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NICARAGUA CANAL DISCUSSION BEFORE THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 2. FOR THE A DV A N CE ME NT OF SCIENCE THIRTY-SIXTH MEETING HELD IN NEW YORK AUGUST, 1887 NEW YORK PRESS OF G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS 1887 Rºuf, 3AWTA C & Avroſ' D S VILvº, VD- Transportation Library TC. 734 . A le Press of G. P. PUTNAM’s SONS New York | CONTENTS, THE GENERAL QUESTION OF ISTHMIAN TRANSIT BY COMMANDER. H. C. TAYLOR, U. S. NAVY. THE ENGINEERING FEATURES OF THE NICARAGUA CANAL © * e * ſº º By CIVIL-ENGINEER R. E. PEARY, U. S. N., M. AM S. C. E. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON ENGINEERING FEATURES By Civil-ENGINEER A. G. MENOCAL, U. S. N. ExTRACT FROM REPORT ON SHIP CANAL, 1872 CLIMATIC AND SANITARY NOTES ON THE NICARAGUA CANAL ROUTE lº & te * By J. F. BRANSFORD, M.D., U. S. N. ( ? PAGE I 5 56 61 68 NOTES: ON THE HISTORY OF NICARAGUA—ON THE ADVANTAGES OF THE LAKE TO AN ISTHMIAN CANAL–SHOWING WHY THE PROJECT SHOULD BE BEGUN AT ONCE . © ë e © ... " By J. W. MILLER, GENERAL MANAGER P. & S. S. S. Co. 94 THE GENERAL QUESTION OF ISTHMIAN TRANSIT. BY COMMANDER H. C. TAYLOR, U. S. NAVY. MR. CHAIRMAN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It appears that, after all, Columbus was not mistaken in sailing westward from Spain in search of a convenient route to the East Indies. The intervening continent which checked his progress and disappointed his successors in American exploration, made his avowed attempts to reach the Indies a complete failure, though the memory of this failure was lost and obscured in presence of the glory of a greater success, the undreamed glory of a New World. It is a pleasing thought, that four centuries later, per- haps in the very year 1892, we shall see the wisdom of that valiant spirit justified, and European fleets sailing westward from Spain through an isthmian ship-canal, as the most convenient route to the far East. The mind dwells with satisfaction upon this justification of the great navigator, and sees, with a singular pleasure, ships coming out of Cadiz, dropping almost immediately into the soft current of the northeast trade-winds, and blown by them smoothly across the Atlantic and Caribbean, between the islands of the West Indies, and quite into the entrance of a Central American ship-canal; issuing thence into the same belt of gentle favoring winds, and I 2 The General Question of Isthmian Transit. carried by them across the broad Pacific to those rich coasts and islands of the far East which were ever such powerful magnets to the earlier navigators. Nor is this pleasing thought any longer an unreasonable one. That ships shall cross the isthmus from sea to sea has been decided. The clamor of commerce and its shipping can no longer be disregarded. Transit across the narrow lands of Central America is certainly to be provided, and the only questions are when, where, and how. It is to consider these questions that some of us are now before you, prepared, from long study and experi- ence of the subject, to say definitely where and how, and almost as definitely when. - It has fallen to my lot to speak of some aspects of the subject not dwelt upon by my colleagues. My task is therefore alight one, for but few points will have been left undiscussed in the exhaustive addresses of those who will follow me before this meeting. As you have already been told, there have been three principal localities and methods before the world by which the oceans may be joined : A sea-level canal at Panama; a lock-canal at Nicaragua; and a ship-railway at Tehuantepec. There have been others. Beginning at the south, we find the Atrato River, recommended by the great Humboldt, rising in the mountains of Western Colombia, and pursuing a northerly course to its mouth in the southwestern corner of the Caribbean. Although its waters empty into the Eastern Sea, its course is parallel to the Pacific coast, and only about fifty miles from that ocean. The main stem of the Andes, whose eastern slopes it drains, separates it throughout its course from the Pacific. The General Question of Isthmian Transit. 3 This range is throughout this portion not of great ele- vation, and numerous tributaries afford, in their valleys, easy grades from the Atrato to or toward the crest of the divide. Humboldt was told of vessels passing from the head- waters of the Atrato to those of a small stream flowing southwest into the Pacific, by means of a short canal. Later examinations show that the vessels were canoes, the canal, if not mythical, was a ditch, and that a long and high portage intervened, over which the canoes were dragged. Lower down the Atrato several lines of levels were run across the divide with much care and labor, fol- lowing the lines of some of the principal tributary streams entering from the westward. In these it was found neces. sary that the summit levels should include tunnels many miles in extent, high enough to accommodate ships with at least the lower masts left standing, and involving enormous expense. Attempts were also made to connect the Gulf of San Miguel with Caledonia Bay on the Car. ibbean side, and at a point farther west to connect the Gulf of San Blas on the Caribbean with the Bayano River, emptying into the head of Panama Bay. Here again long tunnels or other formidable obstacles were soon revealed as the lines of levels were carried across. Next came the line of the Panama railroad, and here high hopes were entertained, for a railroad was already there, and the Chagres, a large stream, debouching near Aspinwall, has its source well over toward the Panama or Pacific side of the isthmus. After careful surveys of this line it was decided that a lock-canal was possible, though difficult, costing over a hundred millions, and meeting with some trouble in supplying water for its 4 The General Question of Isthmian Transit. summit level. A canal at the level of the sea was deemed impracticable, it being considered that the vio- lence of the freshets in the Chagres placed it beyond suc- cessful engineering control. Omitting Nicaragua, which you will hear fully discussed, and referring briefly to the lines in Costa Rica and Honduras, the former con- necting Chiriqui Lagoon with the Gulf of Dulce, and the latter crossing from the Bay of Honduras to the Bay of Fonseca, they may be summed up by stating that excel. lent locations for railways were found here, with good harbors at the termini, but that the elevation of the mountain range in this vicinity made canals impossible. Passing on still farther to the north and west, we come to the last of the isthmuses, that of Tehuantepec. Cortez satisfied himself with regard to its usefulness as a land transit, and sent by that line much of the equip- ment arriving from Europe for his Pacific fleets fitting out for exploration and conquest. Later on, when no longer used, the world fell again into ignorance concerning it, and the ancient legends of a strait existing here gained a fresh credence until as late as the middle of the last century. The late Captain Eads proposed, as a canal here was impossible, to take sea-going ships, loaded with heavy cargoes, out of the water, lift them upon a cradle, and carry them by rail across six hundred and fifty feet of elevation, through swamps and across streams, and finally to lower them into the water on the other side of the isthmus. * The mass of engineering opinion regards the building of embankments, the management of grades and turnings, to be, under this heavy load, difficult and perhaps impos. t The General Question of Isthmian Transit. 5 sible. The mass of nautical opinion considers the lifting and carrying of heavy ships, loaded with railroad iron or other heavy weights, to be dangerous in the highest de- gree to the integrity and safety of the ships' hulls. There is more than one way of avoiding breaking bulk easier and simpler than this. Ships for this isth- mus trade can be fitted with interior decks on which rails are laid for cars of the lightest and snuggest con- struction, stowing closely together, and losing but little stowage room by their interstitial spaces. Cargo may be stowed in them, and these cars, of a size to fit a narrow- gauge road across the isthmus, can be hauled out through the bow or stern ports, in a dock arranged to float the ship higher or lower, as needed, in order to bring its decks in succession at the level of the shore tracks. Those cars would be run across a cheaply constructed narrow-gauge railway, and run into the hold of a ship on the other side of the isthmus, fitted in the same way to receive them. s Some little stowage space would, of course, be lost, but this loss would be slight compared with the enormous tolls each vessel would have to pay to allow dividends on the expensive railway needed to carry bodily a large vessel and her cargo. This is not a specially good project; but it is one of many plans which are more feasible, economical, and sensible than the project of a ship-railway. º We find that only three localities have been considered as worthy of being seriously considered: Panama, Nicara. gua, and Tehauntepec. Did nature offer opportunities for constructing canals at each of these localities, they would all be more or less favorable for the use of commerce, com- 6 The General Question of Isthmian Transit. pared with the long and expensive voyage around the Cape of Good Hope or the Horn. Tehuantepec, could it be used, would best serve the coastwise traffic which would be established between the Gulf of Mexico and our Pacific States. For all other traffic of this country, and other maritime nations, the more southern routes would be preferable, and between the two, Panama and Nicaragua, Panama would be avoided by a large propor. tion of the traffic, namely the sailing ships, owing to the continuous calms which prevail for hundreds of miles to seaward from that port. This region of calms is tongue- shaped, the base resting on the coast at Panama and for a short distance north and south of it, and narrowing to a tip near the equator several hundred miles to westward of Panama. This tongue-shaped area does not include Nicaragua, along whose shores the winds are moderate, steady, and favorable both for approach and departure. What the project of a ship-railway will cost no one knows. The idea is so problematic that no reliable esti- mate can be formed. Seventy-five million dollars was at one time mentioned. Careful surveys will no doubt make the estimate much greater, especially when we con- sider the costly equipment needed to carry its heavy burdens. It is to be remembered that the working ex- pense of railroads is over fifty per cent. of their gross revenues, and of such an abnormal railroad as this is, they would probably be much greater. If twelve and a half millions represented the total revenues, from two to four millions is as much as could be expected for net revenues from a ship-railway. . Of the final cost of De Lesseps' sea-level canal at Panama, if there could be any thing final about it save The General Question of Isthmian Transit. 7 utter failure, nothing can be known, except that it will be a fabulous amount. I will not weary the Sections with this sad financial history. The debt of the Panama Canal was three hun. dred millions of dollars with less than one fifth of the work done, and with all the great difficulties and ex- penses contained in the remaining four fifths. A late ef. fort to increase this debt to four hundred million dollars has only partially succeeded, and the obligations now amount to about three hundred and fifty millions, the in- terest on which, plus the fixed charges on administration, , is nearly twenty millions annually, even supposing no work to be done on the canal. And with this huge debt staring them in the face, I can say without exaggeration that the great difficulties and expenses of excavation are all still before them, and the knotty, perhaps impossible, problem of the Chagres River is still unsolved. These facts do not surprise those who have studied the question. Great engineers warned Paris and the world of just such a disaster at the Paris Congress, while they urged Nicaragua upon their attention as being an entirely feasible, economical engineering project. We know why they were not listened to ; we know how the French clustered loyally about their famous De Lesseps; how he, totally ignorant of the topographic and climatic diffi- culties, flushed with success and impatient of contradic- tion, would hearken to nothing but a French plan exe- cuted by Frenchmen. We have now considered the three lines and methods before mentioned by which the oceans may be connected: Panama, a sea-level canal; Nicaragua, a canal with locks; and Tehuantepec, a ship-railway. 8 The General Question of Isthmian Transit. By way of the Panama Isthmus a canal with locks could have been constructed. It would have been ex- pensive; vexatious problems would have presented them. selves in supplying water to its summit level. Neverthe- less it was a possible, though not attractive, engineering problem. - Attempts have been made, however, disastrous at- tempts, to construct a canal at the level of the sea at this isthmus. This project, impossible as an economy, im. practicable as an engineering scheme, has, by its failure, made it improbable that a canal of any kind can, during this century, be made successfully at Panama. The route for a canal with locks through Nicaragua, using the lakes as a summit level, presents itself most favorably, both as an engineering and an economical problem; a scheme which, as far as we can judge, seems specially favored by nature. - The line, by way of the isthmus of Tehuantepec, if a canal were possible there, would commend itself to the commercial interests of the United States on account of its northern location, making the transit between our Gulf and Pacific States a most convenient and speedy one. So far as is known, this water transit cannot be provided. The ingenious conception of a famous engineer may per haps have there a practical trial, and an effort may be made to carry loaded ships of the largest size on a rail. way more than a hundred miles long, and which achieves over six hundred feet of elevation in its passage between the oceans. - - & The ship-railway project is born of a keen desire to utilize this Isthmus of Tehuantepee for commerce. It does not arise from any manifestation of nature in favor The General Question of Isthmian Transit. 9 of its use for purposes of a transit route. More than this, the world generally has not asked for a railway, but for water transit—for a canal. - Some important facts connected with this canal of Nicaragua are but slightly regarded by those who have treated the question. A trade would be created between the west coast of South America and the east and gulf coasts of the United States, which by the favorable cir- cumstances surrounding it would exclude all rivals. The fact that Chili and Peru are much nearer New York than San Francisco is rarely realized to its full extent by those unused to map studies. The Nicaragua Canal will be but little west of the longitude of New York (and will be considerably east of New Orleans); and when opened will make Chili, Peru, and Ecuador the com- mercial neighbors of New Orleans. A full reali- zation of the advantages of this position was shown by Prince (afterward Emperor) Louis Napoleon when in 1846 he wrote as follows: - “The geographical position of Constantinople is such as rendered her the queen of the ancient world. Oc- cupying as she does the central point between Eu- rope, Asia, and Africa, she would become the entre- pót of the commerce of all these countries, and ob-, tain over them an immense preponderance; for in poli- tics, as in strategy, a central position always commands the circumference. There exists in the New World a state as admirably situated as Constantinople. We al- lude to the state of Nicaragua. As Constantinople is the centre of the ancient world, so is the town of Leon the centre of the new, and if the tongue of land which sep- arates its two lakes from the Pacific Ocean were cut 10 The General Question of Isthmian Transit. through, she would command by virtue of her central position the entire coast of North and South America. “The State of Nicaragua can become, better than Con- stantinople, the necessary route of the great commerce of the world, and is destined to attain an eaſtraordinary de. gree of prosperity and grandeur.” Here at Brito, instead of Leon, will rapidly be created one of the great world centres of industry, an entrepôt of vast international commerce, a focus of interchange for the products of the globe. The political question is not a complicated one. The canal must be neutral. All nations must be welcome to it. Difficulties may arise in war between powerful mari. time nations, but these difficulties will be readily met by the Nicaraguans and Costa Ricans, who are a people of high intelligence and resolute courage, entirely capable of preserving the neutrality of their waters, and possessed of many friends among the nations, capable of rendering them efficient assistance. These difficulties of feeble neutrals, in preserving a correct neutrality in times of war, are well known. We have seen Belgium and Switzerland beset with these dif. ficulties in late years, but strong effort and good intent have availed to produce success. The canal needs no more protection to its neutrality than does an ordinary neutral port. It will be, in fact, a large port with two entrances, one on the Atlantic, and one on the Pacific side. A belligerent vessel must not leave the same en- trance of the canal within twenty-four hours of the departure of a hostile ship. Warlike supplies must not be sought there. Belligerent fleets or vessels must not make the canal a rendezvous or rallying-place. They The General Question of Isthmian Transit. 11 and their prizes must call there only in case of distress. These or similar rules must be enforced. The canal under present plans, whose success is now assured, is about to be constructed as a commercial enterprise, by private citizens of America and Europe, with the consent and by the wish of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and with the avowed good-will of the United States Government. The utterances of President Cleveland to the Nicara. guan Minister last month, the letters of Secretary Bayard, the report to the Senate, of its Foreign Affairs Committee last winter, show even more than good-will—an earnest approval; but this approval is of a private commercial undertaking, in which the government, though interested, is not involved. The canal profits are for these private citizens; the preservation of its neutrality is for Nicaragua and Costa Rica to preserve. This may be a troublesome task at times, but Nicaragua and Costa Rica, strong in their right, will succeed. - Holland would also have trouble should Germany, in some future war, decline to respect its neutrality. Egypt may, in the same way, have cause to fear the fleets of England. But Nicaragua has no more to dread than has any other small, brave nation, whose fortune it is to have within its territory one of the principal gateways of the world. So far as conventions and agreements can pro- tect (and a reasonable doubt has been thrown upon them by the late operations in Egypt), this canal is protected by the famous instrument of forty years ago, known as the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, between England and the United States; but the canal's immunity from damage in war will be due more to the modern good-sense of the great powers, than to any convention or agreement, how- ever binding may be its terms. - 12 The General Question of Isthmian Transit. What might have been the situation, had the United States Government undertaken to build this canal, it is perhaps useless to enquire. It is well known to this Association that a treaty between the governments of Nicaragua and the United States was concluded in the latter part of 1884. This treaty, known as the Freling. huysen-Zavala Treaty, was submitted to the Senate by President Arthur in that year, and remained in that body until after the inauguration of President Cleveland, who, having withdrawn the treaty from the Senate for re- examination, concluded not to return it, believing that the project should go forward as a private enterprise rather than as a government one. By this treaty the United States was to build the Nicaragua Canal; and it would follow of course that to the United States would come special benefits, and upon it would fall special duties in relation to the canal. This treaty failed, nor is it likely to be revived; and it is only mentioned as being suggestive of the possibilities involved in such a treaty, and of the position it would force our country to assume. But are we certain that the United States Government will avoid that position by declining to construct the canal? Can a great nation shake off at will the natural and inherent responsibilities of its greatness 2 Is it pos. sible for us to regard the Channel of Yucatan, the Gulf of Fonseca, the Canal of Nicaragua with the same polite indifference, in the same far-away frame of mind with which we listen to news of the Dardanelles, the Red Sea, and the Canal of Suez 2 And if we can be thus indiffer. ent now, how long will we remain so? How long can we remain so, when the outpouring of our products, rap- idly increasing, shall set toward Central and South The General Question of Isthmian Transit. 