Trejo 17. { ༣ ļ ¡ 1 : REMARKS Mr. WAKEFIELD'S ENQUIRY. J [Price Two SHILLINGS.] F ป BV 9 W16 B2. Director Fletcher 2-1-51 73384 THOUGHTS ON PUBLIC WORSHIP, &c. THERE are fome practices which have not been defended becauſe they have never been attacked. Of this number is Public or Social Worship. It has been recom- mended, urged, enforced, but never vindi- cated. Through worldlinefs, fcepticiſm, indolence, diffatisfaction with the manner of conducting it, it has been often neg- lected; but it is a new thing to hear it condemned. The pious and the good have lamented its infufficiency to the reforma- B tion OBH ( 2 ) If tion of the world, but they were yet to learn that it was unfriendly to it. Satif- fied with filent and folitary defertion, thofe who did not concur in the homage paid by their fellow-citizens were content to ac- quiefce in its propriety, and had not hi- therto affumed the dignity of a fect. A late pamphlet of Mr. Wakefield's has there- fore excited the attention of the public, partly, no doubt, from the known abili- ties of the author, but ftill more from the novelty and ſtrangeness of the doctrine. intended as an apology, no publication can be more feaſonable, but if meant as an exhor- tation, or rather a dehortation, it is a la- bour which many will think, from the complexion of the times and the tendencies of increaſing habits, might well have been fpared. It is an awkward circumſtance for the apoſtle of fuch a perfuafion, that he will have many practical difciples whom he will hardly care to own; and that if he fucceeds in making profelytes, he muft take them from the more fober and orderly part of the community; and clafs them, as (3) as far as this circumſtance affords a diftinc- tion, along with the uneducated, the pro- fligate, and the unprincipled. The nega- tive tenet he inculcates, does not mark his converts with fufficient preciſion: their fcrupulofity will be in danger of being con- founded with the careleffneſs of their neigh- bours; and it will be always neceffary to afk, Do you abſtain becauſe you are of this religion, or becauſe you are of no religion at all? It would be unfair, however, to endea- vour to render Mr. Wakefield's opinions invidious: they, as well as every other opi- nion, muft be fubmitted to the teft of ar- gument; and Public Worſhip, as well as every other practice, muft ftand on the bafis of utility and good fenfe, or it muft not ftand at all: and in the latter cafe, it is immaterial whether it is left to moulder like the neglected ruin, or battered down like the formidable tower. It will ftand upon this bafis, if it can be fhewn to be agreeable to our nature, fanctioned by univerfal practice, coun- tenanced B 2 ( 4 ) tenanced by revealed religion, and that its tendencies are favourable to the morals and manners of mankind. What is Public Worship? Kneeling down together while prayers are ſaid of a certain length and conftruction, and hear- ing difcourfes made to a ſentence of ſcrip- ture called a text !-Such might be the de- finition of an unenlightened perſon, but fuch would certainly not be Mr. Wake- field's. The queſtion ought to be agitated on much larger ground. If thefe practices are fhewn to be novel, it does not follow that Public Worſhip is fo, in that extenfive fenſe which includes all modes and varie- ties of expreffion. To eſtabliſh its anti- quity, we must therefore inveſtigate its nature. Public Worship is the public expreffion of homage to the Sovereign of the univerfe. It is that tribute from men united in fami- lies, in towns, in communities, which in- dividually men owe to their Maker. Every nation has therefore found fome organ by which to expreſs this homage, fome lan- guage, ( 5 ) guage, rite, or ſymbol, by which to make known their religious feelings; but this organ has not always, nor chiefly been words. The killing an animal, the throw- ing a few grains of incenfe into the fire, the eating bread and drinking wine, are all in themſelves indifferent actions, and have apparently little connection with devotion; yet all of theſe have been uſed as worship, and are worship when ufed with that in- tention. The folemn facrifices and anni- verfary feftivals of the Jews, at which their capital and their temple were thronged with votaries from every diftant part of the kingdom, were fplendid expreffions of their religious homage. Their worſhip, indeed, was interwoven with their whole civil conſtitution; and fo, though in a ſub- ordinate degree, was that of the Greeks and Romans, and moſt of the ftates of an- tiquity. There has never exifted a nation, at all civilized, which has not had fome appointed form of fupplication, ſome ſtated mode of fignifying the dependance we are under to the fupreme Being, and as a na- B 3 tion ( 6 ) tion imploring his protection. It is not pretended that theſe modes were all equally rational, equally edifying, equally proper for imitation, equally fuitable for every ſtate of fociety; they have varied accord- ing as a nation was more or lefs advanced in refinement and decorum, more or lefs addicted to fymbolical expreffion-to vio- lent gefticulation-and more or lefs con- verfant with abftract ideas and metaphy- fical fpeculation. But whether the Deity is worshipped by ftrewing flowers and building tabernacles of verdure; by dances round the altar and the fhouts of a cheerful people; by offering the first fruits of har- veſt, and partaking in the ſocial feaſt; by tones of mufic, interpreted only by the heart; or by verbal expreffions of gratitude and adoration-whether the hallelujahs of affembled multitudes rife together in fo- lemn chorus; or whether they liften with compofed and reverential attention to the voice of one man, appointed by them to be the organ of their feelings-whether a number of people meet together like the Quakers, ( 7 ) Quakers, and each in filence prefers his mental petition-wherever men together perform a ftated act as an expreffion of homage to their Maker, there is the effence of public worship; and public worſhip has therefore this mark of being agreeable to the nature of man, that it has been found agreeable to the fenfe of mankind in all ages and nations. It is, indeed, difficult to imagine that beings, fenfible of common wants and a common nature, fhould not join together in imploring common bleffings; that, prone as men are in every other circumftance to affociate together, and communicate the electric fire of correfpondent feelings, they ſhould act with unfocial reſerve only where thoſe intereſts are concerned which are con- feffedly the moſt important. Such is the temperament of man, that in every act and every event he anxiouſly looks around him to claim the gratulation or fympathy of his fellows. Religion, fays Mr. Wake- field, is a perſonal thing; fo is marriage, fo is the birth of a child, fo is the loſs of a beloved B 4 2 ( 8 ) If beloved relative, yet on all theſe occafions we are strongly impelled to public folemni- zation, We neither laugh alone, nor weep alone, why then fhould we pray alone? None of our feelings are of a more commu- nicable nature than our religious ones. devotion really exifts in the heart of each individual, it is morally impoffible it ſhould exift there apart and fingle. So many ſe- parate tapers, burning fo near each other, in the very nature of things muſt catch, and ſpread into one common flame. The reciprocal advantages, which public and private worſhip poffefs over each other, are fufficiently obvious to make both defirable. While the former is more animated, the latter comes more intimately home to our own circumſtances and feelings, and allows our devotion to be more particular and ap- propriated. To most of the objections made againſt the one, the other is equally liable. Superftition can drop her folitary beads, as well as vociferate the repetition of a public collect: if fymptoms of weari nefs and inattention may be obferved in our churches, .. ! ( 9 ) churches, we have only to look into the diaries of the moſt pious Chriftians, and we ſhall find ſtill heavier complaints of the dulnefs and deadnefs of their ſpiritual frame: the thoughts may wander in the cloſet when the door is fhut: folly and ſelfiſhneſs will ſend up improper petitions from the cell as well as from the congre- gation nay Public Worſhip has this great advantage, that it teaches thofe to pray, who, not being accuſtomed to think, can- not of themſelves pray with judgment. To all, it teaches that we are not to pray for exclufive advantages, but to confider ourſelves as members of a community. Our inmoſt wiſhes learn reftraint while our petitions are thus directed, and our defires. by degrees conform themſelves to that ſpirit of moderation and juftice, without which we cannot join in the comprehenfive prayer, that muſt include the joint fupplications of a numerous affembly.