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"/~/ , SĂķī£EnŠE|- #.E8¿¿ {| #Ēłļā ' ;Fðț¢â‚¬â€/№ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſm####=!ĶĒ | 5Eſ|E.£$%$%&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ė|||Ė=}}+++++++++++ķē ËşiffiſiīīīīīīīīīīĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪfffffffffffffffffĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĖĖELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|F }; ± # `-'. * - || { į ()•w. • ! 0} ~)Q |№ SNOE) ~; ~ Engineering 6 * Specifications No. 519 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR RAY LYMAN WILBUR, Secretary ºf A BUREAU of RECLAMATION 2. ELWOOD MEAD, Commissioner SPECIFICATIONS, SCHEDULE, AND DRAWINGS HOOVER DAM, POWER PLANT AND APPURTENANT WORKS BOULDER CANYON PROJECT ARIZONA–CALIFORNIA-NEWADA Bids will be received at the office of the Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, until 10 o'clock a.m., March 4, 1931. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIOR, BUREAU or; RECLAMATION, OFFICE of THE CommissionER, Washington, December 15, 1930. Memorandum for the Secretary. Herewith is transmitted specifications and schedule of drawings of Hoover Dam, power plant, and appurtenant works. As soon as these are approved, bids will be invited. The estimates show that the work can be completed within the limits fixed by the author- ization in the Boulder Canyon act. The pressure for action on this matter, as a means of fur- nishing employment and encouraging a revival of business is, as you know, very great. It is proposed, if these can be approved within the next day or two, to fix the date for opening bids as March 4, 1931. ELwood MEAD, Commissioner. Approved: December 17, 1930. RAY LYMAN WILBUR, Secretary. (I) | B_L\7Tc) :- Schedule * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = - - - - - - - Statement of equipment--------------------- Statement of electric power requirements_____ General conditions: . Performance bond----------------- . Mongolian labor prohibited.--------- . Climatic conditions---------------- • Rights of way--------------------- 10. 11. 12. 13. SPECIFICATIONS Quantities and unit prices---------- Staking out work------------------ . Bench marks and survey stakes------ . Data to be furnished by contractor___ . Sanitation------------------------ Cleaning up----------------------- Failure of Congress to appropriate Patents--------------------------- Special conditions: 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33. 34. The requirement------------------- Description of diversion works------- Description of dam----------------- Description of spillways------------ Description of outlet works- - - - - - - - - Description of power plant---------- Description of inclined freight ele- Description of highway------------- List of drawings------------------ Preference rights of ex-service men and citizens of the United States-- Commencement, prosecution, and com- pletion of Work------------------ Liquidated damages---------------- Construction program-------------- Materials furnished by the Govern- Materials to be furnished by the con- tractor------------------------- Preference for domestic articles or materials----------------------- Foundation and other test drilling records------------------------- Report on geology----------------- River discharge records------------- Approval of plans by Colorado River Board-------------------------- Use of Boulder City as camp site---- 20019–80—1 CONTENTS *** | Special conditions—Continued. 1–10 35. Drinking water at site of works------ 11 36. Electric power for construction pur- 12 P9898--------------------------- 37. Sand and gravel deposits-----------. 38. Roads and highways, general-------. 13 39. Construction highway-------------- 13 40. Construction railroad--------------- 13 41. Transporting Government freight from 13 construction railroad to power house- 13 42. Use of inclined freight elevator by con- 13 tractor------------------------- 13 43. Acceptance of cofferdams by Govern- 13 ment--------------------------- 13 44. Development of power prior to com- 13 pletion of dam------------------- 14 | Earthwork: 45. Stripping canyon walls of loose rock-- 14 46. Classification of excavation---------- 14 47. Lines and grades------------------- 48. Blasting-------------------------- 14 49. Open-cut excavation, general-------- 14 50. Preparation of rock foundations for the 15 dam and other structures--------- 15 51. Tunnel, adit, and shaft excavation, 15 general------------------------- 16 52. Temporary timbering in tunnels----- 53. Steel ribs and steel liner plates in 16 tunnels, adits, and shafts--------- 17 54. Open-cut excavation for diversion tun- 17 nels---------------------------- 55. Excavation of diversion tunnels-- - - - 19 56. Care of river and unwatering founda– tions--------------------------- 19 57. Removal of downstream cofferdam 19 and rock barrier----------------- 20 58. Common excavation for foundations of dam, power house, and cofferdams-- 20 59. Rock excavation for foundation of dam---------------------------- 21 | 60. Excavation for upstream cut-off trench in foundation of dam------------- 22 61. Excavation for spillways, in open cut- 62. Excavation of inclined spillway tun- 22 nels---------------------------- 22 63. Excavation for canyon-wall valve 22 houses-------------------------- 64. Excavation for intake towers-------- 23 65. Excavation of shafts for outlet works 23 and connecting galleries---------- Page 24 25 26 27 27 27 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 35 35 35 36 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 IV Earthwork—Continued 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Excavation of penstock tunnels, out- let tunnels, and power penstocks.-- Rock excavation for power house---- Excavation for switching station----- Excavation for inclined freight eleva- tor structures-------------------- Excavation for highway------------ Excavation for highway structures--- Back fill for power house------------ Back fill for switching station------- Back fill on roofs.------------------ Embankment construction, general--- Borrow pits and quarries------------ Rock fill in diversion cofferdams----- Rock protection------------------- Rock blanket on upstream cofferdam- Rock barrier below downstream coffer- Earth fill in cofferdams. ------------ Rubble masonry Walls-------------- Disposal of excavated materials------ Grout and drainage systems: 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. Roofs: 94. 95. Drilling grout holes in tunnels, adits, and shafts---------------------- Drilling grout holes in foundations for dam and spillway crests---------- Drilling drainage holes in foundation Pressure grouting, general----------- Pressure grouting in tunnels, adits, and shafts---------------------- Pressure grouting in foundations for dam and spillway crests---------- Contraction joints in dam----------- Pressure grouting contraction joints Concrete: 96. . Broken rock or gravel-------------- . Cobble rock----------------------- . Samples of concrete aggregates------ . Water for mixing------------------ 1’age 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 48 49 Concrete—Continued. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126, 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. Protection------------------------ Damaged or defective concrete------ * Reinforcement bars and rails-------- Measurement of concrete----------- Payment for concrete--------------- Concrete linings in tunnels, adits and Concrete linings, walls and against rock in Open cut---------- Concrete in inlet structures for inner diversion tunnels----------------- Concrete in inlet structures for outer diversion tunnels and bulkhead Concrete in outlet structures for diver- sion tunnels--------------------- Concrete inlinings of diversion tunnels— Concrete in paving for upstream coffer- Concrete in dam------------------- Cooling concrete in dam------------ Concrete in parapets--------------- Special finishing of walls in power house, parapets and other concrete surfaces------------------------- Concrete in spillway structures------ Concrete in linings of inclined spillway tunnels------------------------- Concrete in diversion tunnel plugs--- Concrete in outlet and penstock tun- Concrete in Jinings of shafts for outlet works and connecting galleries----- Concrete in canyon-wall outlet works- Concrete in intake towers, foundations, and superstructure--------------- Concrete in bridges to intake towers.-- Concrete in power house and pen- Concrete for switching station and Steel tower footings.-------------- Concrete in inclined freight elevator structures----------------------- Concrete in highway structures------ Gunite surfacing on concrete-------- Rough finish for tile floors---------- Cement mortar finish for concrete Thin walls of metal lath and plaster-- Metal work and painting, general: Installing metal work--------------- Weights of machinery and metal 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 67 68 68 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 73 74 74 75 . Placing . Finishing * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 140. 141. 76 76 V Pipes and structural steel: 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. Standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fit- tings, and valves----------------- Pipe handrailing------------------- Pipe for grouting tunnels, adits, and * = ** as sº sºme , s = * * * * * * * * * * * * m sºme sº º ºsmº sºme º ºs Pipe for draining foundation of dam_- Pipe for cooling concrete------------ Control piping for high-pressure gates- Metal pipe for highway drains and culverts-------------- — — — — — — — — — — — Conduit lining castings.------------- Plate-steel conduit linings for outlet Plate-steel conduit linings for power penstocks----------------------- Structural steel, general------------- Structural steel for bridges---------- Trash rack metal work— — — — — — — — — — — — — Steel sheet piling for upstream coffer- Metal work in inclined freight eleva- tor guide structure---...----------- Page 77 77 78 78 79 79 80 80 81 81. 82 82 83 84 85 86 86 Pipes and structural steel—Continued. 161. Metal floor plates 162. Metal stairways------------------- Gates and other mechanical machinery: 163. Stoney gates and hoists------------ 164. High-pressure, hydraulically operated 165. Cylinder gates and hoists in intake towers-------------------------- 167. Traveling cranes Electrical installations: 168. Electrical equipment, general 169. Resistance thermometers_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 170. Electrical conduits----------------- Windows, doors and other miscellaneous items: 171. Metal-sash windows and partitions_ _ 172. Metal-sash window operators 173. Metal swing doors----------------- 174. Metal rolling doors----------------- 175. Wooden doors-------------------- 176. Hollow tile------------------------ 177. Ceramic-tile walls and floors 178. Plumbing and hardware 179. Steel partitions--------------------. 180. Sheet metal work------------------ 181. Temporary end walls in power house- 182. Miscellaneous items of metal work - - - ** = ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * = * * * Page 86 86 86 87 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 93 93 93 94 HOOVER DAM, POWER PLANT, AND APPURTENANT WORKS, BOULDER CANYON PROJECT, ARIZONA-CALIFORNIA-NEWADA Bids will be considered on the following schedule, but no bid will be considered for only a part of the schedule - SCHEDULE Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurtenant Works º Work or material Quantity and price Amount 1 | Excavation: All classes, strip- 150,000 cu. yds., at ----------------------------- ping canyon walls of loose rock. (Words) - - - es em. - - - - as emº - - - * * * - ($----------) per cu. yd-------| 3------------ 2 Excavation: Common, in open 59,000 cu. yds., at------------------------------- cut for diversion tunnels. (words) - -, º s = *- - - ºr sº º 4- - - - sm º º ($----------) per cu. yd-------|-------------- 3 || Excavation: Rock, in open cut | 344,000 u. yds., at ----------------------------- for diversion tunnels. (Words) - - - s = - - - - s - - - - - - - - ($----------) per cu. yd-------|-------------- 4 Excavation: All classes, in diver- 1,563,000 cu. yds., at ---------------------------- sion tunnels. (Words) - * me me ame -- - - *m &m me • * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. yd-------|-------------- 5 | Excavation: Common, in open | 1,000 cu. yds., at ------------------------------- trench for concrete cut-off in (Words) upstream cofferdam. - - - as m = *- - - as as * * - - - - - - ($----------) per cu. yd-------|---------- --- 6 Excavation: Rock, in open 500 cu. yjs., at ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - trench for concrete cut-off in - (Words) upstream cofferdam. - - - * * - - - mºm am - - - - esse - “ - - * - * - ($----------) per cu. ya-------|-------------- 7 | Excavation: Removal of earth |230,000 cu. yds., at ----------------------------- fill in downstream cofferdam. (Words) - - - = * * * * * * - - - - * * *- ($----------) per cu, yd-------|-------------- 8 Excavation: Removal of rock fill 191,000 cu. yds., at ----------------------------- in downstream cofferdam and (Words) rock barrier. - - - sº * * - - * * * *- - - - - * *- ($----------) per cu. yj-------|-------------- 9| Excavation: Common, for foun- 857,000 cu. yds., at ----------------------------- dation of dam, power house, - (Words) and cofferdams. - - * * * * * - * = * * - - - - * * ($----------) per cu. yd-------|-------------- 19 | Excavation: Rock, for founda- | 400,000 cu. yds., at ----------------------------- tion of dam. . - (Words) - - ass sº as * - - * * * * *- - -º ºs = - ($----------) per cu. yd-------|-------------- 11 | Excavation: All classes, for up- || 35,000 cu. yds., at ------------------------------ stream cut-off trench infounda- y \r v. yCIS., 'Words) tion of dam. | || - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($---------- ) per cu. ya--------------------- 2 SCHEDULE-Continued Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurte” Works—Continued Itemſ No. I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 Work or material Athlount Excavation: All classes, for Spill- ways, in open cut. Excavation: All classes, in in- clined spillway tunnels. Excavation: All classes, for Can- yon wall valve houses. Excavation: All classes for intake towers. Excavation: All classes, in shafts; for outlet works and connect- ing galleries. Excavation: All classes, in pen- stock tunnels, outlet tunnels and power penstocks. Excavation: Rock, for power house. Excavation: All classes, for switching station. Excavation: All classes, for inclined freight, elevator struc- tures. Excavation: Common, for high- way. Excavation: Rock, for highway_ _ Excavation: All classes, for high- way structures. Back fill for power house-------- * * Quantity and price sm, m = º mº, º mº ºm sºme ºm º ºs me º 'º - “mº mºm, ºr sm amº m sº * * * * * * * * * *-* - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * mº sº tº sº mºs * * * * * * * * = * * * = * = - as * * * * * * ~ * ~ * - ºr - ºr - - - - at ---------------------------- (Words) - ($---------- ) per cu. yj.------- ---wº-------------------- - ($---------- ) per cu yd smº ess tº ºr sºme sº sº ---wº-------------------- - ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- ---wº-------------------- - ($---------- ) per cu. yj.------- -------wºº;----------------- - ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- ------wºº;----------------- - ($---------- ) per cu. yj ------- ------wºº;----------------- - ($---------- ) per cu. yj.------- -------wºº;----------------- - ($---------- ) per cu, ya------- -------wºº;----------------- - ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- --------wºº;----------------- - ($---------- ) per cu. yd------- * = sº as sº mºn w;----------------- - ($---------- ) per cu yd------- --------wºº;----------------- - ($---------- ) per cu. yd------- * = &º º sºme sº m sºme w;----------------- (*---------- ) per cu. yd------- * sp * = a *sº sº. * * * * * * * * * * * *ms * * * * * * * * * * * *- - - - - se - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * = am sº sº. * * * = ** = wºn tº as sºme ºn " * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * 3 SCHEDULE –Continued Itein No. Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurtenant Works—Continued Work or material Amount 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 Back fill for switching station---- Back fill on roofs--------------- Rock fill in upstream cofferdam. – Rock fill in downstream coffer- dam. Rock protection in river channel and elsewhere. Rock blanket on upstream coffer- dam. Rock barrier below downstream cofferdam. Earth fill in upstream cofferdam- Earth fill in downstream coffer- dam. Rubble masonry walls---------- Drilling grout holes in tunnels, adits, and shafts. Drilling grout holes in founda- tions for dam and spillway crests, not more than 50 feet deep. - - Drilling grout holes in founda- tions for dam and spillway crests more than 50 feet and not more than 100 feet deep. Quantity and prico * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * smº m ºmºs º ºsmº m 'm sºme ºs º ºsmºs mr “º sº- * * * *- ams m = me smºs = ºn , sº ass sº sºme s = * * * * * = , = = = = <= ** = - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *m am º ºs º ºs º ºs -º- ºm mº m ºmº -- * * * - º 'º me (Words) ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- * * * * * = - (words) tº ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- º º mº m º ºsº --> words) ----------------- ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- * * * * * * *- (words) ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- -------wºº;----------------- ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- -------wºº;----------------- ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- * * * * * * *- (words) TTTTTTTTTTTTTT ($---------- ) per cu. yj ------- -------wºº;----------------- ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- -------wºº;----------------- ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- ams sº ems, sº see ºt (words) TTT ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- — — — — - - - (words) TTTTTTTTT ($---------- ) per lin. ft.-------- º, smºs, sº sº s = (words). TTTTTTTTTTTTT ($---------- ) per lin. ft.-------- as sº smºs º sm. Töwords) --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ($------ ----) per lin. ft.-------- * * * * * * * * * * * * -ºº ºn * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * 4 SCHEDULE –Continued Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurtenant Works—Continued º Work or material Quantity and price 38 || Drilling grout holes in founda- || 17,000 lin. ft., at -------------------------------- tions for dam and spillway (Words) crests, more than 100 feet and & not more than 150 feet deep. ------------------ ($---------- ) per lin. ft.-------- 39 Drilling holes for anchor bars and 23,500 lin. ft., at ------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - grouting bars in place. (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s-, * =s sm º ($----------) per lin. ft.-------- 40 | Drilling drainage holes in founda- 5,600 lin. ft., at ------------------------ - - - - - - - - - tion for dam, not more than 50 (Words) feet deep. e *- sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per lin. ft.-------- 41 Drilling drainage holes in founda- 28,000 lin. ft., at -------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - tion for dam, more than 50 feet (Words) and not more than 100 feet. e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per lin. ft.-------- 42 | Drilling drainage holes in foun- 500 lin. ft., at--------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dation for dam, more than 100 (Words) feet and not more than 150 feet deep. ------------------ ($---------- ) per lin. ft - - - - - - - 43 | Pressure grouting in tunnels, 376,000 cu. ft., at - - - - --------------------------- adits and shafts. (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. ft - - - - - - - 44 | Pressure grouting in foundations | 12,000 cu. ft., at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for dam and spillway crests. (Words) * -º mº ºm m º ºs ºmº m º ºss º ºs = ** * * * ($----------) per cu. ft.------- 45 | Pressure grouting contraction | 34,000 cu. ft., at - - - - - --------------------------- joints in dam. (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. ft.------- 46 | Manufacturing and placing po- || 38,400 lin. ft., at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rous concrete draintile in dam. (Words) * me ºs ºs ºr sº * * * * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per lin. ft.------- 47 | Placing tile roofs-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10,000 sq. ft., at--------------------------------- (Words) * -e ºsº º sº º ºs º me amº sºme sº tº sºme ºr sº ºme sºm ($----------) per sq. ft.------- 48 Placing asphalt Saturated felt | 120,000 sq. ft., at - - - - - -------------------------- roofing, complete with flash- (Words) 1Ilg. * ------------------ ($---------- ) per sq. ft - - - - - - - 49 | Concrete in inlet structures for 5,600 cu. yds., at.------------------------------- inner diversion tunnels. (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * *s sºme sº gº as smºs ($----------) per cu. yd------ 50 | Concrete in inlet structures for | 13,400 cu. yas., at-----------------_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ outer diversion tunnels and (Words) bulkhead gates. A trigunt * * * * *- - - - - *s, *r = * * * * * -- - - - - - - - - - - 5 SCHEDULE-Continued Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurtenant Works—Continued Item No. Work or material Amount 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Concrete in outlet structures for diversion tunnels. Concrete in linings of diversion tunnels. Concrete in paving for upstream cofferdam. Concrete in dam --------------- Concrete in parapets----------- Concrete in spillway structures-- Concrete in linings of inclined spillway tunnels. Concrete in diversion tunnel plugs. Concrete in linings of outlet and penstock tunnels. Concrete in linings of shafts for outlet works and connecting galleries. Concrete in canyon wall outlet works. Concrete in intake towers, foun- dations, and superstructures. Concrete in bridges to intake towers. - - Quantity and price 5,800 cu. yjs., at-------------------------------- (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - -ºº º ºs--- ($----------) per cu. yd------- 312,000 cu. yjs., at------------------------------ (Words) ------------------ ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- 3,500 cu. yds., at ------------------------------- (Words) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($----------) per cu. yj ------- 3,400,000 cu. yjs., at ---------------------------- (Words) * * * * * tº gº º ºs º ºs sº gº ºs ºm º ºs º- ($----------) per cu. yj ------- 6,600 cu. yjs., at ------------------------------- (Words) sºm amº ºm mº sºme º mº mº º sºm. * * * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. ya------- 51,000 cu. yds., at ------------------------------ (Words) * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. yd------- 29,000 cu. yas., at ------------------------------ (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. yd------- 121,000 cu. yds., at ------------------------------- - (Words) * = sº tº s = * * * * * * * * *m tº sº, sº ($----------) per cu. yd------- 26,000 cu. yas., at ------------------------------ (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. yj ------- 10,200 cu. yas., at ------------------------------- (Words) sºm sº ºm º º ºsmº ºm sº *-s º º ºm sº mºm º ºs º- m. ($----------) per cu. ya------- 51,000 cu. yas., at ------------------------------- (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * *- :=º tº º --> <- ($----------) per cu. yj ------- 108,000 cu. yos., at --- - - - - - - - - - == - sºme smº, sº as sº smºs º-, * * * * * * * * * (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. yd------- 1,000 cu. yjs., at -------------------------------- (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ses <= *-* =ss ºve - as -- - = <- = ** *s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6 SCHEDULE-Continued Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurtenant Works—Continued Item No. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Work or material Quantity and price Amount Concrete in power house above generator floor. Concrete in power house below generator floor and in pen- ock . Concrete in switching station and steel tower footings. Concrete in inclined freight ele- vator structures. Concrete in highway structures--- Gunite surfacing on concrete, 1 inch thick. Special finishing of walls in power house, parapets, and other con- crete surfaces. Placing %-inch finish on concrete floors. Thin walls of metal lath and plaster. Placing reinforcement bars and rails. Placing anchor bars in rock------ Installing standard steel and cast- iron pipe, fittings, and valves. Installing control piping for high- pressure gates. 28,000 cu. yds., at ------------------------------- (Words) _ _ – - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * ($----------) per cu. yj------- 115,000 cu. yſis., at ------------------------------ (Words) - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. yj ------- 600 cu. yas., at ---------------------------------- (Words) _ = - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * ($----------) per cu. yd------- 4,800 cu. yds., at -------------------------------- (Words) ------------------ ($---------- ) per cu. ya------- 900 cu. yjs., at ---------------------------------- (Words) * = sm; a m = *-s sº smºs: mº m = * * * * * * * ($----------) per cu. yj ------- 50,000 sq. yds., at------------------------------ (Words) * sms as mº m 'mºa ºr m mss m ºne me tº sº- * *-* * *-* * ($----------) per sq. yd------- 250,000 sq. ft., at--------------------------- - (words) tº " sºm sºme ºm sºme mºm sºme ame as eme mºm, sº * * * * * * * ($----------) per sq. ft.-------- 50,000 sq. yds., at------------------------- , (words) --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * ($----------) per sq. yd------- 4,000 sq. yds., at------------------------- (words) ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($---------- ) per sq. yd------- 35,000,000 pounds, at-------------------- wº---------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = as am, ($----------) per pound------- 168,000 pounds, at------------------ --- - (words) --~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * = * * * = * * * * * * * = as as ($----------) per pound------- 6,600,000 pounds, at--------------------- - (words) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT * * * * * = * * * * * = = as as as as as ($----------) per pound------- 51,700 pounds, at--------------------------- am sº sº sºme emº ºr m sm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** am sm º ºss m, sº me sm º ºs º-, * me * *m, sºme ºn sºme sm ºms m = * * * * * * me sº * * * * * * * * * * * * = tº Em º gº - ºg - - * * * * = ºs = as as am sº sº as *-* * * * * * * * * = sº me as sº º 7 adits, and shafts. SCHEDULE-Continued Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurtenant Works—Continued º Work or material Quantity and price Amount 77 | Laying metal pipe for highway | 10,000 pounds, at-------------------------------- drains and culverts. (Words) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($---------- ) per pound------- $------------ 78 Installing conduit lining castings- 9,570,000 pounds, at----------------------------- (Words) * - - - - - s sº * - - - - sºme as - - - ($----------) per pound-------|-------------- 79 || Installing plate-steel conduit 6,435,000 pounds, at ---------------------------- linings for outlet works. - (Words) sºme º 'º - - - sº sºm. * - - - as sº me - - - ($----------) per pound-------|-------------- 80 Installing plate-steel conduit 13,915,000 pounds, at --------------------------- linings for power penstocks. (Words) ------------------ ($---------- ) per pound-------|-------------- 81 | Installing structural steel, except | 17,875,000 pounds, at --------------------------- bridges to intake towers. . (Words) - ------------------ ($---------- ) per pound-------|-------------- 82 | Installing structural steel in 577,500 pounds, at ------------------------------ bridges to intake towers. (Words) am me - - - - - me sº * - - - - am - - - - ($----------) per pound-------|-------------- 83 || Installing trash rack metal work- 2,340,800 pounds, at ---------------------------- - (Words) “E - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - ($----------) per pound-------|-------------- 84 || Driving steel sheet piling for up- || 704,000 pounds, at ------------------------------ - stream cofferdam. (Words) sº sºme - - - - s sº - - - - * * * - - - ($----------) per pound-------|-------------- 85 | Installing track rails------------ 413,000 pounds, at ------------------------------ (Words) *-- I------------------ ($---------- ) per pound-------|-------------- 86 Installing metal work in inclined 330,000 pounds, at ------------------------------ flight elevator guide struc- (Words) UITe. - - * - - - - * = tº - - - - - ſº tº *- - - ($----------)ºper pound)------|-------------- 87 | Installing metal floor plates----- 132,000 pounds, at ------------------------------ - - (Words) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ($---------- ) per pound-------|-------------- 88 || Installing metal stairways------- 308,000 pounds, at ------------------------------ - (Words) * - - - - - sº º –- - - - - sº * - - - ($----------) per pound -------|-------------- 89 | Furnishing and erecting steel ribs, 3,170,000 pounds, at ---------------------------- Steel liner plates, and arch ring (Words) Segmental bars in tunnels, l------------------ ($---------- ) per pound -------|-------------- 8 SCHEDULE-Continued Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurtenant Works—Continued Item No. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Work or material Quantity and price Amount Installing 50-foot by 50-foot Stoney gates and hoists. Installing high-pressure hydrauli- cally operated gates. Installing cylinder gates and hoists in intake towers. Installing needle valves--------- Installing traveling cranes------- Furnishing, installing, and oper- ating cooling plant. Installing electrical cable for resistance thermometers em- bedded in concrete. Installing electrical metal con- duit not larger than 1-inch di- ameter. Installing electrical metal con- duit larger than 1-inch di- ameter and not larger than 2%- inch diameter. Installing electrical metal con- duit larger than 2%-inch di- ameter and not larger than 4- inch diameter. Installing electrical metal con- duit larger than 4-inch di- ameter and not larger than 6- inch diameter. (Words) -- a- - ºr = * * = ** = ** = * * * * * * ($----------) per pound ------- 10, 340,000 pounds, at -----------(words) TTTTTTTTTT sº sº arm as as amº - sºme ºs = * * = * * * * * ($---------- ) per pound ------- 4,620,000 pounds, at ---------------------------- (Words) == * * * * * = * * = = * = * * * * * ($----------) per pound ------- 4,070,000 pounds, at ---------------------------- (Words) ams sº me sº am sº me am º ºs sº sº, º sº * * * * ($----------) per pound ------- 295,000 pounds, at ------------------------------ (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * ($----------) per pound ------- Complete, for the lump sum of ------------------- * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s dollars-- (Words) 20,000 lin. ft., at -------------------------------- (Words) * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * = ºs ($----------) per lin. ft.-------- 75,000 lin. ft., at-------------------------------- (Words) * = ** = * * * * * * * * * * * *m as ame ($----------) per lin. ft.-------- 60,000 lin. ft., at-------------------------------- (Words) * * = * * * * * * * * = ** = = = = -s. ($----------) per lin. ft.-------- 2,000 lin. ft., at --------------------------------- (Words) * * * * * * * * * * * = = = = = -e e-, ($----------) per lin. ft.-------- 500 lin. ft., at ------------------------- --------- (Words) * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - ft.-------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = ** = = <- = * * * = - * * * * * = ** = * * * me as as * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • = * * * = * * * * * * * * SCHEDULE-Continued Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurtenant Works—Continued º Work or material Quantity and price Amount 101 || Installing fiber conduit---------- | 2,000 lin. ft., at --------------------------------- - * > . - (Words) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($----------) per lin. ft.--------| $–----------- 102 || Installing metal sash windows | 75,000 sq. ft., at -------------------------------- and partitions. - (Words) • * = = - * * * * * - - - - - - - - ($----------) per sq. ft.--------|-------------- 103 || Installing metal sash window | 120,000 pounds, at ------------------------------ operators. -- (Words) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($----------) per pound-------|-------------- 104 || Installing metal swing doors----- 3,200 sq. ft., at --------------------------------- (Words) - * * * * - - - - - as * * - - - - m ($----------) per sq. ft.--------|-------------- 105 || Installing metal rolling doors----| 500 sq. ft., at----------------------------------- (Words) - - sºme s = ** - - - - s = - - - - - - (s----------) per sq. ft.--------|-------------- 106 || Installing wooden doors---------| 800 sq. ft., at----------------------------------- - (Words) - * * * * - - - - - sº s - - - - - = ($----------) per sq. ft.--------|-------------- 107 | Placing hollow clay tile walls and 2,000 sq. yds., at-------------------------------- ceilings. - (Words) - * * * * - - - - sºme sº sº º - - - me º ($----------) per sq. yd-------|-------------- 108 || Placing ceramic tile walls and 250 sq. yds., at---------------------------------- floors. - (Words) - - * * * * *- - - - * * * *- - - -ºº º me ($----------) per sq. yd-------|-------------- 109 || Installing plumbing fixtures and | 10,000 pounds, at-------------------------------- hardware accessories. (Words) . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($---------- ) per pound--------|-------------- 110 | Installing steel partitions-------- 10,000 pounds, at-------------------------------- (Words) - -s º gº - - - - - ame º ºs - - - - - as ($----------) per pound--------|-------------- 111 | Installing sheet-metal work------ 33,000 pounds, at-------------------------------- - (Words) ------------------ ($---------- ) per pound--------|-------------- 112 || Placing copper expansion strips | 150,000 lin. ft., at------------------------------- in contraction joints. (Words) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($---------- ) per lin. ft--------|-------------- 113 | Installing miscellaneous items of 231,000 pounds, at------------------------------- (Words) metal work. 10 Item No. Work or material Amount 114 115 116 117 118 149 Transporting freight of all kinds on the construction railroad for the Government or its agents, other than the contractor, in less than car lots between de- livery yard and end of con- struction railroad. Transporting freight of all kinds on the construction railroad for the Government or its agents, other than the contrac- tor, in car lots, between de- livery yard and end of con- struction railroad. Unloading freight of all kinds for the Government or its agents, other than the contractor, at the end of the construction railroad and placing in Gov- ernment warehouse. Transporting freight of all kinds for the Government or its agents, other than the con- tractor, between end of con- struction railroad, in less than car lots, or between Govern- ment warehouse, in any amount, and power house. Transporting freight of all kinds for the Government or its agents, other than the con- tractor, between end of con- struction railroad and power house, in car lots. Excavation: All classes, stripping Arizona gravel deposits. * * * * - - - - - -s - sº tº sº. -- - * * * * - - - - - see sº ºn - - * = ** - - - - - - - - - - SCHEDULE –Continued Construction of Dam, Power Plant, and Appurten” Works—Continued -- Quantity and price 60,000 cwt., at --------------------------------- (Words) - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " " Tº “Tº ($----------) per cwt.---------- 1,000 cars, at ----------------------------------- (Words) = = a- - - - - * = * * * * * * * * * ($----------) per car---------- 60,000 cwt., at --------------------------------- - (Words) am me am. * - - - ess -s sºme me • *- - - * * = ($----------) per cwt.---------- 60,000 cwt., at --------------------------------- (Words) * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * ($----------) per cwt.--------- 600 cars, at ------------------- • *-* = º ºs º ºs- - - - * * * * * , - - - (Words) * * * * - * * * * * * * - - - - sºme smºs ($----------) per car---------- 650,000 cu. yds. at----------------------- (Words) * - - - - * * * - - - - * *m. –($---------) per cu. yd.------ Total for Schedule.------- * = * * : *- - - - * * * - * * * * * * * * * * = - - - STATEMENT OF EQUIPMENT Each bidder shall fill in the following blanks stating the equipment with which it is proposed to do the work: Excavating equipment: Mucking machines--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power shovels---- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dragline excavators-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transporting equipment: Cableways-- --------- sº am sºme ºn an am m. ºs am, mºs. º sº sº as sº m sºme sº sºn was ame sº me sº * = ** = * * * * * = * * * * * * = ** = assº s sº sº, sº am - sº sº º sº, mºs = ** = * * *se sº sº ºn sºme sº sº, º me º sme Tramways------------------ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Locomotives--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drilling equipment------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------- Other equipment----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tº gº tº E tº sº. * * * * * * * *m, sº an ºme ºn sº am a sm = m, sº ºn mº m sº are me = * * * * me m = * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = - - - - - - - - - - -, * = * * * * * = * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * = ** = = * * * * * - - - - - = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * = * ~ * * = = * * * * * * * * * * * * 29919—30—2 (11) STATEMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER REQUIREMENTS - - - # , i. Each bidder shall fill in the following blanks, stating the maximum amount of electric power, in horsepower, which it is estimated will be required for his operations during each year of the construction period: Year Horsepower SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Performance bond.—Unless another sum is specified in the invitation for bids, the contractor shall furnish bond in an amount not less than 20 per cent of the estimated aggregate payments to be made under the contract. Bonds in amounts of $1,000 or less will be made in multiples of $100; in amounts exceeding $1,000 but not exceeding $5,000, in multiples of $500; in amounts exceeding $5,000, in multiples of $1,000: Provided, That the amount of the bond shall be fixed by the contracting officer at the lowest sum that fulfills all conditions of the contract. 2, Mongolian labor prohibited.—Pursuant to section 4 of the act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388, 389), no Mongolian labor shall be employed under this contract. 3. Climatic conditions.—The contracting officer may Order the contractor to suspend any work that may be subject to damage by climatic conditions. 4. Rights of way.-The site for the installation of machinery or the right of way for the works to be constructed under this contract and for necessary borrow pits, channels, spoil banks, ditches, roads, etc., will be provided by the Government. 5. Quantities and unit prices.—The quantities noted in the Schedules are approximations for comparing bids, and no claim shall be made against the Government for excess or deficiency therein, actual or relative. Payment at the prices agreed upon will be in full for the completed work and will cover materials, supplies, labor, tools, machinery, and all other expenditures incident to satisfactory compliance with the contract, unless otherwise specifically provided. 6. Staking out work.-The work to be done will be staked out for the contractor who shall, without cost to the Government, provide such material and give such assistance as may be required by the contracting officer. 7. Bench marks and survey stakes.—Bench marks and survey stakes shall be preserved by the contractor, and in case of their destruction or removal by him or by his employees, they will be replaced by the contracting officer at the contractor's expense, and his sureties shall be liable therefor. - 8. Data to be furnished by contractor. The contractor shall furnish the contracting officer reasonable facilities for obtaining such information as he may desire respecting the character of the materials and the progress and manner of the work, including all information necessary to determine its cost, such as the number of men employed, their pay, the time during which they worked on the various classes of construction, etc. The contractor shall also furnish the contract- ing officer copies of freight bills on all machinery, materials, and supplies shipped to or from the project in connection with the work under the contract. 9. Sanitation.—The contracting officer may establish Sanitary and police rules and regula- tions for all forces employed under this contract, and if the contractor fails to enforce these rules the contracting officer may enforce them at the expense of the contractor. 10. Extras.-The contractor shall, when ordered in writing by the contracting officer, perform extra work and furnish extra material, not covered by the specifications or included in the schedules, but forming an inseparable part of the work contracted for. Extra work and material will ordinarily be paid for at a lump-sum or unit price agreed upon by the contractor and the contracting officer and stated in the order. Whenever in the judgment of the contracting (13) 14 officer it is impracticable because of the nature of the work or for any other reason to fix the price in the order, the extra work and material shall be paid for at actual necessary cost as determined by the contracting officer, plus 15 per cent for superintendence, general expense, and profit. The actual necessary cost will include all expenditures for material, labor, and supplies furnished by the contractor, and a reasonable allowance for the use of his plant and equipment, where required, to be agreed upon in writing before the work is begun, but will in no case include any allowance for office expenses, general superintendence, or other general expenses. - r 11. Cleaning up.–Upon completion of the work the contractor shall remove from the vicinity of the work all plant, buildings, rubbish, unused materials, concrete forms, and other like material, belonging to him or used under his direction during construction, and in the event of his failure to do so the same may be removed by the Government at the expense of the contrac- tor, and his surety or sureties shall be liable therefor. . . . . 12. Failure of Congress to appropriate funds.-If the operations of this contract extend beyond the current fiscal year, it is understood that the contract is made contingent upon Congress making the necessary appropriation for expenditures thereunder after such current year has expired. In case such appropriation as may be necessary to carry out this contract is not made, the contractor hereby releases the Government from all liability due to the failure of Congress to make such appropriation. - 4. - : 13. Patents.-The contractor shall hold and save the Government, its offices, agents, ser- vants, and employees, harmless from liability of any nature or kind for or on account of the use of any patented or unpatented invention, article, or appliance furnished or used in the perform- ance of this contract, excepting patented articles required by the Governmentin its specifications, the use of which the contractor does not control. - . . SPECIAL CONDITIONS 14. The requirement.-It is required that there be constructed and completed, in accord- ance with these specifications and the drawings listed in paragraph 22 hereof, the Hoover Dam, power plant, and appurtenant structures. The work is located on the Colorado River at the Black Canyon dam site approximately 30 miles southeast of Las Vegas, Nevada, as shown on the location map. - - - 15. Description of diversion works,—The diversion works, as shown on the drawings, will consist of an upstream cofferdam, a downstream cofferdam, rock protection of part of the river channel above the upstream cofferdam, a rock barrier below the downstream cofferdam, and four diversion tunnels in the canyon walls through the abutment rock. The upstream cofferdam will be of the earth and rock-fill type, the upstream earth-fill slope being protected by a rock blanket covered with reinforced concrete paving. Steel sheet piling will be driven in a trench at the upstream toe to form a water-tight cut-off wall in the river bed and the top of this piling will be incased in the concrete wall at the toe of the concrete paving. The downstream coffer- dam will also be of the earth and rock-fill type, the downstream earth-fill slope being protected from eddy action by a rock barrier. The rock barrier will be placed downstream from the downstream cofferdam and will consist of a massive embankment of dumped rock. The four diversion tunnels will be circular in cross-section, lined with concrete and 50 feet in diameter inside of the lining. Two tunnels will be placed on each side of the river and all four tunnels will be in approximately the same horizontal plane. The two tunnels nearest the river on each side of the river are referred to in these specifications as the “inner” diversion tunnels and the other two tunnels as the “outer” diversion tunnels. º - 15 16. Description of dam.—The dam will be of the massive concrete arch-gravity type. It will be about 1,180 feet long on the crest and about 730 feet in height above the lowest point of foundation bedrock. The radius of curvature of the axis will be about 500 feet. A cut-off trench will be excavated in the foundation rock along the upstream toe. The foundation and abutment rock will be drilled and pressure grouted, the holes being located at 5-foot intervals in one line in the trench. The grout holes will vary in depth up to a maximum of about 150 feet, with alternate holes about two-thirds the depth of adjacent holes. The main drainage gallery will be parallel to the axis of the dam, with the upstream wall of the gallery at a horizontal distance of 6 feet downstream from the axis of the dam. In elevation the gallery will generally follow the cross section of the canyon, rising by steps with the abutments of the dam. Spiral stairways will be provided in the vertical sections of the gallery. Drainage holes varying in depth from about 15 feet near the crest of the dam, to a maximum of about 100 feet at the lowest points, will be drilled into the abutments and foundation from the main drainage gallery. These holes will be located in a single line, and will be spaced at 5-foot intervals. The main drainage gallery will connect with radial drainage conduits discharging at the downstream toe of the dam. To provide for expansion and contraction the concrete will be built up in sections or columns. The upstream and downstream vertical faces of these columns will be curved on a 500-foot radius. The other faces from the bottom of the dam to elevation 800 will be approximately parallel to the river channel; from elevation 1100 to the top of the dam they will be radial, or normal to the axis of the dam; and the faces at intervening elevations will be warped between those below and above. The joints thus formed between adjacent columns will be equipped with pipe and fittings, installed in systems 100 feet in height, by which, after the concrete embedding each system is placed and after the setting heat has been dissipated, the joints will be filled with grout under pressure. The setting heat will be reduced by means of a refrigeration plant Sup- plying and forcing cooled water through 2-inch pipes embedded in the concrete of the dam. In addition to the drainage galleries there will be a number of inspection galleries. Two elevator shafts with adits at the elevation of the generator floor of the power house will connect the two wings of the power house with the top of the dam. The top of the dam will be provided with concrete parapets, and other architectural features. 17. Description of spillways. Two spillways will be constructed, one on each side of the river. Each of these will consist, in downstream order, of a 50-foot by 50-foot Stoney gate, a concrete ogee overflow crest about 700 feet long, a reinforced concrete-lined open channel, and a 50-foot diameter concrete-lined inclined tunnel through which the water will pass into the outer diversion tunnel, which tunnel, after having served its purpose as a diversion tunnel, will be plugged with concrete immediately upstream from its junction with the inclined spillway tunnel and the downstream portion will become a part of the spillway system. In order to unwater the outer diversion tunnel so that the concrete plug may be constructed, a large concrete bulkhead will be constructed directly in front of and above the upstream portal of the tunnel. This concrete bulkhead will rest on three supporting columns of concrete at each side of the portal opening. The bases of the columns will rest on sand placed in concrete- lined wells, the sand being sealed in the wells by the concrete bases of the columns and by copper sealing strips embedded in the bases of the columns and in the walls of the wells. The bulk- heads will be lowered into place by jetting the sand from the wells through pipes placed in the columns. - 18. Description of outlet works,—Outlet works similar in design will be constructed on both sides of the river, the capacity on each side being the same. The outlet works on each side of the river will consist of two separate systems, each being regulated by a cylinder gate in the 16 bottom of an intake tower, the two towers being about 165 feet apart in a direction parallel with the river. The system regulated from the upstream intake tower will consist, in down- stream order, of the tower with a cylinder gate 31 feet in diameter discharging into a 30-foot diameter inclined tunnel connecting with the inner diversion tunnel, the upstream tunnel plug in the diversion tunnel with temporary slide gates installed therein, the inner diversion tunnel below the upstream tunnel plug, the downstream lower and upper canyon wall outlet gates and needle valves, the downstream tunnel plug with outlet gates and needle valves installed therein, and the 50-foot by 50-foot Stoney gate at the outlet end of the inner diversion tunnel. An adit will connect an inspection gallery in the dam with the operating chamber for the gates in the upstream tunnel plug and another adit will be constructed from the power house to the down- stream tunnel plug, with elevator shafts to the upper and lower canyon wall valve houses. The system regulated from the downstream intake tower will consist of the tower with a cylinder gate 31 feet in diameter discharging into a 30-foot diameter horizontal penstock tunnel leading to the upstream lower and upper canyon wall outlet gates and needle valves. Power penstocks which divert from each system are described in paragraph 19. The lower and upper canyon wall outlet gates and needle valves on each side of the river are housed in separate buildings, known as the lower canyon wall valve house and the upper canyon wall valve house, respectively. /934. Description of power plant-The power house will be located immediately down- stream from the dam. It will be a U-shaped structure of concrete and structural steel with one wing of the U on each side of the river and with the connecting portion constructed across the downstream toe of the dam. Each wing of the building will be constructed sufficiently large to accommodate at least 6 and possibly 8 main power-generating units together with transformers, switching, and control equipment, and auxiliary apparatus. The length of the front or river face of each wing will be about 500 feet, the depth from this face to the excavated canyon wall will be about 66 feet, and the height from the generator floor to the top of the roof will be about 85 feet. Where the power house roof is extended beyond the back wall of the power house to connect the roof with the canyon wall, extension roof trusses will be used, with one end notched into and supported by the rock in the canyon wall. The construction of the power house is covered by these specifications. The hydraulic and electrical machinery, equipment, and Wiring will be installed by the Government. The contractor will be required to place all con- °rete around such machinery as is installed prior to completion of the dam. Half of the Power Penstocks on each side of the river will divert from the 30-foot diameter horizontal pen- stock tunnel, and the other half will divert from the inner diversion tunnel. The power pen- stocks will be lined with plate-steel conduit lining, having a thickness varying from 1% to 2. inches, and the Space between the steel lining and the rock will be filled with concrete. 20. Description of inclined freight elevator.—The inclined freight elevator guide structure will be located on the slope of the canyon wall immediately downstream from the power house on the N *Vºda side of the river. The top of the structure will connect with the highway at tºº, 126 º the bottom elevation will be at about 667. It will consist of a channel other metal wº l º and lined with Concrete, in which track rails, structural guides, and nected to the & h € * to guide the elevator car. This guide structure will be con- equipment hº º: º y d Spur track constructed In a concrete foundation. The hoisting mechanisms will be . i º º or elevator car with the necessary control and operating for the elevator and º € i. installed by the Government. The concrete guide structure The inclined freigh e Spur track to the power house shall be constructed by the contractor. reight elevator and spur track will be used by the Government for general opera- - * * : * Il f the 17 21. Description of highway.-A highway will connect with the end of the construction highway being constructed under a separate contract and will descend by light grades to the crest of the dam on the Nevada side of the river, passing the top of the inclined freight elevator. After crossing over the canyon to the Arizona side on the roadway along the crest of the dam, the highway grade will rise to a terminus above the canyon rim, where it will connect with a State highway which, it is contemplated, will be constructed at a later date. It is contemplated that the length of the highway on the Nevada side of the river will be about 4,000 feet, with a maximum grade of 6 per cent, and the length on the Arizona side of the river will be about 1,400 feet, with a maximum grade of 8 per cent. - 22. List of drawings.-The following drawings are made a part of these specifications: (94.101) 45—D—901—Colorado River basin—General map. 2. (24102) 45–D–902—Dam and appurtenant works—Location map. 3. (24.108) 45—D—903—Hydrograph of Colorado River—Lees Ferry. 4. (24104) 45–D–904—Hydrograph of Colorado River—Bright Angel. 5. (24105) 45–D–905—Hydrograph of Colorado River—Topock. 6 7 8 1 . (24.106) 45—D—906—Gage heights of Colorado River—Yuma (1878–1915). . (24.107) 45—D—907—Hydrograph of Colorado River—Yuma (1902–1930). . (24.108) 45–D–908—Black Canyon gaging station—Discharge curves. 9. (24109) 45—D—909—Profile and log of drill holes—Centerline of river. 10. (24.110) 45–D–910—Profile and log of drill holes—Line “U” 940. 11. (24.111) 45—D—911–Profile and log of drill holes—Line “U” 200. 12. (241.12) 45–D–912—Profile and log of drill holes—Line “D.” 13. (24113) 45–D–913—Profile and log of drill holes—Line “D” 200. 14. (24.114) 45—D—914—Profile and log of drill holes—Line “D’’ 400. 15. (24115) 45–D–915—Profile and log of drill holes—Line “D” 600. 16. (241.16) 45–D–916—Profile and log of drill holes—Line “D” 1000. 17. (24.117) 45—D—917—Area and capacity curves—Black Canyon dam site. 18. (241.18) 45—D—918—Government space reservation. 19. (24119) 45–D–919—Mass concrete yardage. 20. (24.120) 45—D—920–Construction progress chart—By features. 21. (24121) 45–D–921—Construction progress diagram—Pictorial. 22. (241.22) 45–D–922—Dam and appurtenant works—General layout. 23. (24123)45–D–923—Dam and appurtenant works—Sectional elevation. 24. (241.24) 45–D–924—Maximum section of dam–Grout and drainage system. 25. (24125) 45–D–925—Contraction joint layout–Plan and sections. 26. (24.126) 45–D–926–Contraction joint layout—Detail perspective. 27. (24197) 45–D–927–Grouting system layout. - 28. (24128) 45–D–928—Cooling system layout. 29. (24.129) 45—D—929–Shafts and galleries. 30. (24.130) 45—D—930—Parapet and roadway. 31. (24181) 45—D—931—Tunnel alignment layout. 32. (24.182) 45—D—932—Upper and lower tunnel plug adits. 33. (94.133) 45–D–933—Profiles and sections—Spillway tunnels. 34. (24.134) 45—D—934—Profiles and sections—50-foot penstock tunnels. 35. (24.135)45–D–935—Profiles and sections—30-foot penstock tunnels. 36. (24.136) 45–D–936—Outer diversion tunnel portal-Inlet structure. 37. (24137)45–D–937—Outer diversion tunnel portal–Concrete bulkhead, 18 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. , 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76, (94.188) 45–D–938—Inner diversion tunnel portal—Trash rack structure. (2/139) 45–D–939—General plan and sections—Arizona spillway. (24140) 45—D—940—General plan and sections—Nevada spillway. (24141) 45–D–941—Spillway tunnel plug-Typical design. (241/2) 45—D—942—Spillway tunnel portal—Outlet structure. (24143) 45—D—943—Upstream plug outlet works—Nevada side. (24144) 45–D–944—Upstream plug outlet works—Arizona side. (24.145) 45–D–945—Upstream plug outlet works-Reinforcing details. (24146) 45–D–946–Upstream plug outlet works—Gate installation. (94.147) 45—D—947—High pressure emergency gates—General assembly. (24148) 45—D—948–Canyon wall outlet works—Typical design. (24149) 45–D–949–Canyon wall outlet works—Sections—Arizona side. (24.150) 45—D—950–Canyon wall outlet works—Sections—Nevada side. (94151) 45–D–951—Canyon wall outlet works—Reinforcing details—Elevation 945. (94.152) 45–D–952–Canyon wall outlet works—Reinforcing details—Elevation 820. - - (24153) 45–D–953–Canyon wall outlet works—Gate and valve assembly. (94.154) 45–D–954—Downstream plug outlet works—Typical design. . (24.155) 45–D–955—Downstream plug outlet works—Gate and valve assembly. (24156) 45–D–956–50 foot by 50 foot Stoney gate—Typical design. (24167) 45–D–957–50 foot by 50 foot Stoney gate—Leaf assembly. (24.158) 45–D–958–50 foot by 50 foot Stoney gate—Hoist assembly. (24159) 45–D–959–50 foot by 50 foot Stoney gate—Counterweight assembly. (24.160) 45–D–960–Cylinder gate intake towers—Typical design. (34161) 45–D–961–Cylinder gate intake towers—Concrete bridge. (24163) 45–D–962–Cylinder gate intake towers—Cylinder gate assembly. (24,168) 45–D–963–Cylinder gate intake towers—Gate-hoist assembly. (34164) 45–D–964–Hoover power plant—Elevations. * (34165) 45–D–965–Hoover power plant—General plan. (34166) 45–D–966–Hoover power plant—Typical wing sections. (24! 67) 45–D–967–Hoover power plant—Partial wing plans. (34168) 45–D–968–Hoover power plant—Central section. (84.169) 45–D–969–Hoover power plant—Central portion floor plans—Above elevation 710. (24.170) 45–D–970–Hoover power plant—Central portion floor plans—Below - elevation 710. - (34171)45-D-971–Hoover power plant—Structural steel details. (84.17%) 45–D–972–Hoover power plant—Section through penstock tunnels. (84.173) 45–D–973—Inclined freight elevator. - (34174) 45–D–974–Passenger elevator layout. (34175) 45–D–975—Black Canyon highway. (34.176) 45–D–97 6-Canyon cross sections. The drawings show the general arrangement of all features. Where required, as determined necessary by the contracting officer, additional drawings showing details of the work will be fur- . to the contractor during the progress of the work. The contractor will be furnished such additional copies of the *Pecifications and drawings as may be required for carrying out the work. 19 Contact prints of the original drawings from which the attached reductions were made will be furnished to the contractor for construction purposes upon request. Two reproductions from photographs (Plates 1 and 2) are included in these specifications. The reproductions show the topography and general nature of the site of the work. Prior to the reproduction of the photo- graphs, the dam and other features were sketched thereon as they may appear after completion. 23. Preference rights of ex-service men and citizens of the United States.—The contractor and/or his subcontractor or subcontractors shall, so far as practicable, give preference at the time of employment, first, to qualified persons who have served in the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps during the War with Germany, the War with Spain, or in the suppression of the insurrection in the Philippines, and who have been honorably separated or discharged therefrom or placed in the Regular Army or Navy Reserve, and second, to qualified citizens of the United States. 24. Commencement, prosecution, and completion of work.-The contractor shall begin work within thirty (30) calendar days after date of receipt of notice to proceed. Each part of the work shall be completed within the number of calendar days after the date of receipt of notice to proceed as follows: - ^ (a) All that portion of the two wings of the power house sufficient to permit installation of the 6 upstream power units on each side of the river;+he-pertier ae—building—e #g—#ke—t wings; the substructure of the power house, for installation of two additional power units on each side of the river immediately downstream from the other power units, up to elevation 660; and all other portions of the power plant and other works which must be completed before the neces- sary power machinery and other equipment to be installed by the Government for the operation of power units N1, N3, N5, A1, A3, and A5 can be placed, within one thousand six hundred (1,600) calendar days. - (b) All other portions of the dam, power plant, and appurtenant works which will permit, without damage to any part of the required works, the permanent storage of water up to a maxi- mum elevation of 935 and the operation of power units N1, N3, N5, A1, A3, and A5, within one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five (1,965) calendar days. - (c) All of the remainder of the work under the schedule, including the completion of th power house and power plant for 6 power units on each side of the river, within two thousand five hundred and sixty-five (2,565) calendar days: Provided, That if the Government gives the contractor written notice within one thousand six hundred (1,600) calendar days, after date of receipt of the original notice to proceed, that a total of 7 or 8 power units will be required on each side of the river, instead of 6, then the work required for the additional units shall be completed within the same period, i. e., within two thousand five hundred and sixty-five (2,565) calendar days. The contractor shall at all times during the continuance of the contract prosecute the Work with such forces and equipment as, in the judgment of the contracting officer, are sufficient to complete it within the specified periods of time. 25. Liquidated damages.-The damages that may result from any delay in completion of any part of the work by the time agreed upon will be difficult, if not impossible, of ascertain- ment. If any part of the work is not completed on or before the date fixed for its completion by the terms of the contract, the contractor shall pay to the Government as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) per day for each part of the work, as Subdivided in paragraph 24 for each calendar day's delay until it is satisfactorily completed or until such time as the Government may reasonably procure the completion of the work by another contractor or complete the work itself. Whatever sums may be due as liquidated damages for delay may be deducted from payments due to the contractor or may be collected rº rº º º r tº sº º ſº ſº.º. gº frº r tº º 20 from the contractor or the contractor's Surety or sureties. The provision for liquidated damages shall not prevent the Government from terminating the right of the contractor to proceed in case of default, as provided in article 9 of the contract. - - 26, construction program.-The construction program shall be at all times subject to the approval of the contracting officer. The capacity of the construction plant, sequence of opera- tions, and methods of operation shall be such as to insure the completion of the work within the periods of time of completion specified. The construction program shall meet all the requirements of these specifications in connection with the stripping of the canyon walls of loose rock; the construction of the diversion tunnels, cofferdams, and other diversion Works; excavations for foundation; sequence in placing concrete; installation of gates and the control of river flow; grouting of contraction joints; and other parts of the work. A tentative construction program has been outlined by the Government, which, if followed, would permit all parts and features to be completed as specified in paragraph 24, and is shown on the drawings. This program assumes that the date of receipt by the contractor of notice to proceed will be April 15, 1931. It calls for completion of the diversion tunnels by October 1, 1933; the cofferdams by May 1, 1934; and the placing of the first mass concrete in the dam not later than December 1, 1934. It contemplates that the construction of all necessary features for the beginning of storage of water by June 15, 1936, and of all other necessary features for the generation of power, as provided in paragraph 24, by September 1, 1936, with the storage of water to elevation 935, will be completed by the required dates. The necessary features include installing the Stoney gates in the outlets of the inner diversion tunnels; placing the upstream tunnel plugs, with high-pressure slide gates for temporary use, in the inner diversion tunnels during the fall of 1935; constructing the bulk- heads for the inlets of the outer diversion tunnels, lowering the bulkheads into position by June 15, 1936, and constructing the solid tunnel plugs in the outer diversion tunnels immediately there- after; completing portions of the power house and other work as specified in paragraph 24 (a), by September 1, 1935; completing the intake towers and appurtenant parts, except the bridges, by July 1, 1936; and completing the entire canyon-wall outlet works connected with the down- stream intake towers by September 1, 1936. Although the tentative construction program calls for completion of the spillways by November 1, 1933, this date could be postponed a year or more, but the spillways and the concrete in the dam, except the parapets, should be completed by such dates as will permit ample time for building up the storage to the spillway crests; the con- struction of the downstream plugs, including the installation of the needle valves therein and the construction of the canyon-wall outlet works connected with the upstream intake towers; and other work required before the date of completion of the contract, the construction of which is dependent on the prior completion of the spillways. It is contemplated that, if required, the completed upstream intake towers and the tunnel plug and downstream canyon-wall outlet works will serve as spillways in passing the flood water of 1937, and possibly a portion of the flood water of 1936. The construction program shown on the drawings is tentative only and the Govern- ment assumes no responsibility for any use that bidders or the contractor may make of this program or for any deductions or conclusions that may be made by them from the study thereof. It is included in the specifications solely to assist bidders and the contractor in preparing their 9Wh construction programs, and takes into consideration work which has been, or will be per- º º º or by the Government. None of the statements in this paragraph, º º º ſº. program, shall reliev € the contractor from the 27. Materialsº nº i. º º: Complete the work as provided in paragraph 24. use in concrete gro ut it y d e Government—The Government will furnish cement for 3 8", and mortar; reinforcement bars, rails, and fabric; anchor bars, 21 rods, and bolts; metal pipe and fittings; conduit lining castings and plate-steel conduit linings for power penstocks and outlet works; copper sheets and rivets for contraction joints and other seals; gates and hoists; needle valves; traveling cranes; operating machinery; structural steel for trash racks, bridges, and other structures; sheet piling; rails and structural-steel guides for the inclined freight elevator; pipe for hand railings; all necessary doors, windows, and hardware except as otherwise provided; metal floor plates and stairways; steel partitions; fabricated parts for sheet metal work; metal lath, hair or fiber, and hydrated lime for lath and plaster wall; paint materials; plumbing and hardware; hollow tile, lime putty or plastic fire clay, and white Portland cement for hollow-tile walls; ceramic tile for walls and floors; roofing materials except back fill; corrugated metal pipe and coupling bands for highway drains and culverts; resistance thermometers; electrical conduits; forms for concrete relief work as pro- vided in paragraph 122; well casing and steel pipe forms for concrete bulkhead gate supports as provided in paragraph 116; and all other materials not specifically mentioned in this para- graph or in paragraph 28 that will become a part of the completed construction work. All materials furnished by the Government will be delivered to the contractor f. o. b. cars at the delivery yard near Boulder City as shown on the location map and further described in para- graph 40 for construction railroad. The contractor shall haul all such materials from the point of delivery to the work, shall provide suitable warehouses or other means of protection satis- factory to the contracting officer for such of the materials as, in the opinion of the contracting officer, require storage or protection, and will be charged for any materials lost or damaged after delivery, except as otherwise specifically provided, the same amounts that the materials cost the Government at the point of delivery to the contractor. The contractor shall be respon- sible for the prompt unloading of material delivered and the proper care of the materials, and will be held liable for any demurrage charges incurred due to failure to unload cars promptly, and for any rental or other charges incurred on rolling stock while in the possession or under the control of the contractor. The contractor shall report to the contracting officer in writing, within 24 hours after unloading, any shortage or damage to materials when delivered. The cost of unloading, hauling, storing, and caring for all materials furnished by the Government for use or installation by the contractor shall be included in the prices bid for the work in which the materials are to be used. The cost of handling and installing minor miscellaneous items of timber or other work, except metal work, for which specific unit prices are not provided in the schedule shall be included in the unit prices bid for the work to which they are appurtenant. The contractor shall return to the Government at the delivery yard, at the dam site, or at any point on the construction railroad, as directed by the contracting officer, all unused materials, and will be charged for any materials not used and not returned the same amounts that the materials cost the Government at the point of delivery to the contractor. 28, Materials to be furnished by the contractor.—The contractor will be required to furnish all sand, broken rock or gravel, and cobbles for concrete; sand for grout, sand blasting, gunite, and mortar; stones for rubble-masonry walls; all form materials, including oil for oiling forms, except as otherwise provided in paragraph 122; all lumber for temporary timbering in tunnels, shafts, and adits, if required, and for stop planks for inlet of inner diversion tunnel; steel liner plates, steel ribs, and arch ring segmental bars or I-beams for tunnels, if required; all spikes and nails for forms and other uses; all wire, wire ties, or other appliances used for holding forms and for securing reinforcement steel; all embankment and back-fill materials; all water used for mix- ing, cleaning, and curing concrete, for grouting, for cooling plant and accessories, and for drink- ing purposes at the site of the work; joint compound for joints in gate control piping and cooling pipes; pipe and fittings not required for the permanent installations; oakum or other suitable 22 materials for calking grout pipes; brazing and soldering materials for copper expansion and seal. ing strips; muriatic acid for use in the construction of hollow-tile walls; and also all other required materials not specifically mentioned in this paragraph or in Paragraph 27, that will not become a part of the completed construction work. The contractor shall haul all these materials as well as all materials delivered to the contractor by the Government from the point of delivery to the site of the work. The cost of hauling, storing, and handling all the materials described above and of furnishing all the materials required to be furnished by the contractor shall be included in the unit prices bid for the work for which the materials are required. - - 29. Preference for domestic articles or materials.