (all the masts of a ship ; their arrangement); stepping machine (for setting masts); mast-house (where masts are made). < maturité [L. -ritas], f. : maturity; ripe- Il6)SS. . fmatu-tinalº, pl. f=aux [L. -tinus (goddess Matuta, Dawn)], adj. : =, occur- ring in the morning. mau-direº [mal, ill, dire], irr.; tr. : curse ; blaspheme : maudit, accursed. f-disson º, f : malediction, curse. . #mau-grébleuº [disguised oath, maugré Dieu, in spite of God], interj. : oath like *a curse on.' |-gréer* [mal, bad, gré, will], intr. : swear, use oaths. -piteux º, =euse Whal, piteux], adj. : fhardly pite- ous ; cruel, PITILESS ; contemptible. fmauricaud, see moricaud. mausolée* [L. -leum, Gr. leîon, grand tomb of king Mausolus], m. : mausoleum, splendid tomb. · · 2.mauve° [L. malva], f. : mallow ; adj. : | maussade maussa-deº [mal, ill, OFr. sade (L. sa- pidus) pleasant], adj. : unpleasant ; sullen. -dementº, adv. : disagreeably. -de- rieº,f. : ill humour, sullenness. | mauvaisº, =aise [?], adj. : bad, ill, evil, wicked ; naughty; poor; m., f : bad per- son ; m. : evil, ill ; m. pl. : the wicked. I.mauveº [OEng. mawe], f. : (dial.) MEW, sea-gull. mauve, delicate purple. fmauvette", f. : (dial.) round-leafed geranium. mau-viette º, f : lark; any palatable small bird; thin or puny person. |-vis* [?], m. : MAVIS, song-thrush ; tufted lark. maxil-laireº [L.-laris (-la, jaw)], adj. : maxillary. - maxi-ma, see -mum. -me* [L. -ma (sc. sententia), highest opinion], f : maxim, principle of conduct ; maxima, the longest note in music. -mum", pl. -ma [L.], m. : =, greatest. - mayonnaise, or mago-, or maho- [? name Mahon], f : = (sauce, salad- dressing ; meat served with this sauce). mazette º [?],.f. : poor horse ; poor player. mazurka or f-ke [Polish], f. : =, dance. mE°, before vowel or silent h m' [L. me, acc. of ego, I], pers. pron. : me ; to me. mé- [= mes-, L. minus, less], pref. : mis-, dis-. - meâ-culpâ" [L. mea culpa, by my fault], m. : avowal, confession. meandreº [crooked river Meander], m. : meander, winding course. méat* [L. -tus (meare, go)], m.: meatus, canal of the body. mécani-eien", =enne, m., f : machin- ist ; engine man ; f : sewing-machine wo- man. |-que*[L.-cus, Gr. -kôs (mechané, MACHINE)], adj. : mechanical ; f : mechan- ics ; mechanism ; machinery : fpersonnes -s, workmen, mechanics ; courbe transcendental curve ; la — d'une voiture, spoke-setting machine. -quement*, adv. : mechanically. -serº, tr. : make mechanical ; exploit ; degrade ; (pop.) plague. -sme" [l. L. mechanisma], m. : mechanism ; manipulation (of piano, etc.); mechanical philosophy. mé eène* or fmé eénas [Vergil's pa- tron Mœcenas], m. : patron of learning, a Maecenas. : mé ehage* [-cher], m. : fumigation. mé-ehammentº, adv. : basely, wickedly; viciously. -ehan eeté º, f : wickedness; viciousness. ll-ehantº, =ante [-choir], adj. : bad ; vicious ; wicked ; spiteful ; ma- licious ; miserable ; m., f.' evil-doer , bad character. mè eheº [?], f. : wick ; MATCH, tinder ; lunt (for firing cannon); cracker, Snapper 445 (of whips); lock of hair ; centre-cord (of whips); screw, bit ; bunch of threads or frayed ends : — de mât, centre-piece of a mast ; - à percer, centre-bit ; découvrir or éventer la —, (lit.) discover the (ene- my's) fuse (by a countermine); (fig.) find out secret ; (pop.) il n'y a pas -, there is no way. mé ehef* [OFr. mes-chever, succeed ill], m. : misfortune. mé eher" [mèche], tr. : fumigate. fmé-ehoir [choir, fall], irr.; impers. intr. : MISCHANCE, happen unluckily.' -compte* [-compter], m. : miscount; dis- médial appointment. |-compter [mé-, comp- ter], reflex. : miscalculate ; be disap- pointed. méconium" [L. fr. Gr. -nion, juice of poppy (mékon)], m. : = (opium ; first fae- ces of an infant). mécon-naissable*, adj. : hard to recog- nise. -naissan ee*, f : ffailure to re- cognise, misconception ; misappreciation ; ingratitude. -naissant*, adj. : funmind- ful; unthankful. |-naître* [mé-, con- maître], irr.; tr. : fail to recognise (not recognise); misunderstand (misjudge); fail to appreciate; disown; disregard (slight); not be thankful (forget); se -, forget one's self ; not know one's self. » méconseiller [mé-, c ..], tr. : misadvise. méconten-tº, adj. : discontented. -te- mentº, m. : discontent (dissatisfaction). |-terº [mé-, contenter], tr. : discontent (dissatisfy, displease). Mecque, f. : Mecca (sacred city). fmé-créanee*, f : miscreance ; heresy. |-créant*, =ante [mé-, creant, old Part. of croire], adj. : unbelieving ; fhav'g a false religion; m., f. : miscreant; infidel. f-eroire* [mé-, croire], irr.; tr. : disbe- lieve. feroyant*, adj. : disbelieving. , | médail-le* [It. medaglia, see maille, coin], f : MEDAL ; medallion ; medalet ; METALLIC badge, number. -#erº, tr. : award medal to. -lier", m. : cabinet for medals ; collection of medals. -listeº, m., f : medalist, expert on medals. -lomº [It. medaglione], m. : large medal, me- dallion ; charm for chain ; bas-relief. méde-einº, m. : physician, doctor of medi- cine : - des âmes, confessor ; — par quar- tier, official or court physician who comes quarterly. |-eine* [L. medicina], f : medicine (fremedy ; art of healing); (esp.) physic ; ( fig.) cure ; disagreeable thing : - de cheval, too strong medicine. -ei- nerº, tr. : (fam.) dose. mé-dial", pl. =s or =aux [L. -dialis], adj. : medial, MIDDLE ; f : medial letter. |-dian* [L. -dianus], adj. : median, ME- SIAL. f-diano ehe [Sp. media moche, 416 médical midnight], m. : first meal (after fasting, taken just after midnight). -dianteº [L. -dians, being in the middle], f. : me- diant, midway tone in the diatonic scale. -diastinº [l. L. -diastinum], m. : medi- astinum, septum or cavity between two chief lobes of an organ, as between the two lungs. - diatº [immédiat], adj. : mediate, indirect. -diatementº [-diat], adv. : mediately, indirectly. -diateurº, =tri ee [L. -diator], m., f. : mediator, me- diatrix. -diation * [-diatio], f : = (in- tervention ; middle or main part of the melody); midday ; culmination (of a star). -diatiserº [-diat], tr. : mediatise, reduce to an indirect relation : — une ville, change the government of a city to indi- rect sovereignty. » médi-calº, pl. =aux [L. -cus, physician], adj. : =. • • médicamen-t* [L. -tum], m. : medica- ment, healing agency. -taire" [L. -ta- rius], adj. : ofmedicine. -tationº [-ter], f : treatment (of disease †y medecine). -ten°º, tr. : treat. -teux º, =euse [L. -tosus], adj. : medicinal. - Inédi-castreº [It. -castrol, m.: ignorant doctor. -eateur*, =triee [L. -cari, lreat], adj. : medicinal. -eationº [L. -catio], f : medication, treatment. ll-ei- · nalº, pl. =aux [L.-cinalis], adj. : medici-| nal, healing. -einalementº, adv. : medicinally. médié-valº [L. medium œvum, middle age], adj. : mediaeval. -viste*, m., f : mediaevalist. - médio-ereº [L. -cris (medius, middle)], adj. : mediocre ; m. : ordinary person or thing. -crEmentº, adv. : indifferently. -erité* [L. -critas], f : mediocrity ; mediocre person. - mé-dire* [mé-, dire], irr. $; intr. : talk slander, backbite. -disaneeº [-disant], f : slandering; slander. -disant*, =ante, adj. : slanderous; m., f. : slanderer. $ Conjugated like dire, but Ind. Pr. pl. 2d pers. is médisez, not médites. médi-tatifº, =ive [L. -tativus], adj. : meditative, reflective. -tation* -tatio (-tari, think over)], f. : meditation. -terºº [L. -tari], intr. : be thoughtful ; think over thoroughly, contemplate ; plan, · premeditate. - méditerra-né* [L. -neus (medius, mid- dle, terra, land)], adj. : internal : mer —e, internal sea ; (esp.) Mediterranean sea. -néen*, =enne, adj. : of the Mediter- lº3I16)3,Il S6)3,. - mé-diumº[L., middle], m. : medium (inter- mediate sound ; person supposed to be in- fluenced by spirits). -diusº [L.], m. : medius, middle or third finger. A* mélange fmédonnerº [mé-, donner], intr. : mis- deal (at cards). médullaireº [-llaris (medius, middle)], adj. : medullary, of the marrow or pith. médu-se [L. Medusa, whose hair was Snakes ; the sight of her turned men to stone], f : medusa, jelly-fish (with long ·fleshy filaments). -serº [gorgon Me- dusa], tr. : (fam.) stupefy. meetingº mi- [Eng.], m.: : #mé-faire* [mé-, faire], irr. $; intr. : do ill. -faitº, m. : ill-deed. -fenteº Lfente], f : wood (for kindling). . $ Only occurring in the infinitive and past part. - mé-fianee º, f : distrust. : -fiantº, =ante, adj. : distrustful ; m., f. : (rare) suspecting person. -fier* [mé-, fier], refl. : be suspicious or distrustful. fsmº8 | méga-lithique* [Gr. mégas, megal-, large, lithos, stone], adj. : megalithic, of huge stones. -losaure [l. L. -losauros (Gr. saûros, reptile)], m. : megalosaurus, great fossil lizard. .4V mégarde* [mé-, garder, guard ill], f : par -, through carelessness. - méga-scope* [Gr. mégas, large, skopeîn, see], m. : mcgascope, solar microscope for throwing objects on a screen. -thé- rium* [Gr. thérion, beast], m. : megathe- rium, gigantic sloth-like fossil. mégère* [the mythical Fury Megœra], f.: vixen. mé-gieº [fr. root of -gissier], f : leather- dressing. -girº [fr. root of -gissiér], tr. : taw, prepare (leather) for gloves. ll-gisº [?gis for guis ak to Ger. weisz, white], m. : tanning solution (for the last dressing). -gisserie* [-gissier], f : tawing business. -gissier*, =ière, m., f : leather-dresser. " - meilleur° [L. melior], adj. : better ; best ; m. : best thing ; ( fam.) best wine : de -e heure, earlier ; ton - est, the best thing for you is ; du - de mon cœur, or de mon âme, with the best intentions, with all my heart. fmeistre, see mestre. [L. | méjuger* [mé-, juger], tr. : MISJUDGE : (esp.) se -, mistrack, put hind foot down outside of front foot's track. mé-lampyreº [Gr. -puron (mélas, black, purôs, wheat)], m. : purple cowwheat. -lanagogue [Gr. agogôs, expelling], adj. : purgative ; f : melanagogue, purge for black bile. -lancolie * [Gr. cholé, bile], f : fblack humor (supposed to come from the spleen); melancholy, gloomy sadness. -lancolique* [L.-lancholicus, fr. Gr.], adj. : melancholy. -lancoliquementº [-lancolique], adv. : sadly, gloomily. mélan-ge* [mêler], m. : mixture; mix- mélasse ing; melange ; miscellany. -gerº, tr. : mix ; hlend : crnss, @ - mélasse [Sp. melaza (miel, honey)], f. : molasses. - mê-lée º mé-, f. : =, general hand-to- hand fight. |-ler° [p. L. misculäre (L. miscère)], tr. : MIX; mingle ; confuse ; meddle : se -, dabble ; de sang mêlé, of mixed blood, cross-bred; on dirait que le diable s'en mêle, one would say the devil had a hand in it. mélèze [dial. word reflecting L. mel, "honey,' infl. by larix, LARCH], m. : larch, tall resinous tree. mélilotº [L. -tus, Gr. -tos (mél, honey, lotôs, lotus)], m. : melilot, sweet clover. méli-mélo* [? mêler], m. : (fam.) con- | fused muss, MEDLEY. - •- méIinite* [L. -mus, Gr. -nos, quince yellow], f. : melinite, the explosive. mélisse* [l. L. -ssa (Gr. -ssobôtanon, bee- plant)], f. : melissa, garden balm. _ mel- lifère [L. melli-fer, honey-BEARing], adj. : melliferous: les-s, honey-producers (bees, or plants). melliflue* [L. mellifluus, flowing with honey], adj. : mellifluous ; (bad sense) sickly sweet. mélo-die* [L. -dia, Gr. -día (mélos, | part ; song, odé, ode)], f : melody; song. -dieusement* [-dieux], adv.: melo- diously. -dieux º, =euse, adj. : melo- dious. -dique º, adj. : melodic. -dra- matique*[-drame], adj. : melodramatic. -drame" [drame], m.: melodrama (musi- cal drama; romantic play). -maneº [Gr. mania, madness], m., f : melomaniac, music-crazy person. -manie* [Gr. ma- mia, madness], f. : melomania. • mElon,* [L. melio], m. : = (plant or fruit; disorder of the eye): - d'eau, (musqué), water-melon (musk-melon). - melongène or mélongène* [l. L., ak. to aubergine (fr. Ar.)], f : eggplant. mElonnière*[melon], f : melon field. mélo-pée* [L. -pœia, Gr. -poiîa, (lit.) , making of songl, f : melopœia ; singing (with declamation); musical recitative. -plasteº [Gr. plássein], m. : meloplast, instrument to teach music. fmémar-eher* [old mes-marcher], intr. : mis-step. -ehureº, f : sprain (of a horse's leg). - mem-braneº [L. -brana, skin of par- ticular MEMBER or part], f. : = (film ; covering of an organ ; vellum). -bra- neux º, =euse [-brane], adj. : membra- nous. llmem-bre° [L. -brum], m. : member (limb; part; membrum joint ; pl. body; associate ; molding; each side of an equation); rib of a ship. -bré º, adj. : une personne fortement —e, well- , built person ; (her.) aigle de gueules —e, ménage 417 eagle hav'g legs, wings, etc., coloured dif- ferent fr. the head. -bromº, m. : seam (of the arris lead or zinc). -bru*, adj. : hav'g well-made limbs. -brure*, f. : all the limbs, or parts, together ; ribbing of ships ; door-case ; wood for door-cas- ing; fixed board measure, board .16m. by .078m. ; measured rack (for cordwood). même° [p. L. *metipsimus (L. ego me- tipse), my own selfl, adi. : same ; self ; very same ; m. : same thing; adv. : even ; likewise : moi -, I myself; de —, in the same way ; fin such a way ; quand -, even though ; nevertheless ; tout de -, just the same ; boire à - la bouteille, drink , right fr. the bottle ; il porte son argent à - la poche, he carries his money loose in his pocket (not in a purse); fêtre à - de quelque chose, be at the very thing, the real source ; mettre à -, en- able ; être à — de (#pour) faire quelque chose, be situated just right to do a thing. -ment*, adv. : feven; in the same way, likewise. mé-mentoº [L., remember thou], m. : prayer (beginning thus); memento, remin- der. I.|-moireº[L.-morial, f : memory (faculty of recalling; recollection ; fame; commemoration): si j'ai bonne —, if I remember correctly ; pour —, annota- tion ; les filles de Mémoire, the muses. 2.-moire*, m. : memoir ; = ; memorial ; memorandum ; learned paper, monograph : (humor.) un — d'apothicaire, bill, state- ment in which the prices are very high, exorbitant bill. -morable* [L. -mora- bilis], adj. : memorable, notable. -mora- blEment* [-morable], adv. : notably. -morandumº [L. -morare], m.: memo- randum ; diplomatic note. #-moratifº, =ive [L. -morativus], adj. : être — de quelque chose, remember something. f-morer* [L. -morare], tr. : recall. -morial*, pl. =aux, m. : memoir; rec- ord, memorial. · - mEna-cantº [-cer], adj. : menacing. ,ll-ee° [L. -minacia (minäri, threaten)], f : menace, threat. -eer° [p. L. *mina- ciäri], tr. : menace ;. threaten ; warn. ménadeº [L. mœnas, Gr. mainás], f : maenad, revelling Woman at the feasts of Bacchus ; frenzied or insane woman. ména-ge° [p. L. *mansionaticum (man- sio, house)], m. : housekeeping; things for · house-keeping ; household, family; man- agement ; economy; good administration ; toys ; house : pain (toile) de -, home- made bread (cloth); une femme de -, chore-woman (who works by the hour) ; je ne saurais plus voir mon - propre, I shall not be able to see my house clean any more ; vivre de —, live savingly ; 418 mendiant faire bon -, get along well together ; tenir —, keep house ; faux -, concubin- age ; mettre (une fille) en -, marry off. -gementº [-gerl, m. : management , con- trol ; discretion, consideration , frunning (of a house). I.-gerº, tr. : manage ; #administer ; #run (a house); husband ; exploit ; treat discreetly ; use carefully ; effect ; get ready : se -, spare one's self ; act discreetly ; — la chèvre et le chou, handle two difficulties at once ; je lui ai ménagé une place, I helped him to a place. 2.-ger*, =ère, adj. : fmanaging ; saving, thrifty; m., f : frugal person; thrifty person; wise manager. -gerie* [-ger], f : fhouse-keeping ; farming ; farm build- ings and barn yard ; menagerie, collection of wild animals. -geurº, =euse [-ger], m., f. : (rare) manager ; exploiter of others, prudent, cautious person. men-diant*, =ante, m., f : beggar ; monk : les quatre -s, the four chief or- ders of mendicant friars ; ( fig.) mixed dried fruits, figs, raisins, almonds, hazel- nuts. -dieité* [L. -dicitas], f : men- dicity, beggary ; beggars (as a class). | |-dierº° [L. -dicåre], intr., tr. : beg : (by extens.) - sa vie, live by begging. fmen dole, or mène [L. mœna, Gr. maí- me], f. : mendole, gilt-head, small sea-fish. mEneau*, [?], m. : mullion, stone cross- · piece (of window): faux -, cross-piece · bearing the window lock. mE-née, f. : fway ; track, trail ; bearing- , distance (that a cog is in contact); drift (direction the snow drifts); summons (to vassal to follow or serve); scheme, under- handed trick. |-ner° [p. L. minäre | (?L. minäri, threaten)], tr. : lead ; take ; guide; head; escort; attract, draW; drive; , treat ; exploit ; manage : - quelqu'un, tambour battant, lead one at will; - quel- qu'un loin, lead one to unexpected result ; travaillons, c'est de quoi nous - jusqu'à Rome, work away, we may get to Rome yet by it ; - quelqu'un à la baguette, to lead one arbitrarily ; - le branle, take the lead ; #- la guerre, make war. fmEnestreº [dial. It. -tra, * service'], f.: soup : (humor.) docteur de -, sponger. ménestrelº [ak.to ménétrier], m. : min- strel. |ménétrierº [l. L. misterialis (L. minister, servant)], m. : village fiddler. mEn eurº, =euse [-ner], m., f : leader ; driver ; ringleader ; f : agent for wet- lllll'SeS. menhir [Breton, " long stone'], m. : (prehistoric single tall stone as a monu- ment). ménia-neº [It. -na, L. mœniana (consul Mœnius)], f : terrace ; balcony, often with shutters (on Italian houses). mentir ménianthe [l. L. -thes (Gr. minuanthés, blooming for short time)], m. : menyanthes, buck-bean. mE-ninº, =ine [Sp. -nino], m., f. : child raised with a prince, minion. ménin-geº [L. -nga (Gr. -gx)], f. : me- ninges, membranes enveloping the brain. -gite*, f : meningitis, inflammation of the meninges. ménisque* [Gr. -skôs, crescent (méne, MOON)], m. : meniscus, concave or convex surface. ménologeº [L. -gium, Gr. -gîon (mén, MONTH, lógos, speech), table of months], m. : menology, treatise about the months ; calendar of martyrs (in the Gr. church). mEnon" [? ak. to It. menno, castrated], m. : Turkish goat. • méno-pause [Gr. mén, menses, pausis, pause], f : menopause, change of life. -rrhagie* [Gr. rageîn, gushl,f. : menor- rhagia, excessive menstruation. -rrhée [Gr. reîn, flow], f : menorrhea, menstrual flow. - mExmotteº [main], f. : (fam.) dear little hand ; club-top mushroom ; pl. : handcuffs. men-se [L. -8a, table], f. : fdining table ; income (of churches or abbeys). -soleº [It. -sola], f. : keystone. A mens9n-ge° [p. L. *mentitiönica (L. men tiri, tell 'lies)], m. (or #f) : lie ; error ; fancy: - de marchand, white lie. -gerº, =ère, adj. : false ; untruthful ; fictitious. -gèrement* [-ger], adv. : deceitfully. . men-struation", f : =, monthly flow. |-strue* [L. -struum (-sis, MONTH)], f : menstrua ; m. : solvent. -struel*, =eIIe [L. -strualis], adj. : menstrual. -suel*, =elle [L. -sualis], adj. : monthly. -suellement* [-suell, adv. : monthly. . mentagreº [L.-gra (L. mentum, chin, Gr. ágra, capture)],f. : mentagra, ulcerous chin. menta-lº [L.-lis (mens, mind)], adj. : =. -lement*, adv. : mentally. men-terie*, f. : (fam.) lying, fibbing. ll-teur*, =euse [-tir], m.,.f. : liar; ha- bitual liar; adj. : lying ; deceitful. . men-the [L. -tha, Gr. mîntha], f : mint ; peppermint. men-tion* [L. -tio (ak. to Skt. man, think)], f : mention. - tionnerº, tr. : mention, name. 4 men-tir° [p. L. *-tire (L. -tiri)], irr. $ ; intr. : lie (tell an untruth); m. : lying : Sans -, to tell the truth, in fact; il en a menti (par la gorge), he has lied about it (till he is black in the face); se — à soi- même, begin to believe one's own lie; faire - le proverbe, refute the proverb ; bon Samg ne peut —, blood will tell. $ Ind. : Pr. mens, mens, ment; mentons, etc. Ipf. 2vzentazs. Pret, zmzentzs, Fut. nienton (Cond.) memtirai(s). — Subj. : Pr. menée. Ipf. mentisse. — I've mens. - Part. : Pr. memtamt ; P. mentz. men-ton° [p. L. *-to (L. -tum)], m. : chin: -- de galoche, prominent turned-up chin ; prendre par le -, caress familiarly ; (fam.) branler le —, wobble the chin, eat. -tonnetº [lit. little chin], m. : spring- clasp (of pocket-knives); lock-hook; tipper; ear; tenon; cam. -tonnière*, f : chin- piece (of helmets) ; chin-bandage ; lower jaw (of insects) ; wooden clamp, wedge, StOp. 1 menvtor [sage M.], m. : = (monitor, guide). InE-nu° [L. minütus (minuere, lessen)], adj. : small, fine ; thin ; adv. : fine ; m. : fragments ; minutiae ; bill of fare : -s grains, wheat, oats, etc.; - bétail, goats, sheep, etc.; - plomb, fine shot; -s droits, extremities of a deer claimed as king's rights ; dru et —, little and fast ; -8 plaisirs, pocket-money; little extra ex- penses; (by extens.) king's expenses in fes- tivities. #-nuaille*, f : small change ; school of small fishes or minnows. f-nu- ehon º, m. : (dial.) red pimpernel (plant). -nuetº, =ette, fadj. : very Small; m. : minuet (dance ; dance movement in a sym- phony); red pimpernel. -nuise° [L. minil- tia], f. : small fish, or wood, or shot. -nuiser° [p. L. *miniltiäre (L. minuere, diminish)], tr. : dress down (lumber): intr. : do carpentering. -nuiserie*[-nuisier], j'. : (old) fine skilled work (as in jewelry); · trellis-work ; (nou) cabinet work, joinery; carpentry. -nuisier* [-nuiser], m. : (old) workman (with delicate material) ; (nou) joiner, cabinet-maker. - - · méphistophélique* [evil spirit Mé- phistophélès], adj. : ( fam.) devil-like, Me- phistophelian. - méphi-tiqueº [L. -ticus (-tis, noxious vapour)], adj. : mephitic, foul. -tisme", m. : foulness, mephitic. méplatº, =ate [mé-, plat], adj. : uneven, of uneven thickness, varying ; m. : flat part. 1 mé-prendre* [mé-, prendre], irr.; reflex. : be mistaken. -prisº [-priser], m. : contempt ; abuse ; defiance ; #under- valuation : au - de ses orders, in spite of his orders. -prisable* [-pri- Serl, adj. : contemptible. -prisablE- mentº [-prisable], adv. : (rare) con- temptibly. -prisantº [-priser], adj. : | contemptuous. -prise*, f. : mistake. -priserº [-priser], tr. : undervalue ; despise, contemn ; scorn. ,' mer [L. mare], f. : sea, ocean : la haute —, the main ; the high sea ; loup de —, seaman ; coup de -, wave washing the deck; un homme à la -, a man overboard; 419 la - à boire, endless task ; - de glace, glacier rongh like Waves, • mer-cantileº [It. (L. merx, wares)], adj. : = (merchantlike; venal). -canti- lismeº, m. : mercantilism. #-cantille, f : unimportant commerce. -eEnaire* [L. -cenarius], adj. or m. : mercenary, serving for pay; hireling ; foreigner sol- dier. -eEnairementº [-cenaire], adv.: like a mercenary. -eErie* [-cier], f : notion business, mercery. merei° [L. merx, pricel, f : mercy, good-will, kind- ness ; ffavour ; thanks : Dieu -, thank meringue God (lit. * by God's grace') ; grand -,- thanks (accepting or declining). mér- eierº°, =ière [p. L. *-ciarius], m., f. : mercer, notion-dealer, haberdasher. mer- erEdi° [p. L. * Mercoris dies, Mercury's day], m. : Wednesday. |-cure* [L. god Mercurius], m. : flove messenger, mer- cury, quicksilver ; mercurial compound. -curialº, pl. =aux [I.-curial], adj. : tinged (with the mercury plant). I.-cu- riale* [L. -curialis sc. herba], f : mer- cury weed. 2.-euriale º [L. Mercurii dies, Wednesday], f. : (old) first court-day; (nou) address, harangue; rebuke. 3.-cu- rialeº [L. god Mercurius], f : market reports. -eurielº, =elle [-cure], adj. : mercurial, of mercury. mer-daille*, f. : (lou) lot of brats; trash (people). |-de° [L. -da], f. : (lou) dung (obs. Eng. MERD) : couleur - d'oie, yellowish-green colour; - de cormoran, dried sea-wrack ; - de diable, asafœtida. -deuxº, =euse, adj. : (low) nasty, vile. -dicoleº [L. -da, dung, colere, dwell], adj. : fourmi -, manure ant. I.mère° [L. mäter], f. : MOTHER : belle--, mother-in-law ; stepmother ; grand'mère, or #--grand, grandmother ; la - de Dieu, or de douleur, or des affligés, Virgin Mary ; — des dieux, Cybele, Rhea ; - abbesse (prieure), abbess (prioress) ; lan- gue -, mother-tongue ; — patrie, mother | country; - branche, parent limb; — perle, mother-of-pearl ; eau —, mother-liquor (left after crystallization) ; — caille, rail (bird). [L. merus, pure], adj. : la - g0utte, the first wine fr. the press, choice ; - laine, choice wool. méreau* [?], m. : counter; hopscotch counter, quoit. méri-dien*, =enne [L. -dianus, fr. -dies, noon], m., f. or adj. : meridian ; f : afternoon nap; easy chair. -dional*, pl. =aux [L. -dionalis], adj. : southern ; ſm., f. : southerner. - mErin-gue" [Ger. town Mehringen], f : =, brown icing of beaten eggs, for pastry. | -gué", adj. : hav'g brown icing. 420. • mérinos" [Sp. *wandering'], m.: merino (Spanish sheep ; wool fabric). mérinos mErise* [?], f. : wile-cherry. -sier*, m. : wild-cherry tree. méri-tamtº, adj. : deserving, worth. |-te* [L. -tum], m. : MERIT ; worth. | -terº, tr. : deserve ; earn. -toire* [L. -torius], adj. : meritorious. -toirement* [-toire], adv. : meritoriously. •" mer-lan*, m. : MERLING, whiting (sea- fish); wig-maker. |-le° [p. L. *merulus (L. merula)], m.: =,blackbird. f-lesseº, f. : (dial.) ffemale blackbird : c'est l'his- toire du merle et de la —, same old quar- rel. -1ette º, f. : (her.) bird without beak or feet. . I.merlinº [?], m. : cleaver; butcher's mallet. r -* 2.mer-linº [Flem. maar-line, sea-rope], m. : marline (light twist of two or three strands). -linerº, tr. : sew with marline. mer-lonº [It. -nel, m. : = (solid part be- tween embrasures, or notches). -lueheº | [dial. f. of -lus], f. : dried haddock ; dried cod. -lusº [Prov.], m. : haddock : peaux en -, dried pelts. merrain, see mairain. merveil-Ie° [p. L. *meribilia (L. mi- rabilia, wonders)], f. : MARVEL, wonder ; marvelous thing : faire -, do wonderfully well ; â -, excellently ; (fam.) fpas tant que -, not very much. -leusement [-leux], adv. : marvelously ; excellently. -leux º, =euse, adj. : marvelous, amaz- ing; m. : miracle ; m., f. : affected or showy person. •- · I.Imes, See m0n. mes-, més- [fr. L. minus, less], old pejor- ative particle, used now only in com- pounds. fmésadvenir, see mésavenir. fmésair, see mézair. més-aise* [mes-, aise], m. : fphysical or mental uneasiness ; close or straitened circumstances. -allian ee", f : =, mis- alliance. |-allier [mes, allier], tr. : marry below one's rank, mis-mate. mé-sange* [OHG. meisa, Ger. meise], f : titmouse. -sangette, f. : bird-trap. #més-arriverº [més-, arriver], impers. : mishappen : il lui mésarrive, he has bad luck. |+-avenir* [advenir], irr. (cf. venir); impers. : befall ill, be bad luck. -aventure*, f : ill-luck, mishap. mésen-tèreº [Gr. -téron (mésos, middle, énteron, gut)], m. : mesentery; membrane supporting the intestines. -tériqueº, adj. : mesenteric. mésesti-me", f : poor opinion, lack of esteem. |-merº [més estimer], tr. : disesteem. tméshui, see maishui. mesurable mésintelligen eeº [més-, intelligence], f : misunderstanding, discord. mésocarpeº [Gr. mésos, middle, karpôs, fruit], m. : mesocarp, middle layer (flesh of plums, etc. ; shell of nuts). mésoffrir º [més-, qffrir], tr. : underbid. mésolabeº [L. -bium, Gr. -bion (mésos, middle, labeîn, take)], m. : mesolabe, ma- chine for finding roots of numbers. mes-quin [It. -chino (Ar. maskin, poor)], adj. : paltry, scant. -quinementº, adv. : shabbily. -quinerie º, f. : meam- ness ; shabbiness. messº [Eng. fr. Fr., cf. mets], m. : (officers'table). |mess-ageº[OFr. mes, sent (L. mittere, send)], m. : = ; official message. -agerº, =ère, m.,f. : messen- ger; mail-agént; mail-coach. -agerie* [-ger], f. : transportation, carrying service (of coaches, boats, railroads, and of ex- press companies). messaIineº [Emperor Claudius wife Messalina], f : dissolute woman. messe° [l. L. missa, dismissal (L. mittere, send)], f. : mass, celebration of the Lord's supper : - basse, low mass (hav'g no sing- ing); grande -, high (sung) mass ; - de paroisse, mass with a sermon ; - de minuit, Christmas mass (at midnight). fmes-séaneeº [-seant], f : unseemli- ness. -séant*, adj. : unseemly. ll-seoir* [mes-, seoir], intr. : be unbecoming, be un- . seemly. #messerº [It. * MY SIRE'], m. : SIR, mister. messidorº [L. messis, harvest, Gr. dôron, gift], m. : = (June 19 to July 19, calend. of first French republic). Messieº [l. L. -ssies fr. Heb. *anointed'], m. : MESSIAH. messier* [l. L. -ssarius (L. -ssis, crop)], m. : watchman (over crops). messireº [OFr. mes (nom. of mon), sire], m. : SIRE (title like squire, my lord). mestreº [It. mastro], m. : - de camp, colonel of horse or infantry regiment ; f. : (humor.) first company of a regiment : - général, brigadier-general. mEsu-rable* [-rer], adj. : measurable. -rage* [-rer], m. : measuring. llmE- su-re° [L. mensilra (metiri)], f. : meas- ure (quantity ; capacity ; extent ; fixed standard of quantity, extent or size ; de- gree ; METER (rhythm; proportion ; mod- eration ; bar in music ; limit ; condition ; means, steps); fencing distance : au fur et à -, in proportion, by degrees ; prem- dre la - de (or fam. à) quelqu'un, take one's measure ; vêtements sur —, cloth- ing made to order ; ne point garder de - avec une personne, have no regard for a person ; donnèr sa -, show what one can do. -rerº, tr.} measure : -ré dans •- mº mésuser ses discours, very circumspect ; - la terre, measure land ; ( fig.) lie at full length ; - des yeux, eye one from head to foot ; -ré, sign (in music) that sing- ing begins again. -reur*, =euse [-rerl, m., f. : measurer. • mésuser [més-, user], intr. : make ill use of something. +met, see mait. méta- [fr. Gr. metá, beyond, over, after, reversely], #reſ : meta-. métaboleº [L., Gr. (bállein, throw), change], f. : metabola, repetition of same Words in different order. métaear-peº [Gr. -pion (metá, beyond, karpôs, wrist)], m. : metacarpus, the five bones between wrist and fingers. -pien", =enne, adj. or m. : metacarpal. méta-eentre* [Gr. metá, beyond, Fr. centre], m. : metacentre (intersection of verticals through the centre of gravity at rest, one through the centre of buoyancy). f-chronisme" [Gr. -chrónos, laterl, m. : (rare) metachronism (errorin date, placing an event before it occurred). -gramme* [Gr. grámma, letter], m. : letter game (consists in changing first letter of the Word). . métairie* [-tayer], f : = (farm let on shares of crop) ; Small farm. métalº, pl. =aux [L. -llum, Gr. -llon], m.: metal : — vierge, native metal ; (her.) métaux, gold and silver, yellow and white ; métaux imparfaits, the base metals of the alchemists, i.e. all metals but gold and silver ; les quatre métaux, the four ages of the world, gold, silver, copper, iron ; — anglais or blanc, Britannia metal ; - de cloche, bell-metal ; demi-métal, old name for bismuth, arsenic, etc. ; (fam.) coin, mOney. métalepse [L., Gr. -psis, ºtaking in ex- change'], f. : metalepsis, giving a Word in a second meaning, as : " In one ton of coal is many a Warm breakfast." métal-lifère* [L. -lifer], adj. : metal- liferous. -lique* [L. -licus], adj. : metallic ; coin : science -, science of coins and medals. -Iisation ", f. : metallisa- tion. -liserº [L. -lum, Gr. -lon, metal], tr. : metallise, turn into metal, cover with metal. -lographieº [Gr. gráphein, Write], f. : metallography, science of metals. -loïdeº [Gr. êidos, form], m. : metalloid (esp. arsenic, or antimony). -lothérapie* [Gr. therapeîa, treat- ment], f : metallotherapy, use of metal disks for nervous diseases. -lurgie" [l. L. -lurgia, Gr. -lourgía (érgon, work)], f. :: metallurgy. -lurgique* [-lurgie], adj.: | metallurgical, -lurgiste" [-lurgie], m., ſ : metallurgist. 421 métamor-phique* [fr. Gr.l, adj. : metamorphic. changed by fire. -phismeº [fr. Gr.], m. : metamorphism. ll-phose* [L., Gr. -phosis (metá, beyond, morphé)l, ·f. : metamorphosis (changing in form, transformation, change). -phoserº, tr.: metamorphose, change the form of, trans- mute. métapho-re* [L., Gr. -ra (metá, beyond, phérein, BEAR)], f. : metaphor, transFER of meaning, as " man is a worm." -rique* [L. -ricus, Gr. -rikôs], adj. : metaphori- cal, figurative. -riquement* [-rique], adv. : parler -, speak figuratively. metaphy-sieienº, =enne [l. L. -sicusl, 77l., : metaphysician, philosopher. I.ll-sique* [l. L. -sica fr. Gr. metá tà phusiká, * beyond the physical'], f : meta- physics, philosophy. 2.-sique* [l. L. -sicus], adj. : metaphysical, philosophical. -siquementº [2.-sique], adv. : meta- physically. -siquer", ftr. : treat by metaphysics ; intr. : ( fam.) philosophise (esp. on trifles). #méta-plasme * [L. -plasmus, Gr. -plas- môs (plássein, knead)], m. : metaplasm, alteration in a word. |-stase [Gr. -sta- sis, histánai, put], f. : metastasis, change of the seat of disease ; change, rejection (of things the orator must admit). -sta- tique*, adj. : metastatic, shifting ; be- longing elsewhere. -tarseº [Gr.-társion (tarsôs, flat of the foot)], m. : metatarsus, bones (in man, five) between ankle and toes. -tarsien", =enne [-tarse], adj. : - metatarsal, of the instep. -thèse* [L., Gr. -thesis (tithénai, put), displacement], f : metathesis (transposition of letters as childerm, comftorable for children, com- fortable ; (logic) conversion ; (med.) shift- ing of the cause of lesion, as by pushing stone out of urethra back into bladder). méta-yage*, m. : metayage, leasing on shares. yer°, =ère [p. L. *medietarius, sharer (L. medietas, half)], m., f. : share- renter, Small farmer; farm hand. méteil° [p. L. *mistilius (L. mixtus)], m. : maslin (wheat and rye mixed): passe--, maslin two-thirds wheat to one-third rye. 1 métempsyc9-se [L., Gr. -sis (metá, over, én, in, psuché, soul)], f : metempsychosis, transmigration of soul. météo-re* [l. L. -rum, Gr. -ron (? metá, beyond, aér, air)], m. : meteor (rain, hail, snow, etc., esp. fiery luminous body, shoot- ing star). .. -riqueº, adj. : meteoric. -risationº [-riser], f : bloating. .. -ri- serº [Gr. -rizein, raise, swell], tr. : bloat : -risé, tympanic, inflated (as by eating wet clover). -rismeº [Gr. -rismôs], m. : meteorism, flatulent distention of the < • • • - météore 422 méthode belly. -rologie* [Gr. -rologia], f. : meteorology, science of atmospheric con- ditions. -rologiqueº [Gr. -rologikôs], adj. : meteorological. - métho-deº [L. -dus, Gr. -dos (metá, after, hodôs, way)], f : method (way ; manner; rule, system). -dique* [L. '-dicus, Gr. -dikôs], adj. : methodical, systematic. -diquementº [-diquel, adv. : by fixed plan. méthyleº [Gr. metá, after, hûle, wood], m. : methyl (gas). - métieu-leusementº, adv. : fastidiously. -leux, =euse [L. -losus (metus, fear)l, adj. : fastidious, very particular. métier° [p. L. *misterium (L. ministe- rium, service)], m. : trade, handicraft ; calling, profession ; business ; Weaving machine, loom ; tub of a press ; mucilage liquor (in brewing) : avoir le cœur au -, have one's heart in it ; être du -, be of the same stripe ; jalousie de -, profes- sional jealousy ; il n'y a pas de sot -, lowest calling may be creditable ; (fam.) , jouer à quelqu'un un tour de -, play one of his brag tricks on some one. fmé-tifº, =ive, or |-tis°, =isse [L. misticius (mixtus)], adj - mongrol, of mixed race ; m., f. : MESTIZO, person of mixed blood, esp. of Indian and White raceS. • méto-nomasieº [Gr. -nomasia], f : me- tonomasia, change of name, esp. transla- tion of proper names, as Heb. messiah in- to Gr. christôs, each meaning " anointed.' |-nymie* [L. -nymia, Gr. -numia (ôno- ma, NAME)], f. : metonymy, change of name, as ºthe bar" meaning " lawyers." -peº [L. -pa, Gr. -pe (opé, hollow)], f : metope, square slab in Doric frieze. -poscopie* [L. -poscopos (Gr. métopon, forehead, skopeîn, observe), physiogno- mist], f. : metoposcopy; (hum.) face. -poseopique" [-poscopie], adj. : meto- poscopic, of physiognomy. mé-trageº [-trer], m. : measuring by the metre. ' I.llmè-treº [L. -trum, Gr. -tron], m. : metre (verse measure). 2.mè- tre !" [Gr. -tron], m. : metre, length meas- ure = 39.37 inches. -trerº [2.-tre], tr. : measure in meters. -treurº, =euse [-trer], m.,f : measurer. I.-trique* [L. -tricus], adj. : metric ; f : scansion, versi- fication. 2.-trique" [2.-tre], adj.: met- ric, hav'g the metre as unit of measure- ment. métri-teº [l. L. -tis (Gr. métra, womb)l, f : metritis ; inflammation of the uterus. métro-logie" [Gr. métron, measure, lô- gos, speech], f : metrology, science of weights and measures. -mane" [-ma- nie], m. or f : metromaniac, one eager to meulard make poetry. -manie" [I.mètre, -ma- miel, f : metromania, mania for poetry. -nome" [Gr. nómos, law] or +-mètre [Gr. métrom], m. : metronome, instrument for marking time. métropo-leº [L., Gr. -lis (méter, moth- er, pôlis, city)], f : metropolis (city; chief city); seat of an archbishopric ; (rare) capital. -litainº [L. -litanus], adj. : metropolitan ; m. : archbishop. met-s° [OF. mes, L. missus, 'sent, viz. on the table], m. : dish, food, MEAT, MESS. -table *, adj. : (fam.) fit to wear. -tageº, m. : setting, placing. -teur*, =euse, m., f : setter : - en œuvre, setter of pearls, diamonds, etc. ; - en pages, maker-up (who attends to the paging); — au point, sculptor's assistant ; - en scène, manager (who stages a play). |-tre° [L. mittere, send], irr. $ ; tr. : put (put in place, place ; lay ; set ; arrange); bring ; put on : - bas, put down, depose ; drop young ; - à bas, defeat ; — dehors, drive away ; - au jour, bring to light ; - en vers, turn into verse ; — par écrit, put into black and white ; - un habit, put on a coat ; - en état de, enable ; — â la besuce or sur la paille, bring to beggary ; — à l'amende, mulct, fine ; — en colère, enrage ; - en pages, make up the pages of ; - le couvert, lay the table cover ; — les voiles dehors, spread sail; — à l'ancre, anchor ; bien mis, well dressed ; — à la question, torture ; - un étang à sec, turn a pond dry ; se -, go ; become ; get into; dress ; se - au-dessus de l'opinion, scorn opinion ; se - sur son quant-à-soi, stand on one's dignity ; se - à parler, begin to speak ; se - de quelque chose, take part in a thing ; se - à fruit, begin to bear. $ Ind. : Pr. mets, mets, met; met-toms, -#ez, -tezzt. Ipf. zyzettazs. Pret. amzzs. Fut. (Cond.) mettrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. mzetze. Ipf. misse, — I've mets. — Part. : Pr. mettant; , 73ZZS. - • meu-blant* [-bler], adj. : furnishing. |meu-ble° [p. L. *mobilis (L. möbilis)], adj. : MOVABLE ; m. : furniture ; piece of furniture ; furnishings ; equipment ; - de bouche, habitual expression; - de ruelles, constant visitor at receptions ; (her.) -5 d'armoires, objects in a coat-of-arms. -bler*, tr. : furnish, equip. meu-gIEmentº, m. : bellowing. |-glerº [beugler], intr. : bellow. meu-lardº,m.: large mill-stone. -lardeº, ·f : medium-sized mill-stone. |meu-le° [L. mola], f : MILL-stone ; grindstone ; circular cheese ; knee-cap ; strawstack ; mushroom-bed ; pile of wood ; masonry about a fusing furnace ; burr (of antlers), -leau*, m. : medium-sized millstone. -lerie º, f : millstone factory. I.-lier*, meurt-de-fairn m. : millstone cutter. 2.-Iierº, =ère, adj. : millstone ; f. : millstone silica ; silica quarry. -lon*, m. : cock (of hay or straw); pile (of salt fr. evaporation). -nerie" [-nier], f. : milling (business or trade); biscuit or cracker factory. -nier°, =ère [p. L. *molinarias (L. molinum, mill)], m., f. : miller, keeper of a grist- mill; darkling, flour-insect ; miller's-thumb (fish); bird. meur-t-de-faim º, pl. - [mourir], m., f : starveling. |meur-treº [Germ'c orig., Goth. maurthr], m. : MURDER ; hurt- | ful act, wicked deed. -trier*, =ière, m., f. : murderer ; f : loophole (for sharp- shooting from fortress); adj. : murderous : garde meurtrière, position for deadly thrust in fencing. -trirº, tr. : fmur- der ; bruise ; knock. -trissure [-trir], f. : bruise. - meute° [p. L. *movita (L. movère, MOVE)], f. : (old) motion ; hunting party ; attack ; rendezvous ; (now) pack of dogs ; MOB ; decoy-bird : clefs de -, best dogs (which control the others); ( fig.) leaders. . fmé-vendre* [mes, vendre], tr. : sell too low. f-venir [venir], irr.; intr. impers. : happen ill. -vente", f. : too cheap sale. 8 Mexico, m. : City of Mexico. que, m. : Mexico, the country. #mézairº [It. mezzaria (lit. *MIDDLE air')], m. : passage (horse's moving side- ways). mezzanineº mèd-za-[It. mezza- mino], f. : = (low story between high chub ; mildew ; f. : ash-coloured Mexi- · ones, entresol ; window wider than high). mezzo-soprano° medzo- [fr. It.], m. : =, voice next below soprano. mezzo- termineº medzo- [fr. It.], m. : middle course. mezzo-tintoº medzo- [fr. It.], m. : mezzotint, half-tone engraving. I.mi° us'ly mi- [L. medius, MIDDLE], adj. : MID : mi-carême, MID-Lent; mi-été, mid- summer; mi-août, mi-mars, etc., middle of August, March, etc. ; avoir de l'eau à · mi-jambes, à mi-corps, be in water to one's knees, to the waist ; à mi-côte, half- · way up-hill ; bail à mi-fruit, lease on equal shares ; adv. : mi-coton, half-cotton ; (her.) écu mi-coupé, shield divided so each half has part of the figure. 2.mi [L. syllable ; see fa], m. : mi or E (the third musical note); E-string (of violins). mias-matique", adj. : miasmal, mala- rious. -me" [Gr. -ma, ak. to Skt. mutra, urine], m. : miasma, poisoned air, malaria. miau-lantº, adj. : mewing. -lementº, m.: mewing. . |-ler* [echoic], intr. : meow. -1eurº, =euse, adj. : mewing. mi-ca" [L., particle, crumb], m. : (the mineral). -eé", adj. : micaceous. •-* 423 -easehisteº [schiste], m. : mica schist, mica slate. -ehe* [? ak. to Flem. micke, wheat-bread], f. : round loaf : (humor.) les -s de St.-Etienne, stones. micmacº [? Ger. misch-masch, MIxture], m. : ( fam.) intrigue, plot. - micocoulierº [Prov. -lié], m. : nettletree. micro- [Gr. mikrôs, small] : -beº [Gr. -bios, short-lived], m. : =, microscopic plant or animal. -cosme* [L. -cosmus (Gr. kosmôs, world)], m. : microcosm, the world on a Small scale. -graphe" [-gra- phie], m., f : micrographer. -graphieº [Gr. gráphein, write], f : micrography, description of microscopic objects. -gra- phique º [-graphie], adj. : micrographic. -mètre º [Gr. métron, measure], m. : mi- crometer, instrument for measuring very Small angles or thickness ; for counting the threads of a fabric. -métrique* [-mètre], adj. : micrometric. micro-n, [Gr. neut. mikrôn, small], m. : =, one- millionth of a meter. -phone " [Gr. phoné, sound], m. : =, apparatus for magni- fyingfaint sounds. -seopeº [Gr. skopeîn, examine], m. : =. -scopique" [-scope], adj. : microscopic. -zoaire* [Gr. zoá- rion, animal], m. : microzoary. mic-tion [L. -tio fr. mingere, urinate], f : =. -turition,º [L. -turire, desire to urinate], f : =, frequent urinating. midi [mi, MIDDLE, OFr. di, DAY], m. : noon ; south : en plein -, in full light of day; un cherche-midi, a sun-dial; chercher - à quatorze heures, look for knots in a bulrush. I.mie° [L. mica, crumb], f. : crumb (soft inside of bread); adv. : bit : me —, not a bit, not at all. 2.mie, see ami. mie-1° [L. mel], m. : honey; sweetness : - de goutte, first honey fr. a hive, choice honey; mouche à — = abeille, bee ; — rosat, rose Water ; - aérien, manna ; mieux lune de -, honeymoon. -Iléº, adj. : honeyed; sweet. -Ileusementº mié- [-lleux], adv. : sweetly. -lleux *, =euse, adj. : honey-like. mien°, =enne [L. meus], adj. : my, minc : (old) un mien frère, a brother of mire ; (now with noun understood): tes maux ct les -s, thy ills and mine ; le — et le tien, mine and thine; je risque plus du -- que tu ne fais du tien, Irisk my interests more than you do yours ; j'y mets du -, I make some sacrifices ; les -s, my people ; ( fam.) j'ai fait des miennes, I have been at some of my tricks. miette* [mie],f : crumb; morsel; (fam.) Small piece. mieux° [L. neut. melius, better], adv. : better ; best ; m. : best thing : au -, at 424 mièvre best ; aimer —, prefer ; aller —, be im- proving ; il vaut -, it is better ; des -, among the best ; faire de son -, do one's best; à qui -, -, âs hard as possible, the winner gets it ; rien de -, nothing better. . miè-vre* [?], adj. : froguish ; affected, dainty; m. : little rogue. -vrErie" or f-vrEté*, f. : roguishness. - mi-gnard *, adj. : fdelicate; mincing, over-nice. -gnardEment* [-gnardl, adv. : delicately, mincingly. -gnarder* [-gnard], tr. : fondle, pet : se -, be af- fected. -gnardiseº [-gnard], f : fdeli- cacy; affectation, niceness ; fine braid ; pink , (from use as a border flower). |-gnon*, =onne [? Ger. minne, love (or Celt. min, little], adj. : delicate, tiny, dainty; m., f. : MINION, favourite, darling ; lover; pimp; f : mistress ; minion (type); kind of pear, peach, etc. -gnonne- ment*, adv. : nicely. -gnonnette [obs. -gnonnet], f. : little pet; mignonette, feathered pink; minionette (type); coarsely ground pepper; Small peas ; fine gravel ; lace, fine netting. f-gnoter* [-gnot older form of -gmon], tr. : pet, coddle. t-gnotise* [-gnotl, f : fondling, over- indulgence : - des Génovois, thyme. migraine* [L. hemigrania, Gr. hemi- kranía (hemi-, half, krámion, CRANIUM)], j. : MEGRIM, headache. migra-teurº, =triee [L. -tor (migrare, depart)], adj. : migratory. -tionº [L. -tio], f : =. mijaurée º [?], f : (old) country woman or girl without occupation; (nou) preten- tious woman or girl. - <3- mijoter [ jot, form of mugot], tr. : cook slowly; intr. : simmer; ( fig.) contrive carefully, brew (as a plot). I.mi1° [L. mille], adj. : thousand (only in dates from 1000): l'an — huit cent quatre vingt-dix-sept, the year 1897. 2.mil° [L. milium], m. : MILLET : - à grappe, panic grass ; - à épis, sorghum. milanº [Prov., fr. L. milvus], m. : hawk, kite. milanaise" [city Milan], f : (for working buttonholes). mila-neau* [-n], m. : little hawk or falcon. -nière º [-n], f. : falcon yard. mi-liaire* [L. -liaris (-lium, millet)], adj. : miliary, hav'g pimples : la ( fièvre) —, fever characterised by eruptions re- sembling millet seeds. mili-eeº [L. -tia], f : militia; soldiery ; #war; battle. -eiervº, m. : militia-man. milieuº [mi, middle, lieu], m. : centre ; MIDDLE ; MEANS ; MEDIUM : Surroundings : au beau —, in the very middle , le juste -, the golden mean. silk-twist mince mili-taire* [L. -taris], adj. : military; > m. : soldier; soldier's life : herbe —, mil- foil. -tairementº, adv. : like a soldier. -tant* [-ter], adj. : militant, struggling ; m. : active politician. -ter* [L. -tare], intr. : militate (ffight ; have weight). I.miIIeº [L.-llia, pl. of -lle], indecl. adj. : a thousand; great number; m. : one thou- sand: rossolis de - fleurs or mille-fleurs, rossoli, Italian liquor flavored with sundew plant. 2.mille* [L. mille], m.: mile (distance measure varying greatly in dif- ferent countries). -feuilleº,f. : MILFOIL, yarroW. miIIénaireº [L.-marius], adj. : millenary, of a thousand; m. : millennium; number, date containing a thousand. -pertuisº, pl. —, m. : St. John's-wort. -pieds*, pl. -, m. : milleped, myriapod. miIlépore" [pore], m. : millepore (coral animal). millésimeº [L.-simus, thou- sandth], m. : the thousand digit (of date); date (on coins, etc.): 350 au lieu de 1350 par oubli du —, 350 for 1350 by omission of the one. - 4> millet* [2.mil], m. : = (grass): — noir, buckwheat. mill-iaire" [L. -iarius (mille, thou- sand)l, adj. : borne (or pierre) —, MILE- stOne. -iard, m. : =, a thousand mil- lions, billion. -iasseº, f. : fbillion ; ( fam.) scads, thousands. -ième* [mille], adj. or m. : thousandth. -ierº [I.mil], m. : thousand , half-ton ; great number. -igramme" [L. mille, thousand, Fr. gramme], m. : milligram. -imètre" [L. mille, Fr. mètre], m. : millimeter. |-ionº [mille], m. : -ionième", adj. or m. : tº-sº-sºs -- e | millionth. -ionnaire", adj. : millionary; m. : =, rich person. milord* [Eng. my lord], m. : =, lord ; nabob ; four-wheeled cab. mi-meº [L. -mus, Gr.-mosl, m. : = (mim- ic play; actor); impersonator. -mer º, tr. : mimic. -miqueº [L. -micus, Gr. -mikôs], adj. : mimic, imitative : la (lan- gage) -, language of mimic, dumb show. -mosaº [L. -mosus, mimicking], m. or f : mimosa, sensitive plant. minable* [-ner], adj. : underminable ; . (fam.) wretched, shabby. minage [I.-ne], m. : fmeasuring of grain; feudal grain tax ; sale of grain ; payment in grain : la place du -, the market. minaretº [Ar.], m. : = (tower of a mosque). minau-derº[2.mine,MIEN],intr. : put on style, be affected; smirk, simper. -derieº, f : affectation; simpering. -dierº, =ière, adj. : affected, simpering. min-ee* [? OHG. -nist, least], adj. : thin ; slight ; slender ; ( fig.) shallow. -eeurº, f : slenderness, thinness. mine I.mine° [L. hemina, Gr. hemina, half (-measure)], f. : = (78 litres): une - de terre, what one mine will sow. 2.mine* [? Breton min, beak], f.: MIEN ; facial expression, face ; grimace ; look : de -, in appearance ; faire bonne - à quelqu'un, seem friendly to one ; faire mauvaise (or grise or triste) -, or faire la - à quelqu'un, look unfriendly to one ; jaire des -s à quelqu'un, try to please 0I16 . 3 mineº [L. -na, Gr. mnâ], f.: mina (weight of 124 grams ; coin worth 69 francs). - •. 4.mi-neº, f : mine (excavation ; deposit of ore ; ore itself; source): le puits de la -, the shaft ; faire jouer une -, ex- plode a mine (to blow up the enemy's works). |-nerº [?], tr. : undermine ; (fig.) weaken ; wear away. -neraiº [-nière], m. : ore : - lavé, buddled ore. minéra-1*, pl. =aux [l. L. -lis], adj., or m. : mineral. -lisateur", =triee [liser], adj. : combining to form ore ; m. : mineraliser. -liserº, tr. : miner- alise : la rouille est fer minéralisé, rust is mineralised iron. -logie" [Gr. lôgos, speechl, f : mineralogy. -logique" [-lo- gie], adj. : mineralogical. " -logiste" [-logiel, m., f : mineralogist, student of minerals. minerveº [goddess Minerva], f. : (fam.) mind, brain. minetº, =ette [mine, face], m., f : kit- ten : (fam.) ma minette, my darling. I.mineur*, =eure [L.-nor], adj. or m., f : minor (lesser; under legal age); f : minor study for a degree ; minor term of a syllogism ; (in music) less by a semi- tone ; in minor key : lieues mineures, parallels of latitude ; excommunication mineure, exclusion fr. the sacrament but not from the church ; les quatre ordres mineures, the four minor orders of the church. 1 2.mineurº [4.mine], m. : miner, digger ; sapper : insecte -, burrowing insect; at- tacher le -, set a sapper to enlarging a hole. s fmingrEletº [OFr. -gre], adj. : lean, sickly. miniatu-reº [It. -ra (L. miniare, paint red)], f. : = (red-lettering, illumina- tion of manuscripts ; fine painting on fabric, parchment, etc. ; minute painting); (infl. by mignon), delicately made person. -riste", m., f. : miniaturist. mi-nierº, =ière [4.-ne], adj. : mining. -nière* [4.-ne], f : surface mine. mini-ma, see -mum. ll-me* [L. -mus, least], adj. : minim (DIMINUTIVE ; m. : Minim, monk of the order of St, Francis ; 425 f : very short musical note); chestnut- brown (fr. colour ofmonk's cloak). -mum", pl. -ma [L., neut. of -mus], m. : =, least, lowest. minis-tère º [L. -terium, cf. métier], m. : ministry (lit. service ; agency; adminis- tration ; office ; body of officers ; clergy ; preaching ; duration of office); official residence of a minister : la sainte -, the priestly office ; le - de la parole, preach- ing. -térielº, =elle [L. -terialis], adj.: ministerial (of a minister or ministry); partisan on the side of the ministry : le chef -, the pope. -tériellement* [-tériel], adj. : ministerially. -tralº, pl. =aux, adj. : fof an agent ; ministerial, of a preacher; m. : ministerialist, parti- san of the ministry. |-treº [L. -ter (minus, less)], m.: minister (lit. ser- vant ; them agent ; high officer; magis- trate ; pastor; preacher); kind of Ameri- can grosbeak. minium* [L.], m. : = (red lead; oil paint hav'g red lead). mi-nois* [-ne, MIEN], m. : (fam.) face. -nonº [-ne], m. : (fam.) cat ; catkin. fmino-ratifº, =ive [l. L. -rativus, di- minishingl, adj. : mildly purging ; m. : mild purgative. -rité* [L.-ritas (minor, less)], f : minority (under age, illegal age; less number of votes); kind of ribbon (in style in the nonage of Louis XIV). I.minot [Breton min, beak], m. : tcat- head (to hold an anchor clear); little boom (forward to fasten fore-sail tack). » 2.mino-v* [mine, mina], m. : half-mina (39 litres): nous ne mangerons un - de . sel ensemble, we shall not be together long ; un - de terre, what ground one minot of seed will sow ; farine de —, barreled flour. -terie* [-tier], f. : flour mill; flour warehouse. -tierº, =ière, m., f. : miller ; fiour-dealer. • minuit* [mi, nuit], m. : MIDNIGHT. minu-seuleº [L. -sculus, very small], . adj. : une lettre -, or f. : une -, small letter (not capital). -taireº, adj. : minu- tary, of minutes or records. |-te* [l. L., f of L. -tus, small], f : = (sixtieth part of an hour, or of a degree; fixed fractional part of classical column diam- . eter ; official record ; minutes); text of a decision ; notes ; ground plot ; #fine run- ning hand. -terº, tr. : note down, sum up briefly; #plan. -terie", f. : watch- train or clock-train (wheelworks that move the hands). -tieº [L. -tia], f : minutia, detail; minuteness. -tier*, m. : record (of legal acts); book of min- utes. -tieusementº [-tieux], adv. : minutely, in detail. -tieux ", =euse [-tie], adj. : minute, very exact. minuscule 426 mio eheº [slang (? ak. to miette)], m.,f : (fam.) brat, young child. #mionº, =onne [?], m., f. : young child. mipartir* [mi, partir], tr. : halve, di- vide in two ; part. as adj. : often written mi-parti, bipartite, of two equal but un- like halves. miquelot [dial. fr. name Michel], m. : tpilgrim (going to St. Michael's shrine); vagabond, tramp; hypocrite. mirabeIleº [? place Mirabel in South of France], f. : yellow plum. a mira-cleº [l. L. -culum (L. mirus, won- derful)], m. : = ; wonderful person : à -, marvellously ; la cour des Miracles, beg- gar's rendezvous at Paris (where their ail- ments disappear). -euleusement*[-cu- leux], adv. : miraculously. -culeux*, =euse [L. -culosus], adj. : miraculous ; very remarkable. mi-rage" [-rer], m. : = (optical illusion, illusion). -raillé [OFr. -rail, MIRROR], adj. : (her.) hav'g different enamels. mirbaneº [?], f : essence de -, an es- sence hav'g scent of bitter almonds . I.mireº [-rer], f : aim; sight (of guns ; of surveyors); mark ; conspicuous object: prendre sa -, take sight ; coins de -, wooden wedge used to put guns in position. 2.#mi-reº [?], f. : boar's tusks. -réº, adj. : hav'g tusks curved in (as old boars have). mi-renº° [p. L. #-räre (L. -räri)], tr. : twatch ; see ; aim ; sight ; inspect ; candle (eggs by light): se -, see one's self ; ADMIRE one's self. -reurº, =euse, m., ſ. : inspector ; aimer ; sighting instru- ment (to tell how far off a hostile ship is). -rifique* [L. -rificus, causing wonder], adj. : ( fam.) wonderful. - mirliflore* [?], m. : (fam.) dude, dressy showy young man. . - tmirlirot, see mélilot. mirliton " [?], m. : =, toy-flute; rolled pastry ; short hair curled around the head. #mirmidon, see myrmidon. mirobolantº [humor. fr. myrabolan], adj. : (pº) amazing. miroi-rº [mirer], m. : mirror (looking- glass, any smooth object or surface re- sembling a mirror by reflecting); lustre ; reflector ; speculum ; ocellus (spot of pea- cock's tail) ; dapple ; different-coloured area ; blaze (made by a hammer on a tree- trunk); dare, snare (for birds); oval orna- mioche ment (of a pillar); bright spot (in leather): - ardent, burning mirror ; œufs au -, fried eggs ; - d'âne, selenite ; — de la Vierge (or de pèlerin), alabaster ; — de Vénus, Venus' looking-glass (plant). -tamtº [-ter], adj. : glistening. -té", , adj. : dappled. -tementº [-ter], m. : missel glisbening. -terº, intr. : glisten, flash, be dazzling. -terie" [-tier], f : looking- glass business. -tierº, =ière, m., f. : looking-glass dealer or foliater. mirotonº [?], m. : = (cooked meat minced with Onions). misaine* [It. mezzana, MIDDLE], f : fore- sail : mât de -, fore-mast. misanthro-peº [Gr. -pos (miseîn, de- spise, ánthropos, man)], m. : =, hater of mankind. -pie* [Gr. -pia], f : misan- thropy. -pique" [-pie], adj. : misan- thropic. mis-eellanéesº [L. things], f. pl. : miscellany. [-cible], f. : miscibility. -cere, mix], adj. : mixable. mise* [mettre], f : placing, putting ; thing put or placed; manner of putting or dress- ing; dress ; bet, stake (at play);- bid (at auction); launching ; distributing (of type); expenditure ; investment ; feed- hole (of mustard mill); forged piece (ready for soldering); circulation, currency (of money); ( fig.) vogue : la - de quelqu'un, dress ; la - bas, cast-off clothing ; la — en scène, setting of a play; la - à prix, marking with the selling-price ; registres de - et de recette, statement of digburgo- ments and receipts ; de -, in fashion ; in season ; presentable ; in its place ; - de voix, holding of a note. miserº, intr. : (fam.) stake, bet ; bid ; put. misé-rable* [L. -rabilis], adj. : miser- able (pitiful ; Wretched, base); m., f. : wretched person. -rablEment*[-rable], adv. : miserably. f-ration* [L. -ratio], f : pity. |misè-re* [L. -ria (miser, wretched)], f. : misery ; trouble ; pover- ty; trifle : collier de —, slavish drudg- ery; lit de -, child-bed. -réré [L., " have pity," beginning of 51st psalm], m. : miserere (penitential hymn or psalm): colique de -, iliac passion (cruel pain in the intestines, as if forcing one to repeat a psalm for mercy). -reux º, =euse, adj. : (fam.) miserable. -ri- corde* [L. -ricordia (cor, HEART)], f : = (forgiving pity, compassion ; seat of a hinged stall-chair); extra rations or extra ' recreation (in some convents). -ricor- dieusement* [-ricordieux], adv. : com- passionately. -ricordieux, =euse [L. -ricordia], adj. : compassionate, merciful. misogyne* [Gr. -gûne (miseîn, hate, guné, woman], m. : misogynist. mis-sel* [l. L. -salis (sc. liber, book)], m. : missal, MASS-book. |-sion * [L. -sio (mittere, send)], f : -sion- naireº, m. : missionary. -siveº [L. -sus, sent], adj. or f : missive : (lettre) -, letter. -cellanea, MIXED -eibilité " -eible* [L. misti misti (fam.) for mistigriº [?], m. : mistigris (card game like poker); pam or knave of clubs between two equal cards ; (fam.) cat. mistralº [Prov. * MASTERful'], m. : =, strong north-west wind in southern France. mi-taine [? Germ'c mit-, chop fine], f : MITTEN ; beaverskin (of poor quality). -teº [l. Ger.], f : maggot ; fcoin. mithridate [king Mithridates], m. : (antidote for poison). miti-gation*[L.-gatio],f.: =. |-gerº [L. -gare (mitis, gentle)], tr. : mitigate, make less severe, relax. miton º [ak.to -taine], m. : pulse warmer : onguent - mitaine, an ineffective salve ; (fig.) anything of indifferent virtue. mitonnerº [?], tr. : stew slowly, let simmer ; (fam.) prepare little by little, nurse along ; fondle. fmitoufleº [ak. to mitaine], f : MITTEN. mit9-yen*, =enne [moitié], adj. : mid- dle : mur -, partition wall ; dents mi- toyennes, horse's four premolars. . -yen- neté*, f. : common character, joint- ownership in middle wall or fence. mitrail-lade", f : broadside of grape- shot. |-le* -trāy [for mitaille (ak. to mite)], f : = (cannon-shot, grape-shot ; iron hail); metal scraps ; (pop.) coin ; solder (ofiron, copper and silver). -lerº, intr., tr. : fire (upon) with grape-shot, etc. -leuse* [-ler], f : = (breech-loading cannon of many barrels). mi-tral", pl. =aux, adj. : =, mitre- · shaped. |mi-tre* [L., Gr. -tra], f.: = (conical, or turban-like head-dress ; mitre-shell ; chimney cap); bolster (of table-knives); paving (of double thick- ness). -tré*, adj. : mitred, wearing a mitre. -tronº [? fr, mitre-like cap once worn], m. : butcher or baker workman. mitte" [?], f : vapours (fr. privies); sore- eyes (fr. such vapours). - mix-te* [L. -tus, mixed], adj. : mixed ; ' hybrid, crossed ; complex : bâtiment —, vessel using sail and steam ; voix —, sound neither grave nor acute. -tiligne" [ligne], adj. : hav'g straight and curved lines. -tion* [L. -tio], f : = ; mixing ; compound, esp. a mordant ; oily film (for engraving). -tionnerº [-tion], tr. : mix, compound. -ture* [L. -tural, f : • = (compound ; furniture-stop of organs ; mixed grain). - Mlle, abbrev. for Mademoiselle. Mm, abbrev. for Messieurs. Mme, abbrev. for Madame. mnémo-nique [L. -nicus, Gr. -nikôs (mméme, memory)], adj. : mnemonic, esp. aiding memory; f : mnemonics. -tech- nie* [Gr. téchne, art], f : mnemotech- - º y 427 nics, art of memory. -teehnique* [-technie], adj. : mnemotechnical. mobi-leº [L. -lis (movere, move)], adj. : movable ; mobile ; m. : mobile, thing moved, or to be moved ; MOTIVE ; mover ; soldier. (enlisted for duty abroad): le premier -, primum mobile ; garde —, body of soldiers enlisted for duty abroad ; menuiserie -, carpentry of windows, doors, etc. -liaire*, adj. : effets —s, personal property ; l'impôt —, personal tax. -lier", =ière, adj. : of personal property ; m. : furnishings of a house : Le Crédit -, financial company making loans on personalty. -lisable* [-liser], adj. : movable, ready for active service. -lisation* [-liser], f. : =, putting into shape for active service ; treating realty as personalty legally. -liserº, tr. : mo- bilize, prepare for active service ; make (realty) personal property by agreement. -Iité* [L. -litas], f. : mobility, tendency to move or change. fmocade, see 2.moquette. mo-eheº [? It. moscio, soft], f : twist (of hair). -eheuseº, f : cylinder (for hackling silk). mo-dalº, =ale, m.pl. =aux, adj. : mo- dal, of the mode ; conditional ; f : modal proposition (in logic). -dalité* [-dal], ·f : modality; condition, qualification; mode sign (in music indicating major or minor mode). I.ll-de* [L. -dus, manner], f. : =, fashion ; custom ; pl. : millinery ; wo- men's furnishings ; inner designs (of Alen- çon lace): à la -, in fashion ; passée de -, gone out of fashion ; bœuf (à la) —, beef roasted with vegetables. 2.-deº, m. : modus; manner; mode (of a syllogism; of music ; of grammar). -delageº [-de- lerl, m. : modeling. -dèleº [It. -dello], m. : model (thing to be imitated ; pattern ; person posing for a painter). -delerº [-dèle], tr. : model (in clay, wax, etc.); con- form to a model : un peintre qui sait — ses figures, a painter who understands how to make his painted figures stand out ; le modelé, the relief of sculptured or painted forms. -deleurº [-deler], m. : model- maker or seller (dealer in plaster casts, papier-mâché figures, etc.). #- déna- ture" [It. -danatura (-dano, model)],.f. : proportions (of cornice mouldings). modé-rantisme ", m. : moderantism (idea of moderation in politics). -ra- teur*, =triee [L. -rator], m., f : mode- ratist, one who believes in avoiding ex- tremes ; moderator (in church assemblies); regulator (in machinery); adj. : moderat- ing. -ration * [L. -ratio], f. : modera- tion ; becoming milder. -réº, adj. : mod- erate, not excessive. -rément* [-rél, modérantisme loose spiked 428 adv. : moderately. | - rerº [L. -rari (modus, measure)], tr. : moderate, keep from excess. moder-ne* [L. -nus (modo, just now)], adj. : modern, recent : les -s, people of these times. f-nerº [It. -narel or -ni- serº, tr. : modernise, (esp.) refashion an old house. modes-te* [L. -tus (modus, measure)], adj. : fmoderate ; modest (plain ; humble ; unpretentious ; well-behaved); m. : modest man ; fichu (formerly covering the breast). -tementº, adv. : modestly; #moderately. -tiel* [L. -tia], f. : modesty (humbleness; good behaviour); #moderation. mo-deuseº [I.-de],f. : Alençon lace-maker (who makes the inner figures). -dieité [L. -dicitas], f : (fEng. modicity), mean- ness, smallness. 1 modi-ficateurº, =triee, adj. : modify- ing; m. : modifier; reverser. º -ficatifº, =ive, adj. : modifying ; m. : modifier. -fi- cation * [L. :ficatio], f : =, change ; alteration. |-fierº [L. ficare], tr. : modify, change in some way, affect. modillonº [It. -diglione (? L. mytulus, sea-mussel)l, m. : modillion (enriched cor- nice block or bracket). modi-queº [L. -cus (modus, measure)], adj. : small: - salaire, low salary. -que- mentº, adv. : to a small extent. modiste" [mode, fashion], m., f : fladies' furnisher ; f. : modiste, milliner. modu-lation * [L. -latio (modus, meas- ure)], f. : = (inflection of the voice ; · change of key in piece of music). -leº [L. -lus, little measure], m. : = (unit of - measure in architecture, half the diameter of a column); modulus : - d'une médaille, diameter of a medal ; - d'une cloche, thickness Where the clapper strikes ; - d'élasticité, Young's modulus (in physics). moel-le° mwal [L. medulla (medius, mid- dle)], f. : marrow, pith ; medulla ; (fig.) strength, vigour; centre : os à -, marrow bone ; - allongée, medulla oblongata ; jusqu'à la -, thoroughly; - de roche, spongy carbonate of lime. -leuse- ment" [-leux], adv. : hav'g marrow ; mellow ; soft ; m. : softness. moel-lon* mwa- [?], m. : =, rubblestone; moderne sand-stone (for grinding down mirror- | glass): - d'appareil, rubble for # — de plat, rubble laid flat. -lonier", m. : wedge (for splitting up stone). #mœufº meuf [L. modus], m. : mood (of verbs). : - - mœurs° meurs, j'meur [L. möres, cus- toms], f. pl. : MORALS; customs (manners, habits ; way of life); (paint.) costume : sans -, without principle ; les - ora- toires, character needful in an orator. moirage mofette" [?], f. : (fEng. =), noxious gas; Mexican weazel. mohairº [Eng.], m. : = (dress fabric of Angora goat-hair). - fmohatra º [Sp., fr. Ar.], m. : = (way of disguising usury by pretended sale, buy- ing back at low price for cash what one · has just sold at higher price on credit): c0ntrat -, mohatra deal or loan. moi° [L. më], f : pers. pron. : me; to me ; I; m. : self, ego. moie° [L. meta], f : (dial.) hay-stack; pile (of grain, etc.). - moignon [? cf. Sp. muïiôn, muscle of the arm], m. : stump (of amputated limbs) ; rudimentary member. - moinailleº [-ne, MONK], f : monkhood, monks (used contemptuously, like "monk- dom"). 4> moin-dre° [L. minor], adj. : less : (le) —, the least ; #les quatre -s, four lower orders of the church. -drEment", adv. : (rare) less ; least. moi-ne° [L. monachus, Gr. monachôs (mônos, alone)], m. : MONK (religious re- cluse, FRIAR ; half-inked blur in printing ; cone-shaped or gray-coloured object sug- gesting monk's cowl : univalve sea-shell ; cone of wet powder for fumigating on ships ; peg-hammer; Warming pan, cone- shaped mould ; jacket (paper-covering of mine fuse): — lai, lay-monk, often a pen- sioned soldier at a convent; attendre quel- qu'un comme les —s font l'abbé, eat with- out waiting (as monks are punctual); - bourru, abusive ghost of a monk ; donner or bailler le —, have bad luck ; pull string tied to one's little toe. -neau*, pl. -ac, m. : (gray plumaged) sparrow ; low tower (amid ditches); flat bastion (in a curtained | fortification). -nerie*, f. : monkishness. -nesseº, f. : (in contempt) nun. -nil- Ionº, m.: (in contempt) monk. moins° [L. minus], adv. : less ; least ; m. : (the sign) minus ; less amount : à -, (tout) au —, pour le -, à tout le -, at, (the very) least ; en - de huit jours, in less than a week; à - de, at less than ; à — de (or que), à - que de, unless , il n'est rien - qu'intelligent, he is nothing less than (he is) intelligent, i.e. he is very stupid. -valueº, pl. - [moins valoir], f : depreciation. moi-rage" [-rer], m. : watering (of silks, etc.). |moi-reº [Eng. mohair, fr. Ar.], . : = ( formerly, mohair fabric ; n0w, silk, etc., hav'g a watered finish ; the Wat- ered finish itself): — ºque finish in large wavy patterns. -rer", tr. : moiré, give watered or clouded finish : le moiré, watered finish (of fabrics, or metals), clouded glossiness. mois mois° [L. mensis], m. : MONTH ; month's work ; month's or monthly Wages or sal- ary ; (fam.) MENSES : - lunaire (solaire, dracontic, synodique), lunar (solar, draco- nistic, synodical) month ; au -, by the month ; un billet à trois — (d'échéance), a note due in three months ; 0n a tous les ans douze -, one steadily grows old year by year. «. moi-se" [L. mensa, table], f. : waling, half-timber; couple ; tie ; pointel (glass- blower's rod); collar (inside of tube). -serº, tr. : tie (a frame with couples or , bridging). moi-si, m. : mouldy object ; mould ; mus- tiness. |-sir°[p. L.*mucire (L. milcëre)], ſintr. : mould, become musty ; make moul- dy. -sissure º, f. : mouldiness ; mould ; mustiness. moissine* [?],.f. : clusters (of grapes with part of the vine and leaves attached). mois-son° [L. messio (metere, MOW)], m. : reaping (harvesting); harvest (crop); har-| vest-time. -sonner*, tr. : reap ; har- vest, gather in; mow. -sonneur*, =euse [-sonner], m., f. : reaper, harvester; j. : reaping-machine. - moi-te° [p. L. *muscidus (L. miicidus)], adj. : MOIST, damp. -teur*, f : moisture. moitié° [L. medietas, MIDDLE], f. : moiety, half; portion ; better half (wife): la plus belle — du genre humain, the fair sex ; partager le différend par la -, split the difference ; prendre des terres à — (de perte et de gain), rent on equal shares ; être de - avec, go halves with. moitir [-te], tr. : MOISTEN. moka, see café. mol, poetic form, see m0u. molaire* [L.-laris (molere, grind)], adj. or f. : (dent) -, molar (tooth), back-tooth. I.môle* [L. mola, MILL-stone], f : mole (shapeless embryo ; morbid mass formed in the womb). 2.môleº [It. molo (ak. to L. moles, mass)], m. : mole (fgrand pile or tomb; long jetty or pier constructed to break waves). molé-culaire" [-cule], adj. : molecular. -euleº [L. moles, mass], f : molecule, minute particle of matter. molène* [? fr. Eng.], f : MULLEIN (velvety weed). <. moleskineº [fr. Eng.], f : mole-skin (double-twilled fustian, plush for furni- ture). - molester* [L. -tare], tr. : molest, annoy. mole-tageº [-ter], m. : mulling. -terº, tr. : mull, grind; polish down: vis à bouton moleté or vis moletée, thumb-screw (screw with winged head to be turned with thumb and finger). -toir" [-ter], m.: polishing tool (for plate glass). |-tteº -lèt [meule], 429 f : MULLER, pestle ; wind-gall ; marking wheel; rowel (of a spur); (ropemaker's) monandre whirl. f-tter = -ter. mol-lasseº [mou], adj. : flabby; (fam.) soft-headed. -lement* [mou], adv. : softly; effeminately. -lesse* [mou], f : mellowness , softness ; listlessness ; effem- inacy. -letº, =ette [mou], adj. : soft; light ; m. : calf (of the leg). -leteurº [-let], m. : egg-cooker (for cooking eggs soft). -leton º [-let], m.: swanskin (soft flannel). -lifier* [L. -lificare], tr. : make soft. -lir [mou], ftr. or intr. : soften ; slacken. -lusque" [l. L. -luscus (after L. -lusca, soft-shelled nut)], m. : mollusk, mussel. molos-seº [L. -sus, Gr. -sôs], m. : molos- sus (bat); Molossian dog. molybdène º [Gr. molûbdaina, vein of silver showing lead (môlubdos)], m.: mo- lybdenum (the chemical element). mQmeº [? ak. to momerie], m. : (pop.) brat, urchin. momen-tº [L. -tum for movimentum], m. : moment ; momentum : (attendez) un -, just a minute, please; compter les —s, be very impatient ; à ce —, just then ; en ce -, right now.; du - que, as soon as ; au - de, just as. -tanéº [L. -taneus], adj. : momentary. -tanément" [-tané], adv. : for the moment. momerie* [OFr. momer (Ger. mummen), disguise one's self], f : mummery (masked performance ; perfunctory ceremonies). mo-mie* [l. L. mumia fr. Ar. (Pers. moum, wax)],.f. : mummy (embalmed body; . mummy brown pigment) ; listless person ; baume -, mineral tar. -mification " [-mifier], f : mummification. -mifier " [L.facere, make], tr. : mummify, (embalm, make into a mummy). momon º[OFr. momer, disguise one's self], m. : fmasquerade; dice playing (by masked persons): couvrir le -, hold the stakes ; be firm with any one. I.mon°, ma, pl. mes [L. meus], poss. adj. : MY, MINE. 2.fm on* [?], adv. : certainly. mona-calº, pl. =aux [L.-chalis], adj. : monachal (MONKISH, like monk or nun). -calementº, adv. : monkishly. -ehis- meº [L.-chus, monk], m. : monachism. monacoº [country M.], m. : Monaco money ; ( fam.) money. mona-deº [Gr. monás, unit], f : monad (indivisible element). -delphe" [-del- phie], adj. : monadelphous. -delphie [l. L. -delphia (Gr. mônos, one, adelphôs, brother)], f : monadelphia (union of fila- ments in plants). monan-dre", adj. : monandrous (hav'g but one stamen). |-drie [l. L. -dria (Gr. 430 mônos, one, amér, man)], adj. : monandria (group of plants hav'g one stamen). monar-ehie* [L.-chia, Gr.-chía (mônos, one, ârchein, rule)], f : monarchy, state governed by single person. -ehique º, adj. : monarchical. -ehiquementº [-chique], adv. : like a monarch. -ehiste", m., f : monarchist, partisan for monarchy. -que* [L. -cha, Gr. -ches], m. : monarch, one who rules alone. monas-tère* [L. -terium, Gr. -térion (mônos, one)], m. : monastery, residence of MONKS. -tique* [L.-ticus, Gr.-tikôs], adj. : monastic. monautº [Gr. mômotos (oûs, ear)], adj. : one-eared. fmoncayarº [fr. Ar.], m. : fine serge. mon eeau°, pl. -x [L. monticellus (mons, hill)], m. : heap: greffe en -, scion budded into a tree. mon-dain*,=aine [L. mundanus (mun- dus, world)], adj. : mundane ; worldly ; of society; m., f. : society man or Woman ; worldling : pigeon -, kind of tame pigeon. -dainementº, adv.: worldly. -danité*, f : worldliness. I.mgm-de* [L. mundus], m. : world (universe ; earth ; part of the world; people); large gathering; society; company: de par le -, somewhere; depuis que le - est le -, as long as the world has stood; le - moral, all moral creatures; aller au bout du -, go to the end of the world (as though the earth were flat) ; avoir (la connaissance or les usages) du —, know the ways of the world; avoir du — chez soi, have visitors ; tout le -, · everybody ; — d'or or œil du —, kind of shining stone. 2.fmon-de* [L.-dus], adj. : les animaux -s, clean animals. -derº [L. -dare], tr. : hull; clean (from husks, etc.). -difier* [L. -dificare], tr. : cleanse (wounds). mondrain" [Creole word], m. : little hill (of sand or dirt). moné-taireº [L. -tarius (-ta, COIN)], adj. : monetary; m. : MINT officer; fwriter on money. -tisation* [-tiser], f.: coinage. -tiserº [L.-ta, coin], tr. : coin, mint. moni-teurº, -triee [L. -tor, -trix (mo- mere, advise)], m., f : monitor, guide. -tion* [L. -tio, counsel], f : = (warning given before excommunication). -toireº monarchie [L. -torius], adj. or m. : monitory : #une (lettre) -, or un —, letter calling for testimony; summons to appear before church tribunal. ..-torial, pl. =aux [L. -torius], adj. : =. mon-naie° [L. monëta], f : MONEY, coin; small change : (l'hôtel de) la —, the MINT ; papier--, paper money ; - fiduciaire, business paper, notes ;- obsidionale, coin struck by a besieged city ; - de pape, | loosestrife (plant) ; la - de Turenne, monobasique Turenne in Small change, i.e. the marshals created after his death ; battre —, coin money; rendre à quelqu'un la — de sa pièce, or payer quelqu'un de la même —, pay one in his own coin -nayage*, m. : minting. -nayerº, tr. : coin, mint. -nayeurº [-nayer], m. : coiner : faux -, counterfeiter. mono- [Gr. mônos, one, single] : -ba- sique* [Fr. base], adj. : monobasic. -blepsie* [Gr. blépsis, vision], f. : mono- blepsis (defective vision where the object appears double if seen by both eyes). -carpe* [Gr. karpós, fruit], adj. : mono- carpic, bearing fruit but once. -ear- pellaire* [carpelle], adj. : monocar- pellary, having but one carpel (as the bean). -ehromatique* [Gr. chrôma, colour], adj. : monochromatic, giving rays . of but one colour. -chrome"[Gr.-chro- mos (chrôma, colour)], adj. : = (of but one colour; m. : painting in one colour); sculp- ture -, unpainted sculpture. -ele° [L. -culus (oculus, EYE)], m. : (old) one-eyed man ; (nou) monocle, eye-glass; eye- bandage. -cline" [Gr. kline, bed], adj. : monoclinous (hav'g stamens and pistils in same flower). -cordeº [L., Gr. -chordon (chordé, string)], m. : monochord, musical instrument with one string. -cotylé- done" [cotylédon], adj. : monocotyle- donous ; f pl. : monocotyledones, en- dogens (palms, lilies, sedges, grasses, etc.). f-cule = -cle. f-culiste º [L...-culus, one-eyed], m., f. : (fam.) monoculus. mo- no-e eie" [l. L. -ecia (Gr. oîkos, house)], j. : monœcia (plants hav'g stamens and pistils on same plant). -game* [Gr. -gámos (gámos, marriage)l, adj. : monoga- mous (hav'g but one spouse) ; m., f : monogamist (one who marries but once, or has but one spouse). -gamie* [Gr. -gamía], f : monogamy; monogamous plants. -gramme º [L. -gramma, Gr. -grámmaton (grámma, written sign)], m. : · monogram (letters interwoven). -gra- phie* [Gr. gráphein, write], f. : mono- graph (treatise on a single subject). -gyne* [-gynie], adj. : monogynous, having but one pistil. -gynie" [Gr. gûne, woman], f : monogynia (plants hav'g but one pistil). -ïque [Gr. oîkos, house], adj. : monœcious (hav'g stamens and pistils on same plant). -litheº [L. -lithus, Gr. -lithos (lithos, stone)], adj. : monolithic (of but one piece of stone); m. : monolith (obelisk, etc., of one stone). -logue* [Gr. -lôgos (lôgos, speech)], m. : monologue, soliloquy ; lengthy talk (mo- nopoly of conversation). -maneº [-ma- nie], adj. : or m., f. : monomaniac. -ma- nie* [Gr. mania, madness], f : mono- 1 110l IlS mania, insanity on one thing. me" [Gr. nomôs, division], m. : monomial (algebraic expression of single term); single file (of children at play). -pétale" [pétale], adj. : hav'g but , one petal. -phylle [Gr. phüllon, leaf], adj. : mono- phyllous. -poleº [L. -polium, Gr. -pôlion (poleîn sell)], m. : monopoly (control of sale of merchandise, limited to one or few persons). -poler* [-pole], intr. : fhave a monopoly ; buy up the whole supply. -poleurº,=euse, m.,f. : monopolist. -po- Iiser" [-pole],tr. : monopolise. I.-ptère" [L., Gr. -pteros, hav'g one wing], adj. or m. : (temple) -, monopteron (temple sur- rounded by columns and with conical roof). 2.-ptère" [Gr. pterôn, wing], adj. : monopteral, hav'g but one Wing Or fin. -rimeº [rime], adj. : hav'g but one rhyme. -sépaleº [sépale], adj. : mono- sepalous, hav'g united sepals. -sperme" [Gr. spérma, grain], adj. : monospermous, hav'g but one seed. -stique* [L. -sti- chus, Gr. -Stichos (stichôs, line)], adj. : hav'g one verse or line ; m. : monostich, epigram. -syllabeº [L. -syllabus, Gr. -8üllabos], adj. : hav'g but one syllable ; m. : monosyllable. -syllabique" [-syl- labe], adj. : monosyllabic. -théisme* [Gr. theôs, god], m. : monotheism, belief in one God. -théiste* [Gr. theós, god], m., f : monotheist. -tone " [L. -tonus, Gr. -tonos (tônos, tone)], adj. : monotonous; without change. -tonementº [-tome], adv. : monotonously. -tonieº [Gr. -t0- nía], f : monotony. » fm9n-sº [monsieur], m. : (fam. and dis- respeciful) mister, gent. ll-seigneurº, pl. Messeigneurs, Nosseigneurs [mon, seigneur], m. : = (princely or high church title ; my lord); (slang) monseigneur, jimmy, crowbar : — de Paris, archbishop of Paris. -seigneuriserº, tr. : (fam). honour with the title. -sieur* mE- fmo-, pl. messieurs [mon, sieur], m. : Mr., sir (title given now to anybody; for- merly a title of noblemen or lords ; still used as title of bishops and of king's old- est brother ; capitalized when a title): gentleman ; lord ; member of parliament ; city man ; man of the house ; Monsieur, the King of France's younger brother : faire le -, play the gentleman; un vilain -, a disagreeable fellow. - mons-tre* [L. -trum (monere, advise)], m. : monster. -trueusementº [-trueux], adv. : monstrously. -trueuac, =euse, adj. : monstrous (abnormal ; huge ; hid- eous). -truosité [L. -truosus], f. : mon- strosity. Aº mon-tº [L. mons], m. : mount (mountain); heap; also a pop. abbreviation of mont-de- A mono- . 431 piété (which see); pl. : mounts ; Alps : le double —, Parnassus ; #- pagnote, safe distance (to see a battle); conter -s et merveilles, tell wonderful things ; - de Vénus, (anat.) mons Veneris. -tageº [-ter], m. : mounting (climbing; adjusting, setting up ; setting of stones). -ta- gnardº, =arde [-tagne], adj. : of the . mountains; m.,.f. : mountaineer. -tagne° [p. L. *-tanius (L. -tanus)], f : mountain ; difficulty : chaîne de -s, range ; Mom- tagnes Rocheuses, Rocky Mountains ; -s russes, slide (for coasting); aller à la -, adjust one's self to circumstances (allusion to alleged saying of Mohammet : "we must go to the mountain since it will not come to us"). -tagneuacº, =euse [-tagne], adj. : mountainous. -tantº, =ante [-ter], adj. : = ; upright piece; mounting; rising; m. : rise ; round (of ladder) ; cheekpiece (of bridle) ; amount ; flavour : garde -e, · guard just going on duty, relieving guard ; · joint —, vertical joint ; #prendre le -, take the ascendency over. -de-piété º, pl. —-s-—--, m. : =, (lit.) mount of pity, pawnshop run by the government. m9n- teº, f. : covering (by the male); season (for taking the horse). -te-eharge*, m.: elevator; slater's stool. -tée*, f : rise, rising (of falcons; of scum ; of cream) ; ascent ; fladder; fround of lad- der ; height of an arch : la - des vers à soie, climbing of silkworms on the tray to spin ; - des anguilles, route taken by the eels in going up-stream. -te-plats*, m. : dumb-waiter. |-ter° [p. L. *-tare (L. mons, mountain)], intr. : MOUNT (go up, rise); · soar ; ' amount ; tr. : raise ; ele- vate ; ride ; get aboard ; cover as male animals ; put into position ; set a jewel ; set up ; put together; put on the stage ; tune ; contrive ; plot ; equip; wind up : se -, rise ; equip one's self; get angry ; - la garde, take turn as guard, relieve the Watch; - un vaisseau, command a vessel; - sur ses grands chevaux, suddenly put on great airs, be very haughty ; - sur ses échasses, be strained ; - sur ses ergots, put on airs ; - dans la (or en) chaire, preach ; - en graine, go to seed, (fig.) pass age of marriage. -teur*, =euse, m., f. : mounter ; setter ; schemer. montgolfière" [two Montgolfier broth- ers], f. : Montgolfier (hot-air balloon). mon-ticule* [L. -ticulus], m. : little hill. f-tjoie º [really "mount of joy"], f. : little stone-pile (to indicate best route), land buoy ; heap. -toir* [-terl, m. : =, mount, horse-block (to aid in mounting). mon-trable*, adj. : (fam.) showable. mgm-tre*, f. : show ; sample (as illus- trating the stock of goods); display ; montrable | 432 montueux show-window ; parade ; MUSTER ; #dial or | fclock-face ; watch : faire - de son es- prit, show off one's wit ; pour la —, for show ; — sèche, dry military review (i.e. without the usual payment on the occa- sion) ; passer à la -, pass muster ; ( fig.) be acceptable ; mettre une - à l'heure, set a watch ; — d'orgues, front or false pipes of an organ ; acheter (vendre) sur | -, buy (sell) by sample. ll-trer° [L. -sträre], tr. : show (exhibit ; point at or to; display; expose ; indicate); (fam.) mordoré -Iiseurº, =euse [I.-liser], m., f : mor- aliser, one given to talking of morals. -liste" [-le], m., f : moralist. -lité ! [L. -litas], f : morality (moral character); instruction in morais ; play of the dark ages). . ) . ' mora-toire 17 [L. -torius (-ri, to delay)], adj. : of delay, for delay : sentence -, re- prieving sentence ; intérêts —s, interest due on account of delay. - I.mor-bide* [L. -bidus fr. -bus, disease (ak. to Skt. mar, die)], adj. : morbid. teach : — au doigt, point the finger at; se | 2.-bideº [It.-bido], adj. : delicate (as fiesh faire— du doigt, be pointed at. -treur*, | colour in paintings). -bidementº, adv. : =euse, m., f : shower, exhibitor. morbidly. -bidesse [fr. It., lit. sick- mon-tueux*, = euse [L. -tuosus], adj. : | ness], f : morbidezza (velvety flesh colour rough (hilly, mountainous). -ture* [-ter], | in paintings). f-bieu = -dieu. -bi- f : mount (saddle-horse or other animal | fique* [L. -bificus (facere)], adj. : mor- for riding); equipment; setting (of jew-| bific, causing disease. -bleuº [disguised els); frame ;. setting up (into a whole), | oath fr. mort-Dieu, death of God], interj. : putting together, assembling (of parts). zounds ! monumen-tº [L. -tum (monere, sense | mor-eeau*,pl.-x [OFr. mors fr. L.-sum of *remind')], m. : -talº, pl. =aux, | (-dere, bite)], m. : MORSEL (bite, mouth- adj. : =, like a monument. ful ; small part or piece); literary work ; moqueº [Prov. moco (?)], f : dead-eye, | food, esp. toothsome food : par -x, in collar (wooden block through which a rope | pieces ; avoir ses -x taillés, have just runs). enough to live on ; - du roi, dainty bit ; mo-quer* [ak. to Sp. mueca, grimace (?| (fam.) - d'homme, very small man; — de · L. maccus, clown)], ftr. or reflex. : MOCK, | réception, work to be done on one's being make sport of, ridicule ; pretend ; be jest- | received into the Academy; gober le —, ing : se faire -, make one's self ridicu-| take the bait; - honteux, last piece (on a lous ; vous vous moquez, you don't mean | plate of bread, etc.). -eElerº, tr. : parcel it ; je m'en moque, what do I care; la | out. -eellementº [-celer], m.: parcel- pelle se moque du fourgon, the kettle calls | ling out. mor-d, see mors. -daeheº the skillet black. -querie*, f : mock-| [-dre], f : vice-cap (block of wood or lead ery; pretence. I.-quetteº, f. : live de-| to prevent injury to a piece held in the coy bird ; #jest. - vice); wooden gag (used in convents); fire- 2.fmoquetteº [OFr. mocade], f : =, | tongs. -daeité*[L. -dacitas], f : (rare) (fEng. MOCCADO), velveteen, fabric for | mordacity ; quality of being mordant. carpets and furniture. -dançage* [-dancer], m. : application 3.fmoquette" [?],f : deer-dung, treadles. | (of a mordant). -daneerº [-dant], tr.: moqueur*, =euse [-quer], m.,f : MOCKER; | mordant, treat with a mordant. -dant* mocking-bird ; adj. : mocking. [-dre], adj. : =, biting; corroding; harsh; mo-raille(s)º [dial. Fr. mor, muzzle (?)], | m. : mordant (fixer for dies ; biter; gild- ·f. : barnacle(s), for controlling refractory | er's glue ; pincher ; tool (with jaws); cor- horses ; stretching tongs (for drawing out | roder; sarcasm : bêtes -es, animals that -- • glass). -raillon * [OFr. -raille, vizor], | defend themselves by biting; chaleur -e, m.: hasp. I.-raineº [Prov. mourreno], | feverish heat of the skin. -deur*, f : = (heap of glacier débris). =euse [-dre], m., f. : biter. -dicantº [L. -dicans], adj. : biting ; acrid ; smart- ing. -dicusº [L.], adv. : (fam.) tena- ciously, like a bulldog. mordienne* [disguised coarse oath for mort-de-Dieu], interj. : (about like) the devil ! #à la grosse —, in a very rude Iſ12,IlI1GI". mordillerº [-dre], tr. : bite (with light and repeated bites as babies or puppies do). - mordo-réº [name More, mauritanian, doré], adj. or m. : reddish-brown. -rureº, j. : reddish-brown. 2.morain e, the disease, see morine. mora-1*, pl. =aux [L. -lis, of manners], adj. : = (ethical ; virtuous ; right); m. : moral nature, mind. -le [L. -lis, moral], f : = ; morals; ethics ; lecture; reproof: — indépendant, selected code of morals (fr. various systems); — de l'intérêt bien entendu, theory of self-interest (not duty) as basic principle. -lementº,. adv. : morally; mentally. I.-Iiser* [-le], intr.: moralise (think or speak of morals ; tr. : teach, instruct in morals or conduct). 2.-liser º, tr. : moralise, make moral. mordre IIIur-lrc° [p. L. *-dere (L. -dëre)], tr. : bite ; corrode ; consume ; attack sarcas- tically : — la poussière, bite the dust, be slain ; se — les doigts, be thoughtful ; be repentant ; - à belles dents, eat eagerly ; - à la grappe, be greedy for anything ; une couture trop mordue, a seam too deep, or set in too far ; *- au Latin, to like Latin ; l'ancre mord dans, the anchor catches, takes hold. mor-d(s), see mors. more, see cap-de-more. fmo-reau* [L. Maurus, MOOR], adj. o A m. : un (cheval) -, a shiny black horsé. -relle*, f : nightshade : — tubéreuée, potatO. I.fmorfilº [Sp. marfil (mar ?, Ar. fil, ſele- phant)], m. : ivory (in its natural state). 2.morfilº [mort, dead, fil], m. : wire- edge. morf9n-dreº [morve, fondre], tr. : chill; founder ; keep waiting ; se —, be chilled, catch cold; dance attendance: cheval -du, foundered horse; graine -du, spoiled silk- Worm eggs ; cordage -du, rope made of old strands ; l'autre femme se -dit, the other woman waits in vain. -dure*, f : nasal catarrh in horses, (fEng. morfond). morganati-que" [l. L. -cus (Ger. mor- gen-gabe, " morning-gift, dowry)], adj. : mariage -, left-handed marriage (i.e. with a woman of lower rank). -que- mentº, adv. : se marier —, marry below one's noble station. morgEline* [old I've mord geline], f : chickweed. morgue* [?], f. : haughty air; entrance room (where jailer examined the prisoner); morgue, dead-house. 8 mor-gavé or f-gvvenne = mordieu. . morguer* [-gue], tr. : ftreat disdainfully; examine (a prisoner). fmorguié, -guienne = mordieu. moribondº, =onde [L. -bundus (mori, die)], adj. : moribund, about to die ; m., f : dying person. - moricaud, =aude [More, moor], m., f : (fam.) very dark person, decided brunette. (fr. mordre), morigénerº [l. L. -nare (? L. mori-| gerus, obedient)], tr. : (old) train up ; ( fam.) reprove. Inorilleº [ak. to Ger. morchel], (flavouring mushroom). morillon* [ak. to More, Moor], m. : =, goldeneye duck ; black grape ; rough em- erald. - morine* [ak. to mourir], f. : (old) epi- demic ; MURRAIN (disease of animals); carrion ; (now, esp.) wool (clipped fr. a sheep found dead). morion º [Sp. morrión (morra, top of the head)], m. : morion (scull helmet): peine du -, punishment of blows fr. a halberd. ſ. : MOREL 433 I.morne [W. Indies, fr. Sp. morro], m. : =, cUIIelike hill. | 2.mor-neº [Germ'c orig., ak. to Goth. maurnan, MOURN], adj. : disconsolate, de- jected; dull : lance -, lance hav'g a ring over the point and so harmless. 3.-neº · [-ner], f : ring (for the point of a lance); (her,)^ =, head of a jousting lance (with ring). -nerº, tr. : ring (a lancehead): ſ(her.) animal morné, animal without teeth / or claws. 4 mornifleº [?], f. : (old) four cards alike ; (fam.) back-handed lick. moroseº [L. -sus (mos, custom)], adj. : II1OI"OSG. - fmorosifº, =ive (L. -sus (mora, delay)], adj. : dilatory. morosité* [L. -tas], f : moroseness, sul- lenness. morphineº [god of sleep Morpheus],f. : = (the opiate). morpholo-gie* [morphé, form, lôgos, speech], f : morphology, science of forms. -gique*, adj. : morphological (hav'g to do with form). morpion º [old I've mord (fr. mordre), pion], m. : crab-louse. » mors° [L. morsus, bite], m. : (old) bite ; (nou) bit (of bridle); jaws (of tongs, of vice); groove (in binding): les branches du -, cheek pieces ; prendre le — aux dents, take the bit in his teeth, become uncontrollable ; hocher le — à, try to make hurry ; (fig.) try to animate ; - du diable, devil's-bit (teasel plant). . morseº [Finn. mursu], m. : = (walrus). mor-sure* [p. L. *-sura (L. -dere, bite)], ſ : bite ; jibe. I.mort° [L. mors], f : death : la Mort, Death (as skeleton with a scythe); mettre . à -, execute ; avoir la — sur les lèvres, look like death ; — de ma vie! confound it ! - civile, suspension of civil rights ; m0urir de sa belle -, die a natural death ; (fam.) les épinards sont la — au beurre, spinach takes lots of butter ; — aux rats, rat poison ; - aux chiens (poules, vaches), dog- (hen-, cow-) bane, i.e. meadow-saf- fron (hyoscyamus, archemora). 2.mort°, morte [L. -tuus], m., f : dead person ; dummy at cards ; exhausted lime-water (in tanning): le jour des —s, All-Souls' day ; faire le -, play dead. mortadelleº [It. -lla], f : large sausage (prepared in a MORTAR). mor-taillable*, adj. : revertible (to a feudal lord). |-taille* [mort, death], j. : bondage. . mor-taise* [?], f : -taiserº, tr. : mortise. - mor-talité* [L. -talitas], f. : mortality mortalité mortise, socket. (liability to die ; number of deaths for 434 certain time). -t-bois [mourir], m. : poor wood (not salable, such as thorn- bushes). -te-eau, pl. -s--x [mourir], f.: lowest tide ; neaptide ; flazy person. -tel°, =elle [L. -tălis], adj. : mortal (liable to death ; fatal ; deadly). -telle- ment* [-tel], adv. : mortally. -tE-paie [mourir], f : pensioned soldier; pensioner, old servant still kept. -tE-saison*, pl. —s-—s [mourir], f. : dull season (in trade). -t-gageº, pl. -s--s [mourir], m. : mortgage. | mortier° [L. -tarium], m. : MORTAR (grind- ing bowl ; short cannon); box for slacking lime ; scholastic cap ; plaster made of lime and sand ; plaster of clay and sand for furnaces). mor-tifère* [L. -tifer], adj. : deadly. -tifiantº, adj. : mortifying. -tifica- tion* [l. L. -tificatio], f : = (decay of ' flesh ; bodily austerity ; feeling of wounded pride) ; ripening (of wild game). |-ti- fierº [L. -tificare (mors, death, facere, make)], tr. : mortify (decompose ; gan- grene ; vex, afflict ; wound pride of); ripen (game). -t-néº,adj.: still-born. -tuaire* [L. 5º5arius], uuj.. lIIortuary (of the dead ; ·f. : house of the deceased ; register of deaths);. m. : case of death. morue* [?], f : codfish : - franche, fresh cod ; baptisé d'eau de -, born un- lucky ; habit en queue de -, garment with long tails. mor-veº [?gourme], f : glanders (catar- rhous disease of horses); animal mucor, snot, pituita ; rot (of lettuce, of chicory). -verº, intr. : (old) run at the nose ; (nou) rot (as diseased plants). -veux *, =euse, adj. : glandered ; Snotty ; m., f : (fam.) Snot-nose ; mere child : qui se sent — qu'il se mouche, if the coat fits you, put it on. morvolantº [mort (mourir), volant (voler)], m. : refuse silk (silk mixed with floss). - mosaï-que* [It. -ca (L. musivum)l, f : mosaic (inlaid work of Small pieces); med- ley ; gay seashell : panneau en -, panel in scroll-work. -steº, m., f : mosaicist. #moseovadeº [Port. mazcabado (mazca- bar, dishonour)], f : crude sugar. Moscovie, f : Russia. #mosette, see m0zeite. mosquée*[Ar. mesd-jid, place of prayer], f.: mosque, Mohammedan temple. mot° [p. L. *mottum fr. L. muttum, grunt], m. : =, word ; saying, MOTTO ; sentence ; solution, answer (to puzzle or riddle): bon —, witticism ; jeu de -s, play on words ; gros —s, abusive words ; en un -, in short ; en —s propres, expressly ; un (pe- mortier tit) —, a short letter; avoir le - pour | mouchard rire, inclined to be humourous ; — pour —, word for word ; — à —, literally ; manger les -s, speak indistinctly; ne pas dire (or fam. souffler) -, keep mum, not breathe a word ; (hum.) dire deux —s à une bouteille, interview a bottle, i.e. open it ; au bas -, at the lowest esti- mate ; entendre à demi--, take a hint ; avoir le -, know the agreement ; prendre le - de quelqu'un, depend on what one agreed to ; sonner un ou deux -s, blow a signal. motet*, m. : = (song or com- position for churches, cantata). - mo-teur*, -triee [L. -tor, -trix], m., f : MOVER ; prime mover ; motor (machine); adj. : moving. -tifº [L. -tivus], m. : mo- tive ; subject (in music). -tion * [L. -tio], f : = ; impulse. -tiver" [-tif], tr. : motive, prompt. mot-te* [?], f. : little hill; clod; lump ; turf (for fuel). -terº, tr. : clod, throw clods at : se —, hide behind a clod (as quails). #-tereau*, m. : mud swallow. -teux º, m. : fallow-finch. motus [? (humor.) made fr. mot], interj. : mlIm is the Word ! 4 - I.mou° (or poetic mol), molle [L. mollis], adj. : soft ; feeble ; effeminate ; slack : bronze-, soft bronze, i.e. tempered in cold Water; mer molle, stagnant pond ; (morue) molle salée, cod not salted enough ; temps -, muddy weather ; m. : softness, mellow- ness. 2.mou*, m. : lights, lungs (of beef, etc.). • mou-ehardº, =arde, m., f. : (fam.) de- tective, police spy. -ehardage* [-char- der], m. : (fam.) spying. -eharderº, tr. : spy, watch ; be a spy. |-ehe° [L. musca], f. : fly (the insect ; muscae volantes, spots fioating before the eyes ; fly hook ; anything suggesting the speed, colour, or buzzing of a fly); speck, spot ; beauty- spot; plaster (to relieve soreness); bull's- eye ; imperial (tuft of beard on lower lip); button (on point of fencing-swords); five cards of same colour; spy (who flits back and forth) ; small warship or other steamer (capable of darting about rap- idly); fleeting pains (just preceding con- finement): - à miel, honeybee; — asile, ox-fly ; - d'Espagne (or de St.-Jean), cantharides ; faire la —, hit the bull's- eye ; ( fig.) être tendre aux —s, be sensi- tive ; quelle - le pique, what is troubling him? la - lui monte à la tête, or prendre la -, take offence suddenly; pattes de —, Small ill-formed writing; faire la — du coche, make a great ado (as though doing something very important); ( fam.) tuer les —s, kill flies (with one's bad breath); chasser les -s, slash the air (in fencing); abreuvoir à -s, long wound ; une fine -, moucher a keen person; a dinner-hunter. I.-eherº, intr. : +flit about ; tr. : spy, watch. 2.moueher° [p. L.*muccäre (L. muc(c)us)], tr. : blow (the nose); wipe (the nose); snuff (a candle); smooth, cut even (the end of a rope, or of wood): se -, blow one's nose ; (lou) — quelqu'un, call one down (where he belongs). mou-ehero1(1)eº [-che], f (m.) : fly-catcher. I.-e.heron gnat. 2.moueheron [-cher, Snuffl, m. : thief (in a candle-flame). #mou ehet, see émouchet. little snuff ; moueheter* [-che], tr. : spot, speckle ; button (thè point of a foil); tie (hanks of silk, etc.). mouehetteº [-cher, snuff], f. : candle- snuffers ; turned up edge (of cornice) ; moulding-plane ; residue (in a sieve). mou eheture* [-cher, fiy about], f : spot, speck ; scarification. mou-eheurº, =euse [-cher, Snuff], m., f : nose-blower; candle-snuffer. -ehoir* [-cher], m. : handkerchief : - (de cou), neck-kerchief; triangular block for re- pairing : (fam.) jeter le -, choose (a woman : in allusion to the Sultan). -ehureº [-cher], f : snot; snuff (of candles). fmouçon, see m0usS0m. moudre° [L. molere], irr. $ ; tr. : grind (MILL): - un air, play a tune on a hand- organ ; ( fam.) l'horloge moud, the sand runs (in an hour-glass); or moulu, gold in small particles, gold dust ; (fam.) être moulu, be sore (fr. beating or fatigue). $ Ind. : Pr. mou-ds, -ds, -d, mzou-loms, -lez, -lezut. Ipf. moulais. Pret. 2mozélus. Fut. (Cond.) zmzoudrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. mzoule. Ipf. zazozélzésse. — I've zºzozza.s. — Part. : Pr. zozozélazzé, P. zvzozélaé. moue* [?],f. : MOW (grimace of the mouth). mouée º [?], f : reward (soup made of blood, milk, bread, etc., for dogs while hunting). mouette* [mouve, gull], f : sea-gull. #moufette, see mofette. #mouflardº, =arde [moufle, older form of mufle], m., f. : chub-face (person with fat cheeks). I.mou-fle* [ak. to Holl. mouw, 'sleeve,' and Eng. muff ], f (m.) : MUFFLE (thick mitten, boxing glove); pulley block with several sheaves; (glazier's) wooden holder; iron-tie (to hold a wall in place). 2.-fleº [?], m. : MUFFLE (assay oven ; annealing ' oven; cupel). I.-flerº, tr. : muffle: poulie mouflée, a pulley sheaved with others; mur mouflé, wall tied or anchored by bars of li'OIl. - 2.#moufler [moufle older form of mufle], tr. : pull by the nose and cheek tweak. [-che], m. : 435 little moulin mouflette* [moufle, muffie], f. : muffle ; (# clutch, holder. mouflonº [? Sardinia dial. : cf. It. mQfola], m. : =, wild sheep of Corsica and Sardinia. mouil-lageº, m. : soaking, watering; anchoring; anchorage. . -le-boueheº, f : kind of pear. -Iée", part. : cf. -ler; f.: batch (of rags soaked). -lementº, m. : watering; soaking; (esp.) sounding as a liquid, softening (as Fr. l). |-letº° [p. L. *molliäre (mollis, soft), make soft], tr. : soak; drench; water; make liquid (as l or n); let go (the anchor) : le mouillé, Wet weather ; tirer au doigt mouillé, draw lots by guessing which finger is wet; poule mouillée, milksop ; - un ragout du vin, season a stew with wine ; - le vin, put water into wine; draperie mouillée, trans- parent drapery in sculpturing. -lette º, f. : sippet (piece of bread to eat with eggs or wine). -loir*, m. : wetting-tub, sizing vat (where paper is dipped in size); moist- ening cup (where a spinner wets herfingers to twist the thread) ; wooden bowl (for wetting tongs used in handling sugar- plums). I.moulage* [-ler],m. : moulding, MODEL- LING. ' • - 2.mou-lageº [meule], m. : millstone- driver. 