DUPL B 341556 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FLUA UUT yoyote SHQUARIS.PENINSULAM.AMCENAMI CIRCUMSPICE 1837 SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS 5 LIBRARY OF THE TUMIWUTiwimtoti quuntur ! í TCEBOR 1 DUMUZDWUWVULWULO WWW.00. .: lilliini SON -- . NA 9127 C4 Alt 1913 CREATING A WORLD FAMOUS STREET ARGUMENT of Charles H. Wacker, Chairman of the Chicago Plan Commission, in behalf of widening and extending Michigan Avenue to properly connect the North and South : sides of Chicago; with ordi- nance for same, detailed drawings and estimate of cost as prepared by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED MICHIGAN AVENUE CONNECTING LINK IMPROVEMENT. BY CHARLES H. WACKĖR, CHAIRMAN OF THE CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION, BE- FORE THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY OF CHI- CAGO AT A PUBLIC HEARING, MAY 20, 1913. Mr. President and Members of the Board of Local Improvements: : I am here as. Chairman of the Chicago Plan Commission, and to rep- resent that Commission, which body was created by the City Council of the City of Chicago November 1, 1909. The personnel of the Chicago Plan Commission is broadly representative of the official administration and of the entire citizenship of the City of Chicago. Its duty, in part, is to study the Plan of Chicago and to recommend what part or parts of the Plan should be adopted by the city and carried to completion. Prior to the public hearing held by your Honorable Body on July 12, 1911, six years had been devoted to the study of plans for an adequate connecting link between the north and south sides by committees of the City Council, Real Estate Board, Architects, South Park and Lincoln Park Boards, special Council Committees and other prominent citizens, and for three years by the Plan Committee of the Commercial Club and the Chi- cago Plan Commission, to which body the Plan of Chicago was committed for the purpose which I have just indicated. During those years of study on the widening and projection of Michi- gan avenue hundreds of meetings and conferences were held. Many plans were considered and a vast amount of expert data and testimony was in- troduced and carefully weighed. Finally the plan known as Plan No. 3 was unanimously adopted at a meeting of the Chicago Plan Commission, held in the Hotel La Salle July 10, 1911, as being the final plan the Chi- cago Plan Commission would stand for and recommend to your Honorable Body for adoption and execution. On July 12, 1911, in accordance with the action of the Chicago Plan Commission, Plan No. 3 was presented for your consideration and at the close of said hearing your Honorable Body unanimously voted to have an estimate of cost of construction and of the property to be taken and dam- ages to buildings prepared, to be submitted to your Honorable Body for consideration at a subsequent hearing. Since that action on the part of your Honorable Body, the Chicago Plan Commission has worked with the departments of the city, aiding in every possible way in the preparation and completion of the necessary details upon which to base said estimates. The findings of your engi- neer are before you at this time, complete in every detail, and the cost of the entire improvement, including construction, taking of property and damage to buildings, has been fairly computed. After the Board of Local Improvements had voted to have the esti- mate prepared on Plan No. 3, it was found, after the most painstaking in- vestigation relating to traffic, grades, levels, architectural effect, expedi- ency, economy and all else which should properly be taken into considera- tion as concerning the best interests of the people of Chicago, the city's future and the special interests involved, that the structural elevation should begin at Lake street in place of at Randolph street. This matter was discussed thoroughly at several meetings of our Executive Commit- tee, a special committee was appointed to go into it, and upon their rec- ommendation, based upon the most exhaustive study, this change in the plan was finally approved and unanimously adopted by both the Executive Committee and the Chicago Plan Commission and was recommended to your Honorable Body. The Chicago Plan Commission now urges the adoption of said Plan No. 3, as changed, by your Honorable Body, and urges the carrying out of 301460 this project without delay. The arguments of the Chicago Plan Commis- sion in favor of Plan No. 3, which provides for a two-level thoroughfare from Lake street to Ohio street, are as follows: First: Teaming traffic on the east and west streets between the Illinois Central freight terminal and the new industrial district north of the river has produced a traffic congestion perhaps unparalleled in a single section of any city in the world. Such congestion will continue and in- crease with the contemplated outer harbor. Verification of this statement is contained in a report submitted to the Chicago Plan Commission by Captain C. C. Healy of the traffic depart- ment of the Police Department on August 11, 1911. This census is for eleven hours from 7:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M., and shows the number of vehicles traversing and crossing Michigan avenue from Washington street to Indiana street and over the Rush street bridge as follows: "At Michigan avenue and Washington street. 8,241 At Michigan avenue and Randolph street. 2,973 At Michigan avenue and Lake street.. 7,251 At Michigan avenue and South Water street. 9,131 At the south end of the Rush street bridge.. 9,725 At Rush and Michigan streets.. 8,843 At Rush and Illinois streets. 6,437 At Rush and Indiana streets. 5,583 Total. ..58,184" "Exclusive of the traffic on the Rush street bridge,” Captain Healy's report shows that “the grand total of vehicles at the eight street cross- ings on Michigan avenue between Washington and Indiana streets (includ- ing River street traffic) is 50,330." “As a comparison with the foregoing census of Chicago traffic,” Cap-. tain Healy continues, "the following figures of a London census, taken in April, 1911, are very interesting. This London census was very complete, 370 men being employed to secure same. “The number of vehicles passing through four of London's bridges in twelve hours of one day was 18,912. Of this number London bridge had. 7,578. This bridge has long been considered the busiest traffic vehicle bridge in the world, but when compared with Rush street bridge of Chi- cago we find that we have an increase of approximately 16%. "At eight of the chief points of entry into London city, the total of vehicles of all descriptions was 35,443. The grand total of vehicles at eight street crossings on Michigan avenue between Washington and Indiana streets, exclusive of the Rush street bridge, is 50,330, and as 20% of this total is east and west bound, the grand total then is 10,066 east and west hound vehicles and 40,264 north and south bound. "These figures show an increase in the total traffic on Michigan ave- nue and crossing it at these eight principal intersections of 42,% over the traffic on the eight principal points of entry into the city of London. Then, too, the London report is for twelve hours, and ours is only for eleven hours. On Fleet street, one of the busiest thoroughfares of London, the total amount of vehicles of all descriptions was 9,575 in twelve hours. 150 less than the Rush street bridge count. "These figures are authentic and were secured direct from the London traffic officials. The eight chief points shown in the London report are presumed to be the busiest thoroughfares and are named as follows: Holborn Bars, Temple Bar, Aldgate, Aldersgate, Finsburg Covenant, Bishop Gate, Victoria Embankment and Farrington street. These streets are all highways leading to the rural districts, and in view of the fact that the report speaks of the points of entry, it is presumed that these figures were secured at the points of entrance to the city proper. “The Chicago police traffic department census shows an increase in traffic of all sorts over the Rush street bridge of more than 60% in the last three years. The cross street traffic shows a 23% increase for the same period. The freight traffic on all east and west streets north of the river is constantly increasing because warehouses and manufacturing plants find this an admirable locality." Second: The plan which is best adapted to improve the existing con- ditions of intolerable congestion at these points is a plan of a raised street as it separates the east and west streams of traffic from the north and south traffic on Michigan avenue. Independently of this, it is the only one which improves the grades of existing streets. It reduces the grades of the east and west streets, leading to the Michigan Central and Illinois Cen- tral freight yards and also to the approaches to the bridge north and south. The grades of the east and west streets, now approximately 4%, will be reduced to approximately 2%. Those north and south, now 5%, are to be made 212 % to 3% for the benefit of commercial teaming. Third: This plan takes into account also the Randolph street viaduct traffic, by diverting it into Beaubien Court and distributing it at Lake street under the raised street. This plan also will allow the C. & N. W. R. R. to remain at its present grade. Any change made, unless the rail- way were lowered to a subway tunnel, would force north and south team- ing over grades altogether too steep, and would shut out the present ap- proaches to the bridge from North River and Michigan streets. Fourth: Michigan avenue is the eastern boundary of the quadrangle formed by Twelfth street, Halsted street, Chicago avenue and Michigan avenue, which four streets, it is believed, are destined to bear the heaviest burden of traffic of any four streets in the city, and therefore should be widened and improved. The quadrangle forms the foundation of the street circulatory system of the Plan of Chicago. The widening and im- provement of Michigan avenue has a very significant bearing on the widen- ing of Twelfth street and on the ultimate widening of Halsted street and the carrying out of the entire west side street plan system in the Plan of Chicago. The plan proposed for the projection of Michigan avenue is not a l·lan to benefit the owners of automobiles or facilitate the progress of pleasure vehicles, but to help all interests in the city by separating two classes of traffic and thereby saving enormous sums annually to Chicago's industrial concerns. The figures compiled from traffic investigations re- veal that the city's commercial and industrial interests suffer the tre- mendous loss of more than $500,000 each year through the traffic conges- tion at the city's busiest connecting artery between the north and south sides. At each of the eight crossings involved there is an average delay of approximately thirty seconds or two and one-half minutes to each vehicle, a grand total of 3,384 hours a day. For one year this gives an aggregate of 102,903 days actual waste. Considering $5.00 as a conservative estimate of the cost of a team or a vehicle. for a day, the computation foots up a loss cf $514,650 a year to the users of traffic over the stretch which the two- level boulevard link will şpan. The saving of this loss alone would pay for the proposed two-level connecting link in less than fourteen years. A tunnel has been proposed as a maens of relief. Where is there a sanitary board on earth that would permit the construction of a tunnel sixty feet underground and nearly a mile long, to be used by countless numbers of pedestrians and in summer by open vehicles of all sorts? The idea has been put forth that a means of segregating traffic on Michi- fan avenue would be to continue the lake road from Streeterville to Grant Park, taking the automobile traffic out of Michigan avenue altogether. That idea is contemplated ultimately in the Plan of Chicago and doubtless will be carried out at the right time: Then there are those who believe that a surface boulevard would ac- complish the desired result. Imagine Michigan avenue widened on the surface, connecting with Pine street by a single level bridge, with 10,000 vehicles a day crossing it at eight intersections-coal wagons, trucks, pro- duce carts and all manner of slow-moving, unsightly heavy truck vehicles. Add to that the Northwestern tracks north of the river crossing at grade, and what sort of a street would you have? The physical conditions surrounding Michigan avenue absolutely de- mand the two-level plan for the segregation of traffic. Surely Chicago is entitled to one decent, wide, respectable street, unencumbered by cross traffic, high grade in every way, as is upper Fifth avenue in New York. As has often and aptly been said, “it is a libel upon the common sense of. the people of Chicago to suppose for a moment that a business thorough- fare as fine as Michigan avenue is between Twelfth and Randolph streets- possibly the most magnificent in the world-should create itself practic- ally in ten years and be obliged to halt at an impregnable wall and narrow gap at Randolph street. The only reason why the splendid character of Michigan avenue south of Randolph street has not extended indefinitely north is because of the wretched, squalid conditions existing there.' When all is said and done, and all plans submitted, it must be clearly apparent to all that the Plan of Chicago for the improvement of Michigan avenue is fundamentally a plan to project and improve Michigan avenue- a point not considered by the tunnel and lake road plan advocates. On the other hand, to widen Michigan avenue on the surface and to permit cross traffic as at present would mean that the streets leading from Beaubien Court up to the east boundary of the widened thoroughfare would have a grade of 10% and, therefore, be absolutely prohibitive for any teaming use whatever. There is no longer any talk about the plan creating a "street on stilts.” Such talk was never made except to divert attention from the real issue. The street when completed will carry the upper level from kuilding line to building line, and the grades at the north and south ap- proaches to the upper level will be almost imperceptible to anyone pass- ing the street. All shops, stores and buildings of whatsoever nature will have their entrances, shop windows, etc., on the upper, or boulevard level. The lower level will be used for receiving and shipping purposes. At the time this plan was first proposed it was widely misunderstood, but because of the campaign of education conducted by the Chicago Plan Commission through its lectures in all parts of the city and its literary propaganda, what might be termed a "city-wide misapprehension” has been changed into a "city-wide comprehension,” and we have now no fear whatever that when the matter of the Michigan avenue improvement passes the Council and goes to the people for a referendum vote on a bond issue, that it will be quickly voted, as the great advantages of the Plan of Chicago are ap- parent to all. No citizen of Chicago acquainted with the facts can deny that intoler- able conditions (daily growing worse) now exist on Michigan avenue from Randolph street to the Chicago River, and north on Rush street from the Chicago River. All citizens of Chicago, at all acquainted with the facts, know that some plan for properly connecting the North and South sides of our great city must be developed and executed at an early date; that the plan must bie à comprehensive one, not for today alone, but also for the future, and that the plan to be finally adopted by your Honorable Body must take into account the needs of the whole city. Therefore, this project has come to be of such importance to the future welfare of Chicago that personal in- terests can no longer be considered. The interests of a few must make \ay for the interests of the many. This, I say, taking into consideration the future harbor developments, sure to materialize along the lake shore, north and south of the main branch of the Chicago River, and also the enormous commercial and industrial development already taking place in the district bounded by Chicago avenue on the north, the river on the south, Lake Michigan on the east, and the north branch of the river on the west. It has been well said: "The heart of Chicago extends from Halsted street to the lake, and from the river to Twelfth street. Within a few years it will spread to Ashland avenue on the west, Twenty-second street on the south and Chi- cago avenue on the north. The heart of Chicago is badly congested, al- though most of the buildings within the territory are low. Street traffic conditions in this district will become insufferable if the buildings reach the full height permitted by law. That practically all of them will go up To the limit there is little doubt.” Property values will make that im- ! perative. In this connection, remember that no street can ever be widened between Michigan avenue and the south branch of the river. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PRESENT CONDITIONS. As a further argument demanding relief from traffic congestion in the downtown section by providing more adequate arteries of traffic, the fol- lowing facts have a direct and significant bearing on the Michigan avenue improvement case: At present Chicago has a population of two and one-quarter million people and a central business area of one-quarter of a square mile, with a mixed fringe of business and warehousing surrounding it. This area is developed as follows: 16 stories and upwards 16% 12 to 16 stories.. 14% 8 to 12 stories. 8.% Under 8 stories. 62% By averaging these figures we find that the area of the loop, or the business area is carrying today 50% of its ultimate capacity if it is to be built up solid to 16 stories. Such solid development is unlikely, due to the probability that there will be many buildings, banks, hotels, adminis- tration buildings and clubs, which will be of much less height than the ordinary office building. It is probable that the loop is carrying today 60% to 70% of its ultimate business capacity, and that to provide for the business necessities of a population of five million people, we shall require at least 50% more area than is now in use, and with a population of eight or ten million people, three times the present area will be necessary. This is on the assumption that the whole central business area will be solidly and intensely built up with tall buildings, with the exception of the areas used by the classes of buildings referred to. 0 PROBABLE AREA WITH FIVE MILLION OF POPULATION IN CHICAGO. It is probable, however, that much more area than this will be occu- pied in caring for these business necessities, as not all the blocks will be developed to their limit. Rather will there be a solid center and a fringe partially solid covering twice the area stated or even more. PRESENT MOVEMENT. Intense development is already taking place outside the loop, pointing to the efforts of the central area to find relief even at this time. The only well defined direction of this movement is southwards along Michigan avenue. That the business area can grow southwards only along Michigan ave- nue, Wabash avenue and State street is apparent after one glance at the map. The construction of the two-level street as advocated in Plan No. 3 will take 60% from the present traffic on Michigan avenue and carry it over the upper level, thereby adding more than 200% to the present facili- ties in the lower thoroughfare for commercial purposes. In one of our pamphlets we reach the conclusion, and we challenge contradiction of the statement, that “Michigan avenue is probably destined lo carry the heaviest movement of any street in the world. Any boule- vard connection in Michigan avenue which fails to recognize the basic im- portance of this street will be a waste of money and energy. Any impair- ment of the capacity of this street, at any point along its entire front, and any weakening of this foundation, is a grave error of the first magnitude.' A careful study of our conditions has acquainted us with our needs. We believe in the future of Chicago, and we must adequately provide for her needs, or be held responsible by posterity for our neglect. Procrastination marks the beginning of that end. To delay the im- provement of Michigan avenue five years will add 50% to the cost; ten years will double it. On the other hand, if this plan for Chicago's better- nient is now carried out, the record of the present city adininistration will shine as a beacon light in the history of our great city because of the con- structive work which the Mayor, the City Council and Board of Local Im- provements were big enough to undertake. RECOMMENDATION, ESTIMATE AND ORDINANCE. RECOMMENDATION BY BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chicago, in City Council As- sembled: We hereby submit an ordinance for the improvement of a thorough- fare extending from the north curb line of East Randolph street north- ward, along North Michigan avenue and over the Chicago River and thence over private property and along Pine street and Lincoln Parkway to the center line of East Chicago avenue, and the necessary approaches thereto, together with a connecting bridge across the Chicago River, and for the condemnation of lands requisite therefor, which improvement is more particularly described in said ordinance, together with an estimate of the cost of said improvement (omitting land to be acquired), and recommend the passage of said ordinance, and the making of the improvement de- scribed therein. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Geo. A. SCHILLING, CLAYTON F. SMITH, FRED BURKHARD, FRANK X. RYDZEWSKI, FRANK SIMA, Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago. Dated Chicago, May 26th, A. D. 1913. AN ORDINANCE For the iinprovement of a thoroughfare extending from the north curb line of East Randolph street northward along North Michigan avenue and over the Chicago River, and thence over private property and along Pine street and Lincoln Parkway to the center line of East Chi- cago avenue, and the necessary approaches thereto, together with a connecting bridge across the Chicago River, and for the condemnation of lands requisite therefor in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That a local improvement shall be made within the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the nature, character, 10- cality and description of which local improvement is as follows, to-wit: Said local improvement shall extend from the north curb line of East Randolph Street northward along North Michigan Avenue and over the Chicago River and thence over private property and along Pine Street and Lincoln Parkway to the center line of East Chicago Avenue. Said improvement shall consist of a two-level thoroughfare comprising an upper level extending the entire distance between said points and sup- ported between East Lake Street and East Indiana Street upon an elevated structure of steel and concrete, and a lower level extending from the south line of East Lake street to the north line of East Indiana Street, together with approaches to said thoroughfare along intersecting streets and alleys. That part of said thoroughfare extending across the Chicago River, here- inafter called the bridge, shall consist of a double-decked bascule bridge, the upper level of which shall connect the portions of the upper level of said thoroughfare lying north and south of said river, and the lower level of which shall connect the portions of the lower level of said thor- oughfare lying north and south of said river. Said improvement shall include filling, excavation, retaining walls, abutment walls, bridge houses, curbing, pavements, sidewalks, stairways, electric lamps, construction of new sewer catchbasins and adjustment of existing sewer manholes and other work requisite therefor, and shall be constructed in the manner and of the location, material, grades, and dimensions hereinafter specifically described and as shown on drawings numbered 1 to 95 inclusive, which drawings are hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof. 2 Said thoroughfare from the north curb line of East Randolph Street to a line 428.74 feet north of and parallel with the north line of East South Water Street shall be of a width of 127.5 feet. That portion of said thoroughfare between said line 428.74 feet north of the north line of East South Water Street and the Chicago River, hereinafter called the South Plaza, shall be of the dimensions shown on the said drawings hereto attached. The upper level of the said bridge shall be of a width of 90 feet and the lower level thereof shall be of a width of 60 feet. The said bridge shall have a clear span of 220 feet between abutments. The portion of said thoroughfare between the north dock line of the bridge and a line 22 feet south of and parallel with the south line of East Michigan street, hereinafter termed the North Plaza, shall be of the dimensions shown on said drawings. The width of said improvement between said line 22 feet south of the south line of East Michigan Street, being the north line of said North Plaza, and the northern terminus of said improvement, shall be 141 feet. From East Randolph Street to the south line of the South Plaza, the west line of the thoroughfare shall coincide with the present west line of Michigan Avenue, and from the north line of the North Plaza to East Chicago Avenue the east line of the thoroughfare shall coincide with the east line of Pine Street and Lincoln Parkway. That for the purpose of the construction of said improvement and the widening of North Michigan Avenue and the widening and extension of Pine Street and the widening of Lincoln Parkway which are requisite therefor, the following lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land, all of which are necessary for said purpose, shall be acquired by condemnation, and any buildings and obstructions thereon shall be removed, to-wit: All that part of Lots 1 and 2 and of Sub-lot 1 in resubdivision of Lots 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10 to 19 in Block 4, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago, beginning at a point in the west line of North Michigan Avenue forty-three and forty-seven one-hundredths (43.47) feet north of the south line of Lot 5 in said Block 4, thence west on a line forming angles of ninety (90°) degrees with said west line of North Michigan Avenue a distance of forty and sixty-seven one-hundredths (40.67) feet, thence northwesterly on a line forming with the last described line an angle of one hundred and forty-three degrees, three minutes and thirty seconds (143° 3' 30") a dis- tance of fifty-seven and sixty-seven one-hundredths (57.67) feet more or less to the southeasterly line of River Street as it is now used by the public, thence northeasterly along said southeasterly line of River Street a distance of fifty-one and forty-three one-hundredths (51.43) feet to the point where the said River Street turns easterly, thence east along the south line of said River Street as now used by the public a distance of fifty-five and eighty-five one-hundredths (55.85) feet to the west line of North Michigan Avenue, thence south along said west line of North Michigan Avenue a distance of seventy-five (75) feet to the point of beginning. 3 Also the portions or that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 lying west of a line drawn from a point one hundred and twenty-one and eighteen-hun- dredths (121.18) feet east of the northwest corner of Lot 1 to a point one hundred and twenty-four (124) feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 5, all in Block 5, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago, described as follows: All of that part of said Lot 1, also all of that part of said part of Lot 2, beginning at the northwest corner of said part of Lot 2, thence east along the north line of said part of Lot 2 one hundred and twenty-one and and seventy-three one-hun- dredths (121.73) feet, thence south forty (40) feet, thence, west sixty and seventy-four one-hundredths (60.74) feet along a line parallel to and four (4) feet north of the south line of said part of Lot 2, thence south four (4) feet to the south line of said part of Lot 2, thence west along the south line of said part of Lot 2 sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet, thence north along the west line of said part of Lot 2 forty-four (44) feet to the point of beginning. Also the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of said part of Lots 3, 4 and 5. Also the portions of that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 lying east of a line drawn from a point one hundred and twenty-one and eighteen-hun- dredths (121.18) feet east of the northwest corner of Lot 1 to a point one hundred and twenty-four (124) feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 5, all in Block 5, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago, described as follows: All of that part of said Lot 1, also all that part of said part of Lot 2 described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said part of Lot 2, thence east along the north line of said part of Lot 2 thirty-four and eighty-eight one-hundredths (34.88) feet, thence southerly forty and three-hundredths (40.03) feet to a point thirty-five and eighty-four one- hundredths. (35.84) feet east of the west line of said part of Lot 2, thence west thirty-five and eighty-four one-hundredths (35.84) feet along a line parallel to and four (4) feet north of the south line of said part of Lot 2, thence north along the west line of said part of Lot 2 forty (40) feet to the point of beginning. Also all of Sub-Lot 8 (except the east thirteen and eight-tenths (13.8) feet) and all of Sub-Lots 9 and 10 and the west sixty-one and fifty- hundredths (61.50) feet of the west half of Sub-Lot 11, all in Lots 6 to 11, Block 5, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. Also all of the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Dyer's subdivision of the west half of Sub-Lot 12 of Lots 6 to 11, Block 5, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lats 1, 2 and 3 (except the east nine and seven-hundredths (9.07) feet) of said Lot 3 and the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Lot 5, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the north four (4) feet of Lot 6, the west sixty-one and fifty- hundredths (61.50) feet of the south twenty-one (21) feet of 'Lot 6, the 4 1 west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Lot 7, the west sixty- one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the north four (4) feet of Lot 8, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the south eighteen (18) feet of Lot 8, and the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50). feet of Lots 9, 10 and 11, all in Block 6, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. Also the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Sub- Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the north half of Sub-Lot 8, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the south half of Sub-Lot 8, the west sixty-one and fifty- hundredths (61.50) feet of Sub-Lots 9, 10 and 11, all in resubdivision of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 of Block 11, also the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the south one-third (including accretions) of Lot 5, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the north two-thirds (including accretions) of Lot 5, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet (including accretions) of Lot 7, and the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet (including accretions) of Lot 8, all in Block 11, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lots 19; 20 and 21 of Wharfing Lots, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago, excepting the portions of Lots 19 and 20 described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 19, thence easterly along the northerly lines of said Lots 19 and 20 to a point forty-one and eighty- four one-hundredths (41.84) feet easterly of the northwest corner of said Lot 20, thence southwesterly along a straight line to a point in the west- erly line of said Lot 19 ninety-two and ninety-hundredths (92.90) feet southerly of the point of beginning, thence northerly to the point of beginning. Also all of Lots 22 and 23 and the westerly twenty-three and thirty- two one-hundredths (23.32) feet of Lot 24 of Wharfing Lots, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lot 1 and the easterly twenty (20) feet of Lot 2 in Block 6 of Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. The westerly thirty (30) feet of Lot 2 in Block 6 of Kinzie's Addition to Chicago, excepting the portion described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 2, thence easterly along the north line of said Lot 2 a distance of twenty-five and twenty-five one-hundredths (25.25) feet, thence southerly along a line parallel with the west line of 'said Lot 2 a distance of fifty-three and twenty-nine one- hundredths (53.29) feet, thence southwesterly a distance of thirty and sixty-two one-hundredths (30.62) feet to a point in the southerly line of said Lot 2 seven and forty-five one-hundredths (7.45) feet easterly of the southwest corner of said Lot 2, thence to the said southwest corner of said Lot 2, thence northerly to the point of beginning. Also all of the south twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 1 and the south twenty-five (25) feet of the east half of Lot 2, the north half of the south RECOMMENDATION, ESTIMATE AND ORDINANCE. RECOMMENDATION BY BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chicago, in City Council As- sembled: We hereby submit an ordinance for the improvement of a thorough- fare extending from the north curb line, of East Randolph street north- ward along North Michigan avenue and over the Chicago River and thence over private property and along Pine street and Lincoln Parkway to the center line of East Chicago avenue, and the necessary approaches thereto, together with a connecting bridge across the Chicago River, and for the condemnation of lands requisite therefor, which improvement is more particularly described in said ordinance, together with an estimate of the cost of said improvement (omitting land to be acquired), and recommend the passage of said ordinance, and the making of the improvement de- scribed therein. Respectfully submitted, 0 (Signed) Geo. A. SCHILLING, CLAYTON F. SMITH, FRED BURKHARD, FRANK X. RYDZEWSKI, FRANK SIMA, Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago. Dated Chicago, May 26th, A. D. 1913. 1 AN ORDINANCE For the improvement of a thoroughfare extending from the north curb line of East Randolph street northward along North Michigan avenue and over the Chicago River, and thence over private property and along Pine street and Lincoln Parkway to the center line of East Chi- cago avenue, and the necessary approaches thereto, together with a connecting bridge across the Chicago River, and for the condemnation of lands requisite therefor in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That a local improvement shall be made within the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the nature, character, lo- cality and description of which local improvement is as follows, to-wit: Said local improvement shall extend from the north curb line of East Randolph Street northward along North Michigan Avenue and over the Chicago River and thence over private property and along Pine Street and Lincoln Parkway to the center line of East Chicago Avenue. Said improvement shall consist of a two-level thoroughfare comprising an upper level extending the entire distance between said points and sup- ported between East Lake Street and East Indiana Street upon an elevated structure of steel and concrete, and a lower level extending from the south line of East Lake street to the north line of East Indiana Street, together with approaches to said thoroughfare along intersecting streets and alleys. That part of said thoroughfare extending across the Chicago River, here- inafter called the bridge, shall consist of a double-decked bascule bridge, the upper level of which shall connect the portions of the upper level of said thoroughfare lying north and south of said river, and the lower level of which shall connect the portions of the lower level of said thor- oughfare lying north and south of said river. Said improvement shall include filling, excavation, retaining walls, abutment walls, bridge houses, curbing, pavements, sidewalks, stairways, electric lamps, construction of new sewer catchbasins and adjustment of existing sewer manholes and other work requisite therefor, and shall be constructed in the manner and of the location, material, grades and dimensions hereinafter specifically described and as shown on drawings numbered 1 to 95 inclusive, which drawings are hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof. 2 Said thoroughfare from the north curb line of East Randolph Street to a line 428.74 feet north of and parallel with the north line of East South Water Street shall be of a width of 127.5 feet. That portion of said thoroughfare between said line 428,74 feet north of the north line of East South Water Street and the Chicago River, hereinafter called the South Plaza, shall be of the dimensions shown on the said drawings hereto attached. The upper level of the said bridge shall be of a width of 90 feet and the lower level thereof shall be of a width of 60 feet. The said bridge shall have a clear span of 220 feet between abutments. The portion of said thoroughfare between the north dock line of the bridge and a line 22 feet south of and parallel with the south line of East Michigan street, hereinafter termed the North Plaza, shall be of the dimensions shown on said drawings. The width of said improvement between said line 22 feet south of the south line of East Michigan Street, being the north line of said North Plaza, and the northern terminus of said improvement, shall be 141 feet. From East Randolph Street to the south line of the South Plaza, the west line of the thoroughfare shall coincide with the present west line of Michigan Avenue, and from the north line of the North Plaza to East Chicago Avenue the east line of the thoroughfare shall coincide with the east line of Pine Street and Lincoln Parkway. That for the purpose of the construction of said improvement and the widening of North Michigan Avenue and the widening and extension of Pine Street and the widening of Lincoln Parkway which are requisite therefor, the following lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land, all of which are necessary for said purpose, shall be acquired by condemnation, and any buildings and obstructions thereon shall be removed, to-wit: All that part of Lots 1 and 2 and of Sub-lot 1 in resubdivision of Lots 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10 to 19. in Block 4, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago, beginning at a point in the west line of North Michigan Avenue forty-three and forty-seven one-hundredths (43.47) feet north of the south line of Lot 5 in said Block 4; thence west on a line forming angles of ninety (90°) degrees with said west line of North Michigan Avenue a distance of forty and sixty-seven one-hundredths (40.67) feet, thence northwesterly on a line forming with the last described line an angle of one hundred and forty-three degrees, three minutes and thirty seconds (143° 3' 30") a dis- tance of fifty-seven and sixty-seven one-hundredths (57.67) feet more or less to the southeasterly line of River Street as it is now used by the public, thence northeasterly, along said southeasterly line of River Street a distance of fifty-one and forty-three one-hundredths (51.43) feet to the point where the said River Street turns easterly, thence east along the south line of said River Street as now used by the public a distance of fifty-five and eighty-five one-hundredths (55.85) feet to the west line of North Michigan Avenue, thence south along said west line of North Michigan Avenue a distance of seventy-five (75) feet to the point of beginning. 