-Public Worſhip has this further advantage over private, that it is better fecured againſt languor on one fide, and enthufiaim on the other. If the devotional ( 10 ) devotional fentiment has not taken deep root in his mind, a man will ſcarcely keep up, in filence and in folitude, an intercourſe to which he is prompted by no external appearance, and of which he is reminded by no circumſtance of time or place. And if his fenfe of invifible things is ftrong enough to engage his mind in ſpite of theſe difadvantages, there is room to fear, left, by brooding in filence over objects of fuch indiftinct vaftnefs, his bewildered ideas and exalted imagination fhould lead him to the reveries of myſticiſm; an extreme no leſs to be dreaded than that of indifference. When Mr., Wakefield, to ftrengthen his ar- gument for feclufion in our religious exer- cifes, directs our attention to the mount of Olives and the garden of Gethsemane, he fhould recollect that our Saviour fuftained a character to which we cannot prefume to afpire; and that, however favourable the defert and the wilderneſs have been to pro- phets vifited by extraordinary illuminations, they cannot be equally fuitable to the re- gular devotion of ordinary Chriftians. From ( 11 ) { From the gloom of the cloifter and the lonelineſs of the cell, have proceeded the moſt extravagant deviations from nature and from reafon. Enthuſiaſm is indeed moſt dangerous in a crowd, but it feldom origi- nates there. The mind, heated with intenſe thinking, adopts illufions to which it is not expofed when its devotion is guided and bounded by addreffes which are in- tended to meet the common ſentiments of a numerous affembly. Religion then ap- pears with the moſt benignant afpect, is then leaſt likely to be miſtaken, when the prefence of our fellow-creatures points out its connection with the bufineffes of life and the duties of fociety. Solitary devo- tion, for worldly minds, is infufficient, for weak minds it is not profitable, for ar- dent minds it is not fafe. We muſt however do that juſtice to the author of the Enquiry, as to confeſs that he betrays no difpofition to carry thefe exercifes to any extreme. On the contrary, ſome of his expreffions feem to ftrike at the root of all prayer, properly fo called, as being the weak 5 ( 12 ) weak effort of an infirm and unphilofophical mind to alter the order of nature and the decrees of Providence, in which it rather becomes the wife man to acquiefce with a manly refignation. Without entering into a difcuffion, in which, perhaps, we might mifrepreſent his fentiments; as, in the greater part of his pamphlet, he has taken the ground of fcripture, which undoubt- edly countenances the earneſtneſs, and almoſt the importunity of petition; it may be fufficient for the prefent purpoſe to ob- ferve, that if there exiſts a man who, be- lieving himſelf to be in the continual pre- fence of infinite power, directed by infinite love and tender compaffion to all his crea- tures-thinking often of this Being, and habitually referring every difpofition of events to his providence-feeling himſelf more conſtantly and intimately connected with him than with all creation befides→→→→ can in every viciffitude of his life, in fick- nefs and in forrow, in imminent danger, anxious uncertainty, defertion or lofs of friends, and all the trying circumſtances of humanity ( 13 ) humanity that flesh is heir to; forbear, for himſelf or for thoſe dearer to him than himſelf, to put up one petition to the throne of God-fuch a one may be al- lowed to ftrike out every petition in the Lord's Prayer but that comprehenfive one, thy will be done. If his faith be equally lively, his devotional feelings equally fer- vent, his fenfe of dependence upon God equally felt in his inmoft foul, we dare not preſume to cenfure the temperance of his religious addreffes. We refpect the ſub- dued fobriety of his wifhes, and we do not, we cannot ſuppoſe him deferted by the fupreme Being for that modeft forbear- ance which proceeds from a refignation fo abfolute and complete. Others, however, whofe philofophy is not of fo firm a tex- ture, may plead the example of him who prayed, though with meek fubmiffion, that the cup of bitterneſs might pafs from him; and who, as the moment of fepara- tion approached, interceded for his friends and followers with all the anxiety of affec- tionate tenderneſs. But we will venture to ( 14 ) to ſay that practically there is no fuch phi- lofopher. If prayer were not enjoined for the perfection, it would be permitted to the weakneſs of our nature. We fhould be betrayed into it, if we thought it fin, and pious ejaculations would eſcape our lips, though we were obliged to preface them with, God forgive me for praying! To thoſe who prefs the objection, that we cannot fee in what manner our prayers can be anſwered, confiftently with the go- vernment of the world according to thofe general laws by which we find, in fact, that it is governed; it may be fufficient to fay, that prayer, being made almoſt an inſtinct of our nature, it cannot be fuppofed but that, like all other inſtincts, it has its ufe; that no idea can be less philofophical than one which implies, that the exiſtence of a God who governs the world, fhould make no difference in our conduct; and few things lefs probable than that the child-like fubmiffion which bows to the will of a fa- ther, fhould be exactly fimilar in feature to the ftubborn patience which bends under the yoke of neceffity. It 120 ( 15 ) It may be further obferved, that petitions for temporal advantages, fuch, I mean, as a fpirit of moderation will allow us to wish with fufficient ardour to make them the fubject of our prayers, are not liable to more objections than petitions for fpiritual bleffings. In either cafe the weak man does, and the wife man does not expect a miracle. That the arrogant, the worldly, and the licentious, fhould on a fudden, and without their own ftrenuous endeavours, be rendered humble, fimple-minded, and pure of heart, would be as great a violation of the order of nature in the moral world, as it would be in the natural world that the harveſt ſhould ripen without the co-opera- tion of the hufbaudman, and the flow in- fluence of the feafons. Indeed, as tem- poral bleflings are lefs in our power than difpofitions, and are fometimes entirely out of it, it ſeems more reafonable of the two to pray for the former than for the latter; and it is remarkable that, in the model given us in the Lord's Prayer, there is not a fingle petition for any virtue or good dif- pofition, ( 16 ) pofition, but there is one for daily bread. Good difpofitions, particularly a fpirit of re- fignation, are declared and implied in the petitions, but they are not prayed for: events are prayed for, and circumstances out of our own power, relative to our fpi- ritual concerns, are prayed for, as, the not being led into temptation; but there is no prayer that we may be made holy, meek, or merciful. Nor is it an objection to pray- ing for health, that fickneſs may poffibly turn out a bleffing, fince it is no objection to the ufing all the means in our power to get rid of fickneſs, which we do as eagerly and as unrefervedly as if we had not the leaft idea that it ever could be falutary. And we do right; for the advantages of fickneſs are cafual and adventitious; but health is in itſelf, and in its natural ten- dencies, a bleffing devoutly to be wished for. That no advantage of this nature ought to be prayed or wifhed for, unqualified with the deepeſt fubmiffion to the will of God, is an undoubted truth; and it is a truth likewiſe univerfally acknowledged by all rational Chriftians. It ( 17 ) It cannot be denied, however, that great referve is neceffary in putting up ſpecific petitions, eſpecially of a public nature; but generally the fault lies in our engaging in wrong purſuits, rather than in imploring upon our purſuits the favour of heaven. Humanity is ſhocked to hear prayers for the ſucceſs of an unjuſt war; but huma- nity and heaven were then offended when the war was engaged in; for war is of a na- ture fufficiently ferious to warrant our pray- ers to be preferved from the calamities of it, if we have not voluntarily expofed our- felves to them. The frivolous nature of moſt national conteſts appears ftrongly in this very circumſtance, that petitions from ei- ther fide have the air of a profanation; but if in fome ferious conjuncture our country was ready to be overwhelmed by an ambi- tious neighbour, as that of the Dutch was in the time of Louis the Fourteenth,-in fuch a ſeaſon of calamity, the fterneſt phi- lofopher would give way to the inſtinctive dictates of nature, and implore the help which cometh from on high. The rea- C fon ( 18 ) fon why both fides cannot pray with pros priety, is becauſe both fides cannot act with juftice. But fuppofing we were to difcard all pe- tition as the weak effort of infirm minds to alter the unbroken chain of events; as the impatient breathings of craving and reſtleſs ſpirits, not broken into patient acquiefcence with the eternal order of Providence-the nobleſt office of worſhip ſtill remains. Praife is devotion fit for mighty minds, The jarring world's agreeing facrifice. And this is furely of a focial nature. One clafs of religious duties feparately con fidered, tends to deprefs the mind, filling it with ingenuous fhame and wholefome forrow; and to theſe humiliating feelings folitude might perhaps be found congenial: but the fentiments of admiration, love, and joy, fwell the bofom with emotions which feek for fellowship and communication. The flame indeed may be kindled by filent mufing; but when kindled it muſt infalli- bly ſpread. The devout heart, penetrated with ( 19 ) with large and affecting views of the im- menſity of the works of God, the harmony of his laws, and the extent of his benefi- cence, burſts into loud and vocal expref- fions of praiſe and adoration; and, from a full and overflowing fenfibility, feeks to expand itfelf to the utmoft limits of cre- ation. The mind is forcibly carried out of itſelf, and, embracing the whole circle of animated exiſtence, calls on all above, around, below, to help to bear the burden of its gratitude. Joy is too brilliant a thing to be confined within our own bofoms; it burnishes all nature, and with its vivid colouring gives a kind of factitious life to objects without fenfe or motion. There cannot be a more ftriking proof of the fo- cial tendency of thefe feelings, than the ftrong propenfity we have to fuppofe audit- ors where there are none. When men are wanting, we addrefs the animal creation; and, rather than have none to partake our fentiments, we find fentiment in the mufic of the birds, the hum of infects, and the low of kine: nay, we call on rocks and ftreams € 2 ! ( 10 ) ftreams and forefts to witnefs and fhare our emotions. Hence the royal fhepherd, fojourning in caves and folitary waftes, calls on the hills to rejoice and the floods to clap their hands; and the lonely poet, wandering in the deep receffes of unculti- vated nature, finds a temple in every fo- lemn grove, and fwells his chorus of praiſe with the winds that bow the lofty cedars. And can he who, not fatisfied with the wide range of exiftence, calls for the fym- pathy of the inanimate creation, refuſe to worthip with his fellow men? Can he who bids Nature attend," forget 66 to join every living foul" in the univerfal hymn? Shall we fuppofe companions in the ftillneſs of deferts, and fhall we overlook them amongſt friends and townfmen? It cannot be! Social worship, for the devout heart, is not more a duty than it is a real want. If Public Worſhip is thus found to be agreeable to the beſt impulfes of our na- ture, the pious mind will rejoice to find it, at leaft, not diſcountenanced by revealed religion. 