D HY T University of Michigan ibraries 1817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS مین کار давилинку : Aberdeen Edinburgh Glasgow Belfast Dublin Liverpool IRELAND ENGLAND London Southampton O Poldhu Montreal DOMINION OF CANADA UNITED STATES New York Baltimore O Boston Wellfleet Brooklyn Philadelphia Washington LABRADOR Halifax Transmission No.1 Dec. 12 1901 66 64 2 March, 1902 "3 Dec. 22 1902 64 4 Jan. 19 1903 In 200 miles the curvature of Earth is ten thousand feet. In 2,100 ** NEWFOUNDLAND Table Head St.Johns 64 64 64 ** 110 miles Queensto A 1,551 miles W. of Poldhu *B B 2,000 miles W. of Poldhu ATLANTIC OCEAN Curvature of Earth Lisbon CAPE BRETON Nova Scotia 110 Miles αι MID OCEAN PORTUGAL Paris FRANCE Madrid SPAIN Maiseilles POLDHU Cornwall N FRONTISPIECE, the repetition in No. 1 of the group of three dots, I' S, illustrates the stream of signals that were sent out from Poldhu, England, and which Marconi heard in the telephone at Cape Race, New- foundland. Three short marks combined with a longer one, as shown in No. 2, represent the code designation for the letter V, a favorite experimenting signal with wireless-telegraph workers. The dots and dashes in No. 3, from Table-Head, say in the alphabet of the European telegraphs "first msg (message) shore to shore"; and in line No. 4 from Wellfleet, Massachusetts, to Poldhu are Morse characters, such as are used by American telegraphers, arranged to spell "Roosevelt to Edward." WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY; : ITS ORIGINS, DEVELOPMENT, INVENTIONS, AND APPARATUS BY CHARLES HENRY SEWALL } AUTHOR OF PATENTED TELEPHONY," THE FUTURE OF LONG-DISTANCE COMMUNICATION" WITH 85 DIAGRAMS AND ILLUSTRATIONS } NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARRen Sts. 1903 : Transportation Library TK 57-41 .852 COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Transpor 1. PREFACE 4 THE aim of this book is to present a comprehensive view of wireless telegraphy, its history, principles, systems, and possibilities in theory and practice. In considering inventions controversy has been avoided, although the claims of individual inventors have been carefully defined. Because of the complexity of the subject a certain amount of allusion in one part, to matters dealt with in another, has been inevitable; but it is hoped that such repetition may prove helpful to the reader. The book itself is de- signed to be of use both to the general public and to the technical student. The author begs to acknowledge to the publishers his obligation for kind co-operation; to the Century Magazine for extracts from the article by Mr. McGrath of St. Johns; and to the Scientific American for extracts and diagrams from an article by Mr. A. F. Collins. A NEW YORK, September, 1903. CHARLES H. SEWALL. PROPHECY DISCOVERY ACHIEVEMENT EXPLANATORY DESCRIPTIVE . • TABLE OF CONTENTS. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. PART I. PAGE I PART II. PART III. THE COMPARATIVE MERITS OF Wireless TELEGRAPHY AND OF TELEGRAPHY BY WIRES AND CABLES, AND CABLES, AND THE COMMER- CIAL OUTLOOK FOR EACH. APPARATUS. NOMENCLATURE PART IV. TRANSMITTERS WAVE-RESPONSIVE-DEVICES WAVE-GATES Shields CONDENSERS, INDUCTANCE COILS AND KEYS APPENDIX INDEX 4 II 24 38 91 • 125 1 143 145 152 168 ! • 179 182 190 226 + WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. PART I. PROPHECY. "Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, 'Here we are?'”— JOB, 38th chapter, 35th verse. IN 1632 Galileo wrote a dialogue of which a Latin trans- lation appeared at Leyden in 1700: Mr. Robert Sabine, in his work on the Electric Telegraph,¹ rendered into English a paragraph from the Latin version, wherein Sagredus, one of the colloquists, is made to say: "You remind me of one who offered to sell me a secret art, by which through the attraction of a certain magnet needle it would be possible to converse across a space of two or three thousand miles. And I said to him that I would willingly become the purchaser provided only that I might first make a trial of the art, and that it would be sufficient for the purpose if I were to place myself in one corner of the sofa and he in the other. He replied that in so short a distance the action would be scarcely discernible : so I dismissed the fellow, and said that it was not convenient for me just then to travel into Egypt or Muscovy for the purpose of trying the experi- ment, but that if he chose to go there himself I would remain in Venice and attend to the rest." In the sixties of the nineteenth century Mr. Sabine supposed this expression to be a prescient description of telegraphy with wires. In 1877 it could be better associ- 1 D. Van Nostrand, New York, 1869. T 2 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 1 } ated with telephone transmission over a conductor. To- day, however, we can readily see that Galileo wrote of "Wireless Telephony," an art not quite arrived. It will be observed that as translated the words are "to converse," not "to signal"; and the correctness in translation is cor- roborated by the fact of the action at short distance being undiscernible. Readers of this generation will understand that between two persons sitting upon the same sofa, tele- phonic action is not palpable; whereas nearness of sender and receiver is no bar to the observation of signals. It may be that Galileo had read the "Prolusiones Academicae" of Strada, published in 1617, and which de- scribed communication at a distance by means of two needles that had been touched with lodestone. These needles were mounted upon pivots. If either of them were moved it caused its mate to turn and to point in the same direction as itself. Possibly Galileo had an independent vision of wireless communication, seeing farther than Strada, and dared make of it but guarded mention. It is only necessary to read Galileo's biography to realize how disastrous in 1632 might have been the consequences of an announcement in scientific discovery. A work entitled "Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis" by the Abbé Barthélemy, published in 1788, mentions alphabetic dials, having hands or pointers which were electrically magnetized; these hands on the clock faces being analo- gous to Strada's description one hundred and seventy years before. James Bowman Lindsay in 1854 made calculations to demonstrate that stations in England and Scotland could, without wires, signal across the Atlantic to stations in America. 3 · ¡ i • PROPHECY. 3 Sir William Crookes, 1892, reading a paper entitled "Some Possibilities of Electricity," said: "Rays of light will not pierce a wall, nor, as we know only too well, a London fog; but electrical vibrations of a yard or more in wave-length will easily pierce such media, which, to them, will be transparent. Here is revealed the bewildering possibility of telegraphy without wires, posts, cables, or any of our present costly appliances." Again he said that Hertzian rays could be received "on a properly constituted instrument, and by concerted signals messages in the Morse code can thus pass from one operator to another." Tesla (1893) much in the manner outlined by his patents,¹ predicted the transmission through space and with- out conductors of electrical oscillations. Professor Lodge testifies that during the year 1894 Dr. Alexander Muirhead clearly foresaw the telegraphic im- portance of the transmission of Hertzian waves. Professor Ayrton, an English scientist, predicted, in 1897, that the time would come when the man with the electromagnetic voice in one part of the world would call to and be heard by the man with the electromagnetic ear at any other part of the world; and just as housemates call to one another in the same dwelling would be the long-distance conversation; excepting that in the latter communication only the selected ear might catch the sound. 1 See page 38. 4 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. DISCOVERY. CONNECTED with electrical science are four great philos- ophers, Davy, Faraday, Helmholtz, and Hertz, whose discoveries all but span the nineteenth century; and in- terwoven with the work of those four discoverers are the important achievements of Joseph Henry, Lord Kelvin, Feddersen, Maxwell, Lodge, Edison and Tesla. Sir Humphry Davy was born in 1778, and consequently commenced his scientific career with the century. Perhaps his greatest gift to electrical progress was his pupil Michael Faraday. The latter, in 1812, happening to be admitted to one of Davy's lectures, became at first his pupil, then his amanuensis and assistant, and finally in 1827 succeeded Sir Humphry as Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of London. This happy combination in Eng- land whereby a great teacher was enabled to bequeath to a disciple equally talented the results of his researches was subsequently duplicated in Germany when Heinrich Hertz became assistant to Helmholtz. It was fortunate also that the early labors of Helmholtz were so timed that he could avail himself of the work already done by Davy and Faraday. The death of Helmholtz at an advanced age in 1894, and of Hertz in the same year as his gifted master, terminated the work of that remarkable quartet of scientists. Chronologically the thread of discovery begins with Huyghens, a Dutch philosopher (born 1629, died 1693), i 1 • DISCOVERY. 5 who was apparently the originator of the undulatory theory which assumes that light is propagated by the vibrations of an imponderable medium called ether; and although for many years after Huyghens the favored idea remained that enunciated by Sir Isaac Newton-that light consists of material particles projected from luminous bodies - New- ton's hypothesis has since been rejected,' and that of wave-motion is universally recognized. In 1807, when Sir Humphry Davy decomposed potash by electric-battery power there was inaugurated that won- derfully rapid development in electrical matters which characterized the nineteenth century. To this develop- ment Davy gave the initial impulse His was a genius so versatile that Coleridge said, "If Sir Humphry had not been the first chemist of his age, he probably would have been its first poet." At the age of twenty-three Sir Hum- phry's scientific knowledge and his eloquence were at- tracting in London brilliant audiences. He delivered a series of lectures on Agricultural Chemistry," which made an epoch in that science; he discovered the exhila- rating effect produced by the breathing of nitrous oxide gas; his lecture on "Some Chemical Agencies of Elec- tricity" obtained for him the prize of the French In- stitute; and the invention of the miner's safety lamp brought a baronetcy and world-wide fame. Six years sub- sequent to his electrical decomposition of potash, Davy used the galvanic battery of the Royal Institution, consist- ing of two thousand pairs of zinc and copper plates, and produced between two carbon electrodes a sparking dis- 1 The Newton hypothesis, sometimes called the "corpuscular theory of light," was suc- cessfully controverted by Dr. Thomas Young in 1773, who re-established "the undulatory theory." 6 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. charge four inches long in the air, and seven inches long in a vacuum. This constituted the first voltaic arc. Faraday in 1831 discovered the existence of a current in a hollow coil of wire whenever a permanent magnet or an electromagnet was introduced into, or withdrawn from, its interior. He discovered also the principles of inductive influences between electric currents, and found that dif- ferent insulating media had varying capacities to produce inductive effects. Maxwell quotes Faraday as saying, "It was allowable to admit that the propagation of electricity might be effected by means of the ether, because it was probable that if this ether existed it could fill another office besides serving as a medium for the transmission of light." In 1842 Professor Joseph Henry of Princeton, United States, drew attention to the fact that the phenomena accompanying the discharge of a Leyden jar was oscillatory in character, and Helmholtz in 1847 confirmed this. Lord Kelvin in 1853 demonstrated mathematically the oscilla- tory effect, and Feddersen in 1859 proved it by experiment. Hermann Helmholtz was born at Potsdam, Prussia, in 1821, and was consequently beginning his life-work when Faraday had reached middle age. Like Davy, Helmholtz was a genius of great versatility. He was first a surgeon in the army, and during his medical practice invented the ophthalmascope, still an indispensable piece of apparatus for the oculist. He was metaphysician, mathematician, physi- ologist, and physicist. The most famous writing of Helm- holtz was his essay on "Conservation of Energy," which firmly established that law; for by reason of diversified knowledge he was able to bring to its demonstration facts from all departments of science. In the same paper ¡ ! i " DISCOVERY. 7 Helmholtz proclaimed the oscillatory nature of a discharge from the Leyden jar; and explained that the oscillations would grow weaker and weaker until their entire energy was damped out by opposing resistances. By analyzing complex tones Helmholtz made science explain music, and his investigations in the laws of sound did much toward the establishment of modern wave theories. His paper on the vortex motion in fluids was probably the basis for Lord Kelvin's hypothesis that all matter is made up of small vortices of fluid, each rotating about a hollow space. It also helped to formulate Maxwell's proposition. During the period from 1863 to 1873 there was developed the philosophical demonstration by James Clerk Maxwell, that the propagating medium of electromagnetic waves was identical with that of light; and although he was not able to prove it by experiment, Maxwell was the first who fully understood what is now admitted to be the true nature of electrical phenomena. Thus by 1873 it had been established that light with a velocity of 186,000 miles per second consisted of a wave motion produced in a medium called "ether," which Maxwell defined as "a material sub- stance of a more subtle kind than visible bodies, and supposed to exist in those parts of space which are apparently empty." Recapitulating, Huyghens in the seventeenth century had proclaimed the existence of ether and the undulatory mo- tion of light, and this was confirmed by Dr. Thomas Young in the eighteenth. In the nineteenth century, Henry, Helmholtz, Kelvin, and Feddersen demonstrated that the discharge of a Leyden jar was oscillatory. Maxwell con- tended that if the velocity of propagation of electromag- netic disturbance was the same as that of light, which had, 8 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. he thought, been proved, then the media through which either light or electricity was transmitted occupied the same space and must be identical; and the difference be- tween their resultant manifestations depended only upon the lengths of their respective waves. Thus the matter stood at the death of Maxwell in 1879. As has been said, Heinrich Hertz was a pupil of Helm- holtz. From 1883 to 1885 Hertz occupied at Kiel, Ger- many, the chair of theoretical physics, and in the latter year was appointed Professor of Physics in the Technical High School at Carlsruhe. During the delivery of a lecture at this institution, and while experimenting with a Leyden jar and two flat coils of wire, Hertz observed that the discharge of the jar through one of the coils would induce appreciable current in the other coil (although the jar was a very small one), provided that there was a spark gap in the inducing coil. This accidental discovery came to a man who has since proved to be perhaps the most brilliant experiment- alist and the ablest physicist the world has seen. Hertz demonstrated that the reasoning of Maxwell was correct; the experiments proving conclusively that the medium which is vibrated by light and the medium which is vibrated by electromagnetism is one and the same; that each travels with the same velocity; that waves of electromagnetic disturbance (now called "Hertzian" waves) are reflected from conducting surfaces and refracted by dielectric sub- stances; and are plainly analogous to the reflection of light from polished surfaces and its refraction through glass prisms. "" "This great discovery of Hertz," says Professor Lodge, was by no means his only one. In addition to his well- known essays on electric waves, which marked an epoch in 1. DISCOVERY. experimental physics, no less than eighteen papers, all original, and all important, were, by him, contributed to German periodicals." After the experiments at Carlsruhe, Hertz in 1889 was called to the chair of physics in the University at Bonn. His health failed, however, and he died at Bonn in 1894. He was the first understandingly to transmit electric waves through ether; and is the most important figure in the history of Wireless Telegraphy. From his discovery in 1886, that etheric vibrations would result from the passing of sparks across an air-gap, began the development of electric transmission without conductors. X 10 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. From a photograph, by courtesy of the Century Company. Fig. 2.-Signal Hill, St. John's, Newfoundland. X, Room in which the Message from Cornwall was received. ACHIEVEMENT. II ACHIEVEMENT. THE record of operative electric telegraphs begins in 1774 with that of Lesarge at Geneva, Switzerland, and prior to 1837 twelve had been constructed. In July, 1837, Steinheil operated in England a telegraph line twelve miles long, which, besides its two terminal points, was provided with three intermediate, or way, sta- tions. He used but one wire, employing the earth as a return circuit. There were alarm-bells for "calling," and the signals could be read either by sound, or by ink-marks recorded upon paper. In 1838 Professor Joseph Henry, of Princeton, making with an electrical machine and Leyden jar a one-inch spark in the top room of his residence, set up induced cur- rents in the cellar of the same building. During that year Steinheil endeavored, although without success, to utilize the two rails of a steam tramway as a telegraph circuit, but suggested the possibility of doing away altogether with conducting wires. Professor Morse, who had conceived his idea of the tele- graph in 1832, did not succeed in operating it until 1838. His plan was the most practical of any brought forward, and proved the most successful; but he was by no means, as is popularly supposed, the originator of the electric tel- egraph with wires. There seems, however, to be no doubt but that he was the very first to signal without wires; for on December 16th, 1842, he sent a wireless telegram 12 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. • across a canal eighty feet wide; and in November, 1844, Mr. L. D. Gale, acting under instructions from Professor Morse, made wireless signals across the Susquehanna River at Havre de Grâce, a distance of nearly one mile. In the latter experiment Mr. Gale used, as a source of energy, six pairs of plates in the form of a galvanic battery. He found that the best results were obtained when on each side of the river two plates were immersed near its bank, and were connected by an insulated wire stretched along each shore for a distance three times as great as that which measured either path of the crossing signals. The few chroniclers of wireless telegraphy have all spoken with respect and affection of Mr. James Bowman Lindsay. Several years after Mr. Gale's experiments on the Susquehanna River, Lindsay, having no knowledge of what Morse had done in America, reached the same results in Scotland. It is said that by gradually increasing his distances, Lindsay succeeded at last in signaling across the Tay where the river is two miles wide. In 1854 Lindsay took out an English patent, of which the follow- ing brief is from the Abridgements by the British Com- missioners of Patents: "This invention consists of a method of completing the circuit of elec- tric telegraphs through water without submarine cables or submerged wires extending across such water, water being the connecting and con- ducting medium for the electric fluid. "The two wires respectively connected with the battery and signal instrument on one side of the water are attached to metal balls, tubes, or plates placed in the water or in moist ground adjacent to the water. The same arrangement is placed on the other side of the water; and the for- ward as well as the return current passes between the respective plates. "It is preferred to place the plates on one side of the water at a greater ACHIEVEMENT. 13 distance apart than the distance across the water; but in case this is not practicable, the battery power must be augmented, and the size of the immersed plates increased. It is also necessary to place the plates for the forward current opposite to each other and the plates for the return cur- rent opposite to each other." Though a man of learning, Lindsay had little worldly wisdom. He was one of the best linguists, and for many years employed himself upon a dictionary of fifty lan- guages in one book. He foresaw and accurately predicted. the universal employment of electric light and electric power. He thought that by his own plan of wireless telegraphy it would be possible to span the Atlantic Ocean. Lindsay was born in 1799, and died in 1862, re- siding chiefly at Dundee, Scotland. He was a bachelor, and his life was one of consistent and continuous self-sac- rifice to science. It is said that during the year 1835 he lived in one room, which was illumined, however, by an electric lamp whose installation was the work of his own hands. In 1859 he read a paper before the British Asso- ciation on the subject of "Telegraphing without Wires," and among his hearers were Faraday and Sir William Thompson, now Lord Kelvin. While Lindsay was not an original discoverer in wireless telegraphy, he was a notable pioneer; and his unselfish devotion to learning has won for him deserved distinction. The invention of the telephone in 1876 and 1877 fur- nished a detector of great delicacy, and immediately after its discovery novel electrical phenomena were noted. The author in 1877 was an observer of those remarkable induc- tive effects upon neighboring circuits during the progress of experiments made with Edison's "Singing Telephone over a wire extending from New York to Saratoga Springs. "} • 14 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. During that trial I had a Bell telephone receiver in cir- cuit upon a telegraph wire in my residence on the east side of the Hudson River at Albany. The wire to which the Bell telephone was connected ran parallel in Albany with the transmitting line for possibly three hundred feet; but at no point were the respective circuits less than thirty feet apart. That particular Edison apparatus transmitted simply tones, no words. The receiving record of the Sing- ing Telephone was a series of peculiarly harsh and scrap- ing sounds, so that from the notes of a good soprano singer at the transmitter there were audible at the singing re- ceiver nothing but the different pitches of those tones, all the refinements of sound being lost. Upon the unattached circuits and with a Bell telephone receiver, however, the harsh features were eliminated; and while no articulate word could be distinguished, the musical flow was accurate, smooth, and pleasing. Inductive effects from the same Singing Telephone were also manifest at Providence, R.I., probably by reason of the proximity in New York City of the wires leading to Providence, and those connected with Saratoga. At In 1882 Mr. William H. Preece, Engineer-in-Chief of Government Telegraphs in England, succeeded in signaling across the Solent from England to the Isle of Wight. two different points plates immersed in the sea near one shore were put in line with similar plates near the opposite shore; and upon each side two of the plates were electri- cally connected by an over-land conductor. The arrange- ments of the circuits was the same as that used by Morse in 1842, and by Lindsay in 1854; but for apparatus Mr. Preece had an advantage over his predecessors in that he could use a receiving telephone to detect signals; and he ACHIEVEMENT. 15 also improved upon former practice by employing as a transmitter, and in place of a contact key, a rapidly vibrat- ing reed called a "buzzer," signals appearing at the receiv- ing end as long and short buzzing sounds. At other times and localities in England Mr. Preece made transmissions in a similar way. The year 1882 was also that during which Professor Dolbear in America filed his application for United States Letters Patent 1 to protect devices for wireless signaling. His patent is further discussed under "Inventors and In- ventions." The distances over which he succeeded in sending impulses are variously reported to have been from half a mile to thirteen miles. Mr. Edison (1885), using just such inductive effects as were observed in 1877, when his Singing Telephone was tried, signaled through space to a moving train from a wire beside the railway. The crowning achievement was that of Hertz in 1886. Across the little gap in a ring of wire suspended in a room (there being no electrical contact with the charging appara- tus) Hertz made tiny sparks appear, as the result of the passage across another and longer spark gap of the oscilla- tory discharge from a Leyden jar. Calzecchi Onesti about 1886 observed the coherency among metal filings produced by the impulsive discharge of a previously electrified wire or coil. Second in importance only to Hertz is the connection with Wireless Telegraphy of Dr. Oliver Joseph Lodge. This eminent scientist, born in England in 1851, became Professor of Physics at the new University of Liverpool in 1880, and during 1887 was elected a Fellow of the Royal 1 Printed in full in the Appendix. See also Edison Patent of 1885, p. 96. 16 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. } Society. At the date of Hertz's first etheric transmis- sion, his English contemporary was conducting experiments along the same lines, and Hertz said that in time Lodge would undoubtedly have reached the same results as him- self. Between the fil- ings tube of Onesti, 1886, and that of Bran- ly, 1891, there inter- venes an experiment of Dr. Lodge in 1889, described by him to the Institution of Electri- cal Engineers of Lon- don in 1890. He had observed "that two knobs sufficiently close together, far too close to stand any voltage such as an electroscope can show, would, when a spark passes between them, actually cohere, conducting, if a single S Fig. 3. B voltaic cell was in circuit, an ordinary bell-ringing cur- rent." With permission there is here presented from Dr. Lodge's "Signalling through Space without Wires," the diagram shown as Fig. 3, and the following descrip- tion : “The experiment of the syntonic Leyden jars can be conveniently shown with the double knob or 1889 coherer. The pair of knobs are arranged to connect the coatings of the receiving jar (a large condenser being interposed to prevent their completing a purely metallic circuit), ACHIEVEMENT. 