3 one 1 Also the portions or that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 lying west of a line drawn from a point one hundred and twenty-one and eighteen-hun- dredths (121.18) feet east of the northwest corner of Lot 1 to a point one hundred and twenty-four (124) feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 5, all in Block 5, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago, described as follows: All of that part of said Lot 1, also all of that part of said · part of Lot 2, beginning at the northwest corner of said part of Lot 2, thence east along the north line of said part of Lot 2 hundred and twenty-one and seventy-three one-hun- dredths (121.73) feet, thence south forty (40) feet, thence, west sixty and seventy-four one-hundredths (60.74) feet along a line parallel to and four (4) feet north of the south line of said part of Lot 2, thence south four (4) feet to the south line of said part of Lot 2, thence west along the south line of said part of Lot 2 sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet, thence north along the west line of said part of Lot 2 forty-four (44) feet to the point of beginning. Also the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of said part of Lots 3, 4 and 5. Also the portions of that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. and 5 lying east of a -line drawn from a point one hundred and twenty-one and eighteen-hun- dredths (121.18) feet east of the northwest corner of Lot 1 to a point one hundred and twenty-four (124) feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 5, all in Block 5, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago, described as follows: All of that part of said Lot 1, also all that part of said part of Lot 2 described as follows: 'Beginning at the northwest corner of said part of Lot 2, thence east along the north line of said part of Lot 2 thirty-four and eighty-eight one-hundredths (34.88) feet, thence southerly forty and three-hundredths (40.03) feet to a point thirty-five and eighty-four one- hundredths (35.84) feet east of the west line of said part of Lot 2, thence west thirty-five and eighty-four one-hundredths (35.84) feet along a line parallel to and four (4) feet north of the south line of said part of Lot 2, thence north along the west line of said part of Lot 2 forty (40) feet to the point of beginning. Also all of Sub-Lot 8 (except the east thirteen and eight-tenths (13.8) feet) and all of Sub-Lots 9 and 10 and the west sixty-one and fifty- hundredths (61.50) feet of the west half of Sub-Lot 11, all in Lots 6 to 11, Block 5, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. Also all of the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Dyer's subdivision of the west half of Sub-Lot 12 of Lots 6 to 11, Block 5, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lots 1, 2 and 3 (except the east nine and seven-hundredths (9.07) feet) of said Lot 3 and the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Lot 5, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the north four (4) feet of Lot 6, the west sixty-one and fifty- hundredths (61.50) feet of the south twenty-one (21) feet of Lot 6, the 4 west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Lot 7, the west sixty- one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the north four (4) feet of Lot 8, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the south eighteen (18) feet of Lot 8, and the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Lots 9, 10 and 11, all in Block 6, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. Also the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of Sub- Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the north half of Sub-Lot 8, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the south half of Sub-Lot 8, the west sixty-one and fifty- hundredths (61.50) feet of Sub-Lots 9, 10 and 11, all in resubdivision of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 of Block 11, also the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the south one-third (including accretions) of Lot 5, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet of the north two-thirds (including accretions) of Lot 5, the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet (including accretions) of Lot 7, and the west sixty-one and fifty-hundredths (61.50) feet (including accretions) of Lot 8, all in Block 11, Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lots 19, 20 and 21 of Wharfing Lots, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago, excepting the portions of Lots 19 and 20 described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 19, thence easterly along the northerly lines of said Lots 19 and 20 to a point forty-one and eighty- four one-hundredths (41.84) feet easterly of the northwest corner of said Lot 20, thence southwesterly along a straight line to a point in the west- erly line of said Lot 19 ninety-two and ninety-hundredths (92.90) feet southerly of the point of beginning, thence northerly to the point of beginning. Also all of Lots 22 and 23 and the westerly twenty-three and thirty- two one-hundredths (23.32) feet of Lot 24 of Wharfing Lots, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lot 1 and the easterly twenty (20) feet of Lot 2 in Block 6 of Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. The westerly thirty (30) feet of Lot 2 in Block 6 of Kinzie's Addition to Chicago, excepting the portion described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 2, thence easterly along the north line of said Lot 2 a distance of twenty-five and twenty-five one-hundredths (25.25) feet, thence southerly along a line parallel with the west line of said Lot 2 a distance of fifty-three and twenty-nine one- hundredths (53.29) feet; thence southwesterly a distance of thirty and sixty-two one-hundredths (30.62) feet to a point in the southerly line of said Lot 2 seven and forty-five one-hundredths (7.45) feet easterly of the southwest corner of said Lot 2, thence to the said southwest corner of said Lot 2, thence northerly to the point of beginning. Also all of the south twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 1 and the south twenty-five (25) feet of the east half of Lot 2, the north half of the south 1 5 half of Lot 1, the north half of the south half of the east half of Lot 2, the north half of Lot 4, and the north half of the east half of Lot 2, also the east half of Lot 11, the west twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 12 and the east twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 12, all in Block 10, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lot 1, the east half of Lot 2, the east half of Lot 11, and all of Lot 12, all in Block 17, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lot 1 and the east twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 2, the east three and one-half (312) feet of Lot 12, and the east eight and one-half (842) feet of the west thirty-six and one-half (3672) feet of Lot 12, all of Lot 13, the north thirty (30) feet of Lot 14 and the south seventy (70) feet of Lot 14, all in Block 22, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. Also all of the east half and west half of Lot 1, the east two (2) feet of Lot 2, the west twenty-three (23) feet of the east half of Lot 2, the east half of Lot 6, and all of Lot 7, all in Block 29, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. Also the east seventy-five (75) feet of the south half of the east half of Block 34, and the east seventy-five (75) feet of the north half of the east half of Block 34, all in Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. Also the east seventy-five (75) feet of the south sixty (60) feet of the east one hundred and fifty (150) feet of Block 41, the east seventy- five (75) feet of the north thirty-five (35) feet of the south ninety-five (95) feet of the east one hundred and fifty (150) feet of Block 41, the east seventy-five (75) feet of (except the east twenty-five (25) feet of the west sixty-eight (68) feet of the north fifty (50) feet) and (except the west five (5) feet of the north seventy-two (72) feet) and (except the south twenty-two (22) feet of the north forty-four (44) feet of the east eighty- two (82) feet), the north one hundred and twenty-three (123) feet of the east one hundred and fifty (150) feet of Block 4, also the east seventy- five (75) feet of the south twenty-two (22) feet of the north forty-four (44) feet of the east eighty-two (82) feet of Block 41, all in Kinzie's Addi- tion to Chicago. Also the east seventy-five (75) feet of Lot 1, all of Lot 8, the east seventy-five (75) feet of a strip of land nine (9) feet wide north of and adjoining Lot 8, and the east seventy-five (75) feet of the north twenty-two (22) feet of Lot 9, and the east seventy-five (75) feet of the south thirty-two and one-half (3242) feet of Lot 9, all in Block 46, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago. Also all of Lots 1, 2 and 3 in the southeast corner of Block 53, and all of Lots 1, 2 and 3 and the east fifteen (15) feet of Lot 4 in the northeast corner of Block 53, the east seventy-five (75) feet of Lot 15 and the east seventy-five · (75) feet of Lot 16, all in Block 53, Kinzie's Addition to Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois. A more specific description of the said improvement is as follows: Purpose: The purpose of the improvement as a whole is to provide a thorough- fare extending along North Michigan Avenue, as widened, from the north curb line of East Randolph Street to the Chicago River, across the Chicago River along Pine Street, as extended and widened, and along Lincoln Park- way, as widened, from the Chicago River to the center line of East Chicago Avenue, Two Levels Thoroughfare: The thoroughfare shall have an upper level extending over the entire length of the improvement as above described, and supported between East 6 I Lake Street and East Indiana Street upon an elevated structure of steel and concrete, and a lower level extending from East Lake Street to the north line of East Indiana Street. The southern limit of the said lower level shall be a line beginning on the east line of the said thoroughfare at the south line of East Lake Street, thence running west on said south line of East Lake Street to a point 45 feet west of the said east line of the thoroughfare, thence north along a line 45 feet west of and parallel with the said east line of the thoroughfare to a point 113 feet north of the north line of East Lake Street, thence west along a line 113 feet north of and parallel with the said north line of East Lake Street to a point 25 feet east of the west line of the said thoroughfare, thence south along a line 25 feet east of and parallel with the said west line of the thoroughfare, to the north curb line of East Lake Street, thence west along the said north curb line of East Lake Street to the west line of the said thoroughfare. The location, grades and dimensions of the elevated structure, including the bascule bridge and including all foundations to said structure shall be as shown in the drawings numbered one to ninety-five hereto attached and hereby ' made a part hereof. The said drawings are reduced photographic reproductions of drawings on file in the office of the Board of Local Im- provements of the City'of Chicago. Wherever in any of the said drawings elevations are indicated, such elevations shall be measured in feet and decimal parts of a foot above Chicago City Datum, except where the eleva- tion is marked by a minus (-) sign, in which case the elevation shall be measured in feet and decimal parts of a foot below Chicago City Datum. Grades of Upper Level: The grade of the top of the curbing and the top of the sidewalks at the curb lines of the said upper level of said improvement shall be at an ele- vation of 15.50 feet above Chicago City Datum at the north line of East Randolph Street; thence it shall rise gradually to 16.50 feet above Chicago City Datum at a point 211 feet north of the north line of East Randolph Street; thence it shall rise gradually to 19.08 feet above Chicago City Datum at the south line of East Lake Street; thence it shall rise gradually to 19.88 feet above Chicago City Datum at the north line of East Lake Street; thence it shall rise gradually to 26.09 feet above Chicago City Datum at the south line of East South Water street; thence it shall rise gradually. to 33.92 feet above Chicago City Datum at the scuth line of the South Plaza here- inafter described; thence it shall rise gradually to 36.17 feet above Chicago City Datum at a point 160 feet south of the center of the bascule bridge herein described; thence it shall rise gradually to 37.08 feet above Chi- cago City Datum at the center of the said bascule bridge; thence, it shall fall gradually to 36.17 feet above Chicago City Datum at a point 160 feet north of the center of the said bascule bridge; thence it shall fall gradually to 33.87 feet above Chicago City Datum at the north line of the North Plaza hereinafter described; thence it shall fall gradually co 29.87 feet above Chicago City Datum at the north curb line of East Illinois Street; thence it shall fall gradually to 24.00 feet aboùe Chicago City Datum at the north curb line of East Indiana Street; thence it shall fall gradually to 16.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at the south curb line of East Ohio Street; thence it shall continue level at 16.00 feet above Chicago City Daturn to the north line of East Ohio Street; thence it shall fall gradually to 13.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at the south line of East Ontario Street; thence it shall continue level at 13.00 feet above Chicago City Datum tó the south curb line of East Chicago Avenue. Grade of East Lake Street: The grade of the top of the sidewalk at the curb line on each side of 7 East Lake Street at the east line of North Wabash Avenue shall be 15.00 feet above Chicago City Datum; thence it shall rise gradually to an eleva- 'tion of 17.50 feet above Chicago City Datum at the east line of the first alley 'west of the proposed thoroughfare; thence it shall rise gradually to the grade herein specified at the west curb line of the upper level of the said thoroughfare. Grade of East Ohio Street: "Thė grade of the top of the curbing on each side of the present road- way of East Ohio Street at the east line of Rush Street shall be at an ele- vation of 13.0 feet above Chicago City Datum; thence it shall rise gradu- ally to an elevation of 16.0 feet above Chicago City Datum at the west line of the proposed thoroughfare; thence it shall continue level at an eleva- tion of 16.0 feet above Chicago City Datum to the east line of the said thoroughfare; thence it shall fall gradually to an elevation of 13.0 feet above Chicago City Datum at the west line of. St. Clair Street. Grade Lower Level: The top of the pavement of the roadway of the lower level of the said thoroughfare along the center line thereof at a point 156 feet north of the north line of East Lake Street shall be at an elevation of 7.85 feet above Chicago City Datum; thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 9.10 feet above Chicago City Datum at the center line of East South Water Street; thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 14.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at the south line of the South Plaza; thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 16.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at a Point 188 feet south of the center of the said bascule bridge; thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 19.5 feet above Chicago City Datum at a point 88 feet south of the center of the said bascule bridge; thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 20.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at the center of the said bascule bridge; thence it shall fall gradually to an olevation of 19.5 feet above Chicago City Datum at a point 88 feet north of the center of the said bascule bridge; thence it shall fall gradually to an elevation of 16.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at a point 188 feet north nf the center of the said bascule bridge; thence it shall fall gradually. to an ulevation of 13.50 feet above Chicago City Datum at a point 50 feet south of the center line of East North Water Street; thence it shall fall gradu- ally to an elevation of 13.25 feet above Chicago City Datum at the center line of East North Water Street; thence it shall continue level at an eleva- tion of 13.25 feet above Chicago City Datum to the center line of East Illi- nois Street; thence it shall fall gradually to an elevation of 8.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at the center line of East Indiana Street. Streets Connecting with Lower Level: The lower level of the said thoroughfare shall be connected with East Lake Street east of the thoroughfare and with each of the following named sireets: East South Water Street, River Street, East North Water Street, East Michigan Street, East Illinois Street and East Indiana Street in the inanner hereinafter described. Concrete Stairways: A stairway of reinforced concrete shall be built so as to connect the ripper level with the lower level of the proposed thoroughfare at each of the following points: Southeast intersection of East Lake Street; the southeast and the northwest intersections of South Water Street; the east side of the upper level just south of the south line of the South Plaza; southeast and northwest intersections of East Michigan Street; southeast and northwest intersections of East Illinois Street; and the southeast and ! 7 8 northwest intersections of East Indiana Street. The said stairways shall bo six feet in width and shall have risers of approximately six and one- half inches in height and treads 11 inches in width. There shall be two landings 5 feet in length intermediate between the top and the bottom of the said stairways, and the lower landing shall be at the level of the ele- vated sidewalk of the lower level, provided that where there is no such clivated sidewalk adjacent thereto, there shall be one such landing. The said stairways shall be located as shown on said drawings and the said lower landing shall extend from the stairway to the elevated side- walk on the corresponding side of the street, all as shown on said drawings. Around the stairwell in the upper level there shall be a wrought iron railing, similar to the hand railing on the upper level of the bridge herein described, and on each side of the stairway there shall be an iron pipe rail- ing, all as shown on said drawings. lv idth of Walks and. Roadways-Upper Level: The upper level from the north curb line of East Randolph Street to a line 428.74 feet north of and parallel with the north line of East South Wator Street shall have a concrete sidewalk 27.5 feet wide along and ad- joining the west line of the thoroughfare (except across the roadway of East Lake Street), and shall have a concrete sidewalk 25 feet wide along ar:d adjoining the east line of the thoroughfare. Between the said side- walks shall be a roadway 75 feet wide. souch Plaza: The said line 428.74 feet north of and parallel with the north line of East South Water Street shall be the south line of that portion of the im- prűvement herein designated as the “South Plaza”. The said South Plaza sirall extend from the said line 428.74. feet north of and parallel with the norili line of East South Water Street to the Chicago River over the lands herein described as being taken for the purpose of widening North Michi- gan Avenue and over the intervening pcrtions of North Michigan Avenue and River Street, as shown on said drawings. South Plaza-Upper Level: The roadway of the upper level across the South Plaza shall expand or merge into a space approximating in shape an oval having a minor axis 37 feet long measured along the center line of the bascule bridge herein described and a major axis 252 feet long. At the foci of the oval there shall be two islands approximating in shape cvals each 18 feet by 43 feet, with axes parallel with the corresponding axes of the large oval, as shown on said drawings. The surface of the upper level of the said South Plaza not covered by the roadway shall be covered with a concrete sidewalk. The elevation of the surface of the pavement on the roadway and the elevation of the side- walk on the said upper level of the South Plaza shall conform to the ele- vations of the pavement and the sidewalks herein specified and as shown on said drawings. North Plaza: That portion of the improvement hereinafter designated as the '“North Plaza" shall extend from the dock line of the Chicago River as shown on said drawings to a line 22 feet south of and parallel with the south line of East Michigan Street over the lands herein described as being taken for the purpose of extending and widening Pine Street, and over the interven- ing portions of Pine Street and East North Water Street, as shown on said ' drawings. 9 & North Plaza-Upper Level: The roadway of the upper level across the North Plaza shall expand or merge into a space approximating in shape an oval having a major axis 208 feet long measured along the center line of the bridge herein described and a minor axis 163 feet long. On each side of the major axis there shall be a safety island 21 feet by 54 feet and located 35 feet east and 36 feet west of said major axis, as shown on said drawings. The surface of the upper level of the said North Plaza not covered by the roadway shall be covered with a concrete sidewalk. The elevation of the surface of the pavement on the roadway and the elevation of the side- walk on the said upper level of the North Plaza shall conform to the ele- vations of the pavement and the sidewalks herein specified, and as shown on said drawings. Iridth of Walk and Roadway-Upper Level: The upper level of the thoroughfare from the north line of the North Plaza to the south curb line of East Ohio Street shall have a concrete side- walk 30.5 i'eet in width, along and adjoining each side of the said thorough- fare. Between the said sidewalks there shall be a roadway 80 feet wide. The upper level of the thoroughfare from the north curb line of East Ohio Street to the south curb line of East Chicago Avenue (except across the roadways of intersecting streets and except across the alleys between East Ohio Street and East Erie Street) shall have a concrete sidewalk 12 feet wide, along and adjoining each side of the said thoroughfare. There shall be parkways between the said sidewalks and the curb lines of the said upper level, which curb lines shall be located 30.5 feet from and parallel with the side lines of said thoroughfare. Between the said curb lines there shall be a roadway 80 feet wide. The thickness of the concrete curbing which shall be placed between the parkways and the roadway shall be included in the width of the parkways. Width of Roadway and Walks-Lower Level: The lower level of the thoroughfare from the south line of East Lake Street to a line 129 feet north of and parallel with the north line of East Lake Street shall extend along and adjoining the east side of the thorough- fare with a width of 45 feet, having a concrete sidewalk 3 feet 10 inches wide adjoining the property on the east side and a roadway 41 feet 2 inches wide. On the west side of the thoroughfare from the north curb line of East Lake Street to a line 129 feet north of and parallel therewith, the lower level shall consist of a concrete sidewalk 25 feet wide, adjoining the west line of the thoroughfare. From the said line 129 feet north of and parallel with the north line of East Lake Street to the south line of the South Plaza the lower level of the thoroughfare (excepting at intersecting streets and alleys) shall have a concrete sidewalk 7 feet 10 inches wide along and adjoining each side of the said thoroughfare, except that on the east side of the thoroughfare south of the first alley north of East Lake Street the sidewalk shall be 3 feet 10 inches wide. Between the said sidewalks there shall be a roadway, except where other construction is hereby specified. South Plaza-Lower Level: On the lower level of the South Plaza a concrete sidewalk 7 feet 10 inches wide shall be built along the south line thereof from the west line of the South Plaza to a point 7 feet 10 inches east of the west line of the tiioroughfare extended from the south and from a point 7 feet 10 inches west of the east line of the thoroughfare extended from the south to a 10. point 60 feet east of the said east line. The elevation of the top of the said walk at the west line of the South Plaza shall be 15.3 feet above Chi- cago City Datum and thence it shall have a uniform grade to the eleva- tion of the sidewalk herein specified at the west side of the thoroughfare south of the South Plaza. At the east side of the thoroughfare the said walk shall be at the same elevation as is herein specified for the walk ex- tending from the south at that point, thence it shall have a uniform grade to its eastern terminus, where it shall have an elevation of 16 feet above Chicago City Datum. A concrete sidewalk shall be built, over all of that portion of the lower level of the South Plaza, except the roadway of the bridge, lying between the inner abutment wall (herein specified) and the retaining wall which is herein specified to be built to connect with the south wall of the ma- chinery room. The elevation of the said sidewalk along the southern edge shall be 15.5 feet above Chicago City Datum at its western terminus, thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 16.5. feet at the roadway of the bridge, thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 17.0 feet above :Chicago City Datum at its eastern terminus. Transversely the sidewalk shall rise gradually from its southern edge to an elevation of 17.0 feet above Chicago City Datum at the inner abutment wall. The roadways of the lower level of the South Plaza shall extend over all of the said lower level except the space covered by the said sidewalks and other construction herein specified. North Plaza---Lower Level: On the lower level of the North Plaza concrete sidewalks 9 feet and 4 inches in width shall be built along and adjoining the property lines on each side of the North Plaza, except on the east side of the thoroughfare between East North Water Street and East Michigan Street. The elevation of the top of the said sidewalk along the westerly side of the lower level from East Michigan Street to East North Water Street shall be 16.50 feet above Chicago City Datum. The elevation of the top of the said walk at the south line of East North Water Street shall be 16.25 feet above Chicago City Datum, thence it shall rise uniformly to, an elevation of 17.0 feet above Chicago City Datum at its southern terminus at the abutment wall herein described. The elevation of the top of the said sidewalk on the easterly side of the lower level at the south line of East North Water Street shall be 15.75 feet above Chicago City Datum; thence it shall rise uniformly to an elevation of 17.0 feet above Chicago City Datum at its southern terminus at the abutment wall herein described. A concrete sidewalk shall be built over all of that portion of the lower level of the North Plaza, except the roadway of the bridge, lying between the inner abutment wall herein described, and the inner retaining wall which is herein specified to be built to connect with the north wall of the machinery room. The elevation of the north edge of the said walk shall be 17.0 feet above Chicago City Datum at its westerly end; thence it shall slope gradually to an elevation of 16.5 feet above Chicago City Datum at each side of the roadway of the bridge, thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 17.0 at its easterly end. Transversely the walk shall rise gradually to an elevation of 17.0 feet above-Chicago City Datum at the inner abutment wall. A concrete sidewalk shall be built to connect the walk-last described and the walk herein provided to be built along the easterly side of the said lower level. The northwesterly edge of the said connecting walk 11 shall be along a straight line 10 feet from and parallel with the easterly portion of the inner abutment wall. The elevation of the top of the said walk shall be 17.0 feet above Chicago City Datum. A concrete sidewalk 10 feet in width shall be built on each side of the center line of the bridge extended and 39 feet distant therefrom and parallel thereto from the southerly line of East North Water Street to, a line 93 feet north of parallel with the center line of the north trunnions, thence the said walks shall extend to the north wall of the machinery room, herein described and the inner edges of the walks shall converge so that they shall coincide with the curb lines of the lower level of the bridge at the north end thereof. The elevation of the top of the said walks shall be 13.0 feet above Chi- cago City Datum at the south line of East North Water street; thence they shall rise gradually to an elevation of 16.5 feet at the north line of the machinery room. A concrete sidewalk shall be built between the east side line of the said lower level and the corresponding curb llne of the upper level pro- jected down on the lower level and between the south curb line of East Michigan Street and the north line of East North Water street. The elevation of the top of the said walk shall conform to the grade of the curb of East Michigan Street as herein specified and thence shall slope gradually to an elevation of 13.0 feet above Chicago City Datum at the north line of North Water street. The roadways of the lower level of the North Plaza shall extend over all of the said lower level except the space covered by the sidewalks and other construction herein specified. Width of Roadways and Walks--Lower Level: From the north line of the North Plaza to the south line of East In- diana Street (except on the east side of the thoroughfare between East North Water Street and East Michigan Street and excepting at intersecting streets and alleys) the lower level of the thoroughfare shall have a con- crete sidewalk 9 feet 4 inches wide along and adjoining each side thereof, and between the said sidewalks there shall be a roadway. A concrete sidewalk 16 feet in width shall extend across the south end of the lower level (excepting across the roadway 45 feet wide herein de- scribed). The north edge of said walk shall be on a line 129 feet north of and parallel with the north line of East Lake Street. At the intersection of the lower level with East Lake Street a concreté sidewalk on the south side of said East Lake Street shall extend from the side line to the corresponding curb line of said East Lake Street and from the east side line of the said thoroughfare to the wall under the east curb line of the upper level. Walks at Intersections of Lower Level: Except where otherwise specified or shown in said drawings, concrete sidewalks shall be constructed on each side of the lower level at each in- tersecting street in the spaces between the side lines of the thoroughfare and the corresponding curb lines of the upper level, projected down on the lower level, and between the side lines and the corresponding curb lines of the intersecting streets. Concrete curbing shall be set between the said sidewalks and the adjoining pavements. The top of the said sidewalks shall conform to the grade of the adjoining curbing of the intersecting streets as herein specified. ) 12 Transverse Grades-Upper Level: The surface of the sidewalks and parkways on the said upper level shall rise transversely from the grade of the curb lines to the side lines of the improvement at the rate of two percentum, except on the Plazas and on the bridge, where the elevations of the said sidewalks shall be as shown on said drawings. The surface of the pavement on the upper level from East Randolph Street to East Ontario Street (except on the bridge and at streets intersect- ing the upper level) adjacent to the curb lines shall be six inches below the top of the sidewalks. Two lines of curbing, one adjoining each side of the roadway, shall be set on the upper level from the south line of East Ohio Street to the south curb line of East Chicago Avenue as herein located, except across the road- ways of intersecting streets and except across the alleys between East Ohio Street and East Erie Street. The top of the curbing shall be at the grade herein specified between said points. From East Ontario Street to East Chicago Avenue on the upper level the surface of the pavement adjacent to the side curbing shall be 9 inches below the top of the said curbing at the inlets to the sewer catchbasins (herein provided for) and shall be 4 inches below the top of the said curb- ing at the summits in the gutters half way between the said inlets. The grade of the gutters shall be straight lines between the points herein es- tablished. The pavement of the upper level from East Randolph. Street to the south line of the South Plaza between the curb lines shall have a rounded surface with the crown in the center of the pavement at an elevation of 3 inches above the elevation of the sidewalk at the curb line. The pavement of the upper level from the north line of the North Plaza to the center line of East Chicago Avenue between the curb lines shall have a rounded surface with the crown in the center of the pavement at an elevation of 4 inches above the elevation of the curbing or sidewalk at the curb line. Transverse Grades-Lower Level: The pavement of the roadway of the said lower level (except across the roadways of intersecting streets, and except across the South and North Plazes and the bascule bridge) shall be shaped so as to form a gutter along lines under the curb lines of the upper level. The elevation of the top of the pavement along the said gutter lines shall be 9 inches lower than the top of the pavement along the center line of the said roadway as herein- before specified. The surface of the pavement of the said lower level shal] he rounded between the gutter lines; and from the gutter lines it shall rise gradually to the side lines of the roadway, where it shall be at an elevation three inches below the surface of the pavement along the center line of the roadway as hereinbefore specified. The pavement on that portion of the roadway of the lower level be- tween the south line of East Lake Street and a line 129 feet north of the north line of said East Lake Street shall be shaped so as to form a gutter along a line under the curb line on the east side of the upper level. The top of the pavement along the said gutter line shall be at an elevation of 7.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at the inlets to the sewer catchbasins herein provided for, and shall be at an elevation of 7.30 feet above Chicago City Datum at the summits in the gutter half way between the said inlets. The surface of the said pavement shall rise from the gutter line to the side 13 A lines of the livadway where it shall be at an elevation of 7.60 feet above Chicago City Datum. Elevation of Walks-Lower Level: The top of the sidewalks on each side of the lower level from East South Water Street to the south line of the South Plaza and from East Michigan Street to East Indiana Street (excepting across intersecting streets and alleys) shall be 3 feet 6 inches above the top of the pavement along the center line of the lower level as above specified, provided that at each intersecting street and alley the said sidewalk shall be connected with the lower sidewalk at the street and the pavement at the alley by means of a stairway with seven risers. Retaining Walls at East Lake Street:, A concrete retaining wall shall be constructed under the edge of the sidewalk and along the curb line on the west side of the said upper level from the north curb line of East Randolph Street to the south curb line of East Lake Street. A concrete retaining wall shall be constructed under the edge of the sidewalk and along the curb line on the east side of the said upper level from the north curb line of East Randolph Street to the south line of East Lake Street, thence it shall be constructed along the southern limits of the lower level as herein described to the north curb line of East Lake Street at a point 25 feet east of the west line of the said thoroughfare. A concrete retaining wall shall be built along the north curb line of East Randolph Street from the side lines of the said thoroughfare to the corresponding curb lines of the upper level. A concrete retaining wall shall be constructed under the edge of the sidewalk and along the curb line on each side of East Lake Street from the east line of North Wabash Avenue to the west curb line of the upper level of the said thoroughfare, except across the alleys where the wall: shall be returned to the side lines of said East Lake Street. Filling and Paving South of East Lake Street: The space between the retaining walls herein provided for below the upper level of the thoroughfare from the north curb line of East Randolph Street to a line 113 feet north of and parallel with the north line of East Lake street shall be filled with earth which shall be thoroughly compacted. Upon the compacted filling shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper ele- vation to receive the asphaltic pavement herein described which shall be placed thereon. Filling and Paving East Lake Street: Between the curb walls on East Lake Street from the east line of North Wabash Avenue to the west curb line of the thoroughfare and between the returned walls at the alley intersections filling shall be placed and compacted and upon the filling shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the upper surface of which shall be at the proper eleva- tion to receive the asphaltic pavement herein described which shall be placed thereon. Walks South of East Lake Street: A sidewalk composed of steel and concrete shall be laid along and adjoining each side of the said thoroughfare from the north curb line of East Randolph Street to the south curb line of East Lake street and supported by the retaining walls herein described and by an 18-inch I-beam 14 which shall be supported on steel columns encased in concrete and located 14 feet apart center to center along a line 7 feet from and parallel with the side line of the said thoroughfare, all as shown in said drawings. Location of Steel Columns: That portion of the upper level which is directly over the lower level as herein described shall consist of and be supported by a structure of steel and concrete. Between the south end of the lower level and the south line of East South Water street there shall be a row of steel columns located along a line 7 feet from and parallel with the west side line of the. thoroughfare. There shall be a row of columns under each curb line of the upper level, and there shall be two rows between the said curb lines spaced at equal distances between the curb lines. From the north line of East Lake street to the first alley north thereof there shall be a row of. steel col- umn's located along a line 3 feet from and parallel with the east side line of the thoroughfare, and from the said alley to the south line of East South Water Street there shall be a row of steel columns "located along a line 7 feet from and parallel with the east side line of the thoroughfare. From the south curb line of East Lake street to a point 113 feet north of the north line of East Laké street there shall be 10 columns under the east curb of the upper level. From the north line of East Lake Street to a point 113 feet north thereof there shall be 7 columns located along the east, side of the said lower level, and there shall be 6 columns located along the west line of the said lower level. From the point 113 feet north of East Take street to the south line of East South Water Street, there shall be 8 columns in each of the rows hereinbefore provided, and the columns shall be spaced at approximately equal distances so as to form lines trans- versely to the thoroughfare, provided that at expansion joints which are herein located and described there shall be two lines of columns spaced 2.20 feet apart, center to center. At East Lake street there shall be ſive columns on the east line of the proposed thoroughfare. At East South Water Street there sħall be six columns along cach curb line of the said East South Water Street. From the north line of East South Water Street to the south line of the South Plaza there shall be a row of columns along each side of the lower level 7 feet from and parallel with each side of the said thoroughfare. There shall be a row under each curb line of the upper level and there shall be one row along the center line of the thoroughfare. There shall be 18 columns in each of the said rows, and they shall be spaced at approximately equal distances so as to form straight lines transversely to the thorough- fare, provided that at expansion joints which are herein described and lo- cated there shall be two lines of columns spaced 2.20 feet apart, center to center. In the South Plaza there shall be 69 columns which shall be located as shown on said drawings hereto attached. In the North Plaza there shall be 86 columns which shall be located as shown on the said drawings hereto attached. From a line 22 feet south of the south line of East Michigan Street to the south line of East Indiana Street, excepting at the intersec- tions of East Michigan Street and East Illinois Street, there shall be a row of (olumns 8 feet from and parallel with each side line of the said thor- oughfare, a row of columns under each curb line of the upper level, and a l'ow of columns along the center line of the thoroughfare. There shall be 12. columns in each row between the said line 22 feet south of the south line of East Michigan Street and East Illinois Street, and 10 columns in each row between East Illinois Street and East Indiana Street, and they shall be spaced at approximately equal distances so as to form lines trans- versely to the thoroughfare, provided that at expansion joints which are 15 herein described and located there shall be two lines of columns spaced 2.20 feet apart, center to center. At the intersections of each of East Michigan Street, East Illinois Street and East Indiana Street, there shall be five columns along each curh line and at East Indiana Street there shall be in addition five columns along the center line of the said street. Dimensions of Columns and Foundations: The said steel columns shall be of the dimensions shown on said draw- ings and shall be encased in concrete of the quality herein described as Class B in which shall be incorporated steel rods, all as shown in said drawings. Each steel column shall rest upon a cast iron plate which in turn shall rest upon a foundation of concrete of the quality herein described as Class A. The dimensions and elevations of the said cast iron plate and con- crete foundations shall be as shown on said drawings. Cast Iron Wheel Guards: The bottom of all columns herein: located in the roadways of the lower level shall be prolected by, cast iron wheel guards. The top of each wheel guard shall be 12 inches high above the adjacent pavement and extend 8 inches beyond the sides of the said columns, all as shown in said drawings. Girders and I-Beams: Steel girders shall be constructed and connected with the said columns and with each other and steel I-beams shall be connected with the said girders in such manner as to form a frame work of structural steel cov-, ering the entire space over the lower level, except that at points herein specified, openings shall be let for stairways leading from the upper level to the lower level. The said system of girders and I-beams shall also be supported by retaining walls herein described. Concrete shall be placed between and around all of the members of the steel structure in such a manner as to encase, all of the steel with concrete with a minimum thick- ness between the steel and the outer surface of the concrete of two inches, and to form a continuous roof over the lower level. The upper surface of the concrete, when finished as herein described, shall form the upper surface of the sidewalk, the faces of the curbing and the base for the asphaltic pavement herein described. The location, grades and dimensions of all girders and beams and of all concrele in connection therewith shall be as shown on said drawings. The said elevated structure and all its parts shall have sufficient strength to bear safely in addition to the weight of the structure two moving vehicles in juxtaposition on the roadway, each vehicle having a weight of 5 tons on cach.of 4 wheels spaced 5 feet apart in one direction and 10 feet apart in the other direction, each vehicle occupying a space 10 feet by 20 feet, and the surrounding space over the entire structure, including sidewalks bearing a uniformly distributed load of 100 pounds per square foot. Expansion Joints: Transverse expansion joints shall be provided in the said elevated structure, and located as shown in said drawings. At each expansion joint shall be two bents consisting of steel columns and girders independ- ent of each other but supported on a single row of concrete foundations. There shall be a clear space of one inch between the surfaces of the con- crete enclosing the girders. This space for a distance of two inches from the top of the struclure shall be filled with a soft asphaltic mixture whiclı 16 shall be supported by sliding steel plates attached to the girders, as shown in said drawings. Glass Sidewall Lights: Glass sidewalk lights shall be set in the sidewalks herein specified as follows: A strip four feet wide one foot from and parallel with the prop- crty lines of East Lake Street from the east line of North Wabash Avenue to the west line of the proposed thoroughfare; a strip five feet wide one foot from and parallel with the property lines on each side of the thor- oughfare from East Randolph Street to the South Plaza; a strip five feet wide one foot from and parallel with the property lines on each side of the thoroughfare from the north line of East Michigan Street to the south line of East Ohio Street; a strip six feet wide two feet from and parallel with the curb lines on each side of the thoroughfare from the north line of East Lake Street to the south line of the South Plaza, except the intersec- tion of East South Water Street and except the space over the stairways herein described; a strip six feet wide two feet from and parallel with the curb line of the said thoroughfare from the north line of East Michigan Street to the south line of East Indiana Street and except the space over the stairways herein described, except the intersection of East Illinois Street. Two thousand six hundred fourteen square feet of glass sidewalk lights shall be placed at necessary points in the sidewalks of the upper level of the South Plaza, and 5,168 square feet of glass sidewalks lights shall be placed at necessary points in the sidewalk space of the upper level of the North Plaza. Balustrades at Street Intersections: At all street and alley intersections, except at River. Street and at East North Water Street, there shall be architectural piers and architraves of terra cotta herein described and balustrades of Bedford limestone, herein described, all securely fastened to the steel work and backed up with con- crete, all as shown an said drawings. At River Street, on the west side of the Plaza, there shall be archi- tectural piers, architraves and balustrades of Bedford limestone, herein described, and on the east side of the Plaza there shall be architectural piers of dressed granite, herein described, up to an elevation of 16.3.fcet above Chicago City Datum, and above this elevation the piers, architraves and balustrades shall be of Bedford limestone herein described. These architectural piers, architraves and balustrades shall be constructed as shown on said drawings and shall be securely fastened to the steel work and backed up with concrete. Soflits and balustrades shall be level across all intersecting streets and alleys. At East Lake Street the elevation of the soffit at the center line of the street shall be 17.7 feet above Chicago City Datum, and the elevation of the top of the balustrade shall be 24.61 feet above Chicago City Datum. At Icast South Water Street the elevation of the soffit's shall be 24.0 feet above Chicago City Datum, and the elevation of the tops of the balustrade shall be 30.91 feet above Chicago City Datum. At East Michigan Street the ele- vation of the soffits shall be 29.0 feet above Chicago City Datum and the elevation of the tops of the balustrades shall be 37.0 feet above Chicago' City Datum. At East Illinois Street the elevation of the soflits shall be 26.0 feet above Chicago City Datum and the elevation of the tops of the balustrades shall be 34.0 feet above Chicago City Datum. At East Indiana Street the elevation of the soffits shall be 22.0 feet above Chicago City Datum and the elevation of the tops of the balustrades shall be 28.91 feet 17 above Chicago City Datum. At the alley between East Lake Street and East South Water Street the elevation of the soffit shall be 20.59 feet above Chicago City Datum and the top of the balustrade 27.51 feet above Chi- cago City Datum. At the alley on the east side of the thoroughfare be- tween East South Water Street and the South Plaza, the elevation of the soffit shall be 26.58 feet above Chicago City Datum and the elevation of the top of the balustrade shall be 33.50 feet above Chicago City Datum. At the alley on the west side of the thoroughfare between East South Water Street and the South Plaza, the elevation of the soffit shall be 29.54 féet above Chicago City Datum and the elevation of the top of the balustrate shall be 26.46 feet above Chicago City Datum. At the alley between East Michigan Street and East Illinois Street the elevation of the soffit shall be 28.99 feet above Chicago City Datum and the elevation of the tops of the balustrades shall be 35.91 feet above Chicago City Datum. On the east side of the thoroughfare at the alley between East Indiana Street and East Illi- nois Street, the elevation of the soffits shall be 23.68 feet above Chicago City Datum, and the elevation of the tops of the balustrades shall be 30.60 feet above Chicago City Datum. On the west side of the thoroughfare at the alley between East Indiana Street and East Ohio Street, the elevation of the soffit shall be 17.39 feet above Chicago City Datum, and the eleva- tion of the top of the balustrade shall be 24.31 feet above Chicago City Datum. At all street and alley intersections the cornice of the structure of the upper level shall project 3 feet 9 inches beyond the line of the thor- oughfare, and the line of the lowest step along the balustrade at said in- tersections shall project 9 inches'inside the line of the thoroughfare. Walls North of East Indiana Street: A concrete retaining wall shall be constructed under the upper level along the north line of East Indiana Street from the curb line to the curb line of the upper level of the said thoroughfare, projected down on the lower level. A concrete retaining wall shall be constructel under the edge of the sidewalk and along the curb line on each side of the said upper level from the south line of East Ohio Street to the north line of East Indiana Street. A concrete retaining wall shall be built along the south line of East Ohio Street from the side lines of the thoroughfare to the corresponding curb lines of the upper level. Walks-East Indiana Street to East Ohio Street: A sidewalk composed of steel and concrete shall be laid along and ad- joining each side of the said thoroughfare from the north line of East In- diana Street to the south line of East Ohio Street and supported by the re- taining walls herein described and by an 18-inch I-beam, which shall be supported on steel columns encased in concrete and located 14 feet apart center to center along a line 8 feet 6 inches from and parallel with the side line of the said thoroughfare, all as shown in said drawings. Curbing on East Ohio Street: Two lines of concrete curbing, one on each side of the present roadway shall be set on East Ohio Street from the east line of Rush Street to the west line of St. Clair Street, except across intersecting alleys and roadway. Fill and Pave from East Indiana Street to East Ohio Street: The space between the retaining walls and the curbing herein pro- vided for below the upper level of the thoroughfare from the north line of East Indiana Street to the south curb line of East Ohio Street shall be filled with earth which shall be thoroughly compacted. Upon the com- } 18 pacted filling shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the asphal- tic pavement herein described, which shall be placed thereon. l'ill and Pave East Ohio Street: The roadway of East Ohio Street from the east line of Rush Street to the west line of St. Clair Street, including alley returns, shall be graded by excavation or by filling, as may be necessary, and the surface of the graded roadbed, when compacted, shall be covered with a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top of which shall be at the proper elevation to re- ceive the asphaltic pavement herein specified, which shall be placed thereon. Hill and Pave North of East Ohio Street: The roadway of the said thoroughfare from the north curb line of East Ohio Street to the center line of East Chicago Avenue, and the road- ways of all intersecting streets and alleys within the limits of the said thoroughfare shall be graded by excavation or filling, as may be required, and the surface of the roadways compacted, and upon this shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the asphaltic pavement herein de- scribed, which shall be placed thereon. Curbing at Intersection of East Lake Street: A line of concrete curbing shall be set on each side of the present road- way of East Lake Street from the west line of Beaubien Court to the east line of the proposed thoroughfare. The top of the curbing at the east line of the said thoroughfare shall be 7.70 feet above Chicago City Datum, and thence shall rise to an elevation of 9.5 feet above Chicago City Datum at the west line of Beaubien Court. Curbing at Intersection of East South Water Street: A line of concrete curbing shall be set on each side of the present roadway of East South Water Street from the east line of the first alley west of North Michigan Avenue to the west line of Beaubien Court, except across the roadway of the lower level. The top of the curbing at the east line of the said first alley west of North Michigan Avenue shall be at an elevation of 14.00 feet above Chicago City Datum, and shall fall gradually to an elevation of 9.2 feet above Chicago City Datum at the west curb line of the upper level of the said thoroughfare projected down on the lower level. From the east curb line of the upper level projected downward to the west line of Beaubien Court the top of the said curbing shall be at an elevation of 9.1 feet above Chicago City Datum. Curbing at Intersection of East Michigan Street and East Illinois Street: A line of concrete curbing shall be set on each side of the roadways, of East Michigan Street and East Illinois Street 19 feet from and parallel with the center line thereof, from the side lines of the proposed thoroughfare to the respective curb lines of the upper level, projected down on the lower level. The top of the curbing in each case at the side lines of the thorough- fare shall be 14.00 feet above Chicago Citý Datum; thence it. shall fall grad- ually to an elevation of 13.25 feet above Chicago City Datum at the curb lines of the upper level, projected down on the lower level. Curbing at East Indiana Street: A line of concrete curbing shall be set on each side of East Indiana Street 15 feet from and parallel with the corresponding side line thereof from the east line of Rush Street to the west line of St. Clair Street (ex- 1 19 cept across the alley and across the roadway of the lower level along the south curb line). The top of the curbing at the east line of Rush Street shall be at an elevation of 13.00 feet above Chicago City Datum; thence it shall fall gradually to an elevation of 8.50 feet above Chicago City Datum at the west side line of the proposed thoroughfare; thence it shall fall gradually to an elevation of 8.0 feet above Chicago City Datum at the west curb line of the upper level of the said thoroughfare, projected down on the lower level; thence it shall continue level at an elevation of 8.0 feet above Chicago City Datum to the east curb line of the said upper level, projected down on the lower level; thence it shall rise gradually to an ele- vation of 8.50 feet above Chicago City Datum at the east line of the said thoroughfare; thence it shall rise gradually to an elevation of 13.