ད TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY TG 64 .E58 536 X.I C 420,707 CHANNEL BRIDGE T 1 PRELIMINARY DESIGNS OF MM. SCHNEIDER et Cie (USINES DU CREUSOT) AND H. HERSENT ENTREPRENEUR DE TRAVAUX PUBLICS, EX-PRÉSIDENT DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES INGÉNIEURS CIVILS SIR JOHN FOWLER AND MR. BENJAMIN BAKER, Esqre CHIEF ENGINEERS OF THE FORTH BRIDGE CONSULTING ENGINEERS TEXT PARIS IMPRIMERIE ET LIBRAIRIE CENTRALES DES CHEMINS DE FER IMPRIMERIE CHAIX SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME AU CAPITAL DE SIX MILLIONS Rue Bergère, 20. 1889 TRANEPORTATION ESS UNIV OF MICH ' 130 $ PROPERTY O University of Michigan Libraries 1817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS CHANNEL BRIDGE PRELIMINARY DESIGNS OF MM. SCHNEIDER et Cie (USINES DU Creusot) AND H. HERSENT ENTREPRENEUR DE TRAVAUX PUBLICS, EX-PRÉSIDENT DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES INGÉNIEURS CIVILS SIR JOHN FOWLER AND MR. BENJAMIN BAKER, ESQ CHIEF ENGINEERS OF THE FORTH BRIDGE CONSULTING ENGINEERS re TEXT PARIS IMPRIMERIE ET LIBRAIRIE CENTRALES DES CHEMINS DE FER IMPRIMERIE CHAIX SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME AJ CAPITAL DE SIX MILLIONS Rue Bergère, 20 1889 TRANSPORTATION LIBRAR Transportation Library ты 64 E58 536 Yo! 09-28-517 W Transport. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I I. Introductory Notice II. General Description of the Bridge: § 1. Placing in Position. § 2. Supporting Piers of Masonry § 3. Metal Superstructure. PART II FOUNDATIONS H. HERSENT'S PRELIMINARY Design III. Detailed Description of Foundation Works: § 1. Arrangement and Dimensions of Supporting Piers of Masonry § 2. Fitting, Transporting, and Placing in Position of Supporting Piers of Masonry • § 3. Materials and Plant IV. Cubature, Estimates, Time Required. PART III SUPERSTRUCTURE SCHNEIDER AND CO's PRELIMINARY DESIGN V. Selection of Systems of Girders. VI. Arrangement of Metal Superstructure: § 1. Spans of 300 and 500m. § 2. Spans of 200m and 350™. § 3. Spans of 100m and 250m. VII. Fitting, Transporting, and Erecting Spans: § 1. Description. § 2. Calculation of Machinery required . § 3. Fitting Overhang. VIII. Estimate of Weights: § 1. Spans of 300 and 500™ . § 2. Spans of 200m and 350. § 3. Spans of 100m and 250m. § 4. General Recapitulation. Page. 7 11 12 14. 19 24 32 35 41 45 48 48 49 31 86 67 3235 60 62 65 4 IX. Calculations of Resistance: §. 1. Independent Span. • 1. Longitudinal Beams under Rails. 2, Beams 3. Bracings. Lower Bracing Top Bracing. Cross Bracings. • 4. Braces and Main Girders 5. Principal Girders • § 2. Central Span and Overhang. 1. Longitudinal Beams under Rails. 2. Beams • 3. Bracings • Lower Bracing. Cross Bracings • Calculations of Effects of Couples 4. Braces and Main Girders . 5. Main Girders • § 3. Metal Columns. 1. Stability when Exposed to Side Wind. Sockets. • Stability on Rollers. Expansion Slides • Circular Supports of Rollers. Pier Bracings. Metal Piers • Stability at Base of Piers. Substructure of Piers. • Anchor Tubes. Anchor Bolts . Stability of Masonry at Level of Tie-Bands 2. Stability when Exposed to Wind Longitudinally Metal Piers Stability at Base of Piers. Stability at Base of Anchor Bolts . Page. 69 69 70 71 72. 73 74 74 74 76 76 77 79 81 84 84 85 86 88 89 89 90 = 92 92 92 93 94 94 94. 94 95 96 97 98 ᏢᎪ Ꭱ Ꭲ I 1 INTRODUCTORY NOTICE The idea of connecting England with the Continent by a bridge is not new. It has from the beginning of this century occupied the minds of a great number of distinguished men, but the labours of M. Thomé de Gamond particularly contributed to render the idea popular. Most of the schemes hitherto proposed have been insufficiently worked out. They have all been found impossible to execute, and for this reason have each, in succession, sunk into oblivion. The submarine tunnel was next thought of as the means of communi- cation between France and England. The advocates of the bridge, however, have once more given the subject their attention, and the object of the present paper is to show that the construction of a bridge between France and England may now he considered capable of being carried out in practice. We may say that the problem is at present clearly placed before the technical authorities of both countries. However gigantic the undertaking, the many and various improvements which have been made in the art of bridge-building fully warrant every hope of success in an attempt to turn out spans of metal 500 metres in length across the Channel, supported by columns resting.at different depths on the bottom of the sea. 8 The metal it is proposed to use is steel. The extensive use that has lately been made of this metal, both in France and abroad, notably in the Forth Bridge, which is the outcome of the unmistakable progress of metallurgy, removes every doubt as to the feasibility of dispensing with about fifty per cent in weight by the use of steel, while ensuring the same degree of safety. The preliminary projects submitted by MM. H. Hersent, Schneider and Co., and Fowler and Baker, consist of separate reports relating respectively to the foundations for the piers to be erected in the sea, and to the construction of the superstructure, as well as of a rational statement of the means for placing in position the foundations and spans. The authors of these pre- liminary sketches do not wish to be understood as thinking that no useful alterations can be made in their work when the time comes for the ultimate plans to be proceeded with. Whatever opinion may be formed of these projects, and whatever may be their eventual fate, their authors will at least have the gratification of having paved the way towards an undertaking of public interest, and of having furnished data sufficiently minute and correct to enable the scheme to be submitted to the judgment and criticism of competent persons whose careful attention they solicit. Among the great undertakings which present a certain analogy to the proposed Channel bridge, such as the opening of maritime canals, railways, ports, etc., none is to the same degree worthy either of the international interest which has guided the promoters of this great undertaking, or the direct interest of the two countries, that will not only be called upon to bear the cost, but will reap the advantages of the project as well. The amount of metal and machinery to be provided for the construction of a bridge over the Channel would represent an aggregate weight of about 1,000,000) lons. The assumption is that each country will have to supply one half of this amount, which on either side would for a lengthy period give a powerful impulse to the development of national industry. To estimale as precisely as possible the expense entailed by the construction of the Channel bridge it would be necessary to go further into the calculations, and to modify, if necessary after duly consulting the maritime interests involved in the question, the number of spans which might have a stretch of 500 metres, as well as of the spans of shorter length required in various places. In the same way the extensions to be made in the port of Ambleleuse, and in an English port situated equally near to the bridge, will have to form the subject of a more detailed inquiry. An approximate idea, however, as far as it can be possibly formed by a rough calculation at first sight, assuming that the distribution of spans shown " - 9 - に ​in Plan I. is adopted, permits the following figures to be given with reasonable certainty: Fr. 380,000,000 for masonry supports, And Fr. 480,000,000 for the metallic superstructure. In all, Fr. 860,000,000, or £ 34,400,000. The works for the tunnel and the railways of both countries would have to be planned later on in agreement with the companies whose lines would lead up to the bridge. The time required for the completion of the under- taking may be fixed at about ten years. - 11 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE BRIDGE § 1. Situation. The situation which seems preferable for a bridge connecting England with the Continent is, as it were, suggested by Nature herself, namely, by the line stretching over the shallowest parts of the Channel, and connecting the shores where they are closest to each other. This line commences at a point near to Cape Grisnez and reaches the coast of England near Folkestone, passing over the banks of Colbart and Varne. This arrangement has been adopted in order to enable the existence of these two banks to be taken ad- vantage of, so as to avoid working in great depths, and thereby to diminish the height of the piers to be erected. The banks are situated near the centre of the Channel about six kilo- metres apart. The depth of the water at that point does not exceed 7 or 8 metres at low water, and they are separated from each other by a depres- sion about 25 to 27 metres deep. Between the banks of Varne and the British coast the depth does not exceed 29 metres, but between that of Colbart and the Cran-aux-Oeufs the bottom sinks somewhat abruptly down to 40 metres; it then attains 55 metres about midway across, when it begins gradually to rise. In these parts then the chief difficulties would be encountered in laying the foundations. 12 The sketch submitted gives about the shortest distance available for the ready connection of the existing lines of railway in both countries, without difficulty or an unusual amount of work. § 2. Masonry Supports. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BY H. HERSENT. In contemplating the construction of the supports, the nature of the bottom was the first thing that demanded attention, as it was necessary to ascertain whether its formation and resistance would be sufficient to ensure the stability of the structure; the next thing to be considered was the form to be given to the supports, so as to obtain as large a surface as possible at the base, without causing trouble from the effect of the ebb and flow of the tides; and lastly, it was found necessary to foresee the difficulties that may be encountered in an undertaking of this nature in order to determine the measures to be taken for successfully grappling with them. The result of repeated experiments is that the ground is found to be suf- ficiently solid to support very extensive works. In addition, the borings la- tely made in connection with the proposed Channel tunnel have confirmed the results of the preceding experiments as to the position and nature of the bollom, as published by M. Thomé de Gamond. More precise inquiries will be necessary when. the works are proceeded with, as regards each pier, in order to be in a position to solve each detail beforehand. At present, however, there is no doubt that the ground is capable of supporting a load of from 10 to 12 kilogrammes per square centimetre, as is often found to be the case on a foundation less solid than that afforded by the white and blue chalk which everywhere forms the Channel bottom. The soft parts of the surface in contact with the water and the strata of sediment and sand that may cover the bottom al certain points, especially near the shores, will have to be removed in order to lay the piers on more solid foundation. Each supporting pier will consist of a block of masonry of good material, set with Portland cement morlar, and laid on the sea bottom; their surface above high-water level will form the foundation for the metal columns which serve as direct supports of the spans of the bridge, and will measure 650 square metres. They will, moreover, have a batter of about 13 1 in 10 up to the foundation caisson, which is flanged in order to increase the surface of the base in contact with the surface of the ground. The piers will form a rectangle, 25 metres in length, and their width will have to be suited to each system of columns. This rectangle will ter- minate in semicircles, so as to oppose the least possible resistance to the currents. Supposing 55 metres, the surface of the base of the piers in contact with the ground will, be 1604 square metres. Where the depth is less, the surface will be proportionately smaller. Up to a certain height, the brickwork will extend over the whole surface of the base, while two recesses will be provided in order to decrease the load upon the foundation, the sections of the walls being of sufficient strength to resist any additional loads. The masonry will be built inside metal caissons similar to those used for ordinary bridge piers, and forced by compressed air down to the solid ground. These caissons, which will be surmounted by metal cases surrounding the masonry, will serve to float the piers until they touch the ground. This will enable the ground to be carefully cleaned, and promote the application of the concrete that is to be interposed between the masonry and the bottom, as will be explained further on. The caisson will, moreover, be surmounted by a movable dome, which will be removed when the upper part of the column is completed, so as to enable the masonry to be carefully finished with squared stones above the level of low water. Special arrangements will be made for joining the columns to the masonry so that these joints may be at all times readily inspected to ascertain whether anything is out of order in each separate portion of the work. The whole of the pillars will occupy a little over onetwelfth of the section of the Channel. This reduction of the section of the Channel is not likely to exercise a notable influence on the erosion of the bottom, or to bring about an appreciable increase of the speed of the flood and ebb tides. The distance between the piers, fixed at 500 and 300 metres for the large spans, will not be less than 200 and 100 metres respectively for the small ones, and will, at all events, be sufficient to prevent their proving an obstacle to the free navigation of sailing vessels. of sailing vessels. As regards As regards steamships, no such danger is to be apprehended, as the current, which would certainly become a little faster in the centre of the open spans, would carry floating bodies, even disabled vessels, towards that part, and prevent their ever touching the bridge. It may, therefore, be reasonably admitted that, owing to these distances and dimensions, the piers would in no way modify the conditions of navigation in the Channel, and would certainly not constitute an appreciable obstacle to navigation in general. -14 $ 3. The Metallic Superstructure. PRELIMINARY PROJECT BY MESSRS. SCHNEIDER AND C. The metal columns are firmly placed upon the platforms of the support- ing piers of masonry. They are of a distinctly cylindrical shape, and vary in height between 40 metres and 42,780, and on them will be placed the main girders of the bridge. There will thus be between the lower part of the beams, and the level of the sea at low waler, a free space, varying in height between 61 metres and 63m,780, which height, at high water, will be reduced to 54 metres and 56m,780 metres respectively. This height is amply sufficient for the passage of vessels of whatsoever description or tonnage. By placing the flooring upon vertical cylindrical columns, the space above indi- cated, of a minimum height of 54 metres, is kept throughout the whole width of the span a result which has not been achieved in the bridge of similar dimensions that is now being constructed over the Forth estuary. In the Forth, in fact, the height at the centre of the structure above the high-water level is 45m,60 metres, but this height does not extend beyond the central third of the span. At the twothirds near the ends this space greatly diminishes, until it is actually reduced to a height of scarcely 15 metres near the pier. In order to make the exigencies of navigation agree as far as possible with the economical carrying out of the preparatory works, three different lengths of span have been proposed. No. 1. Alternate spans of 300 and 500 metres. No. 2. No. 3. 200 100 350 250 The largest spans correspond to the greatest depths, the smallest to the most elevated parts of the sea-bottom and to the parts near the shores. The system of girders to be employed is simple, unlatticed, trussed, so as to ensure the proper distribution of all stresses. The secondary beams provided are intended to reduce the length of certain members, to prevent buckling of braced beams, and to give those employed as struts proportions suitable to the lengths concerned, whereby it becomes possible to leave the - 15 co-efficient of compression, which would increase the weight, out of consi- deration. The level of the permanent way is 72 metres above the low-water level. This height might have been reduced by arranging the permanent way in the lower portion of the bridge, but in that case it would have been neres- sary to make the cross-beams a great deal larger, and, consequently, heavier. By raising the permanent way, on the contrary, as it is proposed here to do, a marked economy is attainable, which will certainly not be absorbed by increased expenses involved by the necessity of erecting viaducts at both ends of the bridge. There will be a double set of rails, and the width of the flooring proper will be 8 metres. The whole width of the bridge is variable. The greatest distance between the axes of the main girders is 25 metres, such a space being necessary to ensure the stability of the structure under the action of violent gusts of wind. The roadways are of the ordinary width of 1,50 metres between the axes of the rails. The latter will be set in grooves to obviate accidents. The floor, made of ribbed sheet iron, is to cover the bridge throughout its length. so as to make every part accessible to the men appointed for the supervision of the bridge. Between and outside the roadways, pavements are provided for the men to stand on, and thus keep out of the way of passing trains. Upon the flooring it will be possible to establish « refuges », stations for the guards, signal-boxes, switches, etc. All these arrangements may be multi- plied according to the requirements of the traffic, and scattered over any convenient points and spans. On the piers, lighthouses may be erected, to indicate obstacles to be avoided. The various kinds of lights used in light- houses may also serve to indicate to shippers the distance from the Colbart and Varne banks. It would have been easy to establish a bridge with four lines of rails instead of two, but the probable development of the traffic did not appear to warrant any increase of outlay in that direction. The provision of a road for ordinary vehicles is also superfluous, as goods will always be carried by rail. To meet objections from a military point of view, arrangements could be made for making the span at either end of the bridge unfit for use; the two end spans notably, which are in contact with the abutments, might be removable or revolve. The detailed description of the plans and methods of construction it is proposed to adopt, forms the subject of the following chapters PART II FOUNDATIONS H. HERSENT'S PRELIMINARY PROJECT 3 19 - § 1. III. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE FOUNDATION WORKS. The Situation and Dimensions of the Brickwork supporting Columns. The ground affording sufficient resistance to safely support the piers when loaded, the surface of the bases has been so calculated that the foundation should not have a greater load than about 10 kilogrammes to the square cen- timetre. With regard to the pillars sunk at 55 metres under the low-water level, the dimensions, the calculations of the masonry sections, and the corres- ponding weights per centimetre are summed up in the following table :- DESIGNATIONS SIZE and VOLUME REMARKS Length: at base. $7,00 at low-water level. 47⁰⁰,50 above the cornice 42¹,00 Width at base. 32m,00 at low-water level. 22m,50 above the cornice. 17m,00 Surface at base. 1.604m2 • at low-water level. above the cornice . 960m2 631ma Volume (exterior). 86.000m3 of the recess 28.000ms of the masonry 57.200m³ Loads: to be supported per square centimetre at base on ground. 9k,80 at low-water level. at base of columns . 5,75 On the masonry. 8*,20 On hewn granite. 20 The resistances offer every appearance of safety, alike as regards the ground, the ordinary masonry, the body of the pillar, and the granite blocks supporting the metal columns. The base appears to be sufficient to resist the different transverse and longitudinal stresses (of which wind is the most important cause) that may tend to overturn the pillars. The length of the spans supported by the columns is 400 metres. The surface exposed to the action of the wind on this distance is about 7,590 square metres. The surface exposed to the action of the wind on the metal columns, 622 square metres. The surface exposed on the 20-metre sub-basement, 370 square metres. The surface exposed on the lower part of the piers, 1,570 square metres. Assuming that the force of the wind and the strength of the pressure exercised by the currents attain altogether 270 kilos per square metre, the stresses produced upon each of these surfaces will be as follows: - 7.590m2 × 270k 2.049.300 kilos 622m² × 270k 167.940 370m2 × 270k 99.900 1.570m2 270k 423.900 And the moments of overturn will be : 2.049.300h 137", 1280.959.030 kilogrammetres. X 167.940k × 95,4 X 16.021.476 99.900 × 66m 6.593.400 423.900 X 28m 11.869.200 Total moment of overturn at the base of the piers. One length of span of 400 metres weighs. Two metal columns. 315.443.106 kilogrammetres. Kos One masonry pier. 1.164.000 2.010.000 148.675.000 TOTAL WEIGHT • Kos. 157.849.000 The points of the emergence of the resultant x from the centre of the pillar is x = 315.443.106 157.849.000 1m,99. The surface of a column is 1604 square metres. The moment of inertia of s in relation to the small axis of the column is 355,346. Hence r² = 355,346 1,604 221,5. * 21 One-half length n of the columns is 28m,5. зов Hence = d d = Ն 221,5 28,5 7m,77. The co-efficient of stability, that is, the ratio of the moment of overturn at the base of the piers, as compared with the momentum that would be produced by a compression equal to zero upon the extreme edge of the leeway will be d 7.77 3.90. X 1.99 Each pier is to consist of a block of good material, in which two recesses or walls are cut out in order to diminish their weight at the base. The particular portion upon which the metal columns rest will be the same in all pillars, but the lower portion will increase in surface in proportion to the height to which the structure is to be immersed in water. The external walls will have a batter of 0,10 per metre, and the lower parl, which will be taken up by a metal caisson, will project over the external face of the wall as shown in the plan. Caisson. The metal caisson of each pillar will correspond in external shape and dimensions to the contemplated depth of the foundations. It will consist of two distinct parts. The lower part will be 2 metres high and open at the base, while the upper one, the exterior of which will surround the masonry of the body of the pier, will form one single chamber, extend- ing over the whole surface of the caisson. Special frames and cross-pieces will serve to maintain the sheet-iron casings in position, and in a state of rigidity. The lower portion, intended for the use of compressed air, and for fixing the structure to the ground, will consist of an external metallic casing limiting the periphery, and of vertical walls, dividing the horizontal surface into compartments of from 50 to 60 square metres each-these com- partments, capable of being used and expanded either separately or together, each provided with compressed air, and intended for clearing the ground of foreign matter, or simply to level it, and to effect the final filling at the junction of the structure with the ground. Each of these compartments of the base will be provided with air sluices arranged at the bottom, and with special devices for facilitating access and inspection, for removing excavated matter, and for filling up the excavations with concrete from outside. The first piers on each shore may be constructed without necessitating any alteration in the means ordinarily employed for this kind of structure. The experience acquired in sinking these first piers will thus enable improved 22 methods to be adopted for the thorough clearance of the soil, the filling of the compartments, and, in short, the completion of the whole base in the case of depths exceeding from 20 to 25 metres below the surface of the water. In exceptional cases they reached 30 and above 35 metres, but at such depths accidents have sometimes occurred, which appear to have been the result of excessive fatigue on the part of the men employed, and of the want of proper provisions for compression and expansion. Divers going down in search of sponges and corals descend to a depth of 50 metres, and thus experience the effects of the compression and expan- sion which would be obtained in using compressed air al such a depth. It will not be too much, therefore, to say that the ground will be capable of being inspected under all the piers before the concrete is filled in at the base. It may also be taken for granted that the bottom can be cleared before- hand by means of special apparatus, enabling compressed air to be dispensed with, and that the filling of the compartments and air chambers can be effected, either outside or inside the pillars, without its being necessary for the men to perform any important work below. In considering the matter from this point of view, the question arises as to what would happen if the 120 cubic metres of concrete required for filling one compartment were conveyed down through a funnel pipe. It was found that if the water contained in the lower working chamber can be ejected to make room for the concrete, the filling of such chamber can be satisfactorily completed, and the concrete will in no way be inferior to any of the other methods used for ordinary depths. This method of carrying down concrete through one continuous pipe is far preferable to the use of cases, which are liable to give off rather considerable quantities of grout. From these remarks it may be inferred that if each compartment was filled in specially and separately from the others, the satisfactory completion of the works would be assured, and that, should any of the compartments not prove quite faultless in some respects, the whole of the works would not on that account be impaired. These arrangements contemplated for the filling of the compartments have made it possible to determine the shape of the lower portion of the caissons of the piers, and the lines of resistance of the staging. The cais- sons would have to consist of one externally inclined wall, and of vertical walls strengthened by strong frames at the portion that is in contact with the ground, and terminating in the form of declivities. All these vertical walls should join the metal roof that separates the lower compartments from the upper portion, and correspond to the upper beams, whose resistance they will thus increase. When the load is sufficiently heavy the declivities 23 will touch the ground, and this contact, at the time of low tide, taken in conjunction with the normal oscillation, will probably be sufficient to break off fragments, which the currents of the sea will remove when high tide sets in. The chances are that the levelling of the ground can be done without any considerable expenditure of labour; but the cutters will have to be of rather considerable size, in determining which the experience acquired by the sinking of the first caissons near the shore will have to be taken into account. The levelling apparatus used in the ports of Brest and Cherbourg has already furnished valuable hints on this point. The portion of the caisson situated above the roof will serve to contain the masonry, and to protect the same from immediate contact with the water, while at the same time it will enable the men employed in the works to operate in a dry place as the structure advances downwards. This part of each caisson will be formed of a water-tight metal case. supported by horizontal framings, provided for preserving the external form. All these framings will be enclosed in the masonry, which, in the possible event of the decay of the iron, would remain still unaffected. The portion of each caisson situated above the level of low water will be movable, and can be utilised successively for several piers, which will consist of a sort of dome composed of metal plates suitably fitted to each other. These will cover the structure of the pier and enable the lower ends to be sunk to the sea bottom in such a way that the masonry, although floating, can be completed as if it were erected on land. This has been successfully achieved in building the dry docks at Saïgon and Missiessy, at Toulon, where 45,000 cubic metres of brickwork, representing a weight of 100,000 tons, were kept afloat in the caissons for several months. The piers, at a depth of 55 metres, would have to support the load of 12,000 tons at their juncture with the ground, which is by no means an unheard-of achievement. Plans 3, 4, and 5 illustrate the general arrangement of the caissons; they show, indeed, the lower portion, or concrete chamber, the central portion containing the ballast masonry, and the top or dome that is to surmount the whole. Masonry. The masonry of which the body of each pier is to consist should be composed of good homogeneous calcareous materials from Marquise, Boulogne, etc., of which there is a great quantity in the neighbourhood of Gris-nez. They can be carried to the spot either from Ambleteuse, Boulogne, or Calais, and will cause no trouble. The morlar required for the whole structure will consist of Portland cement, in the proportion of 500 kilogrammes per cubic metre of silicious 24 or granitic sand. Calcareous or schistose sand must be avoided as liable to decomposition. Upon the roof of the caissons a layer of concrete 1,50 to 2 metres thick shall be formed to protect the iron beams, and above that the ordinary masonry shall be made of rough quarry stones, which shall rise up to the low-water level. Two caissons being provided externally, which will render the structure lighter, will greatly facilitate the work on the lower portion, when it is required to fill the chambers of the masonry and the bodies of the piers. At each successive height of about 4 metres, two courses of cut stones will be placed, which will have the effect of better distributing the load, and rendering the tendency to settle down more uniform. The level surface of the lower portion below the low-water level should also consist of rough stones. From the low-water level upwards, the recesses before mentioned will gradually be made narrower, and terminate in two caps, surmounted by funnels, giving access for purposes of inspection and for anchoring the supports of the bridge. The masonry and the upper portion below the low-water level should be fitted with granite stone walls, so as to offer a considerable resistance to the crushing stress and to atmos- pheric destructive agencies. The platform upon which the metal columns and supports of the bridge are to rest would consist of a number of successive courses of granite stones, which should distribute the weight and the loads equally over the surface of the piers, and they will be provided with the necessary holes for anchoring the metal columns to the pillars. Round the platform a metal balustrade should be erected to protect the persons employed in supervision and repairs. § 2. The Construction, Conveyance, and Fitting into Position of the Supporting Columns. The Port. The size of the pillars, and the considerable amount of mate- rial required, will necessitate the establishment of a port at a point nearest to the spot where the works are begun on either coast. On the French coast, a great construction of that sort would probably have to be provided for in the Bay of Ambleleuse, although part of the traffic will still have to be left to the ports of Boulogne and Calais. On the English coast, Folkestone would form the centre of operations. The port of Ambletcuse might be established in the free part of the valley, and protected by means of two piers or jellies. The west pier would point to the north at an angle of 25 45 degrees to the coast, and the north one would form an incline southwards. The entrance would be 250 metres wide, and 7 or 8 metres deep at low water. A channel 150 metres wide, protected by a stockade of wood forming a quay for the vessels to come alongside, would give ready access to the port, which would practically consist of the existing port deepened and extended. This port, dug 6 metres deep below the low-water level, would be 700 metres long and 350 metres wide, so as to admit of the plant necessary for the simultaneous construction of a number of girders. The bottom would be utilised for constructing the foundation of the caissons. Several docks would have to be provided in the port at half-tide level or somewhat lower, which would be isolated from each other, and separated from the sea by floating dams, just like a sort of floating docks, that would have to be ope- rated whenever the caisson is taken out, so as to simplify this operation as much as possible. Besides the port a tidal dock would have to be construc- ted, with quays, bridges, and all necessary arrangements for facilitating the embarking of men and goods, and for insuring the safety of the floating stock. The Northern railway lines will have to lead up to the quays and to any other points that may be deemed desirable, so as to enable all the material and machinery to be carried from place to place by railway, and in order to facilitating the loading, unloading, and storage of same. The dwellings of the workmen will be established at a short distance, but it is very probable that the steamship traffic will permit the employment of workmen residing in Calais or Boulogne, especially to the works to be performed in the offing. It is, moreover, very likely that important quan- tities of material will have to be conveyed by these ports. This division of labour on the French coast will benefit the whole of the operations, and prevent obstruction of any point of the district occupied by the works. On the coast of England the port of Folkestone and others will be made use of for similar purposes. A network of telephonic cables will connect the diffe- rent loading stations between them, and also with the yards on land and in the offing, so as to ensure that unity of action which is absolutely neces- sary in the execution of great undertakings such as this. The first portion of the foundation caissons, which includes the lower chambers, and the cross beams up to a height of 3,50 to 4 metres, will be constructed in a closed basin, as has been done with the caissons built in Toulon, Ant- werp, and Saigun. They will be put afloat by opening the doors at the spring-tide, so that they may be brought up to the outer harbour, where the work will be continued. In the outer harbour, then, the erection of metal walls and the caissons 4 26 will be carried on until a height of from 12 to 15 metres above the base is reached. At the same time the ballasting, by means of a layer of concrete from 2 metres to 2m,50 thick, will be commenced, being inten led to insure the necessary stability for conveyance through deep water. This latter ope- ration can be carried out by means of tugs when the caisson is sunk 10 or 12 metres deep, that being the maximum weight that can be charged, lest it should make it difficult to leave the port. The caisson will then, with ils ballast of masonry, be brought to the place it will have to occupy, where it will be fixed by the means hereinafter described. The ground will be dug by the ordinary methods, with the aid of compressed air and other sui- table means, until the base is firmly established upon a sufficiently firm foundation. The chambers on the roof will be filled with concrete, and the upper masonry will thus gradually rise until its completion. As regards the pillars to be sunk at a depth of less than 10 or 12 metres below low- water level, the operation will be as described, but beyond that depth the caisson, when it leaves the port, will be brought up to the pillar that is already placed in position, and the ballasting will be continued up to the time that it has to be taken to the place of its immersion, so as to concen- trate as far as possible, at one and the same place, the whole work to be performed in the sea, and thus facilitate surveillance and measures of pre- caution that cannot be dispensed with in such operations. By thus proceeding step by step, the necessary experience will be acqui- red as the work goes on for venturing down to lower depths, the work being perfectly regular, and one may say even normal, since it is supported by precedent. Putting in Position. The most important and