13 America and the Nicaragua Canal, and when the Carib. bean and its channels shall be white with the sails of our commerce? Let us not speak, ladies and gentlemen, of “manifest destiny.” That expression has been for centu- ries the cry of national selfishness, the excuse for cruel wars. That cry has for too long indicated in history the fact that might was stronger than right. Not thus do we look upon our destiny. The respon- sibility which is to come to us is that of defending not oppressing the brave and gentle nations to the south of us. Never shall the autonomy of their governments, the freedom of their citizens be threatened by the United States. But surely some burthens will grow upon us with our greatness. Surely we must defend those Cen. tral American republics from the aggressions of stronger nations, if unhappily the need shall arise. With this in view, it may be thought by some that by our government's undertaking this great work, certain advantages political, military, naval, might have been secured in advance, and that our position, when called upon to use our strength in a just cause, might have been made in a strategic way impregnable. This opinion grows stronger as we realize, after careful study of the situation, the remarkable strategic qualities of Lake Nicaragua. It is the lake that gives to this route a political and international importance unique and significant. The nation that controls this canal under terms of amity with Nicaragua will here find rest and refreshment for its fleets. Here may the delays of warlike complications, so injurious in sea-water to the iron-hulled frigates of our time, so fatal to their speed, be safely endured without 14 The General Question of Isthmian Transit. loss of efficiency; the crews growing healthier, the ships more clean-limbed and speedier, in this great fresh-water sea. Hence may issue squadrons in the height of vigor and discipline, striking rapid and effective blows in both oceans, and returning to refit in this sheltered stronghold, and to draw from it nourishment and fresh strength for. a renewal of hostilities. There cannot be imagined a more potent factor in deciding threatened difficulties, or in securing an honorable peace with a powerful enemy, than the presence in this healthy and capacious water. fortress of a strong fleet, prepared, at a telegraphic sign from the home government, to issue fully equipped from either entrance for instant service in the Atlantic or Pacific. All this advantage of position must be foregone by our government when it declines to build the canal itself. What advantages there are to counterbalance, what rea- sons the government had for declining the task, it is not for me to enquire. Doubtless the wisest course was fol. lowed, and the reasons, unknown to us, were good Ones. For the enterprise itself, it is without question benefited by the absence of government influence, and by having planted its foot firmly as a great commercial undertaking, needing no government subsidies, guaranties, nor any form of outside assistance, and possessing within itself the elements of a wonderful success. THE ENGINEERING FEATURES OF THE NICARAGUA CANAL.” -º-º-º-º- The Nicaragua Canal is known by name probably to ninety-nine out of every hundred persons in this country, but the revised route, the enlarged capacity, and the new features presented as the result of the last survey made two years ago by the United States Government Expedi. tion in charge of Civil-Engineer Menocal, United States Navy, are not so well known, and of them I will speak. And here let me impress upon your minds the fact that the location to be presented for your consideration is an actual one; by that I mean that there has been no guess. work about it, but that every foot of the line has been measured with chain and stadia, that a transit or a gradi. enter in the hands of trained officers has turned every angle, and a level rod has been placed and carefully read at every stake from one end of the line to the other, and that these stakes are one hundred feet or less apart. The distance from ocean to ocean by the proposed route is 169.8 miles. Of this distance, however, only 40.3 miles are actual canal, the other 129.5 miles being * The report of the U. S. Nicaragua Surveying Expedition, of 1885, in charge of Civil-Engineer A. G. Menocal, U. S. N., has been freely made use of in the prep- aration of this paper, and is frequently quoted from. r The fact that I was principal assistant on that expedition and in the prepara- tion of the report, plans, etc., will, I trust, account for the liberal way in which 1 have availed myself of Mr. Menocal's generous permission to make such use of his report as I saw fit. R. E. P. I5 16 The Engineering Features of the free navigation through Lake Nicaragua, the Rio San Juan, and the valley of the Rio San Francisco. Beginning on the Pacific side we will plunge immediate. ly “in medias res.” Entering the port of Brito situated about 12 miles N. W. of San Juan del Sur, the Pacific terminus of the famous gold-fever transit route, we find a broad channel 342' wide at high water, reaching inland about 14 miles to the tidal lock. This lock lifts the canal 24.2 above high tide of the Pacific. - From this lock, which is really the beginning of the canal, the portion between the lock and Brito being in reality an extension of the harbor, the canal ascends the broad gently sloping lower valley of the Rio Grande, which is to be diverted into the lake by an artificial channel, rising by means of three or more locks of from 26' to 29' lift, till at a point 83 miles from Brito, it reaches the western end of the summit level 110' above mean tide. Thence through the upper valley of the Rio Grande and across a moderately rolling country to the summit or “divide,” between the Pacific and the lake, 41.4 above the level of the water in the canal; then through the valley of the Guscoyol, a tributary of the Lajas, and along the bed of the diverted Lajas to the lake, a total distance of 84 miles from the last lock and 17.27 miles from Brito. Between the lake and Brito one small stream is taken into the canal by a receiving weir, the river Tola and several small streams coming from the north are to be passed under the canal, and along its lower portion will be ditches to intercept the surface drainage, which is in. considerable, and convey it to the sea. The material to be excavated in this division is sand, Nicaragua Canal. 17 gravel, clay, and in the divide cut, rock, which will be utilized in the construction of the breakwater at Brito, pitching the canal slopes, and in concrete for the locks, culverts, weirs, and the dam across the Rio Grande. The location of the canal in this division is the same as that proposed by Civil-Engineer Menocal on his return from Nicaragua in 1880. The prism, however, has been in- creased, the number of locks reduced and their location changed. The enlargement of the terminal section is also a new feature. - Passing out of the canal we stretch away across the glistening expanse of Lake Nicaragua, the inland sea, 40 miles wide and over 90 miles long, which forms the sum. mit level of the canal, and with the Chontales Mountains showing faint and blue on the left, soon reached Fort San Carlos at the outlet of the lake into the Rio San Juan. Throughout this distance of 56 miles, no less than 28 of water can be carried now to within 2,400' of the mouth of the Lajas on the west shore of the lake, and within 8 miles of Fort San Carlos on the southeast- ern shore. In the former distance some dredging and rock excavation under water will be necessary, and in the latter, dredging in soft mud to an average depth of 34. From Fort San Carlos we proceed 64 miles down the broad deep reaches of the majestic San Juan, in no place less than 1,000' wide, and with the exception of the 28 miles from the lake to Toro Rapids, with a depth varying from 28' to 130', to the dam thrown across the river at Ochoa just below the mouth of the Rio San Carlos. Throughout this stretch of river the only work to be done is dredging in mud and gravel, and some rock ex- cavation under water to an average depth of four feet 18 The Engineering Features of the along a distance of 24 miles, below Fort San Carlos, and light excavation above water on some points in the lower river to flatten the bends. The dam just mentioned is located between two steep, rocky hills, at a point where the river is 1,133' wide be- tween banks, with an average depth of 6.6'. Its length on the crest will be 1,255', its height 52', the depth of foundations 20' below present water level, and it is to be constructed entirely of concrete, with timber-lined crest, front, and apron, and rip-rap protected back, forming a monolith wedged between rock abutments. This dam will back the water of the river the entire distance to Ft. Carlos and into the lake, maintaining the water of the latter at the proposed level of 110', and convert the upper San Juan into an extension of the lake, with a fall of #" per mile. On the north side of the San Juan, im. mediately above the dam, a small creek enters the river through a break in the hills, and just in the rear of the range of hills, the end of which forms the north abut- ment of the dam, a second narrow valley extends easterly. The former valley, flooded by the back water from the dam, affords an excellent basin at the entrance of the canal, free from the slightest influence of the river current, and the latter forms a natural ready-made canal, 3,300' long, needing only slight excavation on the points of two or three spurs for rectifying the channel. From the head of this valley a canal 1.82 miles long extends across a broken country of moderate elevation, intersecting one deep, narrow ravine debouching towards the San Juan, across which a short embankment will be necessary, and enters the valley of the river San Francisco. This river San Francisco flows east, northeast, and east, approximately Nicaragua Canal. 19 parallel to the San Juan, and separated from it by a range of hills to a point about 9 miles (in straight line) from the dam, then receiving a considerable tributary (the Caño de los Chanchos) from the northeast, turns abruptly to the southeast and south, and enters the San Juan. Its valley thus forms an irregular flattened Y, with its foot or stem resting on the San Juan, one arm extending west. erly to within a short distance of the dam, and the other easterly in the direction of Greytown. Across the stem of this Y, just below the junction of the two arms, will be built an embankment 6,500' long on the crest, and having a maximum height of 51'. This embankment will retain the water of the San Francisco and its tributaries, flooding the whole upper valley (the arms of the Y) to a depth of from 30 to 50 feet, and forming a large lake at the same level as the river above the dam—in other words, a continuation of the summit level. - Proceeding at full speed again from the end of the short canal already described, we pass down the westerly arm of this broad, deep, crescent-shaped basin, past the em. bankment, then up the easterly arm to the western foot of the divide between the San Francisco and the San Juanillo, 12.55 miles from the dam, and within 19.48 miles of Greytown. Here we slow down, and enter the eastern division of the canal, beginning at the Saltos de Elvira. The rock sides of the canal here are high and steep, and after our long stretch of free lake and river navigation the canal seems narrow, but in reality there is ample room, and we proceed nearly due east, through the broad, flat upper valley of the Arroyo de las Cascadas, cutting a spur here and there to the “divide” less than one mile 20 The Engineering Features of the from the Saltos and 280’ above the sea. Then, curving gradually to the southeast, across the little plain at the summit, we cut a steep, narrow spur, enter the valley of the Deseado, a stream flowing into the San Juanillo, follow its bed a short distance, then cross to the left bank and reach the site of the upper lock of the eastern flight, 14,200' from the Saltos. The average cut for this distance is 149'. g - At this lock, excavated in the rock foundations of a spur of the northern hills, the summit level, reaching back through the San Francisco basin, up the San Juan, and across the lake to the first lock on the west side, a distance of 144.8 miles, ends, and the canal, lowered 53' by the lock, passes by easy curves down the widening valley of the Deseado to the next lock, less than a mile beyond. Here another drop of 27 occurs, and then the canal follows the still widening and gradually descending valley in a northeasterly direction less than 3 miles to the third and last lock at the mouth of the valley. This lock lowers ‘the canal to the sea level, and from here it takes a direct course across the flat, low basin of the San Juanillo and the Lagoon region, to the harbor of San Juan del Norte, or Greytown, about 11 miles distant. The surface drainage to be provided for in this division is not extensive, and is especially small on the western slope of the “divide,” where three short artificial chan- nels will divert it all into the San Francisco Lake at some distance from the canal. Across the “divide,” and as far as the first intersection of the canal and the Desea- do, the natural drainage is away from the canal. From this point to the San Juanillo the canal will be protected on both sides by drains formed partly by the present bed Nicaragua Canal. 21 of the.Deseado and partly by artificial channels. The re. mainder of the canal through the low land from the San Juanillo to Greytown will be protected by embankments formed by the material deposited by the dredges,” an ar. tificial channel being cut on the south to divert the San Juanillo, and another on the north to give Laguna Ber. nard and its tributaries an independent outlet to the sea. From the last lock to Greytown the canal is enlarged, as at Brito on the west side, forming an extension of the harbor 114 miles inland. The material to be excavated in this division is sand, gravel, and alluvial soil (all dredgeable material) for a distance of twelve to fifteen miles from Greytown, then clay, gravel, and rock in the deeper cuts, and finally in the divide cut, rock, which will be utilized as on the west side, in the construction of the embankment, the breakwater at Greytown, pitching the canal slopes, and in concrete for the dam and locks. Now let us analyze this route and see if there is any reason to believe that it can be improved, or that our knowl- edge of the region traversed by the proposed canalis not yet sufficient to enable us to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. Lake Nicaragua always has formed, and always must form, a part of every proposed ship canal route through Nicaragua. It is a helping hand of nature to encourage man to unite the two oceans, and did it not exist. Nicara- gua would never be mentioned in connection with a ship. canal. There is no question as to it, and there is nothing to be done to it except cross it. * It is not to be understood from this that the canal itself is held by embank- ments. The canal is at the sea level, and consequently everywhere below the natural ground surface. The embankments formed by depositing the excavated material on each side of the canal will simply keep out the surface water of the neighboring swamps during the rainy season. - . 22 The Engineering Features of the The river San Juan is also a necessary feature of every route, but it has been handled somewhat differently by different engineers. Childs contemplated using the river as far as the junction of the Serapiqui. In the report of the government expedition of 1872–3 the river was util. ized as far as just below the San Carlos, by four dams, with short canals around them, and Blanchet in 1879 proposed a dam below the Serapiqui which should back the water of the river clear to the lake. This, however, was found by the government expedition of 1885 to be impracticable, and a dam was located just below the mouth of the San Carlos, of sufficient height to back the water to the lake and make that portion of the river be. tween the dam and the lake one uninterrupted stretch of slack-water navigation. This may be regarded as the limit of practicable utilization of the San Juan. If there is any difference of opinion here, it is simply one of detail. - - Next let us look at the location from the lake to the Pacific. Here, as you see, a narrow strip of land from ten to twenty miles in width separates the two bodies of water, and it will be little if any exaggeration to say that be. tween the years 1836–1885 every foot of this country, from the mouth of the Rio Sapoa at the southwest corner of Lake Nicaragua to the northern end of Lake Managua on the lakes, and from the Bay of Salinas to Corinto on the Pacific, has been surveyed by Bailey, Childs, Lull and Menocal, Blanchet, and Menocal ; the last in four dif. ferent expeditions having himself examined every route noted by his predecessors as well as surveyed several ad- ditional ones, and it is due to Col. Childs to say that the Nicaragua Canal. 23 location presented as the result of all these surveys and resulting eliminations, is essentially the same as that so thoroughly surveyed and strongly advocated by him in 1851, with such modifications as are demanded by the larger needs of to-day and the more thorough protection of the canal from surface drainage. In connection with the location from the dam to Grey. town I will first quote from Civil Engineer Menocal's report of the surveys of 1885: “This route suggested itself to me while surveying the basin of the San Juanillo in 1876, and again in 1880, in a reconnaissance undertaken for the purpose of obtain- ing further information on the same subject. Limited time and insufficient means prevented me from carrying an instrumental examination across the ‘divide ’ and into the valley of the San Francisco, and I was, to my great disappointment, com- pelled to abandon the exploration, while there yet remained about eight miles to connect with my preliminary survey of the valley of the San Francisco in 1873. However, I went far enough to satisfy me that there was no serious obstacle in the way to prevent the location of such a line.” - Within a distance of twenty-five miles in this section occur nearly all the features which make the present location a new one, and which, by their boldness and perfect practicability, offer the best solution of the problem, the best utilization of the natural features of the surface in behalf of an effective and economical canal, straightening the line, increasing the free navigation, and shortening the length by eleven miles over previous routes. - * The twenty-five miles mentioned above is the only portion of the route which has not been carefully surveyed, and in some cases resurveyed before ; the last expedition spent three working months with two parties on that twenty-five miles, and the location as a whole is the re- sult of Civil-Engineer Menocal's complete and exhaustive personal knowledge of the entire country from Ocean to 24 The Engineering Features of the ocean, gained in the course of eight different surveys ex- tending over a period of fifteen years, and supplemented by a conscientious study of all that has been done by others in that region. * To sum up, the lake and the river must be a part of any and every route, while the locations from the lake westward to the Pacific and from the river eastward to the Caribbean Sea are the results not of a hasty recon- naissance made by a stranger to the country, but of eight different surveys by a distinguished engineer whose name is known all over the world, and whose rank and position as an officer of the United States Navy will answer for his integrity.” EXCAVATION. Of the 40.3 miles of actual canal about 27 miles will be excavation pure and simple, while the remaining * It has been suggested by one of the stanchest and ablest advocates of the Nicaragua route, and one who has been more instrumental in bringing about the various surveys than any one else, Admiral Ammen, U. S. N., that the final loca- tion will show the possibility both in the eastern and the western divisions of de- creasing the number of locks, and by means of dams flooding the valleys of the Deseado and Rio Grande, thus largely reducing the amount of actual canal cutting, and giving more unrestricted navigation. In the eastern division I have not the slightest doubt that several miles of the valley of the Deseado could be thus transformed into a lagoon, from the eastern end of which a single lock would lower the canal to the sea level ; and I should not be at all surprised if a similar improvement could be accomplished on the western division. The fact is, a dam or embankment, when not pierced by pipes or tunnels, can be madé to stand as permanently as the hills about it, and in the case of an embank- ment especially, a few years' growth of tropical vegetation would mat and bind it so firmly together and make it so completely part and parcel of the hills support- ing it, that one would endure as long as the other. And, just so far as it is practicable, I believe this method of dams and lagoons is the most effective solution of the problem ; it greatly reduces the first cost ; it dis- poses at once of the question of surface drainage ; it reduces the running charge of maintenance to a minimum ; and it will enable the canal in the future to be double tracked, with much greater ſacility and much less cost. Micaragua Canal. 25 13 miles will be largely, if not entirely, excavated by dredges. In the western division the excavation of the portion of the canal between the last lock and the Pacific by dredges will solve the problem of drainage of work for that division, as the remaining excavation being above sea level the question of drainage will be perfectly simple. * With convenient dumping-ground for earth excavated, with a large portion of the rock from the summit cut utilized close at hand in the construction of the locks, the dam across the Rio Grande, and in pitching the slopes of the canal, and a still larger quantity to be con- sumed in the construction of the breakwaters at Brito, the work in this section admits of the most economical execution. - The short section of canal between the river and the basin of the San Francisco is hardly worthy mention, dumping-ground for the material is close at hand, and the bottom of the cut being above the level of the val- leys which it connects the drainage of the work will pre- sent no difficulties. In the eastern division, as in the western, the portion of the canal between Greytown harbor and the first lock, a distance of eleven and a half miles, will be dredged, thus solving the question of drainage. - The “divide " cut from the basin of the San Francisco to the upper lock, 14,200' in length, and with an average depth of 149', is, it is admitted, a very serious job; but with the neighboring streams offering water at a high head for removing the surface earth by hydraulic mining, with a large plant of power drills worked by compressed air from the same source, and the use of modern explo- 26 The Engineering Features of the sives to loosen the rock, with a large proportion of the excavated rock to be used in the construction of the locks and the dam, and in pitching the slopes of the canal; a still larger quantity utilized in the construction of the harbor at Greytown; and convenient dumping. grounds for the remainder; with the laborers above the miasma and mosquitoes of the swamps and exposed to the pure breath of the “trades,” the work can be accom. plished without serious difficulty. DREDGING. The portion of the canal from the port of Brito to the first lock, and also between Greytown and the first lock on the east side, can be excavated by dredging; there will also be some dredging in the lake. The amount of work at Brito and in the lake is comparatively small, and in the Greytown section the San Juanillo affords oppor. tunity for the dredges to attack the work in so many points that it can be rapidly prosecuted. SUBMARINE Rock ExcAvATION. About 400,000 cubic yards of this in the upper San Juan, and a small quantity on the west shore of the lake, is all that will be necessary; and the former being exca. vated before the river is raised, and the latter being in the still water of the lake, close in shore, will not be particularly difficult. It is proposed to put on the dredging the largest and most powerful types of American dredges, by which about all that has been done at Panama has been accom. plished; on the rock work, just as many of the best types of power drills as there is working space for; and on the Nicaragua Canal. 