-Preference will be given to articles or materials of domestic production, conditions of quality and price, including duty, being equal. Unless otherwise stated in the bid, it will be understood that domestic articles or materials only will be used, and the use of foreign articles or materials will not be permitted unless (1) they are of better quality, or (2) being equal in quality, will be furnished at lower cost to the Government, or (3) domestic articles or materials are not available. The term “domestic articles of materials” in this connection means articles or materials manufactured or assembled in the United States or its possessions. - 30. Foundation and other test drilling records,-The drawings included in these specifi- cations show the available records of test drilling done at the dam site during 1922 and 1923. The Government does not guarantee any interpretation of these records. Additional drilling is in progress at the date of the issuance of these specifications and available information, includ- ing logs of holes and drill cores, for all of the drilling done, will be available for the information of bidders and the contractor at the office of the Bureau of Reclamation at Las Vegas, Nev. The contractor must assume all responsibility for deductions and conclusions as to the nature of the rock or other materials to be excavated, for the difficulties of making and maintaining the required excavations and doing other work affected by the geology at the site of the work, and for the final preparation of the foundations for the dam, power plant, and other structures. 31, Report on geology.-A report on the geology of the Boulder Canyon and Black Canyon dam sites and reservoir sites on the Colorado River was prepared in 1923 by Geologist F. L. Ransome, then with the United States Geological Survey. A copy of this report is available at the office of the Bureau of Reclamation at Denver, Colo., and another copy at the office of the Bureau of Reclamation at Las Vegas, Nev., where prospective bidders and the contractor may consult it, but permission will not be given to remove the copies from the respective offices. The Government assumes no responsibility for the interpretation of this report and the pro- spective bidders and the contractor must assume all responsibility for deductions and conclu- sions as to geologic formations and conditions which might affect the required operations under these specifications. - 32. River discharge records,-Hydrographs of the Colorado River at different points are shown on the drawings. Except for hydrographs after October 1, 1929, the data used in pre- paring the hydrographs were taken from water supply papers published by the United States Geological Survey. Estimated discharge curves for the Colorado River at Black Canyon dam site above and below the dam have also been prepared and are included with the drawings. The hydrographs and the discharge curves are included in the drawings for the convenience of bidders and the contractor, but the Government does not guarantee their reliability or the accuracy of any of the figures on these drawings, - - . . 23. 33. Approval of plans by Colorado River Board.—Public Resolution No. 65 adopted by the Seventieth Congress and approved by the President on May 29, 1928 (45 Stat. 1011), author- ized and directed the Secretary of the Interior to appoint a board of engineers and geologists, designated the Colorado River Board, to examine the proposed site of the dam and to review and approve the plans therefor. The drawings included with these specifications are those which have been submitted to the Colorado River Board for approval. Final approval has been given to the designs for the diversion works and other features which must be completed during the early stages of construction. Final approval of plans for the section of the dam and for the spillways is deferred awaiting the results of further analysis and of tests on models of these features. These tests are being conducted at the time of issuing these specifications and the final design drawings, for these features, as approved by the Colorado River Board, will be made available to the contractor early in the construction period and in advance of the requirements therefor. Construction of the dam and spillways shall not be commenced until these final approved drawings are furnished to the contractor. Required changes in all features will be handled under the provisions of articles 3 and 4 of the contract. The contractor's plant shall be laid out and his operations shall be conducted in a manner to accommodate any reasonable change in the location and design of the dam, power plant, and appurtenant works, or any part thereof, without additional cost to the Government. - 34. Use of Boulder City as camp site.—Owing to the inaccessibility of the work, the magni- tude of the operations, and the severe weather conditions during a large part of the year on account of extreme heat, and having in mind the health, comfort, and general welfare of those engaged on the work, it has been decided to establish the Government town of Boulder City, Nev., located approximately 23 miles southeast of Las Vegas, Nev., as shown on the drawings. A general plan of the town has been made, including provision for water supply and sewerage disposal and a layout of streets, sidewalks, city lighting, and other municipal improvements. Construction of these improvements will be in progress at the time award is made for the work under these specifications and it is expected that the water supply and sewerage systems for the town will be completed ready for use within six months thereafter. The town will be for the joint use of the Government, the contractor, and the employees of both, and for others who may be permitted, through leases or otherwise, to engage in business therein or to follow their trades or practice their professions. Certain areas as determined by the contracting officer will be set aside in Boulder City for the use of the contractor as sites for office and head- quarters buildings, warehouses, garages, commissary, hospital, dormitories, boarding houses, homes for the contractor's employees, and other incidental purposes. The plans and type of Construction of the buildings to be erected by the contractor and his employees in Boulder City shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer and all such buildings shall be con- nected with the water supply and sewerage systems of the town. Expensive or permanent types of construction will not be required, but the buildings erected by the contractor or his employees shall have a reasonably attractive appearance and no unpainted shanties or tar paper shacks will be permitted. When the water supply system is completed and in operation, the contractor and his employees may obtain water from it for domestic and other purposes, as required for use in those portions of Boulder City set aside for the use of the contractor and his employees. The contractor shall furnish and install at his own expense all necessary piping for obtaining the water from the city mains, such installations to be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the contracting officer. For the use of the land set aside for the 90ntractor and for the municipal services and facilities made available for the benefit of the °ontractor and his employees, the contractor will be charged at the rate of five thousand dollars 24 ($5,000) per month for and during the entire period from the date when the water system for the town is first put in operation to the date of final acceptance of the work under these speci. fications by the Government, such charge to also cover the contractor's proportionate part of the cost and expense of operation and administration of the town. In addition to such charge the contractor will be charged monthly for all water used at the rates to be established for water service, not to exceed fifty cents ($0.50) per thousand gallons. Electricity for domestic purposes will be made available to the contractor upon request, from the electrical distribution system to be provided by the Government in Boulder City, for which the contractor will be charged at the rates to be established. The contractor will be permitted to sublease to his employees for home sites any part of the land set aside for his use, but such land shall not be used or subleased for business or professional enterprises or concessions, except commissary, hospital, dormitories, boarding houses, and clubhouses equipped with barber shops and other facilities for the use of the contractor's employees. After the date of final acceptance of the work the contractor shall have the right to lease the land at the regular established rates and to pay for water and electricity or other conveniences at the regular established rates: Provided That should the contractor not elect to exercise the right to lease the land, the improvements placed thereon shall be removed by the contractor within six months from the date of final acceptance of the work, subject to the supervision and approval of the contracting officer: And provided further, That if such improvements are not so removed by the contractor they shall become the property of the Government. It is contemplated that Boulder City will be under the exclusive administration and control of the Government through the instrumentality of a commission to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. The contractor will be afforded the privilege of nominating one member of such commission. Nothing contained in this para- graph shall be construed as in any wise obligating the Government to continue to operate the town of Boulder City beyond such date as may be determined by the Secretary of the Interior, or to preclude the Secretary of the Interior from transferring the control and operation of such town to any instrumentality other than the Government after the date of final acceptance of the work under these specifications. The main camp of the contractor and homes for not less than eighty (80) per cent of the contractor's employees shall be established and maintained in Boulder City, and except as may be permitted in writing by the contracting officer for small isolated camps, such as at the Arizona gravel deposits, and for necessary boarding and lodging facilities at the dam site, the contractor and those operating or associated with the contractor will not be permitted during the period of the contract to establish camps at other sites. The contractor may, with the consent of the contracting officer, use for plant, storage, and incidental purposes any land which is the property of the Government in the vicinity of the work but outside the area to be flooded by the reservoir, except such reservations as are made by the Government for its use or the use of other contractors: Provided, That if private land is 80 used by the contractor, the contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the owner and pay all rentals or other costs connected therewith: Provided further, That such use shall not interfere with any part of the work or with the work of other contractors or the Govern- ment: And provided further, That the Government will assume no responsibility for damage tº or interference with the contractor's use of such land due to any operations under the contract or to floods due to construction of the dam or otherwise. 35. Drinking water at site of works,—During the construction period the contractor shall provide an adequate supply of pure cool water for drinking purposes at the site of all works. This water shall meet all local or State requirements for domestic water, and the quality and adequaº of the supply of water shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. The entire cost 25 of furnishing drinking water as required by the provisions of this paragraph shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items of work in the schedule. The contractor shall furnish water for use by the Government in the testing laboratory and for other purposes at the site of the work and payment therefor will be made at the price per thousand gallons established for use of water by the contractor in Boulder City. tº 36, Electric power for construction purposes.—A contract has been entered into with the Southern Sierras Power Co. and the Nevada-California Power Co. to furnish power for construc- tion purposes. This power will be delivered at 2,300 volts, 3-phase, 60 cycles, at a substation near the dam'site in such amounts as desired up to a maximum of 15,000 kilowatts. The power will be transmitted from San Bernardino or Victorville, Calif., over a single transmission line about 240 miles in length and the power service will be subject to such interruptions as may be expected in the normal operation of a line of this length. The contractor shall provide, at his own expense, whatever amount of stand-by power he may consider necessary to supplement the delivery of power over a single transmission line, to insure continuity of operation of the essential part of his construction plant. The contract with the Southern Sierras Power Co. and the Nevada-California Power Co. requires that power shall be available for use not later than June 25, 1931, and the power may be available thirty days or more previous to that date, but the Government does not guarantee that power will be available for use by the contractor by June 25, 1931. Beginning with the date when power is first used, but in no event later than June 25, 1931, unless power is not available on that date, in which event beginning on the date when power is available, the contractor will be charged monthly for such power as is used by the contractor at the following rates: (a) Power furnished by power companies.—A readiness to serve charge of seventeen thousand onehundred six dollars ($17,106) per month plus an energy charge of six mills ($0.006) perkilowatt- hour. For fractional months at the beginning or end of the period, the readiness to serve charge shall be computed in accordance with the actual number of days that power is so obtained. Should suspensions occur in the delivery of power exceeding twenty-four (24) hours in duration, the total elapsed time during which the delivery of power is suspended in any calendar month in excess of twenty-four (24) hours will be ascertained and a deduction of twenty-five dollars ($25) will be made from the monthly bill to the contractor for each one quarter (%) hour of such suspension in excess of twenty-four (24) hours. Suspensions of less than twenty-four (24) hours or prearranged suspensions of longer duration which are approved in writing in advance by the contractor will not be considered in determining the total elapsed time during which delivery is suspended in any one calendar month. (b) Powerfurnished from Hoover power plant.—When power becomes available from the power plant at the Hoover Dam the Government will terminate the contract with the Southern Sierras Power Co. and the Nevada-California Power Co. and will thereafter serve power to the con- tractor from the Hoover power plant. The contractor will be charged monthly for such energy *S is received from the Hoover power plant at the rate of six mills ($0.006) per kilowatt-hour *nd no readiness-to-serve charge will be required. After termination by the Government of the contract with the Southern Sierras Power Co. and the Nevada-California Power Co., no ºductions will be made for suspensions in the delivery of power. The contractor shall furnish, ºnstruct, and maintain at his own expense the necessary circuits, equipment, and material for distributing the power from the substation and from the Hoover power plant, and all equip- *nt, material, and work in connection with the contractor's electrical installation shall con- form to specifications and plans acceptable to the contracting officer and shall be maintained ** safe and satisfactory operating condition. On each circuit leaving the substation or the 26 Hoover power plant, the contractor shall furnish and install an automatic oil circuit breaker, having an interrupting capacity of not less than 26,000 amperes at 2,500 volts, so that troubles on one circuit will not interfere with the operation of other parts of the distribution system, and a watt-hour meter for measuring the energy used on the circuit. Meters shall be subject to test by the Government at any reasonable time at the option of the Government and will also be tested upon the request of the contractor. If test discloses that the error of a meter exceeds two per cent (2%) it shall be adjusted so that the error shall not exceed one per Cent (1%) and proper correction shall be made in the amount of energy recorded by said meter as used in the thirty (30) day period immediately preceding the test and such correction shall con- stitute full adjustment of any claims arising out of such inaccuracy. The energy delivered will be determined from the readings of these meters: Provided, That should the meters fail to register, the energy delivered will be estimated from the best information available. Power furnished to the contractor at the substation near the dam site and from the Hoover power plant is for use in the contractor's operations in that vicinity only and power will be made available from the Boulder City electric distribution system for the contractor's camp and other requirements in Boulder City at rates to be established for the sale of power in Boulder City. 37. Sand and gravel deposits.-Sand, gravel, and cobbles for concrete and Sand for mortar, grout, and gunite shall be obtained by the contractor from natural deposits on the Arizona side of the Colorado River about 8 miles upstream from the dam site. These deposits will be referred to in these specifications as the Arizona gravel deposits and are so designated on the drawings which show their approximate location. The deposits are the property of the Govern- ment and will be turned over to the contractor at the #'s. contractor commences operations, for the purpose of furnishing the aggregates require tºe specifications. No charge will be made to the contractor for sand, gravel, and cobbles $n from these deposits. The fact that sfºsfºm which the aggregates are to be obtained shall not be construed as constituting the 6fterºl of all materials taken from the deposits ºf, S㺠ed quality of all such materials used *IUlº site of the deposits, or so much thereof as is required, of top soil, vegetatio ſº P brusosód, loam, unsuitable sand, gravel and cobbles, and other objectionable matter º d §5? and maintain the deposits in a suitable con- dition for the excavation and 6. O º material in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer and so lº º at all times in the most economical and practicable manner the entire yielderºa.bl rials in the portion of the deposits being worked. Com- bustible materials tº ºom theºeposits shall be burned and other rejected materials shall be disposed of by théºntrâctor in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer. Since the provisions of these specifications, as stated in other paragraphs, require that water be stored in the reservoir prior to the completion of the work and as such storage will flood the gravel deposits, it will be necessary for the contractor to remove and store sufficient material from these deposits to complete the work after the deposits have been flooded. The storage of this material may be above the water surface of the required storage at any location which may be selected by the contractor and approved by the contracting officer. The contractor shall assume all risk of damage to his plant and equipment at the gravel deposits, by reason of seasonal floods in the river adjacent to the gravel deposits which possibly may, after construction of the cofferdams, reach an elevation of 720 or higher. The cost of all work required by this paragraph shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the items of work in which the materials obtained are used, which unit prices shall also include all expenses of the 000" ****reening, Washing, furnishing, hauling, storing, mixing, and other operations necessary on the aggregates, - 26—a (Revision of February 17, 1931, to be inserted at page 26 of Specifications No. 519 and substituted for original paragraph 37) 37, Sand and gravel deposits.-Sand, gravel, and cobbles for concrete and sand for mortar, grout, and gunite shall be obtained by the contractor from natural deposits on the Arizona side of the Colorado River about 8 miles upstream from the dam site. These deposits will be referred to in these specifications as the Arizona gravel deposits and are so designated on the drawings which show their approximate location. The deposits are the property of the Govern- ment and will be turned over to the contractor at the time the contractor commences operations for the purpose of furnishing the aggregates required by these specifications. No charge will be made to the contractor for sand, gravel, and cobbles taken from these deposits. The fact that the Government is hereby designating the deposits from which the aggregates are to be obtained shall not be construed as constituting the approval of all materials taken from the deposits, and the contractor will be held responsible for the specified quality of all such mate- rials used in the work. The contractor shall carefully strip the site of the deposits or so much thereof as is required, of topsoil, vegetation, roots, brush, Sod, loam, unsuitable sand, gravel, and cobbles, and other objectionable matter. Disposal of all materials wasted by stripping shall be as approved by the contracting officer. Measurement for payment for stripping the gravel deposits will be made in excavation and will include only the stripping in locations and to the depths as directed by the contracting officer. Payment for stripping and disposal of materials wasted by stripping as described in this paragraph will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid under item No. 119 of the schedule. No payment will be made for any other material wasted from the gravel deposits, including excess material of any of the sizes into which the aggregates are required to be separated by the contractor, or materials which have been discarded by reason of being below the minimum or above the maximum sizes specified for use. The contractor shall develop and maintain the deposits in a suitable condition for the excavation and removal of the required material in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer and so as to utilize at all times the greatest practicable yield of suitable materials in the portion of the deposits being worked. It is specified in paragraphs 98, 99, and 100 of these specifications that if washing of the aggregates is required it shall be done at the gravel deposits. Water used for washing aggregates shall meet the requirements for water for mixing as covered by paragraph 102. Since the provisions of these specifications, as stated in other paragraphs, require that water be stored in the reservoir prior to the completion of the work and as such storage will flood the gravel deposits, it will be necessary for the contractor to remove and store sufficient material from these deposits to complete the work after the deposits have been flooded. The storage of this material may be above the water surface of the required storage at any location which may be selected by the contractor and approved by the contracting officer. The contractor shall assume all risk of damage to his plant and equipment at the gravel deposits, by reason of seasonal floods in the river adjacent to the gravel deposits. The cost of all work required by this paragraph, except as provided for stripping under item No. 119, shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the items of work in which the materials obtained are used, which unit prices shall also include all expenses of the contractor in screening, washing, furnishing, hauling, storing, mixing, and other operations necessary on the aggregates. 43037–31 27 38. Roads and highways, general,—The approximate locations of existing roads in the vicinity of the dam site and also of the construction highway described in paragraph 39, are |shown on the drawings. The Government assumes no responsibility for the condition or main- tenance of any road or highway or structure thereon that may be used by the contractor in performing the work under these specifications, or in traveling to and from the site of the work. No payment will be made to the contractor by the Government for any work done in |improving, repairing, or maintaining any road, highway, including the construction highway, or structures thereon for use in the performance of the work under these specifications. 39. Construction highway.—A highway between Boulder City and the rim of the canyon above the dam site on the Nevada side of the river, terminating about 1,500 feet west of the dam near the end of the construction railroad, will be constructed by the Government as shown on the location map. This highway will have an oiled gravel surface, and it is planned to con- struct it so that the maximum grade toward the dam will be 4 per cent and from the dam 6.7 per cent. It is contemplated that the highway will be completed and ready for travel by July 1, 1931, but the Government does not guarantee that it will be completed by that date. The iconstruction of additional highway, as described in paragraph 21, is covered by these specifica- tions. The term construction highway shall include the portion of the highway to be constructed under a separate contract as above described, and the highway to be constructed under these specifications, shown on the drawings as the Black Canyon Highway. The construction high- way is to be constructed by the Government for the use of its employees, the contractor for the dam, other contractors, and the public in general. The contractor will not be required to main- tain and repair the oiled surface portion of the construction highway, but should the contractor |desire to do so, all such maintenance and repair work shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. The contractor shall at all times maintain the portion of the construction highway to be constructed under these specifications in a condition suitable to provide access to the work, and upon the completion of the work covered by this contract shall leave the highway in a finished condition as described in paragraph 70, and if necessary, as determined by the contracting officer, to accomplish this purpose...shall scarify, blade, and roll the subgrade as described in said paragraph 70. The cost of the work required by this paragraph shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the items, covering the construction of the highway and transporting freight. The contractor shall not use the construction highway for any vehicle, machinery, or other use that, in the opinion of the contracting officer, would unduly injure the road surface or subgrade, and shall obey all rtºs.set ūp by the contracting officer for the use of the highway. Is *"..." 40. Construction railroad.—A railroad for use in transporting construction materials to the vicinity of the dam site will be constructed by the Government. This railroad will run from its function with the branch line of the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, of the Union Pacific System, at the railway delivery yard near Boulder City to a point about 1,500 feet west of the ºlam on the Nevada side of the river, a distance of about 10% miles, as shown on the location map. There will be no upgrades toward the dam and the maximum grade from the dam will be about ºper cent. The railroad will be standard gauge, of substantial construction, and will consist of a Fingle track, with no siding, passing, or spur tracks, except side tracks to Government warehouses ºnd storage yards. It is contemplated that the railroad will be completed and ready for opera- |ion by September 1, 1931, but the Government does not guarantee that it will be completed - find turned over to the contractor for the dam by that date. Upon completion, the railroad will be turned over to the contractor for the dam, by a written order from the contracting officer. "Pon the receipt of this written order, the contractor shall immediately accept the railroad and 29919—30—3 28 assume its operation and maintenance. The contractor shall construct at his own expense all siding, passing, spur and switching tracks, and wyes required for his operations and shall furnish all necessary rolling stock and other equipment required for the operation and maintenance of the railroad. The contractor shall operate and maintain the railroad and haul and handle all ma- terials delivered to the contractor by the Government as provided in paragraph 27 for use in constructing the dam and related works, and the entire cost thereof shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the items of work in the performance of which the railroad is used. The engines used by the contractor shall not be heavier than 150 tons and carloads shall not be heavier than 100,000 pounds: Provided, That for infrequent loads, carloads heavier than 100,000 pounds may be transported subject to the specific approval of the contracting officer: And provided further, That all materials delivered in carload lots to the contractor by the Govern- ment may, at the option of the contractor, be hauled unchanged over the railroad. In addition to the materials to be transported over the railroad as specified above, the contractor shall also transport from the delivery yard to the end of the construction railroad or from the end of the construction railroad to the delivery yard, materials of every kind and nature required to be transported for the Government or for other contractors or agents of the Government engaged on work on any part of the Boulder Canyon project. Such additional transportation service shall be promptly and efficiently handled to the satisfaction of the contracting officer and the contractor shall be liable for any damage to material while it is in the care of the contractor during loading, transporting, and unloading. The rules and regulations under which such addi- tional transportation service shall be furnished shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. Payment for such additional transportation service will be made to the contractor at the unit prices bid under items 114 and 115 of the schedule. All portions of the materials or freight which have been transported for the Government under items 114 and 115 and which are designated by the contracting officer for temporary storage in the warehouse shall be unloaded at the end of the construction railroad and placed in the Government warehouse which will be located at the end of the construction railroad. Payment for unloading and placing such ma- terials will be made to the contractor at the unit price bid under item 116 of the schedule. The unit of measurement for payment under item 114 will be one hundred pounds, and under item 115 will be a car. In making payment to the contractor for any shipment in one car the rate will be used which will result in the lower cost to the Government. The unit prices bid under items 114 and 115 shall apply to transportation of freight in either direction between the points stated. The contractor will not be paid under items 114 to 118 inclusive for any materials and equipment which are furnished to the contractor by the Government for installation or use in the work to be done by the contractor under these specifications. All transportation and unload- ing service to be paid for under items 114 to 118, inclusive, of the schedule will be ordered in writing by the contracting officer, and the unit prices bid shall include the cost of all rental of or demurrage or other charges for railroad equipment while in the contractor's possession and the cost of returning the empty cars to the railroad company at the interchange yard. In the event of any dispute or doubt as to the payment to be made for any transportation or unloading service specified herein or as to the rules or regulations applicable thereto, the matter shall be submitted to the contracting officer, whose decision shall be final. In so far as practicable and applicable, as determined by the contracting officer, the practices, rules, and regulations current with the Union Pacific System will be used as a guide by the contracting officer in approving practices, rules, and regulations and deciding questions regarding them or their application. The con- tractor shall install all crossing and warning signs and will be held responsible for the safe and proper operation of the railroad. The joint section of the railroad, being that portion between 29 Mile Post 22.39 and Mile Post 22.71 of the railroad now being constructed by the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co., including the delivery yard near Boulder City, will be used in common by the Government, the railroad company, and the contractor for delivering cars and equipment from one party to the other, but the operation of the joint section will be under the direction and control of the railroad company, and before making use of the joint section the contractor shall agree, in writing, with the Government and the railroad company to observe, so far as applicable to the contractor, the terms and conditions of the agreement between the United States of America and the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. dated August 1, 1930, copy of which may be examined in the office of the Bureau of Reclamation at Washington, D.C., Denver, Colo., or Las Vegas, Nev. All operations of the contractor in connection with the railroad shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. The contractor shall maintain the railroad in good operating condition for the entire period during which the construction railroad is being operated by the contractor. If, in the opinion of the contracting officer, the contractor does not at any time properly maintain the railroad or any part thereof, the Government reserves the right to do any work which, in the opinion of the contracting officer, is necessary for its proper repair, maintenance, or operation, and to charge the cost thereof to the contractor. Within ninety (90) days after the date on which the railroad is turned over to the contractor, the con- tractor shall inaugurate regular train service at least twice each week until the railroad is returned to the Government. If, in the opinion of the contracting officer, the contractor fails at any time to provide proper transportation service as required, the Government reserves the right to assume complete control of the railroad, to take over any or all of the contractor's railroad equipment in use on the railroad and to operate the railroad for the purposes required by the contract, at the expense of the contractor. The Government reserves the right to operate its own trains or motor cars of any nature desired for any period of time over the railroad: Provided, That such operation of trains or motor cars will be arranged to interfere as little as practicable, as deter- mined by the contracting officer, with the necessary work of the contractor, and the trains shall be dispatched by the contractor. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the cost of all work described in this paragraph shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items of | Work in the schedule in the performance of which the railroad is used. 41. Transporting Government freight from construction railroad to power house.-As stated elsewhere in these specifications, the Government contemplates doing certain work at the dam site during the period of the contract for the work under these specifications, and it is possible that work other than that now contemplated will be done by the Government during the contract period. It is expected, however, that the major feature of work by the Government will be the installation of the hydraulic and electrical power machinery. As provided in paragraph 40, the contractor will be paid for transporting freight of all kinds on the construction railroad for the Government, or its agents other than the contractor, to the end of the construction railroad and for unloading some of this freight and placing it in the Government warehouse. Items have been provided in the schedule to cover the transportation of such freight from the end of the Construction railroad, and from the Government warehouse, to the generator floor in the power house or, as directed by the contracting officer, at intervening points which are on the contractor's line of travel for such freight. The contractor shall unload and haul, or otherwise transport, all Such freight from the end of the railroad, from the Government warehouse, or from a point on the Construction highway at the end of the railroad, whether delivered on trucks traveling on the highway or delivered on cars on the railroad, to the generator floor or intervening points, regard- less of size, shape, or kind of material or equipment. The contractor will be charged for any 30 such freight lost or damaged after delivery to him at the end of the construction railroad or at the Government warehouse and prior to the time it is delivered in proper condition at the required destination, the same amount that the freight cost the Government at the end of the construction railroad. The contractor shall be responsible for the prompt unloading of freight delivered and will be held liable for any demurrage charges incurred due to failure to unload cars promptly, and for any rental or other charges incurred on rolling stock while in the possession or under the con- trol of the contractor. The contractor shall report to the contracting officer in writing, within 24 hours after unloading, any shortage or damage to materials when delivered. In the transpor- tation of the Government freight as described in this paragraph the contractor may use the inclined freight elevator after its completion as provided in paragraph 42. Payment for unloading, haul- ing, or otherwise transporting and caring for the Government freight described in this paragraph during the time of transportation will be made at the unit prices bid in the schedule for transport- ing Government freight from the Government warehouse to the power house or from the end of the construction railroad to the power house, the division for payment between the two items for hauling from the end of the construction railroad being determined on the same basis as the divi- sion between items 114 and 115 as provided in paragraph 40. The unit prices bid under items 117 and 118 shall apply to transportation of freight in either direction between the points stated. 42. Use of inclined freight elevator by contractor, LIt is contemplated that the inclined freight elevator to be furnished and installed by the Government as provided in paragraph 20 will be designed for the following conditions: Weight of transfer car, estimated.---------------------------------------------- 100,000 pounds. Load: - Special car------------------------------------------------------------- 100,000 pounds. Live load-------------------------------------------------------------- 150,000 pounds. Distance between upper and lower landings- - - --------------------------------- 594 feet. Speed of ear---------------------------------------------------------------- 60 feet per minute. Size of car platform--------------------------------------------------------- 12 feet by 50 feet. The hoisting equipment will have the necessary electrical control apparatus, brakes, take-up adjustment, indicator, safety devices, and other necessary appurtenances to insure reliability and safety of operation. Should the contractor desire to use the inclined freight elevator for transporting labor, equipment, materials, and supplies for work under these specifications the Government will, upon request, immediately proceed with the purchase and installation of the elevator equipment which will then be turned over the the contractor: Provided, That the con- tractor shall maintain and operate it at no expense to the Government, and shall, after comple- tion of the contract, return the freight elevator to the Government in as good condition as when received, reasonable wear and tear excepted. It is contemplated that the purchase and installa- tion of the freight elevator can be accomplished within 300 calendar days after receipt of request from the contractor for its installation. 43. Acceptance of cofferdams by Government.-After the upstream cofferdam, rock blanket in the river channel, the downstream cofferdam and rock barrier, and the rock protection on the two excavated slopes to bedrock have all been completed in accordance with these specifications and as directed by the contracting officer, they will be accepted by the Government in writing: Provided, That the four diversion tunnels have been completed and the river satisfactorily diverted through them. After the date of this written acceptance the Government will assume liability for any damage to the accepted works, and damage resulting thereby to other features of required construction due to flood or other causes not the fault of the contractor, but the Government will not assume any liability for damage to the contractor's plant and equipment nor for any incidental damages not specifically provided for in this paragraph: Provided further 31. That after the date of acceptance the contractor shall enlarge, repair, and maintain the accepted works as directed by the contracting officer, and payment, for any enlargement repairs, or replacements will be made to the contractor at the appropriate prices bid in the items of the schedule for such work as determined by the contracting officer, and if such items are not included in the schedule, payment therefor will be made as extra work under the provisions of article 5 of the contract and paragraph 10 of these specifications: And provided further, That if the con- tractor shall fail to use due diligence in the enlargement, repair, and maintenance of the accepted works as directed by the contracting officer, the contractor shall assume liability for all damage to the accepted works or other features due to his failure to diligently perform such enlargement, repair, and maintenance. Prior to the date of the written acceptance of the cofferdams, the contractor shall assume all liability for any damage to the cofferdams and other parts of the diver- sion works, and damage resulting thereby to other features of required construction work and to the contractor's plant and equipment, by flood or any other causes. 44. Development of power prior to completion of dam,_The Government reserves the right to commence the generation of power from the Hoover power plant at any time after water has been stored to elevation 900. It is expected that four units will be placed in operation about one year and eight months previous to the completion of the dam, and that about one year later two addi- tional units will be placed in operation, all of these units being operated by water from the down- stream intake towers. The completion of all of the power house substructure work below water level and the removal of the downstream cofferdam and rock barrier shall be arranged and timed, subject to the approval of the contracting officer, to permit such generation of power. No operation of the contractor shall interfere with or prevent this generation of power unless specifically approved in writing by the contracting officer. No payment for any part of the work, in addition to that provided at the unit prices bid in the schedule for the various items of work, will be made to the contractor on account of the generation of power as provided for in this paragraph, or elsewhere in these specifications. EARTHWORK 45, Stripping canyon walls of loose rock—Early in the construction program and before any extensive construction operations are carried on in the river bed either in the construction of the diversion works or in excavating for the base of the dam or otherwise, the canyon walls, outside of the area to be excavated for the construction of the dam, spillway, power plant, outlet works, and other features to be located on the canyon walls shall be stripped of loose rock or semidetached masses of rock that, in the opinion of the contracting officer, are liable to fall or are otherwise in a condition dangerous to the safety of workmen when performing the other construction operations. The areas over which these stripping operations shall extend and the depth thereof shall be as directed by the contracting officer. All loose material that is liable to be dislodged by any construction operation and thus become a menace to the safety of work- men or the work shall be effectively removed in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer. The methods used shall be such as not to shatter or render unstable and unsafe any rock that Was originally sound and safe. The material removed shall be disposed of in cofferdams, waste banks, or otherwise in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer and in accordance with these specifications. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed as relieving the Contractor of full responsibility for the safety of persons or damage to property in any operations under this contract. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the contractor from taking any suitable steps to protect life or property or from removing material in addition to that ordered by the contracting officer: Provided, That such operations shall not be permitted to cause detri- 32 ment to the work or to the site of future work or to increase the net cost of the work to the Government: And provided further, That no work will be paid for except that ordered by the contracting officer. No additional payment will be made for the removal of any of the material required to be removed by this paragraph on account of the nature, condition, or position of the material nor on account of the number of times the material is handled. Any material which, in the opinion of the contracting officer, was originally sufficiently sound and stable to not require removal as contemplated by this paragraph but which is loosened or otherwise rendered unstable by any unnecessary or careless operation of the contractor so that, in the opinion of the contract- ing officer, it is a menace to the safety of workmen or the work, shall be removed by the contractor in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer and at the contractor's expense. Measure- ment for payment of the material moved in stripping will be based on its original volume in place, and the manner and method of making this measurement will be determined by the contracting officer. The entire cost to the Government of all work required by this paragraph shall be included in the unit price bid in the schedule for “Excavation: All classes, stripping canyon walls of loose rock.” - - 46. Classification of excavation.—Except as otherwise provided in these specifications, materials moved in excavation will be measured in excavation only and will be classified for payment as follows: - - Rock excavation.—All solid rock in place which can not be removed until loosened by barring, wedging, or blasting, and all bowlders or detached pieces of solid rock more than one cubic yard in volume. Solid rock under this class, as distinguished from soft or disintegrated rock under common excavation, is defined as sound rock of such hardness and texture that it can not be effectively loosened or broken down by hand drifting picks. Common excavation.—All material required to be excavated except solid rock, including earth, gravel, and also indurated material of all kinds such as hardpan, cemented gravel, and soft or disintegrated rock, which may require blasting before removal by team-drawn scrapers or excavating machinery; also all bowlders or pieces of rock not exceeding one cubic yard in volume that are detached or are embedded in common excavation material. No additional allowance above the prices bid in the schedule for the excavation of materials will be made on account of any of the materials being wet or frozen. It is desired that the con- tractor or the contractor's representative be present during measurement of materials excavated. On written request of the contractor, made within ten (10) days after the receipt of any monthly estimate, a statement of the quantities and classifications between successive stations, or in otherwise designated locations, included in said estimate will be furnished the contractor within ten (10) days after the receipt of such request. This statement will be considered as satisfactory to the contractor unless specific written objections thereto with reasons therefor are filed with the contracting officer within ten (10) days after receipt of said statement by the contractor or the contractor's representative on the work. Failure to file such written objections with reasons therefor Within said ten (10) days shall be considered a waiver of all claims based on alleged erroneous estimates of quantities or incorrect classification of materials for the work covered by such statement. e 47. Lines and grades.-The contractor shall provide such drill holes, forms, ladders, spikes, nails, troughs for plumb-bob lines, light, and such assistance as may be required by the con- tracting officer in giving lines and grades. The contracting officer's marks shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor until they have served their purpose. Work in the shafts, tunnels, and open excavations or elsewhere shall be Suspended for such reasonable time as the con- tracting officer may require to transfer lines and to mark points for line and grade. No additional 33 compensation will be paid to the contractor for required assistance in setting lines and grades nor for loss of time on account of such necessary suspension of work or otherwise on account of the requirements of this paragraph. 48, Blasting.—Blasting will be permitted only when proper precautions are taken for the protection of persons, the work, or private property, and any damage done to the work or private property by blasting shall be repaired by the contractor at the contractor's expense. Caps or other exploders or fuzes shall in no case be stored, transported, or kept in the same place in which dynamite or other explosives are stored, transported, or kept. The location and design of powder magazines, methods of transporting explosives, and in general the precautions taken to prevent accidents shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer, but the contractor shall be liable for all injuries to or deaths of persons or damage to property caused by blasts or explosives. 49. Open-cut excavation, general,—Except as otherwise provided for definite features of open-cut excavation in these specifications or shown on the drawings, open-cut excavation, including excavation for structures, will be measured for payment to slopes of 1 to 1 for common excavation and 4 to 1 for rock excavation, and in the case of excavation for structures to lateral dimensions 1 foot outside of the foundations of the structure: Provided, That where the char- acter of the material cut into is such that it can be trimmed to the required lines of the concrete structure and the concrete placed against the sides of the excavation, without the use of inter- vening forms, measurement for payment will be made only for the excavation within the neat lines of the structure: And provided further, That for any structure or open cut where, in the opinion of the contracting officer, the conditions warrant, the excavation will be measured for payment to the most practicable dimensions and lines as staked out or otherwise established by the contracting officer. Where the concrete in walls, slabs, and floors of the power house, outlet valve houses, hoist house for the inclined elevator, inlet and outlet structures for the diversion tunnels and highway structures is to be placed upon or against rock, and for the spillway crests and channels, the excavation shall be sufficient to provide for the minimum thicknesses of concrete at all points and the average thicknesses shall be exceeded as little as possible. Measurement of such excavation for payment will be limited to the excavation required for the prescribed average thicknesses of the concrete for which measurement for payment is made as provided elsewhere in these specifications. Any and all excess or over- excavation performed by the contractor for any purpose or reason, except as may be ordered in writing by the contracting officer, and whether or not due to the fault of the contractor, shall be at the expense of the contractor. No blasting that might injure the work will be permitted, and any damage done to the work by blasting, including the shattering of the material beyond the required excavation lines, shall be repaired by the contractor at his expense and in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer. Except as otherwise provided for payment for the construction of the upstream and downstream cofferdams, the rock barrier, and the rock blanket in the river, the unit prices bid in the schedule for excavation in open cut and for the various structures shall include the cost of all labor and materials for temporary construction and of all pumping, bailing, draining, and all other work necessary to maintain the excavation in good order during construction. 50, Preparation of rock foundations for the dam and other structures.-The surface of the rock foundations for all structures in which the concrete of the structure is to be placed directly upon or against rock in open cut without the use of intervening forms shall be left rough so as to bond well with the concrete. Care shall be taken not to shatter or disturb the rock founda- tions unnecessarily. All dirt and other objectionable materials must be removed from the rock 34 surfaces. Immediately before placing concrete upon or against any rock surface, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned by the use of stiff brooms, hammers, picks, streams of water and air, separately or in combination, steam, sandblasting, or other effective means satisfactory to the contracting officer. After clearing and before concrete is placed, all water shall be removed from depressions so as to permit thorough inspection and proper bond of concrete with the foundation rock. In the preparation of rock foundations for the dam and spillway crests, the contractor shall take particular care to remove from the foundation surface all loose rock fragments, spalls, dirt, gravel, or other objectionable material. Where necessary, as deter- mined by the contracting officer, the surface of the excavation for the dam and spillway crests shall be cut to rough benches or steps to secure the required roughness. If flowing springs are encountered in the foundations for any structure, the springs shall be closed by pressure grout- ing, for which payment will be made at the price bid in the schedule for pressure grouting for foundation of dam and spillway crests. The cost of all work described in this paragraph, except as otherwise provided for pressure grouting, shall be included in the unit prices per cubic yard bid for excavation. 51. Tunnel, adit, and shaft excavation, general,—The tunnels, adits, and shafts shall be excavated to the lines and grades shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Permanent timbering will not be permitted. The contractor shall use every precaution to avoid excavating beyond the outside lines of steel ribs and steel tunnel liner plates and beyond the specified outside neat concrete lines where no steel ribs or liner plates are required. The required minimum thicknesses of concrete lining shall be provided for at all points and the average thick- nesses shall be exceeded as little as possible. No points of unexcavated material will be allowed within the minimum prescribed distance from the finished inside surface of the concrete lining. Measurement of tunnel, adit, and shaft excavation for payment will be limited to the specified sectional dimensions and, except as otherwise provided in these specifications, will be made along the located center lines of the tunnels, adits, and shafts only for reaches of the tunnels, adits, and shafts that are excavated by tunneling methods. Where steel ribs and steel liner plates are not required, measurement of excavation for payment will be limited to the excavation required for the prescribed average thicknesses of concrete lining for which measurement for payment is made as provided in paragraphs 113, 118, 125, and 127. Where steel ribs without liner plates are required, measurement of excavation for payment will be made to lines formed by the outer perim- eter of the steel ribs, as used in sets of which the design and locations are approved by the con- tracting officer in advance of installation. Where steel ribs and steel liner plates are required, measurement of excavation for payment will be limited to the area of a circle of which the radius is 6 inches greater than the outside radius of the steel lining, the outside radii to be as directed by the contracting officer. Any and all excess or over-excavation performed by the contractor to provide space for any purpose, except as may be ordered in writing by the contracting officer, and whether or not due to the fault of the contractor, shall be at the expense of the contractor. No additional allowance above the unit prices bid in the schedule for excavation of tunnels, adits, and shafts will be made on acccount of the class, nature, or condition of any of the materials encountered. No blasting that might injure the work will be permitted, and any damage done to the work by blasting, including the shattering of the material beyond the required excavation lines, shall be repaired by the contractor at his expense and in a manner satisfactory to the con- tracting officer. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 53 for steel ribs and liner plates, the cost of all work or materials required for or incidental to the excavation of the tunnels, adits, and shafts, and including, but not restricted to, all draining, pumping, ventilating, lighting, and temporary timbering or other temporary supports shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the various items of tunnel, adit, and shaft excavation. 35 52. Temporary timbering in tunnels.-Suitable temporary timbering, including lagging, may be used to support the roofs and sides of tunnels and adits and the sides of all shafts until the concrete lining is placed at any points where temporary timbering is necessary. Lumber for timbering, if required, shall be furnished by the contractor, as provided in paragraph 28. The cost of furnishing and erecting temporary timbering shall be included in the unit prices bid for excavation of tunnels, adits, and shafts. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent the contractor, at his own expense, from erecting such amounts of temporary timbering as he may consider necessary, nor shall it be construed to relieve the contractor from sole responsibility for the safety of the tunnels and for liability for injuries to or deaths of persons or damage to property. 53. Steel ribs and steel liner plates in tunnels, adits, and shafts.--Where approved or ordered in writing by the contracting officer, steel ribs or steel liner plates and arch ring segmental bars shall be installed in the tunnels, adits, and shafts as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The steel ribs, steel liner plates, and arch ring segmental bars or I-beams for this purpose, complete with all required bolts and accessories, shall be furnished by the con- tractor as provided in paragraph 28. They shall be installed by the contractor in a workmanlike manner, true to line and grade as established by the contracting officer, and shall be maintained by the contractor in proper condition and alignment until the concrete lining is completed against them. All excavated space behind the steel liner plates shall be solidly packed with clean washed gravel or spalls in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer. The design, material, and installation of the steel ribs and liner plates and arch ring segmental bars shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. For all steel ribs, liner plates, and arch ring segmental bars ordered in writing by the contracting officer and which are installed under the foregoing provi- sions, payment will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for furnishing and erecting steel ribs, steel liner plates, and arch ring segmental bars in tunnels, adits, and shafts, which unit price shall include the cost of furnishing, hauling, handling, storing, placing, main- taining the installed liner plates until completion of the concrete lining, and packing the space back of the plates as described in this paragraph. The amount of steel ribs, steel liner plates, and arch ring segmental bars required is uncertain and the contractor shall be entitled to no addi- tional allowance above the unit prices bid in the schedule by reason of none or any amount of steel ribs, liner plates, and arch ring segmental bars being required, although changes in the Schedule quantities will be covered in the estimates. . Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the contractor from using at his own expense any amount of suitable temporary supports for the roof and sides of the tunnels, nor shall it be construed to relieve the contractor from sole respon- sibility for the safety of the tunnels during construction and for liability for injuries to or deaths of persons or damage to property. - - 54, Open-cut exeavation for diversion tunnels.-Open-cut excavation for diversion tunnels consists of all required open-cut excavation, as shown on the drawings or directed by the con- tracting officer, at the inlet and outlet ends of the diversion tunnels, both for channels leading to the inlets and away from the outlets and for all inlet and outlet structures with their appurte- nant parts, and includes the open-cut excavation that may be required for portals and portal structures above portions of the tunnels. Berms shall be provided where and as directed by the Contracting officer. It may be desirable during the progress of the work to vary the slopes and dimensions of the excavation from those indicated on the drawings. The contractor shall be entitled to no additional allowance above the unit prices bid in the schedule for excavation in Open cut for diversion tunnels by reason of the lines, grades, berms, and slopes required by the °ontracting officer, although changes in the estimated quantities will be covered in the esti- *ates. In the channels leading from the outlets, rock bottoms and banks, within the maxi- 36 mum probable wetted perimeter at any section, as estimated by the contracting officer, must show no points of rock projecting more than 1 foot into the prescribed sections of the channels. Above the maximum high-water line the rock will be allowed to stand at its steepest safe angle, and no finishing will be required other than the removal of rock masses that are loose and liable to fall. Payment for the excavation described in this paragraph will be made at the unit prices per cubic yard bid in the schedule for excavation in open cut for diversion tunnels. 55. Excavation of diversion tunnels.-The excavation of the 50-foot diameter diversion tun- nels shall be in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 51. Only excavation that is actually performed by tunneling methods will be measured for payment for excavation of diversion tun- nels, and the item of the schedule covering the excavation of diversion tunnels will be further limited, in the vicinity of the connecting inclined spillway tunnel in each outer diversion tunnel, by a horizontal plane at an elevation 64 feet above the center line of the outer diversion tunnel; in the vicinity of the connecting inclined tunnel from the upstream intake tower in each inner diversion tunnel, by a horizontal plane at an elevation 64 feet above the center line of the inner diversion tunnel; and in the vicinity of each power penstock and the riser shaft to the canyon wall outlet works, in each inner diversion tunnel, by the theoretical excavation surfaces in the inner diversion tunnel as determined by the specified average thickness of concrete. The item for excavation of diversion tunnels will include all excavation outside of the regular section of the diversion tunnels required, as shown on the drawings or determined by the contracting officer, for the construction of the tunnel plugs and installation of the gates and needle valves, and includes the excavation of each gallery or adit from the upstream plugs in the inner diver- sion tunnels to their connection with the inspection galleries in the dam at the surface of the excavation for the foundation for the dam. In the excavation of the diversion tunnels the con- tractor will be permitted to make one additional adit to each inner tunnel, and one adit from each inner diversion tunnel to the adjacent outer tunnel or to enlarge required adits: Provided, That the location of the additional adits and the amount of enlargement of required adits shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer: And provided further, That the additional adits shall be solidly backfilled with concrete for such lengths as directed by the contracting officer and that the entire enlargements of required adits shall be solidly filled with concrete: And provided further, That the entire expense of excavating for additional adits and for enlarge- ments of required adits and the filling of both with concrete as required, after they have served their purpose, including the cost of the cement required for concrete, shall be borne by the contractOr. 56. Care of river and unwatering foundations.—As provided elsewhere in these specifications the contractor shall construct the diversion tunnels, with plugs, gates, and other appurtenant parts, the upper and lower cofferdams, rock protection in the river channel above the upper cofferdam, rock protection of part of the excavated slopes to the foundation of the dam, and the rock barrier, for which payment will be made at the unit prices bid in the schedule. Except as otherwise provided for paying the contractor for construction of the above-mentioned diver- sion works, the contractor shall, at the contractor's entire expense, construct and maintain all necessary temporary cofferdams, flumes, or other protective works, shall furnish all material required, and shall install, maintain, and operate all necessary pumping and other equipment for unwatering the site of the work, including the sites of the cofferdams, and for maintaining the foundations of the dam and cofferdams, cut-off trenches, and other parts of the work free from water as required for constructing each part of the work, including constructing the diversion tunnels, cofferdams, and other parts of the diversion works. The contractor shall be responsible for and shall repair at the contractor's expense any damage to the foundations of the cofferdams 37 or other parts of the diversion works caused by floods or failure of any part of the protective works constructed by the contractor incidental to constructing the required work under the contract. The contractor shall pump all water from the site of the dam and power house and shall maintain the foundations for these structures dry while excavating, preparing the founda- tions, and placing concrete, and, except as otherwise provided in paragraph 43, shall be entitled to no claim for damages or additional compensation by reason of any amount of water that may result from leakage through the cofferdams or from other works which have been constructed by the contractor. After having served their purpose, the downstream cofferdam and rock barrier or so much thereof as directed by the contracting officer shall be removed to give a sightly appearance and so as not to interfere in any way with the operation or usefulness of the reservoir and power plant. Payment will be made to the contractor for this work as provided in para- graph 57. The contractor will not be required to remove the upstream permanent cofferdam or any temporary cofferdams constructed above the dam: Provided, That such temporary cofferdams do not interfere with the satisfactory use, as determined by the contracting officer, of the diversion tunnels. In the event that such temporary cofferdams interfere with the satis- factory operation of the diversion tunnels, they shall be removed by the contractor to the extent necessary to avoid interference with the satisfactory operation of the diversion tunnels as determined by the contracting officer and at no cost to the Government. The contractor shall not interrupt the natural or required flow of water for irrigation or other purposes past the dam without the approval of the contracting officer. The cost of all work required by this paragraph for which items of payment have not been provided in the schedule, shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the construction of cofferdams and for excavation for foundation of dam and power house. 57. Removal of downstream cofferdam and rock barrier.—After the downstream cofferdam and the rock barrier have served their purpose they, or such portions of them as directed by the contracting officer, shall be removed from the river channel. Disposal of the excavated materials shall be in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 83. The contractor shall use such exca- vating equipment, methods, and care in the removal of the materials from the river as may be required to insure a minimum amount of loss of materials down the river. Any such loss of materials due to carelessness on the part of the contractor or due to the use of equipment and methods which are not approved by the contracting officer will be subtracted from the quan- tities of excavation measured for payment. Measurement for payment will be made of the materials in excavation in the cofferdam and rock barrier. Payment for the excavation and removal of materials as described in this paragraph will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for removal of rock fill in downstream cofferdam and rock barrier. 58. Common excavation for foundations of dam, power house, and cofferdams, Common excavation for the dam and power house shall extend to rock. Excavation for the foundations of the cofferdams shall extend through the silt and into the coarser strata below only to the extent and as directed by the contracting officer. Measurement for payment for common excavation for the foundations of the dam, power house, and cofferdams will be made on the basis of slopes and berms at the toes of slopes as established by the contracting officer. Payment for common excavation for foundations of dam, power house, and cofferdams will be made at the unit price bid therefor in the schedule. The contractor shall excavate the cut-off trench at the upstream toe of the upstream cofferdam to the lines and grades established by the contracting officer. Measurement for payment of material excavated in the cut-off trench will be made after the general excavation for the foundation of the cofferdam has been made. Payment for excavation in open trench for concrete cut-off in upstream cofferdam will be made at the unit Prices per cubic yard bid therefor in the schedule. 38. 59. Rock excavation for foundation of dam.-The excavation for the dam and its abutments shall be made to sufficient depth to secure foundation on sound ledge rock, free from open seams or other objectionable defects as determined by the contracting officer. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preserve the rock below and beyond the lines of excavation in the soundest possible condition. Blasting may be done only to the extent approved by the con- tracting officer, with explosives of such quantity and moderate power and in such locations as will neither crack nor damage the rock outside of the prescribed limits of excavation. The depth of blasting holes, the size of the charges, and the number of charges fired at one time shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. Whenever, in the opinion of the contracting officer, further blasting is liable to injure the rock upon or against which concrete is to be placed, the use of explosives shall be discontinued and the excavation completed by wedging and barring, or other suitable methods. The excavation for the base of the dam at all elevations shall be so shaped and roughly stepped where necessary, as determined by the contracting officer, to produce surfaces of contact between the concrete of the dam and the foundation rock which are as nearly normal to the stresses in the dam as is practicable without excessive excavation. Rock shall be excavated as closely as practicable to the neat lines of the structure, as shown on the drawings or as established by the contracting officer, and payment will be made only for the volume actually required by the contracting officer to be excavated. Measurement for pay- ment of rock excavation for the foundation of the dam will be limited at the downstream face of the dam, where the dam and power house are in contact, to the volume of rock excavated within the neat lines of the dam as shown on the drawings or as actually constructed. Payment for rock excavation for the foundation of the dam will be made at the unit prices per cubic yard bid therefor in the schedule, which price shall include the cost of all labor and materials, shoring, pumping, draining, and all work necessary to maintain the excavation in good order during construction. All cavities in any part of the foundation caused by careless excavation or by the removal, as directed by the contracting officer, of rock needlessly damaged by blasting or other careless operations of the contractor, shall be solidly filled with concrete, at the entire expense of the contractor. - - 60. Excavation for upstream cut-off trench in foundation of dam.