3 ( 21 ) ** religion. But its friends, in endeavouring to prove this, muft carry on the argument under fome diſadvantage, as Mr. Wake- field, though he lays great ftrefs on the prefumptive arguments which feem to fa- your the negative fide of the queſtion, will not allow the fame force to thoſe which may be urged on the other fide. The practice of Chriſt, he tells us, is an authority to which all believers will bow the knee, a tribunal by which all our controverfies must be awarded: yet he gives us notice at the fame time, that to this authority, if brought againſt him, he will not bow the knee; and from this tribunal, if unfriendly to his caufe, he will appeal; for that prayers and all external obfervances are beggarly elements, to be laid afide in the prefent maturity of the Chrif tian church; and that, even if focial wor- fhip were an original appendage of the gospel, the idea of a progreffive Chriftianity would juſtify us in rejecting it. With this in- equality of conditions, which it is fufficient juſt to notice, let us confider the array of texts which are drawn up against the C 3 prac tice ( 22 ) tice in queſtion; and particularly thofe precepts which, Mr. Wakefield fays, are evidences that directly and literally prove Public Worſhip to be unauthorized by Chrif tianity, and inconfiftent with it, and which he diſtinguiſhes from thofe which condemn it merely by inference, The first of thefe direct evidences is the injunction, not to worship as the hypo- crites, who are fond of exhibiting in the moft public places. "And when thou prayeft, be not as the hypocrites, for they love to pray ſtanding in the fynagogues, and in the corners of the ſtreets, that they may be ſeen of men; verily I fay unto you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou prayeft, enter into thy cloſet, and when thou hast ſhut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in fecret." But is it not evident, that the force of this precept is not aimed againſt public prayer, but againſt private prayer performed in public; againſt the oftentatious diſplay which feeks to diſtin- guifh us from others, not the genuine Sympathy which makes us defirous of 4 blending ( 23 ) blending our feelings with theirs? It was devotion obtruding itſelf in the face of bu- fineſs, amidſt the ſhow and bustle of the world. It did not feek for fellowſhip, but obfervation. It did not want the concur- rence of men, but to be ſeen by them. Even in the fynagogue it was filent, foli- tary, unfocial, and with fullen reſerve and cold difdain kept itſelf aloof from commu- nion, and invited only applaufe. The Pharifee and the Publican both went up to the temple to worship, but they worship- ped not together. Certainly the delicate and modeft nature of fincere piety must ſhrink from an exhibition like this; and would not wiſh to have its feelings no- ticed, but where at the fame time they may be ſhared. be fhared. This text therefore feems to be only a caution refpecting the proper performance of our cloſet duties. 66 Jefus faith unto her, Woman, be▾ lieve me, the hour cometh when ye fhall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jeru- falem, worſhip the Father. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true wor- ſhippers C A ( 24 ) ! fhippers fhall worſhip the Father in fpirit and in truth, for the Father feeketh fuch to worſhip him. God is a fpirit." True it is, the hour is come in which it is allowed by all rational believers, that the acceptableness of prayer does not depend on the facredness of any particular place. The Jews wanted to be informed of this. They, naturally enough, were apt to confider their temple as the habitation of the divine Being, in the fame manner as a palace is the habitation of an earthly fovereign, a place where men may come to make their court, and bring prefents, and afk favours in return. Theſe ideas have been done away by thoſe more honourable notions of the divine Being which our Saviour and good men after him have laboured to in- culcate. We conceive of a church as of a building, not for God to refide, but for men to affemble in; for, though God is a fpirit, men have bodies, and they cannot meet to do any thing without having fome place to do it in. Neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerufalem, means therefore exclu- fively, ! ( 25 ) fively, with an idea of any peculiar facred- nefs, or fuperftitious preference to any other ſtructure which might be equally commodious. With regard to the character of our Sa- viour himſelf, it is certain he did not al- ways call upon his difciples to fhare that more intimate, and, if I may ſay fo, confi- dential, intercourfe with his heavenly Fa- ther, which he may be fuppofed to have been favoured with; and it must be con- feffed, there is no formal mention made of any exerciſes of this kind either with them, or with the people at large. But his whole life was a prayer. He, who in his moſt familiar and convivial moments, was raif- ing the thoughts of his hearers to God, and nourishing their piety by occafional in- struction, could not be fuppofed to leave them difinclined to the intercourfes of fo- cial piety. The beautiful commendatory prayer which he offered up when about to leave the world, though it was not en- tirely of the nature of focial prayer, as his difciples did not join in it, yet, its being uttered ( 26 ) 1 uttered in their prefence, and their being the object of it, ſeems to place it nearly on the fame ground. In the very miracle of the loaves, which Mr. Wakefield has pro- duced as an inftance of an incident which might have given rife to public prayer, and which was fuffered to paſs without it -in the account of this very miracle there is a direct precedent for the practice in queftion; for, looking up to heaven, he bleſſed before he brake the bread. This, indeed, appears to have been his conſtant practice. It certainly does not belong to private devotion, and is a fpecies of prayer more apt, perhaps, than any other, to de- generate into a mere form. But if we do not find Public Worſhip, properly fo called, in the life of our Saviour, it is becauſe we look for it in the wrong place. It is not to be fought for in his in- ſtructions, either to the multitude at large, or to his difciples in their more private con- verfations. This public worſhip was paid where the reft of the Jews paid theirs—in the Temple. He came up, with the con- courfe ( 27 ) courſe of affembled multitudes, to the appointed religious feftivals; he eat the paffover, and affociated with his fellow ci- tizens, even in thofe rites and that form of worſhip which he knew was ſo ſoon to be aboliſhed. Our Lord feems indeed to have been an early and regular frequenter of whatever public worſhip the Jews had among them. What this was, befides their facrifices and ceremonial obfervances, Mr. Wakefield is infinitely better able than the author of theſe remarks, to collect from the volumes of Rabbinical learning; but, without going deeper into their antiquities than what may be gathered from thofe records of their hiſtory which are in the hands of every one, it may be feen that verbal addreffes to the Divine Being often accompanied the public expreffions of their thankſgiving, In their earlieſt times we have the fong of Mofes, in the burden of which the whole people, led by Miriam, joined in chorus. In a more poliſhed age, the fine prayer of Solomon at the dedication of the temple, a compofition ( 28 ) compofition which has never been excelled, comes yet nearer to our ideas of an addrefs to the Divine Being; and the whole peo- ple bore a part in the worship by the re- ipoufe, "for he is good, for his mercy en- dureth for ever." A ftill more regular fer- vice is recorded by Nehemiah, when the people, after their return from the captivity, entered into that folemn renewal of their law defcribed with fo much affecting fo- lemnity. They food and confeffed their fins, then they read the law, after which the Levites called upon them to ftand up and bless the Lord their God; they ftood up ac- cordingly, and joined in what I fuppofe the author of the Enquiry would call a pretty long prayer. And when Ezra bleffed the Lord, the people answered, Amen, Amen. All this is fufficiently fimilar not only to the fpirit, but to the very routine of our prefent modes of worſhip. If it be faid, that theſe inftances all arofe from peculiar and ftriking occafions, it may be anſwered, that it is not likely any other would be re- corded; and that the regularity and grace with ! ( 29 ) (29 with which they ſeem to have been per- formed, indicate a people not unaccustom- ed to fuch exerciſes. Indeed the Pfalms of David afford every variety which any of our prayers do; confeffion, aſcription, thankſgiving, &c. Thefe, it fhould feem, were many of them fet to mufic, and fung with proper refponfes; for even in the temple, the chief bufinefs of which was not prayer but facrifice, the Levites and other fingers, at the time of the morning and evening facrifice, fung pfalms of praiſe to God before the altar, and in the conclu- fion the priests bleffed the people * it is not probable, that in a later period of their hiſtory, amidst a greater degree