27 earth excavation the American system of hydraulic mining, aided by the powerful steam shovels which we Americans know so well how to make. THE DAM AND THE EMBANKMENT. There are two features of this project which to many who have not made such structures a study, cause a question of safety to arise; one is the dam, which at one stroke gives us 64 miles of river navigation; and the other is the embankment, which at a second stroke gives us over 8 miles of lake navigation, and completely solves for that portion of the canal from the dam to the “di. vide " (13 miles) the important problem of protection from surface drainage. - The dam is to be of concrete, faced with timber, and . will be 1,255' long on the crest, and 52' high. The em. bankment will be 6,500' long and 51' high in the centre, but neither of them are any thing more than “small potatoes” when compared with many others scattered about the world, and serving much less important pur- poses than the ones under consideration. Of masonry dams, Verviers, a small city of Belgium, near the frontier of Prussia, with a population of about 38,000, has one— Gilleppe, 154' high and 771' long. The water supply of the town of St. Chaumonde, in France, has a dam about 140 high, and the water supply of St. Etienne is held by the Furens dam, 170' high. º - - The Villar dam, 162' high, holds the water supply of Madrid, and other dams in Spain, some of them dating back to Moorish days—Puentes, Alicante,” Val de Infi. *This same Alicante dam, built 1579–1594, is some 1 34' high, and on Sept. 8, 1792, after a severe storm, the water poured over its crest to a depth of 84'. 28 The Engineering Features of the erno, Nijar, Elche, and Almanza, range from 164 to 68 in height. In England, the Vyrnwy dam, at the Liver. pool water-works, is 136' high and 1,255' long. Nearer at home, the San Francisco water-works dam, 170 high and 700' long, and the Quaker Bridge dam, 278' high and 1,300' long, will, when built, be still more stupendous examples. * * e * O Of earthen dams or embankments, there are equally numerous and stupendous examples. The Montaubry dam, on the Canal du Centre, is 54 feet high ; the water supply of Dublin is impounded by a dam 66' high; the reservoir dam of the Bolton water. works, England, is over 120' high; the Oued Muerad dam in Algeria is 95' high; while in India and Ceylon the examples are very numerous; the embankment of the Ashti reservoir is 58' high and 12,709' long; the Karak. vasla dam is over 70' high ; the Tansareservoir dam (water supply of Bombay) is to be 8,500' long and 118' high; the embankment of the Cummum tank in the Madras Presidency is 102' high, and although it ranks among the earliest works of Hindoo history, it is still in such condi. tion as to fulfil its original intention; and in Ceylon are old tanks with embankments from 3 to 12 miles long and 50' to 70' high. - . Now, when we have it upon the authority of such a distinguished engineer as Mr. McAlpine (in which opin- ion the most eminent English hydraulic engineers concur), “that earthen dams rarely fail from fault in the artificial earthwork, and seldom from any defect in the natural soil; in nine tenths of the cases of failure the dam is breached along the line of the water outlet passages,” and we remember that the dams under consideration have Nicaragua Canal. 29 no penetrating pipes or passages of any kind, but are homogeneous and unbroken from end to end; when a dozen European cities have masonry dams from 100' to 170' high to hold their water supply; when in Algeria, in Ceylon where the entire rainfall of the year occurs in six to eight weeks, often amounting to 12 inches in 24 hours, and has been known to reach nearly 19" in that period, in India where the annual rainfall of 50" to 130" is precipitated in a few weeks, there are numerous ex- amples of dams from 54 to 118' in height, and from a few thousand of feet to several miles in length, shall we pronounce dams of the dimensions of these under con- sideration unsafe or impracticable % Why, gentlemen, right here at the Croton Reservoir you have a dam which is to-day standing twice the strain that either of these under consideration would ever be called upon to resist. In further answer to fears that may be felt in regard to the stability of these dams, I will quote from the pen of Mr. Menocal: - . “The same fears may with equally good grounds be entertained as to the stabil- ity of retaining walls, bridges, tunnels, or any other engineering works; they have yielded and will continue to yield, when defectively constructed, or subjected to strains greater than they can resist, but accidents to such constructions have not as yet been considered a sufficient reason for abandoning those means of overcoming engineering difficufties, nor does there seem to be any good reason to doubt their stability when properly constructed.” THE LOCKS. The following description of the locks I take from the report of Civil-Engineer Menocal: - “The locks proposed have a uniform length of 650' between the gates, and at least width of 65' between the gate abutments. Locks Nos. I, 2, 4, 5, and 6 have lifts of 26, 27', 26.4', 29.7", and 29.7' respectively. No. 3 has a lift of 53', and No. 7, being a combination of tide and lift lock, its lift will vary between 24.2' and 33.18', depending on the state of the tide. It is believed that Nos. I and 7 will rest sº 30 The Engineering Features of the on firm, heavy soil, but timber and concrete foundations have been provided for in the estimates. Nos. 2 and 4 are estimated to rest on solid rock, and as for Nos. 5 and 6, the borings taken in 1873 show that stiff clay, compact sand and gravel will be met with. No. 3 is proposed to be cut out of the solid rock in the eastern slope of the “divide,” by which the maximum strength will be secured with the least expense, concrete will be used only to the extent required to fill cavities, to give the proper dimensions to the various parts, and to give a surface to the blasted rock. The other locks it is proposed to build of concrete, and all of them, No. 3 included, will have a heavy timber lining in the chambers and bays, extending from the top of the walls to 15' below the low-water level. “Cribs on firm bottom, or fender piles, when piles can be driven, have been provided at the approaches to the locks for the protection and better guidance of ships into the locks. Provision has also been made for making ships fast to the lock walls, so that the lines will, by means of floats, rise or fall with the ship, thus pre- serving the same tension on the lines while the vessel is kept in the axis of the lock. Each lock will be filled or emptied by conduits extending from the upper to the lower reach of the canal, and branch culverts connecting the main conduit with the lock chamber. The only operation required for either filling or emptying the lock will be, irrespective of the movements of the lock gate, the opening and closing of the upper and lower main culvert-gates. The time required to fill or empty lock No. 3, of 53' lift, will be fifteen minutes, and for the other locks, an average of eleven minutes. The question of the best style of gates for these locks has been a subject of much consideration. It is desirable to combine strength, economy in construction, rapid and simple movements, facilities for repairs or for renewing the gates, and the least danger of accident by vessels entering or leaving the locks. The necessary machinery for moving the lock and culvert-gates, for hauling ships in and out of the locks, for electric lights, and other purposes will be worked by hydraulic power furnished by the locks themselves.” The chamber width of the locks will be 80'; thus, it will be seen that these magnificent structures will contain any merchant vessel afloat, except the Great Eastern and possibly the City of Rome, and will contain two such vessels as the Colon and Acapulco. In the light of the inevitable expansion of traffic and increasing demands upon every transportation route, strongly emphasized by the recent statement that the St. Mary's Falls canal lock, the largest in the world, (515' by 80' by 16), and completely rebuilt only in 1881 to meet the demands of traffic, has already nearly reached its capacity again; and by the recent enlargement of the AVicaragua Canal. 31 Welland Canal, which will also be but a temporary alle. viation of the trouble, I assume that no one will take ex- ception to the size of the locks under consideration, nor will any engineer conversant with such structures see any thing impracticable or even especially difficult in their construction, with possibly the exception of lock No. 3. Scores of dry docks have been built of nearly equal di- mensions without encountering difficulties that could not be overcome by brains and vigilance. The gates are the only features that will invite criti. cism or discussion. This is a point which is not settled, but I anticipate few opponents when I say that though the St. Mary's Canal lock above mentioned has the ordinary double-leaf. gates, and Mr. Ashbel Welch, in a paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers in August, 1880, presented a plan for a lock of 30' depth and 30' lift, with same kind of gate; swinging gates of any form whatever will be entirely inadmissible for at least the tail gates of these locks and probably also for the head gates. It be. ing admitted, then, that some form of caisson gate is im. perative, it remains only to decide upon the precise style, and this will be done only after thorough study and in- vestigation by a board of engineers. The forms presented are sliding caissons for all head gates, and the tail gates of the locks 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7; for the tail gate of lock No. 3 a rolling caisson gate is presented for consideration. This lock of 53' lift is such a long leap forward, or rather upward, as compared with any others in existence or pro- posed, that it is anticipated it will elicit some discussion. Starting, however, with what canal engineers will admit as an axiom, that the lift of a lock is limited only by the 32 The Engineering Features of the quality of the foundations and the ability to construct gates of sufficient strength and facility of manipulation, and having already stated that this lock will be not merely founded upon, but built in, the solid rock, we may turn to the gate question. The gate proposed, a model of which is before you, may be described as a rectangular, upper portion resting on a curved lower portion, the inner or rear part of this curve being a quadrant of a circle of such radius that the length of the arc of the quadrant is equal to the width of the lock, so that the travel of the gate in rolling through ninety degrees will carry it entirely within the gate re. cess. The lower part of the gate, to a point one or two feet above the lower water level, and the inner or rear side of the gate will be built as a water-tight compart. ment, to contain a shifting water ballast; the remainder of the gate being open trusses, plated on the down-stream side, the centre of gravity being kept by this means near the centre of the arc on which the gate rolls, and the bal- ance more perfectly maintained. Flanges upon the curved bottom of the gate prevent any lateral movement, and any possibility of slip forward or backward during manoeuvring is precluded by four chains, each equal in length to the arc of the rolling quadrant, arranged in pairs, one pair being attached at one end to the gate at the upper extremity of the quad- rant (the gate being closed and erect), and at the other end to the bottom of the lock, directly under the lower extremity of the rolling quadrant. The other pair are attached at one end to the bottom of the gate at the lower extremity of the rolling quadrant, and at the other end to the bottom of the gate recess, directly under the Nicaragua Canal. - 33 upper extremity of the rolling quadrant when the gate is open or in a horizontal position. Thus, when the gate is closed and erect, the chains in pair No. 1 are wound on the periphery of the rolling quadrant, while those of pair No. 2 are lying straight and taut upon the bottom of the gate recess, or vice versa, when the gate is open or hori- Zontal the chains of pair No. 2 are wound on the periph- ery of the rolling quadrant, and those of pair No. 1 are lying straight and taut upon the bottom of the gate I’éCéSS. - At all intermediate points and movements one pair un- winds at the same rate that the other pair is wound up, thus rendering it impossible for the slightest slip to occur, while at the same time the utmost freedom of rotation is permitted. - At the top of the front face or end of the gate, one end of a connecting rod or truss is attached by a simple pin joint, permitting free movement of the connecting rod in a vertical plane with the pin as a centre, the other end being attached to a car by pin joints, permitting the same movement in a vertical plane. The car is a rigid rectangular frame spanning the gate recess. Motion is given to this car by a compressed-air or hydraulic motor situated on the car. Before passing to a description of the manipulation of the gate, it may be said that the displacement of the lower water-tight compartment, when the gate is bearing on the rails, will be largely in excess of the weight of the gate, necessitating the admission of water ballast, and it is obvious that the amount admitted may be so regulated that the gate shall exert a pressure of 5 or 50 tons on the rails, or shall just touch them without exerting any 34 The Engineering Features of the pressure; in other words the gate may be adjusted to any weight. - - The means of preventing any lateral movement of the bottom of the gate have already been noted. To prevent lateral motion or the deflection of the upper part from the action of the wind, it is held in place in two ways: At its inner or rear upper corner, by rollers on the op- posite faces of the gate recess, and at its upper front or outer corner by a connecting rod, from the outer end of which wire-rope guys extend to the forward angle of the car, forming, with the connecting rod, a rigid triangular truss, preventing any motion in the horizontal plane and keeping the gate supported precisely in its vertical plane of revolution. Supposing now, the gate to be closed or erect, the car spanning the gate recess close to the edge of the lock and nearly over the rear face of the gate, the gate bearing slightly on the rails, yet practically floating; chains of pair No. 1 wound upon the gate, and those of pair No. 2 lying flat along the floor of the gate recess. The car is started; the outer upper corner of the gate rises and moves back in response to the pull of the connecting rod; the chains in pair No. 1 unwind from the bottom, while those of pair No. 2 wind upon the gate; the water bal- last shifts with the gate, neither assisting nor retarding its motion, but simply keeping it on the rails, and so pre- vented from rising by the water ballast, kept from lateral motion at the bottom by the flanges, and at the top by the rollers and the connecting rod; kept from forward or backward slip, at the bottom by the chains and at the top by the car; weightless, waterborne, yet under per- fect control and held as in a vice in every direction, the Nicaragua Canal. - 35 . gate rapidly and smoothly retreats into the recess with the expenditure of only that amount of power necessary to give it velocity. The principle being admitted, the shape and size of gate recess, car, etc., etc., are simply matters of detail. Some of the advantages of this gate are perfect con- trol, combined with rapidity and simplicity of operation; minimum amount and advantageous application of actu- ating force; concentration of all operating mechanism on top of lock where it is perfectly accessible; and unusual facility of access to all but a small portion of the gate it- self for painting or repairs, without interfering with the use of the lock. This gate has been favorably regarded by eminent en- gineers. However, whether it is or is not adopted does not more than temporarily affect the lock, for I have that confidence in the ability of American engineers to believe that given a lock wanting only a gate, the want will not be left long unfilled. If it is suitable, then the saving of time and cost will be very large, and a final location will doubtless show its availability in another place to simplify and cheapen the canal. - In regard to the general subject of locks, I beg to pre- sent for your consideration the opinions of some eminent engineers. *. * * The late Col. John G. Stevens, for many years presi. dent and chief engineer of the New Jersey Railroad and Canal Company, and justly regarded as the most eminent canal engineer in this country, said in an article published in the American Engineer of January 30, 1885: “It must be conceded that all methods of water transportation involve a certain amount of risk and consequent delays. The ocean, the river, the canal have each 36 The Engineering Features of the their own special sources of danger, the navigation of the latter being perhaps safer than by sea or river. In the case of canals judiciously located, well built and managed, such risk is caused not by the failure of locks or dams, but by those of the earthen embankments and cuttings. The failure of locks especially may be called phenomenal ; the condition to which they will be exposed can generally be definitely ascertained and plans designed that will fully meet all the requirements. With earthworks no such certain results can be secured. The character of the material itself—which under the varying effects of frost and continuous rains be- comes unreliable—makes it often difficult to keep embankments and cuttings in their original and proper shape. Again, they are liable to be exposed to floods, , the character and extent of which could not reasonably have been foreseen. It is within the experience of any careful observer that unusual floods will occur in cer- tain districts for which there has been no precedent, not even in tradition. Earth- works are, consequently, often subjected to unexpected pressures, and at times when they are most unfitted to resist them. “Experience, that best of guides, proves that no appreciable risk to canals re- sults from the failure of locks on any canal constructed fairly well. Overflows both into and out of canals constantly occur, the earthen embankments give way, and the navigation is temporarily suspended, while the locks remain uninjured. “With canal transporters it is an axiom that, while water is their best friend, it is also their worst enemy. My experience as an engineer engaged on canals for many years enables me to assert very confidently that no accident need ever hap- pen to the locks of a properly constructed canal. For ten years I had charge of a canal that had a heavier tonnage, perhaps, than any other in the country, and dur- ing that time no approach to an accident to any of the locks occurred. This is also the experience of the leading canals both of this country and Europe, and any appreciable risk to navigation from the existence of locks can be dismissed as an idle fable. - - - “Nevertheless, such an erroneous belief undoubtedly exists in the public mind. How it originated it would be difficult to discover. Another instance of a similar kind can be cited : For many years a fixed opinion prevailed that steamers could not be used on a canal in consequence of the propeller causing a swell, which was injurious to the banks. Many ingenious devices have been patented to overcome this imaginary defect, for, in point of fact, a propeller makes no swell, that which has been noticed being caused simply by the displacement of water by the vessel itself. Another instance : Before railroads had been practically brought into operation the presumed lack of adhesion to the rail was considered a fatal objec- " tion to the use of a locomotive, and appliances were invented in this case also to remove a difficulty which, in fact, did not exist. The list of these fallacies that have been imbedded in the popular mind could be indefinitely extended. This risk of damage to locks is a superstition of a similar kind. It is an imaginary and not an engineering objection. “But I can go further, and state that locks are absolute sources of safety. A sea-level canal being sunk below the level of the surrounding country thereby be- comes a drain, and is necessarily subject to all the risks from water that such a Nicaragua Canal. 37 location entails, however skillfully the plans may be designed and the earthworks constructed. Unknown and uncertain risks must be assumed and the chances taken thereon. The precise amount of these will vary, but under the best condi- tions they may be appreciable, while under those that are unfavorable they will be such as to seriously impair the value of the work as a reliable channel of trade. The adoption of a lock system raises a canal above the ordinary drainage, and thus materially lessens the dangers that arise from that insidious enemy—water ; and if the canal is well located, they can generally be entirely removed. Moreover, to maintain deep cuttings in proper shape adds largely to the current expenses. Locks, therefore, so far from impairing the security of navigation, greatly increase it, while at the same time they lessen the maintenance expenses. “In regard to the delays attendant upon locking, an apparent discrepancy of opinion exists. This is due mainly to the improvements that have been adopted within the past few years, and that have lessened the time consumed in locking. Putting aside antiquated methods, and taking into view the most approved prac- tice, I am of the opinion that the following will be a close approximation of the time required for a lockage with a thirty-five feet lift, the vessel being assumed to be of 2,000-tons capacity: Hauling in, eight minutes; closing gates, two minutes; filling lock, eleven minutes; opening gates, two minutes ; hauling out, five min- utes; delays, twelve minutes; making a total of forty minutes. . “General Weitzel, of the United States Engineer Corps, who constructed the largest canal lock in the world, at St. Mary's Falls, estimated the time necessary at less than the above. The late Mr. Ashbel Welch, a distinguished engineer of large canal experience, estimated the time at thirty minutes. My estimate not being, however, based on a single locking, but on one of a series, and that of heavy lifts, would, therefore, embrace the following : The small detentions that unavoidably occur in a day's work, the time lost by the passage of a vessel moving in the opposite direction, this being dependent upon the number and class of ves- sels engaged in the trade and the additional time required by the lift. Taking into view these considerations, I will probably be in substantial accord with both of the eminent gentlemen named. Although it is possible that my estimate of the time may exceed theirs slightly, it is certainly fairly full, and perhaps in practice can be slightly lessened. The objection to locks, therefore, would appear to be based mainly on sentimental considerations. I am at a loss to find any practical reasons that will properly justify them.” - And here are some statements from the same dis. tinguished Ashbel Welch to whom Colonel Stevens refers, made in 1880, in a strong paper read before the Ameri- can Society of Civil Engineers on the manipulation of large locks by steam : “Canal engineering and canal management are still running in the grooves es- tablished in the age of Louis XIV. The few canals now made are not such as 38 The Engineering Features of the require skill, but main strength and money. The improvements that have been made are unknown to the great world, because the world in these uncanalling days has taken no interest in the subject. Little about them has gotten into the books, for it was useless to put there what nobody would read. Hence an uninformed public opinion objects to locks for large ships, because such ships have heretofore been handled at wharves and docks by hand, or without such apparatus as can easily be applied at a lock built with a view to such application. ‘An artificial strait, a watercourse without impediment,’ and all such phrases have a magnificent ring, but to spend millions of dollars for an idea to satisfy an unreasoning or an unin- formed public opinion, is bad engineering. That is the best engineering, not which makesthe most splendid, or even the most perfect work, but that which makes a work that answers the purpose well, at the least cost. The demand of the public for a canal without locks, reminds one of Charles Lamb's youthful Chinaman, who, for want of knowing any cheaper way, burned down his house to roast his pig. “A canal is not a monument, but an enterprise. No engineer is warranted in building a monument to himself with other people's money. Besides, a splendid work, more expensive than is necessary to answer the purpose, is a monument that confers no credit on the builder. To make an enormously expensive work when a cheaper one, skilfully made, would answer the purpose even better, is at best a magnificent mistake. “Because it is a long and ticklish operation to get a ship into a dock or berth from an open river or bay, it does not follow that it is so at a lock; the circum- stances are entirely different. In the canal the ship heads right to enter the lock from the first ; there is no cross or any other current, and there are attachments on each side to hold and move her by.” Again : “As for accidents, there is less danger, with suitable appliances, in a lock, than on any other 1,000' in the canal, for vessels are under more perfect control.” And again : “To fill a lock of 20' lift takes less than 50 per cent. longer than one of Io' lift. A lock of 20' lift would not cost over 50 per cent. more, the time lost in passing a lock of 20' lift would be but litttle more than half as much as for two ten-feet lifts; the time for entering and leaving is what counts, and not the filling.” And again : “I have calculated for a lift of 30'; probably that is as high as the ground will permit any lock to be made. I should not hesitate to go higher than that if the situation permitted.” - - And once more: “Locks have been made of 33' lift. The higher the lift the less the cost of construction and operation, and the less the detention per foot lift.” Nicaragua Canal. 