GRAD PL 5125 .S97 1887 v.1 University of Mick a Libraries 4 & 47 ARIES SCIENTIA WEEPRIITTAASS VOCABULARY OF THE ENGLISH AND MALAY LANGUAGES WITH NOTES BY FRANK A. SWETTENHAM, C.M.G., H.M.'S RESIDENT, SELANGOR, MALAY PENINSULA. ARTERHOUS CHARTER ЭНІ.» PRESS W.B.W.&CO. REVISED EDITION. VOL. I.-ENGLISH-MALAY. SINGAPORE: PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. LONDON: W. B. WHITTINGHAM & Co., 91, GRACECHURCH STREET, E.C. 1889. All Rights Reserved. 1 PL 5725 .897 1887 V.I VOCABULARY OF THE ENGLISH AND MALAY LANGUAGES, WITH NOTES, BY F. A. SWETTENHAM. Opinions of the Press. These objects appear to us to have been successfully attained. The work is a most scholarly production, which does Mr. SWETTENHAM the highest credit, and must have cost him much time and labour, and it cannot fail to prove a most useful vade-mecum to the student and the business man who wishes to obtain an accurate knowledge of the Malay language, its idiom, pronunciation, and written character. When Part II is published, the complete work will enable any one to learn how to speak and write Malay accurately without help or reference to any other work, such as MARSDEN'S Dictionary, now out of print and difficult to get, or CRAWFURD'S Grammar and Dictionary, now also more or less out of date and which does not give the Malay character.—Singapore Daily Times, 18th April, 1881. When we say that the work does credit to his reputation as a Malay scholar and reflects highly on his abilities as an author and an industrious civilian official, we give him but faint praise. There is such small encouragement for a man in the Far East to devote his time to a work of the description referred to above, that we wonder Mr. SWETTENHAM ever attempted to start it. He has, however, done so and deserves every credit for his industry.-Penang Gazette, 9th May, 1881. At a time when so many of our planters are going eastward, the publication of Mr. SWETTENHAM'S book is most opportune, and the second volume, which is to contain the Malay-English Vocabulary, will complete a most excellent work.-Ceylon Observer, 7th September, 1881. As the author very truly remarks in his preface, a work has long been wanted which will enable a new arrival in the Straits Settlements to easily acquire the knowledge of Malay requisite to make himself under- stood by those natives with whom he is brought in contact. Mr. SWET- TENHAM has endeavoured to supply this want in the book just published, and his efforts have resulted in the production of a handy volume which may be relied on…. ...The book deserves to be patronised, and doubtless will be.--London and China Express, 3rd June, 1881. There was certainly room for Mr. SWETTENHAM'S English and Malay Vocabulary and Dialogues, in which his objects have been, amongst other things, to compile a vocabulary which shall contain every word likely to be met with in ordinary reading, writing, or conversation, and "to express in the Romanised Malay, as nearly as possible, the exact pronunciation of the Malay word." This is, perhaps, about as difficult a task as a person can set himself with any language, and, for reasons which will be obvious to all who read Mr. SWETTENHAM's preface, it must be especially difficult in the case of Malay. Mr. SWETTENHAM has certainly spared no pains to attain his object. It would be interesting to discover how near a careful student of his work could get to the accurate pronunciation of Malay.-Saturday Review, 9th July, 1881. مك حال کتاب توان سويتنهم این بوله دکات گمال درفد لاین ۲ کتاب يقتر سبوت اية سبب اية بار غسياف ٢ يغاد سوكا ددالم فايده علم اغكريس اية ترتنتوله اتس فيكيران كيت فاتت سئورغ سمقن سبواه مك بسوله گوناپ کتاب دوا لغة اين كفد سكلين يغتر متوت اية اداب جادي ترساغة كون كفد يغ بلاجر بهاس ملايو دمكين جو فد سكلين يغ هندق مپالین کدالم ملايواية مك تياداله كيت فنجڅکن لاگي اداپ Jawi Peránakkan, 2 Jěmád-Alakhir, 1298. ¡ PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. ·:0: In republishing this English-Malay Vocabulary, now for some time out of print, I have endeavoured to correct the errors of orthography and tonal marking which had crept into the first Edition. At the same time, I have taken the opportunity of adding to the Vocabulary and carrying out certain suggestions made by those who were kind enough to send me their friendly criticisms. In this respect, I am chiefly indebted to the late Mr. WITTI of the British North Borneo Company. PERAK, 24th July, 1885. F. A. S. ¡ PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The want of a Malay-English and English-Malay Vocabulary, has, I believe, been felt by many besides myself. All who live in the Straits Settlements recognise the necessity of acquiring some knowledge of Malay, and they are divided naturally into two classes-students who wish to attain to a considerable proficiency; and the great majority who only seek a knowledge of Malay sufficient to enable them to hold a con- versation with their clients or their servants. For the student, there is, though now difficult to procure, MARSDEN'S Dictionary-an excellent work, but its author, having derived most of his information from Malays of Sumatra, gives sometimes a pronunciation, and sometimes a rendering of a Malay word, quite opposed to that in use in the Straits or the Malay Peninsula. Again, to use the best part of MARSDEN'S Dictionary, an acquaintance with the Arabic character is absolutely necessary, and this fact closes the book to all for a time. The casual learner probably never even attempts to consult a Dictionary which needs à considerable preliminary study to enable him to use it, and, giving up in despair the works which, under the title of Malay Grammars, have at various times appeared to harass--I might fairly say, mislead him he looks for a book in which he can, without effort, find the English word he seeks and its equivalent in Malay, or vice versa. The wishes of beginners do not, as a rule, soar beyond the modest. dimensions of a Vocabulary, and as I believe much instruction may be obtained from such a book, provided it be accurate and complete, I have endeavoured to supply their wants in the present work. The above explains the raison d'etre of this book, and a very few words will tell what it offers, and with what special object. The present volume contains a Vocabulary of over 5,500 English words, with Romanised Malay and Malay equivalents alphabetically arranged; I mean, arranged in accordance with the ordinary sequence of letters in the English alphabet--an arrangement of letters common to European nations and but little altered from the Arabic alphabet. Some directions for the writing of Malay letters then follow, which may be found useful to those who are brought into near contact with Malays. Lastly, there are twenty-one short chapters of Dialogues, written at different times during the last four years, but chiefly on journeys in the Native States, given as specimens of Malay as it is spoken by the Malays. A careful study of these sentences will, I believe, with constant intercourse with Malays, do more than any grammatical instructions to give a learner. facility in expressing himself in this most ungrammatical but most idio- matic language. vi A Vocabulary of Romanised Malay, Malay and English words, which it was my original intention to give with this volume, I have determined to publish separately, chiefly to avoid making the book unwieldly, but also because there may be some who do not care to have both parts of the Vocabulary. So much for the construction. The objects I have aimed at are these:— (1.) To compile a Vocabulary which should contain every word likely to be met with in ordinary reading, writing, or conversation; and whilst giving the same word over again under a common synonym, to avoid repeating it several times as the equivalent of several synonymous but rarely used words. (2.) To give the Malay equivalents in the Malay (Arabic) character, accurately spelt, as an assistance to scholars and a means of producing correct writing and spelling in Malay composition; and also by placing the Malay word in the Vernacular alongside the English and Romanised Malay equivalent, to accustom the eye to the appearance and spelling of the word, so that when met with in a Malay writing it becomes easily recognisable, and when introduced into composition it will be accurately spelt. (3.) But chiefly to express in the Romanised Malay, as nearly as possible, the exact pronunciation of the Malay word. This is a point which I regard as of the utmost importance. The accent with which a language is spoken is, in all cases, a crucial test of excellence. An accurate pronunciation and use of a few words is better than the fluent utterance of many ill-pronounced and ill-arranged sentences. Some time ago, I was privileged to listen to a discussion on the question of the Malay language by a party including several of the oldest residents of Singapore, and I was surprised to hear it stated, and apparently accepted as undeniable, that a man might have resided twenty years in this Colony and know Malay very well, but it was not to be expected that he would understand the conversation of a couple of Malays who were not talking for his especial benefit. Without attempting to dispute the statement, it was alleged in explanation that the language usually spoken by Europeans in the Colony, and called by courtesy Malay, is rather a mixture of English, Portuguese, Tamil, Hindustani, Chinese, and some others, with a substratum of Malay to work upon, and that even this patois is but imperfectly known to those who use it, when any but the commonest words are introduced into a conversation. That is a very fair statement of the case, but I would add to the indictment, that every Malay, when introduced to a white face, takes it for granted that the stranger's knowledge of Malay is very halting and very imperfect, and will try always, through politeness, to talk down to the standard of his white friends. So a Malay, when surrounded by his European acquaintances, will speak a dialect which bears the same relation to Malay that "Pidgin English" does to our every day conversation. But above all, and more than all, the really good Malay words that vii are known to and spoken by almost every European after a few months' residence in the Colony are so mispronounced that they become difficult to recognise, and it is this neglect to care for the fine differences of intonation which mark (sometimes the only mark between words of identical spelling but of wholly different meaning) Malay words, that renders it so difficult and almost impossible for a European, accustomed for years to talk to Chinese, Boyanese, Tamils, Javanese, Bugis, and others, in a language as foreign to them as it is to him, to understand a conversation between two pure Malays who have not a familiar acquaint- ance with the "Vulgar Tongue" of the Straits Settlements. The Peninsula, until so lately a terra incognita to us, is now however becoming the scene of considerable agricultural and other operations. worked with the resources and under the guidance of Europeans. We may, therefore, hope that, as a better knowledge of the Malay spoken by Malays becomes necessary, there will arise an increased desire to attain it. Ás a means to this end, I have given special care to the orthography of the Romanised Malay words in this Vocabulary, and I invite the special attention of those who would use this book to the directions for pro- nunciation. In such a matter I could not rely on my own authority for the exact pronunciation of many words which are only heard when one is thrown constantly amongst Malays, and which are not likely to be caught by the ear without care, nor retained for any length of time. I, therefore, sought the assistance of one whose authority may, I believe, be accepted with great safety, and the spelling and tonal marks on every word in the Vocabulary were only fixed upon after consultation with him and when his opinion decided me that my own preconceived ideas were right or wrong, as the case might be. I offer the pronunciation of these words on the authority of MAHOMED SYED, the Government Munshi, one of the very few natives remaining in the Colony or the Malay Peninsula, on whom students can rely for a valuable opinion in matters of Malay language or literature. The object of the Dialogues, I have already explained. The expres- sions are those of common every day use, translated for the most part from Malay into English. Some of the conversations, such as those with the Cook, Gardener, Syce, &c., are for the help of persons living in the Colony, and would naturally be held with Chinese or Tamils, Javanese and Boyanese. Others, such as the dialogues on a River, in the Jungle, during Disturbances, &c., may prove of use to those whose duties or pleasures take them into the Malay States. I regret that, owing to the difficulties of printing, this work being set aside when any more pressing business occupied the attention of the Printing Office, and from want of type (every eight or ten successive pages having to be at once printed off without proper comparison and correction), many slight inaccuracies of spelling and tonal marking have. crept into the Romanised Malay of these Dialogues. Wherever there is any doubt as to the pronunciation of a word, the Vocabulary should be consulted, and, if there be a difference, abide by the Vocabulary. viii The Malay-English, which will form a separate volume, has been prepared to give to those who have no knowledge of the Malay character, or inclination to learn it, a ready means of ascertaining the meaning of any unknown Malay word they may hear in conversation or meet with in manuscript. It has been my endeavour to ascertain the true meaning of the Malay, and to avoid, as far as possible, the perpetuation of mistaken renderings. I have also refrained from offering a manufactured Malay equivalent for an English word representing a new idea to the Malay mind, unless that equivalent is well understood and recognised by the Malays themselves. My obligations to MAHOMED SYED will be understood from the statement I have already made. I have had the very greatest assistance from Mr. NORONHA, the Superintendent of the Government Printing Establishment, but my best thanks are due to the Government for permit- ting the book to be printed in its office whenever there was leisure for such work. Without that permission it is improbable that I should ever have completed a task which, while of great interest to me, has not been concluded without considerable labour. I trust the outcome may prove of some utility. SINGAPORE, 28th March, 1881. F. A. S. i ix INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PRONUNCIATION OF MALAY WORDS WRITTEN IN THE ROMAN CHARACTER. With regard to the mode of orthography adopted in expressing the words of the language in our characters, two considerations present themselves: the one, that of conveying as nearly as possible their true sound; and the other, of paying the requisite attention to the powers of the several letters made use of in the original. * -Y- *- X * It has been my design to avoid a pertinaceous adherence to either mode. I have followed as closely the literal orthography of the original as could be done consistently with a fair expression of the sound, and where these could not be reconciled, I have given a preference to the latter consideration, because it appeared of more importance that the word should be rightly pronounced by those who cannot read the Malayan character, than that the more learned scholar should be gratified by a literal accuracy to him not absolutely necessary. Frequently indeed I have been induced to repeat the spelling with some variation in order to convey a juster idea of the pronunciation."-MARSDEN. VOWELS. The Vowels tt, e, i, o, u, are pronounced as in Italian. ,, The circumflex accent or the short mark when placed over any of these vowels, will lenghten or shorten it. These tonal marks do not always represent a long or short vowel in the Malay spelling, but are given to shew the quantities of the various syllables of a word in pronunciation. Pronounce a as the a in soprano, or the vowel sound in farm; example Bârang, Mâbok. Pronounce a as the vowel sound in the English word some; example Sampei, Rangka. Pronounce ǎ as the vowel sound in the English word cup; example Krăp, Pănat. word. Never give the sound of a in the English word man, to any Malay e Pronounce é like the sound of ay in the English word lay; example Êlok, Hêmat. Pronounce e like the sound of e in the English word ten; example Hengga, Pâkien, Pengsan. Pronounce ĕ as short as possible, like the sound of re in the English word retire; example Menang, Těpi. The sound is so short that many persons have advocated its expression by a simple apostrophe, thus, M'nang, but I prefer the ě. Pronounce i long as the ee in sleek; example Lîhat, Pîleh. X Pronounce ¿ as in the preceding without laying quite so much stress upon it, as Bini, Biji. At the end of a word, when followed by a consonant, the sound of the i is shorter, like the sound of i in the English word tin; example Lîlin, Langit, Măsjid. Pronounce very short, as in the case of the e, only with the sound of i in gill; example Jilid, Lilah, Firdâus. The use of this tone is rare. Pronounce as the vowel sound in the English go; example Dôsa, Trang. Pronounce o as the o in English; example Choreng. 12 The pronunciation of o really depends on what follows it. Thus o followed by n is pronounced like the English on, and o alone has the sound of o in so, thus Chonto'. Again, o followed by r is pronounced like English or, thus Undor; whilst o before ng is pronounced more like the o in the Dutch Fongkheer than in the English long, as Longger, Gûnong. ŏ is very seldom met with, it should be pronounced with the vowel sound of English knob; example Pukŏl, Dõsta. Pronounce like the vowel sound in the English two; example Gûnong, Lûka. Pronounce rather shorter than the above, but with the same sound; as Tâkut, Muntah. й has the vowel sound of the English word took; example Mŭlia, Dunia. The sound is rare in Malay, but met with in Arabic words. Never pronounce ɑ when met with in a Malay word like the u in but. In words which have no vowel marks, pronounce all the syllables evenly, laying no marked stress on any; example Kumpulan, Guntingkan, Banding. Generally speaking, in dissyllables the accent is on the first syllable, and in polysyllables on the penultimate. DIPTHONGS. Pronounce ac, ai, or ei, when met with, with the sound given by repeating these vowels one after the other, as above instructed; example Shaěr, Smai, Sungei. au has the sound of ow in the English now; example Pulau. CONSONANTS. As regards Consonants it is only necessary to say that ng is always pronounced like ng in the English hang and never like ng in the English mangle. This last sound is given in Malay by adding another g, thus Tanggong. The sound given by Malays to what I have expressed by the letters ang is difficult to find in any English word. The sound of the first syllable of "hungry" is however near it. Never pronounce ang like the same letters in the English hang. g is always hard as in go. The soft sound of g in the English gentle is invariably expressed by j in Malay, thus Jînak. xi -- ་ : ch is always pronounced like the ch in church; and sh like the same. letters in shine,-unless where specially instructed to the contrary. kh should be pronounced like ch in Loch, but harder, as Khabar. Whenever a word, or the final syllable of a word of more than one syllable, ends with either h or k, that word or final syllable must be pronounced very short indeed, whatever the vowel which precedes the hork. When the word ends with h that letter should be slightly sounded, but when it ends with k, the k is almost always silent. Lastly, do not be afraid to pronounce the r in Malay words, it is a peculiarity of the people that they lay much stress on the r in pronuncia- tion. It is difficult for an Englishman to pick up the practice, but it should be attempted. In Kedah, the common people, and indeed the Chiefs, unless talking to strangers, speak with a curious lisp. which avoids the pronunciation of s, r, or 7, but whatever may be the local peculiarities of any particular Native State, and they are but few and of slight importance, there is but one language recognised in the Peninsula, and that is Malay, not High Malay (whatever that may mean), or Court Malay, but simply the Malay language proper, and a knowledge of that, if the words be accurately pronounced and used in their true sense, even though the knowledge be but slight, will be as useful in Kedah as in Påhang or Trĕnggânu, in Pêrak or Sri Měnanti, as in Kelantan or Patani. xii TRANSLITERATION. I have bound myself by no rule in this matter. Indeed to transliterate in Roman letters vowels which do not appear at all in the Malay words would be difficult. I have reproduced the Malay consonants by their equivalents in Roman letters in every case. To lay down such a rule with regard to even the vowels which do appear in the Malay, would be unwise, for it would only mislead. To say that should always be reproduced by i, when in Malay it is often pronounced as e or as ei, or to make it a rule that, shall always be rendered by , when it is often really pronounced o and au, would be to advocate mispronunciation and misunderstanding, with no countervailing benefit. و منع ی i.e., mnng, cannot be transliterated to any intelligible sound, but it is perfectly easy to produce the Malay word, thus Menang, having already laid down how è and a shall be pronounced. ني I have rendered the Malay letter by nya to distinguish it from or Let me repeat again, the Romanised Malay words in this Vocabulary are not, and are not intended to be, transliterations of Malay words, but, guided by the instructions already laid down, they are intended to represent the Malay words as pronounced in the Malay language, while the Arabic characters shew the correct spelling in the Malay vernacular. Hamzah ().-In Arabic words, where two Alifs would come together, the second is omitted, and Hamzah inserted in its place. In Malay words, the Hamzah is usually found at the end of a word, and gives the vowel which precedes it a short sound very much as though the Hamzah were the final k. xiii : MALAY ALPHABET. The Arabic Alphabet, with the six letters marked with an asterisk (*) added, forms the Malay Alphabet. The letters marked § are only used in words of Arabic origin. Name. Isolated. Final. Medial. Initial. Equivalent. A B Alif 1 1 Ba Ta Tha S E Jim Cha* © Ha $ C Kha S Dal * Thal $ Ra Za $ Sîn Shin S Sod S Thod § C). ذ 73333 ث ث اتلا مج m. j ض 5358 ز میں >> 4. 4: 4 D. ت 4. đ፡ D ·A T Th (as in "thick") J Ch H (strong in back of throat) Kh (stronger D than "ch" in "loch ") ३ 3 l l { { [ ض Th R Ꮓ S Sh S (strong) Th (as in "the") or D xiv MALAY ALPHABET,-Continued. Name. Isolated. Final. Medial. Initial. Ta § b bi Tha § ظ sa Ain S ره ع Rhain § Nga * Fa $ Pa * Kof Kaf Ga* Lam Mim Nun Wau Ha Ya Nya * غ له له. غ LG 66 no: no. غ gig i J Y گی ل ل ن و ي Y په i ہے۔ •ď zd D: b. 6: པ. Equivalent. T (strong) Th (stronger than Thod) äa or ä Rh or Hr Ng F P (pronounced together) 6: ق K < S K X n ز A G (always hard) L M N W, O, U, or AU H Y, I, E, or Ei Pronounced like the German 7. P & G commonly written with one dot instead of three. Nya XV Affixing GRAMMATICAL NOTES. an FORMATION OF SUBSTANTIVES. is a common method of forming a substantive from the radical in Malay, and it may be taken as a rule that the accent will, as in the case of Jabât-an, be moved, the penultimate in the substantive becoming long, thus: Jâbat, Jabâtan; Kâsih, Kasîhan; Pûter, Putâran; Pichah, Pichâhan. In conversation it often happens that this long penultimate is pronounced short, as Kasihan instead of Kasihan, which is the really correct form, while Pichǎhan and not Pichâhan is almost universal. For pronunciation, the safest rule is to put the accent on the first syllable in dissyllables, and on the penultimate in polysyllables, though many exceptions will be met with, such as Tělor, Měrak, Pěning, Sěkěder, Kabaktian, Pipiskan, &c., where nothing but practice will teach accurate. pronunciation. Another perhaps more common way of forming a substantive from the radical is to prefix "Ka," either alone as in Ka-handak, inclination, or by far more frequently accompanied by the affix "an," thus: Pûtus, Ka-putûs-an (also pronounced Kaputusan or Kapûtusan); Tumboh, Ka- tumboh-an (always pronounced with the accent equally placed through- out, or with a slight stress on the antipenultimate). Here again it will be seen how impossible it is to lay down a hard and fast rule, but when the radical is not itself the substantive, the latter is commonly formed in one. of the two ways above described. "Per" is a particle prefix of constant form used in the formation of derivative substantives; it is sometimes abbreviated, especially in con- versation, to " Pě," as Pě-kerjâ-än. In the case of Per-angkap the initial t of the radical Tangkap has been dropped for the sake of euphony. Âiak-kan, Per-ânak-kan, and Ka-banyak-kan are exceptions to the above rules. Aiak, Anak, and Bânyak being the radicals, it might be expected that the substantive, or (as in the case of Ka-bânyak-kan) adjective, would, as is usually the case, be formed by affixing "an," and perhaps, in the case of the first two, by prefixing "Per;" but there is no prefix, and "kan" is affixed in preference to "an," apparently for the sake of euphony. Besides the means of forming substantives described above, another common form is where the radical (of whatever part of speech) takes a prefix of "Pe," "Pěm," "Pen," "Peng," or "Pěny," sometimes with the affix "an" added and sometimes without. • xvi A substantive so formed usually denotes an agent or instrument of the meaning conveyed by the radical. The prefix takes the form of "Pe" when the radical begins with 7; m, or p followed by a consonant, thus: Pě-lubang, pitfall; Pěmârah, passionate; Pě-prang-an, war. When the radical begins with p followed by a vowel, the substantive is formed by dropping the p and prefixing "Pem," as: Pukõl, Pěm-ûkol, a mallet; Pandang, Pem-andang-an, sight. If the initial letter of the radical be t, the substantive is formed by dropping the t and prefixing "Pen," thus: Tâkut, Pěn-âkut, a coward. Pěng-tahuan is an exception to this rule. The prefix takes the form of "Pen" before ch, d, and j, as: Pěn-chûri, a thief; Pen-dâpat-an, earnings; Pěn-jâja, a pedlar. It appears, however, that when the radical begins with ch, the prefix sometimes takes the form "Pěny" and drops the ch as more euphonious, thus: Chûchok, Pěny- ûchok. The prefix takes the form "Pěng" before vowels, and before g and h, as: Pěng-âdu-an, a complaint; Pěng-îring, a suite; Pěng-ûsong, a litter; Pěng-hûlu, a chief; Pěng-gâli, a spade. When the radical begins with k, the prefix also takes the form Peng," dropping the k, thus: Kětam, Pěng-ĕtam; Kuêt, Pěng-uêt. If the radical begins with the letter s, the substantive is formed by prefixing "Pěny" and dropping the s, as: Sâkit, Pěny-âkit, sickness. FORMATION OF VERBS, &C. Verbs formed by prefixing the particle "Ber" to the radical, may be used in either the present, imperfect, or perfect tenses, and there is no alteration in the different persons of the verb, the personal pronoun being sufficient to carry the sense, thus: Dîa Ber-bangkit, he gets up, he was getting up, or he got up-the context shewing the tense; Kîta ber-bangkit, we get up, we were getting up, or we got up. I do not lay this down as a universal rule, but it is usual. It must not, however, be supposed that the prefix "Ber" can be placed before all radicals and used with the above described significations, for instance: Dîa berjâlan means he goes, he was going, or he went, according to the context, Jâlan being the radical, meaning either a road, or to go, or to walk. But Pergi means also to go, and yet Ber-pergi is most unusual, and Pergi-kan unheard of, whilst Jâlan-kan is common and means to cause to go. Jâlan-kan bichâra, to carry on a case; Jâlan-kan perkâra, to keep a matter going. Sometimes, again, "Ber" intensifies the radical, as: Budi, sense; Ber-budi, full of sense, sensible. Bulu, hair, feathers; Ber-bulu, cover- ed with hair or feathers, hairy, feathered, shaggy. Dârah, blood; Ber- dârah, bloody. } xvii "Kan" is an affix which almost invariably gives to a substantive, adjective, or other part of speech which will admit the addition of this particle, the meaning of a transitive verb, thus: Jâlan, a road or to walk; Jâlan-kan, to cause to go on, to carry on. Kanching, a bolt; Kanching- kan, to fasten. Měshhur, famous; Měshhur-kan, to make known, to publish. Kuat, strong; Kuat-kan, to make strong to strengthen. Ampun, pardon or to pardon; Ampun-kan, to pardon. Atur, arranged or to arrange; Atur-kan, to arrange. Under the letter M, will be found various forms by which the radical, whether it be substantive, adjective, adverb, verb, or other part of speech, is transposed into a transitive or intransitive verb. These forms vary according to the initial letters of the radicals, thus: Langkah, a step, becomes Mě-langkah; Bri, to give, becomes Mčm-bri, Tandok, a horn, becomes Men-andok; Kail, to fish, becomes Měng-ail; Apa, what, Měng- âpa; Hârap, hope, Měng-hârap; Titek, a drop, Měn-îtek; Sěbrang, across, Měny-ěbrang. In the majority of cases, where there is a prefix only, the verb formed is intransitive, but when besides the prefix the particle "kan" is affixed, the verb then formed is always transitive, as Men-jčrat-kan, to snare. When the radical begins with 7, m, n, nya (), or r, the prefix which forms the verb is always" Mě," as: Langkah, Me-langkah; Mások, Mě- mâsok-kan; Nanti, Mě-nanti; Rûpa, Mě-rûpa-kan; Nyânyi, Mě-nyânyi. When the radical begins with the letter b, the particle prefix takes the form of "Měm" as "Měm-bâcha," to read. When the radical begins with the letter p, the particle prefix takes the form of "Mem" and drops the p for the sake of euphony, as: Prentah, Měm-rentah; Puji, Měm-ûji. When t is the initial letter of the radical, the particle prefix takes the form of "Men" and drops the t for the sake of euphony, as: Taroh, Měn- âroh. When the initial letter of the radical is ch, d, or j, the verb is formed by prefixing the particle "Men" without other alteration, as Châbut, Měn-châbut; Dâpat, Měn-dapat; Jâdi, Měn-jâdi. Měny-ûchi-kan and Měny-ungkil are exceptions to this rule. Where the radical begins with a vowel, h, or g, the particle prefix takes the form of "Meng" without other alteration, thus: Adu, Měng- âdu; Isap, Měng-îsap; Ubong, Měng-ûbong; Hêrut, Měng-hêrut; Ganti, Měng-ganti. The is however sometimes omitted in the words like Hilang" where it can either be pronounced or not, both being equally right. Where the initial letter of the radical is k, the verb is formed by prefixing the particle "Měng" and dropping the k for the sake of euphony, as: Kôsot, Měng-ôsot. If the radical begins with the letters tr, then the particle prefix takes the form "Men," whilst the t is dropped for the sake of euphony, as: Trang, Měn-rang-kan. xviii If the radical begins with the letter s, the prefix changes the s into "Měny" thus: Sabong, Měny-abong; Sembah, Měny-embah; Susu, Měny-ûsu-î. "Ter" is a constant particle always met with in composition, and always as a prefix. When placed before a verb, it gives the signification of a past participle, as: Ter-bûang, thrown away; Ter-âtur, arranged; Ter-bîlang, counted; &c. When prefixed to an adjective, it adds emphasis and intensifies the meaning, and in conjunction with "Skâli" denotes the superlative degree, thus; Ter-bâlik, overturned; Ter-bûnoh, murdered; Ter-lampau, excessive; Ter-lebih skâli, most; Ter-lebih baik skâli, best. ( Sahya" is the word most commonly used by Europeans to express the first personal pronoun, whilst "you" is best rendered politely by "Tuan." The Malays commonly use Aku" for "I," and "Tuan, Âku "Angkau," or "Awak" (if familiar) for "you." Angkau," is also often rendered by Kau," or, in Province Wellesley and Kedah, by "Hang," and is generally used in speaking to servants or the lower classes. Perak, "I" and "you" are familiarly rendered by "Teman" and "Mika." In writing, "Bêta" or "Kîta" represents "I," and "Sẽhâbat-bêta” or Sěhâbat-kîta," "you." In Râjas or persons of rank often speak of themselves as "Kami," and render "you" by "Kamu by Kamu" or "Angkau" when talking to inferiors. When inferiors address their superiors, and wish to make a point of the distinction, they speak of themselves as "Hamba Tuan," your slave; this is common also in writing from an inferior to his superior. Pâtek" is the commonest form of expressing the pronoun of the first person when used by an inferior to a Râja, or between Râjas when the younger wishes to shew respect to the elder or superior in office. The English definite article "the" has no real equivalent in Malay. Bring the child, is translated Bawa ânak; Bring that child, Bawa ânak itu; Bring a child, Bawa sâtu ânak. In some cases, "the" is rendered by "yang," as: Bring another, Bawa lain, or Bawa lagi sâtu; Bring the other, Bawa yang lain itu; The latter, Yang kemdian; The former, Yang dûlu; and so on. The word "Sudah" is much used by the Malays. It will with a verb, always express the past tense: Sudah mâti, dead; Sudah jâlan, gone; &c. When used alone, it will mean, That will do. If used interrogatively, as Sudah? or Sudahkah? it has the meaning, Have you done? Is it finished? Is it ready?—according to the context. Whilst in such a sentence as Sudahlah kita ini, it would mean, Now, we're done for. " xix The constant use of "Punya" to indicate the possessive is inelegant and unusual. The best and commonest form of expressing the possessive. is by placing the pronoun after the substantive, as Rûmah dîa, His or her house. The indiscriminate use of the intensifying particle "Lah" (d) should be avoided. The particle "Tah" () is in all respects similar to "Lah," but not nearly so common. "Sangat,'-very, extremely-is placed either before or after the adjective, but usually the latter. “Tĕrlâlu" and "Terlampau" are placed before the adjective, and "Skâli" after it. "Maka" () is used in writing only, and marks the beginning of a new sentence. The word "Anak" is applied to the young of all birds, beasts, or fishes: Ânak gajah, a young elephant; Ânak anjing, a puppy; Ânak bûrong, a young bird; Anak ikan, a young fish. Malays speak of so many nights where we say days, thus they would say: "He will be away three nights," meaning three nights and two days. XX DAYS AYS OF THE WEEK. Sunday Hâri ahad Monday Hâri ithnâin Tuesday Hari thalâtha* (Hâri rabu Wednesday Hâri arbäa † Thursday Hâri khamis Friday Hâri jĕmäat Saturday Hâri sabtu هاري احد هاري اثنين هاري ثلاث هاري رابو هاري خمس هاري جد هاري سبت Sunday is also called "Hâri minggo" in the Straits Settlements, from the Portuguese "Domingo," and the other days of the week are known as:-Monday, "Hâri sâtu;" Tuesday, "Hâri dûa," and so on. One week, in the same way, is called "Sâtu minggo," but the Malays call it "Sâtu jemäat" or "Tûjoh hâri "-seven days. * The Arabic form; the Malay pronunciation "Salâsa" is commoner, †The Arabic form. • xxi D MONTHS ONTHS OF THE THE YEAR. Muharram 30 days Safĕr 29 Răbi alâwal 30 }) Răbi alâkhir 29 Jěmâd alâwal 30 Jěmâd alâkhir 29 ); Răjăb 30" Shäbân 29 }) Ramthần* 30 }) Shǎwâl Thil käadah Thil hâjah 29, 30 }} { 29,, and some- times 30 days محرم صفر ربيع الاول ربيع الاخر جماد الاول جماد الاخر رجب شعبان رمضان مشوال ذي القعده ذي الحجه These months do not correspond to any months in the English calendar, and as there are only 354 days in the Mahomedan year, the position of these Mahomedan months with regard to our calendar is constantly changing. * Pronounce "th" as in the English word than. The names of the months are all purely Arabic, xxii NUMBERS. Sa' ما ماتو سوات دوا تیگ اسفة ليم انم توجه دلا فن سمبيان سفوله سبلس 23.20 ។ > ٨ १ ۲۱ دوا بلس دوا فولة دوافوله ساتو تیک فوله صراتس صراتس ساتو صراتس دوافوله دوا راتس سريبو صريبو سراتس سلقسا سفوله لقسا One Sâtu Suâtu Two Dûa Three Four Tîga Ampat Five Lima Six Anam Seven Tûjoh Eight Dilâpan Nine Ten Sămbîlan Sa'pûloh Eleven Twelve Twenty Twenty-one Thirty Sa'blas Dûa blas Dûa pûloh Dûa pûloh sâtu Tiga pûloh One hundred One hundred and one One hundred and twenty Sa'râtus Sa'râtus sâtu Sa'râtus dûa pûloh Two hundred Dûa râtus One thousand Sa'rîbu One thousand one hundred Sa'rîbu sa'râtus Ten thousand One hundred thousand Sa'laksa Sa'pûloh laksa One million Sa'râtus laksa (Sa Units Asa Tens Pûloh Hundreds Rátus Thousands Rîbu Tens of thousands Hundreds of thousands Millions Laksa Kěti Juta 222? ١٠١ ۰۲۱ :: ..N .... .... ... .l ... :.l ....... مراتس لقسا ما اما فوله رات ريبو لقسا کتی xxiii . t NUMBERS, Continucd. In speaking of days of the month, the following are sometimes used:- Sixteen Sâtu glăp Seventeen Dûa glăp Eighteen Tîga glǎp Nineteen Ampat glăp Twenty Dûa pûloh Twenty-one Sa'lêkor Twenty-two Dûa lêkor and so on up to Twenty-seven Tûjoh lêkor ساتو گلف دوا گلف تیک گلف امغة كلف دوا فوله مليكور دوا ليكور توجه ليكو This form of expressing numbers other than days of the month is very commonly used in Păhang and less frequently in other States. : xxίν 1 POINTS OF THE COMPASS. North Utâra South Sělâtan East Tîmor West Bârat North-East Tîmor laut North-West Bârat laut South-East Těnggâra South-West Bârat dâia اوتارا سلاتن تيمور بارت تيمور لاوت بارت الاوت تغكارا بارت داي XXV CURRENCY, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES. CURRENCY.-SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. 4 duit (4-cent) 2 sen ΙΟ wang 4 suku I sen (I cent) I wang (2 cents) I suku (25 cents) 1 ringgit (1 dollar) CURRENCY-PENANG AND PROVINCE WELLESLEY. ΙΟ duit* (cent) 12 duit 2 tâli 4 suku 1 kûpang (10 cents) 1 tâli (12 cents) I suku (25 cents) 1 ringgit (1 dollar) * The duit (1 cent) is divided into halves and and quarters-"stengah duit" and "auku duit." CURRENCY.—PÅHANG. 4 cents of dollar 1 itam tengko itam tengko kěnĕri = 2 sâga buso 1 2 2 2 ~ 3 kûpang 4 kûpang 16 mas I suku I kěněri (gold) I buso I kûpang I ringgit (1 dollar) ($1.331) I mas 1 bungkal Păhang S cents of dollar 16 cents 33 cents Copper coin is not current in Pahang, but gold dust weighed ac- cording to the above table. Silver dollars are current, and small tin tokens coined by the Revenue Farmers for circulation in their respective districts. AVOIRDUPOIs Weight. 16 tahil (tael) I kati* (13) 100 kati 3 pîkul 40 pîkul 1 pîkul (133 tb) 1 bhara (400 mb) 1 kôian (5,3331 lb) *The Malay and Chinese kati differ in weight, the former having the weight of 24 Mexican dollars, and the latter of 22. They are termed respectively "kati besar” and “kati kěchil," xxvi I2 saga 16 maiam 12 bungkal GOLDSMITH'S WEIGHT. I maiam * 1 bungkal (832 grains Troy) I kati OPIUM WEIGHT. 10 hun Io chi I chi I tahil MEASURE OF CAPACITY. 4 pau 4 chupak 10 gantang 2 pâra 40 pîkul 4 chupak 10 gantang 10 naleh 5 kuncha ಕ 2 jengkal 2 hasta 2 êla 20 kâyu (pieces) I chûpak I gantang I pâra I pîkul I kêian DRY MEASURE. I gantang I naleh I kuncha I kôian LONG OR CLOTH MEASURE. I hasta I êla 1 děpa (1 fathom or 6 feet) 1 kodi (I score) 1 kaki (1 foot) 1 děpa (6 feet) LAND MEASURE. 12 inchi (inches) 6 kâki 4 (square) depa 100 jěmba 4 pěnjuru I jěmba (144 square feet) 1 pěnjuru (14,400 square feet) I rělong (1 orlong, or 1 acres, nearly) * Eight maiam are equal to the weight of cne Mexican dollar. Gold dust is sold by the bungkal; Gold thread by the kati. 1 xxvii IBBREVIATIONS. AB Ar. Arabic. Ch. Chinese. Eng. English. Hind. Hindustani. Jav. Javanese. Pers. Persian. Port. Portuguese. Sans. Sanskrit. When any of these Abbreviations-Ar., Sans., Port., &c.-are placed after a word, it does not necessarily denote that the word is pure Arabic, Sanskrit, or Portuguese, &c., but that the word is derived from one or other of these languages, or is an altered form of an Arabic, Sanskrit, or Portuguese word. ! ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY. : : VOCABULARY ENGLISH-MALAY. A Sâtu A (the article) -of long things Sa Sa'bâtang (spears) of short things Sa'bilah (knives) -of animals, birds Sa'êkor fishes -of cannon, eggs kets -of large things (ships, houses) -of letters and mus- -of umbrellas -of sheets of paper, kâjangs -of cloth, sârongs, &c. Sa'buah Sa❜bîji Sa' pûchok Sa'kâki Sa'bidang Sa’hělê* * Also used of sheets of paper. ماتو مدا مباتغ سبيله سيكور سبواه سبيجي سفوچق سكاكي سبيدغ سهلي Abandoned Acid (2) Abandoned Abdomen Ability Abjure, to Able ( Terbiang | Tertinggal Prut Kapandian Taubat ( Balih Ada kuâsa تربواغ تو تشكل فروت کفندین توبة بوله اد كواس Bânyak Abundant Limpah Mäamûr (Ar.) ( Maki Abuse, to Accept, to Accident Accompany, to Nista Trîma Takdir (Ar.) Bersama Berkawan ( Hapus Abolish, to ) Baang Orang bukit Aborigines About Orang liar Ôrang sâkei Lebih kurang Atas Above ( Diatas Abscess Abscond, to Absent Bisul Lari (Tidak âdă Tiâda hâther (Ar.) ها فوس بواغ اورغ بوكيت اورغ لير اورغ ساكي لبه كورغ اتس داتس بيسول لاري اد تيدق تیاد حاضر بايق لسفه معمور ماكي نستا Accomplice Pěnûlong \ Kâwan According to Account, an Seperti Kira-kira تريم تقدير بر میام ركاون فنولغ كاون Accountant, an Accurate Accuse, to Accustomed Ache Acid Krâni Bětûl Tûdoh Biasa Gâlak Sâkit Sĕnak Âsam توكغ مغیرا Tikang mengira-ngira ) سفرت كيرام كراني بتول توده بياس گالق ماکیت سنق امم Acknowledge After ( 3 ) Acknowledge, to ( Aku Měngâku Acquaint, to Acquainted, to be Acquit, to Across Act, to (do) Do., to (play) Action, act Active Měnyatakan Mäalumkan Bri tau Kĕnal Lepas Terlintang Bûat Bermain mayong Perbuatan f Pantas ميتاكن معلومكن بري كنل لفس تاو ترلنغ بوات رماين ماء يوغ فربواتن Add, to | Rajin Tambah | Ubong Do., to (as in arithmetic) Jěmlahkan Administration Do., Letters of Admiral Admit, to (to a place) Adopt, to (a custom) Adopted child Adorn, to Prentahan Sûrat kuasa Laksamâna Bri mások Měnûrut âdat Ânak angkat Hiâsi ( Hanyut Adrift ( Anyut Advice Nasihat (Ar. ) Do., to ask Advise, to Advocate, to Affair Affairs Affection Affiance, to Affidavit Affirm, to Aforesaid Afraid After Minta nasihat Bri nasihat Tûlong bichârakan Hâl Hâl ahuâl f Kasihan Perchintäan Bertunang Sûrat sumpahan Měngatakan فنتس راجين تمبه ا وبغ جملهكن سورت كواس فرنشاهن کواس لقسمان بري ماسق عادت منورت انق افکت هياسي ها پوت اپوت نصیحت منتا نصيحت بری نصیحت تولغ بچارا کن حال حال احوال کا میهن فرچنتاین بر تونغ صورت سمفاهن مغتاكن يغتر سبوت داتس Yang tersebut diatas ) ini Tâkut Kemdian ابن تاکوت کمدین Afternoon Alms ( 4 ) Pětang Berâleh hâri ( Lâgi skâli Afternoon Again 1 Pûla Age Ômor (Ar.) Agent Wâkil (Ar.) Do., (with complete } Wâkil mŭtallak (Ar.) Berjanji power) Agree, to (engage) Agreement, an Agree, to (be friends) Agreeable Aground (of a boat) Perjanjian Berdâmei { Sa' tuju Sedap Sangkut Děmam kora Ague Ahead Aim, to Air Ajar Alas Dihâdap Tuju Udâra Renggang Adôhi Baler اليه هاري سكالي 232334 وكيل وكل مطلق برجنجي رجنجين بردامي ستوجو صدف مشكوت دها دف توجو رغكُعُ اودرا ادوهي Albino Sôpak Sa'rûpa Alike Sâma Do., Just Sâma jûga J Hidup Alive Idup Semua All Sĕgâla (Sans) Alley Allow, to (permit) Allowance (money) Alloy, to Ally, to Do., an Almighty Almond Almost Alms { Sěkalian Lôrong Biar Wang blanja Champur Berstia Stiawan Mahâ kuâsa Bâdam (Pers.) Ketapang or Los Hampir Sěděkah (Ar.) لوس بالو موفق صروف سام سام جوگ هيدوف ايدوف سموا سكل سكلين لورغ بير بلنجا چمفور برستيا ستياوان مها كواس بادم كتافع همفر صدقه Alone Answer ( 5 ) Also Alum Alone Alphabet Sa'ôrang sehâja Aliph-ba-ta Juga Pûla Jua Tâwas Sělâlu Always ( Sěntiasa Amazed { Terchĕngang Hêran (Ar., Hairân) Ambassador Utusan Amber Amber (Ar.) Ambush, to lie in Endap Halus Amiable Amongst Amok, to Ancestors Anchor, an Do., to Anchorage Ancient S Mânis lâku ( Dalam Antara Měngâmok (Nenek moyang Datoh (or Dato') nênek Sauh Berlabuh Lâbuhan ( Lâma Zemân (Ar.) ( Dan And Angel Anger, angry Dengan Mělaikat Mârah Do. (speaking of Raja) Angle, to (to fish) Měrka Měngail Animal, an { Binatang Yang bernyawa Aniseed Ankle Annoy, to Anoint, to Answer Âdas mânis Jintan mânis Mâta kâki Ûsikkan Urut Jawab (Hind.) Bâlas Měnyaut سورغ سهاج اليف با تا فول تاوم سلالو منتیاسر حیران اوتسن عمبر اندف هالوس لاكو ما نيس دالم انتارا مغاموق نينق مويع داتو، نينق ساوة برلا بوه لا بوهن زمان دان قن ملایکت ماره مرك مقايل بناتغ ادس جنتن مانيس ما نيس مات كاكي اوسيقكن اوروت جواب بالس مپاوت A سموت فناور لنداسين بليسه رندو Ant Ant ( 6 ) As Semut Pěnâwěr Antidote Anvil Anxiety Anxious Any Landâsan Bělîsah Rindu f Sa'barang بميع مبارغ مان ٢ فون روف لتق تاره منجاد يكن رسول بربنته بر بغكيت علم كيرات بهترا لقن تعكيليغ برمنجات كتيق لشكر عشكر كليلغ ارق مقاتور تعكف سفي انق علم قانه اخن اورت داره بارغ ٢ ف كارا صورت فرجنجين صفرت مسئول سفنجع سلما سبايق {Bimbang Mâna mâna pun Appearance Rûpa Lětak Appoint, to Târoh Měnjâdikan Apostle Rasûl (Ar.) Argue, to Berbantah Arise, to Berbangkit Arithmetic Ark, the Arm, the Armadillo Armed Elmu kira kira Behtra (Ar.) Lengan Tenggiling Bersenjâta Armpit Kětiak ( Lashker (Pers. ) Army Ashker (Ar.) Keliling Arrow Arsenic Art Around Arrack Arrange, to Arrest, to Arrive, to Arak (Ar.) Měngâtur Tangkap Sampei Ânak panah Warangan Elmu (Ar.) Artery Articles (goods) Do. (division of subjects) Perkara Do. (of agreement) As As before As long as (in length) Do. As much as (in time) Úrat darah Bârang-barang Sûrat perjanjian Seperti Sa'múla Sa' panjang Sa'lâma Sa'banyak . As Attempt ( ) Ashamed Mâlu Ashes Âbu Aside Âsing Do., to put Mengasingkan Ask, to Tânya Ask for, to Minta Ass, an Kalde Assemble, to Berhimpun Do., to (calling to- Krah gether ryots) a Assist. to Tûlong Assistance Asthma Astern Bantu Ka'tûlongan Sesak dada Diblâkang Dibuntut Di'êkor As well as you can- As yet Ascend, to (a river) Do., to (a hill) Sa'lama ini Mûdik Měndâki As quickly as possible { Sa'brapa lekas yang bûlih Sa'brâpa baik yang bûlih سبراف لكس يغ بوله سبراف بايك يغ بوله سلما این موديق منداكي مالو ابو اسيع مقاسيتكن تاپ منناء كلدي برهمفون کره Diburitan Astonished Terchĕngang Astrology Elmu nujûm (Ar.) At Di النجوم علم تولغ بنتو عن الا کتولوف مسق دادا د بلاكغ دبونتوت دايكور دبوريتن تر At first Mula-mula Asal At last At least At once Âkhir (Ar.) Sa'kûrang-kurang Skâli * Dengan segra * Bâlas Atone, to Ganti Attack, to Attempt, to Langgĕr Měngâmok Chûba ل سلام اصل اخر مسكورغ ٢ مكالي غرا دخن سرا بالس گنتی لفكر مغاموق چوب * Bring all at once, "Bawa semûa skâli." Come at once, Mâri dengan segra." Attendant Bait (8) Attendant Kawan كاون Budak Attendant, Female Daiang-daiang Attentive Rajin Attest, to Attitude Sikap Auction Lelong (Port.) Audience (at court) Mějělis Aunt Mak muda بودق دايغ ٢ راجين مناره تافق تان Moniroh tipak tangan ميكف ليلوغ مجليس | Mak su Authority Kuâsa Avenge, to Bâlas امق مودا امق سو كواس بالس Awake, to Jâga Do., to cause to Bangun Grakkan Away Klûar Awhile Sa'banter Awkward Hûdoh Axe Kapak Awning ( Chetri (Hind.) جاگ باغون گرفکن کلوار مبنتر هوده کافق جتري | Kajang B با يا كانق٢ بوجع بلاكع تيدق بايك بوسق جهت كاروغ ساكو اوفو بارغ ٢ جامين منجادي جامين مشاكو امفن Baba* Baby Bachelor Baba (Hind.) Kânak-kanak Bûjang Back, the Blakang Bad (not good) Tidak baik Do. (decomposed) Bûsuk Do. (wicked) Jǎhat Kârong Bag, a Do. Money- (Chinese) Opau (Ch.) Baggage Saku (Port.) Bârang-barang Bail Jâmin Do., to stand Měnjadi jamin Měngâku Bait (for fish) Umpan * A name used to designate Straits-born males, whether the children of European, Chi- nese or Eurasian parents, but most commonly used of Straits-born Chinese. Bake Battle ( 9 ) Ball Do. (wicker)* Râga Ballast Tôlak-bara Bamboo Bûluh Banana Pisang ( Tebing Bank (of a river) Bake, to Baker, a Balance (remainder) Bald (hairless) Bale out, to (water) Panggangkan Tûkang rôti Baki Bôtak Měnimba âyer Bola (Eng. & Port.) ونكقكن توكع روتي باقي بوتق ـنمبا ایر بولا تولق با را بولوه تبية Těpi Do., Sand- Běting Do. (artificial, of earth) Bâtas Barber, a Tûkang chûkor Bargain, a Perjanjian Do., (to cheapen) Tâwěr Bark (of a tree) Kûlit kayu Do. (of a dog) Sâlak Barley Bras-blanda Barrel Tong Barren (as females) Mandul تفي بتيع باتس توكغ چوکر فرجنجين تاور كوليت كايو مالق براس بلندا توغ مندول Barrier Tămpin Barter, to Taker Bashful Mâlu Basin Bâtil Do., a Small Mangko ( Bakul Basket ( Kranjang Bastard Ânak gampang تمفن توکر مالو باتيل مفكوء باكول كر نجع گمفغ انق انق گندیو كلور جمبن تمفت مندي مندي میرم ففرا غن Do. (born of a concu-Anak gundek bine) Bat (vermin) Klawer Bath-house (floating) Jamban Bath-room Tempat mandi Bathe, to Mandi Do., to cf Râjas) Sêram (Prang Battle Pēprangan * The only ball used by the Malays is this one, but our word ball has in the Settlements been Malayified into "bola," which is generally understood. Bawl Beef ( 10 ) Bawl, to Triak Bay (of the sea) Těluk Do. (colour) Bazaar Pâser Beach Pantei Beads Mêrah-kûning Mânik-mânik ميره كونيڅ Beak Pâroh Beam, a A Gělěger Bâlak 3311130323 ما ليق ٢ Bean Kâchang Bear, a Bruang Do., to (support) Do., to (on the head) Do., to (in the arms) Do., to (carry) Do. children, to Do. arms, to Pikul Beranak Pâkei senjâta Berbuah Bri saksi Jănggut Binâtang Do. fruit, to Do. witness, to Beard, a Beast Beat, to Pukŏl ( Palu Do., to (with the fist) Gôchoh Tanggong Tâhan Junjong Dûkong تهن جنجوع دوکو فيكل برانق فاكي منجات بربواه بري سكسي بناتع موكل فالو Do., to (with open hand) Tămpĕr Do., to (in a mortar) Tumbuk* Do., to (overcome) Měnang Chantek Beautiful Môlek Sěběb Because Karâna + (Sans.) Beckon, to Lambei Become, to Jâdi Katil Bed, a Bee Beef Těmpat tidor Lebah Dâging-lembu * Commonly used for "to beat with the fist " also, # Also pronounced Kerna. چه تمفر تمبوق منغ چنتیق موليق کارن لمبي جادي كاتيل تمفت تیدر ليه دائيغ لمبو Beetle Betrothed ( 11 ) Beetle Before Beg, to (ask) Do. alms, to Beggar (religious men- Kûmbang Lebih dahûlu Minta Minta sěděkah Făkîr (Ar.) dicant) Begin, to Mulai Âwal (Ar.) Beginning, a Âsal Kalâkuan Behaviour Behind Being, a Human Belch, to Believe, to (trust) Do., to (think) Diblâkang Sa'ôrang mănûsia Blâhak Perchâya Fîkir (Ar.) ( Licheng * ì Gĕnta Bell, a Bellows Belly Pěngumbus Prut Ampunya Belonging Below Yang punya Dibawah Îkat pinggang Belt, a Tâli pinggang Bend, to Mělěkong Benevolent Mûrah hâti Bent Bengkok Beside Besiege, to Betrothed Besmear, to Best Bet, to Betel (leaf) Do. (nut) Betroth, to Di sa'blah Bûah pinang Pinang Tûnang Sudah bertunang Lûmor Kepong Yang baik skáli Bertâroh Sîrih + كومبع لبه دهولو منتاء منتاء صدقه فقير مالي اول اصل کلاکوان د بلاكغ سبورغ مانسي بالاهق فرچاي فيكو كنتا فقمبوس فروت امخوب فوپ يغ فود دباوه ایکت فقكغ تالي فقَكَّعَ ملكوم موره هائي بشكوء دمبله كفوغ لومر يعبايق سكالي برتاروه میره بواه فينغ فينغ تونغ سده برتونغ * Not Malay, adopted and understood. + "Sirih" is the leaf of a vine, grown like perper, and is chewed by the Malays, Siamese, and many other Eastern people. On the leaf is spread a little chunam or lime, and tobacco, gambier and pieces of betel-nut are chewed with it. Better Bloody ( 12 ) 1. لبه بايك Better Do., to Make Between Beware, to Beyond Lebih baik Měmbaiki Antara (Hind.) Jâga S Bâlik sâna ( Di sa'blah Bible (Pentateuch) Do. (Psalms) Taurit Zabûr (Ar.) Do. (Gospels) Injil (Ar.) Bid, to (offer a price) Tâwěr Big Bĕsar Bill Sûrat ûtang ( Îkat Bind, to Tămbăt Do., to (book) Jilid * Bird Do. cage Bûrong Sangkĕr Sârang burong Birth Perânakkan Do. nest Bit, a (piece) Do., a (for horse) Bite, to ( Sa'keping Sa'krat Lăgam (Hind.) Gigit Bitter Pâhit Black Hitam Blacksmith, a | Tukang běsi Pandei běsi Blade Mâta Blame, to Měnchělâkan Blaze, to Bernyâla Bleed, to Klûar dârah Do., to (surgically) Blemish Krăt urat Chachat Berkat Blessed Blind Blood Do., Of noble Bloody * Arabic, lit, means leather, Buta Dârah Berbangsa Berdarah ممبا يقكي انتارا جاگ بالق سان دمبله توريت تمبت جلد بورغ معكر سارغ بورغ فرانقكن سكفيع سكرت لكم گیگت فاهيت هیتم توكع بسي فندي بسي مات منچلا کن برپالا کلوار داره كرت اورت چت چا برکت ہوتا داره بر بغسا برداره Blossom Borneo (13) Blossom Bûnga Do. (bud) Kûtum Do. (full blown) Blotting-paper Kembang Kertas kembang Blow, to (with the mouth) Tiúp كميع قرطس كمبغ تيوف Blow-pipe, a Blue Sumpitan Biru Blunderbuss, a Pěmûras ( Tumpul Blunt Kûrang tâjam Boar Bâbi jantan Do., Wild- Bâbi ûtan Board, a (wood) Do., to (lodge) Boast, to Pâpan Tumpang Měmbesarkan diri Prau Boat Sampan Do. (a dug-out) Sâgor Jalor Do. a House- Kětiap Do. a Small Fishing Kôlek Boat-hire Prau tămbang Badan Body Tûboh Do., a Dead Maiat (Ar.) Bangkei Do. of an animal Boil, to Do. rice, to Do., a Bold (brave) Rĕbus Měnânak Bisul ( Brani Gâgah Bolt, a Bone Book Booty Border Pěnyǎlak Túlang Kitâb (Ar.) Rampasan Těpi Gêrek Bore, to Do., to (the ears) Borneo Bertindek Brûnei سومفيتن بيرو فموراس تمفول كورغ اتاجم بابي جنتن بابي هوتن بابي فافن تومقع لمبسركن ديري فراهو سمفن ساگور جالور كتيف كوليق فراهو تمبع بدن توبه بغكي ربوس منافق بيسول براني شاشه فیلق تولغ کتاب رما من ـفي تگیریق برتنديق بروني Borrow Break ( 14 ) Botol* (Eng.) Both Borrow, to Bosom Pinjam Minta pinjam Dada Kaduanya Kâcha Bottle Bottom Bawah Pantăt Bottom (anus) Bough Boundary Bow, (for arrows) Do., to (the body) Bowl Box (chest) Boy Brace (a couple) Pûnggong Dâhan + Prenggan Sempadan Pânah Tunduk ( Batil Bôkor Pěti Kělamdân t Anak laki-lâki Sa' pâsang Bracelet Glăng Brackish Payau Brains Ôtak Branch a (bough) Dâhan Do., to Châbang Tanda Brand, a (mark) Chăp Brandish, to Achu Brass Těmbâga Brave Bravery Brawl, to Bray, to (as an ass) Bread Bread-fruit Break, to Brâni Kabaktian Huru-hara Triak Rôti { Sûkun (Pichah Pâtah فنجم ميناء فنجم دادا کدواپ فوغ وغ داهن فرغگن سمفادن فانه تندوق باتيل بوكر قلمدان انق فتي ميغا فایو اوثق داهن چابغ تندا چف 333333333 يقتين هوروها را *In use in the Straits Se † From per-hingga-an. nents. See "Trunk." Probably derived from Kalam (Ar.) a pen, and Dan (Per.) a box. On- ly used of small boxes. Break ( 15 ) Brittle رنتوه فچه ماسق فچه هنچور فوتس منكر جينقكن ديني هاري تجاهن ماكن دادا اومبق فاكي سوسو نفس يا وا منفس فیار فلهرا اغين اغين بارت اغين لاوت صواف بري صواف ماكن سواف باحت فغنتين فرمفوان (بتين فخنتين (جنتن) جمباتن تيتي منيتي كغ ترغ بيبر بالبيرغ باوا بلا فلهرا فنتس بولو رافوه Break down, to Do. in, to Do. to pieces, to Do. off, to Do. a promise, to Do. in, to (tame) Do. of day Breakers (surf) Breakfast Breast, the Runtoh Pichah mások Hanchor Pichah Pûtus Munkir Jinakkan Dinihâri Pichalan ombak Mâkan pâgi Dada Susu Nafas (Ar.) Nyawa Breasts Breath Breathe, to Měnǎfas (Piâra Breed, to | Plěhĕra Breeze Angin De., Land - Angin darat Do., Sea- Angin laut Bribe, a Do., to Suap Bri suap Do., to Take a Bricks Mâkan suap Bâta Pengantin prěm- pûan Pengantin lâki- lâki Bride Bridegroom Jěmbâtan Bridge, a { Titi Do., to Bridle, a Bright (shining) Měnîti Kăng (Jav.) Chahia Do. (clear) Trang Brim Brimstone Bring, to Bibir Balêrang Bawa Bring up, to Bla-plěhěra Brisk Bristles Brittle Pantas Bulu Râpoh Broad Buffalo ( 16 ) Broad Leběr Luas Broil Gôring Brooch, a Brook Broom Broth Brother (elder) Do., of Rajas Do., (younger) Do., of Râjas Brother-in-law (by sister) Do. (by wife) Krûsang Ânak ayer Ânak sungei Pěnyâpu Kuah Âbang Kakanda Âdik Âdinda Îpěr Biras ليبر لواس كوريغ كرومي. انق انق سوم غي فو گواه بع كاند اديق ادند ايفر Brow (forehead) { Kěning Dahi Do. (of a hill) Kamunchak bûkit Brown Îtam mânis Bruise, to Pipis Sapu Brush, to Gôsok Do. a (for sweep- ing) Pěnyâ pu Brush, a Hair- Sikat kěpâla Brus * (Eng.) Do. Brushwood (low) dary jungle) Brutal (beastly) Bubble (of boiling water) Semak + (secon- }] Bluker Seperti binatang } Měndîdih Buck (male deer) Rûsa jantan Bucket Timba Buckle Kanching Do. (of a belt) Bud Buffalo Pinding Kûtum or (Kuntum) Kĕrbau In use in the Straits Settlements, † See "Thicket." كمنيق بوكيت فيافو سیکت کفال بروس سمق بلوكر سفرت بنائغ مندیده روما جنتن تمبا کنچیغ فنديق كوتم (كنتم) كربو Buffalo BU ( 17 ) Buffalo-pool Kûbang kerbau Orang jěnâka کوب کرد جناك اورغ فلوق قران فیجت كوتو بوسق بوات ایکت لمبو جنتن فلورو لمبو كمبيري بقق تندن سیکت بوعكوس بوشكوه بابر باكر ها غوس ملتوف تا نم قبور کرامت سمق فكرجاءن مسق تا منغ سنة تتافي خساءي فمبنتي منندوق منتيكا مييق سافي اولة Buffoon Bug Build, to Bull Bullet Bullock Plauak Pran ( Pijat { Kutu bûsuk Bûat ا Îkat Lěmbu jantan Pělûru (Port.) Lembu kembiri Bump Bengkak Tändan Bunch (of fruit) | Sikat Bundle, a Bungkus Do., to Buoy Bungkuskan Boya (Port.) Bury, to Bushes Business Busy But Burden, a (difficult matter) Burn, to Burst, to (blow up) Burying-place Do., (ancient) Butcher Butt, to (with the head) Butter Do., Clarified Butterfly Button Buy, to By Pěkerjâän (Sesak | Ta'senang Tětâpi (Khesai (Hind.) | Pembantei Menandok Mentega (Port.) Minyak sapi ( Kupu-kupu Rama-rama Kanching Bli Ûlih Bâban Baker | Hangus Mělětup Tânam Kubor (Ar.) Krâmat Semak By ( 18 ) Camoe. Simpan Târoh Sa'banter lagi C Krêta sêwa سمفن تاروة مبتر لاگي کریت میوا Tâli sauh Sangker { Pêngânan Juâdah (Pers.) Mâra bahia ماوه كل الشكر فغانن جواده مارا بہیا انق لمبو جنتوغ بتيس بال چو مييق فعكل لاء وغ سفله تدوه پامن بوات فتنه اتس انیا یا کن فتنه انياي اونتا تفكيليغ تمفت عشکر كافور با روس بوله فاريت دین ليلين دین كاكي ليلين کی ن كتي روتن سممبو کوشک توث تبو مريم تیاد بوله سمفن جالور كوليق By, to put By and by Cab Cable Cage, a Cake Calamity Calf Do. (of the leg) Calico Ânak lembu Jantong bĕtis Blâchu minyak Call, to Panggil Do., to (shout to) Laung Do. in, to Singgah Calm (sheltered) Tědoh Do. (pleasant) Nyaman (Bûat fitĕnah atas Calumniate, to Calumny Camel Cameleon Fitěnah ( Aniaya Unta Aniâyakan Tenggiling Camp, a Tempat ashker Camphor Kâpor bârus Can (able) Bûlih Canal Pârit Dien Candle Lilin Candlestick Cane, a Do., Malacca Do., Walking Do., Sugar- Cannon Cannot Kâki dien Kâki lilin Rôtan Samambu Tongkat Těbu Měriam Tiâdă bûlih Canoe, a (Sampan jalor { Kôlek Canvas Carriage ( 19 ) Canvas Cap, a Do., to Wear, on one side Capacious Capacity (measure- ment) Do. (burden) Do. (talents) Kain lâyer Kěpîah (Eng.) Pâkei kěpiah teng- i gek Luas Lapang Sûkatan Mûatan Budi كاين لاير كفيه فاكي كفيه تغكيق لواس لافع سوكاتن مواتن Akal (Ar.) Bijaksana بودي عقل بیجقسان Cape (promontory) Tanjong (Modal Capital (resources) Pôko' Capon, a Captain (on shore) Do. (of a boat) Captive, a Carbuncle (the Pěnglima Nakhoda (Pers.) Tawânan Gĕmâla stone) Do. (disease) Penyakit raja Carcase, a Cards, Playing Care (anxiety) Bangkei Kertas skôpong Chinta Do. (diligence) Do., to Do., to Take Usahâ Fědûli (Ar.) (Jaga | Ingat-ingat تنجوع مودل فوكوء كمبيري (كامي) (Ayam kembiri (kasi وقليم نجودا توانن شمال فپاکیت راج بغكى قرطس سكوفع چنتا اوسها فضولي جاگ ایقت ۲ منقو فليهرا اسوه Měnunggu Plěhěra Âsoh Do. of, to Take Careful Râjin (Lalei Careless Alpa (Hind.) Cargo Muatan Carnal affections Carpenter, a Carpet Carriage, a (vehicle) Hawa nafsu (Ar.) Tukang kayu Permidâni (Pers.) Krêta (Port.) راجين لالي الفا مواتن هوا نفسو توكغ كايو فرميداني كريت 1 Carry Cause ( 20 ) Carry, to (see Bear) Carry outside, to Cart, a Bullock- Do., a Buffalo- Cartridge, a Cartridge-pouch, a Tanggong Pikul Bawa klûar تغدوع فيكل باوا كلوار Krêta lembu Krêta kerbau كريت لمبو كريت كربو S Pětron Gantang-gantang* فترون گنت ۲ Kerpêi Carve, to (wood or stone) Ûkir Cascade, a Case (circum- stance) Do. (for trial) Cash Cashier, a (shroff') Cask, a Cast anchor, to Cast away, to Casting-net, a Do., Panchûran âyer Hâl Perkara (Hind.) كرفي اوكير فنچوران اير حال فركارا Bichara (Hind.) بچارا Wang tunai توني Tong Berlabuh Takang wang Bûang sauh Champak | Biang Jala (Hind.) to Use a Menjala Castor oil Minyak jarak Castrated ( Kěmbiri ( Kasi Cat, a Kuching a pole) tious) Catch, to Catch hold, to (of a bough with Catching (infec- Caterpillar Tangkap Kait } Jangkit Catty (13 b.) Ûlat bulu Kati Caution, to Bri ingat Caulk, to Pâkalkan Cause, a (reason) Sēběb Do., to Bûat بواغ ساوه چمفق بواغ جالا منجا لا ميبق جارق كمبيري كاسي كوچيغ تشکف كايت جغکیت اولت بولو كاتي بري ايغت فاكلكن بوات Malay made, with bamboo cases. Cave (21) Chapter گوا چین برهنتي سرهكن لاغیت ۲ مشهور فرکت هليفن تغه سمبوت دغن حرمه تنتو ستگوه سورت کترات نكَري سيلن ( سيلوغ) سكم مبوسه هاتي رنتي كافور بلندا اجوق بركلاهي بيلق انتوع اوبه شتني توکر سالین کا كاين فنده اليهكن الور ترومن فصل جز Cave, a Cavity, a Cayenne pepper Cease, to Cede, to Ceiling Gủa Lubang ƒ Lâda china Châbei Berhenti Serahkan Langit-langit Celebrated Cement, to (fasten) Meshhur (Ar.) Perkat Centipede, a Halîpan Centre Tengah Ceremony, to Re- Sambut dengan ceive with hormat (Tentu Chaff (of grain) Certain Certificate Ceylon Chagrin Chain Chair, a Chalk Challenge Ajok berklâhi Chamber Bilek Chance, a Lucky Untong Change, to Ûbah Change for ano- ther of the Gauti same kind: Succeed, to Do., to, (exchange) Taker Sâlin kain Pindah Sungguh Surat katrangan Negri Selan Sěkam Sûsah hâti Rantei Krûsi * Kâpor blanda Do. one's dress, to Do. one's house, to Do., to (move) Channel (of a stream) Do. (passage thro') Chapter Alihkan Alor } Trisan Fasăl (Ar.) {Juz (Ar.) * Arabic "Kursi." Character Child ( 22 ) حرف بانجا درم تشكل فتا كجر حبت همهـ چله اجر میقسا بيسيع گملاتق سوره Do. Charcoal Character (letter) Charge (cost) Harâf* (Ar.) (reputation) Nâma (Pers.) Ârang Herga Blanja Charity Derma Charm, a Tangkal Chart (map) Pěta Chase, to Kējĕr Hambat Chasm Chělah Chastise, to (correct) Âjĕr Do., to (pun- Měnyeksa ish) Chatter (talking) Bising Do., to (as the Gěmělâtak teeth) Cheap Mûrah ( Tipu Cheat, to Check, to (restrain) Cheek, the Kêchoh Měnâhan Pipi Sûka chita Cheerful Cheese Senang hâti Kêju (Port.) Chequered Tapak châtor Chess * (the gamme) Main châtor Chest (box) Pěti Chew, to Do. (breast) Do., a (quid) Chicken Chief Chiefly Ânak ayam Kĕpâla Yang besar Astěmûa Ânak Ânak sûlong Dada Mâmah Sepah Child Do. (first born) Do. (last born) *Plural" Huruf." Ânak bongsu تيفو کیچوه مناهن فيفي سوك سو چیت سنغ هاتي كيجو تافق چاتور ماین چاتور فتی دادا مامه سفه ایم انق كفال يڅ بسر استميوا انق انق سول نق بغسو King, Râja; Queen, Mantri; Bishop, Gâjah ; Knight, Kûda; Castle, Têr; Pawn, Bidak ; Check, Sah; Checkmate, Mat. Child ( 23 ) Clapper Child, With (preg- nant) Chin Bunting Hâmil (Ar.) Dagu Bĕnua China Negri China China Chintz Kain chîta Chip, a Tâtal Chisel Pǎhat Choke, to Chěkek Cholera Pěnyakit hâwr Choose, to Pileh Krăt Chop, to Tětak Chinchang Christ. Nabi Isa Christian Church Cicala, a Něsĕrâni* (Ar.) Grêja (Port.) Riang-riang ( Cherut (Eng.) Cigar Cinders (glowing) Do. (ashes) | Roko't Bara Hâbu Kûlit mânis Cinnamon Circle, circular Circumcise, to Bûlat Bersûnat Berkhatan (Ar.) Circumference Circumstance Citron City Civil (polite) Claim, to Clap, to (the hand) Clapper, a (of a bell) Lilit Pri Hal Perkâra (Hind.) Limau kerbau Bander (Pers.) Něgri Supan Berbhâsa Tentut Těpok Ânak locheng + *In the Straits usually means Roman Catholic. + Properly a Malay cigarette Not Malay, but understood, بونتيغ حامل داگو بنوا چین نگري چين کاین چیت تاتل فهت چکیق فياكيت هاور فیله کرت تتق نبي اني نصر ريغ ٢ چروت روكوء بارا ها كوليت مانيس برسنت برختن ليلت حال كارا ليمو كر! كربو بندر نگري سوفن بربها تنتوت تفوق انق لو. Clasp Clout ( 24 ) Clasp, a (of a girdle) Do., to (embrace) Class (kind) Clause (article) Claw, a Clay Pěnding Pěluk Dâkap Jěnis Mâcham Perkâra (Hind.) Kuku Tânah liat Chuchi Briseh or Berseh* فنديق فلوق داكف جنيس ماجم فركارا كوكو تا نه ليت چوچي برميه عربيه Clean, to Clear (transpa- rent) Do. (evident) Do. (voice) Do., to (a plan- tation) Cleave, to Clerk Clever Climate Climb, to Clip, to Cloak (loose covering) Clock Clod Close Do., to Do., to (cover) ( Jěrneh Trang | Trang Nyata Nyåring Měněbas Blah [ Jûrotulis Krâni Pandei 1 Cherdek Udâra ( Panjat Naik Guntingkan Kain slimut Jam (Pers.) Gumpal tânah Râpat Tutup Tûdongkan Kain Cloth Clothes Cloud Cloudy (misty) Clout * Not Malay, but understood. Pakien + Âwan J Klam kâbut Redup Kain châwat † Pronounced as here spelt, but properly "Pakâian." پات پاریخ منبس بله جرو توليس كراني فندي چردیق اودرا فنجت نايق گونتیکن کاین سلیموت تحمل تا نه رافت توتف تودشکن كاين فكانن اوان كلمكابوت ردوف کابن چاوت Clove Colour ( 25 ) Bûnga chingkeh Kûrang pantas Ârang bâtu Clove (spice) ( Menggap Clumsy Coal Coarse Coast Coat Coax, to Cobweb Cock | Pantci Kâsĕr § Těpi laut Bâju Pujok Sarang labah-la- bah Âyam jantan Âyam ûtan Do., Game- Do., Jungle- Cock-crow Cocks, to Fight Do.. Weather- Cockroach Cocoa-nut Do. husk Do. juice, or toddy Do. milk Ayam sâbong Kuko' ayam Měnyabong Tanda angin Lipas ( Klapa Nyor Sabut غا چکیه مخلف كورغ فنتس ارغ باتو کامر تفي فنتي باجو لاون فوجق سارغ لا به۲ ايم ما بوغ ايم جنتن وتن يم ايم کوه يا بوع تندا اغين ليفس كلاف پیور سابوت تواق كلاف ایر کلاف مبيق كلاف منتن تمفورغ كهوا لوغ لفكر منه فا ونغ تورت سجوق ديقين چیکا كمفول معهمفون كمفولن همخونن ورن Tûak klâpa Âyer klâpa Do. oil Minyak klâpa Do. pulp Săntăn Do. shell Tempurong Coffee Kâhŭa Coffin Long Coil, to Lengker Coin, to (money) Coincide, to (in o- pinion) Měněmpa wang Tûrut Cold Sějuk Do. (of the weather) Dingin Colic Chîka ( Kumpul Collect, to Menghimpun Kumpulan Collection Himpunan Colour Wěrna (Sans.) Colt (26) Compare انق كودا جنتن سيسو سیکت رتاي ميرا موافقت ماري داتغ سمفي تیبا نايق براول بنتغ برايكور کسنا شن سوره تيته فعليم ممولاءي اول الـ كمولان فرنیاگا سا يتكن كسيهن صايغ فسن بونه بردوس لافع دينا كبا يقكن رعیت گمفر بري معتاكن تاو توکر کاون بنديغ Colt Comb Combine, to Come, to Do. up, to Do. across, to Do. and go, to | Anak kûda jan- tan ( Sisir | Sikat Menyertâï Muafkat Mâri Dâtang Sampei Tiba Naik Měnyǎbrang Berulang-ulang Bintang berekor Kasĕnangau Sûroh Commander (mili- tary) Commence, to Comet Comfort Command, to Do. (of a Titah Raja) Pěnglima Měmulâï ( Awal Ka-mulaän Perniâgäan Sâiangkan ( Kasihan Sâiang Pĕsan Bûnoh Commencement Commerce Commiserate, to Commiseration Commission, to, or a Commit murder, to Do. a crime, to Commodious Common Do. people Commotion Communicate, to Commute, to Companion Compare, to Berdosa Lâpang Dina Kabanyakkan Räiat (Hind.) Gĕmpĕr ( Bri tau Měngatakan Tukěr Kawan Banding Compass ( 27 ) Confirm ودومن مات فدومن جعكا كسيهن مقرامي لاون معادو كنف لتكف اير موك كفوجين تورت قبول کارغ مغرتي سمبولیکن کا چق فوتسكن ها بسكن گندیق مي في كمكن موره هاتي فریحال ك الكوان فيعل م انیسن مشوارت بچارا مشاكو کفر چیان فاصوڅكن تنتوكن تتفكن Pădûman Mâta padûman Jangka Kasihan Compass, (Mari- ners') Compass, Points of Compasses (divi- ders) Compassion Compel, to Compete, to Complain, to Complete Complexion Compliments Comply, to Compose, to (com- pile) Comprehend, to Compute, to Conceal, to Conceited Conclude, to (finish) Concubine Condemn, to (sen- tence) Condescending (affable) Condition (state) Conduct (behaviour) Confections Conference Confess, to Confidence Confine, to (put in restraint) Confirm, to Měngrâsi Lâwan Měngâdu ( Genap | Lengkap Âyer mûka Kapujian | Tûrut Kabûl (Ar.) Kârang Měngerti Berhêtong Sembunyikan Kâchak ) Pûtuskan Habiskan Gundek Menghukumkan Mûrah hâti Pri hâl Kalâkuan Fäâl (Ar.) Manisan ( Mashwarat (Ar.) Bichara (Hind.) Měngâku Kaperchayaan 1. Pasongkan Tentukan 1 Tetapkan Confront Convey ( 28 ) مسموکا کن مومیت کا چوکن بكو Confront, to Confuse, to Congealed Conjure, to (use witchcraft) Connect, to (add to) Conquer, to Do., to (win) Sa'mûkakan S Měngôsot Kâchaukan Bǎkû }Berhantu Měngubong Âlahkan Měnang Conscious Sěděr Consent, to ƒ Kabûl (Ar.) Měngâku Consider, to (weigh) Timbang Do., to (heed) Ingat Conspicuous Nyata Conspire, to Pǎkǎt Constantinople Constantly Consult, to Do., to (ask ad- vice) Consumption (the Istambul Santiâsa Měshwârat (Ar.) }Minta nasihat Bâto' kring disease) Contagious Contain, to (hold) Content Continue, (and then?)* ! Contract, a Do., to Work by Contradict, to Converted (from Islam) Do., (from bad habits) Convey, to Berjangkit Mûat Puas Kěmdian Lâgi Perjanjian Kerja borong Bantah Murtad (Ar.) Taubat ‹ Antèr Bawa برهنتو مغوبع الهكن منڅ مندر قبول مشاكو تمبع ايغت پات فکت استمبول منتياس مشوارت منتا نصیحت باتؤ كريغ برجکیت موات فواس کمدین لاثي فرجن كرج بوروغ بنته مرتد توبت انتر باوا * Continue, in the sense of go on, what next? is rendered by Kemdian? Lagi? or Lepas itu ?-but if it is wished to say "he continued walking, or continued working," &c., the rendering is "Dia jâlan pula," Dia kerja pula " or "Dia kerja lâgi." 6. Convict Courteous ( 29 ) Benduan * Convict, a Cook, to Orang salah Mâsak Do., a Cooking-place Copper Tûkang masak Dâpor Těmbâga mêrah Coral Copy, to (transcribe) Do., to (imitate) Coral-reef Sâlin Tûrut Bûnga kârang Kârang Cord Tâli Cork (stopper) Pěnyumbat s Gandum (Pers.) Corn Do., (maize) ( Trigu (Port.) Jagong Corner (outward) Siku Do., (inward) Penjuru Maiat (Ar.) Corpse Bangkei Correct (accurate) Bětůl Cost Herga Do., Prime Pôko' Costly Měhal Cotton Kapas Do. (thread) Benang Bâto❜ Cough Council Chamber Counsel, to (advise) Count, to Counterfeit (false) Country Couple, a Court (hall of state) Courtyard Courteous Rumah bichâra Bri nasihat Bilang Lanchong í Běnua Negri Sa' pâsang ( Bâlei rong Mějēlis Halaman (Lemah lembut Sûpan * A Hindustani word, not understood in the Malay States. بندوان اورنج ساله ماشق توكع مامق دافور تمباگ میره مالین تورت تها كارغ فارغ تالي فيومبت تريكو جاگوغ سيكو فنجورو بقكي بتول گ كو مهل كافس بنغ باتوء رومه بچارا بري نصيحت بلغ لنجوع بنوا نگري صفامع باليروغ مجليس هلامن لمه لمبوت موفن Courtesan Cross (30) Courtesan { Jâlang Sundal جال موندل Cousin, First Sa'pupu Do., Second Dûa-pupu Cover, to Tûdongkan سفوفو دوا فوفو تودشکن Do., a Tûdongan Do., a (for vic- tuals) Coverlet, a Cow, a } Sájían Kain slîmut تودوغن ما جين كاين سليموت لمبو بنتين فنا كوت باوء ما جق Coward Coxcomb Crab, a Crack Crackers (fire- works) Crane (machine) Lembu bětina Pěnâkut Bawa sajak ( Ketam Kepiting Rětak ( Měrchûn Pětas ( Buâian Endôï Kâku Putâran Bûrong undan Měrangkak Cradle Cramp Do., (the bird) Crawl, to Cream Crease, a Bekas lipat Creased Kědût Create, to Jâdikan Credits (opposed } Pintang Kěpâla susu to debts) Creek, a Crescent Crevice Crew (of a boat) Crime Croaking of frogs Crocodile, a Crooked Cross (crux) Do., to (pass over) Cross-legged Lengkongan bûlan Ânak ayer Chělah Anak prau ( Dosa Salah Suara kâtak Buaia Bengkok Salib (Ar.) Měnyebrang Bersila كنتم كفيتيغ رتق مرچون فنس بواین اندوي كاكو فوتاران بورغ اوند مر كفلك قكق سوسو بکس لیفت كدوت جاد يكن فيوتغ انق ایر لتكوغن بولن چله انق فراهو دوس ساله سوار كاتق بواي بتكو. صليب ميبرغ برسيال Crow ( 31 ) Caut كوكوء ثائق كمفولن فنه مسق مبهكوت -تا- صليبكن بغيس تمبوق توغكت كتيق تريق مناعيس سورق لا وغ محسنا منتيمون بركبون چردیق بر عقل مشكوء سمبوه حیران اروس لاوق گولي مغولوء تابير بنتل بواه سري عادت رسم رومه چوكي حاصل فوتغ تشق تبس كاي Crow, to Do., a (cornix) Crowd, a Crowded Crown Crucify, to Kûko' Gâgak Kumpulan Pěnoh sěsak J Mahkota (Sans.) Tâj (Pers.) Salibkan Cruel Bingis Crush, to Tumbuk Crutches Tongkat katiak Cry, to (scream) Triak Do., to (weep) Menangis Sûrak Do., to (shout) (Laung Cubit, a Cucumber Hasta Měntimum Berkăbun í Chĕrdek Cultivate Cunning Cup Cure, to (heal) Berâkal Mangko Châwan Changkir Semboh Curious (strange) Hêran Current (of water) Arus Curry (eaten with (Lauk rice) Gule Curse, to Měngûtu' Curtain Tabir Cushion Bantal Custard-apple Custom Custom-house Customs (tax) Cut, to Do., to (hack) Bûah srikaya Rumah chukei Chukei Hâsil (Ar.) Pitong Chinchang Tětak ( Adat Rĕsam Do. down, to Těbas Cut Dash ( 32 ) Cut in two, to Blah Do. off, to Krăt Cypher Sipher * بله كرت سيفر D Dagger Do. (long) Kris Kris panjang Do. (very short) Do. (another, Tumbok lâda Bâdik different) Daily Dam, to (Sa'hâri-hâri Tiap-tiap hari Ampang كويد كريس فنجع تومبق لادا باديق سهاري ٢ تيف ۲ هاري اسف Sěkat Do., Damage (loss) Do., to Damascened (as Ampang Karûgian Benchâna Rosak سکت امفع كروتين بنچان رومق بر فامور ايسي تراك لمبق تاري مناري بودق جوگیت بدوان تيمع بههيا برجنتي اجوق براني فهلاون خلف كلمكا بوت ککامیه يغدبراهي جرومت همفس Berpâmor steel) Damned, the Damp Îsi něráka Lembap Târi Dance Měnâri Dancing-girl Bûdak jôget Biduan Dandle Tîmang Danger Bahia Dangling (hanging Berjuntei down) Dare, to (provoke) Âjok Daring Dark Darkness Brâni Pahlawan Glǎp Klăm-kâbut Kakâsih Darling Darn, to Yang di brâhi Jĕrûmat Dash, to (throw down) Hěmpas * Adopted from the English, understood in the Straits Settlements. Dash Deck ( 33 ) Dash to pieces, to Date Do. (fruit) Daub, to (smear) Daughter Do. in-law Do., Step- هدپور Hanchor Hari-balan Khorma (Ar.) Lûmor هاري بولن خرما لومر انق فرمفوان منتو فرمفوان انق تيري فرمفون Ânak prempuan Měnantu prěmpuan Ânak tiri prempuan David Dawn Day Daud Dinihâri Hâri Do.. Mid- Do., the last Do., after to-mor- row Hari kiamat Tengah hâri Rembang Lûsa * Daylight Dazzling Dead Siang hâri Gilang gemilang Mâti Do. (of Râjas) Deadly Deaf Deal, to (traffic) Do., a (much) Dear (expensive) Hilang Mangkat Bisa Pěkak Berniaga Bânyak Měhal Do. (beloved) Padûka Dearth Kûrang Death Kamâtian Do. by impaling Debate, to (discuss) Debilitated Sula Měmbichârakan Kûrang kuat Debt Ûtang Debtor Yang berutang Deceive, to Tipu (Putuskan Decide, to Deck (of a ship) Séléseikan ( Dek + Tingkat * See "To-morrow." † Adopted by all sea-faring Malays. داء ود ديني هاري هاري تغه هاري رمبغ هاري قيامت لوسا ميغ هاري گیلغ كميلغ ماتو مفکت بیسا فكق برنیاگ فدوك ماتين سولا سمبيا راكن قوات اوت برهوتغ تيفو فوتسكن مکسیکن ديك تفکت Declare Depose ( 34 ) Declare, to Decorate, to Měnyatakan Hiâsi Decree Titah Deduct, to S Pôtong Deed (action) Deep Do. (in colour) Deer, Mouse- Chabut Perbuatan Dâlam Tûa Plandok Do., Hog- Do., Roe- Do., Sambur Defame, to Rûsa bâbi Rúsa Defeat, to Kijang Bûat fitĕnah diâtas Mengalahkan Měnâhan Kûrang Defend, to Deficient Defile, to (make dirty) Deflower, to Deformed (in hand or foot) Degrade, to Degree Delay, to Delicious Delight Delighted Delirious Chěmarkan Rûgul } Chapik Měnghinakan Pangkat Lambatkan Sedap skâli Kasûkäan (Suka chita Gămar hâti Deliver, to (release) Do., to (hand over) Gila Lepas Serahkan Deluge, the Demand, to Do., Demolish, to Demon Deny Depart, to Do. home, to Depend upon, to Depose, to Bah Minta Permintäan Runtoh Hantu Jin (Ar.) Munkir Pergi Pûlang Bergantong kapâda ( Pěchatkan Buang میتاکن هيامي هيا مسي تیته فوتوغ بونت فر بواتن دالم توا فكندوق روسا بابي كيجع روستا بوات فتنه داتس مقالهكن مناهن کورم کرو روگل چا فيق مشهيناكن فتكت لمبتكن صدف سكالي كس كاين سوکا چیت گمر هاتي گیلار لفس مدرهکر به منناء فرمنتاءن رنتوه هنتو منكر ترحة فولة برگنتو کفد فيتكن بواغ Depth Dig (35) Depth Descend Descendants Descent, of high Desert, a Dalam Tûrun Ânak chuchu Bangsawan Pâdang bělantâra Do., to Tinggalkan Desire, to Handak (Rindu Do., to (long for) Dendam Desires (passions) Despair Pûtusâsa Destiny Hawa nafsu (Ar.) Nasib (Ar.) Destitute Destroy, to Detach, to Bangsat (Binasakan Rosakkan Âsingkan Měnâhan Detain, to Detest, to Bĕnchi Device (contri- (Hal vance) Jâlan Devil, the Iblis (Shaitan (Ar.) Do., a Hantu Devour, to Mâkan Dew Ambûn Dialect Bhâsa Diamond Intan Diarrhoea Bûang-buang âyer (Buah pâris Dice Dadu (Port.) Rinchânakan Dictation, to Read out Dictionary Die, to Do., to (of Râjas) Differ, to Difference Difficult (Lohrat (Ar.) Kâmus Mâti {Hilang Mangkat Berselisih Betha (Ar.) Sûsah Payah Dig, to Gali دالم تورن نق چیر بقساوان فادغ بلنتارا تغكلكن هندق رندو دندم هوا نفسو فوتوس اس نصیحت بقست بنا مكن روسقكن اسيتكن منهن بنجي حال جالن ابليس شيطان هنتو ماكن امبون بهاس انتن واغ ٢ اير بواه فاریس دادو رنچا نکن لغت قاموس ماتي هيلغ ملکت بر سلیسیه بيذا مومه فايه گالي Dignity Dish ( 36 ) كمليا ءن كسارن راجين کا بود اوكرا ماكن سنتف چلوف تنجوق تروس لوروس کوتر سمفه جمر بر سلیسیه تیاد صدف هيلع ليف تیاد بر تیاد موكا لفسكن فچتکن فاصغ يد څخه بوكا رهسيا دافت رهسیا بيجق بچارا فیاکیت ماکیت تورن درفد كافل ملقسكن مالو سامر نجيس فقكن اسهان (Kamŭliään Dignity Diligent Dim Dimensions Kabĕsâran Rajin Kâbor Ukuran Dine, to Mâkan Do. (of Râjas) Dip, to (dye) Săntăp Chělup Direct, to (point out) Tunjuk Trûs Do. (straight) | Lurus Kôtor Sampah Chěměr Berselisih Dirt Do. (loose) Dirty Disagree Disagreeable Disappear | Hilang Linyap Disapprove Discharge, to (a per- son) Do.. to (a gun) Do., to (a cargo) Disciple Disclose a secret, to Discover a secret, to Discreet Discuss, to Discussion, a Tiâdă sedap ( Tada berkonan Tiâdă sûka [ Lepaskan Pěchatkan Pâsang Punggah Murid (Ar.) Bûka rahsia Dâpat rahsia Bijak Bichara (Hind.) Disease Pěnyâkit Diseased Sâkit Disembark, to Disengage, to Tûrun dêripâda kapal Mělěpaskan Disgraced Mâlu Disguise, a Disgusting Dish Sâměr Nějis (Ar.) ( Pinggan Ashan * * sandh pronounced separately. Dish Dollar ( 37 ) Dish (of metal) Do. (of wood) Dislike to Tâlam Dúlang Tiâdă berkenan Pěchatkan Dismiss, to Dismount, to Kluarkan Tûrun f Inker Disobey, to Mělâwan Dispute, to Berbantah Distance } Jauh Distant Distinct (audible) Do. (visible) Distinguish, to (re- cognise) Do., to (descry) Distress Distribute, to Nyåring Nyâta { { Kenal District, a Distrust Nampak Sûsah Bhagikan Däirah * (Shak hâti Kurang perchaya Disturbance, a Pergâdohan Ditch Pârit Dive Měnyelam Divide, to Bûat bhagian Do., to (cut in two) Blah Bhagian Division, a Sa'krat Habuan Tělâk (Ar.) Divorce Chĕrei Dizzy Pěning Do, to Do not Bûat Jângan Docile (tame) Jînak (Dûkun Doctor, a Doe, a Bomo Rûsa bětîna Dog, a Dollar Anjing Ringgit *See "Province." دولغ تیاد برکنن نچتكن کلوار کن تورن انگر ملاون بربنته جاوه پاريغ پاد کنل نمفق سوسة بھاگیکن داءيره شك هاتي كورغ فرچاي فرگادوهن فاريت میلم بوات بهاگین بله بهاگین سکرت هبوان طلاق جري نيع بوات غن جينق دوكن بومو روما بتين انجيع رغليت Done Drop ( 38 ) Done j Sudah Sudah habis Door, a Pintu Double Dua kâli Shak Doubt Doubtful Tidak tentu Dove, a Těkûkor Down (below) Dibawah Do., to Go up and Naik turun Do., to Go Tûrun Doze, to Měnganto' Dozen, a Lôsen* (Eng.) Drag, to Târek Do. a boat, to Sôrong Dragon, a Naga Dragon-fly Bilalang jarum Drain, a Pârit Drake, a Îtek jantan Pâpan châtor (Châtor Main châtor Târek Tulis Draught-board Draughtsthe (game of) Draughts, to Play at Draw, to (pull) Do., to (delineate) Do. out, to Drawer, a Drawn (neither winning) Do. (of a weapon) Dream Dregs of coffee Dress, to Drift, to Drill (of soldiers) Drink, to Drive, to Drop, a Dăm Chabut Lachi (Eng.) } Sri Terchâbut Mimpi Tai kâhŭa Pâkei kain Hânyut Bâris Kawâid (Hind.) Minum Halau Titek *Not Malay, adopted and understood in the Settlements. سده سده ها بس فنتو دوا كالي شك تيدق تنتو تكوكر دباوه نايك تورن تورن مغنتوء لوسين تاریق سوروغ ناك بيلالغ جاروم فاريت ايتق جنتن فافن چاتور چاتور دم ماین چاتور تاريق توليس چا بوت لا چي سري تر چا بوت ستفي كهوا تاهي كاين فاكي ها پوت باريس قواعد مینم ها لوس تيتق Drop Earnest ( 39 ) - : - Drop, to (fall) Do., to Let Jâtoh Bâgi jâtoli Drown, to (sink) Drug, to Drum (Malayan) Drunk Dry Do., to Dunce Dung During Dusk Tahi Sa'lâma Kâbus (Haboh Dust Děbu Dutch Blanda Duty (impost) Chukei Do. (ought) Pâtut Dye Chělup Dysentery Do. (in the sun) Do. (near the fire) Dry land Do. season Duck, a Due (owing) Dumb Těngglam Pukau Gendang * | Rěbâna (Port.) Mâbok Kring Anginkan Jěmorkan Saleikan Dârat Musim panas Îtek Útang Bisu Bingong جاته باگي جاته تتكلم فوكو گندم ربان ما بوق كريع اعينا Each Eagle Ear Ear-ring Do. (hanging) Early (in the day) Earnest money Do., In Bûang âyer darah E ليا Mâsing-masing Râja-wali Tělinga ( Krabu | Sabang Anting-anting Pagi-pagi Chengkram Sungguh-sungguh جمور كنيم سالیکن دارت موسیم ايتق اوتغ بيسو بيقوع تاهي سلما فانس كابوس ها بوه د بو بلندا چوكي فاتت چلوف بواغ ایر داره ٢ ماسية والي كرابو سوبع انتيغ ٢ فائی شكرا * See Note to "Tambourine.“ Earnings Elephant ( 40 ) • فیدافتن تانه Earnings Pěndâ patan Earth Tânah Bûmi Do., the Dunia Earthen pot (for Blânga cooking) Earthquake Gěmpa Ease Kasenangan Easily East Eat, to Do., to (of Râjas) Mûdah-mûdah Sĕnang Timor * Måkan يومي دنيا بلاغ فيفا كسناڅن مود ۲۵ منغ تيمور ماكن سنتف سوروت كايو ارغ بالس بويي ركا گرهان هیمت فوماران ایر مقاجر بلوت مخيلتكن بوات چوب تلور كوليت تلور تروغ مصر دلا فن اتو ساله سوات لمفو سيكو لبه توا ابغ كاكق فیله تاجه Săntăp Ebb Ebony Echo Eclipse Eddy Surut Kâyu-ârang Bâlas bunyi Rěka Gerhana + Economical Educate, to (instruct) Hêmat Pusaran âyer Měngâjĕr Eel Blut Efface, to Měngilangkan Effect, to Bûat Effort, to Make an Chûba Egg Tělor Do. shell Kûlit tělor Egg-plant (brinjal) Trong Egypt Miser (Ar.) Eight Dilâpan ا Atau Either Elapsed Elbow Elder Do. brother Do. sister Elect, to Elephant, an * See "South," page XXIV. | Sâlah suâtu Lampau Siku Lebih tua Âbang Kâkak Pileh Gâjah † Hindustani, Malays say "Di makan rauh.“ Elephantiasis Engrave ( 41 ) Elephantiasis Untut Eleven Sa'blas Eloquent Pandei berchâkap Else, Anything Lain âp-âpa Else, Or Atau Emaciated Kurus Embark, to (in a boat) Naik prau Do., to (in a ship) Naik kapal Embers Bara Emblem, an Tanda اونتوت سبلس لاين اف ۲ فندي براكف اتو كورس نايك فراهو نايك كافل بارا تندا Embrace, to Pěluk فلوق Embroider ( Suji Sûlam Emerald Zěmrûd (Ar.) سوجي سولم زمرود Emetic Ûbat muntah Emigrate, to Pindah Emissary Sûrohan Emperor (or Empress) Employ, to Employment Mahâ-Râja Mengupahkan Pěkerjâän Empower, to Empty Enchanted (bewitched) Enclosed (fenced in) Encourage, to End (extreme point) Bri kuâsa Kosong Di makan pôlong Berpâgar Bri hâti Újong اوبت مونته فنده سورهن مها راج قوفها فكر جاءن كواس بري كو كوسع دماكن فولوغ Do. (Finis) Do. (conclusion) Do. of the world Endeavour, to Endure, to Enemy Těmat (Kasudahan Âkhir (Ar.) Hâri kiâmat Chûba ( Tahan Tertanggong بري هاتي اوجع تمت کسداهن اخر هاري قيامت چوب ترتغكوع Mûsoh Stru Engage, to (promise to Berjanji موسه مترو برجنجي مشاكو perform) Měngâku Engine (Jěntra (Hind.) | Pěsâwat England Engrave, to Negri Inggris Ûkir جنترا فساوت نگري اغكريس اوكير Enjoy ( 42 ) Eunuch سوكا سرونق چوکف سده تاپ عاشيق بنديرا کومت ماسوق منجامو فرجموان ممبوجق بلاك گیف تالي فروت مناء دغن مستكهپ بيلغ هيتوغ بنجي ماروغ صورت اوتومن دعكي ملارت مسام لتكف بواشكن كتمبوهن لاري استميوا هرت فساك ككل حبشي فونتوغ Enjoy, to (like) Enjoyable Sûka (Hind.) Seronok Chûkup Enough | Sudah Enquire to Tânya Enraptured Ensign (flag) Entangled Enter, to Ashek (Ar.) Bandêra * Kôsot Mâsok Entertain, to (at a feast) Entertainment } Menjamn Perjâmuan Entice, to Entirely Entrails Měmbûjok Blaka Genap Tâli prut Minta dengan Entreat, to Enumerate, to sa'sungguhnya ( Bilang Hêtong Do., to (as in Banchi a census) Envelope (of letter) Sârong sûrat Envoy Utusan Envy Děngki Epidemic (lit. spread) Mělârat t Equal Sâma Equip, to Lengkap Erase, to Eruption (in the skin) Bûangkan Katumbuhan Escape, to Lari Especially Astěmûa Estate (property) Herta Do. (inherited) Pěsâka Eternal Kěkal Ethiopian Habshi Eunuch Puntong * Portuguese, adopted and well understood. See "Flag." 66 Taun + Arabic. "Last year there was an epidemic amongst the buffaloes in Pêrak." “sudah âdă penyakit kerbau mělârat di Perak." To spread simply, as a sore, "Meroiak." Europe Expect ( 43 ) Europe Eropa Even (in number) Gĕnap Evening Pětang Event (matter) Perkara Ever Do., For Every Pernah Sampei kěkal Masing-masing Tiap-tiap Katrângan ايروفه گیف فنتغ فرکار فرنه مفي ككل ما ميغ ٢ تیف ۲ کتراغن كيتاءن پات نجہائن بيري بتين بتول رکن م مسیر فرقسا تلادن چنتو سفو توان یڅ در اتام بايق سكلي میلینکو اسيتكن ترلالو توکر گنتي اوروف وكر اجوقكن شغو معافكن بوات لتيه بواغ دري نگري اد كميع مننتي ها رف اكن دائغ Evidence Kanyatâän Evident Nyâta Evil Kajă hâtan Ewe Biri-biri-bětîna Exact (accurate) Bětûl Měmbesarkan Preksa Tělâdan Exalt, to Examine, to Example (model) Eo. (sample) Exceed, to Excellency, His Excellent Except Chonto Lampau Tuan yang terutâma Baik skâli Terutâma Do., to Excessive Exchange, to Exchange money, to Excite, to Hânya Mělainkan Äsingkan ( Terlalu Terlampau J Tuker Ganti ( Urup Exclaim, to Excuse, to (pardon) Tuker Ajok-kan Měnguchap Mäafkan Execute, to (perform) Bûat Exhausted Lěteh Exile, to Bûang dêri něgri Exist, to Âdă Expand, to Kembang Menanti Expect, to Harap akan datang Expel Fail ( 44 ) Expel, to Halau Expend, to Expense Experienced {Buang Berblanja Blanja Biâsa هالو بواغ بر بالنجا بانجا Expert Pandei Explain, to Trangkan Exports Bârang yang klûar Expose to the sun, to Jemor * out) Express, to (squeeze Extend, to (a speech or writing) Exterminate, to Extinguish, to Extraordinary Extravagant Hairân (Ar.) | Terchèngang Boros Prah+ Lanjutkan Menghabiskan + Pâdam بياس فندي تر تكن بارغيغ كلوار جمور فره لنجوتكن منقبها بسكن قادم حیران ترجغغ Extremely Eye Do., Blinking of the Do., Pupil of the Eye-ball Eye-brow | Sangat Terlalu Mâta Terklip mâta Ânak mâta Biji mâta Kening Eye-lashes Do. (lower) Bulu mâta Eye-lid (upper) Klôpak mâta Bibir mâta F Fable Face, a Cherita Mûka Do., to Bring face to S'mûkakan Factory Gedong Fade, to (as leaves) Layu Do., to (of colours) Berubah Fail, to (in business) Do., Without Jâtoh Tĭâdă bûlih tîdak ،، * See “ Dry." † Sound the 7. بوروس ساخت ترلالو مات تركليف مات نق مات مات بيجي كنيع مات لو كلوفق مات بيبر مات چریت موك سعود وكاكن گدوغ لايو براوبه جاتوه تیاد بوله تیدق Faint ( 45 ) Farm فحسن رمي ايلوق بايك ديوا فري ایمان هرافن کفر چیاء جاته رنتوه ر به برتيتق لوره دست بهوغ لندوغ بهوغ خبر ورت بياس برهندي ٢ قوم کلوری ایسی رومه کلافران مشهور كيفس كيفسكن جاوه مهڅد تمبغ سلامت جالن سلامت تغكل كبون فاجق Pengsan Permi (Pers.) { Élok Chuâcha baik Faint, to (swoon) Fair (handsome) Fair weather Fairy Faith (religious) Faithful Fall, to * Dêwa (Sans.) Pări Iman (Ar.) ( Harapan Kaperchayäan Jatoh Runtoh { Rabah Do., to, with a crash Do., to, in drops Do., to (as leaves) False Do. (of coin) Falsehood, a Fame (report) Do. (reputation) Familiar (accustomed) Do. (intimate) Family (relations) Do. (household) Bertitek Lûroh ( Dosta | Bohong Lanchong Bohong Khabar (Ar.) Werta Nâma (Pers.) Biâsa Berhandei-handei (Kaum (Ar.) Kelurga (Hind.) Îsi rûmah Famine Kalâpěran Famous Měshhur (Ar.) Fan, a Kipas Do., to Kipaskan Far Jauh Far as, As Sa'hengga Fare (passage money) Tămbang Farewell (said to a Salâmat jâlan person going) Do. (said to a Salâmat tinggal person remaining) Farm, a Kǎbûn Do. (rented privilege) Pâjak *See note to "Tumble." Fashion Feel ( 46 ) Fashion (mode) ( Chara { Adat چارا عادت Do. (form) Rûpa Lěkas Fast (quick) Chěpat Dras Do. (abstinence) Puâsa Do. (tight) Kětat Îkat Fasten Tămbat Gěmok (adj.) Fat Těmbun (adj.) Lemak (subs. and adj.) Fate Nasib (Ar.) Father Do., Grand- Do. in-law Do., Step- Fathers, Fore- Fathom, a Nênek ( Mertua { Mentia Bâpa-tiri Moyaug Děpa Leteh Bapa Fatigued Fault Favour Silap Khilaf (Ar.) Kasalahan Kâsih Favourite Kakâsih Fawn, a Ânak rûsa Fear Katakutan Do., to Tâkutkan Jamuan TFeast, a Do., to (entertain) Feather Feathered Khandûri (Ar.) Měnjâmu Bulu Berbulu Features Pâras ف لكس چفت درس فواس كتبت ایکت لمبت گموقع تمبون ليق نصیب باف نينق منتوا باف تيري دفا لتيه سیلف خيلف کسلاهن کاسه ککامه انق روما كتاكوتن تاكو تكن جاموان خندوري منجامو Feeble Feed, to (give to eat) Do. (nourish) Feel, to (Lěteh Kûrang kuat Bri makan Pléhéra Měrâsa بولو بر بولو فارس النيه كورغ قوات بري ماكن فلهرا مراس Feet Fill ( 47 ) : 7 Feet Feign, to Fell, to (cut down) Kaki Bûat-bûat Tebaskan Tébangkan Do., to (knock down) Bantingkan Fellow, a (match) | Jodo * Kâwan (Betina Prempuan Female Fence, a Pâgar Do. to Pâgarkan Fern, a Paku Ferry (lit., landing place) ( Bagan Do. boat Sampan tambang Fertile land Tânah gemok Fester, to Festival day Bernânah Hari râia Fetch Fetters Fever Few Fibre Bawa Rautei kangkang Děmam Sedikit كاكي بوات ٢ تبسكن تبكن بنتيقكن جودو كاون بتين فرمفوان فاگر کن فاكرك فاكو باگن سمفن تمبع تا نه گموق برنانه هاري راي باوا رنتي كغكغ دمم صدیکیت اورت بنغ Fiddle Field (plain) Fiend Fierce Fifteen Fifth Fig Fight, to Do. with cocks, to Figure (human shape) Do. (appearance) File Fill, to * ¡ Ûrat Bĕnang Biôla (Port.) Pâdang Sêtan (Ar. Shaitân) Gârang Lima-blas Yang kalima Ara ( Berprang Berklâhi Měnyabong Sikap Rûpa (Sans.) Kîkir Îsikan بيول فادغ سیتن شيطان بلسر گارغ يتكليم ارا كلاند سيكفـ روف ایسیكن Only used of human beings when they are supposed to be divinely ordained for each other. Sa'jodo, a man's or woman's affinity. Filly ( 48 ) Fixe انق كودا بتين ميريف يع اخر كمدين دافت ها لوس دندا جاري تلنجوق جاري مانيس جاري كلتكيغ جاري هنتو تمت ها بسكن افي فاسع منمبق ملتوفكن بديل بوبه افي دافور کلیف ۲ ا افي کاپو افي تكف فر تاد ایکر معاءيل فنجيغ مفس منجا لا کا پلک پل تالي جوران گفتم فاتت فيتم لیم شوشکن تنتوكن Filly, a Fin, a Ânak kûda bětîna Sirip Final Yang Akhir Yang kemdian Find, to Dâpat Fine, (in texture) Halus Do., a Děnda Finger Jari Do., Fore Telunjuk