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at the west line of St. Clair Street, Curbing at Intersections North of East Ohio Street: A line of concrete curbing shall be set along each side of the road- way of each intersecting street from East Ohio Street to and including the south curb line of East Chicago Avenue, and along each side of each alley between East Ohio Street and East Erie Street. The said lines of curbing shall extend from the side lines of the proposed thorough- . fare to the corresponding curb lines of the said thoroughfare as herein described. Transverse Grade-East Lake Street: The surface of the sidewalk on each side of East Lake Street shall rise transversely from the grade at the curb lines to the side lines at the rate of three per centum. The surface of the pavement of East Lake Street from the east line of North Wabash Avenue to the west curb line of the upper level of the proposed thoroughfare adjacent to the curb line shall be 6 inches below the top of the curbing. The said pavement between the curb lines shall be rounded with a crown along the center of the said East Lake Street at an elevation equal to the average elevation of the curbing on each side thereof. Transverse Grade-East South Water Street: The surface of the pavement of East South Water Street at the west line of the first alley west of the proposed thoroughfare shall be at the elevation of the existing pavement, and from the east line of the said alley to the west line of Beaubien Court the surface of the pavement adjacent to the curbing shall be 6 inches below the top of the curbing, except where the curbing is on a level grade, when the pavement shall be 4 inches below the curbing at summits and 9 inches below the curbing at the inlets to the catchbasins, and between the curb lines it shall have a rounded surface with a crown along the center line of said East South Water Street level with the top of the said curbing. Transverse Grade-East Michigan Street: The surface of the pavement of East Michigan Street between the side lines of the lower level of the thoroughfare adjacent to the curbing shall be 6 inches below the top of the said curbing. The surface of the said pavement between the curb lines shall be rounded with a crown along the center line of the said East Michigan Street level with the top of the curbing. ; Transverse Grade-East Illinois Street: The surface of the pavement of East Illinois Street between the side lines of the lower level of the thoroughfare adjacent to the curbing shall ! 20 ) be 6 inches below the top of the said curbing. The surface of the said pavement between the curb lines shall be rounded with a crown along the center of the said East Illinois Street level with the top of the curbing. Transverse Grade-East Indiana Street: The surface of the pavement on East Indiana Street from the east line of Rush Street to the west line of St. Clair Street adjacent to the curbing shall be 6 inches below the top of the said curbing. The said pavement on each side of the street railway right-of-way shall be level with the top of the said curbing. Between the curb lines and the said street railway right-of-way the surface of the said pavement shall be rounded. Transverse Grade-East Ohio Street: The surface of the pavement on East Ohio Street from the east line of Rush Street to the west line of St. Clair Street, except across the said. thoroughfare, adjacent to the curbing shall be 6 inches below the top of the said curbing. The said pavement between the curb lines shall have a rounded surface with a crown along the center line of the said East Ohio Street level with the top of the curbing. Transverse Grade-North of East Ohio Street: The surface of the pavement of the intersections of the thorough- fare with the roadways of all streets, including the south half of East Chicago Avenue, not otherwise herein specified, where the said pavement is adjacent to the curbing, shall be 9 inches below the top of the curbing at the inlets to the catchbasins and 4 inches below the top of the said curbing at summits between the inlets. Between the curb lines the pavement shall have a rounded surface with a crown along the center line of the said roadways level with the top of the curbing. Transverse Grade-Alleys: The surface of the pavement of the interseclions of the thoroughfare with the alleys on each side of the thoroughfare between East Ohio Street and East Erie Street shall be at the elevation herein provided for the pavement of the said thoroughfare at the curb line, and thence shall rise at the rate of three per centum to the side lines of the said thoroughfare. Walks on East Lake Street: A sidewalk composed of concrete and steel shall be laid along and adjoining each side of East Lake Street and supported by the retaining wall herein described and by an 18-inch I-beam, which shall be supported on steel columns encased in concrete and located 20 feet from center to center along a line 5 feet from and parallel with the side line of the said East Lake Street from the east line of North Wabash Avenue to the west line of the proposed thoroughfare, except across alleys. A concrete sidewalk 16 feet wide shall be laid along and adjoining cach side of East Lake Street from the east line of the proposed thor- oughfare to the west line of Beaubien Court. The top of the said side- walk adjoining the curbing shall be at the grade herein specified for the curbing, thence it shall rise transeversely at the rate of 3 per centum. Walks on East South Water Street: A concrete sidewalk 14 feet in width shall be laid along and adjoin- ing each side of East South Water Street from the west line of the proposed thoroughfare to the east line of the first alley west thereof, and from the east line of the said thoroughfare to the west line of Beaubien Court. The top of the sidewalk adjoining the curbing shall be at the grade 21 1 herein specified for the curbing, thence it shall rise transversely at the rate of 3 per centum. Walks on East Indiana Street: A concrete sidewalk shall be laid along and adjoining the curbing herein provided for on East Indiana Street from the east line of Rush Street to the west line of St. Clair Street. The sidewalk shall be 8 feet wide, except across the proposed thoroughfare, where it shall extend from the curbing to the side lines of the said East Indiana Street. The top of the sidewalk adjoining the curbing shall be at the grade herein specified for the curbing, thence it shall rise transversely at the rate of 3 per centum. Walks on East Ohio Street: A concrete sidewalk 8 feet in width shall be laid along and adjoining each side of East Ohio Street from the east line of Rush Street to the west line of St. Clair Street, except across alleys and across the thoroughfare. Between the sidewalk and the curbing there shall be a parkway. The top of the said sidewalk and parkway shall conform to the grade herein speci- fied for the curbing, from which it shall rise transversely at the rate of three per centum. Walks North of East Ohio Street: A concrete sidewalk 8 feet in width shall be laid along and adjoining each side line of each intersecting street from East Chicago Avenue to and including East Ohio Street between the sidewalks hereinbefore pro- vided, and the curb lines of the said thoroughfare. The said walks shall be at the elevation herein specified. Walks on East Chicago Avenue: A concrete sidewalk 10 feet in width shall be laid along and adjoin- ing the south side line of East Chicago Avenue between the sidewalk herein provided along each side of the thoroughfare and the curb lines of the said thoroughfare. The top of the said sidewalk shall be at the elevation herein specified. Grade for Walks: On the upper level of the thoroughfare between East Ohio Street and the south curb line of East Chicago Avenue, on East Ohio Street and on East Indiana Street between Rush Street and St. Clair Street, on Cast South Water Street between Beaubien Court and the first alley west of the proposed thoroughfare, and on all streets intersecting the lower level of the thoroughfare between the side lines of the thoroughfara (excepting all roadways) the spaces between the curb lines and the corresponding side lines of the respective thoroughfare and streets shall be graded by excavating or filling, as may be necessary, and the surface when com- pacted brought to the proper grade to receive the sidewalks and cinder foundations herein specified. When no such sidewalki is specified, the spaces shall be brought to the grade of the curb and sidewalk, provided that in such spaces, or parkways, the top twelve inches of the earth shall be soil suitable for vegetation. Walls Under Walks at Property Line: Where any sidewalk is provided by this ordinance to be built on filling adjoining private land, and the surface of such land is more than one foot below the surface of the said sidewalk, a concrete retaining wall shall be built under the said sidewalk and adjoining the private land. The sidewalk shall rest upon the said retaining wall, which shall be six 7 1 22 inches thick at the top. The bottom of the wall shall have a thickness equal to one-third the height of the wall, provided that in no case shall it be less than twelve inches. The face of the wall next to the said land shall be vertical, and the bottom of the wall shall be at the elevation of the -said land. Elevated Walks of Lower Level: Each elevated sidewalk herein provided to be constructed along the sides of the lower level between East Lake Street and East North Water Street shall be supported on the roadway side by a concrete wall 9 inches in thickness (, the bottom of which shall be at the elevation of the bottom of the concrete foundation of the adjacent pavement and shall rest on a footing course 24 inches in width and 12 inches in depth. The said side- walk shall be supported on the other side by concrete columns 12 inches by 12 inches in cross-section spaced 10 feet apart, center to center, along a line 1 foot from the side lines of the said lower level, all as shown in said drawings. Each elevated sidewalk herein provided to be constructed along the sides of the lower level between East North Water Street and East Indiana Street shall be supported on the roadway side by a concrete wall of the same size and in the same manner as is herein specified for the similar walls between East Lake Street and East North Water Street, and on the other side it shall be supported by retaining walls along the side line of the lower level, constructed of the same material and in the same man- ner as is herein specified for retaining walls under sidewalks adjoining, private lands, all as shown in said drawings. Grade and Pave Lower Level: The roadways of the lower level of the proposed thoroughfare, in- cluding alley returns, from the south curb line of East South Water Street to the southern terminus of the said lower level shall be graded by filling cr excavating, as may be required, and upon the surface when compacted shall be placed a concrete pavement eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the grade herein specified for the pavement of the lower level. The roadway of the lower level, including alley.returns, from the north curb, line of East South Water Street to the south line of the South Plaza, shall be graded by excavating or filling, as may be required, and upon the surface of the said roadbed when compacted shall be placed a layer of con- crete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the pavement of granite blocks herein specified which shall be placed thereon, at elevations shown in said drawings. The roadways of the lower level of the South Plaza shall be graded by excavating or filling, as may be required, and upon the surface of the said roadbed when compacted shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to re- ceive the pavement of granite blocks herein specified which shall be placed thereon, at elevations shown in said drawings. The roadways of the lower level of the North Plaza, excepting the space covered by railroad tracks, shall be graded by excavating or filling as may be required, and upon the surface when compacted shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be . at the proper elevation to receive the pavement of granite blocks herein specified which shall be placed thereon at elevations shown in said draw- ings. The roadways of the lower level, including alley returns, from the 23 North Plaza to the south curb line of East Indiana Street shall be graded by excavation or filling, as may be required, and upon the surface when compacted shall be placed a layer of concrete eight. inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the pave- ment of granite blocks herein specified which shall be placed thereon. Grade and Pave East Lake Street: The roadway of East Lake Street, including alley returns, from the east line of the proposed thoroughfare to the west line of Beaubien Court shall be graded by excavation or filling, as may be required, and upon the surface when compacted shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the pavement of granite blocks herein specified, which shall be placed thereon. Grade and Pave East South Water Street: The roadway of East South Water Street, including alley returns, from the west line of the first alley west of the proposed thoroughfare to the west line of Beaubien Court shall be graded by excavation or filling, as may be required, and upon the surface when compacted shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the pavement of granite blocks herein specified, which shall be placed thereon. Grade and Pave East Indiana Street: The roadway of East Indiana Street, including alley returns, from the east line of Rush Street to the west line of St. Clair Street, excepting the space covered by street car tracks, shall be graded by excavation or filling, as may be required, and upon the surface when compacted shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the pavement of granite blocks herein specified, which shall be placed thereon. Grade and Pave River Street: The roadway of River Street from the west portal of the lower level of the South Plaza to a line at right angles with the center line of River Street and 7 feet southwest of the north corner of Lot 3 of Block 4 of Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago shall be graded and upon the surface when compacted shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the pavement of granite block, herein specified, which shall be placed thereon. The top surface of the pavement shall be rounded between the gutters and shall conform to the grade of the adjoining pavement of the said lower level at one end as herein specified and shall conform to the elevation of the ex- isting pavement at the other end, all as shown on said drawings. Walks on River Street: A sidewalk shall be laid along and adjoining each side of River Street between the west portal of the lower level of the South Plaza and the said line 7 feet southwest of the north corner of the said Lot 3. That portion of the sidewalk which is over existing sidewalk vaults shall be of concrete and steel and shall be supported by the existing curb walls and by 18-inch I-beams which shall be supported on steel columns encased in concrete and located 20 feet from center to center along lines 4 feet from and parallel with the side lines of the said River Street. The remainder of the sidewalk space shall be graded by excavation or by filling, as may be required, and the surface, when compacted, shall be brought to 24 the proper grade to receive the concrete sidewalk and cinder foundation herein specified. Pave River Street East of Thoroughfare: All that portion of River Street, as widened, between the east portal of the lower level of the South Plaza and the east line of Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago, and lying south of the concrete wall herein described as extending east from the newel post, except the granite landing herein described, shall be graded by excavation or filling, as may be required, and upon the surface shall be placed a layer of concrete 8 inches in depth, the top surface of which shall be at the proper elevation to receive the pave- ment of granite blocks herein specified, which shall be placed thereon, at the elevations shown in .said drawings. Paving Intersecting Alleys: Granite block pavements shall be laid in the alleys intersecting the proposed improvement as follows: In the first alley west of the proposed thoroughfare from East Lake Street to the first alley south of East Lake Street. In the first alley west of the proposed thoroughfaſe from East Lake Street to the first alley north of East Lake Street. In the first alley south of East South Water Street from the east line of the proposed thoroughfare to the west line of Beaubien Court. In the first alley north of East South Water Street from the east line of the proposed thoroughfarę to a line 30 feet east thereof. In the first alley north of East South Water Street from the west line of the proposed thoroughfare to a line 50 feet west thereof. In the first alley north of East. Michigan Street from the east line of the proposed thoroughfare to a line 30 feet east thereof. In the first alley north of East Michigan Street from the west line of the proposed thoroughfare to a line 30 feet west thereof. In the first alley north of East Illinois Street from the east line of the proposed thoroughfare to a line 100 feet east thereof. In the first alley north of East Illinois Street from the west line of the proposed thoroughfare to a line 100 feet west thereof. In the first alley north of East Ohio Street from the east line of the proposed thoroughfare to a line 30 feet east thereof. Each of the said alleys within the limits named shall be graded by filling or by excavation, as may be required, and upon the surface, when compacted, shall be placed a layer of concrete eight inches in depth, upon which shall be placed the granite block pavement. The grade of the top of the pavement in each alley shall conform to the grade of the adjoining pavement of the improvement herein specified, at one end of the alley, and thence it shall slope uniformly to the other end of the alley, where it shall conform to the elevation of the present surface of the alley. Filling shall be placed in the first alley north of East Ohio Street from the west line of the proposed thoroughfare to a line 50 feet west thereof. Filling shall be placed in the first alley west of the proposed thoroughfare from East Ohio Street to a line 50 feet north thereof. Filling shall be placed in the first alley east of the proposed thoroughfare from East Ohio Street to a line 50 feet south thereof. The said filling, when compacted, shall be brought to a grade in each of the said alleys so as to conform to the grade of the adjoining pavement of the improvement herein specified 25 at one end of the alley and thence it shall slope uniformly to the other end, where it shall conform to the present surface of the alley. Retaining Walls: All retaining walls herein provided for shall be of the location, size and dimensions shown in said drawings, and if not so shown or otherwise specified herein they shall be constructed as follows: The top shall have a thickness of 18 inches and the bottom shall have a thickness of 40 per centum of the height of the wall. The walls shall have vertical faces on the sides towards the filling which they retain, except along the north line of East Indiana Street and along the roadway of the lower level at and near East Lake Street, where the faces bounding the lower level shall be vertical. The top of the said walls shall conform to the elevation of the adjoin- ing structures. The bottom of the said walls along East Lake Street west of the proposed thoroughfare shall be at an elevation of three feet above Chicago City Datum. The bottom of the said walls in the said thorough- fare south of East South Water Street shall be at an elevation of three feet above Chicago City Datum. The bottom of the said walls from East In- diana Street to East Ohio Street shall be at an elevation of three feet above Chicago City Datum. Concrete partition walls shall be constructed and located as shown in said drawings so as to separate the south portion of the lower level from the space beneath the sidewalk on the east side of the thoroughfare south of East Lake Street and from the-space beneath the sidewalk on the north side of East Lake Street west of the thoroughfare. Concrete partition walls shall be constructed and located as shown in said drawings so as to separate the north portion of the lower level from the space beneath the sidewalks on each side of the thoroughfare north of East Indiana Street. Each of the said concrete partition walls shall be 12 inches in thickness and shall rest on a concrete footing course 24 inches in width and 12 inches in depth. The bottom of the said footing course shall be at an elevation of 4 feet above Chicago City Datum and the top of the said wall shall be at the elevation of the under side of the said overhead sidewalk herein pro- vided for. Catchbasins: Seven catchbasins shall be constructed in the proposed thoroughfare between East Randolph Street and the north line of East Lake Street and located at necessary points along the curb lines. Twenty catchbasins shall be constructed in the lower level from the south end thereof to the south end of the said bridge, and shall be located at necessary points along the curb lines. Fourteen catchbasins shall be constructed in the lower level from the north end of the said bridge to the south line' of East Indiana Street, and shall be located at necessary points along the curb lines. Eight catchbasins shall be constructed in East Indiana Street between Rush Street and St. Clair Street, and shall be located at necessary points along the curb lines, Four catchbasins shall be constructed at East Ohio Street between Rush Street and St. Clair Street, not including the intersection of the thor- oughfare and located at necessary points along the curb lines. Thirty- four catchbasins shall be constructed in the proposed thoroughfare be- tween East Indiana Street and the center line of East Chicago Avenue, and located at necessary points along the curb lines. One catchbasin shall be constructed in the alley between East Ohio Street and East Ontario Street, 30 feet east of the said thoroughfare. Twenty-seven gutter grates shall 26 be placed along the curb lines of the upper level between East Lake Street and East Indiana Street. The said catchbasins shall be seven feet two inches deep, measured from the top of the brick work, and shall have an internal diameter of four feet at the bottom and to a plane five feet above and parallel therewith. The walls of the said catchbasins shall be eight inches thick and shall be built of two courses of sewer brick laid edgewise in perpendicular courses lipon a floor of pine planks two inches in thickness. The top of the said catchbasins shall decrease to two feet internal diameter, being drawn in by means of nine header courses, 'the diameter being decreased uniformly for each course. Each of said catchbasins shall be connected with the adjacent sewer by means of a tile pipe of nine inches internal diameter, and shall be trap- ped with a half trap of tile pipe of nine inches internal diameter. The said trap shall be set so that the elevation of the bottom of the inside of the same shall be three feet six inches above the floor of the catchbasin. Said catchbasin shall be provided with a suitable cast iron cover, which cover, inclusive of lid, shall weigh 560 pounds. Said cast iron cover shall be set so that the top of the same shall coincide with the finished surface of the pavement hereinbefore described. The tile pipe specified shall be straight, smooth, and sound, thoroughly burned, well glazed, and free from lumps and other imperfections, and 7 inch thick. Each of said gutter grates shall be of cast iron and shall be 17 inches by 22 inches, set in a cast iron box the bottom of which shall have an open- ing 9 inches in diameter. To the bottom of the said box there shall be connected a light weight cast iron reducer pipe 3 feet in length, being 9 inches in diameter at the upper end and 6 inches in diameter at the lower. At the lower end of the reducer pipe shall be connected a light weight cast iron pipe 6 inches in diameter which shall extend down to and be con- nected with one of the catchbasins hereinbefore specified to be built in the lower level. The cast iron grate and box shall weigh not less than 115 pounds. Adjustment of Manholes: The several sewer manholes located along the said improvement shall be raised or lowered and the covers of the said manholes shall be adjusted as may be necessary to make them conform to the finished surface of the pavement herein specified. Relocation of Sewers: That portion of the existing brick sewer lying within the limits of the South Plaza shall be rebuilt in a location sufficiently west of the present location to avoid the foundations of the bridge house and column foot- ings as shown in said drawings. That portion of the tile pipe sewer now lying within the limits of the South Plaza shall be rebuilt along a line south of the center row of columns in the east and west roadway of the lower level of the South Plaza and shall be connected with the brick sewer as relocated and shown in said drawings. The said brick sewer and tile pipe sewer as rebuilt shall be of the same size and of the same materials as the corresponding existing sewers. All brick work and tile pipe shall be laid in Portland cement mortar. Bascule Bridge: The bridge across the river and in all its parts shall be of the location, grades, dimensions and material as shown on said drawings and shall be 27 1 a trunnion bascule bridge having two levels or decks corresponding to the two levels of the proposed thoroughfare. Each trunnion shall be sup- ported on cross girders which shall rest on fixed trusses which shall. rest on concrete piers, one in front of and one back of the trunnion. Between these piers shall be located the piť in which the counterweight shall swing when the bridge is being opened. At the back of each rear pier there shall be a machinery room in which shall be placed the motors which move the bridge. On each side of the machinery room there shall be a space provided under the lower plaza extending to the ends of the abutment walls hereinafter described. This space is herein designated as the base- ment. Movable Portion: The movable portion of the bridge shall consist of four equal parts symmetrically arranged with respect to two vertical planes at right angles to each other, one plane being along the center line of the bridge and the other plane midway between the two center lines of the trunnions. Each of said four parts is herein designated as a single arm and two adjoining parts on the same side of the river are herein designated as a double arm. Each single arm shall be carried by two main trusses rigidly connected to each other by the floor beams of the two decks, laterals and the counterweight. Each double arm shall be formed by two single arms which shall be con- nected to each other by a series of diaphragms placed between the vertical members of the inner main trusses, as shown on said drawings. Size: The clear span between masonry at abutments shall be 220 feet." The clear height under the bridge, when in its lower position, shall be 1642 feet above Chicago City Datum for a distance of 176 feet. The distance between the trunnions of the bridge shall be 256 feet. The distance between the centers of the main trusses of each single arm shall be 27 feet, and the distance between the centers of the inner trusses of the two adjoining single arms shall be 6 feet. The clear headroom between the lower roadway floor and the lowest part of the floor system carrying the upper deck shall be 1312 feet. Location: The center line of the bascule bridge shall coincide with a straight line extending from a point on the center line of the roadway of the upper level at a distance of 423.46 feet north of the north line of East South Water Street to a point on the center line of the thoroughfare 22.3 feet south of the south line of East Michigan Street, the last named point being 704.84 feet northerly of the first named point. The center line of the south trunnions shall be 160.38 feet northerly of the said point 423.46 feet north of the north line of East South Water Street, and the center line of the north trunnions shall be 256 feet northerly of the south trun- nions. The center of the trunnions shall be at an elevation of 15.104 feet above Chicago City Datum. . Upper Deck: The upper deck of the said bridge shall be entirely above the trusses and shall consist of two roadways, each 27 feet and 3 inches between wheel guards, separated from each other by a slightly elevated floor strip or island, 5 feet and 6 inches wide, and two sidewalks each 15 feet wide, on the outer sides of the said roadways, making the upper deck of the bridge 90 feet wide over all. The island between the two roadways shall have the same elevation as the sidewalks. The elevation of the top ) 28 of the pavement of each roadway of the upper deck at each side thereof shall be 7 inches below the top of the adjoining sidewalk. The top of the pavement of each said roadway shall be rounded with a crown along the center line thereof 5 inches below the top of the said sidewalks. The top of the sidewalks of the upper deck shall be level transversely and shall conform to the grades herein specified. Lower Deck: The lower deck or level of each single arm shall consist of one road- way 18 feet wide between wheel guards and one sidewalk 5 feet wide, both of which shall be located between the two main trusses. The top of the pavement of each roadway of the lower deck shall be 6 inches below the top of the adjoining sidewalk. The top of the sidewalks shall conform to the grades herein specified. The said pavement and sidewalks of the lower deck shall be level transversely. The wearing surface of the upper deck roadways shall be asphalt laid on buckled plates. Pavements and Walks: The sidewalks of the upper deck shall be carried on steel brackets and shall have wearing surfaces of two-inch yellow pine plank resting on and nailed to yellow pine stringers. The island between the two roadways of the upper deck shall be of yellow pine plank 2 inches in thickness resting on and nailed to yellow pine stringers. On each side of each roadway of the upper level there shall be a wheel guard or curbing consisting of a six inch by nine and one-half inch white oak timber, with a 4 inch by 4 inch steel angle securely bolted thereto. The wearing surface of each roadway of the lower deck shall be creosoted wooden blocks. This pavement shall extend from the south line of the south machinery room to the north line of the north machinery room. The said wooden blocks shall be four inches deep and on the fixed portion of the bridge the said pavement shall be supported on reinforced concrete slabs over the machinery rooms, and on the movable portion of the bridge it shall be supported by and securely fastened to a layer of two-inch yellow pine plank laid on four-inch yellow pine plank all securely fastened to the steel structure of the bridge as shown on said drawings. The wearing surface of the sidewalks of the lower deck shall be two- inch yellow pine plank securely fastened to yellow pine stringers. All wood herein specified to be used in the construction of the said bridge shall be creosoted in the manner herein specified. Counterweights: Counterweights shall be attached to the rear ends of the arms of the movable portion of the said bascule bridge, of sufficient weight to balance the front portion of the arms. The said counterweights shall consist largely of concrete of the kind herein designated as Class “A”. Besides the concrete the counterweight boxes shall contain 700 tons of pig iron or iron punchings, and in addition 500 tons of counterweight in the form of shaped iron castings. Strength of Bridge: The bridge and all its parts shall have sufficient strength to bear safely, in addition to its own weight, live loads as follows: On the upper deck, two vehicles and a uniformly distributed load as herein described for the elevated structure. over the lower level. 1 29 On the lower deck, a continuous line of 50 ton street cars, each 50 feet long, on one track on each single arm, the center line of the said track being 7.25 feet from the center line of the inner truss, a moving vehicle on each roadway, the vehicle having a weight of 5 tons on each of four wheels spaced 5 feet apart in one direction and 10 feet apart in the other direction, and on all of the space of the roadways and side- walks not occupied by the street cars and vehicles a uniformly distributed load of 100 pounds per square foot. To allow for dynamic effect of live loads, except where otherwise provided, the maximum computed live load stress shall be increased by an amount which shall be determined by the following formula: 100 I=S NL + 300 in which I= Increment to be added. S = Computed maximum live load stress. L=Length in feet of load on bridge producing maximum strength. N=One-tenth of the total width of roadway and sidewalks loaded to produce maximum stress. In addition to the above loads a lateral load shall be assumed of 300 lbs. per lineal foot of each chord or deck. All lateral loads shall be treated as moving. When the bridge is in motion or open to any extent the loads causing stress in structural parts of the moving or supporting structure shall consist of the dead weight with 20% added for effects of vibration and a wind force of 20 lbs. per square foot over the entire actually exposed area. All the loads shall be assumed to be in positions which shall give the maximum stress for each member considered. In determining the dimensions of trunnions and parts of machinery a wind pressure of 20 lbs. per square foot of exposed surface shall be assumed. Machinery: The motive power for operating the bridge will be electricity. Four electric motors of a normal capacity of 100 H. P. per motor shall be placed at each side of the river in the machinery room behind the anchor piers. The mechanical and electrical connections between these motors and the bridge arms shall be such that any two of these motors can be used at any time for operating each double arm, and that the idle pair of motors shall be held as a reserve. The power transmission from motors to bridge leaf shall be arranged by means of gear trains of a suitable type, and also by means of main pinions engaging with the teeth of circular racks, which shall be rigidly fastened to each outside truss of each single arm, all as shown on said drawings. Besides the main motors, two 742 H. P. motors, one on each side of the river, shall be installed with proper gearing for operating the heel locks supporting the tail ends of the main trusses. Two 5 H. P. motors shall be installed with proper gearing at the river end of the south arms of the bridge for operating the center locks connect- ing the two double arms, as shown on said drawings. The operation of the main machinery shall be controlled by two sets of brakes for each double arm. One set shall be operated by hand power and the other by compressed air. The air for the latter shall be fur- ! 