of refinement and cultivation, they fhould have contented themfelves with mere ri- tual obfervances. This at leaſt is evident, if in the time of our Saviour they had no worſhip fimilar to ours, he could not mean by any thing he ſaid to hint a diflike of it; and if they had, he muſt have fanctioned the practice by conforming to it. See Prideaux's Connection, Vol. II. And But in- p. 528. desd ( 30 ) deed it is acknowledged by moſt, and Mr. Wakefield ſeems to admit, that after their return from the Babylonifh captivity, when their hearts were purified by adverfity and more attached to their religion, they had regular and ſtated worſhip in their fyna- gogues, confiſting of forms of prayer, read- ing the fcriptures, and expounding. In the former, we are told, a minifter, called from his office the angel or messenger of the church, officiated as the mouth of the con- gregation; but for the latter part of the fervice it was uſual to call upon any ſtranger to take his fhare, who appeared to be fuffi- ciently qualified to read and expound the leffons of the day. And hence probably it was, that our Saviour did not pray in the fynagogues, though he often taught there, and interpreted the Scriptures*. Of their forms of prayer eighteen are given, held to be of high antiquity and peculiar facred- nefs; and theſe are in a ftrain not diffimilar to the Liturgies of more modern times. In fhort, if we trace the accounts given us * See Prideaux's Connection, Vol. II. p. 538. both ( 31 ) both of the plan of the fervice, and of its prefbyters, minifters, and deacons, it will be found, that the Chriftian church, in its correfponding officers, its collects, litanies, and expofitions, is the legitimate daughter of the Jewish fynagogue; and we fhall be led to admire the fingular fate of a nation, decreed to be at once imitated and defpifed. Thus much may be fufficient to fay upon a ſubject which, after all, is purely a queftion of hiftorical curiofity. To return to the character of our Savi- our. His great buſineſs in the world was inftruction; and this he difpenfed, not in a fyftematic, but a popular manner; nor yet in a vague and declamatory ftile, but in a pointed and appropriated one; not where it would moſt ſhine, but where it was moſt wanted. He was the great reformer, the innovator of his day; and the ftrain of his energetic eloquence was ftrongly pointed againſt abuſes of all kinds, and precifely thoſe points of duty were moſt infifted on which he found most neglected. Almoft all his difcourfes are levelled againſt fome prevailing ( 32 ) prevailing vice of the times, fome faſhioné able worldly maxim, fome artful glofs of a well known precept, fome evaſion of an acknowledged duty. They were delivered as occafion prompted, and therefore it wast that they came fo home to men's buſineſs and bofoms; for he might have delivered the moſt elaborate lectures on morality, and religion too, without offending the Scribes and Pharifees, if he had confined himſelf to ſyſtem, and not attacked cor- ruption. We fhall therefore meet with continual diſappointment if, in the few fcattered difcourfes, moſt of them too con- verfations, which are preferved to us of our Saviour, we expect to find any thing like a regular code of laws, and ftill lefs a formulary of rules. He referred to known laws, and only endeavoured to reſtore the fpirit of them, and to exalt the motive of obedience. The great duty of honouring our parents had probably not found a place in his inftructions, but to expofe the tradi- tion which had made it of none effect. It is therefore a very inconclufive argument againft ( 33 ) 7 againſt a practice either, that we are not exprefsly enjoined it in the gofpel, or that the abuſes of it are ftrongly dwelt upon; and this may ferve for a general anfwer to Mr. Wakefield's objections built upon the animated denunciations against thoſe who, for a pretence, make long prayers, and who cry, Lord, Lord,-againſt vain repe- titions-upon the exhortations to worthip in fpirit and in truth-the declaration that the Sabbath is made for man, and not man for the Sabbath-with a thouſand others in the fame ftrain, with which the. goſpel undoubtedly abounds. But is the utility of a practice deftroyed by the abufe of it, or is it of none, becauſe it is not of the chief value? Are none of our duties fubordinate, yet real? or have they all the proud motto, Aut Cæfar aut nullus.—As to the idea of a progreſſive Christianity, on which the author of the Enquiry lays fo much ftrefs, as no new revelation has been pretended fubfequent to its original pro- mulgation, it is difficult to conceive of any progrefs in it, diftinct from the progrefs of reafon D ( 34 ) reaſon and civilization in the different coun- tries where it may be received. Now I do not know what right we have to fup- pofe that the Jews in the time of our Sa- viour, were fo grofs in their ideas as to require a mode of worship which deferves to be ftigmatized with the appellation of beggarly elements and the twilight of ſuper- fition. They were probably as different from their countrymen in the time of the Judges, as we are from our anceſtors of the Saxon heptarchy. They had long had among them most of thofe caufes which tend to develop the mental powers. ſyſtem of laws and polity, writers of the moft diftinguished excellence, commercial and political intercourfe with other nations; they had acute and fubtle difputants, and an acquaintance with different fects of phi- lofophy; and, under thefe circumſtances, it is probable that moft of thofe queftions would be agitated which, at ſimilar periods, have excrcifed and perplexed the human faculties. Be that as it may, Mr. Wake- field, by confidering public worship as a practice 5 A ( 35 ) practice to be adapted to the exigencies of the times, evidently abandons the textual ground, in which narrow path he feemed hitherto to have trod with fuch fcrupulous precaution, and places it on the broader footing of utility. The utility of this prac- tice therefore comes next to be confidered. It is an error, which is extremely inci- dent to minds of a delicate and anxious fen- fibility, to fuppofe that practices do no good which do not all the good that might be expected from them. Let thoſe who, in a defponding mood, are apt to think thus of public worship, calculate, if they can, what would be the confequence if it were laid aſide. Perhaps it is not eaſy to eſtimate how much of the manners as well as the morals-how much of the cul- tivation as well as the religion of a people are derived from this very fource. If a legiflator or philofopher were to undertake the civilization of a horde of wild favages, fcattered along the wafte in the drear lone- linefs of individual exiftence, and averfe to the faces of each other-if he had formed D 3 a plan ( 36 ) a plan to gather them together, and give them a principle of coheſion; he probably could not take a more effectual method than by perfuading them to meet together in one place at regular and ſtated times and there to join together in a common act, impofing from its folemnity and endear- ing from the focial nature of its exerciſes. If an adventurer were ftranded on fome fo- reign fhore, and ſhould find the inhabitants engaged in fuch an act, he might draw the conclufion, that the bleflings of order, internal peace, mutual confidence, and a confiderable degree of information, exifted there, as furely as the philofopher drew a fimilar inference from the difcovery of ma- thematical diagrams traced upon the fand. And thus, in fact, it was, that in the early beginnings of fociety, legiflators called in the affiftance of religious ideas, and with the charm and melody of folemn hymns, like thofe of Orpheus or of Linus, gathered round them the ftupid, incurious barba- rians, rouſed them to attention and ſoftened into docility. Agreeably to this train of thinking, 4. ( 37 ) thinking, our great dramatic moraliſt places the influences of focial worſhip upon a par with the facred touches of fympathetic for- row, and the exhilarating pleaſures of the hofpitable board, and makes it one of the features which diſtinguiſh the urbanity of poliſhed life from the rude and unfeeling ferocity which belongs to a clan of unprin- cipled banditti. If ever you have looked on better days, If ever been where bells have knolled to church, If ever fate at any good man's feaſt, If ever from your eye-lids wiped a tear, And known what 'tis to pity and be pitied; Let gentleness your ftrong enforcement be-- For, independent of the peculiar object of public religious affemblies, many colla- teral advantages are derived from thein which the liberal thinker will by no means. deſpiſe. The recurrence of appointed days of reft and leiſure, which, but for this purpofe, would never have been appointed, divides the weary months of labour and fervitude with a feparating line of a brighter colour. The church is a centre of union for neighbours, friends, D 3 ( 38 ) friends, and townfmen; and it is a reafon- able and a pleaſing ground of preference in our attachments, that we have "walked to the houſe of God in company." Even the common greetings that pafs between thoſe who meet there, are hallowed by the occafion of the meeting, and the ſpirit of civic urbanity is mingled with a ſtill ſweeter infuſion of chriftian courteſy. By the recurrence of this intercourfe, feuds and animofities are compofed, which inter- rupted the harmony of friends and acquaint- ance; and thoſe who avoided to meet be- cauſe they could not forgive, are led to forgive, being obliged to meet. Its ef- fect in humanizing the lower orders of fociety, and faſhioning their manners to the order and decorum of civil life, is appa- rent to every reflecting mind. The poor who have not formed a habit of attending here, remain from week to week in their fordid cells, or iffue thence to places of licentioufneſs more fordid; while thofe who affemble with the other inhabitants of the