Do., Fourth Do., Little Do., Middle Finis Finish, to Fire, a Do., to (a gun) Do., to Set on Fire-place Fire-fly Âpi Pâsang Měnimbak Mělětupkan Bědil Bûboh âpi Jari mânis Jari kalingking Jari hantu Těmat Hâbiskan Dâpor Klip-klip Bûnga âpi Kâyu âpi Těgap Pertâma Mula-mula Îkan Měngail Panching Měpas Měnjâla Fireworks Firewood Firm First Do., At Fish, a Do., to (with a rod) Do., to (with fly) Do., to (with a net) Fish-hook Fishing line Do. rod Kail Tâli kail Joran Genggam First Fit (suitable) Fits (convulsions) Five Pâtut Pitam Lima Fix, to (make firm) Měnǎgohkan Do., to (determine) Těntukan Flag Follow ( 49 ) Flag Flag-staff Flame, to Flash, to (as lightning) Flat (level) Do. (smooth) Flatter, to Flavour Flaw, a Flea, a Fleet (vessels-of-war) Flesh Panji-panji Bandera (Port.) Tiang bandêra Bernyâla Berkilat Râta Pipeh Pujikan Râsa Chělah Kutu anjing Kumpulan kâpal prang Daging Bâtu âpi Timbul Flint Float, to Flock, to Flood, a Flood tide Floor, a Berkâwan Ayer bah * Ayer pasang Lantei Flour Tépong Flow, to Ngâlir Flower, a Bûnga Do., to Berbunga Flute, a Suling Fly, a Lâlat Do., Dragon-, a Do., Fire-, a Bilâlang jarum Klip-klip Do.. to Foal, a Foam Fog Fold, to Terbang Ânak kûda ( Buhi + Buweh Kâbut Do., a Do., a (of hair) Follow, to * Sound the h. + The 7 is silent in this word, Lipatkan Lapis Sanggul J Îkut Tûrut فنجي بنديرا تيغ مديرا بر بالا بركيلت رات فيفه فوجيكن راس چله كوتو انجيع كمفولن كفل فرغ دائيغ با توافي تمبول بركاون ايربه ایر فاسع لنتر تفوح غالر غا سود لالت بيلالغ جاروم کلیف ۲ تربع كودا انق بوهي بويه کا بوت لیفتکن لا فيس معكول ايكوت تورت Follower Formerly (50) Follower, a Kâwan Folly Karapatan كاون Kabodohan Food Makânan Fool Bôdoh Foot Kâki Do., Sole of the Footmark Tâpak kâki Běkas kâki Tapak kaki For For ever Forbid, to Forbidden Âkan Sampei kěkal Lârangkan Harâm (Ar.) Karanâ (Sans.) Sa'lama-lâma ركن المال ككل سمفي ككل لارغكّن عرام كقواتن كاكي تافق كاكي بكس كاكي تافق کارن اکن کرافتن كبودهن مكانن بوده مغراسي دغن كوات كواس داهي اور دائع يغفرتام وقتو ضحي هوتن ومبا هلوان مول هيلغ ليدوغ بوف امفونكن معا فكن گرفو فپوچق سمفع چابغ روفـ يتدهولو دھولو کالا Force (strength) Kakuâtan Do., to Měngrâsi Do., By Forehead Foreigner ! Dengan kuat kuâsa Dahi Orang dâgang Foremost Forenoon Forest * Yang pertâma Waktu thuha (Ar.) ( Utan Rimba Haluan Forepart of a vessel Forfeit, to Forged (counterfeit) Forget, to Mûka Hilang Forgive, to Fork, a Fork of road Forked Form Former Formerly * See note to "Thicket," Lanchong Lûpa Ampunkan Maäfkan Gěrfu (Port.) Pěnyûchok Simpang Châbang Rûpa Yang dûlu Dûlu kâla Forsake (51) Frozen Meninggalkan Mâkan sumpah منقكلكن ماكن سومفه كوت نصیب انتوغ نصيب يغبايك امفت فوله دهول نجيس فقا لا من فنيوتن ایر امفت کارمنی ایم رافوه واقي نگري فرنسيس تيفو تاهي لالت مرد هيك تمباغن سلالو بهارو هيدوف ایر تاور هاري جمعت صحابت كاون كتاكوتن تركجوت میام كاتق کودق دري درفد هدافن دها دف مغادف سمفادن کرونت بكو Forsake, to Forswear, to Fort, a Kôta (Hind.) Fortune Nasib (Ar.) ( Untong Do., Good Nasib yang baik Forty Âmpat puloh Forward (in front) Dăhûlu Foul Nējis (Ar.) Foundation Pěngalasan Founder, to Kâram Fountain, a Panchutan âyer Four Âmpat Fowl Âyam Fragile Râpoh Frag ant Wangi France Něgri Fransis Fraud Tipu Freckles Free (manumitted) Freight Frequently Fresh Tai lâlat Merdhêka (Jav.) Tămbangan Sĕlâlu Bhâru Do. (of fish) Hidup Do. water Ayer tâwer Friday Hâri jĕmäat Sĕhâbat Friend, a Kâwan Fright Katâkutan Frightened (startled) Terkejut Frivolous Sia-sia Kâtak Frog, a Kôdok Dêri From Dêripâda Front Hâdapan Do., In Dihâdap Do., to (face) Měngâdap Frontier Frown, to Sempâdan Krot Frozen Bakû Frugal Garlic ( 52 ) Frugal Hêmat Fruit, a Do., to Fry, to Bûah Berbuah Gôring Full Do. to overflowing Full moon Fun Funeral procession Fungus Fur Furl, to (a sail) Furnace Pěnoh Pěnoh sesak Bûlan pernâma ( Permainan | Âjok Perârakkan maiat Chendawan Kûlit berbulu Gûlong layer ( Dapor Genhor Furniture Perkakas rûmah Furrow Alor Further Lebih jauh Futurity Akhirat (Ar.) Fye! Cheh ! G Gag, to Sambatkan Gain (profit) Untong Do., to (win) Měnang Gale, a Ribut Brâni Gallant (brave) Pahlawan Gallows Gamble, to Kâyu penggantong Berjûdi Game, a Gander Gaoler, a Gape, to Do., to (yawn) Garden Gardener, a Gargle, to Garland, a Garlic Permainan Angsa jantan Katúa pěnjâra Nganga Menguap Kǎbûn Tûkang kǎbûn Kûmor Kârangan bûnga Bâwang puteh هیمت بواه بربواه گوريغ فنوه فنوه مسق بولن فرنام فرمایین اجوق فرار کن میت چنداون گولیت بربولو گولغ لاير دافور کنهور فركاكس رومه الور لبه جاوه اخرت چیه سمبتكن انتوغ منغ ريبوت براني فهلاوان كايو فغكنتوغ برجودي فرماینن غسا جنتن اغساجن كتوا فنجارا ماغ مغواف كيو توكع كبون بر غن باوغ فوله قا Gate Glad ( 53 ) Gate, a Pintu kerbang فنتو كربغ Gather, to Kutip Pûngut Do.. together, to Himpunkan كوتيف فوغت همفونکن Gay (in dress) Chantek Gaze, to Pandang Gem, a Permâta Genealogy Generate, to Generous Genius (ability) Gentle Do. (tame) Gentleman Gentlewoman Gently Do. born (Selasilah 1 Katûrunan Menjadikan Mûrah hâti Akal budi Lěmah lembut Jinak S Tûan * Inche Plan-plâhan † Bangsawan چنتیق فندغ فرمات سلسيله كتورونن منجاد يكن موره هاتی عقل بودي لمه لمبوت جينق توان انج اهر فرا بقساوان بتول Genuine Get, to Ghost, a Giant, a Giddy Bětûl Dâpat Hantu Raksasa (Hind.) Pening ( Hadiah (Ar.) Gild, to Gift Do., (from a Râja) Gills (of a fish) Pěmbrian Angrahan t Sâdor Îsang Gimlet, a Gĕrdi Ginger Halia Pengikat pinggang Girdle, a Tali pinggang Girl, a Ânak prempuan Brikan Give, to Bâgikan Do., to (of a Râja) Angrahkan ‡ Kerniakan Sûka chita دافت هنتو رقساس فنيغ هديه فمبرين انگرهن سادور ایسڅ گردي هليا فقيكت فقع تالي فقَكَّعَ انق فرمفوان باگیکر انگره کرنیاکان موك چیت Glad *See note to "You.' †The spelling in the Vernacular is "Perlahan." The g in this word is pronounced distinctly from the n which precedes it. Glance (54) Good مغرليغ کاج موك غت بولة دنيا مملیا کن معمر متكن مليا كملياءن چہیا ساروغ تاغن برپالا فرکت گلوجه طمع معكيسي مفکریت فرگي تورن ماسق نايك كمبيع چاون الله تعالي توهن انشاء لله امس امس اوري امس قرطس لمبوغ امس مده فولغ منه جالن مده تیاد مده لالو گوش بايك Glance, to Glass Mengerling Kâcha Do. (a mirror) Chermin múka Glean, to Pûngut Glitter, to Gilang Glittering Globe, the Chahia Bûlat dŭnia (Memuliakan Glorify, to Menghormatkan Glorious Mŭlia Glory Kamŭliâän Glossy Chahia Glove, a Sârong-tângan Glow, to (as fire) Bernyâla Glue Perkat Glutton, a ) Glojoh (Port.) Tama (Ar.) Gnaw, to (as a dog) Měnggîse Do., to (as a rat) Menggrêt Go, to Pergi Do. down, to Tûrun Do. in, to Mások Do. up, te Naik Goat, a Kambing Goblet, a Chawan + Allah* täâla (Ar.) God { Tûhan* Do. willing Inshaallah (Ar.) Gold Mas Do. dust (stream gold) Mas urei Do. leaf Mas kertas Do. mine, a Lumbong mas Sudah pulang Gone Sudah jalan Do. (disappeared) Sudah tĭâdă Do. (passed) Sudah lâlu Gong, a Good Gong Baik *Sound the h. † Châwan has no leg to it; if a vessel has a leg then the Malay will be "Châwan berkâki” or "bâtil berkâki.” Good Grandfather (55) Good, to Make Do. bye Do. deal, a Do. deeds Do. for nothing Měmbaikki Ganti Salâmat tinggal Salâmat jâlan Bânyak Kabaktian { Kabajikan Tíâdă bergûna Barang-barang Herta benda * ممبا يفكي گنتي سلامت تغكل سلامت جالن باپق كبقتين کبجيكن تیاد برگون بارغ ۲ هرت بندا اقسا Goods Goose, a Gospel Angsa Injil Govern, to Měmrentahkant Government Governor Prentâ han+ يغ ممرنتهکن Yang memrentahkant Gěběnor ± Gourd, a Do., an earthenware Labu Labu tânah انجیل ممرنتهكن فرنتاهن گبنور لا بو تانه Gout Pêrai Graceful Permi (Pers.) لا بو فيري فرمي Gradually Plan-plâhan (Perlahan.) Graduated Berpangkat-pangkat Grain Biji-bijian فرلاهن٢ برفکت ۲ بيجي ٢ ءن Do. (seed) Bĕnih Grammar Nahûn || Grand Grand-child Do. Great Grandee (Bĕsar Elok Chuchu Chichit s Orang besar بنيه نحو بسر ايلوق چچو 1 Ôrang kaya Grandeur Grandfather Kabèsâran (Datoh (or Dato') 1 Nênek Do., Great Moyang جيجية اورغ بسر اورغ كبساران داتو كاي نينق مويغ *See "Farewell." + Sound the h. ،، Adopted and well understood. His Excellency the Governor "Tuan yang teru tama gěběnor." || Arabic. There is a strong nasal sound in the second syllable. $ Great-great-grandchild, Piot ; CGreat-great-great grandchild, Piat. Grandmother Groan ( 56 ) Grandmother Granite Dato' prempuan Nênek prěmpuan J Bâtu bûkit دابوء فرمفوان نينق فرمفوان با تو بوكية با تو اونين بير بواه اغگور فلوق رمفوت لالغ فاروتكن كنغ كيسي ٢ مودم قبور کفن گواه ماكن رمفوت لمق بسر منها يجو مودا سمبوت سلامة بري سمبهكن اوين کسوساهن دوك جية انياي كرييه كيسركن با تو کیساران اورت فاسیر مفرغ Bâtu ubin Grant, to (allow) Biar Grapes Bûah anggor Grapple, to Pegang Grasp, to (in the hand) Genggam Do., to (in the arms) Peluk Grass Rumput Do., Long rank Lalang Grasshopper Bilalang Grate, to Parutkan Grateful Kenang Grating (lattice work) Kisi-kisi Grave (serious) Do., a Do. cloths Gravy Mûram Kubor (Ar.) Kafăn (Ar.) Kuah Graze, to (as a horse) Mâkan rumput Grease Lemak Běsar Great Mahâ (Sans.) Green (colour) Hijau Do. (unripe) Mûda * Sambut Greet, to Bri salâmat Grey (of hair) Grief Do., to (inferior to Raja) Sembahkan Grievous (oppressive) Aniaya (Sans.) Uban + ( Kasusahan Dûka chita Grin Kernyih Grind, to Kiserkan Grindstone, a Bâtu kisâran Gristle Ûrat Grit Pasir Groan, to Mengrang * See note to "Unripe." + † Probably from "Ubah" and meaning chan ged colour. changed Grope Gutter (57) Grope, to Râba راب Groveling (lying on Tiârap the face) Ground, the Tânah Grow, to Tumbuh Do., to (increase) Tambah Do., to (become Měnjâdi تيارف تانه تمبوه تهیه منجادي Growl, to Měndring Grudge, a Damdam Gruel Âyer kanji ( Meringut مندريغ دم۲ ايركندي مروغة Grumble, to Sungut Guarantee, a Chagaran | Jaga غة چگاران جاگ Guard, to Menunggu Do., to (protect) Lindongkan Do., a Penunggu Do., a Royal Hulubâlang Guardian, a (as of a minor) Wâkil (Ar.) منقك لندوةكن فنقكو هلبالغ وكيل اثق منقك فمفن مننجق جالن دوس كسالهن بردوس ساله ايرفركة گفته مناف تركول منافع كوفق مريم ليالي اوبة بديل روبية سخته فنچوران اير Guava fruit Jambu I Agak Guess, to | Sangka Guide, to (conduct) Pimpin Do., to (shew the way) Menunjuk jâlan Dosa Guilt Kasalahan Guilty Gum Gums, the Gun (a musket) Do. (a rifle) Do. (breech loading) Do. (cannon) Do., Pivot (native) Gunpowder Gunwale Gutta Gutter Berdosa Sâlah 1 Âyer perkat Getah Gusi Senapang (Dutch) Lêla Terkul Senapang kôpak Meriam Ûhat bedil Rûbing Getah Panchoran ayer * * See "Pipe. ,, Habit Happiness ( 58 ) عادت H چنيع تتقكن رمبن هوجن مدرو لاوغ رمبوت با تو بولو روما بولو بوتق چوچق مشغول بر بولو منتقة سفاره متقه دوا بالي باليروغ كندم بولن جاي مهبل تكن فتوكل توكل نجة مافوا اولو تليقا راس برگنتوغ گنتو شکن برجنتي مينية منجادي منتوس Habit Hack, to Hail (congealed rain) Do., to (call to) Hair (of the head) Do. (of the body) Do. (of beasts) Hairless (bald) Hair-pin Âdat Chinchang Tětakkan § Rambun Hûjan bâtu Sru Laung Rambut Bulu ruma Bulu Bôtak Chûchok sanggul Berbulu Tengah Hairy Half Do., One Do., One and a Hall Halo (of moon) Halter (horse) Halve, to ( Stengah ( Sparoh Stingal dua f Balei Bâlei rong Kandang bûlan Kajai (Hind.) Memblahkan Pěnûkōl Hammer, a Do., to Hamper, a (basket) Hand, a Handful, a Handkerchief, a Handle, a Do.. a (of a vessel) Do., to (feel) Hang, to (intransitive) Do., to (transitive) Do. down, to Do. over, to (off the straight) Happen, to Happiness Tukōl Kranjang Tangan Sa'genggam Sâpu tângan Ulu Tělinga Râsa Bergantong Gantongkan Berjuntei Sengit Menjadi Sentôsa Happy Health ( 59 ) Happy Harass, to Sûka chita Měnyûsahkan Bising Harbour, a (anchorage) Lâbuhan Do., a (bay) Hard .Do. (firm) Do. over! (in steering) Harden, to (metal) Teluk Kras Tegang Chikar (Hind.) Sepoh Benchána Harm Harmless (tame) Harness, the Harpoon Harrow, a Do., to Haste, With Jinak Pakien kida * Serampang Sîsir tânah Menyisir tânah Děngan sĕgra Kěpîah (Eng.) Hat Hatch, to Tudong kepala Topi . Měnětas ( Kapak f Hatchet, a Bliong + Hate Benchi ( Ada Have, to Į Berûlih Hay Haze Rumput kring Kâbut ( Dia He, Him, She, Her | Îa Head, the Kepala Headlong Do. (principal) Headache Headland Headstrong Tanjong ‡ Kras kepala Sembohkan Agong Pěning kepala Lintang pukang Heal, to Health Do., In *See "Clothes." Âfiat (Ar.) Sehat (Ar.) +"Kâpak "a Chinese axe or hatchet; "Bliong" the Malay hatchet. Contracted from "Tânah jong." سوك جية مبوسهکن بيسيغ لا بوهن تلق کراس تكم چکار سفوه بنچان جينق فكاين كودا سر مفع سيسوتانه میسر تا نه دخن سرا كفيه تودع كفلا توفي منتس كافق بليوغ بنجي اد براوله رمفوت كريغ كابوت دي اي كفال اگوغ فنيع كفال تنجو موقع کراس سمبوهكن عافية لينتة كفال فوكغ صحة Heap Hesitating ( 60 ) تمبون كمفلكن دغر جنتوغ هاتي. مسقخه هاتي فانس ها غة بوشكر شرگ لاغية برت فاگر لندق تانه ايغة فضولي تومية سيدة كتاكين وارث يغبر اوله فساك تراك كمودي منولع Heap, a Do., to Hear, to Heart (anatomically) Do., (usually) Hearty (sincere) Heat Heave up, to Heaven Do. (the sky) Tămbun Kumpulkan Dengar Jantong Hâti Sasungguh hâti | Panas * Hangat Bungkèr Shurga (Sans.) Langit Heavy Brăt Hedge, a Pâgar Hedgehog, a Landak tanah Ingat Heed, to į Fědûli (Ar.) Heel, a Tumit Do. over, to Sengit Height Katinggian Waris Yang berûlih pěsâka Naraka (Hind.) Kämûdi Měnûlong Heir Hell Helm Help, to Do., to (especially in war) Helter-skelter Bantu Hen, a (of fowls) Her Herald, a Herd, a Chĕrei-bĕrei Ayam bětina Dia Abĕntâra Kawan Herdsman, a Gembâla (Sini Here Disini Hereditary Pěsâka Heretofore Hermit, a Heron, a Hesitating Sa'lama ini. Pertâpäan Bûrong rûak-rúak Bimbang hâti ،، Pawas '' usually of the heat of the sun or atmosphere. Hangat" artificially heated. بنتو چري بري يم بتين دي ابتتار کاور گمبال سين دسين فساك سلام فرتفا این عن بميع هاتي Hiccough Hither (61) Hiccough Hide, to Sědû Sembunyikan میدو سمبولیکن Do., to (give refuge to) Melindongkan Do., a Kûlit High Tinggi Tuanku * Highness (title) Tunku Unku High Priest Ulama (Ar.) High water Âyer pasang pěnoh Highway Do. robbery Highwayman Hill Do. (rising ground) Do., Ant- Hilt Jalan raia Saman f Pěnyâmun Bûkit S Permatang Changkat Bûsut Ulu Himself, Herself Dia sendiri Těgahkan Hinder, to Měnâhan Hindermost Hindrance, a Yang diblâkang skâli Do., to (engage labour) Hint, a Hip, the Hire (of labour) Do. (of a house) Do., to work for His Hiss, to History Hit, to Hither Ka-sekâtan Ishârat (Ar.) Pangkal pahâ Ûpah Sêwa Měngûpahkan Mâkan gaji Dia punya f Bersiol Hikâiat (Ar.) Kènakan Kamâri Kasîni شكر ملندو شکن كولية تقدي توانگو تنکو انكو عليا ایر فامع فنوه جالن راي سامون فيامون بوكية فرماتغ جغكة بوسة اولو منديري دي تكهکن منهن يغد بلاكغ سكالي كسكاتن اشارت فشكل فها اوفه سيوا مقوفهكن ماكن ف جي دی فوپ دي برسیول حكاية کناکن كباري کسین Tunku" and "Unku" are used when Practically all these words are the case of "Tuhan," the Lord, and * Usually used when speaking of or to a Sultan. speaking of or to any one (male or female) of Raja birth. same, but there is a marked difference in their use, as in the "Tuan " (the same word) which answers to Mr. or Sir. † Also applies when committed on a river. The best way to indicate the possessive is to place the pronoun after the substantive as "rumah dia," his (or her) house. Hitherto ( 62 ) Hopeless Sampei sekarang سمفي سكارغ فارو ثاروء چکول بالي هوتن شکر کن نا يقكن فيشق موات نگري بلندا اورغ بلندا روغگا کوشش قدس فرسمباهن ميميه رومه درومه يغبوله فرچاي امانت مادو كمليان كبساران حرم يكو فارغ لق مات كايل ممفي جتکیق هارف معهارف فوتس اس Hitherto Hoarse { Parau Gâro' Hoe Hog Bâbi Do., Wild Hoist, to Do. (colours) to Hold (of a ship) Do., to Do., to (contain) Hole, a Holland Changkul * Bâbi ûtan Angkatkan Bungkerkan Naikkan Pêtak Pegang Mûat Lubang Negri Blanda Hollander Hollow Orang Blanda Holy Homage Do., to Pay Home (house) Do., At Rongga | Kôsong Kudus (Ar.) Persembahan Měnyĕmbah Rumah Dirûmah Yang bûlih per- Honest chaya Umânat (Ar.) Honey Madu Kamŭliâän Honour (dignity) Kabĕsâran Do. (respect) Hormat (Ar.) Hoof, a Kuku Hook, to Kaitkan Do., Bill Pârang 1 Golok Do.. Fish Mâta kail Hoop, a Simpei Hop, to Jingkek Hope Do., to Hopeless Hârap Mengharap + Pûtusâsa * Large, heavy, and used to do the work of a spade, + Sound the h. Horizon Hurt ( 63 ) Horizon Horn, a Kâki langit Tandok كاكي لاغية تندق Do., to Butt with the . Menandok Hornet, a Horoscope Horse Tabuân (Nŭjům (Ar.) Faal (Ar.) Do. (a wooden frame) Kûda-kûda Hospitable Host, a Hostage, a Kûda { Yang gâlak měnjâ- mu ôrang Tûan rumah Pengâku Hot Do. (pungent) Hound, a ( Panas * Hangat Pēdas Hour Anjing perburuan Jam (Pers.) House Rumah How How much Bagimana ( Brapa Do. (of price) Brâpa banyak Brâpa herga Howl, to Meraung Hull, of a vessel Badan prau Hum, to (as bees) Berdengong Human Manusia (Sans.) Humble Rendah Humour (disposition) Prângei IIump, a Bongko' Hundred Râtus Hungry Lâper Hunger Kalâpéran Hunt, to (game) Berbûru Hurricane, a Ribut Hurry Gôpoh Hurt (damage) Do. (loss) Do. (wound) Benchâna Karugian Luka See "Heat." منندوق تبوان نجم فعل كودا کودا۲ يغخالق منجا مواورغ توان رومه فتاكو فانس هاغة فدس انجيغ فربوروان جم رومة بگیمان براف 6. 6. 6. راف بايق هرگ مراوغ بدان فراهو برد خوغ مانسي رنده فراغي بود وتكو راتوس لا فر کالافران بربورو ريبوت ذوفه نچان タル ​كير لوگ Hurtful Illuminate (64) جهت موا ديم كوليد سكم سابوت فندوق بغسل سهيا اکو Hurtful Jǎhat Lâki Husband Suâmi (Sans.) Hush ! Diam Husk Kûlit Do. of corn Sěkam Do. of the cocoa-nut Sabut Hut, a Pondok Do. (shed) Bangsal I I I (in writing) Ice J Ayer bakû Ayer bâtu Sahya Âku J Beta Kita بيت کیت ايربكو ايرباتو فیکران رومه چاکف كف فري كات اورغ گیلا ماکس ستن برهال جكلو جك کالو بيل ماکیت دوس حرام فياكين توث منوشکر Idea Fikiran Idiom ( Rumah châkap Pri kâta Idiot Ôrang gila ( Mâlas Idle (lazy) Segan Idol Berhâla Jikâlau If Jika Kalau Ignorant Bĕbal Ill (sick) Sâkit Illegal Dosa Do. (forbidden by Harâm (Ar.) Illness Penyakit Mahomedan law) Illuminate, to (make Trangkan * light) > "Sahya is the Měnrangkan word most commonly used by Europeans to express the first personal pronoun, whilst " you is best rendered politely by "Tuan." The Malays commonly use "Aku" for "I" and " Tuan," "Angkan" or "Awak" (if familiar) for “you.” Angkau is also often rendered by "Kau," or, in Province Wellesley, and Kedah, by "Hang," and is gene- rally used in speaking to servants or the lower classes. In Pêrak, "I" and "you" are familiarly rendered by "Těman and Mika." In writing, Bêta or Kîta represents “I‚” and Schóbat-bê- ta or Sehábat-kita “ you." Illustrious In ( 65 ) ! Illustrious Ternâma Image Tělâdan Do. (appearance) Rûpa Sangka Imagine, to Fikir (Ar.) Tûrut Imitate, to Do., to (mimic) Immediately S Tingkah Âjok Sa'banter ini Sekarang ini Immense Immodest Immortal Impale, to Impatient Impede, to Impertinent Imperfect Implements Impolite Import, to Imports Important Impose upon, to Impossible Mahâ běsar Tidak mâlu Aib Kěkal Sula Tidak săběr (Ar.) Sěkatkan Tíâdă semperna Kâsĕr Âlat Tiada supan { Tĭâdă berbhâsa Měmâsokkan Bârang yang mâsok Brăt Tipu Skâli-kali ta'bûlih Chukei Mâti pûchok Bri kuasa kapâda Těkan Pěnjârakan Tiâdă pâtut Impost (tax) Impotent Impower, to Impress, to Imprison, to Improper Improve, to (make better) Imprudent Kûrang bijak Mûka těbal Impudent In Tiâdâ mâlu Di Didalam Měmbaiki Dalam تونام تادن روف منعك فكير تورت تيڅکه اجوق سبنتر سكاريخ ابن ابن مها بستر تيدق مالو ايب ككل سولا تيدق صبر سكتكن تیاد سمفرن کامر الت تياد سوفن تیاد بربهاست مما سقكن بارغيغ ما سق برت تيفو سكاكي٢ تاد بوله وكي فوچق كواس كفد ماني كواس فنجا را کن تیاد فاتت ممبايقكي كور بيجق نبل تماد مالو د ددالم دالم In In order to Incapable Incense (perfume) Incest Inch Incite, to Inclination Inclose, to (fence in) Incoherent (in speech) ( 66 ) Yang tiada kuasa Sepaya {Stanggi Kemnyen Sumbang ( Jari | Inchi * Asutkan Income Inconstant Inconvenient Increase, to Incredible Indebted Indeed? Indian, an Kahandak Pàgarkan Merêpet Pendapatan Bimbang Ta'senang Tambahkan Ta'bûlih perchaya Berûtang Bagitukah ? ( Orang Kling + Orang Hindi Tunjukkan Indicate, to Indigent Indignity Indigo Indiscreet Miskin Kamâluan Nila (Ar.) Indisposed (averse) Tiâdă bijak Tîâdă mau Individual, an Sa'orang Individually Mâsing-masing (Mâlas Indolent Ségan Indulge, to (favour) Mengasih Râjin Industrious Usahâ Industry Usahâ Inexperienced Infant Ta'biâsa Kanak-kanak Infectious سفاي يغتياد كواس ستقگي كمين موميغ جاري. اني است و تكن کہندق فاگرکن مريقة فندا فاتن بميع تا اسنغ تمبهكن بائبوله فرچاي برا وتغ اورغ كليغ اورغ هندي تنجقكن مسكين كمالوان نيلا تياد بيجق تیاد ماو مبورغ ما سيغ ٢ مالس سكن مقاسيه راجين اوسها اوسها تاء بياس کانق ۲ Infatuated Gila-brahi Infected Terjangkit Infectious Berjangkit گیلا براهي ترجکیت برجكيت * English Malayified and understood. † Common, but properly Orang Benggala," Orang Madrus," &c., according as they arc natives of Bengal, Madras, &c. ! Inferior Inside (67) Inferior (of things) Do. (in station) Infernal regions Infidel Infinite (in time) Do. (in space) Inflict punishment, to Inform, to Information Ingenious Inhabit, to Inhabitants Inherit, to Kûrang baik Dibawah Něráka (Hind.) Kâfir (Ar.) Kěkal Tiâdâ berpringgan Měnyeksakan Mäalumkan Menyatakan Bri tau Achum Khabar (Ar.) Berbûdi | Pandei (Dûdok di Diam di Räiat (Hind.) Berpesâka Injure, to Rosakkan | Aniâyakan Injustice Ink Aniâya (Sans.) Dawat (Ar., Däuat) | Tinta Inkstand Tempat dâwat Inlaid Bertâtah ( Di ulu Inland Inner, the Innocent Innumerable ( Di darat Yang didalam Suchi dêripâda kasalahan Tiâdă bersâlah Tiâdă terbilang | Tanya Inquire, to ¡ Preksa Gila Insane Insect (crawling) Do. (flying) (Binatang yang 1 mělâta ( Binatang yang Insert, to Inside terbang Sisipkan Didalam كورغ بايك دباوه تراك کافر ككل تیاد برفرغگن میقسا کن معلو مكن ميتاكن تاء بري اجوم چو خبر بربودي فندي دودق د ل ديم رعیت برفساك روسقكن انیا یا کن انياي داوت تنتا تمفت داوت برتاته داولو ددارت يغددالم سوچي درفد كسلاهن تیاد برساله تیاد تربيلغ تاپ فرقها گیلا بنائغ يغ مالات بنائغ يغ تربغ سيسفكن ددالم Insignia (68) Interval فرکاکس کرا جامن تاور سومبوغ مليهت ممرقسا ساعت سكيف سبنتر گنتی مقاموت عادت رسم متاجر فقا جران عاكس تیاد چوکف ماكي تیاد ترتغكوع عقل خبر بربودي برعقل هندق مقصوت تولغ بچارا کن وغ برجمفر ماسق مولة ددالم بري هرتي جورو بها س فرقه اکن ماسق مولت مبلغ ملي كساغن Perkakas krâjäan Tâwěr Kâser Sombong Melihat Měmreksa Insignia of royalty Insipid Insolent (arrogant) Inspect, to Säat Instant, an Sa'kějap Sa'bantěr Instead Ganti Instigate, to Institution (custom) Instruct, to Měngâsut Adat Rěsam * Měngâjĕr Instruction Pengajĕran Instructor Guru (Sans.) Instrument Perkakas Insufficient Insult, to (abuse) Insupportable Intellect Intelligence (news) Intelligent Tíâdă chukup Mâki Tiâdă tertanggong Akal (Ar.) Khabar (Ár.) Berbûdi Berâkal Intend, to Intention Intercede, to Interest (of money) Interfere, to Internal Interpret, to Interpreter Interrogate, to discourse) Intersperse Interval Interrupt, to (in Handak Maksûd (Ar.) Bûnga wang Tûlong bichârakan Riba (Ar.) Berchampur Mâsok mûlut Didalam Bri herti Juru bhâsa Preksakan Mâsok mûlut Sělang-sěli Kaselangan * Rěsam is more a local practise; it is a word of very common use in Pêrak. : ! Interview Interview Intestines Intimate (well ac- quainted) ( 69 ) Pertěmûan Tâli prut Kěnal baik baik Ivory فرته وان تالي فروت كنل بايك Intimidate, to Intoxicated Intricate Bri takut Mâbok Kôsot Introduce, to (bring in) Bawa mâsok Intrust, to Serahkan Inundation Âyer bah* Invade, to Langger Invariable Yang tiâdă berûbah Invent, to Invisible Invite, to Jâdikan Linyap Silakan Panggil Jěput Âjak Invulnerable Irksome Iron Do.. an or to Ironical Istrika + (Hind.) Sindir Tíâdă berâtur Kăbal Sûsah Běsi Irregular Irresolute Is Island Bimbang Âdă Pulau Klûar Issue, to (go out) Terbit ( Dia It Itu Itch Kudis Itchy Gâtal Item, an Perkara (Hind.) Iterate Itself Ivory Berûlang-ûlang Dia sendiri Gâding *Sound the h. + Hindustani, adopted; literally means "wife's work." بري تاكوت مابق کوست باوا ماسق مرهكن ایربه لشكر يقتياد براوبه جاد يكن ليف سيلاكن فغكيل جمفوت اجق کبل سوسه بسي استریکا مندیر تیاد براتور بميع اد فولو کلوار تربیت دي ایت كوديس قاتل فرکار بر اولغ ٢ دي سنديري گادیغ .. I M Jack Juggle ( 70 ) ل Jack fruit Jackal Jacket Jail Jailor Japan Jar, a Java; Javanese f Chempadak * Nangka Srigâla Bâju Pěnjâra (Pers.) Kětua pěnjâra Negri Jepun Tempâian Jawa Rahang Jaws Jealous Jeer, to Jerk, to Jest, a Jesus Jew, a Jew's harp, a Jewel, a Jeweller Jingal Job, to work by the Jog, to Join, to Joint, a (of the limbs) Do. (of a reed) Chěmburu Měnyindir Sintakkan Jěnáka Năbi Isa Yahudi Genggong ( Permâta Rătna (Sans.) Jõhâri (Pers.) Lêla Kerja borong Gunchang J Úbongkan Sambongkan Sindi Buku Goyang Perjalanan Jolt, to Journey, a Joy Judge, a Judge, to Judgment, a Kasûkäan Hâkim (Ar.) Menghukumkan† Hukum (Ar.) Judicious Bijak Jug, a Juggle, to Buyongt Main silap mâta چیفدق نكا مریگال باجو فنجارا كتوا فنجارا نگري جفون تمفاين جاوا رهغ چمبورو ميندير منتقكن جناك نبي عيسي يهودي فرمات رتن وهاري لیلا کرج بورغ مسمبو سندي مكن کو فرجلانن كسكا عن حاكم قتكمكن حكم بيجق بويوغ ماین سیلف مات *The "Chempădak" is rather smaller than the "Nangka," but the outward appearance of the two fruits, except as regards size, is the same. tSound the 7. A "Buyong" is a round vessel of earthenware; the European Jug is called "Gayong " and often in the Straits Settlements "Jug." Juggler Kill (71) Juggler, a Pěnyilap mâta Juice Âyer | Mâdu* Jump to Lompat Junior Lebih mûda Jungle ¡ Ûtanţ Hûtan Junk Jurisdiction Just Do. now Do. past Justify, to Justly Jut out, to Juvenile Wongkang Prentah Âdil (Ar.) Sat ini Sa'bantĕr ini Tadi Bĕnarkan Dengan sapatutnya Berûjong Mûda K Keel Keep, to Lúnas Simpan Měnâroh Do. a promise, to Měnyampeikan janji Keeper, a Pěnunggu Keg, a Tong kechil Kernel, a Îsi Kĕndi Kettle, a Key, a Chêrek Ânak kunchi Kick, to Tendang t Sepakt Kid Kidnap, to Kidneys Kill, to Ânak kambing Lârikan Bûah pinggang Bûnoh فييلف مات ایر مادو لمفت لبه مودا اوتن تن فرنتة جادل سة این سبنر تادي رين بنركن د عن صفاتتن برا وجع مودا لونس سمفن مناره میفیکن فنقو توغ كجيك ايسي كندي چیریق انق كندي تندم سيفك انق كمبيع لاريكن. بواه فَغَلَعَ بونه *"Madu" is used when speaking of fruits the juice of which is sweet. † See note to "Thicket." ‡“Tendang” with the sole of the foot; "Sèpak" with the top of the foot. 1 A 1 ! Kill Know (72) Kill, to (for food with ( Sěmblehkan { Bantei سمبليهكن نتي religious forms) Do. fowls, to Killed Kind (sort) Do. (affectionate) Kindle, to Kindred Pôtong Terbûnoh J Jenis * Mâchamt Kâsih Pasangt Menyalakan Kaum (Ar.) Kelurga (Hind.) King Kingdom Râja Krâjäan Kiss, a { Chium Kěchup Do., to Kitchen Kite (bird) Do. (of paper) Kitten Měnchium Měngěchup Dâpor Knead, to Knee Kneel, to Knife Bürong lăng Layang-layang Ânak kuching Râmas Lûtut Mělûtut Pisau Lading (in Kedah) Golok (in Perak) Parang (elsewhere) Pisau wali Do., Chopping Do., Small Knit the brows, to Knock, to (strike) Do., to (with the fist) Do. down, to Knot, a Do. (in wood) Know, to (under- stand) Krot dabi Pukol Gochok Hantam Banting Simpul Buku Mengerti Tahu * Arabic "Jins"; Latin "genus." + Not Malay adopted, To make and light a fire "Pelkat api." فونغ تربونه جنس ماچم كامية واسع ميا لاكن قوم کلور كا راج کچوفـ منچيوه معيوف دافور بورغ لغ انق رامس لوثت كوچيغ ملوتت فيسو لاديغ گولق فارغ فيسوولي كروت داهي فوكل گوچق هنتم سمفول بوكو مرتي تاهو Know (73) Lance Know, to (be acquaint-Kenal cd with) Do., I don't Entah Knowledge Known, Well Do., to Make Knuckle Kris* Labour (work) Do., to Labourer Lac (100,000) Lace Lad Ladder Pěngtâhnan Měshhur (Ar). ( Bri tahu Menyatakan Buku jari Kris L Pěkerjâän Běkerja Orang kulit Orang ûpahan Sapûloh laksa‡ ( Renda (Port.) Pita (Port.) Budak laki-laki Lade, to Lade. to Un- Laden, Deeply Ladle Lady Lake Lamb Lame Lament, to Lamp Lance Tangga Mûatkan Punggah Sârat Sendok Sudu Gâyong Ma'wan Siti Inche Tâsek Dânau Ânak biri-biri Tempang Mérâtap Pilita (Pers.) Tombak کیل الته فقتهوان مشهور بري تاو ميتاكن بوكو جاري كريس فكرجان بكر اورغ كولى منقوله لقسا ريندا فينا بود لاكي ٢ تعكا مواتكن فوغگه سارت سندو سودو گایونغ ماون سييء الدي تاسیق دانو انق بيري ٢ ليمفع مراتف فلينا تومبق "kris * The ordinany descriptions of the kris-the national weapon-are:-the "kris" or pandak," the short kris; the" kris panjang," or long kris; the "bâdik a straight short stabbing knife; and the "tumbuk lada," a smaller slightly curved dagger. Not Malay, but well un lerstood everywhere. "Laksa "in Malay means 10,000. Lamd Lawsuit (74) Land Do. (opposed to water) Dârat Landing place Landlord Lane Language Lantern Tânah Bâgan Tûan tanah Lộrong G Bhâsa Lantêra (Port.) Lanting (Jav.) Tanglong (Tenglong) تانه دارت باگن توان تانه لورغ به ا (Lantera mä Pangku Měmangku تشلوغ فشكو ممشكو جيلة Lap, the Do., to hold on the Do., to Lard Large Do. (wide) Lash (of a whip) Last Do. born Do. day, the Do. night Do., to Jilat { Lemak babi Minyak babi Besar ( Agam Luas STâli châbok (Port.) Tâli chamti* Yang akhir (Ar.) Ânak bongsu Hâri kiâmat Samâlam Tâhan Kanching Pěnganching Lambat Latch, a Late (in time) Lately Latter, the Lattice work Laugh, to Launch, to Law Bhâru Tadi Yang kemdian Kisi-kisi Tertawa Gělak Tûrunkan Do., Sentence of the Lawful Lawsuit * Not Malay, adopted. + Lit., Custom. Undang-undang Adat + Hukum (Ar.) Patut Halâl (Ar.) Bichâra لمق بابي مبيق بسر اثم باني لواس تالي چا بوق چمتي يغا نق بقسو هاري قيمة مسالم تاهن کنچیغ وتنجيع لمست بهارو نادي دين کمدین يخ كيسي ترتاوا گلّق تورنكن اندغ ٢ عادت حكم فاتة حلال بچارا Lay Leech (75) تاروه بوبه برتاره سمفن اسيتكن بر تلور Târoh Lay, to (place) Bûboh Do. a wager, to Bertâroh Simpan Do. by, to Asingkan Do. eggs, to Bertělor Pěgang Do. hold, to Paut Do. waste, to Binâsakan Mâlas Lazy Sĕgan Lead (metal) فاوت بنا سکن مالس سگن تيمه ايتم يروم . لادوغ با تو دوگ مشتركن تنجقكن جالن فندو فعهول فعليم داون سهلي بوچر کا ہو تيريس كورس سيقية سندر لمفت بال جر معا جي عالم فغاجران فقتهوان کچیل سكالي كولية تغكلكن برهنتي اذن بر موهن لنته فاجة Do. (for sounding) Do., to (go with) Do., to (guide) Leader, a (guide) Do., a (chief) Do, a (in battle) Leaf, a Timah itam Prum (Port.) Bâtu dûga Ladong Měngantěrkan Tunjukkan jâlan Pandu Penghûlu Pěnglima Daun kayu Do. (of paper) Sa'hělê ( Bochor Leaky Tiris Lean (thin) Kûrus Do., to Sengit Do. against, to Sander Leap, to Lompat Learn, to Blajer Learn the Korân, to Learned Mengaji Âlim (Ar.) Learning Least Leather Leave, to Do. off, to Pengajěran Pěngtuan Yang kechil skâli Kûlit Tinggalkan Berhenti Do. (permission) Do., to take (inferior to superior) Leech, Horse Do. (small) Ithin (Ar.) Bermŏhun Lintah Păchặt شد Lees (76) Lift تاهي اشكر دباره اغين اهي رعين كيري كرج كيري چریتا بتيس حلال سنغ فرا ليمو كافيه فس باگي فنجم فنيـ نکن فنج شكر كستا کچیل درفد كورغ درفد بير فلا جران لفسكن بري سيوا مدورت كيريمو حروف رات فمبهوغ فتنه موره هاتي لفسبكن جیلت تودغن كلوفق مات بهوش ممبهوغ باريخ پاوا حیات جيوا اتكة ان منديريكن Lees of wine Leeward Left (opposed to right) Left-handed Leg Legend Legitimate Leisure, At Leisurely Lemon, a Lend, to Length Lengthen, to Leprosy Less in (size) Do. (in number or quality) Lesson, a (teaching) Let, to (permit) Do. go, to Do. for hire, to Letter (epistle) Tai anggor Dibawah angin Kiri Kerja kiri Bětis Cherîta Halâl (Ar.) Senang Perlâhan Limau kâpas Bâgi pinjam Panjang Panjangkan Kosta Kechil dêripâda Kûrang dêripâda Plajĕran Biar Lepaskan Surat kiriman Bri sewa Do. (characters) Huruf * (Ar.) Level Râta Liar, a Pembohong Libel Fitěnah (Ar.) Liberal Mûrah hâti Liberate, to Lepaskan Lick, to Lid, a (cover) Do., Eye- Lie, a Jilat Tûdongan Klopak mâta Bohong Do., to tell a Měmbohong Do. down, to Bâring Nyawa Life Haiât (Ar.) Lift, to Do., to (set on end) Jiwa Angkatkan Mendirikan * Plural. One character, "Haraf." Light Listen (77) Light (opposed to dark) Trang Do. of day Siang Light (in colour) Mûda Do., to Pâsang Do. (not heavy) Ringan Light-house, a Rumah âpi Lightning Kilat Sâma Like (alike) Sarûpa Seperti Sûka Do., to Likeness, a Likewise Lily Do., Water Do. (lotus) Limb Lime (calx) Pûla | Jûga Bûkong Bûkong âyer Trâtei Angguta Berkĕnan Měngâsih Gamběr ترغ مورد درم فاصغ ريشن رومة افي کیات سام صروف سفرت موكا برکنن مقاسيه گمبر فول باكو : باكوغ اید Do. (fruit) Limit (boundary) Limited (confined) Limpid Limping Tempang Line, a Bâris Do. (cord) Tâli Do., to Lâpiskan Lâpisan Lining  las Linger, to Berlengah Lion, a Lip Liquid Liquor List Link, a (of a chain) Listen, to Chinchin Singa (Hind.) Bibir Chaier Minuman Dafter (Ar.) Měnděngar Kâpor Limau nipis Âsam limau Prenggan Sempit Jěrneh Penchang تراتي انکوت كافور ليمو نيفس اسم ليمو فرغة سمفية جرنيه فينيع تيمفع باريس تالي لا في سكن لافيس الس برليغه ふり ​بيبر ایر مينو من دفتر مندغر Litter Look (78) Litter, a (vehicle) Usongan Litter (rubbish) Little Sampah Kechil Do. (in quantity) Sedikit Live, to Hidup Diam Do., to (dwell) اوسوغن سفه کچیل سد یکیت هيدوف ديم Tinggal Pěncharian تغكل Livelihood Lively Kahidupan Pantas Liver (the organ) Hâti Living Lizard, (chameleon) Do., Grass- Bernyawa Sumpah-sûmpah Bengkârong Do., House- فنچارین کهیدفن فنتس هاتي برپاوا سو مفه ۲ بتكاروغ چیچق مواتكن Load, to Do., a Loadstone Loaf of bread, a Loan Lobster (cray-fish) Lock, a F Do., to (with a key) Locomotive, a Locust Lodge, to Lofty Log, a (small) Do,, a (larger) Do., a (still larger) Loiter, to Chichak Mûatkan Mûatan Bâtu brâni Sa'biji rôti Ûtang Hûdang galah Kunchi Kunchikan Krêta âpi Bilâlang Měnûmpang Tinggi Puntong kayu Bâtang kayu Bâlak Berlengah di jalan Lonesome Long Sûnyi Panjang Do. ago Do. as, As (in time) Lâma sudah Sa'lâma Do. (in length) Do. for, to Look, to Sa'panjang Rindukan {Pandang Do., to (see) Do., to (descry) Lahat Nampak مواتن با تو براني مبيجي روتي اوتغ خاله هودغ كني کنچی كريتا افي بيلا لغ منفع با تغ تعكي كايو فنقوع کیا ہو بالق برليغه دجالن سوبي فديع ملها میده سفنجع رندوکن فندق. تيغو لیهت نمفق Look (79) Lower = مچاري جرمين جنترا رلي لو شگر موكا جَارِغ لفسكن بوكا فنجع ليده لنجتان چریتا توهن يغد فرتوان توانكو تنکو اورغ بسر اورغ كاي هيلغ روكي سده هيلغ بسو پاریغ كوتو برتنديس برتينس کامیه مقاسيه بر اهي نارس ايلق فقاسيه رنده فنديق مورة ها لوس مقوا ایرتی فس تونکر موندهان Look for, to Looking-glass Loom, a (weaver's) Loose (in particles) Do. (undone) Do. (not tight) Do. (in texture) Do., to Let Do., to (unfurl) Loquacious Do., to be Lord, the Do. (ruler) Měnchâri Chermin mûka Jentra (Hind.) Relei Luchut Longger Jarang Lepaskan Bûka Do., My Do. a -chief Lose, to Do., to (incur loss) Lost Loud (of the voice) Do. (shrill) Louse, a .Do.. to Crack a Love Do., to Do. ardently, to Lovely Lover, a Low Do. (in stature) Do. (in price) Do. (in voice) Do., to (as cattle) Low water Lower, to D., to (reduce) * To be garrulous. † See "Highness. Panjang lidah Lanjutkan cherîta* Tûhan Yang dipertuan Tûanku + Tunku Orang besar Orang kaya Hilang Rûgi Sudah hilang Besar Nyåring Kutu Bertindis Bertinas Kâsih Mengasih Brâhi Elok paras Pengasih Rendah Pendek (and Pandak) Merah Halus Mingwa Âyer timpas Turunkan Merendahkan Loyal Mail ( 80 ) . مشي کفر چیا انتوع Sětîa نصیب يڅ نصیب چلاك بايق باری سوام مجمفل گیلا فارون بر سمبولي اندف هوا نفس سوليغ سوبر امان ترباريغ بوغا فالا جنترا فساوت گیلا گدوغ منجات اولت گشت بوبوه حکمت توان مجستریت بسی برا مثلا استـ براني انق داره داية ٢ بودق فرمفوان با جورنتي با جوزيره Luminous Lump, a Lunatic Loyal Luck, Good Do., Bad Luggage Lukewarm (tepid) Kaperchayan Untong Nasib chělâka Nasib yang baik Barang barang Suam Chalia Gempal Gila Lungs, the Paru-paru Bersembunyi Lurk, to Endap Lust Hawa nafsu (Ar.) Lute, a Sûling Luxuriant foliage Sûběr Amân (Ar.) Luxurious Lying (recumbent) Mace (spice) Terbaring M Bûnga pâla Machine Jěntra pěsâwat Mad Gila Magazine (of arms) Gedong sinjâta Maggot, a Ûlat Do., a (book) Do., a (wood) Gĕgat Bubo' Hikămat (Ar.) Magic Magistrate, a Magnet, a Mahomedan Maid, a (virgin) Do., a (female at- tendant) Mail, Coat of Tûan mâjistret * Běsi braui Islâm (Ar.) Ânak darah Daiang-daiang Bûdak prempuan { Bâju rantei Bâju zêrah *This title is well understood in the Straits, and also many of the Native States. Maimed Manner ( 81 ) Maimed Main-mast Maintain, to (support) Maintenance Maize (Indian corn) Majesty (title) Do., Your Majority, The Make, to Do., to (compose) Maker, a Malady Malay, a Malayan Male Malice Mallet Man, a Manage, to Kûdong Tiang âgong Plěhěrakan Makanan Jagong Duli Tuanku * Yang banyak Bûatkan Jâdikan Kârangkan Tukang Pěnyâkit Orang Malâiu Malâiu Jantan Do., to (govern) Mandate Dăm dăm Pěmûkŏl Orang Měnjâga Měmrentahkan Titah کودغ كو لم انواع نيخ اكن مكانن جاگوغ دواي توانگو يعبايق فليهراكن بواتكن جاد یکن كارشكن توكغ فپاکیت اورغ مليو ملے یو جنتن لسلام فموكل اورغ منتجات ممرنتهکن تیته Mane Mange, the Bulu tengko' Kûrap binatang Mango (fruit) Buah mangga † Bûah mẽmplam + Bûah pauh Do., Horse Bâchang Mangrove Mangusteen Bâkau Buah manggis Maniac, a Orang gila ( Nyata Manifest Mankind Trang Manusia (Sans.) Châra Manner (mode) Mâcham Do. (behaviour) Kalâkuan بولوتفكو كورف بنائغ بواه مشكا بواه ممفلم بواه فاوه با چغ باكو بواه مخكيس اور غلیل پات ترڅ مانسي چارا كلكوان * See note to "Highness." † Both these words are probably Sanskrit, and introduced here by the Tamils. "Mang- ga," which in Tamil means "unripe," is in use in Malacca and Singapore and " Memplam," which in Tamil means "ripe," in Penang. Mantle Marvellous ( 82 ) Mantle (loose gar- ment) Manufacture Kain lepas Kain selendang Perbuatan Bâja Sûrat کابن لفس کاین سلند فر بواتن باج سورت بايق براف بایق سبايق مكين فنا باتو فوالم با تو مرمر تومره برجال كودا بتين تفي تندا بكس چف متري فاسر فكن کھوین نكاح ايسي كهوين ممينغ سمفي عمر كوفو مده بركهوين مده نكاح مده بربيني اوتق تولغ بركهوين براستري فاي ماتور حیران تو. ترجعغ عجايب Manure Manuscript Many Bânyak Many, How Brâpa banyak Do., As Sa'banyak Do., So Map, a Sa'kian Pěta ( Bâtu puâlam Marble March, to Mare Bâtu měrměr Berjalan Kûda bětina Margin Těpi S Tanda Mark Běkas Do. (seal) ( Chap | Mětrời ( Pasir Market Pěkan Marriage Kawin (Pers.) Nikâh (Ar.) Îsi kâwin Měminang Sampei ômor } Kufu Sudah berkawin Sudah nikâh Sudah berbini Ôtak tûlang Berkawin Beristri Bertûnang Pâya Do. portion Do., to ask in Marriageable Do. (of suit- able rank) Married Marrow Marry, to (wed) Do., Engaged to Marsh, a Marshal, to (set in array) Měngâtur Hêran Terchĕngang Ajaib (Ar.) Marvellous Masculine Meat ( 83 ) ( Jantan Masculine Laki-laki Mash, to (mix up) Champur Do., to (reduce to pulp) Pipiskan عنتن لاكي چمفور فيفسكن Mask, a Topeng Mason, a Stone Tukang batu Massacre Kabûnohan Mast Tiang Do., Fore Tiang âdap Do.. Main Tiang âgong Do., Mizen Master Do. (preceptor) Do. (of a vessel) Mat, a Do., Roofing Match, a (fellow) Do., a (for a mine) Do., a Lucifer Mate, a (companion) Do., a (of a vessel) Do., Check Tikĕr Kajang Jodo Sumbu Târek api Kâwan Mäalim (Ar.) Sugun hantu Mat + Matted Matter (business) Hål (Ar.) Do. (pus) Nânah Do., No Tid'apa Tilam Tiang blakang Tûan Inche Tuan guru Nakhoda (Pers.) فيع با تو توكع كبونوهن تيغ ليغ ادف ليغ ادوغ تيغ بلاكغ توان وان گورو نخودا تیکر كاجع Mattress Maw, Fish May (can) Me Meadow, a Meagre, (thin) Meal (from grain) Lûpa-lûpa Kělumpong Bûlih ( Sahya F | Âku Pâdang Kûrus Těpong جود و سمبو تاريق كاون متعلم مات افي سوگن هنتو حال نانه اف تيدق تیلم لوف ٢ كلمفوع بوله مهیا اكو فاد كورس تفوغ *A most useful contrivance made of mangkuang leaves, and used for boat coverings, cart coverings, &c. In the jungle it answers the purpose of a tent. + Possibly connected with the Akkadian "Mit," the Chinese "Mut," the Arabic "Mat" and the Malay "Mati" all meaning "dead." ‡ See " I." Meal Memorandum (84) مكانن هين دین کیکر Meal (food) Mean (ignoble) Makanan | Hîna Dîna Do. (stingy) Kikir S Handak Do., to (intend) Hâjat (Ar.) Meaning Herti Means of livelihood Pěncharian Do. (property) Herta Do., Measure, to (of capacity) Sûkatkan Do., a (of capacity) Sûkatan to (of length) Ukur Do., a (of length) Ukuran Meat Dâging Mecca (the city) Měkah Mechanic, a Tukang Medal Bintang Champur Meddle, to Ganggu Mediator, a Pěndamei Medicine Ûbat Medley Champur baur (Bertemu Meet, to Berjumpa Sambutkan هندق حاجت هرتي فنچارين هرت سوكتكن اوكر سوكاتن اوگوران داكَيغ ميكه توكغ بنتغ چمفور ثقكو فندامي اوبت چمفور باور برتمو برجمها سمبوتكن فاتت كمفوان مجليس دوك چیت مودم مردو مندليكي تمبيكي هنچورکن الباور كنيم اشکوت مشهور صورت فرایغاتی Do., to (receive with courtesy) Meet (fitting) Meeting (assembly) Melancholy Melodious Melon, Water Melt, to Member, a (of the body) Memorable (famous) Memorandum Pâtut {Kumpulan Duka chita Mûram Měrdu 1 Mandělikei { Tambikei Hanchorkan Loborkan Anggûta Meshhur Sûrat peringatan *A meeting of four or more persons. Memory Mill ( 85 ) Memory Ka-ingatan Menace, to (threaten) Ûgut Mend, to Membaiki Mendicant, Religious Făkîr (Ar.) Bûdak Menial servant Hamba * Sebutkan كا يغاتن اوگوت ممبا يقكي فقير بودق مب سبوتكن ميبوت ترسبوت دگاشن فرنیکا سوداگر رحمن رقسا كسبهن رحيم منهاج جاس سوك فسانن چیت لبوران امقام چیریت بنتغ فري حال مخيو تغه هاري تغه تغه مالم بیدن بيله كواس لمبوت ما نيس لا فوق با تو سوسو فره سوسو فعكيليغ Mention, to Mentioned Merchandise Měnyĕbut Tersebut ) Dagangan 1 Perniagâän Merchant, a Sodâgér Merciful (as the Deity) Rahmân (Ar.) Mercury (quicksilver) Raksa ( Kâsihan Mercy Rahim (Ar.) Merely Merit Sĕhâja Jâsa Merry Sûka-chita Message Metal Pěsânan Lebôran Metaphor Umpama Meteor Chirit bintang Method Mew, to (as a cat) Midday Pri hâl Mengiau Tengah hâri Middle Tengah Midnight Tengah malam Midwife Bidan Might (could) Bûlih Do. (power) Kuâsa Lembut Mild (in temper) { Manis Mildew Mile Milk Do., to Mill, a *Lit., Slave. Lâpok Bâtu + Susu Prah susu Penggiling † Lit., a stone. The English word mile is understool in some places. 2 Million ( 86 ) Misunderstand Sa'râtus laksa ساس لسا اجوقكن جن بورغ تيوغ کومت ۲ عقل ايغت جاگ راجين سهیا فوپ لومبوغ انق لومبوع منتري مینت لمفور سلوت چرمين موك کوگوران باگی جنیس ۲ ہنچان لاكو يقتياد فاتت اورغ کیکر کسوکاران چلاك نصيب تا بايك میستکن فيلة تیاد کنا كابوت ميلف مساله انچيء كندق در چاي ساله مغرتی ساله فهم Do., to (look after) Million, a Mimic, to Mina (the bird) Mince, to Mind, the Do., to (heed) Mindful (attentive) Mine Do., a (excavation) Miner, a Minister of State Minute, a (of time) Mire Mirror Miscarriage, a (as) of a female) Miscellaneous Mischief Misconduct Miser, a Misery Misfortune ( Ajokkan Sělût Achan Bûrong tiong Chinchang lumat lûmat Akal (Ar.) Ingat Jâga Rajin Sahya punya Lumbong Anak lumbong Mantri (Sans.) Minit (Eng.)