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Propert, Rodolf's Cute
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SEPT. 1913 TO JULY 1915
09.30.49 m
The present book is the result of twenty four years
of labor. Excepting almost three years, all this time
was spent among the Cheyenne Indians in Oklahoma.
I first came to this people only a very few understood
English. I soon saw that to reach the Indian's heart a
thory command of their heretofore unwritten language
our mission work. By living in
close contact with the Cheyenne I had a rare opportu-
nity to listen to them and become thoruly acquainted
with their ways of thinking. In course of time a great
amount of linguistic material was collected and the
whole classified and systematized in lexical and gram-
matical form.
was the sine qua non of
This Dictionary is the first of its kind in print
and is not without mistakes and imperfections. The
printing was not done by a printer but in our home.
This will account for typographical errors and the
sometimes arbitrary dividing of words at the end of a
line. In an early edition of the Bible, Psalm 119:161
was made to read: "Printers have persecuted me without
a cause" instead of "Princes"! In an other edition of
the Bible (1632) the word "not" was omitted from the
seventh commandment! In the Oxford edition (1717) of
the same book the heading of Luke 20 read: "Parable
the Vineager" instead of "Vineyard"! Such blunders do
not excuse ours but they comfort us to some extent.
The printing was done by my son on the Multigraph; the
Oliver Printype (from page 311 on) was not available
for the first part of the book.
The working out of this Dictionary was done almost
page for page ahead of its printing, leaving no time for
uniform correction and review "d'ensemble". In spite of
the limited time, experience and means for its printing,
the present book offers to students of the Cheyenne a
linguistic material which would be very hard and to
some extent impossible to gather at the present time.
The English had to be adapted to give as close a
literal meaning of
the Cheyenne as possible. Thus
'thou, thee" are used to express the singular form of
the second person in Cheyenne in order to avoid confu-
sion with the plural form of the same person.
The Cheyenne nouns, for the most part, are verbal
substantives. They are formed by eliminating the prono-
minal prefix and adding suffix -stoz or -xtoz, as, "name-
se, I eat, mesestoz, the eating, food; naanao, I fall, ana-
oxtoz, the falling,fall". Therefore many verbal substan-
tives are not given in this Dictionary; they being only
a form of the verb easily constructed.
New words or expressions coined recently by the
younger generation are not recorded in this book, for
the reason that most of them are still in the embryo
state and very unsettled. I have endeavored to give the
correct Cheyenne terms and not what young school boys
and girls have coined of late under the influence of
the English language.
The Cheyenne-English
and Cheyenne Tales
be printed at some future time.
The original purpose of this Dictionary was not
only to give lexicographic but also anthropologic data
as well as special details in fauna and flora. However
the little interest shown by scientific institutions
and libraries for a work of this kind did not warrant
the expenses of time and money: therefore the book was
especially prepared to meet the needs of our mission-
aries among the Cheyenne in Oklahoma and Montana.
Rodolphe Petter.
Dictionary, Cheyenne Grammar
exist in manuscript form;
they may
Kettle Falls, Washington,
July 14,1915.
The best phonetic system will not record an Indian
language to undoubted satisfaction, unless the student
have spent at least two years in close contact with the
Indians. In my experience I found that vowels and con-
sonant sounds differentiate more or less with individu-
als and families. Not only has the schooling of the
younger generation influenced their enunciation, but
different family groups camping together have not al-
ways the same pronunciation of word syllables. Espe-
cially is this noticeable between Northern and Southern
Cheyenne. The difference is not great, but enough to
make one very careful not to write Cheyenne just as а
few informants will pronounce it. My experience has
been, whenever possible, not to make the Indian repeat a
word a second or third time, for he will invariably pro-
nounce it so that you can retain it, but not the way it
is usually spoken in fluent language.
The key to the Cheyenne Alphabet has been written
after years of study and experience and aims to elimi-
nate a cumbrous accumulation of consonants and typo-
graphical marks. The Cheyenne has a strong aspirate
sound preceding vowels, which is indicated by "h": when
the sound follows the vowel as an expiration it is in-
dicated by the grave accent placed above the letter:
when a short gap follows a vowel or consonant it is re-
cognized by the acute accent above the vowel or follow-
ing the consonant. Long stress of a vowel is indicated
by the macron above the same. A small ring above a vow-
el denotes the mere
of the same. The "e"
will become "i" (as in "it") in rapid or mocking
speech. When "e" precedes the "a" or "o" it sounds as
if "y" follows it, thus "ea" and "eo" sound like "eya
and "eyo"; "aeo" becomes "ayo. This being the rule we
dispense with writing the "y" except in some nouns
ending in "-ayo", and in the word "onisyom" (=in truth).
A, as in papa; -â- =a+o, pronounced like "ou" in house;
-ä- =ate, pronounced like "I"; -a- is a long "a"; -á-
(hiatus) is "a" followed by a short gasp; -à- is
spoken with expiring breath; -å- is "a" with whisper-
ed or evanescent sound.
b, as in babe. The average Ch. makes no difference be-
tween "b" and "p". Sometimes "b" turns to "m" or "v"
c, pronounced like -tié in the French word "moitié"
similar to "teou" in the English word "plenteous".
as in dad; but used only by some members of the He-
vešksenx-pâess band (see organization).
e, as in prey; -e- is long "e", similar to "a" in "ate"
or the French "ê"; -é- is "e" followed by a short gap
(hiatus); -è- is "e" followed by expired breath. The
ring over "e" would indicate an evanescent "e", but it
is rarely needed.
as in go; many Ch.pronounce it as hard as "k".
h, as in hate, with strong aspirate sound.
i, as in pit; "i" is "i" with expired breath.
k, as in key.
m, as in moment.
n, as in none.
0, as in obey; -o- is long like "o" in home; -Ô- =ote,
pronounced like "oy" in decoy; -ó- is "o" with hia-
tus; -ò- is "o" with expired breath; -8- is evanes-
cent or whispered "o". In very rapid
pronounced like "u" in "nut".
"o" is
p, as in paper.
q, similar to "coo" in coop, but expired.
s, as in sense; -s'- like "ss" but separated by a hia-
tus; -- as "sh" in she.
t, as in table.
v, like the latin in "amavi"
"ue" in "tue, hue", or like "f" in of.
x, as "ch" in the German "ach".
y, as in year.
z, as "ts" or Ger."z
or similar to the French
"ts" or Ger. "z"; -z'- similar to "ds" or "d's".
Remark. When the Ch. temper is aroused all the con-
sonants, but especially the aspirates become
tensified; in endearing language much softer. In mock-
ery or contempt the sibilants are
and the
"e" turns to a short "1" sound, while the "o" becomes
as "u" in "nut". The women and children use the softer
language. Thus it comes that a word may be heard with
the sound of "h" at times and again not; or a word may
be written with an "e" today and be heard with an "i"
tomorrow. In ceremonial and dignified language the dic-
tion is slower, even and chosen. Unaccented syllables
are spoken in the same stress, except that the final
vowel is half mute in words of more than one syllable.
adj. adjective.
aff. affixe.
att. attributive.
B.of Am. Ethn. =Bureau of
American Ethnology.
c.com. cum communionis.
c.instr.=cum in-
Ch. Cheyenne.
dic. dictionary.
e.g.=for example.
Eng. =English.
excl. exclusive.
f.sp. female speaking.
gen. -generic.
hort. hortative.
i.e. that is.
in.-inorganic, inanimate.
Ind. Indians.
instr. instrumental.
Lat. Latin.
1.c.-loco citato.
lit. literally.
M. Am. Anthr.Ass. -Memoirs of
the American Anthropolo-
gical Association.
ml.sp.=male speaking.
n.agent.=nomen agentis.
obs. obsolete.
or.=organic, animate.
pers. person.
q.v.=quod vide.
rad.=radix, root.
ref.=referring, reference.
rel.=related, relationship.
sc. scilicet, to wit.
sp. speaking.
stat. stative.
s.v.=sub voce.
v. verb.
v.f. verbal form.
v.n. verbal form.
General Remarks.
When in a word a letter is in parenthesis, as, "en(h)oe-
tam,noxtov(e)' it indicates that at times the letter
is eliminated.
The word "state" when in parenthesis (state) refers to
a stative or passive meaning
A word followed by an interrogation point (?) is of an
uncertain meaning.
A letter by itself is usually between quotation marks.
Being unable to obtain the brackets for the first few
pages of the Dictionary, braces were used instead.
When "(in.)" follows the Eng. word "his" it means "it
his", as, "nahestanomovo, I take his (in.), sc...it his".
The Ch.does not differentiate between "he" and "she"
Unless the meaning be obviously masculine "he" may
also mean "she"; oftentimes the Eng. "one" is used to
cover both "he" and "she", and has not the indefi-
nite meaning.
"It or one" implies that the term is used for either
the organic or inorganic form.
Sometimes the spelling of a Ch. word is changed. This is
not a printer's error but on account of the mutation
of vowels and consonants in certain word forms.
The cut on the title page is made from a
of Wolfrobe, a Cheyenne Chief.
A, pronounced as "a" in father; with a macron (ā) it is
long; with a circle above (å) it evanesces into a
whisper; with a circumflex (â) it is a contraction of
"a" and "o" and is pronounced as "au" in house. With
dieresis (ä), it is a contraction of "a" and "e" and
is pronounced similarly to Eng.
Eng. "I" or Ger."ei" in
suff.-heit. With an acute accent (á) it has a short,
exploded sound; with a grave accent (à) it has an ex-
pired sound, resulting from a hiatus. "A" as pref.gov-
erns the Sub. Cj. [cf.gr.] and denotes "ought". In
general "a" indicates "basis, foundation, foot, sub-
jectivity, predicate, surface".
I a.
abandon, expressed by rad. -nō-;
-nō-; naase-nōosan,
leave away; naasenōoxta (in), naase-nōoto (or.);
naōvenōosan, I a., leave entirely, wholly, -ōvenōoxta
(in.), ōvenōoto (or.). Nanōhoxz ninov, I a., forsake my
home; nanōhoxzého, I cause one (or.) to depart; nanōo-
vanotto,I a.,leave and flee from one (or.); nanōota-
na, I a. (in the sense of deposit and leave); nanōotano
(or.); nanōxtaovo, I cause one (or.) to a.; enōxtae,
one is abandoned; nahotamenōoto,I a.one behind,
away from one.
abandonment, ovenōosanistoz, the abandoning;
see leave,
abase, rad. -momox- =base, low, humble;
(obs.), I a., lower, humble; namomoxana (in.),−momo-
xano (or.); namomoxazesta (in.), -momoxatamo (or.), I
deem abased, humble. Namomoxaevõemo, I count one abas-
ed, humble. Naanovanen, I a.,lower, let down, -anovana
(in.).—anovano (or.). Navovovonatamo, -nazesta (in.),
I a.,deem weak. See low, humble, down, press.
abasing, momoxanenistoz, the a. (more in the moral
sense); momoxatamahestoz, the state of being
abased. Anovanenistoz, the a., putting down; anovana-
zistoz, lowering.
abate, expressed by rad. -ona-
subside, become less; eo-
naoz, it becomes abated; eonatto, it abates, sub-
sides; eonattonsz, they (in.) a.; eonatoēta, one (or.)
abates in acting, doing; naonatoého (or.), naonatoész
(in.), I act abating to; eonataha, the wind abates; eo-
natooko, the rain abates; eonatoanea, the sleet, mist,
drizzle abates; eonataehóta, the heat abates; eonaze-
tonetto, the cold abates; eonazē to, the snowing abates;
eonazetanevō, the crowd subsides; eanōvatto, it abates,
settles down (ref.to pain or fluid substance); eanō-
vaoz, it abates, recedes, gets low (sp. of water); -nhas-
tom- as inf. denotes "getting less, slackening"; enhas-
tomeoz, it becomes slackening, abating.
abating, or subsiding, nhastomeozistoz, the becoming
abated; onatoētastoz, the lessening in action,
doing or performing; onaozistoz, the becoming abated.
The inf.-onat- is used in all verbal forms implying
a slackening. Before stems beginning with "e", inf.
-onat- becomes -onaz-.
abdomen, mavhonoz, the a.; see belly; naóseno, I open,rip
one's a.
abide, inf.-toom(e)-
to a. unchangeable; etoomahe,
one abides the same; etoomatto, it abides un-
changeable; etoomeoz, it or he becomes unchangeable;
etoomenistxeo, they (or.) a. all together (not separat-
ing). Navesz'nemo, I a. with one (or.); navesz'nemota,
I a.with it (in.); navesz'nemotovo, I a.with it his;
nataešenethoe, I shall stay, a.with (only in the instr.
form); nasethoe, I a., stay (when others go awav), re-
main. Natšetanoxtoz natōetanota, I a.by my opinion.
Inf. -ēve- denotes abiding, engaged in, dwelling on or
upon. Naĕvèn, I a., have my whereabouts; naevae, I am
abiding, being (stat.); naēveēsz,I a. (am engaged in)
speaking; naēvemxiston, I am engaged in writing.
Zexhoes, where one (or.) abides, stays at; zexēvèns,
where one (or.) abides (has his whereabouts); zexēva-
es, where one dwells, abides (stat.).
abiding, toomevostanehevestoz, life abiding, unchange-
able; toomeozistoz, the becoming abiding: tooma-
hestoz, state of abiding unchangable. Vesz'nemazis-
toz, the abiding with: ev'nistoz, the abiding, the
whereabouts; ēvastoz, the state of living, being. See
abode, dwell, live.
able, expressed by inf.
ability or faculty.
having been a. before);
one can speak, utter (as when children begin to
speak). Enoxtovae, one is a. (stat.); enoxtoveoz, he
becomes a.; enoxtovetan, one wants to be a. ; enox-
tovetanona, one is trying to find out, to know. Esaa-
noxtovetanoxtovhan, it cannot be conceived. Enoxtoveo-
denoting power,
Enoxtoveĕsz, he can speak (not
enoxtovensz or enoxtovoan,
zistov,it becomes a faculty.Naexae, I am able (to exe-
cute). Naotoxovae, I am able, wise, capable; the inf.
-otoxov(e) — denotes capableness from experience or
practice, can also be used in the sense of skilled,
ability, noxtovastoz, ability, faculty as a state; noxto-
veozistoz, the becoming able; noxtovenszistoz, the
ability of speech, power; noxtovoanistoz, the being
able of uttering; noxtovetanoxtoz, the wanting, trying
to be able, to know; noxtovheneenovastoz, the ability
of knowing how, understanding. Otoxovastoz, skill, ex-
perience, wisdom in managing. Zenoxtovaess, those who
have the faculty; zeotoxovaess, the skilled, experien-
ced, capable ones. Exástoz, ability in executing, Aus-
abode, vē, abode, tipi, dwelling.
ovo, I make one an abode;
tipi is; zexhoetto, where I
where the abode of mine is. Vē has more reference to
the dwelling while the verbal f. zexhoevo denotes the
"place at". Heszevox, its abode, lair, den of wild ani-
mals lit. "its hole". Heexovoešestov, its resting
place, Fr.gîte) ref. to a slight depression in the
ground or grass, where animals lie down; heestohestov,
its resting place, sp. of birds.
abominate, naoxstazesta (in.) naoxstatamo (or.) I abom-
inate; našenezesta (in.) našenetamo (or.) I
ab., loathe; napeosan, I dislike, disdain, -peoxta (in.),
peoto (or.) Rad. -oxs- denotes "away from"; rad. -pe-
implies "crushing" and rad. -šene- conveys "loose
Nave, my abode; navenona-
zèvēetto, where my abode,
have my abode; zexhoevo,
abomination, oxstaztastoz; oxstatamahestoz, state of a-
bomination; šenetamahestoz, the loathing:
peosanistoz, the disdaining. Oxstatamazistoz, mutual
aboriginal, adj. is rendered by inf. -xama- natural,
belonging to native character, not foreign,
not artificial, normal, simple, indigenous, inherent, na-
tive. Sometimes the last syllable -ma is left out and
only -xa is used. -Xamavostan, natural, native people;
xamavèho, genuine, natural English people (as discerned
from other white people). Xamahoxzz, cottonwood tree,
also implying all poplar species; xamavē, the real
tipi. Xamavostanehevestoz, the natural, the Indian way
of living. When xama- is infixed in v.f. it has an
adv. meaning. Naxamavostaneheve, I live in the native
way, lifelike, Indianlike; naxamamesse, I eat natur--
ally, unaffectedly. An Indian having eaten at a table
with a knife, fork and spoon will say: naxamamesse, when
he again eats Indian fashion, meaning to say: I eat
again naturally! Naxaēsztovo, I simply speak to one.
Nasaaxahestamé, I simply have no food! Esaaxaheneenohe
hovae, he simply knows nothing! In connection with
postures the -xama- denotes bowing, bending, stooping,
e.g. examaáeo, one bows the head (head inclined down-
ward); nanosxamaáeotovo, I bow the head to one (cf.bow}
abortion, násestoz, the miscarrying; násoxzz, abortus
(dead), zehóhestaz, living abortus; enás, she
aborts; zenász, the one who ab.; enásoxzeve, it is an
abortus; enásestove, it is an abortion.
abound, ehāenonɔ, (-nononsz,pl.) it abounds; ehāenōheo,
they (or.) are many; eetâmeoz,it (or one) becomes
abounding,plentiful cf. abundant}; emaxàtove, there
abounds, is abundance.
about, tataetto, all about around; natataeoxz,
natataeoxz, I go a-
bout, around (and disappear behind), as when one
goes around and behind a corner, or below the visual
line. Inf. -tose- denotes about in the sense of time,
at the point of; etosenaeoz, one is about to die; e-
tosemesse, one is about to eat.
above, heamå, in the general sense; also means sky,heav-
en. Heamå zehesso, that which is from heaven, a-
bove; heamaes, the realm of above (obs.) heamå henitō-
neheva, above the door; heamå vónanistovå, above the
window; heameohe, up, above the river (Fr. en amont).
When infixed, heama becomes heame-; naheameneoxz,
I go
above, ascend; heamemhayo, upstairs; eheameesz, one
speaks above = prays; naheamēnana, I set it above: he-
ama-vostanehevestoz, life above, eqv. to Kingdom of
heaven; heamahistanov, world above = heaven of the
christians; heamapavoome, the heavenly abode, paradise,
region of bliss; heamavostan, person from above; heama
ehesta, one is from above; heama ehoe, one has his
abode above, on high. Zehehetovazemenotto heama zeho-
étto thou our Father being "at" above; Zeheamasz,
the one above (ref. to God; haeš heama, far above; ha--
ko haešheama, very far above; naheamōemo, I count, deem
one above; eamhoomosan, one is above, greater than,
surpassing: naamhoomosan zehexovaes, I am above, great-
er than, surpassing what "he degrees".
Abraham, Oxhaenōsz = the one who is many, as name form.
abroad has no exact eqv.in Ch. Inf.-mhon- denotes "in
the field" but ref. mainly to procure by hunt-
ing,picking up: sometimes it implies a forward broad
direction; namhonōsta, I spread it abroad (news).
abscess, poheozistoz, swelling; oháoxtoz, painful swell-
ing; eszemá, scrophulous abscess (which the Ch.
connect with the gopher); emazeve, it matters, forms an
abscess; eoseoz, it becomes
open, flows out;
zesz,I cause it to flow out, to open; lance it.
absence, hovanehestoz, the not being present, non exist-
ence, the being no more, state of death; dis-
appearing from life.
absent, ehovanē, one (or.) is absent; ehovahan, it is
absent or not present,not here, it is gone; eho-
vahanehensz, they are absent (in.); exahovahan, it is
simply not here! zehovahan, that which is not; mataho-
vahan, when it shall be no more; zehovanēess, the ab-
sent ones, the departed, those not present; zexhovanē-
etto,during my absence; zehešhovanēs, as, since he was
absent; zetāešhovanēez, until we shall be no more, un-
til our death; ehovanēhestove, it is absent, it is a
departing from life. The rad. of this is -hova- -per-
sonal objectivity. The n in Ch. has often a neg. or
contrary meaning. Esaahomatovàzé, one is absentminded,
homatovazistoz = presence of mind; saahomatovazis-
toz, absentmindedness.
absorb, namhaestana, I absorb it, swallow it (also fig.};
naponomaena, I abs. it (with a blotter or some-
thing) ref.to liquids; epoaneoz, it becomes absorbed;
napoanen, I abs. with something.
absorption, poanenistoz, the act of absorbing; poaneo--
zistoz, the becoming abs.
abstain, nanhasta, I abstain from it tr.f.};
vo, I abst. from one (or.) nanhastomaeta, I ab-
stain concerning it; nanhastomaetovo, I abst.concern-
ing one; nanhastoosesz navōxöz,I make my body, flesh,
abstain from; nhastomevostanehevestoz, abstemious way
of living, temperate life. Rad. -nhasto- or -nhas-
tom(e)- implying "from one". See forbid.
abstemious, see abstain.
abundance, maxàtoz, emaxàtov, there is abundance (of);
emaxàtovensz, there is abundance of them
{in.}; etâmàtoz, abundance, plentifulness; eetâmàtove,
there is plenty (of it); esaaetâmàtovhan, it is not a
plenty; esaaetâmàtovhanehensz, there is not an abund-
ance of them (in.); eohāehōstoestove, there is an ab.
(in fruit bearing),sp.of growing things. Rad. -maxa-
implies "touching all around"; rad. -etâm- denotes
"reaching up, full to"..
abundant, ehaenono, it is abundant s. abound}; eetâmeoz,
it becomes plentiful emaxeetam, it is very a-
bundant; eetâmhoneo, it grows abundantly, plentifully,
richly; ehaestansz, (in.) ehaestxeo (or.) there are
many of them. See many.
abuse, nahavsevoého, I ab. deal unfair with one; nato-
tonšého, I ab.one from -totonš- = spoil, hurt,un-
do; naohaoého, I ab. act dreadfully towards, oppress
one; šēmoz, one abusing in sexual matters, overindul-
gent; enasoého, he ab.her (zum Spiel geben). See mis-
treat. The inf. -heom- =
over much; -havsevhetosse-
= purposely bad, can be used to express abuse; eheom-
hozeoto hetahoestoto,he abuses his riding horse uses
tama hetahoes-
it too much; ehavsevhetosse-hozeotovo
tovevo, they abuse, misuse, purposely badly use their
own riding horses.
abuse, n.totonšenhestoz, abuse in words; ohãoētastoz, ab.
in acts,doing; nouns can be formed from
any v.f.
having the inf.mentioned under the v. abuse.
abyss, vox zsaa-mxaoonevhan, hole without
be touched
hole that cannot
by foot;
mxaa, I touch it, reach to it with foot.
accept, naamha, I acc., receive (something given); naam-
haenoz, I acc.receive them (in.);
I ac-
(or.) I.acc.receive (sing.or pl.or.). naamàta,
cept it,consent to, agree with it; naamàtovo,I acc. it
his, consent to, agree with his; nahotohestana (in.)
nahotohestano (or.) I acc. gladly, willingly; {rad.
v.f. -hestan
-hoto (e) =
take; namasezta (in.), namaseztovo (or.) I receive
willingly, politely; naohamehotoaetovo, -ohamhotoatama-
etovo, I accept his person (am more kind towards one).
This must be followed by sub.cj.with pref. zehexov-.
acceptable, emàtatame, one is acceptable, agreeable;
màtazesta (in,) mamàtatamo (or.) I deem ac-
ceptable, agreeable (cf. agreeable).
acceptance, amhastoz,acc., the receiving of a gift; amà-
tàtoz,acceptance, consent, agreement; masezto…-
vazistoz, freundliches Aufnehmen; zehešohamhotoaeto-
nétto (or zehešohamemaseztaetonétto)
en,hen esaapevaehan, the acceptance
fore thy friend, that is not good.
friend. Hotoeamàtàtoz, generous
zehexovaes es'-
of thy person be-
thou art
acceptance, consent
bottom lit.
{from na-
access, zexhestaetta, where acc.is, ref.to a gate or
ening, entrance; zevešhahanènistove, access
that by which there
is an approach;
haônàtovå, we have access to one (approach) by prayer;
cf.admission and join.
accessible, enoxtovehoxtame, it is attainable, it can be
reached nahoxtamo = I reach, attain where
one is; ehoxtame = it is attained; enoxtovho ešenàto-
ve, it is accessible implies reaching and staying
at. Maheo evešhahane oe haônàtovå, God is (made) ac-
cessible by prayer. Rad. -hahan- nearing, approach-
not ac-
ing). Esaahoešetoehan, esaahoešenàtovan, it is
cessible; esaahoxtamehan, it cannot be reached, attain-
ed; esaahahane oehan, it cannot be approached;
haneohé, one (or.) is not accessible;
one is not reached; esaanoxtovhoxtamehe, one is inac-
cessible; eoxceēsz'nistove, it is accessible, enterable.
accession, hoxstanenistoz, the act of adding to; hoxsta-
estoz, the state of being added; hoxseozistoz,
becoming an accession, admission. See admit and join.
accident, hooxto omenestoz, atoomenestoz (lit. unpremedi-
tated suffering); masohoto anavoéàtoz and maso-
hotoanavoomenestoz, sudden misfortune (Fr.malheur sou-
accidentally, -ata- and -ose- or -oseata- are inf.which
denote something done without design,
unintentional, not premeditated. Naatano or naoseata-
no, I shoot one accidentally; naatasso (or.), naatax
(in.) I cut one acc.; naoseataneševe, I did it acc.
Oseataneševestoz, accidental doing; atanazistoz,acci-
dental shooting; naatoesz, I hit myself acc. naatoēta,
I act without premeditation, make a mistake. This word
has been used for "transgression", which it implies to
a certain extent, but for which the right expression,
totaxoētastoz (instead of atoētastoz) ought to be
accompany, naveoxzemo, I go
naveoxzemo, I go with one; naveoxzemota,I
accompany it, go with it, Veoxzemosanistoz, the
accompanying, going with; navessevo, I acc. am with one
(or.) See company and companion.
accomplice, zevhestozezevsz = the acc.(sing.) zevhesto-
zezevessỏ (pl.) navhestozezezeve, I am an
acc.; navhesthozezevemo, I am acc. with one.
accomplish, naexanen, I acc.naexana (in.), naexano (or.),
I bring to a finish. Rad.-ex- denotes a pro-
cess ended,done thru. nazeexanen, zeexana (in.), -ze-
exano (or.) I acc. by touch of hands or fingers, by
handling. Inf. -vâxs- or -vâs- denotes fulfill, comp--
lete, achieve; navâxseneševe, I acc.doing; navâxseexan-
en, I fulfill, -vâxseexana (in.) -vâxseexano (or.). Na-
vaxtoēta, I acc. (in acts); navâxtanen, I acc. fulfill
it,make it complete; -vaxtana (in.) -vâxtano (or.)
navâxston, I acc.a design, building; evâxsenhesso, it is
thus accomplished, completed; nahózeexanen, I cannot,
(fail to) acc. Heĕszistoz zeheševâxsenhessoz', since
his word has been accomplished; enšeame vâxseexane, it
is being accomplished.
accomplishing, accomplishment, exanenistoz, the accomp-
lishing, preparing; vâxseexanenistoz, the
accomplishment; heto zeheševâxseexane the acc. of
this; hóżeexanenistoz, non accomplishment; vaxtoētas-
toz, the acc.of an act,rite, performance; vâxstonestoz,
of a design, building. See fulfill,
complete, done.
accord, v.nanizeovsan,
-nizea (in.), -nizeovo (or.) I
accord,grant, allow; nahetooto (or.),I acc.grant,
bestow rarely used in the in. See agree.
accord, n. manohotoemazistoz, of one accord, agreement;
namanosēhešetanome, we think of one accord; -ma-
no- = together as one; -se- alike, same. Nimanoho-
toemazhemå, we are of one accord; nimanósēameamàtamhe-
må, we agree, consent together; inf. -masómano- with
one accord (done with a rush or suddenly); emasómano-
aseoxzeo, they left with one accord. -Epavsē-nemeneo,
they sing well in accord, together; emanohotoemanston-
eo, they design, build with one accord. Hestoxtaheonevo
es'aasēheznettanehez', their testimony was not of one
accord (gestaltete sich nicht gleich).
accordingly, is expressed by inf. -neše-, -osá(n) and
(ref.); na-
-Osá- also
-sá-. -Neše- thus, from there
neševostaneheve, I accordingly live thus:
I accordingly live thus:
nanešemanisz, as he told me, so I make it.
-osa(n) is much used in story telling: eosanenahoōn,
he accordingly killed one. -Sá- is mostly used in the
imper. as: nisámezz, give thou me now! (sc.what thou
hast promised) See imper. in gr. Sometimes the inf.
-tó is used, implying the meaning "exactly as, exactly
according to": zehēsz etóhessoz', that which he speaks
comes accordingly (exactly) so. Etóneševō zexhetās
Maheon, he did exactly as God had told him.
account,v.nanetōsta (in.), nanetōemo (or.) I account so
much; evovōeme, one is acc.first, prominent; nan-
heetovo, I acc.for one; nanheeta, I acc. for it (stand
account, n. masóhōestonestoz, the full counting; nìmasó-
hōestoz zèmestom, give (thou) a full account,ex-
plaining; nìmasóhōestomevsz, give me (thou) a full ac-
count. also: nìmasómestomevsz = explain (thou) me
all! Esaatonitoktahe, one is of no account, no value;
esaatonitoktatamehan, it is of no acc.valueless; esaa--
tonitoktaheonevé: one is of no account (in charac-
accountable, naveštõenanenotto, I am held acc.respons-
ible for one; eveštõene nitove, one is made
acc.held responsible for me; havs navešheszhovaon, I
am made acc.for (charged) the evil.
accumulate, nahovxthoz (sing. in.) -hovxthozenoz (pl.
in.) I acc. See store, pile.
accusation, óestomanistoz, the making of a malignant ac-
cusation; óésanistoz, the accusing malignant-
ly; momaxsetanevàtoz, accusing-"tonguedness": momaxe-
mosanistoz, accusation, telling on; momaxstomosanistoz,
stative accusing; momaxstomoestoz,accusal; aestomemo-
maxemazistoz, false accusation: hessàzistoz,accusa-
tion, blaming.
accusative, adj. The Ch. has no acc. case but has an
acc. verbal sff.indicating direct action up-
on the object, without instrumentality or medium, (by
"hands"): e.g.nahestana (in.),nahestano (or.) I take
it. Thus sff.with n denotes accusative object. Be-
sides this the Ch.gr.has an acc.mode to express poss-
essive relation between subj.and obj.e.g.nanomazenoz,
I steal one (to have), ich stehle ihn; name anoz,I give
one (or.), ich gebe ihn. See gr. under Accusative Mode.
accuse, naóésan, I accuse malignantly; naóéto (or.),
-óész (in.); naóēstoman, I make a malignant accu-
sation; namomaxem'san, I accuse, (tell on), -momaxesta
(in.), -momaxemo (or.) lit.to tell of, move the lips
touching; namomaxsetaneva, I am (provided) with ac-
cusing tongue; namomaxsetane vaheve, I am one with an
acc.tongue; namomaxstomosan, I am accusing;namomaxeto-
moe, I am (state of) accusant; naaestomemomaxemo, I
acc. one falsely inf. -aestom(e)- = for nothing, in
vain nahestoēmo. I acc. one of it, blame for (with
rancor); nahessého, I acc., put blame on one; ehessà-
zeo, they (or.) acc.each other of, shove the blame on
each other; ehessàzenov, there is an accusing of each
other; ehessevotàzenov, there is an acc. and quarrel-
ing. Zeóésansz, the accusing one (malignantly); zeó-
ēsz, the accused one; zemomaxsetanevaz, the accusing
tongued) one; zemomaxstomosansz the one who accuses,
tells on one; zemomaxstomosz the accusant
hestoēmsz, the one accused of it.
one; ze
accustom, is rendered by inf. -oxce- = use to, wont. E-
oxcemeaa hovae nistoha ešēva, he is accustomed
(used) to give something every day. Another inf. is
-hox(e) acquainted with, also used in the sense of
accustomed, inured. Ehoxeoz = one becomes
acquainted; navónhan, I accustom myself to darkness
(lit.I make light). Before stepping out of a lighted
lodge into the darkness outside, the Ind.will shade
their eyes, so as to become accustomed to the dark be-
fore they go out, where they will be able to see bet-
ter. This expression becomes obs.
v.ehāmatto, it aches, pains; etavomatto, the ache,
pain increases; nahohoeoxz, I ache (all over);
hohoenaoxz, I ache in my limbs.
ache, n.hāmatazistoz,ache, pain; onšeozistoz, ache, hurt;
hohoeoxzistoz,ache; hohoenaoxzistoz, ache in limbs.
See pain and hurt.
acid, adj.eveēstoonaenoe (in.), it is acid (in taste);
eveēstoonaenoensz (in.pl.): exåxeeno, it is acid,
acid, n.veēstoonàtoz, acidity, puckering in mouth;
estoonàtoz, acidity, drawing of mouth muscles.
terms are also use as n. agent.
acquaint, nahoxazesta or nahoxazta, I am acq. with it;
-hoxaztanoz, -with them (in.) nahoxatamo, I am
acq. with one; ehoxeoz, one becomes acq. conversant
with: ehoxae, he is acq.affable, friendly; nahoxeessé-
ho, I cause one to be acquainted; acquaint, make one fa-
miliar with, train one (as horses); hoxeesohestoz, the
making acquainted with; ehoxetahoetoe, he (of horses)
has been made acq., familiar with riding (used to the
saddle); ehoxetahoe, one is acq., familiar with rid-
ing; nahoxe eto, I acq.one, make him familiar with, train
him (usualy said of horses, where the Eng.uses the ex-
pression "break"); zehoxeesz, the one made acq. with,
trained; ehoxeevosoe, he is acq. familiar with, train-
ed, to play.
acquaintable,ehoxaztaeoneve, one is acquaintable,friend-
ly, approachable, congenial; hoxaztaeoneves-
toz, congenialty, acquaintablness; nahoxaztaeonevetovo,
I am congenial towards one; nahoxaztaeonevatamo, I
deem one approachable; Rad. -hox- implies close con-
acquaintance, zehoxatamo, the one with whom I am acq., my
acquaintance; zehoxatamozē, our acquain-
tances (with whom we are acq.); zehoxatamaezē, our
acq. who are acq.with us. See gr.Sub.cj. Hoxaztastoz,
acquaintance; hoxatamahestoz, the state of being acq.
familiar with. Hoxeesohestoz, acquaintance, (caus.);
hoxeesóhe, n.agent.; hoxetahoestoz, acq. familiarity
with riding.
acquire, nāena,(in.) nāeno (or.) I acquire, own. -aen-
is the rad.but in the present tense of
the pro.pref.contracts with the a of the v. stem into
one long a, except in the pret. when the first a in
"na-" becomes very short,e.g. náaena, I acquired, owned
it. -Naenanoz, I acquire them (in.pl.); nãenō, I acq.
them (or.pl.); nanešeaena, I acquired it thus (as men-
tioned before). Quite often the Ch. use the expre-
ssion: nahoehoxta, I come to it,or: nahoehota, it comes
to me, to mean what one may acquire or get, as: hāmox-
tastoz nszhoehota, sickness shall come to thee thou
shalt get sick; makätansz nahoehotaenoz, money came to
me = I acquired money; màneševostanehevess nszhoeho-
taenov pavstaomenestoz, if you live thus, you shall
have well being (lit. well being shall come to you).
Nahóaota (in.), nahóaotovo (or.) I come to it, (get,
acquire it gradually, not at random or accidentally).
Nanešeamha, I have thus obtained, acquired: naeneo ze-
hešemeemeszetto, the property I have acquired (by wor-
king); niaeneo zeheševešeaenom nsthozeohestovå, thy
possession, which thou hast acquired by work; nitao ze-
heševešeamhaetto namakätaemeva, all I acquired with my
money; heto nitao nanešeaena zexhòtovatto, this all I
got by trading; naheszhovao vàz, I acquire it for me;
zetohetaemeha-heszhovao vàzetto examahovahan, all I
had acquired for myself is simply gone! Nahoxtamista
(in.) I acq.it, attain it, (does not imply possession
in all cases).
acquirement, hovae zeaenom, thing I own or naeneo
= my
property,possession; nitao zehešeamhaetto,all I have
received, acquired; heneenovastoz zehóaotomaz, zehoehox-
tomaz, zeamhaz, the knowledge we have come to, we have
realized, we have received; etahanez' mhayon zeheszho-
vaovàz nasima, here is the house my younger brother
acquit, naevhanonizeomēnano (or.), I acq.one, let him go
free again; naonohoemaoto (or.), I judge one
straight,right, acquit him (by law). Hoemanistovå (by
law or council), hoemaotazistovå (by judgment) evešeo-
noevhosseme, one is acquitted; evešxanovhosseme, one is
acq.spoken straight (with or by). Zèmehamomaxemanetto
naevhaonohoemaotan, I am acquitted (by judgment) from
accusation; zèmehameatōs hoemanemhayon eevhanonizeom-
ēnane, he was acquited by the court (lit.having been
given over to the law house he was let free again).
acquittal, evhaonohoemaotazistoz, acq.by judgment; evha-
nonizeomēnanenistoz, acq.release; eevhaonohoe-
maotazistove, it is an acq.;eevhanonizeomēnanenstov, it
is an acq.,a release;navoešetanooz zeheševhanonizeom-
ēnans, I become rejoicing at his
acquittal (that he
was acquitted).
across, inf. -oxov-, -exxov- and -ams (e)-, the three be-
ing also used as detached adv. -Oxov- =crossing
(in the act of); -exxov- crossed, on the other side.
Both inf.ref.to the crossing of warecourses or space.
Rad. -ox- to cut thru}. Inf. -ams (e) = crosswise,
athwart. Naoxovèn, I walk across, wade; nahotoxovèn, I
walk ac.several times; naoxovetaho, I ride across; na-
oxovotohen, I swim ac.; naoxovekaax, I jump ac.; naoxo-
vaház I throw it ac.; naoxovahamo, throw one ac.; nao-
xovetxeovo, I drive one (in.), chase ac.; naoxovōesz, I
go ac.with boat; naoxovehetanon, we go ac. it (moving
ac.it, "mit Sack u. Pack"). Naexxovèn, I come
(walking); exxovetto, across, on the other side; oxove-
tto hōma,over on the other side (while one is stand-
ing on this side); naexxoveozého, I made one cross,
come across; naešexxovotanon, we have (done) crossing
it. See cross and bridge. Amsetto, crosswise athwart;
amsetto voeva, across the sky; amsetto vónanistovå, a-
cross the window; eamshãesso, it is far athwart it;
naamšeš, I lie athwart, across; naamstxiston, I write a-
cross it; naamseexa, I cut it across; esaaehōmattan, it
is not far across (body of water); ehaehōmatto, it is
far across, the shore is distant; naonòn, I come a-
cross, ashore, land see ashore). Oxov'nistoz, the walk-
ing across; oxove tahoestoz, the riding acr.; oxovahas-
enistoz, the throwing acr.; zeoxovahamsz, the one
thrown across (or.); zeoxovahame, the one thrown
(in.) zeoxovahamēsz (in. pl.); zeoxovahamesso, the ones
thrown acr.; zeoxovensz, the one going acr.;
tahōsz, the one riding acr.; zeoxovetohonaz, the
swimming acr. zexxovetohonaz, the one who swam acr.;
zeoxovekaaxsz, the one jumping acr. -Amstxistonestoz,
athwart writing; amšešenàtoz, athwart lying; zeoxove-
txeosz, the one driven acr. Naoxovetahoha, one brings
me acr.,give me a ride acr. (either on horseback or
wagon).Inf. -otxov- crossing many times is also used
to denote reciprocal action, e.g. eotxovemeàzenovoz
makätansz, they give each other (Einer dem Andern) mo-
ney. But -otxove- or otxov(e)- implies distance bet-
ween the givers, as when the Northern and Southern Ch.
make gifts to each other. Eotxovevōmàzeo, they see
each other (across). Some Ch.pronounce -oxov- with an
h sound,hoxov or hotxov, so both forms can be used.
Inf. -nos- acr., but over a barrier or an elevation.
See over.
actual, adj. -tó- inf. the very;
act, v.sff. -oēta- -acting, -oého- -acting to one, and
-oész- acting to it, convey the meaning of doing,
performing. See doing. Etoxetanonavoēta, he acts wise-
ly; epevoēta, he acts kindly; ehavsevoēta, he acts bad-
ly; emamovoētao, they act in concert, together; esētoē-
ta, he acts alike; ezestoēta, he acts as a Ch. Ofentim-
es inf. -ez- or -hez- following the verbal stem, imp-
lies behavior, conduct in acts,e.g.namaseztovo, I act,
behave pleasant, acceptable towards one, from -mase-
willingly yielding, accepting). Nataneheztovo, I behave
ashamed of him, {from -tane- shameful}; napevaeztovo,
I act, behave good before, towards one; e(h)eznetto,
it acts,proceeds; eéznetto màztaheva, it acts in the
heart, heart's intents; naheznessesz, I cause it to act,
nìnešéhaenon, it acts upon us. When sff.-man is used, it
implies pretence; etaeveononiseman, he acts as a, pre-
tends to be fool. See pretend.
act, n.matšezistoz, the act, the doing; tóneševestoz, the
very act; tóneševstovå, in the very act; nitao het-
šezistovå eonoazeoneve, all his act are characterized
by straightforwardness, (lit.in all his acting he is
a straightforward one). Vhanenhessemanistoz, mere act,
pretence; pevoētastoz,kind act; pevoētastotoz, (pl.);
popevoētastoz, kind acts repeated. See doing. Inf.
-nšena- in the act of, while.
action, see act.
active, enàkae, one is active, industrious; enàkaetto, it
is active. Active in the sense of busy is rend-
ered by sff. -anen. Nazetanen, I am active, busy
handling something with fingers; natotahopanen, I am
kept busy by; nahastanen, I am busy with much; navove-
tanen, I am busy with preparing.
activity, nàkastoz; eohānàkastove, there is great activ-
etónēhov, he is the
very one. The sff. -o in many v.f.has the meaning
"actual, real, taking place, true"; naanao, I actually
fall; ehetom, it is true, real; napevetano, I rejoice
(taking place, presently); nitatomenahaz, let me pres-
ently kill thee! etónhesso, it is actually so.
acute, eohãoxzezeve, one is acute, sharp, shrewd; eohão,it
is acute, sharp (not confound with eohaó, it is
dense, sp. of growth of plants, as dense forest or
dense, rank weeds). Enxooxta, one is cute, funny; enx-
hōs, it is cute, funny. Inf. -oha- acutely.
acuteness, ohãoxzezevestoz; ohāmatazistoz, acute pain.
add, inf. -hoxs- implies adding, joining. Nahoxstanen, I
add, -hoxstana (in.),-hoxstano (or.); nahoxs-
eoz, I become added; nahoxstae, I am added (stat.); na-
hoxstanan, I am added (pass.); nahoxstaetovo, (or.),
hoxstaeta (in.) unto one, unto it; ehoxstota, it is,
stands added (as a house addition); nahoxsznetan, I
want to join; nanohonetovo, I add to one (dazu noch);
namamovhōston, I add, count together; namamovhõesta ze-
hestoha, I count together how much it is,add; namamov-
hōemō zehestxevoss, I count together how many they
are(or.). See join. Inf. -honaov (e) = added unto as much,
that much more. Nitosehonaove-amhaenon hovae, we shall
receive that much more added; ehonaoveamhastov, it is
that much more added; namakätaemoz evešhonaoveamhas-
tovensz, my money has increased that much more, once as
much (thereby); nahonaovana, I make it that much more,
once as much; Maheo exhonaovanomevo hevostaneheves-
toz, God prolonged his life once as much. Nahotonaova-
na, I increase it, more and more.
addition, hoxstanenistoz, joining together; mamovanenis-
toz, summing up together; hoxstanenistovå nan-
ešhōsta zenhestoha, by addition I count how much it
is; naōemō zehestxevoss, I count (them, or.) how many
they are. Mamovhõestonestoz, addition (by counting);
mhayo zehoxstota, the house addition; honaovanenistoz,
addition, in addition to; hoxstaestoz, add. (state), the
being added to; honaoveamhastoz, the receiving in ad-
dition to; hoxseozistoz, the becoming added;hotonaova-
nenistoz,making an increase more and more.
additional, adj.zehonaovasz, the add. one (or.), zehonao-
venitáesz, the add. master; zehonaovevehon-
evsz, the add. chief; zehonaovoess, the add. ones (or.)
often used for the upper side boards of a wagon box.
Zehonaovehozeonevsz, the add. servant; zehoxstxeo, the
addressing form (vocative). The Ch.
has not a regular
vocative in the sg.except in some names of
relationships. In the pl.the vocative is usually sff.
(e)hasz or -esz. Nihó, father! Nako, mother! Nàz,daugh-
ter! Nisce, grandmother! Nxan, uncle! Nahan, aunt! Nàz,
nephew! Nahame, niece! Niš, grandchild! Mahā, friend!
(of same age). Hova or hōvé, friend! (more between ol-
der men). Kašgonasz, children! (in general) Nanisonasz,
children (my,sp. to one's own children). Onisyomàtae-
hász,believers! Onisyometanoehász,ye believing ones!
Onisyomàtatanesz, believing men! Hetanesz, ye men! He-
esz, ye women! Vostanesz, ye people.* Notxesz, ye war-
riors. Vósesz, ye peaks. Nisenehasz, my friends. (ml.
sp.) Niseehasz, my friends. (f.sp.) Nis'onasz, friends.
(for ml. and f.) Veksehasz, ye birds. Maheonasz, ye
gods. Ohehasz, ye rivers. Moehasz, ye grasses.
ye grasses. Hoxze-
tasz,ye trees. Hovahasz, ye creatures, beasts. Hovae-
hasz, ye things. Hotoxkasz, ye stars. Voasz ye
clouds. Màpasz, ye waters. Mènasz, ye serpents. Kasovae-
hasz, ye young men. Kaseheehasz, ye young women. Anoth-
er way of addressing is the second pers.sg. or pl.in.
the sub.cj.,as: zehevasemetovaz, thou my brother. Zehe-
hetovazemenotto, thou our father. Zehehetoness, ye fa-
thers. Vehonasz or ninēhovheme zevehonevess, ye
chiefs.Naēsztovo, I address one, speak to one; naēszeta,
I address it; hevehestoz nataxemxeomovo vehaneoneva, I
address the letter (to one), lit. his name I write
upon the envelope or package). Nìmestomevsz zexhoes
explain me, tell me his address (where he lives); mxe-
omovehå hevehestoz na zexhoes, write his name and
where he lives; mxeoxz zexhestano mxistō, write (thou)
his address (where he gets letters); mēs tomoveha zex-
hestano mxistō, explain where he gets letter; maeveho-
enszistovå navešeēsztovo, I address one in German.
adhere, napanoetovo, I adhere, stick close to one; zepan-
oxevaeno, I merely set one close to me; napanoho,
I put one close to me (make adhere to); epaoeoz, it
becomes adhered, sticks, cleaves to; paeozistoz the be-
coming adherent, adhessive to, a word mostly used for
printed pictures and photographs. {Rad. -pa- =adhe-
sion, flat against, shut as to make one surface). Napae-
ozessesz mxistō, I print a book, make it adhere a-
gainst; epapanoetoe, it adheres to one (as stains from
mud,etc.); havs napanoetoe evil adheres to me; epano-
ta, it stands adhering to; nitao zepancetto, all (in.)
that adheres, cleaves to me; epoeoz, it comes off, from
having been adherent; Inf. -saapo- = not discontinu-
ing, adhering on, e.g.hovae esaaxamapohestanohe, he left
nothing untaken, did not leave off taking everything;
nahekonetanotovo, I adhere, cling strongly to one (in
thot, mind); nasaapoeveoxzemahe, he does not quit me
(an instant), adheres to me; nasaapó-heves'enehenoz, I
adhere to my friend, am faithful to him, do not leave
off having him for friend.
adherent, nahestaeveàz, I am merely adherent, not real
member from hesta =navel; hestaēva, umbilical
cord. As the umbilical cord drops after a time, so
does one who is not a real member]: hestaeson, mere a.
for a time; navhanenhestaesoneve, I am only an a. (for
a time).
adhesive, epaeozeoneve, it is a.; see seal; enomàkozeve,
it is a.,gluey, pasty; axc eoxcpaeoz, gum ad-
heres, is a., sticks to.
adjoin, rendered by inf. -hoxs(e); ehoxstota, it adjoins
(standing close against); ehoxsemane, one is made
to adjoin; ehoxsemaneo, they (or.) are made to adjoin.
See join.
adjunct, n., hoxehestoz, used as condiment, added to bread
or meat, spread with; nahoxeevo, I use it as a.,
admire, naohāpevazesta, I a.it; naohāpevatamo, I deem
one (or.) good; napevatamano zesta, I a. the scen-
ery, vista; naohamoonazesta, I a., deem beautiful (in.);
naohāmoonatamo (or.); eohāpevenono nahessezta, I a.
it (lit.it looks fine I think of it); eohāpevenōhe
nahessetamo, I a.one. Naheneena zehešohāpevatams,
know how he is admired.
admirable, eohāpevatamano, it is a., fine; eohamoonata-
mano,it is a., beautiful (sp. of scenery, sky);
eohāpavston, it is admirably built; eohāpevenono, it
(in.) looks a.; eohāpevenōhe, one (or.) looks a.;
eohamomoxenōhe, it (in.) is a., very desirable;
eohāpavevōseoneve, one (in.and or.) is an a. sight;
esaaohāpavevōseonevhan, it is not an a.sight; esaaohā-
pavevōseonevé, one (or.) is not an a.
an a. sight; nisaa-
heneenô zehexovohāpevenōs, thou doest not know how a.
he is!
admiration, ohāpevaztastoz; ohāpevatamaestoz, state of
being admired; yā! yā! interj. of a. (used
by men only); naō! naō! exclamation of surprise or a.
(used only by women). Heto zehešohāpevazto, his a.
for this; zehešohāpevatamoss, his a.for one; ni-
saaheneenohe zehexovohāpevatamanétto, thou doest not
know how thou art admired, how fine thou art, what
a.one has for thee! momoxenōhestoz, a.,in the sense
of desirableness.
admit, ehoxsze, one is admitted, joins; nahoxstano, I a.
one (or.) to, let one join; eĕseoz, one is admit-
ted, let in; naēseozého, I let one in; naēseozhan,
am admitted; nahoxsz'netan, I want to be admitted,
join, to be let in, become a member; ehoxsz'netan, he
wants to be with; evessene šetan, he admits with, thinks
also the same; nasaaéztohe, I do not deny it, I a.it;
nasaaéztohe zehešheneenovo, I a. that I know him. The
expression "na hehe" preceding a v.f. denotes admit
ting, acknowledging; na hehe naneševe.I a.to have done
it, (Ger.nun ja, ich habe es getan); nataxtanōve-mēsta,
(lit. well
yes, I
I a.it (in words) openly, publicly (in the sense of
explaining, confessing); na hehe nanešeēsz, exhevo,
since he admitted to have said so
spoke so, he said).
admission, hoxsz'nistoz (usually to membership);
zistoz, admission, entrance, the becoming enter-
ed; hoxsz'netanoxtoz, the wanting an admission; esaa-
ēsz'nistovhan, there is no admission, no entering; zeto
hetan esaahoxsznistovhan hevetov, there is no admis-
sion, membership for this man; zehešhoxstans nahesse-
pevetano, I rejoice that one (or.) has been admitted,
about one's admission; taxtå hehe hešhestoz, free ad-
mission, confession (open, public); saaheztomohestoz,
non-denial, admission.
admonish, naoneevàtoe, I a., advise; naoneevamo (or.), na-
oneevàta (in.); naōhaevàtoe, I a.with counsel;
naōhaevamo (or.), naōhaevàta (in.); naohāevàtoe, I
a.with warning. Suff.-vàtoe (genit.), -vamo (or.) and
-vàta (in.) denotes urging, coaxing, admonishing, ex-
horting. Axtom, Ger.achtung, passt Acht! (imper.sec.
per.,pl.); vavekỏxz, reminding of one's duty, either
forgotten or neglected. Vavekỏ xz nataneševe, this time
I must not forget to do it! Ger. Jetz aber in ernst!
Navonhosemo, I a. one, persuade; navonhostomosan, I am an
admonisher, exhorter; navonhosemo emeaseoxz, I a., per-
suade one to leave; namomehememo, I a., exhort, enforce
upon one by promise (also used for "flatter"); naho-
zeovosemo, or nahozeovoseto, I a.one, make one hope, urge
to hold on; see hope; naàtozeeno, I a.one to listen
to (by touching, poking). Zeoneevàtoesz, or zeoneevàto-
mosansz, the one admonishing; zeoneevàto, the one who
admonishes it; zeoneevamsz, the one admonished; zeone-
evamesso, the ones admonished; zevonhose tanevaz, the
one exhorting (having that gift or habit); zevonhos-
tomosansz, the one who admonishes (doing it constantly
or as a vocation); zehozeovosēsz, the one admonished,
made to hold on; zemomehemosansz, or zemomehemosansz,
the one admonishing, exhorting, enforcing upon, flatter-
ing: zeàtozeensz, the one brot to attention by being
poked or touched; hooxceêsztovoz nasz zenohétanoozz
àtozeenō, when thou art speaking to one who becomes
listless, make him listen by (gently) poking him! Ma-
acseo eoxcenonametóàtozeenàzeo, old men will make
themselves listened to by poking each other.
admonition, oneevàtoestoz, the a., redress; oneevamsa-
nistoz, the admonishing; vonhosemazistoz,
mutual urging, a.; vonhostomosanistoz, state of ad-
monition, urging; momehememazistoz, mutual admonition,
(by promise): àtozeenazistoz, mutual urging to listen
to (by poking); evonhostomohestov, it is an admoni-
tion; evonhos tomoetto, it admonishes; nahevonhostomo-
(h)estov,I have an admonition (to give).
adopt, namhonōènenoz, I adopt one as child; namhonheyae-
noz,I adopt him for son;
namhonhestonaenoz, I a-
dopt her for daughter; naoxsenovo, I adopt one (for
resemblance sake). If a Ch.loses a child by death and
happens to see another one, resembling his own, he will
adopt it; zeheševostanehevs nanešhestana, I adopt his
way of living; nanešhestana vehoevsanistoz, I adopt
white man's clothing =I take after white man's cloth-
ing; zeoxchešemesesz vèho nanešemesse, I adopt the
white man's way of eating (the way he eats, the white
man, so I eat). Zemhonoènetovata, the one who adopted
thee as child; zevehonevsz namhonōènetōen, the chief
adopts us.
adoption, mhonōènetovazistoz, adoption (as child); óxse-
novastoz, adoption (from resemblance).
adorn, namanseonan
namanseonan, namanseonaoxz (in.), namanseonaovo
(or.) I adorn, ornament; namanseonaoto, I adorn
one; napevseonaoxz, I ad. it fine; epevseonaoe, he is
well adorned; navaxe, I am adorned, fixed up; navaxĕe-
no, I fix, adorn one.
The rad. -manseo- ref. to
things put on as ad.,and rad. -vaxē-- denotes "fixed
adorning, manseonanistoz, the adorning; manseonaovazis-
toz,manseonaoxzistoz,done to one. Popevanàzis-
toz, the making fine, beautiful; vaxēhestoz, the fixing
up, arraying.
adultery, hēocestoz, cheating with woman; ōcetovazistoz,
mutual adultery, cheating; hēocéo,n.agent; ehē-
oceoneve, one is aduterer; hee navesseōcemo, I commit
adultery with a woman; mataevestoz, adultery in gener-
al, fornication; emataeve, she is an adulteress; matā-
evostanehevestoz, life of adultery; tonšenovehestoz,
loose life, lasciviousness, adultery; etonšenové, she is
loose; etonšenoxka, he is loose; emasavoēta, one acts
in a bad way (used also for adultery); masavoētastoz,
loose behavior.
advance, nahèphooto, I am in advance of one (on the
road,beating); navovoehoto, I am in advance, be-
fore one; Inf. -hèpe- =in advance, beyond, over (see
comparison), more than. Maeto, in front, before, in ad-
vance; maeto naameoxz, I go in front (vorher) in ad-
vance; maeto naamènevo, I walk in advance of another;
sub.pref. zehessaa- =in advance, before that, (Germ.
ehe); enae zehešsaavōmôvo, he died before, in advance
of my seeing him) I saw him; Inf. -nista- before-
hand, in advance; noxa natanistahotono zetoseēsztovoz,
wait, I will inform him in advance that thou willt
speak to him; nanistastanen, I buy on
hand; nitao zenistastanenétto, all thou
advance; nistaēnanomohestoz, advance money.
credit, before-
hast bought in
advantage, ehoozenov,it is an advantage,gain; ehooztse-
oneve, it is advantageous; ehoozetovàzeo, they
are of advantage, profit to each other (see profit);
ehoozenovensz, they (in.)are of advantage; ehoozenov-
eo, they (or.) are of adv.; tah makätansz etonšhooz-
tseonevensz etov? how does money be advantageous to
thee? Nitao zeaenom tah etonšhoozenov etov mxhamoxta-
étto? all thou possessest how can it be of advantage
to thee, if thou art sick? Makätansz esaahooz-
enovhanehensz màvešeononistoētastovēsz, money is of no
advantage when used foolishly. Nitao zevovistomōez
pavevostaneo eohāhoozenovez' etovan, all that good
people teach us is of great advantage for us; hèpao-
sanistoz, the being an advantage; nahèpaosan, I advan-
tage; vovonanovastoz, advantage, supremacy, victory.
adventurous, rendered by inf. -saahezev(a)— =bold; na-
saahezevavoĕtahe, I act boldly. See bold.
Nasaahezevaheonevé, I am adventurous. The meaning is
rather "venturesome" than "adventurous".
adverb. All infixes that modify the verb are adverbs
and end with an e before verbal stems, except
when the last begin with an h. When a predicative
meaning is implied the infixe usually terminates with
-a or -ae, e.g. epevae, one is good; emonae, one is
fresh, young; ehavsevae, one is bad; epeveēsz, he speaks
well; emoneēsz, be now, recently, speaks; ehavseveēsz,he
speaks badly. Adverbs come under the nomenclature of
infixes,q.v. Some adverbs can also be used detached
from the verb, in which case they are suffixed by
-(e)tto,e.g.naséhovevōmo, I see one suddenly; séhovet-
to navōmo, suddenly I see him; -anhoe- downward; nān-
hoeneoxz, I go downward; anhoetto naneoxz, downward I
go. Thus the adverb becomes detached when more stress
is layed upon it. A remnant of old adverbial forms is
surviving in words like: oatōs! of course self-evid-
ently, that is a matter of course, obviously; otamenōs,
genauerweise, paying exact attention to; taxamenös, in-
quiringly, inquiring "wise" ; aninīs, carefully, in a
careful way; momåtanōs, in a respectful way, frommer-
weise. These examples show that adverbial suff. -ōs
or -menōs is the eqv.of the Eng. -wise in the sense
of manner or way.
adversary, ònehe, opponent, the one against (n.agent.);
zeòneztasz, the adv. (stat.) zeòneztosz, my adv.
enemy; zeònevoéhasz, the one who deals against me my
adversary. See enemy, foe.
adverse, rendered by inf. -òne- not one with, adversely;
naòne-neševe, I do it reluctantly, adversely; na-
òneztovo, I am adv. to one, act, behave so; eòneztae, one
is adverse (stat.); eòneztaheoneve, one is adv. (in
character, held so); naònevoého, I act against one,deal
adversely unto one; naònevoēta, I act adversely, am an
"adverse-doer"; ònehe, adversary,n.agent.; ònevostan,
adverse person; ònevostanehevestoz, adverse fortune or
fate, inimical, hostile way of living; naòneztaetovo, I
am adverse towards one; òneztastoz, the being
òneztaetovazistoz, the being adv. towards one; ònevoē-
tastoz, adv.doing.
adversity, haomenestoz, adv., affliction; heovaze toomeo
zehoehotata, all the adversity, suffering which
comes upon thee; heškovo eše-vostanehevestoz, adv. life
(lit. life of thorns); heškovo eše-voomenestoz, adverse
sufferings. See affliction, suffering, hurt.
advertise, napâena mxistō, I post bills (lit. I paste
paper); hesthoxtovatō eamehaz' (or: eamšemez')
is advertised
hoxtahanemxistōneheva, his merchandise
in the newspaper; hesthoxtovatō ehōxe vàtovez' mxistō-
neheva (or: hoxtahanemxistōneheva), his goods are adv.
in the paper (lit. are heralded); mxistō
tove, it is advertised in the paper; ehōxeva zetoshox-
tovatovez', he advertises a sale.
advertisement, zeoxcepâene mxistō, advertising paper;
hōxevàtoz, the heralding, advertising;
hōxevàtove mxistōneheva, that which is heralded in the
paper; masóhoxtovàtoz ehōxe vàtove, "mass" sale adver-
advice, oneevàtohestoz, counsel, admonition; oneevaosan-
istoz, the giving advice, counsel, redress; -vàtoe,
to advise, becomes -vàta (with in. obj.) and -vamo
(with or.obj), hence different nouns as oneevàtàtoz
and oneevamazistoz. Vovistomosanistoz, advice, the ad-
vising, teaching; onoevamazistoz, well advice.
advise, the three suff.mentioned under "advice" (-vàtoe,
-vàta and -vamo) denote advising, urging, admonish-
ing, counseling or persuading. They can be suff.to any
rad. susceptible of above meaning,e.g. napavevamo, I
advise one to be good; nahavsevevamo; I adv.one to be
bad; nahessevamo, I adv. urge one to come; namane vamo,
I urge one to grow, increase; naaseoxzevamo, I adv. one
to leave, etc. See persuade.
affability, hoxaztaheonevestoz, aff., congenialty, friend-
liness; hotoastoz, aff.kindheartedness.
affable, ehoxaztaheoneve, one is aff. nihoxaztaetova, he
is aff. towards thee; zehoxaztaheonevsz, the
nahoxaztaeztovo, I behave affably towards
affect, suff,-man- =pretend; ehāmoxtaman, he affets to
be sick. See pretend; evešemxe, one is affected,
hit by; naheznessesz, I aff.that it
; naheznessého, I
aff.that one ....; nitao zehoehotaez,zetõeōez, zeveš-
emxaonez, all that affects, comes to, touches us.
affectation, vhanenhessemanistoz,aff.hypocrisy; heto ev-
hanenhessemanistov, it is only affectation;
sohestoz,aff.artificial, shallow display; evhanevōmsó-
hestov,it is only affectation.
affected, eheoceve, one is affected; heoce, masc.n.agent;
heoka,fem.n.agent, the affected one; eheocevōm-
só,he is aff.showy, dude; evhanenhessemaneheoneve, he
is affected, pretending one.
affection, mehoxtastoz,mehoxtaeonevestoz,kind love; na-
mehosanetovo, I have an aff.for one; inf.-he-
tos- fond of, bent on,habit of; ehetostôam, one has an
affection for horses (is fond of them); ehetosemane,
he has an aff.for drink, (has the drink habit); nahe-
tosàz,I have an affection for, am fond of; hetosazis-
toz, fondness, affection for; mehosanistoz, love, aff.
namehosetanotova, he shows affection for me.
affectionate, emehoxtaeoneve, one is affectionate; ehox-
aztaeoneve, one is af. friendly; mehoxtaez-
tovàz nonametó, be affectionate one towards another
(in actual behavior); inf. -vovòneše- with kindness,
tenderly, affectionately; nivovònešetanotōen, he thinks
of us with affection; nivovònethozeohetõen, he works
for us with tender care (as nurse for her patient).
affiliate, naneštovāeoxz, I belong with, one with; enoto-
vaeoxz, he is not af. does not belong to; inf.
-vess- denotes association, partnership, affiliation;
navessevo, I am af. with one; navistoēta, I am af. in
doings, performances; nivisthozezevemo, thou art af.
accomplice with one; naveoxzemaōn, navessevaōn, my com-
panion (the one affiliated with me; naheveoxzemaōnen-
oz, he is my companion, affiliate; naveàz, I af. with,
go with, belong to.
affiliation, vistoētastoz,af. in acts,deeds; vessevazi-
toz, the being, going with; vesthozezevestoz,
the being accomplice; veàzistoz, the belonging to.
affirm, hēhe naheve, I affirm, I say yes; nahetomemosan, I
af. declare of true; nahetomesta, I af. it, dec-
lare it (of it) true.
affirmation, hetomemosanistoz,declaration of truth; hē-
he hešhestoz, af. the saying yes.
affix, v.napâanen, I af. fix to, seal,-pâana (in.),pâno
(or.); napoen, I af. to, patch (having reference to
flat pieces); -poenoxta (in.), -poenoto (or.) nahoen,
I af. patch (in the sense of adding to the length or
width), hoenoxta (in.), -ho enoto (or.); nahoenoxta
navēnoz,I affix, attach to my tipi (in adding to it);
epâaene, it is affixed, sealed; epâeoz, it becomes af.
pasted, adherent (to a surface); epoenoe, it is af.
object patched);
patched (sp. of the patch or
noe, it is af. patched (by adding to). See tie.
affix, n.See respective nomenclatures of pref., inf. and
suff. -Pâanenistoz, the affixing, sealing; pâaneo,
affix, stamp, seal.
afflict, naonšého, I aff. hurt, harm one; nahāomenesého,
I aff.one, cause him sufferings or misfortune;
naohaoého, I aff.,oppress, deal hard with one; naanove-
tanoho,I aff.one, make him sad; naanovetanosoe, I cause
afflicted, nahāomen, I am afflicted; naanovetanooz, I be-
come sad, sorrowful, aff.; nahāomeoz, I become
aff.; namomohenoomen, I am aff.greatly distressed; na-
mhaomeeoz, I am utterly aff.; naanovae, I am sad,sor-
rowful,aff.(stat.); zehāomenēsz, the aff.one; zeano-
vasz, the sad, aff.one; zeohāoēsz, the aff. oppressed
one; zeanovetanosz, the one to whom affliction is im-
parted; See suffer, trouble, misfortune.
affliction, haomenestoz, bereavment; haomeo,n.agent; ha-
omeozistoz, aff., the becoming afflicted; ano-
vetanoxtoz, affliction, sadness (in thot, mental
state); anovastoz,aff., sadness (state of); anovetan-
oxzeše, growth, field, realm of affliction, sorrow.
afflictive, eanovetanosohetto, it is aff.; ehãomenesohe-
hetto, it causes affliction.
afford, nahoxtamesta,I aff.reach to it; nasaahoxtamis-
tohe ememeatto, I cannot aff. to give it; zeheš-
hastoemakätaemas emevoešemeaa hovae, since he has much
money, he
can afford (lit. he may well give) to give
something; zenstamenōehevsz esaaxamahoxtamistohe mxa-
stovsanistoz, the poor cannot afford gorgeous clothing
(cannot reach it). Oftentimes the inf. -tons (e)-ab-
ility of, means of e.g. zehešhāmoxtas emetonšhozeohé?
Since he is sick, how could he work? Zeheš saahemakäta-
ems emetonšeneoxzé, since he has no money how can he
afford to go? Nanexovae, I can afford, come up to re-
quirements, am equal to.
affright, see frighten, scare, afraid.
afire,see fire, burning.
afloat, etahokovōeo,it is afl.,floating on top, surface;
eamōeo,it is (or one is) afl.,drifting; naamō-
eo, I am afloat, drifting. See float.
afraid, naétoxtae, I am afraid; naého, I am afraid of
one; naéta, I am afraid of it; étoxtastoz, the be-
ing afraid; inf. -saahez (e)- not afraid; nasaaheze-
vemo, I am not afraid to tell of him; nasaahezevavoē-
tahe, I am not afraid to do, am venturesome doer; zeé-
toxtasso, the afraid ones; zeétoss hovae, those who are
afraid of something; enoéata, he is afraid of, (from
superstition, something tabooed). Some Ch.fear certain
animals or objects, which they superstitiously believe
to have occult or malevolent influence,e.g. homä eno-
éata, he is afraid, superstitious about the beaver; na-
xamaétoxta, I am naturally, simply afraid; étoxtastoz
nszhoehota, fear shall come upon thee; naétoxtasého, I
cause one to be afraid; étoxtasohestoz, cause of being
afraid. See fear. Inf. -ise- afraid of, hesitating, e.g.
eiseneoxz, he is afraid, hesitates to go; niiseēsztovo,
you are afraid to speak to one; nasaaiseneševe, I do
it without hesitation,fear.
after, inf. -eše [from -eš = lying] denotes the space
of time lying after a specified action or condi-
tion and done, e.g. naešemese, I am done eating (the
interval following the eating); nataešemesse, I shall,
will be done eating =after I shall have eaten. In the
sub.cj. the pref.ze-, preceding -eše- (becoming zee-
še-) -after, in the sense of being done,e.g.zeešeemes-
etto, after I had eaten (= being done eating). [Do not
confound with pref. zeheše- as, since]. When pref.ma-
or mata- precedes -eše-, (becoming mataeše- or maeše-)
it means after, being done, refer.to a mediate or imme-
diate future, e.g. mataešenaetto, after I shall be
dead; maeševōmo niszeoxzeo, after thou shalt have seen
him come hither. Thus zeeše- denotes after,refer. to
past, and maeše- or matae še after refer. to future.
Both prefixes govern the sub.cj. Inf. -hestoxe- =af-
ter, in the sense of behind; nahestoxhoeoxz, I came af-
ter, behind, last, not in front; letter n followed by
either one of the vowels a, and O carries the mean-
ing of "after" in the sense of succeeding, following,
getting; nanehea, I am after, following it; naneševos-
taneheve,I live accordingly, after it; enhē, he keeps at
(a place). Hence nanoxzevōmo, I seek one, ich suche
nach ihm; nanoxzeovo, I seek where he is; nanohoz hoe-
voxköz, I get meat, ich komme nach Fleisch; nanòzto-
vo, I inquire (after) of him; inf. -honaov(e)- im-
plies the one after, next to, second, next in rank to,
e.g. zehonaovevašitaevsz, the Vice-President; zehonao-
venitáesz, the one next to the master or ruler. While
letter n implies coordination, after, succeeding, the
contrary meaning is brot in by letter é, which implies
a stopping, ending = no more after, e.g. naénemese, I
stop eating; eénotovae, he is beheaded. Inf. -né- or
-ni- is eqv.to English pref, un- and in-,e.g. nanita-
vana, I change, unset its coordination; nanitana, I pull
it out (after it had been set in). See letter n. In
repetition of an action or condition, one after anoth-
er the Ch.use the reduplicating form, e.g, oešēva, day
after day every day;totāeva,night after night every
night; epopevoēta, one does good repeatedly; ehathavs-
evoēta,one does bad repeatedly; nameto, I give to one;
namometo, I give to each, one after another. Inf.
toe is also used for " one after another", e.g. eho-
toeanao hotoxceo, the stars are falling one after ano-
ther; ehotoehetovazeo, they follow, come one after each
other. See line, row.
afterbirth, hestahe. Is usually tied fast together and
placed in the crotch of a tree.
afternoon, zeešesitovōs or zeešénsitovōs, after the
middle of the day (ref. to past); mataešesi-
tovōs or mataešénsitovōs, afternoon = when it shall
be after the middle of the day. [Esitovos = it hangs
in the middle, sp. of the sun]. This expression is gen-
eral and can have ref. to the whole afternoon, from
1-4 o'clock, but when the time is to be stated more
exactly the terms -homōs and -kaōs are used. Zeešhom-
os, afternoon about 2-3 o'clock; zeešekaōs refers to
the time of the afternoon from 5-7 o'clock. These
terms become in disuse among younger Ind. who have
learned to divide the day into hours. Zenokxeo,ze-
nisxeo, zenanxeo, zenivxeo zeénsitovōs, 1,2,3 etc.o'c-
lock in the afternoon. Màvōna mataénsitovōs, to-morrow
afternoon; màvōna maénsitovōs matanisxeo, to-morrow af-
ternoon at 2 o'clock; han eševa zeešénsitovōs zènanx-
eo, the other day, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon; zis-
tóešesitovōs noxsetto zistakaōs, the whole afternoon
[lit.from the very middle of the being suspended un-
til it suspended short from (horizon)].Nistoha maoxc-
énsitovōs, every afteroon.
afterward, hohoma (on this side); hohomaevetto, shortly
afterward; nheš, then, then afterward; nìnitā,
after....until now, ever since, from there on until
now; niszetā, ever after, until here; hotama, soon af-
ter, gleich darauf.
again, -hosse- inf. again, a second time; -hot'se- = a-
gain and again, over and over; -evhâsse- = back a-
gain; -evhâtse- back again and again, repeatedly;
-honaov(e)- again as much. Ehosseneševe, one does it a-
gain; nahot'seneoxz, I go again and again; naevhâseme-
to, I give it back again (to one); eevhâtseneoxz, one
goes back again and again; nahonaovemetan, I am given
to again as much. Inf. -evha- = back, but is now also
used in the sense of "again"; naevhakaš goneve, I am a
child again (return to childhood). Hotxsetto,again
and again, over and over,e.g. hotxsetto nakokonoha he-
nitō, over and over I knock at the door.
against, -òne- and ònez-
verse, hostile.
as inf. denotes against,ad-
Naòneztovo, I behave adverse to
one [see adverse]; eòneztaetovàzeo, they are against
each other; eònehozeohe, he works against, (mit Wider-
willen) reluctantly; eòneztaenōhe, he looks adverse,
opposed; zeòneztaetōess, those who are against me, my
enemies.- Natohaheztovo
I am
against, oppose
one; natohahezesta, I am against it; ehetoeoxz,it
rolls (or.when sp.of stones) against; enxhetoeoxz,
(also or.) comes rollig against; navéstaenoz, he is my
opponent (Gegner); navéstaetovo, I am against (not
with) one. Inf. -vé- is used in the prohibitive form
and means "be not with", e.g. nivémesse, do not eat!
Inf. -ata- and -xaata- = against, straight against,
facing against. [See face]. Aōx, over against, the o-
ther side; onēota,against, contrary to; natōeovo, I go
against one (friendly or hostile); eveštōeoe hoema, it
is against the law; evešeòneztaetoe hoemanistoz, it is
against (inimical to) the law; hosz zestoētastovå e-
vešetōeoe hoemanistoz, some of the Ch. ceremonials are
against the law; napeoxta, it is against me, I disdain
it; naoxkanomeōhaevamo, vàtometto emasavoēta, against
my warning advice he leads a bad life.
age, -a- is the inf.denoting years [from a
ert state]; eòtnišeānama, one is twelve years of
age; zenišeānamassỏ, those of two years old, aged two;
zeheeães nstaneeahemâ, as he is old we shall be old;
zemxistoneveãesso, the ones of school age; emeševoze-
veāhe, he is of baby age; etoxtoeanama? What age has
he? Naveāhenoz, one is of my age; naveãhetova, I am of
his age; ehaeae, he is of age; esózeceae, he is still
young; naãenamoz, my years, my age; haeaestoz, the being
of age. See old, year. Totanoomē, in ages past, ref.to
epoch [totanoom, tozanoom, long ago]; nistavonoomē, an-
cient age, remote epoch; eoxnestoeamexov, in all the
ages, durch all die Zeiten; emahaciseveähe, er ist im
winter, in-
agency, meavehoeno, the agency (ref.to Ind.agency). Inf.
-veše- implies means, agency, instrumentality;heo-
motomeva èvešemanhaoxtoveneo, by the agency of his
breath (inspired word) there was a creation.When -veše-
is used, the accompanying n. agent. takes an ablative
form,usually sff.-eva or -ovå. Mere agency is express-
ed by sff. -eva added to the verbal stem,e.g. nameze-
vaena, I just hand it over; naonōsetanaeva, I am call-
ing, for another one; namanševaena, I merely make
ēsztomotxevàtoz, agency of speech = interpretation;
ēsztomotxevahe, n.agent. interpreter; nahessevaena, I
take it (not to keep), am instrunental of its being
taken; nahōènevaeno, I let one go out, am instrument of
his outgoing; nahotševaenā, he uses me, I am his tool,
instrument. [This agency form (-vaen) implies always
a short duration of the action or condition].
agent, meaveho, Ind. agent; emeaevehoeve, he is Ind. a-
gent. [from -mea to give, and veho whiteman].
Eēsztomotxevaeheve, one is interpreter, the instrument
of speaking; venootxevahe, instrument of saving.
agglomerate, see pile, heap together.
aggrandize, namahaana (in.) I make it large, enlarge. See
aggravate, ehonao vhoto anatto, it is the harder; ehonaov-
hotoanavoomen, one's suffering is aggravated;
hesthamoxtastoz ehonaovanez', his sickness is aggrava-
ted; ehonaovhāmoxta, one increases being sick; evešhon-
aovhotoanazhestàtov, by it the condition is aggravat-
Jasmine a
aggressive, enàkae, he is agg.active, industrious; eáeoz,
one becomes agg.attacking, assaulting; eveho-
nae, one is agg., goes ahead; ešévae, one is agg.dili-
aggressivness, nàkastoz, activity; aeozistoz, the rushing
at; vehonastoz, the going ahead; šévastoz,
diligence, promptness.
agitate, emomoxtōmeoz, it becomes ag., sp. of a body of
water; emomoxtōmeōstaha, it is violently agitat-
ed (sp.of water ag. by wind); namomoxtōmana màp, I ag.
the water; namomoxtana, I ag.it; namomoxtano, I ag.one
[from -momo- to move]; emomooz, it becomes ag., moving;
eoeotōmaha,it is ag. by wind (ref.to waves); namomoo -
sesz, I ag., cause it to move; naohāetanooz, I become
ag.excited (thinking pitched high); namomoxtōea or
namoxtōea, I ag.it, stir it (liquids); hovae etonševeš-
emomoxtōmeozistov, by some reason the waters became
agitated; nanxsovōea, I ag.it, stir it, durcheinander
rühren (of liquids) [also used in the fg.] See move.
agitation, momoozistoz,ag.,becoming moved;
istoz, the agitating; momoxtōmeozistoz, agita-
tion of waters (becoming so); momoxtōmanazistoz, the
agitation, moving of the water (when done by some
one); ohāetanoozistoz,agitation, excitement; emaxohãe-
tanoozistov, there is a great excitement;
zistov, there is a great excitment (in a crowd).
agitator, zemomoxtanensz, the one who agitates; momoxta-
neneo, momoosohe (caus.), the agitator; ohāeta-
nosohe,zeohāetanosōsz, the one who cause agitation, ex-
citement; zetaneneo zevešemomoxtōmane màp, instrument,
tool with which water is made to agitate;
ago, tozea, long ago; totánoom or tozanoom, the long ago;
totanoomē, in the long ago; esaahānexovhan, it is not
long ago; moxhezé, not long ago, awhile ago! This is
usually an exclamation, e.g. moxhezé ehoe! Was he not
here just a while ago!
agony, ôzetanonavo omenestoz, distressing, suffering. [-ô-
and -ôz- = break]; -tan ref. to mental condition
and -oomen implies suffering [rel. with drying]. See
agree, naamàta (in.) naamàtovo (or.) I agree, with, con-
sent to; emanohoto emàzeo, they agree together, are
of one accord; hestoxtaheonevo esaasēeznettanehez'
their testimony does not agree; inf. -sē- alike, con-
form to, harmonize; hapo nanešetan, I agree with, think
the same,am of the same opinion; emanohoemaneo, they
together make a law, agree in making a rule; eamàta
zetoseveoxzemas, he agrees to go with me.
agreeable, napevazesta,it is agr. to
me (I deem it
good); napevatamo, I deem one agr.; eaxaetan
nitove, one is ag.friendly, pleasant to me; emàtatame,
one (in.or or.) is agreeable, deemed so; ehotoa,one is
agreable (Ger.leutselig); nahotoazesta (in.), nahotoa-
tamo, (or.) I deem agreeable; ehotoatamano, it is agr.
sp. of weather or nature; ehotoeoz, it becomes agr.;
ehotoevostaneheve, one is agr.lives a pleasant life.
agreement, amatastoz, agr., consent; amatovazistoz, mutu-
al agreement (not written); ēšexhoemanistove,
the agreement has been made (law has been passed);
nanitovhoemanheme, we pass а law, an agreement toge-
ther; nimehaešho emamhemå na nimehaešemxana mxistō, we
had made an agreement and thou hadst signed the pa-
ague, n.natosevomoxtastoz, chilly feeling; nanatosevo-
moxta, I have the ague, chills; [-natos cold].
ahead, evehona, one goes ahead, is progressive,
ive; maeto, in front; maeto etaešeneoxz, he has
gone ahead; nanitáe, I am ahead, ruler, master; maeto
eheznetto, it goes, proceeds (gestaltet sich) ahead;
maeto naameoxzetova, one goes ahead of me; maeto naa-
meoxzevo,I go ahead of one (of one's going); etašenis-
taaseoxz, he has gone ahead, beforehand; maeto èmēsta-
no zetoshes soz', he explained (reflect.m) that which
was going to be.
aid, v.See help. Navistämo, I aid assist one; naomotaho,
I aid, assist one (stehe für ihn ein). [This -omo-
ta- is used in the substitutive m. See gr.].
aid, n.vistämosanistoz, faculty of helping; vistämazis-
toz,aid, mutual assistance. Zèvistämas nanšhesshoe-
oxz, I came here by his aid. See help.
ail, namek ehāmatto, my head ails; naēvhāmata, I am ail-
ing; natotonstae, I am ailing; nasaapevomoxtahe, I do
not feel well, am ailing, feel indisposed. See ache,
ailment, hāmatazistoz; heovasz hešehāmatazistoz naešho-
ehota, all sorts of ailment have come to me; he-
to nahesthāmatazistov, this is my ailment; zaahāmata-
zistovhan, there will be no ailment; totonstàtoz, ail-
ment, infirmity; saapevomoxtahestoz, feeling
ed,not well; onševostanehevestoz, a life of ailments.
aim, t'sē either detached or infixed implies: with a
purpose, aiming for, determined, e.g. t'sē naneševe, I
do it purposely; in the sense of being "set towards,
facing to", the letter t expresses aim, set purpose
[see t]. Natazeoxz, I go there, to a place; täno, there
(pointing forward). The mental suff. -tan implies the
inward desire, intent toward an object, e.g.namesetan,
I want to eat; easeoxzetano, they desire to leave. The
-tan implies the aim in thot or desire. The o implies.
object, aim, e.g.meo etaoeoz, the road reaches at;
hoeoxz, I arrive; e(h)oaena maātano, he points, aims the
gun,objects it; henova zehessetovaneoxzess? What is
the aim, purport of your going? [Inf.hessetova-, or
-hešetova- = purporting; zehešetovatto what it pur-
ports]. Nanosenaha zexhōmaōez, I get at,reach the aim,
goal (one had set for us); [zexhōmaovo, where I put a
blanket for one. The Ch.used a robe or blanket to de-
signate the goal in races]. Inf. -he- implies aim in
the sense of "have to, am bound to", e.g.nahevehomo, I
aim, am bent on seeing him. This would be said while
in the act of going to see one. When the action is
not yet carried out, only intended, the desiderative m.
is used,as: navehōmatanotovo, I desire, aim to see one.
The v. -hoahe- run for, covet,like,is sometimes used
in the sense "to run, tend towards an aim or goal", as:
nahethoahe, I am after;nahethoahe zetoseamhaetto,I run
(in order) to obtain. I all divers expressions there
is no special verb or noun for aim as we have
Eng., altho the meaning is conveyed as above mentioned
or by using following forms: tâ nahethoahe, there is
my liking, aim, goal; eoxksaaeštāeozé, one is without
purpose, aim, does not reach anywheres. [From etāeoz =
it reaches completely]. Niononevetto
vé, I do not live without aim, ignorantly; haeš eoxksa-
aešhoohe, one has no further goal,aim; toxtomonetto e-
saaĕszé, one does not speak aimlessly. See aimless.
aimless, toxtomone- aimlessly, toxtomonetto [used de-
tached]; nionone and niononevetto, at random,
without aim, ignorantly; nionone nasaaneševé, I do it
not with ignorance, without aim; niononevetto eoxchaô-
na, he worships in an aimless way, without system (Ger.
blindlinks); etoxtomonevostaneheve, one lives unregu-
lated,aimlessly (hit or miss); natoxtomona, I am aim-
less; niononevetto examavostaneheveo, they simply live
in ways of ignorance, without system or rule; haeš e-
oxksaaešhoohe, he comes nowheres, has no aim,no goal;
eoxksaaeštaeozé, one reaches no goal,no aim; nataome-
vhanetoxtoetan, I have no aim, merely surmise; nataome-
vhanetoxtoeoxz, I go without aim, having nothing speci-
al in view. [toxto means plain, prairies, boundless,not
limited]. Taomevhanetoxtoetanoxtoz, mere conjecture;
taomevhanetoxtoeoxzıstoz,natural free, aimless going.
[Taome self (von selbst), natural, of one's own ac-
cord; -vhane- merely]. Taome vhanetoxtoevostaneheves-
toz, natural free,unrestricted life. [Toxtoevostanehe-
vestoz,prairie life,unrestricted life].
air, omotom; omotomestoz, the air that one breathes.
[Oomotom is also used for inspired word in the Ch.
religious terminology. Eomotomeve, it is air, breath;
otatavoom,air region, space, the bluelodge or dome; ea-
hanomotom, one pants, gasp for air. See breathe. Zeheše-
nōs, one's air,mien, how he looks. Suff. -non denotes
air in the sense of tune, melody. See song.
airship, semo zeamehatto, flying boat; éoahamazistoz, the
aisle, zeōmepoota, zeōme popoota (pl.) that which is open
between a row [also used for streets]. Hotoma mo-
hēoxzemhayo zeōmepopoota, the aisles in the meeting
house; [zeōmepopoota mâevehoeno, the streets in town].
ajar, etataota henitō, the door stands ajar, open; etata-
hame,it is flung ajar (door,lid).
akimbo, -zeškseona-; nazeškseonàn, I walk akimbo; ezeš-
kseonaeo, he stands akimbo.
akin, see related and relationship.
alacrity, ševetanoxtoz, alacr.willingness,diligence; šé-
vastoz, alacr.(state) Inf. šéve- =with
vivacity, sprightliness, e.g.etašéveaseoxz, he left with
alarm, v.enotxeva, he gives the alarm,
announces stran-
gers (from noz alien); naohaetano oz, I become al-
armed,excited in feeling; naseaovo, I arouse one from
sleep; ehomôozeo, they become alarmed, are in a commo-
tion; emasóhèpôoóeo, they become suddenly alarmed,
frightened; nahèpoetan, I am al. entertain fears; nahè-
poetanoho, I cause one alarm; nahèpoestomohe,I am al-
arming (by words); nahèpoesetaneva, I am an alarmist;
eohãoanistov, it is an alarming report; eohaotōeneo,he
looks alarmed, frightened; axxev eoxzcetahame hooxceo-
aseoxzistovez', the bell is rung when there is a fire;
nahèpoemo, I alarm one (by words); našeševaosemo, I al-
arm, waken one by noise.
alarm, n.notoxe vàtoz, sound of alarm (also the call to
arms); enotoxevatove, the alarm is sounded; ohae-
tanoxtoz,alarm, apprehension; ohāetanoozistoz, alarm,
sudden excitment; homôozistoz, sudden commotion, alarm;
masóhèpôozistoz, sudden alarm, fright; hèpoetanoxtoz
alarm (within one), dread; hèpotanoozistoz, the becom-
ing alarmed, filled with apprehension; hèpoestomohes-
toz, the alarming, by words; hèpoesetane vàtoz, alarmist
disposition; šeševaose-kokoxaseo (or šeševaostomohe),
the alarm clock, Ger.Wecker.
alas, ahahē! interj. exclamation
of woe or regret; a!
long drawn out with subdued voice is an exclama-
tion of sorrow, great astonishment,
with the hand held before the mouth.
alcohol, veho emàp, the water of the white man; evèhoe-
màpeve, it is alcohol.
ale, mènemàp, also used for beer.
alert, eohānàkae, one iš alert, industrious; inf. -ševe-
=with alertness, quickness; ševeneoxzz, be quick
about going! ešévae, one is alert; šévetanoz,get busy
be alert! -hohoomē- alert (in the sense of watchful);
hohoomēto (when detached from the v.); enonahaxka, he
is alert, brisk,nimble; enonahaxczesta, one is of alert,
brisk,agile disposition; enahetan, one is alert,on his
alertness, ohānàkastoz, state of being busy, industrious,
(Ger. grosser Fleiss); šévastoz, alertness
(stat.) šévetanoxtoz, alertness in thot,diligence; šé–
vezetanenistoz, alertness in doing something with the
hands; šéveam'nistoz, alertness in walking;
toz, alert in disposition, friendly, merciful
tion.; [šivatamahestoz, mercifulness, favorable
sition]. The words šivaztastoz and šivaztamahestoz
are much used in religious terminology and denote
pity, mercy, grace, favor. Nonahaxkastoz, alertness,
briskness, agility; nonahaxczestastoz, alertness,agili-
ty (in disposition); nahetanoxtoz, alertness, watchful-
ness, the being on one's guard.
alien, n.noz (masc.), nota (fem.), alien, foreigner; not'-
son,foreign child, young alien; nanozeve, I am an
alien; nozevestoz, the being an alien; hestõevostan,
alien, outsider; nahestõevostaneheve, I live as an ali-
en; hestōhetan, alien man; hestōhee, alien woman; hes-
tõevostanehevestoz, foreign way of living; nahestõevo-
staneheveto vàzheme, we are strangers towards each o-
ther; hestōhistanov, foreign world; zehestchestasso,
the alien born (ones).
alien, adj.rendered by inf. -noze- alien, foreign:
zeēsz,enozevoan, he speaks foreignlike; inf.,-he-
stōe- from outside, ehestōhesta, he is alien born, an
outsider; -notova- = foreign, alien (from another
place); nanotovaeoxz, I roam from my place, am home-
less,barbaric, not within a nation, country or associa-
tion; enotovaeo, they are alien; enotovaeveo, they are
aliens; nanotovaetovo, I am alien to one; enotovatto,
it is alien; enotoxe vàtov, it is a calling for stran-
gers sound alarm when strangers come (in war times
or otherwise); notovatto evostaneheve, he leads the
life of an outsider, outcast,waif.
alienate, v.naovahāovo, I al.myself, separate
naasevoeovo, I separate myself from one;
venosàz, I alienate myself from; navovenosàzetovo, I
al.myself from one.
alienation, ovahāovazistoz, the being alienated; asevoe-
ovazistoz, alienation, separation; vovènosàzi-
stoz, alienation, disassociation.
alight', ehōešeš, it al. (or.) (from flight); etaõeš,it
alights on (or.); .zistaōeš,(or,) where one a-
lighted; zistaōea, where it alighted,lit; eōeš hoxze-
zeva,(or.) it alights on the tree; hohona eōeš, the
from one;
stone (or.) alights [màpeva, on the water, mhayon, the
house]. Eōéa, it alights; eōstao,it alights (when re-
maining suspended, as on trees or on houses); eséao,it
alights (into water); naomevonèn, I alight, from a
horse or wagon, by descending; naomekaax, I alight, by
jumping from,off.
alike, inf. -sē- -alike, the same; esehesso,it is alike;
esaasēnessohan, it is not alike, it is different;
esēhessonsz, they (in.) are alike; esaasēhessohane-
hensz (in.) they are not alike; esēhessonetto, it acts
alike, is the same; esaasehessonettan, it is not alike;
esẽešeneo, they look alike (or.),ref.to face; esẽhesta-
o, they (or.) are alike, ref.to state, condition; ešēpe-
vaeo, they are good alike, of the same goodness; esēto-
anistov, it is the same speech, it is uttered alike; e-
sēez'netto, it is alike (Ger.es äussert sich
gleich); esaasēeznettan, it is not alike, behaves, acts
not alike; esēešeamataeo, they have pains alike (or.);
-sēeše- alike, sp. of people; esēeševostaneheveo, their
customs are alike; esēešeexan, he has the same eyes;
esēetova, (or.) it has the same fur, is furred alike;
esētóēva, one (or.) is of same skin; esētotav, it is of
the same color; esētotao,it is of same size; esētota-
eta, he is of same size; eseetosso, it is of the same
length; esētostone, it (or.) is of same length (sp. of
thread, rope); esētonotto, it is of same thickness; e
seetoehōsta, it is low alike; esehestota, it is high a-
like (standing objects); esethastota, it sets alike
very high; esehestohoe, same height,sp.of trees, poles,
something planted; esēzechestahe, one is short
esetohomao, the same elevation (low) of ground; esēe-
kiess, it is alike of short length; esēekass, it is of
the same short distance; esekasexov, it is of the same
short time; esēeszehenao, they are shirted, coated a-
like; esēesaneo, they dress alike; zsēhessosz, those
(in.) being alike; zsētotavēsz, those of same colors;
(in.) zsēhestasso, the ones (or.) being alike; zsēeto-
vassỏ, the ones (animals) of the same fur (color; zsē-
etotaosz, the ones (in.) of same size; zsētotaetasso,
same size (or.pl.); zsēetostonēs, the one (or.) of same
length (sp.of ropes and thread) or long cylindrical
bodies; zsētóēvasso, those (or.) of the same skin;
zsēetotaevetovasso, the ones of the same thickness in
body; zsētàpetasso, those (or.) of same volume, capaci-
ty, bigness; zsētàpeosz, the ones (in.pl.) of same vol-
ume, bulkiness; zsēetososz, those (in.pl.) of same
length; zsēēstonēsso, the ones (or.pl.) of the same
length of body; zseetostasso, the ones alike (or.pl.)
in height, tallness; zsēetoeāesso, those (or.pl.) of
same age. See same, kind.
alimentary, zevešemesestov, wherewith is to eat; zeveše-
màtameve, wherewith
alimentary canal.
there is food; mhaestomohestoz,
align, see row, line, straight.
alive, adj.nšeametan (while living); eametanen, one is
alive; esaa-ametanenettan, it is not alive; esóea-
metanen, one is still alive, living; hovèn eametanen,
one is barely alive. See alert, brisk.
all, nitao, all in a general sense, rarely infixed; zehe-
tā- pref.gov.the sub,cj.denotes "the reach of", all
of them, or all of it,e.g.zehetaepeva, all that which
is good; zehetaepe vaevoss, all who are good; zetohetā-
has the same meaning, only that the o every one;
tohetaepevoētavoss, all, every one of those who are
"good-doers"; zetohetāehoneo, all, everything
grows; Inf. -mae- or -mä- and -mhä- all of it, e.g.
nszemäaena, thou shalt own all of it; emäheneenovahe, he
is a knower of it all. [Not to be confused with inf.