–A cut-off trench shall be excavated under the upstream toe of the dam, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. In performing this excavation, all provisions of paragraph 59 relating to care in excavation shall apply. The cut-off trench excavation will be measured for payment to the actual excavated lines as approved by the contracting officer below the general level of the adjacent excavated dam foundation and payment will be made therefor at the unit price bid in the schedule for “Excavation: All classes, for upstream cut-off trench in foundation of dam,” which unit price shall include the cost of all labor and materials, shoring, pumping, draining, and all other work necessary to maintain the excavation in good order during construction. 61. Excavation for spillways, in open cut.—The item of the schedule covering excavation for spillways in open cut covers all excavation upstream from the faces of the required excavation for the portals of the inclined spillway tunnels and includes the open-cut excavation that will be required for the Stoney gate structures, channels thereto, spillway crests, spillway channels, and portal walls above the upper portions of the inclined spillway tunnels. The excavation for the spillway crests shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 59 for rock excavation for foundation of dam, and the excavation for the spillway channels shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 49 for open-cut excavation, where the provisions of these paragraphs are applicable as determined by the contracting officer, 39 62. Excavation of inclined spillway tunnels.-Excavation of the 50-foot diameter inclined spillway tunnels shall be made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 51. The item of the schedule covering this excavation will be limited for each inclined spillway tunnel by the face of the required excavation for the upstream portal wall and by a horizontal plane through the inclined spillway tunnel at an elevation 64 feet above the center line of the outer diversion tunnel into which it discharges. - - . 63. Excavation for canyon-wall valve houses.—The item in the schedule covering excavation for canyon-wall valve houses includes all required excavation, for both upper and lower canyon- wall valve houses on both sides of the canyon. The excavation for these structures shall be made to the lines and grades established by the contracting officer, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 49 where applicable as determined by the contracting officer. As shown on the drawings the concrete in the canyon-wall sides of the valve houses is to be placed directly against undisturbed rock without the use of intervening forms. 64. Excavation for intake towers.-The item in the schedule covering excavation for intake towers includes the required excavation for all intake towers, terminating at the base of the concrete foundation for the Superstructures of the intake towers, as shown on the drawings or directed by the contracting officer. The excavation around the intake towers shall be sufficient to provide a 10-foot berm, and the rock cut above the berm shall be excavated to 4 to 1 slopes or to slopes as established by the contracting officer. These slopes must show no points of rocks projecting more than 2 feet into the prescribed lines of the slopes. 65. Excavation of shafts for outlet works and connecting galleries.—The item of the schedule covering excavation of shafts for outlet works and connecting galleries includes all lengths and sections of the 24-foot 3-inch diameter and 15-foot 9-inch riser shafts for the outlet works which are adjacent to concrete linings in shafts for outlet works as described in paragraph 128. It also includes all excavation of the elevator shafts for the canyon wall outlet works, and the adits leading to these elevators from the lower canyon wall outlet works and from the power house, as limited by the concrete in the walls of the upper canyon-wall valve houses, the excavation for the power house, or the face of the canyon walls. It also includes excavation of the adits, from the excavated surface of the entrance to the valve chamber in the downstream inner diversion tunnel plugs to the elevators for the canyon-wall outlet works. The excavation de- scribed in this paragraph shall be in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 51, where applicable, as determined by the contracting officer. - 66. Excavation of penstock tunnels, outlet tunnels, and power penstocks,—Excavation of the penstock tunnels, outlet tunnels, and power penstocks shall be in accordance with the provi- sions of paragraph 51. Only excavation that is actually performed by tunneling methods will be measured for payment for excavation of penstock tunnels, outlet tunnels, and power penstocks. The item of the schedule covering this excavation includes the excavation of 30-foot diameter inclined tunnels from the upstream intake towers to the inner diversion tunnels, as limited by the description of other items of excavation in paragraphs 55 and 64; the 30-foot diameter pen- stock tunnels from the downstream intake towers with all diverting power penstocks to the prescribed outside neat lines of the power-house structure, and all diverting tunnels to the pre- Scribed outside neat lines of the canyon-wall valve houses, but not the shafts for the outlet Works as described in paragraph 65; the other power penstocks between the prescribed outside neat lines of the power-house structure and the limits of the excavation of the inner diversion tunnels as described in paragraph 54; and all outlet tunnels from the 24-foot 3-inch riser shafts to the prescribed outside neat lines of the canyon-wall valve houses, but not the shafts for the outlet works as described in paragraph 65. 40 67. Rock excavation for power house.-The item in the schedule covering rock excavation for power house includes all required solid rock excavation for the power house downstream from the theoretical downstream face of the dam and within the prescribed outside neat lines of the power-house structure, down to the surfaces of the required excavation for power-house and turbine foundations, and includes notching out the canyon walls for the roof truss supports. The excavation described in this paragraph shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 49 and 50, where applicable, as determined by the contracting officer. 68. Excavation for switching station.-The item of the schedule covering excavation for switching station includes all required excavation for footings of structural-steel switch struc- tures, bases for oil circuit breakers and other apparatus required for the switching station. It also includes the excavation for footings for the transmission line towers, which shall be con- structed at locations designated by the contracting officer. The excavations shall be made to the lines and grades established by the contracting officer, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 49. 69. Excavation for inclined freight-elevator structures.—The excavation for the inclined freight-elevator structures, including hoist house, guide structure, loading and unloading plat- forms, and spur track foundation, shall be made to the lines and grades shown on the drawings or established by the contracting officer. The excavation for these structures and the measure- ment for payment for excavation shall conform to the requirements of paragraph 49 for open-cut excavation. Payment for excavation for inclined freight-elevator structures will be made at the unit price bid therefor in the schedule. - 70. Excavation for highway.-The term “subgrade” refers to the top of fills or the bottom of excavations. The roadbed for the highway shall be constructed to the full dimensions shown on the drawings or established by the contracting officer and shall be finished to the prescribed lines and grades in a workmanlike manner. It shall be widened near the top of the inclined freight elevator, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer, to provide ample space for turning around and for temporary storage for loaded vehicles. In rock excavation the bottom shall, in all cases, be taken out to six (6) inches below subgrade, and all loose rock or bowlders and all ridge rock encountered in common excavation shall be removed or excavated to a depth of not less than six (6) inches below the surface of the subgrade. Payment for such excavation will be made at the unit prices bid in the schedule for excavation for highway. Rock excavations and all holes or depressions resulting from removal of rock or bowlders from common excavation below subgrade elevation shall be back filled to subgrade with material, satisfactory to the contracting officer, obtained from excavation for the roadbed or from borrow pits designated by the contracting officer. Where fills are to be built on sloping ground, the surface of the ground shall be deeply plowed or stepped as directed by the contract- ing officer, or, in the case of steep rock slopes, benches shall be blasted in the rock surface, as directed by the contracting officer. The cost of this work shall be included in the unit prices bid for excavation: Provided, That if the material in benches blasted in rock slopes is required to be excavated, payment therefor will be made at the unit prices bid for excavation for high- way. Fills shall be built of material satisfactory to the contracting officer and in accordance with his instructions, either by dumping from grade or in layers of such thickness as he may direct. Where fills are formed of rock, the material shall be carefully placed so that the large rock will be well distributed and the interstices shall be completely filled with smaller rock and earth so as to form a dense, solid fill. Except as otherwise specified, all suitable material exca- wated in the construction of the roadbed shall be used in the construction of fills and refills to subgrade. Should any material for fills or refills to subgrade, in addition to the material 41 obtained from required excavation for roadbed, be required, it shall be furnished by the contractor from borrow pits and shall be hauled and placed by the contractor. Payment for borrowed material, regardless of length of haul, will be made at the price bid in the schedule for excavation for highway. The necessary material will be measured in excavation at the borrow pits. Wherever the construction of drains or dikes on the uphill side of the roadbed is not ordered by the contracting officer, and where the slope on the uphill side of the roadbed consists of material subject to erosion, the contractor shall plow a furrow to keep surface water away from such slopes. After all drains have been built and the road has been constructed to subgrade, it shall be shaped by means of a blade grader, and scarifying, if required, to a uniform cross-section and at such height above subgrade elevation that when compacted it will conform accurately to the established subgrade elevation and cross-section. It shall then be brought to a firm, unyielding surface by rolling the entire area with a roller having a weight of at least 400 pounds per linear inch of tire width. Measurement for payment, and payment for exca- vation for highway will be made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 49 for open-cut excavation. Except as otherwise provided, the price bid in the schedule for excavation for highway shall include the cost of all labor, materials, and plant required in carrying out the provisions of this paragraph, including excavating, constructing fills and refills, plowing furrows, and compacting and finishing of subgrade. 71. Excavation for highway structures,-Excavation for corrugated metal pipe culverts and drains, rubble masonry walls, a concrete arch culvert if required, and other highway structures shall be made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 49. Suitable materials for excava- tion refill and for back fill after completion of the structure, shall be furnished, placed, and compacted by the contractor, as directed by the contracting officer. The compacting shall be equivalent to that obtained by the tramping of well-distributed scraper teams, depositing the material in layers not over eight (8) inches in thickness when compacted. Excavation for highway structures, or the portion of such excavation not included in the highway prism, will be measured for payment in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 49, and payment therefor will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of all work and materials required in excavating for highway structures, and in back filling such structures in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 72, Back fill for power house.-Depressions between the back walls of the power house and the cliffs shall, if required by the contracting officer, be back filled with materials from spoil piles or elsewhere to give a neat and finished appearance to the structure. No special compacting of back fill is contemplated and any special compacting required by the contracting officer will be ordered in writing and paid for as extra work under the provisions of article 5 of the contract and paragraph 10 of these specifications. Back fill for power house will be measured for payment in place and will be paid for at the unit price per cubic yard bid therefor in the schedule: Pro- vided, That payment will not be made for any material used in such back fill which may be moved directly from required excavation into place in the fill. Any excavation outside of the limits prescribed for excavation which is required to be back filled shall be back filled by and at the expense of the contractor. 73. Back fill for switching station.—Depressions in the natural ground surface at the switching station shall, if required by the contracting officer, be back filled with materials from *Poil piles or elsewhere to give a neat and finished appearance to the structures. No special °9mpacting of back fill is contemplated and any special compacting required by the contracting officer will be ordered in writing and paid for as extra work under the provisions of article 5 of the contract and paragraph 10 of these specifications. Back fill for switching station will be | 42 measured for payment in place and paid for at the unit price per cubic yard bid therefor in the schedule: Provided, That payment will not be made for any material used in such back fill which may be moved directly from required excavation into place in the fill. Any excavation outside of the limits prescribed for excavation for the switching station which is required to be back filled shall be back filled by and at the expense of the contractor. 74. Back fill on roofs. -In order to provide a cushion for protection against falling rocks a back fill composed of a layer of pea gravel, a layer of broken rock or gravel, and a layer of rock will be required on the roofs of the power house, the canyon-wall valve houses, and other build- ings if directed by the contracting officer. The layer of pea gravel shall be not less than six (6) inches in depth, the broken rock or gravel not less than twelve (12) inches, and the rock no than four and one-half (4%) feet. The pea gravel, broken rock or gravel, and rock shall furnished by the contractor as provided in paragraph 28. The pea gravel shall meet the require- ments of the smallest size gravel for concrete as provided in paragraph 99 of these specifications. The gravel or broken rock shall meet the requirements of paragraph 99 of these specifications and shall not exceed in size the maximum specified therein. The rock must be hard, dense, durable rock fragments not exceeding one (1) cubic foot in volume and which will be retained on a screen having 8-inch square or 9-inch round openings. The fills shall be carefully placed, as directed by the contracting officer, to the grades established by the contracting officer. Back fill on roofs will be measured for payment in place, and payment will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of furnish- ing, hauling, and placing the pea gravel, broken rock or gravel, and rock as provided in this paragraph. 75, Embankment construction, general,—For the purpose of these specifications, the term “embankments” includes the rock-fill portions and the earth-fill portions of the upstream and downstream cofferdams, the rock blanket on the upstream face of the upstream cofferdam, the rock protection in the river bed above the upstream cofferdam, the rock protection of the exca- wated slopes to the foundation of the dam, and the rock barrier below the downstream cofferdam, and does not include any works constructed by the contractor for his use in performance of the contract or fills constructed for the highway and for the elevator spur track. Embankments shall be constructed to the lines and grades shown on the drawings or established by the con- tracting officer. Embankments shall be built to the heights designated by the contracting officer to allow for settlement. No brush, roots, sod, or other perishable or unsuitable material, as determined by the contracting officer, shall be placed in embankments. The suitability of all materials for construction of embankments shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. No material shall be placed in embankments when either the material or the founda- tion or embankment on which it is to be placed is frozen. The contractor shall care for and maintain all embankments in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer until the com- pletion and acceptance of the feature of work of which they are a part. Any approved material placed in embankments that is lost before the date of the written acceptance described in para- graph 43, by floods or other action of the river, by weathering, by any operation of the contractor, or by other causes, shall be replaced by the contractor in a manner satisfactory to the contract- ing officer and without cost to the Government. Each portion of the embankments shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications therefor, including the provisions of this paragraph. All portions of required embankments, whether constructed of materials excavated for other required parts of the work, from borrow pits, or from quarries, will be measured and paid for in embankment, and where the materials are excavated for other required parts of the work payment for placing the materials in embankments will be in addition to the payment 43 made for the required excavation. It should be feasible to transport a large portion of the materials, which are excavated for other required parts of the work and which are suitable for embankment construction, direct to the embankments at the time of making the excavations. The contractor, however, shall be entitled to no additional compensation above the prices bid for excavation and embankments by reason of it being necessary or required, for any reason, that such excavated materials be deposited in spoil banks prior to being placed in the embankments. 76. Borrow pits and quarries.—Where the amount of required excavation does not furnish sufficient suitable material for embankments the contractor shall obtain the necessary material from borrow pits or quarries in the vicinity of the work. The location of all borrow pits and quarries and the suitability of the material for the purpose for which it is required shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. Where borrow pits and quarries are located outside of the area to be flooded by the reservoir and where they are exposed to view from the dam and the highway from Boulder City the excavated surfaces shall be left in a reasonably smooth and even condition as approved by the contracting officer. Drainage ditches shall be constructed by the contractor from borrow pits and quarries to the nearest natural outlets to avoid the formation of pools. The cost of all work prescribed in this paragraph shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items of embankment construction. 77. Rock fill in diversion cofferdams.-The rock fill portions of the upstream and down- stream cofferdams shall consist of a freely draining mixture of durable gravel and cobble or rock fragments from natural deposits, from borrow pits, or quarries in the vicinity of the work, or from the excavations required for other parts of the work. The largest rock permissible in the rock fills shall be not more than one (1) cubic yard in volume and the materials in the fills shall be equal in grading to quarry-run material for rock in that vicinity. The inclusion of fine muck, spalls, or gravel in the mass in an amount not in excess of that required to fill the Voids in the coarser material, as determined by the contracting officer, will be permissible: Provided, That the contractor shall not sluice silt from the river into the rock fills. It is con- templated that material direct from any of the required rock excavation will be suitable. The rock in the rock embankments need not be especially compacted but shall be built up by dumping and roughly leveling off the dumped piles in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer, and such as to insure that the completed fill will be stable, without tendency to slide, and that there will be no unfilled spaces within the fill. Measurement, for payment, of the materials placed in the rock-fill portions of the cofferdams will be made in the embankments, and pay- ment therefor will be made at the unit prices per cubic yard bid in the schedule for rock fill in Cofferdams, which unit prices shall include the entire cost of all excavation in the borrow pits, if necessary to get material from such pits, loading, hauling, dumping, and other operations required in placing the materials in the finished embankments as described in these specifications. 78. Rock protection.-The upstream and downstream slopes of the common excavation for the foundation for the dam, and the river channel immediately upstream from the toe of the Paving on the upstream cofferdam, the latter for such distance upstream as shown on the draw- ºngs or as directed by the contracting officer, shall be protected by loose dumped rock. The thicknesses of the rock protection shall be as shown on the drawings or as otherwise specified by the contracting officer. The largest rock permissible in the rock protection shall not exceed Wo (2) cubic yards in volume, and quarry-run material below this maximum size will be accept- *ble. The inclusion of muck, spalls, or gravel in the mass in an amount not in excess of that *quired to fill the voids in the material will be permissible. The rock in rock protection shall be so dumped and roughly leveled off in the fill as to insure that the completed fill is stable, 29919—30—4 44 without tendency to slide, and so that there shall be no unreasonably large unfilled spaces within the fill. Measurement of rock protection will be made in place on the basis of the actual thicknesses placed up to the specified thicknesses. Payment for placing rock protection in the locations described in this paragraph, as shown on the drawings and elsewhere on the work, as directed by the contracting officer, will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for rock protection in river channel and elsewhere, which unit price shall include the entire cost of procuring the rock, hauling, handling, and placing the material in the fills. 79. Rock blanket on upstream cofferdam,_The upstream slope of the upstream cofferdam shall be covered with a 3-foot layer of rock as shown on the drawings, or as directed by the contracting officer. This rock blanket shall consist of sound, durable rock fragments or bowlders the maximum dimensions of which shall be not less than 4 inches nor more than 30 inches. The rock for this blanket may, at the option of the contractor, be obtained from stripping of the canyon walls or foundation, from excavation for tunnels, from other required excavation, or from borrow pits approved by the contracting officer, and shall be dumped loose on the upstream slope of the cofferdam. The rock shall be evenly distributed or leveled to a roughly uniform layer of the required thickness, on which the concrete paving is to be placed. The placing of the rock blanket may proceed in lifts as the earth fill of the cofferdam is built up, or the materials for the blanket may be dumped in place after the placing of the earth fill is completed. The method used in placing the rock blanket shall be at the option of the con- tractor: Provided, That the method used shall, in the opinion of the contracting officer, secure the required compactness necessary as a foundation for the concrete paving. In preparing the face of the rock blanket for the 6-inch layer of concrete paving, the contractor shall furnish and place, as directed by the contracting officer, any gravel or small rock fragments, which, in the opinion of the contracting officer, are necessary to fill the voids in the upper surface of the rock blanket and furnish a suitable surface on which to lay the concrete paving. Measure- ment, for payment, of the materials used in the rock blanket and for preparing the surface of the rock blanket for paving will be made in place on the basis of the actual thickness, but not to exceed three (3) feet, and payment therefor will be made at the unit price bid in the schedule for rock blanket on upstream slope of upstream cofferdam, which unit price shall include the entire cost of procuring, hauling, handling, and placing the material, including gravel in the blanket, and of preparing the face of the rock blanket as a suitable foundation for the concrete paving. 80. Rock barrier below downstream cofferdam.-The rock barrier below the downstream cofferdam shall consist of hard, dense, and durable rock, equivalent in this respect, in the opinion of the contracting officer, to the best rock for resisting wear or erosion that exists in the vicinity of the work and that may be readily obtained from near-by borrow pits, quarries, or, at the option of the contractor, from required excavation. There will be no limit to the size of rock permitted in the rock barrier. The inclusion of muck, spalls, or gravel in the mass in an amount not in excess of that required to fill the voids in the material as specified above will be per- missible. The rock may be loosely dumped but in such order and in such a manner as will, in the opinion of the contracting officer, insure that the completed fill is stable, without tendency to slide, and so that there shall be no unreasonably large unfilled spaces within the fill. Measure- ment, for payment, of materials in the rock barrier will be made in place, and payment therefor will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for rock barrier below down- stream cofferdam, which unit price shall include the entire cost of procuring the rock and hauling, handling, and dumping it in the fill. 45 81. Earth fill in cofferdams.-The earth fill portions of, the cofferdams shall consist of a mixture similar to the natural mixture of silt, sand, and gravel in Hemenway Wash and may be obtained from borrow pits in Hemenway Wash or other places in the vicinity of the work or from required common excavation in the river channel: Provided, That only the gravelly material from the river channel excavation, which will form a stable and compact embankment when placed and rolled in 12-inch layers as provided elsewhere in this paragraph, will be acceptable, as determined by the contracting officer after actual excavation is in progress. No separation, sorting, blending or segragation of the materials will be required: Provided further, That material from different parts of the borrow pits or required excavation shall be placed on certain parts of the embankments as designated by the contracting officer: And provided further, That no stones having maximum dimensions of more than nine (9) inches shall be placed in the earth-fill em- bankments. Should stones of such size be found in the otherwise approved embankment materials, they shall be removed by the contractor either at the site of the excavation or after transporting to the embankments but prior to rolling and compacting the materials in the embankment. Such stones may be used in the rock-fill portions of the embankments or in the rock blankets on and above the upstream cofferdam if their maximum dimensions are not in excess of the requirements for these features. The mixture of silt, sand, and gravel shall be placed in the embankment in approximately horizontal layers not more than twelve (12) inches in thickness after rolling. All materials shall be uniformly moistened by sprinkling on the embankment. The full thickness of each 12-inch layer shall be moistened to such degree that, in the opinion of the contracting officer, the maximum compactness of embankment will be assured after rolling as specified. The roller used for compacting the embankment shall be of the “Rohl” type, having cast-iron ball feet equally spaced over its cylindrical surface and its weight shall be not less than 1,000 pounds per linear foot of width of tread. The entire surface of each layer of embankment rolled shall have the roller pass over it at least three times. If, in the opinion of the contracting officer, the rolled surface of any layer of material is too smooth to bond properly with the succeeding layer it shall be roughened or loosened by harrowing or otherwise to the satisfaction of the contracting officer before the succeeding layer is placed thereon. Measurement, for payment, of the materials placed in the earth-fill portions of the cofferdams will be made in embankment after compacting by moistening and rolling as specified, and payment will be made at the unit prices per cubic yard bid in the schedule for earth fill in Cofferdams, which unit prices shall include the cost of clearing, grubbing, and stripping the approved borrow pits, if required, and the entire cost of all excavating in the borrow pits, load- ing, hauling, spreading, moistening, harrowing, and other operations required in placing the materials, as described in these specifications, in the finished embankments. 82, Rubble masonry walls.-The contractor shall construct rubble masonry walls along the Canyon rim above the power plant and intake towers and below the highway on both sides of the Canyon, as directed by the contracting officer, wherever necessary for protection of the perma- ment works from injury by falling rocks, as determined by the contracting officer. Rubble masonry parapets and retaining walls, where and if required as determined by the contracting officer, shall also be constructed by the contractor, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The rock used for the rubble masonry shall be clean, hard, dense, and durable. Either bowlders or broken rock from excavation may be used if fulfilling the *quirements as to quality and dimensions. If broken rock is used, excessive projections and *ute angles shall be removed, and the stones used as headers shall have a roughly squared and *sonably flat exposed face. At least one-fourth of the total volume of masonry shall consist "headers of a length equal to the thickness of the wall for walls less than 18 inches in thick- 46 ness, and headers at least 18 inches in length for walls over 18 inches in thickness. The headers shall be distributed uniformly throughout the wall. The stones in the wall shall be placed as closely as practicable to the lines and grades established by the contracting officer. The largest stones shall be used in the foundation and lower part of the wall, and all stones shall be laid upon their broadest face. Cement mortar of a mix and consistency approved by the contracting officer shall be used for filling the joints between stones. The surfaces of all stones used in the wall shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted before being firmly embedded in the layer of mortar previously spread over the preceding layer of stones. The contractor shall not use mortar that has taken an initial set before being placed in the wall, and shall place all stones before the mortar in which they are embedded has taken an initial set. The headers and other large masses of stone shall be brought to an even bearing on the layer immediately below, and the interstices between the larger masses of stone shall be filled by thrusting rock fragments or spalls into the mortar. No unfilled spaces will be permitted in the wall. In order to provide sufficient lateral bond in the wall, the stones in any layer shall break joints with the stones of the preceding layer. Transverse bond shall be provided by the use of headers. If it is neces- sary to move a stone after it has been placed upon the mortar bed, it shall be lifted clear without sliding and reset, so that no injury will result to the mortar bond of stones already laid. After the stone has been laid as above specified, the joints of all exposed faces shall be thoroughly cleaned and pointed in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the contracting officer. Measure- ment for payment for constructing rubble masonry walls will be made in place on the basis of the sectional area specified by the contracting officer. Payment for rubble masonry walls will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of procuring, handling, hauling, and placing the broken rock or bowlders, and materials, except cement, required for constructing the rubble masonry walls. 83. Disposal of excavated materials. As provided elsewhere in these specifications, por- tions of the excavated materials may be used in required embankments, but the remainder of the excavated materials must be wasted. The disposal of all excavated materials that are wasted shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. All spoil banks or waste piles shall be located where, in the opinion of the contracting officer, they will not harmfully interfere with the natural flow of the river, with the operation of the future power plant, or with the discharge of water through the diversion tunnels and the outlet works. No materials shall be wasted in the river channel, either above or below the dam site, below the maximum high-water surface except by written permission of the contracting officer. Spoil banks shall be located where they will not detract from the appearance of the completed structure, or interfere with the accessibility of the structure for operation. Where required by the contracting officer, spoil banks which are visible from the dam or highway shall be roughly leveled and trimmed to reason- ably regular lines, and the contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation on account of such work. The cost of disposal of all excavated materials that are wasted shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for excavation. Materials excavated from the dam and power house foundations and from other required work may be used in the construction of cofferdams and other embankments: Provided, That such materials shall fulfill the require- ments for these structures, as specified in paragraphs 77 to 81, inclusive. As provided else- where in these specifications payment for placing materials from required excavation, in embank ments, except temporary embankments that are to be constructed at the expense of the contractor and except fills required in the construction of the highway and for the elevator Spur track, will be made at the unit prices per cubic yard bid in the schedule for the items of embank ment construction, which payment will be in addition to the payment for excavation of the material. - 47 . GROUT AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 84. Drilling grout holes in tunnels, adits, and shafts.-Except for considerable portions of the diversion tunnels upstream from the tunnel plugs in the outer diversion tunnels and upstream from the upstream plugs in the inner diversion tunnels, holes for high-pressure grouting shall be drilled through the concrete linings of the tunnels, adits, and shafts and into the surrounding rock as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. At the option of the contractor, pipe connections for high-pressure grouting may be placed prior to placing concrete by attaching one end of the pipe to the forms and cutting the pipe so that the other end will be not less than 6 inches from the rock, or the pipe connections may be set after the holes have been drilled through the concrete. In the first case drilling will be through the portions of concrete lining only beyond the end of the pipes and into the rock, and in the second case will be con- tinuous through the entire thickness of the lining and into the rock. The location, direction, order of drilling, and depth of each hole shall be as ordered by the contracting officer. The diameter of each hole at the bottom shall be not less than 1 inch. Each hole shall be protected from becoming clogged or obstructed by a grout connection grouted into the grout hole and suitably capped or otherwise protected until the hole is grouted, and any hole becoming obstructed before it is grouted shall be opened up to the satisfaction of the contracting officer by and at the expense of the contractor. Plate-steel liner plates furnished by the contractor shall be provided with properly located holes through which grout holes may be drilled, or, at the option of the contractor, holes may be drilled through the steel lining after it is placed. The grout holes will be measured for payment after the holés are drilled and only the length of holes actually drilled by direction of the contracting officer will be considered in making the measurements. Payment for drilling grout holes in tunnels, adits, and shafts will be made at the unit price per linear foot bid therefor in the schedule: Provided, That any hole required to be drilled to a greater depth than 25 feet will be ordered in writing and the drilling of the entire hole will be paid for as extra work under the provisions of article 5 of the contract and paragraph 10 of these specifications. 85. Drilling grout holes in foundations for dam and spillway crests.-Grout holes shall be drilled in the foundations of the dam, spillway crests, inlet structures for the outer diversion tunnels, and elsewhere if required, as shown on the drawings or directed by the contracting officer. It is intended that grout holes shall be drilled in the bottom of the upstream cut-off trench of the dam at about 5-foot intervals. It is expected that in general these grout holes will be required to be drilled to varying depths up to a maximum of 150 feet. The direction, order of drilling, and depth of each hole shall be as ordered by the contracting officer. The diameter of each hole at the bottom shall be not less than 1 inch. It may be found necessary to drill grout holes in other parts of the foundations than as shown on the drawings, or it may be found necessary, after all the holes in a given region have been drilled and grouted, to drill additional holes. No additional allowance over the unit prices bid in the schedule will be made to the contractor for drilling such holes nor for the expense of moving equipment or other Operations incidental to returning to an old area or moving to a new area. Each hole shall be Protected from becoming clogged or obstructed by being suitably capped or otherwise protected until it is grouted and any hole becoming obstructed before it is grouted shall be opened up to the satisfaction of the contracting officer by and at the expense of the contractor. The grout - holes will be measured for payment after the holes are drilled and only the length of holes actually drilled by direction of the contracting officer will be considered in making the measurements. Payment for the drilling as described in this paragraph will be made at the unit prices per linear foot bid in the schedule for drilling grout holes in foundations for dam and spillway 48 crests, which unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, materials, plant, and operations required in drilling the holes and maintaining them free from obstruction until grouted. 86. Drilling drainage holes in foundation for dam.—Drainage holes shall be drilled in the foundation for the dam, and elsewhere if required, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. In general, the elevation of the bottom of drainage holes shall be higher than the bottom of adjacent grout holes, and drainage holes will not be required to be drilled to a greater depth than 150 feet beyond the surface of contact between the concrete of the dam and the foundation rock. The depth of each hole shall be as ordered by the con- tracting officer. Drainage holes shall not be drilled until all adjacent grout holes within a minimum distance of 150 feet have been drilled and grouted. The diameter of each drainage hole at the bottom shall be not less than 2 inches. If after a given area is grouted and drilled for drainage it is found desirable to drill and grout additional grout holes, the contractor may be required to open up previously drilled drain holes by redrilling to secure perfect drainage. Such redrilling of old holes will be ordered by the contracting officer in writing and will be paid for as extra work under the provisions of article 5 of the contract and paragraph 10 of these specifications. Drainage holes will be measured for payment after the holes are drilled and only the length of holes actually drilled by direction of the contracting officer will be considered in making the measurements. Except as otherwise provided for redrilling, payment for the drilling as described in this paragraph will be made at the unit prices per linear foot bid in the schedule for drilling drainage holes in foundation for dam, which unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, materials, plant, and operations required in drilling the holes and main- taining them free from obstruction until the work is completed. 87. Pressure grouting, general,—Sand for pressure grouting shall be furnished by the con- tractor and shall be clean and of such fineness that 100 per cent will pass a No. 8 standard sieve, and 30 per cent will pass a No. 50 standard sieve. Cement for grouting will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. When required by the contracting officer, the cement shall be screened before it is used in grout for pressure grouting. All high-pressure grouting shall be done with a neat cement mixture and by the pumping method. Before pres- sure grouting is begun, all holes and contraction joints shall be thoroughly washed out with water of a quality provided in paragraph 102, under continuous pressure, as required by the con- tracting officer, up to the required grouting pressure. Grouting shall not be stopped in any hole until the hole takes grout at the rate of not more than one cubic foot in ten minutes when the required grouting pressure is applied. After the grouting of the hole is finished, the pressure shall be maintained by means of a stop-cock or other suitable device until the grout has set sufficiently so that it will be retained in the hole. The apparatus for mixing and placing grout shall be of a type approved by the contracting officer and capable of effectively mixing and stirring the grout and forcing it into the holes at any desired pressure up to the maximum required. Measurement for payment for pressure grouting will be made on the basis of the number of sacks of cement and cubic feet of sand, counted separately, actually forced into the holes or grout connections at the direction of the contracting officer. In measuring the grout for payment the volume of one sack of cement will be considered as 1 cubic foot and the volume of the sand will be taken as that of the sand in its loose dry state. Pressure grouting will be paid for at the unit prices per cubic foot bid therefor in the schedule, which unit prices shall include the cost of all labor, materials except cement, plant, and operations required for the grouting. No payment will be made for grout lost due to improper anchorage of grout pipes, or for grout rejected by the contracting officer on account of improper mixing, and the contractor will be charged for cement used in such wasted or rejected grout the same amount that the cement cost the Government at the point of delivery to the contractor. 49 88. Pressure grouting in tunnels, adits, and shafts.-After the concrete lining in the tunnels, adits, and shafts and in the tunnel plugs is in place and the required holes have been drilled and grout connections, including vent pipes, provided for, the material surrounding the linings and tunnel plugs shall be pressure grouted as directed by the contracting officer. No grout hole or grout connection shall be grouted until the adjacent concrete is placed and has set a sufficient length of time up to a maximum of 60 days, as determined by the contracting officer. Each drilled grout hole, grout connection, and vent pipe where required shall have forced into it under a pressure of not less than 50 pounds and not more than 500 pounds per square inch, as directed by the contracting officer, a grout composed of cement and water, or cement, sand, and water in proportions to be determined by the contracting officer. In describing grouting operations in these specifications for tunnels, adits, and shafts, pressure grouting is referred to under two general divisions; viz, low-pressure grouting and high-pressure grouting. It is contemplated that the pressure ordinarily used in low-pressure grouting will vary from 50 to 100 pounds per square inch and in high-pressure grouting from 100 to 500 pounds per square inch. Low-pressure grout- ing shall usually precede high-pressure grouting, and will be used principally to fill the voids between the lining and the rock, particularly above the arches. If, during the grouting of any hole, grout be found to flow from adjacent grout connections in sufficient quantity to seriously interfere with the grouting operation, or to cause appreciable loss of grout, such connections may be temporarily capped. Where such capping is not essential, ungrouted holes shall be Jeft open to facilitate the escape of air and water as the grout is pumped in. Where necessary, vent pipes shall be set, as shown on the drawings and provided in paragraph 145, to permit the excape of air and water from pockets in the material surrounding the concrete linings. Plate steel conduit linings for outlet works and power penstocks will be furnished with tapped holes for making grout connections. The contractor shall pressure grout around all metal conduits, gate frames, and transitions, where directed by the contracting officer, and payment for this work will be made at the unit price per cubic foot bid in the schedule for pressure grouting in tunnels, adits, and shafts. 89. Pressure grouting in foundations for dam and spillway crests.-Each drilled grout hole and grout connection for pressure grouting the foundations for the dam, spillway crests, and inlet structures for the outer diversion tunnels shall have forced into it under a pressure of not less than 100 pounds and not more than 300 pounds per square inch, as directed by the con- tracting officer, a grout composed of cement and water, or cement, sand, and water in proportions to be determined by the contracting officer. In general, the unit grout pressure required for all pressures above the minimum of 100 pounds per square inch will be determined by the contracting officer on the basis of the full reservoir hydrostatic head at the elevation of the grouting con- nection and an addition of 50 pounds per square inch. No grout hole or grout connection for grouting the foundations for the dam and spillway crests shall be grouted until all concrete required within a radius of 50 feet and to a thickness of 10 feet is placed and has set a sufficient length of time, as determined by the contracting officer. No grout hole or grout connection for grouting the foundations for the inlet structures of the outer diversion tunnels shall be grouted until all concrete within a radius of 50 feet is placed and has set a sufficient length of time, as determined by the contracting officer. If, during the grouting of any hole, grout be found to flow from adjacent grout connections in sufficient quantity to seriously interfere with the grouting Operation or to cause appreciable loss of grout, such connections may be temporarily capped. Where such capping is not essential, ungrouted holes shall be left open to facilitate the escape of ºr and water as the grout is forced in. Measurement of and payment for pressure grouting as . described in this paragraph will be made as provided in paragraph;87. 50 90. Contraction joints in dam.–Contraction joints in the concrete of the dam will be pro- vided for convenience in construction and to provide for the expansion and contraction of the concrete in horizontal directions. The details of these joints are shown on the drawings and no contraction joints shall be made except in accordance with these details or as directed by the contracting officer. The contraction joints will divide the dam into sections. Horizontal keys shall be built into the circumferential joints and vertical keys into the other contraction joints as shown on the drawings. The entire face of each contraction joint in the dam including the copper expansion strips but not including the grouting units, shall be painted with one thin coat of water- gas tar paint, as directed by the contracting officer. The water-gas tar paint used for this purpose will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. Copper expansion sealing strips consisting of 20-gauge soft copper sheets shall be placed across the radial contraction joints as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The copper sheets and rivets for connecting them will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The copper sheets will be furnished bent and punched in convenient lengths for riveting, and the contractor shall carefully join the sheets together, as shown on the drawings, in a work- manlike manner and so as to form complete continuous watertight diaphragms. The contractor shall take suitable precautions and means satisfactory to the contracting officer to support and protect the copper during the progress of the work and shall replace or repair at the contractor's expense any copper strip punctured or damaged before final acceptance of the work. Brazing and soldering materials for joining the copper sheets shall be furnished by the contractor and the contractor shall carefully rivet and solder these sheets as shown on the drawings and in a work- manlike manner to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. Copper expansion strips will be measured for payment in place and no allowance will be made for lap at joints. Payment for placing copper expansion strips in contraction joints will be made at the unit price per linear foot bid in the schedule. The cost of all work described in this paragraph, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be included in the unit price bid in the schedule for concrete in dam. 91. Pressure grouting contraction joints in dam,_The contraction joints in the dam shall be pressure grouted with cement grout pumped into the pipe grouting systems to be provided for this purpose, as shown on the drawings and specified in paragraph 147. The program of this grouting, the time when each joint or portion of joint shall be grouted, the grout mixture used, the pressure applied, and all details of the operation shall be in accordance with these specifica- tions and as directed by the contracting officer. The grout shall be pumped into the bottom header of each grout system and forced to travel to all parts of the system in the shortest prac- ticable time. In so far as practicable, as determined by the contracting officer, the outlet end of each pipe shall be left open until grout commences to flow from it, whereupon it shall be capped and every other practicable precaution shall be taken to insure that every part of the system and of the contraction joint in the concrete is filled with grout. The grout shall be pumped into each grouting system at a pressure to be determined by the contracting officer, but which will not ex- ceed 500 pounds per square inch at the grout machine. The required pressure shall be main- tained after the system ceases to take an appreciable amount of grout by means of a stop-cock in the header pipe or other suitable device approved by the contracting officer. The time con- Sumed in grouting any individual grouting system shall be as short as practicable in order to insure that the grout does not set in any part of the system until after the complete system is grouted, and in no case shall the time consumed in filling any system with grout exceed one-hall hour. The equipment used shall have ample capacity for this purpose, and the right is reserved to require the simultaneous application of grout at several points in any one system. The con- tractor shall not pump grout into any system until the concrete forming the joint or joints in 51 which that system is located has sufficiently set and cooled as determined by the contracting officer. - 92. Anchor bars in rock-Wherever shown on the drawings or required by the contracting officer, holes shall be drilled into the rock to receive rods for anchoring the spillway channel lining and other structures or parts thereof to the rock. These holes shall be filled with cement grout or mortar of a mix and consistency specified by the contracting officer, and steel anchor rods shall be placed in the holes before the grout or mortar sets. Anchor bars shall not be dis- turbed until the grout has thoroughly set. The size, length, and spacing of the bars and the diam- eter and depth of the grout holes shall be as shown on the drawings or as specified by the con- tracting officer: Provided, That the diameter of holes shall be dependent on the size of bar used and that the diameter of the bottom of each hole shall be at least fifty per cent (50%) greater than the diameter or maximum dimension of the bar for that hole. Measurement for payment for drilling holes for anchor bars and grouting bars in place will be based upon the length of hole drilled beyond the face of the excavation or rock surface and payment will be made at the unit price per linear foot of hole bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of furnishing all labor and materials, except cement and steel bars, used in the work. The cement and the steel bars will be furnished to the contractor by the Government under the pro- visions of paragraph 27. Measurement for payment for placing anchor bars in rock, which shall include cutting, bending, and placing the bars, will be based upon the total length of anchor bars as placed. Payment will be made at the unit price per pound bid therefor in the schedule, which payment will be in addition to the payment for drilling holes for anchor bars and grouting bars in place. 93, Porous concrete tile drains in dam.—Porous concrete tile drains shall be placed in the dam near its upstream face and shall be connected to the drainage gallery, all as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The tile shall be carefully placed, true to line and position, and shall be securely held in position during the placing of the concrete. The joints in the tile shall not be cemented. Special care shall be taken to avoid displacing or break- ing the tile during the placing of concrete, and the contractor shall provide and use suitable means satisfactory to the contracting officer to prevent and insure against mortar or concrete entering the drains or the drains becoming clogged with mortar, concrete, or otherwise during the progress of the work. In case any such drain becomes partially stopped up or clogged during the progress of the work it shall be completely opened by and at the expense of the con- tractor and to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. The concrete tile used for this pur- pose shall be manufactured by the contractor. It shall have an internal diameter of not less than 20 inches, a wall thickness of not less than 4 inches, and shall be manufactured in units not less than 60 inches long. The end joints shall be suitably grooved or formed in a manner acceptable to the contracting officer so that the tile will fit together to hold the adjacent sections in alignment and prevent the infiltration of mortar from the concrete in the dam. Tongue and groove type, beveled type, or bell and spigot type joints will be acceptable if meeting all other requirements. The walls of the tile shall be uniformly porous so as to permit the passage of water freely through them. The tile shall be made of 1 part Portland cement and 4 parts total aggre- gate, the aggregates being so proportioned as to give a degree of porosity such that a 60-inch length of tile when set on end on a water-tight base shall discharge water poured into it at the Tate of not less than 20 gallons per minute. Dry tile shall have a crushing strength, when tested by the 3-edge bearing method of making strength tests for draintile of the American Society for Testing Materials, of not less than 1,000 pounds per linear foot of tile. Cement for the tile will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. Any tile manufactured 52 that fails to meet the requirements specified or that is damaged in handling or otherwise, so that, in the opinion of the contracting officer, it is unfit for use, will be rejected and the cost of the cement used in its manufacture will be charged to the contractor. The parts of the tile forming the end joint grooves shall be made of well-graded sand that will pass a screen having 4-inch round openings. Commercial porous concrete draintile may be furnished by the contractor in lieu of manufacturing the tile as specified above: Provided, That it meets the requirements, and in this event the contractor will be credited with the estimated cost of the cement, as deter- mined by the contracting officer, that would have been furnished by the Government for manu- facturing the tile. The tile drains will be measured for payment in place in the dam, and no allowance will be made for lap at joints. Placing and manufacturing or furnishing porous con- crete draintile will be paid for at the unit price per linear foot bid in the schedule for manufac- turing and placing porous concrete draintile in dam, which unit price shall include the cost of all work and materials described in this paragraph, except cement. ROOFS 94. Tile roofs.-The contractor shall place tile roofs on any building, if directed by the con- tracting officer. Lumber, tile, roofing felt, and all other materials required for the construction of the roof systems will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall place and attach all these materials in a workmanlike manner as shown on the drawings and satisfactory to the contracting officer. The contractor shall be responsible for all roofing materials delivered and shall use care in handling the roofing tile to avoid breakage. The contractor will be charged for all tile in excess of two per cent (2%) of the number of tile furnished that is damaged in handling to such an extent that, in the opinion of the contracting officer, it is unfit for use. Tile will be measured for payment in place and payment will be made at the unit price per square foot bid in the schedule for placing tile roofs, which unit price shall include the cost of unloading, hauling, handling, and placing all materials required for placing the tile roofs. 95. Asphalt saturated felt roofing.—Built-up asphalt-saturated felt roofing shall be placed between the two slabs of concrete on the roofs of the power house and on other buildings where directed by the contracting officer, in accordance with Federal specification, symbol SS-R-569, for the “Construction of built-up roofing, type 5 ACS,” except that no slag or gravel is required. The roofing shall consist of 5 layers or plies of asphalt-saturated rag felt cemented together with asphalt. Flashings of the type shown on the drawings shall be installed where required. The concrete roof surfaces before applying the roof coverings shall be smooth, firm, dry, and free from high spots, depressions, and all loose and foreign material. The asphalt shall not be heated above 400°F. and shall be hot when the felts are laid. The layers of felt shall be laid So as to be free from wrinkles and buckles. The surfacing material shall always be dry when applied and in addition shall be heated in cold weather. The roofing material shall be applied in the following manner: First.—Coat the roof surface uniformly with asphalt primer, using not less than one gallon per 100 square feet, and allow to dry. Second–On this coating of asphalt lay five layers of 32-inch asphalt-saturated felt over the entire roof surface, lapping each sheet 26 inches over the preceding sheet. Lap the ends of the sheets not less than 6 inches. When 36-inch felt is used, lap the sheets 29 inches. Mop each of these sheets the full width of the lap with hot asphalt, using not less than 20 pounds per 100 square feet in each mopping. Cut off these layers of felt at abutting vertical surfaces. 53 Third-Over the entire surface apply a uniform coating of asphalt, using not less than 60 pounds per 100 square feet. -- - - Fourth.-When the slab of concrete has been poured over the felt roofing, the slot around the edge of the slab, as shown on the drawings, shall be poured level full with hot asphalt. The roof will be measured for payment between the bounding lines of the main surface. Areas taken out of the roof surfaces by hatchways and other openings will be deducted from the measured surface. All materials required for the asphalt-saturated felt roofing will be furnished by the Government as provided in paragraph 27. Payment for placing asphalt-saturated felt roofing will be made at the unit price per square yard bid therefor in the schedule, which price shall include the cost of all work required in placing the roofing and flashing in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. CONCRETE 96. Composition.—Concrete shall be composed of cement, natural or crushed aggregates, and water well mixed and brought to a proper consistency. The exact proportions in which these materials are to be used for different parts of the work shall be as determined by the contracting officer from time to time during the progress of the work, and as analyses and tests are made of samples of the aggregates and the resulting concrete. In general, the proportions shall be determined by the contracting officer to produce concrete of maximum practical economy to the Government and having an ultimate compressive strength at the age of 28 days varying from not less than 2,500 pounds per square inch for the mass concrete of the dam to not less than 3,500 pounds per square inch for slabs, beams, and other thin reinforced members. The determination of compressive strength in pounds per square inch will be made by testing 6-inch by 12-inch or 8-inch by 16-inch cylinders, as determined by the contracting officer, made in accordance with the standard practice of the American Society for Testing Materials as outlined under serial desig- nation C–39–27 in the latest yearbook of that society. Where the size of the cylinder mold or character of the concrete used in making the test cylinders is such that the cylinder strengths are not directly indicative of the compressive strength of the concrete entering the work, appropriate conversion or equalizing factors, determined by the contracting officer, will be applied to the cylinder strengths obtained. The mixes will be based upon securing concrete having suitable workability, density, and impermeability, and required strengths, Without the use of an excessive amount of cement, and using, in so far as practicable, the entire yield of suitable materials from the natural deposits from which the concrete aggre- gates are obtained. If, in the opinion of the contracting officer, it is impracticable to utilize in the concrete the entire pit-run yield of suitable material, the contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation due to the necessity of wasting any of the excess material. The con- tractor shall provide such facilities and equipment as are required to accurately determine and °ontrol the relative amounts of the various materials, including water, cement, and each indi- vidual size of aggregate entering the concrete, and such facilities and equipment and their opera- "on shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. The amount of cement and of each individual size of aggregate entering each batch of concrete shall be determined by direct weighing equipment approved by the contracting officer, and complying with the following Tegulrements: (a) The accuracy of the weighing equipment shall conform to the requirements of the United States Bureau of Standards. & (b) The equipment shall include a visible dial or equally suitable device which will accurately **ter the scale load at any stage of the weighing operation from zero to full capacity. 54 (c) The equipment shall include an accurate automatic recorder, capable of being locked, for visibly and graphically recording the time of weighing and the actual amount of each separate concrete ingredient weighed out. (d) The equipment shall be capable of ready adjustment for compensating for the varying weight of moisture contained in the aggregates, or for changing the proportionate batch weights. (e) The equipment shall be capable of controlling the delivery of material for weighing to within 1 per cent of the specified weight of cement and 2 per cent of the specified weight of each Separate aggregate. (f) The equipment shall be so arranged as to permit the convenient removal of overweight material in excess of the prescribed tolerances. The amount of water used shall be changed as required to secure concrete of proper con- sistency and to adjust for any variation in the moisture content in the sand or other aggregates as they enter the mixer: Provided, That the inundation method of controlling the water content will not be required. The quantity of water entering the mixer shall be measured by weight, volume, or other suitable method. The measuring device shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer and shall be capable of measuring the water in varying amounts within a tolerance of 1 per cent. The equipment shall include an accurate automatic recorder, capable of being locked, for visibly and graphically recording the time of measurement and the actual quantity of water used in each batch of concrete. The operating mechanism must be such that leakage will not occur when the valves are closed. The quantity of water entering any batch of concrete shall be just sufficient, with a normal mixing period, to produce concrete of the required consistency, as determined by the Government inspector. Excessive overmixing, requiring additions of water to preserve the required concrete consistency will not be permitted. Uniformity in concrete consistency from batch to batch will be required and the contractor shall equip each mixer with an efficient recording consistency gage and timer or provide equally suitable equipment or means, satisfactory to the contracting officer, for indicating and recording consistency. All graphic charts pertaining to equipment mentioned in this paragraph shall, after recordation, become the property of the Government. When directed, broken rock or gravel and cobbles shall be suitably moistened to prevent a variable quantity of water being introduced into the concrete. Tests and analyses of the aggregate and the resulting concrete will be made by the Government at frequent intervals and the mixes used shall be changed when- ever necessary or desirable, in the opinion of the contracting officer, to secure the required econ- omy, workability, density, impermeability, or strength, and the contractor shall be entitled to no additional compensation because of such changes. The contractor will be permitted, when approved by the contracting officer, to use proportions producing concrete of equal quality but with less economy than the proportions determined by the contracting officer: Provided That any increase of cost as a result thereof shall be borne by the contractor. Only sufficient water shall be used to secure a plastic concrete of suitable workability, as determined by the contracting officer, and which, without segregation, will flow or can be worked properly into place with thorough spading or working. In general, a wetter consistency than that Corrè. sponding to a slump of 3 inches at point of placement, when tested in accordance with thº “Tentative Specifications for Workability of Concrete for Concrete Pavements” of the American Society for Testing Materials, will not be permitted for the main portions of the concrete strut, tures. A greater slump than 3 inches at point of placement, but not exceeding a maximum 0. 6 inches, will be permitted, where specifically authorized by the contracting officer, for concretº in positions difficult to place, such as thin reinforced walls or slabs, where it may be impracticab" to properly place concrete having a slump of only 3 inches. The slumps stated herein al" 55 maximum slumps and the Government reserves the right to require a lower water-cement ratio in any or all mixes than required to produce these slumps whenever, in the opinion of the con- tracting officer, such lower water-cement ratios are practicable and will produce concrete of better quality. 97. Cement.—Portland cement for the concrete, grout, gunite, and mortar will be furnished to the contractor by the Government as provided in paragraph 27, and the cement will be delivered to the contractor in carload lots in bulk: Provided, That, at the request of the contrac- tor, cement for grout, gunite, and isolated minor items of concrete work, as determined by the contracting officer, will be furnished in sacks. The contractor shall return to the delivery yard, as the contracting officer may direct, all empty sacks cleaned of cement in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer, securely bound in bundles in such manner and of such size as the contracting officer may direct. For all sacks not returned in serviceable condition the contractor will be charged the same amount that the sacks cost the Government. In order that cement will not become unduly aged after delivery, the contractor shall not use cement in the work direct from his freighting or other hauling or transporting operations whenever any cement is available that has been stored more than sixty (60) days after delivery to the con- tractor. Any cement in excess of five hundred (500) barrels that is kept by the contractor in excess of two hundred (200) days before it is used in the work will be condemned and its entire cost to the Government at the point of delivery to the contractor will be charged to the con- tractor. Storage bins for cement shall be so constructed that there will be no dead storage. Cement will be tested at the mills to see that it conforms to the requirements of the Govern- ment. The contractor shall give the contracting officer not less than thirty (30) days’ notice in writing of his cement requirements. The requirements shall be stated, in so far as practicable, in quantities of not less than carload lots. The contractor shall be responsible for the proper unloading of the bulk cement in such a manner that none of the cement will be damaged or wasted. Any cement damaged or wasted by the contractor due to carelessness in unloading and storing or otherwise will be charged to the contractor at its entire cost to the Government at the point of delivery to the contractor. It is now estimated that for all the items of concrete included in the schedule an average of between 1.1 and 1.2 barrels of cement per cubic yard of concrete will be used, this average including the cement used in grouting rock foundations and in hori- Zontal construction joints. However, as provided in paragraph 96, the concrete mixtures shall be under the directional control of the contracting officer, and no adjustment in compen- sation to the contractor will be made on account of any variation in the amount of cement used in the concrete and grout, should the actual average amount of cement per cubic yard be greater or less than the estimated limits. The unit prices bid in the schedule for the various items of concrete, grouting, gunite, and other work shall include the cost of the required hauling, handling and storing of the cement that is used in the concrete, gunite, grout, and other work. 98. Sand.