17 and in circuit with them is a battery and bell. Every time the receiving jar responds syntonically to the electric vibration of the other jar, the knobs cohere (if properly adjusted) and the bell rings. If the bell is free in air it continues ringing until the knobs are gently tapped asunder; but if the bell stands on the same table as the knobs, especially if it rests one foot on the actual stand, then its first stroke taps them back instantly and automatically, and so every discharge of the sending jar is signaled by a single stroke of the bell. Here we have in essence a system of very distinctly syntonic telegraphy, for the jars and their circuits must be accurately tuned together if there is to be any response. A A very little error in tuning, easily made by altering the position of the slider (see s, Fig. 3), will make them quite unresponsive unless the distance between them is reduced." Much of the history of wireless telegraphy after 1889 is set forth in detail in succeeding divisions of this work. Briefly, Branly (1890-1891) made the filings coherer that is sensitive to Hertzian waves. Dr. Lodge in 1893, having learned of Branly's results, commenced a series of experiments, one of which led to inclosing the filings in a vacuum, and another to the making of a more positive de- coherer than was obtained by merely mounting the electric bell upon the base of the filings tube. In 1894 Lodge delivered his famous lecture reviewing the work already done with Hertz's oscillators, with Branly's coherer, and by himself. In 1895 was accomplished the undertaking of Count Popoff of Russia, described under "Inventors and Inventions." In the same year Captain Jackson, by direc tion of the British Board of Admiralty, passed electrical sig- nals between ships. In 1896 Marconi came to England, and signaled across a space of one hundred yards at the British Post Office in London. Soon afterwards he made a successful trial of two miles overland on Salisbury Plain. In May, 1897, a distance of nine miles over water was attained by Marconi, and from that time his signaling dis- 18 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. tances were gradually increased until he spanned the ocean.¹ Guglielmo Marconi was born at Bologna, Italy, on April 25th, 1874. His father is an Italian nobleman, and his mother of Irish nationality. He studied at Leghorn under Professor Rosa, and afterward under Righi at the Univer- sity of Bologna, of which institution he is a graduate, and has been interested in wireless telegraphy since his six- teenth year. He is of middle height, slim in figure, with blue eyes and brown hair, and his bearing indicates rather a nervous temperament. Upon November 25th, 1901, Mr. Marconi sailed from England, his destination being an ex- perimental station which had been established at Cape Race, some eighty miles from St. Johns, Newfoundland. When interviewed as to this journey by reporters, he said to them that there was a possibility of signaling over three hundred miles of sea, and felt quite sure that two hundred miles would be reached. During that same November, however, the author was privately assured by an official of the Marconi Company in New York City, that within thirty days there would be a record of transatlantic sig- naling. This prediction was confirmed by the event. There had been constructed at Poldhu, England, and at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, stations with powerful machinery 1" Its progress has not been slow. Five years ago my system worked satisfactorily over a distance of about two miles. Since then its range has been rapidly increased, until, a few months ago, by means of improved and attuned apparatus, a distance of over two hundred miles was successfully bridged, and wireless communication at this distance is now an everyday occurence. A certain commercial application of my system has already been achieved. In all, seventy ships carry permanent installations, and there are over twenty land stations in Great Britain and on the continent of Europe, besides several in this coun- try. To what further extent the system may be commercially applied is not easy to foretell. My recent successful experiments between Poldhu and St. Johns, however, give great hopes of a regular transatlantic wireless telegraph service in the not too distant future." From Marconi's prefatory note in Century of March, 1902. ACHIEVEMENT. 19 for generating electricity; and especial attention had been paid to the vertical conductors or wave-gates by which the ether waves were emitted and received. These struc- tures consisted at either station of twenty poles, each two hundred and ten feet high, by which a large number of wires were supported. The poles and wires, both in Amer- ica and England, had been damaged by storm, in the latter country the structure at Poldhu being practically destroyed. Neither had been fully replaced. The aerial distance between Poldhu and Cape Cod was some six hundred miles farther than that between Poldhu and Cape Race. Before leaving England, Marconi had arranged with his Engineer at Poldhu to send signals in a certain manner after a date which would be fixed by cablegram, and upon December 9th Poldhu station was instructed (by cable) to begin sending signals every day at three o'clock in the afternoon, and to continue until six o'clock evening, these hours by Newfoundland time being respectively 11.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M. The signals agreed upon were rep- etitions of the letter S (by telegraphic code three short marks - - -), to be repeated a certain number of times and then discontinued, for intervals of three minutes' duration. On Thursday, December 12th, 1901, at 12.30 P.M. Marconi and an assistant, Mr. Kemp, received the first transatlantic signals. During the appointed hours these signals were detected a number of times, and upon the following day, Friday, were again noticed. The public announcement of this event caused great excitement. Marconi was the recipient of congratulatory messages from all over the world, and during the next few weeks he was met everywhere with a series of ovations, the most nota- ble, perhaps, being the dinner held in his honor at the 20 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. On the first day of March, 1902, Marconi arrived in New York City from England; and declared that he had received on a moving vessel at a position fifteen hundred and fifty-one miles from the sending point ¹an actual mes- sage in words; also that he had witnesses to prove beyond peradventure that he had done this through space without wires or cables. Further, that at a distance two thousand and ninety-nine miles¹ from the sending point he had received signals more or less distinct but unmistakable. The vessel conveying Marconi and his telegraphic devices was the steamship Philadelphia. Upon the following day, March 2d, arrived at New York the Umbria of the Cunard line; and although the latter ship all the way across the Atlantic had been in the same receiving zone as the Philadelphia, and was actually nearer the Cornish coast during the time the latter was receiving messages from England, not a word or signal of those messages was impressed upon the apparatus of the Cunard steamer; although with the Campania and Etruria, whose instruments were attuned with those upon the Umbria, perfect com- munication was had. The inventor contended that two sets of instruments of different electrical tone might work, without interference, within five inches of each other; that he had two hundred and fifty tunes which would prevent "tapping the circuit"; that the secrecy of the message was complete.2 ¹ See frontispiece. 2 "It seems to be a matter of popular belief that any receiver within effective range of the transmitter is capable of picking up the messages sent, or, in other words, that there can be no secrecy of communication by my system. Were this so, a very important limitation would be imposed upon the practical usefulness of the system; but by the introduction of important and radical modifications in the original system, and by a systematic application ACHIEVEMENT. 21 In the communication between Cornwall and the steam- ship all the messages were one way, all from the station to the vessel. Mr. Marconi explained that while the Phila- delphia's equipment admitted the reception of signals, it had not a sufficiently powerful transmitting apparatus to reach to England; but that the Cornwall station could put forth enough energy to overcome that distance. So far as is generally known, there was from the time of the messages to S. S. Philadelphia in March, 1902, no further signaling across the Atlantic until October 31st of the same year, when transoceanic messages were received upon the Italian warship Carlo Alberto while that vessel lay at anchor in the harbor of Sydney, Nova Scotia. The wire- less telegrams were transmitted from Poldhu. The distance covered is estimated at twenty-three hundred miles. The Carlo Alberto had been placed by the King of Italy at Mar- coni's disposal as an assistance to wireless experiments. It was on Sunday, December 21st, 1902, one year and nine days after the letter S from Poldhu was heard at Cape Race, that Marconi announced the transmission of three entire messages from Table Head station at Glace Bay, Cape Breton, to Poldhu station in Cornwall, England, viz. one from the Governor General of Canada to King Edward of England; another from the Commander of the Carlo Alberto to the King of Italy; a third to the Times, in London, from its special correspondent. The latter was in the nature of formal evidence, and read as follows: Being present at its transmission in Signor Marconi's Canadian station, I have the honor to send the Times the inventor's first wireless transatlantic message of greeting to England and Italy." of the principles of electrical resonance, this objection has, in very great measure, been overcome.”—From Marconi's prefatory note in Century of March, 1902. 22 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Upon January 19th, 1903, the Marconi Station at Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, transmitted the follow- ing : HIS MAJESTY, EDWARD VII., LONDON, ENGLAND. In taking advantage of the wonderful triumph of scientific research and ingenuity which has been achieved in perfecting a system of wireless tele- graphy, I extend on behalf of the American people most cordial greetings and good wishes to you and to all the people of the British Empire. THEODORE Roosevelt. Wellfleet, Mass., Jan. 19, 1903. The reply which follows was returned by cable : SANDRINGHAM, JAN. 19, 1903. THE PRESIDENT, WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, AMERICA. I thank you most sincerely for the kind message which I have just re- ceived from you, through Marconi's transatlantic wireless telegraphy. I sincerely reciprocate in the name of the people of the British Empire the cordial greetings and friendly sentiment expressed by you on behalf of the American Nation, and I heartily wish you and your country every possible prosperity. EDWARD R. AND I. Mr. Marconi explained that his apparatus not being quite ready for long-distance operation, the message from President Roosevelt was directed to be relayed by Table Head, Nova Scotia, station. It was found, however, that the Poldhu station in England had been able to copy the telegram while it was being sent to Table Head. Upon January 21st, 1903, the Italian Government asked for an appropriation of $150,000 to erect, under the direc tion of Marconi, wireless telegraph stations with a capacity of six thousand miles, for service between Italy and South America. ACHIEVEMENT. 23 Fig. 4. Outside the Cabot Tower on Signal Hill, St. Johns, Newfoundland. 1. Mr. Kemp. 2. Mr. Marconi. 3. Mr. Paget. 4. The keeper of the station. From a photograph. Copyright by James Vey. By Courtesy of the Century Company. 24 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. EXPLANATORY. WHAT were the devices and methods employed to ac- complish the transmissions? How were they used? Why did they produce the results desired? Coherer. The prime factor is the coherer, which in Fig. 5 to show clearly the position of the grains g, that constitute the kernel of the whole matter, is drawn some- what out of proportion. Those metallic grains are inclosed in a glass tube, G G G G, between two silver plugs, P and P'; to which plugs are connected platinum wires, W and W'. When proper action is taken at a transmitting station g G G G Fig. 5. the grains g at a receiving point cohere. If, after cohesion is established, the glass tube be gently tapped, the grains will separate, i.e., will decohere. When these minute par- ticles are together they close an electric circuit, producing an effect which, on account of the delicacy of the instru- ment, is rather weak, but which may be made through a relay to close another electric circuit sufficiently powerful to produce either an audible signal, as when a telephone or sounder is used, or to exhibit a visual one, as when ink EXPLANATORY. 25 marks are made upon paper tape. It is also possible, by means of this second and stronger electric circuit, auto- matically to set in motion, immediately after the mark has been made, a vibrating hammer such as is used in electric door-bells, and which the English call a "trembler." By directing the vibrating hammer against the coherer, or against anything to which the coherer is secured, the grains g may be separated, and the electric devices will then be in position to make another mark.¹ Signals. — In telegraphy marks, or "signals," are made of two decidedly differing lengths, designated "the long and the short." Combinations of long and short marks. are used for letters. Upon the paper ribbon of the wireless telegraph recorder the name of the genius who signaled from Poldhu to Cape Race would appear thus: M A R C N I Circuits. Fig. 6 is a diagram devoid of many details. which will be supplied hereafter in other drawings. Upon the receiving side letters H, B', and R represent respect- ively a coherer and the battery and relay of the weak electric circuit before noted. On the transmitting side B is a battery, and K a key for closing the primary circuit of a sparking appliance of which P is the primary winding and L the secondary part of a "step-up step-up" induction coil. SG stands for the spark-gap. Upon each closure of the key K, there is produced sufficient strain to cause sparks to fly between terminating electrodes T T of the secondary coil 1 See Fig. 3, Part I., p. 16, and Fig. 31, Part II., p. 98, and accompanying descriptions. 26 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. L. A A' are vertical wires which in the first transatlantic transmission were respectively maintained in position by masts at Cornwall and by a kite in Newfoundland. They are sometimes called "antennae." It will be seen that at Transmitter" one of the electrodes T is in connection with the high wire A, while the other is put to earth at E. When key K is brought onto the anvil V, an electric cir- cuit is made, and the current in it by inductive influence is CC Transmitter B → K V A T Receiver So leeeeeee еее a G T о H B R E Fig. 6. E' communicated to the secondary coil and raised in pressure. The sparking across S G becomes the center of a disturb- ance from which waves spread in all directions. These are picked up by any vertical wire as A' and pass through P' to earth at E'. In the receiving apparatus, the sparking (exceedingly weak by reason of dissipation of the energy on the long journey), being "stepped up" from P' to L' is now through the filings at H, causing them to cohere, the relay R is energized through coherer, and by a local circuit (not shown in Fig. 6) a mark is made. EXPLANATORY. 27 In a general way the action just described is what took place at Newfoundland when the Poldhu station sent the letter s, three short marks. It was also the method employed to send from Poldhu to the S. S. Philadelphia at sea. In the trial to Newfoundland the receiving station used an ordinary hand (listening) telephone in place of the relay R shown in Fig. 6, a telephone receiver being much more sensitive than a relay. Upon the Philadelphia, how- ever, ink-marks were recorded upon paper tape. TUNING. It will be remembered that immediately after the Corn- wall-Newfoundland demonstration, Marconi, upon being asked if it were not probable that he received the sig- nals from some ship or station other than the Cornwall plant, replied, "It is impossible; I was tuned only for Poldhu." Theory of Electrical Resonance. To understand the devices used for electrical tuning it will be necessary to consider first the theory by which "electrical resonance" is explained, and then the analogies that are used to demon- strate that theory. It is supposed that all matter, solid, liquid, or gaseous, is made up of molecules; and that these molecules are combinations of atoms of different chemical elements, atoms being quantitatively the smallest divisions of matter, and an element an individual substance, as distinguished from those substances which are a combination of two or more elementary kinds of matter. The density, and to an extent the weight, of any substance depends upon the nearness of the molecules to one another. In air, or other gases, they 28 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. are widely separated. In metals they are very close to one another. In either substance there is between them space, and that space is said to be permeated by "ether." Scien- tists have not yet added a fourth dimension to length, breadth, and thickness; but the three divisions of matter are now supplemented by a fourth, and they speak of the solid, the liquid, the gas, and the ether. Analogy of Jelly. - An analogy to ether and matter is furnished by the contents of a vessel containing a mixture of lead bullets and jelly. Imagine the jelly to be so tremu- lous as to be capable of vibrating from a disturbance by which the bullets, being much more inert, move so little as to be practically still. Further imagine that the jelly be made to oscillate, being first pushed forward and then pulled backward, very rapidly. It will readily be under- stood that before the forward motion of the jelly has over- come the inertia of the bullets, the backward one will have reversed and neutralized that motion. Analogy of a Pool of Water. If a person standing upon one side of a pool of water strikes into the water with a paddle each time in the same direction and at regular intervals, so that he maintains a rhythmical beat, it will be found that after each stroke and up to a certain maximum the waves caused by the paddle will augment in size; but that if strokes be afterward made at irregular intervals the waves will decrease in volume. Discord will tend to undo the work that has been done by rhythm. Analogy of Spring and Timber. Suppose, as in Fig. 7, a stick of timber L is suspended from a rigid support E by EXPLANATORY. 29 E www a spiral steel spring C, and that the timber be given a push upward, or a push downward, then it will vibrate a certain number of times per minute. If it be pushed gently it will move slowly through a small space, if pushed forcibly it will move more quickly through a greater space; but the oscillations in a unit of time will always be the same. This rate of vibration is governed by the resiliency of the spring C and the weight of the load L. If the resiliency of the spring be increased, or the weight of the timber be decreased, the rate of vibration will be quickened. If C be made less springy, or L be máde heavier, the rate will be slower. To change the rate by altering either or both of the conditions has been called by clockmakers "regu- lating"; Scientists of to-day call it “tuning.” Fig. 7. Advantages of Harmonious Action. The pushing if continued should, in order to get the best results, be in accord with the rate of the apparatus; that is to say, the strokes must be exactly as many per minute, or exactly one-half as many, or twice as many, or some even division or multiple of the rate. Irregular strokes will tend to stop the motion just as in the case of the paddle and waves. Now set the timber L upon the surface of the water on one side of a pool of considerable width, and so that the crest of a small wave will just uplift it. By moving the timber and timing its oscillations the rate may be ascer- 30 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. A- String E- String) tained. If the water upon the far side of the pool be struck with the paddle time after time at the timber's rate, waves will spread from the paddle; and although only a few faint ripples may reach the timber-and-spring-device they will be attuned to it, and, if the strokes be regularly continued, each wave will tend to increase the length of the oscillation of the spring. At Poldhu a powerful source of vibration was sending waves into the ether, and the little ripples were caught at Newfoundland by a delicate receiving apparatus which had been adjusted to vibrate at the same rate as the Cornwall transmitter. Fig. 8 represents a guitar, which instrument may be used to demonstrate the fact that air waves when set in Frets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. 8. motion by one string of a certain note will cause to vibrate another string tuned to the same note. In trying this experiment, to avoid troublesome stretching of strings, it will be advisable to keep about a half-tone below "concert pitch." When the A string is brought to such tension as to be in its proper relative tune with the E string, it will sound in unison with the latter, whenever the E is stopped by the finger pressing the E firmly against fret 5. EXPLANATORY. 31 Mechanical Tuning. To ascertain if the two notes are in unison, cut a piece of medium writing-paper to a size about five-eighths of an inch square, fold it one way in the middle and set it astride of the open A string. When the two strings are properly tuned, and the E string is struck below the stopped point at fret 5, the paper on A will vi- brate so strongly as to be perceptible both to the eye and also by a buzzing noise to the ear. If now the E string be stopped either on the 4th or the 6th fret, or if the tension on the A string be increased or decreased in the slightest degree, the paper will remain motionless, no matter how violently the E string may be set in motion. Such an operation is sometimes called "mechanical tuning," and more accurate results may be obtained than by the usual method of listening. Referring back to the spring and timber demonstration in a pool of water (Fig. 7), the weight of the A string is analogous to that of the timber, the tension upon it to the elasticity of the spring. The stopped E sets up waves of exactly the same rate as those to which A is attuned. In the pool the waves are of water moving a few feet per second. In the guitar demonstration the waves are of air moving at the rate of 1400 or 1500 feet per second. In the transatlantic transmission of Marconi the waves were of ether, traveling 186,000 miles per second. Electrical Resonance in Practice. It is hoped that the foregoing illustrations will make clear the principles of electrical resonance. The practice is illustrated in Fig. 9. Transmitting Side. B is a battery or other source of energy. P is the primary winding of an induction coil, 32 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. : and K the key of transmission. L is a secondary wind- ing complementary to the primary P. T T are electrodes of S G the spark-gap. C is a condenser. P2 and L2 are respectively the primary and secondary of another induc- tion coil in the transmitting apparatus which may, by way of distinction, be called a transformer, its function being to convert the waves that oscillate in the spark-gap to a still higher intensity. D is a variable inductive resistance B Transmitter a ZK еееее T T S G A A' 100000 d eeeee No E 0000 C Receiver H о TB' E' R Fig. 9. placed in the circuit between the vertical wire or wave-gate A and the earth at E. At the transmitter the condenser C is analogous to the resiliency of the stopped E string of Fig. 8, and L 2 and D represent the inertia of the spring, or the load. By moving the pointer d the load may be changed, and by giving the condenser more or less surface the force of oscillation may be intensified or diminished. EXPLANATORY. 33 Receiving Side. - Looking now at the receiver in Fig. 9 A' is the vertical wire. The changeable inductive resis- tance D' and primary coil P 3 of a transformer is placed in that part of the wave circuit which reaches from A' to the earth at E'. D' with P3 constitute the load, being analogous to the timber in Fig. 7. Inductive transference of the waves from P3, to L3 and L4, increase the intensity of the faint ripples which come through space from the vertical wire A of transmitter. C' is a condenser placed in a bight of the long wire which forms the secondary winding of L3, L4. This condenser (C') represents the steel spring C of Fig. 7. In tuning the receiver, either the load D' P3, or the spring C' may be changed to in- crease or decrease the rate of the receiver. Infinitesimal waves passing through the gaps in metallic powder of H will cause those grains to cohere, and so close the electric circuit H B' R. Relay R translates the signal into a more powerful local circuit, which actuates an ink-marking regis- ter, and, at the same time, causes a "tapper"¹ (not shown in Fig. 9) to strike the glass tube H and "decohere" the powder. The apparatus is then ready for another signal. LOCALIZATION. The following extract of a letter from Dr. A. Fleming, which was published in the London Times, October 4, 1900, will serve to define and illustrate the term used as a heading for this division: Two operators at St. Catherine's, Isle of Wight, were instructed to send simultaneously two different wireless messages to Poole, Dorset, and with- out delay or mistake the two were correctly recorded and printed down at ¹ Similar to the device shown in Fig. 31, Part II. 34 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. the same time in Morse signals on the tapes of the two corresponding receivers at Poole. In this first demonstration each receiver was connected to its own independent aerial wire, hung from the same mast. But greater wonders followed. Mr. Marconi placed the receivers at Poole one on the top of the other, and connected them both to one and the same wire, about forty feet in length, attached to the mast. I then asked to have two messages sent at the same moment by the operator at St. Catherine's, one in English and the other in French. Without failure, each receiver at Poole rolled out its paper tape, the message in English perfect on one, and that in French on the other. When it is realized that these visible dots and dashes are the result of trains of intermingled electric waves rushing with the speed of light across the intervening thirty miles, caught on one and the same short aerial wire and disentangled and sorted out automatically by the two ma- chines into intelligible messages in different languages, the wonder of it all cannot but strike the mind. Your space is too valuable to be encroached upon by further details, or else I might mention some marvelous results exhibited by Mr. Marconi during the same demonstrations, of messages received from a transmitter thirty miles away, and recorded by an instrument in a closed room merely by the aid of a zinc cylinder, four feet high, placed on a chair.¹ More surprising is it to learn that, while these experiments have been proceeding between Poole and St. Catherine's, others have been taking place for the admiralty between Portsmouth and Portland, these lines of communication intersecting each other; yet so perfect is the independence that nothing done on one circuit now affects the other, unless desired. Mr. Marconi has insisted that his transmitted signals are perfectly localized. He has even challenged Professor Lodge and Mr. Preece either to interrupt or to intercept them, offering the use of his company's stations should those eminent scientists desire to experiment. If, however, they try, and fail to catch the signals, it does not follow that human ingenuity will never succeed in doing so. Un- less, indeed, Marconi has means other than those generally known to the electrical profession, it is believed that "syn- tony," as it is called, is a combination not difficult to unlock. 