place, are brought into the frequent view ( 39 ) ! view of their fuperiors.; their perfons are known, their appearance noted; the en- quiring eye of benevolence purſues them to their humble cottages, and they are not unfrequently led home from focial worſhip to the focial meal. If the rich and poor were but thus brought together regularly and univerfally, that fingle circumſtance would be found fufficient to remove the fqualidneſs of miſery, and the bitterneſs of want; and poverty would exiſt only as a fober ſhade in the picture of life, on which the benevolent eye might reft with a degree of complacency when fatigued with the more gaudy colouring of luxury and ſhow. The good effect of public worſhip in this light is remarkably confpicuous in the Sun- day fchools. Many of the children who attend, have probably not very clearly comprehended any religious fyftem; but the moving and acting under the public eye, together with a fenfe of duty and mo- ral obligation, which, however obfcure, al- ways accompanies the exerciſes of religion, foon transforms them into a different kind D 4 of ( 40 ) of beings. They acquire a love of neat- neſs and regularity; a fenfe of propriety infinuates itſelf into their young minds, and produces, inſtead of the fullen and untamed licentiouſneſs, which at once fhuns and hates the reftraints of better life, the mo- deft deference and chaftened demeanour of thoſe who refpect others becauſe they refpect themſelves. Public Worſhip conveys a great deal of inftruction in an indirect manner. Even thoſe didactic prayers which run out into the enurneration of the attributes of the divine Being, and of the duties of a virtuous life, though, perhaps, not strictly proper. as prayer, have their ufe in ftoring the minds of the generality with ideas on theſe im- portant fubje&s; and the beauty and fubli- mity of many of thefe compofitions muft operate powerfully in lifting the heart to God, and infpiring it with a love of virtue. Improper as public prayers may have fome- times been, private prayers are likely to be ftill more fo. Whatever contempt Mr. Wakefield may chooſe to throw on the official ( 41 ) ! official abilities of thofe who lead the fer- vice, it will not be denied that they are generally better informed than thofe who follow. Men to whom fpiritual ideas are familiar from reading and ftudy, do not fufficiently appreciate the advantage which the illiterate enjoy by the fellowſhip and communication of fuperior minds, who are qualified to lead their ideas in the right track. Public Worſhip is a means of invigo rating faith. Though argument be one means of generating belief, and that on which all belief muſt ultimately reſt, it is not the only means, nor, with many minds, the most efficacious. Practical faith is greatly affifted by joining in fome act in which the prefence and perfuafion of others gives a fort of reality to our percep- tion of inviſible things. The metaphyfical reafoner, entangled in the nets of fophiftry, may involve himſelf in the intricacies of contradictory fyllogifms till reafon grows giddy, and ſcarcely able to hold the balance; but when he acts in prefence of his fellow- creatures, ( 42 ) } creatures, his mind refumes its tone and vigour, and focial devotion gives a colour and body to the deductions of his reaſon. Berkeley, probably, never doubted of the exiſtence of the material world when he had quitted his clofet. Some minds are not capable of that firmneſs of deciſion which embraces truth upon a bare prepon- deṛancy of argument-fome, through a timorous and melancholy fpirit, remain al- ways in a perplexed and doubting ftate, if they reft merely on the conclufions built upon their own inveftigation. But every act in confequence of our faith, ftrengthens faith. Thefe, when they enter a place of worſhip, amidſt all the animating accom- paniments of focial homage, are ſeized with a happy contagion; flow heſitating doubts vaniſh in a moment, and give way to fincere and cordial feeling. Thefe are not proofs, it is true; but they are helps, adapted to our nature, neceffary to the ge- nerality, expedient for all. As for the multitude, fo unaccustomed are they to any proceſs of abftruſe reaſoning, and fo much ( 43 ) $ much do they require the affiftance of fome object within the grafp of their fenfes, that it is to be doubted whether they could be at all perfuaded of the exiſtence of a fpi- ritual inviſible power, if that exiſtence was not ſtatedly acknowledged by ſome act which fhould imprefs the reality of it upon their minds, by connecting it with places, perfons, and times. Let it be obſerved, in the next place, that Public Worſhip is a civic meeting. The temple is the only place where human be- ings, of every rank and fex and age, meet together for one common purpoſe, and join together in one common act. Other meet- ings are either political, or formed for the purpoſes of fplendor and amuſement; from both which, in this country, the bulk of in- habitants are of neceffity excluded. This is the only place, to enter which nothing more is neceffary than to be of the fame fpecies; the only place where man meets man not only as an equal but a brother; and where, by contemplating his duties, he may become fenfible of his rights. So high and ( 44 ) and haughty is the fpirit of ariftocracy, and fuch the increaſing pride of the privileged claffes, that it is to be feared, if men did not attend at the fame place here, it would hardly be believed they were meant to go to the fame place hereafter. It is of fer- vice to the cauſe of freedom therefore, no leſs than to that of virtue, that there is one place where the invidious diftinctions of wealth and titles are not admitted; where all are equal, not by making the low, proud, but by making the great, humble. How many a man exifts who poffeffes not the ſmalleſt property in this earth of which you call him lord; who, from the narrow- ing spirit of property, is circumfcribed and hemmed in by the poffeflions of his more opulent neighbours, till there is ſcarcely an unoccupied fpot of verdure on which he can fet his foot to admire the beauties of nature, or barren mountain on which he can draw the fresh air without a trefpafs. The enjoyments of life are for others, the labours of it for him. He hears thofe of his clafs fpoken of collectively, as of ma- chines, ( 45 ) (45 chines, which are to be kept in repair in- deed, but of which the fole ufe is to raiſe the happineſs of the higher orders. Where, but in the temples of religion, fhall he learn that he is of the fame fpecies? He hears there (and were it for the first time, it would be with infinite aſtoniſhment} that all are confidered as alike ignorant and to be inftructed; all alike finful and need- ing forgiveness; all alike bound by the fame obligations, and animated by the fame hopes. In the intercourfes of the world the poor man is feen, but not noticed; he may be in the prefence of his fuperiors, but he cannot be in their company. every other place it would be prefumption in him to let his voice be heard along with theirs; here alone they are both raiſed to- gether, and blended in the full chorus of praife. In every other place it would be an offence to be near them, without fhew- ing in his attitudes and deportment the conſcious marks of inferiority; here only he fees the proftrations of the rich as low as his, and hears them both addreffed to- In gether ( 46 ) gether in the majeftic fimplicity of a lan- guage that knows no adulation. Here the poor man learns that, in fpite of the diſtinctions of rank, and the apparent in- feriority of his condition, all the true goods. of life, all that men dare petition for when in the prefence of their Maker-a found mind, a healthful body, and daily bread, lie within the ſcope of his own hopes and endeavours; and that in the large inherit- ance to come, his expectations are no leſs ample than theirs. He rifes from his knees, and feels himſelf a man. He learns philofophy without its pride, and a fpirit of liberty without its turbulence. Every time Social Worthip is celebrated, it in- cludes a virtual declaration of the rights of man. It may be further obferved, that the re- gular fervices of the church are to us the more neceffary, as we have laid aſide many of thofe modes and expreffions which gave a tincture of religion to our focial inter- courfe and domeftic manners. The regard to particular days and ſeaſons is nearly worn off. ( 47 ) off. The forms of epiftolary correſpond- ence, and the friendly falutations which, in the last century, breathed a ſpirit of af- fectionate piety, are exchanged for the degrading ceremonial of unmeaning fervi- lity. The God be with you-God bless you-If God permit-Heaven have you in its keeping,-like the graceful Salam, or falutation of peace among the eaſtern na- tions, kept up in the mind a fenfe of the furrounding providence of the Divine Be- ing, and might, in fome meafure, fuperfede the neceffity of more formal addreffes; whereas, in the preſent ſtate of ſociety, a ftranger might pafs day after day, and week after week, in the bofom of a Chriftian country, without fufpecting the faith of its inhabitants (if Public Worſhip were laid afide) from any circumftance, unleſs it were the obfcure, half-pronounced blefling which is ftill fometimes murmured over the table. Let it therefore be confidered, when the length and abſtracted nature of our public prayers is objected to, that we have no- thing to take their place. If our attention Was ( 48 ) was excited by proceffions, garlands, altars, and facrifices, and every action of our lives intermixed with fome religious rite, theſe expreffions of our homage might be more readily diſpenſed with; but in reality, te- dious as Mr. Wakefield may think long prayers, they fuit better with the gravity of the national difpofition and the philofo- phic turn of our ideas, than any ſubſtitute which could be fuggefted by the moſt claſ- fic tafte. Our prayers