perhaps the most delicate operation in this great undertaking is the placing of piers, while still afloat, into the positions they are eventually to occupy, with sufficient precision, so that the length of each span of the superstructure may be about equal. Great precautions must evidently be taken, and the effects of bad weather avoided, until sufficient experience is acquired. For the first operations, il will always be necessary to work in fair weather and at low water, preferably slack water, so as to be able to touch the ground and fix the construction in a short time. If, after inspection, it should be found that the place where they ground is not the right one, the piers are to be raised, and the whole process to be gone through over again until the column is in its proper place. In fact, the method to be adopted is very similar to that which we used with M. Castor for putting in place the piers of the Arles bridge over the Rhone. At a distance of from 200 to 300 metres, strong anchors would be run 27 out on chains corresponding to as many barges arranged for supporting and raising them. These barges will be connected with the caisson of the pier by sufficiently strong moorings to enable it to be retained in place, to perform the lining out, and to determine the distances, all operations requiring the attendance of very experienced engineers, capable of taking duly into account the deviations due to the action of the tides. The putting into line and fixing the distances may be effected when the edge of the caisson is at a short dis- tance from the ground (say from 0m,50 to 1 metre). It will thus be possible to admit into the chambers in the lower portion of the masonry an amount of water that will give the caissons sufficient weight to enable them to touch the ground, and to insure stability, which will make it more easy to ascer- tain whether they are placed in the right position, and are perfectly vertical. Whenever it might be found that the pier was not in its proper position, it would be necessary, in order to get it afloat again, to let the water out, to replace it by compressed air in the roof, and to begin the same operation afresh. If, on the contrary, the operation proved successful, it will be suffi- cient, to ensure the stability of the caisson, to add to the load a certain amount of masonry, and to withdraw the water or compressed air which had been provisionally used during the ballasting, preliminary to putting in position. The position of a column being sunk in the midst of anchored barges, and attached by the necessary moorings, will be very similar to that of a spider in the middle of its web. it By reason of the particular position which each column is to take up, will probably be necessary to strengthen some of the moorings, and to run out several more anchors. The barges used for that purpose will have to be provided with the necessary steam-engines and winches, so as to operate with the necessary amount of safety and power. The same winches can also be used for lifting the anchors. The barges will form a sort of protecting belt to the pier they surround at the moment of its immersion, and will serve to moderate the height and strength of the waves. It will be possible even to increase this effect of allay- ing the waves by using open rafts, moored to the barges, which would cover a comparatively large surface of water on the weather side. The employment of oil, as has been pointed out by M. Admiral Cloué, has the effect of stopping the breakers, and it is very probable that, after a few experiments, we might, in this way, succeed in obtaining sufficiently smooth water around the piers to enable materials to be put into position under almost any conditions of weather. The experience hitherto obtained of the new means of protection against the action of the sea, shows that one may succeed in working, almost without 28 interruption, at floating caissons, as if they were situated on a small island. Such is the impression which has been deeply engraved upon the memory of all those who witnessed the works carried out in constructing the docks in the port of Toulon. When the moorings are thus arranged near the posi- tion of the columns, the masonry of the pier will be built up, the leakings being at the same time tightened, in order to prevent having too much to do at the last moment. The laying of the masonry will compel the conti- nuous raising of the metallic walls of the caisson up to the level of the sea at low water. For the purpose of protecting the masonry, after getting each column into position, and bringing the upper portions of the masonry into correct line, the caisson will be surmounted by a movable metal structure, which we may call a dome, on account of its being contracted towards the top. This dome, which will be about 14 metres in height above the fixed portions of the caisson, will be composed of metal plates, one upon the other, and bolted together to the top wall of the caisson, in order to permit of sub- sequent taking to pieces. The tightness of the joints will be produced by layers of caoutchouc, as is usually done with dams 80 to 100 metres square surface, weighing 18 to 20 tons, employed in foundation caissons. The mounting and taking to pieces of this dome will be managed by means of a floating derrick, capable of lifting a weight of from 40 to 50 tons. The lower part of the dome will be furnished with a gallery, or hori- zontal platform, which will be used at the same time for the purpose of increasing the main resistance. In the middle portion would be another platform or gallery, above high-water mark, for receiving the cranes necessary for lifting the materials required for the masonry, after the caisson has been finally placed in position. Levelling the Ground. - Before the caissons are put in place, it will be easy to ascertain, by preliminary boring, the nature of the ground upon which the pier would have to rest, and to see whether it is perfectly hori- zontal or not. These experiments will also permit of making sure that the ground has sufficient resistance to sustain the piers, or whether it is necessary to prepare a special bed for them. Such levelling of the formation of the bed will probably be requisite in the case of piers near the coast, but owing to the small depth of the sea in those parts, compressed air may be used without any difficulty. For depths of from 20 to 35 metres, which hitherto have only been obtained in exceptional cases, no uneasiness need be fell with regard to the applicability of compressed air, inasmuch as experience will show the practical improvements that may be made in the methods and means already employed 29 1 About twenty-four piers will have to be erected in portions of the ground lying at a depth exceeding 35 metres. For these twenty-four piers, the experience previously acquired cannot fail to prove a safe guide as to the improvements that may be made in the methods of operation, and to give practical value to works which hitherto have only been attempted in cases of exceptional difficulty. Should it so happen, in levelling the ground for the piers that are to descend to the maximum depth, that any danger were to be apprehended from the use of compressed air, there will be no necessity nevertheless to remain inactive, for owing to its rotary structure the ground can be acted upon by means of rotating machinery that can be set in motion from the platform, or it may be cleared and levelled beforehand by means of special machinery. The clearing of all matter rejected in the levelling operation can be performed by means of force-pumps of considerable power, or compressed air engines, whereby the ground operated upon would be divided into a number of sections, to enable the currents to carry away the fragments. Experience will probably show that the action of the water column under pressure will alone be sufficient to clear the ground, and especially to remove all on the surface. The filling of the working chambers with concrete will be effected by means of compressed air, in the case of all the piers that will enable compressed air to be used. There is no doubt that this very important operation will itself suggest various improvements that can be made in the processes now employed, and will meet all requirements in the sinking of most of the piers. Filling in the Concrete Base. It is thought that by repeating the experiments made in the construction of the Kehl Bridge, it will be possible. in the case of great depths, to convey the concrete down to the lower portions of the working chambers by the simple use of free air, and to obtain very satisfactory results. One method that is to be thought of in this connection, consists in the filling of one of the compartments, having a surface of about 60 metres, by one uninterrupted operation, allowing the water and grout that will be produced, or any slime that may be made and left on the ground to escape through a special orifice placed at the top of the chamber. To obtain this result a great funnel will have to be used, made of steel sheets, and having a sufficient diameter to allow the concrete to pass through it without too much impediment (0,75 appear from trials hitherto made to be a diameter that will answer this purpose). This funnel or tube will have to be filled in with concrete up to the top, and closed at the foot by a self-closing valve. " That would have to "( 30 be opened, so as to permit the immediate passage of enough concrete to fill one of the compartments. The introduction of the concrete will occupy from fifteen to twenty minutes, so that when the compartment is filled the funnel should still retain a sufficient quantity of it to form a head and thus to prevent the water from entering the funnel during the operation. In operating in this manner, and in the case of each of the compartments of the lower part of the caisson, it will appear beyond doubt that the foundation leaves nothing to be desired in respect of strength, since the identical operation is gone through for each sepa- rate portion. In fact, the whole of the work will consist in repeating partial operations such as these, for which, therefore, suitable machinery will have to be provided, and it may be considered certain that the normal pressure. exercised by the concrete remaining in the funnels will be sufficient for the removal of the slime and groul. The test of such practical data as are avail- able in this kind of work justifies the choice of this mode of operation. The only objection that occurs to the mind is, that it is unlikely for 120 cubic metres of concrete to be got ready in the space of from fifteen to twenty mi- nules. It does not appear impossible, however, to obtain such a supply, nor even difficult, seeing the enormous quantity of concrete that will be required, and the very powerful machinery that must necessarily be employed. Each pile, when immersed and placed on the ground, will comprise, for a depth of 55 metres below the low-water level, the following components:- Displacement of water (al low water). Difference of tide Volume of the pier • Space of the recesses Volume of masonry . Weight of masonry caissons. • (at high Load sustained by the ground 70.5133 ) 75.970m³ 5.460m3 86.000m³ 28.800m3 57.200m³ 1.160t 148.870 150.030 1.604m2 Load expressed in kilogrammes per square centi- metre . Weight of metal columns • flooring. 9,3k 2.010t 7.164¹ Total load supported by the ground Total load expressed in kilogrammes par square 157.850 9,8k Surface of piers at the base. centimetre. • • 31 Upper Levelling. Whenever a pier is titted in position, it becomes necessary to raise the masonry from the lower waterlevel up to the base of the metal portion, that is, a distance of 20 metres, and up to a height of 15 metres above the highest waterlevel, so as to protect the base of the metal columns as far as possible from the action of the breakers. This work, which is not inconsiderable, since it represents 12,000 cubic metres of masonry, will, du- ring the first half of the operation, be sheltered by the upper dome, while the last half of the work will have to be carried on after the dome is removed. The masonry of the upper portion is to be provided with walls of hewn gra- nite stones similar to those composing the upper courses. The body will be an ordinary filling in" work. Ladders, and even flights of steps, will be provided to facilitate the access of the workmen, or their escape in case of accident. These ladders and steps will also enable the works to be inspected and observed after they are completed. 66 Erosion at the Base. If any fear was entertained as to the liability of the ground at the foot of the piers to become eroded by the currents of the sea, and thus to become less strong and reliable, it will be necessary to protect them by means of sacks filled with concrete, and so piled up, one above the other, as to form a sort of slope round each pier. Such a result could only be obtained by lowering the sacks of concrete with the aid of win- ches, as they could not be thrown down. A good result may also be attai- ned by forming stone packings around the base of the piers, composed of bulky pieces of rock discharged through special doors or gates (as isolated stones would not descend vertically), the probabilities being that no devia- tion will take place when they are discharged in one bulk through a door. The compression of ground resulting from such rock packing round the piers will even add to its resistance, if that be desirable. Special Considerations. No construction has been attempted up to the present time unless by means of stones sunk to the bottom, which get dis- placed or broken above the sea. The sea, in fact, often destroys even piers constructed by rocks, so that the safely of vessel in ports is rather jeopar- dised. It must be recognised, however, that while formerly there was no pre- cedent to assist those employed in the solution of these questions, the expe- rience acquired since has given mankind a great many useful hints by which we ought to profil, and which we must not leave out of sight even when a totally new step has to be taken in the same direction. Taking for granted that the works will be sufficiently protected against the action of the tops of the breakers, and that it will even be possible to shelter them against the less powerful action of the swell, the undulations 32 of which cannot cover more than 100 metres distance from the top of one wave to that of another, or measure more than 2,50 from top to bottom, it may be inferred that, in the case of a pier 57 metres long, such a pier will not be thrown out of the perpendicular by any rocking motion to which it may be subjected, and which will only represent a fraction of that sometimes expe- rienced by ships situated near the pier. Piers sunk deep into the water, and forming a considerable bulk, will only undergo part of the effects consequent upon the surface being thrown out of the level, and will present, as already mentioned (even while afloat), the appearance of small islands in regard to the ships that may approach them, while the vessels car. ying materials will in most cases follow the undulations of the surface of the sea. The work here contemplated has a certain analogy with the erection of a number of isolated lighthouses upon rocks, which have always caused a considerable expen- diture of labour and capital. These works, difficult as they were, did great honour to the able and skilled engineers who had devoted themselves to suc- cessfully carrying them out, but it is plain that an immense amount of trouble and labour would have been saved had these very structures been built upon a metal caisson placed upon the bottom of the sea, in the season when that is practicable. The lighthouses in the estuary of the Oder may be mentioned as an instance illustrating this statement, resting, as they do, upon a metal caisson. § 3. Materials and Machinery required for the Completion of the Works. The usefulness of a special port for the construction of the caisson, the fitting of the girders, and the sailing and floating stock has been sufficiently dealt with above. Such ports, as before stated, would have to be situated as nearly as possible to the point at which the works are begun upon either coast. Each of these ports would have to answer the immediate and special requirements of the work, and have docks or basins enabling four caissons to be formed at the same time, and two more caissons loaded. Each will also contain buildings for storing up the iron and the cement, and the work- rooms for the manufacture of the metal fittings. In fact, it will amount to an extensive works, that will supply all that is necessary for the construction of the bridge. The port will also have to be provided with suitable shunting arrange- 33 ments, as well as with all that is necessary to keep the floating stock in good repair, which stock would have to be rather considerable to assist in the erection of the masonry in the offing. Nothing less than the number of vessels enumerated in the following list will be sufficient :- Five steamboats of 250 H.P., carrying ballast and various compressed air engi- nes, with the proper fitting. Ten steamboats of 300 H.P. and 10,000 tons capacity for conveying the work- ing material to the spot. Each one of these vessels will be divided so as to be able to hold convenient proportions of the different categories of materials that are to be employed, and will also be fitted with the necessary machinery for loading and unloading, for manufacture of mortar and production of the electric light. Twenty-five anchoring barges for mooring, provided each with a machine and a winch for mooring and lifting the anchors. Five tugs or lighters for keeping the various materials in reach of the works in the offing. Two barges with masts, yards, etc., for putting up and taking down the domes of from fifty to sixty tons each. Thirty unsinkable barges for the port traffic, and for the conveyance of accessories. The gangways will be arranged in such a manner as to receive the goods as they come from the interior of the country from the railway station direct. The quays will be provided with cranes of various degrees of power, corres- ponding to the weight of the pieces they have to lift. 20 5 35 IV CUBING, ESTIMATES, AND TIMES REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORKS The following table shows in a condensed form the importance and the number of the