º* - .. º 3 º - ENGIN. LIB. ºs | | | | | | | |W[ºſſilſº # gimmimº t º W | tº: ...v... .º-x y PIRESENTED BY THE PU ' HI ISHIEIR º º A. º Visit with the FIRESTONE Organization. º Its Men tS Factory ||||||||||||||||||||||||III. is Branches Some Pictures of the Specialists and the Facilities. devoted to the Production and Distribution of Fires to ne Products. º º º The Home of Most Milos Por/Dollar The Dynamo of ºirestone International Service º - - i i : º - America's largest Exclusive Tire Plant - Akron, Ohio U.S.A. The principal purpose of this book is to show the progress made in method and machinery toward giving the most in tire service at the lowest possible cost. While this progress must be largely expressed in material things, such as buildings, raw products, machines and finished products, yet before these there must be men. Therefore, to show the basic reasons for Firestone supremacy we show all we can of the Firestone people —the men and women at work—and a glimpse or two of some of them at play. As interpreted by the Firestone Organization, Scientific Manage- ment is more than a practical method—it is the working out of an idea. º It means the complete harmony between brain and machine, which insures highest value in product at lowest cost of production and distribution. The world-wide success of the Firestone Organization has proved the value to the public in those ideals which add to the universal scope of Firestone Service the vital element of personal respon- sibility. Every worker in the Firestone Organization – from Mr. H. S. Firestone to the office boys in the farthermost foreign branch—is appreciative of that keen sense of values among motorists which has made the Firestone success possible. They recognize that all their work has borne fruit because of the splendid response of motorists to the Quality Idea. º- ſome of irºsſome Now"ork. º - - º | º º | º tº | - º º | *ALs º lº º u º - - º º: | || º ſ - *Abwº º | º º º mºll | | l º || || º º - tº L. º º º, º ſº ºil º i. | ||ºſſ - -- I º, iſiſ ºſſº - - | | - | Illi | º | º | S º | L. º º ſº it. - - Lº - - º º - - º ºg BB. - … . . ºf . - - - - - º ºf Rºº. * º in - - º nui - tº | º ". º ºil ºf ºf | - | - - lºº | in - I - -- sº NEW YORK Service Station West End Ave. and 63rd St. After Sixteen Years HOUSANDS of men controlling miles of machinery sur- rounded by walls of sunshine—that's the first impression one gets from a visit to the Firestone Factory. Then, after the eyes grow accustomed to the vastness of the space and the gigantic scale of this place in which Firestone Tires are made, the mind settles down to the study of the force behind this institution—the growth of only sixteen years. And we realize that this great success is only the natural result of a conviction—a faith in ultimate success based on quality. It is a significant fact that no other rubber company of America has grown as fast as the Firestone Organization. (Continued on page six) BROOKLYN Sales and Service Branch Bedford Ave., Corner Sterling Place. NEW YORK Branch Sales 1871-75 Broadway. º P A G E F O U R One Man – 12,000 Horse Power ERE is a demonstration of that careful planning and wise investment which gives car owners the extras of Firestone quality at the cost of the ordinary. The Firestone Power House has a boſſe, and dynamo capacity of 12000 horsepower. One man, mounted in the cabin of a huge electric crane, controls the machinery which unloads the cars of coal into the storage pit, lifts it to the roof of the building, and feeds the whole battery of boilers as needed. - This 12000 horsepower is developed by a new turbine just in- stalled. It replaces two smaller engines which have been used less than five years. Some makers might have considered the first turbines satisfactory for a number of years yet, but not Fºrestone. Neither expense nor pains is ever spared when the goal is efficiency. Little economies in cost here, there and everywhere in the making and selling of tires make big economies in the ag- gregate. Result—more quality—more mileage—for less money. Feeding the Boilers by Machinery. Operator in Control-Cabin of huge electric crane. What visitor to this remarkable factory of today can realize that only sixteen years ago the Firestone Company made its start in a small building that would be quite lost in just one of the many wings of the present plant. Yet this plant, great as it is, is only the central unit of the Firestone Forces. A few blocks away is another vast Firestone factory, devoted exclusively to the manufacture of Firestone Rims. Then follow these pages through and you will see that the Firestone Organization has spread and spread and spread again until it has a home of its own in all American centers of car ownership and in many foreign lands. And around and between and be. yond these many Factory Branches are the tens of thou- - º –– H = sands of Firestone Dealers, each attracted to the Firestone || - | | | | | banner because of his faith in the Quality Product. | º But the size and scope of the Firestone business is important to you only for what it signifies. The public made it grow fastest because it produced what the public - FRESTONE T wanted—most miles per dollar with most satisfaction per mile. Let us see why. BOSTON Sales and Service Branch 656 Beacon St. PHILADELPHIA Sales and Service Branch 