39 And in a paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers, Civil-Engineer Menocal says: “The advantages possessed by a canal with locks over one at sea level, are that the greater portion of the work will be free of the enormous expense for pumping and keeping the excavation free from water, which is an unavoidable accompani- ment of any work below the sea level or below the neighboring drainage level; any portion of the canal can be partially or entirely drained into the lower levels to allow an examination or facilitate repairs in the channel or locks; a perfect system of drainage independent of the canal can be obtained for adjacent water-sheds, and thus prevent floods from doing injury to the canal.” The objectors to locks remind one very much of the perennial old lady from the back country who is fright. ened into fits at her first sight of an express train, and it seems these objectors are even more antique than the old lady, for Stevenson says: “It is a curious fact, illustrative of the strength of prejudice, that when Whit- worth proposed to form a lock at Leith in 1786, it met with strong opposition on the ground of its being dangerous to shipping.” And he adds: “Such an objection, it is almost needless to add, is never now heard of.” But, after all, what this one says or what that one says is not the equal of facts as an argument. To-day not a vessel discharges at Liverpool or Havre that does not pass through the dock-gates, which is equally or more difficult than entering a lock, and I could fill a page with a list of foreign ports at which every vessel must pass through two locks before she can reach the quay to dis- charge, to say nothing of the numerous dry-docks and locks abroad and at home which are in constant and suc- cessful operation, and we hear no cries of danger. You will pardon me, gentlemen, if I am unable to re- press a feeling of enthusiasm when I think of these grand structures, these silent, gigantic, impassive machines, lift- ing and lowering thousands of tons with noiseless ease 40 The Engineering Features of the and speed and at the same time furnishing the power to manipulate themselves and to light the canal. HARBOR WORKS. At Brito the improvements proposed consist of two breakwaters to protect the broad basin between the tidal lock and the port from the swell, and afford a safe and easy entrance to vessels in all weathers; and the necessary lighting and buoying. This basin will contain quite a fleet, and with the lake as a magnificent fresh-water harbor capable of holding the fleets of the world, only sixteen miles distant, a large harbor at Brito is not necessary. - At Greytown the works proposed consist of a break- water to arrest the littoral travel of the sand along the coast, the diversion of what little silt-bearing water yet comes down the San Juan into the main or Colorado branch, dredging out the old harbor, piers at the entrance of the canal, and the necessary lighting and buoying. It is believed that the breakwater will stop the travelling sand along the shore and hold and deposit it until the line of the shore builds out and becomes perpendicular to the prevailing trend of the sand, and then with only the fresh water from the canal entering the harbor the cost of maintaining it will be very slight. In this opin- ion such men as Sir John Hawkshaw, Stevenson, and Professor Henry Mitchell, concur. * - Much has been said about the harbors at the termini of the Nicaragua route and neither time nor space will permit me to enter into the discussion here. It may be said, however, that there is no practical route for a canal across the American Isthmus that has good harbors, and Nicaragua Canal. 41 it is believed that those at the termini of the Nicaragua canal can be made first class at less cost than those of any other route. There is nothing more difficult in the im. provement of Brito Harbor than has been successfully accomplished at numerous French and English break. water-protected ports and harbors, and the maintenance of the harbor of Greytown will be a much less serious job than is the maintenance of the Port Said entrance of Suez, with the enormous silt discharge of the Nile driven across its mouth by strong littoral currents. WATER SUPPLY. The one great source of study and care in most lock canals, i. e., the water supply, is here utterly eliminated for nature has been very lavish with the precious fluid. Lake Nicaragua has a surface area of some 2,600 square miles and a drainage area of not less than 8,000 square miles. The Rio San Juan, its only outlet, discharges at its lowest stage, near the close of the dry season 11,390 cubic feet per second, or 984,096,000 cubic feet per day. The amount of water required for thirty two double lockages is 129,479,968 cubic feet, or a little more than one eighth of the total supply of the lake alone, to which must be added the flow of the several tributaries of the San Juan, between the lake and the sea, and the San Francisco and its tributaries. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. On the western side of the lake a great variety of ex. cellent construction timber abounds on the line of the canal and for many miles to the north and south, its 42 The Engineering Features of the present market value but slightly exceeding the cost of cutting. In fact, it may be safely said that in clearing for the canal more timber will be obtained than will be needed for the work. The valley of the San Juan River, from Toro Rapids to the San Juanillo, including the val. ley of the San Francisco, is also heavily timbered; the virgin forests having never been disturbed by the hand of man, except on the immediate river banks, where a few wood-choppers keep the river boats supplied with fuel. Much of this timber compares favorably in the most important characteristics with the best in the mar- kets of the world, and its durability both when exposed to the weather and when underground and in water has been fully demonstrated by its extensive and varied use in that country for many years. From Greytown to lock No. 1 (some twelve miles), heavy timber is also found on the line of the canal, but of an inferior quality to that of the interior. However, for temporary structures it would answer as well. . No large quarries have been opened in Nicaragua, and with the exception of a limited number of coarse sand- stone blocks used in the construction of some public buildings, dimension stones are rarely used. Rubble masonry is adopted where something neater and more substantial than adobe is desired, while bricks are seldom seen except in floors. A superior quality of lime, as evi. denced by the existence to-day in an almost perfect state of preservation of indigo vats and dams over a hundred years old, is obtainable at several places close to the line of the canal, and when properly manufactured there is no question but that it will prove equal if not superior to many cements in the market. Stone for concrete is Nicaragua Canal. * 43 found on the line of the canal, and its cost will be only that of transportation from the excavations through the divides. ~ The best of clean sand and gravel abound on the shores of the lake, in the bed of the Rio Grande in the western division, and in the river San Juan from the mouth of the San Carlos to Greytown; while suitable clay for the manufacture of bricks is met with at numer. ous points along the route. With an abundance of palm leaves for thatching, such temporary buildings as are required for the accommodation of the working force and the protection of property. can be constructed at little more expense than that of handling the material. The country also affords a well-supplied market of all necessary provisions, such as beef, poultry, rice, beans, coffee, sugar, fruits, vegetables, etc.; so that but little more than the tools and machinery required for the work need be imported into the country. Several thousand strong and hardy laborers can be ob- tained from the Central American States, but the main portion of the working force and especially skilled me. chanics will have to be introduced from abroad. DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITY OF THE CANAL. I quote from Mr. Menocal's report: “In order to estimate with a fair degree of precision both the traffic-carrying capacity of the canal and the time of transit from the Atlantic to the Pacific, it will be well to refer to the Suez Canal, compare its dimensions with those proposed for Nicaragua, ascertain the average speed made by the largest ocean steamers passing through, and then, profiting by the experience in that water-way, to arrive at what may be reasonably expected with the conditions established for this project. The Suez Canal has a uniform depth of 26 feet and a width of 72 feet on the bottom throughout its entire length, with slopes of 2 to I or more, depending on the nature of the soil; the breadth at the surface of the water varying from 190 to 330 feet. 44 The Engineering Features of the “The area of water prism ranges, therefore, between a minimum of 3,406 square feet and a maximum of 5,226 square feet. The minimum radius of curve is 2,000 feet. Its entire length is open to ships of all nationalities, provided their draught does not exceed 7.51 metres (24' 7"). “The maximum speed of all ships passing through the canal is fixed at Io kilo- meters (equal to 53 nautical miles or 61% statute miles) per hour. (From regulations for navigation of Suez Canal.) - “Vexatious delays, due to grounding in rounding the sharp curves and in going in and out of the sidings to allow other vessels to pass and stoppages for the night, make the time of vessels in the canal range from 40 to 70 hours. “However, the average effective sailing speed, as given in the reports of the company, is 5 knots an hour. The passage has been made in 15 hours by starting at break of day and getting through before dark. - “During the year 1883, 3,307 vessels, with an aggregate net tonnage of 5,778,- 323, passed through the canal, the gross tonnage being 8,051,307. The mean effective sailing time was 19 hours and 30 minutes, or an average speed of 51% miles an hour. The mean net tonnage per vessel was 1,747, and the mean gross tonnage, 2,435.” At Suez the traffic has been seriously delayed by the dimensions of the canal and the inadequate number of the turnouts. In the present project not only have enlarged prisms been provided for, but large basins are proposed at the extremities of the locks. These basins, the enlargement of the canal at each end, with the lake, the river and the San Francisco basin, will permit vessels to pass each other without delay at almost every point on the route. “In 22.37 miles, or 57 per cent. of the canal in excavation, the prism is large enough for vessels in transit to pass each other, and of a sectional area in excess of the maximum area in the Suez Canal *; the remaining distance in which large ves- sels cannot conveniently pass each other is so divided that the longest is only 3.67 miles in length; with two exceptions, those short reaches of narrow canal are situ- ated between the locks, and can be traversed by any vessel in less time than is estimated for the passage of a lock; consequently unless a double system of locks be constructed, nothing will be gained by an enlargement of the prisms. The exceptions referred to are the rock-cuts through the eastern and western divides, * The sectional area of the North Sea and Baltic Canal, inaugurated June 3d, 1887, is 3,934D', and will permit the passing of ordinary ships at any point. - - Micaragua Canal. - 45 2.58 and 3.67 miles, respectively, in length. The possible detention in the transit, due to those narrow cuts, which should not in any case exceed 45 minutes, would not justify the necessary increase of expense involved in an enlargement of the cross-section proposed. Both the bottom width and the depth of the proposed canal are larger than those of the Suez Canal. - “In the lake and in the largest portion of the San Juan River vessels can travel almost as fast as at sea. In some sections of the river, and possibly in the basin of the San Francisco, although the channel is at all points deep and of considerable width, the speed may be somewhat checked by reason of the curves. “Estimated time of through-transit by steamer. Hours. Min. 38.98 miles of canal, at 5 miles an hour . . . . . . 48 8.51 miles in the San Francisco basin, at 7 miles an hour I I4. 64.54 miles in the San Juan River, at 8 miles an hour. 8 O4 56.50 miles in the lake, at IO miles an hour . . . . 5 39 Time allowed for passing 7 locks, at 45 minutes each . 5 I5 Allow for detention in narrow cuts, etc. 2 OO Total time . 3o OO “The experience of the Suez Canal shows that the actual time of transit is more likely to fall under than to exceed the above estimate.* - “The traffic of the canal is limited by the time required to pass a lock, and on the basis of 45 minutes (above estimated), and allowing but one vessel to each lock- age, the number of vessels that can pass the canal in one day will be 32, or in one year II,680, which, at the average net tonnage of vessels passing the Suez Canal, will give an annual traffic of 20,440,000 tons. This is on the basis that the navi- gation will not be stopped during the night. “With abundant water power at the several locks and the dam, there is no reason why the whole canal should not be sufficiently illuminated by electric lights; and with beacons and range lights in the river and lake, vessels can travel at all times with perfect safety.” - ESTIMATES. The following table of prices and condensed estimates of cost are taken from the official report of the relocation of the route by Civil-Engineer Menocal, U. S. N., com. pleted in May, 1885. - * * : * * The time of passage through the Suez Canal now (1887) is 16 hours. # In July, 1886, 1,296 vessels passed through the St. Mary's Canal lock. * 46 The Engineering Features of the ESTIMATES. TABLE OF PRICES. Excavation in earth . . . . . . . . . . $o.40 per cubic yard. Excavation in rock . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 per cubic yard. Excavation in rock (sub-marine) . . . . . . $5.00 per cubic yard. Dredging . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 and .40 per cubic yard. Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 and $9.00 per cubic yard. Stone pitching . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 per cubic yard. Stone in breakwaters . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 per cubic yard. Puddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 per cubic yard. Timber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 per cubic foot. Western Division : — Excavation and embankment . . . . . . . . . . $8,496,292 Diversion of Rio Grande and Rio Lajas . . . . . . . . . I,870,447 Other auxiliary work, including R. R. . . . . . . . . . . 753,329 Locks (four) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,762,480 Harbor of Brito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I,6,II,500 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,484,048 Middle /Xizºsion : — Lake Nicaragua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $379,520 River San Juan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,074,791 Valley of R., San Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . I, II2,413 Dam across R. San Juan . . . . . . . . . . . . . I,858,975 Embankment across R. San Francisco . . . . . . . . . I,331,262 Embankment near Ochoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,578 Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24O,OOO . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,042,539 Fastern Division : — The “Divide " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,982,938 From the “Divide” to Greytown . . . . . . . . . 8,077,294 Locks (three) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,561,515 Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32O,OOO Harbor of Greytown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,766,625 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,708,372 RECAPITULATION. Western division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,484,048 Middle division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,042,539 Eastern division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,708,372 Total & e. e ſº º . & e tº te e ſº Surveys, hospitals, shops, etc.; management and contingencies, 25 per cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I2,808,740 Grand total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $64,043,699 $51,234,959 Micaragua Canal. 47 W These estimates include the electric lighting of the canal; the lighting and buoying of the lake and the harbors; and railroads from the lake to the Pacific and from Greytown to the dam; which with the lake and the river will form an immediate trans-isthmian communi- cation, and furnish all facilities for communication and transportation of supplies along the entire line of the canal. It is estimated that the canal and all its accessories can be completed in six years—one for final survey and loca. tion, and five for active work of construction. PROBABLE TRAFFIC. Of all the commerce between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, three quarters of it is from the North Atlantic to the North Pacific, and return ; the export of grain from our Pacific ports forming the largest item in this account.” For all of this trade the Nicaragua route is 600 miles shorter than the Panama route ; so that even were the Panama Canal as well as the Nicaragua Canal in existence, the latter would, from its more favorable situation, have three quarters of the whole tonnage seek. ing transit. Probably the factor which would increase the business of the Nicaragua Canal greater than any other would be the further development of California, Washington Terri. tory, Alaska, and British Columbia. ' *The grain crop of California and Oregon for 1886, from the latest reports of its acreage, condition of crop, etc., is estimated to be from 1,600,000 to 2,000,000 tons, of which amount seven eighths will be surplus, or for export I,4OO,OOO to 1,750,000 tons. The Board of Trade of San Francisco also estimates surplus crops of Pacific States for 1886 at one and three quarters (1,750,000) tons. 48 The Engineering Features of the That there would be a great development in these States and Territories from the mere existence of the Nicaragua Canal cannot be doubted by any one. In the first place, the canal will bring the producer and merchants of the countries mentioned 7,000 miles nearer to a market than they are at present. With such a stimulus, due to their changed relations to their markets, can it be doubted that a rapid increase of population would immediately follow : And it must be admitted that emigration to those States would be very materially assisted by steamers being able to land the emigrants from Europe with no change what- ever. The Suez Canal saves in distance from the two great Indian ports of Bombay and Calcutta to London, when compared with the route via the Cape of Good Hope, 4,325 miles for the former, and 3,626 miles for the latter. The saving effected by the Nicaragua Canal from our Pacific coast to Europe would amount to more than 6,000 miles over the Cape Horn route; and it must be remembered that every bushel of grain from California and Oregon is sent to its market via Cape Horn. Were the Nicaragua Canal now in existence, all cargoes of grain from our Pacific ports would, from the moment they were loaded, have a greater value than they now have when off Cape Horn. These facts should have great weight in determining the amount of the future business of a canal via Nicaragua. But in case some doubts may exist regarding the development of the business that will arise from the mere existence of such a water-way (reducing, as it does, a trade route from 13,700 to 7,500 miles), we will here give the tonnage passing through the Suez Canal from the year 1870 down to 1883: Nicaragua Canal. 49 Years. Ships. Net tonnage. Receipts. Aºrancs. AXollars. 1870 486 436,609 5, I59,327 1,031,865 1871 765. 761,467 8,993,732 I,798,746 1872 Io82 I, I60,743 I6,407,591 3,281,518 1873 II 73 1,367,767 22,897,319 4,579,465 I874 I264 1,631,650 | 24,857,383 4,971,476 1875 I494 2,009,984 28,886,302 5,777,26o 1876 I457 2,006,771 29,974,998 5,994,599 1877 I663 2,355,447 32,774,344 6,554,868 1878 I593 2,269,678 31,096,229 6,219,645 1879 I477 2,263,332 29,686,060 5,937,212 I88o 2026 3,957,42 I 41,820,899 8,364, I79 I88I 27.27 4,136,779 54,676, 189 Io,935,238 1882 31.98 5,074,808 63,409,593 I2,681,918 1883 || 3307 5,775,861 68,512,064 I3,702,4I3 This table shows at a glance the wonderful success of the Suez Canal, which is still further known by the value of its stock and its phenomenal dividends. What has been accomplished by the Suez Canal in the way of busi- ness can be equally accomplished by a Nicaragua Canal; with the latter, however, it is my firm belief that the de- velopment of its business will be much more rapid than was the case of the Suez Canal; and for the following I’68,SOIlS : - - The commerce using the Suez Canal is almost, if not entirely a steamship commerce, the physical conditions of that route to the East precluding the use of anything but vessels propelled by steam. Thºme was required to over. come the great change of the enormous commerce of India from sail to steamships, and time has also been required to develop the products of India intended for ex- port, as well as for the demand of European manufacture. 