† Lumpor Chermin mûka Kagûgoran ( Bigei-bagei ( Jenis-janis Bĕnchâna Mislead, to Mispronounce, to Miss, to (fail to hit) Mist Mistake Mistress Do., a (concubine) Mistrust, to Misunderstand, to Kurang perchaya Sâlah mengerti Salah fěham Měnyesatkan Tiâda kěna Kâbut Silap Sâlah Inche Kendak Laku yang tiâdă pâtut Orang kikir Kasukâran Chěláka Nasib ta'baik Pêlat *See "His." † Understood in the Straits. Mix (87) Monkey چوقکن بارو مراتف فاريت هين دین ميندير چنتو تیاد براف مهل بها رو مينتون مالو لقس لمبف باسه منيسن سن تبو تاهی لالت تندا اسیق هنچور مكيف سلطان بغناء يغد فرتوان هاري اثنين دويت توني مولیت كرا بروق سيامع ماوا Mix, to Moan, to Meat, a Mob (rabble) Mock, to Model, Moderate (in price) Modern Modest Do., (bashful) Moist (damp) Do., (wet) Molasses Mole (on the skin) Molest, to Champurkan Kâchokkan Baur Mérâtap Pârit Chonto Hina-dina Menyindir Tiâdă brâpa měhal Bhâru Santun Mâlu ( Langas { Lembap Basah Manîsan těbu Tai lâlat Tanda Ûsik Molten Hanchor Moment, a Sa'kejap * Sultân (Ar.) Monarch Baginda+ Yang di pertuan‡ Monday Hari ithnâin ( Wang Money Duit Do. (cash) Wang tunei Mûnyit § Monkey Kra § Brok || Litong* * Do. Ungka + + Siamang + + ماره Mawa § § See" Instant." "Baginda" is properly only applied to a Raja who obtains his throne by conquest, or who conquers another country. Contracted into "Yam Tuan." Both these words are used for the common long-tailed monkey. A large monkey with short tail, often trained to gather cocoa-nuts and duriens. * * A black monkey with long tail. ††The "Wah-wah." §§ A kind of "Wah-wah." +++ t Baboon, : Monopoly Motive ( 88 ) Monopoly, a Monsoon (season) Month Do., Last Do., Next Do., This Monument, a Monthly Moon, the Do., Full Do., in crescent Do., New Moonlight Pâjak Musim Bûlan Bûlan sudah Bûlan hâdap Bûlan ini Bûlan-bûlan Alamat (Ar.) Bûlan Bûlan pernâma Lengkongan bûlan Sa'hâri bûlan Bulan trang Chahia bûlan Moorhen, a Puchong Morass, a Pâya Lebih More Lâgi Měkian Shahădân (Ar.) i فا جق بولان سده بولن هادف اين بون علامت وان لن لشكو نام فرن بولن من سهار يبولن بولن ترغ چھیا بولن فوجوغ فاي ليه لاثي مكيت شهدان لاگيفون فائی مول ماسم ايسق اسوع کافور پوشاهي موسي سجد ياموقع كلمبو لوموت تركبه سكالي تكت امق ايبو مرتوا فرمخوان امق تيري سيفوت متيارا سبب Moreover Morning Lagi pun Pâgi Morose Mûka másam Morrow Ésok Mortar (for beating Lesong grain) Do. (cement) Kâpor Mortify, to Moses Měnyûsahî Musa Mosque Mosquito Do. net Masjid (Ar.) Nyâmok Klămbu Lumut Terlebih skâli Gĕgat Mak Ibu Mertua prempuan* Mak tiri Siput mutiara Sĕběb Moss Most Moth Mother Mother-in-law Do., Step Mother-o'-pearl Motive, a * Also Měntâia prempuan. Motley Muscle ( 89 ) Motley (pied) Blång بلغ Mottled Berawan-âwan Mould Tanah Do. (for casting) Achuan Mouldy Mound Mount, to (ascend) Mountain Mourn, to (weep) Mouse Do. deer Lipok Tămbun tângh تانه Naik Gûnong Menangis Tikus padi Plandok Do. colour Hablok (Hind.) مناغيس تيكوس فادي فلندوق هبلوك براون ۲ تانه اچوان لا فوق تمبون نايك گونغ Mouth Mûlut Do. of a river Kuâla Mouthful, a Move, to (transitive) Do., to (intransitive) Bergrak Do., to (remove) Moveables Much Sa'suap Kêsutkan Do., So Do., Too Do., Very Pindah Perkakas Banyak Sěkian Bânyak âmat Terlalu banyak Mud Muddy Muddy water Mug, a Mule, a Lumpor Sělut Lichah Âyer kroh Kĕndi Barhal* (Ar.) Multiply, to (increase) Bertambah Do., to (in arith- ( Pukõl Tharab (Ar.) Rungut مولة كوال. مسواف كيسو تكن برگرق فنده فرکاکس بايق مبكبير بایق است . ترلاکو بایق المفور سلوت لچه ایر گروه كندي بغل برتمبه فوكل ضرب غة metic) Mumble, to Murder, to Bûnohkan Murdered Terbûnoh Murderer Pembûnoh Murmur, to Sûngut Murrain Samper Muscle Úrat and h sounded together. بونهكن تربونه فمبونه سوعة سمفر اورت Muscular Nasty ( 90 ) Muscular Mushroom (fungus) Těgap Chendawan Bunyi-bunyian Biduan Senapang (Dutch) Kain khasa Siput Music Musician Musket Muslin Mussel Mussulman Orang Islâm Must Ta'bûlih tidak Mustaches ( Kumis Misei Mustard Muster, to (assem- ble) Sĕsâwi Himpunkan Krahkan * تكف چنداون بوييين بدوان منافع كاين خاص ميفوت ورغ اسلام تا بوله تيدق كوميس مساوي همفولكن Musty Mutilate, to Basi Měngudong Mutiny Mutton Muzzle, to Drahka Daging biri-biri Simpalkan My Mystery, a (secret) Sahya punya + Rahsia (Sans.) N Nail (of iron) Paku Do., to Pakukan Do. (of the finger) Kuku Naked Name Namely Tělanjang Nâma (Pers.) Ia-itu Iäni (Ar.) Nap (of cloth) Nape of the neck Narrative Narrow (as cloth) Bulu kain Těngko' Hikâiat (Ar.) Cherîta Bidang sempit Do. (as a passage) Sempit Tidak baik Nasty Nējis (Ar.) * Only used when the people are collected by order of the Râja or Chiefs. + See "His." کرهکن باسي مغولوغ درهك دائيغ بيري ٢ سمفلکن مهیا فوپ رهسيا ناكو اكوكن كوكو تلنجع ياليت لو يعني لاين حکایت چریت بيدغ سمفية سمفية تيدق بايك نجيس Nation Neither (91) Nation (country) Do. (race) Native (of people) Něgri (Hind.) Bĕnua Bangsa Ânak něgri Peranakan Natural (opposed to manufactured) Perbuatan Tûhan Nature (disposition) Naughty Tabiat (Ar.) Jǎhat Navel Pûsat Navigate, to Mělâyerkan kâpal Navigation Elmu plâyĕran Navy Kâpal kâpal prang Near (in position) Do. (in time, al- most) Děkat Hampir Děkat Do. (about) Neat Kira-kira Âgak Lebih kûrang Chantek Necessary Hârus Do., House Jamban Necessity Paksa Neck Lehĕr Necklace Âgo'* Need (to want) J Hâjat (Ar.) Handak Needed (wanting) Kûrang Needful Hârus Needle Jarum Needy Miskin Lalei Neglect Alpa (Hind.) Do., to (forget) Lûpa Do., to (leave) Tinggalkan Negligent Lalei Negotiate, to Bichârakan Negro, a Neigh, to Neighbour, a Do., to (pass off) Melâkukan Neither this nor that Inipun tidak itupun tîdak Kafri (Port.) Bertriak Ôrang sa'kampong * If of coral and gold “Merjan.” يغسا ائق تكري فرانکن فر بواتن توهن طبعة جهة فومة ما يركن كفل علم فلايران کافل ۲ فرغ دكة همفر دكة كير ا٢ لبه كورغ چنتیق ها روس جمين فقس ليهر اگو جة هندق کورغ روس جاروم مسكين لالي الفا لوف تفكلكن الى ملاكوكن كافري برتريق اورغ مكمفوع اينفون ليدق ايتقون ليدق Nephew Nobody (92) Nephew Ânak sudâra الق سودار Nerve (sinew) Úrat ( Latah * Nervous Nest (of birds, &c.) [ Gli f Sarang Net, Casting Jala (Hind.) اورد علي لاتة مدار جالا Do., Drag Pûkat كة فوق Do. (for birds or Jâring beasts) Siding Never Ta' pernah جاريع سيديع تا فرنه C Do. yet Bulûm pernah New Bhâru News Khabar (Ar.) Werta Newspaper Kertas khabăr Next (following) Kěmdian Do. day Ésok hâri Nibble, to (gnaw) Krumit-krumit Nice Sedap بلوم فرته بها رو خبر ورت قرطس خبر کمدین ایسق هاري كرومية ٢ صدف Niece, a انقسودار فرمفوان Anak sudara prempian Niggardly Kikir Night Mâlam Do., All through the Sa'panjang mâlam J Sa'mâlam Do., Last Mâlam tadi Do., Late at Jauh mâlam كيكو مالم سفنجع مالم سالم مالم تادي جاوه مالم تغه مالم مالم سكارغ Do.. Mid- Do., To- Nimble Nine Nip, to (pinch) Nipple (of breast) Nitre Tengah mâlam Malam sekarang Pantas Sămbîlan ( Pichit + Châbit Kěpâla susu Sendâwa Tidak Perchûma Noble (by birth) Bangsawan Berbangsa No No use فنتس سمبيلن فیچیت چولیت كفال سوسو منداوا تيدق چوما بقساوان بريقها تاد سیاف Nobody T'âdă siâpa * A curious nervous complaint by which many natives of these parts, especially Boyanese, are affected. † Also "ticklish." Also to squeeze the limbs and joints, a treatment sometimes called "shampooing." Nod Now (93) Nod Noise Anggo kepala Bunyi None { Tiâdă T'âdă Nonsense Sia-sia افلو كفال بوبي تیان تاد سیام Tengah hâri Noon تغه هاري Rembang Noose Jěrat North Utâra North star Bintang kötüb (Ar.) North-east Timor laut North-west Bârat laut رميغ اوتار بنتغ قطب تيمورلاوت بارت لاوت Northward Seblah utara Nose Hidong سبله اوتار هيدوغ Do., a Running at Engus the Serdi* (Hind.) Nosegay Kârangan bûnga Nostril Lûbang hidong Not Bûkan Do., Do Jangan Tiâdă Do., Is Bûkan ايتوس سردي کاراشن غن بوغا هيدوغ جاغن تیاد يوكن Do. yet Bălûm Notch (on a blade) Sumbing Tako' Do. (on a tree) Tanda Do., to Talko' بلوم سوم ومبيع تاکو تندا تاکو J Tanda تندا علامت Note (mark) Noted (celebrated) Nothing Do., Good for Notice, a Do., to Give Notorious Novice, a Alâmat (Ar.) Meshhur (Ar.) Sâtu apa pun tîdak Tíâdă berguna Kanyatâän (Bri tau | Menyatakan Měshhur (Ar.) Bülüm bisa lagi Piâra Nourish, to { Pléhéra Now Do. and then Sekarang Kadang-kadang *A severe sickness in horses very like glanders, مشهور ما تواف فون تيدق تیاد برگونا كيتان بري میتاکن مشهور بياس لاكي فلیه را سكارغ کا دڅ ۲ Now Object (94) Now, Just (of past time) } Tadi نادي Do. (the expletive) Maka * Noxious Jǎhat Do. (venomous Bisa t or deadly) Nudge, to Kuêt Numb Kěbas Number, a (in arith- metic) } Angka مك جهة بیسا کویت كبس اشكا Do. (many) Bânyak Nutshell Nutmeg Do., to (count) Do. (as for a census) Numberless Numerous Nun, a (recluse) Nurse, a Do., a Wet Do., to (suckle) Nursery (for plants) Nut, a Nymph (celestial) Oakum Bilang Hêtong Banchikan بايق بيلغ هيتوغ بنچیکن Tiâdă terbilang Bânyak Lěbat t Pertâpäan prempuan Pěngâsoh تیاد تربیلغ باپق لبة فرتفان فرمفوان فقاموه Pěnyûsuî Měnyûsuî J Smai فيوسوي ميوموي سمر سمی Rědeh Bûah yang kras kûlit Tămpurong Bûah pâla Bidadari (Hind.) Pěmâkal ردية بواه يغ كراس كولية تمفورغ بواة فالا بيدداري O Oar, an Oath Do., to Take an Dâiung Sûmpah Bersumpah Do., to Administer an Bri sûmpah Oats Brâs blanda Obedient Yang měnûrut kâta Obeisance Sembah Obey, to Tûrut Do. a mandate, to Měnjunjong titah Object (of pursuit) Pěnchârian Do., to (dispute) Mělâwan *Used in writing only, and marks the beginning of a new sentence. + Often used of snakes and weapons. Commonly used of heavy rain, "ûjan lebat." فماكل دا يوغ موقفه برسومفه بري سومفه براس بلندا منورت كات يع منورت سمبه تورت منجنجع تيته فنچاریان ملاوان Obligation Offence ( 95 ) Obligation, to Dis- charge an Oblige, to (compel) Do., to (help) Obliging Oblique Oblivion Obloquy Obscene Obscure (dark) Bâlas kĕrnia بالس كرليا Měngrâsi Měnûlong Sûpan مغراسي منولغ سوفن Sêrong Kalûpäan Fitěnah (Ar.) S Charut سيروغ كلوفائن فتنه چاروت Kôtor Observe, to (heed) Do., to (look at) Obstacle, an Obstinate ( Klam | Glap Ingatkan Pandang Tingo' Kasekâtan Kras kěpâla Měnyĕsak Obstruct, to Berûlih Obtain, to | Mendapat Obvious Occasion Occasionally Occupation Occupied (busy) Do. (as a house) Occupier of a house Occur, to Ocean Odd (not even) Odour Of (possessive) Off, From Do., to Cut Do., to Leave Offence, an * See "His.' "} ( Nyata Trang Kětîka Mâsa Kâdang-kadang Pěkerjâän Âdă kerja { Tidak senang Âdã trang Tuan rumah Měnjâdi Laut bĕsar Gănjil Bau * Punya Dêri âtas Krǎtkan Berhenti ( Sâlah Dôsa وتر کام خلف ايقتكن فند تيغون كسكاتن فال کراس میسق براوله مندافة پات ترغ كتيك ماس کا دغم آدکرج تيدق اد اورغ توان رومه منجادي لاوت بسر گنجیل باو فوپ دراتس كرتكن برهنتي ماله دوس Offence Omit (96) Offence, to Take Offend, to (do wrong) Offended Offer, to Offering, an (from Měnâroh sâkit hâti Münâroh dặmdim Bersalah Berdosa Sâkit hâti Unjukkan Silakan Sudikan Office inferior to Râja) Do. (employment) Officer Do. (military) Officious Offspring (child) Often Persembahan [ Ofis * Gedong + Pěkerjâän Pěgâwei Panglima prang Cherêwet Ânak Sělâlu Krăp kâli Do., How Brâpa kâli Ogle, to Bermain mâta Wah ! Oh! Hei! Oil Minyak sine, &c.) Do., to Ointment Do., Earth (kero-Minyak tanah Sâpu mînyak Minyak ûrap Tûa Old (aged) Do. (ancient) Do. times Older, the (of two or more) Lâma Dûlu kâla Zěmân dûlu { Yang tia Oldest, the Omen, an Omit, to (forget) Yang lâma Yang tua skáli Yang lâma skâli Sangka' Lûpa *Adopted in the Straits Settlements. + Lit., Store-house. منارة ماكيةهاتي مناره دمدم برسا له بردوس ساكية هاتي اونجقكن سیلاکن سود یکن فرسمباهن اوفيس گدوغ فكر جان فكاوي فعليم فراغ جريوية انق ملالو كر فكالي براف كالي ماين مات واه هي مييق مبيق تانه ما فومييق مبيق اورف توا دهولو کالا زمن دهولو يقتنوا يغلام. يقتوا سكالي يغلام "سكالي مد فكا لوف il Omnipotent (97) Oration قدرت اتس داتس سكالي ماتو موات ميا بارغسوات برغسيا ساتون سام جوگ مات سبله باوغ منهاج هاپ قدر ميم يغتيال جرنيه تربوكا كا مبو كمبيع لا فقكن لوبـ عن ترغ فيكران ستك افيون چندو مادت لاون ملون برهدا فن انيا يا کن انياي كي اتو ليمومانيس فركتان Kůděrat‡ (Ar.) {  tas Diâtas Omnipotent On Once Skâli Sâtu One Suâtu Sa Do. (of things) Bârang suâtu Do., Any (of person) Barang siâpa Do. by one Do., It's all Do. -cyed Sâtu sâtu Sâma juga Mâta sa'blahı Onion, an Only Opaque Open Do., to Bâwang Sĕhâja Hânya Kěder (Ar.) Sĕbam Do., to (as a flower) Yang tíâdă jĕrneh Terbuka Měmbûka Kembang Do., to (give room) Lâpangkan Opening, an Lubang Openly Fikiran Opinion Opium Do. (ready for smoking) { Chandu Opponent Dengan trang Sangka Âfiûn (Ar.) Mâdat * Lâwan Oppose, to Opposite Oppress Oppression Opulent Or Orange, an Oration Mělâ wan Běrhadapan Aniâyǎkan Aniâya (Sans.) Kâya Atau Limau mânis Perkatâän * Madat is inferior in quality to "Chandu," being prepared from the covering which encloses the Opium, whilst " Chandu" is prepared from the drug itself. Orator Oval ( 98 ) Orator Orchard Order, to اورغ فندي بركات Orang pandei berkata Dûsun ( Měnyûroh Sûrohkan Do., (of reigning Rajas) Order, an Titahkan Hukum (Ar.) Do., an (commission Pesan Do,, an (of a ru- ling Râja) Ordinance (legal enactment } } Titah } Undang-undang Ordinary Ordnance Seperti âdat Mĕriam Lêla * Organize, to Měngâtur Asal Origin Orlong, an + Pangkal Relong + Ornament, to Hiâskan Oranments Perhiasan Piâtu Orphan, an Ânak yatîm (Ar.) Other Lain Otter, an Anjing âyer Měměrang Ought Our Out Do. From Do., to Cast Do., to Cry Do., to Speak Pâtut { Harus Kîta punya ‡ Diluar Dêri lûar Bûang Bertriak Outcast Outcry Outright Oval Jingal Châkap kuat Buângan Gemper Langsong Bujor دوسن مپوره سورهكن تیتهکن حكم فسن لیته اند ۲ سفرت عادت مريم لیلا ماتور اصل فقكل رلوغ هیا مکن فرهيا من فياتو انق يتيم لاين نجيع اير ممرغ فاتت ها روس كية فوپ دلوار دري لوار بواغ برتريق چاکف قوات بواشن گمفر لقسوغ بوجور Corresponds to the English acre, only is larger, 3 orlongs making 4 acres-4 Depa make 1 Jemba, 100 Jemba make 1 Penjuru, 4 Penjuru 1 Orlong. The Depa is commonly a fathom or 6 feet lineal measure, but in this case it is a square Depa or 36 square feet. See "His." Oven Oyster ( 99 ) I Oven Dâpor Over (in position) Diâtas Do. (in quantity) Lebih Do. (in degree) Do. and over Amat (Râta دافور دالس لبه امت رات مبلوره كلمكا بوست مقالهكن ليفه صدق چندونغ مارت بر مالوت برتنديه بر مومن جاگی منفكو رانیوم فنقو میلف كلوفان همية سمفى دافة باليقكن تر بالیق براوتغ فتگوق بورغ هنتو خوپ ممقوياني مشاكو يها مقوب لمبو اليرم Do. All Overcast Overcome, to Overflow, to Overgrown (with weeds) Overhang, to Overladen Overlay, to (as with gold) Berûlang-ûlang Selûrah Klăm kâbut Měngâlahkan Limpah } Semak Chondong Sârat } Bersalut Do., to (as herrings Bertindeh in a barrel) Do., to (in regular }Bersûsun order) Overlook, to (watch) { Jâga (Hind.) Měnunggu Rânum Overripe Overseer, an Pěnunggu Oversight, an {Kalupäan Overtake, to Overturn, to Hambat sampei dâpat Bâlikkan Terbâlik Overturned Owe, to Berûtang Owl, an { Ponggok Own (possession) Do., to Do., to (admit) Owner, the Oxen Oyster, an "See His." * Bûrong hantu Punya Měmpunyai Měngâku Yang ampunya Lĕmbu Tiram Pace ( 100 ) Papa لشكه فوجهكن بري نصيحة كمسكن بوعكوس فقا يوه كا يوهكن موك كتاب توع ساکیت فديه چت ما فو چت منافو توليس كمبر گمبر فاصغ جودو كلامين جوري استان كريت فلنكين لاغيت ٢ مولة فوچة سودا فاگر تاغر تافق فوكو يغبر فلفه بود بر كوالي رغكا فنت لله فاء باف ايه واب Pace, a (step) Pacify, to Pack up, to Package, a Paddle, a Langkah Pujokkan Bri nasihat Kěmaskan Bungkus Pongâyuh Do., to Kâyuhkan Page, a (of a book) Mûka kitab Pail, a Tong Sâkit Pain Pědih Paint Chặt (Ch.) Do., to Sâpu chat Palace, a Do. a picture, to Painting, a (picture) Pair, a Do. (of horses) Palanquin Palate Pale (wan) Krêta plankin (Sans.) | Langit-langit mûlut Pûchat Tulis gamběr Gambĕr Pâsang Jodo* Klamin + Jori (Hind.) Astâna Do. (in colour) Paling Palm (of the hand) Mûda Pâgar Tâpak tangan Pôko' yang berpělěpah Do. (of trees) Palpitate, to Berdĕber Pan (iron) Pannier (used on Kuali elephants) Pant, to Papa Rengka Pănat lilah Pa' Bâpa Ayah Wa' *Used only of human beings supposed to be divinely ordained for each other; "Sa'jodo," a man's or woman's affinity. † "Klamin" a pair, as of birds, generally, "a family" whether of human beings, birds or animals. اسطة تالتة الموعد قرطس Paper ( 101 ) Passage Paper Kertas (Ar.) Bâris Parade (for drill) Kawâid (Hind.) Paradise Paraffin oil قواعد فردوس میق تا نه Firdaus (Ar.) Minyak tâna Paramour Parapet Kěndak Benting Parasol Pâyong Parcel, a Bungkus Habuan Do., a (portion) Bhagian Ampun Pardon Do., to Perents Parrot Parry, to Parsimonious Parson, a Part, a Do., to (divide) Do., to (cut in two) Do. from, to Do. with, to take Partition (of a building) Partner (in trade) Mäaf (Ar.) Ampunkan Ibu bâpa Âyah bonda Bûrong nuri Menangkis Kikir Tûan Padri * Chĕrei Bhagian + Bhagikan Blahkan Běserta ‡ } Dinding Kongsi (Ch.) (Sharikat (Ar.) Pass, to (an exami- }Khatam (Ar.) nation) Do. by, to Do. through, to Do. current, to Do, a (between hills) Passage, a Lâlu Lantas Lâku }Jâlan chělah bûkit Jâlan { Lorong * Well understood to mean a Christian Minister or Priest. † See "Division." i Contracted from Ber-Serta. باريس کندق بينتغ فابوغ قا يوم محكوم بو عبور أن حكوس بهاگین امفون معاف امفونکن ايبو باف ايه بندا بورغ نوري منعكيس کیکر توان فدري بها بهاگیکن بلہکن چري بسرت د نديغ كونسي شريكة ختم لا لو لنتس لاكو جالن چله بوكية جالن لورغ §"Sudah khatam" properly means "having read the Koran from beginning to end." Passage Peace ( 102 ) Pessage a Through Do., to take (in a vessel) Passion Trûsan Měnumpang kâpal Mârah Hâti pânas Passionate Pĕmârah Tělah lâlu Past Sudah lěpas Paste (for sticking) Perkat * Pastry Juâdah těpong Tămpal Patch, a Tampong Jalan Path, a {Lorong Patient Săbĕr (Ar.) Pattern Chonto Do. (design) Chôrak Do. (model) Tělâdan Berubin + {Berbâtu ترومن منمفغ كافل ماره فانس هاتي فمارة تله لالو مده لفس فركة جواده تفرغ لمفل تمفوع جالن لورغ چنبو چورق تلادن Paved Paw (foot) Do.. Fore Pawn, to Do. (in chess) Pay, to Do. (wages) Payment Pea Peace (tranquility Do., to make (be- tween others) Do., to make (be- come friends) Kâki Tângan Kâki depan Gâdeikan Bidak Baiĕr Gâji { Blanja Baiĕran Kachang t Saga ( Sejahtra Sentôsa {Mendâmeikan } Berdâmei * Malays use boiled rice as paste. براوبين برباتو كاكي تاغن كاكي ل فن گا یکن بيدق باير گ جي بلنجا بایران کا ساء مجترا منتوما مندا ميكن بردامي Common in Singapore, but not understood elsewhere, derived from Pulau Ubin, an is- land in the old Strait, where granite is procured. f A general term for all seeds in pod. SA red bean used in weighing. Peaceful Perform ( 103 ) Peaceful Amân (Ar.) Peacock, a Pearl, a امان بورغ مرق متيارا Do., Mother-o'- Peasant, a Bûrong merak Mutiara Siput mutiara (Sans.) Räiat (Hind.) { Orang kabanyakkan Bâtu lîchin Pagut Pebble, a Peck, to Pedigree Selasilah Pedlar, a Pěnjaja Peel (rind) Kûlit Do., to Kûpaskan Peep, to Intei Peevish Manja Peg, a (fastening) Pâsak Do., a (for hanging) Penggantong Lempér Pelt, to Lotěr Pen, a Kălăm (Ar.) Do., a (for cattle) Kandang Penalty Hukum (Ar.) Pencil Patlut * سيفوت متيارا رعیت اورغ کبا پتکن با تولیچین فاگوت م السيله فنجاج كولية كوفسكن انتي منجا فاسق وتكنتوع لمفر لوتر قلم كندغ حكم Pendulum, a (of clock) Buâian jam Penetrate, to Penknife Pentateuch People Pepper Mâsok Lantas Těmbus Pisau kěchil Taurit Orang-orang Bâla Lâda Lâda china Do., Cayenne Perceive, to Do., to (descry) Perch, to (settle, of birds) Perdition Perfect Do. (complete) Perform, to (do) 1 Châbei Lihat Nampak Hinggap Jěhannam (Ar.) Semperna Gĕnap Měmbuat * Not Malay, understood in Singapore. فتلوت بواین جم ماسق لنتس تمبوس فیسو کچیل توريت بالا لاي لا د چینا چا بي لیهت نمفق هقتف جهنم سفرن گنف ممبوات Perfume ( 104 ) Petitionn با و ١٣ واقـ بارغكالي مدهمداهن بهیا کالا ماس وقتو آخر بناس روسق ماكن سمفه Perhaps Peril Period (time) Perfume Perfumed Bau-bauan Wangi Bârangkâli Mûdah-mudahan Bahia Kâla (Hind.) Mâsa Waktu (Ar.) Do. (conclusion) Âkhir (Ar.) Perish, to (come to Binâsa harm) Rôsak Do., to (die) Mâti Perjury, to commit Mâkan sumpah Permanent Tětap Ithin (Ar.) Permission Mõhun Biar Permit, to Perpetual Perplex, to Bri ithin Bri mõhun Kěkal Sĕntiâsa Kôsotkan (also Kûsutkan) Kâchaukan ماتي تنف اذن مهن بير بري اذن مسهن بري ككل سنتياس كومتكن انيا يا كن تهن اومها فارسي مه ورغ مرو سامر فلوه تناكن فوجقكن افکار ممباچ صمفر مرا جوق فرمنتان Persecute, to Aniâyakan Tâhan Persevere, to Persian Person, a Personate, to Berusǎhâ Farsi (Ar.) Sa'ôrang Měrupâkan Sâměr Perspiration Pluh Persuade, to Pûjokkan Perverse Angkara (Hind.) Pestilence Peruse, to Pestle Pet, to be in a Petition *Mortar "Lesong." Měmbâcha Sampĕr Alu * Měrâjok Permintâän Phantom Pilot ( 105 ) Phantom Hantu Pheasant, Argus Bûrong kuang هنتو بورغ كوام Philosopher Pandita (Sans.) Phlegm Dâhak Physic Ûbat Pick, to (gather Pětek Do., to (choose) Pileh Do. up, to Kutip Pûngut Pickle, to Gâramkan Pickles { Jerok ( Achar (Pers.) Picture, a Gamběr فندیت داهق اوبت فتيق فيله كوتيف فوغت ار مكن جروق چر غمبر Piebald Blăng Piece, a (bit) Sa'keping Sa'krat Do. a (as of cloth, silk) } Sa'kayu Do., to (join) Übongkan Pier, a Jěmbâtan Gerek Pierce, to Chuchok Piety Kabaktian بلغ مكفيع میکرت سكايو أو بتكن جمباتن گیریق چوچق كبقتين Pig, a Bâbi Pig-tail, a (queue) Tauchang (Ch.) Pigeon (tame) Merpâti Do. (green) Punei Do. (large) Pergam Pile, a (heap) Tămbun وني فر سلامي تمبون Pilgrim (Mahome- dan) } Haji * (Ar.) form the Pilgrimage, to per- } Naik haji }Naik نايق حجي Sâmun Pillage, to Rampas Pillar, a Tiang سامون رمفس Pillow, a Bantal Pillow-case, a Sârong bantal Pandu Pilot, a { Kataloi *The title of "Haji" is only given after the pilgrimage has been performed. بنتل ساروغ بنتل فنلو كتولوي Pimple ( 106 ) Plain T جراوست، با تو بيسول لاد فنيتي جاروم فقلة چوق مقول فيفية فیچتکن چوبتکن رندوکن انانس میره مودا بقتي فنچوران سالوران هنچوي فرومفق لوبغ دامر گال ۲۲ براوليغ بويوغ فلوبغ فولو کسیان ما يتكن تمفت گنتي بوبه مناروه لمبوت ما نيس سمفر اوسيقكن فادع پات ترغ Pimple, a Pin, a Do., a Hair Pincers Pinch, to Pine for, to Pineapple Pink Jerawat bâtu * Bisul lâda | Peniti + Jarum pengalat Chuchok-sanggul Pěnyĕpit f Pichitkan Chûbitkan Rindukan Ananas (Nanas) Merah mûda Pious Bakti (Pers.) f Panehêran # Pipe, a (conduit) | Saloran t Do., a Smoking Hunchui (Ch.) Pirate Prompak Pit, a Lubang Dâměr Pitch (resin) Gala-gila Do., to (as a ship) Berôleng Pitcher Pitfall (trap for game) Buyong Pelûbang Pith Pity Do., to Pilor Kasihan Place Do. of, In Do., to Placid (in disposi- tion) Plague (pestilence) Do., to (annoy) Plain, a (open ground) Do. (evident) Sâiangkan Tempat Ganti f Baboh Měnâroh ( Lambut Mânis Samper Usikkan Pâdang J Nyata | Trong * In the face "Jerawat," below the waist "Disul." †The English word Malayified. is open, as a trough, "Talóran" closed. + + "Panchóran Plaintiff Pliant ( 107 ) فغادو فنوده اوفاي فقت Plaintiff Dc. (accuser) Plait, to Pěngâdu Pěnûdoh Ânyam موافقت كنتم نجوم منا تم تا نمکن تنا من كبون لادغ کافور تمغل Do., to (fold) Lîpatkan Plan (design) Upria [ Pakat * Do., to Muafakat Plane, a (tool) Kětam Planet, a Nūjům (Ar.) J Ménânam Plant, to Tânamkan Plants Tanâman ( Kǎbûn Plantation Ladang Plaster (for building) Do. (medicament) Tămpal Kâpor Plate, a Do. (silver) Play, to Do., to (on a stringed instru- ment) Do., to (a reed in- strument) Do., a (a game) Do., Theatrical Player (comedian) Plead, to (in a Court) Pleasant, (to sight) Do. (to taste) Please, to Pleased Plentiful Pliant (flexible) Pinggan Bârang barang pêrak Bermain-main. Gêsek Menyup Permainan Main mayong Pran t Berbichara (Chantek Elok Sedap Bri suka Měnyukakan Sûka chita Berkenan Ritha (Ar.) Gămar hâti ! Banyak Limpah Lento' *Often used in a bad sense, as to conspire. فقكن بارغ فيرق براین ماين فرن گیسیق منيوف فرماينني بچارا جنیق ايلوق صدف بري سوك ك كن وك سوا کنن بود چین رضا گمرهاتي بايق لمفه لنتو Usually applied to the actor who plays the part of clown. Malay plays have often but four characters two male and two female; the hero and his friend the clown, the he- roine and her old nurse. Plot Pomegranate ( 108 ) Plot Plough, a Do., to Ploughshare, a Plover, a Pluck feathers, to Do. fruit, to Plug, a Plump Plunder, to Do., to (at sea) Do., Plunge in, to Păkặt Tănggala فقت تغكال تغكا لكن مات تغكال بورغ چری (Barong chorling chongle Tenggâlakan Mâta tenggâla Měnchâbut Pětek Sumbat Gěmok J Sâmun Rampas Měrompak Rampâsan Terjûn Kôchek Pocket Poem | Shaĕr (Ar.) Pantun Poet Pengarang shaĕr Poetry Shaĕr Point Újong Do. (of land) Tanjong Do. (dot) Nākta (Ar.) Do. to (a weapon) Tuju Poison Do., to (indicate) Do., to Take Tunjukkan Rachun Mâkan rachun Poisonous Bisa Poke, to Chuchok Pole, a (for a boat) Gâlah* Polecat, a Mûsang منيا بوت فتيق سومية گموق مامون رمفس مر ومفق ر مقامن ترجون کوچیق شعر فنتون فغارغ شعر شعر اوجع لنجوع لقت توجو تنجقكن را چون ماکن را چون بيسا چوچق ف إله Policeman Polish, to Mâta-mâta Châneikan ( Terchânei Polished Polite Pollute, to Poligamy Pomegranate, a * A pole generally, “Kayu, Chahia Sûpan ( Chěměrkan Nějiskan Madu Bûah dělîma موسع متماد چا نیکن ترچاني جہیا سوفن نجيد مادو بواه دلیم Pond Pot ( 109 ) لارا الجو Pond, a Ponder, to Kôlam (Sans.) Fikir (Ar.) Pony Kûda kěchil Pool, a (muddy, used by animals to Kubang { bathe in) Poor (indigent) Miskin Poppy (of opium) Bûnga mâdat Populace Räiat (Hind.) Populous Ramei Porcelain Bârang pichahan Porch Sĕrambi Porcupine Porcupine's quills Pores Landak Duri landak Liang ruma Pork Porpoise Port (harbour) Portion (share) Portrait Portuguese Eurasians Positive (certain) Dâging bâbi Lumba-lumba Lâbuhan Bhagian Gamběr Orang sĕrâni * Tentu Sungguh Berûlih Possess, to Possessions Possible Possibly Mempunyai Herta benda f Sa'balihnya Bûlih Bârangkâli Mudah-mudâhan Post, a (of wood, &c.) Tiang ( Pekerjâän Do. (office) Postpone, to Do. a case, Pegangan Gantongkan to Ask to Pot, a (earthenware) Do., a Flower Minta gantong bichâra Priok | Blanga Pasu كولم فيكر کوداکچیل كوبع مسكين بوغا مادت رعية رامي بارغ فچاهن مرمبي لندق دوري لندق ليغ روما دائيغ لمبات لا بوهن بهاگین گمبر بابي اورغ صراني تنتو سفكوه براولة ممفوياي هرت بندا سبولهن بوله بارغكالي مدهمداهن تيڅ جان فكاغن گنتو شکن منتا گنتو شکن بچارا فريوق بلاغا فاسو تكن *The name by which they are usually known in the Straits Settlements. Lit., means Christian, but in the Straits Settlements it significs Roman Catholic, Y Potato Prayer ( 110 ) Potato Ûbi * Potter, a Pěnjûnan Tukang prick فريوق Potter's clay Pouch Tânah liat (Opau (Ch.) Saku (Eng.) Do., (for cartridges) Kerpei Âyam îtek اوبي فنجونن تود تا نه ليت اوفو ماكو كرفي ايتيق ايم كاتي تمبوق مبر الو انتن تواع كفف ว اوبت بديل لومة كواس برگاس قوات گماگه فياكية چاچر کتمبوهن عادت بلاجر بياس فوجيكن فوجي اودغ سمجهية بردعا مننا وقتو سمهيش Poultry Pounce, to Pound (weight) Do. to Pounding stick Sambĕr Kati + Tumbuk f Alu Antan Pour, to Tuang Poverty Kapapäan Powder, Gun- Powdered Übat bědil Lûmat Power Kuâsa Powerful Do. (physically strong) Pox, Small- Practice (custom) Berkuasa Kuat Gâgah Penyakit châchert Katumbuhan  dat Practise, to (learn) Blâjĕr Practised (accus- Biâsa tomed to) Praise, to Pujikan Puji (Hind.) Prawn Údang Pray, to Sembaiang Do., to (that some- thing may be Berdoâ (Ar.) given) Do., to (ask for) Minta Prayer, the hour Waktu sembaiang || of ** Applied to root crops generally. The potato is usually "Ubi Benggala" as most of those used in the Straits come from Bengal. †The nearest equivalent; weighs 13 lbs. avoirdupois. In Pêrak it is called "Staur." || Mahomedans should pray five times a day, and time is often marked by these hours of prayer. They are as follows: " Sẽmbâiang Suboh” (44 to 6 A. M.); “Sẽmbâiang Thōhior' Lohor" (124 to 3 P. M.); "Sẽmbâiang Aser" (from 3 to 5 P. M.); "Sembâiang Megh- rib" (from 64 to 6 P. M.); and lastly "Sembâiang Ishar" (from 7½ P. M. to 2 A. M). or 66 Precede Preserve ( 111 ) Precede, to Precious Do. stone Precipice, a Precise (exact) Predecessor Predict, to (by sor- cery) Preface Prefer, to Do., to (choose) Pregnant Premature Do. delivery Preparation Prepare, to Presence of, In the Měndûlu Indah-indah Permâta Terjal Tertib (Ar.) Yang dulu dêripâda Bertĕnung Pe muläan Lebih sûka Pilch Hamil (Ar.) Bunting Ngandong Bângat amat Gûgoran Kasiâpan Sediakan Siapkan Hathĕrat Dihâdapan Do., to Go in- to the Present Do., At Do., Měngâdap hatherat Hâther (Ar.) Sekarang Pâda hari ini Kětika ini Hadiah (Ar.) Pěmbrian Do., a (from an Persembahan inferior) Do.. a (from a superior) Do., to (give) Presently Kernia * ( Angrahan f Měmbri Kerniâkan Angrâhkan + Sembahkan Sa banter lâgi Preserve (fruits, &c.) J Manisan Halua (Ar.) * Also used of presents from those of equal rank. †Pronounce the n & g separately and not as one letter. مندولو انده۲ فرمات ترجل ترتيب يعد هولودرفد برتنوغ فرمك لبه سوكا فیله حامل بونتيغ غندوغ باغة امت گوگوران كسيا فن سدياكن صيفكن حضرت دهدا فن مغلف حضرت حاضر سكارغ فد هاري | كتيك اين هديه این فمبرین فرسمباهن كرنيا انگراهن ممبري كر نياكن انگرهکن سمهكن ac سبنتر لاثي مانیسن حلوا Preserve Prisoner ( 112 ) Preserve, to (keep) Do.. to (protect) Simpan Lindongkan Press, to J Těkan  pitkan سمفن لندو تكر تكن افيتكن Do., a (copying, &c.) Âpitan Pretend, to Ôlok-ôlok Chantek Pretty . افیتن Bûat-bûat ا بوات ٢ اولق ٢ چنتیق Prevaricate, to Prevent, to Previous Élok Môlek Yang dûlu Pûtěr bâlik Těgahkan Prey, Beast of Binatang buas Price Herga Prick, to Chúchok Pride Sombong Priest Prime cost Do. Minister Prince Do. (heir appar- ent) Princess Principal (main) Do. (capital sum) Print (mark) Imâm * (Ar.) Pôko' Bêndahâra ( Anak raja Pětra Râja Mûda Tuan pětri Raja prempuan Âgong Modal Pôko' ( Bekas | Tanda ايلوق سوليق فوتر باليق نگهکن يغدهولو بناتغ بواس هری چوچق سو مصبوغ امام فوكوه بندهرا انق راج فترا راج مودا توان فتري راج فرمفوان اگوغ مودل Do., to Printed Prison Prisoner Do. of war Chǎpkan Terchǎp Pěnjâra Orang salah Tawanan فوكوء بكس تندا چفکن ترچف فنجارا اورغ ساله توانن *The "Imâm " leads the prayers in the mosque or elsewhere. The "Khatib" is under the "Imâm;" he is the preacher, and expounds the Korân in the mosque. The 'Bilal" is under the "Khatib" and his duty is to call the people to prayers. The "Siak" is under the "Bilal," and has charge of the mosque and performs the minor offices. Private Proof ( 113 ) : Private (apart) Sûnyi سوبي Âsing Do. (secret) Bâtin (Ar.) اميع باطن Rahsia Prize, a Prais* Probably Barangkali Probe, a Proboscis Penyungkil Bélálei Proceed, to (advance) Jâlan هسا فراءيس بارتكالي شكيل جالن فرار كن. تا و Procure, to Procession Perârakkan 1 Bri tau Proclaim, to Do., to (a Râja) Menyatakan Naubatkan † Dapat | Biros Bri | Pakerjaan Jabatan Prodigal (extrava- gant) Produce, to (yield) Profession (calling) Profit Profligate Progeny Prohibit, to Prolix Prolong, to (a speech) or writing) Promiscuous Promise, to Faidah (Ar.) | Untong Jahat Ânak chuchu Lirangkan Panjang berchakap Lanjutkan Tindi berpileh Champur baur Berjanji Do.. રી Perjanjian Promontory, a Tanjong Prompt Prone (on the face) Do. (addicted to) Pronounce, to Biasa Sebutkan Sebutan Chepat Tiarap Pronunciation Proof | Lafath (Ar.) Katrangan بري ميتاكن نوبتان دافت بوروس بري فكر جاءن جباتن فايده اننوع جهت انی چوچو لارشكن فنجع بر چاكف لنجوتكن تیاد برفیله چمفور باور برجنجي فرجنجين تنجوع چفت تيارف مبود سبوتن لفظ کتراشن * Understood in the Straits Settlements only. †“Naubat" is the great drum only use on such occasions as the proclamation, mar- riage, or death of a Ruler. Prop Prow ( 114 ) Prop, a or to Sôkong سوكونج Proper Pâtut Hârus Property Herta benda Prophet, a Proportion, In Propose, to (intend) Proprietor Prosecute, to (com- plain) Do., to (accuse) Prosecution, a Prosecutor Prosper, to Prosperity ( Mengadu { Data (Ar) Tûdohkan Aduan Pěngâdu Pěnûdoh Beruntong Daulat (Ar.) Nabî (Ar.) فالت هاروس هرت بندا Děngan sekěder تان مقدر Handak Yang ampunya نبي ل هندق يقا مغوب مقادو دعوا تودهکن ادوان فقال و فنوده | Sejahtra Prostitute j Jâlang | Sundal* (Hind.) Prostrate one's self, to Séjûd Lindongkan Melindong diri Sombong Chongkak Protect, to Protection, to Place one's self under the Proud Prove, to Proved Proverb, a Provide, to (get ready) Provident (econo- | Trangkan Nyatakan Sah (Ar.) Sudah trang Perumpămâän (Sediakan Hâthěrkan Hêmat mical) Province, a (terri- tory) Daïrah (Ar.) Jejâhan Tailok (Ar.) Provisions Provoke, to Prow Běkal Âjokkan Haluan *Procuress. برانتوغ دولت مجهترا جالع سوندل سجود لندوشکن ملندوغ ديري جو شكق ترقكن پتاکن محمده توقع ترغ فرانمان مدیا کن حاضركن قیمت بوده است دایره ججاهن تعلق بكل اجوقكن هلوان Prowess Pursue ( 115 ) گاگه كبتير گنتي والكيل | Gâgah Prowess Kabaktian Proxy (represen- tative) Ganti Wakîl (Ar.) Prudent Bijak Prune, to Chantas Pry, to Intei Psalms, the Zabûr (Ar.) Bâlir (Ar.) Meshhur Puberty Public (notorious) Publish, to (make known) Pull, to Do. out, to Do. up, to Pulley, a Pulp Nyâta ? Menyatakan Târek Chabutkan Bantun Do., to Reduce to Pulse, the Pump, a Pumpkin Lôrah Ampas Pipiskan Nadi (Sans.) Bomba (Port.) Labu mânis Pědas Seksâkan Pungent (in taste) Punish, to Punishment {Hukumkan Seksa Pupil, a (scholar) Ânak murid Do. of the eye Ânak mâta Puppy, a Ânak anjing Do., a (coxcomb) Bawa sâjak Měmbli Purchase, to Pure Do. (clear) Do. (unalloyed) Purpose, a (inten- tion) Suchi Jerneh Tiâdă berchampur Kahandak Maksud (Ar.) Hâjat (Ar.) Niat Purse Pursue, to (Opau (Ch.) Pundipundi SKějěrkan Hambatkan بيجق جنتس انتي زبور بالغ مشهور پات ميتاكن تاريق چا بوتان بنتون بورة امفس فيفسكن نادي بمبا مانيس ف مساكن لا بو فدس. حكمكن سقسا انق موريد مات انق انجيع انق باؤ سابق ممبلي سوچ جرنية تیاد بر جمهور کہندق مقصود حاجت لیت اوفو فندي کورکن همستان Push Quick ( 116 ) تو لقكن تاروه بوبه لتقكن Push, to Tôlakkan ما سقكن فاكي فاد مکن بوسق بورغ بورغ فويه گیفا مشكليتر بايق ملیسه بر سلیسه بربنته بركلاهي فماره سوكو باگن فرميسوري راج فرمفوان حیران برنتیکن فاد مكن افوسکن دهگ فواس مینم سوال فرقساکن تاپ لكس چفت باغت دراس لا جو Bûboh Târoh Put, to Do. down, to Do. in, to Letakkan Mâsokkan Do. on, to (as clothes) Pâkei Do. out, to (extin- {Pâdamkan Bûsuk guish) Putrid Quail Bûrong puyuh Quake, Earth- Gempa Do., to Měnggelitěr Quantity Banyak Quarrel (difference) Do.. to Do., to (wrangle) Do., to (fight) Sělisih Berselisih Berbantah Berklâhi Quarrelsome Quarter, a Pémârah Suku Quay Queen (consort) Do. (regent) Queer Quell, to (stop) guish) Bîgan Permisûri (Pers.) Râja prempuan Hêran Quench, to (extin-Padamkan Brentikan (Âpuskan dǎhga Do. thirst, to Question, a Puas minum Suâl Do., to Preksâkan { Tanya Quick Do. (swift) * Pronounced "Měagliter." "Dras" as a horse; “Laju” as a boat. Lēkas Chopat Bangat Dras + Laju Quickly Rainbow ( 117 ) Quickly Quicklime Dengan ségra Kâpor tobor Quicksilver Raksa Quid (of tobacco) Sepah دغن سكرا کا فور توهر رقسا سفه Diam Quiet LSînyi Do. (calm) Tědoh Do. (at peace) Sentôsa ديم سوبي تدوه سنتوسا Quietly (leisurely) Perlâhan Quill Bulu Do. pen Kălăm bulu Quilt (covering) Kain slimut Quit, to Tinggalkan فرلاهن بولو قلبم بو كانين سكيموت Quite Skâli * Quiver, to Měngliter + Do., a Terkas تغكلكن سكالي مشكليتر ترکس R Hina-dina Rabble (mob) Race, a (running) Lumba Do., a (nation) Bangsa Radiance Chahia Radish, a Lobak Raft, a Rakit Rafter, a Gělěger Rag, a Percha kain Rage Mârah Do. (of Rajas) Měrka Ragged Robak râbek Rail, a Hand- Kâyu pěmčgang Do., to (abuse) Bermâki-mâki Rain, Hûjan + Do., Heavy Hûjan lebat Do., to Hûjan Do., to Be in the Berûjan Plangi هين لمبا دين بقسا چہیا لوبق راكيد گلگو كابين ماره مرك روبق رابيق كايو فمكغ برماكي هوجن لبت هوجن هوجن برهوجن فلاغي Rainbow 46 * Quite right “Bĕtâl skâli.” + Written as pronounced. ،، + "Hûjan bubo" Scotch mist. Hujan rintek" drizzle. 46 "Hûjan rinyei" heavier than Hûjan rintek." Hujan hambat mertua" raining in short showers with dry intervals. Hujan tiada balih chelek mâta" raining cats and dogs. "Hujan batu" hail. Raise Ratify (118) Raise, to (lift) Angkatkan Do., to (set up) Měndirikan Raisins (Anggor kring اغكتكن منديريكن انگور کریغ Kismis (Pers.) Râja, a Râja Rake, a Penggâris 1 Sisir Châkerkan Do., to Sisirkan Ram, a (male sheep) Biri-biri jantan كسميس راج افكاريس چاکر میسو میسو کن بيري جنتن Do., to Rampart Ramrod, a Rancid Random Rank (row) Do., (station) Do. (in smell) Ransack, to Ransom, to Lantak Benting Plantak Bûsuk Ta'katahuan Bâris Pangkat { Mertabat Hâpak Selongker Měněbus Rap, to (tap) Kětokkan Rapacious (greedy of gain } Loba (Hind.) Rape Do., to } Rûgul Rapid (as a river } } Dras or horse) Do., a (in a stream) Do., (as a ship) Rare (precious) Rarely (seldom) Rash Rat, a Rate (price) Rather (which Jĕram Laju Indah Jârang Děngan gôpoh Tikus Herga would you Yang mâna Tûan sûka ? rather have?) Tentukan Ratify, to (confirm) Do., to (acknow- ledge) } Měngâku لنتق بنتيغ فلنتق بوسق تا کتهوان باريس فقكت مرتبت هافق سلوڅکر منبس كتوقكن لوب روگل دراس جرم الاجو انده جارغ دغن گوفه تيكوس يغمان توان سوك تنتوكن مشاكو Rattan Reason ( 119 ) Rattan Rattle, to Rôtan * S Gunchang Ravage, to Ravenous (of beasts) Do. (very hungry) Raw (uncooked) Ray, a (of light) Do. (the fish) Raze, to Razor, a Reach, to Goyang Binâsakan Buas Kabuloran Mantah Sinĕr fkan pari · Runtohkan (Pisau chûkor Rampâki + Jijak ا Do., a (of a river) Do. out the hand, to Read, to Do. the Korân, to Sampei Rantau ± Unjukkan tângan Membâcha Mengaji Sědia Siap Ready Do., Get Achi Siapkan Sediakan Real Betûl Really Sungguh Sah (Ar.) Reap, to Rear (hinder part) Do. (of an army) Do., to (as a horse) Do., to (bring up) Reason, a (cause) Do. (understand- ing) ( Ketamkan || I Mentë ( Blâkang Buritan Tûtupan Mengerjang Piâra Sěběb Fasal (Ar.) Akal (Ar.) 1 Budi روتن دونغ بنا ساكن بواس كباوران مینر ایکن فاري رنتوهكن فیسو چوکر رمفاكي جيجق سمفي رنتو انجقكن تاغن ممباچ معاجي سدي ميف امي میهن مد ياكن بتول مقدوه كتمكن منوي بالكة بوريتن توتوفن مقر فيار سبب فصل عقل بودي * There are several kinds of Rattan. the "Rôtan sega bras," the best of all: 2-Rôtan sega; "3-" Sega âyer;" 4 "Rotan batu." ا. - Jijak is only used when measuring or reaching downwards. Frequently also the reaches of a river are counted by the bends, so many "tanjong." Rantau means also district, neighbourhood. || "Sickle." Reasonable Red ( 120 ) Reasonable Pâtut Rebel, a Yang drahka فاتت يغدرهك Do., to Měmbuat drahka Rebellion Drahka Rebound, to Lunjak Rebuke, to Berall, to Recant, to Tegorkan Panggil kembâlik Munkir ممبوات درهك درهك لونجق فعَكُل تور كن كمبالي Recede, to Undor Receipt, a Resit* Receive, to Menrima Do., to (into the hands, or as a Sambut منكر اندور رمیت منریم ممبوت guest) Recent Yang bharu J Hêtong Kirakan يبها رو هيتوغ كيراكن Reckon Do., to (count) Recline, to Recognise, to Recoil, to (intransi- tive) Recollect, to Recompense, a (re- ward) Do., to (make a return) Reconcile, to Record, to (in wri- ting) Recover, to (from iliness) Do. conscious- ness, to Do., to (get back) Recreation Rectify to Recumbent Red Bilang Bâring | Chăn | Kenal } Undor Ingat Ûpah Měmbâlas Měndâmeikan } Tuliskan Semboh Âfiat (Ar.) I seděr ر Dapat kembali Permainan Betulkan Terbaring Merah Adopted in the Straits Settlements, باريع كنل اندور ايفت اوفه ممبالس مندا ميكن توليسكن سمبوه عافیت صدر دافت كمبالي فرماينن بتوان تر بازي مديرة Redeem Reign ( 121 ) Redeem, to (from pawn) } Tabuskan Reduce, to (lessen) Kûrangkan Do., to (degrade) Turunkan Reduced (as a swelling) Reed, a } Surut تبوسكن کورشکن تورنکن مدورت Bangsa riong Bangsa resam Reef, a (rock) Kârang Do., to (a sail) Klatkan Reel, to (stagger) Hoyong Refer to, to (Trans.) Anter kapâda Refined (as metal) Tersĕpoh Reflect, to (consider) Fikir (Ar.) بغسا ريوغ لقسا رسم فارغ كل شكر هو يوغ نتر کفد ترسفوه فيكر Reflection (reflec- ted object) Reform, to (in con- duct) Dɔ., to (improve) Refractory } Rûpa } Bertaubat Měmbaiki Děgil Refreshed Refuge Refund, to Seger Tempat lindongan Baier bâlik Refuse, to Regalia Regard, to (estecm) Do. to, With Regardless, to be Enggan Perkakas krâjäan Berchîta Fasul (Ar.) Tidak fědûli (Ar.) Běnûa* Region (country) L Nigri روف برتوبت ممبايقكي دگیل سگر تمفت لندوشن باير باليق اغكن فرکانس كراجان برچیتا فصل تيدق فدولي بنوا نگري Register, a Dafter (Ar.) Sâiang Regret Chinta Regular (in order) Terâtur Regulation Undang-undang Reign, to Do. (rule) krâjäan Memrentahkan دفتر مایع چنت تراتور اند ۲ م داتس تخة Bersimaiam diatas takhta ) برسما کرا جاد ممرنتهكن *** Běnûa" a continent. The Malays speak of "Benûa China," China; "Benta Kling‘ India; “ Pènûa Siam," Siam; and “Bēnûa Rum," Ancient Rome or Modern Turkey. ،، . Reins Remote ( 122 ) Reins (for driving) Relapse, to (of a Reiterate, to Reject, to Rejoice, to sick person) Relate, to Related Relation, a (con- nection) Release, to Reliance (trust) Relief (help) Relieve, to (take the place of) Ras (Hind.) Berûlang-ûlang Enggan Bersûka sûka Berûlang sakitnya Chitrakan Khabarkan Bersenak { Berserdara Kaum (Ar.) Kělurga Lepaskan Harapan Tûlong {Bantu } Ganti Agâma Berîman ر اسع ر اول ۲ اغكن برموك ٢ بر اولغ ماكيتن راكن خبركن برسنق قوم كلوركْ لفسكن هرافن تولوغ بنتو گنتي اتما برایمان واحید مسكن هارف فد تشكل مننتي باقي ليه كتاكن حیران فناور ایشت بري ايغت امفونكن نمبیاران باقي میتا مسل جاوه لام سيده Religion Religious Relish (taste) Râsa Do., to (like) Sûka Reluctant Segan Rely upon, to Hârap pâda Remain, to Tinggal Do. to (wait) Měnanti Remainder (ba- lance) Remark, to (say) Remarkable Remedy (for sickness) Remember, to Remind, to Remit, to (forgive) Remittance (pay- ment) Remnant Do. (of food) Remorse Remote (in position) Do. (in time past) Baki (Ar.) ( Labih Kâtakan Hêran Penâwěr Ingat Bri ingat Ampunkan } Pembaiĕran Baki (Ar.) Sisa Sesal Jauh Lâma sudah Remote Repudiate ( 123 ) Remote (in time to come) Remove, to (change the place) Do., (take away) Rendezvous Renegade Do., to turn Renew, to (a bond) Renounce, to (disown) Renown Rent (hire) Do., to let for Do., to (hire) Do. a monopoly, to Repair, to (mend) } Lama lagi Pindahkan S Âlihkan Bawa pergi Tempat pertemuan Orang drahka Belot Tûker sûrat Munkir Nama yang baik Sewa Sêwakan Sêwa Pegang pâjak Membaiki Repast Makanan Do. (of Rajas) Santâpan Repay, to Baier ûtang Repeat, to (say Kâtakan lagi skâli again) Berûlang kata سكالي كتاكن كانت لام لاگي فندهکن اليهكن باوا فر تمفت فرتموان اورغ درهك بيلوت توکر صورت منكو نام يعبايق سيوا كن سيوا فكَعَ فاجق مبايتكي مكانن سنتا فن باير هوتغ Repeatedly Selâlu سلالم Repel, to (drive back) Halaukan Repent Replace, to ها لوكن میسیل گنتیکن Reply, to Měnyĕsal Gantikan Menjawâb Menyaut Represent, to Do., a Report, a (rumour) Do., to Reported, It is (complain) r Jawab (Hind.) Sâhut Khabar (Ar.) Khabarkan Âdă kunun } Mengâdukan منجواب ميياوت جواب ساهوت خبر خبر کن اد کونن مقادوكن Representation, a Reproach, to Reprove, to Reptiles Repudiate, to (di- vorce) * The action of the husband. Pengaduan Měnchělâkan Âjerkan Binatang yang mělâta Bri tělâk * (Ar.) فعادوان منچلے کن الجركن بناتغ يغمالت بري طلاق If he gives "Telák Satu," or "Tělák Dûa" it is possible to take the divorcée back again, but if "Tělák Tîga" be given the matter is final, Reputation Retort ( 124 ) Reputation Request, a Do, to Nâma (Pers.) Permintäan نام رمنتان مننا ما و برکهندق تنتوت بالسكن رمفس باليق سام روفاپ صروف سمفن تغكل دودق رومه لبه سر همکن دامر با تو دگیل برد داي اوفاي حرمت سوفن فصل منتوما كسناتن يق باقي اليه برباريغ ليسه فولتكن منهن تکهکن اخرپ كفوتومن تهن بالسكر اندور موبي بالس کامین Minta Mau Require, to (want) Do., to (demand) Requite, to Berkahandak Tuntut Bâlaskan Rescue, to Rampas bâlik Resemble, to Sama rûpanya Sa'rûpa Reserve, to Simpan Reside, to Tinggal Dúdok Residence Rûmah Residue Yang lebih Sĕrahkan Resign, to (give up) Resin Resist, to Resolute (determined) Resound, to Resource Respect Dâměr batu Mělâwan Degil Bergaung Dâia upâia Hormat (Ar.) Sûpan Fasil (Ar.) ( Sentosa Respectful Respecting Rest (freedom from trouble) Do. (remainder) Do., to (repose) Restless Restore, to Kasenangan Baki (Ar.) Yang lebih Berbaring Lisah Pûlangkan Měnâhan Restrain, to Těgahkan Result { Akhirnya Kapûtusan Tâhan Retain, to (keep) { Pagang Retaliate, to Bâlaskan Retire, to Undor Retired (secluded) Sûnyi ltetort, to Bâlas kâta Retreat Rice ( 125 ) Retreat, to Return, to (go back) Do., to (give back) Do. a favour, to Reveal, to (a secret) Revenge, to (requite) Revenue Revere, to Reverence Reverse, to (com- pletely change) Do., the (quite different) Revile, to Undor { ( Bâlik Pûlang Pûlangkan Bâlaskan Membûka Bilaskan Hâsil (Ar.) Hormatkan Hormat (Ar.) } Ubalkan skali }Lain skâli Bermâki Revive, to (rouse again) } Berbangkit pula اندور باليق فولة ولذكن بالسكن ممبوكا بالسكن حاصل حرمتکن حرمت اوبهكن سكالي لاين سكالي برماكي بربغكية فول Do., to (recover consciousness) Revolt, to Revolve, to Revolution of hea- venly bodies Reward (payment) Do., (gift) } } Sadër Drahka Berpûsing Perîdaran Úpah Hadiah Rheumatism Sengal Rhinoceros, a Bâdak Rhyme Sajak Rib, a Tulang rûsok Ribbon Pita (Port.) Rice (in the ear, unhusked) } Padi Do., (husked) Bras Do., (boiled) Nasi سدر درهکا بر فوسيغ فرایداران اوفه هديه مثل Do., (oryza glutinosa) Nasi pûlut Do. nursery, a Do. field, a (wet) Do., (dry, hill padi) Smai Redeh Sawah {Bendang (Ladang Hûma بادق ساجق ولغ روسوق فيتا فادي براس ناسي نامي فولت سمي ردية ساوه بندغ لادع. هو ما Rich Ripe ( 126 ) Rich (wealthy) Do. (in taste) Kâya Lèmak كاي Riches Kakayan Riddle, a Nyirujârang Do., a (conundrum) Těkak-těki Berkuda Ride, to Měnunggang kûda Ridge (of a roof) Tûlang bumbong Rifle, a Terkûl تكق تكي بركودا منوقكع كودا تولغ بمبوع تركول لمق. ككياء پيرو جارغ Right (opposed to left) } Kanan Do., (opposed to Bĕnar wrong) } Batil Pâtut Do., (proper) Hârus Do., (true) Sungguh Tegang Rigid Tégér Rigorous Kras Bibir Rim, a { Tepi Rind Ring, a Kûlit Chinchin Krâbu کانن بنر بتول فاتت ها روس تكم تكر کراس بيبر تفي کولیت چنچین Do., an Ear- Subang Ring, a (circle) Kandang bûlat Ringleader, a Kěpâla Ring a bell, to Goyang lôcheng * Ringworm Kûrap Rinse, to (wash in water) } Basoh كرابو سوبع كندع بولت كفال كويغ لوچيغ كورف باسوه وندم Do., to (steep in water) Riot, a Ripe Do., Over Do., Un } Randam { Gěmpěr Pergâdohan Mâsak Rânum Mûda { Balam masak خمفر فرگا دوهن ماسق رازوم مود بلوم ما سق *If to pull a tell, then "Târek; " if to strike a gong of wood or metal, then "Pukŏl.” Rise Roll ( 127 ) Rise, to (get up) { Bangkit Bangun Do., to (ascend) Naik إفكيت باغون نايق Do., to (spring away) Do. (fly away) Do., to (shoot up as plants) Do., to (in price) Rival (opponent) } Lompat Terbang } Tumbuh Naik herga Lâwan (Sungei River Bâtang âyer Do., the mouth of a Kuâla Mûdik لومفت تربع تمبوه نایق هرگ لاون سو باتغ ايو کوال موديق Hilir Ânak ayer فيلر ريد عيد انق انو جالن جالن راي سوشي فقكم ر مفسكن سامونكن مر مفق رابوت چوري فيامون فرمفق فنچوري كاور با تو برویش ايون انق تيكوم تو شکن جوران تلور ـولوغ Do., to ascend a Do.. to descend a Rivulet Road, a Do., (highway) Roadstead Roar, to Roast, to Rob, to Do. (at sea) Do. (snatch) Do. (steal) Robber, a ì Anak sungei Jâlan Jalan raia Lâbuban Bertriak Panggang Rampaskan 1 Sâmunkan Měrompak Rabut Chûri Pěnyâmun Do. (pirate) Prompak (Pěnchuri Do. (thief) Kawer Rock, a Bâtu Do., to (intransitive) Bergoyang Do. a cradle, to Aiun Merchûn Rocket Rod (stick) Do., fishing Roe-deer Roe (of a fish) Roll up, to Anak tikus Tongkat Joran Kijang Tělor îkan Gulong Roll Rubbish ( 128 ) Roll, along, to Do. to (wind) DJ., to (as a ship) Dɔ, Roller, a Do., (waves after a storm) Roof, a Do. of the mouth Book, a (crow) Room, (space) Do., a Gûling Lîlitkan f Berôleng {Gerek Gôlek Penggiling } Alun Bumbong Bûrong gâgak Tempat Bilek Langit-langit mûlut گولیـ ليليتكـ اوليغ گولیق فعكيليغ الون بومبوغ لاقیت ۲ مولت بورغ گاگق تمفر بيلق لواس اکر اصل اكر تالي اروس بو غاروه بوغا ماور ير ماور ایر برگنتي ٢ بوسق بوروق کا مسو کاسف كليلغ بولت بونتو ممتعكيتكن باغونكن گرمکن باريس فرگادوهن بردا يوغ گوسفکن سمفه Roomy Luas Root, a Âker Do. (origin) Do., to take Âsal (Ar.) Berâkĕr Rope Rose, a Do. water Tâli Bûnga rôs* Bûnga mawer Âyer mawěr Rotation, In Berganti ganti Rotten (foul) Bûsuk Do. (decayed, worn out) } Bîrok Rough Round Do. (circular) Rouse, to (stir up) Do., to (waken) Row (rank) Kâser 1 Kâsap Keliling Bûlat Bunter Měmbangkitkan Bangunkan Grakkan Bâris Pergâdohan Do. (disturbance) Do., to Berdâiung Royal Raja ở Rub, to Gosokkan Rubbish Sampah English Malayified, understood in the Straits Settlements. †Viz., of Royal birth, "Bangsa Râja." Ruby Safe ( 129 ) Bâtu dělima Ruby, a Rudder, a Rude (unmanner- ly) Ruffian Ruffic, to Ruin, to Yäkut (Ar.) Kamûdi (Kasĕr Kûrang bhâsa Orang jahat ( Kâchaukan Rônyeh Binâsakan Do., to (demolish) Rule (Government) Do., to Do., a (regulation) Do., a (measure) Rumour, a Run, to Do. against, to (charge) Do. (collide) Do. away with, to Rush, a (plant) Runtolkan Prentâhan Měmrental Hukum Ukuran Khabar (Ar.) (Ar.) Lari ( Rempoh Terkam Terantok Mělârikan ( Rantek Kĕrchut Do., to Terkam Rusty Kârat Do., to become Berkârat Rut, a (wheel track) Běkas rôda Sack, a Sacred S Kârong Saku (Port.) Goni (Hind.) Kudus (Ar.) Sacrifice, to Kõrbankan (slaughter) Semblehkan* Dûka chita (Hind.) Sad Mûram Jin (Hind.) Saddle, a Plâna Salâmat Safe, safety Sejahtra * See "Kill." The "b" in "Sẽmblehkan " is silent. با تو دليما يعقوت كمودي کامو كورغ بهاس اورغ جهت كن توکن روبيه بنا سكن رنت وهكن فرنتاهن ممرنته حكم او كوران خبر لاري رموه ـرنتوق ملاويكن رنتيق چوت کارت بركارت بكس رودا كاروغ ساكو گوني قدوس قربانكن سمبلیکن دوك مودم جن فالن ملامت مچترا ? Saffron ( 130 ) Sample Saffron Sagacious Kunyit Bijak Ârif (Ar.) Cherdek Akal Sagacity Budi Sago Sagu Sail, a Layer Do., to Berlayer Do., Fore- Trinket (Port.) Do., Main- Do., Mizzen- Do., Top- Sail, halyard Layer agong Layer pěnyürong Klät Gawei (Port.) Sailor, a Anak prau Salad oil, Minyak selâda Salary Gâji Sale, a Jûalan Do., (by auction) Lêlong (Port.) Saline Masin Lûdah Saliva Âyer lior Sallow Pûchat Salt Gâram Saltpetro کوپیت ليجق عارف چردیق : عقل بودي ستاشو لاير لاير شکیت لایر اگوغ لاير فيوروغ شاوي كلت انق فراهو ميق سلادا گا دي جوالي ليلوغ مامين لوده ایرلیور فوجة .