30 0 i . nished by an air compressor plant, driven by a 5 H. P. electric motor, located in the machinery room, one on each side of the river. Suitable centrifugal water pumps to discharge any seepage water from the counterweight pits, driven by 10 H. P. electric motors, two for each pit, shall be provided. Suitable safety gates shall be installed at each end of the bascule bridge on the upper level, as shown in said drawings. All machinery, including all necessary bridge gates, shall be suitably arranged so as to be controlled by the bridge tenders in the bridge houses, where the controllers, electric switches, switchboards, indicators, hand brake levers, and other necessary apparatus shall be installed and located conveniently. Substructure: The substructure of the bridge on each side of the river shall consist of two concrete abutment piers 95 feet long which shall be rigidly con- nected with each other by two vertical side walls and a horizontal bottom, forming a pit for the tail end and counterweights herein mentioned. The front abutment pier shall rest on three concrete cylinders, 8 feet in diameter, the center line of which shall be 15 feet in front of the center line of the trunnion, and the rear abutment pier shall rest on three con- crete cylinders, 8 feet in diameter, the center line of which shall be 39 feet and 242 inches back of the center line of the trunnion. The elevation of the top of the floor of the said pit at its lowest point shall be 25 feet below Chicago City Datum. The elevation of the bottom of the said abut- ment piers shall be 30.25 feet below Chicago City Datum. The said cylinders shall extend down to solid rock. Bridge Houses: Four bridge houses, for the use of bridge tenders, shall be constructed and located one on each side of each end of the bridge. The east and west center line of the bridge houses at the south end of the bridge shall be 11 feet south of and parallel with the center line of the south trunnions of the bridge. The east and west center line of the bridge houses at the north end of the bridge shall be 16 feet 4 inches north of and parallel with the center line of the north trunnions of the bridge. The north and south center lines of the houses shall be 57.33 feet from the center line of the bridge. Each bridge house, and all its parts, shall be of the location, dimensions and material as is shown on said drawings. The interior horizontal dimensions of each of these houses at the elevation of the upper level shall be 13 feet and 10 inches in the clear with walls 1 foot and 5 inches in thickness. The exposed portion of the outer walls of each house from an elevation of 4.67 feet above Chicago City Datum to an elevation of 18.92 feet above Chicago City Datum shall be faced with dressed granite hereinafter specified. These facings shall have a minimum thickness of 8 inches. From an elevation of 18.92 feet above Chicago City Datum to ån elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City, Datum the exposed portion of the said outer walls shall be faced with Bedford limestone. This facing shall have a minimum thickness of 6 inches. Above'an, elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum all four walls shall be faced with Bedford limestone. This facing shall have a minimum thickness of 6 inches. These walls, where faced with stone, shall be backed with concrete to a total minimum thickness of 17 inches. The walls which are not faced with stone shall have a minimum thickness of 1 foot and 9 inches. There shall be three floors made of reinforced concrete at elevations of 18.00 feet, 36.57 feet and 57.19 feet above Chicago 31 1 City Datum, and a basement floor at an elevation of 6.25 feet above Chicago City Datum. A circular ornamental iron stairway shall connect the two top floors as shown on said drawings. An ornamental iron stairway of straight runs and landings shall connect the two lower floors and base- ment. The operator's room shall be on the floor at an elevation 57,19 feet above Chicago City Datum. This room shall be of tile furred and plastered. This floor shall carry the operating apparatus and indicators for the mechanical operation of the bridge as herein specified. On the floor at an elevation of 18.00 feet above Chicago City Datum there shall be installed a toilet room with water-closet, wash-basin and urinal, with soil and vent pipes. Doors and windows shall be provided in the walls of each house of material and sizes as shown on said drawings. The roof shall be of reinforced concrete, covered with Bedford lime- stone, and a cornice provided as shown on said drawings. The gutter shall be of sheet copper all properly sloped to a down- spout which shall be carried down inside the building as shown on said drawings. A 6-inch tile sewer shall connect the toilet system, and the downspout with the river. Each bridge house shall be carried on a foundation of concrete supported by wooden piles. The said foundation shall be independent of the substructure of the bridge. The bottom of the said foundation shall be at an elevation of 15 feet below Chicago City Datum, all as shown on said drawings. Machinery Room: The machinery room shall be directly at the back of the rear pier of the bridge and shall be of the location, dimensions and material shown on said drawings. The elevation of the floor of the machinery room shall be 1 foot above Chicago City Datum. The foundations of the walls of the machinery room shall be of concrete resting on wooden piles. The eleva- tion of the bottom of the said foundations shall be four feet below Chicago City Datum. The roof of the machinery room shall be of steel and rein- forced concrete which shall form the floor of the lower level. The said machinery room shall be provided with a concrete floor six inches in depth, with the top surface finished in the manner herein specified for sidewalks. Basenient: A retaining wall shall be built under the lower level of the South Plaza. It shall be located as shown on said drawings so as to form the south wall of the machinery room, and on each side of the machinery room it shall extend along and under the north curb line of the lower level to the limits of the upper level of the said South Plaza projected downward on the lower level. The wall shall be of reinforced concrete resting on wooden piles, and the bottom of the said concrele on each side of the machinery room shall be at an elevation of two feet below Chicago City Datum. A retaining wall shall be built under the lower level of the North Plaza. It shall be located as shown on said drawings so as to form the - north wall of the machinery room, and on each side of the machinery room it shall extend along a straight line parallel with the abutment pier of the bridge until it intersects the inner abutment wall on the east and the limits of the plaza on the west. The wall shall be of reinforced con- crete resting on wooden piles and the bottom of the said concrete shall be at an elevation of two feet below Chicago City Datum. The enclosed spaces below the lower level on each side of the machin- 1 32 ery room between the retaining walls last described and the abutment walls herein described, and herein designated as the basement, shall be provided with a concrete floor six inches in depth, with the top surface finished in the manner herein specified for sidewalks. The roofs of the said spaces or basements shall consist of a structure of steel and reinforced concrete, and shall be finished on the upper sur- face and form sidewalks for the lower level of the plazas as herein described and shown on said drawings. Dock Walls: At each end of the front abutment piers dock walls shall be built extending easterly and westerly the full width of the plazas and along both sides of the river for supporting and protecting the plaza walls near the river. The said dock walls shall terminate on the present dock lines of the river and the length of the several dock walls shall be respect- ively as follows: The southwest wall 159 feet, the southeast wall 170 feet, the northwest wall 118 feet, the northeast wall 148 feet. The space between the said dock walls and the abutment walls and adjoining retaining walls shall be provided with a concrete floor six inches in depth with the top surface finished in the manner herein specified for sidewalks. The top of the said floor shall be at an elevation of 5 feet above Chicago City Datum. These walls shall be built of reinforced concrete to a depth of 30 feet below Chicago City Datum, resting on wooden piles, cut off at 28 feet below Chicago City Datum. Anchor rods, entirely enclosed in concrete extending 60 feet inland and anchored to substantial dead men also built of reinforced concrete, shall be provided ten feet distant from each other for the entire length of each wall. The top of the said dock walls shall be at an elevation of 5 feet above Chicago City Datum. The location, dimen- sions and material of each of said dock walls shall be as shown on said drawings. Abutment Walls: Abutment walls shall extend from the bridge houses to the east and west edges of the upper level of the plazas. They shall be located and built as shown on said drawings. They shall have their bases at an eleva- , tion of 5 feet above Chicago City Datum. The said abutment walls shall be supported on a foundation of concrete supported by wooden piles. The bottom of the said foundation shall be at an elevation of five feet below Chicago City Datum and the top of the piles shall be cut off at an elevation of four feet below Chicago City Datum, all as shown in said drawings. The abutment walls shall be built entirely free from the superstructure of the plazas. A continuous vertical joint shall separate the masonry of the super- structure at the crossings of River Street with the east and west lines of the plazas. The words "top of wall" hereinafter used in description of these walls shall refer, on the inner wall, to the top of the cornice course and on the outer wall to the top of the string course as shown on said drawings. The words "outer face" hereinafter used to describe the location of these walls is the principal outside wall surface. East Wall-South Plaza: The outside face of the east outer abutment wall of the South Plaza shall commence, at the east wall of the bridge house at a point 67.67 feet east of the center line of the bridge measured at right angles thereto and 33. 1 18. feet south of the center line of the south trunnion of the bridge meas- ured at right angles thereto; thence it shall extend easterly for a distance of 8 feet parallel to the center line of the trunnion of the bridge, thence it shall extend southerly a distance of one foot parallel with the center line of the bridge, thence it shall extend easterly for a distance of 10.42 feet ‘at right angles to the center line of the bridge, thence it shall extend easterly for a distance of 37.83 feet curving to the south with a radius of 101.18 feet, thence it shall extend easterly and parallel with the inner wall hereinafter described for a distance of 22.69 feet, and shall terminate in a newel post the center of which is 11.916 feet from the outer face of the said inner wall and 1.42 feet east of the east line produced of the opening in the inner wall at the lower landing hereinafter described. The top of the said abutment wall shall be at an elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum, where it adjoins the bridge house and shall continue level to a point 75.67 feet east of the center line of the bridge, thence it shall slope gradually to an elevation of 13.00 feet above Chicago City Datum at the newel post, provided that at the landings herein described the top of the wall shall be level. The west end of the outer face of the inner abutment wall shall be on a line 76.67 feet east of and parallel with the center line of the bridge, 10.92 feet south of the outer face of the outer wall measured at right angles thereto; thence the outer face of the said inner wall shall extend easterly for a distance 9.42 feet at right angles to the center line of the bridge, thence it shall extend easterly for a distance of 35.94 feet curved to the south with a radius of 90.266 feet, thence it shall extend easterly a distance of 3 feet, thence it shall extend southerly at right angles to the last direction a distance of .75 feet, thence it shall extend easterly at right angles to the last direction to a point which is 156.58 feet east of the center line of the bridge measured at right angles thereto, and 29.50 feet south of the center line of the south trunnion of the bridge, measured at right angles thereto, thence it shall extend southerly a dis- tance of 10.00 feet parallel with the center line of Michigan Avenue. The top of the inner wall shall be level at an elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum. Between the outer and inner walls there shall be a stairway extending from the upper plaza at' an elevation of 36.17 feet above Chicago City Datum down to an elevation of 11.50 feet above Chicago City Datum. In this stairway there shall be a landing at an elevation of 26.125 feet above Chicago City Datum, a landing at an elevation of 16.5 feet above Chicago City Datum, and there shall be a landing at an elevation of 11.50 feet above Chicago City Datum. At the landing the elevation of which is 16.5 feet above Chicago City Datum there shall be an opening in the inner wall lead- ing to the lower level of the plaza. The bottom of this opening shall be at an elevation of 17 feet above Chicago City Datum, and its soffit at an elevation of 30.375 feet above Chicago City Datum. The opening shall be 20.0 feet long. 'The opening shall have a balustrade from the east end of the landing to the east side of the opening. The outer wall shall have three openings to the basement. The bottom of these openings shall be at an elevation of 5.50 feet above Chicago City Datum, and the soffits of the openings shall be at an elevation of 13.67 feet above Chicago City Datum. These openings to the basement shall be under the stairway. The inner wall shall have, openings opposite to and at the same elevation as the openings in the outer wall. The outer wall shall have along its top a stone balustrade, as shown on these drawings, the top of which, along its entire length, shall be A 34 3 3 feet and 6 inches above the top of the wall. The inner wall shall have along its top a stone balustrade as shown on said drawings, the top of which, along its entire length, shall be 3 feet and 6 inches above the top of the wall. A wall shall connect the bridge house and the inner wall at the point of beginning of the inner wall and shall be as shown on said drawings. West Wall-South Plaza: The outside face of the west outer abutment wall of the South Plaza shall commence at the west wall of the bridge house at a point 67.67 feet west of the center line of the bridge measured at right angles thereto and 18 feet south of the center line of the south trunnion of the bridge meas- ured at right angles thereto; thence it shall extend westerly for a distance of 8 feet parallel to the center line of the trunnion of the bridge, thence it shall extend southerly a distance of 1. foot parallel with the center line of the bridge, thence it shall extend for a distance of 62.88 feet curving to the south with a radius of 78.18 feet, thence it shall extend westerly and parallel with the inner wall hereinafter described for a distance of .22.50 feet, and shall terminate in a newel post the center of which is 11.916 feet from the outer face of the said inner wall and .50 feet west of the west line produced of the opening in the inner wall at the lower landing hereinafter described. The top of the said abutment wall shall be at an elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum where it adjoins the bridge house and shall continue level to a point 75.67 feet west of the center line of the bridge, thence it shall slope gradually to an elevation of 7.58 feet above Chicago City Datum at the newel post, provided that at the landings herein described the top of the wall shall be level. *The east end of the outer face of the inner abutment wall shall be on a line 75 feet west of and parallel with the center line of the bridge and 10.92 feet south of the outer face of the outer wall measured at.right angles thereto; thence the outer face of the said inner wall shall extend west- erly for a distance of 56.12 feet curved to the south with a radius of 67.27 feet, thence it shall extend westerly a distance of 3 feet, thence it shall extend southerly at right angles to the last direction a distance of .75 feet, thence it shall extend westerly at right angles to the last direction to a point which is 161.5 feet west of the center line of the bridge measured at right angles thereto and 59 feet south of the center line of the south Trunnion of the bridge measured at right angles thereto, thence it shall extend southerly a distance of 13.50 feet along a straight line towards the southwesterly corner of the South Plaza. The top of the inner wall shall be level at an elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum. Between the outer and inner walls there shall be a stairway extend- ing from the upper plaza at an elevation of 36.17 feet above Chicago City Datum down to an elevation of 5 feet above Chicago City Datum. In this stairway there shall be a landing at an elevation of 26.125 feet above Chi- cago City Datum and a landing at an elevation of 16.50 feet above Chicago City Datum. At the lower landing there shall be an opening in the inner wall leading to the lower level of the plaza. The bottom of the opening shall be at an elevation of 17 feet above Chicago City Datum and its soffit at an elevation of 30.375 feet above Chicago City Datum. The opening shall be 20.25 feet long. The opening shall have a balustrade extending from the west end of the landing to the west side of the opening. The outer wall shall have three openings to the basement. The bottom of these openings shall be at an elevation of 5.5 feet above Chicago City Datum and the soffits of the openings shall be at an elevation of 13.67 35 1 feet above Chicago City Datum. T'hese openings to the basement shall be under the stairway. The inner wall shall have openings opposite to and at the same elevation as the openings in the outer wall. The outer wall shall have along its top a stone balustrade as shown on said drawings, the top of which along its entire length shall be threa feet six inches above the top of the wall. The inner wall shall have along its top a stone balustrade as shown on said drawings, the top of which, along its entire length, shall be 3 feet and 6 inches above the top of the wall. A wall shall connect the bridge house and the inner wall at the point of beginning of the inner wall and shall be as shown on said drawings. East WallNorth Plaza: The outer face of the east outer abutment wall of the North Plaza shall commence at the east wall of the bridge house at a point 67.67 feet east of the center line of the bridge measured at right angles thereto and 23.33 feet north of the center line.of the north trunnion of the bridge measured at right angles thereto; thence it shall extend easterly for a distance of 8 feet parallel to the center line of the trunnion of the bridge, thence it shall extend northerly a distance of 1 foot parallel with the center line of the bridge, thence it shall extend eaşterly for a distance of 70.3 feet curving to the north with a radius of 69.92 feet, thence it shall extend easterly and parallel with the inner wall hereinafter described for a distance of 23.50 feet and shall terminate in a newel post the center of which is 11.916 feet from the outer face of the said inner wall and.5.0 feet west of the east line produced of the opening in the inner wall at the lower landing hereinafter described. The top of the said abutment wall shall be at an elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum where it adjoins the bridge house and shall continue level to a point 75.67 feet east of the center line of the bridge, thence it shall slope gradually to an elevation of 8 feet above Chicago City Datum at the newel post, provided that at the landings herein described the top of the wall shall be level. The west end of the outer face of the inner abutment wall shall be on a line 75.67 feet east of and parallel with the center line of the bridge and 10.92 feet north of the outer face of the outer wall measured at right angles thereto; thence the outer face of the said inner wall shall extend easterly for a distance of 58.74 feet jurved to the north with a radius of 59.0 feet, thence it shall extend northeasterly a distance of 3 feet along a line which intersects the east line of the North Plaza at a point 145.0 feet southeasterly of the intersection of said east line of the North Plaza with the south line of Easť North Water Street, thence it shall offset at right angles northwesterly a distance of .75 feet, thence it shall extend northeasterly parallel to the last described line to the east line of the North Plaza. The top of the inner wall shall be level at an elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum. Between the outer and inner walls there shall be a stairway extend- ing from the upper plaza at an elevation of 36.17 feet above Chicago City Datum to an elevation of 5 feet above Chicago City Datum. In this stairway there shall be a landing at an elevation of 26.125 feet above Chicago City Datum and a landing at an elevation of 10.5 feet above Chi- cago City Datum. At this lower landing there shall be an opening in the .inner wall leading to the lower level of the plaza. The bottom of this opening shall be at an elevation of 17 feet above Chicago City Datum, and its soffit at an elevation of 30.375 feet above Chicago City Datum. 36 The opening shall be 23.42 feet long. The opening shall have a balustradı- from the east end of the landing to the east side of the opening. The outer wall shall have three openings to the basement. The bottom of these openings shall be at an elevation of 5.5 feet above Chicago City Datum and the soffits of the openings shall be at an elevation of 13:67 feet above Chicago City Datum. These openings to the lower level shal be under the stairway. The inner wall shall have openings opposite to and at the same elevation as the openings in the outer wall, exrept at the most easterly opening in the outer wall where there shall be no opening in the inner wall, all as shown on said drawings. The outer wall shall have along its top a stone balustrade as shown on said drawings, the top of which along its entire length shall be 3 feet and 6 inches above the top of the wall. The inner wall shall have along its top a stone balustrade as shown on raid drawings, the top of which, along its entire length, shall be 3 feet 6 inches above the top of the wall. A wall shall connect the bridge house and the inner wall at the point of beginning of the inner wall and shall be as shown on said drawings. West Walk-North Plaza: The outside face of the west outer abutment wall of the North Plaza shall commence at the west wall of the bridge house at a point 67.67 feet west of the center line of the bridge measured at right angles thereto and 23.33 feet north of the center line of the north trunnion of the bridge measured at right angles thereto; thence it shall extend westerly for a distance of 8 feet parallel to the center line of the trunnion of the bridge, thence it shall extend northerly a distance of 1 foot parallel with the center line of the bridge, thence it shall extend westerly for a distance of 3.17 feet at right angles to the center line of the bridge, thence it shall extend westerly for a distance of 42.25 feet curving to the north with a radius of 70.92 feet, thence it shall extend westerly and parallel with the inner wall hereinafter described for a distance 17.83 feet, thence curving south- erly for a distance of 8.0 feet and shall terminate in a newel post the center of which is 16 feet south of the outer face of the said inner wall and 2.42 feet west of the west line produced of the opening of the inner wall at the lower landing hereinafter described. The top of the said abutment wall shall be at an elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum where it adjoins the bridge house, and shall continue level to a point 75.67 feet west of the center line of the bridge, thence it shall slope gradually to an elevation of 7.90 feet above Chicago City Datum at the newel post, provided that at the landings herein described the top of the wall shall be level. The east end of the outer face of the inner abutment wall shall be on a line 76.67 feet west of and parallel with the center line of the bridge, and 10.92 feet north of the outer face of the outer wall measured at right angles thereto; thence the outer face of the said inner wall shall extend westerly for a distance of 2.17 feet at right angles to the center line of the bridge, thence it shall extend westerly for a distance of 37.78 feet curved to the north with a radius of 60 feet, thence it shall extend west- erly a distance of 3 feet along a line at right angles to the center line of . the bridge, thence it shall extend northerly and parallel to the center line of the bridge a distance of .75 feet; thence it shall extend westerly along a line at right angles to the center line of the bridge to the west line of tho plaza. The top of the inner wall shall be level at an elevation of 35.75 feet above Chicago City Datum, 1 37 1 Between the outer and inner walls there shall be a stairway extending from the upper plaza at an elevation of 36.17 feet above Chicago City Datum down to an elevation of 5 feet above Chicago City Datum. In this stairway there shall be a landing at an elevation of 26.125 feet above Chicago City Datum and a landing at an elevation of 16.50 feet above Chicago City Datum. At this lowest landing there shall be an opening in the inner wall leading to the lower level of the plaza. The bottom of this opening shall be at an elevation of 17 feet above Chicago City Datum and its soffit at an elevation of 30.375 feet above Chicago City Datum. The opening shall be 21.67 feet long. The opening shall have a balustrade from the west end of the landing to the west line of the opening The outer wall shall have three openings to the basement. The bottom of these openings shall be at an elevation of 5.50 feet above Chi- cago City Datum and the soffits of the openings shall be at an elevation of 13.67 feet above Chicago City Datum. These openings to the base- ment shall be under the stairway. The inner wall shall have openings opposite to and at the same elevation as the openings in the outer wall. The outer wall shall have along its top a stone balustrade as shown on said drawings, the top of which, along its entire length, shall be 3 feet - 6 inches above the top of the wall. The inner wall shall have along its top a stone balustrade as shown on said drawings, the top of which, along its entire length, shall be 3 feet 6 inches above the top of the wall. A wall shall connect the bridge house and the inner wall at the point of the beginning of the inner wall and shall be as shown on said drawings. Stone Facing of Walls: The outer abutment walls shall be built as shown on said drawings and shall be faced with dressed granite, hereinafter described, from an eleva- tion of 4.67 feet above Chicago City Datum up to, at the ends adjacent to the bridge houses, an elevation of 16.25 feet above Chicago City Datum. This facing shall have a minimum thickness of 8 inches and shall return on the sides and soffits of all openings in the walls. The top of this granite face shall run horizontally until it intersects the top of the said walls. Thence to the newel post the entire outside face of the outer abutment walls shall be of dressed granite. The newel posts which ter- minate said walls shall be of dressed granite up to an elevation of 8.5 feet above Chicago City Datum. The remainder of these newel posts shall be of Bedford stone, herein described. The remainder of the outer face of the outer abutment walls above the elevation of 16.25 feet above Chicago City Datum shall be of Bedford stone. This facing shall nave a minimum thickness of 6 inches. The balustrades herein described shall be of Bedford stone. The outer abutment walls shall be backed over their entire length with concrete to a total thickness of 1 foot 6 inches as shown on said drawings. The inner abutment walls shall be built as shown on said drawings and shall be faced with Bedford stone above the elevation of 16.25 feet above Chicago City Datum, except those portions of the walls opposite and below the top line of the outer abutment walls. This facing shall have a minimum thickness of 6 inches and shall return on the sides and soſits of all openings in these walls. Below the elevation of 16.25 feet above Chicago City Datum, excepting those portions of the inner walls below and opposite the outer walls, the walls shall be faced with dressed granite. This facing shall have a minimum thickness of eight inches, 38 1 The balustrades herein described shall be of Bedford stone. The inner abutment walls shall be backed over their entire length with concrete to a total thickness of 18 inches. The openings herein described in the outer walls of the abutment walls leading to the basement shall be furnished with hinged ornamental iron grills of material and design as shown on said drawings, and the openings in the inner walls of the abutment walls leading to the basement shall be furnished with hinged wooden doors as shown on sa'id drawings. Between the clearance lines of the outside trusses and the walls of each bridge house there shall be constructed a wall of height and dimen- sions as shown on said drawings. These walls shall be faced to an elevation of 18.92 feet above Chicago City Datum with dressed granite and shall be faced above that elevation entirely with Bedford stone. A concrete wall faced with 8 inches of granite shall extend from the northwest corner of the inner abutment wall of the South Plaza a distance of 23 feet to the northwest line of River Street. The said wall shall be supported by two rows of wooden piles spaced 3 feet apart in each direc- tion. The bottom of the concrete shall be one foot above Chicago City Datum and the top of the granite faced concrete wall shall be 16 feet above Chicago City Datum. On top of the said concrete wall shall be erected a Bedford stone parapet, all as shown in said drawings. A concrete wall shall extend from the newel post at the northeast cor- ner of the South Plaza along a line at right angles to the center line of Michigan Avenue to the east line of the Fort Dearborn Addition to Chicago. The said wall shall pass under and support the granite landing at the foot of the stairway herein described. The said wall shall be supported by a row of wooden piles spaced 3 feet apart. The bottom of the concrete shall be 1 foot above Chicago City Datum and the top of the wall, including the concrete coping, shall be 14 feet above Chicago City Datum at the east edge of the said landing and 12 feet above Chicago City Datum at the east end of the wall, all as shown on said drawings. A concrete stairway shall extend northerly from the said landing at an elevation of 11.5 feet above Chicago City Datum to the floor of the dock at an elevation of 5 feet above Chicago City Datum. The said stairway shall be supported by concrete walls, all as shown on said drawings. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. On the sides of the roadway of the upper level of the said thorough- fare between East Randolph Street and the South Plaza and located at ap- proximately equal distances, 36 cast iron electric light fixtures shall be erected on and securely attached to the concrete sidewalk herein specified, as shown on said drawings. Each of the said fixtures shall be provided with six incandescent electric lamp sockets with glass globes 12 inches in diameter and with suitable insulated copper wiring and an electric switch, and shall be connected with an electric circuit as shown on said drawings. Each of the said fixtures, including the standard and all attachments, shall be of the size, dimensions, material, and shall be similar in every respect to the electric fixtures now in use on each side of Michigan Boulevard be- tween East Randolph Street and East Madison Street. On the sides of the roadway of the upper level of the said thorough- fare between the Chicago River and East Chicago Avenue, and located at approximately equal distances, 57 electric light fixtures shall be erected, as shown in said drawings. Between the Chicago River and East Ohio Street the said fixtures shall be securely attached to the concrete sidewalk 39 lierein specified. Between East Ohio Street and East Chicago Avenue the said fixtures shall be securely attached to concrete foundations 2 feet square by 4 feet deep. Each of the said fixtures shall consist of a con- crete standard, an arc light attachment, a glass globe 20 inches in diameter attached to the concrete standard by means of a bronze grille, and shall be provided with suitable insulated copper wiring, an electric switch, and shall be connected with an electric circuit as shown on said drawings. Each of the said fixtures, including the concrete standard and all attach- ments, shall be of the size, dimensions, materials, and shall be similar in all respects to the electric light fixtures now in use on each side of Lin- coln Parkway, between East Ohio Street and East Chicago Avenue. On the upper deck of the said bascule bridge 10 electric light fixtures shall be erected on and securely attached to the outer trusses. Each of the sáid fixtures shall be provided with four incandescent electric light sockets, with glass globes nine inches in diameter, with suitable insulated copper wiring, an electric switch, and shall be connected with an electric circuit as shown on said drawings. Each of the said fixtures, including the cast iron standard and all attachments, shall be of the location, size, dimension and materials, as are shown in said drawings and therein designated as fixture Number 1. On the balustrades herein provided for the upper level at the north and south plazas and at intersecting streets 32 cast iron electric light fix- tures shall be erected and attached to the stone posts on said balustrades. Each of said fixtures shall be provided with four incandescent electric light sockets with lanterns of bronze and glass 12 inches in diameter, with suit- able insulated copper wiring and an electric switch, and shall be connected with an electric circuit as shown on said drawings. Each of the said fix- tures, including the stone post and all attachments, shall be of the location, size, dimensions and materials as are shown on said drawings and therein designated as fixture Number 2. On each of the four safety islands which are herein provided to be placed on the upper level of the north and south plaza on each side of the center line of the bascule bridge, a cast iron electric light fixture shall be erected and securely attached to the said safety island. Each of the said fixtures shall be provided with nine incandescent electric light sockets, with one lantern of bronze and glass 24 inches in diameter, and eight lan- terns of bronze and glass 16 inches in diameter, and with suitable insulated copper wiring, and shall be connected with an electric circuit as shown on said drawings. Each of the said fixtures, including the cast iron standard and all attachments, shall be of the location, size, dimensions and material as are shown in said drawings, and therein designated as fixture Number 3. At each end of the upper deck of the bascule bridge three cast iron electric light fixtures shall be erected and securely attached to the fixed , portion of the structure. Each of the said electric fixtures shall be pro- vided with six incandescent electric light sockets, with glass globes 12 inches in diameter, with suitable insulated copper wiring, and shall be con- nected with an electric circuit, as shown on said drawings. Each of the fixtures, including the cast iron standard and all attachments, shall be of the location, size, dimensions and materials as are shown on said drawings and therein designated as fixture Number 4. A cast iron electric light fixture shall be erected on and securely at- tached to the safety island herein provided on the center line of the road- way of the upper level at the south line of the South Plaza. A similar electric light fixture shall be erected on and securely attached to the safety island herein provided on the center line of the roadway of the upper level 40 1 at the north line of North Water Street. Each of the said fixtures shall be provided with an incandescent electric light socket, with a red glass globe 12 inches in diameter, with suitable insulated copper wiring and an electric switch, and shall be connected with an electric circuit as shown on said drawings. Each of the said fixtures, including the cast iron standard and all attachments, shall be of the size, dimensions and material and similar in all respects to the electric fixture now in use in the center of Michigan Avenue near the south line of East Randolph Street. Electric lighting circuits shall be installed to supply the electric light fixtures herein provided for the upper level. The circuits shall consist of insulated copper wires of the sizes indicated in said drawings, which sizes are therein indicated by the numbers of the Brown and Sharp gauge. Be- tween East Randolph Street and East Ohio Street the wires shall be en-, closed in iron pipe conduits which shall be attached to the under surface of the upper level. The conduits shall be of the sizes and location shown in said drawings. Between East Ohio Street and East Chicago Avenue the electric lighting fixtures on the east side of the thoroughfare shall be con- nected with the electric lighting circuit enclosed in the conduit now in place on the east side of Lincoln Parkway and the electric lighting fixtures on the west side of the thoroughfare shall be connected with an electric lighting circuit, which shall be installed in a 3-inch fibre conduit which shall be installed in the parkway just west of the curb line. The said conduit, including the manholes and covers, shall be of the size and ma- terial of the conduit, manholes and covers now in use on the east side of Lincoln Parkway between East Ohio Street and East Chicago Avenue, and as otherwise shown in said drawings. All of the said electric lighting circuits shall be extended to and con- nected with the switchboards in the bridge houses. Two hundred eighty-six incandescent electric light fixtures shall be installed and attached to the under surface of the upper level of the said thoroughfare between East Lake Street and the Chicago River. 282 in- candescent electric light fixtures shall be installed and attached to the un- der surface of the said upper level between the Chicago River and East Ohio Street. 72 incandescent electric light fixtures shall be installed and attached to the under surface of the upper deck of the bascule bridge. 28 incandescent electric light fixtures shall be installed and attached to the ceilings of the machinery rooms and adjacent basements. 15 incandescent electric light fixtures shall be installed and attached to the ceilings and walls of each of the bridge houses. Each of the said electric light fixtures shall consist of an enameled steel reflector and an incandescent electric light socket attached to a cast iron outlet box which shall be connected with a system of iron pipe conduits, all of which shall be securely attached to the adjacent structure and located as shown on said drawings. Electric lighting circuits shall, be installed to supply the electric light fixtures herein provided for the lower level, the bridge houses, machinery rooms and basements. The said lighting circuits shall consist of insulated copper wire of the location and sizes indicated in the said drawings, which sizes are therein indicated by the numbers of Brown and Sharp gauge. Twelve electric feeder circuits shall extend from switchboards in the (Bridge) houses to six cut-out cabinets as shown in said drawings. Each lighting circuit shall be connected with one of the feeder circuits and shall be provided with a suitable switch and cut-out located in the cut-out cabinet. 1 41 SPECIFICATIONS. Portland Ceinent: All Portland cement used in this improvement shall be sound and of the best quality and shall be of a fineness such that 92 per centum will pass through a sieve having 100 meshes to the lineal inch. Briquettes made from a mortar composed of one part of said Portland cement and three parts torpedo sand, exposed to the air for one day and immersed in water for six days, shall have an ultimate tensile strength of 200 pounds per square inch. Mortar: The Portland cement mortar used for the finishing surface of any concrete and for the water proof course of the counterweight pits in said: improvement shall be composed of one part of Portland cement and two parts of fine aggregate, mixed with a proper amount of water. The said fine aggregate shall be of the best quality of torpedo sand free from organic matter, and shall be graded in sizes so as to pass through a sieve having 8 meshes to the lineal inch and be retained on a sieve having 80 meshes to the lineal inch, and so that not more than 20 per centum of the fine aggregate shall pass through a sieve having .50 meshes to the lineal inch. Aggregate: The fine aggregate used in all concrete in the said improvement, except for the said mortar, shall be of the best quality of torpedo sand free from organic matter, and shall be graded in sizes so as to pass through a sieve having 4 meshes to the lineal inch and to be retained on a sieve having 100 meshes to the lineal inch, and so that not more than 20 per centum of the said fine aggregate shall pass through a sieve having 50 meshes to the lineal inch. The coarse aggregate used in all concrete in the said improvement shall be stone free from dirt and impurities, and shall be uniformly graded in sizes so as to pass through a ring 2 inches in diameter and be retained on a sieve having 4 meshes to the lineal inch, provided that in concrete of Class “B” all of the aggregate shall be of a size to pass through a ring one inch in diameter. Concrete: Concrete of Class “A” shall be composed of one volume of fine aggre- gate and two volumes of coarse aggregate and such quantity of Portland cement that seven cubic feet of the concrete in place shall contain 94 pounds of cement. Concrete of Class “B” shall be composed of one volume of fine aggre- gate and two volumes of coarse aggregate and such quantity of Portland cement that five and one-half cubic feet of concrete in place shall contain 94 pounds of cement, All concrete shall be thoroughly mixed with sufficient water to form a plastic máss and shall be put in place before it has time to set. Where a mortar finish is specified the same shall be applied before the underlying concrete has set and shall be finished smooth and true with proper tools. All forms for concrete shall be substantial and unyielding and built so that the concrete shall conform to the specified dimensions and shapes, and so constructed as to prevent the leakage of mortar. All reinforcement shall be of the specified dimensions and shall be placed in accordance with the said drawings and shall be held in position until the surrounding concrete has set. 42 t + Concrete of Class "B" shall be used where specified and for the struc- ture over the lower level including the casing of the steel columns, girders and beam, for all sidewalks, curbing, stairways' and reinforced concrete slabs and floors. Concrete of Class "Ą" shall be used for foundation for pavements (except where supported by a steel structure), for foundations for steel columns, for retaining walls, bridge foundations and for all concrete not. . otherwise specified. Sidewallcs: The top of all concrete sidewalks shall have a finishing surface of mortar one-half inch in thickness. All sidewalks that are not supported by steel structures shall be five inches in thickness including the finishing surface, and rest on a layer of cinders six inches in thickness, which shall rest on the compacted graded surface of earth herein provided for. Glass Sidewalk Lights: The glass for sidewalk lights shall be round disks two inches in . diameter and 7 inch in thickness. The disks shall be spaced 342 inches apart, center to center, and supported on a suitable cast iron grillage, which, in turn, shall be supported by steel bars and beams attached to the sidewalk structure. The top of the glass shall be parallel and flush with the finished surface of the sidewalk. The space between the disks and above the grillage shall be filled with Portland cement mortar- and carefully trowelled and smoothly finished in the same plane with the top of the disks. Curbing: All concrete curbing shall be six inches thick at the top and nine inches thick at the bollom and thirty inches deep, and shall rest on a bed of cinders twelve inches wide and six inches deep. The top and exposed face of the curb for a space of twelve inches down from the top shall be smoothly finished with Portland cement mortar as herein specified. Where retaining walls are provided by this ordinance to be built at the curb line the finishing coat of the adjacent sidewalk shall be con- tinued down the exposed edge of the walk and down the face of the said wall for a distance of 12 inches from the top of the said sidewalkWhere the sidewalk and pavement is carried on the steel structure the finishing coat of the sidewalk shall be continued down the exposed edge of the walk to the top of the concrete base of the pavement. Concrete Pavement: The concrete pavement herein specified shall be of Class "B" concrete. The pavement shall be thoroughly tamped until the mortar flushes to the surface, and then finished with a wooden templet, shaped to conform to the curvature of the surface of the finished pavement, in such manner as to leave a uniform surface.. Expansion joints shall be placed in the said concrete pavement along the center lines of the steel columns in both directions. The said expan- sion joints shall be one inch in width and shall be filled with creosoted soft wood timber with the grain vertical extending the full depth of the pavement. Granite Bloclc Pavement: On the concrele foundation above specified for granite block pavement shall be spread a layer of sand two inches in depth. 