312 N. Broad St. The Value of the Specialist NE of the biggest lessons the world is learning today is the value of special training and con- centration of purpose. Not only must the man be an expert—he must specialize. H. S. Firestone—himself a specialist—has gath- ered about him an organized army of workers º specially trained and qualified in the making of tires and rims. The human element, the vision to (Continued on page eight) FIRESTONE TIRE & RU BBER CO. A Tire Fundamental — Firestone Rubber HE Firestone specialists, backed by the Firestone buying power, get highest quality rubber for you at lowest possible cost. And Firestone builders use it liberally. There are tons of this supremely fine Para rubber in the Firestone store-room, the average supply of this and other rubber on hand amounting to several million dollars. The lower picture, showing the washing process, presents one of those many “details” in tire making where it is so easy to slight the work where high standards are so rigidly kept. When car owners know the quantities of ea pensive materials that go into the making of really good tires– When they know the minute care that must be evercised and the rigid standards of workmanship necessary– Then they appreciate why a tire costs what it does – why a good tire is worth all it costs — and why a poor tire is expensive, even at any price. Bin in the Crude Rubber Cellar. Showing “Biscuits” of Up-River Fine Para. Washing Machine or “Agitator.” Removes bark and other foreign substance from crude rubber. P A G E S E V E N know the right man for the right place, the executive grasp which places and trains him and—above all—the spirit of loyalty which holds him—this has been the Firestone force from the beginning. - - BUFFALO Sales and Service Branc Economy in Concentration - 1024 Main St. - HERE is no getting back of the fact that specialized production makes for economy of manufacture as well as quality of product. The fine results of that law are what give car owners the extraordinary in Firestone Tire service at the ordinary in price. The Firestone organization has naturally been a mag- net to draw unto itself the most finished men in every (Continued on page ten) SYRACUSE Sales and Service Branch 502–04 Genessee St. CO FIRESTONE TRE & RUBBER - ". - " | - | º - - º º iſºstonzº rºse Riºs ROCHESTER Sales and Service Branch 223 East Ave. º º º - P A G E E I G. H. T. Filtered water and Filtered Air HE fact that the Firestone plant has its own water systems may be cited to give an idea of its scope of operation. When the City of Akron suffered an accident to its water supply some time back, the Firestone plant responded and met the needs of the city. The Drying Rooms, shown below, are supplied with filtered air, warmed to the proper temperature before coming in contact with the "(110 (!!?!. | - - - Washing and Sheeting Rubber. - - These machines consist of two huge steel rolls with water running down upon them. All foreign matter, such as bark or grit, is washed from the rubber. The rubber is then rolled into sheets. - Drying Room. The rubber must be thoroughly dried. It is hung up in this special dr room, in sheet form, for several days. The room is kept at - a constant temperature. ying P A G E N I N E. line of tire making, from the designing engineer and chemist on through to the most skilled tire factory workmen. Elsewhere in this book you will find reproduced a photograph of the Firestone Foremen. These are the past-masters in tire building, directing the thousands of skilled men whom the Firestone standard has attracted. These men represent another reason why the extra Firestone quality and quantity in mileage service costs no more than the ordinary. It is a part of that law of economy and specialization that the best help obtainable is the most economical to employ, both from the produce tion and the consuming standpoint. Man-Efficiency HESE Firestone experts work with head as well as 1920 THE FIRESTONE TIRE & RUE BER Co. iºns - - - - - - - -- CHICAGO Sales and Service Branch 1920 Michigan Ave. hand. They work with the poise and Sureness borne of mastery of their specialty. They work with the swiftness and accuracy resulting from vast experience in one direction. They work with the concentration of a single purpose. They work with the joy of those who carry a responsibility beyond their money interest— the responsibility of maintaining and advancing the leadership of their product. They work with the healthful strength, the clear eye, the contented spirit which comes from bright, airy, clean, comfortable surroundings. MILWAUK.E.E. Sales and Service Branch 481-483 Jefferson St. lºston: | ------- (Continued on page twelve) P A G E T E N Better Work – Lower Cost HOROUGH mixing of rubber and tough- ening pigments is all important in tire making. It cannot be done well, if hurried. The Firestone way of doing it better, while keeping down cost, is to install specially large, efficient machines — long rows of them, manned by men who think only of the better work. Close supervision here is of utmost importance, and great care is exercised in the checking of - - - - - machines mix the pure rubber all materºals entering each mºacture. the pigments specified by the labora to insure maximum service for the pose it is used. One compound for treads another for side walls, etc. A