3.f-lageº [-dre], m. : milling. #-lant* [-dre], m. : miller's customer, or boy. moule° [L. modulusl, m.: MOULD (matrix ; form; mouldingflask; gold-beater's packet); MODEL ; netting-pin (over which the mesh is made right size); fait au -, well-made; (humor.) le — du pourpoint, the body ; le - du gant, the hand ; (fam.) slap. 2.moule° [L. musculus, MUSCLE, little MOUSE], f : edible mussel, clam : - du peintre, shell as palette ; - aux perles, pearl oyster. moulée* [meule], f. : steel-dust (from grinding). mou-lerº [-le], tr. : MOULD; put moulding on ; MODEL ; imitate ; #measure : - à bon creux, or à bon fond, use a mould that can be taken apart and assembled; lettre moulée, print; une robe qui moule le buste, a dress which fits close; marches moulées, steps with a moulding ; - une pierre, mark out the pattern on a stone. -lerie", f : moulding room. -let" [-le, mould], m. : little mould; wooden gauge (for tongue of boards). -1eurº, m. : moulder, fwood- Iſ163,Slll"6I". mou-lin [L. molinum], m. : MILL (grinding machine ; building where it is): - pendu, floating mill ; — banal, feudal toll-mill ; renvoyer quelqu'un à son -, send one about his business ; une femme qui a jeté son bonnet par-dessus les -s, a Woman 436 moult who has bidden farewell to decency; vêtir un - à vent, canvas over the arms of a windmill; un - à paroles, a great prattler. -linageº [-liner], m. : = (twisting and doubling ofraw silk for dyeing). -linerº, tr. : fgrind; polish (with sandstone); bore wood (as worms) ; twist and double (raw , silk for dyeing). -linetº, m. : = (turn- stile ; windlass) ; wheel (of windmill) ; stirring rod; stirring motion; dummy (for training retrievers) : faire le — avec un bâton, Whirl about with a stick. -lineur, éeuse or -linierº, =ière [-liner], m., f. : silk-twister : (dial.) un moulineur, a fuller. - fmoult° [L. multum], adv. : + = (MUCH, very). - moulureº [-ler], f : moulding (in archi- · tecture). - · mou-raſnt°, =aſnte, adj. : dying ; m., f. : dying person : œil -, languid eye ; #tons -s, colours graded off. -rir° [p. L.*morire (L. mori)], irr. $ ; intr. : die ; cease : se -, be dying ; faire — quelqu'un à petit | feu, kill one with petty annoyances ; ivre mort, dead drunk ; un habit (de couleur) feuille morte, dry-leaf coloured dress ; il n'y va pas de main morte, he makes his blows tell; faire main morte, let the hand hang listlessly; œuvres mortes, hull below the loading line. $ Ind. : Pr. mezz-rs, -7rs, -ré; mzou-roms, -rez, zzzezérezzé. Ipf. zozozerais. Pret. zºzozezrzés. Fut. (Cond.) mzourrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. mezure; zºzozerzo7es. Ipf. 772ozzrzésse. — Lºve mzeztrs. — | Part. : Pr. mzourazzt; P. 77zor#. · mouronº [?], m. : red pimpernel. mourre* [It. mora], f : mora, guessing fingers (game where one quickly shows and hides his fingers while another guesses the number of fingers). - mous-quetº [It. moschetto (lit. sparrow- hawk)], m. : MUSKET, old style smooth-bore gun. -quEtadeº, f : musket discharge. -quEtaire º, m. : musketeer : (humor.) · - à genoux, man giving an injection. -queterieº, f : musketry. -quEtonº, m.: musketoon (short large caliber mus- ket). - » ? I.mousse* [OHG. mos, ak, to L. muscus], ſ. : MOSS; froth, foam. - 2.mousse* [ak. to It. mozzo (? L. mutilus, mutilated)], adj. : dull, blunt : chèvre —, goat without horns ; vache —, MULEY (hornless). 3.mousseº [It. mozzo fr. Sp. mozo fr. L. mustus, young], m. : cabin-boy. mousselineº [Turkish town Mosul], f : MUSLIN: verre —, very fine glass; brioche -, very fine light cake. - mous-serº [I.-se], intr. : foam ; grow moss : faire -, foam ; make angry. -se- ron* [I.-se], m. : MUSHROOM. -seron- mouvage nière* [-seron], f : mushroom bed. -seux º, =euse [I.-sse], adj. : mosslike ; mossy , foamy : rose m0SSeuSe, moss-rose. -sien°" [I.-se], m. : moss collection. -soir", m. : washing machine (for fine li- nen); beater (for making chocolate foam). mousson º [Port. monção, Sp. monzôn (fr. Ar. mausim, season], f : monsoon, trade- wind (often violent) of the Indian Ocean. moussu* [ I.-sse], adj. : mossy: rose mous- Sue, mOSS-rOSe. mousta-ehe* [It. mostaccio (Gr. mûs- tax)], f. : mustache (beard on upper lip ; old soldier); whiskers (of animals); tongs (to draw gold or silk thread); titmouse (or other bird With stripes suggesting mus- tache): ffaire quelque chose à la — de quelqu'un, brave one to his face ; brûler la - à quelqu'un, fire at very close range. -ehu*, adj. : hav'g heavy moustache. . . moustille* [? ak. to moût], f : sharp- . ness (of liquors). fmous-tillierº, m., or -tiquaire º, f : mosquito-net. |-tiqueº [Sp. mosquito (mosca, fly)l, m. : mosquito. moût° [L. mustum], m.: MUST (new Wine ready to ferment); juice (of vege- tables used for making drinks). moutardº [?], m. : (fam.) brat, little boy. moutar-deº [moût], f. : MUSTARD (the table condiment ; plant sinapis): de la — après dîner, When it is too late ; la — lui 'm0nte au nez, he is getting angry. -delle º, f. : (dial.) horse-radish. I.-dier*, m. : mustard-pot. 2.-dierº, =ière, m., f : mustard dealer or maker. fmoutier° [L. monasterium, Gr. monas- térion], m. : MONASTERY. mou-ton* [? Celt.], m. : sheep ; MUTTON ; (esp.) Wether; ram(mer); pile-driver; beam (of a bell); pl. : white-caps (foamy waves); dust heaps (under furniture); adj. : mou- t0m, -t0nne, sheepish ; sheep-like : saut de -, leap-frog. -tonnailleº, f : (fam.) henchmen, crowd of blind followers. -tonnementº [-tonner], m. : foaming (of the sea). -tonnerº, tr. : make fleece- like, frizzle ; intr. : foam, be full of small waves or white - caps. -tonneux º, =euse, adj. : full of white caps, low waves. -tonnierº, =ière, adj. : (fam.) sheep-like, unthinking. - mouture° [L. molitüra (molere, grind)], f : grinding, MILLING ; miller's toll ; mas- lin (wheat, rye and barley mixed): — mar- chande or rustique, milling with but one | bolt ; - à la grosse, coarse grinding ; tirer d'un Sac deux —s, take double toll. mou-vageº, adj. : loosening ; stirring. -vaneeº, f : (feudal) tenure. -vant", adj. : moving : #force —e, active force ; sable --, quicksand ; tableau -, changing IR10 .'C8 , picture ; La Marche était -e du Poitu, La Marche was under Poitu's tenure, held in fief from Poitu ; (her.) trois rais d'or —s du chef, three rays of gold issuing fr. the head. -vementº, m. : movement (motion ; move ; impulse , transportation ; circulation ; progress; animation; mechan- ism); changes (in the personnel): - ora- toires, bursts of eloquence ; - perpétuel, perpetual motion ; avoir l'humeur en -, feel an impulse ; avoir un — de colère, · feel impulse to anger; le - des draperies, the folds of drapery (in painting or sculp- ture). -vementer * [-vement], tr. : rouse, set thinking. -verº, tr. : move ; (esp.) stir (soil); loosen (Sugar fr. sides of the vessel). -veron " [-ver], m.: scraper (for loosening sugar). -vetº, -vette [-ver], m., f : stirrer : (esp.) stirring ladle or rod. I.|-voir° [L. movëre], irr.$; tr. or intr. : MOVE : (by extens.) un fief qui meut d'un autre, a fief in sub- tenure. 2.-voir*, m. : stirrer, stirring- stick (ladle or oar). $ Ind. : Pr. zzzezés, mezés, mzezzé; zºzozt-z/o72s, -zvez, avzezezezzz. Ipf. zºzoztzvais. Pret. 7vzzés. Fut. (Cond.) zºzozézyraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. zzzezzz/e; mzozzz zomzs. Ipf. zzzzzsse. — lºve zvzezts. - Part. : Pr. zzzouz'azzz, P. zzzzé or zzzîè. moxa º [China, " mugwort’ (used as wick- ing for lights)], m. : = (cotton-wool cone , or cylinder to be burnt on the skin for cauterising). - moyeº mwa [-yer], f : soft side (of build- ing-stone). · I.mo-yen°, =enne [L. mediānus (me- dium, MIDDLE)], adj. : MEAN, average, middle-sized, interMEDIATE : écriture mo- yenne (or le -), fair handwriting ; âge -, middle age ; le - âge, the middle ages (ten centuries ending with the reforma- tion); le — allemand, Middle High or Low German ; (quantité) moyenne, average ; (termes) —s, means of a proportion ; - (terme), middle term in logic ; vie moyenne, average length of life ; cours -, average price or quotation ; la voix moyenne (or le —), the middle voice (of verbs). 2.-yen*, m. : MEAN (fintermedium); av- erage ; middle ; power ; means ; money ; middle (term); (fam.) intelligence ; plea : hériter par —, inherit indirectly; les grands -s, decisive things ; qui veut la fin veut les -s, one must take steps to accomplish one's set purpose ; il n'y a pas -, there is no way. -yenâgeux º, =euse [-yen âge], adj. : ( fam. and con- tempt.) mediaeval. -yennant* [-yenner], prep. : by means of : - que, provided that. -yennement*, adv. : moderately; me- diately, somewhat. f-yenne rº, tr. : me- diate. -yer° [L. mediäre], tr. : divide, split (rock). - 437 moyeu° [L. modiolus, " little peck meas- ure'l, m. : hub; #yolk; (dial.) sugar- plum. ' . . fmozetteº [It. mozzetta], f. : = (bishop's mantle or cape). fmuable º [muer], adj. : MUTABLE, changeable. muaſnee * [muer], f. : fchange ; MUTA (in music); changing (of voice at puberty). . - mueédinées* [L. -do, mould],.f.pl. : mu- cedinaceae, fungi, moulds. finuehe-potº [dial. mucher for musser], adv. : à -, in concealment. mu-eilageº [L. -cilago, sticky juice], 77b. . -eilagineux º, =euse [l. L. -cilaginosus], ddj. : mucilaginous. -co- sité* [L. -cosus], f : mucosity (slime of mucous membrane). -eus [L.], m. : = (secretion of the mucous membrane). I.fmue° [L. miitus, mute], adj. f. : rage -, dumb rabies (i.e. madness with no barking). . - - - 2.m-ue*,f : moulting, exuviation; exuviae ; rest, quiet (of moulting falcons); MEW ; MUTE ; coop (for moulting fowls or for fattening); change of voice (at puberty); les -s du cerf, cast-off antlers ; mettre un oiseau chanteur en -, make it dark for a bird (so he won't sing); mettre les chiens à la -, keep dogs from hunting ; un peuple mis en —, mice torn by the owl. |-uer° [L. miitäre], ftr. or intr. : MOULT ; change. - muet*, I.=ette [OFr. mu (L. mutus)], adj. : mute, dumb, silent : chien -, dog that hunts without giving mouth ; person, mage -, supernumerary ; jeu —, dumb play; Scène -te, dumb show ; vin —, un- fermented wine ; à la —te, noiselessly; m., f : mute ; les -s, servants of the Sultan (who do not speak in his presence). 2.muette [for fmuete = meute], f. : hunt- ing-lodge. <. fmuetter, see muter. . mu-fle* [?], m. : muffle (thick naked up- per lip as of cows) ; valve (of bellows) : (lou) un vilain -, an ugly mug ; — de veau, snap-dragon (fig-wort). -flier º, m. : snap-dragon or calf's-Snout. -flièreº, j. : muzzle (to prevent sucking or biting). muge* [Prov. fr. L. -gil], m. : mullet (fish): - volant, flying fish. mu-gir* [L. -gire], intr. : bellow, roar. -gissant*, adj. : lowing. -gissementº, ,m. : bellowing; roaring. . - muid fmugotº [?], m. : pile (of money). mu-guet* [? ak. to musc and muscade], m. : lily-of-the-valley ; perfumed fº# Whitish sores (in the mouth). -gueterº, tr. : pay court to ; play the beau. muidº [L. modius, peck measure], m. : hogshead. 438 muire° [L. muria, brinel, f. : (dial.) water (salty fr. evaporation). mu-Iasse* [mule], f.: (dial.) mule colt. -lassier*, =ière, adj. : industrie mu- lassière, mule industry; (jument) mulas- sière, brood-mare for raising mules. -lâ- treº [Sp. mulato], m., f. : or -lâtresse º, f. : mulatto. · fmulcter* [L. -tare], tr. : mulct, fine. I.Inule* [L. -lleus (sc. calceus), red- coloured shoe], f : =, toe-slipper; pope's slipper (of white with a worked , cross); chilblain, kibes ; jaws, chaps (of horses). 2.fmule* [?l, f : stomach, (esp.) fourth stomach (of cattle). 3.mu-le° [L. milla], f. : she-mule : ferrer la -, make profit unfairly (an allusion to a servant of Vespasian who was bribed to make delay by pretending a mule needed shoes). I.-letº [OFr. mul (L. -lus)], m.: he-mule ; hybrid : #garder (or brider) le -, hold the sack, be duped. 2.mulet [L.-llus], m. : red mullet; striped mullet. I.mule-tierº [-t], m. : mule-driver. 2.-tierº, =ière [-t], adj. : chemin —, bridle path. -tonº [-t], m.: young mule. - - . " mulette* 1-le], f. : rennet ; craw (of fal- cons, etc.). · mu-lier" [2.-let], m. : seine (for mullet). | -Ileº [L. -llus], m. : striped mullet. fmulon, see meulon. mu-lotº [l. Ger. mul], m. : MOLE ; , fen- dormir le —, give one fair words. -lo- terº, intr. : dig for moles (as a dog). multi-coloreº [L.- color (multus, much, many)], adj. : multi-coloured, of many colours. -flore" [L. florus], adj. : hav'g many flowers. -forme* [L. formis], adj. : multiform. -loeulaire" [L. lo- culus, little place], adj. : many-celled. multi-pleº [L. -plex], adj. : =, mani- fold. -pliable*, adj. : =. -pliant*, adj. : multiplying, manifolding. -pli- candeº [L. -plicandus], m. : multipli- muire cand. -plicateurº [L. -plicator], m. : multiplier. -plication* [L. -plicatio], f. : = (act of multiplying ; increase). -plieité* [L. -plicitas], f : multiplicity. |-plierº [L. -plicare, fold manytimes, repeat], tr., intr. : multiply (repeat ; in- crease). -tude* [L. -tudo], f : = (great number of persons or things). -valve " [L. multus, MUCH, Fr. valve], adj. : multi- valvular; f : multivalve (mollusk). muniei-palº, pl. =aux [L. -palis (mu- nia, duties, capere, take)], adj. : =, of a town or community ; garde -e, civic · guard of Paris ; les municipaux, soldiers of this guard. -paIité*, f : officers or seat (of the municipal government). mtarmurant -pe" [L. -pium, free-town], m. : muni- cipium. munifieenee* [L. ficentia (munus, gift, ſacere, make)], f : generosity. mu-nirº [L. -nire (mœnia, walls), forti- fy], tr. : provision; supply; provide. -ni- tion * [L. -nitol, f : munitions, supplies ; ammunition : pain de -, army bread ; j'usil de -, regulation gun of each sol- dier. -nitionnaire* [-nition], m. : contractor (for supplies). - muqueux*,=euse [L. mucosus (mucus)], adj. : mucous : râle -, rattle (as of dying person). mur° [L. -rus], m. : wall : — d'appui, breast-wall ; - mitoyen, partition wall ; battre les-s, reel from side to side ; morts -s, refractory walls of furnace ; franchir le - de la vie privée, go right into one's private history; tirer au —, fence for practice at a wall ; ( fig.) at opponent who defends himself without attacking. mûr°, I.=ûre° [L. matürus], adj. : ripe ; ready ; mature. mu-rage* [-rer, in sense " pay a wall- tax'l, m. : walling. ll-raille [-r], f : wall (rampart); outer hoof ; side of a ship's hull : la — blanche est le papier des Sots, fools' names are found in public places. -raillement" [-railler], m. : masonry. -railler*, tr. : wall. -ralº, pl. =aux [L. -ralis], adj. : =, of a wall : carte -e, wall-map ; couronne —e, notched crown (reward for mounting an enemy's wall first) ; (cercle) —, mural circle (astronomer's instrument fixed to a wall). 2.mûre° [p. L. *möra (L. mörum)], f : mul- berry (also, blackberry and similar fruits): autant en dit remard des —s, as the fox said of the grapes. mureau* [mur], m. : furnace). mûrement* [mûr], adv. : maturely. murène* [L. -raena, Gr. -raina, sea-eel], ·ſ : muraena, conger-eel. murerº [mur], tr. : wall in ; shut up within walls ; wall up. masonry (of a murexº, pl. murices [L.], m. : =, spiny mollusk : - des anciens, purple dye mol- lusk. fmuria-te" [L. -ria, brine], m. : chloride. -tique", adj. : muriatic, hy- drochloric. mûrier [mûre], m. : mulberry-tree. mû-rir* [mûr], tr. or intr. : ripen, MA- TURE : - la terre, plough deep. -ris- santº, adj. : ripening. murmu-ramtº, adj. : murmuring. f-ra- teurº, =triee [L. -rator], m.,f. : mur- murer; adj. : murmuring. murmu-re*, m. : murmur ; muttering, complaint, y mûron |-rerº [L. -rare], intr. or tr. : murmur ; mutter ; whisper. mûron º [mûre], m. : Wild raspberry, etc. mur-rheº [L., Gr. -rha], f. : murra, fine stone (for vases, etc.). -rhinº [L. -rhinus], adj. : of murra stone, murrine. musagète" [L. -tes, Gr. mousagétesl, adj. : leading the Muses. musaraigne° [p. L. *milsaranea (L. mu- (diul.) blackberry ; sarameus, " mouse-spider')l, f. : shrew- mOuSe, SOreX. · musar-dº [muser], adj. : idle. -derº, intr. : idle, loiter. -derieº, or -dise, f : idleness, indolence. mus-e [L. -cus, Gr. môskos], m. : (animal perfume ; musk-deer); brown, brownish. -cade* [Prov. -cada (l. L. -cata, scented)], adj. : (noix) -, nutMEG; rose —, musk rose ; f : magician's ball. -eadelleº [Prov. -cadelo], f : muscatel (pear). -eadet* [Prov.], m. : muscatel musk (wine). -cadierº [-cade], m. : nutmeg- tree. -eadinº [It. moscardino], m. : fmusk tablet or lozenge ; scented dandy. -cardin " [It. moscardino, musk tablet], m. : =, dormouse. -catº [Prov.], adj. : musklike ; m. : = (fragrant grape or wine). mus-eleº [L. -culus, " little MOUSE'], m. : =. -cléº, adj. : muscled (with strongly marked muscles, strong). -culaire" [L. -cularis], adj. : of muscles, muscular. -culature* [L. -culus], f : musculation, arrangement of muscles. -cule* [L. -culus], m. : (Rom.) shed (over besiegers or stormers, mantlet). -euleux º, =euse [L. -culosus], adj. : muscular, fleshy. I.muse* [L. Musa, Gr. Moûsa], f : Muse, goddess (esp. as source of poetic inspira- tion); poetry. - 2.muse* [-ser], f. : fdiversion ; beginnin (of deer's rutting). museau* [stem mus- of unc. orig.], m. : | MUZZLE (mouth and nose of dogs, etc. ; humor. human face); ward-end of key- bit; long-nosed eel; arm-rest (hav'g carved animal head): demi--, sword-fish ; faux (or noir) —, sores or itch about the mouth ; - de tanche, vaginal orifice. musée* [L. -seum, Gr. mousaîon, *temple of the Muses'l, m. : museum : le — d'A- lexandre, the Alexandrine library. muse-lerº [museau], tr. : muzzle ; (fig.) silence. -lière* [museau], f : muzzle (mouth cage). - muser * [? ak. to muse], intr. : +trifle ; begin to rut (as deer). muserol(I)e* [It. -ruolo (muso, snout)], f : nose-piece (of bridle). 4 musette* [O.Fr. muse ak. to I.muse], f. : bag-pipe ; bag-pipe song or air; nose-bag mutualité 439 (for horse to eat from); knapsack ; book- satchel or bag ; bubble, flaw (in paper); net (for backhair). - { mu-séum [L., temple of the MUSES], m. : museum (natural history º# , -si- ealº, pl. =aux [L. -sica, music]ºadj -sicalement* [-sical], adv. : musically. -sicastre* or -sicâtre [L. -sicus, musician], m. : ( fam.) poor musician. -sieienº, =enne [L. -sica], m., f : musician. f-sic9" [-sique], m. : sing- ing café (in the Netherlands). -sif [L. aurum musivum, MOSAIC gold], adj. : or -, sulphuric tin (used for rubbing electric cushions). -sique* [L. -sica, Gr. mousi- ké] , f. : ffine arts ; #musicale ; music ; tune ; shell (marked with bars). -si- querº [-sique], tr. : put to music ; intr. : (fam.) make music. musoir* [-seau], m. : rounded face (of a pier) ; head (of a weir). musquerº [musc], tr. : scent with musk: rat musqué, musk-rat; paroles -, affected words ; envoyer à quelqu'un une chose toute musquée, send one something en- tirely free of expense ; #messe musquée, late mass (as though attended by late ris- ing scented fops). *.. musse-pot, see muche-pot. fmusser* [p. L. *muciare (? fr. Celt.)], tr. : hide. fmussif, see musif. mussi-tation [L. -tatio (-tare, speak low)], f. : =, attempted speaking (where lips move but weakness prevents sound). #musurgie" [Gr. mous0urgia, poet's or singer's art], f : musurgy. mutabilité* [L.-litas (mutare, change)], f : mutability. mutage* [-ter], m. : mute (new wine). muta-tion * [L. -tio (mutare, change)], ·f. : = (change ; succession ; rotation in office ; vocal change at puberty; devolu- tion or conveyance of property ; organ- stop giving tones varying by fixed inter- val ; transposition). muterº [muet], tr. : mute (new wine), arrest fermentation in (by addition of sulphuric acid, etc.). muti-lation * [L. -latio],f. : =, mayhem. -lerº [L. -lare], tr. : mutilate, deform, spoil. mu-tinº, =ine [meute, in former sense of "tumult'l, adj. : mutinous ; insubordi- nate; m., f : rioter, mutineer. -tinerº, tr. reflex. : mutiny, rebel. -tinerieº, f : riot, outbreak, mutiny. mutisme" [L. -tus, mute], m.: dumbness. mu-tualité º, f : mutuality, interdepen- dence (esp. in insurance). ll-tuel*, =elle [L. -tuus], adj. : mutual, reciprocal, interdependent. -tueIIementº, adv.; mutually. - º•-- a 9 440 Inutule mutule [L. -lus], m. : = (block under Doric corona, orig'ly marking rafter ends). myéliteº [Gr. muelôs, marrowl, f : mye- litis, inflammation of spinal cord. myo-graphie* [Gr. mûs, muscle, grá- phein, write], f : myography, description of muscles. -logie* [l. L. -logia], f : my- ology, anatomy ôf the muscles. · myo-pe* [L. -ps, Gr. m'ûopsl, m., f : =, near-sighted person. -pie* [Gr. muopial, f. : short-sightedness. myo-sotisº [L. fr. Gr. muosotis, " mouse- ear'], m. : =, scorpion grass. -tomie" [Gr. mûs, muscle, tomé, cut], f. : myotomy, dissection of muscles. myria-deº [L. myrias, Gr. muriás], f : myriad, ten thousand ; a great number. -mètre* [mètre], m. : myriameter, ten thousand meters (over 6 miles). -pode [l. L. -poda (Gr. poûs, FOOT)], m. : myria- pod (insect of many legs). · myrmidonº [L.fr. Gr. Murmidon, name of a people turned into ants], m. : petty person, Wretch. - myrobolan* [L. -balanum, Gr. -bála- non], m. : = (prune-like fruit of India). myr-rheº [L. -rha, Gr. -rhel, f. : myrrh (Arabian gum resin). -hisº [L., Gr.], : m. : = (plant, musk-chervil). myr-te* [L. -tus, Gr. mûrtos], m. : myr- tle (shrub sacred to Venus). -tiforme* [L. forma, shapel, adj. : myrtle-like. -tilIe* [l. L. -tillus, branch of myrtle], m. (f.): cranberry. mys-tagogue* [L. -tagogus, Gr. musta- gogôs, leader into MYSTERIES], m. : initia- tor (priest). |-tère* [L. -terium, Gr. -térion (müstes, initiated person fr. m'ûein, close)], m. : mystery (secret of the ancient priests ; any secret ; rite or ceremony in religion not explained to all ; any secret Christian theory not attainable by reason ; puzzling phenomenon ; religious play). -térieusementº [-térieux], adv. : mys- teriously. -térieux *, =euse [L. -teri- um, secret], adj. : of the mysteries ; mys- terious. -tieisme* [L. -ticus, mystic], m. : mysticism (doctrine that truth may be reached by faith independent of reason). -tieité [L. -ticus], f : supernaturalness, mystic character. -tificateur", =triee [-tifier], m., f : mystifier. -tification " [-tifier], f : =. -tifier [? root of mys- tère, fier (L. facere, make)], tr. : mystify, confuse. -tique* [L. -ticus, Gr. musti- kôs], adj. : mystic, hav'g a secret nature ; .m. : mystic ; f : doctrine of mysteries. -tiquement* [-tique], adv. : mystically. my-theº [L. -thus, Gr. mûthos, saying (ak. to mystère)], m. : myth, legendary tale. -thique*, adj. : mythic, legendary. | antiquity. nage mytho-graphie* [Gr. mûthos, tale, gráphein, Write], f : mythography. -lo- gie* [L. -logia, Gr. muthología (lôgos, speech)], f : mythology, fabulous tales of -logique* [L. -logicus, Gr. muthologikôs], ddj. : mythological. ..f-lo- giste* [-logie], m., f. : mythologist. -Iogue*[Gr. mutholôgosl, m., f : student of mythology. • myure " mi-ur [l. L. myurus, Gr. mü- ouros, MOUSE-tail], adj. : pouls -, sinking or failing pulse ; pouls - réciproque, pulse off and on, sinking and rising. N n èn [L.], f, or nE, m. : n (the letter) : n mouillé, liquid n, i.e. the sound of Fr. gn, or Sp. ji. nº for me. naba-bº [Ar., deputies], m. : nabob (Mus- sulman viceroy in India ; fam. rich mam). -bie", f. : (rare) realm ortitle (of nabob). nableº [? Dutch nagel, NAIL], m. : plug ; hole (for draining a skiff). - nabotº, =ote [?], m., f. : dwarf. fna eaire, see gnacare. nacaratº [Sp. -rado, NACREOUS], m. or adj. : = (pale red tinged with orange). na eelle° [L. navicella (navis, ship)], f : skiff ; car (of a balloon) ; scotia (mould- ing) ; keel (two lower petals of pulse co- rolla) ; concha (pit of the outer ear). na ehe° [p. L. natica, L. mates, buttocks], j. : (old) nates; (now) pope's-eye (gland in middle of the muscle of beef, etc., called commonly " filter"). nacre* [fr. Pers.],f. : =, mother-of-pearl. nacré", adj. : nacreous, pearly; m. : mother-of-pearl moth. nadirº [Ar. nadhir, opposed], m. : point opposite the zenith. naffeº [Ar. nafha, odour], f : eau de —, NAPHA-water, orange-flower perfume. na-geº, f : fsailing; rowing; swimming ; gunwale (of a row-boat); raft : ( fig.) en -, in a sweat ; chef de -, stroke-oar, chief oarsman ; se sauver à la -, save one's self by swimming. -geant", adj. : floating : (her.) poisson —, fish horizontal on an escutcheon ; carde —e, card that lets the wool run off easy. -géeº, f. : stroke (distance made at each stroke of the arms in swimming). f-gement*, m. : swimming. -geoireº, f : fin ; blad- der (to aid swimming); floating lid (to keep liquids from slopping over). ll-ger° [L. navigäre (navis, ship, agere, make go)l, intr. : NAVIGATE (sail; row); swim; float: - à culer, backwater; - en grande eau, » naguère(s) (fig.) live in prosperity ; - entre deux eaux, swim near the surface, ( fig.) hesitate between two parties; - de long, row with long strokes ; ( fami.) être à nage pataud, flounder around in the water. -geur*, =euse, m., f : navigator; oarsman; swim- mer ; adj. : Swimming. naguère(s)* [(il) n'a guères, it is only a little], adv. : lately ; but now. naïade* [L., Gr. naias], f. : naiad (water nymph). naïf°, =ive [L. nativus (natus, born)], adj. : naïve (NATIVE; NATural ; frank) ; m. : naif, nature without art : pointe naive, uncut diamond of pyramidal shape. nain°, naine [L. nanus], m., f : dwarf ; adj. : dwarfish : œuf-, yolkless egg; le - jaune, pope-joan (card-game so called fr. a picture of a dwarf holding seven Of diamonds). - " $ nais-san ee*, f : birth ; beginning. -santº, adj. : NASCENT, starting. llnaî- tre° [p. L. *nascere (L. nasci)], irr. $ ; intr. : be born ; hatch out ; start ; origi- nate : faire -, give rise to ; ne pas être mé, not to be high-born ; être mé pour (or fà) quelque chose, have a natural bent for · a thing ; ( fam.) être né coiffé, be born lucky ; mort-né, still-born ; le premier- (dernier-) né, the eldest (youngest) son. naïve-memtº [naif], adv. : naïvely. -té [naif], f. : =, simplicity. $ Ind. : Pr. mais, mais, zzaîº ; zzazs-sons, -sez, -se72t. Ipf. mazssais. Pret. maquis. Fut. (Cond.) zzaîtraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. zzazsse. Ipf. plagzeisse. — I've nais. — Part. : Pr. zzazssazzt; P. zzé. nananº [echoic], m. : (baby-talk) goodies, candy. nam-kinº [city N. in China], m. : nan- keen (cotton cloth) ; buff colour. -ki- nette º, f. : fine nankeen. - nan-tir* [OFr. nant, pledge (ak. to Ger. nehmen, take)], tr. : secure (a person by some pledge) ; possess (one of a thing as security). -tissement*, m. : security ; · fmortgage ; mortgaged objects. napée* [L.-pœa, Gr. napaîa (nápe, wood)], ſ : napaea, nymph of a glen or grove. napelº [l. L.-llus (L. napus, turnip)], m. : monk's-hood (poisonous plant). naph-taline º, f : naphthaline (extract of coal-tar). |-te [L., Gr. náphtha fr. Pers.], m. : naphtha (volatile oil fr. pe- troleum, etc.). napoléonº [emperor N.], m. : napoleon (gold-piece worth $4). g > nap-pe° [L. mappal, f : table-cloth; sheet (for meat ; of water ; of lead); flat net (for birds or fish); deer-skin ; nappe (of cones, etc.): - d'autel, altar cloth; mettre la —, lay the cloth, set the table: fournir la -, make it easy for one to succeed. 44l -peron,º, m. : little table-cloth ; napkin. nar eisse* [L. -ssus, Gr. nárkissos], m. : daffodil. r . - narco-tineº [fr. root of -tique], f. : |-tique* [l. L. -ticus, Gr. narkotikôs (nárke, torpor)], adj. or m. : narcotic (e.g. opium). < nard * [L.-dus, Gr.-dosfr. Hebr.], m. : spikenard. - - nar-gueº [?], interj. : about like "the deuce’: dire — de #º say bad luck to one. -guerº, tr. : defy; sneer at : - les envieux, say : plague take the jealous ! : narguiléº [fr. Pers.], m.: narghile, Ori- ental water pipe for smoking. . - narine° [p. L. *-rina (L. naris)], f. : nostril : fausse -, conical , pit by the nostril (as in horses). . · marquoisº, =oise [slang], adj. : fcrafty; spiteful. . - * nar-rateurº, =triee [L. -tor, -trixl, m., f : narrator. -ratif*, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : narrative. -ration* [L.-tio], f. : =. f-réº [narrer], m.: tale, account. |-rer [L. narrare], tr. : narrate (tell, re- late); intr. : tell a story. - marthex [Gr., ferula plant], m. : caded porch (to a church). narvalº [Scand., corpse- (?) WHALE], m. : narwhal (Arctic cetacean). na-salº, pl. =aux [L.-salis (-sus, NOSE)], Inatal - -» -- e y =, ar- adj. : = : une -e, nasal sound, nasal vowel. -salement", adj. : nasally. -salisation* [-saliser], tr. : =. -sali- serº, tr. : nasalise. -salité", f : na- sality. -sardº [nez], m. : =, organ-stop, 2 to 2# ft. tone ; fcornet-like instrument. -sardeº [nez], f : rap on the nose. -sarderº [-sarde], tr. : fillip (on the nose). -seau*, pl. -x [nez], m. : nostril (esp. of horses) : f.fendeur de -x, bully, fire-eater. - nasil-lardº, adj. : un orateur -, an orator who talks through his nose ; ton -, nasal tone. -lardementº [-lard], adv. : (rare) through the nose. -lar- diseº [-lard], f. : (rare) talking through the nose. -lementº, m. : snuffling, talk- ing nasally. -lerº [nez], intr. : snuffle, talk with nasal twang. -1eurº, =euse, m., f. : Snuffler, nasal talker. -lonne- ment"-[-lonner], m. : (fam.) habit of talking nasally. -lonner", intr. : (fam.) talk nasally. -lonneurº, =euse [-lon- ner], m., f. : twanger (one who talks with nasal twang). nasitortº [L. nasus, NOSE, tortus, twisted], m. : NASTURTIUM,. Water-cresS. - - nasse° [L. nassa], f. : bow-net, bird-Snare; dog-whelk (mollusk) ; (fig.) scrape. nata-l* [L. -lis (natus, born)l, adj. : =, 442 natation of birth : jour —, birthday; pays -, native land. -1ité º, f : natality, birth-rate. nata-tion " [L. -tio (natare, swim)], f : =, art of swimming. -toire" [L. -torius], adj. : natatory, for swimming. na-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (-tus, born)], adj. or m., f : native; natural. -tion* [L. -tio], f. : = (people ; tribe) ; guild, class ; clique : les —s, the heathen (biblical use). nationa-lº, pl. =aux [nation], adj. : =, of the nation : les nationaux, the na- tives (esp. when abroad). -lement", adv. : as a nation. -liserº, tr. : nation- alise. -lité*,f. : nationality. nativi-té* [L. -tas (natus, born)], f : nativity (birth, esp. of Christ ; astrological horoscope ; #time of one's birth). natronº, or -trum [Sp. -trôn fr. Ar.], m. : =, sodium carbonate. - nat-te° [L. matta], f : mat, matting ; braid, plait (of hair); sea-shell (resembling a plait): une — à quatre (brins), plait of four strands. -terº, tr. : mat; braid ; plait. , -tierº, =ière, m., f : (rare) mat-maker or seller. •- natura-lisation * [-liser], f : naturali- sation (making a legal citizen ; acclima- tion); taxidermy. |-liser [L. -lis, natu- ral], tr. : naturalise (make a legal citizen ; acclimatise); mount, stuff (dead animals); fmake natural. -lisme" [L. -lis], m. : naturalism (state of nature ; naturalness ; opposite of supernaturalism ; opposite of idealism). -listeº [L. -lis], m., f. : nat- uralist (zoölogist, etc. ; believer in natur- alism ; artist who copies nature); stuffer, taxidermist. t-lité [L. -litas], f. : nat- uralisation. matu-ramtº [Spinoza's word-ransl, adj. : la nature -e, the first principle as pro- ducer of the universe. |natu-re* [L. -ra], f. : = (aggregate of created things ; universe ; inherent laws of things ; vital force ; wildness ; spontaneity ; born condition ; unregenerateness); kind (prod- ucts instead of money); blood ; kinship : l'état de pure -, nakedness ; - morte, still-life painting; demi--, half life-size. -ré [Spinoza's word -ratus], adj. : la na- ture naturée, passive nature. -relº, =elle (L. -ralis], adj. : natural ; innate ; unregenerate ; m. : savage ; born charac- ter; nature ; simplicity; love of kindred : au -, true to life ; vin -, pure wine ; parties maturelles, sexual organs ; un en- fant -, a bastard. -rellement * [-rel], adv. : naturally, by nature ; of course. I.nau-frage* [L. fragium (navis, ship, frangere, BREAK)l, m. : shipwreck ; wreck, ruin : faire — au port, fail in the hour of apparent victory. 2.-frageº [L. #agºl, Aº m.: shipwrecked man. -fragé*, =ée, néanmoins adj. : Wrecked ; m., f. : shipwrecked per- son. -lage [Prov. fr. L. =lum, Gr. naûlon, passage money, fare], m. : freight. -ma- ehieº [L. -machia, Gr. -machía (máche, battle)], f. : naumachy (mock sea-fight ; place of the exhibition). -séabondº [L. -seabundus], adj. : sickening, nauseous. -sée* [L. -sia, Gr. -sia], f : nausea , dis- gust. -tileº [L. -tilis, Gr. -tilos], m. : nautilus (sea-shell); life-preserver (belt). -tique* [L. -ticus, Gr. -tikós], adj. : nautical. -tonier*, =ière [Gr. -tes], m., f. : (poetic) boatman, mariner. na-val* [L. navalis], adj. : naval. f-vée° [p. L. *navata (navis, ship)], f : fcargo, ship-load. nave-t* [L. napus], m. : turnip. I.-tteº, j. : rape : - d'été, summer rape ; grosse -, coleseed ; l'huile de —, rapeseed-oil. 2.navette [nef],.f. : =, NAVICULA, incense- boat ; shuttle ; (other things shaped like a boat :) piece of lead ; kind of sea-shell ; dug-out canoe ; partly Wreathed pulley : jfaire la -, go to and fro like a shuttle ; (at whist) lead backfor partner to trump ; une -, playing for each other to trump. navi-culaire*[L.-cularis, boat-shaped], adj. : navicular, hollowed out : maladie -, disease of the sesamoid bone (of a horse's hoof). -gabilité* [-gable], f : navigableness. -gable* [L. -gabilis], adj. : =, fit for boats. -gateur º [L. -gator], m. : voyager. -gation * [L. -tio], f : =, sailing. -guer* [L. -gare], intr. : navigate, travel by water. na- vi-lle" [It. -glio], f : ditch (for irriga- tion). navi-reº [l. L. -lium, fleet], m., or if. : ship : - marchand, merchantman. na-vrantº, adj. : heart - rending. |-vrerº [ak.to Ger. narbe, scar], tr. : wound ; distress. I.nE°, or (before vowel or silent h) n' [L. non], adv. : not : je ne saurais dire, I can- not Say ; me . . .. pas, not ; me . . .. que, only ; me . .. .. guère, not very ; me . .. . personne, nobody ; ne . ... point, not at all ; je n'en sais rien, I know nothing about it ; je ne désire ni ne crains sa présence, I neither wish nor dread his presence ; je crains qu'un songe me m'abuse, I am afraid of being deceived by a dream ; plus amoureux que je me fus jamais, more loving than I ever was ; on se voit d'un autre œil qu'on ne voit son prochain, one looks at himself different from the Way one looks at his neighbour. f2.nE or fn' [L. nec], conj. : neither; nor. né, née, see maître. - né-anmoins* [néant, moins], adv. : nev- ertheless. |-antº [L. ne, not, inde, *whence,' or ens, being], adv. or m. : nothing (naught); nothingness; emptiness : nébuleux mettre à —, annul; pour —, for nothing ; homme de -, worthless man ; le - de ses p0mpes, the nothingness of its splendours. nébu-leuacº, =euse [L.-losus (-la, mist)], adj. : nebulous, cloudy : les (étoiles) nébu- leuses, nebulae, extremely Small stars. -lositéº [L. -lositas], f : nebulosity ; nebula, gloominess. V. néees-saire* [L. -sarius], adj. or m. : necessary ; needful ; indispensable ; un -, a lackey ; selon le -, according to necessity. -sairement*, adv. : neces- sarily. -sitantº [-siter], adj. : compel- ling ; necessitous. -sité* [L. -sitas], f. : necessity (needfulness ; indispensableness ; unavoidableness ; poverty ; urgent need ; fatalism): faire de — vertu, make a virtue of necessity (do cheerfully what cannot be avoided); — fait (or n'a point de) loi, necessity knows no law. -siterº [l. L. -sitare], tr. : necessitate (+compel ; re- quire). -siteux*, =euse [-sité], adj. : needy, poor ; desirous. nécro-logeº [l. L. -gium (Gr. nekrôs, corpse, lôgos, speech)], m. : necrology, list of dead, death register ; obituary for a · year. -logie", f : necrology. -lo- gique* [-logie], adj. : necrological. -man eie* [L. -mantia, Gr. nekromanteia (mántis, soothsayer)], f. : necromancy, devination by aid of the dead. -man- eien, =enne [-mancie], m., f : necro- mancer. f-mantº [It. negromonte], m. : magician. -poleº [Gr. nékropolis, city of the dead], f. : necropolis (underground cemetery as in ancient Egypt ; graveyard). néero-se" [Gr. nékrosis, mortification], f : necrosis, rot of bone. necro-ser" [-se], tr. : necrose, rot (bone). nec-taire" [l. L. -tareum], m. : nectary, honey-secreting organs of plants. -tar* [L. (Gr. néktar, drink of the gods)], m. : nectar, any delicious drink. Néerlande, f. : Netherlands. nef [L. navis, ship], f : NAVE (of a church, resembling an inverted hull); = (decora- tive piece for the table); (old or poet.) ship : moulin à -, mill on a boat. néfaste* [L. -tus (ne, not, fari, speak ; cf. 2.faste)], adj. : les jours -s, legal holi- days ; (fig.) jour -, unlucky day ; chose -, baneful thing. nèfle° [L. mespilum], f. : MEDLAR : avec le temps se mûriront les —s, time makes medlars ripe ; je n'en donnerais pas une -, I wouldn't give a fig for it ; beau ser- ment de -s, a worthless oath. néflierº, m. : medlar-tree. néga-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. or f : negative (minus sign or quantity; particle in grammar ; reverse, opposite to posi- tive, answer no ; denying side ; m. : pic- néographe 443 ture hav'g light and shade reversed): b0n- heur —, absence of misfortune. ll-tion* [L. -tio (negare, deny)], f : negation ; denial ; refusal. -tivement* [-tif], adv. : negatively. négli-géº, m. : negligee, informal attire; wrappér : en -, in undress. -geable º, adj. : negligible, that may be disregarded. f-gement*, m. : neglect. -gemment* -jam- [-gent], adv. : carelessly. -genee* [L. -gential, f : negligence ; neglect; care- lessness. -gent* [L. -gens], adj. : = ; careless. ll-gerº [L. -gere (nec, legere, not to pick üp)], tr. : NEGLECT ; slight ; treat carelessly ; let pass ; omit : se -, be careless of one's own welfare ; dress carelessly ; style négligé, careless style (in Writing or art). - négo-ee* [L. -tium (nec, not, otium, leisure)], m. : business ; trade; negotia- tion. -eiableº [-cier], adj. : negotiable, exchangeable. -eiantº, =ante [-cier], m., f. : merchant. -eiateur*, =triee [L. -ciator, -trix], m., f : negotiator. -eiation * [L. -ciatio], f : negotiation ; -#trading. -eierº [-tiari], fintr. : do business ; tr. : negotiate ; turn over to the next (a check, note, etc.). r nègreº, négresse [L. niger, black], m., f : negro, black man; (esp.) slave : - pie, albino negro. négrErie" or négrE- rie, f. : +work-place (of slaves); slave- pen. négrier", m.: slave-dealer; slave- ship. négrillon*, =onrae, m., f : negro child. fnégroman ee, etc., see nécromance, etc. nei-geº, f : SNOW ; snowy whiteness : où sont les —s d'antan ? where are last year's Snows? (said of things out of date); - d'antimoine, flowers of antimony ; personne de -, worthless person ; œufs à la -, dish of whites of eggs well beaten, fruit-ice. ll-ger° [p. L.*nivicāre (L. nix, snow)l, intr. : snow. -geuxº,=euse [-ge], adj. : Snowy. @ - fnenni* na-ni [non, il (cf. ouil)], adv. : not : --da, surely not ; un doux —, a gentle refusal. nénufar* [fr. Ar.], m. : nenuphar (water- lily). néo-graphe" [Gr. néos, new, gráphein, write], m., f : spelling reformer. -gra- phisme", m. : theory of reform spell- ing. -logie" [Gr. lôgos, speech], f : neology; coining of new words. -lo- gique" [Gr. lógos], adj. : neological. | -logisme " [Gr. lôgos], m. : neologism (newly coined word ; use of new word or meaning). -logue" [Gr. lôgos], m., f : neologist, coiner of words. -phyte [L. -phytus, Gr. -phuto8 (phutón, sprout)], m., 444 f. : neophyte, new convert (to religion or to an opinion). . 1 népenthès* [L., Gr. (ne-, not, pênthos, sorrow)], m. : nepenthes (ancient drink re- puted to banish trouble ; East-Indian pitcher-plant). - né-phrétiqueº : [L. -ticus, Gr. -tikôs (nephrôs, kidney)], adj. : kidney medicine. -phriteº [L., Gr. nephritis], f : nephri- tis, inflammation of the kidneys. népotisme [It. -mo (L. nepos, nephew)l, m. : nepotism (favoritism to kindred in church or state). - - néréideº [L. mereis, Gr. mereis (lit., daughter of Nereus)], f. : Nereid, sea- nymph. nerf, pl. nerfs [L. nervus, Gr. meûron], m. : fsinew ; NERVE ; cord ; nerf (pron. mèr in this phrase) de bœuf, leader (tendon · of beef's neck ; of beef's penis); — de la guerre, sineWs of War, i.e. money; faux -s, ridges on the back of a bound book. -férureº [for feru, fr. ferir, strike], f : népenthès overreach (wound on front leg made by hind foot). nériteº [L. -ta, Gr. -tes], f : valve shell). - néroli [It. princess N.], m. : = (perfume from the bitter orange). nerprun° [p. L. nigrum prunum, black · plum-tree], m. : buckthorn. ner-vé [nerf], adj.: (her.) nerved. -verº [nerf], tr. : ' cover with sinews ; cord (a book). -veusementº [-veux], adv. : fvigorously; nervously. -veux*, =euse [L.-vosus], adj. : fsinewy; muscular; ner- vous. -viavº [L. -vinus, of nerves], adj.: baume -, nerve tonic ; m. : nervine (medi- cine for the nerves). -vosismeº [L. -vosus, full of nerves], m. : nervosism (morbid condition attributable to the nerves). -vosité* [L. -vosus], f. : ner- vousness. -vureº [nerf], f : nervure (ribs of plant leaves); tubes, veins of in- sect wings ; cording (of bôoks); veining, ridging (of columns or posts). nestor [Homeric hero N.], m. : = (wise old man). net, net-te [L. nitidus (nitere, shine)], adj. : NEAT ; clean ; pure ; NET ; clear ; empty : cœur -, clear conscience ; ré- | Sp0nse -, plain answer; m. : mettre au -, make a clear copy; adv. : parler —, speak plain. -tementº, adv. : neatly ; clearly; plainly. -teté*, f : cleanness ; nerite (uni- clearness, plainness ; neatness. -toie- ment* [-toyer], m. : cleaning. -toya- geº [-toyer], m. : cleaning. -toyerº,. tr. : clean ; clean up ; clear; empty ; re- IſlOVG. r | Y.neuf° [L. novem], adj., m. : nine, 9. 2.neuf°, =euve [L. novus], adj. : fresh ; niable NEW ; green ; m. : new thing : faire peau -, moult (as snakes, etc.), take a new skin ; ( fam.) be like a new person. neumeº [l. L. neuma (Gr. pneûma, breath, tone)], m. : = (succession of notes sung to one syllable ; #sign for a fixed pitch or tone). neu-tralement* [imitating L. -liter], adv. : (rare) neutrally. -tralisantº, adj. : neutralising : un (corps) -, a neu- traliser. -lisation ", f. : =. [-tra- liserº [L. -lis, neuter], tr. : neutralise (make inert, counteract; make neutral politically). -tralité* [L.-lis], f : neu- trality : - armée, armed neutrality, con- dition of a neutral power hav'g an army. |neu-treº [L. neuter, neither], adj. or m. : neutral; neuter; f : abeille —, worker (-bee). f-trEmentº [neutre], adv. : neu- trally. neu-vaine [neuf], f.: fgroup of NINE ; NOVENA (prayer on nine consecutive days). -vième* [neuf], adj. or m. : ninth ; f. : (music.) ninth. -vièmementº, adv. : ninthly. névé [dial. nevé fr. neu, SNOW (L. nix)], m. : =, old packed Snow. nEveu [L. nepos], m. : fgrandson; NEPHEW; les (arrière-) neveux, posterity ; — à la mode de Bretagne, son of one's cousin. névr-algie* [Gr. neûron, NERVE, álgos, pain], f : neuralgia. -itique [Gr. neû- ron], adj. : remède -, nervine. -ogra- phie" [Gr. gráphein, write], f : descrip- tion of the nerves. -ologie º [Gr. lôgos, speech], f : neurology. -optère" [Gr. pterôn, wing], m. : neuropter, lace-winged insect (as dragon-fly). -9se" [Gr. meû- ron],f. : neurosis, nervous disorder. -oto- mie" [Gr. tomé, cutting], f : neurotomy, dissection of nerves. ne2° [L. nasus], m. : NOSE; anything pro- jecting like a nose ; the whole face ; scent : saigner du -, bleed at the nose ; - fleuri, rum-nose ; rire au - de quel- qu'un, laugh in any one's face ; - à -, face to face ; tirer les vers du — à quel- qu'un, pump, extort a secret from any one; chanter du -, sing nasally; donner du - en terre, fall on one's nose ; avoir un pied de -, have a wry face ; faire un pied de -, hold the hand flat with thumb against the nose ; un navire (une charrue) est sur le -, a ship (a plough) runs too deep. ni [older ne fr. L. nec], conj. : neither ; nor : il ne sait — A — B, or fil ne sait A - B, he knows nothing ; désespérant de réduire Babylone — par force — par famine, despairing of taking Babylon either by force or famine. A. niableº [nier], adj. : deniable. 445 nigelle" [L.-llus, swarthy (niger, black)], j.# nigella, fennel-flower. niguedouille, see niquedouille. nihi-lisme* [L. nihil, nothing], m. : nihilism (doctrine that nothing can be known , theory that annihilation is the Worthy goal ; denial of all political author- ity). -liste [L. nihil], m., f : nihilist. Nil, m. : Nile (river). nilgaut [Pers. nilgao, * blue cow'], m. : nilgau (Indian antelope). $ nille* [= anille],f. : mill-spindle; handle (of a crank); screw-ring; tendril. mim-be" [L. -bus, cloud], m. : halo. -béº, adj. : hav'g an aureole. Ninive, f. : Niniveh (ancient city). nip-peº [?], f : (fam.) dud. -per", tr. : (fam.) rig out (with duds). nique* [ak. to Ger. nicken and neigen, bend],.f. : ( fam.) toss of the head (haughty or defiant gesture). fmique-douilleº [? (an-)douille], m. : trifier. nique-terº, · intr. : toss the head ; tr. : dock (a horse's tail). nitée = nichée. - nitou ehe [ne, y, touche, *touch-it-not'], f. : ( fam.) sanctimonious hypocrite. niais nobiliaire niai-s°, niai-se [p. L. *midäx (L. nidus, NEST)], adj. : faucon -, EYAS, nestling ; m., f. : simpleton : les - de Sologne, those who pretend to be silly in order to dupe | others. -sementº, adv. : foolishly. -serº, intr. : trifie, act foolishly. -se- rieº, f : silliness, piece of foolishness. niee* [L. nescius, ignorant], adj. : #silly : promesse -, mere promise ; action -, simple action with no specified terms. I.nieheº [It. nicchia (?)], f : niche ; al- cove; kennel. 2.niehe [?], f. : (fam.) trick. 1. ni-ehéeº, f : brood, nestful. |-eher° [p. L. *nidicāre (L. nidus, NEST)], tr., intr. : nestle : se -, rest ; lodge ; un fau- con niché au haut d'un arbre, a falcon hav'g a nestin the top of a tree. -ehet", m. : nest-egg. -eheur*, =euse, adj. : nest-building. -ehoirº, m. : bird-cage ; coop. -ehons, m. pl. : breasts. nic-kel" [Swed. sprite of mines], m. : = (the metal). -kElerº, tr. : nickel, plate over with nickel. nicodème [biblical name Nicodemus], m. : (fam.) blockhead. tnieo-tianeº [l. L. nicotiana herba, plant of Nicot (the ambassador)], f : to- | ni-trate", m. : nitrate, salt of nitric acid. bacco plant. -tineº [root of -tiane], f. : | |-tre* [L. -trum, Gr. -tron, fr. Heb.], m. : - nitre, saltpetre ; (poet.) gun-powder. ni-d° [L. nidus], m. : NEST ; cradle : - d'hirondelle, edible bird's nest ; hollow on the underside of the brain ; — de pie, kind of fortification ; — de fourmis, Guiana climbing shrub ; — d'oiseau, kind of or- chid ; trouver la pie au -, to find just what one wanted. -dification " [L.-di- jicatio], f. : =, formation of a nest. -treux *, =euse, adj. : nitrous; hav'g nitre. -trière º, f : nitre-bed. -trifi- cation [-trifier], f : formation of nitre. -trifierº [nitre, fier (L. facere, make)], tr. : nitrify. -trique", adj. : nitric. -tro- benzine º, f. : nitrobenzene (oily com- pound, source of anilin). -tro-glyeé- rineº, f : nitro-glycerine (explosive oily liquid). - ni-veau° [p. L. *libellus (L. libella)], m. : LEVEL (instrument; horizontal plane; hori- zontal height): - d'eau, water-level ; — à bulle d'air, spirit-level (with an air-bub- ble); être de —, be level, even. , -vele,°*, tr. : level ; make èqual. -veleurº, =euse [-veler], m., f. : leveler. -velle- · mentº [-veler], m.: leveling (ascertain- ing the level ; making level). , l nivéole" [L. -veus, SNOWY (nix, Enow)], ·f. : snow-flake (plant). nivetº [?], m. : (fam.) knock-down (dis- honest profits of agents). nivose lL. -sus (nix, snow)], m. : Nivose (fourth month of the first Fr. Republican calendar, Dec. 21 to Jan. 19). no-biliaire* [L. -bilis], adj. : noble ; m. : register (of the nobles): la particule -, . the word de, i.e. * of’ in titles. - bilis- sime" [L. -bilissimus], adj. : most noble (esp. as title). |no-ble º [L. -bilis (gmoscere, KNOW)], adj. : = (of royal blood ; titled ; exalted ; sublime ; m., f. : nidoreux º, =euse [L. -dorosus (-dor, vapour; smell)l, adj. : odourous, like rot- ten eggs. nièee° [p. L. *neptia (L. neptis)], f : niece : petite--, daughter of a niece or nephew ; - à la mode de Bretagne, daughter of a cousin. I.nielle° [L. nebula, fog],.f. : (dial.) fmist, ffog; blight (attributed to mist), smut ; rOttennesS. 2.niel-le° [L. nigellus, blackish], f : rose- campion (weed). 3.-leº [It. -lo], m. : niello, design sunk in metal plates. I.-lerº [3-le], tr. : adorn with niello Work. 2.niel-lerº [I.-le], tr. : blight (crops). niel-1eurº, =euse [I.-ler], m.,f : niello- · maker. I.-lure [I.-ler], f. : =, niello- work. 2.niel-lureº [3.-le],f. : blighting. nier° [L. negäre], tr. : DENY ; refuse. nigau-d*, =aude [?], m., f : trifler; m. : booby (bird); blank (in a lottery). f-derº, intr. : trifler. -derieº, f : silliness ; fooling. 446 11OG© member of the nobility): un - (à la rose), English coin ; terre (bien) -, feudal land (property); le (style) -, the sublime style. -blEment º, adv. : nobly ; as fief. -blesse º, f : =, nobleness ; nobility : - par lettres, title conferred by a ruler ; - dormante, suspended nobility ; fsoutenir —, maintain one's rank ; - oblige, high position warrants great expectations. no-ee° [p. L. *noptias (L. nuptiœ:)], f : wedding, NUPTIALS ; festivities ; wedding guests : -ces d'argent (d'or, de diamant), silver (gold, diamond) wedding ; être de -ce(s), be a wedding guest, be having a good time ; faire la -, have a high time. -eerº, intr. : (fam.) go on a spree. -eeurº, =euse [-cer], m., f. : (fam.) reveler. noeherº [It. nocchiere (L. nauclerus, Gr. naükleros, ship-owner)], m. : fboatman ; fmate ; (poet.) pilot. noeifº, =ive [L. -civus (-cere, injure)], adj. : harmful. noctambu-le" [l. L. -lus (L. nox, NIGHT, ambulare, walk)], m., f. : somnambulist ; (fam.) keeper of late hours. -1isme", m. : Gomnambuligm. nocturne* [L. -nus (nox, NIGHT)], adj. : nocturnal ; m. : nocturnal animal ; nocturn (night service); nocturne (serenade music). no-dalº, pl. =aux [L. -dus, knot], adj. : =. -dosité º [L. -dositas], f : nodos- ity, knottiness, knot; nodus. -dusº [L.], m. : node, lump (esp. of a bone). Noël° [L. natalis, natal], m. : Christmas : arbre de —, Christmas-tree ; bûche de -, Yule-log; crier -, shout and rejoice at the birth of a prince ; les -s provençaux, - Provençal Christmas songs. - nœud° meu [L. nodus], m. : knot (tie; bond; lump ; coil; difficulty) ; joint ; knuckle ; plot, NODUS ; NODE ; swelling; bud; flaw (in marble, etc.): - serré, hard knot ; - coulant, slip-knot, noose ; - de la ligne · de loch, knot of the log-line ; - d'embal- leur, tight bandage to press an artery ; le - fatal, hangman's noose ; - de bois, timber-hitch ; - d'amour, love knot, double Flemish loop ; - de bouline, bow- line knot ; - de la gorge, Adam's-apple. noi-r° [L. niger], adj. : black; dark, swarthy, very brown ; dirty ; infernal ; gloomy; m. : blackness ; darkness ; bull's- eye ; negro ; black mould : blé -, buck- wheat; code -, negro code; bête —e, wild- boar; wolf, etc., ( fig.) bugbear; magie -e, black art ; vapeurs -es, supposed fumes from black bile making melancholy; broyer du —, have the blues; ( fam.) met- tre du - sur du blanc, put in black and white; — de fumée, lamp-black; — d'Al- lemagne, kind of printer's-ink ; - d'Es- nomenclateur pagne, burnt cork; - animal, bone-black. -râtre*, adj. : rather dark. -raud º, =aude, adj. : swarthy; m., f. : swarthy person. -reeurº, f : blackness (black colour; foulness, gloom). -reir° [p. L. *nigricire], tr. or intr. : blacken. -reis- sure* [-rcir], f. : turning dark. noise [? L. nausea, sea-sickness], f : floud talk, (esp.) quarreling; (fam.) brawl, quarrel. noi-setierº [-sette], m. : hazelnut bush. -sette*, f. : hazelnut: - de terre, peanut; des étoffes (couleur de) —, nut-brown fab- rics. llnoi-ac° [L. nux], f. : nut, (esp.) Walnut ; iron nut ; notch ; head of a cap- stan ; pope's-eye (in meat) ; trigger (of bow-gun) ; tumbler (of fire-arms); rough- wheel (of a coffee-mill) ; nut-like device : gîte à la -, muscle hav'g the pope's-eye ; - de terre, peanut ; brou de —, walnut husk ; - muscade, nutmeg ; — de mer, scallop (mollusk). . fnolage, see naulage. noli me tangere [L.,touch-me-not], m. : noli-me-tangere, garden-balsam and other prickly plants ; malignant ulcer. uoli-s", m. : ſieiglil (of ships). -sementº or-ssement [It. noleggiamento], m. : load- ing. |-serº [It. noleggiare (Gr. naûlon, ship-load)], tr. : load, ship. nolition* [L. noli, be unwilling], f : =, unwillingness. nom° [L. mömen], m. : NAME ; appellation ; fame ; NOUN : au - de, in the name of ; instead of; - social, business firm's name; reine de -, queen in name ; être en — dans une affaire, be a member of the firm; petit -, given name ; changer de -, change one's name ; marry ; - de Dieu (or euphemistically de chien), — de -, etc., oaths about like " Great Scott !" nomadeº [L.-mas, Gr. -más], adj. : no- madic, wandering, floating; m., f. : nomad. nomble [L. lumbulus, little lumbus (loin)], 77!,. #º ; thigh-muscle; entrails (of deer, etc.). nom-bre [L. numerus], m. : number (ma- thematical quantity or its symbol ; aggre- gation; singular, plural, or dual; harmony, rhythm): - pair, even number; — rouge, balance (in accounts us'ly written in red ink); en -, in large numbers ; faire —, make out a quantity. f-brer° [L. nume- räre], tr. : number : nombre nombrant (nombré), abstract (concrete) number. -breusementº [-breu3:], adv. : (rare) in great numbers. 7breux º, =euse, adj. : numerous ; rythphic, measured. nombril° [p. L. *umbiliculus (L. umbili- cus)], m. : NAVEL, gmbilicus. nomenela-teurº [L.-tor, NAME-CALLER, Roman slave whô told a candidate names nominal of citizens], m. : nomenclator ; assigner of names, esp. in science. -ture* [L. , -tura], f. : =, system of names. nomina-lº, pl. =aux [L. -lisl, adj. : = (of NAMES ; of NOUNS ; by name only) : appel —, roll-call ; prix presque -, price nearly nothing ; #les nominaux, the nomi- nalists (those who regard genus and species as names only). -lement*, adv. : nomi- nally. -lisme", m. : nominalism (theory that genus and species exist in name only). -liste", m., f.: nominalist (believer in nominalism). -taireº [L. -tus], m., f : nominee (for a benefice). -teur* [L. -tor], m. : nominator. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : hav'g a name ; nominative ; m. : subject of a verb. -tion* [L. -tio], -tivement" [-tif], adv. : nomi- s-• -- e natively. - #nom-mémentº, adv. : by name. ll-mer° [L. -inäre], tr. : NAME (call ; christen ; mention ; nickname ; nominate; designate) : se -, be called; le nommé Smith, man named Smith. non° [L.], adv. : NO, NOT: un - bien arti- culé, a decided no; sage ou -, Wise Or not ; — que votre colère m'intimide, not that your anger scares me ; - seulement . .. mais encore, not only . .. but also ; - plus, not ... either. non-aetivité*, f : inactivity ; leave-of-absence. nona-génaire* [L. -genariusl, adj. or m., f. : nonagenarian (90 years old). -gé- sime" [L. -gesimus, 90th], adj. or m. : le (degré) -, the highest point of the · ecliptic. #nonan-te° [p. L. *nonanta (L. n0ma- ginta)l, adj. : ninety: quart de -, quarter- circle (90 degrees). #-terº, intr. : score 90 (to nothing). f-tième*, adj. : ninetieth. n9n eeº [It. nunzio (L. nuntius, mes- senger)], m. : nuncio, papal ambassador. noaveha-lamment* [-lant], adv. : care- lessly, with a don't-care air. -lam eeº [-lant], f : =, unconcern. -lant*, =ante [non, part. of chaloir], adj. : =, indifferent; m.,.f. : listless person (showing no interest). |#-loir* [non, chaloir], 7}?,. , UIIlCOIlCG]ºIl. » non eiatureº [It. nunziatura], f : nun- cio's charge, time or residence. non-eonformisteº, m., f : noncon- formist. -disponibilité*, f : unavail- ableness (condition of a soldier who is occupied). no-neº [l. L. nona (hora), ninth (hour), 3 p. m.], f. : nones (office recited between 12 and 3 p. m.). -nes* [L. nonœ], f. pl. : =, ninth day before the ides in the Roman calendar. non-être º, m. : 6IlC6). NON-ENTITY, non-exist- 447 nonidi" [L. nonus, ninth, dies, day], m. : ninth day (of the Fr. Republican calendar). non-intervention º, f. : =. & noniusº [Port.inventor Nunhez], m.: =, Vernier scale. non-jouissanee", f : non-enjoyment. -lieu*, m.: dismissal (of a case for lack of evidence). -moi*, m. : not-ego (all outside of self). fnon-nainº, f : nun. ll-neº [l. L. -na, 'mother'], f : NUN. -nette*, f : young nun ; spiced roll, gingerbread ; titmouse, , nunbird. non-obstant* [non, OFr. obstant (L. ob- stans, WITHSTANDING)], fadj. : not hinder- ing; prep. : in spite of; conj. : - que . .., notWithstanding that . .. ; adv. : never- theless. • nosographie non-paiement", m. : ' non-payment. -pair*, adj. : (rare) odd. -pareil*, =eille, adj. : = (unequalled ; m. : finch ; f. : kind of type); f : of Small plum. fnon plus ultra, see mec plus ultra. #non-prix º, m. : vendre à ---, sell at a ridiculously low price. -résiden eeº, j. : non-residence. -réussiteº,f. : fail- ure, lack of success. -sens*, m. : non- S6)I1S6). fnonu-pleº [L. nonus, NINTH], adj. : (rare) ninefold ; m. : nine times greater number. -pler, tr. or intr. : increase ninéfold. non-usage", m. : disuse. ' non-valéurº, f : unavailableness; un- productiveness ; soldier unfit for duty, in- valid. f-vue*, f : fog. nopalº [Sp. fr. Mex.], m. : = (cactus). no-pe* [Flem. -ppe, Ger. knopf], f : knot, burl (in cloth). -per*, tr. : clear of burls. nor-dº [Ger.], m.: NORTH: (fam.) perdre le -, lose one's bearings, be confused. - d - est or (nav.) no-ré, north-east. -d-ouest or no-rwè, etc. - noria* [Sp], f.: =, Persian water-wheel for raising water. Norique, f. : Noricum (Austria south of the Danube). nor-malº, pl. =aux [L. -malis (-ma, rule)], adj. : = (perpendicular, esp. to a curve ; regular , natural ; typical): une (ligne) -e, a normal. -malementº, adv. : normally. normand " [Normand, man of Nor- mandy], adj. : (fam.) tricky, equivocal. norme* [L. -ma], f : norm, rule stan- dard. Norvège, f. : Norway. nos, seê notre. noso-graphie" [Gr. nôsos, disease, grá- phein, Write], f : nosology, classification of diseases. - narrow ribbon, kind 448 | nostalgie nostalgie* [Gr. nôstos, return, álgos, pain], f. : nostalgia, homesickness. nostoc* [coined by Paracelsus], m. : (kind of fresh-water algae). no-tabilité* [L. -tabilis, remarkable], f.: notability ; notable person. ll-table* [L. -tabilis nota, KNOWN mark)], adj. : m., f : distinguished person ; authority ; official : j'arrêt —, decree from a supreme court. -tabIEmentº, adv. : notably. -taire* [L. -tarius, notary], m. : notary. -tamment* [fr. part. of -ter], adv. : remarkably. -tarialº, pl. =aux [L. | -tarius], adj. : =. -tariat* [L.-taria- tus], m. : profession of notary. -tarié* [L. -tariusl, adj. : notarial, done by a notary. -tation* [L. -tatio], f : =, system of signs as in music, or algebra. -te* [L. -ta], f : note (mark, sign ; re- mark; brief comment ; memorandum ; official communication ; signed promise to pay; tone ; chord); bill ; invoice : (livre de) —s, agenda ; #à basse -, in a low key. -ter* [L. -tare], tr. : note ; no- tice ; set music to. #-teur* [-ter], m.: copyist (of music). -tiee* [L.-titia], f : notice. -tifieation*[-tifier],f : =. -ti- fierº [L.-tificarel, tr. : motlfy. - Igrv" [L. -tio], f : =, mental apprehension. -toire* [L. -torius, known], adj. : noto- rious, widely known : art -, magical way · to learn every science. -toirement* [-toire], adv. : notoriously. -toriété [L. -torius], f. : notoriety : acte de -, legal document (sustained by witnesses when written evidence is lacking). notrE, pl. -nos [L. noster], adj. : our. nôtre° [L. moster], adj. : ours : le -, our property; m. pl. : les -s, our kin, our men; f pl. : our usual tricks. notrE- dame, see dame. notule* [l. L. -la (L. nota, mark)l, f : · marginal note, comment (to old texts). · I.noue° [p. L. nauda (?)], f : mucky land ; bottom-land. · , · · 2.noue* [?], f. : roof-tile, hip-tile ; pan- tile ; joint (in a roof); lead, tin or wood (of such a joint). - #nou-ementº, m. : (rare) tie. ll-er° mwé [L. modäre (nodus, knot)], tr. : tie ; knot, fetter ; tangle ; hinder ; concoct ; · swell (as buds): -- l'aiguillette, (fig.) spoil, incapacitate; enfant noué, dwarfed child ; chienne nouée, gravid bitch ; les ( fumées) nouées du cerf, lumpy summer excrement of deer. -etº nwè, m.: pudding-cloth or bag (hav'g herbs or spices for infusions or for flavouring). - nouetteº [2. noue], f. : tile (with a turned edge). - nou-eurº, I.=euse [-erl, m., f : binder, tier; tangler. -eux*, 2. =euse [nœud], y IlOIIVea El # nodose, full of buds ; knotty, swol- 6ſl. nougatº [Prov. (L. nux, nut)], m. : al- mond-cake ; nut-oil cake for animals. nouilles" or fnoules [Ger. nudel], f. , pl. : noodles, fiat macaroni for soup. noulet [2. noue], m. : roof-joint (between roofs of different height) ; lead, tin (of such a joint) ; support (of the lower roof at the joint). 1 noumène" [coined by Kant fr. Gr. m0ómenon, thought], m. : noumenon (ob- ject recognized by the mind, opposed to , phenomenon). # nour-rain " [L. nutrimen, nourishing, feeding], m. : little fish (put in a pond to grow). -riee° [L. nutricia], f : NURSE ; (esp.) wet-nurse ; - sur lieu, nurse who Suckles a child at its home ; être à —, be unWeaned ; change en -, changed in the cradle (familiarly said of a person who is unlike his father); elle a vingt-cinq ans, sans compter les mois de —, she is tWenty-five, not counting before she was Weaned (humor. of one who would be younger). -rieier°, =ière [p. L. *nutri- ciarius (L. nutricius)], adj. : nourishing, nutritivo, nutritions ll-rir° [L. nutrire], tr. : NURSE ; NOURISH ; support ; supply : 8e -, live, feed ; bien nourri, fleshy, fat ; une fusillade nourrie, a continuous firing ; le -, the spirit, the life-element. -ris- sage*, m. : raising, feeding (of livestock). -rissantº, adj. : nourishing, nutritious. -risseurº, m. : stock-raiser. -risson º, =onne [OFr. -reçon (L. nutritio)], m.,f : nursling ; foster-child. -ritureº [OFr. -reture infl. by L. nutritura], f : nursing ; feeding ; nourishment ; food ; board ; fmaintenance (of a married daughter) ; fnursling, ffoster-child ; training, bring- ing-up. r nous° [L. , mös], pron. : we ; us ; to us ; each other. - | nou-ureº [-er], f : knotting ; swelling of buds and fruit ; dwarfing (of a child's growth, fr. the idea of binding, hinder- ing). nou-veau° or -vel, -velle [L. novellus, dim. of novus, new], adj. : NEW; m. : some- thing new ; news, tidings : un homme -, a novus homo, man just become well- known; - débarqué, newcomer in town ; - vin, new wine ; des nouveaux mariés, newly married people ; à —, a-new (be- ginning over); de -, a-new (renewing or continuing). -veauté° [L. novellitas], j. : novelty (newness ; new object ; inno- vation). -velle° [p. L. novella, NEW things], f : news, tidings ; story : débiter des -s, spread news ; pas de -, bonne -, no news means good news ; #faire Nouvelle-Zemble (la) -, give people something to talk about ; vous m'en direz des —s, you will have something good to say of it, you will like it ; j'ai de vos —s, I know something (bad) about you. -velle- ment*, adv. : lately, recently. f-veIIe- té*, f : eviction, dispossession. -vel- Listeº [infl. by It. novellista], m., f. : , newsgatherer, newsmonger. Nouvelle-Zemble, f : Nova Zembla. fnova-le*[L.-lis (sc.terra, land)],f : new ground; tithes (on new ground). -teur º, -triee [L. -tor, -trix], m., f : innovator. -tion* [L. -tio], f : substitution (of one creditor or debtor or debt for another). novembre* [L. -bris, ninth month count- ing fr. March], m. : November. novi-ee* [L. -cius (novus, NEW)], m., f : novice (beginner; esp. convert still on probation). -eiatº [L. -cius, novice], m. : novitiate (probation period; quarters where the novices live). noyadeº [2.-yer], f : = (execution by drowning). - noyaleº [town Noyal], f : sail-cloth. nQ-yau°, pl. - x [p. L. *nucale (L. mux, nut)], m. : pit, stone (of peaches, cherries, etc.); , core ; NOWEL ; NEWEL : eau or crême de -, noyau, the cordial. I.-yen°° [p. L. nucarium], m. : walnut-tree. 2.no-yer° [L. necăre, kill], tr. : drown ; drench ; deluge ; sink : se -, drown one's self ; contours noyés, blurred outlines ; yeux noyés, liquid eyes ; c'est un homme qui se noie, that man is going downhill ; - la boule, send the ball out of bounds. -yonº, m. : line, bounds. -yure", f. : counter-sink (for a screw-head; bolt-head, wheel, etc.). nu° [L. nudus], adj. : NUDE (bare ; naked): aller la tête nue or nu-tête (nu-pieds), go bare-headed (bare-footed); un va-nu-pieds, a beggar; maison nue, unfurnished house ; le nu, bare part, unadorned part ; à nu, naked ; bare-back ; vin mu, wine without the barrel. - nua-geº [nuel, m. : cloud; mist ; fog ; gloom. -geux º, =euse, adj. : cloudy, foggy, hazy. nuaison" [? L. mutatio, change], f : steady blow (period during which the wind doesn't change). nu-aneeº [-er], f : =, shading down gradually in colour or tone. -aneerº, tr. : grade nicely, shade off gradually. -béculeº [L. becula], f. : nubecula (film over the eye ; cloudiness in urine). -bileº [L. -bilis (-bere, veil as bride)]; adj. : =, old enough to have a husband. -bilité* [-bile], f : marriageableness. nu-eeIle* [L. -cella, little nut], f : nu- cellus (centre of an ovule). -cléalº 449 [L. -cleu8, core], adj. : nuclear; of the fruit-stone. nudité*[L. -tas (nudus, bare)],.f. : nudity; nakedness ; nude picture or , sculpture ; fdestitution. nue° [p. L. *nüba (L. nubes)], f. : cloud ; sky, heavens : tomber des -s, be amazed, astonished. nuée*, f : storm-cloud ; hostile multitude. - fnuement, see nument. - fnuerº [nue], tr. : shade or tone or colour evenly and gradually. - nui-re° [p. L. *nocere (L. mocère)], irr. S ; intr. : do harm, be hurtful ; (à) harm, in- jure : le froid nuit à la santé, cold injures health. f-sanee*, f : hurtfulness ; evil. -sible*, adj. : injurious. -siblEmentº Esing 'I # : (rare) injuriously. Il numismate . : Pr. zzzézs. Ipf. zzzézsazs. Pret. zzzeiszs. Fut. (Cond.) zzzéirai(s). — Subj. : Pr. zzuise. Ipf. muisisse. - I've 7tuis. — Part. : Pr. zzzézsazzt; P. zzuz. nui-t° [L. nox], f. : NIGHT : la — porte conseil, better not decide till one has slept over it ; une - blanche, a sleepless night ; sac de -,travelling-bag (with conveniences for sleeping); de -, by night ; - close or fermée, dark night ; un effet de —, night-scene (painting). -tamment* [OFr. -tantre (L. noctanter)l, adv. : (fam.) between two days. -tée*, f : night's work ; #length of the night. - nu-1°, =lle [L. -llus], adj. : none ; null : nulle part, nowhere ; un homme -, man of no consequence ; son crédit est -, his credit is gone ; - et non avenue, null and void ; sans nulle vanité, without vanity ; f. : word of no import in secret writing. -Ilement*, adv. : by no means, not at all. -Ilité* [l. L. -llitas], f : nullity ; flaw ; invalid or void act (at law). r « nûment* [nu], adv. : (rare) nudely ; openly, frankly; simply. * , numé-raire" [L. -rarius], adj. : nu- merary, used for counting ; m. : coin. -ral*, pl. =aux [L.-ralis], adj. : numeral. -rateur* [L. -rator], m. : numerator (of a fraction). -ration * [L. -ratio], f : numeration. -riqueº [L. -rus, num- berl, adj. : numerical. -riquementº [-rique], adv. : numerically. -roº [It.], m. : number : savoir le -, know things well. -rotageº [-roter], m. : numbering. -roterº [-ro], tr. : number. numisma-te*, m., f : numismatologist, a connoisseur of coins. |-tique* [L. numisma, Gr. mômisma, coin], adj. : nu- mismatic ; f : science of coins and medals, numismatics. f-tiste = -te. -togra- phie" [Gr. gráphein, write], f : numis- matography, description of coins. num- mulaire*[L. nummularius, like moneyl, f : moneywort ; nummulite (mollusk). 450 - nuneupa-tifº, =ive no- [L. (nomen, name, capere, take)], adj. : nun- cupative, oral, not written. -tion * [L. -tio],.f. : =, oral declaration as to heirs. nundi-malº no-, pl. =aux LL. -nus (novem, nine, dies, day), of the ninth dayl, adj. : =, of the market : lettres -es, first eight letters of the alphabet (used in set- ting market-day for the year amongst the Romans). nuptial*, pl. =aux [L. -lis (nubere, take the veil, i.e. become a bride)], adj. : =, of the marriage : gains nuptiaux, property left the Survivor. nuque* [l. L. nuca (fr. Ar., spinal mar- row)], f : nape (of the neck). ,- nuta-tion " [L. -tio fr. nutare, NOD], f : = (nodding of the head ; oscillation of the earth ; circular tendency of plants). nutri-tifº, =ive [l. L. -tivus], adj. : nutritive. -tion* [L. -tio], f : =, proc- ess by which things grow. nyetalo-pe* [L.-ps, Gr. nuktâlops, night- eyed], m., f. : nyctalops, day-blind person. -pie".[L. -pia], f : nyctalopia, day-blind- 116}SS, nym-phe [L. -pha, Gr. nümphel, f : nymph (female deity of groves, springs, etc.; grub, larva, the membrane). -phéaº [L. -phœa, Gr. numphaïa], m. : nenuphar, white water-lily. -phéa eées* [-phéa], f. pl. : water-lily family, nymphaeaceae. -phée" [L. -phœum, Gr. numphaion], m. : grotto or shrine (to the nymphs), nym- phaeum. -phomanie" [l. L. -phomania], ſ : morbid sexual desire (in women). nuneupatif O o [L.], m. : o (the letter); fcircular open- · ing : - en chiffre, zero, cipher. - O. [abbrev. of Ouest], m. : W. (West). ô [echoic], interj. : Oh ! ah ! oasis" [L.], f : = (fertile spot in desert). ob- [L.], pref. : ob-; towards ; before ; re- versely. obelavéº [L. clava, club], adj. : (bot.) obclavate (obovate). obé-diem ee* [L. -dientia], f : obedience (to ecclesiastical authority; dependent convent or religious institution, depend- ency); submission (of a sovereign or a country) to the pope ; permission to pass from one convent or place to another to teach ; (Pope's) · Consistory : pays d'-, country where the pope confers benefices ; ambassade d'-, embassy sent #y a, SOVelº- eign to the pope. -dien eierº [-dience], m. : subordinate ecclesiastic ; vicarious priest (administering, by order, another's -tivus | obligataire benefice). -dientielº, =eIle [-dience], adj. : obediential (relating to ecclesiasti- cal obedience); m. : distributor (one . charged to make distributions to canons). l-ir* [L. dire (ob-, audire, hear)], intr. : OBEY (be obedient, yield): - à, obey ; (tr.) se faire -, make one's self obeyed. -issanee*, adj. : obedience, (fEng. obeis- sance); submission ; #dominion (i.e. obed- ience received); pliancy, plasticity (of ma- terials). -issant*, part. : obeying; adj. : obedient ; pliant. obélisque* [L. -cus (Gr. obelôs, spit)], m. : obelisk. A obérerº [L. ob-orare (os, copper, coin)], tr. : involve in debt. ob-èse* [L. ob-esus (edere, EAT)], adj. : obese,fat. -ésitéº [L.-esitas],f. : obesity. obierº [?], m. : guelder-rose. obi-tº [L. -tus (ire, go), death], m. : (anniversary mass for one dead). -tu- aireº [l. L. -tuarius], adj. : fobituary (mortuary); m. : obituary (record of de- ceased persons entitled to an obit); incum- bent (of a benefice at the death of the titulary). • ob-jecter* [L. jectare], tr. : object; re- proach. -jectif*, =ive [L. jevtivus], adj. : objective ; m. : objective (opt. ob- ject-glass ; mil. o,jective point ; object, aim). -jection * [L. -jectio], f : -jectivement* [-jectif], adv. : objec- tively. -tivitéº [-jectif], f : objectivity. ll-jet* [L. -jectus (jacere, throw), oppo- site], m. : object (thing perceived or treated ; matter ; article ; object case ; aim, purpose); fimage (reflection): - de risée, a laughing-stock ; -s de fantasie (or luxe), fancy goods ; comme un -, ob- jectively ; avoir pour -, have in view. #ºººº [L. -tio (jurgare, quar- I'el) |, J. .. -. obla-tº [L. ob-latus, of-fered], m. : flay brother (living in a convent, to which he has donated his property) ; pensionary brother (soldier placed in a convent under royal control). -tion* [L. -tio], f : = (offering); oblation of the host and wine (at mass). obli-gataire* [-gation], m.: bond-holder. -gation* [L. -gatio], f. : = ; bond. -gatoire* [L. -gatorius], adj. : obliga- tory. -gatoirement* [-gatoire], adv. : obligatorily. -gé, =ée, part. : obliged ; m., f : (leg.) obligor; m. : indentures (of apprenticeship). -geammentº [-geant], adv. : obligingly. -gean ee", f : obliging- ness (obliging way, kindness). -geantº, adj. : obliging, kind ; complimentary. . | - ger* [L. -gare (ligare, bind)], tr. : oblige (bind ; compel ; bind by favour, gratify); intr. : impose obligations. ©-mºs - e oblique obli-que* [L. -quus], adj. : oblique (slanting, inclined; indirect; disingenuous): cas -, oblique case (any case except the nominative); pont -, skew-bridge ; port —, port subject to the orders of a mari- time prefect. -quement*, adv. : ob- liquely. -quer*, tr. : (rare) make ob- lique, slant ; intr. : (mil.) oblique (move in an oblique direction). -quité* [L. -quitas], f. : obliquity (obliqueness ; rare indirectness). oblité-rateur º, =triee, adj. : obliter- ating. -ration" [L. -ratio],f. : obliter- ation. |-rer* [L. litera, LETTER], tr. : obliterate (erase, efface); (phys.) obstruct (certain ducts); atrophy. oblongº, =longue [L. -longus], adj. : oblong. obnubilation * [L. -tio (nubes, cloud)], f : dimness of eyesight, (fEng. obnubila- tion, " clouding'). obole* [L. -lus (Gr. -lôs)], f. : obolus (Greek coin); old French coin (# denier); Small coin ; trifle. obombrerº [L. -brare (umbra, shade)l, tr. : tobumbrate ; (Bible) overshadow ; place in the shadow. obrep-tiee* [L. -ticius (repere, creep)], adj.: obreptious (gained by fraud). -tiee- mentº, adv. : obrepticiously. -tion* [L. -tio],.f. : = (fraudulent procedure or gain).' ob-seèneº [L. -scenus], adj. : obscene. -seénité* [L. -scenitas], f : obscenity. obscu-rº [L. -rus (root sku-, hide)], adj. : obscure (dusky, dim, dark ; indistinct ; unknown); m. : obscure colouring. -reirº, tr. : obscure (render obscure, darken): s'-, be obscured, clouded ; grow dark. -reissement* [-rcir], m. : obscuration, (darkening, dimness). -rément*, adv. : obscurely, dimly. -rité* [L. -ritas], f : obscurity. obsécration* [L. -tio (sacer, sacred)],f : obsecration. obséderº [L. ob-sidere (sedere, SIT)], tr. : fbeSIEGE, (fEng. OBSESS); beSET (impor- tune, harass); keep on tempting ; posSESS (of evil spirits). ob-sèques* [L. -sequiœ (ob-sequi, sub- mit)], f., pl. : obsequies (burial rites). -séquieusement* [-séquieux], adv.: obsequiously. -séquieux *, =euse [L. -sequiosus], adj. : obsequious (servilely compliant). -séquiosité* [-séquieux], ·f. : obsequiousness. obser-vable*, adj. : -vanveeº [L.-vantial, f : =. -vantin [-vance], m. : observantine (one of the Order of Franciscans); critic. -vateurº, =triee º-me-s (# [L. -tor], m., f : observer; adj. : ob- servant. -vationº [L. - vatio], f : -, -vatoire º, m. : observatory. | 451 |-verº [L. -vare (servare, keep)], tr. : observe (heed, keep, practise, attend to ; notice, watch): s'-, observe (watch) each other ; look about one's self, be circum- spect: faire - quelque chose à quelqu'un, make some one observe something, call somebody's attention to a thing. obses-sion º [L. -sio (cf. obséder)],.f. : = (besetting of evil spirits). obsidianne " or -dienne [L. -dium], f : ocarina · obsidian (the mineral). obsidional, pl. =auac [L. -lis (ob-sidio, SIEGE)], adj. : =. obstaele* [L. -culum (ob-, against, stare, STAND)], m. : » obsté-triealº, pl. =auac, adj. : obstet- ric(al). |-trique* [L. -trix (ob-stare, STAND before), midwife], f : obstetrics. obsti-nation* [L. -natio], f : obstinacy, (fEng. =), stubbornness. -né, -née, adj. : obstinate, stubborn ; m., f. : obsti- nate person. -nément* [-né], adv. : obstinately. ll-nerº [L. -nare (root sta-, STAND)], ftr. : make obstinate, make perSIST ; provoke to stubbornness ; refl. : be obstinate or determined, stubbornly persist, persist. ob-structifº, =ive [L. -structus, ob- structed], adj. : obstructive. -struc- tion* [L. -structio], f : =. ]-struerº [L. -struere (struere, pile up)], tr. : OB- STRUCT. obtempérerº [L. -rare (tempus, time)], intr. : (leg.) submit, comply, (fEng. ob- temperate). ob-tEnirº [L. -tinere (tenere, hold)], irr. (cf. tenir); tr. : OBTAIN (get ; reach). -tention º, f : obtainment; purchase. obtu-rantº, adj. : closing up; obstruct- ing. -rateurº, =triee, adj. : obtura- tor (closing). -ration* [L. -ratio], ſ : closing up, stopping, (fEng. -ration). |-rerº [L. -rare (root tur-, crowd), tr. : (anat.) close up, stop, clog. obtu-sº [L. -sus (tundere, beat)], adj. : obtuse (blunt, dull). -sangle" [L. -an- gulus], adj. : obtuse-angular. f-sangulé" [-angle], adj.: obtuse-angled. #-sementº, adv. : obtusely. f-sion, f. : obtuseness. o-busº [Ger. haubitze, howitzer], m. : shell (hollow projectile). -busier*, m. : howitzer. ob-vEnirº [L. -venire], irr. (cf. venir); intr. : (leg.) fall due, revert, escheat. -vention* [L. -vention], f : casual rev- GIll1e. obvier* [L. -viare (via, WAY)], intr. : (- à), obviate (frustrate, hinder). oc [Prov. (L. hoc, this)], old adv. : ºyes': Langue d'-, langue d'oc, i.e. Provençal. oe- for ob- before c. . » ocarina * [It. (? p. L. auca, bird)], m. : 452 =, musical instrument of clay (egg-shaped with holes). ocea-se" oc-c [L. -sus (cadere, fall)], adj. : f : (astr.) occasive. occa-sion"oc-c [L.-sio (cadere,fall)],f. : = (opportunity, chance; circumstance; event; cause, sake): à l'-, when an opportunity offers ; par -, by accident ; d'-, acci- dent(ally); second-hand ; à votre -, for your sake ; un héroïsme d'-, an acci- dental heroism ; l'- prochaine, the imme- diate cause. -sionnel*, =lle, adj. : occasional. -sionnellement* [-sion- nel], adv. : occasionally. -sionnerº, tr. : occasion (cause). -y j ' )e eiden-tº [L. -s (cadere, fall, sink)], m. : = (West): d'-, western. -talº, pl. =au3c [L. -talis], adj. : = (western); -taux, m., pl. : occidentals (natives of the west- ern countries). )eei-pital [L.-pitalis], adj. : =. |-putº [L. (ob, caput, head)], m. : = (back of the skull). - oc-eire° [L. oc-cidere (cœdere, fell)], tr. : (jest.) kill, slay. -eis, part.: (jest.) slain. -eiseurº, m. : (jest.) killer. f-eisionº [I , -eisio], f : killing. occlusion * oc-c [L. -siol, f : (med.) = (CLOSING). oceul-tationº [L. -tatio], f. : (astr.) =. ll-te* [L. -tus (root col-, cover)], adj. : occult (hidden, secret). occu-pant*, =ante, adj. : occupying, in possession ; #besetting ; m., f. : = (pos- sessor). -pation* [L. -patio], f : = (taking possession; employment). ll-perº [L.-pare (root cap-, take)], tr. : occupy | (take possession of, take ; employ, busy): s'-, occupy one's self, be busy ; apply one's self ; intr. : act as attorney, appear. occur-reneeº, f : |-rent* [L. -rens (oc-currere, run up)], adj. : incidental, concurrent. oeé-an* [L. -anus], m. : nus. f-ane* · anide" [L. -anis], f. : oceanide (sea- nymph). -aniqueº [L. -anicus], adj. : Oceanic. - oeel-leº [L. -lus, little EYE], m. : ocellus (eye-like spot). -lé, adj. : ocellated. oeelotº [Mex.], m. : = (American tiger). ochio-eratie* [Gr. -tiá (ôchlos, populace, krateîn, rule)], f. : ochlocracy. oer-e* [L. (Gr. ochrôs, yellowish)], f : · ochre. -eux", =euse, adj. : ochreous. oet- [L. octo or Gr. oktô, EIGHT], in comp. : -aèdre* [L. -œdros (Gr. hédra, SEAT, base)], adj. : octahedral ; m. : octahedron. -aétéride" [L. -œteris (Gr. étos, year)], f : (astr.) period of eight years. -andre" [-andriel, adj. : octandrian,-androus. -am- drie" [l. L. -andria (Gr. âner, man, OC C2,S© #-•; y ocean ; Ocea- · tober. [L. -anus], adj. : of ocean. odontalgie male)], f. : octandria (class of flowers with 8 stamens). -antº [L. -ans, eighth part], 7ml.. #-aavte° [p. L. *-anta (L. octo- ginta)], card. num. : eighty. f-antièmeº [-ante], ordinal : eightieth. -astyle [Gr. stûlos, pillar], adj. : having 8 columns in front ; m. : temple (with 8 pillars). (Bet- ter than octostyle.) -ave* [L. -avus], f. : = (eight days after a church festival, or the last of them ; interval between one and eight on the scale ; stanza of eight lines). Oet-ave, =vie, m., f. : pr. n. : Octavius, Octavia. -avinº [-ave], m. : | octave flute. -avine", f : spinet of one octave. -avo, cf. in--. -avon ", -avonne, m., f. : mestee (offspring of a white person and a quadroon). -idiº [L. dies, DAY], m. : = (eighth day of the decade, Repub. Cal.). #-il" [L. -o], adj. : (astr.) octile. -obre* [L.-ober], m. : Oc- -ogénaireº [L. -ogenarius], m., j. : octogenarian. -ogonalº[-0gone], adj. : octagonal. -ogoneº [L. -ogonos (Gr. gonia, angle)l, m. : octagon. -ogyneº [Gr. guné, woman], adj. : octogynous. -ostyleº [Gr. -ástulos (stûlos, pillar)], adj. : -osyllabeº [L. -osyllabus], adj. : octosyllabic(al). f oe-troi*, m. : = (concession, grant ; town-dues, toll); administration of the oc- · troi. |-troyer ° [p. L. *auctorizăre, au- thorise], tr. : grant (a privilege, etc.). oetu-pleº [L. -pulus], adj. : = (EIGHT- fold). -pler", tr. : increase eightfold. ocu-laire º [L. -larius (-lus, EYE)], adj. : ocular, eye-; (opt.) eye-glass : témoin -, eye-witness ; diphthongue -, written diph- thong pronounced as a simple vowel, mo- nophthongue. -lairementº, adv. : ocu- larly. -listeº [L. -lus, eyel, m. : oculist. odalisque º [Turk. odalik (oda, cham- ber)], f. : odalisque (female slave in a harem). od-e* [L. (Gr. aeidein, sing)], f : =. -eletteº, f : odelet. -éonº [L. -eum], m. : Odeon (musical hall or theatre). odeur* [L. odor], f. : odour (Smell ; fra- grancy): — de sainteté, sweet odour sup- posed to emanate from the dead bodies or graves of Saints ; divine grace ; en - de sainteté, in a saintly condition, a saint (while yet living); in a state of divine grace ; (fam.) in the good graces (auprès, with, of); être en bonne (mauvaise) -, have a good (bad) reputation. - odi-eusementº, adv. : odiously. |-eux.º, =euse [L. -0sus (odi, hate)], adj. : odious (hateful, loathsome); m. : offensiveness. Odin, m. : =, Woden (Scandinavian god). odomètre" [Gr. hod6-metron, ºway-meas- ure'l, m. : odometer, cyclometer. odont- [Gr. odoûs, TooTH]: -algie" [Gr. odorant -algia (álgos, pain)],.f. : odontalgia. -algi- que" [-algie], adj. : odontalgic. -oïdèº [Gr. -oeidés (eîdos, form)], adj. : ' odontoid. -ologie " [Gr. -lôgos, discourse], f : odon- tology. odo-rant*, adj. : =, fragrant. -ratº [L. -ratus], m. : (sense of) smell. |-rerº [L. -rare], tr. : fsmell (inhale); smell (ex- hale). -riférant * [l. L. -ri-ferens, 'ODOUR-BEARING'], adj. : odoriferous, fra- grant. C}dyssée [L. -sea (Gr. Odusseús, ULYSSES)], f : Odyssey ; story of adventure. oecumé-mieité" é- [l. L. -tas], f : ecu- menical character. |-nique º[L. -nicus (Gr. oikouméne, * inhabited, sc. World)], adj. : ecumenic(al), universal. -nique- ment", adv. : ecumenically. oe-démateux º é- =euse, adj. : œdema- tous. |-dèmeº [Gr. oídema (oideîn, swell)], m. : (med.) œdema. CEdipe é- [L. -pus (Gr. Oidipos)], m. : CEdipus ; guesser of riddles. - œi-1° œ = eu, pl. yeux, or œi-ls (fig. in some compounds) [L. oculus], m. : EYE (organ of sight ; look ; observation ; eye- like object, hole, loop ; spot on a peafowl's feather; bud or sprout); bung-hole ; fatty spots on broth ; (print.) face (of type); part of the name of various concretions in stones, and of various flowers ; pl. eye- glasses : clin d'-, twinkling of an eye ; coup d'-, glance, sight ; à vue d'-, visi- bly ; à l'—, by (with) the eye ; by looking, by observation; by looks; (fam.) on credit; blesser les yeux, hurt the eyes, be an eye- sore ; donner dans l'- à quelqu'un, take some one's fancy ; sauter aux yeux, strike the eye ; stare one in the face ; fermer les yeux sur, wink at ; faire les yeux blancs, show the White of the eyes ; look threat- ening ; se battre l'- de, scorn ; pocher l'-, give a black eye ; - de fromage, holes in cheese ; - d'une roue, axle-hole, hole of the hub ; - de chat, cat's-eye, resplendent quartz ; - de loup, petrifaction ; - de chèvre, daisy; — de corneille, spotted mushroom ; — de vache, camomile ; - de soleil, motherwort ; — de perdrix, Small corn (between the toes). -4-de-boeuf, pl. -s--, m. : round or oval window, bull's-eye ; Waiting-room in the palace at Versailles. -4-de-ehat, pl. —s-, m. : cat's-eye, resplendent quartz. -4-de- perdrioc, pl. yeux -, m. : small corn (between the toes]. -4-de-serpent, pl. -s-, m. : serpentine stone. -]-d'or, #. -s-, m. : gold-finny (fish). -l#ade*, f : glance, OGLE, f-lladerº [-llade], tr. : glance at, ogle. -liard", m. : feed- hole in a millstone. -llère º, adj. : of · (near) the eye ; having a bud or sprout, Celi\71,º© 453 sprouting ; f : blinder (of bridle); visor (of a helmet); eye-tooth (upper canine tooth); eye-cup ; (butch.) flank. -llet*, m. : (old) little eye; eyelet (-hole); (bot.) pink, carnation ; salt-basin. -lleton º [-llet], m. : offset (shoot, layer). -lIeton- nerº [-lleton], tr. : free from offsets ; diffuse (plants) by separation of offsets. oeillette* eu- [OFr. olie = Fr. huile], f. : field-poppy (from which oil is extracted). . oe-nanthe*é-[L. (Gr. oinos, WINE, ánthos, flower)], f : drop-wort. -nologie", f : Cenology (wine-making). -noman eieº [Gr. manteía, divination], f : œnomancy (divination by wine). -nomètre* [Gr. métron, MEASURE], m. : œnometer (wine- gauge). · oeso-fage* é- [Gr. oiso-phágos, " carrying- food'], m. : œsophagus (gullet). -fagiteº, ſ : angina (inflamed throat). @ oestreº [L. -trus], m. : œstrus (gad-fly); · keen excitement. oeu-f° euf, pl. œufs pr. eu [L. övum], m. : EGG (bird's egg, etc.; ovum, germ-cell, pl. roe ; egg-shaped object): -s à la coque, eggs in the shell ; -s brouillés, buttered eggs ; - couvi, addle egg; -s sur le plat, or - au miroir, fried eggs ; - de Nurem- berg, Nuremberg watch (eye-shaped) ; il tomdrait sur un -, he would skin a flint ; mettre tous les -s dans un même panier, risk all in one enterprise; marcher sur des -s, proceed with extreme caution. -vé* eu-vé, adj. : hav'g roe (of fishes). oeuvre° œu- = eu- [L. opera, pl. of opus], I f : work (labour, exertion ; application ; act, deed ; piece of Work, product, struc- . ture, fabric, book) ; bezel (setting of a jewel, etc.); church appropriation; church- Warden's pew ; pl. : parts of the hull (of a vessel) ; 2.m. : fsame meanings as f ; work considered as a whole, structure, construction; production (collective works of authors, artists, etc.) ; regular courses (at table): I.mettre à l'- (fen —), set to work, make use of; work up; set (jewelry); mettre tout en -, leave no stone unturned; i'maître d'-, master of a workshop, boss; maître des hautes -s, hangman, exe- cutioner; maître des basses -s, nightman; maître de l'-, churchwarden; banc d'-, churchwarden's bench; bon jour, bonne -, betterthe day, better the deed; - de chair, carnal deed ; —s vives, quick work (hull below water line) ; —s mortes, dead or weather work (hull above water line) ; 2.le gros -, the whole structure (found- ation, walls and roof) ; à pied d'-, at the base of the structure; within the neigh- bourhood; dans -, in the body of the struc- ture ; in the clear; hors d'-, outside the body of the structure, salient ; at another 454 time or place; accessory dishes (at a repast), hors d'œuvres ; reprendre sous -, alter the ground-work of; underpin; alter funda- mentally; (alch.) le grand -, the making of gold; travailler au arand -, seek the philosopher's stone. offen-santº [-ser], adj. : offensive ; fm. : offender. lloffen-se* [L. -sa ( fendere, thrust)], f. : = (injury, insult ; trespass). -ser* [L. -sare], tr. : ºwound; offend (in- sult, affront, shock; fEng. sin against): s'-, be offended, take offence ; -sé, -sée, offended; m.,f. : offended person or party. -seurº [-ser], m. : offender. -sifº, =ive [l. L. -sivus], adj. : offensive (attacking) ; f : =. -sivement" [-sivel, adv. : offen- sively. - of-fert, part. of frir. #-ferte º, f, or -fertoire* [l. L. fertorium], m. : offer- tory (offering at mass ; anthem at the offering). offi-ee* [L. -cium (ops, help, facere, make)], m. : fduty; office (function ; civil charge, trust; divine service); prayer (de, in honour or memory of); function of pre- paring for the table, culinary duty; f. : servants' hall : exercer un -, hold an office ; avocat nommë d'-, advocate ap- pointed by the court (to defend an accused person); les -s du dimanche, Sunday ser- vices (mass, vespers, etc.); l'- des morts, prayer in commemoration of the dead ; faire d'-, do of one's own accord ; un - d'ami, a friendly turn ; un mauvais -, a bad turn. -eial* [L. -cialis], m. : = · (ecclesiastical judge). -eialité * [-cial], f : officiality. -eiantº, -eiante [I.-cier], adj. : officiating ; officiating priest or clergyman ; officiating nun (in the choir). -eiatº [2.-cier], m. : function of a health- officer. -eiel", =lle [L. -cialis], adj. : official. -eiellement", adv. : officially. I.-eier* [L. -ciare], intr. : officiate (con- duct divine service) ; do one's duty at table, eat heartily. 2.-eierº, -eière [l. L. -ciarius], m. : officer (civil or mili- tary; title of a grade above the knight's); f.: fofficiating lady in a royal household; fofficiating nun ; woman dressed as an officer : - de bouche, (king's) steward ; — du gobelet, (king's) butler; — de santé, physician next below a doctor of medicine; — d'état-major, staff-officer; — de la Légion d'honneur, * officerº (i.e. next above * knight') of the legion of honour (French order). -eieusementº [-cieux], adv. : officiously; obligingly. -eieuacº, =euse [L. -ciosus], adj. : officious, (fEng. oblig- ing, benevolent; meddlesome); semi-official; , m.,f. : officious (importunate) person, busy- body; (during the French revolution) hired servant : défenseur -, pleader before a offensant oiseau court-martial ; journal --, semi-official journal. -einalº [-cine], adj. : =. -eine* [L. -cina, shop], f. : (apothecary's) laboratory. 4 of-frandeº [l. L. frenda], f : offering (homage); present. -fre*,.f. (#m.): offer; bid ; supply (as distinct from demand). |-frir° [p. L. * ferire (L. ferre)], irr. $ ; tr. : offer (present, tend ; sacrifice ; pro- pose ; afford, yield ; auct. bid). $ Ind. : Pr. offr-e, -es, -e; -onus, -ez, -ent. Ipf. offrais. , Pret. offris. Fut. (Cond.) offriraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. offre. Ipf. offrisse. — I've offre. — Part. : Pr. offrant; P. offert. offus-cation* [L. -catio],.f. : obfuscation; (astr.) transient dimness of the sun. ll-querº [L. -care (fuscus, dark)], tr. : obfuscate (obscure, dim); trouble, disturb; dazzle : le soleil m'offusque les yeux, the sun dazzles my eyes. o-gival*, adj. : ogive-shaped, arching. |-giveº [?Sp. auge, highest point (? aug-, increase)], f. : = (arch-rib of a Gothic vault, pointed arch) ; arcade formed by the intersection of two pointed arches (porte, fenêtre en —). ognetteº [It. ugnetto (L. unguis, NAIL)], f : Small chisel (used by marble-cutters). fognon = oign0n. o-greº [?], m. : = (monster). j. : ogress. Qh [echoic], interj. : O ! ho ! oh é º [o, hé], interj. : (vulg.) hello ! here ! oïdium* [l. L. (Gr. oiôn, EGG)], m.: (fungus, vine-mildew) ; mildew. oie° [p. L. auca (L. avis, bird)], f : goose (the bird ; fig. simpleton ; a game): plume d'-, goose-quill ; - de mer, merganser ; #la petite -, giblets of a goose ; acces- sories, fixings; little favours or attentions ; preliminaries. oigno-n° [p. L. unio (L. ünio, ONEness)], m. : onion ; bulb ; bunion ; (old) watch, poor watch : être vêtu comme un —, be dressed in several coats or garments; être en rang d'-, be all in a row ; regretter les -s d'Egypte, sigh for the flesh-pots of Egypt. -net*, m. : flittle onion; summer pear. -nière º, f. : onion-bed. foïl, cf. oui. oilleº [Sp. olla (L., * pot')], f : olla- podrida (mixed dish) ; pot à —, big silver vessel. oindre° [L. ungere], tr. : anOINT (#rub with oil ; consecrate by pouring oil on). oing° [L. ungen], m. : hog-grease, wagon- -gresse, , grease ; old lard. - oi-seau°, pl. -x [p. L. aucellus (dim. of L. avis, bird)], m. : bird; fig. fellow; bird- shaped object); hod for carrying mortar ; pallet ; slater's horse : —x de passage, or —x voyageurs, migratory birds; batter de l'-, maltreated; tirer l'-, try to hit a bird oiseux fixed on a pole ; tirer aux —x, go bird- hunting ; la plume de l'-, the best part of a thing ; à vue d'-, in bird's-eye view; à vol l'-, as the crow flies, in a straight line (pè= line); - moqueur, mocking-bird; - mc ,che, humming-bird ; -x de basse- cour, domestic fowls; - de Minerve, owl; - de Vénus, dove. -selerº, tr. : train (a bird) for hunting or hawking; send (a bird) a ºerthe prey; intr. : set nets, lime- twigs, etc., for birds, fowl. +-seletº, m. : little bird. -seleur* [-seler], m. : · bird-catcher, fowler : vents —s, periodical spring [ eezes. -sElierº, -sElière, m., f. : biru-trainer, bird-seller. -sellerie º [-selier], f. : bird-training, bird-trade. oi-seuac°, =euse [L. ötiösus], adj. : idle (worthless, useless). employed) ; m. : idler. oisillon* [-seau], m. : ling. oisive-mentº [oisif], adv. : idly. -téº [oisif], f : idleness (inactivity; sloth). oison* [-seau], m. : gosling; duckling ; simpleton ; (dial.) shock of oats. oléa-eées* [L. olea, olive], f pl. : olea- ceae (order of plants). -gineuacº [L. -ginus], adj. : oleaginous, OïLY. - oléandre* [l. L. -der], m. : oleander. olé- [L. oleum, OIL] : -ate*, f : oleate (salt of oleic acid). -fiantº, adj. : ole- fiant (producing an oil). -ifère, adj. : OIL-BEARING. -ineº, f : olein (fat). -ique*, adj. : oleic. little bird, bird- olfactif", =ive [L. -tus (olere, smell, facere, make)], adj. : olfactory. oliban * [L. -nus], m. : olibanum (odorous gum). olibriusº [O., legendary emperor], m. : disturbing pretender, conceited fool. foliette = œillete. olifantº [L. elephantus, elephant], m. : (old) ivory; ivory horn. oligar-ehieº [Gr. -chia (oligoi, few, ârchein, rule)], f : oligarchy. -ehique* [Gr. -chikôs], adj. : oligarchic(al). folin-deº [Brazilian city Olinda], f : Olinda sword-blade (of superior quality). -derº, intr. : draw the sword, fence. -deurº [-der], m. : fencer, fighter. oli-vaire* [L. -varius], adj. : olivary; f pl. : family of mollusks. -vaisonº,f. : crop of olives, olive season. -vâtre º, adj. : olivaceous (olive - coloured). |oli-ve° [L. oliva], f : = (folive-tree; olive-fruit ; adj. : olive-coloured); olive-shaped thing, as : door-knob, olive-moulding ; pulley ; oliva (shell) ; braid loop (for button- ing). -verieº, f : manufactory of olive oil. -vetteº, f : small olive (tree or fruit); kind of grape ; false pearl ; pl. : -sifº, =ive, adj. : idle (unoccupied, inactive ; leisurely; un-' 455 olive dance (formerly in Provence after the gathering of olives). -vierº, m.: olive-tree. ollaire" [L. ollarius (olla, pot)l, adj. : suitable to make pots or vases of, easily cut (of stones). olla-podridaº [Sp. (lit.) " PUTRID pot" (L. olla)], f : = (mixed stew, potPOURRI ; medley). olographeº [L. -phus (Gr. hôlos, whole, gráphein, Write)], adj. : holographic : tes- tament -, will Written with the testator's own hand. Olym-pe* [L. -pus], m. : Olympus. --piadeº [L.-piasl, f : Olympiad. -pien, =enne [L. -pius], adj. : Olympian; ma- jestic. -pique, adj. : Olympic. ombel-leº [L. umbella, UMBRELLA], f : umbel (flower-cluster radiating from one centre). -1ifèreº, adj. : umbelliferous ; ſ. : umbelliferous plant. ombili-eº [L. umbilicus], m. : umbilicus (navel ; hilum ; opening in a shell; geom. umbilicus ; fEng. umbilic). -ealº, adj. : umbilic(al). -qué*, adj. : umbilicate(d). om-brageº, m. : umbrage (shady foliage ; shade ; distrust, suspicion, offence). -bra- gerº [-brage], tr. : shade ; #dim (the sense). -brageux º, =euseº [-brage], adj. : skittish, shy (startled by 'shadows,' etc.); suspicious, apt to be offended or take umbrage, (fEng. umbrageous). |I.gm- bre° [L. umbra], f. : shade (obscurity ; shadow ; apparition ; ghost, spirit); m. or ſ : umbra (fish): faire — à, throw into the shade, eclipse ; give umbrage (to); couvrir d'-, shade; -s chinoises, shadow pictures ; (jest.) mettre à l'-, put in prison, imprison ; - de mer, umbrina (fish); — de rivière, grayling. 2.fombre = hombre. om-brelleº [It. -brello], f : parasol. -brerº [It. -brare (L. umbra, shade)], tr. : (art) shade, tint. -breux º, =euse, adj. : shady, umbrageous. oméga [Gr., 'o-great'], m. : omega. omelette* [?],.f. : omelet. - o-mettreº [L. -mittere (ob-, mittere)] irr. (cf. mettre); tr. : omit (leave out). -mission * [L. -missio], f : =. omni- [L. omnis, all] : -bus [L. ' for all'], adj. : (fam.) for all; m. : omnibus : bateau -, small passenger-boat ; train -, local train. -potenee" [L. -potential f : =. -potentº, adj. : =. -seienee" [l. L. -scientia], f : =. -seientº [L. sciens, knowing], adj. : =. -vore" [L. -vorus (vorare, devour)], adj. : omnivorous. O]t l omoplateº [Gr. -te (hômos, shoulder, plâte, FLAT thing)], f : = (shoulder blade). on° [L. homo, man], pron. : one (person or persons indefinitely ; in Eng. variously. 456 rendered by one, people, somebody, We, you, they, or by a passive):/ l'-, often euphonically for on after vowels ; (l')- dit, people say, they, it is said ; We say ; hearsay ; — croit, people think, it is thought; — me l'a dit, somebody has told me so, I was told so; que dira-t-on ? What will people say ? onagre* [L. -gerl, m. : onager (wild ass). onanisme" [Onan (son of Judah)], m. : onanism (masturbation). fonc° or onques [L. unquam], adv.: ever; never (chiefly in ne .. -). I.onee° [L. *lyncea (L. lynx)l, f (m.) : ounce (kind of panther). 2.on-ee° [L. uncia], f. : ounce (a weight ; Rom. # of a pound ; # of a foot). -eiaire* [L. -ciarius], adj. : of an ounce. -eialº, -eiale [L. -cialis,'ofan INCH'], adj. : uncial (ref. to a large style of antique letters); f : uncial (letter). gnele° [p. L. *unculus (L. avunculu8)l, m. : uncle : — de comédie (or d'Amé- rique), uncle returning rich from foreign partS. one-tion * [L. unctio (ungere, smear)l, f : unction (anOINTing, consecration ; grace ; unctuousness , gent le fcrvour, devotion). -tueusement* [-tueux], adv. : unctuously,impressively. -tueux*, =euse [L. -tuosus], adj. : unctuous (oily ; ' suave, fervid). -tuosité*, f : unctuosity (oiliness). gn -de° [L. unda], f : wave (billow, surge ; undulation): l'- amère, the briny sea, the sea; l'- noire, the Styx; death. -déº, adj. : undulate(d), wavy. -dée* (adj., cf. above), f : shower. -dinº, -dine, m., f.: genius of the water, Undine. -doie- ment*, m. : undulation, waving; private baptism. -doyant* [-doyer], adj. : un- dulating, waving; flickering. -doyer*, intr. : undulate (wave, rise and fall, bil- low, surge ; (Rom. Cath.) baptise privately (children about to die). -dulant" [-du- ler], adj. : undulating. -dulation º [L. ' -dula, wavelet], f. : undulation (wavy mo- tion ; wave - motion ; flutter ; wavy or broken outline). tion], adj., or -dulé* [L. -dulatus], adj. : undulate(d). -dulerº [-dulation], intr. : undulate, wave ; ir. : undulate ; curl. -du- -leux", =euse [L. undula, wavelet], adj. : undulous (undulating, wavy ; curly). oné-raire* [L. -rarius], adj. : (leg.) act- ing, accountable. -reusementº, adv. : onerously. ll-reux º, =euse [L. -rosus (onus, burden)], adj. : onerous (burden- some). « on-gladeº, f : nail growing into the flesh. |gn-gle° [L. ungula (-guis, nail), claw], m. ( f. until XVII cent.): nail (of a onagre -dulatoire " [-dula- ope finger or toe); claw ; hoof; instrument of torture ; spec or particle in the eye : rogner les -s à quelqu'un, clip any one's wings. -glé*, adj. : provided with nails, claws, or hoofs. -glée º, f : pain from cold in the tips of the fingers, numbness of the fingers ; (vet.) excrescence in the eye of horses. -gletº, m. : little nail ; embroidery thimble ; nail-like point ; base of petals; upper part left of a branch that is cut off; triangular cutting ; flat graver, burin; (bookbind.) guard; (print.) one-leaf cancel ; pellicle in the eye ; pluck (of an animal); notch for the finger-nail (as in the blade of a pocket-knife, etc.); groove : assemblage à -, mitre point ; assembler - (or couper) à -, mitre; (bot.) à —, unguic- ulate(d); - sphérique, spherical section. -gletteº, f : flat graver; notch, groove. -glom*, m. : hoof (of cloven-hoofed beasts). onguen-tº [L. -tum (ungere, anoint)l, m. : fperfume ; unguent (OINTment). -taire, adj. : unguentary. on-guicule* [L. unguiculus], m. : little nail, etc. (cf. ongle). -guieulé " [L. unguiculus], adj. : unguiculate(d). |-gui- forme II , nlngnlis, finger-naill, adj. : ungulate. -gulé [L. ungulus, little nail], adj. : hoofed. oniro-critie" [Gr. oneiro-krites, dream- interpretation],f. : oneirocriticism. -man- eeº or -man-eie [Gr. oneirô-mantis, dream-diviner], f. : oneiromancy. onocrotale* [Gr. ono-krôtalos, 'ass- bell'], m. : kind of white pelican. onoma- [Gr. ónoma, NAME] : -stique º, adj. : onomastic, referring to proper names ; f : study of proper names. -to- pée* [L. -pœia (Gr. poieîn, make)], f : OnOmatopoea. « fonques = omc. ,• ontolo-gie" [l. L. -gia (Gr. ôn, being, lôgos, discourse)], f. : ontology. -gique*, adj. : ontologic(al). -gisteº, m. : onto- logist. $ onyx* [L. (Gr. ônux, hail)], m. : 9n-ze° [p. L. *on-decim (L. ün-)], adj. or m. : eleven; eleventh. -zième*, adj. or m. : eleventh ; eleventh part. -zième- mentº, adv. : in the eleventh place. ooli-theº [Gr. oôn, egg, lithos, stone], m. (f): oolite (variety of limestone). -thiqueº, adj. : oolitic. opaeité* [L. -tas], f : gmsmsms •- e opacity, opaque- IlGSS. opa-leº [L. -lus], f : opal; sugar crust (in forms); sort of tulip. -1in º, adj. : opaline. opaque* [L. -cus], adj. : =. opeº [L. opa], f : beam hole; pl. : scaffold- ing holes. 