1 See Fig. 37, Part II. 1 EXPLANATORY. 35 . The company's experts claim first, that their spark-gap will not be known to unauthorized persons; again, that their coherer may be made so insensitive that it will an- swer only to a considerable force at the sending station, and that all energies less than theirs will not affect it; again, that in addition to a knowledge of the force required it will be necessary for the intercepter to know the self-induction (the load) and the condenser effect (the resiliency). It would seem, however, that it is not necessary to ascertain each of these facts, but merely to find the rate of beat to which the coherer will respond, and that may be any combination of load and spring which will produce the right wave-motion. If, then, a would-be tapper-in exposes a number of coherers differ- ently sensitized, and with each coherer connected with a maximum or a minimum condenser effect, he will need only to vary the load upon each coherer, which may be very rapidly done. Having found the "rate," he may "interrupt” as well as as well as "intercept." QUANTITATIVE DATA. Power. In quantitative terms authorized statements in the March Century, 1902, give the energy used in the Cornwall-Newfoundland transmission as being supplied by a 40 h. p. alternating current dynamo, having an initial pressure of two thousand volts which was "stepped up" to fifty thousand volts. There were at Poldhu twenty¹ masts, each two hundred and ten feet high, the conductors upon each mast being in electrical connection with all the others. The metal spheres forming high-tension terminals ¹ See Fig. 66, Part IV. 36 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. of the transformers were separated by a distance which varied from about inch to about inch. At the 4 10 8 10 Newfoundland station the aerial wire was elevated by a kite to an altitude of about four hundred feet; its swaying varied the altitude, which variation was a serious obstacle to the uniform reception of signals. The coherer used was a small glass tube one and one-half inches long and one-tenth inch internal diameter. Within the tube were tightly fitted two silver plugs separated inch. This lit- tle space was partly filled with a mixture of nickel and sil- ver filings to which a trace of mercury had been added.¹ 30 Comparative Speed of Signal Propagation by Wireless Telegraph and by Cables. - Marconi has said to his Eng- lish stockholders that whereas the speed of the submarine cable is directly affected by length of transmission, the wireless system is not in the least affected by distance. That "it is just as easy to work at high speed across the Atlantic or Pacific as to work across the English Channel." He is confident of establishing direct communication be- tween England and New Zealand.2 He says that the curv- ature of the earth does not affect the signals, and that ultimately he will be able to send them all around the world. Marconi's Conclusions. From that excellent article in the Century Magazine of March, 1902, already mentioned, there is a summing up of Marconi's conclusions at that date. Wireless telegraphy is most effective over marine areas. Over low lying country two-thirds of marine distance may 1 See description of “silver coherer" in Part IV. 2 See chart, Fig. 39. 1... ง EXPLANATORY. 37 be reached, but over ordinary diversified country the po- tency of vibrations is reduced to one-half what it is at sea. High hills do not constitute an obstacle, but the ground itself retards the signals. The vibrations seem to reach slightly farther in fog than in fine weather. Atmospheric conditions do not seriously affect the signals. Electrical disturbances are their only foe. Indications are that a pole two hundred feet high gives the best results. With a a balloon or kite elevated to four hundred feet, the wire must necessarily be very slight, and the ceaseless swaying of the upholder also interferes. A horizontal wire (as an antenna) gives no energy. No advantage in marine signal- ing is gained by setting a pole on a high hill. Proximity to the sea is desirable and a low-lying spit of land the best. Some geological formations are perverse, others are respon- sive. V 38 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. TESLA 1 DESCRIPTIVE. IN WIRELESS TRANSMISSION. Tesla's Proposed Plan of 1893. Nikola Tesla devoted himself early to the problem of transmitting electrical energy without wires, not only for telegraphic, but also for industrial purposes. In February and March, 1893, he delivered lectures before the Franklin Institute in Phila- delphia and the National Electric Light Association in St. Louis, in which he advanced a plan of wireless transmis- sion, and expressed his conviction that "it certainly is possible to produce some electrical disturbance sufficiently powerful to be perceptible by suitable instruments at any point of the earth's surface." In describing his plan in detail he says: "Assume that a source of alternating currents, s, be connected, as in Fig. 10, with one of its terminals to earth (convenient to the water mains), and P cbs E Տ E Fig. 10. with the other to a body of large surface, P. When the electric oscillation is set up, there will be a movement of electricity in and out of P, and 1 TESLA, NIKOLA, born at Smiljan, Lika, Austria-Hungary, in 1857. A noted physicist and electrician. He came to the United States in 1884 with a view of developing motors based on his discovery of the rotating magnetic field; this he completed in 1888. He has in- vented a number of methods and appliances in the line of electrical vibrations aiming at the production of efficient light with lamps without filaments, and the production and transmis- sion of power and intelligence without wires. On his discovery of the action of air or gase- ous matter when subjected to rapidly alternating electrostatic stresses is based the modern art of insulating currents of very high tension. He has also constructed steam-engines and electrical generators (oscillators) with which otherwise unattainable results are obtained. — Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, 1895. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 39 alternating currents will pass through the earth, converging to or diverging from the point C, where the ground connection is made. In this manner neighboring points on the earth's surface within a certain radius will be disturbed. But the disturbance will diminish with the distance, and the distance at which the effect will still be perceptible will depend on the quantity of electricity set in motion. Since the body P is insulated, in order to displace a considerable quantity the potential of the source must be excessive, since there would be limitations as to the surface of P. The conditions might be adjusted so that the generator, or source, s, will set up the same electrical movement as though its circuit were closed. Thus it is certainly practicable by means of proper machinery to impress an electric vibration, at least of a certain low period, upon the earth. Theo- retically it should not require a great amount of energy to produce a dis- turbance perceptible at great distance, or even all over the surface of the globe. Now, it is quite certain that at any point within a certain radius of the source, s, a properly adjusted self-induction and capacity device can be set in action by resonance. Not only can this be done, but another source, s,¹ Fig. 10, similar to s or any number of such sources, may be set to work in synchronism with the latter, and the vibration thus intensified and spread over a large area; or a flow of electricity produced to or from the source s,¹ if the same be of opposite phase to the source, s. Proper apparatus must first be produced, by means of which the problem can be attacked, and I have devoted much thought to this subject." In the same lectures he showed a number of novel ex- periments, among which was the operation of a variety of devices by using one wire, instead of two as is usual in elec- trical connections. He continued investigations along these lines, and in 1898 had already developed apparatus of great power, giving a pressure of four million volts and dis- charges extending through sixteen feet, which at that time were considered remarkable.¹ Tesla's First Two Patents on Methods and Apparatus for the Wireless Transmission of Energy. - The patents are numbered 645,576 and 649,621, and were issued 1 See Electrical Review, New York, October 26, 1898. E 40 DESCRIPTIVE. : D B M D¹ B¹ O Fig. 11. Diagram of wireless transmission accompanying Tesla's U. S. patents No. 645,576 and No. 649,621. The transmitter comprises a generator of electric oscillations G, a primary conductor C, and a secondary coil A B, which is connected to ground and to an elevated terminal D, and tuned to the oscillations of the generator. The receiving apparatus has a similarly arranged coil A' D' tuned to the transmitted oscillations, and associated with a secondary circuit containing the receiving devices. The terminals D and D' are maintained above the surrounding objects, the height being determined by the amount and quality of the work to be performed. The length of the grounded conductors A D and A' D' is preferably made equal to one quarter of the wave length of the oscillations. The trans- mitter and receiver may be thousands of miles apart. DESCRIPTIVE. 4I respectively March 20th, and May 15th, 1900. The origi- nal application covering both inventions was filed September 2nd, 1897. The system, as described by the inventor in these patents, is radically different from the Hertzian, both in the methods and apparatus employed. In the Hertzian system, the energy is transmitted to the receiver by elec- tro-magnetic waves which pass out laterally from the transmitting wire into space. In Tesla's system the energy radiated is not used, but a current is led to earth and to an elevated terminal, and the energy is transmitted by a process of conduction. Quoting from one of his patents: "It is to be noted that the phenomenon here involved in the trans- mission of electrical energy is one of true conduction, and is not to be confounded with the phenomena of electrical radiation which have here- tofore been observed, and which, from the very nature and mcde of propa- gation, would render practically impossible the transmission of any appreci- able amount of energy to such distances as are of practical importance." The arrangement of his transmitting and receiving circuits is illustrated in Fig. 11, and will be understood with reference to the explanatory note. As characteristic of these inventions the following two claims may be quoted: "The method hereinbefore described of transmitting electrical energy through the natural media, which consists in producing at a generating station a very high electrical pressure, causing thereby a propagation or flow of electrical energy, by conduction, through the earth and the air strata, and collecting or receiving at a distant point the electrical energy so propagated or caused to flow. The combination with a transmitting coil or conductor connected to ground and to an elevated terminal respectively, and means for producing electrical currents or oscillations in the same, of a receiving coil or conduc- tor similarly connected to ground and to an elevated terminal, the said coil or coils having a length equal to one-quarter of the wave length of the disturbance propagated, as set forth.” 42 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Description of Transmitter Giving Four Million Volts.— In describing a special apparatus Tesla says: "The transmitting apparatus was in this case one of my electrical oscillators, which are transformers of a special type, now well known and characterized by the passage of oscillatory discharges of a condenser through the primary. The source G, forming one of the elements of the transmitter, was a condenser of a capacity of about four one-hundredths of a microfarad, and was charged from a generator of alternating currents of fifty thousand volts pressure, and discharged by means of a mechanically operated break five thousand times per second through the primary C. The latter consisted of a single turn of stout, stranded cable of inappreciable resistance and of an inductance of about eight thousand centimeters, the diameter of the loop being very nearly two hundred and forty-four centime- ters. The total inductance of the primary circuit was approximately ten thousand centimeters, so that the primary circuit vibrated generally accord- ing to adjustment, from two hundred and thirty thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand times per second. The high-tension coil A in the form of a flat spiral was composed of fifty turns of heavily insulated cable No. 8 wound in one single layer, the turns beginning close to the primary loop and ending near its center. The outer end of the secondary or high-tension coil A was connected to the ground. The primary and secondary circuits in the transmitting apparatus being carefully synchronized, an electromotive force from two to four million volts and more was obtainable at the terminals of the secondary coil A.” Curious Phenomena Produced.— Tesla's apparatus seems to be capable of peculiar actions. He says: "For example, a conductor or terminal, to which impulses such as those here considered are supplied, but which is otherwise insulated in space and is remote from any conducting-bodies, is surrounded by a luminous flame-like brush or discharge often covering many hundreds or even as much as several thousands of square feet of surface, this striking phenomenon clearly attesting the high degree of conductivity which the atmosphere attains under the influence of the immense electrical stresses to which it is subjected. This influence is, however, not confined to that portion of the atmosphere which is discernible by the eye as luminous, and which, as has been the case in some instances actually observed, may fill the space within a spherical or cylindrical envelope of a diameter of sixty feet or more, but reaches out to far remote regions, the insulating qualities of the air being, 1 1- NIKOLA TESLA. DESCRIPTIVE. 43 ་ as I have ascertained, still sensibly impaired at a distance many hundred times that through which the luminous discharge projects from the terminal and in all probability much farther." The conductivity imparted to the air by these currents Tesla proposes to utilize in the wireless transmission of power on an industrial scale. Transmission of Enormous Energy Over Vast Dis- tances. From my experiments and observations I con- clude that with electromotive impulses not greatly exceeding fifteen or twenty million volts the energy of many thousands of horse-power may be transmitted over vast distances, measured by many hundreds and even thousands of miles, with terminals not more than thirty to thirty-five thousand feet above the level of the sea; and even this comparatively small elevation will be required chiefly for reasons of econ- omy, and if desired it may be considerably reduced, since, by such means as have been described, practically any potential that is desired may be obtained and the currents through the air strata may be rendered very small, whereby the loss in the transmission may be reduced. It will be understood that the transmitting as well as the receiving coils, transformers, or other apparatus may be in some cases movable - as, for example, when they are carried by vessels floating in the air, or by ships at sea.' To express this idea in other language, if one captive balloon were put at seven miles' elevation over Niagara Falls, and another balloon at the same height in France, energy from a dynamo at the former station might without undue loss in transmission be made to set in motion upon French territory electric motors, or to supply the power to illumine electric lamps. 44 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Tesla's “Telautomata.” On July 1, 1898, Mr. Tesla filed an application for another American Patent, No. 613,809. Its first claim is an excellent brief. It reads: "The improvement in the art of controlling the movements and opera- tion of a vessel or vehicle herein described, which consists in producing waves or disturbances which are conveyed to the vessel by the natural media, actuating thereby suitable apparatus on the vessel and effecting the control of the propelling engine, the steering and other mechanism by the operation of the said mechanism as set forth." Methods Described. The inventor describes a number of methods for producing waves. The preferred one seems to be the "passing through the conducting path currents of a specially designed high frequency alternator, or, better still, those of a strongly charged condenser," and then "adjusting the circuit on the moving body so as to be in exact electromagnetic synchronism with the primary dis- turbances ;" and he says that in such a way "this in- fluence may be utilized at great distances." Application to Warfare. In summing up the many use- ful purposes to which this invention may be applied, the pantentee thinks its "greatest value will result from its effect upon warfare and armaments, for by reason of its certain and unlimited destructiveness it will tend to bring about and maintain perfect peace among nations." It may be inferred that this refers more especially to the moving and direction of torpedoes. In the Tesla system methods of electrical conversion by means of condenser discharges and the so-called "Tesla coil" play an important part. The earliest records of these inventions in the U. S. Patent Office date from 1891. DESCRIPTIVE. 45 Method of Electrical Conversion by Condenser Dis- charges. This method is described in Patent Number 462,418 of November 3, 1891 (application filed February 4, 1891). Quoting in the language of the inventor: "I employ a generator, preferably of very high tension, and capable of yielding either direct or alternating currents. This generator I connect up with a condenser or conductor of some capacity, and discharge the accumu- lated electrical energy disruptively through an air-space or otherwise into a working circuit containing translating devices and, when required, conden- sers. These discharges may be of the same direction or alternating and intermittent, succeeding each other more or less rapidly or oscillating to and fro with extreme rapidity. In the working circuit, by reason of the condenser action, the current impulses or discharges of high tension and small volume are converted into currents of lower tension and greater vol- ume. The production and application of a current of such rapid oscillations or alternations (the number may be many millions per second) secures, B B Fig. 12. D C C G among others, the following exceptional advantages: First, the capacity of the condensers for a given output is much diminished; second, the efficiency of the condensers is increased and the tendency to become heated reduced; and, third, the range of conversion is enlarged. I have thus suc- ceeded in producing a system or method of conversion radically different from what has been done heretofore — first, with respect to the number of impulses, alternations, or oscillations of current per unit of time, and, second, with respect to the manner in which the impulses are obtained. To express this result, I define the working current as one of an excessively small period or of an excessively large number of impulses or alternations or oscil- lations per unit of time, by which I mean not a thousand or even twenty or thirty thousand per second, but many times that number, and one which is made intermittent, alternating, or oscillating of itself without the employ- ment of mechanical devices." 46 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Referring to the diagram in Fig. 12: “A represents a generator of high tension; B B, the conductors which lead out from the same. To these conductors are connected the conduc- tors C of a working circuit containing translating devices, such as incandes- cent lamps or motors G. In one or both conductors B is a break D, the two ends being separated by an air-space or a film of insulation, through which a disruptive discharge takes place. F is a condenser, the plates of which are connected to the generating-circuit. The discharges will follow each other the more rapidly the more nearly the rate of supply from the generator equals the rate at which the circuit including the generator is capable of taking up and getting rid of the energy. Since the resistance and self-induction of the working circuit C and the rapidity of the successive discharges may be varied at will, the cur- rent strengths in the working and in the generating circuit may bear to one another any desired relȧtion. Tesla Coil. This invention is first described in Patent No. 454,622 of June 23, 1891 (application filed April 5th, 1891). In the description the inventor says: "To produce a current of very high frequency and very high potential, certain well-known devices may be employed. For instance, as the primary source of current or electrical energy, a continuous-current generator may be used, the circuit of which may be interrupted with extreme rapidity by mechanical devices, or a magneto-electric machine specially constructed to yield alternating currents of very small period may be used, and in either case, should the potential be too low, an induction-coil may be employed to raise it; or, finally, in order to overcome the mechanical difficulties, which in such cases become practically insuperable before the best results are reached, the principle of the disruptive discharge may be utilized. By means of this latter plan I produce a much greater rate of change in the current than by the other means suggested, and in illustration of my invention I shall confine the description of the means or apparatus for pro- ducing the current to this plan, although I would not be understood as limiting myself to its use. The current of high frequency, therefore, that is necessary to the successful working of my invention, I produce by the dis- ruptive discharge of the accumulated energy of a condenser maintained by charging said condenser from a suitable source and discharging it into or through a circuit under proper relations of self-induction, capacity, resist- DESCRIPTIVE. 47 ance, and period in well-understood ways. Such a discharge is known to be, under proper conditions, intermittent or oscillating in character, and in this way a current varying in strength at an enormously rapid rate may be pro- duced. Having produced in the above manner a current of excessive fre- quency, I obtain from it by means of an induction-coil enormously high potentials that is to say, in the circuit through which or into which the disruptive discharge of the condenser takes place I include the primary of a suitable induction-coil, and by a secondary coil of much longer and finer wire I convert to currents of extremely high potential." With reference to the diagram Fig. 13. "G is the primary source of current or electrical energy. I have explained above how various forms of generator might be used for this purpose; but in the present illustration I assume that G is an alternating-current generator of comparatively low electromotive force. Under such circumstances I raise the potential of the current by means of an induction-coil hav- ing a primary P and a secondary S. Then by the current developed in this secondary I charge a condenser C, and this condenser I discharge through or into a circuit A, having an air-gap a, or, in general, means for maintaining a disruptive dis- charge. By the means above de- scribed a current of enormous fre- quency is produced. My object is next to convert this into a working- circuit of very high potential, for W M CPA S' W Fig. 13. which purpose I connect up in the circuit A the primary P'of an induction- coil having a long fine wire secondary S'. The current in the primary P develops in the secondary S'a current or electrical effect of corresponding frequency, but of enormous difference of potential.” Tesla has invented and patented numerous modifications of apparatus embodying these principles. One of the fea- tures in his later patents, for which great advantages are claimed, is a series of tuned circuits of high frequency exciting one another. 48 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. System of Concatenated Tuned Circuits. In his patent No. 568,178 of September 22, 1896 (application filed June 20, 1896), the inventor says in setting forth the invention: "It is well known that every electric circuit, provided its ohmic resistance does not exceed certain definite limits, has a period of vibration of its own analogous to the period of vibration of a weighted spring. In order to alternately charge a given circuit of this character by periodic impulses impressed upon it, and to discharge it most effectively, the frequency of the impressed impulses should bear a definite relation to the frequency of vibra- tion possessed by the circuit itself. Moreover, for like reasons, the period or vibration of the discharge-circuit should bear a similar relation to the impressed impulses or the period of the charging-circuit. When the con- ditions are such that the general law of harmonic vibrations is followed, the circuits are said to be in resonance or in electromagnetic synchronism, and this condition I have found in my system to be highly advantageous. Hence, in practice, I adjust the electrical constants of the circuits so that in normal operation, this condition of resonance is approximately attained. Any departure from this condition will result in a decreased output, and this fact I take advantage of in regulating such output by varying the fre- quencies of the impulses or vibrations in the several circuits. Inasmuch as the period of any given circuit depends upon the relations of its resistance, self induction, and capacity, a variation of any one or more of these may result in a variation in its period. There are, therefore, vari- ous ways in which the frequences of vibration of the several circuits in the system referred to may be varied, but the most practicable and efficient ways of accomplishing the desired result, are the following: (a) varying the rate of the impressed impulses of current, or those which are directed from the source of supply into the charging-circuit, as by varying the speed of the commutator or other circuit-controller; (b) varying the self-induction of the charging-circuit; (c) varying the self-induction or capacity of the dis- charge circuit. Intensifying Electric Oscillations by Means of Refriger- ant. Another suggestion from Mr. Tesla is to employ as a means of increasing the intensity of electric oscillations a refrigerant, He says that "when a circuit adapted to vibrate freely is maintained at a low temperature, the : : : ป F ! རྩྭ་ THE TESLA WIRELESS PLANT ON LONG ISLAND. DESCRIPTIVE. 