close view of one of the Mixing Mills. Showing compound being forced between the great steel rolls until thoroughly mixed and massed. - After each lot has been forced through the heavy steel rolls time and time again until the miaſing is perfect, the rubber is rolled into thick sheets, then stored or “aged” for a certain length of time. Here, again, is where haste could make waste, and every lot is tested in the laboratory A Section of the Aging Bins. - Rubber needs to "stand" a - certain time after compounding for best results. Different periods of º: before being made into Fire- stone products. er are required according to character of ru P A G B E L E v. E. N. WASHINGTON Sales and Service Brand, º 824 4th St., N. W. The Vital Value of Experience DOUBLE value in Specialization is the experience it gives in selection – not only of men but of materials. Every pound of Firestone rubber; every yard of Firestone fabric, every pound of steel for Firestone Rims, is chosen not only with the highest standard in view, but with the intelligence which goes with concentrated skill and experience. - Firestone—The Colossus of Distribution It is not in production, alone, that the value of the Firestone Specialist is felt. We have mentioned before the international scope of the Firestone Organization. It has become an integral part of our industrial centers from border to border of NEWARK Sales and Service Branch these United States. And with branch houses in 84 Bank St. England, Spain, South Africa, South America, and (Continued on page fourteen) | BALTIMORE Sales and Service Branch | Fºrestone TE P A G E T W E L V E. Calendering Room. - "Warming up" mills (at right) where rubber is softened preparatory to calendering. Calender machines (at left) roll rubber into thin sheets. - Calendering ERE is shown one of the many costly and difficult processes through which rubber is handled in the building of tires. This process is called calendering. It consists of working over the rubber again in warming mills to put it in condition for the large calenders, which spread it and roll it into uniform sheets of the desired thinness. The thin sheets so produced are in turn - passed through other rollers, to produce cer ſº tain stocks for definite purposes – such as - - - the making of Inner Tubes, for instance. It is easier, quicker, cheaper, to roll the rubber through only once into a sheet thick enough for the final work. But the building up of sheet on sheet – or the laminating process—is essential to that freedom from flaw, that density of teature, that lasting “life” and strength for which Firestone Tubes are famous. The Firestone machines for this work are of the most improved pat- - term known, and there are rows and rows of - them, of which we get but a glimpse above. - Calendering Red Tube Stock. Each machine is in charge of men of such training and experience and loyalty to Firestone ideals of quality that one may well ask—“Why the inspectors?” But there they are-the ever present guardians of those standards which have made the name Firestone synonymous with “Most Miles per Dollar.” P. A. G. E. T II I R. T. E. E. N. JACKSON VILLE Sales and Service Branch Laura and Duval Sts. representatives and agencies in nearly all lands, there will soon be no boundaries to the demand for and supply of “Most Miles-per-Dollar” Tires. Wherever you find a Firestone man you will find a specialist. You will find a home of real tire service—the headquarters of the community not only for this or that approved type, style or size of tire needed, but a wheel equipment for every vehicle, road, load and condition of service. Tires for automobile, motorcycle or bicycle, tires for motor trucks and trailers, tires for carriages, rims for any car, tire accessories for all — whatever you need within these bounds there is a Firestone man within quick call—an expert whose deeper knowledge you will recognize and whose honesty of purpose will be self-evident. Each of these local plants is a vital unit of efficiency in the ir ATLANTA Sales and Service Branch y F eStone System of 253–255 Peachtree St. (Continued on page sixteen) º º - | º/–A. º, P. A. G. E. F o U. R. T. E. E. N. - Testing Fabric –Fabric Inspecting Table IIE highest grade of Sea Island cotton, which has proved to be the best fabric for tires, is used in making Firestones. This fabric under the purchase contract must conform to rigid speci- fications. Nevertheless, every roll is tested for thread, weave and strength. After each roll is tested, it passes to the inspection table where an inspector looks over every inch of the roll to see that there are no flaws. The Fºrestone standard is so high and so rigidly adhered to that under this thorough eacami- nation flaws are often found and the fabric is returned to the mills as unfit. - Testing. -- - - - - - Testing fabric for thickness, tensile strength, - - º tº l | length of fibre, density of weave and other - - - | vitals of quality. - | - | | | Inspecting fabric over powerful lights to insure elimination of all defects such as broken threads, grease spots and cotton hulls. Fabric Stock Room. Millions of yards of fabric pass through this room annually. - P A G. E. F. I. F. T. E. E. N. economical distribution Supplied by carloads from the factory, each radiates the goods to consuming points at lowest