-ma-, -mam- which implies bigness, bulkiness (Ger.um-
fangreich), large body of it, e.g. emamota, it stands,
sets in bulk; zemhaōmoeha, the ocean, the great body of
waters]. Nšemätto (detached), all of it; mhastoz, the
all of it; namhastonan, the all of us, our
whole comp-
any; nimäozhemå, we are all together, we bunch togeth-
er; etamäneoxzeo, they all went there; nšemaetto and
nimaestovaetto all of me, together; nšemaétto and ni-
maestovaétto the all of thee together; nšemaes and
nimaestovaes the all of one together; nšemaez and ni-
maestovahez the all of us together; nšemaéss and ni-
maestovaéss the all of you together; nšemaevoss and
nimaestovaevoss the all of them together; nšematto
and nimaestovatto the all of it together; nistoxet-
to, all of me; nistoxétto,all of thee; nistoxs, all of
one, every single one; nistöxez, all of us; nistôxess,
all of you; nistôxevoss, all of them. [The o in the
pl.forms becomes so short as not to be pronounced
all and we write usually nistxez, nistxess,nistxe-
voss]. Nistasz, all of those (i.pl.).— Nistnovaez, the
whole of us; nistnovaéss, the whole of you; nistnova-
evoss, the whole of them; nistnovatto, the whole of it;
nistnovāsz, the whole of them (in.pl.). Nitaeta, all of
my stature; nitaéta, all of thy stature; nitaetas, all
of one's stature; nitaetaz, all of our stature; nitāe-
tass, all of your stature; nitāetavoss, all of their
stature; zehetao, all of its stature, size; nistxestoz,
the all (Ger.die Gesammtheit) sp.of or.beings: nanis-
txistonan, our all (Ger.unsere Gesammtheit); nanistx-
heme, we are all (of us); enistxeo, they are all of
them (or.); enistansz, they are all of those (in.
pl.); etoomenistxeo, they remain, abide firm togeth-
er; nistxenov, the all of, (Insgesammtheit); heovasz =
all kinds of, e.g. heovasz hešemenoz, all kinds of
all kinds of
berries; anonatto heovasz heševostaneo,
people (mixed up); zeoxtohetāomao, all over the land;
zeoxtohetãoxoss, all over one's body (hemekon noxset-
to heszehesseva from head to foot); zeoxtohetāeame-
hoesso, all thru them, all of them, who are sitting.
This pref.zeoxtohetā- (with sub. cj. is used in the
sense of over or thru, as examples show. Zeoxtohetãe-
mazeomeve, all thru the spring. When "all" implies mo-
ving together (Ger.mit Sack u.pack), journeying with
belongings, or "packing" [when pack =to bear as a
load], then sff. -ē or -ehe is used, e.g. naasēheme, we
leave with all,packing all; ehoxovēheo, they all cross
the river (Ger.mit Sack u.Pack); natâehetanon,hoe, we
come with all our belongings to land; exoxovehetanov
ohe, they crossed the river with all their belongings;
ehoxovehestoveneo, there was a crossing with the
packs. Nahoēme, we have come with all; ehoehestov,
there is an arriving with everything. Inf. -hovo-
(sometimes without h) =all together as one fold. Ho-
voetto, all together (in a collective sense), as a
whole; ehovho eoxzeo, they come all together, all of
them. This inf. -hovỏ- or -ov- is extensively used in
n.and v.forms, as: ninitoveaenanon, we own it in com-
mon; enisovatto, it is twofold. [It is also used as
suff.in the endings -tove and -nove; emesestov, it is
eaten; emesenov, there is an eating (Ger. es
wird ge-
gessen, man isst) implying "folded" action; naēsztovo,
I speak to (with) one]. Nomoss, all the time, ever; me-
sēto,mešsz, all the time, always;as inf.-mese- and -a-
mese- always, all the time is used, but not
e.g. naamesetaetovo, I am with one all
the time,
always; nitao tataetta, all around, that surrounds, the
surrounding vista; taxtano om means the same only is an
old and more ceremonial term, it denotes the region in
view above the horizon; nimaoetto, all around, about,
refers not to a line around, but the whole surface;
tāe zeēso,all the night long. [Inf. -vōn- -thru the
whole night,as: evōnēvèn, he walks about the whole
night thru]. Zehetãoxsetto,all of my body, flesh; ze-
hetãoxoss,all of one's body (see suff.of sub.cj.);
hóehaetto hóyāetto, all the same, even, just the same
[what would not be expected]; Maheo, the All-Father,
All-One; eame vonèn, one goes on all fours; -masó- inf.
= all of a sudden, suddenly; èmasóaeozetovovō, all of a
sudden they rushed at them; Mämanstomanehe, All-Crea-
tor; inf. -mat- (and -matx- before an aspired sound)
denotes "all out" = entirely, completly, as: ematane, it
is all used up (so there is no more of it); emaseoz,
it becomes all used up, (Ger.verschwindet); namatoan,
I have uttered all (I had to say); ematxiston, he has
written all (completely); emathoxtovàtove,it
is all,
entirely sold; eoxcematxpe võva, it does all, entirely,
dissolve in water. [From -mat entirely, all; -hòp- =
dissolve, melt; and sff. -ōva water or liquid].
allay, -oan- inf. =subside, cease gradually; naoanaxano,
I allay,quieten one. See peace. Navešhaomoxta, I
allay with; toxtoehovàn evešhaomoxtanov, hesthaōnstov,
the wild animals allay
thirst with it; nahao-
moxtoého, I cause one to be pacified, I allay his feel-
ing; nahāomosého, I allay one (pacify); nahāamosetano-
tovo, I want to allay one; naekōvaoz nao estōnatoz, I al-
lay my thirst (lit. I wet my dry throat). See abate,
subside, pacify.
allegiance, vistomōanistoz, all. to, covenant. [From navi-
stomōan I promise by oath, in smoking]
vistomchaovo, I promise allegiance to one; navistomō-
haovo zevistamōnanetto, I swear all. to one (or.).
alleviate, navèpanaovo, I alleviate one;
maného, I make one to feel easier, alleviated;
naénoxeno, I all.unburden one; naénoxena, I am allevia-
ted; naénoxeoxz, I walk alleviated, unburdened; nahomo-
eno (see unload), I all.take off a load; naoanaxano,
all.relieve one; naoanaxāmoxtaman, I cause relief, I
all.the feeling; naoanaxanomoxtae, I feel alleviated;
navèpanāmoxtae, I feel all. light. [Rad.vèp- =light,
empty; -moxta- physical feeling; -ox as sff. -packed,
burdened; -énox- unpacked, ending the burden; -oan- =
allay, subside, calm down. [Inf. -masto- =not in use
but available, released, relieved, not with, stripped;
namāstohano, I all.relieve one, as a relay horse; emās-
tohahe, one is all.relieved, stripped from; emastoheoz,
one becomes deprived of; ēševhamastoheoz, he is single
again (after having been married)]. Eoxchaomoxtaomo-
etto,it alleviates, gives relief (as of medecine); na-
evhaénomata, my pain is all.,relieved; navèpanaox, I am
all. (from burden; nahāomosého, I cause one allevia-
tion; nahāomosetanotovo, I desire to all.one. Nasèpo-
tomaovo, I all. one, from strain; nasèpotostahaovo,I
all.one's heart.
alleviation, vèpanamoxtastoz (in feeling); vèpanaoxis-
toz,all. [from burden, also used fg.]; oana-
xanestoz, all., calm; énoxenàtoz, all. from burden; oana-
xamoxtastoz, calm, alleviated feeling or condition; sè-
potomaovazistoz, alleviation from great strain; sépo-
tostahàtoz,all.relief of heart. See relief.
alley, see street, aisle.
alliance, see fellowship. Manohoemazistoz., common (mutu-
al) alliance; nistxnoemazistoz, the being all-
ied together, being all together; vistaetovazistoz, mu-
tual fellowship, alliance; manohevis'onemazistoz,alli-
ance of friendship, brotherhood; manohoemanistoz,alli-
ance, pact; visthozezevemazistoz, alliance, accomplici-
ty; visthozezevestoz, the consorting, being allied
with; momeno hestaneo zehešemanohoemazevoss, the alli-
ance which groups of nations have made (=the mutual
laws they have passed for each other). Vistoxestoz,
all.of warriors.
allied, navistamaozetovo, I become allied to one; navis-
thoemazemo, I am allied to one; navisthozezevemo,
I am allied, accomplice with one; nahevis'onemo, I am
friend with one; naves tax or navestox, I am all. (as
warrior). Navistohènemo, I am allied with one (am of
same mind). The inf. -ve-, -vesse- (which becomes
vest- or -vist- before an aspired sound) implies as-
sociation, being allied, fellowship, as: naveàz, I am
with; navessevo, I am allied go with one.
alligator, hestanová.
allot, nahestoaovo, I allot land to one (make that he
have land; etaomohe, one is allotted (measured
land) [natāa,I fit one with; natāomevo, I measure unto
one]. Zehestoaoesso, the allotted ones (land); ninehov
zehestoaonétto, thou who art allotted land; natāevamea,
I allot, give by measure; taevavetto eoxcemometo SOSS
hestamevo, he allots to each one their food; zetaevao-
netto, that which is allotted, measured for me; hovae
soss zemezz, what is allotted to each in particular
(lit.thing particularly given to one) zenhestohazēsz
makätansz soss ninetaomōenonsz, so much money he allo-
tted to each of us (lit.that much monies particularly
he measured unto us); enahan vostanehevestoz Maheo
zetaomōez, this is the life which God has allotted,
appointed to us.
allotment, tāomosanistoz; hesthoaovazistoz,all.of land;
zehesthoaonetto, my allotment; hoe zetãomonet-
to, my all., the land measured to me; séozehoe, dead land
(allotment of a dead Ind.) séozehosz (pl.); naehosz
(pl.) nāehoe (sg.), land, allotment of "died" ones,
one. [Do not confound with naeohe Dead river].
allow, nanizeovo, I allow, permit one; nanizeon, I am all-
owed; nanizeomon, it is permitted to me; esaanize-
oehan,it is not allowed; esaanizeovazistovhan, it is
not permissive; zetā ninizeon, hèpetto hovahan, thus
far thou art allowed, not further; nizeovsz emeaseoxz-
etto! Allow me to leave (that I may leave); inf. -ox-
and also -oxkanom- allowing, in the sense of conced-
ing,granting, otherwise....but,as: naoxkanomemahacise-
heve,granted the fact, allowing that I am an old man;
eoxpeva oha emevešhavsevevostanehevstovez', allowing
that it is good, but it may lead to a bad living; eox-
tatonetto navàtomehozeohe, allowing that it be very
cold, I work just the same. Nasaanizeoné zemeēszetto,I
am not allowed to speak.
allowable, enizeovazistov, it is all.; esaaneševstovhan,
it is not all.admissible, not to be done;
manistovhan, it is unlawful,not all.;enizeomohe, it is
all.to one; esaanizeomohehe, it is not all.to one;
meneševstov, it is all., admissible, can be done; esaa-
nhastōehan, it is all.,not tabooed; enhastonestov, it
is forbidden, tabooed, not allowable.
allowance, nizeovazistoz; zenizeomonetto, my all., that
which is allowed to me; soss zetotāevamezes-
så, the allowance, apportion to each [see allotment].
Zeoxsaanizeovôvo etanšeneoxzé, he went without my
all., permission; esaanizeoehe, allowance is not given
one;nohass hama vistoētastoz esaanizeomohenov, all. to
any religious doing is not (given) them, they are not
anxiety, heomstôtanoxtoz and hōmstôtanoxtoz.
anxious, naôzetan, I am anx., worried; nahe omstôtan, I am
anx., preoccupied; nahōmstôtan, I am anx., ap-
prehending; nahessôzetanotovo, I am anx.about him; na-
vōmatanotovo, I am anx., eager, desirous to see one. The
mental sff. -tan, (tanota for the in. and -tanotovo
for the or.) denotes eagerness, desire, anxious for; e-
ohāveàzetan, one is very anxious to go along. See de-
siderative m.in the Ch. gr.
mang mga
any, nohas, nahas, any; ahas, and any; nohass emetonitāe-
onetto, any amount (size); tonstoxnov, any amount
(number). When connected with a n. nohass and nahas
take a final e except when the n. begins with an as-
pired sound; nohase nha, anybody; nohas hetan,any man;
nohashama, any (matters not which); nohashama tonexove-
va, at any time; nohase nasz, any one; nohase nasz ze-
hestxevoss nisaavōmohe? Did you see any one of them?
anyhow, vàtometto,notwithstanding; as inf. -vàtom (e)—;
evàtomeneoxz, he goes anyhow; inf, -tanš- is used
for anyhow, at times,as: nivéneoxz naxheta,na natanše-
neoxz, he told me not to go, but I go anyhow.
anything, nohas hovae; hamanaes, most anything; nohas
hama zemezetto nazeve šepevetan, anything thou
givest me, I shall be glad of it; tonxestoe, anything,
whatsoever; hovae esaa-amhahe, he received not any-
thing; ponoxta exhoèn, he came without anything, empty
anyway, rendered by inf. -tanše-; natanšemesse, I eat
anyway; nitanšehozeohemå, let us work anyway; no-
has etonshāmoxtaeoz, anyway (not known how) he got
jordane post
anywhen, nohashama tones, at any time whatever.
anywhere, nohase t'sa,wherever.
anywise, rendered by the negative inf. -saaxama-; esaa-
xamapevahe, nor is he anywise good, in no wise
Apache, Mozeeonhetan (sg.); Mozeeonhetaneo (pl.). Ac-
cording to Mooney [see Memoirs of the Anthropo-
logical Assoc.Vol.I, Part 6,p.426] this name refers to
"people using the rasp fiddle". While not contradict-
ing this, I simply state here that moze is used a pre-
fix for the larger male animals, as: mozeehotoa, bull
(of buffaloes); mozevehoehotoa, bull (of cattle); mo-
zènoham, stallion; mozenako, male bear. The mozeeon in
itself designates a medecinal herb (also mozenista)
used to promote the flow of the breasts. The proper
name Mozeeōeve sweet root.
apart, inf. -áe-, áeš-, oáe- and -oáeš- denote apart, by
self; the ending -eš refers to a passive state,
while the o before ae and aeš implies distributive
meaning; eáehōemàz,he counts himself apart, separate
from others; eáehoe, he sits apart, by himself; nioáe-
hoemå, we sit apart, by ourselves; nioáehoetovaz, I sit
apart from thee; naoáehanō, I take them apart, sort
them (or.); naevhaáešeoz, I become apart, by myself; na-
áešvostaneheve, I live apart; nioáešvostanehevhema, we
each live apart; eoáešhistanoveo, they are living a-
part,as people; inf. -nohé- apart, aside, deviating
from; nanohéno nitovå, I put him apart, aside
from me;
nanohéoz, I become "side tracked". See separate. Inf.
-vohov- denotes apart, asunder (of objects put toge-
ther); evohovaeo, they come apart (as shingles,flooring,
which are spoken of as or.) evovohovšen they lie,come
apart; evohovonatto, it breaks apart (anything around,
cylindrical); evohovonattonsz (pl.); evohoveoz, it
comes apart; navohovao vàzheme, we keep apart from each
other; navohovaovo, I keep apart from one; evovohovo-
heo, they come apart (as flooring). The reduplication
of -vo designates plr.distributive meaning; naoninxa-
nen, I take apart; -oninxana (in.), -oninxano (or.),
also demolish; áešeozess nitovå nimesaatoneōsaneheme,
apart from me, ye can do nothing,
ye can do nothing, ye cannot prevail;
hevaoáešeozetovess nimesaatoneōsaneheme, being apart
from me,ye cannot prevail; emōsetto, apart, secretly;
-mōs- inf. secretly; naemōseēsztovo, I speak
apart, secretly.
apathetic, esaanitomo tsané, one is apa., without feeling;
to one
ehózenitomo tsan, he is apa., cannot feel; màzhesta zsa-
aomatôhan,an apa. heart; esaaxama-tonšetanoheonevé,he
is apa.,simply indifferent.
apathy, saanitomo tsanehestoz, ap., the having no feeling;
saatonšetanoxtoz, ap., indifference.
provatno po
ape, n.hotamevostan, person dog; make-vostan, ape, monkey;
make is corruption of the Eng.monkey.
ape, v.nahoxeszeha, one apes, counterfeits me; voz ape,
imitate in acts or gestures; this word is not a ver-
bal f. but implies mimicking. See imitate.
apex, honoc, apex, point; -tonocnanoss-
extreme apex, ex-
tremely (used as infix); hekamōnôon, apex, pinnacle,
apheresis (aphesis), is indicated in Ch. by the small
ring (°) over vowel, as nitova, eszistovå, ax°-
xev.. In other places the aphe.is shown by the apos-
trophe,as: eēsz'neo for eēszèneo. The e or i of nouns
ending in -estoz or -istoz
-istoz becomes apocopated when
they add more syllables, as: navostanehevestoz, my
life; nivostanehevstonan. The vowels O and a in the
syllables ox and ax become apocopated when more syl-
lables are added, as: eēstax, he steps in; eestxeo, they
step in; nistoxs, each becomes nistxeo =all.
aphonia, hóze-ešehahestoz, not able to voice,hoarse.
apiece, in the sense of each, every, is rendered by o and
reduplication of first consonant in the word,
nasz =one; nonasz, one apiece; nononasz, one apiece
(many times); noniš two to one; nononiš, two to each,
two apiece; nonive, four to one; nononive, four
each, apiece; nametonoz maxenoz, I give to one apples;
namometonovoz, I give them each apples; nononasz maxem
namometonov, I give to them an apple apiece.
apologize, natamestomovo zehešhavsevo anetto, I will
to one for my speaking bad; heto zehešhavse-
veoxhetaz naevhaasetana, I take away what evil I had
said to thee; naevhameseoz zehešhavsevoéaz, I repent,
apologize, for havin illtreated thee; nahavsevoan e-
tov, tätō,go and tell him that thou hadst spoken evil
concerning him (lit. I spoke bad concerning thee,go
and tell him)
arithmetic, zeoxceōstonstov, the numbering, counting.
ark, semonemhayo, the ark (boat-house); vistomōhane-ve-
šeēseo,ark of covenant. [Navistomōhan, I make
a covenant; vešeēseo =case].
v.naheskovanen, I am armed (with weapons); nahesko-
vaneoz, I become armed [from heškov =that which is
thorny, pointed]. Formerly this ref. to bows, arrows,
spears and knives. Nahemahatano, I am armed with a
gun, have a gun; kao enoèn, he is armed with, carries
revolver; namhonooxan, I am armed (provided with club
or stones); emãesena, he is without arms, unarmed.
arm, (weapon) n.heskovaneo (anything to stick or pierce
with), heskovaneonoz (pl.); naheskovaneon, I have
arms. See armor.
arm, n.maàz, the arm, maàzenoz (pl.); naàz, my arm; naàze-
neva, in my arm (or arms) or in my hand; maàz-mazeno-
ne,arm pit; natossenaevaena, I am long armed, overlong;
natoksenaevaena, I am short armed; nahestatamōnasso, I
cut his arm (at shoulder); ehãesenaevaena, he is long
armed (one arm): ehathãesenaevaena, he is long armed
(both arms); ekokaena, the arm is short,ref.to sleeve;
nahenehavenaeva, I lift the arms; nahenehavenaevao, I
stand with uplifted arms; nahenehavenaevàn, I walk with
uplifted arms; nahenehavenaevaeno, I uplift one's arms;
nazeenaeoe, I stand with outstretched arms; naheameze-
enaeoe, I stand with arms outstretched upward; naan-
hônaevao, I stand with downward arms; nahotxavenaevao,
I stand with crossed arms; etamenaevaena, he has a
stumped arm (is one armed); etotamenaevaena, he is arm-
less (both arms stumped); ēsenaevaoxtoz, armhole (in
sleeve), to which sleeve is attached; otaenaevaoxtoz,
open arm hole, as in sleeveless vest; navešeàzenanoto,
I sheath his arms, fitting closely, similar to gloving;
namanoeàzenaeto, I tie, bind his arms, hands together;
nahotameàzenaeto, I tie one's arm or hands behind his
back; nanskoxtseno, I hold one in my arms; nanskoxtse-
na (in.); naeénaevaena, I am with a broken arm; the
inf.-naeva- with arm; the added sff.-ena is a verbal
adj.form which denotes "provided with"; ohotomezis-
tov,armful; eamōs, he stands with arms stretched for-
wards, palms downward. [The same word may mean: he
floats on, from -ões to be suspended].
armor, mahataeszehen, armor, coat of mail (lit. metal
coat); mahataevsanistoz, armor, war dress; [mahata
=metal, iron, + eszehen coat, shirt]. Meoevhoned, ar-
mor [meo =warring honeō apparel]; makätaevhone on =
armor,metal apparel; namahätaevhoneonaovo,I cloth him
with armor; naeseonaoto mahätaevsanistoz, I put armor
on one (lit. I sheath one the armor); namhätaevsaneno,
I clad one with armor [from naēs'aneno, I clad one];
namahätaeszehenano, I coat one with armor; emahätaes-
zehena, he is provided with armor; mahätaeszehenàtoz,
the being provided with a coat of mail. The Ch.proper
"Mahataeszehen" is usually translated "Iron-
Shirt". Nameoevsan, I am clad for war. See war.
army, maxenokova-notxevestoz, [maxe large,+ nokova =
collected in one, notxevestoz the being warrior
(from notax warrior)]; emaxenokova-notxevetto, it is
a great army; zeheszemēness hozeo heno txistov, the ar-
my of the angels; t'sa zèmomeno enotxevstov, where dif-
ferent army corps are; emaxhaenōheo, there is an army
of them (they are a great many); emaxhaenonoensz
(in.); zehetahenotxemetōess ehahaneoxtó, his whole ar-
my, all his warriors, is approaching; Maheo zehenotxe-
metōess, God's army (his warriors);
toess, my whole army, the whole of my warriors.
aroma, pavemeeozistoz, good smelling.
aromatic, epavemeeozistov, it is ar., of good smelling.
around, nimaoetto, all around, on all sides (of a plane);
ahāetto, around, in the sense of away from, a-
voiding it; enimaōsta, it orbs around; enimaeoxz, he
walks around; eahāeoxz, he walks around, making a byway;
eahāeoxzeta, he walks around, passing it (Ger.umgehen);
inf. -ahā- implies avoiding, keeping off; natâxtaeõe-
tovon, we are around one (see circle, surround); noka-
tãoheoneva etåxtanitaōmoeha, it is one mile around the
water. [Sff. -ōmoeha refers to a body of water, from ō
=not set,not solid + m =aggregation of].
m =aggregation of]. Etåxtaōmoe-
ha, it is a body of water around, it is surrounded by
water; etåxtaoneõeo, they stand around, encircling;
tâxtaohoneōeo, they stand around, as a ring; naohonee-
tovon, we sit in circle (ring) around one;
tovon, we stand in circle (ring) around one.
circle, surround.
See en-
arouse, naseaovo, I arouse one (from rest, sleep, lethar-
gy); emomátaeoz, one becomes aroused, angry; nata-
kovetanoho, I arouse, provoke, anger one; nanàkasého, I
ar.one to activity, industry; naševetanoho, I ar.one to
arraign, eonōme hoemanemhayon, he is arr.in court, called
to the law house; nitose onōmanheman's zehetaēs
Maheo,we are to be arraigned before God; eonōmeo ze-
toshoemaoevoss, they are arr.to be judged. Nha zeonōmsz
hoemanemhayon, the one arraigned in court.
arraignment, hovaeva zevešeonōms hoemanemhayon,
thing with which one is brot to court.
arrange, nahoxeanen, I arr.,put in order; hoxeana (in.),
-hoxeano (or.); nahoxe exanen, I arr., prepare in
order; nahoxeosan, I arr.place in order; nahoxetahos-
an,I arr.set in order; navovetanen, I arr. get things
ready beforehand; ehoxenono, it looks well arranged;
naonoanen, I arr. straighten, settle
things; onoana
(in.),-onoano (or.); napevanen, I arr.,in the sense
of repairing, making better (usually with inf. -evha-.
See prepare, ready, agree. Naexhoemanheme zetosemohēox-
zistove,we arr.that there be a meeting. [Naexhoeman
I pass a law].
arrangement, hoxeanenistoz, hoxeexanenistoz, the arrang-
ing; vovetanenistoz, the preparing; voveta-
nazistoz, arrangement, preparation; onoanenistoz, the
arr., straightening; evhapevanenistoz, arranging, re-
pairing; tāma enethoeman, it is his arr., his law; ema-
noexhoemanistove, there has been an arr.made.
arrant, is expressed by inf.-ahan (e)- extremely, out-
and-out; eahansenova, he is an arrant villain; e-
ahanemashanē, he is an arrant fool; eahanatamae, he
laughs extremely, genuinely (Fr.il se meurt de rire).
array, v.navaxē, I am arrayed, dressed and painted; nava-
xēno, I arr.one (or.); emxastovsan, he is arr. with
the finest clothing (Ger.-mit der Fülle von Kleidern);
enonotohoeo zistosemeoevoss, they stand arrayed for
battle (they stand ready for warring); ehoxeotansz,
they are arrayed, placed in order; nahoxeosan, I place
in arr.; nahoxetahosan, I array, arrange upon, place in
order upon something; ehoxetahota,it stands in array,
well ordered; nahoxetahotana, I place it in array.
array, n.ēšexhoneōeo, they stand in array, formed in line
(see line, row); vaxēhestoz, array,ref.to dress and
paint; mxastovsanistoz, arr, display of fine clothing;
ehoxetahosanistov, it is an array, placed in order upon
arrear, n. našenomaéo, I am in arr.,late, behind time; na-
šenomaćom, we are in arr.; ešenomaéo, they are in
arr.,behind time.
arrest, v. matanāevèho ehestanā, one was arr., taken by
the police [matan milk; see police]; natóhaēto,
I arr. stop (as a horse). See stop. Nahessevaeno, I
arr.seize one; nahessevaena, (in.).
arrest, n.nxpaozistoz, the arresting, stoppage; hessevae-
nazistoz, arr., seizure.
arrival, hoènistoz, (from walking); hoeoxzistoz, arr.,
coming; hooxzistoz, arr.at home; heoēhestoz,arr.
(with belongings); eheoēnov, there is an arr.; hooxzi-
stoz, arr.with game; enoxtomoehestov, it is an arr.from
hauling; monetochoeoxzistoz, immediate arr.; napeveta-
no zehešhooxevoss, I am glad of their arr. home with
game; napevetano zehešhooxzevoss, I am glad of their
arr. home.
arrive, nahoèn, I arr from walking; nahoeoxz, I arr.
come;;nahoeoe, Í arr.,am arriving; namonetochoèn,
I have just arr.; nahoox, I arr.packing game; naheoē,I
arr.with all my belongings; nahoeoe, I am arrived now;
nanoxtomoē, I arr. from hauling; nahoešena, I am arriv-
ed, have attained; etaoeoz, it arrives, leads to (of a
path); nahoxtamista (in.),nahoxtamo (or.) I arrive,
attain,reach at; manxhoènetto, when it arrives; maeš-
honexoveoz, when the time will have arrived, come; nao-
novōhesz, I arr.with a boat, land on shore; naonove-to-
hona, I arr. (to shore) by swimming.
arrogance, menoxcetazetanoxtoz, arr.,haughtiness;
menohestoz, arr.,
pride; menoxcepeosanistoz,
arrogant, eohāmenoheoneve, he is arr.,overbearing;
noxcetazetan, he is arr., haughty; emenoxcepeos-
an, he is arr., disdainful and proud;
vaevatamàz eoxcemenoxcetazetanotovo zenitäziss, deem-
ing himself very learned he is arr. towards others;
oxtosešeavaozistovesz maeto eoxcevovoeam'netton's me-
noxcetazetanoxtoz, where there is
be a fall, there
goes before hand the arrogance.
arrow, mahe (sg.), māhoz (pl.); namahe, my arr. namoxoxzZ
=my flint arr.; namāhean our arr (sg.); namāhea-
noz, our arr. (pl.); maheveva, by an arr.; nahemäheve, I
have an arr; nimahenan, our arr.ref. to sacred arrows
owned by the Ch. They are mysterious,religious sym-
bols, greatly venerated by all the Ch. They are said
to have been given to the tribe by their ancient pro-
phet or leader. His name was Nizhevoss (Eagle's nest
or peak), but from his charater and relations to the
tribe his agnomen became Mozeeoeve =Sweet-Root-Mede-
cine. This root is used to increase the flow of the
human milk. Mozeeoeve was the spiritual father, his
teaching was the milk for the tribe to grow by. The
venerated arrows were given by him as symbols, to
crystalize his teachings and make them more tangible.
The arrow shaft (because made of wood) represents the
people; the feathers symbolize the spirit world; the
flinty arrow points are the emblems of incorruption,
health, fire and eternity; the fur enwrapping the four
arrows represent the "animate" being who holds within
himself all that which the arrows stand for. Usually
once in a year, the "bundle" is unwrapped after pre-
liminary ceremonies. Any adult male member of the
tribe may make an appeal to these arrows, when a great
trouble of some sort has befallen him or some one of
his blood. After the appeal has been made, the devotee
makes а ceremonial visit to the different camping
places of the tribe and gathers votive offerings. At
the same time he receives the preliminary instruc-
tions from a priest. After one or several months of
preparation, the arrow gathering is held. This gather-
ing is called "hoetonestoz"; the devotee is called
"hoetoneševahe"; ehoestoneševa =he makes an offering
(to the arrows); maxhoetonstov, when the arrow worship
takes place; emeaevaxeva,he occasions an arrow
an arrow wor-
ship; hooton, reunion of the sacred arr.; ehootonstov,
the arr. worship takes place. Moxozz zehoestavēsz,
fiery arrow points; esaahemahestovhan, there is no ar-
row; ehestoena, he draws (the arr.or bow); mahe esaa-
moxoxzevhan, the arr. is not provided with a tip
(flint point); emoxoxzeve, it is tipped with flint;
namāhe epóno, my arr. has no point; namāhe namoxotaoz,
I provide my arr.with flint point; māhe enševao, the
arr.flies swiftly; noko amestov, one arr.shot (in mea-
suring distance =about 400 yards); zevovokỏ mahe
bare arr., not tipped nor feathered; namatôs I am out
of arrows; namatohamenoz, I spend all my arr; ehèpse-
va, it shoots (arr.) beyond the mark; evavanoxseo, it
shoots (arr.) whirling; naexoovoeta, I provide the ar-
row with feathers; napenosoxta namahe, I chew the end
of my arr.; hakosoevoz, round pointed arrows (bullet
head); paosevoz, blunt arrows (having a ball-like head
or being hemispherical); pâsevota, thick end arrow;
ponoevozz, blunt pointed arr. (popinjay head); heškose-
voz, sharp pointed arr. (not tipped); penosevoz, chewed
point arr.; [These arrows are mentioned in tales and
are attributed to have killing power, possibly they
were poisoned by the saliva or otherwise]. Motaxce-
voz, tipped with steel points; vāstavoxoz, tipped with
barbed heads; maxamoxoz, stone tipped. Mahe eōéa, the
arrow alights; māhe eōstáo, the arr. alights and re-
mains suspended (as on a tree); mahe eséao, the arr.a-
lights into the water; etonovhõesta māhoz nehanēva,
the arrows were thick on the lake (it was thick with
arrows upon the lake).
artery, mazhemaeme.
artful, eohāoxzezeve, one is artful, cunning.
artfulness, ohãoxzezevestoz.
artichoke, hoenoxkon (also sweet potatoes).
articulate, enonaoseēsz, he articulates distinctly
speech); enonāoxtoan, he art., pronounces dis-
tinctly. Inf. -nonā- at a time. The distinct articu-
lation in speech is considered old and good Cheyenne
and is conserved among older people and in ceremonial
language. See plain.
articulation, nonāoseēszistoz,distinct art. (in speech),
slow,distinct pronunciation; nonāoxtoanis-
toz,distinct, good articulation, pronunciation [the
antonym is: enonotoveēsz, one speaks with hurry, not
clearly]. Honaéonahestoz, art. (any form of joint in
the body); zexhonaéonahestov, where there is an arti-
culation; hotonaéonahestoz, articulations, joints, the
"several-jointing" [reduplicative form]; zehešhonaéo-
naevoss, where they are jointed; mahàz zexhonaotto,
hand joint, articulation of the wrist. See joint.
artless, ehōspoxzeve, one is artless, fails to be crafty.
as, tass, as, as if (not real). [Rad.tass is found in mà-
tass, scalped man (still living) and màtasoom
spirit]. Tass....hapo,as.
,as....so; tasse vezen, just as;
zista- pref gov.the sub.cj. as, at the time when; zi-
staešemesēs, as he had eaten; zistaaseoxz, as he left;
zeheše- sub.pref. =as, since; zehešeaseoxz,as, since he
left; homōxz, as, for instance; zehexov-....-nexov,
as....as, in the degree....so; zehexovepevaes nanexov-
ae, I am as good as he is (lit.as he degrees being
good so do I); zehetā-....-nitā—.... =as. so (ref.
to size,area, reach, amount); zehetaehozeohes nanitāho-
zeohe, I work as much as he does (lit.as he amounts in
working, so do I). From above examples it is seen that
zehe- as, (in zeheše-, zehetā, zehexov-); when follow-
ed by inf. -nexov-, -neše-, -nitā in the dependent
clause, has a comparative meaning; zeheševostanehevez
eneševostanehevo, as we live they live; inf. -taestov-
=as well, as much as, nataestovõemo, I am as much worth
as he is; tass hama, as if (wondering, guessing); tass
hama ehovanē! as if he were gone! I wonder if he is
not gone;tass hama emese, as if he were eating, he must
be eating! Home evås, as if, supposing;hoomeevås ehāmox
tasz, supposing he be sick hoomeevås-hetomsz,
ing he be true; zezhestasso, such as they are (or.),
zezhesōsz, such as those (in.). See such. Inf. -tatóm-
eše- -as soon as, usually in combination with pref.ze-
or zis-; zistatomešenaeoz, as soon as he was dead; ma-
ešemesēsz zetatomeaseoxz, as soon as he has eaten he
will leave; zetäš (from zetaheš-) =as, during the
time, while; zetäšeneoxz, as, while he was
times infixes become detached and add sff.-noxz, deno-
ting as,e.g.-hece-, easily, quietly, becomes hecenoxz =
as easily, easily-like; hotoanatanoxz,as difficult;ve-
haenoxz, as old; inf. -ox- otherwise, tho, is used for
"as" in the sense of however (expressing a conces-
sion),e.g.zeoxpeva nasaahoahe, as good as it is, I do
not like it; zeoxhavsevaesz ešivatama Maheon, however
bad he be, he is pitied by God; na tama, as for (whe-
ther me, thee, one, us, you or them), is specified by the
subj.of the sentence, e.g.na tāma napevetano, as for me
I rejoice; na tāma eanovetano, as for them they are
sad; na tāma nitoshozeoheme, as for you, you are going
to work; navhestamo =navesshes tamo, and navesshestata-
no, I am as he is (ref.to stature, condition); navess-
hestatana, I am as it is, conform to it. Zenhestavoss
vostaneo hapo zenhesta vonhätan, as the people are, so
will be the priest; zhestas zevovistomosansz zenhesta
zevovistomo esso, as the teacher so the pupils.
ascend, eéènsz, one asc., steps
one asc., steps upward; eéèn'netto, it
asc. [from é upward, upright; eéa, it stands up-
right; eéax, one runs upward; eéões, one floats upward;
eohaetto,it asc.,rises; emaxohaeneo venotaeše, it was
ascending, a great smoke (Reflect.m.); eheameoxz, one
asc.above, to heaven; nataéoxz eseome, I asc., go up the
hill; eéomao, it is ascending ground; eohāenšev-éomao,
it is very ascending (steep) ground; eéšeō, vapor is
ascending; eheamehá, he ascends (flying); eheamehatto,
it is ascending (flying upwards).
ascendable, eéènistov, it is asc.; eéaxistov, asc.by run-
ning; eéōesenàtov, asc.by floating;
tove, it is asc.
ascension, ascent, éènistoz;
éaxistoz (by flight run-
ning); éoxzistoz, asc. going up; éōesenàtoz,
asc. (by floating); heameoxzistoz, asc., the going
ascertain, ooseš nataešheneena zehesso, I ascertain it,
(lit.in truth I will know what it is; naonis-
tazesta eohetom, I test the truth of it;
neena eoešenāeoz na mo hovahan, I will asc.(know well)
whether he died or not; nataešpavheneena zehexovõems,
I ascertain his worth (also nataešpavheneenovo); eta-
ascertained about one
ešhetomeme, the truth has been
(or.and in.).
ascribe, zèmans ehesshamoxta nahešetanome, we ascribe
his being sick to his drinking (lit. that he
drank, he is sick from, we think). The Ch.language
an attributive m., see Ch.gr.
ash, motó, ash tree (Fraxinus Americana).
ash, pä powder; hoestapä, ashes (fire-powder);
pä, white ashes; mahaxcepä, old ashes, clinkers. [This
word obviously is derived from the rad.hâe and
burning; the letter p denotes a crushing, pressing to
=crushed to powder by
pieces, powder; thus pháe or pä
heat or fire]. Pä zèveota,ash-pan or ash-pit; zehone-
ta pä, heap of ashes; mahaxce-pä zehoneta, pile of old
ashamed, nataneheztovo, I am ash.of one (or.),natanehez-
ta (in.); natanehe, I am ash. [natanevazesta, I
deem it a shame]; natanehesého, I cause one to
ash.;natanehevomotâ,I am ash.for one. See shame.
ashen, päea ehesso it is ashen, ash-like; vohomepäea
nešenōhe, he looks ashen, like white ashes.
aside, eama, at the side; eama meo, at the side of
road; nohémeon, aside of the road; inf. -nohé- -a-
side,from, astray from; nanohéoz, I become aside, as-
tray; nanohétan, I am aside in thot, distracted;
nanohénosého, I
hévoēta,I act aside (from the good);
cause one to go astray; nanohéoxz, I go aside, astray;
nanohéohe, I turn aside, astray; nanohéna, I put it
side,apart; inf.-nime- aside, to one side, deviating
from a perpendicular or horizontal line in a widening
angle; naasetanen, I put it aside; -asetana (in.),
-asetano (or.); inf.-áe-, áeš-,-oáeš- aside by self;
see apart; eáehoe, he is aside (by himself); zeheše-
aseēnanom nitao, having put aside (laid aside) every-
thing; emōsetto, aside, as not to be heard, secretly;
emōsetto eneševe, he does it aside, secretly; inf. -aà-
ze- aside, besides, at the same time; eaàzeosen, he has
aside, he "besides" (Ger.erübrigen) e.g. epavenasoenôo
na eaàzeoseneo, they have well enough (to eat) and to
enonotovsešsz, aside
this he
drinks; oxsecetto namehahoe, aside of me there was no
one (lit.perfectly alone I was); áeš naēnana etov, I
put it aside, apart for thee; eáešēnane nitovå, it is
put aside, apart for me; maxemenoz eoáešēnanensz, the
apples are put aside, apart.
ask, navēstomosan, I ask of; navēstomohe, I am asking of;
vēstomosanistoz, the asking of; navēsta, I ask for
it; [not to be confounded with navista, I promise it
and navēsta, my temple (of head)]; navēmo, I ask for
one; vēmosanistoz, the asking for; navēstomevo, I ask
it of one; navēstomevonoz, I ask those (in.) of one;
navēstomevonotto, I ask them (or.) of one; vēstomeva-
zistoz, the asking of one; navēstomoenoz, I ask for one
(to have him); nivēmaz, I ask concerning, for thee; ni-
vēstomoetovaz, I ask for thee (to have thee); naoen, I
ask entreat, pray; nahaoen, nahaôn, I entreat, pray (is
the word commonly used when not combined with infixes
or other verbal forms); nahaôna, I am asking (in pray-
er, entreaty); hevehestovå navešhestoen, I ask, entreat
with (in) his name; Ehan navešhestoenatovamo Hēhya
hevehestovå, I ask, entreat God with (in) the name of
His Son; navēstomovo, I ask for it,his; eaanenòztanoz,
he ask those (in.) to be his property; nanòzesta, I
ask,question about it; nanòztovo,I ask, question one;
nanòzemo,I ask, question concerning one (or.); nanòz-
tomovo,I ask, question it his; nanòztomevo,I ask, ques-
tion for it his; nanòztovamo, I ask, question him, his
e.g. hehya nanòztovamo, I question his son; nanòztavō-
vo,I ask,question one, by look or sign; nòztastoz, the
asking, questioning; naenòztovo, I ask questions of
one; [rad. nòz is closely related to inf. -nox- and
-noxz- =seeking after]. See question. Namooto, I ask,
invite one to a meal; nanethoaztomon, it is asked, re-
quired of me; paveamàtàtoz ninethoaztomōenon, he asks,
requires of us good obedience; nahethoaztome vo hevox-
ca, I ask, require his hat; nahozetan, I am asked to do
for one; heto nitao nitsehozetanenon, all this we are
asked to do; Maheo zehoz(es)tomōez esaahotoanattane-
hez', what God asks us to do is not hard; zetohetaho-
z(es) tomonez or zetohetāhozetanez, all that is asked
of us to do, our duty; enahan zehethozeto, this is
what I ask him to do; nanethozetan heto hoxaônestoz,I
am asked to do this bead work.
askance, ehešksenō, he looks ask. ;natotazenetovo, I look
ask.,disdainfully at one. [From -taze disdain-
fully -(e)ne countenance, face].
aslant, eamstota, it sits aslant; zeamsetto, that which
is aslant, athwart; enovoxeo, he writes aslant
(see tilted, bevel); eamsenovoxeo, it is written aslant
across; enovohénevatova, it radiates light aslant; e-
amshénevatovãoz hotoma mhayo, a ray of light aslant
the room (within the house).
asleep, eotoešenom, one is sound asleep; naméovo zènaoz,
I found one asleep; epevenom, he is well asleep;
he is settled asleep, he sleeps
leisurely emeoavenomhoe, he sits half asleep. See
drowsy, sleep.
aspect, zehešenono, its as., the way it looks; zehešenōs,
one's (or.) as.; zehetaeonitavenono natotaōha-
zesta, I study its different aspects; naōhazesta ze-
hešeonitavatamano, I study the different aspects
weather, nature.
asperity, saamomenovahestoz, without agreeableness; ma-
táetàtoz, as.,toughness, harshness [from matá =
cactus]; venhastoz, as., sourness, crabbedness. See
sour, harsh. Heškonastoz, asperity, `grating,stinging;
heškovoaestoz, as., grating; pepeastoz, as., roughness
(not smooth); niheneenanon zehešemämatáe nivostane-
hevstonnan, we know that our life is full of asperity,
asperse, nahéemotsan, I asp.
[taking water or medecine
in mouth and forcing it out in spray form]; na-
héemotomo, I asp.one (with mouth); nahéemotoxta, I asp.
it (with mouth); nahéemōvoxz, I asp., besprinkle it;
nahéemovoto, I asp., besprinkle one (or.). See sprinkle.
Naaestome-momaxemo, I asp., slander one.
aspersion, aestome-momaxemazistoz, asp., slanderous re-
port; héemotsanistoz, asp., besprinkling (with
mouth); héemõvotazistoz,asp.besprinkling; héemotoma-
zistoto, the ingredients used for mouth asp.,usually
medicinal or sweet scented herbs; nāesevosz, certain
herbs used in ablutions (consisting mostly in asper-
sions from the mouth) by the priests or doctors.
asphyxia, nxpotomeozistoz (from dust or vapors);
tomeōstâestoz, asp. by heat, suffocation. [From
close,bar + -omotom breath].
asphyxiate, enxpotome oz, he becomes as.; enxpotomeōstâe,
he as., suffocates.
aspirant, n.nha zehe thoahesz, the one who runs for; na-
hethoaheztovo,I am an asp. for her.
aspirate, v.navèpeēstonaesz, I as., utter with
[from vèp hollow + estona pharinx + -ēsz
"lip" =speak].
aspirate, adj. vèpeēstonaēszistoz, asp. speech. This we
represent by the grave accent over vowels.
aspire, nahozeovõsetan, I asp., hope; nahoešenatan, I asp.
desire to reach within a place; nahe thoahezta, I
asp., run for it; nahessàz, I asp. inspire, inhale.
ass, vohooxta (large), vohokoxta, donkey; vohokoxtaeson,
young donkey (Fr.ânon); toxtoe-vohooxta, wild ass.
assail, naaeozetovo, I ass., rush at one; naaeozeta, I
ass.it; nimasóaeozetõeneo, they ass. us suddenly;
nanhaéōenon hamoxtastoz, sickness assails us, collides
with us; heovasz zehesso havs nahoehota, all kinds of
evil assail me.
assassin, nasenehe, killer; zenasensz, the one who assas-
sinates; nitoenahane, ass.,
ass., murderer (killing
blood relations); hoxovsé, assassin. This name desig-
nates the murderer ostracized by the tribe.
assassinate, enasen, one ass.,kill; enaho, he ass.one; e-
nitoenahan, he ass. a blood relation. The
killing of friends or blood relations is considered
murder among the Ch. and the murderer was ostracized
by the whole tribe. The killing of an alien or an
enemy was a manly virtue. Thus nanaho, I kill one and
nanitoenaho, I murder, assassinate one.
assassination, nitoenahanestoz,nasenistoz.
assault, see assail, attack.
assemblage, mohēanenistoz, ass., collecting; zemanoĕesso,
the assemblage (of people), their being
gathered together; manoēhestoz, the assembling; manoha-
stoz,ass., the being united together; nitovastoz, ass.
the being as one, compacted together; nokovanenistoz,
the assembling into one; mohēoxzistoz, the assembling,
coming together;nokova-mamovanenistoz, the assembling,
bringing into one,
of different parts;
mestoz, ass.of horses, cattle or sheep; mohenoōvanenis-
toz, the assembling of water; mohenoōvaozistoz, the
ass.of waters nitovōmoehàtoz, the assemblage of waters
together; emaxemohētaneve, there is a great ass., mul-
titude (of people); see gather; emohee šemeàtovensz,it
is an assemblage of gifts.
assemble, namohēanen, I ass.,gather; -mohēana (in.),-mo-
heanō (or.pl.); nanitovanen, I ass. make to be
one fold;nanokovanen, I ass., make to be one; namanoha-
na,I ass.to one bunch; namanoēme, we bunch together,
ass.; namohēoxzheme, we ass.come together; nanokova-
mamo vanō, I ass., bring them (or.) together;
voham, I ass. the stock; emohēnoōvanen, he ass. the wa-
ters; emohēnoōvaozistov, the waters are assembled.See
gather, together. Namohēozō, I bring them together; ze-
mohēènesso, those (or.) who have assembled, come toge-
ther; zèmehanonokanevoss naevhanokovanō, from their
being dispersed, I made them to be together again (as
one). See gather, collect, organize. Nahoxpoanen, I ass.
in a package; -hoxpoana (in.),-hoxpoano (or.pl.).
assembly, zeamonehoesso, those sitting present; mohēox-
zistoz the assembly, gathering; hemanohastov ze-
xanovevostanehevesso, the assembly of the righteous;
hemomenohastovevo zeto vostaneo, the different
blies, groups of these people. See crowd, multitude.
assent, naamàta, I ass., consent to it; -amàtovo, (or.).
See agree.
Eōmaeš =he does not assent (lit.he
shakes his head in dissent).
assert, t'se enhesso it is indeed so; t'sē enhesso na-
heve, I assert that it is so, (lit.it is indeed
so, I say); tsẽ ehetomo, it is indeed true; t'sē eheto-
må naheve, I assert, say that it is true indeed; t'sē
nahetom, I assert, certainly I am true; nahetomesta,
declare it true; nahetomemo (or.). T'sē indeed, deci-
dedly,determinedly, purposely.
assess, navèhoevhõesta, I ass., count it as "white man";
navèhoevõemo, I ass.one,count him as citizen.
assessment, vèhoevōemazistoz,ass., the counting as white
assiduity, ótsetanoxtoz, ass. in thots, disposition; ótse-
hestoz, ass.; ótseheonevestoz, ass., (in char-
acter); nàkastoz, ass., industry. Inf. -6ts- endeavor-
ing,long and faithfully continued; ševetanoxtoz,ass.,
assiduous, adj. eótsetan, one is ass., endeavoring;
seheoneve, one is zealous; eótsevhoena, he
prays assiduously; eševetan, one is ass.,diligent; ót-
sehe, the assiduous one; eohānàkae, one is very
industrious (Ger.arbeitsam).
assign, see appoint,allot.
assist, naomotao, I ass., stand for one; navistämo, I
ass.,help one; navistämota (in.); nahōnevoto, I
ass.,defend one; navistamaozetovo, I ass., am on his
side; nahevistamenoz, I have one to assist me; nahe-
vistametova, he has me to ass.him.
assistance, omotsanistoz, the assisting; omotaàzistoz,
mutual ass., aid; vistämazistoz, ass., help;
vistamaozetovazistoz, ass., the being on one's side;
zèvistamaozetōs nahessevostane vhan, for his ass. I was
saved; nasaahevistämazistov, I have no ass.; esaaveše-
vistämazistovhan, it is of no ass. See help.
assistant, nha zevistämosansz, the one who ass.,
zeomotsansz, the one who ass., aids; vistämose-
ne, vistäozeo, vistaoseo, ass., helper; omotsene, ass.,
stand by; nahevistamenoz, I have one for ass., to stand
with me; heva Maheo mxhevistametčez, tah niva emetone-
õetaez? If God be for us (our ass., stand by) who will
prevail against us? See helper. Visthoze, co-servant,
assistant in work.
associable, eveàzistov, it is ass.; esaaveàzistovhan, it
is not ass.
associate, v.naveàz, I ass.with; eveàzetto,it ass.with;
esaaveàzettan, it does not ass.with; navesse-
vo, I ass., am with one; navesseneševe, I ass.with in
doing; nanhestavonoeve, I ass. with, am of the same
class; navisthozezeve, I ass. with, am an accomplice;
navesthozeohemo, I ass.with one in working; navistoē-
ta,I ass.with in doings, performances; navistoētamo,
ass.with him to perform; navesthoena emo, I ass.with
one in prayer; navhestanovemo, I ass, with them, live
with them as a tribe or nation; navistōmo, I ass.with,
marry one. The rad. -vess(e)- and -vest- or -vist-
before aspirates denotes association; nanooēta,
I ass.
with, am connected with doings; enóonetto,it ass.with,
connects, relates with, to. See connect, relate. Inf.
-nitov associated, in common.
associate, n.navessevōn, my ass., also navessevaōn, my
ass.,consort; navessevōnam, my ass., companion;
nahevesse võnamenoz, he is my ass.; nahevessevaōnetova,
I am his ass.; naveoxzemačn,my ass., companion. These
expressions imply company, going together. The inf.
-nitov- denotes "in common" as a concern (in busi-
ness); enitoveaenanov heto hoxtovamhayon, they are ass.
common); na-
in the store (lit.they own the store in
nitovame heto hozeohestovå, we are associates in this
work; vistaoseo,ass.,helper. See companion, assistant,
fellowship. Niahane zeto zeves thozeze vemo, this is the
one, my associate, accomplice; zevistōmo, my ass. in mar-
riage; zevistoētamo and zenooētamo, the one, my ass., in
doings, performances. The inf. -noo- denotes "connect-
ed with"; zevesthoenaemon, my associates in prayer;
zevesthozeohematao, thy associates in work, zevessemxi-
stonemaésse, your school associates.
association, manohastoz, ass., congregation; notxestoz,
ass. of warriors; éōstaenotxestoz, ass.of
christians; éōstaemanohastoz, ass., company, organiza-
tion of christians; nitovetanoxtoz, ass.of thot, in the
sense of common, together; nóonetanoxtoz, ass. of thot,
in connection; nóonetanoxtovå enahan zevešheneenom, by
thot connection, association I know it; emanohastove,
it is an ass.,a grouping together; emomenohastov, it
is in several groups or associations; nitovhoxto-
vazistoz, ass. in trade; nahoxznetan hemanohastov, I
want to join their association.
assort, namomenohanen, I assort in groups [-momen- =by
bunches, -momenohana (in.), -momenohano (or.)];
namomen-oáehananoz, I ass.them (in.) in groups by them-
selves. [-0áe-,-oáeš- by self, apart; see apart]; e-
momen-oáehoeo, they stand assorted, in groups for them-
selves,e.g. sp.of dry goods.
assortment, momenohastoz, the ass., grouping in several
classes or bunches; heto zèmomenohanevosz
vèhoheškovohestotoz nasaapevaztohe, I do not like this
assortment of needles; momenokov, several ass.; nokov
one ass.,bunch, package of (in.); nishov, two ass. of
the same kind.
assuage, naonaxano, I ass.,soothe one; nahaomoxtoého, I
ass., appease, comfort one; eoaneoz, one (in. and
or.) becomes assuaged, calmed down; naoanomoxta, I feel
ass.,alleviated. See appease, abate, pacify. Naoanoe và-
toe, I ass. by advice; -oanoevàta (in.), -oanoevamo
(or.). Nahòpetanooz, I become ass., see lenient.
assume, eoneetan, he is assuming, particular; evhanezis-
toxtoetan, he merely ass. conjectures; hoomeevås
ehamoxtasz, assuming that he be sick, suppose that
he....; ēšokome se nahess tamo, I ass.that he has eaten
(lit.he cannot fail to have eaten, I think of him); e-
hamoxtaeman, he ass., pretends to be sick. See pretend.
Evhanetaometan, he simply ass. Inf. -zistoxtoe- and
-toxtomone- assumingly; etoxtomoneēsz, he speaks as-
assumption, vhanetaometanoxtoz, mere ass., opinion; onee-
tanoxtoz, ass., fastidiousness; vhanezistox-
toetanoxtoz, mere ass.conjecture.
assurance, hozeovōsetanoxtoz,ass.confidence, hope; heo-
vosetanoxtoz, ass., confidence; hestahàtoz, ass.,
heartedness (Ger. Beherzigkeit); hēstahaovazistoz,
mutual ass. heartening; niheovosehoxovista-
vame, you travel with ass. Inf.-heovos(e) with confi-
dence. Nietamstahàtoz, ass. of heart; momehemazistoz,
ass.in words.
nahozeovosemo, I ass.one, make him hopeful; naho-
zeovoseto, I ass. one by promise; nahēstahaovo, I
ass., hearten one; namomehememo, I ass. to one (in
words); naheovosetanoho, I keep one assured, hopeful.
assuredly, ooseš, in truth.
asthma, nxpotomevomoxtastoz, choking sickness;
tomevomoxta, he has asthma.
astir, ešešeoz, one is astir, awake.
astonish, inf.-otōs- astonishing; eotōsetan, he is as.;
eotōhesso, it is as.; naotōstazesta, I deem it
astonishing; naotostatamo, I deem one as.;eotõstatama-
no,it is an astonishing, marvellous sight (of scenery,
nature); eotōseēsz, one speaks astonishingly; esaaton-
šeotōhesshan, it cannot be astonishing.
See marvel,
wonder. Eotōsevoēta, one acts, does astonishing perfor-
astonishment, otõesetanoxtoz,ast. (mental); otōstastoz,
as. (state); otõstatamaestoz, the being an
as.; otōstatamanohestoz, astonishing sight (in nature
or vista); otōsevoētastoz,
ance. See wonder.
astound, namasóotosetano oz, I become as.; naohaetano oz, I
am as., become alarmed; naotōstahaoz, I become
as.(in my heart); eohaōo, he looks astounded;
mo, I look at him astounded; eohaōxta, he looks at it
as., surprised; eohãotōene, he looks as., surprised,
frightened; eséhoveoz, one is as. surprised. See sur-
astray, adj.naooxseoz, I become astrayed; naooxsenosého,
I cause one to go astray; naooxsetan, I am astray
(mental); naooxsetanoho, I keep one astray (mental);
naooxsevostaneheve, I live astray. Ooxseozistoz, the
becoming astray; ooxsetanoxtoz, the being astray (men-
tal); ooxsetanohazistoz, the keeping astray; ọoxseno-
sohestoz, cause of going astray; ooxsevostanehevestoz,
going astray in living (Ger.verfehltes Leben);
sevovistomosan, one teaches astray, at variance; ooxse-
vovistomosanistoz, heterodox teaching; ooxsevovistome-
vazistoz,heterodox doctrine; eooxsevoēta, he acts at.
variance with, astray from; ooxsevoētastoz, heterodox
doing. [Rad. -OOXS- is derived from oxs =elsewhere
and denotes "at variance, different, not at the place,
not normal, strange". The Greek heteros is the Ch.
ooxs]. Inf. -nohé- aside from, swerving from; enohé -
oz, he turns astray from; nanohétan, I turn as.from
(mental); nanohévoēta, I act swerving from, go as.in my
doings; enohépavevostaneheve, he turns as. from the
right living; nohéozistoz, the turning astray; nohé-
tanoxtoz, astray in thot, distraction; nohévoētastoz,
astray, wrong doing. Inf. -von- astray in the sense
of lost; evoneoz, one is as., lost; navoneozeham, my
horses went as.,are lost; navonetan, I forget, am as.in
thot. See lose, forget.
astride, natahoenoz, I am as. of (or.); natahoeta, I am
as.of it. See ride.
astonishing deed, perform-
See stars.
astute, eohãoxzezeve, he is very astute, shrewd;
oneve, one is as.,deceitful.
astuteness, ohāoxzezevestoz; ōceheonevestoz,as.
asunder, see apart.
astronomer, vostan zeoxcheneenovoss hotoxq, a person who
knows the stars. In former days the Ch. had
men, priests who knew more about the stars than
others, and had names for different constellations.
at, has no exact equivalent in Ch. As a rule the vowel
"e" denotes the prepositional meaning of "at"
in the sense of a point in space, within the limits
of, in the direction of, in reference to;
(ref.to or.),hén,that one (ref.to in.);
né- that one
sétov,at the
center; natazeoxz, I go there at; natahemese, I am "at"
going to eat. Napeosan I dislike; napeosen, I do dis-
like, am at disliking; napevoého = I am at doing good
to one; napevoēta =I am at doing good; naenòztovo, I
am at, asking questions of one; eeveesz, one is at, en-
gaged in speaking; evehōmo, he is at seeing one; ohe,
river; ohé, at the river; vehoeom, square tent; véhoeo-
mē, at the square
tent; vehoneom, the chief's lodge;
vehoneomē, at the chief's lodge; nataehoe, I am going
to live at. Pref.ze- used extensively in the sub.form
of the v. that which, the one who (pointing, indicat-
ing at). "At", in the sense of added, prolonged, extend-
ed, belonging to, within, adhering, is rendered by
nahoeoxz, I come at, arrive; nahoenoe, I mend, add to,at;
nahevehōmo, I am at going to see one;
nahemhayon, I
have a house; navoešetanoho, I am at rejoicing one,
(Ger.ich erfreue ihn).
atheism, éztomohestoz zehešhenēhovstovS
Maheo, denial
that God has a being, personality; oxsaaonisyom-
atamēsz Maheo, the non belief in God.
atheist, esaaonisyomatamohe Maheon, he is an at., does
not believe in God; eéztomohe zehešhenēhovsto-
vez' Maheon, he denies that God has an existence; e-
saamaheonané, he is atheist.
athirst,nha zehaōnsz, he who is athirst; nha zeohāmane-
he who is athirst, wants to drink. See
thirst. Ehaōneta, he is thirsty for it (fig.).
atmosphere, omotom,at.,air; taxtaom, the surrounding at.;
setovoom, the middle at.; otatavoom, blue
sky; [these expressions are connected with ceremo–
nials]; the sff. -om denotes sphere, region of; -mano
ref. to atmosphere, air, nature, scenery, vista, e.g. e-
pevatamano, the at.is clear, or fine; eoxkossemano, the
at.is of brownish tint, when the horizon all around
becomes darkly hazed; eheoveatamano, the at.is yellow-
ish tinted; emaeatamano, the at.is of a reddish tint;
eoveoatamano, the at. is clouded, it is a cloudy at.
weather; evenotamano and evenotavōma, the at. looks
smoky; eanstaešeeve, the at. is hazy [from anstaeš =
haze, trailing mist on lower ground. See weather,
cloud]. Sff. -mano ref.also to quality, situation, con-
dition, conceived collectively, and has a similar mean-
ing to the Eng.sff. -ful in expressions like: it is
dreadful, beautiful, awful. See full.
atone, nahestoomen, I at., suffer on account; [hesse
from, because of +oomen suffer]; nahestoomeoého,
I cause one to atone; nahestoomenetovo,I at. for one,
on his account; nahestoomeneta, I at.for it; also used
in the tr.as: ehestoomenenov tāma hesthavsevevo, they
themselves atoned (for) their sin.; nahestoomenevomo-
tâ, I atone in one's place.
atonment, hestoomeneto vazistoz,at.;
vàtoz,at., ransom by suffering; hestoomene-vovē-
hevavomotxe vàtoz,at.,expiation for [from hestoomen
suffer for + vovēheva = ransoming + vomotxevàtoz
substitute, in place for]. See suffer.
atrocious, eahanemomeztomazistov, it is a cruel, atro-
cious doing; eahanemomeztovoētastov, it is an
atrocious deed, act; see cruel.
atrocity, momeztovoéhazıstoz, atrocity, cruelty; ahanemo-
meztovoéhazistoz, an atrocious act; ahanemomez-
tomazistoz, atrocity.
attach, enóonetto, it is attached to, related, connected;
nanóonena, I attach it, connect it; see tie, bind.
attack, v.eaeoz, one attacks; naaeozetovo,I att.one; na-
tōeoavo, I att.one, rush at one to fight; namenha-
òno,I att., challenge one (Inst.m.); namenhaōstòno, I
att.,challenge one instantly; namenhaen, I am attack-
ed; namenhae, one attacks me; namenhaovatan, I desire
to att. challenge; tahemenhaehå, go,attack him! Inf.
-ševeas- attacking in the sense of beginning with
will,diligence;naševeashozeohe, I att.,begin my work.
attack, n.aeozistoz; tõeoaovazistoz, att., rushing at;
menhaônestoz, att., challenge.
attain, nahoxtamista, I att., overtake it; nahoxtamo
(or.) ehoxtame, it is overtaken; nahóeš, I att., am
able, capable; nahóešena, I have att ehóešetto,it
att.; esaahóešettan, it does not att.,is unattainable;
nahỏešemo, I enable one, make him att.; esaahóešemehan,
it cannot be attained.
attainable, ehoxtamestov, it is attainable, can be over-
taken; ehóešeme, it is att.; ehóešenàtov, it
is att.; esaahóešemehan, it is not att.
attainment,hoxtamestoz, att., the overtaking; hóešenàtoz,
att., ability to reach; hoešemazistoz, the
making one attain.
attempt, v.is rendered by inf. -onis (e)- trying, test-
ing; naonishene enovo, I att., try to know one;
naoniseneševe, I att. to do; naonistoēta, I am one who
att. to act, perform; toanoxa onisetto, let it be at-
tempted, tried! See try, test. Inf. -6tse- denotes at-
tempt in the sense of striving, endeavoring. See these
attempt, n.oniseztastoz, att., trial, test; onisetanoxtoz,
att. (mental); ótsetanoxtoz, attempt, endeavor
(mental); ótsehestoz, the att.striving. See trial.
attend, nameemesz, I att.to, take care of it; nameemého,
I att.to, take care of one; navovònethozeohetovo
zehāmoxtasz, I att.to, minister unto the sick one;
vesshooxz maheonemhayo, I (with) attend the church:
navostaneheon, I am attended, live not alone; navosta-
neheovo, he is attended by me, lives not alone, I live
with him; enoane, it is attended by,with it there is;
xamavostanehevestoz enoane hoto anatto, the life of the
Indians is attended with hardships; vèhoemàpemanistoz
enoane hamoxtastoz, drinking whiskey is attended by
sickness; evessevāãe hevis'on, he is attended by his
brothers his b.are with him; vonstoxno hozeon
sevā,he is attended by countless servants.
attendance, vesshooxzistoz, the attending with (to a
meeting); zevessemohēoxzessỏ, the attendance,
they who attend a meeting; epavemohēoxzistove, the at-
tendance was good (of a gathering).
attendant, zevesshooxzz, the att. (to a meeting);
àzz, the att., one who goes with; zeveàzetto,
the att., that which goes with; hoze, att., servant.
attention, naàtoezeeno, I call one's att.by poking him;
epaveàtomon, he pays good att., listens well;
naonista, I pay att., heed to it; napaveonemo, I pay
well att.to one, heed him; nasaaonemohe, I pay no att.
to,neglect one; àtom! attention! look out!
attentive, epaveahàtomon, he is att.,listens well.
attenuate, v.nakakoana, I att. it make thin;
I att.by tapering with instrument; namàpevōm-
ana, I att. it (liquids); nazceana, I att., make it
attenuate, adj.eohāonae, one is very att., lean; etoxko-
nae,one is att.,lean; zetoxkonasz, the attenu-
ated one; zehetonasz nanitonae, I am attenuated as
he is; enitonaeo, they are thus (alluding) attenuated;
eohaonaoz, one has become very attenuated. See thin,
attenuation, hetoxkonastoz, state of att.;
great att.
attest, v.ehetomesta, he att. the truth of it; nahetome-
mo, I att. that one is true.
attest, n.hetomemazistoz.
attic. zeneota vâxsheama mhayon, that room which is top-
most of the house.
attire, see adorn, array, dress.
attidude, zehešeōs, his att., the way he stands; zehešam-
stoes, his att., the way he sits down; ezhešeõe,
'he has this att.; ezhešeota, it stands this way; hesz-
hešeõestoz, one's att.,standing; zehešeztovo, my atti-
tude towards one. The inf. -ez- denotes attitude, be-
havior, conduct.
attorney, hoemanevèho, lawyer (white man)
attract, nahessenoxsohe, I cause to come, attract; nahes-
senoxsha, one att.me; nahessenoxsesz, I att.it;
nahessenoxsého, I att. him; ehesseaonoto, he att. one
(in.) [with the mouth, as serpents do]; nahestōmsohe,
I att. by look; nahestōmého, I att.one (or.) by look;
nahessetanotovo, I att. one (or.) by mind; nahessetano-
tovo nitovå, I att.one (or.) to me, by thot; nahessema-
ova, he att.me by pretending; ehesseman, he att.by pre-
attraction, hessetanoxtoz, attr. by mind; hessenoxsohes-
toz, cause of att., making come; hetōmsohes-
toz, cause of att. by look; hessetanotovazistoz, the
attracting one, by thot.
attractive, heto eoxchessenoxsohestove, this is att.,
drawing; eohahessenoxsohetto, it is very at-
tracting; heto evešhessetanoxtove, this is a means of
attraction, is attractive (mental); evešhestōmsohes-
tov, it is att., is a nmeans of attraction by look; ze-
hešemomoxenōs navešhessetanoton, I was attracted by
one's desirable apearance; emomoxenono, it is att.,de-
sirable; emomoxenōhe, one is attr.,desirable.
attractiveness, hestoms ohestoz, att. by look; momoxenōhes-
toz att., desirableness; zehešepevenōs
zeto hetan navešhessetanoton, I am drawn by the att.of
this man [lit.he looking well, this man, I am attract-
attribute, v. The Ch.language has an attributive m.; ni-
hetasz, thou art attributed to have said; evōm-
osz, he is att.to have seen one; navõxtan's, I am att.
to have seen it; emaheonevesz, he is att. to be God;
evehonevsesto, they are att.to be chiefs; ehāmoxtasz,
he is att., said to be sick (Ger.er soll krank sein);
see Attributive m.in Ch.gr.- This form of the v. is
extensively used by the Ch.implying attribute, suppo-
sition, saying and state ascribed to one.
auburn, zeoxemak, that which is deep red; eoxemaovess
and emaovess, one has auburn hair. The Ch.admire
light brownish hair with a tint of deep red and call
this: "yellow haired"; eheovstá, he is yellow haired.
This of course in ref. to long hair, both in men
and women. Long and beautiful hair is much mentioned
in the Ch.stories. See hair.
auction, hoxe vàtovå evešhoxtovàtove, it is sold at auc-
tion [from hōxeva =herald and hoxtova =to
audacious, ehestatamahe, one is aud.; esaahezevahe, one
is bold, aud.; ehātamaz, he is aud., valiant.
audacity, hātamazistoz, valor; hestatamahestoz,
recklessness; saahezevahestoz, boldness;
hestoz,aud.in the sense of insolence.
audience, zemohēoxzesso, the gathered ones; zeahàtomon-
esso, the hearers; zeamoneoesso, the ones sit-
ting around. This is usually said by Ch.of those who
sit at a council or gathering in a tent. Zeamoneoes-
så zeahàtōess, my audience [lit. the ones sitting a-
round listening to me; nanizeova esznistoz zistoseēs-
ztovo,he granted me an audience [lit.he granted me
entrance that I should speak to him]; nànizeomon zis-
toseĕsztovo Zevašitaevsz, I was granted an audience
with the President.
auger, otaheo [from naotāôn, I bore, pierce; otāēshetan =
pierced-nose-man, Nez Percés]. See bore, pierce.
augment, see increase.
augur, n.maakootanovosansz [from maako badger +-otan-
=dig,bore into]. The badger was used formerly
for divination of future events. As with the Romans
the Ch.priests would foretell future events by the
state or position of the entrails of animals, foremost
the badger; also by the images represented in his CO-
agulating blood. The animal was cut in two halves
while alive. The fur of a badger enwraps the sacred
arrows of the Ch.and those are also used as omens for
the tribe. Certain old men could also foretell future
events by the form of certain clouds, called ehōstone-
voeoxz =telling clouds.
aunt, zeheháhestovsz, the aunt; zeheháhestovesså, aunts;
nāhan,my aunt; nhāhe, thy aunt; heháheo,one's aunt;
nāhan,our aunt; zeheháhez our (sub. form); nháhevo,
your aunt; heháhevo, their aunt. Pl.not much
in use.
Naheháhenoz, she is my aunt; naheháhetova,I am his or
her aunt; naheháheton, I am an aunt; naheháhe, I have
an aunt; heháhestovestoz,aunthood; heháhetovazistoz,
the being an aunt to; heháhemazistoz, the being mutual
aunts,collection of aunts; naheháhevōemo, I count her
as my aunt. All relationships have а pecular v.f.
which we classified as Relationship m. The first inf.
-he- denotes possession,na-heháhe-noz =I have her for
aunt; naheháhetova she has me for aunt. See Ch.gr.
Among the Cheyenne an aunt is the sister of one's fa-
ther (not of one's mother);. also the wife of one's
uncle' (either father's brother's wife or mother's
brother's wife).
austere, adj. emómåtae, one is au.,grave, abstemious, re-
ligious,godly. Inf. -mómåta is used in many re-
ligious terms and has ref. to the class of Ch. who
strictly observe religious performances. Zemómåtahes-
sỏ, the class of the austere, religious ones; emómåta-
voēta, one is performing religious rites (said of
priests) [obviously related to -omata =sober]. Emó-
måtavostaneheve, he lives an austere, religious life;
emómåtaēsz, one speaks austerely, gravely, on religious
or sacred subjects; emómåtavoan, one utters austere,
sacred words; mómåtavoanistoz, sacred, grave utterance,
religious term; mómåtahetan, austere, religious man;
mómåtahee, austere, religious woman; éōstaemómåtavosta-
nehevestoz, austere, religious christian life [éōsta =
baptized, anointed with water on the head]; mómåtaheš,
austere,sacred day; mómåtavostan, austere, religious
person; mómåtamahaciss, austere, grave, religious
man; namómåtavazesta, I deem it au.,grave; namómåtava-
tamo, I deem one (or.) au., religious; emómåtavenōhe,
one has a grave, au., religious appearance;
ne, one has a grave, au.face; mómåtanos, in an austere,
grave, religious manner. See holy, pious, sacred. Inf.
-vovoxbon- strict, rigid, impartial
1.n a reli-
gious sense), austere; evovoxbonae, one is au.,strict,
inexorable; esaavovoxbonenoaehan, it does not strictly
imply; evovoxbonhe taneve, he is an au., strict man;
Vovoxbonevostaneheve, one lives a rigid, austere life.
See rigid, strict.
austerity, vovoxbonastoz, au., strictness;
au.,gravity, piety; mómåtavostanehevestoz, au.
in living; mómåtavenōhestoz, au.in appearance.
authentic, eonisyomhetom, it is au.,true.
author, zehemanstoonehesz, the au., maker, designer, crea-
tor (of something put, built together); zehe-
exaeneonsz, the author,
one who brings to execu-
tion. [ Zehetaeneonsz, the finisher (Ger.Vollender) ].
authority, nitáhestoz, rule; nitávhoemanistoz, au., power
of au. [From nitáhe ruler, master + hoemanis-
toz =law]. Nametan nitao nitavhoemanistoz heama na
hoeva, to me is given all authority in heaven and on
earth; nahenitáhestov, I have the au.; ehenitáhesto-
vetto,it has au.
authorize, nanitáemaného, I make one ruler; nameto nitá-
hestoz or nitávhoemanistoz, I give to one the
authority, power, rule; nahetooto heneševestoz, I confer
upon one the authority to do; nahetooto zexhoxtovas
namhayon I confer upon one that he sell my house.
is rendered by inf.-taom- =of self.
autograph, tāma hetaomemxistonestoz, one's Own hand-
automatic, etaome-momooz, it moves by itself,automatic-
ally; etaome-amoeoxzetto, it goes automatic-
ally; taomenemenistoz, automatic music, any musical in-
instrument playing by its own mechanism. Sometimes
the inf. -taom- denotes "without any reason or speci-
al cause" e.g. etaomhoneo, it grows by self; esaataom-
hoeoxzé,he did not come, for no apparent reason.
automaton, taomezetaneneo.
automobile, taome-amoeoxzistoz,
that which runs of
autumn, tono eva, in autumn; tono ešehe, moon of the fall.
See months.
avail, v.evistämosanetto, it avails, helps; eveševistäma-
zistove,it is of avail, assistance; nahozeto, I av.
myself of one's help; esaatoneozehan, it is of no av.;
haônàtoz maha evešetoneozistov, prayer is of great av.
avail, n.esaavešhoozenovan, it is of no av., advantage,
gain, profit; etoneozistov, it is of avail, benefit,use;
esaavešetoneozistovhan, it is of no avail, no benefit
or serviceableness.
availability, hooztseonevestoz,av.,advantage;
hestoz, availability.
available, ekanòzeahe, one is available, can be used
(or.),is extra; nisaahozetané? art thou av.
not in the service of some one? Ehozestomohestov, it
is available (Ger.steht zur Verfügung); esaahozeehan,
it is not in use, is available; zehešsaahozehēs (or
-hozēs) natâzeto, since he is available (is not in
use) I am going to use him.
avalanche, hestass zemame-anhosevanoz hohamoss hohona e-
va,snow sliding in bulk down the side of a
mountain. Hohonaeo ema sóanho sevano, there was an aval.
of stones; hohamoss zeomao èmasó-anhos evanotto, there
was a land slide.
avarice, hozevatanoeonevestoz;
toz,av., the wanting money; haōvatanoheoneves-
toz,av.,greed for riches.
avaricious, emakätaemetanoheoneve, he is av.; ehozevata-
noheoneve, he is greedy,coveting; ehaōvatan-
oheoneve, he wants riches; emehoxta hemakätaeme, he
loves his money.
avenge, nameoevomotâ, I av.,fight for,defend one; naevâz-
tomoe, I av., take vengeance; havs zeheševez ni-
tosevešhoehotaenon, the wrong, evil we do will av.
self upon us (will come to us). See revenge or venge-
averse, rendered by inf. -òne- and -ònez-, see adverse.
aversion, òneztastoz; šenitanoxtoz, loathing; peosanis-
toz,disgust, av.
avert, natōeman, I avert, prevent; -tōemanisz, av., prevent
it; -tõemaného, prevent, avert one; natōemaného zi-
stosenitoenahans, I av.,
I av., prevent one from murdering;
nahestomano, I prevent one. See prevent, avoid.
avid, ehāpoe, one is av., gluttonous (in eating); emhaet-
sanetan, emhaestomosaneoneve, one is avid, greedy to
swallow; tass èmhaesta naēszistoz, he was avid for
words (as it were he swallowed my word); oxcemhaesta-
tanotomova Maheo heomotom, be ye avid for God's Word!
naoha-hoahe, I am avid,. craving for; enhazetan,he is
avid, craves for. See crave.
avidity, hapohestoz, av. gluttony;
greed to swallow; ohāhoästoz, ohāhoaetsenistoz,
av.,great desire, covetousness; heneenatanoheonevestoz,
av.for knowing.
avoid, nanohéna,I av., avert it; navohovaovo,I av. keep
away from one; naoxstaovo, I av.one (on the way, as
to not meet him); naovahãovo, I av. one, keeping away
from one; eahaeoxz, he avoids, in going wide of; nia-
haeoxta, thou avoidest it (passest on the farther side
of it); inf. -ahā- away from, wide of; naoháea (in.),
naoháeovo (or.) I avoid, shun (meeting); nahomista, I
avoid, escape it. See escape.
avoidable, eahaeoxzistov, it is avoidable (in going);
eahaeoxzetoe, one (in.or or.) is avoided; eo-
vahãoe, one (in.or or.) is avoided; emeovahãovazistov,
it should be av.; esaahomstaetoehan, it is not av.,es-
capable; esaahomstaetoehe, one is not av.; esaaoháeo-
ehan, it is unav., cannot be missed; nàko
zetoehe, the bear is not av.; vox meoneva esaa-ahāeox-
zetoehan, the hole in the road is not av.
avow, etåxtanōvemeeme, one (in. or or.) is avowed openly;
natåxtanōvemēsta nathavs, I avow my wrong, sin; e-
tåxtanōveoz, it becomes av., acknowledged. See frank.
avowal, tåxtanoveozistoz; tåxtanōvemeemazistoz,av., con-
await, natonōsan, I await; -tonōxta (in.),-tonōmo (or.);
natonōešeta, I await for it (it lying posture);
zeōènovetonōsansz, the one who awaits patiently; navō-
mo nasz zetonōešenaz, I see one awaiting (in a lying
posture). See wait. Heovasz zehesso zetoshoeohotata
nisaaheneenohe, thou dost not know all that awaits
› prometa (
awake, v.ešešeoz, one awakes, becomes awakened; etotonōe,
one awakes (opening the eyes); esaatotonōhe, one
awakes not; naséhano, naséhaoho, I cause one to awake;
našeševamo, I coax one to awake; našeševaosemo, I awake
one (by noise).
awake, adj.etotoešena, one lies awake; totoešenàtoz, the
lying awake; ešešeoz, one is awake.
awaken, našešeozého, I aw., cause one to awake; naséaovo,
I aw., arouse one; šešeozistoz, the awakening; še-
ševamazistoz, the awakening by coaxing; šeševaosemazis-
toz, the awakening by noise.
award, v.navovēmo, I award to one [in the sense of pay-
ing tribute, homage to one (in words)]; navovēta-
notovo, I pay tribute to one (in thot); navovēahetovo,
I pay tribute to one (in deeds).
aware, homatan nanšheneena, I am aware,
[homatan denotes inward feeling];
I become aware of it; na (h) omazetovo, I become aware,
concious of one; naomata, I am aware, feel of it; nao-
matovo (or.); naoxheneena, tho I am aware, tho I know;
nanšheneena zehešenās, I am aware that he is dead.
haeš, far away, distant; ehaesså, it is far away;
inf. -as- -away, start off (also begin); eas,he
goes away, starts off; nitaashemå, let us be off, away!
Easeoxzeo, they have left, gone away; naasetana, I take
it away [the "s" implies "from, deriving, off"]; enise-
oz, it comes away, out off; naaseozého, I cause
concious of it
go away, to leave; naaasemeanoz, I give them (in.) a-
way; naasethozeto, I send one away for to....; easet-
hozē zetoshozeohes, one is sent away to work; inf.
-ahā- =away, wide of (see avoid); naovahāovo, I keep a-
way from one; naahaeoxzetovo, I go away, wide of one;
eahāehoe, one stands away, wide of; inf.-nōs- and -noo-
se- =not with, away, from having been with; nanooseme-
semo, I eat without him (he being away); nanooseoz, I
become turned away, am no more with; nanōsetan,
I put
away,reject (in mind); naovahāemo, I keep away, from
being with one; inf. -nševe- =away in the sense of
"without break or delay"; enševemese, he eats away;
enševenemen, one sings away; the same meaning of away
can be rendered with the negative inf. -saapó (e)-
does not discontinue; esaapóhestanohe, one keeps away
taking it, does not cease taking it; esaapóeneševé, one
keeps away doing, does not stop doing; hazz! away! get
out of the way, thou! [Usually said to one person].
See depart, leave. Nataéótaenōoto, I turn away from,
leave one; naéótaencoxta, I turn away from it. Hako
haeš etàzeoxz, far away he goes; naasetanomon zemeha-
aenom, it is taken away that which I owned. See turn.
awe, v.naohaetano oz, I become awed, in dread; evešeohāe-
tanoe, one is awed by; heto zeohātamano navešeohae-
tanoha, this great, terrible (sight) awes me; naohaeta-
noho, I inspire one with awe, dread; naohaéàtoe, I am
awed, inspired with reverential fear; niohaéàtovo, thou
art inspired with awe before one; naohāéàta, I rever-
ence it with fear.
awe, n.ohaetanoxtoz, dread, apprehension; ohaetanohazis-
toz, the inspiring with awe, dread; ohaéàtohestoz,
awe, reverential fear; ohāéàtovazistoz, awe towards
one, veneration; niéàtoenheetovovo you stand in awe,
veneration before one; inf. -éàtoe- awe, reverential
fearing; eéàtoe-mómåtavoētao, they perform the rites
with awe.[From "é" =fearing, dreading + àtoe =listen,
obey + mómåta austere, grave, religious + -oēta to
perform, be doing].
awful, adj.eohātamano, it is awful, awe inspiring; eohā-
tamanoētastov, it is an awful,dreadful, powerful
doing; eohaetanoxtov, it is awful, dreadful; eohāoētas-
tov, it is an awful, terrible deed; eohaéàtohestov, it
is awe inspiring, worthy of veneration; eohamómåtavoē-
tastov,it is an awful, solemn performance; niheneenan-
ov zehešohātamano, do you know the awfulness of it?
awhile is rendered by inf.-ninove- awhile; nšeninove-
xoveva, for awhile, (for a time); ninovexoveva,
for awhile, short time; eninovhozeohe, one works a-
while; eninov'netto,it is but for awhile; ninovetto
nasaaēszé, for awhile I did not speak; moxheze, just a-
while ago;
etamonekasexove zehešeaseoxz, it is just
awhile ago that he left; moxheze nàvōmo, just awhile
ago I saw one; nšeninovexoveva emehahozeohe, for a-
while, for sometime he was workig; "momen" either in-
fixed or detached denotes "by bunch, group", but can
also be used in the sense of an alternate condition
or doing of short duration,e.g.toxto eoxcemomenhões-
ton na momen eoxchaôn, on the prairie for awhile he
would read and for awhile he would pray (Ger.bald las
er, bald betete er). Kasexov short time; is also used
to express "awhile"; kasexoveva emehavoešetan, for a-
while, a short time, he rejoiced; etaešhaexov zeheševō-
mo,it is quite awhile (long time) since I saw one.
awkward, eonohomae, one is awk., young at it, feeble; eo-
nohomaeoneve, he is an awk.one; esaaotoxovahe, one
is awk., not skillful; esaapevheneenohe, one is awk.,
does not know well; ehóxa, one is awk., green; zeheš-
sóhóxaetto navešetane, since I am still awkward I feel
awkwardness, onohomastoz;
inexpert, green.
awl, héon.
awning, hoveoo, shade;
saaotoxovahestoz, awk., not
skillfulness; hóxastoz, awk., state of being
hanging awning.
See shade.
awry, rendered by inf.
-nime- turned aside, also de-
tached,e.g. nime nahoz, I set, put it awry, to one
side; nanimeēnana or nime naēnana, I set it down awry,
to one. side; nimenexhozz, put it sideways, awry;
mehota, it stands awry. See side, deviate.
ax, hoxqx (hoxqox), mathoxqx, the ax [mahoxqx old word
for the ax, from which "tomahak" must be derived].
Ehoxqxeve, it is an ax; nathoxqxeme, my ax; nahesthoxq-
xeme, I have an ax; ehecéa hoxqx kamxeheva, the ax is
stuck in the wood; eheceō hoxqx, it sticks in the
ground, the ax. [The word for hammer is toxq, from ton-
ôn to pound with with an instrument; an ax,hoxqx is
a hammer cutting thru. Old Indians tell me that the
original model for the hammer was the raised arm and
fist, while the arm raised and hand opened edgewise
gave the idea of the "cutting hammer". [Anything that
has a "hold" or is tied to has the rad.-to- in Ch.1
axilla, nazeno, armpit.
axis, hovae zetasitoveoz na zenoveše-nimaoesenàtov,
something thru the middle, around which rotation
takes place.
axle, makät zeoxceseoxtaoz amoeneo, wagon axle (lit.iron
which enters the wagon legs).
azure, otatavoom, the blue vault.
B, pronounced like "b" in baby. It denotes close to a
surface, adhering to. Many Ch. make no distinction be-
tween the sounds of "b" and "p" and a few pronounce
the "b" like the soft Hebrew "bêth".
Babel, Zevešeonitavevenszistov
languages ensued.
baby, meševoz, see babe.
Baal, Atovsz in the hieratic use of the Ch. ="Sun-god"
Known and used solely by certain initiated
priests. [Ameònito =Ashtoreth in hieratic Ch.and re-
fers to the moon].
babble, v.evovee venisz, one babbles (as a little child);
zevoveevensz, the one who babbles.
evoveevenszistove, it is a
babble, n.voveevenszistoz;
babe, meševoz (sg.), meševoto, babies; evōmo meševoto,
sees the babe or babies; emeševozeve, it is a babe;
emeševozeveahe, one is of babies' age; zemeševozevsz
the baby one; zemeševozevess, the babies; nameševotam,
my babe; nahemeševotam, I have a babe; nahemeševotame-
noz, it is my babe; nihemeševotame tõevo, you are his.
=wherewith different
babyhood, meševozevestoz; emeševozevstov,it is bab.
bachelor, hovo(h)á, (unmarried man, widower or divorc-
ed); ehovoaheve, he is a bach.; zehovoahevsz,
the one who is bach.; zehovoahevesso, the bachelors;
heehe,bach.woman; eheehēve, she is single,batch., un-
married woman, virgin.
bachelorhood, hovoáestoz.
back, v.nahósaovo, I back, second one; nahosonen, I back,
push back; -hosonena (in.), -hosoneno
(or.); nahosonoham, I back up (the horses).
back, adj.nooxtóe, back position, in the rear (usually)
of an interior); nooxtóe taxeestoz, the back seat;
zehestoxēsz, the back one; zehestoxesso, the back ones
See behind.
(having ref. to
spine; napaon, my
back, n.matatōn, the back (of body); natatōn, my back
the spine); hestatōn, one's back,
back (the flat surface of it); nit-
nipaonan zehota, let us not behold
that which is in (behind) our back! Napāōmo, I bear
one on my back (as Ind. children are carried, with
with a
blanket); napãovoto,I carry one on my back; napāovox-
ta, I carry it
carry it on my back; nēmesepao, bareback
utely bare); ponomaepao, bareback, as a horse
saddle; naponomae omoheme, we ride bareback;
the back, other side of a hill or mountain, also used
figuratively e.g.
neamoss zehota nameheneenohe, how
should I know what is back of it? Zepaomao (large),
zepakomao (small) back, knoll of ground.
back, adv. inf.-hoso- =backward; nahossoozz, I go back-
wards; nahosoōstax, I shrink back; nahosovone, I
step backward; inf.-evha- back, returning; naevhâoxz,
I go back home; eevhâeoxz, he has come back; naevhasó-
ostax and naevhaeōs tax, I step back quickly; eevhâsve-
oxzetsan, he turns back, is backsliding; naevhavana,
turn it back (as leaves of book); -evhâse- =back an-
other time, again; Inf.-hootō- turning back and look-
ing; nahootčeoz, I become turning back and looking;
naevhahootōeveoxta and naevhahootōetoxetanota, I turn
back and look at it (in thot,retrospection); naézeeoz
and nāézeeōs tax, I jerk back (suddenly) with the head;
nāézeaeš, I jerk back with the head, when lying; nane-
hevamo, I call one back; nanehevavenēnàno, I order one
back; nanosepaonaetovo or nanosepaonaoetovo, I sit,
turning my back to one; nanosepaonaxetovo, I turn my
back to one (lying position) and: nahotamaeš, I lie
with back against; nahotamaešeta, I lie with back a-
gainst it; -hotamaešetovo, (or.); natâtameas, I turn my
back and leave; inf.-hotam- turning back to, keeping
behind,e.g. nahotamenheetovo, stand behind, back of one
[hence hotam, dog the follower]; nahotamamese, I eat
sitting behind the back of another; nanoneesenonao, I
sit,reclining ba. on elbows; namsiskotaeho, I sit (al-
most lying) backward (knees drawn up); natoehaneena-
zē, I sit with folded hands back of head; nahanothoe, I
sit,head bent backward; inf. -hano- and -hanose- =
backwards with head thrown back; nahanôxtao, I fall
backward (from higher ground); nahanoseanao, I fall
backward (taking a longer period of time); ehanoeoxz,
one walks with head thrown back; etotoevetova, one is
bent (crippled) backward; nanonostá, I talk back,re-
tort; nasaanonostahe, I do not talk back; ehootōeoxz,
one walks backward; naéotaenōoxta, I turn back from it
(leaving); naevhaéota, I turn back from.
backbone, màtatōn, my ba., my spine [names of promi-
nent bones usually end with long vowel "o", see
bones]. Tass esaahestatōné, as it were he has no ba.
background, nooxtóe [antonym to hestó =foreground, in
front of].
backslide, v.eevhâsveoxzet'san, one ba., goes back again
where he formerly belonged; evhâsveoxzet'-
sanistoz, the ba. (said of such Indians who return to
associations they had left).
backward, see back, adv.
bacon, hešksesehotam, bacon., pork.
bad, adj.ehavseva (in.), ehavsevae, (or.) on is bad; eo-
hamsenova, it is worse; eho sohamsenova or enanoshavse-
va,it is worst; nahavsevazeona, it seems bad to me, I
deem it bad; ehavsevazeoneve, one is a bad character;
nahavsevetan, I feel bad (mentally); nahavsevomoxta, I
feel bad (physically); nahavsevaetovo, I am bad towards
one; nahavsevaeztovo, I behave bad towards one; na-
havsevoēta, I act bad; nahavsevoého, I do bad to one;
nahavsevoesz,I do bad to it; nahavsevemo, I speak bad
of one; nahavseveēsztovo,I speak bad to one; ehavse-
veēsz,one speaks bad; ehavsevoan, he speaks bad (sc.
ut terances). Oftentimes bad is expressed by the nega-
tion of "good", e.g. esaapevaehan, it is bad, not good;
esaapevahe, one is not good, is bad; ehavsevešēve, it is
a bad day; heto mhayo ehavseva, this house is bad; he-
ēszistoz ehavseva, his word is bad; nihavsevazesta,
thou deemest it bad; ehavsevatamo, he deems one bad;
nahavsevōemo, I count one for bad; ehavsevoētastov, it
is a bad act, deed; in so far that bad is infixed, it
is used for adj. and adverb, but the real adj. f. is
havseva bad; the Ch. can say havseve-vostanehevestoz
=bad life, bad living or vostanehevestoz zehavseva, the
life or living which is bad. The ending in "a" instead
of e denotes a state or quality. The rad. "havs" is
the exact equivalent of the Ger. verwerflich. Nahavse-
vstahaoz, I become bad hearted angry; havsevhetan, bad
man; havsevomao, bad land; ehavsevatamano, it is bad
weather; havsevemàtam, bad food; ehavsevenono (in.) it
has a bad appearance; ehavsevenōhe, one has a
bad ap-
bad, n.havs, mathavs, the bad;
Havsevevhan or Havsev-
han, the Bad (in person); havsevastoz, badness
(state) havsevestoz, that wch is bad (being), badness;
havsevstxe, the realm of the bad; zehavseva, that which
is bad, the evil; zehavsevasz, the bad one (or.) zehav-
sevaesso, the bad ones; havseve-vostaneo, bad people;
zsaapevaehan, that which is not good, the bad; Havevsz
name of a prominent evil person in an old Ch.tale.
See evil an devil.
badge, hoetoseo; exxeoe hoetoseoneva, it is written on a
badge; nimôo, badge or heraldic emblem, usually
consisting of a bunch of hair or a feather suspended
on the tip of one of the lodge poles.
badger, maàko;maàkootanovosans, religious term referring
to the badger in certain ceremonials
and espe-
cially in auguring. See augur.
badinage, see banter.
badly, rendered by inf.-havseve-, see bad. Ehavseveman-
isz,one makes it badly or makes it bad; zeto
nisima ehavseoéha heves'eno, this my younger brother
has been treated badly by his friends; ehavsevetan one
feels badly (mentally); ehavsevomoxta, one feels badly
(physically). In the sense of unskillfully, poorly
imperfectly inf. -saape ve- not well, is used,e.g.esa-
apevhõestoné, one reads badly, poorly;
one sees badly, imperfectly.
baffle, see deceive, perplex.
bag, v.navehanen, I bag, put in bag; -vehana (in.); -ve-
hano (or.); navehoz, I have it in bag, receptacle;
evehota, it is in bag or receptacle.
bag, n.moemestoz,large bag made of grass; kaemestoz,
hand bag, small bag; vehaneo,lag, envelope, small case
or tin box (from navehanen, I wrap in); vešeĕseo, me-
decine bg; véozeva, in the bag, receptacle; hemanoeveo-
toz,water bag (made of the paunch of buffaloes); ze-
eneheone-kaemestoz, bag for combs or hair brushes; ho-
emskot,parfleche, bag of rawhide; vehooseo, bag, recep-
tacle, trunk; formerly the small round Ind.bags made
of tanned leather.
bail, v.nanōhan, I bail,dip out (liquids).
bail, n.vovēhevàtoz, bail, ransom; navovēheva, I give
bail; navovēhevavomotâ, I give bail for one, ransom
one. See ransom. Honeanat, bail, handle, chain.
bailiff, matanavého, police [lit. breasted or milk white
man, because of the star or badges such officers
wear on the breast]; ematanaevéhoeve, he is a bai-
bait, hoenovàtoz, the bait; ehesthoenovàtov, it is a bait.
bake, ehonoxta, she bakes it; ehonoto, she bakes (or.);
ehonosan, she bakes, roasts; ehonoe, it is baked;
honō, baked, roasted meat; honovoxköz, meat to be bak-
ed, roasted [ bake and roast are expressed alike in Ch.]