43 The pavement shall consist of granite blocks of the best quality, of uniform texture, without lamination or stratification, and free from an excess of mica or feldspar. The dimensions of said block shall be four inches in width, four inches in depth and from six to ten inches in length. A variation of not more than 14 of an inch in the specified width and depth of the blocks may be permitted. The blocks shall be laid on edge in uniform courses across the principal lines of travel, and the spaces between the sides and ends of the blocks shall not be less than one-eighth (18) of an inch, nor more than five-eighths (5/s) of an inch. On the roadway intersections the blocks shall be laid at an angle of forty-five degrees with the center line of the roadway. The blocks shall be so laid as to break joints in alternate courses, each course, so far as practicable, to be of uniform depth and width. When thus laid, the pavement shall immediately be covered and swept with screened, dry, roofing gravel, free from sand or loam, or pebbles smaller than one-sixteenth inch, or larger than one-half inch. The amount spread shall be sufficient to fill all the joints in the pavement; the blocks then to be rammed to a firm and unyielding bed and to a uniform surface. After the gravel has been settled by the ramming of the blocks, the remainder of the joints shall be filled with a paving pitch which is the direct result of the distillation of “straight run" coal tar. Said pitch shall be applied on the work at a temperature of not less than three hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Immediately after applying the paving pitch and while it is still hot, the entire surface of the pavement shall be covered with dry rooſing gravel as specified above, to a depth of one-fourth inch. Asphaltic Pavement: The asphaltic pavement herein specified for the proposed improve- ment shall consist of a wearing or surface course one and one-half inches in thickness laid on a binder course one and one-half inches in thickness, laid on the concrete foundation herein specified. Binder: The binder course shall consist of asphaltic cement and clean stone crusher run of varying sizes so as to pass through a one-inch ring. The stone shall be heated and thoroughly mixed with the asphaltic cement in such proportions that 100 parts by weight of the mixture shall contain 6 parts of bitumen soluble in carbon disulphide. The binder course shall be spread upon the concrete base while in a hot and plastic condition and shall be rolled until it is compacted and its surface is one and one-half inches below the finished surface of the pavement. Wearing Surface: The wearing or surface course shall consist of a mineral aggregate of fine crushed stone, sand and Portland cement mixed with asphaltic cement in such proportions that 100 parts by weight of the mixture shall contain 9 parts of bitumen soluble in carbon disulphide, 10 parts of min- eral aggregate that will pass through a sieve with 200 meshes to the lineal inch, 9 parts of mineral aggregate that will pass through a ring one-half inch in diameter and be retained on a sieve with four meshes to the lineal inch, and 72 parts of mineral aggregate of intermediate sizes, provided that, at least 5 per centum of the paving mixture shall be Portland cement. Asphaltic Cement: The asphallic cement' shall be prepared from the residue obtained in the careful distillation of asphaltic petroleum or from native asphalt com- 44 bined with a suitable flux, if flux be necessary, or from a combination of the above named materials, provided that the proportion of the flux shall not exceed 50 per centum by weight of the asphaltic cement. If the proportion of the flux exceeds 25 per centum by weight of the asphaltic cement, only asphaltic or semi-asphaltic flux shall be used. Tests: When tested in the usual manner the asphaltic cement shall pass the following requirements: The specific gravity of the asphaltic cement at a temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit shall be not less than that of water at the same temperature. At least 9842 per centum of the bitumen that is soluble in carbon disulphide shall be soluble in carbon tetra chloride. The fixed carbon of the asphaltic cement shall not exceed 15 per centum. The melting or softening point of the asphaltic cement shall be not i less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit nor more than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. At a temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit, when tested with a Dow machine with a number 2 needle weighted with 100 grams for five seconds the asphaltic cement shall have a penetration of not less than 60 nor more than 80 degrees. When 50 grams of the asphaltic cement are maintained at a tem- perature of 325 degrees Fahrenheit for five hours in a tin box 242 inches in diameter and 1%4 inches deep the volatilization shall be less than 5 per centum by weight of the bitumen. If a sample of asphaltic cement that has been subjected to the test last described is tested for penetration in the usual manner, the reduction in penetration shall be not more than one-half the original penetration. A briquette (Dow form) of the asphaltic cement, as used in the paying mixture, having a cross-section of one square centimeter, when tested for ductility in accordance with the Dow method, shall elongate not less than 12 centimeters. Mixing and Laying: The mineral aggregate and the asphaltic cement shall be heated sep- alately to a temperature of 300 degrees Fahrenheit and then thoroughly mixed together in a suitable apparatus. The paving mixture, while at a temperature of not less than 250 degrees Fahrenheit, shall be carefully spread upon the binder course to such a depth that when compacted the thickness of the wearing course shall be 112 inches. As soon as spread the paving mixture shall be compacted by rolling with a. 5-ton roller, after which natural hydraulic cement in the proportion of one barrel of cement to 1,000 square yards of pavement shall be swept over it and the whole then thoroughly compacted by rolling with a ten-ton roller. Timber-General: All timber shall be strictly first-class, entirely free from sap, shall have been cut from live trees, sawed true, with square straight edges, shall be out of wind, full size and shall be free from wind shakes, largo or loose knots, decayed wood, worm holes, wane and other defects impair- ing its strength or durability. Piling: All wooden piles used in this improvement shall be of Norway pine, cypress or tamarack or other wood equally good for this purpose. The . 1 45 1 piles shall be sound and straight and not less than eight inches in diameter at the small end. They shall be so driven that the bottom end shall be at least 50 feet below Chicago City Datum. The tops of the piles shall be cut off at the elevations herein specified and shown in said drawings. Yellow Pine and Qak: Yellow pine shall be long leaf southern' yellow heart pine and at least as good as the grade known as No. 1 common yellow pine. Oak shall be good sound white or burr oak, and at least as good as the grade known as No. 1 common white oak. Buffer Blocks: For the anchor buffer blocks, sound, solid and well-seasoned oak, en- tirely clear of knots and imperfections, must be used. These blocks must. be carefully sized down, as required by the perfect alignment of bridge, and must be so adjusted that all blocks are touched simultaneously by the tail-end contacts of the bridge leaf, when the leaf is in a horizontal po- sition. The horizontal timbers at the bottom of the pits shall be so sized by the contractor that the counterweight boxes will touch the second timber in its entire length, when the bridge arms take their extreme upright po- sition. Paving Blocks: The paving blocks shall be cut from southern long leaf or short leaf yellow pine or tamarack. Only one kind of wood, however, shall be used on this work. The blocks shall be not less than five (5) inches in length, nor more than eight (8) inches in length; but shall average six (6) inches in length. The depth shall be four (4) inches, and the width shall be three and three-fourths (394) inches. The timber for paving blocks shall be what is known to the trade as "prime” timber and of a texture permitting satisfactory treatment as here- inafter specified. The timber shall be sound, air-seasoned, square-edged, free from bark, shakes, large or loose or rotten knots, red heart, worm or knot holes, or any other defects which will be detrimental to its strength or durability. No second growth timber or loblolly pine will be accepted. All blocks shall be made of sound timber and shall be free from any defects which will be detrimental to the life of the block or interfere with the proper laying of the same. Each block shall have at least sixty-six (66) per cent. of heart wood. The blocks shall be carefully protected from the effect of the sun and weather before and after treatment and until laid. With southern long leaf or short leaf yellow pine timber, the annual rings in the three (3) inches measured radially from the center of the heart shall average not less than eight (8) to the inch. Creosote Oil for Timber and Paving Blocks: The creosote must be obtained entirely from coal-gas or coke-oven tar, and must not contain any admixture of any tar oil or residue obtained from petroleum or any source other than coal-gas or coke-oven tar. The creosote must be completely liquid at thirty-eight (38) degrees Centigrade and not more than three (3) per cent. of the water-free oil shall be insoluble in chloroform or benzol. The specific gravity of the creosote at thirty-eight (38) degrees Cen- tigrade shall be not less than one and three-hundredths (1.03) and shall riot exceed one and eight-hundredths (1.08). 1 1 46 1 The creosote shall be subject to a distillation test as follows: The apparatus for distilling the oil shall consist of an ordinary 200 C. C. m. distilling flask, having side neck not over two (2) inches above the body of the flask. The bulb of the standardized thermometer shall be one-half (12) inch above the surface of the liquid in the flask, and during the progress of the distillation it shall remain in the position as originally placed. The distance between the thermometer bulb and the end of the condensing tube shall be twenty-two (22) inches. The bulb of the flask shall rest on an asbestos board at least six (6) inches square, through which a round hole has been cut two (2) inches in diameter. This hole shall be further en- larged by cutting six (6) notches around its circumference; these notches shall be one-half (42) inch deep. The bulb of the flask shall also be pro- tected so as to prevent excessive heat radiation by placing around it an asbestos cylinder four (4) inches in diameter and three (3) inches high, and resting on this shall be a piece of flexible asbestos board of sufficient size to fully cover the cylinder; said cover having a slit cut from the out- side edge to a round hole one and one-half (142) inches in diameter cut in the center to admit the neck of the flask. The distillation shall be continuous and at the rate of one (1) to two (2) drops per second. One hundred (100) grams of oil shall be taken and all percentages de- icrmined by weight on the basis of dry oil. Tested in the above manner, it shall give no distillate up to two hun- dred (200) degrees Centigrade; less than five (5) per cent. up to two hun- dred and ten (210) degrees Centigrade; less than twenty-five (25) per cent. up to two hundred and thirty-five (235) degrees Centigrade; less than thirty-five (35) per cent, residue at three hundred and fifty-five (355) de- grees Centigrade. The distillate between two hundred and ten (210) degrees and two hundred and thirty-five (235) degrees Centigrade shall, on cooling to room temperature (77 degrees Fahrenheit) yield solids. The oil shall not contain more than three (3) per cent. of water. Method of Creosoting: The timber and paving blocks shall be placed in the cylinder and the temperature raised by steam in coils to from one hundred and eighty (180) degrees to two hundred (200) degrees Fahrenheit, and vacuum of not less than twenty-four (24) inches of mercury produced and this vacuum maintained for at least ten (10) minutes, and not to exceed thirty (30) minutes, at the expiration of which the creosote shall be admitted without otherwise breaking the vacuum. Injection of Creosote: The retort shall be filled with the grade of creosote oil herein specified previously heated to a temperature of one hundred and sixty (160) degrees Fahrenheit, this temperature to be maintained during the treatment. Pressure shall then be applied and continued until the best practicable im- pregnation of the timber is secured, using twelve (12) pounds of creosote cil per cubic foot of timber. At no time during the process of treatment shall the temperature in the cylinder be allowed to rise above two hundred (200) degrees Fahren- heit. Asphaltic Filler: After the wooden block pavement is brought to an even surface, it 47 u, é shall be swept clean, and the joints between the blocks and the expansion joints shall be filled with an asphaltic filler which shall be free from water, coal tar pitch, or any product of coal or water gas tar. It shall adhere firmly to the blocks, be pliable at all climatic conditions to which it will be subjected, and conform to the following requirements: It shall have a specific gravity of not less than nine hundred and sixty- five one-thousandths (0.965) at seventy-seven (77) degrees Fahrenheit. It shall have a melting point of not less than one hundred and ten (110) and not more than one hundred and sixty (160) degrees Fahrenheit. It shall have a penetration of not less than twenty (20) nor more than fifty (50), as measured and recorded by the Dow penetration machine in the asphalt laboratory of the Board of Local Improvements, fitted with a No. 2 needle weighted with one hundred grams, acting for five (5) seconds on the material at a temperature of seventy-seven (77) degrees Fahr- enheit. The bitumen of the asphaltic filler shall be soluble in carbon tetra chloride to the extent of at least ninety-eight and one-half (9842) per cent. Steel: All steel shall be made by the open hearth process. Structural Steel: Structural steel and steel used for reinforcing concrete shall contain not more than four-hundredths (.04) per cent. of phosphorus and not more than five-hundredths (.95) per cent. of sulphur. When tested in the usual manner it shall have an ultimate tensile strength of sixty thousand (60,000) pounds per square inch. The test piece shall have an elongation of at least twenty-five (25) per cent. in eight (8) inches, and shall show a silky fracture. It shall be capable of bending cold one hundred and eighty 180) degrees flat without fracture. Riret Steel: Rivet steel shall contain not more than four-hundredths (.04) per cent. of phosphorus and not more than four-hundredths (.04) per cent. of sul- phur. When tested in the usual manner it shall have an ultimate tensile strength of fifty thousand (50,000) pounds per square inch. The test piece shall have an elongation of at least thirty (30) per cent. in eight (8) inches, and shall show a silky fracture. It shall be capable of bending cold one hundred and eighty (180) degrees flat without fracture. Steel Castings: Steel castings shall contain not more than five-hundredths (.05) per cent. of phosphorus and not more than five-hundredths (.05) per cent. of sulphur. When tested in the usual manner it shall have an ultimate ten- sile strength of sixty-five thousand (65,600) pounds per square inch. The test piece shall have an elongation of at least fifteen (15) per cent. in eight (8) inches, and shall show a silky or fine granular fracture. It shal) be capable of bending cold ninety (90) degrees without fracture. All steel castings shall be sound and free from blow holes, cold shuts, sponginess, pitting, shrinkage or cracks, cavities, and shall be thoroughly annealed according to the best practice and true to pattern with smooth cast surfaces. Steel Forgings: Steel forgings shall be made by the open hearth process, and possess the following characteristics: 18 + 1 . . . 1 Low Carbon Steel: Tensile strength in pounds per square inch. 58,000 Elastic limit in pounds per square inch.. 29.000 Elongation, per cent. in 2 inches. 28.00 Contraction of area, per cent. 35.00 Phosphorus not to exceed per cent. 0.10 Sulphur 'not to exceed per cent.. 0.10 Annealed Carbon Steel: Tensile strength in pounds per square inch. 78,000 Elastic limit in pounds per square inch.. 39,000 Elongation, per cent. in 2 inches. 22.00 Contraction of area, per cent... 35.00 Phosphorus not to exceed per cent. 0.04 Sulphur not to exceed per cent.. 0.04 Cast Iron: Cast iron shall be best quality, tough, soft, gray iron. It shall not con- tain more than ten-hundredths (.10) per cent. of sulphur. The castings: shall be true to pattern, out of wind, free from flaws, excessive shrinkage, and any defects impairing its strength or appearance. All gray iron cast- ings shall be made by the cupola process. Test bars one (1) inch 'high by two (2) inches wide by thirty (30) inches long shall support on a clear span of twenty-four (24) inches a cen- tral load of not less than twenty-four hundred (2,400) pounds, with a cen- tral deflection not exceeding four-tenths (.4) of an inch. Wrought Iron: Wrought iron bars and rods shall be of the best quality of manufacture free from and mixture of scrap or steel. The finished malerial shall be free from injurious defects and possess the following characteristics: Tensile strength in pounds per square inch, not less than...45,000 Elastic limit, one-half tensile strength.. Elongation, per cent. in 8 inches, not less than. 22.00 Contraction of area, per cent., not less than. 40.00 All fractures must show a fibrous structure. Phosphor Bronze: Phosphor bronze used for bearings shall show a tensile strength on test of not less than 28,000 pounds per square inch, conforming closely to the following proportion's : Copper. 100 lbs. 10 lbs. Lead. 6 lbs. Phosphorus 0.5% The metal must not be overheated or otherwise injured in the casting process. Anti-Friction Metal: Anti-friction metal shall be of approximately the following propor-. tions: Tin . .84 parts Antimony . 16 parts Copper. 2 parts ('ounter-Weight Metal: Shaped counter-weight blocks and plates shall be of cast iron. · They shall be solid and free from large blow holes and other cavities which are difficult to fill with concrete. . Tin . . 49 Pig iron as counter-weight inside the counter-weight blocks shall have a specific gravity of not less than seven (7). Steel punchings shall be clean and free of any impurities and foreign substances. Fabrication of Steel Work: All workmanship shall be first-class in every respect, equal to the best practice in modern bridge works, and in accordance with the following paragraphs: Reaming and Punching: All rivet holes, after punching, shall be reamed except those in lattice bars, and in buckled plates. Wherever practicable, the reaming shall be done after the pieces form- ing each built member have been assembled and firmly bolted together. No interchange of reamed parts shall be allowed. The connections of mem- bers forming trusses or other parts of the superstructure shall be assem- bled, reamed, and match marked. Riveted members shall have all parts well pinned up and firmly drawn together with bolts, before riveteing is commenced. Planing: All sheared edges and ends shall be planed off at least one-quarter (14) inch, where planing is required or indicated in the said drawings, or where edges of plates and shapes exposed to view are not neatly and accurately sheared. The ends of floor beams, stringers and sidewalk brackets shall be machine-faced to exact length and at the proper angle. Joints in truss members shall be neatly milled. Bases and tops of posts, including gusset plates and connection angles, shall be milled wherever they take bearing. l'runnion Holes: All trunnion holes shall be bored true to gauge, smooth and straight, and exactly perpendicular to the plane of trusses and parallel to eaclı other. Riveting: All shop rivets shall be machine-driven. Rivets shall look neat and finished, with heads of improved shape, full and of equal size. They shall be central on shank and grip the assembled pieces firmly. The pitch of rivets in all classes of work shall never exceed six (6) inches or sixteen (16) times the thinnest outside plate, nor be less than three (3) diameters of the rivet. In tie plates, gusset plates and splice plates, the minimum pitch shall be three (3) inches wherever possible. The distance from the edge of any plate, except in tie plates, to the center of a rivet hole shall be at least one and one-half (112) inches. In tie plates this distance may be reduced to two (2) diameters of the rivets used, if otherwise the tie plates would project over members. Bolts: All bolts shall have a good bearing on heads and nuts and be provided with beveled washers on inclined surfaces, and provided with lock nuts. Latticing: The ends of each lattice bar shall be properly cut and of, neat ap- 50 pearance. Lattice bars shall be inclined at an angle not less than sixty (60) degrees to the axis of the member for single latticing, nor less than forty- five (45) degrees for double latticing with riveted intersections, wherever the spacing for latticing is not otherwise given in figures on the drawings. Stiffeners: Stiffeners shall fit neatly between flanges of girders and shall be . faced and shall be brought to true contact bearing with the flange angles or flanges of beams. Fainting of Structural Work: All structural steel and iron before leaving the shop shall be thor.- oughly cleaned of all mill scale, dirt and rust, by the use of steel scrapers and wire brushes, and of oil by the use of benzine, and shall then receive one coat of red lead and boiled linseed oil, mixed in a revolving churn just before being used, in the proportions of twenty-six (26) pounds of dry red lead to one (1) gallon of linseed oil. Field Coats: After the structure is in place, all the steel and iron work, except steel to be imbedded in concrete, shall be thoroughly cleaned and painted with a first field coat of Dixon's graphite or of Mindura Paint or of a paint equally as good. This coat shall have a bottle green color. After this coat is perfectly dry, a second field or finishing coat of the same paint shall be applied. ·All finished working surfaces shall be coated with white lead and tallow before being shipped from the shop. Trunnions : The trunnions shall be of annealed steel forgings and shall be care- fully machined and polished. The trunnions shall have a light driving fit in the structural steel web plates and shall be keyed as shown in said drawings. Oil grooves shall be provided as shown in said drawings with suitable grease cups. Trunnion Bearings: Trunnion journal blocks shall be of annealed steel castings free from flaws or defects and shall be bored to receive the phosphor bronze bearing sleeves as shown on said drawings. The phosphor bronze sleeves shall be turned to fit the journal blocks and bored to fit the trunnions. Operating Racks: The operating racks shall be of annealed cast steel, and shall be accurately machined. Pinions and Gear Train: All gear wheels, including the operating pinions, shall be of annealed cast steel with accurately cut teeth. They shall be bored true with a light driving fit on shafts, and shall be properly keyed with gib-head keys. Shafts: Shafts shall be of annealed carbon steel forgings turned to size and smoothly finished over their entire surfaces. Fillets or tapers shall be left where diameters change and ends shall be chamfered. Shaft Bearings: All journal blocks or separable shaft bearings shall be made of annealed steel castings and lined with phosphor bronze or with babbit, as indicated i 51 . in said drawings for each bearing. They shall be bored to size for journal and fitted to good bearing on journal when in place. They shall be fitted with iròn screw and spring compression'grease cups with cup-leather pack- ing. The grease cups shall be directly connected to the bearings, which shall be provided with grooves suitable for solid oil. The babbitt of babbitted bearings shall be thoroughly ball-peen ham- mered in placed before boring. Where phosphor bronze is used it shall be a good fit in the journal-block bore, which shall be concentric with the shaft surface. All solid bearings for shafts shall be babbitted and have a good working fit on journals when in place. Brakes: On the third shafts from the main pinion shafts shall be installed friction brakes of the post type so arranged as to be operated by hand levers in the bridge houses. The brake wheels shall be made of annealed cast steel, the rim face to be machined. The brake shoes shall be made of annealed cast steel, lined with best wood fibre or equivalent fibre for friction purposes. On the second shafts from the main pinion shafts shall be installed friction brakes and brake shoes similar to those specified for the third. shaft, except that they shall be operated by compressed air controlled by operating valves in the bridge houses. Vain Operating Motors: The main operating motors shall be of the commutating pole mill type, series wound, waterproof, totally enclosed in horizontally split steel frames, with suitable gear cases. The motors on each side of the river shall be reversible and so arranged as to be operated in parallel and con- trolled as a single motor from the bridge house. Each motor shall have a rated capacity of 100 horsepower with a direct current at 550 volts, and after one hour's run at the rated load the temperature of the motor windings shall not exceed 60 degrees Centigrade above the temperature of the surrounding air. Centerlock Motors: The centerlocks shall be operated by two series wound electric motors of the commutating pole closed type operating in parallel and controlled as a single motor. Each motor shall have a rated capacity of 5 horse- power with direct current at 550 volts and back geared to suitable speed. Motors shall be non-reversible. The motors shall be controlled by suit- able interlocking controlling devices from the bridge house, and shall be equipped with electrically operated brake. Heel-lock Motors:. Each heel-lock shall be operated by a series wound electric motor of The commutating pole closed type. Each motor shall have a rated capacity of 742 horsepower with direct current at 550 volts, and shall be back geared to suitable speed. Each motor shall be controlled by suitable inter- locking controlling devices from the bridge houses, and shall be equipped with an electrically operated brake. Indicators: Suitable indicators shall be installed in the bridge houses which shall show the exact positions of the centerlocks, heel-locks and bridge arms. '52 Air Compressor Plant: The air compressor plant which shall be installed in each machinery room shall have a capacity of 28 cubic feet of free air per minute at 90 pounds pressure. Each compressor shall have two cylinders of cast iron 672 inches in diameter by 444 inches stroke driven by a series wound electric motor of closed type with a rated capacity of 5 horsepower with a direct current at 550 volts. Pumps and Pump Motors: In each counterweight pit two electrically driven centrifugal pumps shall be installed. Each pump and motor shall be mounted on the same vertical shaft and shall have sufficient capacity to raise 360 gallons of water 30 feet per minute through a discharge pipe 312 inches in diameter. The motors shall be shunt wound, with a capacity of 10 horsepower with a direct current at 550 volts. The pump and motor shall be so arranged as to be operated from the bridge house. Painting of Machinery: Before leaving the shop all iron and steel forming any part of the machinery herein described shall be thoroughly cleaned of molding sand, scale, rust and dirt, shall have all irregularities of casting chipped down smooth, and shall receive one coat of red lead and linseed oil paint in the proportion of 26 pounds of dry lead to one gallon of linseed oil. The said coat of paint shall be well brushed in and rubbed down, after which a coat of carbon paint, similar to and equal in quality to Dixon's graphite paint, or Mindura paint, shall be applied. After erection, all machinery shall be given one coat of paint equal in quality to Rice's Oxydized Ma- chinery Paint of white color. Iclectrical Apparatus: Unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, all electrical apparatus and the manner of installing the same shall be in accordance with the requirements of the general ordinances of the City of Chicago. Plumbing : All plumbing fixtures shall be of the best quality of porcelain with nickel-plated fittings of suitable design for the purposes required. All plumbing fixtures and connections and the manner of installing the same shall be in accordance with the general ordinances of the City of Chicago. Chicago City Datum: Chicago City Datum as herein used shall be taken as the plane of low water in Lake Michigan of A. D. 1847, as established by the Trustees of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, and adopted by the late Board of Drainage Commissioners and by the late Board of Public Works of the City of Chi- cago, and now represented by the ordinance of July 11th, A. D. 1898, relat- ing to the corrected elevation of the Old Lind Block bench mark, which determines the base or datum for City levels. Drawings: The entire improvement herein provided for and the various parts thereof not otherwise described shall be of the location, dimensions, mate- rials and manner of construction shown in said drawings. Supervision: The entire improvement herein provided for shall be constructed and installed in a workmanlike manner under the supervision of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago. i WABASH AVE, E. SOUTH E. RANDOLPH E. LAKE RIVER WATER CHICAGO RUSH ST. E. NORTH WATER 112* CONDUIT CONTAINING 2 NO 4 AND I No B WIRES E. MICHIGAN o SION17713 E. INDIANA E.OHIO ------- ---- 浮球 ​CONTAINS 6 VIRE, LEAD COVERCO 27 CONDUIT --- "142"CONDUIT CONTAINING 2 No 4 AND IN & WIRES het 国​、 S Z 2 ST. BEAVATEA ст. . ST. ST. 247 CONDUIT CONTAINING 6 hb, LEAD CONSACD FOR LAMPS ON RAZA'S I CONDUITS CONTAINING 2 N: 10 AND I N 14 WIRUS FOR LAMPS ON BRIDGE 1° CONDUITS CONTAINING 2N! 12 AND IN:14 WIRES RIVER ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. PLAN OF UPPER ROADWAY SHOWING ELECTRIC LIGHTING ANO WIRING 100 do 100 400 SCALS 1-100 ST. CLAIR ST. 160 1602 494.74 Ho 370.19- 14.17 $7.08 33.92 310.39 36.17 33.27 293.69 29.87 -1673 8975 19.08 2609 211 25142 MAN 240 18.08 15.50 I56 160 lis.rs 160 1925 19.So 200 19.509 710 100 50 I56 461.74 329.112 187.39- C.L. -280 899- PROFILE OF UPPER AND LOWER ROADWAYS Nole:- Elevations on Upper roadway refer to tast curb. Elevations on Lower roadway rofer to center line of center columns. Scala 1:30 1 RIVER RUSH ST. E. SOUTHE WATER 'E. RANDOLPH E. LAKE CHICAGO E. NORTH WATER E. MICHIGAN SIÓN17713 E. INDIANA E. OHIO CUT OUT GADINGT 1 ¿ CONDUIT CONTAINING 2 FACÕERS or 2 N86 * IN:10 WIRES EACH 2'CONDUIT CONTAINING 2 FEEOER or 2 N6 KI NI IO WIRES EACH MO 2 FEREAS EXTCNCING SOUTH CUT OU CABINET CUT OUT CADINGT ST. ST 2 COMOUIT CONTAINING 2 N:8 MINI 10 WIRES, 2 M161N? 10 WIRES AND 2 FCLOERS EXTENDIGA NOKTA CONDUIT CONTAING 2 N:6X 1 N° 10 WEST ANO 2 NOA NI N:10 WIRES CUT OUT CABINET BEAU BIEN CT. . ST. CUT OUT CADIXCT ST RIVER ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 PLAN OF LOWER ROADWAY SHOWING FEEDER CIRCUITS IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. INDICATES PIPE CONDUIT, DIAM IN INCHES . LAMP. POST NO4,N:6 etc. SIZE OF WIRES, BROWNE & SHARPE GAGE @ FEBRUARY. 1913. do 100 200 yoo DRAWING NO1 SCALE:1.100* i WABASH AVE. Asphalt E. SOUTH E.RANDOLPH E.LAKE j L RIVER WATER CHICAGO RUSH ST. Pavemant E.NORTH WATER E. MICHIGAN E. ILLINOIS E. INDIANA HO:3 Aspha 1! Pav_o_m_en. I. ST. Asphalt Pa mont BEASTEA ст. . ST. ST. RIVER ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. PLAN OF UPPER 6 calc:-.1":100* ROADWAY 100 Poo ST. CLAIR ST. 160 - ܛ A94.74 160 3100 370.41 122 JO 17 3617 310.39 30.07 99509 26.09 29.87 253.42 075 19299 1980 MWWWWUN 10. 140 60] 160 tas 1320 16,0 100 20_102 703_12 120 110 19.o <25 1200 19.00 o sa eo al 15. PROFILE OF UPPER AND LOWER ROADWAYS Note:· Elevations or Upper roadway refer la cost curb. Elevations on Lower roadway refer to center line of center columna Scale 1:30 J j RIVER RUSK • ST. E. SOUTH WATER E. RANDOLPH E. LAKE CHICAGO E. NORTH WATER ? E. MICHIGAN E. ILLINOIS E.OHIO Granite Block Paving Çoncrers Paving E. INDIANA Granire Granite Block & Paving BEAU BIEN CT. ST. RIVER ST. ST. ST. ST. ST Pavement BOARD) OF 1.OCAL LOI PROVEN ENTS CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PLAN OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. ST CLAIR ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. LOWER Scale: 1.100 FEBRUARY, 1013, DRAWING NO 2 IRO 30 lun 300 JO 400 INDICATES CATCH. BASIN CAST IRON INLCT Box 0 RUSH ST Conaut 6 WIL ww cances LEAD COVEREO nech Comourr m_dimonens 26 WIRE COVERED - (75l Asphalt Pavement पर EXISTING CONDUIT Rat LXASTING FE EONOUIT BIL 274, Ros. ST ST ST ST. AVE A Paroipont ST ST. Pavement ST. CLAIR ST. PLAN NORTH or QHIO STREET INDICATES PLRCTRIC CONDUIT LAMP Post CATCH BASIN Size of WIRES BROWN # SMARPE GAZE BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTY CHICADO, ILLINOIS 6 the 100 SCALLIP,50 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROY RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. VART. ORAWNA NO 3 1 ! 1 1 + 1 $ 1 1 10 1 PRED TUTTI heyrutyuin $32.A2.21222322HS26 TREBU SI:35:14.202056 18. JIKE. 27 VAI 2 조 ​7 기 ​20 m ਸ਼ਾ : T PROPOSED 1 DOUBLE DECK TRUNNION BASCULE BRIDGE CHICAGO-ILLINOIS. scas 2's Jo do BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DBYARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BURBAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDOES AND HIARIOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICADO AVE. PEORVAKY, 1013, DRAWING No. 4. Juli 2014Y Conde مع دوعدد مص. وبمان . bolo Carinho mingo:080.parth miro05CIucrat 194620 augintias.us inimi Krasag" 99. trans e moto doio.no that mxo' 2010 Tiles wonin.Quod f aso He too' 2000 2010 azocargo int ORO" 280. 740 270 220 CM Chormon Focusborn 1 Seosesore À nada Chicago Dolapon Elou 0.co .. Ancher Pror Pinar 70. J9.6" ...Sya' 399. t flags ومن 1 giza d'OL" Lola Sur!" 16101 190 120 4yo... 900.. 09. o'o yolo- Sectional View, pront Clarotton (Ekov: 107 potrebe will RIVER ugo وارد ولی 49.40rcury O" htwo concretos GENERAL PLAN AND ELEVATION, Scolii to 20 Present boat Inel फ ste Cock *** . - N. .6010:c Josse Edge of upportact scrolitor Last Trust Pont Blue 2220 Interland Trusy MACHIGAN AVE. मा Hoago Valor Larry Trva Loturion pijo se of your Roodnoy1. wa Premu Tort um Michigan dve cas HH Face Nos Tofauner Lauf Touss sa Bro. s! Blocar ponck ASMI 779 ...2345 88 ST' GENERAPAN SRI246 FOUNDATIONS, Tech 2016 mem Rong with turnomsklos. 'T N.WATER ST. ord For more Congo Dekla BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK BUREAU OF ENOINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDOES AND HARBOR can goto The Concret DOOR 170 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICAGO AVE. 5. 10:0:- . CORUARY, 1913. DRAWING 1 j ! porno Cleoronce Linero 10:0°/ Clcoronec Linctor20:07 -.NORTH Boulevard Deck Grocko.soo soukrund Dack Grada.500. 22 17 13 N M D 3 Lower Dick Groceece ? Loner brex crazed x 7. st7 Eterisk Lower lock' Grade 35 made a aa Clearance kereso $ Alicaa dalam General Elevation. 54:00 220:0"clear: Letween Abulment. 54:a ho 25.650" ceñçer.do.center of Truennions.... i 1 1 Contacliacorchonnel d'Aurilled Floles ir sued Sodemol achers 4 of Truss -- 27.' Z g & of Truss... ridgeمم . . of Trussano Fired Walk, post-Bridge. LES LA PLATBURUN -2YPcreosed Deck 69 'Wo awon Crewored -27.6 27-1 Roadway Aşpholt, Roodwoy 1 1 ¢ & of truss Gigi'Wo. Gword Crewoled 1 150 talk 1 Fixed Concrete Sidewolk. 1 Barling2 i Lower Deck. Upper Deck. GENERAL PLAN OF ATOS BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS + CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK'S BUREAU ÓF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. FCORUARY. Iony 6 ORAYING } 1 VOSS Rapo Tabuldilon o soculars Columns 22 464838-910#b! *25*3*** *2701064246433146'Oro web plote 9x* web plote izre' inte plote isi Reinforced Concretel Antorced Concrete Reinforced Concrete Covarad, 12*8g. Covered, so se coverad, 20"og. D This Construction eilends to Eogh Line örWobosh dv. sinn Distance from West une inf Michigan Avc. to Eost line 1 of Wabash Are Obout 370. 2010" 108 This free for Sidewalk Lights Tabujartar of Sectors. sidemelk Girenog Eleocharms CuckGudac Rastorget sei FRI RG 42696**-206 800406:624-body"-46*** stabdan ortissimo Mob Pute 28" 10" Mo Plate 272 Parto sort me b Pluto 25 SG2 Sumo AS JOJ 2007 Pins4.2018 CG2 This Arco for Sudowolt Lights. 4246673x4 bod biustrade Gradora obPlate 3656 423-667 Sobou Mo Pl_06 RANDOLPH GT 9:04 K ST kehase Sdnit A 1 Le Jo's MICHIGAN AVE. . & of Groning: dolor 22:00 RAVST doo od 100 2 ST-Beam All these sudbomulk groters 18h58 r Bosms All those sideneulh girders 20"-45"! Evens, Lજાય DE. 17120111 1911 42. ben 9:12 curo GOELAKESI. 123V5IA curé А krea 96 dams 27 Curs 20*65*r.com co Curbo Rotaining wall Type I Ratotning wall Type - రం. 7-0 - Jack, 1100 Sunrojelu- uc of Roadway c Of Roodwox HA Winarea prings TGS er oor & 1 20*45s IRGI woll Erleseuns Rataning Type I 9-29. -3716 85 fros FA Ratowning the eye erity Types CG 22 CG mi Ili it xrot WHM 9118 15:21 Baran. - .. 1 21. 141 This Arco for Sidewalk Lights All these sidemolk graders 1809 555. Sosem se Leaction 378 27 19 -B1 Bulustabt Groter 20.0"O's 20.05! 168 21 Unibana. iz-35 I boum تهرا 18°. asteen Ipanels emo': 15410 motif.com doc" 2010 20.0 Loio Parol text 80 75 os ht Ilir Cure curo This Arco fer Soderol Lights Esportsion Jointa L Expansion Joint қ Esponsion Jointa Esponsion Joining MOOTH 57cee LLA fornc zil'e 167 Ah 310.990 aurrt pris Streed Groda 1% Gods aisax accid HIS SO +16 SG Grada Pielforringe Sudheen .Fill 10 130 Chicagobatum. 1 Section A-a 1 Nole Elevations on ypper level refer le cost curb. lomer me of roodmes bias 27. Bldeuinc 1274 Bild Liar Blog Line 37:6 37.0 3786 37.6' 25:0 Guia de Lucha :27:6- 25:03: 27,6" -74 laurd to curbo 250 . انا -1000 I hari cerita (147% Gagda 1973 1890 FRAMING PLAN, RANDOLPH to LAKE ST'S Pularna rin. Lopu Readroy- sener 160 ܝܐ32ܝܕ chicago Datum 3 za 19:40 illa preifinisikan + ۔ ssie 220 280 usio 33.0 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Section L-L Section K-K CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF CRIDOES AND HARVOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICAGO AVE 7 FUN. D. DRAWINO 1 5 -Cocorotobato o tob | 1tcco tobacomo todo 1 TABULATION OF SECTIONS Floorbooms E84 EB7 FBIO tool Web Plate 27% Web PI 10.1" Web P11022 Web P3,3 F92 Afhener 21.3.3 Stiftener 13.3" Stiffener 189378' 100%" x otobi F05 FBE Web Pare 362/ I..Coach tot 167 dagbob Ja'a EBO Web Plate 10'' Web Plate 48 4.645/3615 tobuliner 4.99% Shiffener (49.39% Web Plate 90" F86 F89 16" }'67b|4L*6.689 1980 to Web Plate 48x?' Web Pato 48% Shiffener 243.8% Chillener 138 callBolustrade Girder B2 1:04 Gurb Gieden TABULATION OF SECTIONS. Recdway Godere Boluettelo CG8 RGI RG7 obtob 426,69 37/"btob 1 4.6 15% to b. Web Plate 35 Web Plate heb Pote 57'}" Web Pore si Web Elate 253 Web Pate 1 Web Plare 10' Web Plate 488 12. Cover Pa 2.8-450 Suiffener 23, Sniffener (293) 2 Cover Fold'''' Istiffener L 413,7 2.Cover Dis. 1.320 - Cover Pis 1200 Columns CGO RG2 5 to RGS Stiffenerl 3% 2.Cover Pls ? 180"! Web Plate 5'' 4. L'6963' hob 4.2616", des bob Shiffener 13,8 i esperto Stillene 04:31 Web Plote 37"} Web Plate 90% Web Plate 488 Rent Concrete Covered, 1599 Shiffener 24,30%" RGS 2. Cover Plow cu 1 GG of drob CG7 44626,32' tob Suiffener 1998'b hob Web Plate 58, 4*6.65766 tab Web Plate 121 PL 1 Cover Pls lowed Plate 57% 2. Cover Ps 404 Reini. Concrete Covered 20'są This area for sidewalk lights Shiffener 23, Stifter fener 24.311 2. Cover Pls. 170 f.blob-Plus/ MICHIGAN AVE. 15hiffener L'43"} (Spacing or opposite) Rent Concrele Covered 2059 SO.WATER ST. TABULATION OF SECTIONS. Sidewok Gideco SGLASG2 GG6 Po 6, ul'btob 4 DSCa5fb tob. Web Pl 22.30 Web Plote 453 SG3SG4 Stiffener ( 4133 200106 SGZR 999 Web Plate 302 1 S'JA. 453"btob SG5 Web Plote 4511 40508 15/' tob. Stiffener 4":3,8 Web Plate 45 Stiffener 1.3 ALLEY l's T Boom 9147 South Line of South Plaza GGO 24. 76- or . Us 521 kr sed ka ct CellC 42 А Parma GO - 15*4444aana Sidewalk 27.6 45 G2 CR ca 2 ca 1360 Beams COS oo C Cg6 0961 109 co cho Cool cie C46 Co chez 1262 676 Curs ce SC COCO 3 3 3 1.71,01 Roodwpy CACA I_4 ce 11. Coa tway Singer-6442 Beame- A Rooney Singers CA V5'. 12° 1 Beamt CU 81 SI %. ce CG3 GO CG4 C41 c95 G66 cs C3 Icon C3 9 CE 09 GGG CG6 G3 Laurb 646 C3 ICG6 ,C9 CGZ CGZ coe coa Sco'l Beam 25.4 (so't Beoma - 7. ext V web 1 EBC macheta atmoel wow ULCE 02 1995 ch ज so Ice CE E CH ca 130.18 Boustrode Girder 02 94-F 130.0 9. Susuram 120 ALLEY 278.74 on light / This area for small lights- Loss' Boom 20.0' ALLEY 126 27 200 2821 2010 280 267 2G 26-28 26.71 29'92 29:9 at 1:21 J I H. Espansion Joint Expansion Joint Expansion Joint NORTH Expansion Joint Bild Line Grada .7348 Grade 20% 39 curte cub. calfer Pinoy Gorges CASA hoz - て ​163.18 Section A-A. For Line or Columns near Sewer Note Elevations on vpper level refer to curb of rodowy 1214 27.6 1910 telneen.culis 25-0 2716 bahcecube 25:01 Wys FRAMING PLAN, LAKE ST TO SOUTH PLAZA. ruke potom Read Priva 75y of short Postolo'cls of draw hy Analo ono' Cirs mer er sener CO.sewer city Datue ..cily Dalum 12301 Section J-J Section I-I Section H-H CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE. 8 FRORUARY, 1913 ORAWING RIVER ST. I TAS cs sem RO 10.32 RG.13 tot 2 Cover Photos with Auctos Ho'o' ! Bolustrada Gerdec TABULATION OF SECTIONS. SIDEWALK STR GERS ROADWAY STRINGERS nil Sidowold Strongers not including All Abodundy Stringers including those Balustrada Girder 34 those crossed by the Gurd line to be Crosscę by the Curb lino to be le". Jo scams 15 42" I dooms 41:0 Wid SIREWALL GIRDERS CURO GIROCRS ROADWAY GIRDERS PLOOR ALAM BG Husin moto wcietGB svistos sri's no on sisene 1010100 luwoio roi blok Web Plote 95918 Wob Plato stop sor Web Plate 488'. Wodotto 10" laa Stullanar vir Shifener u disini z Corar Plates Wif***14 Batronor urisid" G2:10 EA 1661671931a100 006169 17/0no shtrenor wriginal swoimi rog arod Was Plata 1513 ined Plato 471/ PG 2:10 12:18 Wad Plaro ng S" Surianer disit Suttoner vigor 4166/ 421 otoo Suoner w visita Wao Plato 28 455-3175;%ob 406 to Swener i sovrions 100 Web Plalo 45.00 nuo Plota 47 p. Stoltenor waisla sis Web Ploto 48 Stulisneri posisi ' 421 stod wit G@14:G. Mob Plale 42/ 2" Mix07 Monument 90624 451stod BALUSTRADE GIRDERS 2 Corer Plates wij'xi'! FOX1 Wab Plate 50 2 mikroau669 stop Stukener igid 108.6'6" *.35** DO ROKU 12302_2728 Mcb Plato 4204" GIZZO 39 22745inch WCP PIJS 40 sid.1 21 666 X Cover Platos wit 37'lo 106 lobo 2 Cor Piston-so'ng web plate rid wil zo'ig Yeb Plate ist "D372 2 Cov Py3 1 * * -4019 41 6 ay ar?"1706 17 bin 6700 17 JS ZU Shitener u digi] Woo Plata di Wad Plate 435% RGASZ Suicnar um 14-69608454114-6**:$ : 953's son SG +1 696 to 0816100 CB 120 ro 28100 WeD PI45'n £" web PI JS". 405131779 w2% vullener u f'Jang Web Plate on Rads mod Plate 40* A.6. avcim/" tot i sullener 14.52 +4-6.6'**'-usýbad Wos Plate 48!/ PUKUL och WD V6421870 2 Cor pa's 14*. Joig. 26 slot mes Platcerol lador Wod Plate 48:{* O910-14X7 2 Cover Palas **/*3818 067 62!3700 2 wif* 2016 Was Platc 428 RG 3: Shullener udis qvcic and 40C Wab Phalc 423/" 4066 Ani atos COLUMNS 2 Corar Plates 1701Wel Plata 184/" sol Bridge Calle 2 /*.8010 F822:47 44 dijit 91 to b ROS 1906 607 210.000 Web Pluto gigt AV66 stod wad Plate 12: 15 in se concreta covering Web Plata 18/* a +3 bal се WED A1 SIRA 12° 0 too Sulle mer 3074 goteo Web Wcb Porc into one Shilleneuve 8,50 Johor 15 in xq concreta cororing Web Ay 30's WIGS Web Pl. 42 L 44 6'5" 160 ron FA 14 wed Ploro 418-636; soja-o wed Pl 50" Ideas 20 1999 concrete covering 2 Cor Pr's 1454. 32g| 2 Cor PPS 20'2.9 4 634 6 0 to 6 Sultening 2.4ght WCD Plate 154.7" 20 in so concrele coraring F4.50 A web Pl vorf 67:6 RG I & of Tower_ . Hot Z 24.0' fondicoles Bewefront RCE 114 ALLEY Pauli RO 14.42 ZETY 27 C7 57144 ! 13 Kush Chicago Ct, Datum Section Y-Y CP 10 & Boodsoogle Zor Thrnien soo او د fa27 MIGHIGANAVE 1875 ههعمه Takuten Truss 143-6*260492604 FA! ZG2hr Zus-cserepelt Cance to sport ti 1 521 su Pored into Broke with high 44-690***: 2017 جميع Baci uomos Monument fizjolisis Eus Le 예 ​ille 60mm South End assaulte la 123) 3:2 to AL را ! 15:44 . -HORT ro.se D]-indicatas Glass Seewald Lights 107 1 DR -15742" Proposed Doch Lins CS Keglustrade Girdar 8s SGZ27 1 .100' 07:54 Balustrade Girder DG STEEL FLOOR-SOUTH PLAZA Note Elowlions on upper level nahor to cont curb lower of road Toront BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHIC100, ILLINOIS t 40428 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDOES AND HARBOR Chicano City Datum J IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FAOM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAOO AVE. 9 Section AA REORUAAT, 1013 ORAWING I } 1 as delen TABULATION OF SECTIONS. Sidewalk Stringers All Sidewalk Stringers to be 12"-35 I Beams. Roadway Stringers All Roadway Stringars to 50 15-42' r Beams. Foor Beams. FA 425-64 308 a to b. Wcb A. JOX FA. 53 48-6-g'risida Jof*0100 Web A. 30". FA. 56 $ 25- 6*.6 36i6 to b. Web Pl. J6", ,F.8 57 44-6° -6'egli 36t 2 toa Web PI 36.6 F.A. 58 445-6°14'te Web Pi 36*.** FB 9 443 - 6*14" 36f"htoa Web Al. J6ºrt FB. 60 $ 45-6'14 30ť o to b. Web P%. JO"igen Sakni + sot bob. Proposed Dogt Linea Presepi Doch lune Skoon ste Readroy free For Column Sections See Upper Plezo Sheets.. 25.09 i " o' 1 Concrete Carton Atration cutian Concrete Curtain Horriller deso 2 0 1664 18 Curb hne. #outor Truss + Curb Ling Joig glio 29;77 19:20 20:18 $fonec pues معكده 310 Joom & Tawery 2010 Tomoj 3 з 0.78 cauch liat 9 f Outer Trussa 1 Samoine 1 c Corerore cu son safiirkon . Concrete criain Porc shesh 1 -NORTHERN ent i oko 1.6 sut • - 26:0 $_TRUNNION. TRUNNION 2 Da korpooys 9:34 LOLLO proposed Doct man Zrent Doch Ling2 *اور 22 STEEL FLOOR, LOWER LEVEL. 1 RIVER SI TOWER. 3r * Groot TOWER Grado •$$* PIOLO Bose 55'pla Based CITY ANUMZ 4 LOCAL BOARD OF LOCAL INPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Seeron sus Section to 1 CITY OF CHICAGO DÉPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR . IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 10. KIIRUARY, 1013, DRAW I 1 Clie Indiceles Sidemark lights 22:02 Jasses jon 13:315' sloeamsia 25:ai.. Buntdoes who Axtar 8-9. votado CG Jost" 2... 2018can's leo SUAcang 4 Paogosed Dost Line E8.80 4110. F#81 16 GOVE 23cbans an 1 1 1 1 W 1 310 ut was Our Ralze Bern EQUAL Uppg.995 Rai50 cm 1 R C9 RGI 77 R6179 CH SIDPG slog DATE 0982 F6881 dan SU 2.102 162.. Beem: 0; 1 1 RAKO یافت C G RO.SG 20-801 Acorts Cape FAU2 LEAkad EAVEL Edutecipes.. . puppe RCS6 607 vs: soºl-ecuno [RGST or CITES FAT G2O3 €78 F8179 873 669 8109 EL06 Lan edssl Asam DO RGEL lat Info Ende 2 ĮG قاله Rall.se Ba|40 Sa aro Balt? Oront in maand IGNOS salze Rr.56 of Towers 193 26021Bcars gro RE 79. ग F.8179 €2O ក Go GOB Fer 27-80r Isola con ICG 26 El22 1 G 25 TABULATION OF SECTIONS: ALUSTRADE GIRDERS ROADWAY GIRDERS. ELOR AEAMS A-7-0-10. A.G,39-40-41-42-52-53. +4-6'44'18 258 2100 426x63#-503 0100 Web Pl. " Web plote sorgente Sittening 4-4'19*2 cover pbles 1428 - 16-0* E. 8. 63 2 cover piores Hit &0 426. s*x91x8-30ť b.xd 128-6'16''-Arýb.net Sidfeninge iXXf WCB Pl. '0". $ Web Pl. Biz RG 44 - 45 440 6X6X7-50OOO FA 6+ 8-ll. +606' - Joſ'a 100. 42-6'16'36-3560.000 cover piares por 150° web plote soxon 80'$ Web P4.35 FA66-67-73-79 Shiffeninge is 2 Cor. PiS. 124'13-18'19. RG17-48.49 94-95-112-114 413 óróxr-381 6100 418-6-16 soí'Atoo. Web Pl. 50'.* Web plate 38X Sultening 43-4'10"s f ROSO F.8.66-68-69-70-71 AĽ676x381'oio 72 - 79-75-76-77-70 Web plate 38x* 80-81 - 82-83. RO51 +0-6°16'**J8t's tb. 44 6x6x4 -3810b en %. 38'ſ. Web plote 38*** F.B 84-85-86-87. RG 49-56. 413-6'16'.* b.ro 406:666-50$'2.OD. Web PI.J83 Web A. 50 ago 2 Cor. Als 14.05'100'29. Stillening u 413'** F8, 88-91-92. R.G. 54-57 +4-6133 JAYADA +0.6'6'*.45**.top. WeD PI 38"-Ź. WeD Pl. 45" 5" 2 Cor. PiS. 1998-290 FB, 89-90-103-104 4-6°26'350Atom. 2004. A's.ne''*'-16'0' Web Pl. 508 Sulleningus 4"13)** Shring 25.410g R.G. 55-56. 