cost, helping to make possible the extra quality at the price of ordinary tires. And the men who serve from these centers know their business as do the specialists at the factory. They are service men first, last, and all the time. The Forward Vision — A Factor in Firestone Success HE fact that Firestone Tires were better than others has never been accepted in the factory as a limit for endeavor. The question has never been, “Are Firestones better than others?” but, “What can we do to make them still better?” Every superiority, every improvement has been simply a milestone toward the highest degree of perfection obtainable. (Continued on page eighteen) OKLAHOMA CITY Sales and Service Branch 212 W. First St. fire stonic - DALLAS sales and service Branch 21 21–23 Commerce St. º --~~~ º - - Tº º HOUSTON Sales and Service Branch | | || 4 Main St. P. A. G. E. S 1 x T. E. E. N. - - --- --- Drying Fabric. All moisture is removed by rolling fabric over a series of heated steel plates. Scientifically Drying and Frictioning the Fabric * . A BRIC is as vital a factor in building efficient tires as rubber itself. In the selection, the testing, the handling through various processes, the suremess of the specialist is essential. - It is imperative that the fabric be perfectly dry before applying rubber to it if it is to give its full measure of service. It sounds simple. But to eatract all atmospheric moisture, without impairing the natural tensile strength of the cotton, calls for a rare degree of scientific eaactness and trained judgment. In the process of filling the fabric with rubber we return to the Calendering machines men- tioned on Page 13. As the fabric is rolled through the drums of this machine it meets with a slow flow of pure rubber. The drums, heated to a certain degree, force the gum into every weave and fibre of the cloth possible from one side. Then it goes through again with the warm gum forced in from the other side. Frictioning. Forcing of rubber into the fabric between heavy pressure rolls P A G E S E V E N T E E N º - --- º º cº- | | | | It was this striving for the better thing in tire equip- ment that gave Firestone the distinction of solving the rim problems—introducing the all-rubber non-skid tread —perfecting the first successful removable truck tire equip- ment, raising the standard of motorcycle tires to that of auto tire construction—and just recently, injecting a new element of beauty into pneumatics by the creation of the Black Tread and Red Side Wall. It remained for Firestone to create the Cord tire of Universal service a tire of the highest efficiency ever produced. | | | - | KANSAS CITY Sales and Service Branch Grand Ave. and 20th St. The Creative Idea Some Further Proof HE Firestone Company was founded on a cre- ative idea—the Side Wire Tire for carriages —and from its beginning it has been the dom- inating force in the tire industry. Firestone engineers know that the creative power is the secret of leader. ship and theirs is the fame and the authority that go with original work. - C. - sº (Continued on page twenty-two) MEMEHis sales and scº. Branch 288 Monroe Ave. | ST. LOUIS Sales and Service Branch Cor. Compton and Locust. P A G E. E. I. G. H. T. E. E. N. Club House and Restaurant of the Firestone Factory ERE are a few snap shots of the social center of the Firestone factory organization. To the thousands of workers º the Firestone plant it means the advantage of every enjoyable, healthful indoor evercise and recreation “just across the street.” And we don’t even cross the street in bad weather. The factory and Club House are connected by a large, airy corridor under the street. The pictures on this and the ºf page suggest only a few of the comforts and benefits available here to every factory employee, at the nominal eapense which covers cost of efficient management. The kitchen and restau- rants ºre pºſterº of hygienic equipment, all in charge of a steward who would grace any of our leading metropolitan hotels. - The Latest Firestone “Addition"- Factory Club House and Restaurant Building. Across Street from Factory, connected by Tunnel. One of the Club Rooms. - A sembly Room. N IN E T E E N T W E N T Y P. A. G. E. ia. shower Room” E © o !, bo | 8 Ë| 5 ∞© º',, © (_)---- qu ſae |- O (_) |× LINE - UP OF FIRESTONE SUPER INTENDENTS AND FORE MEN WHILE GUEST'S OF MR. F I RESTONE AT THE FAMILY HOMESTEAD. VISIT with the Firestone organization would not be complete unless you met the men at their play as well as at their work. Then you lose the idea of an organization in its business sense and get the fraternal spirit. The Firestone spirit extends beyond the problems of increasing mileage. And this brotherhood just naturally increases the joys of living as soon as any two or any two thousand of them get together. One of the big days in the year in the calendar of many Firestone men is when all the foremen drive to the old Firestone homestead down in Columbiana County and revel in all the joys that only such a fine old country place can afford, and only such a big bunch of kindred spirits can experience. The program on this particular holiday of each sum- mer means a gathering of all the foremen at the factory bright and early in the morning for breakfast at the Company restaurant. Then the loading of scores of automobiles, the start of a long procession