Natonovânon, I bake bread (Ind.bread as baked in Dutch
ovens); nitonovânonhemå, we bake bread in Dutch oven;
ensomaehóta, the ground (surface) is baking (when
heated by the sun or otherwise); eoxomaehóta, it
(ground) bakes, cracks from the heat; eōxomaoxta,it is
baked, cracked open (ground) by fire; hononistoz,
baking pan. See bread.
baker, kòkonôomane-vého, baker (white man); kòkonôo-hox-
tovamhayo, bakery (house where bread is bought);
zehonosansz, the one who bakes; honosanehe, baker,
balance, v.has no exact equivalent in Ch.but the bring-
ing into or keeping in equilibrium, the moving
up and down.or swinging, is expressd by the consonant
sound "v", e.g. vavaestoz, swing; naēvèn, I move up and
down in one place (Ger.habe mein Wesen dort); ēvnis-
toz, the being at one place, the whereabouts of one;
naĕvetanona, I weigh in my mind; nieveēszhemå, we are
engaged in talking. Hence the verb "to be" in the
sense of exsist or take place (evolving) is charac-
terized by suffix -eve; nahetaneve, I am a man (from
hetan man); emhayoneve, it is a house (from mhayo
house). See be.naeveõhazesta, I balance, weigh the mat-
ter (mentally).
balance, n.hovae zeveše-ehanāohazistove, something with
which heaviness (weight) is ascertained; ehana-
ovahe, the bal.,weigher.
bald, evōheszea, one is bald (has a shining top, head);
zevōheszeasso, the bald ones; zevcheszeaz, the bald
one; navōheszeasého, I cause one's baldness; Ookoome-
nevós, Bald-Peak, Pike's Peak, also called Ookoomeneni-
ta. The word ookass bald, depilated (Fr. sans polls),
ref.to any place lacking natural covering of hair,
fur, or feathers. See skin, peel.
bale, v.nahoxbohōesan, I bale, bundle up; nahoxbohõesz,
I bale it; nahoxbohōeto (or.), bundle one up; na-
hoxbohõesz móesz, I bale hay. See bind, bundle.
bohōehe, it is baled; zehoxbohōesansz, the one who
bales, packs.
bale, n.hoxbohōeseo; nathoxbohõeseo, my bale, bundle; no-
kov móesz zehoxbohōesz, one bale of hay; hoxbohōe-
sanehe, baler;móesz zevešehoxbohōesanistove, hay baler.
balk, epaponehoe, one balks, refuse to go.
balky, epaponehoeoneve, one is balky.
ball, v.naakanen, I ball; -akano (or.), -akana (in.)
eakane, it or one is formed into a ball; akanenis-
toz, the forming into a ball; naonistakoanen, I wind
into a ball; -onistakoana (in.); -onistakoano (or.).
ball, n.oxzem, play ball; oxzevònistoz, wheel play. Oxzem
ref. to the Ch.play wheel, which resembles a tennis
racket,round and without handle, about fifteen inches
in diameter. The center mesh is called máe or hestá,
(blood or heart); the periphrastic meshes are dis-
tinct from the others and
represent hostile animals
or the horizon. See play wheel. Ohòneoxzem,
Ohòneoxzem, baseball,
ref.to ball only; ohònistoz oxzem, baseball game; oha-
seovàtoz, football; hoe oxzemea ehesso, the earth is
like a ball. The word oxzem was originally the webbed
wheel which was not a ball. As regular play balls be-
came known to the Ch. they called them oxzem, not in
ref.to their spherical shape, but from the use they
were put to. When they say that the earth is shaped
like an "oxzem", it is because they believed the earth
had the shape of a disc. The real word for ball is
zeaq, that which is spherical; zeonistaq, that which is
round. See round. Akosoevoz, arrows with spherical
heads hosohestoz, ball, dance. See dance. Véhoema (sg.),
véhoemahoz (pl.) ball, bullet; maxevého ema, cannon ball.
balm, hovae zevešeoanomoxtastov, something that soothes
(physically and mentally); hovae zevešepavemeeo-
zistove, something that has a fragrance; xoaneo,balm,
ointment; see balsam, perfume.
balmy, epavemeeoz, it is balmy, fragrant.
balsam, voxcemexoaneo, perfume, fragrant ointment, salve.
banana, voxkaemenoz, crooked berries.
band, v.emomeno èneo, they band, group together; emomenox-
koèneo, they band together, apart from others,
selfishly; emanohaeo, they are banded together; emome-
nohaeo, they are in different bands or groups; inf.
-mano-banding together.
band, n.tōhestoz, bonds; manoeoxtahes totoz, bands, shack-
les for the feet; manoeàzenahestoz, bands, shackles
for the hands; see bind, bandage. Manháo, band, tribe,
that which has been made together (from namanháovo, I
make one to be); [manháo also means island].
toz,the band, tribe; manohastoz, band, congregation; mo-
menohastoz, band or
groups (momen =group-
ing); manoēhestoz, the banding, coming, arriving toge-
ther; mohenovàtoz, band, organization; mohéoxtoz, band,
collection; emanohastov, it is a band; zèmomenohastov,
where there are groups or bands. See gather, together,
meet. Notxestoz, band of warriors (from notax =war-
rior); onehanotxeo, band of the "drum" warriors. Moze-
eõeve, the traditional prophet or hero of the Ch.tribe
organized four bands of warriors: 1.Hotamhetaneo, the
"Dogmen". 2. Voxksehetaneo, the "Foxmen" (voxcess =fox,
from voxq deviate, crooked). This band was also call-
ed Mozoonhetaneo Flintmen. 3.Hemoeoxess, the "Spear-
men" (from mooxz-lance head). This band is also called
Oómenotxeo "Coyotemen". 4. Mahoevass, the "Redshields
(from ma =red + -oeva-provided with shield or nail);
the older name for this band was Hotoahetaneo, the
"Buffaloe Bullmen", from hotoa =Bull (either of buf-
faloes or deer, elk or bear). The names of these four
old warrior bands were given to the Ch. by their tra-
ditional prophet, according as he appeared to them at
first when they were pursuing him. Other names of
warrior bands are: Hematanóhess, the
bowstrings",also called Honienotxe "Wolfwarriors";
Hotame-masháo, the "Demented-dogs" (from -mashá- =
without sense, reason, unreasonable). Different names
were given to certain groups of Ch.families, sometimes
in reference to the camping order in the tribal
circle and oftentimes because of a local particular-
ity or prominent family traits. Some such names have
even arisen since I was with the Ch. For instance a
part of the Hotamhetaneo living in the neighborhood
of Fonda, Oklahoma are called the "Veenoto", because
of one Ch. who did not cut his eyebrows. Another ins-
tance is a family group, whose head man was an "Eseom-
hetan", but who were called "Eszenehetaneo" =Swamp-
men, because they camped near a swamp. Another family
group was called "Otatavoha" =Bluehorse, from an old
man of this name, who died but a few years ago. The
three names came up since I came to the Southern Ch.
Other band names I know to also be of recent dates,e.
g.Anskovenenes (Narrow-nose-bridge), and Penet’ka.What
has happened within thirty or forty years must have
happened before too. Even the band Hevešksenxpâess is
not very old. This band tabues the beaver because
thro that animal a man, who is still in remembrance of
some old Ch., died of suffocation or strangulation.
Evataneo, the "Peltmen" (from eva, pelt, skin with hair)
is the name given to the Southern Ch. as a whole, to
distinguish them from the Oxmesess ("Eaters") who are
the Northern Ch. Thus in the camping circle the name
Evataneo has not ref. to any special band. When for
instance Oxmesess (Northern Ch.) come to attend an
Arrow Ceremonial they are not taking a special place
in the camp circle, but each one will be with his or
her family group. Sotaeo is the name of a band or
tribe of Indians whose language was only dialectical-
ly different from the Ch. and readily understood by
the latter. Eseomhetaneo, the "Hillmen (some of these
also claim to belong to the Sotaeo!); Hevešksenxpâ–
ess, the "Obstructed-oesophagus-ones" (from hevešksen=
oesophagus and -nxpaoe =to
shut, obstruct an aper-
ture); Oevemanhá, the Scabby-tribe (from oeve, scabby +
manha, to create, make as one); Masiškota, the "Reclin-
ing-ones" evidently from namsiškotaehoe, I am
ing (almost lying posture) with one knee drawn up and
the other foot placed across it; Totoemanha, the "Shy-
band"; Votapeo, the "eaters" (from a Sioux word); Hovx-
nova, the "Penurious-ones" [ehaōva, one is rich, ehovx-
nova, one is in penury]. Oxtokona or Oxtokoona, the
"Lower jawbone"; Nako emanha, the "Bear-band"; Penet'-
ka, name given to the "Friendlies" of 1874-75;
vataneo, the "Blackmen", also the name for the Utes.
Môseo, were an allied band to the Ch. The name is de-
rived from Monsoni, a tribe which is said to have OC -
cupied the territory south and north of Rainy Lake
and Lake of the Woods, and eastward to Moose river, in
Canada. [James Mooney, in the Memoirs of the American
Anthropological Association, Vol.I, part 6, p.369]. No-
th "Northern-ones"; Oseaono and Oxnova are for-
mer bands of Cheyenne of which nothing definite is
known besides their names. Zesseohoomoeo, the
"Cheyenne-Sioux", a number of mostly Northern Ch. hav-
ing intermarried with Sioux and for the greater part
living near the Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dakota. See orga-
nization. [Mr.James Mooney of the Bureau of American
Ethnology at Washington,D.C. has written a valuable
and very reliable article
subject in Vol.I,
part 6, p.402-418 of the "Memoirs of the American
on this
Anthropological Association].
band, the ones
go about serenading. This has no
ref. to musical insruments, altho any kind may be im-
plied. In order to specify, the instruments would have
to be named, as tàpenonoz trumpets, flutes; matanōene-
menestoz string instruments and oneavo drum.
bandage, v.nahóxeetsan, I bandage (a wound, etc.); -hóxe-
eto, bandage one; -hóxeesz, band.it; ehóxehe, one
(in. and or.) is bandaged; nahóxesztovo, I band.it,
one's; nahaestoha-hóxeesz, I (wrap) band.many
(when coiling several times); navehoész, I band. it
(when the whole object is wrapped in, as
is wrapped in, as a fractured
foot or leg in a plaster cast). See bind. Naevhaše-
xoneano, I unbandage, uncoil the bandage; nanxpenēto, I
bandage one's eyes, blindfold; heex nanxpenēsztovo, I
band.it, one's eye.
bandage, n.hóxehestoz; hóxeetsanistoz, the bandaging.
bandit, šēnovahe, robber, despoiler, (from našēno, I rob,
despoil one [by violence]); nxpaevèho, bandit,
desperado, refer. to masked white highwaymen (from
=covering the face
=whiteman); ešē-
novaeve, one is a bandit; šēnovastoz, the act of a
bandit. See rob. Enxpaevèhoeve, one is a bandit.
bank, v.nahestovomaena, I bank up the ground; eneohãe
vée etatomse-
vóe, the cloud is banking up, rising;
hoe, the cloud is banking up,wall like.
bank, n.makätaemhayo, money house; emakätaemhayoneve, it
is a bank; oxeano, steep river bank, bluff; eoxeand-
eve,it is a river bank; oxeanōea ehesso, it is like a
river bank, a bluff; hestovōma, on both banks, sides of
a river; hōma, on the other side, other bank (of a ri-
ver or lake); zehestovomao, bank, low elevation of
ground, brow of a hill; ònovetto, the bank of a
where one lands; naonòn, I come to the bank,land; nao-
nōzého, I cause one to land, reach the bank. The rad.
-ono- denotes less the bank than the coming out from
any body of water; toxeeohé, at, along the river bank.
banker, makätaevèho, the money-white man;
eve, he is a banker.
banner, hōeo, flag, "standing floating".
banquet, maxemesestoz,feast; meenaestoz, public banquet,
banter, v.nanasoēmo, I banter one. See joke.
banter, n.vhane-nasoemetastoz, banter, good natured teas-
ing. See joke.
baptism, éōstahestoz, the pouring upon the head; séènis-
toz, baptism, the going into the water (ref to
river or lake); the first form is the more natural to
the Ch., the second more strange and needing an ex-
planation; eéōstahestov, it is a baptism; éōstaovàtoz,
baptism, the baptizing; éōstaemómåtavoētastoz, ceremony
of baptism.
baptismal, eeōs taemómâtavoētastov, it is a bapt.service,
rite, ceremonial.
Paptist, seènistová zevešéōstahesso, the ones baptized
by entering (descending into the water).
baptize,naéōstaova, I baptize (on who does it as his vo-
cation, like John the Baptist); naéōstàno, I
bapt.one; naéōstaha, I bapt. it (see Instr.m.in Ch.
gr.); nieōstaesz, I bapt. thee; naéōstahe, I am bap-
tized, am a christian; zeeōstahesso, the baptized ones
=christians; éōstaemanhastoz, baptized-band, church (as
a body of christians believers); éōstaevostan, a bap-
tized person; eeōstaevostaneheve, one lives a bap-
tized, christian life; éōstahetan, baptized, christian
man; éōstahee, christian woman; zistaéōstaes, as one
was baptized; eéōstaetan, one desires to be baptized;
éōstaetanoxtoz, the desire to be baptized; eeōstaenov,
there is a baptizing. The v.stem -éōsta when used as
infix denotes "christian".
bar, v.is expressed by inf. -nxp- =obstructing a pass-
age,close an entrance or egress; nanxpaosan, I bar,
keep shut in; -nxpaovo, bar one; -nxpaa, bar it; enxpa-
osanetto,it bars, obstructs; enxpoeoz, it or one has be-
come shut in, barred; nanxpoòno, I bar one, shut one in;
(instr.meaning); nanxpooha, I bar, shut,lock it; nanx-
patovan, I bar, by shutting stove damper; nanxpenēto, I
bar one's eyes, blindfold one; enxpazena, one has his
mouth barred, shut (with something); nanxpazenàno, I
bar one's mouth (Instr.m.); enxpazenanazē, one sits
with one hand covering his mouth; nxpeoxtam, before
the door, barring the entrance; enxpehoe, one stands,
barring or before the door; enxpota, it sets barring;
enxpaoz,it has become barred, stopped, shut; máe eveše-
nxpaozistov, wherewith blood is
stopped. This inf.
"--nxp-" implies barring, shutting of a passage or
aperture; nxpaevého, the masked white man (whose face
is partly shut out, barred; applied to highway men);
enxpotomeoz, one suffocates, is barred in his breath-
ing; nanxpeamena, I shut, close it by means of fat or
pitch, as the holes of a basket, boat, trough, etc. [From
-nxp- + am fat, grease]. Enxpaosanistove, it is a bar-
ring; enxpeozistove, it becomes a barring; enxpaosane-
nov, there is a barring; enxpeozenov, there is a bar-
ring (becoming so); zenxpaosansz, the one who bars,
forbids entrance or egress; zenxpaosensz, the one who
does the barring. The difference between these two
expressions is only in the "a" and "e"; the one with
the "a" implies a faculty, quality, state, the other
(with "e") denotes a progressive doing. [Thus with
navōsan and navōsen; both mean "I see", only the first
ref.to the faculty of seeing, while the second implies
the actual, progressive
seeing]. Votanxpavs,
Votanxpavs, barring
the good, exempt of good; evotanxpavseve, one is barred
from good, is wicked. See close, stop, shut and
bar, n.nxpoheo, bar, lid, cork; nxpohaneo, bar, shutter,
lock; nxpaosenehe, the one barring; zenxpaosanetto,
bar, that which bars, obstructs; nxpatovanehe, the bar
for the smoke stove damper; hasso, crow bar; zeohano
mahaeta,iron bar; nxpaovamehe, the keeper in, the bar
of the stock (horses, cattle and sheep), shepherder;
panxpoho, pomum adami, shutter, (Adam's apple); mox-
enxpoho, epiglottis.
barb, navāstax or navaes tax, I barb, cut into, edgewise;
navāstaxå, I barb it (navastassi would be the or.
where it could be used). See barbed; zeheškovetto va-
stxestovå, barb (as in an arrow head).
barbecue, v.naséoxtano, I barbecue one, roast before
fire; eséoxtane, it is barbecued.
barbecue, n.emaxemesestov,nitaetas vehoehotoa zeoxcséox-
tans hoestavå, it is a big eating where a whole
beef is broiled (roasted), held in or before the fire.
barbed, evās tax, it is barbed; evāstae, it is bar. (state,
quality); vastavoxoz, barbed arrow heads; makät
zevešeamoeneane, barbed wire. There is no ref.to "bar-
bed" in this word, but it is used for barbed as well
as smooth wire. Zeoxce-maoxcenetóosz, the ones (in.)
barbed, ref. to heads of certain plants, like wheat.
[From -maoxce- tufting on top; maoxcēna, downy feath-
er stuck on top of head of a priest, symbolizing his
attendant spirit]. Emaoxcenetto, it tufts, is barbed.
barber, hooxtxovavèho; ehooxtxaovavèhoeve, he is a b.;
hooxtxovamhayo, barber shop (house); ehooxtxova-
mhayoneve, it is a b.shop. [From rad. -hooxtax, to cut
hair. Ehooxtxe, he has his hair cut; zehooxtxesso, the
ones with hair cut; nahooxtxen, I am having my hair
cut; nahooxtasso, I cut one's hair; nahooxtxova, I am
cutting hair (as a vocation). See hair]. Zehooxtxovaz,
the barber, hair cutter.
bare, v.nahotxanen, I bare, unveil, uncover; -hotxano
(or.); -hotxana (in.); nahotxanomon, it has been
bared for me; nahotxheneena, I bare it, reveal it, open
it to knowledge; màtasooma nahotxeneenomeva, the spi-
rit bares, reveals it to me; inf.-hotxa- bare in the
sense of uncover; ehotxaeheve, she is bare, is a widow;
naexoena, I bare, peel it (by hand);
(or.); naexonoxta, I bare, peel it (with teeth); naexo-
nomo (or.); naexoaxå, I bare, peel it (with knife); na-
exoasså (or.); see peel, skin. Naookoena, I lay it bare
(of surface covered with hair, feather or grass; naoo-
kano, bare one (or.), pick one's feathers (by hand);
naookassó, I bare one (with cutting instrument) of
hair or feathers; Ookass,p.n. the depilated one; na-
ookoena, I lay it bare (cutting weeds);
lay bare the ground, remove the sod [Sod like bark is
held as defiled outer garment of earth and trees,
which needs be removed for ceremonial purposes]. Nao-
okòno, I bare one (or.) by instrumental striking; na-
ookoha (in.); [From the rad.-ooko is derived the inf.
-oomen- which denotes suffering; see suffer. Nanšena-
voomen, I am laid bare, am
eexoeoz,it be-
comes bared; naoexoého, I bare one (or.), by skinning.
[The Ch. know that the cutting of the skin is more
painful than deeper gashes and they inflicted punish-
ment on their enemies by flaying them whole or in
parts. The scalping was more frequent because easier
of taking the skin and keeping it. Sometimes narrow
strips of skin would be started at the neck and torn
down the back, as far as possible. The peeling of the
bark for certain ceremonials, the removing of the sod
for religious rites and the flaying of animals or hu-
man beings had the same end in view, to take defilment
or wrong from an object. Hence the verb nahestoomen, I
I atone, am laid bare for; nahestoomenetovo, I atone
for one.
bare, adj.ookomaoxzeše, bare area of ground (large ex-
tent), desert; also oomaoxzeše but implying very
wide area; inf. -nēme- or -neeme- denotes bare in the
sense of entirely naked, exempt of; nanēmetoxs, I am
with bare body, flesh, am naked; niva zenhetata zènēme-
txsétto, who told thee that thou wert bare, naked? Na-
nēmeszeha, I am bareheaded, baldheaded; nēmetōvoxp,bare
coffee, without sugar; nēmetomao, bare, barren ground,
(see barren, desert); enēmenotova, one is bare-throat-
ed; eponomaota, it sets low on not quite bare
ground; enēmetomaota, it sets on absolutely
ground; ponomaepao, bareback, scanty back (of riding
horses); naponomaeomoheme, we ride bareback; eponomeo-
mohe,it is bareback (with a scanty covering);emätō,it
is bare, empty space (of an interior); nahosoeta, I am
bare-foot; ponoxta ehoeoxz, he comes bare-, emptyhand-
ed; eponoe, it is bare, dried up, (of watercourses) low;
eponoeoxz, it becomes bare, low. [Pono on lower ground;
see dry.
barely, adv. inf. -pono- =low, is sometimes used for
barely in the sense of scantily; hovèno barely;
hovèno ehoeoxz, he barely, scarcely arrived.
bareness, hãomenestoz, destitution; see emptiness.
bargain, v. nahoxtova, I make a bar., trade. See sell and
buy; nahoxtovamea, I give in bar., barter;
hoxtovameto, I bar., barter with one.
bargain, n.hoxtovàtoz, bar., trade;
son or personalty; nanehovestoz, my person or
alty; suff.-eoneve =n.agent.verbalized,e.g. havsevoē-
taheo evil doer; ehavsevoētaheoneve, one is an evil
doer; nizeheo liar; enizeheoneve, one is a liar; ši
vaztahe the merciful one; ešivaztaheoneve, one is
merciful; mehoseo =lover; emehoseoneve, one is a lov-
er. Such verbs become substantives by dropping the
pronominal pref. and adding suff.-stoz,e.g. havsevoē-
taheonevestoz, the characteristic of being an evil do-
er; nizeheonevestoz, the characteristic of being a
liar; šivaztaheonevestoz, mercifulness; the Ger. suff.
-haft, as in boshaft, lügenhaft, teilhaft come very near
the Ch.meaning of -eoneve. The "e" with a grave ac-
cent (è) denotes "to be undergoing, gradual
and is always combined with "n", as: naamèn, I am step-
ping by degrees walk; naēszèn, I am gradually pro-
ceeding into, -enter; naōènovae, I am enduring, undergo-
ing with patience, persevering; when suff.-èn is fol-
lowed by one or more syllables the "è" becomes apoco-
pated and a hiatus results which writer designates by
acute accent or apostrophe, e. g. eeszèn, one enters;
eĕsz'neo, they enter; naamèn, I walk; niam'nhemå, we
walk. This is especially the case in the imp.f.of the
v.ending with -èn; eam'netto, it walks, is progressing;
ehez'netto, it proceeds (Ger. äussert sich); evhan'net-
to, it is but for a time (from -vhan- merely + -ènet-
to); eén'netto, it is ending, coming to an end (from
-èn- end, stop + -ènetto =stepping gradually on);
esaaén'nettan, it is unending (from -saa- not + -én-
=ending + -ènettan proceeding; the suff. -an is the
neg.f.of the imp.m.; ehaexov'netto, it is lasting a
long time (from -haexov- long time + -ènetto, pro-
ceeding on); the very rad. -exov- is derived from "a"
and refers to cutting the length of by gradual pro-
cess. See being. Sff. -na attached to nouns or verbs
has a participial meaning denoting "to be with, be on
with, or have on"; eszehen =coat; eeszehena, one is
with a coat, has a coat on or is "coated"; toxca =cap,
hat; nahetoxcaena, I am hatted; nahaôna, I am praying;
(from nahaôn, I pray); sitovōs midday; esitovōs, it is
noon; esitovōsena, it is being noon; eseš, one lies;
esešena, one is in a lying posture.- Sff.-ea or -aha =
to be, (imp.m.) in the sense of "being in the state,
form of"; eakōmoeha,it is, forms a small body of wa-
ter, a pond; etoxeha, it borders, skirts, forms a rim;
eheceha hoxq, it stands in (stuck), the ax; eéha, it is
stands upright: emhaōmoeha, it is a great body of wa-
ter; epevomaoeha, it is good ground; ehenitōneha, it
forms a door, it "doors"; [not to be confounded with
ehenitōneheve, it is a door]; henitōnea ehesso,it is
like a door: hoestaea ehesso, it is like fire; eséha,
it waters, there is water (in a cavity); emàpeha, it
forms water (not to be confounded with emàpeve, it is
water); eotataveoaseha, it is shining blue (a state
of blue brightness); [eotataveoasetto, it shines blue
(action)]. Suff.-eoz denotes "to be" in the sense of
become, take place, happen; epeveoz, it turns to be
good; nihavseveoz, thou becomest bad; nahestaoz, I be-
come into being,am born; ehavsevstahaoz, one turns to
be angry, "becomes with a bad heart"; evōnaoz,it comes
to be morning. This suff. -eoz implies short transi-
tion,short interval of time. When the transition is
gradual, taking a longer interval of time, the suff.
-eoxz is used with the same meaning, but implying
slower process; ehetaneveoxz, he turns to be a man, be-
comes a man; ehetaneveoz, he becomes a man (suddenly
or in a very short interval).- Inf.-he- is to one or
have; nahevoxca, to me is a hat, I have a hat; nahem-
hayo, a house is to me, belongs to me; nahemesestov, to
me is food, I have food; nahevasem (from nisima, my
younger brother), to me is a brother; nahevasemenoz,
one is to me a younger brother, I have
for bro-
ther. See poss., imper. and hortative m.in the Ch.gr.
beach, seetto zeametoxea zèmhaōmoeha, the sloping con-
tinuous along the great water body, ocean beach;
zistōeovàzetto hoe na zèmhacmoeha, where meet land and
great body of water; [zèmha- where the great + −ōmo-
eha it is a body of water]; zeénōmoeha, where the
body of water ends, beach; zeénhoeve, where the land
ends, beach, shore; toxe nehaneheva, along, closely
skirting the lake; zistoxemaoeha nēhaneheva, the strip
or border of land along the lake; zeamhōsta or zetox-
eamhōsta zèmhaōmoeha (or nehaneheva, beach, when a
line of bluffs border the ocean or a lake); zehōmhōs-
ta, the banks along the beach or shore; toxetto fol-
lowed by zèmhaōmoeha,nēhan or ohé,denotes "along the
edge of".
beacon neevatseo,sign; eneevatseoneve,one is a beacon,
sign. Cf.şign.
bead, v.nahoxahôn, I bead (hoxa close, nahoxahon, to put
close with instr.); nahoxaòno (or.); nahoxaoha
(in.); nahoxaohanoz mocanoz I bead the mocassins; ni-
hoxaòno eszehen, thou beadest a coat, shirt; ehoxahôn-
estove,it is a beading (or a beadwork); naonistaxc-
hoxaôn, I bead in circles [onistàq =circle or round
strip; "àq" turns into "axc" when a syllable fol-
lows]; namähoxaohanoz, I bead them (pl.in.) all over;
emähoxaoensz, they (pl.in.) are beaded all over; nani-
maesehoxahon, I bead in circle (convolute); eñimaese-
hoxaonsz, they are beaded in circle (convolute); na-
nahe-nımahoxahôn, I bead three rows (of beads) around;
[-nahe three times + -nima- =surrounding + -hoxahôn
=bead]. Etoxehoxahon, it is beaded at the rim; ezeene-
hoxahon,it is beaded on edge (like open work); etàpe-
hoxahon, it is beaded in large design (-tàpe- large);
etozceehoxahon (-tozce- small) it is beaded in small
design; ehotoxcehoxahon, it is beaded in star
(-hotoxc- =star); evaozeva-evoxtavensz, they are
(beaded) with deer design (-vaozeva- deer); the word
"beaded" is not incorporated here, only the design
(zexhoxtav -design in beadwork); eohešksoxtavensz,
they are (beaded) with triangle design, (-heškso
ering); eveksevoxtavensz, they are (beaded) with
design. (vekseo birds); emävokomhoxahonsz, they (in.
pl.) are beaded all over white; emäheovehoxahonsz,
they are beaded all over yellow; eotatavehoxahonsz,
they are beaded in blue. Above expressions are used
in sp.of mocassins which are in. In beading on dry
goods (which are considered or.) the or.form would
have to be used; emähoxahoe, one is beaded all over;
emähoxahoeo, they (or.) are beaded all over. Cf.feather
or quill work.
bead, n.oneavoq (obs.in the sg.), oneavokoz, beads. [From
one =round, around + a headed + -VOZ =piece of
skin; first beads (usuall;
Ly bright hard red berries)
were strung on a slender skin string]. Msiskaneo one-
avokoz, amber or tanned leather colored beads; otata-
veoneavokoz, blue beads; eotatavensz oneavokoz, the
beads are blue; maceoneavokoz, light red beads; ema-
konsz oneavokoz,the beads are red; ohase-oneavokoz
(-ohase to shine), shining (silver bright) beads,
(said of cut steel beads); hoxkose-oneavokoz, dark
brown beads; hòpāe-oneavokoz, purple beads (hòpaemenoz
=grapes; hòpãe grape color, purple). The verbal suff.
-menoe denoting granular, is also used in connection
with beads. This suff.is derived from the word "men"
=berry (see berry) and has ref.to granular formation
of beads, seeds or berries; emsiskanemenoensz, they are
(sc.oneavokůz) leather brown colored, "berried" or
granulated; also emsiskaemenaensz. Eneovemenoensz,
they are yellow granulated. Oneavok z must be implied
or stated, because this could be said of other granu-
lar objects. Hoxahônestoz, the beading, beadwork; hox-
ahônestoto (or.), beadwork, ref. to the material; zex-
hoxtav, design in beadwork.-- [In former days the de-
corative art of the Cheyenne consisting of quill
work, feather ornamentation drawing on skins and par-
fleches was the privilege of certain gilds of women,
which required a ceremonial initiation. These women
were called "The-Selected-Ones" or Moneneheo (from
the verb namonen, I chose, select). They were usually
older women and in most cases priestesses, also ini-
tiated in the hieratical signs or drawings. Only they
tan, I want to beseech; momoxzetanoxtoz, the wanting to
be.; namomoxztomoenoz, I be.for one (to get one); ni-
momoxztomohetovaz, I be. for thee (to have thee); naōè-
nove-momoxzemo, I persevere beseeching one (-ōènov-
perseveringly); naótse-momoxzemo, I endeavor, strive
beseeching one. See wish.
beset, -ôzetan, to feel beset; naôzetan, I am b.; naôze-
tanooz, I become b.; naôzetanoozetovo, I become b.,
bothered with one; nahesseôzetanotovo, I am b.,anxious
on one's account; naôzetanona, I am b.(state); naôze-
tanoho, I keep one b., anxious; naôzetanonavoomen, I am
b.,suffer anxiety; namhaetōe, I am b. (barked at) by
besides, in addi-
addition, connec-
them; nimaoetto nimhaetan, on all sides thou art b.
(namhaeta, one eats me up); nasoxpstomače zeóneztoess,
they b.me, the ones who are adverse to me (nasoxpsto-
maovo,I b.,harass one; navovoaovetan, I am b., perplex-
ed; nathavs zepanōetto, my sin which besets me (napan-
õe,it besets,cleaves, clings to me); emasóétoxta, one
is b.by fears; (inf.-masó- implies suddeness, over-
whelming); emämanseonaoe,one is b. (with ornaments,
adorned with); niotaohānševetõe, one besets thee very
much; nahoto anavomaoz, I am b., in a difficult condi-
tion. See hard,difficult.
beside, besides, aàzevetto (detached)
tion to; inf.-aàze- besides, in
tion with,moreover; eaàzeosen, one "besides", has in
addition; eōceheoneve na eaàzenomàz, one is a deceiver
and steals besides (in addition to); toxe (usually
prefixed), besides, bordering; toxeohé, beside, along
side of the river; toxe zèmaó, besides, skirting the
forest; etoxeha =it skirts, is besides; eama (not to
confound with héamå above), beside; eama meo, beside
the road; see side; inf. -pae- or -pâe- besides, up
to, equal to; hovane nasaapâe-maheonevetovahe, no
is beside me as God (there is no God beside me); inf.
-kanom- denotes "beside" in the sense of concession,
e.g. nakano memahaciseheve, altho, conceding that, beside
the fact that I am an old man; kanòze- =besides, ex-
tra,free, available; ekanoxzeae, one is besides, avail-
able; mato, besides, also; ahas, all beside,all else;
pâretto,beside, close by; naeamoxta, I pass beside it;
naeamooto (or.). See side, close, near by, paralel.
besiege, naomònon or naoomònon, we b.one; naoomònoneo,we
b. them (or.). See surround.
besmear, napapanoes, I am besmeared with. See smear.
bespatter, napapanoeõenon, it be spatters us; napapanoeo-
vo, I be.one; examaenš papanoeõenov ahanomaoxz,
they were simply bespattered with mud; -heniskoman, to
be., besprinkle; naheniskomano, I be. one (or.); niheni-
skomana, thou be. it; zeheniskomansz, the one who
zeheniskomanesso, the be.ones.
besprinkle, see sprinkle; naheniškomahaz, I be.; nahe-
niškomōvoto, I be.one (or.); naheniškomōvoxz,
I be.it.
best, zehossohamepeva (superlative form of epeva it is
good); zetohetanitá, the b.of all, most prominent,
important (from -nitáe, to be leader or master); enan-
osepevae, one is the b., most excellent; enocepeva, it
is the b., the only good one (in.); zehosohamepeva,
the d. (in.sg.); zeho sohamepevaesz (in.pl.); Zehoso-
hamepevaesz, the b.one (or.); zehosohamepevaesso, the
b.ones (or.pl.); nitapevae zeoxhešenōhevoss, thou art
the b.of all (zeoxhešenōhevoss altho there be many);
etapeva zeoxhešenonoez', it is the b.among all (in.);
enanotōeme, one (or.and in.) is the b., in worth, value.
Naešenoto, I get the b.of one, persuade one; nahèpeōce-
tovo,I get the b.of one, outwit one (from -hèps- =more
than + -ōce deceive +-tovo unto one); nanovòno,
get the b. of one, beat him (as in races); enanosepe-
veeno,it tastes b.; emxastovsan, one dresses in his b.
(-mxastove- touching all); zeozheše-hosohameótsetan-
otto nasaameovaohe, altho I do my b., I am not pros-
perous (zeoxhese altho being + hosoham--6tsetanotto =
striving my most); zenanosepeva zemehešetto, the b.I
can do; zenanosepevaez' zemehešezz, the b.one may do.
bestir, emomooz, one bestirs himself, becomes moving; mo-
moozz,b.thyself, move! Eševetano, one bestirs him-
self, is diligent; ševetanooz, bestir thyself!
now at it! b.thyself! (Ger.nun los!). Inf.-ševe- =di-
ligently, bestirringly. See loose.
bestow, nahethooto, I be.upon one; nanethootan, I am be-
stowed upon; namahooto (also namähooto), I be.,
commit all unto one; mähooxeha, be.,commit, give thy
whole heart to him. See give. Namahon, I be.it all.
bestride, natahoenotto (or also natahoenoz), I be. one
(or.); natahoeta, I be. it; natahoe, I be., sit
riding fashion. This expression is also used for sit-
ting on all kinds of vehicles. See ride,drive; natho-
ze etahoetõe zeto hetano, my horse (servant) is be-
stridden by this man; natahoetova, one is bestriding
me; nitahoetovaz, I be.thee. Tahoestoz, the bestriding,
sitting upon.
bet, v.enovetàzeo, they are betting; nitanovetàzhemå, let
us bet! Nixeno všemeno, come bet on us! Rad.-nov de-
notes "less, coming short of". [Nanovòno, I beat one].
bet, n.novšehestoz, the betting; novšetazistoz, mutual
betting; novšenoham, betting horse (on which betting
is made).
betray, namēsta, I make it appear (in words); nameemo, I
make one evident (in words); this does not imply
betrayal, but revealing, divulging; emeseetaneva, one
betrays (has that bent); naemōxt'tovanoz, I be.one
(sell in secret); eōcevovoz, one be.,cheats. See trai-
tor; emomaxsetaneva, one be., tells on; nimomaxemo, thou
tellest on one.
betrayal, meseetanevàtoz;
meemazistoz, the divulging;
emōxt'tovàtoz,be.(for money); momaxstanevàtoz
betrayal, the telling on one.
betrayer, meseetane vahe; momaxsetane vahe, be., one who
emeseetanevaeve, one is a be.,see
tells on;
better, v.navovetanen, I better, reform, change, prepare;
navovetanàz, I better myself; navovetano, I b.one;
naonoanen, I b., reform, redress; naonoanàzetan, I want
to be better; napevanen, I better,repair; napevano, I
b.one (or.); napevana, I b.it; napevananoz, I b.them
(in.) epevane, it is bettered, repaired, ameliorated;
also with infix -evha- =again; naevhapevanen, I b.,
ameliorate again; evešepevane, it is bettered, amelio-
rated by or with; heto zehešezez nivešepevananon
vostanehevstonanonan, this doing, we b.our lives; epe-
veozistovatto it is bettering, conducive
ment. See reform, redress. Eevhapevatamano, the weather
has bettered, cleared.
better, adj.eohamepeva, it is b. (-oham- more than);
ehèpepeva,it is b.(-hèpe- beyond, farther than);
eohamepeveeno, it tastes b., or ehèpepeveeno; ehèpepev-
heneeno, one knows b.; ehèpõeme, one (or.and in.) is b.
in value,worth; see comparison. Zehèpepevomao, a b.
soil; ehèpepeveoz meo,the road is b.; epevomoxtagoz,
one becomes b.feels b.; epevomoxtaeoxz, one is getting
b., improving in health.
betterment, vovetanenistoz, the bettering, reforming; vo-
vetanazistoz, betterment; onoanenistoz,be,re-
form, redress; evhapevanenistoz, b., the repairing; pe-
vanazistoz,b.; pevomoxtaeoxzistoz, b.,improvement in
health; evhapavevostanehevestoz, b., improvement in
living, better life; heovasz hetoomeo zehoehotaez ni-
vešhepevanazistovenon, the divers trials encountering
us, are for our b. (lit. we have for our bettering);
evešepeveozistove, it is conducive to betterment
betting, see bet.
between, toovetto,b., in the middle; toovetto zehetaez,
b.where we are, in the midst of our presence;
inf.-toov-, etoovhoe, one is b., in the middle; totohov-
etto,one b.,intervening; niš totohovetto, two b.,at
intervals of two; inf. -totohov (e), in b.; see either;
mamovetto, in b., where two objects meet (from -mamov
to meet); ohe eamesevo zèmamo voz' zexhaešeanōevez, the
river flows b.high bluffs (lit.the river flows where
meet a high incline; henova zevešenitava mamovetto?
What is the difference b.? Tóna nasz makätansz na ma-
toheva mhayo, nitaomotaàz! Choose b. (either) money or a
house!Nonametó (either inf.or detached), b.in the sense
of "one another"; nonohoma, b. in the sense of "one
to another"; etoovhoeo hohonaxceo maxemeneva, there
are stones b., among the apples; etoovensz, they (in.)
are b.; setov, b., in the middle; esetovhoe, one sits
b., in the middle; esetovhota, it sets b., in the middle.
Setov denotes "b.two, in b." referring to the line b.
objects. See middle. Letter "t" in itself implies
"between,inter, set b.two". Eheveto vhota, it is hidden
by it, when an object intervenes, sets b.so as to hide.
another object; ehevetovehoe, one (or.)stands b.; na-
hevetovana, I hide it from view, by placing something
b. it and onlooker. Mhayo ehevetovhota, the house
stands hidden, is obscured, eclipsed by another object
standing b.it and the onlooker. Ešhaxtaxe, a go-b.
bevel, v.nanovaexå, I b.it (its end); nanovāéso, I b. one
(or.sp. of stones); enovāeš, it (or. and in.) is
bevelled (cut in b. at the end); enovāešensz, they
(in.) are bevelled at the end; enovāešen hohonaeo,
they are bevelled the stones, at the end; enovaeha, it
is b.(sp.of the b.surface itself, not the object bev-
elled; enovaeo, they (or.) are bevel; enovaensz, they
(in.) are bevel (the objects bevelled); nanovāso, I b.
one (or.), cut one b.; nanovāxå, I b.it, cut it b.; eno-
vāoz meo, the road becomes bevelled, oblique; eešxova-
oz, it becomes bevelled, oblique, tilting from top to
bottom; ox ešxovatto, one side is bevelled, is tilting,
oblique; nanovāmxiston, I write bevel like, obliquely.
See oblique, tilting.
bevel, n.novaxeoo.
beverage, hovae zeoxcemanistove, something to be
esaapavemanistovhan, it is not a good beverage.
bewail, namemo, I bewail .one (or.); namemota, I bewail
it; see wail and weep.
beware, nanahetan, I b.,am cautious (in thot); nanahez-
tovo, I b.of one (or.); nanahezta, I b.of it;
nahevevàtoe, I urge to caution, to b.; nanahevevamo I
urge one to beware, be on his guard; nanahetanotovo,
I b.of one (in.), in thot; nanahetanota, I b.of it, in
thot; nanahetanona, I am in a state of bewaring; nana-
hetanonatovo, I behave bewaring of one; nanahetanoho, I
keep one bewaring, on his guard; nanahetanonaovo, I im-
part to one that he beware. Nahetanoxtoz, the bewaring
(in thot); naheztsanistoz, the bewaring in acts; na-
heztovazistoz, mutual bewaring; nahetanohazistoz, the
keeping cautioning. Zenahetanoz, the one who
zenahetanosso, the bewaring ones; zenahetanonaz, the
one in a state of bewaring; zenahetanotēsz, the
who bewares of me (in thot); zenaheztōsz, the one who
b.of me (in acts); zenahevevàtoesz, the one who urges
to beware; zenahevevamasz, the one who urges me to b.;
zenahevevamesso, the ones urged to b.; nahe vàtomosane,
the one who urges to b.; nahe vàtomohe (o), the caution-
er; enahevàtomoe, one urging to b.;naheztsane, one
waring; see cautious.
bewilder, evovaovetan, one is bewildered, perplexed; na-
vovaovaovo, I b.one; evovaovaoe, one is made be-
wildered, confused; navovaovetanoho, I keep one bewil-
dered, perplexed; naononove oz, I become bewildered, con-
founded, not knowing what to do; naononovano, I con-
found, b.one; naononovanen I b., confuse; Maheo eono-
novstahan, God confounded, bewildered their (or.)
heart; naononovstahaovo, I make one to be bewildered
in heart; eononovstahaoz, one becomes bewildered in
heart; eononovhesta, one is in a bewildered condition
or disposition; eononovstaomen, one is undergoing, suf-
fering bewilderment. See confuse, confound. Ehestove-
oz, one becomes bewildered, puzzeld (is in straits be-
twixt); emasótotahopetano oz, one becomes suddenly be-
wildered,(from -masó- suddenly, at one moment +-to-
taho- in disorder, confusion + -tan- mind, thot); eo-
hãotčene, one looks bewildered, scared; exahec-ohãotõe-
bewilderment or
ne, one looks simply riveted by
fright. See disturb, commotion.
bewilderment, vovaovetanoxtoz, b.in thots; vovaovaoazis-
toz, b., mutual; vovaovetanohazistoz, the
maintaining bewildered; ononoveozistoz, the becoming
bewildered; ononovetanoxtoz.b., confusion in mind; on-
onovanenistoz, the making bewildered; ononovstahàtoz,
b.,confusion of heart; ononovhestàtoz, state, condition
of b.; ononovstaomenestoz, the undergoing, suffering
b.,confusion; hestoveozistoz, b., the becoming puzzl-
ed; masótotahopetanoxtoz, sudden b., confusion, disorder
of thots; totahopestàtoz, condition, state of b.,disor-
der; ohāotõenestoz, look of b., fright. See disturb,
bewitch, eahanomosan, one
one causes death by bewitching;
eahanomosha, he was caused to die by one (by
sorcery); ehōsansz, one is said to b.; ehōnehe, the be-
witcher, sorcerer; eehōneheoneve, one is a bewitcher.
This was mostly done by the priests, by words, looks or
acts. It was a sort of curse, damnation. transmitted
by evil magic (in words, looks or acts). Hence: nae-
hōmo, I curse or condemn, damn one; eehome, one is be-
witched, cursed, condemned. There are very few Ch. who
when befallen by sickness or misfortune, do not as-
cribe it to some bewitchery or occult power, which the
priest (or shaman) alone is able to overpower. Eova-
hoamo,he shoots one by
one by bewitching (magic). The Ch.
firmly believe that some persons have the power of
shooting magic arrows with their mouths, occasioning
disease, hemorrhage and other troubles.
The shooting
is claimed to be done in the dark. Certain ceremo-
nies,divers ways of painting the face are believed to
render immune against such magic. Also talismanic
symbols of repulsive insects (such as tarantulas, cen-
tipedes) or animals, or their names given to persons
are supposed to frighten away the evil magic from
them or their lodges. On the medecine rattles there
are always some symbols of spider, snake or obnoxious
animals, besides those of sun, moon and other objects.
bewitchment, ahanomosanistoz; ehōnestoz, b., sorcery,
curse; ehōmazistoz, mutual b., curse, damna-
tion; ovahoamazistoz,b., magical shooting.
Vekseess, Littlebird.
birth, hestaozistoz, the becoming born; (from nahesta, I
am, have existence; nahestaoz, I come into exis-
tence; evhavovôšhestaozistoz, the new birth, the being
born again from the first; eaneoz, she gives birth;
eaneozetovo, she gives b.to one; anistoz, accouchement;
aneozistoz, the being born; ehetane võèn, she gives b.to
a male child; eheevõèn, she gives b.to a female child.
This suff.-ōèn is the Eng."bring forth"; ehestàcevō-
èn, she gives b.to twins; ehestoxheevõèn, she gave b.
last to a girl; etotohovheevõèn, she gives b.to a girl
at intervals (alternating with boys); etotohovhetane-
võèn, she gives b.to a boy (alternating with girls);
see child. Enesthōešeama, she is delivered of a child;
etotohovhenison, she gives b.to a child at intervals
(from time to time, leaving intervening time; ena-
zeane, she dies in childbed; hestahe, afterbirth; ehox-
taeve, it is a birthmark. This may also apply to other
spots on the body; eaneozetan, she is in travail;
sestoz, premature b.; násoxzz, premature born child;
enás',she has a premature b.; zenász, the one who has
a premature b. Enotomoèn, she gives b. to her first
child; enokōèn, she gives b. to her only child; See
birthday, ešēva zevešhestaozistove, the day in which
there is birth; eš zevešemeetano toe hestaozis-
toz,day wherewith the birth is remembered; hiz ešēva,
nohonće a etanexov zenxhešhestaozetto, to-day there
are (lit.is) fifty years since I was born.
birthnight, taeva zexhestaozistove, in the night when
birth took place.
birthplace, zexhestaozevo, the place where I
hoe zexhestaozevoss, the land where
biscuit, aksevanoxz.
bison, see buffalo.
was born;
thou wast
bit, hoxåzenāseo, bit and bridle; see bridle. Taxce, a
tozce, small bit of each;
nasaame tahe, one did not
piece; tozce makätansz, a
otaheo, bit or auger. See
piece, small. The Ch.called a 25 cents piece "toviz"
which is a corruption for "two bits"
bite, v.eahanosan, one bites, is biting (faculty);
small quantity, piece;
hataaxce, by bit; heva taxce
give me even a bit, small
few bits, pieces of money;
oxta,one bites it; eahanoto, one bites one (or.);
eahanosanetto, it bites; nāôxta, I bite it (leisure-
ly); nãoevoxta, I bite of it (piece by piece); napoe-
voxta, I bite it off; napoevomo, I bite one off; nahes-
tomosan, I bite, (to take in mouth, as fishes bite); na-
hestòno, I bite one (or.) nahestoha, I bite it (in.).
This hestomosan, -hestòno and -hestoha, does not im-
ply the biting
the teeth, but more a "taking,
drawing, sucking" by holding with the mouth. The Ch.
doctors use this a great deal in treating their pa→
tients.Nahestoomevo (also nahestomevo), I hold it with
the mouth for one; [nahestoomevo means also: I reach
after it for somebody (by means of a stick, etc.)].
Napopoomo nåthōhevon, I bite my nails off (from napo-
oxta, I bite it off; napopooxta, I bite each off); eõe-
omo hesthōhevon, he (of animals) bites, gnaws off his
claws; ehes tomo (h)etto, it bites, takes a grip; eahano-
tàzeo, they bite each other (envy). See envy.
bite, n.ahanosanistoz, the biting; hestomosanistoz, hes-
tomohestoz, the bite, the hold with the mouth;
hōseo or hooseo, one bite, one mouthful; ahanotazistoz,
the biting each other, envy.
biting, eahanoxtae, one is biting, envious; eahanomae, he
is biting (of animal; fig.of persons); eahanose-
oneve, one is biting (characteristic).
bitter, eveoxceeno, it tastes bitter; (-veoxc- bitter +
-eno,savoring); esaaveoxceenohan, it is not b.
(in taste); zeveševeoxceeno, that which makes it taste
b.; naveoxkōvana, I make it b. (liquids); eveoxkae, one
is b.; veoxcemàp, b. water; eveoxcevoomen, he suffers
bitterly (condition); eveoxcstaha, one is bitter
hearted; niveoxcstahàtovo, thou art bitter hearted
against (another) one; eveoxceesz, one speaks bitter-
ly; veoxcemanistoz,b. drink; veoxcevostan, b.person;
eveoxchesta,one is b. (in a b. disposition, makeup);
eveoxcetonetto, it is b.cold; eveoxcēstavoss, one has
b.cold ears; eveoxcēstavoseo, they have b.cold ears;
eveoxcevomoxta, one feels b.; eveoxcevostaneheve, one
leads a bitter life. Naveševenomoxta, it is b.to me, I
regret; see sour.
bitter, n.zeveoxceeno, the b., that which is b.(in taste,
but also used fig.); zeveoxceeno na mato zevece-
eno nioxcemetanenon zeheševostanehevez, the b. and the
sweet is given us while we live.
bitterness, veoxkastoz, (state); veoxchestoz, the being
bitter; voxcstahàtoz,b.of heart; veoxcevoo-
menestoz,b.in suffering; veoxcetanoxtoz, b.of thot.
See sourness. Veoxcevomoxtastoz, b.feeling.
black, emoxtavo, it it is b.; emoktavo, it is b. (lighter
shade or a small surface); emoxtavonsz, they (in.)
are b.(see blacken); emoxtavae, one (or.)is b.(state);
emoxtavaeo, they (or.) are b.; emoxtavaensz, they (in.)
are b. The difference between emoxtavỏ and emoxtava
cannot be well expressed in Eng. The first has an ac-
tive and the second a passive or stative meaning.
Moxtav and moktav denote black or deep blue color. Voe
hoosea ehešemoxtavo, the sky is black like coal (hoos
=coal + ea like); nãe èmoxtavšenao zememstanesså, the
dead lie black drowning, it was black with dead
(people) lying from drowning; emoxtavšena, one lies
black (posture); emoxtavome, emoktavōme, it is b.(sp.of
liquids); emoxtaōmano, emoxtavatamano, it (atmosphere)
is b.; emoxtavõna, the morning is b.; moxtav and mok-
tav can be used as inf. to designate b. Moxtavèho,b.
man,negroe; moxtavéhoa, b.woman; emoktaevass,it is c.
tailed; moxtaemèn, b. snake; moxtaemenoz, b.berries
moktaveonavokoz, b.beads; moxtavoham, b.horse; moxtav-
šeon,b.cloth; emoxtavsan, one dresses in b.; zemoxtav-
sanesso, the ones dressed in b.; moxtavhõestot,b.
dress; zemoxtavhõestasso, the b. robed ones (catholic
priests); moxtavhōmå, b.robe; moxtaveohe, b. creek; emox-
taveoxta, one has a b.leg; moxtavhohona,b.stone (name
for the Black Hills, in South Dakota); moxtaveänô, b.
hawk; moxtaveto, b.kettle (also a pr.name); inf.-aeno-
ne- denotes b.in the sense of dark, absence of color;
see dark. Zeneamanemoktavo,b.(coffee brown); zemoxta-
veotatavo,b.blue (saphire); emoktaevovoas,it (of hor-
ses, animals) is b.and white spotted; emoktavehema, it
(animals, especially horses) is b.and white speckled;
emoktavenehema, iron (black) gray,sp.of horses;
tavehemenpohōn, b.roan spotted; emoktavenehemenpohon,
iron roan spotted; emoxtavova, it [sp. of animals and
birds, the suff.-ova ref.to the fur or pelage] is b.
furred; emoxtavovao, they (or.) are b. furred; emoxta-
vovatto, it (in.sp.of pelts, etc.) is b.; emoxtavenōhe,
one (or.) looks (in appearance) b.; emoxtavenōheo,
they (or.) look b.; emoxtavenono, it looks b.; emoxta-
venonoensz, they (in.) look b.; emoxtaveoasehå, it
shines b.; zemoxtaveoaseha, the shining b.; emoxtave-
neo, it gets b. (process of time); emoxtaveoz,it (or.)
becomes b.; emoxtavaoz, it becomes and stays b.; emox-
tavenēoz, it turns, becomes b.; emoxtavene, one has a b.
face; emoxtavene oz, one turns b.in the face; namoxtav-
aovo, I make one to be b.; emoxtavatovao,it smokes b.;
zemoxtavoetto, b. paint (ref.to house or wagon paint);
hóos, coal (used to paint the face partially b. denot-
ing peace after war, also victory). Ch. pr.names com-
bined with "black" are the following: Nizemoxtavāsz,
Blackeagle; Moxtaveano, Blackhawk; Moxtavecess, Black-
bird; Moxtameàz, Blackbeard; Moxtavenako, Blackbear;
Moxtaveto, Blackkettle; Moxtavhoni, Blackwolf; Moxtave-
ne, Blackface; Moxtavataneo, the Utes; Moxtavàtataneo,
theBlackfeet; Moxtaveomehetaneo, Blacklodge-men;
tamaoxcēna, Black-head-feather.
blacken, namoxtavanen, I b.; namoxtavana (in.); namoxta-
vano (or.); namoxtavenèno, I blacken one's face;
namoxtavanàz, I b.myself; namoxtavenesz, I b. my
namoxtaveneoz, I b. in the face; namoxtavòno, I b.one
with instr.; namoxtavoha, I b.it (with instr.); nave-
šemoxtaveonaoz,it blackens my hands (moxtav black +
eona handed + -02 =become); navešemoxtavàtaoz, it
blackens my foot (-àta =footed); namoxtavàtaovo, I b.
one's feet, make one to have black feet; emoxtavōmeoz,
the water becomes black, blackens; emasómoxtavōmeōsta-
hå; the water blackens with one sudden sweep or
blacking, hovae
zevešemoxtaveoase-vôanistove, shoe
blacking (something whereby shoes are polish-
ed); maataehoesta zevešemoxtaveoasehå, stove black-
ing (wherewith the stove is made to shine black).
blackish, emoxtaveneoetto, it is b.; emoxtaveneova, it is
b. (fur); emoxtaveneōva, it is b. (water, liquid).
black-jack, hookomeš, black-oak (Quercus nigra).
blackness, zeáenonitto, that which is b.,dark; see dark.
blacksmith, tonônehe, tonônevèho, b.,(vèho =white man);
etonôneheve, one is a b.; tonônemhayo, b.shop;
natonoha, I b.it (instr.m.).
blacksnake, moxtaemèn, also called maatameo, iron serp-
ent; it is from this that the word for rail-
road rails was derived, the shape of the rails looking
like a streched out blacksnake.
blackdeer, moktaevaseva vaozeva (the Columbia deer,mule
deer, Cariacus columbianus).
bladder, xaenooxz; naxaenooxzz, my b.; nomahèponôo, fish
blade, zehetox, the whole blade; zehestovonenetto,
double b.; zexhetonenetto, b., the cutting part, al-
so evēsa, it is bladed, sharp edged, provided with
teeth; hevēs its edge,blade.
blame, v.naoeeto, I b., accuse one; nahessého, I b., make
one to be the cause of; ehessàzenov, ehessevotàze-
nov, they shove the blame on each other (lit. there is
a blaming on each other); naheszhovaon, it is put,
charged to me, I am blamed for it. [Naheszhov =I have
something; naheszhovaovo, I make one have something
(property)]. Heto havs nszevešheszhovaonenov, you will
be charged (blamed for) with this evil. Heto nitao
nihesshanenov, you are blamed for all this. See cause,
censure, chide.
blame, n.hessàzistoz; hessevotàzistoz, the blaming each
other; oeetàzistoz,b., the accusing of each other.
See cause.
blanch, navokomana, I b. it; evokomenĕoz, it blanches;
evokomeneoz, one blanches in the face; evokomene-
ōstax, one blanches (instantly). See bleach, whiten.
bland, inf.-hotoa- bland, generous, suave; ehotoaheone-
ve, one (or.) is b.; ehoxaztaheoneve, one (or.) is
b.,complaisant, congenial.
blandish, inf. -momehem- denotes b., cajole, flatter; na-
momehemoan, I utter blandishing words; namome-
hemosan, I b.; namomehemo, I b., flatter one; namomehe-
mehesta, I b.it; namomehemehestomoe, I b.,speak coax-
ingly(doing it repeatedly); namomehemehestomosan,I b.
(implies faculty of); momehemevostan, blandishing per-
son; momehemhetan, blandishing man; momehemoane, bland-
isher; momehemosanehe, momehemehes tomosanehe, momeheme-
hestomohe, blandisher. The three have almost the same
meaning only that the last denotes actual doing; emo-
mehemesetaneva, one
(from habit or voca-
tion); emomehemesetane vaheve, one is a blandisher (from
habit); momehemesetane vahe, blandisher, flatterer;namo-
mehemetan, I want to b.; emomehemezhesta, one is bland-
ishing (in disposition); emomehemstaha, one has a
blandishing heart; emomehemoēta, one is a blandisher
(in acts); emomehemevxiston,one writes blandishing;
zemomehemehestov, that which blandishes; momehemehee,
blandishing woman; emomehemenche, she looks
ing, cajoling; heto navešemomeheman, I am blandished by
this; nioxcehahaneõevo momehemehestovå, one approaches
you by blandishing, blandishment; napopevemo, I b.one
(or.) [from napevemo =I speak well of one; the inf.
-po- denotes reduplication of the action; the suff.
-emo in v."discendi" has a genitive meaning; napeve-
mo, I speak well of one; nipevemaz, I speak well of
thee; the dative f.would be: napevooto, I speak well
to one, praise him]; emomehemomao, it is blandishing
ground, enchanting, cajoling; see flatter, coax, cajole,
blandisment, popevemazistoz or momehemazistoz;
mosanistoz, the blandishing; momehemehesto-
mohestoz,b.in actual repeated doing; momehemehestomo-
sanistoz b.; momehemesetane vàtoz, habit of blandish-
ing. Nahetanotom zehetaeveše-momehemazistove, beware
(ye) of all blandishments! Momehemoanistoz, blandishing
utterances; zèmomehemomaoe, the enchanted ground, place
of blandishment (having ref.to the ground); momeheme-
ēszistoz,b.in speech; momehemeēszistxe, the collection,
realm of b.; esaamomehemehes tovhan, it is not a
momehemetanoxtoz,b.in thot; momehemevostanehevestoz,
the leading a life of b.,cajolery; momehemetanoxtoz,
thot of b.; momeheme-voomenhestoz, enduring b.,flat-
tery; momehemstaomenestoz, in the state, condition of
b.; momehemezhestàtoz, disposition of b.; momehemevxi-
stō, writing of b.; momehemhetanistoz, men of b.; mome-
hemhistanov, a world of b.; momehemenōhestoz, look, ap-
pearance of b.; momehemoētastoz, act of b. This inf.
-momeheme- denotes blandishing, coaxing, cajoling,
wheedling, making agreeable, caressing, flattering, used
either in a good or bad sense.
blandly, inf.-hotoe- =with suavity, gently, generously,
favorably disposed; ehotoeēsz, one speaks b.;
emanohotoemàzeo, they are gently disposed towards each
other; inf.-nonizeom- blandly, gently; see gentle.
blandness, hotoastoz, complaisance; hoxaztaheonevestoz,
b., congenialty; nonizeomastoz, gentleness.
blanket, v. nanhōmano, I b.one (or.); nanhōmanetan, I want
to be blanketed; naénhōmano, I take the b. (lit.
unblanket) from one; see robe.
blanket, n.hōmå,sg.; hōmá,pl.; nàthōman (excl.), our b.;
nàthōmaneo, pl.; nsthōman, our b. (incl.); nsthō-
mevo, your b.; nsthōmevō, pl. Hōmå is considered or.by
the Ch. Nàvomo zeohāpevaesz hōmå, I saw a very good
b.,robe; zenhōmanessỏ, the blanketed ones; hōmanazis-
toz, the blanketing, pretexting; heto nahesthōmanazis-
tov, it is my blanketing, pretext; hōmaoestoz, saddle b.;
šeononhōmå, calico b. ; tonovhōmå thick b. (-onov- =
dense; -tonov- thick); mahōmå,red b.; pokhōmå, gray
b.; voxbōmå, white gray b.; otatavhōmå, blue b.; zezex-
hōmå, shawl or b.with fringes; heocevhōmå, fringed b.,
all around; see robe. Ešexhōmanistov, the blanket are
ready, the bed is provided, (see bed); zexhōmaōez,it.is
a b.for us, meaning "goal". Formerly a b. was used to
designate the goal in races, etc.
blare, tàpen enistōhetto, the trumpet blares.
blaspheme, etotazeēsztovo Maheon, one blasphemes against
God; etotazetanotovo Maheon, one blasphemes
(thot) against God; etotaznonoan, one utters mockery,
blasphemious words; ehatavsevenonoanetovo Maheon, one
utters evil words against God; ehathavsevenonoan, one
utters evil, blasphemious words; etotohoxtoan, one ut-
ters mocking words; etohosenonoan, one utters revil-
ing, blasphemious words; natotohoxtoého, I impart mock-
ery, blaspheme to one, treat one blasphemiously; etaze-
ne, one has a contemptible face; tazené (name), blas-
phemious-face; nha zetotaznonoanetovoz Maheon zetaev-
hahoehota tāma hetotaznonoanistoz, he who blasphemes
against God, to him will come again his own blasphemy.
Zetotaznonoansz, the one who blasphemes; zetotaznonoa-
netoesz, the blasphemed one; zetotohoxtoēsz, the one
treated revilingly, blasphemiously; nha zehathavseve-
tohosemoz Maheon, the one who blasphemes God, (this
the strongest term); see contemptible, mock, revile.
blasphemy, totaznonoanistoz; havsevenonoanistoz,
utterance; hathavsevetohosnonoanistoz,
ehathavsevetohos-nonoanistove, it is a b., or it is
blasphemious. See blaspheme, from which many other
noun forms can be made.
blast, epoehova, one (or.) blasts, does the blasting;
epoevohootta, it blasta, burst asunder (with a flash
of light, as powder); poehovàtoz, the blast; enxmaxhae-
ōstahå,a blast of wind; see wind; epēpeōs tahansz, they
(in.) are blown to pieces by a blast of wind;
voea, it is blasted asunder,
asunder, apart (has ref.to the
shattering); eoxevohôotta, it bursts with blast. The
inf.-vohôo- denotes the flash of the blast. Zemasóni-
stohetto tàpeno, the blast of the trumpet.
blaze, emomaatova, it blazes; eohaatovā, it
blazes up
(with smoke). The suff.-tova- or -tovao- implies
fire and smoke. See flame, fire.
bleach, evokomanēoz, it b., becomes white; evokomene,
b.in the face; evokomeneoz, one's face b.,becomes
pale; evoxbōmeoz, it (liquids) b., becomes whitish;
evoxbōmeōstahå, it turns instantly whitish, it b. ins-
tantly (liquids); ehecevoxpoovacz, it turns slowly
(quietly) white, bleaches (ref. to furs); see blanch,
white. Evokonaoe, it is bleached, whitened, (as branches
of trees or bones when dried up); evokonaota, it sets
stands bleaching. See dry. Nahõešemo hoeva, I spread
it (or.when sp.of drygoods) on the ground to dry (and
bleak, nemetomao, b.land, ground; ookomaozzeše, barren
ground (as if peeled); ehōnês, it is b., dreary,
lonesome; ehōnôtatamano, it is b.,dreary,desolate, (sp.
of the whole appearance of a place); etchovetoeve, it
is a desert,b.place.
blear, emomàрeō, one's eyes are bleared, dimmed by tears.
bleat, enistöhe, one bleats, lit."is heard". This is said
not only of sheep but all animals except the dog
bleed, emaeveoz, one becomes bleeding (from máe blood);
eohamaeve, it is much blood, bleeding; eohãeóta, it
is bleeding(a wound); ehevōecz, one bleeds to death (in
a short while); ehe võeoxz, one bleeds to death (longer
time); hevōeozistoz and hevōeoxzistoz, the bleeding
to death; nahe võého, I cause one to b.to death; emome-
heozeoz, she bleeds (at child's birth); ematomen, one
b.from the nose; matomenistoz, nose bleeding; naōsema-
èno, I b.one "out" (with instr.); naōsemaesého, I b.one
(by cutting throat or otherwise, so all the blood
flows out; -ōs- issuing + mae blood + sého to cause
one); etohōeoz, one becomes faint from bleeding; eto-
hoehoe, one stands bleeding; etohonɔ̃eoz, one faints
(sitting) from bleeding; naóenèno, I b. one (draw
blood, as in surgery. Ch.doctors do it mostly in fever
and head ache cases; when the drawing is done by
mouth the expression -hestôn is used); nahestôn, I b.
by sucking with mouth. This is done to draw out good
and bad blood, matter, poison and any real or imaginary
cause of disease; nahestòno, I b. suck one; nahestoha, I
b.,suck it; nahestoomevo, I b.,suck it one's. Namomea-
evenōého, I b.wound one (make one bloody); namaevenō-
ého, I cause one to b.; namaōvenɔ̃ého, I cause one to b.
internally (emaōva, one is bloody under the skin, as in
bruises); zemomeaevenōesso, the bled ones (the slain);
zemomeaevadesso, the ones slain;
zemomeaevšenasso, the
ones lying bleeding (from hemorrhages or wounds); see
blemish, v.etassetto, it blemishes, defiles; natasého, I
cause one to be blemished, defiled; esaatasehe-
han,it is not blemished; esaatasettan, it does not b.;
etasettonsz, they (in.) b.; etasehestovensz, they (in.)
are blemished; etasehe, one (or.) is blemished; etase-
heo, they (or.) are blemished; see defile; ehóetovo,it
has a b., is defective; esaahóetovohan (neg.); ehóeto-
vatto,it blemishes; esaahoetovattan (neg.); ehóetovs-
ton, it is built with a b.,defective; esaahóetovstone-
han (neg.); ehóetovo, one has a b.in the eye;
vàtomon, one has a b. in the hearing; ehóetovae, one is
blemished, defective; see defective. Ehoxtav, it is
blemished, spotted; ehoxtaeve, it is a b., a spot (also
birth mark); esaahoxtavhan, it has not a b., it is
spotless; see spot. Ehōetto, it is spotted (on cloth-
ing), blemished.
blemish, n.tasehestoz; see defile; etasehestov, it is a
b.; esaatasehestovhan, it is not a b.; hóetovà-
toz,b.deficiency; zeheoxtavestoz, the spot; this word
does not imply blemish, it means spotted in color, but
in so far as the spot would be where it does not be-
long it would be a blemish, hence esaahoxtavhan, it is
without blemish.
spottless, without
Ehetasehestov, one
a b.; ehetasehestovensz, they (in.) have blemishes;
ehetasehestoveo, they (or.) have blemishes; esaahesta-
sehestové, one (or.) has no b.; esaahetasehestovhan,it
has no b.; hóetovstonestoz,b.in building; esaahóetov-
stonestovhan, it is not a b.in building; ehóetovstone-
stove, it is a b.in building; hóetovōoxtoz, b.in the
sight; zehešhóetovōos, as one had a defective sight;
hóetovàtomonestoz,b.in hearing; nasaahóetovàtomoné, I
have no b.in my hearing; esaahóetovàtomonstovhan, it
is not a b.in hearing. See deficiency.
blend, inf.-aestoe-; eaestoeo, they (or.) are blended,
mixed; eaestoensz, they (in.) are blended; eaesto-
or nã-
evxtav, it is blended (in colors); naaestoenen
estoenen, I b.one; naaestoena, I b.it; naaestoenō, I b.
them (or.); naaestoenanoz, I b.them (in.); aestoeneni-
stoz, the
eaestoevōvane, it is blended
(liquid); eaestoevōmane, it made blended (liquid); na-
aestoevōmana, I b. it (liquid); eaestoevōme, it looks
blended; naaestoevōmahàz, I b., mix it (liquid) by
shaking (as a bottle of medecine); aestoevōmahàzēs, he
must mix it by shaking (hortative m.); eastoevōmaha-
mo,it is blended, mixed (liquid) by being shaken.
bless, naészenen, I b. (consecrate, offer. This has only
ref.to the ceremonial offering of food to the
cardinal points; naészenomovo, I b., offer.it one's;
észenistoz, the blessing, offering, consecrating. Nato-
toxenen, I b.in the sense of thank or well wish. When a
Ch.receives a gift in public dances or ceremonies, he
raises his hands with palms facing the giver and
moves them downward, as if to stroke him from head to
foot. In former times this was done
slowly and with
both hands and bent head. At present the motion is
quicker and shorter, often done with one hand. This
must have been the attitude of prayer or thanksgiving
in.former days, for writer himself became the object
of such an act, when called by an old woman to see her
sick grandchild. At the same time she mumbled a pray-
er,well wishing to myself and my family (naming the
relationships). In an old Ch. tale the same is relat-
ed of a young maiden who called the help of the magi-
cians living in the mounds. Thus -totoxenen must mean
a "prayer of blessing as a thank", but the lit.meaning
implies the gentle stroking at the face or front of
another person. Because this expression belongs to
the religious terminology of the Ch. it has been
avoided by christian Indians, but the writer
mends the use of the word to express blessing in the
sense of praise and adoration. Natotoxenenetovo, I b.,
adore one in thankfulness; natotoxenen-momoxzemo, I
implore him by blessing, praising; natotoxenenmomoxze-
mossan, I implore, supplicate by blessing;
nheto, I b.one (Lat. bene dicere), to say kind, well
wishing words to one; navovònešého, I b. (in acts, by
doing something kind) one (Lat.bene facere);
ne šetanotovo, I want to b. one; navovònhessetamo, I
think one blessed; navovònešseoneve, I am one who
blesses, in the sense of praising, being praiseful; na-
vovònešestoman, I occasion a blessing, a praise; navo-
vònešsetaneva, I b. (habit or vocation); evovònessetan-
evaheve, he is one who blesses; navovònemea, I b.by
giving; navovònemeto, I give to one in kindness; navo-
vònepevoého, I b.one by treating him well, by doing him
good; zehešepevomoxtaez etahanez' Maheo hevovònepevo-
ētastoz etovan, that we are well, this is God's bless-
ing towards (for) us; navovònito omenesého, I cause one
to experience blessing (from -oomen- suffer, endure,
undergo, experience. [The inf.-vovòne- or -vovòneše- =
Latin bene; kindly, fondly, devotedly, devoutly, with
tender care, well, and has unlimited applications with
as many word combinations]. Navovònhestatovo, I am a
blessing, of service, helpfulness to one. See care. Na-
vovòne-momoxzemosan, hevetov, I b. one, wish well for
one; nahepavstavstovetanotov, I wish one that he have
felicity, bless one.
blessed, epavstaomen, one is. b., in a b.condition;
vònhessetamata Zemahe onenitáhesz, thou b.of
Lord! Momoxe-totoxenenetoesz nhessetamehå, b. be the
one; evovòne šetanotoe, one is b. (mentally); evovònhes-
setame, one is b. (thot of); evovònešenhestohe, one is
b. (in words); evovònešehe, one is b.(in doing); evovò-
nešetoe, one is b., done well unto; Vovònešemàtasooma,
b.Spirit; pavstaomene nha, b. be the one (who-)! Ahā,
blessed! (Ger. wohl!); ninēhov zenohōemanetto to-
toxenenistovå, thou b.one (lit.thou who art worthy of
adoration); Maheo zenanotōemsz totoxenenistovå, God
the most b. (lit.worthy of exalted blessing); vovòneš-
pavstaomenestoz, blessfulness; etotoxenenetoe, one is
b.,well wished and prayed unto. This implies the hand
motion, but it wil also be gradually understood fi-
guratively. Eohāpavsta omenestove, it is a b.condition,
experience; evovònešepavstaomenesha Maheon, one is b.
of God (ref.to one's state or experienece of bliss).
Vovònepavstaomenestoz maeto zevistomohestove, the b.
promise; lit. the blessfulness which is promised
blessedness, vovònešepavstaomenestoz; vonhetotahestao-
menhestoz, blissfulness; vovònhessetamahes-
toz, state of being considered blessed; vovònhessez-
tastoz, blessedness (disposition of).
blessing, zetohetaevešepavstaomenhestov, whatever is
conducive to felicity; tass natotoxenetovo
Maheo zèmetas zetohetāevešepavtaomenhestovez',
bless, adore God for giving me all that is conducive
to felicity (for all that is a blessing); totoxeneni-
stoz,blessing, homage, adoration (see bless); etotoxe-
nenistove, it is a b.; esaatotoxenens tovhan, it is not
a b.; vovònešenhestoz,b.in words, benediction; vovòne-
šehazistoz, b. in doings; vovònešetanoxtoz, b., well
wishing (intention, disposition); vovònešstomanistoz,
occasioning a b.; vovònitoanistoz, utterance of b.,de-
votion; vovònitoētastoz, act of b., devotional act of
kindness or tender care; see care; vovònešstanevàtoz,
b.,the habit or vocation of; vovònešseonevestoz,b
a characteristic; vovònemeàtoz, a gift of b.,devotion;
totoxenen-momoxzemosanistoz,worshipful b.; momoxhet-
hootanevoz hevovònešemeàtoz, may we be granted his b.
(in gifts); Maheo momoxhethootata hevovònešetovazis-
toz, may God grant thee his b. (in doings); Maheo momo-
xehethootasz pavstaomene-vostanehevestoz, may God
grant me a blessed life; zetohetaevo vònešetanotōez
Maheo, all the blessings that God intends for us.
blight, v.enasomeoz, it becomes blighted, withered; ena-
someozensz, they (in.) become blighted; enasomae,
it (in.and or.) is blighted (state); enasomatto, it
blights,languishes; enasomevèpozevatto, it has the b.
(sp.of trees whose leaves wither away); eoonatansz vè-
potoz, the leaves wither, dry, have the blight; hestãe-
noz eoonâtansz, the branches have the fire b.,dry or
wither from heat; hoxzz eoonâe, the tree is blighted;
hoxzz zehexoveoonâs naoxcepoehestaenasso, I cut the
branches of the tree as far (in the degree that) as
it is blighted; [-hexov- in the degree + -oonas- =
that one is dried by heat; -poe- off from + hestaena-
= branched-so- to cut one]. See wither. Eoonacstâ-
ta,it blights instantly from heat (sp.of things shap-
ed like branches, cylindrical); enasomâta,it blights,
withers by heat; enasomeōstâta,it blights instantly,
from heat; nivostanehevestoz tass enasomatto, the
life, as it were, is blighting; enasomeoxz, one (in.and
or.) is getting, growing blighted. Vovònitoomeo eoxce-
nehenasomeozistov, the pleasure is soon blighted; zeto
hoxzetto enonasomeoxzeo, each of these trees is get-
ting blighted; ametanenistoz enasomaheoneve, life is
subject to b.; zetohetaehoneo hoeva et'senasomahe one-
ve,each,of the plants (everything that grows as a
plant) is subject to b.
blight, n.nasomeozistoz, the blighting; nasomeoxzistoz
blighting (slow progress); nasomastoz, state of
blighting, withering; oonaozistoz, the blighting of the
blind, v.naóoenen, I blind; naóoeneno, I b.one; nanxpōma-
enōsan, I am blinded (by dust, snow); maeno enxphōs,
the fog,mist blinds (shuts cut by hanging); näenone-
exaneoz, I am blinded (Ger.geblendet); eaenoneexaneoz
one is blinded, (by a dazzling light); naonisexanèno, Ï
b.one (in.), I put out one's eyes (with instr.);
niseexaneōstòno, I b.one instantly (with instr.);
niseexaneoešeš, one is made b.instantly; zehešohāvohô-
ovas emasó-óoeneōs tâestovez', as it (the sun, or.)
intensely dazzling, there was an instant blinding
flash. [When instantaneous flash of light or fire
takes place suff.-ōstâe is used]. Naóoeneōstâxno or
-ōstâno; I b.one by a flash of light or fire; eóoene-
ōstâhe, one is blinded by a flash of light.
blind, adj.eóoen, one is
blind; eocen, one is b.of one
eye; eóoeneo, they are b.; naóoenhme, we are b.;
eóoeneoz, one becomes b.; eoceneoz, one becomes b.of
one eye; eóoenetan, one desires to be b.; eaenoneoz,
one becomes b.,dazzled; mazhesta zsaahotōoettan, a
heart having no sight (Ger.kein Einsehen, keine Ein-
sicht). Ocenhotoa, b.buffalo bull; óoenhetan, b.man.;
66enekašgon, b. child.
blind, n.zeóoensz, the one who is b.; óoeneo, the b.; ze-
óoenesså, the b. ones; zeocensz, the blind of one
eye; zeocenesso, the b.ones of one eye.
blindfold, nanxpenē, I am b.; nanxpenēto, I b.one (by ty-
ing); nanxpenèno, I b.one (with instr.). [Inf.
-nxp- to shut an aperture, a passage. Nanxpanomovo
heexa, I shut one's eyes,b.one with hand; nha
nomōsz naexa, the one who b.me with his hands;
nētan, I am blindfolded (something tied on the eyes).
blinding, enxpōmatamano, it is b. (sp.of storm, snow or
blindly, nionone, at random; óoenetto, blindly.
blindness, óoenestoz,b.; eóoenestove, it is b.; eóoene-
nov, there
is a b., blinding; ocenestoz, one-
eyedness; voenestoz, partial b.; èmasó-6oeneoōstâestov,
there was a sudden, instant blinding, dazzling; aenone-
exaneozistoz, blinding, dazzling; nxpōmaenōsanistoz,
blinding (as in a storm). Confound not óóenestoz,
blindness, with óenehestoz which means the bleeding of
an artery (purposely).
blink, naoceneovan, I b.,with one eye; napopoemazeniš,
b., wink quickly with both eyes; naoceneovaneto-
vo, I b.,wink at one. See wink. Vehoeozistoz, vehoeoze-
tovazistoz,b.,glance; hescenaōoxtoz, b., glimpse,q.v.
bliss, hetotaetamahestoz,state of happiness; hetotaevo-
om, region of bliss; vonhetotaevoom, region, area,
sphere of b., paradise; hetotaevoomenhestoz, undergo-
ing, experiencing happiness; hetotaetanonavoomenhes-
toz,b.(state of mind); hetotaetamanohestoz,b., atmos-
phere, general appearance of; hetotaēvezhestàtoz,
blissful state, existence; hetotahestaomenhestoz,exis-
tence in experiencing b., happiness; vonhetotaevoome-
nhestoz or vonhetotahestaomenhestoz, b., felicity, su-
preme happiness. Pref. von- denotes "lost in, beyond
self". Nitoseĕseozhaneman's zexhetotaevoomenhestove,
we are to be led into the place where there is bliss;
(zex- =there where); pavstaomē or pavoomē, at the
place of happiness, b.; hetotaevoomenetto, blissfully
(detached), Ger. glückselig; hetotaetto, in a happy,
blissful manner; Maheo nszepavstaomeneshaen, God shall
make us experience b.;
ehetotaezhesta, one is in a
blissful condition, existence; evonhetotahes taha, one
is blissful in heart; vonhetotahestahàtoz, blissful-
ness of heart; vonhetotane-vostanehevestoz, the lead-
ing of a blissful life; vonhetotan, the bliss itself;
vonhetotaetanoxtoz, blissful intention or disposition;
Vonhetotaevhan, Bliss (in person); vonhetotahestanov,
blissful world; vonhetotahestanovhestoz,
race, nation, mankind; zevonhetotaevoomenesså, the
blissful, supremely happy ones; hetotaevoomenhestxe,
realm of b., where there is nothing but b.; hetotaevo-
omatoz, blissful situation (-omao ground); evonheto-
taevomao, it is a ground of b.; evonhetotaetamano, it
is a blissful atmosphere, general appearance; vonheto-
taetanoxzeše, realm, sphere of blissful intention, dis-
position, where there is nothing but supremely happy
disposition of mind; navonhetotaetanoho, I spur one to
supremely happy minded, blissful; navonhetotaevo-
moxta, I feel (physically) supremely happy, blissful;
this can also be said of one's frame of mind; vonhe-
totaevomoxtastoz, bliss, blissful feeling.
heoneve, one is blitheful, mirthful.
blizzard, see snow, blast.
blister, eanēha,it blisters; nianēs tāheonaoz, thy palms,
thy hands become blistered; eanēstāheonaozeo,
their hands (palms) become blistered; lit. they become
"blistered handed"; nianēaxtao, thou hast blistered
feet; naaneaxtaoz, my feet become blistered; zeanēha,
the b.; zevešeanēstāheonaozistov, that which blisters
hands; zevešeanēaxtaozistov, that which b. the
feet; zevešeanēhestov, that which occasions a blister;
eanēeoz, it becomes blistered (not to confound with
eaneoz, she gives birth to); anēeozistoz, the becoming
blistered; nahāmata zexeanēha, it hurts me where it is
blithe, ehetotaetanonov, one is b.; ehetotaheoneve, one
is b.gladsome, mirthful; ehetotaetanonova, one is
blithesome, radiating happiness, merriness, sprightli-
ness; ehetotaenōhe, one looks happy, cheerful; ehetota-
eohaz,one laughs blithely, with happiness; ehetotaeo-
hazene, one has blithesome, jocund, merry, smiling face;
ehetotaetto eoxceesz, one speaks blithefully; eohaze-
bloat, see swell, blow.
blob, can be expressed with inf.-mame- =in a bulk or
mass; paneaseo emame anaoz, the molassess falls
in a blob; emomameanaoz,it falls in blobs; emameotca-
naoz,it fall in blobs one after another.
block, rendered by inf.-nxp- =to shut, stop, see shut.
ōmhao, block of wood, beam.
blockade, nxpaovazistoz; nxpaosanistoz, the
or blockage; enxpaoeo, they (or.) are
ed; enxpaovazistov, it is a blockade, blockage; enxpao-
vazenov, there is blockading.
blockhouse, hoxzezemhayo, tree house; hoxzezemhayonoz,
(pl.); ehoxzezemhayoneve, it is a b.; ehox-
zezemhayonevensz, they (in.) are blockhouses.
blood, máe,b.; emáeve, it
it is b.; emáeveoz, it becomes
bloody (also mulier menstrualis); mazhemaeme, the
b.(that one has); nazhemaeme, my b.; nszhemaeme, thy b.;
heszhemaeme, one's b.; nszhemaeman, our (incl.) b.;
nszhemaemevo, your b.; heszhemaemevo, their b.; nahes-
zhemaeme, I have b.; naheszmaemenoz, one is my b.,I
have one for my b.; niheszhemaemetovaz, thou art my
b.; niheszhemaemetōen, we are one's b.; mazhemaemeva,
in, by the b.; emaōva, one is bloody (black and blue;
Ger.mit Blut unterlaufen); emaōva can also mean: it
is red water; emakōva, it is bloody, under the surface
of skin or internal. The suff.-kōva is the diminutive
namomea -
form of ending -ōva. Emaōvenono, it is bloody (under
skin); emaōvenōhe,one looks bloody. Namaōveoxtanèno,
I bruise one's forehead bloody; namaōveoxtàno, I
bruise one's leg bloody; namaōveaxtàno, I bruise one's
foot bloody; namaōvenōého,I bruise one bloody; naóen-
èno, I bleed one (with instr.), to let blood,draw b.;
6enehestoz, b.drawing,letting;
emomea, one has an
morrhage; emomeaeve, it is b.,an hemorrhage; emomeae-
hāen, one has bloody tears; emomeaevenōhe, one looks
bloody; eōmomeao, they weep for the slain, the "bled
ones"; zemomeaevenōesso, the ones who look bloody, the
slain; namomeaevšemo, I dip it (or. sp. of dry goods,
coats etc.) in b.; see dip; namomeaeveanoto, I beat
one bloody; namomeaevenōého, I cause one to look
bloody; momeaevenōéhazistoz, blood spilling;
evhoneon, I am clothed with b. (tropical speech to
mean: I have done bloody deeds); zemaevhone onetto, my
bloody deeds; zemomeaevhoneonesso, the ones who com-
mitted bloody deeds; emaevenōhe, one looks bloody;
emaevenono, it looks all bloody (stains on cloth or
body); evešetasehe máeva, one is stained, defiled with
b. (not one's own b., which would be mazhemaemeva); eo-
hāemaeve, it is very bloody; eheszenōetto, one's coat
is b.stained; namaevano, I make one red, bloody; namae-
vana, I stain it bloody, red; see red; maevhoneō, bloody
garment bloody deeds; zeoxhessaahemaevhoneonēs nix-
hevōeoztomotaen, altho he had committed no crimes he
bled for us to death; zemomeaevadesso, the bled, slain
ones; mome voxzz, clot of blood; emomevoxzeve, it is a
clot of b.; esaamome voxzevhan, it is not a clot of b.;
momevoxzeva, with a clot of b.; eheoseoz máe, the b.
coagulates; zehešehēoseozez' heszhemaeme, as his b.had
coagulated; etahemokoz, one has bloody stool; eõešeme
one's b.is spilled. The inf.-ō- and -vō- in names of
relationship evidently ref.to "blood issued"; navõhe-
stoto,my relatives by blood; nitonitõemỏ, how art thou
related to one? Nimaōemàzhema, we are all one b., re-
lated. The words for blood (as issued), relatives and
counting have the long
very probably that "to
offer to sacrifice" is also derived from "blood
issued" [naōeto, I sacrifice one (or.); ōsto, sacri-
fice]. The red paint (dark,deep red) in ceremonials
ref.to blood as emblem of life and the living one.
The priests used to paint hair and face red, long be-
fore certain ceremonials took place. Red paint and
red stone pipes are reverenced by all Indians. An old
priest (Lonewolf) told writer: "when we are painted
red the "Maxemaheo" (the Great Spirit) sees that his
blood worships him; there are two main things that
stirs the pity of a father towards his child: its
tears and its blood. When an Indian prays to the
"Maxemaheo" with tears he cannot but be heard and
helped. But when the "Maxemaheo" sees the blood of
his children it stirs his heart to compassion, as no-
thing else will."
bloom, see blossom.
blossom, inf.-es- has ref. to end or point; enokoēset-
to,it blossoms (one alone); emanoóēsettonsz,
they (in.) b. in bunch; -mano- = in a bunch + −6-
grass, growing plant -es- ends, heads out + -etto
stands for the impersonal f.of the v.; emaoēsettonsz,
they (in.) b.red; eheovoēseozensz, they (in.) become
yellow blossoms; eheovoēsettonsz, they (in.) b.yellow;
evoxboēsetto, it b. white; evoxboēsenonoensz, all the
blossoms are white; etataēsettonsz, they (in.) b. o-
pen; ehénevóēseozensz, they (in.) are at it blossoming,
(Fr.ils s'épanouissent), they break, burst out in blos-
soms. The in. endings have ref.to grasses, bushes,
shrubs or fruit trees, when the word tree is not
tioned. Tree in Ch.is or. but when called by the name
of its fruits, the in.form is used. If we are in an
apple orchard and say: the trees are blossoming, the
Ch.of this will be: hoxzetto ehénevoĕseoxzeo, the
trees are abloom; but if we mention the kind of a
tree (by the fruit it bears), saying; the apple trees
are in bloom, the Ch.of it will be: maxemenósz ehéne-
voĕseoxzensz or ehénevoēsettonsz, thus using the in.f.
Epoēsettonsz, they (in.) break into blossoms; hoxzz
ehénevoēsenōhe, the tree looks radiating with bloom or
blossoms; móesz na heovasz hešemenósz emähénevoēseno-
noensz, the grasses and every kind of shrub are all
radiating with blossoms; mazeomeva zehešepevatamano-
hénevo@seoxzistov tass enhessoz' vostanehevestoz OX-
monastovezēsz, as in the spring the radiance of
glorious blossoming, thus is (as it were) the life
when young. Nszekanomena emå ax nivostanehevstonan ze-
evhâsepevatamano-hénevoēseoxzistov t'sa oxs histano-
vå, altho we shall die, our life shall break out again
in glorious bloom in a world apart. Eanoahansz, they
fall by the wind, ref.to the blossoms; maešhénevoēse-
ozevosz zeanoahansz, after their blooming they (in.)
shall fall. Emanhestaomen, one is blooming, prosperous.
See prosper, increase. Mxeomàtotoz, blossoms of cotton
wood trees.
blot, naponomaena, I b.it (in the sense of drying, some-
thing that was wet; našexoena, I b. it (as stains,
spots); zemeozistoz, the blot, blotch, stain; also hehe-
ozistoz; nišexoenomonenon zehavseva, that which was
bad is blotted out from us, we get rid of that which
is bad. See stain, soil, spot. Eponomaene, it is blotted
(as a wet writing); ponomaenoz zemonemxeomå, blot that
which thou hast just written; šexoenoz heto,blot this
out; esaatonšešexoenehan, it cannot be blotted out.
blotting, ponomaenistoz, the b. (something wet); šexoene-
nistoz, the b.out; esaaš exoenenstovhan, there is
no blotting out.
blotter, ponomaene-mxisto, blotter, blotting paper; pono-
blow, v.naéstovosan, I b.; naéstovoxta, I b.at it; naés-
tomovo, I b.at one (or.); eéstovome, it is blown, in-
flated; examaéstovome, one is simply blown, inflated,
bloated (as from fatness); eéstovomensz, they (in.)
are blown, inflated; eéstovomeo, they (or.) are
inflated; naéstov (o)òno, I b.at one (instr.) naéstovo-
ha,I b. at it (instr.); éstovoxköz, inflated skin
(or.); estovotto (pl.); éstovoseonoz, inflated intes-
tines; emaxeéstov,it is a hard blowing (usually said
of a great wind); zehešésta, where the wind blows;
enxésta,it blows from (wind); eésta, the wind blows
(Ger.es windet). [Writer calls the attention to the
Ch.translation of John III: 5-8. The Ch.word for "to
be born" is -hesta or hestaoz, thus so similar to -és-
ta that the paronomasia is quickly noticed by the
Ind.and makes that passage more striking to them].
