Amosportation I+ i. 28, 10 C2, A 4-3 1888, B 740,102 DUPL CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (See eional Papers for 1888) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25a) A. 1888 zº-32/22 —a -s- Transportation library HE 2.8/0 R. ET U RN , C-2. (IN PART) A49 & | 885 (25a) Under RESOLUTION of the HousB OF COMMONs, passed on the 20th Feb- ruary, 1882, on all subjects affecting the Canadian Pacific Railway, respecting details as to : 1. The selection of the route. . The progress of the work. . The selection or reservation of land. . The payment of moneys. . The laying out of branches. . The progress thereon. The rates of tolls for passengers and freight. 8. The particulars required by the Consolidated Railway Act and amendments thereto, up to the end of the previous fiscal year. 9. Like particulars up to the latest practicable date before the presentation of the Return. 10. Copies of all Orders in Council and of all correspondence be- tween the Government and the railway company, or any member or officer of either, relating to the affairs of the company. : By Command. J. A. CHAPLEAU, OTTAwa, 8th March, 1888. Secretary of State. OTTAwa, 8th March, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to submit herewith copies of all correspondence, papers and plans comprising the Return which, by a resolution passed on the 20th of February, 1882, is required to be presented each year to the House of Commons, within fifteen days from the opening of the Session. As the correspondence comprising the Return in question relates to a number of different subjects all affecting the affairs of the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany, and plans respectively relating to the following subjects:- a. The cutting of timber by and for the company for construction and other purposes; b. Right of way of the North-West Coal and Navigation Company across certain lands as shown on plan; c. Ownership of land on Fonseca Street, Winnipeg, on which the immi- gration station there is built; d. Odd-numbered sections, comprised within the limits of tracts of land leased for grazing purposes, and the share of rental to be credited * 25a- of such sections; and, * of a lease to the company for a Transportatlett - . . . - . j . . Library (Telegram.) 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 plot of land within the Rocky Mountains Park, orders for the delivery of, and appli. cations for the issue of patents for the company's lands generally. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - ~. - A. M. BURGESS, Duputy of the Minister of the Interior. The Honorable the Minister of the Interior ºf - - * 3-3 - - * Y * * - ; : ...,x* 2% 3. “s . . ** . . . . ." 7 .# º ! * *~,' ' - * . . & ,-- f . ...” * k--" *...* Rººt.’ “ ..” - i 2- --~ * --~, * , . . . . . . ; .. ‘. . . . . \,...” ‘. ....'Yº. . . . ; : . . ;:... -----' “ . . . . ; , f • *mºnºn { . . .” --> * > . . . - ; : s' " - CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY RETURN, INTERIOR, 1888. PART I. CoPIEs of all correspondence, papers and plans relating to the Canadian Pacific Station Grounds, (a) at Donald, (b) at Banff, and (c) at points west of the Summit. SUB-PART A. Copies of correspondence, papers and plans relating to the Company's station grounds at Donald. - THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY, OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 5th July, 1887. Donald. SIR,--I now beg to transmit field notes and report of survey, and plan of - the lands to be conveyed to this company at Donald in pursuance of the arrangement made with the Department. - This survey has been made in accordance with the instructions from the Sur- veyor General, dated 27th January last. I shall be glad to have one copy of this plan returned to me with the approval of the Department certified thereon, at as early a date as possible. - - I am, sir, your obedient servant, • - C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. - 6th July, 1887. (Memo.) - - Will the Surveyor General be so good as to say if the plan and field notes herewith are in accordance with the instructions given by him 7 . . By order. * * P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. . The Surveyor General of Dominion Lands, Ottawa. - MontREAL, 19th July, 1887. Has Donald town site plan been approved ? Sent you with my letter of 5th instant. Matter pressing, . - C. iNRINKWATER. John R. HALL, Esq., Department of the Interior. - (Telegram.) - • . - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 20th July, 1887. Examination of plans of Donald town site will be completed to-morrow, - JOHN R. HALL. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Montreal. 2 * x . #4 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 Technical BRANCH, OTTAwa, 22nd July, 1887. (Memorandum.) The plan (in duplicate) of Canadian Pacific Railway lands at Donald and the field notes are returned herewith. The corrections mentioned in the accompanying memorandum are required in the returns before they could be approved. These might, perhaps, be made by Mr. Ducker before the return of the Surveyor General, or Mr. King, either of whom could approve the plan. - Respectfully submitted. P. B. SYMES, for the Surveyor General. John R. HALL, Esq., Acting ſleputy Minister. 21st July, 1887. MEMORANDUM on eacamination of plan of property surveyed for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (at Donald) B. C., by W. A. Ducker, D. L. S. Number of lot I of block 1, also numbers of lots 1 and 24 of block 4, should be -shown on tracing. Notes should be furnished for the north and east boundaries of A. W. Vowell’s lot since tracing shows them. - Parcel 1 of notes should be so designated on the tracing. How was the shore-line of the Columbia River obtained 7 No offsets to same are given in the notes. Pages 2, 3,-Topography of bush and timber given in notes, but not shown on tracing. 2. Page 3.−Top of slope shown at 300 feet in notes; shown on tracing at about - 85 feet. Page 3.-Notes show a trail at 1,100 feet; omitted on tracing. Page 3–Notes show a “pine post” at 2,640 feet, tracing shows it at about : 2,580 feet. Page 3.-Notes show a “spring ” at 3,740 feet; omitted on tracing. Page 3.-Notes show a creek at 4,000 feet; omitted on tracing. Pages 3, 4.—Were there no B. T's. taken to posts shown at 1,320 feet 7 Page 4.—The whole distance 2,906 feet to the river should appear on tracing. Pages 7, 9.-Initial point of survey should be shown at foot of page. IPages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.—The character of the country traversed by the *lines, whether woods or prairie, should be shown in notes and on tracing. Page 5.-According to instruction the east boundary of this parcel should inter- * Sect with the shore of Columbia River as shown on page 4. Page 6.—The “post in stone mound" shown at foot of page was apparently planted on the 27th of June (see page 4) but this traverse was started, according to Sº Sº, sss notes, from this post on the 27th day of May. The date at foot of page 6, therefore seems to be wrong. - - Page 6–Tracing and traverse notes do not agree as to the intersection of A. W. Vowell's fence. - Page:8.—Were there no intermediate posts planted at intervals of 20 chains, , 1,320 feet? - Page 8.-Clearing shown in notes from 500 feet to 1,698 feet, omitted on plan. Page 9.-At 870 feet (pine post shown in notes) was there no “B.T.” taken or a mound erected? Page 9,-Clearing shown in notes from 240 to 460 feet, omitted on tracing. Page 9,-Was there a “B. T.” taken to “pine post” at top of page 7 Page 9.-Notes give 456 feet to the shore of the river, tracing gives about 415 feet. - 25a—1% 3 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 22nd July, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to return the plan and field notes of the lands at Donald applied for by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, together with the memoran- dum of the examination thereof, made by the Acting Surveyor General, from which your engineer will see the nature of the corrections required to be made before the plan can be approved, * - * * I have, &c., P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 5th August, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of 22nd July past, reference No. 100819, I now beg to return the plan and field notes of the land at Donald allotted to this com- 8 DV. p 'the corrections required by Acting Surveyor General have been made on the plan, &c., as will be seen from the letter of Dominion Land Surveyor Ducker also sent here with. - I shall be glad if this plan can be approved and returned with as little delay as possible as it is urgently required. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoBN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. LAND DEPARTMENT, THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILway CoMPANY, - WINNIPEG, MAN., 1st August, 1887. DEAR SIR,--I herewith return plans and field notes of survey of Canadian Pacific . Railway lands at Donald, British Columbia, with required corrections and explana- tions made. Trusting same are satisfactory, I remain Yours respectfully, W.A. DUCKER, Land Department, C. P. R., Winnipeg, Man. To the Secretary of the Interior Department, Ottawa. - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, TECHNICAL BRANCH, OTTAwa, 21st July, 1887. MEMORANDUM on eacamination of plan of property surveyed for the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company at Donald, B.C., by W. A. Ducker, D.L.S. Q. Number of lot “1” of block “1,” also numbers of lots “1” and “24” of block 4, should be shown on tracing 2 A. Added to tracing. - Q. Notes should be furnished for the north and east boundaries of A. W. Vowell's lot, since tracing shows them 7 A. Added to notes. $ Q. Parcel “1” of notes should be so designated on the tracing 2 A. Added to tracing. Q. How was the shore lines of the Columbia River obtained; no offsets to same are given in the notes ? A. Offsets added to the notes. Q. Pages 3, 3–Topography of bush and timber given in notes, but not shown on tracing 7 A. Added to tracing. Q. Pºge 3–Top of slope shown at 300 ft. in notes; shown on tracing at about 85 ft, 2 A. Now corrected. Q. Page,6,7-According to instructions the east boundary of this parcel should intersect with the shore of Columbia River, as shown on page 4 7 A. Corrected. Q. Page 6–The post in stone mound, shown at foot of page, was apparently' planted on the 22nd day of June (see page 4), but this traversé was Started, accord- 4 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 ing to notes, from this post on the 27th day of May. The date at foot of page 6 therefore seems to be wrong 2 A. This traverse was commenced from a post planted by Canadian Pacific Railway engineers on 27th May, but was duly connected to put in stone mound on 22nd June, when same was erected. Q. Page 6.-Tracing and traverse notes do not agree as to the intersection of A. W. Wowell's fence 2 A. Corrected; should have been 1,286. Q. Page 8.—Were there no intermediate posts planted at intervals of 20 chains. (1,320 ft.) 7 A. Yes; and now corrected in notes and tracing. Q. Page 8.—Clearing shown in notes from 500 ft. to 1,698 ft. omitted on plan 2 A. Added to plan. Q. Page 9.—At 870 ft. (pine post shown in notes) was there no “B.T.” taken or a mound erected ? A. Corrected. Q. Page 9.—Clearing shown in notes from 240 to 460 ft. omitted on tracing 2 A. Added to tracing. Q. Page 9.-Was there a “B.T.” taken to pine post at top of page 2 A. Cor- rected. Q. Page 10–Notes give 456 ft. to the shore of the river; tracing gives about 415 ft. ? A. Tracing corrected. Q. Page 3.—Notes show a trail at 1,100 ft.; omitted on tracing 2 A. Added to tracing. § Page 3.—Notes show a “pine post" at 2,640 ft., tracing shows it at about 2,580 feet? A. Corrected. Q. Page 3.-Notes show a “spring” at 3,740. ; omitted on tracing 2 A. Added to tracing. Q. Page 3.-Notes show a creek at 4,000 ft.; omitted on tracing? A. Added to tracing. Q. Pages 3, 4.—Were there no “B.T.'s" taken to posts shown at 1,320 ft. 7 A. No. No trees or timber; too small. Q. Page 4.—The whole distance (2,906 ft.) to the river should appear on tracing? Added to tracing. Q. Pages 7, 9,-Initial point of survey should be shown at foot of page 7 A. Corrected on page 7. Initial point is already shown on page 9. Q. Pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.-The character of the country traversed by the lines, whether woods or prairie, should be shown in notes and on tracing 2 A. Added to notes and tracing. For Field Notes, see original copy of Return. Not printed. I, Daniel H. Kirkwood, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of chainman to the best of my ability and knowledge. So help me God. D. H. KIRKWOOD. Sworn before me at Donald, B.C., this 13th day of May, 1887. W. A. DUCKER, D.L.S. I, John Calder, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of chainman to the best of my ability and knowledge. So help me God. J. G. CALDER. Sworn before me at Donald, JB.C., this 13th day of May, 1887. W. A. DUCKER, D.L.S. I, William A. Ducker, of the city of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, Dominion Land Surveyor, make oath and say: That I have faithfully, in my own proper person, and in strict conformity with the instructions received from the 5 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888, £h- Minister of the Interior, made the foregoing survey and that the foregoing field notes are correct and true in all their various particulars, to the best of my know- ledge and belief. So help me God. ** W. A. DUCKER, D.L.S. Sworn before me at the city of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, this twenty- eighth day of June, A.D. 1887. W. C. ILDERSON, J.P. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, 8th August, 1887. SIR.—I beg to acknowledge receipt of your leter of the 5th inst., returning the plan and field notes of the lands at Donald, applied for by your company. These have been transferred to the Surveyor General with instructions to make- immediate report thereon. I have, &c., JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. (Telegram.) 18th August, 1887. Re Donald Town Site. As soon as price is received at two fifty per acre for area to be sold to the company, patent will issue. A. M. BUTRGESS, To C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. (Telegram.) MonTREAL, 16th Aug., 1887, Is Donald town site plan approved? Patent urgently required. C. DRINKWATER, To J. R. HALL, Department of the Interior. (Telegram.) OTTAwa, 17th Aug., 1887. Expect to mail you copy of plan of Donald to-morrow. A. M. BURGESS. To CHAs. DRINKWATER, Esq., Montreal. (Telegram.) MONTREAL, 18th Aug., 1887. Will remit as soon as plan returned. Please have patent prepared meantime. C. DRINKWATER, To A. M. BURGEss, Esq. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 19th August, 1887. SIR,--I return herewith, duly approved, the duplicate plans of the property sur- veyed for the Canadian Pacific Railway at Donald, B. C. $ Of the total area of 589-97 acres, as shown on the plans in question, 88 acres will be granted free under clause 10 of the contract, in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Department of Railways, and the balance, 501-97 acres, will be sold to the company at $2.50 per acre. On receipt of the purchase money, for the land in question, amounting to $1,254.92, the patent for the 589-97 acres, which is now in course of preparation, will be forwarded to you. 6 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. ~. It is hardly necessary to remind you of the arrangement arrived at in the case. of Mr. Vowell, whose house is on this property. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy Minister of the Interior. C. DRINKwaZER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal. Lescription. Commencing at a pine post distant north-westerly on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway 1,668 feet, more or less, from bridge No. 979. Said pine post being . also distant due north 26 feet, 3 inches from the centre line of said railway. Thence on a course north astronomically a distance of 4,866 feet to a spruce post. Thence on a course west astronomically a distance of 5,280 feet to a post in stone mound. Thence on a course south astronomically a distance of 2,613 feet to the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Thence on a course also due south a distance of 278 feet, more or less, to a post in stone mound on the north bank of Columbia River. Thence along the shore of the north bank of the Columbia River on a course south 54° 5'1', east a distance of 284 feet. Thence along said north bank of river on a course south, 46° 41', east a distance of 220 feet. Thence along said north bank of river on a course south 50° 37', east a distance of 2,258 feet. Thence along said north bank. of river on a course south 46° 24', east a distance of 1,348 feet. Thence along said morth bank of river on a course south 56° 39', east a distance of 627 feet. Thence along said north bank of river on a course south 81° 26', east a distance of 475 feet. Thence along said north bank of river on a course north 83° 34' east a distance of 1,110 feet. Thence along said north bank of river on a course north 55° 34' east a distance of 83 feet 6 inches, more or less, to a pine post. Thence on a course north astronomically along the eastern boundary of said land a distance of 951 feet 3 inches, more or less, to the place of beginning. . Original for the Depositor, $1,254.92. BANK of MonTEEAL, OTTAwa, 26th August, 1887. Received from Canadian Pacific Railway on account of Dominion lands, the sum of twelve hundred and fifty-four dollars and ninety-two cents, which amount will appear at the Receiver General's credit with this bank. Signed in triplicate, J. WALL O'GRADY, Pro Manager. Entered, B. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 30th August, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of a cheque for $1,254,92, being for extra land required for station purposes at Donald, and enclose herewith a receipt for the S&Iſlös I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. W. S. TAYLOR, Esq., Treasurer, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 1st September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by the direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, to enclose here- with letters patent for a parcel of land situated on the north bank of the Columbia River, in the 29th township of the 23rd range, west of the 5th meridian, in the Province of British Columbia. * The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R, HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 7. 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 * DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 5th September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to enclose here with a copy of a tracing of the parcel of land at Donald, on the Canadian Pacific Railway in the Province of British Columbia, granted to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for station purposes, and to inform you that another copy of this tracing has been forwarded to the agent of Dominion lands at New Westminster, B.C., for his guidance. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. H. H. SMITH, Esq., Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 5th September, 1887. SIR,--I beg to enclose herewith a copy of a tracing of the parcel of land at Donald, on the Canadian Pacific Railway in the Province of British Columbia, granted to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for station purposes, and to inform you that this land is situated in Township 29, Range 23, west of the Fifth Meridian, and forms a portion of sections 16, 17, 20 and 21, and I have also to state that it is necessary that you be particularly careful in dealing with the lands in this township so that no portion of the above mentioned land may be disposed of to any person or persons other than the company to whom it is granted. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Agent of Dominion Lands, New Westminster, B. C. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 13th September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to draw your attention to my letter to you of the 5th instant, and to inform you that a portion of the parcel of land at “Donald’’ on the Canadian Pacific Railway, in the Province of British Columbia granted to the Cana- dian Pacific Railway Company for station purposes, was given as a free grant, and that the remainder was purchased by that company. I have to state that 88 acres were granted free and 501'97 were purchased at the rate of $2,50 per acre, the amount of the purchase money paid therefor being $1,254.92. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. H. H. SMITH, Esq., Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 13th September, 1887. SIR,--I have to draw your attention to my letter to you of the 5th instant, and to inform you that a portion of the parcel of land at “Donald’’ on the Canadian Pacific Railway in the Province of British Columbia, granted to the Canadian Pacific Bailway Company for station purposes, was given as a free grant and that the re- mainder was purchased by that Company. Ihave to state that 88 acres were granted free and 501'97 were purchased at the rate of $2.50 per acre, the amount of the pur- chase money paid therefor being $11,254.92. I am, sir, your obedient servant, \ P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Agent of Dominion Lands, New Westminster, B. C. OFFICE of THE DOMINION LANDS COMMISSION, WINNIPEG, 15th September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 5th instant. reference No. 100819, enclosing a copy of a tracing of the parcel of land at Donald on the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, granted to that company for station purposes. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, T. R. BURPE, Secretary. To Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. 8 .51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 Dom INION TuAND's OFFICE, NEw WESTMINSTER, B.C., 15th September, 1887. SIR.—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Departmental letter of the 5th instant, reference No. 100819, together with its accompanying tracing of the parcel of land at Donald granted to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for station purposes, and to state that the instructions thereby conveyed will be carefully at- tended to. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, H. B. W. AIKMAN, Agent Dominion Lands, B.C. The Honorable THoMAs WHITE, Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Dominion LAND's OFFICE, NEw WESTMINSTER, 28th September. 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Departmental letter of the 13th instant, reference No. 100819, and to state that the contents thereof have been duly noted. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, ~, H. B. W. AIKMAN, Agent Dominion Lands, B.C. The Honorable THOMAs WHITE, Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. OFFICE OF THE DOMINION LAND's CoMMIssion, WINNIPEG, 29th September, 1887. SIR,-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th inst, reference No. 100819, drawing the Commissioner's attention to your letter of the 5th inst., and informing him that the portion of land granted to the Canadian Pacific Railway for station purposes at Donald, B.C., 88 acres was given as a free grant and that the remainder was purchased by the company, 501.97 acres, at $2.50 per acre, the amount of the purchase money paid therefor being $1,254.92. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, T. R. BURPE, Secretary. The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. SUB-PART B, CoPIEs of correspondence, papers and plans relating to the Company's station grounds at Banff. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETAly, MonTREAL, 7th July, 1887. MY DEAR SIR,-With reference to our conversation of yesterday, I find on read- ing the agreement defining the western boundary of our land grant (which we omitted to look over yesterday), provision is therein made for the 160 acres at each station west of the said boundary to the summit. The plan deposited by the company on the 20th September last shows the areas of 160 acres selected by the company at each place. At Banff, however, the whole section was shown as applied for by the company. I observe on the copy of the plan you have sent me that the granted area is not even shown at Banff; but I understand this is merely left in this way pending final decision of our application for the whole section. Yours very truly, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Dept. of the Interior, Ottawa. 9 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A, 1888 (Telegram.) MonTREAL, 19th October, 1887. i Hope you wired Stewart not to lease land at Banff, as arranged yesterday pending submission of our plan. C. DRINKWATER, To Hon. THOS. WHITE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 19th October, 1887. MY DEAR STEwART, The Canadian Pacific Railway people will be submitting. shortly a plan for their station and grounds at Banff. I believe they intend to . remove it to the point which was indicated by Mr. Wan Horne when he saw you. Do not, therefore, just now, until you hear further from us, lease any further lots in that neighborhood. Indeed it would be well not to lease any more south of the main street until you hear from us. Yours truly, TEIOMAS WHITE. . GEO. A. STEwART, Esq., Banff, N.W.T. RocKY MoUNTAIN PARK, 25th October, 1887. DEAR SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant, re the Canadian Pacific Railway station grounds. As this is a matter of some importance to the park—I have prepared the accom- panying plan of the locality as a guide in the discussion with the Canadian Pacific Bailway people. Although I am strongly in favor of the change from the present site of the sta- tion, to the one discussed by Mr. Wan Horne and myself last spring, and think that it will be beneficial to the public generally, and to our town site particularly—still I can also see that it will be of great advantage to the Canadian Pacific Railway as well. The proposed site is completely sheltered from the drifting snow in winter— and water can be supplied from the stream which meanders through the grounds—by gravitation—for their engines and shops. These advantages cannot be obtained at their present site. I understand that they purpose placing the passenger station on the south side of the track and the workshops on the north side. If this done in conformity with the plans of the park there should be no difficulty in utilizing the site. It will be seen by the plan that I have reserved a portion of the town site be- tween Squirrel Street and the track, in anticipation of this move; and I have good reason to believe that lots in the neighborhood of the proposed site will be taken up very rapidly when it is decided that the station be placed there. I do not think that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company will require more than 200 feet in width on the south side of the track, as that is the width taken at the present station, and as to the quantity required for their shops on the north side I would suggest that they submit a plan of their requirements, so as to enable the Government to decide as to its conformity with the general scheme of the park. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, GEO. A. STEWART, Superintendent. The Honorable THOMAS WHITE, Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 14th November, 1887. Iče Banff. SIR,--I have the honor to submit a plan of the land which this company desires to obtain adjoining its station at Banff. The area required is colored pink, and con- * 10 -- 54; Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. tains about 160 acres, the quantity allotted to the company at this point under the agreement dated 3rd March, 1886. I have also the honor to request that a patent be issued for this land as soon as: possible and for the lands at the several stations between the westerly limit of the ‘company's land grant and the summit of the Rocky Mountains, as provided for in the said agreement and as shown on a plan dated 14th September, 1886, transmitted to the Deputy Minister of the Interior with my letter of the 20th of that month. I beg further to request that patents also be issued for the lands at the several. stations between Calgary and the said westerly limit as also shown on the said plan. I am, sir, your obedient servant, * C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th November, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th. instant, enclosing a tracing showing the lands adjacent to the railway station at Banff which your company wish to acquire ; and to say that the matter has been referred to the superintendent of the park for immediate report. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Ottawa, 28th November, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 25th ultimo, and to the tracing there with enclosed, I beg to enclose a copy of a letter dated 14th instant, from the Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and also a copy of the tracing furnished by him, showing the lands adjacent to the station at Banff which the company wish to acquire, and to request that you will report immediately upon the subject. The Minister desires particularly to know whether any of the lots within the portion of the survey of the town plot included in the company's application have been disposed of. If so, please give the names of the persons or corporations to whom they have been leased, and the purpose for which they have been acquired. If there are any applications for any of these lots, please report the names of the persons or corpora- tions applying, and the purposes for which the lands are sought. Also be good enough to say whether you see any objections yourself to the granting of the com- pany's application. In the absence of any such objection I may say that the Minister is disposed to comply with the wishes of the company in this matter. I am, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. GEO. A. STEwART, Esq., Superintendent of the Rocky Mountains Park, Banff, N.W.T Rocky Mountains PARK, 7th December, 1887. SIR-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter ſº of the 28th of November last with reference to the application of the Canadian Pacific Rail- Way Company for certain lands here, for the purposes of station grounds accompanied by a plan showing the position and quantity of land required by the said company. In reply I beg to say that the piece of land so laid down covers a large portion of the town plot laid out by the Government last year, and many of the lots thereon have been taken up by individuals on the lease system as will be seen by the schedule herewith. If the request of the railway company is complied with by the Minister it will become necessary to alter and extend the town plot south and eastward to make up. for the land so taken by the railway company. 11 -51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 This can be done of course without interfering with the property already laid out, but I would suggest the advisability of changing the proposed site of the cemetery to a suitable place down towards the present station at Banff. As regards the effect that the carrying out of the plan submitted by the com- pany would have in the future of the park, my impression is that it would be bene- ficial, and a great convenience to the public. I understand that the company propose laying out these grounds, now applied for, into lots and streets, and I would suggest that as far as possible they should be required to do so in conformity with the plans and designs of the park. Some of our roads—Bon Avenue for instance—were intended to pass over this land and on round vid Wermillion Lake, affording access to some of the most beauti- ful scenery in the park. It is therefore desirable that the right of way of these roads should be reserved. I notice also that a portion of the Forty-Mile Creek is covered by this land. It is desirable that these waters should be in the control of the Government not only for boating purposes but also for carrying out any scheme in the future for the pro- tection and propagation of fish. w The question of adjusting any claims that may be set up by persons who have settled on or taken up lots on the town plot within the portion now required by the trailway company will have to be considered as soon as the Minister consents to accede to the request of the company. I enclose a plan of the town site showing the lots marked by an X now taken up within the limits of the ground required by the railway company. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, GEO. A. STEWART, Superintendent. "To the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. ROCKY MOUNTAINS PARK, SCHEDULE of Lots on that part of the Town Site required by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company on which one year's rent has been paid. Lot. Block. Date. Rent. Name. Remarks. $ cts 11 5 Sept. 1...... 8 00 A. S. Cobb ......... ......... --------.... ...---- 12 5 do 1...... 8 00 do ....... tº t e º 'º e º C tº e e s ∈ C is tº e º 'º we & tº tº tº ee tº Q & A 14 5 do 1...... 8 00 |Geo. Marsh................ gº see e º sº e º see ee e s tº as a 15 5 do 1 sº e º & & 9 50 do • * * * * sea e º sº a sea, sº e º 'º e º 'º e º ºse a e s et & Gº & ©º º 16 5 do l...... 10 00 l Rev. Father Blais......... ............. C & e o 'º e º tº 17 5 do 1...... 9 50 do -------ee e g º ºs e º e º 'º e º 'º º & e º 'º e º 0 ° - 18 5 - * * * * * * * * * : * & © e º & 6 º' tº º G tº dº tº ºn R. C. Church............ •---------------- ....... [Free lease. 19 5 ses e º ee ee *-s s a sº es e a wº, e º e 4 & © & Gº & © tº ºn do a tº e g g g o O © e º e º e º 6 p. 6 & 8 e e º e º ºre tº e º e º & © tº O 20 * ! ............ .... “ ſº e a º Aº e tº do -------- G - e º 'º e º 6 tº * * c e º 'º e º e º e º 'º 4 º'e 440 do 21 5 Sept, 1...... 8 00 |Arthur Brealy ................ & sº e º 'º - a c e s ſº tº a s tº tº * * 22 5 do 1...... 8 00 George Fear..................... e Q sº e º e º & © e º 'º a C & 23 5 do 1...... 8 00 | Frank McCabe. ....... tº de e g º O & O e = e g a 9 tº a tº a sº e º sº ll 10 do l 8 00 |Paul Beufils........................ s = e º e a tº see & © º 12 10 do 1...... 9 50 O -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - **** * * ****** 13 10 do 1...... 9 50 |Charlotte Boswell............... ...... --------- 14 10 do 1 ..... 8 00 do “.... ----------------------. 24 10 July 1...... 12 00 ||William McArdle ..............tº e g = g º O & © to c e tº 6 & 5 1 12 Sept. 1...... 9 50 ljohn Laidlaw ..... ...----- © ºs e sº tº ºne cº e g o e e º 'º º º 2 12 do 1 ..... 8 00 O sesses sees seese as ess * * * * * ******* l O Oct. 22......] 30 00 Eyton Williams ................. ------ GEO. A. STEWART, Superintendent. (December 8th, 1887. 12 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 RocKY MoUNTAINs PARK, 8th Deeember, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to suggest in reference to the application of Canadian Pacific Railway Company for certain portions of the town site here, and on which I reported to you yesterday, that in anticipation of any difficulties arising with the persons who have taken up lots and paid one year's rent, within the limits of the ground now applied for by the company, it may be possible to induce the company to modify their plan and take Squirrel Street instead.of Martin Street as their limits in that direction. The plan I enclosed yesterday shows all the lots interfered with by the present application. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, GEORGE A. STEWART, Superintendent. To the Secretary of Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 5th January, 1888. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 14th November last, on the subject of the land applied for by your company for station grounds at Banff, I beg to say that the Superintendent of the Park reports that a number of persons have obtained leases of lots within the limits of the tract applied for. The Minister has, however, decided to offer the company the privilege of selecting a block of 160 acres, to be situated east of the Bow River and north of a line drawn as follows: Along Wolf Street, from the Bow River to Lynx Street, along Lynx Street to Squirrel Street, and along Squirrel Street in a straight line to the right of way of the railway, thence eastward along the railway. Be good enough to inform me, at your early convenience, whether this proposal is accepted by your company. • I am, sir, your obedient servant, t A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 5th January, 1888. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 7th and 8th ultimo, respecting the application of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for certain lands within the town site of Banff for station ground purposes, and to enclose herewith, for your information, a copy of my letter of this date to the secretary of the company. I am, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. GEo. A. STEwART, Supt. of the Roeky Mountains Park, Banff, N. W. T. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 12th January, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to enclose herewith, for your information, a copy of my letter, dated the 5th instant, to the secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany, respecting the land applied for by the company for station grounds at Banff, A copy of the plan of the town site, when completed and registered, will be sent to you, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. H, H. SMITH, Esq., Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 12th January, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to enclose herewith, for your information, a copy of my letter, dated the 5th instant, to the secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany, respecting the land applied for by the company for station grounds at Banff, 13 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *- X. -* A copy of the plan of the town site, when completed and registered, will be sent to you. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. WM. PEARCE, Esq., Superintendent of Mines, Calgary, N. W. T. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 12th January, 1888. SIR-I beg to enclose herewith, for your information, a copy of my letter, dated the 5th instant, to the Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, respect. ing the land applied for by the company for station grounds at Banff. A copy of the plan of the town site, when completed and registered, will be sent to you. I am, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. The Agent of Dominion Lands, Rocky Mountains Park, Alta, N.W.T. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 21st January, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 5th inst., respecting land applied for by this company at Banff. I have now the honor to enclose a tracing prepared in accordance with the sug- gestions contained in your letter, and defining the limit of the 160 acres granted to the company there. (; I shall be much obliged if you will obtain a proper description of this land from your agent for insertion in the patent. § I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant. C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. A. M. BURGESs, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT of MINES, CALGARY, 19th January, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th inst., No. 163955 reference No. 74970, enclosing copy of a letter sent to the Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company respecting land applied for by that com- pany for station purposes at Banff, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, J. H. MEYER, for Superintendent. A. M. BURGESS, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, Ont. Rocky MoUNTAINS PARK, 18th January, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter, dated 12th inst., INo. 183955, reference No. 74,970, containing copy of your letter to the Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company in reference to the proposed land for station Ull'OOSOS, º purp I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, E. A. NASH, Dominion Lands Agent. The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DOMINION LANDs CoMMIssion, WINNIPEG, 20th January, 1888. SIR-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Deputy Minister's let- ter of the 12th instant, No. 163955 on 74970, enclosing for the information of the -Commissioner copy of a letter dated 5th instant, addressed to the Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, respecting the land applied for by that com- pany for station grounds at Banff. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, º T. R. BURPE, Secretary. To the Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. 14 .51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 18th February, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 21st ultimo, enclosing a tracing showing the proposed selection of 160 acres of land -for the Canadian Pacific Railway station grounds within the limits of the Rocky Mountains Park of Canada, and to say that the Minister has approved of the selection. It is the intention of the Government to issue to the railway company a long lease of this property, but of course the riparian rights will have to be excluded from the lease, in accordance with the terms of the Order in Council of the 19th of March, 1887, a copy of which is enclosed. Mr. Stewart, the superintendent of the park, has been written to furnish a proper description of the lands to be leased to the Company. t I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. & DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 2nd March, 1888. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 21st January last enclosing a tracing defin- -ing the limits of the 160 acres at Banff to be leased to the Canadian Pacific Railway -Company, I have to inform you that on the tracing in question you have shown some of what are presumed to be the section lines and have excluded the area of the road allowances on such lines from the tract to be acquired by the company. As the Dominion lands system of survey by township and section lines is not carried out in the “Rocky Mountains Park” a slight alteration will require to be made. The exterior boundaries will remain the same as shown on the tracing with the exception of the north boundary. The road allowances included within the tract will be added ‘ to the area and an equal quantity taken from the northerly portion of the grant, I enclose a tracing showing the amendment. 'Mr. Stewart, the park superintendent, has been instructed to prepare the descrip- • tion for the lease in accordance with the enclosed tracing and to move the northerly boundary of the grant sufficiently far south to exclude an area of land equal to that added by including the road allowances within the area to be leased. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. SUB-PART C. CoPIES of correspondence, plans and papers, relating to the Company's station ground west of the “ Summit.” THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 20th June, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to enclose plans and surveyor's notes showing the lands required for station purposes at the following places:—Illicilliwaet, Revelstoke, and Roger's Pass. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. MEMO.-Above plans and field notes returned to Department of Railways and . Canals, 5th July, 1887, - 15 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 5th July, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th ultimo, enclosing plans and surveyor's notes, showing the land required for station grounds at Illicilliwaet, Revelstoke and Roger's Pass. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwaNER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. (Telegram.) MonTREAL, 28th July, 1887. Can you send me at once patents for our lands at Donald, Roger's Pass and Illicilliwaet in accordance with plans submitted; they are urgently required in connection with suits against the company in British Columbia 7 C. DRINKWATER. To John R. HALL, Esq., Interior Department. (Telegram.) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 29th July, 1887. Plan of lands at Donald is with you for correction. The Roger's Pass, Illicilliwaet and Revelstoke plans are at Department of Railways waiting examination by the chief engineer. Impossible to issue patents till those plans are approved. JOHN R, HALL. . C. DRINKwATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. CERTIFIED COPY of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Eaccellency the Governor General in Council on the 19th July, 1887. On a memorandum, dated 14th July, 1887, from the Minister of Railways and Canals, representing that a plan has been furnished by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, bearing date 20th April, 1887, and (in copy) hereto, attached, showing the lands they desire to obtain for station grounds at Illicilliwaet, British Columbia, the area being set down as 56-5 acres. That the matter having been referred to the Government Chief Engineer, he has reported, under date the 12th instant, advising that this not being a divisional point the area to be allowed should be that shown by a red line, namely about 30 acres. The Minister concurring recommends that in accordance with the provisions of the 2nd sub-section of section 8 of the “Railway Act,” being chapter 109 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, the company be permitted to take the extra area re- quired as shown by the said report of the Chief Engineer at this point, over and above the extent to which they would otherwise be limited by the section referred to, namely—650 yards in length by 100 yards in breadth. The total area to be taken, inclusive of right of way being as suggested by that officer, about 30 acres as shown on the plan. The Minister further recommends that the said area, so far as it is vested in the Dominion, be granted to the company as contemplated by the 10th section of their Contract. The Committee submit the same for your Excellency's approval. JOHN J. McGEE, Clerk Privy Council. To the Honorable the Minister of Railways and Canals. 16 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers' (No. 25A.) A. 1888 * * * º 2° *_º , OTTAwa, 18th August, 1887. SIR,--I send you herewith, for your information and guidance, a copy of an Order in Council passed on the 19th ult, making a grant of certain lands at Illi- cilliwaet to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. I have, &c., JOHN R, HALL, Secretary. H. B. W. AIKMAN, Esq., Agent Dominion Lands, New Westminster, B.C. OTTAWA, 18th August, 1887. SIB,-I send you herewith copy of an Order in Council passed on the 19th July, granting certain lands at Illicilliwaet to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. I have, &c., JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY, PACIFIC OIVISION y y OFFICE OF THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, WANGOUVER, B.C., 10th August, 1887. DEAR SIR,--Some time ago a plan was sent to Montreal of the land which the company desired to obtain at Illicilliwaet, and as I understood there was no objec- tion raised to the company obtaining this land, we went on and had a survey made and the land laid out in proper shape for sidings, &c. I hear, however, that within the last few days a surveyor has been sent there, and is now laying out this land for a town plot, and I assume that there must be some misunderstanding about it, and I think it desirable that you should be informed of the circumstances, in order that you may take such action as you think fit in the matter. f Will you please let me know what the decision of the Department is in this matter, so that I may arrange accordingly, and oblige, Yours truly, H. ABBOTT, General Superintendent. Hon. THOS, WHITE, Minister of the Interior, Victoria, B.C. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th August, 1887. SIR,-Adverting to my letter of the 18th inst., enclosing a Copy of an Order in Council respecting the town site at Illicilliwaet, I beg to enclose herewith a copy of the plan which should have accompanied the Order in Council. It is presumed, however, that you have been furnished with a copy of this plan, as well as a copy of the Order, by the Department of Railways and Čanals. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JQHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreaſ. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th August, 1887. SIR,--I beg to enclose herewith a copy of the plan attached to the Order in Council of the 19th July last, respecting the granting of certain lands at Illicilliwaet to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. This copy was omitted to be enclosed in my letter to you of the 18th instant, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. H. B. W. AIKMAN, Esq., Agent of Dominion Lands, New Westminster, B.C. 25a–2 17 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 trº- (Telegram.) MonTREAL, 27th August, 1887. Is there sufficient information on plan of Illicilliwaet station grounds to prepare patent, should amended plan be accepted; if not, please send particulars of what is necessary? C. DRINKWATER. To JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Department of the Interior. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 23rd September, 1887. SIR,-With reference to the land granted to the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany for station grounds at Illicilliwaet, B.C., by Order in Council of the 19th of July, 1887, I am directed to inform you that a patent for the same is in course of preparation, and will be issued with as little delay as possible. I am also to say that the Surveyor General reports that there is a discrepancy between the survey made by P. R. A. Bélanger, D.L.S., and that made by A. L. Poudrier, D.L.S., and that it has been found necessary to ignore the latter in pre- paring the description of the land for insertion in the patent in question, and he thinks it would be advisable for your company to have a survey made to agree with the description which will appear in the patent, a copy of which description is here- with enclosed. The patent will, however, issue in the meantime. I am, sir, your obedient servant, sº JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEscripTION of a parcel of land situate on the right bank of the Illicilliwaet River in the Province of British Columbia, granted to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company by Order in Council of the 19th July, 1887. Said parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows:– Composed of a portion of Section 6 in Township 26 and Range 27, west of the 5th Initial Meridian, and which may be more particularly described as follows, that is to say: Commencing on the right bank of the Illicilliwaet River at a point where the said bank is intersected by the north boundary of the town of Illicilliwaet as shown on a plan of survey of that town by P. R. A. Bélanger, D.L.S., dated August, 1887, which point is 4,123.90 feet, south, and 2372 feet west astronomically from the north-east corner of the said Section 6; thence along the said north bound- ary on a course south 59° 76° W., a distance of 2,344 feet to the intersection with the west boundary of said town; thence along the projection of said west boundary on a course north 30° 59' W. astronomically, a distance of 500 feet; thence on a course north 59° 76' east a distance of 2,040 feet, thence on a course north 26° east to the intersection with the right bank of the said Illicilliwaet River; and thence along the said right bank to the point of commencement; containing an area of thirty acres, more or less. DoMINION LANDS OFFICE, NEw WESTMINSTER, 6th September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of departmental letter of the 18th ultimo, reference No. 143817 and of the copy of Order in Council of the 19th July therein enclosed, granting certain lands at Illicilliwaet to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company as shown on a certain sketch transmitted under cover of a subse- quentletter dated 25th ultimo, reference No. 148817, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, H. B. W. AIKMAN, Agent Dominion Lands. " JHonorable THOMAS WHITE, Minister of º Interior, Ottawa, 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 usmºs--- NEw WESTMINSTER, 18th September 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to state that it will be an advantage to me, to have at your earliest convenience a sketch showing the lands the Canadian Pacific Railway ‘Company are to have the use of at Illicilliwaet station and I would like this sketch to show the width of their right of way. I presume it is not the intention of the Department to give this company the right to sell or lease any of the lands acquired presumably for railway purposes. This sketch if practicable I would like to be mailed to me not later than the 28th instant and mailed to me at Illicilliwaet so that I will receive it the day of the Šale of the town site on 5th prox. I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. Honorable THOMAS WHITE, Minister of the Interior. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 4th October, 1887. SIR,--In reply to your letter of the 18th ultimo (no reference number) I am -directed to say that a copy of the plan therein referred to was sent to you on the 30th ultimo, and I have now to enclose a copy of an Order in Council, dated the 19th -July last, relating to the application of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for station grounds at Illicilliwaet, in the Province of British Columbia. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. T. S. HIGGINson, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that an agent authorized by the Department of the Interior will be at Illicilliwaet, B.C., on Wednesday the fifth day of October, and will offer for sale lots in that town site, the property of the Dominion Government. The terms of sale will be cash. Further information respecting the sale may be ob- tained from the Dominion Lands Agent at New Westminster. By order, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. Department of the Interior, Ottawa, 9th September, 1887. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 26th October, 1887. DEAR SIR,-As I mentioned to you verbally yesterday, Mr. Schreiber has reported upon our application for lands at Revelstoke for station, &c., purposes, and the reference will no doubt be returned to you at once. In addition to the ex- tent of ground to be conveyed to us for railway purposes proper, we desire, as in the -case of Donald, to secure by purchase the further extent of land applied for, as shown on the plan which accompanied my letter, addressed to Mr. Hall on the 20th June. It is very important that at these divisional points, the company should be in a position to prevent whiskey dealers and other objectionable persons from loea- ting themselves near the station and workshops, hence this application, which I shall be obliged if you will have taken into consideration at the earliest possible date. Yours truly, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. A. M. BURGESS, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 31st October, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th instant addressed to the Deputy Minister of the Interior, and to say that the application of 25a-2%º. º. i. 19 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. the Canadian Pacific Bailway Company to purchase certain lands at Revelstoke will be submitted to the Minister of the Interior immediately. I am, sir, &c., JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINK waſ ER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 21st November, 1887. SIR,-Adverting further to your letter of the 26th ultimo, applying for certain lands at Revelstoke, in addition to those required for station purposes, I have the honor to inform you that so far no report on the subject has reached this Depart- ment from the chief engineer of railways. Until such report is received, it will of course be impossible to deal with your application. I have written to the Depart- ment of Railways and Canals upon the subject, stating the effect of your application and mentioning what prevents its being dealt with. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 29th November, 1887. SIR-I am directed to send you herewith file No. 143817, covering the corres- pondence with reference to the land required by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for railway purposes at Revelstoke, and to request that you will prepare the necessary instructions for the survey of those lands as soon as possible. The instructions should be addressed to any properly qualified Dominion lands surveyor that may be selected by the company. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. E. DEVILLE, Esq., Surveyor General. TECHNICAL BRANCH, OTTAWA, 2nd December, 1887. SIR,--I am in receipt of your letter of the 29th ult, transmitting file No. 143817 and asking me to prepare instructions for the survey of the land to be granted to the Canadian Pacific Railway at Revelstoke. Any instructions prepared from the plan which is on the file would be very indefinite, since there is nothing to show where the land is located, or in what directions the boundary lines are intended to run. If absolutely required, I will, however, have a draft of instructions prepared. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company have applied to purchase a further extent of land, which, with the piece to be granted for station purposes, will cover about 500 acres. The land applied for is composed of legal subdivisions 3 and 4 of section 35, legal subdivision 1 of section 34, the easterly part of section 27 (fractional), and the portion of the westerly half of section 26, which is on the north side of the Illicilliwaet River, all in Township 23, Range 2, west of the 6th meridian. If any portion of this land is to be sold to the company I would respectfully recommend that a patent should issue to the company for the whole of the land, required by them, which could then be described by legal subdivisions. It would greatly simplify matters for this Department, and would save the trouble of a survey to the railway company. File No. 143817 is returned enclosed. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, E. DEVILLE, Surveyor General. P. B. Douglas, Esq., Assistant Secretary, Department of the Interior. * 20 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 —rs. º PART II. Consisting of copies of correspondence, papers and plans respectively, relating to the follow- ing subjects : * (a.) The cutting of timber by and for the company for construction and other purposes. (b.) Right of way of “The North-West Coal and Navigation Company” across certain lands, as shown on plan. (c.) Ownership of land on Fonseca street, Winnipeg, on which the Immigration Station there is built. (d.) Odd-numbered sections comprised within the limits of tracts of land leased for grazing purposes, and share of rental to be credited on account of such seations. (e.) Issue of lease to the company for a plot of land within “The Rocky Mountains Park,” for hotel purposes. SUB-PART A. Copies of correspondence and all papers relating to the cutting of timber by and for the company for construction and other purposes. NEw WESTMINSTER, 20th April, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor of addressing you in reference to the timber used in con- struction of the snow sheds in the Rocky Mountains and to enquire if I am correct in treating such timber as coming under clause 19 of the Canadian Pacific Railway Act, in effect, that all timber required for construction of said railway is to be exempt from dues, or in other words are the sheds alluded to supposed to form a part of the eonstruction of the line 7 And I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. 'To the Honorable Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. NEw WESTMINSTER, 20th April, 1887. SIR-I have the honor of referring to my letter of the 16th inst., No. 596 in reference to cedar timber required by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for construction of their snow sheds in the mountains, and which they cannot get from the limits which have been reserved for the construction of their line to Port Moody, and to say that in conversation with Mr. Abbott, General Superintendent of the Mountain Division, he stated distinctly that the object in his opinion or as he under- stood it, in having these limits reserved for their use, was to prevent the company from being victimized by a possibility of a combination of saw mill owners, as they could in effect say, we will give you so and so, a fair price, and if you do not choose to accept our offer we will make it ourselves. This is I think different from the understanding with Mr. Drinkwater; however, no doubt, there will have ere you receive this some communications between that company and your department, the result of which please communicate to me with as little delay as possibie, to enable me to act intelligently in the matter. And I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. The Honorable Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. NEw WESTMINSTER, 22nd April, 1887. SIR-I have the honor to state that I have for several days spent a good part of my timé at Port Moody, examining the books of the Canadian Pacific Railway Com: any, and find that within the last twelve months, or since the commencement of Mr. Ábbott's management, they have cut or caused to be cut, principally on Domin- ion lands, between Donald and the coast, 42,016 cords of wood, 36,104 ties, 2,000 telegraph poles and 122,308 lineal feet of round timber. I may say that all ºf the above, except the cordwood, were used on the Westminster branch and Port Moody extension. The wood was used both in operating the line and for construction, i. e., 21 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888, for engines used in ballasting and conveyance of snow shed timber, I intend dis- cussing the cordwood question with Mr. Abbott in a few days, and arriving at some mutually satisfactory solution of it. And I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. The Hon. Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. NEw WESTMINSTER, 25th ——, 1887. SIR,--I had the honor on the 22nd instant, No. 601, to enclose you a statement of cordwood, ties, &c., cut by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company up to the 1st inst. I now beg to enclose correspondence between H. Abbott, Esq., General Superin- tendent of the Western Division, and myself, in reference thereto. I have not had an opportunity of talking to him since I procured the statement, but on what grounds he claims exemption from dues as expressed in his letter of the 14th inst., I cannot conceive. The cordwood forms much the greater amount of the whole. The contracts entered into by him on behalf of his company, I have minutely ex- amined, and find that in almost the whole of them he distinctly stipulates and expresses in writing that his company shall pay all Government dues. It is unneces- sary therefore, for him to appeal to have the contractors relieved as they are not liable. True, a certain portion of the cordwood was used in supplying fuel for the engines used in ballasting and conveying snow shed timber last summer between Donald and Savona, which no doubt would be construed as meaning for construction, and I in- tend on the first opportunity I have of discussing the proportion that should be allowed for that purpose, and arriving at some mutually satisfactory and equitable division of it, as mentioned in mine of date and number above alluded to, i. e., 24th April, 1887, No. 601, what has been used between Donald and Savona, but all cord- wood, ties, and timber of all kinds used between Savona and Port Moody since Mr. Onderdonk handed the road over to the Government on the 1st July last, should be liable to dues, whether in operating the line or for construction, for the reason (if I am correctly informed) that they refuse to accept that portion of the line from the Government without being allowed a large sum to complete it, in a manner supposed to be satisfactory to them (the Canadian Pacific Railway Company). I have ex- plained the whole circumstances of the matter thus fully, so that you will be in pos- session of all the facts in the event of the company appealing to you to coincide with the views expressed by Mr. Abbott, in his letter of the 14th instant, a copy of which find attached; this in all probability they will do, as I am informed that Mr. Abbott leaves to-morrow for Ottawa. There are no means whereby an actual partition of the wood used for the fuel could be made, designating the quantity used for operat- ing the line from that used for construction, but the number of construction trains used between Donald and Savona would not compare with those used for operating the line, and besides construction trains were in operation only seven months of the year and ran only in day time, whereas the operating ones ran, the entire twelve months and both day and night, so that I consider if they were allowed 15,000 cords for construction account between the points named (Donald and Savona) it would be about a just amount. And I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Hon. Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. NEw WESTMINSTER, 2nd April, 1887. DEAR SIR,-Will you please send me a statement giving names of all contractors who are cutting ties, piles or timber other than cordwood for your company on 22 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. f Dominion lands in your division, nature of their contracts and defining the lands on which you have given such permission. e Truly yours, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Urown Timber Agent. H. ABBOTT, Esq., General Superintendent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Port Moody, B.C. PoRT Moody, 7th April, 1887. DEAR SIR,-Referring to yours of the 2nd inst., the only contractor cutting tim- ber on Government lands, so far as I know is Mou Chow, who is getting out 2,000 telegraph poles at Natch Hill. All other contractors undertake to pay stumpage, and so far as I know, they are getting the material off their own land. Yours truly, H. ABBOTT, General Superintendent. T. S. HIGGINson, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster. CHICKwous, 9th April, 1887. DEAR SIR,-Your favor of the 7th duly received in reference to ties, cordwood, poles, telegraph poles, &c. My impression was that you gave your contracts at a suitable price, exempting the parties from Government dues. If, however, this is not the case, please deduct them from all parties without they have a clearance from me. I have invariably made it a point (instead of hampering) to assist the construc- tion of the main line to Port Moody. The only way I can collect the dues on timber, such as specified above, without interfering with your operations is through you, as otherwise parties will require to get permits, pay dues in advance and all that sort of thing, in order that the dues would be secure. This in many instances would interfere with your operations. Kindly write me to New Westminster where I will be about the 14th inst. Truly yours. T. S. HIGGINSON, Crown Timber Agent. H. ABBOTT, Esq., Port Moody. PoRT MooDY, 14th April, 1887. DEAR SIR,-Referring to your favor of the 9th instant I propose acting on your suggestion, and making the deduction of Government dues from all ties, wood and telegraph pole contractors in future, but I think it would be desirable that they should be relieved from this embargo on what is due in cases where they do not owe the Government anything. As soon as practicable I would like you to arrange accord- ingly. ^ Truly yours, H. ABBOTT, General Superintendent. T. S. HIgGINson, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster. 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) STATEMENT of Ties, Cordwood, &c., cut for the Canadian Pacific Railway up to 1st April, 1887, from Donald to Port Moody. * sº # sºmmº; gº tº e º º ſº º q * * e g º ºx tº a sºn º dº e º e º 'º 2,508 ||.T. 4,980 tº gº © tº º tº ºt 1,668 * c e º e º e º wº 100 ! ........ 41,515 1,358 42,873 & ſº tº º ſº º e º a s 1, 758 &f ºº & R & © tº $6 tº e º 'º e º is tº gº tº e º 'º wº & se º * tº º G & º is g ºn tº º O & • * is ºf s ſº e s tº º º is * c is e º & ºne - ſº tº dº * * * & © tº dº ſº dº º ſº tº • * e º 'º º is e & *º º e º 'º sº * * * * * * * * * tº º º, º & e º e º ſº tº tº º tº # tº dº e g tº a stº tº gº tº e º 'º º de fº s tº s” it: S : Tº gº gºo :- -- "c “30- 5 an °s-, 3 3 || 5 & 24 :- : # was a tº º º ºs ºº & e sº e º & n a se tº a tº a tº sº. * tº Gotº º Aº e s & # e s s gº e º 'º º q e º 'º e e º e is a e º 'º e s = a tº e º 'º tº dº º tº º 4 e s tº e º 'º e º e º p e & º e º sº e º e º ſº. g et & © & tº gº tº º tº e tº º tº gº w w & e º 'º e sº º • * * * * * * * * * * a see tº tº º ºs º e G set a f * * * * * tº gº º sº tº tº e º ſº º º sº tº gº tº e º ſº e º 'º 31 * * g g g g º 'º e º 'º º ºs º is sº º sº dº tº $º as º º º is tº e e is a s a º e º º & ºt tº ſº 1 g º ºs e º e s a e s tº tº gº tº * * * * * * * * g º ºn tº dº e º a º a s sº e º 'º e º º w is e g º & © tº gº e º 'º e º a se a G is s is tº e º us tº sº. tº gº ºn 9 º' º ºr e g º 'º ºld e º ſe tº e º a g º e g º º ſº º ge ſº e s a ſº e º º ºſº º a sº a 4 tº u : * tº & e º sº tº º Ae (pe e g º sº e g tº º º sº e º ºs e º 'ºe & Cº, º a * @ e º a tº e º ſet tº sº e º e º ºs e º e º 'º e º 'º Cº. & * * * * * **** * * * * *s s a g º a tº t tº e º 'o e tº gº º ºt tº e º e º º q & gº e º & tºº s is a g º & © e º e º & © tº es e º sº º ºr e º sº ºn tº ºg sº e º tº e º e º 'º º º sº ea e º 'º e o e see tºº a e s 6 e º w e º 6 º' cººl, s ºr ºf c > tº & v tº a tº e º 'º s : « g º e º e •ess seese. 1,758 63 |......... * * * g º C & 3 º' e º 'º º º • * * * * * e º 'º º 'º e º & wº; swº tº º tº 4 a tº dº sº ºf * @ e º º is © & Gº e s ºt tº * iſ a g o se s e.g. ºeos a e exe e º a se tº gº ºr e º a a se e º e º e o we sº # * tº a 122,308 6,016 a 0 ºr g c e º ſº º q e g º º ſº nº tº t; * * g g a ſº tº ſº e º ºsº g * † ºr e º de & ** * * > * > * * > tº tº º nº e º 'º s e in a ºn tº e º is a ºn tº a tº º ºr * *º dº s 700 tº º º ſº. # * * * * * * * * * | * g e º a * * * tº gº º ſº stº &ſº S e º sº e º 'º sº as 1,024 * * * * * * * * * * > * > * > * * * * is ºn ſº ºf *...*i s & a tº is tº e º 'º' * g º e º dº tº tº º tº º sº gº tº tº e º 'º . 6,911 * g º G, º ſº tº ºth º tº º ºs e º 'º º is tº as nº e º et e º e º 'º st e dº º º º ** & e º 'º dº º º *** * * * * * * * tº º is tº tº $ tº e e s tº ſº º e º º º 'º º º ºr & e s sº - be a e o ºs e e Q & 9 ºr * * * * * * * * * tº we e º º 6 s e º sº a tº gº dº e a a w is is ºn tº gº tº º u º a s e º 'º e º 'º e tºº & ſº & gº º a * g º tºº ºf , tº dº e º e º 'º tº dº e º & © & & ſº tº º * * * * g º e º & & © tº gº tº wº tº e º e s tº tº º º tº gº is tº e º & © tº was a tº tº º tº gº tº g * tº g tº e º 'º e º 'º Kwoug-ou-Woo and Lamb Chung ..... Mou-Chow * f º ſº º tº dº º ºs e º 'º e º s Peter Genelle. ........ g J. J. McKinnon........ Ah Yeu C.P.R. oblige themselves to pay all Government dues...... O O tº gº tº º their written contract *} tº e º Aiº ſº ºn tº ſº e º ºn tº º º Kwong, Joy & Co..... do do tº e º Ah Woo ......... ge e dº º tº do do ſº º º D. Fawcett .............. do do Q ſº ſº A. C. McDonald ...... do do * * * Lusk & Grimes ........ do do gº º ºn W. H. Lilly. ........ tº º ge do do & © . Duchesne & Spencer. do do gº & & Landgrew ...........---- do do tº gº tº O. Cameron ..........., do do tº e Q F. Binns.................. do do tº gº lowing persons, the | O.P.R. have inserted a clause whereby the } Contractors are re- | quired to pay Govern- Jim Bow................. | In contract with the fol- i l ment dues. .............. L. A. Aggaziz......... John Patterson ....... R. Hudon ..... ......... do dio . J. J. Scott...."----...... do do 4 * J. R. Robinson ........ T. Bigger....... e sº at e º º is e gº G. Lecroix . ............ W. B. Perkins ..... & gºt do do $º e gº J. J. Armour........... do do tº & ºr M. Lecroix.............. do do Ü & Cº. D. Robinson............ do do tº ſº tº Moore & Garrett...... do do & © ºf J. H. L. Wilson. ..... do do tº cº º W. Wales ............... do do * * * 6S Leamey & McGilli- VTºy -, -------. tº º ſº º 'º e º ſº Keefer... . .............. ' San Francisco Bridge Co., 1,257 pcs., say 30 ft. each e & © tº e º ſº tº e g º º C. McDonough........ do do º Mou-Chow tº a e A s sº º e º sº e º do do © e g J. Wren * * * * * * * * * * * 4 tº e º a º H. Geddings ......... * * do do ... H. Ferguson ... . . ..... do do tº ſº tº ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *e is ee tº e º 'º ee e g º e g g a s is a de & se tº 1,027 J- g ºn e º 'º ºr = n, 3,758 167,792 * * * * * * * * s & © & © tº Cº. * * * * > * * * * 24 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 * xià ºmºsºm RECAPITULATION. foll Returns received from the Canadian Pacific Railway up to the 1st April, 1887, show the Ollowing:— Cordwood, 41,515 cerds, upon which the C. P. R., in their contracts, expressly stipulated that they would pay all Government dues. do 1,358 cords, on which the O. P. R. Co hold the Contractors liable for dues. Ties, 42,173, on which the C. P. R. hold the parties liable for dues. Piles and Round Cedar, 167,792 lineal feet. Telegraph Poles, 3,758. Ships' Knees, 63. Fence Posts, 6.911. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 11th May, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo, No. 614, enclosing correspondence between Mr. H. Abbott and yourself in reference to Cordwood, ties, &c., cut by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, up to the 1st of April last. I am, sir, your obedient servant, . P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. T. S. HIGGINSON, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B. C. (Telegram.) NEw WESTMinstER, B.C., 27th May, 1887. Shall I prevent railway from cutting timber for snow sheds on other than two Columbia River limits 7 T. S. HIGGINSON. To A. M. BURGEss. (Telegram.) DEPARTMENT of THE INTER1oR, OTTAwa, 27th May, 1887. Canadian Pacific Railway Company have agreed to confine themselves to the limits reserved for them, if not doing so report by mail where they are trespassing and upon the whole question. A. M. BURGESS, per G. W. R. T. S. Higginson, Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.Q. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTÉ RIOR, OTTAWA, 3rd June, 1887. f SIR-I am directed to say that in reply to your telegram of the 27th ultimo the following telegram was sent to you on the same date: “Canadian Pacific Railway Company have agreed to confine themselves to the limits reserved for them, if not doing so report by mail where they are trespassing and upon the whole question.” I am, sir, your obedient servant P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. T. S. HIGGINSON, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 3rd June, 1887. SIR,--I am directed by the Deputy Minister of the Interior to remind you that certain timber limits on the Columbia River and the Kicking Horse River, in the Province of British &olumbia, were reserved for your company in order that the company might obtain whatever timber was necessary for construction purposes. It is now reported that the company's officers are not observing this arrangement in good faith, but are cutting upon lands not reserved for their purposes. I am directed to say that your officers and agents should be warned not to cut timber out- side of the berths in question. You will be furnished with further particulars in due time, but it is thought well in the meantime to apprise you of the information which & 25 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. is coming into this Department, so that you may be in a position to take the requisite action at once. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C, DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th June, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to say that, for the information of the Crown timber agent, the Minister of the Interior thinks it desirable that the south-easterly boundary of umber berth numbered fifteen, on the Columbia River, which berth has been reserved for your company, be surveyed, and to request that you witl be so good as to cause the said survey to be made. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. Eactract from letter from T. S. Higginson, dated 31st May, 1887, No. 720. I also went to the round houses of the company at the division points of Kamp- loops and Donald, inspected the fire screens of their engines, found two of them the screens of which were not riveted down and as they, the company, had promised me they would do with them all, and wrote to Mr. Johnson, the mechanical engineer of the company, insisting upon that being done at once. During this month I also spent two days at Port Moody and one at Vancouver with the accountant of the com- pany for the Pacific division, J. D. Townley, examining their contract and procuring returns of all ties, telegraph poles and cordwood used by the company since H. Abbott became manager. These will be forwarded to you in a few days. NEw WESTMINSTER, 1st June, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to refer to the matter of timber required by the Cana- dian Pacific Railway Company, to complete the construction of their main line in the Pacific division and to submit the following correspondence in reference thereto. 1st. To my letter to you of the 15th March last, No. 529, enquiring if they were in future to be confined to the limits reserved for their use for construction purposes. 2nd. Your reply dated 5th April following, No. 11,771, reference No. 142793, and enclosing a copy of a communication from Mr. Burgess to Mr. Drinkwater, dated the 16th September, 1886, in reference to confining the company to those limits so reserved for all timber required for construction purposes in future. 3rd. My letter to Department, dated the 16th April, No. 596, in reply to yours of the 5th of same month, pointing out that there was no cedar on the limits reserved for the company and as cedar was the principal wood used in construction of snow sheds, it would be necessary for them to procure it from the vacant Dominion lands, other than the reserved lands alluded to. 4th. Copy of my telegram to you, dated the 26th May, asking if you wish me to prevent the company from cutting timber for snow sheds on other than the two limits on Columbia River. 5th. Your reply thereto, dated 28th May, requesting me to report if they are trespassing. 6th. Copy of my letter, dated 30th May, to H. Abbott, General Superintendent Pacific division, Canadian Pacific Railway, assuring him that an arrangement was made by Mr. Drinkwater (on behalf of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company) with the Department of the Interior, whereby all timber required for future construction of the road was to be taken from the reserved limits in question. & 7th. Reply of Mr. Abbott, of same date, in answer to mine, stating that he had recently a conversation in Montreal with Mr. Drinkwater, who apparently had for- gotten the arrangement made with your department. 26 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A, 1888. t ** 8th. Mr. Abbott stating that he claimed the right under contract, between the company and the Government, to take timber for construction purposes, anywhere on vacant crown lands—and that he had already made contracts for the cutting of timber on such vacant crown lands, If therefore you decide to allow the company to ignore the arrangements made by Mr. Drinkwater on their behalf, which arrangement, as I understood it, was the sºle cause of the limits, 115 square miles, being reserved for them, I would take the liberty of suggesting that these limits be put up to public competition as the object of the reservation has not been obtained, and I see no reason under the circum- stances, why the department should lose their annual ground rent of $575. I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Honorable Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, PACIFIC LIVISION, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT's OFFICE, VANCOUVER, B.C., 30th May, 1887. DEAR SIR,-Referring to your favor of to-day's date regarding the cutting of timber on the company's limit near Donald, I have to inform you that I had some conversation with Mr. Drinkwater recently in Montreal on this subject and he told me that there had been no arrangement with the Government whereby we were to cut the timber required for snow sheds on the limit in question, but that we were at liberty to cut timber wherever most convenient on unlicensed crown lands same as heretofore and as is provided in the company's contract with the Government for the cutting of timber for construction purposes. I can only say in regard to your statement that if such an arrangement were made, it would be impossible for us to get the Snow sheds constructed this season, inasmuch as in the first place there is no suitable timber, viz., cedar, on the limit, and the limit is so far removed from the points where the work is to be constructed that it would increase the cost enor- mously and delay the work. Acting under the arrangement as I understood it from Nir. Drinkwater, I have since made contracts for the cutting of timber on the un- granted, lands of the crown in the mountains convenient to the site of the work. Yours truly, w H. ABBOTT, General Superintendent. T. S. HIGGINSON, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster. NEw WESTMINSTER, 30th May, 1887. DEAR SIR,-In reference to the conversation between us, in regard to timber, required for completing the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, there was an arrangement made in 1886 between Mr. Drinkwater, on behalf of that company, and the Department of the Interior, that all timber required in future for that pur. pose was to be taken from the limits reserved for the company on the Columbia and Kicking Horse Rivers and Otter Tail Creek. Truly yours, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. H. ABBOTT, Esq., General Supt. Canadian Pacific Railway, Vancouver. A NEw WESTMINSTER, B.C., 1st June, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your telegram of the 28th (? 27th) ult., in which you state that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have agreed to confine themselves to the limits reserved for them, and requesting me to report if they are trespassing on other lands. In reply I beg to draw your attention to my report of this date, No. 724, by which you will see that the company, represented by Mr. Abbott, General Superin- tendent of the Pacific Division, ignores the arrangement made by Mr. Drinkwater, 27 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 and have already given contracts for cutting timber on lands other than those reserved for them; one W. S. Mackay having made a contract for two millions of feet to be cut in Eagle Pass, anywhere on vacant Dominion lands, by authority of the company. If, therefore, you allow them to cut on lands other than those reserved for construction purposes, then the object of this reservation is dissipated, as I presume the sole object in your agreeing to reserve these limits for or during construction of the road was to prevent them slashing down timber right and left, wherever they chose, thereby increasing the risk of forest fires, Your object, therefore, having been defeated, I do not see any reason why this reservation should not be removed and these limits placed on the market, as they are the most valuable limits we have on the Selkirk Mountains. The company might remonstrate against this, and the only argument they could produce would be their fear of being cornered by mill owners and made to pay more for lumber for main- tenance of the road than they thought reasonable. In reply I may say that they would run no more danger of this than other railways in other parts of the Dominion, in fact not so much so, as mill owners in the mountains are practically at the mercy of the Company in regards to freight, and they will always be too glad to furnish the company with lumber at reasonable rates. Another object in placing these limits on the market would be the annual ground rent the Department would receive, amounting to $575 besides the bonus. The whole respectfully submitted. I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 13th June, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 3rd instant, letter No. M. 2472, Reference No. 142313, T. and M., respecting the cutting of timber on certain limits on the Columbia and Kicking Horse Rivers. I have taken the matter up with the superintendent of the division, and will communicate with you again when I am in a position to do so. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th June, 1887. SIR,--I duly received your letter of the 13th instant, with further reference to the cutting of timber by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company on certain limits on the Columbia and Kicking Horse Rivers, and am also in receipt, through the Crown timber agent of this Department at New Westminster, of a letter addressed to that officer on the 30th May, by Mr. Abbott, your General Superintendent (a copy of which I enclose here with), in which Mr. Abbott states that you told him that there had been no arrangement with the Government whereby your company were to i. the cutting of timber for snow-sheds on the limit reserved for them near Olſlå ICl. In view of the understanding arrived at between yourself, on behalf of the com- pany and this Department, I must say that I am surprised at Mr. Abbott's state- ment, and I have now to inform you that if Mr. Abbott correctly expresses the views of the company on this subject, the Minister of the Interior cannot see any reason for continuing to reserve specific timber limits for the company, those already reserved for the use of the company being so valuable that they would readily com- mand a good price in the market, w I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Acting Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal, 28 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. NEw WESTMINSTER, 10th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor herewith to enclose statement of cordwood cut by or for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, from December, 1885, to 31st May, 1887, showing amount due by them $4,744.75, which amount they are preparing to pay. I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Honorable Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. STATEMENT of Cordwood delivered to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company between Donald and Port Moody and branches on Pacific Division, from 1st December; 1885, to 31st May, 1887. Date. By whom delivered. Locality. Quantity. Total. 4... 5... do 8... do 12... b }*. Landgrew.............. A. G. McDonald...... & ſº Lusk & Grimes............. J. Brinkmair......----------. C. Cameron..... ----. ..... Spencer & Holland........ Donald to Stony Creek........ Farewell to summit of Eagle 8,88, * * * * * * * * * tº gº a g º tº g º e º & © tº e º ºsº Farewell. 3 e º O tº e s se tº G & 9 g º e º u tº & © e º 'ºtº & Cº. Nelson's • * * * * * e ea º e a tº ea c & a ſº see & e º ſº tº 9 June 4.-- G. Lecroix. * * * * * * e s a tº a se a see es Miomen. ********* * * * * * * * * * * * ********* do 7... L. A. Aggaziz. e e s tº * ºr & © ºn e º ºs Aggaziz e - © tº º •e et be e s vs ea es e º ºs e e º see e do 9... Kwong-ou-woo e see e g º gº ee tº e Yale ee se et ee a tº * > © ºë e º ee ea e e s e e º e º sº e º 'º - 4... 10... 12... 31... 31 tº º ve July do do do do August 31... do 31... Mou-chow ... ---------. Kwong-ou-woo. © tº tº e º O tº e º 'ºt, L. A. Aggaziz ......------- M. Landgrew................ Mou-chow • a e g º q & © a e º te e º Aº Q & © 3 * tº º ºsº º a M. Landgrew. a e see tº do e º see ea Kwong-ou-woo * * * g c tº e º e º & © tº e Tappan and Natch Hill......... Yale tº a tº ſº tº • * * * * r * de e tº e º ºs e º e º 44 g º O e º & Albert Canyon. ** @ 9 & 2 g is e s ºr it e º Go tº a Y ale. 4 g º e º 'º e e & e ºs e wee et e º see see e s e º e º a Cords. 3,980 1,158 130 11,144 5,013 4,975 366 1... do 6... 30... 30... 30... 30... 80... 30... 30... 31... de 31... 31... 31... 31... 31... M ..lp. Genelle.......... & a sº e º sº © tº a ..!Cox & McDonald .......... e J. McCoun * * * * * & © tº es e ee o ee ese g Mou-chow ..................... Ah Yeu...... .... ------------- Ah Yeu ---------...... --------- Mou-chow ..................... Mou-chow ............. Landgrew ........... -------- P. Genelle.................... Cox & Co...------............. McCoun....................... * Gº-º-º-º: M. Landgrew................ Kwong-ou-woo. tº a C & b & e º e º e º a Y l (Mou-chow • * see tº e s toº stºre e a e e º 'º e ou-chow e sº tº be a tº dº º º º e º e º see J. McMahon .................. ..lS. Goodfellow ............... T. Hardy • * * * * *eet be ºbes ae see a A. Wallins... tº e º 'º ecºtº - e see ecºte Tappan ... •-------------------, -----. ope s's e º 'º e s tº A. e ºs e º e º e º 'º e s tº & e º 'º e º 'º a sº Hope • * * * * * * * * * g tº e º e º ſee tº ºº e º e º V & © & ſº º ſº Tap 8.I] • eº e º º ºs e º O ſº tº e º O ſº dº e º O & tºº & © tº e Griffin Lake ...... ... Albert Canyons..... .... --------. Roger's Pass..............--------. Revelstoke........... • e º is ºw ºr Revelstoke....... ...--------------, see e º 'º ºf tº a Albert Canyon..................... 8, © * * ee e º q e º ete e º e 5 e º e º e º tº see ee e. e º see tº Tappan. •e tº et e see ee ested be se ete a ee ece Griffin Lake gº ee e º 'o e º E tº e º e º a tº tº gº tºº ºt Roger's Pass....................... Revelstoke.-----------------....... O ge eas a tº escat et e º see Qee r s ea º e • e º 'º e º e º 'º & © tº gº e º ºth º º Gº & © tº e º 'º tº a see tº e o e º e et at eae as a e e º sº es e º 'º we se de & e et & $ft tº e º e º 60 Wº hº e g g g c tº ea es & © Q&e 1,393 4,201 3,182. 29 51 Victoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) —I- STATEMENT of Cordwood delivered to the Canadian Pacific Railway, &c.—Continued. Date. -º-, By whom delivered. sºmº- Locality. Quantity. Total. 3 0. 3 Ö. ºe tº Kwong-ou-woo tº a tº Q & © w a º e C & ..|Mou-chow -....... ......... © . J. McCoun. ..... .... ..... ...|J. McMahon ................. ..|S. Goodfellow ......... ...... ..|T. Hardy .............. tº º ºr e º e º 'º ..I.A. Wallins..................... ..|R. Thompson............... . D. McDonald ................ ..|M. Landgrew ................ ..|Kwong-ou-woo ...... ...... Y ..|W. H. Litty tº º do ..|P. Genelle ..|Duchene & Spencer ....... ...|R. Thomson ................ ..] Cox & Co........... © C º f t is e º 'º a .I.T. Hardy ........... ..|A. Wallins. ...... tº ºr D. Gillis * * * * * * * “. . . . • * - gº & P ..|M. Landgrew ................ •|Kwong-ou-woo.............. ..] W. H. Litty •ld. J. Armour .--------...... º D. Fawcett * * * ſº tº y º e º e * - e º egg tº e ..|P. Genélle ..l.J. McKinnon.............. e & Grº ..|Duchene & Spencer ... ... “[L. A. Aggaziz ............... ...] T. Cox. ..] D. McDonald.......... . ..|T, Hard e - M. Landgrew. * c e º O e º a c e g g a tº tº Kwong-ou-woo. tº º ſº tº º tº º Gº tº a tº e º J. J. Atmour. e see e. e. e. e. e º see G - P. Fawcett................... tº s Aggaziz e tº tº dº & º as ºg " e ºa e e geº, ... P. Genelle 's r ..|Duchene T. Co © & A. Wal t IlS * * * g º e º ſe us g o O © a º T. Hardy. … & J. McD nald tº dº tº e º tº º ſº º º ſº tº ſº © e º 'º tº ºr W © º Siwash Jim. • * * > 0 tº e º ºs -------- do wº, e g º O & © tº o see e º ge a set, ſº Cox e - ºr ſº tº * * * * * * > * * * “... Mou-chow eºs a we e < e < * ... • tº Go ete * - © tº gº tº w w is a tº 4 e - © e º ºsº ºn g e - tº ee ee see & * 4 = t e º ſº e o e º e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º a & © y º gº tº º ſº tº e º ſº º sº e g º º s e º e º O ee seesewºº & © e o e o e º e s > gº Y. * @ e º 'º a tº º is º gº tº a tº gº tº & © e º 'º' 4. * * * * * * * * *e is e & Q Gº e º º 0. tº sº e o e º se a e º sea e s s Mou-chow * - ºr e º 'º as sº • a tº ºt tº as see ºr & Spencer....... Cox. ** & & © tº º O & © tº quee tº g tº * tº we sº tº tº e ao ; ; * us e º sº a • * * * * * see? we e s at sesse g do Billy................. Yale • a e g º ºse e º e º 4 tº e o 'º e º a de sº tº tº a º ºs e º tº 6 at Tappan .......... ............ ------ Griffin Lake ........................ Revelstoke...... e lº & © tº 9 tº º ſº º ºs e º e s tº º º * * * * * * ~ * * e e º ſº tº e º sº. Donald... ........................... Griffin Lake Tappan............ --------, ... Beaver. © tº º dº e º e J & & tº e º ºr e Blueberry .................. ......... tº º ºs º º sº ºc Revelstoke sº e º 8 e º ºr e º & & © º e o O s a s e º 'º º O : tº e a ſe v c be e o eu e º 0 & e e º e s tº ee to we e g a tº ºp º º ºn * & eous ſº sº. A tº ſº e º G & º e & t tº a sº & º ºs e º º e º & © tº 9 e º me s tº e Tain Bute a tº e & © tº - tº e º º te e ee tº be e º are e º e North Bend * * * * * * * ~ * * , a c e e º 'º e º e º 'º º twº Donald............ .................. Wharnock................... . Bear Creek ......................... Beaver * as a t e º q as tº a 1 ſº tº e º ſº the ſee tº a º ºs e º e e Donald. .................... ......... do tº a se e º e º º ſº º e º 'ºº &º e G & P - sº fe ºn e º 'º a Aggaziz ------------------........... Bear Creek. ..... do do gº a se tº ee tº e as do t * G sº wºº tº dº e º e º e º Oe we sease se a v e a ſº • * * * *sses ºssessees tº @ 6 º' ºn 6 e & e º e º O & sº ºr e º is º e º e º º 0 & & © º sº Tain Bute. • * * * * * * * * & © ºs e º 'º e e s tº e g g g g g a do e e o O - G - e º e º ſº • * * * * tºº e º ºpe, e - tº * do . * * tº & Revelstoke. Js ess tº * * * * * * & sº seeds ecº • - W. Doig * * * * * * * * see 9 s ee e g º e see e •|A. McDonald................ do do e tº e º & tº sets tº e º e º sº e C & a see tº a y * e * * * @ & W & © tº sº e g º O sº tº e º 'º & ſº tº Tain Bute. -----........ ...... ..... North Bend............... ſº gº º & © º & ſº º Griffin Lake q e º º e º ºs e s a e º e > * *e sº e tºw © Wharnock......... ................. Bear Creek. ...... * Qº so see tº e º ſº º e g º be Aggaziz us we o 'o e º 'º ee we et as ** * * * * * * * * * * * ºver. ............... ............... Donald. ---------------------------- Bear Creek. ...... .............. --- do do e e º see e º ee coº N 4's ow we dº tº £ tº 8 Tain Bute. * @ e º O ſº e g º O sº tº ºn tº gº tº ºbº --------- do . * * e e sº ee e º & so tº cº e ºr ºre re peº us tº we be e o e º tº es tº e º e º ºs e º 'º a do ... Salmon River...................... do e i e see e. e o sº a et we is e^* * * do Jim. tº tº ee eeeoº e tº e eccee do e be e see tº e see - we see ººº. Cords. 198 3,172 2,951 2,733. -51 Victoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) a-ºr- STATEMENT of Cordwood delivered to the Canadian Pacific Railway, &c.—Continued. Date. By whom delivered. Locality. Quantity. Ca tain Jim......... tº 6 º' Gº & Gº p R. ovitt. tº º ſº tº º ** tºº so e º º ſº º e º is e tº . Siwash Charlie. ............ do Frank................ do Charlie.............. do Jim....... ............ Jo Shookum -................ Siwash Jo e e º e º sººº tº e s a c e s a c e º º Indian Charlie .............. Billy Williams ........ ...... ..|Siwash George........ ...... ~ & 0. 8,\l sees ess º go ºr e g º os e e s p is tº C. Jones.. tº ee e º e º 6 º' is e º e º e g ses do Cats’ Landing............... ...... do do 449 s tº G & sº a gº to e º e º “º e º 'º' * * * > * > 0 & º e.g. pse tº a se e s tº tº e s a si e º sº º º sº e º º ºs & a do Ruby Creek........................ do do do e s e º e º sº e º so see s a e e º 'º e º sº * º, we gº w w & & sº * * * * * > & © a sº es ed e ear º e º ºdº º e º e º e g c wººd º & © & do tº gº sº tº e g º gº º sº gº gº tº e º se e s tº a Ruby Creek. iº e º ſº tº ete eg tºº eu- tº & sº ºn e s O tº e º 'o e º Gº se e º cº e º 'º e o 'º • * * ses e º t e º e º y º t e ºth tº º ºs º a ºn tº e º e º e º e º e º e º s is sº e º & rº tº e º e º 'º e & G = * * * * = & Cº we e º e = sº a sº tº s a g º e º ºs º is ſº e º a tº esºta Tainbute. w North Bend.......... ---------...... Donald ............... Wharnock........................... Bear Creek ........... ............ New W. Junction...... • * tº e a e º g se Harrison e = g º e º a º º & is a se e º º e º 'º as Beaver --------------- ............. Doriald........ * * ee e º º tº º e s e º see e. g. * G - G Bear Creek....... --------......... do *** * * do * * * * * * * * * > tº e º sº tº v Tainbute • do do s e º º sº wº, º e º f tº * * * * * * * * e º 'º e º & tº e º e º * * O e e e º ºs e is ºne tº e º e a e º e º e s e e s tº e s a Revelstoke * * * * g c e º tº t e º 'º e g c e º e º & & O tº sº e º 'º e º 'º e º e º a tº º, º e e s 6 tº s tº e º e º 'º e º & C re e º 'º e º 'º º q t e º 'º º ** * * * * * * * * * * - e e º cº e º a dº e º is Tainbute * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º te is gº e º º ſº. * * * * * * * * * * * c e º e º 'ºº & is º we & sea do North Bend...... tº a tº gº º º 'º e º 'º & © & © tº e º ſº Wharnock....... ............ .. Jº dº ºf Bear Creek. ---------............--- New W. Junction................ Harrison.----------.................. Donald...-------- & © & © e º & © tº * g e º 'º a tº e º e º e Bear Creek.----------------....... O * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º t e º e º ee e.g. do * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ºne ºº e s e e Tainbute...---------------.......... do ..., do we & 8 & & e º sº e º & sº e ºpe e s tº e s sº e º & & sº tº North Bend. ge e º 'º 3 & Gºtº º gº ºſs tº º tº e º O & a O • use • a see e s see ee e s see sº e gºes sº see c as - as e º see eº y º 15 : ---> Total. ..l.J. M. ..|F. L. Cox ...... ...------...... ..|D. McDonald.......... ...... ..! A. Wallins....... e v. e. g. see ºne in a ſº º -ID. Gillis................ ...... ..l.J. McDonald................. ..!Chittiwack Jo.............s . Siwash George.............. Jolly Jack ....... tº e º & tº tº ºf tº e º see G. Jones and Jim. ....... Captain Tom................ . M. Landgrew ....... ......... ..|Kwong-ou-woo............. .., | W. H. Lill ...l.J. J. Armour........... tº e º e s ∈ ..] D. Fawcett. ...... & Cº º ºr ºr ſº - e º ſº tº ºf ..|Kwong-ou-woo ....... ...... ..!C. A. Young.... ... .... . * y * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P. Genelle a tº e º º ºs e º ºs e º e s tº e s tº ºn tº irwan • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M. McDonald. ............... P. Conroy ....... tº e º 'º a tº gº ee s a ..|R. Edwards..... ... .......... R. F. Mooering.............. e - W. Doi • * * * * * * * * * tº see sº º ºs e º ºs e * - J. R. Roat * * * * tº & tº 4 “. J. Crawford...... • ***** a ºn tº G W. Miller...................... 1. M. Landgrew. tº 9 e º ſº •s:------ Kwong-ou-woo ....... ..... J. J. Armour................. D. Fawcett. ................ §ºoy and Ling Kee C. A. Young. ..... . ........ ‘Dughesne & Spencer...... T. L. Cox ....... tº tº ºtº es e a e ee ev D. McDonald................. A. Wallins * * * > * > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D. Gillis. ***** **** * ºne º a c e º sº es e e P. McQeimmin.............. P. Conroy..................... tº e J. McDonald....... tº ee tº see & tº W. Millar. •ases ºlº e º O Q º: E. Edwards.................. P. Roat. a s a gº tº e º ſº a tº tº se be º e º e º e e P, Doig. ** * * * * * * * * *e is ee e. e. we e g º a M. McKewan.................. "C. Munroe...... .............. do • * * * * * * * * *e a e o e º f * * > * *ge gee tº s Tain Bute ********* e gº tº º ºs e º O & © & © tº tº dº Révelstoke. • , eº & e º ºs e e º 'º e º e º a c e so e º te e do Aº do tº ºve e º 'º dº it tº set ºf a tº e º e º a e s e tº a Donald. tº e º sººt tº e º e º see ea ºa e º e º e s a e º a Tappan. • sº * * * * * * * * * * * * sº as eeeº e s & eº 2,057 1,553 31 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) *— STATEMENT of Cordwood delivered to the Canadian Pacific Railway, &c.—Concluded. { ºn * Date. By whom delivered. emº - Locality. Quantity. Total. l ... Siwash Dick........ tº ſº º º ſº º ſº e º e ... [Siwash Tom ... [Indian Bisshill............... ..|Siwash George .............. ... 10. Thompson..... ........... ..|Siwash Andy......... tº º is ſº e º & ... [S. Aa. Jim & C. Jones.... • Charley Paul................. ... Siwash Charlie ..l.J. McDonald.................. ..l.). Barker. ........ ........... tº s is sº e º sº e º see e s ...|Kwong Joy & L. Kee...... ... iC A. Y. ..|W. P. Harris. ........, © e º s > ..|Duchene & Spencer...... tº a ..l.J. B. Roat............... ê e º ſº tº ...[E. Edwards................... ..|W. Doig ..I.P. Genelle... ............... of ..|W. Millar. ...---............. ..l.J. McDonald............... º º ſº ... [K. McLeod.................... ..|F. O. Bey. -------............. ..l.J. Helstrom................... ..|J. McLoughran.............. ... J. Hawley.............. tº & tº dº tº gº tº is fe & M. Lizzard....-------- & ſº gº º º ſº e º 'º ..|P. Mulhealy .................. g º 'º A. Wallins.....--- tº e º is ſº see tº e & ..I.T. Hardy... --------...... .... ..|D. McDonald.- ............... ..T. L. Cox ....... * & d e º & © tº c s tº G & 9 ..|Nicowen Jim ................. ..|Captain Jim, ... . . ......... ..!Indian Jim .................... ... [Indian Charlie............. es ...!Chief John......... tº ſº º e º 'º e º 'º º s ...|Siwash Kitt ........... -ljames Fraser ..............., ..l.J. McDonald................e. Oung & eºs e º sº e º ºsº tºº gº w C tº tº * * * * * * * * º ºs a tº e º a sº e o º a º * * : * ~ * J. Barker...... * @ G & ºº e s tº º os e º 'º e Spuggum do Amincar Bar...... & © tº e ºr do tº ſº tº gº tº º º ** s g g tº e º ºs e e s is e º e do s tº e º º q is us tº tº e º & tº * * * * * @ g º Y * G & © tº es e º 'º e º e º & J C tº gº tº e & do Ruby Creek . do do gº us tº e º Aggaziz sº e º ºs e º 'º º ºf g º e º g º ºs e º e o e g º e g g g & sº tºe ete tº e º e º o see we e º s a tº º £ ºn tº sº e º i t e tº cº e º ºf a e s tº a º an e º 'º a # Harrison. tº ſº º ſº tº * B tº e º “ U tº $ tº e º e º 'º tº Q tº gº tº e tº West Junction..................... Harrison............................. Pitt River........ * c 0 & 6 E tº see tº & tº a dº º sº º º Donald................ ............... Revelstoke... --------.............. do do Beaver........ -----------------....., Tain. Bute tº tº e º a ſº a tº e º 'º e º º e º 'º tºº ºne e g e & sº e º 'º f tº as a 4 g º e º 'º tº e o g º ºs e rº O Albert Canyon.........tº e ºs e º 'º e º lº & Illiciliwa et * * * * * * * * * * c e s ea ºs º º sº e s e a do • e º so ee ºre s tº ſº see eº a do tº e º 'º e º ſº tºº tº gº º & © tº tº e º e º 'º Ross Peak & © tº e º ſº tº e \ sº tº a tº e g º e * @ e º ſº tºº ºf * † e º e º e º sº tº º ºs e e º Cººº. 3 e º 'º e º O Bear Creek................... tº a tº e º e J do do do we w e º seek ovº e o e g º O & see esses do North Bend......... * @ tº º ſº tº e º is e º 'º º e º e do *** - C & ©e tº e º O & © tº gº sº s tº a tº e º e = Yale tº e º 'º e º a dº * tº G & & # ºb. * * * * * g g º O & ſº tº lºg tº gº tº a do * © do jº º ſº º º ſº Hope tº e º e º e º 'º ea tº e º ſº hº e º e º e tº ee tº is e º sº e º & do tº be e º e º e º e º O & G & C G s we e º ses. Aggaziz we e º ºs e º sº º sº e º & 0 & º e º 'º e º sº sº see see Harrison. * * > * sº sº ºs e º 'º e free sº sº e s º e º 'º º is e º 'º e º e º ºr e º O ſº tº tºº & © e º e º 'º ºº see tº e º e see tº e s g º e s a * * * * g º e º is Total cords...... • * c e g º º tº ee e” Less—Used in construc- tion in 1886............. º e º e º ºx ºf a tº º pººls & Cº e º C G & © tº a s is e º 'º e º 'º 2,494 2,657 45,898. 26,919 1sº, at 25C. per- cord, $4,744.75* * Woucher now going through the C. P. R. Audit Department for that amount. P.S.—What is known as the Pacific Division extends from Donald to the coast or Port Mº. T. S. HIGGINSON, Dom. C. T. A. for B.C. NEw WESTMINSTER, 10th August, 1887. 32 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 19th August, 1887. SIR,--I am in receipt of your letter of the 10th instant, No. 868, enclosing a statement of cordwood cut by or for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, between Donald and Port Moody, from the 1st December, 1885, to the 31st May, 1887. I am, sir, your obedient servant, * JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. T. S. HIGGINson, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. NEw WESTMINSTER, 9th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to refer to the matter of the cordwood consumed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company between Donald and Kamloops, in 1886, in con- nection with the construction of their road, viz., 26,919 cords, and on which on that ground, they claim exemption from dues, and to say that I understood from you, that the claim seemed so reasonable, that you could not do otherwise than accede to it. I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Honorable THOMAs WHITE, Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Nºw WESTMINSTER, 20th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to state that I have received from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the sum of two thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars and 51 cents, (dues on ties and cordwood cut by them east of Donald, B.C.,) which I have deposited to the credit of the Receiver General in the Bank of British Columbia as per voucher No. 821. And I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. P. S.—The above were cut by permission, and will, therefore, I presume, come under permit head; these forms I have not. To the Hon. the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th August, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th instant, No. 876, advising this department of your having received from the Canadian Railway Company the sum of $3,235.51 in payment of dues on cordwood cut by or for that company between Donald and Port Moody and to say that the deposit receipt for this amount from the Bank of British Columbia has been received here. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. NEw WESTMINSTER, 10th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to state that I have this day deposited to the credit of the Receiver General the sum of $1,092.61 being timber dues on a certain quantity of ties, cordwood and telegraph poles cut for the Western division of the Canadian Pacific Railway, i.e., east of Donald, under general superintendence of W. Whyte, Esq., A detailed copy of the account which this amount represents, as well as a copy which the amount represented, deposited to the credit of the Receiver General on the 15th August last, under voucher No. 821, amounting to $2,235.51 I will send you in a few days. And I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGlNSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Hon. Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, * 25a–3 33 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 20th October, 1887, SIR,--I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th instant, advising this department of your having received from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the sum of $1,092.61 in payment of dues on cordwood cut by or for that company, and to say that the deposit receipt for this amount from the Bank of British Columbia has been received here. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. NEw WESTMINSTER, 13th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor of drawing your attention to the fact that on the 20th of August last I addressed you (No. 876) stating that I had that day received from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the sum of $2,235.51 and deposited it to the credit of the Receiver General in the Bank of British Columbia (voucher No. 821) the same being dues on ties and cordwood, cut by that company during the winter of 1886–87 east of Donald, on that part of the railway called the Western Division, of which W. Whyte, of Winnipeg, is general superintendent. I may say for your infor- mation that this division extends from Port Arthur to Donald. I also on the 10th instant received for ties, cordwood and telegraph poles, from the same division, the sum of $1,092.61, which I also deposited in same bank under voucher No. 906. I now enclose original statements of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, showing the quantities of each of the above mentioned articles, which the dues above referred to represent, I also enclose a letter of L. O. Genest, assistant storekeeper for that division, and my reply thereto. Some portion of the cordwood and ties were un- doubtedly cut east of what is generally supposed to be the summit of the Rockies, but as the summit is an undefined boundary, and there appeared to be no person looking after the dues in that vicinity, east of the summit, I thought you would approve of my collecting them and placing them to my credit. And I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Honorable Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Western Division, in Account with the Department of the Interior. Date. DR. $ cts, Date. CR. $ cts. 1887. 1887. April 7... To dues on— Aug. 16...] By cash.............................. 2,235 51 69,367, at 3c. ................ 2,081 01 || Oct. 10...] do ......... tº Q & © tº ºs e º e º e º f *g, sº e t 1,092 61 618.4% cordswood, at 25c. 154 50 Aug. 9... 19,669 ties, at 3c.... ........ 589 77 2041°3's cords wood, at 25c. 66 08 4,684 telegraph poles...... 436 76 3,328 12 3,328 12 T. S. HIGGINSON, Crown Timber Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, WINNIPEG, 1st August, 1887. DEAR SIR,--I herewith enclose statement showing quantity of ties and cordwood cut, for which we have not as yet paid dues. I think a proportion of same belongs to you and the balance to the agent of the North-West Territory. Would you kindly !, 34 §f Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) , A. 1888 -y check the quantity cut in your jurisdiction and, if possible, advise me where the head quarters of the agent for the North-West Territory is, as I desire to have these dues settled. Yours truly, L. O. GENEST, Assistant Storekeeper. T. S. HIGGINson, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. NEw WESTMINSTER, 9th August, 1887. DEARSÍR,-Your favor of the 1st instant, with additional statement of wood and ties eut by Jeffrey Brothers, duly received. Some of the timber may possibly be cut east of my division, i.e., summit of the Rockies, but as that is as yet an undefined boundary, and as yet you have had nothing to do with the Crown Timber Agent east of me, I think you had better have the vouchers made out in my favor, and I will explain the circumstances to the Department at Ottawa, when remitting ; also please include telegraph poles about which I wrote you on the 3rd June. The amount of vouchers Nos, 9 and 10, copies of which you sent me on the 16th May last, $2,235.51, I have never received—nearly three months ago. Will you kindly make enquiries. Yours truly, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. P.S.—When are you coming to pay us a visit 2 L. O. GENEST, Esq., Assistant Storekeeper, Canadian Pacific Railway, Winnipeg. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Department of the Interior Dr. Dominion of Canada. Residing at New Westminster. 1887. 4- May 16...|For Crown Timber Dues on Ties made by Jeffrey Bros. for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 24th February, 1887, and 24th March, 1887, in district under T. S. Higginson, Esq., as per certificate attached. - No. of No. of Dues Contractor. Location. Ties. Culls. per Tie. Amount. $ cts. Jeffrey Bros....................... [Near Laggan........... 58,232 ................. 3 cents..... 1,746 96 do --------.............. do * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º 'º º º • * * * g º 0 & 8 11,135 3 do -... 334 05 2,081 01 25a–3} . 35 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 May Voucher No. 9. •ºr- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Report No. Ties, Report of Wood and Telegraph Poles * from 24th February to 24th March, 188 e * . . . . º. =- Contractor. Location. *ºf §: Amount. Jeffrey Bros.......... ............... Near Laggan.....s..... 58,232 11,135 69,867, at 3c., $2,081 01 Received the amount, 15th August, 1887, T. S. H., through W. F. Salisbury, Local Treasurer, C. P. R. 16th May, 1887. STATEMENT of Ties West of the Summit of the Rockies accepted by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company as per Estimate for the month of March, 1887. =- Crown Dues * Sub-Contractor Contractor. Location. by whom º: . Culls. OT Paid. pted. Foreman, Jeffrey Bros............., |2 miles West of { C. P. Railway... 15,429 2,517 Smith. Laggan. ........ l Pay. .......... ...... 1,908 312 | Bloom. 3 miles west of Laggan... ......... do iſe º e 1,190 639 Campbell. 34 miles west of Laggan............. do tº ſº tº 17,180 4,869 do 35,707 8,337 L. O. GENEST, Assistant Storekeeper. T. S. HIGGINson, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster. STATEMENT of Ties West of the Summit of the Rockies accepted by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, as per Estimate, for month of February, 1887. No. of Sub-Contractor Contractors. Location. º,"; Ties Culls. OT y * |Accepted. Foreman. Jeffrey Bros.,....... 2 miles west of Lag- gan. --------. ..... .... 10. P. R. pay...... 22,525 2,798 22,525 2,798 * L. O. GENEST, T. S. HIGGINSON, Esq., Assistant Storekeeper. Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster. 36 , 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Department of the Interior, Dr. Dominion of Canada. Residing at New Westminster. 1887. * May 16...|For Crown Timber Dues on Cordwood made by Jas. Conroy for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, winter of 1885–86, in District under T. S. Higginson, Esq., as per Certificate attached. tº No. Dues Contractor. Location. of Cords. per Cord. Amount, Jas. Conroy......... $º tº dº e º tº º º ..!Near Palliser............. ..... 618 25 cts. . $ 154.50 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Beport No. ...—Cordwood. Report of Wood and Telegraph Poles inspected Winter of 1885 and 1886. May Voucher, No. 10; • Sºmºmºm -- Date. Contractor. Location. No. º * | Amount. 1887. $ cts. May 16...|Jas. Conroy---------.......... ..... [Near Palliser ............... ....... 618 at 25 cts. 154 50 Received the amount, T. S. H., through W. F. SALISBURY, 15th August, 1887. Local Treasurer. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Department of the Interior, Dr. Dominion of Canada. Residing at New Westminster, B.C. SUPPLEMENTARY. 1887. -Aug. 16...|For Crown Timber Dues on Ties made by Jeffrey Bros. for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company from May 16 to June 25, i887, in District under T. S. Higginson, Esq., as per Certificate attached. Contracto Locati No. No. §i. Amount OIASR8,000IS. OCººloºl, of Ties. lof Gulls. A © or Cull. Cts. $ cts. Jeffrey Bros................... Mountain Section......... - 15,031 | ........... 0 03 450 93 do tº º ºs e º 'º tº e s tº e º º e º is O a ſº e º 'º º ſº º ſº º A 8 & " & © ... s e º e º º 4,628 0 03 I38 84 589 77 51 Victoria. A. 1888. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) STATEMENT of Ties cut on Mountain Section and accepted by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, as per estimates, for the months of May and June, 1887. Sub- Crown Duest No. of Gontractor. Location. by whom Ties Culls, Conºtor .* Paid. Accepted. Foreman. Jeffrey Bros...... ..... 5 miles east of Laggan................. C.P.R. pay 1,416 430 |Smith. do .........., |1 mile west of Laggan.................. do 2,944 B10 | do do º ºg g g º O ſº º is dº ſº ºf 2 miles West of Laggan............... do 2,307 257 | do do ,------. ....!2 to 3 miles west of Laggan......... do . 1,994 427 | do Near Ottertail. -----------------.... ..... do . 727 251 |Steele do $ 8 tº ſº e º tº ſº; do •e see sees & se wºº ee e s tº * e s ſº a sº a s do 2,591 1, 239 Brown. do ...... * * * * * * ºr g º ºn tº e º º ºs º wº vº º ºs º º do ... 3,052 1,514 ||Good 15,031 4,628 * L. O. GENEST, Assistant Storekeeper. T. S. HIGGINson, Esq. , Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. CANADHAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Department of the Interior, Dr. Dominion of Canada. Residing at New Westminster, B.C. § 1887. wº-ººººººººººº. & Aug. 16...