گارم سند اوا سلام سلامة برجمها تابق بري سلام سمبو دغن مر. Sěndawa Salâm (Ar.) Salamat berjumpa * Tabek + Bri salâm سلامة دالم شرگ Salamat didalam shurga Salutation, a Do., (when meet- ing) Salute, to Do., to (with guns) Salvation Salver, a (of metal) Do., a (of wood) Same, The (alike) Do., It's all the Sambut dengan meriam Sâma Tâlam Dûlang Sâma juga Do. as this, The Sâma dengan ini. Sa'rûpa ini (Chonto Sample Achuan تالم دولغ سام سام جو غن این سام دغن معروف چنتو اچوان اين * See "Farewell." + Not Malay, but in common use in the Straits Settlements and in some of the Native States. 7% Sanction ( 131 ) Save 1 Sanction, to (approve) Benarkan Sand Pasir Sandbank, a Běting Sandfly, a  gas Sandal-wood Kâyu chĕndâna Sandals Cherpu * Do., (wooden) Trompa Sap Getah Sapphire Bâtu nîlam Sarcasm Perkatâän sindir Sârong (national dress) Kain sârong † shoulder) Sash (round the Do., (round the waist) Pemblêt pinggang } Kain slendang Satan Satiated Do, (assuaged) Satin Satirical Iblis Kennyang Puas Kain siten + Sindir Satisfaction (return) Do. (content) Satisfied Do. (with food) Satisfy, to Saturday Sauce Hapus luat Hâri sabtu Kuah Piring Ganti Kasenangan Puas hâti Kennyang Puaskan hâti i Saucer, a Saucy Savage Do. (untamed) Nâkal Buas Liar بنركن فاسير بتيغ اكس کایو چندان چرفو ترومفا گفته با تونیلم فرکتان سندیر کاین ساروغ کاین سلند فمبلية فقكع ابليس کنيع فواس کاین میتین سندیر گنتی كسناغن فواص هاتی لوات ها فوس كنية فواسكن هاتي هاري سبة گواه فيريغ ناكل بواس ليو سلامتكن Save from, to (danger) Salâmatkan * Leather shoes made in Palembang with a peg to hold the toes are called “Chapel Palembang. 19 †The "sarong" is either of silk or cotton or a mixture of the two. Of cotton "sarongs," the most valued come from the Celebes and are known as " Kain Sarong Bugis." Java produces the painted cotton sarongs so much admired by Malays; they are called "Kain Batek.' ,, A commoner sort of cotton sarong is the "Sarong Plekat " of the Coromandel Coast. Of silk sarongs, some of the finest are the "Kain Mastoli" of Singapore," Kain Sangkit" (silk and gold thread) of Penang and Borneo, and the sarongs of Palembang, Batu Bara and Mentoh in Sumatra. On the East coast of the Peninsula, Trengganu, Pahang, and Kelantan produce a large number of silk sarongs, and scarfs. If the sarong is in one piece, it is called "Sa'lêrang; " but if it has to be joined in its length, it is called "Berkampoh," and is not so much valued as the "Kain Sa'lêrang." If the colours of the fabric are dyed fast, it is called "Malau Kopi:" if the dye is indiffer- ent, "Malau Lechi." # Adopted and understood. Save Scented ( 132 ) سمفن لندو عكر ترلفس سلامت هیمت هاپ ملينكن صدف گرگا جي ها بود كايو Save, to (reserve) Do., to (protect) Saved (from dan- ger) Saving (frugal) Do. (except) Savoury Saw, a Do., to Sawdust Say, to Simpan Lindongkan ( Terlepas Salâmat Hêmat (Hanya Melainkan Sĕdap } Gergaji (Hâboh kâyu Tahi gergaji Kâtakan Berkâta تاهي گرد کیا یعنی وجدا كنتاكن بركات برسید یایت فركتان كروفيغ ساروغ فدم فراغ لپورکن ميسق تمباخن دا چيغ فتنة اوفت فارودت جارغ دافت محجوت فاچو کاین سلند میره توا همبور تا بود چري بري و باون Bersabda Do., That is to Saying, a Ia-itu * Perkatâän Scab, a (on healing sore) } Kriping Scabbard, a Sârong pedang Scaffolding Prágang Scald, to Lěchorkan Scale (of a fish) Sisek Timbangan Scales (for weighing) Do. (steelyard) Scandal Scar Scarce Scare, to (frighten) Scarecrow, a (to frighten birds) Dâching Fitěnah (Ar.) Upat Parut Jarang dapat Mengajut } Pachau Scarf Scarlet Kain slendang Mêrah tûa (Hambor Scatter, to fabor + Scattered (dispersed) Cherei bĕrei Scent Bau-bauan Scented Wangi * See "Namely." + Used of sowing seed, feeding fowle, &c.; "Hambor" where more force is used. nâbor" is more common than "Tabor." "Me- Scheme Screen ( 133 ) Scheme, a (contri- vance) Do. (intention) Scholar, a (learner) Do. (learned person) School Schoolboy Do. (in a Ma- lay school) Schoolmaster Science Scissors Do. (for cutting betel-nut) Scold, to Scorch, to Score, a (mark) Do., a (twenty) Do., to (mark) Scorpion, a } Upaia { Niat Pandita (Sans.) Âlim (Ar.) Bandersah (Pers.) Skôlah * Maksûd (Ar.) Ânak mŭrîd (Ar.) Bûdak yang blâjčr Bûdak skôlah } Bidak mangaji Tuan gura Elmu (Ar.) Gunting Kelâti Kâchit (Jav.) Mârahkan Gâringkan Gâris Sa'kodi Gâriskan Kâlajinking اوفاي نية مقصود انق مريد فندية عالم بندرمه سكوله بودق يغ بلاجر بودق منگوله بودق معاجي توان گورو عام كلاتي کا چیه مارشكن كاريتكن گاریس سكودي گاریسکین كال جنكيڅ Scour, to (wash and } Basoh clean) Scout, a Kâkap Do., to Mengakap Scrap, a { (Sa'kråt Sa'keping Gârukan Scrape, to Kûkorkan Do., to (grate) Scraper, a (grater) Kikiskan Kûkoran Scratch, to (claw) Châkěr Scream, to Bertriak Têrei + Screen, a Tâbir Adang-adang † *The English word Malayified and understood in the Straits Settlements. "Terci" and " Tabir are screens of hanging cloth. باسوه گاروکنم كو كوركن كيكسكن كوكوران برتريق تيري نابير اد غ م Screw Seduce ( 134 ) Screw, a Scrub, to Pěler îtek Pâku skru * Gôsok Preksakan Scrutinize, to Sidik Scuffle (affray) Klâhĩan Scum (froth) Buhi Scurf Kǎlĕmûmor Scythe, a Sâbit Sea, the Laut Sea-shore Pantci Sea-sick Sea-water Sea-weed Seal, a (signet) { Do., to Sealing-wax Mâbok laut Âyer laut Ayer masin Âgĕr-âgér ( Mětrên Chăp Bûboh mětrĉi Těkan chặp Lak + (Hind.) Jaitan Orang laut Seam, a Seaman Search, to Měnchâri Do., to (examine) Preksa Season (of the year) Musim Seat Tempat dûdok Do., to Take a, Second, the; Secondly Dûdok Yang kadûa Second, a Säat + Secret, a Rahsia Secretly Dengan sembunyi Section, a (of a subject) Fasăl (Ar.) Salâmat Secure (safe) Security (bail) Sějahtra Jamin Sediment Tahi Sedition Drahka Seduce, to (lead astray) Měnyĕsatkan فلير ايتق فاكو سكرو گوسق فرقساکن سيديق کال هین بوهي كلمومر سابیت لاوت فنتي ما بوق لاوت ايرلاوت ایر ماسین اگر ۲ متري چف بوبه متري چف لاك جا يتن اورغ لاوت منچاري فرقسا موسیم تمفة دودق دودق يتكدوا ساعت رهسيا دغن سمبولي فصل سالمت * The English word Malayified and understood in the Straits Settlements. | Sound the K. Vide" Instant." مجهترا جامين تاهي درهك میستکن Seduce Šnsuat (135) Seduce, to (deflower) Rûgul See, to Seed (of grain, &c.) {Biji Do., to Sow Seek, to Seemingly Lihat * Běnih Menâbor Měnchâri Râsanya Rûpanya Seine, a (net) Seize, to (catch) Pûkat Měnangkap Do., to (hold) Pegangkan Seldom Jârang Select, to Pilehkan Selected Yang sudah di pîleh Diri + Self Sendiri Selfish Loba Jual Sell, to Berjual Semicircle, a Lengkong t Bento' ( Kîrimkan Send, to Do. for, to Senior, the Sensation, a Měngantĕr Panggil Yang tua Râsanya Sense (of feeling, Râsa taste, &c.) Do. (intellect) Akal (Ar.) Senseless (in a swoon) Pengsan Do. (unconscious) Do. (stupid) Ta'sěděr Bĕbal Bôdoh Sensible Bijak Berbûdi Berâkal Sensual Berîngin Bernafsu روگل لبهت بنيه بيجي منا بور منچاري ر اسناپ روفاپ فوکت منعكف فكفكن جارع فیلهکن يغسده دفيله ديري منديري لوبا جوال جوال لحكوم. ـنتو کیریمکن مغنتر فغكيل يغنوا راساپ راس عقل فقسن تا سدر بيل بوده بيجق بربودي برعقل برايغين برنفسو * Vide "Look.' ،، + Diri" is placed before and "sendiri" after the pronoun; thus "I myself" is either “diriku" (diri aku) or “ aku sendiri.” + Lit., "arch.' " Sentence Several ( 136 ) = Sentence (order) Do. (phrase) Sentinel Separate, to Do., to (divide) Do., to (set aside) Separately Sepulchre Sequel, the Serious Aiat Hukum (Ar.) Orang jaga Pengawal Chĕreikan Blahkan Âsingkan Mâsing-masing Kubor (Ar.) Âkhirnya ايات اورغ جاگ فقَاول جريان بلهكن اسيتكن ما سيخ ٢ قبور اخرب مورم برت بودق اورغ من جي قن كتولو برگون قن موسن سفرغةو بوبهكن مناره کارشکن برتاته تودن فامع جرت اسيتكن لتقكن مغاتور اجوقكن برا چتوا مندیریکن منديري مسلسیکن تنتوكن فوتسكن توجه صدیکیت دوا تيك انيك Do. (important) Mûram Brăt Servant (with Malays) Bûdak Europeans) Do., (with ( Orang Orang gâji Serve, to (work for) Berkerja dengan Katulongan Bergûna Sa'sûsun Service (assistance) Serviceable Set, a (of boxes, dishes, &c.) Do., a (of buttons) Do., to Do., to (as jewels) Do., to (as the sun) Do., a trap, to Do. apart, to Do. down, to Do. in order, to Do. on, to (incite) Do. out, to (start) Do. out, to (state) Do. up, to (erect) Settle, to (adjust) Do., to (confirm) Do., to (decide) Seven Several Do., kinds Sa'pranggu Bûbohkan Měnâroh { Kârangkan Bertâtah Tûrun Pâsang jěrat Âsingkan Lětakkan Měngâtur Ajokkan Berangkat Chitrakan Mendirikan Sělčseikan Těntukan Pâtuskan Tûjoh Sĕdîkit Dûa tîga Anîka Severally Sharpen ( 137 ) Severe (harsh) Sew, to Shabby (in dress) Do. (niggardly) Mâsing-masing Kras Měnjait Severally ما صديق ٢ کراس منجاهية Pakâien bûrok Kikir Shackles Rantei kangkang Shade Tědoh Do. one's self, to Bernaöng فكاين كيكر نکاین بورق رنتي كقكع تدون Shadow, a Baiang Shaft (of weapon, &c.) Bâtang Do. (of carriage) Bom * Shaggy Shake, to (Trans.) Do., to (with fear) Do. hands, to Berbulu بوناوغ بايع باتغ بوم گويڅکر مشكلتر جابة تا تاغن لوشگر باو بوله ننتي توهر جفکت جيتيق بوات ٢ مالو کور مالو فافن روف سيكف باغون بهاگین قبوان بر بها بها گیکن ایکن یو تاجم مامهم چردیق تا جمکن 2 اسكن Goyangkan Měnggèliter Jâbat tângan Longger Shaky (loose) Shall Renggang Mau Bûlih Nanti Tŏhor Shallow Jangkat Chêtek Sham, to (feign) Bûat-buat Shame Mâlu Kûrang mâlu Shameless Mûka pâpan Rûpa Shape Sikap Bangun Share, a Bhagian Habuan Share, to Shark, a Berbhagi-bhagi Bhagikan Ikan yu Sharp Tâjam Do. (acid) Mâsam Do. (cunning) Chĕrdek Sharpen, to (Tajamkan Asahkan * Not Malay, but understood. Sharpen Shift ( 138 ) Sharpen, to (point) Shave, to Shaver, a (barber) Ranchongkan Chûkor Tukang chûkor رنچو تجو تمكن Menangis Dia She \Îa Shear, to Menggunting Shears Gunting besar Sheath Sârong * Sheathe, to Sârongkan Shed, a Bangsal Do., a (smaller) Do. (lean-to) Do, to (as leaves) Do. tears, to Sheep Sheet, a (covering) Do., a (of paper) Shelf, a Shell, a (concha) Do. (rind) Do. of a nut Pondok Sâpor Mělurohkan Biri-biri Kain slimut Sa'hělê Pâpan gantong Siput Kûlit Tempurong Do., a (for cannon) Prîok âpi Těmpat mělindong Shelter, a Tempat bernâöng Jamba Do., a (from sun Tědoh or wind) Shelter, to (protect) Do., to take Lindongkant Mělindong diri Bernaöng Shepherd Shew, to Gĕmbâla Tunjukkan Prisei Shield, a Shift, to (change) Do., to (move) Do., to change clothes) ، Gantikant Alihkan+ Pindahkan+ Salin kain توكع چوکو دي كونتيغ گونتیغ بسر ماروغ مار و شكن بغسل فندوق سافور ماورهكن مناعيس بيري ٣ سليموت مهلي فافن گنتوغ سيفوت کولیت تمفوروغ فريق افي تمفت ملندوغ تمفت برناوغ تدوه لندونكن ملندوغ ديري برناوغ كَمبال تنجوقكن فريسي گنتیگن اليهكن فندهکن مالین کاین * The Sarong kris" or kris-sheath is of wood and in three parts: a broad cross-piece nearest the hilt called the " Sampir," usually of Kamuning or some other ornamental wood; then the Batang" or straight piece covering the blade, and this part is commonly of Senna wood; lastly the "Buntut," or end piece closing the end of the sheath, of ivory, ebony, &c. If "the Sarong" is covered with gold it is called " Trapang." † All transitive. Shin-bone Short ( 139 ) Shin-bone Shine, to Shining Ship, a Do., a Sailing Do., a (steamer) Do., of war Shipwreck, a Shirt, a Tulang kring Berchahia Chahia | Kilat Kâpal Kâpal lâyer تولغ كريغ برچھیا چہیا کیلت ( Kapal api (Penyuap Kâpal prang Kâpal pichah کافل فچه کافل کافل لاير كافل افي فياوف کافل فرغ Kamêja (Port.) کمیجا Do., an Under- Banian * Shiver, to Měngliter Shoal, a (sand) Běting Do., a (rock) Kârang Shock, a (concussion) Gěgak Spatu (Port.) Shoe, a Kasut با نین مغلتو بتي تاریخ گگق سفاتو کاموت Kaus (Ar) Do., a Horse- Spatu kuda Bisi k da Do, to (a horse) Pukŏl běsi Pâsang کاومیر صفاتو كود بسي گودا فوكل بسي فاسع كودا Shoot, to (with fire- arm) Bědil Mělětup بديل ملتوف Měnimbak Do., to (with blowpipe) Sumpit Do., to (with a bow) Berpanah منمبق سومقیت برفانه Do., to (as a plant) Bertumbuh Do., a (from a branch) Pûchok بر تمبوه فوچق كلي Shop, a Kědei Do., to Keep a Berkĕdei Shore, the (of the (Pantei sea) Těpi laut to water) Do. (land opposed {Dârat Do., a (prop) Sôkong Short Pendek Short (wanting) Kûrang + Guzarati, adpoted and understood in the Straits, بركتي تفي فتي الاوت دارت سوكوغ فنديق كورغ Short ( 140 ) Sickness جالن مفکت جالن تروس ترومن دس فيلورو فنا بود کا چغ ۲ باو برسورق تريق لق سوروغ فرتنجوان اوجن مشوكر چرديق فندي برتريق پاریخ اودع غري کیات کفن تمبيرغ فوكوم تأوهكن ديري درفد توتفكن كاتوفكن کنچوف تورق مالو ساکیت گریغ عذر ساکیت تروق مونته فياكية Short cut, a Do. (by water) Shot, a (from a gun) Do. (ball, bullet) S Jalan singkat Jalan trus Trusan Dis Pělûru Do., Small Shoulder, the Bau Shout, to (Penâbur Kâchang-kâchang Bersôrak Bertriak Do., to (call) Shove, to Show, a (exhibition) Shower, a (rain) Loung Tôlak Sorong Újan * Shred, to Shrewd Shriek, to Shrill Shrimp, a Pertunju’an Měngûkor (Chĕrdek Pandei Bertriak Nyaring Údang Shrink, to [of people] Ngri Do., [of things] Kiet Shroud, a [for a corpse] Kăfăn (Ar.) Do. [rigging] Shrub, a Shuffle, to [cards] Tămberang Pôko' Chinchang Jauhkan diri dêri- Shun, to Shut, to pâda S Tûtupkan Kâtupkan Do, to (as a flower) Kenchup Shuttle (in weaving) Torak Shy Mâlu Sick Sâkit Do., (of a Raja) S Gring Uzor (Ar.) Do., Dangerously Do., to be (vomit) Sickness * See “ Itain," Sakit trok Muntah Pěnyakit Sickle ( 141 ) Silk-worm Pěngětam Sâbit Pênûë Sa'blah وختم صابیت ي سبله سبله مهیا فيهق تفي سا گي سبله میبله ميروغ ايقكن مغلوة فمندان كابور مات تاجم تندا علامت تاروه تندا تاغى. تندا تاغن هرتي تین بها مسن ديم سولي Sickle Side, a Do., My Do., a (party) Do., the (edge, Sa'blah sahya Pêhak Tépi border) Do. (of a geome- tric figure) } Sagi Sides, Both Sideways Sa'blah menyăblah Strong Sieve, a Do. to put thro' a Sigh, to Sight Sighted, Dim } Aiakkan f Mengǎloh Pemandangan Kâbor Do., Sharp- Mâta tâjam (Tanda Sign, a (signal) Do., to Signature Alâmat (Ar.) Târoh tanda tângan Tanda tângan Signify, to Herti Signification, the Hertinya (meaning) Bhâsanya Silent Diam Do., (still) Sûnyi Diam Sutra (Hind.) Kain sŭtra Benang sŭtra Silent, Be Silk Do., (in the piece) Silk-thread Silk-worm, a Do., Cccoon of tlie Ûlat sŭtra Endong sutra ديم مترا کاین مترا بنغ سترا اولت سترا ايندوغ سترا * There are three instruments with which the padi is cut, one the "Pengetam," a knife edge on a thin piece of board with a bamboo in it to give purchase. This instrument is used by the women with much dexterity, but as only one stalk at a time is cut the work is slow. "Sabit" is a sickle, and is commonly used by Chinese in reaping. Malay men reap with the "Tue" or "Penue (either name is used),a stick about two feet long with a sharp hook at the end like a gaff. With this instrument one" Perdu" or root (about 10 stalks) is cut at a time. † "Pengaiak" is also used for a sieve," but though more correct is not so common as "aiakkan," Silly ( 142 ) Size Bôdoh Pêrak Silly Silver Similar Simple (easy) Do. [foolish] { Seperti Sa'rûpa Senang Bôdoh { Bingong Simply Sin Since Since leaving Do., Long Sinew, a Sing, to Singe, to Sěhâja Dosa { Sa'minjak Dêripada waktu Sa' peninggal Lâma sudah Ûrat Měnyânyi Hanguskan Gâringkan Tunggal Single (sole) Do. (unmarried) Bûjang Do. out, to { Pilehkan (choose) Singly Singular (curious) Sink, to Do., to (of a vessel) Sip, to Sir Sirop Sister Do., Elder Do., Younger Do. in-law Sit, to Do., to (in a chair) Do., to (squat as Sâtu-sâtu Heran * Těngglam Kâram Měngîrup Tûan { Ayer strup + Sudâra prěmpûan ‡ Kâkak Âdik prempuan Îpěr prěmpûan Dûdok Dûdok âtas krusi } Didok bersila Malays) Six Size Ânam Běsarnya بوده فيرق سفرت معروف مہ:ـ بوده بيقوغ منهاج دوس سمنجق درفد وقت سفنغگل لام سده ورت پی عو مسكن بوج كاريڅكن توغكّل وجع فیلهكن مساتون تتكلم کارم مغيروف توان اير متروف شربت مود را فرمفوان كاكق ادیق فرمفوان ایفر فرمفوان دودق دودق اتس كرمي دودق برسیلا انم بسري ،، Arabic, properly pronounced “Hairan," See “ Extraordinary Well understood by Malays. European sirops are a favorite beverage. Hardly ever used, the two following words being almost invariablyused to express this relationship. Skate Sting ( 143 ) Skate, a (fish) Skein, a Îkan pari Tûkal Do., a (small) Skeleton, a Klingking Rangka ایکن كل رشكا فاري Skill Skin Do., to Kapandian کفندین Kûlit Kûpaskan Skirt (sârong) Skull, a Sky, the Kain sârong * Tengkorak Slack Slacken, to Langit Kěndor کولیت كاين کو فروغ تفکورق لاغية Kěndorkan Slander, to Slanting Slap, to (in anger) Do., to (pat) Slash, to (cut) Slate, a (for wri- ting) Slaughter, to (kill) Do., to (cattle for food) Slave, a Sleek Sleep, to Do., to (of Rajas) Sleepy Papan bâtu Lauh bâtu Bûnoh Mengâmok t {Semblehkan Banteikan Hamba Těmbun Tidor Bûat fitĕnah diatas Sêrong Tămpěr کندور کندورکن بوات فتنه داتس سيروغ Těpok Chinchangkan تمفر تفوق چنچنه فافن با تو لوح باتو بونه مغامبو Berâdu سمبلهکن بنتیکن همب تمبون تيدور برادو. مغنتو Sleeve of a coat Slender Slice Slight, a Do., to Slily Slimy Do., to * See "Sarong," Mčnganto' Tângan bâju Ramping {Sa ( Sa'potong Sa 'keping Aib (Ar.) Aibkan Tiâdă indahkan Churi-churi Lendêr Sling, a (for throwing) Ali-ali Měngâli غن باج تاغن رمفيـ سفوتغ سكفيع عايب عا يبكن تیاد اندھکن چوري ۲ لندير الى ٢ مقالي † To make a furious assault and kill indiscriminately. To make a night attack on a house for revenge or plunder is often spoken of as " Mengamok rumah. Slip Snake (144) Slip, to Gělinchir Do. between, to Slipper, a Sisipkan Cherpu * Slippery Lichin Sloth, the Slovenly Slow Slowly Kongkang Tiada chěrmat Lambat Perlahan گلنچر سيسفكن چرفو بچن جرمت تیاد لميت لاهر اير Sluice Sly Tâli âyer Dâia Chĕrdek Smack, to (as the lips) Kěchap Smash, to Smear, to Smeared Smell, a Small Kěchil Small-pox Smart, to (pain) Pěnyakit châcher Pědih Do. (finely dressed) Smart in repartee } Kachak Pandei menjawab Pichah hanchor Lûmorkan Terlûmor Bau Do., to (scent) Měnchium Lěborkan Smelt, to 1 Piput Smile, to Sinyum Smith, Black- Tûkang běsi Do., Gold- Smoke Do., to with a pipe Smooth Smother, to Lichin Tûkang mas Âsap Měngîsap Snail, a (sea) Do., a (fresh water) Do., a (land) Snake, a Lěmaskan Ûnam Klěmboi Siput dârat Ûler Do., a Hooded (co-Ûler tedong bra di capello) * Sanskrit. Native slippers of leather. داي چرديق كچف کچیل چاچر فياكية جا فديه کا چق فندي منجواب نچه هنچور تركومر باو منچيوم لبوركين فوفت میوم توكع بسي امس اسف مقيسف لیچین لمسكن اونم كلمبوي سيفوت دارت اولر اولر تدوغ † Usually applied to the smoking of opium. To smoke a cigar or pipe, "Isap cherut' Isap hunchui." Malays smoke cigarettes of tobacco rolled in nipah leaf, which are called "Ruko'." Snake Solder ( 145 ) Snake (the ophio- phagus elaps) Úler tědong selar Snap, to (break) Patah Snare, a (gin) Jĕrat Do., to Měnjeratkan Snarl, to (as a dog) Měndring Snatch. to Rabut Sneer, to Sindir Sneeze, to Bersin Snipe, a Bûrong berkek Tětîrok Snore, to Ngroh Děngkor Snout Munchong Snow Thalj (Ar.) Snuff Tembakau hidong Guntingkan Do., to (a candle) So (in such a man- ner) Do., (therefore) Do. many Do. and so Do. that Soak, to Dimikian {Bagitu Sebeb itu Sa'kian Anu Sepaya Rendam Soap Sabun * (Port.) Soar, to Milayang Sob, to Sĕdû Sober (temperate) Yang tidak minum Society, a { (Jěmäah (Ar.) Kongsi (Ch.) Sofa Kauchi (Eng. Couch) Soft Softly Soil (earth) Lembut Perlahan Tânah Do., to Sojourn, to (with- out fixed abode) { Chěměrkan Kôtorkan Měnumpang Pitri Solder † Adopted. Understood in the Straits Settlements only. : Adopted and understood in most places. اولر تدوغ سلر فاته جرت منجر تكن مندريق رابوت سنديو برسين بورغ بركيق تتيروق غروه دشكور منجوع ثلج تمباكو هيدوغ گونتیکن لمكين بكيتو ايت سكين اذو سقاي وندم مابون ملايغ صد و يغ تيدق مينم جماعه كوغسي کو لمبوت فرلاهن تا نه کن جمر كوتركني منمفع فتري Soldier Sorts ( 146 ) Soldier Sole of the foot Solid Do. (firm) Ashker (Ar.) Soldado (Port.) Spahi Tapak kaki Berisi Tegap Băkû Tunggal Do., (lonely) Sûnyi Sedikit Sa'orang Do. (congealed) Solitary (single) Some (a little) Some one Something Sometimes Son, a Son-in-law Sâtu âpa Kadang-kadang Anak jantan ( Anak laki-laki Měnantu عشکر ملدادو مفاهیمی کی تافق برايسي تكف يكو توغل سوبي سد یکیت سورغ اف ساتو ا کادغ ٢ انق جنتن انق لاكي مننتو انق تيري راگ لاگو سبنتر لكس لاثي دغن سكّرا فارا ارغ عن Son, Step- Ânak tiri Râgam (Sans.) Song 1 Lagu Soon (in a moment) Sa'bantir lagi Do., (quickly) J Lěkas Dengan segra Soot Arang para Sooth, to Pûjokkan Sorcerer Pawang Sore Sâkit Do. (smarting) Pědih Kasûsahan Sorrow Perchintäan Susah hâti Sorry Dûka chita (Hind.) Sort, a Do., to (arrange) Do., to (separate) Sorts, different * Jěnis + Mâcham Měngâtur Âsingkan Berbagei-bagei Berjenis-jenis فوجقكن فاوغ ساكيد فديه كس وساهين فرچنتا سوسه هاتي دوك چیت می مناچم مقاتور اسيكن برباگي٢ بر جنیس ۲ Pawang" is a clever person whose services are called in when it is thought that the practise of a little magic will end in securing the desired result-a" medicine man." t Arabis Jing; Latin Genus. + Sovereign (147) Spark يقدفرتوان يقداتس تخت كرا جانا يخ ممرنتهكن جيوا بواي بربوبي بواغ فروم بتول فروم لأدوغ كواة صوف باسي ما هستم اصل مات ایر ملتن سالتن Sovereign, a (ruler) Yang di pertûan Yang diatas takhta krâjäan Yang memrentahkan Soul, the Sound, a Jiwa Bunyi Do., to (intransitive) Do., to (try the depth) Berbunyi Bûang prum Do. (in a good or- Batil der) Sounding-lead Soup Sour (turned) Prum (Port.) Ladong Kuah Sûp ** Basi Do. (acid) Source (origin) Do. (of a stream) South Do., From the Do.. To the South-east Mâsam Âsal (Ar.) Mâta âyer Sělâtan Dêri selatan Ka'sčlâtan Bârat laut South-west Bârat dâia Space Spacious Sow, a Do., to (as grain) Bâbi bětina Měnâbor Tempat Lapang Luas Penggâli Spade, a { Chop + Spain Negri Spanyol Span, a Sa'jengkal t Spangle, a (orna- J Jěmki ment) Klip-klip Orang Spanyol Bâgi Lepaskan Bûnga àpi Spaniard, a Spare, to (give) Do., to (let go) Spark, a (of fire) * Understood in the Straits. † See "Hoe." دري كسلاتن بارت لاوت بارت داي بابی بتین منا بود تمفت لوامر فقدالي حروف صفاپول نگریل كليف م اورغ سفاپول باكي بوغا ور في Measured from the end of the thumb to the end of the middle finger. Two " Jengkal make 1 Hastn, the length from the elbow joint to the end of the middle finger; and "Hasta "make 1" Depa, or fathom. Sparkle Spin ( 148 ) Sparkle, to Sparrow, a Spasm Ranggut { Balchahiami lang Bûrong pîpit گیلغ كميلغ برچھیا بورغ فيفيت رغوت Do. (of the Sĕnak stomach) Spatter, to Perchekkan Spawn Tělor Kâta Speak, to Berchâkap Bertûtor Spear, a Lembing Tombak Do., a (of wood) Seligi Tikam سليكي تیکم سبو تكن مسنق فريقكن تلور كات بر چاکف برتوتر لمبيع تومبق چونتو برنتيق مات جرمين بهامر كنتا فر ن تا تا و بركاة لاكي لكس در اس ان كال جوا عزیمت ایجا بلنجاكن بوروس چکروال رمقه ۲ لاب ٢ تومفه برليفق ۲ تنون فنتل ماین گاسیغ Do., a (stab) Specify, to Sebutkan Specimen, a Chonto Speckled Beriutek Spectacles Chermin mâta Speech (language) Bhasa Do. (address) Perkatâän Speechless Ta'tau berkâta lâgi Lěkas Speed Spell, a (charm) Do., to Dras Kalâjuan Azimat * (Ar.) Ija Spend, to (money) Blanjakan Spendthrift a Orang bôros Sphere Chǎkerwâla Spice Rempah-rempah + Spider, a Lâba-lâba Spill, to Tûmpah Spilt (in quantities) Berlêpak-lêpak Spin, to (weave) Těnun Do., to (make Pintal thread or rope) Do. a top, to * Only used in a good sense. Main gâsing + Commonly means the ground up condiments which form the basis of a curry. Spine Sprout ( 149 ) Spine, the Spirit, a (evil) Do., The Holy Do., (distilled) ous) Spit, to (Trans.) Spiteful Splash, to Spleen, the Tûlang blâkang Hantu Jin (Ar.) Ruh-al-kudus (Ar.) Ârak (Ar.) Spirited (courage- { Brâni Gâgah Lûdahkan Yang menâroh dămdăm Perchekkan Limpădu J Elok Splendid Yang mulia Splice, to Sambongkan Split, to Blahkan Rosakkan Spoil, to (injure) Binâsakan Sponge, a Bûnga kârang Spoon, a Sendok Sport, (amusement) Permainan Spot, a (place) Tempat Do., a (blot) Sa'titek Do., a (imperfec- Chachat tion) Chělah Spotted Berintek Spout, a (conduit) Sprain, a Sprained Spray (foam) Panchôran Salah ûrat Tergliat Měrchek Spread out, to S Hamper Bentang Do., to (as a creeper) Mělâta Sprig, a (of a tree) Spring, to Do., a Ranting Melompat Mâta âver Perchek Sêram Sprinkle, to Sprout, to Tumbuh ( Tûnas Do., a { Pichok تولغ بالكغ هنتو جن وح القدس ارق اني گاگه لودهكن یخ مناره دم۲ فرجية كن لمقدو ايلوق يعمليا سمبو تكن بلهكن رومقكن بنا ساكن بوغا كارغ سندوق فرماينن تمفت ستيتيق چاچة چله برنتیق فنچوران مداله اورت ترگلیت مرچیق همفر بتغ ملات رنتيغ ملمفت مات ایر فرچیق میرم تمبوه تونس فوچق Spur Stage ( 150 ) Spur, a Pěnguét Pěnggèrtak Do., a Cock's (na- tural) Do., a (artificial) Spurious Sûsoh âyam فقويت فغرق سوسوه ايم Taji Spurn, to (kick) Lanchong Tendang * Sêpak Solo Spy, a Pěnyôlo (Intei Do., to Měnyôlo Squabble, to S Berbising Squall, a Squander, to Square Do., a Public Squat, to (as natives) Berbantah Bidong Měmbuang Âmpat sagi Mêdan + Dûdok bersila Gigir F Měngâpit Prah Squeak, to Squeeze, to Pichit Squint-eyed Mâta jûling Squirrel, a Tupei Squirt, to Do., a Hâbiskan Stab, to Stable, a (for cattle) Do., a (for horses) Stack, a (pile) Do., a (of padi) Staff, a (for walking) Stag, a Stage, a (platform) Lonchor Bomba (Port.) Měnîkam Kandang Bangsal kûda Tămbun Jělâpang Tongkat Rûsa jantan Balei گیگر مشافيت فره فیچت مات جوليغ توفي لنچر يمنا منيكم کند. بغسل كودا تمبون جلافع توشکت روسا جنتن بالي * See "Kick." It is a curious fact that though "Tendang" is to kick with the sole of the foot, and "Sepak" with the top, "Sepak" is always used of animals, though they kick with the sole of tive foot. † Arabic "Maidan." The uncomfortable feeling caused by hearing a squeaking noise "Silu." ف جي لنجوع تندع سيفق سولو فپولو انتي مپولو بربيسيغ بر بنته بودوغ ممبواع ها بسكن اسفة ساكي میدان دودق برسیلا Stagger Statement ( 151 ) هو يوغ تنغ و جة جوريغ تغكا Stagger, to Hoyong Stagnant (not running) Tenang Châchặt Stain, a Choring Stairs Tangga Stake, a (of wood) Kâyu pâgar Do., a (in water) Panchang Do., to (bet) Bertâroh Stale (old) Lâma Do. (gone bad) Bûsuk Stalk, à (stem) Bâtang Do., a (of leaf, Tangkei Stallion, a Stammer, to كايم فاكر ونجع بوتاره لام بوسق با تغ تفكي كودا جنتن شاگف هنجقكن تكن سرم کاکی برديري سلوكا تكف بنتغ جيرية بنتغ کانن كنجي فندم تركجوت جالن ماتي الفر حال احوال کیساران نگري كراجا معلومكن سبوتكن ترسبوت فرکتان fruit, or flower) Stamp, to (with foot) Do., to (with a seal) Stand to (as bristles) Do., a (pedestal) Do. up, to Stanza, a Star, a Do., a Shooting Starboard (right hand side) Kûda jantan Gâgap Henjakkan Těkan chăp Sram Kâki Berdiri (Slôka (Hind.) 1 Sa'rangkap Bintang Chirit bintang Kânan Starch Kanji (Sans.) Stare, to Pandang Start, to (with fear) Terkejut Do., (on a journey) Jâlan Starving Mâti lâpěr State (condition) Hâl-ahuâl (Ar.) Do. (pomp) Kabĕsâran Do., a (country) Do. (government) Něgri (Hind.) Krâjäan Kâtakan State, to Mäalumkan Sebutkan Stated Tersebut Statement, a Perkatâän Statement Stick ( 152 ) Statement, a (com- plaint) } Pangaduan فغادوان Station (place) Tempat Do., (office) Pegangan Pekerjâän Do., (rank) Do., (Police) Stay, to (wait) Do., to (remain) Steady (firm) Steal, to Pangkat Balei تمفة فکاشن جانان فكر جا فحكة بالي Rumah pâsong رومه فاصوغ Měnanti Tinggal Tětap Měnchûri Steam Steamer { Papal a pi Penyuap Steel Baja Steelyard (for weighing) } Daching Steep Chôram Do., to (soak) Rěndam Huap مننتى تشكل تنف منچوري هواف كافل افي فيواف باج دا چيغ Steer, to Steersman Stem, a Stench, a Pegang kămûdi Kămûdikan Jermûdi * Bâtang Tangkei Sa'langkah چورم رندم فكغ كمودي كم وديكن جر مودي باتغ تفكي با و بوسق سلقكه انق تتكا تاتیه انق تيري باف تيري کراس بوريتن كايو رنجو چوچق چق Step, a (pace) Do., (of stairs) Do. by step Step-child Step-father Stern (severe) Do. of a ship Stick, a Do., a Pointed Bau bûsuk Ânak tangga Ta'teh Anak-tiri Bâpa-tiri Kras Buritan Kâyu Ranjau + Do., a Walking Tongkat Do., to (poke) Chichok Do. in, to (as a pole) Châchak Do., to (adhere) Lěkat *Contracted from "Juro kamudi." † Small pointed sticks or irons used to plant round a stockade, or in ditches in time of war. They are sometimes poisoned and inflict a serious wound on bare limbs. Caltrops. Stick ( 153 ) Stop مشكوت برلندیر تكَعُ كراس لمسكن ديم سوبي لاگي گ كبباعن مغة كيكير برجنجي برگرق کا چو کن ممبتكيتكن ركاب چوکن منجاهية بارغ ٢ كوبو ساروغ كاكي فامدوغ فامو شكر فروت با تو فرمات رجم كرومي توندوق برهنتي ادغ تگہکن مناهن لارشكن Stick, to (meet an obstruction) } Sangkut Sticky Berlinder Tegang Stiff Kras Stifle, to Lĕmaskan Diam Still (quiet) Sûnyi Do., (yet) (Lâgi Juga Still-born Kababangan Do., to Stingy Stipulate, to Sting (of an insect)} Sengat Kîkir Berjanji Stir, to (intransitive) Bergrak Do., to (as in cook- ing) } Kâchaukan Do. up, to Stirrup Stitch, to (sew) Stock (stores) Stockade, a Stocking Stocks, the Do., to put in the Stomach Stone, a Měmbangkitkan Rěkâb (Sans.) Měnjait (měnjâhit) Bârang-barang Kubu Sârong kâki Pâsong Pâsongkan Prut Do. (of fruit) Do., a Precious Stone to death, to Bâtu Biji Permâta Rējam Stool, a (chair) Krisi * Stoop, to Stop, to Tunduk Berhenti + Do., (get in the way of) } Adang Do., to (hinder) Do., to (forbid) * Arabic "Kursi." † Usually pronounced “ Brenti.” Těgahkan Měnâhan Lârangkan Stop Strangle ( 154 ) Stop, a (point in writing) Stop up, to Do., to (staunch blood) Stopper, a Store, a (plenty) Do., to (put away) Storehouse Stores Do. (provisions for journey) Storm, a (Nakta (Ar.) Titek Tutupkan Sekatkan Ampangkan Tâhan dâralı § Penyumbat Pémâlam Banyak Simpan Târoh Gedong (Port.) Barang-barang Âlat نقت تيتيق تو تفكن سكتكن امفتكن تاهن داره فيومية فما كم با پق سمشن تاروه گدوغ بار ۲ الت بكل ريبوت } Bekal Ribut Do., to (assault) Langgèr Storm at, to Gadohkan Cherita Story, a Kôsah * Storey, a (of a house) Tingkat Stout (robust) Tégap Do. (fat) Gemok Stow, to (cargo, &c.) Muat Straight Lurus Strain, to (clarify) fapiskan Strainer, a (filter) Tapisan Strait, a (of the sea) Dɔ. (difficulty) Straitened circum- stances Strand (sea shore) Sělat Kasukâran } Sesak Pantei Stranded Strange Stranger, a (for- eigner) Strangle, to * Arabic "Kissah." Tersangkut Terchengang } Orang digang Měngûjutkan Menjeratkan ( Hêran لفكر گادو هکن چریت قصه تفكة تكف گموق موات لوروس تا فیسکن تا فین سلت کسوکاران مسق فنتي تر سکوت حیران ترجقع اورغ داكغ مغوجتكن منير تكن Strap Stroke ( 155 ) Strap, a Tâli kulit Elah Stratagem, a Dâia Jěrâmi تا ! كولية أيلة داي جرامي چوريغ اروس الود مدو في باتغ انق هيلير اولو موديق جائن كقواتن كواس کو کہ ہمکن ونتق تاريق انجتكن منا بود کراس ملكة ملقك مموكل گاسق فالو Straw Stray, to (as cattle) Streaked (as a tiger) Stream (current) Do., Channel of a Sěsat Choreng  rus Alor Do. (river) (Sungei Batang âyer Do., a Tributary Ânak ayer Do., Down- Hilir Do., to Go down- Do., Up- Hulu Do., to Go up - Mûdik Street, a Jâlan Strength Kakuâtan Do. (power) Kuâsa } Kûkolkan Strengthen, to (a position) Stretch, to Do. out, to (the hand) Strew, to Strict (severc) Stride, a Do. over, to Strike, to String J Rentang Tarek } Unjukkan Měnábor Kras Sa'langkah Mělangkah Měmukōl Gâsak Palu Gichok * Tâli Kûpaskan Tanggalkan Strip, to (peel) Do., to (take off) Do., Easy to Likang Stripped (naked) Telanjang J Sâpu Gosok Stroke, to * گوچق كوفسكن تفكلكن لكم تلنجع مافو گوست “Tumbok” “Gôchok" with the fist. "Tamper" with the palm. "Tetak" with a sword. "Terok" to pat. "Godam" to strike with a rattan er stick. Stroll Substitute ( 156 ) بر جالن ۲ قوات كنية كواس برد فدس دراس کوکهکر معيكل توغول جرامي كراس كفال دگیل کنچیغ باجو برتاتة انق مريد بالاجر کاین ساروق توڅگول ف حسن ترنيت بيل بوده بيقوع تا صدر گا شف لاكو چارا فرد کارا فصل رعیت بوله كنا منندوق يغ كمدين كمدين مورود تورن وشكلت توکر گنتي Stroll, to Strong Do. (as wind) Do. (powerful) Berjalan-jalan Kuat Kinchang Berkuasa Do. (pungent) Do. (as a current) Pědas Dras Do., to Make (fortify) Kûkohkan Struggle, to Mělâwan Strut, to (as a fowl) Měngîgal Stubble (of padi) Tunggul jerâmi Stubborn (Kras kepala Děgil Stud, a (button) Studded Kanching baju Bertâtah Student Ânak murid (Ar.) Study, to Blâjĕr Stuff (cloth) Kain Stumble, to Sârok Stump of a tree Tunggul Stunned Pengsan Stunted Tĕrinchat Bĕbal Stupid Bôdoh Bingong Stupified Ta'seder Stutter, to Gâgap Style (of persons) Lâku Do. (of a thing) Subject (matter) Do. (person) Do. to (liable to) Submit, to Subsequent Subsequently Subside, to Měnundok Yang kemdian Kěmdian Surut Tûrun Substance, the (gist) Ujong pangkalnya* Châra Perkara (Hind.) Fasăl (Ar.) Räiat (Hind.) Bûlih kena (Tûker Ganti Substitute, to * Lit, the beginning and end of it. Substitute Sulphur (157) Substitute, a Ganti Pôtong Subtract, to (deduct) Chabut Tôlak Succeed, to (take the place) Měngganti Succeed, to (answer the purpose) Měnjâdi Do., to (prosper) Beruntong گنتي فوتغ چابوت تولق مغكنتي منجادي برانتوغ Untong Success Faidah (Ar.) انتوع فايده Successful Bertuah Succession Katûrunan Do, In Berganti-ganti Successor Ganti Such (like) Seperti Sarûpa Do. (so) Dimikian Suck, to Měngîsap برتواه كتورونن برگنتی ۲ گنتي سفرت صروف دمكين مغيسف موسوعي تیب ۲ بردعوا لمق ددالم سوسه بير کف چو سده سده چوکف گولا گولا با تو بونه ديري فرمالینن كاين ستوجو دغن راجوق موكا ماسم بليرغ Suckle, to Suddenly Měnyûsui Tiba-tiba Sue, to (in court) Berdäua Suet Suffer, to (be in trouble) Do., to (endure) Do., to (permit) Sufficient Lěmak } Didalam sisah Tanggong Biar Chûkup Sudah Do., That is Sudah chûkup Sugar Do. candy Gula Gûla bâtu Do. cane Těbu Suicide Suit, a (at law) Do., a (of clothes) Suit, to Suitor, a (wooer) Sulky Sulphur Bichâra Sa'tuju dengan Yang meminang Rajok Muka mâsam Balêrang Bûnoh diri Persalinan kain " Sultan Supreme ( 158 ) Sultan Sum (total) Sumatra Summer (dry Summit weather) Summon, to Sun, the Do., to Dry in the Sunbeam, a Sunstroke, a Sunday Sundry Sunrise Sunset Supercargo Superintend, to Sultân (Ar.) Jěmlah Pulau Percha Musim panas | Kěmârau Kamunchak Panggil Mâtahâri Jěmorkan Sînĕr Timpa mâta hâri (Hâri âbad (Ar.) ( Hari minggo * Bagri-bagei Mâcham-mâcham Mâta hâri naik Mata hari jatoi Chin chu+ Tûkang pêtak Měnjâga Menunggu Lebih baik Superior (better) Superlative Supernatural Sakti (Hind.) Superscription Alamat (address) Supple Lĕnto Supply, to (furnish) Brikan Support, to (prop) Sokongkan Do., to (en- (Tanggong dure) Měnâhan Suppose, to Fikir (Ar.) Sangka Malâ besar سلطان جمله فولو فرچ موسيم كمارو كمنيق فشكل متهاري جموركن سيند فأنس تمفا متهاري احد هاري منگو هایی باگی ما چه ۲ متهاري نايك متهاري جاته چنچو توكع فيتق منجاگ منقدو لبه بايك سقتي علامة لنتو ہویا يكن شوكو تكن تغدوغ مناهن فيكر سقك سمند و پیکن مها بسر Suppress, to (conceal) Supreme Sembunyikan * Portuguese, adopted and understood in the Settlements. t Chinese, adopted and understood. The superlative is formed by prefixing "ter" to the better "lebih baik," best" terlebih baik;" and so "jahat.' wicked, more wicked, most wicked. The superlative is also adding “skali" as "yang baik skali," the best. ،، ,, comparative, thus: good "baik," lebih jahat, “terlebih jahat,' formed by prefixing "yang” and Sure Swelling ( 159 ) تنتو رح هرافن کفر چیان يخ منجامين فيهن او مبق اتس كنية دوكون بوو کامسر باقي بیتا سین کجوتكن حيران سرهكن ديري مكن كفو مناره شك گنتو شکن گنده هاتي ميومبوغ بورغ لايغ ٢ تلن فاي ديري اوندن سكاون سفراق برسفه موتو فلوة بوفلوه سافو فيافو مانس واغي کا سیه ما نیسن بشكق Sure (certain) Do. (trusty) Surety Surf Surface (top) Surfeited Tentu Sah (Ar.) Harâpan Yang menjâmin Kaperchayaan Pichahan ombak  tas Kennyang ( Dûkun Surgeon Surly Surplus Bomo Kaser Baki (Ar.) Do. (of food) Surprise, to (startle) Sisa Kějutkan Surprised Surrender, to Surround, to Suspect, to Suspense Swagger, to Horan Serahkan diri Kepongkan Monarch shik Suspend, to (postpone) Gantongkan Gondah hâti Měnyombong diri Bûrong lâiang-lâiang Tělan Pâya Swallow, a Do., to Swamp, a Swan, a Ûndan Sa'kâwan Swarm, a Sa'puak Swear, to (take an oath) Bersumpah Do., to (curse) Měngûtu' Sweat Pluh Do., to (perspire) Berpluh Sweep, to Sâpu Sweeper, a (brush) Sweet Mânis Sweet-scented Pěnyâpu Wangi Sweetheart, a Sweetmeats Swell, to Kakâsih Manisan Swelling, a } Bongkak Swift Talisman ( 160 ) Laju Dras * Bernang Timbul الجو دراس برنغ تمبول فينغ با بي؟ بواء يكر نقسن فدغ موند مايس كليمه تندا بمبا میجا فاکو کچیل بيلوق ايكور لوجع جاهیت امبيل تريم سمبوت رابوت باوا فركي جاگ ايغت فكغ تعكف اغكة اشكوت چریتا قصه عزيمة Swift Swim, to Do., to (float) Swim, to (as the head) Pening Swine Bâbi Swing, to Buâikan Swoon Pengsan Sword (Pědang Sundang + Syce, a (groom) Sais Syllable, a Symptom Kălimah (Ar.) Tanda Syringe Bomba (Port.) T Table, a Meja (Port.) Tack, a (nail) Do., to (in sailing) Tail, a Paku kěchil Bêlok Ékor Do., a (queue) Tauchang (Ch.) Tailor, a Tûkang jait (jahit) Take, to Ambil Do., to (accept) Trima Do., to (receive) Sambut Do., to (snatch) Rabut Do. away, to Bawa pergi Do. care, to Jâga (Hind.) Do. beed, to Ingat Do. hold, to Pěgang Do. prisoner, to Tangkap Do. up, to (lift) Angkat Do. up and carry away, to } Angkut Tale, a Cherîta Kissah (Ar.) Talisman, a Azimat (Ar.) * See "Quick," "Rapid." The "Sundang" is a Malay sword of several forms, straight or wavy, single or two- edged, but in all cases short. The commonest form is very like the ancient Roman sword. The best are made in Sulu, Borneo, and Acheen. Talk Tear ( 161 ) بر چاکف باپق مولة فليتو تفكي لمق J: اسم جاوا ربان گندغ جينق منجينقكن ما مكن كوستكن كوام تفوق كنوء فيتا بنغ تنوق میپق تار مساران هيلغ هيا فكرجان جمبول راس Tall Tallow Talk, to Talkative Berchâkap Bânyak mûlut Plêtêr Lěmak chaiĕr Tinggi Tamarind, a Asam Jawa Rebana * Tambourine Tame Do., to Tan, to (hides) Tangle, to Tank, a Tap, to (pat) Gendang Jînak Měnjînakkan Sâmakkan Kôsotkan Kôlam (Sans.) Těpok * Keto' Tape Tapir, the Tar Target, a (mark) Pita benang Těnok Minyak tar+ Sasâran Tarnished, to Become Hilang chahia Task Pekerjâän Tassel, a Jambul Taste Râsa Do.,to Tasteless (insipid) Taunt, to Tax, a (impost) Do., to Taxed, to Be Tea (the leaf) Do. (ready for drinking) Teach, to Teacher, a Teak Teal, a Tear, to Tawěr Daiûskan ( Hâsil (Ar.) Chukei Chukeikan Kěna hâsil Kěna chukei Daun teh } Ayer tel $ Ajĕrkan Guru Kâyu jati Bûrong blibis Kôiakkan *The "Rebâna " has only one face; the "Gendang" two or one. † Understood in the Straits Settlements only. تاور دايوسكن حاصل كى چوکیان كب كنا حاصل کنا چوکي داون تيه اير تيه اجركن گورو كايو جاتي بورغ بليبس كويقكن ‡ Teh" is pronounced as if spelt "Te." In the Peninsula often called "Ayer hangat." Tears Than ( 162 ) Tears Do., to Shed Tease, to Telegram, a Telegraph, to Telescope Tell, to (relate) Ayer mâta Měnangis Měngûsik Perkhabăran kâwat Pukol kâwat ( Pukol telegrap * Tropong Khabarkan Bri tau Sebutkan Temper (disposi- ticn) Do., to (metals) Tempest, a Achum Tabiat (Ar.) Prangei Sepohkan Ribut Temple, a (Malo- medan) } Masjid (Ar.) Tempt, to Chaba Ten Sa'pûloh Tenant, a Yang menyewa Jaga (Hind.) Lembut Do., to (make } Tawer Tepid Suara Brâpa lâma? Berhentikan Tâkut Tend, to (guard) Tender (not hard) an offer) Tent, a Term: For what (time) Terms? On what Khêmah (Ar.) Bâgimana perjanjian? Tânah t Něgri (Hind.) Katâkutan Terminate, to Terrified Territory Terror Tesselated Testament (will) Do., Old Testify, to ( Bersaksi Dêripâda Tâpak châtor Wasiat (Ar.) Taurit j Bri saksi اير مات مناشيس مقوسيق كاوت محل فوکل تیلیگرف تروفغ خبرد تاء بري مسبود تكن ا چوم طبعت فراغي سفوهتن ريبوت مسجل جوب سفوله يغ مييوا جائی المبوت تاور خيمه سوام برافلام بگیمان فرجنجين برهنتیکن تاكوت تانه نگري كتاكوتن تافق چاتور وصیت توريت بري سقسي برسقسي درفد Than * Understood in the Straits. + “Tânah Pêrak "The territory of Pêruk; "Tânah Malâka" Malacca territory. See "Bible." Thank (163) Thicket تریم کاسیه ایت سفاي پايت يعني يغ. اتف فتَكُوغ وايغ کپورین دي فوب تشكل آية وقت اية كتيك اية کمدین Piss ميتو دسيته دسان ایت کارن ايت اکن فصل ایت ستله ستله مده ایت این Thank, to That, Those Do., In order Do. is to say, (viz.) Do. which Thatch The Theatre Theft Their Trima kasih * Itu Sěpaya Ia-itu Iäni Yang Âtap + Panggong wayang Kachûrian Dia punya Ta'kâla itu § Waktu itu There Then (at that time) Dɔ. (next) Thence Kětika itu Kěmdían Dêri sîtu ( Disitu Disâna Sěběb itu Therefore Karâna itu Âkan fasil itu Sětial Thereupon Sětlah sudah itu These Ini Dia They Dĩa trang Marika itu Thick Do. (in consistency) Thicket, a Těbal Kěntal Blûker | Sĕmak دي اورة تبل کنتل بلوكر سمق * Lit., 66 Receive my kind regards," an expression adopted from Europeans as the equivalent of "thank you," but until lately unknown to Malays. Amongst Malays in the Peninsula a common expression is "minta mäaf "which means " Pardon me for receiving a favour for which I can make no adequate return." Also used in the sense of the ordinary English "Pardon me." † Has no real equivalent in Malay. Bring the child, is translated "Bâwa ânak;" Bring that child," Bâwa ânak itu;" Bring a child "Bâwa satu ânak." In some cases "the" is rendered by "yang," as, Bring another " Bâwa lain," or "Bawa lagi satu," Bring the other "Bawa yang lain itu." The latter "Yang kemdian;" The former "Yang dulu," and dûlu,” so on. "" I See "His." Their land Tânah dia or "Tânah dia ôrang " or " Tânah marîka." Contracted from Tětakâla," and that froin Tentu kâla." Primeval jungle is " Utan rimba or Utan besar;" secondary growth when it has reached a good height " Blûker " Utan blûker;" and low bushes "Semak "or "Utan kechil." or Thief Thrash ( 164 ) Thief, a Thigh, the ( Pěnchuri { Kamar Pauh Pahâ Thimble, a Sârong jari Thin (not thick) Do. (lean) Nipis Kûrus Bârang Thing, a (article) Běnda Do., a (affair) Perkara (Hind.) Do., a (imple- ment) Do., a (vessel) Things (effects, Iuggage) Do. (property) Âlat Perkakas Běkas Bârang-bârang فنيوري کاور فاوه فها ساروغ جاري نيفس كرروس بارغ بندا فركا را الت فرکاکس بكس بارخ هرت بندا فيكر Herta benda Fikir (Ar.) Think, to Sangka Kira Third Ka'tiga Thirdly Fasăl yang ka'tîga Haus Thirsty Dǎhga Do., Blood- Bingis This Ini Thorn, a Duri Thorough Râta * Thou Angkau + J Fîkiran Thought Sangka Thoughtful Thoughtless Thousand, Râjin Lalei Alpa Ribu Do., A Sa'rîbu Do., Ten Sa'laksa Thrash, to Puköl F Do. grain, to Měngîrit § * Make a thorough search, "Mĕnchari râta râta,” † See "You." See "Strike." Trodden by the feet. مقك كيرا ٢ کتیک فصل يغكتيك هاوس دهگ بقيس این دوري رات ا شكو فيكران صدقك راجين بيمار لها ريبو سريبو مسلقسا فوكل مغيريت Thread Ticklish ( 165 ) Thread Běnang Threaten, to J Bri tâkut 10gut Three Tiga Do. quarters Do. times Tiga suku Tiga kâli Threshold - Thrifty Throat (inside) Do. (neck) Běndul pintu Děrni pintu Hêmat بنغ بري تاکوت اوگوت تیک تيك سوكو تیک کالي بندول فنتو درني فنتو Rěngkong Lehěr Throb, to Throne Throng, a ted) Do. (by Berděber Singghasana (Sans.) هیمت رشکوغ ليهر برد بر شقت هسان Kumpulan orang Through (penetra- means of) Throw, to Do. away, to Do. down, to Thrust, to (insert between) Do., to (stab) Do., to (push) Těmbus Lantas Ûlih كمفولن اورغ تمبوس لنتس اوله Úlih sěběb Lemper اوله مب لمفر Lotěr Bûangkan Champakkan Rûbohkan Sisipkan J Tikam Chuchokkan Tôlakkan Thumb, the Thunder Thursday Thus Thy Tick (vermin) Ibu jari Gûroh Iâri khamis (Ar.) چمفقکن رو بهکن سيسفكن تیکم چھکن فكر ايبو جاري گوره هاري خمس Tickle, to (Trans.) Ticklish Băgîni Dimikian Kutu lembu Sengkenet (Glikan Chuchokkan j Gli Lâtaht لثمين لمكين كوتو لمبو سكنية گلیکن چقکن كلي لاته * See “ Your. + Usually applied to persons afflicted by a curious nervous complaint which impels them to do whatever they are told however ridiculous or painful to themselves, Tide Tin ( 166 ) ¿ Tide (current) Do., Falling Do., Rising Do., Slack Tides, the Tidings Tidy, to make Tie, to Ârus Âyer surut Âyer påsang Âyer tenang Pâsang surut * Khabar (Ar.) Měmbětulkan Âturkan Îkat Do., to (as in a cloth) Simpulkan Do up, to (as a boat or animal) Tier, a Tiger, a Tight } Tambatkan Tingkat Harimau Rimau Mâchan (Jav.) Kětat Do. (close together) Râpat اروس اید مودود ایر فاصغ ایر تنخ فامع سوروت خبر ممبتول ولكن اتوركن ایکت سمة ولكن تمبتكن تکت هريمو ريدو ما چن Tile, a Genting Hengga Till (until) Hengga sampei Sampei Do. the soil, to Měnggali tângh Timber Kâyu Waktu (Ar.) Time Mâsa Kâla (Hind.) Do. after time Do., At the Do., Olden Times (Krap kali (Hind.) Sělâlu Ta'kâla (tětakâla) Kětíka Zěmân dăhûlu Dăhûlu kâla Kâli Timid Tin Do. ore Do. sheeting Tâkut Timah f Biji tîmah Timah pûtih كننة رافت گنتیغ هنگ هنگ سمفي ممفي كا يو مغگالي تانه وقت ماس کالا كرف كالي ملا لبو تتكل كتيك زمان دهول دھول کال كالي تاكوت تیمه ييجي تيمه تيمه فوته *Top of high water " Pâsang pěnoh." Dead low water" Surut timpas." † A tin mine "Lumbong tîmah." The tin-bearing stratum "Kârang." To excavate this tin-bearing earth" Angkat kârang." To smelt tin " Masak," or "Puput tîmah." Pronounced "Bijeh" in this sense only. Tinsel Tooth (167) Tinsel Prâda (Port.) فراد Tip Újong Tiptoe, on Berjengke' Tipsy Mâbok Lěteh Tired Pånat Title Gelaran Do., to Give a Gelârkan Το Pada* To (where there is motion) Ka * Toad Toast Tobacco To-day Toddy (palm juice) Kâtak puru Rôti panggang Těmbâkau ( Sa'hâri ini Ini hâri Tuak Jari káki اوجع برجغيم ما بوق لتيه فنت گلاران گلرکن فد ک كاتق فورو روتي فَقَكَغ تمباکو این سياري داري این ق لكي تواق جاري ايبو تاكي Toc Do., Great Together Ibu kâki (Sâma sâma Sĕrta Toil, to Kerjakan Tanda مسام ۲ مرد کو چاکن تندا Token, a Alâmat (Ar.) Tolerable Toll, a (impost) Lebih kurang Chukei علامت لبه كورغ چوكي Tomb, a Kubor (Ar.) Ésok + To-morrow Bêsok Tone (sound) Bunyi Tongs Pěnyĕpit Tongue (the menber) Lidah قبور ايسوق بيسوق بولي فیفیت ليدة Too (also) Juga Do. (excessive) { Âmat Tool Tooth Do., Eye Do., Front Terlampau Perkakas Gigi Gigi târing Gigi sri جوتى وگ اوت ترلمفو فركاكس گيگي تيكي تاريخ گيگي سري * Give to him "Bagi pada dia " Go to Singapore "Pergi ka'Singapura." †The day after to-morrow "Lusa;" Two days after to-morrow" Tulat;" Three days after to-morrow "Tungging;" Four days after to-morrow "Berulat;" Five days after to-morrow, Six days hence, "Tai anjing." Tooth Town ( 168 ) Tooth, Grinder Do., to File the Toothache Tooth-brush Tooth-pick Top, the Gerham * Měrěpang gigi Pěnyungkil gigi Sâkit gigi Pěsûgi ( Kepala Atas Kamunchak Pûchok Do. (of a hill) Do. (roof of a house) Do., a (cover) Topaz, a (the stone) Topmast Torch, a Bumbong Tudongan Manikam kûning Tiang pengâpoh Dâměr Pěnyûloh Jamong Torment, to (teaze) Ûsikkan Tortoise, a Kura-kura Torture Sangsâra + Toss, to Lămbong Do. (as a bull) Jûlang Total, the Jěmlah Do., to Jěmlahkan Totally Blâka Totter, to Bergoyang Měnjâbat Touch, to Měnjâmah Do. of gold, to try the Ujikan Touch-stone, a Bâtu uji Râpat Touching (close) Berâpit Lîat Tough Tow Do., to Towards (in the Pěmâkal Tunda Sa'blah F direction of) Kat Towel, a Tuâla § (Port.) Town, a Bander (Pers.) *Sound the "h". گوهر مرفع كيكي و ؟ ساکیت فسوگي ثري فيو عَكّيل گيگي كفال اتس تول و كونية تن فقافه تيغ دامر فپولوه جامدوغ اوسيقكن کور ۲۱ ستفسارا لمبوغ جولع جملة جملهكن بلاك برگويڅ منجابت م نجامه اوجيكن باتو اوجي رافت برافيت لیت فماكل توندا ميله توالا بندر + To stone to death "Rějam." Death by impaling " Sula." ،، "Dia mari sa'blah sahya " He is coming towards me. Haluannya tuju ka'Singapura" The prow was pointed towards Singapore. Well understood in the Straits Settlements. Toy Transverse ( 169 ) Toy, a Track, a (foot-mark) Do., to Tract of land, a Trace, a (harness) Do., to (draw) Trade Do., to Trader, a Bârang permainan Běkas kâki Měnûrut běkas kâki Rantau Jějâhan Jut (Hind.) Tûrut Perniagâän Berniaga Sodâger Tradition, a Cherita Traduce, to Měngûpat Train (suite, fol- Karapatan lowers) Pengiring Training Plâjeran Traitor, a Ôrang drahka Trample, to Do., to (in anger) Trance, In a Tranquil (calm) Pijakkan Îrekkan Hěnjakkan Pengsan Tědoh Do. (quiet, re- Sûnyi tired) Nyaman Tranquility (rest and quiet) Transaction Transcribe, to (copy) Transfer, to Transfix, to (stab) Ka'senangan Sentôsa Perkara (Hind.) Sâlin Transformed Serahkan kapâda Tikamkan Menjelma * * Transgress, to Inker Sâlin ka'dalam Translate, bhâsa Terjemahkan Transparent (clear) Jěrneh Transplant, to Pindahkan Transport, to (banish) Biangkan Transpose, to Transverse Tûkĕr ་ Terlintang *As by the doctrine of Pythagoras. تي كي باكي بارغ فرماينن بكس كاكي منورت بكس رنتو ججاهن جوت تورة فرنیگان سوداگر جرية مغوفة کرافتن فقيريغ فلاجران او رغ درهك فيجقكن ايريقكن هنجقكن فحسن تدوه سوبي يا من كسناغن منتوه فر کارا سالين سرهکن کفد ليكمكن منجلما ا ذكر سالین کدالم اهاس ترجمهکن جرذه فندهکن بواغكن Trap Trick ( 170 ) Trap, a (generally) Do., a (for vermin) Perangkap Jebak Do., a (for birds) Do., a (for beasts) Serkap Pělûbang Bubu Do., a (for fish) Lokah Serkap Trash (spoken) Sia-sia Do. (quite worthless) Tai angin Berjalan Travel, to Berangkat Tray, a (metal) Talam Do., a (wood) Dûlang Treacle Manisan tebu Tread, to Pijak Treason Drahka Wang Bendahara Treasury Treat ill, to Do. well, to Treaty Treasure (money) Treasurer, a Khazanah (Ar.) Bat ta'baik dengan (Buat baik dengan Menghormatkan Triti* (Eng.) Perjanjian Pôko' kayu Tree Põhun kayu Tremble, to Měngliter + Trench, a Pârit Trial, a (experiment) Kachûbaän Do., a (judicial) Bichara Triangle, a Tiga sagi Tribe (party) Pêhak Do. (race) Bangsa (Taïlok (Ar.) Tributary to Dibawah Tribute Trick, a Do., to Uftit (Hind.) Dâia Kêchoh فرشکف جبق مبركف فلوبغ بوبو که لوك کف سیام مركف تاهي اغين براغکت لم دولغ مانيسن تبو فيجق درهك واع بندھرا خزانه بوات بايق دغن مقصر متكن بواتتا بایق دن ل فرجنجين فى تريتي كايو فوهن مفلتر فاريت كچوبان كايه بچارا تیک ساگی فيهق بقسا تعلق دباوه افتي داي کیچوه *Very generally understood. † See "Quake." * The usual tribute, with Malays, paid by a subject State to a Suzerain is a golden flow: er“ Bunga mas, " or gold and silver flowers" Bunga mas dan pêrak.” Trickle Trusty (171) Do., to (by drops) Trickle, to Mělêleh Trifling (unimport- Tidak mengâpa tant) Trigger (of gun) Trim, to (clip) Trinkets (jewellery) Trip, to (stumble) Tripod, to (used to place pots on • Měnítek } Pichu * Měrepang Bârang-barang mas Sârok Tungku when cooking) Troop, a (company) Pâsok Sûsah Trouble (afflic- Kasusahan tion) Dûka Do. (difficulty) Kasukâran Do., to Měnyûsahkan Trowsers Sěluar True Do. (genuine) Do. (certain) مليله منيتق تيدق مخاف فيو مرفع بارغ ۲ امس ساروق توشكو فاسوق مومة كسو ساهن دوك کسوکاران مپوسکن سلوار بنر صح Do. (quite so) Truly Trumpet, a Trunk, a (box) Do. of a tree, a Bĕnar Sah (Ar.) Sungguh Bětûl ( Těniu Sah (Ar.) Bĕnar Bětûl Sungguh Něfiri (Pers.) J Pěti (Hind.) { Kalamdan + Bâtang Do. of an elephant, a Bělâlci Trust, to Trust-property Trusty (Perchaya Hârap kapâda Wakaf # (Ar.) J Harapan Kaperchayaän *Not Malay, adopted and understood. سگوه بتول تنتو صح بنر بتول سعدوه نفيري فتي قلمدان باتغ بلالي فرچاي هارف كفد وقف هرافن كفرچیا Only used of small boxes, probably derived from "Kalam" (Arabic) a pen, and " dan " (Persian) a box: thus the whole word would mean ،، writing box or case. Wakaf" is property devoted to religious or charitable uses. Such property is usually placed in the hands of trustees for administration. The gift is in most cas, s accompanied by à document stating the purposes for which the property is given. Truth Tusk ( 172 ) Truth Try, to Do., to (judicially) Bĕnar Yang benar Chûba Bicharakan Tub, a Tube, a Tong ( Trôpong Lâras Tuck up, to Tuesday Tukan, a (hornbill) Tumble, to Singsingkan * Sêlakkan * Hâri salâsa or thalâsa (Ar.) ad glo Bûrong enggang ( Jâtoh + Tumbang بنر يتبنر پاراکن تروفغ لارس موسيق سيلقكن بورغ اغكغ جاتة تومي Tumour, a Busong Tumult, a Gémpér Tune, a Ragam (Sans.) Turban, a Serban (Ar.) Turbid Kroh بوسوع گمفر ر اثم سران كروه Turk, a Orang Turki Turmeric Kûnyit Turn, to (become) Měnjâdi اورغ تركي کوپیت منجادي Do., to (change Mások of religion) Bâlik ما سق باليق Do., to (return) Do., to (as a mill) Pûlang Pûtěrkan Do., to (roll over) Gûling Do., to (as the tide) Berâleh ( Pechatkan Do. out, to Bûangkan Do. over, to (Trans.) Bâlikkan ‡ Do. round, to (Trans.) Pûsingkant Do. the head, to Pâlingkan Turtle, a (sea) S Pěnyu Do., a (river) Turtle-dove, a Katong Tuntong Těkûkor Tusk (of the boar) Siêng Do. (of elephant) Gâding *“ Singsingkan" to turn up, as the sleeves or trowsers. sârong. ولغ. فوتر فوع کن گولیش برالية فحتكن أشكن باليقكن فوسيثكن فاليقكن فيو كاتوغ تنتوع تكوكر سبوع "Selakkan to lift up, as the “ + To tumble-of persons "Jatoh " or " Rebah;" of trees " Jatoh" or "Tumbang;” of houses Ruboh "or" Jatoh." To cause to tumble-of houses or anything constructed Runtohkan" Rubhkan;" of persons" Jatohkan "Rebahkan." or 4 Or If intransitive, then " Bâlik" and "Pûsing" or "Pâling." Twelve Uncertion (173) ! Twelve Duablas Twenty Dûa pûloh Twice Dûa kâli Twig, a Ranting Twilight Sinja kâla (Hind.) Rembang rembang sinja Twine (string) Tali Do., to (twist) Pintal Do. round, (to Blit wind) Lilit Twinkle, to (as a Gilang gemilang star) Berchahia Do., to (as the eye) Kojip Twinkling, a (instant) Sa'kejap * Twins Two Tyrant, a Kémber Dûa دوا بلس دوا فوله دوا كالي رنتيغ مسنجاکال وم ۲ سنجا تالى فنتل بلیت ليلية گیلغ كميلغ برچهاي كيف سكيف كمبر دوا يغ انيا يا کن اورغ Yang aniayakan irang U Udder, an Susu Ugly Hûdoh Ulcer, an Umpire, an Umbrella, an Unable Unanimous Unarmed Unawares Unbaked Unbecoming Unbeliever, an (0- ther than Ma- homedan) Unceasing Uncertain Do. (irresolute) Puru Pâyong Ôrang tengah Tiâdă bûlih Iĭâdă berkuâsa Ta'larat Sa pakat Bûlat Tíâdă bersenjata Tiâdă sa'tahu Mantah Tidak pâtut Kâfir (Ar.) Ta'berhenti Ta'těntu Bimbang موسو هوده فورو فايوغ اورغ تقه تياد بوله تیاد برکواس تالارت صفقت بولت تیاد برمنجات تیاد متاهو مننه تيدق فاتت کافر تاء تا برهنتي تا تنتو بميع * Clearly the same word as the preceding one, but the difference in pronunciation of the last syllable is marked, Uncivil Unhealthy ( 174 ) Uncivil Uncivilised Uncle Kûrang hormat كورغ حرمة Kâsĕr Liar { Bâpa sudâra کا سر لير باف سودرا Indah Uncommon (rare) Do. (seldom) Uncover, to Uncultivated land Under (less than) Undermost Underneath Understand, to Jarang Bûka (Tânah kosong J Mengerti Tânah rang * Kûrang dêripâda Yang dibawah skali Dibawah Fěham (Ar.) Undertake, to Měnanggong Underwood Semak Do. (secondary Blukěr jungle) Undo, to Bûka STĕntu Undoubted Undress (distin- Sah (Ar.) guished from uniform) Kain prêman + Bûka kain Do., to Telanjangkan Uneasy (troubled) Mushkil (Ar.) Sûsah Unemployed Ti dă bekerja (berkerja) Unequal Tiâdã sâma Uneven (odd) Ganjil Unexpectedly Tiba-tiba Unfair Tiâdă pâtut Unfold, to (unfurl) Bûka Sûnyi فاسد انده جارة بوكا تا نه کومغ تانه رغ كورغ درفد يقدبا وه سكالي دباوه مقرتي منقگوغ سمق بلوكر بوكا تنتو صح کاین فریمن بوكا كاين تلنيتكن مشكل موسه تياد بكرج تیاد میام گنجیل تیبام تیاد فاتت بوكا سولی سومة هاتي تمفت فياكية تیاد امن Unfrequented Unhappy Unhealthy (of places) Sûsah hâti Tempat penyakit Tiâdă amân (Ar.) * Cultivated land, "Tânah rap." † English "free man" Malayified; well understood in the Straits Settlements. Uniform Up ( 175 ) Uniform (alike) Uninhabited Unite, to (join) Universe, the Unjust Unlade, to Sa'ripa Kosong صروف کوشش Sûnyi Sâtukan (Alam (Ar.) Bumi dan langit صولي ماتوكن عالم دان لاغيت Tiada betul Tiâdă âdil (Ar.) Punggah Unlawful Harâm* (Ar.) بومي تياد بتول تیاد عادل څخه فو حرا Unless Mělainkan Unlucky Nasib chělâka Unmarried Bûjang Unmerciful Bingis Unnecessary, It is Tíâdă mengapa Unripe Mûda † Unsheath, to Chabutkan Unsteady (shaky) Untangle, to (un- tie) Bergoyang Tidak tetap Ureikan Bûka ملينكن نصیب چلاك بوجع بقيس تیاد معاف مودا چابو تکن برگویغ اوريكن تيدق تتف بوكا هنگ Hengga Until Unto Sampei Pada Untold (countless) Tiâda terbilang Bohong Untrue ( Dösta Unusual Jârang Unwilling Ta'mau Unwise { Kûrang akal Bôdoh Unworthy Up (above) Do. and down Do., to Bring Do., to Go Do. to Climb Tiâdă berfaidah Âtas Naik turun j Bla Pléhéra Naik Panjăt ممفي فد تیاد تربیلغ بوهة دستا كورغ عقل بوده تیاد برفایده اتس نايك تورن بلا فليها نايك فنجت * Forbidden by Mahommedan law. † Speaking of fruits, unripe is "Muda;" the next stage "Tua;" ripe "Masak;" over-ripe "Ranum." Up Utterly (176) Up, to Get Do., to Set Do., to Pull (as a weed) Do., to Stand Do., to Wake Bangun Bangkit Dirikan Měnchâbut Berdiri Jâga (IIind.) باغون بتكيت ديريكن منيا بوت Do. country (in- terior) } Hulu Do. to Sampei Upon Diâtas Upper, the Yang diatas Upright (straight up) Terdiri Do. (morally) Upside down Betul ) Tertiarap ) Terbalik Do., to Turn a thing Bâlikkan Upwards Urge, to Urine Us Ka'âtas Âjokkan Âyer kenching Kîta * Usage Use Âdat Gûna Do., to Pâkei Used to { Biâsa Useful Useless Lâzim (Ar.) Bergûna Tiâdă berguna Perchûma Âdat Uselessly Usual Usually (often) Sélâlu  lat Utensil, a Perkakas Utter, to (articulate) Utterly * See "We." Bekas Mengûchap Habis + { Skâli † Utterly burnt down "Habis terbaker;" utterly useless "Ta'berguna skali." برديري جاگ هولو سفی داتس يغداتس ترديري بتول ترتیارف ترباليق بالية كن كاتس اجوتكن ایرکنچیغ كيت عادت گون فاكي بياس ـزم تیاد برگون ذر چوم عادت ملالو الت فرکاکس بكس مقوچف ها بس سكالي Vacant Velvet (177) V Vacant Vacation (leave of absence) Kôsong Chuti (Hind.) Vagabond, a Orang bangsat كونغ چوتي اورغ بهست Vain Kâchak Perchûma Do., In Sia-sia Valiant Brâni Valley, a Lembah Valuable Berherga کا چق فر چوما میام براني لمية برهرگ Value Herga Do., to Nileikan Hilang di mâta Vanish, to Linyap Vanquish, to Alahkan نيليكن هيلغ دمات الهكن Vapour Huap هواف Variable (in dis- position) Variance, to be at Variegated Various Varnish Vary, to (alter) Vase, a Veal Vegetables Ta'těntu lâkunya Berselisih Tâpak châtor* Berawan-âwan * ( Berbagei-bagei Berjenis-jenis Sampang + Ûbahkan Saior Châwan‡ Bâtil Dâging ânak lembu { Kain tûdong kepâla § Vein, a Veined (as wood) Mergo' || Ûrat dârahı Úrat berselangsěli Velvet Běldû T (Port.) Běluri Veil, a تا تنتو لاكوپ بو سليسيه تافق چاتور بروان ۲ بر جنس ۲ سمفع او بهکن چاون باتيل دايغ انق لمبو مايور كاين تودع كفال اورت داره اورت بر سلغ سلي بلدو بلوري * As a chess-board or anything the pattern of which is in squares or straight lines. "Berâwan-âwan " mottled, marbled, &c. † Malay varnish. Chinese and English varnish are known by the English name. See" Goblet." § Wound round the head and face, party concealing the features. || The veil worn by women who have performed the pilgrimage and which leaves only the eyes visible. Understood in the Straits. Tenerate Vigilant ( 178 ) Vererate, to (as a child a parent) } Hormatkan حرمتکن Venereal disease Penyakit kârang Venison Dâging rûsa Venom Venomous } Bisa Venture, to Chûba فیاکیت کارغ داگیغ روسا بیسا چوب Verandah Serambi Vernacular, Malay Verge, the (edge) Verify, to (examine) Verily Verse Těpi Preksâkan Něschaya (Hind.) Jawi مرمبي قساكن نسجاي جاوي Shaer (Ar.) Terlâlu * Very Terlampau * شعر ترلالو ترلمفو Sangat * Skâli * * Vessel, a Běkas Do., a (ship) Kâpal Veteran, a Vex, to Orang tua Měnyûsahkan Do., to (tease) Ûsikkan ماعت سكالي بکس کافل اورغ توا پیوسهکن اوسيق Sûsah Vexatious صومه Mâlang + Bergenter Vibrate, to Bergĕgak Vice Kajăhâtan Vicious Jahat Viceroy Victorious Victuals Videlicet (viz.) View, to (look at) Vigilant Ganti Râja Wakil metalak (Ar.) Yang menang Hrazi (Ar.) Mâkan minum { Arapan Ia-itu Iäni (Ar.) Pandang Râjin měnjaga كجهاتن جہت گنتي يغ منغ راجين منجاگ *** Terlalu," and "Terlampau are placed before the adjective, and "Skâli "after it. Sangat" is placed either before or after the adjective, but usually the latter. Malang" is a strong word in its true meaning, but is often used in a lighter sense where we should say "vexatious." مالغ برگنتر برگشق بق غازي ماكن مینم ايا فن بایت يعني فندق ? Vigorous Vigorous Vile (wicked) Do. (filthy) Village, a Villain, a Vindicate, to Vindictive Vine (grape) Do. (creeping plant) Vinegar Violate, to (ravish) Violence Violin Do. (Malay) Virgin, a Visible Do. (plain) Visit, to (179) Kuat Jǎhat Nējis (Ar.) Kampong Pěkan * Orang jhat Benarkan Měnrangkan Yang menâroh dămdăm Pôko' anggor Pôko' mělâta Chûka Rûgul Kakrâsan Biola (Port.) Rebab { Anak dâralı {Anak orang Bûlih nampak Nyâta Mělâwat Visit, to (call in (at) Singgah Perdana mantri (Sans.) Vizier {Wazir al âtham (Ar.) Voice Suâra Void (empty) Kôsong Do., to Berak Volcano Gûnong berâpi Volume (of a Jilid + book) Kepala Voluntarily ( Dengan sûka Sěhâja ‡ Muntah Měngâku Sumpah Vowel قوات جات نجيس كمفوغ فكن جهت اورغ البنر منرث تكن مناره دم ۲ مالات آسن بيولا انق داره انق اورغ بوله نمفق ملات ستكه فردان منتري وزير العظم سوار كومة بيرق گونغ برافي جل كفال غن سوك مهاج مونته Vomit, to Vouch for, to Vow, to Vowel marks Do. (upper) Bâris Fătăhah (Ar.) Bâris diâtas مقاكم سومخه باريس فنتا باريس داتس * Properly a place where things are bought and sold, and therefore usually applied to a small town. + Arabic, lit means leather. † “Tĩâdâ ôrang panggil, sẽhaja sahya dâtang." No one called me, I come of my own accord. Vowel (180) Wane كسره باريس دباوه ضمه باريس ددافن فلایران هين 1 او رقم لا يمكن كبا اور تياد كبل بورغ نصر مرندوق برجالن ترکندیق ۲ گویش ایکور برفرغ رتاروهن گا جي اوفه بانجا كويت لمبو فيقكم منتي توغو اندف گرمکن جاگ فرجل نن برجالن تمبوق دندی با تو کوت بركوبڅ فوچت توشكت لمبي بولن مشورغ Vowel (lower) Do. (in front) Voyage Vulgar (of low degree) Vulnerable Vulture, a Kěsrah (Ar.) Bâris dibawah Themah * (Ar.) Bâris didăpan Playěran Orang hina Orang kabanyakkan Tiada kebal Bûrong năsĕr (Ar.) W Wade, to Waddle, to Wag the tail, to Wage war, to Wager (stake) Merandok Berjâlan terkendek- kěndek Goyang êkor+ Berprang Pertârohan Wages Do. (hire) Gâji Úpah Do. (allowance) Blanja Waggon, Bullock Waist, the Krêta lembu Pinggang Měnanti Wait, to { Tunggu Do., to Lie in Endap Wake, to (transitive) Grakkan Do., to (intransitive) Jâga (Hind.) Walk, a Perjalanan Do., to Berjalan Tembok Wall, a Dinding bâtu Kôta (Hind.) Wallow, to Berkûbang Wan Pûchat Wand, a Tongkat lambei Wane, to (of the moon) * Pronounce th as in "the. " Bûlan mengûrang " ،، To switch the tail to keep off flies, "Kibas 01 Kebas.' Want ( 181 ) Watch Mau Handak Want, to (require) Do., to (pine for) Wanting .War Do.. to Make Ward off, to (parry) Warder, a Rindu Kûrang Prang Pěprangan Berprang Měnangkis Pěnunggu Wardrobe, a Almari * (Port.) Warehouse, a Gědong Wares ( Barang-barang Dagângan Warm (of natural heat) Do. (artificial heat) Pânas } Hangat Do., Luke- Suam bent) Wart, a Was Warn, to Warped (become Warrant, a (of court) Mengingatkan (Mělěkok Mělěngkong Wâren† Mâta ikan Âdă ‡ Bâsohkan Wash, to Do., to (bathe) Do., to (clean) Washerman, a Wasp, a Waste, to (throw away) Do., to (destroy) Watch, a Mandikan Chuchikan Ôrang měnyûchi kain Dhobi (Hind.) Krawei § Tăbuan ( Hâbiskan Champakkan S Rôsakkan { Binâsakan Jam (Pers.) *Well understood in the Straits. ما و هندق رندو كورغ ما :D ففراغن برفرغ منتكيس فنكو الماري گدوغ بارغ دگاغن فانس هافت سوام مقيقتكن ملکوق ملفكوع وارين مات ایکن اد با سوهكن منديكن چوچیکن او رغ مپوچي کاين دهواي كراوي تبوان ها بسكن جمفقكن روستكن بنا ساكن † English adopted, but well understood throughout the Settlements. sahya pun âdă disitu." Very often there is no equivalent for I was there “sahya pun âdă disîtu. Malay, " ،، Was in was hy mad?" "Gilakah dia?" No, he was only drunk," Tîdak, dia mâbok sẽhâja. Krawei " have their nests in the ground, "Tabuan " in the trees. Watch (182) Waylay Menjaga Watch, to Watchful, Be Watchman, a Měnunggu Měngâwal Jâga baik baik ( Ôrăng jaga Pengawal Watchword Water Do., to (as plants) Do., Brackish Do., Fresh Do., High Do., Low Sembôian Âyer Seram Ậyer pâyau Ayer tawer Pasang pěnoh Surut timpas Do., Salt Water-bucket Water-carrier Water-fall Water-lily Âyer masin Timba Tukang ayer Âyer terjûn Trâtei Water-melon Mandělîkei Water-pot Buyong * Water-spout Pûting bliong Water-tub Tong âyer Water-worm Kâpang Watery Chaiĕr Wattled Pâgar sâsak Ombak Wave, a Glumbang Do., to Lambeikan Wavering Bimbang Wavy (undulating) Wax Do. ear Do., Sealing Way, a (road, me- thod) Do., High Do., In this (thus) Waylay, to (lie in wait for) * See "Jug." † Sound the k. Berombak-ombak Lilin Tahi tělinga Lak + (Hind.) } Jalan Jalan râia Băgini } Endap منحال منفكو معاول جاى بايك اورغ جاگ فَقَاول سمبوين ایر سيره میدم کایو اید ایر ناور فاسغ فنوه ایر ماسین صورت تمفس تمبا توك ایر تراتي ایر ترجون مند لیکن بويوغ فوت بليوغ توغ كافغ فاگر سامق اومبق گلمبغ لمبيكن بر او مبق ۲ ليلين تليغا تاهي لاك جالن جالن راي بگيني اندف 1 Waylay Weights (183) : Waylay, to (rob) Wayward We Sâmun Tâ'těntu halnya Kita Kami* مامون تا تنتو حالن کیت كامي Weak (feeble) Wealth Wealthy Wean, to (Uzor (Ar.) 1 Lĕmah Kakayaän Kâya Chĕrei susu Weapon, a Sĕnjâta Wear, to Pâkei Wearing apparel Pakâien Pănat Weary Lěteh Weather Musim Do., Fine Chuâcha baik Weather-cock Weave, to Web, a Do., Spider's Wedding, a Wedge, a Wednesday Week, a Weep, to Tanda angin Angin-angin Těnun Kain di pâpan gûlong Sârang lâba-lâba Kawin + (Pers.) Nikâh (Ar.) Baji Hâri rabu Sâtu minggo ‡ Satu jemäat (Ar.) Měnangis Weevil, a Bubo' Weigh, to Timbang Do. anchor, to Bungkĕr sauh Weight Brat || Bâtu timbangan Weights (for Kati T scales) Paun (Eng.) حزور ليه ككايان كاي چري سوسو منجات فاكي فكاين فنت لتيه موه وسيم وا بايك تندا اغين اغين ٢ کاین دفافن گولغ تنون سارغ لاب٢ كهوين با دي نيكح عماري رابو ساتو مشكو ما تو جمت توجد مناعيس a يوبو ؟ تبع بوشکر ساوه برت باتو تمباغن كاتي فاون * Usually used by a Malay ruler when speaking of himself. The word is also commonly used to express we "in ordinary conversation. † See "Marry." Adopted from the Portuguese, and well understood, but the Malays usually speak of Tujoh hari," seven days, and so on for other periods of time. § See "Maggot." || What weight is it ? Brapa bratnya." If the article is weighed by catties (kati) the weighs are "Satu kati," "Stengah ka- ti" and so on, but if weighed by avoirdupois then the English word is adopted and the weights are "Satu Paun " (1 lb.) &c. Weights When ( 184 ) Weights (for steelyard) Bâtu dâching Anak dâching Salâmat datang Welcome Do., to Do., to (receive) Welfare Sila (lit. Invite) Bri salâmat Silakan Sambut Kabějikan Prigi Well, a Tělâga (Hind.) Do. (in health) { Baik Sehat (Ar.) Do. (good) Well-bred Do. (polite) Well-done Went 1 Ânak baik * Bârat + Baik ƒ Bangsa baik + { Bagus Sûpan Élok West Do., North- Bârat laut Do., South- Wet Bârat dâia Bâsah Do. through Linchun Whale, a Wharf, a Îkan paus Jěmbâtan What Do. for? (why) Âpa Âpa seběb? What's his name, Mr. Tûan anu Whatever Bârang âpa (Gandum (Per.) Wheat Trîgu (Port.) Wheel, a Rôda (Sans.) Bila  pabíla When Âpakâla Mânakâla Ta'kâla Do., At the time Waktu (Ar.) Kětika *Vide "Go." He went last Night, "Sa'mâlam dia jâlan." f For "Westerly " &c, see "South." ↓ با تو دا چيغ انق داج سلامت دائغ سیال سلامت بري . میلا کن منمبروة كبجيكن فريكي تلاك بايك بايك بغا بايك انق بايك صوفن ايلوق باگوس بارت بارت لاوة بارت داي باسه لنيون ایکن فاوس جمباتن اف اف سبب توان اتو بارخ اف گندوم تريكو روداً بیلا اقبیل افكال میانکال تشكل وقتو كتيك Whence Whoever ( 185 ) Râta-râta { Mâna-mâna Whet, to (sharpen) Měngasah Whence Where Do., Every- Wherever Dêri mâna Dimâna * Mâna Ka'mâna Bârang dimâna مان کمان رات ٢ مان ۲۰ بار خدمان مقاسه دري مان دمان Do., to (burnish) Chaneikan Whether Jikalau + Whetstone Bâtu pengasah Whey Âyer dâdeh Which Yang tively) Whichever Whilst Which ? (interroga- } Yang mana? }Yang Barang mâna Samintara t Waktu (Ar.) Sa'lâma Saminjak Whine (of a dog) Bertriak (Châbok (Port.) Whip, a Do., to & Chamti g Pukŏl dengan châbok Pûsing چا نیکن جكلو باتو فخامه ایر دادیه يغ يغمان بارغمان سمنتارا وقتو سلما سمنجق برتريق چا بوق وكل دغن جا بوق فوسيغ Whirl, to Do., to (of water) Whirlpool, a Whirlwind, a Whiskers Whisper, to Pûsĕr Pusâran âyer Angin pûting bliong Tâli tûdong Bisek Whistle, to Bersiol White Pûteh . Whitewash Âyer kåpor Whither Ka'mâna Whiz, to Berdengong Who Yang Who? (interrogatively) Siapa? Whoever Barang siapa فوصو فوساران ريد اعين فوتيغ بليوغ تالي تودع سيق برسیول فول ته ير كافور كمان بردغوغ يع سياف بار غسياف * Where did you meet him?"Dimâna kau berjumpa dia? Where are you going? "Tuan handak ka'mâna ?" Where there is motion, use “ kamana. † Vide "If." "Selang satu hari," Every other day. "Selang tiga hari," Every third day, &c. Not Malay, adopted. Whole Wily ( 186 ) Sémûa Whole Blaka Do. (total) Jěmlah Whose Siapa punya Auat + ميموا جمله صیاف فوپ اوت Why Ápa seběb Âpa fasăl Wick, a Měngâpa Sumbu Wicked Jǎhat اف سبب اف فضل معاف ممبو جهت Wickedness Kajăhâtan Wicker work (of Rôtan + rattan) Wide (spacious) Luas Do. (broad) Leber Do. apart Jârang (Leběrkan Widen, to Lapangkan Widow, a Janda كجهاتن روتن بواس ليبر جارغ ليبرد لا فقكن جندا Widower, a Bujang Width Lebernya Bini لیبر Wife Istri (Hind.) Prempuan Wig, a Chemara Wild Itan § Do. (untamed) Liar Orang ûtan Sâkei Semang Do. tribes Orang bûkit Jakun بيني استري فرمفران چها را اوتن رغ اوتن ساكي اور رغ بوكيت جاكون Hudei Do. cattle Wily See "His." Sapi Chĕrdek + Contracted from “ Apa buat." A cane chair Krusi rôtan." || Adopted from Hindustani. § See "Thicket." A wild man "ôrang titan"; a wild fruit "bûah ûtan." Slâdang هودي سلادغ مسافي چرديق Wilful Wise (187) Wilful Will, a (testament) (Kras képâla Sengaja Wasiat (Ar.) Do. (mean to) Mau* Bûlih Dɔ. (future) Nanti كراس كفال مفاج اصیت بوله لنتي Willing Sûka موك Win, to Měnang Wind Angin Do., a Storm of Ribut منغ احين ريبوت Do., to (as string) Do., to (roll up) Dɔ. up a clock, to Windlass, a Lengkerkant Lilitkan Gûlong Kunchikan Putâran Window Tingkap Do. (venetian) Jindela (Port.) Windpipe, the Rengkong Wine Wing (of a bird) Wink, a Bri ishârat mâta Anggor (Pers.) Sâiap Kějip Ishârat mâta شكر ليليتكن گولغ کنچیکن فوتاران تيتكف جنديل رغكوع انگور سایف كيف ايشارة مات Do., to Winner, the Winnow, to Kějipkan mata بري ايشارة مات كجيفكن مات Yang menang Mengirei Winter (cold season) Musim dingin Wipe, to Wire Wisdom Akal (Ar.) Pĕngtâhuan Do. (learning) Elmu (Ar.) Wise Bijaksana Pandei Berâkal Do. (learned) Sâpukan يغ منغ مغيري ديقين موسيم سا فوكن Kâwat ) Dawei كاوت داوي عقل فقتهوان علمو بيجقسان * I don't care I will do it, 64 + Âlim ‡ (Ar.) فنلي برعقل عالم Will you go? Sahya ta'feduli, sahya mau juga buat." "Bulihkah Tuan pegi ?" In a moment I will go. "Sa'banter lagi nanti saya pergi." Are you willing?" Sukakah ?" All are willing. ، Semua orang suka." "Lengkerkan "to coil rope; "Lilit kan " to wrap string on a stick or reel. When a man is spoken of as "Alim" it is usually understool that he is learned in matters of religion and doctrine. Wish World (188) : Wish, a (desire) Kahandak Handak Do., to (want) Mau Sûka Wit Akal (Ar.) Děngan With Sâma Sĕrta Withdraw, to (retire) Bâlik Do., to (give way) } Undor Withered Layu Within Without (outside) Do. (not with) Withstand, to Witness, a Didalam Diluar Dengan tiâdă Menâhan Saksi Do. to Bear Bri saksi Witty Woman S Pandei berchâkap Bijak Prĕmpûan Do. (female) کهندق هندق ماو سوك عقل مسام مدرد باليق اندور لايو دد الم دلوار دغن تیاد مناهن سقسي بري سقسي فندي بر چاکف بيجق Wonderful Won't (will not) Wood (timber) Wool Woolly-haired Word, a Do., One Workmanship Work Work, to World, the Bětîna Hêran Terchengang Ajâib (Ar.) Tidak mau Kâyu Bulu biri-biri Rambut krinting Perkatâän Sa' pâtah perkatâän † Kerja Pekerjâän Perbuatan Bekerja (Berkerja) Tûkang Dunia Bûmi فرمفوان بنين حیران ترجمع عجايب تيلق ما و كايو بولو بيري رمبوت كرنتيغ صفاته فرکتان فرکتان کرج فكر جان بكرج توكة نيا دنيا بومي Workman, a (artizan) Do., the (the globe) * With a knife, "Dengan pisau." He came with me, " Dia dâtang bersama dengan sah- ya." Pêrak and all its provinces, "Negri Pêrak serta dengan sekâlian tailoknya." In conversation it is usual to omit "Perkatâän" the context preventing misunder · standing. Worn Writer ( 189 ) Worn (shabby) Do. (used) Worse (more wicked) Do. (not so good as) Worship, to Worthy (good) Would Bûrok Sudah pakei Lebih jahat (Kurang baik dêri- pâda (Lebih bûrok S Měmûji Sembah kapâda Baik * بورق مده فاكي لبه جاهت كورغ بايك درفد لبه بورق مموجي سمبة كفد بايق لوكا مسکوکاکو كنا لوكا مده لوکا برتفکر برماكيا بابت بالوتكن بتكوسن ماره بالس گون نما كاراغن بوغا کارم فيهن کافل سده فچه برگومل سوسه هاتي منجولو منجالر فرهكن وت خلقن کھو ش عن عن ليسر منوليس مپورت جروتوليس Wound, a Lûka Do., to Melukakan Do.. to Receive a Kěna lûka Wounded Wrangle, to Wrap, to Sudah lûka Bertenker Bermáki-måki Babat r Balutkan + Wrap up, to Bungkuskan Wrath Mârah ‡ Wreak vengeance, to Wreath, a (of flowers) Do., to (twine) Wreck, a Ship- Bâlas gûna Karângan bûnga Kârang Pichahan kâpal Wrecked Wrestle, to Wretch ! Sudah pichah Bergômul Chelâka! Wretched (distressed) Wriggle, to (as a snake) Wring, to (as linen) Wrinkle, a Sûsah hâti S Měnjûlor Měnjâler Prahkan Krot Wrist, the Write, to Writer, a (scribe) { Perglangan Buku tângan Tûlis Měnûlis Měnyûrat Jûrotûlis * See" Will." I would do it, but, "Saya suka membuat, tetapi." I would have killed him, but he ran away, "Sahya mau bunoh dia, tetapi dia lâri.” +"Balutkan to wrap up as furniture. Bungkuskan " to make up a parcel or bundle. ،، t See “ Anger, " Writing Yesterday ( 190 ) Writing, a Sûrat ( Měnghêrut * Menggliat سورة ماهیروت مشکلیت تر توليس ساله تيدق بتول سیلف دوس ساله انیا یا کن هيروت ا اوبي وبي كادوق چیه ساتو ايلا سننقه دفا تیگ کاکی هلا من بنغ مقواف تاژ ون عالي سكا تاهون ستاهون تيفي تاهون مرندوكن راگي برتريق كونيغ Writhe, to Written Tertulis (Sâlah Wrong Tidak betul Silap Do., a (sin, (Dosa crime) Salah Do. another, to Aniâyakan Wry Hêrut Yam, a Yard, a (the measure) Do., a Court- Yarn (thread) Yawn, to Year, a Do., Once a Yearly Yearn for, to Yeast Yell, to Yellow Y (Ûbi Acheh Ûbi gâdong Sâtu êla (Port.) Stěngah děpa Tiga kaki Halâman Benang Menguap Taun ‡ (tâhun) Sa'taun skâli + Tiap tiap taun Merindukan Ragi § Bertriak Kûning Do. Light- Yelp, to (as a dog) Yes Yesterday Do., Pêrang Bertríak Ya Kelmarin || The day Kelmarin dulu before *Sound the "h." فيرغ برتريق يا كلمارين كلمارين دولو † A lopted and understood, but the Malays usually measure with this table-2 Jengkal make 1 Hasta, 4 Hasta make 1 Depa (a fathom or 6 feet), The Malays have adopted the Mahomedan year of 12 months. "Tuak" from the cocoa-nut tree supplies the place of yeast here. ،، Samal m. || Last night, "Some time ago." >> Kelmarin" is also used to express any indefinite time past. Yet Zodiac ( 191 ) Yet Yet, Not Bulûm Tunduk Yield, to (submit) 7 Serahkan diri Yoke (of bullocks, &c.) } Ko' Yolk of an egg Merah tělor (Disâna Yonder Yore, Of Disitu Dûlu kâla Tûant Angkau بلوم توندوق مرهكن ديري كو میره تاور دستان دسيتو دهولو کالا توان اغ Hang You Kau Kamu Mu Âwak Mika Young Your Youth Do., a Schâbat beta Sehâbat kita Mûda ± of Angkau punya § Tûan punya Zealous Râjin Zebra, a Mûdanya (Bûdak Orang muda Z Kuda blăng || Zig-zag Siku kluang Zinc Timah sari Zodiac, Signs of the Bintang dûablas كامو وق صحابت بیت صحابت کیت مودا اشکو فوپ توان ذوپ موداپ بودق ورغ مودا راجين كودا بلغ سيكو كلواغ تيمه ساري بنتغ دوا بلس 66 "Yet Kami," and render * No word in Malay properly expresses the English "yet, thus-Has he come yet? is rendered "Sudah tibakah bulum ?" Lit., Has he arrived or not yet? In other senses may be rendered by "But;" thus-Yet it does not matter, "Tetapi tid'apa itu." † See "I." Rajas or persons of rauk often speak of themselves as "You" by "Kamu "or" Angkau " when talking to inferiors. "Awak" is used when the person addressed is on familiar terms with the spokesman. When in feriors address their superiors, and wish to make a point of the distinction, they speak of themselves as "Hamba Tuan," your slave; this is common also in writing from an inferior to his superior. Hang" is the first syllable of "Angkau " and is common in Kedah and Province Wellesley. "Kau" is the second syllable of" Angkau "and is common in Selangor and elsewhere. •Teman I, and "Mika "-you, are common in Pêrak, used by persons of equal rank on familiar terms. “Bêta "--I, and "Sehâbat bêta -you, are used in writing. The youngest child of a family "Anak bongsu." § See "His." From this name of the zebra it has become common to call all piebald horses "Blang," RINCHÂNA. SPECIMENS OF COMPLIMENTS, &c., TO BE USED IN WRITING MALAY LETTERS. I. From a High Official to an independent Malay Ruler. Compliments. ورقة اللخلاص وتخفة اللجناس يقتربيت درفد فواد الزكية يغ فوته لاگي هنغ جرنيه يعتياد برکسداهن سالگي اد فرایداران چکروال يايت متهاري دان بولن درفد بيت توان انو ٢ يغ منجادي انو ددالم نگري انو ۲ بار غدوا صلكن اوله توهن سرو سكلين عالم افاله کیراپ دائغ کهدافن وجه مجليس فدوك صحابت بية راج انو سلطان انو ٢ يغاد ممرنته فد ماس این ددالم نكّري انو ٢ سرة سكّل دایره تعلق ججاهنب يعملي احول مك اداله بيت معلومكن Concluding paragraph, with date. مك تياداله اف ۲ لاین هاپ بربایق ۲ تابق بيت كفد صحابت بيت لاینهاپ اینله دمعلومکن ترصورت فل ها ريبولن ناهن } 194 RINCHÂNA. II. From an independent Malay Ruler to a High Officer of Government. Compliments. سورت پولس اخلاص كاسيه سايخ يعتياد بركفتوسن دان برکسداهن سلاکي اه چکروال یاریت متهاري دان بولن درفد بيت انو م يخ ممرنته كراجان نگري انو ۲ بار غدو اصلكن توهن سرو مكلين عالم اخاله جوا کیراپ داتع كهدا فن وجه مجليس صحابة بيت توان انو٢ يقاد برانو اتو ممرنته نگري انو م دغن سگل تعلق ججاهنپ لاگی دغن عقيل بحقسان که مشهور كفوجين سمفي كمان ۲ سرت ساخت فندي فد مال كوكن بركا میهن ۲ دان برتولین ۲ فد مكلين صحابة هندي تولن قريب دان بعيد کمدین در فدایت بارغ تاهو صحابة بيت Concluding paragraph. اینله بیت تعرفكن مرت دغن باپق ۲ تابق بيت كفد صحابة بيت فربوات صورت این قد ها ريبولن هاري ادان تمت RINCHÂNA. III. From a Malay to a European or Chinese Merchant, or vice versa. 195 (The concluding paragraghs in I or II may be adopted in all cases.) تاب دهن بگیتو بایق سرت دا بريغي دشن بیراف حرمت ملي يقتربيت درقد ماتي يخ فوته لاكي منح جونيه يغتياد مناره دان لوف سلاکي او فرايداران عالم اين درفد بية انوم يغاد اد لالي فد ماس این ددالم نكري انو ٢ ججاهن انو ٢ بارغد سمفيكن اوله توهن سرو عالم مکلین افاله کیراپ دائغ كهدا فن مجليس صحابة بيت توان اتو باب انو ٢ بقاد ممكغ فکر جان انو ۲ ددالم نگري اتو كمفوغ انو٢ يغ عارف بجقسان صرت فندي مغمبل هاتي هندي صحابة تمباهن بودیمان لاتيها لوس ما نيس دان مغرتي جالن برصحابة درفد رفيق اتو بعيد وبعده الكلام المذكور احول مك اداله IV A European to a Malay or vice versa. Short Compliments where no great formality is wanted. ورقة المحبة يغدا يريغي دغن بيراف حرمت ملي يغتياه بركسداهن سلاكي اد في الجسد در فد بية انو ٢ معلومكن فد صحابة روح بيت انو م يغاد بر استراحة الخير ددالم نكري انو ا ددالم عافیت دان ستراپ و بعده احوال مك اداله بيت معلومكن 196 RINCHANA. V. A Subject to a Malay Raja. دولت تو انکو شاه عالم ظل الله في العالم امفون توانكو بريبو٣ امفون فاتك همب ديدق فلان بن فالن مرفعكن سحبه معلومكن فد كباوه تافق چرفو دل (بگند) يغد فوتوان سلطان انو راج بسر يغاد برسمايم داتس تخت كراجان نگري انو سرت سگل دایره تلق رنتوپ دارالمعمور دان مشهور يغمهاملي امتون توانكو بريبون اصفون فاتك معلومكن سمبه ادفون اينله فاتك معلومكن سمبه صرت هارف اصفون معاف درفد دولت سعادت علي الدوام تاهن دسمبهکن سورة فد هاريبولن VI. From persons of equal rank being on familiar terms and not using much formality. سام ستار اتو يشملي دشمن شکسن رفكسر سلم الله تعالي علي الدوام ما دامه اليل والليام بركت محمد سيد الانام درفد فلان كفد فلان يغملي سلم تعظيم والتكريم يخ دايريغي دخن ببراف حرمت دعا يخ ملیح دان عمل یخ صالح در فد فالن دائغ كهدا فن مجليس فالن يغملي احوال مك اداله پاشید RINCHANA. 197 VII. The Heading or Crown of Letters. (1.) The writing is true. (2.) The meaning is clear. (5.) (3.) In cases of invitation or petition. (6.) (4.) When the letter contains a promise or agree- ment. Asking for considera- tion. In letters of congratula- tion. مهكوت سورت ۲ کفال سورت ۲ (4) قوله الحق (5) ياغفو الرحيم (6) يارفيع الدرجات (1) المستحقة 2 نور الشمس والقمر (3) ياقاضي الحاجات 198 RINCHÂNA. VIII. Addresses of Letters. علامت I علامت سورت كيريمن 1 ورقت المحبه این دائع كهدافن وجه المبارك الو٣ دالم نكري انو ٢ يغمهاملي دغن مجهتران علامت 2 ورقت این داتخ مقادف فد كباوه دخن سجهتران علامت 3 دانغ كهدافن مجليس فلان فلان يغملي علامت يعملي 4 بار محمد سلیکن اول تودن سرو عالم سکلین کهدافن وجه مجليس صحابت بیت فلان ۲ دنگري ججاهن انو يغملي RINCHÂNA. 199 IX. Specimen of a Malay Poem. بر شرح قلم اکوله راج جاماکو بایق تیاد ترایجا ساعر رفيق كراجان دملاي دشن نام يڅ بهيا * دعوات منجاوب سمبل برفري * جك تياد اكو برلاري قرطاس فول منجاواب كات دمانكه بوله قلم ملات اولپ قلم يغامة تنتو جك برچري ساله سنوات تیک فرکارا اینله بركة كالو كتيك مده مفقة كراجان دنیا مريکاله ميلق مده چونتیغ تیاد اکن بالق * * * * * * سكلين كاتب ممبوات منجا شگل دولة سلالو فوجا مغافاته قلم مغاكو ديري دمانکه صورت بوله فكاري جك تياد اداپ بیت کدو امو اية تياداله پات کمدین دعواة قرطاس ممبنتو تیاداله جادي فكرجان ايتو قلم دعوات قرطاس بردكة سوات رنچان دافة دايكت بايق جهة اتويغ فليق خط الختام جوباله تعليق 200 RINCHÂNA. (TRANSLATION.) The Courtiers-(The Pen, Ink, and Paper.) The Pen declared: "I am the Râja; all writers set great store by me; my merit is so great that it cannot be estimated; all Governments laud my valuable services." The Ink answered, and said: "Why do you, Pen, boast of yourself, if I did not run after you, nothing you do would ever be seen." Then the Paper: "Were it not for me you would have no- thing to run upon, and neither of you would ever be visible." The Author: the Pen is first without doubt, the Ink and Paper are his assistants. But if any one of the trio be left out, the labour of the others is vain. These three-the Pen, Ink, and Paper-are blessings when acting together; if they are of one mind, they will produce something of value. The earth is their inheritance, both the good and the evil of it; what is written cannot be recalled. If you believe it not, search and you will find this maxim is proved in all the books that have been written in past ages. PART II. ENGLISH-MALAY DIALOGUES. } CONTENTS. I.—THE WEATHER,... II.—TIME,.. III.—THE ROAD,... Pago. 3-7 7-12 12-17 • 17-22 22-24 • 24-28 28-29 IV. CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK,. V.-CONVERSATIONS WITH A BOY,. VI. CONVERSATIONS WITH A SYCE,. VII.-CONVERSATIONS WITH A GARDENER,…………. VIII. TABLE TALK,……………. 29-31 IX. CONVERSATIONS WITH A WASHERMAN,...31-34 X.-CONVERSATIONS WITH A TAILOR,..... ·34-36 XI.-CONVERSATIONS WITH A SHOEMAKER,....36-38 XII.-CONVERSATIONS WITH A JOINER, &C.,....38-41 XIII. IN THE BAZAAR, XIV. ON A RIVER, XV. IN THE JUNGLE,.. XVI. AT SEA, XVII-SHOOTING,…… XVIII. DURING DISTURBANCES, XIX. CONVERSATIONS WITH A RÂJA, • • 41-43 ·43-52 52-55 • 55-58 58-62 .63-67 .67-70 75-81 XX. CONVERSATIONS WITH A SICK MAN,.....71-75 XXI. OPENING A PLANTATION,. [ English-Malay Dialogues. How hot it is to-day. The sun is very hot. It is unbearable. I. THE WEATHER. Is it always as hot as this? Yes, it is usually much about the same. I never felt it so hot before; it is certainly hotter than Singapore. Bânyak panas ini hâri. Mâta hâri terlâlu pânas. Ta'bûlih tâhan. Âpa, sĕlâlu pânas băgînikah? Yah, Tûan lebih kurang bă- gîni juga. Ta'pernah sahya râsa pânas băgîni, těntu lěbih pânas dêripâda Singapûra. I think it is warmer in Pe- Sahya fikir, lebih pânas di nang. Pûlau Pînang. Yes in the town, but not on Yah, di bander, tětâpi di bû- the hill. It is cool on the hill. kit tîdak. Sejuk di bûkit. The top of the hill is very cold. Kamunchak bûkit itu sângat In my country it is so cold in the winter season that the water in the rivers and ponds freezes. sějuk. Didâlam něgri sahya, waktu musim dingin, sějuk skâli hengga sampei âyer sun- gei dan âyer kôlam měn- jâdi băkû. 2 4 THE WEATHER. Ah, that never occurs here. Do you like the warm weather? Yes, I like it. No, I don't like it at all. Malays can't endure the cold. Ta'pernah băgîtu disîni. Tûan sûkakah pânas ? Yah, sahya sûka jûga. Tîdak, sahya taʼsûka skâli. Orang ôrang Malâiu ta'tâhan sějuk. When it is very cold they catch Kalau sejuk sângat nanti dîa fever. That is unpleasant. ôrang kěna demam. Itu sûsah. Do you think it will be fine to- Âpa Tûan fîkir; pânaskah êsok morrow or wet ? I think it will be wet to-morrow. It looks as if it were going to rain. Yes, it is looking very black. I think it is only wind. If the wind comes first we shan't have much rain. I hope not. There is no snow in these snow in these countries. No, never, Sir. Have you ever seen snow? No, but I hear there is snow in China sometimes. atau hûjan? Bârangkâli hûjan êsok. Nampak seperti na' hûjan. Yah, nampak glǎp sângat. Bârangkâli tahi hûjan sĕhâja. Kalau angin tûrun dûlu, t'âdă brâpa hûjan. Sahya harap băgîtu. Tiâdă thalj didâlam něgri něgri dibawah angin ini. Ta'pernah, Tûan. Âdǎkah pernah Tuan lîhat thalj itu ? Tûan, tetapi sahya T’ada, Tuan, dengar âdă jûga kâdang kâdang thalj didâlam něgri Chîna. THE WEATHER. 5 Yes, that's true. Here all days are alike, you can't tell January from June. Yah, sungguh băgîtu. Disîni tiap tiap hâri sa'rûpa, ta'bûlih tau bulan January dêripâda bûlan June. No, that's true, but the nights Sungguh, tětâpi mâlamnya are always cool. sějuk jûga. Yes, for there is always a lit- Yah, karâna mâlam hâri sĕlâ- tle breeze at night. lu âdã sědikit angin. I prefer this climate to that Sahya sûka udâra sîni dêri- of Europe. It is pleasantest when it rains. If it rains a little, not if it rains much. If there is a very little rain, though, it is pleasant. I can't go if it rains to-morrow. pâda udara Europa. Kalau hûjan bhâru sedap skâli. Yah, kalau hûjan sědîkit, kalau bânyak tîdak. Kalau hûjan sědîkit pun baik jûga. Kalau hûjan êsok sahya ta'- bûlih pergi. I'll go if it is fine. Kalau chuâcha baik, bûlih sahya jâlan. I'll go whether it rains or not. Hûjan ta'hûjan pun, tentu sahya jâlan jûga. That's right, Sir. Itulah bětûl, Tûan. Those clouds look very dark. Âwan âwan itu rûpa glǎp sangat. If the wind rises those clouds Kalau tûrun will disappear. Come at daylight to-morrow. I can't come at day dawn, but I'll come early in the day. Kalau tûrun angin hâbislah âwan âwan itu. Dâtang pâgi pagi êsok. Dinihâri ta'bûlih, tětâpi pâgi nanti sahya dâtang. 6 THE WEATHER. If it's evening it will be no longer any use. I'll try my best. Kalau pětang, ta'bergûna lâgi.. Nanti sahya chûba dengan sa'bûlihnya. How bright the moon is to- Trang sââli bûlan mâlam night. What o'clock did it rise? I don't know, but it won't set till morning. If there is no moon the stars are all brighter. ini. Pukŏl brâpa naik ? Sahya ta'tau, tětâpi pâgi pâgi bhâru dîa jâtoh. Kalau t'âdă bûlan, bintang semua lebih trang lâgi. We had better go when there Pâtut kîta jâlan waktu bûlan is no moon. The earth moves round the sun and the moon round the earth. gặp. Ini bûmi jâlan kělîling mâta hâri, dan bûlan jâlan kělî- ling bûmi. The sun is a very long way Mâta hâri jauh skâli dêripâda bûmi ini. from the earth. The wind is very strong. Angin kinchang skâli. The wind is rising. Angin handak tûrun. The wind is falling. The land breeze is cool, the sea breeze hot, moreover it gives rise to sickness. I fear we are going to have a storm. Did you hear the thunder? No, I only saw the lightning. Angin handak mâti. Angin dârat sejuk, angin laut pânas, lâgi membangkit- kan penyakit. Sahya takut bârangkali nanti tûrun ribut. Âdăkah dengar gûroh itu? Tidak, sahya nampak kîlat sěhâja. THE WEATHER. 