Zehešéstå enhesta, as the wind blows so is one ( (in
condition); zenšešéstå, where it blows from (wind);
t'sa oxs oxneevhâséstasz, when it occurs to b.from;
evavésta,it blows back; oxnenōse-éstasz, when it oc-
curs to b.again from another direction; haaeš eéstå,
the wind blows; eanevèpozevaha, the leaves fall, are
blown down by the wind; emanoahansz, the wind blows
the leaves, i.e. make them grow.
i.e. make them grow. The Ch.believe that
leaves and grasses grow and increase from the blowing
of the wind in spring; epēōstahansz, they (in.) are
blown to pieces by the wind; epepeōsṭahansz, they
(in.) are blown to shreds by wind; easetoahansz, they
(in.) are blown away by the wind; easetoaha, it is
blown by wind; easetoeōs taha, it is blown, hurled away
by a gust of wind; eaveōstaha, it is blown hurled over
by a gust of wind; eaveōstahansz, they (in.) are blown
over by a gust of wind; eoxsevoeōstaha, it is over-
turned by a gust of wind; eoxeōs taha vē, the tent is
blown, torn apart (by wind); enxmaxhãeōs taha,a gale is
blowing; enxmaxhãeōstaha na eaàzeoēto,it is blowing a
great snow storm (blizzard); easetoaoe, one (or.) is
driven, hurled, blown away; easetoeōs tax, one (or.) is
blown away by wind (instantly), in one sweep); eoxse-
voeōstax, one (or.) is overturned by a gust of wind;
zèmaxhãa niasetoeōstxhemå, as the wind
was strong we
were blown, hurled away with one sweep;
tax a gust of wind covered one (or.) up with ground;
eàtohomaeōstaha, it was covered (with ground) by a
sweep of wind;
tracks are
eàtohomaeōs -
covered,obliterated (with ground or dust) by a sweep
of wind; see track. Eanoaoe, one (or.) is blown, dri-
ven down. The suff. -aha is used to designate any
hurling, driving, dashing, thrusting and throwing motion
or passage thru the air. In above verbs of blowing,
the rapid passage thru the air and not the blowing
action is referred to. See throw. Ezevatoahansz, they
(in.) are blown, hurled into the air (as leaves, etc.);
ezevatoeōs tax, one is blown, whirled up in the air. Na-
mxevomotoxta, I b.it (ref.to liquid whose surface is
blown, either to cool it, or b.off any visible or invi-
sible foreign matter. It also means to purify and vi-
vify the potion or beverage before drinking it. The
breath of a priest or consecrated person has a nega-
tive and positive influence; it rejects or expels ma-
lignant (evil, foreign) matter and imparts or inspires
life. Thus the expression namxevōmotoxta (-mxe- to
sweep away-vom- liquid surface-otoxta- ref. to
the mouth [with obj.in.]) has a common and a ceremo-
nial meaning. When a Ch.makes an invocation before a
meal he may say: mxevomotoxtoz nåtaman, by thy mouth,
by thy blowing sweep, purify our food; asking that the
Higher Being expel from it that which is evil and
impart to it vivifying power. This expression can-
not be improved in asking the blessing at table. Mxe-
vōmotoxtomevemeno nåtaman, blow upon our beverage (al-
so including food) =sanctify it. Naasetotoxta, I b. it
away; naasetotomo, I b.one (or.) away; also said of
dogs chasing some animal; naoasevoxta, I b. the fire
(to make it burn); nahótovavoxta, I b.out the fire;
nazevozē,I b.smoke (in smoking); nazevotoxta,I b.
smoke at it; nazevotomo, I b.smoke at one (or.); nåhe-
ēme, I b.my nose; navonevóxta (-vooxta), I b. it off,
destroy it by blowing; navonevoomo, I b.one off to de-
struction; etosevonevoomãevo Maheon, they shall be
destroyed by the blow (breath) of God; epevoeha, it is
blown asunder, to pieces (by blasting, crushing); epoe-
zevatoaha, epoezevatoeōstaha, it is blown up (by
blast); tàpen enistōhetto, the trumpet is blown; ehaa-
voeoxz,it blows clouds. Vâhestoz, blow of the hand;
napoenèno, I give one (or.) a b.on the face, slap him;
suff.-anoto to give blows to one, to beat him; eahan-
eanoe, one was given blows, hurled blows at; esxsevea-
noo, they were given blows, hurled at with b.to exhaus-
tion; nimomeaeyeanota, one gave thee bloody blows, beat
thee bloody. Easetoaoe venotaeše, the smoke is blown
away; evenotavōmaha, it blows smoke (in the air). Amo-
ahasemo emoxtonaha, the sail boat moves (is driven,
blown by wind); amoahasemonoz emoxotonahansz, sail
boats are moved (by wind); eonoveamoxtonaha, it is mo-
ved, blown ashore by wind; amoahasemo eonoveōs taha, the
sail boat is blown, hurled ashore (with one sweep);
tonomšeon zeoxcevešeamōeo amoahasemo eas-séoax, the
sail boat is blown, swelled by wind. [Tonomšeon, thick
cloth, canvas; zeoxcevešeamãeo, wherewith it is driven;
amoahasemo, sail boat (from -amoaha- to drive, blow +
semo boat, canoe)]. Eahanomotom, one is blowing, out of
breath; eahanho toanatto hevetov, it is a b., hardship
to one; eahanevoomen, it is a b.to one (misfortune).
blower, zeéstovsansz, the one who blows;
the one who blows; as a glass b.
blubber, eaxaemeoz, one is blubbering, crying;
zenov, there is a blubbering; nomáevitâ,fish fat
(blubber would be called so if the Ch.used it).
blue, -otatav-, blue (from "open sky"); eotatatav,
eotatatav, it is
b., having ref. to the color itself; eotatavae,it
(in.and or.) is b.(ref.to the object); eotatavōme, it
it is
(in.and or.) is b., sp.of liquids; eotatavōmano,
b.,ref.to atmosphere or general appearance; eotatavō-
eotatavan -
na,it is a b.morning (ref.to atmosphere);
ēo,it is getting b.; eotatavaneoz, it becomes b.;
tatavane, it is blued; eotatavaneoetto, it blues (sp.of
coloring material); eotatavaneova, one has a bluish
fur (animals); eotatavaneovatto, it is a bluish fur
itself); naotatavanen, I
(ref.to the fur
tatavano, I b.one (or.); naotatavana, I b.it; eotatavē-
na,it has b.feathers, is feathered b.; otatavósz,b.
grass, alfalfa; otatavemóesz, b.grasses; otatavoham, b.
iron gray horse; otatavaevecess, b.bird (Sialia sial-
is); zeotatavaesz, the b.one (or.),sp.of dry goods,
blankets; zeotatavasso (pl.); eotatavatovao, it smokes
b. The ending -tovao is pronounced tova, the "o" sound
being absorbed by the "a", this becoming long. Eotata-
venōhe, one (or.) looks b. (sp.of drygoods);
nono, it looks b.; otatavoneavokoz, b. beads;
oxc eotatavone, this rope (or string, spoken of as or.)
is blue; eotatavoēsettonsz, they blossom b.;
voetto, that which blues, (ref. to coloring material);
eotataveoasea, it shines b.; eotataveoasevoaene, it is
heto sit-
burnished b.; eotataveoaseōs taha, it shines (flashes)
b.; eotataveoaseōs tax, one (or.) appears, shines b.in a
flash; eotatavoēva, one has a b.skin; eotatavoēvaōstax
(or -oestax), one's skin shines flashing b.; lit. in a
flash one is
with a shining b. skin; zeotatav, that
called black
which is blue, sky b.; deep b. is often
(q.v.); zeotatavepok, turqoise b.,grayish b.; zeneama-
neotatav, becoming bluer, Antwerp b.; zemoxtaveotatav,
b.black, sapphire; zehaeotatavoetto, that which
very b.,deep b. (coloring material); zepoeotatav, that
which is gray and b., lavender; eoxoxzeotatav, it is
is brownish b., pea-
green b.,lyan b.; eoseotatav,it
cock b.; zeoseotatavoetto, coloring material of
color (peacock); eotatavevovoas, it (animals) is b.and
white spotted;
spotted; eotatavehema, it (ref. specially to
horses) is speckled b.; eotatavehemenpoon, it is
(horse) blue roan spotted; eotatavova, (sp.of fur
bearing animals) it (or.) is b.furred; eotatavovao, 1
they (or.) are b. furred; eotatavovatto, it (in. sp.of
the fur itself) is
zeotatatavovaz, the b.furred
one (or.); zeotatavovassỏ, (or. pl.); otatavoom
b.lodge, sphere, firmament; Otatavā, Blue (pr.name);
otatavhōmå, b.robe; eotatavsan, one (or.) is dressed in
b.; otatavsanistoz,b.clothing,suit; otatavhõestoto,b.
dress; otataveszehen,b.coat or shirt; eotataves zehe-
na, one is provided with a b.coat; eotatavôhan, one has
b.shoes; otatavemocanoz, b.shoes; otatavomao, b.soil,
ground; Otatavene,B.face (pr.name); eotatavene, one
has a b.face. Zevešeotatavōvàtove, bluing (with which
to make liquid b.); eotatavōvatto,it makes the water
b.; eotatavovane and eotatavōmane, it (liquid) is made
b.; naotatavōvana or naotatavōmana, I make it b.,sp.of
bluff, v.see pretend.
bluff, adj.rendered by inf.-saahezev(e);
one is b., bold, rude, abrupt, gruff,frank; esaaheze-
veēsz,one (or.) speaks frankly, rudely, bluffingly,
gruffly; esaahezevavoētá, one is b.,gruff.
bluff, n.oxeano, b., precipitous declivity; andeva, on,
down the incline (of ground not precipitous); eo-
xeanoehå, it is b.,precipitous; eoxeanōeve, it is a b.,
a precipice; oxeanoea ehesso, it is like a b.
bluing, zeotatavoetto, the b.(itself); zevešeotatavōvà-
tove, wherewith the water is blue; zevešeotatavō-
mane, wherewith liquid is made blue.
blunder, v.eoxtoan, one blunders in utterance; eoxtxis-
ton, one (or.) b.in writing; eoxtoēta, one b. in
acting, performing; naoxston, I b.in building, erecting;
naoxstoonaoxz, I b.in building, erecting it; naoxstoo-
naovo, I b.in making it (or.refer.to dry goods, cloths,
wearing apparel); naoxsemo, I b., mention one by mis-
it by mis-
take; naoxshestana, I b.in taking it, take
take. See mistake, wrong; naoxsezesta, I b.in judging;
naoxsetamo, I made a b., a mistake in judging him; na-
oxzseoz, I am blundering, become muddled; navoneš, I b.
in going, err; inf.-oxse- =otherwise than intended.
[Oxs, another place, ooxs, other places; not the place
where one is].
blunder, n.oxtoanistoz,b.in uttering, pronouncing; oxse-
ēszistoz,b.in speech, wrong word; oxsetanoxtoz,
b.in thot, wrong thot; vonšenàtoz,b.in going, erring;
oxseoxzistoz,b.in going; going to the wrong place;
oxtxistonestoz, b.in writing, wrong writing; oxtxistō
nimeta, one gave thee the wrong book; oxtoētastoz, b.in
performing; oxstonestoz, building, fashioning wrong;
ahetovazistoz,b., mistake, that which is amiss, fault.
See mistake, wrong.
blunt, etamo,it is b.(ref.to b.point); etamonsz, they
(in.) are b.; natamo soha, I b.it, make it b.; nata-
mēs, I have a b. nose; Tamēsa, Bluntnose (woman's pr.
name); Tamēs, Bluntnose (man's pr.name); natamēsaovo, I
make one (or.) to have. a b.nose; natamĕsèno, I cut
one's nose b.; tamonhoxzz, b. tree, stump, truncate; na-
tamosòno hoxzz, I b., truncate the tree; etamooxtax, one
has his hair cut b. (usually on the forehead); etamo
oxtxeo, they (or.) have their hair cut b. Tamooxtxeta-
neo, some of the Zunian tribes, foremost the Hopis.
(Altho the actual name for the Hopis is Xahetaneo,
Mink people [Homines urinam faciendes]). Etamenoto-
vae, one is b.headed, decapitated. Enxàpo, it is b.,
dull,sp.of edge being b.
blur, eonitovanēoxz, it gets blurred (as writing); eoni-
tovanevōva, it is blurred by water (as a book,
etc.); eonitōmaoxz, it blurs, comes off, peels off; see
blurt, inf.-xama- can be used to express "blurt" as:
examahevō, one blurts out (in words).
blush, emaeneoxz, one is blushing;
comes blushing, flushes up, see spark. Zeto zemaen-
eoxzz, the blushing one; zepoetovaozesso, the blushing,
flushing ones.
boar, mozeheškseēsehotam; emozeheškseēsehotameve, it is
a boar; also: hetaneham heskseĕsehotam, male pig;
zehetanehamsz heškseĕsehotam, the male one of the
epoetovaoz, one be-
board, oxxeon, that
which is split; popoxpoemaxsz, the
woods cut in slabs (-ox- =cut, split + −poe-
flat,slab + -max- wood + -sz =pl.in.). The first po-
is a reduplicative particle denoting the severalty in
the collection. Popoxpoeōmhaoxnoz, boards, planks (ōm-
hao, beam, block of wood). Oftener the word šistato
(ref.to Coniferae) is used to indicate lumber, boards.
Šistato evovohovaeo, the boards come apart; šistato
evovohoešen, the boards (or flooring, etc.) lie coming
apart. T'sa zeoxcemesesz, where one eats, boards;
semhayo, boarding house. Zenitáetsanessỏ, the Board, the
rulers; Maevèho zenitáetsanesso, the Mennonite rulers
Mission Board of the Mennonites.
boast, v.emenoxkoan, emomenoxkoan, one boasts (in utter-
ances); emomehemàz, one boasts of himself;
hemazena, one is boastful; see vain, proud.
boast, n.menoxkoanistoz or momenoxkoanistoz.
boat, amōheszistoz, the floating one; esaaheamōheszisto-
veheo, they (or.) have no
boat; ovaamōheszistoz >
magical b., steam b.; amōeanevèhe, boatman (white man);
eamōhesz, one rows the boat, makes float; see row;
semo,b.canoe. The Ch.used
to cross
means of rawhides. Those who could
across and then pull the rest over
The Ch.must have made very little
their vocabulary in that direction is disappointing.
They say that they did not make or have regular
bo ts. They would travel around larger bodies
of wa-
ter,swim across rivers pulling over, on rawhides, their
belongings and those who could not swim. Or they
would journey up a river until it became fordable for
all. Those rawhide rafts were called pàpoesemo, flat
boat; semonoz, boats; maxsemo, large boat; hoestasemo,
fire b.,steam b.; amoahasemo, sail b.; amoahasemo ea-
moxtonaha, the sail b.moves by wind; semo esaa-asetõe-
han, the b.does not float, progress, start ahead; semon-
eva, by, in, on, etc. a boat.
bob, ehooeszeax, one (or.) bobs the head; ehooeszeae, one
has a bobbing head; ehočstaha,it bobs up; ehoōstax,
one bobs up.
bobtail, vàkôham, b.horse, short tailed horse; see tail.
bob white, kòkoa, (sg.); kòkoan, flock of quails; ekòkoa-
eve, it is a quail (Colinus Virginianus); see
deep rivers by
swim, would swim
on the rawhides.
use of boats, for
bode, eneevatonhess havs,it bodes evil; zenistaneeva-
tonhessetamano, the foreboding in the nature,sky,
atmosphere, weather general situation, condition. See
foreboding, token, sign. Heto nineevatonhesseztomonenon
havs, this bodes, portends evil for us. See portend.
bodily, nitóoxz, in person; inf.-nitóe- the very
body, mavetov, the body; nitov,my b.; etov, thy b.;
vetov, on's b.; nitovan, our (excl.) b.; etovan,our
(incl.) b.; etovanoz, nitovanoz, our bodies; etovevo,
your b.; etovevoz, your bodies; hevetovevo, their bod-
ies; nahevetov, I have a b. (also: I have a brother-in-
law); nahevetovetõen, we are his body; nahevetovaovo,
I make one a b.; nahevetovaoxz, I give it a b.; zeheš-
hevetovaoes, how one is bodied, formed [ehetovatto, ehe-
šetovatto it embodies; inf.-hešetova- =for
the pur-
pose]. Navostanehevetovaovo, I make unto one the b. of
a person (lit.I make one "person-bodied"); nanakoe-
vetovaovo, I make unto one the b.of a bear (lit.I make
one "bear-bodied"; nanexovhevetovaon, I am bodied to
such a degree; nanševetovae, I am so bodied; nanešeto-
vaoto, I embody one so; nahevezhovaovo, I make one to
be like, body one as, represent one as; ezesevetovae,
one is long bodied (ref.to the trunk); ezeksevetova,
one is short bodied (ref.to trunk);ezestonehe, one is
long bodied (ref. to barrelled or round part, as in
horses, snakes [see rope]); ezekstonehe, one is short
bodied (ref.to same as ezestonehe); mavōxůz, the body
of flesh, the flesh; navōxỏz,my b.,flesh; nivõxôz, thy
b.,flesh; hevoxoz, one's b.,flesh; nivxotan (incl.),
our b.,flesh; navxotan (excl.) our b.,flesh; nivxoze-
vo, your b., flesh; hevxozevo, their b., flesh; zehetox-
setto, that which is my b., my flesh, the setting
of my
flesh; zehetoxsétto, that which is thy b., thy flesh;
zehetoxs, that which is one's b.flesh; zehetoxsez, that
which is our b.; zehetoxsess, that which is your b.;
zehetoxsevoss, that which is their b.; nistoxetto, all
of my b.,flesh; nistôxétto,all of thy b.; nistoxs,all
of one's b., every one; nistôxez, all of our bodies, all
of us; nistoxess, all of us; nistỏxess, all of their
bodies, all of them. See flesh, all. In the above ex-
amples the rad.-tov- denotes the frame as a whole, the
structure, the form of the body, while the rad.-tox- or
-ox-designates the component parts, the very matter,
substance of the same. Zehetahetovahetto, all
of my
frame,form; zehetahetovahétto, all of thee, thy whole
makeup; zehetaetovahes, all of one's frame; zehetahe-
tovahez, all of our body as a structure; zehetāhetova-
héss,all of your body, all that is in you; zehetāheto-
vävoss,all that is in them, their whole makeup.
The rad.-ōmo- liquid, fluid, horizontal body of, de-
noting "body of water"; eakōmoeha, it is a small round
b.of water, a pond; esoxkōmoeha, it is a narrow b.of
water,a strait; emahaōmoeha, it is a large b.of water.
Prefix ma- denotes the area or mass of an object, de-
signating its collectivity,
we say "the eye", not
the eye of any one in particular but in the abstract,
e.g.maex zsaavōxtōs, that which the eye has not
Maexansz, the eyes; maàz, the hand; maàz, the hands (as
a whole, a body); manisson, the child, all that is
child; mavetov, the whole trunk; Mamàtasooma, the Spirit
(all that is spirit); maonisyomàtàtoz, the belief, all
that is belief (Ger.das Glauben); mathavs, the evil as
a whole, in a body. Hence inf. -mano- =to mass, gather
together; see gather. Manohastoz, congregation, associ-
ation, body of; manhao, tribe; manhastoz, generation.
Inf. -nitov- as one body, in common; ninitoveaena-
non, we own it
own it in common (-nitov- as a b.t -aen- to
own + −anon =in..suff.sg.of: Ist.pers.pl.). Enitovaeo,
they are as one b., set of one. The rad.-ov- as in
inf.and suff.like -tov,-nov, -hov, -sov always refers
to something that is in a b., together as one; hence:
nokov, one fold, nisov, two fold, nanov three fold, nivov,
four fold, etc., meaning a b.of several (or many), as a
package of beans is a body of many beans; evōmo, one
sees one; evōmovo, a b. of ones see one =they see
one; ehozeoheo, they, the single ones work; ehozeohe-
nov, there is working, i.e. the work of single ones is
combined into one. Naéōstaova, I am baptizing, the
2.The face in general. Zeceovavene, Shortforehead;
Paeoxq, Lumpforehead; Ešeoxtane, Baldforead; Tàpeox-
tane, Largeforehead; Hešksetotanez, Pointed-cheekbone;
Tonovàz, Thicklip; Vavovàz, Sorelips; Sevàz, Drooping-
lip; Kasaz, Shortlip; Nimàz, Twistinglip; Zceàz,Little-
lip; the suff.-àz refers also to mouth. Maàzena, Red-
lipped; Hehescene, Wrinkleface; Ceensz,Littleface; Ma-
ene, Redface; Moxtavene, Blackface; Kaene, Shortface;
Havsevene, Badface; Soxkomene, Slenderface; Kakoene,
Thinface; Honehevõene, Wolf-whiteface; Moceene, Little-
womanface; Tamene, Bluntface; Tamenehe, Bluntface-wom-
Masavõxene, Foolish-crookedface; Voxene, Crooked-
face; Voxkoxene, Bentupnose; Kocestona, Protruding-jaw-
bone; Zestoone, Longshinface; Tazene, Blasphemious face.
3. The nose. The suff.ēs ref.to nose formation, nos-
ed. Oxeesẽ, Runningnose; Tameese or Tamēs, Bluntnose;
Tamēsa, Bluntnosewoman; Vocxcemaevo, Crooked beak; The
rad. -maevo includes snout, bill and nose. Pees, Flat-
nose; Kaes, Shortnose; Sosoxc, Stove-in-nose; Mènēs,
Wormynose; Oaneēs, Pittednose; Maes, Rednose; (the fe-
minine form adds an "a" to -es, e.g. Maesa, Rednosewom-
an). Aēs, Bignose; Mistaevōxen, Owlbeak; Nonomaevōxen,
Thunderbeak (usually translated "Roman-nose-thunder").
[The thunderbird of the Indians has a sharp, crooked
beak]. Heovees, Yellownose; Hekonees, Hardnose; Voxcēs,
Crookednose; Hokoxcemaevo, Crowbill; Oetaneo-oxēs,
Crowmen-nose (ref.to Crow Indians); Otāēs, Piercednose
=Nezpercé; Otāēsetaneo, Nezpercés Indians; Esoxēs,
Smoothnose; Oevēs, Scabbynose; Matteringnose; Kaese-
heove Short-yellow-nose; Voxkaes, Crooked-shortnose;
Hotoavoēs, Bull-whitenose; Oxeesekass, Little-running-
nose; Mista-oxvoxensz, Owl-crooked beak; nose; Hoxeese,
Bandagednose; Kohēs, Crestnose (elevation on ridge of
nose); Kohemaevo, Crested-on-bill; Ononevoxces, Well-
bentnose; Onoes, Straightnose; Cecēs, Pliantnose; Ma-
kseēs, Pugnose; Zēsēs, Longnose; Kaesevovoasz, Short-
nose-spotted-white; Ooenevoxcēs, Blind-crookednose;
Maxeeseonon, Greatnosed-Ree (Arikara Indians); Ookae-
maevo, Barebill.
4.Teeth and tongue. Vēs tooth; -onen -toothed. Ho-
konene, Sharptooted (hok- denotes pointed, incisive) or
Fronttoothed; Kaonene, Short toothed; Tovoko enene, Miss-
ing-front-tooth (Ger. Zahnlücke); Tostonene, Canine-
toothed; Nàknōs, Beartooth, also Stomachtooth; Nàkoe-
vitanov, Beartongue, Pointed tongue; Hotoavitanov, Bull-
tongue; Mahaensz, Saliva or Tears; Maataevonene, Iron-
5.The ear. Suff. -esta -eared. Nocesta, One-eared;
Momahaesta, Bigeared; Homäesta, Beavereared;
Deafy; Niscesta, Prickingeared; Nišeesta, Twoeared;
Mazesta, Festeringear; Evoseese, Earring; Tovocesta, In-
dentedear; Mēnevoseesta, Feather-earring; Oxhavseve-
voseesta, Bad-earring; Vehoeeosees, Whiteman-earring;
Evehokosees, Little-whiteman-earring; Sitoxcvoseesta,
String-earring; Hotoavõesta, Bull-white-eared;
ematovosz, Bear-ears.
6.The eyes. Rad.-exa eye or eyed. When the eyes
are taken to mean countenance of the whole face the
suff.-ene is used (see face). Nàknotcene, Bear look
(having the eyes of a bear); Ocene, One-eyed; Oenec,
Littleblind; Vovèpotōene, Sunkeyes; Onōn-oxtocensz,
One-eyed-Ree (Arikara); Heoveexan, Yelloweyes; Honeox-
võensz, Wolf-white-eye; Momahaexan, Bigeyes; Tozcemaz-
en, Sliteyes; Maca, Redeyed (woman); Páevenoss, Lump-
brows; Hoxoveveenoss, Crossbrows (when the eye brows
meet above the nose); Voxpeexan, Grayeyes; Maataeza or
Maataevexa, Ironeye (wearing eye glasses); Oesca,
Scabby eyes.
7. The throat and neck. Suff.-hane ref.to the nape
of the .neck; suff. -eoxz denotes the exterior part of
the throat; rad. -notov- designates the whole neck.
Ehané Nape; Po'shané, Lumpnape; Vóshané, Nape-cavity;
Nekshané, Long or Tapering-nape; Kaenotov,"Shortneck;
Koehané, Prominent-nape, also Hindhead; Hotoaeoxz, Bull-
throat; Nàkoehansene, Bearnape; Panxpoho, Adam's-apple;
Mocenxpoho, Little-epiglottis; Maxenxpohona, Goiter;
Honeheveestoona, Wolf-throat, pharynx; Nisenotovaoxnoka,
Two-necks-in-one; Hekonaeoxz, Hard or Stiffneck.
8. The arms, fingers, legs and feet. Suff. -naeva re-
fers to "armed, having arms". suff. -oxta =legged;
suff.-àta plant of foot; suff -os or -eos fingered;
Eénaeva, Brokenarm; Tamenaeva, Stumparm; Kokastatamōn,
Hump-short-shoulders; Hemeeneva, Collarbone; Heszhevox-
kon, Hump-on-shoulder (of animals); Honehãesàta, Wolf-
long-foot; Haešxasz, Going-far (not а, long distance,
but a long walk); Hoxkseoxta, Shortlegged; Maeoxta,
Redlegged; Kamxeveoxta, Woodenlegged; Võestsoheq,
Craneleg; Hooxènsz, Walkinglast; Oaceá, Round shin; Ho-
hoenaz, Achinglimb; Hokomenòne, Lame-coyote; Seozetha-
sàta,Longfooted-dead-person (ghost); Nònika, Lame; Nà-
koeàta, Bearfoot; Katoeàta, Bentupfoot; Voxcàta, Crook-
ed-foot; Voxcàtahe (fem. form); Nàkoenòne, Lame bear;
Hoevaoxtamènsz, Walking-on-earth (afoot); Voazevanòne,
Lamedeer; Paeàta, Lumpfoot; Hossoetaeven, Barefooted;
Seozevàta, Dead-one's-foot; Hénešeosae, Stiff-finger
Panstaneva, Lumpknee; Momaxenstane, Bigknees; Menoxcà-
ta,Finefoot; Mahamocanoz, Bigshoes; Pevôhan, Wellshoed;
Maheonenòne, Sacredlimp (Mysterious lame); Esàtahess,
Sinewfoot; Hoevazevaĕvènsz, Living- (having one's
whereabouts) on-earth; Tokseoxta, Shortlegged; Amevon-
èn, Crawling; Oxàta, Splitfoot; Xomōnàta, Spearfoot;
Nako -
Moceeàta,Littlefoot (fem. form);
shoulder; Toszhetona, Longheel; Hotoavo, Bull-hump-on-
shoulder; Oakseva, Bound calfleg; Momešeoxta, Hairleg;
Noceoxta, Onelegged; Poeseva, Lumpcalf-of-leg; Nišeose
Twofingers; Naheose, Threefingers; Mazeose, Festering-
finger; Homaeos, Beaverclaws; Tameškoss, Bluntfinger;
Eeškosa, Broken-off-finger; Kaceeos, Bentup-thumb; Ams-
tõevo, Spreadnail; Mistaezeeos, Owlpointingfinger.
9.The ribs, heart, entrails, belly,etc. Ehèpe, Broken-
rib; Hooxhèq, Lastrib (Floatingrib); Hotoaheton, Bull-
ham; Nàkohesta, Bearheart; Homähesta, Beaverheart; Hee-
mazhesta, Womanheart; Evohonov, Diaphram; Heszhetaz,
Kidney; Hotoavšeona, Bull-os-sacrum; Nōnešeo, Dried-os-
sacrum; Voxpas, Whitebellied; Tàpeas, Bigbellied; Nis-
tapaas, Former-lumpbellied; Hekas, Softbellied; Okakas,
Conebellied; Maxenom, Bigthigh; Hesksess, Tapering-but-
tock; Hotoaevess, Bull-buttock; Oevess, Scabby-buttock;
Meovavšèq,Little-hairy-os-sacrum; Maxetana, Bigbreast-
Nàkoevax, Peartail; Maxepao, Bigback; Hotoaevax,
Bulltail; Oevešks, Scabby-bowels; Votoneheve, Birdtail
(masc.); Votona, Birdtail (fem.); Evaxene5, Tailend (of
human beings, referring to the coccyx, the very caudal.
end of the spine); Soxpšeona, Thru-os-sacrum; Hooxsèp,
Lastrib; Hotoahèp, Bullrib; omstôo, Lumbar-region; Ha-
paeō, Lumpstanding; Mesetta, Feces; Honeoxmazvosz, Wolf-
dropping; Hotameveonešą, Dogentrail; Eveeonešą,Bowels.
Moehestatamon, Elks-
IO.Miscellaneous. Pavēnaeva, Feathered-arm; Pavēna,
Sweetfeather; Pävene, Powderface; Otatavēna, Bluefeath-
er; Kakonita, Tapering-waist, Thinwaist; Hetone, Ham or
Buttock; Zēstonehe, Long-barrelled-trunk; Kakstāsz,
Shortbody; Kakstahe (fem.); Xamosàz, Dropping-lip-
with-saliva; Heszhemaem, His-blood; Tamahe, Stumpywom-
an; Hesctameostōs, Her-mother-struck-her-over-the-
small-back; Totoevetova, Bent backward; Oneonax, Loose-
bones; Voxtan, Skin; Hotoaevxtan, Bullskin;
Lumpsinew; Koemaess, Instepsinew; Hestanemeàz, Side-
whiskers; Voxpemeàz, Graybeard; Heškovemeàz, Bristling-
beard; Moxtameàz,Blackbeard; Hotoameàz, Bullbeard; Nà-
koemeàz, Bear beard (Tapering beard); Heovemeàz, Yellow-
beard; Maemeàz, Redbeard; Tosemeàz, Longbeard; Mešeese-
vèho,Hairy-nose-whiteman Mexican; Meàz, Beard.
bog, oxenitamomaoxzeše, bog (place where there is no-
thing but slimy ground); hekōmaoxzeše, place of soft
ground; ahanomaoxzeše, boggy, treacherous ground; eôxe-
nitamomaoxzešeeve, it is a bog; zex-xenitamomao, where
the ground is boggy; zexhekōmao, where the ground is
soft; zexeahanomao, where the ground is treacherous;
esaaỏxenitamomaohan, it is not boggy ground. The rad.
-ôxenitam (sometimes pronounced mxenitam) denotes
sl my scum, semi-liquid mud; rad.-hekōm- soft and wa-
tery; rad.-ahan- ref.to "be thrown, hurled"; the suff.
-omao denotes ground. Hekōmaenehan, lake of boggish
consistency; see lake.
boil, v.nahooesz, I boil it; nahooeto, I boil one (or.);
nanēhov zehooeszetto, I who boil it; zehooeton, I b.
them (or.); naexâha,I b.it done (see cook); naevhâno,
I b.it (or.), in order to separate filth or grease (of
clothes, pork); nansoomehaena, I b. it with warm water
(-nsoom- warm liquid); see warm. Nahekonohanoz, I b.
them (in.) hard or dry; naóeohanoz, I b. them (in.)
dry; ensoometto, it boils; ensoomeha, the water is
boiling; ehospâta, it is not fully boiled, underdone;
nahospâanoz,I fail to b.them (in.); inf.-hosp-denotes
"not sufficiently, unsuccessfuly; eesevota, it is boil-
ing, seething, also ref.to the boiling of cold water as
in water falls, etc.; evoxceonsevota, it boils, seethes
hard; eheozevota, it boils over; epopoesevota, it boils
up with bubble (Fr. bouilloner); nacekōvâha, I b.it
soft; omoto, boiled meat; omotōnoz (pl.).
boil, n.xaema, boil, tumor; xaemao,(pl.); naxaemae. I have
boils, tumors.
boiler, nšehanevetō, wash boiler (also wash tub); nsoo -
mevetō,water heater, boiler.
boisterous, inf.-hehetov- unruly; ehehetova,one
ehehetova,one is b.,
unruly; zehehetovanesso, the b.ones; hehetov-
bold, ehestaha, one is b., couragueos; naheszhēstahàtov, I
am b.,have courage, Ger.beherzigt; ehātamahe, one is
b., brave, vigorous; ehātamaz, one is b., valiant for
self; zehātamazz, the b.one; zehatamazesso, the b.vali-
ant ones; hatamazhetaneo, b.fearless men; nahestatamae,
I am b.,audacious,reckless,daring; ekoxkahe -ehātama-
he,one is b., brave (used mostly in the 3rd. pers.);
etóvahe, one is b., insolent, brazen, forward, impudent;
inf.-saahezev- =bold, blunt, gruff, frank, venturesome.
Nasaahezevahe, I am b.,fear nothing; see veil. Eohãoa-
nistov, it is a b.utterance, saying; eohãoētastov, it is
a b.deed. [Inf. -ohā- denotes intensity, dread, in a
high degree]. Inf. -saaise- =bold in the sense of
"not hesitating, dreading". Nasaaiseēszé, I am b.to
speak,do not hesitate or dread to speak.
bolster, zehotxovetomseōsz, wagon bolster (lit. that
which sets up across); understood only in con-
nection with a wagon. Namaes toonaovo, I b.one, make one
to be pillowed. See pillow.
bolt, nxpohaneo, b., shutter (as used for doors); nxpoha-
neonoz,bolts (shutters); enxpohaneoneve, it is a b.;
nahekonxpohana henitō, I b.the door; tōneoheo zeonimo-
taoaneoneve honoc, b.with threads at the point; lit.
round holder (tōneoheo) with winding (see wind) at
the point (honoc); tōneoheonoz zeonimotaoaneonevesz
honoc, bolts. Tōneoheo zeotā honoc, b.whose end is
lie (set) bleaching, whitening, the bones; evoonaoeha
heq, the bone bleaches; evoonaôansz hekonoz, the bones
are bleaching; evōahaeoeha (sg.), evčaheôhansz (pl.)
hekonoz, the bones lie scattered (on the ground). All
such expessions ref.to bones bleaching on the ground.
Vostanehekonoz, bones of people; hovahekonoz, bones of
animals; ehekoneve, it is a bone; ehekonevensz they
(in.) are bones; emoceevezevoó, it is made of b.or
horn; ehekonevoó, it is made of b. (both expressions
ref.to handles of knives, etc., made of bone). The suff.
06 is the same used to denote
the growth of plants
and the lit. translation would be "it bones" instead
of "it is made of bone". When the whole object is made
out of bone the suff.-ston is used; ehekonevstoon, it
is made out of bone [ehekoneešstoon, it is made, built
strong]. Ehekoneveoz, it turns to bone; naheszhekonev-
aōen Maheo, God provided us with bones; eheszhekoneva-
oz, one becomes provided with bones; naheszhekonameto-
va, I am his bone; màzezeō, hip b.; hotoavō, the promi-
nent part of the shoulder blade on top of the shoul-
der; màzšeō, os sacrum; màztō, chin bone: màzeō, bone of
elbow; màtatamo, shoulder bone (head of humerus); mà-
tazeō, shoulder blade, scapula; maáo, shin bone; veoō,
ankle b., malleolus; màzheeseeō, breast b., sternum; màz-
hesto,heel,heel b.; hoxovoeō,pubis (bone); màtatōn,
spinal b.or column; mazemēn, collar b.; naemēnevaoseš,
my collar b.is broken. Hekoneēmåson, b. ornament worn
as a neck band or hanging on the breast, like a breast
plate, held together by leather strings. It is compos-
ed of slender white tubes made of bones, from about 2
to 4 inches long with a diameter of about 3/8
of an
inch at the middle, both ends tapering from the mid-
dle. These tubes are hung close together transversal-
ly to the breast. Usually there are four rows of such
bones, each row about 14" in length. Našexa, I clean
the bone (from the meat; ešenoxtano hekon (sp.of
dogs, etc.) he eats the bone clean; esésenoxtano he
is gnawing the bone; nasésenoxsan, I gnaw; nasésenoxta
hekon, I am gnawing a b.; naóha heq, I break the b.
(with instr.); naéomohe, I am breaking (bones), in or-
der to.get the marrow. An old Ch.told writer that the
first tools human beings used were bones, or made of
bones; this
this material being easy to supply. Ribs of
larger animals were used to make cutting instuments
and also to stir the ground where corn was planted.
Writer saw an old woman using bones to draw pictori-
als on rawhides; bones were extensively used tot an
hides. Sharp bones of birds or fishes were used as
needles or tubes. The old Indian, mentioned
laughed when writer told him that it was thot
were first used as tools. "Yes", he said, "for
and throwing weapons, otherwise such tools were too
hard to make and were heavy. We were told by the
grandfathers of the olden times that bones had been
their tools before using any stones. Other people may
have used stones, we used the tools that were natural-
ly made for us and which we found lying where animals
died, or were killed".
bonnet, hoxca; hoxcaom, name of the
the sacred cap or bonnet is
bony, eotahekoneve, it is bony.
book, mxisto, b., paper (from -mxe-
special lodge where
kept. See cap.
surface touched by
instrument; namxea, I draw, write it; navxea, I hew,
inscribe it; namxiston, I write, design by writing).
mxistōnoz, books, papers, letters; emxistōneheve, it is a
book; nistamxisto, ancient writing, old b.; maheonemxi-
stō, the sacred b., the Bible; see write. Hoemanemxis-
tō, law book; zistxistō, Ch.b.; hoevxistō,land book,
deed for land; mxistōnemanstone (vèho), book maker
(white man); mxistōnane vs tonane, book maker; epäozess-
ēsz mxistō, one prints a b.; hepaon mxistō, the back or
binding of a b.; nazetana mxisto, I turn the leaves of
a b.; nahoxpoana or nahàpana mxistō, I close the b.;
natataena mxisto, I open the b.; naasemaena mxistō,I
turn over the leaves of a b.; naasemaena means also:
I begin to roll up (to fold), and: I begin to paint it
red; eēveha mxistō, the b. lies (is laid aside); ehe-
xeohe mxistōneheva,it is written in the b.; ametano-
na-mxistō,b.of meditation (the Bible); ametanenemxis-
tō, living b.,b.of life.
boom, see sound.
boot, soxocanoz, slick, rubber b., or shoes (from -SOX
slick + -anoz shoes); tostoononoz, boots (long or
extended anklets); hoxovoetostoonon, hip boot(from ho-
xov across + tostoon); vokononoz, lower boots,gaiters;
vohonon, bracelet for the lower part of the leg,ank
let; hevohonon,his ankle hair (said of buffaloes);
evokononettonsz, they (in.) are short boots,gaiters
anklets; ehevokononeo, they (or.) have low boots, ank-
lets. See bracelets.
booth, hoveoeom, when made of boughs (hoveo =shade + om
=lodge,inside space [evèpeometta, there is nothing
inside]); vehoeom, b., square tent. The suff.-om ref.to
lodge interior. [See sundance].
booze, enonotovsešsz, one boozes, is drunk. See drink.
border, etoxenoe, it (or.) is bordered, sp. of a garment;
zetoxenoesz, the one (or.sp.of garment) which is
bordered; natoxenoto, I border it (or.; as when sewing
something on the edges of a garment). Etoxeha, it is a
border,it borders; inf.-toxe- =close along the edge;
toxeeohé,along the border of the river; natotoxesta, I
b.it in speaking, talk about it; natotoxemo, talk about
one (or.); etoxetan, one borders in thot, is thotful;
toxšenàtoz, the parading within the camp circle, "edg-
ing" the rows of lodges; etoxšenàtove, the parade
takes place; etoxšenanov, there was a parading. Eams-
toxeeoz, it is bordered (roads,rivers,etc.); toxetto
zèmhaōmoeha, border, edge of ocean; etoxeoxz, one (or.)
goes along the b.; etotoxoeoxz, one goes along, from
one place to another; hestó, in front of, before, bor-
dering, close to the front side of; zexhoanoàzenatto,
the b., rim, edge (of pail, well, gun; the rim of an
aperture); zetoxeamhoesta zèmhacmoeha (or nehanehe-
va), a line of bluffs, cliffs, bordering the ocean (or
lake); toxenōheveeszehen, lace coat; toxenoestoz,lace,
braid edging.
bore, naotaôn, I bore (with instr.); eotaônestove,it is
a boring; eotāeoz, it becomes bored; eotão, it is a
bored hole; (eotāeha, it is a hole); naotaeòno, I bore
one (or.,as stones, potatoes, etc.); naotaeoha, I b.
naotaemxesta, I b.it (as a pipe stem); eotaemxe, it is
bored; naotaemaso, I bore one (or. sp. of finger nails
or ears); naotâno, I b.one (or.) by fire, heat; naotão-
ha, I b.it by heat; naotaēsèno, I b.one's nose; eotase-
senoxsan, it (or.) bores by gnawing; see dig; zeotae,
that which is bored,
bored, a hole; zeotaesz, the holes
(made); zeotāesozevatto, that which has a hole (bored)
in the butt end a(as needles); eotāesozeva,it has a
hole (bored) in the thick end part. See hole, pierce.
eòneztaevenōhe, one (or.) looks bored, annoyed; eònez-
taevenōèn, one (or.) walks bored; zeotaeohe, that which
is bored (by instr.).
borer, otāheo; otaônehe, one (or.) who does the boring;
eotāheoneve, it is a borer (instr.) ; eotāôneheve,
one (or.) is a borer.
boring, zeotaônestov, the boring.
born, ēšhestaoz, one is b.; ehosohestaoz, one
becomes b.
backward; epevešeeseoneve, one is well b.,of good
breeding,lineage; hestaozistoz, the becoming b.; zehe-
staozz, the b.one; zehestaozesso, the b.ones; zehesta-
ozz màtasoomaeva, the one b. of the spirit. Notomson,
first b. (of animals); notomoenoxz, first b.(child);
hotomoenoxz, second b. child; see child. Evhâshesta-
oz, one is, becomes b. again; eevhâshesta, one is b.
again, a second time. The Ch. believed that dead per-
sons (especially young ones) would be born again in
the body of another one, either in the tribe or some-
where else.
borrow, navēstomevo zèvhanemezevaenas, I ask of one to
just let me have; navēstananoz makätansz zetose-
evhaēnanomonoz, I b.monies (lit. I ask monies that I
shall replace again). Nàvēstomeva nazetaneneon zetose-
vhanhozeoxto, one borrowed my tool (lit.one asked of
me my tool, to just use it).
bosom, hešeeon, b., breast; nazhešeeon, my b.or
nanohoenoz, I hold one (or.) in my b.; ninohoetov-
az, I hold thee in my b.; heszhešeeon, one's b.
boss, etaomenitáetan, he wants to boss; etaomenitáetano-
heoneve, one is bossing, domineering.
both, nìnisoväz, both of us (ref.to two
ties or bodies); nìnisovaéss, b. of you; nìnisovä-
voss,b.of them (or.); nìnisovaez',b.of them (excl.f.
of the 3rd.pers.); nìnisovaesz, b.of them (in.); nìni-
sovetto, b.together; enšeniš 'nettonsz, (in.) b.go toge-
ther; from -nıš- =two + -èn- whose "è" becomes apoco-
pated,+ ettonsz, which is the pl. suff.of the impers.
(Inf.-niš(e)- two, both); natanišene oxzheme, we two, or
both are going there; nìnišez,b.or two of us;
ess,b.or two of you; nìniševoss, two or b.of them. The
difference between inf.-nisov- and -niš- is that the
denotes dis-
first implies two fold while the second
tributive meaning; ehāea nìniševoz, he is older than
each of us two are. The suff.-voz in both words de-
notes a genitive f.,meaning: he is older than "it"
our being old. Inf. -haztov- both, in the sense of
either side; haztovōm, on either (both) side of the
river; hestovīm,on each side, b.sides of the river.
Inf.-hestov- b.,double; ehaztova, one is b.sided (for
the one and for the other side). Nìnixasz, b. (in.). If
there were two packages of coffee I would say: nìni-
sovasz nahestananoz, I take b.; but if there were two
pieces of money I would have to say: nìnixasz nahes-
tananoz, I take both; enišepevaensz, they (in.) are b.
good; enišepevaeo, they (or.) are b.good; enisovepeva-
ensz, they (in.) are b.good, sp. of two bodies of compo-
nent parts; enisovepevaeo, they (or.) are good,sp.of
two parties of men, etc. Nišehestoz, the being two.
Enšhestovepeva, it is b. (at the same time) good.
bother, naôzetanoha, one b.me; naôzetanonan, I am bother-
ed; naôz-heme emoého, I b.one (needlessly). Inf.
-ôz- -breaking up + -tan mentally. Naeveõhevešhesse-
ôzetanoxzeve, I b.my head about (lit.to brood about in
one's mind).
botheration, ôzetanohazistoz; ôz-heme emoéhazistoz, med-
dlesome b.; eôzetanohazenov, there is a b.
bottle, nanivsetto, that which is translucent, pellucid,
clear, glass; nanivsettonsz, bottles. The expres-
sion does not describe a bottle, but ref.solely to
to the glass matter; [nanivse- =clear translucent, is
used as inf.; enanivsevõme, it (water) looks pellucid,
limpid; eotaenanivess, it is clear (in the night)].
Nanivsetto evehota esēoxz, the medecine is in a b.
enanivsettoeve, it is glass or a bottle.
bottom, meséevõ,b.(of water courses);
zehēmeséevō, its
b.; zènehanevoomao,b.of lake (nēhan =lake + vomao
ground surface); zexoomaota, b. (inner) of cups and
bottles; zexeszevetto, outer b.of cups, glasses, bot-
tles; zexoota, where it sets, all around; zeénota vhós
where the peak ends setting; zeszheneevoomao, b.of
swamp; vâxseanhôtto, at the b. (from a height);
double "oo", often pronounced as a long "ō",designates
b.in the sense of "surrounded or hollow surface"
Hence suff.-te is used for vessels; hetō, vessel, cup,
basin, "having a b."; etoneotō, how deep is it or how
far to the b.; ehaõetam, it is very deep. No doubt the
expression "hoe" to be at a place means "to bottom" >
as: nahoe, I b.,am, stay at. See foot, foundation.
bottomless, zsaamxaose one vhan vox, b. hole, pit (namxaa, I
touch, reach with foot); zsaamxaoonehevhan,
that which has no bottom (lit. that which is not
touched by foot); zèvonõetam, that which is lost in
depth, beyond depth; màp zeotão, b.water hole; epoēset-
to hetoxq, the cup has
its bottom off, is b. (coarse
bough, hestā,(sg.); hestāenoz, (pl.). See branch.
boulder, maxhohona zeoxevoešemsz, large rock which has
fallen and lies broken.
bounce, see throw or jump up.
bound, v.nahohanenōnaovo, I set bounds to one. [From ho-
hanenō, large or small mound of earth (or ashes
from smoking) indicating forbidden, restricted ground.
Such a "bourn" is always to be found about ten yards
away from and facing the entrance ot the sacred ar-
rows' lodge]. See leap, jump.
bound, part.etōehe, one is b.; zetōēsz, the b.one; zetõe-
he, that which is b.; natõetan, I am b.; see bind,
bound, n.tōhestoz, bound, fetters; zehētōhestovsz, one's
b.one, prisoner; zehetõetanetto, that which I am b.
with; hohaneno, b., limit [name of the conical mound of
earth indicating a forbidden area]. Hohanenōnoz, pl.
boundary, hohanenō,b.,bourn; nàthoe zeénomaoeha, where
my land ends.
boundless, esaatãohemetanotôhan,it is b.(in thot),
it cannot be measured, comprehended; zsaaénō-
moehahan, the b. sea, that area of water not ending;
esaatãohehan, it cannot be measured; esaaén'nettan, it
is b.,without ending; esaahēn'nistovettan, it
is b.,
has no ending;.esaat'sa-hohanenōnaôhan, it is b., has
no restriction, no limits. Inf.-vone- (lost) expresses
"beyond conception"; evonemahao, it is large (beyond
the limits); evonōmoeha,it is a b.area of water; von-
entatavcom, the b.sky; evonetaohe, it is beyond meas-
ure, immeasurable.
bounteous, emeanovae, one (or.) is b.,gives freely; epa-
vemeaheoneve, one is b., gives kindly.
bountiful, eetâma, one is b.; eetâmhoneonsz, they grew
bountifully, abundantly; inf. -etâm- =plen-
teous, abundant, b.; eetâma šivaztastovå, one is b. in
mercy. See abundant, benevolent.
bow, v.nahószehe, I b.the head (inclining, hanging the
head); nahószeého, I cause one to b.the head; nahó-
szeemo, I b.my head to one; eakavaehoe, one sits with
bowed, drooping head; naxamaáeo, I b. the head (-xama- =
bending over, stooping); nanosxamaáeozetovo, I b.to one
(quick action); nanosxamaáeotovo, I b. before one
(or.). Both terms ref.to bowing of the head. Nanosxa-
maeozetovo and nanosxamaeotovo, I b.to one (or.without
special ref.to the head); nanosxaxoešetovo, I b.before
one, on hands and knees; inf.-nos- =over, in the sense
of arching over;nanoshószeešetovo, I b.my head to one.
bow, n.mazc (mataxc old word for b.); mataxcsz, bows (to
shoot with); namazc, my b.; nimazc, thy b.; hemazc,
one's b.; namazkan, our b.; nimazcevo, your b.; hemaz-
cevo,their b.; namataxcsz, my bows, also namazceoz; ni-
mataxkanoz and nimazkanoz, our bows; nimataxcevoz and
nimazcevoz, your bows; hemazcevoz and hemataxcevoz,
their bows. Nahemazc, I have a b., also nahemataxc;
epavemataxkaō, they (or.) are provided with good bows;
epavemataxkaneo, they (or.) have good bows; mazc
tanóeva, the b.is provided with a string [matanó, bow
string, rigger; maatano =gun]. Mataxc ehecekona, the
supple; mataxc ehekona, the b.is hard; matanóenà-
toz,game of b.; see game. Mahaósz, Bigbow (proper
name); maaetanó, large b.string; mistaevó, owl b., said
of a b.which becomes curved only toward both ends;
evóeseotā,it is (the b.) strung curved, this is
of bows which are almost bent to a semi-circle; hota-
evó, b.made of glue and sinews; hekonó, strong b. The
final "6" is the same used to denote the growing of
plants,also designating the handle part of tools. The
bow was not only used in shooting but also to pick up
smaller objects from the ground, when on horseback.
For this purpose one end of the string was untied and
formed into a loop, or the end loop fastening to the
bow, was enlarged so it would slip with ease down the
bow and form а snare or lasso. Hematanóhess, those
with bow strings, Bowstring band. See warriors. Eshov-
hotane, it is relaxed (ref.to b.string); eēstotane, it
is stretched tight, when the one end of the b. is in-
serted into the loop of the b.string; emaxesovane, it
is stretched to shoot far; ehotovotane, it is loose,
unstretched (this is also said of the trigger of a
gun, when it is uncocked); naēstotana, I
string (lit.insert
nanēs totana
stretch the b.
I unstrech it,
taking the string off at one end of the b.; nahestoe-
na, I pull the b.string; naēveonistoena, I pull the b.
in trial, before shooting; see shooting. Voxkoeneo,
wagon bow; voxkoaneonoz, bows or arches;
noz, bows (ending -seonoz indicates that the ends of
the bow are inserted into something, so as to keep it
standing); Nononó,rainbow; enononóeve, it is a rain-
bow. The part "nono" is also found in "nonoma" (thun-
der), while the suff.-nó denotes bow, snare, trap. The
Ch.believe that a great monster serpent, called Axxea,
is the enemy of the Nonoma (thunder) and spues out
great streams of water to hurt the latter. Nonoma then
sets his trap or snare and catches the Axxea, so the
rain stops. Hence the name nononó for rainbow, snare,
trap or fishline. The suff.-6, for bows provided with
strings, is no doubt derived from the days when ani-
mals were caught with snares and traps made with a
withe or a sapling by arching them. Nononósz are the
bows of which the altar of the Sundance is made.
bowel, matons; matonešsz, pl.; venooxköz, bowels, stomach;
evenooxzeve, it is a stomach, b.; maveeonešsz, in-
testines; natonš, natonešsz (pl.), my b.,stomach; nave-
eonešsz, my b., intestines; niveeonxanoz, our b., intes-
tines; niveeonševoz, your b., intestines. Natonš naha-
mata,my b., stomach hurts me; naveeonešsz nahāmatanoz,
my bowels hurt me; natonševa, in my b.,belly; naveeon-
ševa, in my b.,intestines. The word venooxköz ref.more
to the stomach part of the viscera. Matonešsz ref. to
the viscera as a whole, while maveeonešsz denotes the
intestines. Vee hollow + -one- =cylindrical body +
-š--horizontal posture. See entrails. Nakokoōmoxta, I
feel rumbling (of b.); nakokoōmoxtaveana, I feel rumb-
ling (in b.) from hunger. See belch.
bower, hoveoó, b., booth, shade, arbor; nahoveoōstonaovo, I
make а b. for one; hoveoeóm, b.made for summer
dwelling. See shade. Hoveoeómē, in, at the b.; zexhest-
hoveoeómenetto, where I have my b.; zexhestoveoóetto,
where my b.,arbor is; Vonáeóm or Vonäóm ref.to the b.
of the Sun tent. See Sundance.
bowl, hetō or vetō; meneeveto, large chinaware b.; mene-
evetoxq,small b.; vetōnoz,large bowls; hetoxkonoz,
small bowls. The word ref.to vessel,q.v.; ehetoxkone-
ve, it is a b.
bowstring, matanó; matanósz, bowstrings; ematanóeve, it
is a b.; ematanóeva, it is provided with a b.;
matanóeva navešenonovoto, I catch one (or.) with a b.
(made into a snare). See bow.
box, vèpemax, hollow wood, wooden b.; vèpemaxsz, boxes (of
evèpemxevston, one
wood); evèpemxeve, it is a
makes boxes; vèpemxevstonehe, box maker; vèpemxeva, in,
at,thru,on the b. Naēstana vèpemxeva, I put it into a
box. Rad.vèpe empty, hollow+-max wood, wooden. Ve-
haneo,b.(small), receptacle, envelope. Vehaneonoz, pl.;
evehaneoneve, it is a small b.; xoaneonevehaneo, salve
or ointment b.; navehana, I envelope, b.it; evehane, it
(also or.)is boxed (enveloped); evehotane, it is set in
a b.; vehoseo, Indian bag, or box, chest, with a lid or
laps to shut; vehoseoneva, in the b.or bag; evehoseo-
neve, it is a chest, b., bag; navehoosan, I keep in a b.
or bag; rad.ve- ref.to a receptacle + -ho =to "bot-
tom", stay at; vèhoehoseo,white man's box, chest, bag,
trunk; mxistōnevehoseo, b., receptacle
made of paper,
cardboard b.; mxistōnevehaneo, small b.made
of paper,
paper bag; amoeneo-vehoseo, wagon b.; also zevecevhōs
amoeneo, the hollow part of the wagon; zehonaovhōs
amoeneo, double (boards) wagon box.
boy, hetanekašgon; hetane =male + kašgon =child; he-
tanekašgoneo, boys; ehetanekaš goneve, he is a b.; he-
tanekašgonevestoz, boyhood; ehetanekašgonevstove, it 1S
the being b.; nazhetanekašgonam, my b.; nszhetanekaš-
gonaman, our b.; heszhetanekašgonam, one's b.; nahesz-
hetanekašgonamenoz, he is my b.; naheszhetanekašgonam-
etova, I am his b.; heszhetanekašgonamestoz, the having
a b.; naheszhetanekašgonam, I have a b.; naheszhetane-
kašgoname ton, I am a b. (to one); hetanekašgonász,ye
boys! Zeszhetanekaš gonevetto, when I was a b.
brace, naheenséhoe, I stand bracing my legs; nahekonana,
I b.,strengthen it.
bracelet, hohon; hohonoz, bracelets; nahohonaovo, I pro-
vide one with bracelets; nahevhohona ovo, I pro-
vide one with foot bracelets (anklets); evohonon, b.
for ths foot, ankle; evohononoz, pl.; zehevohonesso, the
ones who have bracelets; nipavethohona, thou art pro-
vided with nice bracelets.
brackish, eveneeno, it is b. See sour, salty.
brag, see boast.
braid, -hestotonôn, to braid;
nahestotonòno, I b. one
(or.); nahestotonoha,I b.it. [See Instr. m.of
the Ch.v.]. Nahestotonohe, I am braided; nahestotono-
esz, I b.myself; nihestotonoesz, I b.thee; nihestotono-
emo hestona, thou braidest her
ônsz,she braids; zehestotonoēsz, the one who b.me; ze-
hestotonoeszz, the one who b.herself; zehestotonoetto,
I who am braided; zehestotonoeszetto, I who b. myself;
nanēhov zehestotonohom, I who b.it; hestotonônestoz,
the braiding; nahoxehotonòno, I b.one clean; zehoxeho-
tonohesso, the ones who are braided clean; naeš-exho-
tonòno, I am done braiding one (or.); nieš-exhotonoha-
non, we are done braiding it; hōmao esoxphotoneo, the
blankets (or.) are braided in the fringes; epavhoton-
ao, they are well braided, provided with nice braids,
(this is said of woven fabrics which are or. in Ch.);
zemahotonasso, the ones braided or woven in red color;
zeososemakotonasso, the ones braided or woven in
brown. When the braiding is done without any instru-
mental medium the verbal form is: nahestotoena, I b.
it; nahestotoenomovo,I b.it one's; nanishotoenen, I b.
in two strands; nanishotoena, I b. it in two strands;
nananho toena, I b.it into three strands; nis-hotoeno-
mohestoz, lock braided in two strands; nanhotoenomo-
hestoz,lock of three strands; enisòtnova-vhotoene, it
is braided in seven strands; enisòtnova-vhotonohe, one
(or.) is braided sevenfold; nanohotoena, I b.it in
with; nanohotonoha, I b.it (c.instr.) in with; the im-
per.of -nohotoena would be nohotoenoz =braid it in
with; the imper.of -nohotonoha would be nohotonoxz =
braid it in with. Naonehahotoena, I unbraid it; naone-
haovess, I unbraid the hair; nasévae, I am not braided,
have my hair loose. See hair, plait.
brain, mazthàp, the b.; hes thàp, brain; nazhes thàp or na-
zthàp, my b.; nszhestàp or nszthàp, thy b.; heszhe-
sthàp or heszthàp, one's b.; nszhesthapan or nszthàp-
an, our (incl.) b.; nazhesthapan or nazthàpan, our (ex-
cl.) b.; nszhes thàpevo or nszthàpevo, your b.; heszhe-
sthàpevo, their b.; naheszthàp or naheszhes thàp,I have
b.; emazthàpeve or ehesthàpeve, it is b.; esaahes thàp-
evhan it is not b. Nahestàpan, I b. (has ref.to a mix-
ture of brain, liver and fat which is rubbed on hides
previous to tanning. See tan). Noavóxůz,brainless,
senseless, also shiftless, without backbone.
brake, hène šeoxtanohamestoz, wagon b. (rad.hén =holding
from-eš- continuing +-eoxta- wheel, legged +
-nohamestoz, ref. to horses); tõeoxtanohamestoz, (inf.
-tōe= bind, tie,hold); nahénešeoxtano amoeneo or natō-
eoxtano amoeneo, I set the b.to the wheels of the wag-
on (or.); ehénešeoxtane amoeneo, the wagon b.is set;
etōeoxtaenohame stove, it is a wagon b.; ehénešeoxtano-
hamestovensz, they are wagon brakes; ehénešeoxtanoha-
mestovatto, it acts as a b. Naevhapevana tõeoxtanoham-
estoz, I repair the wagon b.- Brake, in the sense of a
thicket, is rendered by suff.-eše, which denotes cover-
ed with, full of,e.g.: šistatóeše, thicket or brake of
pines; matāeše, wood thicket; heškovoeše, brake of
brambles, thorns.
bramble, heškovósz, b. bushes; heškovoeše, b. thicket;
eheškovoešeeve, it is a b.thicket; heškovhestaà-
zemenoz, b., black berries; heškovhestaàzemenósz, b.,
black berry bushes; eheškovóhestaàzemenóeve, it
is a
b.,black berry bush; heškovohestaàzemenóeše, b. berry
bran, zemahoxomohamestoz; ze that which + -ma- =reddish
+ -hoxom- to feed +-ohamestoz denoting "stock".
branch, v.ehénevonēha, it branches, ramifies; ehénevonē-
šenaō, they (or.) b.out; héne- designates a radi-
ation,ramification from a point. These expressions.
do not ref.to tree branching, but have the sense of
"radiating from". Nevertheless the inf.-(v)on- ref.to
a branch shaped body, like pipes, thread, tendrils,
blood vessels, ropes and water courses. See radiate.
Ehénevoonatto,it b.out from; hestãenoz ehénevoonat-
tonsz, the branches b. out from each other. The inf.
-(v)oona ref.to the gradual tapering of cylindrical
objects. Ehénevono eoz,it b.from (of water courses);
nahénevonēšename, we b.out into different directions;
ehénevonēšena, it b. out (as arteries, tendrils
plants,etc.; spoken of as or.
or.); ehénevonēšenatto,it
b.out (in.); hénevonēšenàtoz, the branching out; hoxzZ
enisoona, the tree b., forks into two branches; enanoo-
na,b.into three; enivoona, b.into
b.into four; ehénevoona
hoxzz, the tree sends out its b.; zexhesshénevonēha,
where the branching starts from; zexhesshénevoonatto,
where it b.from. (ref.to a branch). Ehéneozensz meon-
oz, the roads b.; the same expression would be used
for water courses (ohesz); ehénevoonaozensz hestāen-
oz, the branches become ramified.
branch, n.hestā,b. of tree; hestāenoz, branches (in.);
hestāenov,the branches (in a body. Fr.branchage;
Ger. Astwerk); hestãenovå or hestaenoveva, in, within
the branches; hestäenoz eoxceatokonsz, the branches
are entangled, matted; vokonaekamaxsz
vokonaekamaxsz, dried, bleached
branches; peoononoz and peoxkononoz, broken branches
or twigs on the ground; enokstaenatto, it has one b.;
ehaestohestaenatto, it has many branches; enahestae-
natto,it has three b.; eniv(he)staenatto,it has four
b.; enisòtohestaenatto,it has seven b.; tass nihestā-
enovheman's, as it were we are branches. In religious
terminology the branches are used metaphorically to
designate families, while the trunk is the nation. An
old woman told writer that the old people in the fa-
mily were the trunk of the tree, their children were
the limbs or larger branches, while the twigs were the
grandchildren. Naoehestaenàno hoxzz, I prune (cut off)
the branches of the tree (when done by striking); na-
oehestaenaso, I cut its (or.) branches (when done with
knife); nakahestaenàno, I cut its b.short; nakokahesta-
enaso, I cut its branches short; nahoxehestaenàno or
nahoxehetaenaso, I prune its (or.) branches;
hestaenaso, I cut off its (or.) branches with a knife
(Fr.ébrancher); zeto hoxzz epopohestaenax, this tree
has its branches cut off, (Fr.il est ébranché; Ger. er
ist abgeästet); hestaenoz zeéšēsz, the branches which
are cut at the end; naéxomovo hesztāenov I cut its
branches; epopoéšensz hestaenoz, the b. are cut off;
- 174
hestāenoz zepoešēsz, the branches which are cut off
zehehestaenovsz,its branches (Ger.sein "Geäst", sein
Astwerk); hesztaenoz,its (the single ones) branches;
hesztāevoz, their branches; zeto naa nahesztaenotto,
this my son is my b.; nahesztāetova, I am one's b.;
epavhestāenov or'
epavhestāena zeto hoxzz, this tree
has good branches, is well branched. See tree.
branchy, ehaestohestaenatto, it is b.; haestohestaenà-
toz, the being b.; eatohestaenatto, it is b.and
brand, v.namxehóno, I b.one (or.); namxehoha, I b.it;
emxehoe, one (in. and or.) is branded; emxehoeo,
they (or.) are branded; nasaamxehoho, I do not b. it;
nasaamxehònó, I do not b.one (or.); nanēhov zemxheho-
hom, it is I who brands it; zsaaešemxehohoetto, before
I had it branded.
brand, n.mxeovàtoz, b. on animals; hoestaonoz, fire
brands; makät zevešemxeo vàtove, the branding iron.
brandish, naōmstaház, I b., wave it; nacmstahamo (or.,as
flag,blanket, etc.); naōmstahasen, I b.,wave;
ōmstahasenistoz, the brandishing, waving; naōvoeōsta-
hàz,I b.,wave it with one sweep. See shake. Xovatov
naōveōs tahasenetovo, I b. a sword at one. Xovatoveva
navešemenaōstòno, I b.a sword at
one, I challenge one
with a sword.
brandy, vèhoemàp, the white man's water; evèhoemàpeve, it
is brandy, whiskey. See whiskey.
bran-new, etó-mona, it is bran-new. See new.
brass, heovemakät, b., yellow metal. [Makät is the dimi-
nutive form of mahaeta which is generally ap-
plied to iron. Originally it referred to the "red
one",i.e. copper]. Eheovemakätaevston, it is made of
b.; eheovemakätaeve, it is b.; eheovemahataeve, it is
b. (when sp. of a large piece of b.).
brassard, hōetoseo zevešhohonaevaoxtov, badge "brace-
let" on the arm. See badge.
brave, ehātamahe, one is b., considered so; ehae, one is
b., valiant; hatamazhetan, b. man; hohahetaneo, very
b., courageous man; hātamahestoz, the being b., brav-
ery; ehāekašgoneve, it is a b.child; zehātamahesso, the
b.ones. Namenàno, I b., challengd one; nahestatamahe, I
b.the danger, run the risk. See bold. Esaaheze vahe, one
is not afraid, is b.
brawn, hekoneozistoz, strength; ehekoneoz, one is brawny.
See strong.
bray, see sound.
brazen, etóvahe, one is b., insolent, impudent; tóvahes-
toz, the being b.; etóvahestov,it is brazenness;
zetóvaesz, the b.one; zeto hetaneo natóvahetō, these
men are b.towards me; etóvaheoneve, she is b., arrog-
ant; tóvaheonevestoz, brazenry.
breach, nasoxpax, I make a b., break thru; naĕseoxevooha,
I make a b.into it; rad. ēs into + -eox =break
in two + -vo =asunder; zexēseoxevoohe, the b., where it
is broken in; zesoxpxe, the b., where it is broken
thru; zesoxpxehestov, where the b.is. See break.
bread, kòkonhoo; (from -kokonôn to tap, knock; kokono-
he, woodpecker); ekòkonhôoneve, it is b.;nakòkonhô-
onam,my b.; hosz kòkonhôo nìmezz, give me some b.; ze-
kòkonhôonevesso, the "bread ones", expression used by
the peyote men to designate the christian Indians,
having ref. to the symbolical bread of the Lord's
Supper, in contrast to the peyote. Nakòkonhoonan, I
make b.; kòkonhôonanistoz, the b.making; kòkonhoonane-
he,b.maker; kòkonhoonemanevèho, baker (white man);
ekòkonhôonaneheoneve, one is a b.maker; ekòkonhôonema-
nevèhoeve, one is a baker; nahonoxta kòko̟nhôo, I bake
b.; ehonoe kòkonhôo,the b.is baked; kòkonhôo zeveše-
papanohe heoveamsceva, b. and butter, (lit. b.which is
spread over with yellow grease); kòkonhoo nave šepapa-
noha amsceva, I spread the b.with fat (when using ins-
tr.); kòkonhoo navešepapanoena amsceva, I spread the
b.with fat (when using the fingers); kòkonhôo epoha-
hota or epohâta, the b.raises (swells by heat); kòkon-
hôo epevhâta, the b.raises well; kokonhoo ehosphata,
the b.fails to raise; eoshâta or eoehota kòkonhoo,the
b.does not raise; nahoxomo kòkonhoo, I feed one b.;na-
séasen kòkonhoo moxtavhòpeeva, I soak b.in coffee; na-
séomesz kòkonhoo, I dip the b.; eotōva or eexova koko-
nhôo, the b.is soaked, wet; Esaahekòkonhoonamé, one has
no b.
breadstuff, zetohetaevešemane kòkonhoo, all that with
which bread is made.
breadth, zehetaeoz, its b. (sp. of water courses or
roads); zehetão,its b., sp. of in.obj.; zeamset-
to,its b.,width across it; zehetaomao, the b.of the.
land; zeoxtohetaomao,all thru, over the b.of the coun-
try; inf.-amse- =across the b.of; zehetaeōmoeha, the
b.of water area; zeoxhetaeōmoeha, all over the b.of
the water; naamseóena, I tear it across the b. (done by
hands); naamse éxa, I cut it across the b.; eamsetto,it
has b., capacity; eamshaess, it is long across the b.
See wide, width,size.
break, naéena, I b. it (by
naéenanoz, I b.them
(in.); eéene, it is broken; eéae, it is broken
(state); eéeoz, it becomes broken; eéeoxz,it is break-
ing; naoéena, I b.it in parts, pieces; naoéenanoz, I b.
them (in.) in pieces; eoéeoz, it becomes broken in
parts,piece; eoéeozensz, they (in.) become broken in
pieces; napoena, I b.it off; napoenanoz, I b.them (in.)
off; napopoenanoz, I b.each one of them (in.) off; na-
poenomovo, I b.it, one's off; (see tear); naéenomovo, I
b.it one's; naéenomevo, I b.it for one; zećeno, the one
(in.) one breaks; zeéenom, that which I b.; zepoenome-
vaz, that which I b.for thee; heto kòkonhoo napoenomo-
nenon, this bread is broken off for us; zećenomotâ
that which I b.for (substitutive) one; namame poena, I
b.it off (in chunk); naamseéna, I b.it across; eamseé-
ne, it is broken thru the middle; zeéeozz, the one who
or which becomes broken; zeéeozessů, the
zeéeozesso, the ones (or.)
broken; zeéeoxzesso, the ones (or.) breaking; zeéeox-
zēsz,the breaking ones (in.); amoeneo zeéeaesso, the
broken wagons (or.); eóstaha, one is heart broken; na-
péena, I b.it by crushing; napepéenanoz, I b. each one
(in.) to to pieces, by crushing; epéeoz, it is broken
in pieces; epepéeozensz, they, each one (in.) are bro-
ken in pieces; napenôn, I b., pound to pieces (by
crushing with instr.); napenòno, I b. one (or.instr.)
to pieces; napepenòno, I b.them (cr.) all to pieces;
napéoha, I b.it in pieces; napepéohanoz, I b.them (in.)
all in pieces. The inf. -pé- denotes breaking by
pounding, crushing, down flat pressure. Zepenônsz, the
one who breaks in pieces; nanēhov zepéenomonoz, I
who b.it in pieces;nanehov zepepéenomonoz, I who b.all
of them (in.) in pieces; nanēhov zepepéenon, I who b.
them (or.) all in pieces; nanehov zepéohom, I who b.it
in pieces (instr.); nanehov zepéohomonoz, I who b.them
(in.) in pieces; naněhov zepepenònon, I who b.them
(or.) all in pieces (instr.); napenoxta, I b., chew it
(with teeth); napenomo, I b., chew one (or.) ninēhov
zepenosoxtomossoz mahoz, thou who breakest by crushing
the arrows' points. See chew. Naéa, I b.with the foot;
naéoha, I b. it with an instr.; naéohanoz, I b. them
(in.); ninēhov zeéohomo, thou who breakest it; nàtone-
šeàton naéoha, I b.it with the sole of my foot; naéox-
ta, I b.it with the teeth; naéomo, I b.it (or.) with
the teeth; nanēhov zeéoxtom, I who b.it with the
teeth; naóxanen, I b.in two; the inf.-óx =half, in two;
naóxana,I b.,split it (by hand); naóxoxta,I b.it (by
teeth); naóxoha, I b.it (by instr.); naóxâha,I b.it
(by heat); naóxano, I b. one (or.), by hand; naóxomo, I
b.one (or.) with the teeth; naóxòno, I b. one (or.)
instr.; naóxá, I b. it with the foot; naóxax, I b.it
(with knife); naóxaso, I cut one (or.) in two. Eóxeoz,
one (in. and or.) is broken in two; menee veto eóxeoz,
the pitcher is broken; eamseóxeoz, it is broken thru
the middle; see tear. Naévooha, I b. asunder, apart
(with instr.); nanehov zeévoohom, I who b. it apart;
naoxevoòno, I b.one (or.) apart; évooxz, b.it apart!
évoohoha, let him b. it apart! Naévoohomovo, I b.it
one's apart; naóxevohena, I b.it apart (by hand); óxe-
vohenoz,b.it (thou) apart! Inf.-6xe- =b.in two; when
the "o" is long (ō) it implies "break open". Naóxe-
vooha, I b.it apart (by instr.); naēseóxevooha, I enter
by breaking it; naoxevoehaz, I b.it asunder by throw-
ing it; naóxevoešemo, hohona (or.), I b. the stone by¨
throwing it (or.); napopoehaz, I b.it off in pieces by
throwing; napopoešemo, I b.one (or.) off by throwing;
napopoaház, I b.it by pulling off; napopoahamo, I b.one
(or.) by pulling off; epopooneeoz, it becomes broken,
(sp.of cylindrical bodies pulling asunder); napopoo-
neohaovo sitoxc, I b. the rope by pulling. Inf.-one-
refers to cylindrical bodies; sitoxc =rope and is
or..,like dry goods and thread. Natataoha, I b.it
(instr.) open, ref.to lids, stoppers of jugs, etc. Naeš-
koxtano,I b.one's leg; naoeškoxtano, I b.each of one's
leg; naéeškoseoho, I b.one's finger short; naoeškoseo-
ho, I b.one's fingers short; nha zeoeškoxtanas, the one
who broke my legs; zeéeškseohas, the one who broke my
finger short; eéškoxtanae, one has a leg broken; eoeš-
kosae, one has his fingers broken short. The "k" sound
is a diminutive form and implies "short off" or "the
point off",here in these examples. Eéšeosae, one has
the finger cut (state); eoešeosae, one has all the
fingers cut off; napopoestaōstòno, I b.off one's ears
(at one sweep); naemēnevaoseš, I have my collar bone
broken; eéšeàtae, one has the foot broken; eoešeàtae,
one has both feet broken; eépeoaohe, one has a rib
šišinovoz, I break
apart (with stroke); nanoose-sohetovàz, I b.my way
thru (Ger.hindurch); naēsxsoxpeš, I b. thru into; na-
soxpax, I b.thru; naàz eévoeha, my arm is broken; namo-
nomax,I b.the land (by plowing); esoxonatto,it breaks
apart by drying, shrivelling (by weather process), said
of branchlike, tapering objects; esoxonâta, it breaks
from heat; evohovonatto, it breaks apart (said of
spokes of wheels, from weather process); evovohovonâ-
tansz, they each (in.) b.apart, from heat; eōxonatto,it
breaks open, cracks (from the weather); eōxonâta, it
breaks open, from heat; eōxtâta, it breaks open from
heat; eōxomaeoz, the ground breaks open; eoxomaehóta,
the ground breaks (from heat); eōxomaoxta, breaks,
cracks open (said of ice on water); naatoēta, I b.,
transgress; naoéena hoemanistoz, I b.the law. Nahoxee-
to mohènoham, I b., train the horse; ehoxeetahoetoe, it
is (or.horse) broken to the saddle; eonšeōstahå vóe,
the cloud breaks up (at one sweep); eonšeoz vóe, the
cloud dissipates, becomes broken; eonixahå vóe, the
cloud breaks up. The inf.-oninx- =shatter, demolish,
disintegrate, dismember. Eneešepoeōstahå vóe, the cloud
is breaking apart; epopoeōstahå, breaks into several
parts; eóseoz, it breaks open (of an abscess);
settonsz zepevszeavóesz, the flowers b. open;
blossom); eaveoz, one breaks down (in health);
the snake
veoz,one breaks down becomes exhausted; emeèn, one
breaks forth, comes into view; ešehe oxmeènēsz, at the
breaking forth of the sun; ease tax, eamemeohe (strong-
er term), one breaks out by running; naase thoäoz, I b.
away (running); naase thoäozetovo, I b. away from one;
rad. -ase- start + -hoa- =to run + -eoz = become;
inf.-masó- designates "break" whenever an action or
condition has an abrupt beginning; emasóaxaemeoz, one
breaks into tears; emasóohaz, one breaks into a laugh;
emas óhamoxtaeoz, one breaks sick (where we say "falls
sick"). See broken, crack, tear,piece, shatter.
breakable, eoxceoxeoz, it is b., will break; eoxceoxevoe-
ha,it is b.; eoxceéeoz, it is b.; eoxceonšeoz,
it is b. See break, breakage.
breakage, (breaking), zeox, the break; éenenistoz, the
breaking; oéenistoz, the breakage (pl.); oée-
neo,the break, also transgression; nioéeneonan, our
breaks, faults (not to confound with óoeneo the blind
one); nioéeneonan nióoenenaenor, our faults, breaks,
transgressions blind us; [in Ch.the first "o" denotes
reduplication, and thus makes the noun pl.in Eng.];
éeozistoz, the breaking, becoming broken (quick pro-
cess); éeoxzistoz, the breaking (slow process); éeaes-
toz, the breakage (state, condition); péenenistoz, the
breaking by crushing; péeozistoz, the becoming broken;
penônestoz, the breaking by pounding; óxeozistoz, the
breaking in two; ōxeozistoz, the becoming broken open;
óxanenistoz, the breaking in two (acting); é škoxtana-
zistoz, the breaking of a leg; éeškseonazistoz, the
breaking of a finger; mohènoham hoxeesohestoz, the
breaking of a horse; popooneeozistoz, the breaking by
pulling apart (ropes, etc.); zetohetāeoxane
zetohetaeoxane, all that
is broken, the breakage; zemäoxevoeha, all the breakage
(shattered apart by throwing); esxsoxpšenàtoz, the
breaking thru (Ger.hindurch), making a passage thru;
soxpxestoz (soxpaxestoz), the breaking, breach by step-
ping thru; zeto hohona zehešeoxevoešems, the breaking
of this stone (by shattering). As many nouns could be
formed as there are words for the v. "to break" in
all its modes and ramified derivations. The Ch. gr.
explains how all these noun forms can be made and
breakdown, esxseveoz, one has a b.,is exhausted; eaveoz,
one has a b.(in health); sxseveozistoz, ex-
haustion,b.; aveozistoz, b.in health.
breaker, zemasó-onovōmečstahå hohona eva, the
(lit the oncoming billows dashing inshore over
the rocks); hooxcemasó-onovomeostahå hohonaeva eaàze-
nistoneva-veoeotōmaha; when the breakers dash over
the rocks they (at the same time) roar in heaving
breakfast, meovana zeoxcemesestov; meo = early + −vōna
morning (when the light comes); namese, I
eat; eoxcemesestov, it is eaten. Meómesestoz, early
eating; nameómese, I eat my b. or I eat early (in the
day); zeešemeómesēs, after one had eaten b.; nahomos
zetosemeómesestov, I cook for the early eating. Esaa-
meoemsé ehesshaeana, one had no b., therefore one is
breast, mazhešeeon, the b.,chest; nazhešeeon, my b.: hes-
zhešeeon-one's b.; nazhešeeonan (obs.), our b.;
zemamo všenetto, b. bone, sternum (where the chest comes
together, the middle); vecevšenestoz, cavity of b. (at
lower part of sternum), lit.depression in chest; na-
poešenèno, I strike one's b.; napoešenehesz, I smite my
b.; emešehešeeona, one has a hairy b.; epavheszhešeeo-
na,one has (is provided with) a good b.,chest,one is
well chested; nanohoenoz, I hold one to my b.,bosom;
nahoxsšena heszhešeeon, I lean against one's b.; omo-
tomaxestoz, the heaving and sinking of the b.; eomoto-
max, it heaves and sinks (breast). Matan, breasts
(or.), mammary region; hetanan, her b.; nihozeoto mata-
neoxz, thou usest her for nurse. See nurse. Nanénotamo
hetanano, I suck her b.; naného, I give one the b.; ni-
šeha or nehešeha,give (thou) one the b.; see milk.
breath, omotom; omotomaxestoz, the visible heaving and
sinking of the breast, when one breathes; eomoto-
meve, it is b.; zeomotomevsz, the one who is b.,the
living one; zeomotomevesso, pl. The word "omotom" also
means "inspired word"; Maheoneomotom, God's inspired
word. Naomotom, my b.; niomotoman, our b.; niomotomevo,
your b.; omotomeneva and omotomeva, by, with, thru, in
the b.; Heomotomene va Maheo navešemanhanheme, by
the b.of God are we made. Naheomotom, I have b.
breathe, naomotom, I b.; niomotomhemå, we b.; eomotomeo,
they b.; naomotomeoz, I become breathing;omotom-
hestoz, the breathing (also a gentle movement of the
air; see air; eomotomhestove, it is a breathing; na-
omotomaovo, I impart one breathing; eahanomotom, one b.
hard,is panting; zehetāeomotomevess, all who b.; na-
omotometan, I want to b.; naomotomesého, I cause one to
namaxeomotom, I b. freely, relieved, draw a long
breath; namaxeomotome oz, I feel relieved, draw a long
breath; naomotomšena, I lie breathing; nahessàz, I b.it
in, inhale it; nahessàtovo heomotom, I inhale one's
breath; napeosematòtomovo heomotom, I dislike the
smell of one's b.; -peose- dislike, loathe + -ma-
tòto (from namatoxta =I smell it) + -omovo =it his.
Naomotometovo, I b. upon one; naomotomeztovo, I am
breathing to one; nahōotoxta, I b.out something (spue
out); naanevooxta, I b.it (blow) down; navonevooxta, I
b. (blow) it away. See blow. Eoxemeàz, one has an
offensive breath (mouth); (oxem rotten + -àz =
mouth). Omotomeozistoz, the occurence of breathing;
emasó-omotomeozeo, they (or.) abruptly become breath-
ing; naomotom eamšeme, my word (inspired) is written
(having more ref.to the saying than to the writing).
Namxevõmotoxta, I sweep, clean it with my breath. See
explanation under "blow". Etosevonevomāesz Maheon, he
is to be blown away by God's (breath). The words "om-
otom, osotom" and "hekotom" are related. The first
ref.to "moving up and down", to "heave and sink", while
the second (osotom) means the "allaying, not heaving"
or "rest", and the last (hekoton) designates the
"calm"; Nanxpo tome oz, I suffocate, have my breathing
shut,sifled; esóeomotom, one is still breathing; epa-
veomotomhestov, there is a good breath, it exales frag-
rance or good air (also metaphorically); ehavsevomo-
tomeoz, one breathes bad; esaapave omotomehan, it is not
good breath,air; eevhapave omotom, one breathes well
again; eénomotom, one ends breathing; zetohetaeomotom,
all that breathes. Zepevszeavoósz emäpave omotomhesto-
vensz, the
flowers b.fragrance, (lit.the nice headed
grasses are all well breathing).
bred, epeveešeeseoneve, one is well b.; ešhestovoozene,
one has ears, is well b.; eonisyomhekonēstata, one
is ill-bred (is hard of ears). Among the Ch. the
piercing of the ears is attended with ceremony, for it
symbolizes the opening of the understanding, the time
from which the child is to hear and learn. Children
whose parents are dead or which have no one to bring
them to have their ears pierced at certain
als are "onisyomhekonēstata", their ears are still
hard. As a rule such children grow up without any de-
cent training (as the Ch. used to have) and become
ill-bred. The younger the child has its ears
the less it suffers and the better it is for it. This
was the symbolical teaching: the sooner children hear
and obey the more and the easier they will learn. The
pain when the ears were pierced, together with the
present the parents had to offer for tne occasion,
would show that obedience and learning cost some-
breeches, vešeesenostoto (or.), b., pants; nxpsoestoto,
breech-clout; nanxpsoestonaovo, I make b. unto
one; enxpsoestove, it is a breech-clout. See pants,
breed, nahestoešeého, I b., beget, bring forth one; eheše-
hestovoeo, they (or.) raise,b.children. Naešeého, I
raise,b.one. Zehestoešeesso, the bred ones, progeny.See
bring forth, grow, raise.
breeder, zehešehestovo esso, b., progenitors, zeešeesohesz,
the one who causes growth, of people or animals.
breeding, hestoešehestoz; evešhestoešehestove, thereby
is a b.; hestoešeesohestoz, that which causes
growth in people and animals, the breeding.
breeze, see wind. Hovèn eésta, there is a light b.
brethren, zehevis'onemon, they, my b.; zehevis'onemaess,
the ones who are my b. ; ehevis'onemàzeo, they
are b. (with each other); ehevis'onetovàzeo, they are
b. (unto each other). Nis's, my brother or sister;
nis'on, my b. (Ger.Geschwister); es' on, thy b.; hevis'-
on,one's b.; nis'onaneo,our (excl.) b.; es'onaneo,our
(incl.) b.; es'onevo, your b.; hevis'onevō, their b.
This expression is the equivalent of the Ger. Ge-
schwister, but also designates cousins and half bro-
thers or sisters, or all together. When a Ch.man has
several wives, their children will say: nahevis'oneto-
vàzheme, we are "Geschwister". Nahevis' on, I have b.;
nahevis'onenotto, I have them for b.; nahevis'onenoz,I
have one for cousin, half brother or half sister, etc.
See brother. Nis'onasz, brethren! This expression has
come into use among christian Ch. The old address used
by a speaker was usually vehonász na notxész, chiefs
and warriors! Also: hetanész, kasovāehasz, men and young
men! Writer heard the Messias teacher (Porcupine)
addressing a crowd by saying: navōhestonász,my blood
relatives! The expression "nis'onasz" will be under-
stood by christian Ind.as meaning them only and not
others, altho the latter be present. The proper way of
addressing a mixed audience of Ch. would be either:
Mahaehász, Friends! Or: Hetanész, heész na kašgonasz,
Men, women and children!
bribe, naemōsevového, I b.one; emōsevovehazistoz, the b.
(emōs =secret + -vového, to ransom, pay for; see
ransom); eemōsevovehe, one is bribed; zeemōsevovéhasz,
the one who bribes me.
brick, maheše, (ma red heše dust); emahešeeve, it is
a b.; mahešensz, bricks; mahohona eo (or.), bricks,
(ma =red + hohonaeo stones); emahononaeveo, they are
red stones; emahohonaevston or emahešeevston,it is
built of bricks; maheše evešemane, it is made out of
bricks; epavemahešeevstoona, it is beautifully brick-
bride, monhée (newly married) (mon recently + -hée
woman); zemonhēvsz, the one who is b.; emonheēve,
she is a b.; zetoshēhyamsz, the one about to be mar-
ried (sp.of woman); emonhēhyam,she is newly married
(hēhyam having a husband).
bridegroom, monheta (mon newly + -heta =man); zemon-
heszheemsz, the one having recently a woman;
emonheszheem, one is a b.; see wed.
bridge, hoxovoo, b., the one set across; ehoxovooneve, it
is a b.; hoxovohestoz, the bridging; ehoxovohes-
tove,it is a bridging; nahoxovoonan, I make a b. The
expressions are also used in the fig., especially in
the religious terminology thus hoxovoonanistoz de-
notes b.making, mediation; zehoxovoonansz, the "ponti-
fex" or mediator. Such expressions were especially
heard during the "Messias" movement, but they were not
new then. See crow. Zenškoveoenetto, b. of the nose.
See nose. Hoxovoo emakätaevston, the b. is built of
iron; hoxovoo ekamxevston, the b.is built of wood; ma-
hataemeo hoxovoo, railroad b.; ohe ehoxovoona, the ri-
is bridged, provided with a b.; nahoxovoonaoxz
ohe, I b.the river. See cross.
bridle, hoxzenāeseo,b.,bit (from hox
bind,tie around
[see bandage] + −zena which ref. to mouth "end"
of animals); ehoxzenaeseoneve, it is a b.; nahoxzenāe-
toham, I b. the horse; suff.-oham is from mohènoham
horse. Hoxzenaetohamestoz, the horse b.; ehoxzenaeto-
hamestove,it is a horse b.; naonehahoxzenaetoham, I
take the b.off of the horse, unbridle the horse; naēs-
tàzenanoham, I b. the horse, I put into the horse's
mouth; nanitàzenanoham, I take off the horse's
unbridle the horse; nahoxeēsetoham, I b.the horse
(when tying around nose). See halter.
brief, ekaoan, one speaks briefly; kaoanistoz, b.speech,
utterance; kasexov, b.space of time ekasevostane-
hevstove, it is a short duration of life; ekasexov'.
netto, it is for a b.time; see short.
brigand, šēnovahe,b.,robber,despoiler; ešēnovaeheve, one
is a b.; ešēnovavostaneheve, one leads the life
of a b. See rob.
brigandage, šēnovahestoz;
ešēnovahestove, it is a b.,
bright, eoásetto, it is b., shining; amcmàzistovea ehexo-
võenov,it is b.,dazzling, (lit.mirror like it has
a look); eoásenōhe, one (or.) looks b.,luminous, shin-
ing, also eoásevenōhe; eoásevenono, it is b., luminous;
naoásena,I make it b. (light, fire) -oás- denotes
flame; see burn,fire; naoásevoaena, I make it b., fur-
bish it; eoásevoaeha, it is b.,furbished; eoásevoaeoe,
it is made b., shining, is furbished; nanhovaena, I wipe
it b.; epevatamano, it is b. (sp.of the general out-
look, appearance); zepevszeavoósz eohāpevatamanoensz,
the flowers are very b.; emaatamano, it is b.red (of
the atmosphere or general appearance of objects);
eheovatamano, it has a b.yellow appearance; esaavotōe-
nové, one (or.) cannot be looked upon,is dazzling b.,
pure; esaavotōenovhan, it is dazzling b., cannot be
looked upon. See shine. Eotoxovae, one is b., intelli-
gent; otoxovastoz, brightness, intelligence.
brighten, naoásevoaena, I b.it; nahe totaetanoho, I b.one
(or.), make him cheerful; eneamepevatamanoeoz,
it is brightening (of the weather, sky); emasópevhoto-
eoz, one's sight brightens; emasópevotōene, one's face
brightens, (or emasópevotōeneoz); eneamehotōenov, it
gradually brightens, becomes sight. See sight, look.
brightening, emävovoasešena,it is b.,resplendent; emä-
oáseōstahå, it is b., flashing; eoásevoaeōs -
tahå, it is b., shining; emäoáseōs tax, one is b. in a
flash, shining. See resplendent, shine.
brightness, zeoxchešeoásevoaeha, the b., that which is
brightening; oásevenōhestoz, the b.,in look,
appearance; pevatamanohestoz, the b., appearance; zehe-
oásevoaeha,its b. See shine.
brilliant, eohavovoasešena, it is b., very shiny; eohavo-
oasetto, it shines brilliantly.
brim, heszeneva, its b.,lip (see lip); hetoxq heszeneva,
the b.of a cup; zekàgoeō, its crests, edges; zeška-
goeō, b. (where it ends, thin, tapering); zehèpeō, its
outer b.,rim. Eoxenōvatto, it is full to the b. (of li-
quid); eoxenoene, it is full to the b. (of dry subs-
tance); eoxenoenaoe, it has been filled to the b. Na-
oxenoena, I fill it to the b. (with dry substance); na-
oxeno enoto, I fill one (person) to the
b.; naoxenoe-
noxz,I fill it (anything) to the b.; naoxenōvana,
fill it (with liquid) to the b.; naexa eoxenoešen na-
háen, my eyes are brimful of tears.
brimstone, heovhohonaevhoesta, yellow fire stone.
brindled, esòkovotavova,it is b.(animal, fur), is strip-
ed, barred, streaked.
brine, màp zeohavoxbomaoxzevane, water which is made
very salted. See salt.
bring, nahoeoztsan, I b. (generic term); nahoeozész,I b.
it; nahoeozého, I b.one (or.); nahoeoztome vo,I b.it
for one (or.); nahoeoztomovo, I b.it, one's; nahoeozto-
mevonotto, I b.one to, for one; nahoeozamo, I b.one's
(or.); heq'sām nihoeoztomevazevonotto, I b. to thee
one's sheep; nahooztovo, I b. it to a place
for one;
heto nahôoztomon, this is brot upon me; nahooztomota-
àz, I b.it upon myself, for me; nahoox, I b. game (from
the hunt); nahoe oamaovo, I b.one (or.) by driving, (as
cattle); nahoeoamaovoham, I b.in the stock, by driving;
nahoaovõ,I b.them (or.) in; nahoeoaovō, I b.them in
(fast); nahoaovoham, I b.the stock. Naeseozesz, I b. it
in; naeseozého, I b.one (or.) into; nataeseozesz, I b.
it into (speaker being outside);
being outside); nanxēseozesz, I b.it
into (speaker being inside); nahōeozesz, I b.it out;
nanxhōeozesz, I b.it out from; natahōeozesz, I will b.
it out to; nahooxoveozesz, I b.it across; nahooxovéo -
zého, I
b. one (or.) across; nahoenemotoxta, I come
bringing it in my mouth; hotam ehoenemotomo kokoa, the
dog brings a quail in his mouth; etahōenemotoxta, one
brings it out in his mouth, toward; enxhōenemotoxta,
one brings out in his mouth, from. [The Ch.inf.-ta-
implies the going forth of an action, from the speaker
onward; when the action is reversed, not from but to-
wards the speaker, inf.-nx- must be used. Whatever is
behind or past, when referred to, has the "n" or "nx"
infixed, as a rule after the pronominal pref.]. Naho-
oxtooneanoham, I b. the horse to the place (by lead-
ing); mâevehoeno nanxhooxtoneanoham, I b. the horse
from town (leading); natahooxtoneanoham mâevehoeno,
I b.(lead) the horse to the town; niszetooxzesz, b. it
hither, to this place! Nixēseoetom maxsz,b.in (ye)
wood; naēseoetanoz maxz, I b.in wood(s); nimenìmeta,
thou shouldest b.to one (or.), in the
(or.), in the sense of fetch
to give; namenìmeta, he might give me. The nì- im-
plies that the one of whom the giving is expected
will have to come from some place to bring the gift
to the speaker. A sick Indian may say to a visitor:
nahevèho namenìmeta esĕoxz, the white doctor should b.
me medecine, or,let him send me medecine. [Toneš nime-
nìvehomo, some day you should come (from where you
live) to see him]. Inf.-me- appearing forth, coming
up to view; nameenen, I b.to view, reveal; nameena, I b.
it up; nameeno (or.); nameenomovo, I b. it one's to
view; zemonemeene, one will be brot to view, revealed
(-mone- newly, recently, only then; Ger.erst); nameoe-
na, I b.it to view, set, invent it; nahestoemeoena, I b.
it to view from out of. The difference between namee-
na and nameoena is the "O" in the second word, and
that implies "place,set", thus: I b.,place it in view.
Nameovōea, I b.it up (from a liquid substance); namen-
ôn, I b.to view with instr.,I mine; namenoha makät,I
mine iron; see dig; nameeōstòno, I b.one (or.) to view
instantly (instr.m.); nameeōstoha, I b.it to view in a
flash; emeeōešeš, one is brot to view instantly (ins-
tr.m.); namehesta or namesta, I b.it to view by words,
I explain, reveal it; name emo, I reveal one (or.),b.one
to view by words. See come up. Inf.-hestoe- or -hes-
to denotes "from out of"; nahestoešeého, I b.one (or.)
up,raise, breed him; nahestoešeész, I b. it forth from
out, (implying growth, development); zeto hoxzz eoxches-
toešeeszenoz maxemenoz, this tree brings forth apples;
nha zexhestoešeehaezee, the ones who brot us forth, our
progenitors. Ehooešeme, one is brot up in a lying pos-
ture (on travois or horse); nahooešemo, I b.one, lying.
Navešeamha,it b.to me, I receive something by it; tox-
to makätansz nivešeamhaenoz, how much money did it b.
thee? Nahoemetaenon hovae, he brot us something, (lit.
he came to give us something. See carry.
brink, toxea; ometoxea, at the verge; niotatoxehoe, thou
etostóenae, one (or.) is at
standest at the b.;
the verge of death.
brisk, enonahaxczhesta, one is b. (from nature); enona-
haxkae, one (or.) is b. (state); inf. -nonahaxce- =
briskly; enonahaxceoxz, one (or.) goes briskly; enona-
haxcèn,one (or.) walks briskly; enonahaxchozeohe, one
(or.) works briskly; nasaaevhanonahaxczestahe, I am no
more b., agile; evavàkae, one is b., jerky, brusk; evava-
neta,one (or.) is b.,quick, rash; see rash, fast. Nona-
haxczestàtoz, briskness, sprightliness, vivacity, agility
(from nature or disposition); nonahaxkastoz, brisk-
ness, the
being b.; vavàkastoz, briskness, jerkiness;
vavanetàtoz, briskness,rashness. Zevavanetass, the
rash ones.
brisket, hešeonòneva, breast part of beef. See beef.
bristle, enepoováo,one (animal) is bristled, from anger,
fear, sometimes used fig. of people; it ref.to
hair "raising" or standing erect; ematáovao, one (or.)
bristles,ref to actual bristles [matá =prickly pear,
cactus]. Ematáoó, it is bristling, pricking (said of
growing plants; mataósz,bristling, prickly plants. He-
škovoetto, procupine quills. See thorn. Heškovezene eo,
hair brush made of the porcupine's tail; zematáovat-
to, the bristles from a fur, also brush made of such
material. Zematáovaz, the one (or.) provided with
bristling fur.
brittle, ehec or ehekotax, it is b., see soft; emataq, it
is b., breaks easily; ematakonsz (pl.); ematace-
oxz, it is getting b.; emataehóta, it is b.from heat.
broad, see breadth, wide. The "m" implies b., expanded as
in the words: maxe, great; maha, big, wide. Inf.-vo-
ta- before "maxe" and "maha" denotes "b., very wide
great". See abroad. Evotamahaeoz meo, the road is b.;
evotamahaoz' heszhesta,b.is his heart.
broadcast, nahéneàzenoz mazemenoz, I sow the oats b.;
ehénehamensz, they (in.) are thrown b.; nahé-
nevhõesta, I spread the news b.; namónhõesta, I spread
the news abroad, make them generally known. [See
spread, choose and provide].
broadcloth, see cloth.
brocket, hotoxpevaozeva, stag in the second year. See
broil, nahonoxta, I b., roast it; nahonoto, I b. one (or),
as bird, rabbit,fish,etc.; ehonoe, it is broiled;
honovoxköz, meat to be broiled (usually sirloin); hoo-
nō,broiled meat; hoonō namese, I eat broiled meat,
roast; naséoxtano hoestavå, I b.it (or.) on the spit.