8 opéra opéra [It. opera (L. opus, work)], m. : (old) master-work, work; opera (musical drama; opera-house): c'est un -, it is a perfect imbroglio. - opéra-teur*, -triee [L. -tor (cf. opé- rer)], m., f. : operator ; fcharlatan, quack. -tion,º [L. -tio], f. : operation. -toire " [L. -torius], adj. : (surg.) operative. opercu-le" [L. -lum (operio, cover)], m. : operculum (cover). -lé", adj. : oper- culate(d). opérerº [L. operari (opus, work)], tr. : Operate , intr. : be operative, be effective. opéretteº [Germ. (It., cf. -ra)], f. : operetta (short musical drama or opera). Ophélie, f. : Ophelia, mad girl in Hamlet. · ophi- [Gr. ôphis, serpent]: -cléideº [Gr. kléis, key], m. : ophicleide (large brass wind instrument). -dien º, =enne, adj. or m. : ophidian. -oglosse" [l. L. -oglossum (Gr. glôssa, tongue)], f : family of snakeroots. -te* [L. -tes], m. : (serpentine). opht(h)al-mie" [L. -mia (Gr. -mos, EYE)], f : ophthalmy. -mique" [L. -micus], adj. : ophthalmic. -mogra- phie", f : ophthalmography. -mos- copeº [Gr. skopeîn, view], m. : =. opia-eé* [L. opium, opium], adj. : con- taining opium, opiated. opia-tº [l. L. -tum], m. : opiate. opi-Iatif*,=ive, adj. : obstructive, (fEng. oppilative). -lation º [L. -latio], f : =. ll-lerº [L. oppilare, ram down, stopl, tr. : obstruct, (fEng. oppilate). * opime" [L. -imus, rich], adj. : (Rom.) taken from a slain general : dépouilles -s, arms wrested by a general from a slain general. opi-nantº, -nante, m., f : opiner, one giving his opinion, speaker. ll-ner* [L. -mari], intr. : opine (express an opinion, judge, speak): - du bonnet, acquiesce, · taking off the hat ; tacitly acquiesce, submit ; vote blindly ; — pour (or fà), give an opinion in favour, vote; - à, con- template. -niâtre* [L. -nio, opinion], adj. : opinionated, stubborn ; persistent ; m., f : headstrong or stubborn person. -niâtrémentº [-niâtre], adv. : stub- bornly. - niâtren°º [-niâtre], tr. : #main- tain stubbornly or persistently (intr. per- sist); render stubborn, confirm ; tease ; s'-, be obstinate, persist. -niâtrEtéº [-niâtre], f : stubbornness, obstinacy, per- tinacity. -nion * -nio], f . ivote : une chose (or affaire) d'—, a mere matter of opinion ; faller aux —s, vote. opisthegraphe" [L. -phus (Gr. ôpisthen, behind)], adj. : opisthographic, written on the back (or both sides). o-pium * [L. (Gr. opós, juice)], m. : 5 457 -popanax* [L. (Gr. pánax, sort of plant)l, m. : =. oppor-tun* [L. -tunus], adj. : oppor- tune (convenient, seasonable). -tuné- mentº, adv. : opportunely. -tunisme º, m. : opportunism. -tuniste º, m. : op- portunist. -tunité* [L. -tunitas], f : opportuneness (seasonableness, expedi- . ency). oppo-sable, adj. : =. -santº, -sante, adj. : opposing, opposite ; adverse ; m., f. : opponent, adversary. |-ser* [L. -mere (cf. poser)l, tr. : oppose (set opposite or against; place in opposition or against, interpose ; resist, withstand, combat); plead, urge: s'- (à), set one's self against, oppose, resist. -site* [L. -situs], fadj. or m. : = ; opposite side or place : à l'- (de), at the opposite side (of), opposite ; against, over ; tout l'-, quite the oppo- site. -sition * [L. -sitio], f : = ; resist- ance ; (fenc.) parry ; (leg.) attachment : former — à, prohibit ; le parti de l'-, the opposition party. oppres-ser*[L.-sus (part. of op-primere, op-press)], tr. : oppress (treat harshly ; lie heavy upon); fpress closely. -seurº, m. : oppressor. -sif*, =ive [L. -sus], adj. : oppressive. -sion* [L. -siol, f. : =. -sivement*, adv. : oppressively. oppri-mantº, adj. : oppressing. ll-merº · [L. -mere], tr. : fpress or bow down ; oppress (treat with rigour). -mé, =ée, m., f. : oppressed (person). OIº , opprobre* [L. -brium (probrum, shame)], m. : opprobrium (disgrace, infamy); dis- grace (one causing disgrace, bringing dis- honour). op-tatif*, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. or m. : optative. |-terº [L. -tare, wish], tr. : (leg.) choose. - optieienº [L. -ce (cf. -que), optic], m. : optician. - optimis-me" [L. -mus, best], m. : opti- mism. -te", adj. : optimistic ; m., f. : optimist. option* [L. -tio], f : =. optique* [L. -cus (Gr. root op-, see)], adj. : optic(al); f : optics ; perspective : l'- du théâtre, stage illusion. . opu-lemmentº -lam-, adv. : opulently. -len eeº [L. -lentia],f. : opulence, wealth. |-1entº, -lente [L. -lens (ops, wealth)], adj. : opulent (wealthy); (fam.) corpulent ; m., f. : opulent person. opus eu le* [L. -lum (dim. of opus, work)], m. : opusc(u)le. - I.or° [L. aurum], m. : gold ; (her.) or : d'-, of gold, gold (adj.), golden , être tout cousu d'-, be all lined with gold, roll in riches ; — en barre, gold in bars, gold bullion ; ready money; l'age d'-, 458 the Golden Age ; — blanc, old name for platinum ; — de couleur, gold varnish. 2.or° [p. L. *höra (L. hœc öra, this hour)], adv. : #now (at this moment); intro- ductive particle, now (things being as they are), well, but : — bien, now indeed, noW ; - sus, now, well, ah ; - ça, well now. oracle* [L. -culum (orare, speak)], m. : : en -, as an oracle. ora-ge° [p. L *auraticum (L. aura, wind)], m. : ' fblowing ; storm (violent wind, esp. with rain and thunder or SnoW, tempest ; violent agitation): le temps est à l'-, the weather is stormy. -geusement º [-geux], adv. : tempestuously. -geux º, =euse, adj. : tempestuous, agitatèd. or-aison° [L. -atio], f : foration (pub- lic discourse, address); orison, prayer ; f(gram.) speech : l'- dominicale, the Lord's prayer; faire un -, say a prayer ; être en —, be at prayer, be praying ; - mentale, silent prayer. ora-1" [L. os, month], adj. : = ; m. : veil (esp. as worn by Jewesses in public, or at solemn occasions by the pope). -lement, adv. : orally. oran-ge* [Ar. muranj], m. : orange (forange-lree ; orange fruit ; orange col- our, also adj.). -géº, adj. : orange-col- oured ; m. : orange-colour. -geadeº [infl. by limonade], f : I.= ; 2.same as f-geatº, m. : candied orange-peel. 1.-gerº, m. : orange-tree. f-gerº, f-gère, m., f. : orangeman or woman. -gerieº [I.-ger], f : orangerie (planta- OIº - tion of orange-trees); orange-house (to shelter orange-trees during the winter). -gette º, f : small orange for preserves. f-gisteº, m. : orange-grower. orang-outangº [Malayan, 'man of the woods'], m. : ora-teur* [L. -tor (-re, speak)], m. : orator, speaker. I.-toireº [L. -torius], adj. : oratori(c)al : l'art -, oratory. 2.-toire* [L. -torium], m. : oratory (place ofprayer). -toirementº [I.-toire], adv. : oratori(c)ally. -torio" [It.], m. : (mus.)=. I.orbe° [L. orbus, bereft], adj. : (old) blind ; without light or opening ; simply bruising (of blows): mur -, compact wall ; coup —, blow (as with a club). 2.or-be* [L. -bis], m. : orb (circle ; globe, heavenly body); orbit ; orb-fish. Iaire* [L. -bicularis], adj. : orbicular. -biculairementº [-biculaire], adv. : orbicularly. -biculé [L. -biculus], adj. : (bot.) orbiculate(d). -bitaireº [-bite], adj. : (anat.) orbital. -bite* [L. -bita], ·f.: orbit (astr. periodical revolution ; amat. socket). oreanète* or -nette [arcanne], f. : or- chanet (plant), alkanet. - bieu- ordre cre'ves-tique" [Gr. -tikôs], adj. : orches- tic, relating to dancing ; f : art of danc- ing and pantomime. -tration * [-trer], ſ : =, scoring. -treº [L. -tra (Gr. or- cheîsthai, dance)], m.: orchestra. -trerº, tr. : arrange for orchestra, score. or-chidées", f. pl. : (bot.) orchidaceae. |-ehisº [L. (Gr., testicle)], m. : orchid (plant). -chiteº [Gr. ôrchis, testicle], f. : (med.) orchitis. ford° [L. horridus], adj. : filthy. ordi-naire* [L. -narius (ordo, order)], adj. : ordinary (customary, usual, com-- mon); m. : ordinary (customary thing or nature ; customary fare ; fEng. constant part of the mass ; diocesan authority, judge in his own right); regular courier or post ; pl. menses : à l' -, as usual ; d'-, pour l'-, ordinarily, usually ; à son -, according to his usual habit, as is usual with him ; au-dessus de l'-, above the common run ; avoir un bon —, have a good daily fare ; vin d'-, ordinary wine (ordinarily used at meals). -naire- mentº, adv.: ordinarily, usually. -nalº, pl. =auoc [L. -malis], adj. or m. : ordi-nandº [l. I , -nandu8 ( marc, or- dain)], m. : = (candidate for ordination). -nant* [l. L. -nans], m. : = (ordaining bishop). -nateurº, -natriee [l. L. -na- tor], m., f. : ordainer ; adj. : ordaining, determining. -nation* [l. L. -natio], ordo" [L. * order'], m. : manual of daily services). ordon * [-de, dial. for -dre], m. : tilt-ham- mer frame. ordon-nanee*, f : ordonance (orderly disposition); ordinance (authorization, regulation, order, writ); (med.) prescrip- tion ; money order ; (mil.) mounted orderly, orderly (sometimes m.): d'-, according to regulation or order, regulation (as adj.); officier d'-, aid-de-camp ; habits d'-, regimentals ; delivrer (or rendre) une —, issue a writ (an order); signifier une — à, serve a writ upon ; - de comptant, order for cash pay. -nann eementº [-nan- cer], m. : Written order of payment ; 0.K. -nan eerº [-nance], tr. : order (by sig- nature) the payment of ; O.K. -na- teurº, -natriee, m., f. : ordainer, or- derer; undertaker (funeral director). -né, =née, part. : ordered, etc. ; f : (geom.) ordinate. f-nément* [-né], adv. : in an orderly way, regularly. |-nen°* [L. ordi- mare (ordo, order)], tr. : ordinate (dis- pose in order, regulate); ordain (regulate, appoint ; confer holy orders upon); order (command, direct); (med.) prescribe. ordre º [L. ordo], m. : order (arrangement, array , class, rank ; direction, command, = (Rom. Cath. N # ordure mandate ; business in an assembly); pl. : hierarchical degree ; holy orders : être dans l'-, be in order, be right ; du prem- ier —, of the first order or class ; of the highest order, first-rate ; prendre les -s, go into orders ; les trois -s, the three estates (i.e. in monarchical France, the clergy, the nobility and the people); délit contre l'- public, breach of peace ; breach of the King's (Queen's) peace. or-dure* [ord], f. : dirt, refuse (pl. sweepings), filth ; uncleanliness. -du- rier", adj. : dirty, impure, vulgar, ri- bald ; m. : Vulgar fellow ; fdust-pan. ore(s) = 2.or. oréadeº [L. -as (Gr. ôros, mountain)], f : oread (mountain nymph). forée* [OFr. eur (L. ora, border)], f : border, edge, outskirt. oreil-lardº, adj. : long-eared, lop-eared; m. : long-eared bat. lloreil-le° [L. auricula (dim. of auris, EAR)], f. : EAR (the organ ; HEARing ; favourable hearing ; favour, attention; ear-like object, handle); tie (of shoes, etc.); loop, fluke (of anchor), mould-board (of ploughs); end-tooth (of a comb); enters into the name of various plants and shells : boucle d'-, earring ; ſaire la sourde -, turn a deaf ear ; échauffer les —s à, provoke ; donner sur les —s à, box the ears of; se faire tirer l'-, be very reluctant, need entreaty ; avoir l'- dure, be hard of hearing ; avoir de l'-, have a delicate ear ; avoir l'- basse, be humbled ; - d'homme, asa- rum, birthwort ; - de souris, forget-me- | not, myosotis ; - d'ours, sort of prim- rose. -|é*, adj. : provided with ears, eared. -lerº, m. : pillow; support. -1ère º, f : earwig (insect). -lette*, f : auricle (of the heart); ear stall (for a · sore ear); earring supporter (when the ear is not pierced); asarum, birthwort ; corn-salad ; kind of mushroom. -lon*, m. : prolongation of the ear (of certain animals); parotid swelling ; cutting of ears, etc., to make glue ; mould-board (of ploughs); (fort.) epaulment (side work). orémusº [L., * let us pray'], m. : prayer, orison. - - foréo-graphie = orographie. fores = 2.or. or-fèvre° [p. L. auri fabrus, *gold-work- er'], m. : gold or silversmith : — bijou- ·tier, goldsmith and jeweller ; vous êtes -, (Mol.), you are interested. -fèvrE- rie*, f : gold or silversmith's trade ; jewellery. -févri*, adj. : wrought by a goldsmith. orfraie° [L. ossi-fraga, " bone-breaker'], f : osprey (sea-eagle). organde" [?], m.: book-muslin, organdie. orient 459 orga-ne* [L. -num], m. : organ (finstru- ment ; medium, part); voice : manquér d'-, lack voice, have a poor voice. -neau", m. : (nav.) ring (for a cable). -nieisme* [L. -nicus], m. : (med.) or- ganicism. -nique* [L. -nicus], adj. : organic(al); #f : instrumental music. -nisateur*, =triee, m., f : organizer ; adj. : organising. -nisation " [-miser], ſ : organisation. -niserº, tr. : organise ; fadd an organ to (a piano): s'-, become organised. -nisme", m. : organism. -niste* [l. L. -nista], m., f. : organist, organ-player. organ-simº [?], m. : organzine (twisted silk). -sinage* [-siner], m. : organzin- ing. -sinerº, tr. : double twist (silk). orgasmeº [Gr. -môs], m. : orgasm. or-ge° [L. hordeum], f. : (m. in some uses) barley : — (m.) mondé, hulled or pot barley ; - (m.) perlé, pearl barley ; - brulée, charred barley ; faire ses —s, feather one's nest ; être entre l'- et l'avoine, be where a choice is hard to make, be puzzled. -geat*, m. : = (syrup). -geolet [OFr. -geol], m.: sty, HORDEOlum (sore on the eyelid). - or-giaque* [Gr. -liôs], adj. : orgiastic, revelling. |-gie* [L.-Gr.],.f. : pl. orgies (sacrificial feast to Bacchus), bacchanalian poetry ; -s, orgies, drunken revelry. orgne = Orme. orgue* [L. -ganum, instrument], m. (sing.), f (pl.): (mus.) organ ; orgue (old gun with several barrels); (nav.) scuper-hole, spout. orguei-Jº ue = eu [OHG. *urgoli (ur- guol, superior)],/ m. : #. pride, arrogance. -lleusementº[-lleux], adv. : proudly, arrogantly. -lleux º, =euse, adj. : haughty, proud, arrogant ; m., f : haughty person. . oriehal-que* [L. -cum (Gr. ôros, moun- tain, chalkôs, brass)], m. : orichalch (gold- like metal). orieh-tº [L. -s (oriri, RISE)], m. : orient (part of the horizon where the sun ap- pears to rise ; East; Orient; lustre (of pearls) ; lodge (in Grand Orient, grand council) : d'-, of the Orient, Eastern ; commerce d'O-, East India trade ; bordé à l'-, bordered by the East, bordering the East. -talº, =aux [L. -talis], adj. : oriental, eastern ; pl. : Orientals. -ta- lismeº [-tal], m. : orientalism (knowledge of oriental languages, history, etc.). -ta- liste" [-tal], m. : orientalist. -tationº [-ter], f. : =. -taux, cf. -tal. -ter*, tr. : orientate (turn a church, a building, etc., to the east) ; set (sails) to the wind, trim ; orient (define the position of, in relation to the east ; ascertain the bear- 460 ings of) : s'-, find one's bearings, deter- mine one's direction ; make one's self at home ; maison -té, house facing the east; maison bien (mal) -té, pleasantly (poorly) located house ; house with a good (poor) aspect ; carte bien -tée, map exactly drawn ; — une carte, provide a map with the cardinal points. - orifieeº [L. -cium (os, mouth), m. : orifice, aperture. oriflammeº [OFr. orie (cf. or), golden, flamme], f. : = (red flag, split into points orifice and borne on a gilded lance : the ancient royal standard of France). origan * [L. -num], m. : joram (plant). Origène, m. : Origen (one of the Greek Fathers, 3rd Cent.). origi-naire* [L. -narius], adj. : by ori- gin, originally come from, native ; origi- nary, original, primary. -nairementº [-naire], adv.: originally, primarily. -malº [L. -nalis], adj. : = (primitive, genuine); peculiar, odd, eccentric) ; m. : original (first draught, original work, etc.; pecu- liar, odd, eccentric character) ; elk (cf. orignac). -nalementº, adm. : originally; in an original manner. -nalité* [-nal], f : originality; eccentricity. llorigi-neº [L. origo (oriri, RISE)], f. : origin, source ; beginning. -nel*, =Ile [L. -malis], adj. : original (primitive): avoir la tache -lle, have an inherited weakness. -nelle- mentº [-nel], adv. : originally. orignaeº or -gnal [fr. Basquel, m. : Canadian elk. forill . .. = oreill . .. orin * [?], m. : buoy-rope (of an anchor) ; guard or safety rope. oripeau* [OFr. orie (cf. or), golden, peau], m. : tinsel gold ; brass leaf, Dutch gold, foil ; tinsel, false ornament. or-le° [p. L. *örulum (L. öra, border)], m. : hem (= ourlet) ; orle (filled round a shield) ; fillet, moulding (of a column) ; vein or passage in a crater. -léº, adj. : (her.) provided with an orle. orléans* [Orleans], m : = (cloth of worsted and cotton). orlet [-le], m. : moulding of a cornice. or-maie*, f : elm-grove. llor-me° [L. ulmus], m. : ELM : juges du dessous l'-, village judges (presiding under the elms of the seigneurial manor) ; attendre sous l'-, confide in one's case, be confident (orig. with reference to the pleading below an elm : cf. above) ; wait in vain (orig. wait under the elm for parties not coming); keep waiting, wait till doomsday. -meau*, m. : young elm. -mille", f : hedge of young elms. orminº [L.-num], m. : clary (kind of sage). origanum, mar- orthodoxe I.orne° [L ördo, line, row], m. : (dial.) furroW ; space between vine-stock rows ; row (in faire -, cut down trees in a row). 2.orneº [L. -nus], m. : ornus (flowering- ash). ornE-maniste* [-ment], m. : ornament- maker. -ment [L. ornamentum], m. : ornament, adornment ; (mus.) accessory (trills, etc.). -mentalº [-ment], adj. : ornamental. -mentation º [-menter], . f : ornamentation. -menterº [-ment], ' tr. : Ornament, adorn, embellish. |orne-rº [L. ornarel, tr. : adorn (ornate, # decorate, grace, embellish) : un esprit ! orné, a cultured mind (refined by reading); - Sa memoire, store one's memory with fine quotations. ornière* [I.orne], f : rut (wheel-track);, old rut, routine. ornitho- [Gr. ôrnis, bird] : -gale [Gr. gála, milk], m. : ornithogalum, star-of- Bethlehem (plant). -logie º [l. L.-logia (Gr. lôgos, discourse)], f : ornithology. -logiste" [-logie], -logue", m. : orni- thologist. -man ee or -maneie" [l. L. -mantia (Gr. manteia, divination)], f : ' ornithomancy. .. r(r)Rymvqvtc º [Gr. rhüg- chos, Snout, beak], m. : ornithorhyncus, duckbill (duck-mole). oro-ban ee" [L.], f : = (strangleweed). |-beº [L. -bus], m. ( f) : orobus (bitter- vetch). - oro-graphie* [Fr. ôros, mountain], f : orography. -logieº, f : orology. - orongeº [Prov. ouronje (= Fr. orange)], f : orange-agaric (mushroom). orpailleurº [pop. for arpailleur], m. : gold-searcher, gold-washer. - Orphée, m. : Orpheus (Thracian poet). orphE-linº, -line [OFr. orfene (Gr. or- phanôn)], m., f : ORPHAN ; adj. : orphan : - de père, fatherless child. -Iinatº,i m. : orphanage (orphan-asylum). orphé-on,º [Orphée], m. : choral society; flarge hurdy-gurdy. -onisteº, m. : member of a choral society. or-piment* [L. auri-pigmentum, " gold- pigment'], m.: = (kind of arsenic). -pinº, m.: forpiment; orpine (plant). orqueº [L. orca], f : ORC (cowfish). orseille* [?], f. : archil, orchil (lichen plant, giving a violet dye). fort" [? ord], adj. invar. : gross weight. orteil° [L. articulum], m. : toe; great toe. ortho- [Gr. orthôs, upright, straightl. -doxeº [l. L.-doxus (Gr. dôxa, opinion)] adj. : orthodox. -doxie" [-doxe], f ; orthodoxy. -dromie " [Gr. drameîn, run], f. : orthodromy (act of sailing on great circle). -épie [Gr. -épeia (ép08 word)], f : orthoepy. -gonal* [Gr gonía, angle], adj. : =. -grapheº [L ortie -graphia (Gr. gráphein, write)],.f. : orthog- raphy. -graphie* [cf. -graphe], f : orthography (fspelling; drawing in correct perspective). -graphique" [-graph(i)e], adj. : orthographic(al). -pédie* [Gr. | paîs, child], f. : (med.) orthopedy. -pé- dique* [-pédie], adj. : orthopedic(al). -pédiste [-pédie], m. : orthopedist. -pnée º [L. -pnœa (Gr. pneîn, breathe)], | f : (med.) orthopnœa. -ptère* [Gr. # wing], adj. : orthopterous ; m. : orthopterous insect. sortie° [L. urtica (urere, burn)],f. : stinging nettle (cf. Eng. urtica), nettle ; (vet.) rowel :(as seton): jeter le froc aux -s, re- inounce the monastic life or ecclesiastic profession ; give up one's profession. ortiveº [L. -vus (oriri, RISE)], adj. : l (astr.) =, eastern. · artolanº [Prov. (L. hortus, GARDEN)], -m. : = (bird). orvaleº [?], f : orval (kind of sage). orvetº [?], m. : = (blindworm). orviétanº [It. -no (town Orvieto in Italy)], m. : = (electuary, poison). oryeto-graphie" [Gr. oruktós, dug up], ·f. : oryctography, science of, or treatise on fossils. -logie", f. : oryctology. I.os°, pl. os [p. L. ossum (L. os)], m. : bone: — d'épaule, shoulder-blade; - de la jambe, shin-bone ; jusqu'aux - (or ju8qu'à la moelle des -), to the backbone, thoroughly; rompre les - à, beat unmercifully. 2.os, pl. os [?], m. : ergot (of a stag). oseil-lantº, l-l, adj. : oscillating. -la- tion " [L. -latio], f : -latoire º, adj. : oscillatory. |-lerº [L. -lari], intr. : oscillate. - oseitant* [L. -tans], adj. : = (yawning). oscula-teur", -triee [L.-ri (os, mouth), . kiss], adj. : (geom.) osculatory. -tion * [L.-tio], f. : (geom.) =. osé* [oser], part. : dared, boldly under- : taken ; daring, bold. Osée 9-, m. : Hosea. - oseille* [?], f : sorrel, sour-grass. oser° [L. *ausare (L. audëre)], tr. : dare, , venture. º o-seraie*, f : osier-bed. ll-sier*, m. : · = · (withy): panier d'-, wicker-basket ; · itaillé en tête d'-, stripped of all its lower branches (to let the top branches grow to . osier twigs); franc comme l'-, perfectly . frank (the osier twigs having no knots); : L- de cour, pliant courtier. ösmazôme* [Gr. osmé, odour, zomôs, broth], f. : osmazome (meat extract). osmonde* [?], f. : osmund (fern). os-sature* [L. os, bonel, f : osseous frame, skeleton. -selet* [os], m. : os- sicle ; knuckle-bone ; (vet.) osselet ; stone (of certain fruits); instrument of torture 461 (made of little bones placed between the fingers, which were then compressed); manacle. -sements* [os], m.pl. : bones (of dead bodies). -seret " [os], m. : butcher's cleaver (bone-chopper). -seuxº, =euse [L. os], adj. : bony. -sifieation" [-sifier], f : =. -sifierº, tr. : ossify; s'-, ossify. f-su* [os], adj. : big-boned, bony. -suaire* [L. -suarium], m. : charnel- house, (fEng. ossuary). fost° [L. hostis], f. : HOST, army. ostéine* [Gr. -téon, bone], f : ostein, os- sein (basis of bone tissue). osten-sible" [L. -sus (ob-s, before, ten- dere, stretch), shown], adj. : =, apparent. -siblEment", adv. : ostensibly. f-sif, =ive* [l. L. -sivus], adj. : ostensible. -sion* [L. -sio], f : = (showing; esp. of the Sacrament). -soir" [L. -sus], m. : ostensory, monstrance (pyx for exhibiting . the consecrated host). -tateurº, =triee [L. -tator], adj. : ostentatious. -tationº [L. -tatio], f : =. ostéo- [Gr. ostéon, bone] : -colle" [Gr. kôlla, glue], f : osteocolla. -cope" [Gr. kôpos, hurt], adj. : osteocope (bone-ache). -génie" [Gr. génos, birth], f : osteogeny (bone formation). -graphie" [Gr. grâ- phein, write], f : osteography. -lithe" [Gr. lithos, stone], f. : petrified bone. -lo- gie",f. : osteology. -pathie*[fr. Eng.], f : osteopathy. -tomie" [Gr. témein, cut], f. : osteotomy. - ostra-eé" [Gr. ôstrakon, shell], adj. : oYs- TER-like. -eisme* [L. -cismus], m. : os- tracism (banishment by popular vote, by means of little shells or tiles). -eite " [L. -citis], f : = (fossil oyster). ostro-got, -gote [' East Goth.'], m., f : Ostrogoth ; barbarian ; adj. : Ostrogothic ; barbarous. otage° [p. L. *obsidaticum (L. ob-ses, host- age, surety); hostageship], m. : HOSTAGE ; pledge. otal-gie" [Gr.-gía (otôs, ear, álgos, pain)], f : otalgia (earache). -gique* [Gr. -gi- kôs], adj. : otalgic. © ôter* [?], tr. : take away (off, out), re- move ; deprive : s'-, take one's self away, get away, be off, stand out ; je ne puis m'- cela de la tête, I can't get that out of my head ; ôtez-vous de là ! get away from there ! - Othon, m. : Otto. - ottoman, -mane [Othman, a sultan, about 1300], adj. or m., f. : Ottoman ; f : ottoman (sofa). ou° [L. aut], conj. : or ; either . .. Or. où° [L. ubi], adv. : where, whither ; at (in, to) which ; when : d'-, from where, whence ; how ? d'- est-il ? where is he º, 0T1 either : — . . . -, 462 from ? what countryman is he? d'- vient que ? how is it that ? par —? which way? partout -, wherever ; l'état — il est, the condition in which he is ; - en êtes-vous avec lui ? upon What terms are yQu with him ? fouaigeº [fr. Scand., ak. to Eng. wake], m. : wake (of a ship); track. ouaille° [L. ovicula (ovis, sheep)], f : fsheep ; pl. flock (of a pastor). • ouaige ouais* [echoic,], interj. : heday! dear me! oua-teº or wet [? Germ. watte], f. : WAD- DING ; cotton-wool. -ter, tr. : wad, pad. oubliº [-er], m. : oblivion, forgetfulness ; inattention : - de soi-même, forgetfulness of self, self-denial. f-able, adj. : liable to be forgotten. #-an-ee, f. : forgetful- ness (proneness to forget). oublie* [l. L. ob-lata, * of-fered'l, f : fconsecrated wafer (host) ; thin pastry (us'ly in the form of a cylinder or cornet); (cornet-like) sea-shell : faire l'-, have the corners turned. ou-blier° [p. L. *oblitäre (L. ob-litus, for- gotten)l, tr. : forget ; be unmindful : s'-, forget one's self ; neglect one's affairs. -hliettes*, f pl. : = (secret dungeon). oublieur* [-blie], m. : vendor of oublies (thin pastry). oublieux*, =euse [-bli], adj. : oblivious, forgetful. - fou ehe° [p. L. olca], f : garden plot. ourdirº [?], tr. : (dial.) wither; spot. ouest* west [Eng. west], m. : West : d'-, western, westerly. ouf, [echoic], interj. : oh ! ouiº wi [OFr. o (L. hoc, this), il], adv., m. : yes ; findeed : mais -, yes indeed ! cer- tainly ! on the contrary ; je dis que -, I · say it is ; yes indeed ; dire le grand -, marry ; --da, (fam.) why yes ! ouï° [ouir], part. : heard: j'ai - dire, I have heard say, I am told. ouieheº wish [? oui], interj. : (of incre- dulity): oh! indeed! ouï-direº (pl.-), m. : hearsay. ouïeº, ·f : f hearing; pl. : gills (of fish, as resem- bling ears), opening of gills ; sound-holes (of violins, etc.). ouil-lageº, m. : supply for leakage (cf. | Eng. ULLAGE), filling (a cask, etc.). ll-ler*. [à, œil, bung-hole], tr. : supply the leakage of (a cask, etc.); fill, satiate. fouïr° [L. audire], tr. : hear. ouistiti" [echoic], m. : witsit (small Bra- zilian monkey). - oule° [L. ölla], f. : fpot ; tub. , ouraganº [Carib. word]; m. : HURRICANE. Oural, m. : Ural (mountain). our-dir° [p. L. ordire (L. ordiri)], tr. : warp (fix warp threads , in a loom); plot ; fix (straw, osiers, etc.) for Weaving mats, outremer etc. -dissage", m. : warping. -dis- t# $ # seurº, =euse, m., f. : warper. -dis- soirº, m. : warp-beam. our-lerº [OFr. oui ,e (cf. orle)], tr. : hem ; border, rim. -letº [OFr. ourle], m. : hem ; rim, edge. our-s°, =se [L. ursus, -sal, m., f. : bear (f. she-bear; astr. Ursa): chasse à l—', bear-hunt ; lécher -, lick the cub, make a thing fine, polish off ; - mal léché, un- . licked cub, rudes fellow ; - marin, polar bear; sort of seal. -sin ", m. : sea- urchin ; bearskin ; bearskin cap (of gren- adiers, etc.). -sonº, m. : bear's cub ; black American bear; kind of monkey ; bearskin cap (of grenadiers, etc.). fourvari = hourvari. fousseau, -Ssec = ossec. foût = août. . outar-de° [L. avis-tarda, * slow bird'], m. : bustard. -deauº, m. : young bustard. outi-l° [p. L. *usetilium (L. ütensile, fr. ilti, to use)], m. : tool, implement, UTEN- SIL. -lageº [-ler], m. : stock of tools. -Ierº, tr. : furnish with tools. outra-geº [I.outre], m. : = (gross in- sult); fexcess : faire subir le dernier - à, violate. -gcantº [ger], adj " ouf- rageous, insulting, contumelious. -gerº, tr. : outrage (abuse ; violate). -geuse- ment* [-geux], adv. : outrageously. -geux*, =euse, adj. : outrageous. outranee* [-trer], f : extreme, excess : · à -, to the last limit, beyond reasonable- ness ; to the death : combat à -, combat to the death (orig.' a duel in which one of the combatants must die unless he asks for grace). - I.outre° [L. ultra], prep. : beyond ; be- sides ; adv. : beyond, further : - mesure, beyond measure or restraint ; en -, be- sides, moreover ; passer -, go on, pro- ceed ; falle; plus outre, go yet further ; d'- en -, through and through. 2.outreº [It. otre (L. uter)], f : leather- bottle ; bag (of certain plants). outré* [-trer], part. or adj. : urged too far, strained ; used up ; irritated ; an- gered; overdrawn, excessive; exaggerated. . outrEeui-danee*, f : extreme self- confidence, presumption. -dantº, f-dé, adj.: overweening, presumptuous. f-derº [I.outre, cuider], refl. : be over-confident, be overweening. outrément [outré], adv. : excessively. outrE-mer (or as m., outrEmer), adv. : beyond the sea (esp. with reference to the Orient or America); m. : ultra-marine (colour): aller -, go abroad (to America or the Orient); Louis — (as returned from England); d'-, from beyond the S68S, outrepasse foutre-passeº, f. : passing beyond the » limits ; trespass, infringement (in cutting of trees). -passer*, tr. : pass beyond, pass beyond the limits of, encroach, ex- ceed. r outrer * [I.-tre], tr. : exaggerate ; over- do ; #push or drive to excess (strain, overwhelm); incite to anger, incense, pro- voke ; disgust ; -tré, see the word. ouver-t° [ouvrir], part. : opened ; open ; unfortified : à livre -, with the book open ; at sight ; à cœur -, with open heart ; compte -, running account. -tE- ' ment*, adv. : openly, overtly. -ture° [p. L. *opertura (L. apertüra)], f. : open- ing, aperture ; spread ; orifice ; width (of a door); overture, beginning. ou-vrageº [-vrer], m. : work (labour ; performance ; piece of work; composi- tion ; job): — à l'aiguille, needle-work. -vragé, part. : wrought. -vragerº, tr. : work artistically ; fashion ; clèan (a mine). -vraison º [-vrer], f. : working (as of raw silk, etc.); work (material worked); product. u-vrant [-vrir], part. : opening ; adj. : #à jour -, at break of day, at daybreak; à portes -es, f(at the time) when the gates open ; (fig.) with open gates, with- out resistance. -vreau" [-vrir], m. : side-hole (of a furnace). u-vren°° [L. operäre], fintr. : work ; tr. : work (fashion, prepare for use ; diaper): -vré, wrought, diapered ; cuve à -, pulp vat (in a paper-mill). I.-vreur° [L. ope- rator], m. : workman in paper-mill (putting the pulp in the vat). - -ou-vreurº, =euse [-vrir], m.,f. : open- er ; (theat.) box-keeper, usher. uvrier°, =ère [L. operarius], m., f. : workman (artisan, mechanic, OPERATIVE ; g. fashioner ; cause) ; adj. : working, operative ; creative : cité -e, city of workmen ; cheville -e, pole-bolt (of a coach); ( fig.) prime mover, chief agent. uvrir° [L. aperire, confused with operire, * cover'], irr. $ ; tr. : open ; broach (an opinion); sharpen (the appetite): s'-, open, disclose one's self ; open one's mind (à, to). $ Ind. : Pr. ouzºr-e, -es, -e; ouzºr-opus, -ez -ezz#. Ipf. ozévrazs. Pret. ozzzyris. Fut (Cond.) ozez rirai(s). — Subj. : Pr. ouvre. Ipf. ozézyrisse. — I've otéz re. — Part. : Pr. ozzzyrazzz ; P. ozzzerz. uvroir* [-vrer], m. : workroom, work- shop ; fcobbler's shop ; #place where money is coined ; charity establishment (for poor girls); charity assembly-room (where ladies meet to work for the poor, or churches, etc.). - - - [L. -um, egg] : -aireº [L. -arium], . : ovary; ovarium. -alaire º [-ale], 3 paeificateur 463 adj. : oval. -aleº [L. -um], adj. : oval ; m. (f): oval. -ariotomie * [-aire, Gr. timé, cutting], f : ovariotomy. -ariteº [-aire], f. : ovaritis (inflammation of the ovaries). ovation º [L. -tio (ovis, sheep)], f. : = (Rom. lesser triumph attended by sheep offering; homage). o-veº [L. ovum, egg], m. : ovolo (round moulding). -vieule º, f : small ovolo. -vidueteº [L.-ductus, duct], m. : (anat.) oviduct. ovineº [L. ovis, sheep], adj. : =. ov- [L. -um, egg] : -ipare" [L. ovi- parus, " laying eggs'], adj. : oviparous ; m. : oviparous animal. -oïde" [Gr. eîdos, form], adj. : ovoid. -ulation * [-ule], f : =. -uleº [L. -um], m. : =. oxa-late" [L. -lis], m. : (chem.) =. |-lideº [L. -lis (Gr. oxüs, sharp)], f. : sheep-sorrel, oxalis, sour-grass. -lique [L. -lis], adj. : oxalic. oxy- [Gr. oxûs, sharp; ACID] : -de", m. : oxide. -derº [-de], tr. : oxidate. -gé- nableº [-gener], adj. : oxygenisable. -génation " [-gener], f : oxygenation. -gène " [Gr. root gen-, enGENder], m. : oxygen. -géner" [-gène], tr. : oxygen- ate (unite with oxygen). f-goneº [L. -gonius], adj. : oxygonal (acute-angled). -melº [Gr. méli, honey], m. : =. -tonº [Gr. -tomos, " ACUTE-TONed'], adj. or m. : oxytone (hav'g final , acute accent, e.g. like Gr. word komikôs). oyant°, -ante [part of ouir], m., f : (leg.) AUDItOr. oz-ène* [L. -œna, Gr. -aina], m. : ozena, nose ulcer. ll-one* [Gr. ôzein, smell], IP p pé or recently pE [L.], m. : p (the letter). pacaº [Caribbean], m. : =, spotted cavy (large rodent of South America). paca-ge° [p. L. *pascuaticum (L. pas- cuum)], m. : grazing; PASTURE. -gerº, tr. : herd, pasture. 6 pacantº [?], m. : pa ee, see in pace. pa ehaº [Pers. bacha (padchah, ruler)], m. : pasha (high title in the Orient). paehydermesº [Gr. pachü-dermos,thick- skinned], m.pl. : pachydermata (rhinoceros and such mammals). paeifi-cateur*, =triee [L. -cator], m., ſ. : pacifier, peace-maker ; adj. : peace- promoting. -cation * [L. -catio], f : =. |-er* ,fié [L. -care (pax, PEACE, facere, make)], tr. : pacify, reduce to peace ; quiet. -que* [L. -cus], adj. : pacific ; (pop.) boor. 464 peaceful; quiet; peaceable. -quement* [-que], adv. : peacefully. pacotille" [? paquet], f : fslop goods (clothing, shoes, etc., in store aboard ship to be sold to the sailors); merchandise (for trading in foreign countries): mar- chandises de -, inferior goods. pac-te* [L. -tum (pacisci)], m. : pact, compact ; bargain : le - de famine, the grain monopolists' agreement (of last cen- tury). f-tion * [L. -tio], f : bargaining, agreeing. -tiserº, intr. : make terms, cOntract. - Pactole, m. : Pactolus (river with golden sands in ancient Lyria); (fig.) source of great wealth. - pa-dou(e)º [It. town Pádova], m. : =, ferret, PADUAsoy (narrow silk ribbon). -douanº, m., or -douane, f : Paduan medal (imitation of ancient medals). Padoue [fr. It.], f. : Padua (the city). pa eam [Gr. Paián (Apollo as healing deity)], m. : = (hymn to Apollo; joyous song). paf [echoic], interj. : about like " biff !" or *whack !' adj. : pierre -, soft or poor stone ; être (or faire) -, be tight, tipsy. pagaieº [Caribbean], f : paddle (for row- lng ; for stirring Sugar). paga-niserº [L. -nus, heathen], tr. : paganise ; #intr. : turn pagan. -nismeº [L. -nismus], m. : paganism, heathen re- ligion. - pagayerº [-gaie], intr. : row with a paddle. I.page* [? Gr. paidion, child], m. : page, prince's serving lad ; trail supporter (to a lady's dress): être sorti, or hors de -, be done as page, be one's own master ; chaus- sette (caleçon) de -, very short socks (drawers); tour de —, boyish trick. 2.pa-ge* [L. -gina (pangere, make fast)], f : page, side of a sheet or leaf. -gination* [-giner], f : =, paging. -giner* [L. -gina, page], tr. : page (number). pagne º [Sp. pafio, cloth], m. : loin-cloth (worn by negroes in warm countries). pagnon" [patentee P. of Sedan], m. : very fine black Sedan cloth. fpagno-teº [It. -tta, " little bread' ap- plied to one enlisting for food], m. : sol- dier in name (who doesn't fight). #-te- rieº, f : listlessness ; cowardice. pagodeº [Port. -da, fr. Pers., idol-temple], f : pagoda; Chinese image, (fEng. pagod); funnel-shaped sleeve. pagure* [L. -rus, Gr. págouros, lit. fix- tail], m. : pagurid (hermit crab which fastens itself by its tail). paiement* [payerl, m. : payment (pay- ing; amount paid). pacotille pain païen°, =enne [L. pagānus, countryman], adj. : PAGAN ; heathenish ; m., f : heathen. pail-lage* [2.-ler], m. : covering (with straw). | -lard*, =arde, m., f : fbeg- gar (sleeping in straw); (fam.) lewd per- son. -larder* [-lard], intr. : (fam.) be lewd. -lardiseº [-lard], f : lewdness. -lasse*,f. : = (bed-tick with straw,straw- mattress, fig. straw-bed); clown (as often dressed in ticking ; buffoon); (fam.) turn- coat (in politics); foundation, bed of ma- . sonry (for a brewer's furnace): (pop.) cre- ver la - à quelqu'un, rip one open ; fêtre de -, be on duty (fr. soldiers' sleeping on straw). -lassomº [-lasse], m. : straw-cov- ering (to protect plants from frost); door- mat. | pail-le°[L. palea],.f. : straw; mote; straw-colour , spot in a diamond ; flaw in metal : (menue) -, chaff ; vin de -, wine fr. grapes dried on straw ; #rompre la -, , break the straw as sign of disagreement ; (en-)lever la -, lift straw (as amber), succeed ; - de fer, wire-broom ; une étoffe (des gants) -, a fabric (gloves) of straw-colour ; un homme de -, strawman, fictitious person ; être (mis) sur (or à) la -, be very wretched ; — de bitte, iron plug (to hold a cable wound Imp); — d'ar- rimage, belaying-pin. -le-en-culº or -queue, pl. -, m. : phaeton (tropical bird). I.-lerº° [L. palearium], m. : straw- pile ; manure pile. 2.-lerº, tr. : cover or fupholster (with straw). -letº, adj., or m. : du (vin) -, wine of light colour. -leterº [-lette], tr. : spangle. -lette*, ſ : =, spangle (bright disk for ornament ; any sparkling object); grain (of gold) ; scale,lamina; flaw (in a diamond). -1eurº, =euse, m., f : straw-seller or hauler ; upholsterer (who uses straw). -leuac*; =euse, adj. : of straw ; hav'g straw ; (of diamonds) flawy. -lisº, m. : manure. lomº, m. : =, metal backing for enamel, etc. ; little heap of straw ; flaring basket ; spangle ; large spangle ; piece of solder ; lamina. -lot, m. : Small bed-mattress. pain° [L. panis], m. : bread ; loaf; lump : - second, second-grade bread ; - bis, brown bread ; - frais or tendre (rassis), fresh (stale) bread ; - de ménage, home- made or ordinary bread ; - de rive, bread baked at the edge of the oven ; - perdu, pudding ; avoir du - cuit, have some- thing ahead ; avoir du — cuit sur la planche, have enough to live without work ; manger son - blanc, eat one's white bread ; have the best first ; prosperity ; manger son — à la fumée du rôti smell while others eat ; liberté et - cuit liberty and enough to live on ; promettr plus de beurre que de -, promise mor than one will do ; faire passer à quelqu'u pair le goût du —, kill one ; —s de proposition, show-bread ; — d'autel, holy bread ; bread for doctor's use (with powders); - à cacheter, flour wafers for sealing letters ; — salé, salted cakes of clay (for deer, etc., to lick); arbre à -, jack (fig-tree); — de liquation, alloy of one part copper to three parts lead ; - d'affinage, silver which sticks to the cupel ; - de loup, mushroom ; - de pourceau, sow-bread ; l — de Singe, monkey-bread. pai-r°, I.=re [L. par], adj. : equal ; , even ; m. : PEER ; mate; fcouple, fpair ; | PAR : sans -, without an equal; de (or fdu) pair, equally, of same rank ; hors de (or du) -, above his equals.; cela va du : - avec la crapule, that is at par with de- bauchery ; jouer à - ou impair (or à - ou non), play at odd-or-even (a guess- * ing game). 2.-paire° [L. pl. paria], f. : pair : c'est une autre - de manches, that's a horse of another colour. -rementº, adv. : evenly: nombre - pair, number the half of which is evenly divisible by two ; nombre — impair, number half of which is not a multiple of two. -resse" [infi. by Eng.], f : peeress, wife of a peer. -rie º, f. : peerage. . pairleº [?], m. : =, Y-shaped figure in a coat-of-arms. pai-sible* [paix], adj.: peaceable, peace- ful. -siblEment*, adv. : peaceably. paissantº[paître], adj.: feeding, grazing. fpaisseau° [p. L. *paxellus (L. paxillus)], m. : (dial.) stake. fpaisson° [L. pastio], f : pasture. llpaî- tre° [p. L. *pascere (L. pasei)], irr. $ ; tr. or intr. : feed ; PASTURE ; graze : en- voyer - quelqu'un, get rid of any one. - $ Past Part. pzé is rare. Preterit not used. Otherwise cf. cozzzaa2tre. - aiac° [L. pax], f : PEACE (quiet; harmony); PAX, osculatorium : - fourrée, plâtrée, ill-founded peace, temporary peage ; juge de —, justice of the peace ; - de Dieu, armistice, cessation of hostilities at fixed times or set periods (in feudal times). al [L. -lus], m. : pike ; pale (of a shield); stake : supplice du -, death by impaling. alade" [I.-le], f. : oar-stroke. a-ladinº [It. -no, cf. palatin], m. : paragon of knighthood. I.|-lais° [L. alatium (root pa-, protect)], m.: PALACE (elegant residence, esp. of a king): le Palais (de la cité), (old) the royal resi- dence ; (nou) seat of law-courts at Paris ; les gens du -, judges and lawyers. .palais* [L. palatum (? ak. to pascere, eed)], m. : PALATE; taste : voile du —, rches of the soft palate. . alanº [OIt. -nco, ak to Fr. -nche], m. : ackle (pulleys). 3 465 #palan-ehe° [p. L. *-ca, pole (Gr. phá- lagx)], f. : (dial.) yoke (for carrying two buckets). -çonvº, m. : prop, support (for mud-wall). palanque* [It. -nca (L. planca, slab)], f : blind (palisade of planks). • palanquinº [Port. -quim (cf. Skt. pa- lyanka, bed)], m. : = (litter borne by servants). palastre* or -lâtre [? L. pala, " shovel, by extens. " wide surface'], m. : box, case (of a lock). º pala-tai", pl. =aux [L. -tum, roof of the mouth], adj. : une -e, a palatal consonant (c, j, etc.). I.-tin º [L. -tum], adj. : palatine, of the palate. 2.pala-tin* [L. -tinus], adj. : palatine, of the palace ; m. : governor, vicegerent. -tinatº, m. : palatinate (office or dignity of a palatine ruler; country ruled by a feudal count, prince or elector palatine). -tineº [invented by a palatine princess, sister-in-law of Louis XIV], f. : =, fur cape for the shoulders. I.pale* [pelle], f : shovel (for handling salt); blade (of an oar); paddle (on a Water-wheel); water-gate. • 2.paleº [L. palla, robe], f : PALL, chalice- cover ; Woman's cloak. pâleº [L. pallidus], adj. : pale, colourless ; dim : les -s couleurs, the disease chlorosis. pa-1é* [pal], adj. : écu -, shield hav'g pales, bands up and down : le -, the pale- bearing. -1ée* [pal], f : row of stakes. pale-frEnierº [infl. by frein through pop. etym.], m. : groom. |-froi° [L. para- verëdus (Gr. pará, by, L. veredus, cour- ier's horse)], m. : palfrey. paléogra-pheº [Gr. palaios, gráphein], m., f. : paleographer, expert in ancient manuscripts. ll-phie" [l. L. palœogra- phia (Gr. palaiôs, ancient, gráphein, Write)], f : paleography. -phique º, adj. : paleographic. paléontolo-gie* [Gr. palaiôs, ancient, ôn, being, lôgos, speech], f : paleontology, description of fossils, or the life of ancient animals. -gique*, adj. : paleontological. -giste*, m., f : paleontologist. paléo- zoïque* [Gr. zôon, animal], adj. : paleo- zoic, of the lowest geological age. - paleronv* [pale, spade], m. : shoulder- blade ; chuck-rib (of beef); cf. Eng. paul- drom. palestine" [country P.], f : two-line pica (type). pales-tre* [L. palœstra, Gr. palaîstra (pâle, Wrestling-match)], f. : palestra (place for athletic exercise). -triqueº [L. palœstricus, Gr. palaistrikôs], adj. : palestric ; f : art of exercise. palet* [I pale, spade], m. : quoit. palet 466 paletotº [ODutch pals-rok, palace-coat], m. : = (loose coat or cloak); fblouse. I.palette* [pale, spade], f. : = (oval tablet ; paddle ; splint for an injured hand; pallet; pawl; metal disk). - 2.#palette* [OFr. paele old for poêle], f : pan (used in blood-letting). palétuvier" [Martinique], m. : grove, or similar tree. pâleur* [L. pallor], f : paletot II13,I1- PALENESS (of 3,G6} }. - palicot" [palis], m. : enclosure (formed by seines). pa-lierº [?], m. : landing of stairs; story, floor ; level stretch (of railroad); hanging bench, moving truss (device to aid in mov- ing one piece of machinery horizontally over another). -lière", adj. : porte -, door at the landing ; marche -, top step (part of landing). palification" [It. -cazione (L. palus, stake, facere, make)], f : = (driving of piles to strengthen soft ground). pa-limpseste* [L .-tus, Gr. -tos (pálin, again, psáein, rub)], adj. : un (manuscrit) -, a palimpsest, parchment erased and used a second time. -lingénésie º [l. palingenesia, Gr. paliggenesia], f : palingenesis, re-birth ; (esp.) periodical repetition of processes. pali-nodº [-node old for -nodie], m. : ancient ode with a refrain ; esp. in honour of the Virgin. |-nodieº [L. -nodia, Gr. -nodia (pálin, again, odé, songl, f. : palinode (metrical recantation of a former ode or satire ; any retraction). · pâlir [pâle], intr. : turn pale ; pale ; fade ; grow dim; exhaust one's self with study; tr. : make pale. pali-s* [pel old for pieu], m. : fence of upright stakes ; enclosure ; (wrongly) picket ; staked net, pound-net. -ssade* [-sser], f. : palisade, stockade ; row of trees (with limbs to the ground, resem- bling a hedge-row). -ssaderº [-ssade], , tr. : palisade, fortify with upright timbers. -ssage" [-sser], m.: palisading, fortifying. paIissandre" [Guiana], m. : palisander (rosewood ; violet-wood). pâlissantº [-lir], adj. : paling, turning paler, growing dimmer. <- palis-ser* [palis], tr. : train (vines, trees, etc., on stakes or trellis-work). -son* [palis], m. : (old) stake ; (nou) beater, softening-iron (for leather). fpalixandre, see palissandre. I.paIIa-dium* -om [L. (Gr. -dion)], m. : = (statue of Pallas, protecting goddess of Troy ; safeguard of a community). 2.-dium* [goddess Pallas Athena], m. : = (metal like platinum). pal-liatifº, =ive [l. L. -liativus], adj. palsambleu or m. : palliative (remedy). f-liation * [L. -liatio], f. : =, relief. -lierº [L. -liare, lit. cover with a cloak], tr. : palli- ate; mitigate; apologize for. ll-lium* [L.], m. : (Greek mantle ; priestly vestment adorned with crosses ; pall). pal-maire* [L. -maris, of the hand], adj. : palmar. -marès* [L., victors in the games], m. : list of honour-pupils. I.ll-me [L. -ma, palm of the hand, palm- treel, f. : fpalm (tree); palm-branch; palm " (as token of victory); reward ; palm-like ornament. 2.-me" [L. -mus], m. : palm (hand-breadth or length as measure, 4 or 8# inches). -mé" [L.-matus], adj. : pal- mate (like an open hand; webbed, as goose's foot). -men°* [L. -ma, sense of " flat thing'l, tr. : flatten (a needle for the eye). -mEraie * [-mier], f. : palm grove. -metteº, f. : =, ornament resembling a palm-leaf ; palm-like form (in training trees on a trellis). -mier*, m. : date- palm tree : - en éventail, macaw-tree ; - huileux, palm-oil tree ; - marin, sea- palm. -mipède" [L.-mipes (pes, FOOT)], adj. : web-footed ; m. pl. : palmipedes, swimming birds. -misteº [? Sp. -mito, little palml, m. : palmetto, cabbage-tree. -miteº [Sp. -mito], m. : pith of the palm. pal9mbeº [L. -lumba], f : wood-pigeon. palomº [I.pale, spade], m. : paddle, Wooden shovel. palonneau*, or -nnier [? pal, old for pieu], m. : whipple-tree. I.+palot * [I.pale], m. : (dial.) turf-spade ; frustic clown. 2.f palot [pal old for pieu], m. : paling, picket. pâlQtº, =otte [pâle], adj. : (fam.) rather pale, Wan. #palourde° [p. L. *pelörida (L., Gr. pelöris)], f. : (dial.) giant mussel. pal-pable* [L. -pabilis (L. -pare, pat, stroke)], adj. : =, sensible to touch ; (fig.) manifest, evident. -pablEmentº, adv. : palpably. -peº [-perl, f : palp(us), in- sect's feeler. -pébral", pl. =auac | L -pebralis fr. -pebra, eyelid], adj. : -pen°" [L. -pare], tr. : feel, finger : ( fam.) — la dot, get one's hands on the dowry ; — l'eau, to back water (holding the oars stiff). -pitantº. [-piter], adj. : beating rapidly, palpitating. -pitation* [L. -pitatio],f. : =, rapid or violent beating. -piterº [L. -pitare], intr. : palpitate ; flutter. palplanehe" [pal, planche], f : stringer (piece running along a row of stakes t0 brace them). - palsambieu* [disguised oath : par le sang Dieu], interj. : about like " by the rood" ; cf. Eng. 'sblood. &-ms paltoquet paltoquetº [paletot, in old sense of ' * blouse'l, m. : (fam.) lout, clown. palu-déenº, =enne [L. palus, marsh], adj. : swampy, boggy. -dier", =ière [L. palus], m., f : labourer (in a salt marsh). -stre [L. -stris], adj. : marshy. pâ-mer° [p. L. *pasmäre for *spasmăre, have a SPASM], intr. : faint away, swoon ; (fig.) be carried away (with delight, laughter, fear, etc.): se -, lose its temper (as steel from too much heating); carpe pâmée, carp almost dead in the water ; (fam.) elle est une carpe pâmée (said of a woman who faints at everything); dau- phin pâmé, gaping dolphin (on a shield). moison º, f : swooning ; swoon, fit. pampeº [pampre], f : blade (of corn). pem-phlet" [Engl, m,: = (work of few pages, usually forensic and polemic). -phlétaire", m, f : pamphleteer, Writer of pamphlets. - pamplEmousse [Tamill, f : orange-like tropical fruit. pam-pre° [L. -pinus], m. : vines. pan° [L. pannus, rag], m. : piece (of cloth); patch ; part (of a wall); façade ; side : - de rets, net stretched on stakes (to catch animals); les -s d'un comble, each slope of a roof ; les -s creux d'une épée, the hollowed sides of a sword-blade ; le — de canon, the flattened side of a | gun-barrel. - pana eéeº [L. -cea, Gr. -keia (pâs, all, dkos, cure)l, f. : panacea, remedy for everything. - pana-eheº [It. pennacchio (L. penna, feather)], m. : = (plume, tuft of feathers); flat space between ribs of a vault ; cap (of a church-lamp); kind of beetle ; gay colouring; clips (fr. the plates of a lock): — de cerf, antlers ; - de mer, sea-worms of many colours. -eherº, tr. : plume ; shaddock, foliage of variegate ; colour bright : oiseau -ché, bird with a topknot ; tulipe -chée, striped tulip ; glace -chée, fruit ice-cream (of various colours); salade -chée, mixed salad (hav'g several vegetables). -ehure", f. : colouring, variegation. panadeº [Prov. -da (pan, bread)], f : panada (soup of soaked bread, sweetened or flavoured and eaten with milk); (fig. pop.) milk-sop, idler. #panader* [OFr. -de fr. older pennade, leaping], refl. : strut, walk proudly (cf. Eng. pannade, curvet of a horse). panage° [p. L. *pastiomaticum fr. pastio, grazingl, m. : fEng. pannage, price for forest mast. - - | : panaire* [L. -nis, breadl, adj. : panary. panais° [OFr. pasnaie (L. pastinäca fr. pastinum, dibble)], m. : PARSNIP. 467 panard " [?], indecl. adj. : cheval -, horse toeing out (usually applied to the front feet). l panarisº [L. -ricium, Gr. paronuchía (pará, by, ônux, nail)], m. : paronychia, whitlow, felon. pan-carte* [l. L. -charta (Gr. pân, all, chárta, paper)], f. : fpanchart, fcharter ; placard ; notice ; register for visitors ; cover (paper doubled over other papers). -era eeº [L. -cratium, Gr. -krátion (krátos, power)], m. : pancratium (athletic contest, boxing, wrestling, etc ). -créasº [Gr. págkreas (kréas, flesh)], m. : pancreas, sweet-bread(gland). -démonium "[Eng. word coined by Milton (Gr. daîmon, devil)l, m. : pandemonium, hell ; general uproar. pandiculation " [L. -lari, stretch one's self (pandere, expand)], f. : =, stretching. pandour* or f=doure [town P. in Hungary], m. : (marauding soldier ; brutal man). - pané-gyrique* [L.-gyricus (sc. sermo), Gr. -gurikôs (sc. lôgos), laudatory speech (pâs, whole, águris, agora)], m. : pane- gyric ; eulogy; adj. : laudatory. -gy- risteº [L. -gyrista, Gr. -guristés], m., f. : panegyrist. - pa-nerº [pain], tr. : cover with bread- crumbs : côtelettes panées, breaded cutlets ; eau panée, bread-soup. -nerée* [-nier], f : basketful. -neterie * [-netier], f.: PANTRY, breadroom (of a royal house). -netierº [pain], m. : steward. tière* [pain], f. : bread pouch (of shep- herds); net (for game). -neton" [-nier], m. : pastry mould. pangolin " [fr. Malayl, m. : = (mam- mal). | panie autº [?], m. : eryngium (parsley- like plant). | panieu-leº [L. -la, panus, thread, Gr. pênos],.f. : panicle (loose cluster offlowers). -Ié*, adj. : panicled, hav'g panicles. pa-nier° [L. -närium (-mis, bread), bread-basket], m. : pannier (hamper; bas- ket for pack-animals ; wicker-basket); wickerwork beehive ; work-basket ; dryer (for clothes) ; corbeille (in sculpture) ; hoop-skirt : - à Salade, coarsely woven basket ; prison-van ; un - percé, spend- thrift ; - roulant, walking-chair (for babies to learn to walk); la domestique ſait danser l'anse du -, the girl gouges her mistress on groceries. -nière*, f : *(dial.) big hamper (with handles). -nifi- cationº [-nifier], f. : =, conversion into bread. -nifierº [L. facere, make], tr. : make into bread. 1 - pani-que* [L. -cus, Gr. -kós (god Pan)l, adj. or f : panic, great and sudden fright affecting many at once, • panique -Il€- . 468 I.panne* [?], f.: canvas, sails (of a ship): être en —, lie to ; rester en -, not be able to move. - - - 2.panne* [? ak. to I panne, sense of feather (cf. Eng. leaf-lard)], f. : fat, lard. 3.panne* [?], f : purlin, side-timber. 4.pan-neº [ ? Ger. bahn, besil], f. : face (ofa hammer). -néº, adj. : (pop.) hard-up. 5.panne* [L. penna, coarse featherl, f : shag (cloth with a long nap); plush; velvet ; (her.) ermine or vair : être dans la -, be in hard lines. pan-neau* [pan], m. : fpiece of cloth ; PANE ; PANEL (tablet ; face of a hewn stone ; slab ; saddle-cloth or pad ; square or surface enclosed ; piece); net (set for game); Snare, trap : - de lambris, panel of wainscoting. -neauterº, intr. : set traps, do trapping. -neauteur* [-neau- ter], m. : trapping poacher. pannequetº [fr. Eng.], m. : pancake. panneresse* [pan], f : pierre en -, stone set broad (not heading). - panneton º [pennon], m. : bit (of a key); catch (of a sash-lock). - panniculeº [L.-lus, thin sheet (pannus, cloth)], m. : panniculus (layer of tissue ; velvet of horns), fpan-non = pennon. -oneeau*, pl. —x, m. : escutcheon ; signboard (of nota- ries, etc.). - pano-plie* [Gr. -plia (pân, all, hôplon, panne weapon)], f : panoply (armour, harness);. shield (hav'g representation of armour). -rama " [Gr. ôrama, view], m. : =, ex- tensive continuous picture, as on a cir- cular Wall. pan-sage" [-ser], m. : grooming (of horses, etc.); tools (currycomb, brush, etc.). #-sard, f=arde, adj., see -su. panse° [L. pantex, PAUNCH], f : (fam.) belly; anything rounded or swollen. pan-sementº, m. : dressing (of Wounds); #grooming. |-serº [penser], tr. : fcare for; groom ; attend, treat (the sick). -suº [-se], adj. : (fam.) pot-bellied. panta-lonº [name Pantalone in It. com- edy], m. : pantaloon, clownish actor ; trou- sers ; first figure (of a quadrille). -Ion- nadeº, f : fooling, nonsense ; silly ex- cuse. pan-telantº, adj. : panting; palpitating ; quivering. ll-telen°º [pantois], intr. : pant ; beat rapidly. -tellementº, m. : palpitating. pantenneº [Prov...-tano], f : en -, a-peak (said of a ship not hav'g yards, sails, etc., in position for sailing). pan-th éeº [Gr. pántheos], adj. : of all the gods, having various attributes. -théisme" [fr. Eng. (Gr. pân, all, théos, god)], m. : pantheism, doctrine of one sub- papeterie stance. -théiste" [fr. Eng.], adj. : pan- theistic ; m., f. : pantheist. -théon º [L. -theon, fr. Gr.], m. : pantheon (temple to all the gods ; deities collectively). panthère* [L. -thera, Gr. pánther], m. : panther. pantière* [p. L. -theria (L. panther)], f. : hunter's net. - pantinº, =ine [? place P. near Paris], m., f : dancing Jack (toy), puppet. pantogra-pheº [Gr. pân, all, gráphein, Write], m. : pantograph, instrument for enlarging drawings, etc. -phie*,f : pan- tography. pan-toiementº [OFr. -toyer, be op- pressed], m.' asthma (of falcons). -toisº [OFr. -toiser, p. L. *phantasiare, be trou- bled (L. phantasia, FANCY, nightmare], adj. : fbreathless, breathing hard, panting ; shamefaced, abashed. , panto-mètreº [Gr. pân, all, métron, measure], m. : pantometer, three-legged ruler for measuring triangles. -mime ! [L.-mimus, Gr. -mimos], m. : pantomimist; mimic ; f : pantomime ; mimicry; adj. : imitative. <> pantou-fle* [?], f : slipper; toe-slipper; panton, horseshoe thick in front : en -s, at one's ease ; raisonner comme une —, be very illogical. f-flerº, intr. : ( fam.) reason badly. » Paolo, m. : Fra —, Paul of Venice. paon°, paonne L. pavo], m., f : peafowl. paonneau*, m. : young peafowl. papaº [echoic], m. : = (father). pa-pable* [pape (after It. papabile)], adj. : eligible as pope. ll-palº, pl. =aux [l. L. -palis, adj. : papal, of the pope. -palinº [It. -palinol, adj. : popish; m.: partisan of the pope. -pauté*, f.: papacy ; popedom ; popehood. papa-véraeées* [L. -ver, poppy], f.pl. : papaveraceae, poppy family. pa-paye"-pè [Carib. papaya], f : papaw. -payerº [Carib. papaya], m. : papaw- tree. #- v papeº [l. L. papa (L. papa, father)], m. : pope (head of the Catholic church ; bull- finch). papegai* [fr. Ar.], m. : popinjay (fpar- rot; cardboard bird as target). • pape-lard*, =arde [OFr. paper, eat, Fr. lard], m., f : (fam.) hypocrite ; adj. : false. -lardie*, or -Iardise*, f : (fam.) hypocrisy. - •papeline = popeline. paperas-seº [papier], f. : waste-paper. -serº, intr. : make waste-paper, scribble; rummage among papers. papesse* [pape], f : female pope. pape-terie* [-tier], f : paper-manufac- popess, supposed papilionaeé ture ; paper-mill ; paper-business ; station- ery store ; secretary (containing writing materials). -tier*, =ière, m., f : paper- maker or dealer. | papier* [L. papy- rus], m. : paper (note-paper , legal paper ; passport ; bill ; draft ; fnewspaper, etc.): — buvard, blotting paper; - brouillard, filter paper ; — mâché, pulp ; - de verre, sandpaper ; — réactif, litmus paper ; - volant, loose leaf ; un visage de - mâché, pale and listless face ; être dans les petits —s de quelqu'un, be dear to some one ; - cassé, outside sheets ; - serpente, or de soie, silver-paper ; - collé, sized or glazed paper ; - soufflé, or veloutê, flock-paper ; - pelure, foreign paper. papiliona eé" [L. -lio, butterfly], adj. : papilionaceous, like a butterfly's wings. papille* [L. -lla, nipple, bud], f : pa- pilla ; little flat-topped eminences as on the tongue. papil-lon* [L. papilio], m. : butterfly ; anything shaped like, or brightly coloured like a butterfly (flaring headdress ; gas nib that spreads the flame ; Small sail above the royal ; little map ; extra leaflet of errata, or notices, etc.); kind of card- game : sot or étourdi comme un -, crazy as , a butterfly (that flies into a flame); voler le —, chase butterflies (as a falcon in- stead of propergame). -lona eé = papi- lionacé. #-lonage" [-lonner], m.: (rare) fluttering changeâbleness. -lonneº, adj. ſ. : (passion) -, love of changing. -lon- nerº, intr. : flit about, change fr. one thing to another constantly. -lotageº [-loter], m. : curling; dazzling; glistening. -loteº [-loter], f. : (old) spangle ; ' (nou) curl-paper; curl ; candy (with a legend wrapped in paper): yeux en -s, blinking eyes. -loter*, tr. : (rare) envelop in papers ; spangle ; intr. : glisten ; blink ; be blurred. | fpapin* [L. pappăre, eatl, m. : (dial.) pap (for children). papismeº [papel, m. : (contempt.) papism. papisteº [pape], m., f : (contempt.) papist, adherent of the pope. papo-tageº, m. : (fam.) swaggering. |-terº [?], intr. : (fam.) swagger, boast. Papouasie, f : Papua or New Guinea. papule* [L.-lal, f : papula; pimple. papy-raeé" [L. -raceus], adj. : papyra- ceous, PAPER-like, thin. -rusº [L.], m. : = (rush-like plant of the Nile ; writing- paper of the Egyptians). pâque° [L. pascha (fr. Hebr., "pas- sage')], f : Jewish passover ; pl. : Easter : f-s fleuries, Palm-Sunday ; —s closes, Low Sunday (Sunday after Easter) ; œufs de -s, Easter or pasch-eggs ; (le jour de) -° ° °t arrivé, Easter has come. parade 469 paquebotº [fr. Eng.], m. : packet-boat. pâqueretteº [päques], f : Easter-daisy, pasque-ffower. pa-quetº [fr. Eng.l, m. : packet (parcel, package ; bundle ; fbundle of mail); dis- missal ; burden : - de composition, print- er's slip, galley-proof (certain number of lines of type); - de mitraille, grape-shot, etc.; faire son -, get ready to leave ; (fig.) die ; donner à quelqu'un son -, dis- charge a person ; risquer le -, try a risky business ; faire des -s contre, speak ill of. -quetageº [-queter], m. : packing up ; bundle, package. -queterº, tr. : pack up, bundle up ; bind ; imprison , prejudice, set against. -queteurº, =euse [-que- ter], m., f : packer. -quetierº, =ière, m., f. : type-setter. - pâquis* [ultimatelyfr. L. pascere, graze], m. : (dial.) feeding ground (of wild game, pasture). 4 # par° [L. perl, prep. : through; by; per; for: — terre, by land; — où, which way ? — ici, this Way; - là, that way; for that reason; tant - tête, so much a head ; de — le roi, in the king's name; --dessus, over, above; - en haut, upwards ; - bandes, in com- panies ; un coup - la figure, a blow in the face ; — trop, excessively ; — intérêt, out of self-interest ; - cœur, by heart ; —ce que, because ; commencer — être esclave, finir - être roi, begin by being a slave, end by being a king ; - example, as illustration ; the idea! couper — m0r- ceau, cut into bits ; jour - jour, day after day. . ! paraba-seº [Gr. -sis, going aside], f. : parabasis, interlude addressed by the poet to the audience in Greek comedy. . parabo-leº [L.-la, Gr.-lé (pará, beyond, bâllein, throw)], f : parable ; parabola, conic section ; curve (of a projectile). -lique* [L. -licus, Gr. -likôs], adj. : alle- gorical; curved, parabolic(al). -Iique- mentº [-lique], adv. : allegorically; para- bolically. para-ehèvement*, m. : finishing, com- pletion. |-eheverº [par, achever], tr. : complete, finish. parachronisme" [Gr. pará, beyond, chronôs, time], m. : (rare) parachronism, error of dating too late. para ehute" [para, sol, cf. parapluie], m. : = (umbrella-like device to descend with fr. balloons ; safety cage in a mine- shaft); safety pinion (of watches). paraclet* [l. L. -tus, Gr. parákletos, one called to aid], m. : Paraclete, Holy Spirit, Comforter. - I.para-deº [2.parer, parry], f. : =, parry (of a swordthrust): ne pas être heureux à la -, not be quick at repartee. 470 2.para-de* [Sp. -da, a stop, infl. by parer, to parryl, f : stopping (of a horse); manœuvre (of cavalry) ; = (exhibition, show ; display); burlesque scenes (in front of sioe show to draw the crowd): - man- quée, faulty response to whoa ; lit de -, bed of state ; chambre de -, stateroom ; défiler la -, file out after parade; ( fig.) die; faire - de sa vertu, parade one's virtues. -derº [2. -de], intr. : parade, manœuvre, show training. paradigme* [L. -ma, Gr. parâdeigma, example], m. : paradigm (model of inflec- tion). paradi-sº [L. -sus, Gr. parâdeisos, gar- den], m. : paradise (garden of Eden ; heaven); gallery of a theatre, etc. : il ne portera pas cela en -, he will live to be sorry for it ; (oath) sur ma part du —, as Ihope for salvation. -siaque * [L. -sia- cus], adj. : paradisiacal, happy, blissful. parado-xalº, pl. =aux, adj. : paradoxi- cal ; seeming self-contradictory. -xale- mentº [-xal], adv. : paradoxically. |-xeº [Gr. -xos (pará, beyond, dôxa, opinion)], fadj. : incredible ; puzzling ; m. : paradox, puzzle, incredible fact or statement, as : the more we learn the less we know. -xisme*, m. : paradoxy, ap- parent perverseneSS. - i parafe, etc., see paraphe, etc. paraffineº [L. parum affinis, hav'g little affinity], f. : =, an odourless clear waxy solid. - I.parageº [? pair], m.: lineage; descent: (humor.) la bête de haut -, court ele- phant. • 2 parageº [Sp. paraje, stopping-place], m. : place ; region. 3.parage" [parer, prepare ; adorn], m. : preparation (polishing ; finishing; dressing of vines for winter ; curing of skins). para-gogeº [L. fr. Gr.], f : =, addition of an extra letter, as in gownd. -go- gique", adj. : paragogical. paragraphe* [L. -grafus, Gr. -graphos], m. : paragraph ; section, esp. in a code : (humor.) un homme à -, lawyer. paraguanteº [Sp., "glove money'], f : fee, present (for services). parais, -ssons, etc., see paraître. parai-som " [parer, make ready], f : preparation ; turning (of glass-metal). -sonnier", m. : worker in glass-metal. paraître° [p. L. *parëscere (L. pärëre)], irr. $ ; intr. : apPEAR (come to view ; be manifest ; show ; seem ; look ; be pub- lished); appear well, shine; loom up : il y paraît, it seems ; there are signs of it ; il n'y paraît plus, there isn't a sign of it left ; cela me paraît, that appeals to me. $ Ind. : Pr. paraz-s, -s, paraî-#, paraissons. parade paraphernal - Ipf. paraissais. Pret. Aarzés. Fut. (Cond.), pa- raîtrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. paraisse. Ipf. pa- russe. — I've parazs. — Part. : Pr. parais- sazez , P. parzé. - para-lipomènes [Gr.-leipômena], m.pl. : paralipomena (omitted passages added later). -lipse " [Gr. -lepsis, leaving aside], f : paraleipsis, pretended omission of what one really says, as : without call- ing him a thief. paral-laetique" [Gr. -laktos, change- able], adj. : parallactic. -laxeº [Gr. -laxis, change], f : parallax; angle formed at a star by two lines to different ob- SelºVerS. r paral-lèleº [L. -lelus, Gr. -lelos], adj. or noun : parallel ( f. : parallel line ; m. : parallel of latitude ; comparison); f : moat around a wall. -1èlementº, adv. : parallel. -lélépipède* or f-lélipi- pède [Gr. -lelepîpedon (epipedon, sur- face)], m. : parallelopiped, solid figure hav'g six parallelogram surfaces. -lé- lismeº [Gr. -lelismôs], m. : parallelism. -lélogrammeº [L. -lelogrammum fr. Gr.], 1 parallelogram, four-sided plane # parallel sides. paralbgisme*[Gr.-môs],m. : paralogism, illogical reasoning. paraly #nt * [-ser], adj. : paralysing. -serºº [L. -sis, PALSY], tr. : paralyse. -sie* [L. -sis, Gr. parálusis (lûein, loosen)l, f : paralysis ; palsy; loss of power. -tique* [L. -ticus], adj. or m., j. : paralytic. • paramètre" [pará, beyond, métron, measure], m. : parameter, fixed basic line used in conic sections, etc. paran-gon*[Sp. para(n)gôn],m. : para- gon (model of excellence ; 18 or 20-point type); comparison. -gonnageº, m. : justifying (type). -gonnerº, tr. : (old) compare ; (nou) justify (type), make fit. fparant* [-rer, prepare; adorn], adj. : adorning. para-nymphe* [L. -nymphus, Gr. -numphös (pará, beside, nümphe, bride)], m., f. : paranymph (groomsman ; brides- maid ; backer, second, esp. at examina- tions); compliment (to a graduate). -nympherº, tr. : compliment; #praise solémnly. - «º J parapetº [It. -petto, breast-guard], m. : = (breastworks ; low wall to protect soldiers). para-phe* [L. -phus for -graphus], m. : paraph, flourish of pen in signing one's name or initials. -pherº, tr.: sign (with a flourish). paraphernalº, pl. =aux [L.-nalis (Gr. -na, wife's property, pará, beside, phermé, dowry)], adj. : = : bien —, wife's sepa- rate fortune. paraphrase paraphra-seº [L., Gr. -sis (Gr. pará, beside, phrâsis, speaking)], f : = (re- statement with greater clearness and detail). -serº, tr. : paraphrase, restate more fully. -seurº, =euse [-ser], m., j. : paraphraser. -steº [L. -stes, Gr. -stes], m. : (rare) paraphraser. parapluieº [I've of parer, ward off, pluie, rain], m. : umbrella. para-sélèneº [Gr. pará, beside, seléne, moon], f : paraselene, ring around the moon. -siteº [L. -situs, Gr. -sîtos (sîtos, food)], m. : = ; adj. : parasitic. -si- tisme* [-site], m.: parasitism, living on other living things. parasoiº [It. para-sole, ºward-off-sun'], m. : =, Sunshade. parasynthétiqueº [Gr. sûnthetos], adj. : parasynthetic, hav'g a prefix and a suffix. paratonnerre" [I've of parer, parry, tonnerre], m. : lightning-rod ; (humor.) scapegoat (for a jealous husband). fparâtre º [p. L. patrastum (L. pater, · father)], m. : stepfather; mean father. paraventº [It. -to (lit. ' parry-wind')], 770,. , SCI"66Il. parbleu* [disguised oath for par Dieu], interj. : by heaven ! par-e* [l. L. -(i)cus (?); Engl. park fr. Fr.], m. : park (for game; pleasure-ground; for artillery ; supplies thus enclosed ; place surrounded by nets, or stakes, walls, or ditches; oyster parc); salt marsh; navy yard. -cage º, m. : parking (putting into, confining in a park; forming into "parks). fparee = par ce. - par-eellaireº, adj. : hav'g parcels or lots : cadastre -, register of subdivided lots. |-eeIle° [p. L. *particëlla (L. particula, little part)], f. : particle ; por- tion, Small quantity; parcel of land, lot. par ehE-min° [p. L. percaminum (L. pergamëna, sc. charta, paper)], m. : parch- ment ; noble title (granted on vellum): visage de -, dry yellowish face ; sacs et -s, money and nobility ; fier des —s, proud of one's pedigree. -minéº, adj. : parchment-like. -minerie* [-minier], f : parchment factory or business. -mi- nier*, m. : maker or dealer in parch- ment. < pareimo-nie* [L. -nia, or parsimonia], j. : parsimony, stingy economy. -nieuse- ment* [-nieux], adv. : parsimoniously, With close economy. -nieuacº, =euse, · adj. : parsimonious, stingy. par-courirº [par, courir], irr.; tr. : run through or over; pass over, travel ; read cursorily. -cours* [cours], m. : running through ; route (of a railroad ; of a bus line): (droit de) -, right of pasturage. 471 pardEssus* [adv. par-dessus taken as nounl, m. : overcoat. - pardieu*, or -di, or -dine [par, dieu], interj. : emphatic, about like "on my honour !’ par-domº, m. : = (forgiveness ; papal indulgence); pilgrimage (for sake of in- dulgences). -donnable*, adj. : par- donable. ll-donnerº [par, donner], tr. : pardon (forgive ; excuse). - paréage* [L. pariare, make equal], m. : joint ownership (by two feudal lords, or by others). - paréatis* [L. pareatis, * obey ye'], m. : royal order (authorizing extension of ju- risdiction for a particular case). •' fparégorique" [L. -ricus, Gr. -rikós], adj. or m. : paregoric, soothing (medicine). pa-reil*, =eille [p. L. *pariculus (par, equal)], adj., or m., f : equal, like; f : like treatment : sans -, peerless : fà la pareille, likewise ; rendre la pareille à quelqu'un, get even with any one. -reille- ment*, adv. : equally; likewise. parélieº [L. -relion, Gr. -rélios (pará, by, hélios, sun)], m. : parhelion, false sun, sundog. parelle° [l. L. paratella], f : =, dock- Weed ; parella, litmus lichen. . paremen-tº [parer, prePARE, adorn], m.: preparation ; laying (of stones, of paving); curbing ; coping , facing , trimming; cuffs ; fadornment : - de la chaîne, waxing of thread ; - d'un mouton, removal of fat fr. a sheepskin to the hindquarters ; épée de —, ornamental sword ; -s de fagots, the large sticks in a fagot. -terº, tr. : face up (a wall). - parenehymeº [Gr. parégchuma (pará, beside, égchuma, infusion)], m. : paren- chyma, cellular tissue. - fparénèse" [L. parœnesis, Gr. paraí- nesis], f. : exhortation. paren-t°, =eºtte [L. -s (parère, beget)], m., f. : = ; ancestor ; (esp.) relative, kins- man. #-tage º, m. : kinship. -téº or +-tèle* [L. -tela], f : relationship (kin- ship ; connection ; all one's kinSmen). parenthèse* [L., Gr. -thesis (pará, be- side, énthesis, putting)], f. : parenthesis (explanatory clause or word set off by signs , signs of). • I.pa-renº° [L. -räre, prepare ; (in p. L. adorn)], tr. : prepare ; PARE ; arrange ; adorn (dress,trim, deck); PARRY (ward off); screen ; (carp.) dub ; se-, dress well ; show off. 2.-rerº [It. -rare], tr. : PARRY, ward off; steer clear off; clear; defend. 3.-rerº [Sp. -rar, stop], tr. : stop, rein in (a horse). #parèreº [fr. It. (L. parere, appear)], m.: consultation or opinion (on a point in commercial law). parère 472 pares-se° [L. pigritia], f : laziness ; slowness. -ser*, intr. : laze, be idle or slothful. -seusement* [-seux], adv. : lazily, idly. -seux*, =euse, adj. : lazy ; paresse slow ; idle ; m., f : idler ; m. : sloth, tree- bear : hair. pareur*, =euse [I.-rer], m., f. : finisher. par-faire* [par, faire], irr., tr. : finish up, complete. -fait*, adj. : PERFECT ; complete ; m. : perfection ; perfect tense. -faitement* [ fait], adv. : perfectly, entirely. - parfi-lage" [-ler], m. : unravelling (of a woven fabric to save the gold thread, etc.). -lerº [-lure], tr. : unravel, pick out (threads to use again). -Iure* [OFr. pourfiler (pour, fil)], f. : gold or silver thread (in heavy fabrics) ; unravelled threads. par-foisº [par, fois], adv. : sometimes ; at times. -fondreº [ fondre], tr. : fuse uniformly (as enamel). f-fournirº Lfournir], tr. : complete, make up (a lock). par-fum,º, m. : perfume ; incense. ll-fu- merº [ par, fumer], tr. : perfume, make fragrant. -fumerieº [ fumeur], f : per- fumery store or business. -fumeurº, =euse, m., f. : perfumer, druggist (Who | sells toilet articles). fparhélie = parélie. pariº [-rier], m. : bet, stake : - mutuel, partnership bet, pool-bet. paria " [dial E. Ind.], m. : pariah (person outside of the four Brahman castes; social outcast). - pa-riadeº [-rier, to match], f : pairing, mating ; mating-time ; pair (of quails, etc.). - fpariage = paréage. r parier* [L. -riare], tr. : fmatch, pair ; bet ; stake ; intr. : pair off, go by twos ; fmate : — une chose, maintain a thing, insist on the truth of a thing. (coiffure à la) paresseuse, false y parié-taire* [L. -taria (paries, wall), sc. herba, wall-plant], f : parietary (plant growing on old walls). -talº, pl. =aux [L. -talis], adj. : parietal (of a wall; m. : bone of the side and top of the head). parieurº, =euse [ parier], m., f : bet- tOr. Paris, m. : Paris, the Gr. hero. parisis [L. parisiensis], adj. or m. : Pari- " sian, of Paris : (denier) -, denier (coin worth very little); un sou —, 15 deniers ; une livre (de) —, Parisian pound (worth a fourth more than une livre tournois); payer le —, pay a fourth more than the nominal price. pari-syllabique* [L. par, equal, Fr. syllabe], adj. : parisyllabic (having no case -paroir longer than the nominative). -téº [L. -tas], f. : parity, equality. I.par-jure* [L. perjurus], m., f : per- jurer; adj. : perjured. 2.-jure* [L. per- jurium], m. : perjury, false oath ; viola- tion of one's oath. -jurer° [L. perju- räre], tr. : break (oath, vows, etc.): se -, perjure one's self. s' par-lageº, m. : (fam.) babbling, useless talk. portrait ; (her.) armes -es, armour bear- ing allusive designs. -lEmentº, m. : (old) talk, speaking ; deliberative assem- bly ; high court ; (nou) parliament, na- tional assembly. I.-IEmentaireº [-le- ment], m., f. : parliamentarian (member of parliament; partisan of parliament); adj. : of parliament, parliamentary : cela n'est pas —, that isn't very civil. 2.-lEmen- taire" [-menter], adj. : of a truce or parley : un -, a boat carrying messages | to the enemy ; truce-bearer or negotiator. I.|-lerº° [p. L. *parauläre (cf. parole)], intr. : speak (talk ; tell, expose a secret ; give an opinion ; speak out, make an an- nouncement); tr. : know how to talk, use ; talk about, discuss : Se -, be spoken ; speak to each other ; - à l'oreille, whis- per ; - à cheval à quelqu'un, talk peremp- torily to any one ; trop - nuit, trop grat- ter cuit, talking too much does harm, scratching too much inflames ; — à bâtons rompus, talk wildly ; pour ainsi -, so to speak ; vous trouverez à qui -, you will find your match ; il en parle bien à son aise, it is easier for him to say than for others to do ; faire - la poudre, make the cannon speak. 2.-lerº, m. : ftalk- ing; utterance, manner of voice or ex- pression ; (recently) idiom, language. f-IE- rie*, f : ftalking, way of talking. -leurº, =euse, m., f : talker, speaker ; adj.: talkative. -loirº, m. : place for talking, parlour, reception-room. -Ioteº, f : (fam.) lawyer's room (for chatting); meeting, society (of young lawyers who debate). parmiº [par, mi], prep. : among, in : il court — le monde, he runs about the world ; #- ce plaisir, in the midst of this pleasure ; #- un ami, with a friend. paro-dieº [L. -dia, Gr. -dia, counter- song], f : parody (humourous imitation); fa new song to an old tune. -dierº, tr. : parody ; se —, be parodied. -diste", m., f. : maker of parodies. paroi° [p. L. *parêt- (L. paries)], f : wall (of a house ; of stomach ; of hoof, parti- tion). • - 'f-paroir [L. parere, appear], in ap-paroir com-paroir, which see. -lantº, adj. : speaking; expres- sive, significant : portrait -, very good , paroir paroirº [parer, pare], m. : paring-knife. parois-seº [l. L. parochia, Gr. paroikia (oîkos, house)], f. : PARISH (church district ; church itself ; congregation of a church): une chose de plusieurs -s, an affair made up of various unlike parts ; porter habit de deux -s, vacillate between parties. -sial*, pl. =aux [l. L. parochialis], adj. : parochial. -sien*, =ienne, m., f : parishioner; m. : prayer-book. | parole° [p. L. *paraula (L. parabola)], f : word (vocable; utterance; saying; expres- - sion ; speech ; discourse ; language ; prom- ise ; parole); #betrothal (before notary): croire quelqu'un sur -, believe what · one says, accept his statement ; les Sept Paroles, the last words of Christ ; perdre , la -, lose power of speech ; avoir la -, have the floor ; porter la -, be spokes- man ; prendre la -, begin speaking ; demander la -, request the permission to speak ; céder la -, give up one's turn to speak ; être à deux -s, be a double- dealer ; épouser par -s de présent, (humor.) outstrip the nuptial ceremony ; passer -, pass (at cards). paroliº [It. (?)], m. : =, doubling of the bet at faro, etc. (cf. Eng. parlay): donner, or faire or rendre - à quelqu'un, outdo one, go him one better. parolierº, =ière [-le], m., f. : author (of a libretto, of a cantata). paro-nomaseº or =masie [L. nomasia, Gr. -nomasia (pará, beside, ónoma, name)], jf. : paronomasia, play upon Words which sound much alike, pun. -nymeº [Gr. parônumos], adj. : paronymous, of similar sound. -tideº [L. -tis, Gr. -tis (oûs, ear)], f : parotid (gland discharging saliva into the mouth). -xysme* [l. L. -xys- mus, Gr. -xusmós (oxüs, , sharp)], m. : paroxysm, fit ; extreme or intense attack (of disease, of anger). -xytonº [Gr. -xûtonos], adj. or m. : (un mot) -, oxy- tone, (hav'g) accent on the penult. fparpaigne = parpaing. - . parpaillotº, =ote [Prov., * butterfly’ applied at first contemptuously to Cal- vinists], m., f. : (fam.) infidel. parpaing° [p. L. *perpago (L. per, through, pangere, fix)], m. : parping, per- † (binding stone going clear through a wall). Parque [L. Parca, one of the Fates], f : (poet.) death ; pl. : the Fates. par-quer* [parc], tr. : pen up ; enclose, confine. ll-quetº [parc], m.: = (small enclosure ; fenced-off part ; space behind or within a railing ; reserved place ; #pit of theatres ; parquetry); bar, officials (of criminal court); frame ; locker (of many compartments); #part of park. -quE- partant 478 tageº [-queter], m. : parquetry, flooring, woöden mosaic. -quEterº, tr. : floor with parquet(ry). -queterie*,f. : manu- facture or laying of parquetry. -quE- teur* [-queter], m. : layer (of parquet flooring). par-rain° [p. L. *patrānus (L. pater, father)], m. : godfather ; sponsor. -rai- nageº, m. : sponsorship. I.parriei-de* [L. -da (pater, father, cœdere, kill)], m. : = (murderer of an as- cendent); heinous criminal ; adj. : heinous. 2.-deº [L. -dium], m. : = (murder of an ascendent ; of any kinsman); regicide. parsEmerº [par, semerl, tr. : strew, GOVelº. I.partº [L. partus], m. : BIRTH, delivery, parturition ; newborn babe. - 2.par-tº [L. pars], f : part (share, por- tion ; lot ; interest ; behalf; place ; side): - à deux, go halvers, give me half (of a thing found); à la -, on the shares ; sa - du gâteau, his share of the profits ; ſaire (or fdonner) — à quelqu'un de quelque chose, inform one of a thing ; faire à quelqu'un sa -, give one his share ; faire la - de la jeunesse, give youth the credit ; be indulgent ; faire la - du feu, give the fire its share, that is, let one build- ing burn to save another; (fig.) sacrifice one part to save another ; Dieu fait - de sa force, God lends his power; lettre de faire —, announcement (of death, mar- riage, etc.); en mauvaise-, in a bad sense; de toute —, fr. everywhere ; de — en —, fr. one side to the other ; nulle —, no- · where ; quelque -, somewhere ; quelque - où, wherever; de bonne -, fr. a good source ; on good authority ; à -, aside ; separate ; except ; in reserve ; plaisanterie à -, jokes aside, without joking ; à - soi, to one's self. -tage* [-tir], m. : divi- sion ; distribution ; portion ; participation, sharing : se donner sans -, give one's self wholly ; croyez-vous donc avoir tant d'es- prit en -? do you think you have such an endowment of wit ? ligne de — des eaux, watershed whence waters flow in different directions. -tageableº [-tager], adj. : divisible (into shares). -tageantº, =ante [-tager], m., f : sharer. -tager* [-tage], tr. : divide up ; divide ; share ; participate in ; apportion ; endow : (fam.) - la poire en deux, accept half where each claimed all ; partagé en cadet, ap- pointed as cadet. -tageur* (or =geux), =euse [-tagerl, m., f : (fam.) stickler (for division of property). -tanee* [-tir], f : departure, setting sail, leaving port : être en —, be on the point of sailing. partant* [par, tant], adv. : therefore, consequently. 474 partEnaire* [fr. Eng.], m., f : partner (in games ; fin dancing). parterreº [par, terre], m. : = (flower garden with walks ; floor of theatre, pit): (humor.) prendre un billet de -, stumble or fall down. par-tiº [-tir, divide], m.: party ; side ; part ; offer; allotment (portion, share); #job, task assigned ; treatment ; charge ; chances (of a game): prendre -, decide to marry; un bon -, a good match ; prendre en —, take in charge ; prendre le - de quelqu'un, take any one's part ; prendre son —, take one's stand ; à - pris, point de conseil, when one's mind is made up advice is gratuitous ; tirer - d'une chose, get profit fr. a thing ; la règle des —s, the law of chance ; homme (esprit) de —, party man (spirit). -tiaire* [L. -tiarius], adj. : sharing, hav'g an interest in crops. -tial*, pl. =aux [l. L. -tialis], adj. : partial, unfair (in judgment); f parti- san. -tialement" [-tial], adv. : partial- ly. #-tialiserº [-tial], tr. : divide into parts. -tiaIité* [-tial], f : partiality, unfairness (in judgment or favours); fpartisanship. . partibus, gcc in partibus. partiei-pantº, adj. : participating, shar- ing. -pation* [L. -patio], f. : = (shar- ing; interest): société en -, temporary partnership (to exploit some concession or scheme). I.-pe* [L. -pium], m. : parti- ciple, adjective form of verb. 2.f-pe* [L. particeps], m.,.f. : fparticipant ; part- mer. -perº [-pare], intr. : participate, have a part or share ; #tr. : possess in part. •k partieu-lariser* [L. -laris], tr. : parti- partenaire cularise (make particular; mention details of). -larismeº [L. -laris], m. : parti- cularism (doctrine that Christ died for the elect only ; political doctrine of state's rights). -lariste" [L. -laris], m., f. : particularist, supporter of particularism. -larité* [L. -laritas], f. : particularity ; particular, detail. -le* [L. -la], f : par- ticle (small piece ; short word); prefix (like més- in més-allier): la — mobiliare, the preposition de (used in noble names); avoir le —, be of noble family. -lier º, =ière [L. -laris], adj. : particular; pecu- liar, unusual ; individual ; reserved ; pri- vate ; m., f. : private individual : en mon -, as far as I am concerned ; j'en fais un cas -, I esteem that very highly. -lière- ment* [-lier], adv. : peculiarly. par-tie*, f : part (portion ; quantity ; role); party (company; group; gathering of pleasure ; person ; plaintiff or defend- ant); opponent; game ; entry, item (of an account); talent ; faccount : la - pas supérieure, the reason ; - double, double- entry book-keeping ; - du discours, part of speech (noun, etc.); - liée, game for two best out of three ; un coup de -, winning stroke ; decisive blow ; quitter la -, give up the game ; - nulle, drawn game ; forte -, strong opponent ; lier une -, get up a pleasure scheme ; - carrée, party of two couples; - fine, secret pleasure party ; se porter - civile, bring damage suit against a criminal; la - lésée, the plaintiff ; —s prenantes, favoured creditors; prendre son juge à -, make charges against one's judge. -tiel", =elle [L. -tialis], adj. : partial (not whole). -tiellement* [-tiel], adv. : partially, partly. |-tir° [p. L. -tire (L. tiri)], irr. (cf. sentir); tr. : (old) divide; (nou) se —, separate ; intr. : depart ; leave ; start up (as wild game); go off (as a gun); flash (as lightning); emanate : avoir maille à - avec quelqu'un, have a crow to pick with one ; (écu) parti, shield in divisions ; au -, on leaving ; à - de cette époque, since that period. -tisan*, =ane, or =ante [It. -tigiano], m., f : = (m. : skirmisher; guerilla); tax-gatherer (who farms out collections). -titifº, =ive [L. -tiri], adj. : partitive, designating a part of the whole. -tition * [L. -titio], f. : = (old, division ; nou, score in music): les -s oratoires, book on elocution. fpartner = partenaire. partout* [pas, tout], adv. : everywhere : , six -, only sixes to match (at dominos). parturi-tion º [L. -tio], f. : =, delivery of a child. < paru, part., see paraître. parure* [parer, prepare], f : prepara- tion ; dressing ; dress, attire ; parure, set (of ornaments); parings, scraps. parvEnir° [L.-nïre (per, through, venire, come)], irr. (cf. venir); intr. : arrive ; reach one's goal ; become very rich : un parvenu, une parvenue, person suddenly become wealthy. • parvis° [L. paradisus, park ; (late) porch of St. Peter's at Rome], m. : = (landing, porch or area before a church entrance); enclosure, precinct (about a temple); ves- tibule ; interior (of temples or churches): les célestes -, paradise. I.pas° [L. passus], m. : step (advance ; progress ; gait ; march ; walk ; track, foot- step ; PACE, distance one steps ; PASS, threshold, door-step); run ; route; turn (of , a screw) : marcher à — de loup, steal along ; j'y vais de ce -, or *tout d'un -, at once; à - comptés, very slowly; prendre le - sur quelqu'un, go in front of one ; avoir le - sur quelqu'un, belong ahead of one ; faux -, mistake ; transgression ; paseal - de clerc, clerical error ; marquer le -, mark time ; stand still; mettre quel- qu'un au -, make one toe the mark ; mettre son cheval au -, to walk a horse ; - relevé, quick step, almost a trot ; mau- vais —, bad scrape ; Sauter le -, make the attempt; ( fig.) die. 2.pasº [I.pas], ' adv. : not : me . ... pas, or non pas, (at first, emphatic, not a step, not a bit, not at all ; now) not (i.e. simple negative): ce m'est —, it is not ; - moi, not I. pascalº, pl. =aux [l. L. paschalis (fr. Hebr.)], adj. : paschal (of the Passover ; of Easter). pas-quinº [It. -quino (witty tailor Pas- quimo)], m. : =, satirical Writing. -qui- nadeº [It. -quinata],f. : =. -quinerº, tr. : pasquinade, lampoon. pas-sable* [-ser], adj. : =, acceptable. -sablEment º, adv. : passably. f-sa- cailleº pas- [Sp. pasa-calle, (lit.) pass- street], f. : passacaglia (style of dance ; old guitar tune). -sade* [It. -sata], f. : = (thrust in fencing ; course of a horse forward and back over same ground); pas- sage ; pass ; passing; passing fancy ; être de -, be passing through ; #couper la -, cut off a ship's course ; revenir à la —, return to the starting-point. -sageº [-ser], m. : passage (passing through or over; voyage ; fare ; migration ; place of passing, pass; arcade, covered walk; transi- tion ; change ; place in book, etc.); curing (of hides, etc., byputting them through dif- ferent baths). 2.f-sage = passège. I.-sa- gerº, =ère [I.-sage], adj. : passing; m., , f : passer-by; passenger. 2.f-sager = passéger. -sagèrementº [I.-sager], adv. : in passing, provisionally. -santº, =ante [-ser], m., f : passer-by; passant ; leather ring (through which passes a strap); scabbard-holder, frog ; saw (with- | out frame); adj. : ( fam.) much frequented; | (her.) passant, walking. -sation º [-ser], j. : passing (of an act). -savant* [-ser, avant], m. : gangway (between aft and forward) ; pass, permit (to go ahead). pas-seº [-ser], f : pass (permit; thrust ; bout with swords; motion ; place of pass- ing ; state ; condition); difference (to make an amount good); front (of a woman's hat); | port (at billiards); surplus, extra : être en -, be in position ; maison de —, trysting place ; dans une mauvaise —, in a sad pass, bad scrape ; mot de -, pass-word ; - du sac, price of the money-bag (kept out by the payer); - de caisse, extra allowance (for errors in cash account); main de -, extra sheets, overplus. -sé [-ser], m. : past (time, events gone by ; past tense). passe- [I've of passer]: -carreau", pl. passerelle 475 -x, m. : (tailor's) sleeve-board. - ehE- valº, pl. =aux, m.: ferry-boat. -dE- bout", pl. -, m. : transit permit (letting goods pass without duty). -dixº dis, pl.-, m.: elevens (dice game). -droitº, m. : funwarranted favour ; tolerance ; in- justice (in preferences). pas-sée* [-ser], f : fpassing ; flight (of game birds); course ; trail ; setting (of hair into wigs); dipping, curing (of hides in tanning). -se-fleurº, f. : anemone. -sègeº pa- [It. -seggiol, m. : passage (walking sideways). -ségerº, pa- [It. -seggiare], tr. : passage (make walk or prance sideways). -se-laeetº, m. : bod- Kin. passemen-tº [-ser], m. : fpassing ; lace ; lacework. -terº, tr. : adorn with lace. -terieº [-tier], f : lace business or manu- facture. -tier º, =ière, m., f. : lace dealer. - passe-méteilº, m. : meslin (mixture of wheat and rye). f-paroleº, pl. -, m. : pass-parole (a command passed along by mouth fr. front to the rear). -partoutº, pl. -, m. : = (pass-key ; night-key ; latch- key; engraving block with centre cut out; strips of gummed paper, light picture frame); compass-saw. -passe*, pl. -, m. : trick , sleight of hand ; hocus-pocus. -pied º, m. : =, dance. f-pierre = perce-pverre. pas-sepoilº [poil], m. : piping (for clothes). -seportº [port], m.: passport (certificate of citizenship used by travel- lers abroad ; sea-letter; recommendation). |-ser° [p. L. -säre (L. -sus, step)], intr. : pass (go by; go; die ; be carried by votes ; be current ; tr. : cross ; live through ; un- dergo ; go beyond ; surpass ; put around ; put ; go over, omit ; utter, e.g. bank- checks); strain; dress, cure : se -, occur ; pass ; fade ; - Son chemin, go on one's Way; passer (au grade de) capitaine, be- come a captain ; maître passé, master ; c'est comme si le notaire y avait passé, it is settled, agreed upon ; un vin passé, wine become stale ; - son habit, put his coat on ; se - de quelque chose, do without a thing ; - condamnation sur quelque chose, not to defend one's self on a mat- ter; il ne lui passe rien, he forgives him nothing ; - un soldat par les armes, shoot a soldier. -serageº [rage], f : · pepperwort. @ passereau* [L. -r], m. : sparrow : les -x, the order passeres, sparrow family. pas-serelle* [-ser], f : footbridge. -se- rose* [-ser, sense of " surpass'],.f. : holly- hock ; pink. -se-temps*, pl. -, m. : pastime. -seur*, =euse [-ser], m., f : ferryman. -se-vEloursº, pl. -, m. : ' , 476 love-lies-bleeding (plant). -se-volantº [voler, fly], m. : straw-man, dummy, fagot (pretended soldier or sailor for whom cap- tain draws pay unlawfully) ; interloper ; intruder. pas-sibilité* pas-si- [-sible], f.: passi- bility. -sible* [L. -sibilis], adj. : (rare) passibilité passible, able to suffer; liable (to penalty or punishment). -sifº, =ive [L. -Sivus], · adj. : passive ; m. : debt, liability; passive voice (in grammar): dettes passives et ac- tives, debts and credits. -sifloreº [l. L. -siflora], f.: passion-flower or vine (so called because its flowers suggest cross, nails, hammer, etc., of the crucifixion or passion of Christ). • pas-sionº [L. -sio], f : = (fsuffering, ' esp. of Christ ; ardour, intense zeal ; strong desire ; eager love) : la - selon saint Jean, gospel according to St. John ; la confrérie de la Passion, Passion-players (who had the permission to play mystery plays). -sionné* [-sionner], adj. : pas- sionate; hav'g a passion, or eager love : - pour la gloire, eager for glory. -sion- nel*,=eIle [L. -sionalis], adj. : passional, of the passions : attraction passionelle, in- clination to follow Uue's ſ'avourite fancy ; crime -, crime fr. love. -sionné- , mentº [-sioné], adv. : passionately. -sionnerº, tr. : impassion, inspire with passion : ne vous passionnez donc point, don't get angry. -sivementº [-sifl, adv. : passively. -sivetéº, or f-sivité [-sif], f. : passiveness. passoire* [-sser], f : colander, strainer. I.pas-telº [Prov.], m. : = (dyer's Woad, plant ; #dye itself); #- d'Inde, indigo. 2.-telº [It. -tello (-ta, paste)], m. : = (crayon; picture). -teIIiste* [2.-tel], m. : pastelist. - fpastEnadeº [Prov. -naga], f : (dial.) parsnip. pastèque* [fr. Ar.], f : watermelon. pasteur° [learned form supplanting *pâ- teur (L. pastor)], m. : (old) shepherd ; (now) pastor, preacher. pas-tiehe" [It. -ticcio (-ta, paste)], m. : pasticcio (imitation of an author). -tiehen°º, tr. : imitate. pastilIeº [L. -tillus], f : pastil (candy lozenge ; pasty compound used for fumi- gating). 1 pas-toral*, pl. =aux [L. -toralis], adj. : = (of shepherds.; of ministers ; f : play hav'g shepherds as actors). -torale- mentº, adv. : pastorally. f-toureauº, I.=elle [-teur], m., f. : young shepherd, shepherdess. 2.-tourelle* [-toureau], f : = (figure in dancing ; fshepherd song). patº [?], m. : stalemate (at chess). pata-eheº [Sp.], f : =, small vessel ; y patent clumsy coach. -ehonº, m. : captain. pata-gonº [Sp. -cón (ak. to petard)], m. : patacon (silver coin worth about 60 cents). pataquès* [je ne sais pas-t-à qu'est ce said humourously for je ne sais pas à qui c'est], m. : (fam.) faulty linking (of French Words). patarafeº [for parafe],f. : scrawl. patard * [Prov. -tac, Sp. -taca fr. Ar.], , m. : =, old Fr. coin worth a farthing. pata-teº [Sp. -ta or batata (fr. Ameri- can)], f : sweet potato - + patatrasº [echoic], interj. : ker-chunk ! bang ! (to express sound of an object that falls). patau-dº, =aude [patte], m. : pup (with big paWs); m., f. : lubber, clumsy lout : être à nage--, flounder about in water ; live in clover. -gerº, intr. : flounder ; be in a muddle. ' patehouliº [Eng. patch-leaf], m.: (E.Ind. plant or its perfume). fpate = patte. pâ-te° [L. pasta, Gr. páste, barley], f : paste (dough ; plaster ; thick paint ; clay mixed for poffery; pulpy mass). metlre la main à la -, put hands in the dough, i.e. take right hold of work; comme un coq en —, like a fattening cock (which is fed on pasty food); -s d'Italie, vermicelli or macaroni; un bonne - d'homme, a good sort of fellow ; - à papier, paper-pulp ; caractères tombés en -, printer's types all in a jumble, or pi. -té*, m. : =, patty, meat pie ; bunch of houses ; horseshoe- shaped platform or level (to defend a gate); ink-blot : un gros -, a fat thick-set child. -tée º, f : mess (of meal, bran, etc., to fatten poultry). pate-lin*, =ine [hero P. in a farce], adj. : wheedling, coaxing; m., f.: wheed- ler. -Iinage* [-liner], m. : blandish- ment, coaxing flattery. -liner*, intr. or tr. : wheedle : - une affaire, manage an affair skilfully. -lineurº, =euse [-liner], m., f. : wheedler, cajoler. patelleº [L. -lla, small dish], f : patella, limpet, sea-shell. pa-temment*-tam-[-tent], adv. : patent- ly, obviously. -tène* [L. -na, stewpan], f. : paten, communion platé or dish. patenô-treº[L.pater noster,our father], f : paternoster (fLord's prayer ; rosary ; string of beads ; cork line of seines ; chain-pump ; line of buckets ; dredging machine); series of prayers ; muttering : · dire la - du singe, mutter between one's teeth. -trier*, m. : bead-maker. paten-tº [L. patere, lie open], adj. : pat- ent (fopen ; plain ; obvious): lettres -es, letters patent, open letters with an official ºº driver; ºas•m$ •R•-•sº ls pater seal making a certain grant. -table" [-te], adj. : taxable. paten-teº, f. : pat- ent (grant, diploma, received in letters patent); (ship's) bill of health ; (ship's) clearance papers ; license : (essieu à) -, patent axle ; — nette, bill of health de- claring the vessel left an uninfected port; — brute, bill of health declaring an in- fected port. -téº [-tel, adj. : licensed. paterº [L., ºfather'l, m. : paternoster, Lord's prayer. patère* [L. -tera (-tere, lie open)], f. : patera (dish for libations ; saucer-shaped ornament). pater-neº [L. -nus], adj. : fatherly. -nel*, =elle [L. -nus], adj. : paternal. -nellementº [-nel], adv. : paternally. -nité* [L. -nitas], f. : paternity, father- hood. - pâteux*, =euse [pâte], adj. : (thickish ; sticky). pathéti-queº [L. patheticus, Gr. pa- thetikós (páthos, suffering)], adj. : pathet- ic, inspiring pity ; m. : pathos. -que- mentº, adv. : touchingly. pathogno- monique" [Gr. pathognomonikôs (cf. Fr. gnomonique)], adj. : pathognomonic, indicating the disease, characteristic. patholo-gie* [Gr. -gia (páthos, disease, lôgos, speech)], f. : pathology, science or treatise of diseases : - interme, medical treatment ; - exterme, surgical treat- ment. -giqueº[Gr...-gikôs], adj. : patho- logical. -gisteº, m., f. : pathologist. pathosº [fr. Gr., 'suffering'], m. : deep feeling; emotion. . patibulaire* [L. -lum, gibbet], adj. : patibulary ; m. : fgallows. pa-tiemment* pa-syam- [-tient], adv. : patiently. I.-tien ee* [L. -tiential, f. : = (endurance ; forbearance ; card game solitaire); puzzle. 2.patien eeº [? L. lapathium (understood as'la pathium)], f. : =, dock-weed. pasty y · pa-tient*, =ente [L. -tiens (pati, suf- fer)], adj. or m., f. : = ; culprit (to be executed). -tienterº, intr. : be patient, have patience. pa-tim,* [? patte], m. : (old) thick-soled shoe ; (nou) skate ; sill, footing. -ti- nageº [2.-tiner], m.: skating. -tine" [? ſ.-tiner], f. : patina, green rust (of medals, coins, etc.); shininess (of old statues, ivory, etc.). I.-tinen°º [patte], tr. : ( fam.) handle, feel, take liberties with. 2.-tiner" [-tin], intr. : skate ; slide. I.-tineurº [I.-tiner], m.: hug- ger (one who takes liberties with women). 2.-tineur", =euse [2.-tiner], m., f. : skater. pâtirº [L. pati], intr. : suffer. pâ-tis° [p. L. *pasticium (L. pascere, 477 graze)], m. : pasture. -tisser° ſp. L. *pasticiäre], intr. : knead pastry dough. -tisserie* [-tissier], f. : bakery ; cake ; pastry. -tissier*, =ière [-tisser], m., ſ : pastry-cook or seller. -tissoire", j. : pastry-board or table. . -- patois* [?], m. : = (illiterate dialect). ^ pâton* [pâte], m. : lump, bolus (of dough ; of chickenfeed). fpatouil4en° = patrouiller. , , , patraque" [?], f : rattle-trap (poor ma- chine ; person of broken health). pâtre° [L. -pastor], m. : herder. patriar-calº, pl. =aux [L. -calis], adj. : patriarchal, of patriarchs. -cat* [l. L. -chatus], m. : patriarchate. |-eheº [l. L. -cha, Gr. patriârches], m. : patriarch (head of a family or tribe ; aged man ; high dignitary in Greek church, etc.). patri-ee* [L. -cius (pater, father)], m. : patrician. Patri-ee, m. : Patrick. -eiatº [L. -ciatus], m. : patriciate, office or dignity of a , patrician. -eien*, =enne [L. -cius], m., f. : patrician, noble next to the king. patrieº [L.