418-6-677.9t'apod. FB 93-96-97 99 101-111-113-115. Web Pl. 99 % 2 Cor. PI's, 14"-39"0" 44-6'16'**'sot A.AD. Stillening 2 41318" WCO AY 50** Stilfening us.'-3'.' LURA GIRDERS. Fi 8.100-108-109 CG-13-14-15. 449-6'16'-5" SOG'ARD. 42-6'16" 4-Doo Web Pl. 50' Web Pl. 48'18 2 Cor It's 14ti :30 Lg. 5tiffening 29'3'8? 2.Cor PIB. 1993:2049. C 6.16. Stiftening 25-4'rg'ont +43-614.48toda FA 98-102-107-110. WCÓ PV 48'. i 429-6' 6':59 aton Stillening us 8.3*.* Web Pl. 59*8* C.G 17-18. Stiftening 23.4'13'te 44-6' 6'4-48A100 FA. 105-106 wes P4.98*** 44-616-3 soý rok. 2 Cor P14 14 med P1 508 Sristening u 4:19 2 Cor Pib. 7.30'29. 2 Cor Pis 14"-20" C.G.-19-20-21-22-23. 448-6'16', 4:59 biebsnflening 4-x'g'. 8 web Pf. 59" ** Stiftening qarg'ri 41-6'16''4.97€ 2.000. Web Pl. 7' C.G. 24-26. 44-6*6***stý 106. liftening ongigos Web Pl. 59'iga 8. 117-120-121. 2 Cor. Pls. 14 a£²129L9. 40-6'6'-*73 son 2 Cor Pik M11629. Web A 47 stiftening 4-4'03 Shitening 1-4'13'.t' C.G 25. F8 119 421-6'16'16.596'D 100223- 6'6*: cot's so Wed P. 5905 WED PL 48.3 Stilfening so'ng's sittening us - "3" F3.119 COLUMNS 446-6°16'.*'-480 Del C-2. a wogo135-125 306 nes pl 0818" Plore.12'18 2 Cor Pr's 108 38'29 Picint. Concrete Corered,1559 Srittening2-43 C-3, 443-623-16' 0.90. SDEWALA_GIRRERS. Plate-154 S.G 26-27-28-29-30-31 Aleoni Concrete Corered, 2059. - +4-6'16.F.30€ 0.00 C-9. 445-6'ng "-16'bon nico a 8'. Plate 155 SG 37-38 Fiecint Concrete Cyered 20sg +0. Jožb-b. WED A 26" . 210 fauter Truss. S ICA 1 cca. 1 RGILA Relle Rallas Ralk2 Colcs C2 nel GA RVS SEA us 1 Apud HCG Fa, in Bsans RO Ls160/1 Beamez 11:22217! 1 107 408 recen .60218cains 435 1 SI Samad 1440 or aber wisy show star G68S . Balea 1 Raine. ! E 4 ! Rakz ROSO Bize (Cf RGKO 99 28.02. Sons $ C/29 . -27:7-. ATT :cbodunts Fera 49. 1884 MICHIGAN STE. 1 Fa 1/6 IN ! ICR 810 Bokstade mers Dr - NORTH $ 18 . ** Bcuing 1 1. Proposad Occt linç N.MATER ST: Binking Lina ULRUN Econo .یکی skode Indicolos sodewold lighbo AGIG . s.de 88 – indicates Glass Sideralk Lights 228 Vio 47:00 vio 28.0 33:7 -62-9. sochte i ISP - 23947# .م-5ر. 3-لر-32 .زاندنصوص 22:00 Suwotle Montes Grede! -Lauder ascogs 0067 asing 20-91 I Parco north STEEL FLOOR, NORTH PLAZA. 36% Grade ? 12 25 110 rao alachinery Par -10 co rço Zrcu 60 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS (HICAGO, ILLINOIS 2.10 I PIO -4ะ ('ITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BCREAT' OF ENGINEERLX(I DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR Turbo. izrco ..:) ? crij Datum Sectionit Elevations Ate o structuroUpper I Lomer fitosteret IMPLOVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. Section GG Section Along of North Trock on North Woter Soreet FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO C 11 AGO AVE FEBRUARY, 1913. URAWING 11 procent F E, 1 1 o'o zas 24 180 I 18:00 18:0 40. 10 ALLEY 18455"l•Broms This Area for sidomolk Lights (Spacing or opposite) iegos' Pharma 100 05' 16:6 Comic and antica 0 - VI T cca 9237 0 1 y 320iat 12 1 Leita COM ognokk Barn nadzoccotlezinho & शाह 39.000 FAND TABULATION OF SECTIONS. Elaan aam F8 117-120-121. ! FB 127 A.Lolib ton All 66 deltoa 2001 ICA toba Web pole ar.is Wab Plata 182 i Web Pole us: Shflexer $58. Shitener 1973:6 2. Covor Pls 8:4010° FB IG F8 119 i Cover Pts bases • 6'26*4.47, 100 4 46.6.]. Jos o to a 2-Cover Pls 14-1890 Web Plote 47.8 Web Plote 10.7 F8123;/24 .Shiffener tisol 2.Covor PLO 11 660016 tob & Cover Plus Web Plolajos Shitener todos 1 Cover Pho.id/soo 2. Covor Plau. 160 Leagimes Birdang ed•S • F-35. RG,$9-60 4.6663:15. a rob. 146.95toa 0..1:37 web Plate 5.8 Web Plote 35. into Plenty J7 r. Covor Pla 11:16"0 2. Covor Pio 1970 12. Cover Pig Woo trierte " '.33 . *Cover PiS hit. D'0 eGs5,56 ***0.4.9 to a 1 Wb Poleg Cover Phy, Gure Girders. CG-4:26.27.28-2A. CG JO 4.3 0.03452 Web Plote sio wob Plote 18.& hab Plane 45'. 2.Cover Dis 14:210* i Shriner 40's. 2. Cover Ph 18.00 8. Cover Pla 18 late C925 B.Cover Pls. 1:12:0 Ilirterer at all. Ing 4.4 60%** 991.2 Jollirer u Web Plora 39" Simoner m 4'13 so 3110-41 | இது Rakustrade fadece SL 6.1Lista na 6.4 6,625 a to b Woo Plano Jo T 2.Coner pr. 18** 1000.. Columns I •efbitoi ! Kerst Encrete Covered sophomo concrete Corord 2004 Reint. Concrete covered po's 210. - LA HIN HII 601 Bror 25. Gas 2 dgagal GE curo 1 + HIR eash 1 ***934. 22 EAN 22 callઝી. Falten Fak20 PRIV6 F920 EA 2 F220 F927 FO.20 TES OBS F9,2 TOCITOS FB.21 Fol20 2263 FA 12 Bé Ros 1 BA 1 less Etola RGSTA TROSA RISE RG 31 GA TRG 59 TeQ57 12 ***** Symmetricolobar Isac ércer as shown ਸਰਕਾਰ ਦਾ ܀ All Ripodmay Stringor 442 Boom Ss6 62 U El VES EB2 Hall 2201 fov FA.FR F8.2 Fazo rel21 12e Favo SAY Meza FA1 B24 -824 R$50 1 so Joolzs lagtalas 22 CG27 CO Com 6928 181 26 lah القمر 5'60'1 Brams 773 Les Egue. f Bon. Le 5 abrd FANA 20 EPJA valomulk ? 10 DA ca laza 5 I - i 1909ANI CA Polgtrod. Guder, All h C. 18'35'te am This Arco for bewolk Logists austrode Girder Bil assitiu b_Plaza Doch. Endo£ Nocth. MICHIGAN ST. 9 gietinio 200- ILLINOIS ST. 29-0 2010° 28' :200. pio. 27:6 27:4" 27: 28.0 Expansion Joint 25-1 F Esponsion Joint Esponsion Joint E -NORTH 10'amore Flo8 X Grado 27. Grade necuel. le Greek 122: Ja, otkrát ته Platbra ما Plothom El. bo City Datums Section A-A Flowtions on upper level refer to cost curbo lotter, tof roadway + Building line Icowilling ling 7 furgung silding line تمولو Joan 0'0 Jo ai .40*o* - Cursa 01:0, - 40:0:- LA0:0Icirera livedla ---- 40:0 مسی::o.. pres.com همه L'a' Refren Kw FREMVVG PLAN, NORTH PLAZA HO ILLINOIS 97. Lasdag. . Murm for Roodiray Raudang Top or (Edraat -L1 r.ae a, (1 - Gu" .City Datum disponor gro" prin 2110 1o 24 viai. 41'on 2010 - 11:00 min'. POSRD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 70.3 7163 12:6 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISIOY OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICAGO AYE 12 Section F-F. Section E-E. CORUARY (1) DRAWIMC 1 D. B 1 Suctimalt 100 e/' 18.0 100.81 sie veie 1616.00 Alloy 70' Kasia meio 1966 Botando Gia An 235 This arow Fo Suchemalt Lavits PINE ST. This Aren for Sucomelk Lashes os roloon servei IC 0 CA 0.71051 1 ! ! 4 37TAI - Bolag mi 13 DU . 5 UC 2 Idrom grader as of ods 1216 Beam FOUR Also Guch. bolon FR/2T 29-6 FOTZI. 1 K.09:51 none mullita LE 15:00 32 El-160 Star ng/l con boleh Curbo 2 FO2 مه ER22 FAV24 E21 Os 8129 fo23 FO 125 fa 2 alizu 48124 FB11291 Tabulation of Soctions Columns C2 Fo24 far db ca 24 P823 ya 123 se 23 971 01 ::. ه ة at sewig weeswinzibolerowa 70 2.osattoob 2 Gurb Rotaining Math Typoll Tabulation of Sections Floorboomg FO1/8 F8122 FB/23-124. 4.49.656860.66612367614 356b429-6767F5b14:4-67622bole Web P. 18076 Heb Pt 3574" Mo P1.36"radio Web PI 364 siffener 22:407353" 2Cov.pl 147f00:0|2cow.plisitazi2002.Cor.Pls. 14.5'- 36'19. 149.2002 - 14"-160 14:18:09 Web P1.9007 neb Pla2z} Marb P4.no Abt Arnf. Conc cord 123p Peinf.conccomid-157, fornf care. comid 20% Atmp Core Corid 203 12 2 Iook RE 252 fo 262) AS 64 55 41264 TE 台 ​su 8.62 LAGU Job TS-2;52:00:8950.47,5: 2:67..01:508 ,2.51 gos 11:517527627.0075 Symngtreulebout the line puseet 4. elown 2 F8.127 +2616***obal WED PA *** sufferers-fig'all. 23 icios F8127 FE123 FO1251 F8121 FO2144 بانهم FBV aia All rosary stalagers 16:42 இராயப் 인 ​116*11-01 FB123 FA.26 FA 123 fav29 bes FO/26 F8|123 " EN SUURlay 2 8 DECO fe 2 1 098 14:0" kolor-70 I4 F8126 FA120 Balustrade Girotor sadamalk Girders. 812 Web P1.350 Mb My sont SC 4170 +5 2.Com.Pls 1474:10:02Covers74-40:0HD Pl. 35. - 14973:-2002 - 1977-300-copis.stitusio- nob Pl. 36ºvý 1476-16'0° 2 aldr3816'0" Roodwoy Girders PGGI 10 65 14-43-6767*35oole suré Totainne kell. Typen Mob.pl. Sto. |zcov Pls Attr20.0" • 100% HO Koray 8:0 Elpigo' HB: I do Euro كامه. 3 ME VE Ol! ZO. ima + 11 11204 5 28 27 mbo ord Wall Hodon y way 09:37 Gadonlar F8777 21:0" ng EDIA - 1 1 ht: 1 14 37 5 og Cuch 2 s ta R! . fr TH HO See bi i A: Curd Gordons. CGXD!. 4-2--G76ʻra-astbou Mtb PI 15" 2 Cor. Als, 2010- 2 147. 12:0* Ishiffonor 4! 4"; cores trobo Gindoroiz sosiys:921 This drosfor Seda malk Lights IL NOIS ST. INDIANA ST. 49: Alley esind eris 296 L3 OHIO ST. 28.09 :ماما 22.4 Gra: 27.4 ..280 20 24 24:6* 19:30 This Arau For Satnalk Lights 2014.0i/54:0" 21-ik' Parac'est eurde DO 28.0 D C -B: Esponsion Joint net MORTH Esparagn tart -Expenson ant meg. Cuba •3.16 3 Enoche 700 of Loraing patforma 2000: de Basse dly Datu 47.0 Sex tiar AA Mote Flevolions on wpper level refer to cost curb. dof roadway Tourer Zoldg Late Laoke. Luis y. O'' eiro digemps. Lights, tre 10 temalik AUTO 27TPR 1:04 nabomolk Lights 110 To7O Sockemalt "Lighthon ERAMING PLAN, ILLINOIS T te QHIO GT cx7 dag boding Punto I mer Fourway Lomer fluo alk Lovel Rusio. wio 300" படிப் பார் 410 151 set mer 21:0 8:6 Sociar DD Section cc Sectiav BB BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISIOY OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE DRAWING 13 I FEBRUARY, 13. dors cires Oors 6"cica Doro Top of Paranien crop of porement spopieri f 7 pory roºchry tlong bors தோ 'parello'ciro •£bars Z Lazrat ry fbors 4"cirs 7:3: flors 6*cirs Grour bars bors Grour 1 tarlz Jc 21" هلن ملی svosi Longitudinol Section C.C. section Longitudinal Section CC Cross SectioN-ROADWAY SLAB. CROSS SECTION- ROADWAY SLAB t'straignt bors t'straight bors edent dors Beny dors Reinforcement in Plone 8 Gee long, suction) Reinforcement in Plone A750e lang.. 7. section) o city Sébent. Der aant par Reinforcement in Plone ÄSeelong. section) 1 ! Reinforcement Reintercement in Plone is see long.section) H 2 , ati att, at poctis. I'Aspholt Porement * cors14fêtr's. rf' borstyrs. 1 stop or sidewolk •foors bors - bors Group yht. Groute ro I d . . 빙 ​Langitudinal Section CC 1 در ارومیه CROSS SECTION ROADWAY SLAB. CROSS SECTION - SIDEWALK SLAA. WTS. OF WIRE MESH PER SQ.FT. 48 Spon. 10lbs. 125 lbs 3:4* Spon 060 lbs. grroignt bars suit Span 1 All Reinforcing Bars to be squore bars Fount bors Reintersement in Plone (see long. section) Plon of Wire Mesin Reinforcement FLOOR SLABS : t'pent oors Reinforcement in Plone 6sec long. section) BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 (IT) OF CHICAGO DBT.ARTMEXT OF PUBLIC WORKS REAL OF ENGINEERING ANVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM AANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. FEBRUARY, 1913 14 ORAWING dh ? Nort TMI NAIL TO HAVE A tods WNT AT NO wil. • DETAIL ON, KAILING AT CORNER or STAIRWELL, SECTION ON Linginn DETAIL ON RAILING SCALE:14 Rind. HOORN dum Tupprus TRYLLOGIOTT IN A SINAS poarvon or mre ASAD 2XL talowana strawl. VOR Stenowy PLAN SHOWING TREATMENT OF PAILINO AT CAGNARS Om TRIRWELL! Scale:iftir Arts wysy Tube fall. Building Level Perronto Pro Zcast lxon 4. 'fiang. Dors; . to Trani, Bars + / ) **Ours om una Arass pipe Handlun Tore esibars. 22 Dars. 6* c'r'rs. Scier BB. Guarlo uder AT UPran, Laval BRIDAL qurrone mandoorilor under al snown f Ders ' **12"Channes Abt. 4.4 } marTION O MANARTUS ET STANDART THIS TOLIC JASNTICAL TO coupling to be riveted. NOTE To besme NUM 2aias no Dunn SEF Kert Bars Hoop Dans OPEN STATIONS AA JOnline Fours, "na"gal Tube Top of 310C WALA rooted ***Bars Pomiriwy or luara 19,8 Lowarang ! Tor op 310CWAYA? Ligh tif vert, Börs #'Hoop Barsa SECTION:hello SCALE. SI historie Scalcio 1 Atopar Plattor WITHOUT min SCALE:4:1 . dar,. f*c1r). Dars poglavari. Bars .carins - SECTION: CC SCALE: 1 TYPICAL STAIRWAY AT INTERSECTIONS 1 TABLE SHOWING DCTAILS OP STAIRS FROM UPPER. TO LOWER LEVELS AT STRCET INTERSCCTIONS CLCV CC.O. AT CLEV.CC OAT RUN OF No. or STRCCTS UPPCR LCVCL PLATFORM, STAIRS RISCRS, RISC LAKE ST: LIWANI..... i 8.29 26" 200:20 2262 LSRUTHWATER AOKINYEar- 29.0_6.1.14.-10.14 ST_SOUTHLANI +25.34 12.12 26413-221 LRLER 170 2701 2A21_16:101 MICHIGAN ST. 16 71 17 29. AJ123 2 16.12 214 Szi 12t 15.02 2141 201412 *30:49 16:24 27 2064111 INDIANA SZ 44.2G: 12:24 20-10-20.06.19721 But 24.11.0" ---+27:00 - 2:0. . نام2 مت لمحلليالا + 29" ! 1 D 14:Riser. 44.461 2.Rurales Landing -* 11*11* 7 :وی $:0 28:01 20%0! Platform STAIRCASE Mee STREET ceasg NGS. + / BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS I Bullding 1 CITY OR CHICANO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIV;SION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICADO AVE. 1 Sonba:f/ FEBRUARY, 1013. ORAWING - 15 1 VR ** &postua Turu & Mister BALUS TERS CoTue MIWRN DALUSTER'S SALUSTRAS OKING BALUSTRADE FROM VIADUCT LOOKING LAST, SOWATER S7 SCALE 10° FUTURE Pintores DETAIL OF DIMENSIONC LASTEWEST SIDE PIERS AT ILLINOIS STREET DCTRIL OF DIMENWON C' EPSTEWEST SUE PIERS AT INDIANA STREET Sonik-10: ONLUSTERS SALUSTERS ALUSTAS OM OUT 7ower BALL BALUSTRADE FROM VIADUCT LOOKING WE57, SO WATER ST SCALE Z10 ° Lookino IS FUTURE OF 737 sy to our SRLUSTERS. JALUSTERS wart LCWU DCTAIL OF DIMENSION C' LAST SIDE PIERS AT SOUTH WATERSY DRIA COTT ara's Love I AA 0 NOTE. QIVER JTRLET, MONTER SCAUNEN COURT E ALLEYS RRC ErCAPTCD. MO RIYER NANOTER STS SCL AAS acas 197700 DETAIL OF DIMENSION C* LASTEWEST DE PIERS AT MICHIGAN STREET Sourz: TYPICAL & ELEVATION OF ALLEY INTERSECTIONS TYPICAL CLE!97,CN OF VIADUCT AT INTER- SECTIONS OF CLOSE STREETS ALA, LAVE Lao Lao OLM Laer Lao Link evers 에 ​SCREEO" SCHEDULL OF DIMENSIONS E GRADES FOR INTERSECTING STREETS AT LOWER LLYEL STREET XYZ DIZF TATT ASSZA SOWATER SOCamo MICHIGAN 180360 S80.38ako TILLINOIS 1781682182 IDDLONA 1150 1150150 hasta 50 auto, for WTERSECTINO STRUers SOINTULATNA GROs E OF ROAD WAP2 OF ROADWAY? May Man 2 SCHEDULE SHOWING ELEVATIONS OF VIADUCT AT VARIOUS STRCETS VETEOF ELCK OFEL OF WALILOFOIL-DIMENSIONS STRCETS_PORDZ LOZEMRWOLA CUALLUSTRADE A D C LAKESIDE 22 127 7.Z 2016L 2142 का SO VALT 70.0 20 100 LOT OOZE & MAHITAN ELLAR 20 sha 370 WOE 80261 WWLINOIS anda 22.0 14.2 She Waste WDUANA EEN LES 22.0 25 287 DEZ! cura 7 horas aweze araw Las ALA 1 wy contato ema INTERSECTING STREETS LOWER LEVEL. DIAGRAM OF YTELS DIAGRAM OF.' INTERSECTING STREETS, UPPER LEVEL SCALE 200 FIXTURETT bor TCT COL E ARCY COL OUILA LINE befixture SCALEN-2000 IS FIXTURCI sel COC WTC STONE TRARED parke AALUSTER STONE o domy IR OF SIDEWA MEAN HEMENT OF SIDCHALE COT ALS ! LAOFS.sk Fifa1-9241 B laos TERRA COTTA. 28 5 2927 ILLVATION OF LAKE STREET VIADUCT, LOOKING WEST 'S" .6. 461 14: de eller TARRA COTTA opomora OLOG LINE? Jie 3 C" WIWI 40 STRUT COL. OF REGN. COLT TOYON 281 SIOLWALE 37 GRADE ELDOLNE 15.4i MA at Aran colo Die ccues LANE OF INTERSTINO 57724T TYPICAL ELEVATION OF VIADUCT SEC AT STREET INTERSECTIONS SCALE ZO TYPICAL SECTION THRU CORNICE E BALUSTRADE PILASTER TYPICAL PIER PLAN AT'S 5* SCALE -10 BALUSTERS E UMRY, 1913. STONE K-BEDFORD TYPICAL canSTRUCTURE FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS PLANS, ELEVATIONS E SECTIONS OF MICHIGAN AVE VIADUCT AT INTERSECTING STREETSE ALLEYS SCALES : · *-10 4:-10 DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CHICAGO 30.7 so A0 1.200 TERRA COTTA DRAWING... 16. w SECTION THRU BALUSTRADE E CORNICE MICHIGA AT MICHIGAN E ILLINOIS STREETS SCALE L 10- t i { 1 15 1 Hos Drta gamanns ON INEST Pinoutro Piarugo oss! extes Toppers Tirtdass ALEV Davras ALVITTAL-JAT JNETT Cenerusis) Eur JER face s تو ام 1 2. DOTAL goresas On Irurais Toca al ادامه 102 Zuco rest ALL JAMO Asimetr EAST ELEVATION-SOUTH PLAZA Supo į ELEVATION EAST. HALS) SOUTH PLAZA Scarlo 7 CONTINUE MALUITCAJ 1 3575 Covent Share this Barren Larasto DETAILS OF EA7 HALF SOUTH PLAZA i 4. JUUNI PTIONHA 70*7TJIDS OF IT Jo.375 ? Inow I-ILMOTUMIA DO Downt arrower Tom Larna Merancang mener Elcy1700 rerover spowrpass torpored Semenina PİLAIVELIAI sering Landap kar 1650 GRANITE et or towca N 2 DOTiON TAST LINCOM roo7 DEAD ÕRN Landma . . clar qoo ELEVILO Vla he & or towzea é or Berdas gloryouss 1 wir Gear Soo o rostroj tör TOUMNION مد -- 6:. wind $ FNT 1 LAN CAST HALT or souTH PLAZA Doce Link , ( Tura se در ۱۰ نظر مرید ۱ onته 37 ها Scans Welcome I GU ABUTMENT WALL, SOUTH EAST PLAZA. ? ) SECTION DE 70, 73,7 MALL Aito lailin" BOARD OF JOC.IL IMPROVEMENTS ('ll1C,100. ILLINOIS "ہ: : k ۰ 10 CITY OF CIRC'AGO) DEPAKT:IEST OF PC:BLIC WORKS BUREAU OF PXQIN PERING: DIVISION OF BPIDOES AND II AXIOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANCOLYH ST TO CHICA00 AYE 17 1 TORUARY (1) DRAWW ܕܙ 1 i Vertical joint ORNO scilt on soor gi ... ) 1 1. Arruer Jerug MIXTURED macun MIXTUDEO FIXTURED j A ALSTERS CONTINUE MALUS Tres MALUS Ters SALV37273 BALETOS TEL 30375 DAUSYS 30 375 B DzORD 0:21 ORD STOC DALUSTEPS 7150 TA54 WEST ELEVATION SOUTH PLAZA RETAINING ALL 138-8% Tono Esco ELEVATION SO. PLAZA WEST HALF 8172 } غد ''ای 11.3 90-7* PLAN CL.09.25 CEMENT PGEWANY GOANIIK te wins + 1 3 CONTINUE BALUSTORS, LwTE NRE DALUSTERS HU 1 SECTION A A 75 حد ) 2 35 757 0: 1 TUKI JO JaisinO 01.06..be Wys STONE Roca 26.0 VERTICAL JOIN ROTAINING WALL TUDODIL, COWTINUE PERTILS i 2-5 57.4 STONE Race RETURNS Test HK La 1 tsforo El 30.375 Ten 30375 7 LANDING CA IG GO OPENING GRANITE PRIDGE OF TONER BPP/s26) se connay C NOMELA OPENING Puntos pepeling L001 Y 17:0° CEMENT SIDEN ROOY! TO THIS LINE LONDII US LANMO OF TRUSS omniist NOV GRANITE 90 PL.0 15 ANY 1 oilo 8:10s 2-11 10 let: 3- 7 zi. 2- Por Towea sio! SECTION AA 11.00: +25 55 tor TRUMNION ABUTMENT WALL SOUTH WEST PLAZA EA nocr LINE 161-6 1940. CUDDY SECTION BB 1 50 MT PLAN WEST HALF SOUTH PLAZA Hir7 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BURBAU OF EXGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS arc HALS INCH SCALE DE TAIL OF WEST WALL HALT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS SCALE FOR PLANS AND CLOVATIONS IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. 1597 FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE 18 1 1 FEORUARY IDIO DRAWWG 1 1970% od Furope *LT pour poTupe MA NU DEIMA JANEL ON JMCO 10 port JAMS DOTAIL AJ OTMY YAP TUTONE AUJIEJ face s Fiction TONI PD PLAZA NJANEINAL CITES Jass/ CUTITE ISMO Terra Corra LILAR ALL DETAILS SANE AS ON JHCET 118 LPI COTIN 12s ognir AV ON HEAT JAME OPIL 18 DETAIL LCVATION OF VIADUCT WATED JT. EAST, Scale lets to 1 ELEYATION OF ERST HALL OF NORTH PLAZA JTONI IKT Pernera 1 28 CENIHY treguar MMITT ters TEPPA COSTA 13 JKOME PRE IRINIMO SECTION fod Esoxundoo YOXET Darburg Link so VIP 24 RS 2481 les) 1 SE'' 66.24 31:0* L ONLINE am du ELEVATION goioxión pocy tornino - 1 for IPIDGE SECTION LEYATION forening pou kim SDocu Lina DETAIL OF VIADUCT, M.WATER ST. EAST Scale 10" 22. JS.75 2. fset this for TOWER نمیبیعت 1 PLAN PLAN OF EAST HALF OF NORTH PLAZA scale to DETAIL A CORNER OF ADUTMENT CUT Dy Docu LINE Scole Wito" NOPTH COL. CENTER COL. JOUTH COL. & Of TPUNNION PLATINO ABUTMENT WALL. NORTH EAST PLAZA, BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHIOAGO, ILLINOIS nition Vosto. CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BURBAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 19 FEBRUARY 1013. PRAWING I 1 ) 1 1 5 + roo Pemit ar olarak MD Comice Jee INEST Beorola brant ALT me Corezinu พระ til V75 ME propy share Hemneh gor CITRUTTUIGEN INUE Petrus romery Line forest అయిన 1 TCRRA COTTA JI 79 “ LLEVATION or' VIADUCT N WATER 57 West VILO) 17275 ELEVATION Or West HALA WORTH PLAZA TERRA 6 COMEZ A JSYS Goian To OUTJIDE TUTE OF WALE Tory for SECTION AS 1 1 PLAN OF Vinouc? NWATER ST WEST Scole Moto ародеrу STONE Foro de vues !! 7 1 zatia berberes do } POINT out or TOWER Sor_Tausti w VIN SecTION AA ELEVATION E OF SPIDGE I haaust Josta 1 ولم 1 TON TOWER 1 } DE TAIL OF VIADUCT N WATER ST WEST Scale as 10" or TPUNNIO DOCK Man Listil elu 1 se 1 37.4 COLUMNS STELL COLUNAS Z ! PLAN OPWEST HALP, NORTH PLAZA Scale H/'o Proprer LINE ABUTMENT WALL, NORTH WEST PLAZA 1 1973 cons BOARD OF LOCAL INPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS scoles 1 PLAN or PROYRTY LINEL 12:10 Voiro IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERINO DIVISION OF BRIDOES IND HARBOR + PRURUARY, IDIS DRAWING 20 1 $ or en was zu slirsik SPL wins sisal, sio To Oursons rouss zh aros on L DETAIL or RAILING CO NOTION Dancut ROZ CONTINUE ORNAMENT E Ballina ro DeTUIN n3 Showen on IMARY"ig EL 99 252 Wors. This wa SION 155 LONGLA ON THE NORIN Jiar or ME QIVze TIATIT ON TOT JOUTH J.DL Nora - 7113 Mawar 13 So Lovoce aw TNE NORIN Side of the Qurbe porn it oan YME SOUP JUDO EuroJ6 SIDE WALK GRADE NOUS -ELEV J6 37 125z ELEVATION or Door to Tower ShowING END PANELS OF LANLING (SOUTH Plaza) JMET en rrrren PPL pt 04 ALL DALUSTADS nar saurer in Denet PINSAT TOP 7 borrom EXTBL TIP ar ZON GARANT UNT OF PEAN 30 Too or EOANICE COVOS sys IP Р 1 Liga penser Miha 24 lo:11 DAMP Prom DACA O ALL ITONG NOBEL GRUV PONY AMCHoe IN EACM OTOYE Tor or uten Cover penwTe. Pra Lanang 26/25 FANNITE I 120 LONG of carolare TER Isro c2009 11*Inrobove 16:43 TONS HistovE JOINTS & damn JECTION THBU LANDINO MARLE LOWER DRILING IDENTICAL WITN ZAILIN ON OIARS Ar greitt INTEA52cnars hacorn DAMP PROOF SACCO ALL JYANT MUA ALL CUT oraws IN CACA COT TO MAY Wemad saeropo P LONTA LEVE ELEV VARIES2 JOINT quedi J.9 orderine for Towee Food arxOTWALK LEVEL Elav. Khaigo ZowaA LEVEL, 77 .Dillo in "مع Ilie' NOTA - THIS OMNSIY n 16.A ON MORTM SIDE OF RIVER sa torquent word nos GIAPERS INNAA RATH mo OUTSIDC M Aloeren ri I PUO 75.4.* D'Irtenborare I. / INC PIX 'clowted oem J-12-07 * PAS 10:9..! 44 LIMI Yo novo uro 19 666 iz arry No 2 Wood Doops HINOED 4,2 A +5.5" GBANITS Roon, isaw Dousut Blade A MINGID ! BESPLAT OTNER HIT Free To Qers WITM Lindow WALL Elfaz ABUTMENT WALL, DETAILS. ) SECTION X-X zosil EE SHEET 79 22 EL 552 El seg int BOARD OF LOCAL DAPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS NOTE THE WIDTH OF THESE Door VARIES GENERAL JECTION THRU UPPER LANDING or STAIRWAYS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERINO DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR ELEVATION FJECTION LOOKING TOWALD BRIDGE (SOUTH Prazn SCALE % ulio" IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE.ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICAGO AVE 21 :1-0" CLAWN PEERVAKY, MIS 1 ALL Loa JOINTI CAULKED WITH LEAD. DEDMOKO ITONE DIVISION OF BRIDGES' AND HARBOR BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DEPARTDIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CHICAGO COPPER GUTTER. 7 !1!1!1!1!1!1!1 Kitill: HHHHHH MINI CMV TKO POL PL CZ 1 1 1 Y'STONE JOINTS I 68.0" : DETRAT'orn 27. X 23975 CUR, IL $6. HOMICTN TEON Torvete moop SE 7 CU AVEL EX! SMECT TAL 2C JAJH (PIVOTION POL PL GL ING 250 했 ​IEPRAT Obv JHET 2 SU 107 H 2 51 TON | 130 9 STOT ZE OUTSIDE BRIDE TRUSS. biz 2. zbier zz FINISH A LEVEL 1 'sz 97 72 .71 67 274 RETUCA RETURN IN CETURA GCANIZ Geanina & 1 CONTINUEW VERTICAL JOINT 8 S Lev.Joo. - X A FEBRUARI 1919 | ! FOR SECTION X5CT. SHELT 21 Fond section AB EL SHEET*|23 - T 1 PIT MALL } 176 | 1 CITY DATUM | TAUN QIRRE DICPEC bron FAOM RANDOLPII 97 TO CHICAGO AVE IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL RIVER ELEVATION OF TOWER reuwwiet 1 1 1 1 1 SCALE ONZ NALT INCH ONE TOOT OKAWINA 22 - lena 4Łslar 2:22 DIVISION OF BRIDGES AXI) HAKROK BUREAU OF ENQINPERING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CHICACI() 1.13 1. gis.ast I2 TC TIU TOM NCATEG 1 24 ZICEA TILL IN ALL ANI MASTES Trn CCATs or HCU PLASTE* --- 1 1 F 115.73 prontona, CoNT OAK ولية +1 12.31 o 33.5" :- 1 58" 1252 Sq 20'-7 C 1 - SZLE 5. TonnaD CUNTER LINC or BRIDON LANDS AF DOORWAY ON SIDE Eut36.571 17-10* 1 Aisico'ra PEAK IN SIDEWALK. CURO LEVEL. Y P, FLOORING. 68 o 1. Topor WALL TO FIT USULIEK FreD SIDEWAIX, Nore LG SE S WOODEN Jois DI FixBD SIDE HEEL SDEWALT BRACKET. chrecumar HiNDoN Io. FRAN MOT TRI DIVOTAD MITAI SASH where Duitar Tinusa Nanoel 1 .07 91 2.5" him +9;81 1 BROOKD STONE UP TO TOV. CORHA or Town Line or Towa theo "1"; 5 0 79* ONO.9 auomon 2118 92 30-9 --01 oinarners. Sri Srst dana scra - 1.116:41 vern, 15.13 Y CUNNIOR CE Tre 5 3 "NOINnost so as ou N 2-7 7 7 CRITER ne or AsurMINT Towen, GRAN TE liegu MAir Briocri Trusses 140 1.7.2 12-101" TGG. Cours To Do DOW Rui 1o Comme แ 1ocf BENT DANS "C" melur a. CT. 18-cro roc L or Trunnion SECTION.A.A. SEE SKEETS N°23:21 6. o col VN001 5.0' 4 13-1" DATUM. FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICADO AVE. IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BOARD OF 1.01 XL IMPROVEMENTS 23 Suor Tewarion KORDERO. O'Neancheyrum merg som TEISKOSVET24 maydors Jerky SECTION C.C. SEE SHEETS N. 73-21 4 SECTION. B-D SEE SHEETS No 22 ORAWING WALL SECTIONS OF HOUSE SCALE { = 10" E IL Lille 1 1 1 1 Elar. 1650 " NOTE - THE SIZE SHAPE OF THIS PLATFORM VARIES IN ALL THIS THE DIFFERENT CASES, SEC GENERAL PLANS OF ROUTNENT IYALLS 1 r wcss 3 RELEV 39.25" CONTINUE Onawrzas Fitbruary Grmar-Herres Post ! CONTINURDINTA0 1 LINEN ILEY 3037 " ! DEDFORDONE DETAIL OF PUN, AT WEST END OF NORTH ABUTMENT NOTE - THEJE BUNJ em grlos “ARE DIPTERENT IN ALL CASES. xo GENERAL NOT DAMPROOVING JACK O ALL OTONE Task F lailla Vaaiso E4CMA1970 MALUSTELS HO rawa scoroso grate Peev 1700- GAANTE STRA Idem? med 의 ​pagriondo DANIYA ELEV for Z 군 ​GRANITE PALUSTERS doras Information trz** PL sisinya NOTE- TN1S PLATFORM Lavorous foram PLAM O MONTMENT WILLI STRIOWYg DETAIL OF STAIR LANDING AT LOWER LEVEL · SCALE DETAIL OF ABUTMENT WALLS vite Prakt os CRHAUTE. STAIRCASE fi0" PAAIN LELEX 5.00 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Ł CITY OF CHICAGO) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISIOX OF BRIDOES AND ILARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM 'RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE PKIRUARY, 1913 ORAWING NO 24 1 1 t pore ICTURE PS tant 11 O'z المعلني Faor o Win ć. rering 27 JS 3 The 1-7 TOTE 1 JALA Ahor والمتابعه 19 mas or 10 of 7OWER et Dusrication part whow CooNICA در ادا LANDING 11 GNJAR PAN polico 10 LINE O Deproes ITONG BAJE RAOVA GRANITE TTONE 1 CRANYTE Grafe S06 IBON PAILING. 4.0°/Journ Panel Nowy Pinzo - METAL GUNAD 1 12 J? ELEV 10.00 Ev+10 PLAN AT UPPER BRIDGE LEVEL Domy esz! dasan IN JIPIMUN -tesoura Penen) THIS DIMENSION og JA 2. ON NORTH PLAZA oro JWK OF SA Orren aan CERTI YOANZATA) METAL saada RAAME PLANS OF BRIDGE HOUSES JCALS herio" Wier jij Syonda VERTICAL PIT WALL Clay Soo DS All Joints in Poot LEAD CAUnued Vent! ara 11 paw lao Teroon of Thurn on * 22 For yource ण 8:0 2 g to zst SNINYOO INOLO с 7:16 quiel OPARATdes Zoom BRIDGE HOUSE, FLOOR PLAN. ELars719 تهن 119 Sourdon VORTALZA TOWER CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARDOR "1 BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Thoi Bag: RJ4 RooF PLAN PLAN OF TOP STORY PLAN AT LOWER PLAZA LEVEL 111 LOWER PLAZA IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICADO AVE 25 FCORUARY 2013 ORAWW 2'-10 DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOK BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CHICAGO EL. +57.199 10. a I. GY 12.07 128" MO UNIANO UPPE DUPAZ LEVEL 9.15€60" ***** 7:04 SINTAKZ 3627 CASF ar pacid Acouro Azul CARNING 12 - 31.0p Prored Homar JAYA 12.40.00 I. CI C** morat Ikaw vY9 CIRCUAP NITRO 28 ds. tort + 100C 10:9 NOILE FACING RIVER SECTION THRU CIRCULAR WINDOW LOOKING TOWARD DRIDGE, SCALE / INEN - ons moor. 17,81' 7:55 Window SNAITEIL FARA ANAErw. VAE GLASS. 2. BARS Prvored Hmong WAT KITAA NPS 74" ELH16.00 CRNA - 6'11" pas 19 Door ':.* WIRE GLASS -1 home MOTAN SOBRES DOS. SECTION THRU. HOUSE AND WINDOW E PLANS E ELEVATIONS OF LIGHTING STANDARDS 1 C.d. EL.+ 6.2 & क Ji-suoi v CITY DATIVTZ SECTION THRV HOUSE SHOWING STAIRS SCALL FOR IICTIONS. SCALE rap LAMAS : Lanner du Lannier ouous ULANTE 16LANTER Glas re floor 9'LAMS FKURUARY. 1913. PA 1 16 LOTAN door 7 GLOR PITTUBE Nor PLAN Dve TIXTUAL nad PLAN OA NANENT Ø bara PLAN FIXTURE ya PLAN FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. 26 OHICAGO, ILLINOIN BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS SECTION THROUGH TOWER. peoLoss dows Firman orare DRAWING IAL genen Ni aast ikow Car/carz. Curso G] Cast Leon ANANINY ror IND SIO No ir ELEVATIONS 1474N · ELEVATION ELLVATION. ELVATION. 7 A MICHIGAN AVE . 26:0* 3766 27:0" STREET BALUSTRADE Ecoo dos 2102 RIVER mwa 1 1 1 %u30 นี้ย lening iyot dell also ด้วย MUTUPI J'O AVR Sourco betyg DoLwTORE :وه . JOINDO TODO BALustre nedoso YIXTURE 9x60" 8.5 FIXTURES A 1 Perruaza 4. 96164 کهانه Orrox IN ronomy X60 olant YZYDE TIXTURE Trico Data OF TRUN Procu LINE verme } 57. 8644 N thoock LINE JO:0* MIXTURE way CHICAGO RIVER FIXTUREN Fixture Txup! . 1 SOUTH PLAZA, ELEVATIONS. 1 PLAN OP GRADES UPPER LEVEL SOUTH PLAZA BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CALC do log CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUBBAU OF ENGINEERING DIYISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST.. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 1 KIERUATT, Dla. DRAWING 27 Š *** A 1 1 10:0° i 63- mage - See 1 $ 06 dr Andye Hlouse? Curb Line Leer Bridge Lower Doutd. FOUNDATION PLAN FOR RETAINING AND SUPPORTING WALLS AT EAST END OF SOUTH PLAZA Sala / 16 claimse biraz New Doch Linea New Dock Line 2 Location Trunniona LOCATION Bring Breat w Filadel E Bridge Houses Lovelta PROTOKO Kory Adder ARJEM PRESENT Kocas LOCANON Columns enero } 7.2017 CARA Besin Sewa کو e . Columns NOMICA Suwer 1 Columns? Les 12° SWER Lue SECTION AA' Scak %*. Aromas . LOCATION Columns here ! اله Platform Platform IL created w.rhy Derman med J Biorentina Gotter Lux Lumer foodingya Upper Lovel o hannois z haмрту амо7 7 аз- 5 Thompooy sath for 1 ܕܼܿܝ PLAN or GRADES, LOWER LEVEL SOUTH PLAZA DO 100 : 3 SCALE . 3 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT'S CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 0 V : CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUKRAU OP ENGINRERING DIVISION OP BRIDGRS AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICAGO AVE FEORUARY, 1912. DRAWIA NO 28 there not to menos 1 1 2 1 $ 1 + 1 t 1 þzano se TURENT an a 7 ila as 73 MIXTUREN ! N& WATER ST MICH 7 GRIXTURE MALUS TROL 1 TONER ! Éry OJS OJS00 OMAGO, RFITUAR 20:56 ab > {bacia ismo 0492 Se og 10:0* Jo'o DALUSTRADE -0 KOREA I pamomor Arion LASG 9420 HATURA I 1387 to'o وی یاد 1 03387 OJ مر " 26. 19 20 70.6* 1559 ♡ APIDOL SOROOK IN JOSS 31 .. JA76 COL TXTURE IV 1 to مهید 2:54 ) +57 lsion 100 YOWER Sno 120.0** 2/1a 0:0 22-36 . of TRUNNION 2 70.0* FILTURE WE 3411 MIXTURE I 8346 tamos so 3 ORODE OF LANDS ro roulon CPAP or JIPSWAS CUPO 3310 350 1 یہ ور J> 87 1167 TH2 1 ! 15.00 09 03 35.92 DOCK LINE 10 DALUSTLOPO MIXTURE UT DALUSTRADER CHICAGO olsa NO WATER ST MICH ST FIXTURE 99567 ots 1 } NORTH PLAZA, ELEVATIONS. 1 + > PLAN OF GRADES UPPER LEVEL NORTH PLAZA SCALE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 5 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARDOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICAGO AVE. 29. DRAWING PERRUNTY, 100. Sii 1 1 j 200ch LINE auze HOZTATEATRICT MICHIGAN STREET 1 & Of Acid HOUSE 1 I Cold Boss A disa 1 Latest 1 تعلم . 90 gezeurnar DELAGE MOUS hele + TARLAK W roas shi lin or Avoor 2 لیلا OF ORIDOC 165 E 10002 662 من € for COLUMNG AND WALL- Lech W87642 1 قه / TEL DOCK LINES ong 12 16న . 0142 knock Hoende TER 7PLET MICHIGAN STELLT n PLAN OF GEADES LOWED LEY12 NORTH PLAZA SCALE 20 BOANI) OF LOCAL INI'ROVENIENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF POBLIC WORKS BURRAV OP ENGINEERING DIVISION OF CRIDORS AND İLARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST, FROM AANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE DRAWING N°30 FEBRUARY, 19:11. 1 Il-Kisah -4.64 t . OC OO 0.00 OOOO" Not to diceed The Pl. 30f9 lacing if دوره Te Fl. 26 figo o O - Liditis O 0 O O O O O O O O Ollo Q O O O O O O O 0 0 0 DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND IIARBOR BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CHICAGO 22:01"pl -bibit L 12:35 13-31 40 22 SAMS 261 21 7,02 01 1312-22 id .652.11.08 90.2 asall;fon nda لاه 2002 900 GL .. ཡི་ ----- Hond Hole ponto ** tatizo Lecing 35 ༤-ལིལཝཡཁཆ----མ་ O azor OOO 1 893 buisoy 57 monta -12:0 28 #frirets in flanges of c! OO 943žni sto 9 오​. co 1 4. G'i 4.P15.27 • Pis 27 2 PS2" Pleroende 220000 99M 687,87 o ---- 1 124.97,37-04 this side P2*97.8.103 other side 10:9 abdi,ai suz) 6 ! 2:PIs it's 8-3! so - 449.8'1001 DPI 26% 23 Tie % 10,76% مر Co true cirak Plotes to 64.finished SECTION AA Deck Topollo.merg Roadway- 24 2 sa fb 16sf phorizontal Line thru # Trumpion.. El+.15-16. 1 OOO 16 /4876-210" Mill Saint salb6e 25 6S 2.P's gir692 Sectioh D-D Notę 10 lo 3.6 17-21 PI 21065815 All Aunts of Rock Foced cutting Line 19.9" Pitch Radius to Rock . 8.6' ''Aods. 2- Holas tor e-P's 27 2. Pls 24" 2.8'18'45 .LOUR 19.a 2. Pls arežiser 1 * 01.11 .2466 ¢ ided to of Truman croche con jonal: Froot d ang ? O O O H Hona Hola 49.00T'RD O 29:67 O-1916 OOOO -2 Pls 1.3.6-4 o SECTION THRU 29.25. 1 ! Botror of Anchor Columns. 1 *&82" o O O O O Diakses the Icunset o o O O O o o O Fred Hoog op gaaste side 2 recension o o O o دی. OO 25 1:: A 2017-al.com Ooo O O 이 ​FEBRUARY. 1912. 10 O Ona del Pl 375ga? ودا . who Z' Plote FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. ('IlICACIO. II.LINOIS BOND) OF 1.OCAL IMPROVEMENTS 31 DRAWING OUTSIDE TRUSS. Rivers and River Holes Rivets through gusset plates Idiom ercept as noted. Pirets through locing to be mor os noted Other rivets to be 10 or Idiom crcept where otlerwise noted. Holes for diem.rivets he Om * O **** o ... - 2 . O - 100 oo 22. Started beaning 1 Doubt Joane si be o O o 어​. ZE1177 heb Å zat? o o Te A zsoles | Lodge Id Pas calientes Outside sol PS JAS 35 Inondo e fillo 23.3.gay Inade gomul Dr.62 %ros Pla entral Lochodu 00000 How To other weyimiz: tooosoooté ܛܔ Po zofast o Coronto 2,0 Dig 16.8 Dia 268 Pls cal en un 8.6 Dorum A alfiger 4 HOTO وع O O Section OOOOO006 Base Plzeit ging (Pane torty 38611: 4.6 73 8'16' OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO 2.6 8.8. tur no gott .900.000 1-Splica a eq'fJS, 4- Pla 30 Poguthu o A P25*.? 2 POL 61.97 preradz 010 1 Bolts 2.0°lp ra.c [10-4 YIT Bage or (8:19) 5 Sche Saation 21-88' 27 O O O 0 O O O q 11.11 0 0 ( 37 O O 0 O o 0 O 0 0 . 237 O O BIO Ut Eut to bile 8165 'o 2.9.95,1 o $. Por lasade Truss stor. Outside_Truss A O oi o o -81011 Cut to 636/ Note. The Costing the same for Inside and outside Irusses) . 2-2-8²6276 2-2 8:6nt cak 03 O no 0 0 Section OO 5-6816' 1- P1 25 ep 30 Section 4.64'*** 2-Pla 92 O Tie Plessis h 6;6 2016 25 Pig 2013 0 16 SELASH' Hacgbatal. Line Through Trunnias . O Poll,64,68 floor o 1991,77 Ga zorteaf O O Top or Lower Deck Reading of Grade ONE OT 12 Piger Le Olo O . O Centre 18.6. krs 2 O . O 2.Pls gefer o op O jarri 1,62 01142 Цох 3 2-File sont o o 0-0- Acheter sed هه هه O o File Sitir o "0" . 0:00;:. Oo o o 20 good مهر. م ه م م Rivets and Rivet Holes Nola. Rivets through jussot platos i dameror bicepi as nored Rovets through lacing dramatea oscept as noted Other mycts to dej or Idunader unless aller wise noted Holes for dumotor rrets diameter ** 0 SECTION 18-20. ooo OOO 으​이이 ​iset paillage Pl 36sf sust .$175 The As 19552 28-27'afionele " Q10 Toll o 7191 trticol & Torah Trunnion O 2. Fillo...ang ооо Glaul 00 0000.000.000,00 blijfritza OUTSIDE TRUSS PX126 cal! Locino 5,8 -Transverge Girderg- cov A 2096 40. 1,06d .8 10" 20% 29 (2-Pls. 2.P 26' O -16 bab.la o . o Or 72 *g------- O o o o oa 2. Ps 90' }r.g* msite 2 Ponid 63 outside 2¢816'ope the de cul 1061 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OP ENGINEBRING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBON 18.08'16:7 Pls it's 1. उपनगर Ma wee shielipigoured Kung zak - Pls so 23:4+ O O CORSO O Dante Lacing, 69sit 9.. o grare-a-r) *Plastik E-P2.2018 La Fita gente BOARD OF LOCAL NPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS O ho O IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE 8T. FROM RANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICAGO AVE. FIKUATY, . 01 DRAWID 82 1 பாம்பப்ப்பம் non vengono un momentum 1 Lottica sisi? QOS -Extend Pl to and a solice E-Pts 69 af 70' JOHOR o Ag settisesti 7.237167 765307770gte instant 00:00 : Bomboy ps.com o Other 10 160750 solo per Endles for Buckle Plates 14.66'de COKALE Kepalainen 14-AS 20 < P 3's C9' inside Pe 26's XL225 Corce ztrg Houzantah Liathcaugh Eviatel to stesy- &..orion Ps Kagas ܘ ...19 20:46_2.Pls 1834 Ploubirou 0000000 12-P% 2016 be Polskiego & The Alchem Steel Full 72 7o. Bol of Chand For grdo onda 000000 Il sfies * 16-7K! orlofizio 6.23807 70 -0 0-0 4-_8'10' PP1 252 blo Cilt A zsing! Pleso O: Plaukimo w è0 0 00001 Alesto 0000 22.DL olo 500.000 OOO.. 17 eft, restora Lottico 523912 Lotto 6 Pil F.C 8°1640 Lottice genre Candia Een goed Aras 2009 (Pleso for Buckle Plotes. 14.28'16'nde Nr.829d.pl er, a 3 2. pis 2376 Cor Pi zrk . 24. OIC O O 0-0 CC SECTION A.A OOO OYOQs Lottice IN2 2. 7.2 hd lol loc 6'13818-8-of'. toFill 3" gur * Pls 599174.7 0:00 Hhotellrom sprache bol aby-gor, 2 Fille 297 of d'14', 2. Pls 100g PY' Top af lonec Deck fbadooyna Srodo 31% Pont A Iz Pla zalisto Job offe0469 2013 1974. Folloid 0-100 1861 Locod JA Oo TRAI ST Ovo wybLogfief: 9460 {lottica O. OO Fil 333:16 z Pls zorgs '10'11 Locad 0125.7-4.6 (5-432. o 24 92. 971 OOO O O OOO OUTSIDE Teuss. TC Ploteg sissa 67,820 o Nors sida 160276 HOO 26 2018.01 Gottico 990.- foo de Pla gen.googo flott A25017-16 o 24 cott 20170-90 - oooo 91.8 ca Fela for side SPL NY, OK ン ​AL 4.2613113 Loced Lottice za 이요​의 ​이 ​CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR L": o portfusor 9020 o Spencer 478 . O 2.2-2.said Lattice si obr5'6 Fit 37:56 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAQO, ILLINOIS toto 5-6 44414:48 2 P1! 18:5 I 111,113 2.2 p.ton Gugged Pls Lottice Rivets and Rivet Holes Ripets fidiom creept where otherwise noted Piret Holes for a diom rivors fit oi OO IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICAGO AYE. FEBRUARY. 1912 33 STA ORAWING o ....JA Oy Piano spl sogger 24.ro Lattica 24 - R Arkce Sall! prediking Loftice skal Pluk LEM SOA 406 Pellico betteedi OOO O1 00 1000000 www. Şuan. Pls o O O .. cabil doPl2649 Paz o l's: öö 007 Ö=1 R. to holes for Buckle Plates 4 Hores for Buckle Pores Khoes for Buckle Plotez A Halea for Buckte Platea Tenson ai (4.496ʻrts 4-P 26'x {z-Plasata (1-Cor Plant 12.PHOTO Ply Cov a Se-Fillo ss{sgo 2. Fillo figogo las o pece 4. 001400 2 AG 21 locov 291 2. Pls con Ito 7 non pisce 17. Cov A. inom The 9 17 Place'$6.6". Ino 2.Pts 149849.8° inside Countorsurik in not only -- O-0 'OS O: q1o $9 oo loo 100 O O OC 0 0 0 0 0 0% O O 0 O O O O O оооо O O O oő ööö töö (2 Pt-page e. Fills d'ofeo jinside سها 2A 581 مولا 2.Al 567416-4 P 6973160 2 LH148,00 Ayza'r 60 7 Como in FA zahr6 9.forbild! 3:0° 1, D1,057 29 2016. de ö **** PI250 %°.306 if MÖÖÖGÖ. Tazail to Proy IPY 25 2410'n po 6.4 6.438 1 PL 24'1' r.9 Pla 186 2o00oole QO . A se'ns 28 20.1.3 02 0000000 o Olo I FINSTEROL 20.0 . 0 0. booboool 0-ojo lyt Lorate ofrece Fillo't34.00.6% 2000. Loced casar Pis 5 ola OOOOO olo 000 0 1. 6'14'18 OQ log kotlice za ooooooo elooo 000LT Loride zeit toooo 000 201611 OOOO0000 API RAZ Zotike elite 000 Olo of Femei {e Pls oak PL 18°N 13-68 r.}2204107 4.48'16', . Loced 18.48 00 1000000 4.4. 1860 Lottica 11264 Lottico rrera ad 00000 olan 88.6 Lorico :07 Lo... o -DO-O. 200306ng A1271-6 .. 2-10 0 e more A24 á 30: 3.B%2535 < Fills 6.0.8 iz-Fills n'a ? -08 2.Fille 2017-0-go kipis griz-510 Stacy Fill Hearon Llunelarengh point o Pls 250 & Fills 410-8 12 Fills-12":6-os 2. Filozis-0-8 PS 60-70 Strol Fin EASIE DIN 73 Agary bo FAI 27,8trs rFill 8-7:0•8' 11. Full 10:08 Fill 26°*60*8' Side 2. bis 28°%"Pigi '? frdro Q Oolta Pls 12-5-x70 Plstar 766 Ber Steel the 4. 0 0 . 2.ASI"f1? 16-20°14'un 0,9 rl 12.Po kust recl Fill Q 141 -Bevel Steel Fill EPI 25 A 0 149.21,57101 C. Plave'st-x-508 P1251' SO' O (4-6148 2. Pls 24'* 4.2 6:48 talasi 24:212 Cíepoflemer deck roodwoy 5 olo Oo oo 1. Fills 3 ažu o OOO Fills uir o Bevel Steel Fill P For Side only 14.25 6'ic's 2 PIS 26's 2.715 r. 4.4 610 do 29" Fit's you o L 14-2å O (4 867648 10 e Pacar 2. Pls rest 1.16 Band Ret 85% zit. om 0 0 18614jgt 2.2.6991-8-2008 2- 6'89818-20 O Olo 1 A42****.2gi... Cut of 45° - P1 37,7-21.9Lottice 666 T A 37512-2; in 202232 . وه97مسامعtrمل 32 PL9743-26 Lattica e PL37226' OO olo 010 100 -L-Stras 30-50 1-2-31 219/- موجر ..ہرت Liofimizde . +43812 PLouillar -3 -/-s.3ارکو OO oobo -2-oficer 36 1234"-goma El -Logic grape regfizin/*-galas --L-31.7.2 OOOOO il OOOOO Oooo Bizije/.2 *ML OUTSIDE TRUSS ооооооо Oo o Ooo ооооооо OO Gut of 45° Alku-2.5 Plagron-glottice cusé' L Agrego A978-2-99 | Lottice 696 _P1.37"bongo to Pl.37.5-2.60 1 shottice 6-18 Pla21 -2.8 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CAGO ! CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR Rivels & nivel Holes Muratorium casopt where others arido netos IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST FROM AANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE 34 FEBRUARY, 1913. DRAWINO 20'N ) 10- 1 latil " Ho Pl. 24xsite Lotticelli A 246' 00.000000 00 co Die ocOboe 1 14 gi ... Quoi Holo it Hole for 'Ball Holes por Buchsie potes $ 1 1 19 0--0- . roantholin Full toisin Q. Yer steel Pull latih 14h1k Lõttice zid. 2-24'iborg 21.246 borte Lattice za A 246mbre * Holeg for Buchsie Pistes Holds for Buckle_Platos 4-É 4X4 1-7 2-Ag 26 In one piece 5 lCov 29172 3 012 2-PUrd 6:9 24. Bev, steel fall 114,8 DI Pils 2146 Arta 2- Fills Jorxoʻ6 12:06 16 18 caroto Horizontol bus through Pando 2 Ž 44-45 diteta 4 4-16 6:4. 2-P13 20ʻrá PI 2•Dis 22 - 6 16 60-000 FOOOOO 2-Pk 45eluar before 2-0 .. 1:59 1-P125k36 WT 25613-6' 3x316 +-Fill 318136' zsikr36 tarixi Bor3*6° 1:0 FS 216 000000-0- la- 4. Tiranes 2-pis 15 2 dia 561 010000 HI-FI 4-2 444 101000000 2. Dis ook berei el009 0000 Y2 72 D1000000 /248 24xhxto due the 2-PIS 1982 000.00 0001 2-Pls 2011 to 21 2-05 zairro 000000 2-Dis 24 r10146 26 01000000 Hurrica ali ooooooo - disid 2-Dis 1585 Zolfica | 2²x* Lottica 2 ton 10o00oof refill Fiore 18:18 Tax aziz Foooooo O to Il sent 27 Lottice 3 TD 2xto Lattice 5-Ö len 2:11 A TESTET 2-pur 2. Dis 191812 2- Fills 12'siroo 2- - 12.20-6 2- 18x10-6 1 2-Dk. 46 cod 2-Dls sch forot Home roodo 20;2131.52 10-1 Arrote 384240 Dgo olood 0000.00 os (EI30 ola Gevo to-o-oh OOOOH 000 COO-0000gone 1 F 1940 0 -0-0-0-0-01 d'ida 4-1024 2-P's 2011 A 1 144 00 olo o top at lower Deck Rodwok 0.0 0.0 O-0-0-0-0 10 OO 00000 oio g. zidents -0-0-0000 Profill 37 3-3 -DI 25110 .-0-0 l-Fill 31 roa -ZrFilla 一 ​251415 * Fills 3i1: 0:00; 346 . mis! zida PA 25.1 --Fills DOO 1-2 613/iliziná QUTSIDE TRUSS .POI 2-46r31.dia-og 2-4 61361882-ot' 108 8o. PI P36612'6"_Lottiça s'kt P1364x2-6 ° p1 36th, 26 Lottice care P1361212:9" -Cut at 45° 00-00: Ohood 0-0 ook o CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERIN; DIVISION OF BRIDOFS AND HARBOR IELBL2Risto 1-2 3liblikisó +123436 -236216362 or stiritisa Asistat --236121*6.30 11-234:23.s'o 1-23:2zó booo -2 3ézilizo NOIRD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENT CAICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 cut at 45 Section Showing Cuts Por all 38x22x Pigbilize L Lettise od lexibiza a 36ibázo' I Lottice et pl. 36tbeszéb IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 35 open holes ou eps os noted. FOORUARY 1913 DRAWING WORY Autremespois de Lord or 299677 2 Monat Section Ornat no fa sifiling x con Artigo 10-6-0- DIVISION DEPAI BUREAU ARTMENT CITY OF BRIDGE OF OF ENGINEBR OF CHICAGO AND PUBLIC WORK JARBOR BRING - RKS o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MYPPsznos 520-0-0-0-0000 Lanterna 860-0000-0000-05 i Yaks or B Doprragen 146303 tiro Antirgo 17:3% Liet 20- 1orasti 127l cor now 22 2rrdorur 21 95000 LERRE ESO Arstitisyo raniting asoratidine swirts France TSA wing ร่ • Taarakking noin 3°log ο ο ο ο ο ο -2.313.70:7 lavet Esisfior(var sat! Zgoromo spored Zenon 2.sekiais. osur Motos apbgitimo. Tarihinigay team memanggang sa ооооо o ar chomet 0.0 MAN Holf Section Mit Top View Latek 26-1°8 201" section Te pa is.2:347.7.12 section Noto go prets in fangas +4367618 2162637135 30:27 IA 2018 Soction Double Doub Locsik OTO gogol rigod 2 Mondo 2As.9*** 2A IA 2075 200 Te A-viiking M Autou ne Aartitirgo Puig be Pellini 0-0 -0-0-0 ROSSMYS pos OOOOO 0-00:00.0-0-0-0-000000- ---- BOKO- men De azikus o 8-8 Section 16:04 416/40r8 IP- 2158 section 25 oso O. od stra poroond torte Lomor Deer Roodway. Graduate Im Hostirenot Iphigistisnadnor not Phorustidiorum sot 2 PIS - ridiari The role for o cotts Litu6i6itiostor set £ £ler +15,1093/isor r Horizontal Line Through Truman, 20 79979.r Zrt.42.nor sche Hobben os long I Fill67 4-870r12:017 Slokasinoslog) 2P05961126*** ..smpipaie- Rivets and Rivet Holes. Hote. Rivets through gusset plates ra diameter. except as noted Rivots through lacing to bed diameter or as noted. Other wrots to bed or in diameter except where otherwise noted tas-281 075 22.97 0_0_0 in the -zfirbs Foriginado 41:6 Holes for dusmater niets diameter, O 29: T42 isit 10 cas for detail seade 226-311+132 1 pay.c;99 .PL 674 11 O o 111 6,10,8 Wrth -ap-sitiossa O os 7:04662 'Secton AA 1 O. plot P-1247 fo-Anchor.cols. $49.67466 7 6ás-2011 section 2. As-sat 204,5mgyo OOO AT Botton mportino roo Eto a oto Agilizarf po -18 26 33 Ooo rn tojoc on perutirintirsi") lol 이 ​25 15 2,0 o @010 FEBRUARY IMPROVEMENT MY, 1913. FAOM RANDOLA OLPH ST. OF MICHIGAN AVE. TO CHICAGO AVE AND 36 PINE ST. DOS QARD OF CHICAGO, LOCAL ILLIN INOIS IMPROVE 'EMENTS sopis -aittom Lot PT ukisogo IP klie INSIDE TRU RUS. Hot DRAWING £ peste 1 1 Dal 1 12 1 mais شده، اهر Fentary Half Sections 17 Genta lino ay !:*.*** • • • 1 6 جنم + 1 . HGH TOO View QY 070 2.RO now,' 19 0.99 in 0.. O O O O O O. 0.0 0 0.0.0 10.0" by Doo crete uy - 1 20000000001 RAIS. Xird siulisi yorunur Sossuo u + 15 18 I ;4.8 Tieny w 9.990.0.0.90 0 2.6 2.0. OOOOOOOOOOO rokoneer ...ooo. Jos قققق ADGroup ***** 09 27.831 . ergopoint زود:مده سه 40. Oy, Kulon foto yang cocoa O A GI ere l'ise seme Cassing asla Ou's de Tows otolbo 100 o..... *O8-00800000000***** 8 0 Pendant r., 2004 Pirror In my 407 40.177 Arexomy a 0799.inc Q D...O O . dan skoro pugja suruajada! info 1600/ive Berry . 1 mit zavret ومو م 2 care 960300 1/2 A . *********************** 9.9 533) 1 -1 wnu polovinorganisaties 0000000 oj 2. Gidili (tuto 1794,481 MIST! COOOOCS 200coa DOO SPIs :کنایه 79.agrindinis şu sortizip perspillizopo + " 이 ​Why OP 24 1.7177 1.2477 witter ile rasierade daycing Hall too Vien TA V Cocaine Oy 2-18 attengan .??*•?•*? Landing programa corresponding to make 9.2. Dann...O... * ****80***** - ༤༠ 2- export ... firies? 