piers to be constructed, such construction requiring about four million cubic metres of masonry and about seventy-six thousand tons of metal. Table of the Work to be Performed for the Construction of the Piers MASONRY CAISSONS DESIGNATIONS Breadth of Piers Cubic Metres per Pie s Total in Cubic Metres Weight of Caisson REMARKS Total Weight m3 m3 hos Los Piers at under Low Waters 14 17.300 10 6 20.500 15 сс 242.200 311.000 4.354.000 123.000 386.300 2.317.800 24.500 196.000 466.800 3.734.400 20 18 28.600 25 30 31.900 30 504.000 957 000 601.600 561.600 10.108.800 618.600 18.558.000 35 40 6 43.400 45 4 48.000 50 55 4 52.600 10 57.200 118 3.939.600 16 37.600 ୬ 40.500 81.000 790.200 1.580.400 260.400 873.800 3.242.800 192.000 966.400 3.865.600 210.400 1.058.200 4.232.800 572.000 1.163.20011.163.200 76.309.800 697.000 11.152.000 If it be desired to complete the whole of the works within a period of ten years, which does not seem at all impossible, about two years would have to be devoted to preparatory works for establishing of working yards 36 and buildings, so that the whole time, with this preparatory period included, would extend over twelve years. In such a case the foundation-work would have to be completed one year before the superstructure is begun, but it might be commenced even a little before the first year has quite elapsed. Thus ten years may be considered as necessary for the foundation-works and the superstructure. The labour would have to be divided between two working yards situated on either coast, so that each yard would have to turn out two million cubic metres of masonry, concrete, and caissons, to the amount of 40,000 tons each in a year, with the amount of 200,000 cubic metres of masonry, and 4,000 tons of iron caissons. The iron would be supplied from existing works, so that no difficulty would be encountered in this respect, except that to the annual 4,000 tons will have to be added the iron necessary for the superstructure. The plant required, however, for this demand exists, and this is the main point. As regards the masonry, there are some difficulties that would have to be contended with, not on account of the quantity of 200,000 cubic metres that must be turned out every year, but owing to drawbacks inherent to any work to be performed in the sea, as well as to the inconvience attending the conveyance of men to the spot, and the loading and unloading of materials. In the maritime works performed in the port of Antwerp 600 cubic metres of brickwork or of concrete have been turned out every day, and in the construction of docks at Missiessy 200 cubic metres of masonry for each caisson were easily supplied. At Boulogne and Calais the condition of the sea enables work to be carried on by dredging inachines from 200 to 250 days per year, which goes to show that if in the Channel bridge a better adapted and stronger material be used, the works can be carried on from 40 to 50 days longer, i.e., from 250 to 300 days a year, or, on an average, for 275 lays per annum. Deducting the holidays, however, the work will not be continued for more than 250 days, so that it will be necessary to turn out each 200.000 250 day 800 cubic metres of masonry. It does not appear to be possible to put more than 100 cubic metres of masonry per diem into one pier caisson, so that to obtain the total quantity of work required it woult be necessary to operate on eight caissons at once, and, besides, perform the preparatory and supplemental operations separately. In estimating the time that would probably be required to perform each of these operations, one can at once form an idea of the number of columns that will have to be operated upon at the same time. 37 AVERAGE COLUMN WITH BASE AT 30 METRES BELOW THE LOW-WATER LEVEL Construction of caissons. • • Loading same before moving Conveying same to place of sinking Masonry to be erected before sinking. Clearing the ground (?) under the edge. Fitting in place and final clearing of ground. Application of concrete Timelost through bad weather and holidays • QUANTITIES TIME REMARKS 697.000k 60 days 2.200m2 10 >>> 2 >> 17.500m3 175 >> 30 བ >> 20 >> 2.400m3 20 160 >> 2 >> 477 days The supply of the immense quantity of necessary material does not appear to offer any very great difficulties. As regards the concrete and the rough bricks and stones, the chalk quarries situated near Marquise may easily be taken advantage of, and they will probably suffice to supply all that is necessary in this respect with the assistance of a railway line. The shipping of such materials may be divided among the ports of Calais, Boulogne, and Ambleteuse proportionately to the 'facilities which each of those ports offers. The unloading on the spot where the work is carried on will be effected by labourers, assisted by special machinery, and no compli- cations are to be feared in this connection except such as may arise from the unsatisfactory condition of the sea, which may be guarded against in the manner indicated in the preceding chapter. The sand required for making the mortar will be supplied by the beach. Cement is manufactured in considerable quantities all around Boulogne, from whence 50,000 tons per annum can be easily obtained. The granite for the capping of the piers may be derived from the quarries of Chausey, Fla- manville, etc., situated on the coast, and placed beforehand in a condition suitable for the purpose. PART III SUPERSTRUCTURE PRELIMINARY PROJECT OF MESSRS. SCHNEIDER & C° 41 V CHOICE OF SYSTEMS OF GIRDERS The idea of placing non-continuous girders upon piers erected at regular intervals of 500 metres must be rejected at once. It is true that this system would offer the unquestionable advantage of considerably reducing the number of piers that might constitute obstruction to the navigation; but it would, on the other hand, be attended by the drawback of increasing the weight of the bridge extremely, for it is well known that the weight of a girder with two points of support increases much more rapidly in proportion to the span than a girder arranged in cantilever system. It would seem advisable to form large cantilever spans, but such an arrangement requires that between the points of support of the same girder a sufficient length is left for ensuring the stability of the work during cons- truction, and to make up for the varying distribution of the overcharge, as well as to meet the emergency of excessive gusts of wind. It will be understood that, from the standpoint of economy, it would be desirable to reduce this length as much as possible - 100 metres, for instance, would be a satisfactory length; but then it may be objected that, in many cases, these lengths of 100 metres would interfere with navigation, especially with that of sailing-vessels. It would, therefore, be necessary, to avoid multi- plying such obstacles, to increase the distance between the piers. This dis- tance has consequently been fixed at 300 metres at the deepest part of the sea, where the spans, arranged so as to form cantilevers, would therefore attain 500 metres. It has been stated before that, in addition to the alternate spans of 300 and of 500 metres, there would also be spans of 200 and 350 metres, and another set of spans of 100 and 250 metres respectively, to be placed ad the points corresponding to the elevated portions of the ground and in the vicinity of the coast. In considering the spans of 300 and 500 metres, the first idea that occurs is to form the spans of girders extending over the whole length of 300 metres, 6 12 and extending on either side in the form of cantilevers of 250 metres, so that the junction of two cantilevers should constitute a span of 500 metres in all. The accompanying sketch shows this arrangement. 1 1 *- 250 m 300 m 500 m It is a well-known fact that in the Forth Bridge the two large spans are not completely covered by the cantilevers, the latter being connected by an ordinary independent span. It therefore becomes necessary to ascertain whether the addition of such an independent span would result in diminishing the weight. The nature of this paper does not enable us here to reproduce the calculations to which this inquiry has conducted us, but it may be stated that these calculations have shown that the addition of an independent span is advi- sable, and that, supposing the distance between the points of support to be 500 metres, the space comprised between one-third and one-fourth of the distance between the points of support is the best indication of the length to be given to the same, for by this means a saving of about 17 per cent. is realised on each overhanging portion of the cantilever. The accompanying sketch shows the arrangements adopted for the three types of spans. 1- Type 187m5 211 Type Турс 130 3 Type 9275 300!!! 500 m 18 - 15 125 m 18- 15 200 m 350 m 130m -20m 130m 100 250" -925 65 ܵܐ J. 9.2!!!5 43 It now remains to determine what arrangement is to be adopted with regard to the main girders of the bridge. The best girder will be the one that will necessitate the employment of least weight while offering sufficient resistance to vertical loads and presenting the least surface to the action of the wind. Many types of girders of the same height, and presenting about the same intervals between the lower apices, have been examined, it being desirable to avoid taking into consideration the weight of the beams and of the sleepers under the rails. Warren compound girder. Post girder. Warren laced girders. AA W Warren simple girder. W Prall girder. The following table shows the weight of the different girders as compa- red with the weight of the Warren's compound girder: WARREN'S WARREN'S WARREN'S POST PRATT LAGED COMPOUND SIMPLE Weight to resist vertical strain >> >> wind. 1.000 0,957 1,063 0,956 1,190 1.000 1,137 1,241 1,350 1,080 Proportional average. 1.000 1,047 1,143 1,133 1,141 44 9 11 This proportional average has been calculated on the assumption that the weight necessary to resist the wind represented of the weight suffi- cient to withstand vertical strain. The question has been carefully inquired into, and the present report is the result. It will be seen that the Warren compound girder offers most advantages, and therefore this type of girder has been selected. The same girder has also been adopted for the independent spans connecting the consecutive can- tilevers. 45 VI (1) ARRANGEMENT OF METALLIC SUPERSTRUCTURE "") § 1. Spans of 300 and 500 metres. It is proposed to provide the bridge with two lines of way situated at 1,50 apart. The upper level of the rails will be 72 metres above the low-water level, the lowermost portion of the bridge being 61 metres above the low-water level throughout the extent of the spans of 300 metres, while in the centre of the spans of 500 metres, that portion is 66,50 above the low-water level (see sheets 6, 7, 8 and 9). Central Span and Cantilever Arms. — The metal flooring of the bridge is formed of two girders resting upon two piers 300 metres apart, and length- ened on either side to the extent of 187 metres, the arms of the cantilevers being 500 metres apart. These girders are 11 metres high at the ends of the overhanging portions, and 65 metres high almost throughout the span of 300 metres. Each girder consists of two members or chords connected by bracings forming isosceles triangles. The lower flanges of the two girders have a distance of 25 metres between their axes in the central span of 300 metres, and an interval of 10 metres at the ends. They are (1) The segments and calculations relating to the superstructure for the contemplated Channel bridge were conducted by M. J. B. Pradel, managing engineer of the Chantier du Creusot at Chalon-sur-Saône. 46 horizontal in the central span, but are raised to a height of 5 metres at the ends of the cantilevers. The upper chords are connected in the largest portion of the central span, but diverge at a certain point, so as to be 10 metres apart at the ends, and this is also the case with the lower chords; in the cantilevers they assume the shape of polygons inscribed in a circle of 650 metres radius. All the principal members of each girder, such as the chords and braces, are formed of plate and section iron divided into four segments. The secondary bars are of simple sections. The lower chords are square. They are 2 metres high at the central span, but decrease in weight towards the ends of the cantilevers down to 1 metre. The upper chords have the same width as the lower ones, but as the segments of which they are composed are longer, their height varies between 3 metres and 1,50. The braces are square, and their size is variable, according to the open length. The distance between the principal lower apices of each girder varies between 50 metres and 6.50, so as to make up as far as possible for the difference of diction of the braces. The lower chords are connected by cross-shaped bracings, the bars of which are of hollow circular section. Cross bracings between struts of the two main girders give additional strength to those girders and increase their resistance to the wind. Independent Span. The independent span of 150 metres is formed of two girders resting upon the ends of the cantilevers. Their height is 11 metres on the supports and 20 metres in the centre, their central spans being 10 metres apart. Each girder consists of two flanges or chords, the lower one being horizontal and the upper one assuming the shape of a polygon inscribed in a circle, both being connected by web, forming isosceles triangles. The two flanges are formed of sheet and section iron divided into four segments of identical shape. Their common height varies from 1 metre (at the ends) to 1,50 (in the centre of the span). The web is of the same type. The secondary bars are of simple section. The lower and upper numbers of the main girders are connected by cross-shaped bracings, the bars of which are of caisson section. Here also there are cross-bracings corresponding to the struts of the two girders. The Flooring Proper. The two lines of rails are supported by four rows of longitudinal beams disposed parallel with the rails. These beams are latticed. Their height and span are unequal, and their dimensions vary according to the stress they are to resist. The Channel Bridge & Railway Company, C. TELEGRAPHIC REGISTERED ADDRESS "PINOS" TELEPHONE NO 1748. derata; and am ii Paris I have sendu so information 110. Cannon Street. London. your E.C 29 July 1892 Post Card f yesterday came to the Lecretary give you he e that be you ean desire. farther futh. the + Edwarda 20. Alfred Street Liverpool B. The Channel Bridge & Railway Company, L TELEGRAPHIC REGISTERED ADDRESS "PINOS" TELEPHONE N° 1748 - B. 110. Dear Sir, 1 Mr. Cannon Street. London. 1 за EC td Aug 1892 Monst Que Palland the Du Secretary of this Company me to send has asked u some papers connected with the enterprise which I am doing by this days post, they consist of (1) The Articles of Association of Company. (2) Two Books of the p of а Booke slowing project. the the position (3) A Report of the proceedings held at the General Meeting 26th ult: and, on (4) A Plan skewing the connection of the proposed Bridge with Consmental and other railway systems A book is in course -ion which will carry of publicat. the proceedings by to a later period than that covered the two prints sent, but this will not be re ready for {" another six weeks or so. "As regards shares, the bompany has been only issuing these as money is wanted!. There are no вного regular forms of application, but should you wish to subscribe for shares and will let me I will see that the application is laid before the Directors The £ 4 share has been I understand as high as £10 on the Paris Bourse; but owing to the recent financial depression is now I believe about par again. Yours fouthfully Sal J. Edwards boq вод 47 The rails are to be embedded in a groove to avoid accidents. The plates are formed of ribbed iron 8 millimetres thick, weighing 50 kilo- grammes per square metre. They rest upon 1-shaped irons. The footways are provided with balustrades fixed upon the overhanging ledges attached to the external beams. The horizontal beams under the rails are carried by transverse pieces, each of which connects two of the lower apices of the main girders. All these pieces assume the shape of a Warren girder with three bays. Their weight is variable, and the bars of which they are composed are of hollow tubular section. Piers. The metal portion of the piers comprises two columns of 34,900 high. Each column is formed of two cylindrical cores having a common axis, and and a diameler of 4m 600 and 6m,400 respectively, twelve such cores arranged in a precisely vertical plane serve to con- nect the others, and by their prolongation form external and internal stiffeners. The interior stiffeners have a free space of 3 metres, which is invariable troughout the height of the column. The outer stiffeners give the body of the pier an apparent diameter of 8 metres, which gradually increases to 12 metres towards the base. The inner cylindrical core is provided with a prolongation of 14 metres forming an anchoring lube of 4 metres in diameter, but as it would be insufficient in case of a longitudinal action of the wind, and also to provide for expansion, twelve anchor bolts have been added forming the bed of each column. These bolts have a diameler of 0,250 and their action extends over a height of 14 metres of masonry. The two columns of the same pier are connected by bracings which enable them generally to resist the transverse action of the wind. The piers terminate at the top in ledges carrying the balustrade. A circular plate 6,200 in diameter, and 1.400 in height, covers each column, and is formed of sheet iron, serving to receive the supporting apparatus with a fixed or expanding fool. The expansion gear comprises six rails, 0,600 in diameter and 3 metres in length. The load is transmitted from the floors to the piers by sockels, hence it is distributed all over the sheet iron plates and angle irons, braced toge- ther so as to prevent overturning under the action of the wind. The columns of the pier are fixed, while the columns of the next pier have expansion gear. The effect of the expansion or the contraction of a floor results in a corresponding reduction, or augmentation, of the play between the overhanging portions of the cantilever and the ends of the 48 independent span. The span rests on one side upon fixed supports, on the other on rolling gear. § 2. The Spans of 200 and 350 metres. The upper level of the rails is 72 metres above low-water level. The lower portion of the bridge is supposed to be at 62,680 above the low- water level throughout the whole extent of the spans of 200 metres, while in the centre of the spans of 350 metres the height above the low-water level is 66m,497. The whole of the spans of 200 metres and 350 metres being similar to the spans of 300 metres and 500 metres, it will suffice, after what has been said in the preceding paragraph, to refer to sheets 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the plans to comprehend the arrangement adopted with regard to this type of spans. $ 3. The Spans of 100 metres and 250 metres. The upper level of the rails is always 72 metres above low-water level. The lower portion of the bridge is quoted as being at 63,780 above low-water level throughout the spans of 100 metres, while in the centre of the spans of 250 metres the height above the low-water level is 66,497. To comprehend the arrangement adopted in the case of this latter type of span, it is sufficient to refer to sheels 14, 15, 16 and 17. 