are become long, becauſe our ceremonies are ſhort. If we may fuppofe thefe views of the fubject to have eſtabliſhed the general uti- lity of Public Worſhip, a queſtion ftill arifes, Is the obligation to it univerfal? Is attend- ance on its exerciſes to be expected from thoſe whofe own minds are temples more hallowed than any they can enter; and whoſe knowledge and cultivation render it probable, that in every popular fervice they will meet with much to object to, and lit- tle to intereſt a taſte rendered faftidious by critical accuracy and elegant refinement? Without prefuming to condemn the con- duct of thoſe who are in every reſpect fo competent ( 49 ) competent to form their own plans ac- cording to their own judgment, I would mention fome confiderations which, even to them, may preſent it in a light not un- worthy their attention. It is, in the firſt place, an act of homage, and as fuch equally incumbent on all. It is a profeffion of faith, lefs dubious even than the perform- ance of moral duties, which may proceed from a well directed prudence, or the har- mony of a happy temperament. It is right and proper that Religion fhould have the honour of thoſe who are calculated to do her honour. It is likewiſe uſeful for a pious man to be connected with pious peo- ple as fuch. Various affociations are form- ed upon the ground of fomething which men wish to improve or to enjoy in com- mon. Literary men affociate, mufical men affociate, political men affociate together; and as there is a great deal of the commerce of the world in which it would be impoffi- ble to introduce religion, there ought by way of balance to be fome fociety of which that is the ground and principle; other- E wife, ( 50 ) wife, from the very nature of our connec tions with each other, we fhall find reli- gion lefs in our thoughts than almoſt any thing elfe in which we have an intereft, and infenfibly it will wafte and die away for mere want of aliment. But the at- tendance of men of literature and knows ledge is perhaps moft important from its effect upon others. The unenlightened worſhip with moſt pleaſure, where thoſe worſhip whofe opinions they reſpect. A religion that is left for the vulgar will not long fatisfy even them. There is harſh- nefs in faying to the bulk of mankind, Stand aſide, we are wifer than you. There is harſhneſs in ſaying, Our affections can- not move in concert; what edifies you dif- gufts us; we cannot feel in common, even where we have a common intereft. In the intercourſes of life, the man of urbanity makes a thoufand facrifices to the conci- liating fpirit of courteſy, and the ſcience of attentions. The exerciſes of devotion, Mr. Wakefield fays, are wearifome. Sup- pofe they were fo, how many meetings do 3 We ( 51 ) we frequent, to how many converſations do we liften with benevolent attention, where our own pleaſure and our own im- provement are not the objects to which our time is given up? He who knows much, muſt expect to be often prefent where he can learn nothing. While others are re- ceiving information, he is practiſing a vir- tue. He, who in common life has learned to mix a regard to the feelings and opinions of others with the purfuit of his own gra- tifications, will bear, in the fpirit of love and charity, the inftruction which to him is unneceffary, the amplification which to him is tirefome, the deficiencies of me- thod or of elocution, to which his ear and his judgment are acutely fenfible; the im- perfections, in fhort, of men or of focieties inferior to himſelf in tafte or knowledge;-as in converfation he bears with the communi- cative overflowings of felf-importance, the repetition of the well known tale, and the recurrence of the numerous, burdenfome forms of civilized fociety. It becomes us well to confider what E 2 would J ( 52 ) would be the confequence, if the defertion of men of ſuperior ſenſe ſhould become ge- neral in our affemblies. Not the abolition of public worship; it is a practice too deeply rooted in the very propenfities of our nature; but this would be the confe- quence, that it would be thrown into the hands of profeffional men on the one hand, and of uninformed men on the other. By the one it would be corrupted, it would be debaſed by the other. Let the friends of moderation and good fenfe confider whe- ther it is defirable, whether it is even ſafe, to withdraw from the public the powerful influence of their tafte, knowledge, and liberality. Let them confider whether they are prepared to take the confequences of trufting in the hands of any clergy, fo powerful an engine as that of public wor- ſhip and inftruction, without the falutary check of their prefence who are beſt able to diftinguiſh truth from falfehood, to de- tect unwarrantable pretenfions, and to keep within tolerable bounds the wanderings of fanaticifm. Attentive to the figns of the times, ( 53 ) times, they will have remarked, on the one hand, a difpofition to give into deception, greater than might naturally have been prefumed of this age, which we compli- ment with the epithet of enlightened. Empiric extravagancies have been adopted, which violate every fober and confiftent idea of the laws of nature, and new fects have ſprung up diftinguiſhed by the wildeſt reveries of viſionary credulity. On the other, they will have obferved indications of a defire to diſcourage the freedom of in- veftigation, to thicken the veil of myſtery, and to revive every obfolete pretenfion of prieſtly power, which, in the moft ignorant periods, the haughtieft churchman has ever dared to affume. They will have read with aſtoniſhment an official exhortation to the inferior clergy-it was not fulmi- nated from the Vatican, it was not dragged to light from the mould and ruft of remote ages-It was delivered by an English divine of the eighteenth century, brilliant in parts and high in place: he knew it was to meet the notice and encounter the criticifm of an E 3 enlightened ( 54 ) enlightened and philofophic people, and he has not fcrupled to tell them-that good works of a heretic are fin; and that ſuch a one may go to hell with his load of moral merit on his back. He has not fcrupled to rank the first philofopher of this king- dom, and the man in it perhaps of all others moſt actively folicitous for the fpread of what he at leaft believes to be genuine Chriſtianity, with infidels and atheiſts; and thus by obvious inference has pioufly con- figned him to the fame doom. He has re- vived claims and opinions which have upon their heads whole centuries of oblivion and contempt; and by flandering Morality, has thought to exalt Religion.-Reflecting on theſe things, they will confider whether the man of judgment does not defert the poft affigned him by Providence, when he withdraws from popular affemblies both the countenance of his example and the impofing awe of his prefence; they will conceive themfelves as inveſted with the high commiffion to take care nequid ref publica detrimenti capiat; they will confi- der ( 55 ) der themſelves as the falt of the earth, the leaven of the lump, not to be fecluded in ſeparate parcels, but to be mingled in the whole mafs, diffufing through it their own ſpirit and favour. The author of the Enquiry chooſes to expatiate, it is not difficult to do it, on the diſcordant variety of the different modes of worship practifed amongſt men, and con- cludes it with characterizing this alarming fchifm by the compariſon of the poet : One likes the pheafant's wing, and one the leg; The vulgar boil, the learned roaft an egg. But might we not venture to' afk,- Where, pray, is the harm of all this? un- leſs indeed I will not allow my neighbour to boil his egg becauſe I roaft mine. Eggs are good and nutritious food either way; and in the manner of dreffing them, fancy and tafte, nay caprice, if you will, may fairly be confulted. If I prefer the leg of a pheafant, and my neighbour finds it dry, let each take what he likes. It would be a conclufion fingularly abfurd that eggs E 4 and pheafants ( 56 ) pheasants were not to be eaten. All the harm is in having but one table for gueſts of every deſcription; and yet even there, were I at a public ordinary, good in other reſpects, I would rather conform my tafte in fome meaſure to that of my neighbour, than be reduced to the melancholy necef- fity of eating my morfel by myſelf alone. The Diffenters cannot be fuppoſed to paſs over in filence Mr. Wakefield's ftric- tures upon the manner in which they have choſen to conduct their public and focial worship. They are furpriſed and ſorry to find themſelves treated with fuch a mix- ture of bitterneſs and levity by a man whofe abilities they refpect, and whom they have fhewn themſelves ready to em- brace as a brother. They have their pre- judices, they acknowledge-and he per- haps has his. Many forms and obferv- ances may to them be dear and venerable, through the force of early habit and affo- ciation, which to a ſtranger in their Ifrael may appear uncouth, unneceffary, or even marked with a fhade of ridicule. They pity ( 57 ) pity Mr. Wakefield's peculiar and infulated fituation. Separating through the pureft motives from one church, he has not found another with which he is inclined to affociate; divided by difference of opi- nions from one clafs of Chriftians, and by diffonance of tafte from another, he finds the tranfition too violent from the college to the conventicle; he worſhips alone be- cauſe he ftands alone; and is, naturally perhaps, led to undervalue that fellow fhip which has been loft to him between his early predilections and his later opinions. If, however, the Diffenters are not fo hap- py as to gain his allowed to urge their claims affection, they muſt be their claims upon his efteem. They with him to reflect, that neither his claffical knowledge, nor his critical acumen, nor his acknowledged ta- lents, fet him fo high in the eſteem of good men, as that integrity which he poffeffes in common with