headed by Mr. Firestone, the travel over the beautiful hills and valleys of Ohio, seventy-five miles to the Firestone farm. And then until twilight, a crowd more busy enjoy. ing themselves would be hard to find. The drive home in the cool of the evening is a fitting climax to so happy an occasion, | HERE IS THE WHOLE ARMY OF THE FIRESTONE FACTORY, WHICH IS CAPTAINED BY THE FOREMEN WE HAVE BEEN PICNICKING WITH ON ANOTHER PAGE. NOW LET’S PICNIC. WITH THE WHOLE AKRON DIVISION OF THE FIRESTONE ORGANIZATION. N this vast group above, and from the annual factory picnic which we catch a few glimpses of here, we will still miss two thousand Firestone workers that are serving the public in every state of the Union and beyond. But there are enough of us here, with some members of our families, to nearly over- flow Akron's Electric Park, for we number 15,000 strong. And Firestone Factory Forces Mobilized for the Camera any visitor at the Firestone factory picnic would certainly have to agree that they are specialists at making good times as well as good tires. Perhaps it is the Firestone habit of joy in the work, the habit of concentrating on the thing in hand, the basic principle of the specialist, which seems to crowd any Firestone holiday with the maximum of real wholesome pleasure. While there are thousands here, with all the human Varia- tions such an army suggests, through us all there flows that mighty undertow of Firestone ideals, enthusiasm and loyalty to each other and the public which moves us all as if we were Oſle Inan. sº / º º -º-º- sº sº % - º f / º º º Ş ºf A № ield t These are the men through 1118, ion, for a few ip which character- 1C1621] irestone f - ideas of eff t neVV InSpira iate to every center of at the central plant—the —for the annual meet iness staff > is part of the great F ich fellowsh industry irestone bus whom we rad ion the Firestone products for economy force “back home’ hub of the ERE ileage and the Firestone But now they have gathered from the four the F ilizat ServíCe. ds W111 - added knowledge, days of that r of m 1762S :-) > ---- (_) Tº |. OM ANNUAL SALES ſº WELCOM | Aºi. º fºrestone cºlº º --- -- º - restone - - º The Importance of the Physical Factor GOOD physique as an asset for the workers themselves and as a help toward general efficiency – this is the two-fold value in the Firestone care here demonstrated. The health of every member of the Organ- ization is not only a matter for concern from the ethical standpoint but as an aid to that successful workmanship which means so much to users of Firestone Tires. The workers in the Firestone plant make every effort to co-operate with the manage- ment in maintaining a high standard of physical welfare for the common good no less than for individual comfort. Hospital. A physician and nurse always ready with every - medical and surgical aid. - P A G E T W E N T Y - O N E Locker Room. A steel locker for each employee. Dººſa Office. Examinat and professional advice offered without charge. Medical Office Examinations and consultations at the command of all employees. Drinking Fountains. Sanitary drinking fountains throughout office and factory. - - - The First All-Rubber Non-Skid Tire HERE can be no better evidence of Firestone cre. ative genius than the practical utility of the Fire- stone Non-Skid tread. It came as a scientific answer to the demand for a tread which would - - hold safely on any road with plenty of grip and “TRI-CITY” Sales and Service Branch - - - - - 409-11 Harrison St., Davenport, Iowa. traction. To protect motorists against skid or slide this was the work Firestone set out to do. It has been accomplished by scientific adjustment of angles and hollows which give giant grip and greatest possible skid-resistance. The non-skid letters are placed high, too, in order that all the rubber may re-enforce the tread where the wear comes and afford it surest protection. (Continued on page twenty-four) º -- ºissºns: T MINNEAPOLIS Sales and Service Branch 1635 Hennepin Ave. P A C E T W E N T Y. – T W o Some “Tailoring” Jobs in Tire Building º 0 fashion artist ever cut = º cloth or “built to measure” with the evactness of these Firestone men. Given the finest fabric with the fullest measure of supremely good rubber, these special- isis of alert mind, true eye and steady hand, cut patterns for the bodies of Firestone Tires. With their efficiency multiplied by the highest type of machinery they do their big share in giving to car owners the Firestone measure of Cutting Fabric on Bias. - SC)"),C(2 — Adds resiliency to the finished tire and greatly - * @ - multiplies the strength of the fabric. - - Most Miles 1967. Dollar.” Joining Fabric. - - From the bias cutting machine the fabric is brought into this room spliced and rolled on drums for tire-building machines. Cutting Room. - After being cut to width on machine the side wall rubber is placed on tables and cut into proper lengths and gauged for thickness. Cutting Side Wall Gum. In one operation this machine cuts many strips of side - wall rubber of any width desired. - P A G ſº T W E N T Y. – T. H. R. E. D. Firestone Originates the First Practical Rim BIG feature in Firestone pioneering has been the solution of the Rim question. It was Firestone who saw the need of a real Auto Rim one which should do justice to the tire; one which should hold it