7 You had better shut all the Lebih baik tûtup jindêla dan windows and pull down the chics. tûrunkan chic semua. II. TIME. What o'clock is it? About ten. Have you a watch? Pukŏl brâpa sěkârang? Lebih kurang pukol sa'pûloh. Âdăkah Tûan měnâroh jam? How can I have a watch in Mâna bûlih měnâroh jam dâ- the jungle? It looks like noon. If you can see the sun it is not difficult to know what o'clock it is. How? At day dawn the sun rises till the middle of the day, i. e., 12 o'clock noon; from that time it falls till lohor, i. e., 2 p. m.; from there it continues falling till asar, i. e., 4 p. m.; and finally sets at 6 p. m. lam utan P Nampak seperti rembang. Kalau bûlih nampak mâta hâri handak tau tîdak susah pukŏl brâpa. Bâgimâna ? Pâgi pâgi mâta hâri naik sampei tengah hâri, ia itu pukol dûablas; dêripada waktu itu mâta hâri jâtoh sampei lõhor, ia itu pukõl dûa; dêri sîtu jâtoh lâgi sampei sembâiang âser, ia itu kîra kîra pukŏl âmpat pětang; kěmdian mâta hâri mâsok kembâlik pâda jam pukol ânam pětang. 8 TIME. What o'clock will you be Pukol brâpa Tuan nanti sedîa? ready? I am ready now. Sěkârang sahya sĕdîa. If you will return in two hours' Kalau Tûan bâlik dâlam dûa time we can go. jam lâgi bûlih kîta jâlan. Two hours more will make it Dûa jam lâgi jâdi very late. I can't help it. I can't get the things ready sooner. In that case say no more about it, I will be back in two hours' time. What did he say ? He said he would come to- morrow morning, and if not in the morning he will be here by the middle of the day without fail. What o'clock will you come? Nearly two o'clock. o'clock exactly. jâdi lambat sangat. Âpa bûlih bûat, sahya tĭâdă bûlih siapkan bârang bârang lebih dulu dêripâda itu. Kalau băgîtu jângan Tûan sebutkan dûa kâli, dâlam dûa jam nanti sahya bâlik kamâri. Âpa kâta dîa? Kâta dîa nanti dîa dâtang êsok pâgi pâgi, kalau tîdak pâgi tentu tengah hâri dîa âdă disîni. Pukol brâpa nanti Tûan dâ- tang? Děkat pukol dûa. About three o'clock-at four Lebih kurang pukŏl tiga- Half past three o'clock in the afternoon [in the night (i. e., 31 a. m.) ]. It is past one o'clock. pukol âmpat bětûl. Pukŏl tîga Pukŏl tîga stěngah, pětang [mâlam]. Sudah pukol sâtu lâlu. TIME. • This morning. To-night. Last night. Yesterday morning. Yesterday during the day. The day before yesterday or some days or months ago. To-morrow, some months hence. Ini pâgi or pâgi tadi. Mâlam sekarang. Sa'mâlam. Sa'mâlam pâgi. Kělmârin, sîang hâri. Kělmârin dăhûlu [or Kělmâ- rin.] Êsok. days or He will come without fail the day after to-morrow morning. He must be here in the next three days. He can't arrive by that time. He must come. Why did you not come? Ta'bûlih tîdak nanti dîa dâ- tang lusa pagi. Dîa mau âdă disîni dâlam tîga hâri lâgi. Dîa ta'bûlih sampei pâda waktu itu Ta'bûlih tîdak dîa mau dâtang. Měngâpa Tûan ta'dâtang? Měngâpa angkau tîdak dâ- tang? I dawdled on the road and so Sahya [hamba Tûan, pâtek] I arrived late. As soon lengah dijâlan jâdi lambat sampei. as you receive this Tětkâla sampei sûrat ini dâ- letter come at once. tanglah skâli. Tell him I can't wait any Khabarkan pâda dîa [pâda longer. He says he will come at once. Tûan itu] sahya tĭâdă bûlih měnanti lâgi. Kâta dîa [Tûan itu] nanti dîa dâtang dengan sĕgrânia. → 10 TIME. In that case I will wait a quarter of an hour longer. When did it occur? Kalau băgîtu bûlih sahya mě- nanti lâgi suku jam. Bîla menjadi itu? About a month ago. Are you sure? Quite sure. Can Lebih kurang sa'bûlan dûlu. Těntukah? Těntu. you recollect what o'clock Bûlihkah ingat pukŏl brâpa itu? it was? How can I tell, I don't wear Bâgimâna bûlih tau, sahya tîdak a watch. Was it morning or afternoon? I can't well recollect, Sir, but I think it was late at night. Can you be sure? měnâroh jam. Pâgikah pětangkah? Sahya tidak brâpa ingat, Tuan, tětâpi pâda fîkiran sahya sudah jauh mâlam. Těntukah? Yes; no, I can't be sure, I Tentu; sahya ta'bûlih tentu think so. Will you swear to it? Yes. Very well, from the day you met him till to-day how long is it? About a week. It is eight days. tětâpi sahya fikir băgitu. Brânikah (bûlihkah) sumpah? Brâni (bûlih) Tuan. Baiklah, dêripâda hâri angkau berjumpa dengan dîa, sampei hâri ini brâpa lâmanya? Bârangkâli sâtu minggo. Âdă lâpan hâri lâmanya. Did you meet him the next day Êsok hâri itu, âdăkah angkau also? I don't know. berjumpa dengan dia? Entah! sahya ta'tau. TIME. I I Try your best to recollect, that day you met him, did he say he had met MAT the previous day, or two days before, or a month before? I think it was on that day also. What, the very day that you met him, on that day also he had met MAT? He said so. Did he meet MAT before he spoke to you, or afterwards? I think he saw MAT first. That was what I asked you. After you left her, how long do you think it was before she died? About an hour and a half. I can't tell. Speak truly. Truly, Sir. Ever since I came here I have been looking for you. How long have you been here? Chûba ingat baik baik, hâri angkau berjumpa dengan dîa, âdăkah dîa kâta dîa berjumpa dengan MAT sa' mâlam d'hûlu, atau dûa hâri d'hûlu, atau sa’bûlan d'hûlu? Bârangkâli itu hâri jûga. Âpa, hâri angkau berjumpa dengan dîa, hâri itu jûga îa berjumpa dengan MAT? Dîa kâta băgîtu. Âpa, dîa berjumpa dengan MAT itu d'hûlu dêripâda berchâ- kap dengan angkau atau kěm dĭan? Bârangkâli MAT d'hûlu. Itulah yang sahya tânya pâda angkau. Kěm dian dêripâda angkau tinggalkan dîa, brâpa lâma, angkau fikir, bhâru dîa mâti? Bârangkâli stengah dûa jam (sâtu jam stěngah) băgîtu. Ta'tau sahya. Châkap bětul bětul. Bětûl, Tûan. Sa'minjak sahya dâtang kamâri sahya châri sâma Tûan. Brâpa lâma Tûan disîni? 12 TIME. Not very long. Oh! I beg your pardon had I known it was Mr.- I should have come at once. Never mind. Another time when you come I shall not fail to be ready waiting for you. When can I see you again? To-night after dinner. If you will come to-night at twenty minutes past ten, we can settle that matter. Very well, I will come. Come sooner than that. I will come later. T'âdă brâpa lâma. Oh! minta mäaf, kalau sahya tau Tuan tentu sahya dâtang lěkas. Tîdak âpa (Tîd'âpa). Lain kâli Tûan dâtang tentu sahya sědîa měnanti. Bila bûlih sahya jumpa Tûan lâgi? Mâlam sekârang, lěpas mâkan. Kalau Tûan bûlih dâtang mâlam sekarang, jam pukol sa'pûloh dûa pûloh minit, bûlih kîta sělăsêi perkara itu. Baik, bûlih sahya dâtang. Mâri lebih d'hûlu dêripâda itu. Sahya nanti dâtang kem- dian. Did you see what o'clock he Âdăkah lîhat pukŏl brâpa dîa went out? Two A. M. on Thursday. I thought so. Certainly it was he who did it. klûar? Pukŏl dûa mâlam rabu. Sahya fikir bâgîtu. Tentu dîa yang buat. III. THE ROAD. Which is the way to? This is it. Mâna jâlan pergi ka ? Inilah dia. THE ROAD. 13 Is this the right way to? No, you have missed your way. Where is the right road? Go back by the road you have just come for a mile or so, and then turn to your right [left.] How far is it from here? About three miles; you can reach it in about an hour if you go fast, if you dawdle it will take you an hour and a half. In that case I'll start at once. Where does this road lead to? To Bukit Timah. Is it a good road? Yes, it is good. Bětûlkah jâlan ini pergi ka—? Tîdak, Tûan sudah sîlap jâlan. Mâna jâlan yang bĕtûl? Pûlang bâlik jâlan tadi kěder sâtu bâtu, kěmdian îkut kânan [kiri]. Brâpa jauh dêri sîni? Lebih kurang tiga bâtu; bâ- rangkâli sâtu jam bûlih sampei, kalau jâlan dras, kalau lengah dijâlan tengah dûa jam bhâru sampei. Kalau băgîtu sahya jâlanlah. Jâlan ini pergi ka'mâna? Ka'Bûkit Tîmah. Jâlan baikkah? Baik jûga. No, Sir, you can't go by that Tidak, Tûan, ta'bûlih pergi îkut road. Why? That road is very bad, it is very muddy and there are many holes in it. Can a carriage go on it? No, Sir. How are we to go then? jâlan itu. Âuat?—Âpa fasǎl?—Âpa sĕběb? -Kěnâpa? Mengapa? Jâlannya ta'baik skâli, bânyak sělut, lâgi lubang banyak. Bûlihkah krêta lâlu disîtu? Ta'bûlih, Tûan. Bâgimâna kîta jâlan kalau băgîtu? · A 14 THE ROAD. There is another road; you must go back a short way and then go to your right. Can you show us that road? You must excuse me for I am engaged, but this child will shew you that road. Thank you. Let us go. Is this the right road? Âdă lain jâlan, mau bâlik sedikit d'hûlu, kěmdian îkut jâlan kânan. Bûlihkah Tuan [angkau] tun- juhkan jâlan itu? Minta mäaf, Tûan, sahya âdă kerja sědîkit, tětâpi bûdak ini bûlih tunjukkan jâlan itu. Trîma kâsih. Mâri kîta jâlan. Inikah jalan bětûl tîdak? No, Sir, that road goes to Bûkan, Tûan, jâlan itu pergi Seletar. Where do you want to go to? To Bukit Timah. Is not this the right road? No, it is further than this. That man said this was the road. No, Sir, you mistook him. No, I understood perfectly what he said. Ah! now, this is the right road. Which is the road to Mr.-'s? Mr. who? I don't know that gentleman. Do you know Mr.'s house? It is on a high hill [low hill]. ka'Sělîtar. Tûan na' pergi ka'mâna? Ka'Bukit Timah. ini jâlannya? Bûkankah Tîdak, jauh lâgi dêripâda ini. Kâta orang itu inilah dîa. Tidak, Tûan, Tûan sâlah fěham. Tidak, sahya herti baik baik perkataannya. Ah! inilah bhâru jâlan bětûl. Mâna jâlan pergi ka'rûmah Tûan- -? Tûan mâna? Sahya tidak kenal Tûan itu. Âdăkah tau rûmah Tûan- ? Rûmahnya diâtas bûkit tinggi [bûkit rendah]. THE ROAD. 15 Perhaps your horse can't go up Bârangkâli Tûan punya ta'bûlih naik bûkit itu, karâna chôram sângat. kûda that hill for it is very steep. If the horse can't get up I will Kalau kûda ta'bûlih naik sahya walk. bûlih jâlan kâki. In that case there is a path, Âdă sâtu lôrong kěchil, tětâpi but it is somewhat over- grown. I don't mind. You can see the beginning of it (the path) from here, close by that betel-nut tree. Did you see a gentleman pass by this road? Coming from which direction? Going from here [going from there]. Was he walking or on horse- back or in carriage? He was walking carrying a gun. Yes, I saw him. sĕmak sědîkit. Sahya ta'fědûli. Dêri sîni bûlih nampak hûjong- nya, děkat pôko' pînang itu. Âdăkah nampak sâtu Tûan lâlu îkut jâlan ini? Dâtang dêrimâna? Jâlan dêri sîni [jâlan dêri sâna]. Dîa jâlan kâkikah, naik kûda- kah, atau didâlam krêta? Dîa jâlan kâki měmîkul sĕnâ- pang. Yah, âdă sahya lihat. He went that way two hours Dîa lâlu sĕblah sâna, âdă dûa ago. jam sudah. If he comes back, tell him I Kalau bâlik Tûan itu, khabărkan have gone on slowly. Can you do that? Certainly, Sir. pâda dîa, sahya sudah jâlan d'hûlu plan-plâhan. Bûlihkah, Tuan, bûat itu? Bûlih, Tûan. 16 Where has he gone? THE ROAD. Dimâna dîa pergi? I don't know the name of the Sahya tidak tau nâma těmpat place. itu. Is this the road to the gardens? Inikah jalan pergi ka'kăbûn Does not the road fork? No. Yes, there are two forks, the first to the right, the second to the left. You can't mistake the road. The road is very muddy. It is a dry road. The road is a little wet. The road is very dusty. In the dry weather it is always like that. If it is windy it is most dis- agreeable, for one's eyes and mouth become filled with dust. The Singapore dust is the worst of all for it is red, and once it has fallen on any- thing you can't get rid of it. All the roads in Singapore are good. bûnga? Jâlan t'âdă bersimpangkah? T'âdă. Âdă dûa simpangnya, yang ka'kânan, yang pertâma kadûa ka'kiri. Ta'bûlih sîlap jâlan. Jâlan banyak lumpor. Jâlannya kring. Âdă jûga lĭchah di jâlannya tětâpi t’âdã bânyak. Bânyak âbu di jâlan. Musim pânas sĕlâlu băgîtu. Kalau angin sûsah skâli, jâdi mâta dan mûlut pěnoh děn- gan âbu. Abu Singapûra chělâka skâli, sĕběb âbunya mêrah, skâli lěkat ta'bûlih diklûarkan lâgi. Jâlan jâlan di Singapûra sẽmûa baik. THE TIME. 17 That is true, but there are ma- ny hills which makes it hard for the horses always as- cending and descending. In the Malay Peninsula you very seldom meet with high roads, there are only jungle paths. In Lârut there is a railroad. A railroad is very straight, this road is very crooked. Go in front. Go behind. Turn and go back. Let us go back. If we find the road well and good, if not we will return. Come here. Go and tell him I'm waiting back at and then come back once. That will do. Bětûl, Tûan, tětâpi bûkitnya bânyak, jâdi sûsah skâli pâda kûda, naik tûrun sĕlâlu. Dâlam tânah Malaîu jârang skâli berjumpa jâlan besar, jâlan ûtan sěmûa. Di Lârut âdă jâlan krêta âpi. Jâlan krêta âpi trus skâli, jâlan ini bengkok. Jâlan d'hûlu. Jâlan diblâkang. Pûsing bâlik. Bâliklah kîta. Kalau dâpat jâlan kîta pergi, kalau tidak kîta bâlik. Mâri sîni. Pergi kâta sahya nanti, kěm- dian angkau bâlik ka'mâri dengan sĕgra. Sudah. IV. CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK. Have something to eat ready Pâgi pâgi êsok siapkan mâkan to-morrow morning. sĕdîkit. 18 CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK. What do you want to eat, Sir? How many people will there be to supply? We who are in the house now (the household) and two gentlemen besides. You can get ready tea, coffee, toast, eggs, and fruit. Âpă Tûan mau mâkan? Brâpa ôrang mau mâkan? Kîta yang âdă dirûmah sẽkâ- rang, dan lagi dûa Tûan. Angkau (lu) bûlih sedîakan âyer cha, kâhŭa, rôti panggang, tělor, dengan bûah bûah. What kind of fruit would you Apa mâcham bûah Tûan sûka? like? Mangosteen, durians, rambu- tans, pulasam, pineapples, oranges, whatever you can get. The coffee is finished. Very well, you can buy more. What is the price of coffee a catty just now? Twenty cents, Sir. Very well, buy five catties. I have no time to go to the bazaar, Sir. Buah manggis, bûah durien, bûah rambutan, bûah pulâ- sam, bûah nânas, bûah lî- mâna mâna yang mau, bûlih dâpat. Kâhŭa sudah hâbis. Baik bûlih bli lâgi. Kâhŭa brâpa herga sâtu kâti sěkârang. Dûa pûloh sen, Tûan. Baik, bûlih bli lîma kâti. Sahya t'âdă sempat mau pergi pâsĕr, Tûan. Never mind, send your "help." Tîd'âpă sûroh kuki kěchil pergi. He is ill, Sir. Dîa sâkit, Tûan. Very well, send some one else, Baik, sûroh lain ôrang, bârang whoever there is. There is no one else, Sir. siâpa yang âdă. Tîdak âdă lain ôrang, Tûan. CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK. 19 Look for a man, some one must go for those things. Won't to-morrow do? No, to-day he must go. Then I must go myself. As you like. What are you going to give us to eat (for dinner) to-night. Soup, fried fish, prawn cutlets, roast mutton, and boiled fowls, curry and rice, cheese, and pudding. What kind of curry? Angkau châri ôrang, ta'bûlih tîdak sâtu ôrang mau pergi ambil bârang itu. Esok ta'bûlih, Tûan? Tîdak, ini hâri jûga dîa mau pergi. Kalau băgîtu sahya mau pergi sĕndîri. Sûka hâti angkau. Âpa mau bâgi mâkan kîta mâlam sěkârang. Soup, ikan gôring, hûdang cutlet, kambing panggang, âyam rebus, curry nasi, kêju dan pudding. Âpa mâcham curry? Malay, dry, Indian, brinjal Curry Malaîu, curry kring, cur- curry. I want dinner at 7 o'clock exactly, can you have it ready by that time? Three people will dine here. What, three in all? No, three besides ourselves, that will make seven in all. ry Běnggâla, curry trong Sahya mau mâkan pukol tûjoh bětûl, bûlihkah sĕdîa mâkan pâda waktu itu? Tîga ôrang mau mâkan disîni. Âpa, tîga sẽmûa? Tidak, tiga orang lain dêripâda kîta jâdi tujoh sẽmûa. I want to ask for some more Sahya mau minta blanja sěďî- money, Sir. kit lagi, Tuan. What, is the money finished? Âpa, duit sudah hâbiskah? 20 CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK. Here are ten dollars, you can use for house expenses. It is not enough, Sir. Why? I have spent a great deal for food, besides there is oil, candles and all the rest. I think you are very wasteful, the expenses ought to be smaller. I will give you five dollars more and that will be enough to last three days. It is not enough, Sir. You can try. Where have you been? To the bazaar, Sir. You are very late returning. Did you get any crabs? No, Sir, so I bought oysters. Are they good? Yes, just got. Ini âdă ringgit sa'pûloh, bû- lih buat blanja rumah. T’âdã chukup, Tuan. Âpa fasǎl? Bânyak sudah blanja měmbli bârang barang mâkan, lâgi mînyak, lilin, âpa semua. Sahya fikir angkau bânyak bôros, pâtut blanja kûrang dêripâda itu. Nanti sahya bâgi lîma ringgit chûkup bûlih lâgi, jâdi pâkei tîga hâri lâmanya. Ta'chûkup, Tûan. Angkau bûlih chûba. Dêri mâna angkau dâtang? Pergi pâsĕr, Tûan. Lambat benar angkau bâlik. Âdăkah dâpat kětam itu? T'âdă, Tuan, jâdi sahya bli tîram. Baikkah tîram itu? Baik juga, bhâru bawa. Do you want to eat them raw? Tûan mau mâkan mantakah? You can bake them. Have you any milk? Plenty, Sir. Give it to me. Bring it here. Bûlih bâkĕrnya. Âdăkah susu? Bânyak, Tûan. Bâgi sâma sahya. Bawa ka'mâri. CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK. 21 : Where are the onions? Bâwang dimana? They are in a basket in the Âdă dâlam bâkul didâpor. kitchen. Go and fetch them. Do you know how to make Âdăkah angkau tau membûat ice-cream? No, Sir, I don't. Pergi bawa itu. ice-cream? Tîdak, Tûan, sahya taʼtau. Jangan terlampau mâsaknya. Kûrang mâsak. Yes, I know a litttle about it. Bûlih jûga sîkit sikit. D'ont cook it too much. Under-done. How many ducks did you buy Brâpa êkor îtek angkau bli just now? Three. Will that be enough? If it is not enough more can be bought. Go and catch a fowl. Three have been killed. Is the ice cream ready? tadi? Tiga êkor. Chûkupkah? Kalau ta'chûkup bûlih dibli lâgi. Pergilah tangkap ayam sa'êkor. Tiga êkor sudah pôtong (sěmleh). Ice-cream sědîakah ? Bring it here, I want to taste it. Bawa sîni sahya mau râsa. It does not taste nice. It tastes very nice. The whole dinner last night was badly cooked; unless you do better, I shall get another cook. Ta'sĕdap râsanya. Sedap skâli râsanya. Sa'genap bârang angkau bâgi kîta mâkan samâlam, t'âdă bětûl mâsaknya, kalau ang- kau ta'bûlih bûat lebih baik dêripâda itu, nanti sahya châri lain kuki. 22 CONVERSATIONS WITH A COOK. You must make better soup, or I shall cut your account. Mind you don't get an old fowl; and pluck it properly, don't put it in hot water to remove the feathers. Angkau mau bûat soup yang baik, kalau tidak nanti sahya potong kîra kîra angkau. Jângan angkau bawa ayam tua ; là gi lâgi handak cha- butkan bulunya dengan pâtut, jângan chelor âyam itu. V. CONVERSATIONS WITH A BOY. Where is my boy? He is here, Sir. He is outside. Call him. Are my clothes ready? To-night I shall dine out at the house of Mr., put my evening clothes in a port- manteau (box). S Dimâna sahya punya boy? Dimâna boy sahya? Âdă sîni, Tûan. Âdă dilûar, Tûan. Panggil dîa. Kain sudah sědîakah? Mâlam sekârang sahya mau mâkan diluar, di rûmah Tûan anu, târoh kain pâkei mâlam didâlam pěti. Do you want to wear black Tûan mau pâkei îtamkah atau clothes or white? pûteh? White coat and trousers, black Bâju dan selûar pûteh, waist- waistcoat. coat îtam. Put up enough clothes to last Târoh kain chûkup bûlih pâkei tîga hâri. me three days. CONVERSATIONS WITH A BOY. 23 Will you take your clothes, or must I take them? You take them. What o'clock must I start? You must reach Mr.'s house at 6 o'clock exactly. After dinner [breakfast] you can go home. These trousers are not fit to wear, they are torn; give them to the tailor and tell him to mend them. Where are the shoes I wore yesterday? They are dirty, I have not cleaned them yet. Will you office? Tûan mau bawa ini kainkah, atau sahya mau bawa? Angkau bawa. Pukŏl brâpa sahya jâlan ? Angkau mau sampei di rûmah Tûan anu pukol ânam bětûl. Lepas mâkan angkau bûlih pûlang. Sělûar ini ta'bûlih pâkei, sudah kôiak, bagi pada tukang jait, sûroh dîa měmbětul- kannya. Mâna kasut sahya pâkei sa- mâlam. Sudah kôtor bŭlûm di chûchi lâgi. have tiffin in the Tûan Yes, every day you must bring tiffin to the office at noon, I shall want to eat it at 12.30 exactly. mau mâkan tiffin di- ofiskah? Yah, sa'hâri hâri angkau bawa tiffin di ofis pukol dûa- blas, sahya mau mâkan pukol dûablas stěngah bě- tûl. Do you want to work with me? Angkau mau kerja sâma sah- yakah? If you like me, Sir. As a boy? Kalau Tûan sûka. Jâdi boykah? 24 CONVERSATIONS WITH A BOY. Where did you work before? Have you a character? When you left Mr. what did you do? Dimâna angkau kerja d'hûlu? Âdǎkah sûrat? Sudah lepas kerja dengan Tûan anu âpa angkau bûat? What wages have you received Brâpa received Brâpa gâji angkau trîma hitherto? sa'lâma ini? I can't give you more wages Sahya ta'bûlih bâgi gâji lebih than $7 a month. Will you give me food too? No, you must find your own food. Can you talk English? Is there a gharry near here? If you order me I will look for one. I don't want one now, but I want a gharry to be at the house at 8 o'clock to-night. dêripâda tûjoh ringgit sa'bûlan. Mâkan diâtas Tûankah? Tîdak, angkau mĕnchâri mâ- kan sendiri. Bûlihkah châkap Inggris? Âdăkah krêta děkat sîni? Kalau Tûan sûroh sahya bûlih châri sâtu. Sekârang sahya ta'mau, tětâpi pukol dilâpan mâlam sěkâ- rang, sahya mau krêta dirûmah ini. Do VI. CONVERSATIONS WITH A SYCE. you want to engage as a Angkau châri kerja saiskah? syce? Are you well acquainted with Angkau pandei kerja kú- a syce's duties? dakah ? CONVERSATIONS WITH A SYCE. 25 I have two horses-a pair- you must groom one of them, you must occasion- ally drive them if I wish it, and you must help to look after the harness. I will buy the horses' food, and every day you must ask the boy for it, and he will give you sufficient for a day's feed. How much do you give one horse for a day's food, Sir? Every day you must give one horse three feeds, at one feed two chupaks of paddy, one chupak of gram and half a chupak of bran. I want the carriage at 10.30 a. m. to-morrow to go to Singapore. The pair? No, a single horse. The black horse, the chesnut, the mouse- the piebald, the coloured. Hold the horse. Sahya âdă dûa kûda—jori— angkau mau jâga sâtu, lâgi mau jâdi coachman kâdang kâdang kalau sahya mau, dan lagi mau tûlong chûchi pâkĭen kûda. Mâkan kûda sahya bûlih bli, dan sa'hâri hâri angkau minta sâma boy, dîa bûlih bâgi chûkup mâkan sa'hâri. Brâpa Tûan bâgi sâtu kûda sa'hâri mâkan ? Tiap tiap hâri angkau mau bâgi pâda kûda tîga kâli mâkan, skâli mâkan dûa chûpak padi, sâtu chûpak kâchang, dan stěngah chûpak busi. Sahya mau krêta êsok pâgi pukol sapûloh stěngah, na' pergi ka' Singapûra. Kûda jorikah ? Tidak, kûda tunggal. Kûda îtam, kûda mêrah, kûda blăng, kuda hablok. Pěgang kûda ini. 26 CONVERSATIONS WITH A SYCE. The bit is rusty, why don't you clean it better? Lăgam sudah kârat, âpa fasăl angkau tidak chûchi lebih baik? Rub it well and then put Gôsok baik baik kěmdian some salad oil on it. târoh mînyak sělâda sě- dîkit. The left rein is twisted, Ras kiri sudah kôsot, bětûlkan. straighten it. The traces are not fastened yet, why can't you be more careful? If the horse ran away now we should be smashed to pieces. Let go the horse. Let go his head. Get up behind. Where is the whip? It is left behind, Sir. Be quick go and fetch it. Go on, I can't wait any longer. Go slowly. Go faster. Whip him (or them) a little. You can't whip him, Sir, he will be vicious. Jut bŭlûm îkat lâgi, âpa sĕběb angkau ta'bûlih lîhat baik. baik, kalau kûda lâri sěkâ- rang nanti jěhannam kîta. Lepas kûda. Lepas kěpâlanya. Naik diblâkang. Mâna châbok? Sudah tinggal, Tûan. Lěkas pergi měngâmbilnya. Jâlan, sahya ta'bûlih měnanti lâgi. Jâlan plan-plâhan. Lĕkas lâgi. Pukŏl sědîkit. Ta'bûlih pukŏl, Tûan, nanti dîa jăhat. Catch hold of the wheel and Pegang rôda pûsingkan. turn it. CONVERSATIONS WITH A SYCE. 27 Put down that harness and Lětak pâkien itu, mâri sîni come here and hold the horse. pegang kûda. What are you doing? Don't Âpa angkau bûat, jângan pĕ- hold the horse like that. How am I to hold him, Sir? Hold him with both hands close to the bit. He will bite, Sir. He can't bite. Does this horse kick ? gang kûda băgîtu. Bâgimâna mau pěgang, Tûan? Pegang dekat lǎgamnya dûa dûa tângan skâli. Nanti dia gîgit, Tûan. Ta'bûlih dîa gîgit. Kûda ini menyêpakkah? No, Sir, he is very good, he Tidak, Tuan, dîa bânyak baik, has no vice. Get ready the carriage, I want to go out for a drive. The horse is ill, Sir, he can't be used. tiâdă jǎhat sâtupun. Siapkan krêta sahya mau mâkan angin sedîkit. Kûda sâkit, Tûan, ta'bûlih pâkei. What is the matter with him? Apa kûrang dîa? He has glanders. Sâkit serdi, Tûan. Call Mr., and ask him to Pânggil Tûan anu, minta dîa give you medicine. The horse has a cold, he will be well in two or three days. I hope so, but you must look well after him. In how many days more will he be ready for use? bâgi ûbat. Kûda sudah sâkit bâto', dûa tîga hâri bûlih baik. Sahya hârap băgîtu tětâpi angkau mau bla dîa baik baik. Brâpa hâri lâgi bhâru bûlih pâkei? 28 CONVERSATIONS WITH A GARDENER. t Don't give him too much grass to eat, once a day is enough. I want the horse with saddle at the office at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. There is a sore on his back, Sir, you can't put the saddle on him. Jângan bâgi dîa mâkan rum- put terlalu bânyak, skâli mâkan sa'hâri chûkup. Sahya mau kûda pâkei tung- gang pukol âmpat pětang êsok, angkau bûlih bawa ka'ofis. Blâkangnya sudah lûka, ta'- bûlih pâkei jin, Tûan. VII. CONVERSATIONS WITH A GARDENER. The gardener is waiting, Sir. To-night there are some peo- ple dining here, get a good many flowers and arrange them on the dinner table. Tûkang kǎbûn âdă nanti, Tûan. Mâlam sekarang âdă ôrang mâ- kan disîni, chûba châri bûn- ga banyak banyak sedikit, měngâturkan diatas mêja mâkan. What kind of flowers would Bûnga mâna mâcham Tûan like ? Whatever you can get will do. Go to the gardens and ask the gardener, he will give you some; take a basket to put them in. There are no red flowers, Sir. Never mind, get some pretty leaves. sûka? Apa yang âdă jâdilah. Pergi ka'bûkit ka'bûkit bûnga minta pada Tûan yang jâga disîtu, dîa bûlih bâgi; bawa bâkul sâma, bûlih di'îsinya. Bûnga mêrah t'âdă, Tûan. Tid'âpa châri daun daun kâyu, mâna mâna yang êlok. TABLE TALK. 29 The garden is like a jungle. I think you are lazy. I have no implements, Sir, how can I work properly? What tools do you want? I will give you money and you can buy what is wanted. You had better buy about twenty flower pots, and put the flowers into them. This road is very bad, mend it. Break some stones small and put them on the road, and then lay sand on the top. The grass in the garden is very high, cut it shorter. That is not enough, it must be shorter than that. Kǎbûn ini seperti ûtan rûpanya. Sahya fikir angkau mâlas. Perkâkas t'âdă, Tûan, mâna bûlih kerja bětûl ? Âpa perkakas angkau mau? Nanti sahya bâgi duit angkau bûlih bli âp'âpa yang kû- rang. Baik angkau bli bârang dûa pûloh pasu mâsokkan bûnga didalamnya. Jâlan ini ta'baik skâli, chûba bětûlkan. Hanchorkan bâtu târoh dijâlan, kěmdĩan bûboh pâsir diâtas- nya. Rumput di kăbûn sudah naik terlalu tinggi, chûba pôtong pendek lagi. Tâdă chûkup, mau pendek dêri- pâda itu. VIII-TABLE TALK. Get dinner ready, boy. Bring dinner (lit. the food). Dinner is ready, Sir. Siapkan makan, boy. Bawa makanan. Mâkan sudah sedîa (siâp), Tûan. 30 TABLE TALK. What are you going to give Apa angkau mau bâgi mâkan us to eat to-day? Change this plate. kîta ini hâri ? Tûker ini pinggan. This knife is not clean, bring Pisau ini t'âdă chûchi, bawa another. This meat is not done enough, take it away and have it more cooked. This table cloth is very small, why did you not put on another one? lain sâtu. Dâging ini kûrang mâsak, ba- wa klûar sûroh mâsak lâgi. Kain mêja ini kěchil sângat, âpa fǎsal angkau t'âdă tâ- roh lain sâtu? Bring another chair for this Bawa lâgi sâtu krûsi bâgi Tûan gentleman. These potatoes are bad, where did you get them? Pour wine into all the glasses, when you see a glass is empty fill it up again. ini. Ûbi ini sudah bûsok dimâna angkau dapatnya? Tûang anggor ka'dâlam glass semua, bîla angkau lihat glass sudah kosong, pěnoh- kannya lagi. This wine is not cold enough, Anggor ini kûrang sějuk bawa bring some ice. Why do you not come before? I have called you three or four times. If I call you answer at once, don't forget another time. âyer bâtu. Apa seběb angkau t'âdă dâ- tang lebih d'hûlu, sudah sa- hya panggil tîga âmpat kâli. Kalau sahya panggil, angkau lěkas jawâb,-lain kâli jân- gan angkau lupa. CONVERSATIONS WITH A WASHERMAN. 3I Where are all the other boys. Order them to wait here and wait at table whilst we eat. When did you roast this coffee? I think some time ago. You ought to roast every day enough coffee for the day. Dimâna lain lain boy semua. Sûroh dia orang nanti di- sîni jâga mêja waktu kita mâkan. Bila angkau gôring kâhŭa ini? Sahya fikir lâma sudah. Sa'hâri hâri pâtut angkau gô- ring chûkup kâhŭa sa'hâri mâkan. Who broke this glass? I shall Siapa pichahkan glass ini? cut your wages. Nanti sahya potong gâji angkau. IX. CONVERSATIONS WITH A WASHERMAN. Tell the washerman to come. to-morrow. Get all the dirty clothes rea- dy early in the morning, I want to give them to the washerman. Sûroh dhôbi mâri êsok. Siapkan kain kôtor semûa pâgi pagi, sahya mau bâgi pâda dhôbi. When the dhobi comes tell Bila dhôbi sampei bri tau pâda me. Count the clothes and look carefully to see whether they are correct. sahya. Bilang kain semûa, preksa baik baik kalau bětûl tîdak. 32 CONVERSATIONS WITH A WASHERMAN. They are all correct, Sir. They are not right, Sir, there is one pocket handkerchief short, two bajus missing, and there is a pillow-case which does not belong to you; he has changed yours for one belonging to some one else. You tell the dhobi I won't pay his wages till he brings all the things which are now missing; he can take away this pillow-case and bring me back my own. Dhobi, why have you not washed these clothes pro- perly, they look very bad? The clothes are much torn, and there is hardly any starch in them. Take back these clothes, clean them again, and put plenty of starch in them. If you wash my clothes how clothes how much must I pay you? Sěmûa bětûl, Tûan. T'âdă bětûl, Tûan, sâputângan kûrang sâtu, bâju kûrang dûa, dan sârang bantal sâtu bûkan Tûan punya; sudah tûker dengan ôrang punya. Angkau kâta pâda dhôbi sahya ta'bûlih baiĕr gâjinya heng- ga sampei di bawa kain sě- mûa yang kûrang sĕkârang ini; sârong bantal ini dîa bû- lih bawa pulang, bawa bâlik sahya punya. Dhôbi, âpa fasăl angkau t'âdă chûchi bětûl ini kain, ta'baik skâli rûpanya? Sudah bân- yak kôiak, lâgi kûrang kanji. Bawa bâlik kain ini, chûchi lâgi skâli, dan târoh chûkup kan- ji. Kalau angkau chûchi kain sa- hya, brâpa angkau minta ûpahnya? : 33 CONVERSATIONS WITH A WASHERMAN. Three dollars for a hundred, Tiga ringgit sa'râtus, Tûan. Sir. But I want to pay you by the month, not by the number of articles. Tětâpi sahya mau baiĕr bûlan bûlan, bûkan bilangan kain. In that case you can pay me three dollars a month. Kalau băgîtu, Tûan bûlih baiĕr sâma sahya tiga ringgit sa' bûlan. Very well, you can come to my Baiklah, angkau bûlih mâri di house with clean clothes and receive the dirty ones every Monday. I want these two things to-mor- row afternoon without fail. If it is fine I will bring them, Sir, but if wet I can't. If you will try you can bring them whether it is fine or not. This waistcoat is not properly folded, it is quite crooked. Don't put starch in these trow- sers, I like them soft, but iron them well. This garment is spoilt, your iron has been SO hot it has burnt it, I shall cut your wages one dollar. rumah sahya membawa kain chûchi, dan mĕnrîma kain kôtor, tiap tiap hâri ĭthnâin. Kain yang dûa hělê ini sahya mau pětang êsok, ta'bûlih tîdak. Kalau pânas bûlih sahya bawa, Tûan, kalau hûjan ta’bûlih. Kalau angkau chûba, těntu bû- lih bawa, baik pânas baik tidak. Waistcoat ini t'âdă bĕtûl lîpat- nya banyak kědût. Sělûar ini jângan târoh kanji, sahya sûka lembut, t'âpi is- trîka baik baik. Kain ini sudah rôsak, angkau pâkei istrîka terlâlu hangat sudah hangus ini kain, sah- ya nanti pôtong gâji ang- kan sâtu ringgit. 34 CONVERSATIONS WITH A TAILOR. A ; The dhobi wants his wages, Sir. It is not yet a full month. Very well, here are his wages, three dollars-less fifty cents I have deducted. Dhôbi minta gâjinya, Tûan. Bülûm chûkup bûlannya lâgi. Baik, inilah gâjinya tîga ringgit -kûrang lîma pûloh sen, sudah sahya pôtong. X.-CONVERSATIONS WITH A TAILOR. I want to see the tailor, tell him to come to my house. the day after to-morrow morning at seven o'clock. I want you to make me a coat. Have you brought any pat- terns of cloth? Sahya mau tûkang jait, sûroh dîa mâri ka'rûmah sahya lûsa pâgi pukol tûjoh bětûl. Sahya mau sûroh bûat sâtu coat. Âdăkah angkau bawa chon- to kain kain? Not white stuff, thick cloth I Bûkan kain pûteh, kain těbal want. sahya mau. Have you any other patterns? Adakah chonto lain dêripâda I have in my house, Sir, but I have not brought them. You can get many other dif- ferent kinds of cloth at the godowns, Sir. Never mind, I will give you the cloth. How many yards will be sufficient to make a pai of trowsers? ini? Di rûmah âdă, Tûan, tětâpi t'âdă sahya bawa. Tûan bûlih dâpat bânyak lain lain mâcham kain di gědong. Tîd'âpa sahya bûlih bâgi kain. Brâpa êla chûkup membûat sěluar sâtu pâsang? CONVERSATIONS WITH A TAILOR. 35 Take this, if it is not sufficient I can buy some more. This cloth is very thick, bring some thinner. There is none thinner, Sir. This cloth is very dark, I should like one a little lighter col- oured; try and find one. It will be difficult to get, Sir, but I will search. If I provide the cloth, how much must I pay for stitch- ing one pair of trowsers? That is very dear, I think it is more than a fair amount. In how many days can you finish these trowsers? Try and bring them to-morrow afternoon, I very much want them by that day, if you work hard you can cer- tainly finish them. I will try, Sir. How much a dozen are white trowsers, you buying the stuff? Ambil ini, kalau tidak chûkup bûlih sahya bli lâgi. Kainini těbal sângat, bawa yang nîpis lâgi. Tidak âdă yang nîpis lâgi, Tûan. Kain ini terlâlu îtam, sahya sûka pûteh sedikit dêripâda ini; chûba chârikan sâtu. Sûsah dâpat, Tûan, tětâpi bûlih sahya chârikan. Kalau sahya membri kainnya brâpa sahya mau baiĕr ûpah měnjait sěluar sâtu pâsang? Měhal sângat itu, sahya fikir lebih dêripâda pâtut Dâlam brâpa hâri bûlih sudah- kan selûar ini? Chûba bawa pětang êsok, sah- ya berkǎhandak sângat pâda hâri itu, kalau kerja baik baik tentu bûlih dihâ- biskannya. Nanti sahya chûba, Tûan. Selûar pûteh brâpa herga sâtu lôsen, kain angkau bli sen- dîri ? I want one and a half dozen. Sahya mau stěngah dûa lôsen. 36 CONVERSATIONS WITH A SHOEMAKER. This coat is far too big, and the sleeves one is long and one short; take it home and make it right. Coat ini terlalu besar, lâgi tâng- annya sâtu panjang sâtu pendek; bawa pûlang bătûl- kannya. XI. CONVERSATION WITH A SHOEMAKER. These shoes are worn out, I can't wear them any longer. Is there a shoemaker here? If there is a good workman call him, I want to order him to make me some shoes. I know how to make shoes, Sir, but I am not clever at making boots. Make one pair of shoes first and let me see if they are good or not, afterwards, if they are good, I can get more. Have you brought patterns of leather for making shoes? This leather is not good, it is very thin. Kâsut ini sudah bûrok sahya ta'bûlih pâkei lâgi Âdäkah tûkang kâsut disîni? Kalau âdă tûkang yang baik panggil dîa, sahya mau sû- roh dîa bûat kâsut. Kâsut sahya tau bûat, Tûan, 'tâpi boot sahya kûrang pandei. Bûat sâtu pâsang kâsut dăhû- lu, nanti sahya lihat kalau baik atau tidak, kěmdĭan kalau baik bûlih sahya am- bil lâgi. Adakah angkau bawa chonto kûlit kâsut ? Kûlit ini ta'baik, nîpis skâli. CONVERSATIONS WITH A SHOEMAKER. 37 I want patent leather. Try and make a pair of boots, I will give you a pattern. These shoes I can't wear, they are too short and too nar- row, I can't get my foot in- to them. Make another pair larger than these, and longer. The leather is very hard. Have you any other that is softer than this? Can you make long boots to wear for riding if I give you a pattern? Kulit kîlat sahya mau. Chûba bûat sa'pâsang boot, sahya bûlih bâgi chonto. Kasut ini ta'bûlih pâkei, pen- dek sângat, lâgi sempit, kâki sahya ta'bûlih mâsok ka'dâlamnya. Chûba buat lagi sâtu pâsang běsar sědikit dêripâda ini, lâgi panjang. Kûlit ini kras skâli. Âdăkah lain yang lembut lâgi? Bûlihkah angkau bûat boot panjang, pâkei naik kûda, kalau sahya bagi chontonya. I want white shoes with laces Sahya mau kâsut pûteh, tâli- nya seperti ini. like these. Without laces, with india rub- Tiâdă dengan tâlinya, dengan ber on the sides. That red leather I don't like, it is not nice, and it soon wears out. I will wait till you get. some European leather. Make the soles thick [thin]. gětah di sěblah měnyablah- nya. Kûlit mêrah itu sahya ta'sûka, ta'élok, lagi lěkas rêsak. Sahya bûlih nanti sampei angkau dapat kûlit Europa. Tâpaknya buat tebal [nîpis] sedikit. 38 CONVERSATIONS WITH A JOINER, &C. The heels are too high [too Tumitnya tinggi sângat [rën- low]. dah sângat]. XII. CONVERSATIONS WITH A JOINER AND CARRIAGE-MAKER. Call a carpenter. Panggil sâtu tûkang kayu. This table is injured, the foot Mêja ini sudah rôsak, kâkinya is broken, mend it. Can you make chairs like this? At how much each? If you make me a dozen can you lower the price? sudah patah, chûba měm- bětûlkannya. Bulihkah tukang buat krusi sẽ perti ini? Brâpa sâtu? Kalau angkau bûat sâtu lôsen sâma sahya, bûlihkah kû- rang herganya. Can you get wood like this Bûlihkah dâpat kâyu seperti in Singapore? Any tough wood will do. ini di Singapûra? Sa'barang kayu yang liat jâ- dilah. Make it of a good wood like Bûat dengan kâyu yang baik Merbau. Don't use red wood. You must varnish it. seperti Měrbau. Kâyu mêrah jangan pâkei. Târoh varnish jûga. [Malay varnish is called Sampang, but it is too expensive for furniture and Chinese var- nish is used for that.] CONVERSATIONS WITH A JOINER, &C. 39 This table's leg is a little too long. Cut it and make it the same. length as the others. I can't do it here, Sir, I have not brought tools, I will go home now and return with the necessary tools. Very well, but come back at once, for this work must be finished to-day. You had better plane the top of the table, it is dirty and not quite level. Look this has come open, try and stick it together again. Can you do that? Will it be easy or difficult ? I want a kitchen table, not made of expensive wood, 5 feet long, 2 feet wide, and about 3 feet high, what is the price of a table like that? Kaki mêja ini panjang sedikit. Chûba potong, bûat sâma panjang dengan lain kâki. Sahya ta'bûlih bûat disîni, Tûan, sahya t'âdă bawa per- kâkas, nanti sahya pûlang d'hûlu mengambil perkâkas yang chûkup. Baiklah, tětâpi lěkas bâlik, ker- ja ini mau dihâbiskan pâda hâri ini jûga. Mêja ini baik kětamkan sĕdî- kit, âtasnya sudah kôtor, lâ- gi t'âdă râta. Tingo' sudah renggang, chûba râpatkan bâlik. Bûlihkah bûat itu ? Senangkah, sûsah? Sahya mau mêja sâtu pâkei di dâpor, jângan kâyu měhal měhal, panjang lima kâki, leběr dûa kâki stengah, tinggi bârang tîga kâki, brâpa herganya? 40 CONVERSATIONS WITH A JOINER, &C. The varnish on the chairs you brought yesterday was not dry, so it came off; take them home with you and put on another coat of varnish, and when they are properly dry, bring them back. My carriage has been broken, you had better go and see it and then come and tell me for how much you will put it in order. Two or three spokes of the wheel must be renewed, the right shaft is broken and the paint is off in two or three places. Don't be long over the work, I want to use the carriage. soon. Can you make me a new car- riage, a four-wheeled buggy like that used by Mr.? If you make a new carriage in how many days can you fin- ish it? Krûsi krûsi angkau bawa samâ- lam, varnishnya bŭlûm kring lagi, jadi sudah lě- kang; bawa pulang krûsi itu, târch varnish lagi skâli, bila sudah kring baik, bawa bâlik. Krêta sahya sudah pichah, lebih baik pergi lihat, kěm- dĩan mâri kâta pâda sahya brâpa herga angkau bûlih bětûlkannya. Dûa tiga kâyu rôda mau di tûker, lâgi baum kânan sudah patah, dan chat dûa tiga tempat sudah klûar. Jângan lengah membuat kerja itu, sahya mau pâkei krêta lekas. Bûlihkah buat krêta bhâru sâma sahya, buggy ampat rôda seperti yang dipâkei ûlih Tûan anu? Kalau bûat krêta bhâru brâpa hâri bûlih hâbis? IN THE BAZAR. 41 Make the hood of the best black leather, lined with dark blue cloth; the cush- ions of dark blue leather to match the cloth; paint the carriage black with blue lines and put on three coats of varnish. Kopnya buat dengan kûlit îtam baik skâli, âlas déngan yang kain biru îtam di dalamnya, tîlamnya bûat dengan kûlit biru îtam sâma wěrna së- perti kain tadi, krêta sẽmûa târoh chatîtam dengan bâris biru, dan sâpu varnish tîga kâli diâtasnya. XIII-IN THE BAZAR. What do you sell here? I want to buy some sarongs, Javanese, can I get them here? Âpa angkau jùal disíni? Sahya mau bli kain sârong, bâtek buatan Jâwa, bûlih- kah dapat disîni? These are not good, have you Ini kûrang baik, âdäkah yang any better ones? baik dêripâda ini? That is very dear. Itu banyak mělal. Shew me some cheaper ones. Chûba tunjuk yang mûrah sedî- kit. Have you any silk? Âdăkah kain sětra? Chinese silk, for making bajus. Setra Chîna, bûat bâju. I have none, Sir. Disini t'âdă, Tûan. kědei Makau bûlih dâpat. You can get it in the Macao Dâlam shops. 42 IN THE BAZAR. Can I buy things in the pawn- Bûlihkah sahya bli bârang shops? In the pawnshops you can't, Sir, but in the old clothes shops you can. bârang didalam pâjak gâdei? Didalam pâjak gâdei ta'bûlih, Tûan, tětâpi didâlam kĕdei pâjak kain bûrok bûlih jûga dâpat. Where can I get Buggis cloth? Kain Bûgis dimâna sahya bû- At present you can't get any, Sir, but in the Buggis sea- son you can buy them in the Buggis people's boats. or in Kampong Glam by the sea-shore. lih bli. Sekarang ta'bûlih dâpat, Tûan, tětâpi dalam musim Bûgis bûlih bli di prau ôrang ôrang Bûgis, atau di Kampong Glam tepi laut. Where is the cleverest gold- Mâna tûkang mas yang pan- smith here? Probably the Javanese in Kam- Glam. The Chinese pong Glam. workmen are clever, but we distrust them a little. Is not this the shop of a Ja- vanese named AHMED, a jeweller? Yes Sir, formerly he lived here, but now he has removed to Singapore. dei skâli disîni ? Bârangkâli ôrang Jâwa di Kam- pong Glam. Tûkang Chîna pun pandei jûga, tětâpi kî- ta kûrang perchaya sedîkit. Bûkankah ini kědei sa'ôrang Jâwa bernama AHMED, tû- kang mas [jõhâri] ? Bětûl, Tûan, dăhûlu âdă dîa tinggal disîni, sěkârang su- dah dia pindah ka'Singa- pûra. ON A RIVER. 43 Bûlihkah bâgi sâtu ôrang per- Can you give me some one to go with me, and shew me ? the way There is no one who knows his house except myself, and I can't leave my shop. gi sâma sahya měnunjukkan rumahnya? T'âdă siâpa yang tau rûmah- nya lain dêripâda sahya, hâl sahya tĭâdă bûlih měning- galkan kědei. XIV.--ON A RIVER. What is the name of this river? Apa nâma sungei ini? Where is its mouth? This is the mouth. Dimâna kuâlanya? Inilah kuâlanya. I want to go up the river, can Sahya mau mûdik, bûlihkah I get a boat here? What sort of boat do you Âpa want? dâpat prau disîni ? Âpa mâcham mau ? prau Tûan A sampan, a house-boat, a dug- Sampan, kětĭap, prau sâgor. out. Which is the best? If you want to go fast up the river, a small dug-out is the best. If you want to go up in com- fort, it is better to use a 'house-boat." Can you go up the river with a fixed kajang? Mâna yang baik? Kalau mau mûdik dras (chěpat chěpat or bângat) sågor kě- chil yang baik? Kalau mau mûdik senang baik pâkei kětĭap. Bûlihkah mûdik berkâjang mâti ? 