9**) 574937.5 16_71 . Half Section orrent 579989:7 00030690000000-0000000000000000000000700 000000 197.6 von lo O OOOOoooo ibile _1-610be pofia Sito i foliozinis Rioon soveel " ko they never Loctorsis Pirety and Rivet matig O lexcinguit 01"WWW ooooo 00, 00000 سر . Qalse la Top View of Bood COOOOO Lžinots for Bacters 19 Autopar i lole diven befon/rata Abonnieren in het Members 00000000 wipo?16911307 0:00 Forelos inmugih gevor putea richometer curapr as noted Pnets though bacany d'uneterorapto noted other rivets to be dari dama for unlose ONTHS WAT rrotond Mules for tomater mes it duranter ren 0 Como De pranding .36.91 of anno worou joita pix ww/h) 696*6.85871997 SIWW.Xodowy Oya O. 0 Perempuan 1 Stef Songs that way 11*****.S> for fren! Center free thru frunmantl. . O.. Ifall 1943:19.? lidocions co? 00000000 |TEA Liga 1 20.000029.990029. oooo MILANO Zasorticolo JOT Popis రంగం AU orgo 9.9... acassa IA 784,8756 OOOO 2009 2.8.9_2_2.9.0.2.Q. Moll clan **006 01600 lok 4*10011 Hor 751 4**. Girl de 26 cos 267 ? A lot ghof'bol'tronauwon Coristas Hikin INUE TRUSS بهادری riolf to View +799802 Hui Sac **** Zapat cui loc876 17.09.10 Han bo vow Im A 71 ro' The me nihiroy onnant Obe.com 6o O Ö ö 000 O 1000 : 0811770072 0.0000.0 2 Ariori Bel As Styr: 2.16**ifinale boys Ekv-kaarsd). oooo } Larmg-sik ES* 00000000 TAX.ro Aaroni OR ir vonuara 3 frassing,000h 606660 2270giisior Top of lower pack codnay Gode = 35X vidor ORD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINO18 603-6*rere A. / 2.2.9:49:8.0. CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS VURPAƯ ON ENGINEERINO DIVISION OF BRIDOES AYD HARBOR SISTERISS 22-vid 100 rad to the 00000000 ola (5 kat malet from 440 City Molo 2015 an v.16 oct au nini TIC PI 217716-2:0" 1 14.104182 Ton and saloon from pignorogoro ogOOS 6:IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE 8T. PAUL RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE. 37 7 ORAWHO ее...»»»o Po26 0.0.... 7911iccantar! Cur Homme เ” ที่ ough Lottice elit وو: A 97;Patola Lottieckis LQUE FL22 120422 Lotice the OOO OOCOO O" cle, esne crop kl.01 نی 7 -Pl 22 al zo 000 P122|12.00 O O OO оо 0 OO 으 ​4 Holig for Buckle Protes fo.6' Ja. Paa' 2 Pig af [rCor Pl 250k 17 H'Holeg for Buckla Flotes 14. LG'1' jd. Pis 26 12. Pig land Cor AS Countersunk in fill only lingid) 4 Haby for Buckle Plotas 16.0 o'ld's for |z-Pls. 26°r. 12. PUH - Cor PIRŠKE Countergunt in till and fingreb) 1 15. 13 10 O O O 10:10 oo O olio jo o QOOO चन्दयाला S o Oo 9.9.367 o 의 ​이 ​O PG l'engi Filla is one ele $2.289 14x com Filly spracolod OO 0.0 rFill going a.com Pa FO®3-o-bi 1-P121811.rs D-Life, som ... tero 87.118 54d7 21- P1 coºrd-A6 Tie PY 21'48. r69 pogo7,87,861,97-8 ..2016 ܝܺܝܘܝܝܘܐ 00.00 O O iziski O O Fill 6'8.0.7 Forgen If zireflizna rFill y's$regos 10000000000 0 PS1,87 ............ o most popularnih prontañistilistintos ? As di o o o 4.4•6236,8 Loced 14:01: ܘܘ ܘ ܘܕ Lorice alt E PARA O Eu 6:17 am 19w, Bolo o O 93 5:18 0 000 ool o en Lornice za te 2.P roof Πο οοοο ...* O Lottieertiz Cotondo Lisesi 0 20:5d 0000 lattice O Pilo foto . 070 an o . motor PIs 60 . frosur IELZEUG O O ......... Loced o O OOO 1 Rs 79 77 O C- 1 örato 0% Ruce or Euro 07:00 oto. Pisosa 2 77. erine Op fostro 0.0.0 2.6060.5log'riding OO 0 ܐ7ܐܫ O O O 이유 ​ㅇㅇ​_oooo 2. po// FA-L8 641415 12-PS.com 32-Ploon 28 eurg-Rate klegal-col TERUS Mull ..Mick ood이이 ​Fill -0-6 1.Fill 81206.10 toFill. 58. ow.low Lottice 64 t PI 17:10 1- Fill be 17:102 2.Files are not 2-Pls 12 24-9 Gentle c-Pla 28's {2-P13 5 4-6d6rs" 1.2001 0000 0 o do: o Lolo 50o 143.21.-- ܘ وہ وو منمق оо olo ofynagodz مسموع,2.3 + 1-2-941083-engi OOOOOOO " ............ 000 --- Fa-6'14' 4-Pls 20* e-Pis 9 4.64'rsone TPI 2017 Lattice 61% O O O O,0 30:14: OOO 6778 sur Teen 1-2-3412618-22.109 16.1.pro Lattice.sné Lottice 60€ -L-9f121,8-2-100 0000 000 000121817,36.71 O O OXO! OO «0-22-8720 76.77 10100001000 719.4 O odoooOO OOO OOO Oko000....... 4 OOO 1-2-3412118-2020 оооооо OOO PL PS422 Loofreliste-10 -Lottice 6'15 Lettice 62 PLUS } turned Bolts 2 stig ca noted. Rivet noies for diameter rrets diameter Note: Rivets i diameter except where otherwise Rivets and Rivet Holes. 2.1 Rods Vach 1 *tid "AYVONIJI or Ioads Truss -Red Upseln (2.95 Lods Upset Inside Tys F. sinn FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. 38 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARDOR BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CHICAGO 0000 X 2.17 Indl.t 1000 or 203703774 Turned Bott's DNIMVA INSIDE TRUSS ! 1 FRAME CONNECTING INSIDE TRUSSES AT PANEL POINTS 2-3 SIMILAR FRAMES AT PANEL POINTS 0-1,*-5, 6-7, 8., 10.11, 12-13, and 4-8 More Material the same for all frames. Length or da ponad rods my according to location of connecting drachat es indroated on drawings of inside truss Lottico elito Plodine پی : 7 Pemiline ...bolticast. fordre 1.2.449447.256 2.80788.04. Lottiec_18. MAS World Mitäs 2:10..mm Lolticeshit OOOO Qlo o 1 wopular gastr at 11 confronto -A200 figo - Pl 2016 :. O O to Homes for Auckle Plates Holas for Auckles Plotag. 51.. - Holes for Buskerud fotoren # Het Hekee for Buckle Ploire rg ma! Upaca Occa Faro MAX QO0 • 1 to 7 nane piece 0 O O 0 0 0 O O o: *.PS |- P1 26°af "2. Pls 18e8eormante 2.0.0 á 2*g£&b-2 O 0 O : O O O O уу. Pls fills 2 2-Plochinaw hvor plag..tro PO 26" 7.2.2011 * PS 24, * PASAI 7-870. ./9" Al2O3 7239 O O O O G.GOOOO .226 26: 3:6-.. "Pi 21.7.946 оооооооооо ish pode 5,11 jonger preces ,978-312zigt profill 51156 O O O O O O OOO L •% 0 le-ALONG 12 OO O/0.0 . 100000 124$ ? Als 15 f" Aloor cofrest 1110 0 0 0 0 ی 9.9.000. 2. Veg. 26 Lo sco oooooo 18.co.com ooo 2.000 Rotary kortceedini fööna oto ooOOO Fra 2004- Kottare 000 ,318.2.20r! o ***** --21.8.61147 pasoy 5.769 1708 Korice astic? IFA ZIL-0-6*- 4€ 6'14', coced AO 0000001 16 Gottaen 000000 **slims IJ-74 12.01 Kotteen 2py port: O ... žu.my 2.0.. O O i 0 10.07 SA 3 Irodhibe 3:2 . o D Fonts N o .....1 Horizontal Ling through point o. 3:0". 3013.me Fring - Pis 2378 will foc F:1942'olio Fills 23:30 Oraclmont O 0 wa ? AHMET 2.1% 17:10 Ag 91.78 o O PY 288. Folder Filhos 12040.6 Filla 23*** 1.81 Fillus-7.9 OOOOOOOOOOO Poultry for ܘ ܘ ܘ ܘ ' ܘ 22.01:59 q ondere persone SA ( 0 موزه هم # 0 O O in OO ! gelom 0 011911.87111 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - Ft Joropo ng 2.F.lle Grey' FS. * 73 -- C 4P O *** OOO O O Dared Sagel, toll aprIPI. 25: (Oo Ooo Sard OOO 0 0.01! Angas o Tom Cm Lower Drick ROADWAY -- 0 P071° 7:2 --Raum for twned botta driven in Ream for turned bolto orivan yrit A.MY .0. •GA ofera 10 Baval Giaclfill 30 10 O Oo Angles zbor Asa? Plagos fat-4.wire 21.08 4:24. بله. :3.لورم • zu erfaring 7. File Jpg 61018 و ۲۰:{'اده :. On 07 0 PODOTTO tutai 0:0 0 0 0 143 . 9.00 --Filly M Far OOOO 4397d:rge Pluitingen Lottice or P%.9998*94 ..Pl 39'dan... hodino Google Pride fy guidage Lattca 6²,8 " 8.6 وو F out of 150 100 04 00: 10:0 OOOOOOOOO ( O O O оо ܘ ܘܘ ܘ܇ 010o O OOOOOO F Yerelis2'9* : 128iiFD- --PL148 mm 0 ondo 20:21 ....و rosalibrs: OOO lores 0?14201 48idegen 0 Handsforma 2:9° stro w 07000 aceli editing Conexiko +2.33 Of LosVictis 0 0 O O O O O O Oo oo O Olo Cut ot mga Section Souryo Cura AV ALL 31238. Plagfingia . PX28x90 Lottie Planning Agndro .Lorrka 04. A 4970::6 Plsordiga! Al Lotto 6 Ay upendo IAKHILE TRULES I ROARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CILICA00, II.LINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND ITARBOR Rivers and Rivet Holes, Rivets f'diam except where otherwise noted. Pivet Holes for at diam. nimet's too. IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM AANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE. 39 FIORUARY. 191.). ORAWING i 10- g010-0OOOO .. zid 1.9.2018 Lori.co . Lobtice ali do /A 2018 Lottica 21:30 Tyto 1-o'zidan + iiris Torino 1 1 ei. 2.00 Soon • crocr 011 an 2 urquo17 Gusset pys º.17: Gusset pls o o 2 SM *. the cowy Halá *** poses for Buchle. Ple Holos Moriouchsie plates #roles ner Buckle Plates .14.11 S. LOS -J4.-vi... 2-7 in one piece 64-1446d" 2-28 261 d'ouisico A 233 1 '1 3. Upper Deck Roadway 오 ​19.9 90 9.9.9..8 Coro olo 103 O rilles 6 . olo o 810*** 311!: Hoa Pio no. lo go OOOO Oooo 0000 2.P/3 43; +12:2 . uc 2:0" SÅ 2.0 10 O O O O O O O O O O 0,0 pridrigo 9;!;! € 115-t- O O O O O O O O O O 0,00 1-4 21333-6 V-Fill 316346 O 0-0-0-00-00 OC 1-8221ress -Full 3:13-6 Odoo O 0.000000 . 2 2:0. COIT -:r: olo oo 2-Dls 20 dite loc 12-A320 korris' 20.0ood Q - 2-pis, 20% fito Lartice Töö nö oo ei 67 TL 1!= -1 Lattice zienne og Z-AS2010110 071 2-66 Do 20184116 Scottice ale ofono 0-0 2000...04 L-Fill True Plumb 100 48 6izid Laced € Briege & Channel? Loftice zero 03507-10: 997 at go : -4-2 6.3153 Laced 0000 प: 00:02 Loetice are adbou ,9;19 ه -4 4 $ 31731) te pittoria 12-Dis 1511 4.4410 2-Pis is om ::: ... :010 d. 2-0 198 2-Mill 120 2- . ' 906 Erkkola . -2.1 68067783 ! OT0 0 0 2000 --Pls. Abraham's Oooo 700gral nil 62-21.418 2-rts usidrati Full 376xzol 0 000 Oo ooooo **Fill. Jíd2-7 2.0 t gel full 2-10 ioitisi oooo 00-0000 19 19 O O O O 10 -- sܝܺܘ 2015130-2 2 -02 2. Baranger OLO bi Yazidizio 14 21idi3:2 -A10452 J2-Fill 906 TESTO FS. 1 --Mill on thug line (4-48 2.Dls 18'rdinado (2-80v orgel Blu 22-orang Mili on ihre liria ?' - Y-24 Sidraiso 23 Ogde. ini. 1-L sitive plo Fill sitis-i'fs - Full 3.135. -2 5131ides of 1-6 513613iVe Room for turned) Lo1 driven Al • turpool - Full Top.oform Lower Decm Roodwou OOO 09 o.io 10-io Reun Parkmoo ulty.drven para tarkona of 0 0-0 0.000 SW716 PLANS oooooo: I-D1 ziki:35 13r.rs 이이 ​000000000 어 ​dur LO OOOO 0,0 balto driven frit 1-A732315 TOOOOOOOOOO ./adr3'5 Fili 3x811EFS SIT FL6rs48 . INSIDE TRUSS. 2-1683/18-19 2-180119- OO oto 01 03 } BAR spy : فرید in J-Pludzie bottiçoes سكنه JPN Lepidi26 Lottiecard -- lielsen evidia's oo © CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR, cut toast 1045의 ​- 347271 7829 i-L3tian 219 1:23!2drzeg -1-Ludili dinig OOOOO -7-2 Terzigd --2slak82-8 1-2 341201842-7 : 17-237zadrziza py-2 slidang 1 -236ialdian BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS gection Showing cute · for oll 62618 2. Latheest bessidazioa L-1.3568r2t6 ...Lottice or ! 1-P! 9918120** L-Platdizisi .Lottica bro! Lipolitizás! IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 40 1 FEORUARY. 1913. ORAWING ! J Pirets 78' except as noted. Open holes Seicentos noted t I . 23 23 9-11 ó -2004 TEZE 2.27inop o 24 Toe of Lower Deck Roodwoy. Grode 31% O 24 Top of Lower Deck_feadran Grade 2 ide O O O- OOO A 116.7.4:10' 4. P711576*8" more 9.ge ofw 8x**-- st -28" Holes for it Rods -20%'Holes for dʻroda Promo 00-00-00 0 0 gt i 376735,05,6 OOO-0-0-0-0- sfisting on T****** $"&. esling 이 ​obbe enge O O 812 shot.216 2.pl of 1.26 AL 0'1411.21.8" py 21.7-26 OOO toa - PI 1074740109 ello FAIT2-10-6 Q aio OOO O 7th 2-08 A 25p!P1 64-7 -- O O O 8C Ara2106 z Pls. off-r-6 O-O 2-5p. Pl. off-grol 82 626668 2 Pig R1.3.2006 2-sp Pl of it son 225r, - PL. 80's 11-84 O API 80 Z-10-9- OOOO-0-0-0--0-02 OU 8,0;8+,**.*-07-3 sya MOTO O O O O O O O,0 80,81 .at --P1 36 prosince 1966-15-4 OOO.OOOOOOOOO 1-2-4'x4n3-7m 1 . . O 26 o 26 O ооо Hobo for 'Rody. zgº Holes for Iroda -1'14'4!. 141.11 2.2.4'st's!:1-16 OO O O 0 25 -2-2-4x+rfk6 25 15'6" -2.4-4's/28-16 Domo O2- END PLATE FOR COUNTERWEGHT Box. INGIDE Teugs ENO PLATE FOR COUNTCewcigar Box OUTSIDE Teugg COUNTERWEIGHT 802. 1 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND BARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AYE 41 1 FEMUARY, 11a. DRAWING } A honom 16 1 22:0 2710 HE Oo or Cheng of. Tuss.. S:: 1146132 / 02 II 20 10:15 Hasizin 68ãi 6.6" _of 2-7*** 10:44 " 2:25 io" 17" 2:21" I Bent Pl 1465.ro -1263/6- AR hoop FOo6 sá Hole's for "Bolts for sub planning.connections Top View 27: ctecof Trusses Z 2:0,".. 2:18 3167 27 27 2:a zi" 2:52 - . 2:3 86 PS4 Creasoted Puis. 11 SEGⓇY.PSIS Creosoted - Creosolod Blocis 185 6775 27. Plorik ng Sus Creosoted Bello 2017 Created 6:12" White Oat S's Creosoled *16rP.Susplanting Sts Creosored 601&"Wite Oui Sus Crensated DAH 11:35 HYP.SE Baits Crevored, * Bait- 246481 0-0-0-0-0 UCC 6.6*** 3:12 24-0147* -2 rills 9***1: CE 28GiG 3 (20 JL•34-3.0-31 A 10 Za 111 ved side Comitin mit on Somit in 2:28 606 - - 12-2466 agatIL- 3223231 30000 sarai 000 23 64.52 Center Lot. cons on s'2 Kac same as shown on 10-10 z rills 1:63 0 0 О' O 10 O O O O 0 0 000000000000000 ооооо Top View-End Floor beams 22.2 6:6 samo as off a od Lateral Conn. For cicept as nated on Elevation and in details & Eloorbcams 2:3.6.6. & 10:10 E of lateral System FIPI. 36.3.34 TET Ja giza:- Plusisie P11578128 131236-3idiga 14 6.5ka 501:5" 66-52 123L3466 261 10:15 01:0. 40 .9,0 443132 3438% lo of Bridge Jio 27- म ta -.2:55 Luzosi 51:01.07 rise { forsenden oder nocd Screus 2010:15 22.10:15 ziemas 28.10-1S. Zº6 YPSAS Creasoledy treizeit 4833 du 3133 Zu 5.33872 2 tills 6* *1102 O O O 000 housin husiai Cel:02 8014 13:09 0:277 $7.0132 20 10:15 2.22.4! Hijaz A asing ka 231:9 OLI PIASTRELLE htzugishti3 I PL. 1977165 eins 600 Au333 C Bracket 87 Typical +43) Elevation et Floorbcams Top Vicw End Lateral Conn For Floor beams 10-10 of Outer Truss See diagam for Lalcral o Le of outer Trussa 1o313 Onunner Truss of Kingar Truss 1 P1, 1918a 3 Typical llenation of latcrdi Biacing lagfsioz 20 w of Thunnion 129 3613* 3:4" A (sip11912037 Simon Sof Orido TA191%-3.8? Counterweight Counter weight Bottom View-End Boltom View-End Lateral Conn. For Lateral Conn for floor beams 2:2.6-4.8 10-10 Eloor beams 44 88-8 Top View-End Lateral Conn for Floorbeais 4-4 8 88 Top View Lateral Conn. For Foorbeams-488-8, Bottom View Lateral Conn. For Floorbeams 4-4888 Top Viewind Lateral Conn for Floorbcams 4.4 288 Bottom Vicw End Lateral Gonn. For Floorbeams 4-488:8 Bottom View End Laleral Conn for Floor heams 2:2.6*6.& 10:10 of Diagram Lower, Roadway Eloorheamas Lower Laterals and Zurib 2U JITJE 32064 & Fills Cit. 0-10° IA 1078"-2" Volt bofiliriz Rivets and Rivet Holes. Note:- Rivots i and i diamoter. Open holes for diameter rives to diameter. 1P 10:32:10 .50.7.1:7277127 6*6*2 1 Bent A 1013.10 0 ооооооо OOOO OO 100.00-0-0- Bracker '8 | 123 IL 36-34-30 00 OOT 00 0000 00000 Floorbeam 10.10 same as 2-2 except As shown on eleration and details Elevation of Floorbeam 10.10 P1163*312:10 0 % FLOOR SYSTEM MOVABLE PART 1 IA 3SaZast2 711;2,p?p.1671 0 2:0-0-27 ON BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. 11 . CITY OF CHICAGO. LIP.164*1342-10° DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Top View Center BURBAU OF ENGINEERING, DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR Lateral Conn. For Floorbeams 2:2.66 & 10:10 $ FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE Bottom View Center Lateral Conn. For Floorbcams 22.6-6 8 10-10 FEBRUARY, 1912. DRAWING 42 KOOO . "/rain ... 11 barn ادا W 51-slistat 000000 dooooo ESZ Ea oric 27 KK Erano ali odly ornsal zile 901 22 200 fonet zheld" 264 2 있기 ​27° 2 246 24 2os! 2 MAHAN Winsortiola 2009:15 unt 7264 Oranger 1527 wat rond Puberoid guruh L'any damals Widial 2 Adul 199.hridd" 2.0 Material Axe top Rr zal braaneta hamile EL CATIOy End PLOUCOCAM O-OC mico com chand or SCCTIOVY AA, SecTION 8.8 top flanze plan, Rivets and Rivet Holes Noto, riots to ba 7 dianjohur aicopt in I inon lag of A whioh ano po ba 'din motor. Opon holes tor/ cia moter niyota 1.domoter globasidio Sanidis-o •py ngitis's Kendislities' Aprisidero 1-2 Willoin 아​. 1.A 19:14 rAzrisk Borom Mew Top New TOP NEW Borboy Top View Bortal View Lalonul Conn Loterol Conn. Contor Strud Amo Canter Strut Cars Loterol Conn. Looral Coon 27/ebadam mundese mat 2010 Fascissoro balaalalungan pang clic en l'accoul. Becapoberadabank.comALABAINO. 7 22'6V.6.95 Foto -A931/93) gosto coinballon Malry in Oglage or operation Bow on foorlo wordt RA 18 Protester fra de Barber raks /tr Volls Daphne rourant of bolls) (cmma a'lolle 22 2-4 ohmitz culho Arackot B-2 FLOORACAM-12-12 2-5-10-15 Tech Primera Typicar Elevotion Diogenal Brocing To OY Znated flerter Sinal for At 써 ​poca or BI; 106-bord form yold Moto More ZulCnog 2 Typical Elevation cando o Diagonal Looola 1-P1218 history 1-Fiul zidnigion lad in 700 and WA no longer or We are here rclare And he Me obwriti 1462 Aderens •PRENE Dearlina chocolate Prizidieo's 1 1000 ci' 1-P. Boda standing in digitys MAS Motor Cur tootmine Sectia dd Carter Lanand cons.. FLOOR SYSTEM MOVABLE PRT. DOTOM VISW Center Laronal con Top VIEW End Loveral con DOT Tone now und Loheral COD. DOTTOM Mew End Lateral Cong TOP VIEW end Loveral Cond. DOARD OP LOOAL IMPROVEMENTS OUICAGO, ILLINOIS IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE 8T. FROM AANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE. CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERINO DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND IIARDOR FKORUARY, 101. DRAWING 4.3 1 تار tonte dubentAH1/6 F426°35.f.ro Logopro O- w borking. Tlusses z ܦܢ r OO 00 26'dan Bracker 2nton guarel3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 OOOO OOO OOO ооооооо otherapien zufolhey1.26rgo II OOOOO OO o o frosten bug Join 6'5+ 1:10 AT 23 it 240 1. Buna Nidhl.6'. Ver Haas tot solts to Vosten sudah Top View 270° C. to c of The 1026" 3:61 ok z Boh. OCO 23.0-91 -Fila 9:fed web soul, -2.46109.2004 FL-gla 2.Filly, firof 2.B.61694.20 cod "Cut outstanding bgs os 49 angt Proge Ben 14-14 Bont Ainek and line i Bert az - Bent A 221820 Leerd line +Bent 2 Cend line Band loo --Plz2'10 Rivets and Rivet Holes Note Rivets to be a diamorer ercept in 3 inch leg of I 4 which are to be diameter. Bortom View Opon nolas in diameter sirots #idemeter or Center Loterol com Top View or Center Loterol Can -Bont A 143.86 12:6 Bant AX intropu ve 2-2 TOP View .. o CE bestefore thi 0 fp supon jov-20rur Deco 200 12 020 Section Do nine OOOOOO OOO Euter Trus- 0 0 0 Cor Bridas. 7.2011. gada good bios Section ĦA Lochote Tran O Lorsttiros 1 146°43fifinoy 0 $ hos O O 20 27-0 C to or Trungas 24 ... end 101 361 22:41 al ELOOR SYSTEM MOVABLE PART ' Holes for Holts. Bolt foot Filloll Stringers. Habo in da bo some os ahorn on Floorboom Hotell y Batt OO 01C O Oo Oooo BB: 000 :1691,922 12:16 Alloy OOOO 000 sfis.derosa Proprof 2011 - Cut to 6,"31" - Bracket 8.4 000 Web 350g Joo Oooo 000! 009 relis1.O'g'NIU Lino's BO.URD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1000 1000 Logfiuili.pofol-." fil:09*NG 000000 7. Fills 9j. 2000*0;fimoges OOO 4.gr OOOO QOOOOOOOOOO 00000 OOO OO 0 0 0 Oo O O O 0000 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTBIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERINO DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR coor BEAM 20.20 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. ORAWING 4.4 FEORUARY 1913. zio" 216 :* 264- 227 2:7 2:7 2'42 es" ZSE bzon Holos for fing 1.6is : IDent Allisi { "X" Hoes for s'Dolls on os logs for Susplanking fastening, same his shown op Floorbeam (14.14) 0.00 OOOOO 206.14 O 00 00 Ezu sestigio's 000 000 . Web 10913 2719191 01010 Web 10917 1 SOL Outer Truss \No pacting allowrence made in figures girato ed trous o ---O 2 rills 90% 2016 Jitigation Zus:3*3'Comped เห 20.6. Pars silly? seruzi td snittz) ہور:ر:که 3 zusisz og Crimped o 28 Sidis' compod Itt a to d.of cn6º3i.si 9.0% 2 libros kecedora Ce of Inner Traus ciembre para prestation fost o o B Titio aut Huree or Grm O-O O 0-000 Duphragm 14 misistio TARINKJE 2461pida V sklo Back Chwcome orskap otoX00009 Erills ORTO Open Hors on or onde of Sirut lopen Haws on far side of strutony 2 jºb todo 2 PIS 20.jpécia ཚ་ J: 711 F50 20 лет iz 2MS - Lance Dots 27X Open Notes on far sndc of girut only TIA 2014 NSol Strut to puedo sizi 1115 ca I Beni A 10.3:17 ŽUJE 1 Bent PL 893. 0000000000wida Open Hores onlar 3ide on and come faring of strul days -7-4-6131/dizzi'ns Olin zodia24 -7-4-61361irini F5. VA 20.1.2lle ruw LNS of Struly Lopen word.com open fous amics moderne Sort Borough round.com Jump Sirovs on for Indo of Siaked B 1 Bent ngiji188 PI 01:14 vedase 667064 Elevation Strut and Cloorbeam (1818) Bent Hy 2003 J2 HET cal Bent Al 200 minit Top of Strut IPY 2448.2 qBott . of Strut field rivell Large 2 19 20 To floordben les Bent Pl 4 (Top of Struth IPL L6 1**Bon of strup ng Cordeias cert Arribas *& vetu ar che Section 69 Showing Conns 97 Struts and Laterals to Quter Truss Ice Truss Details for complele view) LAND A S_& Tarouon point ind idi Lallica dars i s'dor al Siret *** LP277 fturats connecting cover 8 10 31 32 34 4dcy's Top Lal A 201334 irill 71:11-101 Section BB Showing Lotuced Srut Bracing Conn to Strut o 18 al Center Top Lur pl sok 13 Şcction Plan -A-A Showing Strut 18 18 1 to hofu Open Holes in Outside IPY Long Leite Open Holes in Outside వారం 0100 0-00 022 Pis norisirs Plate 10 2 Pis 101.3.1. 0910 0-010- Rivets and Rivet Holes Note: Rivats to do y diameter Open holos i diameter cicept as other wise noted ale siistis" All Als ojo's" siisis 5 ho csa. Outre luss 20427 I beat A ist fill risulta Beri A 6213 Gw chrup os leg Irincipios 2w risin STRUT AND FLOORBEAM MOVABLE PART Ce a Inner Truss 5 متاعا so Plate 1871 20 olqotaplo il 1456" edot: 0000 za injice 2Phellodio olmuilojil Prisig O-TOO. BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMBNTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 0-00-0-0 I Bent P4 321 3:16 CITY OF CHICAGO ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 'BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICAGO AVE 45 End View Lallice Stout FCRUANY 1913 Latticed Strut Between Members 10:32 of Tavas ORAWING E Horizontains creench Deutsch 1 jisi & Bracing) I P11431-11° Gistt-otot Hole Outside stringor to be covered by motoliwoda ornamentalion lol -I filloirisas zive I fill ni siku yGº to's le sisse sotto -Il Gisezilo sistiti skazane . ILGSZ.0*10°; 6600 100 1400 zi go oo #이 ​31 Buchle PL Holes except IPL ZE=818 101 Computitilin Ispor bond.cyesisit (Brocing) Hats Top View 450 € of Bridge to outside of Sidewsit 27:0 C of Truss to C of Truss ANE Cor Bridge 40 tron of Inc.Trus ET تميم توري 6: figis Guard kan 6195 White Car Sl. Creasoted zitºrp sis creadored2 24 ye ses Creosoted 2'ye Flooring Stu Creosoted Ornamental hand rail os shown in architectural drawings Nolē.' Angles of Top Floa. to be bent to parabolic curve with rise of 2"os noted Asphat Б;в. 6:9 Whic Det Sys Greasoted jagno Guarda YP. Flooring Ses Grosored Bolt **7Y.P. Stangers 525 Greosoted Bolt ،دریا TAYIZ.*.57 si Bolts 125 * Balls honorar Jaz'YP Singers S&S Creasotod de Bolls F000 어 ​L2toisis bud -2 Fills 622*1.2 Adulzaub i diz Pols Ge 14 • *2* Lu/biging Gü Buckle A -2v citron 2 Fills gileri1** L&Gimimozione ooo OO! 000 4135 Jan 0.0% oo :ر-1 و Talks so res 34 8.2 wco Field Arredo FS. for Lot Plate :} S2-Pls -9% 8x264 2:28.6*4*32'ute S2 Pis gigation 24 64.2114 20 32 34. 1 PL HD 10° -2-6*3kg'injº Brk't. B2. 208 disneja Oige rebel.not to project aborob or top 25 more than orabock 2-1126 10 b of us al 2.size Zubimit O OOO 0 OO an of Outer Truss Jarac Middle h24 34**' of Bridge og zlos Banco Aseholt Lored T-Dent Pl. 1000's Brzy same as other side CHIMICA Wire nating Men Rad Berel Washer Section X-X Hoot Bolt Continuous wire nating, imbodded inaspholt forming roadway surfach abore buckled plotes lb per square fy, fostened to sach stringer by diam hool'bqfts 8-6 contors levation of Floor beans 3: .11-11.3.13 ,15-15 .19-19,193 194, gio* Elevation of Sidewalk Brackets Bl. & 82 1 22 * Holes for Buckle À us abore Să Buckle of Holes Il sigao 10 IPl 75 3.5" no 000! 21 3 no 0-0-0 JOH 18 Se Huk IS Halcs for * Bots crcept as nored cil bize g. Trvanie od Dalam (fort aus For connectron of this To trusses Jcc Shecido No. 3540 Top View IH 27.0¢ to cor Trusses 2:58 2:58" 3:58 2:7* 8:58 2's 2-5% 2-63 2:7 82 8? West لی Zadata OT sý web اننده لك of outer Tyss Toner Toks Innor This Team lor Outer Truss Sidewalk Brochar same as shown abord Фto oo-оооо 21. 000 000 0 0 0 0-0-0 Zs3234 rok API HEASTB -246754 modelis Broctet 83 Zor faglige 보 ​عليا А Bolts 29 Bracket seme as shown abore Bracket some os shown above Eat Bndge 27:04 O of L1130" Saint -22-IZ' (rin Size) White Oct 545 Greosoted la digesgro-g86 2 Oils Skolio" Za digig. 2:8 PIA 82-8-2:8" That Elevation of Floorbeam 1-7. Y sconto B. All Brackets on nearsido of Hoor beans anke Section A-A sis FLOOR of UPPER RECK ZE ar Channel miesta so 2760 kgton 16:0" Diagram of Ugger Deck Eloor beams, Brachets, & Counterweight BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AYE Rivets & Open holes to except as otherwise morred FGOKUARY, 1912, DRAWING 46 ) gtringert Stringers Stringer & عندهار . B'Hotes for Burth Plates or floorboom estilo sincetine witirol A 3+1}.r.of Asirodo -Aspirato "A soif.moja Top View zroʻG to C d Trussas 52. & outside Main Truss Bend LEZETI 20-000 12a 1 3-6 Material for Top |- Cap Play 2-seat 8x8xx! 2-Side Plş. IG'xx2-8 4-Stopp 664 2-Seat 9,7xzax rate 4 -Stiff*4*3x8x2-Bicrimp 8 32x3r82-8 2 E Gross *2. 2-Seat L 6x8 2- Fills to the Ko xx 78 " Tapis 228 29 1-P1.102x) DOOR 18 1 * *2-67 17:9" A} Section xtat 92 arty wewq ocovaara 7998471 00 . (0) 2-IM Milled Stie Dis. 27;toxi? 119 r21,3x2-3 Col. for Fixed Walk 1-60-64 7-5 los AS оооооо O 'Main Dapur. 'Main Shott + 4-473e 1Cor 27.** 2 hebs 3033 Section 2-Pla 16x) be -Ooo Q-OVOJO O- 01 Half Section Lacing Dars 52 -2-pis. 434 81 11.4" B i colph 560 Fills 4x2x240 H& to be pinian Shaft sout Holes Kto Top of Vertical Member to be Milled to secure oood bearing on cor. Plate at okaidesi _E1-+2.60426+21Z 10 O .2;7 1111111 O 0-t O O O o loo Ob Ol10 0-10 1:13 Cust:) 79-959, 0-10 30 O o HO 00-0-0-0000 1616 8 Tie P1,16/ Fills4f822 030 فره -26 O . l. pio LMH o lo يار Ol' O PUNT 1:1:1 Oo O 10 10 Ollo O O I- Pl. 224 8-13 - 3² x 31 x 1 x 2:50 A-S-ZTE 2-5 how Tip 2:27Outside of Gussets. 2-Fille. 98"s9-21-114 2. Ploteg-25' -99 2. Stiff 1.4i3tik 2-53** 8 Stiff 1.6-1.25 With Top Chord 2. Fillo. - 1615-21-75 4-Stift, 2-6 147€ - 71-12 8. Dioph 2.6''0'-**-71-1182 2- Dioph Webs- 2615-71-11% 4-Stift 4.6°14'*-2.2% 4. Stifts- 6'nd's-22 Inside of Guo sets 2- Fills. Gx-nz , 2-Fills..9***1-8" 2- Fills ahr & -p-84² End Cov, 122-7-11% 23." O O O O O mo om Cala *Pl. Eski +Cov. 17 27.3 2-Webs 2-Fille klo Section 4-2 6'id', LA26 2-P 56,9-91.00 2-Filka 36°41-91-44 2-96be 10 Milledy nos MUNDI 8PA - 1,7276 4-B6r343' Section ITTO C Lacing the دیای Allis68 section. Tel zorro 0/ o-od-oo0 OOOOOOOOOOOOO-0 0.0 0.0000OOOOOOO O. OO 0000000000OOOO -ojo o Te PL Erk c-Pla est-2-08 0 4-24-6 2.2 62694 Holes for Anchor Balty. moda I romeo O'. - : minum...vwnnworms OO OOO * The AlDu'r-glogo Tie Pl 291129 | charoals. The flooring o बचपावन mark - Ple 2025-45 %.28 stot 6.6.15 Mill. The PL SERIKAL 510.00 Ina flasin Locingurit' SECTION "C-C" CUT of 16 7-9-9,773 9-13; 1.94,97-2 0-0-G HALF SECTION, E-chebe M-Z? I-7° HALF END View Steel Costing All Hetal 2*Thick Loc.gr Yec.siz 445 ch To Most 21-7bbele Eskob-c Night Thoso rivots must be driven oftor past entering botmoon lower gussets -PL. Garo Section 8. 8'16' 1-Pl. 2178 HAL- Top View. -2-28187.71-30 9.64 22žng Guss. 28.66 so |Te Pi ERINE The A.2811-28 Tie A 2376.28 000.00 O.:-0 o llll6b.4 The P12031 o or correo 1 section -O file cort robe To Anchor Bolts. SECTION E-ES Lethb-L 0.00 Poned.) 아이​아 ​Go 0 2. Webo 96mm' section 2-Plazatik Те изв'ka-be 2-2 fizfij524 2. Pla 10:09 OOOoooo te of Bridge Oooooos 1 MATERIAL POE ENG 1- Bass A - Mork O ting PELNY. rdner o papb. 5- 6101? 3. Dlarh. haheb-26'st 1.st. As 6140 4. Stir 2 2-Billa 4. Fillo. 4. YmY. - Nilla 4.SYM. 2: Filla 21st End Cov J7 1-Stift 2 6'xsti 4-Stift. L- -Stifte TE e-Fills. gad 4-Stiffe ataskar ***** do** naroon 4.4 a'16' &- Weba E 2-Pla er Tie 16.3051-20.100 22,6,832476 57-2 11 steel casting All metal 2"thick The P1.38áil-31.41 2-4 yfietiga-3-26 2-28°26'3-7-709 het Section iLoc. 16 INSIDE CARRYING TRUSS WA O 010 Loc.us Tio P4 3073-4 2-2.9412192 SECTION AA" ... ***** HALF SECTION "8-B* Symmetrical about of Bridge Tie Pl. 29'17.gada The A1.2017 2.4.816'rt-X10 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS grot NOTES Motorlol. Structural Stool Rivetyr diam, except whort otherwise noted Open Hokasi to dlar axcept as noted. Field Holes to be reomed and pieces match morkeo while Trusglo 'oosembled complete in ghop. Rivets in lacinfidiam CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING . bomberosoldal 60-12-200xp 27-2 OOOOOOO he IMPROVEMENT OF. MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE FEBRUARY. 1913. 58 DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR 00000000000 어 ​DRAWING 1-2-337 Lil-6x8.06 re-oidhoo 1-2-oidro6 re-ordex Podxoʻ6" 1-2-34567 1-P1-6x0xité on 1-2-oxdxoʻ6' -o-bidio's 30* H C oro LSI-P-1704261 -21-2128x34' 1-P2-y5idx2 QC 51-27-178126 -izdariid ps1-21-618-1 1-2-291divind 1-P4-161817-9 Istal-1918:2'5' 1-A-18812-4". *Peabirghidiusz sfizhodan 2-3hi3hibisid 12-3hi3iidises 1-2-36eshidrata's 77 -2-3612brera's H-3118ind, fit Į 1-2-3134134'3's 5060 16oo 1-2231&iac - good 2000 51-2-31131d3-11 G1-2-3113kráigst 1-2-3BLS 21-3413610-8 K 1-A-gidiz-6 ----3hrskdienas Logind digig shishidian's pôge legge :!'?'18MY 1-al-storza 55, by Peter JE-7-1 iz-zkizárdia's --Al-Bid12-6 097278*18-10-1 -q-ehrdizisi Apl-2017 12:52 123663lid:44 FR-17:24. FA-ridiz's' Isra-sid-6 1-PA-uridíte? residi26 121-9-21x6834 - 1-P!-141626' 5011 Cora Corrying Truss-2 55-4 Back to Bock of L 54'0" a to C. of Beoricos J-101 -a1 251 20% 5-18 9-86 50 14-3' 8 10,0 -27 thich JE l-cov. A-14** FZ. 2-Fig L-616 Web Pl- &4x2 94 thick Ethick? po OOOOH CHI 7-c Bocors to Bocy of 1-2-4xárdezh 2-Fills 411.ro-ó' 2-Stiffs sizhišiol 2- Fills position Explora Puz- Com.P.-14** *276 2-Fg. L 6x6x1 --Sokerpl-14 JO? 4- Sole pl-16** 2202 es asian oi 5-2'C to C of Diophrooms 11-ok c. to C. of Diophrogms 8-10'a to C. of Dophrogms 14-81c. to C. of Diaphragms L'a'c to C. of Cross Brocing. 1 solo 88 o - 21-21-201&13-2" -- 21-01-1918x24th 1-01-18x8x2-3' Bott 23 1-01-198816 Top -A.-2018x2-4" 2-2701818437 Zi.pl-20836 FIA-188x27" 7-8-191812-71' l-al-lášárnok 2-4-563kxdx86' 1-L-5733 8:10" MACHINERY GIRDER 2-46-5636817ʻg? 2-15-513hver 240- A-L-5x32 x 9-12 1-4-4544ői7116 2-14-543átkésés 2-is-311311&r6-' 2-46-56zhdizio 0,7/7/732-1115-1. 10:12:14-16-1 1-fill - TÉxixto l,. 7.ro 2-43.361312515188 واوری- کا-2 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING . DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR PART s1-21-19:81-10' wp-coidizione +91-P-bidizis" 51-07-18 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 59 FEBRUARY, 1913, DRAWING Garder 1 1 Mach . . 1 27 1 Corrying Tivos? Diaphragm 24.63678110Top 1-2-34.38.110 Bold - has 9-16:8:24 224;3138475757 2.44.3168,73 Foll. 77:47011 pon-978679 ;-• -311.870'e' Web al-3old NO 0-0 E10 Section - KK heb al-66*** 24 Drophragm 24.67313870's 4-2-31,310 7-ntb ps?:012 2-4-35 2-44:31,328:2's' l-Fit 7810-11 po zidizta 1 Section - AA Section -'MM' Section - 'EE' Double lacing at'id' Top Vion 2-is-zhishido-82 14:0" 7:10. Web Di=818 2:09 J-Web-p-leidimo 2:0* 2:7 F6 10* 30* 3.2" 3:08 0-0-0 1-4-45418 oʻul forside sector BB osky- Yol-4,4x/- this side ناموزو-عع-2 CC: 1-1 - posi'ezio 6-106 2-5-15855" EL *1-126311 No: of I-12"r314 / PER Ooo 0000 21-4414idzis" for soe Sachen CC only) 14-414&io. •{siz,l»gi-syd-z SERytomny post 2.pls.84481 276 18-61 SH 128:69 Section - FF Ganhongpo Brocnet 2-De-151rzat' ,5€/9GË 176-51-2 1-04-1288xPg .2.3-12-30 hept Auditis ArtSesto Dogole bong 287 |xpl-tort126 1-2-34.56 dod' F-6A stitio's Section - BB do -CC 2-5.12*x 30*18'10" 01.8 10'e!' A Eps 73 8.4-713í v ogle 3 6 obmd bolludes r-Web prezikiz'6" -- le 9:27 fog-sydas] sigwaitin's ' Awidis's -2-6-94/347076-8' este Single Loring On9.7 Mal 1-383667864 1-9-91880'e Section - GG 4.13.6131'rtx100 Do 19-624.07 1-Aontento 1-2-33rd Sidewalk Boost 2-L07363dc6b Plus Aro 1885 Le Correze Truso2 کی زینت LOC ഉയ . 20 rW6b Al-28167'6" rorondrolo 011 Adoplnitats End vier ܡܡܡܡܡܡܡܡܡܡܚ End Vow 1-p-paidie Cross Frames between Machinery Gorder and Corrying Truss 2-6-31131dco's (+84: 18:/ AsStore Costing the tool Bott Section Section 100 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Section -'HH Cemont Grout Section -'DD CITY OF CHICAGO 3-5.75 (5'9'n DEPARTXENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVIBIOK OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR Wall Support for Operating House be IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICABO AVE 60 FEBRUARY, 1013 ORAWINO more 3 holes for 1 Bolts 2 3 'Holes for at Bolts 2 otalo Bruno ជ្រ" 8671 c-c web i *** DI varsha II landlines 1.3" Holcs Mar 21 Pults olgang 3+Holecran Bolls @ 1 1 30 2-9° 2:9 27-0.C-C. Truss 3'o' tromos EUSH 2 6° poi I zo. 3481. 24 boli SECTION B:B i 362 42632 ! ha Holes "ricov 361 2.48.6 song 12 2-1798 pe - scrizigo Beveled as Gowns I-D1 agli Paroles A 14 Beveled as shown 248itisha 1. Bene D301 pia po 000 o Oo O O o 1 o O lol Ooo O Symbol (109 Outside Ansicé etcé o OOO OOO sick Zing.de 2-9 896 1-Boor p 367366 souboutin olol 2-Fills 2-heb 06.068 10-453 8-43337 2. Alig 191 6-Sides Outs -Ssigli 2-Fillon 396 010 2. Fills har 36 2- Web pe Gord OOOOOOOOO O O ооооооооооооооооо. 22 50 Plan s'ebook & o 4-web anorging Ag 42:478-8 findinis Tillst Fills som: zigots aring a * 78 ik x2 80€ ooooololo golo co dolgito old 2- Fills sortiz-routs 2- Fills 501812-1'l' 2-Filles 30 d'our 2-Fills 50: dito' in's. po Web Reporting Plsa La 아요 ​Firsutadansa ! Flis salărgsi O O O O O O O O O ololo bobo 어​에 ​어 ​oll guoll ellelgi o lol olololl O Hop Hottoo lool DOO iallo oiloilo o glio o KOLO O wo O OS SECTION AA 2-18i6i6 fr-cov 36 2-6816 4-23 1253 2-09 8118 8-4 siste TO FIL- 2. # 87. Spasicizia 000 J'a ..2513 2. Fills at MD 332 Outer Corrying Truss 7. E Journal Born & Outer Truss > _Jourgol Borg Note - All simenery and dwaphragms to have monked The top and bottom 2w31 330%. £ 12an. Corrying C. Journal. Box & ldoer Truss 2. varol Born Girder > Tig. Och 22.138icit Rivets and River Holes Note- Rivets / drometer eiceps where otherwsc noted Open hole's vis diameter except where otherwise noted Base Angétiniz? Bose Assibile SKO 196. - CC Webs G --- e lo Section co CROSS CARRYING GIRDERS BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEAFS IN CHICAGO, 11.1.1.NOIS 1 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOKKA HI:KRAL' OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HAKISOK IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 61 FEMUARY, 1913. ORAWIE t Slotted not oftest Near mo any die a O o 00 O! .. o .:$:.. e e 0. 2.5 6kstsins section (en decisis 2-HED AS 1863 Renare pl 18 égésigntor med only "y-Fill A 620° autside of nor ned at "Drill sales for it tight At kund bolts s-og sto bore 14:11 si siad 'S: dio 2016 ي ه م م . > Top of Roadway Stooge Coty Ostum.se com photo 7 2.Meo aus 30 fps مج 128 bisijillo O O OOO @yissédio Casting A . 2 séstid sich nij sios 286-stjátos 2078 22173 Sage Loong sistig' stoggored an apposte solo mes16esisisi Loong- 2-Pard's bisije zanets strstija stopptored on gopaste soe TO t. 191 hood Bloot Piriz." Aziende LES Axbor_code 00 0.0110 $0.8 Morrore 206 Stob e EL 1000g-o. 00001 E-M6o e ao 1-Filly 6 2-Fills sa .ޖެ!ޅއްޕީކޯ286 s.bg//:7 مع ie a o Ooprom Dopran - 7-4 * 5-8 Outside Anchor Couma Corina d-fills Joe86% 1 :7 00 19-A ingizio 1 C . bene OUTSIDE ANCHOR COLUMN * no * 9 BOARD OF IXAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO. II.LINOIS / ! ('ITY ( 1 (UCI(i) 1981'.1 KTVEST OF MUSLIC WORKS 11 RFIL OR EVOIVEERI.Vi 1)IIISION 1: 11111)(iES AXIS HARBOR Rivets and Rivet Holes Note Rivets diameter Open sonst gameter cicept is noted IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 62 FEBRUARY, 1913. ORAWING } : social Relates for trans 2-Webs 184) Section Tight Biltong tored Bolts is Giffin's She mets for me -Bot for skot to Aleni Alisis muche naar noo any /27 مع V-all Giro outros nor web any ~Sotted hole Getstrear neó agy (smooth eages) sk 2010 1 Joost rettes 271 Photo Fossugu Lente las entr. 752 Section 8B Astume Etter -20' z'ci's mob AA 82:6 " Top d Roadhoy-Laber Dect -Elortassi G heel Lock Encentric Shall Of3com groft. - Bifras' Section-AA 14.13 cloor اهور 7:53 Curd tot وا do Casting-A sisf3b0f", 2-Pls riigig Saste Lacinza116Hac. sapered osebe 204 22727.3 Lama-2-set G27 Aral y Soggered on 990 sot) za srbijis-6 @oloo QC • aut clock 2128218 I Print of archor by F Casing 09982872 0-0-0-0- * 3 2 isol ZA -5409 poara cece 228163.6 Loc Il sist Staggered os app yola Draphragm 20.gs. 28 PA 2004 2:3 4.Fills ordination 4861 tres cojír's 4.2 616112:31 816f: 3:31. 4.2 Sissy Disphrogne StoFille God 2-Fills or finis hade Corrales Trugs Etoles prép 7-8 sa 33 2-0-8633 costing 2-6717 2-way sorg nio a to a Anchor fra 2.26 Ost Blocdept for APYA2012 Snake Loong-1266360 Loeng staggered on goe side) yogoa 28 défisico erene 19- LT of Ahor Col. to Some (stora Pro for sios' cobble 2-Play XX fo.. ocoot Poooo Qon RE etco 000 Loaing-2-Anels-6:31:12 ~7 poros-fotos? (stoppered on ggo st) 2-8816'1'36 . Graadid APY. 225 costing A arb Loxt stipa SE38g 5-6 API. 182:2 i's Š barilled holes se for ift bott a 7 Bate . Kod Drilled holes for fibolti Moniked hows for it tight fitting bolts. INSIDE ANCHOR COLUMNS. Casting संजय BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU. OF ENGINEERING NIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR Rivets and Rivet Holes. Note:- Rivets on diameter. Open holes y diameter excopt es nated. IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE FEBRUARY, 1912. Castings DRAWIMO 63 1 1 shorts Sithtub off قلعه هفتؤكد > Walaute 11-2-816ftigen 347707.2017 Olo Top View Buelle Plato Symm 2 about this an 1 Tre pl-161820-6 doš' ziet 12'2k Carter Girder to Center Col Tie pl-101173483 1200cco 1 lo 1-2-0648 2-4-6r4ribromo 3* Holes 1-0-126206 End View SECTION BB -:- SECTIONSHAAH Pott. View Sunn. about ins E2 Island--Beam E gy- avis! 1 7- Tie pl-voidizos 2-268-03-0 2/15 ziara ps:2228258 2-4-4,44832 1-2-midis'g' gframum A Holes NA 295ccole Single Lacing Top and Bott to stogger locing Bors 268 11 2. Pls. 16hda its' - Holes Bott. Section Island Col. I bym 1 20' 18²2 2-3% Holcs voles 4-4-5*3.8.182' . Single facing STATIONARY ISLAND Brace to Island Col. BI.. Rivets and Rivet Holes, Nota Avats to be diameter Open holes to do idiometer except os otherwisc noted BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF. BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE. 64 FERRUARY, 1013. DRAWING 4 i. Top View Holes for buckled pls. 316" bock taback of ILS 1 “Т 27'0' center to Center of Anchor Col's istol ) 4-4*". " ܨ 44 ziada LLLLL 4644 * atut 246/" 164" Karel HOLE دیاربہ . f 2-256468 76X FL 2-45.6x6iFi FL forzzº o ооооо O. teč back to back_of L 4.13-stjert" 0100000000000o: o 000000 OQOOQOO00000: 2.Tiko 92 47 A 2-hillsetid for ZZ 2-esiidised :00OOOOOOOOOC: 2-fille. JiH for A 2-Pills Jig for zz 0000000000000 تیار کر رہے heya91 11 Se fillojde k for A. -Nudistor zz. S-fill Jain for 27. fills til for A. Oo00:0 Slika rhill-1678 for Zz) 00000 OOOO OO: 2-sridice 2.-siulid Crimped escuro do Heb 48x 2-15 GIGA FL. for A do. op 2-24-676Zifl forizzº End View Anche - of Bott. Section Girder A' North Approach Upper Deck Girder Z Z South Approach Upper Deck 4 Holes for buckled Pls 22-8 Center to Center of Girders 1. Tension A 1649 6-0*ceales ord to Bock u 1-28 s-of" back to bock ar Le 22.6" 各​一 ​back to bock of as " 0 0 OO 0-0 O. 0-0 0 -0 -0 -0 -o-G 0 0-0-0 2-65- ditif *21-61" Web-pl. 246 12-23-45%, FL. 2-li-GiIGA. 1108) 2-polls sitio neb 24.8" 0.000 End Conn. 2-25.613 izrovo 2. reinforce pls Rile) 2- Hills 673; View 'A.A Vier B-Bº End View A Girder Bº Brocker Bolt Section, 1 16 Holes for Buckled Potes Top vier 20's" Back to Book of La.. z ak 28!" 4:44" 414!" 444* 4-4 2:64..- 14 Copo to 12. 204*W TOP & Bor - LJ35 Al-1471 Bent CLOOR SYSTEM FIXED PÅRT Bolt. Section Breok in Floor LC 5 1 Rivets 7 Open Holes sercept os otherwise noted. CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION O" BRIDGES AND HARBOR BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND.PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE. 65 PEOKUARY 1912 ORAWING 1 - Holes 23:1. bock to back of 25 2218"centre of beering to contar Sindecki Holes for buckled pls 3-6" y's 3:5" JAS .6" 20*28" back to back of L 212 3:2 J2" " وبي 20'2" Cerler bearing to do Gurder 224.4422.7** 0. 0 OO Costing some os for Girdor C 443.dloudeliru 2 fills izidid OOO.OOOO. -000 web pl. 241]" lio! 2. fills 1500.9For Girder M. To fill. 15X09 for Girder 3. 2-4.gidilifu оооооооо оо O O O O O OOO > 2.folls i og for Girder M. 1511s 049 for Girder B. End View of car. someasta Garcic. 13631 1.6 W O O O OOO 70999.30;2 Scasting some asfor Girder Co 3 time. 12 AB DIO OOOT 2-45-4xxx} * F.L. Web.pl. 24% 2-49.4iidi EL. O O 00010 0000000 Girder 'BI Girder 'M Girder 'G" End View 12 & Anchor Coraz Oper Holes for Brok in theor Casting to be drilled in field Top View .2740* c.doc Anchor Cols.' 24168 Bock to Bock' of Ls Bo of Anchor_co 21 16** 45/14 15.0" c loc. 4 Holas IS* Zerob. ofl ! *-- l-L-316i EL. forside 1061616iFl. Mis side 1965 utas À 5:28 2-73" Inis & o 0 85*8*81 Oo 100616 57.70 OO 12-1*1*6***3'1* cut lorar 2 fills oficia ооооо okr. 12471 OLIMATIV 1. fill sx8x4 Millona 1.473fidiuislo 1.611 3.0829 -**/2.74 o 2011:11:341 Hull detaari 2-4344** EL. Web pl 2475 2-2008 FL. End Vior some a for Gider G 2-416310 fills.): 14 000 **27184 7.1 TAO1:37 11.1 OOOO 3:48 sob of Ls OOOOC 2:0 one4 PC271 7.277 Nitted Web pl toit 000 LI . YNNIS 9 co O OOO 10! 10 Girder 'H" O O o O 2 L breit*F.L. A AJ End View Seclion AA # Holes for buckle pls. 2017 back to back of Ls 22.8*cenler beoring cenkr Girder * 11111 bolesti O O O O ** Holes for buckko piso 1516" Center sa Center of Girders 154 back to back of LS slee Casting 1 Moor Komandu vor:I-37,74 OOO 2 tlg to fitili 2277 Web pl. adid 2. Ha L4 4141E.L. . 2:45.6ási Hit 2 fills en fr 17" 512 Horzili OOO 2-L3.6**r POM 15"x 42" I Beam 2.246ition didik si End View Girder C1"- Girder 'DI' 1. Sok plaikat End Viary some as other and End View End View Beam "AŠ 1 Bottom Section Rivets and Rivet Holes. Note :- Rivets / diameter, Open holes diameter exceptas noted - Holes Top View st"_back to back of us 22-8"center booringło center Girder Mascotas ng Ares for Girder E .25" FLOOR SYSTEM FIXER PART OOO оооо ооо Endlier and bott section someas for Girder C. 4.43 Jé, Jd Ź Fills-12* 1.4 / 10:0 oo OXO O gal o 2-zs. 6x4 t. 22674" Web pl. 2418 2.4.diditEL till sim this side ond for Girder Fi only Omit for Ginder E.. tar 63TTERN 2 SM 978777 770;a End vion Some os for Girder G. See pliki Costing some os for Girderci 1 Girder Girder "F" E CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. DRAWING 66 FEBRUARY, 1913 mm 1 1 Holos Anchor Coll Top View Lear. Ancher code 316 Bock to Bock of 27-0' center to Center of Anchor Cab. dad Ateli rol" w zaš" rodios 2-16 2-68 sho ios ro kokia 2-1-66rlifil. 1 e 3-106 ahol Bock to Boon of ť 4-6-viabiti 3-106" o-ooooo 00-00 00000 2-Fills girlizo Fill 456/ézial 2- Fills -liirsso 244-513híd Crimp. l-Fill-15itirat l-Fill-15ilizada 0000-0 fill-151112 1-Fill-158 iztai l-Fill-15ilizado 0000-0 2-4-isHidrs-10 1-Fill-linizio 24-513171,390? 2. Fills - Illud al-sisid Comp 8 2- Filb-16 Web kort do 81 2-4-616FZ 01 10 1 Bottom Section Girder ZZ' Holes for Buersted Pls. A-Center to Center of Groers B- Boars to Back to Bock of 4 ooeeooo Groor Sretch Flange Sector LS 4-4-didid MS 4-4-dir8 NS A s--didid OS 4-K-AAR PS A 4-5-4-4r OS A 4-6-dist? es 4-1-Aiden SS 4- TS B 4-1-cist US 4-É-AX VS 4-6-4x4's WS 4-4-did XS s--AAR YS 4-6-side ze-bedi Bent End Fillers 4- Dis - gi? 4-As-grå d-Plagros 4-Pis -9 4-pia-gle 4-De-git f-Dis.-9 4-Ps. 91 4-Po.-9 4-De-oxk 4-pis-978 4-Dla -938 4-Dis-918 4-Da-9 amazon Alapossono 235 23-23 24-31241 25+ za 25'0' 26- 25-metion 26 in 26-8 27-1627-6 287 20-30 28-ud 28-07 2932 291 30-08 29-108 31-106' 31-78 32Love 32-02 3378 33.56 3446 34-3 رمز- - Woo Al-art 2-2-613bik 20 0000€ End View 12° 12' 1 Sketch - á th Soe Tonite } Top View some og for skateb Å 000000000 Rivets and Rivet Holes, Note. Rivets diameter. Open holes diameter escept os noted. 2-Étiskt Web Al-3018' 2-8-6641 Best . z'ola to B. Die 0-6-0-0-0-0000 Sketch -B 17 12' See Tole FLOOR SYSTEM FIXED PART BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS S CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR 1 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICAGO AVE FEBRUARY, POLA 67 ORAWO } ! ) E of Outer Anchor Coy ZP5 voziy x JO 3 na adout this E Top View 27o'center to center of Anchor Cols. (hopen sales for break in Noor Costing to be punched in field 24*6h 14 Holes for overled phs. 121 Mai 'n' amb d's 37/ 121 1-4-616r this side? e for for K.S. 1-2-86: A far side. KS. d'g' 1-2-667 this so i-2-sroil for ade 15'9' c to c of Girders 15²2d bocks to book of L 5*26* 2476 2-4-didit Ft for ns. Áo n 어 ​OMO- /50 --0- for K5 pro doo so MS no puz O- 000 T 1-Fill-isibizon 9 احکوم۔ -2 inted plosoid 7.4*.818 il 2- Fing-g1120 1- Fill: 2771? heb dl-cort (163.0-9 o for KS 9:9-6; KIS 140788372 9,6. N- 12 118.1 1.6.../ {l-fil-158170 for 15 1--15:8,20' KIS Fil-ibidezorer K.S. -15142 o'ror KIS. وعلا مهره-ف-2 End View Girder-H.S. 2-1-66/for KS 2-1-6161 Por KIS AJ End View Section as Girder - KS do --KIS 1 C Hors for borked pls Top View for sketch A A center boring to conter Girder B' book to book of L 1 Girder Solca Flange Section CS A Dimenson Álomansion B 33-56 33.103" Fillers 2. End Fills -1271 2. do -91 2-End Fills -12 2- do -976 2'6' DS A 4-4-4rd 32-5% 32 10 000 ورو- وع. ES 2-4-ordid Top 2-4-4dit dort! Sheel cooling i Metal 31- 31-1 Sretch do do -12 2616 to be '8 Web pl-3088 This connection as sretch costy FS 2-4-08 TOP 2-4-41: Bort 2-End Fills-1270 2- do 2- do - 925 2-End Fills-1217 2- do -1211 2- do - 9:4 /-Cana Fillo -157.. - do -15% 30-08 30m OOOOO olol or Boft Section See Table for Girdere covered by this aretch FIS 00 ao с 2-4-6idid, Top 2-4-4rdid Borts 27-43 27.94" p-gr/3 1 Top View for sretch Blond Ć 2-End Fills-128, 2- do -1202, 2- do -980 1 -Cam Fill -15% 1o do -157/" 2-End Fills-121 2-do -91 EIS 8 2-4-6. Top 2-4-4rdi Bolt 2640" 26-01 B DIS A 4-S-drait 2545 Hates for bucrsled pts and lead costings. 