50 The Engineering Features of the Now, as the geographical situation of the Nicaragua Canal will be perfectly favorable to the use of sailing vessels, there can be no reason whatever why every sail. ing ship now engaged in trade between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans should not, from the very day the Nicara- gua Canal is completed, make use of it, and to their great advantage in doing so, as vessels that now make the voy- age from Europe to California and return in one year, will be able in the same time, by using the Nicaragua Canal, to make at least one other voyage—that is to say, a sailing ship leaving Europe on January 1st could reach San Francisco via the canal, receive a cargo, and carry it to Europe, and find herself back in San Francisco by December 31st of the same year. - The development of the resources of our Pacific States would, it is believed, be very rapid from the day the Nicaragua Canal was opened. - -- The export of lumber and timber from Alaska, British Columbia, and Washington Territory would rapidly reach enormous proportions.” Mexico would receive a sudden awakening, and its commerce would be given an impulse it has never before received. All Central Amer- ica's productions and the wants of her people would be rapidly stimulated by having at their very doors a water- * Timber and lumber are now being shipped in large quantities from our north- west territory to Japan, China, Australia, and other trans-Pacific countries. Several ship-loads of large timber for ships' masts have been brought to Boston and Maine, our eastern ship-builders finding it very difficult to obtain heavy spars on the Atlantic coast. With the rapid clearing of our eastern and Michigan for- ests, where is our lumber in future years to come from except from our northwest territory? It is a fact that the interior finish of the Cunard steamer Oregon, lately lost, included thirteen different woods, all from Washington Territory and the State of Oregon, sent to the builders of the vessel by Mr. Henry Villard. Nicaragua Canal. - 51 way leading to the entire world. So far in this rapid survey of the business that will come to the Nicaragua Canal, no account has been taken of the great commerce of the west coast of South America. We know but little in this country of its magnitude, having unfortunately allowed the great bulk of it to be done by British and German merchants. To give you some idea of the magnitude of the foreign commerce of Chili, I will state that the one item of nitrate of soda sent to Europe in 1884 amounted (according to the official reports of the Chilian Government) to sia, hundred and fifteen thousand (615,000) tons, valued at over thirty millions of dollars l That this trade would make use of the canal there can be no doubt. - The main-line ships of the great steamship companies trading between England and the west coast of South America reach the Pacific from England via the Straits of Magellan. They proceed up the west coast to Valpa. raiso and Callao, at which last point they are three thou- sand miles from the Straits of Magellan, while via Nicaragua the entire distance to Liverpool is about Sia. thousand miles. - The cacao of Equador and the products of Colombia (collected by active coasting steamers) grown, as it may be said, within sight of the Isthmus, are thus carried 3,500 to 4,000 miles in a direction opposite from the port of destination. - r The distance from Valparaiso to Liverpool via the Straits is 8,725 miles; via Nicaragua, 7,550 miles. From Callao via the Straits the distance is 10,162 miles, and wia Nicaragua, 6,100 miles. Thus, a steamer leaving Valparaiso for Liverpool by way of the canal would 52 The Engineering Features of the have less distance to make by about 1,200 miles, and throughout the entire route to the North Atlantic the run would be on a sea wonderfully propitious for steam. ship navigation, and the reverse of that via the Straits of Magellan. - - - Leaving Callao for Liverpool by way of Nicaragua, the distance is 4,000 miles less than via the Straits. While proceeding to deliver or gather cargo the ship from or to Nicaragua, bound to or leaving Valparaiso, would make no needless detour of thousands of miles, as happens to the one leaving the La Plata for the southwest coast. The unnatural diversion of a carrying trade from what was its natural course, with proper railway changes and facilities at Panama, and which would become much more its rightful one on the opening of the canal, would be simply impossible. The steamship lines now center. ing on this side of Panama would pass into the Pacific in quest of their legitimate connecting business, as well as would sea-rovers, thus soon ending the existing state of things by turning the business of all that coast from Valparaiso north to the canal. This would be an inev. itable result. - Finally, we will come to the tea and other China trade, particularly from the north of China and Japan, and our exports to these countries, of which the one item of petroleum amounted, in 1885, to one hundred and forty thousand tons ! From the foregoing statements, as based on existing facts, can any one doubt there will be a large tonnage seeking transit the moment the canal is opened, and that, whatever this tonnage amounts to at the start, it will have a rapid and wonderful increase? - Nicaragua Canal. 53 The following table of tonnage that would make use of the canal to-day if it could do so, is based on the re. ports of the Bureau of Statistics, U. S. Treasury Depart. ment, and is prepared from official data ; Tonnage in 1879 . ſº § & & o 2,771,886 Tonnage in 1885 . & & & T ſe e 4,252,434 Increase in six years (tons) tº sº. © I,48o,548 Ancrease 5.3 per cent. At same rate of increase, tonnage for 1892, possible date of completion of Nicaragua Canal, 6,506,214. If there is any lesson or meaning in the history of the past twenty years, if what has been is of the slightest value as a criterion of what will be, then in ten years or less after the completion of the Nicaragua Canal, it will have to be double tracked; that is, the present locks will have to be duplicated and some 18 miles of the canal widened and then its capacity will be unlimited. The lake, the river, and the basin of the San Francisco can already pass the commerce of the world. CONCLUSION. The canal route which I have had the honor to de- scribe and present for your consideration to-day is perfectly practicable; it does not contain a doubtful or involved problem, or one which has not been already solved by engineers. There is not a detail of the work which, if intelligently designed and properly constructed, will not be as free from danger of failure as any work of human hands can be. There is with one exception, namely, the iocks, not a detail which has not larger and more difficult examples in existence to-day. It is the most economical, most convenient, and safest 54 The Engineering Features of the route for ship communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans across the American isthmus; and it is the most thorough and complete study for a trans-isthmian ship communication yet presented to the public and the only one, so far as I know, in which the public is required to take nothing on the strength of a mere assertion, but has all the data, all the means of arriving at the final results, placed fully, clearly, and unreservedly, before it, in such a way that every one can form an independent judgment for himself. The features of the canal are bold, but they are bold without foolhardiness, bold with the confidence born of intimate knowledge of the country, and the possession of engineering level-headedness. It is a colossal enterprise but a colossally feasible one instead of a colossally impracticable one like some others. The German Government is about to build a canal 61 miles in length (50 per cent. more than the actual canal length at Nicaragua) at a cost of $39,000,000,—for what? To shorten the voyage to the Baltic from 425 to 237 miles and to avoid the Danish pilot and other dues. A canal is being cut through the Isthmus of Corinth, —for what? To ease and shorten the burdens of the sea some 95 to 185 miles for a purely local traffic. The Manchester ship canal is to be built, for what? To bring one city nearer the sea; and shall we not build the Nicaragua Canal, which shortens the commer. cial highways of the world by thousands of miles? The Nicaragua canal has artificial harbors; so have numbers of foreign ports. The Nicaragua Canal has locks; so have other canals. The Nicaragua Canal has dams; there are numbers of Nicaragua Canal. 55 these scattered about the world, besides which those of Nicaragua are mere bagatelles. The Nicaragua Canal has a deep rock-cut; so has the Corinth Canal, one 14,000' long and 288’ deep. And these rock-cuts once completed there will be no abrasion of the slopes by rains, no caving in, no slips nor slides. That section of the canal will be finished for all time. The Nicaragua Canal will cost money; so has the Suez, and so will the German Canal and the one at Corinth. And the Nicaragua Canal will be a profitable enter- prise, as has been the Suez Canal and the Panama Railroad, and as will be every great transportation route which at a reasonable cost meets an imperative demand of com- merce. Shall we not build it 2 . . For centuries the exquisite, fragrant breath of the “Trades” has swept across the lake, bearing whispers of its beauty over the narrow “divide " to the Pacific; for centuries the blue waves of the lake have heard the mur. mur of the Pacific surf and dashed themselves upon the shore in vain attempts to force the hand-breadth barrier; for centuries the crafts of man have toiled thousands of miles to gain a dozen ; but to-day the impatient commerce of the world cries, “Rend the puny barrier and let me through,” and our own imperial Orient- and Occident- facing Republic answers, “Rend the puny barrier and join my coasts in one unbroken stretch from Eastport to the Straits of Fuca.” R. E. PEARY, Civil Engineer, U. S. N., M. Am. Soc. C. E. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON ENGINEERING FEATURES. RY CIVIL ENGINEER A. G. MENOCAL. The paper on the Nicaragua Canal, read by Civil En. gineer Peary at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, is so full, and the engineering features of the project are so ably presented, that even if the condition of my health had permitted me to comply with the request to submit a paper on the same subject, I could not have added much of interest to what he so clearly and forcibly stated. - There is an important feature in that canal route, how- ever, which is not generally known, or fully appreciated by those interested in the solution of the problem for ship communication across the American isthmus, and which I may be permitted to touch upon, in order that the subject may be better understood in its different aspects. I refer to the various modifications that can be made in the plan of execution discussed in Mr. Peary's paper, and which, without changing the location or ma- terially affecting the estimated cost of the works pro- posed, will so alter the dimensions and conditions of some of the works, as to effectually eliminate features which, without being novel either in design or in proportion, as shown by Mr. Peary, have, nevertheless, been regarded by some timid minds as bold engineering works, involv. 56 Additional Notes on Engineering Features. 57 ing doubtful elements of stability. The dam across the river San Juan, at Ochoa, the embankment in the valley of the river San Francisco, and the lock of 53 feet at the eastern end of the summit level, are the only works in the route demanding special care and engineering skill in their execution. The deep cut through solid rock in the eastern divide is only a question of expense, and with abundant auxiliary hydraulic power at hand, good dump. ing ground in close proximity, an exceptionally healthy location, and excellent drainage, that expense can be closely estimated in advance; and as to the permanency of the work when completed, there can be but one opinion: it will last as long as the ridge itself, and without any cost for maintenance. It will now be shown how the proposed plan can be so far modified that the works above referred to will be so reduced in proportion as to divest them of prominence, without affecting the practicability of the canal upon the proposed location, or materially increasing its estimated cost. By the dam at Ochoa, 52 feet above the surface of the waters, the upper 64 miles of the river San Juan is con- verted into an extension of the lake, and by some dred. ging in the first 24 miles below the lake, an uninterrupted navigation for the largest ships now engaged in the com- merce of the world is secured along that distance, and across the lake. But there are several excellent sites for dams across the San Juan, between the lake and Ochoa, especially so at Castillo and Machuca, 37 miles and 49 miles, respectively, below the lake. By the adoption of a very conservative plan, that sec. tion of the river could be divided by three low dams at 58. Additional Notes on Engineering Features. Castillo, Machuca, and Ochoa, into three reaches, with two locks of from ten to fifteen feet lift at each of the upper dams. The river would yet be navigable without addi. tional dredging; the crest of the highest dam would not be over 25 feet above the normal level of the waters; the valley of the river San Francisco would be made navi. gable by the construction of an embankment not over 28 feet high, and the lift of lock No. 3 would be reduced from 53 feet to about 28 feet. The cost of the three dams would not greatly exceed that of the one proposed at Ochoa, and the cost of the two additional locks would probably be fully compensated by the smaller embank. ment in the valley of the San Francisco, and the reduc. tion by nearly one half of the lift of lock No. 3 and ap- purtenances. The eastern divide cut, however, will neces. sarily have an increased depth of about 25 feet, with an additional cube of some 1,000,000 yards of excavation; and there will'also be a corresponding increase in three miles of canal from the Ochoa dam to the basin of the San Francisco, making an aggregate increase in the esti. mates of about 2,000,000 cubic yards. It is difficult to conceive how the most conservative engineer would regard this modified plan as in any way objectionable by reason of possible failure of any of the works proposed, and the small additional cost may be ac- cepted by some as of but little consequence as compared to the advantages gained thereby. Another modification of the above plan suggests itself, viz.: one dam and lock 25 feet high at Machuca, and one dam 25 feet in height at Ochoa, other conditions to re- main as above. Such a plan would be simpler, equally safe, and not more expensive than the former, and should, º Additional Notes on Engineering Features. 59 I believe, have the preference if the salient features of the route as now laid down should ultimately be regarded as unnecessarily bold. - But I firmly believe that all such modifications are un- called for, and that while, a work of such a magnitude, intended for future generations, and when failure, if only for a limited time, would involve not only the expendi. ture of large sums of money, but also, for the time being, a revolution in the world's lines of commercial travel, yet a careful study of the ground, and of all the condi. tions of the problem, leads to the inevitable conclusion that the plan adopted after the surveys of 1884–85, and described by Mr. Peary, is unquestionably the best. A summit level of 144 miles, extending from within nine miles of the Pacific to seventeen miles of the At. lantic, through 130 miles of which ships can pass each other in the lake, in the river, and in the basin of the San Francisco, and travel nearly as fast as at sea, and then descend from that level to the ocean by but three or four locks, are magnificent features which I would not be willing to yield to unjustifiable timidity. The works proposed are simple in design, and present no serious difficulties of execution, and rather than accept any of the modifications here suggested, unnecessarily increasing the depth of the eastern cut, and throwing new obstacles to the navigation at the cost of two or more million dol- lars, a plan which in the near future would certainly be considered as many years behind the times, I would much prefer to retain all the features of the original plan, as far as and inclusive of the Ochoa dam, and from that point construct a canal along the northern bank of the river San Juan, with a number of locks of small lift, 60 Additional Notes on Engineering Features. descending gradually to the sea-level, as located by the United States Government expedition of 1872–73, and fully described in the report of the same (see extract of report following). This plan would be free from deep cuts, high embankments, or . locks of more than 20 feet lift, but would, on the other hand, involve eleven miles more of canal, several sharp curves, and the compli- cated problem of disposing of the drainage of a vast ter. ritory between the river and the San Francisco Deseado route, with numerous watercourses emptying into the San Juan. The time of transit by this route would be largely increased; and while the original cost of the work may not exceed that of the upper route, the cost of main- tenance would necessarily be much greater. A. G. MENOGAL. EXTRACT FROM REPORT ON SHIP CANAL, 1872. *-*w- O IEASTERN DIVISION. The eastern division extends from San Carlos, at the lake, to the harbor of San Juan del Norte, or Greytown. It is 108.43 miles in length, 63.02 miles in slack-water navigation by the river San Juan, and 45.41 miles of inland canal. The San Juan is proposed to be made navigable by four dams, to be located severally at Castillo, Balas, and foot of Machuca Rapids, and the fourth about a mile below the confluence of the river San Carlos, and short canals around these dams, with a lock 10.28 feet lift in each. The first dam at Castillo, 37.34 miles by the river from the lake, is 940 feet long and 21 feet high; it is located nearly at right angles to the direction of the river, and rests on a rock foundation at a mean depth of 5 feet below the surface of the water in the river. It abuts on the right side against a steep, rocky hill, and on the left against an isolated, conical hill, conveniently situated for the purpose, leaving a sufficiently wide and favorable valley between the end of the dam and the main highland to the left for the location of the short canal 0.76 mile long. The river San Juan, at the time the survey was made, was found to descend 3.71 feet from the lake to the head of Tora Rapids, a distance of 26.89 miles, 7.41 feet in a further distance of 2.58 miles to the 61 62 Evtract from Report on Ship Canal, 1872. foot of the rapids, and 3.82 feet thence to the head of Castillo Rapids, at the site of the dam. By means of this dam the surface of the lake is proposed to be kept at the elevation of 107.62 feet above mean high tide, which it attains and preserves during the rainy season, and raise the water in the river 18.38 feet in front of the dam, 16.46 feet at the foot, and 9.05 feet at the head of Toro Rapids. At Castillo the surface of the river falls 4.66 feet in a distance of 0.78 mile, and from the foot of these rapids to the head of Mico Rapids 5.08 feet in 5.60 miles, and 4.66 additional feet to the location of dam No. 2, at Balas. By this dam the water is raised 22.82 feet in front of it, 17.84 feet at the head of Mico, 13.52 feet at the foot of canal around dam No. 1 at Castillo, and 10.73 feet imme- diately below the latter dam. Dam No. 2, at Balas, is 1,196 feet in length, and is located nearly perpendicular to the stream at the site. It rests on a solid rock founda- tion, in 7 feet mean depth of water, and on the right side abuts against a precipitous rocky hill, projecting to the edge of the river, and on the left against a favorable elevation 350 feet back from the bank. A canal 1.57 miles in length and a lock of 10.28 feet lift are proposed around this dam. From the foot of this canal to the head of Machuca Rapids the surface of the river falls 4.78 feet, and thence to dam No. 3, at the foot of the rapids, an additional descent of 9.48 feet takes place. This latter dam is 33.99 feet high and 824 feet long, and, as Nos. 1 and 2, it rests on a rocky foundation 6 feet below the surface of the water in the river, and abuts on both sides against steep hills a few feet back from the banks. Im. mediately in front of the dam the surface of the river is raised 26.84 feet and 17.36 and 12.49 feet, respectively, Entract from Report on Ship Canal, 1872. 63 at the head of Machuca Rapids and foot of canal around Balas. A canal 1.16 miles long and a lock of 10.28 feet lift are designed around this dam. From the end of this canal to dam No. 4, about a mile below the river San Carlos, a large tributary of the San Juan, a fall of 1.34 feet takes place in the surface of the river. This latter dam is 1,000 feet long and 30.91 feet high, and rests in a trench cut 10 feet deep, in a firm bottom, 9 feet below the surface of the water. It abuts at both ends against favorable elevations, about 150 feet from the banks, and is provided with steps and an apron below to prevent the fall of nearly 24 feet, which here takes place, from . undermining the foundations. The water in the river in front of the dam is raised 23.87 feet and 22.05 feet at the foot of short canal around Machuca. The following table will show the position and other particulars of dams: Pº, S g (l) Height to which] . .5 +3 lºs . . § rid # | 3 § the surface of 5 = g § 5 # 5 $ tw. B . . . . 3 = water in the d5 = 3 5 § 8 & cº; (1) $ 3 .5 .E | river is raised 9 & | E. J. - . - := := : E if | by dams. .3 s: “ sº a 9 g = | = a a 5 § |− . 3 |.º. o. ºn 3 9 E 5 - || 3 | "...; 5 ‘s H. '53"|## Location of dams. | * *| E.F | . ‘35 | is º | | | ||3: 3 #| 8 g| 3 || 3 || 5 || 2 | | | E3 |# 5 g : : ; # 3 || 5 | E E | 8 à | * | *B ... I 5 ; 2.3 ; F | ##| || || 3 || | i: ; H | 5.9 ſº $ 57. *ſº tſ) ‘35 tº ſº Q} co , o | E & as gº • sº tº gº (l) d -c. à |fi || 3 || 2 | * | * | * | 5'5.5 #|: ā. Castillo . . . . 37.34 . . . 949|21.or| 18.87| 13.52|Io.2812,453|2.93 o.46 Bălas . . . . . 44.69| 7.31|I, I963I.92. 22.82| I2.54|IO.28|I2,943 2.56|o.54 Machuca . . . 50.57 5.88 824|33.99. 26.84 I6.56|IO.28|I2,943 3.28|O.54 San Carlos . . . 66.81|16.24|I,000|30.97. 