thoſe whom he defpifes; they believe further confidera- tion would fuggeft to him, that it were more candid to pafs over thofe peculiari- ties ( 58 ) ties which have originated in a delicate confcience and the fervour of devotion; and they cannot help afking, Whether they had reafon to expect the feverity of farcaf- tic ridicule from him, whoſe beſt praiſe it is that he has imitated their virtues and fhared their facrifices? The Diffenters, however, do not make it their boaſt that they have nothing to re- form. They have, perhaps, always been more confpicuous for principle than for tafte; their practices are founded upon a prevalence of religious fervour, an animą- tion and warmth of piety, which, if it not longer exifts, it is vain to fimulate. But what they do make their boaſt is, that they acknowledge no principle which forbids them to reform; that they have no leave to afk of Biſhops, Synods, or Parliaments, in order to lay aſide forms which have become vapid. They are open to conviction; they are ready to receive with thankfulneſs every fober and liberal remark which may affift them to improve their religious ad- dreffes, and model them to the temper of the ( 59 ) the public mind. But, with regard to thoſe practices of fuperabundant devotion which have drawn down upon them the indig- nation of the critic, it is the opinion of thoſe who beft know the Diffenters of the preſent day, that they might have been fuffered to fall quietly of themſelves: they are fupported by no authority, defrayed by no impoft. If they make long prayers, it is at the expence only of their own breath and fpirits; no widows' houſes are devour- ed by it. If the prefent generation yawn and lumber over the exerciſes which their fathers attended with pious alacrity, the fons will of courfe learn to fhorten them. If the difpofition of their public fervices wants animation, as perhaps it does, the filent pews will be deferted one by one, and they will be obliged to feek ſome other mode of engaging the attention of their audience. But modes and forms af- fect not the effence of Public Worſhip; that may be performed with a form or without one; by words alone, or by fym- bolical expreffions, combined with or ſepa- rated ( 60 ) rated from inftruction; with or without the affiſtance of a particular order appoint- ed to officiate in leading the devotions: it may be celebrated one day in feven, or in eight, or in ten in many of thefe parti- culars a certain deference fhould be had to the fentiments of that fociety with which, upon the whole, we think it beft to con- nect ourſelves, and as times and manners change, theſe circumſtances will vary; but the root of the practice is too ſtrongly in- terwoven with the texture of the human frame ever to be abandoned. While man has wants, he will pray; while he is fenfi- ble of bleffings, he will offer praife; while he has common wants and common bleff- ings, he will pray and praiſe in company with his fellows; and while he feels him- felf a focial being, he will not be perſuaded to lay afide Social Worſhip. It muft, however, be acknowledged, that, in order to give Public Worſhip all the grace and efficacy of which it is fufceptible, much alteration is neceflary. It is neceffary here, as in every other concern, that timely re- formation L ( 61 ) formation ſhould prevent neglect. Much might be done by judgment, taſte, and a devotional ſpirit united, to improve the plan of our religious affemblies. Should a ge- nius ariſe amongst us qualified for fuch a taſk, and in circumftances favourable to his being liftened to, he would probably remark firſt, on the conftruction of our churches, fo ill adapted are a great part of them to the purpoſes either of hearing or feeing. He would reprobate thofe little gloomy folitary cells, planned by the ſpirit of aristocracy, which deform the building no less to the eye of tafte than to the eye of benevolence, and infulating each family within its feparate incloſure, favour at once the pride of rank and the lazineſs of in- dulgence. He might chooſe for theſe ſtructures fomething of the amphitheatrical form, where the minifter, on a raiſed plat- form, ſhould be beheld with eaſe by the whole wave of people, at once bending to- gether in deep humiliation, or fpreading forth their hands in the earnestnefs of pe- tition. It would certainly be found defir- able ( 62 ) able that the people ſhould themſelves have a large hare in the performance of the fer- vice, as the intermixture of their voices would both introduce more variety and greater animation; provided pains were ta- ken by proper teaching to enable them to bear their part with a decorum and pro- priety, which, it muſt be confeffed, we do hot fee at prefent amongſt thoſe whofe public fervices poffefs the advantage of re- fponfes. The explaining, and teaching them to recite, fuch hymns and collects as it might be thought proper they ſhould bear a part in, would form a pleafing and ufe- ful branch of the inftruction of young peo- ple, and of the lower claffes; it would give them an intereft in the public fervice, and might fill up agreeably a vacant hour either on the Sunday or on fome other leiſure day, efpecially if they were likewife regularly inſtructed in finging for the fame purpoſe. As we have never feen, perhaps we can hardly conceive, the effect which the unit- ed voices of a whole congregation, all in the lively expreffion of one feeling, would have ( 63 ) have upon the mind. We ſhould then per- ceive not only that we were doing the fame thing in the fame place, but that we were doing it with one accord. The deep filence of liſtening expectation, the burst of united praiſes, the folemn paufes that invite re- Яection, the varied tones of humiliation; gratitude, or perfuafion, would fwell and melt the heart by turns; nor would there be any reaſon to guard againſt the wander- ing eye, when every object it refted on muft forcibly recall it to the duties of the place.—Poffibly it might be found expedi- ent to feparate worſhip from instruction ; the learned teacher from the leader of the public devotions, in whom voice, and po- pular talents, might perhaps be allowed to fuperfede a more deep and critical acquaint- ance with the doctrines of theology. One confequence, at leaſt, would follow fuch a feparation, that inſtruction would be given more fyftematically.Nothing that is taught at all is taught in fo vague and de- fultory a manner as the doctrines of re- ligion. A congregation may attend for years ( 64 ) years, even a good preacher, and never hear the evidences of either natural or revealed religion regularly explained to them: they may attend for years, and never hear a con- nected ſyſtem of moral duties extending to the different fituations and relations of life: they may attend for years, and not even gain any clear idea of the hiſtory and chro- nology of the Old and New Teſtament, which are read to them every Sunday. They will hear abundance of excellent doctrine, and will often feel their hearts. warmed and their minds edified; but their ideas upon theſe fubjects will be confufed and imperfect, becauſe they are treated on in a manner fo totally different from every thing elſe which bears the name of inftruc- tion. This is probably owing, in a great meaſure, to the cuftom of prefixing to every pulpit diſcourſe a fentence, taken indifcri- minately from any part of the Scriptures, under the name of a text, which at firſt implying an expofition, was afterwards uſed to ſuggeſt a ſubject, and is now, by degrees, dwindling into a motto.—Still, however, ( 65 ) however, the cuſtom fubfifts; and while it ſerves to fuperfede a more methodical courſe of inftruction, tends to keep up in the minds of the generality of hearers a very fuperftitious idea, not now entertain- ed, it is to be preſumed, by the generality of thoſe who teach, of the equal facredness and importance of every part of ſo mifcel- laneous a collection. If theſe infulated difcourfes, of which each is complete in itſelf, and therefore can have but little compaſs, were digeſted into a regular plan of lectures, fupported by a courſe of reading, to which the au- dience might be directed, it would have the further advantage of roufing the inattentive and reftraining the rambling hearer by the intereft which would be created by ſuch a connected ſeries of information. They would occupy a larger ſpace in the mind, they would more frequently be the fubject of recollec- tion and meditation; there would be a fear of miffing one link in fuch a chain of truths, and the more intelligent part of a congre- gation might find a ufeful and intereſting F employment ( 66 ) employment in affifting the teacher in the inſtruction of thofe who were not able to comprehend inftruction with the fame fa- cility as themſelves. When fuch a courſe of inftruction had been delivered, it would not be expected that difcourfes, into which men of genius and learning had digeſted their beſt thoughts, fhould be thrown by, or brought forward again, as it were, by tealth; but they would be regularly and avowedly repeated at proper intervals. It is ufual upon the continent for a fet of fer- mons to be delivered in feveral churches, each of which has its officiating minifter for the ſtated public worship; and thus a whole diſtrict partakes the advantage of the labours of a man eminent for compofi- tion. Perhaps it might be defirable to join to religious information fome inſtruction in the laws of our country, which are, or ought to be, founded upon morals; and which, by a ſtrange folecifm, are obliga- tory upon all, and ſcarcely promulgated, much leſs explained.