-Sand for concrete, gunite, grout, and mortar shall be obtained from natural deposits, under the provisions of paragraph 37. The sand particles shall be hard, dense, durable, ºncoated, nonorganic rock fragments that will pass a %-inch square or a 5%-inch round open- *8. It must be free from injurious amounts of dust, lumps, soft or flaky particles, shale, alkali, *ganic matter, loam, mica, or other deleterious substances. The sand as it is used in the con- *te must be so graded that concrete of the required workability, density, and strength can be made without the use of an exgeş of water or cement. The sand for concrete shall have a ºneness modulus of not less than #3, nor more than 3.25, unless approval is given by the con- tracting officer to use sand not meeting this requirement. The fineness modulus will be deter- *ed by dividing by 100 the sum of the percentages retained on Tyler standard sieves, numbers 56 4, 8, 14, 28, 48, and 100. The suitability of the sand will be determined by the contracting officer with the aid of tests made in accordance with the standard practice of the United States Bureau of Standards. The sand shall be washed unless specific written authority is given by the contracting officer to use unwashed sand. The contractor shall screen and, if required, wash all sand at the gravel deposits. The sand shall be such that tests of briquettes, made in proportion of three parts sand to one part cement, by weight, shall develop a tensile strength of not less than the strength developed by such tests with standard Ottawa sand. Any crushing, rolling, blending, screening, washing, or other operation on the sand required to meet these specifications shall be done by the contractor and the cost thereof shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the items of work in which the sand is used. 99. Broken rock or gravel.-The broken rock or gravel for concrete must be hard, dense, durable, uncoated rock fragments free from injurious amounts of soft, friable, thin elongated or laminated pieces, alkali, organic or other deleterious matter. It shall be so graded that concrete of the required workability, density, and strength can be made without the use of an excess of sand, water, or cement. The suitability of the broken rock or gravel will be determined by the contracting officer with the aid of tests made in accordance with the standard practices of the United States Bureau of Standards. Any crushing, blending, screening, washing, or other operation on the broken rock or gravel required to meet these specifications shall be done by the contractor and the cost thereof shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the items of work in which the broken rock or gravel is used. The broken rock or gravel shall be washed unless specific written authority is given by the contracting officer to use unwashed broken rock or gravel. The contractor shall screen and, if required, wash all gravel at the gravel deposits. The broken rock or gravel shall all pass through a screen having 2%-inch square or 3-inch round openings and shall be retained on a screen having 4-inch square or %g-inch round openings. It shall also be separated into three intermediate sizes by screens having %-inch square or %-inch round openings, and 1%-inch square or 1%-inch round openings. Screens having openings of other sizes or shapes may be used: Provided, That equivalent results, as determined by the contracting officer, are obtained. The relative amounts of each size of broken rock or gravel to be used in each mix of concrete and in all parts of the work will be determined by the contracting officer, and will be based on securing concrete having the re- quired workability, density, impermeability, strength, and economy, without the use of an excess of sand, water, or cement and using in so far as practicable, the entire yield of suitable material from the natural deposits from which the broken rock or gravel is obtained. The contracting officer will determine the maximum size of broken rock or gravel to be used in each part of the work. For very thin or heavily reinforced parts, the maximum size will be that determined by the screen having %-inch square or %-inch round openings; for somewhat heavier portions of the work the maximum size will be that determined by the screen having 1%-inch square or 1%-inch round openings; and for the more massive portions the maximum size will be that determined by the screen having 2%-inch square or 3-inch round openings. 100. Cobble rock-Cobble rock shall in general be added to the mix. Such cobble rock shall be sound, clean gravel or broken rock of such size as will pass through a screen having 8-inch square or 9-inch round openings and be retained on a screen having 2%-inch square or 3-inch round openings. The amount of such cobble rock to be used shall be as determined by the contracting officer, based on producing the most economical concrete of the required strength and in so far as practicable, utilizing the entire yeild of the natural deposit or quarry from which the broken rock or gravel is obtained. The contractor shall screen and, if required, wash all cobble rock at the gravel deposits. The use of cobble rock will not be required or permitted 57 where the concrete is reinforced, or in any concrete structure the least dimension of which is less than 30 inches. - - 101. Samples of concrete aggregates.—Suitable samples of aggregates, as they are to be used in the concrete, gunite, grout, or mortar, shall be furnished and delivered to the contracting officer, either at the laboratory of the Bureau of Reclamation at Boulder City or at the laboratory at the dam site or at both, as required by the contracting officer, at least sixty (60) days in advance of the time when the pouring of the concrete is to begin, and at other times and in such amounts and manner as directed by the contracting officer. These samples shall be sufficient in quantity to permit the making of such test specimens as may be required for determining the suitability and proportions of the materials. The contractor shall give the contracting officer all necessary assistance in securing and handling the samples. The cost of all work required to carry out the provisions of this paragraph and the cost of hauling and handling cement used in testing con- crete shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for the items of work in which aggregates are used. 102. Water for mixing.—The water used in concrete, grout, gunite, and mortar must be reasonably clean and free from objectionable quantities of silt, organic matter, alkali, salts, and other impurities. It is contemplated that water equal in chemical analysis to the Colorado River water at the dam site prior to the beginning of construction work under these specifications will be satisfactory for mixing water. Water shall not be taken directly from the Colorado River and used in mixing but shall first be stored in settling basins so that the water used in mixing will be practically free from silt, or, at the option of the contractor, the silt may be removed by other methods as approved by the contracting officer. The entire cost of furnishing the mixing water of a quality as provided in this paragraph shall be included in the prices bid in the schedule for the items of work in which mixing water is used. 103. Mixing.—The cement, sand, broken rock or gravel, and cobbles shall be so mixed and the quantity of water added shall be such as to produce a homogenous mass of uniform con- sistency. Dirt and other undesirable substances shall be carefully excluded. All concrete shall be thoroughly mixed in a batch mixer of an approved type and size, and one so designed as to positively insure a uniform distribution of all the component materials throughout the mass during the mixing operation. Each mixer and its operation shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer, and the use of any mixer that, in the opinion of the contracting officer, at any time produces unsatisfactory results shall be promptly discontinued until it is repaired or replaced. In general, only sufficient water shall be used in mixing to give a workable mix. The mixing of each batch shall continue not less than the number of minutes as stated in the tabulation at the end of this paragraph, after all materials, including water, are in the mixer, during which time the mixer shall rotate at the speed for which it has been designed or at such Speed as will produce a mass of uniform consistency at the end of the mixing period. The drum of the mixer shall have a peripheral speed of about 200 feet per minute. Overloading of mixers will not be permitted. A mechanically operated timing device, satisfactory to the con- tracting officer, shall be installed by the contractor as provided in paragraph 96. Capacity of mixer Time of mia-ing. 2 yards and less------------------ 1% minutes. 3 yards-------------------------- 2 minutes. 4 yards-------------------------- 2% minutes. 5 yards-------------------------- 2% minutes. 6 yards------- ------------------- 3 minutes. 58 104. Temperature of concrete.—Concrete when deposited shall have a temperature of not less than 40°F. nor more than 100°F. In freezing weather suitable means shall be provided for maintaining the concrete at a temperature of at least 40°F. for not less than 72 hours after placing or until the concrete has thoroughly hardened. The methods of heating the materials, if re- quired, and protecting the concrete shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. 105. Forms.-Forms to confine the concrete and shape it to the required lines shall be used wherever necessary. Where the character of the material cut into to receive a concrete structure is such that it can be trimmed to the prescribed lines, the use of forms will not be required. The forms shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to hold the concrete and to withstand the necessary pressure and ramming without deflection from the prescribed lines. The surfaces of all forms in contact with the concrete must be rigid, tight, and Smooth. In order to secure smooth surfaces on the main body of the dam and in the concrete linings in tunnels, adits, and shafts, the forms, if not entirely of metal construction, shall be faced with sheet steel or with other suit. able metal material. The sheets shall be carefully selected and shall be placed and maintained on the forms without wrinkles, bumps, or other imperfections. When such metal-faced forms have been used repeatedly and are, in the opinion of the contracting officer, unfit for further use they shall be discarded by the contractor and new forms shall be provided by the contractor, and the contractor shall be entitled to no additional compensation by reason of the necessity for discarding any forms which are unsuitable for use, as determined by the contracting officer. Suitable devices shall be used to hold adjacent ends and edges of panels or other forms together and in accurate alignment. Metal surfaces will not be required on forms which are to be used only once: Provided, That the lagging of forms for concrete surfaces that will be exposed to view and for all other concrete surfaces that are to be finished smooth, shall be tight, smooth-surfaced, and bevel-edged or matched. Forms without metal facing may be used more than once on such portions of the work as may be determined by the contracting officer, if, in the opinion of the contracting officer, they are maintained in serviceable condition and thoroughly cleaned before being reused. Metal rods or other similar devices to hold the forms will be permitted in the structures if proper means are used to take out or omit a portion of each of the rods from the nearest surface of the concrete to a depth of at least 2 inches. All holes left after removal of the rods shall be immediately and completely filled with cement mortar and the surface left smooth and in good condition. Wire ties will be permitted only where approved by the contracting officer and if used they shall be cut off flush with the concrete surface after the forms are removed. Before placing concrete the surfaces of all wooden, metal, and metal-faced forms shall be oiled with a suitable nonstaining oil of a quality satisfactory to the contracting officer, and just before placing concrete precaution shall be taken to see that all form anchors and ties are thoroughly secure and tight. Where forms are placed in successive units for continuous surfaces, care shall be exercised to fit the forms tightly over the completed surface so as to prevent leakage of mortal from the concrete. Where the thickness of tunnel, adit, or shaft lining is not sufficient to permit men to work behind the forms, inspection openings shall be provided in the forms as directed by the contracting officer. Forms shall be left in place until their removal is authorized by the contracting officer, and shall then be removed by the contractor with care so as to avoid injury to the concrete. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 122, the contractor shal furnish all equipment, labor, and materials for forms, including lumber, metal forms or metal facing, bolts, spikes, nails, metal rods or wire ties, and oil, and the cost thereof shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for concrete. - 106. Placing.—Concrete shall be placed in the work before the cement takes its initial set The contractor will be charged for any cement wasted at its cost to the Government at the poin' 59 of delivery to the contractor. All foundation surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be free from mud and debris. After cleaning, and immediately before placing concrete, all approximately horizontal foundation surfaces for the dam and other parts of the work, as directed by the contracting officer, shall be covered with a layer of mortar 1 inch thick, consisting of the regular concrete mixture without the coarse aggregates, or as directed by the contracting officer. The concrete mortar shall be thoroughly worked with brooms or otherwise into all irregularities of the surface. Concrete shall then be placed immediately upon the fresh mortar. When the placing of concrete is to be interrupted long enough for the concrete to take its final set the working face shall be given a shape, as determined by the contracting officer, by the use of forms or other means, that will secure proper union with subsequent work. All concrete surfaces, such as the horizontal construction joints of the dam, upon or against which concrete is to be placed and to which the new concrete is to adhere, shall be roughened, and all laitance and loose or defective surface concrete shall be removed by thorough scrubbing, brush- .ing, chipping, sand-blasting, washing, and blowing with compressed air. The cleaned surfaces shall be thoroughly moist when concrete or mortar is placed upon or against them, but shall be free from pools of water. The cleaning of concrete surfaces as described above shall be done while the concrete is still sufficiently soft to permit thorough cleaning. Any surface which is allowed to become thoroughly hardened before cleaning shall be completely chipped to a depth as directed by the contracting officer. All horizontal construction joints in the dam shall be provided with keys as shown on the drawings, or as directed by the contracting officer. All horizontal concrete surfaces for the dam, and other parts of the work as directed by the contracting officer, which have set for 48 hours or more, and upon which concrete is to be placed, and to which the new concrete is to adhere, shall be covered with a layer of mortar approximately 9% inch thick, con- sisting of the regular concrete mixture without the coarse aggregates, or in proportions determined by the contracting officer. Concrete shall then be placed immediately upon the fresh mortar. Methods of placing which will deliver concrete of the required consistency into the forms and into final position without segregation shall be used. Placing of concrete in the dam shall, in general, be done by means of bottom-dump buckets or other methods whereby each complete mixer batch or combination of mixer batches is conveyed in one mass to its location in the dam. Methods of conveying concrete to any of the structures, by which the mixed batch or com- bination of batches is progressively loaded into chutes, belts, conveyors, or other similar equip- ment and carried in a thin continuous flow to the forms, will not be permitted: Provided, That such methods of conveyance may be used, if approved in writing by the contracting officer, for Very limited, isolated sections of the work. The continuous flow methods of conveyance are excluded under these specifications: First, because of the hazard to workmen from falling rock; and second, because of the difficulty of controlling the consistency of the concrete mix. Concrete shall be deposited in all cases as nearly as practicable directly in its final position and shall not be caused to flow in the mass in a manner to permit or cause segregation. Dropping the concrete vertically a distance of more than 5 feet or depositing a large quantity at any point and running or working it along the forms will not be permitted. Except as intercepted by Contraction joints, all concrete shall be placed in continuous horizontal layers, the thickness of which generally shall not exceed 12 inches. All lifts in placing concrete shall be rammed, tamped, or worked with suitable appliances, tamping bars, shovels, or forked tools until it completely fills the forms, closes snugly against all surfaces, and is in perfect and complete contact with any steel used for reinforcement. Where smooth surfaces are required, and for all surfaces which Will be permanently exposed to the weather, and for all surfaces next to metal conduits or other embedded metal around which it is desirable to prevent leakage, the adjacent concrete shall be 29919—30—5 60 worked, tamped, and stirred so that the coarser material is forced back and a mortar layer is brought next to the metal surface. No concrete shall be placed except in the presence of a duly authorized Government inspector. No concrete shall be placed in water except with the written permission of the contracting officer and under his supervision. If dispositing in water is allowed, the concrete shall be carefully placed in the space in which it is to remain, in a compact mass by means of a tremie, bottom-dump bucket, or other method approved by the contracting officer, that will not permit the concrete to fall through the water without adequate protection. Concrete deposited under water shall not be disturbed after being deposited. No concrete shall be placed in running water. Concrete which is not placed in accordance with these specifications and is of inferior quality, as determined by the contracting officer, shall be removed and replaced by the contractor. The entire cost of removing and replacing such rejected concrete shall be borne by the contractor, including the cost of all mate- rials required in the replacement. 107. Finishing.—The surface of concrete finished against forms must be smooth, free from projections, and thoroughly filled with mortar. Immediately upon the removal of forms all voids shall be neatly filled with cement mortar of the same proportions as the mortar in the concrete. All unsightly ridges or lips shall be rubbed down, and any local bulging on exposed surfaces shall be remedied by tooling and rubbing. All patching required shall be done as directed by the contracting officer and only by skilled workmen and in the presence of a Government in- spector. The upstream face of the dam shall be surfaced with gunite as provided in paragraph 136. Exposed surfaces of concrete not finished against forms, such as horizontal or sloping surfaces, shall be brought to a uniform surface and worked with suitable tools to a smooth steel trowel finish, except as otherwise provided in paragraphs 123, 137, and 138. All sharp angles on surfaces which will be exposed to view and on other surfaces where required, including re- entrant angles in contraction joints, shall be rounded, beveled, or filleted by the use of molding strips or suitable molding or finishing tools. Hand-rubbed finish may be required on portions of the power house and parapet walls and elsewhere as provided in paragraph 123. Special care shall be taken in the form work and finishing in all tunnels which will be subject to high velocities, and all projections or offsets in the surfaces shall be removed by rubbing or grinding with carborundum or by other methods satisfactory to the contracting officer. 108. Protection.—The contractor shall protect all concrete from injury until final accept- ance by the Government. All horizontal construction joints in the dam and spillway crests shall be kept continuously moist, regardless of time, until they are covered with concrete. The upstream and downstream faces of the dam, the surfaces of all contraction joints in the dam and Spillway crests, and the exposed surfaces of concrete in all other structures shall be kept con- tinuously moist for at least 2 weeks after the concrete is placed. Horizontal, or approximately horizontal surfaces of concrete pavements shall be covered with sand or earth as soon as set and kept moist for at least 2 weeks after placing. The method of keeping concrete moist shall be by continuous sprinkling, spraying, or other methods approved by the contracting officer. Concrete placed or cured in freezing weather shall be protected from freezing by such means as are approved by the contracting officer. All water used in curing shall be free from excessive amounts of silt and other impurities and shall be equal in quality to that required for mixing water as provided in paragraph 102. 109. Damaged or defective concrete.—Concrete damaged by freezing, or from any other cause, or any concrete which shall be found defective in quality or workmanship at any time before the completion and acceptance of the work shall be removed and replaced with acceptable concrete by the contractor, as directed by the contracting officer, at no expense to the Govern- 61 ment, and the contractor will be charged for the cement used in such concrete the same amount that the cement cost the Government at the point of delivery to the contractor. 110, Reinforcement bars and rails.-Steel bars and rails for reinforcementºshall be placed in the concrete wherever shown on the drawings or prescribed by the contracting officer. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or directed by the contracting officer, measurements made in placing the reinforcement shall be to the center line of the bar. The steel will be furnished to the contractor by the Government as provided in paragraph 27. The exact position, size, and shape of reinforcement bars and rails are not shown in all cases on the drawings, and where not shown they shall be in all respects as specified by the contracting officer, and where neces- sary, as determined by the contracting officer, the contractor will be furnished supplemental detailed drawings or lists which will give the information necessary for cutting, bending, and placing the bars and rails. The steel used for concrete reinforcement shall be so secured in posi- tion that it will not be displaced during the depositing of the concrete, and special care shall be exercised to prevent any disturbance of the steel in concrete that has already been placed. The contractor shall weld all hoop reinforcement around all outlet gates and conduit linings appurte- nant thereto. The reinforcement bars shall be rolled to form hoops of the required diameter, and butt-welded by the arc-weld process. The weld shall develop the full strength of the metal in the bar. Each weld shall be tested in an approved type of testing machine furnished by the contractor in such a manner that the test load will develop 65 per cent of the yield point of the metal as determined by tensile tests of the bars made by the Government. In addition to this test the contractor shall furnish welded test specimens as required by the contracting officer. In case a test specimen breaks in the weld, two additional similar specimens may be broken, and if either of the two additional specimens breaks in the weld, the welding machine shall be adjusted to produce welds that develop the strength of the bar as required herein. The cost of furnishing and attaching wire ties, of unloading, hauling, storing, cutting, bending, placing, and securing in position reinforcement bars and rails for reinforcement, and welding reinforce- ment bars where required shall be included in the unit price bid in the schedule for placing reinforcement bars and rails. 111. Measurement of concrete.—Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs 113, 114, and elsewhere in these specifications, concrete will be measured for payment only to the neat lines shown on the drawings or prescribed by the contracting officer, and no payment will be made for Concrete outside of the prescribed lines. In measuring concrete for payment, deductions will be made for the space occupied by all galleries, shafts, passageways, chambers, air ducts, water- Ways, drainage conduits, cavities, depressions, and all openings of every description, and for em- bedded pipes, tile, wood and metal work, except that the space occupied by reinforcement bars, rails, and anchors will not be deducted. In the event cavities resulting from careless excavation, as determined by the contracting officer, are required to be filled with concrete, the materials furnished by the Government and used for such refilling will be charged to the contractor at their cost to the Government at the point of delivery to the contractor. 112. Payment for concrete.—Payment for all required concrete will be made at the unit Prices bid therefor in the schedule. Any required concrete for the dam or appurtenant works not definitely covered by an item of the schedule shall be included for payment under the item of the schedule which most nearly applies as determined by the contracting officer: Provided, That if it differs materially, as determined by the contracting officer, from all of the items listed in the schedule, its construction will be ordered in writing by the contracting officer, and payment Will be made therefor as extra work under the provisions of article 5 of the contract and paragraph 10 of these specifications. The unit prices bid in the schedule shall include the cost of all work 62 and materials required in the construction, except that cement will be furnished by the Govern- ment as provided in paragraph 27, and payment for placing reinforcement bars and rails will be made at the unit price bid therefor in the schedule. The cost of all labor and material used in forming the construction joints in the dam and in other concrete work, where and if required, shall also be included in the unit prices bid. 113. Concrete linings in tunnels, adits, and shafts.-Except as otherwise provided, the tunnels, adits, and shafts shall be lined throughout with concrete as nearly as practicable of the average thicknesses shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Concrete shall conform to the requirements of paragraphs 96 to 112, inclusive, where applicable, as determined by the contracting officer. The spillway and pressure tunnels will be subject to very high velocities and every precaution shall be taken to secure concrete of the highest possible quality in the linings of these tunnels. The order of placing concrete in sections in a circum- ferential direction around the tunnels, adits, and shafts, the maximum length of linings to be placed each day, the design of joints between circumferential and transverse sections, and all other operations in placing the concrete linings shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. In all tunnels where the concrete lining is of sufficient thickness, as determined by the con- tracting officer, so that men can work behind the forms, the concrete shall be delivered into the forms at sufficiently close intervals to permit placing in horizontal layers. Methods of placing wherein the concrete within the forms is allowed to flow within the mass, or drops vertically more than 5 feet, will not be permitted: Provided, That in small tunnels, where the concrete lining is not thick enough to permit men to work behind the forms, methods of placing, wherein the concrete is delivered at the top of the tunnel sections and flows to place within the forms on a uniform grade, will be permitted, subject to the requirement that satisfactory settlement and compacting of the concrete is obtained as determined by the contracting officer. All concrete lining placed within steel tunnel liner plates shall have the full thicknesses shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Minimum thicknesses, as shown on the drawings or as prescribed by the contracting officer, will be permitted only between the finished inside circumference of the lining and rock points. If, in the judgment of the contracting officer, a changed thickness is desirable at any point, it will be so ordered in writing and the contractor shall place the same at the unit price bid in the schedules for concrete lining in the particular tunnel, adit, or shaft involved. Where steel sets are used, they shall be set back a sufficient dis- tance from the inside face of the lining to provide for a minimum covering of concrete over the steel sets of not less than the prescribed thicknesses. Where steel liner plates are used and left in place, measurement of concrete lining for payment will be made on the basis of the thickness to the inside surface of the liner plates of concrete actually placed up to and including the average thickness as specified or directed by the contracting officer. Where steel sets are Terected and liner plates are not used Nmeasurement of concrete lining for payment will be made on the basis of the average thickness of concrete actually placed at each measured section up to and including the average thickness shown on the drawings or prescribed by the Con- tracting officer. The location of the sections to be measured and the distances between such measured sections will be determined by the contracting officer. In determining the average thicknesses at the measured sections, consideration will not be given to any thicknesses which are greater than 6 inches in excess of the prescribed average thicknesses. Where plate-steel tunnel lining is installed, measurement of concrete lining for payment will be made on tº basis of the thickness of concrete actually placed up to and including the average thickness * specified or directed by the contracting officer. Payment for concrete in tunnel, adit, or shº" lining will be made at the applicable unit prices per cubic yard bid therefor in the schedule" \ and also where neither steel sets nor liner plates are used 63 each particular size tunnel, adit, or shaft. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 53 for steel liner plates in tunnels, if the tunnels, adits, or shafts are excavated to greater dimensions than necessary for placing the prescribed average thicknesses of the concrete lining, the excess space shall be solidly filled with concrete. The entire expense of such filling shall be borne by the contractor, except that no charge will be made for cement, which will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27: Provided, That where such excess spaces are caused by careless excavation, as determined by the contracting officer, the contractor will be charged for such cement, as provided in paragraph 111. 114. Concrete linings, walls, and slabs against rock in open cut.-The concrete in all linings, walls, and slabs placed against rock in open cut without the use of intervening forms shall be as nearly as practicable of the average thicknesses shown on the drawings, or as directed by the contracting officer. Concrete for these structures or members of structures shall con- form to the requirements of paragraphs 96 to 112 inclusive, as determined by the contracting officer. Minimum thicknesses, as shown on the drawings or as prescribed by the contracting officer, will be permitted only between rock points and the finished surface of the concrete. If, in the judgment of the contracting officer, a changed thickness is desirable at any point, it will be so ordered in writing and the contractor shall place concrete of the specified thickness at the unit price bid in the schedule for concrete in the particular structure involved. Measurement for payment for the concrete placed against rock in open cut without the use of intervening forms will be made on the basis of the average thickness of concrete actually placed at each measured section, up to and including the average thickness shown on the drawings or prescribed by the contracting officer. The location of the sections to be measured and the distances between such measured sections will be determined by the contracting officer. In determining the average thickness at each measured section, consideration will not be given to any thicknesses which are greater than 6 inches in excess of the prescribed average thickness. Payment for concrete placed directly against rock in open cut will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for concrete in the particular structure involved. If the open-cut excavation against which concrete is to be placed is made to greater dimensions than necessary for placing the prescribed average thicknesses of concrete, the excess spaces shall be solidly filled with con- Crete. The entire expense of such filling shall be borne by the contractor, except that no charge will be made for cement, which will be furnished to the contractor by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27: Provided, That where such excess spaces are caused by careless excavation, as determined by the contracting officer, the contractor will be charged for such Cement, as provided in paragraph 111. - 115. Concrete in inlet structures for inner diversion tunnels, The item of the schedule, “Concrete in inlet structures for inner diversion tunnels,” includes, for each inner diversion tunnel, the concrete in the trash rack and all concrete outside of the tunnel, as determined by the contracting officer. The contractor shall furnish and install the timber stop-planks for this Structure, and the cost thereof shall be included in the unit price per cubic yard bid in the sched- ule for concrete in inlet structures for inner diversion tunnels. 116. Concrete in inlet structures for outer diversion tunnels and bulkhead gates.—The item of the schedule, “Concrete in inlet structures for outer diversion tunnels and bulkhead gates,” includes, for each of these structures, all concrete upstream from the concrete face of the tunnel portal, which face corresponds with the concrete bulkhead gate seat or downstream face of the bulkhead gate, and includes the concrete in the bulkhead gates, supports therefor, sand wells, guides, and all other parts of these structures. After the wells have been constructed and the concrete has set for a sufficient length of time, as determined by the contracting officer, 64 the contractor shall furnish fine sand and fill the wells therewith, after which he shall construct the concrete gate supports and gates, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Great care shall be taken to construct all parts of the gate guides and gates to accurate lines, grades, and dimensions so that the gates will fit properly in the guides and there will be no danger of binding when the gates are lowered. The contractor shall install all piping for jetting the sand out of the wells and shall perform the operation of closing the gates in ample time so that other necessary operations may be performed and the reservoir will be filled to the height and within the time required by the provisions of paragraph 24. The contractor shall fabricate and install the copper seals, well casing, and pipes for jetting the sand with water, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Copper sheets and rivets for connecting the well casing and jetting pipe, and also the permanent metal pipe forms fabricated in sections for the supporting columns will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. Payment for installing the required well casing and jetting pipe will be made to the contractor at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves. The cost of furnishing and placing fine sand in the wells, of fabricating, connecting, and installing the copper seals, of installing the permanent sheet metal pipe forms, and the cost of the complete operation of lowering the concrete bulkhead gates by jetting the sand from under the supports shall be included in the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for concrete in inlet structures for outer diversion tunnels and bulkhead gates. 117. Concrete in outlet structures for diversion tunnels.-The item of the schedule, “Con- crete in outlet structures for diversion tunnels,” includes, for each inner diversion tunnel, the concrete in the Stoney gate structure, including the operating towers and house, the counter- weights, and all concrete outside of the tunnels and downstream from a vertical plane normal to the center line of the tunnel and 15 feet upstream from the gate seat. It also includes the concrete in the outlet portal wall of the outer tunnels. Great care shall be taken to construct all parts of the gate structure to accurate lines, grades, and dimensions so that the gates will fit properly. The contractor shall fabricate and install the well casings for draining the tunnels, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The well casings will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. Payment for fabricating and installing the well casing will be made to the contractor at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast iron pipe, fittings, and valves. 118. Concrete in linings of diversion tunnels.-As to each outer diversion tunnel, the item of the schedule, “Concrete in linings of diversion tunnels,” includes all concrete placed in the outer diversion tunnels between the inlet and outlet structures, as defined in paragraphs 116 and 117, except that included in the item of the schedule, “Concrete in diversion tunnel plugs,” and limited in the vicinity of the connecting inclined spillway shaft by a horizontal plane at an elevation 64 feet above the center line of the diversion tunnel. As to each inner diversion tunnel, the item of the schedule, “Concrete in linings of diversion tunnels,” includes all concrete placed in the inner diversion tunnels between the inlet and outlet structures, as defined in para- graphs 115 and 117, except that included in the item of the schedule, “Concrete in diversion tunnel plugs,” and limited in the vicinity of the connecting inclined tunnel from the upstream intake tower by a horizontal plane at an elevation 64 feet above the center line of the diversion tunnel and in the vicinity of the diverting power penstock tunnels and riser shaft to the canyon wall outlet works by the theoretical excavation surfaces in the diversion tunnel, as determined by the specified average thickness of concrete.” The item for concrete in linings of diversion tunnels shall also include the lining of the galleries or adits from the upstream plugs in the inner diversion tunnels to the inspection galleries in the dam at the excavated foundation surface for the dam, atºs 65 119. Concrete in paving for upstream cofferdam.—The entire upstream slope of the upstream cofferdam shall be surfaced with a 6-inch thickness of continuous reinforced concrete paving, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The paving shall terminate in the concrete cut-off wall, into which the top of the steel sheet-piling at the upstream toe of the cofferdam shall extend. The top of the sheet-piling shall be encased in the concrete at the bottom of the cut-off wall so as to form a continuous structure. The concrete paving shall be placed on the rock blanket which has previously been prepared for paving, as provided under paragraph 79 of these specifications. The concrete paving shall be laid in strips not over 16 feet in width running up and down the slope of the cofferdam, and construction joints, across which the reinforcement bars shall be continuous, shall be provided between the strips, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. When, for any reason, it is necessary to interrupt the placing of concrete in a strip for a sufficient length of time to permit the concrete taking a permanent set, thereby forming a definite construction joint, the con- tractor shall provide a suitable temporary form which will produce a clean, unbroken keyed surface normal to the slope of the cofferdam, which surface shall intersect the face of the paving in a horizontal line. The steel reinforcement shall be continuous across the construction joint. After the removal of the temporary form at the joint, and immediately before placing of the concrete in the strip is resumed, the contractor shall carefully clean and wet the surface of the joint to insure a good bond between the fresh concrete and the concrete previously placed. Feather-edged or irregular construction joints will not be permitted. The surface of the con- crete paving shall be floated to a uniform and dense finish by means of wooden floats. Measure- ment of the concrete paving for payment will be made to the neat lines, as shown on the drawings or as prescribed by the contracting officer. No additional compensation will be paid for the slightly thicker paving necessary to fill such irregularities as may exist on the surface of the rock blanket. Payment for concrete in the cut-off wall and for the paving described in this paragraph will be made at the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for concrete in paving for upstream cofferdam, which unit price shall include the cost of furnishing all labor, machinery, tools, and materials, except cement, required in the mixing, placing, curing, and protecting of the paving until acceptance. 120. Concrete in dam.-The item of the schedule, “Concrete in dam,” includes all concrete within the upstream cut-off trench and within the lines of the theoretical or regular sections of the dam above the foundations, as shown on the drawings, and does not include any attached Concrete above the roadway elevation or outside of the regular section of the dam. The placing of concrete in the dam shall begin in the panel having the lowest foundation. The concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers not exceeding 5 feet in thickness: Provided, That the placing of individual layers in alternate panels bounded by contraction joints, or contraction joints and outside faces of the dam, will be required: And provided further, That in placing the concrete the top of any two of these panels or columns outside of the slot on line of centers shall at no time differ in elevation more than 35 feet. The forms for surfaces between adjacent panels or Columns may be removed as soon as the concrete has sufficiently hardened, as determined by the contracting officer. The rate of placing concrete in any panel or column of the dam shall be such that not more than 5 feet in depth shall be placed in 72 hours, and not more than 35 feet in depth shall be placed in thirty (30) days unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the contracting officer. All concrete in the dam shall be permitted to set for a period of not less than 6 days before cooling is started, as provided in paragraph 121. After the concrete in any 190-foot grouting lift has been satisfactorily cooled, as determined by the contracting officer, all contraction joints in this grouting lift may be grouted, as provided in paragraph 91. The 66 limitations on the placing of concrete, as stated in this paragraph, will be modified only when approved in writing by the contracting officer. In mixing concrete that is to be placed in the upstream 6-foot layer of concrete in the dam, the contractor shall, if directed by the contracting officer, add to the regular mix an additional one-half or full sack of cement for each cubic yard of concrete. The drawings do not show any reinforcement steel around the inspection and other galleries in the dam. However, the Government reserves the right at any time before these galleries have been formed to require that reinforcement steel be placed around them. The contractor shall be entitled to no additional allowance above the unit price bid in the schedule for concrete in dam by reason of such steel being required, but the placing of this steel, if required, will be paid for at the unit price bid in the schedule for placing reinforcement bars and rails. A curve showing the estimated volume of concrete in the dam for all elevations to the top of the roadway is shown for the convenience of the contractor. 121. Cooling concrete in dam.–After any portion of the concrete in the dam and tunnel plugs has set for a minimum period of 6 days, it shall be cooled by removing the excess heat above 72° F. The temperature of the concrete shall be reduced by running water of lower temperature through pipes placed in the concrete, as provided in paragraph 149. The con- tractor shall furnish, install, and operate a complete refrigeration plant for removing the excess heat. This plant shall have a capacity sufficient to reduce from 47°F. to 40°F. the temperature of a flow of 2,100 gallons of water per minute. Water may leave the embedded pipes at any temperature between 42°F. and 65° F., and the quantity of cooling water may vary from 350 to 2,100 gallons per minute, but the temperature of the cooling water entering the embedded pipes shall in no case be lower than 35° F. The capacity of the cooling water circulating water pump and the condensing water pumps shall be such that, with one unit out, the remaining units will deliver not less than 75 per cent of the total water required. If river water is used for con- densing purposes the plant shall be designed for condensing water at a temperature of 82°F. The refrigeration plant shall have a capacity sufficient to provide for all transmission losses and to deliver the above-mentioned quantity of refrigeration to the cooling pipes embedded in the concrete. The refrigeration plant shall be divided into three units, each of which shall be complete in itself, but all units shall be interconnected so that they may be used in combination as well as separately. Installation of the plant shall include the excavation for and the building for housing the necessary machinery. The building shall be sufficiently large to accommodate the installation of an additional unit including auxiliaries, and the design of the 3-unit plant shall be such as to permit the furnishing and installing of an additional unit at minimum cost. In addition to the refrigeration plant the contractor shall furnish, install, and operate all piping, pumps, tanks, and equipment necessary for the satisfactory operation of the 3-unit refrigeration plant described in this paragraph and the circulation of the cooling water through the pipes placed in the dam. The average temperature rise due to setting of concrete is approximately 40°F, above placing temperatures. The amount of heat to be removed is approximately 700 B. T. U. per degree per cubic yard of concrete. The estimated amount of heat to be removed from a cubic yard of concrete and the time required are shown in the tabulation following, but the actual amounts may vary considerably from these estimates in any one year. 67 Estimate of Temperatures, Heat to be Extracted, and Time to Cool Mean Maximum B. T. U, to Cooling Month - monthly | temperature Heat to be be extracted water must temperature | concrete extracted per cubic be applied yard o F. o F. o F. Months January------------------- 52.0 92. 0 20. 3 14, 200 1. 14 February---------------- - - 57.2 97.2 25. 5 17, 900 1. 33 March-------------------- 63.6 103. 6 31. 9 22, 400 1. 60 April------------- - - - - - - - - - - 71.2 111. 2 39. 5 27, 700 1. 83 May----------- , - - - - - - - - - - - 78. 6 118. 6 46.9 32, 900 2. 06 June---------------------- 87. 6 127. 6 55, 9 39, 200 2. 28 July---------------------- 93. 8 133. 8 62. 1 43, 500 2. 40 August-------------------- 91.9 131. 9 60, 2 42, 200 2. 37 September----------------- 83. 0 123. 0 51. 3 35, 900 2. 17 October------------------- 70. 8 110. 8 39, 1 27, 400 1. 83 November----------------- 59.4 99.4 27, 7 19, 400 1. 39 December----------------- 51, 5 91.5 19, 8 13, 900 1. 10 Average------------- 71. 7 111. 7 40. 0 28, 000 1. 79 Cooling of concrete, in which the necessary pipes for this purpose have been placed, shall begin as soon as the concrete has set for a period of 6 days and shall be completed as soon as possible and by using the full capacity of the refrigeration plant unless otherwise directed by the contracting officer. The velocity of water in the cooling pipes shall be not less than 2 feet per second. Arrangements shall be made by the contractor for reversing the direction of flow in the pipe loops in the concrete in order to equalize the temperatures if considered advisable as determined by the contracting officer. The method of applying the cooling water to the pipes placed in the dam shall be such that the pressures in the pipes are nowhere in excess of 100 pounds per square inch. Cooling water shall be applied until the mean temperature of the concrete around each embedded pipe is reduced to 72°F. or less. The refrigeration plant and all other cooling equipment required to be furnished by the contractor and the operation of the plant and method of applying the cooling water shall at all times be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. Payment for furnishing, installing, and operating the cooling plant will be made at the lump sum price bid therefor in the schedule, which price shall include the Cost of furnishing and installing the 3-unit plant with required auxiliaries as described in this paragraph, the cost of excavating for and providing a building sufficiently large to house the 3-unit plant and an additional unit, and the cost of operating the 3-unit plant and cooling all Concrete, as required by the provisions of this paragraph. The cooling plant and all cooling equipment shall be and remain the property of the contractor. 122. Concrete in parapets.-The item of the schedule, “Concrete in parapets,” covers all Concrete attached to the dam, except the power house and outlet tower bridges, which is above the roadway elevation or outside of the regular or theoretical section of the dam, as shown on the drawings, and includes, in addition to parapets, the elevator and special stairway houses, 68 balconies, electroliers, curbs, and other architectural features on or attached to the dam, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Casts, molds, or special forms to produce the intricate relief work of the architectural decorations will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. Exceptional care shall be used in all concrete construction covered by this paragraph to insure high quality of workmanship, accurate dimen- sions, and strict adherence to alignment and grade, and no irregularities in alignment due to inaccurate finishing of top surfaces, bulging of forms, or other defects will be permitted. Exces- sive troweling of surfaces while concrete is yet plastic will not be permitted. All necessary precautions shall be taken to keep the concrete described in this paragraph thoroughly wet for at least 14 days after placing. * 123. Special finishing of walls in power house, parapets, and other concrete surfaces.—It is contemplated that it may be desirable to finish, by rubbing, the inside and top surfaces of the parapets, the surfaces of other architectural features on the dam, power house, and other buildings, possibly some of the walls of the power house, and portions of other concrete surfaces of the dam or appurtenant works. An item for this work has accordingly been placed in the schedule. This work shall be done only on the surfaces designated by the contracting officer, The Government does not guarantee that any concrete surfaces of the dam or appurtenant works will be required to be so finished by rubbing, and the contractor will not be entitled to any additional compensation by reason of no work being required under the item of the schedule covering the special finishing of concrete surfaces. Where and if this finishing is required the forms may be removed while the concrete is yet green but not earlier than 24 hours after the placing of the concrete. Immediately after stripping the forms, any required patching shall be done and major imperfections of finish removed or corrected. The entire surface shall then be thoroughly rubbed with a carborundum stone using plenty of clean water in the process. After this rubbing the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned by washing. A sand-cement wash of a mixture determined by the contracting officer shall be applied during the rubbing process if directed by the contracting officer. A perfect finish of smooth uniform surface and color will be required. The cost of all work described in this paragraph shall be included in the unit price bid in the schedule for special finishing of walls in power house, parapets, and other concrete surfaces. 124. Concrete in spillway structures.—The item of the schedule, “Concrete in spillway structures,” includes all concrete in the spillway crests and spillway channel linings, the latter terminating at the upstream face of the portals of the spillway tunnels and all concrete in the Stoney gate structures. Vertical joints in the concrete of the crest, normal to the axis of the crest, will be provided for convenience in construction and to provide for the expansion and contraction of the concrete. The contraction joints will divide the spillway crests into sections. The entire face of each vertical joint in the crests shall be painted with one thin coat of water-gas tar and allowed to dry before the adjacent concrete is placed againstit. The water-gas tar for this purpose Will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The provisions of Paragraph 114 shall apply in the placing of the concrete in the channel linings. No part of the concrete channel lining shall be placed until all grouting of the foundation of the adjacent spill- Way crest within a radius of 100 feet has been completed. The contractor shall construct the drains through the lining, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The Pipe for this purpose will be furnished by the Government in random lengths and shall be ºut and Placed by the contractor so that the mouth of the pipe is flush with the surface of the concrete lining. Payment for cutting and placing the pipe will be made at the unit price per Pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel, cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves. The 69 coarse gravel at the head of the drains shall be furnished and placed by the contractor and the cost thereof shall be included in the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for concrete in spillway structures. 125. Concrete in linings of inclined spillway tunnels.-The item of the schedule, “Concrete in linings of inclined spillway tunnels,” includes all concrete in each inclined spillway tunnel from the upstream face of the portal wall to a horizontal plane passing through the inclined spillway tunnel at an elevation 64 feet above the center line of the connecting outer diversion tunnel. 126. Concrete in diversion tunnel plugs.-The item of the schedule, “Concrete in diversion tunnel plugs,” includes all concrete required to be placed for the solid plugs in the outer diversion tunnels and for the upstream and downstream plugs and for the installation of gates and valves therein in the inner diversion tunnels. After the concrete linings in the diversion tunnels along the reaches of the plugs have been placed in the wedge-shaped steps or depressions, as shown on the drawings, the depressions shall be filled up with timber lining or a lean mixture of concrete to the normal circular section of the tunnel. At the option of the contractor the concrete surface on which this filled concrete is placed may be painted with a water-gas tar paint to prevent a bond between the old and new concrete, and to aid in the later removal of this filled concrete. The paint for this purpose will be furnished by the Government. After the filling of timber or concrete has been removed and the other necessary excavations have been made for the various plugs at the proper time in the construction program, the surfaces of the concrete tunnel linings against which the concrete in the plugs are placed shall be thoroughly cleaned and roughened by tooling or other- wise to the satisfaction of the contracting officer so as to insure an effective bond between the concrete of the linings and the plugs. The wedge-shaped depressions shall be carefully filled with concrete integral with the concrete in the plugs to key the plugs and linings together. A system of grout pipes shall be set, as directed by the contracting officer, in the surfaces of contact between the plugs and the tunnel lining or at other points, and after the concrete in the plugs has hardened and cooled, grout under high pressure, as provided in paragraph 153, shall be forced into the grout connections to insure a water-tight connection at all points between the plugs and the lining. If the character of the rock permits, as determined by the contracting officer, the diversion tunnel lining along the reaches of the tunnel plugs may be omitted and the excavated keyways built up to the normal circular section by timbering. The cost of filling the wedge-shaped keyways with timber or with lean concrete shall be included in the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for concrete in diversion tunnel plugs: Provided, That cement for the concrete will be furnished by the Government. If timber is used for this purpose it shall be furnished by the contractor. The contractor shall furnish all drainpipe required for keeping the work unwatered while placing the tunnel plugs. - 127. Concrete in outlet and penstock tunnels.-The item of the schedule, “Concrete in linings of outlet and penstock tunnels,” includes all concrete in the inclined tunnels between the bottom of the upstream intake towers and the inner diversion tunnels, as limited by the con- Crete in these structures as provided in paragraphs 118 and 130, and all concrete in the penstock tunnels between the bottom of the downstream intake towers and the beginning of the metal lining plates in the 7-foot 7-inch diameter tunnel to the farthest downstream valve in the lower tier of the 'canyon wall outlet works, and further limited in the vicinity of the 15-foot 9-inch diameter riser}shaft and of the diverting power penstocks and the other three 7-foot 7-inch diameter diverting outlet tunnels by the theoretical excavation surfaces in the penstock tunnel, as determined by the specified average thicknesses of concrete. It also includes the concrete lining in the horizontal portions of this tunnel after it leaves the 15-foot 9-inch riser shaft, this Portion of the lining being limited by a vertical plane through the point of tangency with the 70 elbow to the riser pipe, by the beginning of the metal lining plates in the 7-foot 7-inch diameter tunnel to the farthest downstream valve in this upper tier, and further limited in the vicinity of the other three 7-foot 7-inch diameter diverting outlet tunnels by the theoretical excavation surfaces in the main penstock tunnel, as determined by the specified average thicknesses of the concrete. It also includes the corresponding concrete lining for the upper tier of valves in the horizontal section above the 15-foot 9-inch riser shaft from the 50-foot inner diversion tunnel, and the corresponding concrete in the horizontal section for the lower tier of valves, except that the limiting vertical plane passes in this case through the point of tangency with the elbow to the 24-foot 3-inch diameter riser pipe. 128. Concrete in linings of shafts for outlet works and connecting galleries.—The item of the schedule, “Concrete in linings of shafts for outlet works and connecting galleries,” includes all concrete in the 24-foot 3-inch diameter riser shafts from the inner diversion tunnels and in the 15-foot 9-inch diameter riser shafts, as limited by the descriptions of other items of concrete in paragraphs 118 and 127. It also includes all concrete in the elevator shafts for the canyon wall outlet works and the adits leading to these elevators from the lower canyon wall outlet works and from the power house, as limited by the concrete in the walls of the upper canyon wall valve houses and in the walls of the power house. It also includes all concrete in the adits from the downstream inner diversion tunnel plugs to the elevators for the canyon wall outlet works. 129. Concrete in canyon-wall outlet works,—The item of the schedule, “Concrete in canyon-wall outlet works,” includes all concrete in both the upper and lower canyon-wall valve houses, including concrete around slide gates and needle valves, and all concrete in the 7-foot 7-inch diameter tunnels leading directly to the slide gates and valves, as limited by the descrip- tion of the concrete in outlet and penstock tunnels as given in paragraph 127. In constructing the valve houses, special care shall be used to insure a high quality of workmanship, accurate dimensions, and strict adherence to alignment and grade, and no irregularities in alignment due to inaccurate finishing of surfaces, bulging of forms, or other defects will be permitted. 130. Concrete in intake towers, foundations, and superstructure.-The item of the schedule, “Concrete in intake towers, foundations, and superstructure,” includes all concrete in the towers and the foundations thereof above the inlets to the 30-foot diameter outlet and pen- stock tunnels, all concrete in the gate houses, parapets, and other features on top of the towers, and in the seats to serve as supports for the movable ends of the intake tower bridges. Extreme care shall be taken by the contractor to construct all parts of the intake towers, including the gate houses on top, accurately to the lines and dimensions as shown on the drawings or directed by the contracting officer. No irregularities in alignment due to inaccurate finishing of surfaces, bulging of forms, or other defects will be permitted. All anchor bolts, gate guides and seats, and other metal parts to be embedded in concrete shall be carefully cleaned and firmly and accurately anchored in place before the placing of concrete. Uniting of the outside surface of the towers below the elevation of the gate-house floors shall be done by the contractor under the provisions of paragraph 136. 131. Concrete in bridges to intake towers.-After the structural steel through plate girder bridges from the top of the dam to the downstream intake towers and from the latter to the upstream intake towers have been completed and all supports removed, they shall be partly encased in concrete, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Prior to placing concrete, all parts of the structural steel to be in contact with the concrete covering shall be thoroughly cleaned of all paint, rust, scale, and other loose particles which might inter- fere in any way with an effective bond between the steel and the concrete. Should any rein- forcement fabric or metal lath be used in addition to bar reinforcement, as determined by the 71 contracting officer, in the concrete covering these bridges, these materials will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. Payment for placing reinforcement fabric or metal lath, if required, in the concrete of these bridges will be made at the unit price bid in the schedule for placing reinforcement bars and rails. The item of the schedule, “Con- crete in bridges to intake towers,” includes all concrete in each bridge between the fixed and movable end. - 132. Concrete in power house and penstocks,—For the purposes of payment the concrete in the power house and penstocks is separated into two items in the schedule; viz., “Concrete in power house above generator floor,” and “Concrete in power house below generator floor and in penstocks.” The first item is self-explanatory but includes, in addition to the concrete in columns, walls, and other members of the building, concrete in pedestals, anchors, and foundations for machinery. The second item includes, in addition to all the concrete in the power house and concrete anchors and foundations for machinery below the elevation of the generator floor, all concrete in the power penstocks from their diversions from the inner diversion tunnels and the penstock tunnels, as limited by the description of other concrete items in para- graphs 118 and 127, respectively. The concrete in both of the above items is limited or bounded upstream by the theoretical downstream face of the dam. In constructing the power house, exceptional care shall be used to insure high quality of workmanship, accurate dimensions, and strict adherence to alignment and grade, and no irregularities in alignment due to inaccurate finishing of surfaces, bulging of forms, or other defects will be permitted. It is contemplated that the parapets and other parts may be required to be specially finished, as provided in paragraph 123. - . 133. Concrete for switching station and steel tower footings.-The item of the schedule, “Concrete in switching station and steel tower footings,” includes all concrete for the footings of structural steel switch structures, bases for mounting oil circuit breakers, and other apparatus as may be required for the switching station, and also includes all concrete in footings for steel towers which will support the transmission lines from the power house to the switching station. The switching station shall be located as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The footings for the transmission line steel towers are not shown on the drawings, but shall be constructed at the locations, and to the lines, grades, and dimensions as directed by the contracting officer. The steel towers will be erected by the Government. 134. Concrete in inclined freight elevator structures.-The item of the schedule, “Concrete in inclined freight elevator structures,” includes all concrete in the guide structure for the eleva- tor, loading and unloading platforms, the foundation for the spur track from the bottom of the elevator to the power house and the concrete in the hoist house, and any other concrete that may be required to be placed, as determined by the contracting officer, for permanent construction of the inclined freight elevator. The sections of the guide structure and spur track foundation shall be as shown on the drawings or directed by the contracting officer. - 135. Concrete in highway structures,—The concrete in all highway structures, including parapets, retaining walls, collars, and headwalls for corrugated metal culverts, and in a rein- forced concrete arch culvert, if required, shall conform to the requirements of paragraphs 96 to 112, inclusive, and of paragraph 114, where applicable, as determined by the contracting officer. Measurement for payment and the costs to be included in the price bid for concrete in highway structures shall conform to the provisions of paragraphs 111, 112, and 114. 136. Gunite surfacing on concrete.—The entire upstream face of the dam up to the bottom of the coping, the outside surface of the intake towers up to the elevation of the gate house floor and the upstream face of all plugs in the inner diversion tunnels, shall be surfaced with gunite 72 placed as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Unless otherwise directed by the contracting officer, the total thickness of the completed surfacing shall be 1 inch, measured normal to the exposed surface. The gunite surfacing shall be continuous without construction joints, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph. Gunite shall usually be a mixture of 1 part cement by volume, measured loose with 3 parts of sand, but the relative proportions of sand and cement used will be subject tº change by the contracting officer as the materials used or results obtained indicate desirable at any time during the progress of the work, and the contractor will not be entitled to any additional compensation by reason of such changes. The sand and cement shall be thoroughly mixed in a relatively dry state before being placed in the gunite machine or its hopper. Machine mixing will be required unless specific authority to use hand mixing is given by the contracting officer. The machine and its operation shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. The mixing operation shall continue for a period of not less than one minute after all sand and cement are placed in the mixer. If there is an excessive amount of moisture in the sand, the sand shall be dried before mixing or it shall be mixed with the cement immediately before placing in the hopper, to insure that partial setting of the cement has not taken place. Cement for gunite will be furnished to the contractor by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27 . The requirements for cement for use in gunite shall be the same as those for cement for concrete, as given in paragraph 97. Sand for gunite shall be furnished by the contractor and shall meet the requirements of paragraph 98. In placing gunite the contractor shall employ as foremen and nozzlemen only men who can show to the satisfaction of the contracting officer that they have been employed in a similar capacity on at least two other similar jobs, and that they are fully qualified to do the work properly and carry out the terms of these specifications. Gunite shall be placed with the machines operating at an air pressure of not less than 35 pounds per square inch and a water pressure of not less than 50 pounds per square inch. In case of increase of air pressure, the water pressure shall be increased proportionately. Care shall be taken by the nozzlemen to direct the line of flowing material as nearly normal to the surface being covered as possible, and the nozzle shall generally be held about 3 feet and not more than 5 feet from the surface. The nozzlemen shall also take precaution to use only sufficient water necessary to properly hydrate the cement. Care shall be taken to prevent the occurrence of sand pockets, and if any should develop they shall be immediately cut out and replaced with perfect gunite at the expense of the contractor. No hand patching will be allowed. The gunite shall be applied in a continuous sheet for the full length of section in lifts approximately equal in height to the lifts of concrete. The joints of the gunite surfacing for the dam at the radial contraction joints and at the top and bottom edges of each lift shall be as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The contractor shall apply the surfacing in such a manner that no sloughing of the gunite occurs at any time during or following its application. If the required total thickness of surfacing is built up by layers, the intervening time between the application of each layer shall not be such as to permit the gunite to take a permanent set. When, for any reason, it is necessary to interrupt the placing of gunite for a sufficient length of time to permit the gunite taking a permanent set, thereby forming a definite construction joint, the contractor shall cut back the irregular edges of the gunite last placed with a trowel or other suitable tool to a clean unbroken surface perpendicular to the face of the dam or intake tower, such as will provide a suitable connection or construction joint between such gunite and the gunite to be subsequently placed. Care shall be taken in performing this work not to shatter the remaining gunite or to disturb or destroy the bond between the gunite and the concrete. Before gunite is placed against the surfaces of such joints, these surfaces shall be 73 carefully cleaned and wetted by the contractor to insure a good bond between the fresh gunite and the gunite previously placed. Feather-edged construction joints will not be permitted. The contractor shall take such steps as the contracting officer may deem necessary to prevent injury to the completed gunite surfacing by particles of rebound from the guniting operations at higher elevations falling on such completed surfacing. The finished surfacing shall be free from cavities or angular projections and shall have a uniformity and Smoothness, as directed by the contracting officer. At the option of the contractor the gunite surfacing on the upstream face of the dam and on the intake towers may be placed from barges after storage of water in the reservoir is begun, but the Government assumes no responsibility for the rate of rise in the water level or for any interference with the guniting operations on this account, and permission to use this method will not relieve the contractor from the obligation to complete the gunite surfacing in full compliance with the specifications. Before placing the gunite the surface of the concrete shall be throughly cleaned and roughened by sand blasting or other methods, as directed by the contracting officer. The concrete surface shall then be thoroughly wetted immediately before the placing of the gunite. During the period immediately following the placing of the gunite, it shall be protected against injury by freezing, by waste water flowing down over the gunite, or from other causes which, in the opinion of the contracting officer, may result in a weakening of the bond between the gunite and the concrete. As soon as the gunite has hardened sufficiently, in the opinion of the contracting officer, it shall receive the same treatment and protection as specified for concrete, as provided in paragraph 108. No gunite surfacing shall be placed in freezing weather except with the approval of the contracting officer and then only under such restrictions and regulations as the contracting officer may prescribe. Any gunite damaged by freezing or otherwise before final acceptance shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the contractor. Measurement of gunite surfacing for payment will be made of the entire surface area of the completed surfacing. The unit of measure shown in the schedule is a square yard of surface area for gunite one (1) inch in thickness. No additional compensation will be paid for the slightly thicker gunite necessary at re-entrant angles. The contractor will be charged for any cement wasted due to improper mixing or other fault of the contractor. Payment for gunite will be made at the unit price per square yard bid in the schedule for 1-inch gunite surfacing on concrete, which unit price shall include the cost of furnishing all labor, machinery, tools, and materials, except cement, required in the preparation of the concrete to receive the gunite, and in mixing, placing, curing, and protecting the gunite until acceptance. The Government reserves the right to increase or decrease the thickness of all gunite surfacing, and no increase or reduction in payment shall be made on account of such changes, except that where thicknesses other than 1 inch are required the payment to be made therefor will be in direct proportion to the required * based on the unit price bid in the schedule for gunite surfacing on concrete, 1 inch thick. 