49 oscillations excited in the same are to an extraordinary degree magnified and prolonged, and that he is thus enabled to produce many valuable results which have heretofore been wholly impracticable" The cooling agent may be any freezing mixture. Liquid air is instanced. In the transmission of etheric waves, he would apply this refriger- ant to coils - both at the transmitting and at the receiving ends. He says that the circuits at either end of the trans- mission should have the greatest possible self-induction and the smallest possible resistance. The invention is fully described in Patent No. 685,012 of October 22, 1901. (Application filed March 21, 1900.) Methods of Storing the Energy Transmitted, and Strength- ening Feeble Impulses. — In another series of patents, bear- ing the numbers 685,953, 685,954, 686,955, and 685,956, all granted in 1901, Tesla advances other improvements in the transmission and utilization of electrical energy. The fundamental idea underlying these inventions is to store the energy transmitted in a condenser during any desired time interval, and to utilize the stored energy, either directly to operate a receiving device, or to control another circuit including the same. In a modification of the apparatus the latter circuit charges a condenser, and the impulses transmitted are used to control the charge of the con- denser. In order to effect a charging by the impulses conveyed from distance, they are commutated either by a mechanical device or by means of an electric valve with stationary electrodes. In a special arrangement shown, the energy accumulated in the condenser is discharged through the primary of an induction coil, the secondary of which is used for the purpose of controlling the operation of a 50 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. delicate receiver. In this way almost any degree of sensi- tiveness which may be desired can be attained. On this point the inventor says: "It will be seen that by the use of my invention results hitherto unattainable in utilizing disturbances or effects transmitted through natural media may be readily attained, since, however great the distance of such transmission, and however feeble or attenuated the impulses received, enough energy may be accumulated from them by storing up the energy of succeeding impulses for a sufficient interval of time to render the sudden liberation of it highly effective in operating a receiver.” Improved Mercury Interrupters. In order to avoid waste of energy and deterioration of the electrodes, Tesla has designed a great variety of mercury interrupters, on which he has obtained a number of patents dated 1897 and 1898. In these devices the circuit is made and broken in an hermetically inclosed space and the wear of the elec- trodes entirely prevented, the contact surfaces being con- stituted of mercury. In some forms an inert gas under great pressure is employed to improve the action, the inventor claiming that he has discovered that “a gas under great compression nearly fulfills the ideal requirements.' New Methods of Individualization. Instead of relying on simple tuning, Tesla has developed a new principle, which is set forth in his last two patents bearing the numbers 723,- 188 and 725,605 (original application filed July 16, 1900). In this invention the transmitter is made to give two, or a greater number, of different vibrations, simultaneously or in a certain order of succession. The receiver again has a number of tuned circuits, each of which responds to one of the vibrations of the transmitter, and the arrange- ment is such that only when all the receiving circuits are DESCRIPTIVE. 51 affected the indicating instrument is made to operate. By the use of this principle "a degree of safety against mutual and extraneous interference is attained, such as is comparable to that of a combination lock." On the other hand, any desired number of instruments can be simultane- ously operated through the earth or other conducting channel. The improvement is not limited to wireless telegraphy. "It will be seen," says the inventor, "from a consideration of the nature of the method, that the inven- tion is applicable not only in the special manner described, in which the transmission of the impulses is effected through the natural media, but for the transmission of energy for any purpose and whatever the medium through which the impulses are conveyed.” - Marvelous Effects Produced by Oscillators of Great Power. Early in 1889 Tesla went to Colorado to develop his methods and apparatus for the transmission of wireless energy, and to ascertain the laws of propagation of electri- cal waves through the earth. Upon his return he published an article which appeared in the "Century" of June, 1900, in which photographic views of some experiments with one of his oscillators were shown. It appears that with these machines there is no limit to the intensity of the effects and magnitude of the forces produced. According to Tesla even interplanetary space may be bridged by the terrific commotions of such an oscillator. He says: "However extraordinary the results shown may appear, they are but trifling compared with those which are attainable by apparatus designed on these same principles. I have produced electrical discharges, the actual path of which, from end to end, was probably more than one hundred feet long; but it would not be difficult to reach lengths one hundred times as 52 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. great. I have produced electrical movements occurring at the rate of ap- proximately one hundred thousand horse-power, but rates of one, five, or ten million horse-power are easily practicable. In these experiments effects were developed incomparably greater than any ever produced by human agencies, and yet these results are but an embryo of what is to be. That communication without wires to any point of the globe is practi- cable with such apparatus would need no demonstration, but through a dis- covery which I made I obtained absolute certitude. Popularly explained, it is exactly this: When we raise the voice and hear an echo in reply, we know that the sound of the voice must have reached a distant wall or boundary, and must have been reflected from the same. Exactly as the sound, so an electrical wave is reflected; and the same evidence which is afforded by an echo is offered by an electrical phenomenon known as a “stationary” wave that is, a wave with fixed nodal and ventral regions. Instead of sending sound-vibrations toward a distant wall, I have sent elec- trical vibrations toward the remote boundaries of the earth, and instead of the wall the earth has replied. In place of an echo I have obtained a sta- tionary electrical wave, a wave reflected from afar. Stationary waves in the earth mean something more than mere tele- graphy without wires to any distance. They will enable us to attain many important specific results impossible otherwise. For instance, by their use we may produce at will, from a sending-station, an electrical effect in any particular region of the globe; we may determine the relative position or course of a moving object, such as a vessel at sea, the distance traversed by the same, or its speed; or we may send over the earth a wave of elec- tricity traveling at any rate we desire, from the pace of a turtle up to lightning speed." One of the experiments produced with a comparatively small machine of this kind is illustrated in Fig. 14. As no person could be anywhere in the vicinity when the dis- play is going on, the picture was obtained by two succes- sive processes, the image of Mr. Tesla's assistant being taken at one exposure and the electrical discharges photo- graphed at another. Combined upon one plate they show relative sizes of the streams of light as compared with a human being. An idea of the force and volume of the sparks may be gained when it is stated that the thick- ! A TESLA EXPERIMENT IN ELECTRICAL DISCHARGES. 800 AMPERES, SPARKS 23 FEET LONG. A ROAR LIKE NIAGARA. DESCRIPTIVE. 53 ་ est of them are about 23 feet long, and that a current of approximately 800 amperes is passing through the air. The roar of such a discharge can be heard several miles. Since his return from Colorado in 1901 Tesla has begun the erection of commercial plants; but since two years nothing has been published about his work. It is under- stood that his wireless plant on Long Island is nearing completion. A photographic view of the same is shown in the illustration on opposite page. The structure presents a curious appearance. As to the purpose for which the plant is designed, nothing has, as yet, been announced by Tesla. Recently, however, the "New York Sun" in an editorial authorized by him, stated that "the Tesla oscillator will deliver to the earth the shock that will be felt and recorded on its uttermost confines." Tesla's Sun-Motors. —Fig. 15 and 16 illustrate other devices by the same inventor. These are called " 'appara- tus for the utilization of radiant energy." In Fig. 15, P is a plate exposed to rays, and P'a plate buried in the ground. C is a condenser, the plates of which should present as large a surface as possible, the inventor having ascertained the amount of energy con- veyed to it per unit of time to be, under otherwise identi- cal conditions, proportioned to the area exposed or nearly SO. T and T' are terminals of condenser C. M a relay magnet or any other device capable of being actuated by an electric current. d may be composed of two very thin conducting plates placed in close proximity, and, either by reason of extreme flexibility, or from the character of their support, very mobile. It will be seen that the magnet M, if energized and 54 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. de-energized, will actuate armature a, and, with a pawl and ratchet movement, turn, one step at a time, the wheel W. When the condenser C is charged to a certain potential the dielectric between the strips will break down, and the condenser discharge its accumulated energy through mag- net M. When the strain on the dielectric has been re- lieved the strips t t will resume their normal position. The originator of this device says that "many useful applications of utilizing the radiations emanating from the sun, and many ways of carrying out the same, will at once. suggest themselves." ! I T 与 ​0040 Fig. 15. γ บ M R Application of Preceding to Telegraphy. The applica- tion of this invention to telegraphy is suggested in Fig. 16, in which the source S of rays is a "Roentgen tube having but one terminal k, generally of aluminum, in the form of half a sphere with a plane polished surface on the front side from which the rays are thrown off." Interruption of the generation of the rays at differing intervals may DESCRIPTIVE. 55 , serve to produce long or short signals on the relay R. The tt' of Fig. 15 takes, in Fig. 16, the form of a brush k S T ם www S R Inventor Fig. 16. and segmented wheel. The condenser discharges are stepped to higher intensities through induction coil, p s. : 1 56 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. METHODS OF DR. SLABY. In Mr. Kerr's work on Wireless Telegraphy is a foot- note to the effect that Dr. Slaby of Charlottenburg, Ger- many, was present with Mr. Preece in the latter's Bristol Channel experiments, and had repeated them before the Emperor of Germany at Berlin. Presumably this refers to the tests of 1892. Mr. Fahie has recorded that Dr. Slaby was also present at a Bristol Channel experiment made by Marconi on May 13th, 1899; and it seems to be the opinion of the English writers that Dr. Slaby's suc- cessful trials in etheric transmission were all subsequent to this latter visit to England. Controversy Between Slaby and Marconi. — In a lecture before the English Society of Arts delivered May 15th, 1901, Marconi quotes from a paper read by Slaby in December, 1900, in which the latter, referring to the Mar- coni system, said: "The receiving wire was suspended, insulated, and attached at the end of the coherer, the other pole of which was connected to earth." Marconi, in controverting this point, contended that in one of his British patents, application for which was made on June 1, 1898, or two and one-half years previous to Slaby's state- ment, he (Marconi) said of his own device, "according to this invention the conductor (aerial) is no longer insulated, but is connected to earth through the pri- mary of an induction coil, while the ends of the imper- fect contact, or coherer, are connected to the ends of the secondary of the connections passing through the coherer." DESCRIPTIVE. 57 Slaby's Multiplier. — Slaby has applied to his apparatus a coil of wire, designated a multiplier, which he claims acts as a resonator, being analogous to a hollow box placed under a tuning-fork. The Slaby adherents are careful to state that this device should not be confounded with an induction coil. Marconi, however, in the same paper before the Society of Arts, previously quoted, points out that it is no new thing to use a single coil of wire to produce self-induction. sea. Slaby's Achievements.— Immediately upon his return from England in May, 1899, after his attendance at the tests of the young Italian inventor, Dr. Slaby succeeded with his own apparatus in transmitting signals a distance of about thirteen miles; and it has been claimed for him, although doubted by the friends of Marconi, that he has covered ninety miles from the shore to a moving vessel at The German electrical papers say that in competi- tive tests the superiority of the German system has been to them satisfactorily proved; but the Marconi adherents, properly enough, contend that a more convincing test of comparative merit might be had if each side were allowed to handle its own apparatus. In a newspaper interview in October, 1902, Marconi is reported as saying of Slaby, "He has adopted the main features of my system, the vertical wire, for instance. He introduces other variations which I consider detrimental. He has established a so- called system by which he has covered one-twentieth of the distance I have covered." No United States Patents to Slaby. Up to this writing it has not been possible to find any American patent of 58 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. the German scientist, but it is rumored that he has as- signed American rights under his inventions to the Gen- eral Electric Company of Germany. The Slaby Theory. - Dr. Slaby has built his system on the theory that if by means of a spark producer at its lower end electrical oscillations are set up in a vertical wire, the maximum amplitude of each oscillation will be at the top point of the high wire. Fig. 17 is a diagrammatic representation of one com- plete wave A E. At B is its greatest rise, or its "crest.” A B D E Fig. 17. At D its point of extreme depression. A, C, and E are neutral points called nodes. It follows, according to Dr. Slaby, that a full wave from a transmitting station will be just four times the length of the vertical wire which is set in oscillation by the spark; and also that if the antenna of the receiver be put to earth its vibration will produce a crest at its top corresponding to B, Fig. 17; and that in consequence at the point of connection with the earth will be nodes such as are indicated in Fig. 17, at A and C and E. Now, if a wire be carried, as in Fig. 18, from the node A, the wave motion, of which B is the crest, will be prop- DESCRIPTIVE. 59 agated along the wire A F, and provided the wire A F is of exactly the same length as the wire A G, the crest B' of the new wave will be formed at F, the point at which Dr. Slaby attaches his coherer. He claims by this scheme of connections that transmitted waves always affect the coherer when at their maximums of potential. It is said that those waves for which the earthed point A is not a node will fail to be propagated along the wire A F, but G B A Earth B. F Im Fig. 18. will be conducted directly into the ground, with the result that only waves of a predetermined period will affect the coherer, thus guarding against interception or interference; or, again, that a number of differently constituted receiving conductors, each adapted to receive an especial kind of wave, may be branched from one receiving antenna, thus making a wireless multiplex. There are, however, so far 60 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. as is known, no published results as to the number of cir- cuits that may thus be operated, or the distance over which signals in groups may be transmitted. Application of Multiplier. While the author has not seen the application of the "multiplier" clearly shown, it may be assumed that the lower part of the antenna itself is in the form of a coil; that the path to the coherer, which must equal in length the antenna, is also in the form of a coil, but that these two coils are separate, and that there is between them no inductive action. Slaby Coherer. As a receiving device, Dr. Slaby uses steel balls lying loosely between aluminum plates. It is claimed, on the one hand, that this instrument is much more sensitive than the ordinary forms of what are called "permanent" coherers, such as tubes of carbon dust, but admitted on the other that it is not so sensitive as a deli- cately adjusted silver coherer; not, therefore, so well suited to extreme long distance transmission; and that it is not sufficiently diverse in its resistances to allow of working a relay; and consequently that a recording instrument which requires for its operation the local circuit of a relay cannot be used. To restate the advantages of the steel and alu- minum coherer, it is the most sensitive form of "self-right- ing "coherer; and such being the case is best adapted of any to work at moderate distances where the signaling does not require a permanent record. The operator need have no difficulty in reading by sound from a telephone receiver, and can work faster than with an ink-marker; and any system which eliminates the tapper does away with a complicated and troublesome mechanism. The DESCRIPTIVE. 61 4 Slaby receiver is apparently much easier of adjustment than can be any non-restoring coherer. Dr. Slaby's circuits have inductances and capacities both at the transmitting and receiving ends. transatlantic signaling he will probably use a silver coherer. Then he may tune by getting the same product value in the com- bination of capacity and induction at each end of the transmission. Mar- coni does the same. Slaby's connections are somewhat different from those of his principal rival, but whether his net re- sults will be greater re- mains for actual tests to determine. Mr. Collins's Descrip- tion of Slaby System. In the Scientific Ameri- can of December 28th, 1901, is an article by Mr. A. F. Collins which gives D H When he essays wwwww T L!!! www B' L' C' n m F E E Fig. 19. A a number of diagrams of Dr. Slaby's plans of connections, two of which, with a brief description, are by permission reproduced. Referring to Figs. 19 and 20, D is the coherer (consist- ing of steel balls between aluminum plates). In Fig. 19 62 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 4 the path to ground from antenna A by way of coil L" is in shunt with the coil L", and both are in shunt with the key K', which while the operator is transmitting is kept closed to protect the coherer from strong waves. Induct- ance coil L, Fig. 19, is in tune with antenna A, and also in accord with waves from the distant station (see Fig. 20). Ο D 2 ΟΟΟΣ 2 d a M A B K Kite C G a ய E Fig. 20. E It is regulated by the adjustments of induction L"' and capacity C'. The method of changing the value of C' is shown by the position of switch-arm F and connections at m, n and o. Battery B' may be one dry cell; L" acts as a choking coil. Fig. 20 represents the transmitting appa- ratus of Dr. Slaby, in which M is a multiplier and A with its terminating kite the wave-gate. DESCRIPTIVE. 63 THE LODGE SYSTEM. Fig. 21 is arranged as a typical diagram of Professor Lodge's ethereal transmitter. In the Lodge nomenclature it is called a "radiator." Three spark-gaps are in the series, viz.: the "starting," the "supply," and the "discharge." It is the assertion of the designer that by this multiplicity of gaps the oscillations are made more "persistent," i.e., not so soon "damped." He says that charges so com- municated are left to oscillate free from any disturbance due to maintained connection with the source of electricity; and therefore "oscillate longer and more freely than when supplied by wires in the usual way." Another advantage is that the same emitter, inductance coils, and earth con- nection may conveniently be used as a part of the receiving apparatus. It will be seen that at the supply knobs the Ruhmkorff coil is always in absolute disconnection from the final discharge circuit. If now the receiving circuit shown in Figs. 22 or 23 be attached, as indicated by the dotted lines X X in Fig. 21 and the solid lines rx in Figs. 22 and 23, and at the same time the discharge break be bridged out of circuit by a good conductor across it, the apparatus is ready for use as a receiver. The connections may be so arranged that one movement of a knife switch will change the device from transmitter to receiver, or, as the inventor would say, from "radiator to resonator." Inductance Coils. — Fig. 24 shows the inductance coil of the receiver surrounded by a secondary winding, the two coils forming a step-up transformer to raise the poten- tial of waves from a distant source. 64 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY, ww FOOF CAPACITY AREA, DISCHARGE O RECEIVING KNOB ●RECEIVING KNOB SUPPLY GAP- SUPPLY GAP GAP SUPPLY KNOB SUPPLY KNOB INDUCTANCE COIL INDUCTANCE COIL STARTING GAP RUHMKORFF I LEYDEN JAR LEYDEN JAR KEY BATTERY THIN WIRE INDUCTANCE Coll. Fig. 21. CAPACITY AREA EARTH h T Fig. 22. n' h 8 h U h e Fig. 24. Fig. 23. 2 æ 113 118 DESCRIPTIVE. 65 Capacity Areas. Fig. 25 represents the form preferred by Professor Lodge for "capacity areas," "diverging cones with vertices adjoining and their larger areas spreading out into space." He says that this form com- bines low resistance with h great electrostatic ca- h? pacity.¹ ha no Supply Gap. The action of the "supply gap" is to cause to be stored upon the " 'supply Fig. 25. knob" a charge of elec- tricity that is sufficiently powerful to cross the air space. A condenser is a similar storage of power, and supposedly much easier of exact adjustment. In Professor Lodge's device there is in the local cir- cuit as here shown no condenser, such as is found in the Marconi or Tesla systems, to build up the feeble waves ar- riving at the receiving end of a long distance transmission; nor are there any choking coils to prevent the dissipation over the relay circuit of the charge that affects the coherer.¹ 1 See Fig. 68, p. 177, Part IV. 66 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. WORK OF UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU. Engagement of Specialist.-The United States Weather Bureau began, early in 1900, a systematic course of experi- mentation in Wireless Telegraphy, employing Professor Reginald A. Fessenden as a specialist. In a paper written by him in 1902, it was asserted that important advances had been made, one of which was overcoming largely the loss of energy experienced in other systems. He also declared that syntony was not safely selecting, but that he had discovered several methods which were. The following extract from the Fifth Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture is a generalization of the Government work up to the year 1901: "While there is much experimental work yet to be done before the present system is reliable for intership communication, or before any two systems can work within the same field without each rendering the other useless, such progress has been made by the government experimenters that, with no interference by private systems, stations can be successfully operated over at least one hundred and fifty miles of coast line; and they are now in operation on the North Carolina and Virginia coasts, and soon will be instituted between the Farallone Islands and the mainland, and Tatoosh Island and the mainland, on the Pacific coast." Experimental Stations of U. S. Government. Early in 1901 the Weather Bureau official installed Mr. Fessenden at Wier's Point, Roanoke Island, North Carolina; and he has since made experimental transmissions across water to a station located about five miles west of Cape Hatteras, the distance between the two stations being almost exactly fifty miles. The following letters from the Weather Bureau staff have been given to the public: DESCRIPTIVE. 67 MANTEO, ROANOKE ISLAND, N.C., April 4, 1902. CHIEF United States WEATHER Bureau, Washington, D.C.: After working with Professor Fessenden's new receiver, between Hatteras and Roanoke, I would report as follows: The receiver is positive in its action, and entirely and absolutely reliable. It is entirely different in nature and action from the coherer, and gives no false signals like the latter does. I could get every single dot and dash made at Hatteras with the utmost clearness, and can receive with it at the same rate of speed as over an ordinary telegraph line. It is possible for any expert telegrapher to receive by it as fast as the key can be handled. I have had no trouble in using the receiver except that due to bad sending at the other end, and even then could make out every single dot and dash, but could not read them. The signals and messages were taken perfectly on the new receiver when, under the same conditions and connections, the coherer was tried and would not give a single dot. Yours respectfully, LOUIS DORMAN, Observer, Weather Bureau.. MANTEO, ROANOKE ISLAND, N.C., April 8, 1902. Professor REGINALD A. FESSENDEN: I would report that in the test made by Mr. Dorman, the following is a comparison of the amount of energy necessary to work the standard co- herer and the receiver used by Mr. Dorman in the test referred to in his report: Taken as our standard coherer one working well-i.e., giving good clear transmission of messages when attached to a single No. 18 wire five feet long, the sending wire being similar and of the same length, the spark- gap being one-eighth inch between slightly rounded points, and obtained from a coil capable of giving three-sixteenths inch spark between points when the distance between sending and receiving wires is forty-five feet, and both coherer and coil are resting on the surface of the ground then the third message received by Mr. Dorman in the tests referred to in his report was received with one five-hundred-and-seventy-sixth of the least amount of energy required to work the standard coherer over the same distance, and with the same vertical and receiving wires used in each case, and with the coherer worked with a transformer with maximum efficiency ratio of transformation and circuit accurately tuned. A. H. THIESSEN. Assistant. 68 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Upon April 27, 1902, a series of tests were made from the Roanoke station before various Government officials, resulting in good transmission over fifty miles of a surface partly sea water and partly fresh water. U. S. Government Opens Proposals For Wireless Tele- graph in Alaska. Upon May 6th, 1902, the Chief Signal Officer of the Weather Bureau opened proposals for estab- lishing wireless telegraph systems in Alaska, over four different routes, as follows: A. Between Fort Davis and some point on Strait Island, a distance of ninety nautical miles. B. Between Fort Davis and Fort St. Michael's, a distance of one hundred and eight miles. C. From Rampart City to Winter Hours, a distance of one hundred and thirty-six miles. D. From Fort Gibbon to a point near Bates Rapids in the Tanana River, an air-line distance of one hundred and sixty-five miles. The bidders were, Queen and Company of Philadelphia representing the Fessenden Apparatus; The Marconi Company of England; the owners of the Arco-Slaby system in Germany; the American Wireless Telephone and Telegraph Co. of Philadelphia; Foote, Pierson & Co.; the DeForest Wireless Telegraph Company. The proposals of the last four bidders were not con- sidered, for the reason that they would not agree to install and work their systems for ten days prior to accept- ance by the Government. Contracts were finally made with Queen and Company for the B route, one hundred and eight miles, with a rate of transmission guaranteed to be not less than twenty-five words per minute; with the * DESCRIPTIVE. 