-tria], f : native land; country. patri-moine* [L. -monium], m. : patri- mony, property inherited. -monial*; pl. =au3c [L. -monialis], adj. : patrimo- nial. - patrio-te* [l. L. -ta, Gr. -tes], m. : pa- triot (old, fellow-countryman ; now, lover of his country); adj.: patriotic. -tique", adj. : patriotic. -tiquement" [-tique], adv. : patriotically. -tisme ", m. : pa- triotism, devotion to one's country. patristique* [Gr. patér, fatherl, f. : patristics, study of early church fathers. fpatro eiuer* [L. -nari, defend, pro- tect], intr. : exhort at length. patxologie* [Gr. patér, father, lôgos, speechl, f : patristics; writings of the early church fathers. pa-tronº, =onne [L. -tronus, =na], m., ſ : patron ; advocate ; protector; master ; boss ; padrone ; m. : pattern, model. -tronageº, m. : =, protection ; official care. -tronalº, pl. =aux, adj. : patronal (of a patron saint). -tronatº [L. -tro- matus], m. : patronate, right or duty or title of patron. I.-tronner *, tr. : PAT- TERN after, copy. 2.-tronnerº, tr. : patronize. -tronnesse*, f. : patroness. patronymique* [L. -nymicus, Gr. -numikôs (patér, father, ónoma, name)], adj. : patronymic, showing descent : nom -, family name. patrouil-lageº [-ler], m. : (fam.) pad- dling (in mud'or water). patrouil-leº, f : patrol. -lerº, intr. : (fam.) PADDLE, puddle (play in the mud); patrol. -lisº [-ler], m. : mud-puddle. - patrouillage 478 patte patte* [?], f. : PAW (foot of an animal); claws ; foot of a glass or vase ; clasp ; flap ; root ; hook ; nail : - d'oie, cross- roads ; crow's-feet, Wrinkles about the eyes ; goose-foot (plant); - de griffon, hellebore ; à quatre -s, on all fours ; faire — de velours, draw in the claws ; (fig.) hide hostile intentions ; graisser la — à quelqu'un, give one money to Win him over ; — de mouche, fine close Writ- ing; mouiller en - d'oie, to anchor with. three anchors ; les -s d'un uniforme, the bars or stripes of a uniforme ; retomber sur ses -s, light on one's feet ; (fig.) get nicely out of a difficulty. fpatte- pEluº, t--pElue, m., f. : hypocritical person. pattu*, adj. : (fam.) big-footed : pigeon -, pigeon with feathered legs. pâ-turage* [-turerl, m. : pasturage. -ture° [L. pastilra (pascere, graze)], f. : pasture ; feed; food ; pasturage ; (dial.) fclog, pastern (to keep a horse fr. stray- ing): droit de vaine -, right of pasturing on the commons; rive -, time of acorn mast. -turerº, intr. : graze, feed. -tureur ", m. : pastor (soldier who takes horses to grass). pa-turonº, m. : pastern (joint to which one fies a clog or hobble). pauletteº [tax farmer Paulet], f. : tax (paid by members of parliament on giving up their offices). paulownia * [Russian princess Anna. Paulowna], m. : =, ornamental tree of figwort family. pau-me° [L. palma], f. : palm (of the hand); jeu de -, hand-ball ; tennis. -melle*, f : palm (leather to protect the hand in working leather, sewing sails, etc.); plate (of a hinge). 2.-meIleº [Prov. -mola (L. -mula, littJe palm)], f. : barley (variety hav'g palmate head). -merº, tr.: fstrike with the hand ; tow, haul (by hand). -mierº, =ière, m., f : tennis player ; maker of tennis balls. f-mure = empaumure. pau-périsme* [L. -per, POOR], m. : pau- perism. # paupière°[p. L. palpetra (L.palpebra)],.f. : eyelid: fermer la -, close the eyes, sleep. pau-se* [L. -sa], f : =, stop. -ser*, intr. : pause (in music). pau-vre°,-vresse [p. L. -perus (L. -per)], adj. : POOR ; m., f : poor man, or woman : une rime -, a bad rhyme ; le — homme, the pitiful man ; un - d'esprit, one hav'g spirit of poverty; les —s d'esprit, the poor in spirit ; (as pun) those of little wit. | -vrEment*, adv. : poorly. -vresse, f, see pauvre. -vretº, =ette, m., f. : poor little one. -vrEté° [L. -pertas], f : poverty. - - pays pavage* [paverl, m. : paving; pave- ment. X. - pava-neº [? ak. to paon], f : pavan (old time, slow, stately dance or its music). -nerº, reflex. : se -, strut, move proudly. pa-véº, m. : paving-stone or block ; pave- ment ; paved road or street : le - de l'ours, ill-advised act of friendship, ill- timed kindness ; battre le pavé, to idle about town ; #être sur le — du roi, be on the public highway (where one has a right to be); être sur le -, have no home ; le haut du -, the best side of the paving ; upper hand. -vementº, m. : fpaving, pavement. ll-ver* [OFr. -vement, pav- ing, or L.-vire], tr. : pave. pavEsa-de* [It. -ta; ak. to pavois], f : = (shield to protect galley-oarsmen ; screen to hide operations on deck fr. the enemy). paveur* [paver], m. : paver. pavieº [Italian town P.], m. or f : cling- stone peach. pavillon° [L. papilio, butterfly], m. : pa- vilion (tent ; summer-house ; belvedere ; canopy over a bed ; flag; flagship ; bell, big end of a trumpet : external ea1 , lent as an armorial bearing): assurer son -, run up the flag and fire a cannon too ; mettre - bas devant quelqu'un, give up to one ; mettre le - en berne, fly rolled- up flag, give the signal of distress. · pavoi-sº-vwa [It. pavese (?town Pavie)], m. : pavise (large shield ; pavesade); dec- oration (with flags and banners). -se- mentº [-ser], m. : dressing, decoration (of a ship with flags and colours). -serº, tr. : cover (with a pavesade); deck out (with flags and colours). pavot° [p. L. "papavus (L. papaver)], m. : poppy, narcotic plant. pa-yable* [-yer], adj. : =. -yamtº [-yer], adj. : paying : billet -, pay-ticket. -ye* pëy [-yer], f : paying; payment, pay : jour de -, pay-day. -yement = paiement. . fpa-yen, =enne, see paiem. A pa-yer° [L. pacăre, make calm], tr. : pay; pay for : se -, be bought ; be satis- fied ; se faire -, get one's pay, (esp.) where one should get no pay; je suis payé pour me défier de lui, I have already been fooled by him ; - en monnaie de singe, pay with grins ; - quelqu'un de retour, return the compliment ; - sa dette à la nature, die ; il me paie pas de mine, his face won't carry him ; — d'audace, face it out ; - de sa personne, take great per- sonal risk. -yeur*, =euse, m., f : payer ; cashier ; treasurer. I.pay-s° pè-yi [L. pagensis (sc. ager), ter- ritory of a pagus, district], m. : country ; péage district ; native land ; birthplace ; home : les Pays-Bas, the Netherlands ; - d'états, provinces of France which had local assem- blies; — coutumiers, countries under their own local or provincial rule ; (humor.) un - de cocagne, Utopia, land of plenty; mal du —, homesickness ; vin de -, home- made wine ; il est bien de son -, it is plain he has never been away fr. home ; courir le -, roam over the country ; tirer -, leave ; gagner -, make one's Way ; décider à vue de —, decide at the first glance. 2.-sº, -se -yiz, m., f. : fellow- countryman, compatriot. -gageº, m. : landscape. -sagisteº [-sage], m., f : landscape painter. -san*, =anne [pays, Ger. suffix -ing], m., f. : PEASANT, country- man or woman. -sannerieº [-san], f : peasantry ; peasant play (portraying rustic life). pé-age° [p. L. pedaticum (L. pès, foot)], m.: toll (for travelling a road). -ager*, =gère, m., f : toll-gate keeper, tôll-col- lector; adj. : toll. peau° [L. pellis], f. : skin (of men, animals, fruits); false membrane ; une boisson qui porte à la -, a drink which makes one sweat ; coudre la - du remard à celle du lion, unite cunning and power. -sserie " [-ssier], f. : peltry, dealing in hides. -ssier*, m. : skinner, hide-worker; adj. : le muscle - du cou, cutaneous muscle of the neck. I.peautre* [?], m. : (old) straw-pile or bed ; (nou) : envoyer quelqu'un au -, drive one off; aller au -, go away. 2.peautre* [ak. to It. peltro and Eng. pewter], m. : tin. 3.f peautre* [?], f (or m.): (dial.) fhelm, rudder. peautréº, adj. : (her.) hav'g a distinctly coloured tail. pébrine º [Prov.pebrino (pebre, pepper)], f.: = (epidemic disease of silk-worms). pee* [Dutch pekelharing], adj. : hareng -, fresh pickled herring. pécariº [American word], m. : peccary, hog-like mammal. - · pec-eable" [L. -care, to sin], adj. : =, capable of sinning. -cadille º [Sp. peca- dillo (pecado, sin)l, f : little sin, pecca- dillo. -cantº [L. -cans], adj. : =, morbid. -cata", pl. - [L., * sins'], m. : (pop.) ass (as drudge taking all the blame). -cavi* [L., " I have sinned'], m. : =, confession. I.pêehe° [p. L. *persica (L. persicum, * Persian fruit')], f : PEACH. 2.pêeheº [I.pêcher], f. : fish. pé-ehé° [L. peccatum], m. : sin : dire de quelqu'un les sept -s mortels, say all kinds of mean things about any one. -eher° [L. peccăre], intr. : sin; commit pédicelle 479 a fault : — contre les règles, violate the rules. I.pêeherº° [p. L. *piscāre (L. piscări)], intr. : FISH ; tr. : fish, fish for, catch; draw (at dominoes). 2.pêehen°* [I. pêche], m. : peach-tree. fpé eheresse, see pécheur. pêeherie* [2. pêche], f. : fishery, fishing- place. péeheur°, =eheresse [L. peccător], m., f : sinner ; adj. : sinful. pêeheur°, =euse [L. piscător], m., f : fisherman or woman ; (fig.) apostle : l'an- meau du -, seal of the pope (successor of Peter, the fisherman). #pée oreº [It. pecora (= L. pl., * beasts’ taken to be a singular)l, f. : blockhead. peequeº [Prov. pèc, pèco, stupid], f : stupid or conceited Woman. peetoral*, pl. =aux [L. -lis (pectus, breast)], adj. : = (of or for the breast or chest; m. : ornament worn on the breast ; muscle of the thorax): sirop -, cough medicine. - pécu-latº [L. peculatus], m. : peculation (theft in public office or trust). -leº [L. -lium], m. : peculium, savings of a Roman slave ; any savings. #s . fpécu-ne* [L. pecunia (pecus, cattle)l, f : (fam.) money. -niaire* [L. -nia- rius], adj. : pecuniary. #-nieuacº, =euse [L. -miosus], adj. : (fam.) monied, - pecunious. - pédago-gie* [Gr. paidagogía], f : peda- gogy, science of teaching. -gique [-gie], adj. : pedagogical. -gue* [Gr. paidagogôs (paîs, boy, ágein, lead)], m. : pedagogue, teacher , pedant. péda-leº [It. pedale (L. pedalis, of the foot)], f : pedal, treadle. -lerº, intr. : pedal. -néº [L. pedaneus], adj. : juge -, standing judge (such as formerly tried cases standing up). | r pédan-tº, =ante [It. pedante (? ak. to Fr. pédagogue)], m., f. : pedant (fteacher ; one fond of displaying learning). -terº, intr. : act the pedant. -terie º, f : pedantry. -tesque* [It. -tesco], adj. : pedantic. -tesquEmentº [-tesque], adv. : pedantically. f-tiser = -ter. -tismeº, m.: pedantry, display of knowl- edge. pédéras-teº [Gr. paiderastés (paîs, boy, erân, to love)], m. : pederast. -tieº [Gr. paideraste%a], f : pederasty, sodomy. pédes-treº [L. -tris (pes, FOOT)], adj. : pedestrian, on foot. -trEment", adv. : afoot. & pédi-eelle" [L. -cellus (pes, foot), little foot], m. : pedicle, stem. -eulaire* [L. -culariusl, adj. : pedicular; f : lousewort. -cule º [L. -culus], m.: pedicel, stem. 480 pédomètre | -eulé " [-cule], adj. : pedicellate, hav'g a stem or stalk. -cure" [L. curare, to cure], m., f. : corn-cutter, corn-doctor. -Iuve" [L. luere, wash], m.: pediluvium, foot-bath. -mane" [L. manus, hand], m.: pedimanous, hav'g feet like hands, a thumb opposite to the fingers (as opos- sums). #pédomètre, see podomètre. pédon" [It. pedone (L. pes, foot, cf. Fr. pion)], m.: footman, courier. -eule" [L. pedunculus], m. : peduncle, stem, stalk. pégase" [L., winged horse Pegasus, which with its hoof produced the inspiring-foun- , tain Hippocrene], m. : Pegasus (symbol of poetic inspiration). pei-gnage" [-gnerl, m. : combing (of wool, etc.). |-gne° [L. pecten], m.: comb. -gné [-gner], m. : combed wool. I.-gnée º,f. : combful (of wool, flax, etc.). 2.-gnée* [-gmer], f : (pop.) hairpulling. -gner° [L. pectinäre], tr. : comb ; curry ; rake ; card, dress (flax, wool, etc.): (humor.) deux femmes qui se peignent, two women who pull each other's hair. f-gneran, see peignier. -gueur*, =euse [-gner], m., f. : comber (of wool, flax, etc ); f : drogging of floss silk (as a trade). -gnier*, m. : comb-maker or dealer. I.-gnoirº [-gner], m. : bath- robe, dressing gown; wrapper. 2.-gnoirº, m.: comb-case. -gnuresº [-gner], f | pl. : hair (in tresses or on combs). , peindre° [L. pingere], irr. $ ; tr.: paint (colour; portray ; represent ; describe ; depict): se —, use cosmetics ; être fait à | -, be very beautiful ; #pour achever de -, to complete the picture. $ Ind. : Pr. pein-s, -s, -t; peignons, peignez, peigment. Ipf. peignais. Pret. peignis. Fut. (Cond.) peindrai(s).- su# Pr. peigne. Ipf. pezgmzsse. — I've peins. - Part. : Pr. Aezgnant. P. pezzzz. # - pei-ne° [L. pœna], f : punishment; pain; sorrow; anxiety; torment ; pains, effort : à —, scarcely, hardly; ce n'est pas la -, it isn't worth while ; sous — de mort (or de la vie), or fsur (or #à) — de la vie, on pain of death ; être en - de quelqu'un, be uneasy about any one ; un homme de -, a man of heavy work. pei-nerº, tr. : pain (ftrouble ; weary, vex); intr. : toil, take ·pains. fpei-neux º, =euse, adj. : pain- ful, toilsome : la semaine peineuse, Passion Week. pein-s, -t, see peindre. pein-tre° [p. L. *pinctor (L. pictor)], m., #f. or f-tresse, f. : painter (of houses ; of pictures); skilful writer. -turage" [-turer], m. : painting (act of painting ; poor picture). -ture° [p. L. pinctiira (L. pictura)], f : painting (act of painting ; pelotage , art); paint ; colouring; image : fla — de quelqu'un, the portrait of some one; m'être roi qu'en -, be king in name only. -turerº [-ture], tr. : coat with paint ; daub. -tureur º, =euse [-turer], m., f.: poor painter; dauber. péjoratif, =ive [L. pejorare, make bad], adj. : pejorative, giving an unfavorable meaning. pékin " [city Pékin in China], m. : pekin, silk fabric ; (soldier's slang) civilian. pE-ladeº [I.peler], f : alopecy, scurfiness (loss of hair ; tendency to baldness); pelt- rot (of sheep). -lageº [poil], m. : coat, colour (of animals). fpe-iain, see plain. pélamideº [L. pelamis, Gr. -mis], m. : pelamis (tunny fish). pElardº [2. peler], adj. m. : bois —, barked wood. fpêle, see pêne. *- pêle-mêle* [?], adv. : pell-mell, helter- skelter ; m. : utter confusion. I.pEler° [L. pilăre], tr. : unhair, make bald or bare. 2.pElerº , [pel, old form of peau], tr. : PEEL, skin ; bark : intr. : peel off. • pèle-rin°, =ine [L. peregrinus, travel- ler], m., f : PILGRIM. -rinageº, m. : pil grimage ; journey, voyage ; shrine, mecca. -rineº, f : large collar; tippet. pélican* [L. pelicanus], m. : pelican (fish-eating bird, with pouched lower jaw ; forceps for molar teeth). - pElisse° [p. L. *pellicia (L. pellicia, * of skin,' sc. vestis, garment)], f : = (fur lined robe ; fur cloak ; dragoon's jacket). pellagre* [L. pellis, skin, Gr. ágra, seizure], f. : pellagra (Italian leprosy ; Alpine scurvy). pel-le° [L. pāla], f : spade ; spade-like object (blade of an oar ; watergate): la - se moque du fourgon, the pot calls the kettle black ; remuer l'argent à la -, have lots of money. -1ée* or -lerée or -letée, f. : spadeful, shovelful. pel-leterie*, f. : peltry; fur trade. ll-letier°º, =ière [pel, old form of peau], , m., f. : furrier, dealer in skins or pelts. -1iculeº [L. -licula (-lis, skin)], f.. pellicle, skin-like membrane. 3- pElo-tage* or plo- [-ter], m. : ball-play- . ing; winding, making into balls ; rolling. |-te° or plot [p. L. *pilotta (L. pila, ball)], f : fball ; ball of yarn ; pin-cushion ; · lump ; wad : faire sa -, be making money. -ter* or plo-, tr. : play with (a ball before the game); handle ; fondle ; roll, wind. -teur* or ploteur [-ter], m. : | (fam.) hugger (fellow who takes liberties with women). -tomº or plo-, m. : ball (of yarn, silk, etc.); lump ; platoon, half a company; bunch : feu de -, fire by all pelouse soldiers at once. -tonner" or plo- [-ton], tr. : wind into a ball, ball up. pEiouseº or plouz [poil], f : lawn, green- sward. pelte" [L. light shield. pElu, see poilu. pElu-ehe* [poil], f : PLUSH, velvet-like fabric. -ehéº, adj. : plushy, downy. -eher", intr. : become shaggy. -eheux º, =euse [-cher], adj. : plushy. pElure or plür [peler, to peel], f. : skin ; peelings ; trimmings, fluff. pelvien*, =ienne [L. -vis, basin], adj. : pelvic, of the pelvis. pEnail-le* [? penne, feather], f. : rag- pile ; (humor.) group of beggar-monks. -Ionº, m. : rag; beggar-monk. péna-lº, pl. =aux [L. pœnalis], adj. : penal, relative to punishments. -Iité*, -ta, Gr. péte], f. : pelta; small f : penal system. fpEna-rdº [peine], m. : disagreeable old man, old duffer. pénates* [L. penates], m. pl. : Penates, household gods (of the Romans); ( fig.) home : porter en un lieu ses -, come tO live in a place. A* pEnaud º, =aude [peine], adj. : abashed, shame-faced. . pen-ehantº, adj. : sloping; leaning; (fig.) declining, failing; m. : slope ; ( fig.) decline; · penchant, strong inclination, bent. -ehe- | mentº, m.: leaning; drooping. ll-eherº [p. L. *pendicāre (pendëre, hang down)], tr. or intr. : incline ; bend, lean : faire - la balance, be partial, unfair; la tour pen- chée de Pise, leaning tower of Pisa. pen-dable*, adj. : deserving of hang- ing; abominable : sa peccadille fut jugée un cas -, his sin was judged a case for hanging. -daison º, f : hanging (on the gallows). -dant*, adj. : pendent (hang- ing down or over; pending, suspended); m. : pendant, anything hanging, or at- tached ; earring; frog of a sword-belt ; mate; prep. : pending, during : châtiments -s, threaténing punishments ; récolte -e, standing crop ; — sa vie, during his life-; conj. : - que, while. -dard º, =arde, m., f. : (one worthy of hanging, i.e.) rogue, scoundrel. -deloque* [OFr. pendeler, dangle], f : = (pear-shaped jewel ; ear- drop ; crystals of a chandelier). -den- tifº [L. -dens, hanging down], m. : pen- dentive, dome vaulting. -derieº, f.: ex- ecution (by hanging); drying-shed (for hides) ; fcloset, wardrobe. I.-dieur*, =euse, m., f : hanger (hangman ; dryer of herrings). 2.-deurº [Prov. -dour], m. : span (rope holding a pulley). -diller*, intr. : dangle. -dillonº [-diller], m. : verge (rod controlling pendulum). -doirº, m. : hanger (for hanging up bacon, hams, 481 etc.). -dour = 2.-deur. | pen-dre° [p. L. *-dère, L. -dere)], tr. : hang (hang up, suspend; execute; intr. : be hanging; be in suspense): cela lui pend au nez, he is going to have trouble ; — la crémail- lère, hang the pot-hook ; give a house- warming (on moving into a new house); être toujours pendu après quelqu'un, to be always hanging after one ; avoir la langue bien pendu, to have a well-oiled tongue ; pendu à tout ce qu'il disait, captivated by all he said ; un pendu, a hanged man ; avoir de la corde de pendu, have a piece of hangman's rope (consid- ered lucky); il dit pis que - de vous, he says all sorts of bad things about you ; aussitôt pris, aussitôt pendu, no sooner said than done. -duleº [L.-dulus, hang- ing], m. : pendulum; f : clock. -duletteº [-dule], f : Small clock. pêne* [OFr. pesne, pesle (L. pessulus, Gr. pássalos, bolt)l, m. : bolt : - à demi- tour (or à ressort), spring-lock ; - dor- mant, bolt with no spring. péné-trabilité º [-trable], f : penetra- bility. -trable* [L. -trabilis], adj. : penetrable. -trant* [-trer], adj. : pene- trating ; piercing. f-tratif*, f=ive [l. L. -trativus], adj. : penetrating. -tra- tion * [L. -tratio], f : penetration : la - (d'esprit), acuteness of mind. -tren°* [L. penetrare], tr. or intr. : penetrate (go in or through, enter, pierce ; see through ; detect); move : je pénétrai par là dans leur dessein, I shall that way reach the bottom of their design ; le remords pénètre Son âme, remorse has seized his soul. péni-ble* [peine], adj. : painful ; diffi- cult ; pitiful : une nécessité —, a dire necessity. -blEmentº, adv. : painfully. pénieheº [fr. Eng.], f : pinnace (man-of- war's light-boat, galley); canal boat. pénieil-lé " [L. -lum, little tail, brush], adj. : brush-like. * pénil° or -nil [p. L. *pectiniculum (L. pec- ten, comb)], m. : mons Veneris, pubic re- gion, the lower part of the belly. péninsu-laireº, adj.: peninsular. |-leº [L. pœninsula (pœne, almost, insula, island)],.f. : peninsula. péni-ten.eeº [L. pœnitentia], f : peni- tence; confession ; penance, expiation ; chastisement : tribunal de la —, the con- fessional ; faire -, do penance ; ( fig.) have a hard time. -teneerieº [I.-ten- cier],f. : penitenciaryship. I.-tem eierº, m. : penitentiary, special confessor (to de- cide on reserved cases): grand -, cardinal invested with special functions. 2.-ten- eierº, m. : penitentiary, prison. -tentº, =ente [L. pœnitens], m., f. or adj : peni- tent: pleurs -s, penitential tears; les filles pénitence 482 —es de la Madeleine, Madeleine sisters of charity. -tentiaire* [L. pœnitentia, penitence], adj. or fm. : penitentiary. -tentialº, pl. =aux [L. pœnitentialis], adj. : penitential; repentant. -tentielº, =eIle [L. pœnitentialis], adj. : penitential (repentant ; m. : book of rules on pen- ance). pennage*, m. : plumage (esp. of falcons). | pennie° [L. penna or pinna], f : long feather ; any object suggesting a feather ; peak (of a lateen sail); end of a weaver's chain ; tuft of wool for calking. penné" [L. pennatus], adj. : pennate. fpennon 'Or pEm-, See pen0m. pénombre* [L. pœne, almost, umbra, shade], f. : penumbra, secondary shade ; twilight. pEnon* [penne], m. : =, pennon (knight's small swallow-tailed flag); dog-vane (on ships, to show the wind's direction). pen-sant*, adj. : thinking : bien -, well- thinking, right - thinking ; mal -, ill- disposed. I.-sée*, f : thought (idea ; plan ; reflection, meditation); judgment ; pennage memory ; mind : deviner la -, guess the thoughts ; changer de -, change one's mind ; -- ultérieure, afbe1 lliUuglil. ' 2.-sée* [I.-sée], f : pansy, heart's-ease. f-sementº, m.: thinking. I.|-ser° [L. -säre (ak. to Fr. peser and panser)l, tr. or intr. : think (conceive ; judge ; believe ; imagine ; intend ; remember ; reflect): - à quelqu'un, think of one ; honni soit qui mal y pense, evil to him who evil thinks ; par de stériles vœux pensez-vous m'honorer, do you think you are honour- ing me with sterile vows? 2.-ser* [Inf. as noun], m. : thinking; thought ; mind ; reason. -seur*, =euse, m., f : thinker. -sifº, =ive, adj. : pensive. pen-sion* [L. -sio, payment (-dere, Weigh · out)], f. : = (regular payment, esp. by a government for past services or merit ; boarding-school); tuition; board; boarding house ; school : une - sur l'Etat, a gov- ernment pension ; mettre un chien, un che- val en -, put a dog or horse out to be kept ; - entière, boarding and lodging (at the school); demi--, attendance without lodging. -sionnaire*, m., f : pension- ary (pensioner; in Holland, the chief ma- gistrate of a town); boarder ; pupil : (hu- mor.) - du roi, prisoner ; grand -, prime minister. -sionnatº, m. : = small boarding-school. -sionner*, tr. : pension. pen-sumº [L., " wool weighed out to a slave to be spun in a day'], m. : = extra task (as a pupil's punishment). penta-corde" [L.-chordus, Gr. -chordos (pénte, five, chordé, string)], m. : penta- chord, lyre of five strings. -gonalº, pl. y | perçant =anac [-gone], adj. : pentagonal, forming five angles. -goneº [L. -gonum, Gr.-go- non (gonía, corner)], m. : pentagon, five- sided figure. -mètre* [L. -meter, Gr. -metros (métron, measure)], m. : pentame- tre, poetic line offivefeet. pentandrie" [word coined by Linnaeus, Gr. anèr, man], f. : pentandria, those flowers collectively | that have five stamens. -thle" [L.-thlum, Gr. -thlon (áthlos, contest)], m. : pentath- lon, the five exercises (wrestling, running, leaping, throwing discus, throwing spear). pente* [pendre in anal. with vente, etc.], ·f. : slope, incline, hillside ; hangings ; trim- 2 mings; inclination: un seul pas de la droite route, aussitôt une - inévitable nous en- traîne, one step from the direct way, and We start on an inevitable down-hill. pentecôte* [L. -coste, Gr. pentékoste, fif- tieth sc. heméra, day (after the Passover)], # # (the Jewish feast ; Whitsun- ay). - pentière = pantière. penture° [p. L. *penditilra, *penditum (L. pendère, hang)], f. : moving leaf (of a door hinge). pénultième* [L. pœnultimus, lit. almost last], adj. or j. : penultimate, next to the last (syllable). pénurie" [L. penuria], f : penury, ex- treme want. Péonie, f. : Paeonia. péotte" [It. peotta], f : Adriatic gondola (of large size). , péperinº [It. peperino (pepe, pepper)], m. : peperino (pepper-coloured building stone found near Rome). pépieº or fpEpie [? L. pituita, mucus], ſ : pip (disease of chickens, etc.); ( fig.) avoir la -, be dry or hungry. pé-pin* or fpEpin [? L. pepo, melon], m. : pip, seed (of pears, berries, etc.); (fam.) whim,, liking ; old umbrella. -pi- nière º, f : nursery, bed (of apple- grafts ; of peachstones, etc.; cf. rare · Eng. pepinery). -piniériste* [-pinière], m. or f. : nursery-man, grower of fruit- trees. -piteº [Sp. pepita], f : nugget, lump of ore almost pure. péplumº or -plon [L. peplum, Gr. péplom], m. : peplum, light woman's cloak ; long veil. pepsine* [Gr. pépsis, cooking, digestion], : =, active principle of the gastric juice. - #péquin = pékin. -perea-le" [? E. Indian wordl; f : =, closely woven cambric. -lineº, f : =, glossy cotton cloth. - per-çant* [-cer], adj. : piercing (shrill ; sharp, penetrating; acute, shrewd). -eeº - - [-cer], f : gimlet, tap ; tapping (of bar- percepteur rels); hole. -eé", - eée [-cerl, m., f : opening ; f. : penetration : , il a fait une percée assez avant dans l'Ecosse, he pene- trated a great ways into Scotland. -eE- bois" [-cer], m. : borer (insect). -eée, see -cé. -eE-feuille* [-cer], f : thor- ough-wax or hare's-ear (fr. its perfoliate leaves). f-eE-forêt [-cer], m. : impet- uous hunter. -eEmentº [-cer], m. : piercing; opening. -eE-neige* [-cer], f : snow-drop (flower). -ee-oreilleº [-cer], m. : forficula, earwig (insect). -ee- pierreº [-cer], f : saxifrage ; rockfish. pereep-teur" [L. -tor], m. : perceptor, collector (of taxes, etc.). -tibilité " [-tible], f. : perceptibility. -tible* [-ti- bilis], adj. : =, noticeable ; #receivable. -tion * [L. -tio], f.: = (act of perceiv- ing; thing seen, heard, etc.); receiving (of taxes); office (of tax-collector). per-eer° [p. L. *pertusiäre (L. per- tundere, pierce)l, tr. : pierce (open ; cut, break, or go through ; see through ; pene- trate ; tap); wear through , intr. : make way ; come out ; appear : une forêt bien percée, a forest with good roads ; une chose percée à jour, a thing not made solid ; (fig.) percé à jour, transparent to everybody ; soulier percé, shoe worn through ; un panier percé, a leaky basket ; (fig.) a dissipated man ; le mérite finit toujours par -, merit always comes out all right at last. -eErette", f. : gimlet. pereE-vable º, adj. : perceivable ; receiv- able, collectable. |-voir° [p. L. perci- père (L. percipere)], irr. $ ; tr. : receive, collect; perceive. - $ Ind. : Pr. perçoz-s, -s, -t : percezvons, -z/ez, perçozzvezaz. Ipf. percez'azs. Pret. perçzés. Fut. (Cond.) percez/raz(s). — Subj. : Pr. perçoz-z/e, -zves, -zºe , perce-viozzs, -z/zez, percoz-z/ent. Ipf. perçztsse. — I've perçois. — Part. : Pr. perce- z/azzz ; P. perçzé. I.perehe° [L. perca], f : perch (the fish). 2.per-ehe° [L. pertica], f : perch (pole ; roost ; measure, square rod): tendre la - à quelqu'un, lend one a hand (as if he were drowning); #se battre à la perche, struggle in vain (like a falcon fastened to a bow-perch); une grande -, person lean as a fence-rail. -eherº, intr. : perch, sit on limbs or perches ; reflex. : se -, perch, roost : le ballon est perché, the balloon has lodged. perfide 483 percu-ssion* [L. -ssio (per, through, quatere, shake)], f. : = (knock, thump ; auscultation): fusil à -, gun fired by caps. -tamtº, =ante [-ter], adj. : per- cussion. -terº [L. -tere, knock], tr. : tap, percuss, test by auscultation. -teur* [-ter], m. : cock, hammer (of guns). per-dableº, adj. : ( fam.)losable. -dantº, =ante, m., f. : loser (esp. in playing); m. : le — (de l'eau), ebb, falling. -dition º [L. -ditio], f. : = (loss ; ruin): enfants de —, hardened sinners ; un vaisseau en -, a vessel that can't be saved. ll-dre° [L. -dere], tr. : lose ; ruin : se -, disappear ; be lost ; intr. : lose : enfants perdus, for- lorn hope (soldiers who take a great risk); une sentinelle perdue, outpost or picket cut off fr. communication ; fille perdue, abandoned girl, harlot ; une monnaie qui perd, money which loses in exchange ; - pied, lose footing, be in overhead deep ; (fam.) il en perd le boire et le manger, he forgets to eat over it ; qui quitte la partie la perd, he who quits the game, loses ; (fig.) it is best not to give up. per-dreau°, pl. -x [p. L. *perdicālis (L. perdix)], m. : young partridge. -dri- gonº, m. : plum (marked like redlegged partridge). -driac° [L. -dix], f. : =, parfridge. père° [L. pater], m. : FATHER (male parent ; ancestor ; title of respect or affection ; author, beginner, inventor): le saint--, the pope ; beau--, father-in-laW ; step- · father; — la joie, hale and hearty fellow; — aux écus, rich man ; - mourricier, husband of the nurse, fosterfather ; - noble, first old man (of theatres); un - douillet, an easy-going felloW. pérégri-nation * [L. peregrinatio (per, through, ager, .field)], f. : peregrination (wanderings, journeying). -nitéº [L. peregrinitas], f. : foreignness, alienage. péremp-tion* [L. -tio], f. : running out (becoming null and void by the statute of limitation). -toire* [L. -torius], adj. : peremptory (precluding debate; positive). pérennité* [L. -nnitas (per, through, annus, year)], f. : perpetuity, continuance. péréquationº [L. perœquatio (œquus, equal)], f : assessment. perfee-tibilité " [-tible], f. : perfecti- bility. -tible" [L. -tus], adj. : perfect- perchlorureº [L. per, through, Fr. | ible. |-tion* [L. -tio (per, through, | chlorure], m. : perchloride. facere, make)], f. : = (state of complete- perehoirº [-cher], m. : roost (perch ; | ness ; faultlessness , absolute excellence : henhouse). º en (or dans or fà la) -, to perfection ; perclus*, =use [l. L. -sus, closed up (L. | la - en personne, perfection itself. -tion- prœclusus, obstructed)l, adj. : powerless | nement" [-tionner], m. : perfecting, to move ; impotent. - improvement. - tionnerº, tr. : perfect : perçoir*, m., or -çoire [-cer], f. : gimlet, se -, strive to improve one's self. borer. perfi-deº [L. -dus (fides, faith)l, adj. : 484 perfolié périseiens perfidious (faithless, treacherous); m., f. : | around, hodôs, Way)], f.: period (stretch traitor, false-heart. -dementº, adv. : | of time, epoch ; cycle; time of a revolu- perfidiously, falsely. -die* [L. -dial, f. : | tion as of a star; phase of a disease ; long perfidy (false, treacherous character or | sentence uniting several thoughts ; musi- act). - cal phrase); m. : stage, step, esp. last perfolié" [L. per, through, folium, leafl, | step ; top, height : la - tertiaire, quater- adj. : perfoliate, hav'g the stem passing | .. maire, the tertiary, quaternary (geological ·through it. eras); la - lunaire, the time of the perfo-rant", adj. : perforating, piercing. | moon's revolution ; la - d'une maladie, -rateurº, =triee [L.-rator], adj. : bor-| the course of a disease. -dieité " ing; m. : perforator, piercer. -ration*| [-dique], f : periodicity, regular recur- [L. -ratio], f : = (piercing ; hole). | rence. -dique* [L. -dicus, Gr. -dikós], |-rer* [L. -rare], tr. : perforate, pierce. | adj. : periodic, hav'g fixed times ; charac- performanvee* [fr. Eng. (ak. to Fr. | teristic (of a certain time or age): une fournir)], f. : =, feat (esp. of track | fraction -, a decimal fraction hav'g same horses). - - figure regularly repeated ; publication —, fpergoute, see spergule. periodical, magazine ; une phrase - du péri-anthe " [l. L. perianthum (peri, | dix-septième siècle, a phrase characteristic around, ánthos, flower)], m. : perianth, | of the seventeenth century. -dique- floral envelope. -boleº [L. peribolus, | mentº, adv. : periodically, at regular Gr. peribolos (bállein, throw)], m. : perib-| intervals. olus (enclosure around a temple, etc.). | périoe eiensº-ryé [Gr. perioikoi (peri, -earde º [Gr. -kárdion (kardía, HEART)], | around, oikeîn, dwell)], m., pl. : perioe- m.: pericardium (sack enclosing the heart). | cians, those on each side of the equator -cardite* [-carde], f. : pericarditis, in-| at the same distance fr. it. flammation of the membrane around the | périos-teº [Gr. periósteon (peri, around, heart). -earpeº [Gr. -karpion (karpôs, | ostéon, bone)], m.: periosteum, membrane fruit)], m. : pericarp, hull, covering of a | covering the bone. -tite º, f.: periosti- seed. -ehondreº [Gr. chômdros, sinew], | tis, inflammation of the periosteum. m.: perichondrium, membrane around a | -toseº, f : periostosis, bony tumour. cartilage. » péripaté-tieienº [L. -ticus, Gr. -tikôs périeliterº [L. periclitari (periculum, | fr. peripateîn, walk about (Aristotle danger)], intr. : PERIL (be in danger ; | walked and taught)], adj. : peripatetic ; #tr. : risk, imperil). - m., f : follower of Aristotle. -tique º périerâneº [Gr. perikrânion], m. : peri-| [L. -ticus, Gr. -tikôs], adj. : peripatetic ; cranium, membrane around the bones of | m. : le -, Aristotle. -tisme º, m. : Peri- the skull. - pateticism, doctrines taught by Aristotle. péridot* [?], m. : peridot (the gem). péri-pétie* [Gr. -pêteia (peri, around, péri-drome" [Gr. peridromos (peri, piptein, fall)], f. : peripetia, sudden turn around, root dra, run)], m. : peridrome, | in a play ; (pop.) unexpected event. covered walk around a building. -gée*| -phérieº [L. -pheria, Gr. -phéreia [Gr. perigeios (gê, earth)], m. or adj. : | (phérein, carry)], f : periphery; exterior, perigee, point nearest the earth in the | surface. -phraseº [L., Gr. -phrasis orbit of the moon. (phrázein, tell)], f. : periphrase, round- périgueux º [place P. in France], m. : | about expression, as le vainqueur de Ro- manganese. croi for Condé. -phraserº [-phrase], périhélie" [Gr. perí, around, hélios, sun], | intr. : periphrase (use roundabout ex- m. : perihelion (in the orbit of a planet, pressions ; tr. : rare, put into periphrase. the point nearest the Sun). -ple" [L. -plus, Gr. periplous (pleîn, ` péril° [L. periculum], m. : peril, danger. | sail)], m. : periplus, circumnavigation. péril-leusement* [-leux], m. : peril-| -pneumonie* [L., Gr. -pneumonia ously. péril-leuacº, =euse [L. pericu-| (pneûmon, lung)], f : peripneumonia, in- lösus], adj. : perilous, dangerous, risky ; | flammation of the lungs, esp. of live-stock. #venturesome. -ptère* [L., Gr. -pteros (pterôn, wing)], · périmer* [L. perimere, destroy], tr. : | adj. : peripteral ; m. : un -, a periptery, annul, bar (by law of limitation). edifice with a colonnade. · péri-mètre º [L. perimetros, Gr. perí-| périr° [L. perire], intr. : PERISH ; become metros (peri, around, métron, measure)], null and void ; become extinct. m.: perimeter, contour. -méeº [L., Gr. | péris-eiens* [Gr. -kivi (peri, around, perineos], m. : perineum (region between skiá, shadow)], m., pl. : Periscians, people sexual organs and anus). of the polar circle, whose shadow goes all pério-de* [L. peridus, Gr. peridos (per%, | around them on a summer day. -copi- périssable - que* [Gr. -kopeîn, look around], adj. : periscopic, looking on all sides : verres -s, lenses hav'g concave side towards the eye. -perme* [Gr. spérma, seed, germ], m.: perisperm, nutriment around embryo. péris-sable* [périr], adj. : perishable. . -soire* [périr], f. : canoe (rowed with a | paddle). péri-staltiqueº [Gr. -staltikós (stéllein, put)], adj. : peristaltic ; mouvement -, the involuntary contracting or working of the intestines. -stole º [Gr. -stolé, con- traction], f : peristalsis, working of the intestines, contracting. -styleº [Gr. -stulos (stûlos, column)], adj. : peristyle (hav'g a colonnade ; m. : edifice with pillars ; vestibule with monuments). -sys- toleº [Gr. sustolé, contraction], f : peri- systole, time between the contraction and expansion of the heart, noticeable in the dying. -toimeº [L. -tonœum, Gr. -tônaion (teinein, stretch)], m. : peritoneum, mem- brane enveloping the viscera. -toniteº [l. L. -tonitis], f : peritonitis, inflamma- tion of the peritoneum. fperkale, etc., see percale. per-le° [? p. L. pirula, little pear], f. : pearl (bead ; gem ; nacre ; drop ; spark- ling of wines ; choice): une - baroque, odd-shaped pearl ; - fine, true pearl; la - des maris, the best of husbands. -Ierº, tr. : pearl (make into shape of pearls ; intr.. drip, take form of pearls): dragées perlées, pearl-shaped Sugarplums ; Sucre perlé, sugar boiled till it beads ; un ouvrage perlé, a work of infinite pains ; (her.) croix perlée, cross adorned with - pearls. -lette º,f. : little pearl. -lierº, =ière, adj. : pearl, of pearl : fbarque perlière, boat for pearl-fishing. perlimpinpinº [?], m. : poudre de -, quack's powder (of great imaginary virtues). - perlureº [-le], f : little knots or lumps (on antlers). - perma-nenee* [l. L. -nential, f : =, continuance. -nent* [L. -mens (-mere, · endure, last)], adj. : =, lasting, abiding. permé-abilité º, f. : permeability. |-ableº [L. -abilis], adj. : permeable, pOrOuS. per-mettreº [L. -mittere], irr. (cf. mettre); tr. : permit, allow ; let : est-il permis d'entrer, may I come in? à vous permis, you have the liberty, you may; je me permets, I take the liberty. -misº, m. : permission, permit. permis-sionº [L. -sio], f : = (liberty ; allowance ; privilege of doing): avec votre -, by your leave; - de dix heures, per- mission to be absent till ten o'clock. -sionnaire º, m., f : bearer of a permit , absent by permission). 485 (authorized keeper of a school ; soldier -sionner º, tr. : perroquet license, alloW, permit. permu-table*, adj. : commutable, inter- · changeable. -tamtº, =ante, m., f : permuter, exchanger. -tation * [L. -tatio], f. : =. |-terº [L. -tare (cf. Fr. muer)], tr. : permute, interchange : - les lettres d'un mot, change the letters about ; intr. : - avec quelqu'un, change place with any one. - Pernambouc, m. : Pernambuco (in Bra- zil). perni-eieusementº, adv. : perniciously. |-eieux*, =euse [L. -ciosus (-cies, ruin)], #. : pernicious, harmful. péronéº [Gr. perône, hook, pin], m. : fibula (bone of the lower leg). péronnelleº [woman P. in a play], f.: silly Woman. péro-raisonº [L. -ratio (orare, speak)], f : peroration, end of a speech. ll-rerº [L. -rare, speak], intr. : harangue, speech- ify, orate. -reur", =euse, m., f : ha- ranguer. - - - pérot* [père], m. : staddle (left after the second thinning out). Pérou* [country Peru], m. : (fam.) treas- Ull'e. - peroxydeº [L. per, through, Fr. oxyde], m. : peroxide. perpendieu-laire* [L.-laris], adj. or f : perpendicular. -lairementº, adv. : perpendicularly, at right angles. -la- rité", f : perpendicularity. -Ie* [L. -lum], m. : flead-line ; perpendicular. perpé-tration* [L. -tratio], f : per- petration, committing. -trerº [L. -trare], tr. : (old) execute, do ; (nou) perpetrate, commit. -tuationº [-tuer], f. : perpet- uation. -tuel*,=eIle [L.-tualis], adj. : perpetual (lasting, unbroken, continual). -tuellement* [-tuel], adv. : perpetually. -tuerº [L. -tuarel, tr. : perpetuate, keep up. -tuité* [-tuitas], f.: perpetuity, duration. perple-xeº [L. -xus (plectere, to weave)], adj. : perplexed ; perplex. -xité* -xitas], f. : perplexity, embarrassment. perquisi-tion* [L.-tio (quœsere, seek)], ſ. : =, close search : faire une - au domicile de quelqu'un, search one's house on a search-warrant. -tionnerº, intr. : make searches. - perré" [pierre], m. : stone-facing, water- wing. perron º [pierre], m. : steps (in front of a house); platform, perron. perroquetº [It. parrochetto, dim. of parroco, priest], m. : parrot ; gallant-mast (fr. its likeness to a parrot's perch); gal- lant-sail or spar; pliant chair : bâton de -, parrot's pole or perch ; ( fig.) tall 486 narrow house. perruehe" [?], f : par- rakeet, little green parrot , mizzen-top- mast. perru-que* [It. perruca], f : wig : une tête à —, barber's block; old fogy. -quierº, =iere, m., f. : wig-maker. pers°, I.=erse [? ak. to pêche, PEACH], adj. : violet blue : la déesse aux yeux -, Minerva. 2.perse" [country Persial, f : chintz, figured calico. # I.Perse, f : Persia. 2.Perse, m.: Persius. persécu-tantº, =arvte, adj. : persecut- ing; m., f. : persecutor. ll-terº [-teur], tr. : persecute, harass. -teur*, =triee T [L. -tor, -trix], m., f. : persecutor. Persée, m. : Perseus (the hero). persévé-ramment [-ranil, adv. : perse- veringly. -ranee* [L. -rantial, f : per- severance ; steadfastness : catéchisme de —, catechism pursued after first commu- · nion. -rant º, adj. : persevering; stead- fast. |-rer* [L. -rare (per-severus, very strict)], intr. : persevere, stick to it. persi-caire* [l. L. -caria (L.-cus, peach- tree), fr. its leaves], f. : water-pepper. -cotº [L. -cum, PEACH], m. : =, cordial (flavoured witli peacli-seeds). persien- ne" [I.persel, f. : Venetian blinds. persi-flage", m.: =, bantering, flippant manner of writing or speaking. -fler" [L. per, through, Fr. siffler], tr. : rally, quiz, banter. -fleur", =euse, m., f : banterer. persi-lº [p. L. petrosilium (L, petroseli- num)], m.: PARSLEY. -lIadeº, f : pars- ley dish; beef and parsley. -lIéº, adj. : fromage —, spotted cheese (hav'g appear- ance of chopped parsley). persique" [L. Persicus, of Persia], adj. : ordre —, Persian order (of architecture). Persique, m. : Persian Gulf. persis-tanee*,f : persistence. -tant*, adj. : persistent, unswerving. -terº [L. -tere (per, through, sistere, stand)l, intr. : persist, endure. person-nageº, m. : (old) church charge, situation (cf. Eng. parsonage); (nou) character ; person of some rank; person- age ; rôle : le - principal, the chief actor; les -s du premier plan, the per- sons in the foreground. -nalité* [l. L. -alitas], f. : personality ; selfishness ; in- sult. -nat* [l. L. -atus], m. : benefice (giving precedence over the simple can- ons). |-ne° [L. persöna], f : person (in- dividual ; body); m. : anybody : on s'est assuré de sa -, he has been arrested ; une — civile, incorporation with same rights as a person ; - me dansait mieux, no one danced better ; est-il venu quel- qu'un ? —, has any one come ? Nobody. perruque pertuisane -né" [L. persona, mask], adj. : personate, masked : les -es, mask-like flowers (such as snap-dragon). -melº, =elle [L. -alis], adj. : personal (of a person ; individual ; hav'g first, second or third person); self- ish ; m. : = ; persons collectively (as of any branch of government). -nelle- ment* [-nel], adv. : personally. -nifi- cation* [-nifier], f.: = (action or result of personifying). -nifierº [L. persona, person, facere, make], tr. : personify; em- body in one's self : il -nifie la probité, he is honesty itself. - perspec-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus (specere, see)], adj. : perspective. -tiveº [l. L. -tiva (sc. ars, art)], f. : = (art of repre- senting solid objects, or distances ; aspect of distance); prospect : - linéaire, linear perspective (where lines alone give the . effect of distance); - aérienne, perspec- tive given by gradations in colour; avoir quelque chose en -, have yet ahead of one. perspi-caeeº [L. -cax (specere, see)], adj. : perspicacious, clear or sharp-sighted. -caeité* [L. -cacitas], f. : perspicacity. -cuité* [L. -cuitas], f : perspicuity, clearness, acuteness. perspiration º [L. -tio (per, through, spirare, breathe)], f. : =, sweat. fpersua-dantº, adj. : convincing. |-derº [L. -dere (ak.to suavis, SWEET)], tr. : persuade (win over; make believe ; induce): on se persuade mieux par les raisons qu'on a soi-même trouvées, one is persuaded best by reasons found by him- self; elle veut me - de passer ici cet été, she wants to make me pass the summer here. -sible or -sifº, =ive [l. L. -sivus], adj. : persuasive, winning. -sionº [L. -sio], f. : = (moving the will by argument or entreaty ; conviction, settled opinion or belief). perte° [p. L.*perdita (part. of L. perdere)], f : ruin ; loss ; perdition : s'étendre à - de vue, to extend farther than the eye can reach ; vendre à -, sell at a sacrifice ; aller à sa -, go on to destruction ; agir en pure —, lose one's labour; la - d'un fleuve, the disappearance of a stream underground ; une femme qui a des -s, a woman who loses blood (by flooding, etc.). perti-naeité* [L. -nacitas], f : (rare) pertinacity, stubbornness. - nemment -nam- [-nent], adv. : pertinently, fittingly. -nenee*, f : pertinence, fitness. |-nent* [L. -nens (tenere, hold)], adj. : =, fit, relevant, suitable. per-tuis° [p. L. *-tüsium (for L. -tüsum, PIERCED)], m. : opening; strait ; water- Way ; cut. pertuisane* [partisane infl. by pertui- ser], f. : partisan ; pike, halberd. pertuiser #pertuiser* [double of percer], tr. : pierce. perturba-teurº, -triee [L. -tor, -trix (turba, tumult)], m., f : disturber ; adj. : disturbing. -tion * [L.-tio], f. : = (dis- turbance ; irregularity). perven ehe° [L. -vincal, f : periwinkle, dogbane. perver-s* [L. -sus, turned Wrong], adj. : perverse, wicked. -sion º [L. -sio], f. : =, change to worse. -sité* [L.-sitas], f.: perversity, wickedness. ll-tirº [L. -tere (per, through, vertere, turn)], tr. : pervert, spoil, change to Worse : fse -, forsake one's church; - le sens d'un pas- sage, corrupt the meaning of a passage. , -tissementº, m. : corrupting, perver- sion. -tisseurº, =euse, m., f : (rare) perverter. . pEsadeº [It. posata, posing, infi. by peser], f : = (rearing of a saddle-horse); stop- ping (after galloping). pE-sageº[-ser], m. : weighing (ofjockeys); place of weighing. -samment* [-sant], adv. : heavily. -santº [-ser], adj. : heavy ; weighty ; clumsy; m. : Weight ; adv. : in weight, by weight : ses mains sont un peu trop -es, he hits a little too hard ; valoir son - d'or, worth its weight in gold ; un jambon de quinze livres -, a ham fifteen pounds in Weight ; pain -, bread of toil; cheval - à la main, hard- mouthed horse. -santeur* [-sant], f : weight ; weightiness ; heaviness : - spé- cifique, specific gravity. pEsat* [pois], m. : dry pea-vines. pèse-aeide* [peser], m. : acidimeter (to test strength of acids). pEsée* [peser], ſ : Weighing ; prying. pèse-esprit* [I've of peser], m. : liquor- gauge (for testing the strength of liquids). -laitº, pl. -, m.: lactometer. -lettreº, pl. -, m. : letter scales. -liqueur*, pl. -, m. : hydrometer. llpEse-r° [L. pensäre], tr., intr. : weigh (measure ; es- timate ; equal ; consider ; be heavy ; have weight ; bear down); insist : un cheval qui pèse à la main, hard-mouthed horse ; tout est bien pesé, all has been fully ex- amined ; rien ne pèse tant qu'un secret, nothing is so great a burden as a secret. -selº, m. : salt-gauge, salinometer. -sirop*, m. : syrup-gauge. pEse-tteº, ·f. : small scales (for coin). pE-seur*, =euse, m., f : weigher. -vinº, m. : œnometer, wine-gauge. pEsonº, m.: balance-weight (on a spindle); lever-scales, steelyards. pessaire* [L. pessarium (Gr. pessôs, oval stone)], m. : pessary (plug to sustain the uterus). - - pesse° [L. picea (pix, PITCH)], f : fir-tree. 487 pessi-mismeº [L. -mus, very bad], m. : pessimism, theory that evil is dominant. -miste* [L. -mus], m., f : pessimist (one who believes that everything tends toward evil ; one who thinks life not worth living). pes-teº [L. -tis], f (fm. applied to a boy): pest (serious and wide-spread dis- ease, plague, pestilence ; bother ; trouble- some person); fadj. : bothersome : bovine, cattle plague ; dire la - de quel- qu'un, Wish one all kinds of bad luck ; la - soit de lui, plague take him ! -ten°º, intr. : curse and swear. -tifère* [L. -tiferus ( ferre, carry)], adj. : pestifer- ous, infectious. -tiféréº, =rée [-tifère], adj. : plague-stricken ; plague-sick person. -tilem ee* [L. -tilential, f : pestilence ; (fig.) evil doctrine. -tilentº [L. -tilen- tus], adj. : pestilent, pernicious. -tilen- tielº, =elle, adj. : pestilential. pet° [L. pëditum], m. : lâcher un -, break wind backwards ; (humor.) — de nonne, apple-fritter. pétale" [l. L. petalum (Gr. pétalon)], m. : petal, leaf of the corolla of flowers. pé-taradeº [Prov. petarrada (cf. pet)], f. : farting (of horses, etc.); shooting of fire-works. -tard º [-ter], m. : petºrd, bomb ; fire-cracker. f-tarder º, tr. : blow-up (with a petard). -tardierº, m. : petardeer, maker or shooter of petards. pétaseº [L. petasus, Gr. pétasos], m. : petasus, broad-brimmed hat. Pétau-d or PEtaud [humor. fr. pêter], m. : la cour du roi -, Bedlam broke loose, where each one does as he pleases. pétau-dière º,.f. : bear-garden, Bedlam. pété-ehial", pl. =aux, adj. : petechial. |-ehie" [It. petecchia (? Gr. pittákion, plaster)], f. : petechiae, spots on the skin in certain fevers, esp. in typhus. pet-en-l'air", pl. -, m.: (fam.) short jacket. llpéterº or pE- [pet], intr. : vent wind ; burst. péteur*, or =euac, =euse or pE-, m., f. : farter ; wretch. pétil-lantº or pE-, adj. : crackling ; sparkling. -lementº, m.: crackling ; sparkling; scintillating : - (du désir) de (faire) quelque chose, quiver with impa- tience to do something ; l'armée qui pétil- lait d'entrer en action, the army which was bristling With eagerness to get into action. |-Ier or pEtil-ler [péter], intr. : crackle ; flutter; sparkle. petit - = • : | pétio-le" [L. petiolus, little foot], m. : petiole, stem of a leaf. -lé", adj. : petioled, petiolate. pEtiotº, =ote [dim. of petit], adj. : tiny ; m., f. : little one, child. pEtitº, =ite [?], adj. : small, little; young; (placed after the noun) petty, mean ; m., ·f. : little one, child; m. : flittle quantity : 488 — à —, little by little ; -e bière, small- beer; au — pied, on a small scale ; être dans —s souliers, be uneasy ; - m0nde, common people ; group of children ; se sentir — garçon devant quelqu'un, feel small before some one ; au - bonheur, take the chances ! les -s frères (sœurs), humble brothers (sisters) of charity ; se faire -, make few pretensions; be humble. pEtit-dunkerqueº [signboard in Paris Au petit Dunkerque], m. : trinket. pEtite-fille°, pl. -s--s, f : grand- daughter. pEtitement* [petit], meanly ; poorly. pEtite-oie, f : giblets (liver, heart, etc., of poultry). pEtitesse* [petit], f : ness ; meanneSS. pEtit-fils, pl. -s--, m. : grandson. -gris, pl. -s--, m. : Siberian squirrel or its fur. péti-tion* [L. petiti6 (petere, ask)l, f : petition (request; demand): - de prin- cipe, bº# the question (in logic). -tionnaire", m., f : petitioner. -tion- nementº [-tionner], m. : petitioning. -tionnerº, intr. : petition. pEtlv-1ait, m. : whey. -maître, pl. —s-—s, m. : person of studied elegance. -nEveu, pl. -s--x, m. : grandnepheW. pétitoireº [L. petitorius], adj. : petitory, of a petition : action -, or le -, petitory suit, action for title to realty. pEtit-pied, m. : à -, on a small scale. pEtonº [pied], m. : (fam.) little foot. pétoneleº [L. pectunculus, little pecten, comb], m. : scallop (bivalve shell). pétréº [L. petrœus (petra, stone)], adj. : stony, petrous. · pétrel" [apostle Peter who walked upon the water], m. : petrel (sea-bird). pétri-fiant", adj. : petrifying, petri- · factive. -fieation º, f : petrifaction. |-fierº [L. petra, rock, facere, make], tr. : petrify (turn to stone ; coat With stone ; make hard ; dumbfound). pé-trinº [L. pistrinum], m. : bread-bowl, kneading-trough : (pop.) être dans le -, be in a fix. |-trir° [p. L. *pisturire (L. pinsere, grind)], tr. : knead ; form. · petit-dunkerque adv. : humbly ; smallness ; little- -trissableº, adj. : pliable, yielding, plastic. -trissage", m. : kneading. -trisseur*, =euse, m., f : kneader, baker - pétro-le* [l. L. petroleum, rock-oil], m,: coal-oil. -lerº, tr. : oil, cover with coal- oil; burn with coal-oil. -lerie*, f. : oil- - works. -1eurº, =euse, m., f : incen- diary, firebug (who uses coal-oil). -si- , lex" [l. L.], m. : petrosilex, flinty stone , like feldspar. phanérogame tpetto, see in petto. pétu-lammentº [-lant], adv. : petu- - " lantly. -Ianee* [L. -lantia], f. : petu- lance, wild capriciousness. -lant* [L. -lans], adj. : petulant, peevish. . fpe-tunº [Port. petum (So. Am. word)], m.: tobacco. -tunerº, intr. : smoke to- bacco. -tuniaº, m.: petunia (herb of the nightshade family). peu° [L. paucus, little], m. : small quan- . tity ; adv. : little : un homme de -, a man of little value ; je viendrai dans - (de temps), I shall soon come ; — à -, little by little ; si - que rien, as good as nothing. peuplade* [-pler], f : fsettling (of a country); colony; tribe. I.#peu-ple° [L. pôpulus], m. : (dial.) #poplar (tree). • 2.peu-ple° [L. populus], m. : people : le — roi, the Romans ; le petit —, the lower classes ; children. -plEment* [-pler], m. : peopling; stocking (of a pond, etc.). -plerº, tr. : people, populate : les fantômes peuplent son imagination, phan- toms fill his fancy ; — un parc de gibier, stock a park with game. - peuplier * [I.peuple], m. : poplar (tree). peu-r° [L. pavor], f. : FEAR : - de mou- rir, dread of dying ; faire — à quel- qu'un de quelque chose, to make one afraid of anything ; de - de or que, for fear that, lest. -reusement* [-reux], adv. : in fear, timidly. -reux *, =euse, adj. : timid, fearful ; m., f. : timid person. peut-être° [pouvoir], adv. : maybe, per- haps ; m. : (fam.) uncertainty : la mort est le grand -, death is the great uncer- tainty. Phaéton º [Sun's son Ph. who attempted to drive his father's horses], m. : (humor.) driver ; coach, phaeton. phagédénique* [L. -gedœnicus, Gr. -gedainikôs ( gédaina, great hunger; eat- ing-sore)], adj. : phagedenic, erosive, gan- grenOuS. - - pha-lange* [L. -lanx, Gr. phálagx, rod : bone ; line of soldiers], f. : phalanx (Greek order of battle, several lines deep ; bone of the fingers or toes ; Fourier's com- munity of a , hundred families). -lan- stère" [infl. by monastère], m. : phalans- tery, palace where a Fourier community lives. -Ianstérien º,=ienne [-lanstère], m., f. : Fourierite, phalansterian. phalène" [Gr. phâlaina], m. or f : moth. phalli-que* [L. -cus, Gr. -kôs], adj. : phallic. phallusº [L. (Gr. phallôs)], m. : phallus (lingam, penis as emblem of fertility). phanérogameº [Gr. phanerôs, visible, gámos, marriage], adj. : phanerogamous, phantasmagorie hav'g stamens and pistils : les (plantes) -s, phanerogamia, flowering plants. fphantasmagorie, etc., see fantasma- gorie, etc. pharaon " [? picture of Egyptian king Ph. on one card], m. : faro. Pharaon, m. : Pharaoh. areº [L. -rus, Gr. pháros (Island Pháros)], m. : lighthouse ; mast (with its rigging, yards and sails): - de cimitière, lamp-post ; — d'église, chandelier; le - de l'avant, the foremast. phari-saïque* [L. -saicus, Gr. -saikôsl, adj. : Pharisaic. -saïsme * [-saique], m.: Pharisaism. -sien*, =enne -sœus, Gr. -saîos], m., f : Pharisee, observer of the letter rather than the spirit ; adj. : Pharisaical. pharma-eeutique* [L. -ceutieus, Gr. -keutikôs], adj. : pharmaceutical. ll-eie* [L. -cia, Gr. -keia], f. : pharmacy (art of making medicines; drugstore). -eienº, m. : druggist; fadj. : of a pharmacy. -copéeº [Gr. kopoiia (phármakon, drug, poieîn, make)], f : pharmacopœia, book on pharmacy. f-copoleº [L. -copola, Gr. -kopôles (poleîm, sell)], m. : seller of drugs. pharyngiteº, f : pharyngitis, inflamma- tion of the pharynx. llpharynxº [L. (Gr. phárugx, throat)], m. : =, back part - of the mouth. phaseº [Gr. phásis, appearancel, f : aspect ; stage. #phaséole = faséole. y Gr. Phoîbos, phébusº [L. Phœbus, Apollo], m. : bombast : parler -, talk fustian. phénakisticopeº [Gr. phenakistikôs, · deceitful, skopeîn, see], m. : phenakisto- scope, toy producing effect of pictures in motion. · phénicoptèreº [L. phœnicopterus, Gr. phoinikôpteros (phoinix, red, pterôn, wing)], m. : flamingo, kind of crane With brilliant colouring. t phénieure = phœnicure. . phéni-que* [ak. to phénol], adj. : phenic : acide —, carbolic acid. -qué*, adj. : containing phenol. phénixº [L. phœnix, Gr. phoinix], m. : phenix, fabulous Egyptian bird ; prodigy. phéno-1* [Gr. phaínein, shine, Fr. end- ing ol (L. oleum, oil)], m. : phenol, carbolic acid. -ménal*, pl. =aux, adj. : phe- nomenal. |-mène* [Gr. phainômenon], m. : phenomenon (event ; wonder). - philanthro-pe*[Gr.philánthropos (phí- lein, love, ánthropos, man)], m.: philan- thropist. -pie* [Gr. -pîa], f. : philan- thropy. -pique" [Gr. -pikós], adj. : · philanthropic. philharmonique" [Gr. 489 harmonia, accord], adj. : société —, mu- sical society, or association. philippineº [Ger. philipschen (?fr. viel- liebchen, much-beloved)], f : philopena, forfeit game between two. philippi- que * [Gr. -kôs (sc. lôgos, speech), speech of Demosthenes against. Philip of Macedonia], f. : philippic, speech against a ruler. philis-tim,º, =ine [Ger., L. -tinis (fr. Hebr.), nation hostile to the Jews], m. : Philistine, one Who doesn't take on cul- ture. philolo-gie* [L. -gia, Gr. -gia (philein, to love, lôgos, speech)], f : philology, study of languages. -giqueº, adj. : philologi- cal. -gue*[L.-gus, Gr.-gos], m. : philolo- gist. philomathique º [Gr. philo- mathés (manthánein, learn)], adj. : société -, philomathean society or association. philoso-phal*, adj. : pierre -e, philos- opher's stone (which turns any metal into gold); thing impossible to find. |-pheº [L. -phus, Gr. philôsophos (philein, to love, sophía, wisdom)], m., f : philosopher (investigator of causes ; thinker, reasoner ; one schooled in self-control); adj. : philo- sophical. -pherº [L. -phari], intr. : phi- losophise, think, reason on morals. -phieº [L. -phia, Gr. -phia], f. : philosophy, wis- dom : - première, metaphysics ; il prend son mal avec -, he takes his misfortune calmly. -phique* [L.-phicus, Gr. -phi- kôs], adj. : philosophical. -phique- mentº [-phique], adv. : philosophically. -phismeº, m. : philosophism, abuse of true philosophy. philoteehnique * [Gr. téchne, art], adj. : philotechnic. philtre* [L. -trum, Gr. philtron], m. : philter, love-potion. phlé-bite* [Gr. phléps, vein], f. : phlebi- tis, inflammation of the veins. -botomeº [L. -botomus, Gr. -bôtomos (témnein, cut)], f : lancet (for bleeding). f-botomie* [L. -botomia, Gr. -botomía], f : phlebotomy, bloodletting. f-betomiserº [-botome], tr. : bleed, phlebotomise. -botomiste* [-botomie], m. : phlebotomist, blood-letter ; student of veins. # phleg-magogue*[L.-magogus, Gr.-ma-. g0gós (phlégma, phlegm, ágein, drive)], adj. or m. : phlegmagog, expectorant (medicine to loosen a cough). -masieº [Gr. -masia (phlégein, burn)], f : phlegma- sia, inflammation. f-matique, fphleg- me, see flegmatique, flegme. -mon* [l. L. (L. -mone, Gr. -moné)], m. : =, burning heat fr. inflammation beneath the skin. -moneux º, =euse [-mon], adj. : phleg- mOnOuS. | - phlogistique" [l. L. -ticum (Gr. -tós, phlogistique burnt)], m.: phlogiston, supposed essential 490 phlyctène of every combustion. phlogose" [Gr. phlôgosisl, f : inflammation of the veins. phlox * [Gr. phlôx, fiame], m. : = (flower). phlyctène" [Gr. phlûktaina (phlüzein, boil)], f. : blister, phlyctena. - hoenieure" fé- [L. -rus, Gr. phoinikou- ros (lit. red-tail)], m. : redstart (Warbler). pholadeº [Gr. pholás (pholeá, hole)], f : pholas, piddock, rock-boring mussel. pho - nétique* [Gr. -netikôs (phoné, voice)], adj. : phonetic, of vocal sounds ;.f. : phonetics, study of sounds. -nique* [Gr. phoné, voice], adj. : phonic ; #f. : pho- nics, phonetics. -nographe* [Gr. grâ- phein, Write], m. : phonograph. -no- litheº [Gr. lithos, stone], m. : phonolite, clinkstone (sonorous volcanic rock). -no- mètre* [Gr. métron, measure], m. : pho- nometer (for measuring the intensity of | sound). phoqueº [L. phoca, Gr. phôkel, m. : phoca, sea-dog (seal). - phormionº, or =ione [Gr. -mion, * little mat,' name of an unknown plant], m. : phormium, plant of New Zealand flax-lily family. . - - phos-phate" [fr. root of-phore], m. : =, union of phosphoric acid and a base. -phène* [Gr. phôs, light, phaínein, ap- pear], m. : phosphene, rainbow made by pressing the eyeball. -phite* [fr. root of-phore], m. : =, union of phosphoric acid with a base. |-phoreº [L. -phorus, Gr. -phôros (phôs, light, phérein, carry)], m. : phosphorus (the element). -phoréº, adj. : phosphorated. -phoreseenee", f : =, luminous appearance without sensible heat. -phoreseentº, adj. : =, luminous like phosphorus. -phoreux", adj. : phos- phorous, hav'g low valence of phosphorus. -phorique", adj. : phosphoric, hav'g high valence of phosphorus. -phure*, m. : phosphid. photo-graphe* [fr. Gr.l, m. : photog- rapher. ll-graphie º [Gr. phôs, light, gráphein, Write], f. : photography; photo- graph. -graphierº [-graphie], tr. : pho- tograph, take a picture of. -graphi- que º, adj. : photographic. -gravureº [gravure], f : =, engraving by photog- raphy. photo-lithographie* [Gr. phôs, light, Fr. lithographie], f. : photolithography, making a printing surface on stone by photographic processes. -mètre* [Gr. métron], m. : photometer (for measuring intensity of light). -phobieº [Gr. phô- bos, fear], f : phºphº#. aversion to light. -phone* [Gr. phoné, voice], m. : =, instrument using a beam of light for transmission of sound. -sphère* [Gr. physiographie sphaîra], f. : photosphere, atmosphere about the sun. phra-seº [L. -sis, Gr. phrâsis], f : =, (sentence ; musical phrase), idiom : ſaire de (grandes) -s, talk for nothing ; talk affectedly or grandiloquently ; — toute faite, set expression ; idiomatic phrase ; commonplace remark. -séolo- gie* [Gr. -seologia (lôgos, speech)], f. : phraseology, manner of forming phrases ; empty talk. -serº, intr. or tr. : phrase. -seur",=euse, orf-sier, f=ière, m.,f. : (fam.) phraser, empty talker or writer. phré-nésie, -nétique, see frénésie, etc. -niqueº [Gr. phrén, sense of " dia- phragm'], adj. : phrenic. .* phrénolo - gieº [Gr. phrén, sense of "mind,' lôgos, speech], f : phrenology, doc- · trine that each mental quality has a fixed seat in the brain. -giqueº, adj.: phreno- logical. -giste*, ôr -gue, m.: phrenol- ogist, one who studies character fr. shape , of the head. - pht(h)i-sie* [L. phthisis, Gr. phthisis], ·f. : consumption : - pulmonaire (laryn- gée), tuberculosis of the lungs (of the larynx). -siqueº [L. phthisicus, Gr. phthisikôsl, adj. : un homme (ume femme) -, a consumptive. - phylactère* [L. -terium, Gr. phulakté- rion (phulâssein, preserve)], m.: phylac- tery (fcharm ; with the Jews, strips of parchment with legend fr.the Scriptures). phyl-litheº [Gr. phûllon, leaf, lithos, stone], m : phyllite (petrified leaf; stone With imprint of a leaf). -loxéra, pl. - [l. L. (Gr. xéros, dry)], m. : phylloxera (de- structive grape-louse ; vine disease caused by it). physi-eiem*, =enne [L. -cus [Gr. phûsis, nature)], m.,.f. : physician ; physicist. -co- mathématique* [-que], adj. : physico- mathematical. physio-crate* [-cratie], m. : physiocrat, one Who recognises the soil as the basis of all wealth. -eratie* [Gr. phúsis, nature, krátos, power], f : physiocracy, doctrine that all wealth is based naturally on land. physiognomo-nie*[L.-nia, Gr. phusio- gnomonia (phûsis, nature, gignôskein, know)], f. : physiognomy, art of reading character fr. the face. -nique" [L. -micus, Gr. phusiognomonikôs], adj. : phys- iognomic. - physio-graphieº [Gr. phúsis, nature, gráphein, Write], f : (rare) physiography. -graphique* [-graphie], adj. : (rare) physiographical. -logie º [L. -logia, Gr. phusiología], f : physiology, natural his- tory of living organs. -logique* [L. -logicus, Gr. phusiologikôs], adj. : physio- physique logical. -logiste" [-logie], m. : physi- ologist, student of the functions of bodily organs. -nomie* [l. L. -gnomia (Gr. phusiognomonia)], f : physiognomy (art of reading faces ; the facial expression): la - des lieux, the aspect of places. -nomiste* [-nomie], m., f : physiogno- mist, face-reader. physi-que* [L. -cus, Gr. phusikôs (phü- sis, nature)], adj. : physical (of the body ; of nature ; m. : =, bodily make-up); f : physics, science of the properties of mat- ter : certitude -, absolute certainty. -quement*, adv. : physically. phyto-litheº [Gr. phutón, plant, lithos, stone], m. : phytolite (fossil plant ; stone | with imprint of a leaf); stony formation (in a plant). f-logie" [Gr. lôgos, speech], ·f. : botany. 4 piaculaire" [L. -laris (piare, expiate)l, adj. : (rare) sacrifice -, sacrifice in expia- tion. | piaf-feº [?], f : display, ostentation. : -ferº, intr. : show off; paw the ground : faire - un cheval, make a horse take fancy steps. -feurº, =euse [ fer], m., ſ : blow-hard, boaster ; adj. : cheval -, pawing horse. piail-lard", =arde, adj. : (fam.) bawl- ing; m., f : cry-baby. |-lerº [pie], intr. : (fam.) bawl, cry. -Ierie º, f. : (fam.) squalling. -1eurº, =euse, m., f : bawler ; scold. pianº [So. Am. word], m. : yaws (tropical eruptive skin disease). fpiane-piane, pianissimo,see I.piano. pianiste* [2.piano], m., f : pianist. I.pianoº [It.], adv. : =, softly : - , - or piane piane (cf. It. piano piano) or pianissimo, very softly. 2.piano" or piano-forte [It. pianoforte], m. : = (the musical instrument): - vertical or droit, upright piano ; tenir le - dans un con- cert, play the piano part in a concert. piastreº [It. -tra, ak. to Fr. plastron],.f. : piaster (coin): la - espagnole or forte, the Spanish piastre (worth one dollar); — turque, Turkish piaster (worth about five cents). - piatº [ pie], m. : young magpie. piau-lementº, m. : peeping, chirping of chickens, etc. |-Ierº [echoic], intr. : peep, chirp ; whimper. I.pic* [?, ak. to 2 pic], m. : pick, pick-ax ; fire-poker; peak (of a mountain); gaff (of a mast); pique (at cards, leap fr. 30 to 60 points by making 30 to opponents' noth- ing): couler à -, go straight to the bot- · tom ; monter à -, rise vertically or very steep ; le bâtiment est à - sur son ancre, the ship's anchor is straight up and down. . 2.pic° [L. picus], m. : Wood-pecker, $ pied 491 pieaº [L., " magpie'fr. its gluttony], m. : =, morbid hunger (as for clay or chalk). pieadorº [Sp. ak. to Fr. piqueur], m. : =, horseman with a pike (for bull-fighting). pieaillon " [Prov. picaioun (?)], m. : =, coin worth # cent ; (pop.) tin, money. fpi eéa, see épicéa and pesse. - piehenette* [?], f : little snap, thump (with the finger). pieher* [OFr. pichier, l. L. picarium], m. : PITCHER (cf. BEAKER). pieholine" [Prov.pichoulino,fr.inventor Picciolini], f. : pickled olive. pico-rée* [Sp. -rea (-rear, steal cat- tle)], f : marauding; poaching, foraging. -rerº, intr.: forage, pilfer , tr. : plun- der. -reurº, =euse [-rer], m., f : fora- ger; marauder. pico-tº [I.pic], m.: little pick, prick ; point (of a hammer); picot (of lace); Wooden wedge. -tageº, m. : pecking, picking. -tementº [-ter], m. : prick- ling; itching. -terº [piquer], tr. : prick Often, keep pricking ; make itch or tingle; peck ; nag, tease ; Wedge ; point (lace): picoté de petite vérole, pock-marked, pitted fr. small-pox. -terie* [-ter], f. : nag- ging, pin-pricks, teasing. - picotinº [OFr. picot (fr. ?)], m.: peck (measure two gallons). pierateº [fr. root of picrique], m. : =, salt of picric acid. picrique* [Gr. pikrôs, bitter], adj. : picric. fpic-vert, see pivert. I.pie° [L. pica, spotted bird (?PINGere, to paint), wood-pecker], f : magpie : trouver la - au nid, make a great discovery ; un cheval -, piebald horse. 2 pie* [L. pius], adj. f : œuvre -, chari- table work. tpiéça* [pièce a, it is some time agol, adv. : for a long time. |pièeeº [? ak. to petit], f : piece (part ; item ; produc- tion, play ; bit ; slice ; patch, field ; gun, cannon ; coin ; each ; chess-man, etc.); one of a group (head of cattle, etc. ; item of wild game); quantity ; trick ; speci- men : armé de toutes —s, armed fr. head to foot ; habiller quelqu'un de toutes -s, say all kinds of mean things about any one ; donner la - à quelqu'un, give one drink-money; une — de résistance, choice morsel ; une - moutée, pastry With a de- sign ; une — de vin, quantity of Wine ; wine cask ; payer à la -, pay by the piece (not by the day); emporter la -, bite a piece out ; (fig.) be very sarcastic ; mettre en —, tear to pieces ; jouer une - à quelqu'un, play one a trick. pié- eette*, f. : (fam.) little piece ; peseta (Spanish small coin worth about 50 cents). | pied° [L. pès], m,: FOOT (end of the leg ; 492 pied-à-terre base; leg of pots, tables, etc.; basis ; meter; foot-print, track): à -, a-foot ; — plat, flat foot ; (fig.) low character ; — bot, club-foot ; en -, standing upright ; être sur ses —s, be on one's feet , avoir loujours un — en l'air, to be always on the go; sur quel - êtes-vous ensemble, how do you stand with each other ? il n'y ( -, there is no bottom, it is overhead deep; lâcher —, take to flight; prendre —, get a footing ; couper l'herbe sous le — à quelqu'un, supplant one , lever le -, (fig.) decamp with the cash ; mettre un cocher à —, suspend a coachman ; - à —, step by step ; loger à - et à cheval, entertain (as host) footmen and horsemen ;. avoir le — marin, have one's sea-legs ; Jiaut le —, let us be off; off with you ! (hence : fun haut-le--, homeless Wan- derer); faire le - de grue, Wait a long time standing ; être sur ses -s de der- rière, rear on the hind legs ; (fig.) to be stiff as a poker ; #petits -8, small game, bunting, wheatear and such birds as food ; tirer de quelqu'un - ou aile, get some- thing out of one by hook or crook ; - de cheval, large oyster ; - d'alouette, lark's- heel (plant); — de corbin, crow's-foot ; — de griffon, hellebore; - de biche, claw for drawing nails ; récolte sur -, stand- ing crop ; — de nez, long nose ; faire un — de nez à quelqu'un, put the open hand to one's nose ; au - de la lettre, by the letter not the spirit ; taper du -, tO stamp; — poudreux, vagabond ; perdre —, get in overhead ; avoir -, be touching bottom. $ pied-à-terre" -ta-tèr, pl. -, m. : hunt- er's lodge ; temporary house. pied-droit º, pl. -s--s, m. : pier. piédestalº, pl. =aux [It. piedestall0, (lit.) foot of a stall], m. : pedestal. pied- fort º, pl. =s-—s, m. : proof-coin, stand- ard coin. piédou eheº [It. pieduccio, little foot], m. : small pedestal. piège° [L. pedica (pes, foot)], m. : trap, SI13,I'e. pie-grièehe º, pl. -s(-)-s [pie, mag- pie], f. : shrike ; scolding Woman. pie-mère* [infl. by l. L. pia mater], f : pia mater, innermost membrane around the brain. Piémont,f. : Piedmont. - pier-railleº, f. : broken stone, macadam. |pier-re° [L. petra], f : stone ; seed ; calculus : jeter des -s dans le jardin de quelqu'un, attack one indirectly ; faire d'une — deux coups, kill two birds with · one stone ; — d'evier, gutter stone. -ré*, ·f. : bed of stones ; rubble drain (made by filling a trench with stone). -reries*, j. pl. : jewels (of precious stones). -cet- pier-rier*, m.: pignon te *,f. : (fam.) pebble. -reux º, =euse, adj. : stony : colique pierreuse, distress from calculus in the-bladder. mortar-gun (for stone projectiles); Small cannon, swivelgun. -rotº [name Pierre, Peter], m. : =, clown; house-sparrow. -rures*, f.pl. : pearls, burr, bony circles around base of antlers. piété* [L. pietas], f.: fPITY ; piety; re- ligion. pié-ter* [pied], intr. : run, move (as birds after the dog has set them); toe the mark ; tr. : - le drap, give a nap to (as cloth); - le gazon, cut lawn close (to make it grow thicker). -tin " [pied], m.: foot-rot (in sheep). -tinement" [-timer], m. : stamping, trampling. -ti- nerº [pied], tr. : trample, stamp; intr. : move the feet. -tonº, =onne [pied], m., f. : pedestrian, person afoot ; #foot- soldier ; courier, postman (for rural dis- trict). piè-tre* [OFr. peestre, on foot (L. pedestris)], adj. : shabby; wretched. piètrEment* [piètre], adv. : miserably. piètrErie º [piètre], f : wretchedness. pietteº [pie], f. : piet, water-ouzel (bird). pieu°, pl. - U pieusementº [pieux], adv. : piously. pieuvre° [L. polypus, cf. poulpe], f. : octo- [L. pălus], m. : stake. pus, cuttlefish. pieux º, =euse [L. piusl, adj. : pious, godly : legs -, legacy for benevolence. piézomètre* [Gr. piézein, press, métron, measure], m. : piezometer, instrument to measure the compressibility of liquids. pif-freº, =esse [sense of fifre (infl. by It.piffero)], m., f. : (fam.) fat person; glut- tonous person. #-frerº, tr. : stuff, gorge. pi-geon° [L. pipio, squabl, m. : = (lump of hard plaster ; dupe, gull) ; dove : - voyageur, homing pigeon ; plumer le -, · bunco a greenhorn. -geonneau*, m. : young pigeon, squab ; (fam.) blister (on the hand caused by handling hides from lime bath). -geonner º, tr. : fpluck, pick ; build up with plaster. -geon- nierº, m.: pigeonhouse. $ pigment* [L. -tum, colouring matter], m. : = (colour of the skin in men and ani- mals). pigne" [Sp. piña, lit. pine cone], f : pina gold or silver (remaining after driving off the mercury by heat). pigno eherº [for épinocher], intr. : nib- ble (eat by little morsels); (fam.) paint (with little strokes). - I.pignon° [p. L. *pinnio fr. pinna, notch of a wall], m. : =, gable ; cog-wheel : avoir - sur rue, be a freeholder. 2.pignom° [p. L. pinio, L. pinea, pine- cone], m. : =, kernel (of a pine-cone). pignoratif pignoratifº, =ive [L. pignus, pledge], adj. : contrat -, mortgage or pignorative COntract. #pigrièehe = pie-grièche. pilaire* [L. pilus, hair], adj. : pilar. pilastreº [It.-tro], m. : pilaster, engaged square pillar in a wall. I.pile° [L. pila, column], f : pile (heap ; stone base, pier); sideline (in fishing). 2.pile* [?], f : tail, reverse (of coins). 3-pi-le° [L. pila, mortar for crushing], f : pulp-trough : fmettre à la — et au verjus or donner une - à quelqu'un, abuse, mal- treat. -lerº° [L.-läre], tr. : crush, pulver- ise : - du poivre, bounce in the saddle. -leur*, =euse [-ler], m., f. : pounder, crusher. - pileux*, =euse [L. -losus], adj. : pilar, of the hair. pilier° [L. pilăre], m. : pillar; column ; pOSt-Support ; patron, frequenter. pil-lageº, m.: pillage, plunder : tout est au -, everything is prey. -lardº, =arde, m.,.f. : pillager, plunderer. |-#erº° [p. L. *piliäre (L. pilăre)], tr. : despoil, pillage, rob; sack ; assault ; attack. -lerie*, f : plundering. -1eurº, =eyise, m., f. : plunderer, pillager, assailant. pi-loirº [-ler], m.: pole (for poking the hides in a tanning vat). -ionº [-ler], Tm. : Stamper ; tamping pole ; PESTLE. -lonner", tr. : stamp, tamp; pug; pul- verise. - pilo-ri* [?], m. : pillory : mettre au —, put to shame or disgrace. -rier*, tr. : | pillory, put in the pillory. piloselle* [l. L.-lla (L. pilosus, hairy)], ſ : mouse-ear, hawkweed. pilo-tº [pile], m. : (build.) pile, post. I.-tage* [I.-terI, m. : pile-driving, mak- ing of pile-work. 2.-tageº [-ter], m. : | = ; pilotry; piloting. -teº [It. -to fr. OIt. pedotto (Gr. pedôn, helm)], m. : pilot ; pilot-fish (seen with sharks); damper- - lever (of pianos) : drap —, pilot-cloth (coarse woollen, usually blue, worn at sea); - hauturier, sea-pilot ; — côtier, coast or river pilot. I.-terº, tr. : fill with piles or posts. 2.-terº [-te], tr. : pilot, steer, guide. -tinº, m. : pilot-boy; pilôt- , fish. -tisº, m. : pile-work (for bridges, etc.). pilule* [E. pilula, little ball (pila, ball)], f : pill ; disagreeable thing : dorer la —, gild the pill; ( fig.) sugar-coat an un- pleasant thing. 1 pimbêeheº -bèch [?], f. : (fam.) minx (woman who puts on airs or is saucy). pimen-tº [p. L. pigmentum], m,: pimento, allspice ; metheglin (a drink of honey and spices). .. -terº, tr. : spice, season (with pimento). 498 pim-pantº [OFr. -per, for Fr. piper, lure birds], adj. : attractive, enticing. -pEsouée * [OFr. -per, OFr. souef, SUAVE], f : affected woman. - pimprEnelle* [?], f : pimpernel, burnet. piºvº [p. L. pinus], m. : pine : pomme de -, pine-cone. pina ee*, f : pinnace (light speedy boat); sloop. pinacle* [L. pinnaculum], m. : pinnacle, top. fpinasse = pinace. pinastre* [L. -ter], m. : pinaster, wild plne. pim-card ", adj. : cheval -, horse that goes too much on his toes, (esp.) wearing the toes of the hind feet. |pim-eeº [pincer], f : PINCERS (nippers, forceps ; claws of crabs); front teeth ; tongs ; tWeezers ; grip; lever ; toe (of a hoof); fold : - monseigneur, jimmy (iron bar to force doors); - de paveur, paving crow- bar , craindre la -, be afraid of arrest. pin eeau°, pl. -x [p. L. ºpinicellum (L penicillum)], m : brush, PENCIL ; painting; tuft; cone of light : le dernier coup de -, give the finishing touch; la vigueur du - de Sénèque, the vigor of Seneca's style. pin eéeº [-cer], f. : pinch (of salt, of snuff, etc.). - piaveelierº [-cel, old for -ceau], m. : painter's dip cup. - pin-ee-mailleº, m., f. : pinch-penny, miserly person. -eementº, m. : pick- ing (of the strings of a harp, etc.); nipping off (of buds). -ee-nezº, pl. -, m.: double eye-glasses (that stay on with a spring). ll-eer* [?], tr. : pinch ; squeeze ; nip ; play, pick ; press ; rally : - sans rire, joke gravely ; un or une pince-sans- Tire, a dry joker; sly person ; - la taille, compress the Waist; make the form look Smaller ; - le corsage, take up darts in the corsage ; - un arbre, nip off ends of branches ; - (les cordes) d'une guitare, d'une harpe, play a guitar, harp ; - quel- qu'un, catch one in the act ; — le vent, sail close to the wind : - les lèvres, press the lips so as not to laugh ; prendre un . air pincé, constrained appearance (as though trying not to laugh). f-eeterº [-cette], tr. : pull out (with tweezers); un- hair. -eette º, f : pinching ; pl. : twee- Zers ; tongs ; each leg (of the tongs). fpin ehina(t)º [Prov. penchinat (lit. " combed')], m. : coarse woollen cloth. I pin-çon º [-cer], m.: pinch (mark left from pinching). 2.-çon * [-ce], m. : toe- . piece (of a horseshoe). -çoterº [-cer], tr. : (fam.) pinch (a little and often). fpindari-ser* [poet Pindar], intr. : Write affectedly. f-seurº, =euse, m., ſ : Pindarist. pindariser y 494 pi-néalº [L. pinea, pine-cone], adj. : cone-like, conic : glande -e, pineal body (formerly supposed seat of the soul, in the brain). -neau* [pin], m. : Burgundy grape. ping(o)uinº [? Welsh, ' white head'l, m. : penguin. pin-greº [?], adj. : (fam.) close-fisted : un —, a skinflint. -grErieº, f. : (fam.) closefistedness. · pinneº [L. pinna, Gr. pinnél, f : pinna (sea-mussel). fpinné, see penné. pinnule º [L. -la, little wing], f : pinule, · sight of an alidade. fpino ehen° = épinocher. pinque º [Dutch (es)pink], f. : pinkstern (Chebacco boat). - pinson * [for pinçon, l. L. pincio (?)], m. : finch, pink. pintadeº [Port., * painted'], f. : Guinea- pinéal fowl. • pim-teº [?], f. : pint (almost a litre). -ter*, intr. : (pop.) drink like a fish. pio-ehe* [ak. to pic, pick-ax], f : mat- tock. -eherº, tr. : pick, dig; work hard. -ehaurº, =euse [-cher], m., f : workman ( ,ith a pick); hard worker. fpigler — piuuler. pioletº [ak. to pioche], m. : Alpine pick- ax (used by guides). - pion° [L. pedo, broad-footed person, p. L., 'man afoot'], m. : foot-soldier ; servant (who walks); pawn ; man (at checkers); wretch ; monitor (in school): damer le - à quelqu'un, take advantage of one. pionner", intr. : give pawn for pawn repeatedly. pionnier*, m. : pioneer (soldier who clears the way ; early set- tler). - piotº [? Gr. pieîn, to drink], m. : any drink ; (esp.) wine. pi-pe* [-per], f : pipe (fflute ; wine-cask ; tobacco-pipe ; pipeful): bourrer sa -, fill one's pipe ; (pop.) casser sa pipe, kick the bucket, i.e. die. -peau º, pl. -x, m. : reed-pipe, flute ; bird-whistle , limed stick (to catch birds). -péeº, f : bird-calling. |-per° [p. L. *pippäre (L. pipäre, chirp)], intr. : fchirp ; make bird-calls ; succeed by trickery ; tr. : call ; inveigle ; cheat, se- duce ; set up (cards); load (dice): des pipés, marked-back cards ; loaded dice. -perie*, f : trickery. -pette* [-pe], f : =, tube for taking up a little fluid. -peur*, =euse (or piperesse), m., f : (old) chirper ; whistler ; (nou) cheater (at games); enticer; adj. : delusive. pipiº [baby talk, fr. pisser], m. : faire -, piddle. - pi-quage* [-quer], m. : pricking; pick- · ing : (esp.) - d'once, pilfering of silk- pirouette workers. -quant* [-quer], adj. : = ; racy; prickly ; thorny ; piercing ; m. : prick ; point ; porcupine quill ; charm : sauce -e, hot biting sauce. I.-queº [? pic], f : pike, shod pole ; m. : spades (at cards): négocier à la longueur de la -, deal with people keeping them at arm's length ; à cent -s, very far off. 2.-que* [-quer], f : =, quarrel. -que-assietteº [-quer], m., f : sponger. pique-nique* [?], m. : picnic, feast where each person brings food. pi-qué, m. : =, heavy cotton cloth. |-quen°* [pic, pick], tr. : prick, pick ; sting ; spur ; stick ; pierce , make angry ; excite ; cut ; nettle ; make sharp ; point ; mark ; have specks ; get mouldy ; turn (as wine or cider); strike (a bell); lard (meat):-(un cheval) des deux (éperons), use both spurs ; Savoir quelle mouche le pique, know what one is mad about ; piqué des vers, Worm-eaten ; - les absents, mark the names of the absent ; - le nez, get a red nose (fr. drink); - une bille, strike a billiard ball almost perpendicularly ; — une tête, dive head first ; - au vent, head right into the wind ; notes piquées, stac- cato notes ; se - d'honneur, pride one's self on one's honour ; se - de quelque chose, make a thing a point of honour; se - au jeu, play in spite of losses ; persist in a losing venture ; le vin se pique, the wine is turning a little sharp or acid. I.-quetº, m. : picket (stake; outpost ; sentinel ; inlying picket): mettre un éco- lier au -, make a student stand still, e.g. in a corner (as punishment); planter le -, drive stakes, pitch one's tent ; être de —, be on picket duty; un - de fleurs, bunch of made flowers (for hats). 2.-quetº, m.: =, picket (card game). -queterº, tr. : picket, stake out ; speckle, spot. -quette º, f : = (wine made fr. grape pomace and water). -queurº, =euse, m., f. : hunting valet (with spurs); whipper in ; groom ; workman (with pick ; with awl); stake-driver. -quier* [-quel, m. : pikeman (soldier with a pike); pike-maker. -qûreº, f : sting, pinprick; puncture ; pricking (of a design), piqué-work ; speck, fly-speck. pira-te* [L. -ta, Gr. peiratés], m.: plagiarist. -terº, intr. : pirate. -terie f. : piracy , extortion ; plagiarism. pire° [L. pejor], adj. : worse : le —, the worst ; il n'est - eau que l'eau qui dort, still water runs deep (i.e. he may have some deep-laid scheme). pirogueº [W. Ind.], f. : =, dugout canoe. piroleº [l. L. -la (L. pirus, pear-tree)], f. : wintergreen. pirouet-te* [?], f. : = (whirling toy ; •-•gne e-ms y 15 » - pis - whirling motion on the toes) : payer ses créanciers en —s, give his creditors a song and dance. -terº, intr. : pirouette, whirl around. I.pis° [L. pectus], m. : breast ; teat (esp. of animals). 2.pis° [L. pejus], adj. : worse : le -, the worst ; au — aller, if worst comes to worst ; mettre quelqu'un au -, defy any- one to do his worst ; ton — aller n'est que d'être pendu, they can't more than hang you anyway ; dire - que pendre de quelqu'un, say enough to hang one (i.e. speak very ill of one) ; (par) crainte de -, choosing the least of two evils. pis-eiculture º [L. -cis, FISH, cultura, culture], f. : =, fish raising. -eiformeº [L. forma, form], adj. : pisciform, fish-like. -eine* [L. -cina, fish pond], f. : piscina (stone water-basin in a church) ; baptismal font ; pond ; swimming-basin. pi-séº, m. : =, wall built by ramming of clay or mud down in cases. -ser° [L. pisãre], tr. : (dial.) beat, pound. Pison, m. : Piso. pis-satº, m. : urine (esp. of animals). -seº, f. : making water ; urine. -se- mentº, m.: urinating. -senlitº [en, lit], m., f. : (fam.) pissabed; dandelion (being diuretic). |-ser* [?], intr. : uri- nate; tr. : piss : - du sang, pass blood in the urine. -seur*, -euse, m.,.f. : urinator (one who frequently urinates). -seux º, =euse [-se], adj. : urine-like. -soir*, m.: =, place for urinating. -soterº, intr. : urinate much or often. -sotièreº, f : public urinal ; #large jet of Water. pista-ehe* -cium, Gr. pistákion], f. : pistachio, almond-like nut ; peanut. -ehier º, m. : pistachio tree. pis-teº [It. -ta or pesta], f. : track (foot- marks ; trail; course). -tilº [L. -tillus, PESTLE], m. : =, female organ of a flower. #pisto-leº [?], f. : pistol (firearm for cav- alry) : = (gold piece worth about $4, later $2) ; private room (or other favours gotten by extra pay in prison) : av0ir la - volante, always to have money (as though the spent pistole came back). |-letº [It. -lese (town Pistoia)], m. : (old) short dag- ger; surgeon's lancet ; (nou) miner's drill ; pistol, revolver ; roll (of bread): —d'arçon, horse-pistol ; - électrique, detonating electric jar, Leyden jar. pistonº [OFr. -ter, pulverise (L. -tare, pound)], m. : = (disk for receiving pres- sure ; sucker, movable cylinder of a pump ; knob for altering register of an organ ; valve of a cornet, etc.) ; hammer (of a flintlock). pitan-ee* [ak. to pitié], f : pittance ; ration, food allowance ; (fam.) meat, fish. 495 -eierº, =ière, m., f : pittancer, monk or nun Who attends to the pittance. fpitaud º, =aude [?], m., f : person, lubber. I.pite* [l. L. picta (town Poitiers, L. Pic- tavum)], f. : copper (old coin of very low value). 2.piteº [Sp. -ta], f : agave, century-plant. pi-teusement* [-teux], adv. : piteously. -teuoc°, =euse [L. pietösus, full of piety], adj. : pitiful (rarely tender - hearted ; #pitiable ; miserable, paltry). |-tié° [L. pietas], f. : PITY ; contempt : à faire -, pitifully. pitonº [? Sp., *new horn'], m. : ring- screw (screw With a ring for its head) ; mountain peak. pitoya-ble* [pitié], adj. : pitiful (hav'g pity ; showing pity ; pitiable). -blE- ment*, adv. : pitifully. pitreº [? Prov., * breast' or maybe L. Petrus, Peter], m. : roustabout (with a theatrical company); clown. pittores-que" [It. -co], adj. : pictur- esque (beautiful by its variety ; hav'g pictures, illustrated ; fit for painting). -quEment", adv. : picturesquely, beau- tifully. pitui-taireº [L. -tarius], adj. : pitui- tary, mucous. -teº [L. -ta (cf. Fr. pépie)], f. : pituita (Snot ; phlegm, mucus). -teuocº, =euse [L. -tosus], adj. : phleg- matic. -- pityriasis [Gr. pituriasis], m. : =, bran- ny tetter, dandruff disease. pivertº [for pi(c)-vert, green magpie], m. : green Woodpecker. - pivoine* [L. pœonia, Gr. paionía], f : peony (showy flower); m. : bullfinch (hav'g showy plumage). - pivo-tº [? ak. to Prov. pivo, Sp. pu(g)a, point], m. : axis or bearing fixed at one end; spindle; tap-root; ( fig.) chief in- terest ; turning-point : on tourne toujours sur le même -, we keep on in the same way ; abattre un arbre en -, fell a tree taking the tap-root with it. -tamtº vô [-ter], adj. : turning (as on a pivot or with a swivel); growing straight down (as a tap-root). -terº vô, intr. : pivot, swing ; turn on a hinge. -* pla-eageº [-quer], m. : veneering; plat- ing; sodding (to make lawn); grafting (to make fruit-trees). -card* [-quer], m. : = (wood-work of a door ; closet hav'g its door flat with the wall ; printed or written public paper, poster): (épreuve en) -, galley-proof (printed in columns without paging). -earderº, tr. : , placard, post up ; print (as galley-proof). pla-ee° [p. L. plat(t)ia (L. plaiëa, Gr. plateîa)l, f. : = (locality ; space ; room ; plaee clumsy 3 496 seat ; position; employment; public office; station; military post; public square); assembly hall (for business men); the trade, body of business men of a town : faire la —, to canvass the business houses of a town; faire -, make room ; ces dévots de —, those devout in public ; - marchande, trade centre ; good business place, or location ; - de fiacres, stand for cabs to hire ; une voiture de -, a coach for hire, public cab. -eementº [-cer], m. : placing (of furniture, etc. ; of bonds, capital, etc.; of employees): bureau de —, employment bureau. . • pIaeentaº [L., cake], m. : (anat., bot.) placenta I.plaeerº [-cel, tr. : place (put in a place ; locate; dispose of; put at inter- est ; invest); marry off : - quelqu'un à cheval, put one in fair shape; cheval placé, race horse hav'g a position (not distanced or shut out). 2.plaeer° [Sp.], m. : = (surface gold de- posit or mine). - I.pla eet* [L., *it pleases'], m. : = (re- quest addressed to a ruler). » 2.#pla-eetº [-cel, m. : footstool. -eeurº, =euse, m., f : usher (in a theatre, etc.); manager, agent (of employment bureau). plaei-de* [L.-dus], adj. : placid, PLEAS- ING, calm. -dementº, adv. : placidly, serenely. -ditéº [L.-ditas], f : placidity, gentleness. . plaeierº, =ière [-ce], m., f. : fsub-renter (of market stalls or stands); usher (in theatres, etc.); travelling salesman. " pla-fondº [for plat-fond], m. : ceiling. -fonnageº [ fonner], m. : ceiling, mak- ing of the overhead sheathing (of rooms, cars, etc.). -fonnerº, tr. : ceil; fore- | shorten (a painting intended for over- head). -fonneurº [ fonnerl, m. : ceil- ing-maker. plagalº, pl. =aux [l. L. -ga, plagal mode of music (Gr. plágios, slanting)l, adj. : mode —, plagal mode of music (formed fr. one of the authentic scales by begin- ning on a tone a fourth below and extend- ing to a fifth above the final). plageº [It. piaggia, p. L. plagea (L. plaga, region)], f : seashore ; (poet.) ex- panse of land. - pla-giaire* [L. -giarius, kidnapper], m. or f. : plagiarist. -giat" [fr. root of -giaire], m. : plagiarism, literary theft. I.plaidº [Eng.], m. : = (Scotch cloak or robe). - 2.plai-d° [L. placitum, resolution (pla- cère, PLEASE)], m. : ancient court of jus- tice ; flawsuit. -dant* [-der], adj. : pleading. -derº, intr. : litigate; plead in court ; tr. : PLEAD ; sue at law : sa sin- Plaisance cerité plaide pour lui, his sincerity is com- vincing. f-derie* [-der], f : lawsuit. -deur*, =euse [-der], m., f : party (to a lawsuit); #attorney. -doirie* [OFr. -doyer, PLEAD], f. : pleading (of a cause at law). #-doyable* [-doyer], adj. : les jours -s, days on which court is held. -doyerº [OFr. Inf.], m.: pleading, law- yer's speech. plaie° [L. plāga], f : sore ; wound ; scourge, PLAGUE ; scar : mettre le doigt sur la -, point out the evil ; — d'argent m'est pas mortelle, loss of money need not kill a man. plaignant*, =ante [plaindre], adj. : · complaining ; m.,.f. : plaintiff. I.plain * #. to peler, unhair], m. : lime- bath (for hides). 2.fplain° [L. planus, even], adj. : plane, level : tir de - fouet, raking fire ; — chant, plain chant ; de --pied, of the same level or floor ; (fig.) easily, without hindrance ; aller de -, hover, soar at one level. plaindre° [L. plangere], irr. $ ; #intr. : lament ; tr. : pity ; regret ; grieve over ; grudge : se -, complain ; make complaint (at law); se - de maux de tête, complain of headache ; être à —, to be pitiable ; - Sa peine, regret one's efforts. $ Ind. : Pr. Alazzz-s, -s, -2 ; élaz-gvzons, -grmez, -g-mezzz. Ipf. Alaignais. Pret. plai- gmzs. Fut. (Cond.) Alaindrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. Alaigne. Ipf. plaignisse. — I've plains. - Part. : Pr. Alaignané; P. Alaint. plaine° [L. plānus, level], f : plain : -s du ciel, the heavens. plain-teº [-dre], f : plaint, complaint : la - guérit-elle son homme, does com- plaint cure anybody? porter (or frendre) -, make complaint. -tifº, =ive, adj. : plaintive, mourning. -tivementº [-tif], adv. : plaintively. plai-re°[p. L.*placere (L.placëre)], irr. $; intr. : be pleasing : s'il vous plaît, if you ! please ; (fam.) plaît-il, what do you say ? se — à (or fen) quelque chose, be pleased with a thing ; la louange plaît à tout âge, praise pleases every age ; plût aux dieux, O that the gods would ! plaise à Dieu, please God! -samment* [-sant], adv. : pleasantly. -sanee* [OFr. -sir, to please], f. : (old) enjoyment ; (nou) lieu de -, pleasure resort : embarcation de -, pleasure boat. - $ Ind. : Pr. Alai-s, -s, plaî-t; plaz-sozzs, -sez, -semt. Ipf. plaisazs. Pret. plus. Fut. (Cond.) plairaz(s). — Subj. : Pr. Alaise. Ipf. plusse. — I've plais.— Part. : Pr. plaisant ; P. plu. PIai-san ee, f : Piacenza. -sant*, adj. : fpleasing; humorous, funny; m. : humour; fun ; pleasure ; humourist : un mauvais —, a failure as humourist. . -santerº, intr. : be funny; joke; tr. : banter, rally. plamée | -santerieº, f : pleasantry, good humour, joking ; bantering : par -, as a joke. -santinvº [mountebank clown P.], m. : joker, funny man. -sirº [old inf.], m. : pleasure (in all senses); recreation; kind- | mess; roll (of pastry): à -, for diversion; par -, for sport ; --s du roi, hunting preserves of the king. - pla-mée" [I.plain, lime bath], f : lime- water (for unhairing hides). -mer" [plain], tr. : soak (hides in lime-water). I.planº [L.-nus, infl. by It. piano], m. or adj. : plane : angle -, angle formed by two lines lying in the same plane ; miroir \ -, flat mirror not curved; le premier — d'un paysage, the foreground of a land- scape ; arrière -, background. 2.planº [for plant], m.: = (design); perspective ; plot: — à vol d'oiseau, bird's- eye view ; dresser un -, draw up a plan; laisser quelqu'un en -, leave one holding the sack (not return to him). plan-ehe° [p. L. planca], f. : plank ; | board ; shelf; tablet ; metal plate ; garden bed : - de salut, last resource (as fr. drowning); faire (la) - à, help one on to success ; monter sur les -s, go on the stage ; faire la -, float on one's back. -ehéien°º [OFr. -cheer (Fr. -cher)], tr. : floor, plank. -eherº, m.: floor; deck ; ceiling : le - des vaches, terra firma, dry land ; (fam.) faire sauter au -, make one jump to the ceiling (with impatience). -ehette*, f : small board. : plançon * [p. L. plantio (L. planta, plant)l, m. : young plant; cutting, layer, slip ; log. - I.plane° [L. platanus, Gr. plátanos], m. : (dial.) plane-tree. 2.pla-ne° [L. -na], f : plane (the tool). I.-nerº° [L. -näre], tr. : plane, level; ham- mer into shape. 2.-nerº [plain, level], intr. : soar, hover (at one level); observe * (fr. above), have a commanding view. pla-nétaire*, adj. : planetary, of plan- ets ; m. : orrery, planetarium (device to display motions of the planets). -nète* [L. -neta, Gr. -nêtes, lit. *wandering'], f. : planet, moving heavenly body : -s infé- rieures, planets between the earth and the Sun ; -s télescopiques, planets visible only through telescope. à pla-neurº [-ner, make smooth], m.: planisher (of copperplates). -nimétrieº [L. -nus, even, Gr. métron, measure], f. : · planimetry (measuring of geometric planes). -nisphèreº [L. -mus, even, sphœra, ball], m. : planisphere (flat map of the heavens, for locating constella- tions). plan-t* [-ter (cf. 2.plan)], m. : fplant- ing; fsite; patch, plantation, (trees, ber- plasticité 497 ries, vines, nursery stock, etc.); set (nur- sery shrub, vine, young tree, etc., to be replanted); (thieves' slang) gold brick : - de vigne, grape cutting ; un - d'arti- chauts, field of artichokes. -tageº [-ter], m. : planting; plantation ; crop ; (rope- maker's) frame, rack. plan-taginées" [L. -tago, plantain], f. pl. : plantaginaceae, plantain family. -taim° [L. -tägo], m. : =. fplan-tardº, m. : slip, cutting. -ta- tionvº [L.-tatiol, f : = (esp. of tobacco, sugar-cane, etc.); planting. plan-te° [L. -ta], f. : plant ; sole of the foot. |-ter° [L.-täre], tr. : to plant (fix in the ground; found ; place ; establish): (fam.) aller - ses choux, retire to the country, give up politics (allusion to Cincinnatus); - sa tente, take up one's abode ; - des cornes à quelqu'un, to cuckold one ; un homme bien planté sur ses jambes, a stocky, well-built man ; - là quelqu'un, leave one waiting (and not return); - là . un travail, drop one's work. -teur*, =euse, m., f. : farmer ; fruit-grower ; planter. -tigrade" [L. -ta, sole, gradi, walk], adj. or m. : = : les -s, bears, badgers, etc. f-tis*, m. : planting ; planted field or bed. -toirº, m. : dibble (for setting out plants, grafts, etc.). -tonº, m. : (old) young plant; (nou) sol- dier (stationed at a door), orderly : être de -, be on duty as orderly. -tuleº [-te], f : embryonic or rudimentary plant, plantlet. - - plantu-reusement*, adv. : abundantly. |-reuac, =euse [OFr. planté (L. pleni- tas, FULLNESS)], adj. : copiously, PLENTI- fully. - planureº [-ner], f : shavings. plaque* [-quer], f : = (plate; disk; slab; brooch ; badge): - d'une épée, languet of sword-hilt ; - tourmante, railroad turn- table. - plaqueminier" [Creole word], m.: ebo- ny-tree. pla-quer* [Low Ger. placken, glue], tr. : plate; veneer; sod; coat (with colour, plas- ter, etc.): - quelque chose au nez de quel- qu'un, say something rude to one's face; service en plaqué, plated table service ; - un accord, sound all the notes at once. -quette" [-que], f : small disk, coin, etc.; thin book. -queur*, =euse, m., f : plater ; veneerer. - plasmaº [Gr., *form'], m.: =, liquid part of the blood, lymph. - - plas-tieité", f. : plasticity. -tiqueº [L. -ticus, Gr. -tikôs], adj. : plastic (forma- tive; mouldable): art —, sculpture; sub- stances -s, modelling substances, wax, clay, etc. -tronº [It. piastronel, m. : =, 498 (breastplate ; shield of a brace and bit ; leather apron; under-shell of turtles; dress front; shirt front); butt (of ridicule). -tronnerº, tr. : arm or cover (with a plastron); intr. : fence (aiming at the plastron of the fencing master). plat° [p. L. *plattus (? ak. to Gr. platûs, broad)], adj. : FLAT, level ; insipid ; uni- form ; monotonous ; m. : flat side ; flat object ; plate ; dish ; pan (of scales); pane of glass: à - ventre, flat on the stomach; calme -, dead calm (at sea); rimes -es, even rhymes ; un — de son métier, one of his own tricks ; (fig.) mettre les petits -s dans les grands, be formal and ceremo- nious ; mettre les pieds dans le -, go at it roughshod. pla-tanaieº, f : plantation of plane-trees. l-taneº [L. -tanus], m. : plane-tree. -tanées*, f. pl. : platanaceae, plane-tree family. pla-t-bordº, pl. -s--s, m. : gunwale. -teau*, m. : platter; scale-pan , wooden shovel ; plateau, table-land ; shoals. -te- bande º, pl. —s-—s, f. : platband (border of flowers ; plain moulding). I.-tée" [-t, flat], f. : masonry (of the foundation). °. téeº [-t, plate], ſ. plateful. Platée, f. : Plataeae. pla-te-forme*, pl.-s--s, f. : platform. -te-longeº pl. -s--s, f. : tether ; binding-strap ; kicking-strap ; long halter (for exercising a horse). -tement º, adv. : flatly ; dully. -terie º, f. : flat pieces (of pottery). -teur(e)*, f : flat vein (of ore). I.-tine*, f : flat piece (plate ; plaque ; blade of an oar; table of a printing press); (humor.) tongue. 2.platine" [Sp. -na (plata, silver)], m. : platinum : mousse de -, spongy platinum ; moir de -, platinum-black. - platitudeº [plat], f : =, fiatness; stale- I16)SS. Platon, m. : Plato (Gr. philosopher). plato-nique" [L.-nicus, Gr. -nikôs (phi- losopher Plato)], adj. : Platonic : année -, year in which planets, etc., reach the same order they had at starting ; am0ur -, ideal love (spiritual). -nisme" [Plato], m. : Platonism, ideal philosophy Of PlatO. plâ-trage" [-trer], m.: plastering. -trasº, m. : (plasterer's) rubbish. llplâ- tre° [p. L. *plastrum (L. emplastrum), cf. Fr. emplâtre], m. : PLASTER (mortar ; cosmetics ; plaster cast or model) : car- rière de -, limestone quarry ; pierre de -, limestone ; essuyer les -s, move into a new house ; des -s, plaster statues. -tren°º, tr. : plaster (with mortar; with cosmetics); gloss over; fertilise (with lime); clarify (wine with lime). -treux º, plat pleurer =euse, adj. : chalky, limy. -trier*, m. : plasterer ; mason ; dealer in lime. -trière º, f. : chalk-pit, lime-quarry ; limekiln. plau-sibilité", f : plausibility. |-si- bleº [L.