137. Rough finish for tile floors.-The top of the concrete in all floors in the power house and such other structures as may be designated by the contracting officer shall be left approxi- mately two and one-half (2%) inches below the finished floor elevation, unless otherwise directed by the contracting officer. When anchor bolts and pipes are placed, proper allowance shall be made for floor finish to be placed later. The type of floor finish has not yet been determined and Where a special finished floor is required, as determined by the contracting officer, such special finished floor will either be placed later by the Government or if required to be placed by the °ontractor will be ordered in writing by the contracting officer and paid for as extra work under the provisions of article 5 of the contract and paragraph 10 of these specifications. 74 138. Cement mortar finish for concrete floors.-Floor finish, consisting of mortar in the proportions of one part of cement to two parts of clean, well-graded sand which will pass a No. 8 sieve, shall be applied to all concrete floors in the outlet valve houses and such other structures as may be designated by the contracting officer, after the installation of machinery is com- pleted. The top of the concrete shall be left approximately 3% inch below the finished floor elevation shown on the drawings, and allowance shall be made for this finish when anchor bolts, pipes, and other metal parts are placed. Before applying the floor finish the surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly washed and roughened. The finished surfaces shall be given a slope for drainage, as directed by the contracting officer. The floor finish shall be at least 3- inch thick, and shall be brought to a true and even surface by means of a straight-edge and then carefully floated to close all voids and hollows. The surface shall be finished by sprinkling dry cement evenly over it by means of a fine sieve, after which it shall be carefully floated and troweled. A second steel troweling shall be given after the cement has set sufficiently to finish hard and smooth. The floors shall be marked into 30-inch squares by means of a small expansion joint tool or other means satisfactory to the contracting officer. Cement floor finish will be measured for payment to the required neat lines and all openings will be deducted. Payment for placing the 34-inch finish for concrete floors, as described in this paragraph, will be made at the unit price per square yard bid therefor in the schedule. 139. Thin walls of metal lath and plaster-Thin walls of metal lath and plaster having a finished thickness of approximately 3 inches shall be constructed in the power plant and other buildings where and as directed by the contracting officer. The framing shall consist of vertical steel channels spaced on about 24-inch centers, bent on each end and fastened to inserts in the floor and ceiling. Expanded metal lath sheets, similar or equal to Hy-rib, with the ribs in a horizontal position, shall be fastened to the vertical channels with soft iron wire ties at six-inch centers, and the ends of the sheets placed in grooves in the walls. All metal lath sheets shall start at the ceiling, be staggered with one another, and lap around corners. The laps at sides shall be formed by nesting outside ribs and the sheets shall lap not less than one inch at ends, The sheets shall be braced temporarily on the channel side at intervals not exceeding five feet vertically before the application of plaster. Grounds and bucks shall be set as directed by the contracting officer. The plastering shall first be applied on the side on which the expanded metal is fastened, with about 4 inch over the ribs, and pushed through to form a good key; and this operation shall be carried on continuously from the bottom up without allowing the plaster to dry at the edge. When this coat has set dry, a similar coat shall be applied on the other side of the partition with 4-inch covering over the vertical channels. To the materials for these first coats shall be added sufficient hair or fiber to bond the mortar. As soon as the first coat has become firm, but not fully dry or hard, the entire surface shall be cross scratched diagonally, Scratching shall be deep enough to provide good bond for the following plaster coat but not deep enough to injure the keys. Before applying the finish coat the plaster shall be wetted tº saturation to prevent absorption of water from the fresh mortar. The finish coat shall then hº applied, using for this purpose one part of cement to two parts of fine sand with hydrated limº but without hair or fiber. The finish coat shall be troweled smooth with as little rubbing necessary to produce a workmanlike finish reasonably free from irregularities, and matching in color and texture the adjoining concrete walls to the satisfaction of the contracting officer The material composing the plaster shall be as follows: Portland cement, 1 part; sand, which is practically free from organic matter and uniformly graded in size from coarse to fine, all to pº through a sieve having eight (8) meshes per inch for the ground coats and 12 meshes per inch for the finish coats, 3 parts; hydrated lime, which is uniform in quality and perfectly hydrated gºs { 5 }ſ, part; hair or fiber sufficient to bond the mortar. The cement and screened hydrated lime, after being thoroughly dry-mixed to a uniform color, shall be added to the dry sand and the whole manipulated until evenly mixed. Water shall then be added to secure proper consistency. The mortar shall then be thoroughly worked until perfectly homogeneous. Mortar shall be made up only in lots that can be immediately applied, and any material that has been mixed with water longer than 30 minutes shall be rejected. The cement, lime, and hair used in any rejected plaster will be charged to the contractor at its cost to the Government at the point of delivery. Measurement for payment of the completed walls will be made of one side only, to the neat required dimensions and all openings will be deducted. Sand and water for plastered partitions shall be furnished by the contractor and all other materials in the finished partitions will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. Payment for all work described in this paragraph will be made at the unit price per square yard bid in the schedule for thin walls of metal lath and plaster, which unit price shall include the cost of hauling, handling, and placing all materials required for the completed walls, furnishing all sand and water required, and constructing the wall as described in this paragraph. METAL WORK AND PAINTING, GENERAL 140. Installing metal work.-The high-pressure gates with their operating mechanisms, metal conduits, needle valves, Stoney gates, frames and hoists, power intake cylinder gates and shutter gates, traveling cranes, trash-rack metal work, structural steel, elevator guide inserts, metal stairways, handrails, hatchways, manholes, floor plates, pipe and fittings, valves, tubing, metal doors and sash, crane runway rails, inclined elevator guides, track in floor of power house and for inclined elevator spur track, anchor bolts, and other miscellaneous metal work required as parts of the completed structures, will be furnished to the contractor by the Govern- ment, as provided in paragraph 27. The contractor shall attach to or build into the dam, power house, and appurtenant works all such metal work, and shall install all such gates, valves, hoists, and machinery in a workmanlike manner, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The installation of the two electrically operated elevators in the dam will not be required under these specifications. All gates, gate hoists, and valves will be com- pletely assembled and tested for operation before shipment from the factory and will be marked and match-marked to facilitate assembly in the field. All moving parts and control mechanisms and other machinery shall be carefully installed, tested for operation, and adjusted so that all parts move freely within each other and properly function to secure satisfactory operation, as determined by the contracting officer. Any changes or adjustments required to secure satis- factory operation shall be made by the contractor at his own expense: Provided, That if any part of the machinery or mechanisms is found to be defective due to no fault of the contractor, as determined by the contracting officer, the contracting officer may order the contractor to correct such defects, and payment therefor will be made as extra work under the provisions of article 5 of the contract and paragraph 10 of these specifications. A part of the metal work as furnished will have been given one or more shop coats of paint. This paint coating shall be protected as much as practicable during the handling and storing of metal work, and after installation all unfinished surfaces not to be in contact with concrete shall be painted as provided in paragraph 142. Except as otherwise provided in these specifications, payment for installing and painting all metal work and machinery will be made at the unit prices bid in the schedule for installing the various items of metal work, which unit prices shall include the cost of un- loading, hauling, storing, handling, assembling, installing, erecting, adjusting, and painting all metal work and machinery furnished by the Government, and maintaining the same in position 29919—30—6 76 and proper operating condition until final acceptance by the Government. The cost of unload- ing, hauling, storing, handling, installing, and painting miscellaneous items of metal work, not directly appurtenant to gates, valves, or other features specifically provided for, such as brackets, anchor bolts, and any other metal work to be permanently installed as parts of the completed work, will be paid for at the unit price bid in the schedule for “Installing miscellaneous items of metal work.” The unit price bid for installing gates, valves, control mechanisms, piping, and other miscellaneous items of metal work shall include the cost of making minor changes and the cost of correcting such minor errors and inaccuracies in the various parts as may be expected to occur in the ordinary commercial grade of shop work and manufacture of such materials, as determined by the contracting officer. 141. Weights of machinery and metal parts.-The weights of metal and other parts, the handling and placing of which is to be paid for on the basis of weight, will be determined by the contracting officer. The weights of these items given in the schedule are advance estimates for the purpose of comparing bids only, and the actual weights may vary widely therefrom. The contracting officer will determine the weight of each part or item involved in the most practicable manner, and will use for that purpose, where possible, weights obtained from such sources as railroad shipping weights, manufacturers’ weights, catalog weights, and estimated weights, subject to the provisions of article 15 of the contract, in case of dispute. In estimating weights of metal parts, the unit weights of the various materials as given in Carnegie Pocket Com- panion, 1923 edition, will be used, and the method of computing such weights will be in accord- ance with the current “Specifications for Steel Railroad Bridges” of the American Railway Engineering Association. Net weights only will be paid for and the weight of all tare, packing, blocking, etc., will be deducted. 142. Painting.—All exposed, unmachined metal surfaces shall be painted by the contractor unless otherwise directed by the contracting officer. All painting shall be done by the con- tractor in accordance with these specifications or as directed by the contracting officer for each part of the work, and the contractor shall be entitled to no additional compensation on account of the kind of paint, number of coats, or method of application prescribed by the contracting officer. Where metal parts have been painted before delivery to the contractor, care shall be taken in unloading, handling, hauling, and installing such parts to preserve the shop paint in best practicable condition. After installation, the contractor shall thoroughly clean all painted surfaces and repair all damaged places in the original paint film, as directed by the contracting officer. After these repaired areas have thoroughly set, one or more field coats of paint shall be applied to the exposed surfaces as herein provided. The unmachined surfaces of conduit linings, leaves, and other exposed submerged parts of high-pressure gates, 50-foot by 50-foot Stoney gates, cylindergates in the intake towers, the interior of needle valves, gate guides, trash- rack bars and castings or frames, and similar miscellaneous metal work, not in contact with concrete, shall be given one coat of water-gas tar, if not painted in the shop, followed by two coats of coal-gas tar applied hot, or, where so directed by the contracting officer, painted with one or more coats of an equivalent metal preservative paint applied hot or cold according to the speci- fications of the paint manufacturer. The outside surfaces of needle valves, machinery, piping, handrails, metal trim around doors and windows, and other metal work not to be coated with coal-gas tar shall be carefully cleaned of all rust, scale, and oil and given one or more coats of paint or enamel, as directed by the contracting officer. All painting shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner and thoroughly brushed, satisfactory to the contracting officer, and each coat of paint shall be permitted to dry thoroughly before the succeeding coat is applied. Application of paint by dipping or air-brush may be used by the contractor if approved by the contracting officer. All tar and other paint materials will be furnished to the contractor by the 77 Government, as provided in paragraph 27. The cost of unloading, hauling, storing, handling, and applying the paint, and the cost of all work, operations, and equipment required for painting shall be included in the unit prices bid in the schedule for installing the various items of metal work and machinery. PHPES AND STRUCTURAL STEEL 143, Standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves.—All pipe, fittings, couplings, companion flanges, hangers or supports, valves, and specials used in control, drain, bypass, and vent-pipe lines, pipe for concrete cooling system, pipe and fittings for grouting operations, pipe and fittings for draining foundations of dam, steel and cast-iron plumbing, piping, pipe and fit- tings for handrailings, and any other piping not otherwise specifically mentioned in the schedule or specifications, to be attached or built into the dam and related works, complete with bolts, screws, packing, gaskets, white lead, and other accessories, will be furnished to the contractor by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. All standard steel pipe in sizes 12-inch and smaller will be furnished in random lengths, threaded and coupled, and it shall be cut, threaded, fitted, and placed by the contractor in a workmanlike manner, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Flanged valves and fittings will be furnished faced and drilled. Flanged cast-iron pipe will be furnished to the required lengths, faced and drilled. Bell and spigot cast-iron pipe, if used, will be furnished in standard lengths, and shall be cut, if required, by the contractor. Pipe and fittings to be embedded in the concrete shall be firmly held in posi- tion and protected from damage during the depositing of concrete. Pipe hangers or supports shall be placed as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Care shall be taken to insure that all pipes are clean and to avoid clogging from any cause during the progress of the work, and should any pipe become clogged before final acceptance of the work it shall be cleaned out in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer or replaced by, and at the expense of, the contractor. Pipe and fittings to be buried in concrete shall not be painted on the outside, but shall be thoroughly cleaned of all excessive rust, dirt, and grease before being embedded in concrete. The cost of installing and painting the materials described in this paragraph will be paid for at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for “Installing standard steel and cast- iron pipe, fittings, and valves.” Steel pipe or tubing in sizes larger than 12-inch will as far as practicable be furnished cut to length and with flanges fitted in place, or with ends prepared for couplings, but any cutting or fitting of such larger pipe or tubing shall be done by the contractor, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer, and the cost thereof included in the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing and painting standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves. : 144. Pipe handrailing.—Pipe and fittings for handrailings with bolts, pins, rivets, flanges, and all other accessories will be furnished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. Pipe will be furnished in random lengths and shall be cut to the required lengths and threaded by the contractor. The contractor shall assemble, install, and paint this material wherever it may be required on any part of the work, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the con- tracting officer. Railings to be set in concrete shall either be completely assembled and placed When concrete is poured, or recesses shall be left, or holes drilled in the concrete to receive the railing posts and the railings completely assembled and accurately grouted in position and align- ment at some later time. Payment for all work described in this paragraph will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves, wbich price shall include the cost of setting the railing in concrete and grout- ing it in where required. The estimated amount of standard steel and cast-iron pipe and fittings required for pipe handrailing is 31,500 pounds. 78 145. Pipe for grouting tunnels, adits, and shafts.-Except for considerable portions of the diversion tunnels upstream from the tunnel plugs in the outer diversion tunnels and upstream from the upstream plugs in the inner diversion tunnels, the contractor shall place metal pipes for grout connections and for vent pipes in the diversion tunnels, adits, and shafts at such points as may be designated by the contracting officer. As provided in paragraph 86, pipe for high- pressure grout connections may be set either before or after placing concrete. If the grout connection pipe is set in the drilled hole after the placing of concrete, the contractor shall com- pletely fill all space, if any, between the pipe and the concrete with grout or mortar, or shall otherwise provide a perfectly tight fit between the pipe and the concrete. Nó high-pressure grout pipe connections shall extend nearer than 6 inches to the excavated surface of the sur- rounding rock. All vent and low pressure grout pipes shall be set in position prior to the placing of concrete. This may be done by anchoring one end of the pipe to the forms, using temporary pipe fittings, or by other suitable means. The length, location, and direction of each vent pipe and of each low pressure grout pipe connection shall be as directed by the contracting officer. All grout and vent pipes and pipes for the concrete linings of tunnels, adits, and shafts shall end not less than 1 inch back of the finished inside surface of the concrete lining, and at this point a recess shall be provided in the lining which shall be filled with concrete after the grouting is done. The size of the grout pipe for each hole will be determined by the contracting officer to meet the requirements of the drilling and grouting equipment used. Pipe and fittings for grout connections and vent pipes will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27, only as required for the permanent installations. All other pipe and fittings and all equipment used for grouting shall be furnished by the contractor. The pipe furnished by the Government will be in random lengths, and it shall be cut, threaded, and fabricated as required and placed by the contractor. Payment for all work described in this paragraph will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast iron pipe, fittings, and valves, and only for the amount of pipe and fittings required to be left in place, as determined by the contracting officer. The estimated amount of standard steel and cast-iron pipe and fittings required for permanent installation is 120,000 pounds. 146. Pipe for grouting foundations for dam and spillway crests.-Metal pipe for grout holes shall be placed in the concrete of the upstream cut-off wall in the foundation and abutments of the dam, in the foundations of the spillway crests and inlet structures for the outer diversion tunnels, and elsewhere if required, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Pipes for grouting shall also be set over springs or crevices in the rock or other founda- tion defects wherever directed by the contracting officer. As the work progresses the develop- ment of leakage or the condition of the surrounding foundations may indicate that parts of the foundations already covered require grouting, in which event holes shall be drilled through the concrete and into the underlying foundations, if required by the contracting officer, and pipes for grout connections placed as directed by the contracting officer. The size of grout pipe for each hole will be determined by the contracting officer to meet the requirements of the drilling and grouting equipment used. The space between grout pipes and the rock or concrete into which they are inserted shall be carefully caulked with oakum or other suitable material to prevent entry of concrete or other materials prior to grouting. All oakum or other suitable material shall be furnished by the contractor. Where a pipe grout connection is to be grouted before being solidly embedded in concrete, the space around the pipe shall be thoroughly filled with grout or mortar. Pipe and fittings required for the work described in this paragraph wi be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27, only as required for the permanent installations. All other pipe and fittings and all equipment used for grouting shall 79 be furnished by the contractor. The pipe furnished by the Government will be in random lengths, and it shall be cut, threaded, and fabricated as required and placed by the contractor. Payment for installing the pipe and fittings, as required by this paragraph, will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves, and only for the amount of pipe and fittings that are required to be left in place, as determined by the contracting officer, which amount is estimated to be 34,000 pounds. 147. Pipe for grouting contraction joints in dam.—A system of pipes and fittings shall be placed in the contraction joints in the dam, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the con- tracting officer. All pipe, fittings, and parts, except nails and tie wire required for the grouting systems, will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The pipe furnished will be in random lengths, and it shall be threaded, cut, and fabricated ready for installa- tion as required. The pipe and fittings shall be carefully assembled and placed and shall be firmly held in position during the construction of the dam. Great care shall be exercised to insure that the two companion members of each conduit box cover grouting unit are maintained in accurate alignment and position with respect to each other, and that each member becomes an integral part of and moves with the concrete mass to which it is anchored. The method of attaching the first member of each unit to the forms and, in turn, the second member to the first is shown on the drawings. This method shall be accurately adhered to unless it is modified by the specific instructions of the contracting officer. Great care shall also be taken to insure that all parts of the system are maintained free from dirt or any foreign substance whatever. After each grouting system is placed and the concrete around it completed and at such other times as the contracting officer may direct, the pipe shall be tested by forcing a current of air under pressure through it to the satisfaction of the contracting officer, after which it shall be immediately temporarily capped or otherwise closed to avoid the possibility of any foreign substance entering it until it is pressure grouted. Any pipe that is found to be or becomes clogged due to any cause during the construction of the dam and before it is pressure grouted, shall, if practicable, be cleaned or opened up to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. For any pipe which the Contractor fails to open up or to replace to meet this test the contractor shall pay to the Govern- ment as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages the sum of two dollars ($2) per linear foot of the total length of that pipe which is thereby made ineffective as determined by the contracting officer. Payment for all work described in this paragraph, except as otherwise provided, will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast- iron pipe, fittings, and valves. Payment will be made only for the pipe and fittings, including Conduit box covers actually installed, and the computed weight for payment will not include the weight of nails or tie wire. The estimated amount of standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and conduit box covers required for permanent installation in contraction joints is 1,155,000 pounds. 148, Pipe for draining foundation of dam.—The contractor shall install all metal pipe and fittings for draining the foundation and abutments of the dam, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. All required pipe and fittings for this drainage will be fur- mished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The pipe furnished will be In random lengths and it shall be cut, threaded, and fabricated ready for installation as required. The pipe shall be held firmly in position and protected from damage during the depositing of the concrete. Care shall be taken to avoid clogging of the pipe from any cause during the Progress of the work, and should any pipe become clogged from any cause before final acceptance ºf the work it shall be cleaned out in a manner satisfactory to the contracting officer or replaced by and at the expense of the contractor. Payment for installing the pipe and fittings described 80 in this paragraph will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves. Payment will be made only for the pipe and fittings actually installed. The estimated amount of standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves required for permanent installation for draining foundation of dam is 121,000 pounds. 149. Pipe for cooling concrete.-As provided in paragraph 121 and as shown on the draw. ings or directed by the contracting officer, the contractor shall install metal pipe in the concrete of the dam and tunnel plugs, through which water of a low temperature will be run for the purpose of cooling the concrete. It is contemplated that 2-inch standard pipe and fittings or boiler tubing of approximately the same diameter will be used and that there will be required the installation of about 800,000 linear feet of pipe, involving about 16,000 couplings. Pipe loops may be connected in series up to a total length of approximately 1,600 feet. All pipe or tubing and fittings required for embedding in the concrete for cooling purposes will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The pipe furnished will be in random lengths and it shall be cut, threaded, and fabricated ready for installation as required. Couplings of the expansion type will be furnished for use where the cooling pipe crosses contraction joints. All screw joints shall be made up with a standard joint compound. The joint compound shall be furnished by the contractor and shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. All pipe joints shall be made tight and so that they will withstand a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch. The pipe spacing, length of pipe, diameter of pipe, and amount of concrete to be cooled may be changed to meet changed conditions which may develop during the progress of the work, and the contractor shall be entitled to no additional allowance above the unit prices bid in the schedule by reason of such changes. Payment for installing the pipe and fittings, or tub- ing, as required by the provisions of this paragraph will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves, and only for the amount of pipe and fittings that is embedded in the concrete. 150. Control piping for high-pressure gates.—All pipe, fittings, hangers, valves, gauges, oil tanks, and accessories, for controlling the operation of high-pressure slide gates, will be furnished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. The pressure pipe will be 2-inch and smaller, double extra-strong, black pipe, and will be furnished in random lengths, with an assortment of nipples, couplings, and other fittings. Fittings will be steel hydraulic screwed fittings, and control valves will be of the straightway plug type. A comparatively small part of the piping will be standard weight. The pipe shall be cut to the required lengths and threaded, and the control-pipe system shall be carefully installed in a workmanlike manner, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The control pipe system will be operated under a pressure of 1,500 pounds per square inch, and special care shall be taken to insure that all threads are full cut and free from torn and ragged surfaces. The control-pipe system will be tested at the above pressure, and any leaky joints or other defective work shall be repaired or made over to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. A mixture of litharge and glycerine or similar compound satisfactory to the contracting officer, shall be furnished and used by the contractor on all threaded pipe joints in all high-pressure control piping. Care shall be used in cutting and fitting to have pipe run parallel and to have the complete control-pipe systems ne” in appearance and securely fastened in place. Exposed control piping shall be painted * directed by the contracting officer. Payment for installing control piping will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing control piping for high-pressure gates, which price shall include the cost of all work required in carrying out the provisions of this paragr aph. 81 151. Metal pipe for highway drains and culverts.-The corrugated metal pipe and connect- ing bands for highway drains and culverts and plain metal pipe for drainage of the highway on the top of the dam will be furnished to the contractor under the provisions of paragraph 27. No damaged pipe shall be placed in the trenches or structures except as permitted by the con- tracting officer. For all pipe damaged in handling by the contractor to such an extent that, in the judgment of the contracting officer, it is unfit for use, the contractor will be charged the same amount that the pipe cost the Government at the point of delivery to the contractor. The trench in which the culvert pipe is to be laid shall be excavated carefully to line and grade, so that the pipe will be fully supported at all points by the unexcavated ground over the bottom quarter of its circumference: Provided, That where rock is encountered in the bottom of the trench, the trench shall be excavated to a depth of at least four (4) inches below the grade established for the bottom of the pipe, and this additional excavation shall be back filled with material satisfactory to the contracting officer, which material shall be thoroughly tamped in place before the pipe is placed. All pipe shall be laid to the lines and grades established by the contracting officer, with separate sections firmly jointed together. All back filling around the pipe up to three-quarters of the height of the pipe shall be made of selected material carefully compacted to the satisfaction of the contracting officer by puddling or tamping. Travel over the culverts shall not be permitted until back fill has been placed to a depth of at least 1 foot over the top of the pipe. All corrugated metal pipe culverts 48 inches or more in diameter shall be strutted with timber, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer, before any back fill is placed around the pipe. All struts shall remain in place until the embankment over the pipe is completed. All lumber required for struts shall be furnished by the contractor. In constructing highway drains, corrugated metal drainpipe shall be laid along the rim of the canyon below the highway and immediately above the rubble masonry wall and elsewhere, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. An even bedding for the drainpipe shall be prepared by excavating or by filling in with gravel or small rock fragments to the prescribed grade for the pipe invert, as established by the contracting officer. After laying, the drainpipe shall be back filled with gravel or small rock fragments to a minimum depth of one foot over the top of the pipe. Payment for laying metal pipe for highway drains and culverts will be made at the unit price per pound bid therefor in the schedule, which price shall include the cost of all labor, materials, and plant required in unloading, hauling, handling, storing, preparing an even bedding, laying, attaching the connecting bands, and strutting of culvert pipes, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. Required excavation for corrugated metal drain and culvert pipes will be paid for at the unit price per cubic yard bid in the schedule for excavation for highway structures, which price shall include the cost of all required back fill, including that around the corrugated metal pipe along the rubble masonry walls. 152, Conduit lining castings.-A portion of the metal conduit linings in the upper and lower canyon wall outlets and tunnel plug outlets will be steel or semisteel castings, made in Sections not over 6 feet in length. These conduit lining sections will be circular, square, and rec- tangular in cross section, with conduit lining transitions from circular at one end to square or Tectangular at the other end, and will, in all cases, be embedded in concrete. All flanges will be faced and drilled for bolted joints. All conduit lining castings, with bolts and gaskets, will be furnished by the Government as provided in paragraph 27. The contractor shall assemble and install these cast conduit linings, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer, with finished surfaces of all joints smoothly coated with white lead, which will be furnished by the Government, or gaskets inserted, if specified, before being bolted together. The metal conduit linings shall be held rigidly in place, true to line and grade, until the placing of concrete S2 is completed. All offsets at joints shall be chipped to present a smooth flow line. All bolts shall be drawn tight, and shall be tightened several times at intervals until it is positively assured that there will be no leakage. The contractor shall also close the joints between sections by arc- welding at the point of contact to insure watertightness, and secure a continuous inside surface, if required by the contracting officer. After acceptance by the contracting officer the inside surfaces only of conduit linings shall be given two coats of preservative paint applied hot, if so specified. The outside surfaces of conduit linings in contact with concrete shall not be painted, but shall be cleaned of all excessive rust, grease, and dirt before concrete is placed. Rich con- crete, free from cobbles or coarse stone, shall be thoroughly spaded around all conduit linings, pipe connections, and reinforcement steel to secure proper adhesion and prevent leakage. Pres. sure grouting shall be used, if required by the contracting officer, to secure this result. Payment for pressure grouting, if required, will be made at the unit price bid in the schedule for pressure grouting in tunnels, adits, and shafts. Payment for installing conduit lining castings will be made at the unit price per pound bid therefor in the schedule, which price shall include the cost of all work, except pressure grouting, required in hauling, assembling, installing, arc-welding, cleaning, and painting the conduit lining castings in accordance with the provisions of this para- graph. 153. Plate-steel conduit linings for outlet works,—A portion of the metal conduit linings in the upper and lower canyon wall outlet works and in the tunnel plug outlets will be plate- steel pipes embedded in concrete. It is contemplated that these plate-steel linings will have an inside diameter of 91 inches, with the plate thickness varying from 1% inches to 34-inch, fabricated in lengths convenient for shipment, with welded longitudinal seams and bolted flanged joints. All plate-steel conduit linings, with flanges, bolts, and gaskets, will be furnished to the contractor by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall assemble and install plate-steel conduit linings, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Gaskets shall be carefully placed and, if so directed by the contracting officer, flanges shall be smoothly coated with white lead, which will be furnished by the Government. All bolts shall be drawn tight, and shall be tightened several times at intervals until it is positively assured that there will be no leakage. The contractor shall close the joints between pipe sections by arc- welding at the point of contact of flanges to insure watertightness and secure a continuous inside surface, if required by the contracting officer. The plate-steel conduit linings shall be held rigidly in place, true to line and grade, until the placing of concrete is completed. After accept- ance by the contracting officer, the inside surface only of the conduit linings shall be given two coats of preservative paint, applied hot, if so specified by the contracting officer. The outside surface of conduit linings in contact with concrete shall not be painted, but shall be cleaned of all grease, dirt, and excessive rust before concrete is placed. Rich concrete, free from cobbles or coarse stone, shall be thoroughly spaded around all plate-steel conduit linings to secure proper adhesion and prevent leakage. Pressure grouting, if required by the contracting officer, will be paid for at the unit price bid in the schedule for pressure grouting in tunnels, adits, and shafts. Payment for installing plate-steel conduit linings for outlet works will be made at the unit price per pound bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of all work except pressure grouting, required in hauling, assembling, installing, arc-welding, cleaning, and painting the plate-steel conduit lining, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 154. Plate-steel conduit linings for power penstocks,—The power penstocks connecting the turbines with the 30-foot penstock tunnels and the inner diversion tunnels will be line. with plate steel embedded solidly in concrete. The inside diameter of the power penstocks will be 11 feet, with plate-steel lining varying from 34 inch to 2 inches in thickness. The lining 83 will have welded longitudinal seams and bolted flanged joints, and will be furnished to the contractor in lengths convenient for shipment, complete with flanges, bolts, and gaskets. All requirements and provisions of paragraph 153 for plate-steel conduit linings for outlet works shall apply to plate-steel conduit linings for power penstocks. 155. Structural steel, general,—All structural steel building framework, crane rail sup- ports, roof trusses, purlins and girders, column bases, temporary end walls, and other structural materials, with a supply of rivets and erection bolts for field erection, will be furnished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. Built-up members will be completely fabricated and assembled in the shop and knocked down for shipment. Erection in the field may be by riveting or by arc-welding, and the contractor shall be prepared to perform both classes of work. (a) Assembling.—All parts shall be accurately assembled and erected, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer, and all match-marks shall be carefully followed. The material shall be carefully handled so that no parts will be bent, broken, or other- wise damaged, and hammering that will injure or distort the members will not be permitted. Members shall not be over-stressed during the process of erection. Bearing surfaces and surfaces to be in permanent contact shall be carefully cleaned, and all contact surfaces of riveted joints shall be painted immediately before members are assembled. All bases or columns having bases fabricated as integral parts of the columns shall be set level in exact position, and shall be given full and even bearing by means of cement grout. In bolted connections, bolts shall be drawn tight and threads butted so that nuts can not become loosened. Where bolted connections are specified, the bolt holes shall be reamed in the field to provide a light drive fit. Field connections shall have one-half of the holes filled with erection bolts and cylindrical erection pins before riveting. All drilling and other work required for connection of door and window frames, ornamental metal work, pipe hangers, and similar purposes shall be done by the con- tractor. For main columns and columns adjacent to elevator shafts, the total error from plumb shall not exceed 1 to 1,000 for the total column height. For other individual parts the error from level, line, and plumb shall not exceed 1 to 500. The plumbing of columns shall be done before riveting. Compression joints depending on contact surfaces for bearing shall have full and even bearing after alignment and riveting are completed. Corrections of minor misfits and a reasonable amount of reaming and cutting of excess stock from rivets shall be considered a legitimate part of erection. For the purpose of determining what constitutes a reasonable amount of reaming, it shall be considered that where the opening in any rivet hole is not more than % inch off of correct center after the connection is temporarily assembled, the same is a minor error in shop work. Cutting of members with a cutting-torch will not be permitted unless approved by the contracting officer. Structural steel to be embedded in concrete shall not be painted. After erection is completed and accepted by the contracting officer, all structural steel not to be embedded in concrete shall be given one or two coats of paint, as directed by the Contracting officer. Only expert riveters or welders shall be used to perform the riveting or Welding, and, if required by the contracting officer, they shall submit suitable evidence of ability, by sample of work or otherwise, before being allowed to perform this work. , (b) Riveting.—Riveting shall be done with pneumatic riveters and buckers. All connec- tions shall be accurately and securely fitted up before the rivets are driven. Light drifting to bring the parts together will be allowed, but drifting to match unfair holes will not be permitted. All unfair holes shall be reamed or drilled. An unfair hole is considered as one in which a cold "Vet of the size specified will not enter with light tapping after light drifting has been resorted tº Rivets shall be heated to a light cherry red color, and when driven shall completely fill the holes and shall firmly grip the connected parts together. Rivet heads shall be of the 84 same shape and size as the shop rivets, full and symmetrical, concentric with the shank, and shall have full bearing on the plate. Recupping or caulking of rivets will not be permitted. Loose, burned, or otherwise defective rivets shall be removed. When removing rivets the sur. rounding metal shall not be injured, and, if necessary, rivets shall be drilled out. Cup-faced dollies, fitting the rivet heads closely to insure good bearing, shall be used. Field rivets shall not be painted until they have been inspected and accepted by the contracting officer. (c) Are welding.—In assembling and during welding, the component parts of a built-up member shall be held by sufficient clamps or other adequate means to keep parts straight and in close contact. Surfaces to be welded shall be well cleaned, by wire brushing, chipping, or hammering, of loose scale, rust, paint, or other foreign matter, except that a thin coat of linseed oil need not be removed before welding. Weld metal deposited in two or more layers shall have each layer brushed with a wire brush or otherwise cleaned before subsequent layers are deposited, In welding, precautions shall be taken to minimize stresses due to expansion or contraction and distortion due to heat. Upon completion, welds shall be brushed with wire brushes, and shall show uniform section, smoothness of weld metal, feather-edges without overlaps, and freedom from porosity and clinkers. Visual inspection at edges and ends of fillets and butt-joint welds shall indicate good fusion with and penetration into base metals. Welding shall not be covered with paint until after inspection and acceptance by the contracting officer. (d) Installation.—The cost of assembling, installing, erecting, and painting structural steel materials as described herein will be paid for at the Unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing structural steel, except bridges to intake towers. 156. Structural steel for bridges.—Plate-steel girder bridges, encased in concrete, for connecting the intake towers with the dam, shall be constructed as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The girders will be fabricated in the shop in sections, with provision for all necessary field connections. All structural steel girders, floor beams, pedestals, pins, checkered plates, and other members and connections, with a supply of rivets and erection bolts for field erection, will be furnished by the Government as provided in para- graph 27. The assembling and riveting of structural steel for bridges shall be in accordance with the requirements of these specifications for the erection of “Structural steel, general,” paragraph 155. The bearing areas on the concrete abutments under pin and roller pedestals shall be uniform and level. Pedestal castings shall be set level in exact position and shall have full and even bearing on the masonry. Unless otherwise directed by the contracting officer they shall be placed on a layer of canvas and red lead applied by first coating each bearing area with red lead paint, then placing upon it 3 layers of 12 to 14-ounce duck, each layer being thor- oughly coated on its top surface with red lead paint, then placing the pedestal castings in posi- tion while the paint is still plastic. The surfaces of all structural steel shall be thoroughly cleaned of all loose mill scale, rust, grease, paint, and dirt, and only those surfaces not encased in con- crete shall be given one priming coat, if required, and two coats of preservative paint, applied hot, if so specified. The contractor shall haul, assemble, erect, and paint the structural steel girders, floor beams, stringers, and other metal work for bridges, as shown on the drawingsor as directed by the contracting officers, and the cost thereof shall be included in the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing structural steel in bridges to intake towers. 157. Trash rack metal work-Trash bars, castings, and structural steel supports for trash racks for intake towers and inner diversion tunnel inlets and elsewhere, if required, will be fur- nished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. Castings or steel anchorages for the structural steel supports shall be securely anchored to the structures with anchor bolts or bars provided for this purpose. For the trash racks at the tunnel inlets, the bars shall be set intº 85 place in the spacers and supports which are set into the concrete. For the trash racks on the intake towers, the bars will be shipped separately and shall be assembled into trash-rack sec- tions of several bars, by bolting the bars together, with suitable pipe spacers, or by welding to spacing members, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. All exposed metal work in trash racks shall be painted with one or two coats of paint, applied hot if so specified, as directed by the contracting officer. Payment for hauling, handling, installing, and painting metal work in trash racks will be paid for at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing trash rack metal work. Dipping of trash bars will be permitted in lieu of brush painting. 158. Steel sheet piling for upstream cofferdam.-Steel sheet piling shall be driven by the contractor at the upstream toe of the upstream cofferdam. The piling shall be driven to bed- rock or to a depth satisfactory to the contracting officer. The piles will have a continuous rolled interlock integral with the pile throughout its entire length, so designed as to permit an angular movement between adjoining piles of at least 15 degrees on either side of the center line. The piling shall be driven as closely as practicable to lines established by the contracting officer. The piles shall be so driven as to insure *. interlocking throughout their entire length. Methods of driving shall be subject to the approval of the contracting officer. Assembling frames of capped wooden piles or other suitable guide structure shall be used and the steel piling shall be assembled against the guides so that they are plumb at both edge and side. A protecting cap shall be used for all driving. Piles ruptured in the interlock or otherwise injured in driving shall be pulled and replaced at the expense of the contractor: Provided, That the contractor will not be charged for the damaged piles. Should bowlders be encountered above bedrock, the contractor shall make every effort to drive the piling to bedrock, either by moving or shattering the bowlder or by deviations in the line of the piling. If at any time the forward edge of the steel piling wall is found to be out of plumb, the piling already assembled and partly driven shall be driven to rock or to a depth satisfactory to the contracting officer and taper piles shall then be used to bring the forward edge plumb before additional piling is assembled or driven. The maximum permissible taper in a single pile shall be 6 inches in 50 feet of length. Spliced piles shall be fabricated and driven by the contractor where the standard lengths fur- nished by the Government are inadequate, as determined by the contracting officer: Pro- vided, That where piling less than 50 feet in length is adequate, no splicing will be permitted. The steel sheet piling in lengths up to 50 feet, splice plates for taper piles, and plates and channels for spliced piles, together with required rivets and bolts for making the splices, will be furnished to the contractor by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall give the contracting officer not less than 90 days' notice in writing of requirements for Piles and splicing materials and shall state his requirements in so far as practicable in carload lots. After the sheet piling has been driven to bedrock or to a depth satisfactory to the con- tracting officer, any piles extending above the line of the upper surface of the concrete paving, as established by the contracting officer, shall be cut off by the contractor. Any piles of which the top elevation after completion of driving is more than 24 inches below the specified top grade shall have an additional section of suitable length spliced to the driven section by methods satisfactory to the contracting officer. In determining the weight for payment, all materials in the completed and accepted work, including splice plates, and channels, bolts, and rivets, will be included. Payment will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for driving steel sheet piling for upstream cofferdam, which unit price shall include the cost of all labor and plant required in hauling and driving the piling, fabricating taper piles and spliced Piles, pulling and replacing unsatisfactory piling, and cutting off or splicing on top sections of the piling after completion of driving in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. . .” 86 159. Track rails.--All track rails, with splice plates, rail clips, anchor bolts, bearing plates, and spikes if used, for crane runways and permanent tracks in the power plant, adits, or other structures, will be furnished by the Government as provided in paragraph 27. Track rails may vary in weight from 40 to 100 pounds per yard. Circular crane runway rails for the intake towers will be furnished bent to the required diameter, Crane runway rails for the larger cranes shall be placed on metal plates and bolted in place. The rails for the 5-ton crane in the Stoney gate structures shall be placed on wooden sleepers and held in place with anchor bolts and rail clips. Timber for the wooden sleepers will be furnished by the Government. Rails for the spur track from the foot of the inclined freight elevator into the power plant and in adits shall be embedded in the concrete floors. The contractor shall install all track rails in permanent struc- tures, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Special care shall be taken in installing crane runway rails to insure that the gauge is accurately maintained, the rails truly level and at the same elevation, and firmly held in place. Payment for installing track rails will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing track rails, which unit price shall include the cost of placing the wooden sleepers in the Stoney gate structures. 160. Metal work in inclined freight elevator guide structure.—All track rails, structural- steel guides, anchor bolts, inserts, and other metal work to be attached or built into the con- crete guide structure for the inclined freight elevator will be furnished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. The contractor shall assemble, install, and paint all such metal work, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Metal work in contact with concrete shall not be painted. All metal work not in contact with concrete shall be given one or more coats of preservative paint, applied hot if so specified, as directed by the contracting officer. Payment for installing and painting the materials described in this paragraph will be made at the unit prices per pound bid in the schedule for installing metal work in inclined freight elevator guide structure. 161. Metal floor plates.—All metal floor plates with metal frames set in concrete where used will be furnished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. Floor plates will be steel plates with raised pattern tread, or open grating of the subway type, made to the proper dimensions before shipment from the factory. The contractor shall paint this equipment and place it in position wherever required on the work, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Dipping or air brushing of metal floor plates or grating will be permitted in lieu of brush painting. Payment for installing metal floor plates will be made at the unit price bid therefor in the schedule. 162. Metal stairways.-All straight-run and spiral metal stairways, with metal landings, treads, columns, rails, hatchways, anchor bolts, and other accessories for metal stairways, will be furnished by the Government completely fabricated for installation, as provided in paragraph 27. The contractor shall haul, assemble, erect, and paint this material, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. All exposed metal shall be given one or two coats of paint, applied hot, if so specified, as directed by the contracting officer. Payment for installing metal stairways will be made at the unit price per pound bid therefor in the schedule. GATES AND OTHER MECHANICAL MACHINERY 163. Stoney gates and hoists.-The four 50-foot by 50-foot structural steel Stoney gates with their hoists, counterweights, structural steel guides, and other appurtenances, will be fur- nished under the provisions of paragraph 27. One of these gates shall be installed in the up- stream end of each spillway structure. The other two gates shall be installed at the downstream end of the inner diversion tunnels. Each gate will be 50 feet in height by 54 feet 7% inches in 87 width, made up of structural-steel plate girders approximately 72 inches in depth, and mounted on caterpillar roller trains, running on heavy structural H-beams attached to the concrete struc- ture. The cross and end girders, caterpillar roller trains, chains, frames, counterweight hangers, and principal assembled sections of the hoists will be shipped as separate units. The contractor shall assemble and install these gates, hoists, counterweights, and appurtenances, complete in accordance with the specifications and drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The field joints in the gates shall be connected by riveting or arc welding or by both methods, as specified on the drawings. Special care shall be taken in installing the gate frames and guides to insure that they are adjusted for proper alignment and contact with the gate seats. Each hoist shall be accurately placed and aligned with relation to its gate and counterweights, and after the control wiring for the hoist motors has been installed by the Government each gate and hoist shall be properly adjusted and operated by the contractor, to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. The concrete counterweights shall be carefully installed by the contractor and lowered into place in such a manner as to avoid damage to the gates or hoists, preferably by the use of “sand jacks.” This method consists in filling the counterweight wells in the gate structures with clean, dry sand to an elevation that will permit installation of each counter- weight slightly higher than its suspended position. After the chains are properly connected to the gate and hoist, the counterweights are connected to the chains and lowered until they are properly suspended by slowly withdrawing sand from the wells through a small pipe at the bot- tom of each well provided for that purpose. After installation of counterweights is completed, the wells shall be thoroughly cleaned of all sand and the drainpipes capped or plugged with concrete. The construction of the concrete counterweights is provided for in paragraph 117 of these specifications. All wiring and open conduits for the hoist motor and control apparatus will be furnished and installed by the Government. Payment for hauling, assembling, and in- stalling the bulkhead gates, frames, hoists, and counterweights, and painting all metal parts will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing 50-foot by 50-foot Stoney gates and hoists. 164. High-pressure, hydraulically operated gates.—The hydraulically operated high- pressure gates, which include the emergency gates in the upper and lower canyon wall outlet Works and the slide gates in the upper concrete plugs in the inner tunnels, with their automatic hangers and other appurtenant metal work required for installation and operation of the gates, and oil, including that for operation, will be furnished complete ready for installation under the provisions of paragraph 27. It is contemplated that 56 such gates will be required. The gates, hoist cylinders, automatic hangers, and appurtenant metal work shall be assembled and installed by the contractor, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The finished surfaces of all joints shall be smoothly coated with white lead, to be furnished by the Govern- ment, or gaskets placed, before being bolted together. Rich concrete, free from cobbles or Coarse stone, shall be thoroughly spaded around gates, conduit linings, by-pass and went piping, and reinforcing steel, as directed by the contracting officer, to secure proper adhesion and pre- Vent leakage. Pressure grouting shall be used, if required by the contracting officer, to secure this result. Payment for pressure grouting, if required, will be made at the unit price bid in the schedule for pressure grouting in tunnels, adits, and shafts. After the gates, control appa- ratus, and piping have been installed, the control system shall be filled with oil and each gate shall be tested by the contractor by being raised and lowered several times throughout its full stroke, until the operation of each gate and of the control piping and machinery is satisfactory to the contracting officer. An automatic gate hanger is provided for each gate, designed for *nstallation on the head of the hoist cylinder, for the purpose of automatically holding the gate 88 leaf in the open position or in any intermediate position, if desired." These hangers are so designed that oil from the pressure pump must pass through them before entering the hoist cylinder for raising or lowering the gate, thus causing the hanger to function without fail. Pay- ment for installing high-pressure hydraulically operated gates will be based on the weight of the gates only, which will include for each gate the upstream and downstream frames, bonnet, leaf, stem, hoist cylinder, hanger, and other parts integral with the gate, but will not cover metal conduit linings or transitions connected above or below the gates. Payment for installing and painting high-pressure hydraulically operated gates will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing high-pressure hydraulically operated gates. Payment for installing control piping for the gates will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing control piping for high-pressure gates. 165. Cylinder gates and hoists in intake towers.-The cylinder gates in the intake towers, with their water-passage liners, stems, stem guides, hoists, shutter gates, and accessories, will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. Four concrete intake towers will be constructed above the dam; two near each end of the dam, the nominal inside diameter of the towers being 30 feet. One cylinder gate will be installed in each tower. The cylinder gates will be steel castings, each gate being made in 12 sections, bolted together. The stems will be 6-inch diameter shafting. Stem guides, connected to the tower by anchor bolts, will be placed on about 14-foot centers. The hoist will be of the worm-gear type, with one central motor-driven driving unit operating the three worm-gear stem hoists. Semisteel liners for the 12 water passages will each be made in four sections, bolted together. Twelve 8-foot by 10-foot metal shutter gates will be provided for each tower, to be used for closing the water passages for repairs to the cylinder gates. They will be lowered by a movable hoist not shown on the drawing, and installation will consist in placing a gate in each bay of each tower under- neath the floor, as shown on the drawings. The contractor shall haul, assemble, install, and paint the cylinder gates, water-passage liners, stems, guides, hoists, and accessories, ready for operation, complete as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. The hoists shall be carefully installed, filled with lubricating oil, and tested for operation to insure that all parts move freely within each other and are in proper adjustment. Gate-stem guides shall be accurately installed and plumbed, for which purpose shims will be provided to insure that the stems move freely and are in proper alignment. After gates, stems, and hoists are installed, and before being put into service, all gates shall be raised and lowered several times to insure that all of the apparatus is functioning properly and to the satisfaction of the con- tracting officer. Rich concrete, free from cobbles and coarse stone, shall be thoroughly spaded around the water-passage liners, to secure proper adhesion and prevent leakage. Pressure grouting shall be used, if required by the contracting officer, to secure this result. Payment for pressure grouting, if required, will be made at the unit price bid in the schedule for pressure grouting in tunnels, adits, and shafts. Payment for installing the gates and hoists will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing cylinder gates and hoists in intake towers, which unit price shall include the cost of all work required in hauling, assembling, installing, painting, adjusting, and testing cylinder gates, hoists, stems, guides, water-passage liners, shutter gates, and accessories, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 166. Needle valves.—All 72-inch needle valves, with their control mechanisms, and control, drain, and pressure piping, will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. It is contemplated that forty (40) of these valves will be installed. The contractor shall assemble and install the needle valves with their control mechanisms, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Special care shall be taken in handling and installing 89 to avoid damage to the finished surfaces of the various parts, and to install and lubricate all control mechanisms so that all parts move freely within each other and are in proper position and adjustment. The finished surfaces of joints shall be smoothly coated with white lead, or gaskets inserted if specified, before being bolted together. The pistons shall be moved full stroke several times to insure freedom from binding, by means of water applied under not to exceed 15 pounds pressure per square inch through means provided in the control mechanism. Payment for as- sembling, installing, and painting these needle valves will be made at the unit price bid in the schedule for installing needle valves. Payment for installing all control, drain, and pressure piping for needle valves is provided for in paragraph 143. 167. Traveling cranes.—Fourteen traveling cranes will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27, for use for installation and maintenance of gates, hoists, and valves in the intake towers, upper and lower canyon wall outlets, and Stoney gate structures. The cranes in the four intake towers will be of 15-ton capacity, 36-foot span, designed for opera- tion on a circular track, with hand-operated bridge and trolley travel and motor-operated rope-drum hoist. The four cranes in the upper and lower canyon wall outlets will be of 20-ton capacity, 36.5-foot span, with motor-operated bridge travel, hand-operated trolley travel, and motor-operated hoist. The cranes in the two tunnel plug outlets will be similar to those in the canyon wall outlets except that the span will be 22 feet. The cranes in the Stoney gate struc- tures will be of 5-ton capacity, 12-foot span, with hand-operated bridge and trolley travel and motor-operated rope-drum hoist. The crane capacities and spans stated herein are approxi- mate and may be revised. All cranes will be shipped in sections convenient for loading on freight cars. The contractor shall haul, assemble, paint, and install the cranes on the runway rails, ready for operation, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer, except that all electric wiring for crane operation will be furnished and installed by the Govern- ment, and the cost of all work required to be performed by the contractor, described in this paragraph, shall be included in the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing traveling cranes. All cranes will be delivered at the site of the work in time for installation and use by the contractor for placing gates and valves. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 168. Electrical equipment, general,—Electrical conduit and fittings, conduit boxes, distri- bution cabinets where embedded in concrete, anchor bolts, and any other materials entering into the installation, but not in the nature of construction equipment and supplies, will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall install all electrical equipment, as directed by the contracting officer, in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with the current National Electric Code rules. In case of a conflict between the National Electric Code and these specifications, the specifications shall govern. Payment for installing electrical equipment will be made to the contractor at the unit prices bid for the Various items in the schedule, which unit prices shall include the cost of unloading, storing, - handling, installing, painting, and maintaining in position and good condition until final *ceptance by the Government. The contractor shall provide all necessary tools and equipment or performing the work. The Government will install all wiring, lighting fixtures, ball globes, lamp globes, transformers, and switch boards, and will make all electrical connections. 169. Resistance thermometers.-Resistance thermometers for measuring the temperatures * the concrete of the dam shall be installed by the contractor, as directed by the contracting officer. These thermometers will consist of a resistance coil inclosed and sealed into a section of *ndard pipe and will weigh not to exceed ten pounds each. These will be furnished by the 90 Government with two leads, a splicing chamber for attaching leads, and sealing compound for making the splice waterproof. The cable, which shall be attached by the contractor, will be three-conductor, No. 16, A. W. G., with suitable protective covering to minimize mechanical injury while placing and to keep out water and moisture. These cables will be of sufficient length to reach from each thermometer to the downstream face of the dam, at which point the cable will enter a junction box and thence be connected by a conduit system to a central point, or points. Thermometers will be located in groups as a rule, each group being placed at a com- mon elevation, as directed by the contracting officer. Each cable shall be placed in a shallow groove, which may be made as soon as the concrete has taken its initial set, with two inches minimum distance between grooves. After the thermometers, leads, and junction boxes are in place they shall be covered with concrete. Payment will be made at the unit price per lineal foot of cable bid therefor in the schedule for installing electrical cable for resistance thermometers embedded in concrete, which unit price bid shall include the cost of the complete installation of the cable, as described in this paragraph, and the installation of thermometers and junction boxes. Any conduit installed by direction of the contracting officer in connection with the installation of the thermometer will be paid for separately at the unit prices bid for installation of electric conduits. - 170. Electrical conduits.-Electrical conduits and conduit fittings will be furnished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. The contractor shall install all electrical conduits and conduit fittings in the various structures, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. Conduits or fittings embedded in concrete shall be securely held in position while concrete is being placed. All exposed conduits shall be rigidly supported in place, and the runs shall be straight and parallel with each other and with the center lines of the galleries, shafts, or rooms in which they are located, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or directed by the contracting officer, and all bends shall be of standard radii and shall be free from kinks, indenta- tions, or flattened surfaces. After exposed conduits are placed in permanent position and fas- tened, they shall be given one coat of paint, neatly applied. Burrs and sharp corners on the end of each piece of steel conduit shall be removed with a taper reamer. At outlet boxes and fittings, lock nuts and bushings shall be used to protect the wires from abrasion. Provision shall be made for draining conduit, as directed by the contracting officer. The joints in fiber conduit shall be painted with hot asphaltum, then wrapped with burlap dipped in the asphaltum, and the wrapping again painted with asphaltum. All wires and cables will be installed by the Government. All other work described in this paragraph will be paid for at the unit prices bid in the schedule for placing the different sizes of steel and fiber conduit and fittings. WINDOWS, DOORS, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 171. Metal-sash windows and partitions,—The contractor shall install metal-sash windoWs and partitions in the various buildings and structures in connection with the dam and power house where directed by the contracting officer. All metal-sash windows and partitions, together with hardware, glass, clips, paint, and putty, will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall install and grout the windows and partitions in grooves, complete in accordance with the drawings, in a workmanlike manner and to thº satisfaction of the contracting officer. Metal-sash windows and partitions will be measured fol payment to the neat lines of the openings before the sash is placed. Payment for installing metal. sash windows and partitions will be made at the unit price per square foot bid therefor in thº schedule, which price shall include the cost of unloading, hauling, storing, handling, installing, glazing, and painting as required. '91 172, Metal-sash window operators.