Homôozistoz, broil, turmoil
broken, epoevoešena, it is b.off; epoevsevoeš, he has a
horn b.off; eéesetto, it has the point (of blade)
b.; etameésetto, it is b.blunt; etameésevota, it is b.
in,nicked; etovoeoeseha, it is b. in, indented,nicked
in; tovosešeheo, saw; etovoneneoēseha, it is indented
(gap between teeth); see indented; eéeoz, it is
ećeoz,it is b.;
ééeae amoeneo, the wagon is b.; naàz eévoeha, my arm is
b.; eépeoaohe, one has a rib b.; eoéevoeš, it is b. in
pieces; eoninševoeš, it is.b.in pieces, apart, disinte-
grated; eoninxčeoz, it becomes b. asunder; eoninxoeōs -
tahå, it is b., demolished instantly; hoe eōxane, the
earth is b.open; eoxeoz, it is b.in two; eoxevoeha, it
lies b.apart; eoxevoešeme, one (or.,as rocks) lies b.
apart; eoxeōs taha, it is b., torn by wind; eoneeva-
vensz,one (or.) speaks brokenly; eoneevavàtomon, one
understands brokenly. See break, crack,piece.
bronze, zemsiškanemae-makät, brown reddish metal.
brooch, sénoehaseo; see pin.
brood, enhohona, she is brooding, setting;
tanona, I b. too much (over something); naĕveota-
ōhetanona, I am brooding. See hatch,child.
brook, ohevahe; ohec, brooklet.
broom, mxevomaoheo, ground sweeper; mxeheoo, sweeper; em-
xevomaoheoneve and emxeheooneve, it is a b.;
vomaoheonoz, brooms, also broom corn; see sweep.
broomstick, mxevomaohevhootó, broom handle; mxeheoonev-
hootó, broomstick.
brother, the Ch.has four different words for b.; a com-
mon one used by male and female to designate a
younger b.or sister,e.g. nisima, my younger b.or sis-
ter,said by an older b.or an older sister. Another
common word for both sexes to designate "co-brother"
or "co-sister", half b. or half sister, or 'cousin
(first,second or remote),e.g. nis'is, my b. For brevi-
ty sake we use the simple Eng.word "brother" with the
understanding that it implies all the other meanings,
(for the word nis'is). For older b.the Ch.has two
different expressions, the one used by the men and the
other by women. The word used by men can be used by a
woman only when she speaks of the man's b., e.g.your
b.,his b. The word which a woman uses for older b.can
be used by a man only when he speaks of the woman's
b.,e.g.your b.or her b.- Nisimá, my younger b.or sis-
ter; nisimao, my younger brothers or sisters; esimá,
thy y. b.or s.; esimao, thy- (pl.); hevasem, one's y.
b.or s.; he vasemo, one's (pl.); nisimahan, our y. b.or
s., (excl.); nisimahaneo, our- (pl.); esimahan, our y.b.
or s.,(incl.); esimahaneo, our- (pl.); esimaevo, your
y.b.or s.; esimaevo, your- (pl.); hevasemevo, their y.
b. or S.;
hevasemevō, their- (pl.); esimahász, ye y.
brothers or s.; zehevasemetovaz, thou my y. b.or s.
Nahevasem, I have a y. b. or s.; nahevasemenoz, one is
my y. b.or s.; nahevasemenotto, they are my y. b.or s.
(pl.); nahevasemenon, one is our y. b. or s ; zehe-
vasemetto, I who have a y. b.or s.; also one who is my
y. b.or s.; zehevasemeton, the ones who are my y. b.or
s.(pl.); nahevasemetova, I am one's y. b.or s.; ze-
hevasemetesz, I who am one's y.b.or s.; nahevasemeton,
I am a y. b. or s.; zehevasemestovsz, the one who is a
y.b.or s.; zehevasemestovesso, y.b.or s.(pl.); eheva-
semetto,it has y. b. (pl.), said to mean: it yields in-
terest (of money). Hevasemestovestoz, the being y. b.
or s. Nahevasemetan, I want to have a y. b.or s.; na-
hevasemetanotovo, I want one to be my y. b.or s.; na-
hevasemevõemo, I count one as a y. b.or s.; naněhov
zehevaseme võemanetto, I, who am counted as a y.b.or s.;
hevasemetovàzistoz, the being mutual y. b.and s.(pl.);
nihevasemeto vàzhema, we are to each other y. b. and s.
(pl.). Writer thinks that nisima denotes "the one
born,issued after one". The relationship m. explains
all these forms,q.v.in Ch.gr. As above terms imply
both younger brother or sister, it appears vague who
of the two may be meant. The difference is recogniz-
able in the sentence connection, or by adding the
name, or sex of the one mentioned. E.g.nisimá hetane-
kašgon, my y. b., (boy); nisimá heekašgon, my y. s.,
(girl); nisimá kasehe, my y. s. (young woman); nisimá
kasova, my y. b. (young man); nisimá hetan, my y. b.
(male); nisimá hee, my y. s. (female).- Nis'is, my b.;
nis'son, my brothers; zehevis'onetto, the one who is my
b ; zehevis'onetton, (pl.); es'is, thy b.; es'on, thy
brothers; zehevis'onétto, thou who hast a b., or the
one who is thy b.; hevis'on, one's b.; nis'onan, our
b., (excl.); es'sonan, our b., (incl.); es'onaneo,our
brothers; es'sonevo, your b.; es'onevō, your brothers;
hevis'onevo, their.
their. b.; hevis'onevō, their brothers.
This term is understood to mean "co-b." and "co-s."
half b.and half s., cousins of all grades. Nahevis'on,
I have a b.; nahevis'onenoz, one is my b.; nahevis'on-
eton,I am a b.; nihevis'onetõen, we are one's b.; ni-
hevis'onetovàzhemå, we are bretheren to each other;
nihevis'onemàzhemå, we are brethren; nis'onász, bro-
thers and sisters! Zehevis'onetovaziss, you, my b.; ze-
hevis'onestovsz, the one who is b.; zehevis'onesto-
vesso, the brothers; hevis'onetovàzistoz, the being
brothers to each other; hevis’onemazistoz, brother-
hood; nahevis'onetan, I want a b.; nahevis'onevōemo, I
count one as a b.; oxzhevis'onestovstovĕsz, when b.re-
lationship occurs.- The following with rad.-tatanem
are the expressions used by women for older b. But
whenever a male speaks to or of a woman concerning
her b., he uses the term used by women. Natatanem,my
older b.; natatanemo, my- (pl.); nstatanem, thy ol.b.,
(woman addressed by man or woman); nstatanemo, thy-
(pl.); hestatanem, her ol.b.; hestatanemō, her- (pl.);
natataneman, our ol.b. (excl.); nstatamaneman, our ol.b.
(incl,); nstatanemaneo, our- (pl.); nstatanemevo, your
ol.b.,(woman addressed by man or woman); nstataneme-
vē, your (pl.); hestatanemevo, their ol.b. (of women);
hestatanemevō, their- (pl.); nahestatanem, I have an
nihestatanemhemå, we have an ol. b., (incl.);
ehestatanemeo, they have an ol.b.; nahestatanemenoz,
one is my ol.b.; nihestatanemenotto, they are my ol.
brothers; nahestatanemeton, I am an ol.b.; nahestata-
nemōemo, I count one as my ol.b.; zehestatanemetōez,
the one, our ol.b.; zehestatanemetovata, the one, thy
ol.b.; zehestatanemestovsz, the ol.b.; zehestatanemes-
tovesso, (pl.); Hestatanemestovestoz, the being ol. b.
Nahestatanemetan, I want an
toz, the wanting an ol.b.; zehestatanemetovaz, thou my
ol.b.! This however is very rarely said, as sisters do
not speak to their brothers. Hestatanememazistoz, the
being ol.b.(to a sister) with each other; nahestata-
(to a sister); zehēstata-
nemo, I am ol. b. with him
nemsz or zehehestatanemsz, the one being her ol.b.;
oxhestatatanemestovstovĕsz, when the "being an ol.b."
occurs, or where there is a relationship of ol.broth-
ers to a sister; nihestatanemetovstovaz, thou art my
ol.b.in relationship. The following with rad.-néh- are
the expressions used by men for older b. But whenever
a female speaks to or of a man concerning his b.,she
uses the term used by men. Nanéhå, my ol.b.; nénhe, thy
ol.b.(man addressed by man or woman); henéo, one's ol.
b.; nanéhan, our ol. b. (excl.); ninéhan,our ol. b.
(incl.); ninéhevo, your ol. b.; henehevo, their ol.b.
Writer never heard the pl.of above, except in the sub.
f.of the v.,as: zehenehetton, the ones, my ol.brothers;
zehenehetoss, the ones, thy ol.brothers; zehenehess, the
ones,his ol.brothers; zehenehezē, the ones, our ol.bro-
thers; zehenehesse, the ones. your ol.b.; zehenehevosē,
the ones, their ol.brothers; nahenehe, I have an ol.b.;
nihenehemå, we (incl.) have an ol. b.; nahenehenotto,
they are my ol.brothers; niherehenoneo, they are our
(incl.) ol.brothers; nihenehetova, thou art his ol.b.;
nihenehetõevo, you are his ol.brothers; nihenehetove, I
am thy ol.b.; nihenehetovaz, thou art my ol.b.; nahe-
nehevõema,he counts me for his ol.b.; nihenehevõemae-
neo,they count us for ol.brothers; nihenehetovàzhemå,
we are ol.brothers to each other; nahenehemo, I am ol.
b.with him; henehetovàzistoz, the being ol.brothers to
each other; henehemazistoz,ol. brotherhood'; zehenehe-
stovsz, the one being an ol. b.; zehenehestovesso, ol.
brothers; henehestovestoz, the relationship of ol.bro-
thers, the being ol.brothers; ehenehestovstove, it is
an ol. b. relationship; oxzhenehestovstovĕsz, when
there is a relationship of ol.brothers; nihenehestov-
stovaz, thou art my ol.b.by relationship; zeheneheto-
vaz,thou my ol.b.(addressing); zehenehetovetto, thou,
unto whom I am an ol.b.; nahenehetan, I want an ol.b.;
henehetanoxtoz, the wanting an ol.b.; henehevõemazis-
toz, the counting each other as ol.brothers or the mu-
tual relationship of ol.brothers.
brotherhood, hevis'onemazistoz; ehevis'onemazi stove, it
is a brotherhood.
for b.,
brother-in-law, the Ch.has two different words
one used by the men and the other by the
women. Following are the expressions used by men for
b.: nitov,my b.; etov, thy b. (man addressed by man or
woman); hevetov, his b.(m.or.f.sp.); nitovan, our b.,
(excl.); etovan, our b., (incl.); etovevo, your b. (being
addressed by man or woman); hevetovevo, their b. (m. or
f.sp.). The pl.of above writer never heard except in
the sub. f. of the v., as: zehevetovetton, the ones, my
brothers-in-law, etc. Nahevetov, I have a b.; ehevetov-
eo, they have a b.; nahevetovenoz, I have one for b.;
nihevetovstove, I am thy b.; nihevetovstovaz, thou art
my b.; nahevetovetan, I want a b.; nahevetovemo, I am
b.with him; hevetovemazistoz, the being b.with
nahevetovetovàzhema, we (excl.) are b. (pl.) to each
other; hevetovetovàzistoz, the being b. (pl.) to each
other; nahevetovevōemo, I count him as my b.; heveto-
vevōmazistoz, the counting one for b.; zehevetoves-
tovsz, the one being a b.; zehevetovstovessỏ, b. (pl.);
hevetovstovestoz, the being a b., relationship of b.;
oxzhevetovetovstovēsz, when a relationship of b. (pl.)
occurs. See relationship m.in Ch.gr.- Following term,
"nitam" is used by women to desigate brother-in-law,
and by men to signify sister-in-law. Nitam, my b. (f.
sp.) or my sister-in-law (m.sp.); etam, thy b. (woman
addressed) or thy s. (man addressed); hevetam, her b.
or his s.; nitaman, our (excl.) b.(f.sp.) or our s. (m.
sp.); etaman, our b. (incl.) or our s.; etamevo, your b.
(woman addressed) or your s. (men addressed); hevetam-
evo, their b. (sp. of women) or their s. (sp.of men). Na-
hevetam I have a b. (f. sp.) or I have a s. (m.sp.);
nihevetamhemå, we (incl.) have a b. (f.sp.) or we have
a s.(m.sp.). The following terms imply the same dual
meaning as above, but only one is given for brevity.
Nahevetamenoz, he is my b.; nihevetametovstovaz, I am
thy b.(sp.to a woman); nahevetametan, I want to have a
b.; nahevetametan, I want to have a b.; nahevetamevō-
ma, she counts me as her b.; zehevetametto, I who have
a b.; zehevetamezē, our b. (pl.); zehevetamestovsz, the
being b.(to a woman); zehevetame stovessỏ,b.(pl.), (to
women). See sister-in-law.
brow, veenoto, the brows, eye brows.
brown, zeneamanemoktav, coffee b.,seal b.; eneamanemok-
tavonsz, they (in.) ar coffee or seal b. All the
endings given to -moktav can be adopted by the above
term. See black. Zemôziskan,b.,leather b., ref.to old
leather color, similar to oak finish; emosiskanemeno-
ensz, they (in.) are b., amber-gold, (sp.of grain shaped
obj.); zemsiskanema, reddish b. (terra-cotta); emsiska-
nemaeta, one
is reddish b. (see red, for end-
ings added to -ma); namsiskanemaena, I stain it red-
dish b.; emsiskanemaova, it (animals) is reddish b.;
examanovaevovoass, it is b.white spotted (of horses).
See color; under this word special examples of combi-
nation and suffixes will be given. Eheovocova, it is
b.furred (sp.of horses).
browse, mohènoham eēvenoz, the horse is browsing;
hotoa zeĕvenoxzz, yonder bull who is browsing;
q'san eoxcēvenozeo, the sheep are browsing.
bruise, naoxkosovoto, I mark one reddish blue, maroon;
having ref.to the spots caused by the b.; -oxkos
=maroon (color) + ō denoting blood flow + oto, suff.=
to one. Naonšxox, I am b.from a load on the shoulders,
also used otherwise. Oxkosovotazistoz, the bruising
"blue"; onšxoxistoz, the b.on the shoulder; onšeozis-
toz, b., hurt; naonšeoz, I am hurt, bruised. See hurt,
wound. Napenôn, I b., pound, crush small (with instr.).
See break.
bruit, see noise.
brume, anstaeš,light fog or mist trailing in the
pressions of creeks and gullies.
brunt, nisàzistoz,nonahahestoz,b., encounter, fight; eni-
sàzistoz,it is a b.; póeovàzistoz,b., clash, poeho-
eoetovàzistoz, b.,mutual clash.
brush, ôvhôo, b.; eōvhôoneve, it is a b., from rad.ōvo =b.,
shake off, [eōveoz, he shakes, said of horse or oth-
er animal,shaking itself free of dust or water. This
is used tropically by older Ch. to say that one has
"turned a new leaf"]. See shake; ōvhôoneva navešeō-
voha, I b.it with a b.; ōvhôoneva, with, by a b.; naōv-
hôn, I b.(c.instr.); naōvòno, I b. one (or., as a coat);
ōvhôoneva navešemxena, I sweep it off with a b.; ōvhô-
oneva navešemxevomaoha heto mhayo, with a b. I sweep
the room. See sweep. Naasevooha, I b.it off (by blow-
ing); naasetoha, I b.it off; heškovizeeneheo, hair b.
(formerly the tail of a porcupine; heškoviz, the
bristling one), the bristling comb; [zeeneheo, comb].
Heškovizeeneheoneva navešezeenehesz, I comb myself
with a b.; hahénôo, paint b.; ehahénôoneve, it is a
paint b.(nahahéana, I rub it); nɛhahaénoha voxpestoz, I
b.the paint, implies the brushing and rubbing at the
same time. Zetoktoósz, brushes, small shrubs; zeasetoe-
vessēsz,vines, b. of vines; menoeše, willow
bushes; emeno ešeeve, it is a willow b.,growth
of wil-
brutal, esaananoné, one is b., implacable;
[nananovo, I
recognize one,am civil to one]; esaananoneheonevé, one
is brutal.
brutality, saaanonehestoz,b.; esaananonehestovhan, it is
not b.
brute, emasháne,one is a b., devoid of sense, stupid,
ignorant; emashavoēta, one (or.) is brutish, carnal,
lascivious; eohãesenova, one (or.) is a b.,
(or.) is a b., villain;
eahansenova, one (or.) is a b., cruel, bestial, sensual.
brutishness, mashanehestoz, mashaneheonevestoz, the be-
ing brutish, stupid, wicked; mashavoētastoz,
act of b., bestiality, lasciviousness; ohãesenovàtoz,
b,,villainy; ahansenovastoz, b., wickedness, cruelty.
bubble, ehemocamōmeoxz,it bubbles,ref.to b. in liquid,
effervesces, also soap bubbles; moca from moksa,
calf, the bubbles resembling the fluid of the placen-
ta; epopoesevota, it bubbles up with noise, seethes;
evoxceonsevota,it b., seethes (of cold or hot liquid).
buck, hotoa, bull, is used for the bovinae,see bull. For
smaller animals the word "hetan" =male, is prefix-
ed,e.g.hetanekokoeax,rooster; hetanehomä, male beaver;
at other times the term "zehetaneamsz" the male one,
is used. Hotoavaozeva, stag, b. deer. See jump.
bucket, màpeveto, larger water pail; màpevetoxq, smaller
water pail; emapevetooneheve, it is a b., pail.
Màpevetoxą zemakätaevston, iron b.(made of iron);
pevetoxq zekamxevston, a wooden b. (made of wood);
neanatto, bucket handle.
buckle, naēst’taena, I b.it (by hands); naēst’taoha,I b.
it (with instr.); naēst'taenamo heeszehen, I b.or
button his coat (or.); naēst'taenomovo hemocan, I b.or
button it his shoe; eēst'taeoneva, it is buckled (adj.
meaning); epaveēst'taeoneva, it is well buckled or
buttoned; ēst 'taeneo, b., that which is inserted. Nani-
taena or nanēst'taena, I unbutton it, unbuckle; naēsta-
enoham, I b. the horse, harness; naēst'taeno, I b.,har-
ness one. See harness.
buckshot, zemomahaemenoesz šešemahoz, coarse, large
grained shot. See berry; šeš -duck + māhoz =
arrows, the word šešemāhoz shot.
buckskin, vokaevoz or vohaevoz (large), b.; Vokaevotoz,
(pl.); vokaevsanistoto,b.dress (for men most-
ly); evokaevsanistove, it is a b.dress; navōmo zemoo-
nasz vokaevsanistoto (or.), I see a beatiful b. dress
(man's dress); vohaenōstoz, b.dress, (for a woman); evo-
haenōstove, it is a woman's b. dress; vohaevozevõhes-
toz,woman's b.dress(made of b.); vohaenocanoz,b.shoes;
navohaenôan, I have b.shoes (on); evohaenocaneoz, one
is shoed with b.; vohaēszehe,b. coat; evohaeszehena,
one is provided with a b. coat; vohaenōxtoxz,b.legging
for men; vohaenoxtohononoz, women's b.legging (because
they are more like gaiters; see boots); Zevoéšesz, the
cuttings of b., fringes; zezezexoetto, fringes of a b.
dress. See deer,hide,skin.
bud, mxeoomàtotoz, buds of cotton wood trees; hoxzezeme-
nosz, bud, small green capsules of cotton wood trees.
There is no Ch.equivalent for the Eng."bud" as a gen-
eral term. See, bloom or blossom. Zeoxchénevoĕsetto,
that which is budding.
budge, see move.
buff, zemosiskan,
zemosiskan, brownish
yellow color. See brown,
buffalo, esevon, buffaloes (as a herd); hotoa, b. male,
bull; mozeehotoa, b.sire; moksa,b.calf; hetane-
voksa,b.male calf; heevoksa, b.female calf; heovoksa,
newly born b.calf, (heov yellow + -oksa from moksa
calf; at that time the b. calves are more yellow);
moxtavoksa, black b.calf (about one year old);
cess, b. heifer (about two years old); hotoxpess, b.
bull, between one and three years old; hotoxpeõeva,
scabby young b.bull;hotoxephoēva, young b.bull's hide;
hotoxpa,b.bull, about four years old; hotoxpaess and
hotoxpacess, small b. bull, not four years old; hestovo-
nenehotoa,b. with side teeth (ancient animal, which
differed somewhat from the bisons and was fierce; ha-
penehotoa, ancient mythical b. [mentioned in the Ch.
tale of the Pleiades]. Monemehe, young b.cow; mone
young, recent +-mehe =COW (expression used only for
buffaloes, elk, moose and deer); mehe, b.cow; vēsta,
white b.cow (sacred animal to the Ch. The term "vōs-
ta" was also applied to other such "albinos"); ookoe-
nemehe, late bearing b.cow (in the fall); zemonhosēsz,
b.cow with first calf (bearing); ehosē, she bears;
matamamehe, old b.cow; voešemehe, fat b.cow; mamehe,
poor (lean) b.cow; maheonemehe, mysterious or sacred
b.cow; ooenhotoa, bliud b.bull. Hotoaxemistoz, b. wal-
low; escemoz (sg.), escemoto (pl.), either half or less
of a b.robe, which children used for bed covers; ho-
toavoz,b.skin (male); hotoavotoz, (pl.); esevoeonoz,
b.skins (general term); esevonoēva,b.hide with fur;
hoeá (or hoeaå), freshly scraped hide,used for the
lodge cover; hoeanoz, hides; this word was applied
mostly to b.hides, but is now extended to other hides.
Mosesk or mosešą, tanned b.leather (now also applied
to other leather); msiskan, old b.leather; [hence: ze-
msiskane, buff color]; msiskaneom, old lodge made of
tanned b.hides; naeševessemsiskanoxta, I had also old
leather breeches (pants). The old skin cover of a
lodge was sometimes used to make breeches for the
boys or old men. It is said that even the poor boys
were not elated at wearing the old buff colored pan-
talets. Måseskoneon, lodge made of b.skin; måseskonō-
estoz,woman's dress of b. skin; mōseskanocanoz, shoes
made of b. skin; namoseskonôan, I am shoed with b.
leather; måseskonooxtoonoz, woman leggings made of b.
skin; mỏsiskonoxtoxz, men's legging or breeches made
of b.skin; esevonevxtanensz, b.skins not tanned; ese-
vonhōma,b.robe (or.); måseskonhōma, b.robe (depilat-
ed); namēnòno esevonhōma, I adorn the b.robe with
quill work (or feathers); hemootonsz, the b.'s beard;
hevohonon, the b.'s long hair on the lower part of the
front legs; heszevon, the b.'s hump. For the different
parts of the b.see beef. Esevon maōnovaxsz, when the
buffaloes shall come out. The Ch. believe that all the
b.herds had an underground hiding place from which
they would issue forth at certain times. At one
time of great dearth of food two young men, ceremoni–
ally painted, found their way to the b.underground by
plunging under a great waterfall. They found an old
woman who pitied them and finally
corn and buffalo meat. This is
tale. The Ch.had certain men who
power of "calling the buffaloes"
close vicinity,naoetaevoan is the name of such a man.
Vohaenohonistoz, the surrounding of the buffaloes; vo-
haeàtoz, chute leading to the surrouonding of the
buffaloes. A very good description of these chutes
and surrounding is given by George Bird Grinnell in
his book "Blackfoot Lodge Tales" pages 229-231. For
proper names ref.to buffaloes see under "bull". Heko-
nemazistam, b.rib, used in a certain game. See games.
provided them with
related in a special
claimed to have the
and bring them in
bug, amškona (the oval round one); pavemeeot'son, water
bug (Dysticus) also called oxemeeot'son; kašgonas-
eo, bed bugs.
amoenišk,small wagon (amo eneo wagon); moktava-
moeneo, the black wagon, top b. (considered or.).
See wagon.
bugle, tàpen, see trumpet.
build, namanston, I b.,construct, frame up, set up by mak-
ing; manstonestoz, the building, constructing; nam-
hayonevston, I b., construct a house; ehōmston, one b. a
shelter (as usually done with wagon
sheets or tent
cloth, put up wall like, in a circle upheld by tent
poles; eamstoon, it is b. (like a walk,side walk); ea-
metomstoon, it is b. (a wall); the suff.-ston denotes
"set up, construct, erect, design, framing"; emaemanston,
he creates, frames all; manstoonehe, the builder; eman-
stooneheve, he is builder, maker. Heto mhayo epaveman-
stoona, this house is well b.; namans toonaovo, I b.,
make for one, provide one with by making, constructing,
putting together something, etc. See make. Namhayonan,
I b.,make a house; vecess evhósonan, the bird b. its
nest; mhayonaneheo, house builder; namahamhayonan, I
b.my house larger; nahoxsemhayonan, I b. a house addi-
tion; nahoxsemanisz, I make, b. it against, leaning on;
napâemanisz, I make,b.it parallel to,close along; na-
pâemhayonan, I b. a house close along; mhayo ēšexaota,
the house is built, finished, stands ready; heto mhayo
zemonhoxsthota, this house wich is just built in ad-
dition. Nahoxovoonan, I b. a bridge; suff.-an desig-
nates the making, building; name onan, I b. a road; na-
hekonano, I b.up one's strength, strengthen one; nanie-
tam, I b.,lean upon, trust, rely; nanie tamenoz, I b.upon,
rely on one.
bulge, epaoene, it bulges, (as from a pocket, satchel);
napâenxsan, I make buldge; napâenoha, also napier-
oxz,I make it b.; napâenònc, I make one (or.) b.;
pâena(?), I make it b.; eniseexaneohe, one's eye is
bulging out; eoniseexaneohe, one's eyes are bulging
out; epaonen, the tooth is bulging, protruding.
bulk, rendered by inf.-mam (e)-, -momame- (in reduplica-
tion) bulk, block, broad, large dimension; emamhota
vehooseo, the trunk sets bulky; emamemeaeo,his bulky
head was raised (of animals); mame bulky + -me- to
come up + -aeo ref.to head; zeto hotoa emameta, this
bull is bulky; emomame tao, they (or.) are bulky, each
one of them; èmamemanoōn maxevostano, he made 3
great, bulky statue. Honoxista, the bulk, majority, most
great number; honoxhestxez, most of us, the b.of us;
nixhonoxtxez, the majority of our member; honoxista
etaešemese, he has eaten the b. of it; -honoxe- the
majority,most; honoa, the greater part.
bull, hotoa, said of buffaloes, moose, elks, stags, rams
and cattle; mozeehotoa, b. (male of domestic cattle
used for breeding purpose);
purpose); hotoa alone refers to
buffalo b.); [for names of young buffalo bulls see
buffalo]; hotoavoãe, antelope buck; hotoaovaozeva, buck
deer, stag; hotoamoe,b.elk; hotoamàpemoe, b.moose; ho-
toakós, ram. The name has evidently ref. to butting
animals. Ehemotoham, he serves as sire; ehemotohameo,
they serve as sires. Following are proper names in
which the word bull appears: Hotoanonoma,
Hotoanonoma, B. thunder;
Hotoaoxhastaesz, Tallb.; Hotoaoxvoton, Tailfeather-b.;
Hotoaoxmoxtavaesz, Blackb.; Hotoaoxhãeōs, B.standing-
high; Hotoavoēs, Whiteface-b.(-vo =white + es -nosed);
Hotoavitanov, B. tongue; Hotoaoxsthōmosz, B. robe. [The
inf.-ox- is much used in names and denotes "said,
called so"]. Hotoaoxnhēsz, B.standing, (enhē, one
stands); Hotoavenooxz, B. stomach; Hotoanamosz,B.sinis-
ter (namosz situated at lefthand, lefthanded); Hotoa-
oxhaaxceta, Smallb.; Hotoxpe, Youngb.; Htoaoxvokomaesz,
Whiteb. (evokomae, one [person] is white); Hotoxpeõeva,
Young-scabby-b.(hotoxpe,young b.+ --õeva scabby); Ho-
toameèn, B.-emerging (emeèn, one comes to view); Hotoa-
heman, Thirstyb. (heman, he goes to drink); Hotoahe-
vess,B.buttocks; Hotoaheton, B.ham (see beef); Hotoa-
vō,B.hump (heszevōn =his hump); Hotoavōsta, Albinob.
(vōsta or voesta shining white like crystals); Ho-
toavóe, B.cloud or B. sky (vóe cloud or sky); Hotoxp-
nohess, Youngb.-anus; Hotoaeevax, B.tail (heszevax, his
tail); Hotoanasé, B.killing (enasen, one kills); Hotoa-
naseona, fem. form of preceding name; Hotoahe, B. woman;
Mistaehotoa, Ghostb. or Owlb. (mista =owl,ghost); Ho-
toaoxhózeohas, B.unable-to-rise (hóze cannot,eohāe,
one rises); Hotoaoxzevhamsēsz, B.coming-back-to-eat);
Hotoaoxhohonaevsz, B.stone (ehohonaeve, it is a stone);
Hotoxpēva, Youngb.hide; Hotoxkaam, Littleb.shooting;
Hotoxka,Littleb.; Hotoaohame, B. shooting; Hotoaxhaehe-
staeme, Lousyb. (see louse); Hotoaocene, One-eyedb. (eo-
cen, he is one eyed); Hotoameàz, B. beard; Hotoanàko, B.-
bear; Oxhotoa,Halfb.; Hotoaoxzevhotōene,B. eyes or B.-
look(ehotōene, the way one looks, the appearance of his
eyes; eohão tõene, he looks scared); Taxem, Buffalowal-
low (has ref.to the holes made by buffaloes in roll-
ing); Taxemeō, fem. form of preceding name; the name
Taxem does not ref.to the animal but to what it does
by rolling; Hotoanisto, B. bellowing (enistōhe one is
heard, makes himself heard; this is said of most ani-
mals and also persons); devhotoa, Scabbyb.; Hotoama-
heo,Mysteriousb.; Hotoanaoz, Sleepingb. (enaoz, one
sleeps); Hotoahemas, B. chips (-mas feces); Hotoaxhae-
ohōs,B.high-sitting-still; Hotoaxhoesz, Sittingb.; Ho-
toaveka, Lameb.; Hotoavekahe and Hotoavehae is the
fem. form of Hotoaveka; Hotoaoxnistxess, All-of-the-
bulls (zenistxesso, the whole of them); Hotoavoevehe,
Married-to-b. (uncertain meaning); Hotoaoxzešvxtōs
B. breeches; see leggings; Hotoavxtan, B. skin; Hotoava-
ko, Bobtailb.; Hotoahotoxpa, Mature-youngb.; see
Hotoavevass, B.-
young buffaloes; Hotoxpess, Youngb.;
with-a-tail; Heovhotoa, Yellowb.; Hotoaexama, B. blad-
der; Hotoaoxtavōneōsz,B.starving; Hotoaoxtohāsz, Ris-
ingb.; Hotoahehess,(?); Heškovizehotoa, Porcupineb. or
Bristlingb.; Hotoaeniševaz, Double-tailb. or Bigamous-
b.; Hotoamenâvo, Challengingb.; Hotoaehòtahan, B.nar-
rating; Nistaehotoa, Ancientb.; Šēmoz, Effeminateb.
ēmoto,he abuses his health with women); Hotoaešeoo,B.
os-sacrum; Hotoanoèn, B. walking-less, or stooped; Võs-
ta,Albinobuffalo; Esevona, Buffalowoman; Ese voneam'ne,
Buffalo-walking-woman; Esevonemeo, Buffaloroad; Esevo-
nemeona, fem.form of preceding name; Hotoamasea, Brut-
ishbuff. See pr.names under cow.
bullet, véhoema, vèhoemãoz (pl.), the white man's arrow.
See shoot.
bullrush, vitanósz, bullrushes; vitanoeše, a patch of b.;
vitanoešesz, patches of bullrushes.
one goes with c.; enševhozeoheo, they (or.)
work with c.; inf. -šev- denotes c., quickness; inf.
-maxenšev- or -ohaenšev- great c., velocity.
celestial, heama zehesso, that which is from the sky,
heaven; heama zehestaz, the c.one (or.); he ama
zehestassỏ, the c. ones; zetohetaeamõesenavoss voeva,
the c.bodies (or.); lit. all that have their floating
in the sky, heaven; heama ehesta, one (or.) is c.; hea-
ma ehesso, it is c., is from the sky.
celibacy, saavistōmazhestoz, the non marrying; hovoáhes-
toz, bachelorhood.
cellar, hoemhayo; ehoemhayoneve, it is a c., ground
house; navosoha hoemhayo, I dig a c.; hoenov, Sota
word for cellar.
cement, voozena, c. (same word used for lime); also VOO-
zena, zeotatav.
cemetery, seo to zeàtohoe voss, where the corpses (or.) are
buried. The Ch. buried usually on top of hills,
if possible on trees, or on scaffolds called niveoxta-
censure, naveo eto, I c.one (or.); naveoesta, I c.it (in
words); naveoestomosan, I c. (as an office, voca-
tion); naveoestomoe, I c. (engaged in); zeveoēsz, the
censured one; zeveoestomosansz, the censuring one;
eveoestomohetto, it censures; veoetazistoz, censure;
veoestomosanistoz or veoestomohestoz, the censuring;
esaahotoahestôhan, it is censured, not approved of (in
words); zeheševevo naveoestomō, he censures my doing;
nasaahotoahestomōhe naaseoxzistoz, he censures my de-
parture, complains about it (in words).
hōstonestoz, the counting; etosehōstonstov, there
is to be a c.; nistoha matòte a eoxcemähōemeo
vostaneo, a c.is taken of the people every ten years;
lit.every ten years they are all counted, the peoples;
nitosehōemanhe må zehestxez, a c.will be taken of us.
cent, macemakät, the small red money (metal); haesto ma-
cemakätansz, many cents; nasz macemakät, one c.;
nasaahemacemakätaemé, I have no penny; heva nasz mace-
makät nasaahozé, I have not one c.with me.
sound "n" denotes center, into or from which.
Evenaoxz,c.of tree. Whenever the subject or ob-.
jet is the c.towards which action or statement con-
verges, letter "n" must be inserted,e.g.; nìmezz, give
thou to me; nixhòtahaove, tell (you) me; ninhetaz
say unto you; nanoxzoto, I go towards one (or.); zenx-
eoxzetto, where I come from; naneaseoxz, I departed
from there; this infers the place where the speaker
is, compared with the one he left; it implies: I left
there converging here; nimenìmeto, thou shouldest
fetch it to him; nimenìmez, you should fetch to me;
enhevo, this is what he says, his saying (centering,al-
luding to the one who is mentioned; eneameoxz, he is
coming on, toward the speaker; the Eng.prep."unto"
the next best equivalent for the Ch."n" in all its
meanings, as far as it (the term unto) denotes "un' 11
back, from + " to " =toward. Pref. zexhessene- denotes
"from a center or where the converging is"; zexhesse-
noemeàtove, the c.of giving, where the giving radiates
from; exhessenevohoota, the c.of light,shine; zexhes-
senevōnatto, the c. of the branching (of branches);
zexhessenevonstov, the c.where from it branches; zex-
hessenevorea, the c.from emanation,radiation; zistane-
vonōeoz,c. of creeks, where creeks branch off; zexhesse-
nènstov, the c.of dispersion, the point from which the
going radiates; zexhesseneoz meonoz, where roads
meet or start from. See radiate, middle. The rad. -ve-
carries the meaning of center, centering, the point, ob-
ject or place about which thing or things cluster;
hence -vèp hollow, centerless; vēs, centering to a
point, tooth; vẽ, lodge; hence also the meaning of inf.
-ve getting, growing, centering,climax; etavetonetto,
it is getting colder; inf.-vâxs- or -vas- point, end,
complete, climax. Inf.-nitá- denotes center, chief, im-
portant; q.v.
centipede, haestoeoxta, the many legged one (scolo-
ceremonial, momåtavoētastoz; the term "momåta" implies
"austere,grave, solemn,religios, pious and ce-
The terms
remonious" all combined in one.
hesso, zemaheonevesso and zevonáetanevesso apply to
Ch.priests (or priestesses). The "zemomåtahesså" are
those who observe strictly all the religious require-
ments. The zemaheonevesso (mysterious, supernatural,
godly ones) inspire more fear and awe than respect.
They are the recognized theurgists among the Ch.
"zevonáhesso or zevonáhetanevesso" are the "consecra-
ted ones"; see under "burn".- The suf. -oētastoz is
the noun form of the verbal ending -oého to do, act
unto one; -oētastoz rof.to "performing,doing". Emomå-
tavoētastov, it is a religious, ceremonial doing;
måtavoēta, one performs religious rites; ezetoēta, one
is ceremonially engaged (ref. to actual religious ma-
nipulation or operation); evistoēta, one participates
in a ceremony; easetoēta, one opens a ceremonial do-
ing; eénoēta, one closes a c.performance; eamoēta, one
is performing a ceremony. This term becomes now ap-
plied to fairs and divers celebrations; enooēta, one
performs a ceremony in connection with another cere-
monial. Except the term "momå tavoēta" all the expres-
sions mentioned above are also applied to any per-
formance, where there is any ceremony or certain
course connected with it. The ceremonial of the "Ar-
rows" is really the Ceremonial or worship of the Ch.
"par excellence". It was origirated by Mozeeoeve (see
arrow) to make his teaching concrete and tangible, but
as old Hotoanamoss told writer, "the ceremonials were
only the shell containg the truth". Writer heard the
Ch. "Messias" leader (Porcupine) utter a similar sen-
tence. A detailed account of the Ceremonials of the
Arrows and the Sundance has been written by George A.
Dorsey (Field Columbian Museum, Publication 99 and
ceremonious, emomåtazhesta, one has a grave, c.conten-
ceremony, see ceremonial. Emomå tavoētastov, it is a
ligious c., rite; momåtavoanistoz, ceremonial
utterance, terminology; emomåtavoan, one speaks with
c.; zeešénoētastov èmasóhéneoxzistov, after the c. was
over (done) there was a dispersion; ota
otā etazhešease-
toētastov, behold the c.opens thus (as follows); vèho-
evistōmazistoz, wedding c. (of the white man); éōstae-
momå tavoētastoz, christian c.; zessemomåtavoētastoz,
Ch.c.; esaaevhazessemomåtavoētaheo, they (or.) do not
observe the Ch.c.,religion. The inf.-xama- carries the
meaning of "without c., informal, natural". An educat-
ed Ch.may come home from school and say: nitaxama-
meshemå,let us eat naturally, without c., implying to
eat in the Indian way.
cernuous, is rendered by inf. -maoxc- =having the apex
more or less bent downward. Emaoxcenetto,it is
cernuous, tasselling. See tassel. Maoxcēna, a c.feather.
certain, ooseš, in, of a truth, certainly; hoveeta, cer-
tainly, in spite of the fact, of a certainty;
inf.-onisy om- certain, true, genuine; eonisyomepeva, it
certainly, truly is good; inf. -hoko-, hok- and -ešho-
k(o)- certainly must; nasaahokovōmoheo, I certainly
must not have seen them (or.); nszhokomese, thou cer-
tainly willt eat! Nasaaeše-šestaetano (?), I am
not c.
(for myself); nahestoveoz, I am not c., hesitate. When
"c." denotes "determination, but not particularized"
it is rendered by the Ch."nasz" =one; nasz hetan ème-
haamhoxovistavao, a c.man was traveling; when "c." de-
notes an indefinite number or quantity it is rendered
by the Ch. "hosz" some; hosz vostaneo eoxceétoxtaeo-
zeo,certain men are becoming afraid. The inf.-tó-=
the very, also carries the meaning of "c.", e. g. etó-
nhesso,it certainly is so, (agreeing or confirming)
nszetónešetonheme, it certainly will be done unto you;
heto natóheneena, I certainly know this, or I know this
for sure. See sure.
certainty, onisy omhestoz;
onisyometto, of a c.; zeheš-
saahózenhessohan nãestoz, the c.of death; lit.
since it cannot fail to be, the death; ehózenhesso =
it.cannot be so; esaahózenhessohan, it cannot not be
so; zehešsaahózenēhoves Maheo, the c.of God; lit.since
God cannot not be; zehešsaahóze-evhâhāhestovhan, the
c.of the resurection.
certification, hetomemazistoz, the declaring to be true,
a fact; mxistōneheva zevešhetomhoses tomo-
hestov, the c.by writirg.
certify, nahe tomhesta, I c.it,declare it true; nahetome-
mo,I c.one (or.); naonisyomemo, I c.one (or.) to
be true; see testify.
certitude, heovosetanoxtoz, assurance, confidence; naoni-
syomazesta, I am mentally convicted that it is so; sa-
anizestàtoz, the not doubting; hetomhestoz, truth, c.
cessation, éneozistoz, the end; oanoeozistoz,c., the sub-
siding from; énetazistoz,c.of battle, combat.
chafe, naonexoevoeš and naonexoeoeseš, I have my skin
abraded, chafed; ehãesenov, one, is chafing, fret-
ting; see rub; našešehaehana, I c., rub it, (wear it
down, purposely or otherwise).
chaff, hestōmósz, its chaff, husks.
chagrin, venomoxtastoz; navenomoxta, I am chagrined,mor-
chain, ooneanatonsz, chains; hōneanato, handle,bail;
kätaeseonatonsz,c.traces, tugs; natōeto ooneanatō-
eva, I tie one (or.) in, with chains; etōehe ooneanatō-
eva, one is tied with chain; zetõehesså ooneana tõeva,
the ones (or.) bound in chains, the chained ones;
vešetōetonoz, ooneanatonsz, I bind one (or.) with
chains; in the.sense of range, connected series, inf.
-ese- is used,e.g. nakosetto, bear range; eseom,c.of
champ, nakokooneniš, I c., gnash the teeth;
the champing of the teeth.
champion, see defend; zehotävaz, the c., victor;
overcome, victory.
chair, taxesēestoz; nataxesē, I sit upon; taxesēs totoz,
chairs; etaxesēstov, it is a c.
chairman, zenitáēszz, the c.,leader in speaking.
chalk, voozena zevešemxistonstov, lime with which it is
challenge, namenàno, I c. one (or.); namenaōstòno,I c.
one,instantly; namenhaen, I am challenged; na-
ōmetoxano, I c.one, run close to one (running as close
as possible to the enemy to dare him).
chamber, heama zeneota, upper room;
chance, see happen; inf.-nonxema- =chance;
by c.; nametomevo, I give one (or.) a c.,room, op-
portunity; metomevazistoz,c., opportunity;
opportunity; sometimes
the verbal suff.of the m.a.is used to express "c.",e.
g. naaxevaenā, it chances to stirke me; said of in.or
or.subj.which is merely the agency of the action, as
when a branch of a tree would strike one or if some
one while hammering would inadvertently hit another
one. Nasaazešetanotomoné, the c.was not given me; lit.
it was never thot of me; nonaxeneševestoz nasaameto-
moné,no c.was given me for the doing; lit.the
bility, the likeliness of doing was not given place to
me (Ger.die Möglichkeit des Tuns war mir nicht einge-
räumt); evhanetaomerhesso, it is a mere c. Chance, as
an unknown agency, independent of causation, is foreign
to the Indian mind. To him, whatever happens is not a
chance but something ruled by natural or supernatural
beings. It is immaterial to the Indian whether the
cause is known or not, he believes it to be real and
not a chance. Hence the Ch. vocabulary has no exact
rendering for the Eng. "chance".
chandelier, zehaestohestaenatoona vohoksenanistoz, the
many branched lamp; zenisåxtohestaenatoon
zeveševohoksenanistov, the seven branched made one
wherewith the lamp consists", the seven branched
candlestick in the Tabernacle.
change, v.rad.nitav change,differentiate; nanitavanen,
I c.,make different; nanitavano, I c.one (or.)
nanitavana, I c.it; nanitavananoz, I c.them (in.); eni-
tavane, it or one is changed, made different; nanitava-
nan, I am changed; nanitavae, I am different, (state);
nanitaveoz, I am changing; nanitavaoz, I become chang-
ed,different; inf. -nitave- to c., make different;
enitaveēsz, one changes his speech, speaks different.
When change ref.to exchange, the equivalent for, sub-
stitution, inf. -metó- is used; name tóenen,I c.for
something else, exchange; nametóenoham, I c.horse; na-
metóenôan, I c.shoes; nametóevsan, I c.clothing; nani-
tavôan, I have different shoes; manitavsan, I dress
different; name to enanoz makätanoz, I c.money; emetó-
havseveoz,it changes to bad; when "c." denotes "made
into" suff.-eoz is used; ešišinovozeveoz, he changes
into a serpent; emetó-nizeveoz, he changes into an
eagle; emetóenitaenaenoeo, they c.about carrying;
tametomevazhemå, let us c.place; nanitavemanisz, I
make it different; nanitavston, I build different., c.
the buiding; see different; enitavatamano, the weath-
er, aspect, genera appearance changes; enitavstahane,
one's heart is changed; enitavstaha, one has a changed
heart; Maheo enòtovenitavstahang vostano, God can c.
the heart of man;
nani tavana natšetanoxtoz, I c.my
mind; nanitavetan, I think different; nanitavhetšetan-
oxzeve, I have a different mind; nanitave šetan, I am of
a different opinion; enitavaheoneve, one is change-
able; inf. -vovôš (vovoheš)- -changing, anew, turn
around, convert, etc.; naevhâsvovôš-õhetan, I c., recon-
sider my judgement; naevhavovôš-vostaneheve, I c. my
life; naevhavovôšhestaoz, I am reborn, born anew; navo-
vôtan, I c., reform, regenerate; navovôtanàz, I c., reform
myself; see reform; natxaevhaetanotovo, I c. my mind
concernig one; evevhoestov, there is a c. of camp, a
moving (to another place). Inf.-toom- not changing,
remaining the same; eto omahe, he is unchangeable; eto-
omenhesta, he remains in the same condition.
change, n.nitavanenistoz,c., the changing, making differ-
nitavanazistoz, the c.; nitavaestoz, the c.
(state); nitaveozistoz, the changing (process) nitava-
ozistoz, the c. (from a state); nitavstahàtoz, c.of
heart,different heartedness; nitavstahanazistoz, the
c.of heart; nitavetanoxtoz or nitave šetanoxtoz, c. of
mind; metomevazistoz, c. by turn, alternate; metóehozeo-
hestoz, the working by c., turn (by changing about);
vovôše-õhetanoxtoz,c.of mind, reconsideration; evhavo-
vôšhestaozistoz, rebirth, regeneration;
tanehevestoz,c.of life, conversion; see relief;
vatamanoestoz,c.of weather, aspect, general appearance;
metoenenistoz, c., exchange; metoenohamestoz, c. of
horses; metóevsanistoz,c.of clothing; nitavsanistoz,
c.of cloting,different clothing; metóevsanistoto,c.of
dress; nitavhestàtoz,c.of condition,being; nitavomox-
tastoz, c. of feeling (phisical); nitavo anistoz or ni-
tavomaozistoz,c.of feeling (psychical); nitavomazis-
toz,c.of utterance; oxhesta epevomoxta, there is no c.
in one's well being; oxhesta ehesta, there is no c.in
one's condition.
changeableness, nitavaheonevestoz.
changeable, enitavaheoneve, one is c.;
tov, it is c.; emetóeneoneve, it is c.,in-
terchangeable; enitavatamanoheoneve, the weather, as-
pect, general appearance is c.; enòtovemetóene, it can
be changed, exchanged, interchanged; eneheoxseoneve, one
is c.,a.changeling, inconstant, fickle.
changeful, esaatoomahehe, one is c., does not abide by;
esaatoomattan, it is c., mutable, subject to
change; eoxceonitavetanoheoneve, one is c. in mind;
eneheoxseoneve, one is c.,fickle, inconstant.
changeless, is rendered by inf. -toom- =unchanging,re-
maining the same, or at the same place; Maheo
etoomahe, God is c.; toomevostanehevestoz, c. life
(eternal life); toomezhestàtoz,c.condition; toomahes-
toz, changelessness; etoomenistxeo, they remain toge-
ther, do not change; toometto, changeless "ly"; etoom-
hota, it remains (setting) c.; eoxcetoomènetto, it pro-
ceeds without change; natoomana, I make it c.,make it
remain the same, immutable.
changeling, nha zeneheoxseonevsz, the c., fickle one.
changer, nha zemetoenensz, the one who changes, exchang-
es; metoeneneo, the c.
channel, zeamotōhe, that which is dug, ditched; màp
komevosaonetto, the water digs out a c.; naamo-
tōvosôn, I dig (instr.) a c.; nahaeotovo soha, I channel
it deep (see dig); naamemxeoha, I make a c.,groove
(instr.) it; naamevxeax, I cut groove, channel (with
knife); navosoha amōvaneneo, I dig a water c.,ditch
(for irrigation); naamsevosôr, I dig a c.,ditch, groove
across; naamsevosoha, I dig a c.across it; naamsevxea-
xå, I cut (with knife) a c.,groove across it; šistato
eamsevxeaxeo, the boards are grooved across; hesthoe
esoxpeamotōhe, his land is crossed by a c.,ditch.
Esoxpeamōmoeha, it is a c., narrow body of water, a
strait. In the sense of "line of activity, direction
of effort" channel is rendered by inf.-he- or -heše-;
zehethozeohetto, my line of work; enitaez' zehe thozeo-
hes, his line of work is different; zeheszheševostane-
hevstovetto, the c.,direction of my living.
chant, see sing, carol.
chaos, totahopepeastoz, utter disorder; etotahopepeasto-
ve, it is chaotic; see disorder.
chap, see rough.
chapel, maheonemhayo, also maheoneēszemhayo. See church.
char, see burn, scorch.
character, usually rendered by suff.-eoneve;
neve, one is of good c.; zeheshestätto, my c.,
being; eonoazeoneve, one has c., is honorable; hovae
zevešepevane nivostanehevstonan, something whereby our
c.,life is bettered; tass zehešetovatto heto neševes-
toz, the c.of this doing; heto mhayo zehešetovamane,
the c., purpose of this house.
characteristic, inf.-neeva- =known by; eneevaheneenoe,
it is one's c., one is known by.
characterize, eneevaheneenoe, it characterizes
ehešeetovatto havs, it characterizes evil.
charcoal, hoestahoos,fire coal.
charge, niaeozetõen, one charges, rushes at us; niaeoze-
tovoneo, we c.,make an onset on them; nahoemen-
hae, I am charged, attacked; namenàno, I c., challenge
one; namomaxemo, I c., accuse one; naheszhovaon, it is
laid to my c.; naamàtomon, it is charged to me (as a
debt); heto naneevavõxta, I am in c.of this, watch it;
naneevavōmo, I am in c. of one (or.); nanetootan heto
hozeohestoz, this work is under my c.(lit......has
been entrusted to me; nanethozetanenotto zeto vostan-
eo, these people are my c., my duty.
charger, tahoestoto,c., war horse; natahoestoto, my c.
chariot, zenišeoxtaz amoeneo, the two legged wagon
charitable, ešivaztaheoneve, one is c., merciful; epevoē-
ta, one is c.,kind in acts; eoxcesivaztaetovõ
stamenōheo, one is c. towards the poor; see beneficent.
charity, šivaztaheonevestoz, mercifulness; mehoxtastoz,
c.,kindness; mehose-pevoētastoz,c., lovingkind-
ness in acts; mehos-hotoastoz, c., loving generosity;
see benevolence.
charlatan, see pretend.
charm, see attract; vonäxa, c., amulet; vonäxasz (pl.).
Charms are worn in the hair, around the neck
and other parts of the body. Emomoxenōhe, one looks
charming,desirable; emomoxenono, it looks charming, de-
chary, eōhan, one is c., cautious, prudent;
neve, one is c.,wary.
chase, nanehosan, I c; nanehomohe, I am chasing after;
eneho taneva, one is chasing, trailing; hotam ease.
totomo, the dog chases one away; naasevoeovo, I c.one
off; nahōsetxeovo,I c. one home; naasetxeovo, I c.one
away; nahōetxeovo, I c.one out; nahoxovetxeovo,I c.one
across; natáeovo,I c.one away from a place. Nehosan-
istoz, the chasing after; nehomohestoz, the chase,
trailing, after game. See pursue.
chasm, zemaxeōxomaeoz, a great crack in the ground; see
chaste, ekōma, one is c.; ekōmheēve, she is a c., virtu-
ous woman; see pure, virtuous.
chasten, haomenhestovå naveeoaon, I am chastened in af-
fliction; nanizeomao hamoxtastoz, the sickness
chastens me; Maheo nioxchekōmaōen, God chastens us,
makes us chaste. See chastise.
chastise, navehoeto,I c.one (or.) in words; navehoesto-
moe, I am a chastising; naveeòno, I c.one (or.)
with rod; naveeōstòno, I c. one instantly, in a flash;
eveeoešeš, one (or.) is chastised instantly.
See pun-
ish, castigate.
chastity, kōmastoz; ekōmastove,it is c.;
c.in woman; see pure.
chat, navis tonovamo, I c.with one (or.); vistonovamazis-
toz, mutual c. ; zevistonovamasz, the one who chats
with, me.
chatoyant, see bright, shine.
chatter, ehaonova, one chatters, is talkative; zehāono-
vasso, the ones who c.; hãonovàtoz, the chat-
tering; ekokonomensz navēsoz, my teeth are chattering
(from fear or cold); ekokoevon, it is a chattering,
clattering sound. See sound.
cheap, esaahāōemehan, it is not dear,not expensive (ehō-
eme, it is expensive); esaahāhoestonehan, it is c.,
not counted high; eshovhōeme, it is getting cheaper, it
is lessening in worth; zeto mohènoham esaahāōemehe,
this horse is c.,not worth much; vèhoehotoā eshovhõ-
emeo, the cattle is (pl.) getting cheaper; eanavhõeme,
it is (or one is) c., down in value; zeanavhōemsz hōma
naxhoxtovanoz, I bought a c、robe; hoxtova zeanavhōeme
zehešsaahaestoemakätaemahess, buy that which is c.
since you have not much money. Eoxceanavhoxtovàtov,it
is sold (or bought) c.
cheat, eoce, one cheats; naocetovo, I c.to one (or.); eo-
cehestoz, the
oceheo, the cheater; zeo-
cēsz, the one who cheats. See deceive. Eoceheoneve, one
(or.) is a cheater.
check, natohaena, I c.it; natohaenoham, I c.the horse;
natohaeno, I c.one; when it denotes the checking
of a passage inf. -nxp- =to stop, is used; nanxpaovõ
qsan, I herd, c.the sheep; nanxpaovoham, I c. in, keep in
the stock; enxpeoz máe, the blood is checked; mxistō
zeameha makät, paper on which money is written.
cheek, mavotanoxz, the c.; mavotanotoz, the cheeks; na-
votanoxz, my c.; napoevotanosèno, I slap one on the
c.; napopoevotanosèno, I slap one one the cheeks.
cheer, nahestahaovo, I c., encourage one; nahetotaetano-
ho, I c.,make one glad, happy; naaxaoto, I c., greet
one; hetotaetanohazistoz, the cheering, making happy;
hēstahaovazistoz,c., encouragement.
cheerful, ehetotane, one is c.; ehetotaneševe, one does
it cheerfully; ehetotaenōhe, one looks c.; he-
totaetto, cheerfully; hetotastoz, cheerfulness. See
blithe. Inf. -vovòn denotes also "to cheer, cherish,
care tenderly for".
cheese, hekonheoveam, hard yellow fat.
chemise, eszehen,c., coat; naeszehen, my c.;
hen, under c
cherish, navovònešého, I c.one; navovòne šetan, I want to
C.; navovònešeta otovo, I desire to c.one; see
cheer; navovònešetovo, I c., nurture one; nahozeovose-
tan, I c., entertain as a hope; zehetaemehahozeovoseta-
notom naxaasetanomon, all that I cherished was taken
from me.
cherry, men, menoz (pl.); menóe,c.tree or shrub; menósz,
c.trees; emenóeve, it is a c.tree. The word means
berry, but when used alone it implies the species of
wild and choke cherries.
chest, vèpemax,c., box; vèhoehoseo, c.,box, trunk; q.v.;
mazhešeeo, the c., breast; nazhešeeo, my c.
chew, eaxkame, one chews (as people chewing gum), rumi-
nates; napenosoxta, I c.the point of it; nahòpenos-
oxta,I c. it to pulp; naxaxanosan, I c., crush with
teeth; naxaxanoxta, I c.it; naxaxanomo, I c.one.
Cheyenne, Zezestasso; either from the verbal f. ehesta,
one is, or nahestá =I am wounded, or inf.-zes-
which denotes something extended, pointing forward,
drawn out. The name "Zezestassŏ" is evidently derived
from the root meaning of "zes-" and not from "hesta",
as all the combined forms show. Zestan, Ch.nation; na-
zestae, I am a Ch.; ezestaeo, they are Ch.; zeshetan,
Ch.man; zeshee, Ch.woman; zesekasovā, Ch.young man; ze-
sekasehee, Ch.young woman; zesekašgon, Ch.child; ezese-
kašgoneve, one is a Ch.child; zesevostanehevestoz, Ch.
way of living; nazesevostaneheve, I live as Ch.; zese-
momåtavoētastoz, Ch. ceremonial, religious rite;
zesemomåtavoētastove, it is a Ch. ceremonial;
nisz, one speaks Ch.; Zesenszestoz, Ch.language; zesto-
anistoz,Ch.utteranc; ezestoan, he utters Ch.; Zesens-
ze,Ch.-talker (pr.name); Zesenszehe, Ch. --woman-talker;
zistxistō, Ch.book, paper or letter;
Ch.writing; nazistxiston, I write Ch.; zesemeo, the Ch.
way; zeseve, Ch. lodge; zesevostan, Ch.person; nazese-
non, I sing a Ch.tune; zesenonistoz, Ch. tune or song;
zesthoe, Ch. country, land; zesemo can, Ch. mocassin.
the "Handbook of American Indians" there are eighty-
five names tabulated for the Cheyenne, the most of
which being variants of the name given to them by the
Sioux. As James Mooney says, "the popular name has no
connection with the French 'chien', as has sometimes
erroneously been supposed, but is derived from the
name by which the Sioux call them, Shahi-yena, Shai--
ena, or Shaiela, meaning 'people of alien speech', the
same name being applied also by the Sioux to the Cree
in Canada". From stories told to writer by old
Cheyenne they migrated from a distant country, in the
north. One tale relates how this land was discovered
by a man who was borne on an eagle's back across a
wide body of water, the flight taking four or five
days. Another tale mentions a long journey from a
land "of islands", and how part of a large body of wa-
ter was crossed over its ice. All the stories agree
in relating that part of the Ch.people were left "on
the other side" and they firmly believe that their
brothers are yet living there. Writer knew a very old
but intelligent Ch.woman, who told him of how her Own
old grandmother use to know songs praising the olden
times "when they lived on fishes and fowls, and had
not to eat 'this nauseating buffalo meat'". One tale
speaks of the great magicians who lived in mounds or
stone habitations, which were beautiful inside,with
lions and bears watching the entrance. An old Ch.in
relating the story connected with the ceremonial ar-
rows told writer that their history had four parts:
I. The ancient time, when they were happy, but were de-
cimated by a terrible disease, were left as orphans.
2. The time of the "dogs", when these animals were
used as beasts of burden. 3. The time of the buffa-
10. 4. The time of the horse, which is recent his-
tory. Evidently the Ch.had not known the buffaloe
wherever their former habitat was, for not a few of
their stories begin by saying: "when there were yet
no buffaloes". The earliest authenticated habitat
the Cheyennes seems to have been in Minnesota. They
first came in contact with the French in 1680, when a
party of their tribe visited La Salle's Fort on Illi-
nois river to invite the French to come to their
country at the head of the great river,i.e., the Miss-
issippi. See the the "Cheyenne Indians" by James
Mooney in V.1. Part 6, of M. Am. Anthr.Ass., a very valu-
able article on the more recent history of the Ch.
chicken, kokoeax; kokoeaxan, chickens; kokoeaxeson, young
c.; hetanekokoeax, male c.,rooster (also kokoe-
axhetan); kokoeaxhee,hen.
Chickasaw, Ziksâ.
chide, naveoeto, I c.one; naveoesta, I c.it; naveoesto-
moe, I am a chiding, censuring; zeveoestomo-
sansz, the one who chides, censures, reproves; eveoetā
zevovistomosaneziss, he was chided by the teacher.
chief, veho; evehoneve, he is a c.; emaxevehoneve,he is
a great c.; evehoneveo, they are chiefs; evehone-
vetan, he wants to be c.; navehonam, my c.; nahevehon-
am, I have a c.; nahevehonamenoz, he is my c.; naheve-
honametan, I want to have a c.; vehonevestoz, the being
c.; vehonevetanoxtoz, the wanting to be a c.; hevehon-
ametanoxtoz, the wanting to have a c.; vehonekašgon,
child of a c.; vehoneomē, at the chief's lodge; veho-
neēszistoz, the speech of chiefs. Sometimes "vehon" is
used as inf. in the sense of "main,best, prominent,
noble",e.g.vehonemakät, the chief metal, gold; eveho-
nevostaneheve, one leads a noble, prominent life, or he
leads the life of a c.; maxevehonhoestoz,c.seat; eve-
honeēszistov, it is a chief's council, speaking. An-
other expression used for c.is nitáe master, leader,
ruler,head, lord; enitáeoe, he stands as c.; zenitáesz,
the c.master,lord; see ruler; nanitáemanhan, I am made
c., master; enitáenane, he is set as c.; nanitáeam, my
c., ruler; enitávhōeme, he is c. ruler; zenitávhōemsz,
the c.ruler; notxevo, c., captain; vehona, chiefess;
evehonaeve, she is a chiefess; vehonehoeman,c.council-
or, or c.judge; enanotōeme, it (or one) is c.in worth,
value; enanotae, he is c.above all, most prominent. See
chiefly, nanosetto, above all, preeminently; inf. -nano-
se-; enanosepevae, he is good above all.
chieftain, zevehonevsz, the c.; zevehonevesso, the chief-
tains; zenitáesso, the chiefs, rulers; see sol-
diers. In former days, when the Southern and Northern
Cheyenne were one body, they had forty four chiefs,
elected from time to time. It happened that some of
the older chiefs were reelected, while not a few of
the ex-chiefs took further part in the councils as
advisers to the new body. The rule however was that
forty new and four of the older chiefs be selected,
the latter as head chiefs of the tribe. Altho priests
and chiefs were not the same men, the first had often
a greater influence than the chiefs themselves. Es-
pecially the Arrow keeper and his men swayed a great-
er authority than the chiefs. The present Arrow keep-
er is a shining example of the usurpation of head-
man's authority by his priestly influence. The coun-
cil of the forty four chiefs chosen from the differ-
ent warrior bands was symbolized by a bundle of forty
four red painted invitation sticks, kept with the
remonial arrows. The Cheyenne say that this system of
having a council of forty four chiefs was adopted
from another tribe, which the Ch.had practically anni-
hilated. A woman prisoner told her captor (a chief)
of the ways of her own people in selecting chiefs. The
method pleased the Ch., who under the woman's instruc-
tion set up the
"vehoneom", fixed the forty four
sticks and elected their chiefs on the new plan.
chieftaincy, vehonevestoz; zehevehone▼stovsz, the one
who has the c.
child, kašgon, "the little one", (pronounced "kasgon" by
women and chlidren); heekašgon, fem.c.; hetanekaš-
gon,m.c.; ekašgoneve, it is a c ; ehose, she is with
c.; eaneoz, she gives birth to a c.; meševoz, baby c.;
meševoto, babies; emeševozeve, it is a baby c.;
son, she has a c., an offspring; nanis, my own c.; nani-
son,my children; nanisonan, our c.; nanisonaneo, our
children; nahenisonenoz, he (or she) is my c.; naheni-
sonenotto, they are my children; zehenisonestovsz, the
one who is c.; zehenisonestovesso, the ones who are
children; nahenisonetan, I want a c.; nahenisoneton, I
am a c. (to one); zehenisonetto, the one being my c.;
zehenisonetton, the ones, my children; nanisonamō,my
foster c.; nahenisonamōnenoz, he is my foster c.; na-
henisonevōemo, I count one as my c.; nakašgonam, my c.
(not the own one); nahekašgonam, I have a c.; nahekaš -
gonamenoz, one is my c. (not own offspring); kašgonasz,
ye children!
Nanisonasz, ye my children!
nehe, she has no c.; menotocess, c.too young when its
brother is born; nahešehestovoe, I bring up children;
nahestoešeého, I beget a c.; nanestōešeamha, I am de-
livered of a c.; emenotomoèn, she has a c. every year;
ehaestnōèn, she has many children; etakomōèn, she has a
c.seldom; ehetanevõèn, she has a m.c.; eheevõèn,she
has has a fem.c.; ehestàcenevõèn, she has twins. The
suff.-oèn- or -ōèn- to have a c.,to give birth to a
c. Etoxtnōèn, how many children has she? Etotohovheta-
nevõèn,she has a male c.alternately (with fem. child-
ren); enazean, she dies in c. bed; enotomōèn, she has
her first c.; ehotomoèn, she has her second c.; enokō-
èn, she has one c.; enisõèn, she has two children; ena-
nõèn,she has three children; nanoko enoto, I have my
only c.in him (or her); nokoenoxz, the only c.(of some
one); nanokoenoxzz, my only c.; henokoenoxzetto, one's
only c.; ninoko enoxzenan, our (incl.) only c.; nanoko-
enoxzeve, I am an only c.; nanotomo enoto, I have my
first c.in one (him or her); notomoenoxz, first born
c.; nanotomoenoxzz, my first born c.; nanotomoenoxze-
ve, I am a first born; nahotomoenoxzz, my second born
(male) c.; ninisoenoxzevhemå, we are two children (to
some one); enivoenoxzeveo, they are four children (to
some one); ninistxnoenoxzevhemå, we are all the child-
ren (of some one); examaešvoxpstnõèn, she has simply a
brood of white cildren (having ref.to an Ind.woman
having white children); zeto kašgon esótocaeo, these
children are still young; eemōxthose, she is with c.
(illegitimately); eemōxtoèn, she has an illegitimate
c.; niemōxtoenoto, thou hast an illegitimate c. in him
(or her); emōxtoenoxz, an illegitimate c.; niemōxtoe-
noxzz, thy illegitimat c.; eemōxtoenoxzeve, one is an
illegitimate c. Kašgoneveho, Childchief, Littlechief,
childhood, kašgonevestoz; hekaš gonevstovå, in one's c.
childish, tass kašgon; eevhakaš goneveoz, one becomes a
child again.
chill. inf.-to- denotes chilly, cold; etōeoz,it becomes
chilled; etōeonaoz, one's hands get chilled; etō-
eona, he has chilly hands; etōeoxz, one is getting
chilled, also fig.; natōeàta, I have chilly, cold feet;
natõeszea, I have a chilly head; etōeha, it is cold,
chilled (as food); etōešen, they (or., as potatoes) lay
chilled,cold; etoōm, it is chilly (sp.of liquids); see
cold. Nanatosevomoxta, I have a c.; natosevomoxtastoz,
c.(preceding fever).
chime, axxevonoz oxzetahamevosz zeoxcevešenemenistove-
vosz, when the bells are rung as to make music;
ezetahame, it is rung; nemenistoz music; ehōezetaha-
mensz axxevonoz zènemenistovevosz, they are heard
rung, the bells, making music.
chimera, vhanetoxtoetanoxtoz, mere imagination; see fan-
cy; aestom-hozeovosetanoxtoz, false hope, expec-
chimerical, etaome-vhanetoxtoetanonov, it is c., mere
conjecture; hovae zevhanetoxtoetanotoe hotaz
zsaaxamahovaevhan, something imagined but which simply
is nothing.
chimney, maheše-casenistoz; maheše brick + ōasenistoz
=flue; eōasenistove, it is a c., flue. See smoke.
chin, maz toho; naztoho, my c.; enišstohōna, one is two
China, Tozcemazeneo
hesthoevo, the land of the Slit-
Chinaman, Tozcemazene, Slit-eyes; etozcemazenhet aneve, he
is a Chinese; Hotamozenhoeo, the ones with hair
braided behind.
chinaware, meneevetoxq; meneevetō, large vessel of c.;
meneekson, doll with head (or also limbs) of
porcelain. Anything having the appearance of porce-
lain takes the pref.mene-; see berry.
chine, navovepaonaso, I c.one (or.), cut up his backbone;
evovepaona, one is chined;
founded with hestónå one's
or the whole of the ridge
Hemeko-zenima easenessỏ,
hestona (not to be con-
daugnter), chine, a piece
or back-bone meat of an
Chinese, see Chinaman;
who coil their hair.
chink, etoxzeevon, it chinks (as metal,
metal, money, cups,
glass), clinks, cliks; etaevaoz, it becomes chinked,
cracked; zistāevatto nanxpēstana, I close,fill
up the
chinks; zistāevatto, the c., where it is cracked.
chip, napoevooha, I c. it off (with instr.); see chop;
mxenivaoxz, a chip of the old block; evôonoz, chips
of wood and bones; eevôoneve, it is a c.; evxseonoz }
chips, crumbs; eevxseoneve, it is a c., crumb, fragment;
maes, chips,dry dung; hovaemaes, animal chips; ovaema-
es,magical chips (usually pr.name).
chipmunk, noēeson,little squirrel; see squirrel.
Chippewa, Moomstashetaneo, people of the bullrushes,
sometimes also Moiseo. The Ch. themselves do
not fully agree on the two names. Writer thinks that
the name Moiseo is the same as the Chippewa "Mouso-
nee" given to one of their gentes. The Mousonee
phratry of the Chippewa includes the Moose and Rein-
deer gentes and the word prefixe for such animals in
Cheyenne is "mohe".
chirp, nasèpemo, I c.to one. See whistle.
chisel, navèpoha, I c.,hollow it out (with instr.); na-
vèpoòno hohona, I c. the stone (or.); navèpôn,I
c.; vèpônistoz, the chiseling; vèpônehe, c., or the chi-
seler; naame vèpoòno šistato, I c. a groove in the
board; napoevooha,I c.it off; see chip, chop. Evèpohe,
it is chiseled out; epoevohe, it is chiseled, chipped
off; eamevèpohe, it is chiseled out (in length), groov-
ed; naotāax, I c. a hole; naotaaso (or., as stone,
board); both words ref.to chiseling by cutting a hole
thru, but not by blow or stroke.
chocolate, not used as beverage by the Ch.; it is call-
ed like coffee, "moxtavhòp" =black soup,or
"maemoxtavhòp" -red-black soup; c.in cakes goes under
the name of candies: "vecemàpsz". The school children
are likely to adopt the word "chocolate" into their
own language.
Choctaw, Saktaeo.
choice, zenanos epeva, the best of all; zenano sepeva hoe-
voxköz, the c.meat; zenanotōeme, (in.), the c., in
worth, value; zenanotōemsz (or.) hōma nametanenotto, I
am given the c.robe, blanket. Noxzevōmènistoz, the act
of choosing; see choose.
choke, naoxc, I c., in eating;
cate, stifle; eohoxc, one
seš, one chokes (in drinking);
nanxpotomeoz, I c.,suffo-
chokes (by food); eohoxk-
eotōsta, one chokes (by
liquids in the wrong passage, while swallowing); eoxk-
seoetto,it chokes., provokes constriction; nahekotano,
I c.one (strangle by hand)
by hand); nahekozēto, I c.one (by
rope,or hanging; nahekotaovo, I make one to c. (exter-
nal constriction); nahekotao, I c.,it chokes, throttles
me; nahekotòno, I c. one (with instr., as trap, etc.).
Menoz, choke cherry (Prunus Virginiana).
choose, nanitáa, I c.,deem it most important; nanitáovo,
I c.one (or.); nanitáomotaàz, I c.for myself; na-
nitaomotaàzenotto, I c.him for myself (a robe, horse,
etc.); zenitáoesso, the chosen ones. Rad.-nitá- =promi-
nent, important, prefer; nitáoseo, the chosen one; eni-
táoseonéve, one is a chosen, preferred one; henitáoseo,
one's chosen one; namomeseaovo, I c.,single one out
from; namome seaa, (in.); zemomeseaoesso, the chosen,
select ones; navōmènoto, I c., appoint one (or.); navō-
mènotâ, I appoint,c.for one; see appoint. Momoxetaome-
noxzevōmènotto, may I c., select for me; namonenoz,
select one for me;
nimonetovaz, I c., select thee
for me; nanezemo, I c.,select one (or.) by statement.
See select, elect.
chop, napoevooha,I c.it off; napoevoòno,(or.); napoena-
òno,I c.one's hand off; napoeszeàno, I c.one's head
off; napoeszeavo, I c.it, one's head, off; napoevoax, I
c.it off, by cutting; napoēsevoaso, I c.one's nose off,
by cutting; rapopoēstaōstaso,I c.both one's ears off,
by cutting; napopohestaenaso, I c.off its (or.sp.of a
living tree) branches, prune it; napoeosevoòno, I c.off
(by stroke) his finger; napoevohomovo hemoešą,I c. it
off,one's finger; napoevaseōstòno, I c.off (with blow)
his tail; napoevohomovo heszevax, I c. it off,one's
tail; naávòno hōxzz, I c.down, fell a tree; navovesoha,
I c.it in pieces, mince it; evoveevenisz,he chops his
speech,speaks cut; naomàn, I c.wood. The cutting or
severing by a blow requires suff.-òno (or.) and -oha
chosen, zenezemesso, the c.ones (or.); nitaoseo, the c.,
elect one; zenitáohesso, the c.,elect ones (by
action, while zenezemesso ref. to declaration); namo-
nistoto, my c.,elect ones, picked ones. See choose.
Christ, Maheonexõestaansz, The-one-anointed-by-God. Usu-
ally the very name "Christ" is used, but when in
connection with "Jesus", which
which is Vostanevstoman (or
Vostanevhan), it is better to say "Maheonexõestaansz"
thus: Vostanevstomane-Maheonexõestaansz, which means
"Saviour-by-God-anointed", which is the translation of
the names "Jesus" and "Christ" combined. As the name
"Christ" is Greek, and is really not pronounced as in
Eng.,writer sees no need of forcing an Eng.pronounci-
ation, which is very hard for the Indians who do not
understand the Eng. Either let it be pronounced as
near the Greek as possible and make it "Xistos" in
Cheyenne or give the translation of it: "Maheonexões-
taansz" =Anointed-of-God". Names have a meaning in
the Bible and they ought to be translated so as to
give this meaning and not a mere name. For the young-
er Ch.generation which understands Eng., and has heard
the name as we have it, the matter is different, altho
it also is important for them to know the meaning of
the name.
Christendom, éōstahestanov, the world of Christians;
éōstahetanistoz, Christians collectively.
Christian, éōstahe, the one anointed with water (see
baptize); éōstaheo, Christians; writer Would
call the attention to the fact that the name for
Christ (Maheonexõestaansz) is closely related with
éōstahe; if Christ is the "Anointed one with oil", the
Christians, his followers, are the "Anointed ones with
water". What is poured upon the head in a ceremonial
way, they understood to have ref. to the mental and
psychical man, the head being the seat of the four
most important senses and these are subject to super-
natural revelation. Any ceremonial anointment influen-
ces the whole life of the one subjected to it. Hence
their name "éōstahe" for Christian is fitting and
characterizes for the Ch. the difference of religion.
Naéōstahe, I am a C.; zéōstahesso, the Christians; éōs-
tahetan, a C.man; éōstahee, a C. woman; éōstaekašgon,a
C.child; éōstakasova, a C.young man; éōstakasehee, a C.
young woman; éōstamahaciss, C. old man; éōstamatama, a
C.old woman; éōstaevostan, C. person; naéōstahetaneve, I
am a C.man; néōstaheēve, thou art a C.woman; eéōstae-
kašgoneve, it is a C. child; néōstakasovaehevhemå, we
are C.young men; naéostaevostaneheve, I lead a C.life;
éōstaevostanehevestoz,C.living; eéōstaevostanehevsto-
ve, it is a C.life; naéōstaetan, I want to be a C.; éō-
staezhestàtoz, C.being, condition; éōstaemxistō,C.book;
éōstaeom,C.lodge; éōstaemomåtavoētastoz, C. ceremonial,
rite; éōstamomåtavhoes tomohestoz, C.religion; éōstaeo-
nisyomàtàtoz, C. faith; éōstaevovistomevazistoz, C. doc-
trine; éōstaevovistomosanistoz, C. teaching; éōstaevo-
vistomoseo,C.disciple; écstaevovistomosanehe, C. teach-
er; éōstamomåtaéš, C.sacred day; eéōstaemomåtaešēve,it
is a C.,sacred, holy day; éōstaemomåtavostan, a C., de-
vout person, saint; éōstahevis'onemazistoz, C. brother-
hood, fellowship; éostaemanhao, C. band, body; éōstaenot-
xeo,C.soldiers (ref. to an organization); éōstaenot-
xestoz,C.band, army; eéōstaenotxeve, one is a C.sol-
dier, belong to the C.organization; navesseéōtahemo, I
am a C.with one; vesseéōstahemazistoz, the being C.to-
gether, C.fellowship; zsaaéōstahesso, the non Chris-
tians; éōstahozeovosetanoxtoz, C.hope, confidence; éōs-
taemeo, the C. way; vhaneéōstaemané, C.pretender (merely
pretending to be C.); evhaneéōstaemaneheoneve, one is
merely pretending to be C.; naéōstaevõemo, I count one
as a C.or I am related to one as a C.; naéōstaevata-
mo, I deem one a C.; naéōstaevazesta, I deem it C.;
écstaevostaneo, C. people; éōstaevostanemazistoz, C.fel-
lowship; éōstaenonistoz, C. song, tune; éōstaemesestoz,
C.feast; éōstaemohēoxzistoz, C.gathering; éōstaevonho-
setanevàtoz, C. admonition, preaching, urging;
Christianity, éōstaevostanehevestoz, the state of being
or living as a Christian; heto zheševestoz
esaaéōstaevostanehevstovhan, this kind of doing is not
éōstaemomåtavhoestomohestoz, C. in the
sense of
Christian religion; éōstaemanhaevestoz, C. as a body of
Christians; see church.
Christianization, éōstao vàtoz, the making Christian, the
baptizing; éōstaemanhazistoz (from na-
éōstaemaného, I make one to be a C., I make one to be
baptized), the making to be Christian; see Christian-
ize; éōstaemanetanoxtoz, the increase of Christians;
éōstaemanhestoz, C.,increase of Christian stand, gene-
rating of Christians.
Christianize, naéōstaemanho, I C. them; nitao hestaneo
maešeéōstaemanhevoz, when all the nations
shall have been made Christians; eéōstaemanhaoeo, they
have been Christianized; naéōstaemanetanotonheme, we
are Christianized, made to grow in Christian life.
Christless, zsaahoneovohess Maheonexõestaaneziss (or
Christeva), the ones who do not have Christ;
zenoo evostanehevemoss Maheonexõestaaneziss, those who
live without Christ.
Christlike, enohōeme Christeva, or Maheonexõestaaneziss,
one is worthy of Christ; zehessoz hevostane-
hevestoz Maheonexõestaansz (or Jesus) natóneševosta-
nehevetan, I desire to live a C.life (lit.as it is his
life, Christ, I want to live). Eonisy omhoneovo Jesuseva
(or Maheonexõestaaneziss), one is C. (lit. one truly
has put on (like a cloth) Christ.
Christmas, zexhōsanistov, when it is
hanging takes place). The v.
(active meaning), [nahōsan, I hang;
one]. The Ch. were used to hang or tie offerings
to trees, rocks or other supposed animate objects. The
first C.tree they saw made the impression on them,
an of-
that whatever was put or hung on the tree was
fering similar to their own, hence the name "hōsanis-
toz or hōsenistoz"; ehōsanistov, it is C.; toneš etos-
hōsanistové, when is C. to be? Zeešhōsanistove, after C.
(ref.to the past); mataešhōsanistove, after C. (ref. to
the future); mxhōsanistove, when
when it is C.time; hane
C. (lit. when the
-hōsan to hang
nahōsemo, I hang
zexhōsanistove, then, when it was C.time; hōsanistoto
(or.),C.gifts; of recent date the expression: sitove-
aneva hooxcemeàtove, has become in use and means "in
the middle of the winter when gifts are given". Wri-
ter thinks this expression a poor improvement on the
old word. The old Indians know that the C.tree,like
their own "hangings" symbolize something, only they
must be led from their animistic to the higher, Chris-
tian conception.
chronic, in the sense of "prolonged, interminable, inve-
terate" can be expressed in Ch. by inf.-tose- or
ehetosemaneheoneve, one is a c., inveterate
drinker; etoseēsztsan, one speaks prolongedly, without
coming to
ehetoshāmoxtastove, it is a c.di-
chuckle, eemōxtatama, one
one chuckles, laughs to himself.
lit.laughs in secret.
chum, suff.-mo combined with inf. -vesse- denotes com-
munity, association with; navesseanamo, I c.with one
in eating; navessevostanehevemo, I c.with one, in liv-
ing; navessevo, I am one's c.,his companion;
sevōn and navessevao, my c.(see fellow, companion); na-
vistxistonemo, one is my school c.; evistxistonemazeo,
they are schol chums; naveamo, one is my bed c.; vist-
xistonemazistoz, chumhood (in school).
chunk, is rendered by inf.-mame, see block, bulk; namame-
poena, I chop or break a c.of it; emamehota
the coal is lying (setting) in chunks; emomamemezenov
hoevoxköz,each one of them (or.) was given a big c.of
meat; ešxova, c., lump; ešxova voxbomàz, c., lump of
salt; see lump.
church, maheoneēszemhayo,c.house; emaheoneēszemhay one-
ve, it is a c.building; also maheonemhayo, sacred,
holy house and ēszemhayo, talking house. Eōstae-
mhanaevestoz,c., the body of Christians; manoéōstahe-
tanistoz, the collected body of Christians; manoeoni-
syomàtaheo, body of believers.
churn, see boil, seeth;heoveamsc namanisz, I make butter.
cider, maxemenemàp,apple water; emaxemenemàpeve, it is c.
cigar, hestotoeon; onimotaeon,c. (also for cigarette);
naheponoz hestotoeon, I smoke cigars.
cigarette, onimotaeon; naheponoz onimotaeon, I smoke
cigarette; nazešemaoz, I smoke cigarette;
zešemaenesz,I roll a c.; mxistō zevešzešemaozistov,c.
paper (with which cigarettes are smoked).
cinch, hoxt'taeseoneve, it is a c.,girth for horse; na-
hoxt' taetoham, I c.the horse; naonehahoxt'taeto-
ham, I uncinch the horse; ehoxt'taeseoneva, it is
cinched (horse in that condition).
cinder, hotáehe, cinder, of burnt grass, after a prairie
fire; either that carried or left on the ground.
c., makes a c.;
onis- ref.to
circle, zeonistakoane, that which is a
zeonistàq, that which is a c.
round, circular line and àq ref. to head form, ball,
globe; eonistakonehoeo, they sit in a c.,ring; naonis-
tàcemanisz, I make it circular; naonistakomaen, I make
a c. with ground; naonistàkoana, I make it circular;
eoomoneo, they sit in c.; zehenoneoz, where the camp c.
s; niva eoxzestovoneo, they (or.) are in four con-
centric circles; see encircle,ring, round, surround;
raonistàcevxea, I write it in a c.; naonistàcevxiston,
1 write in a c.; naonistàcehoxaôn, I bead in a c.,mak-
ing circular designs in beadwork; inf. -nimaese- de-
notes a convolute line, circling inward; enimaesehoxa-
oensz, they in.) are beaded in convolute designs; na-
oomoetōe, they (or.) sit in c.around me. Ešehe emans-
ton, the sun (or moon) is building (a protection), said
when there is a circle around either one of them. Ex-
hohonezetoe, it is surrounded by,sp. of a tent in the
center of the c.; naonistakonehozenoz, I place them
(in.) in a c.; naonistakonehozého, I place them (or.)
in a c.; natàtaohoneetõe, they (or.) c.about me; nao-
nistakonehoeme, we sit in c.; onistakonehoestoz, the
sitting in a c.,ring; ehohoneta,it circles, is a ring.
See encircle.
circlet, hohon, bracelet.
circular, rendered by inf.-onistàc-; also -hohone- or
ohone and -tàta-; naonistàcemanisz, I make it
c.; eonistàq, it is c.; tovosešeheo zeonistàq,c.saw.
The suff. -(t)àq, ref. to surface of circle, also to
"ball shaped". The rad.-on- is however the true word
for the encircling line.
circulate, etoxeazetto, it circulates; eōmonešen mazema-
eme, the blood circulates.
circulation, mazemaeme zeoxceōmonšenàtov, the c.of the
circumsise, naevxtanéso. I c.one, cut his flesh skin; ze-
évxtanešesso, the circumcised ones; nivxtan-
éšsz,I c.thee. The v. form leaves no doubt but that
circumcision is understood, but the ceremonial is kept
rigidly secret, it is done with a stone knife. No
stranger male could ever really be considered a mem-
ber of the Ch.tribe except he be initiated by circum-
cision. Naevxtanéš, I am circumcised. Whether for the
reason of their circumcision or not, the Ch.priests
teach that the Ch.people is a sacred nation, "maheon-
hestanov". When a Ch. becomes a Christian, every means
is tried to bring him back to the "sacred people",su-
asion, flattery, gifts, threats and all sorts of schemes
are devised to bring the "lost one" back. The priests
do not oppose the work of Christian mission, and they
have nothing against their people being baptized,pro-
vided they do not emancipate themselves from the Ch.
circumcision, evxtanéšestoz; eevxtanéšstov,it is c.
circumference, emahaone, it has a great c. (of round
bodies); etaxceone, it has a small C.;
etonitaone, what c. has it? Zehetāone, its c; zehetãon-
ēs,its (or. sp. of stones, dry goods, animals) c.,size
around; ezceonehe, one is of small, narrow body
(around); etonitão, what size,c.is it? Etonitaeta,what
size,c.is one? (sp.or.rocks, mountains)
mountains); noka tāoheo
enitão, it is one mile of size, wide; naha tāoheoneva
etàtanitāōmoeha; it is three miles around, in c. (as a
lake, body of water).
circumspectly, aninōs, with care, caution, in a careful
classify, namomenoaovō zsēhestavonoevesso, I group toge-
ther the ones (or.) that are of the same
class, kind; namomenovxeanoz eszistotoz zsehestavonoe-
vēsz, I c.words of the same kind; zsētotavēsz na
totaoesz naoxcemomeno-áehananoz, I c. them (in.)
cording to color and size; lit.the ones (in.) of
same color and the ones of the same size I
group se-
parately. Nanohõesta, I c.it, count it with (Ger.hinzu-
zählen); nanohōemo nomàzeheoneva, I c.him, count him
with the thieves. Nanhestavonoevatamo pavhetan, I deem
one (or.) to belong to a class of good men; lit. I
deem him in the class of good man.
classmate, zevistxistonemo, my c. (also
schoolmate or
co-student); navistxistonema, one is my C.;
evistxistonemàzeo, they are classmates.
clatter, enistonevanoxz, it clatters; eohāekokonoeš, it
clatters, rattles; nistonevanoxzistoz, the c.;
ohāekokoešenàtoz, the c., rattle.
claw, màthōhevo, the c., nail;
nàthōhevo, my c., nail;
hesthōhevonevō, their
hesthōevon, his c., nail;
claws; see nail. Claw or nail are or.because supposed
to be animate and being part of a man's spirit
tective spirit). [Hence claws, nails and shield have
the same root form]. Emehōhevaoz na nheš eevhahàpõhe-
vaoz, he draws his claws out and then in again; inf.
-me- =appear; inf. -hàp- =clasp, fold; esèposeoz, he
stretches out his fingers or claws; esosoxpano,}
draws in his claws, when he catches something; epavhō-
heva, he has good claws; ehavsevhōheva, he has bad
claws; evoxphoheva, he has white claws. [Hence the pr.
name Voxphōhevå Whiteshield or Whitenail; Mahōhevå,
Redshield or Redclaw]. In religious ceremonials the
"exxovon" shell, symbolizes the nail or claw matter
(also horn) as protective substance (fetisch). Ni-
hesthöhevonenaneo (or.) our nails and claws (the pro-
substance in us). Epohōhevaoes, he
tective, shielding
rubs his c. or nail off eōeomo hesthōevon, he bites
his claws. See nail (finger nail). Ehotáosan, he
claws; kaēsehotam nahotána, the cat claws me; nahotá-
no, I c.,grasp, clutch him. See scratch. Hestovoeškon,
dew claw, [same word used to express "dried apples",no
doubt because of their resembling dried apples].
clay, hetanomaoxz, c.; ehetanomaoxzeve, it is c.; hetan =
male + -omaoxz ground; really hetanomaoxz ground
of distensible quality,lending itself easily to being
shaped into any form. Formerly extensively used by
Ch.children to make balls and figures of animals, etc.
The last was especially the case when the Sun dance
took place. Effigy of the phallus (which used to
be hung to the center pole of the Sun dance) was al-
so modelled with "hetanomaoxz", writer was given one
such figure, but burnt as a brick and of heavy weight.
clean, inf.-hoxe (e)- =c.; ehoxea, it is c.; ehoxeae, one
(or.) is c.; ehoxeo, it cleans; ehoxenōhe, one
(or.) looks c.; ehoxenono, it looks c.; ehoxenonoensz,
they (in.) look c.; ēšhoxeene, one (or.) has a c.face;
ēšepavevõen, one (or.) has a good (clean) face; ehoxe-
hotonohe, one (or.) is c.braided; ehoxeōme, it is c.wa-
ter; ehoxeōmeoz, the water becomes c.,clear; nahoxes-
taha, I am c.hearted; nahoxehestāeona, I have c.hands
(am c.handed); ehoxeàz, one (or.) has a c.mouth; zeho-
xeàzenasso, the ones (or.) who have a c.mouth (not us-
ing profane, desecrating language); namxevōmotoxta, I
c.it (a liquid food or water, by blowing over it in a
ceremonial way); mxevōmotoxtoz nåtaman, c.our food;
lit.sweep our food with thy mouth or breath, sanctify
it; see under "blow". Nahoxeanen, I am cleaning; naho-
xeana,I c.it; nahoxeano, I c.one (or.); nahoxeevosta-
neheve, I lead a c.life; nahoxeetan, I think c.; naho-
xehetšetanoxzeve, I have a c.mind; nahoxeazesta, I deem
it c.; nahoxeatamo, I deem one (or.) c.; nahoxeataman,
I am deemed c.; nahoxeaztomon, it is c.unto me; ehoxea
nitov,it is c.for me, on my account; nahoxeeonaoz, I
have c.hands; nahoxeevomoxta, I feel c. (physical); see
sweep; hoxeetanoxtoz, c.thot; hoxe evostanehevestoz, c.
life; inf.-hoxe- combined with inf.-pave-, thus -hoxe-
pave- =perfect; ehoxepaveēsz, he speaks perfectly
well; inf.-vâxshoxe- c. thruout, completly, perfectly;
nasaavâxshoxeahe, I am not perfectly c.,not perfect;
sometimes "-hoxe-" denotes "better, in order"; nata-
hoxeemxea, I am going to write it better, in order; na-
hoxeosan, I arrange in order; zehoxeasso, the c.ones
(or.); zehoxeaesz, the c.ones (in.); zehoxeevostanehe-
vesso, the ones (or.) who lead a c.life; zehoxeemomå-
tavostanehevesso, the ones (or.) who lead a sainted,c.
life. [Do not confound inf. -hoxe- =clean,with inf.
-hóxe- to become aquainted, or -oxe- =to break in
two]. Hoema zehoxeo, the law which cleans, cleanses;
ehoxeoz,it gets c..;' clean
clean in the sense of "not for-
eign, straight thru, unqualifiedly, wholy, clearly, simp-
ly, purely" is expressed by the inf. -xa- and -xama-;
naxamavonetanota, I have "clean", unqualifiedly forgot-
ten it; inf.-ose'ec- denotes c.in the sense of "pure,
entirely alone, free from foreign matter, by itself en-
tirely, without any one"; hence: zeoseekasso, the ones
(or.) who are without any one, destitute; see pure.