25-0 Center of Beoing to Coster or Girden 29 53 For Girder os 129-117. For Girder 49 Bocus to Bocus on 88-108° 2-End Fills-1211 2- do -0% GIS : CIS А 4-4-414, 20-56 2-End Fils - 12/16 2- do - 96 24-10 1 GIS } Çosing some as above FOTO OOKOOO to-o-o-o-o- 4-L-3Lisaidia's! 2-Fills-12% zo' 2-4-did: Web pl-3048 - 2-15-didido Top View some os for swetch Ã' Flonga Rived spooing some os for sretch A End View some for Girder HS 21-6colitics 1-p-91112-09 2 & 2 to b ofĆ FLOOR SYSTEM FIXED PART. Girder -GS GIS • BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR Pirets diam Open holes id except where otherwise noted IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICADO AVE. PRIRUARY, 1913. .68 1 1 DRAWI 1 roles for everted pls. 6 34-sd center Reping to Center of Girder 34 101 Boca to Bar of į موارد 3²6 3t6 36' 3-6 3-o' sto 3t6° 1 3-18 . Olet- OR 1 795 O- Hok 2-²-aisi 0.0.0 19.00 به ده. دعا - 4-10-31ishid. 2.Fils:12:1.70 1-Fill-15.io's Wob prison8 7 do 2-Filia: 24disie F2 HooDoo DIO00 0000 0-00000 000 o oci00 010! 0-0-0 en . 12' End View 1101 i cl-Sok pl-git Girder - BS 4 "Holes for buente pis Hi For A onda 15t6 Center to Center of Geners 75 97.For A 139 to toles for bucrske pls 6' 23-5 23-10 10:25 7 2-1-6:31 01 o ad 3-6' 3-6 3:6 J'o' 3th W 18-9710-50 1-a-glot End View for Aand Ai 15²68 for Az 0-0 0-0 ista A3 2-1.dicit 2-16-6138 2-Fills 916 -Fill-isitiossid 4-4-%shid 2-Fills-likizo 28. koht Arcidio's for Arand As 5 Costing and End (View same as above nos pl-3063 -Li چیه. -2 Sidewalks, Stringers AB, A1, A2, and A3 Girder - Bis L'Hote's for averlad pls. 15'o'center to conter of Girders Boor to Bock of edistal for As Ustal AS-Aoad A7 o'for AS 103 77 rol . For AG For AT 2- Spl pls. 93801 2- -3162 2-2-3113102 Web site 2 2.1-Histite 00-00 CO200000 1 2-1-315 FLOOR SYSTEM FIXED PART 3 2-4-61312 2- Fiks-918 Rivets and Rivet. Holes. 1-Web pluvoid Note.'Rivets F damoter Open holos dranater except as noted Girders A4 A5, A6, ond A7 1 BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1 CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTDIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR ? IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AYE 69 FINAUAY. I. ORAWING + 1 + 91 & UK 7 too Colton 2011 -] Sump Sump Pump Motor ione Pump Motor 10 NP: OO ADA 1 2444 ܘܪܦ܂ -Ezid dle: 22:0. MEHAANILMAMA GS S, of Outside Truss NHTHIMIEHITE of Cerving_Tous of loner Touss £ of_loner. Truss. not Qutside Truss To exerators House sin' *12 trigo sy" 17" KA M coulisor for Hand fruits Hadi Lock Machinery t. 2 friction Clutch 0722 Hovor Air Compressor zil zila 2:10 MACHINERY PLAN. Covalised Goreng Machinery plan Toggler du BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS *** .9:/ It of Wall CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIO WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE DRAWING 70 FCORUARY, 1013. Scala 1:100 > A > 10:104" وه IX You outste In XXXI 2 Es wir Wird frope *ور flower Roadway. 480 YA 1 Extra strone Pipes O Hand Brate Air Brake Equalizing Gear Aur Tank 16 172:7 Ll+ro" Vina City Datum EL 3:28" 51-5;23 L 1 9.3" 1 39:21 big Tousuy o GENERAL ELEVATION OP MACHINERY Sad Thinnion BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARDOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 71 1 FERUARY, Ion. DRAWING Section A-A 1 List of Basring Roqunod MO Haber AZ 8 au 8 Dilan of Shaft Length of Ause | mdth of Barantorto ause 22" 20" 2:0- ta uz 2:0 2:17 25 0:10" 081 3809 79 माग 7.7 F9 Our oor og Oy" OG" 8 13. 8 AS 06 87 08 1 . 279 di 3 2:00 1 List of shafts, machinery.levars etc mi outsido Truss? NINO Doscnptron Length M:/ 4 r.sht duetto SI 32 gio' G dernos & 0 G 37 L/ & Lovers ered coutside comune Trus Bouring or . L3 YOS 4 C LS Brake Cylder GT INN End View Seulo titolo 03 BA und Broko .9.2 7:7. .$6.7 8.6" دی 3.uk Notes On Goars Pitch linos must be plainty martadanach side our Sorry. Geurs winch mosh muet boso placed thot moulding draftis opposito in director. The latter H shall be cast on the draft side of gars Cut tooth must be trimmed to tompbote so that basring morks Estond oror ot loost half the length, or so that hooriast procure 15 mithin the middle third of lemoth will og st Pinion SA SI IS .'". 07 68 Virada 10 Elave Noias an Materiat Where not otherwise noted, castings to do of annoskid steel as spoofred. Shafting over Jetion to be of annowboard carbon steel forgings Shafting 3 dram and under may bo of cold rolled stcol. Bolts of liver stool Machinery Ginder TË All: arting|82 1135 2:52 arorat 3.97 5:13 1 Plan of Right Hand Gear Train, Soals 17c List of Gews sief NO Mark Nano 1 Brake Cyhndora noqd. National oraks ylinder 408x13-Wypow.cm qururlant 4 f Type Coor Boro 22 22 GI 4 B GO 04 neeth Anton Pavom 14 40.1072 7 93.504 7 31.NO 79.0512 18.992 47.276 2 12.2556 24 19.0SAS 19,0as GS Meri Anon seur Spur Spur Sour seur sou Mitre Mitre At 10" 2:0 70 cat 66 07 GO 7“ 7" 4 7.30'aut Orokorra Ench consistings: 2 Orwho stoos: moel 16°F. Casting Connoctir Lovor GEAR TRAIN skoon 1 4.68 fast Bratas ada Each consisting of "2efake shoes Mncol 60°C 6% cushing connecting to Lever pest point BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS * CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST: FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 72 . FEBRUARY, IDI). ORAWING' 88. -NOTES ON MATCRIAL- Where not otherwisc noted, castings to oc of Amealed Steal os Opecifica Bolts ? Rival steel Shaiting robe Annealed Carbon' steel forgings LIST OF SHARTS. PEDESTALS.COUPLINGS URCARIMOS Wurder Mart Mame WIMMING DID Lengua com Luan Remarks 00501 39 1542 so + LIST OF OEARS Murder met were Pien Relea nanerer Face Borc Type Romania CITIRANOZU CUT 10 Leren 10 IHNED Eovanter 4 Gul ZO 0225500 2 GL pura 2 0649 613 10.DR3 + Pl-Cost Iron Pedostal SM + 3 . 89 2022 -NOTES ON GEARS- Pitch line must de plainly martod on cach side of Ocars. Gears which mesh muot bc 30 placed that the moulding draft is go- posito in direction. The letter H shall be cast on the draft side of all Qcars SIJ 42Qcaring Adet 1P 17 12 Ickevelings Ta H 22-72 7:4 $7.94 asthani 6 I 7:4" 6. 61 7.100 تاندون 69" 1 To P.3) PS. 195111 18" 7:10 7:11" Codo 82 zo Pa-Cost Iron pedestal C2 C2 0;0 513 e GIZ Gila ps P3 -89 PY A202 1000 sulla 9122 $12 - giorlo End View -89 -82 189 PI 89 PI P3 41:7 189 alid GIL CZ Sir 2:7 - 313 National Air Compressor Type 14, a Covindlent Asion Displacement L28 Curt for Min @ 90 Pressure 21€." *** OnD 013 Оно 2.9% 7:6not in Scale 7:6 el 3.3" Plan E. Single Hand Mir Gauge هدهد:ليه 33" Le 3 1.81" siz i UNEI Autumn Mica Insulting Joint mwing __Bridge Mica Insulting [Notional Diaphragm Governor type R., or Coviralent yount Service AB to Operators to -Xhite Switch & Fuses 4.Clutches, Regd Mill friction Clutch with Special Hub or friction Ring or couivalent Die of Coupling 36* 102 HP 100 RPM. 8-Motors Rega GE, Motor, Mill Type 17.0.5.-108, or Covingtent monts MI 45 Loker GE. Mill Type Coupling 5*Bore, or Covirakent Plan -Sarcty Kerrre is . 2• Air Compressor Plant Regd. complete including Apingo ere. gif" ierlo 86" 49" 37 3:01 Reservoir Boiizzº tot City Datum I PLAN Elevation MACHINERY ROOM To Governor Standard Drun Coct BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Elevation CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. JO CHICAGO AVE. 73 1 FOORUARY, 191.). DRAWING 1 Note: Orror should point oney from kiver, then trunnion is to ploce.. 1 1 pipe Top. 10 Bore D PESA - - 1. Tap asi 1 Loose Short Filler made witt Rgroove for loassage of grase. Krács Top Bolts. 213 Pipe Top 5: 199 2-5 lagering 14 ist so 2-5" Beering Detail of Collar _Scale I Food Mokrioli Cost ftes 243 } j'Eye Bolt Bore Filler Key 63103 at this dod Tapered dinle 1 i short pipe I Turner 2-os Tured. . 31 Nipple & Cap ga Ha 3-3° - Oil Grooves i ior 二二二 ​key bizi Bore . of moll. end Tapered lin12 8 Bore) W 1 s'ó'c. to C. Bearizes 1 19'Red -Nut Lock frist Look 86 DETAIL OF BOXES FOR TRUNNONS FOR OUTSIDE TRUSSES Scale 3 -/-Foot Make 8 Boxes TOUS. Material Cast Steel 1A Bore Note: For Detail of Ol Grooves and Plugs see shoot 18. 26 Borded. Ternod ALA NI Phos } Bronze Sleeve Best Antifriction Quality 26'Bored and Tumed fai 24' Bore DETAIL OF, TRUNNIONS FOR OUTSIDE TRUSSES Scale -/-Foot Marre 4 Thus. 3:10 175 Jy' ut Ź no Bronze Liner 35 ;4- 77 24 gred 1. Tsgubre 12 Riding ! Hadd rit. oss. Heed) 1 61 . 8o8 3-2 F AE . اما roleſ X х Х 3-10' 32 TE 12 1:72 33 -Nut Lock SECTION XX video na" - gheet Lead TRUNNION AND MAIN JOURNAL OUTSIDE TRUSS bř Shery 6 77' · BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS zijo IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICADO AYE CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND BARBOR 74. FOOVUARY, 1913. ARAWI } 1 cegoed for Grooss fitted with key L2 Aug tunery murarion Shaft Nul Locks sar & Doill.forá pre bil'cop front for Grease Cup DETAIL OF LUBRICATING GROOVE PLUG Friller Shaft For all Trunnion Ends except shown below L'Ape threaded Phase Scale 6.10 Screwed inploome I Pipe plus forall Trunlab Ends ity Endres shown below.. Scale sito Note: Arrow should point away from. River, when tunnion is in place. "Рpe Тар pol Turned ©! more words اد ar тар g Drill -Loose 'Shott er mode wit groove for possage of goose I Pipe Top Af Drill- 1-g1 Bearing 750 he! 54101 ist beering 11 Hindi fio 2-24 stoł 4'0'c.to C. Bearings Filler şey oireit at ipin end Kay o'stir'at thin end Tapered d'in 12' 112 Clar N Eye Bolt $? Short papel Nipple & cap 33 "البوار Bylo 33' i rérzi astep Scrows oil Grooves See Full Size detail below, A UN 2 izi 0; Nur Lock Drill TA 19' Red 8 Thus DETAIL OF TRUNNION BOXES AT CENTER- TRUSSES 8 Scale 3'-/-Foot Mare 8 Material Cast Steel. Rad. Ahosphor Bronze best entifriction quality Sleeve beot DETAIL OF TRUNNION FOR CENTER TRUSSES Scale 14.1 Foot Make 4 Trunnions Thus. 26 Bored and Turnat. 24 Bored Bronze Liner Borod 1 Bore 17 Rad ise. Head -Neod. Square Hedd 3' Dora teikd Key 2c Dia. DETAIL OF OIL GROOVE 158 „R6, 3-osa 3-08 JE DETAIL OF COLLARS 2-c:5 708, Screws Z dia xj laza Scale 1/-Foot 23 Material Cost Steel 40 DETAIL OF LUBRICATING GROOVE PLUG I For Center ends of inside touss trunwortwy. Scale Full Size. 70 1.83 32 Nur Lock Nut Loch n 7*" ligd cord d'11" प TRUNNION AND MAIN JOURNAL INSIDE TRUSS st 5- st? Spear Sheey Lead A 1 Ark ! DETAIL OF PLUG AF CENTER OF TRUNNIÓN For Center ends of inside truss trunnion only. Scale: 3/10 BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE 8T. FROM RANDOLPH ST, TO CHICAGO AVE CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR FIORUL 1. 2. DRAWING 75 1 AR Opening N. 08 CA c steel sirot Rodius 6-0 1 Warm Wha C Stop Stor 1 c steel Strumi Guidnos socials 10'Excentric li' Face See Detail Drawing 19,7 3 Goor Wheels li Pilch 29. Treth 1487 RD, 5 Hindley Worm Gear R.H. i Ditch: eoduction 625 Wheel 75 Teelh23.87 PD. Foxo. *** Foce. + 11 因​这 ​3 geors Motor HR 2 Rad 500 Voltar Boers goerad 18 lag RPM of Screw Short I For Detail of come Soe Drowing 77 For Detail or c Shoel struts and Links ok, see Drawing Como VAMP yor wirn Slee on Khme 123 posit 10% 26' of 2'er boug ?Wi 2lah Datum Lino 2 2 107 ,9;/ Flange Coupling 3 shaft2 Com 12' Gre como 26 short a Shanty ല'://va Ceme / I 81 . 13.4OZ 226 gio 3'0' 30° 2:10 shad داه ter set son 23/ } 1 1 1 HEEL LOCK 1 . BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMEXT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISIOX OF BRIDGES AND MARIBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 76 MEORUARY, 1913. ORAWING 6 : Ah -- : 247* 2-S 2640 17" POSSES: . 1 Rod 12 1 lead 25460 387222 paoga 6122 o Dia 168 Die 186 B.&T 20ĽA-C 214 BET to . LG deft TO 54/08 poun 28-? Keynot storil Koir LaL SA 18936 4* Key woyo sh TZ %" .7278 672 ST Drill Room 8 Cams Forged Sleel Fin allover, stiled PO of penter's KA I 1 47RD. of cod. odos. 1 8 Cams Cast Sleel Finallover. Ito Drill & Reom HINDLEY WORM GEAR 757. i 23.873 PO. 2-Regd. Hub & Arms to be CS. Rim to be Dnasphor- -Bronze & shruns ón. Iz HINDLEY WORM Forged Steel 1.Leod, "Pitch Dio. 2-Regid. 11.636'Red couts). 7.936 Athloed . 27" 1.336 sedel foot Eye Bolt TRW HER A'R i R 'Thread 2-Hoods.C./ 201 eseny 41 93 612 ''اک 14.3 cops:C-s L'x7 Bolls. L. Pipe Top for comp Greose cup 4 horas Ferrock washer. Spol roce 1267 Dia NER $ #x2' Topbolls 6.no FIR NI ¿A 8.413 Bolts HAMM! I i 2. Side Corend co 13.936 ZETOA A 2 Cosing's C.S 1936* W. SJ6" NER mu mi pri JA #Top JU Fristop Body HIFI 25 HA tis dis HA 10R Split Bush PHEZ Idris Fin oll over VaR LAT AR Pipa Plus Ishimas Split Dust PH-B2 Fin olliorer Spotfpce, the Top Bolls 101 2 Botom Cover C-S omania Parill ஆகா lá Drill اول s Bolls *Shima Aure 'Shims 72 2'24" 249" keso 243" V zock washer Izzul 4* 412 AL 1.26 18. HEEL LOCK .CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OP ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGPS AND HARBOR BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO ILLINOS IMPROVEMENT OF MIOHIGAN AVE AND PINE SIT, FAOH BANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE J MIORUMY, 191 DRAWING 77 A 1 1 Ol Grooves 2: Deep Hey 1 E 41 tel for outside Anchor Posts 3:6* 31 36 77 SAT I for Inside Anchor Posts 336" 44 IU 38 6" 1.32 INN 1 Cut 6:15 Slot in Wed for fcmonal or Smart Babbitt 16 eriney way 8 Ph Bronze Busping - snim; lata 40 33 BE Anse of pillow Blocks 2 9. izt" Grcase Cup brease Choo fiz1212, forged and Turned Eccentric Shaft Make 4 as shown for Outside Posts Make 4 Inside Posts Scale 1/9 More 1 is" Drill is for i Bolts Cotter Helena Drill 1h for 16 Bolts Pillow Block for Excentri Male 6 (Cast Steel) Scale 3.10 Sep Pillow Bloch for Excentac Shaft Mahre 8 Cast Steel) Scale 3'-/0 idia Bolts 156" Note: Shim under Alloy Blochry to consist o 2 Shin : Thích • 2 f - Hole for 17 Pin. 26 Proride Snim tor Adjustment 25 斗 ​(cotter 15 Hole . for Ipin ابره Links fiese can Strut Mane şcale T.709 1 2 1.7 4:61 to c of Pins HA HA S# Drill' It's Holes for / Bolts LEIKA #shim 6:0* Radius 5* Š" hitti H LAR Qey she roller, A2-B3 & Loare on Pin LE of Drill Motor Bolt Lillow Block for 26 Shaftings Mahre 76 Cast Steel) Scalo 3'1-O" Cotter San Grease Cup 2.5" Cotter Porc -zte Hole Bore Cast Steel Shoe for Cam Strut Mahe 8 Scale 11"-70" HEEL LOCK ! ***** Pn. Brorge Bushing Cast Steçl Strut for Eccentric Mate 8 Scalo 167.0" Cast Steel Can Strut Make 8 Scalo i/o BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS S CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 78 FEBRUARY, 1913. DRAWING * t I I Koymaydidi oʻrolin Keywoytidios' skeyway tikron ' He may distrert A ھر .نه الوايلي_1# key lat نجالی stat toy til 34104" Is for Grose Cup STEEL SHAFT Mare 4 . म 41 cheywoy bitioasa 1 Helmey Hidious ŞHeyway t'dhoes 1 21 21'lla alla sind s' arut tuk یاد NS 13.046 istak -Goars alike 13 846" 2460-a. 14.2160 113.816 P-D Helena St. . 1384628 STEEL SHAFT Mare 4 (Scale For Shafts rel Foot) I Make & Pillow Blocks. Cast Steel theyways daten Keçmayditions Keyway 2° Zak 3 Gear Wheels té Pitch, 29 Teeth 13.846Pitch Diam. 45Face SPUR GEAR TRAIN (cast Steel Cut Gears) Mare 8 Sets (Scale 3'=/ Foot) slne ist' a's' STEEL SHAFT Marse 4 4 STEEL SHAFT Mare 2 اور می 3-10% بلنا STEEL SHAFT Marse 4 IA N s turned Bolts st foru kr. -Key $ 118 o. Cell 34. 1 € HH VI NI I re :59 2 21 !/4 21 31 2:08 More 20 Cast Iron Blocks 45 91 919 -T al iftbar . 3 3f ht El 17-18 DI I ( N 3² 13 1 CAST STEEL CAR COUPLING Marie 8 (scale 3'-/ Foot) _IL 13? *** ? 20-3 Pillow-Blocks, cis. HEEL LOCK 18., 01:1 Moke' 8 Castings 4 Right and 4 left Material Cast Steel ikzist BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 79 FEBRUARY, 1913 ...Eltozat ORAWING 1.. zi se. si Yo! 60-0-0 LE 3:00 270 ctes ICUSSCE. 97 2 of endea 2:51 2.5" 2'41" 2:41 2:8 2:8* 2:73 " 6:08 23" ,0:0 Floor Line floor Line Floor Linde Sellers Sulle. Baobilt Sellers 1 Coupling Coupling JTA 3 'Smart Coupling Upll Bearing Babbitt! Cut slot in Plata por Crant it necessary ha Bracket Cut slot in plate for End Floor Beam 肖 ​Crank if necessary 3: -**3cd Screw with Loch Nut 1.22LRA Bobbilir 151 Nedge Berd 1:1 Total thickness trims Vertical section EF Note: All castings to be Cast Steel All Bolts to bc #drometer Lunched 19 dring it Al holes cromed action A.A -& Bolls 2:02: 1 Gusset int 771:2 LES of poor Beam View of Split Bearing tuodis 2 PL 20** A JURE Cup N Bore 22 28 27 I Gusser 7;7 TABLE OF GCAR WHEELS Ne Nane Mart Ni Teeth CP PD face 2 Spur LG_15 15 7 22 2 G16 84 126.74_2 2 G17 13 7:16 Gia 60 A 128:65 2 G.ro 2 G 20 so 31.03 Ole sr Den 33 bo* 172 N 2 * اردو 3* 336* 4563 View B-B ਕਰਨ B Molor She 300 volto 80C4 Geared to BSORPM, to Get aoping jag .0.2 Gusset zAn with Hex Hut and Spring Cotter du disits 2 A 2007 Secron Coc. 2010 -os GIS Morement of Plunger HHI an CENTER LOCK IST Gussot GIT GIL 2015-93 floor line between Trusses Tzit Bar Elaration QQ ^3:11 "Ber Bracket Section EE 2 Pin with Her Net and Spring Comer 2P with Hex Nut and Spring Conter GIO. CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND BARBOR 7 Nolc, Saction not shown here simiker to Sachion shown Lor muide Low Changc castings, LO Corcospend to dellom Cherd of Outside tous ses shown here Izpin. Her Nut and Spring Cotter ta BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Fit G20- Gio. Jill Bora TE Selece. Eli sport Coupling IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICACO AYE 80 last FLORUARY, IDIA. DRAWING 13141-11 Shop Bracket ) Plan او 10.0 HO 1 ta ము, orazione Jakie AL • Elek +1875 eshi .--.com/w::: Chicago Petun. Chiese Daten + copiers True hacer In Arshor com شمار va ALO All LA 1 464all CROSS SECTION OF PIT & ELEVATION OF ANCHOR PIER For Broms st. 40°. 8.0°g. Continue to porotors Foot Broms 360.50b. 2-sty Term Saporotors. * Doors. 209.65.ro Coot Iron Suporotori 6- Dolly to 14875 1 exal LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF PIT. Sollent Anchor Pler 2 Rier Pier . - Es Artal sece Les وید 1 FC 7676 2:16 Fit Sor.gure sorryg Trung r. Tava. مملو S of Qurado Corrying Truto Sumo LONDON bol.com che Bradbud Mda saocryIch 1 Sumo E gllerer Leal Truse 16 a lacc Loaf Trusa of Inner Labr Tror Mochnery Gordor for Outer Leor Tros LO" de Coronel 5 po sterkenal Ibu Trvonen MA mille CE ܢܝܝܝܳ ތަކީ ކަކީ 1 A 1 Half Grans Section of Pite Raar Elav. of Plor, disetom secta Time! por en do 143 Holl Front Elevation of Pier RIVER PIER NU MAIN PIERS 2 1 151. Boom 2.100". 1960'kg, Wicoot hory Soporotora PLAN BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CAICAGO, ILLINOIA fuis Ocomo.81*0008 *"09 Cort Iron Soporotory 8. Dolto L for boome 20.00 x. Cont Tros, Soporotors. [a- Baltat CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICAGO AVE DRAWMS · 81 ! FCBRUARY, 1913. 1 imeo Koce 9.777 Albars en "borni arborg he of borsas Docker 16-44 *bary at dock hoc Boc woll" tot 7/bars ha 16% 20 CROSS SECTION OF PER ELEVATION OF ANCHOR PIER. reglabás troll pond wory ng from 1-67. --54,4 forsgruou baimes •856-40 Saher must tap to n-f"Bars -ison spoond my vo' than 01.3to. noord try notrror choo sodbory srot Betnom El-854 oplice muor lopron LONGITUDINAL.SECTION OF PIT. ..o nytt . 3 6-thbors at a Dock Foca "Boch loce. stod bore sa e-bere al R:Liber bo Pion of Transverse Bors, Toa pion or longitudinal Bors, Top 9-16"barees *Cleaks HT bed bredhead Abozba our bra de Plan of Trongverse Bors, Bottom 911'bory ci Brement Plon of Longitudna Bors, Bottom shid borede To Tap cock na Roca RIVER PIER. on bors a. Frant face say ar Front face MAIN PIERS REINFORCING BARS BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PLAN. - Lloret 3750g,Ji odberce . 30.1d"beyrt. 8.13" bare CITY OF CHICACIO DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OP ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 82 FCBRUARY, 1012. DRAWING -.ie 20 -.. Zbog, 80g, 50ʻchra, bent hory, 8:oºk-soʻchra, bent 450 Toper Sidewalk 6/6s0 Jop of sidewyn. 1 1 _102. leadtudy 2 To je Bars Bar (a 350) 1 - 1330) 120) I'dory n counter for laors n counterport 1 1 deument Back (SE Basement, U Barranco bort 1 .3 dezephant Floor, -550 Machineck egon og O'Bor everyone CHKHIL_DATUM BE de Bor der eno* 1. A Borseman 5. not. Bars di fm 19 WW WW le -gʻbars 000 FTA HOT RTL Cross SECTION THOUGH MACHINERY ROOM, 2 ELEVATION OF ABUTMENT WALL. -Srilar for both oporcocheo Cross SECTION OF ABUTMENT WALL AT BASEMENT. SECTION A-A.' Curd boxes of Sw Asercach CROSS SECTION OF ABUTMENT WALL AT MACHINERY ROOM. GECTION 3-8. Cors or ser Seringer Brgy is fa- Cati (35ts 2 3/'o' och 3 31-0 3: curb line of SE. Aproach 0--. of short } SOUTH YACHINERY| Oom Lex A •عه Fresa + of Ancher. Column A . : . curo luzeor N, W. Arcroach icro Cube ONE Agorcach I. .... ܢܢܟܢܕ ܕ 0 3 (: ☺ 2 DĮ of B d' 0 0 & or shaft به و مهار دهه 4 151 NORTH ACHINES HINERY ROOM. (bors vool too barra robo bom sia 42:6 1. of Anchor Column PLAZA FOUNDATIONS, ABUTMENTS NO MACHINERY ROOMS. tr 1 - BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO DEYARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF LRIDGES A.XD HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 83 + ; FEBRUARY 1913 DRAWING N 1 CTOR or curb 20-25 RIVER PIER a Machinery Roon 6tod af Bra te stof Badge 1 SZ'bare eigizag bent Basement Par Elen ASSO of And WEIH Year ornar peter bers s Bor every 160 0 0 រយវេរ REAR ELEVATION OF NE. APPROACH WALL. SECTION B-B Detallo similar for all walks WHEN AL ct of Towaa LOCA Ver Borg 3640"(tock roco) Gheo Cricode Deus 3 *6'5244 Oilada } N. Baserner Floor Elero' Dead Roma 1 ₂016 Debors.moo@kclima pory.100*17' SLO obrycey o Acop Tap of footagende' 6,72 1 ara Hazel Fors:sso (front local bors.2646'ⓇIP 'orecchio One HI (492 TA -dobro-9846*@r'chi borg.leno orches ser come مت . pecas- stg'e zrctra- name ku:11:40 Coock Line a -) - f ha . po FRONT ELEVATION. un momento de CROSS SECTION. Dotum AL pebors.ellot or 3.7"bory. 3.940'(Top) bory 34'0' (Bott) 70075 1 yebars ooʻe zroʻctra 2.2hRody - slot • Roduto 12°C404 a.reborg. 1846° 16 My نهبهينهنهبزترنيمچن(بيمجهز بريز- روه بهمن 1 - -- - .. -- : -. م چه بهتر COM Kit SECTION AA" 0957 HINC .. 1 ot pobas-roʻe zroʻstry PLAN OF FOOTING. TOP PLAN, GENERAL DETAILS OF DOCK WALLS. -00 ----ཡྻ- -C+ --------- PLAZA FOUNDATION NORTH EASY bore, not hooked. ( cocho mol DOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CITY OF CHICAGO IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE, AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 84 FEBRUARY, 1013. DRAWING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BURBAU OP ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR terurb ) Votos Endan 22" .دی (ulol 2015 476 Acidos -2012/ 9 Machinery Room, Tourneos! A 1 Nardhe $ of Anchor Columns الإP ma River Pler 1 TOTIS) T25 C: CUDOS! 9:10 © o &*_ 8&.. 1 C. Bagaman Floor Elex 5508 . Paid A al : ☺ .. TITUTOTTEE THOUD UDET যন্ত 1 .. } or? 1661 3:00 2o Bors ergfraganeill 9026. 7. Bar 72 Bars par Ratkan QIR Cur Hledat oor Loodmor FRONT ELEVATION OF SOUTH EAST APPROACH WALL NIGHT Ver col 25-113 1 77504 1 PLAZA FOUNDATION SOUTH EAST BOARD OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DI CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICADO AVE 85 FEORUARY, 1013 ORAWING -J'obra so can 1 n 1 . 11 11 1 Bora 1 ! 1 J 1 renat 1 U A ) 0 I 60° 90 #SECTION B-Bº rendra Lagbare Last IN ford bors zig zag bent. i Bagergade rx VA KAS hech km labor. Elevele, --- Dogana bors FRONT ELEVATION OF S. W. APPROACH WALL. Section warteo SECTIONAL VIEW NEAR LINE D.D. approach wall. Stur bars to sake with vertical bars in molts propor for all footinya jose. bos in concrete Datum. Datum 4.0 aw AiDPROOCH WALL. Abter Too of all Stai hall Footings of Elevt 5.0. Bages of someo encept where otherwise shown for bases adjoining abutment wall. All Rainforening Bore to be squarı bora i GENERAL SECTION NEAR LINE C-C" Dockwall. I Bars W. Bagamont Floor, Elav. + 5.30' dalica ola Vue Laki Program DAAR co SECTION AA (( AXA lo AL soiretos a tener of Swer ☺ Hotel CITY OF CHICAGO PLAZA FOUNDATION SOUTH WEST.. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING ch DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARROH Backridge Of assila f ! fo - 3611 10 mo URINE lede - 67269* Radio M ماه HA £ .owar مه ML 7 - 18 HAIKH .,2563 LA ! ! 1 1 1 VEN va101111101111 . puno no 2 0 .601 1786 10€ of Bridge BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICHrio. II.L.IXOIS dio 3 Machinery Room t Cor Trucorar RIVER PIER. IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. 86 PEORUARY 1913 DRAWING 4768 tot of Bridge 22.. O Galles.com 45totes on 9 0 co Tronon2 .. 1 7991 e 8:8 ساره más Zanola 39:26 diret 27:1049 105€ okeinot Legehorcol O'M Bor mbeded in concrete Mochinery Room NW. Basement Floor Elev. +5.50 o 2 2248 for Woll Bases of Foot Elevendo Top of Footing Elev. 5 See Details of S.W. hall. A -A 0799 0 Ö 0 Q ser og for ܢ bor in ugotrade Ons 2570 2510 1 Zoute Tomori 60-Qosiada •Elexitão 1 FBars -- Datum SECTION 3-8" Elytse 2 bors Datum boy 0 1 HIFT ELEVATION & SECTION NEAR LINE AA." boooway Grode 'bars SAR. bons Artis taq sazt-bik sua,& Holitics 다이 ​Fidor 11.07 1. un bar ** fititintuito Güftüüdio i iti REAR ELEVATION OF NW, APPROACH WALL. ! FEARUARY, 1012 FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. DRAWING 87 moments CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS DIVISION OF BRIDGER AND HARBOR BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CHICAGO NORTH WEST PLÁZA FOUNDATION 1 ne.com , امهاته y Erpension Joint filled Asphalt Top or Roodway for petite Peility Ground Denne pe *16* | Toral Roadtax Asphalt za Topf Raddury 1 19.1 1 0.7.6:7 Storg Borsti Bearing Barour Soma - + - Hory Borsj Vanovic Kranabi con faision uders. INDEX OF DRAWINGS any ITEM umy ITEM NA Ganerul FonkregenStelle 6. rloor.UASC Arda INSCCThor trollamme. Curn dowry, Monnces 971 novela Art Floor Qual.. Ayon North of anio .SIIiners Monaste. Act, G16coccal teretion Bridge .42 1.0rgun lagrs. Lasncral Brutas Doutrition. SLROLL.hower last gerol menol Ande SI Counterheront de Framing tao. Ancopne 2014 - 31. - Ecoming Plon khas 2.50!h rosa 2. Lalo South P1020 V4.1 Curtain on Ourant's Trussas. 10 Siel Electensr.sk **_fino_cart.... CITloor North Piana Den Freming PUAN. NO!! POLO / 37. Outsider. Carrying. Toussa 122 caining Planno19 000 Inside.. 41. Mor Stabs. 32. Machinery Order 15.1 Staircasa or Streor Crossinys. 40. Crus Trones Acheer Mode ander Acad.lous. 14_1 Enoring Section, Street Crossing ". Corrying birdsru. 17. noutman holl. Sou ICOS! 27/019. Outside Anchor..Columns. 10. noxushl_Wolle South West Voco Os Insids." 19.US.CU Wull, North.cost pion Mlinary Island.. 20.1 Tournant walmarin.201... lour Watcm, hincd.Art 2 bytent_wa!...Ostali 22. General River Zerulia) oYowca 67 23.1. Will Sesjonsol Norse. 20 4. Textmart holls rusose.. Datoils.. *5 Prouge mous_loor Plung Mutuminery. Man Occhion through row or General Eleracion..lMechencry.. 2213 outh pioia Elon'ution's (20 Jan. 201 South Plucu, loner R00.J wuje . Mol. Liachinery Room 2 l vorin Pia:e lovorionjo. leunions Moin. Jourdal. Outside. Trus.. Norin F10:0, 20x cr Acou woy Ioana Outside_Jr.vss. Hrelirez 10' (* cine bors Portor Faurs TYPE I. coundredi 10:0wird TYPE II. A Yarrarle Yong! Batterlin 37 Groups . Les Plantacon & Approach to Variable Yarizala 546!! of Calma 30. Drain Pipe orary 30:0 Jumpsjon -J' Diu Drum Pipa Cvery Joo" Bors COLS dia wire round yourally around column abou! qur held in plocchy verricol roo's stones to ach coil or Oyual *22-1: Bors 771 Bars SE ROSIN *&rstede 34. 36claside. Hory Bar Bars 13ctral Noto 1111 columns covered by reinforced concrete in a similar manner - Bersijölrs 32 Hors Bors 9o. Main fiers. Reinforcing dans... ns. Pioza Foundations, but mients. Over Flopa. Foundation Porta bost PION Forvalion South West 17 Foundation. North Wear 08 Indra Orvaus slowme. Secina crpalmer Plectric Lighting x mong 9 Counter rogut Boy Zlar.System Moradic Art Faja Lido vio" 1's big" !_C. las co trud floor Beam Maradt Here 10:0 Loucada Datuma 6. *Sidewalk Noto: Jdio Orrin Pipes crory Joo in all Walls. Each Drain protected by about cuyd of course Granol os shown for Typo DV Row borringe Scale ito!'. Tarout 6 Typical Expansion Joint at Roadway Floor. Scato 11 I with Rsphaltie Filler ) 1 feitaria OVO 21.daris 1 * non. Hars het esaten TOR Sudajualk Medusa Ocoring py corside Asphalt TYPE III. concreto *** Group Yarulla Varioble Bars Kicts. 9.07€ Eater I in 32 TYPE N. 2de 18 of course Green of Colima Hory Borst creriepla Warumble Lot Column Spis Droin Apc query Jo'o" INDEX OF DRAWINGS RETAINING WALL SECTIONS EXPANSION JOINTS 1 fiburs scris gais ordin Pipe every 30:0" 2.6" groblers rocnrs. + 6:9".. .'8 20. Man Curb Llamadas.Omdar die Huraca.fuck Elers orcr.l./fl.- Typical Expansion Joint at Sidewalks. Soala , 1 . BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS OF H.Yarisdie... Leia" CITY ON CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING DIVISIOY OF BRIDGES AND BARBOR IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 88 Chicage Datums PKORUARY 1913. ORAWINC J . 1 LAKE ST SOUTH WATER ST. 1 L 8 O Condir O------- O---OK? Oc". Condunt Conduit at ga * Conduit क T Dames ze stres 1 fer conduit zarsi consumption poole Jaar's Cordut Ja Search whole-hole VT OUTCOINCT rusta -1% Conduite بله ---- Conduce لع is T Conduir --0--- Ar Conduit a t conduite be E 8 Condunt Este conduir o Oche conduct 16 ry- Ýs condolo O- ay O-- -TE 8 1 1 ALLEY 1 1 LIGHTING OF LOWER LEVEL 1 L iz TI + {1 1 INDICATES. Pipe CONQUIT, DIAM IN INCHES INCANDESCENT LIGHT WITH HORIZONTAL REFLECTOR ANGLE 10.12 che Size or WIRES, BROWN SHARPE GAGE INCANDESCENT FIXTURE OM UPPER LEVEL BOARD OF 1OCAI1.MPROVEMENTS CHIC.IGO, 11.1.1.XOIS WIRING OF LOWER LEVEL *8 . 0 4 8 12 16 40 72 o SCALE. 1. 16' IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST FROM RANDOLPH ST TO CHICAGO AVE. FCORUARY 1913 89 1 ORAWING $ SOUTH WATER ST ALLEY ta SOUTH LINE OF SOUTH PLAZA ca 8 1 لوه were conduit O- d. & Conduit One ka ric - & Conduit OD - Conduit -- - & Conduit --- --- 믐 ​a contor 묽 ​. 8 1 1 1 fr Condent ! hh Condut CUT OUT Crown ponuje 2016 -- pok le conduir sole - so 뵨 ​*Condit 1 206 2016 1 1 abe os % Condur le 1 ricordat 1 kr. ------ --- 음 ​Ve Cardent -- 1 1 **Conduit ---- --- yo --- Lone Candort 'ये -os wz Cordort **Corotit Gde - 0-- DO 00 QO . ALLEY LICHTING OF LOWER LÈVEL but In 1 J H 12 } . Trots Com •* 2 WIRING OF LOWER LEVEL BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS INDICATES PIPE CONDUIT, DIAM. IN INCHES INCANDESCENT LIGHT WITH HORIZONTAL REFLECTOR ANGLE *8,"10,* 12 el SIZE OF WIRES, BROWN # SHARPE GAGE INCANDESCENT FIXTURE OM UPPER LEVEL *04 8 IL 10 2 40 36 64 72 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE FEBRUARY, 1913 DRAWING 90 SCALE 1.16 1 t . De 1 14 CONDUIT. CONDUIT +14 CONDUIT RIVER ST. set E 5 Uunonoscu 14. ! ak HE " CONDUIT DO_2 H 00 8 DO O CONDUIT o CONDUIT 12 & CONDUIT 1. 1 O CONDUIT Batu -10 Ź CONDUIT PUMP MOTOR CONDUIT 14 1.แnoN02 TRUNNIONS -ra *4 CONDUIT MICHIGAN AVE. tul De 26 BRIDGE Dod in - 12 1 ist CONDUIT CONDUIT TE - SOUTH PUMP MOTOR C ---- she Se CONDUIT le th olen 4 있 ​1 Estany CONOVI q ka ot edge ME 8 at 어 ​A 8 Em INDICATES PIPE CONDUIT, DIAM. IN INCHES 0 INCANDESCENT LIGHT WITH HORIZONTAL RCFLCCTOR ANGLE *8*12 etc Size of WIRES, BROWN & SHARPE GAGE CONDUIT be LIGHTING PLAN WIRING PLAN BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS LOWER LEVEL SOUTH PLAZA 6 12 18 34 32 48 36 64 72 BO SCALE: 1.16' IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. DRAWING 91. FEBRUARY, 1912. ! 1 + . E CONDUIT 11 Toomas CONDUIT HIIHIIII HIIHEITH Lock Motors --- 1 7 1 ar TRUNNION lor Trenino iu LIGHTING OF LOWER DECK OF BRIDGE 1 I Om TAUNNIONS t & om TRUNNIONS lu ini 12 1. .#R 1 con . FR2 12 lll WIRING OF LOWER DECK RIBG BRIDGE 1 * INDICATES PIPE CONDUIT , DIAM IN INCHES INCANDESCENT LIGHT WITH HORIZONTAL REFLECTOR ANGLE 8 "10,*iz ele:: Size or WIRES, BROWN * SHARPE GAGE 은 ​BOARD OF LOCAL' IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS * ORIG 24 32 10 22 8 IMPROVEMÉNT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE. . A SCALE:1.16* . FEORUARY, 1913, DRAWING 92 1 1 : 1 + I 4 1 1 oll l. I. no DO & 1 Od CONOUIT 0000 PUMP, MOTOR 0000 AIR Comp MOTOR 23 "CONDUITS 12 IT CONDUITT "0000 OPERATINA MOTORS ! THECL LOCK MOTOR rom WIRING OF PUMP MOTORS SEE SHEETS N 91 k94 Pumr. MOTOR WIRING FOR NORTH MOTORS TO BE IDENTICAL 1 1 A WIRING OF MOTORS IN MACHINERY ROOMS 5 bal more 1 ol C i 1 ! A LIGHTING AND WIRING or NORTH MACHINERY ROOM ANO BASEMENT + LICHTING AND WIRING OF SOUTH MACHINERY ROOM AND BASEMENT .. INDICATES PIPE CONDUIT DIAM IN INCHES O INCANDESCENT LIGHT WITH HORIZONTAL REFLECTOR 2000, "iz Size or WIRES, BROWN * SMARPE GAQE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS O4 8 12 16 24 40 is IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE AND PINE ST. FROM AANDOLPH 8T. TO CHICAGO AVE 93 36 64 72 во 1 SCALE.1"-16 FRUARY, TOI ORAWING - រ wines 1 T. 1 E. NORTH WATER ST } - Cardulto 0 E. MICHIGAN S. 3 --0 Cavourso 10 Lond --------- CONDUIT LIMONO 00 8 8 8 70 1 opa CONDUIT 57 لم 5 ob 1 A covourt 4 PT Trunnions 76 Conouit 3 *12 50 14 Cavourt CONDUIT CONDUIT Beta * Bridge ---- die pe S ܠܢ सास ។ ml vie eben ConourT Center Line Covourg __$ -12 CONDUT & '। 1 de uf.com ho -te al 키 ​CONDUIT CONDUIT O 12 DD 8 8 L 14 mit d Per L CONDUIT b. ao 1 CONDUIT 1 d tot CONDUIT t-o 1 1 14 LIGHTING PLAN WIRING PLAN A INDICATES PIPE CONDUJT, DIAM IN INCHES INCANDESCENT LIGHT WITH HORIZONTAL REFLECTOR O ANGLE } *8*10,"12 etc SIZE OF WIRES, BROWN 5 SHARPE GAGE INCANDESCENT FIXTURE ON PER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL NORTH PLAZA BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 8 12 IG 40 48 56; 64 72 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST.. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE SCALE:1-16) PEBRUARY, 1013. DRAWING 94 > MICHIGAN ST, ALLEY ILLINOIS ST ALLEY INDIANA ST. 1 8 8 C. C ONE CONDUIT - 5 CONDUIT - O---- O Tonoviti Corovit CONDUIT ---- ---- CONDUIT 5 f -5 - ਨੀ *CORDUIT -- 02 i çorpur-5----* --- &__shop O TINANONI CONDUIT انجام داد 7 I CUT OUT CABINET CUT OUT CABINET soke 206 CONDUIT Bebe Doces Comouit agle .2016 Pole xole ARE D CONDUIT 2016 zo *---* 1 of LIMONO 1 CONOUT į Conour TONDUIT -------- -5 - ܛ KO } - I TOMDU T K- 놈 ​-- CONDUIT CONDUIT "CONDUIT l CONDUIT - or consum of Conguit Conduit TE za CON QUIT 00 le 0. o EL LIGHTING OF LOWER LEVEL H -12 12. w 14 14 14 5 q IL } 74 T i 12 14 WIRING OF LOWER LEVEL BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS CHICAGO, ILIINOIS Albanian A 8 12 16 32 40 48 56 72 80 IMPROVEMENT OF MICHIGAN AVE. AND PINE ST. FROM RANDOLPH ST. TO CHICAGO AVE 95 SCALE INDICATES PPE CONDUIT, DIAM IN INCHES INCANDESCENT LIGHT WITH HORIZONTAL REFLECTOR ANGLE *8*10*12 etc SIZE OF WIRES, BROWN & SHARPE GAGE INCANDESCENT FIXTURE ON UPPER LEVEL ► 1.16 ORAWING FEORUARY. 1913 + 1 53 1 1 . o + The estimate of the cost of the said improvement, including labor and material, is as follows: Section “A”-Superstructure of Bascule Bridge. Structural steel, 6,150,000 lbs., @ $.05.. $307,500.00 Forged steel, 92,000 lbs., @ $.08. 7,360.00 Steel castings, 150,000 lbs., @ $.08.. 12,000.00 Cast iron bolsters, 120,000 lbs., @ $.03.. 3,600.00 Counterweight- Concrete, 1,100 cu. yd., @ $8.00.... 8,800.00 Pig iron and punchings, 700 tons, @ $30.00. 21,000.00 Cast iron blocks, 500 tons, @ $40.00.. 20,000.00 Creosoted timber, 113,000 ft., @ $80.00 per M. 9,040.00 Creosoted paving blocks, 1,680 sq. yd., @ $4.00... 6,720.00 Asphalt pavement, 1,940 sq. yd., @ $5.00.. 9,700.00 Hand railing, upper deck, 540 lin. ft., @ $6.00. 3,240.00 Hand railing, lower deck, 440 lin. ft., @ $3.00. 1,320.00 Wire fabric for asphalt pavement, 17,500 sq. ft., @ $.10. 1,750.00 Total . ... $412,030.00 Section “B”-Machinery for Bascule Bridge. Cast steel racks, 84,000 lbs., @ $.10... ...$ 8,400.00 Cast steel gearing, 280,000 lbs., @ $.12. 33,600.00 Rolled steel (shafts, etc), 150,000 lbs., @ $.10. 15,000.00 Machinery cast iron, 25,000 lbs., @ $.06.. 1,500.00 Couplings and clutches, 2,000.00 Bronze bushings, 9,000 lbs., @ $.50. 4,500.00 Babbitt metal, 2,300 lbs., @ $.40... 920.00 100 h. p. operating motors, 4, @ $2,000.00. 8,000.00 10 h. p. electric motors, 4, @ $300.00... 1,200.00 772 h. p. electric motors, 2, @ $250.00. 500.00 5 h. p. electric motors, 4, @ $200.00. 800.00 Centrifugal pumps complete, 4, @ $300.00... 1,200.00 Air compressors complete, 2, @ $550.00. 1,100.00 Hand brakes complete, 4, @ $25.00. 100.00 Air brakes complete, 4, @ $75.00... 300.00 Switchboards 2,000.00 Controllers, interlocking devices, signals and wire connections between motors and controllers. 2,500.00 Safety gates 1,000.00 Total .. $84,620.00 Section “C”-Substructure of Bascule Bridge, Including the Foundation of Abutment Walls and Bridge Houses, the Machinery Room, Basement and Dock Walls. Construction and removal of necessary coffer-dams. ...$ 60,000.00 Dredging excavation, 10,000 cu. yd., @ $.40. 4,000.00 Excavation (dry), 15,100 cu. yd., @ $1.20.. 18,120.00 Wooden piles, 1,950, @ $18.00.. 35,100.00 Concrete-Class "A," 13,400 cu.'yd., @ $8.00.. 107,200.00 Portland cement mortar for waterproofing pits, 750 cu. yd., @ $20.00 15,000.00 Steel for reinforcing concrete, 1,240,000 lb., @ $.04. 49,600.00 Anchor rods, 115,000 lb., @ $.04.. 4,600.00 Concrete floors (including docks), 25,200 sq. ft., @ $.20.. 5,040.00 $298,660.00 54 . Section “D”_Estimate of Bridge Houses. One Bridge House. Granite, 650 cu. ft. @ $4.50 .. ..$ 2,925.00 Bedford stone, 3,108 cu. ft. @ $2.00. 6,216.00 Concrete-reinforced, 62 cu. yd. @ $20.00... 1,240.00 Concrete-plain, 220 cu. yd. @ $8.00. 1,760.00 Steel reinforcing, 8,000 lbs. @ $.04.. 320.00 Book tile, 620 sq. ft. @ $.10.. 62.00 Four-inch hollow tile, 440 sq. ft. @ $.15. 66.00 Plain plastering, 66 sq. yd. @ $.50. 33.00 Hard plastering, 60 sq. yd. @ $.60. 36.00 Metal lathing, 90 sq. ft. @ $.10.. 9.00 Circular metal frames and sash, 2 @ $30.00.. 60.00 Metal frames and sash, 12 @. $30.00 . 360.00 Metal frame and window complete, size 3' 0"x6'5", 1 @ $40.00.. 40.00 Metal frame and window.complete, size 5' 4"x7' 6", 1 @ $50.00.. 50.00 Metal frame and window complete, size 2' 8"x1' 4", 2 @ $25.00. 50.00 Metal door and frame complete, size 3' 8"x7' 2", 1 @ $60.00.. 60.00 Metal door and frame complete, size 2' 10"x7' 2", 1 @ $48.00. 48.00 Metal door and frame complete, size 2' 4"x7' 0", 1 @ $42.00... 42.00 Metal door and frame complete, size 3' 8"x7' 3", 1 @ $58.00. 58.00 Bronze door, 1 @ $122.00. 122.00 Toilet door, 1 @ $22.00.. 22.00 Wash basin, 1 @ $25.00. 25.00 Water closet, 1 @ $38.00. 38.00 Urinal, 1 @ $20.00.. 20.00 Plumbing connections, 118 lin. ft. @ $3.50. 413.00 Soil pipe, 30.lin. ft. @ $.60.. 18.00 Vent pipe, 65 lin. ft. @ $.60. 39.00 Copper gutter, 70 lin. ft. @ $.80., 56.00 Down spouts, 3" cast iron, 65 lin. ft. @ $.80. 52.00 Stairs, 1 set @ $1,160.00.. 1,160.00 One Bridge House complete.. $15,400.00 Four Bridge Houses. $61,600.00 :: 0 . Section “E”—Abutment Walls-Masonry Stairways and Balustrades at Plazas. Granite masonry, 14,250 cu. ft. @ $4.50... $64,125.00 Bedford stone masonry (including balusters and cut stone), 20,440 cu. ft. @ $2.00 ... 40,880.00 Balusters (extra labor), 880 @ $3.00... 2,640.00 Newel posts (extra labor), 4 @ $45.00. 180.00 Concrete (backing stone walls), 1,750 cu. yds. @ $8.00.. 14,000.00 Iron grills, 12 @ $140.00.. 1,680.00 Wood doors and frames, 11 @ $50.00... 550.00 1 . $124,055.00 Section "F"_Elevated Structure, exclusive of Bascule Bridge, and including Steel, Concrete, Glass Sidewalk, Lights, Concrete Stair- ways, Terra Cotta and Balústrades. Structural steel, 9,010,000 lbs. @ $.04.. $360,400.00 Steel for reinforcing concrete, 1,125,000 lbs. @ $.04. 45,000.00 Cast iron wheel guards, 460,000 lbs. @ $.04. 18,400.00 55 0 300.00 3,300.00 2,400.00 36,000.00 222,300.00 2,700.00 . . Iron newel posts, 20 @ $15.00... Iron railing (on upper level), 550 lin. ft. @ $6.00. Iron pipe railing, 600 lin. ft. @ $4.00.... Concrete foundations for columns, 4,500 cu. yd. @ $8.00. Concrete enclosing steel structure, 12350 cu yd. @ $18.00. Concrete stairways, 90 cu. yd. @ $30.00... Finished surface concrete walks supported on steel structure, 156,980 sq. ft. @ $.05.. Glass sidewalk lights, 38,000 sq. ft. @ $1.50... Asphalt for expansion joints, 20 tons @ $25.00. Terra cotta, 525 tons @ $85.00.. Terra cotta mouldings (extra work), 1,550 lin. ft. @ $.70... Bedford stone (including balustrades), 2,310 cu. ft. @ $2.00. Balusters (extra labor), 750 @ $3.00... . 7,849.00 57,000.00 500.00 44,625.00 1,085.00 4,620.00 2,250.00 $808,729.00 Section "G"-Retaining Walls (except those at river), Curbing, Sidewalks and Supporting Walls and Columns, Concrete Foundation for Pavement, including Concrete Pavement, Excavation and Filling (except that at river). . Concrete, Class "A", in walls and columns, 9,600 cu. yds., @ $8.00 . $ 76,800.00 Concrete, Class “A”, foundation for pavement, 53,660 sq. yd., @ $1.50. 80,490.00 Concrete pavement, 3,125 sq. yd., @ $2.00.. 6,250.00 Concrete curbing, 7,600 lin. ft., @ $.50... 3,800.00 Concrete sidewalk, including cinders, 80,500 sq. ft., @ $.15.... 12,075.00 Concrete slab sidewalk, lower level, 32,310 sq. ft., @ $.50.. 16,155.00 Steel for reinforcing concrete, 500,000 lbs., @ $.04. 20,000.00 Excavation, 66,000 cu. yd., @ $.50... 33,000.00 Filling (common), 23,000 cu. yd., @ $.50. 11,500.00 Filling (soil for parkways), 1,650 cu. yd., @ $2.00... 3,300.00 Removal of surplus excavation, including wreckage of build- ings, 43,000 cu. yd., @ $1.00... 43,000.00 Removal of buildings 1,000.00 . $307,370.00 Section “H”—Pavements (exclusive of concrete foundation), Adjustment of Sewer Manholes and Catchbasins., Asphaltic pavement, 44,000 sq. yd., @ $1.50.. .$ 66,000.00 Granite block pavement, 27,000 sq. yd., @ $3.00. 81,000.00 New catchbasins, complete, 88, @ $50.00.. 4,400.00 Cast iron inlets and downspouts, complete, 27, @ $30.00. 810.00 Adjustment of manholes.. 200.00 Rebuilding of 4-ft. sewer, 170 lin. ft., @ $8.00. 1,360.00 Rebuilding 12-inch tile pipe sewer, 130 lin. ft., @ $2.00. 260.00 $154,030.00 0 56 0 C Section "I"-Electric Lighting System. Electric light fixtures (Michigan Av. type), 36, @ $150.00......$ 5,400.00 Electric light fixtures (Safety Islands), 2, @ $75.00.. 150.00 Electric light fixtures (Lincoln Parkway), 57, @ $100.00. 5,700.00 Electric light fixtures-Type I, 10, @ $300.00. 3,000.00 -Type II, 32, @ $250.00. 8,000.00 -Type III, 4, @ $850.00. 3,400.00 -Type IV, 6, @ $400.00.. 2,400.00 Incandescent fixtures, including sockets, reflectors and outlet boxes, 728, @ $5.00.. 3,640.00 Iron conduits in place, 13,300 lin. ft., 12" diam., @ $.30. 3,990.00 400 lin. ft., 94" diam., @ $.35. 140.00 2,200 lin. ft., 1 diam., @ $.40... 880.00 600 lin. ft., 114" diam., @ $.45. 270.00 3,600 lin. ft., 142" diam., @ $.50. 1,800.00 1,000 lin. ft., 2 diam., @ $.60. 600.00 3,200 lin. ft., 274" diam., @ $.80. 2,560.00 Fibre conduits, complete, 1,800 lin. ft., @ $.80... 1,440.00 Insulated copper wire in place- No. 14 B & S gauge, 31,000 lin. ft., @ $.02. 620.00 No. 12 B & S gauge, 13,800 lin. ft., @ $.025 345.00 No. 10 B & S gauge, gauge, 9,400 lin. ft., @ $.03... 282.00 No. 8 B & S gauge, 2,000 lin. ft., @ $.04. 80.00 No. 6 B & S gauge, 8,800 lin. ft., @. $.05. 440.00 No. 4 B & S gauge, 1,800 lin. ft., @ $.07... 126.00 No. 6 B & S gauge (lead covered), 4,800 lin. ft., @ $.30. 1,440.00 Conduit junctions, 130, @ $3.00... 390.00 Cut-out cabinets, 6, @ $10.00. 60.00 1 $47,153.00 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATE. . Section "A"-Superstructure of Bridge.. Section “B”—Machinery for Bridge.. Section “C”-Substructure Section “D”—Bridges Houses Section "E”Abutment Walls Section "F"-Elevated Structure Section "G"_Walls and Excavations Section "H"_Pavements Section “I”—Lighting $ 412,030.00 84,620.00 298,660.00 61,600.00 124,055.00 808,729.00 307,370.00 154,030.00 47,153.00 Total (not including land to be taken).. $2,298,247.00 And I hereby certity that in my opinion the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the above proposed improvement. (Signed) C. D. HILL, Engineer of the Board of Local Improvements. Dated, Chicago May 1, A. D. 1913. (Signed) EDWARD J. GLACKIN, Secretary, Room, 207, City Hall. 57 SECTION 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the City of Chicago providing for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof (omitting land to be acquired) made by the engineer of said Board, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 3. That the said improvement shall be made and the just compensation for private property to be taken or damaged therefor shall be ascertained and the whole cost oť said improvement, including the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for said improvement and the cost of said improvement (ornitting land to be acquired) being the sum of $2,298,247, as shown by the estimate of said engineer of said Board of Local Improvements, shall be paid for by general taxation and by special assessment in accordance with an Act of The General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act concerning local improvements," approved June 14, A. D. 1897, and the amendments thereto. That part of said improvement the cost of which is estimated in Sections “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “I” of said estimate of said engi- neer hereinabove referred to and hereto attached being the sum of $1,028,118, shall be paid for by general taxation and the remainder of said improvement the cost of which is estimated in Sections “F”, “G” and “H” of said estimate of said engineer, being the sum of $1,270,129 and also the land to be taken or damaged for said improvement, shall be paid for by special assessment. SECTION 4. That the attorney of said Board of Local Improvements be and he is hereby, designated and directed to file a petition in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, in the name of the City of Chicago, pray- ing that steps may be taken to ascertain the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for said improvement and to ascertain what property will be benefitted by said improvement, and the amount of such benefit, and also that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for said improvement in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. That this ordinance shall be in force on and after its pas- sage. WC 2., 1973 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BOUND 3 9015 02123 3393 APR 11 1917 UNIV. OF MIHA LIBRARY > . in