-The contractor shall install hand or motor-driven window operators in various buildings and structures in connection with the dam and power house, where directed by the contracting officer. All window operators, together with motors, gears, hardware, shafts, paint, and other necessary accessories, will be furnished by the Govern- ment under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall install the window operators, complete in accordance with the drawings, in a workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. If the window operators are electrically operated, the Government will install the necessary electrical wiring and connections. Payment for installing metal-sash window operators will be made at the unit price per pound bid therefor in the schedule, which price shall include the cost of unloading, hauling, storing, handling, and erecting and painting the window operators as required. 173. Metal swing doors.-The contractor shall install metal swing doors in various buildings and structures in connection with the dam and power house, where directed by the contracting officer. All metal swing doors, together with metal casings, hardware, paint, and other neces- sary accessories, will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall install the doors, complete in accordance with the drawings, in a workman- like manner and to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. Metal swing doors will be measured for payment to the neat lines of the openings before the doors are placed. Payment for installing metal swing doors will be made at the unit price per square foot bid therefor in the schedule, which price shall include the cost of unloading, hauling, storing, handling, installing, and painting the doors as required. - 174, Metal rolling doors.-The contractor shall install metal rolling doors in the various buildings and structures in connection with the dam and power house, where directed by the contracting officer. All metal rolling doors will be furnished to the contractor by the Govern- ment under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall install the doors, complete with operating mechanisms, in a workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. If the doors are electrically operated, the Government will install the necessary electrical wiring and connections. Metal rolling doors will be measured for payment to the neat lines of the openings before the doors are placed. Payment for installing metal rolling doors will be made at the unit price per square foot bid therefor in the schedule, which price shall include the cost of unloading, hauling, storing, handling, installing, and painting the doors as required. 175. Wooden doors. The contractor shall install all wooden doors in the various buildings and structures in connection with the dam and power house, as directed by the contracting officer. All wooden doors will be furnished to the contractor by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The contractor shall properly trim, fit, and install the doors, com- plete with casings and hardware, in a workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the con- tracting officer. After installation the doors shall be given one priming coat and two additional Coats of paint to be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. All Painting shall be done in a workmanlike manner and each coat shall be allowed to dry before the Succeeding coat is applied. Payment for installing wooden doors will be made at the unit price Per Square foot bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include unloading, hauling, handling, storing, installing, and painting as required. Wooden doors will be measued for pay- ºnent to the neat lines of the openings before the doors are placed. 176. Hollow tile.—The contractor shall install hollow tile walls and ceilings in passageways * the dam and in other structures, as shown on the drawings and as directed by the contracting officer. It is contemplated particularly that the galleries from the power house to the foot of * elevator shafts in the dam will be thus lined, All hollow tile shall be installed as shown on 29919—30—7 sº : © : * G Q § º 92 the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer, All tile shall be soaked in clean water before setting. Tile shall be set to true surfaces and with uniform joints of not more than % inch in width. Buttered joints will not be allowed. Before mortar is set, joints shall be raked out 9% inch deep to allow for grouting. Mortar for setting tile shall be in the proportion of one part Portland cement, one part lime putty or plastic fire clay, and six parts clean sharp sand, by volume. Joints shall be grouted with equal parts of white Portland cement and fine sifted clean sand or marble dust, mixed with water to consistency of thick cream and colored as directed by the contracting officer. Grout shall be forced or brushed into joints and brought to level of face of tile. When directed by the contracting officer, the entire surface shall be given a thorough cleaning with muriatic acid of a strength not to affect cement grouting, and the surface shall then be rinsed with clean water. To insure perfect joints all cutting and fitting and pipe chases shall be cut on a tile cutting machine. No rough cuts will be allowed. The contractor shall provide all necessary tools for installing the clay tile and shall protect it from injury until final acceptance by the contracting officer. The hollow clay tile, lime, putty or plastic fire clay, and white Portland cement will be furnished by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27. The muriatic acid shall be furnished by the contractor. The contractor shall use care in handling the tile to avoid breakage and will be charged for all tile in excess of two per cent (2%) of the total amount delivered to the contractor that is damaged in handling to such an extent that, in the judgment of the contracting officer, it is unfit for use. The tile will be measured for payment in place and the area determined by measurement of the inside face only. Payment for placing hollow clay tile will be made at the unit price per square yard bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of unloading, handling, hauling, and storing materials furnished by the Government, furnishing materials required to be furnished by the contractor, and placing the tile as provided in this paragraph, 177. Ceramic-tile walls and floors.-The contractor shall install ceramic-tile walls and floors in rooms in the various buildings, where directed by the contracting officer. All ceramic tile and cement will be furnished to the contractor by the Government, as provided in para- graph 27. Sand and water shall be furnished by the contractor. The contractor shall use care in handling the tile to avoid breakage and will be charged for all tile in excess of one per cent (1%) of the total amount delivered to the contractor that is damaged in handling to such an extent that, in the judgment of the contracting officer, it is unfit for use. The floor tile will be hexagonal in shape and of 1 inch standard size, and wall tile will be 6 inches by 3 inches in size, although special sizes, and shapes may be used for corners and caps. The contractor shall install the tile in walls and floors in a workmanlike manner, in accordance with the manu- facturer's specifications and to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. The tile will be measured for payment in place and the area determined by the measurement of the exposed area only. Payment for placing ceramic-tile walls and floors will be made at the unit price per square yard bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of unloading, hauling, handling, and storing the tile and cement, furnishing sand and water, the preparation of the necessary mortar bed to bring the finished floor to the proper elevation, and the necessary scratch coats for wall tiling, cutting and drilling the tile if required, and placing the tile, as provided in this paragraph. 178. Plumbing and hardware.-The contractor shall install all plumbing fixtures and hardware accessories including lavatories, sinks, closets, shower baths, urinals, hot water heaters, hot water storage tanks, and drinking fountains and other plumbing fixtures in the various buildings and structures in connection with the dam and power plant. All plumbing fixtures and hardware, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer, will be furnished 93 by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 27 and will be of standard commercial types. The contractor shall install this apparatus in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the contracting officer, The Government will install the necessary electrical wiring and connections for electric water heaters. At the completion of the work the water supply systems to the plumb- ing fixtures shall be tested to a hydrostatic pressure of 100 pounds per square inch. All defects in the work disclosed by the tests or prior to acceptance by the Government shall be corrected or the work replaced by and at the expense of the contractor and to the satisfaction of the con- tracting officer. The test pump and gauge for testing shall be provided by the contractor. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, payment for installing plumbing fixtures and hardware accessories will be made at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for installing plumbing fixtures and hardware accessories, which unit price shall include the cost of unloading, hauling, handling, storing, and the complete installation of the plumbing fixtures and hardware accessories. The installation of all pipe and fittings required in connection therewith will be paid for separately at the unit price bid in the schedule for installing standard steel and cast-iron pipe, fittings, and valves. 179. Steel partitions,—The contractor shall install steel partitions in toilets, lavatories, and elsewhere in the various structures in connection with the dam and power house, as directed by the contracting officer. These partitions will be furnished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27, and will be baked enamel steel or similar construction, and will be furnished by the Government in proper sizes for the required installations. The contractor shall install these partitions in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturer's standards and to the satisfaction of the contracting officer and shall carefully protect them against cracking or Scratch- ing of the enamel or other injury until final acceptance by the Government. Payment for installing steel partitions will be made at the unit price per pound bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of unloading, hauling, storing, handling, and the complete installation of the steel partitions, as provided in this paragraph. - 180. Sheet metal work,+Sheet metal work consisting of gutters, downspouts, louvres, and other sheet metal accessories in the various structures in connection with the dam and power house, and metal cornices, protected metal, or similar corrugated covering, for the temporary end walls in the power house will be furnished by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27, and shall be installed by the contractor. The contractor shall provide all necessary tools and equipment and shall install all such metal work in a workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. Payment for installing sheet metal work will be made at the unit price per pound bid therefor in the schedule, which unit price shall include the cost of unloading, storing hauling, handling, painting where required, and the complete installation of the sheet metal work, as provided in this paragraph. - 181. Temporary end walls in power house.-The contractor may be required to install temporary end walls in the power house to isolate and weatherproof portions of the building in Which machinery is to be installed and operated prior to the completion of the entire structure. These walls will consist of structural steel members covered with galvanized or protective covered Corrugated metal. The structural steel members and metal covering will be furnished to the Contractor by the Government, as provided in paragraph 27. The walls shall be installed as directed by the contracting officer. Payment for installing the structural steel in end walls will be made at the unit price bid in the schedule for installing structural steel, except bridges to "take towers. Payment for installing the covering of the end wall will be made at the unit 94 price bid in the schedule for installing sheet-metal work. The unit prices bid in the schedule shall include the cost of unloading, storing, hauling, handling, painting where required, and the complete installation of the temporary walls, as directed by the contracting officer. 182. Miscellaneous items of metal work,+Installing and painting hatchways, manholes, oil tanks, metal ladders, ladder rungs in concrete, grating, stair nosings, anchor bars, rods and bolts set in concrete for installation of permanent equipment, elevator rail inserts and ladders, drain boxes and covers, brackets, and other miscellaneous metal work not specifically included in other items of the schedule, for which installation and payment has not been specifically pro- vided for elsewhere in these specifications and which are to be furnished by the Government and become a part of the completed work, will be paid for at the unit price per pound bid in the schedule for “Installing miscellaneous items of metal work,” which unit price shall include the cost of unloading, storing, hauling, handling, painting where required, and the complete installation of this metal work, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the contracting officer. - - _^ sPECIFICATICSE Sºlº DRAWING NO.1 106-q-Sºº | ogs, ſi osa onopºsanaeo | | O || 372 · -* -**öll*、。:C]3] /\O&\dd yy}zè7:05×33 H2 ‘’’Xyº:Gaanº w woo38 ~~~~ (čºğºj : G30ſ/e/L gy” toalliwgns (5,53 inavyo d \7 VN TV/>HE NE]5) IN I S \,^8} ?-13=1/\ ſ &# OC] \/?) 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OſOł, 0į | 0%, 01OX, OM | OU, O!OZ, O1 | Oſſ, Oļ | Oſſ, Oſºri QS)ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ%z' O rn (/)· ~ØT-2ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZſą 6YD4Z7 (KØØØZZZZKZºº 8Z6||OWſi-i-^├─Þóźfiº *>Ec] | ‘AON_|_'ı oo | ºldES_| 'enyſ | X 10^_|_3N0f_|_2\vv^N || ~ dv | '&vv^' | '83 - | * Nºw r-n^ýźń &#+%-%*%%+%-%*%%+%-%*%%+%-%+%-%+%-%+%-%*%-ºſ:40 (nZØØZ+3">w 000’OL6'LI09 C)***< | Runoff about ||0 Miles downstream from Black HYDROGRAPH OF THE COLORADO RIVER |T6,OOO AC.Ft. Canyon Damsite. g * TOPOCK Mean yearly runoff.1918 to 1929 inclusive 16,55,000 Acre Feet. 24 | O5 DENVER, colo. DEC. 1, 1930 l,5-D-905 EcIFICATION5 Nºë DRAVING NC). 6 906-q-G#7||o £6.1 ‘I ‘O E O ''O TOO ’,’’3/\NEQ|9 O| +7 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - -¿??¿? ¿C)/*} ~ : C7H/\O&-\cſc} \!’’’ ‘ ’ “ ’ ”ay“7°3 :: Gaxo3Ho žRSC^) 252€” (O E1C] N E LAN WOO-J ! ! ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^**\^\}]*}}”: Q573\/?H_L~**T) + . (***): ºººººº:: -gººº:::::::S|6||47||6||€|6|||6||||6||O|6||606||8061 … T’ſ, G[6] – 8/.8 || W/IAI ĮTAK è1=|/\[?ł OCT\/?-IO7O3D EI H L -JO S_LH91 EJH EJ9\75) |/\[\7C] №ſ Eſ/\O O H _LO E TO &{c+ NO_2\ N\/O ?-135 CJT QOSH NO I_1\/\/\/\/TO E, &-1 -JO QV75 (→ [] & &{O}&{2}_LNI 3 H_1 +O → LN3 W._L&HWeł3C] ºsºbuolypsip 49 502 ſpuſ aſqoffau ſou Á//ņnsn 0.10 puun, 40 Sáb/åí, č606. Šuojų/puóſ faüupų, buțAJ!)A jól „unğ990 uO → ÁæAuriș [b216.0/009$ſ;äų Áq păųs/jqnd '76.g. uadod WyddnS ja 40M uſ buļu pôddo ITTXIX a/b/d uolų paj ď02 u.204 2A0ų UO2J3ų bļ00 37_LO/V /06]906]O6]||ZO6|||O6||OO6||668||868||L68|||§69||*768||868|| 1HelāH aeve LEB - NI 268||168||O68||688||999||Z88||989||S89||£788||888||Z88||189||O89||6.L8|| 8L9|| ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZØØZZZZZZZŇÁZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ GI ZÁZZZZZZZZZZZZZ4Ø4ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZKIWZZZZZZZZZZG | ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ2ØYZZZZZZZZºº2ZZZZZZZZZZZºº”(VÁZZZZZZ.V (VØr- Z ZTÝZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZÁKſºÁZZZZZÁI"ZZZZZZZZI (WZZZZZZTTGØYKØZØØŒº |_°YZZZZY"WØIV, LØZI WZZZZZZZZ, IKKZWZZZZZZZW Øl ºØſØØŒØ]] (WZZZZØſ” (Iſſººſ/222||WZZWZZKI(2,ZZZ) Ź%@%ſÝZȚ" | || %| 022||['222ĶZZſºØNW|ZZIĶI{Ø4WZZ%|- Oz|–źſtſéſººſ%{2||–||–)(224TÁZZZVýØØ4" |"WZ!2202 'VZ2||Zaeſſ"ØJ || || '\\' |-ŕ-ÝZØØØÝZººZ2 {Z}|(421 ſYZTT|W№ſ,Øſil ſ|Z|,{| WZ!T\,|…'Wſ?ØWØſW %WTÁ,!Ø|24–!HW SZ7|24–SZ | yı O8 [−![ \\U| I ºcclf cºlº Sºlº DRAWING NC 7 |0 0 5 0. 0 |0 0 50 O - Total Runoff 7.959,000 A.F. |O 20 | |0 |0 O | |0 |0. MAY NE JULY | | SEPT. NOv. 1902 Total Runoff || 326,000 A.F. Io 20 ID 20 20 MAY 1 JUNE JULY SEPT | OCT | NOV. DE 1903 Total Runoff [0,119. A.F. |0. 10 | ID 20 70 || 10 20 IO 70 | |0, 10 || |O 10 E. M.A.R. - N SEPT N 1901; Total Runoff |9,110,000 A.F. 10 || 10 10 70 |0. N. FEE MAR. APR. MAY |JUNE JULY | AUG. SEPT. OCT | NOV DEC. 1905 Total Runoff |9,186,000 A.F. M.A.R. APR. I. MAY || JUNE | UULY || AUG. SEPT. OCT 1906 Toral Runoff 500,000 A.F. Total Runoff 2,406,000 A.F. IQ 10 | ID 20 to 70 || 10 10 || 0 10 MAR APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG | SEPT. OCT Nov. DEC. 1925 Total Runoff 12,189,000 A.F. ID M.A.R. A.P.R. MAY NE JULY 1926 Total Runoff |7 |20,000 A.F. 10 10 MAR. APR. MAY JUNE L 1927 10 10 || 10 10 || 10 10 | ID - - Ow. EC. Total Runoff |2. 000 A.F. O id 10 || 0 |0 10 20 || 10 0 || 0 10 || 10 10 | ID 10 || 10 10 70 || 10 10 JAN. FEB, MAR. APR. MAY | JUNE JULY | AUG | SEPT. OCT | NOV. DEC. 1928 Total Runoff |7,489,000 A.F. In 20 | 10 10 || 10 20 || 10 10 in 10 Aug. SEPT | OCT | Nov. DEC. O IQ 70 | |0 20 | 10 10 | |0 10 || 0 10 10 | |0, 10 JAN. FEE. M.A.R. APR. I. MAY |JUNE 1 JULY 1929 Total Runoff 20 || 0 10 || 0 10 10 || |0, 10 || |U| 10 || |0 10 AN | FEE. MA.R. APR. M L - 1930 NOTES Gašing Station located at Yuma, Arizona about 320 miles below Black Canyon Damsite. Mean annual runoff, 1902 to 1929 inclusive, |636,000 acre feet. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAU OF RECLAMATION EOULDER CANYON FROJECT HO OVER DAM HYDROGRAPH OF THE COLORADO RIVER YU MA 1902 - 1930 DRAwn: Q. L. R- sustarred 42% - sectººs ºneº ---- ººze - CHECKED: ºra, º, … APPROved:... Tae-ſºº. 70 70 70 70 | |0, 70 | ID 20 IO ID 10 | |0 10. N. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY | AUG | SEPT || Oct. Nov. DEC 1907 Total Runoff |3,700000 A.F. |0. 70 APR. MAY |JUNE | JULY | AUG | SEPT. Oct. 1908 Total Runoff 26,000,000 A.F. 20 JUNE LY || AUG. 1909 Total Runoff |H,300,000 A.F. 0 10 || 0 10 Toº FEB. MAR. ID 70 70 JUNE I JULY 1910 |D 70 AUG. ID 70 SEPT. IQ 10 | |0, 20 NOV. ID 70 DEC. Total Runoff |7,839,000 A.F. 70 - I B. | MAR. APR. MAY |June ||JU |9|| Total Runoff 18, 400,000 A.F. IO 70 | |0 % IU 70 20 IQ 10 | |0, 20 MAY JUNE JULY | AUG. 1912 Total Runoff II,748,000 A.F 10 20 iO 70 IO 20 || 0 ſº - I0 20 70 | |0, 20 | |0, 70 FEB. MAR. MAY 1 JUN ULY AUG. SEPT. OCT | NOV DEC. 1913 Total Runoff 20,682,000 A.F. 10 IO ID IO 10 MAR. APR. MAY || JUNE ULY AUG. EPT OCT NOV DEC 1914. Total Runoff |l,641,000 A.F. 10 10 | |0, 20 || 10 10 || |0, 10 | |0.70 || 0 70 AR. APR. MAY UNE LY 1915 Total Runoff |{0,000 A.F. 10 || |0, 70 | |0 70 | |0, 70 IO 10 || IQ 10 | ID 70 IO 70 FEB. MAR, APR. MAY JUNE JULY || AUG, SEPT | OCT | NOV. DEC. 1916 Total Runoff 20,598,000 A.F. |0 70 FEB. MAR, APR. | MAY | JUNE |JULY | AUG, SEPT. OCT | NOV | DEC. 1917 |00 Total Runoff 13,158,000 A.F. Total Runoff [0,147,000 A.F. FE8, MAR. APR. MAY JUNE | JULY | AUG, 1919 PT. OCT. NOV. DEC. Total Runoff 21,444,000 A.F. |0 20 || 0 70 || 10 10 || 10 20 | |0, 20 | |0, 20 | |0, 70 I0 |O 10 AR. APR. MAY UNE LY | AUG. I. SEPT. OCT. 1920 pial Runoff H28,000 A.F. I0 10 || |0, 20 | |0 10 || |0, 10 20 | ID 70 B. M.A.R. APR. MAY | JUNE JULY || AUG. 1921 Total Runoff |7,014,000 A.F. 10 70 || 10 20 | |0 10 | |0 70 | |0, 70 | |0, 20 | |0, 20 | |0 10 MAR | APR. MAY UNE | JULY 1922 Total Runoff 17,848,000 A.F. |O 20 | |0 10 A MAY 1923 Total Runoff |,348,000 A.F. 10 20 | |0, 70 JUNE | JULY 1924. NOW. I DEC. AUG, SEPT. OCT. NOv. DEC. 24. I O 7 | of NVER, colo DEc. I, isso | L-5-D-907 Z Q H <( > Lil —l li) o...1930 Gaqings at Upper Station 1400 Feet above Damsite. A.1930 Gage Heights 1500 Feet below Damsite. Discharge meas. ured at Upper Station. • A. Estimated from marks on Canyon Walls. 1921 - Elevations obtained in Feb. 1922. Discharge estimated from Yuma Record. º 1929-Marks believed left by Spring and August Floods, Discharqes assumed equal to Maximum at Grand Canyon. DEPARTMENT OF THE / NTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION BOUL DE R C A N YON p ROJECT HOOVER DAN/ ELACK CANYON GAG ING STATION DISCHARGE CURVES or AWN. : C.J. H. . . SubM ITTED: . . - TRAceo: L.D., 6..... |OO |TM5 checked: 4% . APPRoved: DISCHARGE IN THOUSANDS OF SECOND FEET 4-l *P DRAWING NC ecifications Neºli * - - º --~~~~ I - - - y 2 / | -3 0. O L50 PRO F | L E OF D F 1 LL H O LES O. N. L. 1 N E A - A G Gravel | G°. Coarse Gravel Gf Fine Gravel | | S Sand | Sº Coarse Sand Sf Fine Sand | | Si...Silt W. Water | —7– REFERENCE DRAWING5 Line U-940 Drawing No. 45-D-910 Line U-200 - - • Lºb-D-9|| Line D - - - * 15-D-912 Line D- 200 - * 115-D-913 Line D-400 - - - B S-D-9|| Line D - 600 - - 15-D-915 Line D-1000 - * {5-D-916 EXPLANATION B. Boulders Br Flow Breccia Brb Broken Flow Breccia Brº Decomposed Flow Breccia BrP Porous Flow Breccia | Brš Soft Flow Breccia C Cobbles Cl. Clay DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAL OF RECLA MATION BOULDER CANYON PROJECT HOOVER DAM PROFILE AND LOG OF DRILL HOLES CENTERLINE OF RIVER -> drawn ...w.. F, 5. sueMITTED:... . &// TRAcED: C.B.G.......... Recommended: ----------- checked aſ a Zºº approved (Mſ. Jº 22 24- OS | DENVER, COLO, DEC. I. º: | º T- TOP OF DAM - E LEV. 1232 -º-º-Andesific Flow Breccia ---. - Q ----Andesſtic Flow Breccia - Cº- EX PLAN AT | ON B Boulders Br Flow Breccia Brb Broken Flow Breccia Brº Decomposed Flow Breccia Brº Porous Flow Breccia Br3_Soft Flow Breccia C Cobbles N E V A C Clay Gº Coarse Gravel Gº Fine Gravel S Sand 5° Coarse Sand Sº Fine Sand A. R. I Z O N A. § w ºv Q (ſ) Lu -] O St. – -] CY C) § lº Lu * -l lu In ~ CO -...--Andesilic Tuff Breccia--, *. < … Andesific Tuff Breccia --- gº. - W Wałer L.W. S. 645.5+ -. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR E UREAL OF RECLAMATION BOULDER CANYON PROJECT HO OVER DAM FROFILE AND LOG OF DRILL HOLES LINE "U" S4-0 prawn: J.B. suemitteo; TRAcEp: C.B.G.A.A.A. Recommended: CHECKED: º, º sº.… APPROveo- 24 || PENVFR colo PFC | 1930 || 1:5-D-910 - gºlf cºlº NO.5.19 DRAWING NO.11 TOP OF DAM - E L E v. 1232 ºl. Andesific Flow Andestic Flow Breccia.º. § § Sº Un ul -l O St. -. s Cr C. § L. Lu º -l Lu In § EXPLANATION Boulders Br. Flow Breccia Broken Flow Breccia Brº Decomposed Flow Breccia - BrP. Porous Flow Breccia …--Andesific Tuff Brecciarº Brº. Soft Flow Breccia C Cobbles Cl. Clay G Gravel Gº Coarse Gravel 2-ºr-Andesific Tuff Breccia...? Gf Fine Gravel Coarse Sand Fine Sand I. Silt W. Water -LWS, EL645.5: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAU OF RECLA MATION BOULDER CANY ON PROJECT HOOVER DAM PROFILE AND LOG OF DRILL HOLES LINE "U" 200 checked eas. Asesowes. 232* 4-1 || DENVER, - *S-D-91 Eſcarlows NC 519 DRAWING Nº TOP OF DAM – E LEV. 1232 ~3. Andesific Flow Breccia- - - ?---Andesific Flow Breccia .º.º. EXPLAN ATION --- - - - Boulders * Andeslie - Flow Breccia Tuff Breccia -3.3- Broken Flow Breccia Decomposed Flow Breccia Porous Flow Breccia Soft Flow Breccia Cobbles Clay Gravel Coarse Gravel Fine Gravel Sand Coarse Sand - Fine Sand L.W. S. E.L. 615.5:-- - | SIf º Water -- Andesific Tuff Breccia-- Cº- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAL OF RECLA MATION BOULDER CANYON PROJECT HO OVER D A M PROFILE AND LOG OF DRILL HOLES LAND Hole ------ D-107-E 2 LINE "D DRAwn: J.D.C. sueMirTED:… - TRAcED: C.B.G.-AAA REcoMMENDED: - **** checked ºas. Asesowed & ºf ºoº-e 3. . 2.4-l | 2 DFNVER, COLO. DEC. I. 1930 l; S-D-912 L-T - - - - - - - - - - sºcF cºlºš Nº - DRAWING NO TOP OF DAM - E LEV. ---…--Andesl fic Flow Breccia ---Q--> - ---…--Andesitic Flow Breccia ---º- EXPLAN ATION Boulders Flow Breccia Broken Flow Breccia Decomposed Flow Breccia Porous Flow Breccia - Soft Flow Breccia --- Cobbles Clay Gravel - Coarse Gravel Fine Gravel Sand Coarse Sand --- Fine Sand Silh …--Andesli (c. Tuff Breccia ---…--> ---...--Andesſtic Tuff Breccia. Q.- t- rºu > L.W. S. 6+5.5 + --> - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION BOULDER CANYON PROJECT HO OVER DAM PROFILE AND LOG OF DRILL HOLES LINE "D" 2 OO -- - - - - & - checked. Ja. APERoved: ºº 37 24-1 || 3 DENVER, COLO, DFC 1, 1930 - º ºcºons Nosis DRAWING NC 14 -- 300 sº.--Andesific = = = = - - - - - - - = =---------------------------- Flow Breccia. Q.- *; F.G§ º L º º TOP OF DAM - E LEV. 1232 ---…--Andesific Flow Breccia.--&- EXPLAN AT \ON B Boulders Br. Flow Breccia Brº Broken Flow Breccia Brº Decomposed Flow Breccis Brº. Porous Flow Breccia ---…--Andesific Tuff Breccia-- Cº- ---...--Andesific Tuff Breccia-…- Brº Soft Flow Breccia C Cobbles C Clay G Gravel G°.… Coarse Gravel Gf Fine Gravel S Sand Sº Coarse Sand Sf Fine Sand Si Silt W. Water L. S. E.L. 645.5: -- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAL OF RECLA MATION BOULDER CANYON FROJECT HOOVER DAM PROFILE AND LOG OF DRILL HOLES LINE "D" 4-OO DRAwn: E.R.C.. ...sue-ºſt-TED:…--A-º-º-º-º-º--------. TRaceo: C.B.G.-A-AA. Recommended: «. checked:...N.R. L......... APPRoved: ......* --- 2 ºf --- 24 || 4- | DENVER, colo. oec. 1, 1930 IEEEI. 3% DRAWING NO- clºſcATIONE N953 |300 - • 3... Andesitic Tuff Breccia...º. § ºv N 92. Un Lu – O ºt -l - CY Q § lº Lu > -] L. Un <\ . CO C rn > L.W. S. E.L. 645.53. TOP OF DAM - E LEV. - {}.-Andesific |Tuff Breccia --&- - Andesitic |Flow Breccia & B EXPLAN AT 1 ON Boulders Br. Flow Breccia Brb Broken Flow Breccia Brº Decomposed Flow Breccia Brp Porous Flow Breccia Soft Flow Breccia Cobbles Clay Gravel Coarse Gravel Fine Gravel Sand Coarse Sand Fine Sand Silt Water - - º -- º º DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAU OF RECLAMATION BOULDER CANYON PROJECT | HOOVER DAM PROFILE AND LOG OF DRILL HOLES LINE "D" 600 SUE NIITTED: … . . . . TRAcED:C,8.G.T.A.A.A. REcoMMENDED: chECKED:...M. º. … APPROVED:… *- 2 4 | |5 DENVER, COLO, DEC. I. - ºSE - T- ºf cºlºš NO.5.19 |300 1200 |00 |000 Z O H <ſ 900 > ul —l ul 800 700 600 TOP OF DAM - E LEV. 1232 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... Andesific Flow Breccia..!. … Andesific B Tuff Breccia... ------. § N N Q (n) Lu - O ºt -l S. ºr C) Cº. O Ll uſ * -l Lu On ~ ſº --º. Andesific … Andesific Tuff Breccia-º,- DRAWING NC Flow Breccia…, N E V A. D. A EXPLAN AT ON B. Boulders Bf Flow Breccia Broken Flow Breccia Decomposed Flow Breccia --- Porous Flow Breccia Soft Flow Breccia C Cobbles … Clay Gº Gravel *… Coarse Gravel Fine Gravel 5and Coarse Sand f Fine Sand Silt Water DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAU OF RECLAMATION Bou LDER CANYON PROJECT HO OVER DAM PROFILE AND LOG OF DRILL HOLES LINE "D" IOOO DRawns...N.R.L…. submitted … ºf checked a cle apesowed: º3 ==Ta-Tº-Tºss AREA – THOUSANDS OF ACRES O jQ 15 2O 25 5O 75 1 OO W 25 15O 175 125 O | ... * - * | || º 12 OO -efº - – 1200 2- L_P^ LT2 . LT | 1 50 =Pi— || 50 1 1 OO _PT 21 |IOO Lºr 2– S! _^ L^ A? gº 21 1050 21 | > \050 - | 2^ 2^ º |OOO ~~ |OOO 950 A 2^ 950 / y^ 9 OO 24 900 850 / 850 800 / 800 75 O 30 - 35 7 OO DEPARTMENT OF THE / NTERIOR BUREAU of RECLAMATIon BOULD EP C A N YON PROJECT HO OVER DAN/7 650 15 2O CAPACITY – MILLIONS OF ACRE FEET 25 AREA AND CAPACITY CURVES ~ - BLACK CANYON DANMSITE … 3. ‘. & C 4 of Awn: C.A.M........ submit TED: ............./62. A6 -n — º, e No7 E. – AREAs AND CAPACITIES A Bowe EUEwATIon 1200 REPRESENT ACTUAL OUANTITIES UPSTREAM FROM BOULDER TRACED: Q.A.M....... Recommended: e. • -e ºs • * * * * * * * * * ------ A CANY ON DAM Si TE AND EST IMATE O QUANTIT | ES BET W & E M BOULO ER AND BLACK CANY ON DAM SłTES. CHECKEO: /3/.5. A PPROVED: & g 24 || 7 | DEN VER, COLO, DEC. 1, 1930 | tº-5-D-917 NS NO.5.19 DRAWING No i N Redd.during entire Construction Period ſº Required after Jan. 1, 1935 § Required after Completion of Construction Idº 0. 100 200 300 lºo 500 L.,,,,,,, | | | I | ----------- --~ ----- ~~ - - - --aſsFIw. ºx-------- .. º -----___-------- Scale of Feef -- T-- ----|-- T-----_____----- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAL OF RECLA MATION Boul. DER CANYON PROJECT HOOVER DAM GOVERNMENT SPACE RESERVATION prawn: A.A.C. suamrted: 47, TRAced: G.83, C.E.M. Recommended: checked. &/ſ. º. apesoveo (Atº ºz. 3.23. 24 || 8 | 5EWFF coſo. := ºis £cifºliº: Sºlº r - DRAWING NO.19 |200 |||OO 1000 900 Z 0 H { > l J ld 800 TOO 600 O.S | |.5 2. 2.5 3.0 3.5 500 CONCRETE – NM | LLIONS OF CUB IC YARDS DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NOTE: Bureau of RecLAMATIon Fsfimafed yardage from Section E OU L DER CA NY ON PROJECT shown on DWG Wo. 45-0-924. HOOVER DAN/ - - MASS CONCRETE YARDAGE DRAwn ...H.W.T............ subMITTED:......... º - Y - - - * * * * * - - - - - - * * * * * * - - - - - - - a c TRACED:...Q.8........... RECOM MENDED : . . . . L4.42%,.42% º - - - - - - - - - - - - checked ºperoved ſº ºgº 24 || 9 | DEN ver, colo. DEC. 1, 193o | 45-D-919 ; i NOTE This Constructive Program is tentative only except for the completion of certain features covered in the specifications in the paragraph on commencement, prosecution and completion of work. It is included in the drawings solely to assist Bidders and the Con- tºº. in preparing a construction program for their use. QUAN TI AM O LJNT -T- E N TAT I NZ ET C C N S T R U CT I C N I S 3 2 2 N E YEAR | S 3 3 | 9 º' 4- 3 R D Y EA R I SS E 4. T H YEAR l S 3 G 5 Tri Y EAR 6TH SY EAF DEPARTMENT OF THE J N TERIOR BUREA U OF RECLA MATſ ON E OULDER CA NY ON PROJECT H O C \/ E R DA ſyſ COA/STRUCTION PROGRE 3.3 CHART EY FEATUR }< 3, of Avv N : H.W. T. SU E ſºff TTE D : . l S 3 T. 7 Tri YEAR P F C G F AN VA . W S 33 8 Tl-i Sº E/AF Šišications Nosis DRAwſNG No. 21 SP! t LVVAY START DEC. 1, 1931 COMPLETE Nov. 1, 1933 |NTAKE TOWERS START MAY 1, 1933 WATER SURFACE OF RESERVOIR WITH COMPLETE JULY , 1936 PóWER DISCHARGE AND IRRIGATION REGULATION 1936 1937 \938 DAM ConcRETE, START DEC. 1, 1934. compleTE AUG. 1, 1937 OUTLET WORKS START sept. 1, 1933 COMPLETE UPSTREAM ENO SEPT. 1, 1936 ENO J.A.N. ; , 1938 i 30' penSTOCK TUNNELS START JULY 1, 1933 COMPLETE tº 3S PENSTOCK STAR’s CCT. COMP! FTE STONEY GATE CoMPLETE OCT 1, 1933 1934. BULKHEAD Clt oSED JUNE RACK START OCT. (, 1933 Çoſº/IPLETE START JULY TUN IN EL PlUG. START Nov. 1, 1935 T00 *---------------------(–)- POWER HOUSE sy'ART APR. 1, 1934. wings com/iPLETE SEPT.t, 1935 PCR rid N coºp LETE (OFFER Op.M ROCK sTART Oct. I, 1933 COMPLETE MAY START Oct. 1, 193; START JUNE 15, 1936 LONGITU DINAL SECT I O N ON CENTER LINE OF RIVER DEPARTMENT of THE IN TER Hope Lj REAU CF RECLA MATſ ON BOU/L DER CAN & O N P gº o J Ecº- H O OVER DAM CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DIAGPAM FICTORIA L prA why: C.A., ºff.: #-yº. T. styBM ºr rep: TRACED: #9.5%:............. REcommendep: ... checº.4/5. APPRøvæfix: . . . . . . . . . ºcieties: NC 5 #9 DRAWING NC. 22 NºS 50'x50'Słoney Gafe 3 *Cºrºgº - - º : - % 2 --~ º ºSºgº. Tºſu.Nº. C24.4% Needlä valves) | # , || || a' TUN NEL PLU G (4-6x7.5' Slide Gafes sº-s---º-º-º-º: .* | 3 * 1 - --- * . * I ! ği-ºº-º Aº (; \, , , , ; 2S → … T :r º re-zº >50% 56° Stoney Gafe sº %r----> 2. _^ & & - p : -***~~. cº-T - * :**Tºt, 1. º * . º º º, Elevatorsº, $: ; \; \; - º - t i i i j a l *S-S-2-8 sº º º __{\ k t #Tº # iſ iii. *S- f s . º 3 . . ; I I i ; ; ;----, ~=== & § -º , \ t "r enstoº * * t º ########## adº - $º A * yº. |ſ P i º * t * º * º {{ 2? 2- ########## 2 Concrete Bulkhead- , \ \Z^y-J i/2-2} ! { a zºº ††† Hij} ==º z's *- Y-Yº A-, #4 ºf 2- . e l—ºwºgººſ º ; : . &nyºn wallº # Pºº-s- (16-72" Needle * . | § | ~: ;3 - * * * * - i i - | ºf .. n; ~ C. K-100'->|<-----Slope 3:1------->|<-70; 390 º: j : § {{..} & | | | | | | | jºr ROCK O Tºsº.'". -3. * * : *.*. j : | | | BARRIER Z, OR A DO R -----6"Reinforced--->| | | | ----------Dumped Rock -------------> r 30 Concrefe Paving - * * * f IVE Fe - i 50% slope 5:1------------ Slopeſ; ſk50% Slopeſ#|K - f * § : r --- {JPPER COFFERDAM § - & /ER COFFERDAM .* # : 3.3 2:ºx iº - HOO MF R º: § 2” - $ º *: • , 4- Cº.; ºb.” §§ 2.2% ãº, - #}} §º º DA IVI g § : |É: º § --------~2 §º: *śā’īš jºiº J3; } | ! - º . 2-Trashrack ãº; ºškºğ { : | ill-º }}}}| .* § g; #3 ſºlº #, XJ 3}, § {. - | | | 95 22n 23 § º: ..ſº §§ S㺠ºść ! { |LL ork Q º 730 ~= 3:13; º ; :=#'s. | ſº ܺ f:3. - s ET W º e ------Jº & NS-S-Sº-CTL- Šº * --- #sºft | |ki f { § ſº º i 700 fºLº gº) g00 º - 2*~~ * 2^ --- - {l}. ON W le VC: V º:*.*.* * * e •º. 㺠º wº AKE TowsRs Gº? # ºš 22°º 2% tº .*-* Jºc ſ &#||. ºº:: 22^ * *. # O **** * º rº-. N .* /300 & º }~ |E_*---2 rºyº duitº x * * * ~~ f f f p wº § § ----a \gi" On i \ { \\ * * `s sº e º f f | } 3: ". * tº , , , ; , , \ * 22 * Y }}}} }} gºiá|: w § 22% - ºf 232’ \! } {\ } }} ("}} | 3: .* NRºss ^2 & * - - - # NH § & 5 * * = I ! } - § Ş {}\; A !!! #s 2 { £ºss-Zºrº; fºr , J } ºš. <ſº *śī..4. ; . * * > *-ºs- PENstock TUNNEL Fº: 㺠- arment of THE INTERIOR Pº of REcLAMATION § \ - soul DER cANYon PROJECT ſº-Tu Nºs. - : | f \" ; t - N- | HOOVER DAV! -ſº * - § -*. sº \ ; `A-7-----, w | Scaſe of Feet º NDA BAM A&E, APFURTENANT works >- *ś * f % \ 7- N-S w y . (3 jºy 2GG \, \ L LAYOUT HTTºftir.º. iſ sº sº. Tº -H \º "Tasºs " * + -- # i t t NOTE *::: * f } y - - - - - T } \º) : - - - ... -- . º.º.º. --º-º: zł 2 TUN NEL PLUG - The 30' and 50' Pensfock Tunnels, -- - : ---------- \ºmº * ſ ſº / Q \ #he II* Pensfocks and the 91"Conduifs T * ºr - o 3% . & & 3. | Q ^^ are Pressure Tunnels. *30 |45-D-922] –– pecificies sosie DRAWING NO. 23 STOPAGE-HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND's OF ACRE FEET O i 2 3 T50 I HT50 L-r I P 725 (12 - L^ H 725 ** 2 e: O E 100 Pł 700 § A Jº t ld – sº it=Pi— H ſil a- - |-> - 675 Aº T.ILºſ | | | | || 675 Ž -> º Tº- | Pº º 27 -> - | // > i O - t 650 ſº | | 650 } | 300 100 DISCHARGE - THOUSANDS OF SECOND FEET STORAGE AND DISCHARGE CAPACITY CURVES DiVERSION VVORKS ACrest E]. 1223.6 f d i t ! l 50'x50' Słoney Gafe-----, **---- Lif t I .W.S.E.1232.00-(Valves, Spillways and Power Plan; 400,000 s.f.) : AW.S. El. 1229.00-{Overflow jºys and Power Pfanf f - S.f. ł?50 | | i |230 200 – | | $200 - - T / - | 1/ 1100 H. | | –Z I [00 - | Z || | - | || | | | Z - Liº.8-Side Gafes IT 3 | 000 . ! 2 tº: — 1000 w ; : Z | l - ! : F - | —L2T – <ſ | * h d g | | | > | 12:Cylinder Gafes: º E!.900.00 tº 900 [TTTTTTTTTTTTT 900 – s--8-Gafes º Tunneſ Plugs | Lll | Arizona and Nevada Pressure Tunnels 800 –H ———H 800 •ºr H H–H– / | | | | | H- | / || | ; i | | | - T00 Hz—H– H | H– 700 ſix-8-6'x 7.5" Sii Gałes | i | i : | 650 24's | § 5 slide | | | : –– | | 600 - 0 100 150 200 250 2 O H ill – ill 124.0 |235 | 230 |225 I?.00 | 100 | 000 900 75,000 i : i , -------- **--------- w ----------- Excavate fo E!. 1215. ..Concrete f Bulkhead 2Trashrack Top of Cofferdam El 72000 ----, 6"Reinforced Concrete Paving...’, ...Earth and Gravel Fill r 2-Rock Fill 5 DISCHARGE – THOUSANDS OF SECOND FEET AVAILABLE OUTLET CAPACITY AFTER FLUGGING DIVERSION TURNNELs Cresſ El. 1232.004, ** YS ^ *N F -: : º ------- *— INTAP&E TOVVERS \ \ \ \ A N. I5'-9" Riser #0 230' PENSTock TUNNEL II' Pensfocks, }% \ \ § A ſi. i \ N CANYON WALL QUILET.WORKs \\ (16-72" Needle Valves) "...º#######, N. , is 50%. Top of FCICIn EI. 690.00 # and W.S. E. 633. \, 20%. 830; y op º Wºłº 0 Re50%- Y (200,000 s.f discharge) ####, Assumed Rock Line.” t UPPER coPFERDAM : - - 1106' 50° DIVERSION TUNNELs -º-º-Fºr- -Axis o i_º SECTIONAL ELEVATION ON CENTER LINE OF RIVER |Natiº FOWER PLANT 1518' ---- DISCHARGE - THOUSANDS OF SECOND FEET OUTLET AND SPILLVVAY CAPACITY CURVES | i | | 24.0 i H C | - -> § §: § ... (5. = 1235 |T&T;I is Tººwº- TjšTiš 'lº- Slº- ->| | TETs. Ig …” | NJ |230 § Sºlº | L^ -T------ > L^ HS-ſº- sº - 21 L^ Tºi ºf 3. L^21 4++ *ś #####1 i’25 Hi-TIER, A Pistºves and Špillway Gafes | jz O0 | || Spillw - | | | | | | | | Gates | H – - | - - L } || 00 | D/ | | | | | | i ſ | /*-40 Valves-Uppel *f; Hºtels, | | – | | | | | | || º Till ! I000 7|| : | | ! - - | /*-16-72"Needle Valves El.945.00 Canyon Wall Outlef Works ; HATH A. | H H –H– ; ; ; 900 +++-H TTE - | 5 O' TU N N E L DATA # |-|--|--|--|-- —: l NEVADA 21 23-16-72"Needle Valves E. 820.00 Canyon Wall Outlef Works Spillway Tunnel Length #285.10 Ft ----- i - t º | : Penstock Tunnel Length 394.9.25 Ff 800 f | || ; ARIZONA ! | | | | Spillway Tunnel Length 484.50 Ft | | | . Penstock Tunnel Length 3599.06 F# ! —- | | | | n = 0.013 TOO /l:3-72"Needle Valves in Tunnel Plugs El 662.00 | | +EETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | i | i | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 600 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 ACO #50 500 250'x5 ROCK BARRIER tºº - - A Assumed Rock Line --" O'Sfoney Gate DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EU. REAU OF RECLAMAT i OM Bou LDER CANY on PROJECT HO OVER DARV7 DAM AM D APPURTENANT VVORKS SECTIONAL ELEVATION W. | check=p:%23.24.8APPRoved:.../ ZZT33 | DEnver, colo., #Tº Tătătă º , , … |-|---- - - - - - - - - -0-žº|-|- ·',----{}-} ~ 5,$º zLųO <,Lae Lu Lu |0 ~ſl :! ! ! ! !S \,º.1.1 || ||// ± ſ-L.Lųſº s > 1: - - -1)),– ··<ſŒO |-∞·!§ LųOH-0 ©, ! ! ! !6 uppnų9$= }|-! ! !L^©E O UU). O= >ſu º--{}--> ſ >-----§-ſ(, , ) ---+ | ~~~C)§ →> 5 % lae § € ( ; )U-104 |ºu od§.S. ___$ $ №.### O s o | ¡ ¿ $|$ ----- : --■_OE)„~~|~F \,\! Lu ====::=====-n} (--~~~~~---S---- |-§ §----Sī S!č, š ()… ~~~~|-ſ ºſ o~ !º º ºſ |-|-|__ _AT_ _TITI№ № №) — — — — — — — —CoŌ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(L)! ±----|- |-~.~ H-----5.S.Œ < >S Ū (, , , ( \----§ È SI S^ s < | & | & |5 |-,·Q×L,S …)!) }|-||-----~|- |-• №()(~~Œu|-.S.S.o w W|TITLųȚ-()| ~ ,~:S § §~ G ~Tē.~lc)>~ § \~~~);Q* ģ Ķ Ķ Ļ ļº ș|- | =ſo. S SR©_ts§ §Q.----5- № !!!!!>[I]> §§ |-|§ §§ Ù)S,*----|ſº.§, §. 1––––4<, > | } } } |ſº º(~)TIIT; ) ©_|-(r)QuaeJº $ !!!!!” și, º>º ºſ 5 || CN ·©----ſ.|-·,^---- – — —)|-!UD|× ~§ ?és(~~SQuQ)|!!!!!!----|-$ $ |^i_ _ _ _ _ _ ·: S§§)C_'S±\,§|§- Go©_\H-# {º IQ) ----„№S!~~~-, --~~~~ ~Q* . )|-|--Q. S.S- 3 Ğ Ğiš ) ------í№ Q.S- § © ®∞ "-§ ~·∞O© ± −šīS ) -----׺Q_ ºĚ „N>= _3! 1Œ Œ S− → S2toº!~ S ST)E,Ē§§S ><'~= S, 55 (~ (S),$ºſ,**) ~ ~ ~)§ §:** -FS S~l~ ~ Sae~ +) . .ts ©_ -> ∞.!§§Q>:SLLLŲS.§∞|§§§© ------*…· §3 FE;-: № š} <ſÈ =! 9Ř® ) ||Sgº,/ -)! Q2Oºº –lº.„ÑÏš §|- ·ſ(--„”CLT!• ×|-© S.… '.|-|-.*tsĒ–!~]|----© 5|-· \,},;"Œ( )-„“Q_j·----·== ·∞º+)|×|-±-----±\, > №§ ğ $||-£=№|№Ēī£|- 5S-90Ú)Lų.~ ae sC)~]||-Ķ-|№Ē|-Ē,O |-·: ~, , , , ,… :-)~ ?<ſ!}|LJ№----·|~ �(_){*→ ·1Q===========№·|----- S-TS-ts!ū! 1-- ----· ·: ~Q.~*~ ~|ſv+--" IS.|-|-!Z …S S &----' ' ( ) .Š. `X-§§§ → · § →O C£. №R;№ On), HS|- *----5,5)Ō Ō ~ ? iš №,©©, ! ∞CO -5 ).~S >() 、~ csŠ (S.TOE £). <<© şj,g§ §№-----<ſ ----ſn90 līSI È- - - - -№ : · · · · - ©s2 3 §S: 3Dr. ----§ § § ?*---- C5 § §:S("__-__ _ _ •|- © .----S. Ē.|-º ae ..!!!ſp№tăŌ.S.■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ----Z ()∞ √∞SCaer=: :: : ∞© ®}$ $ $.ae-•±O I-~~$3----$ $ $2Lų:EL: G × G → GJIE GOEF § 3º Lų§ §.S.-º|ſ===№!= |№.±±() |§ §§§§§ s№|№-ELEZEȚE… :-) --- ----======±• • • • • • • (~~ -Qu©)№|№- - - - - - - -El Id,E)-((--~~~~); itº------Er………:-) ſ.|-§ §.----*:))· :|-e-· ·----~ !±gles:· ·, , , …• • |-|1.S.Q··±·----------------————————————————● ●|- }ĀTĒTĪT JŪŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌSŌ № № º·№gle+→.Z |A- :|~~ ~)…№→ :=====--------· '.„”}}Sº§ .N·±±=Œ=№|O È s$}}|×8.- S S|E| №±- §§ š Ť g. š.§ §|№|№|№Ē|- § 3· C)§, SSG>tº|-File:№º±|FĒ.<{ § § § §(šisƧ ©! !№º-º-№. |-§§S§§§§ (1): : :№Gº-№> Suō (),c) G ||-| Qx , ! §§§ £). >)|-O. × ±|- £).>)ſ). S, Ś§3GLI I CryĒ ĢĒ Ē'sS§ È>). Sº 5 ) .(5 t-->-: H-§. È Èšºſ| ~È ©S-1 Q: (S.№, №----( >S| 9S § §§ /Lū (,© Ę|№ ī ...N .S~ LuN ſ.| || S S S |-S5;<[ 0"№| :§§ |?-I-1º.> O·|-^S =*…| || (&)Q Ūº^ ^}- <,| || (1)|- |-!∞ √∞|-ſ|$). № $·; º$|№ №. !----* Lae §|-) {'sſº ¿ ∞Sº oQ5 Q)||- .S.C)U R-(~ ~· :-) SO· S.&© |C|-· ſ).Ďr,9. №----Q| -> '√≠√± S|ȧ 1 º $@!) № ~l~3+< ŌSŌ №·|- (r)----*( <!-- S_ §TĪT,¿TT §§§--------º.}ºo| slaeQon— !§Ē |- 055.tū| || Z. . . _|__Jū (* __|_____,__ | | | | |,|-||| || $LuĒ ē ĪTĒ 325 -OZÍ-, L,ſae ſu|----- Iſ >|ק§ſuae 0,5 --------: 15.§…ſē§ſot. O[] | 2, l______|_______|_______|__S Ď: 05/.|-L~ ! 000||k)c -,t= āOEOLae----§ §: ȚLų&& (Lae 05|||-§ §§.(/)ſv%---+ ��------------------§ Èrae ------ № S. ſ ºſ)|- `,~~ G C) ffſ !}O`t);"…ſ.|- =)21() ��Œ-9.). ſ(§§©®§§ №, №.$N0001>S Ē ſººſ `~Oſae, Cr, 00,ÑXºſ:(~<-Èès ∞∞∞§ §§ SY (3,\!SU~- *()/2,\ \ \ \Tºº! | (}) (\ (, , , , , , , \ , \ ; \ \ \__,_|\__,_º\, , , , Ź%),\,\!\|-ģ--~~~~} }!\!\, .ſae)§ €).ºſ ºſſºſTÌſº 009 --~~~~\\)))\ſ*S(~Ť~~~~)_________05:3----§§~~~009 053 --------º-,<&>).| _) _)~~~~~~~---- _ _ _ _ ----–)© º|- 5,5---___-0,9Q.§§ ģīgā|-LL_/_–1§§ ģ-----|-_/_~~~009SC§§ 00L- - ---~~$29~). :)|-... -- 09L!7 // /№ Ē Ģģ (),~(_)~~~~!) 5,77ſºo,È-0GL 000)�ºº}|(±% (~~).|(\ \[??? 03||C:, ).£|-U)ſ. |-----ſºſ. }}§),+++)\,, ae----№ 3| ~ ~ .)--ºlº _^È Ê=======FFOET (FOO), (±| 055. <!--§§ſaeºſ (ſººſ ºſ %?<!--§§|---- - - - -1 . . . •$È È VA5.I§§----È $ ſ ( // >& (_-§ § \__,ĶN§ 1º ~\__|-`�!s 3 |-~_/|- ----,_)~000/--~7-7, 78-), ±)(~~~~)/U(O)s-)ſº ~№7,5%:ÁJA (S)------|× O9L- -----|-*<º-º-~~_,--r-aſſº |ק: Z~~~~(~~$%- ?ſae05 L 000! №čxº)%%*|$)// ≤ /> ----=== —~ ^||- ----→ |-s=----→ ( |×ſº N O (Z )? !! !!№vº©/ /©\,^9} CROSS SECTION OF DAM ON LINE OF CENTERS SPACING OF CIRCUMFERENTIAL JOINTS 24-125 | DEvvº, COLO DEC. I. 193O |45-D-925 AT ELEVATION 600 SECTIONAL PLAN OF DAM SECTIONAL PLAN OF DAM A T E L EVATION 700 AT ELEVATION. 800 SECTIowal PLAN of DAM ºf CATIONE N959 DRAV\/|NG NO. 26 Sº, . S Tō. Š Q C .S. (/) S S. ĢĞ \, \, … #"Grouting Pipe Risers 25 Foof Construction Levels *… Conduff Box Grou?ing Unif ---. 2"Cooling Pipes 24 || 2 6 | DEaw v ER, COLO. DEC, l, 1930 | 45-D-826 GT-à-}H·}| [IXE-S-S-S-~--~ #*)*)*)(] TRACEo: H.G.K. W.H.K. Recond MENDED: E U R E A U OF REC LAN/ſ AT / ON SU BM ITTE. O. BOULDER CANYON PROJECT HOOVER DAM CONTRACTION JOINT LAYOUT DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER JOR DETAI L PERSPECTIVE checked:723 (24.42. APPRovso: . (M1. A 7. 2'4' of Awn: 9. R....... ..... * · * · · · · · · --~~~~ ~~~~ ~~----------~--~--~--~~~~) ------- ……. i 2-Face of Radial Contraction Joint , Verfical Keys in Radial Joinis \, \ \ \ \ \ \ ^\ \\=\\=\!\, # Coolina pipeg. " . . . . . . J. || J N CŞpper Éxpansion Siriº Grouf $ops on"Circumferential notes keys on Horizontal, Construction Joints not shown e.g. b Čeffers withouf conflicting wº --~~~ * * * * * * ~ *---- º Face of Circumferential ---, Circumferential Joinfs. Contraction Joint Horizonfal. Keys in . gºlf cºlºš NC 519 DRAWING No - - | 1 , . Radio/ Confraction Joint-, -30°540°-540% 43-4444 sºoººo- 3 Risers------. go —- . - º # S. --------- º *— | | | | $$. T T T : E|, |232 . | 8 || - | T-1 º, S 8, , , H} || ºr Lºi i i-i-i- § 5 § { || 0:0°- #|s i- tº- ºf . § {s || § s * - d Sº § § S º º º | 4––––––il—i...— . . . i. ill sº S c §I i Fº s: s , 3 || ºu still & º | s' ; ; | S & 3 S - - II. -- IDI ITT|| “…sº is hº c S; s 2- “D 3 |} - s S} | S o C - º > 8|| > E . . . . . . Sº tº S | 3 & S + || S º sº H== §§ s 5 § || || - E|| | |0 ----------- H-7E======= *- S C s ºil - 0 ------- ------ L-4 ſº Pipe Bronch § § s { s s: s 5 § { || C. is Sł. º ELEvarion – circumferen Ti Al §§ ºf º sº ||&#' s CONTRACTION J C / NT Š sº * || ºil 8 [] O * 5 §§ | | | || G "-- | *A. Condui + Box Grovfing Unifs on 1040"Centers. Q Li - - - - § – * - See Defańſ on Drawing Aſo. 45-O-924 Gºſ º-3–T- 3– º *— * --> -- Fſ 1000 [ _______ 2---------------> Locate ſé0"below Top of 5 Foof. Form Panels. ºodºo/ Confroction Joint --- Copper Éxpansion Strip Grout Stop ---------------------- Concrete carried up in 5 Foof Liffs. Horizonfo/ Keys af 10°0' Centers placed on Top of PLA Nº each liff as shown. 4"Gov. Pipe FSeſs fººtº slº Eſ. 900 --------- RE============= s & }- - § - º I ra º - ------- Cºpper Expansion Strip Grouſ Stop * j, || || || i. I | | | | | || * /40" from Face Wherever Joints Hº-H i-Hº : } || || || Strike Face of Dam. || || º | | | | || i | | | | | | | || - --- º } - § } - i | } º - - -- Line of Centers º Hº-Hi º 4. ; __ | | \Joints ºf 3A wide Soft ------- 525-- || || 4. 4. 1 || | | | || || | | requiſe no grouting | | II 550–- Él. 800 le==========#------ :======== T _º *. º l l ei I | | | | H--------575 –– LIL- - º ºn 1 || || || – i W. |U 13 "Go/v Foe Maº ſº * -- --- v ºf 1/7 T -- | 2 |-|Typical Headers \ |− 600 2 D & * @ of Elek 700 E L E VATI O N - R A D J A L } - CONTRACTION JOINT - |_-_Branch Pipe --i- (º, on \Joints \} . 600-- E| 700 - ; ___l; =====Bºe====E======- ------- O/7 frºCfIOſ, JO º, * ----------------------- - F---at--- DETA ||L OF TYP/CAL COLUMN K ºne "T- / - Copper Expansion Słr). ſº º ſ O EETI/VEEN CONTRACTION JOINTS Stops. *...~~ | | Heavy Dashed Lines indicate Portion of Header having Riser Connections which T00- ſcover Partial Area of Joints served with Grouf by thof Header Light Lines \ above Construction until grouſſed 750 A. º ſºdicate. º of Header having no Risers or Grouf Connections. Ns, -- Fºxes indicate Leve 5 ºn Feeſ of poSS/N 800–~ El 600 / --- ____: -------- -----. --------------ºº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º:== sº ** :======#####" - 850 °. ...'... ſº as shown. jº ----- --------- | Tº *-Tº-Tº-T- sº *º-º-º-º-º-- ==FFEEEEEEEEEEE== 13 "Gaſy Oºſef Pºpe Headers Q IVO. ...”- -4-Cooger Expansion Strip Grovf Stop of each 160 Foof Léve/ º º ºs On Fºo! and Circumferenţia/ Fº ºts tº ºfºrº Expansion Joints. See {dVoof on prawno No. 4509:5 5 T 9 || B |5 |7 19 \ is Gov. Main Pipe Headers ^32 -T El SO5 |______ - --------------|------EE====EEEEEE====SE===== Re--->======== #======== --- º §º - - Yº! - º SECTI ON OF DA /V7 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR o BUREAL OF RECLA MATION SHOWING TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF GROUT! N G H E A DE RS sojº"...”.jecy sº - HOOVER DAM Kº - - GROUTING SYSTEM LAYOUT PLAN OF GROUTING H E A DERS pºavyw. C.R. subwºrneo, A2// -º-º-º-º' --- rºaced: P.M. W. Fecommended, ſº-ºº-ºº-ºº: . º, ca. e. 22. Aººs ºf ------------ 2 4-l 27 | perwºve F. colorºaco-Dec 1, 1930 |45-D-92T F- ºclºcations NO Elº _DRAVING Nº º & 125 El 232 º'" | Horizon/a/ 5paci |-6"-- Žº | Horizontal 5pacing F- - - - staggered as shown º T - - - º - ------- * -2 Pipe~. § ----- -º-º-º- * * -4– § Q - * -n --Excavaflon Line Eley 900 E! //00 | - | "º Y .. - - 2- ſooo-º- wo- I – I I T T S SPACING OF COOLING PIPES S. S. Pipe ſo be supported - TS 2" above Concrete. 150—ſ s L- - E| 1000 S. /. ſ D O ſ ºf Eley 900 | Cooling Pipes af/each Level fo be/ | | 550------ E/ 900 - concenfric wifh /Faces of Darn. | | | || 825" D+ º---Galleries----, | | | | . . . . . …~" | `---- |...} } {2| | | | | | | || ——1– - : - Line of Centers- p. aſ in 3 Ff wide Sof on Line of Cenfeſs. " ? - *For Defall; see Perspective # Drawing Wo. 45-D-926 |. 575------- ------------ ** 600-7 ------ —-600--- --> --> 25. § T*---L- a)” twº º, ſº _^ *- 252 Tº --~ - \ = 2 º 1000-s E/505 T - *"T SECTION OF DAM DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SHOWNG TYPCAL ARRANGEMENT OF COOLING PPEs EUREAU OF RECLAMATION EOULDER CANYON PROJECT HO OVER DAM º COO LING SYSTEM LAYOUT prawn: º F sueMºTTED - º - TRAcco. H. G.K. C.E.M. R.E.com MErwoºd: - - checked of a 7° 3. Approved: --- £º.- - -->'' 24-128 | Bºvercºo Pecºsso |45-D-928 - specific-IONº N931° DRA whº c NO. ºº E|, |232.0 2--Parapets nof shown EI. I23 6' Dig. Radial * Inspection Galleries 6–0'. ; - SECTION A-A SECTION E-E GALLERY SECTIONS EI. IO500 r In s p e c +j O m G Q II e TI fe s - __^ 2 - -----|--|---º--------- - -- -- N - ; co . . O º Fº ; : #6'Dia. Circumferential Inspection Galleries - Y : 500 Radius --- . . º.º. 6'Dia. - : Inspection Galleries - * section c-c SECTION D-D SHAFT SECTIONS ARIZONA # opia Adif g \ º El 6700.) 6 E E → * - - SECTION P. L. A. N. - STA. 5 +75 AND STA. 8+25 jºgſ. ff Passenger C. Spiral Stairway Elevator Inspection Shaft !--Elevator Shaff Spiſſil Sigſway a 2+50; Sła. 5+50 - Sta. 7+00 º' 2. Słg. 8+50 Sfa, II+ 50 E|, |232.0 --Parapets not shown six Floor Line - EL 670.0 C W TW C - - "En france to Sfairway ---- ...Radial Inspection #|| - (Galleries § { . SEC. STA.2+50 AND STA. II +50 EI. IO50.0 CI-I-I-T-L ---} | -----L--~~~~~~~ - --- T-T-T-T---. - - T- - : | *-Assumed Line of Excavation º - | 6′dia Circumferential\ || Inspection Gallery- X | \, .500' Radius . . . . . H 4 o -o-rf----|--|-----f----|--o: º-Weep Holes ------ EI. 850.0 = |-- º --------------------n--------~~~~ri---------- rat -i > ----------------------~~~~ --- 6'Did Radial Inspection ſº Galleries. - - - - - - - - - rº-r- Nº º SECTION E-E - º-º-º-º: ºº:: º: º Nº ºf º *. | NEVADA º: . . . . . . . . . . . . - P-- - * -- . . .” - **, NOTE | | | . . . . . . . . º Did. |.|'' . . . .N. Y. Reinforcing Steel ground Shaffs . . . . . . . "|". N and Galleries nof shown. ' ' …, º . " º I T - - - - - -- - T_T. LT -T. - - T- T. T. º: - I_- T T __ - -- rim. ARIZONA * ºx . º DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - * - - ". . - - - - ". . . . . . . . º. N EUREAL OF RECLA MATION * | * : ". . . . . . .” . . . . . y \ EOLILDER CANYON PROJECT .." . . . . . . as . ." . . - . ... ." , « . . . . . . . * * * e º 'º - * * : . . . . . .” HOOVER DAM | ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o SHAFTS AND GALLERIES A. º: -----º-º-º-º-------- º: -T-I-T-I-I--- # El 670.0 - º 0. O lºo 200 30 *----- *- -*------ --- Scale of Feet - - - J- - - -* - DRAwn: L.T.F. . sueMºTTED - - Aſ 7. TRAced: JºJ.S. RE.com MENDED---------- checkeosº.o.º. approved ºº 2% 24-129 | DENVER, Colo., DEC. 1, 1930 Isºsºs UPSTREAM E L E VATION (DEve LoPED) - EchricATIONS NO. 5: 9 DRAWING NO. 3O |--Axis of Dam <----IN TAKE TOWER t if : r -- 3%+---------- –454-04----------> t; 12- F30+50-35 –0%+-5–0::::H.--- 6'-0"--><3+3+. : ; l - | I ; : * 3 35' Roadway D ETA I L OF C F EST £ Spiral Sfairway---> ---> |----------- ** ---------> * £|Passenger Elevator Shafts----|--~~~~ N EVADA ARIZ, ON A. Axis of on- El.1237.33 y_j s ECTION D – D _j}. Passenger Elevator, S E. CT I O N A - A Spiral #A.Stairway Shaff s E. c T J C N E – s ECTION C- C DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR E U REALſ CF RECLA MATH CM - Eou LDER CANYON FROJECT HO OVER DA IV PARA, PET AND ROADWAY Aft/? 23. APPRoved:........ 24- 3O DENve R, colo., Hº: --- TEEssº - D C VV Nis TREA IV E L E VAT I C N | D R A \,\ } N G 7unne/ A = 51°34'00" A= 13°45′X,” T = 15.07 ) * = 30.00 R = (2500, ~~ Tunne/ Plug -*. 4-84.50 TABLE OF COORDINATES 7TUNNEL p+. NORTH WEST pr. ; NOPTH | WEST 4 --S-45°28 Osºy ARIZONA So’ AD/T TO upstream 7 UNMEL PLUG Sºfo. 35+99.06 •77,QSA, Rack- ..., ADIT TO/DowalsTF £,” Tuwwel PLUG EAM * 2–/ ‘SO’K 50° Stoney Goſe ,--~ --/ Ot/He'ſ Works Nº-- 7Fo ‘. r Tracks Con Crefe ºsº Rock - - Aſ t Transformé * -- - Line of Centers of -X- f £ Power House-º. f : A3 *00 lef Works n Wall Out Canyo gº gº REFERENCE DRAWINGS General Layout Shafts and Galleries---------- Tunnei Plug Adits Spillway Tunnels T- 50'Pensfock Tunnels.-- '. 30'Penstock Tunnels i ...” irls; Structure – Outer Tunnels-------- HS-D-936 Trash Rack Structure-Inner Tunnels--- *5-0 –938 Spillway Tunnel Pluq [15-D-94, ; : ; S-see $55 (93.3%, 2–~ : : : : Spillway Tunnel Outlet Upsiream Tunnel Pluq - Nevada.------- Upstream Tunnel Pluq-Arizona--------- DEPARTMENT of THE INTERIoR B L REAL OF RECLAMATION BOUL DER CA NY ON PROJECT SP/LLWAY PORTAL Spillway NEVADA DIAM. 3. Wºodieſ works Arizona. H59-9% Canyon Wall Outlet Works-Nevada-...ii.5-D-950 H Downsfream Tunnel Pluq 50% 50'Stoney Gate intake Towers power Plant - General Plan powerplant - Penstock Tunnels.------45-D-972 HOOVER DAM TU NNEL ALIGN MENT LAYOUT ... sushº ITTED: . ARPROveo: EcIFICATIONE NC 519 DRAWING NO. 32 | | | sº £ C 8 §*f S:§ | ; j i -—-—ººline of Cºnfers of Dom - º.S 35 s §§§ Sº S $: : 15 § sº *$º. c &x $3 # ^: s $ sts: - i Downstream Pluq., A7. TTTTTTTT T----------------- F ----º-----| `--- — — — — — — — —----------------------------~~~2TTTTTTTT i _ ! TTTT.:----- -—-—-–340°28'05"W. . / i. i. Ea ! T *T*- – --_–. -----— - –- - -– = -- * H l I iTºº, i --- - - - \ } l i i & sº ---------|- #------ §: sPI3:0449;, i. 3. rº. 3 *1 = *Hºº---à- Se: #75'R iſ 3, 2– frº; Elevafor C 3. Ž 8:A. A Shaff F-> §: 2% .* ‘T. S. 44°25' W, ==~--- D9 & Bg % $3. ~ ###R. 3. convon waſ outlet Works - 68 TABLE OF Coordina TEs pt. NOPTH | WEST ... t. Columns -—-T - k - - — . Transformerlºº- --~~~~ * -- ~ > T. -gº Power House - 2 X º // *3°22'02. A\\ ->{ f f r l *\} ** cºs \\\ 2% rº - -. D \\}. - <-- U19 ^** . :- - : * ~ * $ 5io i--- Nº. °37 : * 3:22 “NNº. ...” § §§ Né ~/.2× _2^_2^ * 3.33% Nºvº, ** \ _2^ ºffle" º ºx sº 3. §aff × Sº 2- H. & -? Incline Elevafor - 2< . Xºx vº .* --> TTTT-----------___ `---—3.5°34′337W -------------------------------- *"------. 1 100+ 1000H. 89 T 0 O ADI T TO UPPER T UNNEL. PLUG ARIZONA SIDE ADIT TO UPPER TUN NEL PLUG WEVADA SIDE > . :- ----- &J W s t i Cry | * . > * Jº Se § | ? - Ui + ---. .S. ºx A. li. &l . - Hºl E==---------- gº-3 H. fivaLVE Hous= } § u- $ – *S. #: $– º | i ; |; ## VALVE Hous; | & ijº - ‘s Š § º s t ILI -- |-3- d stole - go & 2 2. 3 4. 5. º 7 8 9 A DfT To Lo WER TUAWNEL PLU6 ADIT TO LOWER TU Aſ NEL PLUG %0°iscerañ sEcTion c-c DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAU OF RECLA MATION BOU/LDB R CANYON PROJECT 5cc, le of Feef |N F. V. A D A SECTION A - A Nofe: For Tunnel Alignment º }. See Drawing No. 45-D-93 HO OVER DA IV UPPER AND LOWER TUNNEL PLUG ADITS DRAwn: J.E.C. TRACED: i. M.W. check=bol a 22 Approved. ........<2% 24 | 32 | p=ww.ER, colo. Dec.1, 1930 ~ Tº: speciFiCATIONE NC 519 DRAwº- - - grout Pºeconnections º to be Embedded in Concrète & or Sef in Grouſ? Hoſes ------. 3riſed in concrère ºf $. Option of Confractor TYP1 CAL SECTION 50' TUNIVEL X--High Pressure Grovf Holes # Spaced 20'Maximum - | Longifudina/ſy-Sagger Radia/y. i - |500 ſ _2~ JON |500 |- |l,00 | N N. 2- . Nº. --~~ H|00 - - tº H|300 -------- Lºlº, TNT §§ TN | - |200 H. 396 G) 800 T-----T _T --> S. S. N 3. § H|200 Tºs-—r-T__ | `s SSº Q] - º \ ------ |00 - H ====t-fºr S.S § | & Sº H100 5 _ . N \ 33 § | $ D is 750 £1000 | N. S. Sº clº c § º Buſkhead ----> º § \ \ &; § {|000 Structure º º N \ s: - S 900 + v \ Cº. º N. N. is 1900 T00 - -- N N - *- S. S Cr, N. N. C- 800 H & S § – \ & - -- S. S \ \\ --- — 800 650 º, º º 700 || k" *** - 50'Did Imme/º - *|†oo ºw. | -- - - º- -- w | | T. S-00327 ºn Fúð5 0+00 600 | | I - I INLET O 5 |0 I5 20 25 |HO 600 500 N EVA DA SPI LLWAY TU N N EL |HOO _-_ |100 ºu |300 H S º Overflow S º Iº Spillway H|300 800 H S Co |H| W. s Hº"---------------- tº- 800 |- |200 H. $ I § Cr, T-/------ TI- Tº LT H|200 RS - is / T----|--|- | `s | | 150 $. "" & —Z T=TR T H|100 750 § 3 f N] \ § - º # 999 || || 3: * N \ §' " S-1000 --- > º o § N N. § *- SF 700 º # / Sº º N. N. § º co in 900 f/- $ § *—s § goo TOO º s º N N Cº, R - º; º N N Sº s § - 800 Ti-G 5 –º-š S = 800 650 --> | | Sº F- concrete N N tº S. |--.' Q- O ~ - - s 650 º Hoo Pºgº S -* Hºº-º- * - 500 * 640 | I | ºs- | S-003348 --> *- º 700 600 | | an º' O 5 |0 |5 20 25 30 35 º 600 600 A R T 2: O N A SPI LLWAY TUN IN EL º º \ - º \ Wenf Pipes ſ - º || 00 º f IIIway - 250'x50' Słoney Gafe A, do Spillº Ven? Dºpe ----- - noc!) º ºw. … . ſo NoWſ pe -n. De |300 - - * 42002 g/ profile " § - ---Low Pres º “ =~< | **-T § - 6:00 --~ ºss- -> - Tºss uſ? - |2 O 0 F I Ts §- *s - - al º -* DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAU OF RECLAMATION Boul-DER CANYON PROJECT HOOVER DAM PROFILES AND SECTIONS SPILL VAWAY TUNNELS SPILLWAYS AND CONNECTI NG TUNNELS peawn: F.R.S… sus ºr TED- º Tracep: W.H.K. Recommended: 2% - % º checkeº Aessovec. ººzºº ---- 2 + 1 33 5ENVER, colo., bec. 1, 1930 |45-p-933 #ECIFICAT2NE NO.5.19 DRAW ING NO. 34. 850 800 750 ,' T00 650H, 600' |l;00 INLET |300 ... -------------------------------------------- 1100 1000 900 PQ Sfa 0+.36 800 Porfø/ Sha 0+00 TOO O O 600 - 4-Pensfock Ouflefs N Eva DA PEN stock Tu N NEL Upstream |l;OO |300 INTAKE ToweR |200 || 00 |000 900 800 50” Dio. 70mmeſ - 700 - . 3 © 60 - - O Upstream Pud" " . ~ Outlets’ ** A Rizon A PEN stock Tunnel & Wemf Pipes, - A * . \\ / 0229 \ J. ...! tºº, \ # 23 º 5 * - . . - - ". . sº § ... . . . º * . . . , * -- • - Nº. ſº § g . . . sº . ź. ,------ Wenf Pipe - Grou * . . ~ss +. . r - . § . - - - \. • ! - . - *... . . :y . - iQ. i yº * Y. High Phesspipe Grouf Holes Spaced 20'ſ/aximum . . . longitudina/y-Sagger Radio/y ſ gº º il; -º- * High Pressure growf holes + Spaced 29'Maximum J | . . . . ~ *** _º - “*” gº - er " gºs '--Grouf Pipe Connections --------" ºf , to be Embedded in Concrete 2: A -uſkº-º- or set in Grouf Holes 22° # . \\ drifled in concrete at . . . // W Option of Contractor. TYPical section so tunnel. lºodaly `Downs |3OO . 1200 H. s21 ||:00 H. 2/ - 1000 H. * Floorlin. P1 El 6950." | 900 Sº | *NS 200 H —NS: N >S: 600 355–355–35-HT3 NEVADA intake Tunnel . - |00 t f y } t t i # H t } i } 3 i * º | | | i am Plug |l;OO |300 |200 | | 00 |OOO : ~50% 50'Słoney Gale 850 - 800 * - 700 650 OUTLET l;0 |-| 600 |l;00 |300 |200 i 2-50.50'Soney Gafe : 850 — 750 - 700 Too Fibºil | \ – 650 600 600 36 OUTLET |300 | 20 O H. | |OO H. _T ! | 000 T 900 800 i TOO 200 100 plaſ) 100 ARIZON A | NTAKE TUNNEL 37 38 39 NOTE All Tunnels and Riser Shafts will carry full Hydrosłafic load andare considered Pressure Tunnels and Shaffs. DEPARTMENT OF THE IN TERIOR E U R EA U OF REC LANMATION B OU L DER CA NY ON PROJECT HOOVER DAIV1 PROFILES AND SECTIONS SO! PENSTOCK TUNNELS orawn: .../.42,9....... susm iTTED: ............ A3, sº-º-º: . . . . . * * * - - - - - TRACEo::15:1.2.8:WHKRE.com MENDED:..... M% 2.º * - - - - checked: (24.42.É3. APPRoved: (2 24- || 34 | DENVER, COLO. DEC. 1, 1930 T 45-D-93 li- specificatiº NO.5.19 | - A. DRAWING NO.35 NTAKE - |300 H. º; - l Axis of Dam - º - - - i |200 H = ~~~i=- 2 - 9 |IOO || || || - H ſ : < 1000 – || || | - | - J ºt 900 H. H. ſº * | \ 30'0"Dia. Tümme/-, 24'-3" Dia. Tünneſ ----------- |----, U ~75'9"Dia Riser - N- - W. N * 800 - - - S2 R} wº Cº- - 1 * ºn ºf rh ." ...' CANYON WALL |||O"Dia. Pensfocks--- "...ºf AAxis of Dam Z: . - |300 H. JNTAKE 15'9"Da Riser, 2-ºxº |- - 2-8-10-bia. Penstocks” | ºr - gº `-->o o o $ . 600 —l— —— — - - - - - I, 600 — . O 5 - |O 15 - 0 5 IO 15 wevada so PEN.srock Tunnel . . ARizona 30' PEN stock Tunnel | 30 Da. Tunnel 243'Da Innel, d : O = - ©. - Cº- - - , - - - { e - - -->io O O 5 /ow Pressure Aſt - * : // - • - - - - | A. - - | - - - ºw ºf - f - r // \ º T | i \ Aff t | SU an Orº hino. jºsº Low Pressure ~, Grouf pipe High Pressure Grouf A Hole /4'Deep. \ }-High Pressure. Grouſ holes Tà i Spaced 20'Maximum #y Longitudinally-Stagger Radially # / - Spaced 20' Maximum . . ---ºn-º-ºr- longitudinally-Stagger Radially ºve - 7:0; º!' º-High Pressure Grouf Holes j & A Spaced 20'/Maximum - A Longifudina/y-Sagger Radially. * ...----Grouf Pipe Connections fo be embedded in Concrefe or sef in Grouf Hole drilled in \ Concreie ałoption of Contractor TYPical section so-Tunnel Typical section 24.3"Tunnel - Typical section 15:9"Riser º, , DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF REC LAMATION -> B OULDER CANYON PROJECT note HOOVER DAN/ All Tunnels and Riser Shaffs will carry PROFILES AND SECTIONS Pressure Tunnels and Shaffs. DRAvvn:..M.B................ SUBMITTED: ...4% - tº---- - - - rººf........ - TRAcED: W.H.K........... REcommended: ..... ſ.42% • -w - - - - - - - - - - checkeo:%2.24.2 APPROVED : ..... Lºº. - -, * * *--- w - a a • * *-** - 4 - - - - - - - - 24- | 35 | oeNVER, colo. DEC. 1, 1930 | l!.5-D-935 acificº TONE N953 DRAWING - 5? | I s 1-3- |- *T f º . A º º s A º * ------------ 56'-6" Q º, º - === ºc --r-º- - 3, ºp = ~. *C. ! ... __y. Water Pipes for a ----------------- Jeffing Sand, Rock Line on to a - HALF PLAN : ----------------------- ... "..." . For Details see - - - | | | | | | | A || || A TWTTTTTTTTTTT FH-7 D * Drwg No. 45-D-937 º * | | || : 2 o o 6 - 9 | | | . TºTºxº~T-Tº-Trºſ-Tº || || Sº sº - | Q Č. s=7|2 P-P | | | º _ EN LARGED | | | | |||| 2-El 732 ſ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- | H--- F. - | I |||| *Water Pipes for H--------------------- 2' 6"-----------------------> } | | | 2^ ------- 6"--ºf - || Jeffing 5and - 6' 10"--------------- - | || To | | | | & I || || || * \ - | | | || || | ||| || | | | |||| | || || | | | | | ſ | | | | | || | | ( º: I } -Boffom of Bulkhead - | | | | before lowering º |||| _º ... - | | . º | ||: |\ºº lºsillº - - - - Y ---4-------- -- of . 2 } | U1 || || i. - —— | F | | | | : . || Túñne/ Porfø/ as - i – tº | | | ||| | Ci iroched. - - - - ------------_ _ _ _ _ ___ __ 23'-0" + -----------------> | | | ||||| | - º | | 6|| || SECTION E - E- | || s |||| | | | º, ſ | ‘s | | | te | r ! | I -1 º | || º, 6-6 || 6’ 6” 6:6. F- ----- | - | | | º Dia.]]||Did | Dja. ; 5-15 Ave. | || |-ij}º-Sigel Tubular Piers st º | | : 2|| || fiſſed with Concrete SP . - - … . º: |-- |||ſ| co K || || ; : | : Sand Well - | ||| 9 | | | \ | * w I | | i. A Sfa 0+00 -- ~~ - -tº- *Tunneſ Inverſ Eſ. 640.0 | *|| ||º]. - | º e_º -º-º: Reinforcing Steel defails not shown. ----- Y I Structure defalls are similar for both | "Y" | "Li'll sº--— — —- i Mevada and Arizona ovfer diveſ.sion DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR | | | Tunnels. EUREAU CF RECLA MATION - | | | BOULDER CAN YON PROJECT § H=H. HOOVER DA IV *| | º ) OUTER DIVERSION TU NNEL PORTAL Sand Well- | | | Sand Welſ | | |N LET STRUCTURE g | | / - ºf } | | on Aww- w Ecº Aºk sueºf rºto- º L_____ _ jºrrºſº. -------------- L – rºacºn. W. H. K. FEcoMMENDED- & º - | __ E º o - º \_ _ _ _ – ~ * cº-º-º: 24 ºf Ae. Appºoved. º % *... º. HALF E L E VAT I C N HAL F SECTION A-A S E. CT I O N E – E 2.435 | * * * |45-D-936 specificºle: NO.519. DRAWING No.37 | 2---------------------------- ------ - - - - ---------- = 63-04------ - - -------------------- 3'-6:-------- w <------------------ 21-04-----------------------> t i -- i < ..T. & & : * A * ~ * - . • –2 af biotic----------------- '-º'-------------------- I >''<20:203-20}<3-0°-33-0%----4-0++4-4-0-->k--4-0++-----7-0 #2Sk: J8-3 - ><2/> * # - - - - y Qº) || 2– - * -----> ——ºrtº Lºs A - 21. - - 2 . r ; | ---Hº (; – —$ —— — }| ! | * | || ! J Hi------ | | { S. gº--a=======—————— = Hºl Jºº. | |#F - Se s tº | |U| || - — — *- — — —-ºf- | || || s===Lap 63--> (S) i f - § t § (5 Sº or) * - (S | | || - § # T —2 | - R- & | { =====#|#. t i E.------|--|------H J------. F=E======E========#EEEA 8: #== =======#| Eriº==fE. z: ɺ-E--- =#. 7. º: iss º, ; # - | #= ==========#| ; : | * H ſºms” º x 3 (s-" ; : | | | | | Tö. ; : | § ; : | | | | | | | ă $ 44 | | | | | | | § §§ : | | | | | 6%6%/s. 3%.3% #'s. * * * * : 4 -li Lºgº |*|† * || g . -t-. t- ~ I - T- ===-H-------------|-- º TI =F) § § : HALF PLAN • * : Q . * ſ | : NOTES . Hooks show only finds of Bars. ! Stirrup Steel- 3.3%; Baſs. : Tension Steel- 7%.3#x3'Angles placed as shown. #- == ; : § ºf: ii. 3 * Tº | & N. 30"Beſh. Girder : - i. - | - h Y. --**- §.w: -º DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RE CLAMATION BOULDER CANYON PROUECT kºk-as-secº-º-º: HOOVER DA/VI ------. - - - – ------ OUTER DIVERSION TUNNEL PORTAL rial, ºvarrow END ELEvarion - : CONCRETE EULK HEAD DRAwn...W.5.9........ subMITTED: ...A. TRACEo: L.P.B.Q.E.M... Recommended: ...A6 : - s - - - . . . . - | checked:Z24&APPRoved: & #2 a.º. • v- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------. *— i. 24 || 37 | oën ver, colo. DEC, l, 1930 | 45-D-937 } cº- | ** E SPECIFIS: t - DRAWING NO. 33 = − ATIONS NO.5.19 — - 4---Q of Structure 2'-3' 1334-, 2---Symmetrical about 2 C 27-1" E Bars @ 12"crs. 3----x------- w tº º sº G ºn - º \ t ºº:::::::::::::::::::::: . - i ::::... :3 . . . . . . . : ... ... j. - > * º'-'." ...'. . . ; * * * > . . . . . :::::: [] - * #sº “...]"x6"x 12'34" Trash Rack & Bars @ 6"Crs. [I "x6"x12'34"Horſ, ,” Trash Rack Bars @ 6"crs. 2. §º----- J" P Bars `-#"P Bars @ 12"crs. SECTION D - D * : sº 5 section G-G ſº I © O ; l SECTION E – E t © O Trash Rack Bars*: I'K6'x12'34"(3) 6"Crs. Slofs for 12" Słop Pianks . j | | NOTES j/ Tºſº, Structure is similar º, º Nevada S; º - and Arizona Inner Diversion Tunnels. Šć ſ =L5YATſon Síop Plank Guides to be Constructed to El 736 § C - Maferidſ for Shop Planks and Guides fo be furnished Sº - - by fºe Confracfor S K . F. L. A. N. SECTION A - A Hº------- * = &ºi=t ºf *tar, O"------------>| |{ ymººnrador &, // 2+3*- S E. C TI O N F tº F Sº ºil | S), 1|| § 2'-3 *> :--- 12 -6"… y }<--- 12-0"-->|<--12-74--> : 2. i - - 3 - *- * * * * * * * -- 2I'-0"---------> !, S ! / g-El. 736 . . . ; i i ºi kºsº" i. Y_i. º t; i i & º § / * -: fºll is Å §§ſ. i. & A & sº ... } : § 5 tº º º/ * § 5 $ Bars @ 12"Crs. 22 *Nº. -i ‘ºllſ' : 2 /* o : both ways 22^ 2% &\ §lſº ºn - %22' § #"? Bars @ 12"crs. ; * @ 6 § Tº both ways and both faces 2 *....' § ~F | Qu /* #3 S '. - t ſº Q) \ I , §13,…--Anchor Baſs 10,0rs. %. - §§5-4 ways, Groufed 5'info Rock § | ; i | // | /79 |. | | § -: QSs - - &S - & - ||||||||| - - - § 11. §3. - |- - § > 24”4. 㺠lºſt º §-"S. : lſº º-M ſºm ſr. - 'cº- F- - –– - |. ; ~! #-hº. - - -Z».S.: Nº º | i * = a *...º.º.º.º.º. K.."::...:"sºº"...º.º.º.º. - | | : So - - TR § Nef Area = 8,460 Sq.F. 'Portal Reinforcing Steel - - - ||||||||||| || || Nof shown i s * ***. t || |||||||||||| | © DIVERSION TUNNEL T; W i| sº. --J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50'-0"><-------------> : * d DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLA MATION EOULDER CANYON PROUECT - HOOVER DAN/7 § 1. I NNER DIVERSION TU N N E L PORTAL *Hººf TRASH RACK STRUCTURE Transition fo Circular Section 50'-0"Dia. ,-Sfa, 0+00 EI.640.0 ~! |ºidº-: :ºwº|:|º;: ºwW|º |:*i: lgº|d:ſ;i>º i!i : fºf|id º- ; Sła-O +64--- ** # * * \ !- / 2 tº pºwwºw.svenºree...4/.... as º.º. ºf ººgºº Z. .Yºº. . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRAcED: H.G. K.T.J.J.S. RECOM MENDED: ... cHEcked:%24A3... APPRoved:......... ------ ------ kgºs. - s EcTION C - C • * * * * * * E LEVATION SECTION B-B - - - - ********— mi. – 243's I ºvercole ore, sº specificº ION3 Ne5!? DRAWING NO 39 50%.50'Sloney Gafe--- | for Delails see s Drawing 45-0-956 - F’ El lló99, E. 7-tº- Sła 0-00 Š - '0+50 L- 5 NOTE: Reinforcing Deſai's not shown. **** * * * * ** = -r-er-res - 2:00. Ve; I-> =\; Bººt- z- Ltoo ºzº |-> 'ſ ... --> NoTE: Warp sides of Channel from Verficaſ af. Sfa. 0400 FLEVATION A-A section 8 fuss, fo á fot Slope af Sfa, ſº 00 2. - -ºx - ~~~~~ * --→ºgºzºv” < * , sºs, - “. . . . . . . º s: - ... : º . ... --~~~. - *::: Pºrºs--- secrlow F-F - - - - - - — & E.12034. a man, Tºp of contree lining ,”*\, Tºp of Contrefe lining y r*F.1848 a FI JIRI.O... FI 1/79 R e -*-**—rfluºlº also H * * * * * ºrrº ** * * * Sºº- 7. **sjæ ñººd e”. E!. 1108.6 – – a . -" - - SA/52*Rººtsº-, . . . .12 FI. 5:00 "FºV" . , Yeºjº J.Ell! fºãº- Verouſ Holes . . . ºf . Aftº 2./ 2 secTION G- O l: t t t G 50 sECT/ON H-H |OO 150 | _l scale of Feef It dº - - § Anchor Rod's 10'Crs, both # *ReinforCernenf Baſs ways, S’ info Rock. |2"Crs, boff ways, 4" from face-----Ajº. ----Drains on 10' Werfica/Center; ##|| info #e channel ºf Id' infer/aſs in Sides and bohom. DEpAPTMENT OF THE IN TERIOR BU gº EAU OF RECLA MATION BOULD E R CA N YON PROJECT HOOVER DAM GENERAL PLAN AND SECTIONS ARIZONA SPILLVVAY %: '-- . - - - - \ - for Drains *śār; \ DFAwn: A 4.6°.......... subMITTED: ............ TRAcED: ...I.T.F........ Recom MENOED: - CHFCKED: *.............. APPROVED: ........Sº 24- ) 39 | DENVER, COLO, DEC, l, 1930 |45-D-939 SPECIFICAT2NE NO.519 DRAWING NO. 4 O Drawing * ... • * %50'Sloney Gaſe fºr Deloils see ----| E Ni V. Ex/E t _r º 04:00 S See B C > > [. ſ /* 2El. |223.6 ~~~~~~~ \---/ .* 2.Éll??!! 22: Ell2177 * = * :- —JT---→zz -->== & e’ ./ 45-D-956 --> -- * = - sº Él. IIT3.6 --> AFI, II699 *º- Sfa. 0400 of: |-> B fl. 1165.9 }+05 Wājī; Lº ... tº: | C ** = - - ºg - º,72 -ºº: gº El. II56.2 =º * * = . -- T - - - - - *= *::::::-- ºf sº sº ºw EQſ -----sº-Ground Surface on - - - - - * - - - - - - *-* * = - . - ºs º- sº- 3:00 NOTE: Reinforcing Details not shown. NOTE: Warp sides of Channel from Vertical at Sta.04.00 | fo #:/Slope aſ Sfa, ſtoo &El.1223.6 50's 50' J-' STONEY/ GATE pºrº ºx-Teſt ELEVATION A-A Nº. 2^ ^ * *-* = ...— . ** *- := º - - - - -º 3:22Coarse Gravel Áº).-----Drains on 10' Werfical Centers, s”2. & opening info Channel, af 10' . #"Reinforcement Baſs, jnfervals in Sides and bofform. | "on ſ2"Crs. boſh ways, ..., 4* from face. * -N- *Anchor Rods, |O'Centers, both ways and 5' info Rock. `... crest of Weir El 12236 i * s’ſ ~ * * ~. . I | `--~~~~ ſ G-# ''. * ? ~~~~ ~~~~TS - - º ! I [. __A= ~ * Ay T ~ -- F-----> T - T - - - - - ––––––s `s-ºsſo, 77 }––– =====~~~~ smº -m-, * sm ºmºm —) - <> - - - - , , 2-Weir Cresſ, El. 1223.6 sº x P - N_- ºr 50 loo 1 l l - - Scale of Feet | --~~ N---~TY ~~ + - → ~ * - - Yº es” - ATop of Concrefelining, R.H. Side of Channeſ *——— «El 1923 . . . EI.I2/4.0 £ELI1979 – SECTION * , mºm * - - - - - ...], El Iſſo.5 -— ---Eº. --- 2 - T-- *- * - ºf ſizes ºr sº nº Eſ” - p. Tº - - - 725?:#Fºrºsº- # YZººZºº, sº sº * •- Eº -º -- - - - * º -º-º-º: *= 3 ºf El Illé.9 + (g)(3), * . . . ŽRºsariº ------ 4:00 zoo Tººwº ſ"Yāſīsāsār-ºff!9% = 2El:1098.5 ſº- º ɺrrºr- - e VPNſºmeºffs *El. I084.2 section on t DEPARTMENT OF THE IN TER / OR -- ~~ *Backfill 3 BU REAU OF RECLA MATION ſº 22 BOUL DER C A N YON PROJECT HOOVER DAN/7 GENERAL PLAN AND SECTIONS NEVA DA SPILL VAWAY orawn . W. L.R........... TRACED: L.T. F. . . . ...... cHEcked: 44. 24- 14 O | of N ver, colo. oec. 1, 1930 SUB M / TTE. O. . . . . . . . ... Aº’.<2*agº Ž4. RECOM M ETN OED. . . . . . . . Cº., L- 22. Approved. . ... & Jººſ &7- - |45-D-940 DRAWING NO.41 SPECIFICATIONE N953 -" *~~ // t * * TX- - f * ~ | | r * ~ | t | †--~~ i J i | | f T-- ! f i | | ; * *** - - - - - - - - - - - * = - - - - - - - - - - - - ; i * = * * = * * - * - * * * i - = * _-- - - - * * - - - ** * - - - - - - * .-rºersioſ - - - - - - A \ NOTES SECTIONAL ELEVATION B-B - OW s i sEction AL PLAN • * \ . Keyways ſobefilled with Timber Lining fogonform fo * Tunnel Section and Anchored foGoncrete during / period of River Diversion. i - / Diversion Tunnel foºe Plugged by filling Tunnel Section §2.' and Keyways with Concrete Shaped to conform with t Nºz bend of Spillway Shaft as shown. . . . . , wa" w " - - & & If characfer of Rockpermits, omit Concrete lining *š § §§ N NS), around Plug and fill with Timber Lining as noted § 2\{3. 2%. Sº above. | º º Z % ğSºx' Lap all Bars 40 Diameters, Stagger Laos. P. 2, 1/// . * WOTE:- - .** : … | Jºllº// 2 Grouſ pipes nof shown Wºº, Sºº'ſ. s * 3: ...? - ...” ... . . *...*.*. * * * * ; 2Longifudinal Steel A ſ”Bars @ 3:0'crs. w & sº §4. ..º.º. §§ º \G hº :::: 2::::::::::::::::::: *All-– ~ X* % - * ºxazºº ś §3.4.xzººs - 2.s. % *:: *º%% ºft •' I - - Pluſ 6% & % * * * º . º' . {{ % Sºº'. %% % i T2% 500. Circular Diversion Tunnel- Hoſjz2ſliglº% - % % % à ©. 4. º * % | - • 5 cº - .. • * * *** ** | / -Ll f § º | ||LL || | | | || * g Ho O) O S Q |8 & C r fHfi§ HH# E + [] # i H fif fiii |. # Hil j s r - l - - * º :*:::: % : % º % 23:H-Aſ- : s % § * 4%2% Z. Z fiffi [] D-F |Š : Ş S § . f -QL $f lw ay 7ü n ; e/ | Lll - . *- - | | ./ i | | • -- * Rº: s :::: * º :cº: **&: 33 & - alſº aſ - | | || > t % (ſ/ ! .44-4-44-ºxºº:::::::::::sº - * : 3 * º: &º *- # * $37'º','º'; …-- **. = : {{ſ Ex|= (ſ/ E- ſ KZE Øe 't t ***— - - - rººf? * *.*.*...* "ºº-ºº: * * " *, * > * : | §§§ : i - | - - - *:Nºsgº" * * * * DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLA MATI OM BOULDER CANYON PROJECT - HO OVER DA M sectionAL ELEVATION C-C - . SPILL VVAY TUN N E L PLUG - TYPICAL DESIGN ! - specificºſº-Neº - - - - - - - - … ' DRAWING NO. 42 sºmºrrº” -y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H-----, º 8: +0 ! * .. - :- - * * & --KSJN 2. > * > -sſ-rrº - º ºrs -- * ~ - l]) * Z). #Shi ºr: º * smºº m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ºś: BW/º3/ºllſ/)\\\?\ll \ * Q: :: *.*: Z). . . . . . .*.*.* •= = * * * - = = - - - - Downstream : /N - - : - - :--50%O"- - i 3. t - - | ºr ºn "fºrc. Lſ) tº --! ; Hoops "*@ 18"crs. 40" Lap-s, § - ſ: ... Hoops 51.0" Dia. Wº | § Tºo l6"Crs. ** - - --> j. Tº- - - - - * = * * Z)/\ *-ºs-Løngitudinal Bars #"? spaced @ 24"crs. - *y- - - *- - " - - - - - - * * * - - - * * § • I"? Anchor Barsº ɺf #"? G 24"crs.” SECTION C - C H SECTION B - E * - º scºo;7 N & " `S, & . `, º Bars Hº-Verf: Bars-> Q * @/8"gºsº, ; /**@18%rs. R & Sº each face & each face F L A N ; * 14 Anchor Bars , i. Šs each side of £Tube ... *:S SS !"% spaced @10+0"crs.S. - S - projecting 5'inforock X Anchor Bars I"? § |A * - - ºS - `s `s, 5'-0"info Rock, - - }}} * - N S. N º - `s -ÉUKäſſºſ Nº. - !"ºbars @ / 4°0"Lap-º---2810"--> Horizontal Bars --~iºſi. Bars, #"# 24"crs. "big"crs. | ... -----, - - i. § 3 ; , , º, . - * | - ; , * ** ... S. —£— - — — /—l B º cºs º º' º k - . . . . . . . | Y ; . . . Circular------>|<-----'Transition ---4-->| - .. ; rºſ t sº - : - © <--------.SO-O"> sj.-->] ! - | - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR * - E!. 626--R sl } - s / . BUREAU OF RECLAMATION - *:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NºſeNEx/Sº, W. f E OULDER CANYON PROUECT sºvºsºvº. ’’ ‘’Aſſº; HOOVER DAM l & jś% \ . . . . . f sPILLvvay Tun NEL PortAL º: § % ºff----- – ~ — — — — — — — — —l || OUTL ET STRUCTURE D section A-A f ELEvation o-p . . . . . . - : X- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . - |: D R A VV | N G NO 24 3 SPECIFICATIONE N9519 . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - . - . . m- | - - - -> . , , I-lºº Hongers S- I / *S.--> ---__ N \ N - . ** - - N * * * * * e’ * = - * –- * - `` T -- – - ~ ---- N 2-T - >{ -0 }<- * - -ºs- -— T ~~-----— — — — — -- ~~ N N N / "-- & ' * TT - - - - - - *— — — — — — — — - >====------------ N. N. F- K-- * * = = - — =------------——————-h N. N l * !. \ - Yº A . . REFERENCE DRAwings \, \ \ is * i Reinforcing Details.......45-D-945 N \ ~ `s 2 - Gafe ſnsfallation ---------. 145-D-946 \ \ | i + -ji + # I- § i SI * i i| *º-ºº: f sº- H S fi º sº t sms # E. —l- f - & * - ss= " * - - - - - * \ | \ | \ l | N. . - \ - | l | \ \ l \ -T - -I - * T sº-º :- |T - T- T I º išH–H–g H § ~s. -1- - 1– —l- SS L * | —— LT – * – *E* – tº-º. § f - { -------|34::=-º-º-º-º: : ; * * Q. ! º § 1 SS pme *Eº T - T ** f tº- T- * T- * *º- wº- W | | | \ | | | | \ | | | \ | | | | | | l {{ *is * * ** tº sº.s, " "…º.º. a- → • == sm, sº - * = ** * * = a- - - - - - - - * - - - -- - -- — - - - - - - - - - * = * == ** = * `-Drain Pipe as sº *- wºme sº- * - - - - - " - - - - - - - * sEctronal PLAN C-c - SECTIONAL ELEV. A – A . - NOTES - Keyways fo be filled with Timber Lining to conform ſo- - N.jtº'WY ,” funne/ section and anchored fo concrefe during . - §3 2’ § .. longifudina/Sheel z period of river diversion. - &: A' |"Bars @ 320°Crs. & W Diversion Tunnel fo be plugged by filling funnel Section and keyways with concrefe, shaped fo con- form w/#h bend of /nfake Shaff as shown. /ffhe characfer offhe rock permifs, omit concrefe ſining around plug and filſ with fimber ſining as noted above. f : l WOTE:- Grouf pipes not shown. For reinforcing around gofes and v. v . outlefs see Drawing No. 45-0-945 °.