Esaatasettan, it is c., it is not defiling; esaatasehe-
han, it is c., not defiled; see defile, clear.
cleaner, n.hoxeanenehe the' c.; ehoxeaneneheve, he is a
c.; ehoxeanova, he is a c
cleaning, hoxe anenistoz, the c.; ehoxeanenov, there is a
c.,also he is one who cleans, who has the
lity of c.; zehoxeane mazhesta, etahanez hethozeohes-
toz, Maheo, the c., cleansing
cleansing of the heart is God's
cleaness, hoxeastoz, the state of being clean; hoxeemo-
måtahestoz, or momata-hoxeastoz, religious c.,
cremonial purity; hoxeevostanehevestoz, c.of living;
hoxeetanoxtoz,c.in thot; hoxehetšetanoxzevestoz,c. of
cleanse, same as v.to clean;
zehoxeanensz, the one who
cleanses; zehoxeansz, the one who is cleansed;
hovaeva nàvešehoxeanan, I was c.by something; zèmeha-
tasehanez naevhahoxe anàen Maheo, as we were defiled,
God cleansed us; nahoxeanomevo, I c.one from; nahoxea-
nomovo hevoxca, I c.one's hat; nahoxeana mhayo, I c. the
house; màpeva navešhoxeano naeszehen, I clean my coat
with water.
cleansing, hoxeanazistoz, the c.; navēstomevo emehoxea-
nez', nazhesta, I ask
him for the c. of my
heart; heto eoxeanovatto, this has the power of c.;
esaahoxeanazenovhan, there is no c.
clear, napavemesta, I make it c.dy explaining, I explain
it well; napavemēstomevo, I make it c. to one, by
explanation; natàtanōvanen, I make it c
it c.,expose it;
natàtanōvaná, I make it c.; natàtanōvano (or.); etàta-
nōvoz or tàta enōvoz, it (stands) is c.open, frank;
etàtanōveoz, it or one (or.) decomes plain,c., exposed,
revealed; natàtanovemēsta, I make it c., confess it, ex-
pose it by words; nheš enōveoz nitovå, now it becomes
plain,c.to me; tass età tanōveoz natšetanoxzeva, as it
were it gets c.to my mind; tàta nanōveoztomon, it is
becoming c. (made plain) to me; nataešheneeno, it is c.
to me, I know now; nahoxeevooto, I c.one, declare one
clean; zèmehamomaxems nahoxeevooto, I c.one from accu-
sation; hoemanistovå ēševešeono (ev)hoseme, he has been
cleared by law; èmehamomaxeme zènasens na eevhanoni-
zeomēnane hoemaovazistovå, he was accused of murder
(that he killed) but he was cleared by judgement;
lit.he was liberated by the judging; zèmehatotahopas-
tove etaeše vhahoxeane, the confusion, disorder has been
cleared. Màpevatamano eševa nstaneoxzhemâ, on а с.
day, we shall go there; eneesepoeōstaå voe, the clouds
c.up; also epopoeōstaå, the clouds c., break up; ene-
ešehotxaå, it is clearing up, uncovering (the sky); to
make c., in the sense of "bright",see
en". "Clear" in the sense of "transparent,
ent, pellucid" is rendered by inf.-nanivs-;
vōme heto màp, this water looks c., pellucid; nanivset-
to,glass; eotaenanivess, it is c.
c. in the night; see
clarify; emaxenanivsevōmoeha, it is
a great
parent body of water; hovae esaatonšenohoehanehen's
hevetov Maheo, hevânšeáenonittoz' tass enšxamananives-
soz hevetov Maheo, nothing is hidden in the sight of
God, even darkness is simply c., pellucid for Him. When
c.ref. to an open space in a forest, free area, vacant
room, the term -poota is used; emaxepoota, it is a
great clearing, free space, area; esópoota, there is
still c. room (ref. to seats or space in a room,
which are not yet occupied; also speaking of a free
area of land); mâevèhoeno zeōmepopoota, the thorufares
of a town, streets, the c.thorufares between walls or
buildings; "clear" in the sense of freeing from bur-
den, obstruction, relieve from encumbrance, also exoner-
ate,liberate (from burden) is rendered by the rad.
-masto-; emāstoheoz, one is
is cleared, relieved from;
nasz šistato emastohoe, one pine (tree) stands c.,dis-
tinct (from the others; either standing alone by self
or having branches cut off). The term "masto-" is of
difficult rendering in Eng.and writer heard different
and confusing translation of the same. What he gives
is the more reliable meaning. Thus here this word -ma-
stohoe might also denote the clearing of the land, by
removing the trees or other obstructions. Namāstoha-
no, I c., unburden, remove encumbrance (as when the bur-
den of a pack horse is loaded on another one); namās -
toha (h)e, I am c., unincumbered; nanàkōo, I see clearly,
sharply. Hovae zehoxevome, something that looks clean,
clear; màp zehoxeōme, water which is c., clean; see
clean; inf.-xa- or -xama also denotes "clear" in the
sense of "natural, simply,c.thru";nasaaxahemesestové,I
am c.out of food; nasaaxa-hovae-aenohe, I am c.out
anything I own; exameàtove, it is a c.gift; exanovae,
it is c., straight; naxaasetana, I c.it away; namxeen, I
c.(by) sweeping.
clearing, zèpoota, where there is an open space (in
woods or fields, also of unoccupied seats). Zè-
maó ēšemastoheoz na natosemonomax, where the timber
was, it has become cleared and I am going to break
(with a plow) the ground.
clearly, inf.-mese-,c., plainly; -tàtanov-,c.,openly, in
plain sight; -nàk-,c., sharply; oatōs (detached
term),c., of course, self evidently; inf.-hoxe- clean-
nahoxeōo, I see c.; -oxta- clear thru, dis-
tinctly; naoxtanōmo, I see one (or.) c.,distinctly.
This inf.really denotes "thru, over, from one end to
the other, the whole length of. [Naoxtaen, I spend, pass
the night; oxtaenoham, one winter old horse, colt hav-
ing "cleared" the winter]. Exahavsevoēta, one has c.
done wrong; esaaxaheneenohe, one evidently,c. does not
know; nasaaxaēsztovohe, I c., obviously do not speak to
clearness, nàkōoxtoz,c., sharpness of sight; hoxeōoxtoz,
c., cleaness of sight; nanivsevatamahestoz,c.,
clarity; mesēēszistoz,c.of speech; mesēmēs tomevazis-
toz,c.of explanation;
explanation; pevatamanohestoz, c., of atmos-
phere, fine weather, general fine appearance; xaenšeō-
haetanoxtoz,c.of thot, judgement; xamapavetšetanoxtoz,
c., soundness of mind, thot purpose, intent; xanovevos-
tanehevestoz,c.of living, straightforward life.
cleavage, see cleave.
cleave, naoxevoôn, I c., split apart; naoxevooha, I c.it,
cut it open (instr.); naoxevoòno hohona, I c.
the rock (or.); namameoxevoòno hōxzz, I c.a yawning
cleft in the tree; lit. I greatly split the tree;
hōxzz eoxevoemåxe, the tree is cleft,split (by light-
ning); naoxevoemxesta kamax, I c.the wood by shooting
it; naoxevoenomàno, I c.one's thigh; naoxevoeàtàno, I
c.one's foot (by blow); naoxevoemaso, I c.one (or.) by
shooting. Hovae zeoxevoohe, something cleft, split
apart; zeto hoxzz zeoxevoohesz, this tree which is
cleft; hōxzetto zeoxevoohesso, the trees that are
cleft; hōxzetto zeoxevoemxesso, the trees cleft (by
lightning), by shooting. Hohona zeoxevoohesz nitovan,
the rock which was cleft for us; see rend, split. Epâ-
eoz,it cleaves, clings, sticks, adheres to; see adhere;
napanoetõe,it cleaves to me; hovae zepanōetto, some-
thing that cleaves to me; zepanōeta, that which
cleaves, clings to thee; zepapanōetto, that which
cleaves to me, at different places (on my person); na-
papanōetõe,it cleaves to me (at different places);
napanoetotōenon, it c.to each one of us; napapanoeto-
tõenon, it cleaves to us, each one of us (at different
places on our persons). See stick.
cleaver, zeoxevcônsz, the one who cleaves, cuts asunder;
oxevoônehe and oxevooo, the c.(latter word also
applied to instrument).
cleft, zeoxvevoohe, that which is c.; šēr zistovoō, the
c.of a rock; šēn =rock standing byself; zistovoō
=in the open space,fissure between; eoxevoeha,it is a
c., broken apart; zeoxe voeha, where there is a c.; ze-
oxeàtasz or zeoxevoeàtasz, the.c.footed one (not ref.
to cloven hoofs), the one whose foot was c.; tooveo-
son, the c. of the hoof, between the claws (fingers);
eoxeàtae,he (animal) is c. footed, cloven, or etooveo-
sae, he is. cloven in the hoof.
clemency, šivaztastoz,
šivaztastoz, c., mercy, pity; hòpsanistoz,c.
(Ger. Schonung); ehòpsanistove, it is a C.,
clement, ešivaztae, one is c., compassionate; ešivaztahe-
oneve, one is c., humane; nahòpého, I treat one
with clemency, leniency; ehòpsaneoneve, one is lenient,
sparing,c.; rad.-šiva- or -ševa- denotes mercy, com-
passion, clearance, [older Ind. used to say -xeva- in-
stead of -ševa-; the term "xeva" must be the oldest
and implies "clearance, relief, release"], while rad.
-hòp denotes melting, changing from hard or solid to
fluid substance [hòpāehemenoz,grapes, the melting ber-
ries]. See lenient.
clench, nahekonana naàz, I .c.my fist, make my hand hard;
nahàpanen and nahàpeonaoz, I close my hand, press
my hand close; nahekonehàpanen, I c.hard; nahekonhàpa-
na, I c. it hard; nahekonhàpano (or.); see clutch,
clergy, maheoneēszhetanestoz; emaheoneēszhetanestove, it
it is the c.
clergyman, maheoneēszhetan,c., minister, missionary; ema-
heoneēszhetaneve, he is a c.; some Ch. say ma-
heonhetan, which formerly was applied to the catholic
priests in Montana; Maheone holy (from mysterious) +
-ēsz- speaking + -hetan =man; maheoneēszevēho,c
minister; the suff.-vèho =white man; maheoneēszeve-
hoa, white woman missionary.
clerk, mxistonehe, the c.,writer; vèho
zemxistonsz, the
white man who writes.
clever, eotoxovae, one is c., experienced
in something,
able; enešeoona, one is c.,skilled; inf.-otoxove-
=cleverly, skillfully, ably; eotoxovehōeston, he reads
clevis, tōneoheo zevoxceoz na hestov hesthonoc
hesthonoc zeota,
bolt which is crooked and whose double point has
a hole.
click, ekokoevon, it clicks.
cliff, anoēva; oxeanoēva,c., bluff (cleft under, down);
zeamemaxeoxeanoe, a bank, line of cliffs, precipice;
see bluff. Hōevotto,c., cave people; see cave.
climb, naévonèn, I c.; hoxzezeva naévonèn, I c.a tree;
naénosevonoxta,I c.up,over after it; naénosevonó-
to, I c.over after one (or.), to catch him; naĕsevonèn,
I c., crawl into; nahotoanàn, I c.with difficulty, a
steep place; hotoana -hard, difficult + suff.-èn ref.
to walking and whose "e" is apocopated, making -hotoa-
nàn instead of -hotanaèn; naomevonèn, I c.off or down
from (wagon, horse, car, etc.); naanhoevonèn, I c.down;
naonōvonèn, I c. out of water, river; naéèn,I c. (by
walking); naéèn hohona, I c. a mountain, rock; see up;
éènistoz, the going up, ascending by walking; évonènis-
toz and évon'nistoz, the climbing, crawling; see crawl;
nasévonèn,I c.down into; eévon'netto, it climbs; eoni-
motaoneanàzetto, it climbs up by winding around
thing (said of certain plants); eéasetto, the climber,
vine, (ref.to climbing plants); eéasetto eonimotaoènet-
to hoxzezeva, the vine climbs, winding around the
the tree;
eéasetto eonimo taone anàzetto hoxzezeva, the vine winds
itself up the tree; sitoxceoneva navešeévonèn, I c. by
means of a rope; naanhōstoneanàz, I c.down, let myself
down with a rope; -an- down + hōs suspended +-one-
ref.to rope, string + - anaz =do myself. Heto hohona
esaatons-éènetoehe, this mountain cannot be climbed;
esaatonš-éènetoehan,it cannot be climbed; esaatons--
éènistovhan, it is not climbable. Nasaatons-évon'né, I
cannot c.; esaatonšévon'nistovhan, it is not climb-
able; zeto hoxzz esaatonšeévon'netoehe, this tree can-
not be climbed.
clinch, tōneoheo zeešeēstohe napenohomovo hesthonoc,I
c.a nail; lit.the nail, after it has been driven
in, its point I pound; nahekonevoxcepenoha tōneoheo, I
c.the nail, pound it crooked; nahàpanen, I c., grapple;
see pinch, clamp, clench.
cling, natonoe, I c.; natonoetovo, I c.to one (or.);
tonoeta, I c.to it; evešepanoeš, it clings to one
(as lint, pieces of straw, etc.); napanoetova, he clings
to me; see cleave, adhere; nahekonetonoetomovo
tas, I c.to what he said to me; nahekonemehoto nanis-
on, I c. in love to my child; epâeoz, it clings to,
sticks; nahekonetōetanota naēszistoz,I c.to my word;
natōetan, I hold in thot; inf. -saapoe- not let go;
esaapoeneševé, he does not let go doing, he clings to
his doing;
esaapoemashaneheoneve, he clings to his
clink, etoxzeevon, it clinks (as small metallic bodies
or earthenware).
clinker, maaxcepä, irregular piece,small lump of ashes.
clip, see shear; nahooxtaso, I c.one's hair; zehooxtxes-
so, the shorn ones.
clipper, hooxtxovàtoz; ehooxtxovàtove, it is a c.; hoox-
txovahe, the c. (person or instr.)
clitoris, zistōneoetto heszhoto.
cloak, hōma, blanket, robe (as worn by Indians); see
blanket,robe; zēsēszehe, long coat, overcoat;
nanhōmana, I c.it; nanhōmano, I c.one
nàz,I c. myself; ehesthōmanàzistove, he has it for a
C. a cover,disguise, pretext; ohaеhônàtoz ehesthōmana-
zistovenov, long prayer they have for c.; hōmstaestoz,
c., cover, mantle; eoxchestōmstaestovenov maheonoētas-
toz,under the c., cover
cover of ceremonial. Hoxcaēszehe,
hoodedc.; zēseēszehe zenomastoxca,long coat provided
with a hood; tōvoxēszehe, army c. (with cape); see coat.
clock, maxeko kôase, large watch; kokĉaseo, watch, smaller
c.; kokôaseonoz, (pl.); ekokôaseoneve, it is a c.;
ekokôasen,it is ticking; from -koko- to tap gently;
kokôastaaxestoz,c.on a shelf; ekokôastaaxestov, it is
a c. (on a shelf). See time. Kokôase zecoxcenistōhetto,
striking c.
clod, mhaáoxz (or mhahaoxz),lump; emhaáoxzeve hetanoma-
oxz, a lump, c.of ground, clay; heševoxz zemamemenoe,
soil in chunks, clods; hetan eheševoxzeve, man is a
clog, hovae evešenxpaoe, it is clogged, obstructed by
something (in a passage); see close, hold, hinder,
close, inf.-nxp- denotes "close" in the sense of
ting, obstructing an entrance, passage, aperture;
nanxpooha, I c.with instr. (in.); nanxpoòno, I c. with
instr. (or., as a jug); nxpoôo, a cork, etc.; nanxpacvo,
I c.one up, keep enclosed; nanxpoana, I set it closed
(box, trunk); nxpoaneo, that which closes, stopper, shut-
ter; nanxpeam, I c. (with pitch,fat, to make water
tight); nanxpēstana, I c.it (by filling in, as chinks)
also naonxpēstano, I c., stop one's ears; nanxpeesz,
c.it with a string (to tie it),see tie; nahekonxpoa-
na, I c.it tight; nahekonxpooha, I c. with an instr.,
bolt,cork or lock; nahekonxpoòno, I lock one up; heni-
tō ehekonxpoohe, the door is closed tight (with lock);
hekonxpooxz,c., cork it tight! Hekonxpoôo, lock, cork,
bolt; nxpoheo, the closer, lid, cover (over an aper-
ture); enxpoheoneve, it is a lid, cover; enxpotomeoz,it
is obstructing the breath; enxpotomoxta, he suffers
from dyspnoea, asthma; enxpexaenōseoz, he suffers from
dysuria; nxpotomoxtastoz, dyspnoea; nxpexaenōsestoz,
dysuria, retention of urine; enxpsoestonaovàz, one
makes himself a clout, breech clout; nanxpehoe, I stand
before an opening; nxpeme on, closing, obstructing the
road; nxpeoxtam, closing, obstructing the door; nanxpa-
nen, I c.by hand; nanxpanomovo heex, I c., shut one's
eye (by hand); see blindfold; nanxpazenaoz, I hold my
mouth c.; nanxpazenàno, I c.one's mouth; nanxpatovan,I
c.the damper (of stove pipes); see shut, stop; enxpoe-
oz, it is set closed; enxpaeoz, it is closed, checked;
see check, stop. Nahàpanen, I c. by clinching, clamping,
pinching; nahàpàzenaoz, I c.,clasp my mouth shut; na-
hàpana mxistō, I c.the book; nahàpeonaoz, I c.,clench
my hand ;nahàpenoe, I c.by sewing; see sew; naoomana,
or naoomana, I c.it up, by covering over (as when an
incision is made in the body and the surface closed
over again); eevhaomōvaoz or eevhaohomōvaoz, the water
closes over again, return to their former place,coming
together and forming one again; eohomōvatto, the water
closes in, covers
in, covers all; naevèho zeešeosenoss hetano
eevhaoomanomovo hevōxöz,after the physician had oper-
ated the man (in the bowels) he closed over again his
flesh. It is difficult to find out whether the term
is -oom- or -ohom-, as one will hear both forms, and
tere seems to be no difference in meaning. Naoomoha, I
c., enclose it; naoomòno, I c., enclose one; see sur-
round; emamovho tàzeo, they (or.) come closer together,
meet; nahōna, I c.it (a door); hōnoz, c.it! Ehōoz,it
has become closed; nahōnheto, I forbid one, (lit.I c.
one, by saying); nahōnesta, I forbid it; see forbid.Na-
hōnesetan, I c.in thot, against, exclude, shun (in thot);
hōnesetanotovsz havseveva, c.my thot from evil, exclude
evil from my thot; see exclude. Naeshon, I c. (as a
drawer), push in; see push; inf.-hox- c.by; nahoxoe, I
sit.c.by; nahoxoaovo, I make one to be c.by; ehoxoa-
ovàzeo, they (or.) are c.together; ehoxoaovàzettonsz,
they (in.) are c.together, crowding; nahoxatamo, I am
c.to one (in the sense of friendship, acquaintance);
tahoxhoe, sit c. together! Toxetto,c along, along the
edge; see border; ehoxhōsta,it hangs c.; ehoxhōsz,one
(or.) hangs, is suspended c.to; napâehoe, I stand stay
c.(also cling); napâehoetovo, I stay, stand c. to one
(or.); napâehoeta, I stay c.to it; inf.-pâe- =c., ad-
hering, clinging side by side; hence: hovanē nasaapâe-
maheonetovahe, there is no God besides me,side by side
with me; pâetto,c.by; pâemeo, the road c. by, side by
side; napâehozeohetovo, I work c.besides one; napâeho-
zeohetomovo hesthoeo, I work c.besides one's field; ae
or hahetto,c.,near by; see near; natoxpotaoho, I c. by
inserting a finger into one's wound, c.a hole by in-
serting a finger; see insert, stick into; natoxpozeōs -
tòno, I c. up, by inserting (with instr., as a bullet
hole,or the nose); nahooetovo, I c.up on one, grapple
with one; also naxahooetovo, I simply c.upon one; inf.
-hoxs- =c.against, adjoining; ehoxstota, it sets c.
against; see lean; inf. -kas- or -ka- c., short in
time,size or distance; kaks (detached term), not dis-
tant; nakaōsan, I see c., from near, not distant; nakaō-
mo, I see one c., from near at hand; nakaōxta, I see it
from c.; nakaoexova, I mow c., short; see short; naéno-
ēta,I c.a doing, performance, ceremonial; ēšénoētasto-
ve, the performance is closed; naéneēsz,I c.my speech,
end it; zetoshešeénemsestov, towards the c. of the
meal, feast; enahan evešeénstonstov, in this, wise the
cerencmonial is closed, at the end. Inf. -én- denotes
the ending, cutting off. Pevoētastovå evešeéneoz he-
vostanehevestoz, his life closed in deeds of kindness.
Naakavana, I c.it, by folding (like a pocket knife);
akavaneomozc, closing, folding knife; emōsetto, secret-
ly,c.privacy; evovoxbonae, one is c., strict, searching;
navovoxbonenòztovo, I have one under c.scrutiny; lit.I
ask one searchingly; evenaheškos, one is c. stingy;
enxpotomeoz hotoma heto mhayo, it is c., stifling in-
side this house; enhaston, it is closed, forbidden, ta-
boed (by religion); zexoveva ehōstomohestov emónes-
toz, at present the hunting is closed, forbidden; see
forbid; ehekonetaoe, it fits (is fitted) closely; na-
hekonetaōe, it fits me closely, tightly; see tight;
epâeveš (epâevšena), it (or one) lies c.by; epanota, it
sets c.by.
closet, zeceneota zexhōsanevoss
ēs'anistoto, c. for
clothing (not movable, built in the house); kae-
mestoz was a former name for kitchen c.or cabinet; at
present the term "vehoseo", chest, is used; evehoseone-
ve, it is a c.(movable); vehoseonoz,(pl.); mesekamha-
yo,c., prvy; emesekamhayoneve, it is a c., water c.
clot, mome evoxz,c.of blood; mome evoxzz, clots of blood;
emomeevoxzeve,it is a c. of blood; heševoxz,c.of
dirt, mud.
cloth, šeon (or.),c.of calico or muslin; šeonoz (in.),
rags; ešeononeve, it is c.; šeononeva, with a c.;
moxtavšeon, black c.; moxtavšeon zehaōemsz, black c.
which is expensive (broadcloth); moxtavšeon zeōcea-
taz, black c. which is smooth (also used for broad-
cloth); eōceata, it (or.) is smooth (speaking of c.
like broadcloth); emooa(or.),it is rough (cloth); ze-
mooaz, the rough one (cloth); esiškohotova, it (or.) is
smooth, sleek (like fur); nitavszea, this is applied to
the broadcloth which Ch.used for special heavy blank-
ets,with a bright colored line on the selvage edge;
voxpemonati (or.), white sheeting, used for light
blankets in summer time; otatavšeon zecceataz, blue
broadcloth; zemaetaz šeon, red c., calico; kakoešeon,
thin c., calico; šeon zemeovaz, fuzzy c.; ēvašeon, wool-
en c.[besides the regular term "voxpēva",ēva is also
used for cotton, because the Ind. called the cotton
"wool", it being similar to sheep's wool in appear-
ance]; tonovšeon, thick c., canvas c.; zeotōenovsz še-
on, cheese c., with holes thru it. Honeō,c., garb, wear-
ing apparel, also used in the figurative.
clothe, nahoneonaovo, I make one to be clothed; nahoneo-
naon, I am made to be clothed; nahoneovo, I c.it
(or.),put it (clothing) on,don it,wear it; [keep in
mind that c.is organic];nahone ovo is also used figur-
atively in the sense of "I put him on"; nha zehone-
ovóss nisimon, the ones who have familiar spirits; na-
honea, I am wearing it; Maheo ehonea xanovastoz na ho-
xeatamahestoz, or Maheo ehoneon xanovastovå na hoxea-
tamahestovå, God is clothed in righteousness and holi-
ness; nahoneovo maxēszehen, I wear an overcoat; nahon-
eon, I am with clothes, clothed; zehethoneonetto enet-
honeon,as I am clothed he is; havs zehethoneonez, the
evil, bad which we have, are clothed with; namomeaevho-
neon, I have bloody clothes, am clothed in blood =I
have shed human blood, am a bloody man; zemaevhoneon-
etto,,the red, the blood I am clothed with, same mean-
ing as the preceding term; namakätaevhoneon, I am
clothed with iron, (armor); evessenethoneon zehethon-
eonevoz, he is clothed as we are; namakätaevhone onaon,
I am clothed (done unto) with iron (armor); namakäta-
evhoneonaovo, I make one to be clothed with armor;
namakätaevsaneno, I c., dress one with iron apparel;
see dress; nahe thone onaovàz, I c. myself (my line,
course of clothing myself); nanethone onao vàz, this is
my way of clothing myself; nahoneoseho, I cause one to
c., dress; nahoneomevo, I c.one (dress him); naoneno, I
c.one, give him clothes; namononeno, I c.one (or.)
anew, with new clothes; see dress; naotōsthoneon, I am
strangely clothed.
clothes, honeō,c.(sg.,in.); honeōnoz,c.(pl., in.), natho-
neo, my c., apparel, wearing, garment; nathoneō-
noz, (pl.); nsthoneō, thy c.; hesthoneō, one's c.; nat-
honeōnehenan, our c.; nsthoneōnehevo, your c.; hestho-
neōnehevo, their c.; ehoneōneheve, it is clothes; ho-
neoneheva, with, by, etc.clothes;nahoneōnaovo, I make one
to have c.; esaahesthoneōnehevan, it is not clothes;
honeō is also used tropically to denote character,
sign, emblem; momeaevhoneō, bloody c.,bloody deed; meo-
evhoneō, war c.,armor, war apparel; makätaevhoneō, iron
c., armor; namahätaevhoneonaovo, I make one to be
clothed with iron apparel; see armor, coat, dress; ma-
hätaevsanistoz, iron c.,dress; emahätaevsanistov, it is
(they are) iron c., apparel; emahätavhoneōneheve,
is a war (iron) apparel; emeoevhoneōneheve, it is war
apparel,c.; nahoxe esan, I put my c.in order; nahes tho-
neōn, I have c.; meskonsanistoz, leather c.; evaevsani-
stoz,wool c.; ēs'anistoz, when ref. to the act of
dressing (the dressing, the clothing) is in.; but when
applied to "c., dress" it becomes or., and is often-
times written ēs'anistoto, which writer believes to be
the only proper or.form, while es'anistoz must be in.;
vokaevsanistoto,buckskin c.(for men); the ending -sa-
nistoto dress; vokaevhoneō, buckskin c.; evokaevhone-
ōneheve, they are buckskin c.(the term is sg.in
navokaevhoneon, I have buckskin c. on; navokaevsan, I
have buckskin dress on; meškonhoneō, leather (buffalo)
emeškonhoneōneheve, they are c. of buffalo (or
other leather); namseškonhoneon, I am clothed with
leather c.; pēsanistoto, ragged c.; mxastovsanistoto,
gorgeous c.; namxavstovsan, I am clothed sumptuously,
luxuriously, in full regalia; tāes'anistoto,suit of
c.; pavsanistoto,good c.; moenoevsanistoto, immune c.
(Ger.gefeite Kleider); moenoevhoneō,c., apparel which
makes one immune, invulnerable; zemoenoevhoneonesså,
those clad with immunity, invulnerability; namoenoev-
honeon, I am clad with immunity (Ger.ich bin gefeigt);
moonsanistoto, beautiful c.,dress; moonevhoneō, beauti-
ful c.; emoonevhoneon, one has on beautiful c.; maheo-
nevhoneō, godly, mysterious c.; maheonevsanistoto, god-
ly, sacred c.,dress; this has ref. to certain ceremo-
nial c.; especially was this the case during the
"Messias wave". Heto xanovevostanehevestoz zexheszho-
vaonez etahan maheonevhoneō tass zexhoneonaões Maheo,
this righteous living which has become our property
is the godly clothing with which God clothed us.
Different parts of clothing are: eszehe or eszehen,
shirt (also coat, jacket); àtono eszehen, under shirt,
underwear (ref.to the shirt part); see coat; vešeese-
noestoto, pants, drawer; for the last the term àtono
vešeēsenoestoto (under pants) is also used; vohaenox-
toz, buckskin leggings; matovōanoxtoz,leggings, breech-
es (for men); mseškonoxtoz,leggings, breeches of buf-
falo (leather) skin (for men); màtohono, woman legging;
vohaenoxtohononoz, woman's buckskin leggings; mseškon-
oxtohononoz, woman buffalo (leather) leggings; v(h)õe-
stato,belt; hēma, mantle; maxēszehen, overcoat; voxpe-
monat, sheeting (for blanket or cloak); see cloak,coat;
hokot,necktie, collar or muffler; zezexhōma, shawl; vō-
stoz or hōestoto,woman's dress; vohaenõestoz, woman's
buckskin dress; vohaevozevõestoz, same as preceding
term, only ref.to fringes, fringed buckskin dress; mes-
konhōestoz, buffalo, leather dress (woman's); eszehe
zeotaevaoxtov, vest; (the parts of clothing are or.).
clothing, see clothes; nasaahes thoneōneheva, I am with-
out c.(quality, condition); nasaahes thoneōné, I
have no c.; nahesthoneōn, I have c.; zehexovhoneonaōs
nioxcevéōhatamo, do not judge him according to his c.
cloud, voe; vosz, clouds; evoeve, it is a c.; evoeveoxz,
it is getting cloudy; ehanovevoeve, it is a dense
c. (thick cloud); voeva,in the c.; the word for sky
is practically the same as for c., at least no dis-
tinction is made at present, but writer thinks that
the term for sky has a shorter "o". Voe eneehōsta, the
c.banks up; eamha voe, the c.is flying fast; voe eama-
esta, the c.is drifting; eahavoeoxz, it blows clouds;
eookovoeoxz, it clouds for rain; eōvoonoeoxz, it c. for
a steady rain, nimbus; eneohae voe, the c.is rising,
like a cumulus; voe emasomoxta eoxz, the c. turns
black; zetonov voeva, in a thick c.; eōmomano, the
clouds are spreading; ehōstonevoeoxz, it c.foretell-
ing. This term was given by an old Ch. (Flathead) now
dead. He said to writer that "events could be fore-
told by certain formations of clouds, especially at
sunup and sunset; not only the shape but also the
color of such c. formations had meanings, which only
certain priests understood". The same priests had al-
so classified the stars into groups and knew by them
certain events. These Ch.astrologers are now practi-
cally extinct. Hetane voeo, Cloud-men, name given to the
Arapahoe Indians; eonšeōstaå, the clouds break apart
(swiftly); eoninxaå voe, the clouds break apart; also
eonšeoz voe; enešepoeõstaå the clouds segregate, it
clears up; emomenohōsta voe, the c.is grouping apart,
segregating; enešehotxaå, the clouds are clearing;
ehekotxoeoxz, it is sheep clouds; voe enmehōstaå, the
c. (or clouds) apears, comes up; enxavoxpōmano etoseto-
netto,it looks clouding white for cold; voe eamhosta,
a c.flies, passes over; voe eanoshōmoesta, the c. hangs
down; eōmevoeoz, it becomes clouded over (as the sun,
moon, star or high mountain); eàtoeneoz, it becomes
hidden by the c.; also eomhōsta or eōmaå, it becomes
clouded (hidden by clouds); voeva etataevoneoz, one
disappears in the clouds; eanistaeševoeoxz, it clouds,
fog like, small thin trailing clouds; [anstaes, thin
fog trailing up creeks in the evening or early morn-
ing]; voe zistomsehoe, cumulus c.(standing like a wall
or pillar); enxamaehōstaå voe, the c.is obviously
banking up; enemhâeoz, it is clouding all over; exama-
mhâeoxz,it simply is getting clouded all over; eheko-
nemhâeoz, it is clouded all over (to stay so); voe eo-
omhōsta, the c. (or clouds) close up, come together; vo-
ea, like a c.; voea ehoešehao hakotao, like a c.they
come flying, the grasshoppers; voe emaxenševhōstaå
voe, the c. is flying swiftly; emomohetaevene, one's
brow is clouded, one frowns; see frown; ezevatoeō, it
is a c. of dust; see dust; eešeō, it is a c.of vapor;
esitova, it is a c. of smoke; when c. denotes "multi-
tude" (ref. to people) suff.-tanevo is used,e.g.emax-
hãetanevo or ehaetanevo, or emohētanevo,a great multi-
tude, a c. of people; see multitude; hoosea ehešemcx-
tavo voe, the c.is black like coal.
cloven, see cleave, cleft.
club, evaohevo, cudgel; evaohevo navešehōmo, I c.one;
lit.I strike one with a c.; ; see organization.
clump, see lump; zemomenooxzesz,a c.of shrubs, bushes;
see cluster.
clumsy, exama-ahanenova, one is c., slow;
avota, one is
clumsiness, slowness.
c.; xamaahanenovastoz,
cluster, nokov hòpāehemenoz, a c.of grapes; zemomeno-
pavszeavoóesz, a c.of flowers; zemomenohestae-
natto, a c. of branches; zemomenokósz, a c.,bunch
grass; zemomenooxz, a c., clump of bushes; emomenokov-
hōstansz, they (in.) hang in clusters. Inf.-momeno-
in bunches, groups; momenchastoz,c., group; emomenoha-
eo,they (or.) group,c.together; see group
clutch, natonoe, I c.,holding at; natonoetovo, I hold
to one (or.); natonoeta, I c.it; tonoestoz,c.,
hold; nahotàno, I c.at one (or.), claw him; hotanovà-
toz, the clutching.
clyster, see injection.
coach, naaneemo, I c., train one;
naaneeva, I c.,train;
see training; maxemoktavamo eneo, large buggy
or carriage; also zenišetaxeseestovsz (or -tovaz)
moktavamo eneo two seated topbuggy.
coagulate, eheoseoz, it coagulates; hēosemáe, coagulated
blood; heoseamsc, coagulated, congealed oil;
heosevisc, coagulated fat.
coagulation, heoseozistoz, the becoming hardened (of li-
quid substance).
coal, hoos; hoestahoos, charcoal; nahoxtova hoos, I trade
c.; zenxestovoe, living c.; also zenosestovoe; see
fire; mhahaoxz hoos, a lump of coal; hoosea enešemox-
tavae, one is black as c.; hoosea ehešemoxtavo, it is
black like coal; hoos (or mooxzenistoz) nimetanenon,
we are given coal victory; this ref. to the painting
black (with dead coals) after a victory in battle.
[A dead coal being black and harmless, no more hot].
coalesce, see blend.
coalition, vhestamaozistovazistoz, the becoming allies;
mamovho tàzistoz zèmanovistämazistov, the meet-
ing together to help each other.
coarse, emooa, it is c.,rough (or.sp. of cloth) emoovess,
it is c.hair; emoonehe, it is c.thread, rope, etc.,
(or.); inf,-moo- =c., rough. epepea, it is c.,rough, not
smooth,not ordered; emahaemenoe, it is c.grained; ehes-
kovoae, it is c.,gritty (with points); heskovoaeta,
it (or.sp.of stones, etc.) is c., gritty;
hetan,c., uncouth man, ill bred; ehavseveešeeseoneve,
one is c.,ill bred, not well brot up; see bred; zehav-
seva mesestoz,c., bad food; esaamomeno vahe, one is
not nice or fine.
coast, seetto zeametoxehå
zèmhaōmoeha, the coast of the
ocean; lit. the incline bordering the great body
of water; see beach, border; nasevano, I c., slide; se-
vanoxtoz, the coasting, sliding; see slide; etoxeamō-
hesz zeametoxehaz zèmhaōmoehaz, he ships (sails) along
the c.
coat, eszhehen,c.or jacket, shirt; in former days the
Ch.men wore usually nothing from the waist up, ex-
cept in cold weather or by festival, when the buckskin
shirt or coat was worn. Even in very cold weather
writer saw old men with only a buffalo robe on, when
going outside. The women had no coat over their dress-
es. Naeszehen, my c.; naeszehenaneo, our coats; niesze-
henevō, your coats; maxeēszehen, big, or overcoat; ĕse-
eszehen, long c.; tahoces zehen, outer c.; hoxcaēszehen,
hooded c.; also zeseeszehe zenomaestoxcaz, long c.pro-
vided with a cap; heozēszehe, c.with storm collar; tō-
voxēszehe, army c.with cape; tonoveszehen, thick c.;
toxenōheveeszehen, embroidered c. or bound with tape;
namahätaseszehen, I put on a c.of mail; namahätasesze-
henano, I put on him a c.of mail; namahätaneseszehen, I
take off my c.of mail; namahätaneseszehenano, I take
off his c.of mail. Heoveeszehen, Yellow-c. (pr.name)
Mahatȧeszehen, Troncoat (pr.name); Eoxsēszehen, Turncoat
(pr. name). Eeszehenove, it is a c.; naeszehena, I am
with c.,shirted; eoxae naeszehen, my c.is torn;
zehenaovo, I provide one with a c., make him to be
coated; heeszehenovå enoèn, he carries it in his c.;
naseszehenano, I put a c. on one (or.); naseszehen, I
put on my c. Formely only men used this term, but as
women begin to wear coats or sweaters, there is a rea-
son for them to speak as the men. Naneseeszehen, I
take off my c.; naneseeszehenano, I take off one's c.,
"uncoat him". Oftentimes, especially now, the word "es-
zehen" is shortened to "eszehe" and even to "eszé"
Emetonotto eszeheno, he gives one a c.; nametonotto
eszehen zepevovxtavsz I gave him a c. of beautiful
color; emezenotto eszeheno zehaestxnovxtaveziss, he
was given a multicolored c.; namomeae všemamo
hen, I dip one's c.in blood, I make one's c.bloody (by
putting it in blood). See clothes. Noka navoxpôn, I
paint one c. (to give one c.of color); nixa navoxpoha
namhayo, I give my house two coats of painting.
coax, naōešenoto,I c., persuade one (or.); na vonhosemo, I
c., influence one (or.) with word; napavevamo, I c.,
urge one (or.) to be good; for the endings -vamo
(or.),and -vàta (in.) see persuasive m.in Ch.gr. Also
see blandish, flatter. Naōešenỏsého or naõešenỏxsého,
I cause one (or.) to be coaxed, persuaded; niõešenota
zistoseveoxzemoss, he coaxed thee to go with him; eõe-
šenohe havseveva, he was coaxed in the evil; õešenota-
zistovå evešhesseavao, he fell thru coaxing (fig.);
esaatonšeõešenoehe zeto hetan, this man cannot be
coaxed; õešenoxsohe, the coaxer, the cause of coaxing;
eōešenxsoheoneve, he is a coaxer, a blandisher.
cob, hookoxz zeešeõene, corn c., corn ear which is shell-
ed; see corn.
cobblestone, hohonaxc; see stone.
cobweb, see spider and web.
cock, naēsto tana mahatano, I c.the gun; ehotovotane, it
is uncocked (see bow); eniscesta, he cocks, pricks
his ears; hetanekokoeax,c,rooster; hetanemaxen, turkey
c.,gobbler. Hetan =male and can be prefixed (some-
times suffixed) to names of birds. See tilt.
cocoon, nisimōnevehaneo, c., medecine bag (because of si-
milarity to a certain medecine bag).
coerce, namomátavonhos emo, I force one (or.) by words;
namomátaešenoto, I c.one, also namo máta-õešenoto;
nahešetxeovo, I c.one, force upon one; momátahestovå, by
coercion, violence. Inf. -hoko- or ešhoko-, implies
must",coercion, force, but usually inf. -momáta- by
force, violence, is used; namomátahozeohesého, I make
one (or.) work by coercion, force; naešhokoaxaemeoz, I
am forced to cry, cannot help it. See force,coax.
coffee, mataocemenoz, c.beans; term derived from acorns,
which formerly were roasted and used by the Ch.;
mata =woods +-oce- little oval round + menoz =ber-
ries; mataocemenósz would be the name for c.trees;
emataocemenóeve, it is a c.tree, shrub; emataocemeneve,
it is a c.bean; emataocemenevensz, they are c.beans;
mataocemeneva eveàzeo hohonaxceo, among the c.beans
there are little stones; motxoemenoz, a tree growing
in Oklahoma and commonly called c.tree; it has large,
beanlike pods hanging from its branches. Zehóesz ma-
taocemenoz, green c.beans; zsaae šepânoehanehēsz matao-
cemenoz,not yet roasted c.beans; napânoxtanoz matao-
cemenoz, I roast c.beans; pa- refers to flat surface +
-hono- to roast +-xtanoz, them (in.); ēšepânoensz
mataocemenoz, the c. beans are roasted; zeešepânoēsz
mataocemenoz, after (past) the c. beans are roasted;
esaapave-pânoehanehensz mataocemenoz, the c.beans are
not well roasted; napeenanoz mataocemenoz, I grind c.
beans; ēšepeenensz mataocemenoz, the c. beans are
ground; zeešepeenesz mataocemenoz, after (past) the c.
beans have been ground; peeneo, grinder, c.mill; epee-
neoneve, it is a grinder, c.mill; moxtavhòp, c. (liquid);
moxta- black + -hòp- =melted, made liquid; emoxtav-
hòpeva,in,with, thru the c.; naexáta or naexâha mox-
tavhòp, I prepare C.; ensoomeha moxtavhòp, the c.is
warming or is hot; enxatoomeha moxtavhòp, the c.is be-
ing prepared, is getting ready; see cook, warm. Neeme-
tōvhòp,c.unsweetened (lit.bare c.); matanaemoxtavhòp,
café au lait (c.mixed with milk); moxtavaeo, c.pot;
emoxtavaeoneve, it is a c. pot; nanomen moxtavhòp, I
drink c.[naman, I drink water]; epeveeno moxtavhòp, the
c.tastes good; zehaemoxtavome moxtavhòp, strong c.;
vehoestoz; evehoestove, it is a c.; vehoestotoz,
coffins; naēsēnano vehoestovå, I lay him in the
cog, hevēs, its c.,tooth.
cogitate, naōhetanona, I am cogitating, thinking, musing;
naēveōhetan, I am engaged in cogitating, think-
ing; see think, consider; naēveōhaetanota, I c.about
it, consider it.
cogitation, õhetanonàtoz, the cogitating;
cognate, see relationship; zehe võhestovemazesso, the c.
ones (connected by blood or birth); ehevchesto-
vetovazeo, they are cognate, related. See relate.
cognition, noxtovheneenovetanoxtoz, the faculty of know-
ing; noxtovetanoxtoz, the ability of knowing,
(Ger.Vermögen). See know.
cognizance,nšheneenovastoz; see know.
cohabit, navisthozemo, I c., camp with one; nacxceveamo, I
c.with one (as husband and wife).
coherent, epavemano onetto, it is c.,well connected; he-
ēszistoz epavemanoonetto, his speech is C.,
well c.; esaapavenoonettan, it is incoherent, not
related together; inf.-noone- in connection, in line
with; enoone-hooxtahan, he narrates coherently; inf.
-manoon (e)- connected, fitted together, in coherence;
epavemanoonston, he built well connected, coherently.
See connect, relate, fit together.
cohere, see adhere, cleave,stick. Ehekonemanoonettonsz,
they (in.) c.,connect strongly together; epâeo-
zetovàzettonsz, they c.,cleave to each other.
cohesive, see adhesive.
cohesion, pavemanoonestoz, the being well connected, fit-
ted together; pâeozistoz, the cleaving to.
coil, eonistakoneeoz, it gets coiled; šišinovoz eonista-
emaeš, the rattle snake lies coiled; evoxceoneš, it
(or.) lies coiled,like figure 8; eonistaemaene, it
(or one) is coiled in a heap; namomekanoneano, I c. a
rope [nasèponeano, I uncoil the rope (or.)]; naonista-
koano, I c.it (or.) into a ball; naonistakoneano, I c.
the rope into a ball; [naevhašexotoano, I unwind the
rope]; see wind. Eonimataevoxq or eonimotaevoxq, it
coils up, winds up spirally; zeonimotaevoxceoz, that
which is coiled, wound spirally; see spool, spiral.
coin, tómakätansz, the very metal, the coins; makät means
metal, and when applied to money it meant coins, but
now the word makät is also used for paper money. Xa-
mamakätansz nametaenoz, he gave me money in coins (na-
tural, genuine monies). Makätansz eoxcepäozesehensz,
monies are coined, printed.
coincide, is rendered by inf. -sē-
=the same; also de-
tached term "seetoes" at the same time; esẽ-
heznetto, it coincides, agrees together.
colander, šenōvaneo; see filter, sifter. Ešenovaneoneve,
it is a
is a c.; šenōvaneoneva, with a c.
cold, rendered by inf.-to- c.,cool, chilly; inf.-ton- =
growing c.;
c.weather; suff.-os ref.to c., freezing.
is c.(temperature); etavetonetto, it is
etaveoxcetonetto, it is bitter c. etoneshaa, it is a
c.wind; hotonšohaetonetto, in spite of severe c.weath-
er; hotonetaå, when there is a c.wind; estōno and es-
tōneoxz, the c. subsides; etapoetonetto, the c.is over-
come, has subsided; estonooz, it (weather) changes to
c.; tonōeva, in the fall, turning
to c.; etoōme,it is
c.(liquids); etoōva, it is c. water; etōeoxz, one (or.
and in.) is getting c., chilled; mehosanistoz etčeoxz,
the love gets c., chilled; etonōeo, they (or.) are
staying, camping at a chilly,c.place; etōeona,one has
a c.hand; etōeonaoz, one gets c. handed; natōeàta, I
have c., chilly feet; etōeszea, one has a c.head; etõe-
ha,it (something, as food) is c.; etōešen, they (or.,as
potatoes, tomatoes) lie c.; etonoxtōeo, they (or.) set,
stand c.; etonoxtota, it sets, stands c.; etoōmota, it
sets c.(sp.of liquids in vessels); etoōmeha,it is
body of liquid; tonos omoto,c.boiled meat; etonoxthō-
sta hoevoxköz, the meat is hanging c. (uncooked); eka-
tōeoz,it bends up from c. (of toes, etc.); eoxcetõeome-
eoxz, the lodge, tent, home, house is growing colder;
rad.-eom ref.to dwelling (not the place but the home
lodge gets warm]; nana-
as dwelling); [enšeomeó, the
tos, I am c.; eahanos, one (or.) is c., freezing to death,
extremely c.; (inf.ahan- extremely, overwhelmingly);
naohaos, I am very c.; naeàtovos, I have a c. foot;
naoeàtavoss, I have c.feet; when inf.-naze- (=killing
c.) is used it denotes "freezing"; see freeze. Often-
times in Ch. the suff. -os ref. not to actual freezing
but denotes intense
Nanazeonaos, my hands are
getting freezing c.; naanovàtanos, my feet are
ing c.; nanazeàtavos, my feet are getting frozen;
veoxcēstavos, my ears are bitter c.; ehēoseoz,it gets
c., congealed, coagulated; naomomos, I cry from c.; inf.
- omom- =wail, weep; nanonomos, I shiver from c.; nano-
monos, I am drowsy from c.; zehešenonomos na zèno-no-
monos eomomos, being shivering and sleepy from c. he
cries from c.; naaveōstos, I fall over from c.; tone-
tovanestoz, the c.weather. Naèhaevomoxta, I have a c.;
naehaevomoxtaeoz, I get a c.; naèhaeoz, I have a c.,
cough. "Ohōemaha" is the personification of cold. He
was supposed to live in the far northland, coming on
southward with an icy breath. Woe to the lodge which
had no provisions
provisions of fuel and food! Ohōemaha's icy
breath would chill to death the fireless home and the
foodless body, rejoicing to find lodges where there
was neither fuel nor food! It used to be the custom,
especially when blizzards were oncoming, to take a
wooden stick, jab it into a piece of meat, rush Ouside
of the lodge and say: See! See! Ohōemaha, we have food
and fuel! And the grim man from the northland could
not harm there, but would vent his cold blast on less
fortunate beings. Another personification of cold or
rather blizzard is "Vocem". But this is more recent
and the name Vocem seems to have been applied to the
blizzard from a man of that name who died in a snow
colic, momoxtotastoz, ref.to griping of bowels;
totaoz, one has c.; emomoxtô ta, one is colicky. See
dysentry, stool.
collapse, emasóanaotto, it falls of a sudden; emasóonen-
šenoonetto, it collapses, falls apart (where
parts were fitted, connected with each other); eavev-
hota,it collapses, falls in a heap; eavevoe, one col-
lapses, falls in a heap; namasóavevoeoz, I c.,fall in a
heap of a sudden; naaveoz,I c., break down in
naaveōstos, I c.from c.; esxseveoz, one collapses, be-
comes exhausted; esxsevomoxta, one's health collapses;
sxseveozistoz, the becoming collapsed, exhausted; sxse-
vomoxtastoz or aveozistoz or avemoxtastoz, the
well feeling, breaking down in health. See fall.
collar, vohomeeszehen, shirt c.; hootanohamestotoz,horse
collars; ehootanohamestov, it is a horse c.; voo-
tanohamestcz is another name for horse c.; nahevoota-
nohamestov, I have horse collars; navootanaovo, I put a
c.on him; also nahootanaovo and nahevootanaovo, I put
a c.on one (or.), put something around one's neck; ēš-
evotanaoe, he has a c. on; naeševootanoham, I have put
the c.on (the horse); hoota,c., muffler; hokota, small
c.,necktie; see neck. Nazemēn, c.bone; naemēnevaoseš, I
broke my c.bone; naonehavootanoham, I take off the
(from horses); naonehavootanaovo, I take off the c.,
collect, rendered by rad. -mohe- and -mohē- =gather,
bunch together; q.v. Namohenen, I c.,gather; na-
mohēnen, I c.in a body; namohenanoz, I c.them (in.); na-
mohenō, I c. them (or.); namohenomevo, I c.for one
(or.); makätaemohēneneheo, money or tax collector; mo-
hēnenistoz, the collecting,c.; namoheana, I c.,gather
it; see gather; nahovxtsan, I c., heap up;
noz,I c.,store them (in.); ehaomos, one is collected,
cool,calm; emomenohaeo, they are collected in groups,
congregations. Emohēoxzeo, they (or.) c.together; na-
mohēonōmō, I c.them (or.) by calling them; see gather,
collection, mohenenistoz; emohēešemeatovensz,gifts have
been collected, a c.of gifts; mohēoxzistoz,
c.,gathering; hovxtxistoz, c. of writings; inf.-hovx-
implies the meaning of collecting for keeping, stor-
collective, rendered by inf.-mano- together; -mohē- =
collectively; inf.-e- denotes to "at together";etaoē-
tanov, they arrive at it,attain it together; eamēhesto-
ve, there is a journeying, moving together (Fr. ensemble)
as a collection of individuals. See all,together.
collector, mohenenereo; mohenenhetan, the man c с ; nha
zemohenensz, the one who collects. Hovxtsane-
heo,c., one who stores up; ehovxtsaneheoneve, he is a
c.; see store, lay up.
college, mxistonemhayo, schoolhouse; q.v.
collide, nanhaéa,I c. with it; nanhaéovo, I c.with one
(or.); zenhaéom, that with which I collided; nha
zenhaéōs, the one who collided with me; zetohetaenhaé-
ōetto, all that befalls, comes against, collides with
collision, nhaéovazistoz, mutual c.; nìnixasz maatame on-
oz èmasónhaéo vàzettonsz, both trains collided
with each other; maatameo oxnhaéovazistovēsz, when a
c.of trains occurs; amōheszistoz oxnhaéovazistovēsz,
c.of boats.
colon, zevoxkxec; see punctuation.
color, v.navoxpôn, I c., paint, with instr. (the rad.ref.to
white color, but is used in general); navoxpoha, I
paint it; see dye, paint; ramaeneoz, I c.,blush; suff.
-vxtav =colored; epevovxtav, it has a good c.
is well
colored; zepavevxtavesso, the nice, well colored ones
(or.,not ref.to fur bearing animals); ehaestxnovxtav,
it is multicolored; ehavsevevxtav, it has an ugly c.;
heovasz ehešezeavoóevensz zehaestxnovxtavēsz, they
(in.) are all sorts of flowers of many colors. Móeea
eheševxtav, it is like grass in c.; zeheševxtavs hōma,
nasaaheneenomovohe, I do not know the c. of the robe
(suff.-movo- it his, robe being or.).
color, n.suff.-oetto to c.names indicates the c.as ma-
terial or paint. Zeheovaneotto, melon or brick c.;
zehaheovoetto, deep yellow c.; zemaomaoxzevoetto, pink
c.; zevoxpheovoetto, straw c.; zeoxoxzheovoetto, tur-
quoise c.; zehaeotatavoetto, deep blue c.; zeoseotata-
voetto, peacock blue c.; zeosemakomaoxzevoetto, magnen-
ta c.; zexamaheo voetto, natural yellow c.; zepooetto,
gray c.; zehešieevheovkoetto, fawn, dust c zeoxkoso-
etto,maroon; zemoxtavoetto, black c.; zevoxpoetto,
white c.; zeoxzevoetto, green c.; zemaevoetto, red;
etc. etc.; any combination of color can suffix -oetto
to designate the c.material,(the above names ref.to
paint or color material).- In colors the diminutive
form (usually indicated by letter "k") ref. to little
or light. Zevoom, zevokom, white; zemoxtav, zemoktav,
black; zemao, zemaq,red; zeheovů, zeheovoq,yellow; zeo-
xoxzev, zeoxoxkozev, grass c., green; zepoov, zepokov,
gray; zeotatav, blue; zeheovemao, zeheovemaq,orange
red; zeneamaneheov, cherry, turning to red yellow; ze-
otatavepoq, turquoise, blue gray; zeheovepoq, gray yel-
low; zeneamaneotatav, Antwerp blue; zeneamanemoktav,
seal brown; zeneamanepoq, café au lait, grayish yellow;
zeneamaneoxkostav, mauve, brownish blue; zeneamaneta-
tav, apple green; inf. -neamane- =turning to intenser
shade; zemäase-onevxtav, purple; zeosepoq,drab; zemox-
taveotatav, sapphire, dark blue; zehòpazenavxtav, violet
(grape color); zeaestomeveoevxtav, dove, ashen;
zeovxtav,dark yellowish, salmon pink; zeotatatav-mäa-
seonevxtav,lilac; zémaomaoxzevxtav, pink; zeosemakoma-
oxzevxtav, magenta, rose; zeosozemaoxzevxtav, helio-
trope; zenanivsemaktav, scarlet; zepoktav, pearl gray;
zeosezemaeovxtav, melon; zeoseoxoxzev, olive green; ze-
xaoxceamenoevxtav; robbin's egg blue; zepoeotatav,
lavender; zeoxemaeo, claret; zexamaheov, corn C.;
zeoxoxzeotatav, lyan blue; zeoseheovoxq, lemon; zem-
zemsiskanema, terra cotta;
zemsiskan, brownish, reddish brown; zevokomeov, canary;
zehešieeveovok, fawn, dust c.; zeheszeemaq, cardinal;
Zeosepoeotatav, gobblin blue; zepoevokom, buff;
koss,maroon, reddish brown,mahogany. The inf.-ose-
dull red, reddish brown; heovone, deep yellow, yellow
III, (see Standard Dic.); toxtoheovone, prairie yellow,
corn c. The above are really participle forms of c.of
in.objects. When ref.is made to the c.only, or hue the
suff.-vxtav is used for all colors except white, while
black and blue keep their ending -tav. Zemaktav, red
c.,tint,hue; zeotatav, blue c., tint, hue; zemoktav,
black c.; zepoktav, grayish tint; zeoxoxzevxtav, green
c.,tint,hue; zemsiskanemaktav, terra cotta c.,tint,
hue; zeheovxtav, yellow c., tint, hue; zeoxkosovxtav, ma-
roon tint, hue; etc.,etc.- Color infixes are follow-
siskan,ochre, leather c.;
ing; vokom- and -voom- =white; -mae- and -mak- or
-mace- red; (h)eove- and -(h)eovok- or -(h)eovce- =
yellow; -moxtave- and -moktave- black; -oxoxze- and
-oxoxkoze- =green; -otatave- =blue; -msiskane-
ochre. Evokom, it is white (in.); evokomae, one (or.)
is white,(diminutive form); hovae zevokom,something
white; hōma zevoomaesz, a white robe (or); evoomsan,
one is clad in white; evoxpōme, it is whitish (li-
quid); evokomova,it (fur bearing animals and birds)
is white; evokomovatto, it is white (of furs); evokom-
eoxz, it is getting white; evokomaneoetto, it whitens
(sp.of c.material, as chalk, etc., which by contact will
whiten other objects); evoxpovōna,it is a white morn-
ing; evokomanēo,it or one turns white (by process of
time); evokomaneoz, it or one turns white, gets whit-
ish; evokomene, one has a white face; voxpeexansz,
white eyes; voomhoneō, white clothes; vokomšeon, white
cloth; navokomana, I whiten it; navokomano,I whiten
one. A great amount of other combinations can be
made, but the above will suffice to show how they
formed, and each color will come in its alphabetical
Colors of animals are as follows: evovo-
as,it is white spotted; emoktaevovoas, it is black and
white spotted; eheovevovoas, it is yellow
it is yellow and white
spotted; emaevovoas, it is red and white spotted; exa-
manovaevovoas, it is red brown and white spotted; ео-
tatavevovoas, it is blue and white spotted; emonevovo-
as, it is dead grass and white spotted;
voas, it is iron gray and white spotted; emoktavehema,
it is speckled black on white; emacehema, it is red
speckled; eheovcehema, it is yellow speckled; eotatav-
ehema,it is blue speckled; emocevašhehema, it is dead
grass speckled; emoktavenehema, it is black speckled;
emoktavenehemenpohōn, it is black roan (speckled);
eheovcehemenpohōn; it is yellow, cherry roan; emacehe-
menpohōn, it is red roan; eotatavehemenpohon, it is
blue (iron gray) roan;
emocevašehemenpohōn, it
fawn,dead grass roan. The suff.-hemenpohōn =speckled.
For horse colors see horse. Altho above expressions
are translated by "it" they all refer to or.beings.
Emoxtavova, it (or.) has a black fur or plumage; emoe-
vatova, it has a fawn or dead grass fur; evokovova, it
has a white fur; emaova, it has a reddish fur, (bay
horse); eotatavova, it has a blue fur, plumage; eoxema-
tova, it has a deep red fur or plumage; eheovova, it
has a yellow fur; etonetova, what c.has it? (sp.of fur
bearing animals or birds); etonetovatto, what c.is the
fur, or how is it furred? oxcēsea ehešetova, it is fur-
red (meaning c.or substance) like a mouse; epoova, it
is gray fur. When c.ref.to round, cylindrical objects,
especially thread and rope, suff. -one is added,e.g.
emaoneeo sitoxceo, they (or.) are red strings, ropes;
emoktavone, it (or.) is black; eheovone, it is yellow;
epavevoxtavone, it is beatifully colored; zeto sitox-
ehaestxnovxtavoneeo, these strings are multicolor-
ed; eoxoxozevone, it is green (as yarn); evokomoneeo
sitoxceo, the strings are white.- Evoēs, one has a
white nose (animals); emaēs, one has a red nose; emox-
tavene, he has a black face; emaeoxtae, he has red
legs; emoxtavàtae, one has black feet; evoxpáe, one has
gray hair; eheová, she has yellow hair; emaová, one has
red hair; etc.; see hair.- Epapanooxtav,it is spot-
ted,blotched blue; ezeomaktav, it has small red spots,
dots; ezeomoktav, it has black dots; epapanooxoxzevx-
tav,it has large green spots, blotches; emacehehema, it
is red speckled; emacehehehemeoz, it becomes red spec-
kled, stained; nazemana, I stain it; zemoxtavoetto na-
zemana, I stain (in spots, speckles) with black c.,
paint; namaena, I stain it red;
stain it red; nameno kam namaeno, I
stain my willows
(used for
bedsteads and regarded
as or.) red; naoxoxzeveona, I have green hands (from
paint or stain); namaeveona, I have red hands (from red
paint or stain); eoxoxzevóó, the grass is green. Fol-
lowing are examples of pr.names combined with color:
Maevess, Redbird; Honioxmahāsz, Redwolf; Moxtavene,
Blackface; Maeoxta, Redleg; Otatavā, Blue; Hotoavoēs,
Whiteface-bull; Otatavēna, Bluefeather; Heoveexansz,
Yelloweyes; Heovemeàz, Yellowbeard; Heoveano, Yellow-
hawk; Heová, Yellowhair; Moktavhonehe, Blackwolf; Honi-
oxvokomāsz, Whitewolf; Voxpehoom, Whitecoyote; Voxpeno-
noma, Whitethunder; Voxpōheva, Whitenail, Whiteshield;
and many other names, q.v.-
The colors have an im-
portant symbolical meaning in the Ch.ceremonials, also
in their daily life. White, symbolizes life,light,
morning, spring, east; red, symbolizes fire, blood, heat,
summer, relation, life substance, center (in the sense
of heart); green, symbolizes growing life, youth,
happiness,and is connected with blue, which symbolizes
serenity, cloudlessness. Deep golden yellow symbol-
izes ripeness, perfection, beauty, sunset, west. This
color is prized by the Ch.and golden yellow hair is
considered the most beautiful. Black, symbolizes
inertia (from dead coal and night) and the north;
painting with black c.or coal signifies victory over
an enemy, also cessation of hostilities, peace. The Ch.
have different shades of colors with respective sym-
bolism, especially with the different hues of red
paint, the dark, dull red used in religious ceremonials
and bright red expressing love and joy. The color
arrangements in ornaments had also their symbolical
meaning. Where we say: "it is black, red, etc.with..."
implying objects(or.) lying on a surface (as water or
land) the Ch.say: "they lie black"; nãe emoxtavšenaō,
the surface is black with the dead; the in.form would
be: emoxtavēvansz, they (in.) lie black on something
(surface). ·
colt, mocenohamson, young c.;
mocenohamson hoxovoeson,
about six months old, after having shed their first
coat; oxtaenoham, one year old c.; monemohènoham, about
three years old c., young horse. See horse.
column, zetomseō,c.,pillar; enohovavonēoxzeo, they (or.)
march in a c.; see file, line, row.
Comanche, Šišinovozhetan; Šišinovozhetaneo, (pl.); Šiši-
novozhetaneno, habitat of the Comanches; Šiši-
novozhetanenszistoz, C.language; ešišinovozhetanensz,
he speaks C.; šišinovoz rattlesnake.
comb, nazeenèno, I c. one (instr. f.); nazeenehe, I am
combed; nahoxe eszeha, I am well combed, have a clean
head (the hair not yet braided); zeeneheeo,c.; ezee-.
nehẽoneve, it is a c.; kakoeoeseo,c.of chickens; zeni-
pōszehaz, the c., or rather crest of certain birds.
combat, rendered by suff.-tàz; ehetàzeo, they c.; tass
vostaneo ehešetàzeo, they c.like people; naohae-
tàzemo, I have a hard c.with one; nietazemaz, I.c.thee;
zeénetàzevoss, when they were done battling; naesetàz-
heme, we have a word c. (Ger. Wortgezank); hetàzistoz,
c., the battling; zehetàzesso, the ones battling; see
combination, nitovastoz, c. (state); nitoveozistoz,be-
coming combined; nitovetanoxtoz,c.of thots;
nitoveaenazistoz,c.of property; enitoveaeneoneve, it
is common, combined property; nitovanenistoz, the com-
bining; nitoveēszistoz,c. of words; nitovemxistones-
toz,c.of wrtings; nitovemanistoz,c.in making; nitov-
hoemanistoz,c.of law regulation; ehotoanatataheoneve,
it is a hard c.(ref.to locks); rad.-nitov- =together
as a whole, compact as one; nitovetto, the whole
concern as one.
combine, enitov, it combines; enitovonsz, they (in.) c.;
enitovaensz, they are combined (in.); enitovaeo,
they (or.) are combined; enitoveozensz, they get (in.)
combined; enitoveozeo, they (or.) become combined;
inf.-nitove- combined, together as a whole; nanitove-
aenanon, we own it combined, or in common; nitovetto,
combinedly, as one together; enitovemeseo, they c.to
eat; enitovaeo zetoseaeozetōezē, they are combined,
they who are going to attack us; nanitovana, I c.it,
compact it as one; nanitovano, I c.them (or.) to-
gether; ninitovhaônamå, we c.to pray,pray
in common;
enoae, it is combined, consists of; nanoana,I c.,put in
with; heto enooētastov, this is combined with a doing,
ceremonial; inf.-no- added, connected to; zehešepava-
es enootoxovae, he combines wisdom to kindness; lit.
being good he adds to it wisdom; inf.-mamov- to come
side by side, unite, meet; this however does not imply
fusion into one; namamovanàzheme zistoshozeohez, we
c., meet to work; emamovanàzeo vistōmàzistovå, they c.,
unite in marriage; zenšenahetotane-hoxovistavätto na-
nohoozenov, I c.the pleasure of travel with profit;
lit.while I an happily travelling I add advantage,
gain,profit. Inf.-mano- together, combined; emanohoe-
manec,they c.to make a law; see together.
combustion, see burn, fire.
is expressed in different ways; inf.-ho- =c. ar-
rive; inf. -nx- =c. from; inf.-nxhess- =c.
from cause, reason; inf. -nxhestoe- =c.from out of;
inf.-nox- coming toward; inf.; -nha- =come upon, un-
to; inf.-n(e)- =c.unto; inf.-me- to c.into view, ap-
pear. Nahoèn, I c.at, arrive from walking, or short
distance; nahoeoxz, I c. at, arrive, ref.to the whole
course of the coming; nahoeohe, I c.at, arrive (running
or in a rush); nahoènevo, nahoeoxzevo and nahoeohevo
nanoõheta,I c. to get it; naneevhâxz,I c. back from
there. Hokahé, come in, welcome! this was adopted from
the Arapahoe. T'sa ninšheme, where do you c.from? na-
meešenonaxetovo, I may c. at him, what I might do to
him; nahoeohetovo, I c. to one, running; epopexhovôo,
they (in.) c.slowly; naneamoxtå, I c.by it; naneamoto,
I c.by one, pass him; naneanhoèn naneanhôn, I c.down
from; nanxhesseneoxz, I c. for the reason, cause, be-
cause; nanmeoesthōèn, I c., appear from out of; emamov-
hotàzeo, they c.close to each other. Nanxho-hoeohetõe,
they came running to me; nanxhetōsemetõe, they fled to
me, came to me from there for refuge; nan'noxtōseme-
tõe, they are c.to me for refuge; ehoeháo
vecess, the
bird comes, arrives flying; nahoeháetova, he comes, ar-
rives flying to me; naneameháetova, he comes flying
towards me; en'niseháo, it is oncoming, flying; nanean-
hôháetõe vekseo, the birds c.down flying upon me; when
inf.-n- happens to come before a "t" an "s" is in-
serted as: manxhoeoxzz, when he shall have arrived;
of com-
manstoshoeoxzz, when he shall be at the point
ing, arriving; manstahoehotata, when he shall be coming
to meet thee; inf.-nox-, -noxze- and -noxta- denotes
"coming, oncoming towards a center"; hotoxc zehesze-
vaxsz ninstanoxtoesetõenesz, a comet shall be coming
(see star) towards us; nazen'noxtoesetõen hotoxc,a
star shall be coming towards us; nan'noxta-amevon'ne-
tova vèho, the spider is crawling towards me, or: nan'-
noxzota zeamevonensz vèho, it crawls coming towards
me, a spider; zenxhessemeàtov, where the gift (or
gifts) comes from; zenxhestävo, the place I c.,am
from; t'sa nanxhess-hepevomoxtastové, where from does
my health c.? etonšenhesso, how does it c. (how does it
happen)? etonšhoeoxzé, how does he c., arrive? Zenx-
hesshénevatova, where the light comes, radiates from;
see branch, radiate. Ehoenhesso, it comes, happens, ar-
rives thus (ref.); eszhesso, it came, happened this way
(pointing to); eanavhōemeoz, it comes down in value,
price (also or.); ehestoxènetto, it comes afterward;
nahestoxènetova, he comes after me; see follow.
follow. Nanx-
hessenēnahe, I am ordered to c.because.... ; nanxetox-
hoeoxz, I c.visiting from place to place; nanxhōxeva, I
c.from heralding; see go; heo zepevaeziss enxhestono-
etõe, he comes, decends from a good woman; ninxhestonē-
šenamå, we c.,descend from; ninxhénevonēšenamå, we c.,
branch out from; pavevostane o nanxhestonoetõe, I c.,
descend from good people; see descent,lineage; ēšhā-
ea, one has c.to age, is of age; esaaešhāeāhe, one has
not c.to, is not of age;
naneas, I c.off, start off a
place; naneaseoxzetovo, I came away from one (or.);
nanxhoxovèn, I came over (by crossing); nanitôxnehe,
c.short (state); nanitoxneoz, I c.short (becoming so);
they (or.) are in c., an organization, a body of peo-
ple; emomenonotxistov, they are groups, companies of
soldiers; emomenohaeo, they are (or.) in companies,
comparable, etaestovo, it is c., it equals to; etāestov-
hōeme,it (also or.) is c., in value, equals
to; esaatāestovatamanoenan, it is not c. to (of a
general view); esēta tanoxtov, it is c. (in thot,look);
esētatame, it is c., compared; esēexovatanoxtove, it is
c.,it "degrees" with; esēexovatame, it is compared
with, judged, if there is a sameness. See compare. Etā-
ohemestov, it is c.with (in likeness).
[ the
comparative, is rendered by different infixes when de-
signating higher or lower degree of quali-
ty. Inf.-hā- in high degree, intense; -ohã-
much; -maxohā- =greatly much; -tonocohã- =most in-
tensive, exceedingly much; -hèpe- =more than, farther
than, exceeding; epeva, it is good; ehèpepeva, it is
better, exceeds in goodness; eohāpeva, it is very good;
ehèpohāpeva, it is more than very good, it is exceed-
ingly good; ehāeā, he is old; ehèphaea, he is older;
oftentimes the inf.-hèp- is left out before -ha-, as:
nahāеāemo, I am older than he is; ehāeā nìniševoz, he
is older than both of us
ending -voz includes
the person spoken of, and is to be understood in this
wise: he has more years than both of us (sc. our
years)]. Ehèpetto,it is more; ehèpae, one (or.) is
more, greater); ehèpèn, he goes further; ehèp'netto,it
goes further, farther; ēšhèpeoz, it is past, has been
surpassed (beyond the time or place assigned or men-
tioned); ehèpexov, it is beyond the time; ehèpõeme, it
(also or.) is more worth; ehèpõemeo, they (or.) are
more worth; ehèphōsta,it hangs over, further, beyond a
certain point; ehèpoeoz, one is beyond his wits, gets
scared; hèpstoe can be used detachedly and also as
inf.; it denotes "more and more" or "more in a ser-
ies". Oešēva nahèpstômese, every day I eat more and
more; etahèpstômasanēoz, he is going to get more and
more crazy; hèpetto (detached) =more, farther, beyond.
Inf.-oham- more, in the sense of above, rather, some-
times even used for "most"; naohamemehoto, I rather
love him, or I love him the most; ohametto used de-
tachedly has more stress; ohametto nataneoxz I go
there in preference; a similar meaning is indicated
by the word "vovoz" (=first) used independently or as
inf.and usually in connection with the verb "-hesse-
tamo (or.)" or "-hessezta (in.)"; vovoz nahessetamo, I
prefer him I think, deem more of one than.... (Ger.
ich ziehe ihn vor....); navovozhesseztanoz, I prefer
them (in.) =I think,deem of them first or before....
(Ger.ich ziehe sie vor....); eohamepeva, it is prefer-
able,better, best; eohamepeva zeasetto, it is best I
start; eohameneševe havs, he rather does the bad; -ho-
soham still more, most; ohamstoe used detachedly and
-ohamstô- as inf. rather and rather, preferring again
and again; naohametan, I prefer (to give precedence in
the mind); inf.
inf. -nanose and nanosetto (detached) =
most, above all; enanosepeva, it is the best of all
"it beats
(similar to the expression:
all" in what-
ever sense it might be); enanotae, he is supreme; ena-
notōeme,it is most worthy; enanotōemeo, they (or.) are
most worthy; also evovõeme, one is first in value; na-
nanosetan, I think most of, give most attention (in
mind) to; nananosetanota, I think most of it; nanano-
setanotovo, I think most of one; nanosetanoxtoz, main
mental attention; nanano tazesta, I deem it most impor-
tant; nanano tatamo, I deem one most supreme. Inf. -no-
ce- the only one, alone; is also used in a superla-
tive meaning, e.g. enocepeva, it is the best; enocepe-
vaeo, they (or.) are the best, or the only good ones;
zeoxešhāenōhevoss enochavsevaez', he is the most evil
one among all; lit.altho they (or.) be many, he is the
only bad one. Inf.-ameos- is being used more detach-
edly and means "more so, still more". Soss, incorporat-
ed or by self, intently, intensely; soss navehōma, he
looks at me intently; Maheo soss zehemehotaez, since
God loved us so intensely. Novos (detached) =less,
behind not coming up to,short of; as inf.-novse- de-
notes "afterwards, coming behind something else"; zehe-
šeēs'ans ènovsemeèn, having dressed he appeared; heto
zehešemēs tomonetto nszevénovsevonetanota, this having
been explained to thee, now do not forget it after-
ward. The rad.-nov- indicates a lesser degree, be-
hind; ehavseva, it is bad; ehavsevae, he is bad; ehèp-
havsevae, he is worse;
he is worse; ehèpsenova, or eohamsenova, he is
behind bad =less than bad =worse; ehãoova, one is
rich; ehãoovnova, one is penurious; lit.one is behind
being rich; enov'netto, it is getting behind, less
than; enovōeme, it is less worth [confound not with
enohōeme, he is worth of it]. Novos namesevo, I eat
less than he (eats), not as much as he; novos nametan,
I am given less, not as much. Inf. -shov- =lessening,
diminishing; -shovstô- less and less; nashovevõsan,I
see less; nashovstôvōsan, I see less and less; zaaho-
zeohetanohesso eoxcshovstômanetanonahesesto, the ones
(or.) who are not willing to work, do prosper less and
less. Oxtat'se.
Oxtat'se....oxcshov.... the more....the less..
..; oxtat' seēsztovozēsz eoxcshoveamàta, the more we
speak to him, the less he listens; oxtashov....oxcoham
or oxchèp.... =the less....the more....; oxtashoveēs-
zēsz eoxcohamepeva etovan, the less we speak, the
ter it is for us; oxtashove-vehoetozesz eoxchèpseno-
va, the less we punish him, the worse he gets; oxtatse
....otsohamoxc.... the more....the more....; oxtat-
sehoxomazēsz niotsohamoxcevēstomeve, the more I feed
thee, the more thou askest of me; zetāešshov....oxco-
ham.... the less....the more;
nioxcohamhãomen, in the measure thou workest less, art
thou the more suffering; pref.zetäšnehe =as soon as;
zetäšnehemezessesz makätansz natoseaseoxz, as soon as
you give me money I shall leave; pref. zetóeš- -as
soon as, the very moment; zetбeševōmoz nananovon,as
soon as we saw him we recognized him; inf. -vovoe-
sooner, first (Ger.eher); namevovoenae, I would sooner
die. Zehexov- .nexov-.... as much as
=as much as (ref.to qual-
ity,degree); zexhexɔvhaomenēs nasaanexovahe, I am not
as poor as he is; zehetā-....-neta-.... as
much as,
ref to amount size; zehetaetaz ninetāetamå, we are as
big as he is; zehetão esaanitãohanehez', it is not of
the size of it; zeheše-
zeheše-....-neše-.... as....so....;
zeheševostanehevevoss mahacseo nineševostanehevhemå,
as the old men live so we live; zehe(t)....ne(t).
=as (in the manner)....so....; zehethoneonez enethon-
eon, he is clothed as we are; nanetomoxta zehetomox-
tätto, I feel as thou doest; zehemesess enemese (or
enešemese), as you eat so he eats; zehenszevoss nisaa-
neenszehema,we speak not as they speak, or: they have
a different language from ours; zehestxess nanistxhe-
me, we are as numerous as you are; zehestoha enesto-
haez', it is as much as it; zehesthozeevoz esaanestho-
zeheo, they have not as many horses (servants) as we
have. The ending -voz is genitive excl.
excl. Inf.-(h)ono-
xe- most, the majority, but is not often used as inf.;
ehonoxestxeo, they (or.) are the most, in majority;
ehonoxestansz, they (in.) are the most; honoxesta, the
most, the majority. Homona
Homona, in like manner; homōxz,
likevise, for instance (also hamōxz); hapo, hapoevetto,
also, likewise; vezen, exactly like; hapo vezen, exactly
likewise; tassevezen, exactly as it were; òyāetto (óe-
hāetto), even as (Ger.sogar); hoovaetto and ohōvaetto,
just as if, as much as; hoovaetto hapo, as it were, like-
wise; tass hoovaetto, as it were, as much as; tass, as
it were; oōtam, as well as; enhesso, it is the same way
(ref.); ezhesso, it is the same way (pointing to);
enehae, one (or.) is the same; eneha (in.), it is the
same;-tāestov....-nexov-.... as much, equaling to....
as "degrees"; zetaestovōemsz nanexovõeman, I am as
much worth as he is; seetóeš, at the same time (also
seetôon); inf.-sē- =same, alike; nasēēszemo, I speak
the same with him; oxhestoema....na meto oxhestoema..
=on one side....and again on the other side; ox-
hestoema nametaaseoxz na mato oxhestoema namenshoe, on
one side I would leave and again, on the other side, I
may stay.
compare, nasētatan, I c.in thot or look; nasĕexovatan, I
c.by action; natãohemetan, I c.,measure in thot;
nasētazesta, I c.it; nasētatamo, I c.one; nasēexovazes-
ta, I c.it (by actuality); nasēexovatamo, I c.one;
tāestovazesta, I c.it, equal it to (in mind); natāesto-
vatamo, I c.one; natāestovooto, I c. myself to
clare myself equal to one; esaatāestovohan, it does
not c., equal with. Inf.-taestov- denotes "to come up,
amount, equal to, be as much as", while inf.-sẽ- implies
sameness,alike,liken. Esaatãestovhõemehan, it does not
c.in worth; nataohemenoz, I c.,liken one unto; esaasē -
exovohan, it does not c., "degree"; esaaseexovaehan, it
is not comparable with; nasētatanota, I c.it with... . ;
nasētatanotovo, I c.one with....; hovanē
hovanē esaapâenexo-
vahe zehexovaetto, no one compares with me; lit.no one
comes up in degree to what I "degree"; napanotana ze-
sehexovaztom, I set it by the side (of it) to c.it;
see paralell, measure.
comparison, sētaztastoz, c.in thot; seexovaztastoz, c.in
action; seexovōhaztastoz, C., examination,
judgement; eveštãohemes tov,c., likeness is made with;
tāohemetanoxtoz, estimate,c.in thot (Ger. Ermessung);
tah emeseexovatamehan, what c. is there between....?
Tah emeseexovatamevo oxcēs na hotoa, what c.is there
between the mouse and the buffalo? (negative answer
compass, inf.-oom- denotes compassing about, surround-
ing; naoomoetče, they (or.) c.me,sitting;
meohetõe, tney (or.) c.me, standing; naoomònon,we c.
one; naoomònoneo, we c., surround them (or.); see ring,
surround; eoomhoeo, they stand all around; zeoomhoes-
so, the ones encompassing.
compassion, šivaztastoz (state), šivatamahestoz (charac-
ter) and šivatametanoxtoz (disposition); ho-
e(e)vatanoxtoz, the coming to one in c.;nahoe(e)vazes-
ta zepeva, I bring that which is good, in c.; nahoee-
vatamo, I come to one in c.; našivatametanotovo, I have
c.on him; našivatamo, I pity one, have mercy upon one;
esaahešivatametanoxtové, he has no c.; see pity, merci-
compassionate, ešivatametanoheoneve and ešivaztaheone-
ve; ehoeevatamahe, he is c.,gracious (Ger.zuvorkommend
in Gütigkeit); ehoeevatamo, he is c.to one.
compatible, evestoene, it is c.; esaavestoenehan, it is
not c.
compatriot, see citizen, fellowship.
compel, inf.-ahan- denotes force,coercion,rush; eahane-
vaena, he takes it by force, compulsion; nāha-
neaseoxzého, I c.one to leave; inf.-momáta- by force,
violence; namomátavonhosemo, I force, compel one, (by
words); see coerce, force.
compensate, meto napavehooztomevo, in turn I "make ac-
crue unto one",c.one well, in turn I make it
well advantageous for one; naevhapavhooztomon, I am
well compensated; naevhâztomevo,I c.one; nsthozeohes-
tonan nszeevhavešhoehotanenon hovae (or nszeevhahooz-
tomotanenon hovae or nszeevhâztomonenon), our work
shall be compensated unto us, for us. See ransom, re-
compense, retribute, reward, profit; nitao hovae name to-
mon, all things are compensated to me.
compensation, evhâztomosanistoz, the compensating; ev-
hâztomevazistoz,c.; evhapavehooztomevazis-
toz,good c.; see recompense, reward.
compensative, eevhâztomosanistovetto, it is c., it com-
compete, nanoveto, I c.with one, have one for opponent;
this is used.in games, races and gambling; when
the competing ref.to other doings, the latter must be
mentioned, e.g.nanoveto hoxtovazistovå, I c. with one
in trade, business; tass eoxcenovetàzeo hoxtovavèho,
it were the traders race together,c.
competency, otoxovastoz,c., experience, skill.
competent, zeotoxovasz, the c.one, the one who has skill,
experience; zeotoxovaesso eoxcenizeoenov
zistaomhoemaoxtome voss hesthoevo, the c.
the c. ones are al-
lowed to control their land; esaaotoxovaheo, they
(or.) are not c.; eotoxovaeo mxistonstovå, they are
c.in writing; esaaotoxovahe hoxtovazistovå, he is not
c.in business, trade; etosemoneotoxovaoz, bye and bye
he will become c.; ēšeotoxovaoz heto hozeohestovå (or
neševestovȧ), one is already c.for this work, position
(or doing).
competition, cxnovetazistovēsz hoxtovazistovå, the c. in
trade; etonochotoanatto zeoxchešenovetàzis-
tov hoxtovazistovå; the c.in trade (business) is very
competitor, nha zenovetasz hoxtovazistovå, the one who
competes with me in trade; zenoveto, my c.,
opponent; see compete.
complacence, oanaxanestoz and
peace, satisfaction.
complacent, eonaxane, he is c.; eonanaxanomoxta, he feels
mla gambar ata
complain, nasaahotoestohe, I c.about it
(in words); na-
saahotoemohe, I c.about one (in words); zehē-
vešsaahotoestohetto heto, my complaining of not being
satisfied with it. Naeoeme šemasz, I c.,grumble, murmur;
nahesshaonovatõe, they c.,raise a talk about me; see
grumble; natonš nahāmata ehevo,he complains of his
stomach; lit.my stomach pains me, he says; namomaxema,
he complains about me, accuses me of; eēvoam, he com-
plains, moans, groans; enšeševe or examaohanaem, he sets
up a complaint, a wailing; see wail.
complainant, momoxsetanevahe, the c. (accuser); zemomaxe-
mosansz, the one who complains, accuses; see
complaint, saahotōstomohestoz (in words); oemešemazis-
toz,c.,grumbling; ēvoamestoz, c.,moan, groan;
nšeševestoz or omomoestoz,c., wail; momaxemazistoz, mo-
maxstomohestoz,c..accusation; see accuse.
complaisance, hotoastoz and hotoaheonevestoz;
blandness; inf.-hotoe- with c.
complaisant, ehotoa, one is c.; ehotoaheoneve, he is of a
c.character; emaseztae, one is c., willing,
polite; namaseztovo, I am c.towards one.
complete, rendered by inf.-vâxs- and -vâs-; navâxsan, I
c., accomplish, fulfill, perfect; navâxtana, I c.,
fulfill it; navâxtoēta, I c., accomplish, make perfect;
(also namatoēta, I c.,finish a ceremony); evâxsenhes-
so,it is thus (ref.) completed, fulfilled; navâxtoan,
I have completed my talk, fulfilled it; navâxsexana,
c., fulfill it (in making, preparing); as: navâxsexano-
mevonotto paoešistoto, I c. a craddle for one, finish
preparing. Naexanen, I c., execute; naexana, I c., exe-
cute it; inf.-ex- to bring out, execute, to accomplish
thru a process; naexhoemanheme, we have passed, enacted
a law; eexahota mhayo, the house is completed; eexá-
tansz menoz, the berries are ripe, have come to maturi-
ty; naexxovoèn, I have crossed; ēšexaneoz, it has be-
come c.; naevhózexana, I cannot c.it; zehešeasemhayon-
ans examaevhózexana, having started to build a house
he cannot c.it; see execute, prepare.
completion, vâxtoētastoz,c., perfection in acts, doings;
exanenistoz, the completing, executing; see
complete; vâxsanistoz,c.; heto mhayo nive ā eneeše-
vâxsemane, this house has been four years in c.
compliance, amàtàtoz, the comlying with; see comply.
complicate, evešhoxpoeoz, thereby it becomes complicat-
ed,is made harder.
complication, eohāhoxpoeozistove, it is a c.
complicity, visthozezevestoz; evisthozezevemo,
c.with one.
comply, naamàta, I c.with it, consent to it; naamàtovo, I
he is in
c.with one; eheceamàta, he complies easily; see obedi-
composed, see calm.
comprehend, is rendered by inf.-noxtov-; nanoxtovetan, I
c.,grasp with the mind; nanoxtovheneeno, I c.,
grasp with knowledge; nanoxtovheneenovo,I c.one;
noxtovheneena, I c.it; nanoxtovenistovo, I c., under-
stand one; nanoxtovheneenomovo heēszistoz, I c. it his
word; esaanoxtovheneenôhan, it cannot be comprehended;
also esaataheneenôham, it cannot be c., apprehended.
comprehension, noxtovheneenovastoz,noxtovetanoxtoz (the
grasping with the mind); esaahenoxtoveta-
noxzeve, he has no c. (no grasping mind).
comprehensive, enoxtovheneenoseoneve, one is c.,
skilled in comprehending; enoxtovheneeno-
he,it is c.; esaanoxtovheneenôhan, it is not c.
compress, see compact, press; eohāhoxpoeoz, it is com-
pressed; emanohoxpoeoz, it is compressed to-
gether; ehekonezcehoxpoeoz,it is pressed together in
a small compass; nahàpanen, I c., clamp, close together;
see close; naxaxoana,I c.it,press it down together.
comprise, enoae; it is comprised, it implies;
han,it is not comprised.
compulsion, see compel, coerce, force.
compunction, mesēozistoz.
concession, ovoxbonetto nanšeamàta, I yield, make a c (I
yield without exacting....); ovoxbonetto na-
nšenizeovo,I make one the c., allowance (not exact-
ing. ); nahetōto, I make a grant,c.tò one; zehetae-
nizeovaz, all the c., allowance I made to thee; zeheta-
hetōtaz, all the concessions, grants I made to thee;
evovoxbonae, he makes no concession, he is rigid,
strict; nivovoxbonevestomenon heto, he asks this of
us vithout c.; evovoxbonhoemaneo, they make laws with-
out c.
conciliate, nahaomoxtoého, I c., pacify him; nahaomosého,
I c.,mollify one; see reconcile.
conciliation, haomoxtoéhazistoz and haomosemanistoz.
conciliatory, enanovazeoneve, it (or one) is c.;
toz zenanovazeoneve,c.word; see recognize,
reconciliate; haomoseēszistoz, soothing, pacifying,c.
word; ehaomoseheoneve, one is c.
conclude, natane šetan, I conclude (mentally); nataneše-
taevazesta, I c.after considering; naešhešetan
zetoseaseoxzetto, I have concluded to start away; naex-
hoemanheme, we have concluded, come to a decision, con-
clusion; maveš ēšhoemaneo, at last they have conclud-
ed; niešhoemané zetatosheševétto,hast thou concluded
decided what thou art going to do? The term "exhoe-
man" is stronger than "ešhoeman" and designates
"passed, enacted, not to come into question any more".
Inf.-èn- to c., end, terminate; naéneĕsz, I c., end my
speech; when "conclude" implies to bring to a total
completion inf.-mat- all exhausted, is used; namato-
an, I c.my speaking, my words,I have spoken all I had
to say; namatxiston, I c.all my writing; namathỏxtova,
I have concluded all my trade. When c.means to ful-
fill, accomplish,inf.-vâxs- or -vâs- is used; navâxs-
hozeohe, I c., accomplish my work; see complete.
conclusion, nataešheneena zehešhavsevae, I come to the
c.that it is bad; zeešeōhatamo esaape vahe, I
have come to the c.that he is not good; lit.having
judged, examined one (in mind), he is not good;
eštāhesseztohe, I have not come to a c.concerning it;
eotamashanē nataešhessetamo, I come to the c. that he
is wicked; ehovane natässetamo, I come to the c. that
he is gone. Zeénoētastov, at the c. of the doing, per-
formance, ceremonial; Zeéneēszistove, at the c. of the
speech; vâxshoemaotazistoz, c. of judging, of court;
vâxseōhatamazistoz,final c.(in judging, determining).
Mataeševâxseozz navostanehevestoz, at the c.of my
concord, manohotoemazistoz,
the being of one accord;
emanohotoevostaneheveo, they (or.) live in c.;
inf.-mano- together, in harmony, as one +
complaisant; epavenanovazeo, they are in harmony,
peace,c.; emanohotoevhoemaneo, they pass
they pass a law with
c., harmony.
concordant, esehez'netto, it is c. with;
tan,it is not c.,does not agree.
concourse, is expressed by inf.-mamov- =meet
emamovhotàzeo, they have a c., come together;
emamovoētao, they (or.) c.(in acting, performing); mo-
heoxzistoz, a c., gathering; ohe zèmamovoom, at the
mouth of a river; ohesz zèmamo vesevosz, where the riv-
ers have a confluence; see mouth.
concubinage, haestovàtoz,c., polygamy; ehaestoevàtov, it
concubine, zeheveonestovsz, a c., one who is wife with
another to the same man; zeheveonstovesso,
concubines; naheveoneton, I am a c. "with another wo-
man"; naheveon, I have a c.,a co-wife; navéo, my co--
wife, the one who is wife with
me (to one man) (fem.
sp.); nivéo, thy co-wife; hevéon, her co-wife; nahevéo-
nenoz, she is my co-wife (fem.sp.). There is really no
term in Eng.to express the relationship between the
wives of the same man, hence writer puts this word
here under "concubine", altho it means "co-wife" (Ger.
Mitweib); nihevéonemàzhemå, we are co-wives with each
concupiscence, matãevestoz, matāheonevestoz, prostitu-
tion; havsevhoahestoz, evil lust; masha-
voētätanoxtoz, wicked, carnal impulse; ematāheoneve, , one
is concupiscent.
is c.
the confined one; emaseoceo, they
confined, have little room;
see boundary.
confinement, aneozistoz, the accouchement; nxpaovazis-
toz,c., the shutting in; see keep; aenone-
mhayon ehoe, he is in c., in prison.
confirm, nahetomemo,I c.one,declare him true; nahetom-
esta, I c.it; nahetomemosan, I c.; zehetomhesto-
he, that which is confirmed; zehetomemsz, the one (or.)
confirmed; nahetomestomohe, I am confirming
(also na-
burn, fire;
hetomosan); nahetomestomovo, I c.it his.
confirmation, hetomemazistoz; hetoms tomohestoz, the con-
firming; also hetomosanistoz.
conflagration, masómaxeoaseozistoz; see
emaxeoaseozistov, it is a c.
conflict, nonametoe natōeovàzheme, we come in c.with
each other; see clash, oppose, battle, combat.
confluence, ohe zexoom, the c., mouth of a river; zènma-
movoom, at the c. (up the river, from the
speaker); zistamamovoom, at the c.(down the river, from
the speaker); zèmammovoom, at the c. (any place); mohē-
ènistoz,c., concourse.
conform, nahestatana, I c.it,fit myself for it;nahestae-
ta,I c.to it; nahestaetovo,I c.to one; nahesta-
etomovo heszheševostanehevestoz, I c. to his
ways of
living; see alike, same; natónhessetamana, I c.it thus.
confound, naononoveoz, I beome confounded; naononovano, I
c.one; navovaovaovo, I c.,perplex one; navovao-
vetan, I am confounded (mentally); see bewilder. Vova-
ovetanoxtoz, the confounding (in thot); vovaovao vazis-
toz, the confounding, bewilderment; see perplex. Nahomo-
semo, I c.one, discomfit him; see discomfit, confute.
confront, natōeovo, I c.one, meet him.
confuse, natotahopaoz, I am confused, in disorder; nato-
tahopetan, I am confused (in mind); eoxsetano-
oz, he becomes confused, muddled (in thot); eoxseoz,one
becomes confused, muddled.
confusion, totahopetanoxtoz, c. (mental); totahopastoz,c.
(state); totahopepeastoz,state of
disorder; naano namanisz, I put it in c.,make it
up; etotahopemansohestoz, cause of c.; naetotahopeman-
sohe, I am the cause of c.; ehomôozistov, there is a
commotion,c.; ehomôozeo, they (or.) are in commotion,
c.; nahomôomanisz, I make a c., disturbance; the rad.
-homôo- denotes confusion in the sense of commotion,
disturbance; ehomaszesoheo, they (or.) are the cause
of c.,disturbance (of peace); see commotion; anonav-
enszistoz,c.of speech, language (lit.mixed up).
confute, nahomosemo, I c.one; see discomfit.
congeal, eheoseoz, it decomes congealed; heoseamsc, con-
gealed oil; hēosevizc, congealed fat;
congealed, coagulated blood.
congenial, nasēhesta, I am the same (in being);
taheoneve, he is c.; see friendly; ehotoa, he
is c.,pleasant.
congeniality, hotoastoz, and hoxaztaheonevestoz.
congregate, emoheoxzeo, they (or.) c.; see gather;
noeeo, they c.,gather together; emanohaeo,
they are a congregation; emomenohaeo, they are congre-
gated in groups.
congregation, mohēoxzistoz, the
toz,c.; nimanohastonan, our c., assemblage; zemomeno-
hasso, the different groups or congregations.
conjoin, namamovanananoz, I c.them (in.); namamovanō, I
c.them (or.), bring them to be one together; ma-
movanenistoz, the conjoining; emamo vaneo vistōmàzisto.
vå, they are conjoined in marriage. See meet.
connect, namamovanen, I c., conjoin; see conjoin; nanooē-
ta, I c.in performing; inf.-no- together with;
rad.-mamov- implies lateral connection, while inf.-no-
refers to "relating with, added to along with"; epave-
manoonetto, it is well connected
han, it is not connected, not implied; enoae, it im-
plies, is connected, related with; enóonetto, it is con-
nected with, belongs to; nanóonena, I c.it; nóonenoz,c.
it! (imper.); esaanóonettan, it is not connected; na-
nóvxea, I c.it to my writing, add to my letter (in
writing); enoemaatano, he is
gun; nanoèn, I carry it along;
along, in connection with me.
connection, nóoētastoz, in c. with a ceremony, perform-
ance; heto zènóoētaétto néōstahestovå
pevaehan, thy adding, connecting this rite, ceremony
thy baptism (christianity) is not good; enóemashanē,
withal he is foolish, crazy; heto zèvōxtom enóvovisto-
mohestove, this which thou seest is (used) in
tion with teaching. See relation.
conquer, navovonano, I c.one; nahomosemo,I c.,discomfit,
humble one; see discomfit, defeat, vanquish, over-
power. Nahotävaetõen, he conquers for us.
conqueror, vovonanovahe; zevovonanovaz, the c., the one
who conquers; hotävahe, the c., victor; zeexao-
sansz or zeexaovaz, the c., the one who overpowers. See
connected with, holds a
nanotan, I carry water
conquest, vovonanazistoz; hotävàtoz, the c.,victory; vo-
vonanovàtoz, the power of c.; exaosanistoz or
exaovàtoz, the conquering, overpowering.
consanguine, see relationship.
conscience, mazhesta zeōhaevàtomohetto (or: zeōhaevàto-
mosanetto), the heart which gives warning;
ōhaematšetan, judgement, discernment; nha zenahevevàto-
mōsz hotoma maztaheva, the one who warns, bewares, in
the heart; màztaheva zeoxceoneevàtomohetto, that which
guides, redresses in the heart; nha zeveho estomōsz mà-
ztaheva, the one (or.) who reprimands in the heart.