49 VII CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT, AND PUTTING IN POSITION OF THE METAL SPANS. cas 1. Description. The important work of putting down a complete fitting-up plant will have to be carried out upon the coast in the vicinity of the abutment of the bridge. The small port of Ambleteuse, sufficiently sheltered from the winds of the offing and the effects of breakers, seems to be best adapted for this plant, which, as described on page 24, consists of two quays provided with suitably arranged jetties. These are intended to sustain the weight of the whole metal framework, and therefore constitute an essential part of the plant. The quays are to connect these jetties. They are supplemented by a channel of sufficient width ant depth to allow each loaded span to wait for a favourable moment to be placed on the piers by means of tugs. Upon the quays scaffolding will be erected, supplied with powerful and improved machinery, such as cranes, steam winches, and hydraulic lifting machines. The various parts of the bridge will reach the working-yard in as com- plete a condition as possible. A greater or less number of works may be applied to manufacture these different parts, in order to avoid the neces- sity of rapidly calling into existence a regular industrial town on a desert part of the coast, and thus obviate any disorder that may result from so doing, either while the works are proceeding or after their abrupt completion. The fitting together of all the pieces can be mainly done in the workyards, as regards the central spans and the overhanging cantilever arms. Once fitted up, each span will have to be freed from all the supports except those 7 50 - upon which it is supposed finally to rest. The must then be sufficiently shifted along the jetties to enable them to be placed on the barges provided. for carrying them to their ultimate position (see sheet 22). The power required for hoisting the bridge is not such as to be above the capacity of hydraulic cranes. Let us, in fact, consider the case in which the difficulty appears to be most serious, namely, that of the central span of 300 metres, with 50 metres in overhanging portions on either side, wei- ghing 9,580 tons. Supposing the coefficient of friction to be 0,10, it will be seen that the effort necessary will only amount to 958 tons. Particular attention is to be paid to the arrangement of the slides. As the bridge, indeed, must be able to remain upon the scaffoldings for a certain time, means must be provided for turning it round. The sup- porting surface is to be formed by the base of a cone carrying the turning socket. Thus, in the case of the heaviest span, a surface of 15 square metres will be obtained for 4,790 tons, which amounts to 32 kilogrammes per square centimetre. The slides will have to be strongly fixed to the masonry. To avoid their breaking under the strain they will have to undergo, they must be able to support about 500 tons at the transverse section, their width being 2,50. They evidently must be about 20 millimetres thick. They will rest upon wooden crossbars, lest, in consequence of some difficulty in the execution of the work, an excessive pressure per unit of surface should result in any given point, the consequence of which would be a crushing of the metal. The loading will be effected at high water. The barges will be brought under the bridge before the tide, and will raise it when the tide sets in. The whole will then be disengaged by transverse traction by means of winches. There may be three barges in the case of the heaviest span. The craft must therefore have a nominal capacity of about 3,200 tons, and a displace- ment of about 5,500 tons when fully loaded, including the weight of the scaffoldings provided for supporting the span. Barges 22 metres wide, 70 metres long, and drawing 6m,50, will answer the purpose. They will also fully insure the stability of the whole. The bridge may then sustain a considerable transverse pressure of wind without rendering the resulting inclination dangerous. • The various barges will be connected between them by steel cables strel- ched crosswise, as is sometimes done in the case of bridges over rivers for the passage of artillery in times of war. The barges shall be provided with compartments that can be filled with - 51 - water by means of sluice valves, so as to second the action of the tide during the discharging operations. It will thus become unnecessary to follow all the small movements of the sea, while nothing will prevent fair weather from being taken advantage of. The whole of the bridge and barges will be tugged by a large steamer by means of crowfoot lashings, which is preferable to using several tugs which might not act with the desirable uniformity. It will be understood that whenever the distance from fixed points either on the shore or at the piers makes it possible, it will be best to use direct traction and sufficiently powerful steam winches. Upon the piers it will be necessary, at the point where the girders are to be laid down, to provide sufficiently powerful buffers to intercept the shocks due to the movement of the sea. When the bridge has reached the position it is to occupy, and is brought to rest in four points on the piers of masonry, the raising of it by means of hydraulic presses, arranged inside the rings which form the base of the metallic piers, shall be proceeded with. The bridge shall then be raised to the required height to enable the following four elements of the piers being placed in position. The presses will afterwards be withdrawn and the operation may continue in the same way until the span assumes its ultimate position. By adding to the weight to be thus raised the strain produced by the wind, it will be seen that each of the presses placed within the metal piers should be endowed with an effective power of 2,900 tons. It has been stated before that the large spans were not to be quite completed on the shore. As regards the two overhanging portions, they will be placed in position by a process of free erection similar to that used by the Creusot Company in 1865, for the bridge across the river El Cinca (Spain). As to the separate spans, they may be completed in the yard. They can then, by means of barges, be brought under the two overhanging portions which they are to connect, and there raised to their ultimate position by means of sufficiently powerful lifting apparatus. အာ § 2. Calculation of the Machinery employed in Fitting Up. Buffers. The momentum to be deadened in case the buffers should be called upon to operate by movements of the sea occurring at the time of disembarking on to the piers, may be regarded as practically equal to half 52 the mass of the bridge, multiplied by half the square of the speed acquired PV2 by the end imparting the shock, viz., In taking this figure for a 29 startingpoint, one may be certain the real amount is exceeded, for, supposing the bridge rotates about its centre, the sum of the momenta would still be below that figure. Suppose, now, that the shock is to be relieved by twelve buffers of the railway type, arranged within each of the piers, the strongest of these buffers are capable of moving a distance of 0,10 and of carrying a load of eight tons. The available labour, therefore, can be set down as 8 × 12 × 0,1 practically equal to , which quantity must be equal to half the 2 momentum, viz., to 2400 19,62 v³. Therefore v equals 0,198 per second. Now, a swell sufficiently long to influence the barges, corresponds, as is well known, to a time of oscillation of about 3". Thus the average velocity, as worked out above, would correspond, in a similar oscillation, to a rise of the sea of 0,594 per second. This, however, is an amount of lifting which may be avoided in effec- ting the discharge, especially in the summer. A more precise calculation can be made by taking the force of inertia into account, but it seems unnecessary to dwell further on this point. It will can be easily seen that there will be no difficulty in deadening the impact due to the velocity imparted by the waves. Barges. The case more particularly considered here is that of the heaviest span, it being the one attended by most difficulties. The first condition to be fulfilled as regards the barges is to make it impossible for them to capsize, and to insure their stability. This object can be attained by placing the centre of gravity of the whole below the longitu- dinal meta-centrum. It can be taken for granted that the centre of gravity of the empty hulls of the barges will be 1 metre above the floating-line of the load, since they will be surmounted by a superstructure rising up to 20 metres above the floating-line, and since they will, when fully charged, rise to 4,15 above the water, their draught being 6,50. This being so, the bridge weighing 3,200 tons per barge, and having its centre of gravity 49 metres above the water, the general centre of gravity according to the calculation of weight will be - 3.200 × 49m + 2.300 × 1m 5.500 29 metres 53 the draught of the barges being 6,50, the minimum height of the longitu- dinal meta-centrum, above the centre of the keel, will be about 32 metres. Now, supposing that barges are used measuring 22 metres in width, and 70 in length, the height of the meta-centrum, with a displacement of 5,500 tons, will be about 40 metres. Thus stability will be amply provided for, and the distance of the centre of gravity from the meta-centrum will be 8 metres. This distance is sufficient, as will be shown further on, to insure stabi- lity under a wind coming transversely upon the bridge with a considerable. pressure. The surface the bridge will offer to the wind in that direction will be 8.750 square metres, and the centre of pressure is situaded 21",35 above the girders, that is 46,85 above the surface of the water. If p be the pressure of the wind square metre, the momentum of the wind in relation to the floating line will be 8.750 46,85 × p. If 0 is the incline assumed by the barges, then P (R A) sin 0 = - A being 8.750 46,85 p. P being the total displacement, and R the distance of the centre of gravity from the melacentrum, this distance we have assumed to amount to 8 metres, and P is 16.500.000. Now, it is desirable that the immersed end should not go down deeper 2,5 than 2m,50:- sin A must no exceed 35 It follows that the pressure per unit of surface which the whole struc- ture will be able to sustain will be equal to Ρ 16.500.000 × 8 × 2,5 8.750 × 46,85 × 35 23 K. Thus even a violent storm could not possibly capsize the barges. But, granting that this point has been sufficiently illustrated, it may be questioned whether the bridge will not run the risk of being deformed under the strains it will be subjected to by the barges themselves during its transport, especially if the operation it nos carried out in perfectly fair weather. It is obvious that if there is but little sea running, so that the waves are insufficient to influence the barges themselves, the whole operation will proceed as if they floated upon a perfectly smooth sea, so that no anomalous strains would ensue. As to traction, or those strains that will result from gyration, it will be readily seen that they will be of no great importance, if all the operations are performed slowly -e. g., the towing power necessary to tug the bridge at a speed of eight knots will not exceed 150 tons, even if a very sharp wind 54 happens to add to the resistance proper, such wind exercising a pressure of 10 kilogrammes per square metre, the towing power need not exceed 160 tons. Now, the bridge has been calculated to resist more considerable transverse strains than that. While one may reasonably depend on having fairly good weather in the Channel during the summer, it may happen, nevertheless, that the barges, upon leaving the port, may encounter a considerable swell, at least in length, which, although not very noticeable, may exercise on a girder more powerful strains than those provided for in the preceding calculations. Thus, it may happen that the swell exercises on one of the barges a lifting strain that will be transmitted to the bridge. This strain will be equal to the floating surface of the barge, multiplied by the distance between the ordinary floating line and the medium floating line, determined by the section of the wave. Now as the floating surface extends over about 1,000 square metres, it will be seen that a wave that would cause the floating line to rise 0,50, would cause a thrust of 500 tons. Such a wave, however, would have a lifting power considerably above 0,50 inasmuch as its section is never a horizontal line. One may set it down at 0,75 in the least favourable case. This strain of 500 tons, however, would not in itself prove dangerous, considering the sections of the girders and the use of lashings. It will thus be seen that, from this point of view also, the transport would be by no means impossible. We have hitherto considered only those stresses from which the girders are naturally protected, such strains acting in the same way as those which the girder is originally destined to withstand; but the girders will be exposed, besides, to another kind of strain, the torsion strain, which they will sustain whenever the barges that carry them tend to take up positions at different angles to the perpendicular, in consequence of the varying inclines of the waves. These are the stresses that require special attention. Let us then consider the portion of a girder comprised between the two floats. They will assume a certain relative position, corresponding to an angle of torsion of the bridge 0, and will assume the inclines 0' and o" respectively, in relation to the liquid surface upon which they float. If we call a the angle formed by the two floating surfaces, we obtain 01 α₁ = 0₂+0' — 0″. - On the other hand, the moment of stability of the first barge is P (R—A) 0′, that of the second P (RA), and the couple which counterbalances the twisting strain is (a P (R — A) (0′ A) (0' 0"), or P (RA) (α — 0¸). 55 It is equal to a moment of torsion of 1 / I, G I, G = P (R — A) (α, — 0₁) · 0₁). But, on the other hand, if be the effect of the strain upon the fibre Ꮎ ; supporting the heaviest load, this effect is proportionate to αι i.e., to P (R A) α, I, G + IP (R — A) I, G P (R A) +1 From this expression we cannot yet obtain the value of; but we may infer from it that it is desirable, within certain limits, to multiply the num- ber of barges. Supposing, in effect, that they are uniformly divided, the displacement P of each will be proportionate to the distance between them, as I and Р = c. Let h be the distance of the centre of gravity from the remotest fibre; we obtain σ = Gh = Gh X1 P P (R I G A) +1 P Ip G +1 lc (R A) The value of 1, corresponding to the maximum of is G I, G Ip c (R — A) By this formula a far greater length than that of the girder will be found. As I diminishes, decreases too; thus it will be seen that it is desirable to increase as far as practicable the number of barges. The necessity for the girder to rest upon parts capable of a local resis- tance, leads to the adoption of the number three for every 9.580 tons. Less than this cannot be taken in the case of the other spans. Given a distance between the barges 1, and the angle a₁, of the floating surfaces of two consecutive barges, the corresponding value may be calculated from 。. But an easier method is to find out at what angle a₁, equals a tor- sion of 6 kilogrammes per square millimetre. It will then be found that a should be equal to something more than 200°; we are therefore justified in concluding that the torsion produced, even by very powerful waves, will only cause perfectly insignificant strains. All the preceding calculations are naturally only approximate; they nevertheless permit the inference that the transport of the spans is quite possible. 