-Many ideas will of- fer themfelves to a thinking man, who wishes ( 67 ) wiſhes not to aboliſh, but to improve the Public Worſhip of his country. Theſe are only hints, offered with diffidence and reſpect, to thoſe who are able to judge of and carry them into effect. Above all, it would be defirable to fepa- rate from religion that idea of gloom which in this country has but too generally ac- companied it. The fact cannot be denied ; the cauſe muſt be fought, partly in our national character, which I am afraid is not haturally either very cheerful or very focial, and which we ſhall do well to meliorate by every poffible attention to our habits of life;—and partly to the colour of our reli- gious fyftems. No one who embraces the common idea of future torments, together with the doctrine of election and reproba- tion, the infufficiency of virtue to eſcape the wrath of God, and the ftrange ab- furdity which, it fhould feem, through fimilarity of found alone has been admitted as an axiom, that fins committed againſt an Infinite Being do therefore deſerve in- finite puniſhment-no one, I will venture F 2 to ( 68 ) to affert, can believe fuch tenets, and have them often in his thoughts, and yet be cheerful. Whence a fyftem has ariſen fo incompatible with that juftice and benevo- lence, which in the difcourfes of our Sa- viour are reprefented as the moſt effential attributes of the Divine Being, is not eaſy to trace. It is probable, however, that power, being the most prominent feature in our conceptions of the Creator, and that of which we fee the moft ftriking image here on earth (there being a greater por- tion of uncontrouled power than of un- mixed wifdom or goodness to be found amongſt human beings), the Deity would naturally be likened to an abfolute mo- narch :—and moſt abſolute monarchs hav- ing been tyrants, jealous of their fovereign- ty, averſe to freedom of inveſtigation, order- ing affairs, not with a view to the happi- nefs of their fubjects, but to the advance- ment of their own glory; not to be ap- proached but with rich gifts and offerings; beftowing favours, not in proportion to merit, but from the pure influence of ca- price V ( 69 ) price and blind partiality; to thofe who have offended them fevere, and unforgiving, ex- cept induced to pardon by the importunate interceffion of fome favourite; confining their enemies, when they had overcome them, after a conteft, in deep, dark dun- geons under ground, or putting them to death in the prolonged mifery of excruci- ating tortures-theſe features of human depravity have been moft faithfully tranf- ferred to the Supreme Being; and men have imaged to themfelves how a Nero or a Domitian would have acted, if, from the extent of their dominion there had been no eſcape, and to the duration of it no period. Theſe ideas of the vulgar belief, terri- ble, but as yet vague and undefined, paffed into the ſpeculations of the ſchoolmen, by whom they were combined with the me- taphyfical idea of eternity, arranged in fpecific propofitions, fixed in creeds, and elaborated into fyftems, till at length they have been fublimed into all the tremendous horrors of the Calvinistic faith. Thefe doctrines, it is true, among thinking peo- ple, F 3 ( 70 ) ple, are lofing ground; but there is ftill apparent, in that clafs called ferious Chrif- tians, a tenderneſs in expofing them; a fort of leaning towards them, as in walk- ing over a precipice one fhould lean to the fafeſt fide; an idea that they are, if not true, at leaſt good to be believed, and that a falutary error is better than a dangerous truth. But that error can neither be fa- lutary nor harmleſs, which attributes to the Deity injuftice and cruelty; and that religion muſt have the worst of tendencies, which renders it dangerous for man to imi- tate the being whom he worſhips. Let thoſe who hold fuch tenets confider, that the inviſible Creator has no name, and is identified only by his character; and they will tremble to think what being they are worſhipping, when they invoke a power ca- pable of producing exiſtence, in order to continue it in never ending torments. The God of the Affembly's Catechifm is not the fame God with the deity of Thomfon's Seafons, and of Hutchefon's Ethics. Uni- ty of character in what we adore, is much [ more ( 71 ) more effential than unity of perfon. We often boaſt, and with reaſon, of the purity of our religion, as oppoſed to the groffneſs of the theology of the Greeks and Ro- mans; but we ſhould remember, that cru- elty is as much worſe than licentiouſneſs, as a Moloch is worſe than a fatyr.-When will Chriftians permit themſelves to believe that the fame conduct which gains them the approbation of good men here, will fe- cure the favour of heaven hereafter? When will they ceaſe making their court to their Maker by the ſame ſervile debaſement and affectation of lowlinefs by which the vain potentates of the earth are flattered? When a harmleſs and well meaning man, in the exaggerated, figures of theological rhetoric, calls himſelf the vileft of finners, it is in preciſely the fame ſpirit of falſe humility in which the courtier ufes degrading and dif- qualifying expreffions, when he ſpeaks of himſelf in his adulatory addreſſes to his ſo- vereign. When a good man draws near the cloſe of a life, not free indeed from faults, but pure from crime, a life ſpent F 4 in ( 72 ) in the habitual exercife of all thofe virtues which adorn and dignify human nature, and in the uniform approach to that per- fection, which is confeffedly unattainable in this imperfect ftate,-when a man- perhaps like Dr. Price, whofe name will be ever pronounced with affectionate ve- neration and deep regard by all the friends of philofophy, virtue, and mankind, - is about to refign his foul into the hands of his Maker, he ought to do it, not only with a reliance on his mercy, but his juf- tice; a generous confidence and pious re- fignation fhould be blended in his deport- ment. It does not become him to pay the blafphemous homage of deprecating the wrath of God, when he ought to throw himſelf into the arms of his love. not to think that virtue is one thing here, and another in heaven; or that he on whom bleffings and eulogiums are ready to burft from all honeft tongues, can be an object of puniſhment with him who is infinitely more benevolent than any of his creatures. He is Theſe remarks may be thought foreign tq ( 73 ) 1 to the fubject in queſtion; but in fact they are not fo. Public Worſhip will be tinctured with gloom, while our ideas of its object are darkened by fuperftition; it will be in- fected with hypocrify, while its profeſſions and tenets run counter to the genuine, un- perverted moral fenfe of mankind; it will not meet the countenance of philofophers fo long as we are obliged to unlearn our ethics, in order to learn divinity. Let it be confidered that thefe opinions greatly favour immorality. The doctrine that all are vile, and equally merit a ftate of pu- niſhment, is an idea as confolatory to the profligate, as it is humiliating to the faint; and that is one reafon why it has always been a favourite doctrine. The indecent confidence of a Dodd, and the debafing ter- rors of a Johnſon, or of more blameleſs men And admitted, as I truft I fhall be, to the realms of • blifs before you, I fhall hail your arrival there with transport, and rejoice to acknowledge that you was my comforter, my advocate, and my friend.' Letter from Dr. Dodd to Dr. Johnſon. See Bofwell's Life of Johnfon, Vol. II. p. 140. 3 than. ( 74 ) than he, fpring from one and the fame fource. It prevents the genuine workings of real penitence, by enjoining confeffions of imaginary demerit; it quenches reli- gious gratitude, becauſe conceiving only of two ftates of retribution, both in the ex- treme, and feeling that our crimes, what- ever they may be, cannot have deferved the one, we are not fufficiently thankful for the profpect of the other, which wel look upon as only a neceffary alternative: Laftly, it diffolves the connection between religion and common life, by introducing a ſet of phraſes and a ftandard of moral feeling, totally different from thofe ideas of praiſe and blame, merit and demerit, upon which we do and must act in our commerce with our fellow creatures. There are periods in which the human mind ſeems to flumber, but this is not one of them. A keen fpirit of reſearch is now abroad, and demands reform. Perhaps in none of the nations of Europe will their articles of faith, or their church eſtabliſh- ments, or their modes of worſhip, be able to 1 ( 75 ) to maintain their ground for many years in exactly the fame pofition in which they ſtand at prefent. Religion and manners re- ciprocally act upon one another. As reli- gion, well understood, is a most powerful agent in meliorating and ſoftening our man- ners; fo, on the other hand, manners, as they advance in cultivation, tend to cor- rect and refine our religion. Thus, to a nation in any degree acquainted with the focial feelings, human facrifices, and fan- guinary rites, could never long appear obli- gatory. The mild fpirit of Chriſtianity has, no doubt, had its influence in foften- ing the ferocity of the Gothic times; and the increaſing humanity of the preſent pe- riod will, in its turn, produce jufter ideas of Christianity, and diffuſe through the fo- lemnities of our worship, the celebration of our fabbaths, and every obfervance con- nected with religion, that air of amenity and fweetnefs, which is the offspring of literature, and the peaceful intercourfes of fociety. The age which has demolished dungeons, rejected torture, and given fo fair ( 26 ) fair a profpect of aboliſhing the iniquity of the flave trade, cannot long retain among its articles of Belief the gloomy perplexities of Calvinifm, and the heart-withering per- fpective of cruel and never-ending punish- ments. A ! FINIS. " Written by Mrs. BARBAULD, And fold by J. JOHNSON, in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1. POEMS. A new Edition. 3s. 6d. fewed. 2. MISCELLANEOUS PIECES in PROSE. New Edition. 35. 6d. fewed. 3. An ADDRESS to the OPPOSERS of the RE- PEAL of the CORPORATION and TEST ACTS. Fourth Edition. IS. 4. LESSONS for CHILDREN. Four Parts. Price 6d. each. 5. HYMNS for CHILDREN. New Edition. Is.