69 Marconi Company for the D route, one hundred and sixty- five miles, with a guaranteed speed of twelve words per minute. The Marconi Company departed from the specifications to the extent of demanding a royalty after the first year of $250 per annum upon each set of instruments; and also demanding one-half of any receipts for commercial tele- graphy which might be received by the Government. In accepting the contracts, both companies have agreed that unless their systems shall work every day without interruption the Government shall be exempt from pay- ment. It was thought that both installations would be in working order by October, 1902. In an interview with Interview with Mr. Fessenden. a New York Journal correspondent, Mr. Fessenden said of his apparatus that he did not use any air transformer at the sending end; nor concentric cylinder for emitters and antennae, such as were employed by the Marconi Company; that he used capacity, but that it was arranged in a manner entirely different from that in other systems; that he did not employ a coherer or any form of imperfect contact; that his apparatus was of solid metal, and acted under a physical law entirely different from that which governs the receiving devices of Marconi. While the telephone was used as a recorder of signals, he said he could also get good service from a siphon recorder. He asserted that he had paid particular attention to selective. and multiplex systems, and was well satisfied with the results in that direction. He believed that when a system of machine receiving was perfected it would be possible to transmit five hundred words per minute. 70 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ". Lieutenant Beecher's Paper Before American Institute. On May 28th, Lieutenant Beecher of the United States Navy, who had been investigating the Fessenden system, read a paper before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, in which he said that in some respects the Fes- senden apparatus was more reliable than that devised by other inventors. He emphasized the fact that one defect of a telephonic receiving apparatus is the need of an efficient calling-up signal; and suggested that a coherer might be used to receive the calling signal, and be after- ward switched out and replaced by a telephone receiver. : DESCRIPTIVE. 71 PATENTS ISSUED TO PROFESSOR FESSENDEN. On August 12th, 1902, there were issued to Mr. Fes- senden thirteen patents on various methods, devices, and systems for signaling without wires.¹ The First Two Patents. In the first two patents of the series it is indicated that it was Mr. Fessenden's inten- tion to devise a signaling system which would be more positive in its action at moderate distances than was the only receiving instrument known at that time, the coherer. He designated the transmitted vibrations which affect a coherer as "voltages," meaning electric currents of high potential in contradistinction to the "currents" of compar- atively low potential which he employed. His receiving organization is a tuned circuit which is always closed, and is thus differentiated from a coherer which may be called a normally open circuit. Hence his receiver is always receptive, always capable of being affected by waves; whereas for a portion of the time during which signals are being sent, the coherer is incapable of response. Another distinctive feature is the fact that the indications produced by the Fessenden receiving mechanism are de- pendent upon the total amount of energy emitted to form a signal, and not, as in the case of a coherer, dependent upon the maximum of the voltage. In the description of that first invention it is explained that a single electromagnetic wave of the type used by the inventor "will have produced its impulses before the re- ceiver employed will have made an appreciable motion"; 1 Many of these devices are described as Apparatus" in Part IV., and a full list of them is a portion of Part II., under " Inventors and Inventions.” 72 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. but by using a source of sustained radiation at the sending end the effect of the waves is cumulative; and since the receiver is constantly receptive, the effects added together from a number of waves serve to produce appreciable in- dications. Repeating the foregoing statements in other words, the appliances are adapted to produce at the send- ing station electromagnetic waves of comparatively low frequency and low potential, but to sustain as much as pos- sible the oscillations from each impulse, and at the receiv- ing station to use a wave-responsive-device upon a closed circuit tuned to the same frequency as the sending organi- zation, which would be sufficiently affected by the cumula- tive effect of a number of waves as to produce observable mechanical movements. After the declarations of principles, which constitute considerable portions of his first two patents, there ap- peared in successive inventions two different forms of radi- ating wave-gates.¹ Third Patent for a "" System.' "" Next in order is a "system." Its objects are to provide suitable means for 2 7a 7. 12 ga www 3 5a 3a1 8a 5 8 11 9 10 raising the voltage at the receiving station by a trans- former; to increase the number of os- 6 cillations in the sending conductor Fig. 26. during its discharg- ing period; and to improve localization by so tuning the receiving apparatus that it will respond solely to waves ¹ See detailed description in Part IV. DESCRIPTIVE. 73 of one periodicity. Referring to Fig. 26, the inventor says that a feature (indicated at 6) is the addition of a capacity to the sending conductor in connection with a transformer at the receiving station for raising the volt- age in the secondary circuit; that another feature is the capacity (8) placed in shunt with the coherer (9); still another, an opposing source of voltage (12-11) bridged across the secondary circuit and presenting a counter elec- tromotive force to the local battery while the coherer is in operation. The PRINCIPAL ADVANTAGE claimed seems to be the improvement in selection, due to the use of a plu- rality of TUNED CIRCUITS. Quoting the inventor's own words: Waves of One Periodicity Subject to Interference. On account of the fact that it is preferable to use sending conductors having large capacity, or large capacity and self-induction, and that in these cases the curve of reso- nance is broadened, it has heretofore been impossible to make the receivers respond solely to waves of one periodi- city, as other periodicities, if above a certain power, will affect the receivers. tors. Perfect Resonance Attained by Plurality of Conduc- By constructing the sending conductor so the oscil- lations for each total discharge are increased, and by employing at the receiving station two or more tuned cir- cuits, a very perfect resonance or tuning between the stations can be attained. Effects from One-Tuned Circuit and Two-Tuned Cir- cuits. With a one-tuned circuit at the receiving station and with sending conductors permitting a rapid radiation. 74 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. By at the sending station, electrostatic and hysteresis effects become very prominent, and the great self-inductance desirable for sharp resonance cannot be attained. employing at the receiving end two tuned circuits, the first consisting of the receiving conductor and the other second- ary to the first, the relative inductance may be greater in the secondary than in the primary circuit of the receiv- ing conductor or the sending conductor, in which latter, as before explained, the capacity 11 6 5 -18 -19 is preferably a dominant factor of 8 tuning, and the electrical effect in the secondary will occur only when the periods are very closely the same. An Invention in Wireless Teleph- ony. — In an application for a patent filed September 28th, 1901, part of the subject matter had reference to telephoning without wires. The method is illustrated in Fig. 27, in which 9 is a transmitting telephone modifying by means of battery 8, coil 7 and core 3, the impulses imparted to wave-gate I. Fig. 27. a An arrange- Invention for Localization of Signals. ment for the more distinct localization of signals than can be obtained from one set of tuned apparatus is shown in Fig. 28, in which 1ª and 2ª are emitting wave-gates tuned to different periodicities, and 6ª and 7ª are receiving anten- nae respectively corresponding in frequency to 1a and 2ª, and consequently the armature 16 which represents the DESCRIPTIVE. 75 means for mechanical movement at the receiving station responds "only to the combined action of waves or im- pulses corresponding in period and in other characteristics to those generated" by the combined action of 1ª and 2ª. 1a- -2a 6ã 7a 14 14a /13 13a 15 +416 Fig. 28. Reference is made to Part IV., wherein are described inventions by Mr. Fessenden of, 1. Means "to provide for the MAINTENANCE of a CERTAIN DEFINITE RELATION BETWEEN the RESISTANCE and CAPA- CITY of the sending mechanism, regardless of the POTEN- TIAL employed. 2. A wave-RESPONSIVE-DEVICE, consisting of a conductor having small heat capacity and low resistance. 3. An appliance adapted to make a highly cONDUCTIVE WAVE PATH OVER THE EARTH for some distance, from the sending end and receiving wave-gates respectively. is denominated by the inventor a "wave-chute." This 4. An arrangement for PRODUCING VISIBLE INTERPRET- ABLE CHARACTERS on a strip or film by a PHOTOGRAPHIC process, and for developing and fixing the same. Fessenden's Selective System. - Another invention is a system of selection whereby each of a number of stations 76 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ་་ } has a tune or period of resonance proper to itself, as each Western Union Telegraph station has, where several stations work upon one wire, its particular letter or com- bination of letters for a "call." In this system, part of the sending mechanism is a key,¹ constructed with a num- ber of different contacts which are the terminals of differ- ently tuned circuits. The connections are normally made so that their period of resonance is that allotted to each station; but any station may call and exchange signals with any other station by first putting itself in resonance with the one with which it desired to communicate. Fessenden Signaling System of July, 1902 (Fig. 29). For the Fessenden patent No. 706,745, application was made July 1, 1902. It is for a "system," apparently the final result of the researches and experiments made by the inventor for the Government. The drawings of the patent comprise five illustrations, the second, third, fourth, and fifth figures being forms of apparatus at the receiving sta- tion which are modifications of that shown in the first fig- As it is presumable that the initial illustration is the preferred one, it has been selected for description, and re- produced here as Fig. 29. ure. Transmitter. Quoting from the patent specification, "The form of apparatus shown in Fig. 29 consists at the sending station of a radiating conductor (1) connected to one terminal of the spark-gap, the opposite terminal being grounded; a generator (A) and a local tuned circuit con- ¹ See Figs. 74, 75, and 76 in Part IV., p. 187. DESCRIPTIVE. 77 taining a capacity (12) in parallel with the sending con- ductor for the purpose of prolonging the radiation. 44 4 2 43 45 <46 424 37 411 47 43 40 3939 48 40a 5 3 6- A 12 Fig. 29. Receiver. — At the receiving end is employed a current- operated wave-responsive-device¹ in a closed tuned circuit (2, 3, 4, 5) energized by the receiving conductor (6) con- taining the primary of a transformer. Circuit. The circuit 2, 3, 4, 5, which is a secondary circuit, is tuned to the frequency of the electromagnetic waves, is preferably of low resistance, and has a larger ratio of inductance to capacity than that of the receiving conductor. This is for the purpose of protecting the receiver from foreign electrical disturbances. Indicating Mechanism. "Any suitable form of indicat- ing mechanism, such as a telephone or galvanometer, may be employed. A differentially-wound indicating mechan- 1 See Fig. 59, p. 167, Part IV. 78 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ism, such as the differentially-wound telephone 41, is desir- able for many purposes, and has one circuit connected across the receiver 14. A resistance 42, preferably formed by a loop similar to the receiver 14, is arranged in one of the circuits of the differential instrument, the receiver 14 being in the other circuit, so that the circuits are balanced. Coils 43 and 44 are oppositely wound, and the two circuits being balanced there is normally no appreciable effect on the diaphragm 45. The source of voltage, 46, and tuning- fork, 47, are used to produce intermittent currents in the differential circuits, and, as mentioned above, there is nor- mally no effect. When an electromagnetic wave causes a current to pass through the loop 14, thereby raising its re- sistance, the current in circuits containing the coils 44 of the differential instrument is weakened, and the circuits being out of balance an indication is produced by the instrument. Generation may be Made Continuous Instead of Intermit- tent. "When it is not desired to use an intermittent cur- rent, — as, for example, when the receiving mechanism is tuned mechanically to a given note for selective purposes, -the circuit including the generator is made continuous, as by wedging the prongs of the tuning-fork, or in any other suitable manner. Operation. "When a train of waves is radiated from the sending station and received by the receiving conductor, it causes currents to flow through the receiver, 14,¹ heat- ing it up, thereby changing its resistance. The resistance of the differential circuit containing the receiver is there- fore increased, the current therein reduced, and sound pro- duced by the telephone. ¹ See Fig. 59, p. 167, Part IV. DESCRIPTIVE. 79 Transformer. "The transformer is here shown as a step-down transformer, as this form has advantages when used in connection with current-operated receivers of very low resistance; but step-up transformers may be used." "As a means of Means of Amplifying Indications. "As a amplifying the indications, I prefer to use a local micro- phonic circuit, as shown in Fig. 29, where a small carbon block, 36, is attached to the diaphragm of the differential telephone, 41, and a carbon point, 37, bears lightly thereon. A local battery generates a current which passes continu- ously through the microphonic contact and a bridge con- sisting of the arms, 39 39 and 40 40ª, and a siphon recorder, 48. The arms of the bridge are balanced as regards ohmic resistance. Hence for all steady or slowly varying currents no portion of the current passes through the siphon recorder. The arms 39 39ª have, however, very high self-induction, and the arms 40 40ª very low self-induc- tion, and both are of low resistance. On any sudden change of current, such as will be produced by the motion of the diaphragm on the receipt of a signal, the suddenly varying current cannot flow through the arms 39 39ª, but will flow through the arms 40 40ª and the siphon recorder, 48, thereby producing an amplified indication. "The Definitions and Uses of Closed and Open Circuits. local circuit thus formed is a closed circuit, and is to be differentiated from the open local circuits employed in con- nection with the coherer. An alternating-current circuit may be closed through a resistance, an inductance, or a capacity; and since even the insulated ends of a circuit 80 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. will always have some capacity relative to each other, it follows that all alternating-current circuits are theoretically closed. What is meant, therefore, by a 'closed alternating- current circuit,' is a circuit in which the current is rela- tively large for a small impressed voltage in the circuit, i.e., the circuit is one of low virtual resistance as compared with a coherer. By an 'unclosed' or By an unclosed' or 'open' circuit is meant one in which the current is relatively small or neg- ligible for a small impressed voltage, -i.e., one whose virtual resistance is high. Where a current-actuated wave- responsive-device is employed, a closed circuit should also be employed to obtain a large effective current to actuate said-device. Where a voltage-actuated device, such as a coherer, is employed and a large effective difference of potential is required, an open circuit, as defined above, should be used. This is especially important, because while a resonant rise of voltage may be obtained in an open circuit, a large resonant rise of current is possible only in a closed circuit of low ohmic resistance used in connection with a source of maintained radiation. It will be evident that according to this definition of closed and unclosed tuned circuits, in many cases the sending or receiving con- ductor would come under the head of a 'closed tuned circuit,' especially when having large capacity and low in- ductance; but where reference is made herein to a closed tuned circuit' a sending or receiving conductor is not meant. It is characteristic of these closed tuned circuits that they have a peculiar advantage when used in connec- tion with the form of receiver in that such circuits act to prevent the burning out of the receivers by electrical dis- turbances produced by lightning discharges. They also permit of the employment of more sensitive current-actu- DESCRIPTIVE. 81 ated wave-responsive-devices. They also permit of step- down transformers being used, instead of step-up, thus enabling practically all of the energy of the waves to be utilized, and giving sufficient inductance with small length of wire." Small Voltages Characteristic of Fessenden Circuits. "It is especially characteristic of my invention — i.e., the use of closed tuned circuits in connection with current- actuated wave-responsive-devices as distinguished from open tuned circuits and voltage-actuated wave-responsive- devices that in my construction the voltages in the receiving circuit are kept small, and hence practically all the energy received from the electromagnetic waves is employed affecting the receiver, and hence indications can be produced by an amount of energy which is an extremely small fraction of that necessary when open tuned circuits and voltage-actuated wave-responsive-devices are employed. Practical Test of Transmission. "Thus since the ca- pacity of a coherer is small, a small amount of energy is sufficient to raise it by itself to a breakdown voltage; but in operation it is connected to a circuit having several hundred times the capacity; and as this circuit must be raised to practically the same potential as the coherer, the efficiency of working is low- as, for example, with closed tuned circuits and a receiver, messages at the rate of thirty words per minute were sent and received over a distance of fifty miles, (i.e., from Cape Hatteras to Roanoke Island,) using a spark one thirty-second (2) of an inch long at the sending end. When a coherer and an open tuned circuit were used under the same circumstances, the spark length 82 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. had to be increased to five and one-half inches before any messages could be received. The energies in the two cases were approximately in the ratio of one to forty thousand. Definition of Current-Operated Wave-Responsive-Device. -"By the term 'current-operated wave-responsive-de- vices' as used herein and by me generally is meant wave- responsive-devices having all their contacts good contacts, and operated by currents produced by electromagnetic They are hence to be distinguished from wave- responsive-devices depending for operation upon varying waves. contact resistance." DESCRIPTIVE. 83 EHRET'S DEVICE. 4 Fig. 30.— From the multitude of inventions contribut- ing to wireless telegraphy not familiar to the public, one is selected here as representative of recent advances in this art, although the author has not had opportunity from the data of results or from knowledge of experimental demonstrations, to judge of its relative importance. The invention is described in United States Letters Patent No. 699,158, dated May 6, 1902, and issued to Cornelius D. Ehret of Washington, D.C. One of the striking feat- ures of this patent is its comprehensive brevity. All of the drawings are shown as Fig. 30. The figure I extend- ing across the top of the page gives a detailed representa- tion, and the other six drawings illustrate modifications of the first organization. While the space is well filled, it will be noted that there is neither confusion of line nor the omission of any necessary detail. The description of the invention is equally brief, about one thousand words sufficing to explain seven different schemes of connections. Recording Mechanism. In the figure at the top of the page, S may represent a register which records dots and dashes in ink upon paper tape, and is operated whenever battery B" is put on a closed circuit by reason of retractile spring 7 pulling lever 4 against contact 5. When the apparatus is at rest, lever 4 is held against stop 6. Differential Relay (R). It will be noted that relay R has wound differentially about its core 3 two coils ƒ and g; and consequently if electric currents of the same strength 84 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. t b B a- e C 3 R FIG. I IBRA f 7 6 5 B" S FIG. II FIG. V B' B h R R ƒ g 4 f g b B e Ъ af FIG. III ad b B h B C C a- FIG. IV b B C C Fig. 30. FIG. VI B' C f e B R' FIG. VII B b DESCRIPTIVE. 85 and direction be sent through them simultaneously the effect on core 3 is nil. Core (3). Core 3 in itself, without the aid of current effect, is slightly magnetic; and battery B and coil g are so arranged that their influence upon core 3 is to induce in it a magnetism of the same polarity as that already existing, and so to increase the magnetic effect. Coherer (c). — On the other hand, battery B' and the winding of coil ƒ are arranged to work in opposition to coil g and battery B. c is the usual filings coherer which, under the influence of Hertzian waves, decreases in resistance. It is a part of the same circuit which includes battery B' and coil f. Anti-Coherer (2). — 2 is a device called an anti-coherer, and may consist of tin-foil glued to a glass plate, as in a mirror, and with slits cut across the metal as indicated in the drawing. The effect of etheric impulses upon an anti-coherer is to increase its resistance. The anti-coherer 2 is a part of the same circuit which includes battery B and coil g.¹ 1 Operation. When, therefore, waves from a distant source impinge upon antenna a circuit 2 B g which tends to hold lever 4 against stop 6 is greatly weakened; and circuit c B'f which tends to repel the armature of lever 4 is made much stronger. Consequently the magnetic effect in core 3 is neutralized, and spring 7 draws lever 4 against contact 5, thus actuating S. Tapping the coherer c during 1 See p. 154, Part IV., in connection with "anti-coherers." 86 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. the absence of wave effect opens circuit c B'f, and at the same instant anti-coherer 2 regains its normal conductivity and the armature 4 is again attracted to core 3. Advantages. Presumably the advantages attained by this plan of connection are, first, greater certainty of ac- tion; second, a closer adjustment; third, less self-inductive influence in the receiving relay, and consequently its quicker action. $ L DESCRIPTIVE. 87 THE DEFOREST SYSTEM. Officials connected with the DeForest system claim the best record for accurate service during the naval maneu- vers which took place off the New England coast in the summer of 1902. The principal feature of their system is the wave-responsive-device, which is designated by its in- ventors a "responder." This instrument is described as an anti-coherer in Part IV., and is illustrated by Fig. 49. In connection with transmitters the DeForest system is further described in the same division. WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OVERLAND. There have been no records available of successful ex- periments in this country with wireless telegraphy over- land, but in the Marconi article in the Century Magazine, March, 1902, the inventor expressed the belief that the possibilities for inland wireless telegraphy are limited to one thousand miles. The Federal Wireless Telephone Company of New York has frequently advertised that it was about to open communication between Baltimore and Washington, a distance of forty miles, but there is no record of a test for even so far. In newspaper interviews Mr. Fessenden is reported as saying that his apparatus was about to be tested between Annapolis and Washington, after which he should try a circuit from Chicago to New York; but directly after these interviews Lieutenant Beecher of the United States Navy declared, in a paper before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on May 28, that he believed the field of wireless telegraphy to ་ 88 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. . be limited to the ocean; and Lieutenant Beecher is sup- posed to be well acquainted with the Fessenden apparatus. Overland Contracts in Alaska. The chief signal officer of the United States Weather Bureau has contracted with the Marconi Company for a circuit of one hundred and sixty-five miles in an air-line from Bates Rapids in the in- terior of Alaska to Fort Gibbon near the sea-coast. Ac- cording to the map this must be almost entirely overland, and presenting rather difficult conditions at that. NEW MARCONI RECEIVER. In a lecture in London on June 13, 1902, Mr. Marconi reported that he had invented a receiver sufficiently sensi- tive to allow of a transmission at the rate of thirty words per minute.¹ : GUARINI'S REPEATER. An Italian scientist, Signor Guarini, seems to have been partially successful in designing a wireless-telegraph- repeater, its function being to pick up signals at a certain distance and relay them onward with renewed strength. WIRELESS TELEPHONY. Telephoning without wires has not gained by the great developments in its sister-art. Mr. A. F. Collins, an American, reports that he has heard faint tones at a dis- tance of three miles through what he terms the "earth- bound-ether;" but he does not make public his methods 1 See Fig. 58 and accompanying description in Part IV., p. 165. } DESCRIPTIVE. 