44 ON A RIVER. Only as far as Kuâla Lâbu, you must take down the kajang there. Why? Because the river, from the mouth of the Lâbu towards the source, is much over- grown. That is very unpleasant. Yes, but you can use an um- brella. That too too is a trouble, but with or without a kajang I must go up the river to-day. The tide is now falling, it is better to wait for the flood tide and then you can gọ up the river easily. I can't wait. Hire one boat and sufficient men. A steersman, and how many boatmen do you want? Four boatmen, that will be five in all. Sampei Kuâla Lâbu sěhâja Tûan, disitu mau bûka kâ- jang. Âuat? Mengapa? Kenapa? Sěběb sungei ini dêri Kuâla Lâbu ka'ulu banyak semak. Banyak sûsah itu. Yah, tetapi bûlih berpâyong. Susah juga, tětâpi kâjang -'t- kâjang pun sahya mau mû- dik hâri ini jûga. Sekârang âyer surut, lebih baik nanti ayer pasang bhâru bû- lih mûdik senang. Ta'bûlih nanti, sêwakan prau sa'bûah dan chârikan ôranga nya chûkup. Jermûdi sâtu, lâgi ânak prau brâpa ôrang Tûan mau? Ânak prau âmpat ôrang, jâdi lîma semuanya. How much wages will you Brâpa Tuan mau bâgi gâjinya? give? ON A RIVER. 45 Whatever is fair. Whatever is Brâpa pâtut. Brâpa yang âdat the custom here. It is the custom here to pay the hire of the boat to the owner, and he settles with the steersman. The boatmen are paid twenty- five cents (a quarter of a dollar) a day. disîni. Kalau âdat disîni di bâiĕrkan sewa kapâda Tûan prau, dan dîa bûlih sělěseikan dengan jermûdi. Ânak prau itu di bâiĕrkannya sa'sûku sa'hâri. What, must I give the boat- Apa sahya mau bâgi mâkannya men their food too? No, Sir, they will find their own food. How large a house-boat do you want,-one that will carry a koyan? I don't know if it carries a koyan. Can two people sleep under the kajang with comfort? Oh very easily, Sir, if a boat of a koyan capacity and carrying no cargo, many people can sit comfortably in it. I have but few things, load them in the boat quickly. jûga pada ânak prau itu? Tidak, Tuan, mâkannya sen- dîri. Brâpa besar kětĭap Tùan mau pâkei,-yang mûat sa'kô- iankah? Sahya ta'tau kalau múat sa'- kôian. Bûlihkah dûa ôrang tidor dibawah kâjang den- gan senang? Oh bânyak senang, Tûan, ka- lau prau mûat sa'kôian tî- dak bawa barang barang, banyak orang bûlih dûdok dengan senang. Bârang bârang sahya sědíkit sěhâja, mûat dâlam prau lěkas lěkas. 46 ON A RIVER. Are you ready? Ready, Sir. Then shove off. The water is deep, here you must row (lit. use oars). Row hard. When we get past the in- fluence of the tide we can pole. If I only go up the river and return another way, what will be the charge for the boat? The same, Sir. Oh that is not fair, for you can load up the river, and get another hire coming down stream. The price of bringing things from the interior down the river is very cheap, Sir, but I will lower the hire a little if you don't return. We had better fix it before. hand. Sědiakah? Sudah siapkah? Sĕdîa, Tûan. Kalau băgîtu tôlak. Âyernya dâlam disîni, mau pâ- kei dâiung. Berdâiunglah kuat kuat. Kayuh kuat kuat. Paut. Bîla berâleh surut bûlih kîta bergâlah. Kalau sahya mûdik sěhâja, bâ- lik ikut lain jâlan, brâpa sêwa prau itu? Băgitu juga Tûan. Oh ta'pâtut băgîtu, angkau bû-` lih mûat dihulu dan ambil sêwa hilir kěmbâlik. Mûrah skâli, Tûan, membawa bârang hîlir dêri hulu, tětâ- pi bûlih sahya kûrangkan sewa sedîkit jika Tûan tîdak bâlik. Lebih baik kîta janji (těntukan) dǎhûlu. ON A RIVER. 47 ty-two dollars. Very well, Sir, let it be twen- Baik, Tûan, bîarlah dûa pûloh dûa ringgit. (Dûa lêkor.) Bîla Tûan mau jâlan? Lûsa pâgi pâgi. When do you want to start? The day after to-morrow, first thing in the morning. Get ready sufficient oars and poles, let nothing be want- ing. Will you give me a little mon- ey in advance to buy food, rattans, and other things? How much do you want? About five dollars will be enough, Sir. Very well, come to my house the day after to-morrow morning, and take my lugg- age to the boat. Fill a box with earth and bring it in the boat, in order that we may cook rice in the boat. Siapkan dâiung dan gâlah chû- kup chûkup, jângan kûrang sâtu âpa pun. Bûlihkah Tûan bâgi sîkit duit d'hûlu, handak měmbli bâ- rang makanan dengan rôtan dan lain lainnya. Brâpa angkau mau? Bârang lima ringgit chûkup, Tuan. Baiklah; lûsa pâgi mâri ka'rû- mah sahya mengambil bâ- rang barang bawa tûrun ka’ prau. Îsi sâtu pěti dengan tânah, ba- wa bersama ka'dâlam prau, bûlih kîta bertânak dâlam prau. Take hold of your poles, all Pegang gâlah semua orang. of you. The pole won't reach the bot- Gâlah ta'sampei (jîjak), Tûan. tom. 48 ON A RIVER. Chûba lâgi skåli; sampeikah tidak? Try again; does it reach or not? It reaches. Sampei, Tûan. Pole away, we are going down Tikam gâlah, kîta ânyut. stream. When we get to the point (lit. promontory) you must pole very hard indeed, be- cause the current is so strong there. When we get into the bend (lit. bay) it is easier. Call in! Call in! Bila sampei di tanjong itu mau gâlah kuat kuat, sěběb ârus dras skâli disîtu. Bila sampei di těluk senang sedikit, Singgah! Singgah! People on shore are hailing Orang ôrang di dârat âdă la- us to call in. The bank is very high there, go alongside that sandy place up stream. You can get ashore, Sir, there is a landing-stage, a bath- ing-house. The water is very shallow, the boat can't get along. Yes it can. ung kita, sûroh singgah. Tebing tinggi sângat disitu, râ- pat pantei pâsir di ulu itu. Bûlih júga naik, Tûan, âdă jĕmbâtan, âdă jamban. Âyer tohor skâli, prau ta'- lěpas. Lepas jûga. It is shallow (lit. dry) here, Kring disîni, undor kěmbâlik. back down stream. Now it is deeper, pole again. Sěkârang dâlam sědîkit, ber- gâlahlah. ON A RIVER. 49 Is the water fresh or salt? It is brackish. Look out for an open place, and we will stop there, and cook our rice (i. e., have breakfast or dinner). This is a fine place. Go alongside the shore. Stick in a pole, tie up the boat to it, and let every one cook his rice quickly. Âyer tâwěrkah atau masin? Pâyau, Tuan. Châri sâtu tempat yang trang sedîkit, singgah disîtu kîta bertânak. Inilah tempat baik. Râpat ka'těpi. Châchak gâlah, tămbat prau, bertânaklah semua orang lěkas lěkas. When we (or you) have fin- Sudah hâbis mâkan jâlanlah ished eating we will go on. The boat has stuck. It is on a snag, on the sand, on the mud? If we have stuck on a stick you must go back, if it's on the sand shove her, and you'll perhaps get her off. Balance properly, the boat has a list to that side. This house-boat rocks very badly. kita. Prau sudah sangkut. Di kayukah, di pâsirkah, di lumporkah? Kalau sangkut di kâyu mau undor, kalau di pâsir sô- rong prau, bârangkâli bûlih lěpas. Timbang betul bětul, prau sengit ka'sâna. Kětiap ini gôlek sângat. very This boat is very steady. Prau ini tetap skâli. 50 ON A RIVER. Catch hold of that bough with the pole, and hold her with a pole from the stern. [To prevent being carried down by a strong current.] The bow is free, she is fast amidships, astern, by the rudder. Look out in the bows! How far is it by river from Ban- der Termâsa [Langat] to Rěkoh? We can reach it with one day's rowing and six days' poling. Kait dâhan itu dengan gâlah, tâhan baik baik di buritan prau. Haluan sudah lepas, kěna di tengah, di êkor, kěna kămû- di. Jâga di haluan. Brâpa jauh dêripâda Bandĕr Termâsa mûdik ka'Rěkoh? Sâtu hâri berdáiung ânam hâri bergâlah, bûlih sampei. Five more bends of the river, Lima tanjong lâgi sampeilah, Sir, and you will reach it. Owing to heavy rains the river is very high. Three days ago there was a great "fresh." Fix a pole in the middle of the river, we will pass the night here; fire-wood we can get easily, and the jungle is more open. There are a great many mos- quitoes, put some leaves on the fire, and make smoke. Tûan. Sěběb hûjan terlampau lebat jâdi sungei sudah besar. Tîga hâri dûlu âdă bah besar. Châchak gâlah di tengah, di- sîni bûlih kîta bermålam; kâyu âpi senang dâpat, lâgi ûtan âdă trang sedikit. Nyamok terlampau bânyak, târoh daun kayu diâtas âpi, bîar âsap sedîkit. ON A RIVER. 51 Wake up every one before day- light to-morrow, cook whilst it is still dark, and then we can start again. When the boat is going down stream you use paddles only. Look out for that snag ahead, if you strike it the boat will swing broadside to the stream, and perhaps we shall be swamped. All the things will sink. Bangunkan semua orang dini- hâri êsok, glǎp glăp ber- tânak, kěmdĭan bûlih kîta berjalan pûla. Bîla prau hîlir pâkei pěngâyuh sěhâja. Jâga tunggul diâdap, kalau kěna sěkârang nanti terlin- tang prau, bârangkâli kâ- ram kîta. Nanti těngglam bârang bârang sĕmûa. But we shall float, and can Tětâpi kita nanti timbul dan swim to shore. bûlih bernang ka'dârat. Do people fish with a rod Ôrang sîni biâsa mengailkah? here? One or two fly-fish, but many Âdă sâtu dûa yang mĕpas, tětâpi bânyak yang měn- jâla? net. What sort of fish do you get Apa mâcham îkan dâpat dâlam in this river? sungei ini? Kaloê, sěbârau, tengah, and Îkan kaloê âdă, îkan sĕbârau, many others. îkan tengah, dan banyak lain lain mâcham. The kaloê is the best to eat. Îkan kaloê yang sedap skâli mâkan. 52 IN THE JUNGLE. If any fish are got simply Kalau dapat ikan bakĕrnya roast them. sěhâja. XV. IN THE JUNGLE. Where are you going? To Slim. It is a long way. About one night up the river and two two days' walking before. you reach Slim. Is it a good road? Tûan mau pergi ka'mâna? Ka'Slim. Jauh skâli. Bârangkâli sâtu mâlam mûdik, dûa hâri ber- jâlan bhâru sampei ka'Slim. Jalan êlokkah (baikkah)? It is a jungle road, you know Jâlan ûtan, Tûan terlebih tau what that is like. Up and down hill all the way, and you must cross two or three streams. The rivers are shallow, but if it rains it will be difficult, for there will be floods. If you start early in the morn- ing you will arrive by day- light. If the sun is high when you start, it will be night when you arrive. hâlnya. Měndâki měnûrun sěhâja; mau jûga měnyĕbrang dûa tîga ânak âyer. Sungeinya tohor, tětâpi kalau hûjan dâtang sûsah juga, nanti bertemu bah. Kalau jâlan pâgi pâgi bûlih sampei sîang hâri. Kalau mâta-hâri sudah tinggi bhâru berjalan, tentu mâ- lam bhâru sampei. IN THE JUNGLE. 53 In that case it is better to pass the night in the jungle. You can do that, but it is un- pleasant to pass a night in the jungle. Why? There are many mosquitoes, and in big jungle you may meet tigers. Kalau băgîtu lebih baik ber- mâlam dâlam ûtan. Bûlih, Tuan, tětâpi sûsah jûga bermålam dâlam ûtan. Auat ? Nyâmok bânyak, lâgi dâlam rimba běsar bârangkâli jumpa rîmau. If you make a big fire the tigers Kalau bûat âpi besar tentu dare not come near. Perhaps. Bring two or three kâjangs, al- so mats, pillows and mos- quito curtains, and we can sleep in comfort. Perhaps the grass will be wet, you had better bring a waterproof sheet. Don't bring many things, it is very difficult to carry them in the jungle. There is not much big jungle, it is principally secondary growth. The secondary growth is worse because of the heat. If there are great trees they will shelter us from the sun. rîmau ta'brâni děkat. Bârangkâli, Tûan. Bawa kâjang dûa tîga bidang, lâgi tîker bantal dengan kǎlambu, bûlih kîta tîdor senang sedikit. Bârangkâli rumput bâsah, le- bih baik Tûan bawa kain gětah jûga. Jângan bawa bârang banyak, sûsah skâli měmîkul bâ- rang dâlam rimba. Rimba sědîkit, Tûan, blukĕr yang banyak. Bluker yang terlebih sûsah sĕběb pânas. Kalau pôko' kâyu besar besar bûlih kîta berlindong diri dêripâda pânas. 54 IN THE JUNGLE. Our feet will be sure to be hurt, because of the roots on the path. Mind the thorns, if they catch your coat they will tear it to a certainty. Are there many leeches here? If it is a wet day many, but not in the dry season. Leeches are annoying, but the horse-leeches are worse. If two or three horse-lee- ches stick on you they will suck about a chupak of blood. Never mind, when they are satisfied they drop off. What is that noise? A tree falling, Sir. This afternoon you can stop at a sakei (wild people) clearing. There are two or three fami- lies of Jambi people who have cut down the jungle and made a clearing. Kâki kîta tentu nanti sâkit, sěběb jîjak bânyak akěr di jâlan. Jâga duri, Tuan, kalau kěna kain bâju tentu di kô- iakkan. Adakah banyak păchăt disîni? Kalau hâri hûjan bânyak, ka- lau musim pânas tîdak. Păchăt pun sûsah, tětâpi lin- tah terlebih jǎhat. Kalau lěkat dûa tîga êkor lintah. itu, bârangkâli di mînum dârah děkat sâtu chûpak. Tîd'âpa, sudah kennyang dia jâtoh jûga. Âpa itu bunyi? Kâyu rebah, Tuan. Pětang sěkârang bûlih kîta brenti di lâdang sâkei. Âdă dûa tiga klamin ôrang Jambi bhâru měněbaskan ûtan bûat lâdang. What are they going to plant? Apa dia mau tânam ? Hill paddy, Sir. Padi hûma, Tûan. AT SEA. 55 Which is best, hill paddy or wet paddy? The wet paddy is gives the largest best and crop. Mâna baik, padi hûmakah padi běndangkah (sâwahkah)? Padi sâwah yang baik, Tûan, lâgi banyak dâpat. Where is our ship? At the anchorage. mouth of the river. XVI.-AT SEA. Dimâna kapal kita? At the Di lâbuhan, Tûan. Di kuâla. If there is no wind we can't sail this evening. I think we shall have a breeze. If the wind's astern it will be grand, if it's a headwind it will be troublesome. If the wind's on the beam we can tack. Kalau t'âdă angin ta'dâpat berlâyer (blâyer) ini mâlam. Sahya fikir angin nanti tûrun. Kalau angin găhum, sûsah. dêri blâkang kalau di mûka Kalau dêri sěblah bûlih kita bêlok. Don't sail when there is no Jângan berlâyer bûlan glǎp, moon, you can't see. At what o'clock will the moon rise? ta'bûlih nampak. Pukol brâpa bûlan naik? Far in the night, about 1 A. M. Jauh mâlam, Tûan, bârang- In that case go down to the sea-shore at midnight and wait for me. kâli pukŏl sâtu. Kalau băgitu tûrun ka'pantei pukol dûablas, nanti sahya dâtang. 56 AT SEA. Get a good man to steer. It is difficult to find (such a one), but if the night is clear, we can coast along the shore, there are no rocks or reefs. Weigh the anchor. Hoist all the sails. Châri satu orang pandei pě gang kămûdi. Sûsah měnchâri, Tûan, tětâpi kalau mâlam trang, bûlih kita ikut pantei, bâtu dan kârang t'âdă. Bungkĕr sauh. Bûka lâyer semua. The main-sail will be enough Lâyer âgong sěhâja jâdilah at first. Lower the jib. The sail halyard is twisted, go up the mast and make it right. Starboard the helm, I see broken water ahead, there must be rocks there. The boat won't answer the helm (lit., the rudder won't bite). Hard a starboard! Put the helm amidships, we are drifting. How is the tide now? Is the tide rising or falling? It is the top of high water. It is dead low water. dûlu. Tûrunkan jib. Klåt sudah kôsot, pănjăt tî- ang betûlkannya. Kîri kămûdi, sahya nampak âyer berôlak diâdap, tentu âdă bâtu. Kămûdi ta'mâkan, Tûan. Kîri chikar! Bětûlkan kǎmûdi, kîta undor. Bâgimâna ârus sekarang? Âyer påsangkah surut ? Pasang pěnoh. Surut timpas. AT SEA. 57 The flood has just begun. On the first day of the new moon there is a great rise and fall of tide. I can't see the shore any long. er, we had better get in- shore a little. We can't, Sir, the shore is close, you can't see it be- cause of the heavy rain. If you see Jugra hill, steer straight for it, and you will enter the Langat river. Throw the lead. How much water is there? Âyer bûnga pasang. Sâtu hâri bûlan âyer pâsang běsar. Dârat ta'nampak lagi, lěbih baik râpat ka'pantei sedî- kit. Ta'bûlih, Tuan, pantei sudah děkat, ta'bûlih nampak di bûat ûlih hujan lebat ini. Kalau nampak bûkit Jěgra tu- julah bětûl bětûl, bûlih dâ- pat Kuala Langat. Bûang prum (lâdong). Brapa ayer? It is deep, the lead does not Âyer dalam juga, ta’jijak reach the bottom. Throw it again. Deep four. It is shallow here, be careful or we shall get on a sand- bank. prum. Bûang skâli lagi. Âmpat bětûl. Tohor sîni jaga baik baik, nanti kîta kěna běting. We have passed the sand- Sudah lepas běting. bank. Cast anchor; put out the fires. One man go go on watch, and the others can all go to sleep. Lâbuh sauh; pâdam âpi. Sâtu ôrang jâga kâpal, lain ôrang sẽmûa bûlih tîdor. 58 SHOOTING. The boat rolls so it is diffi- Kâpal gôlek (ôleng) sângat, cult to sleep. sûsah mau tîdor. Pukŏl lîma pâgi sahya mau I want to start at 5 A. M. Is Pukol there sufficient coal? There is no more coal, but there is plenty of mangrove wood. Get as much fresh water as you can carry, if you use salt water it will injure the machinery (boiler). jâlan lâgi. Ârang âdă chû- kupkah? Ârang t'âdă lâgi, tětâpi kâyu bâkau bânyak. Ambil ayer tâwer brâpa yang bûlih mûat, kalau pâkei âyer masin nanti rôsak pesawat (prîoknya). XVII. SHOOTING. I want to go shooting. What do you want to shoot? I want to shoot birds. What sort of birds? Snipe, quail, teal, goose-teal, wild-geese, whatever kinds there are. In Pahang there are lots of peacock, but here there are none. Sahya mau pergi měnimbak. Âpa Tûan mau timbak? Mau měnimbak bûrong. Âpa mâcham bûrong? Bûrong berkek, puyuh, bûrong blibis, itek âyer, undan, âp’ âpa mâcham yang âdă. Di Pahang bûrong merak bân- yak, disini tidak âdă. Argus pheasants are the most Bûrong kuang yang sûsah difficult to get. skâli mendapat. SHOOTING. 59 They perch on the tops of trees in big jungle; if any one approaches they fly away. Do you use a breech-loader? Yes, a double-barrelled breech- loader. Dîa hinggap diâtas pôko' di- dâlam rimba běsar besar; kalau orang sudah děkat dîa terbang. Tûan pâkei senâpang kôpak? Yah, sẽnâpang kôpak dûa mâtanya. Bring the cartridges loaded Bawa petron yang îsi pěnâbor with small shot. There are no more, they are all finished, only No. 5 are left. halus itu. Tidak âdă lâgi, Tûan, sudah hâbis semua tinggal num- ber lîma sěhâja. For pigeon No. 5's are capital. Kalau měnimbak punei êloklah Bring two or three ball car- tridges, perhaps we shall see a wild pig or a crocodile. This way, Sir, two or three or three birds have settled in the grass there, at the edge of the swamp. There they are. Are they hit? Yes, Sir. No, Sir. Go and fetch it (them). It is only slightly hit, dead, and has dived. not number lima. Bawa pĕtron pělûru dûa tîga, bârangkali berjumpa bâbi ûtan atau buâia. Sĕblah sîni, Tûan, âdă dûa tîga êkor hinggap di rumput sâna, tepi pâya. Itu dîa. Kěnakah tidak? Kěna Tûan. Ta'kěna, Tûan. Pergilah mengambilnya. Kěna sědîkit, Kěna sedîkit, Tûan, bŭlûm mâti lâgi, sudah dîa měn- yělam. бо SHOOTING. { Teal are very clever at hiding themselves, unless they are killed outright they are very difficult to find. There are plenty of birds, but the swamp is deep, you must use a boat. The grass (or rushes) has grown long, it will be diffi cult in a boat. We can go along slowly. You can't row, you must pole. You sit in the middle of the boat, at the bow, I will pole from the stern. This swamp is very extensive, what do you call it? The dry rice fields. The bird is down, it's hit in the wing, and will run, chase it quickly. I have got it. It was hit in the breast and killed out- right. All those that are not killed cut their throats and we Madomedans can eat them. Pandei skâli sembûnyi bûrong blîbis itu, melainkan mâti langsong susah menchâri dîa. Bùrong bânyak, Tûan, tětâpi pâya dalam, mau pâkei prau. Rumput sudah panjang, sûsah berprau. Bûlih jûga kita berjâlan plan- plâhan. Berdâiung ta'bûlih, mau bergâlah. Tûan dûdok di tengah prau, di haluan, sahya nanti ber- gâlah dêri blâkang. Luas skâli pâya ini, âpa nâma tempatnya? Bendang kring, Tuan. Bûrong sudah jâtoh, kěna sâiapnya, nanti dîa lâri, hambat lěkas. Dâpat, Tûan, kěna di dada mâti langsong. Mâna mâna yang bŭlûm mâti lâgi semblehkan dîa, bûlih kîta orang Islâm mâkannya. SHOOTING. 61. Their flesh is very rich. The snipe is the most delicious of all. Do you like hunting deer? If there are dogs I like it. The Pahang Râjas are clever at hunting with dogs. Lemak skâli dâgingnya. Bûrong berkek yang sedap dêripâda semua. Tûan sûka berbûru rûsakah ? Kalau âdă anjing sûka jûga. Râja Râja Păhang yang pan- dei berbûru. What sort of dogs do they Âpa bangsa anjing dîa pâkei? use? The dogs of the wild tribes. Seek a wild man who is cle- ver at tracking wild beasts, and we will go and shoot them: Anjing ôrang sâkei. Châri ôrang sâkei yang pandei binâtang lîar, měngîkut bûlih kîta pergi menimbak. There is a clever one here, Sir. Âdă sâtu ôrang pâwang disîni, Tûan. What sort of big game can Âpa mâcham binâtang bûlih you get? Elephants, rhinoceros, wild cattle, tapir, samba deer, roe deer, mouse deer, and others. If I could get one slâdang I should be delighted. dâpat? Gajah, bâdak, slâdang, těnok, rûsa, kîjang, plandok, dan lain lainnya. Kalau bûlih dâpat slådang sâtu êkor gămarlah hâti If we are fortunate we can get Kalau untong kîta bûlih jûga one. I hope so. sahya. dâpat, Tûan. Sahya harap băgîtu. 62 SHOOTING. Don't bring many people, one or two only. You must walk very quietly and must not talk. What sort of place do they like? A bamboo jungle near a hot spring, that is the place those beasts like best. Can you get near them? Yes, a clever tracker can. A male has large long horns. Jangan bawa ôrang bânyak, sâtu dûa sěhâja. Tûan jâ- lan plâhan skâli dan ta'bû- lih châkap châkap. Tempat mâna yang dîa sûka? Ûtan bûluh děkat dengan âyer hangat, itulah yang sûka sangat binâtang itu. Bûlihkah děkat dengan dîa? Bûlih juga kalau ôrang pandei měngîkut binâtang. Kalau jantan tandoknya besar panjang. The female has horns also, Bětîna pun bertandok jûga tě- but smaller. The skin is black with short hair, the feet small with red hair on the legs. The beast is very fierce, if it attacks us we must take care. It tosses you with its horns. If you wound without killing it probably it is dangerous, but if you miss it would run away. tâpi kechil lâgi. Kûlitnya itam, bulu pendek, kakinya kěchil, bulu bětis- nya mêrah. Gârang skâli binâtang itu, ka- lau di langger kîta mau jâga baik baik. Dia terkam dengan tandoknya. Kalau lûka ta'mâti bârangkâli gârang, kalau ta'kěna lâri- lah dia. 1 XVIII-DURING DISTURBANCES. 63 Have you heard the news? People say there is a great disturbance at Ulu Pêrak. It is so stated. How did the disturbances occur? The origin of it was this, Sir. There is a man in that dis- trict who is its Penghûlu, but the new Yam Tûan (Sultan) did not like him, so he dismissed him, and nominated another man to succeed him as Penghûlu. Therefor the new Penghûlu fought with the old Pěnghûlu. Has any one been killed or wounded? Not yet, Sir. Yes, one or two. On whose side were they killed? On the side of the new Peng- hûlu. About 20 of his men were walking through the jungle when they came on a stockade of the en- emy, and fought. Those in the stockade had plenty of muskets, the others had only two or three. Âdăkah, Tûan, dengar khabăr? Kâta orang sudah jâdi per- [itu? gâdohan besar di Ulu Pêrak. Âdă kunun băgîtu. Apa sĕběb měnjâdi pergâdohan Asalnya, Tûan, băgîni. Âdă sâtu ôrang dâlam däirah itu menjâdi Pěnghûlunya, tětâpi Yam Tûan bhâru ini tîdak sûka âkan dîa, dipě- chatkan dia gelarkan lain ôrang mengganti dîa jâdi Penghulu disitu. Sĕběb itu berklâhilah Penghûlu bhâru dengan Penghûlu lâma. Âdăkah yang mâti lûka ? [sátu dûa. Bŭlûm lâgi, Tûan. Âdă jûga Sěblah mâna yang mâti itu? Sěblah Penghûlu bhâru, Tûan. Âdă bârang bârang dûa pûloh ôrang dia, berjâlan dâlam ûtan, jumpa sâtu kubu mû- soh, berklâhilah disîtu. Yang dalam kubu itu âdă bersenâpang bânyak, yang lain dûa tîga pûchok sě- hâja. ! 64 DURING DISTURBANCES. The new Penghûlu's men fled, pursued by the enemy, and three of the new Pěng- hûlu's men were killed, the rest of their party ran in- to the jungle at hazard in different directions. Even yet it is not known where they are. Undorlah ôrang sěblah Pěng- hûlu bhâru itu, dihambat ûlih mûsohnya, mâti tîga ôrang sěblah Pěnghûlu bhâru, yang lain lain kâ- wannya lâri dâlam ûtan lin- tang pûkang chĕrei berei. Pada hâri ini pun ta'těntu tempatnya. Who has fetched the bodies Siapa mengambil maiat tîga of the three men who were killed? They are left in has no one has the jungle, courage en- ough to fetch them. In that case the new Pěng- hûlu must be very much ashamed, the corpses of his friends being abandon- ed. In the reckoning of Malays he must be ashamed in- deed. Where is the enemy? ôrang yang mâti itu? tĭâdă Tinggal dalam ûtan, ôrang brâni mengambilnya. Kalau băgitu băgîtu mâlu benar Pěnghûlu bhâru itu, maiat kawannya tertinggal. Pada kîra ôrang Mălâiu mâlu skâli, Tûan. Dimâna mûsoh sěkârang? Their whereabouts are not Ta'těntu těmpatnya, Tûan. certain. Then we had better go and Kalau băgîtu lebih baik kîta scout. pergi měngâkap. DURING DISTURBANCES. 65 We can send the head of the Bûlih antěr pěnglîma kâkap scouts with two men. Very well, to-night it will be moonlight, order them to go and ascertain the whereabouts of the enemy, where are his stockades, and how many, how many men he has, how many guns, and of what kind. The head of the scouts has returned. The enemy is at Papan, they have made that position strong. They have three leaders. There are two stockades, one on the right, and one on the left of the road, and a fort on the top of the hill behind the stockades. They have about 150 men, no cannon but three swivel guns in the fort. Very well, we will take the fort by assault from the rear, and it will then be easy to capture the stock- ades. dengan dua orang. Baik, mâlam sěkârang bûlan sûroh dîa ôrang trang, jâlan měnchâri tempat mûsoh, dimâna kubunya, brâpa buah kubu, brâpa ôrang mûsoh, brâpa měri- amnya, dan âpa âpa mâ- chamnya. Pěnglima kâkap sudah bâlik, Tûan. Mûsoh âdă di Pâ- pan, sudah dia berkûkoh disîtu. Penglîmanya tiga, ôrang kubunya dûa, sěblah kânan sâtu, sĕblah kîri sâtu, dengan kôta sâtu diâtas bûkit, diblâkang kubu yang dûa itu. Ôrangnya stěn- gah dûa râtus lebih kûrang, měriam tîdak âdă, tětâpi lêla âdă tîga pûchok didâ- lam kota itu. Baik, kalau băgîtu kîta mâsok měngâmok kôtanya dêri blâkang, kemdĩan mûdah mengambil kubunya. 66 DURING DISTURBANCES. When the fort is taken there will be no difficulty about the stockades. Attack in earnest, don't hesi- tate, and above all don't give way. When you are close to the fort, and can see the ene- my inside, fire one volley, and then attack them with the kris. The fort is surrounded by a palisade, besides there is a ditch, and ranjaus. Never mind, we can scout * and find the gate of the fort, and enter there. are sure There to be two gates, and the back one is the best to enter by; the enemy will run away by the front gate, and our men can watch there, and re- sist them. Get ready gunpowder, and bullets enough to load 40 cartridges for each man. Kalau sudah di ambil kôtanya kubu ta'sûsah lâgi. Lantak bětûl bětûl, jângan ôlok-ôlok, skâli-kâli jângan undor. Sudah děkat kôta, bûlih nam- pak mûsoh didâlam, pâsang senâpang sâtu dăs, kěm- dian měngâmok dengan kris sěhâja. Kôtanya sudah terpâgar kělî- ling, lâgi âdă pârit dan ranjau. Tîd'âpa bûlih kîta měngâkap châri pintu kôta, disîtulah mások. Tentu dûa pintunya, pintu blâkang baik mâsok, nanti mûsoh lâri dêripâda pintu âdap, bûlih ôrang kîta jâga disîtu měnâhan dîa. Sědîakan ûbat dengan pělûru chûkup îsikan âmpat pûloh pĕtron pada trang. sâtu sâtu * Pointed and sometimes poisoned sticks stuck in the ground to wound the feet. CONVERSATIONS WITH A RÂJA. 67 If it rains cover the cartrid Kalau dâtang hûjan tûdong- ges properly. Every man has a bullet pouch, his cartridges cannot get wet. kan pĕtron baik baik. Mâsing måsing âdă kerpei, Tûan, petronnya ta'bûlih bâsah. Who fired a musket just Siapa yang mělětupkan sĕnâ- now? The enemy. Listen. They fired three shots, that is certainly the enemy's signal. Do you wear a shield ? No, it's no use to wear a shield, if the enemy fire with blunderbusses bullet will perhaps hit. If you are hit, it is fate. one pang tadi ? Mûsoh, Tûan. Dengar baik baik. Dilětupkan tiga dăs, tentulah alâmat mûsoh itu. Tûan pâkei priseikah? Tidak, ta'gûna berprisei, kalau mûsoh bědil dengan pĕmû- ras, bârangkâli kěna pělûru · sâtu. Kalau âwak kěna, nasîblah. XIX. CONVERSATIONS WITH A RÂJA. Is the Râja (or Tunku) in? Yes, Sir, but the Râja (or His Highness) is asleep and not yet awake. At what o'clock will he wake? Tunku âdă dâlamkah? Âdă, Tûan, tětâpi Tunku ber- âdu, bŭlûm jâga lâgi. Pukol brâpa Tunku nanti jaga? + 68 CONVERSATIONS WITH A RÂJA. } The Râja will wake at noon, and after he has you can see him. bathed Tengah hâri nanti Tunku jâga, - sudah dîa sêram bûlih Tûan berjumpa dengan dîa.. The Râja invites you to en- Tunku sîla mâsok Inche'. ter. I am glad to meet Your Highness, I hope you are well-in good health. Quite well, thank you, Sir. Who is this Râja, I don't know him? Salâmat berjumpa Tunku, sahya hârap Tunku âdă baik-badan sêhat. Sêhat juga, trîmakâsih, Tûan. Siâpa ini Tunku, sahya bŭlûm kĕnal lâgi? My younger brother, Tunku Adik sahya, Tuan, Tunku NGAH. NGAH. When are you going back to Bila Tunku the Ulu? mau berankat bâlik ka'ulu ? It is not yet fixed. I must consult first with my bro- ther here. If you return to the Ulu shall you go in boats, or on elephants, or shall you walk? Bŭlûm tentu lâgi, Tûan, påkăt dûlu dengan âdik sahya ini. Kalau Tunku bâlik ka'ulu ber- praukah, bergâjahkah, ber- jâlankah? CONVERSATIONS WITH A RÂJA. 69 Walking is difficult, because there is much and down up hill; elephants too would go with difficulty in this wet weather. People just arrived from the interior tell me the water in the road will take you up to your knees, so I think I shall go by the river. [A Malay speaking:] Your Highness's elder brother, Râja LONG, ordered me to come into your presence and tell you that he is at Kubang Buâia, and to- morrow he will arrive here and visit Your Highness. Very well, you return and tell my elder brother that I am ready awaiting him. I ask leave (to go). Yes, go. Is that Tunku LONG who is going to arrive to-morrow Your Highness's elder bro ther? Jâlan kâki sûsah, sěběb měn- dâki měnûrun bânyak; lâgi gâjah pun sûsah berjâlan musim hujan ini. Ôrang bhâru sampei dêri hulu kâta pâda sahya âyer di jâlan itu singgan (sa'heng- ga) lûtut, sěběb itu sahya fikir baik ikut sungei. Kakanda Unku LONG sûroh patek měngâdap bri tau kapâda Tuanku kakanda âdă di Kûbang Buâia, êsok nanti dia sampei ka'mâri měngâdap Tuanku. Baik, kamu bâlik měngâtakan pâda kakanda, âdinda âdă sědîa měnantikan dia. Pâtek mõhun. Yah, jâlanlah. Tunku LONG yang handak sampei êsok dîakah men- jâdi âbang kapâda Tunku? 70° CONVERSATIONS WITH A RÂJA. Not my real elder brother, my Bûkan âbang bĕtûl, sâtu bâpa. half brother, the same fa- ther. Perhaps you have no brothers or sisters by the same fa- ther or mother as your- self? Yes, I have an elder sister who is married to Râja MAHMUD, and a young brother who is not yet grown up, he is learning Bârangkâli tidak âdă âdik kâ- kak yang sâtu bâpa sâtu mak, dengan Tunku? Âdă jûga, Tûan, kâkak sâtu yang sudah nikâh pada Raja MAHMUD, dan âdik jantan sâtu yang bŭlûm besar lâgi, tengah mẽngâji to read the Korân. dîa. He has not yet read it Bulûm khatam lâgi. through (passed). Not yet. He has read twen- ty-eight chapters, there are two chapters still to read. If on the fasting month the Korân is being read aloud amongst those assembled in the Hall of the Palace, and one cannot read it makes one very much ashamed. The children of the higher classes are obliged to read the Korân through. Bulûm lâgi, Tûan. Dûa pû- loh lâpan juz sudah dibâ- cha, âdă dûa juz yang bŭ- lûm bâcha lâgi. Kalau bûlan puasa, bâcha Ko- rân tengah mějělis, kěmdĭan · kîta ta'tau membâcha, mâlu skâli. Kalau ânak ôrang baik baik ta'bûlih tidak mau khatam Korân. XX.-CONVERSATIONS WITH A SICK MAN. 71 The Datoh Bandar asks you to excuse him, he can't come to-day, because he is sick. What is the matter with him? I don't know, you had better go yourself, and see him. He is dangerously ill, and if he is not attended to [lit. "medicined"] perhaps he will die. I am very sorry to hear you [speaking to a Datoh] are ill. Where do you feel the pain? Toh Bandĕr minta mäaf, Tuan, dîa ta'bûlih dâtang hâri ini, dîa âdă sâkit. Apa sâkitnya? Ta'tau, Tûan, lebih baik Tûan Sâ- pergi mělîhat sendîri. kitnya sudah trok, kalau tîdak di ûbatkan, bârang- kâli dîa mâti. Di- Sahya bânyak susah mĕndĕn- gar Dâtoh âdă sâkit. mâna Dâtoh râsa itu? sâkit -རྗ I have a pain in my head- Sâkit kěpâla, Tûan. Sâkit in my stomach-in my foot prut. Sakit kâki. Sâkit -in my breast. dada. What does the pain feel like? Apa mâcham râsa sâkit itu ? It is burning like fire. I have difficulty in breathing. Show me your tongue. your bowels as usual? Are Râsa hangus, Tûan, seperti âpi. Susah měnăpas, Tuan. Tunjukkan lidah. Dâtoh ka'- sungei sělâlu, atau seperti âdatkah? Brâpa hâri Dâtoh âdă sâkit For how many days have you Brâpa hâri been sick like this? băgîni? 72 CONVERSATIONS WITH A SICK MAN. For a long time, but I am two or three days sick and then better again, the attacks are irregular. Can you stand up, Datoh ? Yes, I can, but it pains me it is only by lying down that I can get a little ease. Try and get up now. I can't I have not the strength. Can you sleep at nights? Lâma, Tûan, tětâpi dûa tîga hâri sâkit, kěmdĭan baik sedikit pûla, ta'tĕntu hâl- nya. Bûlihkah Dâtoh berdiri ? Bûlih jûga, Tûan, tětâpi bawa sâkit, bâring sěhâja yang senang sedikit. Chûba bangkit sěkârang. Ta'bûlih, Tûan, t'âdă kuat. Mâlam mâlam bûlihkah Dâ- toh tîdor? Yes, but whilst I am asleep Bûlih, Tûan, tětâpi waktu tî- I perspire greatly. In that case you have fever. I think so, because I can't eat, and I always feel as if I must vomit. My body is hot now, but just before you came it was quite cold. Let me feel your pulse. dor badan sahya klûar pluh sěhâja. Kalau băgîtu Dâtoh âdă dě- mam. Sahya fikir băgîtu, Tûan, să- běb mâkan ta'bûlih, râsa seperti mau muntah sělâlu. Badan sahya pânas sĕkârang, tadi bŭlûm Tûan ka'mâri sějuk skâli. Mâri chûba sahya râsa nadi Datoh. Do you smoke opium, Datoh? Dâtoh mengîsapkah? A little. Sikit sikit, Tûan. CONVERSATIONS WITH A SICK MAN. 73 How many times a day do you smoke? îsap? Brâpa kali sa'hâri Dâtoh meng- In the morning once, in the Pâgi skâli. evening once. Mâlam skâli. You had better not smoke Lebih baik jângan mengisap again at present. dûlu. We will talk about it to-mor- Nanti êsok bûlih kîta châkap row. I am going home now, and I will send you some medi- cine. What sort of medicine? The medicine will be in a bottle, you must drink it three times a day; measure it with a large spoon, and drink a spoonful at a time. When you have drunk it all, send the bottle back to me, and I will re-fill it. I am better to-day. Are you well? Not yet quite well. I can't walk yet. I can't move. Try and move your foot. I can't, the bone is broken. fasăl itu. Sahya mau bâlik ka'rûmah sěkârang, bûlih sahya an- těr ûbat kapâda Dâtoh. Âpa mâcham ûbat, Tûan? Ûbat itu dâlam bâlang, Dâtoh mau mînum tîga kâli sa'- hâri; sûkat dengan sendok besar, sâtu sendok skâli mînum. Bila sudah hâbis, antĕr bâlik bâlangnya pâda sahya, bûlih sahya îsikan lâgi. Ini hâri âdă baik sedikit. Badan âdă sêhatkah ? Bŭlûm sêhat skâli. Bŭlûm bûlih berjâlan lâgi. Sahya ta'bûlih bergrak. Chûba bergrakkan kâki. Ta'bûlih, Tûan, tûlangnya sudah pâtah. 74 CONVERSATIONS WITH A SICK MAN. What bone? The bone here. Yes, the bone is broken, I will pull your foot a little, and then put a piece of wood on either side, and bind it with a bandage. Tûlang mâna. Tulang disini, Tûan. Yah, sûngguh tûlang sudah pâtah, nanti sahya târek kâki sědîkit, kěmdian tâ- roh dûa keping kâyu sěblah měnyĕblah, bûlih balut den- gan kain. For two days I have had fever Dûa hâri ini, sahya âdă dě- and ague. mam kora. Last night I had a very bad Samâlam sahya bâtok kuat cough. My child has got the small-pox. Has he (she) been vaccina- ted? Malays are afraid of vaccina- tion; sometimes after be- ing vaccinated the children die. Cholera is the worst of all. Few who get it ever re- cover. There is no cure. skâli. Ânak sahya kěna châchĕr. Sudahkah tânam châcher (kě- na chungkil) atau bŭlûm? Ôrang Mălâiu tâkut měnânam châchěr; kâdang kâdang sudah di tânam ânaknya mâti langsong. Pěnyâkit hâwěr yang jǎhat skâli; sudah kěna jârang yang salâmat. T'âdă ûbatnya. What is the matter with you? Apa kûrang angkau ? I have been wounded. How were you wounded, cut or shot? I was stabbed with a spear. Sudah lûka, Tûan. Lûka kěna âpa, pisaukah, bě- dil ? Kěna lembing, Tûan. OPENING A PLANTATION. 75 It had better be washed, and Lebih baik then sewn up; if no dirt gets into it it will soon get well. bâsoh dengan âyer, kẽmdĩan bûlih dijait; kalau t’adã kěna kotor ấp’. âpa lěkas baik. If the bullet is still in I will Kalau pělûru âdă lâgi didâlam extract it. How will you extract it? With this steel instrument, when you have got hold of the ball you simply pull, sahya bûlih chabutkan. Băgimâna bûlih di chabutkan- nya. Dengan bârang běsi ini, sudah pěgang pělûru itu târek sěhâja, nanti di klûar. and out it comes. XXI.-OPENING A PLANTATION. I want to open a plantation Sahya mau bûka kăbûn tânam and plant coffee and other things, can you get me one hundred coolies? kâhûa dan sa'bâgeinya, bulihkah angkau châri ô rang kuli bârang sa'râtus trang ? Where are you going to open Dimâna Tûan mau bûka kǎ- the plantation? In the interior of Pêrak. Do you want Chinese coolies or Javanese? bûn itu? kă- Di hulu Pêrak. Tûan mau kuli Chînakah atau trang Jawa ? Eighty Javanese and twenty Orang Jawa lâpan pûloh ôrang, Chinese. Chîna dûa pûloh. 76 T OPENING A PLANTATION. : How much wages per man Brâpa Tûan mau bâgi gâji will you give? To the Javanese six dollars a month; finding their own food. The Chinese the same. I can get them, but they will be sure to ask for an ad- vance. ten Very well, I will give ten dollars advance to each man, but their headman must give security for the others, if not they will abscond and I shall lose my money for nothing. If there are one hundred men and you give them an ad- vance of ten dollars each, the security required will be one thousand dollars. That's right. Look out for two men with property to be the securi- ties. sâtu ôrang? Pada ôrang Jâwa ânam ring- git sa'bûlan, mâkan diâtas dîa. Chîna băgîtu jûga. Bûlih sahya dâpat, Tûan, tě- tâpi dîa ôrang tentu mau minta chengkram d'hûlu. Baiklah, bûlih sahya bri sa'- pûloh ringgit sa'ôrang, tě tâpi sâtu ôrang kĕpâlanya mau tanggong diâtas lain lain, kalau tidak nanti dîa ôrang lâri semua, hîlang ringgit sahya perchûma. Kalau sa'râtus ôrang bri chengkram sa'pûloh ringgit sa'ôrang, jâdi mau minta jâmin sa'rîbu ringgit. Yah, bětûl. Chârikan dûa ôrang yang herta bûlih menjâminnya. âdă What sort of work shall you Apa mâcham kerja Tûan mau give these coolies? bri kapâda kuli kuli ini? OPENING A PLANTATION. T 1 77 ûtan, bûat Cutting jungle, making roads Kerja měněbas ûtan, and drains, digging the land, planting trees, and so on. * jâlan dan pârit, changkul- kan tanah, tânam pôko' pôko' dan sa'bâgeinya. Have you built a house there Sudahkah Tûan bûat rûmah yet ? I have agreed with a Malay- man there, who will call together the sakeis and clear the jungle. What agreement disîtu atau bŭlûm? Sudah sahya janji dengan ô- rang Mălâiu disîtu, dîa mau panggil sâkei měněbaskan ûtan. did you Mâcham mâna Tûan janji děn- make with him. He agreed to work on con- tract. He will clear a space of one hundred fa- thoms square for one hun- dred dollars. Cut down and burn ? Yes. That is cheap. gan dìa ? Dîa janji kerja bôrong. Dia bûlih těbaskan sa'râtus dě- pa panjang dan lebĕrnya sa'râtus, dengan herga sa'- râtus ringgit. Měněbas dan membâkěr ? Yah, băgîtu. That is dear. That is dear. Mûrah jûga. Where can the coolies get the rice for their food? Once a week they can send two or three men down to the village to buy rice and carry it home. It is a long way, Sir. Měhal itu. Bras mâkan kuli dimâna bû- lih bli? Tûjoh hâri skâli dîa ôrang bû- lih anter dûa tîga ôrang tûrun ka'pěkan, měmbli bras dûkong bâlik. Bânyak jauh, Tûan. 78 OPENING A PLANTATION. It is not very far. If they Tidak brâpa jauh. Kalau can't get back the same day, they can sleep a night in the village, and return. the next day. It is very difficult to carry things through the jungle. When a path has been made we can use a buffalo to bring the things. After- wards we will make a cart road. Clear a place and make a hut only. To-morrow clear four or five fathoms of jungle and set up a shed for the coolies. hâri itu ta'bûlih bâlik bûlih tîdor sâtu mâlam di pěkan, balik êsok. Dûkong bârang dâlam ûtan bânyak susah. Bîla sudah di bûat lôrong bû- lih pâkei kerbau membawa bârang bârang. Kěmdian bûlih bûat jâlan krêta. Chûchikan sâtu tempat bûat pondok sěhâja. Nanti êsok bulih mèněbaskan utan âm. pat lîma děpa, dirikan sâtu bangsal kuli. Look for a good place and Chârikan tempat yang baik, near to water. If there is not a stream, two wells must be dug, one for drinking water only, and one to be used for bathing. When the shed and wells are finished, I will select a place to sow the seeds, lâgi dekat dengan âyer. Kalau sungei t'âdă mau gâli- kan prigi dûa, sâtu měng- ambil âyer mînum, sâtu bûlih mandi. Bila sudah hâbis bangsal dan prigi, sahya bûlih pîleh sâtu tempat měnânam běnih, OPENING A PLANTATION. 79 '. When the seeds have been Bila sudah tânam běnih itu, planted, make a shelter for them of leaves, and if there is no rain they must be watered every day. How many times a day must they be watered? Only once, in the afternoon about 5 P. M. Have the seed sprouted? Yes. No, they won't do. up The seeds are dead. When planting cocoa seeds great care must be used, and the seeds must be put in the ground quite straight, or the tree will come crooked. The coffee seeds have become large (plants), when get a wet day they must be planted out in the plantation. we Take great care when you are pulling them up not to in- jure the root. bûat jamba dengan daun kâyu, dan kalau t'âdă hû- jan sâ'hâri hâri mau sêram dyer. Brâpa kâli sâtu hâri mau sê- ram Tuan ? Skâli sěhâja, pada pětang hâri, jam pukol lîma băgîtu. Sudahkah tumbuh běnih itu? T'âdă jâdi, Sudah, Tûan. Tûan. Běnih sudah mâti. Kalau běnih waktu tânam kâhŭa susu, mau jâga baik baik, handak mâsok- kan benihnya didalam tâ- nah bětûl skâli, kalau tîdak pôko'nya nanti bengkok. Benih kâhŭa itu sudah besar, bîla dâtang hûjan mau tânamkan didalam kǎbûn. Jâga baik baik bîla dichabut, jângan rôsakkan akĕrnya. If the tap root is injured the Kalau akěr trus bûmi itu rô- tree will die. sak, mâtilah pôko'nya. 80 OPENING A PLANTATION. Many of the tools are out of Perkakas bânyak sudah rôsak. order. There are not enough changkols and axes, more must be bought. Give the tools that are out of blacksmith order to the and tell him to put them to rights. Whatever is wanting you can buy and put to my account. I want two days' leave, Sir. What for? Changkul dan blîong âdă kûrang, mau bli lâgi. Perkakas yang sudah rôsak itu bri pâda tûkang běsi, sûroh dia membaiki. Âpa yang kurang bûlih bli, târoh sahya punya kîra. Sahya minta chuti, Tuan, dûa hâri. Bûat âpa? My head is bad, I want to Kěpâla sâkit, Tuan, sahya get medicine. I will give you medicine. No, thank you, Sir. I don't understand the white man's medicine, I want to find a Malay doctor. All the ditches must be deep- ened, if we have heavy rain ditches like these are no good. The ground is hard. Make a road from here to the boundary of my plantation. Six feet will be wide enough. mau châri ûbat. Sahya bûlih bâgi ûbat. Ta'bûlih, Tûan. Sahya ta'- herti ûbat ôrang pûteh, sahya mau châri bomo (dûkun) Mălâiu. Pârit pârit sẽmûa mau dâlam- kan lâgi, kalau tûrun hûjan lebat ta'bergûna mâcham ini. Tânah kras, Tûan. Bûat jâlan dêri sîni ka'prěng- gan kǎbûn sahya. Lebĕrnya sa'děpa chûkuplah. 2 : . : • ; D OPENING A PLANTATION. Whenever you come to a stream you must make a wooden bridge. A bridge of jungle wood, not planks, round wood (trees). Put earth on the top, so that a horse may pass. 81 Mâna mâna jumpa sungei mau bûat titi kâyu. Titi kayu utan, bûkan pâpan, kâyu bûlat. Bûboh tânah diâtasnya sepâ- ya kûda bûlih lâlu. FINIS. ! 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