true; one which should get the longest life out of the tire and one which would be easily handled at all times, when new or old. Firestone saw the need, accepted the responsi. bility and gave to the tire industry the funda- mental satisfaction of practical, economical rim service — the first rim offered to car manufacturers which answered every demand. (Continued on page twenty-six) CINCINNATI Sales and Service Branch 213-15 E. Eighth St. Fire stone --> --> º INDIANAPOLIS Sales and Service Branch 508 N. Capitol Ave. ºsiºn 2" TREºs º Lºlº Co. UMEUs sale, and service B., 197 E. Gay St. P A G E T W E N T Y. – F O U R An Epoch-Making Invention F there is one factory scene in this book more important to car owners than all others it is the center picture on this page. The engineering genius that produced this Firestone machine has cut the cost of motoring by millions of dollars. It is the marvel of tire industry—and it is exclusively Fºrestone. With the help of this machine the sure, strong hand of the specialist doubles its output. And it does what no hand, however cunning and Firestone Quick-Detachable Clincher Beads. It cuts sheets of rubber-filled fabric into strips. These strips are drawn through a die which gives them the proper bead form. All this in one operation. with uniform tautness. For years Firestone wrestled with this problem of overcoming the un- even stretch of the fabric plies when built by hand. Many months of experiment were needed to perfect the Firestone tire-building machine. It now operates with uncanny perfection. There is no "fag" in the working day of this machine. It lays its last layer at night with the same tension that it lays its first in the morning. But this better tire costs you no more because of that multiplying of the ea pert's hand. iew of One of the Tire Building Rooms. All the machines described above are operated under constant inspection. Building the º,of a Tire on the Firestone Tire Machine. , - - - Every layer laid with absolute uniformity of tension, which is strong , C(1}l do ºt builds O}l. €1767 ly layer of fabric - impossible by hand and achieved only by this machine. The invention of Firestone Engineers. P A G E T W E N T Y - F I V E. tº toº sº º Rººs ºf the * - CLEVELAND Sales and Service Branch 1906 Euclid Ave. The Car Builders Recognition of Firestone Rims HAT the automobile manufacturers of today have accorded this place to Firestone is evidenced by the fact that a great majority of the leading builders use Firestone Demountable Rims as standard equipment. This is the recognition of that Firestone service which in every line of tire work is in the forefront of progress. The Firestone principle of rim construction and appli- cation is now accepted as final and standard. Firestone Creative Force in the Truck Tire Field As we realize more and more the limitless possibilities of motor truck service in the world today the importance of truck tire equipment becomes more and more plain. From the day when the side-wire patent was the vital factor in successful service, to the latest development, Firestone has set the pace; blazing the way to better things and showing others the road. This is the leadership of research and experience. (Continued on page twenty-eight) DETROIT Sales and Service Branch Woodward, Cor. Canfield - - - - | | | | - - - - - - - - P A G E T W E N T Y. – S I X Finishing and Vulcanizing a Tire The production of a fire is divided into three main divisions—the preparation of materials, the building process and the vulcanization. The vulcanizing (or curing) is done on a vast scope on the first floor of the factory. - Finishing Room. From the building machines the tire passes to the finishing room, where the side walls, breaker strips and tread are applied. Vulcanizing Room. The tires are placed in steel molds and lowered into steam pits. Hydraulic pressure holds the molds together during vulcanization. iſ W E N T Y. – S E V E N T is to the credit of Firestone foresight that it antici- pates truck-tire problems and gives today the “more” of service which answers the demands of tomorrow. Gradually Firestone Truck Tires have come to be depended on for every possible contingency of service —for every road, load and hauling condition. What- OMAHA Sales and Service Branch ever the style or type, the Firestone preparedness has 2566 Farnam St. served the public well and promptly. Pneumatic or Solid, Removable or Pressed-On; dual and single treads, notched or plain—each type has its place and each has been developed to its highest degree of service by the Firestone builders. Wheel building shops are a vital part of Firestone Branch Service and have done as much as any other factor of Firestone co-operation to establish the truck in its present place of commercial conquest. They are completely equipped with the necessary machinery and managed by expert wheelwrights. The combination of extreme resiliency with long-wearing toughness accounts for the Most-Miles-per-Dollar service of Firestone rubber. The quantity and quality of materials, the design and methods are all distinctively Firestone and distinctly right. (Continued on page thirty) DES MOINES Sales and Service Branch |013–14 W. Walnut St. P A G E T W E N T Y → E I G. H. T. Coating Inside of Cases HE perfect tire is here given its finishing touch by coating the inside