-sibilis (plaudere, praise)], adj. :" =, reasonable. -siblEmentº, adv. : plausibly. Plaute, m. : Plautus (the Roman). plèbe* [L. -bs], f : plebs, common people. plébéien º, =ienne [L. plebeius], m., f. or adj. : plebeian. plébiseiteº [L. plebiscitum], m. : plebiscite (decree of the people ; plebiscitum, vote of the people). ple etre* [L. -trum, Gr. plektrôn], m. 4 plcctrum, quill (for striking the strings of a lyre). pléiadeº [Gr. pleiás, daughter of Pleione], ·f. : Pleiad : les -s, the constellation Pleiades ; a group of seven (poets ; phi- losophers ; chessplayers, etc.). #pleigeº [? ak. to OFr. pleºir, promise], m. : pledge. fpleigerº, tr. : to pledge, guarantee. © p1-ein°, -eine [L. plënus], adj. or m. : FULL ; adv. : fully ; for plain in tir de - fouet ; for prin in sauter un fossé de — saut; table en acajou -, heavy mahogany table ; en - air, in the open air; en - (or fà -, or à pur et à -), completely, in full ; (fam.) tout -, lots of them ; une femelle -e, a gravid female. -eine- ment*, adv. : fully. -énierº, =ière, adj. : plenary, complete : cour plenière, plenary court where the grandees are present in full number. -énipoten- tiaireº [L. plenus, full, potentia, power], m. : plenipotentiary, accredited envoy with full power. -énitude* [L. plenitudo], ſ. : plenitude, fullness ; completion. pléonas-meº [L. pleonasmus, Gr. pleo- nasmós (pleiôn, more)], m. : pleonasm, too many words for the sense. -tique º [Gr. pleonastikôs], adj. : pleonastic. «. plésiosaure* [Gr. plesios, near, saûros, lizard], m. : plesiosaurian, gigantic fossil reptile. - plé-thoreº [Gr. plethôre], f : plethora, fullness (too much blood or #| -thorique* [Gr. plethorikôs], adj. : plethoric (hav'g too much blood, too muc bile, etc.). pleu-r* [-rer], m. : #weeping; tear : -8 de vigne, blood, sap fr. buds, etc.; -s de terre, seepage water. -rant* [-rer], adj.. weeping. -rardº, =arde [-rer], m., f.. (fam.) cry-baby (one who cries often). fpleure, see plèvre. pleurer ° [L. plöräre], intr. : weep, la ment; tr. : weep for; lament over; mourn m. : weeping : — sur (or fde) quelqu'un weep for one ; - de quelque chose, Wee pleurésie over a thing ; Jean qui pleure et Jean qui rit, an impulsive man of extremes. pleu-résie* [l. L. -resis, Gr. -rîtis], f. : pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura, mem- brane around the lungs). -rétique* [l. L. -reticus, Gr. -ritikôs], adj. : pleu- ritic. pleu-reurº,=euse [-rer],m.,f. : mourner; weeper, constant mourner (one who weeps much); pl. f. : white badges of mourning (worn on sleeve formerly); adj. : weeping ; mournful; roche pleureuse, dripping rock ; saule-, weeping willow. -reuocº, =euse [pleurl, adj. : weeping, apt to cry. -rni- eher" [-rer], intr. : whimper. -rni- eheur", =euse [-rnicher], m., f : whiner, sniveller. pleuro-neetes" [Gr. -n, side, nektôs, swimming], m. pl. : = (flounders, halibut, , etc., fish that swim on their sides). #. ) ) -pneumonie* [Gr. pleurá, side, pneu- monía, inflammation of the lung tissue], ·f. : pleuropneumonia (inflammation of the entire chest). pleutre " [?], m. : scamp, scoundrel. pleuvoir° [p. L. *plovëre (L. pluere)], irr. $ ; intr. : unipers. : rain ; pour down ; be plentiful. $ Ind. : Pr. zl plezét. Ipf. 2l plezzzvai#. Fut. (Cond.) Alezez ra(it). Pret. Alut. — Subj. : Pr. Alezzz/e. Ipf. Alièz. — Part. : Pr. Alezzzvazzz ; P. plaé. plèvre* [Gr. pleurá, side], f : pleura (membrane around the lungs). plexus* [L., 'interweaving'], m. : =, network (of nerves, of vessels). pleyon* [ployer], m.: willow band, Withe, supple twig. pl-i* [plier], m. : ply, fold ; plait ; Wrinkle ; crease ; bend ; folding (of let- ters); envelope ; letter and envelope : un - de terrain, a hollow in land ; (fig.) prendre -s, become set in one's habits. -iableº [plier], adj. : =, easily bent. -iageº [plier], m. : folding ; skeining of silk. -iantº [plier], adj. : pliant, folding : un (siège) -, a folding chair. -ieatile" [L. plicatilis], adj. : =,plicate, # folds. plie* [OFr. pleis (?)], f : plaice, flat-fish. pli-enº° [for ployer], tr. : fold ; pack up ; bend ; intr. : fold over ; bend back ; double ; yield : - bagage, depart ; — un éventail, close up a fan ; - les genoux, bow the knee ; un plié, a curtesy; dans la société c'est la raison qui plie la première, in society it is our reason that yields first. -eurº, -euse, m., f : folder; gatherer (of silk skeins). Pline, m. : Pliny (the Roman). plintheº [L. -thus, Gr. plinthos, square tile], f : plinth (squared block or base of a column ; any object suggesting a plumage 499 plinth ; projecting course beneath a wall or house). A4 pl-ioirº [plier], m,: folding-knife. fplion, see pleyon. -ique" [l. L. plica (L. plicare, fold)], f. : plica (disease caus- ing the hair to be sticky and matted tO- gether). -issementº [plisser], m. : fold- ing; plaiting. -isserº [pli], tr. : plait ; intr. : make plaits : le plissé, the plaited part. -issure* [plisser], f : plaiting, pleating. - ploeº [?], m. : cow-hair; refuse wool ; coat (of hair and tar to protect the hull from worms). - plomv-b° [L. plumbum], m. : lead; object made of lead (bullet ; type ; plummet ; sinker ; côffin ; pipe ; slabs for roofing, etc.): les —s de Venise, St. - Mark's at ' Venice ; lead-roofed prison ; il lui faudrait un peu de - dans la tête, he is light- headed ; (fam.) un cul de -, sluggish, sedentary person ; fil à -, lead-line ; colique de -, colic fr. lead poison ; mine de -, black lead, pencil lead ; à -, straight up and down. -bage* [-ber], m. : leading (covering with lead ; sealing with lead). "-bagineº [L. -bagol, f.: black lead, graphite. -berº, tr. : lead (put lead on, seal with lead, mark or col- our with lead): - une dent, fill a tooth (with lead, or gold, etc.). -berieº, f : plumbery (lead work ; shop or factory for lead work). -beur" [-ber], m. : sealer, customs officer. -bierº, m. : plumber. plon-geantº [plomberl, adj. : plunging ; ranging downward. -gée*, f : plunge ; dip, aiming down; débris, talus. -geon*, m. : diver (bird); plunge, dive. - ll-ger° [p. L. *plumbicăre], intr., tr. : plunge (dive ; bow low ; look down). -geur*, =euse, m., f : diver; dipper, paster ; dish-washer. ploquer* [ploc], tr. : coat (ship's hull with tar and hair). plo-yable*, adj. : pliable. -yant*, adj. : pliant, bending : fun (siège) -, a folding . seat. |-yerº° [L. plicăre], tr., intr. : bend ; fold. plu, see pleuvoir. #pluehe = peluche. - pluie° [p. L. *ploia (L. pluvia)], f : rain : se jeter dans l'eau de peur de la -, jump out of the frying-pan into the fire ; petite - abat grand vent, a little rain settles a great wind ; faire la - et le beau temps chez quelqu'un, have great influence over one ; - d'or, bribe. plu-mageº, m. : =, feathering. -mail*, m. : fplume ; feather - broom. -mas- seau*, m. : feather-broom, duster; pledget (wad of lint, cotton, etc., for a wound). -masserie º [-massier], f. : feather trade 500 or business. -massier*, =ière, m., f : feather dealer. |-me° [L. plüma, fine soft feather], f : feather (plume ; quill ; -pen; writing; style); young shoot (of grain) ; foam ; light alum : arracher à quelqu'un une - de l'aile, get some profit out of one; passer une - par le bec à quelqu'un, entice one with deceitful prom- ise ; un chien qui chasse au poil et à la —, a dog good for birds as well as rab- bits, etc.; être au poil et à la -, be good all around ; tailler sa -, sharpen one's quill (prepare to write) ; tenir la -, Write fr. dictation ; au courant de la -, fol- lowing one's pen, writing down just any- · plum-pudding | thing. -meauº, m. : duster, feather- broom ; dowmy coverlet ;. pen-box. 1.-méeº, f. : penful (of ink). 2.-méeº [-mer], f.5 plucking (of geese, etc.; feath- · ers fr. one goose). -mer*, tr. : pluck ; rob. -metº, m. : plume, tuft ; military man : — de pilote, feather in a cork (to show direction of the wind). -meté*, adj. : plume-like ; (her.) plumetté, covered with feathers. -metis* [-meté], m. : raised embroidery. #-meux*, =euse, adj. : feathery, downy. -mier*, m. : pen-case or hox. -mififº [-metisl, m. : minutes, secretary's book ; (fam.) secre- tary. plum-pudding plom-, see p0uding. plumule " [L.-la],.f. : = (little feather ; little sprout). pIu-part* [plus, part], f : greater part ; majority. -raIité* [L. -ralitasl, f : plurality (large number; largest number ; number, plural). -riel*, =elle [L. -ralis], adj. or m.: plural. pIu-s° [L. pliisl, adv. or m. : more ; again ; over ; . plus ; most; mi -, ni moins (fne -, ne moins), no more, no less ; moi mon -, nor I either; — je le connais - je l'aime, the more I know him the better I like him ; - de cornes, no more corns ; de -, besides, more ; au —, at the most ; de - en -, more and more ; - de trente ans, more than thirty years. -sieurs° [p. L. *plu- siöres], adj. pl. : several. -s-pétition", f.: over-demand (petition in law for more than one's rights). -s-quE-parfait* [infl. by L. plus quam perfectum], m. : plu- perfect tense. -s-valueº, f : extra value. plu(s), I.plût, see plaire. plut, 2.plût, etc., see pleuvoir. plutonien º, =ienne or =nique [god Pluto], adj. : plutonic, igneous. , - plutôt* [plus, tôt], adv. : sooner; rather. I plu-vial*, =aux [l. L. -viale (sc. pal- lium), rain-coat], m. : = (priest's cere- monial cape). 2.-vialº, pl. =aux [L. -vialis], adj. : =, rainy. -vier° [p. L. poêle *plovarius], m. : | plover (shore-bird). -vieux º, =euse [L. -viosus], adj. : plu- vious : temps -, rainy Weather. -vio- mètre" [L. -via, rain, Gr. métron, measure], m. : rain-gauge. -viôse" [L. viosus, rainy], m. : Pluviose, fifth month . (Jan. 20th to Feb. 18th) of the French republican calendar. pneu-matique* [L. -maticus, Gr. mati- kôs (pneûma, air, breath)], adj. : pneumat- ic : machine -, air pump ; m. : (pneumat- ic, bicycle) rubber tire ; f : pneumatics, science of compressed air, gas, etc. -ma- toeèle º [Gr. -matokéle], f : pneumä- tocele, wind-dropsy of the scrotum. f-ma- , tologie" [Gr. lôgos, speech], f : pneu- matology, science of spiritual existence. -monieº [Gr. -monia], f : pneumonia, inflammation of the lungs. -moniqueº [Gr. -monikôs], adj. : pneumonic, of pneu- monia. A> po-ehadeº [-cher], f : =, rough sketch. -ehardº, =arde [cf. "full as a pocket"], m., f.: drunkard. |-ehe* [?], f.: pocket ; sack ; pouch, bag-seine ; puff ; wrinkle ; blotted letter or word (with too much ink): argent de -, pocket money ; mettre la muin à lu - or jouer de la -, put his hand in his pocket, come down with the money : un violon de - or une -, little violin (carried by a dancing master giving lessons) ; n'avoir pas sa langue dans sa -, be very free to talk ; se mettre dans la - de quelqu'un, be with one constantly ; acheter chat en -, buy a pig in a poke. -ehen°º, tr. : (old) put in a sack ; bag ; (then) poach (eggs by breaking in boiling water which cooks the white solid over the yolk) ; sketch in the rough : lettre pochée, letter of a word blotted with too much ink ; (fam.) œil poché (au beurre noir), black eye (fr. a bruise). #-eheterº, tr. : carry in the pocket. -ehetteº, f : little pocket ; little net ; little violin. & I.poda-greº [L. -gra, Gr. podágral, f : podagra, gout in the feet. 2.-greº -ger, Gr. -grôs], adj. : gouty; m., f. : gouty persOn. podestat* [Prov. (It. podestà, fr. L. po- , testas, power)], m. : podesta (chief magis- trate of a town in Italy or southern France). • podomètre" [Gr. poûs, foot, métron, measure], m. : pedometer (instrument to measure Walking). I.poêle° pwal [L. patella, little plate], f : frying-pan ; basin ; pot ; cauldron, boiler : tenir la queue de la —, have a difficult af- fair to manage. , 1 2.poêleº pwal [L.ºpallium, cloakl, m. : canopy (over wedding pair ; over the em- blems) ; PALL (over a coffin) : fmettre un noêle enfant sous le —, put a bastard under the bridal canopy to legitimatise it. · 3.#poêle pwal, see p0ile. \ poêlée*pwa- [I.poêle], f : frying-panful fpoêlier pwa-,ſsee p0ilier. ing-pan. -Ionnée*, f. : saucepanful. po-ème* [L. poema, Gr. p0iema], m. : -ésie* [L. poesy (art of poem ; picturesque prose. poesis, Gr. poïesis], f : making verses); poetry ; pictUresqueness. |.-ète* [L. poeta, Gr. poietés], m.: poet. -étereauº, m. : (fam.) poetaster. -étes- seº, f : poetess. -étique* [L. poeti- cus, Gr. poietikôs], adj. : poetic ; f : poet- ics. -étiquement* [poétique], adv. : poetically. -étiserº, intr., tr.: poetise (intr. : make poetry ;tr. : use, treat poeti- cally). poids° [p. L. pensum, weighed quantity], m. : weight : être de —, be of correct weight ; avoir du -, weigh ; porter le - du jour, bear the burdens of the day ; donner or faire bon -, give good weight ; — vif, live weight (of beef, etc.) ; avoir deux - et deux mesures, buy by one scale and sell by another ; peser au - du sanc- tuaire, weigh with great exactness (al- | lusion to the standard kept in ancient Jewish sanctuary). poignant* [poindre], adj. : = (fpun- gent ; acute, hurting). poi-gnardº [poing], m. : poniard, dagger; i * . triangular patch, gusset. -gnarderº [-gnard], tr. : stab. poi-gne* [poing], ·f. : (fam.) grip (of the hand) ; energy. -gnée* [poing], f. : handshake; handful; hilt : à —, by handfuls ; une - de verges, bunch, bundle of rods. -g.net* [poing], m. : wrist ; Wristlet. poil° [L. pilus], m. : hair (of animals, fur, coat, colour; of chin, etc., fof head ; cer- tain plant fibres); (pop.) pluck : faire le - à un cheval, Smooth and arrange a horse's coat; chiens de tout -, dogs of every colour ; monter (un cheval) à -, ride bare-back ; chasser au - et à la plume, hunt hairy and feathered game ; être au — et à la plume, be good for anything; reprendre du - de la bête, try again resolutely when one has failed ; velours à trois —s, velvet hav'g three silk threads in woof; un brave à trois —s, a man of known courage ; un homme à -, a strong vigorous man ; - follet, downy beard ; (pop.) avoir du - dans la main, hate hard work. poile° [p. L. pensilis, " suspended,' i.e. heated fr.,below], m. : (old) warm room ; (nou) heating stove. fpoileux *, =euse [poil], adj. : hairy. poilierº [-le], m. : stovedealer or maker. · poê-lonº pwa- [I.poêle], m. : little fry- point 501 poilu* [poil], adj. : hairy. - poimeilladeº [governor Poinci], f. : #º (flower-fence, peacock flower, etc.). I.#poin-çon* [? fr. the mark or brand], m. : puncheon (wine cask of 100 gallons). 2.ll-çon° [p. L. *punctio (L. puncta, point)], m. : punch ; point (graver's tool); relief stamp (for coin, medals, etc.); stamp, mark ; king-post. -çonnage * [-conner], m.: stamping. -çonnerº, tr. : stamp. poin-dre° [L. pungere, pierce], irr. S ; tr. : fprick ; intr. : begin to grow (as buds ; beard); dawn : la raison com- mence à -, reason begins to develop ; poignez vilain, il vous aindra, oignez vilain, il vous poindra, treat a rascal ill, he will serve you, serve a rascal, he will treat you ill. $ Ind. : Pr. il point. Fut. il poindra. — I've Aozgºtez. Other forms wanting. poing° [L. pugnus], m. : fist : coup de -, brass knuckles ; pocket-pistol ; dormir à —s fermés, sleep very sound ; #mener une dame sur le -, assist a lady respectfully by supporting her with closed hand. I.poin-t° [L. pungere, piercel, m. : (spot ; speck ; hole ; dot; period; pause ; moment; punctuation-mark; degree; tally; exact place or time; subject, item); prick- ing; sharp pain, stitch ; size (of shoes, etc.) ; point lace ; condition ; position : - arrière, back stitch ; — de jour, daybreak ; à -, to the right point ; in the nick of time ; à - nommé, at the ap- pointed time ; au dernier -, to the last degree; de — en —, in detail; deux —s, colon ; — d'appui, fulcrum ; - de vue, point of view, judgment ; mettre les -s sur les i, dot the i's ; ( fig.) be very exact ; mettre le marbre aux points, mark places where the sculptor is to take off some ; rendre des —s à quelqu'un, give one points (in a game, as a good player to a poor one); (fig.) be superior to one ; chaussé à même —, in the same boat ; in like-con- dition ; le — saillant, the embryonic heart of an egg ; le — mort, the dead centre (of a crank, etc.); être en bon -, be.fleshy. . 2.-t* [I.point], adv. : not at all (the negative particle): je ne flatte -, I do not · flatter at all; - du tout, not at all ; — d'argent, no money at all. -tageº [-ter], m. : pointing, aiming of guns; mark- ing, checking, counting (of votes, of absent- ees, etc.). -talº, pl. =aux [-te],m. : crank end (of the axle of the upper mill-stone); prop. poin-te° [L. punctal, f : point (sharp end; pointed instrument or object ; PUNCH ; angle ; corner ; toe ; land reach- 'ing out into the water); sprouting, shoot- ing out; dart, lunge, swoop ; spire ; cas9- spºººsss sºs-en-e 502 poire nail : un cheval qui fait -, a shying horse ; - de feu, searing, cautery ; burn ; la petite -- de jour, very earliest dawn ; -tement" [-ter], m. : aiming, pointing. I.-ter*, tr. : point, aim ; mark; tally : — une feuille, register, lay a sheet true (with the right side up, etc.). 2.-terº [-te], tr. : strike with the point, stab ; sharpen, point; soar. I.-teur*, =euse [I.-ter], m., f : aimer, pointer. 2.-teur*, =euse [2.-ter], m., f : pointer, sharpener. 3.-teur* [Eng.], m.: pointer (dog). -tillageº [-tiller], m. : dotting. -tilleº [It. puntiglio], f. : punctilio (a small, nice or exact pointin discussion). I.-tillerº [-ter], tr. : stipple, cover with dots (as in engraving). 2.-tillerº [-tille], intr. : split hairs, be punctilious in debate ; tr. : tease, banter. -tillerieº [2.-tiller], f : hair-splitting. -tilleux º, =euse [2.-til- ler], m., f. : stickler, hair-splitter ; carper. -tuº [-te], adj. : pointed; sharp. I.-ture° [L. punctüra], f : pricking, sting ; (print- er's) point (for registering). 2.-ture*, f. : size (of shoes, gloves, etc.): quelle est votre —, what size do you wear ? poire° [p. L. *pira (L. pirum)], f : PEAR ; pear-shaped thing (pearl, etc.); - d'an- goisse, a gag; - à poudre, powder-flask ; la — est mûre, opportunity is favorable ; garder une - pour la soif, to look out for the future ; entre la - et le fromage, at dessert. - poiré*, m. : pear cider, perry. poi-reau° [p. L. *porrellum (L. porrum)], m.: leek, onion-like plant ; Wart, mole. -rée° [p. L. *porrata], f. : white beet. poirier* [poire], m. : pear-tree. pois° [L. pisum], m. : pea ; (dial.) bean : — pour fève, like for like; manger des - chauds, be at a loss what to say ; avaleur de — gris, omnivorous eater ; - à cau- tère, issue-pea (put in a wound to keep up suppuration). poison° [L. potio, a drink], m. : = ; ven- om ; #(and yet jest.) vile drink. pois-sardº, =arde [poix], adj. : (old) thievish ; (now) coarse, vulgar; f : fish- · wife, rude woman. -serº [poix], tr. : PITCH ; daub; intr. : be sticky. -seux º, =euse [poix], adj. : sticky, PITCHY. I.poisson* [pop. etym. fr. pot], m. : half a gill. 2.pois-som° [p. L. *piscio (L. piscis)], m. : FISH : il avalerait la mer et les —s, he is very thirsty; la sauce vaut mieux que le -, the lesser thing overshadows the greater ; - d'avril, April-fool trick (as the sun is then in the constellation Pisces). -sonnaille*,f : smallfish. -sonnerie* [-sonnier],f : fish-market. -sonneux º, =euse, adj. : full of fish. -sonnier*, poliment I.-ière, m.f : fish-dealer. 2.-sonnière º, ſ. : fish-kettle. - poi-trail° [L. pectorälis], m. : breast- piece (of harness); beam in a wall, breast- summer ; (horse's) breast. -trinaire" [-trine], adj. or m., f : consumptive, sick ! of lung trouble. -trine° [p. L. *pectorina (L. pectus, breast)], f : chest; breast, (esp.) Woman's breast ; lungs ; brisket (of beef, etc.): une fluxion de —, inflamma- tion of the lungs ; voix de -, deep voice. poi-vradeº, f : seasoning (of pepper and salt). | |poi-vre° [L. piper], m. : PEPPER : (fig.) une barbe - et sel, beard turning gray. -vrerº, tr. : pepper, season ; (fig.) make spicy ; (pop.) skin (ovcrcharge) : (slang) poivré, tipsy. -vrierº, m. : pep- per bush ; pepper-box. -vrière", f. : fspice-box ; pepper-box ; sentry-box. -vron º, m. : allspice. poiac° [L. pix], f : pitch : - des cordon- niers, shoemaker's wax ; - de Judée, asphalt. po-laire* [l. L. -laris], adj. : polar : étoile -, north star ; charbon —, carbon electrode. -larisation * [-lariser], f : =. -lariserº [Gr. poleîn, turn], tr. : polarise (light ; electricity). -laritéº [l. L. -laris], f : polarity (of a magnet). pôle* [L. -lus, Gr. pôlos], m. : pole, end (of an axis ; of a magnet ; of an electric pile). polémique" [Gr polemikôs, of varl, adj. : polemic, debating ; f or fm. : polem- ics, debate by publication. fpoli, see polir. - I.poliee* [Prov. polissa (ak. to Gr. apô- deixis, proof)], f : policy; insurance con- tract ; subscription (for gas, water, etc.); make-up (of a type font). 2.poli-ee* [L. -tia, Gr. -teîa, government (pôlis, city)], f. : police (finternal rule and order of a state; fpolitical organisa- tion ; body of civil officers); policy ; rule, polity, system of ruling : salle de -, guard-house (for detaining soldiers); bon- net de -, forage cap. -eerº [infi. by polir], tr. : frule ; polish, cultivate : ville bien policée, well governed city ; les Grecs ainsi policés peu à peu, the Greeks grow- ing thus more and more cultured. poliehinelleº [It. name Pulcinella], m. : Punch, a funny actor, clown. polieier*, =ière [2.-ce], adj. : (fam.) police : le régime -, the police manage- ment ; un -, servant or tool of the police. - I.po-Iimentº [-lie], adv. : in a polished way. 2.f-limentº [It. pulimento], m. : polishing. |-lir° [L. -lire], tr. : polish, make Smooth ; make sleek ; cultivate : donner le poli à une glace, polish a look- j polisson ing-glass ; une personne polie, a polite person, -lissage", m. : polishing. -lis- seurº, =euse, m., f : polisher. -lis- soir*, m., or =oire, f. : polishing tool (polishing-disk, iron ; slicker). - polis-son º, =onne [cantl, m., f : naughty, impudent or dirty child ; street Arab ; blackguard ; (humor.) unbidden guest; adj. : immodest. -sonner*, intr. : run the streets ; be a blaekguard. -sonnerie", f : impudence, blackguard- 1Sſſl. polissureº [polirl, f : polish, shine. politesseº [It. pulitezza], f. : (old) cul- ture (of morals or intellect); (now) po- liteness ; etiquette ; polite act : la - du cœur, native kindness ; (fam.) brûler la - à quelqu'un, leave one abruptly. politi-eien º, =enne [infl. by L. -cus], m., f. : politician. |-que* [L. -cus, Gr. -kôs], adj. : political ; politic, wise ; m., j. : statesman ; politician ; schemer ; f : politics ; policy ; science of government : par -, for politic(al) reasons. -que- ment*, adv. : in a politic way. -querº, intr. : talk politics. polkaº [Polish word], f. : = (dance). pollenº [L., *flour'], m. : ==, anther | dust, male element of flowers. pollieita-tion * [L. -tio], f. : =, offer not yet accepted. pol-luerº [L. -luere], tr. : pollute, spoil. -lution* [L. -lutio], f : =, defilement. Pologne, f. : Poland. polonaise* [name P.], f : = (the dance; the garment). pol-tronº, =onne [It. -trone (ak.to Fr. poutre)], adj. : cowardly ; m., f. : poltroon: oiseau —, falcon with claws cut off. -tronnerie º, f. : cowardice. poly- [Gr. polüs, many] : -adelphie [Gr. udelphôs, brother], f. : polyadelphia (plant hav'g stamens united in more than , two sets). -andrie" [Gr. anér, man], f : polyandry, plurality of husbands ; poly- andria, hav'g 20 stamens or more on one receptacle. -chresteº [Gr. chrestôs, useful], adj. : polychrest (hav'g various uses). -chromeº [Gr. chrôma, colour], adj. : =, of many colours. -chromie* [-chrome], f : polychromy. -èdreº [Gr. polüedros (hédra, face)], m. : polyhedron, solid figure of mamy sides. -gameº [Gr. polügamos (gámos, marriage)], m., f. : po- lygamist ; adj. : polygamous (hav'g male, female and bisexual flowers on one plant). -gamie* [L. -gamia, Gr. -gamia], f. : polygamy, plural marriage; polygamia. -glotteº [Gr. polüglottos (glôtta,tongue)], adj. : polyglot (in many tongues ; knowing many tongues ; m. or f. : versatile linguist). -goneº [L.-gonus, Gr. polügonos (gônos, pommade 503 angle)], adj. : polygonal; m. : polygon ; practice ground (for artillery); war plan. -grapheº [Gr. polûgraphos (gráphein, Write)], m., f. : polygraph (versatile au- thor , multiple copying-machine). -gra- phie* [Gr. -graphia], f. : polygraphy (Writing of many treatises); collection of treatises, polygraph. -gynie* [Gr. guné, Woman], f : polygynia (class of plants hav'g many pistils). -mathieº [Gr. polumatheia (manthánein, learn)],.f. : wide learning. -mathique* [-mathie], adj. : (rare) of varied learning : école -, school for all kinds of subjects. -morpheº [Gr. polûmorphos (morphé, form)], adj. : polymorphous, occurring in many forms. -morphismeº [-morphe], m.: polymorphism. -nômeº [infl. by binôme, monôme], m. : polynomial (quan- tity made up of several terms).. -pe* [L. -pus, Gr. poiûpous (poûs, FOOT)], m. : polyp (of coral; edible cuttlefish ; poly- pus, tumour). -pétaleº [Gr. pétalon, sense of " petal'], adj. : polypetalous, hav'g many petals. -peux*,=euse [-pe], adj. : polypous. -phonie* [Gr. polü- phonia, number of voices (phoné, voice)], j. : polyphony. -pierº [-pe], m. : polyp- ary (limy secretion of corals, etc.). -pode* [L. -podium, Gr. polupódion (poûs, FóOT)], m. : polypody (common fern). -ptyque" [L. -ptychon, Gr. po- lüptuchon (ptûx, fold)], m. : polyptych (tablet of several leaves); register (of feudal rents and taxes). -styleº [Gr. polüstulos (stûlos, pillar)], adj. : =, hav'g many columns. -syllabeº [Gr. polu- sûllabos (sullabé, syllable)], adj. : un (mot) -, a polysyllabic (word). -syllabiqueº [-syllabe], adj. : of many syllables : écho -, echo which repeats several syllables. -synodie* [Gr. sumôdos, council], f. : government by councils (instead of minis- ters). -technieienº [-technique], m. : pupil or student (of a polytechnic school). -technique" [Gr. polûtechnos (téchne, art)], adj. : polytechnic, of many sciences. -théismeº [Gr. polütheos (théos, god)], m. : polytheism, religion acknowledging many gods. -théiste" [Gr. polütheos], m., f : polytheist. -urieº [Gr. oûron, urine], f : polyuria (over-secretion of , urine). Pomérellie, f. : Minor Pomerania. I.pom-madeº [It. pomata], f : fpommado (mounting or dismounting by aid of one hand on the pommel). 2.-madeº [It. pomata], f : pomade (cosmetic, salve, oint- ment). -maderº [2.-made], tr.: po- made ; intr. : (humor.) make cosmetics. |-me° [L. pömun, fruit], f. : apple : - d'amour, tomato ; - de pin, cone ; - de · 504 terre, potato ; - de chêne, oak-gall or apple ; #- de l'arçon, pommel of a sad- dle ; - de discorde, apple of discord (awarded by Paris to the most beautiful). -meau* [OFr. pom, apple], m. : pommel, knob (of swords or saddles). -meler* [-meau], tr. : mark with round spots : cheval gris pommelé, dapple-gray horse (cf. Ger. apfel-schimmel); ciel pommelé, sky full of round clouds. -melleº, f : strainer (of a drain). -merº, intr. : head out (as cabbage, lettuce, etc.): une chose pommée, a perfected plan. -me- raie* [-mier], f. : apple-orchard. -mette*, f : flittle apple; fruit (of haw- thorn, medlars, etc.); rounded plaque ; chcck-bone. -mierº, m. : apple-tree. I.pgm pe* [L. -pa, Gr. -pé, fine clothing ; escort], f. : solemn procession ; elegant dress : l'administration des -s funè- bres, administration of burials; les -s du monde; pºp and vanity of the world. 2.pom-pe* [?], f. : pump; spring (of a lock, of a knife, etc.): - à feu, steam pump; - à incendie, fire-engine. -perº, tr. : pump (move with a pump ; ply with questions). pom-peusementº, adm, : pompously. l-peux º, =euse [I.-pe (infl. by L. -po- sus)], adj. : pompous, full of show or dis- play. pompierº [2.-pe], m.: pump-maker; fire- II13.Il. om-pom" [? L. pepo, melonl, m. : (tuft of feathers, ribbons, for ladies' hats ; ball of wool on a shako); gewgaw : (fam.) avoir le -, get the plum (come out ahead); rose -, variety of Small roses. -ponnerº, tr. : adorn with a tuft ; primp. #ponant* [Prov. ponent], m. : west (op- posite of levant). ponee° [L. piimex], f : pumice stone ; pounce or stamping-powder bag (to mark or transfer a pricked design); marking ink (for linen bolts): ( fig.) passer la pierre -, to polish. Ponee, m. : Pontius. . I.pomeeau* [pont], m. : =, little bridge. 2.pon eeau* [paon], m. : =, corn poppy; bright red. pon-eer* [-ce], tr. : polish (with pumice stone); pounce, stamp, transfer; mark. -eifº, m. : pounced or stamped design : ce roman sent le -, this novel is no new pompe •-s type. poneir(e)º [Prov. pomsire, lit. ' pomme de Syrie'], m. : large lemon. - ponc-tion* [L. punctio], f : tapping (for dropsy or pleurisy). -tualité", f : punc- tuality, promptness. -tuationº [-tuer], ·f. : punctuation. ll-tuel lº, =eIie [L. -tualis (-tum, PoINT)l, adj. : punctual; ponton prompt. -tuellementº, adv. : punctu- ally, promptly. -tuer* [L. -tuare], tr. : mark with points or spots; punctuate : - ses phrases en parlant, speak carefully and make the sense clear. pon-dérable* [L. -derabilis], adj. : pon- derable, weighable. -dération º [L. -deratio], f. : ponderation, equilibrium, bal- ancing : la - des pouvoirs, the balance of power. -dérerº [L. -derare (-dus, weight)], tr. : (old) weigh ; (nou) keep in balance : ( fig.) un esprit pondéré, well balanced mind. -deurº, =euse, m., f : producer, author; f : laying hen; (humor.) mother of many children. | pgm-dre°4 [L. pönere, put], fr. or intr. : lay (eggs); put out (as an author), publish, produce ; (humor.) give birth to a child. poney* [fr. Eng.], m. : pony, little horse. pont° [L. pons], m. : bridge ; (nav.) deck ; scaffold; staging; bridgework; curve, bend (given to a low card so the cut may make it trumps): un - suspendu, suspension • bridge ; d'ici là il passera de l'eau sous le -, that will not be done very quick ; laisser couler l'eau sous les -s, let things pursue their natural course; faire le -, ex- tcnd leave of absence one day to include Sunday ; le - aux ânes, asses bridge, a thing any one can do ; - de Varole, pons Varolii (at the base of the brain). I.p9nteº [pondre infl. by fonte, etc.], f : laying (of eggs). 2.ponte" [Sp. punto, point], m. : punt (at ombre). | 3.p9nte" [-ter], m. : punter (a player not the banker at faro, etc.). I.pom-té * [-t], adj. : decked, hav'g a deck or bridge. 2.-téº [-t], m. : languet · (of a sword). ponter " [? ak. to point], intr. : punt (gamble at faro, etc.). - pontetº [pont], m. : little bridge; trigger- guard (of revolvers, etc.); saddle-tree. ! Pont-Euxin, m.: Euxine Sea (BlackSea). pon-tife* [L. -tifex, high priest, lit., * bridge-builder'], m. : pontiff; priest : le souverain —, the pope. -tifical*, pl. =aux [L. -tificalis], adj. : =, of the pon- tiffs: le P-, book on the offices and ser- vices conducted by a bishop. -tificale- mentº [-tifical], adv. : in the pontifical way. -tificat* [L.-tificatus], m.: pontif- icate. -t-lEvisº, pl. —s-—, m. : draw- bridge ; flap (to front of trousers); high heel : le cheval fait le —, the horse rears high. #-t-neuf", pl. —s--s [bridge (built over the Seine by Henry IV) where popular songs were sung], m. : popular Song ; Vulgar expression. pon-ton° [L. -to], m. : pontoon (floating bridge made on boats ; low barge ; flat- pontuseau boat); prison ship or hulk ; landing dock. -tonage*, m. : toll (on bridges or ferry). -tonnierº, m. : pontonier (soldier em- ployed in building or guarding a pon- toon). porte-baguette 505 por-phyre* [It. firo (L. -phyrites, Gr. -purites, lit. " purplish')], m. : porphyry (ig- neous rock). , -phyrisation " [-phyri- serl, f : porphyrization. -phyriser ", tr. : porphyrise, pulverise on a porphyry table with a porphyry muller : papier por- phyrisé, paper glazed with sandarck resin. por(r)a eéº [L. -ceus (porrum, leek)], adj. : porraceous, greenish. fporreau, see poireau. - porrection º [L. -tio, stretching out],f. : pontuseau" [?], m.: dandy-rolls (cylinder over which the paper pulp passes); water- mark (left by the dandy-rolls). popelineº [It. papalina, lit. " of the pope' . fr. the papal town Avignon], f. : poplin (cloth). # poplité* [L. -ples, knee-bendl, adj. : po- pliteal, located in the interval behind the knee. popu-la-ee* [It.-laccio (L.-lus, people)], f. : = (rude masses, rabble). -laeierº, =ière, adj. : of the masses. -laire* [L. -larisl, adj. : popular (of the people ; suit- ing the people); fm. : populace : les mots de formation -, words formed among the unlearned ; une éloquence —, eloquence suited to the people, that all can under- stand. -lairementº [-laire], adv. : pop- ularly. -1ariserº [L.-laris, popular], tr. : popularise, make suitable forall. -larité* LL. -laritas], f : popularity. -Iation * [Eng.], f : = (peopling; inhabitants). populéum* [l. L.-leum (sc. unguentum), "poplar ointment' containing buds of pop- lar], m. : pºplar salve. popu-leux º, =euse [L.-losusl, adj. : pop- ulous, full of people. f-loº [L. -lus, peo- ple], m. : plump child. - pora eé, see porracé. por-c° or fporc [L.-cus], m. : hog; pork ; filthy man : - sauvage, wild boar; soie de -, bristles. -eElaine* [It.-cellana],f. : Venus shell (or object made fr. it); por- celain (pottery). -eElainierº, =ière [-celaine], m., f : porcelain-maker or dealer. -c-épie* [épi infl. by piquer], m. : porcupine ; (fam.) gruff person, social bear. -ehaison*, f.: wild-boar season (time to hunt). porehe° [L. porticus, * covered walk'], m. : porch. - por - eherº°, =ère [L. -cärius], m., f : herder of hogs, swine-herd. -ehErie !, ſ : hog-pen or sty. -eine* [L. -cinus], adj. : =, hog-like. pore* [L. porus, Gr. pôros, passage], m. : =. poreux*, =euse, adj. : porous. porisme" [Gr. pôrisma], m. : porism (in geometry). porno-graphe" [Gr. -gráphos (pôrne, Whore, gráphein, write)], m. : pornogra- pher (obscene author or painter ; writer on prostitution). -graphie º, f. : por- nography. -graphique, adj. : porno- graphic. porosité* [-reux], f : porousness, poros- ity. =, giving by stretching forth the hand. I.por-t° [L. -tus], m. : = (harbour, haven ; Wharf, shipping place): échouer au (or en vue du) -, (fig.) fail on the eve of suc- cess ; - de marée, harbour available only at high tide. 2.-t* [-ter], m. : carrying ; charges (for baggage); postage; manners, bearing, gait; port : un (permis de) — d'arme, a permit to carry weapons; beau - de tête, beautiful carriage of the head ; - de voix, glide, portamento, gliding of the voice (over several notes to another note above or below the first). -table* [-ter], adj. : =, that can be carried. -tage* [-terl, m. : (rare) =, carrying. portail* [for older portal fr. porte], m. : portal, façade of a church. - por-tant* [-ter], adj. : bearing, support- ing; m. : support; frame ; handle : être bien (mal) -, be in good (poor) health. -tatifº, =ive [-ter], adj. : portable; for the pocket; available : un dictionnaire -, a pocket dictionary; une somme porta- tive, sum of ready money. porte° [L. -ta], f : door; entrance ; gate (opening, or leaf that closes it); eye (for a hook); mountain pass : - à deux battants, double doors ; la (Sublime) Porte, the Ottoman Court; Turkey; les bagatelles de la -, harangue or free show at the door of a tent; (fig.) preliminaries ; être — à -, to be next-door neighbours ; mettre quelqu'un à la -, put one out of the house ; mettre la clef sous la —, steal aWay. porte-aiguille" [porter], m. : =, for- ceps for holding the needle (as in sewing up deep wounds, or drawing through card- board, etc.). -aiguilIesº, m.: needle- case. -allumettesº, m. : match-box. -amarre*, m. : life-rocket (shot to Wrecked ship). -arquEbuse º, pl. —, m. : armour-bearer, hunting assistant (of a prince). portE-baguetteº [porter], pl. —, m. : ramrod groove. f-balleº, m. : peddler. -bougie", pl. -, m.: =, tube or guide for introducing a bougie into the urethra. -bouquetº, pl. -, m. : flower vase. -bouteillesº, m. : case for bottles. -carabine*, pl. -, m. : carbine-swivel. 506 -carnierº,m.: game-carrier. - ehaise", m. : chairman (who carries a sedan-chair). -ehape* [porter, chapel, m. : cope- · bearer (priest's assistant); fofficer of the kitchen (who carried dishes covered with a cloth). -ehouac [choux], m. : (fam.) gardener's horse. - eigares* [porter], m. : cigar-case. -eigarettes*, m. : cig- arette-case. -clefs* or -elés, m. : jailer; key-ring. - collet" [porter, col- let],m. : stiffener (for a collar). -crayonº [crayon], m. : pencil-case. -eroix º, pl. - [porter], m. : cross-bearer. -crosseº, m. : crosier-bearer. -dieuº, pl. -, m. : host-bearer (priest who carries the viati- cum, bon Dieu, to a dying man). -dra- peau º, pl. -, m. : =, standard-bearer. portée* [-ter], f : (thing or distance car- ried, hence): load, weight supported at one point ; brood ; litter ; charge ; set ; · range ; reach ; compass : - musicale, mu- sical staff ; être à une — de fusil, be within gun-shot ; être hors de la — des · yeux, de l'oreille, be beyond seeing or hearing distance. - fporte-enseigneº [porter], pl. -, m. : standard-bearer. -épéeº, pl. -, m. : Strap5 (gupporting the SUabbard). -éten- dard º, pl. -, m. : standard-bearer. -étrier(s)º, pl. -, m. : rest (straps be- hind the saddle to hold the idle stirrups and keep them fr. dangling). -étri- vière(s)º, pl. -, m.: stirrup-bar or ring. portE-faiacº [porter, faix], m. : street- porter. -fEnêtre º, pl. -s--s, m. : balcony-window (window which reaches t the floor and opens like a door). -fèrsº [-ter], m. : horseshoe-pocket (in saddle). -feuille º, m.: =, portfolio (portable case of two or more leaves): valeurs en -, valuable papers ; le - de la banque, documents, etc., of a bank ; avoir le - des affaires étrangères, to be minister of · portée foreign affairs ; un ministre sans -, minister without a special department. -fortº, pl. — [porter], m. : proxy (with power to vote). -haeheº, pl. -, m. : ax-case. -jupe*, pl. -, m.: skirt-sus- pender (fastenedat the belt). -liqueursº, pl. -, m. : liquor-chest or closet; glass- shelf (for whiskey glasses, etc.). -mal- heur(s)º, pl. -, m. : hoodoo, bringer of bad luck. -manteau* [-ter, manteau], m. : (old) officer of the robes ; (now) sad- dle pack (of cavalryman); valise, satchel ; clothes-hook. -ment* [-ter], m. : bear- · ing, carrying : - de croix, painting of Christ bearing the cross. -mineº, pl. — [porter], m. : porte-crayon. -monnaie º, pl. -, m. : portemonnaie, pocketbook. -montre*, pl. -(s), m. : watch-stand or cushion. -mgmtresº, pl. -, m. : (jew- portE-respeetº, pl. - portor eller's) watch-rack. -morsº, pl. —, m.: cheek-straps (of a bridle). -mou- ehettesº, pl. —, m. : tray (for candle- snuffers). -mousquEton", m. : musket hook (on a shoulder-belt); clasp, Snap (of a watch-chain). -page", pl.-, m. : (print.) bearer, page-paper, " shoe." -pierre ", pl. -(s), m. : holder (for handling lunar caustic). -plumeº, pl. -(s), m. : pen- holder. -queueº, pl. -(s), m. : train- bearer (of a queen). porter° [L.-täre], tr. : bear, carry; bring ; induce ; Wear; intr. : bear or rest (on), stand (on); carry (as a gun): se -, carry one's self ; go; se - bien (mal), be well (ill); - quelqu'un 8ur ses épaules, be bored by one ; ce vin porte bien l'eau, this wine stands water (without being too _ weak); - des lunettes, wear glasses; cela ne se porte plus, that is out of style now ; une chose mal portée, a tawdry thing ; le sang (se) porte à la tête, blood rushes to the head ; - la tête haute, carry the head high ; le - haut, or - au vent, assume lofty airs ; - un coup à quelqu'un, give one a blow ; je me sens portée pour elle, I feel interested in her; on porte à dix mille le nombre des morts, they reckon 10,000 dead ; le fusil porte loin, the gun carries (shoots) far. [porter], m. : (fam.) credit bringer (person who is an honour to the one with him); weapon (carriedfor self-defence). -tapisserie", pl. -, m. : frame (for tapestry). -traitº, pl. -(s), m. : tug-carrier (of a harness). porteur*, =euse, m., f : porter, car- rier ; saddle-horse : un billet au -, a note payable to bearer. -ventº, pl. -, m.: wind-canal (of organs). -vergeº, pl. -(s), m. : verger (mace-bearer ; beadle). -vis", m. : screw-plaque (of fire-arms). -voix º, m. : speaking trumpet. por-tien°°, I.=ière [L. -tärius (-ta, door)], m., f. : porter ; door-keeper ; church- brother (who has taken his first orders): - consigne, outer guard (of a fortress). 2.-tière* [-te], f : door (of a carriage); portiere (curtain for doorway); passage section (of a pontoon bridge). 3-portière* [-ter], adj. : pregnant ; f : (dial.) womb (of animals). por-tion* [L.-tio], f : = (share; part): - virile, each heir's part ; — congrue, suitable allowance (deducted for the cu- rate, often scanty); être réduit à la — congrue, be rather hard up. - tionculeº [L. -tiuncula], f : (rare) small part. portiqueº [L. -ticus], m. : portico; colon- nade , gymnasium. portorº [It. -toro, lit. " carry gold'], m. : = (yellow-veined black marble), portraire fpor-traire* [pour, traire], irr.; tr. : portray, show. -trait*, m. : = (like- ness in oil, in pencil ; description of a per- son) : un — en pied, full-length picture ; un — flatté, a flattering picture ; ( fam.) c'est tout le — de son père, he is the very image of his father. -traiture* [-trait], | , f. : = (fact of depicting ; portrait). portulanvº [-no], m. : map (of harbours and coasts). - - pQ-sageº, m. : placing, setting, laying. p9-séº, f. : placing ; laying (of carpets, stone, etc.) ; pose ; posing : à vous la -, you have the first play (at dominoes) ; fcaporal de -, corporal who stations the pickets. -sément* [part. -sé], adv. : composedly, quietly. ll-ser° [L. pausäre, cease (infl. by p0mere, posui, positum, put)], intr. : pose (rest ; take an attitude); tr. : put, place ; lay; lay down ; put aside : , se -, take an attitude ; - une question | à quelqu'un, put a question to one ; une personne posée, a settled sedate person ; une voix posée, well controlled voice; posé que cela soit permis, grant or agreed that this is allowed ; — à cru, build without , a foundation. · layer ; setter; placer ; poser (for effect): - de sonnettes, bellhanger. posi-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus, that can be placed (ponere, put)], adj. : positive (def- inite ; firm ; certain ; not negative ; prac- tical : un esprit -, a practical mind ; un homme -, a matter-of-fact man ; quantité positive, a plus quantity ; épreuve positive, positive, photographic proof havingits light · and shade in the proper order ; fun (orgue) -, little organ ; le - d'un orgue, or du grand orgue, the small clavier. -tion * | | [L. -tio], f : = (place ; manner of placing ; | condition) : les -s d'une thèse, the propo- sitions or contentions of a thesis ; fausse | -, false position (in mathematics). -tive- mentº, adv. : positively ; -tivisme º, m. : positivism (philosophy that excludes the supernatural and every- thing beyond physical science). -tiviste*, m., f. : positivist. , - posséder [L. possidëre], tr. : POSSESS ; oWn ; have control of : se —, be master of one's self ; un possédé (du démon), one pos- sessed (of a devil) ; — plusieurs langues, know several languages. - posses-seurº [L. -sor, m. : owner. -sifº, =ive [L. -siùus], adj. : possessive. ll-sion* [L. -sio], f. : y ownership ; property : envoi en —, writ of possession ; être en — (d'un droit) de dire · toutes choses sans qu'on ose s'en fâcher, able to say anything without any one's dar- ing to take offence ; - d'état, ownership established by long naked , possession, -seurº, =egse, · 7m., jf. : | decidedly. | #=-s---s à possessOr, 507 -sionnée", adj. : (rare) hav'g property. -soire* [L. -Sorius], adj. : possessory. postulant possi-biIité* [L.-bilitas], f. : possibility. | possi-ble* [L. -bilis (posse, to be · able)], adj. or m. : = (that may be done, may be true, or become true) : faire son —, do one's utmost ; il arrivera —, per- · haps he will arrive. -blEmentº, adv. : possibly. - postaiº, =aux [-te], adj. : service -, mail service ; colis -, mail package. post-eommunion * [l. L. -communio (L. post, after, communio, communion)],.f. : = (prayer). -crit, see post-scriptum. . -dateº [date], f. : (rare) =, date making a letter, etc., appear later than it actually was. -daterº [dater], tr. : (rare) post- date, to date later than the actual time. I.poste° [L. posita, placed], f. : (old) posi- tion ; (nou) proper place ; post ; fixed place ; relay of horses ; stage (station ; distance between stations) ; public mail ; post-office : être à la - de quelqu'un, be at one's convenience ; voyager en -, travel by stage coach ; porter une lettre à la -, post a letter ; une lettre -- restante, a let- ter for the general delivery ; un timbre- -, a postage stamp; un train--, a mail- train. 2.poste* [It. posto], m. : post ; station ; body of men (of a post or sta- tion), position, employment : - d'hon- meur, dangerous place. 3.posteº [?],.f. : shot, buckshot. poster* [2.-te], tr. : to post, station. t=• º •- s , pos-térieur(e)* [L.-terior (post, after)], adj. or m. : posterior (later ; behind, back). -térieurementº, adv. : later. f-teriori, see à posteriori. -tériorité * [L. -terior, later], f : posteriority. -té- rité* [L. -teritas], f. : posterity (descend- ants ; future times) : mourir sans laisser de —, die without issue. -tfaeeº [infl. by préface], f. : notice (at end of a book). -t(h)umeº [L. -t(h)umus], adj. : post- humous, born after the father's death. postieheº [It. -ticcio (posto, placed)], adj. : added ; extra ; artificial : caporal -, acting corporal ; une barbe -, a false beard. - - - postillionº [I.poste, infl. by It. postigli- one], m. : = (stage-driver; post-boy, sec- ond coachman) ; messenger (card strung on kite-string and carried up to kite by the wind); ribbon, streamer (on a lady's hat). - post-scriptum " oum, pl. - [L. *writ- ten after'], m. : postscript. postu-lantº, =ante, m., f : postulant, candidate (for religious order or rank) ; fadj. : soliciting : avocat -, active attor- ney; village attorney. -lat" [L. -latum, thing demanded], m. : postulate, necessary 508 assumption. -Iation* [L. -latio], f : =. |-Ierº [L. -lare], tr. : postulate (demand; apply for; esp., ask authority to admit a candidate over canonical objections); intr.: act as attorney. posture* [It. -ra (L. ponere, posui, put)], ·f. : = (attitude of body or (fig.) of mind): les —s d'un lutteur, the positions of a wrestler. | pot° [p. L. *pottum (fr. ?)], m. : = (vessel ; crock; jar; rung; jug; vase ; rocket- head ; contents of a pot; anything pot- shaped, as fsoldier's helmet) : un - à eau, waterpot; un - d'eau, a pot of water ; — de vin, waiter's fee (as if for drink-money); bribe ; être à — et à rôt dan8 une maison, to eat and sleep in a house ; ſaire bouillir le —, keep the pot boiling ; — aux roses, pot of face-powder; découvrir le - aux roses, find out the secret; tom- ber dans le - au moir, get into trouble ; payer les -s cassés, be held liable ; la fortune du -, pot-luck, whatever is on hand to eat ; tourner autour du —, hang around with an object ; beat about the bush ; - p0urri, olla podrida ; hotch- potch ; vendre à -, retail (wine, etc.) ; fuire petit -, llve humbly ;javre — à part, do on one's own hook; --au-feu, fire-pot ; pot and its contents ; meat for soup. potable* [L. -tabilis (-tare, drink)], adj. : drinkable : or -, alchemist's gold solution (health elixir). -po-tage* [pot], m. : soup (with soaked bread); fpottage : renfort de —, ingredi- ent for soup ; pour tout -, as the one item (of which to make a meal): il m'a eu que cent francs pour tout —, the whole ·thing only made a hundred francs. -tager*, =ère, adj. : fit for soups : herbes potagères, kitchen herbs; fassiettes potagères, soup-plates ; m. : kitchen-gar- den; pantry. -tasseº [Ger. pott-asche, lit., " pot ashes'], f : potash, potassium carbonate. -tassium* [-tasse], m.: = (the metallic element). $s fpote* [? ak. to potelé], adj., f. : fat ; swollen : mains —s, fat hands. poteau* [OFr. post (L. postis)], m. : post, stake ; pole : - du turf, goal of a I"8,G6). potée* [pot], f : potful ; (fam.) heaps, lots ; solution of red ochre ; stone-dust posture † to polish marble); clay PUTTY (for - aking moulds): - d'étain, PUTTY powder . (for polishing metals). potelé* [? pote], adj. : plump. po-telet* [-teau], m. : small post. poten ee* [L. -tentia, power],f : support ; crutch ; cross ; gallows (gibbet) ; cross- piece; potent, pivot-bearing (in a watch); potance, stud or counter-bridge (in a pou(t)-de-soie watch); measuring square : brider la —, to hit the wood (instead of the ring, in riding at rings hung up around a course); table en -, L-shaped table ; troupes ran- gées en -, troops drawn up in a square. poten-tatº [l. L. -tatus, reign (L. potens, powerful)], m. : potentate, ruler. -tiel*, =elle [L. -tialis], adj. or m. : potential : le mode -, the potential or conditional mode in grammar; cautère -, corrosive cauterant (that doesn't act at once); le — d'élasticité, force necessary to bring a molecule to its original form. poterie* [-tier], f. : pottery (place of making earthenware ; the ware itself ; tiling). poterne* [L. posterula, lit., back door], f : postern (underground passage in forti- fications, or door closing it). potesta-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : contrat -, contract depending on the as- sent of all parties to it. po-tiehe* [-t], f. : china vase ; Japan vase. -tier* [-t], m. : potter, maker or seller of earthenware. I.-tinº, m. : pinchbeck (alloy of copper, zinc and tin). 2.po-timº [?l, m,: (fam.) gossip ; noise. | -tinerº, intr. : (fam.) chat, gossip. -tineurº, =euse [-tiner], m., f : (fam.) chatterer, gossip. potion* [L. -tio], f : =, drink. potironº [?], m. : (dial.) fboletus (mush- room); pumpkin. - potron-jaquetº or -minet [?], m. : (fam.) dès le -, at daybreak. pou°, pl. -ac [p. L. *peduculus (L. pedi- culus)], m. : louse : herbe aux -x, fig- wort; louse-wort ; - de bois, white ant ; — du pubis, crab-louse ; - des chiens, dog-tick. - fpoua - ere* -cresse [OFr. poacre, gouty, scabby], adj. : dirty; m., f : pinch- back, niggard. f-crErie º, f. : filthiness ; stinginess. pouah º [echoic], interj. : fi! -! fie for shame ! - pouee° [L. pollex], m. : thumb ; inch : - d'eau, amount óf water running through ` a square inch in one minute ; donner le coup de — à un tableau, to give the finish- ing touches ; lire du -, read turning leaves rapidly ; mettre les -s, give in ; serrer les —s à quelqu'un, put the thumb- screws to any one ; (fig.) try to extort a secret fr. one. -pied, pl. -(s), m. : (thumb-shaped) barnacle, anatifa, goose- mussel. 1 pou-eettes* [-ce],f. pl. : thumb-shackles. . '-eierº [-ce], m. : thumb-stall; thumb- piece. - pou(t)-dE-soieº [? Eng. (It. town Pa- dua)], m, : paduasoy, rich silk fabric, pouding · poudin-g" [fr. Eng.l, m. : -gue", m. : pudding-stone. pou-dre° [L. pulvisl, f. : fdust; sand ; PoWDER (gunpowder; face-powder; medic- inal powders, anything pulverized): -- coton, gun-cotton ; café en -, ground coffee ; faire de la -, put on airs ; jeter à quelqu'un de la - aux yeux, cripple, undo any one ; pull the wool over one's eyes; (fam.) prendre de la - d'escam- pette, take to one's heels; il n'a pas in- pudding. venté la —, he will never set the world on fire. -drerº, tr.: powder; cover with dust. -drErieº, f : powder-mill. -dretteº, f : fine dust or powder; manure (from privies). -dreux º, =euse, adj.: dusty. I.-drier º, m.: sand-box (to dry ink); #hour-glass. 2.-drierº, m. : gunpowder maker. -drièreº,f : fsand-box (forink); powder-flask; powder-house. -droyer*, tr. : (rare) cover lightly (with dust or powder) ; pulverise ; intr. : be dusty : le soleil poudroie, dust shows in the sun- beam. r I.pouf* [echoic], interj. : (expressing the sound of a fall) bang ! biff ! thump ! faire (un) -, to fall ; crumble ; ( fam.) put on airs ; leave without paying ; go bankrupt ; (as adj.) marbre -, crumbling marble. | 2.poufº [?], m. : puff; flap ; tuft (of flowers, ribbons, etc.); footstool. pouf- ferº [echoic], intr. : burst out laughing. fpouille, see pouilles. pouillé º [? ak. to polyptyque (infl. by , dépouiller)], m. : (diocesan) register. I.#pouiller* [OFr. pouil (later pou)], tr. : (dial.) to louse, cleanse of lice. 2.pouil-lerº, tr. : abuse, sauce. llpouil- Iesº [?],f. pl. : (fam.) " sass," abuse. pouilleux º, =euse [OFr. pouil (later pou)], adj. : lousy; greasy; dirty; rotten; arid ; m., f : lousy person. º fpoulail-le* [poule], f : poultry, barn- · yard fowls. -lerº, m. : poultry-yard ; · hen-house ; gallery (of a theatre); fegg- wagon. 2.-Ier*, =ère, m., f : poultry- · dealer. poulain° [p. L. *pullanus (L. pullus, | young, cf. Fr. poule)], m. : colt; prop ; Sskid ; sled ; bubo (sore fr. syphilis). poulaineº [P., old name of Poland], f : long pointed toe of a shoe (cf. Eng. poulaine, long-toed shoe); prow (of a ship). - pouIanº [?], m. : pool, stakes (in certain games). pou-lardeº, f : poulard, spayed hen. |-le° [L. -llus, young], f. : hen; pullet ; = (pool in certain games ; third figure in quadrille): - d'Inde, hen-turkey; chair de —, gooseflesh; - laitée, effeminate man ; une - mouillée or un cœur de -, pour 509 a chicken-hearted person; cuir de —, "lamb-skin’ (for gloves); lait de -, egg- nog (yolks, warm water and sugar); - de Numidie, Guinea-hen. -let*, m. : chicken; (fam.) darling, duck; love-letter (at first triangular, suggesting a wing). -lette*, f : pullet; young girl: sauce —, chicken gravy. fpoulevrim, see pulvérin. poulieheº [-lain], f : young mare. poulie* [ak. to Eng. pull], f : pulley. pou-lin°, =ine [p. L. *pullinus (L. pul- lus, young)], m., f : colt. . -linerº, intr. : to foal. -linière º, f., adj. : breeding (mare). - I.pouliot° [L. pillegium], m. : penny-royal, fleabane. 2.pouliotº [-lie], m. : fast pulley (of a gunwale). I.poulpe [for polype], m. : poulp (mollusk). 2.f poulpe, see pulpe. •. poulpEton * [It. polpettone (L. pulpa, pulp)], m. : hash (with slices of veal). pouls° [L. pulsus], m. : pulse (esp. of the wrist): tâter le - à quelqu'un, feel one's . pulse. . poumon° [L. pulmo], m. : lung. pou-pardº, =arde [OFr. -pe, teat (? L. pupa, little girl)], m., f. : baby; doll; adj. : infantile. -part" [?], m. : large crab. poupe* [It. poppa (L. puppis)],f. : poop : avoir le vent en —, have a fair wind ; ( fig.) prosper. pou-pée* [-pard], f : doll; puppet ; list- less but pretty woman ; dummy ; finger (in a rag): une figure de -, dollface ; ftemps de -, doll-age of girls. -pinº, =ine [-pard], adj. : dressy, showy. -pomº, =onne [-pard], m., f. : little boy, girl ; (fam.) pet, darling. pour° [p. L. "por (L. pro)], prep. : FOR (instead of); as ; to, towards; considering ; · with a view to ; because of; in proportion to ; during; m. : pro : - et contre, for and against ; il faut aimer les gens, non - soi mais — eux, one ought to love people for themselves and not selfishly ; je suis furieusement - les portraits, I am an enthusiast about portraits ; aver- sion - la vie de campagne, dislike of country life ; remède - la fièvre, remedy against fever ; - qui me prenez-vous, who do you take me for ? — toujours, for ever; il en est - vingt mille francs, he is involved to the amount of 20,000 francs; je me tais et — cause, I will keep still and for a very good reason (which I will not tell); mourir — Dieu, die for God's sake ; la tendresse d'une mère — ses enfants, a mother's love for her children ; — moi, for my part ; grand - son age, large for his age; dix - cent, ten per cent; un - dix 510 pourboire mille, one to every ten thousand ; - être dévot, je n'en suis pas moins homme, be- cause I am pious I am none the less a man ; traduire mot - mot, translate Word for word ; - toute réponse, as his only answer ; le sentiment d'autrui n'est jamais — lui plaire, he is never pleased with another's opinion ; il y a ici - contenter tous, there is something here to satisfy all; partir — l'Amérique, leave for America. pourboire", pl. - [boire], m. : = (tip, fee). pour eeau° [L. porcellus, dim. of porcus, hogl, m. : º# - fpour-ehasº, m.: pursuit. ll-ehasserº [pour, chasser], tr. : fhunt (wild game); (fig.) pursue. -fendeur", =euse [ fen- dre], m., f. : hewer, killer ; (irony) fire- eater, giant-killer. -fendre* [fendre], tr. : cleave in two, kill outright. -lé- eherº [lécher], tr. : lick : se — les babines, lick one's chops ; hug one's self. -parlen°* [OFr. inf.], m. : = (preliminary conference with view to an agreement). f-penserº [penser], tr. : premeditate : un crime pourpensé, a crime prepense. pourpier* [L. pullipes], m. : purslane (plant). pourpoin-tº [OFr. -dre (pour, poindre, to quilt)l, m. : =, quilted doublet : tirer un coup à brûlé--, shoot very close to 0 ſl6), pour-pre° [L. purpura], f. : purple (of mollusca ; crimson ; bright purple garment; royal robe ; cardinal's robe); m. : fscarlet fever; #Small-pox; purples, red blotches, exanthema ; adj. : crimson. -préº, adj. : purple : fièvre -e, purpura, livid spots and fever. -prier", m.: murex (sea mol- lusk). » . } #pour-pris* [OFr. -prendre (pour, pren- dre)], m. : fenclosure, precinct : les céles- tes —, heaven. -quoiº [pour, quoi], pousser macerating vat. -r(r)iture º, f : roº- tenness : - d'hôpital, gangrene ; — de bêtes à cornes, epizoötic. - pour-suite*, f. : pursuit ; prosecution ; | suit at law ; perseverance. -suivant*, =ante, adj. : (rare) pursuing ; m. : pur- suivant ; twooer, suitor ; m., f. : plaintiff, prosecutor : points poursuivants, leaders (a row of dots); - d'armes, pursuivant- at-arms, martial constable. |-suivre º [pour, suivre], tr. : pursue, follow hard ; Sue ; prosecute ; woo ; seek : le malheur le poursuit, misfortune follows him ; — son ouvrage, continue one's work ; pour- suis, go on (with your talk). - pour-tant* [pour, tant], adv. : never- theless ; however. -tourº [infi. by com- tourl, m. : circumference, circuit ; circu- lar walk. - pour-voi*, m. : appeal (to higher court): - en grâce, appeal for mercy. |-voir* [pour, voir (infl. by L. providere)], irr.; intr. or tr. : PROVIDE ; PURVEY : se —, ap- peal to a higher court ; pourvu que vous le ſassiez, on condition that or provided that you do it ;s il est bon de — Henriette, it is · good to establish Henrietta. -voirieº [-voyeur], f : purveyance, provisioning. -vQyeurº, =euse, m., f. : purveyor. poussaº [fr. Chinese name of idol], m. : grotesque doll or manikin. pous-se* [-ser], f : budding out; shoot- ing, starting (of leaves, of teeth, of feathers, etc.); sprout, shoot ; heaves (in horses); spoiling (of wine by fermenting). . -se-cailloux * [-ser], m. : (humor.) foot- . soldier. -se-culº, pl. —(s) [-ser], m.: bum-bailiff. -sée* [-ser], f : push ; pres- sure; breaking out (of the skin): donner une - à quelqu'un, give one a shove; (pop.) get right after one. fpousse-piedsº, see pouce-pied. pous-ser [L. pulsäre], tr. or intr. : PUSH ; thrust ; crowd ; drive; rush on ; star,e , conj. or adv., or m. : why : les - d'un enfant ; a child's questions ; on lui dit - , c'est, one tells him the reason ; demandez- moi —, I can't tell you why ; voilà -, that is the-reason. pou-r(r)ir° [p. L. *putrïre (putrère)], intr. or tr. : rot : se —, turn foul; chair pourrie, gangrenous flesh ; mouton pourri, spoiled mutton ; un membre pourri, ( fig.) a rotten member of an organisation ; une odeur de pourri, odor of decay or rotten- ness ; bourg pourri, borough (in England) that sells out its vote ; filon pourri, stra- tum of decomposed rock ; pot pourri, hotch-potch. -r(r)issage*, m. : rotting ; retting, maceration of rags (into pulp for paper). -r(r)issoirº, m. : dead pit (vault where human bodies rot); rettery, put forth ; grow ; extend ; utter (groarſs, sighs); heave (as a wind-broken horse); ferment and sour (as wine): se -, boost one's self; thrust one's selfforward; se— de nourriture, eat a good deal ; - une botte, give one thrust (in fencing); assail one with words; - de l'épaule, crowd, jostle one aside ; - quelqu'un du coude (du genou), nudge one with the elbow (the knee); qui diantre vous pousse à vous ſaire imprimer, what in the deuce brings you to go into print ; — un écolier, coach, assist a student; il a poussé sa chance, he | has made his chance count ; — trop loin la patience, trypatience too long ; la terre pousse beaucoup d'herbe, the earth yields · many an herb; — à la roue, put a shoulder to the wheel, help all one can; vous poussier poussez jusqu'à dire, you go so far as to say ; - les vaches au lait, keep cows giv- ing milk a long time before drying them up ; — les dents, cut teeth ; ce tableau pousse au noir, this picture is turning black. -sette º, f : push-pin (child's game). -seurº, =euse, m., f. : (rare) pusher, driver, etc. pous-sier° [OFr. pous, p. L. *pulvus (L. pulvis)], m. : dust (fr. coal, straw, etc.). -sière° [OFr. pous], f. : dust ; flower-dust (pollen); flour of emery; ashes of the dead ; spray : mordre la -, bite the dust, be slain in battle ; dormir dans la —, to be dead ; ( fam.) faire de la —, put on airs. -sifº, =ive, adj. : wind-broken, heavy ; asthmatic. pous-sim° [p. L. *pullicinus (L. pullicë- nus)], m.: young chicken. -sinière*, adj. : (rare) having chickens: (pop.) l'é- toile —, or la -, the constellation Pleia- des ; f. : chicken-box ; incubator. poussoir* [-sser], m. : pusher (mechan- ism to be pushed). fpoussolane, see pouzzolane. fpout-dE-soie, see pou-de-soi. pou-tre° [p. L. *pullitra (L. pullus, young)], f. : (old) filly; (now) beam (of wood or iron). -trelleº, f : small beam. I.pou-voir° [p. L. * potëre (L. posse)l, irr. $ ; intr. : be able : se —, be possible ; la liberté ne peut consister qu'à faire ce que l'on doit vouloir, liberty can only con- sist in being able to do what one ought ; on ne peut plus, no one can do better ; n'en - plus, be at the end of the rope, be done up ; (se) sauve qui peut, every one for himself ; puissé-je de mes yeux y voir tom- ber ce foudre! Oh, that I could with my own eyes see this lightning play ! je me puis qu'y faire, I am helpless in that mat- ter; vous ne pouvez pas que vous n'ayez rai- son, you cannot possibly be wrong ; n'en - mais, be helpless in the case, not to be re-| sponsible. 2.-voir*, m. : POWER; control; authority: avoir un -, have power of at- |. torney; faites votre —, do what you can. $ Ind. : Pr. peu-x (or puis with questions, as : Azéis-7e ? with me, as : je me puis), peze-x, Âeat-t; pott-vo7zs, -vez, peu-vent. Ipf. pouvais. Pret. Azés. Fut. (Cond.) pourraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. Azéisse. Ipf. pusse. — Part. : Pr. pouvazut ; P. A2t. I've wanting. pouzzolaneº [It. -na (village Pozzuoli)], f : pozzuolana (volcanic ash or sand used in cement). pragmatique* [L. -ticus, Gr. -tikós], adj. : la - (sanction), pragmatic sanction, imperial edict. prai-rial", =aux, m. : Prairial, ninth month of the Republican calendar (fr. 20th | May to 18th June). |-rie* [pré],f.: =, tract of treeless grassland or meadow. 511 prali-neº [Plessis-Praslin (whose cook first made this bonbon)], f. : =, con- fection of almond-kernels coated with sugar. -nerº, tr. : brown with sugar : amandes pralinées, burnt almonds ; crème pralinée, cream filled with powdered al- monds. | -- ' . prame" [Ger. prahm], f : praam, Dutch barge. - - - pra-ticable* [-tiquer], adj. : practicable; passable : porte -, real (not a false) door; les -s, the real or usable doors (not imi- tation) and windows, etc. -tieiem *, m. : practitioner (practising physician or law- yer) ; rough-hewer (of marble). -ti- quant* [-tiquer], adj. : practising. |-tique* [L. practicus, Gr. praktikôs], adj. : practical ; #un pilote - de la côte, a pilot familiar with the coast ; f. : practice (usage; custom; court's method);frequent- ing, visiting ; pratique (vessel's permit fr. sanitary authorities); customer ; Punch and Judy mouthpiece : mettre en -, put to use ; la libre — de sa religion, free exercise of one's religion ; sourdes -s des Tarquins, underhand methods of the Tarquins ; terme de -, law-term. -tique- mentº, adv. : practically. -tiquerº, tr. : practice; use; effect; frequent; intr. : have free health permit (access to har- bour). pré° [L. pratum], m. : meadow : --salé, salt farm (near the sea, and esteemed for grazing, saltiness of the grass improving the meat); faire son - carré, enlarge one's domain ; aller sur le -, fight a duel (an allusion to Pré-aux-clercs, a duelling ground). - • pré-alableº [L. prœ, before, OFr. alable (aler, later Fr. aller) infl. by L. prœambu- lum, preamble], adj. : preliminary : ques- tion -, previous question (shutting off debate) ; au -, previously. -alablE- ment*, adv. : previously. -ambule* [L. prœambulum (ambulare, walk)l, m. : preamble, introductory statement. préau* [prél, m. : (old) little meadow ; ' (nou) yard, court (of a prison or con- vent). pré-bende* [l. L. prœbenda, things to be offered (L. prœbere, offer)], f. : prebend (stated income, salary allotted to an ec- . précaire · clesiastic). -bendé º, adj. : prebendary. -bendierº, m. : prebendary. pré-eaire* [L. precarius (prex, PRAY- ER)], adj. : (in law) obtained by entreaty ; precarious, untrustworthy : un (bénéfice) -, a revocable allowance ; la liberté - d'un esclave à qui l'on n'a rien commandé, the unoertain liberty of a slave to whom one has given no orders. -cairementº, adv. : precariously. - 512 précau-tionº [L. prœ, before, cautio, caution], f. : precaution, care : - oratoire, oratorical turn (meant to make an audi- ence favourable). -tionnerº, tr. : cau- tion, warn ; -tionné, cautious. préeé-demmentº -dam-, adv. : earlier, previously, before. -dent* [L. prœce- dens], adj. : preceding; m. : precedent, in- stance quotable. -derº [L. prœcedere], tr. : precede ; come or be before ; excel. préeeinte* [OFr. pourceindre, enclose], f : wale (strake of planking around a ship). préeep-té* [L. prœceptum], m. : pre- cept, rule (esp.) for moral guidance. -teur*, -triee [L. prœceptor], m., f. : preceptor, teacher ; tutor. -toralº [L. prœceptor, teacher], adj. : (rare) precep- torial. -toratº [L. prœceptor], m. : tutor- ing, tutorship. • préeessionº [L. prœcessio], f : preces- S10Il. prê-eheº, m.: sermon, preaching; church audience. |-eherº prè- [L. prœdicare], tr. : PREACH; preach to: - l'avent, preach a series of sermons during advent ; - précaution dans le désert, go unheeded ; - d'exam- ple, preach by example ; - pour son saint, speak in one's own interest ; - un con- verti, argue to a man already convinced. -eheur *, = euse, m., f : adviser ; fpreacher. pré-eieusementº, adv. : preciously; pru- dishly; affectedly. |-eieuxº, =euse [L. -tiosus], adj. : costly; precious ; affected ; m., f : affected person ; m. : affectation ; · f : bluestocking. -eiosité* [L. -tiosus (-tium, price)], f. : preciosity, affected- neSS. " • préei-pieeº [L. prœcipitium], m. : pre- cipice (abrupt lofty cliff; ruin). -pitam- mentº, adv. : precipitately; rashly. -pi- tation º [L. prœcipitatio], f : precipi- tation (faction of casting down or falling ; rash haste); precipitate. .. ll-piter* [L. prœcipitare, fall head first (prœ, before, caput, head)], tr. : precipitate (cast down ; hurry indecently): se --, dash, rush. préeiputº [L. prœcipuum (prœ, before, capere, take), that which is taken before the general distribution of property], m. : | special portion (given by will, or set aside by marriage contract). - - préei-sº [L. prœcisus, cut off (prœ, before, cœdere, cut)], adj. : precise, exact : un -, summary, condensed statement. -sémentº [infl. by L. prœcise], adv. : precisely. -serº, tr. : fix exactly; intr. : be exact. -sionº [L. prœcisio], f : pre- cision (fmental abstraction ; exactness). , préeité* [L. prœ, before, Fr. citer], adj. : aforesaid, above mentioned. préeo-eeº [L. prœcox, early ripe (cf. · prœdicatio], f : preaching. • prédispºsant 18, prédomi-naneeº, f : préemption abricot)], adj. : precocious ; early : enfant -, child smart for its age. -eité º, f : precocity. fpré-compter* [L. prœ, before, Fr. compter], tr. : deduct in advance. -con- çu" [concevoir], adj. : preconceived. -conisation* [-coniser], f : preconisa- tion, public confirmation by the Pope. -eoniser* [l. L. prœconizare (L. prœco, herald)], tr. : preconise, confirm (a bishop) in the consistory; praise. -cordialº [L. prœcordia, diaphragm], adj. : pre- cordial. -eurseur* [L. prœcursor, (lit.) one who runs aheadl, m. : forerunner, pre- cursor. -déeéderº [décéder], intr. : die -déeèsº [décès], m.: earlier death, preceding death. -déees- seur* [L. prœdecessor], m. : predecessor, one who goes before. -destination,* [L. prœdestinatio], f. : predestination (destiny foreknown or determined ; fate ; doctrine that some are doomed fr. the beginning). -destinerº [L. prœdesti- mare], tr. : predestine, foreordain. - prédétermi-nant", adj. : predetermin- ing. -nation º, f : predetermination. ll-nerº [L. prœ, before, determinari, determine], tr. : predetermine. prédi-cableº [L. prœdicabilis], adj. : predicable, affirmable ; (rare) PREACHABLE. -cament* [L. prœdicamentum, asserted qualityl, m. : predicament (fam. fplight ; predicable quality; category in logic). -eantº [L. prœdicans, preaching], m. : (contempt) preacher. -catº [L. prœdica- tum, assertion], m. : predicate, thing af- firmed. -eateur* [L. prœdicator], m.: proclaimer, PREACHER. -cation * [L. -etion* [L. prœdictio (dicere, say)], f : prediction ; foretelling. prédilection º [l. L. prœdilectio (L. dilectio, love)], f. : predilection. prédire* [L. prœdicere, infl. by Fr. dire], ' irr. (cf. dire); tr. : predict, foretell, antici- pate. - adj. : predisposing. |-ser* [L. prœ, before, Fr. disposer], - tr. : predispose, render favourable towards. -sition* [disposition], f : predisposition. predominance. -nantº, adj. : predominant, strongest. |-nerº [L. prœ, before, dominari, to rulel, intr. : predominate, be strongest. préémi-nenee*[L. prœ-eminentia, (lit.) jutting out before], f. : preéminence, superiority. -nent" [L. prœeminens], adj. : prominent. préemption º [L. prœ, before, emptio, purchase], f. : preémption : droit de -, legal right to buy at a fixed price in preference to other buyers. préétablir préétablirº [L. prœ, before, Fr. établir], tr. : preéstablish. : préexis-tant * adj. : pre éxisting. -tenee* [existence], f : preéxistence. |-ter* [l. L. prœ-existere], intr. : pre- exist. .-^ préfaeeº [L. prœ fatio (fari, speak)], f. : preface ; introductory remarks ; prelude to the mass. préfee-toralº, pl. =aux [préfet infl. by its L. praefectus], adj. : of a prefect, pre- fectoral. -ture* [L. prœfectura], f : prefecture, district office or dignity of prefect (see préfet). préfé-rable º, adj. : preferable, to be chosen. -rablEmentº [-rable], adv. : preferably, through choice. -renee*, f : preference ; choice : de (or fpar) -, preferably. |-rerº [L. praeferre, (lit.) | carry before], tr. : prefer, choose : - (fde) mourir, rather die. préfet* [L. prœfectus], m. : prefect, chief : (fam.) la préfète, the chief's wife. pré-finirº [L. prœfinire (prœ, before, finire, finish], tr. : limit in advance (cf. obs. Eng. prefine). -fix*, I.=ixe [L. prœfixus], adj. : set, fixed, appointed : donaire —, marriage settlement agreed upon. 2.-fixe " [L. prœ, before, fixus, fixed], adj. : prefixed ; m. : prefix, particle placed before a word to form a new word, e.g. re-tell. -fixion * [l. L. prœfixio], f : prefixion, prefixing. fprégnant, see preignant. pregnanteº [L. prœ-gmans (ak. to genere, beget) = OFr. prein], adj., f.: pregnant, with child : construction -, , wording implying more than it says. préhension " [L. prehensio, seizing], f : prehension, grasping (physically or men- tally). préhistorique* [L. prœ, before, Fr. , historique], adj. : prehistoric. #preignantº [OFr. preindre (L. premere, PRESS)], adj. : pressing. préjudi-ee* [L. prœ judicium, hasty judgment ; harm], m. : prejudice, injury : sans — de, without impairing. -eiable* [-cier], adj. : injurious. -eialº [L. prœ- judicialis], adj. : preceding the judgment : ſrais prejudiciaux, costs payable before the trial. -eierº [L. prœjudicium], intr. : prejudice, be injurious. préju-géº, m. : prejudice (opinion formed beforehand or without critical judgment). l-gerº [L. prœ, before, Fr. juger, decide], tr. : prejudge ; assume, presume, judge offhand. pré-lartº or I.prélat [?], m. : tar- paulin, canvas for covering wagons, etc., fr. sun or rain. 513 pré-lasserº [-lat], reflex. : se -, march along with gravity. I.prélat = prélart. 2.pré-latº [l. L. prœlatus, borne ahead], m. : prelate, high dignitary of the Roman church. -lation * [L. prœlatio], f : pre- ferment, first right to come into posses- sion. -lature*, f. : =, prelacy, office of prelate ; body of prelates. prêle* [âpre(lle)], f. : equisetum, horse- tail, or scouring-rush. 4 pré-legsº [L. prœ, before, Fr. legs], m. : special legacy (set aside before the division of the inheritance). -1éguerº [L. prœlegare], tr. : bequeath by special legacy. prêlerº [prêle], tr. : rub with scouring- rush. pré-Ièvementº, m. : settingaside, exemp- tion. |-leverº [L. prœlevare], tr. : set aside (fr. the general distribution of prop- erty). -libation " [L. prœlibatio, test- ing beforehand], f. : prelibation (foretaste ; preliminary offering ; right claimed by a feudal lord to a vassal's bride the first night). prélimi-naireº [L. prœliminaris (pra, before, limen, threshold)], adj. or m. : preliminary. -nairement", adv. : (rare) preliminarily. pré-lire" [L. prœ, before, Fr. lire l, irr.; tr. : read (proof) first time (i.e. before author reads it). -Iudeº [L. , prœ-ludium], m. : prelude (opening strain or act before the main action or music). -Iuderº [L. prœludere], intr. : prelude, try (one's self or a song, music, the voice) beforehand. prématu-réº [L. prœ-maturatus, ripe too soon], adj. : premature ; untimely. -ré- mentº , [infi... by L. prœmature], adv. : prematurely. #-rité* [L. maturitas, ripe- ness], f. : prematurity. prémédi-tation * [L. prœmeditatio], f. : premeditation, thinking, planning before- hand. -terº [L. prœmeditari], tr. : pre- meditate, plan in advance. prémiees° [p. L. primitiœ (L. primus, first)], f pl. : first fruits; firstlings; (poet.) libation : toujours la tyrannie a d'heu- reuses -, tyranny always makes a pleasant debut. prE-mier°, =ière [L. primärius (primus, first)], adj. or moun or fadv. : first : au - . abord, at first sight ; le — (jour) du mois, the first (day) of the month ; le - venu, the first one that comes along, any- body ; assister à une première (représen- tation), attend the first night ; le - pris, the first one caught (in a game) ; avoir l'air d'un — venu, have a forsaken look ; être aux premières (loges), be in the first premier 514 boxes at the theatre; tomber la tête la première, fall head first; les -s rôles, the leading role ; un jeune -, an actor, player of lovers' parts ; en -, first of all ; -- né, first born ; au - (étage), on the first floor ; la matière première, raw material ; the subject matter; les premières voies, the stomach and intestines ; le - ministre, the premier or prime minister ; la pre- mière (épreuve), the first proof (of a print- ed work) ; #- que d'avoir mal ils trouv- ent le remède, before being sick they find the remedy. -mièrementº, adv. : first, in the first place. prémisses* [l. L. prœmissa, sc. sentential, pl. f : premises (of a syllogism). pré-monitoire* [L. prœ, before, Fr., monitoire], adj. : premonitory, warning : symptôme -, very early symptom. -mo- tion " [L. prœmotio], f : pre-determina- tion, first impulse (given by God to the will). -munirº [L. prœmunire, defend in front], tr. : fortify, prepare : se - contre le froid, prepare for cold. prE-nable*, adj. : (fam.) take-able : on a su vous prendre par l'endroit seul que vous êtes -, they managed to take you at the only point where you coIild he taken. -nant*, adj. : taking ; receiving (mon- ey) ; grasping; taking hold, beginning : singe à queue prenante, prehensile-tailed monkey. (L. prehendere)], irr. $ ; tr., intr. : take (grasp ; seize; catch ; capture ; receive ; prémisses accept ; use ; eat ; drink ; get ; usurp ; steal) ; understand ; congeal ; curdle ; prosper ; be effective ; take hold : se -, to stick, to freeze, solidify ; s'en - à, to blame ; se - à, go at ; attack ; se - le doigt dans une porte, catch one's finger in the door ; bon à prendre, bon à rendre, take all that is offered, you can give back what you don't want ; - congé, take leave ; — les avis, collect the votes ; - la clef des champs, to abscond ; - du tabac, take snuff; - sur le fait, take in the very act ; - fait et cause pour · quelqu'un, take one's side ; cela prend forme, that begins to take shape ; - les devants, go before ; - naissance, take its rise ; vouloir - la lune avec les dents, attempt the impossible ; — ses jambes à son cou, lift the legs high, run hard ; (fam.) ou avez vous pris cela, where did you get that idea ? à tout -, considering everything, on the whole ;º - le large, stand out to sea ; - terre, to land ; - le vent, sail close to the wind ; — sur le temps, thrust at one in fencing just as he is making a move or attack ; je vous y prends, now I have caught you ! - sur son sommeil pour travailler, shorten one's |pre-ndre° [p. L. *prendere \ # près sleep in order to work; vous prenez à tâche de me désobéir, you go out of your way to disobey me. -neurº, =euse, m., f : taker (receiver; catcher ; buyer, etc.). $ Ind. : Pr. A,cu-ds,-ds,-d; Are mons,-nez, -mment. Ipf. pre^"ais. Fut. (Cond.) pren- drai(s). Pret. pru - Subj. : Pr. pre-zzzze, -zzzles, -7zzze ; A7-e-zzzozzs, -72iez, -7uzzezzz. Ipf. Arisse. — I've prezzals. — Pari. : Pr. prenazzz ; P. pris. 1 pré-nonvº [fr. L. *fore-name'], m. : prae- nomen, given name. -notion* [L. prœ- notio], f : prenotion, conjectural idea. -occupationv* [L. prœ-occupatio], f : preoccupation, absent-mindedness ; #pre- conceived idea. -occuperº [L. prœ- occupare], tr. : preoccupy (absorb, engross With anxiety; prepossess; #take first) : les miracles ont préoccupé la créance, miracles have paved the way for faith ; esprit pré- occupé, pre-ëngaged mind. -opinantº, =ante [-opiner], m., f. : the preceding speaker, the last speaker on the floor. -opiner", intr. : give one's opinion first, speak previously. préor-dination* [L. prœ, before, ordi- natio, arrangement],.f. : preordination, pre- destination. -donner* [L. prœ, Fr. or- donncr], tr. : fure-Urdain. prépa-rantº, adj. : preparatory : (esp.) vaisseaux -s, spermatic ducts. -ra- teur*, m. : preparer; assistant. -ratifº, =ive, adj. : preparative; m. : preparation. -ration* [L. prœparatio], f : prepara- tion (getting or making ready ; thing pre- pared). -ratoire* [L. prœparatorius], adj. : preparatory ; #m. : preparation. |-rerº [L. prœparare (prœ, before, pa- rare, make ready)], tr. : prepare (get or make ready; arrange ; exploit). prépondé-ranee", f : preponderance. |-ramt" [L. prœ-ponderans, outweigh- ing], adj. : preponderant (heavier; more powerful). 1 prépo-ser* [L. prœ, before, Fr. poser], tr. : put before (prefix ; set over as keep- er): le -sé, custom-house officer. -sitifº, =ive [L. prœpositivus, set before], adj. : prepositive; like a preposition. -sition* [L. prœpositio], f. : preposition (such as : in, on, for). -tenee* [L. prœpotentia), f. : (rare) prepotency, greater power. prépu ee* [L. prœputium (Gr. pôsthe)], m. : prepuce, foreskin. prérogativeº [L. prœrogativa],f.: pre- rogative, special privilege or right : les pauvres ont une — dans l'église, in the church the poor come first. près° [L. pressus, pressed, close], adv. : near : - de, prep. : near by, close ; by the side ; nearly, about, almost ; in compari- son ; à cela -, except that ; à peu -, very near, nearly, almost ; à beaucoup -, présage by a great deal, by far (with ne, far from); #- à —, side by side ; gouverner au plus -, steer nearer to the wind ; de -, close, close at hand ; tondu de -, close shorn ; avoir la tête — du bonnet, be very cross ; — de —, ce sont des sots que tous les hom- mes, compared to you all men are fools. pré-sage* [L. prœsagium (prœ-sagire, know beforehand)], m. : presage, omen ; sign ; prophecy : prendre à bon -, take as a good sign. -sagerº, tr. : presage, indicate; infer. -saivetifierº [L. prœ, before, Fr. sanctifier], tr. : consecrate be- forehand : messe des présanctifiés, mass on · Good Friday for which the eucharist has already been blessed. pres-byteº [Gr. -bûtes, old man], m., f : presbyope ; adj. : far-sighted. -bytéral*, pl. =aux [l. L. -byteralis], adj. : presby- · teral, of a PRIEST. -bytère* [L. -byte-| rium], m. : presbyterium, house or apart- ments of the clergy. -bytérianisme" [-byterien], m. : Presbyterianism. -byté- rien º, =ienne [L.-byter, elder, PRIEST], m., f. : Presbyterian, one who believes in church government without bishops and priests. -bytie º, f : presbytia, near- sightedness. preseien ee* [L. prœ-scientia, knowing beforehand], f. : =, knowledge of the future. • pres-criptible º, adj. : =, that can be done away with by limitation. -crip- tion*, f. : = (order; legal limitation): rien ne fait — contre le droit divin, nothing can abrogate , a divine laW. -crire* [L. prœscribere, to direct], irr. (cf. écrire), tr. : prescribe (order ; do away with by time limit, annul). préséan eeº [L. prœ, before, Fr. séancel, f. : precedence, right of ranking first : se disputer la —, dispute over their rank. pré-senee° [L. prœsentia], f : presence (#personal appearance ; state of being in a place): en —, face to face ; - d'esprit, presence of mind ; faire acte de -, ap- pear for a moment ; la - réelle, the ac- tual presence in body and blood of Christ in the eucharist. I.-sent°, =ente [L. prœsens], adj. : present ; m. : present (time or tense): les —s, those present ; la mémoire -e, a ready memory. 2.présen-tº, m.: present, gift. -table", adj. : ( fam.) presentable, fit to be pre- sented. -tateurº, =triee, m., f : pre- senter. -tation º, f. : presentation (proffering; offering ; introduction). -te- ment* [-t], adv. : presently, now. -ter° [L. prœsentäre], tr. : present (proffer ; offer ; give ; introduce); try, fit : se -, appear; conduct one's self ; - une glace, set a mirror up to see how it looks. pressentiment 515 préser-vateurº, =triee, adj. : preserv- ing. -vatif*, =ive, adj. : preservative: un (remède) -, a safeguard. -vation*, f : preservation. |-verº [L. prœser- vare (prœ, before, servare, save)], tr. : preserve, keep, protect. prési-de* [Sp. presidio (L. prœsidium, garrison)], m. : presidio (garrisoned post used for penal purposes). -denee* [-dent], f : presidency. -dent*, =ente [L. prœsidens], m., f : president ; chair- man ; f : president's wife. -dentielº, =elle [-dence], adj. : presidential, of a president. |-derº [L. prœ-sidere (prœ, before, sedëre, SIT)], intr. : preside, be president ; tr. : preside over, direct, con- duct : - aux conseils, preside over the deliberations ; - aux opérations du re- crutement, attend to the operations of re- cruiting ; - une assemblée, conduct a meeting. -dial*, =aux [L. prœsidialis, of a prœses or governor], adj. : une siège (or tribunal) —, lower court; cas —, case from a lower court, an appealed case. -dialementº [-dial], adv. : with- Out appeal. | - fpresle wrong for prêle. présomp-tif*, =ive [L. prœsumptivus], adj. : presumptive, warranting belief. -tion * [L. prœsumptio (prœ, before, sumere, take)], f : presumption : — de la loi, presumption of law (such as the inno- cence of a babe); — à sacrifier sans les prêtres, overweening boldness of sacrific- ing without priests. -tueusement* [-tueux], adv. : presumptuously. -tueux*, =euse [L. prœsumptuosus], adj. : pre- sumptuous (overbold ; insolent). • pres-que* or poet. fpresques [près, quel, adv. : almost, nearly ; about : - personne, hardly anybody. -qu'île º [île], ſ. : peninsula. fpres-sammentº, adv. : pressingly, ur- gently. ll-santº [-ser], adj. : pressing ; urging; impetuous : le péril est —, the dangeris near at hand. I.pres-seº [-ser], j : press (crowd; squeezing; urgency ; printing-machine; cider-mill; newspapers; impressment of men, forced enlistment): mettre en (or à la) -, to pawn; mettre sous -, have printed.; la — y est, it is crowded there ; il n'y a pas de —, there is no hurry. 2.f presse* [Prov. pressec (L. persicum)], m. (f): clingstone PEACH. fpres-sementº [-ser], m. : pressing. f-sément = -samment. pressen-timentº, m.: presentiment, foreboding (feeling that some misfortune is near at hand). |-tirº [L. prœ-sen- tire, feel beforehand], tr.: have misgiv- ings of; anticipate; sound, pump : - ca 516 fin, forebode, foresee one's own death ; -- quelqu'un, approach one to discover his views. • pres-se-papiers*, m. : paper-weight (to keep papers from fiying). |-ser° [p. L. -säre (L. premere)], tr. or intr. : press (push; bear on; squeeze; condense; crowd; urge; crush; drive; hurry; impress into service): - sur son cœur, press to one's heart ; il ne faut pas - les enfants, chil- dren need not be crowded (in their educa- tion); une lettre pressée, an urgent letter ; - trop une comparaison, carry a com- parison too far. -sier " [-se], m. : press- man. -sionº [L. -sio], f : pressure (pressing; constraint). +-sisº, m.: juice ; gravy. -soir° [p. L. *-sörium], m. : press (for making cider, olive oil, wine); (humor.) money-making device. -surage*[-surer], m. : pressing (of grapes, etc.). -surerº · [-soir], tr. : press (grapes, etc.); oppress ; squeeze (for money). -sureur*, =euse [-surer], m., f. : presser : ftrogne de -, debauched-looking face. pres-taneeº [It. -tanza], f. : stateliness, majestic bearing. -tantº [It. -tante, ex- cellent], m. : = (the open diapason of an organ). -tation º [L. prœstatio (prae- sture, ſuIIiisli)], f. : — : - de vivres dux soldats, to provision soldiers ; - en nature, work done to pay road-tax ; - de serment, taking of an oath. pres-teº [It. -to], adj. : nimble, prompt ; clever; adv. : quick. -tEmentº, adv. : nimbly; quickly. -tesse* [It. -tezza], f : agility, quickness. -tidigitateur* [L. digitus, finger], m. : prestidigitator, ma- gician. -tidigitationº [L. digitus], f : =, magic, tričks. k pres-tigeº [L. prœstigium, sleight of hand], m. : = (standing based on known achievement ; ascendant influence); illu- sion ; magic. -tigeux º, =euse [L. prœstigiösus], adj. : charming; influen- tial ; illusive. prestimonieº [l. L. prœstimonium, loan], f. : prestimony (private endowment for a priest). prestoletº or #-lé [?], m.: priestling. présu* [OFr. pre-savoir, know before- handl, past part. : known beforehand ; foreseen. - présu - mable ", adj. : presumable. ll-mer* [L. prœ-sumere, take before- hand], tr. : presume, believe probable, sup- pOse : - trop de soi, to assume too much. présuppo-ser* [L. prœ, before, Fr. Supposer], tr. : presuppose. -sition º [L. prœ, Fr. supposition], f : presupposi- tion. • présure° [p. L. *presiira, curdling (L. prensus, caught)],.f. : rennet, ferment. presse-papiers preuve I.prêt°, =ête [p. L. *prœstus (L. prœsto, at hand, here)], adj. : ready : - à (or fde) sortir, ready to leave ; se tenir -, keep prepared. 2.prêt* [-ter], m. : (old) pre- paration ; purveyance for the king's table ; (nou) loan ; advance pay. prEtantaineº [?], f. : courir la -, gad about, run around everywhere. pré-tendant*, =ante, m., f. : pretend- er; wooer. |-tendre* [L. prœ-tendere, stretch before], tr. : pretend (claim ; woo; pursue ; intend); intr. : pretend to : sa prétendue, his intended or future wife ; un prétendu bel esprit, a would-be wit ; la religion prétendue réformée, Protestant- ism (so called by Catholics). prête-nomv" [prêter], m. : name-lender (proxy who acts as if for himself to con- ceal real negotiator). fprEtentaine = pretantaine. préten-tieux º, =euse, adj. : preten- tious. - tion º [L. prœ-tendere, extend before],.f. : pretention, claim ; intention. prêterº° [L. prœ-stäre, (lit.) stand before], tr. : lend ; grant ; give ; ascribe ; intr. : stretch, give ; give occasion : - à la cri- tique, to expose one's self to criticism; - serment, take an oath ; - main forte à, aSSIst. - g prétéri-tº [L. prœteritum (prœter-ire, go beyond)], m. : preterit (tense). -tionº [L. prœteritio] or prétermissionº [L. prœtermissio], f. : preterition ; omission ; praetermission. : préteur* [L. prœtor for prœ-itor, one going before], m. : praetor (high official amongst the ancient Romans). prêteur*, =euse [-ter], m. : lender. I.prétex-te [L. prœ-textus, woven in front, bordered], m. : pretext, pretence. 2.-teº [L., lit., bordered gown], f : prae- texta, tunic (bordered with purple, and worn by noblemen). -ter º, tr. : (old) explain falsely ; (nou) use as a pretext : - S0n âge, use his age as an excuse. prEtin-taille " [?], f : furbelow, plaited flounce or border ; accessories, extras. f-taillerº, tr. : flounce, adorn with a furbelow. pré-toire* [L. prœtorium], m. : praetorium (tent of a praetor; court held by praetor or a justice); imperial guard. -torienº, =enne [L. prœtorius], adj. : praetorian : les -s, soldiers of praetor's guard. prê-traille º, f : (contempt.) priesthood. |prê-tre° [L. presbyter (Gr. presbûteros, elder)], m. : PRIEST. -tresse*, f : priest- ess. -trise*, f : priesthood (office or dignity of priest ; body of priests). prétureº [L. prœtura],f. : praetorship. preuve° [p. L. proba (L. probäre, prove)], f : proof, test. preux preuacº [p. L. *prod ()l, adj. : doughty, gallant ; m. : valiant man. prévaloir* [L. prœ-valere], irr. $; intr. : prevail : se — de quelque chose, make a thing count ; boast of, glory in a thing. $ Like zvaloir, except that the Pr. Subj. is prévale, etc. (not prévaille). , prévari-cateur*, =triee [L. prœvari- cator], m.,.f. : prevaricator, deceiver. -ca- tion* [L. prœvaricatio], f : prevarica- tion. -querº [L. prœ-varicari, walk crooked], intr. : prevaricate, deceive. préve-nan ee" [-nant], f : ready court- esy. -nantº, adj. : preceding; obliging, kind ; prepossessing : la grâce -e, predis- posing grace. |-nir° [L. prœ-venire, come before], irr. (cf. venir), tr. : pre- cede ; anticipate ; PREVENT ; inform be- forehand; bias ; predispose : se -, be prejudiced, have one's mind made up in advance ; se - en faveur de quelqu'un, take a liking to any one ; un prévenu, an accused person ; monsieur prévient en sa faveur, the gentleman has a pleasing presence. préven-tifº, =ive [L. prœventum (supine of prœvenire)], adj. : preventive. - tion* [l. L. prœventio], f. : prevention (fantece- | dence ; precedence ; hindrance); prepos- session ; prejudice ; predisposition ; ar- raignment ; accusation. -tivementº [-tif], adv. : under suspicion ; in a way to prevent. · pré-vision* [l. L. prœ-visio (L. prœ- videre, see beforehand)], f. : prevision (foresight ; " anticipation). -voir* [L. prœ-videre], irr. (cf. voir, but Fut-Cond. -voirai(s); tr. : foresee ; anticipate. prévô-t° [L. prœ-positus, set before], m. : PROVOST (fking's agent ; overseer ; judge ; Warden ; assistant ; assistant fenc- ing-master). -talº, pl. =aux, adj. : of a provost. -talementº [-tal], adv. : by provost court. -téº, f : provostry (juris- diction of a provost). pré-voyan eeº [prévoir], f : foresight. -vQyamtº [prévoir], adj. : foreseeing ; PROVIDENT. priantº [prier], adj. : (rare) praying. pria-péeº [L. -peia, fête in honour of the god Priapus], f. : obscene picture or poem. -pisme* [L. -pismus, Gr. -pis- môs], m. : priapismus, morbid erection. prie-dieuº or fprié-dieu, m. : = (kneeling or praying desk); time of prayer. |prien°° [p. L. *precäre (L. per- cāri)], tr. or intr. : PRAY (beseech ; im- plore; importune; adore); invite: se faire - pour faire quelque chose, to make one ask many times for a thing : - quelqu'un à dîner, ask one to come to dine ; — quelqu'un de dîner, ask one to stay to - prin 517 dine. prière° [p. L.*precaria (L. prex)], ·f. : prayer (adoration ; request ; petition). pri-eurº [fr. L.], m., f. : prior (monastic officer). -euré*, m.: priory (convent under a prior or prioress); priorate. primage" [prime, PREMIUM], m. : =, hat-money (bonus paid to a captain or , ship-owner). - pri-maire* [L. -marius], adj. : primary, of the beginning. |-matº [l. L. -mas], m.: primate (prelate of high rank, hav'g authority over bishops). -Inatialº, pl. =aux, adj. : =. -matie*, f. : primacy. -mauté* [L. -mus, first], f : primacy ; preéminence ; advantage (of the eldest hand at cards): gagner quelqu'un de -, to anticipate any one. I.-me" [L. -mus], adj. : = (ffirst, hav'g one mark, as a'; cf. a", a", etc.; f : first canonical hour ; beginning period; best part ; thrust or guard in which a fencer holds his hand high : de — abord, at first ; de - face, prima facie ; de - saut, all at once, at first brush. 2.primeº [fr. Eng.], f. : premium (price of insurance ; prize money ; reward ; ' award ; price in excess of par value). . 3.prime° [for prisme], f. : pebble (glass). I.primerº [-me, PREMIUM], tr. : reward. 2.pri-merº [-me, first], intr. : be first, lead. -me-sautier*, =ière [OFr. prin- sautier], adj. : prompt, , ready-witted. -meur* [-me], f : newness ; earliness ; prime ; firstlings (early fruit, flowers or vegetables). -mevère° [p. L. prima vëra, early spring (L. pl.)], f : primrose ; fspring. - - primi-eériat", m. : office of dean. -eier° [L. -cërius (primus, first, cera, wax), first name on a wax tablet, hence : chief, leader], m. : dean (in certain churches). -di" [L. dies, day], m. : Primidi, first day of the decade in the calendar of the French Republic. -pareº [L. -para (parere, bring forth)], f. : primi- para, mother for the first time. -pi- laireº, or -pile [L. -pilaris or -pilusl, m.: Roman centurion (in command of the first maniple). -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : primitive. -tivement* [-tif], adv. : primitively, originally. primogéniture* [L. -genitus, first born], f. : primogeniture, birthright, sen- iority. primordia-1*, pl. =aux [L. -lis (pri- mordium, beginning)], adj. : =. -le- mentº, adv. : (rare) originally, primor- dially. -1ité º, f : primordiality, quality . of being at the beginning. primulaeées* [l. L. -la, primrose (L. primus, first)], f. pl. : primulaceae. fprin° [L. primus], adj. : de - Saut, or 518 prince - d'un - saut, or de prinsaut, all at once, right at first. prin-ee*, -eesse* [L. princeps, chief], m.,.f. : prince, princess: les -s des apôtres, Peter and Paul. -eepsº [L.], adj. : édi- tion —, first edition. I.-eerie º, f : (fam.) princedom. 2.-eerie" [princier, dean], f. : deanship. fI.-eier = primi- cier. 2.-eier", =ière, adj. : princely. primei-palº, pl. =aux [L. -palis], adj. : = (most important ; m. : chief person or thing; capital, loan). -palement*, adj. : principally. -palité º, f. : principalship (of a school). -patº [L. -patus], m.: princedom ; imperial dignity. -pauté* [L. princeps], f.: principality. prinei-pe* [L. -pium], m. : beginning, origin, source ; cause : principle ; reason ; rule : le - de la vie, the life principle. -piculeº ori-pion [L. princeps, prince], m. : (contempt.) princelet. prin-tanierº, =ière, adj. : of spring : la saison printanière, the spring; potage -, vegetable soup. -temps* [prin, temps], m. : springtime ; (fig.) youth. fpriori, see à priori. priorité* [l. L. prioritas], f. : priority, right or fact of heing first. prisableº [-ser], adj. : (rare) estimable. prise* [prendre], f : seizure ; capture ; taking; what one takes; grasp; hold ; pur- chase; pinch; dose; quarrel: être aux -s, have hold of each other, fight ; lâcher -, let go; donner - à, expose one's self to ; -de longe, wound on the pastern fr. rope · or tether ; - de corps, arrest. , pri-sée*, f : valuation, appraisement. r.ſl-ser° [L. pretiäre (pretium, price)l, tr. : APPRAISE, set a Value on ; estimate high. - 2.pri-serº [prise, a pinch], tr. : to snuff ; intr. : use snuff. I.-seurº, =euse, m.,f : user of Snuff. 2.priseur* [-ser, APPRAISE], m. : ap- praiser. - prismatiqueº, adj. : prismatic. | pris- Imeº [Gr. prisma (prizein, to saw)], m. : prism (solid hav'g equal parallel ends ; the optical instrument). pri-son° [p. L. prensio (L. pre-hensio, capture)], f. : = (place of captivity ; cap- tivity). -sonnier*, =ière, m., f : prisoner. #pri-vanvee, see privauté. -vaci#º, =ive [L. -vativus], adj. : privative, de- priving : alpha -, the letter a- in Greek words such as a-symmetrie; particule —e, any such particle as un-, in-, -less, etc. -vation* [L. -vatio], f : =, lacking ; want. f-vativementº [-vatif], adv. : exclusively, apart. -vauté* [-vé], f : great intimacy; familiarity : prendre —s, procession take liberties, be very familiar. -vé° [L. -vātus], adj. : private ; tame ; m. : fprivate life ; privacy ; privy : conseil -, privy council. -vément* [-vé], adv. : pri- vately ; familiarly. -ver° [L. -väre], tr. : ftame, domesticate ; deprive. -vilège* [L. -vilegium (privus-lex, law for an indi- vidual)], m. : privilege, special right ; licence. -vilégier* [L. -vilegium], tr. : privilege, favour with a right or licence : les privilégiés, the privileged, those en- joying special favours ; autel privilégié, altar of indulgences. prioc° [L. pretium], m. : PRICE ; reward ; prize; m'avoir pas de -, be priceless; hors de -, excessively dear ; à tout -, at any price ; à vil -, at a low price, very cheap. probabi-Iisme" [L. -lis, probable], m. : probabilism, the doctrine that it is enough to follow authority or accept the most probable thing. -listeº [L. -lis], m., f : probabilist. -Iité* [L. -litas], f. : proba- bility, likelihood ; chances. pro-bable* [L.-babilis], adj. : =, likely; m. : what is likely. -bablEmentº, adv. : probably. -bantº [L. -bans], adj. : prov- ing, probatory ; convincing. -bation º [L. -buliu],.f... —, testing period ot a new COnVert. probatique* [L.-cus, Gr.-kôs (prôbaton, beast)], adj. : piscine -, washing pool (where Jewish priests washed the sacri- ficial animals). probatoire" [L. -torius], adj. : proba- tory, testing : facte -, examination (which warrants a degree). |© pro-beº [L. -bus], adj. : honest. -bitéº [L. -bitas], f : probity, honesty. - pro-blématique* [L. -blematicus, Gr. -blematikôs], adj. : problematic, doubtful. -blématiquement º [-blématique], adv. : problematically. | - blème* [L. -blema, Gr. -bléma], m. : problem. probos-eideº [L. -cis, Gr. -kis], f : pro- boscis, trunk. -eidiensº, m. pl. : pro- boscidians (elephants, tapirs, etc.). pro-eédéº, m. : actions, manners ; pro- cess ; #preliminaries of a duel ; leather tip (of a billiard cue). |-eéderº [L. -cedere], intr. : proceed. -eédureº,f. : #edure, legal rules and methods. -eès* [L. -ces- sus], m. : lawsuit ; prosecution ; process (cf. processus). -eessifº, =ive [-cès], adj. : litigious ; fond of lawsuits. 4- proees-sionº [L. -sio, going forward] f : = (array of people, or vehicles, etc., moving in line ; issuing forth of the Holy Ghost fr. God). -sionnaire º, adj. : processionary : chenilles -s, procession- ary caterpillar (which marches in wedge- shaped files). -sionnalº, pl. =aux, m. : processional, book of prayers to be read processus during processions. -sionnelº, =elle, adj. : processional. -sionnellementº, adv. : in procession. pro-eessus* [L.], m. : marching forward; process, eminence (as of the end of a bone). -eès-verbalº, pl. =aux, m. : = (detailed official report ; minutes). pro-ehain*, =airie, adj. : near, next ; present : le mois -, next month ; m. : neighbour. -ehainement * [-chain], adv. : soon, presently. | pro-ehe° [L. propius, nearer], adv. or adj. : near; near by; soon : de - en —, from place to place, gradually; - de, near to ; le caprice est, dans les femmes, tout - de la beauté, beautiful Women are apt to be capricious ; les -, near relatives. prochronisme" [Gr. prô, before, chrô- nos, time], m. : prochronism, ante-dating. procla-mation* [L.-matio], f : = (dec- laration ; address to the nation): la - du · résultat d'un scrutin, the announcement of the vote. -merº [L. -mare (pro, before, clamare, cry out)], tr. : proclaim, 3,IlIlOUIIlCG. pro-elitique º [as if fr. Gr. *proklitikós (cf. enclitique)], adj. : proclitic : un (mot) -, a word without accent, and read with the following word. -elivité !