23.87. O.OO23.87|13,206 2.92|O.49 The river San Carlos, which, like the Serepiqui, another tributary of the San Juan, brings from the mountainous district of Costa Rica an immense amount of silt, which is constantly filling the San Juan and changing the dimensions and course of its channel, is here diverted by 64 Jætract from Report on Ship Canal, 1872. means of an artificial channel, and made to discharge below dam No. 4, preserving only for the use of the canal the clean waters proceeding from the lake. . From San Carlos, at the lake, a bar composed of mud and gravel, with occasional ridges of rock and bowlders, extends with but few interruptions to the foot of Toro Rapids, a distance of 29.47 miles, and a channel 80 feet wide at bottom, with slopes of 2 to 1 and mean depth of 5.8 feet, is designated to be excavated by dredging and rock-blasting, to obtain the requisite depth of 26 feet. From the foot of Toro to Castillo Rapids the depth in the river varies from 26 to 40 feet, and no improvement is required along that portion of the river. From the foot of short canal around Castillo dam to entrance of canal around dam No. 2 the river has nearly the required 26 feet depth, and only short excavations, not exceeding at any place 5 feet, will be necessary. At the end of this last canal a bar about 5,000 feet long with a mean depth of 5 feet, will have to be removed, and thence to Machuca the river, as raised by the dam below, is over 26 feet deep. From canal around Machuca to dam No. 4, below the conflu- ence of the San Carlos, the river, after the proposed improvements, will have a depth varying from 26 to 100 feet. Below the river San Carlos the San Juan widens con- siderably as it approaches the Colorado, and its channel is subject to many changes from freshets and the materials brought down by the tributaries San Carlos, Serepiqui, and other smaller streams proceeding from the highlands of Costa Rica, and the control of its regimen by means of dams or other structures is a problem involved in much uncertainty. The canal is, therefore, taken from the river Entract from Report on Ship Canal, 1872. 65 about 1,500 feet above dam No. 4, and located by the most favorable points along the valley of the river to the head of the Juanillo branch of the San Juan, whence, by an almost straight line traced across the more extensive valley of the Lower San Juan, it reaches Greytown at a distance of 41.90 miles from the point of leaving the San Juan at San Carlos. Out of this latter distance thirty-six miles are in excavations and embankment combined, and the remaining six miles across low hills and short spurs of more or less elevation, projecting to the river from the main range in the interior, giving a general mean depth of cutting of 1.79 feet above the surface of the water in the canal for the total distance of 45.41 miles of inland canal in this division, including short canals around dams. Ten locks, 400 feet long, 70 feet wide, with walls 41 feet high, are proposed in this division; the first three, located in the short canals around dams Nos. 1, 2, and 3, of 10.28 feet lift, and the remaining seven of 10.87 feet lift each, are proposed at the ends of the deep cuttings across the spurs, where rock foundations are believed to exist. - From the point where the canal leaves the river to the ravine Quien Sabe, a short distance below the Juanillo branch, twelve cesspools and thirteen culverts are designed, to receive into the canal or pass under it twenty-five small streams intersecting the line. From Quien Sabe to Grey. town the peculiar topography of the country, with the San Juan on one side and the Juanillo on the other, makes unnecessary any work of that kind, a trench at the foot of the embankment being sufficient to drain the canal into the lagoons or either of the rivers on the sides. * 66 Evtract from Report on Ship Canal, 1872. At the short canals around the dams at Castillo, Balas, and Machuca the excavations will be in earth at the sur. face and in rock at the bottom. From the point where the canal is taken from the river to Greytown the general formation of the country is clay loam in the valleys and gravelly clay, with loose stones, on the hills. In the lower valley of the San Juan it is principally coarse sand and sandy loam, with a small portion of clay. Only occasional bowlders and detached stones were visible on the surface of the hills approaching the San Juan River; but in pre- paring the estimates a large allowance has been made of this material in the excavations for passing these spurs, arid the locks, with only two exceptions, (7 and 8,) are supposed to rest on rocky bottom. SUPPLY OF WATER, In estimating the amount of water necessary for lockage for both branches of the canal, it is assumed that three lockfuls will be required per hour at each lock, or in cubic feet per minute . . . . . . 15,000 The amount lost by leakage, evaporation; and re- pairs, at the rate of 3 inches per day of the - whole surface of the inland canal . . . . 8,250 Leakage at two summit locks . . . . . . . 15,000 Total number of cubic feet required per minute . . . . . . . . . . 38,250 The lake discharges by the river San Juan, when at its lowest stage, as gauged between Toro and Castillo Rapids, May 2, 1873, by Lieut. J. W. Miler, U. S. N., 747,180 cubic feet per minute, or twenty times the amount here estimated for the canal. Jætract from Report on Ship Canal, 1872. 67 RECAPITULATION OF ESTIMATE OF EASTERN DIVISION. Excavation and dredging in the San Juan Short canal around Castillo dam, o.78 mile Short Canal around Balas dam, 1.57 miles Short canal around Machuca dam, 1.16 miles Canal from dam No. 4 to Greytown, 41.90 miles Dams Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 . Light-locks from 1 to Io inclusive Culverts, cesspools, and drains Diversion of San Charles River Grubbing and clearing Total . . . . . . . . $5,076,030 2O4, 33 I 396,236 456,355 I3,389,398 1,543,526 3,093,16o 340,400 283,578 237,900 $25,020,914 CLIMATIC AND SANITARY NOTES ON THE NICARAGUA CANAL ROUTE. The line of mountains forming the continental divide in Central America passes north of Panama in a direction almost east and west. Bending slightly to the south at first, it curves west later, and then to the north, passing through Nicaragua in a northwesterly direction. This brings it across the course of the northeast trade-wind, which is not here deflected, but rushes over the hills and through the gaps to the Pacific. Thé section of country under consideration is the de- pression in this ridge between the mountains of Segovia, 4,000 feet high, and the peaks of Costa Rica, which reach an altitude of over 11,000. The bottom of the depression is occupied by the San Juan River, Lake Nica- ragua, and the Rio Grande, its greatest elevation being 150 feet above the sea at a point between the lake and the Pacific. The axis of the valley is nearly east and west, and lying, as it does, in the track of the “trades,” there is almost a constant breeze throughout its length. This wind, in ventilating and drying the country, and in lowering temperature, is the great sanitary agent in Nicaragua. De Kerhallet, who made his estimate from a great number of observations, gives the equatorial limit of the northeast trade-wind in winter 5° 45'; spring, 5° 45'; summer, 11° 20'; autumn, 10°00'. 68 Micaragua Canal Route. 69 The mountains of Segovia and Matagalpa lie north of 12°, and winds striking south of that point draw through the Nicaragua gap, which is the lowest pass in the range between Alaska and the Straits of Magellan. This point being north of the equatorial limit of the northeast trades, these winds are prevalent the year round, only being interrupted for a few days at a time by an occasional southwester. Childs found them prevailing in each month. Lull says the trades blow ten months in the year. Menocal has in 1883, Deqember, the wind north, and in 1884 a southwest wind in October; for the other months of those two years the winds prevailing range from N. E. to S. E. According to the log-book of the U. S. S. Ranger, on the coast from Cape Desolado to Punta Arenas, November 26, 1884, to January 30, 1885, inclu- sive, the wind was from the eastward always, and nearly all the time between E. and N. E. Finally we have from the office of the Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A., a report for each day for the last twelve months by the observer at Rivas, Nicaragua. From that report we find that the wind was east of the meridian for 283 days out of the year ending June 30, 1887. The Atlantic slope of Nicaragua is densely wooded and the ground is kept comparatively cool, the warm, moisture- laden winds have their temperature suddenly lowered, and rain comes down. By the time the wind reaches the lake. basin its surplus moisture is gone, the drier land raises its temperature, and, instead of depositing, it takes up mois- ture. Hence the difference in climate between the east and west sides of the country—the latter being, in the dry season, from November to May, almost without rain. Squier says of this season: 70 Climatic and Sanitary Wotes on the “The temperature is less, the nights positively cool, and the winds occasionally chilling. The sky is cloudless, and trifling showers fall at rare intervals. . . . This season is esteemed the healthiest of the year. Its effect is practically that of a Northern winter, checking and destroying that rank and ephemeral vegetation which, constantly renewed where the rains are constant, . . . form dense, dark jungles, the birthplaces and homes of malaria and death.” + The “trades” blow almost throughout the year. Strong during the dry season and freshening during the day, the wind comes from the east-northeast, and blows usually for four to five days, when, hauling to the east or south- east for a day or two, it calms down, then goes back to northeast and rises again. It is this wind which, reach. ing the Pacific slope, rushes down the ravines to the sea in heavy gusts, and is known to navigators as the papa- gayos. (See Table 1–2.) The southeast wind predominates during the rainy sea- son. Occasionally, in June or October, as a rule, the wind hauls round to southwest and a temporal results, heavy rain coming down for a week or ten days sometimes. The temperature of Nicaragua is equable. The ex- treme variation, recorded by Childs was of 23° observed near the head of the San Juan in May, 1851. The ob. servations were made at 6 A.M. and 2 and 9 P.M. (See Table 3.) Commander Lull's observations were made at 8 A.M., 12 M., and 8 P.M., and extended from July, 1872, to March, 1873, inclusive. The highest temperature noted was 87°, and the lowest 71°. In this paper I use all the meteorological statistics which I have been able to obtain in regard to the re. gion of the Nicaragua route. * “Nicaragua,” E. G. Squier, New York, I860, page 647. Nicaragua Canal Route. 71 TABLE I–2. From log-book of U. S. S. Ranger, southwestward of Cape Desolado, Nicaragua. Temperature. Wind. Date. Locality. Min. | Max. | Direction. | Force. 1884–Nov. 26 || Cape Desolado . . . 77° 86° | *Eastward I to 3 27 & & e is tº 79 85 4 £ I — 3 28 & 4 is a º 8O 85 | E. and N.E. I — 3 29 & 4 gº tº s 79 86 & £ I — 4 3O { { sº tº tº 8O 84 & & I — 4 Dec. I & 4 tº º ºs 79 86 | Nol. and Ed. I — 4 2 & 4 . . . . . 79 86 4 & I — 5 3 { { e & © 77 84 & & I — 3 4. 4 & e tº a 78 83 || Variable Light 5 é & s & tº 77 84 Nd. and Ed. #3 6 & & e & tº 8O 85 | Variable £2 — 4 7 & 6 tº º º 78 85 & 4 Light 8 ( & gº tº º 77 85 | Nol. and Ed. | I — 4 9 { { * * * 77 86 4 & I — 4 IO & & * * * 79 83 || Ed. andS.Ed. I — 5 II & & * * * 77 84 || Nd. and Ed. 2 — 4 I2 | Salinas Bay . . . . 78 83 é & 2 – 4 I3 & 6 * * * 77 82 é & I — 5 I4 | San Juan del Sur . . 78 82 4 & I — 4 I5 4 & tº º 78 8I 6 & I — 6 I6 § { tº º 77 8I & & 3 — 7 I7 | Salinas Bay . . . . 77 8O é & I — 6 I8 4 & tº tº º ſº. 77 8I 4 tº O — 2 I9 & & ' iº º & Cº 76 8I & 4 O – 3 2O || Murciellagos Bay . . 75 83 & 4 2 – 5 2I & 4 tº e 79 84 4 & 2 – 5 22 6 & tº º 79 83 & & I – 3 23 | Point Culebru . . . 77 86 4 4 O — 3 24 4 & tº º º 76 85 & 4 O — 3 25 & & ſº tº º 78 8I 4 & O – 3 26 é & tº $ tº 72 84 & & O — 6 27 | San Juan del Sur . . 79 8I & & 28 & 4 * * 77 8I 6 & I — 3 29 & & ſº e 76 85 4 & I — 3 3O | Salinas Bay . . . . 74 84 e & I — 3 3I O & 4 t between Y 75 84 $ 4 I — 3 tº: sai. E.". 77 86 |*...*| 1–5 to 30, inclusive Pincta Arenoo . every day * Freshening at IO A.M. f. Dying I or 2. 1: At Sundown. 72 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the The first authoritative data which we have was given by Mr. Childs, as follows:* TABLE 3. Temperature. § 5 5 e Locality. Wind. # | 5 || 5 || 3. § | 3 || 5 | # || > || 2: 1850.-Sept... 78° 88° 71° 17°| Between lake and Pacific | Southeast { { Oct. . 77 | 86 7o 16 & & & 4 4 & 4 & Nov. . 78 || 86 || 74 | 12 & & & 6 Easterly “ Dec. . 77 | 84 || 72 12 & & 4 & East T. 1851.—Jan. . 76 87 | 69 | 18 & & & £ N’theasterly | < . ‘‘ Feb. . 76 | 84 || 70 | 1.4 ſt & & 4 & & E 5, ‘‘ March 77 | 84 || 72 12 & 4 4 & é & # “ April | 78 88 || 72 | 16 || Fort San Carlos & § { 5 “ May . 78 91 | 68 || 23 | Near head of San Juan . | Easterly O “ June . 77 | 88 || 71 || 17 | Castillo . . . . . { % “ July . 76 86 71 || I5 La Balas . . . Southeasterly “ Aug. . 76 | 86 71 || I5 | Near Rio Colorado & & The record for 1881 at Rivas was obtained from the office of the Chief Signal-Service Officer, U. S. A. The observations were made at 7 A.M., 2 and 9 P.M., and re- sulted as follows: TABLE 4. I88I. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. || Range. January 76.5° 82.6° 71.6° II.o° February 76.6 81.5 69.8 II.7 March 78.5 85. O 71.6 I 3.4 April 79.7 86.O 73.4 I2.6 May . 8o.3 86.O 72.4 I3.6 June 78. I 85.O 7I. I I3.9 July . 78.o 85.O 73.4 II.6 August 78.5 85. I 73.5 II.6 September 77.5 83.3 73.4 9.9 October 75.5 8o.7 7o. 7 IO. O November 74. O 77.o 71.6 5.4 December t 76.5 86.O 71.6 f I4.4 Orville W. Childs. * “Report of Survey, etc., of Inter-Oceanic Ship Canal.” New York, 1852, page 82. , Nicaragua Canal Route. 73 This table shows an extreme range of 16.2° during the twelve months. In Washington the thermometer ranged 118.3° the same year, 1881, between a maximum of 104.3° and — 14° minimum. TABLE 5. [Latitude, II° 56'. Longitude west of Greenwich, 85° 5'1'. Elevation, 229.6 feet.* 5 Mean temperature in the shade. ‘5 Rainfall tº c. (Fahr.) 5-d & º Months. 5 § ‘º .5 8 : Mean f # = Days in à Maximum. Minimum. .* F. Amount. month. 1883. Inches O O o Jnches. January 29.70 88.5 7O.O 8I.O NE o.346 -- February | 29 66 88. O 69. O 82.O E -* -º- March 29.74 89.0 7.I.5 82.5 E -ms -* April 29.70 9I.O 75. O 83.O E O. I97 * May 29.66 93.O 73 5 84.O JE O.276 -** June 29 63 9I.O 78.o 82.5 E 5. IQ7 * July 29.63 89.5 7 I.5 8I.5 SE 2.657 -*. August 29.68 89.5 68. O 8I.O E. 5.472 -*- September 29.60 89. 5 7I.5 80.O E 9.74O •==g October 29.68 88. O 7O.O 79. O NE | 19 913 *mºsº November 29.67 88.0 68. O 77.5 NE 3.64I --> December 29.67 88, O 66.O 75. O N * --- 1884. 29.67 89.4 7I.o 80.8 E | 47.439 -*- January 29.65 86. O 7O.O 8O.O SE - * February | 29.64 87.o 66.O 8O.O E * sº March 29.60 89.0 65.O 8I.O SE - * April 29.64 9I.5 7I.5 82.O NE *g -- May 29.6I 9I.5 73.5 , 8 I.O. NE -* *º- June 29.6I QI.5 7O.O 8o. 5 E 8.25 IO July 29.6I 90.5 7.I.O 8I.O E 3.99 I2 August 29.58 90.5 68. O 83.5 E 3.75 9 September 29.56 89.5 68. O 82 5 E 8 82 I6 October 29.62 89.5 68. O 79 o SW 8.63 I7 November | 29 64 89.5 69.0 82 O SE 2.28 8 December | 29.65 87.o 68. O 8O.O NE O.26 2 29.62 89.4 69. O 8I.O4 E. 35.98 74 * “Report of U. S. Nicaragua Surveying Party, 1885.” Civil-Engineer A. G. Menocal, U. S. N. 74 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the Mr. Menocal's figures were obtained from Granada near the head of the lake, a locality apparently warmer than Rivas. His tables for two years show a maximum of 93° in May, 1883, and a minimum of 65° in March, 1884. For the record of the last twelve months we have only observations made daily at 6:18 A.M., local time at Rivas. (See Table 5.) - The equatorial cloud-belt, following the sun north in spring, is late reaching Nicaragua, and the wet season is shorter than in regions farther south. The rainfall in Nicaragua is based on the records of nine years. By reference to Childs’ table we find that he had 139 days in which rain fell, and 97.70 inches the amount, showing the heaviest rainfall of which we have a report. TABLE 6. No. days in Amount which rain fell. in inches. 1850 | September (22 days tº º I6 7.OO October e º te e I9 17.86 November . tº o e 6 I.39 December 8 3.21 1851 January tº & e 2 .38 February . e e © O .OO March . º & & 3 I.4I April º º o 2 .43 May . * © & e I6 9. I4 June . • e º e I9 I4.2I July . º o { } º 23 22.64 August . g º º º 2O II.81 September . e & {º 5 8.22 I39 97.70 According to Commander E. P. Lull, U.S. N., the rain. fall for the months July, 1872, to March, 1873, inclusive, was 47.79 inches. During the same months in Childs' .** Wicaragua Canal Route. 75 table we find a fall of 77.53. Applying to the months reported by Lull, the ratio obtaining in Childs’ table, and we have 59 inches as the probable total of the twelve months’ season 1872–73. We give next the record of the average annual rainfall for the four years, 1878–81, which was 78 inches. This was obtained from Dr. Earl Flint, of Nicaragua, and the office of the Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A. Dr. Flint fur. nishes the data for the months up to May, 1880, and the rest was given by the Signal Office, Washington. The observations were made at Granada for two years; after. ward Rivas. TABLE 7. 1878. I879. I88o. I88I. Inches. Inches. Inches. |No.days. Inches. |No.days. January . e e , OO . OO . OO H. • IO 2 February . º º , OO . OO . OO 3. .45 5 March º * º , OO .09 • OO g .08 I April º tº © • OO 6.67 . OO 3" . I2 I May . tº * º 4.3O I5.77 IO.2O § 5.08 , I2 June . © e & I2.O4 6.32 I2.57 * I3.77 I8 July . º g e I3.68 I8.43 3.62 II 8.88 I8 August e © e Io.87 I2.37 IO. 59 17 6.96 I3 September . g & II. 92 II.63 7.95 2I 7.42 I7 October . e * 9.83 I7.48 I3.8o I9 29.67 24 November . tº e 7.88 2.58 5. OO I5 IO.88 I9 December . wº © .O7 .66 .67 5 I.91 9 70.59 9I.91 64.39 84.72 I39 The amount shown by Menocal's tables was 47.43 in 1883, and 35.08 in 1884. Finally, the rainfall from July, 1886, to June, 1887, inclusive, was 56 inches, We have as the average for these nine years 64.42 76 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the inches. It is greater on the Atlantic coast, but we have no data from that section. Parkes gives a rainfall of 200 inches for certain dis. tricts in England, in exceptional years, and for one place in India, 600 inches. According to Schott the average for four years at Aspinwall was 121.44.” The probabilities during the rainy season are for showers in the afternoon or night. The mornings, gener. ally, are bright. The people rise early and do a day's work by 3 o'clock P.M., the rain usually coming later. Mr. Childs was able to carry on his field work throughout the year. In 1876, when the writer of this paper was in Nica. ragua, the dry season was unbroken at Ometepec until the evening of May the 18th, when there was a shower with lightning. After that there was rain nearly every eve- ning, until in June a temporal occurred, the rain coming down almost continuously for a week. This was fol. lowed by brighter weather, with clear mornings and showery evenings. The natives count on a lovely season from the middle of July to the middle of August. Dr. Flint says it is the belief of the old inhabitants that there is less rain than formerly. He coincides in this opinion, being sure that at least in the department of Leon, where the trees have been cut away, the rainfall has diminished. The cultivation of the valley of the San Juan will be followed by a similar modification of climate. The relative humidity at Rivas for the last twelve months was 78.9. According to Parkes: “The most * Tables of Rain and Snow. C. A. Schott, Washington, 1872. Parkes’ “Prac- tical Hygiene.” Nicaragua Canal Route. 77 agreeable amount of humidity to most healthy people is when the relative humidity is between 70 and 80 per cent.” We may begin at Greytown, the eastern terminus, in considering the special conditions marking the different localities on the route of the canal. Between the old har. bor, at the mouth of the San Juan, and the Indian River there is about five miles of beach facing to the northeast and furnishing the best site in the neighborhood for offi- cers' quarters, etc. Although lagoons lie back of the beach, they vary but slightly and slowly in level, and are not of the same sources of malarial danger as swamps that are alternately wet and dry. The town of Greytown has enjoyed the advantage of good water from wells, and if this should fail, it is now practicable to distil water cheaply and thus avoid one of the dangers which in the olden time gave terror to the idea of life in the tropics. From the coast the line will lie for some ten miles through the swamps and lagoons bordering the Atlantic. Fortunately on this, the worst section of the canal, ma- chinery will do the work, and by utilizing the negroes of Jamaica and our Gulf States, we may have a class of workmen entirely in accord with the environment, for where the cocoa-nut grows and the alligator disports him. self, the citizen of African descent is entirely at home. A shipload of Africans that were wrecked on the coast of Honduras more than a hundred years ago mixed with the natives, and have thriven and spread as the green bay-tree, until now they form the predominating class from the Gulf of Honduras to Aspinwall. Heavy work must be done through the ridge between the flats and the valley of the San Francisco, and here 78 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the the utmost care must be exercised in selection of camps and the enforcement of the rigid discipline, which is indispensable in any enterprise of importance undertaken in the tropics, where proper exercise of simple rules will make all the difference between a healthy residence and a pest-hole. The English have had more experience in this matter than any other people, gnd their records show that they have changed the mortality among their white troops serving in the West Indies from a mean mortality in Jamaica per thousand per year of 121.3, in years 1817–36, to 13.51, in the year 1871, the last year of which separate record is given. “The total death rate among the white tróops in the West Indian command was in 1880, 8.68 per thousand, of which 5.79 only were due to disease.” ” Such results would be inconceivable but that they are based on unquestionable records. And all this was done by paying regard to simplest rules of science in the choice, arrangement, and manage. ment of camps and barracks. The authorities found that it did not pay to crowd men, give them bad water and food, and leave the choice of building sites to igno- rance or chance; and as soon as the English recognized that and began to act accordingly, their mortality among the white troops stationed in Jamaica fell off from 333 per thousand per annum, which one regiment averaged for four years—1794–97,-to 13.51 in 1871. “The history of sanitary science affords many striking instances of the removal of disease to an extent almost incredible, but no instance is more wonderful than that of the West Indies. Formerly service in the West Indies was looked on as almost certain death. It is little over sixty years since the usual time for the dis- appearance of a regiment I, OOO strong was five years. . . . At present * Parkes’ “Practical Hygiene.” ‘Nicaragua Canal Route. 