Zeto hetan heszhesta esaaevhanahevevemahe, this
conscience does not warn
him any more; lit.this man
his heart does not more urge him to beware; hea esaa-
xahoneovohe hesztaheva nha zeōhaevàtomosaneziss, per-
haps he has no c.; lit. perhaps he does not have in
his heart the one who gives warning; nha zeōhaevàto-
mosansz (or: zenahevevàtōsz, zevehoes tomosansz) mazta-
heva tass ehovanē, matoheva mó enaōzé, the c. is absent
or asleep; lit.the one who gives warning in the heart
is absent (as it were) or he must be asleep. The Ch.
does not have a special word for c., but he knows it
and calls it heart, as the Hebrew does. Nåztaheva na-
vešheneena heto zehešhavseva, my c.tells me that this
is wrong; lit.with my heart I know that this is
nazhesta naoneevama, my c.guides me; heszhesta etaeše-
oneàtaz' na esaaevhahomatoehanehez',his c.,heart is
deaf and not felt any more.
consciencious, eoneetan, one is c., exact, particuliar;
enōoseoneetanohe, he is not c.; zetóhešeo-
neevams hesztaheva eoxctóneševostaneheve, he lives
conscienciously; lit.as he is guided in his heart,
thus he lives.
conscious, nahomaoz, I am c.of, feel; nasaahomatovåz, I am
unconscious, feel not myself; etonšhomaoz,he
became c. in some way; nahomaozetovo, I am c.of his
presence; homatan naoxheneena, I know it in conscious-
ness; nahomaozeta, I am c.of it; heto zexēsztovo naox-
heneena zetosevešhavsevetanoss, in saying this to him
I was c., knew otherwise that he would be hurt by it;
nahoomatõe zehešhavsevoētätto, I am c. to have acted
wrong, done evil; lit.my having done wrong comes to me
in my feeling;heszhesta esaahomatoehanehez',his heart
is not c.of. Eevhameseoz, he becomes c.again, comes to
himself, to his senses.
consciousness, homatan ["tan" pronounced like "tagne"
in the Fr."montagne"], c., inward feeling,
(psychical, personified); homaozistoz, conscious feel-
ing; zehešhomaozetom nathavs, the c.of my sin; meseo-
zistoz, the being awake to. Nšheneenovastoz, c. in
consecrate, naōston, I c.in offering; načeto,I c.one in
offering (clothes or animals); naōstonòno, I .
c.to one,make an offering to him; see offer, priest,
sacrifice; homotōnoz, consecrated food; hōoton, conse-
cration of the Arrows; namómåtavana, I c., hallow it;
zevonhässỏ, the consecrated ones, the priests or
priestesses; heto ēšeēnane hevetov Maheo, this has
been consecrated to God; mamómåtameaa, I c.it,give it
in a religious way; namómå taēnana, I c.it, dedicate it;
heto maheoneēszemhayo etaešemómå tameàtove (or ....mó-
måtaēnane) hevetov Maheo, this church building has
been consecrated, given solemnly or dedicated to God
(for God); namómåtameatovàzetovo Maheo,I c.myself
or for God; namómåtaēnana (or ....meaa) navostanehev-
estoz hevetov Maheo, I c.my life to God. Eōstahestovå
nìvešemeatovàzetovo Maheo, by the baptism thou hast
consecrated thyself to God.
consecration, mómåtaēnanenistoz,c., dedication; ōstones-
toz,c., offering; mómåtameatovazistoz, c., consecrated
giving, gift.
consecutive, nóovetto consecutively, in succession; nó-
ovetto vostanehevestoz, c. generations; see
successive. Inf.-saapoe- denotes without break, inter-
consent, naamàta, I c.to it; naamàtovo, I c.to one, agree
with; nanhešvistäoz, I c.to (Ger.ich bin dabei);
nanhešvistäozemo, I c., agree with one. Amatastoz, the
consent; nhešvistäozistoz, the agreeing, consenting
consequence, zevešhôosanetto, that which follows from;
otā havs evešhesshôosanetto saaamàtahesto-
vå, behold the evil is the c.of disobedience. See fol-
consequently, rendered by inf.-osan-; eosanehamoxta, c.
he is sick; inf. -sá- mostly used in the
imperative,signifies c., accordingly; nisámezz,c.give
it (thou) to me; sámēs tomeveha, explain (thou) him ac-
conservation, toaenenistoz, the conserving, the keeping
in the same condition; see keep.
conserve, natoaenen, I c
natoaenen, I c.; natoaeno, I c.one; natoaenomo-
vo heametanenistoz, I c.one's life, (said by the
medecine men); see keep.
consider, rad.-ō- implies consideration, judgement, the
looking at; naōhetan, I c.,deliberate; naōhaz-
esta,I c.examine it by look or thot; naōhetanota, I c.
it (mental only); nachatamo, I c., examine one; navo-
vôš-ōhazesta, I c.it anew; nataevahessezesta, I c.,mea-
sure in mind; ooto, considering (reflecting); enanotō-
eme, he is considered the most worth; eáeōmàzeo, they
(or.) c.themselves apart; naeveõesoeta, I c. about it,
discussing about; eeveōēsoeo, they are considering,
discussing, conversing about something; mohonoxaenitō-
estomass, do you not c.it? See count, worth; nahavse-
vōemo, I c., count him bad; naōhaevamo, I urge one to c.
considerable, hàpe, a great amount; hàpe nameta, one gave
me c., much; ethàphaen kašgon, the child
cries considerably; etaešhāexov zeheševōmo, it is a c.
time since I saw him.
considerate, eohaneo, they (or.) are c., cautious; zeōha-
nesso, the c., cautious ones; eheōhetanoxtov,
he is thotful; eõhetanoheoneve, he is c., deliberate;
ehotoaheoneve, he is c.,charitable,accomodating.
consideration, õhetanoxtoz, c. in mind;
judgement; ōhatamazistoz,c., examination;
ōhaevamazistoz, the urging to consider; mohonoxaenitō-
estomass, do you not take into c.? Papass nasaahesse-
tamohe, I have no c.for him; papass nasaahesseztomovo-
he hetšetanoxtoz, I have no c.for his opinion.
consist, the substantive suff.-estoz,-estov denote" con-
sisting of, substantiation, substance of"; eheta-
omestove, it consists in itself; evešemane, it con-
sists, is made of; eotamakätaevston, it consists, is
made of iron; vostan evešemanehe (or evešhesta) mavō-
xoz na màtasooma, a man (person) consists of flesh and
the cry-
consistency, saaoxseozistoz; toahestoz,c., steadfastness.
consistent, esaaoxsetanoheoneve, he is c.; eseheznetto,
it is c.with; etoahe, one isc., steadfast;
etónhessoz' heēszistoz, his word is c.
consolation, zevešeonazeaxaemestove, by which
ing, weeping is allayed, made to subside; vo-
voešemazistoz,c., comfort; zevešeonatane oeometanox-
toz, by which sorrow is appeased; onazeoeometanoxtoz,
the subsiding of sorrow, grief.
console, navovoešemosan, I c.;
navovoešemo, I c. one
(or.); naonazeoeometanoho, I c. one, allay his
grief; see comfort.
consolidate, nahekonemanohanen,I c.; nahekonemanohana, I
c.it; nahekonemanohano, I c.them (or.); ze-
hekonemanohanesso, the consolidated ones.
consolidation, hekonemanohanenistoz;
constable, matanavèho,c., police, sheriff.
constancy, see steadiness; ōènovastoz, c.;
the being consolidated (state).
consort, see company; naveoxzemo, I go with one; nahās-
tovistavōna, I have many consorts., or also:
esto navistavōnenotto,
conspicuous, emävōme, it is seen by all; tåxta, openly;
etåxta enovo, it is c.,not hidden.
conspiracy, vesthozezevestoz; evesthozezestove, it is а
conspirator, vesthozezevéo or oceheo,c., schemer;
heoneve, one is a c.
conspire, naves thozezeve,
I am a conspirator with, c.
with; navesthozezevemo, I c. with one; namhae-
tõe, they all c.against me (bark at me); emōsetto ema-
evesthozezevemàzeo zistoseòneztõess, they all c.to be
adverse to me.
constant, inf.-hooome- constantly; hooomēto, constant-
ly; nahooomēneevavōmo, I watch one constantly;
eōènovae, one is c., persevering; etoomae, one is c., un-
changeable; mesēto, constantly; inf. -evhâtse- =con-
stantly, continually recurring; inf.-toom(e)- =c., per-
petual, without changing; inf.-oxceam- = c., ,continual-
ly; hovae zetoometto, a thing which is c., permanent;
inf.õènov- =c., with perseverance; etoahe, one
is C.,
constellation, manohotoxceo,
group of stars,
Pleiades, also title of a tale. Zexchonetto, heszevox,
hesta, his taxceo, zeohonivosenaseo, mhayo, homä and mooxz
are different constellations or groups of stars. There
were names for other constellations, but they pass
into oblivion with the few individuals who know them.
See stars.
consternation, masóhèpôtanoozistoz, sudden fear; exahè-
pôtanooz, he is in c.
constipated, eótsom, one is c.; eot'someoz, he becomes
c.; zexot'soms ehessenšhóe, because he is
c., therefore has he fever.
constipation, ot'somestoz; eot'somestov,it is c.
constitute, zehetaestōn, all that constitutes it, all its
parts (of a building, something framed up);
see compose; evešemane, it is constituted of, is made
of; see consist.
constitution, zetohetaeveàzetto, all that goes, belongs
to; zehetaetovaetto, my whole c., all that
is of me; zehetaetovaes esaahekoneozé, his c. is not
strong; zehetãoxsetto nasaahekoneoze, I am not strong
in my physical c.; hoemaoxz zevešhesshoemanistov, the
law from which regulations, laws are made. The Ch.have
no special word ref.to the C.of the United States.
constrain, rendered to some extent by inf. -hoko-,-ho-
konše-, in the sense of "must"; see also co-
gran pangng |
construct, expressed by suff.
by suff. -ston;
namanston, I c.,
build; zehetāestōn, all the parts constructed;
ehōmston, a shelter is constructed; see make.
construction, manstonestoz, the c., making, building of;
pavstonestoz, good c.; zehetāestōn,all the
parts of the c.; hōmstonestoz,c., shelter (consisting
usually of poles stuck in the ground against which a
sheet of some kind is hung to protect from wind or
cold). See make.
consult, naōenòztovo, I c.one, ask for advice, counsel;
naōhenhesta,I c., discuss about it; eōhenhes-
tanov, they c., discuss about it; ēveōēsoeo, they are
conversing, discussing, deliberating, consulting; ēveōē-
soetanov, they are in consultation, deliberation about
it; naōenòztovo nahevèho, I c.a white physician.
consultation, denòztovazistoz, c., asking for advice,
counsel; ōhetotoxemazistoz, c., discussion
about; ēveōesohestoz,c., deliberation.
consume, navonâno (or: navonáòno), I c.,destroy one by
fire; navonâha, I c.it; evonâha, I c.it; evonâta,
it is consumed; see burn. Evonháe, one is consumed
(state); evonhâe, one is consumed (passive); eahanâe
nšhóestovå, one is consumed by heat (or fever); eaha-
neōstâha,he consumes it by heat,
heat, fire (in a flash);
eahaneōstâeo, they are consumed by an ardent heat.
This could be said of plants if suddenly burned by a
hot blast or hot wind, as sometimes is the case with
the growing corn in Oklahoma. See destroy, waste. Inf.
-mat- and -mhae-, also -mase-, denote wear, waste away,
devour, used up; namat 'hoxtova, I sold it all up; nam-
haesta, I devoured, consumed it all up; namhaetõe, they
c., devour me (by barking, clamoring); namhaetae, they
c., eat me up; ematxpevōva, it is consumed, dissolved in
water; ematxpetto or ematxpeoz, it becomes consumed,
dissolved in water; ematxpeōstâta, it is consumed, used
up in heat; nistoha ešēva eamevonanēoxz niametanens-
tovan, our life is continually (lit.every day) consum-
ed; namhaeto, I c.one, eat him up (fig.); navostaneve-
hana,I c.,eat up (fig.); emaseoxzeo,
emaseoxzeo, they become con-
sumed, wear away; emaseoz, it is consumed, exhausted.
consummate, expressed by inf. -vâxs- or -vâs, also -ox-
sē-; evâxseoz, it is consummated; Maheo etose-
vâxtana nitao, God will c.,perfect, fulfill all; zeox-
sepeva, the c., most perfect good; zeoxsēhavseva, the
c., most perfect evil; eoxsēmaseztaheoneve, he is c. in
politness, courtesy.
consummation, vâxseozistoz, utmost development; vâxse-
maxeosàzistoz,c.of punishment. Nitao mans-
to, nitao hovae mataeševâxsenhesso zetóhešetanotos Ma-
heon,nheš zetaénhestanovenᵒs, at the c.of all crea-
tion,of all things, as appointed to them by God, then
shall be the end of the world.
consumption, matanēoxzistoz, gradual wearing
out; ema-
tane, it wears out (as a candle by
or chalk by being used in writing); vonanēoxzistoz,
gradual destruction; kaneozistoz, c., as A disease
(lit.the becoming tired); ekane, one is in the state of
c.; ekanaevomoxta, one is sick with c.; mhaestomohes-
toz,c., ref.to eating up; zeoxcemhaestomohestov hoe-
voxköz nistoha ešēva esaavhanetonettan, the c.of meat,
every day, is not a small item (concern).
consumptive, zekanasz, the c.one; zekanasso (pl.); Kana-
eohe, Barnett Creek (flowing into the
Washita river), so called because of a c. who died
there. Esaakanahe, he is not c.
contact, zeoxcetōeovàzistov, the c.,meeting (vertical);
zeoxcekonaeovazistove,c.by bumping, butting; ze-
oxcemamovàzistov, the c., meeting broadwise, sidewise;
pâetovàzistoz,c., meeting "flatwise"; môxanazistoz,
touch; zeenenistoz, c. by touch of point. See touch,
contagion, aavosohestoz; eaavosohe stove, it is a c.
contagious, eaavosohetto,it is c; eaavosoheo, they (or.)
are C.; kanavomoxtastoz eoxce-aavosohet-
ton's,consumption is to be c.
contain, evehota, it contains; evehotane, it is contain-
contains water
ota zeto hohona
(or mountain)
ed; etoōvatto vèhoemxeva, the barrel
(liquid); etovana, it contains
etovana vehonemakät, behold this stone
contains gold; Maheonemxistōneheva etovanez' Maheo
heēszistoz, God's word is contained in the Bible; eme-
tonitavehota, how much may it c? tonstoha enhooneva
emevehotaz', how many measures may it c.? Encane, it is
contained, is in connection with. Vehaneoneva eveho-
tansz, they (in.) are contained in the receptacle, en-
velope, etc.; nasaatonšeōènovahe, I cannot c.myself,
cannot have the patience; nahonšekotoma, I c.myself.
contaminate, see defile.
contemplate, naēvevehōsan, I c.; naēveōhetanona, I c.,
meditate, think about.
contemplation, evevehōsanistoz, c.; eveõhetanonàtoz, c.in
(reduplicative form: -totaz-) de-
notes c.; natazetan, I hold in c.; natazetano-
tovo, I have c.for one; natazetanonaevenetovo, I look
in c.upon one; natazevoomen, I suffer c.; tazetanox-
toz, the c. (in thot); tazàtastoz, that which is c.;
tazevoomenhestoz, suffering C.; tazemàzistoz, c. in
words; tazevoētastoz,c.in acts; totazeheonevestoz, c.
as character.
contempt, inf.-taz-
contemptible, etazene, he has a c.face; natazetanotovo,
I think c. of him; natazetanota, I think c.
of it; natotazemo, I speak c.of them (or.); natotaze-
totoxemō,I discuss about one with contempt; natotaze-
heoneveton, I am held c.; etotazeheonevstove, it is c.;
natotazevoēta, I act c.; natotazevoého, I act c.to one;
etotazeĕsz, he speaks c.; totazevostanehevestoz,c.liv-
ing; totazevostan,c.person. See despise.
contend, naōeva, I c.,debate; see contention.
content, popevomoxtastoz, the c.feeling, contentment; he-
kozetanoxtoz, the contentment in mind; emxomaeo,
they (or.) are c., satisfied; see satisfied; ehekoze-
tan,he is c.
contention, õevàtoz,c., debate, quarrel; nonohevoanistoz,
c., controversy; haonovàtoz, c., wrangling,
contentious, etotonšenhesta, he speaks contentiously
it nahesshaonovatõe, they speak much, conten-
tiously against me.
contentment, mxomastoz,c.,satisfaction; hekozetanoxtoz,
c.(mental); oanaxanhestoz, c., calm,quiet;
oanaxanomoxtastoz,c., solace,relief.
contest, ninovetàzhema, we c., try to win;
c., race, betting.
contiguous, see close to, along side of.
continual inf.-amese- c., without end; ohoomēetto, con-
tinually, without
interruption; mesēto, c.,
all the time; also mešsz
keeping on (as before).
continue, eamaō, they c.,keep on being; naamaome, we
keep on being; eoxenaestov mavōxöz, oha màtaso-
oma enšeamao, the flesh, body is mortal, but the spirit
continues, keeps on being; enšetoomatto ametanenistoz,
life continues unchangeable; eoxeonōme oha enšhozeo-
he,altho he be called he continues, keeps on working;
ōxhesta enšepevomoxta, he continues keeping well; naa-
memavetanoha, he continues worrying, annoying me.
continuous, rendered by inf.-saapoe- unbroken; esaapo-
eneševé, he does it continuously, unbrokenly;
esaapoemashanēhe, he is continuously unreasonable; ze-
ametto or zeamestove, that which
is c.; ametto, con-
tinuously; naamesetaetova, he is continuously with me;
zeaenetto, that which has no end, which is c.
contort, see deviate, twist, writhe.
contract, see shrink, agreement.
contradict, nanonohevoan, I speak against; naéztomohe, I
c., deny; nahezeveoz, I turn back on (my
words); nasaahezeveozé, I do not turn back on (my
words); nanonosta, I c.it; nanonostovo, I c.one.; onee-
ota naeszevo, I speak contradicting his (sc. speech).
See contrary; eòneēsz, he speaks against, adversely.
contradiction, nonohevoanistoz,nonostàtoz and nonostov-
àzistoz,c.; éztomohestoz, denial.
contradictory, eòneztahe, one is c., adverse, opposing;
eòneztaetovàz, he is self c.; eòneheoneve,
he is of a c.character.
contrariwise, oneeota, c., opposite; inf.-éose- contrary,
c.; Hoxnokao eoxceéosevoētaeo, the Hoxnokao
act c.; naéosevoého,I act c.to one; see contrary.
contrary, inf.-òne-=c., adverse; eòneztaheoneve, he is
c.; eònezesta, he is c., not obedient, not agree-
ing; naòneztovo, I am c.,adverse to one; onitàz, just
the c., the other way; eoxháovo,he is c.to one (being
unwilling, doing the opposite of what he was taught);
onēota ehešetovatto,it means the opposite, the c. Vo-
zeva eònoka, he is a c.one! Hoxnokao is the name of a
certain band of Ch. who are the main actors at the
dance or ceremonies of "Mashaom". They train themsel-
ves to act always the opposite of that which is na-
tural. In order to rush at each other they run apart;
in shooting with the bow, they turn the string away
from them, shooting backward; otherwise always doing
the reverse of things.
=always; inf.-am(e)— =c.,
contrast, see difference; eohaonitavhone onsz, they (in.)
grow very different, there is a c.between their
growing; one eota zehexovoni tava tamano hezeno na meto
notam, what a c.of temperature here and in the north!
Vehōmenan zeto mohènoham zehexoveonitavovavoss, see
(thou) these horses, how they c.in their furs! Nìnino-
cevetovahevoss zehexoveonitavemahaetavoss, each one of
them how they c.in their size!
contribute, naveseemea, I c.; navessemeaa, I c.it, give it
with; navesseēnana hovae (from naēnanen, I
set, lay down + -vesse- =with); heto evessheznetto
zexhesshamoxtastov, this contributes to the sickness;
makätansz zevessemeàtovész, the contributed money.
contribution, vessemeàtoz and vesseēnanenistoz; mohē-
hešemeàtotoz,c.,collection of gifts.
contributor, zevessemeaz, the one who gives with.
contrite, hesthavs zevešeanovemesēozz, the one who re-
his sin;
pents from
trition; nahesseanoveozeta,nathavs, I am c.for my sin.
contrivance, otoxovenonaxetanoxtoz, the contriving; meo-
zexanenistoz,c., the contriving; hovae zene-
Šemeoene, a c., something contrived.
contrive, nanešemeoena, I c.it; naotoxovenonaxetan, I am
able to c. (mental), devise; nameozexanen, I c.;
nameozexana (in.); nameozexano (or.), I c.; nameoze-
tôn, I c.with instr.; nameozetoha, I c.to make it with
control, nahoemaosan, I c.; nahoemaoxta, I c.it; nahoe-
maoto, I c., rule one (or.); nanitaetovo, I c.,
rule, master one; nanitaeta, I rule, master it; nanität-
san, I c.,master; nasaahosaovohe, I c.one, have power
over him; nahosaovo, I cannot c. one (in the sense of
not prevailing, being powerless); hoemaosanistoz, the
controlling; nitätsanistoz, the c., mastery, ruling; na-
honšhekotoma, I c.myself, hold my peace; nanitaetovàz,I
c., master myself; zenitätōsz, the one controlled;
nitätoesso, the ones controlled; natohaeno, I c., res-
train,check one; natohaenàz,I c., check myself.
contuse, naoxkosōvoto,I c., bruise one.
contusion, oxkosovotazistoz,c., bruise; eoxkosōvotazis-
tove, it is a c.
convene, emohēoxzeo, they c., come
together, gather; see
conversation, ēvēsohestoz and esohestoz,c., discussion;
momåtaēsohestoz, religious c.,vistonovamaz-
istoz,c., chat, mutual information.
converse, etaēveoēsoeo and ēvēsoeo (see consider), they
C hold a discussion; etaēveoēsoetanov, they c.
about it; etaēveoēsoetovovo, they c.about one; naēve-
soheme, we c.; navesse-esoemo, I c.with one; enšeĕsoeo,
they keep on conversing; nivévesse-ēsoemovo, have no
conversation with them.
conversion, nitavstahaozistoz, the becoming different
hearted; evhavovôtastoz,c., the being reform-
evhavovôtanazistoz; evhavovôstàtoz, c., changing
condition,being anew; ōveozistoz =the shaking off;
see convert.
convert, naevhavovôsta, I change into a new state, condi-
tion; navovôtana, I c., change it into a new con-
dition; navovôtae, I am converted, reformed; navoôtä-
tan, I want to be converted; nanitavstahaoz, I become
converted,changed at heart; enēhov Maheo zenitavsta-
hanaez, it is God who converts us, changes our hearts;
natâtamenōoxta, I turn from it (and leave it); I am
converted from it; see turn from; navovôš-vostanehe-
ve, I live a changed, new life; zehešetanoss naešeneše-
tanohan, I have become converted to one's ideas; eōve-
oz, he turns to, shakes himself he becomes converted;
this is an old fig.expression conveying exactly what
we mean by the term conversion. An animal, especially
horses and dogs, will shake itself after having been
in the water or rolled in the dust; this action is
called: ōveozistoz by the Ch.and they apply it in the
fig.sense to any one "shaking himself from what is
obnoxious". Thus the term: naōveoz =I c.myself, shake
from myself what bothers me; nacveozeta nathavs, I be-
come converted from my sin, I shake it off; nista nat-
havsevevostanehevestoz naōveozeta, I become converted
from my previous sinful life; Mahe one omotom tass ni-
vešeōveozenon hevetov havs, with the Word of God we
become converted. Zènmehahavsevoētätto naešeōveoz,
am converted from having been an evildoer.
convertible, eoxcemetoenenistove, it
is c.,
can be ex-
changed; see exchange.
convex, etotono,it is c.; etotononsz, they (in.) are c.
convey, natahoho, I c.one (on a horse or vehicle);
carry, bring.
of my
conveyance, zeveštahohes tove, whereupon it is carried.
convict, hoemao vazistoz nahetomemo zehešenomàz, by law I
I declare him true that he has stolen; hoe-
maovazistovå nahe tomeman zehešenomàzetto, I am con-
victed by law to have stolen; zehešeōhatams hoemanis-
tovå evešetåxtanōveoz zehešsaanomàzēs, he has not been
convicted to have stolen; lit.having been examined by
law he has been made plain that he has not stolen;
hoemanemhayon etåxtanōveoz zehešenasens, he has been
convicted (in court) that he murdered; nataešheneena
zehešhavsevoētätto, I am convicted, convinced
wrong doing; hoemaovazistovå evešhotxheneenomoez'
hesthavs,his evil (deed) is convicted by judgment;
zehoemaōsz zetosehōs aenonemhayon, a c., one who has
been convicted to stay in prison.
conviction, onisyomaztastoz, the deeming, believing to be
true; etahane zeheonisyomaztastovetto, this
is my c.,what I deem to be true; hoemanistovå or hoe-
maovazistovå zevešhotxheneenomoez’ vostan hesthavs,
the c.by law; lit. by the law the one convicted (re-
vealed) of his evil; zehetaeonisyomaztom naoxchekone-
tõetanota, I hold firm to my c.; lit.to whatever I be-
lieve to be true I do hold strongly to.
convince, navâxsemeseemo, I c. one;
navâxseešenoto, I
fully persuade one; navâxseonisyomaztasého, I
fully c.one, make him believe or deem true. Tama nito-
vå nasaaeševâxsešenotané zehetometto, for myself I am
not fully convinced, persuaded that it is true; navâx-
seonisyomazesta, I am fully convinced of it; naše šeo-
zeta nathavs, I am convinced of my
sin, am awakened
c.one, bring it
concerning my sin; nameho sestomevo,I
to view (in words) for him.
convocation, moheonōmazistoz; ehoemanistove zetosemohē-
oxzistovez', a gathering is appointed; hane
zèmohēonōmevoss zevehonevessỏ, then, at the c.of the
chiefs; lit.when the chiefs were called together; mo-
hēonōsetanevàtoz, the c.,heralding of the same.
convive, nahestovohaemetova, he is my c., guest; navis-
toenaemo, I am convive with one.
convoke, namohēonōmō, I c., call them to meet together
(as a chief or one in authority); mahaciss emo-
hēonōsetaneva, the old.man is calling for a convoca-
tion (not on his authority, only as an agent or her-
convolute, see circle,ring.
nahessax, I
convoy, hestahoxseneheo.
convulsion, eoxchesseoz, one has c., fits;
have convulsions (local), jerkings, cramps;
nahessahamo, I make one to have convulsions, jerk him.
cook, nahomos, I c. (in general); homosemhayo, cooking
house,kitchen; homosehe,c.; homåseheo,cooks; hom-
sevèhoa, white woman c.; homsevèho, white man c.; na-
homoxtovo, I c.for one (his benefit); nahooesz, I c.it;
nahooeto, I c.one (or., as a bird); homosestoz, c.stove;
taehooeszz,go and c.it; nanitâno (or: nanitaòno) ze-
hethoahes, I c. as he likes. (ref. to cooking a bird,
etc., more in the sense of roasting); nanetanotō ze
oxctahoahe, I c. them as he likes it; nanistaexá, I have
it cooked beforehand; nanistaexáeovo, I c. for, unto
one; naexâno (-exáòno), I c., prepare one (as a bird,
etc.); naexâomevo, I c., prepare for one (by cooking);
exâomevehå,c.it for him! Naexâha, I c.,prepare it; ēš-
exátto,it is cooked, ready; esaahatahan hovae, there is
nothing cooked; hovae namone-oexáta, I am just cooking
something; natâxtaenâha, I c.it overnight (during the
night); eneheōstâeo, they (or.) are soon (easily) cook-
ed; zeto kòkoa naneheōstâno, I have this quail easily
(soon) cooked; ehōspâta, it is not sufficiently cook-
ed,underdone; naamstanôn, I c. (or bake) in an oblong
pan; naamstanòno, I c. one (as birds, etc.) in such a
pan; naams tanoha, I. c., bake it in such a pan. See
boil, roast, prepare, barbecue, warm. Ehomosetan, she
wants to c.; esaanoxtovehomsé, she cannot c.;
nha ze-
homosesso, those who c.; zehomoxtoesz, the one for whom
it is cooked.
cool, inf.-to- denotes
denotes c.; etōom, it is c.(liquids);
etõeoz,it is c.(of an object); eevhatōeoz,it (an
object) becomes c.;
becomes c.; see cold; nahoskomhénen, I c.it
by pouring from one vessel into another); nahosko-
motoxta, I c.it by blowing; nahoskomoe, I c. it (by
dipping); hamos, c. Haomos naeveõhazesta, I consider
it without temper; nahaomoxta, I am c., appeased; see
emazkomeve, it is a c.
coon, mazkom,c., racoon;
coop, mašą, small house; veksehemašq, bird's c., cage; ko-
koax hemašq, chicken c.
cooperate, expressed by inf. -nitov- =in common, to-
gether; nini tovhozeohemå, we work together
cooperation, nitovhozeohestoz, c.in work; nitovhoxtova-
zistoz,c.in trade; mamovhozeohestoz,c., the
working together (from -mamov- to join, unite).
coot, see duck.
cope, ehosan, it cannot c., is powerless to c.; nahosao-
vo,I cannot c.with him; hovae esaahosaoehan or
esaahosanehan oxmätanoozistovēsz, a thing can be coped
with when all are of one mind; see power; nahózeneše-
ve, I cannot.c.with, cannot do it;
ozetohe, I am not equal in strength to it; nasaatāhes-
zhekoneozistovetohe, I have not the strength to c.with
it; zehetaehoehotaetto nataestovhekoneozeta; I c.with
all that comes against me; exaosanistoz nameta Maheo
zevešetāestovhekoneozetom hãomeozistoz, God gave me
power with which to c.with misfortune.
copious, see abundant, plentiful.
copper, maemakät, red metal; the term "makät" itself may
be derived from "matá-" tough, hard [ematáeta,
one is tough, hardened; etamatávehoneve, he is a hard
chief; emomáta, he is very hard, rough, tough, violent
etamataq,it is little hard -brittle] or from "má"
red; maq, emako,it is red; thus makät would mean "red
and tough (or hard) substance". The letter "k" indi-
cates a diminutive form and implies that the metal
was not quite so hard as some. Subsequently the term
"makät" was applied not only to copper but to any
metal, by prefixing it to qualify the special kind.
[Hekonemakät steel; vehonemakät -gold; vokomemakät
silver; heovemakät brass]. Finally makät became the
designation for iron, and this prefixed by "mae-" sig-
nified "red iron" =copper. However the term maemakät
is now oftentimes used for gold.
copy, natōxiston, I c. (in writing); natōxea,I c.it; na-
tōxeovo, I c.one; natōxeoha, I c. by inscription
S (
(instr.in.); natōxeòno, I c.by inscription (as from a
stone unto another one, or the brand on a cow unto an-
other cow) (instr.or.); natōszého, I c., imitate one;
tōszehàzistoz,c.,imitation (in words or acts); natóa-
ovo,I c.,imitate, disguise myself as one (when putting
on something that looks like the one to be imitated
or represented [as Jacob did]. Havsevevhan estóaovo-
ōn šešenovotto, the Evil one made himself into a
pent, took the form of a serpent, disguised himself
with a serpent. Nahoxeszéha (v.), he copies, imitates,
counterfeits me; hoxeszehàzistoz,n.
cord, see rope,string.
cordial, ehotoae, he is c.; emaseztaheoneve, one is c.,
affable,polite; nahotoetan, I am cordially
posed; nihotoemaseztõen, he receives us cordially.
cordiality, hotoastoz; maseztaheonevestoz, c.,affabili-
ty, politness; maseztovazistoz, c.; hotoema-
seztovazistoz, cordial willingness,c.
corduroy, see ribbed.
vâs-sitov, the very center; heszhesta, its c.,heart.
cork, nxpohoo,c., stopper; nxpohoonoz, (pl.); enxpohoone-
ve,it is a c.,stopper; nanxpooha, I c.it; ēše-
nxpoohe,it is corked; esaanxpooehan, it is not corked;
nanesenxpoheonan, I take the c. off, uncork; nanesenxpo-
oha, I uncork it.
corn, mamen, the c., maize (kernel of); zeōenēsz māmenoz,
shelled c.; māmenoz, corn(s) (as we say: "oats");
namāmenam, my c.; namāmenamoz, my corn(s); nahemāmenam,
I have c.; mamenemhayo,c.crib; mamenepen'nôo, c. meal;
māmenhàno,c.mush; zevokomenoesz māmenoz, white c.; ze-
heovemenoesz māmenoz, yellow c.; xamamāmenoz,Indian
c.; zemáemenoesz, red c.; zeoacemenoesz mamenoz, kaffir
c.; heescemāmenoz, wrinkled c. (=sweet c.); mxevo-
mhayonosz, broom c.; t'semāmenoz, field corn (common c.
as raised on farms); hooxzemenóe,c.stalk; ehooxzeme-
nóeve,it,is a c.stalk; hooxzemenósz, c.stalks; hookoxz
(hookoxzz, pl.), c.ear; hookoxzz zepaveexaosz,c. ears
well ripened; hookozemekono, c. cob; hookozemekonoz,
(pl.); hookoxzz epanhoneonsz, it sets ears; hookoxz
epanhōetto, the c.is setting
ears; hooxz emaoxcē, the
c.tassels; namenonanen, I roast ear c. (Ch. fashion, by
roasting the ears on live coals with some of their
husks unremoved). The Ch.as Algonquians were a sed-
entary and agricultural people. In course of their
migration to the "land of the buffaloes" they gradu-
ally became nomads and predatory, but we know
by au-
thentic facts that they had not entirely left off the
cultivation of corn. The Cheyenne branch of Red riv-
er, North Dakota, was known to the Sioux as: "The place
where the Cheyenne planted". In 1802 the French
traveler, Perrin du Lac, met the Ch. and makes the
statement that altho most of their time was spent in
chasing the buffalo, they yet planted corn and tobacco
in the vicinity of their village, gathering their
crops on their return from their summer hunt. The
government explorers, Lewis and Clark, who visited the
Ch.in 1804 and 1806, distinctly state that the latter
had lived in a village and cultivated corn on the
Cheyenne branch of the Red river.
corner, zèvoxkoneo, external, outer c.; meo zèvoxceoz,
where the roads make a c., turn (crossing of sec-
tion roads); zèvecevoneo, internal, inner c.; zève-
cetto,c., inner depression; zèvakoneo,rounded outer
c.; hotoma zèvakota, inner sharp c.; zèvotano, outer
c., bend, elbow; estavatto, it meanders, forms bends, cor-
ners. Hōma or šeon zehešheskozevevs, the corners of a
blanket or sheet; nasz zehešheszkozevevs, one of its
corners (of blankets, etc.); heszkozeva hestanehå, take
it (or.sp.of sheets, robes) by its corners; hooxhoho-
na,c.stone; hooxheceoesého,c.post; hooxemhayo zeōme-
popootaz', the c.house of a street. Navovaovo, `I c.,
perplex one.
corpse, seoxz,c ; seoto, (pl.); zeseoxzevsz, the dead
one, the one who is a c.; naseotam,my c., dead
one; see dead.
corpulence, tàpetàtoz,c., bigness.
corpulent, etàpeta, he is c.; zetàpetaz, the c.one; zetà-
petasso, the c.ones; eohātàpetaō, they are
very c.
corral, menao,c., enclosure; q'sãemenao, sheep c.,fold;
emenaoeve, it is a c., an enclosure (also used to
designate the "windbreak" built around the tipi for
the winter). Menaoeva nanxpaovõ, I c.them, keep them
enclosed in the c.; menaoeva nanxpaovoham, I c.the
correct, rad.-ono- straight, right; naonoanen, I c., set
straight, right; naonoana, I c. it; naonoano,
(or.); naonoae, I am c., straight, righteous; naonoata-
mo, I deem one c.; naonoazesta, I deem it c.; eonoazeo-
neve, he is straight,c., honorable; see straight; naev-
hapevanen, I c.,make good again, repair; nametonševha-
pevanomevàz navostanehevestoz, how can I c., make my
life better for me? Navéoeto zexonoanatanotovo, I pun-
ish one with the desire to c., make him straight; see
straight; enahan zeoxceonoemsestov, this is
the c.way
of eating; nitosemestomevaz zeoxchešeonooanistove, I
will explain thee how to utter, pronounce correctly;
eonooēta, he acts correctly, straightforward. Nahetomé
am I not c., have I not right? Na
Na nihetom, thou art
right, correct.
correction, onoanenistoz, the c., straightening;
zistoz,c., punishment, rebuke (in words);
punish, chastise. Evhape vanenistoz,c., the making bet-
correspond, see write; esaanóonettan, it does not c., is
not related, has no connection; etaa,it cor-
responds, fits it; see fit; esētonan, it is made fit-
ting,corresponding; esēoz, it corresponds, fits with.
correspondence, ēvemxistōvazistoz or hotxovemxistōvazi-
stoz, the mutual writing.
corrode, ehoxōao, it corodes, rusts; esaahoxōaohan, it
does not c.,rust;
the first
coup; nahonaovehotaneva, I strike the second
coup; nanahahotaneva, I strike the third coup; naniva-
hotaneva, I strike the fourth coup; also nahonaovena-
han, etc.
The coups were usually counted to four.
This did not imply to kill the enemy, but just to
touch or strike him with the coup-stick. It was count-
ed a greater honor to strike the first coup than to
kill the enemy. The coup was also given with the hand.
couple, nanó onena, I c., connect it; en óonenensz, they are
coupled, connected; zenóonetto, that which couples
or is coupled; see connect, relate; inf.-nisov = c.in
the sense of pair or twofold.
courage, hestahatoz,c., confidence; nahēstahaovo, I ins-
pire one c.
courageous, ehēstahaheoneve, he is c.; zehēstahasso, the
c.ones; see bold.
course, is rendered by rad.-he- or heše-; heševostane-
hevestoz, the c.of life; zehetanenetto, during my life,
as long as my life courses; eheżnetto, it has the c.
(Ger.es äussert sich); suff.-èn ref.to actual or fig.
walk,c.,process of, developement; naamèn, I am walking;
ezešeam'netto nivostanehevstonan, our life develops,
(Ger.äussert sich so), runs, shapes itself in this man-
ner (pointing forward); when one or more syllables
follow the suff. -èn the " è " becomes elided, and an
apostrophe (') takes its place; evhanènetto or ev-
han'netto, it lasts but for a time; ekasexovènetto
ekasexov'netto, it has a short run,c., time; eénènetto
or eén'netto, it courses to an end, stops; hešehozeohe-
stov, c. of work; nahethozeohe, I am in the c.of
working; nahe vehōmo, I am in the c. of going to see
one; naheensz, it is the c., manner, way of my language.
court, onoatamano-hoestoz zeoxchešhoemaosanistov, c.of
justice; vehoneome, at the chief's c.,place; nahes-
tatamae, I c.danger, am bold; see bold; naōmetoxana, I
c.danger, challenge, go to the verge of, close to the
hostile camp; nameō, the one I c., my sweetheart; heme-
ōn, one's sweetheart, the one courted or courting; na-
hemeōnenoz,I c.her, she is my sweetheart; see love.
courteous, emaseztaheoneve, one is c.; ehotoa, one is
courtesy, maseztastoz.
cousin, zehevis'onestovsz, the one being c., or half bro-
ther or half sister; nis'is, my c.; es'sis, thy
c.; hevis'on, one's c.; nis'onan, our (excl.) c.;
onan,our (incl.) c.; es'onevo,your c.; hevis'onevo,
their c.; the pl.of the preceding forms is: nis'on,
es'on, hevis' on, nis'onaneo, es' onaneo, es 'onevõ and he-
vis'onevō; zehevis'onstovesso, the cousins; nahevis' -
onenoz, one is my c.; nahevis'onenotto, they are my
cousins; nihevis'onetovaz, thou art my c.; nihevis'on-
etovazeme, you are my cousins; nihevis'onetove, I am
thy c.; nihevis'onetoveme, I am your c.; see relation-
ship mode in Ch. gr.;
nihevis'onetovàzhemå, we are
cousins to each other; hevis'onetovàzistoz, the being
cousins. See brother.
covenant, vistomōhanistoz and vistomōhao; nahoemaneamà-
tovàzheme, we make a c., an agreement with each
other; hoemaneamàtovàzistoz,c., agreement by law. The
expression vistomōhanistoz used
to imply an oath or
promise (with threats against an attempt to break it).
cover, v.nahõehasen, I c.with cloth or sheet (as a tent
or wagon); nahōehaz, I c. it; nahõešemo,I c.one;
[not to confound with nahóeš =I reach at,come up to,
am able; nahóešemo, I reach at one, also: I light a
pipe or cigar by coming up to or approaching];
esaahõehahan, it is not covered; esaahóešenahan, it is
not reached at; nahovoešemo, I cover one (or.) in a
lying posture; ehovoe šeme, one is covered, lying; nahō-
ešemo amoeneo (or.), I cover the wagon (by spreading a
wagon sheet over it); nahovoeno, I c.one, enshroud him;
nanxpoha, I c.with cork or lid; hekonxpooxz,c.it tight
(with instrument); nanxpenonaz, I c.my face
with my
hands; nanxpazenanaz, I c.my mouth with my hand; nanx-
pazena, I have my mouth covered (with something); naà-
tohaovo,I c.,hide one (bury) under; naàtooha, I c.,
bury it under ground; naàtohòno, I c.,bury one under
ground; àtohoestoz, the burial, covering under; naàtoa-
oho, I keep one covered under; naàtohōva, I am covered
by water; eàtohōvatto, it is covered under water;
haōvatto,it is covered all over with water; naàtoēna,
I am covered by snow; naàtoēneōstòno, I c. one under
snow; see bury; eàtoaomoxta, it is covered with ice;
eàtoaomoxtansz, they (in.) are covered with ice; eàto-
homahå, it is covered (the ground) by the wind; nahoo-
maovo,I c.one over enclosing him
in; eevhaomōvatto,
the water covers again, by coming together where it
was before; eémōxtoēta, he acts under c., in secret;
zeémōxtoētasso, the ones acting under cover, in secret;
evehane mämakätaeva, it is covered, sheathed in gold;
etaxstoon, it is built, constructed by being covered,
plated,overlaid; nitao hotoma etaxstoon, it is Cover-
ed, overlaid with paper in the interior; nahevae, I c.
my head (when sitting, covering with blanket, etc.);
nahevaceš, I lie with covered head; nahevaeoxz, I walk
with covered head; nahōmenenàz, I c.my face; nahōmeax-
tanaz, I c.my feet; naaxtohoekonanàz, I c., my legs; na-
evhanxpohana, I c. it again (over an aperture); see
close, cloud, uncover. Sound
in Ch.ref.to some-
thing which covers over, forming a surface; rad.-ho-
denotes "cover" in the sense of "come up to, meet
extent, comprise, include, etc.". Hence such expres-
sions like nahóeš, I come up to; esaahóešenahan, it
cannot be covered, attained; ehoe, one is at a place,
sits,covers the ground; nanohoe to, I hide one; ehoèn,
he has arrived, has covered his (or by) walking. The
suff.-es at times implies "covering" where it ref. to
"spread, sprawl, surface", hence does the suff.-eš also
ref.to "lay, be in lying posture"; naheškovoeš, I am
full of, covered by thorns; emomešeoxta, his leg is
hairy, covered by hair; inf.-meše- covered with hair;
mešeesevèho, nose-covered-with-hair-whiteman Mexican;
šistato,cedar tree; šešistoz, bed; šeon, cloth cover-
ing; hòpaehemeno eše, covered by grape vine =vineyard;
maxemenoeše, covered by apple trees apple orchard.
cover, n.nxpoheo, c., lid, cork;
nxpazenahestoz, cover for
mouth; hōmstaestoz,c., mantle; eoxchesthōmstaestovenov
maheonoētastoz, under the mantle, c. of worship; see
" מi"
hōehaseo, wagon cover;
mouth, the covering of
shelter; honokon, bed c.; hōma (or.), c., robe, blanket;
covet, nahohäztome vàz, I c.for myself; nahoahetsan, I c.;
namåsemhoa, I c., crave for; nahoahez tomovo, I c. it
his; nahoävo, I c.his; nahoävonotto hesthozeon, I c.his
horses; nahoahe, I like, desire it; zetohe tähesthoästo-
vetto måzhesta, all that the heart covets; naohahoahe,
I strongly desire,c.; naamhätan, I c., want to receive;
naheszhovetan, I c., want to own.
covetous, ehoaheoneve, one is c.;
one is c., greedy for.
covetousness, hoätsenistoz,c.;hoätsené, c.itself (per-
sonified); hoaheztomevazistoz, c., greed
for; havsevhoaheztsenistoz, c., want oness.
cow, vèhochotoa, c., or cattle in general; mehe, buffalo
c.; voešemehe, fat buffalo c.; maheonemehe, mysteri-
ous buffalo c.; mamehe, poor buffalo c.; monemehe,
young buffalo C.; the following terms are proper
names ref.to buffalo cows or she calves: Hotoanaseo-
na, Buffalo-c.-killing; Hotoahē, Buffalo-woman; Hotoa-
vekahē, Lame-buffalo-c. (the ending -he woman); Ame-
oxzehe, Walking-buffalo-c.; Kaeameoxzehē, Young-walk-
(of water);
toe, I am engulfed, lost under water
den, with a dash).
enhance, eamhoomosanetto, it enhances, acts greater;
pevatamahestoz eamhoomosanistovez', his goodness
is enhanced.
(of a sud-
enigma, ononovo anistoz, e., riddle (in words, dark, doubt-
ful saying, utterance; see doubtful); ononovoē-
tastoz,e., riddle (in act, performance).
enigmatic, eononovoan, his utterance is e.;vostane heves-
toz esaaononôhan nitovå, life is not e. for me.
enjoy, naveševovònitoomen, I e., have a pleasure, delight
by means of it; navovònitoomen, I e., have, undergo
pleasure; vovònito omenestoz, vovònitoomeo, enjoyment;
napopevetanohàz, I e.myself.
enlarge, emahaeoxz,it
emahaeoxz,it enlarges; namahaetovana, I e.it
(ref.to capacity); namahaana, I e., widen it.
enlighten, nahotxheneenomevo, I e. one,
e. one, reveal to his
knowledge; heto
heto nitao nihotxheneenomonenon,
all this has been revealed to us, we have been en-
lightened in this all; nihotxheneenomōen, he has en-
lightened us.
enmesh, natotahoponeaohan, I am enmeshed, see entangle.
enmity, òneztastoz, e., hostility; òneztovazistoz, e.
against one; see adverse.
ennoble, eonoane nivostanehevstonan, our life is ennobl-
ed; naonoana, I e.it.
enormous, is rendered by inf. -mame- =bulky in size,
huge, gigantic; èmamemanoōn maxevostano, he
made an e.statue; soss (detached) =immensely, enorm-
ously, intensely; soss emahaeta, he is enormously
large, big.
enough, navàpe, I have e.; navàpetōen, he makes us to
have e., he satisfies us; nanasoeno, I have e.( in
drinking); eneštāeoz, it is e., sufficient; nistaneha,
let it be that much! Nistanēs, let it be sufficient,
e.! (Ref.mode); see satisfy, sufficient.
enquire, nanòzesta, I e.; nanòztovo, I e.of one; naenòz-
tovo, I e. (by repeated questions); see ask,
enraged, eahanemomátaeoz, he becomes enraged.
enraptured, nahèphotomoena, I am e.; hèphotomoenàtoz, the
being e.
enrich, nahoovaosan, I e.; nahoovaōe Maheo, God has en-
riched us; see rich.
enroll, nahōeston, I e.,count;
ehōestoneva, he enrolls
(as a vocation or work assigned); hōestonestoz,
enrollment, the counting; hōestone vàtoz, the enrolling.
ensconce, see shelter, protect.
enslave, namomōṇaoto, I e.one (or.); namomōnaovo, I make
one to be slave; see slave; momōnaotazistoz,
ensnare, nanhaonoto, I e.one, see catch, trap.
entangle, etotahopeoz, it becomes entangled; natotahopo-
neano, I e.one (with rope or the like); etota-
hoponeaohàz, he entangles
he entangles himself (with ropes or in
meshes); etotahoponeoz, he becomes entangled (in
ropes, etc.);
natotahopanen, I am entangled by much
work or being busy; eatokonsz, they (in.) are entangl-
ed; natotahopae, I am entangled (state); ehotoananàz,
he entangles himself, makes it difficult for himself;
see disorder, confusion.
entanglement, totahopeozistoz, e., disorder; totahoponeo-
zistoz,e., with ropes, etc.; totahoponeaoha-
zistoz, self e.; totahopanenistoz, e., being preoc-
cupied, busy; totahopastoz, e., disorder;
toz, self e.in difficulties.
enter, inf.-ēs- denotes "penetrate, point into"; naēs-
zèn, I e., penetrate by walking; etaēszèn, he is
entering (said from one outside); eneĕszèn, he is en-
tering (said by one inside, of the one coming in); na-
ēszeovo, I e.into one (or.); naēszeoxta, I e., "be-en-
ter" it; naēszevo, I e. it his; naēszeovaezenotto,it
(or.) his enters into me; ehesseĕseooko, the rain en-
ters in; see in, into.
entice, see blandish; nahessetanotovo, I e., attract one;
naheznesého havseveva, I e.one to evil;
ho, I e., influence one, make him fall (fig.); havs eo-
hāhessetanonovatto, the evil is very enticing; see
blandish, seduce.
enticement, hessetanoxtoz,e., attraction; hessenoxsohes-
toz, cause of e.; avosàzistoz, e., influence to
fall (fig.); see blandishment.
entire, hovoetto, entirely, all of it in its entirety;
rad.-ma-,-mä-,-mat- denotes "all of it in its
extent or parts"; ematane, it is entirely used, wasted
away; emathoxtovàtov, it is entirely sold; ematxpevō-
va, it is entirely dissolved in water (cold); emähova-
nēeo, they (or.) are entirely gone; namäaena, I own it
entirely, all of it; pref. ma- can be rendered by
"the", as: "maex", the eye; maàz, the hand; mathavs, the
evil; manison, the child (not a special one, but what-
ever is child [Ger.das was Kinder heisst]); emävonâ-
ta, it is entirely destroyed by fire; see all.
entrails, matonešsz, the e.; naveeonešsz, my e. heszeve-
eonešsz or heveeonešsz, one's e.; naveeonxanoz,
our e.; niveeonševoz, your e.; eheeozettoz' heszeveeo-
nešsz, his e. are spilled, fall out; eamstoseoetanoz
heszeveeonešsz, he drags his e.; see rip.
entrance, esznistoz; eesznistove, it is an e.; zexēszni-
sttove, where the e.is; zexestaeta, where
e.,gate is.
entrap, see ensnare; nanhaòno, I e.one.
entreat, namomoxzemo, I e., plead with one; pref. momoxe-
=entreatingly; momoxemezetto, I e. thee to give
it to me; namomoxzemo emeveoxzemasz, I e. him to ac-
company me,
entreaty, momoxzemazistoz and momoxzemosanistoz, e., sup-
entrust, nane tootan, it is entrusted to me; nahetooto, I
e.to one.
entwine, see wind around; eonitaemaešen, they (or.) lie
entwined; eonimotaoheszeo, they (or.) are en-
twined; see wind, twist, writhe.
enumerate, see count.
enunciate, is rendered by suff.-oan; epevoan, he speaks,
enunciates, pronounces well. At present such
terms are being used to qualify utterance; ehavsevo-
an, he speaks evil, not well; emomå tavoan, he uses cere-
monial language; eononovoan, he utters dark words, rid-
enunciation, oanistoz (rarely used alone); pevo anistoz,
good e.; havsevoanistoz, bad e.; nonaoxtoan-
istoz, slow e.; mahàzenavoanistoz, vowel e.; vèpeēsto-
nāeszistoz,aspired e.; vēs-ēszistoz, dental e. (also
sibilant e.); hastoanistoz, long, extended e.; kaoanis-
toz, short e.; zceoanistoz, whispered e.; omotomoanis-
toz, guttural e.; hàpazenāeszistoz,bilabial e.; maevo-
neēszistoz, nasal e.; nonometanevaxsestoz, trilling or
tremulous e.
envelope, vehaneo; evehaneoneve, it is an e., also a
small receptacle; navehana, I e.it; evehota, it
sets enveloped; evehōs, it (or.) is enveloped (sus-
pended); evehōsta, it (in.) is enveloped and suspend-
ed; vehōsestoz, matrix uxoris (see womb).
envious, eehano tazeoneve, he is e., see envy;
tae, I am e.
environ, see encircle, surround.
environment, nimaoetto zetåxtaeōetoetto, my e., all that
is around me; zehetaenimaoetoetto, my e
that surrounds me.
envy, nãehanosan, I e.; nāehanoxta, I e.it; naehanoto
(or.); eehanotàzeo, they e.each other; ehanosanis-
toz, the envying; ehanoxtastoz, e.;
envying one or mutual e.; see jealous.
epaulet, etotahosan hestatamōn, he wears epaulets, lit.on
each of his shoulders he carries something set.
ephemeral, evhanekasexov'netto, it is e.; -vhane- only,
merely + -kasexov- =short time + -'netto =
coursing, having its progress.
epiglottis, mocenxpoho.
epilepsy, hesseozeatastoz
seozeatastoz, e.,convul-
sion; this disease is attributed to spirits
of dead people entering the living ones and shaking
them; eseozeata, he is epileptic, has convulsions.
Episcopalian, zevoomōstasso, the ones gowned in white;
called so from the garb of the E. minister,
also to distinguish them from the Catholics, who are
called zemoxtavōstass the black gowned ones.
ehanotazistoz, the
epistle, mxistō.
equal, inf.-se- denotes even, alike, same, level
same, level with;
esēsox, it is e.; esētoexovo, it is e. (in weight,
heat, power); esēstoxtxeo, they (or.) are in e.numbers;
inf.-sēstoxtoe- as many as are of the same.
sēstoxtoeenszess, as many as have the same language;
inf.-taestov- as much, reaching to the same amount;
natāestovooto, I e.myself to one (or.); natāestovoého,
I treat one equally, with the same amount; natāestovō-
emo, I count him e.to; nataestovōemàz, I count myself
e.to; natāestovōemàzetovo, I count myself e.to one
(or.); etāestovoēta, he acts equally; esaatāestovohan,
it does not e., compare with; etaestovepeva, it is
equally good; nataestovazesta, I deem it e.; natāesto-
vatamo, I deem one e.; esaatāestovat amehe, he is not
deemed e.; esaatāestovatamehan, it is not deemed e.;
tāestovetto, equally; etaestoveoz, it becomes e.; natā-
estovetan, I want to e.; tāestovetanoxtoz, the wanting
to be e.; etaestovatamano, it is an e., uniform condi-
tion, aspect; see alike, similar, same; etaestovoan, he
does e.in speech; esētoan, he speaks the same, equally;
etotāestovemezenovoz makätansz, money is given to them
each equally; esētōeme, one is of e.worth.
equality, tāestovezhestàtoz,e.in condition, being;
tovatamanoestoz,e.in general aspect; tāestove-
nōhestoz,e.in look; tāestovōemestoz,e.in worth; tães-
tovheneenovastoz, e. in knowledge; tāestovhekoneozis-
toz,e.in strength; tāestovhavsevastoz,e.in evil; tāe-
stovootazistoz, the equalling to one; tāestoveozistoz,
the becoming e.; tãestovoētastoz, e.in doing, ceremony,
equalize, nasēexovana, I e.it (degree); natāestovana, I
e.it (amount); eta-tāestovanensz ēnaneonoz, the
taxes are equalized; nasēstoxtana, I divide it into e.
parts: sēstoxtanenistoz, the equalizing, dividing into
equal parts.
equitable, inf.-ono- straight, correct, just; eonohoe-
man, he judges equitably; see just, straight.
equity, onooētastoz,e.in acts, doings; onoazeonevestoz,
e.in character.
equivalent, etaestovōeme, it (also or.) is e. (same
worth); etaestovōemensz, they (in.) are e. ;
etāestovōemeo, they (or.) are e.; etaestovatame, it (or
one) is deemed e., equal; etaestovatamensz, they (in.)
are deemed e.,equal; etaestovatameo (or.); zetaesto-
vōeme namhayo nanexovemetanenoz makätansz,I am given
the e.of my house in money.
equivocal, etahestovoan, he speaks equivocally; hestovo-
anistoz,e. utterance; hestov double + -oan =
uttering, saying.
eradicate, nanitsemaoz, I e., uproot;
namasenitana, I e.,
pull it all out; Maheo ninitanomōenon havs nsztahan,
God eradicates the evil from our heart; havsevemoesz
natanitsemaozenoz, I e., extirpate the weeds; eše-
nitane hāmoxtastoz, the disease has been eradicated.
erase, nanhoha, I e., wipe it; nanhoomovo hesthavs, I e.,
wipe his evil (fig.); see wipe; nhôo, eraser.
erect, rendered by inf.-tomỏ- straight up; natomooxz, I
walk e.; zsaatomooxzehesso, the ones not e. the
sick ones (expression used in prayers); etomoxtoe, one
sits e.; etomsehoe, one stands e.; tomsevetoxq, e.ves-
sel can in which fruit, etc. is canned; natomoxtaovo,
I make one to sit e.; natomoxtano, I set it up; etom-
oxtoeoz, he becomes e.(sitting); etomseoeoz, he becomes
e. (standing); Tomsevseo, Erecthorn, pr.n.of a Ch. reli-
gious heroe. Nanēešesz, I e.it, make it stand; ehekon-
eō, it stands e., rigid; etomoxtota, it sets up; emans-
ton, he erects, constructs; ehōmston, he erects a shel-
ter with a robe or sheet; zeametoms toon, that which is
erected in a line, a wall.
ermine, xác,xáeo (pl.),e.,mink; [xáon =skunk; xáestoz =
urine]; the name is obviously connected with the
peculiar smell of these animals; exáeve, it is an e.,
a mink; [enxave, he is an orphan]. Xaea, Ermine-
Minkwoman, pr.name.
err navoniš,I err, wander; see lose; inf.-oxs-,-oxt-
denotes "by mistake, erroneously"; naoxtxiston, I e.
in speaking; naoxsemo, I e., make a mistake in mention-
ing one (or.); naoxshestana, I take it by error; naox-
toēta, I commit an error; naoxstoonaoxz, I e.in fixing,
designing it; naoxstoonaovo (or.); naeoxseoz, I become
muddled,mistaken; naoxsezesta, I e.in judging it; ze-
oxtoētassỏ, the erring ones in doings; see mistake, er-
ror; zevonšenasso, the erring, going astray ones.
erratic, enotovaeoxz, he is e., wanders, is an outsider,
erroneous, see err.
error, ahetovazistoz, e., fault, that which is amiss; ea-
hetovazistove, it is an e.: ahetov, by e.,
amiss; ooxtastoz, e.,mistake; oxtoētastoz,e.in doings;
naoxtoēta, I commit an e.; naoxtoētaetovo, I commit an
e.towards him; naoxtoētaeta (in.); naoxstoon, I commit
an e.in building it; vonšenàtoz, e., the being lost;
oxtxistonistoz,e.in writing; oxtoanistoz,e.in utter-
erstwhile, totanoom and tozanoom, in the long ago.
erupt, ezevevanota, it erupts, spews up; ezevatoeōstaha,
it erupts, is thrown upward; eoxevohoehóta, it
erupts, with flash, bursts open; eoseoz, it becomes
erupted, opened (of an abcess).
Esau, Evatan, the furry one.
escape, nahomsta, I e.; homstàtoz, e.,n.;
I e.from one (or.); nahomstaeta, I e.from it; nasaahe-
tomstomovohe, I cannot e.it his; vovok ehomsta, he es-
capes with nothing, naked; nanšenohomista, I e.with it;
natahomista, I am escaping; see flee.
eschew, see avoid, shun.
escort, hēstahoxseneheo (n.agent.); veoxzemaōn,e.,
panion; veoxzemosanistoz, the escorting;
zemo,I e., accompany one.
Eskimo, Hestasevostan, snow people.
especially, nanosetto; see special.
espouse, navistōmo, I e.one; see marry.
essay, see try.
establish, nanešemanisz, I e.it, make it so; nahekonēna-
na, I e.it firmly.
esteem, naono atamo, I e.one (or.);
naonoazesta, I e.it;
onoatamazistoz, estimation of one; onoatamahes-
toz,e.(stative); see honor; naohāpevatamo, I e.one
highly; naohāpevazesta, I e.it highly.
estimate, nahāōemo, I e.one (or.) much worth; see worth;
nitónsetamo, how doest thou e. him, what doest
thou think of one? Nanexovōemo, I e. him that much
worth; nanexovhõesta, I e.it that much; nanhesse tamo, I
e.one, think that of one; nanhessezesta, I e.it, think
that of it; zehexovaztom, as I e.it; zehexovatamo, as I
e.one, lit. ....think that he "degrees"; nataōhazesta
zehexovōeme nàthoe, I am estimating the worth of my
land, lit.I am considering how much worth my land is;
esaatonšetaōemehan, it cannot be estimated, computed;
see esteem.
estimation, õhetanoxtoz, ōhaztastoz,e., consideration, the
judging of; see esteem.
estrange, navohovaovo, I e.,keep away from one; navoho-
vaovàzetovo,I e.myself from him; navohovahes-
tanovetovo, I am estranged from him; -vohova- keep
away, separate + hestanov =people, nation; navohovahes-
tanovemo, I am estranged from, am not with him, do not
live with him as a man; ehévhistaveve, he is an es-
tranged, outcast, expatriated one; naovahão vàzetovo, I
e., keep myself apart from one.
estrangement, vohovao vàzistoz,e., the keeping separate
from one; hévhistavevestoz, e., expatria-
tion; ovahão vàzistoz, e., keeping apart from one.
eternal, aenetto and aanetto, e., without end; nomos aa-
netto,e., forever; aenevostanehevestoz, e.,ever-
lasting life; aenhistanov, e.world: zeaenetovsz, the e.
one; eaenettōeve, it is e., eternity; see everlasting.
eternity, aenettōeva, in e.; eaenettōeve, it is e.
evacuate, see abandon, forsake.
evade, eahãeoxz, he evades (by making a round about
way); naahāeoxzetovo, I e.one;
naoháetanota, I e., eschew it;
naahāeoizeta, I
(or.); naovahãovo, I keep evading one (or.); nahomis-
ta, I e., escape,q.v.
evangel, pavhostō, good news.
evangelist, maheonēszevèho, religious whiteman, minister.
evaporate, eéšeō, it evaporates; zeéšeō, that which evap-
orates, evaporation; emasevoneéšeōeoz, it
evaporates (in steam).
even, pref.honš- =e.; enomaeha,it is e.,level;
na, I e., level, straighten it; ehoxeo, it is e..
smooth, clean; naesoxôn, I e., smooth (with instr., as
with a flat iron); nae soxoha, I e., smooth it; inf.-sē-
=alike, e, ; amstōeseo esētostovoetto, the double tree is
e.; esētostohessemeoheo mohènoham, the horses pull e.;
see level; inf.-nitó- e., the very one, e.self; nitóe-
vetto hěhya, e.his son, his very son; hóeãetto or hôā-
etto, e.likewise, not better; hôãetto evessenonotovseš,
e. he does get drunk; hoovaetto,e.as, as if, as much as;
hoovaetto nanešeton, e. as, as much as done unto me; ma-
to "e." in the sense of "also"; mato namakätaeme na-
voneosz, e., also my money I lost. Inf.-tāestov- =
equal, e.; zehešetōsz nataestovoého, I do to him e.as
he did to me, I get even with him; etāestovōemensz,
they (in.) are of e.value, worth.
evener, onooseo, e., level,q.v. (something to even with).
evening, hetōeva; zexhetõeve, when it was e.; matatōeve,
when it shall be e.; hezezeha hetōevå, or zhetō-
eva, this e.; màvōna hetōeva, to-morrow e.; nistoha he-
tōeva, every e.; ehetõeveoz, it becomes e.; ešhèpnōma-
no,it is already e.; ešovènōmano, it is towards e.
ehetoevōmano, it is e. (the endings in -mano ref.not so
much to the time of day as to the general aspect of
the e.,eveningtide); esaapevōmaeoxzehan, it is getting
dark,e.,it is growing dim.
evenly, see alike, level.
event, ēvhestoz; eēvhestove, it is an e., a happening, a
taking place; eevhestovensz, they (in.) come to
ever, rendered by inf.-aene- e., all the time, without
ceasing; inf.-amhesseta- e.,continually; niamhes-
setaetovemeno, thou art e.with us; nomoss aanetto, for-
ever.; tazetā, e.forward, from a time onward into the
future; taneta, e. after until now; nineta, e. since un-
til now; the inf.-oxtoxceēvehestoe- e., at any time;
vostaneo zeoxtoxceēvhestoeametanenevoss, people who
have ever lived, thru all the times; the term nohasto-
nexov followed by pref. heva-
"if e.,an any
time"; nohas tonexov hevavōmata nszenaha, if he should
e., at any time see thee, he would kill thee; hevamxha-
eanatto nohastonexoveva, if I am e., at any time hung-
ry; -nšeame- e., keeping on, continually; enšeamenhes-
so,it is e.so.
everduring, see everlasting.
evergreen, enšeamevèpozevatto, it is e., keeps on having
leaves, foliage; eaeneoxooxzevèpozevatto, it
has e.foliage.
everlasting, eanetto, it is e.; inf.-aene-
ending; aenevostanehevestoz, e.life; aenenā-
estoz, e.death; eaenheahetto, it lasts without ending;
zeaenheahetto vostanehevestoz, the life which lasts
forever; Maheo enēhov zeaenheahesz, God is the e.one;
aenheahestoz, everlastingness; oha nãestoz
nãetto, only death dies everlastingly (continues to
attempt to die); esaaáenettan, it is not e.; esaahen’–
nistovettan, it has no end, is e.; Maheo eaenenehov ae-
nettōeva, God is ever the same in eternity; see eter-
nal; zeaenemaheonevsz aenettōeva, the e. God in eterni-
ty; éš zetosaahēn'nistovettan, the eternal,e.day, lit.
the day which shall have no end; etoseaenešēve aenet-
tōeva, it is to be an e.day in eternity; naaenemaveta-
nonaova, he bothers me everlastingly.
every, is expressed like "each",q.v.; nistoha ešēva,e.
day; nistoxs vostan, e. person; nohas t'sa, e.where;
-mxastov- touching e.one, reaching all; namxastovhes-
zhov, I possess everything.
everbody, nistoxs vostan, e.; nistxez, e.of us; nistxess,
e. of you;
nistxevoss, e.of them;
zeo,e. (all of them) has gone, (the Ch.uses the pl.).
everything, nitaovae (or nitaó hovae), e., all things;
nistoha hovae, e., each thing; zetohetaevōxtom
hovae, e. that I see, all that I see; nitao naešemese, I
have eaten e., all of it; nitao zemehaaeno etaeševonâ-
taz',e.,all that he had has been burnt; nitao pavemē-
stomevsz, explain e.to me; zetohetaeaenom, e., all that
I possess.
evict, nahōstaház, I e.,oust it; nahōstahamo, I e.,oust,
expel one out of; natáeovo, I e., chase one off;
nivā zetáeovata, who has evicted thee?
eviction, hōstahamazistoz, táeovazistoz.
evidence, nōvoozistoz; taxtanōvoozistoz or taxtanōveo-
zistoz, plain e.; tåxtanōvemanistoz, the making
evident, plain, public, open; tåxtanōvemeemazistoz, e.
(in words); enovo, etåxtanovo, it evidences.
evident, etåxtanōvezhesso, it is e.like; otamenōs, here
is the evidence, or: evidently; taxamenōs, show
the evidence, or: how evident is it? Natåxtanōvana, I
make it e.; etåxtanōveoz, it becomes e.; etåxtanōvhe-
neenoe, it is evidently, obviously known; esaaononôhan,
it is e., indubitable.
evil, mathavs, the e., all that is e.; havs, e., sin; ehav-
seveve, it is the e.; ehavseva, it is e.; ehavsevae,
one (or.) is e., bad, sinful; nathavs, my e., sin; natat-
havs, my e. (repeated); nathavsan, our e.; natathavsan,
our repeated e.; havsevastoz, the being e.;
txe, company, realm of e., where much e.is; havsevetto,
eneševe, he does it in an e. manner; inf. -havseve- =
evilly, badly; nahavsevana, I make it bad; nahavseveēsz,
I speak e.; nahavsevoēta, I do e.; havsevoētaheo,e.do-
er; nahavsevoētaeoneve, I am an e.doer; havsevoētas-
toz,e.deed, act; nahavsevhoahe, I have e.lust; havsev-
hoästoz,e.lust; nahavsevetan, I feel e., bad; nahavsev-
oého, I treat one e.; nahavsevoész, I act e.to it; na-
havsevemo, I speak e. of one (or.); nahavsevesta, I
speak e.of it; nahathavsevemo, I repeatedly speak e.of
one; zehavseva, that which is e.; zehavsevaesz, the e.
one; Havsevevhan, the Evil; Havsevemaheo, the e. god;
Havsevstomanehe, the e. maker; nahavsevomoxta, I feel
bad; nahavsevoomen, I suffer e.; havseveva, in, thru, by,
with the e.; ehavseveoz, he (or it) becomes e.,gets
bad; ehavsevene, he has a bad, e.face; ehavseveeno, it
tastes bad; nahesthavseve, I have e., sin; ehavseveoxz,
it is growing worse, evil; see bad; momoxemaxeosēsz
nahesse tamo, I wish e.to one; namomaxstanotovo, I wish
one e., punishment;
exact, inf.-vovoxpon- =exacting, severe, careful; evovox-
ponae, one is exacting, strict; eosēnitá, he is ex-
acting; osēnitàtoz, the exacting; navovoxponetanotovo,
I am exacting concerning one (or.); navovoxponevēsto-
mevo, I e.of one (requiring, asking rigidly); nitosevo-
voxponeōhatamanhemå, we shall be judged exactingly;
etónēhov, it is exactly the one (or.); inf. -tó- the
very one; seetoeš, at exactly the same moment; inf.
-hetom- exactly so, true; nahetomé, am I not right,ex-
act? Ehetom, it is e.,true; esaahetomettan, it is inex-
act, not true, untruthful; hetomestoz, exactness, truth;
vezen, just so, exactly so; zehešeĕszétto hapo vezen
nanešeēsz, as thou speakest, likewise exactly do I
exaggerate, etaheom-hoxsehòtahan, he adds over much to
his story, his telling.
magnify thee;
exalt, naohaoto, I e.one; niohāotaz, I e.,
nahāheamōemo, I e.,count one of high value; nahā-
heamaného, I e.one, make him to be high; Maheo zenoco-
hãoesz, the most exalted God; Maheo zeohão tanétto, thou
God who art exalted! Naohātamanooto, I praise him ex-
alted; zenanoshāheamaesz, the most exalted one; nana-
nosetan, I e.myself, want to be the highest, the most
prominent; nananosetamo, I deem him exalted; nananose-
tanotovo, I want to e.him.
e. in
exaltation, ohãotazistoz, ohātamanootazistoz,
praise, words; hāheamahestoz,e. (state of).
examination, chatamazistoz, the studying, examining;
ōhaztastoz, e., judging; ēveōhaztastoz,e.,in-
spection; ēvevehosenistoz zeoxcevešeōhaztastov, e.by
examine, naōhatamo, I e., study him; naēveōhatamo, I am
engaged in examining one; naōhazesta, I e. it;
naonistatamo zehexovhenenenovaes, I e., test how much
he knows; zeešeōhatams etaaseoxz, after he had been
examined he left; Maheo eoxceonistatamo vostano, God
examanines, tests a person; see test, try.
example, tãohemestoz, e., parable; etãoheme stove, it is an
e.; natāohemes toz, my e., parable; nitãohemeston-
an, our e., parable; nihetãohemenon, he is an
is an e. for us;
natāohememanha, he makes me to be an e.; nahetãoheme-
noz, he is my e.; natãohemenanoz, I make one an e.; ni-
tāohemenatovaz, I make thee an e.; natãohememaného, I
make him to be an e.;z ehešenéhovez nitãohemevo, since
we are your e.
exasperate, natahovetanoho, I e., anger one; namo mátaesé-
ho, I e., make him enraged.
excavate, navosôn, I dig.,e.
exceed, rendered by inf.-osē exceedingly; inf.-hèp- =
exceeding, beyond, -heomhèp- =over much; eosĕ-
mashanē, he is exceedingly stupid, unreasonable; ehèpe-
oz, it exceeds; nahèpeosen, I e., have in excess; see
over; eosēpevatamano, it is exceedingly beautiful;
ehèpõeme or ehèphāoeme, it exceeds in value,worth;
inf.-ahan- =exceedingly, extremely, stunningly.
excel, rendered by inf.-hèp-; ehèpepeva, it excels
is e.
good quality); ehèphavseva, it excels (in bad
quality); nanovoto, I e., beat one; inf.-nanos-excel-
ling, above all; enanotōeme, it excels in value; enano-
tae hozeohestovå, he excels in work; enano tae heneeno-
vastovå, he excels in knowledge; enanotae pavastovå, he
excels in goodness; -taze- =e., going ahead, before,
e.g.etazepevenietamenotto Maheon zetozehexovaez' vos-
tano, he excels in trusting God more than other wise
he does in man; namahaetaevo, I e.him in size, bigness,
am bigger than he is.
excellency, pavōemestoz; nanotōemestoz, e. (in worth);
nitátamahestoz, excellency, eminence.
excellent, enanosepeva, it is e.; enocohāpeva,it
the only very good; nanitázesta, I deem e.,
eminent, ahead; nanitá tamo, I deem one e., eminent.
except, osĕhecetto, entirely by self; inf. -osēhec- =e.,
unless; inf.-noose- or -nōose- without, leaving
nanoosemo, I e.him, do not mention him; nanōoxto-
sesta, I e.it, leave out mentioning it; the term "oha
tó" =e., in the sense of "unless" and requires the
Sub. cj.; oha tó veoxzemetto, e. thou goest with me.
excess, rendered by inf. -heom- =over much, excessive;
inf.-tonocnanos- e., extreme; inf.-hèp- =e., be-
yond, over; ehèphānano, it weighs beyond, has e.of
weight; ehèpoēta, he commits e., acts beyond the limit;
nahèpoého, I treat one with e.; hèpoéhazistoz,e.in
acts, doings; heomemanistoz, e. in drinking; heomhozeo-
hestoz,e.in working; heome anovetanoxtoz, e. in grief;
inf.-ahan- excessive, extreme, killing; eahansenova, he
is excessively mean.
exchange, name toenen, I e.; name toena, I e.it; nametome-
vo,I e. place with one, make room for him; ze-
metoenensz makät, the one who exchanges money; metoe-
nenistoz, e.,n.; emetoenenistove, it is an e.
excite, naohaetan, I am excited; naohaetano oz, I get ex-
cited; naohaetanoho, I e.him; nahomaszesého, I e.,
disturb, stir one up; ehomôozeo, they become excited,
disturbed; see commotion, disturb; nahomôtan, I am ex-
cited, disturbed, perturbed; naheomstôtan, I am excited,
perturbed, anxious; eohaotōene, he looks excited, scar-
ed; eheneetan, he is excited, figety, restless.
excitement, ohaetanoxtoz and ohaetanoozistoz; homasze-
sohestoz, cause of e., disturbance; homôozis-
toz,e., commotion; homotanoxtoz, e., disturbance in
mind; heomstôtanoxtoz, e., anxiety, perturbation; ohao-
tōenestoz,e.,in look, the looking scared; heneetanox-
toz,e.,fretfulness, impatience.
exclaim, emasóhevō, he exclaimed, suddenly said; emasóma-
xehahe, he is exclaiming with a loud voice.
exclamation, masomaxehahestoz,e.with loud voice; masó-
nistōhestoz, e., sudden shout; gō, also a-gō,
alas!, implying pity (used usually in prayers); nihene-
eno vemeno gō zehešemashanēez, thou knowest us alas how
foolish we are!; ĕe (followed with pref.a [of the
Sub.mode]), oh!; ee axtoxetanovosz, oh that they were
wise!; oōtam, what next! (sc, shall be expected), imply-
ing the thot: "if so now, what will it be next!"; haō,
so be it, aye! (male term); ya! (also repeated se-
veral times), c. of wonder, surprise, somewhat similar to
the Eng. "ah!"; haxc!, similar to the Ger. "ach"; eseva-
vono, my!; ahahẽe,woe! (said in surprise, consterna-
tion); ahoya, how miserable, alas!; hân!, guttural e.or
grunt, expressing dissatisfaction or mortification;
ahā, fine, exquisite!, expressing admiration, apprecia-
tion, praise; hahō, thanks!; naō,naō, dear me!, express-
ing surprise, (used only by women); nàkoēe!, e. at some-
thing unexpected (used only by women); hesc, in all
the world! (male e.); nihéhe or nihéheeee!, e.of
disgust,contempt, used by men; the "hé" is pronounced
explosively while each of the succesive syllables be-
comes a lower grunt; aa or aá!, e.of assent; okahē!, e.
of welcome into a lodge.
exclude, naoseetano, I e.one;
tano, I put one out;
naoseetana, I e.it; nahōs-
navoohoeto, I e., cast one
away; navoohoesz, I cast it off; nanoosetan, I e.,leave
out of my thot; nanoosetanotovo, I e., leave him out of
my thots; nahōnesetan, I e.,keep out from; nahōneseta-
notovo, I e.him from my thots, (in the sense of for-
bidding, shutting out); see close, shut; eoseetane éōs-
taenotxistovå, he is excluded from the church; eveše-
nxpeaenonitto, it excludes the light; nanotovaoto, I e.,
oust him; nanotovaovo, I make one to be an outsider,
excluded one; see outside; tāma enotovaovàz, he ex-
cludes himself, makes himself to be an outsider; eno-
tovaeoxzetovo Maheon, he excludes himself, wanders away
from God; zenotovao vàzetovoss Maheon, those who have
excluded themselves from God; navovenosàz, I e.,disas-
sociate, separate myself from; navovenosàzetovo hotam-
hetaneo, I e., disassociate myself from the Dogwar-
exclusion, oseetanazistoz, e., the putting out; voveno-
sohestoz, causing e.; vovenosàzistoz, self e.,
disassociation; notovaotazistoz, e., the putting one
outside, making him an alien, exile; see exclude.
exclusive, the Ch. has an e.form of the first (pl.) and
third (sg. and pl.) person. In the regular
possessive forms the pronominal pref. of the e.is
"na-" without any change in the suff part; namhayon-
an, our (e.) house; nimhayonan, our (incl.) house; in
the irregular possessive forms, the prominal e.pref.is
"ni-"; nitovan, our (e.) body; etovan, our (incl.) bo-
dy. In the verb, the e. pref. is "na-" with suff. "e";
namesheme, we (e.) eat; nimeshemå, we (incl.) eat. When
two third persons appear in the same or in closely
connected sentences, an exclusive form is used for one
of them, usually the one in objective position; evōmo
hetano zehamoxtaz', he saw a man, who was sick; èvōmovō
nistxez', they saw them all; nistxez' is the e.third
person of "all", the common form is "nistxevoss" =all
of them. See Genitive-exclusive mode in Ch.gr.
excommunicate, eoseetane maheonemesestovå, he is excom-
municated from the Communion; eoseetane
éōstaenotxistovå, he is excommunicated, excluded from
the church.
excuse, nanonaoan, I make e.; nanizeovo, I e., allow, per-
mit one; eoxhestomotaàz, he excuses, speaks for
himself; nonaoanistoz, e.,n.; nizeovazistoz, the excus-
ing, allowing one; oxhestomotaàzistoz, self e., speaking
for self.
execrate, namoxzenamo, I e.one; namoxzenatan, I want to
e.; namoxzenavsta, I e.it; see curse, damn.
execration, moxzenamazistoz; moxzenatanoxtoz (in thot).
execute, in the sense of 'carry thru, perform" the v.
suff.-oého (or.) and -oész (in.) is used;
naohaoého, I e., perform a terrible deed to one; nape-
voého, I e., do good to one; when an action is carried
thru and completed inf. -ex- is used; naexhoeman, I
have enacted a law, regulation; nae xoan, I have
saying; naexoēta, I carry thru, e., perform
tion; naexáe, I have power to e., am able.
execution, exoētastoz, power to perform; exástoz, execu-
tive power, capability to do; tóneševestoz, e.,
the very, actual doing; vaxtoētastoz,e., completion of
a doing, performing.
had my
exemplification, see example.
exempt, namās tohano, I e.,clear, release one; emastoheoz,
he becomes e.; see release, relieve.
exercise, naaneemo, I e., train one; nahoxeeto, I e.,
train, practice one ( as a horse); ehoxeevosoe
and eonistosoe, he exercises, practices in playing; ze-
hoxeēsz, the exercised, trained one; aneevàtoz, train-
ing, e.; hoxeesohestoz, e., pradctice, the making or
causing to be acquainted; see train; naohaôzetanooz, I
am much exercised, concerned; zetohetaehoehotaez niox-
cevešeaneemaenon Maheo, God exercises, trains us by all
that befalls us; hesthozeohestovå nioxcehoxeetaen, he
exercises, trains us in his service; notxeo eoxceanee-
meo, the warriors are trained, exercised.
exert, is rendered by suff.-meo (h)e which denotes "ef-
fort, strain"; nakanemeohe, I am tired from exert-
ing myself; see strain.
exertion, namavemeohe, I am wearied from exertion;
hekonemeohe, I make strong e.; see strain.
exhalation, omotomhestoz, omotomeozistoz, the breathing
out; epave omotomhestove, it is a fine e., fra-
grance; pave omotomhestoz, good, sweet e., fragrance;
havseveomotomhestoz, bad e.
exhale, naomotom, I e., breathe out; nahōotoxta, I e.,
breathe it out (something tangible); enxhesseo-
motomeoz, it exhales (towards the speaker); see breathe.
exhaust, inf.-ma- and -mat- exhausted; inf.-mase-be-
coming exhausted; emaveoz, it becomes exhausted,
tired of,old; namavevehōsen, I am exhausted from look-
ing on; namavetan, I am exhausted, bored (in mind); na-
mavstaha, I am exhausted (at heart); namtxiston, I have
exhausted my writing, finished entirely so there is
nothing more to write; emaseoxzeo, they (or.) are be-
coming exhausted, gradually disappearing; nimakätaeme-
voz zemaseozensz noka ešēva, one [some] day your money
will become exhausted; emaseomotom, his breath becomes
exhausted; ematane, it is exhausted, worn out,
used up
(so there is nothing left of it, as a candle when
burnt up); namasetotoxstanon, we have exhausted the
discussing about it (having gone carefully over the
ground to be discussed); emataneha, it is exhausting
away; esxseveozistove, it is exhausting, wearing; nama-
tana, I e.it; see finish; inf.-sxsev- or -soxsev- =ex-
hausted, fagged out; esxseveoz, he becomes exhausted;
nasxsevomoxta, I feel fagged out; nsxseveanoto, I beat
one to exhaustion; nasxsevae, I am in a state of ex-
haustion; nasxseveoto, I e.one; namotaeoz, I become ex-
hausted, wearied, depressed, tired; namotaetan, I am e.,
wearied in mind; see dejected.
exhaustion, matxestoz,e., annihilation, the ceasing to
be; matxpeozistoz,e.by dissolution; matotxe-
oxzistoz,e. by corruption, decay; matxpevōvàtoz,e., dis-
solution by liquid; matanēoxzistoz, e., annihilation by
natural, slow process; sxseveozistoz, the becoming ex-
hausted; sxsevomoxtastoz, feeling of e.; sisevastoz,
state of e.; sxseveotazistoz, the exhausting
of one;
motäozistoz,e., depression; motätanoozistoz, the becom-
ing exhausted in mind; see exhaust.
exhibit, navōstoman, I make a show; navōsého,I e.it to
one; navōsész, I e., show it; navōsonotto, I e.
one (or.) to one (or.); navōstomaného, I e.one, make
him to be seen; navōstomevo, I e.it for one (or.), so
he can see it; vōseo, the e. (object exhibited); evōse-
oneve, it is an e.; zemävōme voeva ehevōseon Maheo, all
that is seen in the sky is God's e.; zemävōseonevēsz
heama voeva, all that is exhibited above in the sky;
Maheo nivōstomōenon hemansto, God exhibits for us his
handywork; evōstomanistove, it is an e.; see show.
exhibition, vōstomanistoz, the showing, occasioning а
show; haesto hovaeoxz evōstomanistovensz,
many objects are in e.
exhort, naaneemo, I e., train, teach one; navonhosemo, I
e admonish one; naōhaevamo, I e., urge one to
consider; navonhosetaneva, I e. (as a vocation or hab-
it); see urge, persuade, admonish.
• ,
exhortation, vonhose tane vàtoz, e.; vonhostomo hestoz, e.,
admonition, urging; ōhaevàtomo hestoz, e., the
urging to consider; oneevama zistoz, e., advice.
exigency, vovoxponetanoxtoz, e. (in disposition);
ponastoz, e.(state).
exigent, rendered by inf. -vovoxpone-
urgent, exacting,
requiring; esaavovoxponeneševs tovhan, the
of it is not e.; evovoxponae, he is e.; evovoxponetan,
he is e.in mind, wants to exact; evovoxponhetaneve, he
is an e.man.
exile, enotovaeoxz, he is an e., he wanders as an outsid-
er, is homeless; see roam, wander; notovavostanehe-
vestoz, the e.life; nanotovaovo, I make one to be an
outsider, an e., expatriate; nanotovaoto, I e.one;
tovaovàzetovo Maheon, he exiles, alienates himself from
God; zenotovaeoxzess, the exiled,, outcast ones, outsid-
exist, rad.-hesta (or.) and -hesso (in.) =to e., to
"continue upright"; nàkôo ehestaeo hezeno, bears
e., have there being here; naēvae, I e., have my habi-
tat,dwell; zeēvhestasso, the ones existing; hovae hoe-
va zehesso, that which exists on, is of, the earth; Ōx-
hesta eaenhesta Maheo, God exists ever the same; nanx-
hesta, I am, originate from; t'sa esaahessohan, it ex-
ists nowheres; zeametanenesso, the ones who live,e.;
zehešetanenetto, as long as I live, e.; nahestaoz, I
come into existence, being, am born; see be.
existence, ametanenistoz,e.,life; ēvahestoz
and ēvas-
toz, the e., the being at one place (Ger. Da-
sein); evhestàtoz, the e., condition of being; nasaahe-
neenovoheo zehešhestavoss, I did not know them to ex-
ist, ....of their e.
exit, ehoazenatto, it is an e. (of a hole); zexhōènisto-
ve, where the e.is.
expand, see spread; emahacoxz, it expands, enlarges;
Say C
expedient, et'senitáe, it is e., important;
ettan, it is not e.
expanse, emhaōmoeha, it is an e.of water; emhaōvatto, it
(a large body of water) spreads over.
expatriate, see exile; enotovaeoxz, he is an e., a wan-
derer outside one's nation or one's home.
expect, nahoztavazesta and nahozesta, I e., desire to
get; nahozevatan, I e.in return; nahozevatanota, I
e.it; nahozevatanotovo, I e.one (or.); nahozeovōsetan,
I e.,hope; nahozeovotazesta, I hope, e.it; nahe thoahe, I
e.,wish, covet; nime saahe thoaheme, you cannot e., wish;
etoseametanen esaahesse tamehe, he is not expected to
live, lit.he is going to live he is not thot of: see
expectancy, hozeovõsetanoxtoz, e., hope;
tanoxtoz, joyful e.,hope.
expectation, hozevatanoxtoz, e.in return, also: hozevata-
notovazistoz; hethoastoz, e., desire;
Sind) Graniet comp
vōsetanoxtoz, e., hope.
expectorate, nahōsean, I e., spit,q.v.
expectoration, oseanoxz, e., sputum; ōseanoxtoz, the ex-
pectorating, e.;
expell, natáeovo, I e., chase one away; nahōstana, I e.it
out; naaseoaovo, I e., dispel, drive one away.
expend, see spend; naamhasen, I e., make debts; naamhaz,
S p
also ref. to
expenditure, amhasenistoz, e., expense;
things bought on time.
expensive, ehaōston, it is e.,
e., lit. he reckons, counts
high; eheomōeme, it is too e. heto voxca zex-
hoxtovatto esaaheomōemehan, this hat which I bought is
not too e.; eoxchoxtovanotto hōmao zehāōemeziss, she
buys e.robes, blankets.
experience, nanxheneeno, I have e., know from; nihèpeoto-
xovaetōen, he has more e.,wisdom than we; na-
otxovae,I have e., know how, have skill; enešeoona, he
is experienced, expert, skillful; heto oxnešhoomatoesz,
this when felt, experienced; see feel; ehoxee, he is
experienced, trained; haomenestoz nivešhoreetàzenon,
misfortune trains, gives us e.; enhestatanov, they e.
it, reach its condition, are in the "same fix". Otoxo-
vastoz,e.,n.; hoxeetazistoz,e., training;
toz,e., acquaintance with.
experiment, naonisetan, I make e., trial, test; naonistao-
ha, I e. it (instr.); naonistoého, I e. one
(or.); naonistoész, I e., test it; see test, try. Onise-
tanoxtoz, e., trial, attempt; inf.-onis- =try, test, at-
tempt, experiment; onistoētastoz,e., in acts; onistoso-
hestoz,e.in play, practice.
expert, eheneenoseoneve, he is e.; enešeoona, he is
skillful (in making something); heneenoseo, the
knowing one, e.
expiate, nahestoomenetovo, I e., suffer for one; see
atone; hestoomenetovazistoz,expiation for one.
expiation, see atonment.
expire, emaseomotom, he expires, dies; emaseomo tome oz, he
becomes expired, dies; ehooxeomotom, ehooxeomo-
tomeoz, he expires, breathes his last; mataešematōeme-
vosz ešiensz, when the days shall have expired, lit.
been all counted; -mat- all, exhausted + -ōeme =
it is counted; see die.
expiration, maseomotomeozistoz, hooxeomotomeozistoz, e.,
death; naeozistoz, death, e.; ešiensz zeešema-
tōemevosz, at the e. of the days.
explain, namestomosan, I e.; namesta or naméesta. I e. it
(-mé- bring up + -esta in words [in.]); namē-
stomevo, I e.it to him; namēs tomovo, I e.it his; namē-
stomoe, I e. (continued action); name emo, I e., reveal one
(or.);nameemonotto or namestomevonotto, I e. one (or.)
to one (or.); the last term denotes: I e. to one con-
cerning one; nimeemazenotto I e., reveal, divulge one
to thee; nimēs tomevázenotto, I e. to thee concerning
one; natotāmēsta, I e.in detail; namestomotâ, I e. for
one (substitute); namēstomotxeva,I e.for; emēstomotxe-
vaheve, he is an explainer, an interpeter (not only in-
terpreting verbally, but giving needed explanations);
mestomotxevahe, the explainer (who does it for another
one); nasaatonšemēstohe; zehešetovat to, I cannot e.
what it purports, means; mestomosanehe, explainer (one
who has the faculty to e.); zemēs tomosansz, the one
who explains; zemēs to, the one who explains it; zemēs-
tomōsz, the one who explains it to me; zemeemsz, the
one explained, revealed, divulged.
explanation, mestomevazistoz, the e.; mēs tomosanistoz
and mestomohestoz, the explaining; mestomot-
xevàtoz, the explaining for; mestomotxevahevestoz, the
state of one who explains, interprets
explicable, emēs tomevazistove, it is e.; esaatonšemēs to-
mevazistovhan, it is inexplicable.
explicit, etåxtanōveoz, it is e., plain, open; natåxtanō-
vemēsta, I explain, express it plainly, explicit-
ly; natåxtanōvemēstomevo, I make it e. to one,
to one, confess
to him. See evident.
explode, epoehóta or epôhóta, it
the exploding, explosion, see burst.
expose, tåxta ehota, it is exposed; tȧxta ehotazēsz hes-
zeveeonešsz, his entrails are exposed; nahetoomo-
éház, I e.myself to suffering; nahestatamahe, I am ex-
posed to, I risk, court danger; esaanahetanohe, he ex-
poses himself, is not bewaring, not taking precautions;
esaanaheztohe, he exposes himself to it, does not
beware of it; eoxzešeōhaevame ax esaaxanahetanohe, al-
tho he is cautioned he is not taking heed, bewaring,
he exposes himself; éōstaevostan zsaanaheztosz heovaz
zetoētastoz etaneheavao, a Christian who exposes him-
self to all sorts of doings, comes soon to fall; mxhe-
omhestatamaetomass havs nszeneheexaōenov, if you e.
yourselves too much to evil, it shall soon overcome
you; nameena, I e., reveal it (action); naméesta, I e.,
explain it (in words); nameeno, I e., reveal one (or.);
nameenomevo, I e.it his; see reveal; natåxtanōvana, I
e., show it openly; etåxtanōveoz, it becomes exposed,
seen openly; enōvoz, etåxtanōvoz, it becomes exposed.
exposition, tåxtanōvanenistoz, the exposing, showing
openly; tåxtanōveozistoz, the becoming ex-
posed; meenazistoz, e., revelation. See expose.
expositor, tåxtanōvaneneo; see explain.
expound, see explain.
express, is rendered by verbal suff.-oan utter; epevo-
an, he expresses, speaks well; ehavsevoan, he
expresses badly, evilly;
eononovoan, he expresses in
dark, enigmatic sayings;
tåxta naoxheve, I˚e. myself
freely, openly, frankly; namatoan, I have expressed, ut-
tered all; eoxtoan, he expresses, pronounces, utters
wrong; namesta, I e., explain it; naoxhesta, I e., utter
it; naoxhestomotaàz, I e., speak for myself; nohetto
oxhestomotaàzz, now then e.thyself!; esaatonšeoxhestô-
han, it cannot be expressed, said, uttered; namesta ze-
hešetanotto, I e.my opinion; namēstomevo zehešetanot-
see explain;
to, I e.,explain my opinion to one;
tåxtanōvesta navoešetanoxtoz, I e., declare openly my
joy; navōstoman, I e. (by showing); navōstoman zeheše-
pevetanotto, I e. my pleasure, show that I am glad;
t'sē, expressly, purposely.
expression, pavoanistoz,nice, good e.;
foolish e.; see
So S
enunciation; oxtoanistoz,
faulty e.; oxhestoz, e., utterance; mestomevazistoz,e.,
explanation; zehešiens, the e.of one's face, counte-
nance; see look.
expulsion, táeovazistoz, the expelling; asetaovazistoz,
the chasing away; see expell, chase, drive;
So m
extend, nahāexovana, I e., prolong it (the time); nasèpe-
ona, I e.,stretch out my hand; see stretch; rad.