56 t § 3. - The Fitting of the Cantilever Arms. We here treat of a method of putting into position the central spans and overhanging trusses, so as to avoid the employment of hydraulic cranes, which have hitherto been indispensable. The necessity of raising the bridge by hydraulic cranes each time one places a ring of the columns into position necessitales a series of alternative manipulation, requiring a great deal of time and trouble. It is easy enough, on the contrary, to mount the columns separately by small sections by the aid of hoisting gear of less power; but as the carriage of the spans on floating barges is not to be thought of, it being too difficult to thus bring them into a position that will permit them to be raised to the place they are to occupy, the result is that it is necessary to fit up these spans at the required height straight away. The idea might at first sight suggest itself that the piers already constructed should be used as supports. For, by surmounting them each separately by a platform of sufficient size to insure slability, it would be possible to fit the spans by free erection on either side of each pier. The junction of the two sections of a girder would then have to be made in the centre of the central span; but whatever care is taken in carrying out this operation, it would leave serious doubts as to the continuity of the girders, such as is assumed in the calculations. It is by far preferable to commence the mounting in the centre of the central span with the aid of auxiliary and removable piers interposed between the piers that are to be left standing permanently. In the case of the larger spans two piers might be arranged, as shown in the following sketch. A A A A 100 IV H 35m 6m 80m 25m 300 m ترجل 60 35m 52 m I 57 These piers are formed of two columns, each 51 metres high, and 6 metres in external diameter, braced together in a transverse direction, and resting upon a caisson, the form of which, in horizontal section, is that of a rectangle terminating in a semicircle, so that it should oppose the least possible resistance to the currents. At the top the caisson is 35 metres long and 10 metres wide, and at the base 60 metres long and 5 metres wide. Its height is 65 metres for the maximum depths. The two piers he:e considered are so situated that there is a distance of 80 metres between their axes, and they are connected by a superstructure forming a platform 100 metres long by 35 metres wide. It is on this platform that the fitting up of the different parts of the bridge will be effected, just as if it was in an ordinary workyard on land, whereu- pon the construction of it will be continued, by means of free erection, until on either side the permanent pier is reached, which will then have to be completed so as to be able to receive the girders. When once the span is set down upon the piers, the mounting operation can be continued with the assistance of the auxiliary piers. The superstructure can then be removed as well as the columns, and both can be used together, with the caissons, in the fitting in place of the next span. Each caisson being of dimensions comparable to those of the caissons. provided for in the case of the brickwork surrounding the columns, it will be possible to set it afloat and ground it, after being provided with the compartments necessary for receiving the ballast of sand. Its cubical volume being about 51.000 cubic metres, it will be necessary to fill a little over one-half of it with sand ot make it ground. With the caisson in position, it may still be found, even after the same be loaded with the columns, the superstructure, and the portions of the bridge then in course of completion, that infiltrations should take place at its base which would give a thrust equivalent to 43.500 tons. This being so, a ballast of about 8,000 cubic metres of sand will have to be added, in order to insure the stability of the whole under the action of wind at the time that the bridge girders are about to be placed upon the piers intended to support them. For the fitting up of the intermediate spans, two auxiliary piers seem necessary. As to the small spans, where the piers of the bridge are 100 metres apart, one single auxiliary pier will be sufficient, if it be connected with the permanent pier by a platform. 8 59 VIII ESTIMATES OF WEIGHT The following weights have been obtained by adding to those found by calculations 18 per cent., to provide for additional pieces that will be employed in fitting and rivetting. Taking all parts together, the limit of stress is assumed to be 12 kilogrammes per sectional square millimetre, the rivet bolts not being subtracted. This limit, howerer, may be considered as a very high one, for it has never been reached hitherto in all the steel structures that have been built; but, nevertheless, after carefully examining the conditions involved in the question, it will be found that the assumption of such a limit is not unjustified. 8 11 In the present case the permanent load represents of the total load. From the formulas deduced from the experiments of Wöhler, it appears that the limit of stress of 12 kilogrammes offers the same guarantees of safety as a limit of 10,5 in the case where the permanent load and the additional load have equal influences. In the case of such pieces as the longitudinals under the rails and the beams, where the additional load greatly exceeds the permanent load, it may be said that the addition of 18 per cent. is certainly excessive in fact, that it surpasses any figure suggested by a lengthy experience. Even as regards the other parts of the bridge, this figure may be regarded as exag- gerated, owing to the use of sheet iron and section irons that can attain 12 metres in length, which would notably reduce the importance of the fittings. It must be added that in calculating these pieces, very liberal allowance has been made for any unforeseen excess of weight, since instead of calculating their rcal length, the distance between their axes has been taken into account. To simplify calculations, the same coefficient (12 kilogrammes) has been admitted as applying to all the members of the bridge. In a final project, however, it will be necessary to examine whether it is not more rational to attribute to each piece a coefficient of resistance varying with the size and the direction of the stress to which that particular part is subjected. 60 ! Δ B I. SPANS OF 300 METRES AND 500 METRES d 1º Central Span and Cantilever Arms. C' D' 9 E F G AMAMA 2 H' E E 2 Fi F2 G2 H1 H2 I Ꭰ . B 2 2 187m 5 LOWER members 150m CENTRAL SPAN UPPER members BARS LOWER members CANTILEVER ARMS UPPER members BARS A, C₁ شکی سے تھے تے تے 76T,093 A' 45T,088 a 221,839 D, 137,231 D' 172T,280 I 125T,527 78, 010 Β' 96, 293 b 28, 658|| D₂ D₂ 2 127, 127, 419 E' 106, 670 h 108, 914 B₁ 92, 230 C 121, 117 C 59, 267|| E₁ 77, 251 F' 59, 976 ї 64, 494 B₁₂ 98, 059 d 74, 950 E., 70,487 G' 33, 340 i 56, 578 126, 814 e 122, 537 F₁ 40, 198 H' 16, 320 k 30, 756 C₂ 136, 820 f 166, 146 F₂ 2 35, 972 I' 4, 528 し ​28, 261 G₁ 18, 702 M 14, 338 G₁₂ 15, 950 n 14, 706 2 H₁ H₂ 2 I 1 5,992 6, 913 3,833 0 7,167 ק 9.485 9 5, 238 608,026 262T, 498 474,397 539T,948 393T,114 465™,464 NAMES OF PIECES ONE CENTRAL SPAN TWO OVERHANGING PIECES of 300 metres of 187,5 each Main girders. 5.379⁰, 684 5.594", 104 Secondary bars of the main girders 67, 336 55, 632 Footplates, rails, footways, and bracings of sleepers . 411, 732 501, 560 Longitudinals under rails. 335, 040 380, 680 Beams 106, 824 97, 002 Lower bracing 270, 468 431, 144 Cross bracing. 45, 584 41, 006 6.616", 668 7.101T. 128 SUM TOTAL. 13.717,796 61 Y K' J 2° Independant Span of 125 metres. 7) L' W J Ki K2 I 1 L2 Mi 625 LOWER CHORDS 62m:5 125 m UPPER CHORDS BARS J 2T,353 J' 3T,827 9T.968 Y ་་ ་་ 2,880 K' 7,409 2,715 2,327 L' 11,911 S 2,839 2 1 2,464 3,977 И 1,158 ورا 4, 375 4” 1,857 N M. 5,812 W 0.571 217,724 23T,147 217,572 Main girders. Secondary bars of principal girders. Plates, rails, footways, bracings of sleepers Longitudinals under rails . Beams. Lower bracing Upper bracing Cross bracing • # 265™ 772 11,790 162,584 102,720 24,114 16,864 13,488 8,862 TOTAL. 606⁰,194 - 62 1 ! 3° Two Metal Piers. Interior framing of lower numbers of floor girders. Supporting contrivance Metal columns • Bracing of columns. Anchor tubes. Anchor bolts. Metal flooring (1º ÷ 2º). Piers (3). 60 tonnes. 764 2.268 332 240 360 TOTAL. 4.024 tonnes. Summary. TOTAL. Weight per metre of column: 18.348 800 = about 23 tons. 14.324 tonnes. 4.024 18.348 tonnes. § 2. SPANS OF 200 METRES AND 350 METRES 1. Central Span and Cantilever Arms. A 2 A' B AA B 1 B2 700 m D' E F G h m C₁ C2 D1 D2 E 1 E2 Fi F2 130 m G1 G₂ Hi 1 63 CENTRAL SPAN LOWER Members UPPER Members BARS LOWER Members CANTILEVER ARMS UPPER Members BARS A. 38T,708 A' 46⁰,020 a 13T,338 D₁ 59,025 C 74T,248 f 50T.989 B₁ 42, 419 Β' 53, 078 b 18, 139|| D₂ 53, 881 D' 44,507 I 44, 228 B₂ 44, 611 C 25, 339|| E₁ 30, 702 E' 23, 020 h 24, 638 2 C₁ 54, 816 d 41, 695 E 27.611 F' 10, 623 i 22, 353 C₁₂ 59, 052 ¿ 63, 399|| F₁ 14, 002 G' 2, 769 11, 317 F₂ 12. 175 11, 108 G₁ 4, 724 し ​5, 048 G₂ 3, 800 m 6, 475 H₁ 1, 947 N 3, 689 239¹,606 99⁰,098 161,930 207T,867 155T,169 179,845 ONE CENTRAL SPAN TWO OVERHANGING TRUSSES NAMES OF PIECES of 200 metres of 130 Metres each Main girders. 2.002™, 536 2.171⁰, 324 Secondary bars of main girders 40, 000 30, 300 Plates, rails, footways, bracings of sleepers . 268, 752 344, 384 Longitudinals under rails . 207, 320 263, 400 Beams. 67, 920 66, 396 Lower bracings 67, 840 154, 454 Cross bracings. 33, 300 29, 192 2.687T, 868 3.059⁰, 650 SUM TOTAL 5.747,518 y 2. Independent Span of 90 Metres. I' H' ť AA L 12 J J3 4.5m 45m Hz * 90m 64 LOWER CHORDS UPPER CHORDS BARS 11 2 1',067 I' 1,874 Y 0T,868 1, 1,538 I' 3,899 0 2,715 I 1,263 J' 2,411 p 1,711 2 2,381 1,680 1 J 2,472 "' 0,338 2 S 0,902 8",743 8T,184 8T,214 Main girders. Secondary bars of main girders. 100.56/T 8.431 Footplates, rails, footways, bracings of girders 116.776 Longitudinals under rails. 84.944 Beams. 19.184 Lower bracing. 9.990 Upper bracing. 7.984 Cross bracing . 5.442 TOTAL. 353.315™ 3. Two Metal Piers. Inner framings of lower members of floor girders. Supporting machinery. Metal columns. Bracings of columns. Anchor lubes . Anchor bolts 28T 428,8 1.625,2 248 180 340 TOTAL. 2.844™ 63 Metal flooring (1° + 2º) • Piers (3º). Summary. 6.601' 3.844 8.945 TOTAL. Weight per running metre: 8.945 500 about 16,3 tons. Α' § 3. SPANS OF 100 METRES AND 250 METRES 1. Central Span and Cantilever Arms. b B' e D' E Aa Bi B2 C₁ Co Di D2 E' Es F 50m .92" 5 CENTRAL SPAN CANTILEVER ARMS LOWER CHORDS UPPER CHORDS BARS LOWER CHORDS UPPER CHORDS BARS A, 27,232 A' 32T,598 a 4,681 C₁ 27,836 B' B, 28, 718 b 11, 117 C₁₂ 24, 764 C' 35T,698 20, 562 d 27,712 ( B, 29, 972 C 21, 394 D₁ 13, 406 D₂ 11, 632 E R = D' 9, 476 ľ 2, 250 g E₁ 4, 616 h E2 3, 683 21, 596 11, 635 10, 665 1, 730 3, 660 F 1, 287 j 2,753 85¹,972 32T,598 37",195 86,974 67,983 81T 781 9 66 NAMES OF PIECES Main girders. Secondary bars of main girders Plates, rails, footways, bracing of sleepers Longitudinals under rails Beams. Lower bracing Cross bracings. • SUM TOTAL ONE CENTRAL SPAN TWO CANTILEVER ARMS of 100 metres of 92.5 Metres each 623T,060 946T,844 12, 900 15, 164 • 133, 500 243, 340 101, 184 176, 280 27, 600 42, 952 16, 326 69, 040 22. 000 15, 000 936, 570 1.508T,620 • • • 9.4427,190 2. Independent Span of 65 Metres. Y K G' X A F2 G G2 H 32m5 65"! LOWER MEMBERS UPPER MEMBERS BARS F₂ 0T,628 F' 1T,101 y 0T,564 G₁ 0, 792 G' 2, 121 た ​1, 312 G2 0, 773 0, 938 H₁ 2, 283 m 1, 001 1 忆 ​0, 202 4T,476 3T,222 4º,017 67 Main girders 46.860™ Secondary bars of main girders. 5.770 Footplates, rails, footways, bracing of sleepers 84.336 Longitudinals under rails. 57.696 Beams. . 15.648 Lower bracing. 7.650 Upper bracing. 5.71h Cross bracing 5 442 TOTAL. 229.116™ 3. Two Metal Columns. Inner framings of lower members of floor-girders. Supporting contrivance. 12T 240 Metal piers. • Bracings of piers. Anchor tubes Anchor bolts . 1.448 140 112 220 TOTAL. 2.172T Summary. Metal flooring (1° 2°) 2.674T Piers (3). 2.172 Weight of the running metre: TOTAL. 4.846 350 4.846T 13,8, approximately. NUMBER of Spans for the whole of the Bridge $ 4. GENERAL SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF SPANS LENGTHS UNITS WEIGHTS LENGTHS TOTALS WEIGHTS 32 Spans of 300 and 500m. 800M 18.348™ 25.600 M 587.136T 13 >> 200 and 350m . 550 8.945 7.150 116.283 14 100 and 250m. 350 4.846 4.900 67.844 TOTALS for whole bridge. 37.650 771.265T Average weight per linear metre of bridge: 771.265 37.650 = 20',5. 69 IX CALCULATIONS OF RESISTANCE The calculations relating to the large spans of 300 and 500 metres will alone be here reproduced, the same method having been followed for the three other types of spans. § 1. — THE INDEPENDENT SPAN 1. Sleepers under Rails, The two lines of rails are carried by four rows of sleepers laid parallel to the rails. Their length varies from 6m,50 to 14 metres. The loads comprise: The weight of the rails, of the foolplates, of the footways, and the bra- cings of the sleepers; The weight of the sleepers proper is supposed to vary with the weight under consideration; одход одход And the additional load due to passing trains. 470x10 10 ΟΙ 10 LO O et 200×19 500 et 560 1 mooo et m 200 250 et 320 250 et 320 This additional load is assumed to be uniformly distributed according to the regulations of the 9th July 1877. All the longitudinal beams are latticed. The accompanying sketch shows their shape in cross section. The bars of the lattice work are formed of T 100 X 60 100 × 61 and of 8×8 9 × 8 irons of The results of the calculations of the longitudinal beams underlying the rails are contained in the fol- lowing table. They have been arrived at on the as- sumption that the beams will be supported at the ends only: - 70 - NUMBER FOOTPLATES, RAILS,ETC. LENGTH WEIGHT WEIGHT WEIGHT OF BEAMS WEIGHT of of in per running metre of of BEDPLATES of a Row BEAMS BEAM BEAM under rails, etc. BEAMS 24 6m,50 324,37 1.402k 4.217k 2.804k 9, 25 324, 37 1.842 12.002 7.368 4 11, 75 324, 37 2.148 15.245 8.592 2 14, 00 327,94 3.458 9.182 6.916 TOTAL per row of beams. 40.646k 25.680k Thus, for the four rows of the whole bridge, the weights are as follows :— Bed-plates, rails, footways, bracings of beams. Beams under rails . 162T,584 102, 720 2. Beams. The beams or bridge pieces are the immediate support of the sleepers underlying the rails. They assume the shape of Warren girders with three panels; their height varies between 3m,60 and 5m, 40 metres, and their length of span between 9 metres and 8m,50. Leaving out of consideration the weight of the beams proper, it will be found that they will only have to support those distinct loads which will be transmitted to them through the medium of the sleepers underlying the rails. Thus there is, in the first place, the load given through the bed-plates, rails, etc., and that of the sleepers themselves The table given enables these loads to be determined. As to the weight of the trains, it will vary accord- ing to their position and nature. Let us call any given beam 7, the two adjacent ones ẞ and 8, and sup- pose that the moving roads comprised between 3 and are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. B 5 Y I ~ M. Bertrand de Fonviolant 8 has shown that if ß, Y, I and y, d, be considered as two disconnected gir- ders, the position of the train to which the maxi- mum of reaction of support y corresponds, is the same as that which produces the maximum moment of flexure under section y of the beam sustaining the same loads and resting upon the two supports ẞ and only. 71- P.H Applying, therefore, Weyrauch's construction, one is enabled immedia- tely to find the more unfavorable position of the train, whether of simple or double traction, and to calculate the load transmitted to the beam. The results of such calculation are as follows:- 62m5 *- 6,5 9,25 9,25 11,75 11,75 14 W MAXIMUM STRESS BEAMS (for each Weight.) a LB & E ← -e CASE IN WHICH THE MAXIMUM Stress is exercised. 42T Simple traction train. 43 dº 47 dº 50 d° 54 do 55 dº 59 do Supposing all the piers supported by each beam concentrated on its two upper apices, the science of statics enables us to determine the strains that will be developed in each of these elements, and the corresponding weights. The following figures will thus be arrived at:- Weight of one beam . 1.629 kilog. 1.622 ب 1.746 2.022 W á 2.016 B' 1.968 1.054 12.057 kilog. 1/2 Y TOTAL. Hence the weight of all the beams of one whole span may be expressed thus 2 × 12,057 = 24,114. 3. Bracings. To determine the stresses due to the action of wind, it has been assumed that the pressures exercised upon all the parts of the superstructure would be transmitted to the upper and lower apices of the main girders. To calculate these pressures all those surfaces of the girder exposed to the wind, considered as plain, the surface of the sleepers and of the train 72 (in the case of the bridge being loaded), and the surface of the web ef the girder exposed to the wind, less the portion concealed by the sleeper and the train, have been considered, and it has moreover been assumed that the wind may attain a force of 170 kilogrammes per square metre at a time when the span is loaded, and 270 kilogrammes per square metre when the span is free from any load. By these means loads have been obtained for the different apices for half of a span. 21 231 17 18 19 20 21 23 23 LOWER SPAN SPAN UPPER SPAN SPAN APICES LOADED UNLOADED APICES LOADED UNLOADED 17 4T,989 5T,507 17' 6T,211 112,180 18 12, 917 14, 707 19' 14.037 24, 742 19 11, 708 11, 102 21' 21, 564 36, 116 20 20, 596 26, 386 23' 13, 217 21, 966 21 15, 645 15, 404 22 27, 484 35, 334 23 9, 979 10, 238 Lower Bracing. The whole of the lower chords of the principal gir- ders and of the cross-shaped bracings which connect them form a girder sustaining the strains transmitted to the lower apices. This girder may be considered as imbedded into a recess at both ends. Plan 20 shows how the moments of flexure and of shearing stress have been determined. From these the stresses developed in the chords and in the bars of the bracings as well as the corresponding weights can be worked out. 73 CHORDS STRESS in LENGTH of ONE CHORD ONE CHORD WEIGHT of PANELS including ONE CHORD THE BARS STRESS on the TWO BARS LENGTH OF ONE BAR WEIGHT of TWO BARS J 220T,5 154, 5 6,50 1T 099 (17,18) 142T, 2 11,927 1T,301 K₂ 76, 5 20 20 9, 23 1, 096 (18,19) 155, 0 13, 623 1, 620 9, 25 0, 343 (19,20) 134, 8 13, 623 1, 409 L₁₁ 55, 5 11, 73 0, 500 (20,21) 135, 0 15, 431 1,598 Liz 99, 6 11, 75 0.898 (21,22) 100, 0 15, 431 1, 184 M₁ 114, O 14, 00 1, 224 (22,23) 100, 0 17, 205 1. 320 TOTAL. 5,360 TOTAL. 8T,432 The following weights will thus be obtained for the whole span : Weight of the lower chords. Weight of the lower bracing. Top Bracing. 4 X 5,360 21,440 2 X 8,432 = 16,861 The girder formed of the upper chords and braces should also be considered as embedded in recesses at the ends. The web is or flat surface, but it is subject to the normal strains consistent with its form in horizontal sections. This point has been inquired into by M. Maurice Lévy, and the drawing on Sheet 18 was based on the formula of the analytic theory he had propo- sed. This theory gives the moments of flexure and torsion and the shearing stresses, determined according to the directions of the braces. The following tables summarise the results arrived at: CHORDS STRAIN upon LENGTH of ONE CHORD ONE CHORD WEIGHT of PANEL including STRESS upon the LENGTH of WEIGHT of ONE CHORD BRACES TWO BRACES ONE BAR TWO BARS J' K' 161T,4 98, 4 16⁰⁰,269 27,014 (17',19′) 21, 288 1, 607 (19',21) 1567,8 133, 5 18m.651 2T,243 23, 260 2, 382 L' 156, O 25, 798 3, 087 (21',23') 100, 0 27.624 2, 119 TOTAL. 6º,708 TOTAL. 6T,744 The following weights, therefore, apply to the whole span: Weight of the top chord. . Weight of the top bracing. 4 X 6,708 26¹,832 X 2 × 6,7!! 