of the case with an anti- friction paint. This is done to prepare a smooth surface that prevents wear on the immer tube. This is but an eacample of that watchful care which makes Fºrestones cost more to build but less to use. In the end it makes for that economy which has its reward in a satisfied public and in volume of sales. These automatically operate to bring down again the cost which this minute Adding Inside Finish to Tires. care and multiplied inspection has Inside layer of fabric is given a coating which makes it - - - non-adhesive and prevents inner tube sticking to tire. - increased. - Final Inspection of Tires. Every Firestone tire passes under the eye of an uncompromis- ing inspector at every stage of its development. Even then, it must pass this final examination before it is entrusted with the responsibility of the Firestone reputation. - **** º Final Inspection of Cases NSPECTION – unremitting, cease- less and eacpert — here is one of the greatest factors in Firestone leader- - ship. Every operation to the finished case has been subjected to a rigid eacamination and pronounced perfect, and yet they are now up for final inspection. This is an additional check on the many inspections they have already passed and the final approval of the factory before they are sent out to up- Wrapping and Tagging Tires. hold the Fºrestone name. Another example of Firestone efficiency. This machine wraps tires as rapidly as a man can tag them. P A G E T W E N T Y - N I N E The Value of the Right Rim in - ºr "Tº Truck Problems Tºsºnº. RUCK Tire efficiency is often as much a matter of rim as of rubber. For this reason one of the outstanding pieces of work credited by all to Firestone engineers is the production of a really prac- tical, dependable, removable equipment. SEATTLE Sales and Service Branch Common-sense principles applied to its 15 18–20 ||th Ave. construction have resulted in a simplicity of operation and sureness of performance which have revolutionized traffic delivery. It has made truck owners – however remotely located — free from tire-delays, and independent of expert service. The Firestone Line of Accessories— No Minor” Details Even Here The Firestone line of Tire Accessories is unique in its quality standards—there being no item too small—no detail too insignificant—for the specialized attention of Firestone builders. Firestone ideas of efficiency have raised the standard to the point where every detail of accessory (Continued on page thirty-two) PORTLAND Sales and Service Branch 65-69 Park St., N. SPOKANE Sales and Service Branch | 127 First Ave. Estone tº E - Russ E R co P. A. G. E. T h 1 R T Y A Group of Scientists H IS particular group of pictures gives a superficial view of things which only the few directly respon- sible may know about. Here Firestone Chemists give that added life to Firestone rubber delving for new ingredients or com- binations, now adding mileage to the tread now for fleaſibility to the side wall, and so on. And the engineers are working out those features of design and construction which will mean more and more mileage to the already extra measure of the Firestone standard. Physical Testing Laboratory. P. A. G. E. T H 1 R T Y - O N E. and repair equipment is given the same proportion of care and thought as the tire itself. For they are relatively as important. The Firestone Company has been in- defatigable in its work of supplying car owners with the knowledge and materials that would enable them to get the most possible mileage for every dollar invested. The Organization Greater Than the Factory LTHOUGH today the Firestone Factory is the largest exclusive tire plant in the world—it is the Fire- stone Organization as a whole which has grown to its present international place of honor and confidence in the public mind. “Most Miles per Dollar" is the settled standard of Firestone men everywhere. And in this spirit of upholding the honor of the service is to be found the Key to the Firestone position. - A high standard persistently upheld, has had its usual effect. A discriminating public has justified the Firestone faith in quality as the basis of economy. Firestone acted on the assumption that car-owners preferred the mileage test to the test of price alone. And today the name “FIRESTONE” on a tire is the acknowledged stamp of authority. (Continued on page thirty-four) LOS ANGELES Sales and Service Branch 1239 S. Olive St. SALT LAKE CITY sales and service Branch 31 W. 4th South St. P A & E T H 1 R T y - T wo Where Firestone Rims are Made HE Firestone Rim fac- tory is no less remark- able in its field than the Firestone Tire plant. And Firestone rims are as dis- tinctly superior to all other rims as are Firestone fires to other fires. - There are at this time 125 car manufacturers using demount- able rim equipment. Out of this total 8% use Firestone, in- cluding the leading makes of the world. If you agree that rims are an important part of car equip- ment you will insist upon Fire- stone Demountable Rims. Making All Rims Absolutely True to Measurements. º Clincher Tire Association Inspection. Every Firestone rim is examined by Association Inspectors and bears their stamp of approval. Firestone Rim Plant, Akron, Ohio. This entire plant is devoted exclusively to the manufacture of Firestone rims. P A G E T H I R T Y - T. H. R. E. E. frc