º [L. pro- clivitas (proclivus, leaning forward)], f : proclivity, slope ; inclination, tendency. procgm-sul* [L.], m.: = (an official with consular authority in the Roman provinces or army). -sulaire" [L. -sularis], adj.; proconsular. -sulatº [L. -sulatus], m. : proconsulate. pro-créateurº, =triee [L. -creator], adj. : procreating,begetting. -créationº [L. -creatio], f : procreation, producing of young. -créer* [L. -creare], tr. : pro- create, beget. <. procu-rateur* [fr. L.], m. : procurator (one who acts for another; esp. Roman viceroy); fattorney ; head (of some Italian republics). -ration* [L. -ratio], f. : =, agency (legal power to act, to sign, for another). -ratriee, see -reur. |-rer* ' [L. -rare (pro, FOR, curare, to care)], fintr. : have a care, see to it ; tr. : procure (fbring about; bring, obtain). -reur*, =euse Or -ratri ee, m., f : =, procurer, procurator, procuress ; attorney ; ( fam.) procureuse, wife of an attorney or solici- tor; go-between. .prodi-galementº[OFr.-gal], adv. : prod- igally. -galité* [L. -galitas], f. : prod- igality, Wastefulness. pro-digeº [L. -digium], m. : prodigy (wonderful thing or person). -digieuse- mentº [-digieux], adv. : prodigiously, wonderfully. -digieux º, =euse [L. -di- giosus], adj. : prodigious, Wonderful. . 519 prodi-gue* [L. -gus], adj. or m., f : prodigal (extravagant ; over-generous ; wasteful) : l'enfant -, the prodigal son. f-guement*, adv. : prodigally. -guerº, tr. : waste, bestow freely : se -, offer one's self, throw one's self away ; Dieu pro- digue ses biens à ceux qui font vœu d'être siens, God gives his blessings lavishly to those who make the vow to be his. profès #proditoirementº [OFr. -toire (L. -torius, treasonable)], adv. : treacher- ously. prodromeº [Gr. pródromos, running ahead], m. : prodromus, precursory symp- tOm. pro-ducteurº, =triee [L. -ductor], adj. : producing ; m., f. : producer. -ductifº, =ive [l. L. -ductivus], adj. : productive, fruitful. -duction* [L. -ductio], f. : = (producing ; bringing ; raising ; product ; creation ; exhibit of things in evidence in court); — morbide, morbid growth. ll-duire * [L.-ducere, infl. by OFr.-duire, lead], irr. (cf. conduire) ; tr. : PRODUCE (bring ; bring forth ; yield ; make ; show ; exhibit) ; bring out : - quelqu'un dans une société, introduce one to a society. -duit º, m. : product ; produce. proémi-nenee", f. : prominence ; pro- tuberance. |-nent* [L. -mens], adj. : prominent. profa-nateurº, =triçe [L. -nator], m., ' f : profaner. -nation* [L. -natio], f.: = (desecration, abuse of holy things or places). |-ne* [L. -nus (pro, before, ſanum, temple)], adj. : = (not holy, not sacred; irreverent; abusive); m. : profane thing ; m., f. : profane person : histoire —, all history except biblical ; mêler le sacré au -, mix sacred with profane. -nerº [L. -nare], tr. : to profane (make common ; abuse ; pollute) : - une église, (un temple); violate the sacredness of a church (a temple). 3 profee-tifº, =ive [L. -tus, hav'g set out), adj. : profectitious : biens -s, property which comes by inheritance. proférer* [L. ferre, bear before], tr. : utter ; say out loud. pro-fès*, =esse [L. fessus, having spo- ken], adj. : professed ; (humor.) profes- sional; boastful; m., f : friar; nun. -fes- serº [L. fessus, part. of fiteri], tr. : pro- fess, make a claim of ; teach : il professe l'histoire, he is a professor of history. -fesseurº [L. fessor], m. : professor. -fession* [L. fessio], f : = (declara- tion, esp. on joining a church or religious order ; faith professed, creed ; calling, vocation). -fessionnelº, =elle [L, :fession], adj. or m., f. : professional. -fesso, see ex prqfesso. -fessoralº, 520 pl. =aux [L. fessor, one who prºfesse ] adj. : professorial. -fessoratº [L. fes- sor, one who professes], m. : professor- ship ; teaching. | profi-lº [It. proffilo], m.: profile, side view (of a face ; of a building) ; section (of a structure) : dessiner une téte en — perdu, draw a head showing little of the | face. -lerº, tr. : to profile (draw side view of; draw the contour of; draw in section). profi-t° [OFr. pourfit, proufit (L. pröfec- tu8, progress)], m.: = (gain, advantage) ; extra pay or wages : juger en - de dé- ſaut, give judgment by default ; passer une créance par —s et pertes, charge an ac- count to profit and loss. -table* [-ter], adj. : =. -tant* [-ter], adj. : (fam.) thriving. -terº, intr. : to profit, gain ; prosper; thrive ; tr. : enjoy as profit : biens mal acquis ne profitent pas, ill-gotten gains come quickly to an end. º pro-fondº [L. fundus (pro, before, fun- dus, bottom)], adj. : deep (reaching or ly- ing far down or in ; profound ; learned ; extreme) : l'ordre -, arrangement of troops in columns. -fondémentº, adv. : deeply; profoundlv; extremely -fpn deurº, f : depth. profil #profu-sémentº [imitating L. prqfuse], |. adv. : profusely. -sionº [L. -sio], f : =, abundance ; generosity. progénitureº [L. -genitum, supine of -gignere, beget], f. : offspring. progna-theº [Gr. prô, before, gnâthos, jaw], adj. : prognathous, hav'g prominent lower jaw or chin. -thisme*, m. : prog- nathism. • prognos-tic, see pronostic. -tique* [Gr. prognöstikós (prôgnosis, knowing be-| forehand)], adj. : prognostic, indicating (enabling us to know beforehand). programmeº [Gr. prôgramma, public writing], m. : program, printed or Written outline of a play or other performance ; course of lectures ; summary of party principles and plans. pro-grès* [L. -gressus], m. : movement forwards, progress ; improvement. -gres- serº, intr. : to progress, make progress. · -gressifº, =ive [L. -gressus, movement forwards], adj. : progressive ; increasing ; spreading : impôt -, tax proportioned by the amount (and not by a level ratio). -gression * [L. -gressio], f : = (ad- vance ; increase : sequence) : - arithmé- tique, a series of numbers differing by a constant quantity ; - géométrique, a series of numbers hav'g a constant quo- tient. -gressivementº [-gressif], adv. : progressively. prohi-berº [L. -bere, to hinder], tr.; pro- promenade hibit ; forbid : livre prohibé, suppressed book ; chasser en temps prohibé, to hunt in the closed season ; degré prohibé, pro- hibited degree (within which it is unlawful to marry). -bitifº, =ive [fr. supine of L. -bere, to hinder], adj. : prohibitive. -bition* [L. -bitio], f : =, forbidding by · law. -bitionnisteº [-bition], m., f : prohibitionist. proie° [p. L. *prèda (L. prœda)], f : prey (animal seized for food; quarry; spoil ; booty) : être en - à, be a prey to. pro-jectile" [L. jectus, thrown forward], adj. or m. : projectile. -jection * [L. -jectio], f : = (throwing ; casting of met- als; reducing objects to a plane) : — du · globe, the flat representation of the globe as in maps ; - lumineuse, casting of images upon a screen as by magic lantern. -jectureº [L. -jectura], f : jutting out, prominence ; a thing that projects, a pro- jection. -jetº [ jeter], m.: project (plan ; scheme). -jeterº or -shté [L. pro, be- fore, Fr. jeter, throw], tr. : to project ; throw; plan. prolégomènes* [Gr. prolegômena, thing said beforehand], m. pl. : prolegomena, profatory Leularks. . prolep-seº [L. -sis, Gr. prôlepsis, taking beforehand], f. : prolepsis, anticipation (esp., in answering an argument before it is made). -tiqueº [Gr. -tikôs], adj. : proleptic (anticipating ; esp. of paroxysms, occurring earlier each time). -tique- #nº [-tique], adv. : (rare) proleptic- ally. pro-létaire" [L. -letarius (proles, off- spring)], m., f. : proletarian ; (fcitizen of the lowest class ; poor man). -létariatº [L. -letarius], m. : condition of a proleta- rian. -lifère" [L. -lifer (proles, off- spring, ferre, BEAR)], adj. : proliferous, producing a new organ. -1ifique* [L. -lificus ( facere, make)], adj. : prolific. proli-xe* [L. -xus, stretched out], adj. : prolix, using too many words, slow in reaching the point. -xement*, adv. : prolixly. -xité* [L.-xitas],f. : prolixity. prologue* [L. -gus, Gr. prôlogos (prô, before, lôgos, speech)], m. : =, introduc- tion to a play. prolon-gation* [L. -gatio], f : =, lengthening. prolon-geº, f.: = (rope with iron rings for pulling a cannon by hand); ammunition wagon ; binding rope. -ge-ment*, m. : lengthening, prolonga- tion. |-ger* [L. -gare, infl. by Fr. allon- ger], tr. : prolong, lengthen. . : prome-nadeº, f : =. |-ner * [L. prominare, drive forward], tr. : escort or conduct on a pleasure-walk ; take out Walking or driving , exercise ; cast, turn promesse (eyes, looks): se —, go for a walk, take a promenade ; ( fam.) envoyer quelqu'un se —, send one about his business ; - des étrangers, show strangers about ; - un cheval en main, lead a horse about for exercise ; faire - quelqu'un, make One, walk for nothing, deceive one by too hope- ful promises. -neurº, =euse, m., f : exerciser; nurse (who takes children walk- ing); promenader. -noirº, m. : en- closed walk, promenade. pro-messe° [L. promissa],.f.: promise (giv- en word, offer; prospect, hope): manquer à sa -, break one's promise ; passer la -, do better than is expected. -metteur*, =euse, m., f : promisor. |-mettre° [L. -mittere, lit. send aheadl, irr. (cf. mettre); tr. : to promise, offer; assure; lead to hope: se — quelque chose, count on a thing ; le promis, la promise, the betrothed. fpromi-nenee*[-nent],f. : =. f-nent* [L. -nere, jut out], adj. : =. #-nerº [L. -mere], intr. : jut out, project, be pro- tuberant. promiscuité" [L. -tas (pro, before, miscere, mix)], f. : promiscuity. promission* [L. -ssio], f : PROMISE : terre de —, land of promise. promontoir* [L. -torium], m. : promon- tory (headland extending into the water, high cape). - pro-moteur*, =triee [l. L. -motor], m., f : promoter, leader in an enterprise. -motion * [L.-motio], f : =, advance- ment. -mouvoir* [L. -movere, move forward], irr. $ ; tr. : PROMOTE, elevate ; fmake succeed. $ Like mzouzoir, but use limited to infini- tive and past part. promp-tº, promp-te [L. -tus (promere, put forth)], adj. : prompt (fready; quick ; alert): - comme l'éclair, quick as light- ning ; - courroux, sudden anger. -te- ment*, adv. : promptly, quickly. -ti- tude* [L. -titudo], f. : =, quickness ; readiness. promul-gation* [L. -gatio], f. : =, publishing abroad. -guerº [L. -gare], tr. : promulgate, spread, make known. prona-teurº [l. L. -tor (L. pronare, bend forward, bow)], adj. m. : les (muscles) -s, the muscles of the forearm (by which pro- nation is affected). -tion " [l. L. -tio], j : =, uptººd position of the hand. prô-ne* [? L. prœconium, publishing], m. : instruction, announcements (accom- panying the mass); rebuke : recommander quelqu'un au -, ask prayers for one ; (iron.) point one out for rebuke. prô- xx en°º, tr. : finstruct ; address ; praise. pro-nom * [L. -momen, lit., for a name], m. : PRONOUN. -nominal", pl. =aux proportion 52l [L.-nominalis], adj. : =, of a pronoun : adjectif -, adjective such as mon, ton, son, etc.; verbe -, reflexive verb. -no- minalement* [-nominal], adv. : pro- nominally. pronon-çable º, adj. : pronounceable. |-eer* [L. pronuntiare, infl. by Fr. , annoncer], tr. : pronounce; decide ; make distinct. -eiation* [L. pronunciatio], ſ : pronunciation. 1 pronos-tic* [for prognostic], m. : prog- nostication ; prognosis ; conjecture. -ti- querº, tr. : prognosticate, conjecture fr. certain signs or symptoms. -tiqueurº, =euse [-tiquer], m., f : prognosticator. propa-gande* [L. de propaganda fide, "for spreading the faith,' name of the con- gregation at Rome], f : propaganda. -gateur*, =euse [L. -gator, =trix], m., f : propagator, spreader. -gation * [L. -gatio], f. : propagation (multiplication ; spreading). ll-ger* [L. -gare (pro, be- fore, root of pangere, fix, set)], tr. : prop- agate (multiply, increase ; spread). - proparoxytonv [Gr. -xûtonos, hav'g an acute accent on the antepenult], m. : pro- paroxytone, word with a tonic antepenult. propension* [L. -sio], f : = (tendency to move, act, or think a certain way): la - à mentir, the disposition to tell lies. fpropet, f=ette, see propret. pro-phèteº, prophétesse [L. -pheta, Gr. -phétes], m., f : prophet, foreteller: le roi -, David ; les quatre grands —s, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel ; la loi et les -s, scriptures of Moses and the prophets. -phétie* [L. -phetiu], f : prophecy. -phétique* [L. -pheticus], adj. : prophetic. -phétiquement* [-phétique], adv. : prophetically. -phé- tiser* [L. -phetizare], tr. : prophesy, foretell. & prophy-laetique*.[Gr. -laktikôs (-lás- sein, keep guard before)], adj. : prophylac- tic (preventive, warding off). -laxie º [Gr. -laxis], f. : prophylaxis, preservative treatment. pro-piee* [L. -pitius (prope, near)], adj. : propitious, favourable; fume femme à sa -, a wife to suit him. -pitiateurº,=triee [L. -pitiator, =trix], m., f. : propitiator. -pitiation* [L. -pitiatio], f : =, render- ing favourable. -pitiatoire* [L. -pitia- torius], adj. : propitiatory (causing to be favourable ; m. : golden lid of the ark of the covenant ; mercy-seat whence Jehovah spoke to the priests). - propolisº [L. fr. Gr. (prô, before, pôlis, city)], m. (or.f): =, bee-glue. . propor-tion* [L. -tio], f. : =. -tion- naIité * [L. -tionalitas], f. : propor- . tionality, state , of being in proportion. 522 -tionnelº, proportional. propos =elle [L. -tionalis], adj. : -tionnellement* [-tion- nel], adv. : proportionally. -tionné- mentº [fr. part. -tionné], adv. : in pro- portion. -tionnerº [L. -tionare], tr. : proportion (put into ratio or proper rela- tion or division ; arrange according to quantity or degree). propo-sº, m. : subject; conversation ; proposal; resolution : proposition ; plan : à —, timely, seasonable ; at the right time ; apropos ; à — de bottes, without any sign of a reason ; à quel -, for What reason ? une personne qui a de l'â--, a person with his wits about him ; un à--, a special work for an occasion ; ferme -, set purpose ; suivons notre -, let us pur- sue our topic ; changeons de -, let us change the subject ; hors de -, untimely; — de table, table-talk ; entrer en -, get to talking; des (méchants) -, unkindly talk ; backbiting. -sable", adj. : =. -santº, =ante, m., f : proposant, ex- pounder (Fr. Protestant theology student); proposer (cardinal who reports nominated bishops to the other cardinals). ll-ser* [L. pro, before, Fr. poser], tr. : propose (suggesti ; purpose ; resolve; nominate); fplan; expound. -sition* [L. -sitio], ſ : = (measure proposed ; scheme ; state- ment ; theorem ; problem). pro-preº [L. -prius], adj. : own; prop- er ; correct ; clean ; m. : peculiarity ; private fortune (of husband or wife); proper meaning : l'amour--, self-love : le (sens) — d'un mot, real sense of a word ; — à (or #pour), fit for ; (iron.) c'est du —, that is fine. adv. : peculiarly; characteristically; prop- erly; fitly; neatly. -pretº, =ette, adj. : neatly dressed ; m., f. : spruce man or woman. -prEtéº, f : neatness ; cleanness. ... propréteurº [L. pro-prœtor], m. : pro- praetor (Roman officer with praetor's duties but not ranking as praetor). proprié-taire * [L. -tarius (proprius, own)], fadj. : proprietary ; selfish ; m., f : proprietor, owner ; landlord : nu -, owner who doesn't receive the income. -té * [L. -tas], f : ownership, possession ; prop- erty (real estate ; quality) ; propriety, fit- ness ; selfishness. propul-seur * [L. -sor], m. : propeller, pusher. -sion º [L. -sio], f. : =, pro- pelling, push. . | propylée* [L. -laeon, Gr. propûlion (prô, before, pûle, gate)], m. : propylaeum, pro- pylon, monumental gateway (esp.) to a temple. prorataº, pl. - [L. pro rata (parte), in a fixed proportion], m. : pro rata : au - -prEment*, | prostituer de sa mise de fonds, in proportion to his investment. proro-gatifº, =ive [L. -gativus], adj. : delaying. -gation* [L. -gatio], f. : = (delay , adjournment). -gerº [L. -gare], tr. : prolong ; adjourn. ' prosa-ïque* [L. -ieus], adj. : prosaic (composed in prose ; unpoetical). -ïque- ment*, adv. : prosaically. -ïser ", intr. : (rare) write prose ; write unpoetic- ally, coldly. -ïsme*, m. : prosaism. -teurº [It. -tore], m. : prose writer. pro-scripteur" [L. -scriptor], m. : pro- scriber. -seription º [L. -scriptio], f. : =. |-scrire* [L. -scribere, condemn to death by posting the name], irr. (cf. écrire); tr. : proscribe (outlaw ; ostracise ; banish ; reject) : les proscrits, the exiles ; refugees ; - l'usage d'un mot, condemn the usage of a word. prose* [L. -sa], f. : =. prosec-teur* [L. -tor, one who cuts be- forehand], m. : prosector, anatomist's as- sistant. pro-sélyte* [l. L. -selytus, Gr. -sélutos (prôs, to, élthein, come), newcomer], m., jf. : proselyte, new convert. -sélytis- me*, m. : proselytism, zeal in making converts. .. proso-dieº [L. -dia, Gr. -dia, accent], f : prosody. -dique" [L. -dicus], adj. : prosodic. prosopo-pée* [L. -pœia, Gr. -poiía (prô- sopon, face)], f : prosopopeia (figure of speech treating dead things or persons as if alive, or absènt as present). prospectusº [L., *view'l, m. : =, an- nouncement of the plan of a book or other under# pros-père* [L. -per], adj. : prosperous, thriving. -pérerº [L. ſeºrel imtr. : prosper, flourish. -périté* [L. -peritas], ·f. : prosperity. prostateº [Gr. prostátes, one standing in front, protectorl, f. : =, gland at the mouth of the bladder. proster-nation*, f : =, laying fiat. -mEmentº, m. : lying flat ; dejection. |-ner* [L. -nere, strew before], tr. : lay down; throw down; fovercome : se —, prostrate one's self ; lie flat. pros-thèse* [L. -thesis, Gr. prôsthesis, setting before], f : prosthesis, prothesis, addition (esp.) to the beginning of a word as newt for ewt, Fr. l-ierre (cf. prothesis). -thétique* [Gr. prôsthelos, added], adj. : prosthetic, prothetic. prosti-tuer* [L. -tuere (pro, before, statuere, put)], tr. : prostitute, debase, pollute, make venal : une prostituée, a de- bauched woman ; la grande prostituée, Pagan Rome ; - la justice, sell justice. prostration -tuteur º, =triee [L. -tutor, =trix], m., f : prostituter. -tution* [L. -tutio], f : E, defilement, debauchment ; harlotry. prostra-tion* [L. -tio (pro-Sternere, strew or lay before)], f. : =. • prostyleº [L. -los, Gr. prôstulos (prô, before, stûlos, column)], adj. or m. : = : un (temple) -, a temple hav'g rows of columns in front. - prosyllogismeº [L.-mus, Gr. prosullo- gismós], m. : prosyllogism, a series of in- terlocking syllogisms supporting each other. - protagonisteº [Gr. -nistes (prôtos, first, agonistés, contestant)], m. : protagonist, chief actor. protaseº [L. protasis, Gr. prôtasis], f. : protasis, first part (of a play , of a conditional sentence). pro- tatiqueº [L. protaticus, Gr. protati- kôsl, adj. : of the protasis, introductory. prote" [Gr. prôtos, first],m. : foreman (of | printers). - protee-teurº, =triee [L. -tor], m., f : protector ; patron; adj. : protecting ; pat- ronising : droits —s, protective tariff. ll-tion * [L. -tio (cf. protéger)], f : = (defence ; fostering care; patronage); patron : un air de -, an air of superior- ity. -tionniste*, m., f : protectionist. -toratº [L. -tor, protector], m. : protec- torate (office of protector ; country ruled by a mightier). protéeº [L. Proteus, Gr. Proteüs, sea · god who could assume various shapes], m. : Proteus ; changeable or fickle man. protégerº [L. -tegere, cover in front], tr. : protect; defend; patronise ; un protégé, a person under the care of another. pro-testantº, =ante, m., f, or adj. : Protestant, (esp.) a follower of Luther ; favowed lover. -testantismeº [-tes- tant], m. : Protestantism. -testationº [L. -testatio], f : = (declaration; protest): signer une -, sign a remonstrance. |-testerº [L. -testari, witness publicly], tr. : protest (fdeclare solemnly ; declare that payment has been refused on ; intr. : make an assertion or vow): — de son in- Tl0cence, protest one's innocence ; - de violence, assert that violence has been used. -têt*, m.: protest (that a draft or check has been presented and not paid). prothèse* [prosthèse infi. by Gr. prôthe- sisl, f : prosthesis, supply of an artificial organ : - dentaire, set of false teeth. protocanonique" [Gr. prôtos, first, Fr. canonique], adj. : protocanonical (held as authentic before the canons were estab- lished); non-apocryphal. proto-carbure* or -chlorure, etc. [Gr. prôtos, first, carbure, etc.], m. : car- 523 buret, protochloride, etc. (the first com- pound of carbon, etc.). -cole * [L. -col- lum, Gr. -kollon, leaf glued on in front of a manuscript], m. : protocol (paper for a public entry ; formulary for official let- ters; code of etiquette; record; minutes ; document). protonique* [Gr. prô, before, tônos, ac- centl, adj. : protonic, before the accented syllable. proto-notaire* [l. L. -notarius (Gr. prôtos, first, L. notarius)], m. : prothono- tary. -type* [L. -typus, Gr. -tupos], m. : =, first type ; model ; type founder's caliber. -xydeº [oxyde], m.: protoxide, the lowest oxide compound. -zoaireº [Gr. zoárion, little animal], m. : proto- Zoary, lowest animal form. protu-béranee", f : protuberance, bulge, projection. -bérantº [L. -be- rans], adj. : protuberant, sticking out. protu-teur" [L. -tor], m. : protutor, provignement manager of the affairs of a minor. I.fprouº [? ak. to L. prod-esse, be of profit], m. : gain, profit. 2.fprouº [?], adv. : much ; enough : peu ou -, little or much. • proue* [It. proa, L. prora], f : prow (of ship). - prouesseº |gre#l, f : proWess, valour. prou-vable*, adj. : provable. ll-ver° [L. probäre, test], tr. : prove, establish, show : - trop, go too far and harm one's OWIl G3,t1S6). . pro-venanee* [-venir], f : provenience, origin, source ; product. provende° [l. L. prœbenda (cf. pré- bende)], f : provision, food ; provender, mixed feed (peas, oats and vetches). - provenir* [L. -nire], irr. (cf. venir); intr. : come forth, arise, spring from : les enfants provenus de ce mariage, the issue of this marriage ; une maladie qui pro- vient de fatigues, a disease caused fr. fatigue; des marchandises provenant d'Al- gérie, merchandise fr. Algeria. prover-be* [L. -bium], m. : proverb ; maxim: devenir or passer en - (or ffaire —), become a proverb. -bialº, pl. =a#ac [L. -bialis], adj. : =. -bialementº [-bial], adv. : proverbially. provi-denee* [L.-dentia (-dere, see be- forehand)], f. : #foresight ; Providence : (fam.) être la - de quelqu'un,be the main- stay of any one. -dentiel", =eIle [L. -dentia], adj. : providential. -dentielle- mentº [-dentiel], adv. : providentially. pro-vignementº [-vigner], m. : layer- ing, propagation (of vines). -vigner*, tr. : to layer, propagate ; #intr. : increase, multiply, be prolific. |-vin° [L. pröpä- go], m. : vine-layer, cutting. 524 province provin-ee* [L. -cia], f : province, de- pendency : la Grèce fut réduite en — ro- maine, Greece was reduced to a Roman province ; les Provinces-unies, Holland ; — ecclésiastique, jurisdiction of a bishop ; les gens de -, country people. -eial*, =ale, m. pl. =aux [L. -cialis], adj. or m., f. : provincial (of a province ; inhabit- ant of a province ; m. : monastic supe- rior). -eialatº [-cial], m. : provincial- ship (office or term of an ecclesiastical provincial). -eialismeº [-cial], m. : provincialism, a trick of expression show- ing lack of polish. provi-seurº [L. -Sor], m. : director ; (esp.) principal (of a school). -sionº [L. -sio], f. : seeing beforehand ; provid- ing; provision ; supply; advance money, earnest; appointment (to a position): -, profusion, wealth breeds wastefulness ; jugement par -, judgment ordering a sum paid temporarily. -sionnel*, =eIIe [-sion], adj. : prQvisional. -sion- nellementº [-sionnel], adv. : provision- ally. -soireº [L. -Sorius], adj. : provi- sory, temporary, provisional. -soire- mentº [-soire], adv. : provisionally, tem- porarily. -surat* [L. -sor, provider], m. : principalship. -sorerie" [L. -sor, pro-| · vider], f. : directorship. provo-cantº [L. -cans], adj. : provoking; attractive. -cateurº, =triee [L. -ca- tor], m., f : provoker, inducer ; adj. : pro- voking. -cation* [L.-catio], f. : =, in- ducement. ll-quer* [L. -care, call forth], tr. : provoke ; induce, lead into (usually in a bad sense): - quelqu'un à boire, get one to drink ; - en duel, chal- lenge to a duel. pro-xénèteº [L. -xeneta, Gr. -xenetés], m., f. : proxeneta, go-between ; marriage broker. -xénétismeº, m. : mediation. proximité* [L. -tasl, f : proximity, nearness ; kinship. proyer [pré], m. : bunting (common in meadows). prudeº [OFr. preu de femme, or pru de · femme -(cf. prud'homme)], f. : =, woman very careful of modesty and propriety ; adj. : prudish, over-modest, very precise ; fausterely virtuous. - pru-demmentº -dam- [-dent], adv. : prudently. -denee* [L. -dentia], f : =, wise caution : - est mère de sû- reté, he who hates surety is sure. -dent* [L. -dens], adj. : =, wise, cau- tious. · pruderieº [prude], f : prudery (undue modesty, prudishness ; an act displaying great propriety. fprud'homie*, f : honesty, loyalty. |prud'hommeº [preux, de, homme], m. : =, man chosen Ptolémée as arbitrator for workmen, trusted man ; floyal man. pru-ne° [L. priina (i.e. pl. for sing.)], f : plum : - de reine Claude, green-gage plum ; - de Damas, damson plum ; ce n'est pas pour des -s, there is good rea- son for it. -neauº, m. : prune, dried plum. -nelaieº [-nier], f : plum or-4 chard. -nelle*, f : black wild plum ; pupil of the eye ; prunella (dark woollen cloth, used for shoe uppers) : jouant de la -, casting glances. -nellierº [-nelle], m. : sloe-tree, wild plum-tree. -nier*, m. : plum-tree. pruri-gineux* [L. -ginosus (prurigo, itch)], adj. : pruriginous, itchy. pru- ritº [L. pruritus, itching], m.: prurience, itchiness. Prusse, f. : Prussia. prussiate", m. : =, a salt of prussic acid. prussique º, adj. : prussic. - prytanéeº [Gr. prutaneîon (prutanôi, councillors)], m. : prytaneum (in Greece, toWn hall containing senate and the public · hearth and table for worthy citizens). fps-allette" [Gr psállein, play a musical . instrumentl, f. : pracfice room (for choir children). -almiste* [l. L. psalmista], m. : psalmist. -almodie* [l. L. psal- modia], f. : psalmody (chanting of psalms); monotonous performance. -almodierº [psalmodie], intr. : chant psalms; drawl. -altérion* [L. psalterium, Gr. psalté- rion], m. : psaltery (musical instrument). -aumeº [l. L. psalmum, Gr. psalmôn], m. : psalm, religious song. -autier° [L. psalterium, Gr. psaltérion], m. : psaltery (collection of psalms ; third stomach of" ruminants). pseudo- [Gr. pseûdos, false], prefix (as in Eng.) : pseudo-prophète, etc. pseudo- nymeº [Gr. ónoma, name], adj. : pseu- donymous ; m. : pseudonyme, assumedname. psit, interj. : pst ! hush ! psoreº [L.-ra, Gr. psôra, mange], f : psora, itch. psorique", adj. : psoric, itchy. psy-chéº [mythological maiden Psyche], ·f. : full - length : mirror, psyche-glass. -chiqueº [Gr. -chikôs (psyché, soul)], adj. : psychic. . psycho-logie* [Gr. psyché, soul, lógos, speech], f : psychology, mental science. -logique*, adj. : psychological ; le mo- ment -, the moment when the mind is ex- pectantly attentive. -logiste" or-logue, m., f. : psychologist. - ptarmique [Gr. -miké, sneeze-wort], f : ptarmica. - ptérodactylesº [Gr. pterôn, wing, dák- tulos, finger], m., pl. : pterodactyls, extinct flying reptile. Ptolémée, m. : Ptolemy. ptyaline ptya-lineº [Gr, ptûalon, spittlel, f : | ptyalin (ferment found in saliva). -lisme" [Gr. -lismôs], m. : ptyalism, abnormal flow of saliva. puammentº, adv. (rare) stinkingly, im- pudently. |puant* [puer], adj. : stink- ing ; bêtes —es, skunks, foxes, etc. ; men- teur —, shameful liar ; (pop.) m., f : bare- * faced liar. puanteur*,f : stink. , pu-bère º [L. -ber], adj. : pubescent, old enough to marry, developed. -berté * [L. -bertas], f : puberty. -beseentº [L. -bescens], adj. : =, fuzzy, downy. -bien º, =enne [-bis], adj. : of the pubis, pubic. -bisº [L.], m. : = ; pubes ; os pubis, front end of the pelvis ; pubic region. f pub-licº, =ique [L. -lieus], adj. : = ; m. : public ; audience ; fnation : la voix publique, the general voice ; la vie pu- blique, political life ; femme publique, prostitute ; entrée du -, general entrance ; marchande publique, woman shopkeeper who acts in her own right (without need- ing her husband's authority). -Iicain * [L. -licanus], m. : publican (Roman revenue · collector; extortioner). -Iieation* [L. -licatio], f. : = (issuing of a printed work ; anything published). -1ieiste", m., f. : publicist ; writer on public law. -lieité, j : publicity, notoriety. -Iierº [L. -li- care], publish, make known. -lique- mentº, adv. : publicly. pu-ee° [L. pülex], f. : flea ; (fam.) avoir la — à l'oreille, be restless ; secouer les -s à quelqu'un, give one a beating. -eea.uº, = eelle [? (cf. Ger. laus-bub)], · m., f. : (fam.) youth, virgin ; f. : shad (fish): la Pucelle, Joan of Arc. -çelage* , [-ceau], m. : (fam.) youth, virginity; cowry (mollusk). -eeron *, m. : plant- louse. pudd-lageº, m. : puddling (of metals). |-ler [fr. Eng.], tr. : puddle. -leurº, m. : puddler. - pu-deurº [L. pudor, shame], f. : shame ; modesty ; bashfulness. -dibundus], adj. : toomodest; shame-faced. y -dieité* [L. -dicitas], f : pudicity, (modesty; chastity). -dique* [L. -dicus], adj. : modest ; chaste. -dique- mentº [-dique], adv. : modestly. . puer° [older puir, p. L. *pütire (L. pu- tëre)], intr. $ : stink, smell bad ; tr. : puer vin, smell of wine. $ Ind. : Pr. 7e Aus, tu pus, il put are obso- lete. - puéri-I* [L. puerilis, of children (puer, boy)], adj. : puerile, childish : la civilité -, book on etiquette for children. -le- ' mentº, adv. : puerilely. -lité * [L. -litas], f.: puerility, childishness. puer- -dibondº [L. 525 =aux [L. puerpera, Woman adj. : puerperal, of child- punir péralº, pl. in childbed], birth. - pugilatº [L.-tus], m. : fist-fight. · puine* [puer], m., f. : underbrush, brush- wood. - puî-né*, -née [puis, né], adj. or m., f : puisne, younger. pui-s° [p. L. *pos- teis (L. postea)], adv. : afterwards, later ; besides. pui-sage", m. : drawing of water. -sard", m. : pool; sump; cesspool. -satierº, m. : well-digger. -ser* [puits], tr. : draw ; dig up. puisque* [puis, quel, conj. : since, see- ing that. puis-samment*, adv. : powerfully. -saneeº, f : = (power, force); possi- bility : les -s, the powers, European gov- ernments. |-sant° [*possiens (L. po- tens)], adj. : =, powerful. puits° [p. L. *piitius (L. puteus)], m. : well ; mineshaft ; mine ; pitfall. puIIu-lation* [L. -latio], f : =, in- crease. |-1er* [L. -lare (cf. poulain)], intr. : pullulate, multiply rapidly, spread. pulmo-naire" [L. -narisl, adj. : pulmo- nary (of the lungs ; f : lungwort). -nieº [L. pulmo, lung], f. : lung disease. -nique* [L. pulmo, lung], adj. or m., f : pulmonic, consumptive ; ( fig.) une séche- resse de -, a great dryness of soul. pul-pation * [-per], f : pulping. ll-peº [L. -pa], f. : pulp : - cérébrale, medullary brain matter ; - digitale, fleshy ends of the fingers. -perº, tr. : to pulp, reduce to pulp. -peux*, =euse, adj. : pulpy. pul-satifº, =ive [L.-sare, to beat], adj. : pulsative. -sation* [L. -satio], f : beating. - pulta eé* [L. puls, thick potage], adj. : pap-like : angine pultacée, sore throat | looking white fr. ulceration. pulvé-rinº [It. polverino], m. : fine powder, priming powder ; powder-horn. -risateur* [-riser], m. : pulveriser ; sprayer. -risationº [-riser], f : pulveri- sation. -riser* [L. -risare], tr. : pulver- ' ise; spray. -rulentº [L. -rulentus], adj. : pulverulent, easy to pulverise. pumieinº [?], m. : palm-oil. #punaisº, I.=aise [? p. L. *püttinasium (L. putidus, stinking, nasus, nose)], adj. : hav'g ozena ; m., f. : ozena patient. 2.pu- naise*, f : bedbug; thumb-tack. fpu- naisie*,f. : ozena (fetid nose sore). puneh " u = nasal o [fr. Eng. (Hindu panch, five, sc. ingredients)], m. : punch. pu-nir° [L. piinire], tr. : punish. -nis- | sable*, adj. : punishable. -nisseurº, =euse, m.,f. : (rare) punisher. -nitionº y | [L. punitio], f : punishing; punishment. 526 I.pupil-Iaire* [L. -laris], adj. : of a minor, pupilary. 2.-laire* [2.-le], adj. : of the eye-pupil, pupilary. -larité* [L. pupillaire -laris, of a minor child], f : pupilarity, period before puberty. I.-le* [L. -lus], m., f : pupil, minor, orphan. 2.-le* [L. -la, lit. little girl], f. : pupil (of the eye). pupitre* [L. pulpitum], m. : desk. pur°, pure [L. pürus], adj. : pure (un- mixed ; clean ; genuine ; mere ; unalloyed ; unadulterated); clear ; clean-cut : un ciel —, cloudless sky ; en - chef, bareheaded ; en -e, perte, to no purpose ; #à - et à plein, unreservedly. pureau*, m. : ex- posed part (of roof tile). purée º [OFr. purer, squeeze (L. purare, emit PUS], f : = (thick soup made by rubbing beans, etc., through a sieve) ; (fam.) — de septembre, wine. pure-ment* [pur], adv. : purely; clearly; merely. -té* [pur], f : purity; genu- ineness ; clearness. pur-gatifº, =ive [L. -gativus], adj. : fpurifying; purgative, purging : un (re- mède) -, a purgative (medicine). -ga- tion * [L. -gatio], f : = (fcleansing ; purging). -gatoire* [l. L. -gatorium], m. : purgatory (middle place between earth and Paradise): faire son - en ce monde, suffer a great deal. -geº, f : fcleansing; disinfection ; purging ; purge (medicine): — d'hypothèques, lifting of mortgages. ll-ger° [L. -gäre (pürus, pure, agere, make)], tr. : purify ; purge ; · clean ; clear : - le défaut (contumace), get a default (contempt) judgment set aside ; — une hypothèque, lift a mort- gage. puri-fiantº, adj. : purifying. -fiea- teurº, =triee [L. ficator, =trix], m., f : purifier. -fication* [L. ficatio], f : =. -fieatoireº [L. ficatorium], m. : purifi- cator (cloth of fine linen used to wipe the communion cup and plate). |-fier* [L. ·ficare], tr. : purify. puriforme [L. pus, matter, forma, form], | adj. : #º, pus-like. purinº [OFr. purer, squeeze], m. : liquid Iſl2,IllIl'e. • pu-rismeº [pur], m. : purism, over-nicety in the use of words. -risteº [pur], m., f : purist. -ritainº, =aine [fr. Eng.], m., f. : Puritan ; austere person. -rita- nisme º, m. : Puritanism; strict religion. purpurinº, =ine [L. -rinus], adj. : purple ; f : purpurin, purple dye. puru-leneeº [L. -lentia], f : purulence. -lent i5 [L. -lentus], adj. : purulent, dis- charging PUS. pus [L.], m. : =, morbid matter fr. a sOre. » pusillani-me* [L. -mus (pusillus, small, animus, spirit)], adj. : pusillanimous. pyro1igneux -mité* [L. -mitas], f : mean-spirited, cowardly. pustu-le* [L.-la], f. : = (little sore with matter). -1eux º, =euse [L.-losus], adj. : pustulous. pu-tainº [-te], f : (trivial) chippy (whore). f-tanisme º [-tain], m. : (trivial) street- walking, prostitution. -tasser* [-te], intr. : (trivial) run after prostitutes. -tasserieº [-tasser], f.: (trivial) rounder, frequenter of whorehouses. puta-tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : puta- tive, reputed : père -, supposed father ; mariage -, marriage illegal but entered into with good faith by at least one of the parties. • fpu-te° [L. pütida, lit. stinking],.f. : (dial. trivial) + prostitute. -tois* [OFr. put, stinking], m. : polecat, FOUmart. Putiphar, m. : Potiphar. putré-factionº [L. factio], f. : putre- faction. -faitº [L. factus], adj. : putre- fied. -fierº [L. fieri, become foul], tr. : make putrid ; putréfié, putrefied, rotten. pu-tres eible* [L. -cibilis], adj. : 5 liable to rot. -tride* [L. putridus], adj. : putrid, rotting. -tridité " [putride], f : putridmess, rottenness. puy° [L. podium, Gr. pôdion, base], m. : mountain. pygar-gue* [L. -gus, Gr. pügargos (pugé, rump, argôs, white)], m. : pygarg (eagle), osprey, sea-eagle. pygmée* [L. -mœus, Gr. pugmaîos (pugmé, fist, viz. high)], m. : pygmy, small person, dwarf. py-lône* [Gr. pulôn (pûle, gate)], m. : big gate. -loreº [L. -lorus, Gr. pûloros (ôra, guard)], m. : pylorus (opening fr. the stomach into the intestines). -lorique" [-lore], adj. : pyloric. •. pyracanthe" [L. -tha, Gr. purákantha (pûr, fire, ákantha, thorn)], f. : pyracanth, burning bush (evergreen thorn). pyraleº [L. -lis, Gr. puralis, fire-moth], f : pyralis (bee-moth, meal-moth, etc.). pyra-midalº, pl. =aux [L. -midalis], adj. : pyramidal : la pyramidale, pyramid- like bell-tower. |-mide* [L. -mis, Gr. puramis], f : pyramid. -mider*, intr. : (rare) tower, loom up like a pyramid. py-rèthre* [L. -rethrum, Gr. pûrethron (puretôs, fever)], m. : pyrethrum, fever- few (insectifuge plant). -rique" [Gr. pûr, FIRE], adj. : pyrotechnical. -rite* [L. -rites, Gr. purites], f. : pyrites, metallic sulphid. -riteux ", =euse [-rite], adj. : pyritic. pyro-ligneuacº [Gr. pûr, FIRE, L. lig- num, wood], adj. : pyrolignous : acide -, acetic acid fr. wood. -mètre " [Gr. métron, measure], m. : pyrometer (instru- pusillanimity, # · pyrrhique ment to measure high temperature). -phore" [Gr. -phôros, fire-bearingl, m. : =, a substance that will burn on reaching the air. -seaphe* [Gr. skáphe, boat], m.: (rare) steamboat. -teehnie* [Gr. téchne, art], f. : pyrotechnics, pyrotechny ; art of making fireworks. -techniqueº [-technie], adj. : pyrotechnical. -xèneº [Gr. xénos, guest], m. : pyroxene, bisili- cate mineral found in volcanic matter. pyrrhique* [Gr. purrâke], f. : pyrrhic, war-dance. pyrrho-nien º, =enne [sceptic philoso- pher Pyrrho], m.,.f. : Pyrrhonist, absolute sceptic. -nisme º [Pyrrho], m. : Pyr- rhonism, skepticism. py-thieº [L. -thia, Gr. puthia (country uthô)], f. : Pythia, any priestess of Apoilo at Delphi. -thonº [L. -thon (Gr., serpent Püthon killed by Apollo)], m. : =. -thonisseº [L.-thonissa, Gr. puthônissa], ſ. : pythoness, prophetess ; witch. Q. q kE, or older ku [L.], m. : q (the letter). qu', contraction of que. fquacrE, =esse = quaker, =resse. quadernesº [It. -nol, m. pl. : double fours (at trick-track). quadr- [L. (quatuor, FOUR)] : -agé- naireº [L. -agenarius], adj. : quadrigen- · arious (of 40 years) ; m., f. : person of forty years. -agésimal* [L. -a-ge- simalis], adj. : quadragesimal. -agé- simeº [L. -a-gesima], f : Quadragesima (Lent). -angle* [L. -angulum], m. : quadrangle. -angulaire* [L. -angu- laris], adj. : quadrangular. -atº,-ate [L. -atus], adj. : quadrate; m. : quadrature ; (astrol.) quartile. -atin -atrieeº [L. -atrix], f. : quadratrix. -atureº [L. -atura], f : quadrature ; (astrol.) quartile. -iennalº ka- [L. -i- ennalis (annus, year)], adj. : quadr(i)en- nial (lasting four years ; foccurring once in four years) ; #m. : office (etc.) of four years. -ifideº [L. -i-fidus (fin- dere, split)], adj. : quadrifid, four-cleft. -iflorº [L. flos, flower], adj. : having four flowers. -ifolié* [L. folium, leaf], adj. : quadrifoliate, four-leaved. -igeº [L. -iga], m. : quadriga (Rom. chariot drawn by four horses abreast). -iIatéralº [-ilatère], adj. : quadrilateral. -ila- tère* [L. -i-laterus (latus, side)], adj. : (geom.) quadrilateral. -illageº, m. : arranging (ruling) in squares or lozenges, checkering, checkerwork ; checked pave- ment. I.-illeº [Sp. cuadrilla], f. : cadratin. 527 troop of horse (in a tournament) ; m. : quadrille (dance ; music). 2.-ille" [Sp. cuartillo], m. : = (four-handed cardgame). 3.-ille" (Sp. cuadrillo], m. : square (in a pattern). -illé* [3.-ille], adj. : ar- ranged (ruled) in squares, checkered, checked. -illerº, tr. : arrange (rule) in squares, checker, check ; lay in checker- work. -illion º [L. -i, infl. by Fr. mil- lion], m. : = (as in Am., i.e. a thousand trillions). -ilobé * [L. -i, Gr. lobôs, lobe], adj. : (bot.) quadrilobate. -inôme º [L. -i, Gr. nomôs, division], m. : (alg.) quadri- nomial. -isaïeul", -isaïeule-ayeul [L. -i, Fr. aieul, after bis-a... ], mi.,.f. : ancestor in the fourth degree. -ivalveº [L. -i, valval, adj. : (bot.) =. -ivium [L. (via, quant road)], m. : = (arithmetic, music, geome- try, astronomy in mediaeval schools : cf. trivium). -umane" [L. -u-manus (hand)], adj. : quadrumanous ; m. : quad- rumane (pl. -na). -upède* [L. -u-pes (FOOT)], adj. or m. : quadruped. -uple* [L. -uplus], adj. : = ; m. (f): Spanish coin (double pistole, about $18). -uplerº [L. -uplare], tr. : quadruple. quai* [fr. Celt.], m. : embankment, quay, wharf ; (railr.) platform : droit de —, quayage, Wharfage. - age, m. : quayage. quaieheº [Eng. ketch " (fr. Turk.)], f. : ketch (small vessel). quaker", =resse [Eng.], m., f : Quaker. quali-fiable [ fier], adj. : = (that one may call or term). -ficateurº, m.: (Cath.) qualificator. -fieatifº, =ive [ fier], adj. : qualificative ; m. : qualifier. -ficationº [l. L. ficatio], f : qualifica- tion, entitling ; title, name ; character. -fier*, tr. : qualify (entitle ; style, rame ; make fit or capable) : une personne fée, a . person of quality (standing ; nobility). -tatif", =ive, adj. : qualitative, qualify- ing. ll-té* [L. -tas (qualis, such)], f. : quality (nature, condition ; qualification, capacity; title ; nobility) : en — de, in the capacity of, as : les gens de -, people of noble birth. 1 quand° [L. quandol, conj. : when ; as soon as ; even if, though ; adv. : when : - même, even though ; all the same, not- withstanding, in spite of all, anyhow ; determined, stubborn ; indiscriminately : — bien même, even though ; depuis -? since when ? how long is it that ? jusqu'à —? until when ? how long ? de —? from when ? from what time ? s fquamquamº [L.], m. : student's oration - in Latin. fquanquan = cancan. ', quan-t° [L. -tum], fconj. : as much as; - à, prep. : as to, as for, with respect to, regarding : - à moi, as for me, for my 528 part ; —-à-moi (--à-soi, etc.), m. : my (his, etc.) reserve or dignity : se mettre sur son —-à-soi, give one's self airs ; se tenir sur son --à-soi, stand on one's dignity, take a proud or reserved air, be haughty. -tes [pl. of -t (Lat. -tus)], adj. pl. : as many ; only with fois : toutes et - fois (or toutes fois et -) que, as often as, when- ever; — fois! how often ! -tième º, #adj. : which in order ; m. : day of the month, date : quel - avons-nous ? what day of the month is it ? montre à -s, watch showing the day of the month. -titatifº, =ive [L. -titas, quantity], adj. : quantitative. -tité* [L. -titas], f : quantity. -tum [L.l, m. : quantum. qua-rantaine*, f : period of forty days ; (anc.) truce of forty days ; quaran- tine ; age of forty years ; about forty, some forty : la sainte -, Lent ; il a la -, he is forty years old. ll-rante [L. qua- draginta], adj. or m. : forty : les -s, the (forty) members of the French Academy. -rantieº [It. -rantia], f. : tribunal of the forty (at Venice). -rantième*, adj. : fortieth ; f : fortieth part. quarderonnerº [quart-de-rond], tr. : quarter-round, round off. quarre, quarré = carre, carré. quar-t°[L. quartus], fadj. orfm. : FOURTH (in order) ; (med.) quartan ; m. : quarter, fourth (part); quarter-past ; quart (meas- ure); (nav.) point (of the compass) ; (nav.) watch (of four hours): - d'heure, quarter of an hour ; — de cercle, quadrant ; - de vent, point of the compass ; - de monde, low swells ; - de nuit, night-watch ; offi- cier de —, officer on watch ; faire bon -, keep good look-out ; le premier -, the starboard watch ; bon —! all's well ! mé- dire du tiers et du -, slander everybody. f-taine *, adj. : quartan : fièvre -, quartan ague. -tanº [an], m. : fourth year (of boars). -tanier* [-tan], m. : four-year-old wild boar. -tation", f : (metal.) quartation. -tautº, m. : quarter cask (cont. # of a hogshead). -te [L. -ta], f. : (mus.) fourth ; (fenc.) quarte ; (piquet) quart ; (old) half gallon. -te- naire = quaternaire. -tEnierº [-tier], m. : (anc.) ward police officer; (nav.) master of the watch. -terº [-te], tr. : (fenc.) place in quarte. I.-teron* [-tier], m. : fourth part of a pound ; fourth part of a hundred;book ofgold-foil(25 leaves). 2.-te- ron", -teronne [Sp. cuarterôn], m., f : quadroon. -tette, -tetto* [It. -tetto], m. : (mus.) quartet. -tidi" [L. dies, day], m. : = (4th day of the decade, cal- end. of first French republic). -tierº, m. : quarter (fourth part ; fourth part of a slaughtered animal ; fourth part of the quarantaine quatre - moon's period; fourth part of the year ; quarterly payment; part of an escutcheon; section of a town, etc., Ward, district oc- cupied by troops, encampment ; shelter, retreat ; mercy shoWn an enemy, sparing his_life ; back part of a shoe) ; part, por- tion ; division of a , school, hall, Ward ; class-room ; block of stone, mass ; flap (of a saddle) ; side of bacon : - de lard, flitch of bacon ; - général, (mil.) head- quarters ; faire (donner) -, give quarter, spare (the life) ; demander -, beg for quarter (for mercy) ; mettre en -s, quar- ter, tear to pieces. -tier-maître º or f-mestre, pl. -s-s, m. : quartermaster (fmil. provisioning officer ; nav. petty of- ficer of lower grade). -tilº [L. -tus], adj. : - aspect, quartile aspect. -tinier =-tenier. quar-tQ, cf. in-quarto. quart-zº kwarts [Ger.], m. : -zeux", =euse, adj. : quartzose, quartzy. I.quasiº [?], m. : (butch.) loin end. 2.quasi* [L.l, adj. : (fam.) quasi, almost. -contrat", pl.-s, m. : quasi contract, implied contract. -erime, -délitº, pl. -s, m. : involuntary petty offence. -ment", adv. : in a manner, almost, nearly. -mod Q, m * (Cath.) Quasimodo ; Low Sunday ; m. : (jest.) hideous fellow. quas-sia* [l. L.], m.: =. -sierº, m. : bitter quassia, staves-Wood. quater-naire* [L. -narius], adj. : quar- ternary. |-ne ka- [L. -nus], m. : four numbers (in lottery) taken together, qua- ternion. -né* [L. -nus], adj. : quaternate. quator-zaine*, f : fortnight. ll-ze° [L. quattuor-decim, FOUR-TEEN], adj. or m. : fourteen ; fourteenth. -zième*, adj. or m.: fourteenth. -zièmement", adv. : fourteenthly. quatrainº [quatre], m. : =. •- s qua-tre° [L. quattuor], adj. or m. : FOUR ; fourth : — de (or en) chiffre, figure 4 or dead-fall (trap); à -, with four ; four together; comme -, like four, like four other; excessively, lustily ; - à -, four t to four ; four abreast ; se mettre en -, do one's utmost, strain every nerve ; se tenir à —, make the greatest effort ; être tiré à — épingles, look as if direct from a bandbox. QuatrE -Temps, m. pl. : Ember-days (for fasting and prayer). -trE-vingtième, adj. or m. : eightieth. -trE-vingt(s)*, adj. or m. : eighty. -trE-vingt-un, etc., eighty-one, etc. -trième º, adj. : fourth ; m. : fourth ; fourth floor; pupil of the fourth class; f : fourth class (in schools); quarter ; quart (at piquet). -trièmementº [-trième], adv. : fourthly. -triennal = -driennal. -trillon = -drillon. qua-tuor* [L.], m. : (mus.) quartet. quayage quayageº [quai], m. : = (wharfage). I.quE° [L, quem], rel. prom. : (obj.) whom, that, which; what; whatever; interr.pron.: what ? : qu'est-ce que , , . ? what is it . .. ? what . .. ? what is (are) . .. ? qu'est-ce ? or qu'est-ce que c'est ? what is it ? what is the matter ? what ? qu'est-ce que c'est que . .. ? what is (are) , .. ? - faire ? what is to be done ? - désirer de plus ? what more can (could) be desired? 2.quE° [atonic L. quid,], conj. : that , in order that ; when ; as ; than ; Qften instead qf repeating SI, "if,' or for a comp. c0n- junction in QUE (e.g. lorsque, when ; puis- que, since ; bien que, although ; à moins que, unless, etc.); expletive esp. after CE with ETRE (c'est, etc.); rendered by *let, may, before an exhort. subjunctive; adv. : why ? how! what ! me ... .. que, nothing else than, nothing but, only, but : afin -, in or- der that ; avant — (de), before ; bien —, although ; depuis -, since ; de même -, just as ; de peur -, lest ; de sorte -, so that ; pour -, in order that ; pourvu -, provided ; parce -, because ; suivant -, according as; tandis -, while, while on the contrary (on the other hand); quel —, who(so)ever, what(so)ever; s'il le sou- haite, et — vous le vouliez, if he desires it, and you also wish it; je ne serai point content - je ne le sache, I shall never be contented until I know it ; attendez qu'il vienne; wait till he comes ; il me verrait périr, qu'il n'en serait pas touché, even if · he were to see me die, he would not be concerned at it ; il n'y a qu'une heure qu'il est parti, it is but an hour since he left ; on le régala - rien n'y manquait, they treated him in such a way that nothing was wanting ; à peine eut-il achevé de par- ler qu'il expira, he had hardly done speak- ing, when he expired ; tout savant qu'il est, il a bien peu de jugement, learned as he is, he has very little judgment ; qu'il parle, let him speak ; je doute - cela soit ainsi, I doubt whether it is so ; c'est une passion dangereuse - le jeu, gaming is a dangerous passion ; c'est être sage - de , vivre ainsi, it is like a Wise man to live so; c'est en vain - je me fatigue, it is in vain that I toil and moil; c'est - je ne savais pas - v0us y étiez, it was because I did not know that you were there ; il y a dix ans - je l'aime, I have loved her for these ten years ; il est tout autre - vous me disiez, he is quite different from what you said ; - Dieu vous bénisse, God bless you; —j'agisse contre ma conscience! how can I do a thing against my conscience! - vous aimez à parler l how much you like to talk! qu'elle est grande ! how tall she is ! qu'il y a de sots dans le monde ! how many quenouille 529 fools there are in the world! le malheu- reux qu'il est ! what a wretched man he is ! - ne parlez-vous ? why do you not speak ? — ne fait-il pas pour s'enrichir ? what does he not do to grow rich? - ne puis-je vous rendre service ! would to God that I could serve you ! - n'ai je le temps ! oh, that I had time ! je ne sors point - je ne m'enrhume ! I never go out without catching cold ; je n'ai - faire de, I have no business with, I have nothing to do with ; I have no need of; je n'ai - faire de vous dire, I need not tell you; il ne fait - boire et manger, he does nothing but eat and drink ; nous ne faisons - de commencer, we are but just beginning ; je dis — oui, I say yes ; il croit - non, he believes not ; je gage - si, I bet it is ; tant bien — mal, indifferently ; so so ; partly well, partly ill. quel°, quel-le [L. qualis], interr. or excl. pron.: who ? which? what ? what ! what a!- que, whoever, whosoever, whatever, what- soever ; — homme est-ce ? what sort of a man is he? -le heure est-il ? what o'clock- is it ? -c9nque* [L. qualis-cumquel, adj. : (following its noun): any whatever, any, whatever, of any kind : d'une façon (or manière)—, in anyway whatever, some way or other. -lementº, adv. : (fam.) in any way whatever : tellement -, indif- ferently, so-so. -que* [quel, que], adj. : some, any ; a little (pl. a few); whatever, what . .. soever; adv. : however, howso- | ever ; about : - . .. que, whatever; how- ever, howsoever ; - . .. que ce soit, any . whatever ; any; whatever . . .. it is. -quEfoisº fam. kek-fwa [-que, fois], adv. : sometimes ; fonce. -qu'un,='une, pl. -quEs-uns, -quEs-unes [-que, unl, m., f. : some one, somebody (pl. some, some people, a few); any one, anybody; any. quéman-dº, -de [?], m., f : beggar. -derº, fintr. : go begging; tr. : beg of, importune, solicit, bore by begging -deur", =euse [-der], m., f. : (importu- nate) beggar, solicitor. - - fquEnaille* [Norm.-Pic. for canaille], f : rabble. qu'en-dira-t-onº, m. : (fam.) public talk. - quEneIIe* [? Ger. knödel], f. : (cook.) meat dumpling, forcemeat ball. quEnotteº [Norm. quene (cf. Eng. chin), tooth], f. : (child's) tooth ; (jest.) bear's tooth. • •. quE-nouille° [p. L. *conucla, for colucla (L. colus, distaff)], f : distaff ; bed post ; post; stem (of certain plants); pyramid- shaped fruit-tree : en —, like a distaff ; tomber en —, fall to the female line, fall . to the petticoat; be inherited by females. 530 quérable -nouillée º, f : distaff-ful. -nouil- letteº, f : fsmall distaff; iron-stopper. quérable* [-rir], adj. : (leg.) demand- able (debt). quereitronº[L. quercus, oak, Fr. citron], m.: =, dyer's-oak. quErel-le°[L.-la (quœrere, complain)], f : fcomplaint, flaw-suit, fcause ; QUARREL (brawl, wrangling):-d'Allemand,ground- less quarrel ; chercher — à, pick a quarrel with ; vider une -, settle a quarrel. -lerº, tr. : tprefer complaint against ; fcontest ; fquarrel with (pick a quarrel with), fscold; intr., refl. : quarrel, wrangle. -leur*, =euse, m.,f : quarreller; adj. : quarrelsome. f-leux *, =euse, adj. : quarrelsome. quérimonie* [L. querimonia], f : fcom- plaint ; request to publish a monitory. fquErir, tr. : (only in Infin. with a verb of motion); seek : aller —, go and fetch ; envoyer -, send for. I. fllquerre° [L. quœrere], tr. : seek : venir —, call for (a person). 2.querre° [L. quadra, square form], f : (dial.) edge, corner. questeur* [L. quœstor], m. : quaestor. ques-tion * [L. quœstio], f : = (interro- gation ; examination ; examination under torture): - extraordinaire, extraordinary torture rack ; faire une -, ask a ques- tion ; faire -, be doubted ; cela ne fait pas -, that is beyond question ; mettre en -, call in question ; mettre à la -, put to the rack, torture ; il est — de, the question (point) is ; it is contemplated, it is talked of. I.-tionnaire º, f : set of questions; examination questions. 2.-tion- naireº [L. -tionarius], m. : (examining) torturer. -tionner*, tr. : question ; ask questions ; (jest.) feel. -tionneurº, =euse [-tionner], m., f : questioner. questureº [L. quœstura], f : questor- ship. I.quête [? Norm. for chute], f : (nav.) rake (stern bend). - *. 2.quê-te* [part of I.querre], f : QUEST, search ; collection ; (hunt.) beating about: se mettre en - de, go in quest of. -ter*, tr. : fseek ; (hunt.) search ; solicit (alms, contributions), collect ; beg. -teur*, =euse [-ter], m., f. : fseeker ; (hunt.) searcher; solicitor, collector ; mendicant ; adj. : soliciting. - I.queue° [L. cöda for cauda], f. : tail ; tailpiece ; (Qfhair) pig-tail, CUE ; fag-end; rear; file (of people); train, trail; series ; (billiard-)CUE; handle (of a pan); stalk, stem ; shank (of a button); label ; (fam.) , conjugal infidelity; cask (of 1# hogsheads): (carp.) - d'aronde, dove-tail ; — d'hiver ' or de l'hiver, blackthorn winter; - de , f : quietist. quille morue, tail of a cod; (fig.) swallow-tail ; - de rat, rat's tail ; round file ; snuff- box; Small taper ; - de renard, fox's brush ; (bot.) foxtail (grass); (jest.) spew ; - de chat, cat-o'-nine-tails ; dance figure ; à -, tailed ; (piano) à —, grand ; (letter) descending ; - à -, one after another; à la -, in the rear, behind ; in a file ; Jaire -, stand in file ; (fig.) flock, rush ; ſaire la - à, take in, deceive ; il y a —, there is a rush. 2.queue = I.queux. fqueussi-queumiº [?], adv. : just the S3.Iſ16). queuter* [I.queue], intr. : make a push stroke (at billiards). I.fqueux° [L. cösl,f. : hone, whetstone. 2.fqueux° [L. cocus (coquere, COOK)], m.: COOK. qui° [L. qui], pron. : I.rel. (acc. que): who (whom), which, that ; he who ; whoever (whomsoever); 2.interr. (invar.): who ? whom ? ce que, that which, what: à —, to whom ; whose ; a question of whom (à — parlez-vous ? to whom do you speak ? à — est ce livre ? whose book is this ? c'est à -, the question is who, they vie (or try) who); - que ce soit, whoever it may be, whoever, any; (after ne, nobody, none). quia * [L., " because ], adv. : nonplussed ; mettre a -, put to a stand, nonplus : être à -, be at a loss, be nonplussed. quibus* [L., *with which'], m.: (pop.) means, money, tin. qui - conque* [L. -cumque], pron. : who(so)ever ; whom(so)ever ; whichever. -damº [L.], f-dane, m. : certain indi- vidual (or person), some one. quiddité* [l. L. -tas (quid, what)], f : quiddity. - qui-eseent* [L. -escens], adj. : ºs-sm-s - e , fll-etº, =ète [L. -etus], adj. : quiet. -étisme º, m.: quietism. -étisteº, m., -étudeº [l. L. -etudo], f : quietude. I.quignon* [? coin], m. : hunch (of bread). 2.quignon [?], m. : (left to ripen). quiIboquetº [?], m. : mortise, gauge. fquil-lageº [2.-le], m. : keelage (duty). I.llquil-le* [Dutch kiel], f : KEEL. -Ié, adj. : keeled (provided with a keel). 2.quil-le* [Germ'c, ak. to Eng. kayles, Ger. kegel], f : skittle, ninepin ; (trivial) leg, shank : jeu de -8, game (or set) of skittles ; bowling alley, skittle ground ; trousser (or prendre) ses —s (or son sac. et ses -s), pack off bâg and baggage, pack off, be off ; être réçu comme un chien dans un jeu de —s, be very badly received. -Jerº, intr. : throw for nrst covered heap of flax quin play at skittles ; tr. : ( fam.) throw at, batter. -lette", f. : slip, cutting (for planting). -lon º, m. : quillon, half of the guard (of a sword). quin, quina = quinquina. quinaire º [L. -narius], adj. : quinary ; m. : quinarius (Rom. coin). fquinaudº [?], adj. : abashed, humbled. quincail-leº [for clinc- (clinquer)], f : hardware, ironmongery ; copper coins, coppers ; brass. -lerie* [-ler], f. : iron- mongery, hardware trade. -lierº, =ère, m., f : ironmonger. quinconee* [L. quinc-unx], m. : CllIlX. quindécagone" [L. quindecim, fifteen, Gr. gônos, angle], m. : quindecagon. quindéeim-vir" [L.], m. : quinde- cemvir. -virat, m. : quindecemvirate. quine° [L. quini, by fives], m. : two fives (tricktrack); five prizes ; five winning numbers. quinine* [quinquina], f : = (the drug). quinolaº [Sp.], m.: knave of hearts (re- versi); reversi (game); (fam.) valet. quin-quagénaire* [L. -qua-genariue], adj. or m., f.: fifty years old (person). -quagésimeº, f : Quinquagesima (50th day béfore Easter). #|-que" [L., FIVE], m.: (mus.) quintet. -quennal* [L. -quennalis], adj. : quinquennial. -quen- nium " [L.], m. : =. quin-quenoveº [L. quinque, 5, novem, 9], m. : five-and- nine, game at dice. -quérème* [L.-que- remis (remus, oar)], f : quinquereme (gal- ley with five banks of oars). quinquet" [Q., name of maker], m. : Argand lamp, lamp; (slang) " peeper," eye. quinquinaº [fr. Peruv.], m. : =, Peru- vian bark ; cinchona (quinine tree, or the drug). quin-t°, quin-te [L. quintus], fadj. : fifth ; of every fifth day ; #m. : fifth part ; j. : (mus.) fifth ; quint (piquet); tenor violin ; (fenc.) quinte ; coughing fit (once supposed to come on every fifth hour); bad temper, whim. -taine° [L. -tana], j. : (man.) quintain. quintal* [l. L. -le (fr. Ar.)], m. : (hundredweight). • quin-tan = -taine. -tane [L. -na], adj. jf. : quintan (of every fifth day). |-te, cf. quint. -tefeuille* [quint-e, feuille], ·f. : (bot.) cinquefoil (potentilla). -tes- senee* [quint-e, essence], f : =. -tes- seneierº [-tessence], tr. : extract the quintessence of, subtilise, refine. quin- tette º, f-tetto [It. -tetto], m. : (mus.) quintet. -teux º, =euse [-te], adj. : vio- lent ; ill-tempered, fitful, peevish, restive ; m., f : peevish, restive person. quin- tidi" [L. quintus, dies, day], m. : quin- ,-•é em=-s - s quoi 531 -tilº [L. -tus], adj. : (astrol.) quentile. -tille º [Sp. -tillo], f. : five-handed ombre. quin-tuple* [L. -tuplex], adj. : = (five- fold). quin tupler * [-tuple], tr. : quin- tuple. #-zain* [-ze], m.: group of five ; fifteen each (at tennis). -zaine* [-ze], jf. : group of fifteen ; fifteen days ; fort- night (i.e. French including the to-day, English not) ; about fifteen. quin-ze° [L. quin-decim], adj. or m. : fifteen, fif- teenth : - jours, fifteen days ; a fort- night (cf. -zaine); d'aujourd'hui en -, | this day fortnight ; il y a - jours, a fort- night ago ; le - Avril, the 15th of April. -ze-vingts* [quinze, vingt], fadj. : three hundred (= 15X20); Quinze-Vingts (Asy- lum in Paris for 300 blind); inmate of Quinze-Vingts ; blind man. -zième* [-ze], adj. or m., f : fifteenth ; fifteenth day. -zièmementº [-zième], adj. : fif- teenthly. . quiproquo* [schol. L. quid pro quod, *quid for quod,' *this for that'], m. : * quid pro quo,' one thing for another, mistake. quit-tanee" [-ter], f : receipt, quittance. -taneerº, tr. : receipt. |-teº [L. quietus, quiet], adj. : free (from an obli- gation), discharged, out of debt ; quit ; even (square) with ; clear, rid ; adv. : quits : (leg.) franc et -, free and clear, unencumbered ; - à (or pour), at the risk of; à —, quits ; even, tit for tat ; être -s, be quits, be even ; en être - à (or pour), be let off with, get off (or escape) with or for, simply have to ; tenir - de, release from ; let off for; dispense with. f-tement*, adv. : so as to be free or clear; without encumbrance. -terº, tr. : QUIT (release from obligation, discharge ; leave, cede, abandon, forsake, give up): — ses habits, take off one's clothes ; - une charge, give up an office ; - la partie, give up the game ; se -, leave each other, part ; be left ; - des yeux, take one's eyes off. quit-usº [l. , L.1, m. : dis- charge, #! in full, QUIETUS. qui-va-là ?* or qui va là ? who goes there? (exclam. of fear or caution). qui-vive?* or qui vive ? (sentinel's challenge): who comes there ? (lit. ' Who may live?' i.e. for whom is your " Long live !'?); m. : challenge (-word); ( fig.) look- out, alert : être sur le -, be on the qui vive, be on the alert. quoaillerº [queue], intr. : switch the tail (as horses). quoi° [L. quid], pron. : twhich ; what what ? interj. : what ! how ! - qu whatever ; à —, at what ; how ; à - bon what good will it do? why ? de -, o what ; wherewith ; means ; avoir de -, have the means, (pop.).be rich ; il n'y a 532 quolibet • pas de -, there is no reason for it ; it is | not worth mentioning, don't mention, please; il n'y a pas de - rire, there is nothing to laugh at, this is no joking mat- ter; à propos de -? on what occasion ? with respect to what ? en -, in what ; about which, wherein ; what . .. made of ; — qu'il en soit, be that as it may ; at any rate. quoiqueº, conj. : although, though : — que, (pop.) in spite of that, for all that. - quolibet* [l. L. quod-libet, *what pleases (you)'], m. : quodlibet '(schol. debatable point ; subtlety); jest, pun, sorry joke. quorumº [Eng. (L., " of whom')], m. : =. quote-part [L. quota pars], f : quota, part, portion, share. quoti-dien*, =enne [L. -dianus (dies, day)], adj. : quotidian, daily, diurnal. | -diennement*, adv. : daily. - quo-tient* [L.-tiens], m. : =. |-titéº [L. -tus, how muchl, f : quota, portion, share, rating. 1R, r rE, Ur older èr [L.], m. : r (the letter). rabâ-ehageº, m. : (fam.) tiresome rep- etition, humdrum; idletwaddle. |-eherº [?], intr. : keep repeating, repeat over and over; twaddle. -eherie", f. : tiresome repetition ; twaddle. -eheurº, =euse, m., f : endless repeater : twaddler. rabai-sº, m. : lowering, abatement ; re- duction ; reduced price, discount ; lowest bidding; depreciation : au -, With an abatement, at a reduction ; at a discount ; fallen in price ; for the lowest bidding ; by contract. -ssementº, m. : abatement, re- duction, lowering; humiliation. ll-sser* [re, abaisser], tr. : lower ; abate, dimin- ish, reduce ; set back ; cut back ; run down; depreciate, disparage ; put down, humble. ra-banº [Dutch raa-band, ºyard-band'], m.: (nav.) lanyard, lashing, ro(pe)band. -baner, -banter", tr. : tie with lan- yards, lash. * s rabat* [-tre], m. : fbeating down (lower- · ing) ; (hunt.) scaring or beating up ; (ten- nis) rebound, return of the ball ; reduc- tion ; (what beats back) roof of a tennis- court ; top of a cage ; (what is turned down) necklace ; (clergyman's) neck-band. -joie* [-tre], m. : (person or thing abat- ing joy), marjoy, spoilsport, sad balk, damper ; surly felloW. rabat-tageº, m. : beating down, back- set, laying, pressing down; cutting back. -tement*, m. : beating down; reduction. -teurº, =euse, m., f : beater down, re- rabot ducer; (hunt.) beater (up). -toirº, m.; beating tool, beater. |-tre* [re, abat- tre], tr. : beat down; bring down, lower ; cut down or back ; turn down ; slouch, flap ; press down, flatten, level ; (hunt.) beat up; abate, lessen, reduce ; humble ; parry, Ward off ; (leg.) revoke ; intr. : turn, take : se -, be beaten down ; fall doWn, fall; alight ; turn down ; turn (off) ; deviate, wander; come down, lower one's pretensions; limit one's self; en —, deduct from it (orthem) ; lower one's pretensions, come doWn a peg ; alter one's opinion ; il n'en veut rien -, he won't bate a hair's breadth on it. -tu, part. of -tre: beaten down, etc. ; turn(ed) down, slouched, slouching ; blunt ; f. : drift. rabbaniste = rabbiniste. rab-biº, -bin [Hebr. rabb, master], m. : = (title for Jewish doctor of the law). -binage", m. : rabbinism. -binique º, adj. : rabbinical. -binisme º, m.: rab- -binisteº, m. : rabbinist. - rabd . . . = rhabd .. . rabelaisien º, =enne [the coarse hu- mourist Rabelais], adj. : Rabelaisian (in the style of R.), t rabêtirº [re, abêtir], intr. : or dull; tr. : stupefy. rabiau* [?], m.: (mil.) leavings (of wine after distribution) ; over-time (of service as disciplinary punishment) ; remainder, surplus. -terº, intr. : (mil.) drink the leavings ; pick up the scraps, lay up little earnings ; tr. : lay up. rabibo eherº [?], tr.: (pop.) mend ; back (a losing player). rabioleº [Prov. raba, radish], f. : (dial.) big radish. rabiot, -ten° = rabiau, -ter. rabique * [L. rabies, rage], adj. : of rabies, hydrophobic. I.râbleº [L. rutabulum (ruere, stir)], m. : poker, stirrer. - - 2.râ-bleº [? ak. to Sp. -bo, tail], m. : back (of certain animals) ; (fam.) back (of a man). -bléº, adj. : strong-backed. -bluº, adj. : broad-backed. - rabo-binerº, f-bliner [re, à, bobe- liner], tr. : (pop.) piece together, botch. rabonnir*[re, abonnir], tr. : (fam.) bet- ter, improve ; ameliorate ; intr. : improve. ra-botº [?], m. : plane, rabbet; scraper ; groove made by a plane ; (mas.) larry ; rabot, polisher (for marble) ; beater ; road-scraper. -botageº [-boter], m. : (carp.) planing. -boterº, tr. : plane, plane off ; smooth, polish (with wooden block). -boteur* [-boter], m. : planer ; adj. : planing : - mécanique, planing ma- chine, planer. -boteux, =euseº, adj. : uneven, knotty, rugged, harsh. - grow stupid rabougrir rabougrirº [re, abougrir], tr. : stunt : se -, grow stunted. . rabouillère º [? ak. to Eng. rabbit], f : rabbit's burrow ; (fig.) hovel. raboutirº [re, à, bout], tr. : join end to end, piece. - rabrouerº [?], tr. : rebuff, snub rudely, | scold. racageº [raque], m. : (nav.) parrel, slid- ing mast-ring. raeahoutº [Ar. ragaout], m. : = (sub- stitute for chocolate). racaille* [ak. to Eng. rascal, borrowed from OFr.], f. : rabble, rag-tag, refuse, trash. - fraccoiser* [re, accoiser], tr. : appease, quiet. raccomo-dable, adj. : mendable. -dageº, m. : mending, repairing. -de- mentº, m. : reconciliation, reconcile- ment, making up. ll-derº [re, accommo- der], tr. : repair, mend ; patch ; adjust, set right, correct ; reconcile : se -, be re- paired, etc. ; be reconciled, make it up, be friends again. -deurº, =euse, m., f. : repairer, mender ; tinker ; cobbler ; road- mender. rae-eordº, m. : adjustment; joining, junction ; accord. -cordEment*, m.: joining, junction ; coupling, connection ; (arch.) levelling ; mending. |-corder* [re, accorder], tr. : adjust, fit together, join, unite, connect ; mend, reconcile. raccour-ei*, part. : shortened, etc. ; m. : abridgment, epitome ; short cut ; (paint.) foreshortening : en -, abridged ; foreshortened ; in miniature ; in brief, briefly. -eirº [re, accourcir], tr. : short- en ; CURTail, abridge, abbreviate ; con- tract ; (paint.) foreshorten ; intr. or refl. : shorten, grow shorter, decrease, shrink. -eissementº, m. : shortening ; curtailment, abridgment, shrinking. fraccou-trEment º, m. : mending. #|-trerº [re, accoutrer], tr. : mend, patch. à - raccoutumerº [re, accoutumer], tr. : accustom again. rae-crocº, m. : lucky hit, stroke of luck ; fluke. |-croeherº [re, accrocher], tr. : hook or hang up again ; fix, establish ; hook on to, catch ; get again ; recover ; get. by chance, pick up : se -, hook on (to), catch hold, cling; take up again; re- cover (retrieve) one's self ; make a happy stroke (as at billiards), make a fluke. -croeheur", =euse, m., f : happy player (esp. at billiards) ; f : street- walker. raeeº [It. razza (?)], f. : race; genera- tion ; breed, stock; (agr.) variety : de -, true-born, thorough-bred; by birth ; by 533 inherited nature ; bon chien chasse de —, | it runs in his (her) blood. | . ra-ehat*, m. : repurchase ; redemption, ransom. -ehetable º, adj. : repurchas- able ; redeemable. ll-eheter* [re, acheterl, tr. : repurchase, buy back ; buy off, redeem, ransom ; compensate, atone for : se -, redeem one's self ; be re- · deemed ; buy one's freedom ; — une rente, redeem an annuity. - ra-ehidienº, =enne, adj. : rachidian (spinal). |-ehisº [Gr. rhâchis], m. : = (spine). -ehitique " [Gr. rhachîtis], adj. or noun : rachitic, rickety. -ehitis " [Gr. rhachîtis], m. : = (rickets). raei-nageº, m. : walnut-dye; marbling, veining (of book-edges). -nalº, m. : ground-timber, sill, sole. |-ne° [p. L. radicina (L. radix)], f : root ; radix; ori- gin : - carrée, square root ; - cubique, cube-root. - ner, intr. : take root. raek = arack. radière ra-clageº, m. : erasure; scratching. ra-clé", m. : scraper. -cle-boyau, m. : catgut-scraper ; fiddler. -clée º, f. : thrashing, drubbing. |-eler * [? ak.to L. radere (through, p. L. *ras-culare), rub], tr. : scrape ; scrape or rub off; grate; rasp (the throat) ; (fam.) scrape (the strings of an instrument), fiddle ; strike (a measure): - le boyau, scrape the fiddle. -clette º, ſ : little scraper. -cleurº, =euse, m., f. : scraper : - (de boyau), catgut- scraper, fiddler. -cloirº, m. : scraper ; road-scraper. -cloireº, f : strike (of measures); tongue-scraper. -clure*, f. : scraping ; scrapings. raco-lage", m. : recruiting, enlisting, crimping. |-lerº [re, acoler], tr. : fhug again ; recruit, enlist, crimp. -leur", =euse, m., f. : recruiter, recruiting agent, crimp. - racon-table*, adj. : relatable. -tarº, m. : (fam.) gossip, tittle-tattle. | -ter** [re, OFr. a-conter], tr. : relate, recount, tell ; narrate : se -, be related or told ; tell of one's self. -teur*, =euse, m., f : relater, teller ; narrator ; adj. : relating. racor-nirº [re, à, corne], tr. : make hard as horn, make callous or horny, harden; dry up, shrivel. -nissement", m. : hardening, shrivelling. raequitterº [re, acquitter], tr. : +repay; indemnify : se -, be indemnified, retrieve one's loss. - rade* [OEng. rade = road], f. : ROAD, roadstead : - foraine, open roadstead. radeau* [Prov. -del (L. ratis)], m. : raft. I.raderº, tr. : anchor in a road(stead). 2.ra-derº, tr. : fstrike (a measure); di- vide. f-deurº, m. : salt-measurer. ra-dière* [L. -dius, RAY], adj. : ra 534 radiation ate(d); m. : radiate (pl.radiator). -dialº [l. L. -dialis], adj. : radial. -diamtº [L. -diansl, adj. =. 1.-diation* [L.-dia- tio], f : =. - 2.radiation* [l. L. -diare, for Fr. rayer], f : crossing or striking out, cancelling ; obliteration ; cancelling mark, cross. radi-cal* [L.-calis (radix, ROOT)], adj. : | -calementº, adv. : radically. -calisme*, m. : radicalism. -eantº, adj. : (bot:) =. -eelle* [L. radix], f. : (bot.) radicle, rootlet. -culeº [L. -cula], f. : radicle, rootlet. radiéº [L. -diatus (radius, RAY)], adj. : radiate(d), radiant. I.radierº [? ak. to radeau], m. : frame of ground-timber; apron (of a dock); floor (of a lock or canal). 2.radierº [after 2.radiation], tr. : strike out, obliterate, erase. radieux *, =euse [L. -diosusl, adj. : ra- diant, beaming. - radiomètre º [L. radius, RAY, Gr. mé- tron, measure], m. : radiometer. radisº [It. -dice (L. -dix), root], m. : radish. . radiusº # 77!,. , radoire° [p. L. *rasitöria (radere, eRASE)], .f. : strike (of grain measure). rado-tage", m. : idle talk, twaddle, non- sense, dotage. |-terº [ak. to Eng. dote], intr. : talk idly (like a dotard), DOTE, drivel, twaddle. -terie*, f. : = -tage. -teurº, =euse, m., f : twaddler, drivel- ler, dotard. - - Nradou-bº, m. : repair, refitting : en -, under repair. |-ber* [re, adouber], tr.: frepair ; (nav.) refit, repair : (nav.) se -, refit ; (fig.) make up one's loss ; repair one's health. -beur*, =euse, m., f : frepairer ; bone-setter. . radou-eirº [re, adoucir], tr. : soften, make gentle or , mild, assuage ; allay, appease : se -, soften, grow gentle or calm ; subside, relent, be pacified. -eisse- mentº, m. : softening, growing more mild or gentle, assuagement ; allaying, abatement. · rafa-leº [?], f. : squall, gust of wind. -léº, adj. : exposed to a squall; tried, hard up. raffº [?], m. : halibut fin (used for food). raffe = rafle. raffer-mir* [re, affermir], tr. : make firmer or harder, harden ; confirm, fortify, establish, strengthen. -missementº, m. : hardening ; strengthening, confirma- , tion ; fastening. raffi-nageº, m. : refining. -nementº, refinement ; affected refinement, af- -né, part. : refined, delicate, 77?, fectation. lever; keen, subtle, m. : subtiliser ; s-•s s * s ragot '#fashionable rake, fduellist. ll-nerº [re, affiner], tr. : refine ; subtilise, be nice upon : se -, refine, be or become refined. -nerieº, f : refinery; sugar re- finery. -neurº, =euse, m.,.f. : refiner. raffo-lerº [re, affoler], intr. : be passion- ately fond (de, of), dote (on). f-lirº [re, affolir], intr. : grow mad. raffûter* [re, affuter], tr. : put in shape again, fix up. rafiauº [?], m. : skiff ; (pop.) bauble. rafisto-lageº, m. : (pop.) patching up. |-lerº [re, OFr. afistoler (L. fistula, flute) cheat], tr. : spruce up again ; patch up, trim up. I.rafleº [?], f. : grape-stalk (stripped of fruit); corn-cob. 2.ra-fle* [?], f : sweeping off, clearance ; pair-royal (at dice); sweep-net, RAFFLE- net : faire —, sweep the stakes (or the board); make a clean sweep, carry every- thing. -flerº [? deriv.], tr. : sweep away, carry away; pocket; intr. : throw pair royal (at dice). rafraî-ehirº [re, à, frais], tr. : RE- FRESH (freshen, cool ; invigorate, revive ; restore, renovate ; trim ; rub up): se -, refresh one's self ; get cool, cool ; take some refreshment ; rest one's self ; recruit one's strength ; freshen (of wind): - les cheveux, trim the hair ; - une muraille, repair a wall ; (mil.) - une place, supply a garrison with fresh men and provisions ; relieve a place. -ehissanvtº, adj. : re- freshing ; cooling, refrigerant ; m. : re- frigerant ; (fam.) laxative. -ehisse- ment*, m. : refreshing; cooling; reno- vation, repair; (mil.) fresh provisions ; cooling drink, refreshment ; (med.) re- frigerant : (nav.) faire les -s, take in fresh provisions. -ehisseurº, -ehis- soir, m. : cooler, refrigerator. ragaillardirº [re, à, gaillard], tr. : make merry or cheerful, cheer up. ra-ge° [p. L. *rabia (L. rabies)], tr. : ragé (wrath, fury, madness; passion, fu- ror, mania); RABIES, hydrophobia : - d'é- crire, mania (or itch) for writing ; à la —, madly, to distraction, to excess ; avoir la -, be mad (of animals); avoir la - de, be mad after, have a passion or mania for; faire -, rage, storm ; make great havoc ; do one's utmost; be all the rage ; (fam.) - de dents, violent tooth- ache ; (pop.) ravenous hunger. -gerº, intr. : (fam.) rage, be in a rage. -geurº, =euse, m., f. : peevish or ill-tempered person; adj. : passionate, peevish. -ge.u- sementº, adv. : ragingly, wrathfully, furiously. I.ragotº [? -ter], m. : (pop.) gossip, tittle- tattle. 2.|-got*, =gotte |?], m., f. : ragoût squabby (or thickset) person; m. : hogget, hogsteer; adj. : squabby, dumpy, thickset ; squat. #-goterº, tr. : (lit. grunt), scold. ragoû-tº, m. : ragout; stew; relish, zest : en —, stewed. -tamtº, adj. : rel- ishing, savoury, pleasing,inviting. |-terº [re, à, goût], tr. : excite the taste of, whet or revive the appetite of, tempt ; stir up, rouse : se -, recover one's appe- tite. ragraferº [re, agrafer], tr. : re-clasp. ragrandirº [re, agrandir], tr. : (re)en- large : se -, grow again. ragré-erº [re, agréer], tr. : (nav.) refit, rig anew; restive ; finish off, smooth ; (hort.) pare. -mentº, m. : refitting ; finishing off, smoothing ; (hort.) paring. raguerº [Eng. rag], tr. : (nav.) chafe, wear ; intr. : be chafed. Rahab, m. : Rachab. rai° [L. radius], m. : fRAY; spoke (in a wheel). rai-de° [L. rigidus], adj. : RIGID, stiff ; steep ; tight, tense ; taut ; stubborn ; rather too strong ; quite drunk ; straight, rapid, swift ; adv. : tightly ; toughly ; quickly, swiftly ; outright ; sharply ; m. : (pop.) brandy : - comme balle, straight as an arrow; rapidly, slap-dash, in no time. -dement, adv. : rigidly, stiffly, etc. -deur*, f : rigidness, stiffness; steep- ness ; tightness ; stubbornness ; rapidity, swiftness. -dillon", m. : (fam.) steep hill or road, ascent; stiff person. -dirº, tr. : stiffen, make rigid; toughen; tighten, haul taut ; intr. : groW stiff, etc. : se —, stiffen, grow stiff ; become rigid or inflexi- ble ; toughen; bear up, resist ; bristle up. -dissementº, m. : stiffening; tighten- ing; resistance. • I.raie° [L. riga (rigare, irrigate)], f. : streak, line, stripe ; stroke ; furrow ; parting (of the hair): à -s, with stripes, | striped ; faire sa -, part one's hair. 2.raie° [L. raia], f. : (ichth.) RAY, skate : — bouclée, thornback. raifortº [OFr. rans (L. radix), root, .fort], m. : (horse-)RADISH. rail* or rail [Eng.], m.: rail (of rail- roads): - mobile, slide rail, switch ; — ondulé, fish-bellied rail ; — plat (or à ornière), tram-rail. rail-ler* [? ak. to L. rallum, scraper], tr. : RALLY, banter, laugh at ; intr. : se -, jest, joke, laugh, (de, at); RAIL, mock, jeer : se - de tout, jeer at everything. -lerie*, f : raillery, jest(ing), joke; mock- ery : tourner -, make a jest of; entendre -, take a joke ; entendre la —, know how to joke, joke well, be a good hand at joking ; - à part, without joking, seri- ously, in good earnest. -leur*, =euse, 535 m., f : jester, joker, banterer; scoffer ; adj. : jesting, joking; scoffing, Sneering, satirical. - railwayº rèl-wè [Eng.], m. : =. rain eeau° [p. L. *rāmuscëllus (ramus, branch)], m. : (arch.) branch-like orna- sment, foliage ; (her.) bough. frai-ne° [L. rāna], f. : frog. -nette*, tree-frog, tree-toad, green frog ; reinette or rennet (spotted apple). rainure* [?], f : groove; furrow; slot. raiponeeº [?], f. : (bot.) RAMPION. I.#raire° [L. rädere], tr. : shave. 2.raire * [?], intr. : bell, cry (as deer). rai-sin° [p. L. *racimus (L. racëmus), stalk or bunch of grapes], m. : (collect.) grape(s) ; raisins; also (one) grape, rai- raison sin ; grape-shot : grappe de -, bunch of - grapes ; grapeshot; grain de -, grape ; pépin de -, grapeseed ; - sec, raisin(s); plum(s) ; — de caisse, raisins from south- ern France ; — de Corinthe, Corinthian raisins, currants ; - d'Amérique, poke- Weed ; - de mur, currant ; gooseberry ; - des tropiques, gulf-weed; grand -, royal (paper); moitié figue, moitié -, half earnestly, halfin joke. -sinéº, m. : grape jam, grape and pear jam. rai-son° [L. ratio], f. : REASON (proof, ground ; right ; satisfaction ; sense, under- standing, judgment ; #Eng. RATIO, RATE, proportion ; leg. claim); (com.) share ; firm, name of a firm : sans -, groundless ; il a —, he is right ; il m'a pas -, he is not right, he is Wrong; il n'a point de -, he has no sense ; être de -, imaginary being ; mariage de -, prudent marriage ; donner — à, decide in favour of; deman- der - de, ask satisfaction for; plus que de -, more than is reasonable ; comme de -, as is reasonable or fit ; of course ; se faire -, explain ; se faire - (soi-même), get satisfaction, do one's self justice, take the law into one's own hands ; rendre - de, give an account of; à plus forte -, with greater reason ; all the more ; à (or en) - de, in proportion to ; according to ; in consideration of; point tant de -s ! none of your arguments ! - sociale (or de commerce), firm, style (or name) of a firm. -sonnable*, adj. : reasonable ; sensible ; just, proper, - right ; equable, tolerable ; rational, thinking ; conscionable. -son- nablEmentº [-nable], adv. : reasonably. -sonnant [-sonner], part. : reasoning, etc. ; adj. : inclined to reason. -sonné [-sonner], part. : reasoned, etc.; rational, supported by proofs, descriptive, methodic- al, analytical. -sonnementº [-sonner], m. : reasoning, argument : point de -8 ! none of your logics ! -sonner*, intr. : reason (fdiscourse ; argue, discuss ; ratio- 536 · rajah cinate) ; (nav.) parley (for entering a port; for search); tr. : reason upon, argue, analyse ; examine ; try to bring to reason : (nav.) faire —, speak (a vessel), hail. -sonneurº, =euse, m., f : reasoner ; tiresome reasoner, bore, impertinent an- swerer; inventor of excuses ; adj. : rea- soning; answering : faire le -, answer back, grumble. raja(h)!" [Hind.], m. : = (Hindoo prince). rajeu-nirº [re, à, jeune], intr. : grow young,be rejuvenated;tr. : makeyoung(er), rejuvenate ; trim, prune : se -, make one's self look younger; grow younger. -nissementº, m. : growing or making young again, rejuvenescence. rajus-tEmentº, m. : readjustment, put- ting to rights. |-ter* [re, ajuster], tr. : readjust (put to rights orin order ; recon- cile): se —, readjust one's self or one's dress. -teur, =euse, m., f. : readjuster. I,râle* [?], m. : RAIL (the bird). · 2.râ-leº [-ler], m. : rattle (in the throat), death-rattle. -lementº [-ler], m. : rat- tling. ralem-tirº [re, alentir], tr. : make slower, slacken ; lessen, moderate. -tisse- II1entº,m. : slackenIng, slackening speed ; relenting. ·râlerº [?], intr. : rattle (in one's throat), have a death-rattle. ralin-gue* [Scand. ra-, yardl, f. : (nav.) bolt-rope : - de chute, leech-rope ; - de fond, foot-rope ; en -, shivering all in the , wind. -guerº, tr. : (nav.) border with ' bolt-rope ; intr. : fly to the wind, shiver. ral-Iiementº, m. : rallying, rally. |-lierº [re, allier], tr. : rally (join); (nav.) haul, bring : se -, rally. ra-longeº, m. : lengthening-piece, eking- piece ; extension ; leaf (of a table). -Ion- gementº, m.: lengthening. |-lon- gerº [re, alonger], tr. : lengthen. . rallumerº [re, allumer], tr. : relight, rekindle, revive. ra-mage° [p. L. *rāmāticus (L. rāmus, | branch)], fadj. : branchy; m. : fbranches (fEng. ramage); figure or flowers (on stuff), flowering ; warbling of birds in trees (fEng. ramage), chirping ; #prattle. f-magerº, intr. : warble (of birds). · ramai - grirº [re, amaigrir], intr. : · grow lean (or thin) again ; tr. : make lean again. -grissement, m. : getting thin again, emaciation. ramasº [-sser], m. : collecting; collec- tion, heap, mass ; set, band. - ramas-seº [It. ramazza (ramo, branch)], f : (dial.) mountain sledge. I.-ser, tr. : draw in a mountain sledge. 2.ramas-serº [re, amasser], tr. : gather | in a mass or heap, gather, collect, assem- Mº8l, Qſlet º ble ; pick up, take up ; scrape up ; muster up : se -, gather together, assemble, be assembled ; roll itself up ; pick one's self up, get up again (after a fall). 3.-sen°, m. : picking up. I.-seurº, -seuse, m., f : gatherer, collector. 2.ramas-seur [I.-serl, m. : sledge-man. ramas-sisº [2.-ser], m. : confused heap or mass ; lot, gang ; scrapings. rambadeº [It. -bata], f : breastwork (on a galley). rambergeº [Eng. row-barge], f.: (nav.) = (ROW-BARGE). «ſ rambourº [French place Rambures], m. : = (apple). I.rameº [I.-merl, f. : oar : à —s, with oars, oared ; rowing ; à la -, rowing, row ; être (or tirer) à la —, tug at the oar ; work hard ; mettre à la -, condemn to the galleys. 2.rame* [OHG. -ma (= Ger. rahmen), support], f. : (hort.) prop (for peas, etc.), stick, pole ; (manu.) tenter-frame. 3.rameº [Sp. resma (Ar. rizma)], f. : REAM (of paper): fmettre à —, sell for Wrapping or Waste-paper. ra-meau° [p. I , *-mellus (L. rāmu3, branch)], m. : branchlet ; branch, bough ; subdivision : dimanche (or jour) des -x, Palm-Sunday. -mée° [p. L. *-mäta (L. -mus)], f. : collection of entwined boughs, arbour (of entwined boughs); green branches (cut off). - ramender* [re, amender], tr. : mend again ; improve or manure (the soil) again ; dye again ; regild ; flower the price of; fintr. : fall in price. ramenerº [re, amener], tr. : bring back or again ; bring over or round ; throw back (a ball); recall ; reform ; restore ; appease ; throw again (dice); lower the head of (a horse): se -, be brought back, etc. ; come back, return ; carry its head (of a horse). framentEvoir* [re, OFr. a-mentevoir (L. mente habere, * have in the mind')], , tr. : call to mind again. ramequinº [Ger. rahm, creaml, m. : (cheese-cake). - - I.ramer° [p. L. *rëmäre (rëmus, oar)], intr. : row ; tug at the oar ; fly, beating the wings. 2.ramerº [2.rame], tr. : etc.), stick ; (manu.) tenter. ramereau* [-mier], m. : young ring- dove. . I.rametteº [2.-me], f,: (print.) jobbing- C8lS6). 2.rametteº [3-me], f : ream of Small paper. - rameur*, =euse [I.-merl, m., f : rower, 03rSman, - prop (beans, rameuter rameuter !º [re, ameuter], tr. : (hunt.) force (hounds) to hunt together (by bring- ing back those too far forward), hold to- gether. ra-meuxº, =euse [L. -mosus (-mu8, branch)], adj. : branchy, branched, ra- mous. -mier° [p. L. -marius (L. -mus)], » m. : wood-dove, ring-dove. - mifica- tion º [L. -mificatio], f. : =. -mifierº [L. -mificare], tr. : ramify : se -, ramify, branch out. I.-mille° [p. L. *-milia], f.: dry twigs (for fagots), esp. in pl. 2.-mille* [L. -mus], f : twig, fspray. -mingueº [It. -mingo, first applied to the hawk fiitting from bough to bough], adj. : restive (of horses), frisky. ramoitirº [re, OFr. a-moitir (cf. moite)], tr. : make damp again, dampen. ramol-lirº [re, amollir], tr. : make softer, soften ; weaken, enervate, effemi- nate : se -, soften, grow soft ; relent ; be enervated. etc. ; adj. : (med.) emollient ; m. : emol- lient. -Iissementº, m. : softening. -li- tif, =ive, adj. : softening, emollient. - fra-mon* [OFr. raim (L. ramus, branch)], m. : besom, broom. -monage* [-merl, m. : sweeping, chimney-sweeping ; sweepings. -monerº, tr. : sweep with a broom, esp. sweep (a chimney). -mo- neurº, m.: chimney-sweeper. ram-pantº, adj. : creeping; crouching, cringing, servile ; low ; sloping ; (her.) rampant ; m. : (arch.) coping : lierre —, creeping ivy ; style -, mean style (lack- ing elevation. ram-peº, f : slope, in- clined plane, declivity ; ascent, flight of stairs ; stair-rail, baluster-rail, balusters ; stage-rail ; stage-lights, footlights ; ( fig.) stage. . -pementº, m. : creeping. |-per* [?], intr. : creep, crawl ; crouch, cringe ; be mean or prosy (of style) ; fclimb, fslope. -pin º, adj. : on the toe (of horses). ramure* [L. -mus, branch], f. : fboughs , and branches (coll.) ; antlers (of a stag). rancartº [?], m. : refuse ; mettre au —, throw aside. ran eeº [L. -cidus], adj. : rancid; m.: rancidness : sentir le -, smell rancid. ram-ehe° [p. L.*rämica (L. rāmex, staff)], f : (dial.) stake, bar ; (spec.) round (of a ladder); peg; boom (of a derrick). -eher*, m. : rack ; wagon-, cart-rack ; roost (of several perches) ; shelving. -ehetº, m.: cart-rack. ran-eidité" [L. -cidus], f : francidity. -eio* [Sp.], m. : old sweet wine ; mellow- ness. -eirº [-ce], intr. : grow rancid. -eissureº [-cir], f : rancidness. f-coeur° œu = eu [L. -cor, rancidity ; 0ld grudge], f. : rancour, -lissant, part. : softening, | râpage - 537 ran-çon° [L. re-d-emptio (emere, buy)], f. : ransom : mettre à --, set a ransom upon. -çonnement* [-çonner], m. : ramsoming ; extortion. -çonner*, tr. : ransom , set a ransom on ; levy comtribu- tions on ; impose upon, fleece. -çor - neur, =euse* [-çonner], m., f. : over- reacher; extortioner. raaveu-ne° [p. L. *-ra (L. rancor)], f : rancour (spite, malice). -neux º, =euse ; -niet°, =ère, adj. : rancorous, spiteful. fran-don* [OFr. -dir, run], m. : rapid- ity ; (rapid) down-pour. f-donnée* [-donner], f : rapid run ; (hunt.) circuit. f-donnerº, intr. : run rapidly. ran-gº g^=k^ bef. vow. [Germ'c hring (= Eng. ring)], m. : RANGE (row, line ; tier; order, class); RANK (line ; grade, degree) ; (nav.) tier (of cables) ; rate (of ships) ; (print.) frame : à son -, in one's place or turn ; sur deux (trois, etc.) -s, two (three, etc.) deep ; de premier -, of first order, first rate ; être sur les -s, be on the lists, be a candidate ; se mettre Sur les -s, enter the lists, present one's self as a candidate ; mettre au -, reckon amongst; en - d'oignon, in a row. -gé* [-ger], part. : ranged, etc. ; steady (of conduct), regular; pitched (of battles). -gée* [-ger],f. : range, row, file, tier, set. -gementº [-ger], m. : arranging, arrange- ment. I.-gerº, tr. : (ar)range; put in ranks ; set in order ; array, marshal ; rank, class ; hold in order, hold back ; set right, set to rights; make steady (of hab- its) or regular; subject ; (nav.) run along, sail close to ; se -, range or place one's self ; (mil.) draw up ; stand aside, stand back ; clear the way ; come over, side (with) ; submit ; become steady or · regular, amend ; turn (of the wind) ; sail along, keep close to ; les gardes firent - le peuple, the guards kept the people back ; rangez cette table, put that table out of the way; rangez-vous donc ! make room, · will you! — le vent, haul close to the wind; se — à l'avis de, embrace the opinion of. 2.ranger* or -gier [fr. Scand., ak. to REINdeer], m. : (her.) reindeer. frangetteº [I.-ger], adv. : (à la) -, in a line. " - ranimerº [re, animer], tr. : reanimate (revive ; enliven, stir up): se -, revive ; be enlivened, cheer up ; be restored, re- COVGr. - ranu-laire º, adj. : pertaining to ranula. |-le [L.-la, little frog], f. : (med.) ranula. Raoul, m. : Ralph. * • rapa-ee* [L. -x], adj. : rapacious (rav- enous); m. : rapacious bird, bird of prey. -eité, f : rapacity. râpage* [-perl, m. : rasping, grating. » 538 rapaiser rapaiser* [re, apaiser], tr. : reappease, pacify. rapatelleº [?], f. : hair-cloth. fra-patriageº, m. : reconciliation. -pa- triement º, m. : freconciliation ; re- patriation. |-patrierº [re, à, patriel, tr. : repatriate (bring back to one's coun- try) ; send home ; reconcile, make friends again : se -, be reconciled. I.râpeº [Ger. rappe], f. : (esp. in pl.) : (vet.) malanders. 2.râ-pe* [Germ. root rasp.], f : RASP, grater; coarse file; grape-stalk (stripped of grapes) ; RAPE (remainder of pressed grapes). -pé, adj. : rasped, etc.; thread- bare, shabby; m.*: rape wine; stum (re- vived wine) ; — de raisin, restored wine, stum ; — de copeaux, chips to refine wine. -perº, tr. : rasp, grate, cut up ; Wear out, wear threadbare. N. rapetas-sageº, m. : patching up, patch- work. |-serº [re, à, Prov. petas, piece], tr. : patch up, piece, cable. rapetis-sementº, m. : lessening; be- littling. |-serº [re, a-petisserl, tr. : make smaller or shorter; lessen, reduce, shorten, dwarf ; belittle, humble ; intr. : grow smaller etc. ; rejl. : become little ; lessen, shrink ; lower one's self, be hum- ble. RaphaëI, m. : Raphael. rapi-deº [L. -dus], adj. : rapid (swift, fast); m. : rapid (cataract). -dementº, adv. : rapidly, swiftly. -ditéº [L. -di- tas], f. : rapidity, swiftness. rapié-çage*, m. : piecing, patching, patchwork. |-eer* [re, à, pièce], tr. : piece together, patch (up), mend, repair. f-eetageº = -çage. f-eeter = -cer. rapière [?], f. : rapier. rapinº [?], m.: painter's apprentice ; dauber. • rapi-ne* [L. -na (rapere, match)l, f : = (plunder, pillage ; spoil). -nerº, tr. : rapine, plunder, pillage ; extort. -neur, =euse, m., f. : plunderer. rappareilIerº [re, appareiller], tr. : match. rapparierº [re, apparier], tr. : match. rap-pel*, m. : =, recall; revocation ; call (to order); (mil.) call (of the drum), call to arms ; (theat.) call for an actor or the actors ; (hunt.) recheat, signal (calling off the hounds); (leg.) repeal ; unpaid part (of a salary); distribution (of light in a paint- ing): battre le -, beat to arms ; sound the recall. -pelerº [re, appeler], tr. : call again, call back, recall ; recall to mind ; remind ; call for (actors), call before the curtain ; call (to order); (leg.) repeal ; (paint.) distribute (the light); intr. : beat to arms : se -, recall to mind, recollect, rapprochement remember ; — à la vie, restore to life ; — ses esprits, recover one's self ; -pelez-moi à son souvenir, remember me to him ; — sa mémoire, endeavour to call to mind, try to remember; -pelez-vous ? do you remem- ber ? je me le -pelle, I remember it. rappor-tº, m. : bringing back; return ; revenue, produce ; REPORT (relation, in- formation; account, story); (fEng. report), bearing, relation, connection, reference ; affinity, analogy, resemblance; ratio, pro- portion ; reimbursement, refunding ; eddy ; rising (from the stomach), eructation : de -, of patchwork, of checker-work; added; « productive ; en -, in connection or con- . tact ; in keeping or harmony ; in commu- nication ; in proportion (to); in bearing, productive ; par - à, with regard to ; on ^ account of, for the sake of; in comparison with ; sous ce -, in this (that) respect ; sous tous les -s, in all respects, in every respect ; avoir - à, have reference to, relate to ; be connected with ; faire un -, make a report ; make a return ; faire des -s, tell tales, sneak ; terres de —, arti- ficial soil ; belle montre et peu de —, fine show and a small crop. .. -table", adj. : reportable ; (leg.) restorable. -té, part. : brought back, etc.; added, made (of earth): pièces -es, pieces added, pieces, frag- ments, patches ; checker-work. |-ter* [re, apporter], tr. : bring again or back, return ; bring home (again), bring; yield, produce ; get ; REPORT (relate, tell, state ; quote, cite, enter); recall, revoke ; refer, direct ; attribute, ascribe ; reimburse ;. intr. : retrieve, fetch and carry (of dogs); bring in, be productive ; be profitable ; re- port, tell tales, blab : se -, agree, cor- | respond; coincide, tally; relate, refer, have a reference (to), allude ; concern ; il n'en a rapporté que des coups, he only got blows by it ; - tout à soi, turn everything to one's own profit, have only selfish aims ;—º l'effet à sa cause, refer the effect to its cause ; - au grand livre, post to the led- ger ; s'en — à, refer one's self to, refer ! (the matter) to, leave (it) to; trust to, be- lieve; abide by. -teur*, =euse, m., f : reporter; m. : (geom.) protractor. rapprendreº [re, apprendre], irr. (cf. prendre); tr. : learn again or anew. rappro-ehementº, m. : approach, draw- ing or placing near; bringing together ; placing together, comparison ; reconcilia- tion; closer connection. |-eherº [re, approcher], tr. : fapproach or draw near (again); bring nearer, bring near ; bring together, join; compare; reconcile; shorten (distances); (hunt.) put (hounds) upon the track of; fintr. : approach : Se -, ap- proach or draw near (again), draW nearer; rapsode · begin to be friends, be reconciled ; - deux personnes, bring two persons together ; reconcile two persons. rapso-deº [Gr. rhapsodôs, lit. 'stitcher'l, m. : rhapsodist. f-der, f-dier, tr. : mend, botch. -dieº [Gr. rhapsodia], f : rhap- sody. -diste" [-die], m. : rhapsodist. apt* [L. -tus (rapere, Snatch)], m. : ab- duction, RAPE. râpureº [-per], f : raspings, grabings. ra-quetierº, m. : racket-maker. |-quet- te [Ar. raha, palm], f. : fpalm (of the hand) ; RACKET (battledore); snow-shoe ; (bot.) nopal (cactus) : venir sur la -, # come spontaneously. ra-reº [L. -rus], adj. : rare (uncommon, scarce, scanty ; thin); slow (of the pulse): se rendre -, make one's self scarce. f-ré- factif", =ive, adj. : rarefying. -ré- faction * [L. -refactio], f. : rarefaction. -réfiable º [-réfier], adj. : rarefiable. -réfierº [L. -re-fieri], tr. : rarefy. -re- ment, adv. : rarely, seldom. -reté*,.f. : rarity, rareness, scarcity. -rissime ", adj. : very rare. I.ra.S = ra2. 2.ra-s, f.ra-se [L. rasus (radere, shave)], adj. : shorn, close-shaved ; short-clipped, short, close ; Smooth, flat, open, bare ; short-napped, napless; low-built (ship); m. : level ; short-nap cloth ; cf. also rez : -e campagne, open country; à poil -, short- haired, short-napped ; à - terre, level with the ground ; faire table -e, make a clean table, " tabula rasa,' throw away old notions ; au - de, level with ; at the edge of, close to ; plein à —, brimful. -sadeº, jf. : brimming liquid ; brimmer, bumper. -sageº, m. : shaving; cropping; razing. -saivtº, adj. : level; grazing; (fort.) ra- sant, low ; (pop.) tiresome : vol -, low , flight (skimming the surface); vue -e, view of a flat, open country. -sementº, m. : fshaving; razing to the ground ; ceas- ing to mark age (of horses' teeth). -ser° [L. *-säre], tr. : shave, shave off; crop ; cut close or down; RAZE, pull down, demol- ish ; tire ; graze, skim over, touch lightly ; hug: se -, shave (one's self); crouch down, keep close to the ground ; se faire —, get shaved ; - l'air, hover ; — le tapis, (of horses) raze, shuffle over the ground ; — la côte, hug the coast. -setteº [-ser],f. : tuning or stopwire ; (agr.) skim coulter. -seurº, =euse, m., f : shaver ; cutter ; (fam.) tiresome talker, bore. -sibusº, adv. : (humor.) quite close ; by a close shave. -soir° [p. L. *-sörium], m. : ra- zor : pierre à -, hone ; cuir à —, razor- strOp. assadeº [?], f : glass bead, bugle. assa-siant º, adj. : sating, satiating, fill- 539 ate ing. -siement, m. : satiation, satiety ; surfeit. -sier* [re, OFr. assassier (L. satis, enough)], tr. : SATIATE (SATE, gorge, fill ; satisfy ; cloy ; surfeit, tire): se —, be satiated, etc., satisfy one's hunger. rassem-blEment*, m. : assembling, col- lecting ; muster(ing) ; assembly ; crowd, mob. -blerº [re, assembler], tr. : as- semble again, (re)assemble, collect, bring together ; muster : se -, assemble, con- gregate, meet ; muster. rasseoir º [re, asseoir], irr. (cf. asseoir); tr. : seat again, reseat ; settle (of liquids), sink down; calm ; put in its place again, replace, fix : se -, sit down again, be seated again ; settle ; be composed ; rassis, cf. the Word. rassérè - nement, m. : clearing up. |-nerº [ra, serein], tr. : make serene again, clear up : se -, grow serene, clear llp. rassieds, etc., Pres. Ind. of rasseoir. I.ras-sis [-seoir], part. : reseated, settled, etc.; adj. : SEDATE, calm, cool ; stalè (bread); m. : old horseshoe put on again : de sang -, in cold blood, coolly ; cool, dis- passionate. 2.-sis, Pret. of -soir. rassor-timentº, m.: fresh assortment, (re)stocking ; (re)matching (of colours, etc.). |-tirº, tr. : sort or match again, restock. rassoter* [re, assoter], tr. : infatuate, bewitch. rassu-rantº, adj. : reassuring, tranquil- lising, encouraging. ll-rer*, tr. : reas- sure (encourage ; restore confidence in); secure, strengthen, consolidate. rasta, or rasta-couèreº, or -quouère [Am. Sp. rastra-cuero, " drag-hide," up- start rich from dealing in hides], m. : lav- ish foreign adventurer. . ratº [?], m. : = ; mouse ; - (de cave), wine-vault inspector, vault taper (twisted taper); (theat.) pupil dancer ; ( fig.) whim, crotchet, fad ; ducky, kept girl : - d'eau, water rat ; — de cave, cf. above ; — des champs, field rat; - d'église, church mouse; — d'Egypte (or de Pharaon), ichneumon ; mort aux -s, ratsbane ; à bon chat, bon -, for good attack, good defence ; set a thief to catch a thief ; nid à —s, wretched lodging ; prendre un -, catch a rat ; get a fad ; flash in the pan, fail. ratafia º [?], m. : = (liquor). ratanhiaº [fr. Peruv.], m. : (bot.)rhatany. ratatiner [?], refl. : shrivel (up), shrink. rata-touille [Prov. -toulho (?)], f. : (pop.) poor stew, mess. I.rate, f of rat : she-rat ; shrew, hussy ; ucky. | 2.rate* [?], f. : spleen, milt : avoir de va- peurs de -, be troubled with spleen ; 540 rateau épanouir la -, drive away the spleen, make merry, make laugh heartily ; ne pas se fouler la -, not overwork or hurry one's self, take it easy. râ-teau° [L. rastellus], m. : rake ; rack (of a watch). -telage [-teler], m. : rak- ing. -telée*, f : rakeful : fdire sa -, speak freely, speak out. -teler*, tr. : rake. -teleurº, =euse, m., f : raker. -tElierº, m. : rack (hay-rack, arm-rack, stand ; rack-block ; frame) ; set of teeth, grinders. -telures, f. pl. : rakings. ratelle* [2.rate], f. : spleen (fmilt; dis- ease) ; disease of pigs. ra-ter" [rat : cf. prendre un rat], intr. : flash in the pan, miss fire, miss, fail ; tr. : | miss, lose : un (coup) -té, a fizzle, failure. -tier*, =ière, adj. : of a rat, rat-catch- ing; whimsical ; m. : ratter; rat terrier ; ·f. : rat-trap. ,- rati-fication * [L. ficatio], f : =. -fien° [L. ,ficare (ratus, valid)], tr. : ratify. · rati-neº [?], f. : ratteen (stuff). -ner, tr. : (manu.) frizz. ratio ei-nation º, f : =. |-nerº [L. -mari (ratio, REASON)], intr. : ratiocinate. ra-tion* [L. -tio], f. : = (allowance); dUse. -tional" [L. -tmonale, transl. of Gr. lôgion, device], m. : breast cloth (of a Hebrew high-priest). -tionalismeº [L. -tionalis], m. : rationalism. -tiona- listeº [L. -tionalis], m. : rationalist. -tionnel*, =lle [L. -tionalis], adj. : rational. -tionellement* [-tionnel], adv. : rationally. - tionnementº [-tion- ner], m. : rationing, putting on rations ; ration. -tionnerº, tr. : distribute by rations ; ration ; put on rations or short allowance. ratis-sage", m. : scraping; raking. |-serº"[OFr. rater (rature)], tr. : scrape (off) ; rake : se -, be scraped ; (fam.) je t'en ratisse, you got it, didn't you ? a fig for you ! -soire º, f : garden scraper or rake. -sure*, f : scrapings. 