|For Crown Timber Dues on Cordwood made by Jeffrey Bros., for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, from May 15th to June 24th, 1887, in district under T. S. Higginson, Esq., as per certificate attached. e No of Dues Contractor. Location. Cords. per Cord. Amount. $ cts. $ cts. Jeffrey Bros......... * * is e º gº tº e º ºs e e º sº. Mountain Section....................... 264°37 0 25 66 07 STATEMENT of Cordwood cut on Mountain Section and accepted by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, as per estimates, for the months of May and June, 1887. Contract Locati º Cords Ontra, CfOr, e OC8, tº IOIl º * Accepted. Jeffrey Bros................... At Field .................................. [C.P.R. pay....] 21.1°112 do * Gºº tº º O & & swº º e º e º 'º º º ºs & G & # mile east of Field........, tº ſº º º is sº as ſº tº tº do º e s a 52-53, 264° 37 * Sub-Contractor OT Foreman, Jeffrey Bros. do L. O. GENEST, Assistant Storekeeper. p T. S. HIGGINSON, Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. 38 -- af 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) STATEMENT of Ties an º e==- d Cordwood taken out by Jeffrey Bros. in Mountain Section, for which Crown have not been paid. =~~ Cords Location. Ties. Culls. Location. of . Wood. 5 miles east of Laggan...................., 1,416 430 IAt Field........... .... .... 2 11° 112 1 mile west of Laggan ........ ............ 2,944 510 |} mile east Field .......... 52-53 2 miles west of Laggan..................., 2,307 257 2 to 3 miles West of Laggan............. 1,994 427 Near Ottertail......... ........................ 6,370 3,004 15,031 4,628 |...----------.............. -------. 264-37 1st August, 1887. CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. 1887. Aug. 16 Department of the Interior, Dr. Residing at New Westminster, B.C. Dominion of Canada. For Crown Timber Dues on Telegraph Poles made by J K Buchanan for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, from 13th to 26th May, 1887, in District nader T. S. Higginson, Esq., as per Certificate attaehed. 3 || 3 ||3 5 § 5 tº a # #s Contractor. Location. Crown. Dues. # |##|##|...}}|Amount i 5& |55|#&#& 2. 2. – C Ft C is. $ cts. J. K. Buchanan.|Revelstoke to Ross Peak..]Can. Pac. By. pay...| 4,096] ..... 25|0 08' 327 68 do do do ... GO ... 223}. 35|0 18; 40 14 do tº e e do do ... do ... 265] .... 40|0 23| 60 95. do gº tº º do do .. do ...] ... ..... / 100] 250 08 8 Q0. 4,584 100 436 77 STATEMENT of Telegraph Poles cut on Mountain Section and accepted by the Cana- dian Pacific Railway Company, as per Estimate for the month of May, 1887. -------------- 3-5 : 3 * 'S 3 | . . . 32 Crown Dues, A. : | ET | – ºn §§ Contractor. Location. y ‘5 # 56 ºš | * | Amount. Sl, cº 2. 2. 1-> pº Ft. Cts, $ cts. J. K. Buchanan. Revelstoke to Ross Peak..]Can. Pac. Ry. pay...| 4,096]......... 25 || 0 08 327 68 do tº º ſº. do do ... do ... 223] ........ 35|| 0 18 40 14 do tº º º do do ... do ...! 265] ....... 40|| 0 23 60 95 do tº e e do do ... do º, º e i u ę is sº tº e a sº 100 25 || 0 08 8 00 4,584 100] ........ . .... * * ** 436 77 L. O. GENEST, Assistant Storekeeper. T. S. HIGGINSON, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. 39 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 -*=. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 28th October, 1887. SIR-I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th instatnt, No. 966, enclosing returns from officers of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company showing the quantity of ties, cordwood, &c., that they have received from contrac- tors, upon which timber they have paid you the ordinary dues. You remark in your letter that a certain quantity of this timber was cut within the Calgary agency, This being the fact, the dues collected on this timber will have to be credited to that agency. I am to ask you to report by whose authority the timber in question was cut. It is noticed that it was nearly all cut by Messrs. Jeffrey Brothers, and the records of this office show that these persons, some time ago applied to this Depart- ment for a permit to cut timber near Eldon station, and they were informed that the only way they could obtain a permit would be by public competition. They were subsequently told, in reply to a telegram from them, asking if they could cut timber at that place, that if they did so the timber would be seized. The Crown Timber Agent at Calgary was also notified to the same effect, and he will be now asked to report how, in view of all the circumstances, he permitted these parties to cut timber on Dominion lands without permission. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. NEw WESTMINSTER, 4th November, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 28th ultimo, M. 14035, letter No. 160027, reference No. 142213 I & M, referring to mine of the 13th of same month No. 966, in which I mentioned the fact, that, in my col- lections from the western division of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, of dues on ties and cordwood that some of them were undoubtedly cut east of the un- defined but recognized boundary between this province and the North-West Terri- tories, and by returns enclosed by me, in the letter above referred to, I think you will see that they were cut (at least the great bulk of them were) on the Galt Com- pany's limits, from which company the Canadian Pacific Railway had permission to cut, by paying them two cents per tie, and as I said in my last letter to you on the subject (No. 966) I thought you would rather approve than otherwise, of my includ- ing the amount in my collections, and you could subsequently make whatever distri- bution of them you deemed advisable, more especially so, as no one east of the summit seemed to be looking after them, and I presumed you would consider it a matter of indifference whether the ties were cut by Galt & Co. or by or for the Canadian Pacific Railway, so long as they were cut by permission of the Galt Company, and the dues paid to the Department. 1 may remark, that tie timber is a class of timber suitable for nothing else and we get dues equal to about $1.33 per thousand feet, board measure, a higher rate than we get for a superior class of timber. Ties and cordwood are always cut as close to the track as possible, on account of the shorter haul, and the sooner the timber is cut off, in close proximity to the track, the better it will be for what timber is fortunate enough to escape the ravages of forest fires. I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. P. S. I may remark that the Canadian Pacific Railway will, in future, require annually from the summit of the Rockies to the coast, fully one hundred thousand ties for the maintenance of their line, and it will I think be necessary or at least advisable not to hamper them, so long as they are willing to pay the dues demanded by our Department. To the Honorable Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. 40 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th November, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to enclose herewith a statement showing the amount credited to your agency, on account of the dues collected by Mr. T. S. Higginson from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for timber, and also showing the amount credited to the Crown Timber Agency at New Westminster on the same -àCCOunt. $ I am, sir, your obedient servant, . P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Crown Timber Agent, Calgary, N.W.T. STATEMENT showing the amounts received from the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany during the months of August and October, 1887, on account of dues on cordwood, ties, &c., cut by or for that Company within the Calgary and British Columbia Agencies. Received on the 16th Aug., 1887, through M; Higginson, G. T. A., Brº. Columbia...{2,235 51 O O do 10th Oct , 1887 ... 1,092 61 $3,328 12 British Location. 2. Columbia. 8°nºy. Agency. $ ots. $ cts. Dues on 69,367 ties, at 3c. each, $2,081 01 All cut in Alberta, Calgary, Agency------------------ • * = e º e 2,081 01 |........tº tº gº º º ſe do 618iºs cords of wood, at 25c., 154 50 All cut in British Columbia. ............... 154 50 do 19,659 ties, at 3c. each, 589 77 9,374 ties, at 3c., cut in Brit- ish Columbia................. ............. † a 281 22 10,285 ties, at 3c., cut in Cal- gary Agency........... ----. 308 55 l......... ...-- do 264 ºs cords of wood, at 25c., 66 08 All cut in British Columbia. ......... s e º O & 66 08 do 4,684 telegraph poles, 436 76 do do e sº a e º sº e º is tº * c e ſº tº tº is 436 76 $3,328 12 2,389 56 | 938 56 FRS, LOYER. November 19th, 1887. MR. RYLEY. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th November, 188! . SIR,--I am directed to enclose herewith a statement showing the amount credited to your agency on account of the dues collected by you from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and also showing the amount ciedited to the Crown Timber Agency at Calgary on the same account. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. NEw WESTMINSTER, 21st November, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to state that I have this day deposited to the credit of the Receiver General in the Bank of British Columbia the sum of $4,744.75, voucher No. 53, said amount being on account of dues on cordwood cut by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S, HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Honorable Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. 41 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. NEw WESTMINSTER, 21st November, 1887, SIR,--I have the honor to state that in accordance with your letter to me of the 15th August last in reference to 26,919 cords of wood which the Canadian Pacific Railway Company claim as being consumed by them in connection with the con- struction of the Pacific division of their line in the year 1886, and upon which they on that account claim exemption from dues, I addressed H. Abbott, representative of the above company, a note on the 15th of September, a copy of which I herewith enclose, stating that I had received instructions from you to settle with the company, allowing them the 26,919 cords free of dues, on conditions that they pay dues on all other wood. To this letter I never received a reply. On the 11th instant they sent me a cheque for the balance of wood cut that year (1886) wiz., 18,979 cords and enclosed me a receipt to sign, which I now attach, and as I did not like the wording of it I wrote out one to suit myself, a copy of which also please find enclosed. This morning I went over to Vancouver and discussed the matter with Mr. Abbott, stat- ing that the terms of your letter to me of the 15th August had to be adhered to. To this he replied that he was leaving for Montreal to-tuorrow and wished to leave the matter in abeyance until he had an opportunity of bringing it before his company. You will, therefore, no doubt, have a visit from Mr. Driukwater, begging to be relieved of dues, on an amount this year somewhat similar to the last, and as his memory was very clouded in reference to a distinct understanding arrived at between your Deputy Minister and himself, when the 100 square miles of limits on Columbia River was reserved for a time for the use of construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, it might be well to have the present understanding so fixed as to relieve him from any mental impression in the matter. And I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. The Hon. Minister of Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY CoMPANY, PACIFIC OIVISION, OFFICE OF THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, WANcouvBR, B.C., 21st November, 1887. DEAR SIR —Referring to the duties on cordwood for this year, will you kindly allow the matter to stand over until I return from Montreal, as I purpose seeing the Minister about the matter. Yours truly, H. ABBOTT, General Superintendent. T. S. HIGGINSON, Esq., New Westminster. VICTORIA, B.C., 15th August, 1887. DEAR SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 9th, relating to the cordwood con- sumed by the Canadian Pacific Railway, between Donald and Kamloops, in 1886, in connection with the construction of their road, namely, 26,919 cords, and upon which they claim exemption from dues, as being wood used in construction, I may say that although it is very doubtful whether it was contemplated that the fuel for running locomotives, even during construction, is included in the contract, I am willing that we should, as to this quantity, forego the dues, on the distinct under- standing, however, that the company must hereafter pay dues upon all cordwood consumed by them. Yours truly, THOMAS WHITE, T. S. HIGGINSON, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. ' NEw WESTMINSTER, 15th September, 1887. DEAR SIR,-In reference to the cordwood claimed by you, as being consumed ºduring construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway in your division, namely, 26,919 42 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 . * cords, I have to say, that I am authorized by the Honorable Minister of the Interior to exempt your company from dues on that quantity, on the distinct understanding, that, apart from that quantity, the company must pay dues on all consumed. Truly yours, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. H. ABBOTT, Esq., General Superintendent C. P. R, Pacific Division, Vancouver. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, PACIFIo DIVISION, LoCAL TREASURER's OFFICE, WANcogv|ER, B.C., 11th November, 1887. DEAR SIR,-Enclosed I beg to hand you cheque for $4,744.75 in payment of your account as per within form of receipt, which be good enough to sign and return to me by first mail, obliging Yours truly, W. F. SALISBURY, Local Treasurer. T. S. HIGGINSON, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster. Received of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the sum of $4,744.75 for Crown dues on 18979 cords of wood, cut between Port Moody and Donald, from 1st December, 1883, to 31st December, 1886, as per detailed statement agreed upon. NEw WESTMINSTER, 21st November, 1887. Received from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the sum of $4,744.75, in accordance with the terms of my letter to H. Abbott, Esq., General Superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Pacific division, dated 15th September, 1887, said amount being on account of dues on cordwood cut on Dominion lands in British Columbia, - - T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent for British Columbia. NEw WESTMINSTER, 21st November, 1887. STATEMENT of cordwood cut by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, during the year 1886:— Cords. Between Donald and Port Moody........................... 45,898 Claimed by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company as used during the year 1886 in connection with construction. . 26,919 18,979 18,979 cords G, 25 cts, per cord = $4,744.75. 3. T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 2nd December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st ultimo, advising this Department of your having received from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the sum of $4,744.75 in payment of dues on 18,979 cords of wood cut by or for that company, and to say that the deposit receipt for this amount from the Bank of British Columbia has been received here. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary, T. S. HIGGINsoN, Esq., Crown Timber Agent, New Westminster, B.C. (Telegram.) DoNALD, B.C. Am settling with parties; charging dues on all timber furnished railway cut on licensed lands. Leaving for coast to-day. T. S. HIGGINSON. To A. M. BURGESS, 43 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *— ExTRACT of a letter from T. S. Higginson, Crown Timber Agent for British Columbia to the Honorable Minister of the Interior, dated New Westminster, 1st May, 1887. I then proceeded to Griffin Lake where I found some Chinamen cutting cord- wood under Mou-chow, or China Izhee, contractor for the Canadian Pacific Railway. I went into the woods where they were cutting and found they had cut a number of good Douglas pine trees, when cutting their wood, which was principally hemlock. I explained to this Izhee that if he cut any more such trees I would place him behind the bars, I then wrote Mr. Abbott, General Superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, that I would estimate the quantity of such wood, cut from good trees, and as a cord of wood was equivalent to 1,000 feet board measure lumber, the dues on any such would be from 50 cents to 75 cents per cord, equal to 5 per cent. on lumber estimated $10 to $15 per M. EXTRACT of a letter from T. S. Higginson, Crown Timber Agent for British Columbia to the Honorable Minister of the Interior, dated New Westminster, 1st May, 1887, At Field, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have cut some cordwood by ermission, from trees unsuitable for milling purposes, this is in the division of which . Whyte is General Superintendent and before cutting he agreed to pay Govern- ment dues, returns of which will shortly be made and dues paid. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, CRowN TIMBER OFFICE, CALGARY, 6th December, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo. No. M. 14419, reference 142,313, enclosing a statement showing the amount credited to this agency on account of dues collected by Mr. T. S. Higginson from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, for ties cut by Jeffrey Bros. The said statement shows a total of 79,652 ties. The statement and affidavit forwarded you on the 17th ult, of Jeffrey Bros. shows a total of 82,708, being a difference of 3,056, J however have made the entries in the books as per your statement. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, 3 - C. L. GOUIN, Agent, The Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Ont. NEw WESTMINSTER, 10th February, 1888. SIR,- I have the honor to state that I have this day received from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the sum of two thousand eight hundred and ninty-five dollars and sixty-one cents ($2,895.61) on account of dues on cordwood and ties cut on the Pacific Division of that railway, and have deposited the same to the Credit of the Receiver General in the Bank of British Columbia, Voucher No. 100. I have the honor to remain, sir, your obedient servant, T. S. HIGGINSON, Dominion Crown Timber Agent. To the Honorable Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. SUB-PART B. CoPIEs of Correspondence and Plan relative to right of way of “The North-West Coal and Navigation Company” across the lands as shown on said plan. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 18th October, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to say that the North-West Coal and Navigation Company has applied for a right of way through the following described lands situated within your company's belt, viz.:- * tºn 44 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 N. E. 4 of Section 9, Township 12, Range 5, west of the 4th principal meridian. N.W. 4 of do do do do do S. W. 4 of do 17 do i 1, do 9 do do N. E. 4, the S. E. # and the N. W. # of Section 1, Township 11, Range 9, West. of the 4th Meridian. The records of this Department show that these lands have not yet been ac- cepted by your company as a portion of their land subsidy, and I am to ask if there is any objection to the North-West Coal and Navigation Company obtaining a right of way through the said lands pending the final settlement of the question of whether: the sections are or are not to be included in your company's land grant? I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary; C, DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 7th December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of a letter dated the 18th October last, which was addressed to you, in relation to an application made by the North-West Coal and Navigation Company, for a right of way through certain lands within your company's belt, and to ask you to be so good as to send a reply thereto. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 7th January, 1888. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 7th December last, letter No. M. 14548, referende No. 62709, No. 3, T. and M., respecting an application of the North-West Coal and Navigation Company for right of way through certain lands within the railway belt. As the lands in question are included in the list filed in the Department as rejected by the company, there is no objection, as far as we are concerned, to the application of the North-West Coal and Navigation Company being granted. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. CERTIFIED copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable the Privy Council, approved by His Eaccellency the Governor General in Council on the 30th January, 1888. On a memorandum, dated the 24th January, 1888, from the Minister of the Interior stating that on the 29th January, 1887, the North-Western Coal and Navi- gation Company made application for a right of way through the following described lands situated within the belt of the Canadian Pacific Railway, viz.:- The north-east quarter of Section 9, and the north-west quarter of Section 9, in Township 12, Range 5; the south-west quarter of Section 17, and the north-east quarter, the south-east quarter and the north-west quarter of Section 1, Township 11, Range 9, all west of the 4th meridian, in the District of Assiniboia. The Minister further states that the secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has written to the effect that his company have no objection to the North- Western Coal and Navigation Company being granted a right of way through the said lands. The Minister recommends that the application be complied with, so far as the Government of Canada may be in a position to do so. The Committee submit the same for Your Excellency's approval. - - JOHN J. McGEE, Clerk Privy Council, ..To the Honorable the Minister of the Inter; * #. - 4 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 –.-mºmºsºsº" SUB-PART C. CoPIEs of correspondence as to ownership of land on Fonseca Street, Winnipeg, on which the Immigration Station stands. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA, 28th April, 1887. DEAR Mr. BURGEss, Mr. Carling is very anxious to find out whether the site now used by the Immigration Station at Winnipeg on Fonseca Street is the property of the Government or the Canadian Pacific Railway. What I understand of the matter is that this site was a part of a block of land originally in possession of the . Government and made over to the Canadian Pacific Railway some years ago. The question is whether there was a reserve of the site which we occupy or whether the whole block was made over, or if we are there simply on sufferance. * If you could send an answer to this question by to-morrow morning you would confer a favor, as some important questions of immediate moment are pending upon it. Believe me, &c., yours truly, - J. LOWE. A. M. BURGEss, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAw A, 9th May, 1887. SIR,--In reply to your letter of the 28th ultimo, I beg to inform you with regard to the site of the Immigration Station at Winnipeg, that provided the same is correctly described in the plan of that city prepared by the Messrs. McPhillips Dros., as being upon Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in Block 19, on the north side of Fonseca Street, it was duly conveyed to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company by letters patent bearing date the 18th January, 1883, issued in accordance with Orders in Council of the 15th October and 28th December, 1881. There was no reservation of the above mentioned site made in the patent in question to the said company. If necessary a copy of the description and plan showing the boundaries of the whole of the grant described in the patent can be furnished to you. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. J. Low E, Esq., Secretary Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. SUB-PART D. “CoPIEs of correspondence, statements and other papers relative to the odd-numbered sections comprised within tracts of land leased for grazing purposes, and the share of the rental to be credited on account of such sections. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 20th June, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 12th May last, in which you ask for a state- “ment of the amount received by this Department on account of rental of the odd- numbered sections leased for grazing purposes, I am directed to say that it will be impossible to comply with your request until such time as your company have decided what lands they intend to accept or reject within each of the ranches. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - *. P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary, “C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILway CoMPANY., •. OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 23rd June, 1887. SIR,--Referring to your letter of the 20th inst., letter No. 147779, reference No. 139481, Timber and Mines, respecting grazing leases, it was understood between Mr. 4 * 51, Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *º- *s .-- - ---------- • ** -- * * ~ * * -º-º-z-z-z-z-z------ ~~~~ - - - - - --- :::::H------------------------------------- -- - - - -wºm-. * Burgess and myself that for the purpose of keeping a proper account of rents col- lected under these leases, the odd-numbered sections in all the ranches should be considered as railway lands, and that if subsequently any of the sections should be rejected by the company a deduction would be made in respect of such sections. Could not the account be made up on this basis? I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. $ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., • OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 24th June, 1887. SIR,--Referring to your letter of the 22nd April last, with reference to Section 3, Township 2, Range 53, West 5th, in the Cochrane ranches. This section was sold with the consent of the ranche company, but we appear to have omitted advising you before it was sold in accordance with the understand- ing. I now enclose herewith list of all lands sold by this company within the limits of the different ranches, in case any other omission of like character may have been made. I am, sir, your obedient servant, r - - - C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. LANDs Sold within the Ranche Limits by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, as per particulars below. - _* Name. Address. Particulars of Land. Lease 162. A. H. Goldfinch ..................!Calgary.............. e e º sº a see e tº g º e s - tº N.E. # 23, 21, 26, W. 4. March 11, 1886. - Lease 143. Lt.-Col. A. Wyndham.….loalgary.….|Alls. Riv. 33, 21, 25, W, 4 May 9, 1887. ſ Leases 197 and 25l. Isaac Potter......... • e º e º e º e s et s ...[High River..........................W. # 17, 19, 28, W. 4. April 25, 1887. Isaac Potter...... tº e º P. e > 2 > * *e s sº e s tº a Calgary. • seeses • e ºs e < * * * * * tº º tº e º e g º & S. # 19, 19, W. 4. Feb, 8, 1887. Lease ll. Alexander Begg... ...............|Dunbow........... e set. e. e. ess e s a se tº was ºr * All 23, 21, 28, W. 4. Feb 26, 1886. Alexander Begg..................! do .............-----------------|All 25, 21, 28, W. 4. Feb. 26, 1886. Lease 15. DeWitton and Williams,..... Pińcher Creek..................... All N. Bow Riv. 9, 22, 9, W. 4. Feb. 10, 1887. W. R. J. Williams............... [Swansea Valley, Wales........|S. # 13, 22; 29, W. 4. Nov. 11, 1886. - W. R. J. Williams............... }_ do --------. S. # 15, 22, 29, W. 4. Nov. 11, 1886. W. Rutherford.............!Cal gary ........ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * .....|All E. Riv. 17, 22, 29, W. 4. Aug. 20, 1886. Michael Ryle as ee tº ete e º e º ºs e º pe e º tº e s a do • * essessees • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S.E. # 33, 22, 29, W. 4. May 3, 1887. F Lease 124. ‘B. M. Godsal. ee º e º 'º e º & Q & © R e º 'º e * - e = Calgary * @ e º te & Q tº tº ºr e º e a c e º e º & Q & © tº ºn ºf º- S.E. # 31, 21, 1, W. 5. May 3, 1886. B. M. Godsal. ---------------...... I do ---------... ... ...... ......... [E. # 25, 21, 2, W. 5. March ll; 1885. Alfred Taylor , sº e º 'º e . we t e º us e º 'º be et do 4 s se - * g eu e º ee ºt $ 9 tº a e a tº e º 'º e º a S.E. # 5, 22, l, W. 5. March 17, 1885. 47 51 Wictoria. A. 1888. Sessional Papers (No. 25A). Lands sold within the Ranche Limits, &c.—Continued. º-ºº-ºº-ºº. *** Name. Address. Particulars of Land. Lease 210. Charles Sweet s & e º e º ed gº 9 tº tº gº is ee ea º Calgary a s a s a tº ene e º e ºs e º sº sº e º e º a e º e º e N.W. i; 21, l, W. 5. April 6, 1886. A. P. Bremmer.................... I do ..... ...... ----------------, . N.W. #35, 21, 1, W. 5 Oct. 26, 1886. Lease 43. Lucas T. Eastman. .............. Calgary..... .......................|N # 3, 24, 2, W. 5. June 2, 1887. Jas. N. McPherson...... ........ do .............................. [S.E. # 3, 24, 2, W. 5. Jan. 27, 1885. Behan & Mitchell......... 0 g º º ºs e e John Field O. A. Critchley. ........ John Henry Ward -............. tº & e ºar-grº . A. M. Rawlinson.......... • * * * g e. e. James Young-...------........ s & eº W. B. Brown. --................... William Young......... . ...----- º George Dick......... . • * > * > g. tº º sº tº & © 6 William Young ................... Wilson & Emmett..............., Thos, Young. ..................... G. & E. de Raimbouville...... James Bannerman ............... George Pettapiece ............... Neil McLeod....................... James Lawrence...... tº º º tº a pº º ſº. D tº B. E. * tº º º e º º & © tº t e º e º e º eſſ e º º O e e s e s tº e º t e º e s a s gº © tº e ºf Ed. Perter. * * * * * * * * * * tº go 9 a ſº tº tº e ºs º ºcta A. Patrick * a t e º 'º e º e º e º gº ee e º 'º e º sº tº ge e Lease 43. Calgary. ................. do ... \ do * * * * * c e º 'º to 4 c e º 'º e º be * * do do * r * * @ º - e º e º 'º e º º * - tº tº tº º º do Ingersoll........ ....... tº a dº º f is tº e º e º 'ºw Calgary.. do do do * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº º O 6-2 ºr gº gº e o sº * c e º G & 1 & © tº e º ºs ºs e º e º e º e º 'º - * * * * •ee sees sº se r s e s - a see see bese are e e s & © ea º Aº e º a º so e º e º e Lease 44. Calgary. ................. tº et & e º e º e tº Lease 125. Calgary.. nº e º e º 'º e º e s - e º see tº tº be •,•e. Lease 42. Calgary...... ........... ............ Winnipeg ...----------------------. do do tº e º e e º e º f a s sº tº e o e º e º e º e º e º ſe Lease 184. Ottawa.......... e C G & © tº sº tº a e º 'º º & 6 tº ºe tº e o t . . All 7, 24, 2, W. 5th. Sept. 7, 1885. S. # 17, 24, 2, W. 5th. March 15, 1887. W. # 25, 24, 2, W, 5th. Oct. 19, 1886. All N., of Bow River, 35; 24, 2, W. 5th- Feb. 11, 1887. S.W. # 17, 25, 2, W. 5th, May 26, 1887. All 15, 24, 3, W. 5th. Aug. 7, 1886. E. : 17, 24, 3, W. 5th. Aug. 23, 1886. W. & 17, 24, 3, W. 5th. Aug. 17, 1886. All 23, 24, 3, W. 5th. April 19, 1887. All 21, 24, 3, W. 5th. Aug. 17, 1886. E. : 19, 24, 3, W. 5th. Sept. 27, 1886. All 27, 24, 3, W. 5th. Feb. 11, 1887. All 31, 24, 3, W. 5th. Oct. 29, 1886. N.E. # 33, 24, 3, W. 5th. April 12, 1887. N.W. # 1, 26, 2, W. 5th. Aug. 9, 1886. N. × 21, 22, 3, W. 5th. Aug. 9, 1886. All 3, 25, 3, W. 5th. May 2, 1887. All 7, 26, 4, W. 5th., July 9th, 1886. W. # and all S. of river 13, 26, 5, W. 5th, July 9, 1886. Part E. }, N. of river, 13, 26, 5, W. 5th, Jan. 5, 1885. N.E. # 21, 28, 4. W. 5th. May 11, 1887. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 29th June, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to enclose herewith schedules containing the information asked for in your letter of the 23rd instant, which are made up to the 31st March last. These schedules show the amount received on account of rental of all the odd- numbered sections of the land, with the exception of the school lands, within each ranche or portion of ranche inside of the railway belt. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DBINKWATER, Esq., Secretary, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 48 B1 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 N. SoHEDULE showing names of Lessees of Ranches who paid rent, but the Leases in their favor have been cancelled (Canadian Pacific Railway Belt). Amount Area of Rate of Dates when & Name. Bailway | Rental per | Rent is due in *:::: for Remarks. ſands. Acre. each year. Lanjºy % $ cts. Temple & Boyd......... 20,480 1 cent.........|May and Nov. 294 80 |One year's ground rent. Johnstone Bros........-- 27,382 |l do ........ do cº 273 82 do do Elliott, Herchmer & º Gottingham........... 50,914 |l do .........} do ** 763 71 |18 months' ground rent; Total...... $1,242 33 DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 31st March, 1887. ^. 25a–4 49 : i à SoHEDULE of Ranches which fall wholly or in part within the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Belt, and on which Ranches payments have been made on account of Rent. - Rate of Amount Date Amount Rental sº $. received for up to which due for Remarks per each Year Railway Payment Railway & Acre. wº Lands. was made. Lands, $ cts, $ cts. 1 do ... do e g o O & 9 850 97 May 1, 1885 680 78 |This Company have $115.00 to their credit on the half year's rent due lst May, 1885, which is credited to them on account of rent of Government Lands. 1 do ... do º og & 0 & 28 80 |May 1, 1887: .................. [This firm have $163.6l to their credit on the half year's rent due in advance Ist May. 1887, which is credited to them on account of Government Lands. l do do g º 'º e tº tº 140 00 do • * g º º so tº º ºr e º O p * > * * 1 do .. do c g tº 4,432 00 do ..................|This Company have $685.00 to their credit on 1 do do tº ſº tº the half year's rent due 1st May, 1887, which is credited to them on account of Government Lands. 1 do do gº tº ſº tº ſº 460 80 ||Nov. 1, 1886 51 20 |This Company have $4.45 to their credit on the half year's rent due 1st November, 1886, which is credited to them on account cf Goverdment Lands. 1 do ... do 9 g º O tº º 132 00 ||Nov. 1, 1885 66 00 Relinquished by lessee. 1 do ... do ..... [..................|May 1, 1886 102 40 This firm have $36,77 to their credit on the half year's rent due 1st May, 1886, which is credited to them on account of Govern- ment Lands. g 2 do ...|Aug. and Feb.... 25 60 |Feb. 1, 1887 25 60 | Cancelled. * 2 do ... do • ... [...... ........... [Aug. 1, 1886 345 60 Wm. Carter has $780 to his credit on the half Area of Ranche * Name. Railway No. Lands. 6 |Durham Ranche Co........ 13,135 11 || Alexander Begg..... .. & e º a 1,132 15 DeWinton & Williams..... 5,858 31 ||Military Colonization Co 34,039 A 35 Moore & Martin...... ... .. 960 36 C. W. Martin........... * tº a tº º º 2,800 42 |Brit. American Ranche Oo 47,680 43 do do 15,360 44 do do 25,600 45 |Mount Royal Ranche Co. 10,240 46 Francis White ............... 4,400 116 |Boyd & Orowe...... ........, 10,240 136 A. J. McKay.. & a gº tº use s et e S㺠5, 120 187 |0. A. Bigger................. 4,480 189 |Greely & Wood............. 4,480 197 W. C. Skrine......., e e º O & © tº £ 4 480 208 A. P. Patrick. • * > * > * > * g º ºs e º O & 2,560 217 Wm. Carter is º O & © 199 ºn e º 'º e º ºs º & 17,280 1 cent...|May and Nov..... 525 40 May 1, 1886 131 35 1 do ... do 6 g c & J & 33 96 do 11 32 1 do ... do q is tº C & e 263 61 Nov. 1, 1886 29 29 1 do .. do gº º º 1 cent...|Mar, and Sept.... 51 20 Mar. 1, 1887 25 60 2 cents...|July and Jan..... 44 80 Jan. 1, 1887 44 80 2 do ... l.June and Dec.... 44 80 Dec. 1, 1886 44 80 2 do ... July and Jan..... 4 80 Jan. 1, 1887 4 80 year's rent due 1st August, 1886, which is credited to him on account of rent of Gov- ernment Lands, 3. : i # | 318 219 223 233 245 249 251 256 266 R. A. Carter..…........... O. W. Sanders............... John Quirk. ge e s p & 6 s 60 res & 0 ° G. W. Quirk......... tº p & © º ſº 6 º' s Currey Bros es eg º' poºg & º sº set of Snider Bros. º ºg 6 º' Gººd ºf ºº w tºº ot G. L. Broderick............, H. H. Bailey and Ass’ors. Dixon, Gow & Co.......... 40,960 1,920 5, i20 3,840 5,120 2,560 1,340 1,920 3,200 . Jan. and July..... . Feb, and Aug. ... gº tº tº 9 do do e e º 0. Sept. º Mar.... e º 'º o O Dec. and June... do tº a ſº Nov. and May.... Total,..... 409 60 19 20 51 20 76 80 51 20 6 s (→ 9 º' tº g tº e º 'º º ſº tº p & 4 13 40 19 20 32 00 $7,711 34 Feb. 1, 1887 Feb. 1, 1887 Mar. 1, 1887 Sept. 1, 1887 June 1, 1887 * 6 tº º dº º & © D & © tº ſº e º ºs July 1, 1887 May 1, 1887 Aug. 1, 1887 409 60 19 20 51 20 gº tº C G G & º 'º e º 'º e o e º e & 9 & 5 º' tº go tº c e º 'º e ee ed © tº º ſº tº º O & tº gº º 'º e º e tº see see ee tº dº e º tº e º O & * c e e º os ºo ſº to e º 'º ese sº tº e sº see Ame we see es ** Snider Bros, have $40.85 to their credit on the half year's rent due 1st December, 1886 which is credited to them on account of Government Lands. Department of the INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 31st March, 1887. f s: 51 Victoria. A. 1883 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) SchEDULE of Ranches which fall wholly or in part within the Canadian Pacific Railway Belt for which no payments have been made thereon. | Amount Area of | Rate of Dates when Date of º Name. Railway |Rental per Rent is Due in First, #. . for tº Lands. Acre. each Year. Payment. i. Cents. $ cts. 103 || Argyle Sheep Grazing Co., 3,200 l May and Nov..... May 1, 1885... 64 00 166 |D. McLeod ................-----. 5,120 2 do ...... do 1, 1886... 102 40 177 |Isaac Preston..…. * * e º 'º e º e º is e is 13,295 2 do ...... do 1, 1886... 265 90 192 |Stanley Mitchell .............. 22,400 2 July and Jan. ...|July 1, 1886...| 448 00 199 ||F. Frazer................. ...... 10,240 2 Aug. and Feb ... Aug. 1, 1886... 204 80 200 T. A. & A. G. Frazer........ 10,240 2 do ... do 1, 1886... 204 80 202 |S. A. Boright............. ...... 7,040 2 do ... I do 1, 1886... } 40 80 205 |Lucas & Eastman............. 5,085 2 July and Jan..... July 1, 1886... 10] TO 213 |G. B. Wiggins................. 24,960 2 Aug. and Feb... Aug. 1, 1886... 499 20 214 |S C. Wiggins ......... . ..... 11,520 2 do ...] do 1, 1886... 230 40 239 |Allan Frazer........... ......... 6,400 2 Oct. and April... [Oct. 1, 1886... 64 00 241 | W. P. Baker...... ............... 8,320 2 Nov. and May ... Nov. 1, 1886... 83 20. 255 |T. W. Gilbert........., tº ſº E e º e º a 3 20,480 2 Jan. and July ...|Jan. 1, 1887... 204 80 272 W. R. Abbott................... 640 2 Feb. and Aug ...|Feb. 1, 1887... 6 40 276 |Capt. M. Pierce............... 16,361 2 March and Sept. Mar. 1, 1887... 163 61 277 A. P. Patrick. ................. 1,280 2 do ... do 1, 1887... 12 80- 279 IT. H. Williams................ 3, 165 2 do ...{ do 1, 1887... 31 65 280 # #. Beveridge ....., * † tº sº gº & d e 3,200 2 April . Oct.... *ºn l, # e c e º ſº tº ſº * * * ~ * tº gº e º gº º 281 . E. Beveridge....... wºº e º e º sº tº 10,240 2 O ...! do 1, 1887... [....... tº º e º & e º º ; §: ºrRivett-Carnac... ..... #. ; i. i. i. # * * > || 0 e º f * * * is e s is s = e−e 28 eo. Frost. .............. ...... 1,280 O o 1, 1887...] ............ º ; º: * Co... 10: ; ; 3. i. 1887...! -------, ...... 90 Andrew Caswell... .......... 64 O ...] do 1, 1887...] ......... 3 & ſº & ºtº 296 |Major Jas. Walker........... 20,480 2 May and Nov.....|May 1, 1887...] .............. 299 |S. O. Hunter ......... * * * e i s e s is a 5,760 2 do ...! do 1, 1887...] ........ ..... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 12th July, 1887. SIR,-With reference to the schedule which accompanied your letter of the 24th ultimo, I am directed to say no lease has yet been issued in favor of Messrs. Longhead and Hardisty, for ranche 162. (2.) Ranche 143 does not include the odd- numbered sections. (3.) Ranche 197 is leased to Mr. W. C. Skrine, who has been notified that the west half of Section 17, Township 19, Range 28, west of the 4th meridian, is withdrawn from the operation of his lease. (4.) The odd-numbered sections are not included in the lease of Ranche 251. (5.) Ranche 1 l is leased to Mr. A. Begg, the party to whom you sold the lands. (6.) The lessees of Ranche No. 15, Messrs De Winton and Williams have been notified that the lands you have sold within their ranche are withdrawn from the operation of their lease. (7.) The odd- numbered sections are not included in the lease of Ranche No. 124. (8.) No lease of Ranche 210 has yet been issued, but an Order in Council was passed some time ago authorizing the issue of a lease to Mr. Allen Grant. (9.) Township 24 in Ranges 2 and 3, west of the 4th meridian, have been relinquished by the British American Ranche Company, in order that the settlers living thereon may obtain entries for their lands. This company has been notified that Section 17, Township 25, Range 2, west of the fifth meridian have been withdrawn from the operation of their lease. (10.) W. J. Lindsay, to whom the Governor in Council was authorized to issue a lease of Ranche 125, has not paid any rent, and consequently no lease has been issued in his favor. The British American Ranche Company have been notified of the withdrawal of the lands sold by your company within Ranche 42. No lease has yet been issued for Ranch 194. The Governor in Council has however authorized the issue of a lease of ranche to Mr. Thomas McKenzie. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwatº, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 52 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 SUB-PART E. CoPIEs of correspondence concerning the lease to company of a plot of land within “The Rocky Mountains Park,” for hotel purposes. Rocky MoUNTAINs PARK, 26th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to transmit herewith a plan of part of the park showing the ground applied for by the Canadian Pacific Railway Hotel Company. The portion selected last year is tinted green on the plan and that applied for more recently by Mr. McTavish, the Canadian Pacific Railway land agent, is tinted ‘pink. pinſ The first portion applied for contains 27:25 acres and the latter part applied for contains 10-65 acres or a total of 37.90 acres. - The plan also shows the lots applied for by Mr. VanHorne on the east side of the Spray River, tinted brown. The price that the Minister decided should be charged for the Canadian Pacific Railway land while here, is twenty dollars per acre per annum. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, GEORGE A. STEWART, Superintendent. To the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. RocKY MoUNTAINs PARK, 29th October, 1887. DEAR MR. WHITE,-On the plan I sent to Ottawa the other day showing the land required by the Canadian Pacific Railway Hotel Company, the lots on Spray Avenue are represented and colored pink, and representing the portion of ground applied for by that company recently. As these are regular lots and differ from the portion en bloc applied for first, I do not see why they should not be rated the same as other regular lots, viz., $30 per lot per annum. I have had applications for several of these lots at $30, and am only waiting for your sanction, of the plan I sent down, to close with the applicants. Of course the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany taking so many lots is some reason why they should get them cheaper, but if they are rated by the acre the price per lot will be only about $10, or # of the regular rates, so that perhaps $20 per lot would be a fair division of the two extremes. If you think the mode of laying out on the plan I sent is the best there is no reason why a number of applicants should not be closed with at once. * Yours truly, GEORGE A. STEWART. Honorable THOMAs WHITE, Ottawa, Ont. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 29th November, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th ultimo, enclos- ing a plan of part of the Rocky Mountains Park, showing the lands applied for by the Canadian Pacific Railway Hotel Company, being 37'90 acres; and to say that your suggestion, that these lands be leased to the company at the rate of $20 per lot per annum is approved. The agent of the park has been instructed accordingly. I am, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. GEO. A. STEwART, Esq., Supt. of the Rocky Mountains Park, Banff, N.W.T. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 29th November, 1887. SIR,--I beg to enclose here with a copy of a letter dated the 26th ultimo, received here from the Superintendent of the Rocky Mountains Park and a copy of the plan therewith enclosed showing the lands applied for by the Canadian Pacific Railway Hotel Company. The superintendent's suggestion that these lands be leased to the 53 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. Company at the rate of $20 per lot per annum has been approved, and I am to instruct you to include them in the next return of the transactions of your office. I am, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. The Agent of Dominion Lands, Rocky Mountains Park, Banff, N.W.T. Rocky MoUNTAINS PARK, 7th December, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 29th ultimo, No. 160556, reference No. 131404; also plan showing the land applied for by the Canadian Pacific Railway Hotel Company. The letter instructs me to include this land in my next return, but before doing so I beg to ask for further instructions. I am not clear as to whether the Canadian Pacific Railway has accepted this proposition, and paid the amount into the head office, or whether I am to transact the business with them, which I presume would be done through their secretary in Montreal. As it is necessary that the land should be numbered or lettered, for the purpose. 9f being entered in the register, Mr. Superintendent Stewart proposes to call the land in question blocks “X” and “Y.” I also beg to enquire whether the plan sent is my authority for entering in the land register all the lots shown thereon, or is it approved, so far as concerns the Canadian Pacific Railway only 7 I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, E. A. NASH, Dominion Lands Agent. The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 4th January, 1888. SIR,-In reply to your letter of the 7th ultimo, reference 77, L. 94, I beg to say that the plan of the town site, after it has been registered in the registry office at Calgary, will be your authority for entering in your register all the lots marked upon it according to their letters and numbers. I have written the secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, asking whether it is intended that the rental shall be paid through you or at this office. I am, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. The Agent of Dominion Lands, Rocky Mountains Park, Alberta, N.W.T. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 4th January, 1888. DEAR MR, DRINKwaTER,-We will be ready in a very few days now to issue a lease to your company of the lots upon which their hotel at Banff is located. Our agent at Banff asks whether the rental will be paid at this office or to him. Will you be good enough to inform me what your company propose to do in the matter 7 Yours very truly, A. M. BURGESS. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th February, 1888. TEAR DRINKWATER,-As the result of a conversation which Mr. McTavish and you had with the Minister and myself the other day, I understood that we were to. receive from you a new application before taking any further action respecting your 54 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. company's hotel site at Banff. I think it desirable to put this in writing so as to prevent any misunderstanding arising. Yours very truly, A. M. BURGESS. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 21st February, 1888. DEAR BURGESs, Referring to yours of the 8th respecting the Banff Hotel site. Since I saw you Judge Clarke has had an interview with Mr. White about the terms of the proposed lease, and is to see him again, which he intends doing before the end of this week. I have been absent, which accounts for my not sooner answering your letter. Yours very truly, C. DRLNKWATER. A. M. BURGEss, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT GF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 27th February, 1888. SIR,-Adverting to your interview of this morning with the Minister of the Interior, I am directed to inform you that he has considered the application of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for a lease of certain lands within the Rocky Mountains Park of Canada, and I am authorized to say that the plot upon which the company’s hotel is erected, and a sufficient area in the vicinity thereof to make up a total area of 5 acres, this area to be in one compact block and be selected by the company, will be leased to the company for a period of forty-two years at a rental of $20 per acre per annum. The residue of the area of 21.89 acres contained in the block, out of which this plot is to be selected, which also has been applied for by the company and is shaded in green upon the map filed by them, this residue being 16-89 acres in extent, and also the whole of the tract of 5-36 acres lying between Glen Avenue and Bow River, also shaded in green upon the said map, and lots 1 and 2, in range 12, shaded brown, will be leased to the company for a period of twenty- one years at a rental of $5 per acre per annum. These leases will be renewable àt their expiration at a rental to be agreed upon by the Government and the lessees; but in case they are unable to agree, the said rental shall be fixed by arbitration in the usual way, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. G. M. CLARKE, Esq., Solicitor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 29th February, 1888. SIR,--I am directed to enclose herewith, for your information, copy of a letter dated the 27th instant, to the solicitor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company in reference to the company's application for a lease of certain lands at Banff in con- nection with their hotel. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. GEO. A. STEwART, Esq., Superintendent of the Rocky Mountains Park, National Park P. O., N. W. T. l) EPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 29th February, 1888. SIR,--I beg to enclose herewith, for your information, copy of a letter addressed to the solicitor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company respecting the company's application for a lease of certain lands at Banff in connection with their hotel. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Agent of Dominion Lands, Rocky Mountains Park, National Park P.O., N. W. T. 53 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 gº- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 29th February, 1888. SIR,--I beg to enclose herewith for your information, copy of a letter addressed to the solicitor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, respecting the company's application for a lease of certain lands at Banff in connection with their hotel. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. IH. H. SMITH, Esq., Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR, MonTEEAL. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge your favor of yesterday stating the rental and length of terms for certain leases to be given by the Crown to our com- pany, of lands in the Rocky Mountains Park, and I write to say that the particulars mentioned by you are satisfactory and are accepted by the company. I presume that the further particulars to be inserted in such leases will be arranged between the Minister, or some official of his Department, and myself at an early date. I am, sir, your obedient servant, GEO. M. CLARK, A. M. BURGESs, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, . PART III. Divided into two sub-parts: A, Covering copies of correspondence and other papers relative to the issue of letters patent to the company for the lands particularly mentioned in Such correspondence; and also copies of letters to the company asking for preparation of the return called for by section 8 of Chapter 9, 49 Victoria ; and B, consisting of copies of routine correspondence, orders for delivery, and applications for issue of patents for company's lands. SUB-BART A. CoPIES of correspondence and other papers relative to the issue of letters patent to the company for the lands particularly mentioned in such correspondence; and also copies of letters to the secretary of the company asking for preparation of the return called for by section 8 of 49 Victoria, chapter 7. OFFICE OF THE DOMINION LAND's CoMMIssion, WINNIPEG, 26th April, 1887 SIB,-I am directed to refer to you the enclosed copy of a letter and its enclosure from the Land Commissioner of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company in reference to certain lands just outside the 24-mile belt, which have been sold by that company. The agent at Minnedosa was a short time ago written to with regard to the N Section 31, Township 14, Range 13 W, and his reply was that this land stood in his books in the name of the “Canadian Pacific Railway Company, by order of the head office letter, dated 30th July, 1884, No. 34.187 on 77804.” I have the honor to be, sir your obedient servant, R. A. RUTTAN, Assistant Secretary. The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. WINNIPEG, 20th April, 1887. SIR,-Herewith I enclose you copy of letter received from the secretary of the ‘Company. Re N. # of N. W. 4 Section 31, Township 15, Range 2 E. This land was shown in our books as belonging to the company. We having. learned from enquiry of the Dominion lands agent, Winnipeg, that it was undisposed 56 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 ºr of by the Department, Mr. J. H. Slater applied to purchase on the 28th June, 1886, stating that he had been referred to us by the Dominion lands agent. One of my officials then made personal enquiry at Mr. Witcher's office and was informed that this land was shown on the books of his office as falling to the Cana- dian Pacific Railway. We then closed the sale on 12th July, 1886, with Mr. Slater. I find on looking carefully into the matter that the land is just outside of our 24-mile belt. The oversight was due to the fact that we had not been officially advised of the limits of the belt east of Lake Manitoba, and I trust there will be no difficulty under the circumstances in confirming the company in their title to the 80 acres in uestion. Q Re N. & Section 31, Township 14, Range 13 W. 1st Meridian. This land was sold by the company to the Hon. C. P. Brown, on the 18th Feb- ruary, 1882. By subsequent adjustment of our northern limit of the 24-mile belt, it was thrown outside, and through some oversight was not included in the list of similar lands which were specially confirmed to the company by Order in Council of 6th March, 1883. I wrote to the late Mr. Commissioner Walsh on the 26th May, 1884, asking him. to have this reserved, as we were applying to Ottawa for a title. I subsequently received official intimation (since destroyed by fire), that we would receive the # section as part of our land grant. I have no doubt that the records at Ottawa witH show the correspondence and the result as stated. * I am very anxious to receive patent for this section at the earliest possible moment, and I trust that you will recommend the Department at Ottawa to issue it. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, J. H. McTAWISH, Land Commissioner. H. H. SMITH, Esq., Dominion Land Commissioner, Winnipeg. MonTREAL, 4th April, 1887 - DEAR SIR,-Referring to your letter of 26th January and list 43 of lands for which patents are required, the Department writes as follows:– “Letters patents cannot issue to that company for the N. # of the N. W. #, Section 31, Township 15, Range 2, E. of 1st Meridian, and the N. ; Section 31, Town- ship 14, Range 13 W. 1st Meridian, owing to the fact that these lands are beyond the limits of the 24-mile belt of the said company.” For your information. Yours truly, C, DRINKWATER, Secretary. J. H. McTAVISH, Esq., Land Commissioner, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Winnipeg. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 3rd May, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to inform you that Mr. Robert Watson, M.P., for Mar- 4uette (Manitoba), has given notice in the House of Commons that he will move for an Order of the House for a Return of all lands sold in the Province of Manitoba by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, up to the first of April, 1887. As you are aware clause 8 of the Act, 49 Victoria, chap. 9, provides that your company shall lay before the House within the first fifteen days of the meeting of Parliament, a list of all lands sold by the company during the year ending on the first day of October in each year, together with the names of the purchasers. As the fifteen days alluded to have expired, and the return of lands sold by your company has not yet been furnished, I have the honor to call your attention to the fact, and to the notice of motion above referred to, in order that the information may be supplied with the least possible delay. I have, &c., A. M. BURGESS, Deputy Minister of the Interior. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal- 57 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *ººl DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th May, 1887. SIR,--I beg to inform you that patents for the lands mentioned in Mr. Drink- water's letter of the 20th ultimo, of which you enclosed a copy in your letter of the 26th ultimo, reference No. 19146, will issue to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 80th August, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that if the south west quarter of Section 14, Township 11, Range 27, West of the 1st Meridian; the south half of Section 6, Town- ship 17, Range 23, West of the 2nd Meridian, and the south-west quarter of Section 18, Township 22, Range 22, West of the 4th Meridian, which the Canadian Pacific Railway Company selected in lieu of Section 31, Township 5, Range 23, West of the 1st Meridian, as it was sold by the Government to Dr. Lundy, are found to be avail- able, patents will issue therefor to the company forthwith. The several agents of Dominion lands in whose districts the three parcels of land in question are respectively situated have been instructed to report in the premises, and the secretary and the Land Commissioner of the company have been so notified. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th August, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to instruct you to report immediately how the south-west quarter of Section 14, Township 11, Range 27, west of the 1st Meridian stands in the books of your office, as the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have selected that parcel of land and two other parcels in lieu of Section 31, Township 5, Range 23, west of the 1st Meridian which the Government sold to Dr. Lundy. If the above mentioned quarter-section is available you will please note in the books of your office that it is reserved for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and cite the reference number of this letter as your authority. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Agent of Dominion Lands, Brandon, Man. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th August, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to instruct you to report immediately how the south-west quarter of Section 18, Township 22, Range 22, west of the 4th Meridian, stands in the books of your office, as the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have selected that parcel of land and two other parcels in lieu of Section 31, Township 5, Range 23, west of the 1st Meridian, which the Government sold to Dr. Lundy, If the above-mentioned quarter-section is available you will please note in the books of your office that it is reserved for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and cite the reference number of this letter as your authority. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Agent of Dominion Lands, Calgary, Alberta. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th August, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to instruct you to report immediately how the south half of Section 6, Township 17, Range 23, west of the 2nd Meridian stands in the books of your office, as the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have selected that parcel of 58 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. T-> land and two other parcels, in lieu of Section 31, Township 5, Range 23, west of the 1st Meridian, which the Government sold to Dr. Lundy. If the above-mentioned half-section is available you will please note in the books of your office that it is reserved for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company and cite the reference number of this letter as your authority. I am, sir, your obedient servant, { P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Agent of Dominion Lands, Regina, Assa. ~3 ºr DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 30th August, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that if the south-west quarter of Section 14, Township 11, Range 27, west of the 1st Meridian; the south half of Section 6, Township 17, Range 23, west of the 2nd Meridian, and the south-west quarter of Section 18, Township 22, Range 22, west of the 4th Meridian, which the Canadian Pacific Railway Company selected in lieu of Section 31, Township 5, Range 23, west of the 1st Meridian, as it was sold to Dr. Lundy by the Government, are found to be available, patents will issue therefor to the company forth with. The several agents of Dominion Lands in whose districts the three parcels of land so selected are respectively situated have been instructed to report immediately how these lands stand in the records of their offices. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. J. H. McTAVISH, Esq., Land Commissioner, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Winnipeg. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th August, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that if the south-west quarter of Section 14, Township 11, Range 29, west of the 1st Meridian, the south half of Section 6, Town- ship 17, Range 23, west of the 2nd Meridian, and the south-west quarter of Section 18, Township 22, Range 22, west of the 4th Meridian, which the Canadian Pacific Railway Company selected in lieu of Section 31, Township 5, Range 23, west of the 1st Meridian, as it was sold to Dr. Lundy by the Government, are found to be available, patents will issue therefor to the company forth with. The several agents of Dominion lands, in whose districts the three parcels of land so selected are respectively situated, have been instructed to report immediately how these lands stand in the records of their offices. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, DOMINION LANDS OFFICE, REGINA, 5th September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 30th. ultimo, 34187, No. 6, and in reply to say that the S. # Section 6, Township 17, Range 23 W. 2nd Meridian, was reserved by the commissioner's order, dated the 31st May last, for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. I have not received your letter. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, WM. H. STEVENSON, Agent of Dominion Lands. The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, DOMINION LANDs OFFICE, BRANDON, 6th September, 1887. SIR,- I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 30th ultimo, reference No. 34187, No. 6, and in reply to say that the south-west quarter- 59 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 of Section 14, Township 11, Range 27 west, stands as vacant upon the books of this office, and has in accordance with your instructions been noted as belonging to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, in lieu of other lands. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. W. REYNOLDS, for Agent of Dominion Lands. The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, DoMINION LAND's OFFICE, CALGARY, 5th September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 30th ult, reference 34187, No. 6, and in reply to say that the S.W. 4 of Section 18, Town- ship 22, Range 22W. 4th Meridian, is noted in the books of this office as having been reserved for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company as an “Experimental Farm.” I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, AMOS ROWE, Agent of Dominion Lands. The Secretary, &c., &c., &c., Ottawa. OFFICE of THE DOMINION LANDS CoMMISSION, WINNIPEG, 10th September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 30th ultimo, Reference 34187, No. 6, re certain lands selected by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company in lieu of Section 31, Township 5, Range 23 1st Principal Meridian. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, T. R. BURPE, Secretary. The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 27th September, 1887. SIR,-With further reference to my letter to you of the 30th ultimo, I have now to inform you that the agents of Dominion lands at Brandon, Regina and Calgary have reported favorably in regard to the several parcels of land therein mentioned, and that, if desired, the patents for those lands can now be issued to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 19th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to apply for letters patent in favor of this company for the lands under noted, viz.:- S. W. #, Section 14, Tp. 11, Rge. 27, W. 1. S. W. 3, Section 6, Tp. 17, Rge. 23, W. 2. S. W. #, Section 18, Tp. 22, Rge. 22, W. 4. The lands mentioned are those referred to in your letter of the 30th August last, reference 34187, No. 6, to be taken by the company in lieu of an odd section dis- posed of in error by the Department to Dr. Lundy. Kindly forward the patent to me with as little delay as possible. I am, sir, your obedient servant, *- * C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. Jon N R, HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th November, 1887. SIR,-Adverting further to my letter to you of the 3rd May last, directing your attention to the provisions of clause 8 of the Act 49 Wic., chap. 9, to which letter I have 60 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 not, by the way, been favored with a reply, I beg to say that recently the Depart- ment of Railways and Canals furnished this department with a copy of the lists of lands within the Province of Manitoba sold by your company, which were enclosed with your letters to that department of the 15th and 23rd June last respectively. The Act of Parliament requires, however, that a full list of all the lands sold by the company shall each year be submitted to Parliament within the first fifteen days after the meeting thereof, for the twelve months ending the 1st of October. Parliament is likely to be summoned to meet at an early date, and I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to prepare and send to the Minister of the Interior, to be by him laid before Parliament, a list of all the lands sold by your company in Manitoba and the North-West Territories, for the year ending the 1st October last, and a similar list of all previous sales, exclusive, however, of the lands mentioned in the return furnished by you, as above stated, to the Department of Railways and Canals. Please observe that this return should be furnished to the Department of the Interior and not to the Department of Railways and Canals. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 20th February, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to draw your attention to section 8 of 49 Victoria, chap- ter 9, whereby it is provided that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company “shall lay before the House of Commors within the first fifteen days of the meeting of Parlia- ment a list of all lands sold by them during the year ending on the first day of Octo- ber in each year, together with the names of the purchasers.” I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pasific Railway Company, Montreal. sº SUB-PART B. 9. CoPIEs of routine correspondence, orders for delivery of, and applications relative to the issue of letters patent for the Company's lands: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 14th April, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the In- terior, to enclose here with letters patent for south-east quarter Section 25, in the 5th Township of the 19th Range, west of the 1st Meridian, in the Province of Mani- toba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 14th April, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the In- terior, to enclose here with letters patent for fractional east half Section 19 in the 16th Township of the 1st Range west of the 1st Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. ** The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 61 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *—- sº- THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 18th April, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 14th, reference 82030, No. 3, I enclose the receipt for the fractional E. & Section 19, Township 16, Range 1, W. 1st. The application was for the whole tract in this section. Will you please inform me why the patent has only issued for the east half? I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY CoMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 20th April, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 12th instant, letter No. 144476, reference No. 82030, No. 3, enclosing the form of patent to be used where it is desired the lands of the company shall be patented direct to purchasers. # I return the form, having made a few corrections in red ink. These corrections refer mainly to the lien created by the land grant mortgage, which you will observe is discharged by the trustees in the application when the issue of patents is applied for. I enclose for reference a copy of the form on which such application is made. With the corrections named the form of patent will be satisfactory. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 5th May, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 18th March, letter No. 138540, referenge No. 82030, respecting the north half of the north-west quarter Section 31, Township 15, Range 2 east, and the north half Section 31, Township 14, Range 13 west 1st, I beg to point out that the railway belt being properly defined as running parallel with the railway instead of by north and south lines as explaimed verbally to the Deputy Minister of the Interior a few days ago, these lands will be found to be within the belt, and I therefore beg to ask that patents may issue to the company for the lands in question. Plans are in course of preparation showing the limits of the 48-mile belt as laid down by the company, and they will be transmitted to the department for aecept- ance as soon as they are completed. I am, sir, your obedient servant. C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIo RAIL way CoMPANY. To the Hon. the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. g The Canadian Pacific Railway Company hereby requests the issue of patents in the names of the persons and for the lands described herein, being part of the land grant to which the company is entitled under the terms and conditions of the con- tract and agreement embodied in the Act of Parliament of Canada, passed in the forty-fourth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and intituled “An Act. respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway.” 62 * 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 Principal Name. Residence. Section. T. Range. Meridian p. West of. -º-mºmº Fºº ºn -º w- And the company hereby agrees to accept such issue as full performance pro tanto of the terms and conditions of the said contract. And we, Charles Francis Smithers, of the city of Montreal, President of the Bank of Montreal, Esquire; the Honorable John Hamilton, of Hawkesbury, in the Pro- wince of Ontario, and of Tyrella House, of the city of Montreal, Senator; and Samuel Thorne, of the city of New York, in the United States of America, Esquire ; being the mortgagees named in a mortgage dated September first, A. D. 1881, of the lands above-mentioned for securing land grant bonds of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, in pursuance of the Act of Parliament and charter thereunder incorpo- rating the said railway company, join herein for the purpose of releasing the said: above-mentioned lands and discharging the same from the lien and operation of the said mortgage. And we hereby release all our claims upon the said lands. In witness whereof the said the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has caused these presents to be signed by its secretary and attested by the seal of the company, and the said trustees have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of , A.D. 188 The Canadian Pacific Railway Company, per ASecretary. Trustees Land Grant Mortgage. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of *. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th May, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 1st ultimo, that the proof of the form of letters patent, to be issued direct to purchasers of land from your company, is now in the hands of the Department of Justice. So soon as this proof has been received back a sufficient number of forms will be struck off and the issue of patents in question will be proceeded with. These patents, when prepared, will not, however, be delivered to the respective patentees until you are further heard from upon the subject of the delivery thereof. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. ‘C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 23rd May, 1887. SIR,-Will you be good enough to cause letters patent to be issued for the sundermentioned lands:— 63 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 ſº All Section 5, Township 23, Range 1, West 5. S. # do 9 do 23 do 1 do 5. W. # do 33 do 23 do 1 do 5. All do 35 do 23 do i do 5. N. ; do 3 do 24 do 1 do 5. S.E. # do 9 do 24 do 1 do 5. E. # do 5 do 22 do 29 do 4 These patents are urgently required, and I shall be glad if you will cause them. to be issued at once. º I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 27th May, 1887. SIR-I have the honor to call your attention to my letter of the 18th ultimo, desiring information of cause of issue of letters patent for fractional E. # Section 19, Township 16, Range 1, West 1, only, in place of the whole (fraction) Section 19, Township 16, Range 1, West 1, applied for in list enclosed with my letter to you of 1st February last, and respectfully to request an early reply. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. 64 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 .# CANADA. Deputy Governor. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c. To all to whom these Presents shall come—GREETING : WHEREAs the lands, hereinafter described, are part of the lands known as “Dominion Lands,” and mentioned in the “Dominion Lands Act, 1883;” AND WHEREAs under the provisions of the Act of the Parliament of Canada, passed in the forty-fourth year of our reign, chaptered one, and intitüled : “An Act respect- ing the Canadian Pacific Railway,” and by the terms and conditions of the contract and agreement embodied in the said Act, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (hereinafter called “the company”) are entitled to a grant of the said lands, as part of their land grant; AND WHEREAs the company have applied to us for a grant of the said lands direct to Now KNow YE, that in consideration of the premises, and in pur- suance of the power wested in us by the said Act, we, by these presents, do grant, convey and assure, unto the said and assigns for ever, all th parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the in our Dominion of Canada, and being composed of COIl- taining by admeasurement acre , more or less, To have and to hold the said parcel or tract of land, unto the said and assigns, for ever; saving and reserving, nevertheless, unto us, our successors and assigns, the free uses, passage and enjoyment of, in, over and upon all navigable waters that now are or may be hereafter found on or under, or flowing through or upon any part of the said parcel or tract of land; and also reserving thereout and there- from all rights of fishery and fishing and occupation in connection therewith, upon, around and adjacent to said lands, and also the privilege of landing from and mooring boats and vessels upon any part of the said lands, and using the Said lands in connection with the rights of fishery and fishing hereby reserved, so far as may be reasonably necessary to the exercise of such rights. Given under the Great Seal of Canada:-Witness, Deputy of our right trusty and entirely beloved cousin the most Honorable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, Marquess of Lansdowne, in the County of Somerset, Earl of Wycombe, of Chipping Wycombe, in the County of Bucks, Wiscount Calne and Calmestone in the County of Wilts, and Lord Wycombe, Baron of Chipping Wycombe in the County of Bucks, in the peerage of Great Britain; Earl of Kerry and Earl of Shelburne, Wiscount Clanmaurice and Fitzmaurice, Baron of Kerry, Lixnaw, and Dunkerron, in the Peerage of Ireland, Knight Grand Cross of our most distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor General of Canada, and Vice-Admiral of the same, &c, &c, &c. At Ottawa, this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and and in the year of our reign, !: i É ſ Reference No. C. P. Railway Grant No, By Command, Under Secretary of State. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. 25a–5 65 A -51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 AE--- *- us- DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 4th June, 1887. SIR-In reply to your letter of the 5th ultimo, I beg to inform you that letters patent for the lands therein mentioned are now in course of preparation, in favor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 4th June, 1887. SIR,--In reply to your letter of the 23rd ultimo, I beg to inform you the letters patent are now in course of preparation, in favor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, for the lands mentioned therein, with the exception of the south half of Section 35, Township 23, Range 1, west of the 5th meridian, against which claims have been preferred, which claims are now under the consideration of the Land Board at Winnipeg. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 4th June, 1887. SIR,--In reply to your letter of the 27th ultimo, I beg to inform you that the reason a patent was issued to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for the frac- tional E. 3 of Section 19, Township 16, Range 1, west of the 1st Meridian only, although that company applied for a patent for the whole of this broken section, is because all the dry land, amounting to 81-60 acres, is comprised within the E # of the section, the remainder of the area falling within Shore Lake. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. Souris MoUTH, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Section 19, in Township 8, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. GEORGE MAIR. Witness—ANDREW WRIGHT. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BUCKINGHAM, P. Q., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 31, in Township 9, Range 24, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. . JAMES W McLAREN. Witness—E. S. LEETHAM. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Souris MoUTH, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter.of Section 5, in Township 9, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this 66 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. PETER ELDER. Witness—W. CUNNINGHAM. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Township 11, RANGE 18, W. 1, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 21, in Township 11, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ALEXAN DER HUME. Witness—WILLIAM HUME. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Township 11, RANGE 12, W. 1, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 33, in Township 11, Range 12, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the Department for said patent. IEWI WHITELAW. Witness—DUNCAN Johnson. º To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Hol. LAND, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 7, in Township 8, Range 11, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ANGUS MCARTHUR. Witness—Joseph A. CAMPBELL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 9, in Township 9, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN WADDINGTON. Witness—T. B. WADDINGTON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. NEEPAwa, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Sec- tion 19, in Township 14, Range 14, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing, and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any re- -ceipt required by the department for said patent. JOSHUA RITCHEY. 4. Witness—JAMES H. DAVIDsoN. - To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, 25a–5% 67 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 GLENDALE, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec- tion 27, in Township 13, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JAMES ALFRED ROBERTS. Witness—ALFRED M. DALTON, To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LITTLETON, MAN, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 23, in Township 7, Range 13, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JAMES MITCHELL, Witness—FRED AxFoRD. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 23, in Township 11, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN E. SMITH. Witness—JoBIN ARMOUR. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRONTO, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 3, in Township 7, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JAS. A. WILLIAMSON. Witness—F. K. ConwAY. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRADWARDINE, MAN, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 15, in Township 12, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JAMES FERGUSON, Witness—JoBIN PARR, To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ST, PAUL, MINN, U.S.A., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 33, in 68 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 * Township 8, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ANDREW TULLY TAYLOR. Witness—PETER McCALLUM. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRoNTo, Ont., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Section 3, in Township 7, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said, patent. JOHN BRANDON. Witness—HUGH A. CAMPBELL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDoN, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec- tion 27, in Township 10, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt granted by the department for said patent. WATSON STEWART. Witness—GEO. R. GoLDwell. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Sec- tion 1, in Township 10, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. H. DILLMAN. Witness—D. EI. CoopFR. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, WINNIPEG, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 15, in Township 9, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JNO. W. HARRIS. Witness—H. NewELL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. CARBERRY, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 3, in Township 11, Range 15, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. WILLIAM EWITT. Witness—JoBN ELLIOTT. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. 69 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *~~~ ze Arº. GRIswold, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 23, in Township 9, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ALEXANDER SPEERS, Witness—GEO. IIINDSAY. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. GRIswold, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half of Section 15, in Township 7, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him in my name, to sign any receipt required by the Department for said patent. ALEXANDER SPEERS. Witness—GEo. LINDSAY. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. RALPHTON, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Blease deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Section 5, in Township 12, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN HUNTER. Witness—WM. J. H. WouGH. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. GRIswold, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 1, in Township 10, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. WILLIAM JOHN YOUNG . Witness—WILLIAM Logan. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. GLENDALE, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half and the south- east quarter of section 5, in Township 14, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meri- dian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. F. SMITH. Witness—E. J. CoADE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. WINNIPEG, MAN, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Sec- 70 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. – tion 19, in Township 10, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. C. J. BRYDGES, Treasurer Diocese of Rupert's Land, on behalf of the Synod. Witness—J. W. HEUBACH. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. HIGH BLUFF, MAN., 15th April, 1-87. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Section 3, in Township 7, Range 15, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ANDREW MOGGEY. Witness—WILLIAM Mogg|EY. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. SEAFORTH, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half of Section 21, in Township 11, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. COLIN BETHUNE. Witness—JAs. CRAIG. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 31, in Township 9, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ALEXANDER GRAHAM. Witness—J. BURNs. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Rounthwaite, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion 25, in Township 8, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. LEWI H. FISHER. Witness—EnwiN A. LoCKHART. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. OAKLAKE, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 31, in Township 9, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your au- 71 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 thority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ANGUS LEITCH. Witness—DonALD FINDLEY. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. MILLFORD, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Section 21, in Township 7, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ROBERT KIENNEDY. Witness—SAMUEL TAYLOR. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. WINNIPEG, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section -3, in Township 14, Range 27, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. A. S. LYNCH. Witness: GEORGE H. RowsWELL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. CREEFORD, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Section 15, in Township 12, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. D. J. GEDDES. Witness—P. DICKSON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. CARBERRY, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in our favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion 9, in Township 10, Range 14, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and we hereby authorize him, in our name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. D. A. REYNOLDS, W. GORLEY. Witness—R. S. HUMPHRIES. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. RALPHTON, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion 31, in Township 12, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN FERGUSON. Witness—JAMES Cox. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. 72 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *— BELLEv1LLE, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 17, in Township 10, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt, required by the department for said patent. Witness—HANNAH. DonoHo E. ELIZA JANE FLINT. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., * OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 2nd June, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to transmit here with, orders for the delivery to me of letters patent for the undermentioned lands, which were applied for in applications accompanying my letter of 1st April last:— .# ti sº -: cks Names. º 9 § § *: 3 = | # # ë £d >; Eliza Jane Flint & ºg º a tº $ in e º e º 'º sº ee tº tº we ſee e º gº ºº e º ºs ººcººkº e º see tº tº e º 'º & © º 'º e " ' s e < *s e g is tº 49 * 17 10 22 John Ferguson ---------------------------------.............. ... ...... 31 12 23 D. A. Reynolds, eff al. tº & sº see sº * * * tº sº gº tº e s is e º 'ºw sº a º sº “wº sº se a gº tº ºe is e e s elee 9 I0 14 D. J. Ge des. et a tº e º ºs e º sets º ºs e º 'º e o sº as es e º es e see see * * * * sº tº sº sº gº tº es ea e s e e A. S. Lynch ... .............................------- JRobt. Kennedy ** * * * > 0 & 8 tº Gº e º 4 tº a º sº º ºr e º e º e º e º se e º e in s is a se & g º ºt 1 tº e º º º ſº e º 'º e tº e º a Angus Leitch * * c tº º e º 'º sº dº tº Gº & ºt *e e see we tº º ºs º º tº es e º ºs ºs ºs ºr se he see &* * tº gº tº ſº tº º ſº º Levi Whitelaw. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * see tº sº e º e a g º e s ºf us e ºs e e º 'º º use º sº e º º tº ſº tº tº tº tº Alexander Hume ......................... gº tº Cº Peter Elder ..... ........ g * James W McLaren ................. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ºn s & tº º ſº tº tº ſº e º e º º ſº g tº we s sº dº º jº George Mair ........ & be ee eº edia e s ess a we see ee ee e sees e s we see ex ºr a sº sees as sea e o e John Hunter --------------...................... ......................... Alexander Speers ..... ** * * * * * * * * ee eu e º se e s a sea G s ºr sº tº º ºs e º º ºf t e º e º 'ºù is tºº & © tº a O O gº a tº e tº tº gº tºº e º º ºs e º 'º e º ºs e w tº ſº tº 9 se e s ºr sº ſee sº ee tº e º ºs º e s tº e º a William Ewitt......... * * * * * * * * * & © tº e Cºº & © º f e º & sº sº. 4 e º ºs e º º º -, -ºn as as º ºs e e s e º e º a "no W. Harris.-------------............................................ tº º Levi H. Fisher * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** a see tº sºw & e as a e s a sº e s a tº “e tº s se saw a •e s sº º ºse Allen Graham & B & 8 º' a º 'º ºº e^*** *e e a º e s = º e º ze e s seese e s sº see n e º e ee ºs e e º as & se a Colin Bethune • * * g o ºpe * * * Rºe Cº. ºº tº ºooºoºº e we as se - e. Andrew Moggey ---------............................ .................... 9: J. Brydges, Synod of Rupert's Land.......................... W. F. Sirett ......... --................ st e º 'º sº tº ºr e º nº t e r is tº w tº e g º º * * * * * tº º g a “ sº e º ºs e º 'º e º 'º º e º gº tº º & ſº tº º ºr º tº e º s William John Young ..................................... .............. W. Ei. Dillman * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Q tº be e s tº a t e º es e a e e s e > * * * * * * * Q is e º ºr a tº see e see ed Watson Stewart (129722) ............................................. John Brandon .............................................. Andrew T. Taylor..................... & sº e º e º e º e * * * * * * * * * * * * & Q is tº e º a tº $ tº º º James Ferguson &e º 'º e º as ºesºe sº feet see Qe e s see e i e s see se ee e < e s s ºr a 4s tº sº, sº e Jas. A. Williamson...... Jas. Mitchell......... * * * * * sº ee e a e s a tº º º Robt. Mitchell (144487) ..... .......... .............................. The Federal Bank of Canada......................................... * * * * ~~~~............................................. e tº Joshua Ritchey .......... .... John Waddington 9 * * * * * g ee tº & © & © tº º ºs e s tº dº º e º 'º e is a t < * * * * * * * * * * * g e º a tº e tº e º ſº e º 'º & us ºf sº we * * * * * * * tº º ºs w tº e º ºr tº e g c tº ſº e Angus Mc Arthur • * * * * * g. tº ºf us e e º º *** * * * * * * * * are a sº a tº º * * * * * * * * * * Robert Jamieson ......... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^* is tº e g º we is a we e º ºst A. Barnet * * * > * * * * * * * * * * * * ea º dº & wºº tº e º 'º see tº e º ºus e º e º 'º e & ©º & e º ºs ºs e a e gº ºr º e º ºs : . 3 7 l 7 ; i : º ; ºg ; s: º a tº C G & ºt 23 9 23 5. ; c 3 l 9 2 4 º : | 2 l I l l 8 i l ; 1 ; : º I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKwaTER, Secretary. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. –-----> 73 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *. - E. - FAIRVIEW, MAN., 15th April, 188'ſ. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south east quarter of Sec- tion 15, in Township 11, Range 15, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. THOMAS MUIREIEAD. Witness—H. W. WHITE. * To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 4th June, 1887. SIR,-With reference to my letter of the 1st April last, among other requests for patents, I applied for the issue of letters patent in favor of Thomas Moorehead, covering the S. E. H. Section 15, Township 11, Range 15, west 1st. I have since received an order from the above named for the delivery to me of this patent, and which I enclose, in which he signs himself Muirhead. Be good enough to have the patent issue accordingly. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 10th June, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Inter- ior, to enclose herewith letters patent for the N. # of N.-W. # Section 31, in the 5th Township of the 2nd Range east of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Mani- toba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. & I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 10th June, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Inter- ior, to enclose here with letters patent for the N. # Section 31 in the 14th Township in the 13th Range, west of the Principal Mer dian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. G. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIo R, OTTA wa, 18th June, 1887. SIR-I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th instant and to inform you that the correction suggested therein has been duly made and that the order enclosed therewith has been duly noted in the order book of this depart- ment. * I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary C. DRINKwaTER, E 4, Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal, DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 18th June, 1887. SIR,-With reference to your letter of the 1st April, 1887, I have now to inform you that letters patent are in course of preparation in the names of the respective 74 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 wº parties mentioned in the list accompanyng that letter, with the following three ex- ceptions, the preparation of the patents in these cases having been stayed pending the receipt here of the information required in each, viz.:- º (1). Augustus S. Lynch—The occupation and full Christian name is required in this case, and I have to request you to be very particular in future to give in every instance, the full Christian name of the patentee. (2). The Synod of the Diocese of Rupert's Land—If a body corporate, a copy of the Act of incorporation must be filed here. I may add, for your information, that all patents that have been issued by this department in connection with the Diocese of Rupert's Land were prepared in the name of “The Lord Bishop of Rupert's Land,” and I have to request you to state whether you do not think it would be advisable to continue the practice in the present case. (3). The Canada North-West Land Company (Limited)—A copy of the Act in- corporating this company is required. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwaTEB, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 18th June, 1887. SIR,--I have to acknowledge the receipt of the forty orders enclosed with your letter of the 2nd instant, authorizing the delivery to you of the patents respectively mentioned therein, and to state that the same have been duly noted in the order book of this department, with the following four exceptions, viz.:- 1. R. Mitchell, W. # of Section 19, Township 17, Range 9, west of 2nd Meridian. 2. The Federal Bank of Canada, E. 3 of Section 35, Township 17, Range 9, west of 2nd Meridian. 3. R. Jamison, N. W. # of Section 9, Township 22, Range 1, west of 5th Meridian. 4. A. Barnet, E. # of Section 17, Township 23, Range I, west of 5th Meridian, The patents in these four cases will, when issued, be forwarded to the registrar of the registration division in which the lands are situated, in accordance with “The Territories Real Property Act.” The registrar, in each case, will be instructed to forward a certificate of title to your address, in accordance with the orders in question. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 18th June, 1887. SIR,-With further reference to your letter of the 2nd instant, enclosing a num- ber of orders for the delivery to you of the patents mentioned therein, I now beg to enclose here with letters patent which have been issued in favor of Mr. Watson Stewart, for the north-east quarter of Section 27, Township 10, Range 19, west of the 1st Meridian, accompanied by a form of receipt to be returned to this department after it has been properly dated and signed. This patent is the only one so far issued of those covered by the orders above mentioned, and I have to state that this patent has been prepared hurriedly, owing to the express wish of Messrs. Munson & Allan, Barristers, of Winnipeg, who had F. filed in this department an order from the patentee for the delivery of © SãIſlò. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 75 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 -*- THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 23rd June, 1887, SIR,--I have the honor to request that letters patent may issue in favor of this Company for the undermentioned lands, viz.:- Section. . Township. Range. Meridian. N. E. # 7 23 i W. 5. W. § 17 23 1 W. 5. It is very important that these patents should be in our possession with as little delay as possible. I am, sir, your obedient servant. C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoBN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 25th June, 1887. SIR,--I enclose a list of patents applied for, showing the dates of the applica- tions in favor of the Canada North-West Land Company. As these patents are much required, I shall be glad if you will cause them to be issued at once. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. LIST of Patents Required. Description. D 8te Name. applied for. Section. Township. Range. Meridian. Canada North-West Land Co. ........... [E. : 1....... . ..., 8 18 l April 1, 1887 do do ............ Fractional 25.... ll 34 l do 1, 1887 de do ............ N. W. # 21..... .... 10 26 l do 1, 1887 do do ........... IN.W. # 1..... ..., 8 19 I do 1, 1887 do do ........... S. # 21............... 10 19 I do 1, 1887 do do ............ S. # 21. .... ....., 6 7 l do 1, 1887 do do ..... ...... W. 3 of S.E. # 25 5 17 l do 1, 1887 do do ...... ..... S. # 9................ 8 ić 1 do 1, 1887 do do ............ E #21. . .... ..... 4 20 I do 1, 1887 do do ...... ..... N.E. # 13. ........ 10 29 I do 1, 1887 do do ...... ..... 9 -------, .... . ...... 18 2 2 do 1, 1887 do do ............ N.R. 4 21.......... 5 18 l do 1, 1887 do do ...... . ... N.W. # 9........... 16 6 2 do 1, 1887 do do ... ...... [S.K. # 6 .......... 14 30 1 do 1, 1887 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, CTTAwa, 28th June, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 23rd instant, and in reply to inform you that letters patent for the lands therein mentioned are now in Course of preparation, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINRWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 76 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 28th June, 1887. SIR,-In reply to your letter of the 25th instant, I am directed to refer you to my communication of the 18th of the present month, reference 144203, and to re- quest that you will be good enough to send an answer to the same. If the company are not desirous of citing the Act of incorporation in the patents proposed to be issued in their favor, I am to say that such patents will be put in course of prepara- tion, and will be issued immediately in the name of the Canada North-West Land Company. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOB, OTTAwa, 28th June, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the east half of Section 5, in Township 22, Range 29, west of the 4th Meridian, in the Provisional District of Alberta, N.W.T., bearing date the 2nd June, 1887, have issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and in accordance with Section 44 of the “Act respecting Real Property in the Territories,” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of South Alberta, who will furnish you with a certifi- cate of the title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with him, giving him your post office address. The registrar's address is T. A. McLean, Calgary, Alberta, N.W. T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 28th June, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the fraction N. ; of Sec- tion 3, in Township 24, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian, in the provisional District of Alberta, N.W.T., bearing date the 2nd June, 1887, have issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and in accordance with section 44 of the “Act respecting Real Property in the Territories,” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of South Alberta, who will furnish you with a certifi- cate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with him, giving him your post office address. The registrar's address is T. A. McLean, Calgary, Alberta, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, -- JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. G. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. # DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 28th June, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the whole of Section 5, the S. # of Section 9, the W. # of Section 33, and the fractional N. ; of Section 35, in Township 23, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian in the Provisional District of Alberta, N.W.T., bearing date the 2nd June, 1887, have issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and in accordance with section 44 of the “Act respecting Real Property in the Territories,” have been forwarded to the Registrar of the land registration district of sºlºra who will furnish you with a certi- 7 & 51. Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 ficate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communica- tion with him, giving him your post office address. The registrar's address is T. A. McLean, Calgary, Alberta, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary, C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DougLAs, MAN., 25th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the N, ; of the north-east quarter of Section 3, in Township 11, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. DANIEL BROAD. Witness—T. E. GREENWooD. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Holi,AND, MAN., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Section 7, in Township 8, Range 11, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. WILLIAM ROBERTSON. Witness—RICHARD H. PEEL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. GLENBoRo" P. O., MAN, 25th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Section 3, in Township 7, Range 14, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. WILLIAM LY ALL. Witness—Jos B. CHAMBERs. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Douglas, MAN, 25th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec- tion 21, in Township 11, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. R. BRUCE URMSTON. $ Witness—E. W. BowFN. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Port ColsonNE, ONT., 13th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half of Section 13, in Township 12, Range 24, west of the Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority 78 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 _º --> for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. EMANUEL W. FARES. Witness—Owen W. FAREs. "To the Honorable the Minister of the [nterior, Ottawa. HollanD, MAN., 18th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south west quarter of See- tion 35, in Towship 7, Range 11, west of the First Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby anthorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. DANIEL MAYERS. Witness—ARTHUR HollanD. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. HAYFIELD, MAN, 14th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 15, Township 8, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. WESLEY RATHWELL. Witness—Robert J. HANNoH. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. CREEFoRD, MAN, 18th April, 1887. Please, deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Sec- tion 27 in Township 12, Range 14, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and U hereby authorize hum, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. FICHARD THOS, ARMSTRONG. Witness—WILLIAM. A. Down Ey. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRoNTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 17, in Township 13, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SEIUTTLE WORTH. Witness—C. B. SHUTTLE WORTH. * To the IIonorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRoNTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion 1, in Township 10, Range 26, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SHUTTLEWORTH. Witness—C. B. SHUTTLEworth. “To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. 79 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 .* sºmeº WINNIPEG, 6th April, 1887. SIR, --Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 31, in Town- ship 8, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian; I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, W. R. GETZ, Witness—FRED. T. GRIFFIN. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRoNTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent, in my favor, for the north half of Section 17, in Township 13, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent, E. B. SHUTTLEWORTH, Witness—C. B. SHUTTLE WORTH. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRoNTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 3, in Township 9, Range 20, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SEIUTTLEWORTH. Witness—G. B. SHUTTLEwokTH, To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LoNDON, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Section 9, Township 13, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SHUTTLE WORTH, Witness—C. B. SHUTTLEwoa.TH. To the Honorable the Minister of the linterior, Ottawa. ToRoNTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Section 9, in Township 13, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SHUTTLE WORTH. Witness—C. B. SHUTTLE WORTH. r To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRONTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of t 80 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 —-y Section 9, in Township 13, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SHUTTLE WORTH. Witness—C. B. SHUTTLE WORTH, To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRoNTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 27, in Township 9, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SHUTTLE WORTH. Witness—C. B. SHUTTLEwBOTH. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRONTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favoc for the whole of Section 1, in Township 14, Range 28, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your au- thority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SHUTTLE WORTH. Witness—C. B. SHUTTLE WORTH, To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRONTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 35, in Township 7, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your au- thority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SEIUTTLE WORTH. Witness—C. B. SHUTTLEworth. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRONTo, ONT., 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 19, in Township 7, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SHUT THLEW ORTEI. Witness—C. B. SHUTTLE WORTH, To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ToRoNTo, ONT, 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Soction 7, in Township 7, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your 25a–6 81 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 jº as authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. E. B. SHUTTLEWORTH, Witness — C, B, SHUTTLEworth. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LotRAIR, MAN., 18th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Section 17, in Township 12, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the Department for said patent. A. D. CHISHOLM. Witness—JoBN PARR. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN., 22nd April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 23, in Township 10, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your au- thority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. C. E. HALL. Witness—IDA. J. HALL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. GRIMSBY, ONT., 21st April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 7, in Township 6, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. DENNIS WANAUZER, Witness—WM. J. MERRITT. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. CHATER, MAN, 20th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 3, in Township 12, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority, for , so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN HUNTER, Witness—W. C. HUNTER. To the Hon. the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. WINNIPEG, MAN., 6th April, 1887. SIR,-Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, patent in my favor, for the E. 3 of Section 31, in Township 8, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian. I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for the said patent. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, RICHARD BOORE. Witness—FRED. T. GRIFFIN, * To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ‘51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 BRANDON, MAN., 21st April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Facific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 27, in Township 9, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN GRAHAM DORAN. Witness—F. W. RUSSELL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Downsview, ONT., 23rd April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian I?acific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 19, in Township 11, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN JACKSON. Witness—W. FERGUson. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. PERTH, LANARK County, ONT., 22nd April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 9, in Township 9, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. EDW'D ELLIOTT. Witness—J. M. Rogers. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. NEEPAwa, MAN., 13th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles "Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Section 23, in Township 14, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOSEPH LITTLE. Witness—M CHISHOLM. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. WooDBURN, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 17, in Township 10, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. EIORACE HENRY. Witness—GEO. FREDERICK JELFs, of Hamilton, Ontario, Barrister. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Sec- tion 3, in * 14, Range 19, West of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be 25a–6 83 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JANE BROWN. Witness—JNO. H. BROWN. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN, 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec- tion 1, in Township 14, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JANE BROWN, Witness—JoBN H. BROWN. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 13, in Township 10, Range 20, west of the st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. MARSHALL PETER HAWLEY. Witness—John IRVING. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. GRISwoll, MAN, 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 19, in Township 9, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. sº C. W. SPEERS. Witness—GEO. C. LINDSAY. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. INDIANFORD, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Sec- tion 1, in Township 9, Range 9, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. EDWARD TUCKER. Witness—GEORGE TUCKER. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. RAPID CITY, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion 35, in Township 12, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. HARRY A. BUTCHART, 35, 12, 18, W. Witness—GEO. DAVIDson, 26-12-18, W. - * To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. | 84 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *— z— -* VIRDEN, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Section 13, in Township 10, Range 27, west of the 1st Principal Meredian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JAMES MADITIL. Witness—RICHARD LANGTRY. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. VIRDEN, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half and south-west quarter of Section 13, in Township 10, Range 27, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - JAMES MADILL. Witness—RICHARO LANGTRY. - To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. MILLFORD, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 35, in Township 6, Range 15, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said atent. ALBERT WILTON. Witness—EdwarD DAOK. Io the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. OKEgo, MICH, U.S., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian JPacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half of Section 23, in Township 7, Range 13, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent, DAVID MITCHELL. Witness—HENRY DUHAMEL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. GLENDALE, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 27, in Township 13, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JAMES ALFRED ROBERTS. Witness—ALFRED M. DALTON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LoNDON, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 3, in Township 12, Range 27, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your 85 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888, *----- - --sº f authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. f W. M. MOORE. Witness—H. E. NELLEs. & To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN, 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Section 5, in Township 12, Range 21, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOSEPH HENRY HEUGEIES. Witness-a-W. A. Robinson. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. WIRDEN, MAN, 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 27 in Township 11, Range 26, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - w JAMES ELDER: Witness—WILLIAM WHITEFoRD. * To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. RoDGERVILLE, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 33, in Township 11, Range 26, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. PETER MOIR. Witness—BENJAMIN W. ELLIOT, Exeter, Ont. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LONDON, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half of Section 5, in Township 13, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. CRONYN. Witness—CHARLES CURRIE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LONDON, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of section 23, in Township 13, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. CRONYN. Witness—CHAs. CURRIE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. § 86 º 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. - ==T- MooREsvillE, ONT, 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 23, in Township 10, Range 27, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your au- thority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. J. CLARK. Witness—EDWARD NEIL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LoNDoN, ONT, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 3, in Township 13, Range 22, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - W. CRONYN. Witness—CHAs. CURRIE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LoNDON, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal. Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 31, in Township 12, Range 28, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. CRONYN. Witness—CHAs. CURRIE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LONDON, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Sec- tion 9, in Township 9, Range 26, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. GEORGE ROWNTR.E.E. WITNESS—A. J. AVERY. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Two Rivers, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec- tion 17, in Township, 8, Tange 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said Patent. ALEXANDER CLARK, WITNEss—JAMEs Eſ. CLARK. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. HAMILTON, ONT, 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 5, in Township 13, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your 87 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 -ms- authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receip required by the department for said patent. G. A. COLQUHOUN. Witness—H. J. STEVENs. To the Honol able the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. London, Ont., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 19, in Township 10, Range 26, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. w W. CRONYN. Witness :-CHAs. CURRIE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LONDON, ONT., 19th April, 1887, Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 27, in Township 14, Range 28, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, in separate quarter sec- tions if possible, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. SAMUEL GIBSON. Witness—GEO. F. JEWELL, To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LONDON, Ont., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Tacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 17, in Township 10, Range 26, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. D. CRONYN. Witness—CHAs. CURRIE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LONDON, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 35, in Township 10, Range 26, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. CRONYN. Witness—CHARLEs CURRIE. - To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LoRDON, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 15, in Township 14, Range 28, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, in separate quarter sections if possible, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I nereby authoriz 3 him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. GEORGE. F. JEWELL, Witness—SAMUEL GIBSON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. * 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 Tºº- LoNDoN, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 21, in Township 14, Range 28, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, in separate quarter sections if possible, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. y GEO. F. JEWELL. Witness—SAML. GIBSON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, Ont. HAMILTON, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 13, in Township 14, Range 28, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JAMES SHEA- Witness—MARY E. KIAH. - To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. London, ONT., 19th April, 1887. ~. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Section 31, in Township 13, Range 29, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign. any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. H. MOOREHOUSE. Witness—C. A. KINGSTON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. STRATHROY, ONT, 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 17, in Township 12, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. J. H. HANLEY. Witness—HECTOR URQUBART. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. STRATHROY, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 9, in Township 12, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your author- ity for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt re- -quired by the department for said patent. J. H. HAN LEY. Witness—HECTOR URQUHART. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. SITTAKAw, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half of Section 17, in º 89 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. r—E– -y Township 7, Range 13, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt. required by the department for said patent. - JOSEPH BARKER. Witness—DANIEL BARKER. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. WINNIPEG, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian 3Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of See- tion 23, in Township 11, Range 20, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. C. M. COPELAND, Witness—SAMUEL EI. WALA.Is. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LoNDoN, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion 17, in Township 6, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. Witness—H. WILLIS. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. W. M. MOORE. PETREL, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 25, in Township 1, Rango 14, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt. required by the Department for said patent. WILLIAM P. MoRAE. Witness—WILLIAM J. STEPHENSON. •. - To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. HAMILTON, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the whole of Section 35, in Township 5, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. *- W. H. GILLARD. Witness—H. C. BECKETT. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LoNDoN, ONT., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion 31, in Township 5, Range 24, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. M. MOORE, Witness—H. WILLIS, * To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. 90 51 Wictoria. i Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888: WINGHAM, ONT., 19th April, 1887. %. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian. Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south half of Section 15, in Township 7, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your au- thority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - C. N. GRIFFIN. Witness—SExTUs KEAT. - To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. RALPHTON, MAN., 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadians Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 5, in Township 12, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your au- thority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt. required by the department for said patent. - SIDNEY JOHN KENT. Witness— A. W. KENT. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. ALMONTE, ONT, 19th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north half of Section 13, in Township 6, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. D. C. LOCKHEAD, Witness—D. J. W. Frasen, Barrister at Law, Almonte, Ont. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. HILL VIEW, MAN, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec-- tion 3, in Township 11, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - HUGEI W. TODD. - Witness—J. B. Cook. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LoNDoN, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Sec- tion 35, in Township 6, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - W. CRONYN. Witness—CHAs. CURRIE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LONDON, ONT., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec- tion 35, in Township 6, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be. - 91 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 -P- your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. W. CRONYN. Witness—CHAs. CURRIE. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec- tion 25, in Township 11, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - THELISMAR HARRISON. Witness—ALFRED McLAUCHLIN. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. HILLVIEw, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 3, in Township 11, Range 23, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - l THOMAS RICHARD TODD. Witness—J. B. Cook. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Souris MoUTH, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the 'Canadian Pacific Railway Comuany, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Section 25, in Township 8, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent, JAMES MAIR. Witness—ARDREw WRIGHT. - To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Souris MoUTH, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half of Section 3, in Township 9, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt, required by the department for said patent. JAS, TULLY ELDER. Witness—W. R. Bowl.E.Y. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. MILLFoRD, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Section 31, in Township 7, Range 15, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the Department for said patent. - JAMES A. HENRY. jº Witness—JAMES HILL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1838. - jºº º Two RIVERs, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-east quarter of Sec- tion 9, in Township 8, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ------ — - - ALEXANDER CLARK. Witness—JAMEs H. CLARK. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. MILFORD, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Section 23, in Township 7, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN ANGUS. Witness—S. H. SomeRSALL. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Souris MoUTH, MAN, 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter Section 9, in Township 8, Range 16, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing ; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. JOHN MAIR, Witness—JAMES MAIR. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Souris MoUTH, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the north-west quarter of Sec- tion 25, in Township 8, Range 17, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. TULLY ELDER. Witness—JAS. T. ELDER. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN., 15th April, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion 35, in Township 11, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the Department for said patent. THELISMAR HARRISON. Witness—ALFRED McLAUOHLIN. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. CANADIAN PACIFIC RIALWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 27th June, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to enclose applications for patents as per list annexed, together with orders for the delivery to this company of the required patents. - 93 -l 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 *– As requested in your letter of the 20th inst, letter No. 149707, reference No. -41273, I have altered the request for patent covering Section 13, Township 9, Range l, west 1st, into Matthew Curtis, Manchester, England, in lieu of the Canada North- West Land Company. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. P. S.—Kindly hold patents for which no order is forwarded until order is sent through this office. -JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. [. 5 * ; : § ſº gº § ; Name. Section. : * #5: Remarks, a sº E. & "3 a. 5 # | 5 | E: 2. E- º £º 584|M. Curtis.............. tº g º O & © tº º •--|13--------------...... “.... 9 I 2 |No Order, Wm. M. Gartshore ............ S. # 9. ........... © º º e g º ºs e tº 10 26 1 do John Creighton.................. [S. # 21... ............... 10 22 1 do T. Harrison .......... .. ... ......|S.E. #3; gº º is is º ºs e º ſº tº e &º e º G & | 1 18 1 |Order. ,585| A. Clark........ • * g º ºs e º sº wº º, sº tº e º sm e º s N.E. #3; "... to as tº º 8 16 l do J. Angus.--------------------...... [S.W. # 23 ........ ...... 7 16 l do T. Elder....... -........... gº tº º is ſº tº tº a N.W.2%. 25........ * a e e s a tº 8 17 1 do J. Mair ........... ................ N.W. # 9........ tº see & e º a 8 16 l do ,586l do ................... ......... S. E. #3; tº & 4 gº v. 8 17 I do J. Gray ...... © º ºn e º ºs e º 'º ºg e º Q & .....|N.E # 15............ © tº & tº 7 18 1 ||No Order. J. T. Elder -------.... . [B. # 3.... ............... 9 17 l rder. J. A. Henry .................., .., |N.W. # 31 tº tº a ſº e º 'º 7 15 I do 587|T. Harrison ...................... N.E. # 25................ 11 18 I do W. Anderson.............. ...... S.R. 3. 9......'.... 8 19 1 ||No Order T. R. Todd ................... . ... [S. B. 4 3................ II 23 1 Order. 588|H. W. Todd.......... ..... ...... IN. E. #: * > * * * tº gº º º 11 23 1 do W. Cronyn............... *º tº º ºs e º 'º S.W. 35 ....... tº ee e g º & 6 23 I do ão"...'...|N.; #35...". 6 23 I do Jno. D. Hunt..................... S. # 5.................... 11 20 1 | No Order. -589'C. N. Griffin...................... S. # 15........ ......... 7 18 1 |Order. D. C. Lochead................... N. # 13. ............... . 6 23 l do S. J. Kent ...................... ... W. # 5............... .. 12 23 l do S. Weldon ................... ... N. × 23-.......... * 6 22 1 | No Order. 590 do .......... tº a tº º Gº tº $ it s º is ſº tº * 3..... . ... •---------. ... 6 22 1 do W. P. McRae........... e tº ſº tº º g º º sº us N. A 25.......... tº º gº ºn e º sº s 11 14 1 |Order. Wm. H. Gillard........ ......... 35.-----. ................. 5 23 l do Wm. M. Moore ........... ...... S.E #31 ................ 5 24 1 | do . 591 do ...... Gºº a ºr º e º see u S.E. 4 17................. 6 23 1 | do C. M. Copeland.................. S E # 23 ... © 11 20 1 | do Jas. Barker - ... ----....... ..., |B. & 17. ................... T 13 1 | do 592|John H. Hanley ................ N. & 9.......- ............ 12 23 l do do ...... .......... 17 ------------------------- 12 23 1 do W. H. Moorehouse. ..........., |N.W. # 31 ............... 13 29 I do James Shea ...... ..... tº e º 'º - ſº tº G º & 13.--------.................. 14 28 1 | do 593] Geo. F. Jewell .................. Al----, -e-...----. Jº º º gº º ºs 14 28 1 do do “................ [15 ............. Qº tºº e º e º 'º º & © ºn 14 28 1 do W. Cronyn........ ---------, ... [S. # 35. . .-------......... 10 26 I do do “....... ............ IN. A 17 ......... tº tº º º te e º e º & 10 26, 1 | do 594|8. Gibson .......... tº ºn tº e º 'º gº * * * * * g e • 127...----------------------. 14 28 1 do W. Cronyn ..... . ................ S. R. 4 19.--------....... 10 26 1 | do B. A. Colquhoun ...... ---------|5. ................ Q & © tº e º ſº e tº e 13 23 1. do A. Clarke ........ tº gº tº º ſº tº e º 'º e º ºr e > * N.E. # 17 .......s.. ..... 8 I6 1 | do -595|G. Rowntree .....................|N.W. # 9 ................ 9 26 1 de C. Rogers .........................!25......... ......... ......... 12 27 1 | No Order. W. Cronyn ........... tº e º º ſº tº sº tº e º 'º W. § 31.... .............. 12 28 1 |Order. do * * * * * * g e º 'º º e s e º sº e º a e e S. 3. 3. tº e º 'º ºc & © e g c e º see e. e. e. g. 13 22 1 do -596|W. J. Clarke .............. ..... 123................ ........ 10 27 1 do W. Cronyn gº º º º º ºsº ºº sº tº e tº e s gº tºº as a c e e W. º 23 ****** sesses •esses' 13 9. 23 1 do * do use see we e º e s a c e º se ... et dºes E. # 5 • see e s see see eeeeeeeee J 13 2 l do P. Moir essee º’s ºee eese e see we sease e > W. # 33. t is ea e see a g º see eeeo" 11 26 1 d do -51 A. 1888 Wictoria. *. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) i 597 : 598 : 599 • 600 -601 “606 -607 • 608 • 609 • 610 • 611 • 612 6.13 614 Name. Section. i J Bughes-------------------...... Wm. M. Moore................... J. Pritchard....... .............., J. A. Roberts......... tº ſº º ſº tºº º sº a D. Mitchell e e e o 'ºeº tºº tº ºr ºº e º e º O ſº e º ºse A Wilton....... & e º ſº tºº & tº gº º tº $ tº ete º º J. Madill...... --------..... ...... do R. Nay...... * a see tº es e esse 6° ee we sees • A. Logan--------------...... ----. H. A. Butchart.................. B. Tucker......................... W. Speers........... ......... & e º gº eſcº e º sº w w c s ſº tºº "es pup tº e s - C. M. P. Hawley. .................. Jane Brown......----------....... do * c e º º e C & O Gº tº es e º e º ºs tº e º 'º B. He nry........... * & ©º e º ºs ºn tº $ $4 e º sº º |J. Jackson ...--------------------. J. Little. * e º t e º & © & a y º ºſº º tº ºº e º e º sº ºf J. G. Doran....................... E. Elliott. a * g e º ºs e º 'º º ſº ºn º ºs º ºs º is © º ºs º is C, E. Hall. wn tº ºn tº ſº e º 'º e º g º O ſº tº ſº tºº iss R. Boore , ſº a s is e ºne ºn gº tº º $º 9 º' tº gº tº º º e g º John Hunter. se se e º ee ese tº a tº e º e º e s = D. Wanduzer .................... A. D. Chisholm. .............. E. B. Shuttleworth ............ O O tº º ºs º º gº º tº e º ºs & Rev. Jas. Gray.................. W. R. Getz....................... E. W. Fares..................... R. T. Armstrong ...... -------. W. Rathwell........... ........ D. Mayers ...--...-- tºº tº dº ſº º 'º sº tº º ºs e º 'º R. B. Urmston...... ............ W. Lyall ------------------------. O. MacIntosh ------............. Wm. Robertson................. D. Broad.----------------......... Wm. Pearce .... ................ Canada N.-West Land Co.. do do tº gº º J. Sprat * * * *f, * * * e ºse e see eº e sº e º see J Elder * e º o e º see see & tº e º see tºº • **** • * 27................... #: 9 s tº o sº º su e g º & gº º ºs º ºr 21 27... a s as as º ºs ºº e º 'º e º ºse e? 23 * * * * * * > * 'w sº * * * * * * * * * & S • * 13 -------------. 21 .........-----. l • * g e º 'º w is tº gº • , as i * ** * * * * g º 'º º tº a sº º sº º i ; I 3 N. of Slough of 1 * * & Cº º ſº tºtº sº º ºth ſº tº ſº e & • sº gº tº gº iº ºr tº e º º ºsºtº ſº tº 17 $ tº gº tº º gº º e tº º ºr ſº tº º tº sºº gº º 19 is º.º. I dº e º e º sº ſººn sº tº º 'º º sº tº º º sº tº gº i * tº º e º 'º - © tº dº tº is * tº s e s = e º ºſº a tº e º ºs e º ſº tº a & tº e º ſº tº e º e º 'º e º 'º ºtº e a 2 31. 3. ; a tº tº e f * .º. º. ºº & 6 E tºº sº a E. * & “ar & tº gº © tº ºº gº tº º ſº ; * = * * * * * * * * * * * tº gº tº º 'º e º 'º e º ºs * e # 17 in º º º º º is º º ºs º º dº º & • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *ses 7 9.-----------------. 35. • e º is tº e s tºº e s ∈ 4 g º e º e º l * * e º 'º "sº ºve º º is º is sº º º º is e tº e º e º gº tº tº tº gº tº gº º is tº e º ºr 9 ge gº w w & B e º ºr e º us is sº ge ºf ſº tº & gº e º te e º 'º go ºve 9 * * * tº º is ºr tº º e e s - e º e º tº e º 'º i l tº e º ſº º ºr º e * * * tºº. ººgº º i & sº e º e º sº º ſº egº a s e & * } º ; : &ºl } 2 7 wn tº ſº tº º tº a ºre tºº e º , e, e º e Q e s tº e º 'º e º sº tº ºº is tº e # 3 l, i ; 5 # River of 13 .......... N. W. # 33.... tº t e º ſº e º 'º º ſº tº W. 9. * g º ºs e º 'º ºf gº º ſº e º ºr ſº tºº 18 17 tº-º-º-º:i is -e: Remarks. Order. do do No Order. Order. do No Order. do do MEMO. —These applications are all made on the form --Yºu , of which a copy is given in the first part of this Return. As they are precisely the same except, of course, the description of land and name of applicant, copies the of T. G. R. of them are not included in the Return, thus very materially lessening the cost 95 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 30th June, 1887. SIR,--With reference to my letter of 23rd ultimo, applying for certain patents in favor of this company, all of which have issued with the exception of that cover- ing the south-east + Section 9, Township 24, Range 1, west 5th. I shall be much wobliged if you will cause a patent to issue at once for this land. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIos, OTTAwa, 7th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction, to request you to be so good as to inform the department whether or not any decision has been arrived at by the Land Board in regard to Mr. W. Scallen's claim to the east 4 of Section 9, Township 24, Range west of the 5th Meridian. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company are now apply- ing for the issue of letters patent for the land. I have the honor to be, sir, your ºbedient servant, - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 7th July, 1887. SIR-I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo. In reply thereto I am directed to inform you that through an error in my letter to you of the 4th of last month, reference 148566, I omitted to slate that, in addition to the claim therein mentioned, there is a claim preferred to the south-east quarter of Section 9, Township 24, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian, which is awaiting the decision of the Land Board. No steps can consequently be taken in regard to the issue of letters patent for this land until the board's decision in the matter is obtained. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwáTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 7th July, 1887. SIR.—I have the honor, by direction of the Hono, able the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Angus Leitch, to enclose herewith letters patent for Section 31, Township 9, Range 22, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. - The accompanying form of receipt, therefor, be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 7th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Wm. J. Young, to enclose herewith letters patent for south half of Section 1, in the 10th Township of the 23rd Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary canadia, pºsite Railway Company, Montreaſ. 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 ="M DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 7th July, 1887. SiR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Alex. Speers, to enclose herewith letters patent for Section 23, in the 9th Township of the 23rd Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. - & I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 7th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Colin Bethune, to enclose herewith letters patent for E. : Section 21 in the 11th Township of the 22nd Range, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. `s - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JUHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Messrs. D. A. Reynolds and W. Creller, to enclose here- with letters patent for S. E. # of Section 9, in the 10th Township of the 14th Range, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt be good enough to sign and return to this office. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Andrew Tully Taylor, to enclose here with letters patent for W. # of Section 33, in the 8th Township of the 17th Range, west of the 1st Prin- cipal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return. to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. G. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th July, 1887. SIR-I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of John Waddington to enclose herewith letters patent for W. of Section 9, in the 9th Township of the 17th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return. to this office, g I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. Duº, Esq., Secretary cºins Railway Company, Montreal. 25a– 9 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) * A. 1888 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Levi Whitelaw, to enclose herewith letters patent for S. E. 4 of Section 33, in the 11th Township of the 12th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. - The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, orrawa, 8th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. John E. Smith to enclose herewith letters patent, for S. E. 4 of Section 23, in the 11th Township of the 23rd Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient sevant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERICR, OTTAwa, 8th July, 1887. SIR-I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of James Alfred Roberts to enclose herewith letters patent for N. E. # of Section 27, in the 13th Township of the 16th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. w The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 8th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Alex. Speers to enclose herewith letters patent for E. # of Section 15, of the 7th Township of the 17th Range, west of the Principal Meridian in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 8th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of William Flowers Sirett, to enclose herewith letters patent for W. and S. E. # of Section 5, in the 14th Township of the 16th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. . C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 98 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of James Alexander Williamson, to enclose herewith letters patent for S. E. 4 of Section 3, in the 7th Township of the 17th Range, west of the É. Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, w - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. ‘C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Eliza Jane Flint, to enclose herewith letters patent for Section 17, in the 10th Township of the 22nd Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, “w The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, * JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. -C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. - SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. James Ferguson, to enclose herewith letters patent for the S. # of Section 15, in the 12th Township of the 23rd Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. - ~. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, • JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C, DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERFOR, OTTAWA, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. John Ferguson, to enclose herewith letters patent for south-east quarter of Section 31, in the 12th Township of the 23rd Range, west of the Principal Meridian in the Province of Manitoba. - The accompanying form of receipt therefore be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. - SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. L. H. Fisher, to enclose here with letters patent for south-east quarter of Section 25, in the 8th Township of the 18th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, • JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. *C. ** Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 25a–7 i O O" 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Joshua Ritchie, to enclose herewith letters patent for N.W. 4 of Section 19, in the 14th Township of the 14th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. - * The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of John Brandon, to enelose herewith letters patent for N. W. # of Section 3 in the 7th Township of the 17th Range west of the Principal Meridian in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return. to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the In- terior, at the request of John Hunter, to enclose herewith letters patent for N. E + of Section 5, in the 12th Township of the 23rd Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. & The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Peter Elder to enclose here with letters patent for N. E. # of Section 5, in the 9th Township of the 17th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. , The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, f º JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the In- terior, at the request of Mr. Robert Kennedy to enclose herewith letters patent for S. W. 4 of Section 21, in the 7th Township of the 16th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. , C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary onviºlis Railway Company, Montreal. 1 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 fºr *: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR-I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the, Interior, at the request of Mr. Jas. Mitchell, to enclose herewith letters patent for the west half of Section 23, in the 7th Township of the 13th Range, west of the Prin- cipal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. ‘G. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Andrew Moggey, to enclose here with letters patent for the north-east quarter of Section 3, in the 7th Township of the 15th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign, and return to this office. ^, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Geo. Mair, to enclose herewith letters patent for north-west quarter of Section 19, in the 8th Township of the 16th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign, and return to this office. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Thomas Muirhead, to enclose here with letters patent for south-east quarter of Section 15, in the 11th Township of the 15th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign, and return to this office. * I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary, C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,- I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Inte- rior, at the request of Wm. H. Dillman, to enclose here with letters patent for south- west quarter of Section 1, in the 10th Township of the 19th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. & * ... 1 have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. , ‘C, DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. f 101 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A, 1888. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Ottawa, 9th July, 1887. , SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Alexander Hume, to enclose herewith letters patent for south-east quarter of Section 21, in the 11th Township of the 18th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. •. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of John W. Harris, to enclose herewith letters patent for the west half of Section 15, in the 9th Township of the 19th Range, west of the Prin- cipal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Angus McArthur, to enclose here with letters patent for S.E. # of Section 7, in the 8th Township of the 11th Range, west of Principal Meri- dian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of James W. McLaren, to enclose herewith letters patent for whole Section 31, in the 9th Township of the 24th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. * I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, e JOHN R, HALL, Secretary, C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Wm. Eritt, to enclose herewith letters patent for north half of Section 3, in the 11th Township, of the 15th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. - The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office, º - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, * JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 102 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 & *sº DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 14th July, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th ultimo, and to state that the patents are in course of preparation with the two following exceptions, , viz., patents to the Rev. James Gray, whose religious denomination is required, and Emmanuel W. Fares, who is described in the certificate as being of Port Colborne, Manitoba, Should it not be Port Colborne, Ontario 2 I am, sir, your obedient servant, - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 14th July, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the north-east quarter of Section 7, in Township 23, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian, in the Provisional . District of Alberta, North-West Territories, bearing date 27th June, 1887, have issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and in accordance with Section 44, cf the “Act respecting Real Property in the Territories,” have been for- warded to the registrar of the land registration district of South Alberta, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with him, giving him your post office address. The registrar's address is T. A. McLean, Calgary, Alberta, N. W. T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 14th July, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the west half of Section 17, in Township 23, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian, in the Provisional District of Alberta, North-West Territories, bearing date the 27th June, 1887, have issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and in accordance with Section 44, of the “Act respecting Real Property in the Territories,” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of South Alberta, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with him, giving him your post office address. The registrar's address is T. A. McLean, Calgary, Alberta, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 19th July, 1887. SIR,--I shall be obliged if you will place the south half of section 31, Township 6, Range 14, west 1st, on the list of lands which this company would accept, filed with your department. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 22nd July, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant, and to state that the request therein contained respecting the south half of section 31, Town- ship 6, Range 14, west of the 1st Meridian, has been complied with. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 103 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 § RINSALE, 14th May, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montrea', secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the east half of Section 7, in Township 11, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your . authority for so doing, and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. T. R. M. STEVENSON. , Witness—C. J. STEVENSON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. KINSALE, 5th May, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the west half of Section 9, in Township 11, Range 19, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. T. R. M. STEVENSON. Witness.—C. J. STEVENSON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 29th June, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to apply for the issue of the following patents, viz.:- T. R. M. Stevenson, west half of Section 9, Township 11, Range 19. do do east half of Section 7, Township 11, Range 19. The usual form of application, signed by myself and the trustees, is not sent in this case, as vacancies in the land grant trust have taken place and have not yet been filled up. I expect the appointments will be completed next week. In the meantime as the applicant for these patents is dangerously ill and is most anxious to get his patents at once, I shall be glad if you will issue them, and I will undertake to send you the formal application under seal, as soon as I am in a position to do so. Orders for the delivery to me of the patents are enclosed. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient Servant, C. D.INKWATER, Secretary. (Telegram.) sy DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 5th July, 1887. Give full Christian na:ne of T. R. M. Stevenson. D. B. DOUGLAS. C. DRINKwater, Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MostREAL, 16th July, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your telegram of the 5th instant respecting the patents for Mr. Stevenson, his full name is Thomas Ralph Mobray Stevenson. I shall be glad to have the patents as soon as possible. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. P. B. Douglas, Esq., Assistant Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. (Telegram.) DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 20th July, 1887. What residence and occupation has Thomas R. M. Stevenson 7 P. B. DOUGLAS. C. DRINKwa TER, Montreal. 104 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 .# I tº. sº- * jºr *- -ºs. (Telegram) MonTREAL, 21st July, 1887. T. R. M. Stevenson, farmer, of Kinsale, Ontario. C. DRINKWATER. To P. B. Douglas, Interior Department. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 26th July, 1887. SIR,--I have to inform you that, in compliance with the request made by you in your letter of the 29th ultimo, patents are now in course of preparation in favor of Mr. T. R. M. Stevenson for the west half of Section 9, Township 11, Range 19, west of 1st Meridian, and the east half of Section 7, in the same Township and Range. I have, however, to request you to forward the usual form of application for the issue of these patents, at the earliest possible moment. The two orders accompanying your above mentioned letter authorizing the delivery of the patents in question to you have been duly noted in the order book here. y I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Moitreal. S THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., *, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 25th July, 1887. SIR,-Herewith I have the honor to hand you patent No. 129, Section 19, Town- ship 10, Range 25, west 1st Meridian in which you will see that an error has been made, the date being as of the “eighth " instead of forty-eighth year of Her Majesty's reign. I have to ask that you will have this rectified, and return the patent to me at your early convenience. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. CANADA. JOHN J. McG EE, Deputy Governor. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain: and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c, &c. To all to whom these Presents shall come—GREETING: WHEREAs the lands hereinafter described are part of the lands known as “Dominion Lands” and mentioned in the “ Dominion Lands Act, 1883;” AND WHEREAs the “Canadian Pacific Railway Company ” (hereinafter called “the company”) have applied to us for a grant of the said lands; AND WHEREAs under the provisions of the Act of the Parliament of Canada, passed in the forty-fourth year of Our reign, chaptered one and in tituled: “An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Rail- Way,” and by the terms and conditions of the contract and agreement embodied in the said Act, the company are entitled to a grant of the said lands, being part of the twenty-five million acres to be conveyed to the company in the manner and proportions therein mentioned; AND WHEREAs on the first day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, the company, under the provisions of section seventeen of the said contract, issued land grant bonds to the amount of twenty-five million dollars and created a charge on the said lands, as security for the said land grant bonds, by the execution of a conveyance by way of mortgage thereof to Charles F. Smithers, Esquire, the Honorable John Hamilton and Samuel Thorne, Esquire, as trustees, bearing date the day and year last afore- Said; and it is provided by the eighteenth section of the said contract [ L. S. l ſ i : ; i 100 $1 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888, x - ºr Tºs that such land grant shall be conveyed to the company by us, subject to the charge created as security for the land grant bonds, and shall remain subject to such charge till relieved thereof in such manner as shall be provided for at the time of the issue of such bonds: Now, KNow YE, that in the consideration of the premises, and in pursuance of the power vested in us by the said Act, we, by these presents, do grant, convey and assure unto the company, their suc- cessors and assigns for ever, all that parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being tenth Township, in the twenty-fifth Range, west of the principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The whole of section nineteen of the said township containing by admeasure- ment six hundred and thirty-one and twenty-one hundreths acres, more or less. To have and to hold the said parcel or tract of land unto the com- # = Tº s pany, their successors and assigns for ever, subject to the charge ź . ; ; ; created as security for the said land grant bonds by the said dº ed * 8. ; : of mortgage to the said trustees; saving and reserving, neverthe- 3.5°E s less, unto us, our successors and assigns the free uses, passage # a 35 is and enjoyment of, in, over and upon all navigable waters that is #T g is now are or may be hereafter found on or under or flºwing *::: # as S through or upon any part of the said parcel or tract of land. =d 3.5 ± tº * : ## .# Given under the Great Seal of Canada:—Witness, John #5 # s Joseph McGee, Esq., Deputy of our right trusty and en- C E & 3 SS tirely beloved cousin the most Honorable Henry Charles s: 3. 3. §, Reith Petty Fitzmaurice, Marquess of Lansdowne, in 3 ຠ& the County of Somerset, Earl of Wycombe, of Chipping # , ºs S T. Wycombe, in the County of Bucks, Wiscount Calne and É #3 - # Calnestone in the County of Wilts, and Lord Wycombe, † :: ; : Baron of Chipping. Wycombe in the County of Bucks, ; S ºg 8 & in the peerage of Great Britain; Earl of Kerry and § £3. 3 # = Barl of Shelburne, Wiscount Clanmaurice and Fitzmau- § 3. 3. # .gº rice, Baron of Kerry, Lixnaw and Dunkerron, in the º # :** 3: peerage of Ireland, Knight Grand Cross of our most 5 : # 23 g_; distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, 3 = }; 3 = § P- 1 Canadian Pacific Railway Company... N. 3 & S.E. # 1 7 17 | W. 1st 7 117 1 do do ...ſ Frac. E. 3, 7 7 17 | do 7 117 l do do tº ºiº Whole Frac. 25 7 17 | do 7 117 2 do do tº sº # 3 8 || 18 | do 7 118 2 do do tº º is W. 3 & N E. # 5 8 18 | do 7 || 118 2 do do tº º hole 7 8 18 do 7 | 18 2 do do tº gº tº W. 3 & S.E. # 9 8 18 | do 7 || 118 2 do do tº º º N. 3, 13 8 18 | do 7 118 2 do do º e G W. § 15 8 18 do 7 118 2 do do * @ tº W. § 17 8 18 | do 7 118 2 do do tº tº º N.W. 25 8 18 i do 7 118 2 do do tº S. # 31 8 18 do 7 118 3 do “N. do & Frac. S. # 1 7 18 7 | 1.192 3. do do * Whole 5 7 18 ||W. 1st 7 119 3 do do tº ſº Q do 7 7 18 | do 7 119 3 do do tº º ºs do 9 7 18 | do 7 119 3 do do | º º do 17 7 18 | do 7 119 3 do do sº tº º N. ; 19 7 18 | do 7 119 3 do do tº º gº Whole 31 7 18 do 7 119 3 do do Q & wº do 33 7 18 do 7 119 4 do do tº º ve do 1 7 19 do 7 120 4 do do tº º te do 3 7 19 do 7 120 4 do do tº º º do 5 7 19 | do 7 120 4 do do © º ºs N. : 7 7 19 | do 7 120 4 do do tº ſee Whole 9 7 19 | do 7 120- 4 do do vº ºr N. 3 & S.E. # 13 7 19 | do 7 120 4 do do e - ſº E. 3, 17 7 19 do 7 120 4 do r do tº º ºs Whole 21 7 19 do 7 120 4 do do tº gº tº W. A 23 7 19 | do 7 120 4 do do tº ſº tº Whole 27 7 19 | do 7 120 4 do do tº º ſº, E. § 31 7 19 | do 7 120 4 do do e tº a Whole 33 7 19 do 7 120 4 do do tº gº º do 35 7 19 do 7 120 5 do do tº º is E. § 3 8 19 | do 7 | 121 5 "do do tº º ve N.E. : 7 8 19 | do 7 121 5 do do º ºg N. E. 3- 9 8 19 | do 7 121 5 do do vº º º S E. 421 8 19 do 7 12] ' 5 do do Whole 23 8 19 do 7 121 5 do do tº do 35 8 19 | do 7 121 5 do do tº º S. 7 8 19 do 7 121 5 do do tº N. 3 & S.W. # 33 8 19 do 7 || 121 5 do do E. : 35 8 19 | do 7 121 6 do do e S.W. 49 8 17 | do 7 il 22 6 do do tº º ſº. W. 3 & S.E. 4 13 8 17 | do 7 || 122 6 do † do tº ſº º Whole 21 8 17 | do 7 122 6 do do tº º º do 23 8 17 | do 7 122 6 do do tº e ºs Frac. N.E # 25 8 17 | do 7 122 6 do do tº º ſº S.W. 3 25 8 17 do 7 122 6 do do ... Whole 27 § it i do 7 : 122 6 do do tº gº º E. § 33 8 17 | do 7 122 § do do tº º tº N.W. R. 35 8 17 | do 7 122 6 do do gº º º Frac. S.E. # 35 8 17 | do 7 | 122 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa. 30th July, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to transmit herewith ten patents issued in favor of the several persons and for the lands which are respectively mentioned in the enclosed •form of receipt, which please sign and return to this Department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 107 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) RECEIVED from the Minister of the Interior ten letters patent, issued in the respec- tive names of the patentees in the order and for the lands described below viz.:- *— -* —a. -s: 3. * # ſº 5 d § No. Names. Section. g: & 3 5 # # 3. 5 '3 gº E- Cº. E. |- 2: 1 |Clark, Alexander .......... tº sº e º e º 'º e º 'º e o e º 'º e º e º 'º º ſº re e is e s Frac. N.E. # 9... 8 16 || W. 1st 7 | 123 2 ICronyn Verschoyle ........................ ºr e º 'º e e º 'º we sº do 35... 6 23 | do 7 124 3 do -------------- tº tº e º tº a tº e º 'º ºt tº º ºs e º ºs e a S.W. 4.35...| 6 || 23 | do 7 125 4 do ...... ....... * @ e. e. e. g. ºr sº tº tº ſº a tº * * * * * * * S.E.319 ... 10 26 | do 7 || 126 5 do -----------------------. tº e º 'º º º º g tº º, º N. 3' 17...| 10 || 26 | do 7 || 127 6 do ...... Q & © S.$ 35... I6 26 i de 7 128 7 | Henry, James A ---------...... ...........------& we et & e º 'º N.W. 4 31... 7 15 | do 7 56 8 |Mair, John........ $º ºt tº º gº º ſº tº tº do 9... 8 16 do 7 114 9 Todd, Thomas Richard ..................... tº is º is sº e º tº a w S.E. # 3... ll 23 | do 7 42 10 Todd, Hugh W ......... ev, & © e º ſº tº º tº e º a tº t e º e º 'º ºf sº tº ¥ € $e tº a lºº N.E. # 3... 11 23 do 7 43 DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 1st August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to transmit herewith nineteen patents issued in favor of the several persons and for the lands which are respectively mentioned in the en- closed form of receipt, which please sign and return to this department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwateB, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. RECEIVED from the Minister of the Interior nineteen letters patent issued in the names and for the lands respectively described below, viz.:- º e 3 - | . : d No. Name, Section. # § 3 5 | No. ;: gº * GD O & | 3 || 3 | tº 1 |Angus, John --------.......................... S W. # 23....... . ..... ....... 7 16 || W. 1st 7 33 2 |Armstrong, Richard Thos....... ........ |N.W. # 27...................., | 12 17 do 7 34 3 |Boore, Richard. ............................. E # 31 ............. ...... ----- || 8 19 | do 7 74 4 |Broad, Daniel............................ ...] N. of N.B. 4 3............. 11 17 do 7 75 5 | Elder, James Tully ........ ... tº e g sº e º e º e º ºs ºr * B. A 3 ............-------------. 9 17 do 7 24 6 |Elder, Tully , ... ... .......................|Fräc. N.W. # 25............. 8 17 do 7 25 7 |Getz, William R. ............................ IW. § 31. ......... C & e º 'º e º 'º dº sº tº 9 º' tº 8 19 do 7 5'ſ 8 |Griffin, Caleb N. .... ....................... S. # 15.------- e e s a g º sº ºs e e s sº * * 7 18 do 7 58 9 |Harrison, Thelismar. ......................, |N.E., 3 25.......... ------------| 11 18 do 7 59 10 do tº be & e º º sº e º g º gº º is a sº e º sº gº & S.R. 4 35..--------------...... I 11 18 do 7 60 11 |Lyall, William ....... ........................ iS.W. 4 3...... tº ºº & e º º tº tº 4 tº e º 'º e º & t 7 || 14 | do 7 59 12 |Mair, James ..... ........................ .... Frac. S.R. 3. 25............., | 8 17 do 7 117 13 |McRae, Wm. Peterson...... ............... IN. # 25 .........................! 11 14 do 7 98 14 || Rathwell, Wesley......... * * * * * * *g, * * * * * g º gº ... S. # 15.----------------------. 8 19 do 7 57 15 |Robertson, William... ................. .... ... [S W. # 7.................... 8 11 do 7 –58– 16 Shuttleworth, Edward B.,....... ..... • IS. # 19............. gº º e º sº is a ſº *** * * 7 18 do 7 88 17 |Stevenson, Thos. R. M. ........ ...........|E # 7............ ............... I 11 19 do 7 90 18 do ........ . . . . .-----|W. #9 - - ------------------ 11 || 19 | do 7 91 19 |Shuttleworth, Edward B. ................. Frac. W. # 7, ................ 7 17 do 7 92 108 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 ^. ---sº-s-s-s-s-ºr THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 26th July, 1887. SIR,-With reference to your letter of the 14th instant, letter No 151226, reference No. 82030, I beg to inform you that the Rev. James Gray is a Methodist Minister, and Emmanuel W. Fares is of Port Colborne, Ontario. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. BRANDON, MAN., 12th July, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater; of Montreal, secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-west quarter of Sec- tion 7, in Township 9, Range 18, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and lef, this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. ALLAN E. GRAHAM. Witness—H C. GRAHAM. The Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 1st August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the In- terior, at the request of the patentee, Daniel Mayers, to enclose herewith letters patent for S. W. # of Section 35, in the 7th Township of the 11th Range, west of the 1st Meridian in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 2nd August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to enclose herewith application No. 66 for S. E. 4 Section 5, Township 12, Range 28, W. 1, in favor of the Hudson's Bay Company. I shall be glad if you will cause letters patent to be issued as soon as possible. I am, sir, your obedient servant, CHARLES DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoM2ANY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 2nd August, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 18th June, Letter No. 144203, Reference No. 82030 No. 3, I now beg to enclose a copy of the articles of association of the , Canada North-West Land Company, Limited. There is no act of incorporation, this company having been formed in England under the Joint Stock Companies Act, 1862 to 1880. With reference to the Diocese of Rupert's Land, I enclose a letter from Mr. Brydges, the treasurer of the Diocese, from which you will see that the Act of In- corporation was by the Legislature of Manitoba in 1886. I have applied for a copy of this Act and will send it you as soon as received. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. 109 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 Memo. by Compiler of Return—A copy has not been included in this return of the articles of association of the Canada North-West Land Company, as it would add materially to the cost of this return, and such articles were only required by the department for certainty as to the name of the said company before any letters patent could issue for land to which it was found to be entitled.—T.G.R. DIOCESE OF RUPERT's LAND, TREASURER's OFFICE, WINNIPEG, 4th July, 1887. DEAR SIR,--I have your letter of the 27th ult. The Legislature of Manitoba p. an Act, assented to 19th April, 1886, constituting the Synod of the Diocese of upert's Land and directing it to hold all property belonging to the Synod. Under its authority the Bishop transferred to the Synod all property held by him on its account, and after the passing of the Act it became the only body authorized to hold and deal with property belonging to the Synod. Yours truly, C. J. BRYDGES, Treasurer. J. H. McTAVISH, Esq. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 1st August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Daniel Mayers, to enclose herewith letters patent for south- west quarter Section 35, in the 7th Township of the 11th Range, west of the Princi- pal Meridian in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. OFFICE of THE DOMINION LAND's CoMMISSION, WINNIPEG, 1st August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 7th ult, 151571 on 82030, No. 23, inquiring whether or not any decision has been arrived at in regard to Mr. Scollen's claim to the south-east Section 9, Township 24, Range 1, west 5th Meridiah. In reply I am directed to say that the Deputy Minister desires this matter to be brought to his attention on his return to Ottawa. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, J. R. BURPE, Secretary. To Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 2nd August, 1887. SIR-With reference to your letter of the 26th ultimo, Letter No. 151340, Reference No. 82030, No. 3, I now have the honor to transmit application No. 615, for patents in favor of Mr. T. R. M. Stevenson covering the west half Section 9, and east half Section 7, Township 11, Range 19, west 1st Principal Meridian. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. \ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFTAWA, 10th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th ultimo, and to inform you that patent for Mr. Emmanuel W. Fares and the Rev. James Gray are now in course of preparation. * I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary candiºsis Railway Company, Montreal- 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) . A. 1888 *— _- - DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 10th August, 1887. SIR,-With reference to the order from Allan G. Graham, authorizing the de- 1ivery to you of the patent for the south-west quarter of Section 7, Township 9, Range 18, west of the 1st Meridian, I have to state that the usual application has not yet. been received here for the issue of this patent and that no steps have, therefore, been taken towards its preparation. The order has been duly noted in the order-book of this department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 10th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, enclosing an application, No. 6 16, for the issue of the patent for the south- east quarter of Section 5, Township 12, Range 28, west of the 1st Meridian, in favor of the Hudson Bay Company, and to inform you that such patent is now in course of preparation. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. .C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of TBE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 10th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, enclosing a letter addressed to Mr. McTavish, by Mr. C. J. Brydges, on the 4th July, last, and a copy of the “Articles of Association of the Canada North West. Land Company (Limited),” patents have issued in favor of this company, under the above name ; and I have also to inform you that a patent is in course of preparation. in favor of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, under the name of “the Synod of the Diocese " of St. Rupert's Land ; a body corporate, incorporated under an Act of the Manitoba Legislature, 49 Victoria, chapter 56. - - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 10th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, enclosing an application, No. 615, for issue of letters patent for the west half of Section 9, and the east half of Section 7, both in Township 11, Range 19, west of the 1st Meridian, in favor of Mr. T. R. M. Stevenson. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, ... } JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C, DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 10th August, 1887. SIB, I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 1st instant, Ref. 47834, that the patent which has issued to Mr. W. Scollen, for the south-east. quarter of Section 9, Township 24, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian, will be ean- celled and a new one issued to replace it. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. H. H. SMITH, Esq., Commission of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg. s 111 51 Victoria. - Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 _- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 10th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to transmit, herewith, five patents issued in favor of the several persons and for the lands which are respectively mentioned in the enclosed form of receipt, which please sign and return to this department, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. RECEIVED from the Minister of the Interior Five Letters Patent for the following described lands, viz.:- No. Name. Section. º Range. Wolume. No. 1 IGillard, William H. --..................................... 35 5 23 W. iSt. 7 60 2 |Kent, Sydney John ...................................s.-- W. 3 of 5. 12 |23 do 7 17 3 ILockhead, Daniel C. . ............ ---------............... N. # of 13. 6 |23 do 7 60 4 |Moore, William M. .......................................... Frac S.E #31. 5 |24 7 118 5 |Moore, William M. .................... - 3 & # tº tº º is a tº e º 'º º gº tº e º e 9 S.E. # 17. 6 |23 7. 119 TP. EQUESING, ONT., 26th July, 1887. Please deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the south-east quarter of Sec- tion twenty-three (23) in Township eleven (11), Range seventeen (17), west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent, JOHN SPROAT. Witness—S. W. H.Ew ETSON. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. LAND DEPARTMENT, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY AND MANITOBA SouTH-WESTERN Coloniz ATION RAILwAY COMPANY., WINNIPEG, MAN., 18 . DEAR SIR,-An arrangement having been made with the Department of the Interior by which patents will be issued direct from the Crown to our purchasers, it is necessary that I should in each case file with the department an order authorizing them to deliver the patent to me so that it may be recorded here and forwarded to its proper destination. ---, Please therefore sign in the presence of a witness the order enclosed, and return to me without delay. I will then procure the patent and forward it to you or deliver it according to your order. Yours truly, -- J. H. McTAWISH, Land Commissioner. To THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., - OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 11th August, 1887. DEAR Mr. BURGEss, By your official letter of 7th ult, letter No. 151571, refer- ence No. 82030, No. 3, I was informed that the patent for S.E. # Section 9, Town- ship 24, Range 1, west of 5th Meridian could not issue pending the decision of the Land Board on certain claims in connection with it. 112 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) ...” A. 1888. This patent is urgently required, and I shall be glad if you can take the oppor- tunity of Mr. Smith being in Ottawa to deal with the claims referred to, whatever they may be. Yours truly, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. A. M. BURGESs, Esq., Ottawa, THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL way CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 15th August, 1887. SIR,--I beg to enclose you the undernoted orders for the delivery to me of letters patent in favor of the respective persons mentioned, applications for which were transmitted with my letters of 1st April and 27th June last. Dawson Wright............. a dº º º & tº º ºs º g º C ſº tº tº ºn C & G G & º e & C & ...................154634 John D. Hunt..................... .............. & © C s is © tº e º e tº º e º sº e & ......1546.36 J. Pritchard.....................