13,488 10 74 Cross Bracings. When once the moments of torsion are known, it beco- mes possible to determine the stresses in the bars of the cross bracings. The torsion stress, however, being very insignificant, the weights thus found with regard to the bars are inadmissible. Supposing these bars are of a size compatible with their shape, their total weight will be 8.862 tons. 4. Secondary Bars (Braces of Main Girders). The secondary bars, with a portion of the main bars, form heavier girders with three bays. A simple application of statics is therefore sufficient to enable the stresses to be determined which these bars will have to with- stand, supposing that the loads they will have to support directly are known. The weight of the secondary girders throughout the span will therefore be 11.790 tons. 5. Main Girders. The length of each main girder is 125 metres. The load they have to support is formed of the weight of the girders themselves, the weight of the metal flooring, and of additionnal loads. A variety of experiments show that these loads may be regarded as uniformly distributed and applied to the lower portion of the girders. Let p be the total per square metre of the main girder. P the weight of a girder such as it should be to resist vertical strains. p' the weight per running metre of girder for all parts under conside- ration; and p" the overcharge per running metre of girder. We then obtain- p = PL + p' + p² (1). Or let t be the tension or compression of one girder bar per unit of load and per running metre. I the length of the bar. the density of the metal. R the co-efficient of resistance per unit of surface. The weight of a bar will then be :- 元 ​1,18 R ptl 78 The factor 1,18 being allowed for rivetings, joints, and fittings, the weight of one girder will then be :- P = 1,18 R 1,18 ᾗ ρ Σα Ꭱ p (2). Eliminating p between formula (1) and (2), we find: P 1,18 π Χ L RL (p' + pˆ) Σ tl 1,18 Π Σ 1 (3). Calculation of (p' + p). If we summarise the weights of all the pieces known, we obtain : Bedplates, rails, footways, etc. Sleepers under rails. Beams • Bars of lower bracing • Tons. 162.584 102.720 24.114 16.864 Bars of upper bracing 13.488 Bars of inclined bracings. 8.862 Secondary bars of main girders. 11.790 Weight of chords required to enable them to resist the action of the wind. 48.272 388.694 The weight per metre throughout will be: p' = 388¹,694 2 × 125 1,555. The overcharge (p") per metre throughout of girder = 3 tons. Hence : p' + p = 1,555 + 3 = 4,555. Calculation ofl. The configuration of a girder being strictly inde- formable, the stresses acting upon each bar may be determined by a figure forming a counterpart of such configuration. The tracing on Sheet 18 is based on the assumption of a load of one ton per metre throughout. bar: The following table gives the figures of t, of, and of tl, for each 76 CHORDS t し ​tl BARS t tl J 55,2 6m,50 358,800 y 62,5 5m,72 357,500 K 55,2 18, 50 1.021,200 2' 60,8 12, 78 777,024 L 84,7 23, 50 1.990, 450 S 46,1 17, 63 812,743 M 93,8 14, 00 1.313,200 t 40,0 17, 63 705,200 J' 31,9 16, 27 319,013 И 15,1 21, 96 331,596 K' 78,0 21, 29 1.660,620 V 24,2 21, 96 531,432 L' 97,9 25, 80 2.525,820 ш 6,7 24, 41 163,547 Total.. 9.389,103 Total.. 3.679,042 Thus for one whole girder we obtain : Σll = 2 × (9.389,103 + 3.679,042) = 26.136. By these means all the quantities are known that are included in the second number of formula (3), namely :- hence: T p + p 4¹,555 ΣΗ Σ tl = 26.136 R = 12 × 106 II 7.800 L 125 P = 0,87 L The weight of the two girders, necessary to enable them to withstand vertical strains, is therefore : 2 × 125 × 0¹,87 = 217",500 Adding to it the weight necessary to withstand the action of the wind, we obtain: 217,500 + 48,272 265¹,772 دیک § 2. CENTRAL SPAN AND CANTILEVER ARMS 1. Longitudinal Beams under Rails. The length of span of the sleepers varies from 7,50 to 25 metres. Their arrangement being the same as that of the corresponding pieces of the independent span, the results only of the calculations will be here indicated. - 77 - DESCRIPTION NUMBER LENGTH BEDPLATES WEIGHT WEIGHT WEIGHT of of sleepers in a of rails, etc., weight per of one of bedplates, of span row sleepers average metre of sleeper sleeper rails, etc. sleepers Central span. 12 25m,00 343,11 6.980k 102.933k 83.760k Total for one row of sleepers. 102.933k 83.760k 4 25,00 343k, 11 6.980k 34.311k 27.920k 4 21, 50 335, 94 3.825 28.891 23.300 企 ​18, 00 333, 74 4.434 24.029 17.736 Overhanging 4 14, 50 327, 94 3.349 19.021 13.396 portion 4 11, 00 324, 37 2.431 14.272 9 724 7, 30 324, 37 1.547 4.866 3.094 Total for one row of sleepers. 125.390k 95.170k For the four rows of sleepers we shall thus have :- DESCRIPTION Bedplates, rails, foolway, and bracings of longitudinals. Longitudinals underlying rails. 2. Beams. CENTRAL SPAN TWO CANTILEVER ARMS of 300 metres of 187,5 each 411,732 501T,560 335, 040 380, 680 The beams of the central span and of the cantilever arms assume the same shape as those of the independent span. Their length varies between 23 and 9 metres, and their height from 7⁰⁰,60 to 3m,60. The loads due to the bedplates, rails, etc., and the weight of the slee- pers are found with the assistance of the following tables. As regards the strain due to the passing trains, the sketch below indicates the maximum attained in the case of each train. 25 -25... a 25.. 21,5.... 21,5----- IS 18... 18 14,5.... 144,5. 14,5 --x---11. 1. 75x 人 ​Cantilever arms (n Central span · 78 MAXIMUM CASE BEAMS strain in which the maximum BEAMS strain MAXIMUM in which the maximum CASE (for one line) may be attained. (for one line) is attained n हे ४ 89T Double traction train. n 66T Simple traction train. 89 dº Ө 60 dº ß உ 83 dº λ 58 dº 710 81 do ૐ. 52 do 76 do < 48 dº (1) 71 do Q 42 do In addition to this, the beams will have to sustain two kinds of strains the one due to the action produced by the wind upon the train and the sleepers, and the other caused by the incline of the main girders, which will be more amply referred to farther on. The weights attained in this connection are recorded in the following table: WEIGHT NUMBER TOTAL DESCRIPTION OF SPANS BEAMS ON EACH BEAM OF BEAMS WEIGHT Central span of 300 metres. n' 8.902K TOTAL. 12 106T,824 106,824 n' 8.902K 1 8¹,902 α 7.838 B 6.776 Y 6.070 5.114 Ε 4.182 Two cantilever arms of 187,5 η 3.500 A 2.814 each λ 2.402 इ > 2.138 1.718 1.498 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 15,676 13, 552 12, 140 10,228 8,364 7,000 5,628 4,804 4,276 3,436 Р TOTAL. 2,996 97T.002 79 3. Bracings. The surfaces exposed to the action of the wind have been determined in the same way as in the case of the independent span, and the force of the wind has been supposed to be the same. It has been assumed that the pressures at each apex are due to the braces that are there united to the chord or flange. Thus the different apices would have to sustain the following pressures: - A B' A A A A A Ꮽ Ez F 10 2 2 F1 11' G' 15 H' 15' I 1 n F2 Gi G2 HɅ/H₂ 12 13 14 15 16 17 TOP APICES CASE OF LOADED BRIDGE CASE OF UNLOADED BRIDGE 1' 60T, 182 3' 60, 182 95T,583 95, 583 5' 59, 978 93, 978 7' 59, 300 93, 000 9' 58, 752 92, 359 11' 52, 569 90, 432 13' 38, 203 61, 656 15' 24, 428 40, 702 17' 9, 123 10, 290 80 LOWER CASE OF BRIDGE LOADED CASE OF BRIDGE NOT LOADED LOADS APICES applied direct sleepers and trains LOADS DUE to LOADS DUR LOADS applied direct to sleepers 0 40T,768 11,050 66T,962 7T,425 1 26, 908 22, 100 34, 506 14, 850 2 81, 534 22, 100 133, 926 14, 850 5 6 0 + 20 CO 3 26, 908 22, 100 34, 506 14, 850 4 81, 534 22, 100 133, 926 14, 850 26, 908 22, 100 34, 506 14, 850 70, 473 22, 100 125, 506 14, 850 7 24, 557 22, 100 40, 666 14, 850 62, 118 20, 188 99, 810 13, 220 9 17, 816 18, 275 29, 713 11, 610 10 41, 331 16, 329 72, 130 9, 936 11 12, 723 14,382 21, 250 8, 262 12 27, 622 12, 614 49, 393 6, 872 13 8,887 10, 846 14, 426 5, 481 14 18, 595 9, 350 32, 171 4, 523 15 6, 091 7,854 9, 628 3, 564 16 11, 298 6, 650 16, 002 2, 997 17 2, 798 2,878 4, 712 1, 215 Owing to the absence of bracings at the upper portion of the girders, it is the lower bracing that will have to resist the action of the wind. The stresses due to the trains and to the sleepers, as well as those applied to the top apices, will therefore have to be transmitted to the lower apices. But in order to obtain a system of forces equivalent to the first system, it will be necessary to add to these forces conveyed to the lower nodes such couples as will equal the moments of such forces about their new points of application. The effects of such couples will be these: - The strains due to the sleepers under the rails and to the train are trans- mitted to the lower apices by means of braces. This transmission develops in the web of the beams, tensions, and compressions which have been taken into account in calculating their weights. Let Ph be the intensity of one couple due to the action of the wind upon the sleepers and the train. If I be the distance of the measurements of the lower girders it will 81 - be seen that the couple Ph will load one of the girders with a quantity equal to Ph ī while the second girder will be relieved of the same quantity. As to the stress on the top apices, it has been supposed that they are transmitted to the lower apices by the rigid structure composed of the com- pressed bars of the girders and the cross bracings connecting the bars by pairs. 8 1 人 ​Let us suppose, for example, that the force P' is applied to apex 9'. From the foregoing considerations it is clear that it will be transmitted to apex 8 by bars i of the two girders and by the braces connec- ting these two bars. This couple is equal to the product of P' mul- tiplied by the distance between the nodes 9' and 8. It will be seen that it can be decomposed into two other couples. P'h' The one P'h' loading one of the girders with and the other P' pro- ducing in the members a tension and a compression equal to P'λ Lower Bracing. The whole of the lower chords or flanges of the principal girders, the lower bars of the beams and cross-shaped bracings, gives the form of girder which is to sustain the stresses transmitted to the lower apices (see sheet 20). It has been shown just now what stresses would act upon each of the lower apices. To these must be added the effect of wind upon the independent span of 125 metres. These effects are, 158',347 when the bridge is loaded, and 212,682 free. They must be applied to apex 17, that is, to the end of the overhanging portion of the cantilever. To these effects we must further add couples similar to those mentioned above. The effect of these couples is to load vertically the main girders with a weight equal to- 124,698, when the bridge is loaded, and 167,545 free 11 82 APICES These, however, will only have to be considered in calculations referring to the larger trains. In the case of the lower bracing there will have to be considered at the end of the cantilever arm a moment of flexure equal to and acting in the opposite direction to the moment at the junctions of the lower bracing of the independent span. CASE OF BRIDGE LOADED CASE OF BRIDGE FREE STRESSES applied Direct STRESSES due to Trains and Sleepers. STRESSES STRESSES of TOTALS Top Apices. applied Direct. STRESSES due to Sleepers. STRESSES of Top Apices TOTALS 0 40T,768 11,050 1 26,908 22, 100 51,818 49,008 66T,962 7T,425 74,387 34,306 14, 850 2 81, 534 59, 356 22, 100 60T,182 163, 816 133, 926 14, 830 3 26,908 957,583 244, 359 22, 100 49,008 34,506 14, 850 4 81, 534 59, 356 22, 100 60, 182 163, 816 133, 926 14, 830 5 95, 583 244, 359 26, 908 22,100 49,008 34,506 14, 850 6 70,473 59, 356 22, 100 | 119, 278 211, 851 123, 506 7 24, 557 14, 850 186, 978 327, 334 22,100 46,657 40, 666 14,850 55, 516 8 62, 118 20, 188 38, 752 141, 058 99, 810 13, 220 92, 359 205, 389 9 17,816 18,275 36, 091 29, 713 11, 610 41, 323 10 41, 331 16, 329 52.569 110, 229 72, 130 9,936 90, 432 172,498 11 12, 723 14,382 27, 105 21, 250 8, 262 29, 512 12 27,622 12, 614 38, 203 78, 439 49,393 6, 872 61, 656 117, 921 13 8,887 10, 846 19, 733 14,426 5, 481 19,907 14 18, 595 9, 350 24, 428 52, 373 32, 171 4,523 40, 702 77, 396 15 6,091 7, 834 13,945 9,628 3,564 13, 192 16 11, 298 6, 650 9, 125 27,073 16, 002 2,997 10, 290 29, 289 2,898 2, 678 17 5,876 158, 347 4, 712 1,213 5,927 212,682 On Sheet 20 the diagrams will be found which serve to determine the moment of flexion and the strains along the bars of the bracings. The results of these calculations are embodied in the following tables :- 83 MEMBERS CASE OF BRIDGE LOADED CASE OF BRIDGE FREE LENGTH of MEMBERS STRESSES WEIGHT STRESSES WEIGHTS A₁ B₁ B₂ ت کی تو ھے تے تے 25,000 1.308T 28T,916 2.665T 51,101 A₂ 25, 000 1.608 30, 833 2.720 52, 156 25, 000 1.884 36, 126 3.020 37, 909 25, 000 2.188 41, 955 3.380 64, 812 25, 000 2.680 31, 389 3.980 76, 317 C₂ 25, 000 3.200 61, 395 4.660 89, 356 D₁ 23, 029 3.200 61, 395 4.660 89, 459 Ꭰ, D2 25, 029 2.687 51, 583 3.915 73, 157 E₁ 21, 525 2.152, 4 35, 534 3.120 51, 511 E₂ 21, 525 1.742, 7 28, 770 2.490 41, 110 F₁ 18, 021 1.298, 4 17, 946 1.835 25, 640 1 F₂ 18, 021 992, 6 13, 720 1.365 18, 867 G₁ 14, 517 654 7,282 817 9, 097 ངརུག 14, 517 406, 8 4, 530 518 5, 768 H₁ 11, 013 145, 6 1, 230 164 1, 385 H₂ 11, 013 254, 7 2, 151 354 2, 990 2 I 7, 309 382 2, 200 523 3, 012 DESCRIPTION or SIDES DESCRIPTION OF SPANS TOTAL STRAINS LENGTII including on the Two or EACH BAR THE BARS BARS WEIGHT OF EACH BAR (0,1) 175T 35, 355 1¹,745 (1,2) 495 35, 355 13, 423 Central span. (2,3) 572 35, 355 'S, 311 (3,4) 765 35, 355 20, 745 (4,5) 842 35, 355 22, 833 (5,6) 2.138 35, 355 57.977 TOTAL for one half Span 135¹,234 (6,7) 2.332T 34m,300 61.708 (7,8) 1.455 33, 250 37, 107 (8,9) 1.262 29, 350 28, 410 (9,10) 1.103 28. 250 23, 943 Cantilever arms. (10,11) 998 24, 150 18, 486 (11,12) 782 23, 750. 14, 246 (12,13) 675 20, 100 10, 407 (13,14) 548 19. 300 8, 112 (14,15) 465 16, 030 5, 724 (15,16) 370 15, 650 4, 442 (16,17) 309 12, 600 2,987 TOTAL for one cantilever arm. 215T,572 - 84 Aggregate weight of all the bars of the lower bracings: In a central span of 300 metres.. In two cantilever arms of 187,500. 270¹,468 431,144 Cross Bracings. The cross bracings which connect twos-and-twos the struts of the main girders must be capable of transmitting to the lower apices those stresses acting on the top apices. The tensions and the compressions of the bars of these bracings may be determined by simple diagrams such as are used in statics. Stresses are also developed in the central bars. The following tables give the results :- MAIN BARS WEIGHT WEIGHT CORRESPONDING of of BARS GIRDERS BRIDGE LOADED BRIDGE FREE CROSS BRACINGS a 9º,170 14T,600 a 5T,698 9, 170 14, 600 b. 5, 698 d 9, 170 d 14, 600 5, 698 f 5, 698 f 9, 170 14, 600 9 5, 377 g 8, 294 13, 000 i 5, 717 i 6, 969 10, 900 k 4, 897 k 4, 686 m 8, 100 3, 807 0 0, 335 m 2, 217 3, 580 q 0, 370 0, 746 1, 250 q 0, 311 0, 350 TOTAL. . 43º,295 Total weight of the cross bracings: In the central span of 300 metres. 457584 In the two cantilever arms of 187.5 metres, each. 41006 Calculation of Effects due to Couples. The nature of these effects having been indicated above, the results of the calculations will alone be here stated. 85 VERTICAL STRAINS DUE TO COUPLES Ph and P'h' WEIGHTS OF CHORDS necessary to enable them to withstand couples P'x APICES loaded BRIDGE LOADED BRIDGE FREE CHORDS BRIDGE LOADED BRIDGE FREE 0 4T,6 2T,6 A₁ 0T,956 1T,911 1 2 3 →→ 20 co 9, 2 5, 3 A₂ 0,956 1, 911 165, 7 253, 8 B₁₁ 2, 110 3, 744 9, 2 5, 3 B₂ 2, 110 3, 744 4 165, 7 253, 8 C₁ 3, 264 5, 576 9, 2 5, 3 C₂ 3, 264 6 306, 7 471, 7 D₁ 3, 264 7 9,4 5, 4 D₂ 3, 264 2020 20 5, 576 5, 601 5, 601 8 150, O 226, 9 E₁ 1, 978 3, 255 9 9, 1 4, 3 Ez 1, 978 3, 255 10 126, 6 208, 7 F₁ 0, 912 1, 444 11 6, 9 3, 2 F 0, 912 1,444 12 81, 7 124, 5 G₁ 0, 141 0, 485 13 5, 6 2,2 G₁₂ 0, 141 0, 485 14 42, 8 64,8 H₁ 0, 055 0,062 15 4, 4.4 1, 5 H₂ 0, 053 0, 062 16 13, 3 12, 0 I >> 17 1, 6 0,5 4. The Secondary Bars of the Main Girders. The same methods of calculation are here adopted as in the case of the independent span. The results are as follows: CORRESPONDING apices WEIGHT of SECONDARY BARS 1 4T,828 3 5, 412 5 6, 593 7 6, 332 9 3, 784 11 2, 134 13 1, 116 15 0, 541 86 5. Main Girders. Each main girder comprises a central span of 300 metres, and the two adjacent overhanging portions of 187,500 each. What has now to be determined is the weight that will enable each girder to resist vertical strains. Such strains are due to a variety of causes :- To the weight of the bed-plates, rails, etc. To the weight of the sleepers under the rails. To the weight of the beams. To the weight of the bars of the lower bracings. To the weight of the bars of the cross bracing. To the weight of the chords and bars, which is necessary to enable them to withstand the effects of the wind. To the vertical stresses due to the wind. To the weight of the secondary bars of the girders. To the effects due to the independent span of 125 metres. To the additional load due to trains (assumed to be at the rate of 3 tons per metre of girder); and lastly. To the weight of the girders themselves. With the assistance of the preceding tables, the strains that can be applied to each main apex of the girder may be readily determined. Owing to the method of construction of the girder, the weights of the lower chords and of the bars of the girder may be regarded as transmitted to the lower apices; the top apices only being loaded with the weight of the top chords. The following table indicates the strains that are known, as applied to the apices of half of a girder :— APICES CASE OF BRIDGE LOADED CASE OF BRIDGE FREE 024 170º,234 498, 214 105,037 484, 020 539, 346 531, 195 6 743, 027 823, 004 8 506, 144 486, 451 10 386, 766 371, 655 12 266, 622 218, 074 14 170, 439 115, 351 16 83. 908 38, 026 17 483, 187 326, 760 87 The inspection of this table shows that the case of the bridge being load - ed is the most unfavourable one. We will, therefore, take the figures of the second column for the calculations of the girders. Assuming that the approximale weight of the members of the girder is found by any convenient method, such weight will have to be distributed among the different apices, and by adding it to the figures of the foregoing table we will obtain a fresh series of loads that may serve as a base for a second approximale estimate of the weight. By repeating the same process a third approximate figure can be obtained, and the calculation may thus be continued until two consecutive approxima- tions represent as nearly as possible the weight of a semi-girder. The stresses developed in each member of the girder have been represented statically. In a diagram on sheet 19 the final approximations are given. The results are as follows: CENTRAL SPAN WEIGHT OF CHORDS CANTILEVER ARMS WEIGHT OF BARS WEIGHT or CHORDS WEIGHT OF BARS I 1T,633 q 4T,927 C 144,321 f H 9, 413 Ρ 9, 485 B 107, 987 e 136,976 122. 