1.raton * [rat], m. : little rat ; RACCOON (small bear), coon. 2.raton * [?], m. : (dial.) cream cake. ratta-ehage*, m. : attachment, coup- ling. |-eherº [re, attacher], tr. : (re-) attach, fasten (again), fix; connect : se -, be attached (again), be fastened or tied ; be connected. ratteindre* [re, atteindre], irr., tr. : retake, catch again ; overtake. rattiser [re, attiser], tr. : stir up again. rattraper* [re, attraper], tr. : catch again, retake ; recover; recoup ; catch up with, overtake. - ra-ture° [p. L. raditüra (L. radere, scrape)], f : scraping(s) ; ERASURE. -tu- rer º, tr. : scrape (off); ERASE, efface, ravisement rau-eité* [L. -citas], f : raucity. rau- que [L. -cus], adj. : hoarse (raucous) ; harsh. ra-vage* [-vir], m. : = (devastation, havoc). -vageantº [-vager], adj. : rav- aging, destructive. -vagerº, tr. : rav- age (devastate, lay waste ; spoil). -va- geurº, =euse [-vager], m., f : ravager, spoiler; (pop.) mud-lark, scavenger. rava-le, f : ground-roller. -lement*, m. : flowering ; pressing down; reduction (of thickness, etc.); depreciation, dispar- agement ; (mas.) removal of the coating ; rough-casting : piano à -, piano with a double row of keys. |-leººº [re, ava- ler], tr. : flower (let down) ; swallow down (again), swallow ; reduce (in height) or thickness), cut down, thin ; (mas.) free from coating; rough-cast ; lower, debase ; disparage, depreciate : se -, lower or debase one's self. -leur*, =euse, m., f. : one who lowers, reducer ; debaser, disparager ; mason who rough- castS. ravau-dageº, m. : mending (of old clothes), patching; darning; botching, bungling ; patchwork ; twaddle |-d94°º [?], tr. : mend (old clothes), patch, botch ; darn ; #repeat over and over, twaddle ; bore, abuse ; turn over. " -derieº, f. : fmending (botching) ; reconciling ; patch- work ; silly stuff, nonsense, twaddle. -deurº, =euse, m., f : fmender, patcher, darner ; botcher; compiler ; twaddler. . raveº [Prov. -va (p. L. -pa, L. -pum)], f : RAPE (turnip, long radish): petite -, radish ; grosse -, turnip. I.ravelin * [?], m. : fskin shoe; shop- worn shoe. 1 2.fravelinº [It. rivellino (? L. vallum, wall)], m. : = (salient angle of a fortifi- cation). ravi [-vir], part. or adj. : delighted, etc. ra-vierº [-ve], m. : radish-dish. -viè- reº [-ve], f. : (dial.) radish-bed. ' # , ravigo-te", f : sharp sauce. |-terº [? ra-vigorer, re-invigorate], tr. : revive, enliven, refresh, cheer; whet the appetite of. : ravilirº [re, avilir], tr. : debase. ra-vinº [-viner], m. : ravine, hollow road. |-vine° [L. -pina (-pere, tear), snatch- ing away], f : = (ftorrent; gorge, gully). -vinementº, m. : hollowing out (by water), gullying; gorge, gully. -viner*, tr. : hollow into channels, gully. ravir° [p. L. rapire (L. rapere)], tr. : RAVISH (snatch by force, carry off; trans- port with joy, enRAPTURE, delight); rob of, steal; transport (to heaven). ravi-sement*, m. : change of mind ; after-thought. |-ser* [re, aviser]. ravissant refl. : revise one's opinion, change one's mind ; bethink one's self. · ravis-santº [ravir], adj. : RAVenous (RAPacious) ; ravishing (enRAPturing, en- chanting). -sement* [ravir], m. : rav- º ishment (#rape ; rapture, transport, ecs- | tacy). -seur*, =euse [ravir], m., f : ravisher (plunderer ; woman-ravisher). ravitail-lementº, m. : revictualling. |-lerº* [re, avitailler], tr. : revictual. raviven°* [re, aviver], tr. : revive (re- animate, brighten up) ; make burn up. ravoir* [re, avoir] (used only in Inf.), tr. : have again or back ; get back : fse | -, recover (one's strength). ra-yen°* [I.raie], tr. : mark with strokes, streak, stripe, (fEng. RAY); rule (a paper); rifle or groove (a gun) ; cross over, strike out, cancel ; expunge. -yeur, m. : ruler. ray-grass* [Eng.], m. : (bot.) =. I.rayon * [I.raie], m. : (agr.) furrow, row. 2.rayonº [OFr. ree (l. Ger. rata), honey- comb], m. : honeycomb ; set of pigeon- holes, shelf; articles of the same kind (in a store, hence : department); - de miel, · honeycomb. " -- 3.ra-yomº [rai], m. : RAY, beam ; RADIus ; spoke ; radiating line or nerve. -yon- nantº, [-yonner], adj. : radiant, beam- ing; radiating ; (her.) -yonné, part. : radiated, etc.; adj. : radiate ; m. : (Zool.) radiate, pl. : radiate or radiata. -yonnementº [-yonner], m. : radia- tion ; beaming ; radiance. -yonnerº, Y» diant). rayureº [rayer], f : streak(ing) ; stripe (of textile fabrics) ; rifling or grooving (of guns), rifle, groove. ra2* [l. Bret., ak. to Eng. rush], m.: (nav.) RACE (rapid current of water in a channel) : - de marée, bore, eager (high and abrupt tidal wave). raz-ziaº [Ar. rhaziat], f. : = (foray, raid). -zier, tr. : raid. e-, rè- [L. re-], pref. : re-, again. ré [L. re- of re-sonare, in a hymn], m. : (mus.) re, D. See la éabonnerº [abonner], tr. : subscribe again ; renew one's season ticket. éac-tifº, =ive [actif], adj. : reactive. -tionvº [action], f. : reaction. -tion- naire [-tion], adj. : reactionary; m., f : reactionist. réaggra-veº, f. : (can. law.) reaggrava- tion. |-ver* [aggraver], tr. : (can. lau) censure by a reaggravation. réagir*-[agir], intr. : react. réajour-mEmentº, m. : readjournment. |-nen°º [ajourner], tr. : readjourn. éalº, =le, m. pl. =aux [Sp. real (L. rex, king)], adj. : REGAL, ROYAL ; f : royal intr. : radiate (irradiate, beam, be ra- 54l galley, admiral's galley ; m. or f : real (old Sp. coin worth $.05). réaigarº [Sp. rejalgar (fr. Ar.)], m.: (min.) realgar. réali-sable*, adj. : realisable, feasible. -satignvº, f. : realisation. |-gerº [réel], tr. : realise (make real ; convert into actual money). -sme * [réel], m. : real- ism. -ste* [réel], m.,f. : realist. -téº [réel], f. : reality ; (theol.) real presence : en -, really, in fact. réappa-raître* intr. : reappear. f. : reapparition. - réap-pel* [appel], m.: second (roll-) call. -pelen°º [appeler], tr. : (mil.) call over again ; intr. : (leg.) reappeal. réappo-ser" [apposer], tr : -sition | position], f. : reaffixing. réargenterº [argenter], tr. : resilver, replate. réar-mEment", m.: re-arming. ll-merº [armer], tr. : re-arm, arm again. réassi-gnationvº [assignation], f. : re- assignment ; resummons, fresh summons. -gnerº [assigner], tr. : reassign ; resum- mon, Summon again. réassu-ran ee* [assurance], f : reinsur- ance. -rerº [assurer], tr. : reinsure. réatteler* [atteler], tr. : reharness, hitch up again. - réauac, pl. of réal, used for realiste-s. rEbaisserº [-baisser], tr. : kiss again. rEbander* [bander], tr. : bind again, tie up again ; bandage again. rEbapti-sant", -sateur º, m. : rebap- tiser. -sation º, f. : rebaptising. |-sen°º [baptiser], tr. : rebaptize. rébarbatif, =ive [OFr. re-barber, op- pose ( put one's self barb to barb’)], adj. : stern, cross ; repulsive. rE bâtir* [bâtir], tr. : rebuild. rE-battre* [battre], tr. : beat again ; stun or din (the ears), weary ; tell over and over, repeat ; re-shuffle : se -, fight again, scramble again. -battu, part. : beaten again, etc. ; often-told, hackneyed, trite ; fatigued, weary. rEbaudirº [baudir], tr. : (hunt.) excite, caress (dogs) ; intr. : get excited ; stiffen the tail (with excitement at scent of game). rEbee * [Ar. rabeb], m. : violin with three strings). rEbel-le* [L. re-bellis (bellum, war)], adj. : rebel, rebellious ; obstinate, refrac- tory; m., f : rebel: — à la poésie, refrac- tory (ill-adapted) to poetry. -lerº [L. -lare], refl. : rebel, revolt. -lion * [L. -lio], f : = (uprising ; resistance). rEbénir* [bénir], tr. : bless again ; re- cOnSecrate. rebénir [apparaître], irr.; . -rition " [apparition], reaffix. (ancient 542 rEbéquerº [re, bec], tr. or refl. : answer sharply, be saucy or impertinent. rE biffer * [?], ftr. : turn up, cock ; snap at ; refl. : (fam.) be refractory, resist, re- fuse bluntly, bridle up. rEblanehirº [blanchir], tr. : whiten or blanch again ; whitewash again ; Wash again. rE boire [boire], irr.; tr. : drink again. reboi-sement º, m. : replanting with trees, retimbering. |-serº [boiser], tr. : replant with trees, retimber, re-afforest ; Wainscot again. rEbon-di, part. : rebounded, etc.; round, plump, chubby; swollen. |-dir* [bon- dir], intr. : rebound ; swell out again (after pressure), bump, swell, reécho : se -, swell, become plump or round. -dis- sement*, m. : rebound(ing); reéchoing. rE-bord º [re, bord], m. : border; rim, brim ; ledge. -border * [border], tr. : border again, new-border, new-hem ; re- bind. rEbotterº [botter], tr. : put boots on again. rEbou-ehement, m. : stopping up again. I.ll-eherº [boucher], tr. : stop (or block) up again ; cork again ; publy. 2.rEboueherº [?], tr. : blunt, dull : se —, be blunted, foil, bend. rEbouilIirº [bouillir], irr.; tr. : boil again. rEbours° [p. L. *-bursus (L. -burrus)], adj. : fbristled ; contrary, cross(-grained), crabbed ; m. : fwrong way of the nap or hair ; reverse ; wrong side or way : à (or au) -, against the nap or grain, back- ward, the Wrong way; contrary (to), re- verse (of), reversed. #rEbou-ter* [bouter], tr. : again, set (bones). m., f. : bone-setter. rEboutonnerº, tr. : button again. rEbra-sº, m. : ftucking up the sleeves ; tucked up part, wristband : (prov.) donner un soufflet à double —, give a violent blow. #-sser° [p. L. re-brachiäre (brachium, arm)l, tr. : turn (or tuck) up : se -, tuck up one's sleeve, bare one's arm. rEbridgrº [brider], tr. : bridle again. rEbro eher* [brocher], tr. : stitch or bind (a book) #i ; embroider over. rEbroden°º [broder], tr: reémbroider ; embroider over. rEbrous-sement", m.: brushing back ; turning back; (geom.) retrogression. -se- poilº, à -, against the nap or grain, the wrong way. |-ser* [rebours], tr. : turn up (nap, hair, etc.), brush up or back; reverse, turn back, retrace ; intr. : turn back, recoil : - chemin, retrace one's steps, go back, retreat. rebéquer ut Or Set -teur*, =euse, récépissé rEbuffadeº [#rebuffe (It. buffo, puff)],f : rebuff (repulse). rébusº [L. rebus (abl. pl. of res, thing)], m. : rebus ; riddle. rEbu-tº, m. : repulse ; rejection, refusal ; refuse, Waste, rubbish, trash ; outcast, scum ; (post.) returned letter : de —, re- fuse, Waste; castoff; trashy; au —, throw aside ; mettre au -, throw aside, cast off; send to the dead-letter office ; bureau de -s, dead-letter office. -tantº, adj. : repulsive, forbidding, loathsome, tedious. |-ter* [re, but], tr. : repulse (rebuff, re- ject ; refuse, thrust away); repel (disgust, shock , dishearten): se -, be rejected ; be disheartened or discouraged, lose cour- age ; tire. rEca eheterº [cacheter], tr. : hide again.a récalei-trantº, adj. : recalcitrant (re- fractory, averse). f-trer * [L. re-cal- citrare (calx, heel)], intr. : recalcitrate (fkick back ; be refractory or stubborn). récapitu-latifº, =ive, adj. : recapitu- latory. -lationº [L. -latio], f : recapit- ulation. |-lerº [L. -lare (capitulum, chapter)], tr. : recapitulate (sum up). rEcarderº [carder], tr. : card again. rEcasserº [casser], tr. : break again. rEeéderº, tr. : yield again, yield up again ; give back ; restore. rE-eelº, m. : receiving of stolen goods. -eéléº, or -eèlementº, m.: conceal- ment, receiving (of stolen goods); embez- zlement. |-eéler* [-céler], tr. : con- ceal ; secrete ; receive (stolen goods); embezzle. -eEleurº,=euse, m.,f : fence, receiver of stolen goods, concealer. réeemmentº -sam- [récent], adv. : re- cently. rEeen-seº, f : new invoice or inspection (of jewelry, etc.). -sementº, m. : census ; verification ; control. |-ser* [L. re-censere, rate], tr. : take the census of; count (votes); re-invoice, re-check or inspect again (jewelry, etc.); revise (fEng. recense). -seurº, m. : census-taker ; teller, vote-counter. -sionº [L. -sio], f : recension. réeentº [L. recens], adj. : recent. frE-eEpageº, -eépage, m. : cuttin (vines, etc.) close to the ground. f-eEpé or eépée, f. : stub, cut-back part (of ! wood). f-eEper or -eéperº [re, cep] tr. : cut back (a vine-stock) close to th ground ; cut down. - ré-eépisséº [L. re-cepisse (capere, take), *to have received' (viz. * I acknowledge')] m. : (acknowledgment of) receipt. -eep- taeleº [L. -ceptaculum], m. : receptacle. -eepteur* [L. -ceptor], m. : freceiver recipient ; (telegr.) recording instrument -eeption* [L. -ceptio], f : reception •| recercelé ceiving, receipt; acceptance ; admittance ; party): bonne -, good reception, wel- come ; accuser — de, acknowledge the re- ceipt of. rE eereElé [re, cerceau], adj. : curly. . rEeerclerº [cercler], tr. : rehoop, hoop 3.Il6>W. rE-eette° [L. -cepta], f : RECEIPT (amount received, receipts, income) ; receivership, collectorship ; RECIPE. -eEvabilité* [-cevable], f : receivability. -eEvable*, adj. : receivable; acceptable. -eEveur*, =euse, m., f. : receiver; collector. -ee- voir° [p. L. *-cipëre (L. -cipere)], irr. $ ; tr. : receive (obtain ; get ; accept ; take or let in; welcome; entertain; be at home); intr. : receive (company): se -, receive (or visit) each other ; be received ; catch hold of; — bien, receive well, welcome ; - une proposition, accept a proposal. $ Ind. : Pr. reçoi-s, -s, -t ; rece-vons, -z/ez, reçoivezzz. Ipf. recezvazs. Pret. reçus. Fut. (Cond.) recevrai(s). — Subj. : Pr. reçoiv-e, -es, -e , rece-zºzozts, -z/iez, reçoivezzt. Ipf. reçusse. — I've reçois. — Part. : Pr. recezvazzt; P. reçzé. rEee2" [L. -cessus (cedere, go off)], m. : (hist.) recess (decree of Germ. empire); minutes (as of diplomatic conferences). ré ehampirº [re, échampir], tr. : set off (one colour with another). I.rE - ehange*, m. : ex c h a n g e . 2.-ehangeº [change], m. : (com.) reéx- change (expense on a dishonoured bill). ll-ehanger* [-changer], tr. : change again : sè -, change one's clothes. rEehanter* [chanter], tr. : sing again. réehapper* [re, échapper], intr. : escape (suddenly) ; tr. : let (or make) escape. rEehar-ge*, m. : fresh charge. -gE- ment*, m. : reloading. |-gerº [char- ger], tr. : load again ; reload; restone (a road); recharge (attach anew). rEehasser* [chasser], tr. : drive away again, discharge again ; drive back. ré-ehaud º, m. : warming-oven, brazier ; dish-warmer, heater ; (hort.) layer offresh , manure (giving off heat). -ehauffage, m. : rewarming, reheating ; old thing pre- sented as new. -ehauffementº, m.: rewarming, reheating ; reheater ; (hort.) lining. |-ehauffer* [chauffer], tr. : warm (or heat) again, warm up or over ; revive ; present (an old thing) as new ; line (a hot bed) : se -, get warm again ; get warmed up ; revive. -ehauffoir*, m. : dish-warmer, heater. rEehausser * [chausser], tr. : dress in shoes (or stockings) again ; repair; repair (or cover) the foot of (a wall, etc.), mould up, earth up ; underpin. rêehe* [?], adj. : rough, harsh, sharp ; crabbed. | --- - curled, récit 543 rEeher-ehamt, part. : seeking again, etc.; adj.º : over-critical. -eheº, f : research (inquiry, investigation) ; search, seeking ; courtship ; studied elegance (laboured refinement, affectation) ; re- finement (nice taste) : faire la - d'une chose, search for a thing ; à la - de, in search or quest of; in pursuit of; sans | -, without affectation, unaffected. -ehé, part. : sought again, etc. ; sought after, in demand ; studied (affected, far-fetched) ; refined, elegant ; careful ; choice, ex- quisite; m. : affectation. ll-eherº [-chercher], tr. : seek again ; seek after ; search (or look) for ; court ; explore (search into, investigate, examine) ; en- deavour to obtain, aspire to, desire ; court, ask in marriage ; finish off, polish ; (man.) animate : se -, seek each other; seek each other's society ; be sought after ; be affected ; be refined. -eheur, m. : in- vestigator ; inquisitor. - rEehi-gné, adj. : crabbed, sour-faced, cross-looking, gruff. -gnEment, m. : crabbedness, sullenness. |-gner* [re, Germ'c kinan, grin], intr. : look crabbed or sulky, sulk : en -gnant, with a cross look, with a bad grace. frE-ehoir* [choir], irr.; intr. : fall again, relapse. -ehute*, f. : fresh fall ; relapse. réeidi-veº [l. L. -va (L. cadere, fall)], f : backset (fof sickness ; into crime, fresh offence). -verº [l. L. -vare], intr. : re- lapse, (fEng. recidivate). -viste*, m. : relapser (repeater of a crime, backslider, old or habitual criminal). réeifº [Sp. ar-recife (Ar.)], m. : reef. réei-pé* [L. re-cipe (capere, take), take !], m. : frecipe (prescription) ; medi- cine. -piendaire* [L. -endus], m.: new member ( about to be received' into a society, etc.), initiate. -pientº [L. -piens], m. : recipient (receiving vessel, re- ceiver ; cistern). réeipro-cation* [L. -catio], f : recipro- cation. -eité", f. : reciprocity. |-queº [L. -cus (?)], adj. : reciprocal (mutual, alternate) ; fm., or f. : like for like, like, the same ; f : (math.) converse. -que- mentº, adv. : reciprocally. -querº [L. -care], ftr. : reciprocate (requite) ; refl. : be equal, be adequate. réei-tº, m. : recital (relation ; report ; musical performance by one person) ; fre- citative. -tant", -tante, part. : re- citing, etc. ; adj. : (mus.) solo, principal ; m., f : solo performer, soloist. -tateur*, -tatriee, m., f. : reciter. -tatifº, m. : (mus.) recitative. -tation* [L. -tatio], jf. : recitation (reciting; repetition ; re- hearsal). |-ter * [L. re-citare (cite)l, A• • •-- - 544 réolaircir tr. : recite (read aloud ; repeat ; relate ; report ; rehearse) ; celebrate. réelair eir [re, clair], tr. : clear again. récla-mant, -mante, m., f : (leg.) claimant. -mation* [L. -matio], f : re- clamation ; claim ; complaint ; protest. -meº, m. : recall (of a falcon); f.: (print.) catchword; fº : good or striking advertisement (puff, send-off) ; (theat.) cue : article de -, leading article ; faire de la -, advertise widely, give a send-off. |[-men°° [L. re-clämäre (clamare, cry out)], intr. : reclaim, clamour against (protest, object) ; tr. : reclaim (claim or demand back, require); claim (urge, re- quire) ; invoke, implore, entreat ; (hunt.) call back or off : se -, appeal (to), call to Witness, invoke ; refer (to). rEelouer* [clouer], tr. : nail again. frE-elure° [L.-clildere (CLOSE)], defect. $ ; tr. : shut up, seclude. -elus,-eluse, part. : shut up, secluded ; m., f. : recluse. -elu- sionº or ré- [-clus], f.: = (seclusion, retirement); (leg.) solitary confinement. $ Used only in Inf. and Past Part. rEcogner* [cogner], tr. : hit again; fbeat (or drive) back; repress. récogni-tifº, =ive [L. -tus (co-gmoscere, KNOW)], adj. : (leg.) recognitory (acknowl- edging a liability). -tion * [L.-tio], f : recognition. - rEcoi° [p. L. *re-quëtum (L. -quiëtum)], m. : (anc.) QUIET place : à -, quietly. rEcoifferº [coiffer], tr. : dress (one's) hair again, readjust the head-dress of. rEcoimº [coin], m. : retired corner, nook ; recess : coins et -s, nooks and corners. rE-çois, -çoive, Pres. Ind. and Subj. of -cevoir. réeo-Iementº, m. : verification. |-lerº [L. re-colere, till again ; think over], tr. : verify (by renewed examination); reëx- amine. récollection* [L. -tio], f : (devotional) contemplation, (fEng. recollection). rEcol-lement*, m.: pasting or gluing again ; healing (a wound). |-lerº [coller], tr. : paste or glue again. réeoIlet*, -tte, m., f : recollet (Fran- ciscan friar or nun). - récolliger [L. re-colligere], tr. : recol- lect : sè -, collect one's self, be con- templative. récol-teº [It. ri-colta (L. colligere, col- lect)], f. : harvesting ; harvest, crop ; collection. -ter", tr. : harvest (reap, gather in). rEeommen-dable*, adj. : =. -dablE- | ment [-dable], adv. : recommendably. f-daresse*, f : directress of an intelli- gence office. -dation*, f : = ; fcom- pliment; advice; fhonour. ll-derº [com- reconnaissable mender], tr. : recommend (commend fa- vourably; commit); register or insure (9 letter); charge (advise, instruct): se —, recommend one's self (itself), be its owr recommendation ; refer (to); je me -de à S0n s0uvenir, I beg him not to forget me. rEcom-meneeº,f. : new count (ingames). -meneementº, m. : =. [-meneenºº [commencer], tr. : recommence, begin anew ; intr. : begin over : — de plus belle (or sur nouveaux frais), begin again with fresh vigour. -Iuen eeurº, =euse, m. : beginner (taking a new start). - - réeom-pense*, f : recompense (reward, Compensation, return;findemnity). ll-pen- ' serº [L. -pensare], tr. : recompense (re- Ward, requite ; #indemnify). rEcompo-serº [composer], tr.: recom- pose. -sition", f : < , . rEeompterº [compterl, tr. : count again. récom ei-liableº, adj. : reconcilable. -liateurº, -liatriee [L. -liator], m., f : reconciler. -Iiation * [L. -liatio], j. : reconciliation. -Iierº [L. -liare | (conciliare, bring together)], tr. : recon- cile (conciliate; set at peace, make agree) - Se -, be reconciled ; make one's peace ; (Cath. rel.) return to confession before communion. ré-eonductionº [-ductio], f. : (leg.) renewal of lease. |rE-conduireº [con- duire], irr., tr. : reconduct, lead or take back; take or see home, escort; take (one exiled) to the border-line, show out ; drive out. rE-eonduiteº, f : reconducting ; taking home ; showing out ; expulsion. récon-fort*, m. : comfort, relief. -for- tantº, -fortante, adj. : comforting, relieving, cheering ; m., f. : comforter. -fortation ", f. : comfort(ing), cheer- ing. -forterº [conforter], tr. : comfort, refresh ; revive, cheer up : fse -, recruit one's strength. - rEcon-naissableº, adj. : recognisable. -naissaneeº, f. : recognition (knowing again ; acknowledgment ; avowal, recog- aisance); reconnaisance (reconnoitring); # (thankfulness, gratitude, thanks; #lº rare, words or letters of grati- tude) : fiire uite =-, reconnoitre ; aller en -, go out to reconnoitre ; envoyer en —, send out to reconnoitre ; avoir de la —, be grateful. ll-naître° [L. re-cognöscere (KNOW)], irr.; tr. : recognise (know again, remember; perceive; acKNOWledge, avow, admit, own); reconnoitre ; acknowledge (be grateful or thankful for; reward): se -, recognise one's self, know one's self again ; know where one is, or what one is about ; come to one's senses ; acknowledge (one's fault), plead (guilty); on a -nu sa trahison, his treachery was discovered ; reconquérir - un enfant, own a child ; - pour, ac- knowledged as; je vous -nais bien là, that is just like you ; je me -nais là, that is just like me ; je commence à me -, I be- gin to know where I am. rEconquérir* [conquérir], tr. : recon- quer, recOver. rEconsti-tuantº, adj. : (med.) restoring, reinvigorating ; m. : restorer. |-tuerº [constituer], tr. : (med.) restore, reinvigor- ate. -tution " [constitution], f : recon- stitution, reorganisation ; (com.) substitu- tion. rEeon-struction " [construction], f. : =. |-struire [construire], irr.; tr. : re- construct (rebuild). rEeonven-tion* [convention], f : (leg.) (cross-demand). -tionnel, =IIe, adj. : (leg.) cross-, counter-: demande -tionnelle, cross-demand, counter-claim. rEeopierº [copier], tr. : recopy. rEcoquil-lementº, m. : curling up ; cockling. |-Ier* [fcoquillerl, tr. : curl or turn up, shrivel; COCKLE. I.rE-eordº, m.: frecall. 2.-eordº [Eng.], m. : |-corderº° [L. -cordăre (cor, HEART)], tr. : rehearse (fcall to mind again, recite); rehearse (drill, cause to rehearse, have repeat, , instruct by rehearsal). rEcorrigerº [corriger], again, révise. rEcors [old pl. of -cord], m. : (leg.) wit- ness (one able to ºrecall' a thing); bail- iff's assistant. rEcouehen°* [coucher], tr. : lay down (or put to bed) again ; intr. : lie down again. rEcoudre* [coudre], irr.; tr. : sew (up) again, stitch together again. rEcou-päge*, m. : recutting. -peº, f : new or second cutting (of grass); cut-off piece, shred, chip, chipping ; fine flour ; diluted alcohol. -pement*, m. : (arch.) offset (edge of a wall built in receding ir. : correct layers). |-perº [couper], tr. : cut again. -petteº [-pe], f : twice ground fiour. rEcour-ber* [courber], tr. : bend again ; bend back or round, recurve. -bure,f. : bending back or round, recurvature. rEcourir° [p. L. re-curere (L. -currere)], irr. (cf. courir), intr. : run back; have RECOURSe, apply, appeal : - en cassation, appeal ; - en grâce, petition for pardon or commutation. rEcourre* [re, OFr. es-coure (L. cutere, shake)], irr. $ ; tr. : frecapture (take back) ; bring away, save : se —, keep aWay. . $ Only in Ind. Pr. recou-s, -s, -2 ; and Part. P. recou-s, -sse. • ºr rEcours° [L. -cursum (cf. -courir)l, m. : | mentº, m. : recroître 545 recourse (resort ; appeal) : - en cassa- tion, appeal ; - en grâce, petition for pardon or commutation. rEeousse* [part. of -courre], f. : recap- ture (by force), rescue ; help. . rEeouvrable º, adj. : recoverable. rEeouvrageº [-vrir], m. : recovering (covering again). frEeou-vran eeº, f.: recovery. I.-vrE- recovery ; collection (of debts). • | 2.rEcouvrEmentº [-vrir], m. : recover- ing (covering again) ; overlapping; cover- ing (piece), cover, cap (of a watch). rEeouvrer° [L. re-cuperäre (capere, take)], tr. : recover (regain, get back, RECUPERATE). / rEcouvrir* [couvrir], irr.; tr. : éecover (cover again) ; cover completely; hide, mask : se -, cover one's self again, be covered again ; be overcast (or cloudy) again ; cover each other. rEcraeher* [cracher], tr. : gOrge. récréanee* [OFr. re-croire, return], f. : #return ; provisional surrender of reve- nues to one litigant ; surrender of let- . ters of credence : lettres de -, letters of recall. récré-atif*, =ive, adj. : recreative. -ation * [L. -atio], f : recreation (diver- sion, play) ; play-time. ll-erº [I.créer; 2.L. re-creare], tr. : I.rècreate (create anew) ; 2.rëcreate (refresh, divert, cheer ; rest). - - récrémen-tº [L. -tum (cernere, sift)], m. : recrement (impure matter, dross ; med. secretion). -teur", =euse; -tiel", =IIe, adj. : recrement(i)al. rEeré-pirº [crépir], tr. : rough cast (or parget) again, replaster; paint (one's face), gloss ; patch up : - un vieux conte, dress up an old story. -pissageº, m. : new rough-casting, replastering. récrier* [re, écrier], refl. : cry (or bark) twice as loud ; cry out (suddenly), ex- claim, shout ; express admiration loudly ; protest : il n'y a pas de quoi se -, there is nothing to cry out about, there is noth- ing wonderful in that. récrimi-nation º [L. -natiol, f : recrim- ination. -natoire*, adj. : recrimina- tory. |-nerº [L. -nari (crimen, crime)], intr. : recriminate (make a counter- charge). réerire* [re, écrire], irr.; tr.: rewrite (write again) ; write back, answer. rEcroiserº [croiser], tr. : recross, cross again : - ses pattes, (fold one's hands again), drop into idleness. rEeroître* [croîtrel. icr.;.in#r : grow (up) again. : ... .. : #* :: . spit out ; dis- • * • « • º « • .. 8 - 8 - 546 rEero-quevillerº,-quiller [? re, croc, vrille], refl. : shrivel (up), wrinkle. #rEeruº [part. of old se re-croire, give up], adj. : given up; tired out, spent, jaded. 1 rEcrû [part. of -croître], m. : new growth ; new shoot(s) ; new tail-feathers. rEcrudeseenee* [L. -scere, get raw], ſ : = (breaking out again). rEeru-eº [part. of -croître], f. : increase ; filling up; RECRUITing; recruit ; (coll.) recruits : des soldats de —, recruits ; faire des-s, raise recruits. -tement" [-ter], m. : = (recruiting). -terº, tr. : re- cruit : se -, be recruited, recruit. -teur" [-ter], m. : recruiter (recruiting officer). ree-t... [L. -tus, straight, RIGHT]. -ta* [L. (viz. linea)], adv. : punctually. -tan- gleº [L. angulus], adj. : rectangular ; m. : rectangle. -tangulaire [-tanglel, adj. : rectangular. -teur, -triee [L. -tor], m., f. : rector (director ; president of a university or academy; of a parish) ; rectoress (governess ; wife of a rector); adj. : directing. -tifiable" [-tifier], adj. : -tificatifº, =ive [L. -tificare], adj. : rectifying. -tifieation* [L. -tiji- catio],f. : =. -tifier º [L. -tificare (fa- cere, make)], tr. : rectify (make straight ; · correct; amend); purify. -tiligne* [L. -ti-lineus], adj. : rectilinear. -titude* recroqueviller •m- @ [L.-titudo],f : = (rare straightness; just-| ness; rigid morality). -to" [L.], m. : first page (of a leaf), odd page. -toralº [L. -tor (cf. -teur)], adj. : rectorial. -toratº [L. -tor (cf. -teur)], m. : rectorate, rector- · ship. -tumº[L. (viz.intestimum)], m. : =. rEçu [part. of recevoir], m.º : receipt, acknowledgment. rEeuei-lº ue = eu, m. : fcollecting ; collection. -llement*, m. : collect- · ing; collectiveness, concentration of thought, contemplation, meditation ; peaceful seclusion. -lli, part. : collected, etc. ; contemplative, meditative ; placid, quiet, calm. |-lIir° ſp. L. *recolgëre (L. re-colligere)], irr. (cf. cueillir); tr. : col- lect together (gather, take up or in, reap) ; receive (come in possession of, inherit ; admit, take into one's protection, shelter) : se —, be collected ; collect one's self or one's thoughts; commune with one's self (reflect, meditate, be wrapt in contempla- tion); se — en soi-même, retire within one's self. rE-euire* [cuire], irr.; tr. : boil (bake or heat) again ; anneal ; intr. : be boiled, etc., again. -cuitº, -euite, part. : re- boiled, etc. ; m., f : reheating, annealing. rEeu#eº, m. recºil. -ladeº, f. : fall- ing bão : (as #troops, etc.), retreat, re- · debted, be a debtor, owe. redevable coil. -1é, -1ée, part. : recoiled, etc. ; put back, remote, distant ; behind, back- ward; fº : room for recoil, back play. -lement*, m. : recoil(ing), backing ; moving back ; extension; (harness) breech- band. ll-ler* [cul], intr. : RECOIL (start, move or draw back); withdraw ; tr. : re- move further back ; extend (borders, etc., Widen); defer, (delay, put off): se —, draw or stand back ; fall back; put back ; be extended ; be put off. -lons*, m. : à —, adv. : backwards ; the wrong way. récupé-rationº [L. -ratio], f : recuper- ation. |-rerº [L. -räre (capere, take)], tr. : recuperate : se -, retrieve one's losses. 1 érer1- 15 # @ '12 récu-rageº, m. : scouring. |-rer [écurer], tr. : SCOUR, cleanse. récur-reneeº, f : recurrence. -rentº [L. -rens (currere, run)], adj. : recurrent. -soire* [L. -sus (cf. recours)], adj. : (leg.) implying a recourse or appeal. récu-sableº, adj. : (leg.) challengeable. -sation* [L. -satio], f : recusation, chal- lenge, objection. |-serº[L.-säre (causa, cause), refusel, tr. : (leg.) recuse (refuse to accept or challenge a judge), challenge or object to (a juryman, witness, etc.). rédac-teur", -triee [L. -tum (Sup. of re-d-igere, cf. rédiger)], m., f. : writer (of deeds, etc.), official clerk ; f. : writer, con- tributor; editor, redactor. - tion º [L. -tum], f : drawing up (deeds, etc.); com- position, Writing ; editing, redaction ; edi- torial staff ; editor's office. . rEdanº [re, dent], m. : = (fort forming a salient angle ; steep offset in a wall or ground); angular rock. frédarguer* [L. re-d-arguere], tr. : convince of error, disprove. reddition* [L. -tio (dare, give)], f. : = (surrender); giving in (an account). rEdébattre, irr. (cf. battre), tr. : re- debate. rEdéfaire* [défaire], irr.; tr. : undo agaln. rEdEmanderº [demander], tr. : re- · demand (demand again ; call back). rédemp-teur*, -triee [L. -tor (emere, buy)], m., f. : redeemer ; adj. : redeeming. -tion* [L. -tio], f : redemption ; ransom. -toriste* [L. -tor], m. : Redemptorist. rEdeseendre* [descendre], intr. : re- descend (descend or come down ágain); tr. : take down, lower; pass down (along). rEdE-vable* [-voir], adj. : indebted, be- holden ; m., f : debtor : être —, be in- -vanee* [-voir], f. : (regularly returning) due, tax, royalty. -vaneierº, =ère [-vance], m., j. : person paying regular dues, taxes, etC., tenant. - redevenir rEdEvenir ! [devenir], irr.; intr. : be- COme again. < rEdEvoir * [devoir], irr.; tr. : - be owing yet. - rédhibi-tion º [L. red-hibitio (habere, have)], f. : (leg.) redhibition (annulling of sale). -toire* [L. -torius], adj. : red- hibitory. - rédigerº [L. red-igere (agere, ACT)], tr. : draw up (in writing), write out, compose ; REDACT (edit). rédimerº [L. red-imere (emere, buy)], tr. : redeem. rEdingote" [Eng. riding-coat], f. : frock coat (body coat ; surtout). - rE-dire" [dire], irr.; tr.:. say (or tell) again, repeat ; relate,; (only in Inf. after à) criticise, censure, find fault : trouver à - à, find fault with, find something to say against; il n'y a rien à - à, no fault can be found with; se faire -, have repeated, have to be told again; se -, be repeated; repeat each other. -diseurº, =euse, m., f : repeater ; tale-bearer. -dit, -dite, part. : said again, etc.; fm.,.f. : repetition. rEd9n-daneeº,f. : redundancy. -dant*, adj. : redundant. |-derº [L. red-undare (unda, wave)], intr. : redound (be redun- dant, be in excess). rEdonnerº [donner], tr. : give back or again, restore, return ; deal again (at cards); intr. : return; addict one's self (or give one's self) again ; (mil.) return to the charge, charge again : il redonne dans les mêmes excès, he gives himself up (gives way) to the same excesses. rEdorerº [dorer], tr. : regild : — son blason, marry into a rich family. rEdou-blé, part. : redoubled, etc.; double (rhymes); (mil.) double quick (pace or time); m. : repeated crop. -blEmentº, m.: redoubling, reduplication ; (med.) paroxysm. |-blerº [doubler], tr. : re- double (increase twofold); reiterate (re- peat, renew); pass a second year in (a class); reline (put a new lining to); intr. : redouble ; be reiterated or repeated; (with de) redouble, intensify ; repeat : - ses soins, - de soin(s), be doubly careful, be more careful (or attentive) than ever ; - · une classe, remain two years in a class, be unpromoted. rEdoul = roudou. rEdoutable* [-ter], adj. : =, formidable. rEdoute º [It. ridotto (L. re-ductus), re- sort)], f : REDOUBT (small fort or out- work); floating fort ; resort (for festivi- ties); feast. rEdouterº [douter], tr. : dread (fear ; #Eng. redoubt). rédowaº -va [Ger. (Bohem.)], f : redowa (Bohemian waltz), owe still, 547 rEdres-sé, part. : straightened, etc. ; adj. : stiff, haughty. -sement*, m. : straight- ening; reërection ; redress ; relief : canot de sauvetage à -, self-righting lifeboat. ll-serº [dresser], tr. : raise up, erect ; . straighten ; set right, direct ; correct, re- dress ; (fam.) cheat : se -, straighten (get straight again); straighten up, stand (or sit) up ; bridle up, carry one's head high ; correct one's self ; be corrected, be Set #t ; be redressed ; (nav.) right. -seurº, =euse, m., f : righter, re- dresser. - rEdruge = druge. rEdû, part. fr. redevoir. réduc-teur*, -triee [L. -tor (cf. ré- duire)], adj. : reducing ; (chem.) reducent. -tible º [L.-tus], adj. : reducible. -tifº, -tive [L. -tus], adj. : reductive. - tion* [L. -tio], f : reduction. ré-duire* [L. -ducere (bring)], irr. (cf. conduire); tr. : REDUCE (fbring back ; set a fracture, etc.; abate, diminish), confine ; subdue; compel; oblige; break a horse: se -, reduce (etc.) one's self or each other ; be reduced (etc.) ; diminish, dwindle ; amount (to). -duis . .. , form of -duire. I.-duit*, part. : reduced. 2.-duit* [L. -ductus (cf. redoute)], m. : retreat (small habitation, lodging); fplace of re- sort ; reduit (retired fort or redoubt). réduplica-tifº, =ive [L. -tus], adj. : reduplicative. -tionº [L. -tio], f : re- duplication. réédi-fieationº,f. : rebuilding. |-fierº .[édifier], tr. : reédify (rebuild). R rééditerº [éditer], tr. : reédit ; repub- lish. - réel*, =lle [l. L. realis (L. res, thing)], adj. : real (actual; substantial; leg. per- , taining to things fixed, realty). ré-électionº [élection], f. : reélection. -éligibleº [éligible], adj. : reëligible. |-éIireº [ré, élire], irr.; tr. : reëlect. réellement* [réel], adv. : really, indeed. réer = 2.raire. - réexpédi-erº [expédier], tr. : expedite (send off or back) again. -tion " [expé- dition], f. : sending on (or back) again. réexpor-tation " [exportation], f. : re- éxportation. |[-terº [exporter], tr. : reéxport. · ré-faction º, f. : making over, repair ; (com.) rebate (allowance). llrE-faire* [ faire], irr.; tr. : remake (make or do again, make or do over ; renew, remodel ; deal again at cards); repair (mend; restore, refresh ; revive); (fam.) do up, cheat, catch : se -, be made (or done)-again ; refresh (or rest) one's self, be restored ; recover one's strength (or health.or Joss); change one's naturé : riºraxsºit fE-, (, réfaction | refaucher 548 . part. of faire. rEfait*, part. : remade, etc. ; prepared or squared (of timber); cheated, buncoed ; m. : new horns (of the stag); drawn game (to be "played over'); even cards. rEfau eherº [ faucher], tr. : mow again. réfec-tion* [L. -tio (facere, make)], f : making over (repair, restoration); refec- tion (refreshment ; meal). -toire º [L. -torium], f. : refectory (refreshment-room, dining-room). rE-fend*, m.: splitting, division, parti- tion : bois de —, cleft timber ; lignes de —, joints (between the stones in a wall); mur de —, partition-wall ; pierre de -, corner-stone. |-fendre * [ fendre], tr. : resplit (split again); cleave (saW or cut lengthwise, quarter timber). réfé-ré, part. : referred, etc. ; m. : (leg.) provisional appeal to a judge : en -, in chambers. -reneeº, f : reference ; sample-book. -rendaire* [L. -renda- rius], m. or adj. : referendary. |-rerº [L. re-ferre (bring)], tr. : refer (fassign ; concern); refl., intr. : refer (appeal): s'en — à, refer to, leave it to the decision of, leave it to. - rEfermei°* [ fermeil, br. : ologo again. rEferrer * [ ferrer], tr. : shoe again (a horse); tag again. rEfeuilleterº [ feuilleter], tr. : turn over the leaves of again. réflé-ehi, part. : reflected, etc. ; reflec- tive ; deliberate (circumspect ; premedi- tated, on purpose): personne -chie, reflec- tive person ; peu -, inconsiderate ; hasty ; crime —, premeditated crime. ll-ehirº · [L. re-flectere (bend)], tr. : reflect (bend back ; mirror); intr. : reflect (consider, meditate, think) : se -, be reflected, reflect. -ehissantº, adj. : reflecting (throwing back ; reflective, thoughtful). -ehissementº, m. : reflection. réflec- teurº [L. -ctere], m. : refiector; adj. : re- flecting. - rE-fletº [It. ri-flesso (L. flectere, bend)], m. : reflection (reflex of light, colours, etc., reflected light); (nav.) blink. -fléterº, tr. : reflect : se —, be reflected. 2fleurirº [ fleurir], intr. : reflourish, blossom again. réflex-eº [L. -us (flectere, bend)], adj. : reflex; fdeliberate. -ibiIité* [Eng. -ibility], f. : reflexibility. -ible" [Eng. -ible], adj. : reflexible. -if, -iveº [L. -um], adj. : reflexive. -ionº [L. -io], f : reflection (of light, etc.; considera- tion, thought): à la -, on reflection, on further consideration ; faire -, reflect, consider ; toute - faite, all things con- sidered : ...,.-. .. # # # li ftuerel, intr. : reflow refrire (flow back, ebb). -fluacº [ flux], m. : (ebb). rEfonder = 2.refondre. I.rE-fondreº [ fondre], tr. : refound (melt again ; re- cast); recoin; remould (remodel, reform); (nav.) refit thoroughly. 2.-fondre [L. re-fundere], tr. : (leg.) refund (reimburse). -fonte", f.: refounding (recasting); re- coinage ; remoulding (reform ; repair). réfor-mable", adj. : reformable ; (leg.) reversible. -mateurº, -matriee [L. -mator], m., f.: reformer. -mation* [L. -matio], f. : reformation. -meº, f. : reform; (reformation; amendment); rejec- tion or condemnation (of things out of repair); suspension of service, dismissal, discharge (on halfpay): de —, (mil.) cast ; out of use ; traitement de —, (mil.) . half-pay ; être mis à la (or être en) —, be discharged with (or put on) half pay; congé de -, discharge, invaliding. -mé, part. : reformed, etc. ; m. : reformer ; Protes- tant. ll-mer* [L. reformare], tr. : re- form (restore, amend); retire from service, (reject, condemn; mil. discharge on half- pay, invalid). s-kººs · rEformer | former], tr. : form again or aneW. rEfouil-lementº,m.: deepeIIing. |•Ier" [ fouiller], tr. : sink deeper, deepen. rEfou-lementº, m. : crowding (or driv- ing) back ; ramming ; stemming ; flowing back, ebbing. |-lerº [ fouler], tr. : crowd (or force or drive) back ; compress, ram ; (nav.) stem ; intr. : flow back,ebb. -loirº, m. : rammer. . - réfrac-taire º [L. -tarius], adj. : refrac- tory ; m., f. : refractory (or stubborn) per- son; defaulting recruit. ll-terº [L.-tum (frangere, BREAK)], tr. : refract ; (med.) give in doses. -tifº, =ive [L. -tum], adj. : refractive. -tion * [L. -tio], f. : refraction. rEfrain* [fraindre], m. : breaker (broken wave); refrain (burden of a song ; theme). réfran-gibilité" [Eng. -gibility], f : refrangibility. -gible [fr. Eng.], adj. : refrangible. º) - rEfrapperº [ frapper], tr. : strike again ; restamp. - rEfréner* [L. frenare (frenum, bridle)], tr. : bridle (restrain, curb). réfrigé-rantº, adj. : refrigerant; re- frigeratory. -ratifº, =ive [L. -rativus], adj. : refrigerative. -ration º [L.-ratio], f : refrigeration. |-rerº[L. refrigerare (frigus, cold)], tr. : refrigerate. réfrin-genee º, f. : refringency (refrac- tive power). |-gent" [L.-gens (fran- gere, BREAK)], adj. : refringent (refract- ing). rEfrire [frire], irr.; tr. : fry again. refrogn , rEfrogn . .. = renfrogm . .. " rEfroi-dirº [ froid], tr. : cool ; (cant) kill ; intr. : cool, · get cold : se -, cool, row cold or cool ; catch cold ; grow in- § -dissementº, m. : cooling ; coolness, coldness ; cold. rE-fuge* [L. fugium], m. : refuge. -fu- gié, ' =ée [-gier], part. : of refugees ; m., f. : refugee. -fugier [L. fugium], tr. : seek refuge for, shelter : (us'ly) se —, take refuge or shelter, flee. ll-fuirº Lfuir], irr.; intr. : flee again or repeat- edly; (hunt.) double, dodge. -fuite* [fuite],f. : flight, escape ; dodge, evasion ; (hunt.) doubling. rEfu-sº, m. : refusal (non-acceptance ; rejection); thing refused : cela n'est pas à .votre —, you have not the refusal of that, that has not been offered to you ; cela n'est pas de —, that is not to be refused ; that is very acceptable ; battre (or enfon- cer) jusqu'à — de mouton, drive (a pile) home ; ce pieu est au -, that pile is driven home. -sable*, adj. : =. |-ser* [l. L. refusare (L. re-fundere, pour back, reject)], tr. : refuse (decline ; reject): se -, refuse (deny or grudge) one's self ; object, resist ; demur ; shrink ; be refused ; refuse each other. -sionº [L. -sio], f : #refusal ; (leg.) reimbursement. réfu-table º, adj. : refutable. -tationº [L. -tatiol, f : refutation. ll-terº [L. re-futare], tr. : refute (disprove). | rEgagnerº [gagner], tr. : regain (win again ; reach again ; recover, retrieve): - le dessus, get the upper hand again ; - quelqu'un, gain some one over. rEgaillardirº [gaillard], tr. : make merry (or enliven) again, cheer up again. rEgain* [OFr. re-gaimer (ak. to gagner, which see)l, m. : after-grass (aftermath, second crop); new lease (of life). I,régal* [L. regalis (rex, king)], adj. : regal, royal : eau -e, aqua regia (gold- dissolving acid). 2.réga-l* [It. regalo (?gala)], m. : regale (grand feast, entertainment); (table-) luxury. -lade", f : regalement ; treat ; (warming by a) rousing fire ; feasting ; g# boire à la -, gulp down. -Iantº, adj. : regaling ; festive, pleasant, amusing. I.réga-le, fem. of I.régal. 2.-Ie* [L. -lia, sc. jura, rights], f. : regale (royal prerogative on certain revenues). 3.régale* [?], m. : regal (ancient mus. instrument) ; stop (of an organ). réga-lementº, m. : levelling; equalisa- tion, equal distribution. I.fl-lerº [éga- ler], tr. : level; equalise (distribute equally). 2.régalerº [2.régal], tr. : regale (feast, treat) : se -, regale one's self or each 549 other ; give one's self a treat ; enjoy one's self. - réga-lien º, =enne [L. regalis, royal], adj. : regalian, royal. -liste [2.régal], m.: holder of a regale (royal benefice). rEgar-dº, m. : = (consideration, atten- tion, notice ; look, gaze, glance) ; looking at each other, opposite position ; (astrol.) opposition, aspect ; opening (draught-hole, man-hole) : en -, opposite ; avoir - sur, look into, face ; fixer les —s de, catch the eyes of; fà - de, with regard to. -dant, =ante, part. : regarding, etc. ; (her.) gardant ; looking too close, close, saving, stingy ; m., f : beholder, spectator. |-den°º [garder], tr. : regard (consider, mind ; look at, behold ; fEng. face, be opposite ; concern); intr. : look, face, front ; pay regard to, mind : se -, regard or look at one's self (or each other) ; face or be opposite to each other, be in front of each other ; — fixement, stare at ; - de haut en bas, look down (with contempt) upon ; - Sur, overlook; regardez-y bien, take heed. - rEgarnir* [garnir], tr. : furnish again, retrim. - régate" [It. regatta (?)], f : regatta. rEgazon-nement*, m. : replanting with grass, resodding. -nerº, tr. : replant with grass, resod. - · - rE-gelº, m. : freezing again, new frost. |-gelerº, tr., intr. : freeze again. régen eeº [-gent], f : regency; municipal government. - régéné-rateur*, =triee, m., f. : re- · generator; adj. : regenerating. -ration* [L. -ratio], f. : regeneration. |-rerº [L. re-generare], tr. : regenerate : se -, be regenerated. - - régen-tº, =te [L. regens (regere, rule)!, . m., f. : regent (vicarious ruler ; m. : trustee) ; #m. : master (of a college) ; professor (teacher in a communal college). -ter*, intr., tr. : fbe a master or pro- fessor (in) ; direct, teach, domineer. régieideº [l. L. I.regi-cida, 2.-cidium (rex, king, cadere, kill)], m. : regicide (I.king-killer, 2.king-killing). - régie* [-girl, f : administration (manage- mênt of an estate, etc.); tax-collection, excise ; excise-office. • rEgim-bementº, m. : kicking ; (fig.) re- sistance. . |-ber * [?], intr. : kick (as horses, be refractory; fig. resist). régi-me* [L.-men (regere, DIRECT)], m.: *diRECTion ; = (form or mode of govern- ment, mode of rule or administration); regimen (system of living or diet); (gram.) object, objective case ; (bot.) bunch, spa- dix : être au —, be on low diet ; mettre au —, diet ; vivre de -, live by rule. régime 550 -ment* [L. -mentum], m. : fdirection ; regiment. -mentaire*, adj. : regi- mental. - rEginglette º [?], f. : (dial.) bird-trap, glIl. ré-gion* [L.-gio],f. : region. -gionalº, adj. : regional (of a region) : concours —, (local) agricultural or industrial prize- meeting ; école -, agricultural school. ré-gir* [L. regere, diRECT], tr. : govern (rule, manage; administer). -gisseur", m. : manager. &# C) régis-trateur" [L. -trator], m. : regis- trar (in the papal chancery). |-tre* [l. L. re-gesta (gerere, bring)], m. : register (record, list ; note-book ; by influence of régir, regulator, organ-register; chimney damper): - de vapeur, throttle-valve; être sur le - de, be on the books of, be ré- membered by; rapporter sur un -, enter in a register. -trer*, tr. : register. frégîtr .. = régistre. ré-glage* [-gler], m. : regulating ; rul- ing (pâper). |rè-gle* [L. regula], f :. rule (ruler ; law ; system, order) ; due or- der or form ; (arith.) sum ; pl. : courses, menses : - à coulisse, — mobile, slide- rule ; en -, or dans les -s, in rule, ac- cording to rule, in due order or form, all right ; être de -, be the rule, be custom- ary. -glé [-gler], part. : ruled, etc. ; adj. : regular (orderly, punctual, exact) ; men- struated. -glément*, adv. : regularly. rè-glEmentº [régler], m. : regulation, rule, laws, by-laws ; settlement, adjust- ment ; (mil.) roster : violer le -, com- mit a breach of order ; — de compte, settlement of an account. -glEmen- taire" or rè- [-glement], adj. : according to regulations, regular, prescribed ; regle- reginglette | mentary. -glEmentairement* [fr. preced.], adv. : according to regulations, regularly. -glEmentation* or rè- [-glementerl, f : making regulations, regu- lating. -glEmenterº or rè- [-glement], tr. : make regulations for, regulate. -glerº, tr. : RULE (mark with lines) ; REGULATE (adjust, arrange, govern ; de- termine, settle) : se -, regulate one's self, become regular ; settle ; be guided (by), go (by), follow the example (of) ; be settled ; - une pendule, set a clock right ; - un différend, settle a dif- ference. -gletº, m.: f(print.) rule ; , (arch.) reglet (moulding). -glette*, f : (print.) reglet. -gleurº, =euse [-gler], m., f.: ruler; paper ruler. réglisse* [L. liquiritia (Gr. glukü- rhiza, * sweet root')], f : licorice. ré-gnantº, adj. : reigning (ruling; pre- vailing). |rè-g.neº [L. regnum], m. : REIGN (rulé ; prevalence); (nat. hist.) king- rE-guinder [guinderl, tr. : rehausse dom ; tiara (of the pope); crown (over the high altar). -gnerº [L. -gnare], intr. : reign (rule, govern, prevail; be the fash- ion); run along, extend. - regnicoleº [l. L. -la (L. regnum, king- dom, colere, dwell)], m., f. : native, denizen; adj. : native. rEgon-flEmentº, m. : sWelling, swelling. reinflation, new |-flerº, tr., intr.: · swell again ; overflow. rEgor-gEmentº, m. : overflow(ing) ; superabundance. |-gerº [gorge], intr. : disgorge ; overflow " (run over, abound, teem) ; be glutted or surfeited. frEgoulerº [gueule], tr. : rebuff; snub. frE-grat*, m. : huckstering; retail salt- trade. -grattageº, m. : (mas.) regrat- · ing. |-gratter** [gratter], tr. : scratch or scrape again ; (mas.) regrate; intr. : huckster, haggle. f-gratterie, f. : huckstery, huckster's trade. -grattier, =ière, m., f. : huckster, -huckstress, re- tailer. rE-grès* [L. -gressus (gradi, go)], m. : (eccl. lau) right of taking back (a living, etc.). -gressifº, =ive [L. -gressus], adj. : regressive. -gression * [L. -gres- sio], f. : regression. rE-gretº, m. : =: à —, with regret; with reluctance, reluctantly, grudgingly; au -, sorry ; avoir -, regret, be sorry. -gret- tableº, adj. : regrettable, to be regret- ted. |-gretterº [ak. to Goth. gretan, · weep, and Eng. greet, " lament'], tr. : regret (lament, grieve at; repent ; miss): à -, to be regretted ; le -gretté A., the late lamented A. hoist up again. < régu-larisation* [-lariser], f : regu- larising. -lariser* [L. -laris], tr. : regularise (make regular, put in order). -larité* [L. -laris], f : regularity ; strict observance of rules. -lateur º, -triee [L. -lare, regulate], adj. : regulat- ing; m., f : regulator; standard. -leº [L. -lus], m. : kinglet; golden-crested wren ; (old chem.) regulus. |-lierº, -Iière [L. -laris (regere, rule)], adj. : regular; m. : regular (monk). -lière- ment* [-lier], adv.: regularly. réhabiIi-tation *, f : rehabilitation. |-ter* [habiliter], tr. : rehabilitate. réhabituerº [habituer], tr. : habituate or accustom again. - frE-hausse*,f : rise ; increase of value. -haussementº, m. : heightening, rais- ing; increase of value. -hausserº [hausser], tr. : heighten, raise (increase, enHANCE, raise the value of); enrich-; extol. -hautº, m. : rise (increase of value); (paint.) set-off (vivid colouring). réimportation réimpor-tation º, f. : reimportation. ll-terº [importer], tr. : reimport. réimpo-serº, tr. : reassess; (print.) reimpose. -sition º, f : reassessment ; (print.) reimposition. réim-pressionº [impression], f : re- printing, reprint. |-primerº [impri- mer], tr. : reimprint ; reprint. reim° [L. rën], m. : kidney ; pl. reins, loin : avoir les -s forts, be strong-backed ; fig. have a long purse. réincorporerº [incorporer], tr. : rein- corporate. reine° [L. regina], f : queen : de -, of (for, from) a queen, queenly; en -, like a queen ; faire la -, act the queen ; - des bois, (bot.) sweet woodruff; — des prés, meadow-sweet. -claude", pl.-s--(8), j. : greengage (plum). -marguérite, pl. -s--s, f. : (bot.) China aster, starwort. reinette = rainette. A " réinstal-lation º, f : reinstallation. |-lerº [installer], tr. : reinstall. reintéº [rein], adj. : loined ; backed. · réinté-grande*, f. : (leg.) recovery of possession. -gration*, f : reintegra- tion, reinstatement. |-grer [L. red- integrare (integer, whole)], tr. : re(d)-inte- grate (restore, reinstate); re-ware-house. réinventerº [inventer], tr. : reinvent. réinviter [inviter], tr. : reinvite. réité-ration º,f. : reiteration. |-rerº [L. iterare, repeat], tr. : reiterate, repeat. reître* [Ger. reiter, RIDER], m. : (old) German trooper (serving in France); long cloak : vieux -, old trooper, old blade, regular adventurer. rEjail-lirº [jaillir], intr. : rebound (fly · back, reflect); gush out (spout, spurt, stream forth). -lissementº, m. : re- bounding, reflection ; gushing (out), spout- ing (forth). rE-jetº, m.: rejection (throwing out); young shoot (sprout, sprig); (geol.) crop- ping out ; out-crop ; (property) transfer ; swarm (of bees). -jetableº, adj. : re- jectable. |-jeter * [jeter], tr., intr. : throw (or cast) again or back or away or out or up ; drive back; vomit ; REJECT (refuse, set aside, deny); (bot.) put forth, shoot : se -, throw one's self back, etc. ; have recourse to ; - un compte sur, carry an account to. -jetoir(e)º, m. (f): spring. -jetonº, m. : shoot, (sprout, run- ner); offspring, scion. rE-joindre* [joindre], irr.; tr. : rejoin (reunite); meet again ; overtake : se join or meet again, reunite. -jointoyer* [jointoyer], tr. : rejoint. - rEjouer* [jouer], intr. : play again. ré-jouiº, -jouie, part. : rejoiced, etc. ; strong- L* 551 joyous, merry, jovial ; m., f : joyous, etc., person : gros -, big jolly fellow ; grosse -e, buxom woman. -jouir* [éjouir], tr. : rejoice (give joy to, gladden, delight, cheer, divert): se -, rejoice (be glad, enjoy one's self). -jouissan eeº, f. : re- joicing (merry-making, festivity); (butch.) make-weight (in inferior meat or bones). -jouissant*, adj. : rejoicing; joyous, merry, gladsome, cheering, pleasant. rE-Iâehantº, adj. : relaxing ; laxative ; m. : laxative. -lâeheº, m. : relaxation (discontinuance, intermission, rest);(theat.) no performance ; f : (nav.) putting into port, call , place of call. -lâehé, adj. : relaxed ; lax (loose, remiss). -1â ehe- ment*, m. : 1elaxation (relaxing, slacken- ing ; slackness, looseness ; abatement, re- mission); laxness (laxity); (of the weather) getting milder. |-lâeher° [L. re-laxäre], " tr. : relax (slacken, loosen, unbend, let go, yield); release (set at liberty); intr. : (nav.) put into port, call : se -, re- lax (slacken, etc.) ; get milder (of the weather). - I.rElais* [pl, of-lai (-layer)], m. : change, relay (supply of hunting dogs to relieve the tired dogs ; supply of fresh horses at stations ; detachment of men); stage, station : de -, relay; fresh, ready; un- employed, at leisure ; spare, for change ; donner le - à, set a-going, start ; titre de -, new title-page. - 2.rE-lais*, m. : fleaving (residue); (fort.) relay (walk between parapet and moat); derelict land (tract of land left dry); opening (between different patterns in tapestry). -laissé*, part.: staying ; (hunt.) resting. -1aisser* [laisserl, tr. : fleave behind ; (hunt.) stay, rest (of hares) : se -, stay ; fse - de, re- 1lOlII1C6. rElane er*, tr. : start or hurl again ; start again ; rouse ; urge ; retort on, answer sharply ; take up short ; Snub. rElaps*, =apse [L.-sus (labi, fall)l, adj. : relapsed (into error); m.,f. : relapser, back- · slider. - rélargir* [élargir], tr. : enlarge, widen. rEla-terº [L. -tum, "bear back'], tr. : relate. -teur, m. : relater. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : relative, relating ; m. : (gram.) relative. -tignº [L. -tio], f : = (reference, connection ; account, narra- tive). -tivementº [-tif], adv. : rela- tively. -tivité * [-tif], f. : relativeness. rElaver* [laver], tr. : wash again. relayer , | rElax-ation* [L. -atio], f : = ; laxness ; release. |-erº [L. -are], tr. : relax ; RELEASE (a prisoner). rElayer * [layer (?)], intr. : change horses ; tr. : ffurnish with fresh horses ; 552 relieve, take the place of : se -, relieve one another. rElé-gation * [L. -gatio], f. : relegation ; banishment. -guer* [L. -gare (legare, depute)], tr. : relegate (banish, exile ; con- sign, transfer): se -, seclude one's self. rElent* [lent, in old sense of 'insipid'], adj. : fmusty ; m. : mustiness. re-levailles*, f. pl. : churching (of a woman). rE-lève º, f : relieving, relief ; shift. -levé, =ée, part. : raised, etc.; erect ; elevated (high, lofty, noble); high- seasoned, pungent; risen again; recovered; m.: relief; statement, abstract, summary, list, return ; new plate ; shifting (of a horse's shoe); fold ; f. : relieving ; (leg.) afternoon : de -, in the afternoon. rE- lèvementº, m. : raising again ; state- ment (account, return); (nav.) bearing. |-leverº [lever], tr. : raise or lift up again ; raise up ; pick up ; restore ;- liber- ate (free); relieve ; set off ; extol ; give a relish to ; remark, notice ; criticise ; (nav.) take the bearings of; intr. : recover (get better); turn up ; depend (be dependent); | be amenable : se -, rise or get up again, rise up ; recover, retrieve one's self ; re- lieve one another ; - de couches, recover from confinement ; - un fossé, raise the banks of a ditch ; - la robe, tuck up the gown ; - un mot, criticise a word ; se faire - de ses vœux, get one's vows an- nulled ; — la garde, relieve the guard ; — un vaisseau, bring a ship afloat again ; - l'ancre, shift the anchor ; - une côte, take the bearings of a coast. -Ieveur º, =euse, m., f : reliever; (anat.) levator, elevator. - - (! rEliage* [-lier], m. : binding; hooping (of casks). - rEliefº [-lever], m. : = (relievo ; set-off, embossment); pl. : leavings (from the table, broken victuals, crumbs). rE-Iier * [lier], tr. : rebind ; bind (books, etc.), join ; hoop (casks). -lieur *, =euse, m., f. : binder ; bookbinder. rEli-gieusement* [-gieux], adv. : relig- relégation iously. -gieux*,=euse [L.-giosus], adj. : religious (pious, sacred, exact); m. : friar (monk); f : nun (sister). |-gion* [L. -gio (lig-, bind)], f : = (piety, faith, wor- ship ; Church, religious order); matters of conscience ; conscientiousness ; convent : mettre en -, shut up in a convent, make a nun ; se faire une - de, make it a mat- ter of conscience, a duty. -gionnaireº, m.,f. : Protestant. -giosité* [L.-giosus, religious], f : religiosity, religiousness ; scrupulosity. rE-Iiquaire º, m. : reliquary, shrine. -li- quatº [L. -liqua], m. : remains ; remain- , der of an account, balance, -Iiqua- rembruni taire* [L. -liquatum, thing left], m., f : debtor (of a balance). | - lique º [L. -liquia (linquere, LEAVE)], f. : relic (rem- nant, esp. of a saint ; corpse). rElire* [lire], irr.; tr. : read again. rEliureº [-lier], f : binding (of a book). rE-location " [location], f. : reletting, subletting. |-louer [louer], tr. : let or rent again, relet, sublet. rE-Iuire º [luire], irr.; intr. : shine (with reflected rays), glitter. -luisantº, adj. : shining, glittering, bright. rEluquerº [Picard. luquer (? ak. to Eng. look)], tr. : ogle, cast sheep's eyes on, leer at ; covet. rEmâeherº [mâcher], tr. : chew again, remasticate ; ruminate ; revolve in one's mind. rEma-niementº or -nîment, m. : han- dling again ; doing over again, remodel- ling ; (print.) overrunning. | - nierº [manier], tr. : handle or touch again ; do over again, remodel, change ; (print.) OVerrun ; turn. - rEmarier*, tr. : remarry : se —, marry again. « rEmar-quable º, adj. : remarkable. -quablEment* [-quable], adv. : remark- ably. -que º, remark ; notice. |-querº [marquer], tr. : remark (mark again ; note, notice, observe): se -, be re- marked, etc.; notice each other ; faire —, remark, observe ; call (somebody's) atten- tion to ; cause to be remarked or noticed ; se faire -, make one's self (itself) no- ticed, attract notice. remballerº [emballer], tr. : again. - rembar-quementº, m. : reémbarca- tion. |-querº [embarquer], tr. : reëm- . bark ; intr., refl. : reëmbark, go on board again ; engage again. rembarrer* [embarrer], tr. : check; re- pel, repulse ; retort on, Snub. rem-blai", m. : filling (earth for filling, rubbish); embankment, bank ; (fort.) rem- blai. |-blayer* [emblayer], tr. : bring earth for filling, fill up, embank. remboî-tementº, m. : filling in again, resetting. |-terº [emboîter], tr. : fit in again, reset, set : se -, get into its socket again. rembour-rage, -rementº, m. : stuffing, padding. |-rerº [embourrer], tr. : stuff (pad, cram). J» - rembour-sable ", adj. : reimbursable, repayable ; redeemable. -sEmentº, m. : reimbursement. |-serº [embourser], tr. : reimburse (repay, refund). rembrasser [embrasser], tr. : embrace again. rem bru-niº,part. : browned, etc.; brown, pack up rembuchement dark, gloomy. |-nirº [embrunir], tr. : make brown(er) or dark(er); darken ; ren- der gloomy, sadden : se -, become or grow brown(er), grow dark or gloomy, grow sad. -nissementº, m. : darken- ing , gloom. rembu-ehementº, m. : (hunt.) return to the wood. |- eherº [embucher], tr. : (hunt.) drive back to the wood : se -, re- turn to the wood. - rE-mède* [L. -medium (mederi, heal)], m. : remedy; injection : - d'amour, love cure ; ugly woman, fright ; - de bonne ſemme, old Woman's remedy ; sans -, without a remedy, past cure ; irremediably, irretrievably. -médiable º [-médier], adj. : remediable. -médierº [L. me- diare], intr. (à): remedy, cure ; help. rEmêlerº [mêler], tr. : mix or shuffle again. · frE-membranee º, f : =. , fll-mem- bren°° [L. -memoräre], tr. : remember. -mémoratifº, =ive [-mémorer], adj. : , reminding ; commemorative. - mémo- rerº [L. -memorare], tr. : remind. . rEmEner*, tr. : lead again, lead back, bring back. rEmer-eier º [mercier], tr. : thank (ren- der thanks to); decline with thanks (not accept) ; discharge with thanks. -eî- ment*, -eiement, m. : thank(s). réméré [L. red-imere, redeem], m. : (leg.) redemption : faculté de -, power of re- | demption. rEmettre* [mettre], irr.; tr. : put or set again, put on or Wear again ; put back, put back again, set again ; lay again ; set (a bone); restore, reinstate; recover, make Well ; reassure ; remove ; deliver, give up ; return, deliver up ; put off, delay; remit, forgive ; leave one the care of; entrust : - à la voile, to set sail again ; se -, apply one's self again ; resume ; set one's self again ; call to mind ; recover (grow Well again ; compose one's self); (hunt.) light (of birds); resign one's self ; refer, rely ; remettez-vous, compose yourself ; se - une chose, to recollect a thing ; s'en - à, refer to, trust to ; s'en - à quelqu'un, refer a thing to any one ; - une armée | Sur pied, raise new forces ;.— dans l'es- prit, remind ; - quelqu'un, recollect one, know one again ; je vous remets, I recol- lect your face ; - en bon ordre, restore to order ; - en bonne intelligence, recon- cile, reunite ; le voilà tout à fait remis, he is quite recovered ; - l'esprit, soothe the mind ; - une lettre à son adresse, de- liver a letter to its address ; faire —, have (cause to be) remitted, delivered, for- warded ; - de l'argent, remit money ; — d'un jour à l'autre, to put off from day to 553 remontage | day; - une chose à la décision de quel- qu'un, to refer a matter to any one. rEmeubler* [meubler], tr. : refurnish. rémige* [L. remex, rower], adj. : serving as an oar; (plume) -, f : remex, quill- feather, wing-feather (pl. remiges). réminise en ee* [L. -centia], f. : niscence. remi- rE-mis* [-mettre], part. : put back, etc. ; put off, adjourned ; recovered, well again ; drawn (of a game); fine again, settled (of the weather); (of a game-bird) settled, perched ; lighted (after flying) ; (old) composed, calm, sober. -misage* [-mi- ser], m. : housing (putting a carriage into the coach-house); carriage-house, shed ; livery-stable. -mise º, part. : f. of -mis; putting back, remittance ; giving up (sur- render, delivery); release ; deduction (al- lowance); putting off (delay, postpone- ment, adjournment); carriage-house (shed, shelter); (hunt.) cover (thicket); lighting- place ; m. : livery coach ; cf. : voiture de -, livery coach, first-class cab ; voiture de grande -, carriage (rented) by month or year ; sous la -, in the carriage- house ; under the shed ; (fig.) on the shelf ; user de -, delay ; faire une -, make a remittance, remit. -miserº [-mise], tr. : put in the carriage-house, put under shel- ter, put by; se -, alight. -misierº [-mise], m. : remitter (to an exchange agent). 1 rémis-sible [L. -sibilis], adj. : remissible, pardonable. ll-sion* [L. -8io (mittere, send)], f : remission (forgiveness, mercy). -sionnaire*, m. : pardoned criminal. rémittentº, adj. : (med.) remittent. remmailIerº [re, en, maille], tr. : darn, mend. remmailloterº sWathe again. remmaneherº [emmancher], tr. : put a new handle or haft to, re-helve. renvmEner º [emmener], tr. : lead, take back ; take away again. rémolade = rémoulade. frEmoleº [-moudre], f. : eddy. rE-montageº, m. : (re)ascending, going up (a streàm); winding up (a clock); re- mounting (putting together again), repair- ing; vamping (of boots). -1nonteº, f. : (re)ascent, going up (a stream); (milit.) remounting, remount : cheval de -, re- mount horse, remount. |-montenºº [-monter], intr. : remount, (re)ascend, go up (again); rise (again); go back ; tr. : · remount, (re)ascend ; hoist up ; mount again ; put together again ; wind up (a clock, etc.); revive ; fit up, (re)stock : se -, supply or stock one's self again ; be remounted or put together again ; recover [emmailloter], tr. : remontrance 554 one's strength ; be wound up, wind up ; ſaire --, cause to rise, bring up again ; trace (up); - à cheval, get on horseback again; - à la source (or à l'origine), trace back to its origin ; - des bottes, re-front boots ; - un fusil, stock a gun aneW, put together the parts of a gun ; - quelqu'un, revive the spirits of any one. -mon- toir", m. : winder, key (for watches, etc.); =, stem-winder : montre à -, key-less watch, stem-winder. rEmon-tranee*, f : remonstrance. -trant º, m. : remonstrant. ll-trerº [montrer], tr. : show again ; show back, remonstrate ; blame for ; demonstrate (show, point out as wrong); intr. : remon- strate : Gros-Jean qui en remontre à son curé, fool who undertakes to teach his master. -treur*, =euse, m., f : remon- strator. rémoraº [L. re-mora], m., f : remora (suck-fish); (fig.) obstacle ; delay. rE-mordre* [mordre], tr. : back again, back; sting; try again. -mords*, m. : REMORSE (compunction). frémore, f. : = rémora. rEmor-quage*, m. : towing. -que", f. : towing, tow ; tow-line : prendre à la —, take in tow ; câble de -, tow-line. |-querº [It. rimorchiare (L. remulcum, tow-line)], tr. : tow (tug boats) ; (rail.) pilot. -queur*, =euse, adj. : towing ; piloting; m. : towing-vessel, tug; pilot locomotive. rE-moudre* [moudre], irr.; tr. : grind (crush) again. ré-moudreº [é-moudre], irr.; tr. : grind (sharpen) again, whet again. rEmouillerº [mouiller], tr. : wet again. rémoulade º [It. remolata (?)], f.; sharp mustard-sauce. rémouleur" (knife-) grinder. rEmousº [Prov. -mou (re-moure, MOVE back)], m. : eddy, swirl ; counter-current ; back-water. rempail-lageº, m. : recovering (chairs, etc.) with straw, re-bottoming ; repack- ing. -lerº [empailler], tr. : recover with straw ; re-bottom (chairs), mend. -Ieurº, =eusse, m., f. : chair-mender. frempardière º [-pard], f : bawd. rem-parer* [re, emparer], tr. : RAM- PART, fortify, intrench ; recover : se -, fortify one's self; take possession again. -partº, m. : rampart. rempla-cantº, -çante, m., f : substi- [-moudre], m. : tute. -eementº, m. : replacement, re- placing ; providing of Substitutes ; Sub- stitution ; reinvestment : bureau de -, military substitution office. ll-eerº [em- placer], tr. : replace (take the place of, rémunérateur supply ; succeed); (mil.) serve as substi- tute for; (fin.) reinvest : se -, be re- placed; get a fresh supply ; replace each other; se faire -, get replaced, get a . substitute. rem-plageº, m. : filling up; fillings, rubble. I.ll-pli* [-plir], part. : filled ; full, REPLETE. 2.rem-pliº, m. : tuck, fold. [re, en, pli], tr. : tuck, turn in. rem-plir* [emplir], tr. : refill (fill again); fill up (fill, cram, stuff, replenish); fulfil (perform, discharge); answer or come up -plierº to (expectations); intr. : be filling; (nav) be getting swamped : se -, fill, etc., one's self ; be filled, fill ; impress one's self ; be . refunded. -plissageº, m. : filling, filling up or out; fillings ; rubbish, trash. -plis- seurº, =euse, m., f : filler ; f : filler-in (in needle-work); lace-mender. rem-ploiº, m. : (leg.) reinvestment. |-ployer* [employer], tr. : employ or use again ; reinvest. º remplumerº [emplumer], tr. : feather again ; quill (pianos) anew : se -, get new feathers ; retrieve one's loss ; get stout again, pick up again. rempo eherº [empocherl, tr. : again. rempoisson-nementº, m. : restocking with fish. |-nerº [empoissonner], tr. : restock with fish. remporterº [emporter], tr. : carry or pocket bring back, carry away or off ; bear off, win, gain ; obtain : se -, be carried back, etc. ; - la victoire, gain the victory. rempo-tageº, m. : (re)potting. ll-terº [empoter], tr. : (re)pot, put into a fresh pot. remprison-nement, m. : reimprison- ment. |-ner [emprisonner], tr. : reim- prison. frE-muage*, m. : moving, stirring. -muant*; adj. : stirring, bustling (rest- less, active ; turbulent). -mue-mé- nageº, m. : fmoving (of the household); disturbance, stir ; confusion. -mue- ment*, -mûment, m. : stirring (mov- ing); commotion (disturbance). -muerº [-muer], tr. : move (set in motion, stir, rouse ; affect); shake, agitate ; fidget ; change (the linen of a child); intr. : se —, move (stir, stir about); bestir one's self, fidget. -mueurº, =euse, m. : mover, stirrer ; agitator ; f. : under-nurse- maid. frEmu-gle* [ak. to Eng. mould], adj. : mouldy. rémuné-rateurº, =triee [L. -rator], m.,.f. : remunerator. f-ratif, =ive, adj. : remunerative. -ration * [L. -ratio], f : remuneration. -ratoireº, adj. : remuner- renâcler atory. |-rerº [L. -rare (munus, gift)], tr. : remunerate (reward, requite). rEnâelerº [OFr. naquer (?), scent], , intr. : snort (in disgust), snuff; show re- luctance, demur. rE-naissaneeº, f. : rebirth (revival, re- generation); renaissance (revival of learn- ing in the 15th cent.). -naissantº, adj. : being reborn, springing up again, reviving ; recurring. ll-naître* [naî- tre], irr. ; intr. : be born again (come to life again, revive, Spring up or groW again ; be regenerated ; be restored, | return). rénal* [L. -lis], adj. : renal (of kidneys). rE-nard * [OGerm. Reginhard, prop. name], m. : fox; renard (reynard); (nav.) | log-board : - marin, fox-shark ; fin -, sly fox; compère le -, maître -, Rey- nard the fox, Reynard ; écorcher le -, (vulg.) vomit, spew. -narde*, f. : she- fox. -nardeau*, m.: fox's cub. -narder, intr. : play the fox; (pop.) vomit. -nardier*, m. : fox-catcher. -nardière º, f : fox's hole. rEnasquer = renâcler. rencais-sage", -sement, m. : encas- ing ; (hort.) retubbing ; new collection. |-ser [encaisser], tr. : (re)encase ; (hort.) retub. · ren ehé-ri, -rie, part. : risen in price (higher-priced, of enhanced value); over- · nice (fastidious, particular); m., f. : over- nice or particular person : faire le -, be very particular, give one's self airs. |-rir* [encherir], tr. : make dearer, raise the price of ; intr. : grow dearer, rise in price : - sur, improve upon, sur- pass, outdo, go beyond. -rissement*, m. : rise in price. rencognerº [re, en, cogner], tr. : drive into a corner. ren-contre*, f. : meeting, accidental meeting ; encounter (rencounter, collision, shock); conjuncture (coincidence, hit); occurrence ; occasion (juncture): aller à la — de, go to meet ; faire la - de, meet; , de -, second-hand ; roue de -, balance- wheel. |-eontrerº [old encontrer (en- contre)], tr. : meet (meet or fall in with); hit upon (fall in with, find); encounter (rencounter); run into (run foul of); intr. : have (good or ill) luck, fall ; make a hit ; guess ; speak to the purpose ; (hunt.) be on the scent : se -, meet (each other); encounter ; come in contact or collision, collide ; fight a duel ; coincide, agree, tally ; have the same idea ; be found ; · occur, happen ; - bien, be lucky, make a good hit ; guess right ; - mal, be unlucky, make a bad hit ; guess wrong ; le limier -contre, the bloodhound is on the scent. renfaîtage . 555 rencorser* [re, en, corps], tr. : put a new body to. _A^ ren-dant* [-dre], adj. : rendering; Vom- iting ; m. : (leg.) one rendering an account. -dement* [-dre], m.: produce, yield. rendetterº [endetter], tr. : run into debt again. ren-deur, =euse [-dre], m., f. : one who · renders, restorer. -dez-vous* [-dre], m. : = (meeting, appointment ; place of meeting): se donner -, make an appoint- ment; meet each other; prendre -, agree to meet, make an appointment. rendonnée = randonnée. rendormir* [endormir], tr.: send or lull to sleep again : se -, fall asleep again. rendoublerº [re, en, doubler], tr.: fold or double up, turn up or in. ren-dre° [p. L. *-rendere (L. red-dere)], tr. : render (return, give or pay back, re- store ; furnish, give, deliver; surrender, yield ; do, make ; express, interpret) ; throw off (from one's stomach, cast up, eject); bring in (produce, bear); exhale (emit, issue); (leg.) remit ; bring in (re- turn); intr. : lead (of a road, go) ; evacu- ate, void ; run (of wounds): se -, render, etc., one's self or each other; betake one's self (repair, turn, resort); surrender, yield; be exhausted (be tired out); wait upon ; flow ; m. : return(ing); repayment : - grâce, return thanks ; - le salut, return the salute ; - ses devoirs à, pay one's respects to ; - compte, give an account ; - visite, pay a visit ; - la santé, restore the health ; - une médecine, throw up medicine ; - gorge, disgorge, refund ; — raison de, account for, explain ; - raison à, give satisfaction to, fight a duel ; — un arrêt, issue a decree ; - temoignage, bear witness ; - sa parole à, release from his , promise ; - l'âme, give up the ghost; se - partie contre, declare against ; se — à son devoir, go where one's duty calls; je me rends, I am tired out, I give up. ren-du, part. : rendered, returned, etc. ; arrived ; delivered ; exhausted, tired out ; m. : re- turn ; tit for tat. - rendureirº [endurcir], tr. : harden, make harder : se -, harden (get harder ; become hardened). » rêne° [p. L. *retina (L. re-tinëre, hold back)], f. : bridle-REIN : fausses -s, bear- ing reins (to make horse hold head up). rEméga-tº, -te [It. ri-negato (L. negare, deny)], m., f : renegade. rêne rº [rême], tr. : bridle. rénet-teº [roine, old form of rouanne], j. : paring-knife. |-ter", tr. : pare, groove. renfaî-tageº, m.: new-ridging. ll-terº [re, en, faîte], tr. : new-ridge. - 556 renfer-mé*, part. : enclosed, etc.; m. : close air, fustiness : odeur de -, close or fusty smell. |-mer * [enfermer], tr. : enclose (confine closely, shut up); include (comprehend, comprise): se -, shut one's self up, confine one's self, retire. renflammerº [enflammer], tr. : rekindle. ren-flEmentº, m. : swelling (enlarge- ment); (bot.) struma. |-fler* [enfler], tr.; intr. : swell out (puff up, enlarge, rise). renflon-ageº, m. : getting afioat. ll-er [re, en, flot], tr. : (nav.) get afioat, heave off. renfon-eementº, m. : sinking again or deeper, etc. ; depression, hollow, cavity, indentation ; recess ; background. |-eerº [enfoncer], tr. : sink again or deeper, sink ; drive farther in or on, knock in ; pull doWn, pull over one's eyes ; indent : se -, be Sunk, etc. - renfor-eé, part. : strengthened, etc. ; strong, substantial, thick ; stout, thick- set ; wealthy ; thorough, downright : bour- geois -, substantial (or purse-proud) cit- izen ; stupidité -, downright stupidity. -eEment*, m. : reinforcement, strength- ening. |-e er* [old en forcier], tr. : re- inforce (strengthen, increase): se -, grow stronger (gather strength, increase); (mil.) be reinforced. renfor-mirº, tr. : repair (a wall), plas- ter. -mis, m. : repairing (a wall); plas- tering, neW coat. renfortº [ forcer], m. : reinforcement ; supply, relief; increase ; strengthening- piece : (artil.) reinforce : à grand - de, · with plenty of, by much (or many), by dint of; de -, additional, extra ; fresh ; pour - de potage, to add to the mess ; to make the thing quite complete. - renfro-gnementº, m. : frown(ing), scowl. |-gnerº [re, en, old frogner (?)], tr. : knit (one's brows) ; FROWN : se -, frown (scowl); -gmé, frowning (scowl- ing, sullen, gruff). renga-gementº, m. : reëngagement ; re- enlistmênt ; pawning again. ll-gerº [engager], tr. : reéngage; reénlist ; pledge or paWn again : Se -, reéngage ; reénlist. I.rengaineº [?], f. : triviality (common- place, old story, hackneyed thing). 2.frengai-neº, m. : refusal, rebuff. I.ll-ner * [engainer], tr. : sheathe, put up ; reserve ; shut up, suppress ; forbear ; stop ; intr. : sheathe one's sword. 2.rengainerº [I.-gaine], tr. : (fam.) re- peat constantly ; hackney. rengloutir* [engloutir], tr. : swallow or devour again. - rengor-gement, m. : bridling up ; carry- ing one's head high ; high airs. # renfermé |-gerº [re, en, gorge], refl. : rein up ; carry high, assume airs. I*6)l 10lIV ©8,l 1 rengraisser* [engraisser], tr. : fatte again ; intr., refl. : grow fat or sto# again. frengré-gement* or rengrè-, m. : in- crease. #|-ger* [old malady), increase. ren-grénementº or ren-grè-, m. : re- coinage. -gréner* or -grEner [en- grenerl, tr. : gear again ; feed with grain agaln ; recOln. frE-ni*, m. : denial. deniable. denial; denial of God, blasphemy. |-nierº [-nier], tr. : deny (disown, disclaim, re- nounce) ; abjure ; blaspheme. f-nieur, =enseº, m. : denier; blasphemer. rEni-#Ementº, m. : sniffing. ll-fler [old nifler, sniff], intr. : SNIFF ; turn up the nose ; demur, refuse. -flErie º, f. : sniffing. -fleurº, =euse, m., f : sniffer. réni-tenee º, f : renitency. [L. -tens (niti, strive)], adj. : renitent (resisting pressure). renneº [Ger. renn (Scand.)], m. : reindeer. rE-nonv*, m. : renown ; report. -nominé, =ée*, part. : named again ; renowned (famous, celebrated) ; f : renown (fame, reputation) ; public rumour (report) ; (myth.) Fame. -nomInerº [nommer], lr. : name again ; reappoint ; make re- noWned or famous : se -, become re- noWned ; se - de, make use of the name of, refer to ; se faire -, get appointed ; make one's self famous ; qu'on -nomme, named again ; renowned. rE-nonçantº, adj. : renouncing ; m. : renouncer. -non-eeº, f. : (at cards) re- nounce, revoke. -nonveement*, m.: re- nouncement. |-nonveerº° [L. -nuntiäre], tr., intr. (à): renounce (give up, disclaim, waive ; (at cards) revoke. -n9ºn eia- tion* [L. -nuntiatio], f : renunciation. rEnon-eu-laeées*, f.pl. : ranunculaceae. |-le* [L. ranunculus], f. : (bot.) ranun- culus (butter-cup). rE-nouée*, f : -nouement* or -noûment, m. : rety- ing, renewal. -nouer* [nouer], tr. : knot or tie again ; tie up , reneW, re- sume ; intr. : resume one's connection or relations. f-noueurº, =euse, m., f. : bone-setter. frEnou-veau*, m. : (return of) spring- time. -velable, adj. : renewable. |-ve- lerº [nouveau], tr. : renew (renovate, refresh, revive) : se —, be renewed, be re- vived ; #intr. : renew ; grow strong : - de jambes, mend one's pace ; se - dans le souvenir de, remind (one) of one's self. -vellement*, m. : renewal (renewing ; renovation ; revival). -niable º, adj. : -niement* or -nîment, m. : . polygonum (root-grass). • \0 engreger (L. | gravis, grave)], refl. : grow worse (of a 4 |-tentº . rénovateur - yénova-teur*, -triee [L.-tor], m., f : ' èrenewer; adj. : renewing. -tion* [L. -tio], f. : renovation. | rensei-gnEment", m. : information (in- telligence, direction) ; reference : un -, a piece of information or intelligence ; aller aux (or prendre des) -s, make in- quiries. |-gnerº [enseigner], tr. : teach again ; inform (instruct, direct, show) : se -, seek (or get) information, make inquiries ; inform each other. rentamerº [entamer], tr. : cut again ; begin again, resume. rentas-sé, adj. : thick-set. tasser], tr. : heap up again. ren-te° [p. L. *rendita (L. red-ditä, däre, give)], f. : yearly return - or income (i rev- enue of land, etc., frent ; income from capital, interest ; annuity ; pension ; funds): de -, income, a year ; - fon- cière, real estate rent ; - viagère, life annuity ; — sur l'Etat, government an- nuity; governmentfunds, funded property ; biens en -s, funded property ; taux de la -, price of stocks ; acheter des -s, buy stock; faire une -, allow a pension ; ra- cheter une -, redeem an annuity. -té, [-ter], part. : endowed, having an income, independent : bien —, wealthy. -terº, tr. : assign an income to, endow. -tierº, =ère, m., f : (person of a fixed income) ; stockholder ; annuitant ; pensioner ; person living on his rents, independent gentleman or lady. rentoi-lageº, m.: new-lining. |-lerº [entoiler], tr. : new-line, new-canvass. rentraînerº [entraîner], tr. : carry or lead away again ; draw on again. ren-traireº [OFr. entraire (traire)], tr. : RENTER (finedraw, darn). -trai- tureº, f : rentering (darning). rentrant, -trante [-trer], part. : reën- tering, returning, etc. ; m., f. : new play- er , m. : recess. |-ser [en- #-• ren-trayage* [-traire], m. : rentering (finedrawing). -trayeur º, =euse [-traire], m., f. : renterer (finedrawer). ren-trée º, f : reéntrance (return) ; re- turns ; (incoming) payment ; ingathering (warehousing); reappearance, reopening ; (cards) taking up ; (mus.) reéntry: — des classes, reopening of school ; — des im- pôts, receipt of taxes. |-trerº [en- trer], intr. : reénter (come or get in again, return) ; reappear, reopen (of courts, schools, etc.) ; become again ; grow in ; get again, recover ; tr. : bring in again ; bring back ; gather in, turn in ; house ; drive back, suppress ; (print.) in- dent : - en possession, regain possession ; - en bon sens, come to one's senses again ; - en charge, return to one's posi- well endowed, | 557 tion or office ; - en passion, fly into a passion again ; faire -, bring or take in or back ; send in ; call in ; drive back ; suppress ; (print.) indent. renvahir, tr. : invade again. renver-santº, adj. : (fam.) upsetting, Overwhelming, astounding, amazing. -se*, f. : freversal; #reverse ; now in à la -, upon one's back, backwards. -sé, part. : reversed (inverted, turned upside down) ; thrown down, lying down on one's back ; lying in ruins : il a l'esprit -sé, his brain is turned ; c'est le monde -sé, it is the World turned upside down, it is pre- posterous. -sementº, m. : reversion, reversing, inversion ; subversion; over- turning, turning upside down; confused state , throwing down, overthrow, destruc- tion ; turn, change ; turning over ; spill- ing ; turning (of the brain), madness : — d'esprit, turning of the brain. |-sen°º [enverser], tr. : REVERSE (turn upside down, overturn; invert) ; throw down (up- set, overthrow, overturn) ; destroy (ruin) ; tip over, spill ; turn (the , brain) ; rout, put to rout or to flight ; (surg.) retrovert : se -, turn upside down, upset ; be thrown down, fall down; throw one's self back, fall back ; be thrown back or into dis- order ; - à coups de canon, batter down ; - l'esprit, turn the brain ; — l'encre, spill the ink. -seur, =euse, m., f : overthrower ; invertor. - - ren-viº, m. : (at cards) additional stake. |-vier * [envier], intr. : increase one's stake : - sur, outdo. ren-voi*, m. : sending back (return) ; sending away (dismission, dismissal, discharge) ; putting off (postponement), repaire adjournment ; reflection, reverberation ; eructation ; referring, reference : de -, returnable ; return. . |-voyer* [envoyer], tr. : send back (return ; refer) ; send again ; send away (dismiss, discharge), repudiate, acquit, put off (postpone, delay, adjourn) ; throw back (reflect, reverber- ate), repeat : se -, bandy, exchange ; be returned, etc. ; - un plaideur de sa de- mande, refuse a suitor his demand ; — à une mote, refer to a note. réoccu-pation*, f : reoccupation. l-perº [occuper], tr. : reoccupy. réorchestrerº [orchestrer], tr. : (mus.) SCOl'e aIleW. réordi-nationvº [ordination], f : ordination. . réordonnerº [ordonner], tr. : reordain. réorgani-sation º, f : reorganisation. ll-serº [organiser], tr. : reorganise. réouverture* [ouverture], f : reopen- ing. rE-paireº, f.: re- resort (retreat, haunt, 558 repaître , lair, den) ; return (to a given point); re- turn sign ; (hunt.) , dung. ll-pairerº [L. re-patriäre (patria, fatherland)], intr. , or refl. : (old) return to one's country or to a given point ; (now) intr. : be at one's resort (or haunt, den); refl. : be oriented ; tr. : mark with return signs. rEpaître* [paître], tr. : feed, nourish ; gloat ; #intr. : take refreshment, eat : se — de, feed on ; feast, or delight in. ré-pandre* [épandre], tr. : pour out, spill, shed, scatter, strew, diffuse, emit ; bestow freely, spread out or abroad (cir- culate) : se -, be poured out, etc. ; be spread, spread(circulate, get abroad); burst or break out ;go into society : - des bien- fuits, bestow benefits; - un bruit, spread a report ; - son cœur, open one's heart ; se - dans le monde, frequent society. -pandu*, part. : poured out, spilt, etc. ; wide-spread (prevalent, common, rife) ; in use ; in society (fashionable): être très - dans le monde, go out much into society. réparable* [-rer], adj. : repairable. rE paraîtreº [paraître], intr. : reappear. répa-rateur*, =triee [L. -rator], m. : repairer ; redresser; adj. : reparative, re- storative. -ration * lL. -ratio], f : re- paration (repairing) ; amends (satisfac- tioa). |-rerº [L. -rare], tr. : repair (mend) ; restore (retrieve, reéstablish) ; make amends for (atone for, make up for, redeem, indemnify ; apologise for) : - des torts, redress grievances. -reur, m. : re- pairer. - · réparition = réapparition. rE-parler* [parler], intr. : speak again. frE-partº, m. : departure ; repartee. -partie*, f : repartee (ready answer, re- joinder, retort): avoir la — prompte, be quick at repartee. |-partir* [partir], irr., intr. : depart or set out again ; an- swer quickly (reply, repartee, retort) ; rarely tr. répar-tir* [partir], tr. : divide (dis- tribute) ; assess : - les contributions, as- sess taxes. -titeur*, =triee, m., f. : assessor ; adj. : assessing. -tition º, f. : division (distribution) ; assessment. rEpas* [-paître], m. : REPAST (meal) ; feast. · rE-passageº, m.; = (repassing); grind- ing (setting); ironing. . -passeº, m.; millard (fiour and bran). |-passerº, tr. : repass (pass again, recross ; carry over again) ; return; go over again ; re- view ; think over (revolve, reéxamine) ; re- peat ; grind (whet, set, hone) ; iron ; dye again ; (pop.) scold, abuse ; beat : se -, be repassed, etc. ; be ground, etc. ; be ironed ; stand ironing ; - la lime sur, polish; - sur le cuir, strop; - sur la repiquage pierre, whet. -passeur*, =euse, m., f : person repassing, etc. ; m. : grinder; f : II'OIlGl". rEpaver* [paver], tr. : repave. rEpayer [payer], tr. : repay. rEpêeherº [pêcher], tr.: fish again, fish up.or Out again , catch again, recover. rE-peindre* [peindre], irr.; tr. : paint again ; retouch. -peint, part. : re- painted ; m. : repainted or restored part. rEpenser* [penser], intr. : think again ; reconsider. rEpen-tan ee*, f : =. -tant, -tante*, part. or m., f : repentant, penitent. -ti*, =e, part. or m., f. : repentant, penitent. -tirº [OFr. (L. pœnitere, repent)], irr. (cf. sentir); refl. (de): repent ; m. : repent- ance (compunction) ; penitence ; (paint.) correction ; (fam.) curl (ringlet). rEpereerº [percer], tr. : pierce again ; tap again. réper-cussifº, =ive [L. -cussus], adj. : (med.)repercussive; repellent. -eussion * [L. -cussio], f : repercussion. |-euterº [L. -cutere (quatere, shake)], tr. : reper- cuss (drive back); reverberate ; reflect ; repel. - rEperdre* [perdre], tr. : lose again. frEpère, -pérer = répaire, -pairer. répertoireº [L. --torius (parere, bring forth)], m. : = (list of plays, repertory); repertory (index, table) ; journal : (theat.) pièce de -, stock-play ; être un —, be a living index or chronicle. répé-tailler", tr. : keep repeating, din. |-ter* [L. -tere], tr. : repeat (say or do again ; renew ; recite) ; rehearse ; reflect ; give private lessons to : faire - à quel- qu'un, hear any one say his lesson; se faire -, repeat one's self; repeat each other ; be repeated ; recur. -titeurº [L. -ti- tor], m. : repeater; tutor, assistant master, accompanist at rehearsals; (nav.), repeat- ing ship ; call-boy; adj. : repeating ; as- sistant : maître -, assistant master, tu- tor. -tition * [L. -titio], f. : repetition, recurrence ; rehearsal ; private lesson, (leg.) claiming back : à (or de) -, repeat- ing ; continuous ; faire des -s, give pri- vate lessons. - rEpétrirº, tr. : knead again; form again, restore. rEpeu-plEmentº, m. : repeopling; re- stocking. |-pler* [peupler], tr. : re- people ; restock. rEpie* [I pic], m. : repique (at piquet) : faire -, nonplus, puzzle, outwit. rEpi-quage*, m. : picking up ; replac- ing; transplantation. |-querº [pi- quer], tr. : prick again ; prick up ; repair ; transplant; intr. : (pop.) pick up courage ; return. - répit répit° [L. re-spectus, respect], m. : RE- SPITE (delay, reprieve, stop) ; breathing- time. - " rEplaeerº [placer], tr. : replace; rein- vest (funds). rEplanterº [planter], tr. : replant. rEplâ-trage", m. : replastering; plaster- ing up , patching up; patchwork ; patched up quarrel. ll-trerº, tr. : replaster ; plaster up, botch or patch up. rE-pletº, -plète [L. -pletus (plere, FILL)], adj. : stout (corpulent, fat, portly). , -plétion* [L. -pletio], f. : repletion ; corpulence (stoutness). rEpleuvoirº [pleuvoir], irr.; intr. : rain again. · rE-pliº, m. : FOLD (PLEAT, crease); wind- ing, sinuosity; coil; recess. -pliement*, m. : folding again or back ; (milit.) fall- ing back. |-plier* [plier], tr. : fold again ; fold up ; turn up, coil up ; turn, · bend ; (milit.) force back ; draw back : se -, fold up ; coil (up); wind, turn ; be folded again ; (milit.) fall back ; se — sur S0i-même, retire within one's self ; (man.) turn suddenly round. · répli-que*, f : reply (answer); rejoin- der; (theat.) cue ; (mus.) replicate; an- swer; (art) replica. |-quer* [L. -care ( plicare, FOLD)l, intr. : reply (answer); reJoIn. rEploiement = repliement. - rEplonger* [plonger], tr. : plunge again. rEployer = replier. rEpolir [polir], tr. : repolish. ré-pondant, =ante, part. : responding, etc. ; m., f : answerer ; respondent (sure- ty, bail, bondsman); referee ; (eccl.) re- sponder, lay clerk. |-p9ndre° [p. L. *-spondere (L. -spondëre)], tr., intr. : an- swer (reply, respond) ; say the responses ; correspond (agree) ; come up to (satisfy) ; be responsible ; be security or bail, guar- antee; lead, go (of roads) ; be felt, tingle (of pain); maintain a thesis : se -, an- swer one's self or each other; correspond | (agree); sympathise ; j'en -ponds, je vous en -p0nds, I will answer for it ; I warrant you ; I dare say ! — en Normand, give a shuffling answer. -ponsº [l. L. , -8ponsum], m. : response (at church). -p9nse*, f : reply (answer); response : -s de droit, judicial decisions ; — à une réplique, (leg.) rejoinder ; — de Nor- mand, equivocal answer. rE-port*, m. : carrying or bringing over or forward ; sum carried over or brought forward ; prolongation, continuation. I.ll-porterº [porter], tr. : carry or bring back, reconvey ; trace back ; trans- port, transfer; attribute ; (com.) carry forward or over; intr. : carry on ; make 559 a continuation or prolongation : se -, return, go back ; transport one's self ; look back ; be carried back, etc. ; se faire -, lend on continuation. 2.-porterº -teur [Eng.], m. : =. rEpo-sº, m. : repose (rest; stillness, peace); pause ; resting-place ; half-space, landing (of stairs) : au —, at rest, still ; half-cocked ; en -, at rest, quiet, motion- less; quietly, at ease; laisser en —, leave alone. -sé, -sée, part. : rested, refreshed, etc., calm, sedate ; f. : (hunt.) resting- place, lair : à -sées, with intervals of rest. |-serº [poser], intr. : repose (rest ; lie down) ; settle ; tr. : place back or again, replace ; repose (rest, lean) ; rest (relieve, refresh) ; (milit.) ground arms : se -, rest one's self (rest, repose, lie down) ; rely (confide in, — sur) ; settle down (settle ; light) ; pause ; lie fallow. -soirº, m. : resting-place ; lounge ; re- pose ; pause ; altar of repose (in streets for processions). rEpous-santº, adj. : repulsive, repelling, loathsome. -sé, m. : relief-work, hammered work. -sement º, m. : driv- ing back ; recoil (of a gun). ll-ser* [pousser], tr. : push back or again ; push or thrust away ; repulse, repel, force back; rebuff, spurn, reject ; shoot out again ; work (metals) in repoussé ; intr. : spring back ; be elastic ; recoil ; be repulsive ; shoot or bud again : se -, repel each other; be repelled, etc. -soir*, m. : driving-bolt ; (dentist's) punch ; (paint.) set-off, contrast. répréhen-sible* [L. -sibilis (prehen- dere, take)], adj. : reprehensible. -siblE- mentº, adv. : reprehensibly. -sif, =ive, adj. : reprehensive. -sion* -sio], f. : reprehension, reproof. rE-prendreº [prendre], irr.; tr. : take again or back ; recover, retake (recap- ture) ; take up again ; resume (begin again, renew); REPREHEND (reprove, re- buke, find fault with); take up (a stitch); (arch.) underpin ; intr. : return (come back, begin again) ; reply (answer) ; take root again ; close up again (of wounds) ; recover; freeze again ; (man.) change pace : se -, be taken (caught) again or back, etc. ; correct one's self ; take to or indulge one's self again ; reprehend, etc. ; close up again (heal) ; - connaissance, recover consciousness ; - ses forces, re- cover one's strength ; on ne m'y -prendra plus, I will not be caught at it again ; cet arbre a -pris, this tree has taken root again. -prEneur, =euse, m., f : re- taker; censurer (fault-finder] ; adj. : re- taking ; censuring (fault-finding). représaille y rEprésaille* [l. L. -salia (L. prehendere, 560 seize)], f. : reprisal (retaliation): user de -, make reprisals, retaliate. rEprésen-tant, =anvte, part. : represent- ing ; m.º, f : representative (deputy ; agent). -tatifº, =ive, adj. : representa- tive. -tati9nv* [L. -tatio], f. : represen- tation (exhibition ; image ; performance); display (show, state, deportment, appear- ance, mien); catafalque ; remonstration ; representative body (assembly): avoir une belle -, have a noble appearance or bear- ing. -tativement* [-tatif], adv. : re- presentatively. |-ter* [L. re-prœsen- tare], tr. : represent (present again ; por- tray, describe ; exhibit ; stand in the place of); resemble, (be like), display ; intr. : represent ; have presence (have imposing appearance, maintain one's dignity): se -, present one's self (itself) again (ap- · pear, occur again); represent, picture to one's self (imagine, fancy); be presented · again, etc. : être -té au naturel, be de- picted to life. 9 répres-sifº, =ive [L.-sus], adj. : repres- sive. -sion* [L.-sio], f. : repression. rEprier* [prier], tr. : pray again. répri-mable ", adj. : repressible. -mandeº, j. : reprimand (rebuke, re- proof). -manderº [-mande], tr. : rep- rimand (rebuke, reprove). -mant", adj. : repressive. |-merº [L. -mere (premere, PRESS)], tr. : REPRESS (put down, curb, restrain, check, quell). rEpri-s, =ise [reprendre], part. : taken back; resumed ; etc. ; f*: retaking; re- sumption ; recovery ; yeconquest, recap- ture ; renewal, revival ; new performance ; (repeated) time ; interval ; darn ; (leg.) recoupment ; (mus.) repetition (burden of a song ; mark of repetition); (arch.) under- pinning : (man.) lesson : - de justice, re- turned convict, old offender ; à plusieurs -es, several times ; à deux -es, twice ; faire des --es, darn ; faire des -es per- dues, finedraw. -se°º, tr. : darn. · réproba-teur*, -triee [L. -tor (-re, , disapprove)], adj. : reprobatory (reprov- ing, censuring). -tion º, f. : reproba- tion. rEpro-ehable*, adj. : repro a chable. -eheº, m. : reproach (blame, expostula- tion); (leg.) objection, exception. |-eherº [p. L. -priare (L. prope, near)], tr. : bring as a reproach (against, à; so with dat. of person, reproach, rebuke, upbraid); (leg.) object to (take exception to): se -, re- proach one's self or each other ; grudge one's self ; upbraid each other ; - chose à quelqu'un, reproach one with something (e.g. il lui -che sa paresse, he scolds him for his idleness); - les morceaux à quel- qu'un, grudge any one what he eats; - représentant · (be offensive, be loathsome, inspire aver- requérable des témoins, object to the admissibility of witnesses. rEpro-dueteur", =triee, m., f : re- producer , adj. : reproducing, reproductive. -ductibilité " [-ductible], f : reprodu- cibleness. -duetible", adj. : reprodu- cible. -ductif" =ive, adj. : reproduc- tive. -duetion º, f. : =. [produire], irr.; tr. : reproduce ; republish (reprint): se -, reproduce one's self or itself (propagate one's species); be repro- 4 | |-duireº , duced (grow or come up again, reappear ; {. happen again, recur). • " rEpromettre [promettre], irr.; tr. : prom- ise again. réprou-vable*, adj. : reprovable (re- prehensible). -vé", =ée, part. : repro- bated, etc. ; m., f : reprobate, outcast. |-verº [prouver], tr. : disprove (reject, condemn); reprobate (condemn as un- Worthy, exclude from the elect). repsº [?], m. : rep (fabric of silk or wool). - reptileº [L. -tilis (repere, creep)], fadj. OI 770,. , TC . républi-eainº, -eaine, adj. or m., f : republican. republlcanlsm. ſ. : republic. répu-diation* [L. -diatio], f. : repudia- tion. |-dierºº [L. -diare (pudere, feel shame)], tr. : repudiate (cast off, reject). ll-que* |L. res publica], #rEpue* [-paître], f. : feeding ; meal. l, répu-gnan ee* [L. -gnantia], f : repug- nance. -gnantº, adj. : repugnant. l-gner*[L.-gnare (pugna, fight)], intr. : fclash (be contrary or contradictory); feel repugnance (be reluctant); be repugnant sion): cela -gne au sens commun, that is contrary to common sense ; il me -gne, I loathe him ; it is repugnant to me. répullu-lerº [L. -lare], intr. : repullu- late, abound, swarm ; (med.) reappear. répul-sifº, =ive [L. -sus], adj. : repul- sive. -sionº [L. -sio], f : repulsion ; aversion. répu-tation * [L. -tatio], f. : reputation ; repute, report : en -, in repute, in re- quest; perdre quelqu'un de -, ruin any one's reputation. |-ter* [L. -tar , (putare, value)], tr. : repute, reckon. frE-quérableº [-quérir], adj. : (leg.) demandable. -quérantº, =ante [-qué- rir], fadj. : searching; suing; m., f : ap- plicant ; plaintiff. -quérir, irr. (cf. -quérir); tr. : fseek (look for) again ; re- quire (demand, claim); summon (order): Se -, be required, etc. f||-querre° [p. L. *re-quœrere (L. quœrere, seek)], tr. : -canisme " [-cain], m. : y4 REQUEST. -quête *, f. : request (peti tion, demand); memorial ; (hunt.) ne requiem search. -quêter* [-quête], tr. : (hunt.) search again. requiemº [L., restl, m. : =. rE-quinº [?], m. : shark. rEquin-querº [?], tr. : dress up (rig out, | make spruce). -qué, part or adj. : rigged Out, Spruce. , rEquintº [quint], m. : (feud.) tax, twenty- fifth ( # of #'). rE-quis, =ise [-quérir], part. : required, etc., requisite ; #f. : search : une chose de —e, a rare thing. -quisition º, f. : º = ; applicative. -quisitoire [L.