89 or devices. Telephonic waves are readily propagated through space, but the difficulty is to confine them to an intended recipient. Mr. Collins admits that the prob- lem of making wireless telephony selective is one calcu- lated to discourage the most sanguine investigator. The inventions of Professor Pupin have decreased the first cost of telephone equipment and increased the distance of good transmission. Perhaps a multiplex transmission over one small copper wire connecting the two points will even- tually be the best device for selective telephony. PRACTICABILITY. Notwithstanding the great mass of positive evidence, there are many conservative people who doubt that wire- less telegraphy is or will be an art commercially practica- ble. Public exhibitions have so often proved disappointing that a great deal of disparaging testimony has circulated. Also, there has lately become prominent the curious fact that sunlight so interferes with wireless service, that to overcome its effect, the energy necessary for transmission during daylight must be several times that needed for the same service at night; and despite previous statements that the earth's curvature does not interfere with space signalling, it now appears that for equal distances there would be needed over a flat surface only one-third of the energy now required; but these facts only indicate that more power must be applied than was at first thought needful. Always the public is looking for revolution in an art and almost always, after the original discovery, progress is made by a process of evolution from discoveries already made. It may with comparative safety be pre- dicted that this art, as have most others, will develop with 90 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. step by step movements consisting mainly in the careful and thorough application of comparatively small yet essen- tial details, the principles of which are already well under- stood, although their aggregate importance may not now be fully realized. To illustrate the foregoing by analogies, the two most essential features in the development of wire telegraphy have been the adoptions of screw-glass insulators and of hard-drawn copper conductors; yet copper soft-drawn was about the first thing tried (being soon abandoned for iron), and the glass insulator at first without the screw threads to fasten it to brackets or pins has been in use from the outset. When the smooth-bore glass sprung off the pin, as it often did, the wire lay against the wood-work and lost part of its current. Again hard-drawn copper was first used in the form of thin wires, and although it has been known for more than a century that a telegraph circuit may by the use of large wires be operated to proportionally longer distances than by small ones, many years elapsed before the telegraph companies seemed to realize that fact. If we review telephone progress, it will be found that one of its important steps, the transposition of circuits to prevent cross-talk, was fully set forth twenty years ago; but that it was ten years after that before such transposition was systematized and made effective. Professor Fleming, the scientific adviser to the Marconi Company has recently in a series of lectures reviewed the whole art of wireless telegraphy. He has positively asserted that communications may be carried on between stations three thousand miles apart, and Professor Fleming has had every opportunity by experiment and observation upon which to base such an assertion. .' ... MAXWELL MARCONI BRANLY HERTZ LODGE PART II. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. A CURIOUS feature in the record of Wireless Telegraphy is the fact that while the press and public were hailing Mr. Marconi as the only inventor of all that pertained to the system by which he signaled across the ocean, the name of an equally important patentee was hardly mentioned. It is true that Professor Silvanus Thompson, an English electrician of repute, had once or twice been quoted in newspaper paragraphs as saying that the Marconi system was a direct infringement upon American patents granted to Professor Lodge; but the representatives of the Mar- coni Company disparaged the statement, declaring that Marconi had taken out eleven United States patents and Lodge but one. A careful search, including all of the year 1902, reveals only ten patents issued to Marconi. One of these, how- ever, has been reissued, and may have been counted in addition. On the other hand, at the date of the transat- lantic transmission by Marconi there had been on record for several months the award of very important claims to Professor Lodge by the most competent tribunal in the world, the United States Patent Office. It is not purposed to make this writing controversial, much less to belittle Marconi's achievements. That in 91 י 92 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. : faith in himself and his project, in force of character and ability to inspire confidence in others, he holds very high rank, is indisputable; moreover, he must be recognized as the maker of an epoch. At the same time, the historian of this art would be remiss who did not endeavor so to sift the evidence as to apportion to the man upon the pedestal only his due, to the end that to other contributors might come rightful credit. In his "Evolution of the Electric Incandescent Lamp," the late Franklin Leonard Pope opens the preface of his first edition with an essay upon the tendency of an unthinking public to bestow its praise for a new invention upon but one person. Mr. Pope, in 1889, when this was written, was a recognized authority on patent matters, as well as one of the foremost electrical engineers. He said: "The outcome of a race of diligence between two independent but equally meritorious inventors is perhaps as often as otherwise determined by chance or accident. In this respect it may not inaptly be compared to the result of a horse-race in which the fortunate winner carries off, not only all the honors, but the purse as well, although his nose may have passed under the wire barely an inch in advance of some of his no less deserving competitors. It is a matter of common observation that when the fullness of time arrives the discovery or invention for which the world has been waiting is certain to be made. The critical student of affairs perceives that however wonderful or however unexpected that invention may appear, it is seldom that it is not found to be a necessary sequence of a long series of other discoveries and inventions which have preceded it. Even in those rare cases in which an improvement of indisputable novelty and originality is made known to the industrial world, it is scarcely ever sufficiently per- fected in its details to be capable of practical use until it has been worked upon and improved by many hands and many minds. "It has always been the way of the world to consider every such inven- tion, especially when of a character to appeal to the minds of the masses, or to identify itself closely with the everyday life of the community, as the work of some particular individual, who, as it were by common consent, is regarded as its sole originator and contriver, and upon him fame, honor and INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 93 wealth are lavished without stint, in childlike unconsciousness of the universal truth that inventions of this character are not made, but grow; that they are not the fruit of momentary inspiration, but on the contrary are the inevitable results which, from time to time, mark the slow but constant progress of scientific and industrial evolution." Another phase of popular treatment is reaction, which often changes from adulation to indifference or positive condemnation. Sinister congratulations from the Anglo- American Cable Company were the immediate fruits of Marconi's triumph in Newfoundland, and shortly after- wards a meeting of the French Academy of Science indulged in hostile criticism. The speakers at that meeting contended that documentary evidence showed "that credit for the invention of a wireless telegraph is due first to Feddersen and Maxwell of England, then to Hertz of Germany, but principally to Professor Branly, a French- man, who invented the coherer; then to Professor Lodge of England and Professor Popoff of Russia. Finally it was pointed out that neither the French army nor the German navy was using the Marconi system.” Mr. Pope, in his "Evolution of the Electric Incandes- cent Lamp," further says: "It is particularly desirable that the line of demarcation between the improvements which unquestionably involve invention, and those which really exhibit nothing beyond an unusually high order of mechanical or engineering skill, should be more distinctly defined. The question at best is a difficult one; perhaps in its application to individual cases the most difficult one which the courts, sitting in patent cases, are ever called upon to determine.” Probably invention will be always more or less intangible, and thus difficult of exact definition. Precedent, however, 94 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. has firmly established the principle that inventive genius must be something more than the manifestation of such technical knowledge and skill as might reasonably be expected of a person trained in any art. The inventor must be the fortunate one who has moments of happy inspiration leading to results never realized by hundreds of faithful, patient plodders, straining to reach the same goal. Like the true poet or artist, the inventor is born, not made. As a practical test, in the case of an alleged invention, the question might be raised whether, with well- known appliances and principles and furnished with the same facilities as were at the disposal of the applicant for a monopoly, a hundred skilled mechanics or engineers could have achieved the same result. If not, and if the applicant has discovered new principles or devised novel appliances, then he has made a true invention. number of necessary qualifications the most important is that originality which a thorough training in any one line tends to deaden. Of a So far as the territory of the United States is con- cerned, the claims allowed in a patent are to some extent a warrant of monopoly to the inventor. The burden lies. with the litigant opposing the patentee to show either that the Patent Office did not possess all the information bear- ing on the matter, or that possessing such information the Office erred. It has become the practice of examiners to give the applicant considerable latitude; and as at that first tribunal there is no opposing counsel to break down the case, it often happens that if a patent is subsequently contested before a court it is pronounced invalid. In the report of the Commissioner of Patents for 1892 appears the statement that, INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 95 "Of 988 court cases reported in the Official Gazette of the Patent Office between 1886 and 1892 wherein patents were in litigation, 436 pat- ents were sustained and 522 were declared invalid in whole or in part. Of the number declared invalid, 428 were by reason of some fault in the Pat- ent Office, and 124 on account of evidence brought to light of which the Office had no knowledge before granting the patents." Again he says: Approaching the subject from another side, I am fur- nished with the result of examinations as to the validity of the claims in ten patents taken at random where searches in this office were made by a well known law-firm. These patents contain fifty claims, of which thirty- five were considered and were reported to be old.” Patent Law from the point of view of an English scientist is discussed by Professor Lodge, in his "Signal- ling Through Space Without Wires," as follows: "In the present state of the law in this country it appears to be neces- sary for a scientific man whose investigations may have any practical bear- ing, to refrain from communicating his work to any scientific society, or publishing it in any journal, until he has registered it and paid a fee to the Government under the so-called Patent Law. This unfortunate system is well calculated to prevent scientific men in general from giving any atten- tion to practical applications, and to deter them from any attempt to make their researches useful to the community. If a scientific worker publishes in the natural way, no one has any right in the thing published. It is given away, and lies useless, for no one will care to expend capital upon a thing over which he has no effective control. In this case practical devel- opments generally wait until some outsider steps in and either patents some slight addition or modification, or else, as sometimes happens, patents the whole thing with some slight addition. “If a scientific worker refrains from publishing and himself takes out a patent, there are innumerable troubles and possible litigation ahead of him, at least if the thing turns out at all remunerative; but the possibility is, that in his otherwise occupied hands it will not so turn out until the period of his patent right has expired. "Pending a much-to-be-desired emendation of the law, whereby the courts can take cognizance of discoveries or fundamental steps in an in- vention communicated to and officially dated by a responsible scientific society, and can thereafter award to the discoverer such due and moderate recompense as shall seem appropriate when a great industry has risen on the basis of that same discovery or fundamental invention; pending this 96 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. much-to-be-desired modification of the law, it appears to be necessary to go through the inappropriate and repulsive form of registering a claim to an attempt at monopoly. The instinct of the scientific worker is to publish everything, to hope that any useful aspect of it may be as quickly as possi- ble utilized, and to trust to the instinct for fair play that he shall not be the loser when the thing becomes commercially profitable. To grant him a monopoly is to grant him more than a doubtful boon; to grant him the privilege of fighting for his monopoly is to grant him a pernicious privilege which will sap his energy, waste his time, and destroy his power of future production." THE CHAIN OF INVENTION. Reference to Professor Dolbear's patent printed in the appendix reveals a well defined transmission of electric waves without wires in 1882; and the historical part of this work records instances of wireless signaling nearly half a century before that date. (See Achievement.) Upon May 23rd, 1885, Mr. Thomas A. Edison filed an application for a United States Patent, which was finally issued upon December 29th, 1891, numbered 465,971. It differs from Dolbear's organization in that a key is used to send out signals instead of a telephone to transmit words. The receiving apparatus may be a tele- phone or other recording apparatus. The Edison speci- fication sets forth all the uses to which a wireless telegraph may be put, such as transmitting signals from a shore to moving vessels, signalling across bodies of water in lieu of using submarine cables; and as well across land spaces. It provides for the earth's curvature by interposing along a route condensing surfaces so arranged that there shall be always a clear air space between any surface and its im- mediate neighboring ones in either direction. It is reported that this patent has been purchased by the Marconi interests. It has five years to run. The first claim is as follows: INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 97 "CLAIM I. Means for signalling between stations separated from each other, consisting of an elevated condensing surface, or body at each station, a transmitter operatively connected to one of said condensing surfaces for varying its electrical tension in conformity to the signal to be transmitted and thereby correspondingly varying the tension of the other condensing surface; and a signal receiver operatively connected to said other conden- sing surface substantially as described. CLAIM 2 adds to the combination a condensing surface at such eleva- tion that a straight line between said surfaces and the terminal surfaces will avoid the curvature of the earth's surface. Claim 3 adds an induction transmitter. Claim 4 brings in the secondary and the primary of an induc- tion coil, a transmitting key, and a telephone receiver. Claim 5 has a new combination of the elements previously noted." All of these earlier transmissions, however, are supposed to have been due to the propagation through space of magnetic lines of force, or magnetic waves. The period of ethereal transmission dates from the discoveries in 1886 of Professor Hertz, of Carlsruhe, Germany, who found that a disruptive discharge of electricity across a spark- gap produced a wave motion essentially different from the magnetic movement. His receiver of these waves was a piece of wire so bent as to bring its ends almost together. (Fig. 48.) In the little space between the ends of the bent wire he detected a response to the discharges from a Ruhmkorff coil. These responses were in the form of minute sparks. Between the spark-gap of the machine and the bent wire there was no tangible conductor of any kind. The adjective "Hertzian" in the patents of Lodge and of Marconi are acknowledgements to the phyncist of Carlsruhe. Contemporaneously with the work of Hertz, Professor Calzecchi-Onesti, an Italian scientist, devised apparatus consisting of a glass tube containing metal filings, and revoluble on an axis. He found that a group of filings which, under normal conditions, gave a very great resist- ance to an electric current, became a good conductor if 98 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. subjected to the secondary impulse that occurs when an electric wire circuit is broken; but if, after the discharge had ceased, the glass tube containing the filings was turned over in such a way as to disarrange them, the filings became again a highly resistant mass. Branly's Discovery, 1891. In 1891 Professor Branly of the Catholic Institute of Paris, made the discovery that electric sparks across an air-gap caused filings to cohere, VERTICAL WIRE TREMBLER MAGNET CALL BELL K A TAPPER X S' COHERER A RELAY S + ||||||| BATTERY B Fig. 31. EARTH and also that a shock or tap imparted to the tube served to decohere them. The coherer has since been commonly called the "Branly tube." It would seem, however, that in the matter of a tube of filings, Professor Onesti is more properly entitled to the honor of being the originator. Popoff's Early Devices. In April, 1895, Professor A. Popoff, of the Cronstadt Torpedo School, described to INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 99 the Russian Physico-Chemical Society of St. Petersburg a device which he was using in connection with the study of atmospheric electricity, and in December of the same year he said in a note to that Society that he hoped to make his apparatus applicable to telegraphic signaling. Description of Fig. 31. There is shown in Fig. 31 the organization used by Popoff. The line in the diagram marked "vertical wire" was his exploring antenna for atmospheric electrical manifestations. It may be explained that the parts represented as separated at the point X are in contact when the apparatus is at rest. When waves from a distant point impinge upon the vertical wire they pass through the coherer to earth, changing the coherer from an insulating path to a conducting one. This change causes a current to flow from battery B through the relay. The relay magnet, thus becoming energized, pulls down armature A which has been held upward by spring S, making contact at Z. There results a division of current at Y and Y', by which the trembler magnet is caused to pull upward the armature A' and sound an alarm on the call-bell. This upward movement of A' destroys the contact at X, and spring S' draws down A', the mo- mentum imparted to knob K serving to make it tap the coherer. Dr. Lodge as a Patentee. From the allowed claims of his United States patents, Dr. Lodge would seem to con- stitute the most important link in the chain of inventors of wireless telegraphy. An inspection of his claims shows that he is recognized as the originator of the "emitter," the single conducting body from which waves are sent into ་ • 100 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. space; of the metal shield which protects the receiving apparatus from damage or from operation by the trans- mitter at the same station with it; of the automatic means of decohering the trembler in a local circuit; of the com- bination with a coherer and battery of a telegraphic receiving instrument; and finally of the scheme of syn- tonizing which attunes by adjustments of inductance and capacity. Professor Lodge's system has already been explained. The official recognition of his inventions is recorded in his United States patents numbered 674,846, the application for which was filed December 20, 1897, and 609,154, for which the application was filed in 1898. A reproduction of the first is printed in full in the appendix of this work. The data and claims of the second are as follows: No. 609,154, Oliver J. Lodge, Liverpool, England, Dated August 16, 1898. Application filed February 1, 1898. CLAIM I. In a system of Hertzian-wave telegraphy, the combination, with a pair of capacity areas, of a self-inductance coil inserted between them electrically for the purpose of prolonging any electrical oscillations excited in the system, and constituting such a system a radiator of definite fre- quency or pitch. CLAIM 2. In a system of Hertzian-wave telegraphy, the combination, with a pair of capacity areas, of a self-inductance coil inserted between them electrically for the purpose of prolonging any electrical oscillations excited in the system, thus constituting the system a resonator or absorber of defi- nite frequency or pitch, and a distant radiator of corresponding period capable of acting cumulatively. CLAIM 3. In a system of Hertzian-wave telegraphy, the combination, with a pair of capacity areas, of electrical means having a spark-gap inserted between them and serving to syntonize them, and means for bridging or shunting the spark-gap, whereby the apparatus is adaptable for use at will. either as a radiator or resonator. CLAIM 4. In a system of Hertzian-wave telegraphy, the combination, with a pair of capacity areas, of a number of self-inductance coils having INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. ΙΟΙ different amounts of self-induction, each of which is capable of being switched in or out of circuit, serving to syntonize any such radiator to a corresponding resonator or vice versa, whereby signaling may be effected between any two or more correspondingly-attuned stations without disturb- ing other differently-attuned stations. CLAIM 5. In a system of Hertzian-wave telegraphy, the combination, with a pair of capacity areas, of a variably-acting self-inductance coil, serv- ing to syntonize such a radiator or resonator to any other such resonator or radiator, whereby signaling may be effected between any two or more correspondingly-attuned stations without disturbing other differently-attuned stations. CLAIM 6. In combination, a pair of capacity areas connected by a coil of wire serving as the radiator in a system of Hertzian-wave telegraphy, means for syntonizing such radiator, and means for charging it by aerial disruption or impulsive rush. CLAIM 7. In a system of Hertzian-wave telegraphy, the combination of a pair of capacity areas such as h, h', means for syntonizing such capacity areas, a receiving-circuit completed through one or both of such capacity areas, and means for bridging over the discharge-gap between such capacity areas when they are to be used as a receiver, whereby such capacity areas are rendered adaptable for use at will either as a radiator or resonator. CLAIM 8. In combination, in a system of syntonic Hertzian-wave tele- graphy, a pair of capacity areas, a self-inductance coil and a secondary coil surrounding said self-inductance coil, which secondary coil forms part of the coherer-circuit substantially as and for the purpose set forth. CLAIM 9. The combination, in the receiving-circuit of a system of Hertz- ian-wave telegraphy, of a variably-acting self-inductance coil, connecting the capacity areas, a coherer, a battery, a receiving instrument, and a shunt across the coils thereof substantially as and for the purpose set forth. Regarding Declaration in Marconi's U. S. Patent. priority in invention, a quotation from the specification of the reissue of Marconi's first American patent is herewith given. It may be explained that statements of this char- acter embodied in a patent do not constitute official recog- nition, such recognition being confined to the allowed claims.¹ 1 See pp. 102, 103, and 200. 102 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. “I am aware of the publication of Professor Lodge of 1894 at London, England, entitled 'The Work of Hertz,' and the description therein of various instruments in connection with manifestations of Hertz oscillations. I am also aware of the papers by Professor Popoff in the Proceedings of the Physical and Chemical Society of Russia' in 1895 or 1896; but in neither of these is there described a complete system or mechanism capable of artificially producing Hertz oscillations, and forming the same into and propagating them as definite signals, and reproducing, telegraphically, such definite signals; nor has any system been described, to my knowledge, in which a Hertz oscillator at a transmitting-station, and an imperfect-contact instrument at a receiving-station, are both arranged with one terminal to earth and the other elevated or insulated; nor am I aware that prior to my invention any practical form of self-recovering imperfect-contact instrument has been described. I believe that I am the first to discover and use any practical means for effective telegraph transmission and intelligible reception of signals produced by artificially formed Hertz oscillations." INITIAL AMERICAN PATENT OF GUGLIELMO MARCONI. For United States Patent No. 586,193, the application. by Marconi was filed December 7, 1896. The patent was issued July 13, 1897, with fifty-six claims, and remained as the record until June 4, 1901, when it was reissued as No. 11,913, in which the fifty-six claims were replaced by twenty-four. The complete reissued record is reproduced in the appendix of this work. MARCONI'S UNITED STATES PATENTS. an Initial American Patent. Considering now the re- issued claims of the initial American patent of Marconi, the first one is a combination of the three elements, imperfect contact, a current through it, and a receiving instrument operated by the influence of distant oscilla- tions on the contact. The second claim is also a combina- tion of three elements, an imperfect contact, a current INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 103 through it, and means operated by the circuit to shake the imperfect contact. CLAIM 3. The third claim, while it combines as many as seven elements, appears to be an essential one. A spark-producer, It reads: An earth-connection to one end of the spark-producer, An insulated conductor to the other end, An imperfect contact, An earth-connection to one end of the contact, An insulated contact to the other end, A circuit through the contact. The important features of this combination, the use of ground connections with the transmitter and the receiver, is suggested by Dolbear's patent. (See Appendix.) Metal Shield Around Receiver.¹ Marconi's second patent, by filing of application, is No. 624,516. It has three claims of length, each bringing forward as one element a metallic box inclosing the receiver. The object of this is to prevent injury to the receiver, on account of its close proximity to the sparking appliance when both sender and receiver are used at one station. Metal screens to protect the receiver from a near-by transmitter are disclosed in Marconi's initial American patent filed in 1896. The same principle is also the subject of Professor Lodge's third claim in No. 674,846, filed a year earlier than Mar- coni's 624,516, and is fully described in Lodge's specifica- tion. Consequently a broad claim was not possible at the date of filing of the metal shield application. Marconi's Third American Patent. Marconi, on Janu- ary 5, 1899, filed an application for a U. S. patent which 1 See Figs. 69 and 70 in Part IV., with accompanying descriptions. 104 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. was issued June 27, 1899, as No. 627,650. Its first claim is here broken into paragraphs to distinguish the different elements. CLAIM I. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of An imperfect contact (the coherer), A local circuit through it, An induction coil, A capacity (either a condenser or the earth), A conductor connected to one end of the primary of the coil (the high wire), A connection between the other end and the capacity (i.e., the primary to earth), Connections between the ends of the imperfect contact and the ends of the secondary coil, A condenser in one of the latter connections.1 There are eight claims, all of them in connection with a receiver for electrical oscillations. Claim 2 adds to the combination in No. 1 as protection to the coherer, choking coils, which also appear in the initial Marconi American patent. Claims 3, 4, 5, and 6 introduce an induction coil in which the primary and secondary windings are each of but a single layer; and claims 7 and 8 modify these layers in that they are composed of wires not exceeding one- fiftieth centimeter in diameter ( inch). Regarding single-layer windings, Marconi himself in future patents made continued modification. 1 125 MARCONI'S Fourth, Fifth, and sixTH AMERICAN PATENTS. On June 13, 1899, Marconi filed an application which was afterwards divided and finally issued in the form of three U. S. patents, numbered respectively 647,007, ¹ Italicized words in parentheses supplied by the author as explanatory. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 105 647,008, and 647,009. In these specifications is much mat- ter in common, the forty claims for the three patents being made thus voluminous to cover technical points. Two drawings have been selected, Fig. 32, the main illustra- tion of both the first and third of the series, and Fig. 33, e E K C J r A α Fig. 32. the principal drawing in the second of the series. The quotation here presented is common to all three of the series: “This invention relates to improvements in the apparatus described in the specification of Patent No. 627,650, granted to me June 27, 1899. In 106 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. that specification I described connecting the aerial conductor to a capacity which may be the earth through the primary of an induction-coil, the ends of the imperfect contact or sensitive tube being connected to the ends of the secondary. In place of winding both the primary and secondary in single layers, as claimed in that specification, the coils are now either made very short (not much exceeding two centimeters in length) or else are wound in sections. The number of turns in the successive layers of the secondary k с ተ j E A G k a Fig. 33. (and sometimes of the primary also) should diminish as the distance from the center increases; but this, although preferable, is not essential. It is also found desirable to connect direct to the sensitive tube or imperfect contact (not through the condenser) the end of the secondary which is farthest away from the nucleus or axial line of the coil. In description of Figs. 32 and 33, a is the aerial conductor; b, a local battery; c, a condenser; e, a connection to earth or other suitable capacity; INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 107 j, a sensitive tube or imperfect contact; k are choking-coils, and ʼn a relay working a signaling or other instrument. The diagrams of the coils are greatly enlarged half-longitudinal sections, but are not strictly to scale. In place also of showing the section of each coil or layer of wire as a longi- tudinal row of dots or small circles, as it would actually appear, it is for simplicity shown as a single continuous longitudinal straight line. A is the end of the primary, which is connected to the aerial conductor a, and E is the end connected to earth or a capacity. J is the end of the secondary, which is directly connected to the sensitive tube or imperfect contact j, and C is the end which is connected to it through the condenser. G is a glass tube on which the coils are wound. The wires are preferably insulated by a single covering of silk." Claims 1, 2, and 16 fairly illustrate the inventive scope of the first one of this group, No. 647,007, and are as follows: CLAIM I. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an imperfect electrical contact, a local circuit through it, an induction-coil, the secondary of which consists of several layers, the number of turns in the outer layers being less than in those next the primary, a capacity connected to one end of the primary, a conductor connected to the other end, and connections between the ends of the imperfect contact and the ends of the secondary. CLAIM 2. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an imperfect electrical contact, a local circuit through it, an induction-coil, the secondary of which consists of several layers, the number of turns in the outer layers being less than in those next the primary, a capacity connected to one end of the primary, a conductor connected to the other end, con- nections between the ends of the imperfect contact and the ends of the secondary, and a condenser in one of the latter connections. CLAIM 16. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an imperfect electrical contact, a local circuit through it, an induction-coil, the primary of which consists of two wires connected in parallel, wound in four layers, the first and second layers being formed of one wire and the third and fourth of the other, the secondary of which consists of several layers, the number of turns in the outer layers being less than in those next the primary, and wound unsymmetrically with a lump at one end, a capacity connected to one end of the primary, a conductor connected to the other 108 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. end, connections between the ends of the imperfect contact and the ends of the secondary, and a condenser in one of the latter connections. Claims I, 2, and 4 of the second of the group are inserted to show the distinctive features of that patent. Words are Italicized by the author to mark a phrase which does not occur in the first patent, but is found in all three of the following claims: CLAIM I. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an imperfect electrical contact, a local circuit through it, an induction-coil, the secondary of which consists of several layers, the number of turns in the outer layers being less than in those next the primary, a capacity connected to one end of the primary, a conductor connected to the other end, connec- tions between the ends of the imperfect contact and the ends of the sec- ondary, and a condenser in the connection to the inner end of the secondary. CLAIM 2. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an imperfect electrical contact, a local circuit through it, an induction-coil, the secondary of which consists of several layers, the number of turns in the outer layers being less than in those next the primary, and wound unsym- metrically with a lump at one end, a capacity connected to one end of the primary, a conductor connected to the other end, connections between the ends of the imperfect contact and the ends of the secondary, and a con- denser in the connection to the inner end of the secondary. CLAIM 4. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an imperfect electrical contact, a local circuit through it, an induction-coil, the primary of which consists of two wires connected in parallel, wound in two layers, the secondary of which consists of several layers, the number of turns in the outer layers being less than in those next the primary, and wound unsymmetrically with a lump at one end, a capacity connected to one end of the primary, a conductor connected to the other end, connec- tions between the ends of the imperfect contact and the ends of the sec- ondary, and a condenser in the connection to the inner end of the secondary. Of the last of the series but one claim, the sixteenth, is shown where the Italicized word "two" is its only distinc- tion from claim 16 of the first of the series, in which the word "four" is also found in Italics. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 109 CLAIM 16. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an imperfect electrical contact, a local circuit through it, an induction-coil, the primary of which consists of two wires connected in parallel, wound in two layers, the secondary of which consists of several layers, the number of turns in the outer layers being less than in those next the primary, and wound unsymmetrically with a lump at one end, a capacity connected to one end of the primary, a conductor connected to the other end, connec- tions between the ends of the imperfect contact and the ends of the sec- ondary, and a condenser in one of the latter connections. INVENTION OF IMPROVED TRANSMITTING KEYS, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH AMERICAN PATENTS OF MARCONI. Patent No. 650,110, filed December 28, 1899, is a modi- fication of No. 650, 109, filed on October 12 of the same year. The diagram which illustrates the former is shown as Fig. 77 in connection with "Keys," Part IV. The difference between the two patents is that in the first a connection is made from that electrode of the spark-gap which connects with the high wire to an insulated back terminal on the sending-key of the transmitting operator; while in the second patent the high wire connecting directly with the insulated back terminal of the transmit- ting key does not make actual contact with the electrode of the spark-gap, but, instead, is brought very near to it. The first claim of 650, 109 is as follows: CLAIM I. The combination of the primary and secondary of a sparking appliance, a battery and key in circuit with the primary, an aerial conductor connected to one terminal of the secondary, a receiver, means for connect- ing the said terminal to the receiver, and a capacity connected to the other terminal. In the second claim there are substituted for the last eight words of Claim I the words "and an earth connec- tion connected to the other terminal." The first claim of No. 650, 110 is as follows: IIO WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. CLAIM I. The combination of the primary and secondary of a spark- ing appliance, a battery and key in circuit with the primary, an aerial con- ductor led in close proximity to one terminal of the secondary, means for connecting the said aerial conductor to the receiving instrument, and a capacity connected to the other terminal. The change of phrase noted in the companion patent, whereby "capacity" is substituted for "earth connection," occurs here also. C' NINTH AMERICAN PATENT OF MARCONI. R A In Fig. 34 there is shown a new set of connections in which the secondary winding of a step-down induction coil is divided into two parts, a condenser is placed between the two parts, and the relay circuit is connected to them on each side of that condenser. This diagram is the principal drawing of U. S. Patent No. 668,315, issued on February 19, 1901, the application for which, however, was filed July 17, 1900. While it is not the broadest claim, No. 4 offers the best brief to illustrate the invention. It is given here with interpolated explanatory references as follows: ய j¹ T Fig. 34. ត CLAIM 4. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an induction coil, the secondary of which is wound in two parts (see j2, Fig. 33), an aerial conductor connected to one end of the primary (A), a capacity connected to the other end of the primary (E), a detector or coherer connected to the outer ends of the secondary (T), a condenser across the inner ends of the secondary (j3), a local circuit connected to the condenser (BR), choking coils between the local circuit and condenser (CIC2). INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. III No. 1, the broadest claim, has but five elements, and reads as follows: CLAIM I. In a receiver for electrical oscillations, the combination of an induction-coil, the secondary of which is wound in two parts, an aerial con- ductor connected to one end of the primary, a capacity connected to the other end of the primary, a detector connected to the outer ends of the secondary, and a local circuit connected to the inner ends of the secondary. The wording of one part of the specification leads to the belief that at the date of its filing, July 17, 1900, the in- ventor was beginning to question the efficacy of the ja j? Fig. 35. Fig. 36. unsymmetrical winding advocated in former patents, al- though he still gives to it, as Fig. 35, precedence in order of description. The arrangement shown in Fig. 36, how- ever, is spoken of as one from which "very good results have been obtained." In it each half of the secondary consists of one hundred and sixty turns in a single layer. The specification states that in using coils in which the second- ary winding consists of one layer, the inventor had noticed that the best results were had when the length of the secondary winding was approximately equal to the length of the aerial conductor employed at the transmitting station, an observation somewhat in line with Professor Slaby's assertion that there is a law of transmission which governs the length both of the emitter and the antenna.¹ 1 See in connection with Slaby, p. 58. I 12 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. * : DOUBLE WAVE-GATES. TENTH AMERICAN PATENT OF MARCONI. At this writing the final Marconi patent, so far as known, is No. 676,332. The application was filed Febru- ary 23, 1901, and it was issued on June II of the same It relates to the employment of double emitters. year. α T b i 60300 Lum www k e α R b с oooooo e d Fig. 37. and antennae. These double conductors are shown either as concentric cylinders separated by an appreciable air- space, or as two distinct vertical wires, or as an aerial terminal consisting of two conductors arranged concentri- cally, the inner one being a solid wire covered with an insulating substance, and the outer being a tube fitting closely around the insulation of that which forms the core. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 113 The typical diagram is Fig. 37, in which it may be noted that the inner conductor has one branch to earth and one through an inductance and the spark-gap to the outer one. In other drawings the patentee shows at the transmitting station the wire connecting secondary coil c with induct- ance i to the left as having a pointed top, and resting against one of the coils of i, thus indicating that the inductance may be varied. The scope of this final Mar- coni patent may be shown by an analysis of its five claims as follows: CLAIM I. Element one, - Two aerial oscillation-producing conductors insulated from each other. Element two, An inductance connected in series with such conductors. Element three, — A producer of electric oscillations (a Ruhmkorff coil, for instance). Element four, A signaling instrument controlling the spark-producer (as a key in the primary circuit).1 CLAIM 2. There is added to the combination in claim I a fifth element, a connection from one of the emitters to the earth. CLAIM 3. Element one of first claim is modified by the statement that the two aerial oscillation-producing conductors are insulated from each other. CLAIM 4. Pertains to a receiving station and has four elements: One. Two antennae insulated from each other. Two. An inductance con- nected in series with the two antennae. Three. An imperfect electrical contact. CLAIM 5. Adds to the combination in claim 4 a connection from one of the antennae to the earth. There occurs in the specification of the patent now under consideration the remark that while "Lodge shows two large oscillation-producing conductors and an induct- ance device connected between them," yet he does not "use a plurality of aerial oscillation-producing conduc- tors. "2 1 Parenthetical phrases supplied by author. 2 See claims 6 and 8, Lodge's patent, No. 609,154, p. 101, Part II. 114 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. THE WIRELESS TRANSMISSION PATENTS OF TESLA. A number of inventions by Mr. Nikola Tesla have been described at length in Part I. Their relation to the general patent situation is, however, so complex, and may prove so far reaching that anything like an exhaustive discussion of such of his numerous patents as bear upon the art, would occupy many times the space which can be allotted in this work. Anything less than an exhaustive discussion would not do the subject justice. It has, therefore, been thought best to reproduce in the appendix, without any comment whatever, the numbers, titles, dates of filing and represen- tative claims, of such patents as may seem to give to the inventor a monopoly of any of the methods and devices necessary to the proper working of a wireless telegraph system. UNITED STATES PATENTS OF PROFESSOR REGINALD A. FESSENDEN. On August 12, 1902, there were issued to Professor Fessenden thirteen United States patents, which are here considered in the order of their filing as applications. Fessenden's Initial United States Patents. - The first two, filed December 15, 1899, and numbered 706,735 and 706,736, are companion patents, one concerning the meth- ods and the other the devices of the same improvements. The first claim of the method patent reads : CLAIM I. "As an improvement in the art of transmitting signals elec- trically by electromagnetic waves, the method herein described, which con- INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 115 .. sists in the generation of electromagnetic waves at one station and trans- forming the energy of the currents generated by such waves at the receiv- ing-station into the energy of motion, that is without the necessary interpo- sition of a secondary or auxiliary generator for the production of such motion." The auxiliary generator referred to as omitted is pre- sumably the battery which in coherer organizations actu- ates the relay. It will be observed that, as represented in Fig. 55, Part IV., there is no source of energy whatever at the receiving station. To a feature of this invention attention is called by another claim, as follows: CLAIM 6. "As an improvement in the art of transmitting electrical en- ergy by electromagnetic waves, the method herein described, which consists in prolonging the oscillations of an energy-radiating conductor by energy from a source external to the radiating-conductor and tuned to the period of the radiating-conductor." The external source here is condenser 18 in a shunt cir- cuit around the spark-gap as shown in Fig. 44, Part IV. Another novel feature is set forth in the ninth claim, and explained by Fig. 53, Part IV., and the accompanying description. CLAIM 9. "As an improvement in the art of transmitting electrical energy, the method herein described, which consists in varying the con- ductivity of a secondary circuit at the receiving-station by motion produced by currents generated by electromagnetic waves.” The Device Patent. The device patent 707,636 has the same drawings as 706,735. Its claims cover in gen- eral the means and combination of means which are used in the methods specified and claimed in its mate. ► 116 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. : Fessenden's Patent for Electro-Magnetic Sending Con- ductor. No. 706,737 was filed May 29, 1901. Here No. 17 is a characteristic claim for a sending conductor. CLAIM 17. “A sending-conductor for electromagnetic waves having low resistance, small self-induction and great capacity." An illustration of the above is found in reference num- ber 1 of Fig. 38. Another feature is the receiver of claim 12, which is shown in Fig. 55, Part IV. The claim entire reads, 11 -10 F E Fig. 38. 2 CLAIM 12. "A system for signaling by electromagnetic waves, having in combination a conductor adapted to radiate waves of low frequency, and a receiver dependent for its action upon a constant or independently-vary- ing magnetic field and adapted to respond to currents produced by said waves." Fig. 38, as a whole, illustrates a system covered fairly well by claim 21, which reads: CLAIM 21. "A system for transmission of energy by electromagnetic waves, including in combination a radiating-conductor and a source of alter. nating electrical energy or potential, said radiating-conductor and source being co-ordinated and relatively adjusted to radiate a substantially con- tinuous stream of electromagnetic waves of substantially uniform strength.” INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 117 Fessenden's U. S. Patent for Localizing by the Use of a Plurality of Tuned Circuits. The features of No. 706,- 738, filed May 29, 1901, are well indicated by its claims I and 5 here quoted, and as an illustrating diagram refer- ence is had to Fig. 26, Part I. CLAIM I. “In a system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, a receiv- ing-conductor having a transforming device in series in the circuit, in com- bination with a circuit including a translating device, and having a local source of voltage and controlled by the transforming device and a source of voltage so arranged that its voltage will oppose the voltage from the local source operating the translating device. CLAIM 5. In a system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, a send- ing-conductor adapted to maintain and to radiate persistent oscillations, in combination with a receiving-conductor and one or more secondary circuits controlled by the receiving-conductor, the ratio of inductance to capacity being larger in a secondary circuit than in the sending-conductor, a wave- responsive device included in a secondary circuit of a series, the several cir- cuits being each tuned to correspond to the period of the sending-conductor." Fessenden's United States Patent for Increasing the Capacity of the Wave-Gate. The Fessenden patent 706,739 covers a device for surrounding the wave-gate with a medium of specific inductive capacity higher than air. Figs. 62 and 63 in Part IV. are respectively a plan and an elevation, and are there fully described. of the twenty claims may be quoted as follows: The first CLAIM I. "A conductor for radiating electromagnetic waves, in combi- nation with a medium having an electrical constant on which the wave length depends of a value greater than that of air arranged in suitable relation to the conductor." Fessenden's United States Patent for Localization by Generating and Receiving Two Sets of Waves of Different Periodicities. No. 706,740, filed September 28, 1901, is an ingenious device for the localization of signals. It is 118 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. described at length in connection with Fig. 28, Part I. Of the nine claims two are sufficient for illustration.¹ CLAIM I. "In a system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, the combination of a source of waves of different periodicities and two or more receivers responsive respectively to the differing waves or impulses. and a wave-responsive device operative when the waves or impulses attain a certain predetermined phase relation. CLAIM 6. In a system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, the com- bination of means at the sending-station for generating two or more sets of waves of different periodicities, and a wave-responsive device at the receiving-station operative by the conjoint action of such set of waves." Fessenden's Wireless Telephony.-The interesting claim of Patent No. 706,747, filed September 27, 1901, is the fourteenth referring to Wireless Telephony as follows: CLAIM 14. "In a system for transmission of speech by electromagnetic waves, the combination at the sending-station of means for the practically continuous generation of electromagnetic waves, a telephone-transmitter for modifying the character of the waves or impulses, and a telephone- receiver at the receiving-station responsive to currents generated by the electromagnetic waves." An illustration of the above is Fig. 27 in Part I., and there described. Fessenden's High Pressure Spark-Gap. - Professor Fes- senden's Patent 706,741, filed November 5, 1901, is for device to maintain a certain definite relation between the resistance and the self-inductance and capacity of the send- ing mechanism, regardless of the potential employed. It is described at length in connection with Figs. 46 and 47, Part IV. To indicate its patentable scope, two of its claims are subjoined. CLAIM 5. "An apparatus for the generation of radiation, having in combination a conductor for radiating electromagnetic waves, and sparking ¹ See in Part I. description of Tesla Patents, Nos. 723,188 and 725,605, and in Appendix their dates and claims. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 119 terminals, all gaps between sparking terminals being occupied, by insulating material under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, substantially as set forth. CLAIM II. An apparatus for the generation of radiation having in combination a conductor for radiating electromagnetic waves and spark- ing terminals, all gaps between sparking terminals being occupied by insulating material under pressure above a certain critical high pressure.” In con- Fessenden's Patent for a Selective System. nection with "Keys" in Part IV., will be found as Figs. 74, 75, and 76, a reproduction of the third sheet of draw- ings of the Fessenden Patent No. 706,742, filed June 6, 1902. This document is long, containing five sheets of draw- ings, six printed pages of specifications, and twenty-nine claims. To show its features, five of the claims follow: CLAIM 5. "In a system for signaling, &c., by electromagnetic waves, the combination of a conductor adapted to radiate electromagnetic waves, means for causing the radiation of electromagnetic waves from said con- ductor, and means for modifying one or more of the characteristics of said waves. CLAIM 9. In a system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, the com- bination of a conductor and a spark-gap with means for changing the function of the conductor, i.e., from sending to receiving without bridging or disconnecting the spark-gap. CLAIM 16. In a system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, the combination of a receiving-circuit, a series of receivers, and means shifting any desired one of said receivers into and out of operative relation to the receiving-conductor. CLAIM 21. A system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, having in combination a sending-conductor and a key provided with fingers adapted to be brought into contact in succession with the sending-conductor at different points. CLAIM 26. A system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, having in 120 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. combination therewith means for indicating to a third station during send- ing or receiving that such sending or receiving station is busy." Fessenden's Patent for Recording on Photographic Paper. Patent No. 706,743, filed June 26, 1902, is for a method of catching the signals on photographic paper, and at the same time and in the same procedure applying chemicals to fix and develop them. There are but three claims, which are herewith reprinted. CLAIM I. "As an improvement in the art of signaling by electro- magnetic waves, the method herein described, which consists in producing interpretable characters or symbols on a strip or film by chemical action produced by currents generated by electromagnetic waves. CLAIM 2. As an improvement in the art of signaling by electro- magnetic waves, the method herein described, which consists in affecting a sensitive strip or film by currents generated by electromagnetic waves. CLAIM 3. As an improvement in the art of signaling by electromag- netic waves, the method herein described, which consists in producing interpretable characters or symbols on a strip or film by chemical action induced by electric currents generated by electromagnetic waves." Fessenden's Electromagnetic-Receiving-Device. No. 706,744, filed July 1, 1902, is for an electromagnetic receiving-device. It is described at length in connection with Fig. 59, Part IV. The first three claims are suffi- ciently characteristic to show its patentable scope. CLAIM I. "A receiver for currents produced by electromagnetic waves consisting of a conductor having small heat capacity. CLAIM 2. A receiver for currents produced by electromagnetic waves consisting of a conductor having small radiating-surface. CLAIM 3. A receiver for currents produced by electromagnetic waves consisting of a conductor having low resistance and small heat capacity substantially as set forth." Fessenden's Patent for System. There will be found in connection with Fig. 29, Part I., a long description of INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. I2I the invention embodied in No. 706,745, filed July 1, 1902. The patent is for a system, and presumably presents the culmination of Mr. Fessenden's labors. Of its thirty claims the twenty-ninth may be quoted. CLAIM 29. "A system of signaling by electromagnetic waves, having at the receiving-station a closed tuned secondary circuit and a constantly-re- ceptive, current-operated, wave-responsive device, in combination with a source of persistent radiation at the sending-station." Fessenden's Wave-Chute Patent. — Professor Fessenden's patent, No. 706,746, filed July 1, 1902, is for a wave-chute. It is fully described in connection with wave-gates, and illustrated by Figs. 64 and 65, Part IV. One claim is as follows. CLAIM 5. "In a system for the transmission of energy by electromag- netic waves, a sending-conductor for radiating such waves, and an artificial ground connected to the lower end of the sending-conductor and connected at its outer end to ground." NOTICEABLE GROUP OF INVENTORS. It is impossible within the limits of this volume to men- tion, even briefly, all the inventions in this young art, for they are already numbered by hundreds. There is a notice- able group of inventors who assign, either directly or indirectly, to the American Wireless Telegraph Company. Among them Mr. A. F. Collins and Mr. Harry Shoe- maker are prominent, the latter being especially prolific. Unfortunately there is no public record of quantitative results by which the merits of their inventions may be measured. 