------............. tº º ºs º º O C tº º º ſº º tº e. e. e º ºs º º º ... 154632 Robert Nay....................---------------------------- ſº tº C C C C & s & © s (→ C e º 'º. 154628 Alex. Logan....... tº º O º 'º º 'º & © tº tº C & O & © tº it e º Gº & º gº tº ſº º ſº e º º ºs º º 'º & & s a e º & D C is e º 'º ..... 154630 I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 16th August, 1887. SiR,--I beg to transmit herewith, in accordance with the order from the patentee, Mr. John Sproat, filed here by you, the patent for the south-east quarter of Section 23, Township 11, Range 17, west of the 1st Meridian, accompanied by the usual form of receipt, which please sign and return to me. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, t JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. Drinkwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 16th August, 1887. SIR,-With reference to my letter to the Commissioner of the 10th instant, in reply to his of the 1st instant, reference 47834, I have now to state that it has not yet. been decided what steps are to be taken with regard to the patent which has issued in favor of Mr. W. Scollen for the south-east quarter of Section 9, Township 24, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian. This matter will receive the immediate attention of the Deputy Minister and, you will be promptly advised of his decision in regard to it. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. The Acting Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 16th August, 1887. SIR,--I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo, re- turning the patent which issued in favor of your company on the 12th May, 1885, for Section 19, Township 10, Range 25, west of the 1st Meridian, as such patent. contains an error, and to inform you that it will be cancelled and a new one issued. to replace it. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Qanadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 25a–8 & 1 13 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888, T- OFFICE of THE DOMINION LAND's CoMMIssion, WINNIPEG, 17th August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 10th inst., No. 153857, reference 82030, No. 3, stating that the patent which has issued to Mr. W. Scollen for the S. E. # Section 9, Township 24, Range 1, west 5th Meridian, will be cancelled and a new one issued to replace it, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, J. R. BURPE, Secretary. Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. º - LAND DEPARTMENT, THE CANADAN Pacific Railway CoMPANY., WINNIPEG MAN., 19th August, 1887. SIR-Will you kindly furnish me with the Canadian Pacific Railway numbers of the Letters Patent for N. W. 4 Section 9, Township 22, Range 1, west 5th Meri- dian (in favor of Robert Jamison and E. # Section 17, Township 23, Range 1, west 5th Meridian, in favor of Alexander Barnet) which I require for record here. If, when notifying this company of the transmission of letters patent to any registrar, you would give the Canadian Pacific Railway numbers of the same, I should be greatly obliged. The above mentioned patents were transmitted to the Calgary registry office. I have the honor to he, sir, your obedient servant, - J. H. McTAWISEI, Land Commissioner. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 22nd August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to transmit here with the thirty-one patents issued in favor of the several persons and for the lands which are respectively mentioned in the enclosed form of receipt which please sign and return to this department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. -C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal, 114 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A) sº-Jases LIST of Letters Patent to accompany Letter to G. Drinkwater, Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, dated Ottawa, August, 1887. º * à := | . 3 | dº # Name. Section. É & à 5 es ſº 5 ºs -: º: 3 || 3 || 3 | | 3 1 |Butchart, H'y Alex’r........ .................. [S.E. 4 35 .......... H2 18 W. 1 St. 7 78 2 |Barker, Joseph .................... --------...... [E., $ 17 -------........... 7 13 | do 7 80 3 |Brown, Jane ...... er 2 e o ee s see e s s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S W. # 3...... ... tº a g º sº G & 14 19 i do 7 84 4 |Brown, Jane ...................................... N.E. # 1 ... 14 19 | do 7 85 25 |Copeland, Chas. Moore ......... ... ......... S E. # 23 . .............. 11 20 i do 7 : 133 6 |Colquhoun, Edw’d Alex’r................... Whole 5 ................. 13 23 | do .. 7 : 134 7 |Clark, Alexander ................ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 Frac. N.E. # 17 ........ 8 16 | do 7 : 135 -8 |Cronyn, Verschoyle ........................... S. § 3 -.......... *r 13 22 | do 7 : 136 9 |Cronyn, Verschoyle ...... . . ............... B # 5 --------............. 13 22 | do 7 : 137 10 Cronyn, Verschoyle .......................... W. § 31 .. 12 28 | do 7 || 138 il Cronyn, Verschoyle ......................... W. & 23 ..... ... 13 23 do 7 139 12 |Clark, William J. ........... .... ..... . ... Whole 23....... ... --. 10 27 do 7 140 13 |Elder, James ............... e . e. e. e. e. e. e. e s is a e º 'º w w if s ºe W. # 27 .... ..., º 11 26 | do 7 26 14 |Gibson, Samuel........ .................. ...... Whole 27..............., 14 28 | do 7 62 15 | Hanley, John H...... .....................------|N. # 9.....--------....... 12 23 | do 7 62 16 |Hanley, John H. .......................... ...... Whole 17. .............. 12 23 | do 7 63 17 |Hughes, Joseph Hy. ...... .. g is a e s e is a n e º sº º & sº º ve N.R. 4 5 -.... ........... 12 21 do 7 64 18 Jewell, Geo Frederick.......... * c < * s e e º a e is a * Whole 21 ................ 14 28 do . 7 28 19 |Jewell, Geo. Frederick........................|Whole 15................ 14 28 do 7 29 20 |Mitchell, David............. , e e s et, e s a s s a s = * * * * * * * 8. A 23 ..... tº gº º º ſº ſº. 7 13 | do 7 | 121 .21 || Moorehouse, Walter H. ....... tº ſº tº º gº is E & º º ſº g º 'º dº tº 4 N.W. # 31 ............... 3 29 do 7 125 22 |Moore, William M. ............ -------------..... W. # 3.................... 12 27 | do 7 || 126 23 |Madill, James ........... q = ~ * * * * * * * * * tº º ºs º º ſº tº * * * * > * N.W. # 13 ........ . 10 27 do 7 i27 24 Madill, James ........................... ......... E. 3 and S.W. # 13. 10 27 do 7 | 128 25 |Moir, Peter............. tº º ºs e g e g º ºs w a n e º ºn tº g º is is s a s a gº & 8 W. # 33 .................. 11 26 | do 7 | 129 26 |Tucker, Edward ...... ................. ---------|N.W. # 1 ----------.... 9 9 | do 7 46 27 Wilton, Albert ............. ........ * * * e ºs e e s were W. # 36 ................ * 6 15 do 7 58 28 |Roberts, Jas. Alfred ........................... S. # 27 ....... ....... 13 16 | do 7 59 29 |Rowntree, George ..................... ......... N.W # 9...... ......... 9 26 | do 7 62 30 |Shea, James.................. e.g. ç is ſº tº sº sºº & a tºº e s º ºs Whole 13................ 14 28 | do 7 95 31 |Speers, Chas. Wesley ...... .................|Frac. S. # 19.......... 9 22 | do 7 94 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 22nd August, 1887. SIR-I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th inst., enclosing orders from Dawson Wright, John D. Hunt, J. Pritchard, Robert Nay and Alexander Logan, authorizing the delivery to you of their respective patents, and to say that such orders have been duly noted in the order book of this department, and that you will be further advised with regard to each case by a separate letter. It would greatly facilitate the necessary action here in filing each application or order, and in corresponding in regard to the same or to the land to which each application or order relates, if you would forward but one application or order under cover of a letter, as such a system would permit of all papers being attached to the file here respecting the land to which they would respectively be found to belong, which cannot well be done when more than one application or order is forwarded under the same covering letter. Please give this matter your consideration, as the adoption of the system to which I have drawn your attention will not only save unnecessary trouble and possibly complication here, but will facilitate the action connected with the issue of •each patent and its delivery. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. 25a--8; 115 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. ---, DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 22nd August, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Horace Henry, to enclose herewith letters patent for the N. ; of Section 17 in the 10th Township of the 17th Range, west of the Principal Meridian in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 22nd August, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. M. P. Hawley, to enclose here with letters patent for S. # of section 13, in the 10th Township, of the 20th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. º * The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return, to this office. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. (Telegram.) MonTREAL, 24th August, 1887. See my letter 1st April. . I find that some of the patents are being sent direct. to the purchasers. Have written. JoHN R. HALL, Department of the Interior. - 3. - C. DRINKWATER. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 24th August, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 22nd, letter No. 154638, reference No. 82030, No. 3, I note your request as to forwarding applications or orders under covering - letters. The form of application itself is a printed letter, and each one could be treated. as such with its order or orders attached, and I will adopt this plan in future. I hope this will meet what you wish. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, * C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. - (Telegram.) DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th August, 1887. You got an order from John D. Hunt, on 19th April but did not file it here till 17th instant. Meantime patent was delivered on 6th instant on power of attorney. filed here 11th March. JOHN R. HALL. C. DRINKWATER, Montreal. (Telegram) - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th August, 1887. Dawson Wright's patent delivered 10th instant. Did not file his order of 28th. June till 17th instant. - JOHN R. HALL, C. DRINKWATER, Montreal. * * 116 -51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 * THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 27th August, 1887. . SIR,--I shall be obliged if you will place Section 31, Township 18, Range 24, west 2nd, on the list of lands which this company will accept, transferring the same from the rejected list filed with your department. - I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th August, 1887. SIR-I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the In- terior, at the request of Mr. Robt. B Wimston, to enclose herewith letters patent for the north-east half of Section 21 in the 11th Township of the 17th Range, west •of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. ‘C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 31st August, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 30th instant, I beg to return herewith, letters patent issued in favor of R. Bruce Wimston, for the north-east quarter of Section 21, Township 11, Range 17, west 1, this quarter section having been pur- -chased by R. Bruce Wimston. - " Kindly have the error rectified and the patent returned to me with as little delay as possible and oblige. Y I am, sir, your obedient servant. — - C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. -JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 31st August, 1887. SIR,--In reply to your letter of the 19th instant, I have to inform you that the grant number, Robert Jamieson's patent for the north-west quarter of Section 9, !ownship 22, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian, is No. 567, and that of Alexander Barnet's patent for the east half of Section 17, Township 23, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian, is No. 568. I have to add that in future the number of the grant will be given in each case, when notifying you of the transmission of patents for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company lands to the several registrars. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. J. H. McTAviSH, Esq., Land Commissioner, - Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Winnipeg. CANADA. JOHN J. McGEE, Deputy Governor. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., dºc. To all to whom these presents shall come—GREETING. WHEREAs the lands hereinafter described, are part of the lands known as “Dominion Lands" and mentioned in the “ Dominion Lands Act, 1883;” AND WHEREAs under the provisions of the Act of the Parliament of Canada, passed in the tºurs year of Our reign, chaptered one II 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 --dº -S- º © º E s QP S S º S- ^sºme co Sº tº: 's +2 OO S. oc, ...S. # is t = s. ## 33 gº- c.'s ãºg35 $– c. S 9 33 - Ö .d CN • S * 2:2:: * a -3 "as * .E. "P 9 • S s”; ; S2 °: .E #, Tº 35 º Sº 5 * co Sº 3 -cs Go e gººd P: º, : gº | : 2-S crº \_* P, 3 £ 3 a SP ... o SP § 3 ; 3 +-> dº * ### re: ... .º :: * : Cd P and intituled : “An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway,” and by the terms and conditions of the contract and agreement em- bodied in the said Act, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (hereinafter called “The Company”) are entitled to a grant of the said lands as part of their land grant; AND WHEREAs the company have applied to us for a grant of the said lands direct to Robert Bruce Wimston, of Douglas, in the County of Brandon, in the Province of Manitoba, in our Dominion of Canada, gentleman : Now, KNow YE, that in the consideration of the premises and in pursuance of the power vested in us by the said Act, we by these presents do grant, convey and assure unto the said Robert Bruce Wimston, his heirs and assigns for ever, all that parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the eleventh Township, in the seventeenth Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, in our Dominion of Canada; and being composed of the north east quarter of Section Twenty-one of the said Township, containing by admeasurement one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. To have and to hold the said parcel or tract of land unto the said Robert Bruce Wimston, his heirs and assigns for ever, saving and reserving, nevertheless, unto us, our successors and assigns, the free uses, passage and enjoyment of, in, over, and upon all navi- gable waters that now are or may be hereafter found on, or under, or flowing through or upon any part of the said parcel or tract of land, and also reserving thereout and therefrom all rights of fishery and fishing and occupation in connection therewith, upon, around and adjacent to said lands, and also the privi- leges of landing from, and mooring boats and vessels upon any part of the said lands, and using the said lands in connection with the rights of fishery and fishing hereby reserved, so far as may be reasonably necessary to the exercise of such rights. Given under the Great Seal of Canada:—Witness, John Joseph McGee, Esq., Deputy of our right trusty and entirely beloved cousin the most Honorable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, Marquess of Lans- downe, in the County of Somerset, Earl of Wycombe, of Chipping Wycombe, in the County of Bucks, Wis- count Calne and Calnstone in the County of Wilts, and Lord Wycombe, Baron of Chipping Wycombe, in the County of Bucks, in the Peerage of Great Britain; Earl of Kerry and Earl of Shelburne, Wiscount Clanmaurice and Fitzmaurice, Baron of Kerry, Lixnaw and Dun- kerron, in the Peerage of Ireland, Knight Grand Cross. of our most distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor General of Canada and Vice Admiral of the same, &c, &c, &c. - At Ottawa, this twenty-first day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, and in the fifty-first year of our reign. Reference No. 34069. Ry C d C. P. Railway, Grant No. 709. y Uommand. JOHN R. HALL, Acting Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. G. POWELL. 118 Under Secretary of State. 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 31st August, 1887. SIR,-In reply to your letter of the 24th instant, I beg to inform you that the plan you propose to adopt in regard to forwarding application or orders, under covering letters, is satisfactory. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. . C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADA NoHTH-WEST LAND Co. (LIMITED), WINNIPEG, 2nd September, 1887. SIR,-On the 29th January, I sent your department a cheque for $10.25, fee for exemplification of patent for the north-west quarter of Section 7, Township 11, west of the 1st Principal Meridian. This cheque has never been returned to us by the bank, and possibly has not been put through your accounts. I will be obliged if you will have it put through. - Yours truly, - - - W. B. SCARTH, Managing Director. The Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 3rd September, 1887. Six-I shall be obliged if you will place Section 33, Township 13, Range 27, west 1st, on the list of lands which this company will accept, transferring the same from the rejected list filed with your department. * I am, sir, your obedient servant. - C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. INSTRUMENT OF CANCELLATION. Whereas a mistake has been found to exist in the body of the Dominion lands patent (C. P. R. Grant) for the whole of Section nineteen, in Township ten, Range twenty-five, west of Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, in our Dominion of Canada, to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and dated 12th May, 1885, wherein by clerical error the year of Her Majesty's reign is given as the eighth whereas in truth and in fact it should be the forty-eighth. Now therefore by virtue of the powers and duties conferred upon and vested in me by the 55th Section of the Act 49 Victoria, chapter 54 (Dominion Lands Act) I do hereby direct the said patent to be cancelled, and a correct one to be issued in its stead, which corrected patent shall relate back to the date of such cancelled patent. A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. WM. M. GOODEVE, Chief Clerk of Patent Branch. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th September, 1887. Gertified. CANADIAN PACIFIG RAILWAY COMPANY, WESTERN DIVISION, SoLIGITOR's OFFICE, WINNIPEG, MAN., 22nd September, 1887. DEAR SIR,-If patent has issued for S. W. # Section 22, Township 8, Range 5, west 1st, in Manitoba, let me know the name of patentee and date of patent. If there is no patent, let me know to whom the same will issue. I have, &c., your obedient servant, O J. A. M. AIKINS, Solicitor C. P. R. Co. To the Secretary of the Minister of the Interior. 119 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 LAND DEPARTMENT, MANITOBA, SouTH-WESTERN Colonization Co., AND THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., WINNIPEG, MAN, 21st September, 1887. SIR,-Will you please inform me if patents have been issued for N. W. # and N. E. # Section 5, Township 3, Range 5, west 1st, and N. E. # Section 6, Township 3, Range 5, west 1st, and, if so, when and in whose favor? * I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, J. H. McTAVISH, Land Commissioner. J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL way CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 28th September, 1887. SiR-I have the honor to request letters patent in favor of this company for the undermentioned land, viz.:-N. ; Section 19, Township 8, Range 2, 4th Meridian. - I shall be glad if you will forward this patent to me as early as convenient. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 28th September, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to renew the application made in 1885, for letters patent in favor of this company covering the N. ; Section 19, Township 3, Range 5, west st Meridian. The department, at the time, raised an objection on the ground that the land was within the Manitoba South-Western Colonization Railway Company's grant, which, I am now advised, is not the case. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ontario. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., - OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 4th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to apply for letters patent in favor of this company for the undernoted land, viz :—E. # Section 19, Township 13, Range 6, west 1st Meridian. Kindly forward this with as little delay as possible and oblige. I am, sir, your obedient servant, t C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. The CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY, OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 4th October, 1887. SIR-I shall be obliged if you will place Section 27, Township 6, Range 26, west 1st, on the list of lands which this company will accept, transferring the same from the rejected list filed with your department. : I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 12th October, 1887. SIR,-Referring to my letters to you of 27th June and 1st September, I now en- close orders for the delivery to me of the undernoted letters patent applied for . on the above dates respectively: - 120 -51 Wictoria. - Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) . A. 1888 =– Skelton Weldon, N. #Section 23, Township 6, Range 22, west 1st : all Section 3, Township 6, Range 22, west 1st. Robert Bullock, S. # Section 27, Township 7, Range 27, west 1st. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILway CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MontREAL, 8th October, 1887. SIR,-With reference to my letter of 1st April, enclosing application for letters patent, among others an application in favor of the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, covering the N.W. # of Section 19, Township 10, Range 22, west 1st. As we are being pressed for it by the purchasers, I shall be much obliged by your transmitting •same to me at as early a date as convenient. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 19th October, 1887. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 7th June last, reference 148566, and your further communication of the 7th July, I shall be glad to know whether there is any difficulty still in the way of the issue of patent to the S.E. # of Section 9, Town- ship 24, Range 1, west 5th. This patent is urgently required. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th October, 1887. SIR,--I beg to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 22nd ultimo, that let- ters patent have not issued for the south-west quarter of Section 22, Township 8, Range 5, west of the 1st Meridian, nor does it appear from the records of this department that any application has been made for the issue thereof. I am, sir, your obedient servant, § P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. J. A. M. AIKINS, Esq., Solicitor Canadian Pacific Isailway Company, Winnipeg. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th October, 1887. SIR,--I beg to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 21st ultimo, that the north-West quarter of Section 5, Township 3, Range 5, west of the 1st Meridian, was patented to Franklin Morden on the 26th December, 1879; that the north-east quarter of the same section was patented to Wilmot Freeman Morden on the 27th Pecember, 1879; and that the patent for the north-east quarter of Section 6, Town- ship 8, Range 5, west of the 1st Meridian, was patented to Alvery Morden on the 1st September, 1879. © I have the honor to be, sir, your §§ servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. J. H. McTavish, Esq., Land Commissioner, 3. ry Canadian Pacific Railway Uompany, Winnipeg, Man. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 28th ultimo, that letters patent are in course of preparation for the north half of section 19, - 121 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. Township 8, Range 2, west of the 4th Meridian, and that the same will be forwarded immediately after their issue to the registrar at Regina in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 44 of the Territories Real Property Act. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 28th ultimo, that letters patent are now in course of preparation for the west half of Section 19, Township 3, Range 5, west of the 1st Meridian. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 4th inst., that letters patent are now in course of preparation for the east half of Section 19, Township 13, Range 6, west of the 1st Meridian. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, B. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 4th inst., that your request that Section 27, Township 6, Range 26, west of the 1st Meridian, be transferred, from the rejected list, to the lists of lands accepted by your company, has been complied with. } - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 25th October, 1887. SIR.—I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 12th instant, that the letters patent in favor of Skelton Weldon, for the north half of Section 23, Township 6, Range 22, west of the First Meridian, and Section 3 in the same township have already been forwarded to your address. - You have been advised concerning Robert Bullock's patent for the south half of Section 27, Township 7, Range 27, west of the First Meridian, in a separate letter; and I beg to remind you here that if you will confine each of your letters to one subject or to information respecting one parcel of land you will greatly facilitate correspondence with this department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, *. P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwateB, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th October, 1887. SIR,--I beg to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 18th instant, that the patent for the north-west quarter of Section 19, Township 10, Range 22, west of the 1st Meridian, in favor of the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, has been for- warded to you with a number of other patents under separate cover. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. * 122 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888. Tººe DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, -5th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 19th instant, that the decision of the Land Board with regard to the south east quarter of Section 9, Township 24, Range 1, west of the 5th Meridian, has not yet been received in this department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 25th October, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to transmit, herewith, the twenty patents in favor of the . patentees and for the lands, which are respectively mentioned in the accompanying form of receipt which you will please sign and return to this department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary, C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. RECEIVED from the Minister of the Interior twenty Letters Patent for the following : described lands, viz.:- * O.P. R. º Name. Section. T. Range. Volume. No. Snip. 693 |Shuttleworth, Edward B.......................... ........ N. § 35.............. 7 16 112 694 do ees as a os • e esses esse es e e s sess se as ess . Whole l tº e º e º 'º e ſº e º 'º 14 28 113 695 do .................. ..........--------|S. # 37..........." 9 18 114 696 do tº dº tº e º see tº dº tº e º see º cº e g º e tº e º e º sº tº see tº o S.E. # 9............ 13 23 115 697 do --------... ...---...----------------|S.W. # 9 13 22 116 698 do tº º tº º tº a tº a * * * * * * * * * > * g g º Gº & w tº e º ſº º ... N. W. # 9 .... ..... 13 22 117 699 do - ......... tº e º 'º e º we e º 'º - e º ºs e s tº a 9 tº e º e º # * S # 3....... ......... 9 20 118 700 do ........ S.B. # 1 ............ 10 26 119 701 do 2e e º see so - † & & & eº arº e º e º ºs e º 'ot - a c e º see e S. 17 13 22 120 702 do a P & 2 º' ºr a ſº e º 'º tº a tº e º e º “aw & w w to º º tº e º ſº gº e º gº tº N-3 17 ----........ A3 22 121 690 Chisholm, Archibald D-........................... . ....... [N.W. # 17......... 12 22 168 684 |Doran, John Graham........ ........... tº e º a tº ºn e º ºr 4 º º & ...... [Whole 27........., 9 19 59 685 Elliott, Edward...... ** * > e º tº e º ºs e - e. tº e º e o e º 'º e º a see ee ea f e º e º e º 'º e S. 9 * - e. e. 9 19 30 705 ||Fares, Emanuel H......... -------- “... ............ --------. B. & 13,... 12 24 58 688 Hunter, John ......... © e º 'o e º O & Q we e a tº • * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º 'º º e º 'º. ..., |S.E. # 3............ 13 18 82 688 Ball, Charles E.------------..................-------....... N, 3 23.............. 10 22 8t 682 |Jackson, John .................... 4. ..... IN ; 19.- ........... 11 18 3}. 688 |Littles, Joseph -----------------.... ..........................|N.E. # 23........... 14 16 76 546 |The Synod of the Diocese of Rupert's Land......... N.W. 3, 19......... } {} 22 109 689 Vanduzer, Dennis............. tº e º O & B e º e º e º is º e s tº a tº se P = e º e º e º e a Whole 7..... 6 22 9 THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 2nd November, 1887. SIR.—I beg to transmit herewith an order from Mr. Alfred Cann for the delivery to me of a patent in his favor for the N. E. # Section 7, Township 10, Range 12, west 1st, application for which was made on the ist April last. I have the honor to be sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. e CARBERRY, September, 1887. ..Please, deliver to Charles Drinkwater, of Montreal, secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the patent in my favor for the N. E. 4 of Section 7, in - 123 •' :51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 Township 10, Range 12, west of the 1st Principal Meridian, and let this be your authority for so doing; and I hereby authorize him, in my name, to sign any receipt required by the department for said patent. - ALFRED CANN. Witness—J. A. SMITH. To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY CoMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 2nd November, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to apply for letters patent in favor of this company for the undermentioned land, viz.: Section 7, Township 8, Range 8, west 1st. It is the company's intention to locate a station on this section, and I would like to obtain the patent as early as convenient, to enable us to lay out a town site at once. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. -J. R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 2nd November, 1887. SIR,--I beg to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 27th August last, that your request to transfer Section 31, Township 18, Range 24, west of the 2nd Meridian, from the list of lands which your company has rejected to the list of lands which it has accepted, has been complied with. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C, DRINKwateh, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 2nd November, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st August last, returning the patent for the north-east quarter of Section 21, Township 11, Range 17 west of the 1st Meridian, as the surname of the patentee is erroneously spelled “Wimston” instead of “Urmston,” and to inform you that in the papers of record where upon the authority of which the patent in question was prepared, the surname of the patentee is distinctly spelled “Wimston,” the full name being precisely the same as in the patent—“Robert Bruce Wimston”; and I have therefore to say, that although this patent will be cancelled and be replaced by a new one, care will have to be taken in future in the preparation of your lists and other data for the issue of patents, or otherwise a fee of $10.00, which is charged by the department for a new patent in such cases, will be exacted in each instance. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. °C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 2nd November, 1887. • SIR,--I beg to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 3rd September last, Section 33, Township 13, Range 27, west of the 1st Meridian, has always been in- •cluded in the list of lands which your company has accepted. + I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R, HALL, Secretary. .C, DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. 124 51 Wictoria. - Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 2nd November, 1887. SIR,--I beg to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 2nd September, last, that your request with regard to the cheque for $10.25, to which reference is made . in that communication, has been complied with. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. W. B. SCARTH, Esq., M.P., Winnipeg, Manitoba. IXEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 5th November, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the In- terior, at the request of Alfred Cann to enclose herewith letters patent for N.E. 4. of Section 7, in the 10th Township of the 12th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 5th November, 1887. SIR,--I shall be obliged if you will place Section 35, Township 13, Range 27, West 1st, on the list of lands which this company will accept, transferring the same from the rejected list filed with your department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OPTAwa, 9th November, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the . Interior, to enclose herewith letters patent for north half of Section 19, in the 3rd Township of the 5th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Man- itoba. The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 11th November, 1887. SIB,-I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, and to . inform you that the patent for Section 7, Township 8, Range 8, west of the 1st. Principal Meridian, will be prepared immediately in accordance with your request. I am, sir, your obedient servant, w - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 11th November, 1887. . - SIR,--In reply to your letter of the 5th instant, I beg to state that your request. that Section 35, Township 13, Range 27, west of the ist Principal Meridian, be transferred from the rejected list to the list of lands which have been accepted by your company, has been complied with. w I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary cºuis, Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. t :25 - 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT of The INTERIOR, OFTAwa, 11th November, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor, by the direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Interior, at the request of Mr. Allen Graham to enclose herewith letters patent for the south-west quarter of Section 7, in the 9th Township of the 18th Range, west of the Principal Meridian in the Province of Manitoba. The accompanying fºrm of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C, DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. CANADA. Deputy Governor. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., dºc. To all to whom these Presents shall come—GREETING: WHEREAs the lands hereinafter described are part of the lands known as “Do- minion Lands'' and mentioned in the “ Dominion Lands Act;” AND WHEREAs the “Canadian Pacific Railway Company” (hereinafter called “the company”) have applied to us for a grant of the said lands; - AND WHEREAs under the provisions of the Act of the Parliament of Canada passed in the forty-fourth year of Our reign, chaptered one and intituled : “An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway’ and by the terms and conditions of the contract and agreement embodied in the said Act and of the several Acts in amendment thereof, the company are entitled to a grant of the said lands as part of their land grant. --- AND WHEREAs on the first day of September, in the year of our Lord one thous- and eight hundred and eighty-one, the company, under the provision of section seven- teen of the said contract, issued land grant bonds to the amount of twenty-five million dollars and created a charge on the said lands as security for the said land grant bonds, by the execution of a conveyance by way of mortgage thereof to Charles F. Smithers, Esquire, the Honorable John Hamilton and Samuel Thorne, Esquire, as trustees, bearing date the day and year last aforesaid; and it is provided by the eighteenth section of the said contract that such land grant shall be conveyed to the company by us, subject to the charge created as security for the land grant bonds, and shail remain subject to such charge till relieved thereof in such manner as shall be provided for at the time of the issue of such bonds: Now KNow YE, that in consideration of the premises, and in pursuance of the power vested in us by the said Act, we, by these presents do grant, convey and assure unto the company, their successors and assigns for ever, all th parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the in our Dominion of Canada and being composed of containing by admeasurement - acres more or less. - To have and to hold the said parcel or tract of land unto the company, their successors and assigns for ever, subject to the charge created as security for the said land grant bonds by the said deed of mortgage to the said trustees; saving and reserv- ing nevertheless, unto us, our successors and assigns the free uses, passage and enjoy- ment of, in, over and upon all navigable waters that now are or may be hereafter found on or under or flowing through or upon any part of the said parcel or tract of land. Given under the Great Seal of Canada:—Witness, Deputy of our right trusty and entirely beloved cousin the most Honorable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitz- maurice, Marquess of Lansdowne, in the County of Somerset, Earl of Wycombe, of Chipping Wycombe, in the County of Bucks, Wiscount Calne and Calnstone in the County of Wilts, and Lord Wycombe, *i; of Chipping Wycombe in the County - 26 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 —-º. of Bucks, in the Peerage of Great Britain; Earl of Kerry and Earl of Shelburne, Wiscount Clanmaurice and Fitzmaurice, Baron of Kerry, Lixnaw and Dunkerron, in the Peerage of Ireland, Knight Grand Cross of our most distinguished Order of St. Michael º St. George, Governor General of Canada, and Vice Admiral of the same, -&c., &c., &c. At Ottawa, this day , in the year of Our Lord one thousand -eight hundred and and in the fifty- year of our reign. Teference No. C.P. Railway, Grant No. up.; By Command. Deputy Minister of the Interior. INSTRUMENT OF CANCELLATION. Whereas a mistake has been found to exist in the body of the Dominion lands patent (C. P. R. Grant No. 709) for the north-east quarter of Section 21, in the 11th Township, in the 17th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, in our Dominion of Canada, to Robert Bruce Wimston, of Douglas, in the County of Brandon, in the Province of Manitoba, in the Dominion of Canada, gentleman, and dated 21st July, 1887, wherein by misnomer the name of the patentee appears as above set forth, whereas in truth and in fact the intention was to grant the said land to Robert Bruce Urmston. Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers and duties conferred upon and vested in me (by the 55th section of the Act 49 Wic., cap. 54, Dominion Lands Act) I do hereby direct the said patent to be cancelled and a correct one to be issued in its stead, which corrected patent shall relate back to the date of such cancelled patent. A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. •Certified, WM. M. GooDEVE, Chief Clerk Patent Branch. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 29th December, 1887. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MontREAL, 9th November, 1887. SIR,--I shall be obliged if you will place the S. # of Section 1, Township 11, Range 17, west of the 1st Meridian, on the list of lands which this company will accept, transferring the same from the rejected list filed with your department, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 9th November, 1887. SIR,--I shall be obliged if you will place Section 9, Township 11, Range 25, west of the 1st Meridian, on the list of lands which this company will accept, trans- ferring the same from the rejected list filed with your department, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 18th November, 1887. SIR,-In reply to your letter of the 9th instant I beg to inform you that your request that the S. # of Section 1, Township 11, Range 17, west of the 1st Meridian, 127 - 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *. be transferred from the rejected list to the list of lands which have been accepted by your company, has been complied with. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 18th November, 1887. SIR,--In reply to your letter of the 9th instant, I beg to state that your request that Section 9, Township 11, Range 25, west of the 1st Meridian, be transferred from the rejected list to the list of lands which have been accepted by your company, has been complied with. § I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 2nd December, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to apply for the issue of letters patent in favor of this. company for the undernoted lands, viz.:-Section 31, Township 18, Range 24, west 2nd, and Section 35, Township 18, Range 25, west 2nd. As the purchaser of this land is having considerable difficulty in protecting the wood on the land from tres- passers, it is most important that we should have the patents at once. I am, sir, your obedient servant, . C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. Jon N R, HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 5th December, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to apply for the issue of letters patent in favor of this. company for the W. # Section 1, Township 9, Range 20, west 1st. I shall be glad to receive this patent as soon as possible. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 9th December, 1887. SIR,--I beg to enclose here with, a schedule prepared in accordance with the books of this department, showing the lands which have been accepted and also those which have been rejected by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company up to the date- of this letter. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg. 128 51 Victoria. f - Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. 1ST MERIDIAN. TOWNSHIP 1. R. . Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. N.W. # 15, 17, E. # 27, N. ; 35. . |N. # 9. * # TOWNSEHIP 2. 1 E. S. W. 4 19 (for examination). - | . 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 33, 35. 28 |3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21. 7 3. j , 15, 17, 19, 21. TOWNSHIP 3. ; : TOWNSEIIP 4. 7 W. For examination. do S W. # 13. 11 |Pt. 3, Pt. 5, Pt. 13. 15 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 16 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 17 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. (8 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 19 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 20 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 21 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 22 | 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 23 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 24 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 25 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 26 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 27 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. - 28 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. 28 |31, 33, 35. 29 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 30 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 3l 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 32 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. * 33 |21, 23, 25, 33, 35, 27. 33 |19, 31. 34 |Fr. E. 21, 23, 25, 27, Fr. E. § 33, 35. 25a–9 129 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. * 1sT MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSHIP 5. R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 3 W. 3, 27. 7 |27 for examination. \ 4 9 |S.E. # 3, for examination. 10 |E. § 31, S.W. # 25. 13 #º # 17, 21, S. # 23, 25 14 || 15 N. E. , S. # 23, 25. 15 All. j j 16 All. 17 | All. 18 || All. 19 |All. 20 ! All. 21 All. 22 || All. 23 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 24 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 31, 33. 25 |3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 23, 27. 25 |1, 17, 19, 21, 25, 31, 33, 35. 26 |3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35. 26 |1, 13, 19, 21, 33. 27 | 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 19, 21, 27, 33, 35. 27 |13, 15, 23, 25, 31. 28 |7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 29 || A11. 30 || All. 31 | All, 32 Ali. 33 All. 34 {1, 3, Fr. 9, 13, 15, Pt. 21, 23, 25, 27, Pt. 33, 35 TOWNSHIP 6. 5 N.E. 4 31. 6 N.W.4 13, 17, 19, S. # and N.W. # 21, N. 3 | 27, N. # 31, 33, 35. 9 |Nº. 3 and S.E. # 15, S. # 21, 23, 31, 33. 10 |For Examination (Tract 5, 7, 19, N.W. 4 21, N.W. # 33). 11 |13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 12 |13, 15, W, * 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, E, ¥33, 35. 13 |13, Y. § 19, N, ; and S.W. # 21, 25, 27, 31, 13 |33. . # 35. * 14 |3, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, N. × 31, S. 3 || 14 |S. # 35. 31, S. # 33, N. × 35. | 5 || All. 16 || All. 17 | All. --- 18 || All. 19 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 19 |15, 35. | 22 All. 23 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33 || 23 |31. 35. * 24 1, 3, 31. e 24 |5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 25 25 |All. 26 19, 27. 26 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 31, 33, 35. 27 | All. - 28 All. 29 || All. 30 || All. 31 |All. 32 || All. - 33 || All. 34 |1, 3, Pt. 9, 13, 15, Pt. 21, 23, 25, 27, Pt 33, 35. 130 uploioſa Ig (wgz oM) Sieded Ieuoſsses 888 I ‘W & a t { & { { { t { { |ly 6& "6 I "1, ‘g| Sø 'gg ‘gg “18 ‘Iz ‘gg ‘gz ‘Iz ‘I ‘gſ ‘g| ‘6 ‘g y 8% * ‘II 1,& 'gg “1z ‘gº 92. ‘88. “Ig ‘gz ‘Iz '6I ‘II ‘g I gl '6'3d ‘ſ, ‘g “Il 98, ‘gg ‘lā ‘Iz ‘MI ‘gl ‘g ‘I gº, ‘gg ‘Ig ‘6ſ ‘6% ‘g gz ‘88. “IZ '61 “1. 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OI ||pub & 'N ‘ll # ºf S pub # 'N '6% M. “I # ‘S OI º :gg # A'S pub & N ‘Ug ‘gz # 'H'S pub # ‘N’ ‘tz # A*N ‘ºf 'gz| 6 ||% ‘H ‘gl # MTS ‘g I # A ‘6 # ‘ā ‘N’ ‘g & ‘S “Il 6 dIHSNAAOJ, *gg '3d “gº, '88, '4 d "3L ‘l w8 - ‘IIW £g *IIW Zg 'HIV Ig - *IIW 08 ‘6 “Il 6, gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘LI ‘qL ‘gl ‘l. ‘g ‘g| 6′. *gg "3 d '6 ‘g “Il 9: ‘gg 'id “Ig ‘lā ‘gz ‘gz ‘IZ '6I ‘LI 'gl ‘gl “1. ‘g| 92 w 'gg "JJ ‘1% ºf ‘gº, 'idi ‘gg ‘JI ‘6 % S ºf ‘M’N pub # S] gº || “Iz ‘LI ‘gl 'gl ‘6 & N ‘A ‘g # I'N ‘I ‘gg ‘ig 61 gº "gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘gz ‘Ig ‘6I ‘lī ‘g I ‘gſ ‘6 ‘ſ “g ‘g “Il fa *1.2 °gzi jº. "Ig ‘6I ‘ ‘g| £z 'gg ‘gg ‘Az ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘ll “g I ‘g I ‘6 ‘g ‘I 22 - *IIW ZZ se 6I º ‘g ( ‘12 ‘6I ‘gz. # "H'S ‘Iz ‘II ‘gſ ‘gl ‘6 “1. ‘g ‘g “t 8I 'gg # "H N puts % ‘S ‘gg ‘Ig ‘nº. # I'N pub # ‘S ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz K S ‘61 % ºf ‘lī ‘g|I ‘g I # 'N ‘6 ‘l, ‘g ‘g “Il 1, I ‘gg # 'N ‘gz ‘gg # ‘S 91 || “gg “lg ‘lā ‘gz ‘IZ '61 ‘LI ‘g I ‘gſ '6 ‘ ‘g ‘g “Il 91 º 9 $ º # N ‘gz # ‘S ‘gz ‘IZ '61 # 'N' g| || “... ‘gz # 'N ‘6I # S ‘LI # 'S'gl 'gī ‘6 ‘g ‘g ‘ll gl ‘gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘LZ ‘gg ‘gz ‘IZ ‘61 “I # 'N' Fl *I ‘gſ ‘g ‘6 ‘l, ‘g ‘g ‘I # ‘S WI { "[g #, ‘5 ‘Iz ‘gg ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 ‘LI. “gl § {H ‘gſ º ‘gg ‘gg “Ig # A ‘g # 'N' g| ||% ‘N’ ‘6% º' N pub # 'S', ‘g # 'S "g ‘I # 'M'S g|I gg # 'N 'gg “Ig| ZI *gg # * M S ‘IZ “d ‘th ‘gſ # S 'g|I ‘6 # "H"Ni z I ‘gg ‘gg # "H"N“Ig # Sº, º AA ‘gz - 'g|| II ||# 'AA'N pub # I-S 61 ‘I ‘gſ ‘6 ‘‘g 'e º 'S' II ‘gg # 'S'gg # 'N “Ig { *S ‘LZ 'gz 'g|| 0 || ||“gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘g # *H'S pub # "N'gº & ‘I & "N] OL *IIWI 9 - ‘gºt 'I'N I? # ‘M ‘gz # ‘M’N pub # 5 S“I ? 'S ‘6 #"Nº. # 'N ‘gº’A'S pub # "N} g ‘pagoeſe:I SuoploeS “H ‘pay deoow guo!!ooS *H ‘L d'IHSNAAOL ‘ponw!!MOO–NWICII*IHW LSI - ‘ponuţţwoO—'oy ‘polooſey] put, poldoooy spugri Jo ISIT (ISILOHHHOO ~y I9T #6—pgz “BLIO10TA Ig (vgz oM) sloded Tetroſsses 888 I ‘W Zgł "99 - 'gg 'gº twr. { '99 ‘(I'S pub & 'N “Ig ‘Iz '61 ‘AI ‘g I ‘6 ‘ſ “g ‘g ‘I ‘gg ‘gſ # "H'N pub # S ‘1z # & N pus ºs 'gz'gz ‘gſ I ‘Ig ‘gz ‘IZ '61 ‘I ‘6 ‘g ‘g “I 'Ig “lº. 16, ‘61 ‘g I ‘g I ‘6 ‘g ‘g ‘gg “12 ‘gz ‘6I ‘gl ‘g ‘g *gg ‘gg ‘gz ‘g I ‘gſ ‘1, ‘I 6% "gg 4d ‘gz ‘gz ºrd “gſ ºd “I - 9 ‘Ig ‘Iz ‘gg ‘gz ‘Iz '6T ‘I ‘gſ ‘gſ '6 ‘i, ‘g ‘g ‘I *IIV 'II & ...ſly { 6 { º { ! { { { t t IIW ‘19 'gg ‘gg “Ig ‘ſº gº ‘gz" L& ‘6I "I 'gī ‘g I ‘6 (uopyguſubze Ioy ‘g # 'I'S puº *N) “I 'gg “d 3d Ig ad ‘iz 4d '81 ad 11 et ad 6 ºd ºf a ‘I { [ ! t { { t ! { ..}; ;8. , Ig “lº "gz ‘gó ‘Iz ‘SI "AI "g I ‘g I ‘6 ‘ſ. ‘g ‘g “I ‘IIV "gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘g ‘gz ‘Iz '6I ‘I ‘gſ ‘g|I ‘6 ‘', ‘g ‘g “I { "gg & ‘S ‘gg ‘Ig “lº, H ‘gz # ‘M’N 'IZ '67 ‘lī ‘gſ ‘gl ‘6 ‘l, ‘g ‘g ‘l *gg & ‘S ‘gg ‘ig & ‘S ‘Az ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz % "S ‘6I # "M. "S ‘1, I ‘g I ‘g I ‘6 ‘l. ‘g ‘g ‘I 'gg"Ig ‘lā ‘gz ‘Iz '6I ‘I '91 ‘g I ‘6 ‘ ‘g ‘g ‘I ‘gg ‘ſº gº. # 'N ‘gſ # *S 'gg & 'H'S pub # 'N “12 ‘gz 'cz'll 's 'gi ( 'A'6 it is pus; N '8 99. “[g ‘IZ '61 ‘I ‘gſ ‘6 ‘' ‘g # 5 'N pub & ‘S ‘g ‘gg ‘gg ‘Iz ‘gz, *gl 'gī ‘l. "gg ‘gz ‘gz ‘ſ. I ‘l, ‘I 'gg ‘Ig ‘gz ‘Iz ‘I “gl ‘6 ‘ſ, ‘l * 'Ig “lº 'gz ‘Iz '6I ‘ºl ‘6 # 'I'S pub & 'N ‘g ‘g # 5’S pub # 'N 0I d'IHSNAAOJ, ‘1& # ‘AA'S 88 ‘IIV Zg IIW Og *IIV 63, ‘IIW 8% "[IV 18, IIW 9% *IIW ZZ . ‘IIY Iz g 'IIW 0% *gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘lz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘LI ‘g I # ‘AA ‘6 ‘ſ. ‘g ‘g ‘Ii 61 , '93 ‘gg ‘Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘ez ‘Iz # "H ‘6T & H ‘gſ # 'H'gī ‘6 # I'N “1. ‘g ‘g “Il 81 gg ‘gg ‘Ig “la ‘gz ‘gz # 'gg # "H S 11 || M. S. pug & ‘N ‘Iz ‘6I ‘I ‘gi 'gl '6 ‘l ‘g ‘g “Il LI 8. ‘IIW gl 9 L { & { 5 t & t & ſ f t º IIy #! #I *gg "[g “1,” “gz ‘gz ‘Iz '6I "Il 'g'ſ 'gl "6 I, ‘g "g ‘I gl '98 || 9 | * t & t & { { ‘IIV £I &I ,, , , , , , §§ 38.1% (8.3%. 83.1% 6I ‘MI ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘6 “1, ‘g ‘g ‘I # 'M'S pug & 'N | II II 'ge ‘ge 18 ºz gz ‘iz'61 11 gigſ 3.1 g| 01 'gº, ‘g ‘I ()[ w 'gg “Ig "Qz 'ez ‘Iz ž's ‘61 ‘lī ‘gi '81 f 'A'N '6 'N ‘l 6 ‘1z ‘gg & ‘N ‘g ‘I | 6 *peoeſołI SuoploeS ‘‘I ‘peldooow SuoploeS “H "6 dIHSNAAOU, 'pamuływoo-NWICIIHHW LSI ºponunuoo—oy ‘polooſen pus pondeoow spueſſ Jo ISIT gatoragoo “BII04OHA Ig (vgz to N) sleded Ieuoſsses 888 I ‘W 'gz] 9. II'gg ‘gg ‘Ig 'ez ‘Iz '6I ‘LI ‘gſ 'el '6", "g ‘g ‘Iſ 98. •6|| g ||'gg “18 ºz ‘gg “gz ‘Iz ‘l. I ‘gl 'g'ſ ‘6 ‘i, ‘g ‘g ‘I gº, *IIW jº, - "g º "N www. $38, # S 'gg ‘Ig “lº. “Iz ‘61 ‘I “glºgi '6", ‘g ‘g ‘I gº, ‘18 & M ‘Iz 'g | } *19. { } N ‘gz ‘gz & Ig, f, A N pºº. §§ {.{N ºr ºr # ‘N’ ‘g ‘6 & ‘AA ‘l, ‘g ‘g # M S pub ºf 'N “I 6I - *gg ‘gg tº try 8T ‘1z ‘gz 'ez ‘iz '61 'gi 'gi 'é'ſ gº ‘i’ ‘M 11 • * * * “Ig “1z ‘6I 'I, ‘g]_#"AA'S ‘6 # "H"S ‘L 'g''g'' iſ 91 gz # 81 gI || 'gg # 'AA's ‘Ig # *GI'll # º # , º, as QI * N.'s; g.º.º. Sº A+..N.';* H.N.'ſ ºl *gg # MTN “1z # N ‘gz # "His ‘gi # *M*N| 8 "ČI dilHSNMOJ, "gº '09.I & ‘g I obſº “I “objū we *IIW £g "[IV Zg *IIW 18 *IIW 03 *IIW | 68. *IIW 8. #| # e 98. *Ig ‘LI g? ‘6 ‘gg ‘gg ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘IZ '61 ‘g I ‘g I ‘i, "g ‘g ‘I gº “[IV #2 º £3. • tº err -r (r. 4 ... . . ; ‘gg ‘Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gg ‘IZ ‘61 ‘gl 1 # 'H'S ‘g ‘g &z || “gſ ‘6 # 'H'N pub # *S*1, # 'AA'S pub # 'N “Il Cz *IIW Iz { 'gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘lā ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6 I ºt gi ‘el 6 1. ‘G ‘g #.A.N. º.º. N. Pºº 's Oz ‘gg ‘gg “Ig ‘L& ‘gg “gg * A ‘iz '61 m 'gī ‘6 ‘ ‘g #..N 1..?...A.N. 61 { { º e e - - { £8 Ig tº gº...A.S. Bº # 'H'N ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 # AS Piº N. “I A.N.: # MN, i. # *N ‘g # "H'N ‘g # 'H'N pub # “S ‘I # M'N 81 ... ...}}.} *gg # *M*S pub # 'N ‘gg ‘Ig 1z'gg & ‘AA ‘ez ‘Iz ‘Lt } {'N ‘gi # ‘M’N puts # S ". . 'N ‘g # 'N ‘g # "H" N pus # ‘S 1. I w ‘gz ‘gz ‘gſ ‘gi 91 ||pub # 81'S “1z ‘Iz ‘g 96.86.18 *AN { g- t -- a IZ *6T's "AI * '88 # s ‘ig ºl. As º 'º'; ; S. g| || '1%'86 gilt is ºf ºf N # gº # 4's put { N gi iſ ºl :1z # "H “gz ‘gz #"AA's 'gl § { # 'S WI *gg “Ig "I ZI *gg ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz # "H S 6 ‘l I “gi ‘6 ‘ſ “g 'g| ZI { ‘. . 'A'N pub & ‘S ‘l H'N "g ‘I II || “gg ‘gg ‘Ig # t ſº ‘Ll .# ‘6 ‘g| II & ſº & "H “Ig ‘I,’ f {HºS ‘gz # "H £I #, #}} § | º 'gz ‘Iz ž M'S pug ‘N ‘6I ‘lī ‘gſ º '#'. ! * { {{S} 9 ‘6 # ‘A’s “gl # ‘H’N pub #. 9 '88 # "H" NH 8 'poloaſaº Suop;09S “H ‘pagdaoow Suopoes "H "II diſBSNAAOJ, 'ponttº1tlOO-NVICIIHGIW (LSI ºponuţţuo,0—:oy ‘polooſeº put poqdeoow sputerſ Jo LSIT CIGILoßhüOO get - 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) f CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. 1st MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSEHIP 12–Conglº jed, Sections Accepted. Aii. Frac. 1, Frac. 13, Frac. 25. Sections Rejected. , TOWNSEIIP 13. ; # l : ; § S. # and N.W. # 33. N. : 35, for examination. For gamination, N.E. # 33, W. #25, N.E. # For examination, N. : 31, N.E #35. do N.E. # 1, S.W. # 13. . do E. § 33. - N. § 31, N.W. # 5. S. § 1, E 3 and N.W. 3 15, N.E. # 21, S. #23 *#, S. # and § # 21, S. #23, S.W. # 5, 7, 9, N. ; 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, W. § 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. º 5, S. § 7, 13, and N.W. # 21, 23, l wº7, l 9, 35. 9, 13, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 13, 15, 21, E. # 23, S. # and N. E. # 25, 27, 31, 33, 35, 9. 1, 3, § º 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 3 l, 3, ; iº9, 18, 15, 17, 19, 21, 28, 25, 31, 33, 35. All. All. All. All. All. Fr. 1, Fr. 13, Fr. 25. j 3, 3. 3, 1, 5, 5, 7, N.E. # 15, N.W. 3 14 25 26 28 N. : 1, N.E. #5, 7, 9, s 3 & N.W. # 13, 15, 17, 19, 2], 23, 25, 27, E, ¥34, 33, 35. 3, 19, 21. 1, 17, 19. 27. l TOWNSBIP 14. S.W. # 19, N.W. # 7. For examination, N.W. # 15. ..]1, W. 3.21, W. 23, N, ; and S.E. # 25, N. and S.E. # 27, N. 3 31, N. 3, and S.W. 33, 35, for examination, 8. § 3, S. 3 and N.E. # 5, N. 3 and S.W. # 7, 19. 134 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.). A. 1888 * CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. 1st MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSEHIP 14–Concluded. *** *-* 31 R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 14 |N. 3 and S.E. # 7, W. # 9, N.W. # 19. 14 |l, *; º *... ; 15, 17, S. 3 and N.E. # 19, - l, * } 15 N.W. # 7, 9, W. & 19, N. 3 and S.W. # 31, S. 15 E. 3T3.” " 33, NW. # 13. - 16 |1, 3, 5, 7, N.W.? 9, 13, 17, 19, 21, E. × 23, S. W. 3 and N.E. 3 27, N.E # and N. W. # 31, NW. # 25. - 17 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, S. 3 and N.W # 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, S. § 35. 18 l, 3, 5, 7, 9, l , S. and N.E.} 15, S E. # 17, B. 321, S. 3 and N.W. # 23, S.W. #25. 19 |N. and S.E. #1, S. Pt. 3, S.W. # 13, S. § 15. 20 |N.W. # 5, S.E. # 13, N. 3 and S.E. # 15, S.E sº # 17, 21, S. # 31, §wº and N.E. # 35. 21 1, 3, 5, 7, S.W. # 9, N.W. # 13, 17, 19, 21, W - 23, 27, 31, 33, S. #35. 22 |1, 5, 7, 28, W. § 25, 33, W. § 35. 25 |3, 5, N.W. # 7, 9, N.W. # 15, N. ; and S.E. 3 #. #; # and N.E. # 21, W. 33, E. § j - 31. - 26 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, N. § 13, 17, E. : 19, 25, N. 3 and 26 |15, 21. S.W. #27, É. 331, 33, S. 3 and N. W. 435 28 || All. 29 || All. 30 || All. 31 | All. 32 || All. 33 |All. 34 |Fr. 1, Fr. 13, Fr. 25. TOWNSEHIP 15. 3 E. For examination 3, 5, 9, 17, S. # 21. 9 do W. 37, N. ; 27. 11. do S.W. # 9. 12 N, ; and S.W. # 3, S. § and N.E. # 5. 26 |1, 3, E. § 5, E. # 7, 9, 15, E. 3 17, 19. 27 W. 3 1, 3, 13, 15, N. 3 and S.W. # 23, S. # 25, - S.E. # 31, N.W. # 35. 29 || All. 30 || All. 31 | All. 32 . . All. w 33 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. TOWNSHIP 16. • 30 1, 3, . 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 30 |25. 31 || All: 32 || All. 33 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. TOWNSHIP 17. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 31, 33. 31 |23. 135 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A, 1888. CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. 1ST MERIDIAN–Concluded. *. TOWNSHIP 18. R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 31 5, W. - TOWNSEHIP 19. 33 |1, 3, pt. 9. 2ND MERIDIAN. e ‘ TOWNSEHIP 4. 1 [19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 2 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 3 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 4 || 9, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 5 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 6 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 7 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 8 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 9 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 10 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. TOWNSEIIP 5. 