79 this dreaded service has almost lost its terrors. There still occur local attacks of yellow fever, which may cause a great mortality, but for these, local causes may be found ; and otherwise the stations in the West Indies can now show a degree of salubrity almost equalling, in some cases surpassing, that of the home service.” These are the dispassionate words of the highest au- thority, Parkes, whose work is the text-book on hygiene wherever the English language is read. On the section of the line through the first hills after leaving the sea the surface is well drained, excellent drinking-water is found in every direction, the breeze is fresh nearly throughout the year, and by the exercise of care in the selection of camps it should be a healthy sec- tion. The camp should always be on an elevation with exposure to eastward for the prevailing wind. If a marsh be near, place the camp to windward of it. In this point the steadiness and direction of the wind is a great advantage. Latrines must always be to leeward and below camp, and beyond the possibility of touching the water supply. The formation of a camp in such a climate is an exceedingly simple thing. With the ther. mometer rarely varying beyond the limits of 70° to 85°, the only shelter needed is a cover to windward, to protect from the breeze or driving rains. Travellers in Nicaragua know that almost anywhere a shelter can be improvised in a few minutes. The Indian slashes down some palm branches, leans them on a ridge- pole to the weather side of his fire, and at once is secure against an ordinary rain. According to the necessity of the case or permanency of abode, quarters might be ar- ranged of any grade, between the primitive bivouac of the native, and open houses of wood, with floors raised above ground high enough to admit free passage of air beneath. The cane huts of the natives are admirable for ventila- 80 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the tion, and for the coolness of their thatched roofs, which are better than tiles or shingles. A wooden hut is con- sidered better than a house of brick or stone for ordinary housing of men, because it is cooler and less close. Thick brick walls in a hot climate become heated during the day, and take all night to cool. The floors should be of planks laid loose or fastened with screws, so that they could be taken up for examination and cleaning. A modi- fication of the hut used by the German army would be good where it was advisable to quarter a number of men in each house. In the section we are considering the timber is so very cheap, and the climate so moderate and equable, that we consider the most temporary shelter the best, because, whenever desirable, it could be destroyed and new quar. ters built on a fresh site. It is laid down in the authorities that the reoccupation of an old camp is never desirable. For offices, officers' quarters, etc., houses should be built with a clear height of at least three feet under the floors, so that air may circulate freely and there be room for keeping the ground clean. Whenever such a house is necessarily placed on a damp site, a coat of cement or asphalt should cover the surface of the ground under the house. In arranging quarters, ground should be broken as little as possible, and all cleared ground should be quickly covered with a growth of short grass, which, whether it be by absorbing malaria or its elements, or protecting the earth from the direct action of sun and air, certainly has a favorable influence. The neighborhood of the dam on the San Juan is hilly, and there is ample lati- tude for choice of camp grounds which fulfil sanitary requirements. Wherever there are hills and abundance Micaragua Canal Route. 81 of good water, only stupidity or carelessness could pre- vent the choice of a suitable spot for quarters. Where barracks are used, long narrow buildings with side to windward, in single line or echelon, is the proper arrange. ment. A room 52 feet long, 20 wide, and 12 in height will accommodate 24 men, allowing a full 600 cubic feet of air-space and a floor surface 5x10, good measure. The roof should be arranged overhanging and with opening at top, as in the German army hut. A veranda would add to comfort, but the nearer the house comes to being an open shed the better. It is desirable to spread men over the widest available area, and where men can settle at a point with expectation of five years' work, it would seem wise to encourage their building in the neighboring coun. try. They will be more contented and amenable to management when settled in their huts with a wife, a patch of plantains, a pig, some chickens, and children. We consider one immense advantage of this route that the interest of the company will be the interest of the Nicaragua Government, and the former can count on the earnest co-operation of the latter. So that the company will be enabled to enforce the discipline deemed requisite. Again, this will not be a great world's thoroughfare until after completion, and the commerce to Greytown, and along the line will be almost entirely for the Canal Com- pany, and whatever quarantine occasion may demand can be promptly and effectively enforced. From the dam to the lake the work will be in the bed of the San Juan, and whenever good camping ground is not convenient, boats may be used. While surveying in the San Juan in 1873 our healthiest party was the hydrographic party, who slept in their boats anchored in midstream. A great ad- 82 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the vantage in this arrangement would be the perfect police. The men might sleep in flat boats painted inside, with no hold, the sliding tops to be removed clear days for ex- posure of interior to sun and air. No cooking to be allowed on board, and all stores to be kept on shore. These boats might be anchored so as to have as long a stretch of water to windward as possible. Sailors knew the protection from malaria afforded by a strip of water long before the authorities on hygiene laid down the principle and the distances affording protection. A very powerful modifying influence on this river is the circum- stance that it is not subject to sudden changes of level. The great expanse of the lake makes rise and fall very gradual, and as the river is only an outlet of the lake, and receives no tributary of consequence above the San Carlos, it is not subject to sudden floods, which leave con- ditions so favorable for the development of malaria. For. the same reason the subsoil water of this valley changes very slowly its level—a very important point in sanitary consideration. The western section, the line between the lake and the ocean, extending from the mouth of the Rio Lajas to Brito, on the Pacific, lies in the Department of Rivas. It is the portion of the route on which the great mass of the laborers will be employed, and I believe there is no section of country in the tropics where the conditions are more favorable for the good health of such a population. The beauty, fertility, and salubrity of this region have received the enthusiastic encomiums of visitors, since the day when the gentle King Nicarao admitted as a guest Gil Gonzalez de Avila, that most upright of the Spanish conquerors. O Micaragua Canal Route. 83 The undulating surface becomes hilly near the Pacific and within a few miles of the sea breaks into the coast range from five to twelve hundred feet in height. The country is well drained. The winds, which have swept up the valley of the San Juan or over the hills of Chon- tales, have lost their surplus moisture, and the broad sur- face of the lake has relieved them of whatever malarial germs were taken up on the Atlantic side. Looking from the summit of one of the western hills, we have spread between us and the lake the garden of Central America containing the city of Rivas and half a dozen small towns and villages bowered in orange groves and palms and surrounded by plantations of sugar, indigo, and chocolate. In the hill country, to the northwest, coffee is the crop, and in all sections maize and plantains may be produced in any amount desirable. While, throughout the state, cattle raising is an important in- dustry, the Department of Chontales, across the lake from Rivas, is one expanse of grazing country, and the same may be said of the neighboring province of Liberia, in Costa Rica. Along the Rio San Juan, a virgin soil, as productive as any in the world, has been lying through all the ages, waiting for the hand of man to transform its forest-clad hills into smiling fields of pastures green. Thus, in a hilly country, subjected to the beneficent in- fluence of the trade-wind, with good drinking-water and an abundance of fresh food, the conditions seem most favorable for the health of men engaged in out-door work. There are, of course, to be expected malarial troubles, but in few States of the Union are the lowlands free from the same class of diseases. Malaria, like other poisons, is 84 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the weakened by dilution, and the strong and almost constant movement of the air in this section prevents that stagna. tion which, in a damp, tropical country, is accompanied by accumulation of malaria with its fatal consequences.” While the dry season, which, to a certain extent, takes the place of the northern winter, is not so efficacious in destroying the matters on which the fevers depend, we doubt if the difference is not made up by the escape from pleurisy, rheumatism, and the low diseases from over- crowding during the cold weather north. Our experience while surveying this route was certainly not discouraging, as may be seen from the following extract from our report: “The expedition reached Greytown on December 20, 1872, and left there July 6, 1873. Some of the officers and men were with us only a portion of the time. There were on duty 45 officers and men during the survey, the average roll being 36 for the six and a half months. “The following is a synopsis of our medical journal : Disease. No. Cases. Disease. No. Cases. Fever, intermittent . º . I8 Pharyngitis . º e ... I Fever, remittent . g - ... 3 Neuralgia I Vulnus 3 Odontalgia I Catarrhus 2 Furunculus I Dysenteria chronica I Abscessus I Diarrhoea acuta I Insolatio . I Cholera morbus I - 35 “Total number of sick days, 245. “Daily average number on sick-list, 1.23. “There were no deaths. One officer was returned to the United States on account of an attack of sunstroke, and a man with chronic dysentery, which he had before he joined the expedition, was returned soon after we reached the country. “Of the 45 officers and men, 23 were on the sick-list, some being on several times, sometimes with different diseases, oftener with recurrent intermittent fever. The most troublesome case was a man who was left in the country by the expedi- * A note from the Office of Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A., says of this section : “Exempt from hurricanes and whirlwinds, owing to the constant movement of air across the Isthmus from the trade-winds, although light in rainy season.” Micaragua Canal Route. 85 tion of last year, and who had led a debauched life while here. He was on the list six times—five times with intermittent fever. The next case in obstinacy was a gentleman who had contracted the fever in an expedition to Darien, and who had suffered with it several months before going to Nicaragua. :}; Sk Sk ::: :: :: :k :k >k “On our sick-list there was only one case of dysentery, and that was chronic, in a man of habits of intoxication, who had suffered with it before joining this ex- pedition. “When we remember that many of these men had had fever on board the Kan- sas, which was in the Coatzacoalcos River, in 1870–71, and again in the West Indies last winter, that sailors are notoriously reckless of their health when on shore, the total change in habit from shipboard to camp-life, and the expedition rations principally of canned food and bacon, it must be admitted this country proved far from the pestilential regions described by the survivors of Nelson's party. “There was a marked absence of the bowel complaints for which the tropics are so noted. In quite an extensive practice among the natives, few cases of diarrhoea or dysentery were met with, except among the children. When we consider their food of fruits and du/ces, and their intimate association with pigs and poultry, it is only strange that theme were so few cases. The natives generally are remark- ably healthy, rarely complaining of any disease except sequelae of fever, old skin diseases, syphilides, etc.” * For hospitals, the first should be on the beach north- east of Greytown. For much of the year, certainly dur. ing the dry season, this would be an excellent sanitarium for men who had broken down working inland. Acces. sory pavilions for infectious diseases could be placed on the beach south of the old harbor. Near the cut through the hills towards the San Fran- cisco excellent positions are afforded for field hospitals. The same may be said of the neighborhood of the dam on the San Juan. In the fork between that river and the San Carlos, the hills rise rapidly from the bank of the river to a height of 1,500 or 2,000 feet. g On the west side the bold hills of the Pacific coast *Abstract of Medical Journal, Lull's Report: “Reports of Explorations and Surveys for the Location of a Ship Canal through Nicaragua.” Washington, 1874, page I2O. 86 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the furnish admirable sites for hospitals. One might be placed on the bluffs northwest of Brito, immediately over the sea, where surf bathing would lend its invigorating influence in bracing up the constitution weakened by malarial disease. - This place was long the resort for the higher classes of Rivas during the latter part of the dry season, before the port of San Juan del Sur drew away its patrons. The ordinary diet is here enriched with fish and turtle, while at hand is the inexhaustible supply of delicious fruit of this department. ; The main hospital of the company should be placed on the northeast slope of Mt. Madera on the Island of Ome. tepee. This island at its nearest point is seven miles from the west shore of the lake, near the mouth of the canal. It is some twenty miles long, and nine wide at its widest. It has an irregulr figure-8 shape, and is made by the two mountains, Madera and Ometepee, which are connected by a narrow strip of lowland. The geological formation is, of course, volcanic—enor. mous blocks of basalt, in some places, cover the mountain side, while near the lake on the northern or Ometepee end there is quite level land, extending at some points as far as two miles inland, and extremely fertile. “Of the mountains, Madera has the more aged appearance, with rugged outline and ridged and shaggy sides. Dense forests cover it, except where the rock show in a few grim patches. There is very little arable land on this end of the island, the inhabitants being confined to a few favorable spots near the lake shore. There is a beautiful stream down the north side of the mountain, which, with two small ones in the local connecting slip, constitutes the only running water on the island during the dry season. - - “The volcano Ometepee, according to my aneroid, is 4,550 feet high, some four or five hundred feet more elevated than Madera. It is very regular in outline; in form, the model volcano. Its gracefully sloping sides fall with less abruptness as the lake is approached, until a tolerably level plain on the northeast, and another Nicaragua Canal Route. 87 on the southwest, form respectively the districts of Alta Gracia and Moyagalpa. This mountain also is well wooded to the top, except on the southwest side, where, about a third of the way down from the summit, the timber abruptly terminates and grass loans spread down towards the shore. “The J/oans widen as they descend, until in the foot-hills they extend from Moyagalpa on the north to Los Angeles south. Near the lake, around these vil- lages and between them, is a tract of arable land of unsurpassed fertility. Cacao grows here with great luxuriance, and the planter can choose for his crop sugar, coffee, rice, cotton, or indigo, with all the fruits of tropical America. But the favorite productions are watermelons and tobacco, which grow better than else- where in the republic.” + On the northeast side of Madera, where the broken and well-drained land goes to the edge of the lake, the main hospital of the company should be located, with an ad. junct pavilion at a point on the mountain side sufficiently elevated to secure bracing air and cold nights. Even near the beach one or two blankets are found comfortable during the dry season, and at an elevation of 2,000 feet three would not seem de trop. The island has absolutely no swamp except the slip to leeward between the moun. tains; while the easterly breeze comes thirty miles over water, rendering the introduction of malaria from the mainland impossible. In conclusion the writer, after nearly three years more in Central and South America, can only repeat what he said four years ago +: “That after an experience of several years in tropical regions around the world, he is convinced that most of the cases of fearful mortality recorded of expeditions in the tropics were the results of gross ignorance and recklessness. Men cannot live in Central America as they would in New York; nor can they live in New York as they would at the North Pole. We believe that the observation of the simplest rules of health and the exercise of a little common sense would to a great extent rob hot climates of their terror.” J. F. BRANSFORD. * “Archaeological Researches in Nicaragua,” by J. F. Bransford. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, No. 383. Washington, I881, p. 5. # The Sanitarian, New York, February 22, 1883. 88 Climatic and Sanitary Wotes on the APPENDIX.—Tables covering twelve months from July, 1886, to June, 1887, inclusive. RIVAs—JULY, 1886. LAT. II° 26' N. ; LONG., 85° 49'W. 7 A.M., WASHINGTON TIME ; 6. I7 A.M., LOCAL TIME. BAR.— AUGUST, 1886. I5o FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. Wind an ; Wind P § e tº . º: º : º £ £5 ## # 3 g;|-T-| ## #| 5 || 3 |##| g | | E3 # || 3 || 5 || 3 | #3 || 3 Eä : £ à | F. # 5 || 3 || 3 || Fº ‘5 || 5 | f | * | *śā | 3 || 3 || Fº: ‘5 As |&#| 3 | #| 33 3 S &#| 3 | # 33 $2 ..: £r. 5- g .: ſt- #- § Q £4 Oſ) Q p: C/D CIIl CIſ). I'29.90 || 77 |80 | NE o — clear. I|29.90 73 |80 E | 1 — clear. 2 go 77 |80 |SE | 1 I.9 |cloudy. || 2 .90 || 75 |80 | NE O .6 & 4 3| .90 75 |82 |NW o 2.8 & 4 3| .90 76 |82 “ I .5 |cloudy 4 .92 || 78 |80 N I — I clear. 4 .90 76 |80 | N | O .4 | clear. 5] .90 77 |80 | NE o - & 4 5] .90 || 75 |82 ‘‘ O 4.6 cloudy 6| .90 75 |82 | N | O 4.7 |cloudy 6 .90 | 75 |82 “ I .4 6 & 7| .90 74 |82 | SE o I. I 4 4 7| .91 || 75 |82 “ I I.8 & 4 8 .90 75 |82 ‘‘ O — clear. 8| .92 || 74 (82 | SE | I I. I g & 9| .92 || 75 |82 “ I 3 cloudy 9| .90 || 74 |82 ‘‘ O 3.4 tº ſº Io .90 | 73 |82 “ I 2.2 clear. IO .90 || 74 |82 “ I 4.5 § { II .90 75 |82 ‘‘ O - & 4 II] .90 76 |82 E O .6 clear. 12 .90 75 i8O | NE o - t & I2 .90 77 |80 “ I ... I * { I3 .90 77 |80 E I - tº 6 I3] .go 75 |80 N | O .2 £ & I4] .90 74 |80 | SW o I.4 | cloudy. || I4] .90 74 |80 | W | I .6 £ 6 I5] .90 75 (82 “ 2 6. & 4 I5] .90 74 (82 | NE | I I.4 cloudy I6 .92 || 74 |82 “ I 3.3 & 4 I6 .90 || 75 '82 | SE I I.9 { % I7] .90 | 73 |82 “ | 0 .2 clear. 17 .90 75 |8o SW o •4 { & 18| .92 76 |82 | NE | I - { { 18| .90 74 |80 || W I .5 4 & I9 .92 || 75 |80 SE o - 4 & I9 .90 | 73 |82 ** I .6 & 4 2O .90 75 |80 “ O - 4 & 2O .90 74 |82 |SW O 5. I clear. 21 .90 77 |8o NE | 1 - § { 2I] .90 74 |80 | SE I - & 4 22 .90 77 |82 ‘‘ O 1.7 cloudy. || 22 .90 76 |82 | SW O .4 cloudy 2 90 || 76 |80 ** | 0 2.2 & & 23 .90 || 74 |82 ‘‘ O 4.9 $ 4 24 .90 77 |80 E | O — clear. || 24 .92 74 |80 S I — clear. 25 .90 77 |80 ‘‘ O - t 4 25 .90 73 82 SW O 2.5 cloudy 26 .90 76 |80 “ I .5 |cloudy. || 26, .90 74 |82 E O 2.5 clear. 27 .90 76 |80 N I .4 f g 27] .90 74 |82 | SE o — cloudy 28 .90 || 77 |80 E i I .O clear. || 28 .90 74 |82 “ O 2 6 { { 29 .90 || 77 |80 S 2 ... I é & 2g .90 74 |82 “ O Ie £ 4 3o .90 | 73 |82 SE |o 2. I { { 3O .90 || 75 |82 S I I. I & 4 31| .90 | 73 |82 E | O 4.6 { { 31| .90 74 |82 |NE | O .3% & 4 - CIIl. 87. CIIl. 80.9 38.2 7.3 44. O5 inches. inches. = I5. O9 = I7.4O Nicaragua Canal Route. 89 SEPTEMBER, 1886. October, 1886. º ! Wind P +: Wind P § e g 5 * * º g 5 * 5 . ... # | #5 ## | 3 || | | | 3 | ##|T| ## 3 *| 3 || 6 || 3:3 g E3 : #| 3 || 5 |33 || 3 || 3 | E3 > ã| * | * |33 || 3 ||3| #5 ‘5 || 8 | * | > |35 | # #| = 3 ‘5 à |*#| 3 || #3 à |*#| 3 ||3| #3 S. *S & ; Q & ; CII]. CIll. 1|29.93'74 8o S |o — cloudy.* || 1:29.93|74 |80 |SW | 0 || – fair. 2 .92 78 82 | NE | I - fair. 2 .92|73.5 |81 | SE | 0 .27 clear. 3] .92 72 82 |NW I cº- cloudy. || 3 .93|74 83 |NW 0 || I. I.4 fair. 4] .92 74 8o “ I — fair. 4 .90|75 |82 SW O .4o cloudy. 5| .90 76 || 78 |NE | 1 || – 4 & 5 .94|73 |80 NW o .O8 & 4 6 .90 75 78 |SW |o | I.30 { { 6 .90|74 |82 “ |O | 1.37 & 4 7 .91 74 || 78 S o . 74 £ & 7| .92|75.5 |82 4 * | 2 .63 & 4 8| .90 75 8O | SE O .18 cloudy.*|| 8 .9476 |82 | W 2 I.5O & 4 9| .90 74 8I E | O .55 fair.” || 9 .92|74.5 |80 S I 8O fair. IO .90 74 82 | SE | O .74 | cloudy. ||Io .93|75 |82 * I . O2 & 4 II] .92 77 | 8o E | I ... II { { II] .9375 |80 | SW I — cloudy. I2] .92 77 80 ‘‘ I º- cloudy. I2 .95||73.5 |82 * * | O . 35 & 4 I3| .90 74 8I SE | I .35 & 4 I3] .95||75 |80 * * | O .O4 clear. I+| .9373 || 82 |SW 2 | 1.70 ( & I4] .92|76.5 |80 | NE O .O4 | cloudy. I5] .93 73 82 SE O | I. IO & & I5] .93|76 |8 I * * O 77 & 4 I6 .93 73 5 || 82 ‘‘ o 2.24 4 & I6 .94|75 |78 * I .O4 | clear. 17| .91.73 || 83 |NW I 2.26 4 & 17 .92|76 |80 ** | I | — * 4 18 .91.74 82 “ | 1 || – & 4 I8 .92|75 |80 || “ I — cloudy. 19 .92,74.5 80 || W.] I .O2 fair. ||19| .90|72.581 * I . I 3 fair. 2O .9374.5 | 8o |NW O cloudy. ||20 .90|72.5 |80 * * | O .3I clear. 21| .8976 | 83 || “ |o & 4 2I] .90|72.5||78 || “ |O ... O & 4 22 .8676 f ‘‘ I . I 2 & & 22 .90|72.5 |77 ||NW I Io cloudy. 23: .92.73.5 82 S o .67 clear. |23: .90|74 78 ** | O - clear. 24 .91|76 80 SW I . 55 fair. † ||24' .92|74 |78 * * | O .5 4 4 25] .93||73 8I NW O .52 & 4 25 .93|7I |77 E | I I. I.4 & 4 26 .92.74.5 82 W o .90 cloudy. ||26, .9375 |79 ** | O — 4 & 27] .90.76 | 81 | SE o — cloudy.S. 27 .92|76 |78 ** | O || – & 4 28] .89.72 82 |NW O .95 clear. ||28 .88|75 |76 ** | O || – cloudy. 29) -92.75 82 | E | O .25 fair. 29 .90|76 |80 “ O . I3 & 4 3o .9475 83 |SW |o .05 || cloudy. ||3o .92.76 |77 ** | I | — º -º- 31| .90|76 |77 || “ |o . 13 fair. 8I * CIII. * CIn . I5.30 79.7 IO.85 inches. inches. = 6. O4 = 4.28 * Smoky. * + Column of smoke from volcano near by. Rumbling from same. f Thunder shower. § Heavy thunder-shower S.E. 9() Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the NovemBER, 1886. DECEMBER, 1886. wind. | # § wind. | # +: º & § of 3 tº sº § 2; .# .C. do > > #2 od .d 9 Fº > £ sº & e Tº | P::= | . 3 g tº f; | ##| || 2: 3 § : § 5 |33 || 5 ; , E.E. * : cº .5 || 3: 5 gº .E.: §: Q || 23 tº 5 || 3 || 3 | "Cº. ‘s à ºn tº ºf E | 3 || 3 || Tº ‘s S |33 || 3 || 5 | E3 9 à |*3 || 3 || 5 | E3 (i) # |*| 5t § # |*| #", * ------ * | * | 3 à CII] . CIIl. I|29.92 |77 |77 E | I *ms: Cloudy. || 1 |29.92 |74 |77 | NE I * Fair. 2 .90 |74 |80 NW | 1 .27 Clear. i. 2 .93 |74 |78 ‘‘ 2 * Clear. 3 .92 |76 |80 E O 35 Fair. 3| .92 |74 |78 ‘‘ 2 * e { 4 .95 |76 |78 “ o — & 6 4| .91 |74 |77 || “ || 2 || – & 4 5| .93 |76 79 “ I 76 |Cloudy. || 5 | .92 |74 |78 ‘‘ I * & & 6| .90 |75 |76 | NE | 2 .O.8 Clear. || 6 | .92 |75 |74 ‘‘ 2 * 4 & 7| .90 |73 |76 E | O | — 4 & 7| .92 |7I.5 |7O “ 3 *s & & 8 .92 |75 |75 NE 2 &=e & 4 8 .92 |73 |7 E 2 *E* & & 9| .92 |74 |76 “ I • O2 6 & 9| .92 |74 |77 |ENE I *E* Cloudy. Io .92 |77 |76 ‘‘ 2 *=s Fair. || Io .92 |74 |78 “ I tº- Clear. II] .92 |75 |77 “ I *E--> Clear. II | .92 |75 |78, NE 2 *º-sº Fair. I2] .90 |76 |79 ‘‘ | 0 *=g Cloudy. ||12| .92 |77 |77 |ENE I 3-º-º: & 4 I3] .90 |75 |82 ‘‘ O .oy 4 & I3] .92 |76 |77 | NE | 2 * & 4 I4] .93 |76 |80 || “ |o .O2 “ ||14} .92 75 '78 “ | 3 || – & 4 I5] .92 |77 |79 E I .O4 Fair. ||L5| .92 73 |78 -“ o — Cloudy. 