ston.c TIRES RIMS - SAN FRANCISCO Sales and Service Branch 1414–16 Van Ness Ave. Tomorrow’s Improvements Will Be Firestone Features First HAT power of initiative which has won public confidence for the name Firestone, is the force which will hold that confidence through the years to come. Firestone specialists advance their standards wherever and whenever possible, without regard to precedent. Bear in mind that these men whose genius is thus given free rein are world authorities. They are unhampered by tradition, unstinted in time and expense. Whatever change their research and judgment dictates —in design, material or method—is put to rugged factory and practical tests. Whatever innovation is safe and sane, practical and efficient, will always be found in its highest degree of development in tires and rims bearing the Firestone name. (Concluded on page thirty-six) OAKLAND Sales and Service Branch 12th at Jackson ºne tº P. A. G. E. T H 1 R T Y. – F O U R. At Right Applying hard rubber base to rim. AT LEFT – “Roughing up º' hard rubber base preparatory to applying tread rubber. - - - Cutting Saw-Tooth Ridges | in Base of Truck Rims. Firestone Truck Tires HERE are many reasons why more trucks are operated on Firestone Tires than any other tires– but the basic reason lies in the fact that they are built by the leading specialists of the industry. - Plies of Tread Rubber being wrapped round and 'round under heavy tension. The history of truck wheel equipment is the history of the Firestone Organization. Firestone Builders have evolved a type of truck tire for every condition of service. Your particular needs are ana- lyzed and the evact tire to fill these needs is specified. The engineers create the design to fit the work. The chem- isis evolve the compound to fit the work. The specialists in building see that every step in manufacture is an accurate development toward the particular service to be met. The re- sult is a thoroughly tested, proven, practical line of truck tires. - - Truck Tire Vulcanizing Room. - - - Tires are placed in molds, swung into deep pits and, in proper heat - - - and pressure, each is vulcanized into a unit of rugged endurance. P A G E T iſ 1 R T Y. – tº 1 v E. E. G. C. N. E. F. E. S. R U E E E R C C M PA. N. Y. - ºirestone ºrestone * TIRES Lºs --- --~~ - GRAND RAPIDS Sales and Service Branch | 19-121 Division Ave., No. The Firestone Pledge of Service with Every Sale VERY buyer of a Firestone product gets something more than the best article of its class. When Firestone goods are bought, a very definite individual interest is automatically established in the Firestone organization toward that purchaser. As Firestone specialists have created higher responsibilities in producing the better thing—so do they seek higher responsibilities in the field of service. In every unit of the Firestone Organization there are Service men — trained, seasoned, widely experienced tire specialists—whose sole responsibility is to interpret in broad, liberal terms the Firestone policy of the square deal. In the center of this book are pictured gatherings of the manufacturing division and the sales division of the Firestone Organization. Equally vital to you are the gather- ings at the home plant of the distinctly Service men from our international chain of branch establishments. PITTSBURGH Sales and Service Branch 5904 Penn Ave. ºne TIRE * - - ºne ºrestone ºs. - sº P A G. E. T H I R T Y. – S I X. Branch Shop Equip- 111ent E RE are shown some illustra tions of the equipment which is typical of the national chain of Firestone Service Stations. In them you will find nothing but the most improved machinery for wood and steel working. These complete shops are maintained to serve the truck and pleasure car owners in these various communities. You can get what you want when you want it – command them and enjoy their prompt and courteous service. shrinking On” Rim. P A G E T H I R T Y. – S E V E N Hydraulic Press. For Applying Pressed-On Tires. Heating Rim Preparatory to “Shrinking On” Process. A Few Firestone Branches and Agents Abroad STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN. J. Lilja & Co. FIREstone Tºse ºf Rºese: C ºirestone Tº s MEXICO CITY, MEXICO. Enrique Warnholtz, S. en C. MANILA. P. L. 101-107 Market St. American Hardware & Plumbing Co. - - LONDON, W., 216 Tottenham Court Road. Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd. SANTO DOMINGO. R. D. Hohlt & Co. WANGANUI, N. Z. A. Hatrick & Co. Ltd. ſº ſº incided SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA. A. T. Harrison. CARACAS, VENEZUELA. Domingo Otati. P A G. E. T H I R T Y - E. I. G. H. T. P. A. G. E. Firestone Pneumatic Tires and Tubes - Fi - º Skid - Firestone Firestone - restone. Non-Ski - - Cord Tire. - - Automobile Tire --- Cord Tire. - Firestone Non-Skid Firestone Non-Skid Bicycle Tire. Motorcycle Tire. Red and Gray Inner Tubes for Automobiles and Motorcycles T H 1 R T Y - N I N E. More Firestone Products Truck Tires. For every road, load and condition of service. No. 1216. EDTIEEG|| 2XTº sº º EEE ºstructions Naº: |E|| || AKRON, JD. Carriage Tires. Sidewire—Internal–Cushion. Tire Repair Materials of All Kinds. - - Tire Accessories. Demountable Rims. - A complete line of emergency helps. For every type of tire or car. P. A. G. E. F @ R T Y 8 || 30 G 10 O 198 || 6 ||||||||| H