5 All. 6 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, N. § 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 6 |15, 17, 19, 21, S. # 23. 7 1, 3, ; 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 7 |23. 35. --- 8 || All. 9 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 10 || All. 11 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 11 |21. 35. TOWNSHIP 6, 2 W, * 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 2 |E. § 1, 13. 31, 33, 35. 4 || All. e 5 |l, 3, .# 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, | 5 |25. 35, 7, 6 1, 3, 5, 3, 18, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 6 |7, 17, 19. 7 |1, 3, N. × 5, 9, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 7 |S. # 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23. TOWNSHIP 7. 1 |1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, | 1 |5. 35. 2 All. 3 || All. 4 All. 5 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33. 5 |19, 25, 35. 136 (vgg on) sieded Iguosses “BII049A. Ig 888 I ‘W - "gg ‘gg “Ig ‘ſº gº ‘gg ‘Iz ‘61 "I ‘gſ ‘81 ‘6 ‘I, ‘g ‘g *I II II '6, ‘g| 0I || 'gg ‘gg ‘i: ‘18, ‘ga 'gz ‘Iz '6I ‘II ‘QI ‘g I ‘l, ‘g ‘I Ol '88, “g| | 6 *gg ‘88. “Ig “1z ‘gg ‘Iz '6I ‘II ‘gl '6 ‘ſ “g ‘g ‘I 6 *IIW I "OL di HSNAAOML "Iz "gll Oz 98. gº *Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘6I ‘LI ‘gl ‘6 ‘i, ‘g ‘g ‘I 0. “ga, 6I || “gg ‘gg “Ig ‘lā ‘g: ‘Iz ‘6L ‘AI ‘gſ ‘gſ '6", "g ‘g “Il GI "[IV 81 t & re & a 4 •uopºgutueze Jodi Al "6 I "Ai ‘6 ‘ſ “g 9T 'gg ‘gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘lā ‘gg ‘IZ ‘gſ “gl ‘g “Il 91 "[IV g| *gg| #I ||'gg ‘Ig ‘Iz ‘gz 'ez ‘Iz'61 ‘LI ‘g I ‘g I ‘6 ‘ ‘g ‘g “I WI *gg 'Ig gl ||'gg ‘lā ‘gz ‘gg ‘Iz '61 ‘ll “gl ‘gſ ‘6 ‘', ‘g ‘g ‘I gl *IIW II *Ig ‘gz, OI 'gg 'gg “1% ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 “ſ, I ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘6 ‘l 'g ‘g “If OT * '61 ºil 1 ||8& ‘ig 1% ‘gº #:S gº iſ ºr gl § 1 g g : l' 1% # 'S º S. & 9 ‘Iz '6I ‘ll “gſ “gl ‘6 ‘ſ “g ‘g ‘I 9 6T ºl āl < || || c., §§ $8 ‘18. “gg ‘gz ‘lz ‘gſ ‘1, ‘g ‘g g & 'gi 6 || || ‘gg ‘gg “Ig ‘lā ‘gz ić ‘6I ‘LI ‘g “g ‘g “Il f 1 *g| 8 ...? 'I', $1. 'll g º I 9. '98 || 1 *gg ‘Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 #. % ‘. §§ # : "6 dIEISNAA OJ, * * 8T ...] I ‘gg ‘gg “Ig ‘la ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 ‘I ‘gſ 'gi (6 ‘ ‘g ‘g| LI "g: ‘:I ‘l 91 *gg ‘gg ‘ig ‘lā ‘gz ‘I& ‘6I ‘II ‘g ‘6 ‘1, ‘g ‘g| 91 t - *IIW g| *IIW ºl ‘11 ‘6 ‘I gi ‘gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘lā ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘gl 'g'ſ ‘l “g ‘g gl *gg to a “ , ; }; ‘6I ‘LI ‘gg ‘Ig ‘iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘g ‘gſ ‘6 ‘ſ. ‘g ‘g| II "12 'g'ſ "6 I, ‘g "I ZI ‘gg 'gg ‘ig ‘gz 'ez ‘iz ‘61 ‘ll ‘gt ºg z. "[IV 01 ... }} ‘ºl 6 "g3 '86 18 '1% 'g. $3.1% ‘LI ‘qū '6 ‘', ‘g "g ‘I | 6 gć, “EI ‘ I 8 ‘gg ‘gg “Ig “1% ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 ‘ll “gl ‘6 ‘ſ “g ‘g| 8 - “[IV # *IIW £ ‘IIW & *IIW I ‘s diRSNAol ^. "gg ‘Ig| gl || gº ‘g ‘gz ‘g: ‘Iz ‘6I ‘I ‘g I ‘g I ‘6 ‘l, ‘g ‘g ‘I g| "gg ‘gz º #I .8 ‘Ig “12 ‘gz ‘lz ‘I ‘g I ‘gl ‘6. ‘ ‘g ‘g “I WI •6 ‘g OI || gg ‘gg “18 ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘IZ ‘61 “ſ. I ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘1. ‘g ‘I Ol "IIW | 6 * …tv 8 *8; 9 'gg “Ig ‘lā ‘gz ‘ga ‘Iz ‘6I ‘LI ‘g| ‘gſ ‘6 ‘A ‘g “Il 9 ‘paqooſaº Suoſº.oeS *H ‘pagdaoow Suop,00S "H 'pontºgtºo/O-1, dIEISNAAOL ‘ponuţţu,00-NWICIIHGIW (INZ 'ponuţguoo—'0% ‘polooſe's] put peºdoooy spubſ; Jo ISIII (IILOTHOO –-mºr 181 * 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. 2ND MERIDIAN–Continued, - TOWNSHIP 10–0|ontinued. Q R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 12 Xi. 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35. 12 19, 15, 21, 33. 13 e 14 |5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35, 17.|| 14 1, 3. 15 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 15 |35. 33. 16 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35.]| 16 15, 33. 17 |l, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35 || 17 |3, 5, 7. is i; 3, 5, h, ś, iff, ii, ië, ºi, º,23,3,3}, 35.] is is hi. 19 All. - - TOWNSEIIP 11. l 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 1 |35. f 33. 2 || All. 3 |1, 3, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 3 |5, 7, 9. 4 1, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 4 |3, 5, 19, 23. 5 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 5 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13 ; º 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33. 6 |1, 3, 5, 23, 35. All. 8 ||, 9, 13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 8 |3, 5, 7, 17, 19. 9 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35. ’9 |13, 15, 21, 25. 10 All. 11 : All. º 12 |1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 12 |5, 31. 13 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 31, 33, 35. 13 | 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. 14 All. 15 || All. 16 || All. 17 || All. 18 || All. 19 || All. ~ * 20 |21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 20 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23. TOWNSBIP 12. 1 |l, ; 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 1 |3. 35. 4× 2 All. 't 3 || AII. ~ --- 4 || All. - • 5 |3, 9, 13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 5 1, 5, 7, 17, 19. . ; º 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31,33, 35.]| 6 |1, 13. * 8 ll, ; 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33,1| 8 |17. 3 o - w 9 |3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 9 |1, 23. # º 5, 9, 15, 17, 21, 27, 31, 33, 35. 10 7, 13, 19, 23, 25. All. 12 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 12 |19. 35. 13 |1, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35. || 13 |3, 13, 25. 14 |3, # 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 14 | 1. 35. 15 || All. 16 l, ; 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 16 21. 35. 17 |l, # 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 17 |25. 35. 138 ‘eſioło!A Ig (Vgg on) SLeded IguorssøS 888T ‘W ‘IIv] Iz ‘IIy Oz * .." 6I "gz 8I jºgg “Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘AI ‘g 'gl: ‘6 ‘l ‘g ‘g "I SI *IIW AI *IIW 9I ‘IIW g| % Hy #I *gg *Ig ‘gz ‘ez ‘18, ‘g I &I tº { º { { ge tº tre ( IV £I .18 §: ‘g I ;I § II "gg º'º'; º: § § # # "Ig ‘gg “Ig “gl 'g'I ‘I OI *gg 'gg ‘Az ‘gz ‘6I ‘AI ‘6 ‘l, ‘g ‘g OI "IIW | 6 * *. .." 8 ‘gº º ‘gg ‘Ig ‘Az 'ez ‘Iz '6I ‘I ‘g ‘gſ ‘6 ‘ ‘g ‘g ‘I 1. *IIW 9 ‘IIW g *IIW # *IIW g *IIW) a ‘IIW I *WI dIHSNAAOJ, *IIW 0% Hy 6I * - *IIW 8I £z ‘gT 'el º # ||...}} º, Iº.º. 16, '61, ‘MI ‘6 ‘ſ “g ‘g| I 1. *g| 91 ||'gg ‘gg “Igº, “ga ‘ga, ‘Iz ‘6I ‘AI ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘6 ‘g ‘I 9I |N| # * te - f gz ‘LI ‘l. 81 ‘gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘Lº’ ‘gz ‘IZ '61 ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘6 ‘g ‘g ‘I £1 Ç 'gg I|| gl ||'gg “Ig “lº. “gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘II ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘6 ‘ſ “g ‘g &I ſº * * e W & * gg ‘Ig ‘gz ‘g|I| OI ‘gg ‘g "gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘MI “gſ ‘6 * *g º § º "gg 6|| 6 ‘gg “Ig “lº. “gz 'ez ‘Iz '6I ‘II ‘g I ‘gſ ‘1, ‘g ‘g ‘I 6 * f { { 4 t { & { t º *gg I| 8 gg “Ig ‘iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz '6I ‘I 'gi 'gī ‘6 ‘l. ‘g ‘g| 8 º - *gg 6|| 1 || “gg ‘Ig ºf ‘g: ‘gz ‘Iz '6I ‘I ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘1. ‘g ‘g, “I º *IIW 9 £g ‘Azī g || "gg ‘Ig ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘II ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘6 ‘' ‘g ‘g ‘I g 'ITV W "[IV g *IIW & *IIW I 'ei dies.NAOL (ge '28. op A% *(93). op 9% *(gg ‘gg ‘Ig) IIoſ, bupulºxe Jod gz *IIW 0% *IIW | 6L "Il Wł 8I *peºooſe?I suor;09S “H 'poºdoooy suoſº.oeS “H tºº ‘panu}}*00-01 dIHSNAAOL 'pamujtloo-NVICIIHGIW (INZ ºponunuoo—oy ‘pelooſeº put pendeoow spugri Jo ISIT (IMIoatinoo Tº ſº. …- 69'I 888 w (vgg on) SIoded [Buoisses “BTIO401A Ig “[IWI 92. *IIW | W: *IIW £z *IIW ZZ *IIW Iz *IIW 0% *IIW 6I *IIW 8I *IIW | 1. I *IIV) 91 .." 9 I '98 'g?! #I || “gg “Ig ‘lā ‘ez ‘Iz ‘61 ‘I ‘gſ ‘g I ‘6 ‘ ‘g ‘g “I WI *IIW J OI *IIW | 6 *IIW | 8 *IIW | 1. *IIWI 9 * ‘IIW g “[IV # *IIW £ ‘IIW & ‘IIW I '91 d IHSNAAOL "Iz ‘6I ‘II ‘6 ‘ſ “g ‘g ‘l | 12 ‘gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘I,’ ‘gz ‘gz ‘gl ‘g|I| 1% *gg ‘Ig “Lº 92. ‘gg ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘II ‘qL ‘gl ‘6 ‘ſ, ‘g ‘g “I 92. *IIW 9% "[IV #2 *IIW g? *IIW 2% *IIW Iz *IIW 0% - *IIW 6I º ‘IIW 8I *IIW | 1. I * "[IW 9T *IIW g|I *IIW #I * > *gg 1. ‘g OI || 'gg ‘Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘l, I ‘g|I ‘g I ‘6 ‘g “[] 01 * IIW 6 *gg *6|| 8 ‘gg ‘Ig ‘I,’ ‘gz ‘gz ‘IZ ‘61 ‘I ‘g| ‘g|I ‘i, ‘g ‘g “I 'II'W *IIV *IIV “[IV *IIV *IIW ‘IIV "g I diſBSNAAOJ, * 99 6I gz || 'gg ‘Ig ‘ºg ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘ll “g I ‘g I ‘6 ‘ ‘g ‘g ‘I gz “[IW #2 *IIW Z& * 'polooſeh snoR109S. "H - ‘peºdeoow Suoploes *}{ *º º-º penuºuoo-WT dissMMOL "portuguo O-N WICIIHHW CINZ 'ponuţguoo-'oy ‘polooſes pug poºdoooy spugri Jo ISIT GISILOGIagoo *. 05 I 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) ** * * * assº –-ºn--> —-mºsºm-smº" CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. 2ND MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSHIP 16—Continued. 26 27 28 . Sections Accepted. All. . 1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35 1, 3, 9, 18, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 27 28 Sections Rejected. 9. 5, 7, 17, 19. TOWNSHIP 17. ^, |All. All. %iſ: 9, 17, 19, 21, 31, 33. All. All. All. All. 5, 7, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. ki. 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 31, 33, 35. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. l, ; 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 14 15 28 1, 3, 9, 13, 15. 13, 23, 27. 7. TownsBIP 18. Fr. 13, Fr. 23, 25, Fr. 27, 31, 33, 35. Fr. 21, Fr. 23, Fr. 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. Fr. 35. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. - All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All |i, 3, 5, 7, 9, 18, 15, 17, 19, 28, 25, 35. 9 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 21, 23, 31. º 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35. All. All. º Fr. 7, 13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. P. lºs. - 23 24 25 29 30 21, 27, 31, 33. 7, 17, 19, 25, 27, 33, 35. 13, 25. Fr. 3, Fr. 9, Fr. 17, Fr. 19. Fr. 1, Fr. 25. 141 * 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) * -* CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. 2ND MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSHIP 19. == R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 1 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21. 2 All: (35 outside belt.) 3 || All.' 4 All. 5 1,3, Fr. 5, Fr. 7,9,13,15, 17,19,21,25,27,31,33,35 5 |23. 6 |9, 13, Fr. 15, Fr. 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 7 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 31, 33, 35. 7 |25, 27. 8 . All. - 9 || All. - 10 || All. - - 11 [1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35 || 11 |7. 12 || All. - 13 |All, (Fr.) 14 || All. 15 All. 16 All. 17 | All. 18 All. 19 |All. 20 |All. 21 | All. 22 || All. 23 º 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 28 |3, 5, 7, 9. 24 || All. 25 |Fr. 1, Fr. 3, Fr. 5, 7, Fr. 9, 13, Fr. 15, 21, 23, j| 25 |Fr. 17, Fr. 19. 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. - 26 |Fr. 1, 3. r, 3, Fr. 5, 7,9,13,15, 17,19,21, 23,27,31, 26 Fr. 25, Fr. 35. 33. 27 | All. - 28 || All. 29 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 29 (21. TOWNSEIIP 19q. 1 |1, 3, 5, Fr. S. # 7, Fr. S. # 9. 2 |Fr. 1, Fr. 3, 5, Fr. S. § 7, Fr. S. # 9. 3 |1, 3, 5, Fr. S. # 7, Fr. S. # 9. 4 |1, 3, 5, Fr. S. # 7, Fr. S. # 9. 5 |1, Fr. 3, S. # 9. r 7 1, 3, 5, S. # 7, S. # 9. 8 |1, 3, 5, Fr. S. # 7, Fr. S. # 9. * 9 |1, 3, 5, Fr. S. § 7, Fr. S. § 9. * 10 1, 3, 5, Fr. S. # 7, Fr. S. # 9. 11 Fr. 1, Fr. 3, 5, Fr. S # 7, Fr. S. # 9. 12 |Fr. 1, Fr. 3, 5, Fr. S. # 7, Fr. S. 39 TOWNSEHIP 20. & 3 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17. - 4 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19. 5 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23. 6 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. 7 |1, *; º 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, } º * 8 |3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33.]|| 8 |1, 35. 9 |All. 10 || All. 11 [All. 12 || All. 13 All. 142 , 51 Victoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) Connected List of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued, 2ND MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSHIP 20–0.077tinued. - “…Tº R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 14 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 15 Fr. 1, Fr. 3, Fr. 5. 16 |Fr. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, South portions of each of 19, 21, 23. 17 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, South portions of each of 19, 21, 23. 18 All- 19 |All. * * 20 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 31, 33, 20 |27. 35. 21 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 21 33. 35. - - - 22 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 23, 27. 22 |15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 31, 33, 35. 23 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 33, 35. 23 [23, 25, 27, 31. 24 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. } 25 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. - g 26 |1, 5, 7, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 26 |3, 9, 17. 27 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 25. 28 All. * 29 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. TOWNSHIP 21. 8 1, 3, 5. 9 |1, 3, 5. 10 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 19. * 11 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31. 12 |All. 13 All. - 14 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 31, 35. 15 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 16 |25, 27, 31, 33, 35, Fractionals 13, 15, 17. 16 19, 21, 23. 17 |Pt. 15, Pt. 17, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 17 | 19, 21, 23. 18 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. 20 | 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17. 20 13. 21 |1, 3, 5, 7, 22 22 |1, 3, 5. 23 | 1. 28 |1, 3, 5, 7, , . 28 9, 15, 17, 19. 29 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23. TOWNSHIP 22, 12 |3, 5, 7, 9. 13 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21. 14 |1, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21. 23. 15 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17. 16 |1, 3, 5, 9. 17 |1, 3. 143 . 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, & 3.−0ontinued. 3RD MERIDIAN. TOWNSHIP 10. R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 18 All. 23 || All. - 24 |5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 24 1, 3, 13. 25 ** 7, 9, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31. 25 | 1, 15, 33, 35. 26 All. 27 | 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 27 |21. 35. 28 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 35. 28 7, 21, 31, 33. 29 |1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33. 29 |3, 19, 31, 35. 30 1, 3, Fr. 9, 13, Fr. 21, 23, 27, 35. 30 15, 25, Fr. 33. TOWNSEIIP 11. 17 | 1, 3, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33. 17 |5, 9, 25, 35. 18 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27. 18 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 33, 35. 19 |3, 9, 15, 17, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 19 |l, 5, 7, 13, 19, 23 22 |1, 3, . 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 22 |7. 35. 23 N. 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 24 |5, 7, 9, 13, 21, 23, 27 24 1, 3, 15, 17, 19, 25, 31, 33, 35. , 3, 5, 7, 9, 17 i; 3, 5, 7, 8, 18, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35. 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 25 S. 1, 13, 15. 26 ||25. 1, 3, 9, 15, 17, 31. TOWNSHIP 12. 12 |19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35. g 12 la3. 13 |5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 14 §. 1, 13, 15, 23, 25, 27, 35. 14 E. 13. 17 |3, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33. 17 |l, 5, 7, 13, 23, 35. 18 [5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 18 1, 3, 13, 31. 19 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 19, 23, 25, 31, 33, 35. 19 |7, 17, 21, 27. 20 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31. 20 |3, 33, 35. 21 | All. *. TOWNSEIIP 13. 12 All. --- 13 || All. 14 | 1, 3, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35. 14 5, 7, 33, 15 1, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 31, 33. 15 3, 7, 23, 27, 35. 16 |3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 16 |1, 15, 19. 17 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 31. 17 |23, 25, 33, 35. TOWNSEIIP 14. 12 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35, 12 |7, 17, 21. 13 ||3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 13 |t. 35. 14 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 14 |7, 17. 15 1, 3, 13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 15 |5, 7, 9, 17, 19, 31. 16 5 16 |1, 3, 23, 25. l , 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 31, 33, 35. 144 88.8L V (wgz oM) SIoded IguorssøS opioioſ A Ig ~ ‘1z ‘Iz ‘g I ‘6 ‘g ‘g . & t t *gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘gz ‘gz ºl ‘..I ‘I 3. & "AI "Aſ I ‘gg ‘gg "Ig ‘I,’ ‘gg 'gz ‘Iz ‘6 I '91 ‘gl ‘6 ‘g ‘g ‘I I "0% JIHSNAAOU, *gg ‘gº, ‘Iº, ‘g . % ‘gg ‘I2 º ‘ez ‘6I ‘I ‘gl ‘gſ ‘6 ‘l, “g a *6I ‘I, I '6] I ‘gg ‘gg 'ig ‘Iz ‘gz 'gz ‘Iz ‘gſ 'el ‘ſ “g ‘g ‘I] I '61 diRSNAOL - ‘gſ ‘g ‘I I *1z ‘gz ‘gz "Iz ‘II ‘gſ ‘g I ‘6 ‘ſ, ‘g ‘g “Il 91 & & { { { t { { £a & & ily 9I $3.4%. 1 ºl ‘gg “Ig ‘gz ‘gg ‘IZ *61 ‘gſ ‘EU ’6 ‘ſ “g ‘g ‘l WI "Sz ‘6I ‘gl “6] g ( *gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘I,’ ‘gg ‘Iz. ‘l. I ‘g I ‘i, ‘g ‘g ‘I gº "Lº, '88, ‘āl &I *gg ‘gg “Ig ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 “ſ. I "gſ ‘6 ‘i, ‘g ‘g ‘I g[ “I & ‘I II || 'gg 'gg ‘Ig ‘iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘61 ‘lī ‘g I ‘gt “6 ‘I, ‘g ‘g| II ‘g I ‘6|| “S I "I ‘gi ‘ ‘g ‘g ‘I eq} JO É'S I '81 JIHSN MOJ, ^: "gg ‘I SI '12 gº ‘ga ‘Iz ‘ll “gl ‘g ‘6 ‘l. “g 'g| 8T 8 ‘gºl LI iſ “Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gg ‘Iz ‘6I ‘I, I ‘qū ‘gl '6'', ‘g ‘g "I LI "g3 '6|| 9 || “gg ‘lg ‘lā ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘ſ. I ‘gl ‘g I ‘6 ‘l 'g ‘g “Il 9T *gg "Iz} gi ||'eg “18 ‘Iz ‘gz ‘ez ‘6I ‘LI ‘g I ‘g I ‘6 “L 'g ‘g ‘I gl * ‘gſ ‘1. ‘g ‘g “I #I 'gg ‘gg “Ig ‘I,’ ‘ga ‘ga ‘tz ‘6 ‘LI ‘gi '6| WI * ‘LI ‘1. ‘I gl ‘gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz “[Z '61 ‘g|I ‘gl ‘6 ‘g ‘g| 31 ‘gz “it "g ‘g | ZI 'gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘Lº’ ‘gg ‘Iz ‘61 ‘g|I ‘gt ‘6 ‘l, ‘I zł ‘Iz ‘61 ‘6 ‘g| II ‘gg ‘gg “Ig ‘Iz ‘gz ‘gz ‘l. I ‘g I ‘g I ‘L ‘g ‘l II * Ig ‘gz ‘IZ '61 “N & ‘gg ‘gg ‘Iz ‘gº out JC |% ‘N z ‘gg ‘gz ‘gz ‘I: 'N I “gg ‘ig “ºz ‘6I ou? JOlć 'N I "Al dìHSNAAOJ, , Ig ‘gz ‘6I ‘LI ‘L. 91 ‘gg ‘gg ‘Iz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘gſ 'gl: ‘6 ‘g ‘g ‘I 9I *IIY g| ‘gg ‘gg ‘gz ‘Iz 1 #1 18 lºgº. 61.11.91, 81.6 % g g ºt ‘gg ‘lā ‘gg “gl ‘ſ “I & I £g “18 ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘LI ‘gl '6 ‘g ‘g| ZI '91 dIHSNAAOL ‘gé * Ig| g| ||%g “12 ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘6I ‘LI ‘gl ‘gſ ‘6 ‘l 'g g ‘I gº [[V] WI ’98 “gzi 81 ||*gg ‘Ig “1,” “gz ‘Iz ‘61 ‘ll “gſ ‘gſ ‘6 ‘l, “g ‘g ...] § "Ig ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 ‘l, I '81 ‘g “I &I ‘gg ‘gg ‘I,’ ‘gz ‘g I ‘6 ‘ſ “gi ZI 98 ‘gz II || “gg ‘Ig ‘lā ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 ‘LI ‘gſ ‘gſ ‘6 ‘ ‘g ‘g ‘I II "poqooſeh Suogoos - "H 'poºdoooy suopoes "H "9 I diſBISNAAOJ, ‘ponuţţwoO-NVIO ISHEIWI (IHg ‘panulpwoo-ºoºy ‘polooſey] put pejdeoow spug"I Jo LSIT (IHLožago0 gby 01–pgz 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *=–. CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. 3RD MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSHIP 21. R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 1 ||, 8, 9, 18, 15, 21, 28, 25, 27, 35. 1 |5, 7, 17, 19. * * * 4TH MERIDIAN. TOWNSEHIP 9. 1 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 33, 35. 1 |7, 23, 31. t 2 All. 3 |All. 4 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, [| 4 |17. & 35, --- TOWNSEHIP 10 \ 2 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 31, 33, 35. 2 13, 21, 27. 3 || All. 4 All, 5 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35 || 5 || 19. 6 |1, 3, 9, 13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 6 |5, 7, 17, 19 7 |7, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 7 1, 3, 5, 9, 19. 8 |13, 15, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35 8 || 3 |. 9 |25, 35. TOWNSHIP 11. 2 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, 31, 35, 2 21, 23, 27, 33. 6 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35.]| 6 |13, 31 7 | 1, 3, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 31. 7 5, 7, 19, 27, 33, 35. 8 || All. 9 |3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 9 |1, 7, 17. 10 |13, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. TOWNSBIP 12. 5 #1, 5, 7, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35. 5 |3, 9, 13. - 6 || 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 2 1, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 6 15, 17, 19, 31. 7 13, 5, 7, 9, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33. 7 |1, 13, 15, 35. 8 |1, 5, 9, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 8 |3, 7, 13, 21. 9. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. 9 |31, 33, 35. & 10 ||, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 23, 25, 27. 10 17, 19, 21, 31, 33, 35. TOWNSHIP 13. 3 |3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21. 3 |1, 13, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 4. # Of Tp. 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 17. 4 SX |7, 9. 7 º 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 31. 6 |25, 27, 33, 35. § |Aii. 9 |3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 9 |1, 23. •ee 146 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. i888 \ sº - t CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected—Confinued. 4TH MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSEIIP 14. R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 7 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 31, 33 35. 7 |23, 27. 8 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 31, 35. 8 |7, 23, 25, 27, 33. 9 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 9 |13 35. 10 || All. | TOWNSBIP 15. 7 |3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 25, 27, 33. 7 t, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 31, 35. 9 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 31, 33, 9 |27. , 35 & 10 | 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 10 || 13. * 35. *. 15 |1, 3, 9, 15, 21, 22, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 15 |13, 17, 19. TOWNSHIP 16. 9 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 19, 21, 33. 9 1, 13, 15, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35. 10 | 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35. 10 |3, 31. 11 |1, 3, S. # 5, 7, 9, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25. 27, 31, 33. 11 iS. # 5 13, 15, 35. 12 |1, 3, E # 9, 13, 15, 19, 23, N. § 25, 27, 31, 33, 12 5, 7, N. ; 9, 17, 21, S. # 25. 35. 13 |7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 13 1, 3, 5, 9. 15 |3, 5, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 15 1, 7, 13 16 |l, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 33, -5. 16 |3, 9, 19, 31. TOWNSHIP 17. 10 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 31, 33. 10 |25, 27, 35. ll l, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 31, 33, 35. 11 |3, 9, 31, 27. # *** 7, 9, 13, 17, 19, 27, 31. 12 15, 21, 23, 25, 33, 35. ' ií || 5, º, in Fras. E. 19, ai, *|| 1 , is, Freew 19, i. 2 tº 3. *= 15 |3, 5,7,8, ië, ii, ie, 21, 23, 25, 31, 35. 15 1, 13, 27, 33. 16 |1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 16 7, 17. TownsBIP 18. 8 |l, 7, 9, 17, 19. - 8 |3, 5. 1. º: 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33. 9 1, 3. 11 All. 12 |5, 7, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35 12 1, 3, 9, 13, 15, 17, 21. 14 || 1, 3, 9, 13, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 14 |5, 7, 15, 17, 21. 15 |3, 5, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 15 |l, 7, 13. 16 |l, 5, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33. 16 |3, 7, 9, 25, 35. 17 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 2i, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 17 |13, 19. * ----- *-aggs--mºr- —-sº -r—- —-Sº tiº 25a–10% 147 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888. CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Continued. , 4th MERIDIAN–Continued. TOWNSHIP 19. –3– º ºg R. Sections Accepted. . R. Sections Rejected. 10 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 31. - .e. 11 || All. 12 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33. 12 |7, 9, 17, 35. 13 |1, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 13 |3, 13. 14 |3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 14 |1, 35. 15 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 N. # 23, 25, 31, 35. 15 1, 3, S. # 23, 27, 33. 17 || All. & 26 |31. 27 |19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 28 |15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 29 |13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, Frac. 31, 33, 35. TOWNSHIP 20. -- 14 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33. H 14 |25, 35. 15 1, 3, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 15 5, 7. 18 |5, 7, 9, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 35. 18 1, 3, 13, 15, 31, 33. 25 1, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 26 |5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 27 | Al - ~. - 28 || All *. 29 |All TOWNSEHIP 23, \ 20 | 1, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 20 |3, 4, 15, 23. 21 | All. - 3. •º. 22 || All. x 23 All. 24 || All. - * 25 || All. * 26 All. * 27 |1, *; 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 27 |13. *~. 28 |1, *...* 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 28 |7. 29 |1, 3, Frac. 9, 18, 15, Frac. 21, 28, 25, 27, Frac. 33, 35. TOWNSHIP 24. 20 |3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33,[| 20 |1. 35. - - 21 | All. All. 23 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 23 |35. 's -- 33. **. - 24 || All. 26 |1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 26 |25. 35 - 27 *::: 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31,38, 35 || 27 (1. 29 |i, 3, Fr. 9, 18, 15, Fr. 21, 23, 25, 27, Fr. 33, 35. “ 148 888I ‘W (Vgg ‘on) SIoded Iguoisses "eſioło! A Ig: ‘IIvi w & º t * -- & 't & & & a £ ..I.Y § “Ig ‘Iz '6I "I ‘gſ a 'gg ‘gg ‘iz ‘gz'ez ‘gi '6'1. ‘g ‘g ‘I g * - - . - “gg '6] I ‘gg ‘Ig ‘1% 'gz ‘ez ‘Iz '61 ‘AI ‘g I ‘gu *1. 'g ‘g ‘I I ‘st dIHSNAOL 3. ‘II* | 8 *IIW I & *IIy, I "Pº, dTHS NM OJ, ‘. w I ’87, d) BSNAOL "Ify I '3% di HSNAAOJ, | 'gg ‘Iz ‘gz 'ez ‘gſ 'gī ‘g “I Kºl I "I3 d IEHSN MOJ, i ‘gg ‘gg ‘Ig ‘lā ‘gg ‘gz ‘lg ‘61 ‘gi 'gl:" | I "0% dBSNAAOM, *NWICIIHTN H.L.g '98 || 62 ‘gg ‘gg ‘I,’ ‘1% ‘gz ‘IZ ‘Jºh ‘gl 'g'I ‘6 II "g “Il 6& •. “[IV 8& - ‘IIW 13 { { & 'gg "J.H. ‘gg II ºf § ‘18 Jā ‘1& #N ‘gl Jú 9Z ||'S II ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz ‘61 ‘LI ‘gi '6 ‘I, ‘g ‘g ‘i,5 “l 9& “. . . . . . . . * ** ‘Ig “12 °6'I "LI ‘gſ ‘gſ "6 ‘ſ. ‘g ‘g “I gz '9% diRSNAAOL - "gg 'gg II ‘lz ‘gz ‘gz ‘Iz'i'.H ‘gſ ‘gi '6 II g ‘I 6. º "[IV 8. "II.W. 12 'gg - 'gz; 92 ||*gg ‘Ig ‘ºf’. ‘g: ‘IZ '6I ‘ºl ‘gſ ‘g “6 ‘ſ “g ‘g ‘I 9g - *IIv | #2 'gg ‘gz ‘6I ‘gſ ‘g I ‘I gz *gg ‘gg ‘ig ‘ſº, “Iz ‘MI “6 ‘ſ, ‘g ‘g| gz "palooſeh Sū01309S - "H "paydeoow Suoploes "H = ºr dihsnaoi. - - ‘ponu!!MOO-NVICIIHHW HIf 'ponunuoo-polooſe:I puu poldaow spuan Jo ISIT gatoragoo º * º &#T 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. CoRRECTED LIST of Lands Accepted and Rejected, &c.—Concluded. 5TH MERI DIAN– Concluded. TOWNSEHP 26. -*-*-*- R. Sections Accepted. R. Sections Rejected. 1 || All. 3 Sº Tp 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th December, 1887. SIR,--I beg to enclose herewith three patents which have been issued in favor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for (1) the south-west quarter of Section 14, Township 11, Range 27, west of the 1st Meridian ; (2) Section 7, Township 8, Range 8, west of the 1st Meridian, and (3) the east half of Section 19, Township 13, JRange 6, west of the 1st Meridian, and to request you to return to this department the form of receipt also enclosed here with, after it has been duly signed by you. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. ' C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 12th December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to draw your attention to my letter to you of the 21st April, 1886, Ref. 82030, No. 2, which enclosed a deed of surrender to the Crown of the south half of Section 5, Township 15, Range 3, west of the 2nd Meridian, to be duly exe- cuted by the proper officers of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and to state that although a patent has been issued in favor of the company for half of an even numbered section to compensate for the half section thus to be surrendered, that document has not yet been returned to the department. W. I am to say that the Minister of the Interior directs that the company be urged to fulfil its part of the contract by forwarding to this department without delay the deed of surrender executed as required. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 12th December, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to request that you will place Section 35, Township 10, Range 17, west 1st, on the list of lands which this company will accept, transferring same from the rejected list filed with your department. - I am, sir, your obedient servant, - C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 20th December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the N. # of Section 2 and the S. # of Section 12 in the 14th Township in the 3rd Range, west of the 2nd Meridian, in the Provisional District of Assiniboia, N.W.T., bearing date the 31st October, 1887, have issued in your name, and in accordance with Sec. 44 of “The Territories Real Property Act” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land *… - 150 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 Tºº registration district of Assiniboia, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge, For this purpose please place yourself in communication with that official, giving him your full name and your post office address. The registrar's address is Geo. A. Montgomery, Regina, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C, DRINkwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 20th December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the fractional N. # of Section 9 in the 8th Township in the 2nd Range, west of the 4th Meridian, in the Provisional District of Assiniboia, N.W.T., bearing date the 31st October, 1887, have issued in your name, and in accordance with sec. 44 of “The Territories Real Property Act” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration dis- trict of Assiniboia, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with that official, giving your full name and your post office address. The registrar's address is Geo. A. Montgomery, Regina, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 20th December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the S. W. # of Section 12, the S.E. # of Section 20, and the S.W. # of Section 24, in the 16th Township, in the 32nd Range, west of the 1st Meridian, in the Provisional District of Assiniboia, N.W.T., bearing date the 27th October, 1887, have issued in your name, and in accordance with section 44 of “The Territories Real Property Act,” have been for- warded to the registrar of the land registration district of Assiniboia, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourselfin communication with that official, giving him your full name and your post office address. The registrar's address is George A. Montgomery, Regina, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, - - JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal, DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 20th December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the E. # of Section 2, in the 15th Township, in the 32nd Range, west of the 1st Meridian, in the Pro- visional District of Assiniboia, N.W.T., bearing date the 27th October, 1887, have issued in your name, and in accordance with section 44 of “The Territories Real Property Act,” have been forwarded to the legistrar of the land registration, District of Assiniboia, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with that official, giving him your full name and your post office address. The registrar's address is George A. Montgomery, Regina, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, - * JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. CHAs, DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 20th December, 1887. wº SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the S. # of Section 6, in the 17th Township, in the 23rd Range west of the 2nd Meridian, in the Provisional 151 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 *:: District of Assiniboia, N.W.T., bearing date the 27th October, 1887, have issued in your name, and in accordance with section 44 of “The Territories Real Property Act” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of Assini- boia who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with that official, giving him your full name and your post office address. The registrar's address is Geo. A. Montgomery, Regina, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 20th December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the E. # of Section 14, in the 15th Township, in the 4th Range west of the 2nd Meridian, in the Provisional District of Assiniboia, N.W.T., bearing date the 27th October, 1887, have issued in your name, and in accordance with section 44 of “The Territories Real Property Act” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of Assiniboia who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with that official, giving him your full name and post office address. The registrar's address is George A. Montgomery, Regina, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINkwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 23rd December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that certain letters patent in accordance with the schedule here with have issued in the name of “ The Canadian Pacific Railway Company of Canada,” and in accordance with section 44 of the “Act respecting Real Property in the Territories,” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of Assiniboia who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge. * For this purpose please place yourself in communication with him, giving him your full name and your post office address. The registrar's address is Geo. A. Montgomery, Regina, Assa., N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Es]., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. * * LIST of Letters Patent issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company of Canada, to accompany letter to Charles Drinkwater, Esq., Secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company aforesaid, Montreal, dated. Ottawa, 23rd- December, 1887. No. Section, Township. Range and Meridian. 1 |N. 3 of 2 and S. # of 12................. e 4 ee e a tet e º e g 14 3, W. 2nd Meridian. 2 |& # 14........ • * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sees •es • --- we sesses ess see sees es 15 4, W. 2nd do Fractional N. ; 19 .......... © ºg © ºº e º 'º' tº e 8 2, W. 4th do S} 6: …” “.............. --------................................... & a dº tº 17 :23, W. 2nd do S.W # 12................... & e s tº a tº a sº * * * * * * * * see e. e. g. s a see e a tº v c e º e o see - is ee ee e ºe “e º e g º & Q & Qi e e º see tº ºt S. E. # 20 • * * * * * * * * e º be º e º e º e s 4 & 9 º' e º dº e º f a º'e & 6 e º 'º e º º toº see tº e e * * * 's e a sºw a ses sº sº I • e ea & esv4 e o sees as a e S W. # 24............... ..... tº e a tº e º e º e º s a g º g º e º e º 'º - ** tº e º e º 'º e º 'º see tº a se ce tº º 16 |32, W. 1st do B # 3-----------. ..... -------------------------................. ...... 15 32, W. 1st do 51 Wictoria. sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 23rd December, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, asking for the issue of patents for Section 31, Township 18, Range 24, west of the 2nd Meridian, and Section 35, Township 18, Range 25, west of the same Meridian, in favor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and to inform you that the Patents for the lands in question are now in course of preparation. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwatºR, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 23rd December, 1887. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 5th instant, asking for the issue of letters patent in favor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for the west half of Section 1, Township 9, Range 20, west of the 1st Meridian, and to inform you that the patent in question is now in course of preparation, I am, sir, your obedient servant, - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 23rd December, 1887. SIR,-In reply to your letter of the 12th instant, I beg to state that your re- guest that Section 35, Township 10, Range 17, west of the 1st Meridian, be transferred from the rejected list to the list of lands which have been accepted by your company has been complied with, - - I am, sir, your obedient servant, - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILway CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 20th December, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to apply for letters patent in favor of this company ‘Covering the undermentioned lands, viz.: - Section. Township. Range. Meridian. S. W. #................ ............ 13 13 6 W. 1st. W. W. #.......................... ...27 13 6 W. do * #~~~... ........................ 31 13 6 W. do S. W. 4................. * e s e e - e ºut e o a 31- 13 6 W. do All ….......................... 33 iš 6 W. do S. W. 3.............................. 1 7 17 W, do I shall be glad if you will forward the patents as soon as possible. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMP ANY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MostREAL, 22nd December, 1887. SIR,-1 have the honor to respectfully request the immediate issue of letters Patent in favor of the undernoted persons, applications for which were transmitted to your department on the 1st April, and 27th June respectively:- A. Graham, W. 3 Section 31, Township 9, Range 18, west 1st. A. & Lynch, S. B. F Section 23, Township 14, Range 27, west 1st. R. B. Urmston, N. E. # Section 21, Township 11, Range 17, west 1st. - I am, sir, your obedient servant, - C. DRINKWATER. Seeretary. JoBN R. HAL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, º, ary 153 . 51 Wictoria." Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) & A. 1888 DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 31st December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated 20th instant, applying for the issue of letters patent in favor of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company for the following lands, namely:—the south-west 4 of Section 13, the north west 4 of Section 27, the east # of Section 31, the south-west + of Section 31, the whole of Section 33, all in Township 13, Range 6, west of the Principal Meridian, and the south-west + of Section 1, in a Township the number of which is illegible in your letter, in the 17th Range, west of said Meridian, and I am to inform you that letters patent for the south west + of section 13, the north-west # of section 27, and the south-west + of Section 31, all in said Township 13, Range 6, west, are in course of preparation. So far as the east # of Section 31 and the whole of Section 33, in said Township 13, are concerned, the question as to whether or not the same can be con- veyed to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company is at present engaging the atten- tion, of this department. f I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 31st December, 1887. SIR,--I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 22nd instant, in regard to the issue of patents in favor of A. Graham for the west # of Section 31, Township 9, Range 18, west of 1st Meridian; A. S. Lynch for the south- east 4 of Section 23, Township 14, Range 27, west of 1st Meridian; R. B. Urmston for the north-east # of Section 21, Township 11, Range 17, west of 1st Meridian ; and in reply to inform you that patent in favor of Allan Graham was issued on the 22nd of June last, and that, through an oversight of his order in your favor, the patentee was notified that the same remained in this office subject to his order for delivery. . The said patent is herewith enclosed, and also form of receipt therefor, which latter please sign and return to this Department. A letter was written to you on the 18th June, 1887, asking to be informed of the occupation of Mr. Augustus S. Lynch, and so soon as that information is received by the Department, patent will be issued and forwarded to you in accordance with order from Mr. Lynch. f - The patent in favor of R. B. Urmston in lieu of patent in name of R. B. Wim- ston, about which you were written to on the 2nd November last, is in course of preparation and will be sent to your address as soon as possible. I may mention that the delay in this case has occurred in consequence of the clerk in whose hands the matter was placed having been laid up by a severe attack of the prevailing epidemic. I am, sir, your obedient servant, - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. OFFICE of THE Dominion LAND's CoMMISSION, WINNIPEG, 21st December, 1887. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th instant, reference 82030, No. 4, enclosing a schedule showing the hands which have been accepted by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company up to the 9th December. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, F. R. BURPE, Secretary. Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 5th January, 1888. SIR,-Referring to your letter of 31st ultimo, I beg to inform you that the land for which we desire that letters patent should issue, and the Township of which you 154 ~ 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. state is illegible in my letter of 20th ultimo, is the south-west + Section 1, Township. 7, Range 17, west 1st. - I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, OFFICE 9F THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 9th January, 1888. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 12th ultimo, reference No. 82030, No. 4, jºins lands given in exchange for portions of odd sections transferred to Dr. eyer. In December, 1886, I advised you of a selection of portions of even sections, which had been agreed upon between your Land Commissioner and Mr. J. H. Mc- Tavish, and intimated that on this selection being confirmed by the Department, the deed of surrender would be executed. I do not appear to have had any reply; but find that on the 23rd December, 1887, patents were issued in favor of the company for the lands so selected, viz.: — North # Section 2, Township 14, Range 3, west 2; south # Section 12, Township 14, Range 3, west 2; east # Section 14, Township 15, Range 4, west 2. You will notice that the quantity of land exchanged is a section and a half, and not a half Section as stated in your letter of the 12th ultimo. The deed of surrender will be executed on the return of the vice-president, in a few days, and sent you. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary, JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 10th January, 1888. SIR,-With reference to your letter of the 23rd ultimo, letter No. 163078, refer- ence No. 82030 (4), I beg to direct your attention to the recital of lands in the letter alluded to above, letters patent for which you state this company have applied. I have to inform you that the letters patent desired are for Section 31, Township 18, Range 24, west 2, not Range 25, as stated in your letter, and Section 35, Township. 18, Range 25, west 2. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 13th January, 1888. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that, under the provisions of the 55th section of the Act 49 Wic., cap. 54, (Dominion Lands Act), the Dominion Lands patent (C. P. R. Grant No. 709) in favor of Robert Bruce Wimston for the north-east + of Sec- tion 21, Township 11, Range 17, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba, dated the 21st July, 1887, has been cancelled, owing to the misnomer therein of the patentee. Please make the necessary cancellation on your record. * A corrected patent is at present in course of preparation, of the issue of which you will be duly notified, t I am, sir, your obedient servant, s P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Registrar General, Eand Titles Office, Winnipeg, Manitoba. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 16th January, 1888. SIR,-Referring to my letter to you of 2nd November last, applying for letters patent in favor of this company, covering Sections 31, Township 18, Range 24, and 35, 155 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 —- Township 18, Range 25, both west 2. I would be much obliged if you would do what- ever is possible to hurry the issue of these patents, for the reasons stated in my, letter above quoted. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, * C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JOHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa, THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 16th January, 1888. Section 7, Township 21, Range 13 west 2nd, Qu'Appelle. SIR,--I have the honor to call your attention to my letter of 28th April, 1887, in which I made application for the issue of letters patent covering the undisposed portion of the above section, in favor of this company, and to request that the same may be forwarded to me at as early a date as convenient. I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JOHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. - WINNIPEG, 17th January, 1888. SIR,--I am directed by the Registrar General to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th January (reference No. 82030 [No. 4]), and to say in reply that a memo. of cancellation has been made in our record. S. . I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, E. R. COLEMAN, Chief Clerk and Accountant. The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 21st January, 1888. SIR.--Referring to your ſetter of 31st December, letter No. 164591, reference No. 82030, No. 4, on the subject of our application for a patent covering the east # and south-west + Section 31, Township 13, Range 6, the company's land commissioner reports:—“Our books show that three quarters remain undisposed of by the Govern- ment, and according to our notes we would have no difficulty in getting at least our minimum price for the whole 480 acres. For the south-west # alone, however, I think it is very doubtful if we could obtain our minimum per acre, if we are required to take it as full 155 acres, that being the area shown by the Government township plot. It is not quite clear, however, from the plot, whether deduction is to be made for the land covered by marsh. Underneath the figures showing the full area of the quarter section are others, which would appear to indicate that there are only 53 acres of dry land. If we are only required to accept the quarter section as 53 acres, there would be no objection to having a patent issued, otherwise, we should decline to take it except with the east half.” I shall be glad if you can give me further information on the points suggested in the above quotation, and in the meantime delay the issue of the patent for south- west # of Section 31. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY., y OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 21st January, 1888. SIR,-With reference to my letter of 9th instant, I have now to inform you that in accordance with the request contained in your letter of 21st April, 1886, the “deed of surrender, in triplicate, has been forwarded to the registrar at Regina, and 156 - 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. immediately on its return two copies of same, together with an abstract of title, will be transmitted to you. - I am, sir, your obedient servant. C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th January, 1888. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16th instant, and to inform you that the patents for Section 31, Township 18, Range 24, and Section 35, Township 18, Range 25, both west of the 2nd Meridian, issued on the 16th ultimo, and will be forwarded to the Registrar at Regina in a few days. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. CHAs. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 30th January, 1888. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st instant, and to inform you that the patent for the south-west + of Section 31, Township 13, Range 6, west of the 1st Meridian, bears date the 4th instant, and that the area of the lands . thereby granted is 155.80 acres. * I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 31st January, 1888. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the whole (fractional) of Section 35, in the 18th Township, in the 25th Range, west of the 2nd Meridian, bearing date the 16th day of December, have issued in your name, and in accordance . with sec. 44 of “The Territories Real Property Act,” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of Assiniboia, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge upon receipt of your application to him therefor, provided he finds the land to be unencumbered. For this purpose, please place yourself in communication with that official, . giving him your full name and your post office address, - The registrar's address is George A. Montgomery, Regina, Assiniboia, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, 1. JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DBINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 31st January, 1888. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the whole of Section 31, in 18th Township, in the 24th Range, west of the 2nd Meridian, bearing date. the 16th day of December, 1887, have issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and in accordance with sec. 44 of “The Territories Real Property Act,” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of Assiniboia, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge upon receipt of your application to him therefor, provided he finds the land to be unen- cumbered. For this purpose, please place yourself in communication with that official, giv- ing him your full name and your post office address. - The registrar's address is George A. Montgomery, Regina, Assiniboia, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R, HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Ganadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal, * * 15'ſ -51 Wictoria. •. Sessional Papers (No. 25A) A. 1888 THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 31st January, 1888. SIR,-With reference to your letter of 31st ultimo, letter No. 16,475, reference No. 82030, No. 4, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. A. S. Lynch is a farmer, I am, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 2nd February, 1888. SIR,-Referring to your letter of the 12th December last, reference No. 82030, No. 4, respecting the surrender to the Crown of the south # Section 5, Township 15, Range 3, west of 2nd meridian. I now beg to enclose a deed of surrender in duplicate to tho Crown of the half section in question. In your letter of the 21st April, 1886, you requested that this surrender be registered at Regina. At that time the old Registration Act was in force, but the Torrens system having since been established, a surrender in this form cannot now be registered. I have, however, obtained from the Registrar General an abstract of title showing that nothing has been recorded against the land in question, and this will, I assume, be equivalent to registration under the old system. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. JoHN R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa, JuAND TITLES OFFICE FOR THE AssiNIBOIA LAND REGISTRATION DISTRICT OF THE NoFTH-WEST TERRITORIES OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, REGINA, N.W.T., 26th January, A.D. 1888. ABSTRACT of the Title of the South Half (#) of Section No. Five (5), in Township No. Fifteen (15), in Range No. Three (3), West of the Second (2nd) Meridian, in the Provisional District of Assiniboia, in the North-West Territories of the Dominion of Canada. º - Consider- Nºte: N* Pºe Date Quantity ation, Instru- Instru- Instru- of Grantor. Grantee. of Amount of Remarks. Iment. Iment, ment. Registry. Land. Moºse * I certify that there are no instruments registered in this office mentioning the above south # of Section No. 5, in Township No. 15, in Range, No. 3, West of the 2nd Meridian, in the Provisional District of Assiniboia, in the North-West Territories of the Dominion of Canada. s - - GEO. A. MONTGOMERY, Registrar for the Registratºpire of Assiniboia, N.W.T., Canada. 5 - * 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 —º- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th February, 1888. SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st ultimo, and to inform you that the patent for the south-east + of Section 23, Township 14, Range 27, west of the 1st Meridian, is now being prepared in the name of A. S. Lynch. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th February, 1888, SIR,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, and of the papers mentioned as being enclosed therewith, connected with the surrender to the Crown of the south # of Section 5, Township 15, Range 3, west of the 2nd Meri- -dian. * * I am, sir, your obedient servant, - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAWA, 9th February, 1888. SIR,--I beg to inform you that a deed from the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany has been received here, surrendering to the Crown the south half of Section 5, Township 15, Range 3, west of the 2nd Meridian, and to request you to make the necessary entries in the books of your office. I am, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. The Agent of Dominion Lands, Regina, Assiniboia. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th February, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to inform you that a deed from the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company has been received here surrendering to the Crown the south half of Section 5, Township 15, Range 3, west of the 2nd Meridian. The Agent of Dominion Lands at Regina, has also been notified to this effect, and has been instructed to make the necessary entries in regard thereto in the books of his office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, - P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary. ‘The Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Man. * DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th February, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to enclose herewith for registration in your Department two original copies of a deed of surrender, from the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany to the Crown, of the south half of Section 5, Township 15, Range 3, west of the 2nd Meridian. Please return one of the copies to this Department with a certificate of its regis- tration in your Department endorsed thereon. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, P. B. DOUGLAS, Assistant Secretary, “GRANT Powel L., Esq., Under Secretary of State, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 8th February, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor, by direction of the Honorable the Minister of the Inter- ior, to enclose herewith letters patent for south-west 3 of 13, south-west + of 31, and north-west + of 27, in the 13th Township of the 6th Range, west of the Principal Meridian, in the Province of Manitoba. 159 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888. ve *––– The accompanying form of receipt therefor be good enough to sign and return to this office. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwaTER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th February, 1888. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the south-west 4 of Section 18, in Township 22, Range 22, west of the 4th Meridian, in the provisional dis-- trict of Alberta, N.W.T., bearing date the 27th October, 1887, have issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and in accordance with section 4 1 of “The Territories Real Property Act,” have been forwarded to the registrar of the land registration district of South Alberta, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge, upon receipt of your application to him therefor, provided he finds the land to be unencumbered. For this purpose, please place yourself in eommunication with that official, giv- ing him your full name and your post office address. The registrar's address is:–Thos. A. McLean, Calgary, Alberta, N.W.T. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKWATER, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, OTTAwa, 9th February, 1888. SIR,--I am directed to inform you that letters patent for the fractional S. E. 4 of Section 9, in Township 24, Range 1, west 5th Meridian in the Provisional District of Alberta, North-West Territories, bearing date the 20th January, 1888, have issued in the name of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and in accordance with sec- tion 44, of “The Territories Real Property Act,” have been forwarded to the reg- istrar of the land registration district of South Alberta, who will furnish you with a certificate of title free of charge upon receipt of your application to him therefor, provided he finds the land to be unencumbered. For this purpose please place yourself in communication with that official, giving him your full name and your post office address. The registrar's address is Thomas A. McLean, Calgary, Alberta, North-West Territories. I am, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN R. HALL, Secretary. C. DRINKwater, Esq., Secretary Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Montreal. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ComPANY, OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTREAL, 15th February, 1888. SIR,--I shall be obliged if you will place S. E. 4 Section 33, Township 11, Range 15, west 1st, on the list of lands which this company will accept, transferring the same from the rejected list, filed with your department. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. John R. HALL, Esq., Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, DOMINION LAND's OFFICE, REGINA, 14th February, 1888. SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 9th. instant, reference 82030 (4), and as instructed have noted the deed from the Canadian ió0 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25A.) A. 1888 Pacific Railway to the Crown of the south half of Section 5, Township 15, Range 3, west of the 2nd Meridian. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, * WM. H. STEVENSON, Agent of Dominion Lands. ... The Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. DOMINION LANDs CoMMIssion, WINNIPEG, 17th February, 1888. -t SIR,--I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th instant, 82030 (4), advising of the receipt by you of a deed from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, surrendering to the Crown the south half of Section 5, Township 15, Range 3, west of the 2nd Meridian. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, J. R. BURPE, Secretary. To the Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa. 25a–11 161 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25B.) A. 1888 --- --- zºº. SUPPLEMENTARY RETURN. (25b) Under RESOLUTION of the House of CoMMONs, passed on the 20th Feb- ruary, 1882, on all subjects affecting the Canadian Pacific Railway, respecting details as to : 1. The selection of the route. The progress of the work. The selection or reservation of land. The payment of moneys. The laying out of branches. The progress thereon. . The rates of tolls for passengers and freight. 8. The particulars required by the Consolidated Railway Act and amendments thereto, up to the end of the previous fiscal year. 9. Like particulars up to the latest practicable date before the presentation of the Return. 10. Copies of all Orders in Council and of all correspondence be- tween the Government and the railway company, or any member or officer or either, relating to the affairs of the company. : By Command. J. A. CHAPLEAU, CTTAwa, 19th March, 1888. Secretary of State. OTTAwa, 15th March, 1888. SIR,-With reference to my letter to you of the 8th instant, submitting copies of all correspondence, papers and plans comprising the Return which, by a resolu- tion passed on the 20th of February, 1882, is required to be presented each year to the House of Commons within fifteen days from the opening of the Session, aid, which was presented by you to the House on the 8th instant, I have now to submnt as supplementary to that Return, a copy of a list containing the information for the year which ended on the 1st October last, which has to be furnished by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company under the provisions of Clause 8, of the Act 49 Victoria, chapter 9. This communication was received in this Department on the 10th instant, and a copy of the covering letter of the Secretary of the Company is here- with transmitted. gº I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, A. M. BURGESS, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. The Honorable the Minister of the Interior. 162 51 Victoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25B.) \ --~~~~º-º-º-º-º-º-º- *-* * **, -3- *— THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CoMPANY., OFFICE of THE SECRETARY, MonTEEAL, 8th March, 1888. SIR,-Referring to Letter No. 100157, Ref. No. 34187 (6) and 34187. (7). your letters of the 8th November and 20th February last, I have now the honor to transmit, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8, of the Act 49 Victoria, chapter 9, a list of all lands sold by this Company in Manitoba and the North-West Territories for the year ended 1st October, 1887; and a similar list of all previous sales, exclusive, however, of the lands mentioned in a Return furnished to the Department of Railways and Canals in obedience to an order of the Bouse of Commons, during the last Session of Parliament. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient serval t, A. M. BURGESS, Esq., Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. C. DRINKWATER, Secretary. LANDs sold by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, from the 1st October, 1886, to the 1st October, 1887, excepting the lands included in Return to the Depart- ment of Railways and Canals, 15th and 23rd June, 1887. …tº 24 3 a wº Name of Purehaser. Portion. 5 : & # # : (D tº- £d Ferguson, Jno, Ralphton --.............. ........ .................. [S E. # .............. 3I 12 23 McCurdy, Ohas., Fairview . ... ...... ................................ S E # tº & © tº º & Q & Q is sº tº a 9 10 14 Geddes, W. J., Belgrave, Ont.... ........ *g, * * * * * * * g e º ſº sº e º ſº & ſº e º 'º is tº & N.B. 4 -...--------, 15 12 17 Moorhead, Thos., Fairview. ................. ............... ........ S. E 3: ....... tº ºi º ºs º º ºr 15 11 15 Kennedy, Robt, Millford .................. ............ ........ .... [S.W. 4 ..... ........ 21 7 16 Leitch, Angus, Winnipeg .......... .... tº a tº º is tº º & e º is ſº º º us is tº ſº * * * * * * * * * * All -----...------| 31 9 22 Whitelaw, Levi, Forest, Ont... jº * ---........ [S. B. 4 ..............] 33 11 12 Creighton, John, Wingham, Ont................. ......- .........|S. # 7......... 2 l 10 22 Hume, Alexander, Winnipeg...... .... ........ .............. ..... S. E. # .. 21 ll 18 Armstrong, Harrie: M., Griswold ..................... ..... .... N. 3. ..... ... .... 9 10 22 Elder, Tully, Souris Mouth ...... tº tº Q & e º e g º e º 'º a tº 4 tº t tº $ tº º s & tº 8 & B * * * * * * * * * N. W. # ............. 25 8 17 Elder, Peter do ---------...------------------------------|N.B. 4 ..... ...... tºº 5 9 17 Irwin, James, Brandon .............. ....................... * * * * g º g º º W. & ........ ....... k 9 20 McLaren, James W., Buckingham, Ont.......................... All ....... * * * * g e º sº: 31 9 24 Mair, John, Souris Mouth...... ....................................... N. W. 3. ............ 9 8 16 Mair, James do ------ ** e a ºn e º & * 3 g º e º a sº e º ºs ºº e º is a s tº * * * * * * * * * S. B. 4 ......... ---- 25 8 17 Mair, George do e s e º 'º a beta e = w ee e º 'º a see e º a me tº º 0 & " " " e º &e ºt N W. 4 ....... 19 8 16 Hunter, John, High Bluff. .............................. tº te tº e º t tº gº is t e º N E + ..... 5 12 23 Little, Joseph, Biidge Creek....................... .....*** * * * * * * * •|N.E. # .............. 23 14 16 Speers, Alexander, Winnipeg........................................! All. ....... tº * * * * * * * * * 23 9 23 Speers, Alexander do .................. ............ -------|B # -----. & º 'º e º e o sº a 15 7 17 9trºy, John, Rounthwaite ............ ........... ................... N R + ....... & sº tº a 6 tº 15 7 18 #yiſt, William, Fairview ................. ............ tº e º ºr e º e s ∈ is tº º is N. # 2..... * @ e º e º 'º º & º 3 11 15 Fisher, Levi H., Rounthwaite ............ ......................... S B #............... 25 8 18 Bethune, O., Seaforth ................................... ...............|E. § 3... .... is g g tº ſº º ſt 21 11 22 Moggey, Andrew, High Bluff....................................... N. E. # g 3 7 15 Bishop of Rupert's Land, St. John, Man. ................ ..... N.W. # ......... 19 10 22 Hall, Chas. E., Brandon................................................|All .................! 23 10 ! 22 Elder, Jas. F., Souris Mouth... * * * * * * tº e º e º a c e º O & sº e º & Cº. ºº is a Q & & a e º 'º º is a e E. # • esses • * * * * * * 3 9 17 Bell, Thomas, Portage la Prairie........... ........................!N. E. 3............. 3 11 18 Sitelº, W. F., Winnipeg... ................. ......................... W. 3 and S.E. 4...] 5 14 16 Bertram, Wm., Brandon Hills......................................, |S.W. # ..... .....! 35 8 18 !essrs. Boon & Getz, Winnipeg................................|E. W * * * * * * * tº e º & Gº tº a º 'º º 31 8 19 Rose, John E., Brandon Hills............................. ......... N.W. #........ 21 8 18 *Tawhinney, D., Souris Mouth....................................... S.W. # .......... 3 8 17 Laughlin, James, Adare, Ont. .............................. -----...}S.R. 3. ....... & s is ºf e C tº 9 8 19 Todd, Thos. R., Walkerton, Ont tº e º e º e º e º ºſe º e º 'º º at a tºº e nº at º is a tº dº a S.E. tº º º • * * * * > * 3 11 23 Todd, Hugh W. gº do as ee tº a dº e º se see ee e s ∈ as see we & & sº e s e º sº º N.E. * ... º. ºº & © tº º tle e º tº tº 3 11 23 Dillman, W. H., Brandon. * tº ºtº º ºs e º e º ºſº a tº º ºr e º O & © tº e e º u ºn ee e ea at º tº t t is et Św.i. 1 10 19 Stewart, Watson do .................................... ........!N.E. f..............! 27 | 10 | 19 N.W. • as asse esses, 3 7 17 t 'Brandon, John, Toronto gº tºº ºtº stºnes º AalbºatsẠQū A dº sº e º see ea ºn tº º sº º ºs º º ammºmmºnsºi 163 51 Victoria. A. 1888. Sessional Papers (No. 25B.) a- LANDs sold from 1st October, 1886, to 1st October, 1887–Continued. Name of Purchaser. Portion. i i RMcKepzie, W. M., High Bluff a & tº see e º e º use e o 'º t e º geotet tº ºº e º sº at t e º e º a Smart, Geo A., Winnipeg ....... ...-----...--------....... ... -----. Taylor, Robt., Souris Mouth ....... ........................ -----. Foster, W. S., Toronto • a see a < * me a see e o sº e ºa as we see sº as a se e s we ee e s = e º a w - Smart, Geo. A Winnipeg -------.................................... Hay, Thos. B., Listowel, Ont. ....................... .............. Hay, Thos. E. GO •e ess s so * * * * * * * * * * * * **** we see sess * * * * * Dundas, Chas. B., Brandon............................ -------. ..... Graham, W. J. do - ...--------------- “.... ----------------. McLeod, Angus, Delbinton ..... ........................... -------. AGriffin, Caleb N., Wingham ...... & a see tº e º º t e º ſº e º O ſº tº ſº e º O & tºº tºº dº e º 'º & & © & Lockhead, D. O •) Almonte, Ont. es e ee ee ea es et s ºr e º 'º e sº e º Pe e º is tº sees sº Kent, Sydney, J., Rapid City ......... ....................... ...... Weldon, Skelton, St. Thomas, Ont................................. Weldon, Shelton do - e - e - dº tº McRae, Wm., Petrel, Man..........................- ......... ........ Gallard, W. H., Hamilton, Ont ................ ---------...... ..... McLaren, Alex. F , Stratford, Ont................... ............... Moore, W. H., London, Ont................... ..... ......... ......... Moore, W. H. do A". Copeland, Chas. M., Winnipeg ........ -----........................ Tarker, Jos, Treherne • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sees •e so *s see sees as ** * * * * Chisolm, A. D., High Bluff • *e ea e s , s a se e s we & Q & e º is see s e º 'º e s a “s - see ee ee Rent, Sextus, Wingham, Ont ......................... ..... ......... Smith, John B., Brandon...............— ..... ........ ............... Scott, Archibald, Seaforth, Ont..................................... Halley, John H., Strathroy....... ..... ....' .................. ..... Hanley, John H. do w ºn e º e º e º as see sº - e º 'º • e º se see escº e º e º e º 'º tº e ºs e º e - *.* tº º • Q & is tº e º ºne & © tº e e * e ee e ee tº be e set a * * - e. e. e \e ºg -e be e le. . : º tº e Q e º º ſº tº º e º e º ºt º § t º * * * * * u, º us tº a 9 tº tº s * S º tº & © e tº Q & © a s >e ºr e º 'º a e •e e - e º sº e s see e º a y º tº º º 'º e º e tº ſº sº e º 'º wºº ºw .E. # ** e º ºssº ê º e g º e º a * * * ~ b & Q & © e º ſea e º dº º a º * * * * * * > * * * * e g º e º e * # e ea ºt tº a tº e º 'º º " i º # 4 º' ºr ºp º e º e tº e º e º e dº º tº * ll. --------------- N W. a e º 'º e º es e º e a Ali. * , ºr y º gº º yº ſº tº e º º ºs N. E. S. E. • * r * * * * * * * g e g a • * * * * h tº tº e g g º º p : * > * @ gee e º 'º es # , is g g º º ºne e º 'º º ſº ºw . • e º a be pºº was e º 'º tº # © a e º is tº ſº tº e º º o • * * * * * * * g e º 'º e º we & i º W - Hanley, John H. do aes as e s : * * * • * see e s a e º e s e º e se e s see e º 'o e º e º e º e is e s = e º ºpe Stevenson, thos. R. M., Kinsale, Ont....................... ..... Stevenson, Thos. R. M. do ºs e e o 'º. 6 & eo e o see e º be e s e s see e º s Shuttleworth, Ed. B., Toronto....................................... Shuttleworth, Ed B. do Shuttleworth, Ed. B. do “.........................---------. Warde, Jas. D, Toronto............. * * * * ess e e s > see e.v es e º see sees -- a s a . Jewell, Geo. F., London ..... ....... Jewell, Geo. F. do Complin, Chas, F. do Shuttleworth, John, Toronto ........ ..... ...... •eses -------------- Shuttleworth, John do Shuttleworth, John do Luke, John N. do Shuttleworth, John do Shuttleworth, E. B do Neeles, John, London...... Neeles, John do Neeles, John do Gartshore, Wm. do Moore, W. H. do * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * see we ete e s ss ee e s 4 g es e s see a es • * Anderson, Mary Jane, Fordyce, Ont............................... Shuttleworth, E. B., T Shuttleworth, E. B. do” -----------------------...... --------. Shuttleworth, E. B. do Shuttleworth, E. B. do “................. .......... ..... • Colquhoun, Ed. A , Hamilton...................... ................. Rowntree, Geo., London.... ...- ..................................... Rogers, Chas., Port Perry, Ont.............. ...................... Moore, W. M., London,....... Moore, W. M. do * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s e º see 4 e º sess e s se - e < * * * * • e º see a see ee tº e º sº e a see e º " tº * * * * * * * se a e a c e º a tº e o e º is a s see ee e º we se e s tº e s see e o e see ee e a se see tº ºr w sº e º º e º 'º e a s sº e s a e g º e g º e e º sº a stee . * * * * * as a e º s we e s tº e º s is sº e s e s a e º we eve tº as e s tº s ºne º sº e * * * * g c s s a tº G e s = e º º e º e s a dº e º e • e e º gº tº º es e s ed e e º O ſº e g º e º 'ºtº 6 w tº s 2 & 4 tº e º e º 'º - © & © tº ſº º sº e º ſº gº º a tº º a sº tº e s sº sº º e s see e a sº sº e º e º 'º e º ºs ºr ºf , º sº e º e º 'º * e º 'º ea e sº aee see e e s e ae escº as a set, we sewee es ge e s º e º 'ºt a sº º a tº e º 'º tº se a sº we e º e º sº º e º e º e 4 & es e e º as tº e º z º. ºp tº w e s e º 'º e º 'º e º sº e º ſº e º e º e º e º ae s. sº tº t e º a tº t e º 'º Oronto.... * * * * * * * * * * * e º e e s see wese e s s a tº gº º º * * * * * * * * g e º se à e s is sº ee e s ºf s = e º e º sº e a s a r e e o e º 'º e º e > * > 0 see tº e 6 & e see egº's we e s e s = c s e º e º sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s e º 'º º ee e s a tº use e s e º e s a sº tº e º sº ma e s 6 e diarke, w.j, Mooresville, on.............................|Al Moore, W M., London • - : * * * * * * * * * * * * * *ě s a c e º 'º see sº tº $ tº es ºu e º e o e s e s see e W Moore, W. M. O ses e º e º sº e º ºs e e s tº e º e º sees esse as esse see e º – ess see as Moir, Peter, Rodgersville, Oat * * * * * * * * * * * * * * owe tº e º a tº 4 ee tº e secº se ea e s $Elder, James do • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * as tº ºn see a see ess see eeeee .'s 3 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *º gº º º ſº a e s p ∈ º e º e e s se & R e º e º e e º ºs es ess & e º e º e > a is a ps we e s e e s sº e º see sº ee e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e s = i # * ******* * * * * * * tº } * * * * * • & © we see tº e -- e #. * e º sº & cº. * * * > e º e *... # we e º e s tº e s gº •- Q & Q & N.? ............... Al * * * * c > 0 g º e º e º 'º º ſº tº e a A • * * * * * * > tº to we g g g g º º º All. • ‘º ee & tº e º & A 1. ** see a e º 'º º e º e º ºse g &ll * Sº ºn e º 'º tº ºº e º e as we tº º º * * * * g ea tº tº º e º e º e º 0. * * * * > ºr ºtº - •es •esees see ee e * e º gº tº e º e º 'º º º ef e tº º g g g g º O & & P ; tº gº º see sº º ºst | É * - e. e. e. e.g. ºlºt ºr e sº e º 'º eq E. N S. S. - • * > * > ees e º e o 'º e a N. § e Q se e º º sº *e sect. S. ** Q tºº gº e s tº e s tº $ tº º S.E. #'s.............. S. a wee egg tº se & sº e º sº • 4 ee e º tº ºf the Q & © tº dº º & i. a sº º e º et Cº. e. e º Gº toº et N N. { © e a c e g º & R e º 'º e e All. * c e g e º gº 0 tº º e º e º º ºr s';......... 1. tº go e º ſº e º ſº e º ºſº ºº # *... W. se ee e.g. e. e. *@ gºeſt ºf W. 0 0 e º be 0 Gºº & Re 6 & © tº # * * * * * * * * * g ee •. 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25B.) —º .* LANDs sold from 1st October, 1886, to 1st October, 1887–Continued. 3. - g #. - § Name of Purchaser. Portion. ,3 2: § *3 - 3 §: £3. ": Go Q dº Ǻ tº E- pº - Woolgar, Geo., Hall's Corner, Co. Wentworth................ Messrs. Hughes & Patrick, Winnipeg............................. Hughes, Jos., Winnipeg................... ............................ Rosser, B H, Denfield ....... ... Anderson, W. T., Fordyce, Ont................................ & © tº º a w Fairfield, H. B., Winnipeg.......- .................. ............. © e º & Greenfield, Jos. do .* *, Stevenson, Geo. B., Minnedosa...................................... McGregor, Wm., Southampton...................................... McRae, Alex, Barrie ........ .............. ........................... McLachlan, Alex., Port Elgin ................................. ..... Pritehard, John, Winnipeg. ......................................... Simonite, Henry, Rapid City......................................... Davidson, John, Angus....... ----------------........................ Davidson, John, Angus................................................ Taylor, Thos., Wellington Brandon, Thos., Belgrave, Ont..................... ................. Armstrong, R. T., Cruford........ ................................... Tyndall, R. B., Bridge Creek........... ................... . . .... Fowler, John, Brandon,................................................ Fortier, L. M. do ...... e - º e ** *** sº es -- e s sº * Mayers, Daniel, Holland...s............................................ Roberts, James, Minnedosa ............. ...................... & e s a º Mitchell, James, Littleton........ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ e e º sº ree e s - ºr * * * * - Mitchell, David, Oswego, Mich....................................... Speirs, James, Poplar Heights....................................... Telford, Thomas, Souris City......... .................... ........... McRae, Wm. Petrel............................................. ........ Gonme, John, Winnipeg ..... & et tº sº e º ºs- º sees e e º e ee e e s p s a e s e 9 se see ea ure Thompson, A. McA., Winnipeg ..................................... Roberts, James, Cruford.................... ......... ................ Wilton, Albert, Millford................................................ McKee, John, Neepawa........ ** * * * * **** * * * set as sº e seed be ea e º sº e º ºr e º a 4 Nay, Robert, Portage la Prairie..................................... Shiel, James, Oak Lake .............. ................................. Butchart, H. A., Rapid City ............... ---....................... Wright, Dawson, Poplar Point....................................... McIntosh, A., Elora, Ont. ..a * * * * * * * * * > * t e º ºwn a • Logan, Alex, Brandon................' ................................ Waddington, John, Purdy, Ont...................................... Tucker, Ed., Indian Ford. ........ ... ................................ Speirs, Chas. W., Winnipeg................. * ~ * - C - 8 º' o & e º ºs e º is see sº e s = Swallow, R. H., Douglas, Man....................................... Speirs, Charles W., Griswold...... ... ............................. Gooden, Christopher, Grenfell....................................... Skrine, Richard H. do ................... * Skrine, Richard H. do ““. ............... ..... McDonald, Wm. Virden........................ ....................... Wondeott, George, Calgary ...... .................................... Jamieson, Robert do * * * * *** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * ae see e esse - see e Barnet, Alex., Renfrew, Ont .............. .......................... The North-West Coal and Navigation Co. (Limited), par- ticulars under: Part of the following:— * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º G & so º º ſº tº it tº & t = 0 & 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g s & e s a se e g º e < e s is e a r * ** 3 º' tº tº as a s 6 tº rºº For right of way “......…. .....” “. * * * * * > * g º ºs e º º e º gº tº * * * > * * * * * * * * * g e is • * * * * * is see is a g º ºs e 4 S.E +...... * * > * > * * W º i ; # .# f º W. # º W. º # ; # .. ; # , # 3. : # 3N * ; ; ; • * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e - t < * * * * * * & & a t tº º º ſº º 'ºt - r * * * * e s s e º ºs & © tº s a e g. i i * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº * * * * * * * tº e º e : # * * * * * * * * * * e º e e - * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * O . N. #~......... - º e * * * * * * * * * * * B e º º ºne tº weet e º ºs e º te e º ete & Cº. l 165 51 Victoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25b) % *--- Name of Purchaser. ºmº-º-º-º-º: Portion. * - .i LANDs sold from 1st October, 1886, to 1st October, 1887–Continued. ... -- 2 * ~ *-* ~ - • --- - --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~. “ -º-º- =~s i Cornell, George, Park Bill, Ont., ................ ................., Doran, John G., Brandon.............................................. McIntosh, Angus do * * * * * * * : * > g. tº G & aw & & © tº º º ºs e º º sº a tº e & © tº º tº tº e º 'º - º ºs º º " Clark, Alex, Souris Mouth...... ------..................... ........ Fares, E. W., Port Colborne, Ont................................... Sullivan, M., Winnipeg ..................................... ---...--- Robertson, W., Holland ...... ... e s see i t e s e e see a “e see we e º sº e e º a sets tº ee e as Bird, H., Upper Norwood, Eng ..................................... Bewart, Thos. M., Millford .......... tº e º ºsºte * : * tºº e > * > * > tº sº º ſº tº e g º is º & e s - 4 Jackson, John, Downsview ...... * * * * * > & G & e º sº e s e tº e º ºs º gº tº et & ſº tº Q & © tº e º ºr tº * Vanduzer, Dennis, Grimsby, Ont ................ .................. Mc ſermott, Thos. W., Winnipeg .......... sº tº tº e # tº e º gº º tº wºº tº us tº i º e º e º 'º º Mr Killop, James B., London, Ont. .......... McKillop, James B. do gº ee e º 'º at º ºs e e sº tº º ºr e º © e º e tº gº tº º ºx tº ſº gº & © Brown, Robert W., Winnipeg. ....................................... Wheeler, A. O., and R. M. Bucke is tº a O -----. Tanton, T. J., London, Ont. ................................ ........ McKillop, James B. do McLennan, D. H. do • * * * * e º ºvºvº e o e º e º sº e º te e a t < * c e º e Kelly, Thomas E., Winnipeg..........................s.............. Philips, Samuel, Rapid City......................................... Little. James, Oak River ..... -----.................................. Johnson, Robt. J, Southampton......... ............... c. * * due tº e º e s ∈ , . Steel, George, Millford ..... .......................................... Ducklow, Margº, Osprey. ..... ........................ “....... ..... Tamblyn, Albert, Orno, Ont............... -------...........' ...... Tambºyn, Albert do -----------------------------------------. McLeod, John, Beulah. ...- ......................... ---------....... Pinkerton, Sam, Winnipeg....................................... ... Fowler, Jno, Brandon........... ........ tº is & © tº 2 tº g º º º 'º e º tº ºtº º the tº hº ºn " tº e º 'º º Kennedy, Matthew, Rapid City......... *. & Smith, George H. Brandon........................................... Waldbrooke, Mrs. H. H. H., Winnipeg sº Reid, Francis, Rapid City.......................... © a g º e º ºr e º z º. is e º 'º gº & Stephens, John L., Neepawa ............ $º tº e º & e º e º is a lº & eº gaº Q & tº 9 we º is e º º Pockert, Albert, Neepawa ............. e - e g g tº c s sº sº e º gº & e it is s is ºf sº, º ºs e º is tº a Sinclair, Alex., Portage la Prairie ................................ Hamilton, Thos., Carlingville P. O.......... ....... ...... ...... Martin, W. W., Millford P. O................................. ...... Beel, C. J., Virden ...------..... ............................... Walker, W. A., Brookdale. ........................ ................. Cowan, was. A., Sunnymede P. O., Assa............... .... Johnstone, Wm., Garberry.................. Stevenson, Jas. S., Beulah * Graham, Allan, Brandon .... ............. . Russell, Jno. Brandon ... ----........ .s...... ........................ McDonald, Don. J., Winnipeg ......... e e s tº e º e º ºse et tº so o sº cº, º ºs e º gº º Leesh, Mrs., Jane H., Goderich, Ont. ............................ Smith, Robt. K., Maskawabe. ................. ..................... Whiteford, Jas., sen., Oak Lake............ tº ºf ºng • e º see e Scottish Manitoba and North-West • *s s a so sees as so * ~ gees • * ** g g º a g º Gº gº ºr gº tº e º 'º e º e º 'º e º º we e º ºs * g º º tº e º 'º a * * * * * * … º ºs º º ſº º e = s & us & e º e º e s sº e g g g º e º e º & e s a tº e º ºº e º º º tº e º 'º e º 'º e º ſº tº gº e º is l ; * * * * * tº e º º ºs e º 'º e º 'º º º il s tº e = e º e e º e º ze •sees • ------> •-------- • 4 •es • * * * * * * * **** • * * * * sees •e see ee e. * @ º & º ºs e a sº º 'º a # ll. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A. Il •e sees esse e s we e s , # tº * * * * * * * * * * g º ºr e º z º. v. & is #...... esse esses e * * * * G - e º ºs I gº tº e º º : * g º ºs & e º ſº e º 'º º º tº ſº e º O ſº tº e º & © e e | * g º ſº e º ºn tº ºt tº tº dº - i w. e see ee see ee e * * * ºt" tºº e º ºs e º sº. s & e º 'º e ev, a we see ere * * * * * sees • * * * * * * # # * & © tº gº º 'º g º ſº gº tº º tº #..... e sees • *. • * * * * see e s - es e e s = • * * * * * * we tº e º 'º º & • e s sº sees sees, • * * * * * * * * * * * *e, i #: º: + ... --------- # . ..... “ W. ; N.W. do - - Frazer, John, Brandon *e essee ee tº e s ºrae “. •e s see sease e see eeee sesses sees Jamieson, Robt., Calgary esses seses a swees e saeese seese > ſº...]: § S.W. . g ge •ee essee esses 1. & • *s vesses e. esses" Mujette, Nap. do Sproule, Jas. e e s & e º e º es sº see ºs e era e seese e º see we see , e^ee sewe do Slade, Geo. - Fred, Gladstone, Tian,....-----. 'vesses tº eae º essee eee e sea is sexes see s seese esses a sees • * sess sess is a sess so * All ... *is sº ºne ºº is a g º º see sea e a see a s * • * * * * * * * is see eses .* II •e ee sess sº e • * * * * All es e i essee elee sesses' - All tº e º 'º e º e º sº e º tº a c e ſº All • * ~ *e seev sees • **** All • e ee tº es e º gº new be A l tº º eat t e º e º 'º º ſº tº gº tº C & © ſº - All ... • ese seese ******, S.W. Of W. # ...... e e see sea ea es ev - •e sees et sees e º . . . - . 166 51 Victoria. * Sessional Papers (No. 25B.) A. 1888. * ...- ... —ºf 2 × LANDs sold from 1st October, 1886, to 1st October, 1887–Continued. & Name of Purchaser. Portion. i i Harrison, F., Clifford, Ont.............. ............................ [N.B. 4. ............] 25 11 18 W. 11 S Madell, Jas. Oak Lake................................... ..... --------|All ----------...... 13 10 27 do Winks, Geo., Winnipeg............ ge 2 see e s e s is a sº se as e º sº e º 9 “........ [All ........... tº C g g g g º e 17 I0 22 do Smith, Amos, Rounthwaite.................-------......... ---------|All-................. 13 7 18 do Brown, Jas. W., Orangeville, Ont.......................---------|W. 3......... - ..... I 15 9 19 do Young, Wm. Jas, Burnside. .........................................|S. # ----- tºº is a e º e º e º a l 10 23 do Petitt, And. H., Grimsby, Ont............ Adº All ............ s....! 15 6 22 do Kent, Sydney J., Rapid City....................... ------------------|S.E #........ & a se e s : 5 12 23 do Gardiner, Ed., Winnipeg...... ------------------..... tº sº gº g º is © tº tº * is sº •. N. E. 3.............. 27 15 3 1 do Cruthers, S. C., Bondhead.............................. ...... -------- S #........---------. l 14 21 do Howden, Richard ............. ........................ -----------------|All ... -------.......] 35 2 27 do - O a 4 is is ºs e º tº gº tº e g º is : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * •e see e ge tº ºwe & B is a dº o ſº I ºf s tº * All tº tº s & e º 'º e º 'º e a e º ºs e e < 13& 2] 2 28 do Stevenson, Geo. B., Minnedosa...----........ • -------- is is a e º e i t e º 'º e < N.W. 4............. l 11 19 do | Lands sold and deeded by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to the Ontario and Qu'Appelle Land Company, from 1st October, 1886, to 1st October, 1887. - . Name of Purchaser. | Portion. ; i i # Ontario and Qu'Appelle Land Company................ -------. S.E. # ..............| 21 | 19 - do do ee e-see es e o see tº e º t e º e s Frac, N. E. # ..... 13 21 || 1 * % List of Lands sold and deeded by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to the Canada North-West Land Company, from 1st October, 1886, to 1st October, 1887 ; i # -i Name of Purchaser. Portion. +- # * ſº tº º * gº sº ę * ſº * sº 1 l Canada North-West Land Company. ........ ..................... S.E do do ...... “.........----------. S.B. 3. ......... - do do tº e º e º ºn tº a tº * • * * * * * s tº º e º ºs e s tº 3. N.W. #........... fe 33 do do ............................. S.R. do do ..... & e º ſº a tº ſº e º g º a º tº ſº º º ſº ſº tº g tº e º ſº B. # 2...........~.. 21 do do * c e º 'º º e º 'º $ tº e º 'º e º ºa º e º e tº ºr e º ſº tº S.W. # * c e is tº dº e g tº e s tº 13 do do .......” “.................. IN. 3.------- & as e ee e s tº e A 25 d O d O • * N # 2 l l 2 O do do tº see e is tº sº e º see s s º tº c & © tº .# e º ºr e g = &.. ... - 25 34 do do tº $ in e º 'º & © tº Q tº e º is “s & º e r s sº e º e º e s a g : W. *...... tº tº --------- 9 t do do tºº ºn tº º a se e º 'º a tº e º e º e º is a t < e < e < e º e E. # • * * * * * * > ** - e º 'º e º a l sº do do “... * Q we s ſº sees et sesses tº gº e º ſº º S.E. *...... tº ºr º e º ſº tº gº tº l do do - *e g º e º e º 'º e º e º 'º gº ee e º e s a e º e e S. W. ‘ī 1e ºe Q tº º º e º e º 'º a 9 do do tº e º º is ea saw s •es • * * * tº e o e º g º ºr tº * All * * * * e º e es e g º Q &e Q tº º 13 do do ...... • * * * * * * * * * * ** tº º tº º & gº º sº tº tº º g ; ......... --------. 25 : ; ; do do ------------------............ IN.W. 4...... 19 7 11 do do ---------......'............... IN.W. 3. ......... ... I 35 6 || 16 do - • do tº º º sº tº ess º w w ºf s is sº e º e º 'º tº gº º sº. S.E. #--- tº gº tº tº ſº Gº 25 5 l? - do do * tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is e : º e º sº e º a ge N.W., 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * I 8 19 - do ... " do * Gº tº g º C tº º tº e º e e g º º ºs & © e º 'º go tº 0 & tº N. #......... e e º e g e º & © 21 10 21 Iči 51 Victoria. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25B) A. HAND's sold by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to the 1st of October, 1886, excepting the Lands included in Returns to the Department of Railways and Canals, 15th and 23rd June, 1887. Name of Purchaser. Portion. ; f # i Familton, Claude do Gampbell, Kenneth, Winnipeg..................... tº º dº º ſº tº º is # ºut tº e º 'º tº sº * Marton, David, Brandon ....... ....................................... Freeman, C. E. C., Winnipeg....................................... Freeman, G. E. C. do * < * * * * * * * * e º e º 0 ºr * * * * * * * * c e º e º º sº tº e º is º 'º e Annable, G. W., West Winchester ................................. Skrine, G. P., Winnipeg ......................... .................... Skrine, C. P. do Kennedy, Martin, Poplar Point ................ .................... Kennedy, Martin do sees • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Reeve, R. A., M.D., Toronto ......................................s. McIntyre, John, Regina © tº tº º ºr e º 'ºe as ". McIntyre, W. C., Montreal ...... * @ is tº e º ºs e º e < x s a G e º tº º º sº sº e º sa e º ºs e º a s & ferguson, John, Osceola, Ont---------.............................. Sibb, Edward, Winnipeg ..... -------. tº e o os e º ºse e º sº e º e º e < e º e º s 2 e s e a Resson, Robert, Markham, Ont..................................... Smith, George Young, Whitby..........- .................. ......... Sta"r, Rev. J. H., Whitby ............... ................. ... “....... Thistle, W. R., et al, Ottawa................................... ...... Thistle, W. R., et at do Thistle, W. R. , et al do Thistle, W. R., et al do Thistle, W. R., et al do Thistle, W. R., et al. do Thistle, W. R., et al do -... ..... .............................. Mitchell, James W., Mitchell was sº tº e s tº & C tº sº tº º ºt e º 'º º sº ses e º es ea as see - * is sº º e º ºs º g º is º ºr se lº & sº sº * * * B & © e º 'º e º & u e º º & * * * g º º ſº gº tº tº e is e e g º e s p ∈ e º f tº e º w tº e º ºr e > * > * is a set e º 'º " & e º s tº e < e º e º a se e º e º 'º e º ºs º º ºs. we sº gº ºn tº s 2 - a t e e a s tº e º 'º a s a g º a s e º º tº N e º 'º e º 'º e º ſº e º The º O & tº a tº e º & tº ſº tº º ſº tº , sº a e º e º ºs e a c e s & e º e º e º * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * tº º e g º ºs º 'º e º tº e º e º & Cº. * * * * c e s is g º a g º º is & e º ºs gº tº u q is a g º e º e º e º ze e º see e º e is a e º 'º º ſº tº e º 'º e i º e º s Bowden, Ernest M. Rapid City..................................... Smith, Eliza, Winnipeg................................... ...... ...., Sheppard, B'mont, Woodstock............ .......... .... ......... Wilson, Andrew W., Winnipeg .............. ........................ Walsh, Major J. W., Qu'Appelle.............................. ...... Walker, Anthony, Winnipeg ...... ................................... Annable, George M., Moose Jaw ..................... * * g tº gº tºº & eº º ſº tº e Moffatt, Alexander T., Motherwell, Scotland .................. Black, Col. W., Halifax • * g e is tº sº º e º 'º º sº e º sº e º e º tº e g g g ºf we tº tº e º 'º e tº e º O & º te ſº." • Robertson, A., Montreal ................. Baldwin, Rev. T., Moosomin ......................... -........ ... Hacking, J. A., Listowel................. ...----...... ...... -------- McGregor, Dr.... ...... ....... tº ºs e º ſº tº e º º • * * * * * * * * * sees • * * * * * * **-ae º sea • * * Ramage, John, Eden Mills.................................... ......... McDonald, Dr., Wapella........... .................................... McDonald, Dr. do wº tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * > * Lasham. John, Londesboro’.......................................... Miller, W. N., Toronto...... tº e º 'º º tº sº º is is tº e º 'º e º O & © º ºr • **** tº gº º tº e º ºs º dº e º O ºh, Johnston, P. G. , Montreal............................................. Phipps, C. E., Township 16, Range 8, Assiniboia............ Woodruff, S. W. E. W., St. Catharines, Ont ..... ............, Reynolds, Mrs T. J. do ...... • ** se is tº a e º - - e. Wis, G. W., in trust for Netherlands American Land Co... do do do - do • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a gº º ſº tº a wg º & © tº do do © tº e º 'º & &c & ſº & & sº ſº tº dº e tº e e s & tº º * * * * * * g ºr a lºt, - All e & G & © tº e > * * * * *, * * * * * Al • * ** * * dº sº º Gº tº * * * * * All ................ . # * . . . º . . ū g . e e . t o # i º : $º & * * G - º e º ſº tº dº º O & e tº ºr tº t e s ºf ºº tº s º tº e º 'º e º 'º & e º tº 4 º' & tºº|& ºt *; • as g º º 'º ºn tº a e g º ºs º a • es ; . 3 w gº • * * g ºf a ºn s e º ſº e is g u e º e º ſº e 40 s tº € $ ; ... tº º e º ſº tº gº tº º ſº º g g tº st it is º ºs ºs º a tº e º 'º e º 'º gº tº gº e º O C º e º $ tº gº © tº ſº tº 9 i a g º & tº tº its g º ºs “s ºn º º º 11 et e º 'º e a tº e & tº v Q is 4 & © w S. * • * * * g. tº º, ø tº £ tº tº Gº & tº All 5, 7, 15, 17 a §', 23, 27 & 35... All 17, 19, 27, 3i ** * * * * * * * g º ºx * * ~ * * * * tº e g º g is e s tº tº tº jº º & - do - do ...... IS All 23 and 27.... All 17 and 27, ... All 23 and 27.... N. # 5...... tº gº e º 'º º e º ſº 17. ..... ---...-- S. # & N.E. # 15.] ... * * * * * * * * * gº tº e g º is tº e Vº tº sº º ſº º º tº º ſº 2- 1 2 168 51 Wictoria. A, 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25B.). LANDs Sold to the 1st October, 1886—Continued. =-º-º-º- Name of Purchaser. Portion. ; i ; i Wis, G. wº in trust for Netherlands Anjean Land Co... O O see e s s t ea º 0 & see tº 8 tº * c e º º B * * * * * * e e g º ºs ee e s is a Black, Louisa, Winnipeg ....... 4 tº re e º 'º e º ºth ee eº e º e is se e º O & © e º e o f is sº e º ºs Young, Robert, Moosomin.............................. -.... ......... McIntyre, John, Regina .........................--------------------- Provident and Commercial Land Co., Limited, Sections— All 9, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33 and 35, in Tp..... [... All 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 31 and 33, in Tp...... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s ee ee es e e o e e see e e s a • ee see ee we s see sees w tº eu e º ºs * * * * e ſº tº e º sº tº a tº 0 & © e see e º 'º e e s s e s w = e s s * e e s s a a e e s e a re e º sº a g c q " ºr e º º e º e º e º a e s > * > * * * * * * * * * Morrison, Jas., Winnipeg-............................................. Howden, Richard........... .......................... .... ..... ...... Chaine, Col. W., London, Eng-............................. ...... Sands, Louis, Manistee, Mich. ....................................... Holmes, John, Calgary................. --.............................. Davidson, N.B., Floia, Ont............................... .... ..... Netherlands American Land Co........................ ............ Cochrane, Lieut. T. B. H......................... ............ * e º e º ºs e º ºr Lyon, Ed., London, Eng......... tº e º e g º ºs e e º ºr e º e º e º e º e º 0 . g c e º e º ºs e º 'º º 'º & E. Lee, L. S. C, Calgary e is e º & Gº e ee tie e º ºs s = * * * * * * * * * e º e º a sº a 0 < * * * * * * se e s gº tºº tº º Qochrane. Thos. B. H., Calgary..................................... Pearce, Wm., Calgary......... * * * sº e º e º 'º e º e s a tº w tº as tº 0 & • **** * - e º tº a gº º º º Municipality of Wolsely, Assiniboia.............................. Sykes, Richard, Stockport, Eng– ll 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, E. # 23, 25, 27, 31, 33 and 35. • **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** All 13, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35, 19 and 15....................... Qu'Apºlls Walley Farming Co....................…..........“ O O sº e º 'º tº et e º v c > 0 e º e º º e º e º ºs e º sº e º 'º ºt, tº tºº ºr do do do do do do s & e º 'º e º e º f * c e º te tº do º e º e º 'º ºr tº e º & ee s e º e º e º 'ºt tº e º e º e a tº a see Gºº e º 'º e º 0 e o e º 'º ºre a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > * > *.*.*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * g º we e º e < e º 'º e º tº e e º sº is e º e ee e e º e º & tº e ce v c e º 'º e º ºs e e ee see et - a e º f * 1 * * * g º be a ge * * * * * * * * * * * * > *wº º º º ºs é º 4 & & A * - tº º Q & 8 tº ee e s a s sº ** A & so e º 'º e º go & T P & e º e º º t w e º o ve ee v tº eu º º ºs as ess & e º e º sº t e º ºses et e º e º sh French Colonization Co.............................................. do * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º 0 ° ee ee tº t e º e a e º u e º e s e º e º aee e s a do * * * * * * *** see e º sº we as see e s et t r * * * * * *e see ess a e s sº a All 7, 31 and 35. . All 3, 17, 23, 27 and 35............ . . All 23 and 27..... All 3. ..... ......... W. # 23............. S. #27 & W. 335 All 27 and 31. ... All 3 & S. # 5.... All 16 and 23. ... E. : 31. ............ All 3, 5, 15 & 17. All 23, 27, 31 & e eu e < * @ 6 & e º a º S.W. * @ ea tº º e º ºs e º e º 'º All 15, 17 & 21...] . • * * ~ * * @ tº * * * * g º ºr e º ºt a & © º º ve e - ºr * † tº e º ſº e º 'º a tº tº e e º 'º e tº ** * > 3 > 3 > * * e.g. e. e º 'º - ºr § 3 and all...]” All 7 and 19......! ..... All 1, 3, 13 and N.W. # 25....... a tº e º º my we & v. e º e o es e º 'º e º e º is 8 & © • sº e º gº e º ºr v º ºr e º a tº ºt • *e is tº e dº e º 8 sea e º a W. All ..s--.' ....... & 5 All S. of Bow River ..... ...... Frac. N.W. #. ... * * * > * > → et s a s a g º v s e s is tº 6 º' & e E. • gº tº tº º tº e º e º 'º e . * * * * All 7, 9, 17, 19, 8. All 13, 15, 23 and All 17, 19, 21 &31 All 5, 31 & 33.... All 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 33 and 35......, All. tº º e º 'º e º 'º º t e º e º 'º All 5, 7 & 9. ..... All 5, 7, 9 & 17... All l 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21 & 2 • * * * * * * * * * * * g e s : * * Frac. ...... ......... All ee e º & 0 e º a tº e º ºs e s es All • * * * * * * * * * * * * Frac, ......... . .... All...... tº e e º 'º it e º ſº ºr a * tº º q + 4* - 4 & 18 do 2 do 5 do 2 •e e º see ete do do do do do 25b –12 169 “8IIO49IA Ig (ggz ‘ON) Steded [Buoysses * O Q 6: 2 "M. tº e º & © tº e º e “t ºrs ge e º so gee ee ee e g º e º e or gee & Pº 6 0 & 0° & Q & Q & 0 & tº tºº ºt e •upuloSooſ" “qqori ‘āunoX O 4 tº e º 'º º e g c tº tº g º O & Cº. I W ...Hy e see Teº e º e º sº sº be ºt W ge e º is ſº º e º 'ºe & gº e º ºt S ...'...Ily eae see een ee see ee ew *IIV e tº e º f tº e º E & Gº Gºº Gº *IIV a set & © e º 'º ºne see tº t e º 0 IW W “. tº e º & © tº e ete IIW •e e s et see a sa º see e. e. g. a sa e g + c 0 e º 'º e º so sº ee ee es e s sº ed s a eese sesees e e s a ss base e see : ees see eas a see e º a sº see s a see as es: s e s sº see ee ee ear a 2 e º e sº see ess see e º a º e º me • ege sea º y º O & sº e º 'ºù no e º 6 J es e s e s e a c e see e. e. e. e. * * * * * * ree ee see tº ee ee e º sº tº see ee ee es tº e º 'º e º 'º e 6 & ev. Sº e Wºº & ea & ** e º 'º tº se so gº & e g º O & Gegee ee ea tº g º a tº c e o 'º ºf geºe & © e º & see ea e < e s a su e e s e e º nºr a aes- as see tº es e º e a e º e e º see ºt. •e see eggs see a see ea tº 0 ° 0 tº e e s tº Rºe & © e º e º 'º e era e º scº ge e º ee eeee se a e º e º A - as e sº tº es ee ee 4 tº te? ess ot, ºù e º 'º e e see ee ee ea c e s set u as tº e s see ee e s a te & sº see s tº see tº e º see e e º ºs e º gets tº see e º 'º e º 'oe see e º is ©t ºn 8 & 8%, a biº e º & ea tº º º ºg evº º e º e > 0 © e º & ſº tº ºr 0 & 0 & 0 & 6 º' • see es e e s see ease e o s see sº e s see . * see esses e ess set so e e s tº a se eeeeeee a es est ee gee ee ee Nº Gº º f a * * * * * * * * * * OO UOI!ºzIuoI00 UIOuel H | ; i f 'pontºgtoo–988I ‘Ioqoloo qsſ eu, o, pIOS SCINVT "uopiod "IeSQuound Jo eul's N - 01. I “BI.IO401A Ig (ggz ‘on) staded [Buoisses 888 I ‘W ; AI i II i f | “; "S * * * * * * > * ~ & © tº º dº º ºrº s ºr ºr ºr t is 3 - dº º g º ºn tº e º 9 º' tº º zºº’eer: º, e º e < e e a e **** ee e º we vº º sº tº gº tº º º ſº e º e º º sº º # & * tº © tº º te & º º tº º f * @ e e g º e o e º e º 'º " e s ; & ſº e g º º e º º ºs e s # Y & Q ºr e º 'º' “...} * tº sº gº be e º e > 0 # * e º e º tº e º e º & e º a # I . tº ; § s ess et & e º a tº a e is g tº gº º sº tº e º e º e º e " & e º º * N As º • & sº so tº e - esses e s e e . N tº e sº gº 4 e º & s “: 'uoſº Iod "3SI "M) Zg "puz "AA & °38'ſ "AA| #2 "pu% ‘M 1. "3SI "AA| 09 "4SI "AA| 09 *puz "AA| g "3SI "A 32. tº e & e º e º e s tº tº ee tº e § S * - tº gº tº “t 'H' s & © e ºs é º e º tº e # "AA º * * g e º ºs e º º “# ‘(I "N * * * * * * * * * * * * g e- an eeeeee e- ceeeeeee & J & © tº ºt º "N ©e e6 8 & 9 º' & © tº 6 ſº tº e º ºne e e º a * * * * > 0 & e s & es e e e º e º e º a peºe e º ºr w w e s ∈ e º a tº e º e evy tº e º 'ºne s tº º “; "N *º º q e^ - º e e º ºs e º ºse a tº a 4. 4 & 6 s sº e º 'º a s a see e s e g º ºs w tº t ºh ſº e º & © e º 'º e º ºr twº º see ew. & G & ºre ºr w & © tº s 6 c e º a tº g g º º e e e g º e º e º 'º e º & Lº Q tº º Aº be tº e º e Crº tº e ee ewe & ºut 6 et e º ee e de ee ee * e º set & B e. et é º e s tº ee ea e ee eer * c e º gº ee e. e º ºn tºº e º & G e º e º 'º º ºs v e º a s e º sees e s tº e º 0 eeeeeee e.g. e ee e º e º e a gº tº e s - e. e. e. e ºa e º e º Gº we e º sº e º e º 0 tº sº e º e º Nº. 6 g º ºste §º *e eet e e s m e º e º & es e º sees e º e er se see tº e º z º. 6 tº a sº e o e ee see e see d tº e s tºº e º 'º - ºr * * * * * * Be & © ee e º a tº e º ºr ee see e. ea a e º sº tº a e see ee ee * e º is e e º sº e º ºss e º see e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * arº e e s a e es ew * * * * * * * * * ee ee e s a 4 º'egº see sº & © & G e º 'º & e º ºs e a e º 'º & © e s e e e º e º & Q & sº ea & 6 tº e º ſº gº tº e º e g e º º tee f tº C e º tº A. tº e º e º e º sº tº e º ºs e º e º º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * are es e e s - I e º 'º e º “e see e º see as we see ee e- º & tº a tº w tº e º & ºr stee º 'ºw tº e g º * * * * * * * * * tº wº tº a tº 4. & © Sºtº e º e o e º 'º tº tº $ tº ºr tº dº º q & a sq m e º & * * * * * * g e º e º e s sº a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º e s tº as see ea was vº º C G & º º e º e º e e º a tº 6 eº & ºr e º 'º e e º º 1 • * * * * * * * * * * * s is a 9 º' a e º sº e a b tº tº * * * * * * g e º e s m & e s e º e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º e su * * * * * * * * * * * * g g c e ex n e º e s a * * * * * * *-s º is a 2- tº e º 'º e º se e s tº e tº º º is tº & 4 tº 6 & a s e º e º 'º tº e a e º a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @ º 'º & © O & tº & © tº e º 'º fo is tº e º e º a & tº dº e º & © tº ſº a n e º e º 'º e º ºs e a ſº a * * * * * * > * > tº e s a e º & tº tº e a e s tº * * * * * * * > 0 e º e º ºs e º e º & e e s > * & © tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * & e º e º ºs. tº G & º e º 'º a tee e º C G → ~ & IIV * & sº tº e º a crº e º e º º sºrºr-rºse & e º 'º g º º ºs e e º ºs e º 'º es & © tº dº tº tº e Geº e > * * * * tº e º & 9 º' tº a e e º e a tº e dºt sº tº a º ºs e º wº e º 'º ee ºcee tº $ 8 & 9 ºf g ºn Q & © tº * * * * * * * * * * * * c e s s , is w w w x * * * * $ge a e eq, a . • e s ess e ess a s \ A seº y e º e º a * * * * * * * * * * * * we tº see sale e ee ee vº & & 4 & 5 & 8 we & s et e º 'o we ee e. e. e º e ce & e º 'º e º & e was e e s a tº e º see e s a º * * * * * * * * * *e es e a ss ee ee as a e s a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e º e s m a. * * * * tº ºwe & © tº ee et a e º e ea c e ee ee * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e oa º ºs e º 'º tº ** * * * * * * * @ee e º e º e º ºsseº see se tº e º a ſº & e ºw & ſº tº G & & tº e & it ºf Q q t e º v. 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º s s a se e º ºn tº e º e º e s et a eus * * * * * * Jºe et e ºs era Wºº & 4 tº º see ºn e º º ºn s 6 g g g º it e º e s a * r * * * * * * * * * * e & P see tº e º e g is gº tº v tº e º as sºw sº a se sº es s a e s = e A & tº e º ſº tº tº gº e tº dº º & & & u e º & © tº e a g º ſº tº tº e º 'º e º ºr a tº *Gºº & Gee - e.g. e. e º ee & ** * * * * * * * * ºne e º g g c e ee *S**** •e • * * * * * * * tº see ee e s e e º e see tºs * e º use e º e º tº is sº & © e º ºr e º e g c e º a * * * * * * * * * * * * we e s et exe essee a sº * * * * * * * * * * *se sº e º 'º eq set see e e s a a 9 & 4 ~ * * * * * ee ºe - es es' tºº e º sº e g º & & © tº tº & º tº º º º ſº e º 'º wº tº º tº G & A º º ſº ſº e º ºr tº 9 tº º is tº dº e º & tº t e º 'º “f* - e º see a s ge sº e e & eº & G tº e º 0 tº see e º ºpe • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e g is sº e º s º dº º ºx & © tº dº e º 'º dº º º sº º * tº tº ſº tº e º Q * * * * * * * * * * * * e º 'º e s ∈ es ea a e g ºve e e º ſº º º ºr ww • * * sº tº 2 g º be e º ºr e º a sº º is ºr * * * * * * * * > * eve egº • e º sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cºdºº-º-e * * * * * * * * * * * tº º ºs e e º a v. g & Q a Q ſº ge ºe is ef tº e G & © e º e º e g c & ee e & © & & © tº * * * * * * c e º e º e s p a tº e º ºr ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g ee e º º sº. e e s is ea e º wee ea es ee tº & ©g 4 & 8 e s tº •e essee as a s tº e s tº e º sº a tº s tº e s et pe º e º ºs ºr w tº gº ſº * * tº G & & & it tº & © & ºr see gº e º ºs e º sº e º 'º º sº gee see e. e. e. e. tee & e º sº e º 'ºw & eºs e º be e º G & © tº º as e s et ſº a sº ºn tº º sº, tº e º & © tº ºº Gº tº ſº op O ºg º ºf G is º º te e º e º & sº e º 'º & & Q we a 'Aubduloo pugri 459AA-II iON epbubo "Iesoudand Jo 9018N ––a– *— '988I ‘āoqoloo 1s.I eq) on Augduloo puerT so M-1110M upguso 90% of Aubduoo Agaſſºſ ogloud ugpeugo eq, Aq popeep puu pios spuuT Jo ISII 51 Wictoria. Sessional Papers (No. 25.B.) A. 1888 *— LIST of Lands sold and deeded by the Canadian Pacific Railway Co.—Continued. Name of Purchaser. Portion. i Canada North-West Land Company.......................... |N do (1O gº º & º & tºgee e º see e º 'º e º 'º e s = c < S. do do ...------------------------|N. do do a e e s c s see ee tº es et C tº t e º e º º” º N do do a e e º 'º e º sº e a se e s ∈ e º e º 'º we sº K & do do •e es e e as a a s = , º, e a e º sº tº º 'º º ºsº do do tº g evº, tº e º O sº º tº t e is e º º ſº gº & © tº º do do es e ee se e s e e we se e º be tº e º e º sº do - do is * * * * * > * 4 x is a ſea e tºº e º e º ºne º O & S § do do swº as e s s a se tº e s tº is se a tº e º 'º e º 'º & 5 §§. * * * * tº e º ºſ º it tº tº ſº a 25 N E. N do do we es e a se n e e º we see w tº º a 6 tº º e º 'º a tº e º º sº do do se e s a • *e is a se sº ee e s tº º ºs etº º P N. do dó ge e º e º ºs e e e º e º a tº e º 'º º t e º 'º e º is S. # * c e g º es e s e º sº a sº tº a 21° k W. #. we e º ºs º ºs º de e º a ſº 3 N.E. 4.--------..... 13 do , do tº e º ſe º e º ſº e º ºs e º O p q & e s tº $ & © tº G & 8 § * ......... . ........ 27 do do tº e e g º e º e º is & is a tº a c e º 'º & s tº e º tº do do tº e s ∈ C & © tº e º 'º º . tº ſº • *see ---- do ...' do * g g g is e º se - e, e º nº e º a tº sº tº e º & 9 do : do ºte & © tº a tº dº º sº tº º e C & G = e tº e º ſº tº 9 & . Ali i. 3, 5, º, 9. 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33 and 35 & sº tº º ºx wº do do - * @ D C is tº e º & © º O se e g º is atº tº º ſº º º 'º º All l, 3, 5, 7, § 13, is, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 and 27 21 W. ; : i. : • 1st. i ; i • 2nd. 30 i ge l S t; * 18 W. 2nd. 18 W. 2nd. LANDs sold and deeded to 1st October, 1886. Sections. Township. Range. Meridian. 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 23, 31, 33 and 35......... * e e º O C tº dº e º ſº ºf fººt & C & tº º Q tº $ tº e o ºs e e º a tº tº S.W. + 3, N. W. # 9, 15, 19, W. 3. 23 and 35 ge & © tº & & © & e º e º e º e o ſº e º º v is e s ſº a se 5 0...------ weº, e º ºs º e º 'º e a s = b & e º e * * * * * > * > tº nº e º ºs º gº sº ** a e e s or e o ºs e º os º ºs e º e º 'º e s tº e º st: * >e is º- 15, 17, 21, 23 and E. * 27...... • *** ***** * g g º e g e tº t e º tº e º sº. tº sº : Q s e º 'º e º w we e s tº $ in g º º * * Fr. 1, R. & 5, 9, Fr. 13, W. 15, 25 and part of south of 21....... 18 19 . . e e a e g º C tº e Ya va º ºs cºa a g g º e º º 21 * * g º & P : * e g º g tº e º 'º a se & © tº eſk ; 172 51 Wictoria. A. 1888 Sessional Papers (No. 25B.) * tº-we- LANDs sold and deeded by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to the Ontario and Qu'Appelle Land Company, to 1st October, 1886. Sections. Township. Range. Meridian. 15 and 17. see see sea see as seen eee sease e º “s es • * sº see wes sº esos see es was opes fº e s see ºs e a e 5, 9 and 15 .............. ...----- Frac. 9........ ..... W. * 31. a gee s as a w w we sº e º e s s a a sº ſº & de tº ſº tº º ºs & 88 tº * 7 and 9. s a se e º a s = e º e º e s we sees e º ºs ºs = < * * * * * * * * * l, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13 and 17.------- nº ea e º 'º e º e º e º g sº º ºs e e s tº tº º a g º gº tº 4 tº e º 'º - as sº º Gº tºº g º O ºr 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31.33 and 35. ------------------------. l, 3, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27 and 31 e tº e º º sº tº gº is is º sº º sº is sº G & © sº see e s sº sº gº tº º Frac. 7.-------- we we e s a sº e s = • , a ** a Jee is sº et s is tº east &e tº ſº e º s sº sisº e º ºs º we a sº w w sº it tº e º sººt º' l, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31 and 35 is ºn e º º teſſ sº º º ºſº º cº e º ºse tº Gºº º ºs e º a stºº & 31, 33 &ld 35. ... sea, eeeº e o see ee et, se e s sº as a see ess sº * G s sº tº * * * @ tº ſº tº e e º ſº e º ºsteº e º e º gº tºº 607, 6ll.. it is e º e º 'º e as esses e e s a e º sº AE & gº ºn tº º © sº gº & is a g º is is a stºº e º º is e.g. ºººº sº tº ºn tº a tº e º e º sº. 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21,23, 25 and 27.................. 31 8,Il 3 e ..----. * g egg ee e.g. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e.e. º. ºº e tº eſs tº tº see tº e s tº dº & ©º º ſº sº e º tº a tº a s = * * stee ºs e = l, 3, 13, 23, 25, 27 and 35...i... as esses sº ee es e º see e s e e less-s s p → *s a see tº se esse sess ps 1 and 3....... ---------------, ----------------------- 375 564. a's a e s ºr e at ~ * * * * * * * --------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g ee e º a s ſº e º ºs e º ve ºn g ſes sº sº l, 3, Niš, # 15, 19, W. * 23, 25, 27, 31 and 35.------- sº º is tº G is g º e g g º ºs e º º S. l, N.E. # 15, E. * 23 and 35. sº e º 9 º' we tº e º 'º - * g e º sº º O ſº ſº tºº e º 'º º sº tº ſº tº a sº sº e º ſº tº # e # 13 and S. * 15 s g g & lº •eks" & e º º sº e º O & G T G & º º tº *z sº tº ſº ſº ºn f º e º dº e º & tº g3 - e. et as tº sº tº • * * * * * * * * * * * is cus & sº see es et a se e s ºs e º a sº e a “* * * * * * * * , e º e s a s so sess a sº e º e º a s sº e s we & sº º sº e s ∈ G s sº ºr e º e º sº º' tº c & © & º 'º e º is º ºs e º º ºs e º 'º ºtºſe we e º gº º sº tº a * e º ºs º & * * tº es ſº dº sº tº e º 'º e º sº e º sº see Gº & * e º 'º º º ſº Gº tº a tº 8 set is tº e o , º, øe & © e º gº º iſ sº tº wº a. * * * * * * * * > * ge see a gº tº sº. As sº tº & © tº ſº º sº tº eſſ ºth & © D f * ** & Cº. ºº et e º it tº ºr sº º tº see º is sº tº es gº ? 13, 15, 21 and 35 © & dº º ºſº Q g ****** es e e s is essee esse tº ºs e º e º ºses ests ºº sº see tº e s sº e s ess ess 44 • *** * * * * *see sek ----- * * * * * * * ºr º *...* tº Gº tº º ºs º is tº e Frac. 25, 31, 33, 35 and 27. *** * * ********* * ******* ****** ****** *** *** - S. # 3 and Fräc. 13. ........ ..... ..... -------- 432, 560, 5 * - e º tº e º e tº $ t e º is a wºº tº tº ocese e s e e º a wº e º e º sº ºvº • a be e º ºs e et é º tº a gee is a g g g g g º ºs e º 3 e Frac. 13, 15, 19, 21, E. * 23, 17 and N.E. # 3. e e º e º 'º e º 'º a e º se sº se an ºf ºnes et * * * * * * c e º º'e tº se eee ºre e º se * * * * * > * * s & tºº tºº & Sº a tº e º 'º & © tº s sº sº a gºº e sº see & & t 20 21 see sees tº see eeeººl sº gº ºrº º ºs e º nº stººd 20 sº tº tº ºff tº e º ºs 17 * = tº e º Gº tºº sº e º º 'ºe Qū * * * * > e º 'º s = e e º ete tº 13 13." 14 • Qi e º 'º jee Jºe tº * Q sºrt & Cº. ºe : • ee estº sº e s see epºe : ~see oupºo & eºseº ºneº 2 as sºw ºººº ºase eeege ; 2 2 —-r 25a–13 173 51 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 35B) º A. 1888 –suasi- LANDs sold by the Canadian Pacific Railway $...yº the Trustees of Town Sites, all previous to 1st October, 1886. *i-mm tºº Part. Section. Township. Range. Meridian. Kenmay • * * * * ***** ***** sees • * *** ***** sessss sees • * All & e º 'º scº Gº & © 21 10 20 Alexander......... & e º e º 'º e º 'º e º e º sº e º tº a c e s e º e º a tº { { • e beecew. 17 10 21 Griswold.. tº e a tº gº tº cº e s tº e o 'º & tº e º º & G G & º e º 'º e º sº tº C G & {{ • * * * * * * * * : 25 9 } 23 Oak Lake. ssesseese essessees as see . ***** * ********- {{ tº see eeuses 23 9 24 Elkhorn e see & sº ea e s sº see tº e º a so * * * * * sº e s tº e º O & © º e . tº tº e º e º º º tº 33 # 28 riting.....................]" ..] : # ; Moosomin ºr ºr w v. * s sº es e essee * {{ º ee eneeee 33 13 31 Red Jacket. • *sess se spe e sea e s - as º º º iſ tº e º e º a os e º a º {1. tº c is g g g º q 21 14 | 32 Wapella .e. ea e º g g g g º sº e º ºs e e º 'º tº tº e tº e º e º is e e º is e º O ſº a ſº tº $t tº sº e º 'º e g º º 9 $ 15 33 Whitewood- & Q et e º 'º et " e º e º º e º & *******. & © tº Q tº ºus tº º ck ** * * * * * * 7 I6 •{ 2 Percival • sessee, as essesses as sees -- seeses • ******** {{ tº es e ebºs 19 i 16 3 Broadview ea ee see ee e s = e < * es e eeee, e s se e º 'º be so see & 8 tº e º e º O & e 25 16 6 Summerberry ee e ovecº w sº e o 0 e o e º at e º 'º º se e os see {{ ... 7 17 l 8 ſ Sintaheta •ssessees see tº ee º’ e- 6 tº e C tº a esses i < * * * * * * * * 4's tº e º eit & bes 33 * Qu'Appelle ee see e sees sº ee es • * we se e º seese he see - { } * * * sees tº a 21 and 27 18 14 cLean •e sessess es e º see 90 e º see odº q e º e º 'ºtºs ºº is e s se” t’t *see eeeee 13 | 18 16 Balgonie. º ******* sº tº e º ſº e ºn 2 º' Gºº e º ºvº º ºs º º ſº & sº º "tº º º ** sº sº e s = 3 18 17 # Pilot Butte. º e º ſº e º sº tºº see & "º º ºf 9 & G G & gº tº dº & Cº tºº tº ºr ºº & {{ tº gº tº º see sº 33 17 18 Regina. '•'es--- * * -- - -": & & C & 9 . as se a tº see 19 * 17 19 d • *** ses. • * * * * * * **** - weeezew esse "ee" escº elecº º 25 17 20 O tº e º 'º Grand Coulee sees • esse ge cooo • e s set *ses • ee esbe & tº º sº scº ſee 15 17 21 Peusé g •esse essee's sees sº “ * ºff a stee es 9 17 | 22 Belle Plaine es e º e eaee ee e. et e º ee *º tº e º see Gºº e s 6 tº º º . be see egº 31 16 23 aSqua •e eeeootºº & eºs e a gº ee ec a aesº 0 e º e º ſº e º see ºne tº " tº e º 6 c > t t e 27 Moose Jaw. • ******* © '• * ſº e º e º 'º º a tº e º e º ºs º ºº is sº eº tº & st wºº e º see tº tº 33 16 26 Swift Current. .............…....... ......! “ ......... 25 15 14 Ma le Oreek * @ see see •ess sº •sess •esses tº ea •“. {{ tº gº tº e º 'º - $ tº 15 11 26 © icine at. •e ea º so we woo et ec , eº as e º C tº es Ooº º Ç't © tº e º Gº eq 31 * * 12 * t; ** Calgary.. •e e º e o e s see ess a e º see eed ºs seeee-ssee sees sº 64 tº so tº e º sº tº 15 24 l wº- 174 IIIlluſ