122 ་ WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. EHRET'S COMBINATION OF COHERER AND ANTI-COHerer. The patent of Mr. Cornelius D. Ehret, already noticed at some length as of promise,' is deserving of consideration from an inventive standpoint. It is numbered 699,158. The application was filed December 3, 1901, and the issue is dated May 6, 1902. It contains twelve claims, all of value. Three of them are herewith reprinted. CLAIM I. "In a signaling system the combination of dissimilar wave- responsive devices conjointly controlling a translating device. CLAIM 7. In a receiver the combination of a coherer and an anti- coherer conjointly controlling a translating device. CLAIM 12. In a receiver the combination of a coherer and an anti- coherer, a local circuit controlled by each, a coil of a relay included in each circuit, said coils operating differentially on the magnetic circuit of each relay, substantially as described." PUPIN PATENTS. Dr. M. I. Pupin, of Columbia University, has taken out two United States patents for multiple telegraphy with conductors. His claims, however, may have so broad a scope as to cover the principle of selective signalling by means of electrical resonance; and for this reason it is reported that his rights have been purchased by the Mar- coni interests. The numbers are respectively 707,007, and 707,008, and both were issued on August 12th, 1902. Application for the first was filed February 23rd, 1894. As an illustration of their bearing upon wireless telegraphy, claim number one of the earlier patent (707,007) is here- with quoted: 1 See p. 84 and Fig. 30 in Part I. 4 1 INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. 123 "CLAIM I. The method of distributing electrical energy which consists in throwing upon a common conductor a number of alternate currents of different frequencies and distributing the several energies of these currents each selectively to a separate electrical device substantially as described." SUMMARY. There is in Part I an account of the transmission of electric signals by Morse in 1842 across a body of water; and a similar achievement by Lindsay some ten years later. In the next decade James Clark Maxwell published his interpretation of electrical phenomena as a propagation of ether waves, differing from light only in the lesser number of vibrations within a given unit of time. In 1882 Dol- bear applied for a United States Patent for a method of telephonic transmission across space without wires; and in 1885 Edison applied for one to cover methods and devices similar to Dolbear's. It seems, however, that the true period of invention in the field of ethereal transmission extends from the discovery of the minute sparks in the bent wire at Carlsruhe in 1886, to the reception of the Poldhu signals at Cape Race in 1901; that the first trans- mission was due to Hertz, and the discovery of the prop- erties of the filings to Calzecchi-Onesti ; that the researches of Branly gave to the world the laws which govern the action of the coherer; that Lodge sealed the filings in a vacuum, applied to the coherer thus improved the prin- ciples of electrical resonance, and in a laboratory combined the various elements which make a wireless telegraph ; that Tesla discovered many of the laws governing high fre- quencies and great pressures and devised means for the production and effective insulation of high potentials; and finally Marconi combined the results of these various dis- coverers in a system by which signals were observed at the distance of two thousand miles. I24 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. { ୫ • SOLOMON 18. FIJI 18. SAMOAN 18. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND จ C A No A A San Francisco U N S T NA Washington TE S New Orleans MEXIC Gulf of Mexico CENTRAL AMERICA CUBA JAMAICA❤ Fork BERMUDA SHAITI →PORTO RICO Sea Caribbean HAWAIIAN IS. SOCIETY 18. N F I BRITISH ISLES Lon Paris FRANCE AZORES PORT.{ AFRICA (C. Verde A N TIC L E A N Pernambuco U RICA Valparaiso Rio de Janeiro Fig. 39. Marconi's projected line of communication. England to New Zealand. E.L.POATES, ENGR., N.Y. THE COMPARATIVE MERITS. 125 PART III. THE COMPARATIVE MERITS OF WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND OF TELEGRAPHY BY WIRES AND CABLES-AND THE COM- MERCIAL OUTLOOK FOR EACH. THE history of the useful arts is evidence of the fact that each new development adapts itself to an especial field; that old methods and devices, which seemed certain to be supplanted by new, often continue to be employed and even to multiply. The innumerable freight trains that now rumble between Buffalo and Albany have not dis- placed the mule and barge of Erie Canal; and notwith- standing the existence of unnumbered freight-carrying iron steamers, wooden vessels with sail power are still being built on the Kennebec. Millions of electric lamps illumine the streets, theatres, hotels, and residences of New York City, yet "dollar gas" was very recently an issue in its politics. The pedestrians of our larger cities are compelled at each street crossing to calculate the relative speed of machine-moved vehicles; yet the last United States Census records twenty-two millions of horses and mules; and all the harness factories in the country at this writing are behind their orders. Telephone instruments are installed in every nook and corner of the City of New York, their 126 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. } daily connections counting into thousands; yet the mes- senger business of the American District Telegraph has not decreased during the last seventeen years, and that company is still paying dividends. It is the purpose of this section to speculate as to the influence that will be exerted by Wireless Telegraphy upon its predecessors and competitors in the field of distant communication. The new art has, of course, an exclusive and profitable employment in signaling from ship to ship on the ocean, and from ship to shore. The English Marconi Company already derives a revenue from tolls for communications between passengers on incoming steam- ships and the near shores, receiving about two hundred and fifty dollars a voyage from messages sent within a short distance of either side of the Atlantic. The Lloyds have adopted the system, and are requiring steamships that get the best insurance rates to be equipped with it. It is easy to prophesy that in the immediate future the telegraphic news of the world will be scattered like seed from the sower over the whole Atlantic and may be picked up by any vessel equipped with properly attuned apparatus; but that it will render the present system of ocean cables obsolete is alto- gether improbable. The Ocean Cables as a Means of Communication. cables are an excellent medium for the transmission of signals; they are in position; and the money that has been expended to make and to place them cannot now be recovered. Neither bonded indebtedness, nor other form of financial obligation, will have any physical effect upon the efficiency of the cables as a means of communi- cation. THE COMPARATIVE MERITS. 127 Expression of the Cable Company's Official. In this connection may be quoted an article from the New York Sun of March 4th, 1902, entitled "The Cable Company Cheerful": An expression of confidence in the ability of submarine cables to main- tain their commercial supremacy in competition with wireless telegraphy was made yesterday by George G. Ward, Vice-President and General Man- ager of the Commercial Cable Company, in addressing as chairman the annual meeting of that company's shareholders in this city. Mr. Ward spoke as the representative of the officers of the company, who, he said, while they "did not intend to belittle the credit due to Mr. Marconi," for the advancement he has made in the field of wireless telegraphy, believed that submarine cables would hold their supremacy, even should wireless telegraphy "ever extend beyond its present experimental stage as regards trans-Atlantic or other long-distance transmissions." Mr. Ward added: "Our shareholders must not overlook the fact that it has taken the Commercial Cable Company and its land line system some seventeen or eighteen years to perfect their organization for the distribution and col- lection of telegrams throughout the United States and the rest of the world. Assuming that the Marconi system should become perfected so that it could really compete in a commercial sense, and commercial requirements are very exacting, it is fair to say that it would take as many years to put the Marconi system in a position that would enable it to serve the public. Messages are now transmitted across the Atlantic and answers received in two and three minutes. A message experiencing a delay of ten or fifteen minutes means the defeat of the object of the sender. A most important point is the fact that 95 per cent of the Atlantic messages are expressed in code or cipher language, the words or ciphers having no connected mean- ing. The words or cipher groups frequently only differ from each other in single letters, yet they have widely different meanings, and an error in the transmission of one of their letters might have disastrous consequences. These are some of the commercial exactions or demands made upon the telegraphs. No one as yet even has pretended that the speed with which messages may be transmitted by wireless apparatus even approaches the speed of the aerial or submarine wire. The company's net earnings for the year ended December 31, 1901, amounted to $2,2 59,897, a decrease of $19,770 compared with 1900. After payment of interest and dividends there was a balance of $409,538, against $493,003 in 1900." 21 128 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Marconi's Belief. Herewith is reprinted by permission from the Century Magazine, Marconi's own contention. This item was published about the same time as that of Vice-President Ward of the Cable Company: Mr. Marconi believes that his system may become a formidable com¯ petitor against the ocean cables. To compete on land is not so easy, as the lines there cost only one hundred dollars a mile, whereas the cables cost one thousand dollars a mile, and require expensive steamers to repair and maintain them. A transatlantic cable represents an initial outlay of at least three million dollars, besides the cost of its maintenance. A Marconi station can be built for sixty thousand dollars. Three of these, bringing the two worlds into contact, will cost only one hundred and eighty thousand dollars, while their maintenance should be insignificant. What his success will mean can be best grasped by considering the extent of the property which would be displaced thereby, although it is only since August 5th, 1858, that the first Atlantic cable was laid. There are now fourteen laid along the Atlantic bed, and in the whole world seventeen hundred and sixty- nine telegraph cables of various sizes, with a total length of almost one hundred and eighty-nine thousand nautical miles, enough to girdle the earth seven times. These require a great number of ocean-going cable steamers for their laying and repairs, and while the total value of the cables cannot be easily computed, it is known to be a fact that British capitalists have one hundred million dollars invested in cable stocks." Marconi has said to his English stockholders that whereas the speed of the submarine cable is directly affected by length of transmission, the wireless system is not in the least affected by distance. That "it is just as easy to work at high speed across the Atlantic or Pacific as to work across the English Channel." He is confident of establishing direct communication between England and New Zealand.' He says that the curvature of the earth does not affect the signals, and that ultimately he will be able to send them all around the world. Over the Speed of Transmission over Ocean Cables. German Cable from New York to the Azores, two sets of 1 See chart, Fig. 39, p. 124. THE COMPARATIVE MERITS. 129 3 C signals in opposite directions are simultaneously sent at a rate of about seventy words per minute for each circuit of a duplex transmission, making a total of one hundred and forty words. This, it is said, is the best that is done over any long submarine conductor. The principal limiting factor in this signaling is a delaying influence due to electrostatic capacity. Professor Pupin of Columbia Uni- versity, who has exhaustively investigated this subject, has pointed out that electrostatic capacity, being a storage of power, is an advantage rather than a detriment if properly controlled; and in pursuance of his plans for such control, it is reported that the Bell Telephone Company has equipped three circuits from New York to Chicago with "Pupin Coils," and that the results are an increase in the efficiency of speech- communication equivalent to one hundred per cent. Professor Pupin is sanguine that equally good results will follow a similar treatment of ocean cables, but there is no way of demonstrating this fact in actual practice except by the construction of a new cable in conformity with his design. He has been quoted in newspaper paragraphs as saying that the ultimate possibility in submarine telegraphy is a rate of one thousand words per minute; and while it may be feasible to attain this speed it seems that condi- tions other than those connected with induction require for such rapid work both a larger conductor and an increased mass of insulating material, thus entailing an expense in construction which may prove prohibitive; and that a safer estimate of probable future speed is five hun- dred words per minute. will Progressive Invention in Cable Apparatus. It may be said also that there is progressive invention in cable appa- 130 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ratus. Foresio Guarini, an Italian scientist of repute in the field of wireless telegraphy, has suggested the coherer as a device to be used in multiplexing ocean cables by means of electrical resonance. Chemical telegraphy, here- inafter explained, may also be mentioned in this connection. The foregoing suggestions will serve to point the fact that although etheric transmission has undoubtedly come to stay, the possibilities of wave propagation through copper stili offer alluring fields of research. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY OVERLAND. Hertzian-wave signaling overland, though still in em- bryo, will undoubtedly become an important factor. Marconi believes a thousand miles in one span to be a possible transmission. Guarini has been somewhat suc- cessful in devising automatic repeaters which may double or treble such a span. Fessenden predicts that a circuit will eventually be worked from New York to Chicago. A difficulty in making the comparison between wave and wire signaling overland arises from the fact that the land telegraph systems with wires seem to be far behind their possibilities; which is to say that the telegraph com- panies do not begin to do what they might; and in order to present an intelligent view it is thought best to explain at some length the present situation of commercial tele- graphy on land. Controversy in the Electrical World. There has re- cently occurred in the correspondence department of the Electrical World a controversy concerning the attitude of 132 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. explained that in doing this work eight men are employed, four in sending and four in receiving. A circuit between Boston and New York, however, does not furnish the most essential data, for it is but two hun- dred and fifty miles in length. The great telegraphic highways are the wires between New York and Chicago, which are a thousand miles long. Upon these circuits the quadruplex rate is likely to be nearer to sixty words per wire per minute; but for the purposes of comparison we may use the data given at eighty words, as it is certain that this rate may not be exceeded. The "Postal" engineer also stated that the public is not finding fault with the present telegraphic service, to which statement the reply may be made that the public is not fully enlightened. He further stated that the night or half-rate traffic "is naturally limited by reason of the splen- did mail facilities between our principal cities." Mail Service. Following are actual facts in regard to mail service: To transport a letter from a street box at 125th St. and 8th Avenue, New York City, to 39th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue in Chicago, requires forty-five hours; con- sequently the securing of an answer to an inquiry by such means requires more than four full days. A person in the business district of St. Louis desiring to send a letter to New York at two in the afternoon may just as well mail the letter at midnight. A letter regis- tered on Thursday afternoon in St. Louis, with full postage, was not delivered in the business district of New York City until Monday morning. First class mail matter deposited in the Post Office in THE COMPARATIVE MERITS. 131 the Western Union Telegraph Company. This happening is fortunate in that the participants are representative men and have definitely announced their opinions. Professor Pupin had published a letter which virtually stated that the officials of the Western Union Telegraph Company were impervious to suggestions from inventors or scientists. The Electrical World editorially commenting upon this letter took the ground that the telegraph authorities, as compared with those in other electrical professions, had been noticeably backward in developing their art. The engineer of the Western Union Company replied that Pro- fessor Pupin's lack of practical experience in telegraphy probably accounted for his misapprehension. The Morse System. He also said that nothing had ever been found to equal what telegraphers call "Morse," a term used to define the method of reading signals by sound which renders it possible to write down a message as it is received, the telegram at the receiving end being ready for delivery as soon as the sending operator has fin- ished his work. It was further said that in times of emer- gency and for some purposes the Wheatstone system had value. Speed of Quadruplex. -The engineer of the Postal Tel- egraph Company gave some interesting data as to trans- mission by Quadruplex (a species of "Morse") between New York and Boston, by which it appears that the average number of words sent over one wire by four operators is four thousand nine hundred and fifty per hour, or a little less than twenty-one words per minute per sender, or eighty-four words per minute per wire. It may be THE COMPARATIVE MERITS. 133 Detroit, Michigan, at six in the afternoon of Thursday, will not be delivered down town in New York until Satur- day morning. Between the service just described for two cents and the day rate of forty cents, and night rate of thirty cents for ten word telegrams, the telegraph companies have never been able to see an opportunity for employing at night their idle wires. DIFFERENT TYPES OF TELEGRAPH APPARATUS. Besides the "Morse," there is telegraphic apparatus known as the "Wheatstone," in which a paper ribbon is first perforated and then sent through a machine, recording at the distant end with ink marks upon paper tape; the total speed of two sides of a "duplexed Wheatstone" is about two hundred words per wire per minute. There is also the Buckingham page-printer, which first perforates a tape by means of a device like a typewriting machine, feeds the messages through a transmitting ma- chine, and produces at the distant end typewritten copies at one hundred words per wire per minute. Another device is the Murray page-printer, which practi cally accomplishes the same results as the Buckingham and attains about the same speed. Another and recent device is the Rowland octoplex, by which eight circuits are worked over one wire, each circuit transmitting thirty words per minute, a total of two hun- dred and forty words per wire per minute. The sending is done by manipulating typewriters, typewritten copies being automatically produced at the receiving station. It is said that the Wheatstone and Buckingham appa- 134 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ratuses are both regularly employed by the Western Union Telegraph Company, but the latter system was not men- tioned by the company's engineer in the Electrical World controversy. If the Murray is in business use that fact is not known to the writer. The Rowland octoplex is said to be employed in Germany. All of these machines are complex in detail and costly to construct. If there be considered, however, the total investment of money in a copper wire one thousand miles long and weighing perhaps four hundred pounds per mile, together with the cost of planting poles, of attachments to those poles, and the expense of patrol and maintenance, the claims of inventors of telegraphic machines that their apparatuses will pay for themselves in a short time seems well founded. Either the Buckingham or Murray page- printers, or the Rowland octoplex, are rated at a speed much greater than that of quadruplexed Morse. All of them save nearly fifty per cent in operating labor. The officials, however, are obdurate, and while the equip- ment of perhaps one wire with a new device is occasionally allowed, the experiment seldom extends any further. The result of such policy in the past has produced a great array of abandoned machinery. After each trial, officials, engi- neers, and operating force are further strengthened in their admiration for the true and the tried; and the disappointed inventors claim that to all arguments there is the same response, and to all appeals the same denial, "There is nothing like Morse.” Morse Best Adapted to Certain Classes of Traffic. No one denies that for the class of service that transmits orders from the New York Produce Exchange to the Chicago THE COMPARATIVE MERITS. 135 Board of Trade it seems impossible to find a substitute for Morse. It is said that to the telegraphers in the Chicago Trade Room even a typewriting machine is less facile than the pen. They write upon a blank, using copying ink; when the message has been written, a moist piece of paper is laid over the blank, the two are then fed between the rubber rollers of a wringer, and there is quickly in hand the original message, which may be handed the consignee, and an impression copy for the company's files. There are classes of business which require the same rapidity of delivery as do those of the grain and stock brokers, and for which Morse seems best adapted. There is, however, a traffic that comes from the general public which is poorly handled. It is not so much the way this class of business is being transmitted with present facilities as a matter of what might be done with other and better devices and with the lower tariffs those devices would warrant. The charges for sending miscellaneous telegrams are the same as for those of the preferred class. Under favorable conditions the telegraph companies may transmit an unpre- ferred message fairly well; but if there be rain or wind or excitement in Wall Street, or an election, or a political con- vention, the wires are crowded; and having thus to contend against frequent delays and high tariffs it is no wonder that the number of these unfavored communications ist comparatively small. As Mr. Delany, in one of the letters of the recent discussion, has pointed out, there is no elas- ticity, no reserve power in the present telegraph service. For the class of business just described, low rates and the adoption of some of the new possibilities in multiplex or in chemical telegraphy would undoubtedly increase the re- 136 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. ceipts of the telegraph companies and prove as well a boon to the public. Chemical Telegraphy. Almost coeval with Professor Morse's inventions are those of Alexander Bain, who de- clared as long ago as 1845 that by the chemical method he could transmit two thousand words per minute. A system based on this principle was tried by the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company in 1875. Its officials made two mistakes, first ordering that it be used for all kinds of traffic, and then that its use be entirely discontin- ued. In the eighties the American Rapid Company tried the system again, but that company was unsuccessfully financed and soon collapsed. The essential principle of chemical telegraphy is the fact that an impression is made whenever a current of elec- tricity passes from a metallic point resting upon chemically treated moist paper to a conductor which connects with a part of the same circuit from another point on the paper. The action is electrolytic. A copper point leaves a red mark, an iron one a deep blue. The number of signals is governed by the volume of current, by the time of exposure, and to some extent by the electrostatic capacity of the conductor connecting the sending and receiving stations. It may be expressed by the equation N ET RK' where N is the number of signals per unit of time, E the electromotive force, T time, R resistance, and K capacity. While the author is not exactly informed as to quantita- tive results, it is safe to say that one five-thousandth of an ampere flowing from an iron point and impressed upon the THE COMPARATIVE MERITS. 137 sensitized paper for one second of time will leave a distinct mark; and, conversely, that one-twentieth ampere unim- peded by capacity is sufficient current to produce two thousand words per minute, each word requiring from ten to twenty marks. Description of Chemical Telegraph Apparatus. — Fig. 40 is a diagrammatic view of a chemical telegraph circuit, P being a source of current supply with one polarity, and N a second source, having a polarity the reverse of the first. B and B' are brushes terminating respectively conductors N B F F C RT ST oooo