16| .92 |77 |78 “ I .86 & 4 I6 .92 |73 |78 “ 3 *ge Clear. I7; .90 |77 |79 | NE I .O4 |Cloudy. ||I7] .92 |74 |74 “ 3 * { { 18| .91 |76# 178 ‘‘ 2 . O6 Fair. ||18 || .92 |75, 79 ‘‘ 2 wº-ºº: 4 & I9| .94 |77 |78 ‘‘ 2 ..I.9 |Cloudy. |Ig| .92 |74 178 “ I { { 20| .92 |76 |78 E | 2 *g Fair. 20 .92 |74 |78 “ I fº & ( 21 | .90 |76 |76 “ 2 .O2 & ſº 2I .92 |7 77 ‘‘ 2 .47 4 & 22| .92 |76 |78 | NE | I . O2 $ 6 22 .94 |76 |78 “ I * £ 6 23| .90 #75% 80 “ I . I 7 || Clear. ||23| .93 |76 |77 ‘‘ 2 º-º-º: 4 * 24 .90 |74 |80 ‘‘ || 0 .33 Fair. ||24| .92 |75 |78 “ I * § { 25 .91 |73 |79 SE | O * Clear. ||25 | .92 |74 |77 “ I º- { { 26 .93 |75 |80 E | I O2 |Cloudy ||26 .93 |74 |78 “ I *=s & # 27] .92 |74 |78 | NE | 1 .43 § { 27| .92 |75 |78 - || “ . I tº- tº it 28 .92 |72 |80 ‘‘ I *mº. Clear. ||28| .92 |75 |79 “ "I *mº § { 29] .92 |74 |77 || “ | I — “ ||29} .93 74 |79 “ I — { { 3O] .92 |74 |76 E | 1 || – ‘‘ ||30} .92 |74 |77 || “ I — { % 31 .90 |72 |80 ** | O • O2 * { 20 oló 8. I CITI. ** = 9 9 7 3.75 29.92I| |77. I Cºl. inches. © • 49 = 1.48 inches. - s AVicaragua Canal Route. 91 JANUARY, 1887. FEBRUARY, 1887. e !, * g ſ * & * Wind. #4 # * * - Wind i. º g # | ##|T. ## |g| | | #|gā T. ## #| 3 || 5 |33 || 5 || 3 || E3 * || 3 || 3 || || |##| 5 || 5 | E3 §: Q º >, | # 5 3 g := - ‘a ſº CQ P # 5 'E Q -, * *4-4 s' | p. E O $—s cº º 23 O 5 * : O Q -E: § O º, O $3 Q | p.c. * | G. ºf S (l) .* [r. a “ S$ ..}: .E. * Q 3 C/) Q | & &; CIll. CIll. I|29.92 |7O |80 E O &= clear. I|29.92 |75 |78 3 *E* clear. 2] .92 |75 |79 NE | 3 * § { 2 .92 |73 |80 ‘‘ 2 33 |cloudy. 3| .92 |72 |7O “ 3 * { { 3| .91 |73.5 |79 “ 2 I5 fair 4 .93 |72.5 |72 E 2 — cloudy. || 4 .89 |74 |79 ‘‘ 2 . O8 & 4 5| .92 |71 |75 | ENE | 2 *E=º fair. 5 .90 |74 |78 “ 3 .05 |cloudy 6 .92 |73 |70 E I — cloudy. || 6 .92 |74 |80 ‘‘ 2 O8 6 & 7| .92 |74 |79 NE | 2 * fair. 7| .93 |74 |78 NE | 2 —— | clear. 8| .9L |75 |79 E | I — cloudy. || 8 .92 |75 |77 “ 3 O8 & 4 9 .91 |75 |76 | NE | 2 — clear. || 9 .93 |73 |76 “ 3 -> & 4 1 O .92 |75 |79 “ I ** fair. ||IO .93 |74 |75 “ 3 gº fair. II] .93 |77 |78 ‘‘ 2 — cloudy. ||II] .93 |73 |78 E | I *º clear. I2] .92 |73 |78 “ I .5O & ſº I2] .90 |74.5 |78 “ 4 - § { I3] .93 |73 |80 “ I . IO clear. I3] .92 |73 |74 “ 4 *- & ºt I4] .93 |73.5|78 E | I O2 fair. ||14} .93 |74 |76 “ 3 *E*-*. £ 6 I5] .93 |74 |7 “ 2 *a- clear. ||I5] .93 |74 |78 “ 3 — cloudy I6 .93 |74 |78 NE | 3 — |cloudy. || 16 .92 |74 |80 | ENE 2 • O-4 clear. I7] .93 |73 |79 E I I3 { { 17| .92 |73 |78 “ I **E=? fair. I8 .95 |73 |74 ‘‘ 2 **** clear. 18| .93 |73 |78 * * sº-ºº- clear. I9 .93 |73 |73 | ENE | 3 s== { { I9 .92 |74 |78 E | I *- $ 4 2O .93 |73 |80 “ 3 - § { 2O .91 |75 (78 ‘‘ I *E* { { 2I] .93 |74.5 |76 “ 2 *º & 4 2I .92 |74 |78 “ I — cloudy 22 .92 |74 |78 “ 3 IO cloudy. ||22 .93 |74 |76 “ I º- fair. 23 .92 |74 |78 E | 2 **E= clear. ||23] .93 |73 |79 ‘‘ I ** { { 24 .92 |74.5 |79 “ I rº- 4 & 24 .93 |74 |78 ‘‘ 2 tºº { { 25] .92 |73 |77 “ 2 • O2 { { 25 .92 |76 |76 ** 2 sº-º-º: & & 26 .92 |73.5 |79 | ENE | 3 * & 4 26 .91 |75 |77 ‘‘ 2 * * clear. 27 .92 |74 |77 | NE 3 tºº-º-º: { { 27] .92 |74 |78 ‘‘ 2 *E* ( & 28 .93 |73.5 77 |ENE 4 * 4 & 28 .92 |74 |78 NE | 3 — |cloudy 29 .93 |73.6|8I NE | 3 .O3 fair smºsºmºs 3o .92 |75.2|78 E | I & Exº & 4 77.6 §: 3I] .92 |74 |78 | NE | 3 — clear. . § I inches. i.e. CIT1 . -: .32 77. I .90 inches. = .35 92 Climatic and Sanitary Notes on the MARCH, I887. APRIL, 1887. , s Wind. #. 5 Wind #. 3 s. dº sé-2 a > / *res) se 35 3 s e i E. T. É5 5 à 5 ¿E 5 à ## E| 3 5 ºā # 353 5 ºā 3 33 º C) 3 ¿ S 3 ¿ I29.94 74 76 E 5 clear. | I 29.9o 74 578 E I 2 .94 74 76 “ 2 fair 2 .9o 74.878 * 2 = 3 .93 74 77 “ 3 clear. 3 .93 75 78 * º 2 «¿ 4 .93 74 76 ENE 4 4 4 .92 75.279 ENE 3 9 5 .93 73.577 E 3 4 5 .94 75 78 * 2 «¿-? 6 .92 74 75 “ 2 “ 6 .93 75 78 E 2 3 7 .93 73 78 “ I á 7 .92 76 78 “ 3 3 8 .93 72.5 78 “ I . 8 .93 76 7 ENE 2 g 9 .93 73 78 EN E| 1 4 4 9 .92 76 78 E I 5 IO .93 73 78 * I 4 4 Io .92 76 77 *º 2 º-- II .93 73 78 “ 2 “ II .9o 76 77 I .E I2 .93 73.578 “ I “ I2 .93 77 77 ENE I I3 .93 74 76 E I d5 I3 .92 77 78 Ex S. I I4 .93 75 78 “ 2 5 cloudy. I4 .93 77 8o E I d; 5 15 .93 74.5 75 Ex N 3 2 clear. || 15 9o 77.578 “ I 5 .E Ió .92 7 75 E I 4 . 16 .9I 77.578 “ I z º I7 .92 74 75 ENE I “ I7 .9o 77 79 “ º I 3 I8 .92 74 77 E 2 18 .89 77.579 I S 19 .92 73 75 ENE 2 “ 19 .89 77 77 ENE I ¿ 2O .92 73 77 *º 2 4 2o .go 78 78 E I --> 2I .92 73 77 E I 2I .9o 78 78 , “ I 3 22 .92 7-1 78 “ " 2 4 6 22 .9o 77 78 ENE 2 º-o 23 .92 75 78 I 23 .9o 76.8 77 E 2 s 24 .92 75 78 “ I é 24 .89 78 78 “ º I E 25 .92 75 78 “ I “ 25 .87 77 79 º I º, 26 .92 74 78 “ 2 fair. 26 .9o 77 78 ENE I c 27 .92 74 78 “ 3 clear. 27 .93 77 78 “ 3 e 28 .88 7 77 “ 2 “ 28 .93 77 78 E 3 2 29 .9o 74 78 “ I “ 29 — 77 76 NE 2 E 3C .9O 75 78 “º 2 cloudy.3o — 76 78 E I ré 3I .9O 75 78 “º 2 clear. 77.9 77.9 - Nicaragua Canal Route. 93 MAY, 1887. JUNE, 1887. * }. e tº 3. +. e º Wind ; t Å e & Wind #4 # s] | # |##|T| ## | | |g| | | # |##|T| ## | #, § 3 || 5 |33 || 5 || || E3 à || || 3 || 5 | ##| 3 53 2: Q | pº * * B | # | 8 -: * S Q | pº Þ * E | # 3 := - ‘5 Å |*# | 3 ||5|| 33 (i) As 24 E | 3 |5 3 5 © t; ſº, .E 5 .E |ºr. .E." * C 3 C/) Q 3 Č; CII). I| – || 78 |78 E | 2 &=s Clear. || I 78 |79 E | I &mºs Fair. 2 — 78 |78 | NE | 2 * & & 2 77 |79 ‘‘ I — cloudy. 3| – || 36||7 || " || – “ || 3 78 |79 || “ o 15 “ 4 — | 76 |78 E | 2 *=s & 4 4 75 |79 | NE I &= fair. 5 — 78 |78 ‘‘ 2 & 4 5 77 |80 || W o — cloudy. 629.92| 78 |78 | NE | 2 * 4 & 6 78 |80 E | I .3I 4 & 7| .93| 78 |80 E | I *- fair. 7 77 |80 ‘‘ O 78 & 8 .90|78 |78 “ I * cloudy. || 8 76 |80 N | O *º-º-e £ 4 9 .92 78 |79 N | I *E* 4 & 9 75 |80 E | I *- fair. Io .90 78 79 | NE | I - & & IO 76 |80 “ I .08 cloudy. II .92; 75 |80 E | I * £ 4 II 75 |80 || W o I.26 § { 12 .86||77 |88 | NE | I fair. || I2 75 |80 “ | O * fair. I3] .86| 75 |89 || W | 1 clear. ||I3 73 |80 ** | O Eº * { I4 .88 79 |82 | NE |o .02 || cloudy. I4 76 |80 “ O — cloudy. I5] .90 74 |80 “ I I.4I fair. ||I5 75 |80 ‘‘ O * clear. I6 .92 76 |80 || W | 1 I.31 || cloudy. ||I6 76 |80 ‘‘ O .43 & 8 I7] .87| 76 |80 ** | O .27 é & I7 as 74 81 “ O . I6 cloudy. I8 .go 75 |80 ‘‘ O .67 fair. ||18| 5 || 75 |80 ** | O . I3 fair. I9 .90 73 |80 S | I 4.09 cloudy.|I9| 2 || 76 |80 ** | O .58 cloudy. 2O .93| 73 |80 “ I .59 fair. 20 74 |8I ‘‘ O .5O & 4 2I] .97| 74 |80 || W I . I 9 § { 2I 75 |80 “ I .44 | clear. 22 .98| 75 |80 “ O . I5 & 4 22 75 |80 “ I .o8 cloudy. 23| – || 75 |80 SE | I .28 £ 6 23 74 |80 “ I .40 fair. 24 — 74 |80 ** | O s=º cloudy.]|24 74 (80 E | I . I6 clear. . 25 — 77 |80 ‘‘ I .O4 & 4 25 74 |81 | SE | I 2.56 cloudy. 26 — 78 |79 E | I * 6 & 26 75 8o E | O . I6 fair. 27] — 77 |79 “ I . I5 & & 27 77 |80 | SE 4 * clear. 28 — 75 |79 SE 2 *º- ſair. ||28 77 |80 | NE | 1 e-º tº { 29 — 77 |79 E | 2 *º- cloudy. 29 77 |80 || “ I * * { 30| – || 77 |79 ‘‘ I wº- é & 3O 77 |80 E O mº-º cloudy. 3I amº 78 79 4 & I tº-º é & *=== CIIl 79.9 CIIle 79.9 8. I8 9. I7 inches. inches. = 3.23 = 3.62 Mean humidity for year, 78.9. Rainfall for year, 131.70 cm. = 52.00 inches. NOTES 'ON THE HISTORY OF NICARAGUA—ON THE ADVANTAGES OF THE LAKE TO AN ISTHMIAN CANAL —-SHOWING WIHY THE PROJECT SHOULD BE BEGUN AT ONCE. BY JACOB W, MILLER, GENERAL MANAGER P. & S. S. S. Co. I. The question of a passage to the Pacific through the narrow isthmian barrier is as old as the discovery of the continent itself, the very commission granted to Colum- bus surmising that the East Indies was the goal to be reached. In the great navigator's second and third voy. ages we find him exploring the Gulf of Paria; vainly imagining that he is about to find the South Sea. In his wake followed a host of adventurers, seeking the “strait”—Balboa, Ponce de Leon, Ogeja, Lotes, Pizarro; all, in connection with their other projects, sought to . render their names famous by the discovery. Even as late as 1687 we find Sieur de Lussan, a French “filibus. terer,” writing: “This lake (Nicaragua) hems in three islands that are not far distant the one from the other, and all of them very near the mouth thereof. Some few years since the Aourºua (specie vessel) of Acapulco, that went to the East Indies, on its return, entered in this lake through the bay, and we understood that some Spaniard had entered by the other end of it through the river Vastaqua, that discharges itself into a bay of New Spain and consequently the North Sea.” This account of a ship passing from ocean to ocean is undoubtedly overdrawn, though it is highly probable that 94 AVotes. 95 the channel of the San Juan, or Vastaqua, was much deeper prior to its partial destruction by the Spaniards during the last century. Dampier's Voyages contain interesting ac- counts of Nicaragua, while Humboldt, in his “New Spain,” after an elaborate description of several routes, states that “communication with the Pacific Ocean would be effected by cutting a canal across the isthmus, which separates the lake from the Gulf of Papagayo.” The first regularly organized expedition to Nicaragua was probably undertaken in 1778 by two Spaniards named Ysasi and Alexandre. They were accompanied by two Englishmen, Hodgson and Lee, who published a description of their work on their return to England. This survey was supplemented by an examination of the territory west of Lake Nicaragua, conducted by a govern- ment engineer named Manuel Galisteo, in 1781. In 1825 De Witt Clinton endeavored to arouse the interest of the United States to the importance of ship communication beteween the two oceans, though it was not till ten years later that President Jackson appointed Mr. Biddle agent to examine the isthmus, and then the objective point was Darien and not Nicaragua. Mr. Bailey, a retired officer of the British Navy, was employed in 1838 by the government of Central America to make a survey of this canal route. His operations were confined to the territory between the lake and the Pacific, and were consequently incomplete. During the next few years several companies were formed in Europe, nominally for the colonization of the isthmus, but actually as preliminary steps towards a future canal. But one of those companies commanded much attention, and that simply from the romantic interest attached to 96 Motes. the man at its head. A political prisoner, confined in the fortress of Ham, and shut out from the hope of ever attaining the crown of France, conceived the idea of perpetuating in America the glory of a name already famous the world round. He entered into correspond. ence with Señor Castellon, the minister of the Central American Government at the court of Louis Philippe, reviewed with singular ability the various canal schemes, and offered, if released from confinement, to superintend in person the work at Nicaragua. In 1840 he was liber. ated, and, going to England, published, under the initials “L. B.” a pamphlet, setting forth all the arguments in favor of a canal, and adding the official proceedings by which the government of Nicaragua had vested in him full power to form a company in Europe. The canal was to be “Canal Napoleon de Nicaragua.” The prisoner was Prince Louis Bonaparte. g The discovery of gold in California gave a fresh im. petus to the question. As the newe State increased in population, and San Francisco became a large city, the necessity of a highway between the Atlantic and Pacific was again urged. The voyage around Cape Horn was long and dangerous; the overland route across the plains subject to attack from Indians; something must be done to avoid both ; the settlers on the western coast needed the provisions of the eastern ports; the merchants of the old States, the gold of the new. As the result of these arguments, “The Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Company” was formed, with Commo- dore Vanderbilt for its president. A. W. Childs, a prominent civil engineer, was sent to survey the lakes and rivers of Nicaragua. His party was in the field Motes. 97 from August, 1850, to September, 1851, and returned to the United States with a very favorable report as to the feasibility of the project. Funds for its accomplishment were not, however, forthcoming, and Childs carried his estimates and maps to England, where they were sub- mitted to a commission of engineers, and afterwards to a committee of capitalists, who, though favoring the route, did not judge the plan sufficiently well developed to merit their support. The canal enterprise was consid- erably agitated about this time, for a convention was made between Great Britain and the United States, in which Mr. Clayton on our part, and Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer on theirs, “define the principles which should apply to an inter-oceanic canal wherever and whenever constructed.” In 1855 Walker's filibustering expedition again drew the attention of the public to the State of Nicaragua, but that “gray-eyed man of destiny” succeeded only in mak- ing the inhabitants of the isthmus look with mistrust upon any so-called explorations or surveys. Ten years later, P. C. F. West was employed by the Central American Transit Company, and although his object was simply to devise means for the improvement of the San Juan and the restoration of Greytown harbor, the maps which were made of that locality have been of value to the late expeditions, as they show the gradual changes taking place during the years that the harbor of San Juan del Norte has been closing. The first regularly organized expedition sent to Nic. aragua by the government left the United States in the spring of 1872. During the early part of 1874 a com- mission of experts was sent by the government to exam. 98 Motes. ine the various isthmian routes; on its return it reported the Nicaragua line feasible and preferable to all others. This decision was sustained by General Humphreys, Admiral Ammen, and Captain Carlisle Patterson, a com- mittee selected by the President as final authority. Since that time the eminent civil engineer, Mr. Meno. cal, has made several visits to Nicaragua and added many improvements to the former surveys, his most perfect work being shown in an elaborate report to the Secretary of the Navy, dated November, 1885. This report was intended to prove to the country how advisable would be the ratification of the Frelinghuysen-Zavala treaty, but the Senate rejected the treaty, and it remained for private enterprise to obtain from Nicaragua a new and excellent concession during last spring. II. During the early days of October in the year 1870, a moderate-sized steamer, drawing ten feet of water, left this port. Following that steamer on her southern voyage, we would have found her, within a month, anchored in an inland sea within eleven miles of the Pacific Ocean. A sailor going aloft upon the mast of that steamer would, at the height of forty-one feet, have been above the sum- mit of the divide between the vessel and the Pacific, and might have seen the spars of a vessel at anchor in Brito roadstead. Gentlemen of the Association, does not that bring home to you the feasibility of cutting through that low barrier, of deepening the outlet to the eastward, so that the fleets of the world may no longer be buffeted by the winds of Cape Horn, and the tempests of Australlatitudes? I have been on that steamer's deck at that very spot. Wotes. $ 99 Several years afterward, I was, for 112 days, out of sight of all land, trying to reach New York from San Francis. co; not a day passed but I said to myself, how weak is the power of the nineteenth century, if it cannot, in the in- terests of commerce, in the name of humanity, in the cause of universal advancement solve “the secret of the strait” at Nicaragua. e Imagining ourselves once more on the steamer's deck, there would be within a distance of twenty miles to the northward and westward, one of the richest countries of . the globe. Three miles from the lake are the indigo plantations of Rivas; the pilas or dams for soaking the plant, built of the lime with which the locality abounds, the concrete is as smooth as porcelain, as hard as marble, and as old as the Spanish conquest. Further on are the cacao plantations, as valuable as they are beautiful; while here and there in the vicinity of the towns are the sugar Haciendas, and the coffee lands, interspersed with farms devoted to the culture of the plantain, the banana, and the orange. Turning from the shore and steaming out into the open water, the great lake impresses us with the magnificence of its proportions. Anchoring under the lee of Ometepee, that island towers a perfect cone, for 5,200 feet above the vessel, its base clothed with peren- nial verdure, its summit hidden in the dark drifts of the eastern trade-winds. But scenery is not a necessary adjunct to a canal. Let us therefore see what are the practical benefits accruing from the lake. It is first to be noted that the Central American Cordilleras exist in one unbroken chain the entire length of the Isthmus, but at one point, and that point near Rivas, they sink to the lowest elevation on the 100 Motes. American continent, becoming simply hills which skirt the Pacific shore. But as the highlands lose their alti. tude, the valleys to the eastward gain in depth, forming a basin into which the mountains of Costa Rica and Nicaragua pour the vast amount of water which drain from their lofty sides. This basin is known as the Lake of Nicaragua or Granada. It covers an area 100 miles long by 40 broad; is in places over 100 fathoms deep ; contains a channel, from its eastern to its western extremity, capable of floating the largest ships; is only 100 feet above the ocean; and by reason of its magnitude, is subject to none of those eatreme changes of level so common in all small bodies of water situated in the tropics. * Freshets never occur, either in the lake, or in the San Juan, for the first 64 miles of its course. It is the only river of the tropics not subject to sudden rises; flowing through a narrow valley the greater part of the distance with an average depth to-day of 40 feet during the last 18 miles, with no large streams swelling its current, a dam of 52 feet is perfectly practicable at the San Carlos. This built we have continuous lake navigation for 130 miles; leaving only 40 miles of actual canal. I empha- size this point, as one of the objections raised against Nicaragua is the length of the route. Every seafaring man will acknowledge that 130 miles of smooth-water navigation would be preferable to the Gulf of Mexico “northers,” and tropical calms obtaining north and south of Nicaragua, beyond the trade-wind belt. Commanders of iron vessels also know what advantages there will be in ridding their ships from barnacles. Here, then, we have a reservoir capable of supplying a Motes. 101 wniform and inexhaustible amount of water, the gauges of the San Juan showing a flow of over nine hundred million cubic feet per day. Over and above these advantages there is another of great importance: The lake divides the canal into two distinct sections, and consequently eliminates any danger from a “block,” vessels being locked directly up to the lake, where they can remain quietly at anchor in fresh water, loading under the lee of the numerous islands with the products of the country, repairing any damages with timber of the best quality, or provisioning for the coming Ocean voyage. The lake is then the great port, and in considering the question of harbors at either terminus it will be well to remember that they can be limited in size to the accom- modation of the few ships which may daily arrive. This is specially true for the Pacific division, for if the weather prove inclement, the outgoing vessels can re- main in the lake and be locked down the sixteen miles whenever desirable. The undeveloped water-power of the lake can scarcely be estimated. The canal once built, there will be a fall of over 100 feet in a distance of 9 miles on the Pacific slope, in a length of 23 on the Atlantic. This fall will be perfectly under control and harnessed to serve com- mercial purposes. The products of the country will be changed into merchantable commodities by the waste energy of the lake. Passing vessels will anchor here, and reduce the bulk of their cargoes from raw material into manufactured articles. Ship-building industries, factories, and dock-yards will line the lake where the fleets of the world will meet. Cities will spring up where 102 Notes. villages exist to-day. No longer will a ship canal be considered only a passage-way from ocean to ocean. The public mind will cease to couple the idea of isthmian transit with an African desert, a malarial Panama, or a mountainous Tehuantepec. There may be times when the ingenuity of man should take up the fight even against nature, and conquer ob. stacles almost superhuman. No such struggle is de- manded at Nicaragua. Providence gives us the inland sea with all its advantages; it is for us to develop them when we are worthy the legacy. Whatever, therefore, the Bosphorus is to Europe, the Red Sea to India, much more will the Lake of Nicaragua be to America. III. It has been clearly demonstrated that the canal can be built for $75,000,000, and that it will pay 6 per cent. on a capital of $200,000,000. “If this be so,” it may be asked, “why has the work not been begun ?” First, the times were not ripe for any large undertaking in a foreign country, public concern in the merchant marine has been dormant, and only during the last few years has the tonnage, which would use the canal, been suffi. cient to warrant the immense outlay. Second, a narrow conception of self-interest has centred the commercial mind of the United States upon internal improvement. If we go back to ante-bellum days, we see the whole country moved by ideas tending to the spread of Ameri- can influence, and the supremacy of the United States in Central America and Cuba. The sentiment was good, but too much connected with the expansion of slavery to Motes. 103 find favor in the North. Then followed the civil war, and both sides were for four years unable to consider any thing but the life-and-death struggle of the republic. After the fall of the Confederacy the reaction com- menced. The strife of selfish ambition reasserted itself. Men found relief from their strong patriotic tension in seeking individual gain. He was the best citizen who made two dollars grow where one grew before. The golden age of our prosperity must soon begin its historic decadence, unless elevated thoughts, national ideas, and ennobling deeds dominate. That they are beginning to reign is shown in the interest taken by the better class in politics, in civil-service reform, in the renewal of the navy and merchant marine, and in many other ways. Among them is the regard manifested for an inter-oceanic canal, during the past year, by the government and the moneyed men of the country. One of the circumstances which has given an impetus to the question is the fact that we must provide an asylum on this continent for the immigrant who is overcrowding the United States. America must find a home for the Italian, and citizen of Southern Europe. Where is a better one than at Nicaragua? The westward course of empire cannot be arrested un- til the whole hemisphere is developed. But by whom? Certainly not by us, if we fail to prevent foreign nations from accomplishing the union of the two oceans. France has tried without success. Germany, with her large fleet of merchant steamers already in the West Indies, stands ready to cut through Nicaragua. The nation that rules the canal rules the Atlantic and Pacific, and in time to come will rule the continent. The civilization of twenty centuries looks down upon 104 Notes. Suez controlled, as it should be, by England. Posterity in the near future should see Nicaragua one of a brother- hood of American republics, not coerced by the United States through force of arms, or by annexation, but because policy and international sentiment demand a closer union of friendship and amity. 3 9015 02101 6889