º.º. f º:5:3:sº º - %:º/*- If? Hongers-sº - • * 2|ſº *S* - § *3 à 2; 424.0% § \º -: a * * * ~ *. . . . * * * * * * • * §§ºllällbäll; ºrrºr-º-º-º: ''/|| #|| / || | ZZ , ºz. "s Z. O % %ffſ ºft | | | ; T-r-ţ-r-ţi : § | i | vºv 42 Q i * Concreje s ſº < !” s i * %22#2% 2%040%.4%/6%zóšá35%% S % 3. * *=ºs H 3B: % - - - 9 % % s s T. % % ; - : & : e * - ****, *, *, *.* ** - %:### #º: Sºgº; *:s: - .- - . peſ - =S/ #ººſeº! . *T * sº K-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //54-04 * = * * * * smº ºms - sº * * * : * 'sº sº º “gº ºr sº - ---. j * s --- *. DEPARTMENT OF THE | NTERIOR K-----------------------------------------------'7. .* - g B LJ REAU CF REC LANAAT) ON sº BOULDER CANYON PROJECT HOOVER DAN/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - section D-D UPSTREAM PLUG OUTLET WORKS 9 5 * p 9 3. * , ; | & NEVA DA SI DE lesſ----|--|--|-1. - 31 . - i DRAwn:..V.P, G, .........., Sue MITTED :...... . . . . . . . . Scale of Feet - - ...º.”&v% - 2 3 D E. N V E. R, C O L O, O E. C. , 19 3. : | 4. 5. D- 5 . 5 SPECIFº - == s – mºm m - i. D R A \,\! | N) 3 N. L. 4 4 --- Longitudinal Steel l "Bars. ,” @ 30°Crs. a' r * * = - ** = --, -- --> * /* 7/////ſſſſſ %| | |||||||||||| % %///ſ/ ||||| || | |||||||| * * *wº-mºm- sºme --- - - - - - * * * - - - -* - -- * -*ºmºmº - - - -->--- * 2: -.* -T: =sº -: - *s 5' * -- º Twº.º |||||| ||||||||| |||||||||||}| | ſºlſ|||||||||| ||||||| | { | | | Plug-Concrete - s= a- = * * * = * * * *E*. º &=º 4-9 - - sº º -*-as-a- - - - - *. F. === ~~ :- *- –3. 24- - –– – E |-- --- E- > ----- - - - - - - >} - = - - - - - - sºme sº-º "Hoops @16"crs. * * * -> * -- *T* = <-- * &º * -- ~~~~ * sms, wº * = * sms : * . - _ - - - * - - = * smº º --- sº -** = − = * * *** * * * * NOTES *gº. fobe filled with Timber Lining foconform foſynnel Section and Anchored foconcrete during period of River Diversion. * Diversion Tunnel ſo be Plugged by filling Tunnel Section and Keyway with Concrete shaped to conform with bend of <^ Infake Shaff as shown. . ſº tº tº /NN /ffhe character of Rock permits, omit Concrete lining around 2 x\ Plug and fill with Timber Lining as noſed abové DEveLoped section D-D - Reinforcing. Defails----------------45-D-945 . . Al-> Gate Installation.-----------------45-0-946 SECTIONAL PLA N C - C & - work- & I - ſ ſº •2 N. N. Grouf Pipes not shown. , ------ 240"-----> . ſº *$º NSS | - - . N. ſ ! ſ - . - & ! . _* * - - sp *- -- - . - - - * * . ^ * . ºs - **2 - **.* * * * N N N } N- *s. - - $3:Sº - . . . . ~~ sº : º - sº . . . Q - — . S- - ... 'a *7: …º.ºx - - ..1113 ! s - . .” s' " if - t M : * - * E.; f Y ~ *s - C ; .. as a “ . . # , º - º r ºº:: */ - Wºº: t e * - *s. - - s .*, * * **º- a Sºº-yº: • s * * - X º, alº- * * ** *** * *.* *s & * - - - - - . . . . . st *::: '…' . jº - º: Bºš *:::: Af ;: :::::: º: rººf: *...: & * • * * * º: - ] .*** * §§§ . . fº.º.º.4% ::\º J.; ºr: ; :s. ..", . R. .” ºre *~ * ~ Nº. --- - … . . .* * Agº Aſºº . *…* ~ *. ... e. 3. nº, "sº * * * * * * * * . . . Nº s & • * //2-2\\;= a------ . **, * Z. * A. ºzº zºº ºw-zºzºzº • *** *** . N. N. ºv \º A. º Nº - t . •. * * : : ...', yº.º. •. . NY////-. * –, . ZZZZZZZZZZZ/////ZZZ 4 - § § ; - º % zzº --> *ś §§ S->{{#0%ge 5-45.0% º # 'Pumpkecess. ^ i li L-L 15 l-l levels lºfº. *; ; * : - J ..] |rº. . . . . . . . . . " QS. * - - - - §|2,º i A y N Tº-2'- . % %:====º %: Ø Ż Sº % ººr, . 8 ºf 2% H COnGulſº -|0|0"> Hôlieſ6.0 %-7(25'-35.0"- ! ; ; Kºs ?:, "99%|0|0>;494-16.0% - -: * : * ~ * ºšč 'Plug Concretež 26x76"Gaſes? - % * : . . Ø. 2 % % %% ^ % 22 % & Drain Pipe Z, - - •º ºf ºxº fºxº : º 2. ºxº ; . 4. º - - - - * zºº ź. * !. `...” 2//zºº/, 4.4%º s' sº #º::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •. -->< * g ź; ... § % * , i. $K-2:::$... ğ: . . ſº- : ºl. ~11. º, , º g ** gº - * sºlº Fºº's * * * * * * Y. - *** * * * ************* - t” * * * -- :*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* * * * * *: - -- gº * * §§§ºº.º. º . -** * * * * sº sº. As ºº::$::::: .*.*.* - ... ." -- - * sº tº Eºº *::::: ***, *.*.* \\\ Tr. ~. º . - → - - * - *** *-36"Aye S DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ... . jºra! an | E UREA U OF RECLA MATION * : * > -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----170:0" --- - -- - - - - - | EOULD ER CAN YON pro U ECT HOOVER DA IV . sº - UPSTREAM PLUG OUTLET WORKS sEction B-B ! ARIZONA SIDE 2 - DRAvvn: 5,55........... sueMirreo &. 2% - - - | | TRACED:g,5,6,........ RECOMMENDED: .... * | checkso: 7%.4/2 APPRoved: Zºë. ! - 24 |44. | OEN VER, COLO, DEC. H- | ºSI SPECIFICATIONS NO Elº | & DRAWING NO. 45 21 SS Adif for Nevada 2- *SS / `----------- ºn har-- - - " TTT * - / T - - - - - - - - | / T - - - - - - - - - - - ITT ------------- Goſfe Chamber - 2-#"?Bars /2"crs. / f T * - - - - -------- T T- - - - - - - - | f : T TT----------___ T----------------- E-Fr--- gº... ." / ſi TTT----------- --- . ,' I T ~ - - - -— — — — — - z z"Z. Bars, /8 CrS. J | | * * / I , - - ----- . t | - # *** - t f | - !. ... " | | 2)ººt...’ pºrº fºr: .*.*. :: % * * * = a-; & * * * M I | - _ - - - * | §§§ºść – ITTTT } | º * * * *-* * * * *-* tº - i- •= = = ** = − = ~ - see - a-- = ** = ~ * = * * = - = = = - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * = * * * :0. : ºf . * *@*...*.*.*.*.*.* tºº.º. is *:::::::º-'. . . º.º.º. Nº. ------->===-i- !------------------------------ Å -ispi . ::::: - - - £º . H º i. ! ----------------------------------------gº-- - ---------- §§ºiſ !--------------- ºf------------ - | : ; : ; | | | $ | | I | fiği. J.--T r | f § * { Tº sº, | ! I | | ! !– “ ! | | : ſ | §: - ! ſ Sº | y g H-— | T-5s – y f I | Tº | º wº # º * I A. * { © ... & : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 3 ſºft i------ *-i----- - §§ 9, ty : ; : -------i--------4--------i------------------i--ºff ;Pºs-T----l-– #3:... it "Tº TTT'Tº * * * * * * * me as ºr sº me =s §§ 2#"? Bars, 18"crs. : ~~ 3 ef º!. - - - º.;"4 2"Cr I § I : | - • * * g ...] ...-: * g : k? : Bars, lººrs-t: * * * * - *: sº £ s Sº : º -#"? Bars, 12"crs. : ! Yº-- #"? Bars, 18"crse-É. ŠN #9; to vis, sº r------------------------ - * * - Cºo". * * *." . . . . . . Kºt , ". ! ------- +-------------------- F--------F-----ºf *A*- •. Sº, 4 ----------------- ! I l ſ * | - | | | ... Nº ſº f t i: -— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —Bºëºb ş---- - J 1 | i t l .S. l | l l ... . | & in l 2. ! ! I l ł CŞ I !. | —l zºº; | Hº t W t t —r—I | | I-as — l l | ºf...", ==I * I' A i ~ ; : . . . . | | | §:Fl: ## ; : ! | l ::$2.): - t º §: | --4----4--------i-4---------------------- º:#. j- --------------- ! c I - - |...]: gº s' : |S 4–- £ 2 Tunne/ º 22% S ! - - * * * * *. - ~ * . ſ .S iss - ź. 2% Aſg. sº : S | | , Cº-- * * +-x--F-------------T--------- § : Q. 18 IM] -- :-------------- ! C i-H 7'-O: I Š | ! | l | ::::: T f -: us | ! ! ~. | | | ::0.1: l ſ { s to t | * S | H - I :*:Tº. ! f ſ | W sº : ; : H | S T. F -- | Tºg i. i – A º 3 m g O ! | ! { | ; | l | ! E::fff-----j-i-Leil ---i #"? Bars, ſ2"crs- 'Aº º ; : --------i--------i-4----------i---------------|####|- , , , , s \ST i------------- t º fy ſh, * |...]: i wº - g Y-- ! Łk’? /2"x/2"Drain-ſ: fºcoiº | tº t ( ) ! KJ "sº #: # - S :----1540%-- #"? Bars, /8"crs.-2: : i S-2 :...]: ----8-0t--> so z y Bars, 18 crS.- ! § ! F---------------F-F---------------F--------1--tºp: — — t ! ; : \ i i ; | S | | ! | ; :4:: -- F--Tºp Rº--------------------|x--F---------------------- ; ; ++-4—i-—— $4––––––k-ºff H–––5: *- 3}, ... . . . . / ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;--Tº #s; # - & §§§ {:/------ 3––––––– $ :W----- t I | | I l t ! SE::::: issi---|--|3: - - i--- Si — — — — — — — — — — — ...'...... ." . . . . . T. . FF } g i ------i--------i-4--------------------------ſº §§o º: to ::::::::ſ: " . . 2: . . . . o. 1- - , ~ * .* g Y ++: $:33: S.S. ſº. t- Y. :*::f . . . (). ". . . . 10 Extra Heavy e ! * * * * = m, mºs sº º ºse ma ººs ºs as * = eas, amº sº sº, amº ºm am, sº mºv s = * * = sº * * * * * = a-s m = * * * * * * * * * * * *s sº wºme ºr sº º ºs. ººms me mº, amº ºm.: ... ºf * *, * & :3: =======~T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ".. :::: '. ‘. . . ; . ... “ * - * = * sea \ } ::::: #º: \ . - ". . . . . . . . . . . . Venf Header, º ~\ \ . * * \\ * -1. t c--... ." _ _ ------- Y-, \ | \ § * | ---- - !--> - - SQ 3 m * -º ~ ºf ^ \ | *sº N. ! i __ – ------ ~ TT ! g=& w A 2% . \ | g \ § ----------------TTTTTTTL------- > Aºs "; Bars, ſº CPS. \ \; --------- /0"Extra Heavy \ \_____-----------TTTTTTL__------------.---- º Sí"? Bars, 18"crs. \ \| ______-----------TTTTTTL- s = Venf Header \\ _____-------------~~ Adif for Arizona_2^ \ –--~~TTT -------------- —— ..” - - - " * ... " >s--~~ 6afe Chamber-" secTrowAL PLAN c-c SS --" H----------- 24'-0"------------ *: ! . rºllº * * * * * I 3 **a*: .” 2-9. Sºº • * l : lllliºğ f g", sº ſa, jºk-fºr- Å"? Longif. Bars, 18%rs. -- 1 F- tºº-ºº-ºº wore- C Y lºš Grouf pipes mof shown. Čº Y ** . . . . * tº . . *.*, *, *. * * * . • * * > . .”.” - É *- -, 3. Zº * = * D". "...º. eſ * * * * tº ge * * * * & 3. j; sº a. * * s * : « * * * * & * * * * - e. . ... • .. *.* - /3...Q:...' .. **.*.*... ". . . r: ... ... • . . . . 2 of......:*:: 2-l...” Ya!!!/Xállá ; º Sø :2:::::::cº. '': '..? & (#" Bars, 6"crs. ..." *... . *:::::: agºza, a ſº º 3.11 %2f; % over pump recess ~~ 8 gºš. - ſli." Elliptical Hoops K. | 3" ſy pt ſº * *§ § lº) % 8 ſ: g -> < 5 O º % ſ % % % #"#Transv. Ø ::::::gº. PLUG CONCRETE tº 㺠% - : ºrs.] , ſº J º: sº gº jº. a 6", - Z gº £º: af 'A 㺠2% Ż ~k. #% Ø % l r assº sº * =* ; ſ : º * B ſº rS3 #98 rS i. º º : # º ſº º º tºº. Kº Aº Aº 2.2. º 22. dº gº gº fº ºf ºxº - ź º % 2 ºf . % § | Crs, on Top: % % * . % 10 Ex. Hwy. Ven? Pipes fo r SECTIONAL ELEVA 7T/OW A - A - % 2 *Ż% ſº % Face of Tunne/Pluſ, % i. [] 2:### © ZZ %3-?? Hoops loſiſ'and %.4-#"d Hoops II:6%/26: º . º - *&^*&^*.*.*.*.*.*.2% 22*2222222* 22 ºzºº.º.º.2%22%22%22% - º s ſº - t - ºr : - ~ * 3 T- §1 ºff, *—le H # 4|+ Lil ...| | | | | | | *Fºurtining §§ : - o, (Level) ... • > sl Cº. | -zºoxº Ga s ; º ..] §"? Bars. 3:0°Crs. - iš *º: º . ! ; % r, 2- J*V CI.S. º % - ####### #: £% 3% % - % - XrS. / - sº ; : ºº: : 'II'and - #"6 Bars;3°0'Crs. * * §§ 7tſº;"a -11'6"Di i - - 24. - ... ." .* º ops II:6. p10 /t/s. Hoops://'6"Did | Ag:6 and l'é"Dia- %ftº: j” Hoops º W £.....!!...??!ggliged Jøſſø żº... “ % º. º g/2" Did. 6"crs.------ 7 . - i. . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR % - WOTE - BUREAU OF RECLAMATION . % BOULD E R CANYON PROJECT •,• , , . . . . . . . Tº 22.222222222222. % - - Plug defails are idenfical for Pensfock - wºš ſº Tunneſ both Nevada and Arizona Sides, Hoove R DAM ^*}xº ºrs : * %:::::::::::: ~~~-Te ºš § excepf Adif enfrănces shown in Plan, . UPSTREAM PLUG OUTLET WORKS #. %:àº. ñº tºta . : * g All reinforcement Hoops to be welded in field. REINFORCING DETAI LS à * * * * * * *-º-º-º: —- . - . - º *::::::::::::::::::: r orawn:.F. J.T...... ... suscurreo. 44 2. ...:::::::: TRAcEos J.F.V......... Recommended 22% checked:04.2.É2. APPRoved.... Mºčº • . F-, -, * v-s- . ;-ºr-wºw ºn . * * * . . . 24 |45 | ornver, colo., ofc. 1, 1930 |45-D-945 º * LowerTupinal section ow & OF ouTLET "speciFiCATIONs NO.5.19 - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - D R A VV | N) (T, NO. 4, 6 Aufomafic f Af - Gaffe Hanger % E. Strong Wroughf Pipe--. Wemſ Pipe • ::- sº •• .:- (7... 2. ; : e. ... . . k--------------------- - - - - - * * * = * * * - - - - - - - * * * * * * * - - - - --> * * * * * ** - - - - - - - - - - - - .: s.. **-*- ...• . *.s.-* *e-º•-sg- **....e-:. -.**-- *-s * ...’ - - - --------- - Af. - - - - gºlf) . . - . . " – --540°----------- ºcz. ... - | . . - - * . . . - 22°pefurn Il g;...; "-v-f------------|------Tº------|-----------------|3-0----------------------- K-------|-- - - - 13 O’-- - - - - - . . . . . O. - 38'Dia Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . Hojsł * 4.0% 8'0' Oiſ Tanks § Complefe ſumme/ Plug lmsfallafion includes - . . Four Sefs of Tandem Gafeg. Regulating Valve--" €7S Of IGſ) deſ/7 (70769. 2"DH/ Exhra Shpong ; Discharge Header s ... ... :g. ... . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - Triplex Pump –2’ §. - A e Gallery . . . Chamber e tº as * a ‘.•. i --540°-- - - - - - - * Mofor Floor Grafing i | ; - *A* * * * . - i2" Sucfion 6%6" Trench --> :: W.W. . . . . • . * , • *.*, * "...* . - a * • . - 2-, . " ... " " ... • * * * * * • * * . - * s 4. - -- - - - e te q * * g - - • * * * * - - e • * * * * - º - - - - º e e * • , . - - - - - * - * a º - * - - * * . • • * * * * te - º * - º - -- * - - - º - - - - - - • . * * º e - * - s - - e e - ... • . - .- : .” ‘’. ‘. . . . t .C. º: §2×2" Drain Wench, 3. ... iśs.'." .. ſ . º - - **. : ... º-... -• .. : ºs*- tes--:• - 20'ExHvy Venf Pipes fo Downsfream Face of 7Ummeſ Plug. s -- --º:*ei. g-g -*º:s $º t If ~. , , . . .”. 9/'Dia Conduit Lining ::::: . . ang Transition Section: ... . ; 9/"Da fo 6:0x7-6.3:... - T - - ... " J . . . - \# º. - - - - - - "N, , - . •. . . . . . . . 9; - . . Aſ ..º. * T s” - - : - ( ): . . . . . . . . . . . ; b. . . . . . . ] i \ i ! / -- - - - -r----|| | I- - - - - - - - - I - - - - -T- - --T I I- - - - - - -] I I- - - - H ----|| | | - - - - - --| | ||— — — — — — — — — if I I- — — — — — ºn:2:::#:fiftº: - ‘. . . . . . Y → ; * ._&ºsſ. " . . . . . . . . " ... * * * * * * * *, APS " . . . . . . " ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9. . . . ." ","...— . . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - s ſ | | ſ l ! i I | i ſ ! | I | | n | ſ t ! I 1 ſ ſ t y g I &'. * - - - - - - * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLA MATION BOULD ER CAN YON A R C J E CT HOOVER DA IVſ :’. .* J. Yi . . . . . . . . - : ; ; ; ; ;| || 3:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” - . - - UPSTREAM PLUG OUTLET WORKS §º ||— || § Fºlºšč GATE INSTALLATION DRAWN : E.N.V. . . ... SUBM ITTED: . . . . . C. NOTE: - º TRACED: W.H.K. ... RECOMMENDED: ..… . This ſnsfallation #ypica/ for 50' Pensfock |Unne's SECTIOHN A-A checked:%24/2APerovso: &Pé of boſh Wevada and Arizona Sides. | 4-6 || Denver colo Dec. 1, 1930 Isºgºs 9 Sections @ 5 conour unwg " ' Gș -; It- O(ſ)} |<+ Z→--------- ------------, N,… --------------------------·|<------------„0; # ------------>|<-----------„0;f7 ----------->|Lųop ()|I||||-O É| [||ſøZIĘZOE--------------+---+ |Š! ș||| |, ' ' ,5>? {|| |º ºQ,} \\ | (__ Š[|]~|�| |----§ z $>S2 >; ſ^j \ & © ©)(O)(O)) @– ſì l|| Ō—ſì—ſì–ſì(©)!; ;# 5 ğ Dº ? ;)ºr) { 6,O O O Q) O O O(@)Oi ###$$$Ņ |? −---- - - - ---- |~ s�^*\, |* Ho |}oE|----r--r--r--r--rſ)Ø44|gº z º ff;;saeJ |©)|| | | ğ | | | | | [JTË| | | | | | | -!$ $ $2 or § Ù; | , ، || (@)||| | | G || | | a !| || | 2Įğ č QC} \& ſ. |-ſæ),||KoZ<Ç || ;، *========~~~~);|!=====*|| | | § įſý (, , ; š· }} á Lū º ` | || № ļģ ©) |O|O | ©)|| * | ſ š || 2 | | | | || | | | `|ğ º ò S y 3 | $ $ $ |8 |—{|| * | | È !| | |----| |į į №|ſu DŒ œ | § § § 1); I|| | | S || | |----| |||NNNNNNN$| | | | & ||Ē; ; O$ $ $ |#| !| S | |r-„—|| || Š, !tÈ Ě Ě V_) SÐ lų{ ©)!©)| Ș | | | | Ș | | | | | | x || | | | È | | |È Ë Ë , Ō > | $ $ $ |È |−|O|O H-| ğ | | | | ≤ |>----^ <--- | ||R.! $----| | § || s |§§§ Q ğ ģ“ ‘ \ |Š '<=)|!======) {| C/5|| s` |;-----;---,»} (TTTT | <§ 1Lų} T \gº! ! ! ©)}©)| §| oc | | Ş | | − | || || || | `Qu iQ O; ; ~); H- 12--'|----||§ 1●0,· · ·: H),|„Fį Š | | }}#| H | | | | | | | | | | | | | -!| || | | |} | | O |o|o| O | | |º|| ||* | ſ_jſ_]| || | }} !—→{--^ ^----^>-- ~ ~^* ||TRÍ į ||| |----) {-_-}| r----|| |©)|©)}||||||{-| |}| |IļO U$ ] Op-(| 3| | | | | | | |----| ||| |• • • • • • •= &= -●||J | |()OCDO©)|! 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'J06u0|| 34b0' ' ’ ” Nºn\ſſ\ſſ\ſkłaeſi L_LLHÊ---| !=-1oſnovp/H ºpoulojny --~~~~| - .! | HTTĒL| } ]- :-` ) –—||- N| |&·ºſ și, | !ſ=##| |-| || |·º || .•| || |!-----| || |p.| . || |* add 6u04S| {-buſº „fi| |*| wvaeſevwa -L/noè-fro aNºv SN/dteſ Toº_LNoo = Lvo | | |- |… - |}–|—!===============–1 | +)(.* EſºHì----|- | |·dung-Joņupų)F+q šº |·-+ Xſºſ -*------------------------------------ȚșOJ (U0,) J0}f):� JOJ/U00{†).–1 Sļ00ļu0O , „+ �4ųbij Joļ00īpuſº-{ ſą Apº??} AM 0//2%» 4/22/O 3/4/42/7_J_j - Zvo/ae/Soo/ º/420 A , dº *— é!}- –4}- & * 2 * * Đ//b/ È*:|| #(----|- Š،-93 Kae)(i)—.ſº §š«�S §§șT | ȚĂS ČŇSº}S\, ,I §-· 5. |ğ $| ſſ=ſ.Șt={ vor mn | #$$§§|======,`S| ôdd {U^M --, -- *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.xº: . . . . . . . ." . . . . . . .2: ..”... .". . . . a ". . . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . . .". . . . ."."-". . . . . .". "...'.". . .”.”.”.”.”.”...","..”.”.”. ‘. . . . . . . . . .<> . . . . . . . . . . .1”. “i...º.º. . . . . . . . . .º. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\J'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .75: . . . . .”.”.”. *.*.* to *.*.*.*.*.*. “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . ." . ." . . . . . . . . . . .N. " " - " " " . . . * * *, *.* tº *.*.* * . . . . . . . . ***. . . . . . . 16 7&n Freight Elevator Counſerweighf- Ladder---- E [ _ Spiral Stairway.” *—ſ, | \ ^ | | | O|| |O |O ||O |O |& - - - - - +– P- - - 1 | i º t —1—1–- SECTIONAL PLAN A-A FRONT ... E L E VATION REFERENCE DRAwings ğ. ºgº tºº. §ºś :::::::::::::::::ºw Sections - Arizona Side------------------- 45-D-949 §:... . . . .”. . . . . º::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ‘. . . . :*:::::::: * . . . . . . . . .9. . . . : e. º ... ... º.o. . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . .”. ‘. . . . . . . . . . ." ; : s , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . .”. SeCfions - Wevada Side---------------------- lib-D-950 : a . ºf- . . . w . - • - " - - - - - Reinforcemen? Defails - El 945.--_________l15-D-95/ º: º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * *** - - - - - - - - - - - Reinforcemen? Defails - El 820 ---_________l15-D-952 'd . ; :--~~~~ f r – . 1 — w ... º. . - ~, w *6%---------------- Gafe and Valve Assembly.---------------- __45-D-95% ::: 2O 7TON CAEANE ; :--------|3-64------>|<-----------------, 24-0-------------->|<-------------------- - - zºº." - ~32'Hydraulic Hosf Confro/ Sfand-y -- A */O !---- ," g"Pressure Supply Line---, |4'Air Header • , - . * *, *, * * 2-9//D Weded Steel Pipe El 9450 Upper OUf!efs El 8200 Lower Outlefs . . . " - ... a = - • * - - - * - - - e * * : * , - - * . - - * * – a tº - ... • • . . . - - - - º - - - * - * e = * - e • * !º s. sº a * . . . - - t - - - . . . . . " • * - - - - - - * . . . . * : *. • * , *** * - - ISCnarge Gulaes ‘. . . . - - - - - • • ** . . . * * : * . . . . - • • . * . . . . . . * • - - - - tº a ... a y . . . - • * * • * a - * - * _s , , • * * - - - - * -- . - - w º' - *. - - * * * * - - - * * * - - s - - - - --" - - - - • * * * * - -> - b . . * * - - * * * - ... * - * * * * - ... . . - - - * * . . . … * - •º." , is º - - . . . . . - - * * - - * * - - - º, • , - - ... • . ... - - - * : *. , * * - . . . . . * : . . . . . * , " , º * g ** * - ... • .* * * , ... • * e - - - - : * * * -- - - "... e. , ºr * : * > " at * * - - ... ". - - - º - - - X, < * * - * . . " º - x - * , wº • * - - -- * * * * . * * * - `---- º, PENTHouse —— * W F • <--Elevafor Hofsf DRAWING NO. 48 4 #: . º: | I-- Wº: Y º 2---Tº Z2 H Fº -*º-*— I $ == A :s :*§3.*: .3.** *º: --sm-mº º =-Pi— * | =-- 3. = - º- ty § K3 gº * s -------------------------- 40-7-----------------------4------ -> -j-Spiral Stairway ~ * Y Y |- 633 * * - Sºº- . . . . . . o' -* . . . . P. .43 'o. - | | Elevafor Shafī, | A.III | | | | | { | H l ! | | | i k----4-----> ! f | | j | | ! | t | | | | { ! | | TVoical for Upper Ouflefs only |- *** - - - —A y 2. - wº §º: º: s...'. %. s... ". . . e. - - sº. v . . . . - ... " sº. . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . seſſWerºwººmsºevsøse sº t A ^: A. _l A, sécTion E-E **Governor ..+Elevafor : Hofsf •.--------º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: • - - - - - - --. sEcTIowa-F '** * GENERAL NoTEs This Drawing shows Typical Layouf of both Upper and Lower Canyon W6/Ouńefs, fºr both We. Vºda and Arizona sides and is correcºgs :* fºr fºie Upper Oufef on #e Nevada S/Ge. The Elevator Penthouses are ſo be provided in #e Upstream Ends of ſhe Upper'Ovº, Only Thansformers Elevafor Shaff &O'ſ Gnk • sº . - • . - - - SECTION G-G DEPARTMENT of THE INTER I of BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Bou LD E R ca NYon PR o JECT- H C C V E R D A NM CANYON WALL OUTLET works TYPICAL DESIGN . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ". . . 6-9.63%fºº" "I' Drain Header SECTION E - E -ā prawn: F.H.S....... susmrrred. ..........4.22% TRACED: F.H.S.:C.F.M.Recommended. ....... -*** - CHECKED & Leº APPRoved. ........... 22- 2414.8 45-D-948 specificºș Cººl: DRAWING NO.49 - - 2. - | • , 1 ~ * ~ * ~ * |5'9"Dig Kiser WBS Nº.1 EX/4ssº * - awitrºëWillºuwºnkwº 224. ''Dig. Riser from from 24'-3' Tunnel-s-s Xº, gº * * º 41*0"Dia. º $º: gºlº tº: *::::: 50'-0 Tunnel - no" iſ. t-- s38.9%. #intº £ COORDINATES : NORTH WEST | secTrow p-d 38.2| | : ŽAP [.w; ºZa º § ºi | :-- ºº3 : EA * % 3. 2, Ø § * º 3. : ſ */ ; - |C- # -*2 - ->. H| f:- If # —l- # § $2 SN W= & S º: Z. : |O607 * 1-1-1 i "1-1-1 i }+++: #-Fi I W }+++ S.2s T4. ## Hi Hi Hi Hi H, it; ## sº iii. Hi Hi Hi Hi if iii., iii. % sº -T Y - ºf Iti-Hº . ----- flººrs; :: ... 3; ::: jº: * | 2N. º “aº Lº - - Lºº- - Zºr- t t *H } {9} - @: - {} - {3}. - {3}. {G} § - {3}. * | - N y | ! ; | | R f K + $ I § + # t *WX || si s! É #!/4 4 # f | Aft § t NA Nº. N- | | | - ! V_l & ; - Yº • w- - - B-l - - à-ºs- !-- º --- S) § # E Hy Hy H, tº try tº Hà Hº ; ; Ně. ; : [|| | | *BA Yº! }{ } { } { } { } { }|{ fl ºz clavato" \}. | | | | | | | ITM ITV. ITM IT IT E Xf 6–9%. 69 Emer- ... • ‘’s | <3--º 33: Tº Tºſ Kºº TRSºº Tºº Tºfº Tifº Tº Tº ! gency Gafes - ; º ſ i | | W - . S ; : Ws c r IT-FT, N; - A R I Z O N A f N +----|-- H+ Hi +H: ### F# u - h =A \ f -- - - - - - - - | * -- ++= l i f N ! J ! * ! | | e-R *.N. Tº T. * IZR º - | º N | - —#: 2}-- #3 G yº– --tº- w {º} - —ſ - - A. W | s } is: Fºr f + f F# # * H - <- \ N : ; ; +++ +++ +++ +. II; +++ +++ I} l N º '. HETHER THAT TH+. ... tº it, ºf SA \ i ; # =#} +4+} +={-} +=#=} †: +} ºf b |<--45°7′------60-74---- | | | # F# F# F# F# F# F# H | I \ } f i t ! \ I \ ! | | l i ! l l I º ſ l ºnys - Y-- Y ‘M J–P--I, +H: złW. --|--|-- I-4-lº Al-P--!> ===–H5 M & 6 - e 3 - ſ—— º §§§ Fº ---224-9"Oufside------------------------------->{ - - --|30}<- 4 Sections a 30-0"H120'-0"> * º Jºš ::v. #18°7'-4Sections @ 30+0"-20+0"-->is3(2300-60-08-31.1% !----##"Sfeel Plafe Lining.9/7.D. --->|<ā"Siplining-†† - ..! | º ! • * *is ——tº lesſ...}. Addºlowerºfouse;1...fºur----wº 3 N ºšº • *: =Vºlºskºdºlº sº Sº - 3rtreſs-ºf-i-º-º-º: .) ºf £1.82000 . ~7. on, ººº-ºº-ºººººº- sº {T} \ Valve NoS.A., fo/Aia Inclusive Tunnelſ:9 Diam. ºne'ſ ,-, ºrwº jºriº ./19 10/1/6 11/C/ See Pſan ----- - \ -8 Tunnels 24-0"Crs. “tº \ \ \ SA \ \ \ i. § \ \ . . S. \ \ \ | ‘ā \ \ ! W \ \ —l |<-, Š - \ \ \ <- A - > \ \ \ A ‘Freighf Elevafor Shaff N s - & - \ º ) - Riser 24-3"Diams, \ \ * *r N \ N. x_* , - . \ \ }, . \\ *... fºr \ \ i % S-2. . \ i *ś, | Q) * * H. { ..lººks, f g - Ya 2.É. 820 - | sº.--12-6"Adif from |S ––– oft º L ( ); Power House - ~. A. * DEPARTMENT OF THE J NTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLA MATION BOULD ER CAN YON PROJECT HO OVER DAN// - - lºod ºffſ; VERTICAL SECTION A-A - |É4:3 p. 50-0"Dia.Tunnel | | - CANYON WALL OUTLET WORKS SECTION B-B ON E OUTLET SECTIONS - ARIZONA SIDE | .DRAvvn : 5,58, reſ. P.C.... su BMITTED: .......... A.A. cHEcked:Zº8&.4, K. APPRoved:........Sººº.”* > . . . . . . . . * ~ * * * * * * * . . . . . . . ... i. 24-14. S | DENVER, COLO., DEC. 1, 1930 |45- D-949 ! - f specificăTION: NO.5.19 i DRAWING NO. 5 O .* - ––– 224'-9" Outside - ----> C-6 . . : W5 | |S. 54° 50'E. - | | We | 1------- "T-E-P T-t-T. St-h-Tº-T-I-T I-H+ T-i-H st-ET, “IEEE -r--r -----> : l º } TI \ 4 W - I H H l } * #!! s { N t # *::: E: Fº I S | #== § #, § {=}== # {=}=} {=}=} || 5 is \ i. + {-f *** Y-4 ==4 *:: }++ #-4- § iš \ F# * * f ftf - - f ### f + +++ f ſ' Sº \ T. - e -r; s 3S & | | \ F- #--—#–#—#---ſº- i–-ā--É–H–– ; \ ,' --- - - --~ fººt-rºt +. ºf:##1 V \ COOR DINATES Tºtº-ºt --> 4----- • * * * * * 1\TWIL-1 ST i iſ x +H: utfit, 5-6 Hi Hi Hi Tii. x, i. || || \ PO; NTS NORTH | WEST # A ºf * - Ji !,' 5 t l - 2 S3 | | £ 6'-9"x 6-9 } ######EEºfa-Hāfīā-ºf-ºffi-Hºi-sºft-ºffi-iº -j-. | | \ G5 29,830.77 || 51,349.69 Emergency 6afes…}. T] Hº Hº Hº Hº Hº Hº Hº Hº * si si s l Hs 29,793.98 || 51,375.6 | o “s, §3. | H H H H H H H H fi § {, | | K5 29,732.90 || 51,413.93 * , ; | | A - Hi– - Hºi-L] ºf S; \ G2 29,793.18 51,463.03 § 3 ; | # # # # # # *H # 5 º' | § K2 || 29, 756.39||5|,488.94 →– t 3.3—— # - ºf # -čğ--—É. #35. ãº--ll—Y- ~ \ 2 f : v vs 1-T v \, . . ::::::::::: # # 2.É. # jºr- § - # S2. | (O \ 02 29,695.31 || 51,527.26 : #º: §§§ $ºś -----. * * | ". . W5 29,673.20 || 51,134.09 - - (III - * * - - .. - W p 89.48 5 ,2 - Freighi Elevafor. 2-Steel Plafe Lining 9/"I.D. - | \ 2 || 29,4 |,263.54 Shaff------ º,” ºf ITI le. Wºl Iſās arnº HTºr’ ſ ! \ Xs 29,708.10 || 51,183.62 ! #H# 4; Hº F# Tí || || |T| 10–6"Dia. - º \ X2 29,52437 || 51,313,06 : § |* {|##| || ; : # j|: ; ; ;| iſſ N E VA DA \ º § ; ; } | {{{3|{ i ſã žj-H% i_{\ $| | |$; $ _{\ j} i ; i y \ | End of Li § 3 ; ; Śº ºf MAS # ; # : †TÉ º § ~~~~ | N \ : 2xº RL. Hº Ž /;& St § i - f º § | ń - _-T \ § \ ...” º - Z3ºE- - sº Š R _-T } \ S35° 10'W. Y § g 2&Ks i § ‘à § { º # _-T łº * lſ. } à // sº. 1" || W: || ||# #| |&T sº ! j\ §ºiſ-O"Did #1-# *-H+ Hºrš ºpgººfs º i ſº l *...* I.I.I. iſ lºsiºi º ( \ . . . \R.----45+7t-----60'- 7"---> K----45-0--->|<-24'-O--24'-0">|<24-0 § || | Hºs : || || Negºš' 1.4 } 2’ # § // &W \\ \ à---|| $.Sá| | \ } || ||}<^* 5. _> 2 ſunnels ſos. Wr, ſ/z & W3 se : | .* i i i ; # t § \ --~~ ..ſº . F- ºft : --~ & § % —º s : §: Ś ſº _2~~ - - I - <-- ~~ ! An § \ - ſ _2~~~ \ : | } #S_i. Sº ºf #|\ _2~ End of Lining . ->{25'-0"> : ---.4%tiº @ 30-0 =lé9.0.4.3). 1"; \ | __--T § 3 ; ; § : t; ; #º k_2~ - Tunnels MoS N5, M6 &M, SJ ! ; : #"SteelPlate lining 9/10 ; ; ; : __--~~T ==SEE H2 \ Ž: º A=$$. § ſº §§ /* A - assº d ... .º. ººº- | | S-/23S- i. = N/ Ş. ſºl º- #, ſ ,-----------------TT PO. C. Sfa, 32+49 zºº º 55 sº AS —— B - A E/. 945./7 % Nºrris Čšēśi-º-º: % ºs : rº, a #: §§§ 3; - \ , ; E|. S.45. OO \ - *-* * * - - - º i - ->4 º – re- * 6°06'0 * s:- — *— - - º T wºrrºw. * * * * sº Prºtº-rrºr: *-* T Dºs ºr ſº w - - - - : - - ſ / T.S. 35-76 WT £º #s Kº º :* affº” O2 T º gº * \º HSº º Sºº-ºº: w ënër sº *... º.º.º. § § Fº l Valve MoS. N. fo Ng Inclusive - *-* - * T X&º * - gºałęgºšºffs - - null&" ‘S.-- R T '-0"/: • ** U , 2}\\?\\?\, XS _---T sº º * == - 8 Tunnels 24'-0" Gºrs. ſ"; Nāş CŞ `ss t | t | |L. N. t --15'-9"Di H-– A.- \, TT| A sj }, + 15-9" Dia. | H6+9%6:9"EmeA* SS Y ,-End of Linin | \O-5 XO- - \ \ NOTE - 9. - | }..."). Nº,...}/2"|ſterial ºfferential • . . A Tunnels Mos. W9, Woº Mu gency dares Jºº--As45.7% All Tunnels and Riser Shafts will carry full | J. Hydrosfafic Head and are considered 14% | Needle Valves 25.7% ſºil. | ſº | t * i. ! ~ * | * §: š Pressure Tunneſs and Shaffs. i i. F--------- ++65ections escº -60-0 *escow-60's, : N \ f . : !---------- #--i-#"Slee|Plate Lining 9/10--->|-}'Stºllining ſºlº Å - - sº #a Jºey, Adiffo lower Øve Hous&sjºs. F--z-zkºła W \} EI. 820.17% jº § ºr sº ==::=ºjanº - *Sºl 3: , ºr-El. 820.00 K-El.945/7 - ºr-º-º-º-º-Hºrwººſaſe Was N, ow.nclusive {{j\ \ *-8 Tunnels 24'-0" Crs. * - N:6 spºt N End of Lining | Tunnels Mos. Mig,MA & Mis - - i. - - - %2 >| | F-24'-3"Dia. - | A-Freighf Elevafor Shaff W - - - - ; - \ rfl. 880/7 -- - - - . . .I. IO O IO 20 30 40 50 60 TO 80 90. 100 t H–1—1—1–1—1–1–1–1–1–1–1– Scale of Feet A :-E.654 t ; } i DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR A i BUA&EAU OF RECLA MATION +-- 1. E OULD ER CANYON PROJECT is }: ſ HO OVER DAM \ | .." - - # a CANYON WALL OUTLET WORKS - . . . - . . . . - - . ſ Eºrºž - - - - - - - - . . - . . . . . . checked:*:04.8. APPRoved : tº wºº a - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *T-T^* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 24! 5O | DEN ver, colo., DEC: 1, 1930 |45- D-950 SPE cIFICATION: NO.5.19 DRAWING NO.51 f l 25°Spacers, 3°o"crs. f ſá. "Hoops, 12 and II'Dia t - - - - º Verf$gggſ"CfSS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gravel --&-º a * ~ * * – a T * * * - - - * ~ * - - - - - -º- * : * - - - - - , & *Is ... * : * * * * ste te’ “s tº *** * * * * *, * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * . . .”.” . . . ." . *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *, * • * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... *s " -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **, *.*.*.*.*, * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **, *, *, *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.**iſe -t = < *** * * * *, *, *.*.*, *, *. *... • * *. *, * * *... • . * * * * * * * * **, * **, *, * . . . . . a "s • , "," as “... * **, *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*, *, * * * : * : * . .”.” ... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. 7 - ". . . ._*.*.*, * > *, * ,” e --- -- - * * * * * ~ *-* * * *_* -- - - - - -* **, * ~ * ~ * ~ * * * * *.*.* * * ~ *-* - * * * * ~ *. * ~ * * * * ~ * • * : * * * * * * * * * * ~ * ~ * * * * * T • * = ... • , º, ..." - " -- as I - " - * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * Is T- " "... • * * : * : * : * sº * ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * - ". . * * * * * * * > * * T. " . * * * * a - * * * * * - º * * * T * * * * * * * • * : "...”. :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :"..." . . . . . .'; ... . . .''...'. : :"... : ...'I'... . . . . .a. . . . . . . . . . * agº • , , , , , , a "r - - - - - , s , T * . . . * * * : * * * * : * * • * : * * ... • . • * ... • . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * & *-.e :: à !-- - - - - : *. : - • | I n ,” t ić. ...: .# Já * Bars, Wº... . . . . Af ić. . .''...' S.-Crane Raiſ Werf Spac. 8"crs-Sºº. 2. ! Bend up every second bar *Sfirrups-as shown Rs. * J SECTION C-C º • * sº * º * = • , s e • * - • . * - • • * , º - • +------- - • º * • * - * * * - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -24.0%----------------> Af ~69%6'9"High Pressure Gates- -Bypass Valve º 269%69'High 㺠HP Pressure Gate — B #" *Spacers,30%rs. *>. #!. ./ : C - C---- §§s . . . $7: - Eºſ:::::::::::::: TE-TTTTTTTTT T- iſºl{*Hoops—IO' iſ TIFF. T.I.T.T." iſ * ſ • Yº!’. ‘ "." - Jº Nº.3 * \ O * [] | I#"Hoops, 10'and II' Dia §§§ #( # §: | išºſ ºpff º; ...' # (ºff *Spacers-, i--- 7"Crs, excepf asshown---ºff:::::::H : : #. Irug ſº 316"crs. § \ :- -* 2-. -I/ º- J/ſh' z::::::::: e # 3, ... º +-———— \# | ; • 22 - w w *:Tºrºº::::Fºx...SF: ". &########: - *išº ſº #: t / ºr ſº 2—r—" * : - G 'llá |s :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ******* * * * * * St 2% "flaſs ºf 2--S# . . rº.1%:###########################"...#:::::::::H||=#. •.” m S J as shown-tº. tº a §º:##############.g.: g:#;|T|II. ..!" ſ .4% & e - tº *:::::::::::::fficiº ºffilići iſh: ; ; *…ſhºiſts...?:::#8. ... e. ºft *::: N >{ſ}:{{ |-- onduif || (Level - 2 :-}”Hoops- # O &\L// *** * * * * * tu * * ^ ^ £ |W aſ y TY º::::::: *: ::::::::::::::::tº: 4. t sºiriº;:#::::: - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::A §§§ *::::::::::: - | *: *- - - - - - - - - d l 2. º.º.º.º. º. º.º. º.º.º. º.º.º. ################3 º!:4::::::::::\º:::::::.jś: | \O ,-l; "Bars-ºf Ž sº: ... : :"...º.º.º.º...???... : ... . . .3: .*.*...: ...”. Sº...}}. ::::::::::/3, *śās asshoº. : § - * - e. ºrrs swirrrrº's rºs * * * ºrrrrr. Tº ####### 3. .."." Ž. -Friºr-sºrrãºrr' . ... : * * * “H”hoops found lſ'Did - 7"Crs. —º- `ºops Aſsº-ຠSpacersæ] and 16' Dia, 7}"Crs. 3' cris. & -** * * * ***** * * * :*:::::: - º - - o, & SECTION THRU FROWT WALL v *1, s *. SECTION ON 2 OF L/ALVE AND COMDU/T - SECTION A-A DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR B LJ REAU OF RE CLAMATION |NOTE E OULDER CANYON PROJECT Reinforcinq petails idenfical for Upper HOOVER DAN// Ouflefs, both Nevada and Arizona Sides. | All Reinforcement Hoops fo be welded CANYON WALL OUTLET WORKS in field. • REINFORCING DETAILS ELEVATION 94.5 | ORAWN: , H.S.M...-.. submitreo.4% **. 4 • l TRAceo: W.H.S."&E.M. REcoMMENDED: .......&A. &&tº - - -> checked:8A0AA&APPROvso: ... & Zºº. • *-avº -- - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * - - - - - - - - 24.15) | oEnver, colo. oec. 1, 1930 | 1.5-D-95) #PECIFICAI º l | | { º | : i Af ION's NO.5.19 - • * - . . . . — T. - - — - - D R AWI NG (NO. 52 - - - | i -- t F-—-D ſ - - f*** : r-— - . i : - *. ‘. . | - : ...t. &: A ſº-3 tº. ..I. i. ~! w - **, ºn: º - il . t ...: ; ; #:Hoops-10-0's IPO'Dº" | * *. a 2- ; :::::::Hu | 63%rsº, - | 4. --- E/ 374 () | ... ". . "I | . . ; . . . . . t :::::: º | - # - | | | | | | \, ...' ...e.:*::. . . . ; c." - ... : :"Tºº----|--|--- N * : * * * * 4--. †ZTS, H & N.-- -:#. \ . . . . . ºl.’-l 2ſ ſº- in 1–-k :--/* Bor |}^ ####|Nt-ºf-fill ſº Bars, OS Shoſ/) : E. I. Aſ 7". . ; "| w ‘..., || • Nº. 2 º’ſ | ... I l iſii. . . . . . ... º. . . .#$!! / ; |, t | sl. | gº ¥ ſ §:... ##!-i- - -ºil-fi. /*Bars, as shown.” • : 3. - * || || -- - i |--| | - º \ }{ \sºſ; , †. , a " { | | | | | - . * * . . \\ | . i. ºli, I º:-Nºsſº--Hi-º-Hi !------ ſ †SSUEIſ. | ...: '...] } }< -: .A. ... ' • El 856.0--- i. * , s = * * * : . . . . . . . . . * *- ======<--/ | #Stirrups gº 8 ...-------- §: ‘. . . . ." * - i.… a . . . . . . . . . . , i. º ". JM'ſſ I UAE/C, as " Z"? ...ºf • * \_0° f : *%ir Went Header| ºves relºara. & “Baſs, # *Bars, . . §3. { ! 3. | as shown as shown ; as Shown----- 33 “. . . . . S-ad"wato" urah . . . . ! : ::... : >6-9x6-9 High. || is ? Bend up every §: 3.3% { Pressuſe Gates j| SP second bar. . 2. ... : ::::::: - ! . . . . . . . i . - t * ...Q.: : i. | £º. : / > * ! | :*:::: . . . . --~~~24-0---- - |- –P-AE) ::g; • : A | %;|. M | | 2. :::1 . . . . . - s t– 3:#d sil hºſ —Y-—j SECTION D-D QC) *- -ºs º- * - - - - §3 Tº º, FROWT MMALL OF WALVE HOUSE ~ : *::::::::::::g gº iſſºl + /8 *ś–-É { i ; El 8320…]. 7, !ſ sºfsº **ś ...::...'. : - - ! } . ~ | --~ º $ Bars - %SºſsºRiſſiº,35 sº/sºs./Sºſ/Nº. . .....: ! : º I' ... - " i ; | :-- f ºxrºsº pººl { } { . ; ; ; w as ShOWn - I - - , . . . . . | | | . . . . i i ! -- . . … -'aº I i -- i Welded Steel Pipe | 20.Qggºlf Lining : If I' º, * 3 f * r---- L---. - Spººº-º-º-º-º-º:--------->|<------------->ºff->;------z-----------. * . 7\º. *Sº Gºzº. El- i. ſ. i. Drain F ! Embedded in Concrefe Tº 9/"Dja, Tºši. tº rebonheader . : • .*.*.*. kº-J. | 2.9-º-º: Å" * - - '.: - º º § Sº -: i *** - - - - - - <-- * - - - - - - - -º- - ; s ::::::::f * Šdlhº i <--6-0"-->|<--------Il-10'-------> Pressure 6afe A 2AirVenf . : | ? * - ny º •-N s El &l 33. ºßoops-ſºo'." t *#%Bar Spacers- *: --- -. Coi- -w--".- ---.. S. 2.Assumed Line of Š # Rock Excavation *> i - r - * * - - - ºn - - - tº - - - * * - - - -º 240-- - - -º m - - * - - - *. -6.9%6'9"High Pressure Gates. | |\ . . . . . . . . . . . | | | #; | | | | Header, * s • * * * * * * & * * * • * , º, . " " . . . . . . . * * * * ~ * . ." ~ * * *. . . . . * * - - * º - * * * 2 : ... . . . . [S ...:::#"Bârs- sº ...as shown- ..W. ...::::...' * , - • * * * * * * , – A – : * - * - º e * . TX • , , . - * * s & º • - - - - - & • - (2. • * : - * * * * Line of - - - ~#"Hoºps-l:9,150° Excavation & 16-0"Dia-6'oſs. sECTION C-C | NOTE - - Reinforcing Defails fypical for boſh Lower Ouiſef Houses Nevada and Arizona sides. All Reinforcement Hoops to be welded in field. we cowcrete REINFORCING TYPICAL secTIow º FRONT LA/ALL-VALVE HOUSE DEPARTMENT OF THE / NTER1OR BUR EAU OF RECLA MATION BOUL DEF CANY ON PROJECT HOOVER DAM CANYON WALL OUTLET WORKS REINFORCING DETAILS ELEVATION 820 DRAwn: £7.9%...--.. SUBM 17 TED: ............ -. TRACEp: C.E.M........ RECOMMENDED: .…~ry checked:723.2/.42. APPROVED: ........! ..C.’s.. Aº 24 || 52 | #######3 fºś DRAWING NO. 53 \7 – V7 /N/ O /_LQ37S 、。 į puppub{9,9 uo, Jalº 4-rod -dnS 040-100/09, |3/1/b/ AabøH apſ/19*$- 36/01/0S/G,~ !!TZ, IL-}, 1sºdiº uſouq,%ſ\~~~--## ff ģ0,99 * · , A * or) W • - 2º}- |- • •| ~ = >! | t | ſ ºsnoH 3/1/0/ -------------------> = = = -\--- = = − = − = = - - ;649-ų914/Sub-// ... {% • *** ... • • ? ! * : ·· m • }:: ‘ * --ſº ... :-) Sºpļº buOZ/-/ſ/ pUp þpp/10/W 1/40ą Joy ‘SĄ0|ļņ0 //0/ uoÁub0 -10/M07 pup Jºddſ) Joy A/qu/assi/ /bo/d/([ SELLOW ģ-- 04/0/1 3409 b-14X3,9 0! ºubnbÇ04.09 04nsSºud ||6||4 C {| |ğ ſiſ į |„“&` | | | | ğ || |-/0/M07 0029 |E# |„z“§ | | | | Ş || ºſ ºsnoH 04/0/1 '_z^)**§|| |È| §ſ||gºdºn 09765 | ►►§ || || 3 |||- Ș|-- -|---Ē*#!-----+#---- d | | | |N | | ºpó RECOM MEN checked: 2824.42. APPRoved: (. 24 || 53 | DeNvER, Colo., DEC. 1, 1930 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION SUB MITTED : . BOULDER CANY ON PROJECT HOOVER DATV1 CANYON WALL OUTLET WORKS DEPARTMENT OF THE 1 NTERIOR GATE AND VALVE ASSEMBLY of Awn: E.B.H.......... TRACED: J. F.M. . . . . . . . . . |45-D-953 • • * _ • (], 16- ſug].0.19% · ·: > / CC j[][][][][][] 4'-9%"---- H----86" Dia. 7A---------- |= # / | \ / |bųU3-13/4/Q 100-1340/,2/-7\% ſ—— P---------- |3/1/0/0/008//`J||Éē#ffí „#ēļā <--------------------IO #-FFZ" # = | | |H º ritſ rae re-► -•*)• -J:::::UL::::}%;º : • •}º.º.r|-1:',• • __)~~~l-§|--+J¿}′{{!· Y|)· · · ·. i : |---<).ººººſſſ!!!< ff=i;!ſ={}_įžº!!!!D |-- - - - - - - - - - - - - --... • • • • • • • • • • = → • • • • •}/}Ģ|-- |}}--:||~~ŠŒ- •* • z-öſ-… - - - - - - - --> æ = • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Łlș|Aſſ= |-7, 6 ujmouc)} \\†==№- №r=|\pub/S 4U2/---#---=6ſg)ºg^___|_|-~~~~/ºpp0}/| || ~ ~ |ğë | g &|-||-(º ___|_|-| 940SS ºd „0/| * ſ{#,#= } ~*~∞ √- --- !' ~•ºf ſº-• șÈ6u1||08 ºdlº, 2-)ſ={-| * Á } {| §§||- * -|SðAȚb/1 0409 ; ;º| (S.S}-iſīſ)≡�-ÁAbaH buįžā,9-3--4-{} \ ,||+<--------------------01-11----------#--#--#--#----->|<----+--+---+0+9 . |?· -1. |、|×Ē~}~.} QQ!• ! |z|-|||||---------------|------------------------------------------------74-07---------. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ~- - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -#--#--#-+--È|š---|---|--º----- |-→ · -|!ſºſ(NŲ 'H.(<* ; ;<!»|| OJ. ); } }{ § │ │ ; & {| } { $_| { |},! |}/>'| |·|}}-·||- , . |||-!---- | 1 .| |i|·|};{ - | ||*!,*{ |!ugbúbhºſp9|}}}|{Ų ŠĘ | -| 0140ujoļni/||||| ; ||| || ||-||||} ||} if |1. | 1,! ,,, 1 ! , !●· J' | || .1. .. |→ · --* - || .. |-!} , \!/ 9/ "D –6" ; i. • … *•· •· · · · · · · * • • • • • * .• • *• • • • • • ·• •• !-• ...’ , ’ , * • •… ... • • •• •• • • • ►º→ • K2,• - • ! « „” • ¿**sääjöÅ åįðſjºš ! Aabaſ buļxg:0ſ-2; §ī§§ģ§ 9.::::::::: §§§@₪ ğ. F. - 1 ++ . . . * : 1 § NJ . . . * 1 r-" " - #### *:::tºp; v2. g §§ * RS Qo Sls # |ffff; ; § i. º •• • • L • • • • .T. . . . .3 . . . . . cºr=# p -----4------ 7 ----##::::0:: L-Iſſuº pub 9A/04 ſ.% y llw ogou oſnº |-Ļr-<-1 -|-uſb./(]| }*}puo;S, ZIpºhjouļu00,9 pēſīĘ №ſēr-G) ---- ] º X N-1- º 4 /Uļ0-10 pubųS Įu0/1,7–) • • • • W tzèſ 9 t//c7 9. ſvid id,,sºapA.· ; ºlpea", 21; º. A* uoppaſ yſbug,21 | Ayddnç , ppaſ fouļu00,9* | | ; HT D JºppēH 4u3A ulv,71° | || || 19puo aalom uſły ºlqotuoļny-~) º., į ، SSød Ag,9-~~" ecificates: S2== \ | | / W A I \ |O'Supply Header, Conduif from Tunnel- Supply Heade |0" |<-T0 Tunnel $5P |||- | 1├─º| — || || || | i||| 4}{ITŒ AȚ| 1I i || º|}|| Jðſ) 08|| ! ,’|• I • ! ! ! !+| |!||{||||SSÃO}ſį.|3469 &H}}|| |||t,^||>-]|kd9,0||» I6-9X6-94-|| |،|•},ru ( )• • {||| H<-||||| ||„“Ş || ||||||t!|||}! |||!!|t!{!!|| !>}||-~~}* T (~~~''<--<2 T-3Ķ(~~~''~ – ~~~~~~~~' ¿№ suopºs Ēģģůțüț74ųnpuò9 #7 TIONS NO.519 - D R A VV | N G NO. 54. - - Adif fo Valve NOTES - - - 75'-o" R. ---- House Elevator | Keywoys to be #|ſed with Timberliningjo conform fo - & Ladder fo Crane | Tºnel Section and Anchored fo Concrete during - - ! jº. period of River Diversion. a g a * * - - §: Diſersjon Tunnel ſo be plugged by filling Tunnel Section | |}}: and Keyways wifh Concrete. - - | § If choracier of Rock permits omit Concrete lining around ::::: plug and fill with Timber Lining as noted above. fºr Gale and Valve Assembly see Drawing No.46-0-955. Aſ reinforcement Hoops to be Welded in field. G ag ; NOTES This Plan is shown for Nevada Side. Plan for A rizong $ide is similar, excepffhaf /ocafion of /2+6"DjameferAdif is on | - opposife side. | - O - . . Needle Valves are numbered W/7 foſſ20 Oj/ ‘oi . for Wevada Side and Aſ7 foa201mclusive |P f/ - - zona Side. ump Tank * - :": ...; ºr:3°. s i TTTIO'AirVenf - - - - Valve No WI7-A7 Ø sm - - - - | W: #Tº fººd. | - - 'X)::::. | * sº + - 1. \. (C) 14"Air Inſef- pply-' ;: ^ El 662 *:::: - - P. tſ. ſ —º- P- El 651.5 Drain.” A Rö A 6"Drain Pipe *— ! l | | I | | ! S. o SECTION E-E }-Operafing * | Plafform i i • ,” R ‘72"Infernal /n/ef fial Weedle Val ve, sº O t i 5:63 `-230-Drain Pipes /4"Air Inlet . . .”.” 5 • *...*.* - . SECTION C-C Valve Nowzo- º - SECTIONAL PLAN ------- 65'-O" ſ Transition §§ over Gafes B K Bars #"? (a 24"crs. Transy Bars #"?a ſ?"crs. Longif. Bars #"?624"crs.--~~ Transv. Bars #"?(210"crs. S-$ - - | CN: - - | 1, (NJ f ti - - - - 23 – 8"---|-- - , W.S. E.63250 River Gallery af Center Line of Tunnel - Ladder-2^ #Discharge:00000%f - - - - , - Plug Drain - * - { 2-0win — — Pipe * *.*.*. *.**o - ? ... A Bars E/.66/70 River SF ! * ſº Layers f *Hoops a 6"crs. - 10, Il’ and '12" Dia. !.3% % i twena S. E.I. 647 Q 7: 9 Conduit Lining 10'-0"--- 8–0"><-10'-0" - - -- - - : * 3. - 3. * * Transifi 7:6" Transifi -" - * * * * ~ * ºo:: • * * sº % TOſ) 6". Transition - - - A Transifion fo 50'Did. - § O DEPARTMENT OF THE IN TER JOR - - . * BURE AU OF RECLA MATION Concrete * * - E OULDER CA N YON PROJECT HOOVER DAN/ DOWNSTREAM PLUG OUTLET MVCRKS TYP/CAL DESIGN - g • S." * º * * ~ * .." - :: ... •. r. -- . .. $33. ... º. . P-B. H. - * -- - - - - - - - - - < - Keyway * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - Tunne/Lining- a * * * * *.*. DRA ww: D. J. R.B.H.S. Sub MITTED % s - - - TRACEO: _ RECOMMEN DEO: . . ------- - - 5: jºie jºz -. - section A-A SECTIONAL ELEV. B - B 24-154 oÉNVER, colo. DEC. 1, 193o (#5-D-95l. D R AWING NO. 55 speciFiCAIlºš NO.519 Venf Sfand--s 2"Pipe Raili 2-Confroſ Stand ,-2 Pipe * . |-8"Pressure Supply Line |#"Air Venf 2: Pipes---" i 3"Drain , from Vaſve-' tº - • *, *, * * * * * - • 2 y - * * * * * * * * ... • * * **.*.*.*.*::- * ...' .. --------- .*.*.*.*.*.*-3- :* . J . . . . . . . . . * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • * * = - . . . . . . . :’.”.). ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * . . . . .' º • * . . * - . . . . . . . ~ ." . . . . . . - - * . . . . . . . . . .S. . . . . g sECTION A-A § 9-5 º' -38"Hydraulic Hoist 10"Extra Heavy Angle Valve-- * A s" º ºs º::::::::::... . . . ... ...-8"Pressure = <= , = <= <= * = * * * * * = ** = * = - §§upply line. .* * : - - * : * *- : * – wº * º sº-º sº º ºr E. wº * s: * * * " . . ." . . . . " . * * :- " * . . * . . . . . ...." " . . g † a s • * * * * * * * (* & , e. e * . . ſº e e • - * * e s a T is - ". . ge * * * . . . . . . ... " ... • * . * * s = * & . . . wº º a * , , , s = * * * : s , , ... f. , * * * * * * * , . . . ... ." & - - - *. * , * e * ... • .” . . . • . . . . . . * * - - - - - * * * * * * . * * - * = ! * . & * * * : s º .* * * * * . . . . . . . . . . s." . * * * * * * * *, * s is e. e. e = . & . .* - w * * º * * CZ. g e * ** a à * & * * & * = * * a tº :::::... o. * : * : * * * * .* * * * *.*...* . . . • ... " . . . . . .”.” .* * . . . * * > . * * * * * * • * * ſº • * • . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * . . • a s T = • , — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —”--'-i ta' => → - - - - - - - - - - . • . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - e • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . cº • . .” - - • g º g - • * * * * . . . * * * • * * * * * * * , * * * * * * * * * * * g • * * * * * : - * a ~. * T is * * - * * * * * * * * * * º * * • * * * * & * * * * * * • * * e & * as a *Welded Steel Plafe Lining s * * e & Te . . * * * * * º . . . ---- , , , , , a * * * * * * = * * * = = - - - - as - = - ºr *- : R = * * * * * = = <= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * g iſ me • * * * * ---…-8-0------- 6'-0"x 7' 6" Gafe ...----...ſ0-0....". ----for Conduit Lining See Dwa. Transition 640x7-0"to 9/'Dia. . `Transition . Typical LowerTuDINAL SEcTion ,-8"Conduit Drain * f Valve - This Assembly is Typical for 50'Pensfock Tunnels of both Nevada and Arizona Sides. For Typical Layout see Drawing No. 45-0-954 5"Pressure Line.’ PLAN OF PRESSURE s g § s s AND DRAIN PIPING * * * • * * ... • . . * * - - - - - * * * * Headers, * "Venf Sfand Drain & ... • * sº — — — — — 20%anhole, Confrol Sfand---, Venf Sfand --5-1; "Air Venfs Z2"Inferna/Differenfia/ Needle Valve /4"Air Venf - s \Concrete Sup- port Pier for Va/ve -- - - - - - - * * . . * * * OEPA priſ MENT OF THE | NTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLA MATION BOULDER CANY ON PROJECT HOOVER DAM DOWNSTREAM PLUG OUTLET WORKS GATE AND VALVE ASSEMBLY D ENVER, colo DEc. 1, 193O 24, 155 ſø № {{T}· Q/.« **|? (?)CNŲ·|? ZQO: || % >ºg, !!!| || ? Řſy$ : ?H-! !!— C*A.ğ z ğ > $ § 5 ?(D 3. - - - … -_- - - - - - - - - - --- → • • • • • • • • ► ► ► - ~- - - - - - -*- - - - - - - - -> ~ ~ - ſ- + --- ---- - - - • • • - =~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- - - - - ~- - - - - - - - • • •- - = <!--| $ $ $ <[O: ~ NN : H ft) 3 $ Ë> ūō; $j ſº • • • - - ~§ 4. 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O/- ------------------------>---<- s „org/ × s- <--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - },4 –,2--|-<----------------------------------------------------------- - -;;? 7. / – OG specificº NO.519 DRAWiNG NO. 58 2– • ****- * * -----J .* N \_2} ſji º- **s. 2 N --> w §ºsºf 23\\S-2}}{\ }\!! º - * £arº 14ſ- 22. N * = m wºme tº me • *N 7–S) ) 'S-2) (jš FRONT ELEvarrow HO/ST DATA | Normal Hoisting Speed (Chain).-----------............. 0624 Feef per Min | Maximum Tofal Hoisting Capacity.------------------- 358,700 Lbs. Normal Tofal Holsting £ffort Required.----........... 290600 " Weight of Gafe Leaf Complete 465000 " Weight of Two Counterweights Complete.............. 382000 " Unbalanced Weight.------------------------------------ 83000 " f Normal Hoisting Effort Available 200400 " | Normal Closing Force Available------------------------ 373600 " Maximum Load on each Hoist Chain------------------ 379,350 " | Tofaſ liff of Gafe----------------------------------------- 50'-O | - "-- i erº. ‘LS80H Limit Switch (GECO) | | ! | t K----------------------------------------------------- * * *. |[J-p-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4--------------------------------------------------------------------> #| k--------------------------------- - - - - - - =. J ~gºgº 2.5. - Stand-by Limit Switch $: . . . ~ . . . .” - No. 2 LS80H $5. LS80E Limit Swich ºs-i-H =l Tº- O - - - : Noſ and Rosion indicalor” --- : £ of Gale-- E===H - s 32" IJ- IT -- TI + r . f One side of his Coupling is left blank | | T *s - li : ----Mofor-570 A3PM. for drilling and reaming in Field that Sp Alºnſ - i º x - the fivo Hoists may be synchronized º | * -ºil riºttiſ Tijji (AT. . in accordance wifh he hsiolation - ++ - | __ = - wi. | Lºſ ºf vil y . (~ | —HTTE- —#—ſiliſh- - E=y–7–=H —-- —l—1–1-- - ſ [T] l | +-H-i H-ri—HIP - 7–H #– _ITTTL U-F } CA {2, Jack Shaff. - AA ‘.…Jack Shaff. U-LEEF & LEFT HARD Hoist joir DRIVE zº GEAR sºon * > RIGHT HAWD HOIST i - /* …~~----- O945 RPM. J.-- …' | .” 2-Silent Chain Reduction se - zº-OIO8 RPM. \ i. (D) - } },\S O --68.05 RPM \9 ) .; (G) Ş . § Ş lół1. - —k— =ſ-E - ==P-F # H ==== N- € * >31– NSº, - U l l ; (P) L (5 | \ | \ . / \ ºlºr- –– Fº Y-f aſºn. - = - a N Fº E-f M- F-34-4-3-º-º: <----3-83+---->|<---3-83+---- - - - - - - - - - as * ~ * - 7'5!" *. * ---53-5;" ------- ------------------>|<--------------7°53'-------------> UPSTREAM ELEVATION ! - COMPLETE ASSEMBLY ; NOTES - INSTALLATION- H Affer #e complefe †g Apparafus has been installed and prop- erly aligned and file Chai weights, º equal fension fo each Chain as if lifting the Gafe, Then drill an above. The bottom of the Gate must hang truly parallel to the Boffom Seaf, and both sides offhe 6afe must be lified simultaneous- ly. After the Gafe is properly hung on the Hoist, and the Counter- weights connected, fbe Sandéjacks supporting the Counterweights may be slowly released. The Sandéjacks and supporting H-Beams may then be removed, and fhe Gafe and Hoisfare ready foroperation. ns connected fo both Gafe and Counter- ream file blank half of Jack-shaft Coupling as noted DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUFREAU OF RECLAMATION EOULDER CANY ON PROJECT HOOVER DAM 5O12: 5O' STONEY GATE HOIST ASSEMBLY DRawN.B.A.K.E.N.YsueMITTED ......C. X%. A} TRAced:.9-5.M........... REcoMMENDED&% - checked:%24&.... APPRoved........(A. azº.<^*.*.* - 24, 158 | DENvER, COLO., DEC. 1, 1930 |45-D-958 SPE cificatiº Sºlº D RAVVING NO. 59 2:- Inside Dja.x3"Oufside Dia. . x 2"Long Bronze Bushings pressed fight into each end. against the outsfanding legs offhe horizontal angles affop and bottom. 10"H Column members forming stems of hangers "H"-ſk-º'-ſk-º' k- ------------ 15 Pre-Cast Concrete Blocks @ 3'-3"=48-9"----------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- —dih– ----4-------- - - . . ----- -----H-I-H – | | | | . : Ji º || # . . . | | | E Co. }~ ------il-l : ; : ! TC) Ö : ; : § O O . . . : “H- 4 k J °o o? __32 Rivers in : ! : - º o 3'ſ each Flange ; ! O Q | \,-- --- - - - - - ; : : O O - | - - , a ſº t : . : o° °o !------------------------------------------------- - - - - - sº sº am am - - - - - - nº mºs as 51-10; ---------------- * * * * * * - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- : < --8-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---49-9"---4-----------------------------------------------~~~~ <<-2'-54"- O O şk, - --- - l 2 : Q O |\s-Chain Connector - ; : Q- ‘ī- ; O O Elec. Furnace Cash Steel ! O Q | - ; , ; : Q Q * - : ; : °o o? - ; : \- Y S-1 F- |- CO LJN TER VVE/GHT ASSE IV E LED CO IV. PLETE NOTES ; : NOTE - Two REQ uſ RED — PER GATE - The required average weight for each counterweighf : t H ivot In", 1" Snlice plates in Fiel - block is //,200 Pounds. i O e |ºu Ri #######: % feld After counterweight blocks are placed in final position I • * * \ - Splice Plafes. 2^2 . on hangerfhe'sferm hole should be filled with O \ • F- - - , - concrefe of proportions l part of cemenffo 10 . t O O 2-10'x1" parts sand and gravel well rammed in place. . I O Splice | - •. . | provide I"? grouf holes leading fo hoisfing eye recesses. ib Plafes." | - | As each block is placed in final position on hanger J l - ---------------------------------------------------0-6"Wall fo Wall of Counterweight Well------ - -----------------------------------> pour #hin grouf of 1 part of cement and 5 parts § { - * - " i ------------------------------------------------9'-8"Face fo Face of Rails-----------------------------------------------------------------------> | sand #hru grouf hoſes fo fill hoisfing eye recesses. ; : Bronze Thruśiſasher, - - ---------------------------------------- 7'-0"----------------------------------------------- | Parficularcare shall be observed fo make hole in fop ; : each gºff. 5#"Outside - - * * - - - - -s ºn am nº eme * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - block around counterweight stem wafer fight ; : #. # Inside Dia & - * ~ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , | - * ! X+. Th]C - * - * : : 4. H----------------60 Lb. Guide Rails. ASCE Std. No.6040CSCo. . | - - - - - ------|--- ~~ ++------ºi i ! i I lillºt: ºr rººt. Ti-Hit-i-º-º-º-º-º:= tri: -----if-t-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- !----------------- wifh Wo. ºś and Splice Bolfs. FURNISHED : : No. 103 Carnegie Sfandard RailClips. BY THE : . L. h. Łº H LP |\-” iiri S-2J * * U------------&# ºs-Étºizº-Hº-5° i . . . . . . . . || | | | | | (C-H++2+} }º--------------FSTT. " 3'x12"Galvanized Bºſts with Hex. Nufs. GOVERNMENT ; : || A || | –Li —J S is ; ºr: }|...}}44; f | ||isºtº" |0"H(a)39 Lof "ºll|| | | | | | | | | | | | || -- $º----------------- Lańinated Steel Shim; thick by 2"wide by Žlong : : `--|-2- 74%;"Splice plafes - - - - | ; : - - ----------------. : , 4- - - | ; : Tap for £"Pipe and Plug--~~ -Cº- - . . * * * | : : Drill for and provide;"Coffer Pinº/ r < * : * * . 11. I* , or ºn 1" ,” SHO P NOTES : * 2}"Diaxlz"C.R.Steel Shaff....” |, . - Shee/ Shim - ºs-20%gx3'-04"|Plates All Rivets shall be à /5 ſt - _2 | . . . . . . . - - . All Rivef Holes shall be # : Semisfeel Guide Wheel with 2g". All Stiffener Angles shalſ have milled ends and bear -* - - Å rº- * * - - - * 'K s – - * y * countERweight HANGER = * -Drill, Spoffaçg for and provide - # x3; flex, Head Bolfs with C.P. Two REoutfred- PER GATE Fill central cored cavity with wooland - - 20'x4'x3'-04"Plafe %g",3'-0;"Plate o o Q O Q O O O Q o O Q Q O 28% 7'-0" Pſafe, - X--> a z S---" O Az’ O Hex. Nufs. O O || O || O O O". O - O O O Q |Q 'k;%20"Plafe shall be straight and true within 4"in 20Ft of length. Painfing-Two Shop Coafs of Red Lead. **~~~ I º S \, , , w { ~' E. : t v *- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAU OF RECLA MATION E O U LDER CANY ON PRO U ECT HO OVER DAM 5O' x 50' STONEY GATE COUNTERWEIGHT ASSEMBLY DRAwN:...F.A.K..........subMITTED :........C. * TRACED:. L.P.B.A.A.AREcoMMENDED:... 3. ** * * * * > * cHECKED:% (2,4,&... APPRoved:...Cº. 2 4. I 5 9 | DENvER, CoLo., DEC. 1, 1930 Fºggs l | . . . ." . . . º.º. specifical Cºlº: — .’ ſ DRAVA/|NG NO. 6O - --~~~~~~~~~~~~---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~... sº . ~ *--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ºr --------------------, -ºr-----~~~rmer–4––––7- £ Bridge Girders-, # AJOTES Aſ Cºncrete in this Structure is reinforced. No Reinfºrcemen? is shown on #his Drawing Two infake ºt's Wilſ have TWO Bridge Seafs as sºon The ofher Two 76wers Wilſ have One grº Sea; on each Tower § ------/5 70m Crane 4. -- TÉ W - A f | , 9 Girder’ſ . 100.0% foc'Bridge Bearingsº | § { C Bridge- #º & ||||||ſt H_{\# (232 º; ATA = Emergency Bulkhead...) Óafe -----------------" " — WT º - |- g;;3 § D § t; C – - . . | # -Il T- *S # , ºx Emergency,5ulkhegg | ....... 5 - :*: \s | Gafe-8x10-2 Regå---------- E *:: - | - º C- →l P º:... . . . . i. - - - - - - - - 5 § | . . . . . | || - Trash Rack---|-- **\; E El E. §: ; S º C D] [] 5|#|| || : –% i :*: - | ? | || || - - | #& º || || || SS || || || - - É: |__ |Él. | So. | O - |O 20 C- –3| E . || || ||3000a:##| || ". | || || {-1––––––––––––1 || || |&|| :::: : | || ||* Scale of Feet - ...: || || || l h |--|--|--33°6'0a |--|- . H––f * . . . || || | REFERENCE DRAVV//VGS DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR $ºll El 894; || Cohcrete Bridge...........................h5-0-96/ BUREAU OF RECLA MATION * ºzzº r Cylinder Gafe Assembly............ ... lis-D-962 - BOUL DE R CANYON PROJECT ºxr. Gate Hoist Assembly --...- ... . . . .45-D-963 HO OVER DAN/ Eggs: OCCººlºcCOCDQQ|Cº. ##" (“lººſpºCºllecCC][COOOOOODIſ * - | $ º - | | - v. O º; ... " || . - - - - - | * * * & ! - º - - - - - | | -Sº | TH:#EEEEEEEEEEEE|H| "TS" | [A || !. | § || |############# ||El 2900;||||| | SEC 7TWON B-B •S --fºr-T Tºji===ſ=ſ==555555 - |TTTT– | - 3 § - * = ***s, * = ‘. . . . . . - # 3P0ºmºróare A. ELEvaTlow '''Is —At : - Sº...” ºlº-Rºav.- "y:F"ſ, sº . . . . -- ºf " ... * Z.A.S.; tº sº. CYLIN DER GATE IN TAKE TOWERS †ºrºrº == TYPICAL DESIGN Reinforcing Steel in DRawn: R.A.s.. . . . sueMITTEos. & % 2%2& - - - - - - - - - - - - - - checked: £º 44/2. APPRoved:... Öſ.4 *a-Cº........ 1\ ... rer. . –-a -i- , -, . . º s s “. . . . ." . . . . - - • -- - . . s— M *::- is - - - . : H.G.K. – C. E.M. s - .. Shaff nof showſ. . . . . . º w ': £º. kii. -: —- - . . . . ... - - - - TRACE O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - :*22% º:* * * * * * * * * section c-c 24- || 6 O | Denver, colo, H== |45-D-960 specificº IOSE NO.5.19 - m - — — — – — — DRAW | NG NO. 6 -* Bifuminous fel#Joint, 2 Open Jon; - - - - - - - ; Fº | f :::::::::::::::::: SA: º Sh *. |ffl|2325 &O º : º | +3 7°0'----->|<------7'0" <------7°0'ſ:--->|<----4-6"--Tº---46'->|< PLAN Arizona Side as shown Nevada Side-Opposite Hand - . • - - - 1 * * { SECTION B-B SECT/OA/ C-C Reinforcing Sfeeſ no# shown. Fixed Expansion T || ELEVATION - Note: The four Pºle order - C- F->A Spans are identicaſ. H-B y *r i *** - - - - Fl/232. ,---Checkered P. Plafe... N : f } { |8 $ *Floorbeam-12"I - . . . .o. k ‘. . o . & Casf Sfee/ Exp. Pedesfaſ $ºs; sheeſ: º fixed Fedesial ... --→e. :::::::2:. . . . secTION A-A HALF CRoss sec. rº, ... . . . . . . º Concrete no# shown. sº ^. v. N* .." ºr. . ... • º . . . . . . - - - . - ... . - 24 | 6 | | DeNvER, colo. DEC. 1, 1930 | 11.5-D-961 PECIFIceTºº Sºlº — — - | D R A Vºy ||Nº| | | J S - * - t ~~~ Bifuminous felt Joinfº : * - - e-ſ: Bridge - 4;-Bifuminous Felf Joinf S. Open Joints AZ - - - - - - - - # # : #, – - +-I-70 - - - - - - >|<------7+0"H----> <------7'04 --->|<---4-6"-----46'->|<-- 5 ------------------------------------------- 165'-0"c foc Töwers- tº amº ºm. : Arizona Side as shown Wevada Side - Opposife Hand | ||| || || | SECTION B-B SECT/O/V C-C Reinforcing Sfeeſ not shown. | I | ELEVATIow - - NOTE: 77%e Four Pafe Girder C-6– - I->A. Spans are idenfical. - F->B i T T - - - - - • * * * - - ---Checkered P. 434's Plafe...' - - * 3: . - • * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º . - :*::. º 2 y’ -3% *Floorbeam-12"I - - - - - ãº. . e S ſ - - ..:- 62é/ . p esſa * fixed Fedestal - * . ‘. . . . . . . . SECTION A-A HALF CROSS SEC. - ... . . . . . . ConCrefe no# shown. - | DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER! OR BUREAU OF REC LA MATION B OUL DER CAN YON PROJECT - - - smºs was ºm - - - - - - - - * * *-* *- ------ * HO OVER DA IV - - n o e CYLIN DER GATE IN TAKE TOVVERS * - - - - - - -ses as * * * - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------ ... • CONCRETE BRIDGE -> " . . DAM D&AVN :..l..B.K. . . . . . . . SUB MITTED: . A3/. " . . . . a . . . . . . . . TRACEo: L.D. 8, - C.E. M. RECOMMENDED : | * O. CHECKED: 2& 34 AP, APPRoved: . . /? |->B 24 || 6 | | DEN ver, colo. DEC. 1, 1930 | 45-D-96i adjacenffo Dam as shown refusehºwers similar except as noted - ãombe C- sºfºile:Hºlº- — - . . - | - - DRA VV | NG NO. 62 | || Č.210 ge dome-2 … #3-----------3-7b job of s-----...” 2-6 Gate Guides . . ºff---------. 35'-6"Dia-… . c. -6.6%;"| t tº ſy * ---Wafer Passage Liner •, . . #S * \ ** * §§ •. º • . . - - \, "... **. #s - º - . . . . . CA. . - y ºn.’’: - ..S. Nº fºn e ... y ::fs:-fºr------------. \ y: §§ kzºğ º º , i ZZT o ºxºprºtº-º: * - - - - - - e ! S-32:W . . . . . 2.; • . . ‘. ... s : º: . . . * * : ... Sº: w * * = Q'. ...ſº: . :o. .. * .. º- 2^ .s: TE: $2:...;;...&# * • ... ; ::$2% :::::A::::::A:::::::::::::ſº f - 7A `---/0 Guide Channel (6 per Gafe) mº ºms - - - - Gaſe in 12 Segments, with SS NYS N N2 N.” \ NON X\ Boſſed Flange Connections--" N. NXN. Y.2°S X' *N vy. L’ * 43 Stem Connections See Developed Deſail - * -v- . N N X \ X^\ - wº \ \ |\ Šºš. s sº # * , *** * * * t - ~, S. N. ". - : s - & * ~ *- : * . N * |3-0|0\, 1” * : … nº "… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Clear ->{{ s Gafe. *~~ * . . . --" --~~ - T \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\\-Connection `--> -2° ----" • - , \ \\\\ – A – A Bolts sº & º l;* % } -282).l. - - PLAN " " " - -*- SHOWING CYLINDER GATE IN PLACE Flow/ >- N º N * = * - * - * ~ * * * . f--T) - º º \ § : Ö Ç * s......-6 Stem Connection t ts i .S. JS) (N] D. § * N N * § { a * Aſ , *- ; ; ;... S. . . . " 28-2}"Conn. Bolts, or) . 42") Gate Service || 3:. . . . . . . . s : T a ſº º jºr 3 3. -10"Guide Channels -i | || Recess--------H-A. § 3. . . . . . . ſº # & N N - - - - . . . . . . . | || , , i... . . . —J. | . 37'semic Guides. 35-67)ia----- *— *— © lſº J U Ç Ç |...-El 895' Ç Ç Bobbjff N * © i—’ \- — : §s - : Seaf - - - - - - - *y NT º ZZZZZZZZ Ž3% :::::::::::::::::::1. º <) 3.% wº ..% *3K ſ ſ --> | *TFFFFFFT i §s!!! |[TT|T|| $ {Qſº - *-* . ——º : -> ! cy4% % ºZ # Q_ - O -N s L < . ; — — – TYP/CAL SECTION —’ \' J & Y. -" : DRAwN:.8.H.S. SUE NIITTED :, ......... Sº: : ..º.º. r. . *#. - - - - - * . . . . . . . . - . TRAcED:C.F.M........... RECOMMEN DE DX. . . %• *r = - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * *świłºś -º #2;P cºoke AEPsovº * . . . Lº Z . . ºrº-rºw-ºrrº. . . . . ... (12 Segments per Gafe) 24 || 6 2 | DEN ver, Colo., DEC. 1, 1930 |45-D-962 - - - | - - - * - k- *— b - - t - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;-- - - - - - , *—"--ºzºzº | \ Y | –-----H - r - Y THRU Wares PaššAGE . . . 3 sº : [I][...][...][...]|[...][. ~. Iſ...][I]][...][...I F#FF |.3 & O O | Tſ ‘k- 9. - J|L LJU JUL. J|U L JU JU- —ll—i Ju-Jil–ll-l-l-l-ll-A | ) - - NOTES º Ş Flow * , ' ' | . ." . .” - || || - : . . 1. || || . . . 2gyLINDER GATE | ) | \------- \- —’ \- \- i. J \ — One Gafe required for - S —- *zz (Closed Fosition) - z-------| º H) f º each ſnfake 70Wen : 2. O O | - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR : i. BUREAU OF RECLA MATION : . iO O - | - | | J BouldFR CANYon PROJECT . : | tº | , I ' ' ' — ~ - HO OVER DAN/ : | |o o | || | CYLIN DER GATE INTAKE TOWERS i | Ho ol • | CYLIN DER GATE ASSE N7 ELY º- sPECIFICATIONS N959– — - — º DRA VV | NG NO. 63 Cº. Power Supply | : |TE Tºp Magnetic Reversing ~~ * | r Swifth Push Buffon 2– Y 3) g) sº = | L | | Soon | RAISE (3)| 2 - . º OWeſt | A’aise ! ----- ~ . - - . | -º-LS 424. A stop @ 2. —tº ... i º #. SW/º | Lower(3)| × . ((; ,-49 Nº 1. Lower S-Z /ø/ S ošº CONTROLS G) - O | oğt . - .. N f Mofop . © - or ‘Small Sundard Flexible” Couplings, Fasis or equal j Gaſe position Indicafor Dia/ * * ~ \ * * * sEcTION p-D i secTrow E-E .i : sº • * sº | 2. Eº § A Grease Cup *a 23 & à %º ‘screw stEM HOIST CEN/TER DR/VE--- Push Buffon Confrol Board VV/RING DIAG RAIV/ º---sº" l * \ | SCREVV STEM \ : Ho/ST \ \ t \ \ sºº" - - - - \ \ 2 \ * 2^ \ N * 2: & × \. 2- Gafe Position - \ Indicafor Bºº ſilij =Ulſº W’’----Drive for Limit Switch and i ſ \| ºl; / Gafe Posifſon ſnaicafon * A 2LA/V ELECTRICAL DATA H- L-T- © ol tº C E MOTOR. 3 Phase, 60 Cycle, 220%lfs, 800 RPM Full Load Speed. Verſical Mounting with Baſſ Bearings. Indoor Mounfing 4 Hour Rafing. Minimum Starfing Orgue=105 Lb.F. Minimum Running Jörgue = 54 L6 F. f Filep Pug f A Oil level Gage . - S . . . SS == §§ lºft# & Tº * . . . . | 2-, limit5Witch. - N & - • , Confro/ Board ----" H. F. ..., , / [] . . lºssº Eiſ |||||—||##n i. --- CE (Riº H |- | HEE|H|HE C Wºr C e HoſsT DATA \% >| =S N J|| - * - - - - ... I . . . - . 1% % l' * º-sºlº-2 Hik–O / Thrust bearino ~~ #### S--SCPEW STEM jº sºS: 3S" || \ / & # earn buy à ## HO/ST * * Wººſ. rº-Hº-Trºy 3 2 w-F 4 ' - - | \ . y - - . ; S.K.H. Heavy. - . 3 =3% y ~ : . . | tº - V. - • * : * --- | \ . . .Aſ . . . - • . . . º Far . ÉÉ -- [[|| * 3 *-Drain Plug - - ‘A M . . . . . 3 Series or equal #H# ... | ..? - S - % 2. * * . . . . . . s 2 - C- st . #### *r- • ; % 3 à à 3. 3 à à ### 3. ºl DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR [ . º *… | # % Y BUREAU OF RECLAMATION 3 3. - - É 3. 'i . . - % * §Droin Pº EOULDER CANYON PROJECT JeCfpic...” Y- ºf . - || || ---- / #=áš% ral | ſºc" SLT-A | T] . * . ã# - I t - HOOVER DAN// Motor D J tº % WD % ######TSg ! →ºskº º: #sº ſ - * CYL INDER GATE IN TAKE TOWERS ºrºgºśº º # tº - - GATE HOIST ASSEMBLY gº- § as' : P A, K. -. E. B. H. . S U B MI T T E. O : C. DRAWN: fºr S.T. g.º. Its. SUBMITTED : ... . . . . . . . . Y.T. . . . . . . TRACEo:W.H.K......... ... RECOMMENDED:.…... cºoz & Pºovºº & 4 3. *** - - 224 63 || PENVER.colo. oec.,1930 cent-ER PRIve ove Reaureo * ~~~-* ~ : — "… - *- : * – secTiow B-B SPECIFICATIONS NO.5.19 DRAW | NG ſº O. 6 24 E L E VAT I O NS Ž2 sº 23.27 222 SU BMITTE D : RECOMMEN OE zº- | 45-D-964 OswVE & Colo. O EC 1, 1930 8 U R EA U OF RE CLAMAT/ON BOU/LO ETR CA N YON PROJECT HOOVER POWER PLANT DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR cHEcked: 45tº84LA2. APPROVED: 24 64 | of Aw N. F. E. J. TRACE D. W. H. K. ·w I : *-{|- , - -�- EŒ} -- [−]· .--- - -->į · - - - - - --· ,· · · ſ -, . . (…- - -→→→→→ (() (** -ºſ (, , . . .· · · · · · · ··+ --- ---—ț¢ £ +===+−−−:--, ' , ' ';' - -- - --· · · ·· · ·- - -- - - * - *}• .} - - - - ~- - - * # | | | ≤ . .*, ,· · · n = 1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · * · · · · --: ? ! ! ! ! !;, * * ·* - …į- ·| || ;· *|ı , !→ · | | | ( )ĐÐHTEIEEEËHTE||+ Ō№∞ √(−)--º--:-LEŒœ …·- ARIZO NA VVING S/M/LAR =№taeae-№r-y):|ſºº º LE , EZIT E, , , , , , , ſŒ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Ù Ù , , , , , , , , , , , , , JŒ œŒ œ ··· - E: §S- §§§ ºšŠ º ###|t=}|####№ſ|######### ºſ ſaegſ., ſiiſ Iſrael|| FRoſw-T ELEva Tion of vºwin G - NEvaDA side: 2.5% Y & § ºš.ºš |º * * * º " * ſº ſº º sº nh nnunript'] || . UT : ae ſae , №. 1, ∞; ∞ Eº ∞ } --íi || ||'. .| -„... . . . . .3 || || ..- [−]Œ ÏT TOE-· -~ ~|, ! , ,¡ ¿ † ;• • • +ș ; ', &"→ · · Ľ: , *, ,·- -· Œ Œ' ,-··* ; : ;·, ,! ! ,} 3}**·-||× .Bae Caeſaeſ.-3. · • !! !! !! +$1',-- - - -* * * * ** ··}}|: B DERE,*; :::::|:||…· ſ , Iſiſ',` . . . Œ~ ~ .!!!* , , , ; , , , №. !! !! != (s,q)=r, , , , , , , , ,+· -···· Œ Œ Œ œŒ Œ::::... ?· §|' : ' ′ ',*};|-&.* ' |-~~~~);... ::: : !. . . . . . . .- • • }} | }· -} *-&~ }·‘|}|-# -! {„... , , * -·|-;* 1. ' * ..?!," | | }} |{- * ,§ . . .-→ → -•*| | & || || ….. - .- - - - ~· · · -, ' '; , ·? ·-;|- -- - - - - - -·. || ~ | ¡ ¿-||', , ~ ~ [7]·- - - - -|- ·· |×|--- * . ., ! '• … .- № :=?++?=--}·· --- - - - - - - <-{· -- f iſ-·--: ! !ſ. · * ---- ---- - ---ſk)* --~ ~ | ¡ ¿ № !! !! !! !! !! !! ) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ = = = = = = = = =========---===========, ! "SS; SS - - - - --* . . . . . . ; * * · · · · · · ·... - , , , . . . . . . :-(. . . * * * * · ·...--~~~~. -^ ^— )·· -* …| º: 2. =3% % IĘĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒij || |#|###]#ffffTT Œ œŒ Œ Œ œŒ Œ Œ II:, , , , , C. Eſ iſŒ Œ Œ ſae Gae. № . . . . :::*( ſ ) C : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * *! ! ! ,%| ####### #|…|######||-|#| |#||||||| ſ=º № = ::::| || ||||||| Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ №. !! !! C:Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œſe sysssssssſs||t=} |eſs sesſee,- ► ► ► ► ► ► ► I CITI I №. ſ.№n - F - Faeſ tī£Œ Œ Œ Œ ÏT E TI !! !! !! !!EEEEEEEE!!!!.ſlae sº c{F:cATION's No.519 DRAWING NO.65 rº- A R I Z O N A • .& :: Acrº #o S 2-3, 9-ger Fle yafor, formers’ + ,-7----> {2}. ice . . .º - - sº _* - === . . . . . . . &" z & - sº- - sº & - G d --- - - -- . `---Trans O ºº ; r : #A- º g Y; T -- & } i tº -- &i --- --- --- g = Power Planf . C O L OR A D O RIVE R. ,--Line of Centers of Darn º - --- --- | É : §§ tº: y * *. º REFERENCE DA2A WINGS Elevations............ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45-D-964 Typical Wing Sections................... 45-D-966 Parfial Wing Plans....................... 45-D-967 Sº Central Porfion............. . . . . . . . . . . . .45-D-968 - C. P. Floor above fl. 7/0, . . . . . . ........... 45–D– 969 sº-sº º =4. º & - i. C. P. Floor- below El 7/0, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45-D-970 *~ sºft-s: . - º Sfructura/ Sheel Defai/s, ... . . . . . . . . . .45-D-971 wº- *Sº Section fliru Pensfock Tunnels... . . . .45-D-972 ſ: W § | i s & §§,- *~3 CSI- - - 2. º - • ‘ . .”. g *Sºs III ~,’s º > : Fºss == '^. Z C. *. wº- . # º ºs ...: * ~-zz ***** . - . - º - º-3 NS--(º *=ºse o, .. 2 * *=T * : *- *Gººse - #3 f A - wº it *\ //oo-A/ 667-’ III £41i k Line ... ' s' Sºo 2: roX: 3. O wº gºs $º - Aº £1.68 - & 5Tºft - ź - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREA U OF RECLAMATION BOULDER CA NY ON PROJECT HOOVER POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN DRAWN: H.A4.8........... SUBM 17 TED: 2:27.2% - TRAced:HMāºšk. Recommended:... 4. * * *-* * * *...º-º. 4 ºr e > * * cHEcked://6/M..ÉAPPROVED: .............&.... § 2. |- -- - - - - - - . . 24165 | #######: ES5 N E V A. D. A SPECIFICATIONS NO. - . . . . . . . . . D R AWING NO. 66 60+0"CfoC Coſs. -- - . * - El 6700s g Tôp of Rail El 6670 '•:: ... • - 662.0 s i £ TUrbines .0 * DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR B U REAU OF REC LAMAT 1 ON B OULD E R C A NY ON PROJECT HOOVER POWER PLANT TYPICAL WING SECTIONS - . orAwn: H.M.B......... subM 177ED: TRACE D: W.H.K......... RECOMMENDED:........ CHECKED: {{{Mºzłº! PPROVED: ............... 2 24 | 66 For Pan see Drawing No. 45-D-965 For Parfia/ Wing plans See Dwg No.45-D-967 m- - SPECIFICATIONS NO.5.19. DRAW |N|G NO. 57 ** s - -N. __***Nº, . . . ~. - . - . * * * gº *Here’ - s’ - - * -- - . - - ſ *~...~~~TT) >~~~1. ; : * - • . - Tºl-->} | | * = **, * r sº * * * - ºr-r" sº TX | ſ A. 22° > t 2 * | F- | "ID _2^^ i __---Steel Penstocks----- - - - - - - U-U ------->{<-------20-U --- - -------20-0"-----------20-0"----- - - g • * * * * * * *... • - - - - - : . . . * * *.*, a “ ” s = * * * * -T- - ~~~ = a- = = = - - - - - — = - - - - - * = <= *-* = = - = = 6ow oil Pump Bufferfly ====== Gov. Actuafor.” -- Va/ve Mofor l/a/ve Mofor sºme as ºn a sm * = *-s ms sºme smass sº sº a e s \ . . .” Tº " " ' || || | | | ***º g º º 'º - *, * * * * * * * *_*.*.*, *, * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * | * * * * *** * . . . . .” & " " " ? ..." a $* * * * * * * s lºs e º a * *.* * A STurbine Floor., Y ºft: §: . §:... 9.2:H-i-Turbine G--> 'Generator Floor. E. 6700s-43 . Y- * * Servo- S.J. Mofors?? *s * s *s n! - - - . - - - - - - - 30+0+--- - - -0---- . . - - - - - - :-l.------------- • * * * * • * : * * * s s = e < * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * = - - - - - - | -* * * * * * * * - * * * sº sº tº º mº * * * * * r - - - - - - - * * * * * *-* * * *-* * * * * * * * * --- Top of Parapef-El. 6735 L-- - . - - NOTE * ‘A’ - - * For Sections See Drawing No. 45-D-966 o 'o 20 so 49 so : DEpApTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - 1—s- + → TE. H-1– - i EU pº EAU OF RECL ANM ATION seaſe of Feet - t BOULD EAR CAN YON PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . - PARTIAL VVING PLANS DAAWN: H.M.B. suſ B M 1 TTED: 2x 97 222. TRACE or B. H.S.-J.E.V. RECOMMENDEO: Óº - - CHECKED: f(F^7.2% 64 &APPROVED: - º, - - ZAT57Tº |45-D-967 sPECIFICATIONS No.51° . - — DRAW | NG NO. S 3 m = - ;&t :-- & * *. º * & - & * --- º º i :: | . * * * * * * * * = ~ * = -- - - F###### £º º: - = --------- # T; ; ; ; ; ; º : ; : § º § | Tºs-Plaſe Girder # - .. i - ; #. §: É § - - - § tº: § : § - ----------- ------------ . :--- '-- ------ . ; j 㺠ºx- § # / (Girder Elev 749.0; ; . . . # - ====== - ºr \# |A-li-i- =i-ji==i-j<=i-il. # * Girder Down. • * . . .". . . . . . L. “º - “ º & c : #:- - *- #} exºrs . . . 2 # -º-º-º-º-º: ...; - * * * Sheel Truss |-- . ----|--| # - . P-Fe- # Sºº- §::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Śā; º; 3:#S tº ===3 | #|| }: [] g ; :::::: Elev. 736.5~s, EEE: } {|| - - #L § sº º t -- º =====Fºrºsºfºrº i Toile? Tôjlef * * * * * * * -- - - - - - - - - - - T -- ~ : T = Tº T - Tº º ºx-T-IT-T --T - - - *\| || --Steel I Beam ---f- ; º . SECTION A-A § - # ; - : ; | •. . § {. º i s § g Eley. 724.0 y ; #| - . # # | * Arº-º-º-º-, -º- ºr fºº--ms - * . - - - - - - - b = - *#21-####n=#E=#EEE +++++ ll ni-, ---- i § # #. # #! 4-4 - l -j-- - =}=3 --- - * ºn }= 4; * = i— #--ii-- i– . -- --4--. wº. 4–3 -- s s: - 4- :-- |-- Plate Girder 4. Plate Girder.” Visitors Lounge :-- tt : 4||-- Steel I Beam --Crane Girder sºw.} yº Elev 705.9. ** =&ºwº sº. *** | Craig Girãeſ. ==== ºfeſſº. Bedm | : ſ | º Sºtº sºz prº- *::: FLOOR PLAN ABOVE ELEV 749.0 | lº, #-Steel I Beam | ;|: gº * ºn tº SECTION-TVPICAL FLOOR CONSTRUCTION sº * * sºrrºs §§§ iº -> Rºs: §-- ::~..- r- - e * * * 2 * : *.*.*.*. *...: '...: ; P: ... • soº". - C - ". . . . . . . . . Sºº, , * * *, *, *...*** * *, *.*.*.* : : * : :". : : §: º: - g :*s ** I. S., * *... º “... • re." , ºr * sº sº * * * - & = *.*.* gº ... º. º. 1.8:--. , ºr w **: ſº .# Sº..." *. tº , º' **. *.s 3 :** * Y |..}}- Confinye Ornamental | lron Rail on aſ Sfairs. ===G==. . . . . . . § ---.ºrave/ SECTION-TVPICAL COLUMN wº. : ~. §:::: * Pea Grave/ - `---- šº Profective Slab # "S-5-Ply Roofing Roof Slab ---- ... ... ---. - - - ---—iº, lºll #| || Copper Flashing ------É: secTION THRU central. PORTIONNº|| || || - * * * Eley 6675-y . - - - | . DePARTMENT of THE INTERios — — . ----- - – - . B U R EA U OF REC LAN/WAT I ON CROSS sEc TION THRU STAIRS BOULDER CANY ON PRO J E CT connes beta- - HOOVER POWER PLANT Roof AND-PARAPET WALL CENTRAL SECTION - | - DRAwn : ..f. E.W. ........... swearred, e327.2% & 4-* : * * * * * * * * * : * > . TRACED: H.G. K.T.W.H.K. º * * * * * * cHEcked: H.E.M.88.0/-6APPRoved : ..... 24-168 | of NvER, colo., oec. 1, 1930 | TEEggs SPECIFICATIONS NO.5.19 . - - - , , , —- — - - | --- O RAVA/ N C N O & © • 2– ſº-Tº ||\#9" a ſ =; - #=} * Sforage f # # - jº Toile l, * <3 * * * 2* * - - - - - - - - ; …"2-Windows _------ *****Sº, *— = • i. # ji # Win ==4=}===#===; f SH . . . dows**) - * Gº, j * * - * ~ : . . gº lº- w #: : ſº Balcony f | ; s Employees Lounge Visitors - i Lounge - . | ----------- --------------- 'Floor for, these Rooms , • ,- Y Windows; Š--will # º C-J sº º sº §3. º & §: º -."-- §:... . --... - •.gte-- .:* *- . .&- -- --.--... •:...- s-: |-:.-. -2sº•=- ºsº-*.- i..."-*º..s.x -. . sº...":*-* - :-º..º*. 3.---:• *:..- ;.. -. . :-•.- - - - :-- *- > :s; -.. º 3. FLoor Fºr ELEVATION 736.5 } §: *. º is T is 3. º . . . tº c. : "... O . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'; 'º'; ... . . . ." • ... * * ~ * * ^, • *. tº • * & • . O. º ... o " . . • . • ** Ö . . . > . • e * * * Q g • '.' . *>. * ... • tº $ tº * : 9. * . . . . . . oil. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | - * * - *.* * : * > *— tº * * * * & º ..Q. . . . . ...Q.. . . . o ... " ºo: * < º $2: * * rº & * * * * * * • ,” ". . . . . . . . . . * *, * * * * 5 O \O 20 30 l, I_1 | | 1 º I Scale of Feet & C w arº º ... É º º º ſº º; º º gº. tº **** º § º * º 3. ** º > : . º U.S. Masſer Mechanics # Office Elevator º - . º - º † Window;-) § ::tº £º Sg. . . . . . . . . . i §: §: | | Transformer - - pi} . Transformer Track - | E/ 670 - El 670 : } E/ 670 § §§: | I * | | ; \ jº * ºº: ºs - e s” * & & & 4 ** g ºa.º ** & - *_at ºº::s sº *::: **. *** .*.*.*.*.*, Sº *** & • O "... • , sº ºn, , *** * * sº. ". :*::: :*: ºº:: §º. it - * *::::::2 . .'; as SA Exº *ºtºq *...*.*.* sº §: §: §§ * . Fº §§§ §: &º ::::::$ :^". jº . : FLoor PLAN AT ELEVATION 705.o ! º * —A 3. . (Baſcony omiffed in this View) . - ^ A/ *. - : 5 O 19 2O 3O I * . Lili a 1 | | I l | Scale of Feet ***** - Sºrºrººººººººº-ºº: £of Adif fo g Passenger Elevafor.” } % of Adif fo T Dassenger Elevator Balcony See Dwd. No liś-D-929. fºrmer . Pił E/ 670 gTransformer Track :* + FLOOR PLAN AT ELEVATION 687.5 Gage R.R. Track ...A" *ś- Sid Gage R.R. Track Sid. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLA MATſ ON BOULDER CANY ON PROJECT HOOVER POWER PLANT CENTRAL PORTION FLOOR PLANS EELOW/ ELEVATION 71 O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g * * * * * * * * * * * *~ * * * * * * * * * * º TRAcED:..T.A.C.T.9.5M. RECommended….. cHEcked:/tº...?.246APPROved: . º 24, 17 O | ####### TEE70 º T- SPECIFICATIONS NC 519 º º nº--- º - --- --- º --~~~ - º ==– º -- - + º º - - -- º - Ti i - - - Tº . I - - º Q) - - º | w * Roof Truss Crone Roiſ Ginger- Rafe Girder…" —º --- # - - H. # & Roof Trusses- | * -7 * * C]] .." {_-Pafe Ginder & Crane Rail Girder Q-Sway Sºcing - - i Angle lacing- || º - | | || D ------------------ 20-0 . | º s {…The Beams º PLATV PLAN : SECTION B-B SECTION C-C º | | To º s TYP/CAL FIELD |N . CONNECTIONS - - Jºzº --- Colºmº 7. . O 5 19 º --> ELEVATION THRU GENERATOR HOUSE WING | | | || Scale of Feet ºs- - º - ºſ. | || DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - EUREAL OF RECLA MATION BOULDER CANYON PROJECT . - "Yº HOOVER POWER PLANT STRUCTURAL STEEL DE TAILS - . - º - º DEAww, Rºw B Susanº. 1 TEL º: | | – V. - Floor Leveſ E. 5700 Floor Leveſ-- 1: ELEVATION AT SEC, A-A rº. Acco-º-º-º-º-ºw Reconºmºwºsº. - º | ſ - ------------ ſ === | T] ºr Lºyº º - - checked 3 J-ºk'eaperovºo º - 3.24. B - Z. – B C C Co/ Base * * 2 4 || 7 | | nºw-E-R colo orc 193- | *5-D-971 i. - Concrete Roof DRAwºlo Nº. m- SPECIFICATIONS NO.5.19 DRAVING NO. Z2 -- {< -//'A. ºrs º |RE *2. ". … tºº.º.º. ººzººx i Nº- * \ º: \ §: \"." * ** \, Bell Holes 4' Wide .* * at Fanges |- \ \ % -g SECTION A-A º as * 2. 2-Sechon of Pensfock Boffed Fange ~. \ f Commecſions | \ a f Immel-Mevada Side. § --- af No N7 DenSfock. * * - | Canyon Wall af Pensfock -- No Wº (Nevada Side) - ar. - “. . . . . . . . . ." . " , " . " […] w ſ l F] / ſº º (Cº-F-I-I-C- All Pensfocks fo be concreted " ` f &\ in solid affer festing. C. s | fe W. W 2------Power House 22 S W N _---- Section of Pensfock - - . A 2- Tumme/- Wevada Side 132"/D Sfeel pipe-- aſ No Wa Penstock : ** #s O O É i ; s: Z # 8 on Nevada Side (Nos Mºtº incl) ; 8 on Arizona Side (Mos. Alfo A6 incl) - -$ - * . . . - - : * Tº º § º sºft-dº § ,-ſh'Dja. Tnnel º - z |32"/D Weſded Shee/ Pensfocks--" § º ſº ºf ºxº Kºś #%--------~~~ - | ſ/ º * - - à Tº | Ti-Ti. - EE Tºri-ji=ffs º **E=Eli i-H - f | .. ; *o-ſtº: j gº Túrðine E/ 6370 º :QEX, E-sºº º *------52'of 2*p/-...------- z ... N. Bufferfly Valve’ f .# \, TYPICAL secTiowal ELEv.A.Trow of PENstocks DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - BUREAU OF RECLA MATION | EOULDER CANYON PROJECT | wore - - f HOOVER POWER PLANT This Layout is fypical for 30' and 50' Pensfock . SECTION THRU PENSTOCPK TUNNELS Tunnels, both fºr Nevada and Arizona sides - - º * | TRACEp:.W.H.K.......... ...” checked%.34.62. APPRoved:... # = FT-EE. speciFiCATIONS No.519 - - . — D R A VV | N G N C 7.3 =- Horizontal Distance in Fee + sº 50 - J00 —120– £90 O <23 § A |300 2Head Tower and Hoist not shown : Surface-- -El. I26.00 - Y 2 * * --~~". nd Grove/Refill, ſº -º-' A. | a-rº-Kº ==ee-4- --> * - SUIT I Rººzºº 㺠2^ N - r - Zº --~~ • Sº |250 Sº KSS. -- x Sky. ūW Y‘. 5 º | W - ! , sº ' =. i. - \ |200 50 - K + 300 - * | | - -- ~~~ - A \ 0 - \ — | \ | * Af *N !,-, * A \ W. . . |300 | A N * - ? •' ! f . - . - * * - - - - * * * , --> .* w * * | - . TV V . . . . \ EI. 1262. OO’ \ r * . Alf . M – ºf - e ^ * * L- i. e \ I ----------------------50 - 0" ---------------------->|<4-6- , * > . SN f \ zº I w ! . sº---i- - \,x_- || S--> * \K. -- * 2-’ | - - §--- §§ , TV * * . S->' ^ ------- --~ }- SSS o’ f l . Y5 §ºg - . , , § 2- A SN 2^ “Eº * N * / || 50 ! * > * - - - - -º §§ - Y - t Y & \\ ~ ** A N-Profile alongºofincline *\,--Profile 30ft. Upstream *2Profile 30ft. Downstream 8; Tº...A. ~\ . . . *. Ş. ºo:\; 2. Af º W / • gº <-3:0%ve. - anno" N-4' *Head Tower and Hoisting : •Nº. CK - - * * \ §ayºraziº: zººgº §\ & - * = == 2-Rubble Masonry Refaining ; Machinery not shown ſ ś" • : 2-T º * Waſſ and Parapef ; QA lºſſ =Z =0 == :- | Nº WE *YZed, º wºxæs \ - - 2 l SS g -> F | |00 |00 “All Dowels (#"7@IOff crs. Elizºl.002% C |THE 2x2 *F E. section A-A 1050 Y--~ *: ºl-46 Thºg N !. - l,.......I . l Scale of Feet * * fºil- - SS 1100 - s \ * = * #--------------------- 50'ſ O” . - X- +4.6% O 10 2D 40 60 S-------- sms ºr " w M. . --tº-- . * - . - | * º Structural Steel É j $. Frame Track Supports-, gº 1000 \ . º * * * * <\\ 1000 N. I l * * * \/ _-- ~ TT |-> t -2& 350 1000 \,, Broken Rºck gºd.; j . - | *Wſ, - i |_|| ---t"f 900 N Grove/ Refilſ --> S. Y. .. s 900 Sºś r *- ... Top of Incline Rail . - C-: $. 2Rubble 900 c - - 30" | s Tunnel fo Valve House.’ 800 #. §l-Landi forf * A tº º §. LQ ding Plafform Hº----15-0"---- §§ : 5 o 850— T \\, t § 1 a } | . | § =>3'-6" wº. * GENERAL PLAN OF / WCLI/NE sº C w c-c Rubble Masonry Parapef, . ->}}<50%+50%i---100%->|<50% /š. |- I . . . . • . rºs, SS -tºr ----Y. + * *- - - - - - ºnſ' 'L_ | s - *: A. - = * * - - - , ſº º: §§ . . . . - § 'sº - t \O 700– |. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EUREAU OF P E CLAMATION A section wifh incline BOUL DER CANY ON FROU ECT Ž HOOVER DA/Vi IN CLINED FREIGHT ELEVATOR > E DRAwN..........sueMITTEo: .... ºzáez. TRAcED: L.P.B.: J.E.M.RE.com MENDED:. º, * * * * * * * * * * * * * | - | SECTION F- F - checked: (2 LA3...?...APPRoved: .....&& - - - - - - - - - - - - 24, 173 | DENve:R, colo., DEC. 1, 193O |45-D-973 2-Werfical fo infer- º IO 20 • f 1 s a la - | 5cc, le of Feef fº-º-º- ass-exas&axx-samum SPECIFICATIONS NO.5.19 re--" El. 1050.0...ft. F.3500 ºf . . . " :: of $2. ‘. 3. ** -: - : E|.850.O s ; . . s ,-, * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * #. ...'..... 6.0: 0: . . . . * Tº". Tº - * * * *T* | * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * ** O so s ... • * ~ * * = *, *, *, *, *s, *s * t * g * O to : *Collapsibleóates - provided with Elevafor - -..::: s wº i iº- o: } O o :*S# . ~ ſº ãº;º * * * : to | He-18;"-->{ CŞ H ! Y - lodder : : tº ‘ſ g § ſ: J | i t s "I, j, f J ſº ſ ſ g l, r I I * - tºs r: .$: •.";-CNJ; *: &-& } º i | * I'l- m S. : P-60'Platformº-º-º->|<-20; -É. 4-53. * 5. • ji - - - : º:3 Recessfor Elevatorcondii; * ſº ſº SN ; : • sº * : * :: .** ... • ſ ºšº-36"Inserfs a 640"crs... :O: $3. ; * e ; : S $ ...'. O. SECTIONAL PLAN a . o. • * * º * * * * s, ... • * . & s = * * * * * s * £80,00' . . . #:Elevator Shaff". • * , ... " . . . o - . . o . . . . . :2 . . . . . . . . .”. © • - . • 'O' s * • t) g * & ;: …": . . . . D. . . . . s, e. :: S. " . . . . . : © "O ::: . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . e. • * ::: '.... • º . . - 0° g . . * g :::4: "...' ... . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . o. . . g jº ". Q º: tºo & gº • - |EO.-- d st t . Q::: e |:… ." . . - - jºo's : 1-------- ill iš i ; : N . . . . * : *... ...} - > , | § ...: . . . . . . . POWER HOUSE, §|| 3: 2. o . ‘. . . . . . . . - - A. S} - *TE::::: ; & * , Cº . *g . - º II. =|\)::, ; g º y Q || || |::::: * : . . . irrºr |-Sºil |:#: ; ;| º #: ; º ::::9. ..I'll | §: : | tº: º tº . . . .”.T. 3 - - - - —ſº 22:\ s: * †, , , *º +-Isr. SECTIONAL ELEVATIow ELEVATOR SHAFT AND CA6E `s---. Confrol Inferlock-3, : sº . } \, ºo::::: 4 J. | \, 3::::::: s' — Sº -- § -- || || || |r:* Platform&Doors ..., B& S2 * ...} - i & ---La El Á -- Space reserved for Electric Conduits for Dam +48" Inserfs (a 10-O"cre. Curb Line--- 2212"Inserfs (a) 8+0"Crs. _Y Curb Line--- Curb Line.--> Cohtroller- **, . .#i 36 |- * - - - .: | THIRD FLoor PLAN jºb, t: 23%). * * * 3.” “As ! '... :: * ~ * E-T-lºg, | *. * .* * * * ºf I . R... I lº:5; #3; #9 - §9. *::: ,-S 24'-0"x6'-0"Lift Well 24.0% 6'-0"Lift Well º Drived ord SEcond FLOOR PLAN fo reach from d d € r 150 fo El 1232.83 6 6 O GRound FLOOR PLAN D R A VV N] C Hook for 3 Ton Choir, Block in Center of Liff Aſell | - 3rd floor ſº. :l N t ºSQN N Eſº ;§# § º NSN: QQ--: ſºl s—-º K o' Counterwei Guides pace for Transformers, etc. *** * * * * * :32: s: “ . Inserfs for . . . . ]--i- F-1050"--HHH i :::::::::::::::::: ". . . . . Inserts for Laddér:#" Tiº ... [...º. 3. . . . ... o. i. 2; T * : o . . . . .." . . . . . ! to a - - t • . ** . . . . . q = i § {:} . . . 'o: o Sº ſº. . . o. . . . -, * t CO ... o. * . & ‘’. O t . . . . . . º . . .”.. * = s . . . * • . . . . -----|3: Q . . . . . * • 2 . 4--- jº Inse i J. : * * KD * * CO •o ght. t tº- f t s º § O g- { O SECTION A – A NOTES Two Passenger Elevators required Capacify 5000 Lbs. af 500 F. P.M. Total Travel=562 Ff with 6 Landings af Elevations given Pſafform and Enclosure £ºy QS S All Elevators complete wif and Bolís ſo be furnished and installed Govern men T. All Metal Inserfs, Sfairways and Ladders will be furnished by the Government and installed by the Confractor -]: * fl. 1232.83 ***'. Elevator Guides *::$ $on both sides Enclosure, Guides, Wiring N (Y ~ : -- Ground Floor rfs for hown. by the , sº * *.3 § { g - t /*- : C}< * , nº. * f º-sº . OE paſº TMENT OF THE / NTERIOR 5 U R EA U OF RECLA MATION BOU/LD E R CANY ON PROU ECT HOOVER DA IV PASSENGER ELEVATOR LAYOUT 24 || 724– | De Nive:R, colo.,DEC. 1, 1930 | 45-D-974 | speciFICATIONS No.519 • - DRAw1NG NO.75 § Q S$2 :S $ * || >. s Ú) ,- f\, ~ * - 1450 ſ z rº-º-º/ARIZONA s * | | ºff. Hºrate, r rainſ G. --- | * ...-H. PROFILE - WEVADA SIDE frºßbove Éwº ºf-J-Canyon Waff Ouflef works, --- Fºr-º' ----- g ſº “, {/ Hº- - .* - Meja! Pipe … Infake 76wers \_º| * - } A.' > r—- - - - C- to ~~ - & sº •º- * TypICAL CROSS-SECTION RL/EELE MASONA-Y RETAf/Viſvę WALL i ABOVE POI//EP PLANT 1350 tºker Cofºr Dam *---- | Tºad: i }300 == | u-2 --------- Hip º eaſon Wälſoffet Works *†, * - - 2–~ ~%º * +3 ºr sº JNEVADA - ºs is 2 *S. * Infake Töwers--" SAE t ſº - t <2 3 4. ; : Cº- i : A ~~ _* * A # 3 *NS = ~~ : `s º: *: * *> i t/ º tº \ : 23 § - ----" ; r- * S. -- 3"a Lºn” AdROFILE ARIZONA SIDE * s - [\ - $24 Borso 2-octs § GENERAL PLAN \, f : -- *A - : § \ S-\{ . * -: *Baſsø6%rs. $ ". s' " ------- S Y * - - > *g ar *::::Posiered ºp >.24% - F-22-->= A\ gºnd of Construction § . #"Bars()/2crs. ------------------ - - : o' jo" jºš - \}. ##"Borso 24%rs ar TV-V º 2~~~~~~ Y--- #--~Y— . *º- Żºłękºz-Kºź. - ºgº || 22 \\ - 2. - S-.-Nºr--ºr-2×giºWNTwº:*~~&#sº ; // . Nº. -3.0 i------0-0!---->430%" & __N------ Refill broken A. . Drain ~. T {~~~ -. Q | uscºgrow 3-0 o () 30.4% "Bars @ 12 cris. *~~------" , Rock & Graveſ--- %a CROSS-SECTION-CULVERT UNDER MAX. FILL º J - Random Rubble Masonry, -- - .* ~f~ * Cement Morfar - <)? DEPARTMENT OF THE in TERIOR - ** 83% Š EU. REAL OF RE cº-AMATIC M. ~, S. S Boulos R can Yon PROJECT - _*.* S Sf Provide Drains_2, 2 -----" " § Q CN HOOVER DA IVl - S/DE HILL SECTION GS directed £2" | HALF TUNNEL SECTION | |S.) ź A. ELACK CANYON HIGHVVAY - OR UNDERCUT ſ Š u-TE ‘. f : RETA/N//VG 1//ALL SECTION ELEl/ATION-RETAINING WALL kiss-------------- 172 > - TYP/CAL AROAD SECTIONS - LONGITUDIAJAL SECTION-CULVERT 5TATION 8+00 T specifications No.519 DRAVV N G No. 76 ºr- |200 - 1200 - N | |00 \ |O00 |IOO > 1000 H. | ARIZONA 900 - | - 30'Dja Pensfock | | NEVADA | NEV/ADA ARIZONA - | i 900 i 2:30'pia Pensfock .…” X. ſ º gº - - sº 2T_{4 * ~ . // º / 23|{2// Dia Pensfocks Lººkººl--Biſ Cº. O=-|-- . - . - H– - — 1. - - - - 2O0 >< . …[2(2. —f-7- —l— — – — l— - y 600 - - — § r=#E Rºº? ºvº : 50'Dja Diversion Tinneſs” - $50'Da Diversion Tünnels 50 Da Spillway Tinneſ’ “50 Dia Pensfock Tünneſ sEcTiow AT INNER T Uſvive. TRAsH Racks - - | secTION THRU Power House _2~Spillway - - • Spillway--y . * 300 F- N - ! 21′ Y \, ...--Weir Cresf . - - . - Weir Crest ~s i 22** E/ /223.6 - - |. t . El. 1223.6--- Y_---& o N hoo!—l- j . i f ARIZONA ; | NEVADA 1000H — \ ! 2-Trash l W Rack 800 700 | T00 1 / 50'Da Pensfock Tunnel.” *50'Dia Spiſſway Tunnel & º * |200 | 100 N IOOO | ARIZONA ºfesso i Outler.” Tunnels-> i i *i s 700 H T00 * A * $50'Da Pensfockºnneſ. 50'Dia Pensfock innerſ’ $50'Dia Soiſſway Tunnel SECTION AT OUTLET MVOAP/CS / NEVADA 5. * * *: ‘. f **** \. * > * s? p. º s-----N-200-----> § *** * . % | S-J ** {..., . * S-Outlef Channel Outlef Channel? S50'Do Spillway Tunnel § º/ sECTION NEAR TUNNEL ouTLETs 800 – f -la.ºrfºlk / | ! A & - C. $50'Dja Diversion Tunnels $50 Da Diversion Tunnels 500a Soilwoy Time- * 900 — -- - - - - | . 800– N ARIZONA 50'Da SEIWay Tinneſ. \,.6: * º } 600 # Fiew ºperoam kazoº ºl, r* * > * i : : : º|| - |100 i ARIZONA 1000 - — | }~#02 Spillway &ºmech; Shaff * * º > N . Z’t : º § y * • * C . i | l. i | { ; | - | DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR —a *— ——— - - - - EU REAU OF RECLA MATION 3OT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - NoTEs BO U L DEF CANYON PRO U ECT \\ 30'Oia more Tunnel'ſ ... <3. ſ| Goº, | - - All Sections ooking Downstream. HOOVER DAM 700 Hza +–===-H ++-4 — . . ſº CANYON CR OSS SECTIONS *y | | Tunnel ſº Plug----sº A - Ty. " - - - - - - - ... . . . . . . . . . **, |' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - DRAwn: sº. 5, 75.5°.S. su Bn117 red : . . &/4. - , -— s **śiº... . . . -- ... - . - TRACED: G.E.M.. . . . º:*%-3 * . . . . . . . - - . ... • - - g - , , ; * , ſº - 50'Dja. Diversion Times. ==~~~x, . cHEckso:24./3...?. APPRoved: .* tº - - - 24 | 76 | DENVER, colo., DEc. 1, 1930 [55-575 ; Standard Forra No. 20 Approved by the President ſ Nov. 19, 1926 STANDARD GOVERNMENT FORM OF INVITATION FOR BIDS (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT) Specifications No. 519. Department of the Interior (Department) Bureau of Reclamation (Place) Washington, D. C. (Date) December 15, 1930. (single) - - SEALED BIDS, inſ: ubject to the conditions contained herein, will be received tºes#e until 10 o'clock, a . m. , March 4 , 19 31 , and then publicly opened, for furnishing xid labor and materials and performing all work for the construction of the Hoover Dam, power plant and appurtenant works, Boulder Canyon Project, Arizona–Califoºfi ſã- Nevada. The Work is located on the Colorado River at the Black Canyon dam site, approximately 30 miles southeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. The principal items of work and the advance estimated quantities involved are as follows: 1,800,000 cubic yards of all classes of open cut excavation; l,900,000 " . " ' " tunnel and shaft excavation; 1, 200,000 " " " earth and rock fill in cofferdams and river channel protection; 4,400,000 77 * I " concrete; 228,000 cubic feet of grout; Drilling 290,000 linear feet of grout, and drainage holes; Placing 5,500,000 pounds of reinforcement bars; Installing l, 900,000 pounds of small metal pipe and fittings: Installing 32,500,000 pounds of large metal conduits; Installing 10,600,000 pounds of structural steel; Installing 20,000,000 pounds of gates, hoists, and other metal work. This invitation for bids does not cover the purchase of materials which are to be furnished by the Government. Materials to be furnished by the contractor and those furnished by the Government are described in the specifications which Will be a part of the contract. \ - • "All prospective bidders are hereby notified that, before any bid submitted. * response to this invitation is considered for award, the Government may re- Quire the bidder to submit a statement of facts in detail as to the previous *Perience of the bidder in performing similar or comparable work and of the usiness and technical organization and financial resources and plant of the *der available and to be used in performing the contemplated work. The Govern- Iſlent expressly reserves the right to reject any bid on which the facts as to business and technical organization, plant, financial, and other resources, or business experience, compared With the Work bid upon, justify such rejection. r Performance shall begin within thirty (30) calendar days after date of **ipt by the contractor of notice to proceed and shall be completed within the . of days provided in the specifications from the date of receipt of such lCe, and specifications charge made. Where copies of plans are requested, a dépôt of $ 5.00 will be #&#&#x{&#Süß Xrek KTX). > */ Guarantee will be required with each bid as follows:$2,000,000. (See paragraph 8 of Instructions to Bidders) Performance bond will be required as follows: $5,000,000. ided in th ecifications. Liquidated damages for delay will be as provided in the Sp - Partial payments *s be made monthly. (See Article 16 of contract) Article on pºtent: wº O jº made a part of the contract. (See directions on back of contract) Bids must be submitted upon the Standard Government Form of Bid and the successful bidder will be required to execute the Standard Government Form of Contract for Construction. - The right is reserved, as the interest of the Government may require, to reject any and all bids, to waive any informality in bids received, and to accept or reject any items of any bid, unless such bid is qualified by specific limitation. - - - Envelopes containing bids must be sealed, marked, and addressed as follows: e Hoover Dam U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Bid for - * ---. - To be opened 10 o'clock a . m. , Wilda Bldg., 1441 Welton Street, March 4, 1931. Denver, Colorado. - - - - - - - - * * * NoTE.—See Standard Government Instructions to Bidders and copy of the Standard Government Form of Contra” Bid Bond, and Performance Bond, which may be obtained upon application. , W Copies of the standard forms and of , the final printed edition of plans specifications will be available about January 10, 1931, and may be * from the office of the Bureau of Reclamation at Washington, D. C. : * Colorado; or Las Vegas, Nevada. A limited supply of advance mimeographed sº ifications will be available about December 15, 1930, and may be obtained bona fide bidders upon application to the Denver or Las Vegas office. Geylºn ºf PRINTING OFFICE - 10–1769 (2) Standard IFOrºm No. 21 Approved by the President Nov. 19, 1926 STANDARD GOVERNMENT FORM OF BID (CONSTRUCTION contRAct) (Place) (Date) To In compliance with your invitation for bids dated and subject to all the conditions thereof, the undersigned a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of a partnership consisting of or an individual trading as of the city of - • hereby proposes to furnish all labor and materials and perform all work required for in strict accordance with the specifications, schedules, and drawings, for the consideration of sº. (1) - - 10–1770 The undersigned agrees, upon receipt of written notice of the acceptance of this bid within days (60 days if no shorter period be specified) after the date of opening of the bids, to execute the standard form of Government contract, in accordance with the bid as accepted, and give bond, with good and sufficient surety, or sureties, for the faithful performance of the contract, within 10 days after the prescribed forms are presented for signature. . - - - Performance will begin within calendar days after date of receipt of notice to proceed and will be completed within calendar days from that date. By ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Business address, s= a- ºr sº * * NoTE.—Read Standard Government Instructions to Bidders before preparing this bid. 10–1770 govannarent PRINTING orºloº (2) Standard. Form No. 22 and difficulties attending the execution of the pro of weather, and all other contingencies. All desi Approved by the President Now, 19, 1926 STANDARD GOVERNMENT INSTRUCTIONs to pippers (CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES) . .1. Preparation of bids.-Unless otherwise directed in the invitation, bids shall be submitted in triplicate. Forms furnished, or copies thereof, shall be used, and strict compliance is necessary with the requirements of the in Vitation, these instructions, and the instructions printed on the forms Special care should be exercised in the preparation of bids. Bidders must make their own estimates of the facilities posed Contract, including local conditions, uncertainty gnations and prices shall be fully and clearly set forth. er blank spaces in the bid and guaranty forms shall be Copies of the bids shall be identical. The prop suitably filled in. - 2. Labor and material not to be furnished by the Government—The Government will not furnish any labor, material, or supplies unless specifically provided for in the COntract. 3. Signature to bids.-Each bid must give the full business address of the bidder and be signed by him with his usual signature. Bids by partnerships must be signed with the partnership name by one of the members of the partnership or by an authorized representative, followed by the signature and desig- nation of the person signing. Bids by corporations must be signed with the name of the corporation, followed by the signature and designation of the President, secretary, or other person authorized to bind it in the matter. The names of all persons signing shall also be typed or printed below the signature. A bid by a person who affixes to his signature the word “president,” “secretary,” “agent,” or other designation, without disclosing his Principal, may be held to be the bid of the individual signing. When requested by the Government, satisfactory evidence of the authority of the officer signing in behalf of the corporation shall be furnished. 4. Bids for all or part.—Where bids are not qualified by specific limitations, the Government reserves the right of awarding all or any of the items according to its best interests. Unless otherwise required in the specifications, bids for supplies shall be submitted in accordance with the numbered item or items given in the schedule. 5. Alternative bids—Alternative bids will not be considered unless called for. 6. Specifications and schedules.—The specifications, schedules, and drawings which form the basis of any bid will be considered as a part thereof and will form a part of the contract. Copies of these papers, together with a copy of the standard contract form, including authorized additions or deletions, if any, will be furnished to or made available for the inspection of bidders by the office indicated in the advertise- ment or invitation. 7. Corrections.—Erasures or other changes in the bids must be explained or noted over the signature of the bidder. - 8. Guaranty. Where security is required to insure the execution of contract and bond for per- formance of the service, no bid will be considered unless it is so guaranteed. The bidder, at his option, may furnish a guaranty bond, a certified check, or deposit, in accordance with Treasury Department regulations, United States bonds (at par value) as security in the amount required: Provided, That where hot in conflict with the law, the bidder may be limited to the option of furnishing a certified check or United States bonds when the amount of the security does not exceed $1,000, notice of such requirement to be given in the invitation to bidders. ſº T In case security is in the form of a certified check or United States bond, the Government may make such disposition of the same as will accomplish the purpose for which submitted. Certified checks may be held uncollected at the bidder's risk. Certified checks, or the amount thereof, and United States bonds of unsuccessful bidders will be returned as soon as practicable after the opening. 10–1772 (1) 9. Sufficiency of guarantors and sureties.—The bond of any surety company authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to do business, or of two responsible individual sureties, will be accepted as security for any bid or contract. Individual guarantors or sureties must make the affidavit appearing on the bond as to their sufficiency and furnish the certificate of a judge or clerk of a court of record, a United States district attorney or commissioner, or the president or cashier of a bank or trust company. Individual sureties shall justify in sums aggregating not less than double the penalty of the bond. 10. Restrictions as to guarantors and sureties.—A firm, as such, will not be accepted as a guarantor or surety, nor a partner for copartners or for a firm of which he is a member. Stockholders of a corpora- tion may be accepted as guarantors or sureties provided their qualifications as such are not dependent upon their stock holdings therein. Guarantors and sureties, if individuals, must be citizens of the United States, except that sureties on bonds executed in any foreign country, the Canal Zone, the Philip- pine Islands, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, or any possession of the United States, for the performance of contracts entered into in these places, need not be citizens of the United States, but if not citizens of the United States must be domiciled in the place where the contract is to be performed. . 3. 11. Seals on bonds.--When the principal, a guarantor, or a surety is an individual, his signature to a guaranty or bond shall have affixed to it an adhesive or scroll seal. If executed in Maine, Massachusetts, or New Hampshire, an adhesive seal is required. Corporate seals shall be affixed by corporations, whether principals or sureties. 12. Marking and mailing bids.-Bids, with their guaranties, must be securely sealed in suitable envelopes, addressed and marked on the outside as required by the invitation. - . 13. Time for receiving bids.-Bids received prior to the time of opening will be securely kept, unopened. The officer whose duty it is to open them will decide when the specified time has arrived, and no bid received thereafter will be considered, except that when a bid arrives by mail after the time fixed for opening, but before award is made, and it is shown to the satisfaction of the officer authorized to make the award that the nonarrival on time was due solely to delay in the mails for which the bidder was not responsible, such bid will be received and considered. No responsibility will attach to an officer for the premature opening of a bid not properly addressed and identified. Unless specifically authorized, telegraphic bids will not be considered, but modifications by telegraph of bids already submitted will be considered if received prior to the hour set for opening. . 14. Withdrawal of bids.-Bids may be withdrawn on written or telegraphic request received from bidders prior to the time fixed for opening. Negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing the bid confers no right for the withdrawal of the bid after it has been opened. 15. Bidders present.—At the time fixed for the opening of bids, their contents will be made public for the information of bidders and others properly interested, who may be present either in person or by representative. 16. Award or rejection of bids.-The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder complying with conditions of the invitation for bids, provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the United States to accept it. The bidder to whom the award is made will be notified at the earliest possible date. The United States, however, reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in bids received whenever such rejection or waiver is in the interest of the United States. It also reserves the right to reject the bid of a bidder who has previously failed to perform properly or complete on time contracts of a similar nature, or a bid of a bidder who is not in a position to perform the contract. - t 17. Time of performance.—When not otherwise specified in the invitation, the bidder must state the least number of calendar days (counting Sundays and holidays) after date of receipt of notice to proceed, in which he will commence performance, and the number of calendar days (counting Sunday" and holidays) thereafter in which he will complete. In stating time the bidder should make due allowanº for probable difficulties which may be encountered. 10–1772 • . (2) 18. Bidders interested in more than one bid. If more than or in the name of his or their clerk, Pºrtner, or other person, all such bids may be rejected. (Sec. 3723 R. S.) This shall not prevent a bidder from proceeding under paragraph 5 hereof, nor from uotin y different prices on differ ent qualities of material or different conditions of delivery y A part j h º quoted prices on materials to a bidder is not thereby disqualified from quotin rices to ; †. 8, from submitting a bid directly for the materials or work. g p Other CIC Cle.I'S OI’ one bid be offered by any one party, by 19. Errors In bid.-Bidders or their authorized agents are expected to examine the maps, drawings specifications, circulars, schedule, and all other instructions pertaining to the work, which wipe O . their inspection. Failure to do so will be at the bidder's own risk, and he can not secure relief on i. lea of error in the bid. In case of error in the extension of prices the unit price will govern. p 20. Preference for domestic articles-Preference will be given to articles or materials of domestic production, conditions of quality and price, including duty, being equal. 21. Dealer or manufacturer-In bids for supplies or manufactured articles, bidders will state whether they are manufacturers of or regular dealers in the articles. If practicable to do so, bidders who 8.I'ê not manufacturers will give the name of the manufacturer from whom the articles are to be obtained including catalogue references. y 22. Samples.—When samples are required, they must be submitted by the bidder so as to reach the office designated prior to the hour set for opening the bids. Samples shall be furnished free of expense to the Government, properly marked for identification, and accompanied by a list when there is more than one sample. The Government reserves the right to mutilate or destroy any sample submitted whenever it may be considered necessary to do so for the purpose of testing. Samples not required in connection with the award or delivery of supplies will, upon request, if promptly made, be returned at the bidder's expense. 23. Contract and bond.--The bidder to whom award is made must, when required, enter into written contract on the standard Government form, with satisfactory security in the amount required, within the period specified or, if no period be specified, within ten days after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature. . 24. Eight-hour law.—The eight-hour labor statute cited in Article 11 of the construction contract does not apply to the procurement of supplies, materials, or articles which may usually be bought in the open market, whether made to conform to particular specifications or not, or to the construction or repair of levees or revetments necessary for protection against floods or overflows on the navigable waters of the United States, or to any emergency caused by fire, famine, or flood, by danger to life or to property, or by other extraordinary event or condition on account of which the President shall sub- sequently declare the violation to have been excusable. 25. Patents.-Unless specified by the Government, patented articles shall not knowingly be used in connection with the performance of the contract by the contractor, unless he is the owner or licensee thereof or procures the same in open market, or unless full information relative thereto shall have been furnished in his proposal. The contractor must notify the Government immediately of any claim or infringement of any patent in connection with the performance of the contract. (These instructions are not to be incorporated in the contract) *~~~. •m. - 10–1772 (3) Standard FOrm. No. 23 Approved by the President Nov. 19, 1926 STANDARD GoverNMENT FORM OF CONTRACT (CONSTRUCTION) (Department) (Contractor) Contract for Amount, 5 Place U. S. govnawhnext PRINTING orror; 1928 * (1) 10–1771 § * * * CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION ** * f * Qſhiº (ſmrttract, entered into this f day of * M. , 19 , by THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA, hereinafter called the Government, represented by the contracting officer executing this contract, and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of a partnership consisting of an individual trading as \ of the city of - in the State of hereinafter called the contractor, witnesseth that the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows. ARTICLE 1. Statement of work.-The contractor shall furnish all labor and materials, and perform all work required for for the consideration of in strict accordance with the specifications, schedules, and drawings, all of which are made a part hereof and designated as follows: The work shall be commenced and shall be completed (2) .* 10–1771 ;andard FORInn. NO. 23 Stara SHEET 2 º [CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT] ARTICLE 2. Specifications and drawings.-The contractor shall keep on the work a copy of the draw- ings and specifications and shall at all times give the contracting officer access thereto. Anything mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings, or shown on the drawings and not men- tioned in the specifications shall be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in both. In case of difference between drawings and specifications, the specifications shall govern. In any case of discrepancy in the figures or drawings, the matter shall be immediately submitted to the contracting officer, without whose decision said discrepancy shall not be adjusted by the contractor, save only at his own risk and expense. The contracting officer shall furnish from time to time such detail drawings and other informa- tion as he may consider necessary, unless otherwise provided. Upon completion of the contract the work shall be delivered complete and undamaged. ARTICLE 3. Changes.—The contracting officer may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the Sureties, make changes in the drawings and (or) specifications of this contract and within the general scope thereof. If such changes cause an increase or decrease in the amount due under this contract, or in the time required for its performance, an equitable adjustment shall be made and the con- tract shall be modified in writing accordingly. No change involving an estimated increase or decrease of more than Five Hundred Dollars shall be ordered unless approved in writing by the head of the depart- ment or his duly authorized representative. Any claim for adjustment under this article must be asserted within ten days from the date the change is ordered, unless the contracting officer shall for proper cause extend such time, and if the parties can not agree upon the adjustment the dispute shall be deter- mined as provided in Article 15 hereof. But nothing provided in this article shall excuse the contractor from proceeding with the prosecution of the work so changed. ARTICLE 4. Changed conditions.—Should the contractor encounter, or the Government discover, during the progress of the work, subsurface and (or) latent conditions at the site materially differing from those shown on the drawings or indicated in the specifications, the attention of the contracting officer shall be called immediately to such conditions before they are disturbed. The contracting officer shall thereupon promptly investigate the conditions, and if he finds that they materially differ from those shown on the drawings or indicated in the specifications, he shall at once, with the written approval of the head of the department or his representative, make such changes in the drawings and (or) specifica- tions as he may find necessary, and any increase or decrease of cost and (or) difference in time resulting from such changes shall be adjusted as provided in Article 3 of this contract. ARTICLE 5. Extras.-Except as otherwise herein provided, no charge for any extra work or material will be allowed unless the same has been ordered in writing by the contracting officer and the price stated in such order. ARTICLE 6. Inspection.— (a) All material and workmanship (if not otherwise designated by the Specifications) shall be subject to inspection, examination, and test by Government inspectors at any and all times during manufacture and (or) construction and at any and all places where such manufacture and (or) construction are carried on. The Government shall have the right to reject defective material and workmanship or require its correction. Rejected workmanship shall be satisfactorily corrected and rejected material shall be satisfactorily replaced with proper material without charge therefor, and the Contractor shall promptly segregate and remove the same from the premises. (b) The contractor shall furnish promptly without additional charge, all reasonable facilities, labor, and materials necessary for the safe and convenient inspection and test that may be required by the inspectors. All inspection and tests by the Government shall be performed in such manner as not to unnecessarily delay the work. Special, full size, and performance tests shall be as described in the Specifications. The contractor shall be charged with any additional cost of inspection when material and workmanship is not ready at the time inspection is requested by the contractor. (c) Should it be considered necessary or advisable by the Government at any time before final *ceptance of the entire work to make an examination of work already completed, by removing or (3) 10—1771 tearing out same, the contractor shall on request promptly furnish all necessary facilities, labor, and material. If such work is found to be defective in any material respect, due to fault of the contractor or his subcontractors, he shall defray all the expenses of such examination and of satisfactory reconstruc- tion. If, however, such work is found to meet the requirements of the contract, the actual cost of labor and material necessarily involved in the examination and replacement, plus 15 per cent, shall be allowed the contractor and he shall, in addition, if completion of the work has been delayed thereby, be granted a suitable extension of time on account of the additional work involved. - - - (d) Inspection of material and finished articles to be incorporated in the work at the site shall be made at the place of production, manufacture, or shipment, whenever the quantity justifies it, unless otherwise stated in the specifications; and such inspection and acceptance, unless otherwise stated in the specifications, shall be final, except as regards latent defects, departures from specific requirements of the contract and the specifications and drawings made a part thereof, damage or loss in transit, fraud, or such gross mistakes as amount to fraud. Subject to the requirements contained in the preceding sentence, the inspection of material and workmanship for final acceptance as a whole or in part shall be made at the site. - ARTICLE 7–Materials and workmanship.–Unless otherwise specifically provided for in the spec- ifications, all workmanship, equipment, materials, and articles incorporated in the work covered by this contract are to be of the best grade of their respective kinds for the purpose. Where equipment, materials, or articles are referred to in the specifications as “equal to” any particular standard, the con- tracting officer shall decide the question of equality. The contractor shall furnish to the contracting officer for his approval the name of the manufacturer of machinery, mechanical and other equipment which he contemplates installing, together with their performance capacities and other pertinent informa- tion. When required by the specifications, or when called for by the contracting officer, the contractor shall furnish the contracting officer for approval full information concerning the materials or articles which he contemplates incorporating in the work. Samples of materials shall be submitted for approval when so directed. Machinery, equipment, materials, and articles installed or used without such approval shall be at the risk of subsequent rejection. The contracting officer may require the contractor to dis- miss from the work such employee as the contracting officer deems incompetent, careless, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable. . ARTICLE 8. Superintendence by contractor.—The contractor shall give his personal superintendence to the work or have a competent foreman or superintendent, satisfactory to the contracting officer, on the work at all times during progress, with authority to act for him. - ARTICLE 9. Delays–Damages.—If the contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work, or any separable part thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in Article 1, or any extension thereof, or fails to complete said work within such time, the Government may, by written notice to the contractor, terminate his right to proceed with the work or such part of the work as to which there has been delay. In such event, the Government may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the contractor and his sureties shall be liable to the Government for any excess cost occasioned the Government thereby. If the contractor’s right to proceed is so terminated, the Government may take possession of and utilize in completing the work such materials, appliances, and plant as may be on the site of the work and necessary therefor. If the Government does not terminate the right of the contractor to proceed, the contractor shall continue the work, in which event the actual damages for the delay will be impossible to determine and in lieu thereof the contractor shall pay to the Government as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages for each calendar day of delay until the work is completed or accepted the amount as set forth in the specifications or accompanying papers and the contractor and his sureties shall be liable for the amount thereof: Pro- vided, That the right of the contractor to proceed shall not be terminated or the contractor charged with liquidated damages because of any delays in the completion of the work due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the contractor, including, but not restricted to, acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restriº tions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather or delays of subcontractors due to such causes: Provided further, That the contractor shall within ten days from the beginning of any such delay notify the contracting officer in writing of the causes of delay, who shall ascertain the facts and the standard jº NO. 23 [CoNSTRUCTION CONTRACT] extent of the delay, and his findings of facts thereon shall be final and conclusive on the parties hereto, subject only to appeal, within thirty days, by the contractor to the head of the department concerned, whose decision on such appeal as to the facts of delay shall be final and conclusive on the parties hereto. ARTICLE 10. Permits and care of work.-The contractor shall, without additional expense to the Government, obtain all required licenses and permits and be responsible for all damages to persons or property that occur as a result of his fault or negligence in connection with the prosecution of the work, and shall be responsible for the proper care and protection of all materials delivered and work per- formed until completion and final acceptance. ARTICLE 11. Eight-hour law—Convict labor.—(a) No laborer or mechanic doing any part of the work contemplated by this contract, in the employ of the contractor or any subcontractor contracting for any part of said work contemplated, shall be required or permitted to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day upon such work at the site thereof. For each violation of the requirements of this article a penalty of five dollars shall be imposed upon the contractor for each laborer or mechanic for every calendar day in which such employee is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours upon said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the Government: Provided, That this stipulation shall be subject in all respects to the exceptions and provisions of the act of June 19, 1912 (37 Stat. 137), relating to hours of labor. (b) The contractor shall not employ any person undergoing sentence of imprisonment at hard labor. ARTICLE 12. Covenant against contingent fees.—The contractor warrants that he has not employed any person to solicit or secure this contract upon any agreement for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. Breach of this warranty shall give the Government the right to terminate the con- tract, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration the amount of such com- mission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fees. This warranty shall not apply to commissions payable by contractors upon contracts or sales secured or made through bona fide established commer- cial or selling agencies maintained by the contractor for the purpose of securing business. ARTICLE 13.−Other contracts.-The Government may award other contracts for additional work, and the contractor shall fully cooperate with such other contractors and carefully fit his own work to that provided under other contracts as may be directed by the contracting officer. The contractor shall not commit or permit any act which will interfere with the performance of work by any other Contractor. 2" ARTICLE 14. Officials not to benefit.—No Member of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or to any benefit that may arise therefrom, but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. ARTICLE 15. Disputes.—Except as otherwise specifically provided in this contract, all disputes con- cerning questions of fact arising under this contract shall be decided by the contracting officer or his duly authorized representative, subject to written appeal by the contractor within thirty days to the head of the department concerned, whose decision shall be final and conclusive upon the parties thereto as to such questions of fact. In the meantime the contractor shall diligently proceed with the work as directed. ARTICLE 16. Payments to contractors.-(a) Unless otherwise provided in the specifications, partial Payments will be made as the work progresses at the end of each calendar month, or as soon thereafter as practicable, on estimates made and approved by the contracting officer. In preparing estimates the material delivered on the site and preparatory work done may be taken into consideration. (b) In making such partial payments there shall be retained 10 per cent on the estimated amount until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by the contract: Provided, however, That the 10–1771 (5) contracting officer, at any time after 50 per cent of the work has been completed, if he finds that satis- factory progress is being made, may make any of the remaining partial payments in full: And provided further, That on completion and acceptance of each separate building, vessel, public work, or other division of the contract, on which the price is stated separately in the contract, payment may be made in full, including retained percentages thereon, less authorized deductions. (c) All material and work covered by partial payments made shall thereupon become the sole property of the Government, but this provision shall not be construed as relieving the contractor from the sole responsibility for the care and protection of materials and work upon which payments have been made or the restoration of any damaged work, or as a waiver of the right of the Government to require the fulfillment of all of the terms of the contract. (d) Upon completion and acceptance of all work required hereunder, the amount due the contractor under this contract will be paid upon the presentation of a properly executed and duly certified voucher therefor, after the contractor shall have furnished the Government with a release, if required, of all claims against the Government arising under and by virtue of this contract, other than such claims, if any, as may be specifically excepted by the contractor from the operation of the release in stated amounts to be set forth therein. ARTICLE 17. Additional security.—Should any surety upon the bond for the performance of this Contract become unacceptable to the Government, the contractor must promptly furnish such additional security as may be required from time to time to protect the interests of the Government and of persons supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work contemplated by the contract. ARTICLE 18. Definitions.—(a) The term “head of department” as used herein shall mean the head of the executive department or independent establishment involved, and “his representative” means any person authorized to act for him other than the contracting officer. (b) The term “contracting officer” as used herein shall include his duly appointed successor or his duly authorized representative. ARTICLE 19. Alterations.—The following changes were made in this contract before it was signed by the parties hereto: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the day and year first- above written. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA sº, sº sº as sº º (Official title) Two witnesses: (Business address) 10–1771 (6) S gººn No. as [Construction CoNTRACT] I, f , certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as contractor herein; that who signed this contract on behalf of the contractor, was then of said corporation; that said contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. [**** SEAL I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, based upon observation and inquiry, who signed this contract for the had authority to execute the same, and is the individual who signs similar contracts on behalf of this corporation with the public generally. Contracting Officer. This contract is authorized by the acts of DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARATHON OF CONTRACT 1. This form shall be used for every formal contract for the construction or repair of public buildings or works, but its use will not be required in foreign countries. 2. There shall be no deviation from this standard contract form, except as provided for in these directions, without prior approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget obtained through the Interdepartmental Board of Contracts and Adjustments. Where interlineations, deletions, additions, or other alterations are permitted, specific notation of the same shall be entered in the blank space following the article entitled “Alterations” before signing. This article is not to be construed as general authority to deviate from the standard form. Deletion of the descriptive matter not appli- cable in the preamble need not be noted in the article entitled “Alterations.” 3. The blank space of Article 1 is intended for the insertion of a statement of the work to be done, together with place of performance, or for the enumeration of papers which contain the necessary data. 4. If it is deemed necessary to include an article on Patents the Invitation to Bidders shall so state and the following article be used: ARTICLE ----. Patents.-The contractor shall hold and save the Government, its officers, agents, servants, and employees, harmless from liability of any nature or kind for or on account of the use of any patented or unpatented invention, article, or appliance furnished or used in the performance of this contract, excepting patented articles required by the Government in its specifications, the use of which the contractor does not control. {} 5. Where only one payment is contemplated, upon completion of the contract, all except paragraph (d) of Article 16, “Payments to Contractor,” must be stricken out. 6. If approval of the contract is required beforé it shall become binding, the following article must be added: ARTICLE ----. Approval.—This contract shall be subject to the written approval of * * * - - - me sº sº sºme sºme -e ºwn ºn - ºr mºs ºn sm eme - - - - * * * * * - and shall not be binding until so approved. Contracts subject to approval are not valid until approved by the authority designated to approve them, and the Contractor's copy will not be delivered, nor any distribution made, until such approval. All changes and deletions must have been made before the contract is forwarded for approval. 7. The number of executed copies and of certified copies, designation of disbursing officer, statement of appropriation, *mount of bond, designation of place of inspection, as well as other administrative details, shall be as directed by the department to which the contract pertains. 10–1771 (7) 8. All blank spaces must be filled in or ruled out. The contract must be dated, and the bond must bear the same or subsequent date. 9. An officer of a corporation, a member of a partnership, or an agent signing for the principal, shall place his signature and title after the word “By’’ under the name of the principal. A contract executed by an attorney or agent on behalf of the contractor shall be accompanied by two authenticated copies of his power of attorney, or other evidence of his authority to act on behalf of the contractor. t 10. If the contractor is a corporation, one of the certificates following the signatures of the parties must be executed. If the contract is signed by the secretary of the corporation, then the first certificate must be executed by some other officer of the corporation under the corporate seal, or the second certificate executed by the contracting officer. . In lieu of either of the foregoing certificates there may be attached to the contract copies of so much of the records of the corporation as will show the official character and authority of the officer signing, duly certified by the secretary or assistant secretary, under the corporate seal, to be true copies. 11. The full name and business address of the contractor must be inserted, and the contract signed with his usual signature. Typewrite or print name under all signatures to contract and bond. 12. The contracting officer must fill in the citation of the act authorizing the contract as indicated at the end of the last page of the contract. 13. The Invitation, Bid, Acceptance, and Instructions to Bidders are not to be incorporated in the contract. 14. The specifications should include a paragraph stating the amount of liquidated damages that will be paid by the contractor for each calendar day of delay, as indicated in Article 9 of the contract. I0–1771 (8) J. , , , standard Form No. 24 Approved by the President Nov. 19, 1926 - STANDARD GOVERNMENT FORM OF BID BOND (CONSTRUCTION OR SUPPLY) 3&nom all ſilen by thege *resents, That we, (See Instructions 4, 5, and 7) as PRINCIPAL, and as SURETY, (See Instructions 2, 3, 4, and 7) are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America, hereinafter called the Government, in the penal sum of dollars lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. . - THE conDITION of THIs obligation is such, that whereas the principal has submitted the accompanying bid, dated , 19 , for - Now, THEREFORE, if the principal shall not withdraw said bid within the period specified therein after the opening of the same, or, if no period be specified, within sixty (60) days after said opening, and shall within the period specified therefor, or, if no period be specified, within ten (10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature, enter into a written contract with the Government, in accordance with the bid as accepted, and give bond with good and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment of such contract, or in the event of the withdrawal of said bid within the period specified, or the failure to enter into such contract and give such bond within the time specified, if the principal shall pay the Government the difference between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the Government may procure the required work and/or supplies, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. IN witness whºREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this instrument under their Several seals this day of - , 19 , the name and corporate seal (1) 10—ins of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned repre- sentative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. In presence of (Address) (Address) (Address) Attest: (Address) Attest: The rate of premium on this bond is Total amount of premium charged, $ Goyººr(T PRINTING Gººch [SEAL) (Individual principal) (BusineSS address) [SEAL) (Individual principal) (Business address) (Individual surety) [SEAL (Business address) [SEAL (Individual surety) (Business address) (Corporate principal) (Business address) B AFFIX º: y RATE SEAL (Corporate Surety) (Business address) AFFIX CORPO- By RATE SEAL | per thousand. (The above must be filled in by corporate surety) (2) 10–1773 standard,* INO. 24 [BID Bond] CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, , certify that I am the SeCTê- tary of the corporation named as principal in the within bond; that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the principal was then of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by author- ity of its governing body. [toº] SEAL i AFFIDAVIT BY INDIVIDUAL SURETY STATE OF SS: County of I , being duly sworn, depose and say that I am 2 one of the sureties to the foregoing bond; that I am a citizen of the United States, and of full age and legally competent; that I reside at and that I am worth in real estate and personal property the sum of dollars, over and above (1) all my debts and liabilities, owing and incurred, (2) any property exempt from execution, (3) and aggregate full penalties on all other bonds on which I am surety, and (4) any pecuniary interest I have in the business of the principal on said bond; that I own, unincumbered, real estate, the fee of which is in my name, worth dollars, located in ; that said property is not exempt from seizure and sale under any homestead law, community, or marriage law, or upon any attachment, execu- tion, or judicial process, and that I am not surety on any other bonds, except as follows: (State character and amount of each bond. If not on other bonds, so state) (Surety’s signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 at [OIFFICIAL STAL) (Title of Official administering oath) (3) 10–1778 AFFIDAVIT BY INDIVIDUAL SURETY STATE OF SS. County OF I, , being duly sworn, depose and say that I am one of the sureties to the foregoing bond; that I am a citizen of the United States, and of full age and legally competent; that I reside at and that I am worth in real estate and personal property the sum of dollars, over and above (1) all my debts and liabilities, owing and incurred, (2) any property exempt from execution, (3) the aggregate full penalties on all other bonds on which I am surety, and (4) any pecuniary interest I have in the business of the principal on said bond; that I own, unincumbered, real estate, the fee of which is in my name, worth dollars, located in ; that said property is not exempt from seizure and sale under any homestead law, community, or marriage law, or upon any attachment, execution, or judicial process; and that I am not surety on any other bonds, except as follows: (State character and amount of each bond. If Inot on other bonds, so state) (Surety’s signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 3. at [of FICIAL SEAL] (Title of official administering oath) CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY I, , do hereby certify that one of the sureties named above, is personally known to me, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the facts stated by such surety in the foregoing affidavit are true. (Address) {} CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY I, do hereby certify that one of the sureties named above, is personally known to me, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the facts stated by such surety in the foregoing affidavit are true. * = = * = *** - as as a - ** (Address) 10–1773 (4) standa; ºn NO. 24 [BID BONDI HEET INSTRUCTIONS 1. This form shall be used for construction work or the furnishing of supplies, whenever a bond is required. - 2. The surety on the bond for any bid or for the performance of the contract may be any cor- poration authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to act as surety, or two responsible individual sureties. Individual sureties shall justify in sums aggregating not less than double the penalty of the bond. 3. A firm, as such, will not be accepted as a surety, nor a partner for copartners or for a firm of which he is a member. Stockholders of a corporate principal may be accepted as sureties provided their qualifications as such are independent of their stock holdings therein. Sureties, if individuals, shall be citizens of the United States, except that sureties on bonds executed in any foreign country, the Canal Zone, the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, or any possession of the United States, for the performance of contracts entered into in these places, need not be citizens of the United States, but if not citizens of the United States shall be domiciled in the place where the contract is to be performed. 4. The name, including full Christian name, and residence of each individual party to the bond shall be inserted in the body thereof, and each such party shall sign the bond with his usual signature on the line opposite the scroll seal, and if signed in Maine, Massachusetts, or New Hampshire, an adhesive seal shall be affixed opposite the signature. 5. If the principals are partners, their individual names shall appear in the body of the bond, with the recital that they are partners composing a firm, naming it, and all the members of the firm shall execute the bond as individuals. 6. The signature of a witness shall appear in the appropriate place, attesting the signature of each individual party to the bond. 7. If the principal or surety is a corporation, the name of the State in which incorporated shall be inserted in the appropriate place in the body of the bond, and said instrument shall be executed and attested under the corporate seal as indicated in the form. If the corporation has no corporate seal the fact shall be stated, in which case a scroll or adhesive seal shall appear following the corporate name. 8. The official character and authority of the person or persons executing the bond for the prin- cipal, if a corporation, shall be certified by the Secretary or assistant Secretary, according to the form attached thereto. In lieu of such certificate there may be attached to the bond copies of so much of the records of the corporation as will show the official character and authority of the officer signing, duly certified by the secretary or assistant Secretary, under the corporate seal, to be true copies. 9. Each individual surety shall justify, under oath, according to the form appearing on the bond, before a United States commissioner, a clerk of a United States court, a notary public, or some other officer having authority to administer oaths generally. If the officer has an official seal it shall be affixed, otherwise the proper certificate as to his official character shall be furnished. Where citizen- ship is not required, as provided in paragraph 3 of these Instructions, the affidavit may be amended accordingly. - * 10. The certificate of sufficiency shall be signed by an officer of a bank or trust company, or by a judge or clerk of a court of record, a United States district attorney or commissioner, a postmaster, a collector or deputy collector of internal revenue, or any other officer of the United States acceptable to the department or establishment concerned. * 11. The date of the bond must not be prior to the date of the instrument for which it is given. 10–-1773 (5) standard Form. No. 25 Approved by the President - Nov. 19, 1926 STANDARD GoverNMENT FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND (CONSTRUCTION OR SUPPLY) #now all 4tten up these 33regents, That we, (See Instructions 4, 5, and 7) as PRINCIPAL, and w - - - as SURETY, - (See Instructions 2, 3, 4, and 7) are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America, hereinafter called the Government, in the penal sum of • - ... • - r dollars lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, exeeutors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. -> THE ConDITION of This Obligation is SUCH, that whereas the principal entered into a certain contract, hereto attached, with the Government, dated , 19 , for Now THEREFORE, If the principal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, cove- nants, terms, conditions, and agreements of said contract during the original term of said contract and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Government, with or without notice to the surety, and during the life of any guaranty required under the contract, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifi- cations to the surety being hereby waived, and if said contract is for the construction or repair of a public building or a public work within the meaning of the act of August 13, 1894, as amended by act of February 25, 1905, shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying the principal with labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, and any such authorized extension or modification thereof, then, this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. - - • , . . . . . . . . . . . - . . r . . . IN witnIºss WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this instrument under their Several seals this day of . , 19 , the name and corporate seal ‘(1) 10–1774 of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned repre- sentative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. In presence of [SEALl (Individual principal) (Address) (Business address) [SEAL) (Individual principal) (Address) (Business address) [SEAL (Individual surety) (Address) (Business address) *— -º- [SEAL (Individual surety) (Address) (Business address) Attest: (Corporate principal) (Business address) AFFIX CORPOs By * = * * * * - º RATE SEAL | Attest: (Corporate surety) - r f (Business address) } * A ' APFIx CORPO- By RATE SEAL | The rate of premium on this bond is per thousand. Total amount of premium charged, $ (The above must be filled in by corporate surety) GQWE ºr PRINTETG OL ſigº (2) 10–1773 Standard [PERFORMANCE Bond] SHEET 2 No. 25 FOrm. CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, , certify that I am the SeCFé- tary of the corporation named as principal in the within bond; that , who signed the said bond on behalf of the principal was then of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by author- ity of its governing body. [toº] SEAL AFFIDAVIT BY INDIVIDUAL SURETY STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF I , being duly sworn, depose and say that I am 9 one of the sureties to the foregoing bond; that I am a citizen of the United States, and of full age and legally competent; that I reside at and that I am worth in real estate and personal property the sum of dollars, over and above (1) all my debts and liabilities, owing and incurred, (2) any property exempt from execution, (3) and aggregate full penalties on all other bonds on which I am surety, and (4) any pecuniary interest I have in the business of the principal on said bond; that I own, unincumbered, real estate, the fee of which is in my name, worth dollars, located in ; that said property is not exempt from seizure and sale under any homestead law, community, or marriage law, or upon any attachment, execu- tion, or judicial process, and that I am not surety on any other bonds, except as follows: (State character and amount of each bond. If not on other bonds, so state) * = a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * = ** - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - see - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ess - * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - ** * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * - - - - - * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 at [of FICIAL SF) AL] (Title of official administering oath) (3) 10–1774 AFFIDAVIT BY INDIVIDUAL SURETY STATE OF----------------------- SS : County or --------------------------------------------- I, , being duly sworn, depose and say that I am one of the sureties to the foregoing bond; that I am a citizen of the United States, and of full age and legally competent; that I reside at * and that I am worth in real estate and personal property the sum of 1. dollars, over and above (1) all my debts and liabilities, owing and incurred, (2) any property exempt from execution, (3) the aggregate full penalties on all other bonds on which I am surety, and (4) any pecuniary interest I have in the business of the principal on said bond; that I own, unincumbered, real estate, the fee of which is in my name, worth dollars, located in ; that said property is not exempt from seizure and sale under any homestead law, community, or marriage law, or upon any attachment, execution, or judicial process; and that I am not surety on any other bonds, except as follows: … *- - - - -º ame as * a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e sm -- ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- * * * * (Surety’s signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 ? at º [of FICIAL SEAL] *- :- - - - - - - - sº * - - - - - - - tº sº. -- - - - - - - - sm. (Title of official administering oath) CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY I, , do hereby certify that one of the sureties named above, is personally known to me, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the facts stated by such surety in the foregoing affidavit are true. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * (Address) CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY I, do hereby certify that one of the sureties named above, is personally known to me, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the facts stated by such surety in the foregoing affidavit are true. ame ºn tº sº * - + as sº - * tº sº- - - (Address) 10–1778 (4) Standard Form No. 25 [PERFORMANCE Bond! SEIEET 3 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This form shall be used for construction work or the furnishing of supplies, whenever a bond is required. - 2. The surety on the bond for any bid or for the performance of the contract may be any cor- poration authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to act as surety, or two responsible individual sureties. Individual sureties shall justify in sums aggregating not less than double the penalty of the bond. 3. A firm, as such, will not be accepted as a surety, nor a partner for copartners or for a firm of which he is a member. Stockholders of a corporate principal may be accepted as sureties provided their qualifications as such are independent of their stock holdings therein. Sureties, if individuals, shall be citizens of the United States, except that sureties on bonds executed in any foreign country, the Canal Zone, the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, or any possession of the United States, for the performance of contracts entered into in these places, need not be citizens of the United States, but if not citizens of the United States shall be domiciled in the place where the contract is to be performed. 4. The name, including full Christian name, and residence of each individual party to the bond shall be inserted in the body thereof, and each such party shall sign the bond with his usual signature on the line opposite the scroll seal, and if signed in Maine, Massachusetts, or New Hampshire, an adhesive seal shall be affixed opposite the signature. 5. If the principals are partners, their individual names shall appear in the body of the bond, with the recital that they are partners composing a firm, naming it, and all the members of the firm shall execute the bond as individuals. - - 6. The signature of a witness shall appear in the appropriate place, attesting the signature of each individual party to the bond. - 7. If the principal or surety is a corporation, the name of the State in which incorporated shall be inserted in the appropriate place in the body of the bond, and said instrument shall be executed and attested under the corporate seal as indicated in the form. If the corporation has no corporate seal the fact shall be stated, in which case a scroll or adhesive seal shall appear following the corporate name. 8. The official character and authority of the person or persons executing the bond for the prin- cipal, if a corporation, shall be certified by the secretary or assistant secretary, according to the form attached thereto. In lieu of such certificate there may be attached to the bond copies of so much of the records of the corporation as will show the official character and authority of the officer signing, duly certified by the secretary or assistant secretary, under the corporate seal, to be true copies. 9. Each individual surety shall justify, under oath, according to the form appearing on the bond, before a United States commissioner, a clerk of a United States court, a notary public, or some other officer having authority to administer oaths generally. If the officer has an official seal it shall be affixed, otherwise the proper certificate as to his official character shall be furnished. Where citizen- ship is not required, as provided in paragraph 3 of these Instructions, the affidavit may be amended accordingly. -- - - 10. The certificate of sufficiency shall be signed by a judge or clerk of a court of record, a United States district attorney or commissioner, or the president or cashier of a bank or trust company. 11. The date of the bond must not be prior to the date of the instrument for which it is given. - . . - - 10–1774 (5) |||| | | OF MIC |||||| 3 9015 02354 3377 '…,~~~ ~~~~ ş..….…..…!?…« --* Tae • • • • • • • ** **…». ! !! ) ■ ■ ■ ■><!-- … *~~~~ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■***** - „--~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ • • • • •» ------ !!!!!!!!!!!!!~~::~~=+? wae=========--~~~~--~~~~ -, , , , ) --- « )-(< ****:)*(; . -wae===========****~~~~ * +-- ___-------~--~~~~ ~~~~ *** ... :)--№5 = ~~ * …..…… - - ------2,5.ººº ! . --~~~~ . . . -. - ! !! !!! * :::::: ~~~. -- ~- - - - -**** ** ---- ºk-ſºv?- 2. №-º-º -:-):-):-)-- -- ---- ، ، ،' ~~~2-* *( .*¿¿???!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :=?? ??? №! !~~ ~~№r:№!!!--~~~~ & =~ ~=:5? --º--º-: ±,±,±5. *** <!--*- --****… T__-------- ----- z =~~~~ *, ** - - - - … • • •.• •_ : __-__---, --~~~~(5,5 ±(√¶√±±± (…): :.***) **~*=~~~=====::::: № №. 5 ***=) ::3:: --~~~~~===--~~~~*=~ ſae &.*¿¿. ¿¿.*..*** º * * · · ·:· … … :) ) ¿.*:)*) *** 3: ae º 、。、、、。?? º:ſae(ºº();###ſºğÈ3,5%? |- ----?¿!● **… :(.*( <№. ، ، º. º.º...!--.* *- º : ( , **** §§2), sº