-quisi- tus, requested], f : (prosecutor's) address to the court. rEse eller [celler], tr. : seal again. reseif = récif. - re-sein dableº, adj. : =. -seindantº, m.: motion to rescind. |-sein der* [L. -scindere ( cut')], tr. : rescind (cancel, annul). -seisionº [L.-scissio],.f. : (leg.) rescission (annulment); (surg.) excision. -seisoire* [l. L. -scissorius], adj. : (leg.) rescissory ; m. : cause for rescission. - I°eSC OU1SS6 - 7"6C07lSS6. re-seription * [L. -scriptio], f : f=, +post-scriptum ; money-order (check, war- rant). back)], m. : rescript. réseau* [-seuil], m. : net-work (net, net- | ting, wire netting); (arch.) tracery; (surv.) chain (of triangles); (anat.) plexus. résection * [L.-tio], f : (surg.) resection, removal. - réséda" [L. (re-sedare, calm)], f. : (bot.) reseda (mignonette). réséquerº [L. re-secare (cut)], tr. : (surg.) resect, remOVe. réser-vation º, f : reservation; reserve. -ve*, f : reserve (reservation ; excep- tion ; restraint, caution ; modesty); store- room : - légale, legal portion ; à la - de, with reservation of, excepting ; de -, (of) reserve ; spare ; en -, in reserve, in store, spare ; sans -, without reserve, unre- served ; unreservedly ; without exception ; mettre en —, reserve, lay by ; se tenir sur la -, stand on the reserve, be reserved ; · be on one's guard. -vé, part. : reserved, etc. ; in store ; cautious, Wary ; modest ; distant. | - ven° * [L. -vare (servare, keep)], tr. : reserve (put by, spare ; ex- cept): se -, reserve one's self ; reserve for one's self ; wait for an opportunity ; intend ; reserve for one's self the right ; be reserved, etc. -viste* [-ve], m. : re- servist (reserve-man). -voirº, m. : reserv- oir (tank, cistern ; sump; pond); (anat.) · receptacle. #réseuil° [L. rëtiolum (rete, net)], m. : net. · rési-dantº, =ante*, adj. : resident (re- |-serit* [L. -scriptus, written | résoudre 561 siding). -deneeº [L. -dentia], f : resi- dence. -dent* [L. -dens], m. : minister resident (at a foreign court). |-der* [L.-dere (sedere, SIT)], intr. : reside (dwell, live). -duº [L. -duum], m. : residuum (residue ; sediment); (arith.) remainder. rési-gnantº, m. : resigner. -gnatai- reº, m. : resignee. -gnation* [L.-gna- tio], f : resignation. -gner* [L. -gnare (signare, sign)], tr. : resign (give up): se —, resign one's self (submit); be resigned (make up one's mind). rési-liation,.f.;-liementor-lîmentº, m.: cancelling (annulling). |-lierº or -lir [L. -lire (salire, leap), cf. Eng. resile, recoil], tr. : cancel (annul). 1 résilleº [? -seau (after Sp. -dilla)], f. : hair-net (Spanish head-dress). rési-ne * [L. -na], f : resin (rosin). -neux º, =euse, adj. : resinous. -ni- fère, adj. : resiniferous. résipis eenseº [L. -centia], f : recipi- scence (repentance). résis-tanee*, f : resistance ; power of resistance (endurance); (med.) obstinacy : de -, of resistance ; solid, substantial ; strong, main ; pièce de -, main piece ; principal dish, large joint ; substantial work. -tamtº, adj. : resistant, unyield- ing, strong, firm. |-terº [L. -tere (sis- tere, stand)l, intr.: make resistance (with à: resist, withstand, oppose ; endure): je m'y saurais plus -, I can no longer en- dure it. -tible, adj. : resistible. réso-luº, -lue [résoudre], part.: resolved (resolved on, settled ; resolute, determined, firm); (leg.) cancelled ; m., f. : resolute or . determined person. -lubleº [L. -lubilis], adj. : resoluble (solvable). -lumentº, adv. : resolutely, firmly. -lutifº, =ive, adj. : (med.) resolutive, resolvent. -lu- tion * [L. -lutio], f.: resolution (solu- tion ; determination, decision ; resolve); (leg.) cancelling : changer de -, change one's mind. -Iutoire* [L. -lutoriusl, adj. : (leg.) cancelling ; m. : # clause. -Ivant* [résoudre], part. : re- solving, etc. ; (med.) resolvent ; m.: re- solvent. ré-sonan ee* [L. -sonantia], f : reso- nance. -sonateur º, - triee, adj. : causing to resound ; m. : (acoust.) resona- tor. -sonnant*, part. : resounding; adj. : resonant; sonorous. |-sonner * [L. -sonare (sonus, SOUND)], intr. : resound (echo, ring, din); be sonorous ; ftr. : re- sound, sound forth. résor-ber " [L. -bere], tr. : reabsorb. -ption * [L. -bere], f : reabsorption. ré-soudre* [L. re-solvere (solve)], irr. $; tr. : resolve (dissolve, solve ; determine, settle); fdetermine (persuade, induce); 562 (leg.) cancel : se -, resolve (dissolve, be dissolved, melt; be determined ; determine, decide, make up one's mind); be resolved (into), come or amount (to): - un bail, cancel a lease ; je ne saurais m'y --, I cannot bring myself to it. -sous, part. (no.f) of -soudre : (dis)solved. $ Ind. : Pr. résozé-s, -s, -t ; résolv-oms, -ez, -ezzz. Ipf. résolzvazs. Pret. résolu-s. Fut. (Cond.) résoudraz(s — Subj. : Pr. résolve. Ipf. résolusse. — I've résous. — Part. : Pr. ré- solvant ; P. résolu, or résous (no f.), * (dis)- solved.* respee-tºf-pè [-tus (specere, look)], m. : = (regard, deference ; reference): porter - à, show respect to ; se faire porter —, make one's self respected ; sauf (le) -, Sauf votre -, saving your presence, with due reverence to you, by your leave. | -tabilité* [-table], f. : respectability. -table º, adj. : respectable. -tablE- ment, adv. : respectably. -terº, tr,: respect : se -, respect one's self or each other. -tifº, =ive [L. -tivus], adj. : re- spective. -tivement* [-tif.], adv. : re- spectively. -tueusement º [-tueux], adv. : respectfully. -tueux º, =euse, adj. : respectful (deferential ; reverential). #-r º, m.: breathing, breath. -ra- bleº, adj. : = (vital). -ration * [L. | -ratio], f : = (breathing). -ratoireº, adj. : respiratory. |-rer* [L. -rare (spi- rare, breathe)], intr.: respire (breathe, take breath); rest; sigh or long (après, for), have a strong desire, (- après) desire ar- | dently ; tr. : breathe (inhale); long for, thirst after. resplen-dirº [L. -dere], intr. : be re- splendent, shine brightly. -dissant*, adj. : resplendent. -dissement*, m.: resplendence. respon-sabilité ", f. : responsibility. ll-sable* [L. -sum (sup. of -dere, an- swer)], adj. : responsible (answerable, liable). -sif*, =ive, adj. : (leg.) respon- sive (responsory). - rEssae º [Prov. -co (sacar, draw)], m. : surf, underset, undertow. rEssaignerº [saigner], tr. : bleed again. rEssaisir* [saisir], tr. : reseize (seize or take again, or back, recover possession of): se -, be reseized. rEssasserº [sasser], tr. : sift or bolt , again ; examine carefully (scrutinise). rEssau-tº [old res-saillir (cf. s.), leap forthl, m. : leap, projection; abrupt fall ; irregularity ; (arch.) ressault. I.-terº [-saut], intr. : (arch.) project 2.ll-terº [sauter], intr. : leap again. resséant = résidant. rEsseIIer [seller], tr. : saddle again. rEssem-blaneeº, f. : resemblance. -blantº, adj. : resembling, like. respect | ºGSSO i ll °G © |-blerº [sembler] ftr. : intr. (with à) : resemble (be or look like): se -, resemble one's self; resemble or be like each other, be (a)like ; qui se -ble assemble, birds of a feather flock together; se - à soi même, be ever the same. rEssemE-lage", m. : re-soling (of boots); re-footing (ofstockings). |-lerº[semelle], tr. : half-sole (boots, etc.) ; foot anew (stockings). rEssEmer* [semer], tr. : sow again, re- SOW. • rEssen-ti*, part. : felt, etc.; strongly marked, expressed, or figured ; full of feeling or expression ; apparent. -ti- mentº, m. : feeling, sense ; feeling of gratitude ; (feeling of : anger); resent- ment ; slight return, touch (of sickness) : avec -, resentingly; plein de -, resent- ful. |-tir* [sentir], irr.; tr., refl. - 4 (with de) : feel (have a sense of, expe- , rience ; feel the effects of) ; partake, share ; bear marks of; resent ; #be grate- ful : se - d'une injure, resent an in- Jury. rEsser-rement º, m. : contraction (con- striction); s (med.) stricture. |-rer* [serrer], tr. : close together (contract, compress, tighten) ; press or pack together (assemble, confine) ; tie again, tie or bind together; rivet ; restrain (confine) ; (mil.) close again ; (nav.) take in sails again ; (print.) lock up again : se-, be contracted (contract, shrink) ; ' be compressed or enclosed ; become tighter ; become colder ; grow scarce ; be restricted in circulation ; retrench one's expenses ; le temps se -re, the weather grows colder. rEsservir* [servir], tr. : serve again ; intr. : be of service or useful again. ressif = récif. rEs-sort*, m. : rebound ; elasticity, ener- gy; spring; resort (recourse) ; means ; agency ; province (department) : à -, with a spring ; du — de, within the province of; (leg.) amenable to; en der- mier -, in the last resort, without ap- peal : faire -, spring or fly back, re- bound ; cela n'est pas de son -, that is not his province. -sortirº [sortir], irr. ; intr. : I.go or come out again ; stand out (be salient, be set off, prominent or strik- ing) ; come out, result, spring ; 2.be in the jurisdiction (of) ; depend (on), be ap- pealable (to); refer (to) ; be intended (for) : faire —, bring forward, bring out ; bring out in relief ; set off, make con- spicuous, show off ; conclude. -sortis- santº, adj. : within the jurisdiction (of); dependent (on) ; appealable (to). rEssouderº [souder], tr. : solder again. rEssouree*[old res-sourdere (cf. source)], ressouvenir f : resource (supply ; expedient ; help) : de -, resourceful, fertile in expedient ; 8ans -, resourceless, without resource ; T irretrievable ; irretrievably; faire —, pro- cure resources, raise the wind ; il n'y a point de -, there's no help for it. rEssouvenir [souvenir], irr.; intr., refl. : remember (recollect); m. : remembrance. rEs-suageº, m. : (tech.) sweating ; (metal.) eliquation. |-suer*[-suer], intr. : (tech.) sweat ; (metal.) eliquate. , ressuiº [-ssuyer], m. : (hunt.) lair. ' ressuseiter* [L. re-suscitare (sus-citare, raise up)], tr. : resuscitate ; intr. : be re- suscitated (be raised from the dead). ressuyer* [essuyer], tr. : wipe or dry again : se -, dry one's self ; get dry, dry. res-tamtº [-ter], adj. : remaining, left; m. : rest, remainder : bureau - (on parcels), to be left till called for ; gare —e, to be left (at the station) till called for; poste -e, poste restante (post-office), general delivery, till called for. restau-rº, m. : retroactive suit (of mari- time insurance companies to responsible parties of older date). - rantº, adj. : re- storing (restorative) ; m. : restorative ; restaurant (eating-house). -rateurº, =triee [L. -rator], m., f : restorer; m. : keeper of a restaurant. -ration º [L. -ratio], f. : restoration. |-rerº [L. -rare (sta-, stand)], tr. : restore (reëstablish; re- pair; revive): se -, recover one's strength; take refreshment. res-teº, m. (#f): rest (remains, remnant, remainder, residue) ; charge ; pl. : re- mains, mortal remains : au -, du -, as for the rest ; moreover, besides ; in other . respects ; however ; in fact ; finally ; de · -, left, remaining ; more than enough ; extra ; too good ; en -, in arrears, owing still, behindhand ; et le —, and the rest of it ; and so on ; demande son -, ask for one's change ; faire son -, stake all ; jouer de son -, make one's last stake ; be on one's last legs. |-terº [-tare (stare, stand)], intr. : rest (be left or over, re- main ; stay, stop, dwell ; continue, keep ; . mus. : dwell on a note, hold) ; (nav.) bear : en -, leave off, stop ; -tons-en là, let us | stop there ; let us say nothing more about it ; -te à savoir, it remains to be known ; - chez soi, stay at home. resti-tuable*, adj. : restorable (repay- able, to be refunded). |-tuerº [L. -tuere (statuere, maké stand)], tr. : restore (restitute; return, give back). -tution * [L. -tutio], f : (leg.) relief. re-streindre* [L. -stringere (tighten)], irr. (cf. peindre); tr. : RESTRICT (RESTRAIN, confine, limit). -strictifº, =ive [L. restitution, restoration ; retenir 563 -strictus], adj. : restrictive. -striction º, (restraint); reservation. -strin- gentº [L.-stringens], adj. : astringent. résul-tantº, -tante, part. : resulting ; adj. : resultant ; f : resultant. -tatº [l. L. -tatum], m. : result. -terº [l. L. -tare], intr. : result (follow). ré-sumé*, m. : = (summing up; abstract, compendium, epitome) : au (or en) --, on the whole, after all; in short. |-sumerº [L. -Sumere (take)], tr. : give a summary of, summarise ; condense : se -, be summed up ; recapitulate, sum up. -sumption u like nasal o [L. -Sumptio], f. : resumption. résurreetion* [L. -tio], f : tion. rEtable" or ré- [OFr. rere (L. retro), back, table], m. : = (back of the altar, rising over the table ; altar-piece ; altar screen). •ºs Rºg•as I'eStllºre6- réta-blirº [établirl, tr,: reéstablish (re- store ; reinstate; set up again); recover (retrieve) : se -, reëstablish one's self ;be reéstablished, etc. ; recover one's health, get well again; revive. -blissement*, m. : reéstablishment (restoration) ; re- covery; revival. - · rE-taille*, f : piece cut off, shred; cut- tings, parings. |-tailler* [tailler], tr. : · cut or mend again ; prune again. réta-mageº, m. : tinning over again. |-merº [étamer], tr. : tin over again ; tinker;resilver (looking-glasses). -meurº, m. : tinker. . rEtaperº [taper], tr. : fix (do up, straight- en, trim); correct (revise). , ! rEtar-dº, m. : = (delay, retardation); · slowness : en --, late, behind one's (its) time ; behindhand, backward; slow ; in arrears, overdue ; (sur) slower than ; ap- porter du -, cause delay. -dataireº [-d], adj. : behindhand, tardy; in arrears, backward ; m., f. : laggard ; person in arrears; defaulter. -dateurº, -triee, adj. : retarding. -dation* [-datio], f : =. f-dEmentº, m.: retardment (putting off, delay). |-derº [L. -dare (tardus, slow)], tr. : retard (delay, defer ; put off ; hold off); set back (a watch, etc.); intr. : delay (be behind time); come or rise later; be slow (of watches), lose : se -, be de- layed ; delay each other ; ma montre -de, my watch loses. rEtâter* [tâter], tr. : touch orfeel again ; retouch ; alter ; taste again or try or ex- amine again. rEteindre* [teindre], irr.; tr. : again ; retint. rEtendre * [tendre], tr. : bend again. rEtEnirº [tenir], irr.; tr. : RETAIN (hold dye stretch again ; 564 rétentif back, withhold, keep); hinder; get (hold of) again ; keep back (check, curb, con- fine, restrain) ; reserve ; bespeak, hire, engage ; intr. : hold back, REIN in (horses); conceive, breed (of mares) : se -, hold back (refrain, forbear, check one's self); catch hold (of), seize, cling ; be detained, etc. ; poser deux et - trois, (arith.) set down two and carry three ; - un loge- ment, hire a lodging ; - un domestique, hire a servant. - réten-tif, =ive [L. -tus (tenere, hold), held], adj. : retentive. -tion º, f : re- tention ; retentiveness (of memory) ; res- ervation : droit de lien. -tion- naire" [-tion], m., f : (leg.) detainer. rEten-tir* [OFr. -*tentir (p. L. tintin- nive), sound], intr. : resound (ring, din). -tissantº, adj. : resounding (ringing) ; sonorous. -tissement*, m. : resound- ing (echo, ringing, din, rattle, noise) ; publicity (fame) : avoir du -, make a great noise ; be echoed or repeated ; be | much talked of. * rE-tentuInº [l. L.], m. : reservation, | (leg.) tacit clause ; trick. |-tEnu, =ue [-tenir], part. : retained, etc. ; fº : reten- tion (withholding, stoppage) ; reserve · (caution, discretion) ; keeping in (confine- | ment, exclusion from play) ; pupils kept in ; fixture (of a bridge) ; (nav.) bell-rope : être en -, be kept in (at school) ; faire une - sur, (fin.) stop; mettre en -, keep in (at school). · rEter-çage* or-sage, m. : second dress- ing (of vines). |-eerº or -ser [tercer], tr. : give a second dressing to (vines). rétiaire* [L. retiarius (rete, net)], m. : (Rom. antiq.) retiarius (gladiator armed with a net and trident). - réti-een eeº [L. -centia (tacere, be silent)], f : reticence (reserve). réti-culaireº [L. -culum], adj. : retic- ular. |-eule" [L. -culum (rete, net)], ,f. : reticule (reticle, hair-net ; spider-lines). -culé [L. -culatus], adj. : reticulated. rétif°, =ive [p. L. restivum (L. re-stäre, stay back)], adj. : restive , (stubborn) : ſaire le —, be restive. s-sm-x rétineº [l. L. -na (L. rete, net)], f : re- tina. frEti-radeº, f : (fort.) = (last retrench- ment). -ré, part. : retired (secluded, lone- some). |-rer [tirer], tr. : retire (with- draw, draW away, remove); draw again, redraw ; draw out (bring out) ; pick out, select ; draw in or back, recover, redeem ; derive (receive ; get); derive as profit ; get in, house, lodge ; fire (off) again ; · intr. : withdraw, recede, ebb : se —, re- tire Çwithdraw, go away; retreat, recede) ; · subside (ebb); shrink (contract) ; recoup retracer or retrieve one's self; be withdrawn; — de prison, remove from prison ; - de la ^ gloire, derive glory. rEtom-héeº, f : falling back ; springing (of an arch). |-berº [tomber], intr. : fall back or again ; relapse ; fall down ; lap. - rEtondre* [tondre], tr. : shear again ; (arch.) cut away, clear off. « rE-tordageº, -tordEment, m. : twist- ing. -tordeur º, =euse, m. : twister. |-tordre* [tordre], tr. : twist or wring again ; twist : donner du fil à - à quel- , qu'un, give one enough to do. rétorquerº [L. -quere], tr. : RETORT. rEtor-s* [-dre], adj. : twisted; artful (cunning). rétor-sifº, =ive [L. -sum (cf. -quer)], adj. : retortive. -sion * [L. -sio],f. : re- tortion (retorting) ; retort. rEtor-teº [L. -ta], f. : (chem.) retort. #-tillen° [-t, part. of -dre], tr. : twist again. <. - rEtou-eheº, f : retouching. |-eher* [toucher], tr. : touch again ; retouch. rE-tour*, m. : return (returning, coming back ; homeward voyage ; #reappearance, recurrence) ; return ticket ; turn (wind- ing, angle) ; vicissitude (whim) ; thing given in acknowledgment ; decline of life ; reciprocity, requital ; dodge (trick) ; repast (luncheon) : - de noce, wedding breakfast ; - d'équerre, right angle ; - sur soi-même, reflection on one's own conduct, self-examination ; sympathy ; âge de -, - de l'âge, declining years ; de -, return, homeward, home ; returned ; back ; to boot, over ; up or back or return (train) ; sans —, for ever ; irretrievably, irretrievable, absolute ; sur le -, on the wane or decline, past middle age ; faire \- - à, return to, revert to; avoir de fâ- cheux -s, be whimsical ; à beau jeu beau -, one good turn deserves another; la fortune a ses #-s, fortune has her vicis- situdes. -tourneº, f : turned up card, trump card, trump : , chevalier de la -, card sharper. ll-tournerº [tourner], tr., intr. : return (turn back, go back ; re- vert ; send back) ; turn over, upset ; turn up (cards) ; turn round ; turn (inside out); . mix (à salad) : se -, turn one's self, turn (round) ; be turned up ; - en arrière, turn back ; voir de quoi il -tourne, see what is going on (what is the matter) ; - Sur ses pas, retrace one's steps; il . -tourne cœur, hearts are trumps ; - un habit, turn a coat ; s'en —, turn back, re- turn home, go back again. rEtraeer * [tracer], tr. : retrace; trace ; recount (relate) : se -, trace back ; re- call to mind (remember) ; return (recur). rétraetation rétrac-tation º, f. : retractation (re- · cantation). |-ten° º [L. -tare (trahere, draw)], tr. : retract (recant, recall, dis- · avow); retract (draw back): se -, re- tract (recant, etc.) ; (surg.) retract. -tileº [L. -tus], adj. : retractile. -tili- té* [-tile], f. : retractility. -traetion ! [L. -tractio], f : retraction. rE-traire º [traire], irr.; tr. : #retire ; fredeem ; contract. -traitº, m. : con- tracted (dried, shrunk) ; thin ; (her.) re- bated ; redeemed ; m. : contraction (shrink- • ing, shrinkage); recession ; (leg.) redemp- tion (regaining possession); withdrawal (of a bill in Parliament) ; (arch.) recess, offset ; f private room : — conventionnel, (leg.) reémption ; — d'emploi, deprivation of office, suspension. I.-traite*, f : re- treat (retiring, retirement, withdrawal ; place of retreat, refuge, hiding-place, haunt ; asylum) ; contraction (shrinking, shrinkage); retiring pension (pension) ; (milit.) tattoo; recoil ; (arch.) offset ; retract horse-shoe nail in the quick : de -, retiring ; tired ; en —, retired, on the retired list; superannuated; inside ; cadre de -, retired list ; caisse (or fonds) de -, retiring fund ; battre en —, retreat, retire ; give Way ; battre la —, beat the retreat ; beat the tattoo; se battre —, keep up a running fight ; donner à quel- qu'un sa -, mettre à la —, pension off, · Superannuate; prendre sa —, retire on a pension, leave the service; sonner la —, sound the retreat ; (hunt.) call off the hounds. 2.-traite" [traite], f. : (com.) redraft. -traité [traiter], part. : retired (pensioned), etc.; m. : retired officer (pen- sioner) ; superannuated clerk. rEtran-ehement*, m. : retrenchment (abridgment, curtailment); (mil.) intrench- ment. ll-eherº [trancher], tr. : re- trench (cut short, curtail, abridge) ; (arith.) subtract ; deduct; (milit.) in- trench : se -, confine one's self; restrain one's self; retrench, curtail one's ex- penses ; intrench one's self. rEtranscrire* [transcrire], tr. : tran- scribe or copy again. rEtravailIerº [travailler], tr. : work again, do over again. rEtraverser" [traverser], tr. : traverse Or Cross again. rEtrayant, =ante [part. of -traire], m., f. : repurchaser, redemptor. rêtre = reître. rétré-ei, adj. : contracted (confined, cramped, narrow). |-eirº [étrécir], tr. or intr. : contract (confine, straiten, shrink). -eissementº, m.: contracting (narrowing, shrinking, cramping); (med.) stricture, revanche 565 rEtremperº [tremper], tr. : soak or steep again; temper again; invigorate, ren- ovate : se -, be invigorated or strength- ened, acquire new vigour, recruit. rétri-buen°º [L. -buere], tr. : retribute (remunerate, reward, pay). -butignº [L. -butio], f : retribution (reward). rétro-aetifº, =ive [L. -act-], adj. : re- troactive. -action " [L. -act-], f : re- ·troaction, backward action. -active- ment [-actif], adv. : retroactively. -activité* [-actif], f. : retroactive ef- fect. |-agir [L. -agere, " ACT'], intr. : retröact (have retroactive effect). - rétro-eédierº [L. -cedere], tr. : retro- cede (cede back, reconvey, reassign). -eessionº [L. -cessio], f : retrocession (reconveyance). rétro-gradation º [L. -gradatio], f : retrogradation (retrogression). -gradeº [L. -gradus], adj. : retrograde. |-gra- derº [L. -gradare (gradus, step)], intr. : retrograde (go back, recede). - rétrospee-tifº, =ive [L. -tum (supine of retro-spicere, look back)], adj. : retro- Spective. rEtrous-sementº, m. : turning up (tuck- ing up, curling up, cocking). ll-serº [trousser], tr. : turn up (tuck up, tie up, curl up, cock); (nav.) truss up : se -, turn up, etc. ; tuck up one's gown. -sisº, m.: turned up part; facing (of a coat, etc.), flap, cock (of a hat), boot-top. rEtrouverº [trouver], tr. : find again (find, recover; meet again}; recognise: se -, find one's self or each other again ; be one's self again ; recover one's self; find one's way ; meet again , retrieve one's losses ; be found (again); be met with (again). rets° [L. rëtes, pl. of -te], m. : net, snare ; netWork. ré-union º, f : reunion ; meeting. |-unirº [unir], tr. : reunite (unite, join ; assemble, call together) ; reconcile : se -, reunite, etc., come together, concur; blend. - ré-ussirº [It. ri-uscire (L. ex-ire, go out)], intr. : #ISSUE (come out); succeed (be successful; prosper, thrive): mal -ussi, unsuccessfully (poorly) made or done ; un- successful; unlucky; il a mal -ussi, he has had poor success, he was unsuccessful. -ussiteº [It. ri-uscita], f : fissue (re- sult) ; success (good result). - rEvae einerº [vacciner], tr. : revac- cinate. rEva-lidation º, f : rendering valid again. |-liderº [valider], tr. : (leg.) make valid again. -loir* [valoir], irr. ; tr. : pay back : il me le revaudra, he shall pay for it, I will be even with him. rE-vaneheº, f : revenge (vengeance, re- 566 rêvasser taliation ; return; at play, return game) : en --, by revenge ; in return ; to make up for it; on another hand. |-vanveher* [vancher], ftr. : avenge ; refl. : revenge one's self (have revenge) ; repay, return ; defend one's self; have one's turn : 8e - d'un bienfait, return a benefit. f-van- eh eurº, =euse, m., f : avenger; de- fender. rê-vasser* [-ver], intr. : keep dream- ing; have troubled dreams. -vasserie*, f : dreaming (musing) ; troubled dreams. -vasseur", =euse, m., f : dreamer. rêve º [-ver], m. : dream ; illusion. rEvêehe* [?], adj. : rough (untractable, harsh, cross-grained) ; hard to Work; f : sort of coarse Woollen stuff. ré-veil*, m.: awaking (waking; awaken- ing) ; morning call ; alar(u)m ; alarm- clock ; (milit.) reveille. -veille- matin,*, pl. -, m. : alarm-clock ; awa- kener ; chanticleer ; (bot.) wartwort. |-veiller* [éveiller], tr. : awake (awaken, wake, rouse, stir up) : se -, wake (wake up, be awakened or roused) ; se - en sursaut, start up out of sleep. -veillon,º, m. : midnight repast ; Christ- mas eve supper (after midnight mass). -veillonnerº [-veillon], intr. : have a midnight repast ; keep Christmas eve. révé-lateur º, =triee [L. -latorl, m., f : revealer (informer) ; adj. : revealing. -lation * [L.-latio], f : revelation ; (leg.) | information. |-lerº [L. -lare (velum, veil)], tr. : reveal (discover, disclose ; be- tray) ; (pop.) blab out. rEvenantº [revenir], adj. : returning ; pleasing ; by way of profit ; m. : profit ; perquisite ; ghost (returning from the dead), apparition : il y a des -s dans ce château, that castle is haunted. -bonº, m. : profit (gain) ; bonus, perquisite. rEvendeurº,=euse [-dre], m.,f. : second- · hand dealer ; huckster, peddler. rEvendi-cation º, f : claiming (claim, demand), replevin : exercer une action en —, enter a claim (to). |-quer* [OFr. vendiquer (L. vindicare)], tr. : (re)claim, demand : se —, be claimed. rEvendre* [vendre], tr. : sell again, re- sell; (fig.) spare; en avoir à -, have some to spare, have enough and to spare ; en - à, be more than a match for, outwit. rE-venez-yº, m. : inviting a return or to repeat, inviting daintiness, dainty; repeti- tion, return : goût de -, tasting, inviting a return to it. |-venirº [venir], irr.; intr. : come again or back (return, reap- pear, revert, recur); recover (recover one's self, come to, be restored); be reconciled or appeased; return (to, reconsider), alter one's mind or opinion (reca.b, retract) ; reverquier come over (to, adopt, embrace) ; come up (to, amount to, cost, be tantamount to) ; arise, accrue ; please (suit), match ; come back from the dead (haunt, appear); (leg.) claim on a guarantee (from): - à soi, come to one's self ; be reclaimed, amend, reform ; - de loin, escape great danger, have a narrow escape , retrieve great er- rors; - sur le compte de, alter one's mind about ; son nom ne me -vient pas, I do not recollect his name ; ses manières ne me -viennent pas, his manners do not please me ; il me -vient que, I am told that, I understand that ; il ne m'en -vient rien, I get nothing from it ; ne pas — de, not to recover from, be utterly surprised at ; n'en pas -, not return or recover from it, not get over it, be utterly amazed; en - d'une belle, have had a narrow escape ; en - toujours là, keep returning to the point ; persist in thinking ; faire -, make (one) return, bring back ; get back, recover; reclaim ; revive ; (cook.) half-cook, parboil. rEvente* [-vendre], f : resale, reselling : de -, second-hand. rEvenu, =nue [-mir], part. : come back, etc.; m.*: revenue (income, rent): état de -s, rental ; -s casuels, perquisites ; fº : return; young Wood; (hunt.) feeding time. rêver* [?], intr. : RAVE; dream (muse, meditate ; reflect ; be in a dream); tr. : dream ; imagine ; desire (long for). réver-bération º [L.-beratio],f : rever- beration. -bère*, m. : reflector; street- lamp : à -, reverberatory; feu de -, re- verberated fire. |- béren°º [L. -berare (verber, whip)], tr., intr. : reverberate. rEver-dir* [verdir], intr. : grow or turn green again, reblossom ; grow young again, revive ; tr. : make or paint green again : planter là pour —, leave in the lurch, give the slip to. -dissement*, m. : groWing green again. révé-remment * -ram- [-rend], adv.N reverently. -renee* [L.-rentia], f. : †) erence (veneration ; bow, courtesy): tirer sa - à, (jest.) make one's bow to. -ren- tiel*, =eIIe [-rence], adj. : reverential. -reneieusementº, adv. : reverentially. -reneieux º, =euse, adj. : reverential ; obsequious (bowing and scraping). -rend [L. -rendus], adj. or m. : reverend : très , right reverend. -rendissimeº [L. -rendissimus], adj. : most reverend. |-rerº [L. -reri (vereor, feel awe)], tr. : revere (venerate, reverence). rêverie* [-ver], f : fraving ; reverie (musing, dreaming). \ rEvernir [vernir], tr. : varnish or glaze again. rEverquier = revertier, JºeV'e "S rE-vers* [L. -versus, reversed], m. : re- verse (back, opposite side, Wrong side); facing, lapel (of garments); back stroke or blow (backhander); counterpart : à (or de) —, in the rear, in the flank ; coup de -, backhanded stroke. -versal" [-vers], adj. : of mutual concessions ; f pl. (-ver- sales); letters of mutual concessions. f-versEment*, m. : (nav.) trans-ship- ment. ll-verser* [verser], tr. : pour (out) again, pour off; transfer ; (nav.) transship ; (com.) transfer, carry. -ver- si(s)º [It. rovescino (L. re-versus, re- verse)], m. : = (game at cards). -versi- bilité* [-versible], f : reversibility. | -versibleº, adj. : reversible. -ver- sion* [L. -versio], f : reversion ; return. -versoirº, m. : weir. rEvertier º [?], m. : = (kind of back- gammon). rE-vestiaire*[L.vestiarium (cf.-tiaire)], ſ. : frevestiary ; (Rom. Cath.) clothing al- lowance. -vêtement º, m. : coating (covering, casing, lining ; engin. revet- ment). -vêtir* [vêtir], tr. : clothe (dress, put on); put on (assume); invest (confer, bestow ; endow); coat (case, cover); line, face ; (engin.) revet : se —, clothe one's self (array one's self, dress); assume ; be invested ; - la figure, put on the air of ; - un personnage, assume a character. rêveur*, =euse [-ver], m., f.: dreamer (muser); adj. : dreaming (musing, pensive, thoughtful). I.rE-vient, Pres. of -venir. 2.-vientº, m. : net cost : prix de -, cost price, net cost. rEvi-radeº, f : back-game (at backgam- mon). -rement º, m. : veering round, sudden change ; (nav.) tacking ; (com.) transfer : - de parties (de fonds, de de- niers), transfer. |-rer* [virer], intr. : turn round; (nav. tack about ; change sides, be turncoat). rEvi-sable* or ré-, adj. : =. -ser · [L. -serel, tr. : revise. -seur or ré- [L. -sor], m. : reviser. -sion [L. -sio], f : = : - de procès, rehearing ; conseil de -, (mil.) board for examining recruits. rEvivi-faction º, f : =. |-fier º [vi- vifier], tr. : revivify (revive). -seeneeº [L. -scere, revivify], f. : =. rEvivreº [vivre], irr.; intr. : revive (live again, come to life again): faire —, bring to life again. - révo-cabilité,.f. : revocableness. |-ea- bleº [L. -cabilis (vocare, call)], adj. : re- vocable. -eatoire* [L. -catorius], adj. : revocatory. rE-voieiº, prep. : here again (back again, once more). -voilà º, prep. : there again (back again, once more). |-voirº[voir], 12 567 irr., tr. : see again, meet again ; look over again (review, revise); m. : seeing (or meeting) again, next meeting : se -, see one's self or each other again, meet again , be seen again ; au (or jusqu'au) -, till we meet again, good-bye. rhétoricien rEvolerº [voler], intr. : fly again, fly back. rEvolin º [L. -volvere, twist], m.: wind. . révol-tamt", adj. : revolting. -teº, f. : revolt (rebellion); fturn (apostacy). -té, part. : revolted ; m. : revolter, rebel. |-ter* [It. rivoltare (L. volvere, turn)], tr. : rouse to revolt, stir up ; revolt (shock, horrify); fturn (from, abandon): se -, revolt (rebel); be indignant. # révo-lu* [L. -lutus (volvere, turn)], adj. : revolved, completed. -lutif", =ive [L. -lutus], adj. : revolutive, (bot.) revolute. -Iution* [L. -lutio], f : revolution. -lu- tionnaire" [-lution], adj., or m. : revo- lutionary, revolutionist. -lutionnaire- ment" [-lutionnaire], adv. : revolution- arily. -lutionner* [-lution], tr. : revo- lutionise. rEvolverº [Eng.], m. : =. rEvomirº [vomir], tr. : vomit (throw up) again. révoquer [L. re-vocare ( call')], tr. : re- voke (recall ; repeal); dismiss : - en doute, call in question. rEvouloir * [vouloir], irr.; tr. : again or back. rEvu, -vue [voir], part. : seen again, etc.; f. : seeing again ; review (examination ; survey ; magazine ; military review): être gens de -, be people who frequently meet ; faire la - de, review (examine); passer en —, review. - révul-sifº, =ive [L.-sus (vellere, pull)], adj. : revulsive. -sionº [L. -sio], f. : re- vulsion. . fré2° [L. räsus, scraped, RASED], adv. : level, even (with): - (de) pied, on a level with the foot; - (de) terre, on a level with the ground (or ground). -de-ehaus- sée, m. : ground-level, ground-floor: au -, on the ground-floor. rhabil-lageº,-lementº, m. : repairing, mending. ' |-ler* [re, habiller], tr. : dress again (clothe anew) ; patch up (mend). -leurº, =euse, m., f : mender (repairer); bone-setter. #. rhapsode, etc. = rapsode, etc. RIvée, f. : Rhea ; (zoöl.) rhea. Rheims, m. : =. rhénan, adj. : Rhenish. rhéteurº [L. -tor], m.: rhetorician. Rhé-tie, f. : Rhaetia. - tien, adj. : Rhae- tian, - rhéto-rieien º, #nne, m., f : rheto- eddy wish 568 Rhin rician. |-rique [L. -rica (cf. -r)], f : rhetoric ; next highest class : faire de la -, rhetorise ; faire sa -, study rhetoric, be in the class of rhetoric. Rhin, m. : Rhine : vin du -, Rhine wine. frhingrave º [Gr. rhein-graf, "Rhine- count'], m. : Rhinegrave; f : trunk-hose, knee-breeches. rhino eérosº [L.], m.: rhinoceros. rhinoplastieº [Gr. rhin, nose, plássein, form], f. : (surg.) rhinoplasty. rhodium [Gr. rhôdon, rose], m. : (min.) rhodo-dendron [L. (Gr. rhôdon, rose, · déndron, tree)], m. : = (rose-bay). rh9m-beº [-bus], m.: rhombus. -boè- dreº [Gr. hédra, side], m.: rhombohedron. -boïdalº [-boide], adj. : rhomboidal. f-boïdeº [L. -boides], m.: rhomboid. rhota eismeº [Gr. -kismós (rho, r)], m. : rhotacism. rhubarbe* [L. rheu-barbarum], f. : rhu- barb. r(h)umº [Eng. rum], m. : rum. rhu-matique* [L. rheumaticus], adj. : rheumatic. -matisantº, =te [L. rheu- matizans], adj. or m., f. : rheumatic. -IIIatisInalº [-matisme], adj. : rheuma- tic. -matismeº [L. rheumatismus], m. : rheumatism. |-me* [L.-Gr. rheûma (rheîn, flow)], m. : rheum (mucous dis- charge). rhyth-meº [L. -mus (Gr. rheîn, flow)], m. : rhythm. -miqueº [L. -micus], adj. : rhythmic(al). riant* [rire], adj. : laughing ; smiling (cheerful, pleasant). - ribambelle" [?], f : long row, string, lot (of people). - ri-baudº, -baude [? Germ'c ribe, prosti- tute], m., f. or adj. : RIBALD. -baude- rie*, f,: ribaldry. -bler [? ak.to -baud], intr. : run the streets at night. ribletteº [? ak. to Eng. rib], f. : slice of | meat, collop. #ribleur* [-bler], m. : libertine (rake). - ribor-dº [bord], m. : (nav.) garboard- strake. -dageº, m. : damage, hole (in a ship's hull caused by fouling or staving); indemnity for such damage. - ribo-teº, f. : carousal (debauch); intox- street-walker ; ication. ll-ter" [?], intr. : get drunk ; be on a spree. -teur, =euse", m., f : drunkard. • rica-nementº, m. : forced laugh, grin ; sneer. ll-nerº [?], intr. : laugh affected- ly, chuckle ; sneer. -nerie º, f : forced laughter; sneer. -neurº, =euse, m., ·f. : sneerer; adj. : Sneering. rie-à-rac* [?], adv. : scrupulously, ex- actly. «8 rieur ri-ehardº, =arde, m., f : rich person, capitalist. |-eheº [Frank. richi], adj. : RICH (opulent ; copious ; precious); high ; m. : rich man : - taille, high stature ; le mauvais -, Dives, the rich man of the Bible ; a hard-hearted rich man ; faire le -, play the rich man. -ehementº, adv. : richly, etc. -ehesseº, f. : riches (wealth, opulence; richness, copiousness). -ehis- simeº, adj. : (fam.) exceedingly rich. riein " [L. -cinus], m. : ricinus (castor- oil plant): huile de -, castor-oil. • rieo-eherº, intr. : ricochet (rebound). |-ehetº [?], m. : = (rebound, duck and drake); series (chain, succession): faire des -, ricochet ; skip (stones), make ducks and drakes (on the water); feu (or tir) à -s, ricochet-firing; chanson du —, the same thing over and over again ; par —, by ricochet ; indirectly. rietusº [L.], m. : grin, grinning. ri-deº [-der], f. : wrinkle ; ripple ; ripple- mark ; (nav.) lanyard. -deau* [-der], m. : (mil.) ridge of ground (hiding soldiers, rideau); screen ; bed-, theatre-curtain, (drop); blower (of a fireplace): — d'entr'- acte, drop-curtain ; baisser le —, drop the curtain ; derrière le -, behind the cur- tain (or scenes); lever de -, curtain- raiser, short play; tirer le —, draw the curtain (I.to expose ; 2.to conceal). ridelle* [?], f : staff-side (of a cart), standard-side ; rack, rail, shelving. rider* [MHG. riden, twist], tr. : wrinkle; shrivel; ripple : se -, Wrinkle ; shrivel (up); ripple. I.ridieuleº [for réticule], f. : (ladies' work-bag). 2.ridieu-le* [-lus (ridere, laugh)], adj. : ridiculous ; m. : ridiculousness (ridiculous side); ridiculous person or thing : tourner en -, ridicule. -lementº, adv. : ridic- ulously. -liserº, tr. : ridicule. -litéº, j. : ridiculousness. rièble* [?], m. : goose-grass. - rien° [L. rem, acc. of res, thingl, m. : a thing, any thing ; a mere trifle ; (with ne, if there is a verb): not anything, nothing, nought; no difference, no way; pl. : trifles, nonsense, idle talk : - de -, nothing out of nothing ; nothing whatever ; - autre chose, nothing else ; - de moins, nothing less ; - moins, nothing less ; not (in) the least ; - moins que, nothing less than ; anything but ; de -, of anything or noth- ing; of or at the least thing ; insignificant, diminutive ; don't mention it : en moins de -, en un - de temps, in no time, in 3 trice ; il n'en est —, there is nothing to it it is not so; no such thing; nothing comes out of it. rieur*, =euse [rier], m., f : reticule laugher, riflard ri-flard º, m. : (carp.) jack-plane ; (mas.) paring chisel ; rough file ; old umbrella. |-flerº [for rafler], tr. : (old) sweep away; plane, pare, file ; plunder. rigaudonº [? dancer Rigaud], m. : doon (dance). rigi-de* [L. -dus], adj. : rigid (stiff ; strict ; austere). -dementº, adv. : rigidly, etc. -ditéº [L.-ditas], f : rigid- ity (rigidness, strictness). rigodon = rigaudom. rigoladeº [-ler], m.: Spree. rigo-le* [?], f : little ditch (trench fur- row) ; culvert; gutter. I.-ler*, tr. : (agr.) water-furrow. 2.rigoler* [?], intr. : make fun, make merry, rollick, revel. - ri-gorismeº [L. -gor], m. : rigorism. -goriste" [L. -gor], m., f : rigorist ; adj. : rigorous, hypercritical. -goureuse- ment* [-goureux], adv. : rigorously. -goureux*, =euse [L. -gorosus], adj. : rigorous (stern, severe). ll-gueur* [L. -gor (root reg-, stretch)], f : rigour (severity, sternness ; precision): à la -, rigorously, strictly ; strictly speaking ; if absolutely necessary ; de -, strictly re- quired; obligatory, compulsory; latest; (at play) the strict game ; en -, with rigour ; tenir -, be severe (upon); show spite ; refuse to forgive, refuse to come round. ril-lettesº [OFr. rille (?), slice], f. pl. : minced pork. -lons [OFr. rille], m. pl. : minced pork. ri-mailleº, f : poor rhyming, doggerel. -maillerº [-mer], intr. : make doggerel or bad verses. -mailleurº, =euse [-mailler], m. : rhymester, poetaster. |-me* [OHG. rim, number, series], f : rhyme (prop. rime). -mer*, tr., intr. : rhyme. -meur*, =euse [-mer], m., f. : rhymer (inferior poet, poetaster). rinçage [-cer], m. : rinsing. frin eéau = rainceau. rim-ee-boueheº, m.: finger glass. |-eer* [?], tr. : RINSE (wash); (fig.) thrash. -çure*, f : rinsings (slops); poor (diluted) wine. - ringard " [?], m. : fire-iron (poker). ringrave = rhingrave. rio-eher or -terº [rire], or -terº [rire], intr. : giggle, titter. -teur", =euse, m., f.: giggler. - friot-te* [?], f. : little quarrel, bickering. f-teux*, =euse, adj. : quarrelsome. ripage* [-perl, m. : scraping. ripaille * [?], f : feasting (feast, carou- sal ; revelry). ©. ri-peº, f : (sculpt.) scraper. |-perº [Gor. dial. rippen (Ger. reiben)], tr. : scrape, polish ; make glide ; intr. : glide. riga- amusement, fun, 569 ripopée* [?], f : mixture of remnants of wine ; slop, slipslop ; medley. ripos-teº [It. ri-sposta, RE-SPONSE], f : repartee (retort, smart reply); (fenc.) re- turn thrust. -terº, intr. : repartee rissole , (retort, make a Smart reply); (fenc.) parry and thrust. ripuaire* [L. -parius (-pa, bank)], adj. : riparian ; m. : Ripuarian. I.ri-re° [p. L. *ridere (L. -dère)], irr. $ ; intr. : laugh ; Smile ; make merry ; jest ; make sport (of) : se -, laugh (de, at), make sport (of) ; scoff ; - aux anges, laugh alone and without reason ; (of chil- dren) smile sweetly ; — aux éclats, burst out laughing ; - comme un cqffre, laugh immoderately ; - dans sa barbe, - sous cape, laugh in one's sleeve ; - du bout des dents (or des lèvres), give a faint laugh ; - de, laugh at ; make light of ; éclater de -, burst out laughing ; pour -, in joke, for fun ; funny, laughingly ; mock; faire -, make (one) laugh ; raise a laugh, excite laughter ; se tenir les eôtes de -, split one's sides with laughing; vous voulez -, you mean this for a joke, you are joking, I Suppose ; il n'y a pas là de quoi -, there is nothing to laugh at in that. 2.-reº, m.: laughing (laugh, laugh- ter; giggle): accès de -, fit of laughter ; partir d'un éclat de -, burst out laughing. $ Ind.: Pr. ris. Ipf. riais. Pret. ris. Fut. (Cond.) rzraz(s). — Subj. : Pr. rze. Ipf. rzsse. — I've zrzs. — Part. : Pr. rzazzz ; P. rz. I.ri-s° [L. ris-um], m. : laugh (laughter, smile). - 2.ris* [Scand.], m.: reef (of sails). 3.risº [?], m. : (cook.) sweet-bread. risbanº [Netherl. rijs-bank, * bank of branches'], m. : (fort.) risban (fiat plot with a fort to defend a port ; the fort itself). «s ri-sée* [I.ris], f : floud laugh (laugh- ter); scornful laugh (derision); laughing- stock (butt, by-word). -setteº [I.ris], j. : childish laugh, pretty smile. -sibi- litéº [-sible], j : risibility. -sibleº [L. -sibilis], adj. : risible (laughable). . -si- blEment [-sible], adv. : risibly (laugh- ably). ris-quable " [-quer], adj. : frisky (ad- venturous) ; that may be risked or ven- tured. |-que º [L. -co (?)], m. : risk (hazard, peril) : à tout -, at all risks. -quéº, part. : risked, etc.; risky (hazard- ous, venturesome, bold). -querº, tr. : risk (hazard, venture) : - le paquet, risk all. -que-toutº, m. : daring (orreckless) fellow, dare-devil. - risso-leº [OFr. roussole (L. russeus, red)], f. : meat-pie. -lerº, tr. : roast brown, brown. \. 570 ris-to(u)rneº [It. -torno (tornar, turn)], f : cancelling (an insurance). fri-t or -teº [L. -tus], m. : rite. ritournelle [It. -tornello , (-torno, re- turn)], f. : (mus.) ritornello. ri-tualiste º [L. -tualis], m., f : ritual- ist. -tuel, =Ile [L. -tualis (-tus, rite)], adj. : ritual ; m. : ritual ; prayer-book. ri-vage*, m. : shore (sea-shore, beach ; bank). -val*, =le [L. -valis, river-side dweller (rivalling his neighbour)], m., f, or adj. : =. -valiserº, intr. : rival (vie ; emulate) : — d'efforts, compete in efforts. -valité º [L. -valitas], f. : rivalry, competition. |ri-ve° [L. ripa], f. : bank (of a RIVER) ; shore ; border (skirt, edge) : pain de —, bread Well baked ( on the edge of the oven'). risto(u)rne river* [?], tr. : rivet, clinch : — à quel- , qu'un son clou, give one a clincher, silence OI16). riverain º, =aine [rivière], m., f.: river-side resident, RIPARIAN ; #f. : river- side plain (or meadow); sea-, or lake-shore (riviera); adj. : river-side, on the banks of a river ; bordering ; possessing property along the edge (of a forest, etc.). rivevº [-ver], m. : =. , . rivière* [rive], f. : friver-side plain ; RIVER (stream) : la — est marchande, the river is navigable ; - de diamants, stream of diamonds, diamond necklace. ri-voir [-ver], m. : riveting hammer. -vureº [-ver], f : riveting; clinched rivet ; hinge-pin. rixe º [L. -xa], f. : brawl (scuffle, affray). ri-2* [It. -so (Gr. ôruza)], m. : rice : - au lait, rice-milk ; gâteau de -, rice-cake, rice-pudding. -zière", f : rice-field. I.robº [fr. Arab.], m. : (hardened juice-extract). r 2.rob = robre. - ro-beº [OFr. -ber, rob], f. : (old, plunder ; good booty) ; (gown, garment ; dress ; coat of an animal) ; cloth (clergymen) ; long robe (lawyers) ; shell (husk, peel) ; •-a-s wrapper : - de chambre, morning or dress- ing gown; (cook.) skin : - décolletée, low- cut dress ; - de femme, dress, gown ; gens de -, gentlemen of the robe. I.-binº, m. : (contempt.) man of the robe, lawyer (limb of the law, pettifogger). 2.#ro-binº [fam. for Robert], m. : worth- less fellow ; (humor.) sheep ; adj. : in- triguing : un plaisant -, a contempti- ble fellow ; a humbug. -binet* [Robin], m.: faucet (stop-cock, tap) : — d'arrêt, stop-cock ; - flatteur, ball-cock. -bi- raierº [Robin, botanist], m. : robinia (lo- cust-tree). - roboratifº, =ive [L. -rare, strengthen], adj. : (med.) roborant, tonic. - rognement # * [fr. Eng. ], m. : rubber (at whist, etc.). - robus-te* [L. -tus (robur, oak)], adj. : robust, sturdy. -tEmentº, adv. : ro- bustly, sturdily. -tesse*, f. : robustness. I.froe* [Pers. rokh], m.: (chess) ROOK, castle. 2.ro-cº [m. of-che], m. : rock. -eailleº, j. : pebbles ; rock and shell-work, grotto- work. -cailleurº [-caille], m. : rock- Work maker, grotto-maker. -cailIeuacº, =euse [-caille], adj. : rocky; pebbly, stony; rugged. roc-amboleº [Ger. rocken-bollen, *rye- ball'], f. : = (kind of garlic) ; #pungency (point) ; (pop.) trumpery. ro-ehe° [p. L. rocca], f. : rock (stony mass) : homme de vieille -, man of ster- ling worth ; eau de -, rock water, spring water. -eherº, m. : rock (steep rock, cliff) ; rock-shell : - artificiel, rockery. I.roehet* [OFr. roc (= froc), cloak], m. : = (surplice). 2.roehetº [OHG. rocco (= Ger. rocken)], m. : bobbin ; RATCHET ; rack ; (mach.) clink. roeheux º, =euse [rochel, adj. : rocky. · rococoº ljest., from root of rocaille], m. or adj. : = (rococo style of the 18th cent. ; antiquated style). rocouº [W. Ind.], m. : (arnatto). -erº, tr. : dye with arnatto. -yerº, m. : arnattO-tree. roder* [L. -re, gnaw], tr. : polish. rô-der* [?], tr. : roam (wander over); intr. : roam (rove, ramble, stray) ; prowl. -deur, =euseº, m., f : roamer (rover, rambler ; tramp) ; prowler. rodomon-tº [It. Rodomonte, a proud knight], m. : = (swaggerer, braggart). -tadeº, f : = (swaggering, bluster). rodoul = roudou. roga-tion* [L.-tio (-re, ask)], f : (Rom.) law project ; pl. (Rom. Cath.) rogation (prayers for the fruits of the earth). -toireº [L. -re], adj. : of inquiry or ex- amination. -ton* [L. -tum, begged], m.: (old) humble request; worthless thing (scraps; stale stuff, broken meat). roger - bontemps*, pl. -s- [? prop. name], m.: jolly fellow, happy-go-lucky. rogne* [?], f : inveterate itch; mange, scab ; (fam.) ill temper. ro-gnement, m. : cutting, clipping ; par- ing. -gne-pied", pl. -, m.: farrier's knife (paring-knife). |-gnerº° [p. L. *rotundiäre (rotundus, round)], tr. : fcut around ; cut off (clip, lop, prune, pare off, crop) ; cut short (curtail, retrench, stint) : - les ongles à quelqu'un, clip one's wings. -g#eurº, =euse, m., f : cutter, clipper (of coins), - r rogneux ro-gneux º, =euse [-gne], adj. : itchy ; mangy, scabby. rognon° [p. L. *renio (L. rën, kidney)], m.: kidney ; dowcet ; (pop.) loins, hip ; cobble-stone, boulder. - ro-gnonner [-gner], fintr. : gnaw ; intr. : grumble, mutter. -gnure* [-grer], f. : cutting, clipping, paring; shred, scrap, ref- U1SG. rogomme" [?], m. : dram, liquor : voix de -, groggy or husky voice. I.rogue* [?], adj. : haughty (arrogant, proud). 2.rogue" [fr. Scand.], f. : (spawn). roi° [L. rex, règ-], m. : king : de par le —, in the king's name ; en -, like a king, royally; jour des —s, Twelfth-day; faire (or fêter, tirer) les —s, celebrate Twelfth- night ; le - citoyen, the citizen king (Louis-Philippe, 1830-48) ; la cour du - Pétaud, Bedlam broke loose. roide rèd = raide. roitelet* [OFr. -tel (roi)], m. : petty king, kinglet ; (orni.) wren (kinglet) : - huppé, golden-crested wren ; - triple bandeau, fire-crested Wren. rô-le* [L. rotulus], m. : froll (roller) ; roll (scroll, list, roster ; theat. =, part, character) : - de combat, (nav.) quarter- bill; - d'équipage, ship's books, ledger ; muster-book ; à tour de -, in turn, by turns ; in one's turn ; alternately ; sortir de son -, stray beyond one's part, be out of character. -len°º, tr. : roll (tobacco) ; intr. : spin out legal documents. -letº, m. : little or minor part (played), charac- ter : être au bout de son -, be at one's wits' end. romain*, I.-aine [L. -manus], adj. : Roman ; Romish ; m., f. : Roman ; (print.) Roman (primer); (theat.) hired clapper; f : | Roman or Romish fashion ; cos (lettuce): à la -e, in Roman or Romish fashion ; Roman-like ; gros -, great primer ; petit -, long primer. 2.romaineº [Ar. -mana, weight],f : steel- yard. - ro-maïque, adj. or m. : Romaic. I.-Imam ° [OFr. -mant (p. L. -mänice, Roman-wise)], m. : (old) vulgar Roman (lang.), Romance ; literary work in vulgar Roman or Romance ; hence º, novel (romance, fiction) : de -, of a novel or fiction, novel, of romance, romantic ; tenir du -, be like a romance. 2.|-man [L. -manus], I.f-man-ee [OFr. -manz, cf. I.-man], adj. : Romance or Romanic. 2.-manee* [Sp. (p. L. -manice, cf. I.-man)], f : = (short Spanish poem; senti- mental song, ballad). -man-ehe [I.-man], adj. or f. : Romansch, Roumanch (dialect). hard ROE 571 -maneier* [I.-man], m. : fwriter in rond Romance ; romance or novel-Writer (romancer, novelist). f-man eineº [2.-mance], f. : complaint. . -man eiste [2.-mance], m. : song or ballad-Writer. -manesque* [I.-man], adj. : romantic ; ſ : romanticness ; (paint.) Romanesque. -manesquement* [-manesque], adv. : romantically. -mantique " [I.-man], adj. : romantic (fpertaining to or resem- bling romance ; pertaining to the roman- tic school of literature). -mantique- ment* [-mantique], adv. : romantically. -mantiser . [I.-man], tr. : romance. -mantisme* [-mantique], m. : roman- ticism (literary style opposing the clas- sical). - romarin * [L. rosmarinus], m. : rose- mary. rom-pementº, m. : breaking : - de tête, tiredness of the head, mental weari- ness. rom-pre° [L. rumpere], tr. : break (break asunder, Snap ; break off, in- terRUPT ; break up, disperse ; defeat ; re- fract ; break in, train) ; break upon the wheel; (paint.) blend ; (fenc.) draw back (a step) : se -, break (get broken, snap) ; discontinue ; (med.) rupture ; (phys.) re- fract : - en visière avec quelqu'un, tell one the truth to his face ; quarrel sudden- ly with one ; - les chiens, (hunt.) call off the dogs ; - la mesure (or semelle), (fenc.) draw back a step ; — les mesures de quelqu'un, defeat one's measures or plans ; - la tête à quelqu'un, split any one's head ; importune ; worry one ; - un criminel, break a criminal upon the wheel ; - un c0up, deaden a blow ; - une armée, disband an army ; - un homme aux af- faires, train a man up to business ; à tout -, to the complete rupture. -pu, part. : broken, etc. ; (her.) = : — à la fatigue, inured or accustomed to fatigue ; - de jfatigue, broken down with weariness, tired out ; nombre -, fraction. -pure*, f. : . rupture, break. . - ron-ee° [L. rumex, sorrell, f. : bramble (brier, wild raspberry-bush) ; (fig.) thorn. -eeraie, f. : bramble-bush. rom-d° [L. rotundus], adj. : round (rotund, rounded; plump; even (of sums, money, etc.) ; plain dealing (frank, open) ; (pop.) tipsy ; m. : round ; circle (ring, orb, disc) ; round piece ; sitting pad : fil —, coarse thread ; voix -e, full voice ; de —e bosse, in alto relievo ; - de cuir, leather sitting- pad ; - d'eau, circular basin of water ; - de serviette, napkin ring; en —, in a round or circular; circular(ly). -daeheº, ·ſ : round shield or buckler. ron-de°, j'. of rond, round, etc. ; f : round (circular space ; circulation ; all around ; round : rondon 572 dance ; round song; round made by an officer, guard, etc., inspection ; inspecting body, rounds) ; (writ.) round hand ; (mus.) semi-breve : à la -, round, around, all around, roundabout ; en -, in a round ; (milit.) on the rounds ; être de -, (milit.) be on one's rounds ; faire la -, go the rounds ; be handed round, go round ; pas- ser à la —, hand or pass round. -deau*, m. : = (little poem of thirteen verses, with a refrain); (mus.) rondo (composition with repeated strains). -deletº, =ette, adj. : roundish, plumpish. -delette" [-delet],f. : Brittany sail-cloth. -delle*, f.: round piece ; round buckler ; sword with a round hilt ; round plate, disc ; um- brella rubber-ring. -dement*, adv. : · roundly; quickly, vigorously; plainly, openly. -deurº, f : roundness (rotun- dity) ; curve, compass (of timber, etc.) ; fulness ; plain-dealing (openness). -dinº, m.: round piece of wood, billet; cudgel. f-dinerº, tr. : cudgel. -do = deau. rondon = randon. rond-point", m. : circular centre (for roads and avenues), centre ; apsis (of a temple). - ron-flantº, adj. : snoring; high-sounding (sonorous, loud); (med.) stertorous. -flE- mentº, m. : snoring (snore) ; snorting ; rumbling (roar, boom); humming. |-flerº [echoic], intr. : Snore ; snort ; rumble t# (roar, boom); hum. -fleurº, =euse, m., f.: Snorer. - ronge* [2.-ger], m. : (hunt.) ruminating : (only in) faire le -, ruminate. ron-geant ", adj. : gnawing ; corroding ; corrôsive. -ge-maille, pl. -, m. : (net-) nibbler, rat. I.|-ger° [p. L. *rödicāre | (L. rödere, gnaw)], tr. : gnaw (nibble, pick); bite (the nails); champ (the bit) ; eat away (corrode, wear away); devour (consume, waste); prey upon ; fret : se -, be gnawed, etc.; gnaw or fret one's self ; - son frein, champ the bit, fret inwardly, chafe. © - - 2.#rongem° ° [p. L. *rümigäre (L. rumi- näre, rümen, throat)], intr. : ruminate. rongeur*,=euse [I.-ger], m., f : gnawer ; (zoöl.) RODENT ; (pop.) cab by the hour ; adj. : gnawing, biting ; corroding ; (zoöl.) rodent. ron-ron " [echoic], m.: -ronnerº, intr. : purr. roquentinº [?], m. : fold retired officer ; #vaudeville singer or song; old fellow af- fecting to be young (spruce old fellow, old duffer, graybeard). roquer [I.roc], intr. : ROOK (at chess, castle). I.froquetº[Norm. = I.rochet], m. : cloak. 2.roquetº [?], m. : pug-dog; (fam.) cur. purr, purring. rossolis roquetteº [It. ruchetta (L. eruca)], f. : (bot.) rocket. - 48 roquilleº [?], f : gill (wine measure). ros! [OGer. raus (= Ger. rohr)], m. : (dial.) reed ; weaver's comb (orig. with teeth of reeds). ro-saeeº [-se], f. : (arch.) rose-Work; ro- sette; rose (rose-window). -saeé º, =ée [L. -saceus], adj. : rosaceous; f : rosaceous plant (pl. rosaceae). -sage* [l. L. -sagol, m. : rhododendron, rose-bay; (dye.) rosing : - des Alpes, Alpine rose. -saire [l. L. -sarium], m. : rosary (bead chaplet). -satº · [L. -satum], adj. invar. : (pharm.) of rOses, rOse. rosbif* [fr. Eng.], m.: roast beef. ro-se° [L. rosa], f. : = ; (arch.) rose-win- dow ; rose-diamond ; adj. : rosy; m. : rose- colour : - de chien, dog-rose ; - d'Inde, | African marigold ; - de compas, - des vents, compass card, mariner's card ; aux doigts de -, rosy-fingered; diamant en -, rose-cut diamond. -sé, adj. : roseate, rosy. roseau* [ros], m. : reed : — odorant, sweet-flag ; un - peint en fer, a weak person looking firm. » - rose-croiac, pl. -s-- [trans. of Ger. ro- senkreuz], f. : Rosicrucian (Knight of the Rose-Cross). rosée° [p. L. *-säta (L. rös, dew)], f. : dew: — de soleil, (bot.) sun-dew. roselier, =ère [-seau], adj. : of reeds, reed ; f. : reed-bank. + roséoleº [-se], f : roseola (rose-rash). ro-seraie* [-sier], f. : rosery (rose-plot or garden). -sette* [-se], f : flittle rose; rosette (rose-like knot, badge or orna- ment); rose-coloured product, red ink, red chalk, red copper : diamant à -, rose- diamond. -sier* [-se], m. : rose-tree, rose-bush. I.-sière* [-se], f. : winner of the rose (the best girl of her village), rose-queen. 2.-sièreº [-se], f. : (icht.) minnow ; pink. -siériste º [-sier], m. : cultivator of rose-trees. -sonº [-se], m. : (arch.) rose. ros-se* [Ger. ross], f : jade, sorry HORSE ; worthless fellow. -serº, tr. : thrash (be- labour, drub): se —, belabour each other, fight. < rossi-gnol° [p. L. *lusciniölus (L. lusci- nius)], m. : nightingale; pipe (whistle); organ stop ; picklock; old-fashioned article (old trumpery, second-hand trash): - d'Arcadie, jackass ; de muraille, red- start (bird). -gnoler*, intr. : (fam.) imitate the nightingale, pipe. < - rossinante* [Sp. Rocinante, Don Quix- ote's horse], m., (f): Rocinante, sorry horse. - I.rosso1isº [L. ros solis, sun-dew], m.; (bot.) sun-dew. rosso1is 2.rossolisº [It. rosolio (?)], m. : = (a liquor). ros-tral" [L. -tralis], adj. : =. |-treº [L. -trum], m.: rostrum (ship's beak); beak-like ornament ; pl. rostrum (tribune, platform). I.rot* [-ter], m. : belch, eructation. 2.rot = ros. rôt* [-tir], m. : roast (roast meat); first course : gros -, roast joint ; menu (or petit) -, Small game. rotang = rotin. rota-teur*, -triee [L. -tor (-re, ro- tate)], adj. : rotatory ; rotating ; m. : (anat.) rotator ; (zoöl.) rotatory (pl. -ria), rotifer. -tionº [L. -tio],f. : =. -toireº [L. -re], adj. : rotatory; pl. frotifers. rôt-de-bifº [Eng. roast beef], m. : roast mutton. A. - I.roteº [l. L. hrotta (Celt.)], f. : rota (spe- cies of zither). 2.roteº [l. L. rota], f. : of Rome). roterº° [L. ructäre], intr. : belch (ERUC- · TATE). rô-ti* [-tir], part. : roasted ; m. : roast (roast meat); first course. -tie*,f. : toast (slice of toast). roti-fère* [L. rota, wheel, ferre, bear], adj. : rotiferous ; m. : rotifer. -forme [L. rota], adj. : rotiform. · rotin " [Malay rotan], m.: rotang (rattan- cane). rô-tir* [OHG. rostjan], tr. : RoAsT, broil ; toast (bread); parch, burn : se -, roast One's self; be roasted ; parch. -tisse- rie*, f : cook-shop. -tisseur*, =euse, m., f : roaster, cook-shop keeper. -tis- soire", f : roasting screen ; Dutch oven. ro-tondeº [L. -tonda], f.: rotunda ; rear part of a stage coach; round cloak. -ton- # *[L.-tunditas],f. : rotundity (plump- Il eSS). . ! rotule* [L. -tula (-ta, wheel)], f.: knee- pan (patella). ro-ture° [L. ruptiira, rupture], f. : (old) newly broken ground ; plebeian state, com- monalty. -turierº, =ère, adj. : ple- beian ; common (vulgar); m., f. : plebeian, commoner. -turièrement* [-turier], adv. : as a plebeian ; in a plebeian manner ; ^ vulgarly. · rouage* [roue], m. : +wheels (of a car- riage); wheelwork (wheels, machinery ; movement). rouan*, I.=anne [?], m. : ROAN. rota (eccl. court 2.rouan-ne° [p. L. rucina], f. : branding- iron (marking-iron); (carp.) racing-knife. -nerº, tr. : brand, mark. -nette º, f : racing tool. rouantº [rouer], adj. : fturning like . wheel ; (her.) with tail expanded. i'otigé 573 roublardº [?], adj. : cunning, shrewd ; m., f. : shrewd person. rouehe" [variant of ruche], f. : ship's hull. roucou, -er = rocou, -er. • roucou-lementº, m. : cooing. |-lerº [echoic], intr. : coo. . roucouyer = rocouyer. # roudouº or rEdoul [?], m. : sumach (a shrub). roue° [L. rota], f. : wheel (wagon-wheel, etc.; torturing instrument): - à aubes (or pales), paddle-wheel ; - à eau, water- wheel ; — directrice, steering wheel ; — striée, — en hélice, screw-wheel, worm- wheel ; - de bois, wooden wheel ; truck ; — de câble, (nav.) coil ; - de champ, crown-wheel ; - de rencontre, balance- wheel, scape-wheel ; faire la -, revolve on its axis ; spread its tail (of a bird); show off, flaunt, strut ; wheel about ; turn a wheel ; mettre à la -, put on the wheel (to the rack), rack ; pousser à la -, put one's shoulder to the wheel, help on. rou-é, -ée [-e], part. : rounded ; broken on the wheel ; broken down ; beaten ; sly, cunning ; m., f. : roué (rake, profligate); . trickster, cunning dealer, or diplomatist. -elle* [-e], f. : round slice, round. Rouen, m. : = (town in France). rouen- nerie -anri, f. : (Rouen) cotton goods, common prints. rou-er° rwé [L. rotäre (rota, wheel)], tr. : round ; break on the wheel ; break, crush, whip ; jade ; intr. : expand its tail (of birds) ; (cf. also -é, part.): - de coups, thrash soundly ; - un câble, coil a cable. -erie* [-é], f : sharp practice, trickery, craft ; rakish act. -et* [-e], m. : small wheel ; filing Wheel ; spinning-wheel ; (nav.) sheave ; fcircle : arquebuse (or mousquet) à -, arquebuse with wheel- lock ; — d'arquebuse, wheel-lock ; fêtre au -, be in a circle from which there is no way out. -ette [-etl, f : osier-twig, band. 1 roufº [Eng. roofl, m. : (nav.) deck-house, round-house. - rou-ge° [L. rubeus], adj. : red ; (blood- red); red-hot; m. : red ; redness (blush); red paint, (rouge) ; red-haired fellow ; red republican (ultra-radical); shoveller (bird); f. : red one ; red ball (at billiards) : fer -, red-hot iron ; - sanguin, blood-red ; - de garance, madder ; — anglais, - à polir, jeweller's rouge, polish-powder ; -- de Venise, Venetian red ; chauffé au —, red-hot ; se mettre du -, rouge ; se facher tout (adv.), get seriously angry. -geâtre º, adj. : reddish. -geaud º, =de, adj. : ruddy, red-faced; m , f : red- faced person. -ge-bord, pl. -s--s, m. : 574 roui bumper (of red wine). -ge-gorgeº, pl. -s-s, m. : robin redbreast. -geole° [L. *rubeola], f : measles (rubeola). -ge- queueº, pl. -s--s, m. : redstart (red- tail). -get* [-gel, m. : red gurnet, red mullet (fish); harvest-bug. -getteº [-ge], f : bat. -geur* [-ge],f. : redness (ruddi- ness) ; blush (glow, flush, colour) ; red spot or pimple. -gir* [-gel, intr. : red- den (grow red, blush, colour up) ; tr. : redden ; mix with wine : faire -, make blush, put to blush. roui [-ir], m. : steeping (soaking) ; fusti- 16SS. rouil-le° [p. L. rubicula (L. rübigo; ruber, red)], f. : rust (of iron ; mildew, blight) ; rustiness ; flaw (smoky spot in mirrors). -Ié [ler], part. : rusted, rusty ; ferruginous (water), etc. -lement [-ler], 'm. : rusting; rustiness. -lerº, tr. : rust (make rusty) ; blight ; impair : se -, grOW rusty, rust ; be blighted. -leuac, =euse, adj. : rusty; rust-coloured; ferrug- inated. -lureº,f. : rustiness. rou-ir [OGer. rotian, ROT], tr. : RET (as flax, etc.), steep, soak ; intr. : be retted. -issage º, m. : retting, steeping, soaking. rou-ladeº, f : roll, rolling ; (mus.) =; (cook.) collar. -lageº, m.: rolling; wag- on transport (of goods) ; transportation wagon (dray, van) ; wagoning : maison (or bureau) de -, wagon-office ; voiture de -, wagon. -lant*, adj. : rolling ; easy (of roads) ; wheeler ; at work (of a press); moving (of a van); m. : (pop.) cab. -leau* [rôle], m. : roll or roller (cylinder of wood or metal for various purposes : clod-roller, printing roller, rolling-pin, etc.) ; roll (of paper or parchment, etc., scroll, rouleau ; twist of tobacco) ; coil (of a rope) : plier en -, roll up ; au bout de son -, at the end of one's tether; at one's wit's end ; - compresseur (or plom- beur), land-roller, field-roller. -lée º, f : drubbing, thrashing. -lementº, m. : roll- ing, roll; rumbling; rotation: - de fonds, turn-over of money ; capital (or fonds) de -, working capital, cash in hand. |-lerº° [p. L. rotuläre (L. rota, wheel) ; in part. fr. OFr. roele = rouelle], tr. : roll (roll along, wheel ; turn ; press with a roller ; roll up, wind, wind up ; turn over, re- volve) ; pass, pass away ; intr. : roll (re- volve, tumble) ; stroll (ramble, wander); succeed by rotation ; be plentiful : se —, roll one's self, roll; tumble; wallow; wind; fight ; roll each other; be rolled, etc. ; — sa vie, pass one's life ; - ensemble, roll together ; take turns ; - carrosse, ride in one's carriage, keep a carriage ; faire -, set or keep going ; trundle , tout -le là- dessus, all turns upon that. -lette* rout [-elle], f : caster (furniture wheel); truckle ; roller ; (geom.) cycloid ; (game) roulette: comme sur des —s, as on casters or wheels, Smoothly, as of itself. -leurº, =euse, m., f. : roller (barrel roller); jour- neyman workman ; (ent.) vine-grub : f.: leaf-roller (leaf-rolling caterpillarj; street- Walker (prostitute). -lier *, =ère, fadj. : for heavy Wagons or drays ; m. : wagoner, drayman, carter ; f : wagoner's blouse. -iis*, m. : rolling (of a ship, labouring, roll). -loir*, m.: roller, cylinder. -lon* [rôle], m. : round piece of wood (rundle, round ; baluster; standard of a cart, etc.). -lotteº, m.: gypsy-wagon, emigrant Wagon ; transportation cart (dray, van). I.roupie* [fr. Hindu], f. : rupee (about 30 cents). 2.rou-pie* [?], f : =euse, adj. : snivelly. rou-pille * [Sp. ropilla (ropa, robe)], f : short cloak or jacket. -piller", intr. : doze (orig. in one's jacket), snooze. -pil- leurº, =euse, m.,.f. : dozer. roure = r0uvre. . rous-sâtre* [roux], adj. : reddish, rud- dy, russet. -se, f. of roux. -seau* [roux], adj. : red-haired : m. : red-haired person (red-head). -selet º [-seau], m. : russet pear. -setteº [-selet], f : russet pear; bat ; pteropus (wing-mollusk) ; dog- fish. -seur* [roux], f : redness ; freckle. I.roussi, part. of -ir, m. : smell of burn- ing : sentir le -, smell burnt ; have her- etic or bold views (ref. to burned here- tics). . 2.froussi [Russie], m. : Russia leather. froussinº [?], m.: stout horse (cob), cart horse ; (pop.) cop, policeman, bobby. roussir*[roux],tr. : redden; burn (scorch, singe) ; intr. : sturn red ; be burned, etc. ; -si, cf. above. . rou-t* or ra-out [Eng. (OFr. -te)], m. : . rout (throng, assembly). -tailler" [-te], tr. : track with the deerhound (or blood- hound). |-te° [L. rupta (rumpere, break)], f. : road (way, path), route, course ; (nav.) course, track, run; ftroop: grande -, grand'-, main road, high- road, highway ; en -, on the road or way; on one's Way, off ; in progress ; go on ! faire -, travel, go ; sail, steam, steer (for); porter à -, make a straight course; rester en -, remain behind; feuille de -, (milit.) marching chart ; way-bill (of | coaches, etc.). -tier*, =ère, adj. : of roads, road-; m. : road-book; (nav.) tract chart ; ftrooper ; fmarauder ; adventurer, tramp : carte -tière, road-map ; loco- motive -tière, road locomotive ; vieux -, old stager, old blade; old hand. -tineº, snivel. -pieux*, routoir f : = ; rote. -tinerº [-tine], tr. : ac- custom, drill. -tinier", =ère [-tine], - adj. : acting by routine, of routine, rou- tine ; m. f : routinist. routoir !º [rouir], m. : retting-pond. rouverin [?], adj. (m.): (metal.) hot, short, brittle. rouvieux " [?], m. : mange ; adj. : mangy. rouvre° [L. röbur], m. : white oak. rouvrirº [re, ouvrir], irr.; tr. : reopen. rou-ac, -sse° [L. rossus], adj. : reddish (red bordering on yellow, rufous, carroty, russet); tawny; red-haired ; nipping (wind); m., f. : red-haired person ; m. : (yellowish) red, russet ; (cook.) roux (browned butter). rouac-vieux = rouvieux. - roy-al°, =le [L. rëgälis (rex, king)], adj. : = (regal, kingly); f : chin tuft (imperial). -alement*, adv. : royally. -alismeº, m. : royalism. -alisteº, adj. or m.,f. : royalist. -aume° [p. L. fregalimen], m. : kingdom, REALM. -auté° [p. L. *regali- tas], f. : royalty : marques de -, regalia ; payer sa -, regale one's guests. ru° [L. rivus], m. : (dial.) brook; channel. ruade* [ruer], f.: kick (of horses), kick- lng. ru-baee", -baeelle, -bieeIle [root of rubis], f. : rubicelle. ru-ban* [?], m. : RIBBON ; (arch.) bend- ing : - d'eau, (bot.) bur-reed ; - de fil, tape ; - rouge, red ribbon (badge of the Legion of Honour); canon à -, wire(d) gun-barrel ; -s de la glotte, -s vocaux, vocal chords. -bané [-baner], part. : ribboned ; striked (streaked); ribbon-like: canon -, Woodbridge gun. -baner, tr. : trim with ribbons, ribbon ; wire, wrap (in gun-smithery). -banerie", f. : ribbon trade or industry ; ribbons. -banier º, =ère, m., f. : ribbon-weaver or seller ; adj.º : of ribbons, ribbon-. f-banté º, adj. : trimmed with ribbons. rubarbe = rhubarbe. · rubé-faction º, f. : (med.) rubefaction. -fiant", adj. or m. : (med.) rubefacient. |-fier* [L. rube-facere, make red], tr. : (med.) rubify. -ole [l. L. -ola], f : cross- Wort ; rubeola (measles). Rubens, m. : Rubens (the painter). rubes eentº [L. -cens (ruber, red)], adj. : =. rubiaeées" [L. -bia (-beus, red), madder], f. pl. : rubiaceae. rubicanº [It., Sp. rabicano (rabo, tail, cano, white)], adj. (m.): = (white-spotted); m. : rubican colour. ru-bicondº [L. -bicundus (ruber, red)], adj. : rubicund. -bigineux, =euse [L. -biginosus], adj. : rubiginous, ferru- ginated. -bineº [root ru- of ruber], f. : 1ºtl© º 1 575 (chem.) ruby. -bis* [L. ruber], m. : ruby; jewel (of a watch); (fam.) pimple ; rum-blossom : — sur l'ongle, to the last drop (in drinking); to the last farthing, exactly (of paying); monté sur -, (horol.) jewelled. -bricaireº[-brique], m. : rubri- cian, rubricist. -bricateur* [-brique], m. : manuscript illuminator. -brique* [L. -brica], f. : red chalk ; rubric (title, etc., in red ; rule or statute in red; head- ing; rule ; method). ru-ehe° [p. L. *rüsca (fr. Celt.)], f. : (bee-) hive ; swarm ; honeycomb ; RUCHE (gof- fered lace looking like the cells of a honeycomb, frilling, frill): châtrer une —, cut away the comb and honey from a hive ; — marine, sponge full of aquatic animals. - ehée, f. : hiveful, hive. I.-e.herº, m. : apiary, bee-house. 2.-eherº, tr. : goffer, frill. frudânien°º, =ère [old proverb à rude âme, rude ânier], adj. : (pop.) surly (cross- grained, churlish). ru-de* [L. -dis], adj. : = (funcultured ; rough, coarse, rugged, harsh, disagree- able); severe (rigid, strict); difficult, (hard, painful); fierce (formidable ; bold); extreme, remarkable ; m. : (pop.) handy : -- épreuve, severe trial ; des temps -s, hard times. -dement*, adv: roughly, etc. (cf. -de). ruden-téº [L. -s, rope], intr. : (arch.) cabled (of columns). -ture* [L. -s], f. : = (cabling). rudéralº [L. -dus, rubbish], adj. : grow- ing in rubbish. - ru-desse* [-de], f. : rudeness ; roughness (harshness, coarseness, ruggedness) ; se- verity (rigidness ; austerity); fierceness ; rude thing; coarse thing. -dimentº [L. -dimentum], m. : rudiment. -dimen- taire º [-diment], adj. : rudimentary. -doyer º [-de], tr. : treat roughly or harshly, ill-treat ; bully ; speak harshly to. I.rue° [L. rüta], f. : = (a plant). 2.ru-e° [L. rüga, Wrinkle (p. L., furrow, road)], f. : street (of a city): — barrée ! no thoroughfare ! - écartée, back street ; - passante, much frequented street; cou- rir les -s, run the streets; be current, be in everybody's mouth; be very common; les -s en sont pavées, it is as common as dirt. -elle*, f. : narrow street (lane, alley); space between the bed and the wall (bed- side) ; alcove (esp. lady's cabinet or re- ception room), lady's select circle (cf. fEng. ruelle). -ellerº, tr.: trench (a vineyard). r-uen°° [p. L. *rütäre (L. rüere)], ftr. : hurl ; (refl.) hurl one's self, rush ; intr. : kick (of horses). -ueur*, =euse, adj. : kicking ; m., f. : kicker. 576 rufian* or -fien [?], m. : bauchee); pander (pimp). rugi-neº [L.-na], f. : (surg.) = (raspa- tory). -nerº, tr. : (surg.) scrape. ru-girº [L. -girel, intr. : roar. -gis- saivtº, adj. : roaring. -gissement 15, m. : roar(ing). ru gosité * [L. -gositas], f : rugosity ; wrinkle. |-gueux º, =euse [-gosus (-ga, wrinkle)], adj. : rugose (wrinkled); m. : needle (of a fuse). rui-neº [L.-na], f. : ruin (wreck, destruc- · tion ; disaster). -nerº, tr. : ruin (de- stroy); intr. : be ruinous : se -, be ruined, go to ruin ; ruin one's self or one another. -n2urº, =euse, m. : ruiner. .. -neuse- m entº, adv,: ruinously. -neux*,=euse, adj. : ruinous ; in ruins. º ruis-seau° [p. L. rivicellus (L. rivus)l, m. : rivulet (stream, brook). -selerº, intr. : stream (run ; run down, trickle). f-seletº, m. : brooklet. rum = rhum. rumb* um = o [Gr. rômbos, wheel], m. : rhumb : - de vent, rhumb-line. rumen [L.], m. : = (first stomach of ru- minants, paunch). | rumeur° [L. rumUr], m... rumour (ro port); noise, (fEng. rumour, murmur, hum ; clamour); uproar (stir). rumex [L.], m. : (bot.) =, dock. rumi-nation º, f : =. |-ner * [L. -nare], intr. : ruminate (chew the cud ; muse, ponder). - ru-nes [Swed. runa], f. pl. : runes (signs or letters in the early alphabets of Norse, Gothic, etc. -nique, adj. : runic. -no- logie, f. : runology. -nologue, m. : ru- nologist. ruotte [rue], f : trench, water-furrow. ru-pestre [L. rupes, rock], adj. : growing in rocks. -picole [L. cola, dweller], adj. : living on rocks ; m. : rupicola (a bird). rupin [?], m.: (vulg.) swell; adj. : swell (stylish). - rupture* [L. -tura], f : = (breaking, bursting, fracture) ; (paint.) mixing of colours. rura-lº [L.-lis], adj. : =. -lement*, adv. : rurally. -lité,.f.: rurality, rural- Il eSS. - • rºu-se*, f : = (artifice, trick, wile, fraud, plot ; dodge). -sé*, adj. : crafty (cun- ning, sly, shrewd). |-ser* [L. recusare, refuse], intr. : usé artifice (or cunning, use stratagem, shuffle, shift, dodge). -seur, =euse, m., f. : shuffler, wily person, trick- ster. rus-se, adj. or m., f. : Russian. Russie, f : Russia. -sianisation, -sification, f : Russification. -sianiser, -sifier, tr. : russify. - rufian rake (de- sable rus-taudº, =aude [-te], adj. : rustic (boorish, coarse); m., f : rustic. -taude- mentº [-taud], adv. : rustically. -tau- derie* [-taud], f : rusticity, boorishness. f-te, f. : (her.) rustre. -tieité * [L. -ti- citas], f : rusticity, boorishness. |-ti- que* [L. -ticus (rus, country)], adj. : rustic (rural ; coarse ; boorish); (agr.) hardy; m. : (arch.) rustic order; frustic (peasant). -tiquementº, adv. : rusti- cally. -tiquerº, tr. : (arch.) rusticate (jag out); fintr. : rusticate (go into the country). -treº, adj. : boorish ; m. : rustic (boor, clodhopper, churl); (her.) rustre. -trErie [-tre], f. : boorishness. rutº [L. rugitus, roaringl, m. : = (rut- ting ; rutting-season). ruti-lant, adj. : = (shining, brilliant). |-ler [L. -lare (-lus, red)], intr. : fEng. rutilate (shine). - rutoir = routoir. rythm . . = rhythm . .. S - s gE, m., or older èss, f. [I.1: s (the letter). s', see se. - sa, See I.S07l. sabba-t* [L. -tum, Hebr., ºrest'], m. : Sabbath (seventh day of the week ; sab- batic year ; annual meeting of witches); uproar; (pop.) brawling, racket. -tineº, ·f. : examination (held Saturday at end of the first year). -tique º, adj. : sabbati- cal : année -, seventh year (when the fields lay idle and debts were cancelled among the ancient Jews). -tisme, m. : sabbatism, keeping of a rest day. sabéen, =enne [Syriac tsaba, bathing], adj. or m., f. : Sabian. sabéisme [Sy- riac tsaba], m. : Sabianism (Christian sect); (erroneously) religion of star-worshippers, etc. - * - . sabine* [L. -na], f : SAVIN (juniper). #sabisme, see sabéisme. - I.sable* [Pol. sabol], m.: = (marten ; black colour in bearings). 2.sa-ble° [L. -b(u)lum], m. : sand ; coarse sand; gravel ; mould for coin : semer sur le —, have one's work for nothing ; avoir de — aux yeux, be sleepy ;jeter en -, to mould, cast ; (fig.) gulp down a glass of wine. -blé [-bler], adj. : sanded ; m. : hamster rat; kind of cake: fontaine sablée, sand filter ; pièces sablés, coins cast in sand. -bler º, tr. : sand, cover with sand ; cast mould in sand : ( fig.) - un verre de vin, drink a glass of wine at one toss, suddenly (as the moulder casts into the mould). -bleux º, =euse [L. -bulo- sablière sus], adj. : sandy (hav'g sand, or looking like sand). -blierº, m. : sand-glass, hour-glass ; sand-box. I.-Iière º, f.: sand-pit. · 2.sablière* [?], f. : =, raising-piece, wall-plate (timber supporting the heels of other timbers). - sa-blon° [L. -bulol, m. : fine sand. -blon- ner*, tr. : scour (with sand); sprinkle with sand in soldering. -blonneux º, =euse, adj. : sandy; gritty. -blonnierº, I.=ière, m., f. : seller of sand. 2.-blon- nière*, f : sand-pit. - sabor-d* [?], m. : gunport, port-hole. -derº, tr. : pierce (with port-holes). sabo-t* [?], m. : = (wooden shoe ; wood of projectiles) ; hoof ; socket, foot (of tables, etc.); brake (to hold wheels); top (toy); screechy fiddle, shoe-shaped bath- tub : avoir du foin dans ses --s, be rich (though seeming poor); dormir comme un -, sleep like a top. -tage [-ter], m. : business or manufacture of sabots. -terº, intr. : walk noisily; shoe (stakes, etc.); slash the work through, turn out poor work fast; spin a top. -tierº, I.=ière, m.,f. : maker or wearer of sabots; f : dance (in wooden shoes); workshop (where sabots , are made). +2.sabotière = sarbotière. saboulerº [?], tr. : (pop.) tousle, pull about ; scold. sabreº [Ger. säbel], m. : =, broadsword : —-briquet, short sword (for infantry). sabre-nasº or f-naud [?], m. : fcob- bler; rough or careless Workman. -nas- serº or f-nauder, tr. : do roughly. sa-brerº [-bre], tr. : sabre, strike with sabre ; cancél out ; botch, do fast but ill, slash. -brEta eheº [Ger. säbel-tasche], ſ. : = (leather pocket hung fr. the sword- belt). -breur", m. : (fam.) good fighter (but no strategist); slashing workman. sabur-ralº, pl. =aux, adj. : =. ll-reº, -bür [L. -ra, sand, esp. ballast], f : sabur- ra, foulness, heaviness (fr. indigestion). I.sac° [L. -ccus], m. : sack (pouch ; bag ; knapsack); loose coat ; sack-cloth ; sac ; (fam.) belly : course en —, sack race ; — de procès, batch of legal papers : vider son -, have one's say out; trousser or prendre Son - et ses quilles, pack one's duds and be off; mettre dans son -, take an affront without being able to resent it ; gens de - et de corde, rascals ; mettre au —, bring to close quarters ; avoir la tête dans un -, not to know what is going on. 2.sae* [?], m. : pillage, sacking (of a con- quered town). sacca-deº [OFr. saquer, pull], f. : jerk (with a rein); shake ; rebuke, scolding ; ( fig.) sudden start. -derº, tr. : jerk. 577 sac-cageº [sacl, m. : pillaging; sacking. f-cagèmentº, m. : sacking, plunder. -cager*, tr. : pillage, sack ; throw into confusion. -cageurº, =euse, m., f. : pillager. $ . saccha-rate* [L. -rum, sUGAR], m.: = (oxide and sugar). -rifère [L. ferre, bearl, adj. : sacchariferous. -rifier [L. Jacere, make], tr. : convert to sugar. -ri- mètre* [Gr. métron, measure], m. : sac- charimeter. -rinº, =ine, adj. : saccha- rine, of sugar. -rique º, adj. : acide -, saccharic acid. sac eiforme [L. -ccus, forma], adj. : (bot.) bagged. saeer-doee* [L. -dotium], m. : priest- hood; clergy. -dotal*, pl. =aux [L. -dotalis], adj. : =, priestly. sa ehée* [sac], f : sackful. sa ehem [Am. Indian word], m. : = (he- reditary counsellor, chief). sa-ehet* [-c], m. : little sack; esp. scent- bag. -coeheº [It. -ccoccia], f : saddle- bags ; money-bag. » sacramen-taire* [L. -tum, sacrament], m. : sacramentary (book of rites and ritu- als). -talº, pl. =aux, or #-tel, =eIIe [l. L. -talis], adj. : sacramental : mots sa- cramentaux or paroles sacramentelles, de- cisive words. -talement* or +-telle- ment, adv. : sacramentally. I.sacre* [L. sacrum, sacred], m. : anointing, cere- mony of induction (into office of king, bishop, etc.). 2.saere* [Ar. çaqr], m. : saker villain ; five-pound cannon. sa-cré*, adj. : sacred; (pop.) "blessed" (euphemistic for damned), confounded ; m. : sacred thing. -crEment* or -ker- [L. -cramen-tuml, m. : sacrament (rite of the church ; marriage, confirmation, the Lord's supper); monstrance, ostensory: fréquenter les -s, go often to confession; recevoir tous les -s, take the last sacra- ments. |-crer* [L. -crare], tr. : set apart as sacred, consecrate ; anoint ; intr. : SWea,I". • , , - saeretº [2.-cre], m. : male saker; sakeret (falcon). - sacri- [L. sacer, sacred] : -ficateur º, =triee [L. :ficator (facere, make)], m.,.f. : sacrificer, priest. -ficature º, f. : office of sacrificer. -fiee* [L. ,ficium], m. : = (offering ; eucharist ; loss). -fier * . [L. ficare], tr. : sacrifice (offer up ; throw away; give up; forsake). I.-Iège* [L. -legium (legere, gather), robbing of a tem- ple], m. ; sacrilege (abuse, violation of holythings; any great outrage). 2.-lège* [L. -legus], m.,.f. : profaner; impious per- son. -lègement º, adv. : profanely ; sacrilegiously. - sacrificateur (falcon); 573 sacripantº [It. character Sacripante in a playl, m. : bully, swaggerer. sacris-tain * [l. L. -tanus], m. : sacris- tan, SEXTON. |-tieº [l. L.-tia (L. sacer)], f.: sacristy (robing room, where also sa- cred vessels are kept) ; church plate ; church fees. -tine º, f. : vestry-woman (of a nunnery). sacro-saint * [L. sacrosanctus], adj. : sacrosanct (very holy). sacrum [L. 08 sacrum, lit., sacred bonel, m. : = (tail bone). sa-de° [L. sapidusl, adj. : tasty, agree- able. -dinet*, =ette, adj. : pretty. sadu - eéen, =enne [Heb., * sons of Zadok'], m. or adj. : Sadducee. -eéisme, m. : Sadduceeism. saette = Sagette. I.safran,º [?], m. : rudder (of a helm). 2.sa-fran * [l. L. franum, fr. Ar. " yel- low'], m. : saffron (the flower ; the colour). -franerº, tr. : make yellow. #-fra- nierº, =ière, m., f. : bankrupt. I.safre* [?], adj. : (pop.) greedy, rave- nous (for food). 2.safre* [? L. saphirum], m. : zaffer (blue pigment). - saga [Ger. sage], m. : = (mythic legend, heroic tradition among Germanic peoples). sa-gaeeº [L. -gaxl, adj. : sagacious, shrewd. -gaeité* [L. -gacitas], f : sa- gacity (sagaciousness, keenness ; shrewd- ness). - sa-geº [l. L. *sapius, for L \-piens], adj. : = (wise); expert ; well-behaved (good) ; discreet ; sober ; prudent, modest ; m. : wise man, sage. -ge-femme* fam, pl. -s--s, f : midwife. -gement*, adj. : wisely, prudently, etc. -gesse*, f. : wis- dom ; prudence ; goodness ; modesty ; do- cility ; sobriety. . 1 fsa-(g)ette° [L. -gitta], f. : arrow ; (bot.) arrow-head. , I.-gittaire* [L. -gitta- rius], m. : archer (fbowman; constellation Sagittarius); f : sagittaria (herb of the water-plantain family). -gittal** [L. -gitta], adj. : = (arrowlike; straight). -gitté* [L. -gittatus], adj. : sagittate ; arrow-like. sagou" [E. Indian word], m. : sago, arrow- root : - blanc, tapioca. sagouierº, 77?,. ! #ºpalº (tree). sagouinº, =ine [Braz. çagoni, monkey], m., f. : saguin, tetee (monkey) ; lazy lout, slovenly person. tsagoutier = sagouier. s-agumº [L.l, m. : =, Roman military cloak. I.=aie* [L. sagum], f. : sagum ; #say ; (16th century serge). 2.saie* [for soie], f : goldsmith's brush. sai-gnant*, adj. : bleeding; (cooked) rare. -gnée*, f : bleeding (blood-let- sacripant - saisi ting; fig. extortion, heavy payment, over- reaching) ; blood (drawn by bleeding) ; bend of the arm (where the vein is opened); drain; drainage. -gnEmentº, m. : hemorrhage, flow of blood (fr. wounds, fr. the nose, etc.). -gner° [L. sanguinäre (sanguis, blood)], intr., tr. : bleed ; drain ; extort money. -gneur*, =euse, m., f. : bleeder. -gneux º, =euse, adj. : bloody. sail-lant*, =ante, adj. : salient (promi- nent ; noticeable ; turned outward) ; m. : salient (angle ; her. rearing) ; striking thing; strong point in one's character. -lie*, f : sally; rush ; dash; witticism ; prominence, projection. -Iir° [L. salire, jump], irr. impers. $ ; intr. : project, jut out; (paint.) stand out; reg. intr. : gush out ; (of animals) leap, cover ; (cf. jaillir). $ Ind. : Pr. zl saille. Ipf. zl sazllazt. Pret. à saillët. Fut. (Cond.) il sailleraë(z). — Subj. : Pr. il saille. Ipf. zl saillisse. — Part. : Pr. sail- lanzt ; P. sazllz. sain° [L. Sanus], adj. : SOUND ; well ; sane ; healthful ; m. : well man. -boisº [bois], m. : daphne, spurge-laurel. saindoux º [OFr. sain (L. sagina), fat, Fr. doux |, m. : lard. sainementº [sain], adv. : well, whole- somely ; sensibly. sainfoin º [sain, foin], m. : = (forage herb). saint°, sainte [L. sanctus], adj. : saint (holy ; canonized ; saintly ; godly) ;, m., f. : saint ; m. : holy place (of the Jewish tabernacle): — des —s, holy of holies ; God ; — de bois, hypocrite ; le — du jour, a newly rich or exalted man ; prêcher pour son -, have an ax to grind ; la Saint-Jean, St. John's day, Midsummer ; le saint Jean, St. John ; le Saint-Jean, St. John's church ; mal --Jean (or de -), epilepsy ; feu --Antoine, erysipelas : -e mitouche, santimonious person. saint-augustin*, m. : English (type). , sainte-anne, m. : Belgian marble. sainte-barbeº, pl.-[Barbe, patroness of gunners], f. : ship's powder-magazine, or gun-room. saintement* [saint], adv. : sacredly, saintly. sainteté* [L. sanctitas], f. : holiness, sacredness ; Sainteté, Holiness (as title). saint- germain, pl. -, m. : kind of pear. saint-simonien, =enne [Fr. Writer St. Simon], m., f. : St. Simonian, socialist. saïque [fr. Turk.],.f. : saic, coasting vessel. sais, sait, forms of savoir. sai-siº sé-, =ie, m., f : person distrained (by law). -sie, f. : seizure ; levy; attach- ment ; execution. -sie-arrêt, pl.-8--, f : attachment (on property). -sie- brandon, pl. -s--, f : levy (on grow- ing crops). -sie-exécution, pl. -8--, f : levy (on furniture). -sie-gagerie, pl. -s--, f. : levy (on personal property saison for rent). -sie-rEvendication, pl. -8--, f. : attachment (on personal prop- erty pending suit on the claim). -sine*, f. : (leg.) seizin (act of taking posses- sion); (nav.) seizing (lashing together of ropes). |-sirº [l. L. ad proprium sacrie, take possession of (? OHG. Satjan set)], tr. : SEIZE (clutch ; grasp suddenly; take hold of; comprehend; take possession of); put in possession of; bind, unite, lash to- gether; distrain by levy or execution ; strike, surprise : se -, empower one's self of; take up, lay hold ; be affected. -sir- arrêter (-sir-brandonner, -sir- rEvendiquer), tr. : seize by attachment or garnishment (by levy on crops ; by levy pending litigation). -sissable º, adj. : attachable, subject to levy. -sissantº, =ante, adj. : striking ; keen ; m., f. : dis- trainer. -sissement*, m. : seizing ; chill ; shock; surprise. saison ° [L. satio, SOWing], f : SEASON (part of the year; right time); epoch : la - nouvelle, spring; l'arrière--, fall; la mauvaise -, winter ; la morte -, season when ground doesn't produce ; (fig.) dull times ; de -, apropos, well timed; en pleine -, in its prime. I.salade* [It. celata fr. L. cœlata (sc. cassis), engraved (helmet)], f. : sallet (old- style helmet) ; soldier wearing a sallet. 2.sa-lade [Prov. salada or Fr. saler], f. : salad (the dish; vegetable used for salad). -ladierº, m. : salad dish ; basket for | handling lettuce, etc. -1age* [-ler], m. : salting. -laire* [L. -larium], m. : salary, reward. -Iaison * [-ler], f : salting, pickling ; salt meat, etc. salamalecº [Ar., *salute to you'], m. : (humor.) salutation ; profound bow. · salamandre* [L., Gr. -dra], f : mander (as spirit, is m. or f). salangane" [Philippine word], f.: sea-swallow (having edible nest). sa-lantº [-ler], adj. m. : marais (puits) -, salt marsh (well). -lariatº, m. : salaried position. -larié, =ée, m., f. : salaried person. |-larierº [-laire], tr. : pay (a salary to). - sa-laudº, =aude, m., f : dirty person. -le* [OHG. -lo, dull], adj. : filthy, foul ; indecent; m., f : low, dirty person ; dull colour. salé [-ler], m. : SALT-pork; adj. : salted, salty ; biting; sarcastic ; (fam.) coarse, rank ; m. : salt-pork. salementº [-le], adv. : nastily, slovenly. salep" [Ar.], m. : = (kind of arrow- root). - sa-ler* [-sel, infl. by L. -lire], tr. : salt, season with salt ; overreach. -leron * [-lière], m. : bowl (of a salt-cellar). sala- y salon 579 saletéº [-le], f : dirtiness ; filth ; obscen- ity ; filthy thing. saleurº, =euse [-ler], m., f : salter. sali-eaireº [L. -x], f : purple willow. -cariées [fr. l. L.], f. pl. : salicaceae, Willow family. -eine [L. -x], f. : salicin (compound made fr. willow bark). salicoque* [?], f : prawn, small sea cravfish- salieor(ne)º [? Ar.], f : which soda is obtained). I.saliens [L.-lii, leapers], adj. pl. : salian; m. : Salian, dancing priest of Mars. 2.saliens [river Saale], adj. m. pl. : of Salian Franks, Salic. sa-lière* [L. Sal, salt], f : = (salt-cel- lar); eye-pit (by horse's eyes); pit by collar- bone (of thin persons). -lifère [L. ferre, carry], adj. : salt-bearing, saliferous. -lifiable* [-lifier], adj. : =, capable of, forming a salt, by combining. -lifierº [L. facere, make], tr. : salify, combine to form a salt. saltwort (fr. saligaudº, =aude [-le], m., f : slovenly persOn. sa-lignon° Ep. L. *-linio (L. -linus, salty)], m. : SALT-cat (salty cake for pigeons). |-lin º, I.-line [L. Sal], adj. : saline, salty ; m. : salt-marsh ; raw salt ; crude potash. 2.-line° [L. -linal, f : salt-works ; salt-pit. 3.f-line [sel], f : saltfish ; saltmeat. -Iinien°º, =ière [2.-line], m., f : salt-maker. salique [cf. saliens], adj. : Salic : loi -, Salic law (excluding women fr. the throne). sa-lir* [-le], tr. : soil ; dirty ; tarnish ; make dull : se -, become foul or filthy ; stain one's fair name. -lissantº, adj. : soiling easily. -1isson º, f : (pop.) slut, slattern. -Iissure º, f : soil (filth ; dirt). • sali-vaireº [L. -varius], adj. : salivary. -vationº [L. -vatio], f : =. sali-ve" [L. -val,f. : saliva, spit. -verº [L. -vare], intr. : spit much, be salivated. - sal-leº [OHG. sal, house], m. : large room ; parlor; hall ; large public room ; dining-room; ward (of a hospital); gallery; arbor, chamber : - d'asile, day nursery where infants may be left for the day (cf. salon). -leran ", =ane, m., f : paper- maker. sal-migondis* [?], m. : salmagundi (dish of many ingredients, pot-pourri). -mis* [shorter form], m. : salmi (dish of game roasted, then minced, then cooked with wine). saloirº [-ler], m. : salting-tub. salonº [-lle], m. : = (large and elegant room ; drawing-room ; reception house ; art gallery ; exposition); fashionable society. « « 580 salo-peº [? ak. to Eng. slop], adj. : (pop.) untidy ; f : slut, slattern ; shame- less woman. -pement", adv. : (fam.) slovenly. -perieº, f.: (fam.) slovenli- ness ; coarse talk ; slop goods. salorgeº [L. sal, SALT (? Fr. orge)], m. : loaf of salt. salpê-trageº, m. : saltpetering, nitrifica- tion, formation of saltpeter. |salpê- salope treº [L. sal petrœ, salt of the rock], m. : saltpeter, nitre ; gunpowder : (fam.) de —, very quick, very lively. -trer", tr. : treat (so as to form saltpeter), nitrify ; form saltpeter rot : se -, show saltpeter rot. -trErie, f. : saltpeter Works. -treuac, =euse, adj. : hav'g or showing saltpeter, saltpetrous. -trierº, m. : salt- peter maker. -trière º, f : saltpeter pit, or works : la Salpêtrière, hospital for aged women (on the site of ancient nitre- beds). salpicon [Sp.], m. : =, stuffing of chopped bread, cooked meats, etc. salsepareilleº [It. Salsapariglial, f : sarsaparilla, smilax. salsifisº [It. sassefrica], m. : salsify, vegetable oyster: - de près, goat's-beard; — noir nr d' Fspagne, viper's-graES. sal-tarelle [It. -tarella], f : saltarello, quick Italian dance. -tation * [L. -tatio, leapingl, f. : (breaking into lively motion). -tigrade [L. -tus, a leap, gradi, walk], adj. : = (moving by jumps). -timbanqueº [It. -timbanco], m. : saltimbanco, street-faker. fsaluadeº [ak. to -luer], f. : bow, salute. salu-bre* [L. -bris], adj. : salubrious, healthful. -brEment, adv. : wholesome- ly. -brité* [L. -britas], f : salubrity, wholesomeness. saluer° [L. -lutăre], tr. : salute; greet, send greetings to ; proclaim : se -, bow to each other. salure* [-ler], f : saltness, saltiness. salu-t° [L. Salus, health], m. : SAFETY ; salvation ; salute; greeting ; chanted evening prayers. -taire* [L. -taris], adj. : salutary: le Salutaire, the Saviour. --tairementº [-taire], adv. : healthfully. -tation* [L. -tatio], f.: =, greetings : la - angélique, the Ave Maria. fsal-vage* [L. -vare, to save], m. : droit de -, lāw or right of salvage ; cf. sauve- tage. -vanosº, pl. -[L. salva nos, SAVE us], m. : life buoy. -vation * [L. -vatio], f : = ; pl. : rejoinder, (old) lawyer's an- swers to objections. I.-veº [It. salva], f : salvo (salute by many guns ; general discharge ;.fig. round of applause). 2.-veº or -vé [L. -ve], m. : dire un Salvé or Salve Regina, say the prayer to the Virgin. 3-veº [Sp. -va], f : saucer; salver. sanglon sam bleu [sang de Dieu], interj. : about like " by Jove !' (disguised oath). samedi° [p. L. *sambati (for sabbati) dies, day of rest], m. : Saturday. fsamscrit, f=te = Sanscrit. samv-benito, pl. - [Sp., 'St. Benedict'], m.: = (yellow garment worn by victims of the Inquisition). sam eir" [?], intr. : founder head-first. sancti-fiantº, adj. : sanctifying. -fiea- teurº [L. ,ficator], m. : sanctifier; the Holy Spirit. -ficationº [L. ,ficatio], f.: =. |-fier [l. L. ,ficare (sanctus, sacred, jacere, make)], tr. : sanctify (make or keep holy). sanc-tionº [L. -tio], f : proval). -tionnerº, tr. : approve, con- firm. -tuaire [l. L. -tuarium], m. : sanctuary (sacred place, asylum of refuge ; holy of holies ; temple ; church). -tus [L., " holy'], m. : = (the hymn). fsamdal = Santal. sanda-le* [L. -lium, Gr. -lon], f : sandal (foot sole with straps). -Iierº, m. : sandal-maker. sandaraque* [L. -raca, Gr. -ráke], f.: sandarac (tree or resin). - Gnndwieh " witgh [Eng.], f. : —. sang° [L. Sanguis], m. : blood (spirit, = (assent ; ap- courage ; bloodshed ; life ; substance ; race, family ; stock ; breed; kinship); af- . fection ; blood-horse : de -, bloody, cruel ; se battre à premier —, fight a duel where the first to draw blood wins ; — chaud, hot blood, irascibility ; (fam.) faire du bon -, take pleasure ; faire du (or de) mauvais -, feel vexed ; avoir du - aux (or sous les, or au bout des) ongles, be fiery, quick-tempered. -(de-) dragonvº, pl.-, m.: dragon's-blood(plant). -froid", m. : =, cool-headedness : perdre son -, lose one's temper. . san-giae [Turk.], m. : sanjak (division of a province ; ruler of such a division). -giacat, m. : title, quality or district of a saniak. - sanglade* [-gle], f : lick, lash (with a strap or whip). sanglant° [L. -guinolentus], adj. : bloody; cooked rare (better saignant); red ; harsh, cruel ; murderous : sacrifice mon -, mass. san-gle° [L. cingula, girdle], f. : belt, girth ; strap. -gler*, tr. : strap (gird ; strike with a strap) ; slash, criticise : (fam.) se —, lace tight (of women); être sanglé, be ruined ; habit sanglé, close-fit- ting garment. - - san-glierº [L. porcus singularis, 'soli- tary hog'], m. : wild boar : - d'Amérique, pecCary. - sanglon* [-gle], m. : little belt; false rib (of a boat). sanglot(s) sam-glot(s)° [p. L. *singluttus (L. singul- tus)], m. : sob(s). -gloter, intr. : sob. sangsue° [L. -guisüga, bloodsucker], f. : leech ; bleeder, over-reacher. san-guification*[L.-guis, blood, facere, make], f : =, blood formation. ll-guin * [L. -guineus], adj. : sanguine (of blood ; cheerful ; red-coloured; ruddy ;plethoric). ·-guinaire" [L. -guinarius], adj. : san- , guinary; cruel. -guine*, f : = (red crayon; blood-stone). -guinolent* [L. -guinolentus], adj. : =, tinged with blood ; somewhat red. sanhédrin º [Gr. sunédrion (sûn, to- gether, hédra, seat)], m. : sanhedrim, council (esp. supreme council of the an- cient Jews). sanicle* [L. -cula (sanus, healthy)], f : = (plant of the parsley family). sa-nie* [L. -nies fr. sanguis, blood], f : sanies (pus fr. ulcers). -nieux º, =euse [L. -miosus], adj. : sanious, full of pus. sanitaire* [L. -tas, health], adj. : sani- tary. #sanneº [OFr. sines fr. six (infi. by quine, five)], m. : double-six (at dice). sans° [L. sine], prep. : without ; but for : - que, (conj.) without. - sanscri-t, -te [Skt., * perfect'], adj. or m. : Sanskrit. -tiste, m. : Sanskritist, one versed in the Sanskrit language. sans-culotte", pl. ---s, m. : = (French Republican of 1793 ; Jacobin). -dentº, pl. ---s, f. : hag (toothless old woman). -fleurº, pl. ---s, f.: kind of apple. -gêne*, m. : even dis- position ; even-tempered person. sansonnetº [Sampson], m. : starling. sans-peau", pl. -, f : kind of summer º pear. -souei", pl. -, m. : coolness, complacency ; even-tempered man ; devil- may-care disposition ; m., f. : don't-worry (person who doesn't fret). - Sans-sou-ei, m. : royal palace of Freder- ick the Great at Potsdam. santa-lº [l. L. Sandalum], m.: =, san- dal-wood. -line, f : santalin (principle of sandal-wood). santé° [L. Sanitas, soundness], f : health ; sanity; drink to one's health (toast): une petite -, feeble health ; service de -, medical staff ; maison de -, private hos- pital ; bureau de -, board of health. santolineº [?], f : santolina, ground cy- press. santon [Sp. fr. -to, saint], m. : = (Mo- hammedan monk, or his tomb). santonineº [L. -tonica herba, herb of the Santoni], f. : santonica (vermifuge plant). sanve° [L. Sināpi, mustardl, f : Wild mus- tard, charlock. Sa ône, f. : Saone (the river). 581 sarclage tsaoul, etc. = soûl, etc. sapa" [L., "thick new wine'], m. : grape- jelly (must boiled down thick). sapajou* [ Braz.l, m. : = (monkey hav'g prehensile tail). sapan " [Malay., * wood'], m. : sapan-wood (dye-wood). sa-pe° [p. L. -p(p)a, hoe], f : sap (ditch, esp. tunnel for destroying hostile works). -pement [-perl, m.: undermining. -perº, tr. : undermine, SAP. -peurº [-per], m.: Sapper. saphène* [Ar. safin (Gr. saphenés, ap- parent)], f. : saphenous vein. saphi-que* [-cus (Gr. poetess Sappho)], adj. : sapphic. sa-phir° [L. -pphirus (Hebr. -ppir)], m. : sapphire (the blue precious stone ; any blue stone ; So. American humming-bird). -phirineº, f : = (pale blue silicate, blue chalcedony). sa-pide* [L. -pidus], adj. : sapid (hav'g a taste, SAVORY). -piditéº, f : savori- ness, sapidity. f-piervee* [L. -pientia], f.: = (great wisdom): la Sapience, Wis- dom of Solomon in the Apocrypha. -pien- tiaux º [L. -pientialis], m.; adj. pl. : les - (livres), the sapiential books (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus). sa-pin° [L. -p(p)inus], m. : fir (tree or its wood); coffin (of such wood); (pop.) cab : sentir le -, have one foot in the grave. -pineº, f : fir timber; wash trough. -pi- nette",.f. : Canada fir. -pinière º,f. : fir forest. sapo-naeé [ak.to Savon], adj. : sapona- ceous. -naire" [L. sapo, soap], f : soap- wort. -nification * [-nifier], f : =, process of making soap ; soap-making. -nifierº [L. Sapo, facere, make], tr. : sa- ponify, turn to soap. saporifique" [L. sapor, taste, facere, make], adj. : saporific, imparting taste or flavour. • sapo-te* or -tille [fr. Mexican], f : sa- pota, star-apple. -tier* or -tillier, m. : sapota-tree. saquebute* [saquer, pull, bouter, push], m.: sackbut (primitive wind instrument). sarabandeº [Sp. zarabanda (fr. Pers., * song')], f : saraband (ancient dance). saxbaeaneº [Sp. cerbatana fr. Ar.], f : sarbacand, bloW-gun ; tube. - fsarbotière = sorbetière. sareas-meº [L. -mus, Gr. sarkasmós], m.: sarcasm, keen scornful language. -tique* [Gr. sarkastikôs], adj. : sar- castic. sare elle° [p. L. *cercëdula (L. querquë- dula fr. Gr.)], f. : teal duck. - sar-clage ", m. : hoeing, weeding. |-elerº [L. -culäre (-culum, hoe)l, tr. : 582 sarcocarpe weed ; hoe. -eleurº, =euse, m., f : hoer. -cloir*, m.: hoe. -cIure º, f : weed (hoed up). sarco-carpe* [Gr. sârx, flesh, karpôs, fruit], m. : flesh, pulp (of apples, melons, etc.). -eèle* [Gr. -kéle (sárx, fiesh, kéle, break)], m. or f. : =, cancer of the tes- ticle. -colle* [L. -colla, "flesh-glue'], f : sarcocol(la) (gum thought to heal Wounds). -collier º, m. : sarcocol tree. -logie [Gr. lôgos, speech], f : sarcology (treaiise on the soft parts of the body). -ma- teux", =euse, adj. : sarcomatous. -me" [Gr. sárkoma], m. : sarcoma, fieshy tumour. -phage * [Gr. sarkophágos], adj. : sarco- phagous, fflesh-eating ; m. : sarcophagus, stone coffin. -tiqueº [Gr. sarkotikôs], adj. : sarcotic, making flesh. sardanapa-le [the luxurious king Sar- dinapalus], f. : effeminate man. -lisme, m.: effeminate life. - · sar-dine° [L. -dina, Gr. -dine, from island Sardinia], f : = (fish). -doineº [L. -donyx], f. : sardonyx (stone formed of layers of sard and onyx). -donien, -donique º [Gr. -dônios (dômon, bitter Sardinian plant)l, m, adj. : ris -, sar- donic grin ; forced laugh. sargasseº [Sp. -gazol, f : sargassum (sea- weed).