337 G 22, 558 0 6, 421 A 92, 442 d 63, 780 F 43, 679 N 14, 706 C' 121, 117 C 59, 267 E 79, 477 m 12, 121 B' 96, 293 b 19, 488 D 145, 143 し ​28, 261 Α' 45, 088 a 13, 669 I' 4, 528 k 26, 070 H' 16, 320 j 56, 578 G' 33, 340 i 57, 525 F' 59, 976 h 108, 914 E' 106, 670 g 117, 233 D' 172, 280 These are the weights necessary to resist vertical strains. To determine the real weights, the stresses due to the action of wind should be added. Thus the total weights of the two main girders are as follows: In one central span of 300 metres . . For the two cantilever arms of 187,5 each . 5 379',684 3.594,104 88 The diagrams on Sheet 19 show that owing to the incline of the girders the compression stresses are developed in the lower bars of the beams; it has been ascertained that they are capable of sustaining these stresses. § 3. - METAL COLUMNS. In determining the stability of the metal columns the following two cases have been considered :— 1. When the wind acts horizontally and at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the bridge, or transversely to the bridge; and 2. When the wind acts horizontally, and in the direction of the longi- tudinal axis of the bridge. In these two cases the thrust at the head of the columns due to expan- sion is added to the effects of the wind. In the first case, the surfaces exposed to the wind are, with regard to the flooring, those which have been determined by the calculations of the bracings of the main girders; and in regard to the metal columns, they represent the sum of the diametrical surfaces of the piers, which are considered as invariable throughout their height. In the second case, the vertical projections of the chords of the girders of the lower and upper bracings (supposed to be flat for a distance equal to the heights of the sums of the girder braces) and the sum of the vertical projections of all the remaining bars, beams, etc., have been taken into account in dealing with the floor. Considering that all these members are comparatively close to each other, il is amply sufficient to take half of the total surfaces. In the case of the metal column the sum of the superficial diameters of the two piers and of the five rows of pier bracings has been taken (Sheet 21). The wind pressures are the same as those assumed in the calculations of the floor, that is to say, 270 kilogrammes per square metre in the case of the floor being free from any load, and 170 kilogrammes when the floor is loaded by trains. 89 FLOOR Free TRANSVERSE WIND LONGITUDINAL FLOOR Loaded I LOOR Free Strain of wind pressure upon 400 metres of flooring in connection with a metal column. Height of the centre of pressure above the axis of the lower rib 2.030™ 1.455T 767T 20m, 1 19m.4 24m,3 Weight of 400 metres of flooring connected with the metal column . 7.162T 7.162T 7.162T Inner framings of the lower braces on the right of the supports. Overcharge of 6 tons per running metre of bridge. 30T 30T 30T 2.400T TOTAL. 7.192T 9.392T 7.162T Weight acting on one pillar. 3.596T 4.796T 3.396T 1. Stability under the Action of Transverse Wind. Sockets. -The greatest load supported by a socket in that which results at the time when the bridge is subjected to additional load. The distance between the base of a socket and the axis of the lower base is 1,4. The load is expressed by the following formula : M C = P+ Weight due to the floor. Weight due to the socket and accessories. P 4.802 tons. 4.796 tons 6 M, being the moment of overturn under the action of the wind, is equal to 1.455 tons (19m,4 + 1,4) 30.264 Tm , being the distance of the columns, equals 25 mètres. C = 6,012,6. The surface of support for the socket is 2m × 0,m5 1 in 2 The crushing stress is equal to - R = 6 per square millimetre. 12 90 - Stability above the rollers. JL JL J L JL JL 3,5 90 I 2,1 Axis of the lower member. 2 m 75 275 1,2 1,2 BRIDGE FREE BRIDGE LOADED BRIDGE LOADED Wind on floor. . V Height of centre of pressure. g 2.030T 23m,6 1.455T 22m 9 Moment of overturn . vg = m 48.380Tm 33.320™m Wind on expansion slides. び ​Weight of floor. Total Weight. Height of centre of pressure. Moment of overturn Total moment of overturn. Total pressure of wind • Weight of pieces above rollers. A half distance between columns. Moment of stability. Coefficient of safety. Relation of stress of wind to the weigh. g' v' g′ = m' m+m' = M, v + v = V ᏮᎢ 1m,03 6™m 48.386™m 3T,8 1,05 4Tm 33.324™m 2.056™ 1.458⁰,8 p p' p+p' = P 1 7.192T 9.592T 134T 134T 7.326T 9.726T • 10 12m,5 12m,5 PS Ms 91.575Tm 121.575™m | > | Ms Mr 1,89 3,65 V P 0,28 0,15 91 * Expansion Slides. The slide which is to support the heaviest load is situated under the beam exposed to the wind when the bridge is loaded. It is subject to the action of the rollers, which is equal to — M PX C P, being the load supported by the column 9.726 2 4.863 tons. M, being the moment of overturn = 33,324™m , being the distance between the columns=25". The effect above the rollers equals 6.196 tons. Supposing that all the rollers support the same load, the centre effect on either side the axis of the socket is at a distance of 1,2, and the moment of deflexion at the centre of the slide is equal to- 6.196T 2 × 1,2 = 3.717,6. I The section of the slide is a value of 0,323610. 12 The maximum strain per square millimetre of section is equal to 11¹,48. Rollers. The greatest reaction of rollers determined for the expansion slides equals 6.196 tons. The weight of an apparatus of ten rollers is 45 tons. Each roller supports at its base a load of 6.19645 10 624T,1. The strain per unit of surface, according to M. Contamin, is— R being the stress to be determined. E the modulus of elasticity Q weight of a roller I length of a roller r radius of a roller R³ 9 EQ² 64 12.2 22,5 X 10. 624.100k. 3m. R = 11,51 per "/ m/m². 2 The strain whereby the rollers are set in motion, which shall be consi- dered farther on, is equal to - a being the width of the deformed portion. F 21 Q for each roller, 3 1 2r 2 24 Q E lr = 0,000529 Q. 92 Circular Roller Supports. The supports rest upon columns by means of a circular support 2",75 in radius. They are formed of two circular plates of 60 millimetres thickness, the inner distance between them being 1m,28. They are strengthened by ribs and crowns of sheet-iron, and by angle irons. The total pressure sustained by the rollers is 6.241 tons. The rectangle formed by the end rollers has a surface of- 4™,2 × 3m = 12m²,6. The pressure per square metre is equal to- 6241 12,6 496 tons. Supposing that the load is the same throughout the surface of the plate, the maximum stress, according to the formula of MM. Lévy, would be R = Ρ h2 p being the pressure per square metre a being the radius of support h being the external height h, being the internal height α h₁² 2 496,000 kilos. 2⁰,75. 1m, 40. 1,28. 2 R 11,7 par m/m². Pier Bracings. The bracings that connect the piers are five in number, and are arranged parallel to each other. They sustain the greatest strains when the bridge is free, assuming that the wind has an intensity of 250 kilo- grammes per square metre. The system of bracings being double, the pressures are supposed to be equally divided between the two halves, one half of the pressure being sustained by the joints of the windward piers, and the other half by those of the leeward piers. The section of the bars will enable them to bear a strain of 12 kilogrammes per square millimetre. Metal Piers. The piers carry the aggregate weight of all the metal parts, and they resist at the same time the action of transverse wind and the flexure produced by a stress capable of setting into motion the expansion rollers. For any pier section we must have P p' Mn R = + S S + 15 + S Sr2 R being the strain per unit of section limetre. 12 kilogrammes per square mil- P weight of all the known metal parts acting above the section under consideration. P' stress in component of pier, due to wind, through the medium of the bracing. 93 p weight of the component of pier, which is here unknown. M the moment due to thrust of expanding stress. n distance of the remotest web from the centre of gravity of the section. 2 is the square of the radius of the gyration of the section under consi- deration. S section of the component, the value of which is S = p 1,18 II l The co-efficient 1,18 is the allowance made for the fittings and rivetings. being the specific gravity of the steel 7.8. being the length of the segment of pier under consideration. These two expressions will give : Ρ P+ P+ R 1,18 II Z Mn p2 1 Thus it is this formula which serves to determine the weight of the seg- ment of the pier. The weight is less than that indicated in the case of a longitudinal action of the wind, and it is only mentioned here in passing. Stability at the Base of the Piers. -The conditions of stability under the action of transverse wind are indicated in the following table: Wind on flooring Height of centre of pressure. Moment of overturn . Wind upon expansion slides. Height of centre of pressure. Moment of overturn Wind on piers. . Height of centre of pressure. Moment of overturn Total amount of overturn. Total stress of wind at base. Weight of metal flooring . Weight of supporting apparatus and metal columns. Total weight. Half distance between the piers Moment of stability. Ratio of moments Relation of the stress of the wind to the weight BRIDGE FREE BRIDGE LOADED g 2.030T 61,1 1.455T vg = m 125.255TD Tm V' 6T 38m 55 v' g' = m' روح g" 231 Tu,3 162T 18m.75 3.037™m 3 18,73 1.912™m 5 60 m.4 87.882™m > 3,8 38 m,55 146™,5 102T v" g" =m" m+m'+m"=M, 128.323™m.8 89.941™m v + v + v″ = V 2.218T 1.560 T,8 Ρ 7.192T 9.592T p' 1 2 ~ 2 - | | |- 1.982T 1.982T p+p' = P 9.174T 11.574T ♡ 12m3 12m,5 Ms 114.675™m 144.675™m Ms 0.89 1,6 V 0,24 0,13 P 94 Substructure of Piers. The substructure of the piers produces maximum pressures on the masonry in the case of wind acting longitudinally. The calculations in this connection are reproduced farther on. Anchor Tubes. When the bridge is not loaded the stability at the base of the piers can only be ensured by means of anchorings. The pull on these pieces is represented by this formula: M T = P CO M being the moment of overturn at the base of the piers à the distance between the piers 25 m. 128.523,8. P the weight acting on the base of the piers 9.174 2 4.587T T = 554¹. The section of the centre tube alone is 0m2,3237 square metre. The strain at the anchorings, therefore, is insignificant. Anchor Bolts. By the effect of expansion the tubes are caused to oppose little resistance to the overturning strain, being situated in the centre of the piers, but here the anchoring bolts have to be considered. They have a maximum stress to sustain in the case of longitudinal wind. We will refer to them farther on. Stability of the Masonries at the Level of the Tie-Bands. The height of the masonry that is subject to the effects of anchoring must be such as to prevent lifting. The maximum and minimum pressures may be represented by this for- mula: C P + P Mn + S I The quantities expressed in this formula are indicated in the following table : Weight of metal parts P 9.174T Height of anchoring . h 14T Surface at the top of the masonry. S 625m²,8 Weight of masonry without the sloping por- tion. Total weight at level of tie-bands. P + P at 21.028™ 30.202⁰ Moment of overturn at level of substructures M 128.523™,8 Stress of wind at level of substructures . Moment of overturn . 21 2.218™ vh - m' 31.052TI 95 Stress of wind upon masonry. Moment of overturn. Total moment of overturn . Value of n v 647,4 T 1 h =m" 450™m,8 2 m+m'+m"=M 160.026TH,6 n 21m Value of I Pressure upon masonry on the windward side C leeward side . C Total pressure of wind. v + v V I 77.991,6 m 2 0k,5 par c/ 9k,1 par c/m² 2.282¹,4 V Relation of wind to the weight. 0,075 P+ P The expansion which tends to overturn the column in the direction of the length of the bridge does not to an appreciable extent alter the results indicated above. 2. Stability under the Action of Longitudinal Wind. When the action of wind is longitudinal, the thrust felt at the head of the piers joins the strain due to expansion. The piers which support the rollers cannot exercise a resistance more powerful than is the strain which is capable of setting such rollers in motion. The consequence is that the difference is transmitted to the piers with fixed supports. The greatest overturning strain further acts upon the piers on the leeward side provide with fixed supports when the bridge is not loaded. M The vertical strain that acts above the rollers is equal to P = d The values of this formula are indicated in the following table: — Weight of metal parts on pier. • Pressure of wind upon 800 metres of girder. Height of centre of pressure above the rollers. Moment of overturn Distance of piers. • Vertical stress upon rollers (windward piers) Vertical stress upon leeward piers. Load upon one roller 3.592T+45T 10 Co-efficient of rolling friction according to the formula found before, namely, 0,000.529 Q 3 Strain required to set the rollers in motion. P 3.663™ V 767T H VH = M 27m,8 21.322™™,6 d 300m 3.592T 3.734T Q 363.700k K 0,038 3.637 × 0,038 138',2 96 Method of Determining the Strains at the Head of the Pillars above the Level of the Rollers. 35927 Rollers 138T,2 0 138T,2 Wind 767 T 3734™ Contraction Wind Resultant Fixed 138T,2 767⁰ 628¹,8= Thus the pillars at their heads have to sustain a maximum strain of 628T,8. Metal Piers. The piers support the weight of all the metal parts, and at the same time resist the action of longitudinal wind and the flexure produced by the horizontal stress at the heads, which is 628,8, being due to the combined effects of the wind and the expansion of the floor. Taking any desired section of the pier, we must have R = P N Р + + (M + m + m') S S Sr2 R being tho strain sustained by the metal per unit of section 12 kilo- grammes per square millimetre. P weight of the known metallic parts. p weight of the pier segment under consideration (the value of this has to be determined). M moment due to the horizontal stress at the head of the pier. m moment due to the stress of wind acting upon the bracings, such stress being centred upon each apex. m' moment of force of the wind upon the pier. n distance of web farthest from the centre of gravity of the section. 2 the section of the radius of gyration of the section under consideration. S' section of pier segment of a value of S p 1,18 II 7 1,18 being the co-efficient which makes allowance for the fittings and rivetings. II specific gravity of steel 7,8. 7 length of the pier segment under consideration. 97 From these two expressions the following formula results: 1 1 P n P+ (M + m + m') r2 R 1,18ΠΙ 1 The weight of the pier segments has been determined with the assistance of this formula. The minimum thickness of 10 millimetres has been main- tained with regard to all the samples of steel of which the sections are com- posed. Stability at Base of Pillars. The stability at the base of a pillar cannot be given unless by taking into account the anchor bolts. The foundation- plate in contact with the masonry presents a circular surface with recesses. The maximum pressures of this plate upon the masonry are expressed by the following formula: P C = = S H Mn Sp2 " the values of which appear in the following table: Vertical load above rollers Weight of the parts of the pier situated above p 3.734 T the upper level of the rollers . p' ལ Total vertical load upon superstructure of pier. Surface of foundation-plate p + p = P 924T 4.658T S 69m²,68 Effect upon the masonry from direct compres- P sion per square centimetre. Horizontal stress on head of pier S Alas 6k .7 F 628⁰,8 Height of centre of action above the substructure. H 37m,5 Wind upon bracings. Moment of overturn . Height of centre of pressure. Moment of overturn . Effect of wind on pier. FH = m 23.580™m υ 74,6 h 17,8 vh = m' Tm 1.327™m,9 V 82,5 Height of centre of pressure. h' 18m,75 Moment of overturn v'h'm" 1.546™,9 Total moment of overturn m+m+m" =M 26.454Tm ,8 External radius of the foundation-plate n 6 .2 Square of the radius of gyration. 1-2 10,97 Effect on masonry from flexure per square Mn 21,5 centimetre Sr2 13 98 Maximum compression on the leeward side per square centimetre Maximum compression on the windward side C 28,2 per square centimetre C 14k8 Horizontal stress at level of substructure. F + v + v 785⁰,9 Relation of horizontal stress to vertical load F+v+v Р 0,17 The anchor bolts oppose the overturning tendency. Their maximum tension is assumed to be — 1 Mn t: S p2 P). The values of this formula are as follow: Diameter of bolt Sum of sections of 12 bolts. Moment of overturn . Radius of circle of bolts, virtual value Square of radius of gyration. Vertical loads. Maximum tension per square millimetre. 0m,25 0m²,589 26.454™,8 22 P 5m,55 15,4 Р 4.658T t 8k .26 Stability at Base of Anchor Bolts. The maximum and minimum pressures felt in the masonry at the level of the tie-bands is expressed in the following formula: C P+ P S Mn + 9.316T 14m 625m²,8 21.028T the different values of which are indicated in the following table: Weight of metal parts for two piers. Height of anchors. Surface of masonry at top · P h is a at Weight of masonry without the sloping portion Total weight at level of tie-bands. P+P Moment of overturn at level of substructures of the two piers. Horizontal stress at level of substructures Moment of overturn. . Stress of wind upon masonry. Moment of overturn. Total moment of overturn. m F .Fh m' 30.344T 52.909™,6 1.571⁰ ,8 22.005™, 2 158T 8 1 v + 5 h = m" 1.111™,6 •m+m' + m”—M] 76.026™,4 99 Value 14 I of the surface of the masonry. Direct compression per square centimetre =|= ก P + P 1.683,6 4k,8 S Mn Maximum flexure per square centimetre 4k,5 I Minimum pressure on windward masonry per square centimetre. C Ok,3 Maximum pressure on leeward masonry per square centimetre. C 9k,3 Horizontal stress at level of tie-bands. F + v 1.730⁰,6 F + v Relation of horizontal strains to weight. . 0,057 P+P RAILWAYS' Central prinTING-OFFICE. CHAIX, PRINTER. rue bergère, 20. PARIS. 27558-12-9 300 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02122 8815 Transportation Library TG 64 .E58 S36 Schneider et cie Le Creusot, France. Channel bridge Text v.l DATE DUE ་ : 、