"t" and "z" ref.to "forward extension"; inf.-tā- de-
notes "going, extending to"; niszetā, up to now; taze-
tā, from now on; natāešemese, until I shall have eaten.
extent, rad.-tā- denotes e., amount, reach of; heto naeš-
täheneena, I know this to the full e.; zeheštāhe-
neenom, to the e.of my knowledge; pref. zehetā- the
whole e.of (governing the Sub. cj.); zehetāenāevoss,
the e., amount of the dead ones; zehetão, the e., size
of it, its full e., reach; zehetãoz heszheneenovastoz
esaaheneenôhanehez', the e. of his knowledge is not
exterior, tahoc, outside, on top; votocat, on the e., sur-
face; notovatto, e.,not in with, out of; see
exterminate, namasenotō, I e.them (or.);
we e. them (or.); namasenàz, I e., kill it
all; namasevonenoxz, I e.it (by destroying); namasevo-
nenotō, I e., destroy them (or.) entirely; see destroy.
extermination, masenotazistoz, e. by killing; masevoneno-
tazistoz,e.by destruction; masevonaōstâ-
estoz,e., destruction by fire;
death, the dying of all.
external, see exterior, outside.
extinct, esaaevhahestaheo, they (or.) are e., exist no
more; emashovanēeo, they (or.) are all e., dead;
ešhotova, it is e. (fire); see extinguish.
extinction, see extinguishment.
extinguish, nahotovavisan, I e., blow out; nahotovavóxta
vohoksenanistoz, I e. the lamp (by blowing);
nivaesz zehotovavoxto, who extinguished it? (by blow-
ing); ehotovavome, it is extinguished (by blowing);
nahotovaotovo,I e.it his or unto him; nahotovaen, I
e., by striking (as in fighting prairie fire); nahoto-
vàno or nahotovòno, I e.one (or.) by striking; ehoto-
vahanov, they e.it (by striking on the fire with some-
thing); nivaesz zehotovaho, who did e.the fire?; eho-
tovaoz, it becomes extinguished (also fig.); nivéhoto-
vaozenov, do not e., quench it (also fig).; nahotovavō-
va, I e., quench with water; nahotovavovoxz, I e.it with
water; nahotovavōvoto, I e.one (or.) with water; eho-
tovavõe, it is extinguished by water; ehotovavovaoz,it
becomes extinguished by water; see quench.
extinguisher, hotovaenistoz or hotovaenco, the e.
masenaeozistoz, e.by
extinguishment, hotovaozistoz, the becoming extinguish-
ed; hotovavomestoz, the being extinguish-
ed, blowed out; hotovavosanistoz, the extinguishing (by
blowing); hotovänistoz, e. (by striking); hotovavōvà-
toz,e., by water.
extirpate, nanitsemaoz,I e., eradicate it (uproot);
eradicate; nitsemaozistoz, extirpation.
extol, naohāpevhosemo, I e.one, speak in praise of him;
naohāpevhosesta (in.); naohāpevooto, I e., praise
him (direct); naohāpevooxta (in.); namahaatamanooto, I
e., praise him great; namahatamanooxta(in.); see exalt.
extort, namomátahestana, I e., obtain, take it by vio-
lence; namxtanevoého zèmetaēsz makätansz, I e.mon-
ey from one; lit. I force him to give me money; see
force; namo mátašešezesseno, I e., wrench from one (by
extortion, momátašešezessenazistoz, the wrenching, ex-
torting; see wrench (verb).
extra, rendered by inf.-kanòz- -in surplus; zekano xze-
asso, the extra ones (or.); hena zekanòzevōxtom,
what e.doest thou expect?; inf. -kanom- =e., matters
not, besides, altho, outside, byself, useless; ekanomhom-
oss,she cooked uselessly, for nothing; ekanoma, it is
e.,left over, of no special use; ekanomemahaciseheve,
altho he is an old man, or: it matters not that he
an old man; zekanomass, the ones who are extra, who
matter not; ekanomoēta, it matters not what he is do-
ing, executing. Inf.-nanos-e., in the sense of speci-
al; enanosepeva, it is e.,specially good.
extract, nanitana, I e., pull it out; heves nanitanomevo,
I e.his tooth; see pull, draw out, squeeze.
extractor, nitaneneo; enitaneneoneve, it is an e.; nita-
nenistoz,e., also the extracting.
extraordinary, esevavono, e.! (usually said as an excla-
mation); eohānitavatamano, it is e. weath-
er; eohanitavhetaneve, he is an e.man; eohanitaveeno,
it tastes e.; ohanitav- very different; Soss Fe. in
the sense of "intensely"; soss etatonetto, it is e.
cold; soss nimehotaen, he loved us extraordinarily;
esossohātamahe, he is e. (powerful, terrible, dreadful);
esossohāmo ona tamahe, she is e.beautiful.
extreme, inf.-heomeose- over much; eheomeosēmashanēoz,
he becomes extremely foolish; eheomeosĕhotoa-
natto,it is extremely difficult, direful; inf. -tonoc-
nanos- extremely, in the extreme, to the utmost; eto-
nocnanoshãomen, he is bereft to the uttermost; t'sa
tonocnanoshaeš hoe etazeoxz, he goes somewheres to the
uttermost parts of the earth; see extraordinary; inf.
-ahan- downright, extremely, killing; eahanatamae, he
laughs to the e. (Fr.il se meurt de rire); eahaneton-
etto, it is extremely, killing cold; eahanxpotomeoz, it
is extremely smothering, stifling.
extremity, zetonocnanoshãeso, that which is extremity,
farthest point; hestonoc,its e.point;
hãomenhestoz, e. (in poverty, bereavement).
extricate, naše xanen, I e., free from entanglement; naše-
xana (or.); našexano, (or.); našexaso, I e.one
(by means of knife); našexaxå, I e.it (by cutting);
naotsešexax, I strive to e.myself; našexoneano, I e.,
disentangle one (or.; from ropes, strings, etc.); naše-
xoneanàz,I e.myself (from ropes, meshes); našexoneana,
I e.it; see disentangle, unwind.
extrude, nahōstana, I e.it; nahōstano (or.); nahōstaház,
I e.,expel it out; nahōstahamo, I e. one (by
thrusting out).
exude, tass ehòpeoz, as it were it sweats, becomes
ing; eohestoneeoz, it exudes, oozes; see ooze.
exult, navonhetotan, I e.; natavoešetanooz, I am exult-
ing; ehetotaneševe, he does it exultingly, with
joy; -hetota- with happiness, exultingly; ehetotane-
hahe, he shouts with exulting voice.
exultant, emaxhetotaetanona, one is e., greatly happy.
exultation, vonhetotae tanonaestoz, e.,exultancy; maxevo-
ešetanonaestoz,e.,state of great joy; heto-
tanehahestoz,e.,shouts of happiness.
eye, maex, maexansz (pl.), the e. in general; naex and na-
exa, my e.; naexansz, my eyes; niexaanoz, our eyes
(incl.); heexaevoz, their eyes; napeveexan, I have good
eyes; nahavseveexan, I have bad eyes; suff.-exan =
eyed; emahataexan, he has strong (also iron)
eyes, is
strong eyed; eheoveexan, he is yellow eyed; natotō, I
open the eyes; nameozexan, I shut the eyes; nahoveone-
noma, I shade my eyes (with hands, etc.); eóoene, he is
blind of both eyes; eocene, he is blind of one e.
emomahaexan, he has big eyes; etocehaen, he has small
eyes; etozcemazen, he has little, slit eyes; evovèpotō-
ene, he has sunken eyes; evoxpeexan, he has white eyes;
eōevemazen, he has sore eyes; eahanemazena, he has ex-
tremely sore eyes; eaenoneexaneoz, his eyes are dark-
ened, dazzled; enoniotōene, he is tear or dust stained
around the eyes; eohão tōene, he has scared eyes, looks
scared; naoniseexanèno, I put out one's eyes; naonise-
exaneōstòno, I put out one's eyes instantly; eonise-
exaneošeš, his eyes are put out instantly; eniseexane-
ōhe, his eyes are bulging out; naexanèno, I keep my
eyes on one (or.); naheexanoha, I keep my eyes on it;
eoxksaaohaoxnoheo, he does not shift his eyes from
them; naoxtanōmo, I am an e.witness, see him distinct-
ly; zehetoheexaestove, all that has eyes, that is eyed;
zethetaheexaestovesso, all (or.) that have eyes; eexa-
eve,it is eye; exaevestoz, the being eye; emäxaeve,it
is all eye; emasoeohāeoz naexā, it rises before my
eyes,sight; esēha or exasēha naexa, water stands in my
eyes; emomàpeõene, one has watery eyes, so that it
blurrs the sight; etamomakoene, he has red eyes, in-
flamed; naexa eōxenoešen nahän, my eyes
are full of
tears; etamo meosaen, he has watery eyes; nanšešeexane-
vōva, I wash my eyes; nanšešeexanevōvoto, I wash one's
eyes; atoseneozistoz, mote in the e.; xoemazenanistoz,
e.salve; exoemazenanistove, it is e.salve; naēseého, I
inject his e. (sc.with medecine); eseeseeoxz, e.water,
lit.medicine to inject with; nivémamēananoz niexansz,
do not rub thy eyes with the hands, or fingers; nsze-
vétosemeemósz niexa, do not constantly touch, handle
(with fingers) thy eyes; veenotto, e lash or e. brows;
voxtanēexanistotoz, e.lids; ehóetovō, he has defective
eyes,sight; following are pr.names ref.to e.:
tōene, Beareyed; Heoveexan, Yelloweyes; Ocene, One-eyed;
Momahaexan, Bigeyes; Tozcemazen, Sliteyes; Maca, Red-
eyes; Vovèpotoene, Sunkeyes; Voxpeexan, White-eyes; Ma-
hataevexan, also Maataexa, Strong- or Ironeye; ōesca,
Scabbyeyed. See sight, see, look.
am e.
Ezekiel, Maheono xnietamsz, Trusting-in-God.
eyebrow, veenotto.
eyeglass, maataevexansz, iron eyes; emaataevexanistov-
ensz, they (in.) are eyeglasses.
eyelet, zeotā, that which is bored thru.
eyelid, voxtanĕexanistoz, voxtanēexanistotoz (pl.); evx-
tanēexanistove, it is an e.;
they (in.) are eyelids.
eyesight, võsanistoz; see sight.
eyewitness, naoxtanōmo, I am an e.of him; naoxtanōsan, I
The Ch. has no "f" sound altho the pronunciation of
"y" be sometimes half way between "f" end "v".
Fable, hòtaheo, f., story; aestomhòtaheo, false story;
vhanhòtaheo, is the true word for f.; evhanhòtahe-
oneve, it is only a f.
face, mazhešienestoz, the f., countenance; zehešiens',
one's f., the way one's countenance, f.is; nazhešie-
nestoz, my f., countenance, mien; suff. -en(e) faced;
ehavsevene, one has a bad f.: epävene, one has a f.
marked by powder (bluish points); emoxtavene, one
a black f.; emomenovene, one has a pleasant f.; emaxe-
pevōene, it (ref.to animals) has a good f.; epavene,
one has a good f.; nanšeševōene, I have my f. washed;
nanšeševōenèno, I wash one's f.; nanšeševōenesz, I wash
my f.; nanevōene, I have my f.wiped (passive); nanevō-
enèno, I wipe one's f.; nanevōenesz, I wipe my f.; na-
xoanevōene, I have my f. anointed, greased; naxoanevōe-
nèno, I anoint, grease one's f.; ehosozene, he has a
dirty f.; ešeeseene, he has a streaked f. (from sweat
marks [has the meaning of xahestoz urine]); ešhoxee-
ne, one has a clean face; eohão tōene, one has a scared,
frightened f.; enitavene, one has a different f.; eni-
taveneoz, one gets a different f.; ninitaevenhemå, we
have different faces; emaene, one has a red f.; ema-
eneoz.he blushes, his f.becomes red; naôomeneo, I make
a sad f.; naôomeneome, we make a sad f.; naneevavene-
manház, I make a f.to be known by; ekàkoene, one has a
thin f.; ehescene, one has a wrinkled f.; ekaene, one
has a short f.; esoxkomene, one has a slender, elongat-
ed f.; nahehemene, I am speckled in the f.; hehemenes-
toz, the being speckled in the f.; napoenèno, I slap
one's f.; napopoenèno, I slap one several times on the
face; napōeniš, I fall on my f.; esaaétoxtaevené, he
has a bold f.; eoasevenōhe, one has a shiny f.; nato-
tazeniš, I make faces, grimaces; natōomo, I see one f.to
f.; natōomevo, I look into one's f.; naoevaxkax, I
turn, hide my f.from; naoevaxkaxetovo, I turn, hide my
f.from one; naoėvaxkaxeta, I turn, hide my f.from it;
following are some pr. names ref. to f.: Hotoavōen,
Bullwhitef.; Zceovavene, Shortforehead; Ehescene,
Wrinkledf.; Ceensz, Littlef.: Maene, Redf.; Kaene,
Shortf.; Havsevene, Badf.; Pävene, Powderf.; Moxtavene,
Blackf.; Soxkomene, Slenderf.; Kakoene, Thinf.; Honehe-
vōene, Wolfwhitef.; Moceene, Littlewomanf.; Tamene,
Stumpfacewoman. See countenance. Namomenoveneotovo, I
make a pleasant f.to one; naxaemeneotovo, I smile at
one, have a smiling f.for him; eanovene, he has a sad
f.; naanoveneotovo, I make a sad f.at him.
to be truly the one; nanhesta zehešeněhovs, I i.
one,say that it is he; naněhovemo, I i. one, tell that
it is him, declare him to be the one.
idiot, emashane, one is i., unreasonable, insane. Writer
has only known one case of idiotism among the Ch.
during the last 25 years. The word "mashane" has a
wide application, from dull, stupid to crazy, frenzied.
idle, nasaatonševe, I have nothing to do, am i.; esaanà-
kahe, he is i.,not industrious; nasaahesthozeohes-
tové, I am i.,have no work; naēkokanomoe, I sit i.,have
nothing to do; naēkokanomahe, I am i., superflous, at
leisure; the inf.-kanom-,-kokanom- has the meaning of
"without effect, in vain, superfluous, uselessly"; zeka-
noxzeasso, the i., unoccupied ones (usually ref. to wo-
men not encumbered by household duties, having no
special work); in the distribution of Christmas pres-
ents, "ekanoma" is said of an article left over after
all children have been given something; ekanoma =it
is super-
it is i.,it has no special aim, has no use,
fluous. See lazy.
idleness, saanàkahestoz, the not being industrious; saa-
tonševehestoz, the doing nothing.
idol, vonhäxa, vonhäxasz (pl.), i., fetish; evonhäxaeve, it
is an i., charm, talisman, mysterious symbol; navon-
häxaan, our i.; nahevonäxaenoz, it (or.) is my i., tal-
isman; navonhäxaevston, I make, design an i.; mátavon-
häxa, special large peyote, symbolizing the peyote
worship, carried by peyote men and addressed in pray-
ers. It is not the peyote which is eaten during the
worship, but a special specimen (usually kept by the
priest in an ornamented case, tied to a string of
Mexican beads in the shape of a necklace hanging over
the chest of the wearer). The term vonhäxa is related
to vonháe priest, medium, burner. [The Sun dance tent
is called maxevonhäom, while smaller lodges for puri-
fication (sweat lodges) are called vonhäom; the term
vonháe =consumed, wiped away by fire]. The Ch. do not
address vonhäxasz as gods, but regard them as powerful
mediums and tangible representations of the spirit or
god to whom they make their petitions. The ceremonial
Arrows belong to the category of "vonhäxa", wielded
by the priests to keep the people under their (the
priest's) influence. The coming of the peyote worship
added a regular fetish "mátavonhäxa" and it is in a
fair way to be worshipped as a god, becoming a new
idol of the younger Ch. generation. See peyote.ōcevon-
häxa, false i., deceitful fetish; ōcemaheo, false,
spurious god.
idolater, zehevonäxasz, the one having a fetish, a me-
dium; nha
nha zetoxetanotovoz' zeōcevonhäxaeve-
ziss,i.,lit. the one who minds an idol.
idolatrous, ehōvenietamenoz ōcemaheon, one is i., trusts
a spurious god; eoxcenietamenoz zevonhäxae-
veziss, one is idolatrous, trusts in a fetish or medi-
um, talisman; zeoxcenietamsz zevonhäxaeveziss, the i.
idolatry, hevonhäxahestoz, the having idols; vonhäxa ze-
oxchaônatoe or zeoxchaônatoesz, i.; vonhäxa oxt-
hônatoēsz etahavsevoētastov, the worship (=idolatry)
of idols is wrong.
if, heva (governs the sub.cj.), if, in the sense of
the supposition that, provided or on condition that,
whether....or"; heva hovanész, i. he be absent; heva
peva na mo hovahan, i. (whether) good or bad; heva nē-
hovsz zemetata,i.it is he who gives to thee; when the
sub.reflective m.is used in the v. following "heva"
this latter denotes that the condition is doubtful,
improbable or impossible, as: heva nomàzeheonevetton-
hao,i.I were a thief; heva metaeō,i.one gave me; heva
hamoxtaezēsz namsaahoeoxzeheme, i.we had been sick, we
would not have come. Hevânš, if., in the sense of "on
the true supposition that, altho, because, implying the
truth of the condition", as: hevânšstamenōehevetto na-
saahavsevoĕtahe, i.I am poor I am not wrong (doing);
hevânšheneeno esaamestohe,i. he knows it, he does not
explain it. Pref. ve- (governing the sub.m.) i.in the
sense of "i. yet, in case that, i.further.... i.still
(implying persistence of being or acting)"; vehova-
han,i.it is not; venhesso, in that case; venšemesēsz,
i.he persists on eating; vesaa-amàtovatahetta, i.he
still disobeyes thee. Pref.ox- (governing the sub.m.)
=if, in the sense of "whenever", combining the ideas of
condition and time; oxvōmàzevosz eoxcepevetanō, if,
whenever they see each other they rejoice; oxneševe-
zēsz nioxcemetaenon hovae,if (whenever) we do it, he
usually gives us something. Pref.má- (before conson-
ant) and mx- (befor vowels and aspired sounds) =i.in
the sense of "in case. ., should...."; mxhamoxtasz,i.
he is sick; mxooko,i.it rain; mxhavseva, i. it is bad;
màvōmoz,i.we see him; [confound not mà- with ma
which means "when"]; màvōmata, if he sees thee; mavō-
mata, when he sees thee; natavōmata, when he shall see
thee. Heva is often combined with mà- or mx-; mxheto-
metto,i.indeed, i. true; mxhetomsz, i. he is true, i.so
(as he says); hevamxooko, i.it rain; heva mxhamoxtasz,
if he be sick. Pref. eo- (governing the sub.m. and oft-
en preceded by "heva") =i.in the sense of "whether",
introducing an indirect question or object clause;
as: nòztoveha eotoseaseoxzz, ask i.he will go; nasaa-
heneenohe eotosooko na mo hovahan, I not know if it
will rain or not; nasaaheneenovohe eoešhovanész, I do
not know i. he is dead. Hootam,i.so now, what (sc.will
it be then).
ignominy, aestometanevoomenestoz,i.;
men, I suffer i.;
inflict i. on one.
ignoramus, emashane, one is i.; zeamshanēsz, the i., dull,
stupid, idiot, insane one; ononoveozistoz, i.,
the not knowing well.
ignorance, saaheneenovahestoz, the not knowing; he to
zehešsaaheneenôhan, the i.of this, it not being
known; oxsaaheneenôhanehēsz hoemanistoz eoxcemaxeosà-
zistov,i.of the law is punishable.
ignorant, esaaheneenovahe, one is i.; zsaaheneenovahesz,
the i.one; zsaaheneenovahesso, the i.ones;
i.ones; na-
saaheneenovaetohe, I am i.of it; also nasaaheneenohe,
I do not know it; nasaaheneenovaetovo, I am i.concern-
ing one; Oxsaaheneenovahēsz, Ignorant, pr. name; evèpeš,
one is i., is empty minded; inf. -ononov- =i. of, not
knowing well, dubious of; naononoa, I am i.of it, do not
naaestometanevoomenesého, I
know it well; see know.
ignorantly, nionone, i., at random;
well knowing, dubiously.
ignore, nasaananovohe, I i.one, do not recognize him; na-
saananohe, I i.it; nasaananoné, I am ignored, not
recognized; saananovazistoz, the ignoring, non recog-
nizing; nasaananomevahe zehešepevoého, he ignores
kind treatment of him. Tsē esaananatanotohe, one pur-
posely wants to i.it; tse esaanana tano tomovohe Maheon
hešivaztastoz, he does not want to recognize, purposely
wants to i. God's mercy.
ill, esaapevomoxtahe, one is i., not well; ehamoxta,one
is very i.,sick; ehāmoxtaeoz, one becomes i.; saape-
vomoxtahestoz, the i.; etakovstaha, one is i.natured, i.
hearted, rancorous; etakovetan, one is i. disposed
(frowning); esaahotoahe, one is i.bred; emomáta, one is
i.tempered, irascible; nahes'senovoého, I i.treat one;
hes' senovoēstoz,i. treatment; nahestoēmo, I speak i.,
hatefully of one; nahessevoto, I speak i.to one, accuse
him of; inf.-havsev- in an i.manner, badly; ehavseve-
manehe eszehe, the coat is i. made; ehavsevetan, he
feels i.in mind; inf. -saapeve-,-saapave- i., not well;
esaapavemanehan, it is i.made; esaapavenóonettan, it is
i.,not well connected, related; nahavsevemo, I speak i.
of one; nasaavoemohe, I speak i.not well of one; havs,
the i.,evil, bad; ehāmoxtaenōhe, one looks i.,
inf. -ato- denotes "i." in the sense of "entangl-
ed,mixed, in disorder"; eatoēta, he acts i., transgress-
es; eatoeszeha, he is i.haired, has a bushy, disheveled
tangled head (hair); see tangle; zetohetaehavseva, all
the ills, all that is bad; heovasz hešehāmatazistov,
all the ills (infirmities, pains); zetohetaheškovoeve
zeoxchoehotaez, all the ills (thorny things), hurtful
thrusts that come to us.
illbred, hehetovanohetan, i.man; ehehetovanov, one is i.;
eonisyomhekonēstata, one is i.; see bred.
illegal, esaahoemanistovhan, it is i., not lawful, see
illegitimate, eemoxtōèn, she
child; niemoxtōenoxzz, thy i. child; eemoxtõenoxzeve, it
is an i.child; (from emōs secretly + -ōèn have, give
birth to a child); zeemoxtõenoxzevesso, i.children.
Eemoxthossē, she is with child illegitimately, see
has an i. child; emoxtõen-
heemoxtōenoxzetto, her
illicit, hovae zenhastoohe, something not allowed, for-
bidden, unlawful; see forbid; hoxtovotazistoz
zenhastoohe,i., forbidden trade; hovae zenhastoohe ni-
véneševenov, do not that which is i.; heto neševestoz
ninhastomonenon, this doing is i.for us; hoemanistovå
nioxchōstomōenon vèhoemàp, by law whiskey is i. to us.
illimitable, esaataenehan, esaataènistovhan,
boundless; also esaatāènettan.
ill-natured, ehãesenov, one is i., cross, crabbed;
ta, one is i., irascible.
illness, hamoxtastoz, see sickness.
illuminate, see light.
illusion, rendered by "hōve" under the impression; see
it is i.,
image, päozistoz (in.), usually päozistoto (or.); epäo-
zistove, it is an i., picture, photograph;
neme, my i., my person in the sense of statue (less in
use now, was said of the whole person, represented by a
doll or something formed with clay); vonhäxa, zevonhä-
xaevsz (or.), i., idol, talisman, fetish; see idol; nivā
ehenēhovstovsz, whose i.is it? Ehemàtasoomaeha, it is
an i.,reflection; ehemàtasoomatto,it forms an i., re-
flects (as in the water). [The Ch. holds that the i.of
a person (especially when reflected) is his spirit;
màtasooma =spirit]. Niseešenemo èyo, thou art the i.of
thy father (thou art like thy father, in the face);
Maheo èmanoōn vostano tama zehestavos, God made man
after his own i. (stature, being).
imagination, vhane toxtoetanoxtoz, mere fancy (in thot);
evhane toxtoetanoxtove, it is i.,it is imagi-
nary; zistoxtoetanos eoxcetaome ametan, he lives after
his own i., fancy, his own way; see fancy.
imaginative, evhane toxtoetanonov, one is i.
imagine, navhane toxtoetan, I i.; zevhanetoxtoetanoz, the
one who imagines; navhane toxtoetanota, I i.
it, concerning it; navhanenhešetan, I i., think,
think, suppose.
imbibe, see absorb.
imitate, natōszého, I i.one; nahoxeszého, I
nahoxeszého, I i.,counter-
feit one; nahoxeszesz, I i., counterfeit it;
hoxeszistovo zehešehaes, I i., counterfeit one's voice;
natóaovo, I i. (when putting on something to resemble
another, as Jacob did with the kids
to resemble his
imitation, tōszehàzistoz;
hoxeszehàzistoz,i., counter-
feit; tóaovazistoz,i., the making to resemble;
voz,in i.(mocking).
implement, zetaneneo, zetaneneonoz (pl.),i., tool; ezeta-
neneoneve, it is an i.; zetaneneoneva, with an
immaculate, esaatasehe, one is i.,has not spots, defile-
ment; esaahestasehestové, one is i.,has no
blemish; zsaatasehēsz, the i.one; zsaatasehehan, that
which is i.
Immanuel, Maheo-nivessevaen, God-with-us (or:
immaterial, esaatonsohan, it is
inf.-kanom- carries
i. of no consequence;
also the meaning of i.;
ekanomeēsz, his speaking is i., let him speak, it mat-
ters not; ekanomehomos, it is i.that she cooks, it mat-
ters not that she cooks.
immediate, áe.,i., close by.
immediately, inf.-tom- i., forthwith, at once; nitatome-
nahaz, I will kill thee i.; inf. ònehe- =
very soon,i.; zeešeénemeset to exònehehoeoxz, he arriv-
ed i.after I had eaten; see instantaneous.
immense, rendered by inf.-mame-
very great of bulk, but
always used with the v.; see bulk; èmamemansze-
no, he made (something) i.; hovae navōxta emamhota
to, I see something i.on the prairie, lit.setting i.;
soss emahao, it is i.,of large size; soss emahaeta, one
is i.,of large size.
immerse, see dip, plunge; eàtohōva, one is immersed,
buried under water; writer hears Ch.speaking of
the "zeséènesso" to designate such who have been bap-
tized by immersion; the term -séèn means "to step, de-
scend into a lake or river" but does not imply a com-
plete immersion.
immersion, àtohōvàtoz, the burying under water; séènis-
toz, the descending into water; séènistovå
evešéōstahe, one is baptized by immersion, descending
into water; zeséènessỏ, the ones baptized by i. (only
the connection will make this understood, otherwise
the term means simply: "the ones descending into wa-
immobile, esaamomoozehan, it is i.,does not move; esaa-
momoozé, one does not move; eheceō, one stands
i., without moving; ehecea, it stands, sets i., fixed.
immobility, saamomoozhestoz, the non moving; heceōhes-
toz, the standing immobile, rigid.
immortal, zsaahenāestovettan, that which is i., has no
death; màtasooma esaahenaestové, the spirit is
i.; nioxnāhe må oha nisaahenãesto vehemå, altho we die
we are i.
immortality, saanāhestoz, the not dying; Maheo nitose-
vešenhōmanaenon saanahestoz, God will clothe
us with i.
immovable, ehózemomooz, it (or one) is i., cannot move;
ehecehō, one stands i.; etoomahe, one is i.,un-
changeable; etoomatto, it is i.; inf. -toom- =staying
the same, not changing; see change.
immune, inf.-moeno- denotes i.(Ger.gefeit);
I am i.; namo enoevsan, I am clad, dressed so as to
be i.,wear clothes that protect me from vulnerabili-
ty; zemoenoevsanesso, the ones protected, made i. (in
their garments); namo eno evhone on, I am clad with im-
munity (also fig.); namo eno ovo, I make one to be i.,
protected, that no evil
can befall him; namoenoa, I
make it i.; heto esĕoxz navešemoenoon, I am made i. by
this medecine; emooxoneta, one is i., stone hard,
"flinty", possessing great endurance, tough; zemooxone-
tasso, the i., flinty ones (or.); hozeohestovå niveše-
mooxonetamå, we are made i., flinty, tough by
by working;
mooxevostanehevestoz, a life possessing endurance, cap-
able of resisting pain (physical and otherwise); mo-
oxevostane hevestoz momoxemetata Maheo, may God give
thee a strong, robust life; mooxevostan, a robust per-
immunity, moenohestoz, i.; moenoevsanistoz,
on i. (in dressing);
germany alle
the putting
cloth of i.; moevhoneo, cloth, apparel which
gives i.
(Ger. gefeiter Anzug); mooxonetatoz, state of i.,
toughness, of great endurance.
immutable, see immovable, change
impair, rendered by inf.-shov- getting less; nashove-
vōsan, my sight is impaired; eshovepevomoxta,
one's health is impaired; eshoveoz, it becomes impair-
ed; natotonšemanisz, I i.,spoil it; see spoil, harm; na-
havsevana, I i.,deteriorate it; see bad, less, diminish,
impalpable, zsaamxaôhan, that which cannot be touched;
esaamxanehan, it is i.,intangible.
impart, naoneno, I i.clothes to one; v.suffixes -aho,
-ého and -oho denote imparting; nanaho, I i.death
unto one, kill him; nahāmoxtaého, I i.sickness unto
one; navoešetanoho, I i.joy to one; see causative m.
impartial, rendered by inf.-vovoxpon- strict, i.
impassable, esaatonšesòp'nistovhan,it is i., lit. there
is no means of going thru; ohé esaatonšehox-
ov'ne tôhan, the river is i.,cannot be crossed.
impatience, azetanoxtoz,i.; heneetanoxtoz, anxiousness,
i.,fidgetiness; saaōènovahestoz,i. (state);
saaōénovetanoxtoz, i. (mental); see perseverance.
impatient, naazetano, I am i.(in mind); naheneetan, I am
i., fidgety, anxious, eager; esaaōènovahe, one is
not patient, persevering; esaaheōèno vetanoxtové, he has
no patience; zsaaōènove tanonovēsz, the i.one; zehenee-
tanoss, the i., fidgety ones (or.); nasaaōènovaetovo, I
have no patience with one; naheneetanoho, I impart him
impatience; enonotovetan, one is in a hurry (mental), i.
impecunious, esaahemakätaemé, one is i.,has no money.
impede, see hinder, prevent.
impediment, hovae zevešhestomeozistove,
which hindrance is caused.
something by
impel, rendered by verbal ending -aovo in the sense of
"make,cause one to"; naamaovo, I i.one to go,drive
him; naasetaovo, I i.one to leave; suff.-aoe (âe and
âhe) denotes "urging to action"; navovistome vâhe to-
vo, I press instruction upon one,i.him to know.
impend, rendered by inf.-toseeše- impending, about to
occur; etosešenãestove, death is impending; see
imperative, see Ch. gr.
imperfect, see fail; inf.-saavâxs- =not
complete, per-
imperfection, nitoxnehestoz, nitoxneozistoz,
ure, defective.
impersonate, nahe vezovenotto, I i., represent him; see
| Ag
see fail-
impertinence, tóvahestoz, i., impudence.
impertinent, etóvahe, one is i
etóvahe, one is i.,impudent, forward, brazen;
zetóvahesso, the i.ones.
impetuosity, hohāomanestoz.
impetuous, ehohãoman, one is i., zeohãomansz, the i.one
tovata, God thy Lord; Maheo zehenitäamez, God our Lord;
nanehov Maheo zehenitäametōsz, I, God who am his Lord;
nanĕhov zehenitäametovetto, I who am thy Lord; naněhov
zehenitäametovess, I your Lord; Zenitáetovoss heamano-
txo, the Lord of the heavenly warriors, or: Zenitáeto
heama-notxestoz, the Lord of hosts, lit.of the army
above; Maheo zenitáetovoss zevonenōheziss, God the
Lord of hosts, lit. innumerable ones.
lordliness, nitátamahestoz; vehonatamahestoz, 1.,kingli-
ness; vehone-nitá tamahestoz, 1., majesty.
lordly, evehonatamahe, one is 1.,kingly, has the appear-
ance of a chief; enitá tamahe, one is 1., has the
appearance of, or is held as a master; see proud.
lordship, nitávhoemanistoz,
jurisdiction, full
authority, dominion.
lore, hòtaheo, 1., story,q.v.
lose, rad. -vone- denotes "slip, off"; navoneosan, I 1.
(intrans.) ; navoneoeto, I 1.one; navoneoesz,also
navoneōsz, I l.it; navonea meo, I 1. the road (where it
is); navoneovo, I have lost where he is; navonae, I am
lost (state); navonaovo, I make one be lost (state
of); navoneoz, I am lost; navoneohetovo, I 1.one quick-
ly, make him disappear quickly; navonaosemo, I disturb
one in his talking, lit.make him lost by talking; also
navonevaosemo; navonevahasen, I disturb by noise,
sound; navonevahamo, I disturb one by
I disturb one by making noise,
sound; evonâta, it is lost, destroyed by fire;
noxz, I destroy it; evonenōheo, they (or.) are lost in
number, are innumerable; evonōetam, it is beyond depth,
lost in depth; evonhetotan, one is lost in happiness,
is happy beyond expression; evonszeha, one is deliri-
ous, is lost in the head; nanoosevonaesz, I 1.it by
letting go, slip, forgetting; navonaszého, I cause one
to be lost,led off, oblivious of, to neglect;navonetan,
I forget, 1.mentally; nahónsan, I 1., drop (as of things
lost from pockets or from a pack, etc.); nahónesz, I
drop it; nahóného, I drop,l.it (or., as a robe when
driving); nitaoxhónszé, lest thou 1.,drop it; zevone-
ozz, the lost one; zevoneozessỏ, the lost ones; zevone-
ōsz, the one who has been lost; zevoneohessỏ (pl.);
zevoneohe, that which is lost; zevoneōszetto, that
which I lost;navonetanota,it has slipped my mind; vo-
neozistoz, the being lost; navonšena, I am lost, erring.
loss, zehetaevoneōszetto, my 1., all that which I lost.
lost, see lose; zevonšenasso, the 1.,erring ones; evon-
hestanoveo, they are 1. people.
loud, emaxehahe, one has a 1.voice; emaxehaheheztovo, he
calls or tells one with 1.voice; see voice; eohāe-
von, it is a l.noise, sound. See noise, sound. Ehãonova,
one is 1., clamorous, talkative; ehesshão novatovo, they
are 1.,clamor concerning him (this however does not
ref.to sound of the voice but to the amount of talk-
ing). Maxehahestovå eoxceĕsz, he does speak with a 1.
voice; mahaĕszz, speak 1.! Ehaenov, one is 1.,noisy;
nahāesta, I am 1.,ref.to voice; see noise.
loudness, maxhehaestoz,1.of voice; hãestàtoz,1.; see]
lovable, emehoxtae, one is 1.,kind; mehoxtastoz, lovable-
ness, kindness.
love, v.,namehosan, I 1.; namehoxta, I l.it; namehoto, I
1.one (or.); namehotan, I am loved; emehoe, one is
loved; zemehoesz, the loved one; zemehoessỏ, (pl.);
etāetan, he loves the girl; emeoenitan, he loves, wooes;
zemehosansz, the one who loves; zemehosanessỏ (pl.);
zemehoxtom, that which I 1.; zeto zemehoton, the ones
I 1.; namehosenetovo, I show 1.to one; emehoseoneve,
one is loving, is a lover.
love, n.,mehosanistoz, the loving; mehoxtastoz,l., kind-
ness; mehotazistoz, the loving one (obj.); me hoseo,
1.,lover; emehoseoneve, it is 1.,or one is a lover.
lover, nameō, my 1.; hemeōn, one's 1.; nahemeōnenoz, he is
my 1.
loving, emehoxtae, one is 1., affectionate; mehoxtastoz,
lovingkindness; emehoxtaesz, the 1.one;
tasso (pl.).
low, etoohota and ezecestota, it is 1. (above ground), of
something stable; etoohoe and ezeceestoohe, one sets
low: etoohōsta and ezecehōsta, it is 1.,lit.hangs
little high; ezceovavoven, one has a 1.forehead; pono,
1.,below (sp. of rivers; Fr. en aval), empty, dry; ohe
eponoeoz, the river is getting 1., dry; vâxsepono, low-
est point; hesozeva, lower part, next to the ground
(also butt end); nazhe sozeva, my lower parts, extremi-
ties, feet, also said of garments; eahansenova, one is
1.,villain; naheceēsz, I speak 1., quietly; eanooás
eanōás, it burns 1.,lower; emomoxae, one is 1., humble;
emomoxetto, it is lowly; emomoxhetaneve, he is a 1.,
humble man; ehavsevetan, eano vetan, one feels 1.spirit-
ed, sad; see dejected.
lower, eanōvatto, it gets less (sp. of liquids, also
pain); eanōás or eanooás, it burns 1.; eanavōeme,
it is 1.in worth, cheaper; naanovana, I 1. it, let it
down; naanovano (or.); namomoxaovo, I 1. one, make him
lowly; natoohána, I 1.it, make it 1.; natoohōsz, I 1.it,
make it hang low.
[general aspect of 1.
lowliness, momoxastoz,l.; momoxatamahestoz, state of.1
lowly, emomoxa, one is 1.; namomoxazesta, I deem it 1.;
namomoxatamo, I deem one 1.; emomoxenono, it
looks 1.,desirable [rad. -momox- (probably related
momō =slave) plead earnestly, implore, supplicate; the
lower one does supplicate, hence the meaning of -momo-
xenono, it looks desirable]; emomoxenōhe, one looks de-
sirable; emomoxamanhàz, he makes himself 1.;
asso, the 1.ones; eahansenovae, one is 1., mean, villain,
loyal, see faithful.
lubricate, see oil.
lug, nahānaevosoxta, I l.it; see bear,load.
lukewarm, ehoskom, it is 1.(liquid); nahoskomâha, I make
it 1.,warming it to lukewarmness; nahoskomhé-
nena, I make it 1., by pouring several times; nahosko-
motoxta, I make it 1., by blowing; nahoskomomoe, I make
it 1.,by dipping (as with a spoon, to cool off). Мар
zehoskom, l.water; zehoskomâhe, that which is made 1.;
ehoskomeoz, it gets 1.
lull, emoxtonaå hovèno, there is a 1.of the wind;
vaosemo,I 1.one to sleep; -vava to swing + -osemo
= by sound of voice.
lullaby, vavaostomanisz; evavaostoman, one sings a 1.
lumber, šistato; same term as for boards and pine tree;
ešistatoevstoon, it is built of 1.; nanoxtoenō
šistato, I haul 1.,boards here.
luminous, see bright, shine.
lump, mhahaoxz, 1., part of;
emhahaoxzeve, it is a 1.,
chunk; inf.-pa- knoll, something against the
surface; epaeaxta, he has a 1., a protuberance on the
foot; epans taneva, one has a 1., protuberance on the
knee; epaonen, one has a 1.on the jaw; ešxova voxpo-
màz, a lump of salt; voxomaoxz,1.of salt; ešxovavece-
màp, a l.of sugar.
lung, mazheponoz, lungs; nazeponoz, my lungs;
va,in my 1.(sg.or pl.).
lure, see attract, draw.
lurk, naēvenoxzenoto, I 1.,lie in wait for one (to slay
him); naooomēnoxzenoto, I 1., am on the constant
watch to slay him; ēvenoxzenotsanistoz, the lurking;
ēvenoxzenotazistoz, the lurking for one; zeēvenoxzeno-
tsansz, the one who lurks.
lust, nahoahe, I 1., have a liking for; nahohätano. I 1.
(in mind); nahohänoz, I 1. for one (or.); see like;
ehavsevhoahe, one has evil 1.; havsevhohätsenistoz,
evil lusting; havsevhohastoz, evil 1.; hohävomoxtas-
toz, the feeling lusting, desirous; zehethohastovetto
màzhesta, the 1.,desire of the heart; zetohetähestho-
hastovetto mavōxoz, the 1.of the flesh; nasaahe thoahe,
I have no 1.,desire for it.
lustre, see shine, furbish.
lustful, etahavsevhohätseneheve, one is 1., lewd.
luxurious, expressed by inf.-mxastov- touching, cover-
ing all; emxastovsan, one dresses luxuriously;
emxastovemese, one eats 1.; emxastoveoz, it is 1.; mxa-
stovastoz,luxury; mxastoveozistoz,luxuriousness.
lying, ēvenizestoz, the practice of telling lies; ēveha,
it is 1. (position); see lie.
lynx, moxkav, 1.; emoxkave, it is a 1.
Sound of "m"
in Ch. has the etymological value of
"side, from side to side, cover, surface, meet, over, etc."
machine, there is no word in Ch. for m.; hàpenoestoz,
sewing m., lit. the sewing; oexovàtoz, mowing m.,
lit.the mowing; ōeneo, threshing m., thresher.
mackintosh, esoxoeszehen, slippery coat; see rain, rubber
magazine, see store.
magenta, see color.
mad, enonotovstaha, one is m. (hydrophobia);
havhonehe, m. wolf; hotam nonotovstahavhonehe, m.dog,
lit.dog m. wolf. The Ch. attribute hydrophobia to
wolves and believe that only thru them the dogs be-
come rabid; nonotovstahavhonestoz, madness, hydropho-
bia; nonotovstätan, madman, man with the rabies; nono-
tov, fast hurried + staha of heart, hearted + -hone
=wolf. Axhonehe, Madwolf, pr.name. Emométaeoz, one gets
m., angry, violent; see anger, wrath. Emashanē, one is
m., crazy, demented, unreasonable. This term has a wide
meaning, from common dullness to craziness. Evonszeha,
one is m., delirious, has lost his head; nanehoetovato-
vo, I am m.at one.
[m.,make him angry.
madden, see anger; namo má taého, I m.him; nahās tahaovo, I]
made, emane, it is m.; esaamanehan. it is not m.; see
make. For things designed, put together, built, m.
of, the Ch.uses suff.-evstoon or -evstōn; ekamxevsto-
on, it is m. of wood; ehohonaevstoon, it is m. of stone;
emoeevstoon, it is m. of straw or grass; emakätaevsto-
on, it is m. of iron; emxistōnevstōn, it is m.of paper;
see make.
madhouse, mashaneemhão; emashaneemhäoneve, it is a m.
madness, nonotovstahàtoz, lit.hurriedness of heart;
mátaeozistoz, sudden anger, m.; see anger;
hanehestoz, m., craziness.
Magi, ovanhe, M., prophet,q.v.
magic, expressed by inf. -ova- which denotes "super-
human, miraculous, supernatural, enchanting"; na-
ovavoēta, I do wonders, act with m.; ovaoneavo, m.drum;
naovavoého, I bewitch one; naovavoész, I bewitch it;
naovavosoe, I dance the m.dance; naovavetan, I want to
bewitch; naovavae, I am enchanted, bewitched; naovax,
I am enchanted, have a dream; ovaxestoz, dream, the be-
ing enchanted; ovaxeszehen, dream or m. enchanted
coat; ovaxenooxz, dream, enchanted song; see song; eo-
vavostaneheve, he has a m., enchanted life; ovavoanis-
toz, enchanted, m. utterance; ovavoētastoz, act of m.;
ovavosoestoz,m.dance; ovavostan, m. person; ovaxestoz,
dream enchantment; ovavetanoxtoz, disposition to m.;
zeovavoéhata, the one who enchants thee; zeto hetaneo
zeovavosoesso, these men dancing the m. dance; mreeo-
zistoz,m. lantern; see picture.
magical, see magic.
magician, ovanhe, m., prophet; eovanheeve, he is a m., pro-
phet, fortune teller; ovanhevèhoa, fortune tell-
er white woman; ovahetan, a m., magical man; ovavoētä-
tan,a m.,magical performer, miracle doer.
magnanimity, hotoastoz.
magnanimous, ehotoae, one is m ; zehotoasz, the m.one;
nahotoaeztovo, I behave magnanimously toward
[to,it has a m.power.
magnetic, see attract, draw, lodestone; ehesseanosanet-]
magnetism, hesseaonosanistoz, power of attraction: see
attract, draw.
magnification, pevatamanootazistoz, the magnifying
(obj.); epeva tamanootazistove, it is a m.;
mahaatamanoo tazistoz, m., the declaring great, large;
see exalt.
magnificence, pevatamano hestoz, m., splendor (said of the
appearance, aspect of things); pevatamahes-
to, m., grandeur, majesty (said of persons);
nohestoz, m., vastness, greatness in appearance (said of
general aspect of things); mahaatamahestoz, m., grand-
eur, of imposing greatness, vastness.
magnificent, epevatamano, it is m.; epevatamanoó, it is
m. (sp. of vegetation); epevatamahe, one is
m., majestic, splendid, imposing; emahaatamano, it is m.,
of grand appearance; emahaatamanoó, it is m. (as a
great display of vegetation); emahaa tamahe, one is of
m.greatness (sp. of persons, mountains, etc.); zetohe-
taepevatamano, all that which is m.; zepevatamanoesz
or zepevatamanōsz, the m. things; zepevatamahessỏ, the
ones (or.); zemahaatamano, that which is great, vast,
m.; zemahaatamahesso, the m., grand ones (or.);
tamaešstoon, it is built magnificently; epevatamaešs-
ton, he builds, designs magnificiently. Inf. -peva- de-
notes good, fine, beautiful; inf.-maha- ref. to large-
ness, extensiveness.
magnify, napevatamanoo to, I m., exalt one's goodness,
beauty; napeva tamano oxta (in.); namahaatamanoo-
to, I m., exalt one's greatness; namahaatamanooxta
(in.): when m.implies "exaggerate" inf. -heom- over
much, can be used; eheomhotoanazesta, I m., exaggerate
the difficulties (in estimating); naheomhoto anatama-
nooxta, I m., exaggerate its difficulties (in declar-
ing). See exalt.
magnitude, mahaatamano hestoz, m., vastness in appearance;
hohātamanohestoz, m.in power, grandeur; zehešehohātama-
no,its m.; zehešhohātamahes, his (sp. of a mountain)
m., power; hesthohatamahestoz, one's power, grandeur;
zehešemahaatamano, its m., extent, vastness; zehešemaha-
atamahes (or.).
magpie, mohēhya, (symbol of blue sky, also of heavenly]
maid, maiden, heekašgon, m., young girl; kasehee, kaseheeo
(pl.), m., young unmarried woman; eheekašgon-
eve, she is a m.,girl; ekasehēeve, she is a m., virgin;
maxehee, maidenlady.
maidenhood, heekašgonevestoz, kasehēevestoz; see maid.
mail, naasemeaa mxistō, I m. a letter; mxistonevèho, m.
man; see armor.
maim, see cripple; natotonšena, I am mained; totonšenà-
toz, the being maimed.
main, expressed by rad.-nitá- important, chief, m na-
nitázesta,I deem it important; enitáetto,it is the
m., chief thing; enitōeme, it (or one) is the m.
leading in worth, value, honor; otā hovae zekoxcenitá-
etto etov, behold the m., most important thing for
thee; vovoz, either detached or as inf. denotes "first
in importance"; vovoz ehessezesta, he deems it the m.,
the first of importance; see important.
maintain, natoaeno, I m., keep one; natoaenomovo heameta-
nenistoz, I m. one's life; niahane Maheo zetoae-
naez, it is God who maintains us; natoneševostaneheve,
I m.this way of living; inf. -toom- to keep in the
same position or condition, unchangeable; etoomenehov,
he remains (the same) himself; natanšeneoxzheme, we
m., keep on our going.
maize, xamamāmen, xamamāmenoz (pl.), Indian corn; see]
majestic, epevatamano, it is m.,grand; epevatamahe, one
is m.,imposing; evehonatamahe, one is m., king-
ly; emoonatamano, it is m., splendid, beautiful; emoona-
tamahe, one is m., beautiful (general appearance). Max-
hohona zeohāpevatamahesso, m., magnificent mountains.
majesty, see magnificence; mómå tavatamahestoz, m., solemn
appearance (of an or.); Maheo zexhoes
tavatamanoenovenos, where God is, there is m., solemn
appearance; pevatamano hestoz, m., magnificence; vehona-
tamahestoz, m.,kingliness.
› Sauro
major, honoxesta, the most, m. part; also honoa.
majority, ehèpaovazistove, it is a m. (Ger. Mehrzahl); eho-
noxtotoxeme, it is discussed by the m.,or it is
mostly discussed, talked about; honoxhestxez, the m. of
us; honoxhestxess, the m. of you; honoxhestxevoss, the
m.of them (or.); honoxhestoha, the m.of it; ehonoxest-
xeo, they are in m.; ehonoxestansz, they (in.) are in
zehonoxhestressò eoxchèpaosaneo
(or eoxcexaosaneo), in law making the m. wins.
make, namanesz, I m.; namanszenoz, I m.them (in.);
suff .
-man denotes "m.as a whole, create"; suff.-manston de-
notes "m., set, put together, erect, build, construct";
evostanehevestoman, he makes live, saves; eametanene-
man, he makes alive; -man as suff.also means
"to pre-
tend"; ehāmoitaman, one pretends to be sick; see pre-
tend. Nanehov zemanszetto, I who m.it; zemanszz, the one
who makes it; namaného, I m. one (or. as clothes, etc.);
Maheo nimanhaen, God made us; namanhan, I am made; ema-
ne (he), one is made; esaamanehan, it is not made; esaa-
manehe, one (or.) is not made); zèmanhas, the one who
made me; namanhaovo, I m. one to be; emanhaoe, one is
made to be; esaamanhaôhan, it is not made, created;
manhaoxtoz, the making, creating; hohonaeo zehešsaaeše-
manhaoehevoss, before the mountains were created; ze-
nxhessemanhaotto, where I am made from, my parentage,
origin of being made; suff.-ston denotes "to m., set
together, construct, build, design"; namanston, I m
build; napavemanston, I build well; namanstoon, I m.
set it together; namans toovo, I m., construct for one;
epavemanstoona, it is well made, constructed; epevston,
he builds, constructs well; epevstoona, it is well
built; napevstoonaoxz or napevstōnaoxz, I m.it to be
well built; namastoonaovo, I m.it to be for one (or.);
Maheo eonitavs toonaoxz mavōxoz, God made the body
(flesh) to be different, of different kinds; naoxstoo-
naoxz, I blunder in making, putting it together; naneš-
stoonaon, I am thus made, formed; navonäxaevston, I m.
idols, charms; navonäxaevstoovo, I m. idols for one;
emaheonešston, he builds sacredly; eohātamaešston, he
builds, creates, puts together with power; zehetaesto-
on, all its parts, that which is, its makeup; etomstoon,
it is made, built erect (like a wall); etaxstoon, it is
made, put on the surface (plated); nataxstoonaoxz, 1
plate it, line it, overlay it; etotaxstoon, it is super-
posed, overlaid (several layers), made so; nanetaeston,
I m., set together accordingly; emaheonešstoonaovàz,
he makes unto himself a god; zehešemanstonstove, the
making, construction of; ekamxevston, he makes it of
wood; emakätaevston, he makes it of iron, metal; emxis-
tōnevstoon, it is made of paper; emoeevstoon, it is
made of grass; emoeevston, he builds, makes with grass;
easthon, he begins to m., erect; ehoeton, he makes an
Arrow ceremony; ehoetonstove, it is an Arrow ceremony,
(ref.to whatever is set together in the rites); enše-
navston, one is at it making, constructing; eénston, he
finishes the making, the rites, ceremony; toneš etose-
énstonstové, when will it be ended, made, finished?
These terms are also used in ceremonial language, for
in all Ch. religious
religious rites there is a constructtion
in the line of an
altar, arbor, special lodge, etc.;
enaton, one is butchering, making a kill and dismember-
ing [Ch.used to butcher by severing bunches of mus-
cles from their natural positions, and the bones at
the articulations, the cutting up of the meat taking
place afterward]. Zezetonsz, the one who makes, builds
thus; zenešstoonehå, that which is thus made (of
things immovable, without support, or horizontal, in
position); ehōmston, one makes a protection (by
streching robes or sheets upright and tying them to
poles fixed in the ground). The ending in tō and
-toxq comes from the same root and ref.to vessels
made, worked out; see kitchen utensils. Suff. -an de-
notes "adding by making" in the sense of the Eng.
suff. en in the words like "hard-en" =m.harder;
"length-en" m. longer, etc. Hekon hard, solid; nahe-
konemanesz, I make it hard; nahekonan, I harden; zce =
small,little; nazcemanesz, I make it small; nazceana,
I m.it smaller; nahaestana, I m.it longer, lengthen it;
nahaexovana, I m.
I m. it longer (time); nazeksana, I m.it
shorter (time); naheomekstana, I m.too small; nakaoma-
ena, I m.it short (sp.of land, field); namahaetovana, I
m.it capacious, enlarge it; namåseana, I m.it narrow;
nakakoana or nakıkoana, I m.it thin (solid substance);
namàpevōmana, I m.it thin (liquid); natonovana, I m.it
thick, thicken it (solid substance); nahaonovana, I m.
it thick, dense; namahaana, I m.it large; naonistacema-
nesz, I m.it circular; naonistakoana, I m.circular; na-
onistakomaena, I m.a circle of ground; naakana,I m. it
round, ball like; naeotoemanesz, I m.it deep; naeotoe-
na, I deepen it; nahoxeemanesz, I m. it clean, smooth;
nahoxeana, I clean, smooth it; nahanōmana, I m.it mushy;
naheseeotan, I m., prepare medicine; natoosan, I m., tie
a knot; naaenona, I darken it; naaenonemanesz,
I m it
dark; namoxtavana, I blacken it,m.it black; nanimaea-
asetana, I m.it move in a circle. Nihovaemanhàzé, what
doest thou m. of thyself, what kind of man art thou?
Evhanenhesseman, he makes believe, he pretends; esaato-
nitoksohan, it makes no difference, matters not; nahoe-
man, I m. a law; hoemanistoz, the making of a law, also
law itself. The different causative suff.-sého, -ého,
-aho and -oho (see causative m. in Ch. gr.) have the
meaning of "m.,effect, execute, perform, work out, etc."
Suff.-sého (also -osého and -esého) denotes "cause, m.
one"; nanaozesého, I cause, m.him sleep; nahāstahaosé-
ho, I m.one angry, cause him anger; ehookosesz, he
causes, makes it rain; suff.-ého (or.),−ész (in.) de-
notes "cause, effect to one (by a process or length of
action)"; napevoého, I effect good to one, treat him
well; nahamoxtaého, I cause, effect sickness to one, m.
him sick; suff. -aho (rare) and -oho have the same
meaning as -ého only that it ref.to the action as one
(without process); nanaho, I effect killing to one, I
m.him dead, kill him; navoešetanoho, I m. one glad, m.him
rejoice (Ger.erfreue ihn). All the preceding causa-
tive forms are extensively used and one must be care-
ful not to confound them. Navešemanesz, I m. it with;
nave šemanszenoz, I m.it with them (in.); namanševaena,
I m.it automatically, suff. -vaen denotes "automatic,
mehanical, involuntary, spontaneous, instinctive, unbid-
den". Namanstatanota, I desire to m.it; namansztomevo,
I m.his, for him; namanstomotâ, I m. for one (in his
place); namanstootâ, I m. for one (his benefit, to be-
stow upon one); nazeceohōsz, I m.it low (something
hanging); natoohana, I m.it lower; natoohōsz, I m. it
lower (something hanging); natohomaena, I m.it lower
(ground); nahāehōsz,I m.it high (hanging); nahāehōse-
manesz, I m.it to hang high; naneševesého, I m. one do
it; nahozeohého, I m. one work; nahozeoho, I m.him work,
give him work; nahozeooxtoman, I m.,give work; naame-
taneneoho, I m.him live; eametaneoxtoman Maheo, God
makes live, gives life; ehetoxkonevston, he makes cups,
vessels; emotaxkan or emotxkan, one makes knives; ekò-
konhoonan, he makes bread; ekokôaseonan, he makes
watches; emhäonan, he makes houses; nahoxovoonan, I m.
bridges; ehenitōnan, he makes doors; emxistōnan or em-
xistōnanevstonan, he makes books; navonäxaan, I m.
idols; napevanen, I m. well, repair; nameonan, I m.a
road; nameonaoto and nameonaovo, I m.a road for one;
suff.-aoto is transitive while -aovo is intransitive;
it is often impossible to give the equivalent of the
suff.-aoto in Eng.; above term "nameonaoto" would be:
I "betrail" one; ehotoananàz, he makes it hard for
himself; navèpanana, I m.it light (in weight); nahoto-
anavoého, I m. difficulties unto one; etotazeniš, one
makes faces, grimaces; zehešemans, the way one is made;
zehešemane, the way it is made; zehešemanstoon, the way
it is made, set together; zehešstoonaonez, the way we
are made, constructed; manstō, that which is made, the
work,creation, workmanship; manstōn (pl.or.); manstōn-
oz (pl.in.); emanstōneheve, it is a "m.", work, ref. to
the object made; Maheo hemansto, God's work (tangible,
visible); see work; zetohetāemanstōneheve eoxceevhao-
ninšeoxz, all that has been made deteriorates, disinte-
make-believe, evhanenhesseman, he makes-believe;
nhessemanistoz, m., n.; evhamenhessemanisto-
• 9
ve, it is a m.
maker, zemaemanstomansz and maemanstomanehe, the Maker,
Creator of all; manstonehe, the m constructor,
builder; emanstoneheve, he is a m.; ametaneoxtomanehe,
life m.; mhäonanehe, house m., builder; mxistōnanehe,
book m. (also mxistōnanevstonehe); kamxevstonehe, wood
m., worker, carpenter; motxkanehe, knife m.; hetoxkonev-
Playa d
stonehe, vessels m.; kokôaseonanehe, watch m.; kòkonhô-
onanehe, bread m..baker; pavstonehe, good m., builder;
natonehe, butcher; ninehov zehemanstoonehetto heama na
hoe, thou Maker of heaven and earth!
make-up, zehešstooneha, its m., construction (ref.to its
position, condition); zehešstoona, its m. (quality
of); zehešstoonaōs, one's m.; nanešstoonaon, this is my
m., I am designed, constructed that way; zetohetaesto-
on, every part of its m., construction; epevstoona ze-
hetaestoon, it is well made in all its m.; ezhešstoon,
its m.is in this manner (pointing); enešstoon, its m.
is so, that way; heto hàpenoestoz zehešstoon nasaahe-
neenomovohe, I do not know the m.of this sewing ma-
making, manistoz,
manistoz, the m.; manstonestoz, the m., building,
constructing; haexoveva eneamemane, it has been
in m. for a long time; manhaoxtoz, the m., creating;
manhàzistoz, the making of one (obj.); pavemanstones-
toz, the well m.; onitavstonestoz, the different m.,
constructions; heovasz hešestonestoz, all sorts of m.,
building; hōmstonestoz, the m. of a protection (for
wind by means of robes or sheets); the protection it-
self would be called the same, but the concrete name
would be hōmstō; vonhäxaanenistoz, the m. of idols, also
vonäxaevstonestoz, the m., construction of idols; toms-
toonestoz, the m., building of a wall; zeametoustoon,
a continuous wall; kamxevstonestoz, the m., building of
wood, carpentry; makätaevstonestoz, the m., working out
of iron; mhäonanistoz, house building; hoe tonestoz, Ar-
row m., ceremony; astonestoz, the beginning of rites;
énstonestoz, the finishing of ceremonies; natonestoz,
butchering; hekonanistoz or hekonanenistoz, the m.
hard, hardening; hekonanazistoz, the hardening of one
(obj.); most of the terms given under "make" can be
substantivized as shown by above examples.
mal-, as Eng.prefix is rendered by inf. -havsev(e)– in
Ch.; nahavsevoého, I maltreat one; havsevoéazistoz,
the maltreatment of one(obj.); havsevevonhoaoazistoz,
malinfluence; havsevhoxomazistoz, malnutrition; hav-
sevstonestoz, malconstruction. [tastoz, m., sickness.
malady, has evomoxtastoz, bad feeling (physical); hãmox-]
malaria, natosevomoxtastoz, m., chilling sickness; enatỏ-
sevomoxta, he has m.; zenatosevomoxtasz, the one
having m., chills; nanatosevomoxta, I have m.
malcontent, adj.,ehavsevetan, one is m
toz,m n ; evenomoxta, one feels m.
ly; venomoxtastoz, the being m., feeling sour.
male, hetaneham (of animals); ehetaneham, he is m.; ze-
hetanehamsz, the m. one; hetan man, m.,is used to
designate the m. of animals which have no name to
specify the m.; hetanekokôax, m.chicken; hetanemaxen,
; havsevetanox-
sour, sur-
m.turkey; hetanehomä, m. beaver; etc.
malediction, moxzenamosanistoz, m., execration;
namo, I execrate, curse one (Ger. verwünschen).
malefactor, havsevoētätan, m.; ehavsevoētätaneve, one is
a m.; zehavsevoētätanevsz, the one who is a
m.; havsevoĕtahee, malefactress.
malice, nseztastoz,m., hatred; nsetamazistoz, m.towards
one; omoseztovazistoz, m., malevolence; omosezta-
noxtoz, m. in mind, disposition; omoseztahàtoz, m.in
heart; nansetamo, I hate one; nansezesta, I bear m.,
have hatred; naomosemo, I speak of one with m.;
setan, I harbor m.; naomosetanotovo, I harbor m. against
one; naomoseztovo, I act with m. towards one; the Ch.
me ning (of preceding terms) is not as strong as the
Eng.malice, but more like "ill will". See offend.
malicious, see malice.
malign, nahavsevemo, I tell that one is bad; eaestom-ha-
vsevemo, he maligns one (falsely); nahavsev-
hosemo, I m., defame one; nahavsevemomazemo, I m.,accuse
one with evil intent; natotonse tamo, I m., hate one
(bent to harm him). Natotonseztaheoneve, I am m., ma-
lignant, manifest extreme malevolence.
malignancy, totonseżtastoz, disposition to hate and
harm; totonsetamazistoz, m. towards one;
sevemazistoz, m. (in words, defaming); ahansenovàtoz, m.,
viciousness, virulence; ahanseztastoz, extreme enmity,
malevolence, m.
malignant, eahansenova, one is m., vicious; ehavsevetoto-
Isetaneva, one is m., defaming (as characteris-
tic); eahansezesta, one is m., malevolent, full of hat-
red; see malign.
malignity, see malignancy.
malleolus, see ankle.
malodorous, ehavsevemeeoz, it is m.; see smell; havseve-
meeozistoz, malodorousness.
malpractise, havsevenáestoz, bad doctoring.
maltreat, nahavsevoého, I m., treat one evilly; nahoxomo-
ametovo, I m., abuse one; havsevoéhazistoz,
the maltreating of one (obj.); hoxomoametovazistoz,
Mammon, haōvävan, M., Dives, Riches (personified but not]
mammoth, adj., rendered by inf. -mam- =very bulky, with
large sides, gigantic; emamemhäoneve, it is a m.,
immense house; èmamemanoōn maxevostano, they made a
m., immense statue (person); emame ta, one is of m., im-
mense size; emamemeaéo, he (in the tale of the
Blackelk) raises his m. head; hovàn zemametaz navōmo, I
see an animal of m.size; emameneota, it has a m.room.
man, hetan, m., male; ehetaneve, he is a m.;
m.; ehetaneveoz,
he becomes, turns into a m.; hetanèsz, ye men! Zehe-
tanevsz, the one being a m.; zehetanevesso (pl.); na-
hetanevetan, I want to be a m.;
nahetanevetanotovo, I
want him to be a m.; ehetanezhesso, it is m.like; max-
hetan, big m.; ehetanevōeme, he is counted as a man;
nahetanevōemo, I count him as a m.; nazhetaneme, my m.;
heszhetaneme, one's m.; nazhe taneman, our m.; this term
does not mean husband, altho it could be used that way
as in Eng. Nistxeo, my men (co-warriors); estxeo, thy
men; hevestxeo, his men; nistxehaneo, our (excl.)
estxehaneo, our (incl.) men; estxevo, your men; heves-
txevō, their men; nihevestxenoneo, they are our men
(co-warriors); nahevestxenoz, he is my co-warrior; ze-
hevestxezē, the ones being our men; zehevestxessē, the
ones being your men. Pavhetan, good m.; havsevhetan,
bad m ; havevoētätan, evil doer m. Oftentimes the
"he-" in hetan becomes aphetized by contraction with
preceding vowel "o" or "a"; navōmo hetan in rapid
speech becomes navōmôtan, I see a m.; havsevoēta =evil
doer; havsevoēta hetan, evil doer man, becomes havsevo-
ētätan; -hetan, -hetaneo (pl.), or simply tan, is used
as suff. in many names of bands, organisations and
tribes; Hotamhetaneo, Dogmen; Voxksehetaneo, Foxmen;
Eseomhetaneo, Hillmen; Evataneo, Furmen; Moxtavataneo,
Blackmen (Utes); Moxtavàtataneo, Blackfooted men
(Blackfeet); Moxtaveomehetaneo, Blacklodge men (band);
Mozonhetaneo, Flint men (band); Oetaneo, Crowmen
(Crows); Hestohetaneo, Atsina; Kako eszehahetaneo, Thin-
headed men (Flatheads); Otashetaneo, Pierced nose
(Nez Percés); Mevataneo (Mandans); Vanohetaneo, Sage-
men (Northern Arapahoe); for further names see under
"tribe, organisation". Zeshetan, Zeshetaneo (pl.),a Ch.
m.; Hetane vohetan, an Arapahoe m.; Ohoomohetan, a Sioux
m. Following are pr. (personal) names combined with
"m.": Maxhetan, Bigm.; Macēta, Littlem.; Nakohetan,
Bearm.; Honehetan, Wolfm.; Hāstätan, Tallm. Hestaneo =
men, in the general sense of the word, including men
and women; pavstaneo, good m., people; havsevstaneo, bad
m., people; ehestanoveo, they are men, a people, live as
a people; hestanov, world of men, people;
toz,men (in general) as a collectivity; nazhetanes-
toz, my men, band of men to which I belong; nazhestan-
estoz and nazhestanovestoz, my nation, people; nhestan-
eamo, my fellow men (Ger. Mitmenschen); hestaneamo, thy
fellow men; hevhestaneamo, one's fellow men; hestanea-
maneo, our (incl.) fellow men; nhestanehasz, ye fellow
men! Nahevhestane on and nahevhestaneam, I have a fel-
low man; nahëvhestaneonenoz, he is my fellow man,
he is my fellow man, or,
nahesvhestane amenoz; zehevhestaneoneze, the ones being
our fellow men; see fellow. Mahacis, mahacseo (pl.),
old m.; emahaciseve, he is an old m.; kasova, kasovaeo
(pl.), young m.; ekasovaeheve, he is a young m ; zeno-
hēvsz, married m.; naetan, nae taneo or nao (pl.), medi-
cine m., doctor; hetanekašgon, m.child; ehetanekašgon,
he is a m. child; ehetanevōèn, she gives birth to a
m.child; vého, white m. Hetanestoz, the men (as a
group); pavhetanestoz, good men (collectively); onisy-
omàtatanestoz, men, people of faith; havsevhetanestoz,
bad men, bad company; havsevoētatanestoz, company of
evil doers.
manage, nanitéeta, I m., rule, control it; nanitáetovo
(or.); nanitáetsan, I m., rule, control; see con-
trol, rule, master; naneevaozého, I m., guide, direct one;
natoneoeto, I m. one, prevail against him; nameozexana, I
m., contrive to do it: naotoxovenonaxetan, I m., have
skill to bring about; nanoxtoveneševe, I can m.to do
it. Zenitáetsansz or zenitáetisansz, the one who man-
ages, rules, regulates; zenitáetoseonevsz, the one man-
aged, ruled. [ehehetovanov, one is not m., is unruly.
manageable, enonizeomae, one is m., docile, gentle, tame;]
management, zenitáetsanesso, the m., the ones who manage,
rule; nitáetsanistoz, the managing, ruling;
nitástoz,m., rule, dominion; pavheneenoseonevestoz, good
m., skillfulness.
manager, nitáe; zenitáesz, the m., ruler, master; zenitá-
etsansz, the one who does manage;
he, m., guide, director.
[a man.
manhood, hetanevestoz; nazhetanevestoz, my m., my being]
manifest, natåxtanōvana, I m. it, make it plain, public;
natåxtanōvemēs ta, I m.it (in words), confess it;
natåxtanōveme emo, I m. one (or.); haesto evešhemenohe,
one (or.) is manifested, revealed, brot up, dug up, by
much or many; namenòno, I m., dig one (or.) up (in-
str.); evōstoman, one manifests, shows, displays; enōve-
oz,it is m.,plain; etanōvezhesso, it is m., evident,
plain; eohão tōene, one manifests fright; epevetanooz,
one manifests joy, pleasure; namehosanetovo, I m., show
him love; napevetovo, I m.kindness to one; napeveta, I
m.kindness to it; nama seztovo, I m. willingness to one;
naonisyomaeztovo, I m.faith in one; naōènovaeztovo, I
m.patience with one; nanaheztovo, I m.caution towards
one; nahoaheztovo, I m. a liking for one; inf.-taxta-
nōv manifestly.
manifestation, vōstomanistoz, the showing, making plain
to the eye; tåxtanōvanazistoz, m., disclos-
ure; nōveozistoz, the becoming manifested; taxtanōve-
meemazistoz, m., revelation (in words); onisyomaeztova-
zistoz,m.of faith in one; ōènovaeztovazistoz, m. of pa-
tience toward one; vōseo,
the object manifested;
evōseoneve, it is a m., tangible or concrete object of
m., something made visible; vōseonoz zevešhotxheneeno-
monevozēsz hesthohatamaešstonestoz, lit. the visible
ones (in.) by which his creative power is revealed to
us, or, the manifestation of his creative power as re-
vealed to us; ezheševōseonevez' hemehosanistoz,
love has this m., is thus manifested, made visible (in
a concrete form).
manifold, rendered by inf.-haestnov-; ehaestnovão, ,they
(or.) are m.; ehaestnovatto, it is m.; nahaest-
novana, I make it m.; haestnovatto nivōshaenon hešiva-
ztastoz, he manifested his mercy to us in m., many
ways, occasions; ehaestnoxtav, it has m., many colors,
tints. See many.
manipulate, nazetanen, I m., work with the hands; nazeta-
na, I m., handle it; zetaneneo, tool; zetaneni-
stoz, the manipulating; nazetôn, I m. (instr. form).
zetanensz, the one who manipulates; zezetane, that
which is manipulated; ezetanenistove, it is a manipu-
lation; nasaaheneenohe zeoxchešzetanenistove, I know
not how it is manipulated; etonšezetanenistové, how is
it manipulated?
manipulation, see manipulate.
mankind, hestaneo, the men (in general); hestanovestoz,
m., that which is men (collectively); Vo-
tostatanestoz, m., human beings, the collection of the
ones living "on top" or all over; mävostaneo,m., all
the peoples; zehe tähetanistove, the collection of all
that is man.
manlike, ehetanezhess, it is m.; esaahetanezhessohan, it
is not m., manly; ehetanevenōhe, one is m., looks
like a man.
manly, ehetaneve, one is a man, is m.; ehetanevenov, one
is m.; esaahetanevenovhan, it is not m.; hetanev-
estoz, manliness, manhood; ehekonhetanevōeme, one is
ehetanevatame, one is con-
counted m., a strong man;
sidered a man, m.
manner, rendered by inf.-zheše- and -neše-; ezhešeēsz,
he speaks in this m., thus (showing how); eneše-
ész, he speaks in that m., SO (ref.); suff.-ōs is an
old form still retained in some words and implies
"manner, way"; oatōs, of course; aninos, with careful-
ness, in a careful way; otamenōs, in an exact manner;
mómåtanōs, in a ceremonious way.
mansion, zepevatamano mhão, a beautiful house.
mansuetude, nonizeomastoz, m., gentleness; see gentle.
mantle, hōma, hōmao (pl. or.), m., robe, blanket; nathōma, my
m.; hesthōma, ones m.; nàthōmaneo and nsthō-
maneo, our mantles; ns thōmevo, your mantles;
vō, their m.; nahes thōma, I have, possess a m.; nanhōma-
nenoz, I have it on for a m., blanket; nanhōmano, I put
a m., robe on one; naénhōmano, I take off the m.from
one; mómåtahōma, ceremonial m., robe; hōmstaestoz, m.,
cover (fig.); zehešezenov eoxchestōmstaestovenov haô-
nàtoz, in doing thus (in this manner) they take
er, worship for a m., or, they take religion for a cover
of their doing. See coat, cloak, robe.
manufacture, see make.
manure, oxáhosz, m. (pl.);
naešhosoha or naoho soha, I m.
it; naešhéneàzenoz oxáhosz, I spread m.
many, haesto and hāsto; ehaestreo, they (or.) are m.;
ehaestansz, they (in.) are m.; nihaestxhemå, we
m.of us; zehaestresso, the m. (or.); zehaestaesz, the m.
(in.); haestoha, m.times; haestoha ēševōme, he has been
seen m.times; nahaestoetan, I want to be m., increase
in number: nahaestoetanotanoz makätansz, I want m.mon-
ies, or much money; nahaestoemanesz, I make it m., in-
crease it in number; ehaestinovão, there are m. of them
(collective meaning); ehaest xnovatto, it is m. of them
(in., collective meaning) or, ehaestnovansz; ehastôham,
one has m.horses; ehaestxnōèn, she has m.children;
ehaestnoan, he speaks m m., much; haestoanistoz, long
stress on words; ehaestoeoxta, one has m.legs, is m.
legged; ehaestoeoz, it shows m., becomes m.; zehešhaes-
txez, since we are m ; zehešhaestress, since you are
m.; zehešhaestxevoss, since they are m.; zehešhaesta-
vosz, as they (in.) are m.; haestxestoz, the m., great
number; ehaestoeva, he has m. wives; nahaestoemakätae-
ma, I have many monies, lit. I am much moneyed;
xenov, there is m. of them; the above examples show
that -haest- is used as inf. to mean a great number;
rad.-ha- much, very, intense, great, high + esto- which
denotes "a set of"; this rad. is found extensively us-
ed to form substantives ending in -estoz. Ohamesto, m.
more, much more; this is also used as inf.and means
"with great preference"; etonestoha, how m. of them (as
a set)? Etoxtoha, how m.of them (in., ref. to the dif-
ferent ones)? tonesto and tonestoha, any set, any num-
ber, as many, whatever; tonestoha zehozeohesz, whatever
he works; nanistoeme, we are that m.; ninistnoeme, you
are that m. (as a set); enistoeo, they are that m.; na-
nistxheme, the m.of us; enistxeo, the m.of them (or.);
enistansz, they (in.) are that m.; nanistoenahō, I kill
that m., the set of them; nanistoenotō, I slay that m.,
the set of them; etonstnōèn, how m.children has she?
Etonestoôham, how m.horses has he? Etoxtnoe, how m. re-
lations has he? Toxto, how m.? Etoxtxevo, how m.of them
(or.)? Etoxtansz or etoxtanevosz, how m.of them (in.)?
Inf.-hestoxto- as m. of, as; zehestoxtoheens zevoss, as
m.as have the same language; zehestoxtoheenszessỏ en-
hestoxtomomenoẽo, as m.as have the same language, that
m.group together; etaomōstxeo, they count m., are m
nihaenōhemå, we are m.; ehaenōheo, they (or.) are m ;
ehaenono, it is m.,much (in number); ehaenonoensz, they
(in.) are m.; the rad. -no- ref.to "sight, in sight,
visible" and has also a distributive meaning; emaxha-
enōheo, they are very m.; evonenōheo, they are myriads
(lost in count); nstaneš-ehōenōhemȧ, we shall look to
be m., shall increase to m.; Oxhaenōsz, Many, pr. name;
see increase, multitude; zeozešenōhevoss, thru the m.of
them (or.), altho they be m.; haenōhestoz, the m., n.,
multitude; haesto vostaneo ešhoeoxzeo, m.people have
arrived; ehahetanevoneo, they are m.people, a great
crowd; haestoha naešeēsztovo, I have spoken to him m.
times; haestoha tãoheoneva, m.miles; haestnovatto eoxc-
hozeohestove, work is done in m. ways; haestnovatto
eoxceonitavhozeohestove, work is done in m. different
ways; haestnovahozeohestoz, multifold or varied work;
nohase tones txevo, how m. (or.) have not....! Nohase-
tonšenōheevo, same as preceding; nohasetonestahan,
m.,much has not....!
[earth, land is drawn upon.
map, mxistōneheva zistaxe ameha hoe, paper on which the]
mar, rendered by inf. -totonš–; natotonševe, I do m.,
spoil; natotonitana, I m., spoil it (by hand); nato-
tonitoého, I m.it (or., as dry goods, etc.), spoil, ruin
it; natotonitoész, I m., spoil it,effect harm, do damage
to it; see damage, harm, hurt; etotonšeoz napevetanox-
toz, my pleasure is marred; see malignant.
marble, nitáhaseo, m. (to play with); nitáhaseonoz (pl.);
enitáhaseoneve, it is a m.
march, naamèn, I m., walk; eam'nestove, it is a
walk; eam'nestove, it is a marching;
eamenóovoneènistov, they m.in order, line; nazezèn,
I m. tither; see walk.
March, ponomäasene, drying up moon (after spring thaw-]
mare, heeham; see horse.
mark, naneevatsan, I m., direct, give or take bearings
(intrans.); naneevazész, I m.,distinguish it; na-
neevazého, I m.one; zeneevatsansz, the one who marks;
eneevatseona, it is a m.,sign (ref.to quality); enee-
vatseoneve, it is a m.,ref.to characteristic; zenee-
vatseoneve, that which is marked, is a sign; neevatsa-
nehe, the marker; eneevatto, it marks, gives sign, bear-
ing, makes known by; neevat seo, the m., sign; neevatsan-
istoz, the marking; inf.-neeva- by m., direct by sign;
eneevaseš, he is known by his lying (position); nane-
vavxea, I m.it (by writing); naneevazetaxå, I m.it by
cutting a notch; naneevat se onana, I set it, make it as
a m.,sign; see sign; mxeenosestoz, m.in ceremonials;
namxtaeovo, I m. a place where one is to be; namxtaea, I
m.the place for it; namxtaeota, I locate one; namxtae-
oxta, I locate it; mxtaēva, m., sign where camp was;
mxtayota, place where camp was; namxtaenan, our m., the
m.where our camp was; namxana,I m., touch it; hotá,
hotáenoz (pl.), m., track; amoeneo-hotáenoz, wagon
marks, tracks; nahessheneenovo hesthotáeneva, I know
one by his marks, tracks; amoxzestoz, m., imprint;
amoxzetto, his m., imprint; see track. Following terms
are used in arrow shooting: mazceva nakahaéo, I come
near the m.; nahèpóni hèpeš, I hit above the m.; nahè-
pond, I hit beyond the m.; nanetóno, I hit (land the
arrow) on this side of the m.; eama eōeha, it hits,
alights at the side of the m. Ehoxtaeve, it is a birth
m., spot (colored); natoxzeoeš, I have scratch marks.
marked, eneevae, one is m., famed, known; eneevaevé, by
what is he distinguished, what kind of person is .
he? Emxane, ēšemxane, it is m., signed.
market, see trade.
markingly, otamenōs, paying close attention.
maroon, zeoxkosetto, m. (color,q.v.).
marriage, vistōmàzistoz, the m., marrying;
zistoz, the marrying white fashion; nameaeomo,
I give one in m.; epocevexa, he gives one(son or daugh-
ter) in m., without feast; mxistɔ̃ zeveševèhoevistōma-
zistove,m.license; nahozetxeva, I work for a wife (be-
fore m.); nanōhozeohe, I work (after m., for father-in-
law; etanhás, she gives (girl) to him (at m.); eoho-
tan, he gives for present (at m.); enoahaen, she cooks
for the wedding feast.
married, zenohēvsz, m.man; zemonhēvsz,
eheszheem, he is m., has a wife;
m., has a husband.
marrow, vén; nazevén, my m.;
one has lean m., is
break the m. bone (to render the fat).
marry, navistōmo, I m. one; zevistōmo, the one I married;
zevistōmsz, the married one (either man or wife);
natosheszheemo, I will m. (male.sp.); natoshēhyam, I
will m. (female sp.); zevistōmazesso, the married ones;
zenohēvsz, the married man; zemonhēvsz, the young
ried woman; see husband, wife.
marsh, eszene, m., swamp; zeeszeneevomao,
[naeszeena, I sink it; see sink].
marvel, naotōsetan, I m., am astonished;
young m. woman;
ehehyam, she is
nszevénan, our m.; ehoseven,
emaciated; nanoheškona, I
naotōstazesta, I
m.at it; naotostatamo, I m. at one; otōsetanoxtoz,
m.in mind; otōstatamanoestoz, m., general marvelous as-
pect; otōstaztastoz, the marvelling and otōstatamahes-
toz, m., wonder (objective); see astonish, surprise.
marvelous, rendered by inf.-otos- which denotes "amaz-
ing,m., astonishing"; eotōshoneon, he is mar-
velously, strangely clad; naotōstovaxena, I have a m.
dream; eotōstatamano, it is a m., strange sight; eotōs-
tatamahe, one is m., wonderful; eotōseēsz, he speaks m.,
wonderfully, strangely; otōshòtaheo, m.story; otōsevos-
tan, a m.person; eotōsevoēta, one acts marvelously,
wonderfully; niotōsevoéhaen Maheo, God has done m.
things unto us; eotōseoz, it (or one) becomes m.; nao-
tōsemanesz, I make it m.; eotōsevstoona, it is made
marvelously, wonderfully; eotōshestanov, it is a m.
world; zeotōshesso, that which is m.
marshy ground;
masculine, zehetanevsz, that which is male (of persons);
zehetanehamsz, that which is male (of ani-
mals); ehetanevetto, it is m.
mash, napenôn, I m.; napenoha, I m.it;
napenòno hohona, I
m.a stone; zepenônsz, the one who mashes; zepenohe,
that which is mashed; napēeoseševaeno and napēeoseox-
evaeno, I m. one's finger (involuntarily); napēnohomovo
hemoešą, I m. one's finger (with intention), also napēo-
seoho; napēszeaovo, I m., crush his head; napēszeàno, I
m.one's head (instr.); napēszeaevaeno, I m. one's head
(involuntary or automatically); zepēnohessò aestoma-
mesestoto, mashed potatoes; see crush; penônehe, masher.
mask, mistaenotxeo, the masked warriors, a recent unin-
portant organization of young men who m.themselves
for social amusement. Mista owl, ghost; mistaemeq, mi-
staemekonoz (pl.),m.
[toz, masonry.
"m., as a whole,
collection into close, confined relation", see nar-
row. Zemhaōmoeha, the m.of the waters, ocean; maexansz,
the m.of the eyes, all, the whole of the eyes;
ceoz,it is massed, crowding, leaving narrow room; ema-
seoceneota, it is a massed, cramped, crowded room; emå-
sohoeoxzeo, they (or.) arrive in m.; emåsoaraeme oz, she
bursts out in tears; inf.-mase- and -mat- imply that
the whole, entire collection or object is exhausted;
namhaesta, I swallow it, the whole of it, in m., leaving
nothing; inf.-mame- bulky, immense, mamo th,q.v. Emäta-
nevoneo, they are a m. of people; emåsohaetanevoneo,
they m.together (people); see crowd; emåsomohēoxzeo,
they (or.) m. together; emåsohaenōheo, there is a m. of
them (or.) ; honoresta, the m., greater portion; see
major, majority.
massacre, nimasenotoneo, we m. them, slay them (or.) in
mass; emasenoheo, they are massacred; masenota-
zistoz, m.; emasenotazistoveneo, it was a m.
massive, rendered by inf.-mame-, see mamoth, bulky;
mameoxta, he has m.legs; mamhohona, a m.rock;
emamhenitōneheve, it is a m., ponderous door.
mass-meeting, masomohēoxzistoz; see mass.
master, nitáe; enitáeve, he is a m., leader, ruler;
táe, one is m., rules (state); enitáenane
one is set as m.; enitávōeme, one is counted, consider-
ed m.; nanitäam, my m., leader, ruler, lord; ninitäaman,
our (incl.) m.; nahenitäam, I have a m.; nahenitäame-
noz, he is my m.; zehenitäamsz, the one having a m. (ob-
jective); zehenitäamestovsz. the one who is a m.
somebody; zehenitäametōsz, the one who is m. to him;
zeheni täamezē, our masters, the ones being our masters,
rulers; rad. -hoze- serve, help, and following
nations ref.to m.: nanēhov zehesthozeonetto, I who
mason, hohonaevstonehe, stone builder;
mass, rad. -ma-, -mha-, -mä-, -måso denote
have a servant (implying "who am a m."); zehestozeo-
netonetto, I who am one's servant (implying "having a
m."); zehesthozeonetōesē, you who have them for mas-
ters (lit.you who are their servants); zehesthozeona-
mess, you who have servants, who are masters; naexao-
san,I m.,overpower; nšhoestoz esaatonšeexaôhan, the
fever cannot be mastered, overcome; naexaovō, I m.
overpower, overcome them (or.); nanitáeta,
I m.
it; nanitáetovo, I m. one; nanitáetsan, I do m
(intran.); see lord, ruler; zenitáeto mxistonemhäon,
the m., principal of the school; nitapeveamàtovoneo
zenitáetōezē, let us obey our masters, leaders; eveho-
neve, he is a chief, m.; enitánešeoona, one is a m., ex-
pert (in doing things); nha zsaatonšenitáetovàzēsz
tama emesaanitáetovoheo zenitaeziss, the one who can-
not m.himself cannot m.others. Zeaenasz, my m., the one
owning me; naheaene onenoz, I am his m.; naheaeneo neto-
va, I am his property.
[is m. (to overcome)
masterful, enitáeoneve, one is m.; eexaosaneoneve, one]
masterless, esaanitáetoehe, one is not mastered; esaahe-
nitäamé, one is m.,has no m.; esaa-aenovoxze-
vé, one is m., is not property, subject.
masterpiece, nitávhozeohestoz.
mastership, nitástoz, m., dominion.
mastery, nitáetsanistoz; exaosanistoz, m. (in overcom-]
masticate, naenean and naeana, I m.,eat; see eat; eanà-
toz, mastication.
mat, see entangle, matted; neaxtaxestoz, m., foot wiper.
match, esẽhestao, they (or.) m., are alike, the same; esē-
hessonsz, they (in.) are alike, m.; esehexovstao,
they (or.) m., of the same degree; see alike, same,
kind; inf.-tāestov- to equalize,m. ;
see equalize,
fit. Zešeaseo, zešeaseonoz (pl.), m. (to start fire
with); ezešeaseonan, he makes matches; ezešeaseoneve,
it is a m.; ezešease onevensz, thy are
seoneva, with a m. Sehestàtoz,m. in stature; sēhexovs-
tàtoz, m.in degree, condition.
matches; zešea-
matchless, esaatãestovooehan, it is m., not equalled by;
esaatãestovooehe, one is m.; esaatonšsēhexo-
vatamehan,it is m., incomparable;
mehe, one is m.; hepevatamanoestoz
tamehan, its beauty is m., has no paralell.
match-maker, hešaxtaxe, m., go-between; etaešeaxtax, she
is a m.; zešease onanehe, m.; see match.
mate, zeveoxzemo or zevhestamo, my m., the one with whom
I am; zeveoxzemata, zevhestamata, thy m.; see com-
material, hovae, the thing,m.; hovae zevešemane nasaahe-
neenohe, I do not know the m., thing with which
it is made; ehaestnovatto zistotoxeme, there is much
(m.) to discuss about; hovae zevešemams tonstove, m. to
build with.
maternity, hosĕhestoz.
matrimony, vistōmazistoz; see marriage.
matted, see entangle; eatokonsz, they (in.) are m.,
tangled, jumbled; eatoszeha, one has a m. head,
tangled; emomeexa and emomeovess, one has m.hair; ze-
momeexasz and zemomeovesz, the one with m., tangled
hair; see tangle.
matter, v., etoneozé, what is the m.? Esaatoneozehan, it
matters not, does not materialize; esaatonsohan,
it does not m.,it is immaterial; etone tokos, it mat-
ters; esaatonetoksohan, it matters not, is of no use;
inf.-kanom- has a meaning similar to "matters not, of
no concern or importance"; nakanomemahaciseheve, it
matters not that I be an old man; ekanomeēsz, his
speaking matters not; nikanomeēsztovo, it matters not
that thou speakest to him; ēvekanomēszeha, let him
speak, it matters not.
matter, n., hovae, m., thing, substance;
thing, substance;
esaahovaevhan, it
is no m., nothing, has no substance, no material-
ization; ehovaeve, it is a m., a thing, a substance;
maz,m.,pus; emazeve, it is m., mattering, festering; oa-
tōs, adv.phrase m. of course.
mattress, tonovhonokon, thick (bed) floor; honoon =
floor; honokon, little, smaller floor, rug, bed
quilt; etonovhonokoneve, it is a m.
mature, eexáta, it is m., also eexâta;
the berries are m., ripe,q.v.
mauve, zeneamaneoxkoxtav; see color.
maxilla, maztoon, jaw bone; hesztoon, his m.
may, rendered by inf.-me-; nameneoxz, I m.go;
oxz, I might have gone; nametaneoxz, I m., would
go (future); pref.eme- that might, should, and is used
with the sub.cj.; ènae emeame tanenez, he died that we
might live; nameta zetaneneo emevešho zeohetto, he gave
me a tool that I might work with; inf. -menonax- =m.
possibly, probably; namenonaxevōmo, I m.possibly see
him; namstanonaxevōmo, I might possibly have seen him;
name tanonaxevōmo, I m. (future) possibly see him; name-
saaneoxzé, I m.not go; namesaatonšeneoxzé, I m.not be
able to go; namsaaneoxzé, I might, would not have gone;
nametasaaneoxzé heva saahamoxtaheō, I might, should,
would (future) not go, were he not sick; nimeaseoxzhe-
me, you m.go, you are free, allowed to go, you should,
ought to go. The above will show that -me- is used
for "m.,might, can, should, would".
May, poetaešehe, moon of the shedding (possibly also "of
the blossoming" [epoēsettonsz, they in.} open in
bloom]). This name does not cover exactly the month
of M., but implies last part of April.
maybe, heaå, perhaps, possibly, probably; heahama, likely,
ēšexátansz menoz,
m. (wondering, conjecturing); na mo hea, or likely m.
maze, see disorder, entangle.
me, is expressed: I. By verbal suff.-e when the subj.is
2nd.pers.sg.; navōmo, I see one; nivōme, thou seest
me; nimehoxe, thou lovest me; niēsztove, thou speakest
to me. II. By suff.-eme, when the subj.is 2nd. pers. pl. ;
nivōmeme, you (pl.) see me; nimehoxeme, you (pl.) love
me; niēsztoveme, you (pl.) speak to me. III. By suff.
-a when the subj.is 3rd.pers.sg.; navōma, one sees me;
namehota, one loves me; naĕsztova, one speaks to me.
IV. By suff.-ae or - when the subj.is 3rd.pers.pl.;
navōmae or navōmā, they (or.) see me; namehotā, they
love me; naēsztovā or naēsztõe, they speak to me. When
to the above suffixes a further obj.is added it (this
new obj.) is expressed by: 1. -noz (sg.or. and also
pl.in.) when the subj.is sg.; nimezenoz maxemenoz,
thou givest me apples; nimezenoz zeto eszehen (or.),
thou givest me this coat; nametaenoz, he gives me them
(in.); nametaenoz, he gives me one (or.); 2. by suff.
-notto (pl.or.) when the subj.is sg.; nametaenotto, he
gives them (or.) to me; niešemezenotto, thou hast giv-
en them (or.) to me; 3. by suff. -nov (sg. in.) and
-novoz (pl.in.) when the subj.is pl.; nimezenov, you
pl.) give it to me; nimezenovoz, you (pl.) give them
(in.) to me; nametāenov, they give it to me; name tãe-
novoz, they give them (in.) to me; 4. by suff. -novỏ
(sg.or.) and -novo (pl. or.) when the subj.is pl.; ni-
mezenovỏ eszehen, you (pl.) give me a coat; nimezenovō
mohènoham, you (pl.) give me horses; name täenovo, they
give one to me; nametāenovo, they give them (or.) to
m. See Ch.gr. for more explanations.
meager, hovèno, m., scanty; see lean.
meal, māmenepenôo, corn-m.; emāmenepenôoneve, it is corn-
m.; mamenepenôoneva, with, in corn-m.; penôonea, m.
like; epenôonezhesso, it is mealy; mesestoz, m.(food);
naha nioxcemeshemå noka ešēva, we eat three meals a
day, lit, three times a day; namesema ovo, I make a m.for
one; ehōxtanova, he brings a rest of the m., repast
home; hestōxtanovàtoz, one's rest of a m., repast; amōx-
tanovátoz, the rest of a m.brot home. This ref.not to
a rest of the entire m., but to the uneaten portion of
one's m. Ch. (women especially) when invited to a
good repast like to bring home some portion of their
food for children, sick or older people. Hoxcevohona
or axaxc, mealing stone; this last term is of
origin and only known by few.
mean, v., nanhesta, I m.it, mention it; nanheto, I m., men-
tion him; etonšetovat to, what does it m., purport,
for what purpose is it? Zehešetovat to nasaaheneenohe,
I do not know what it means, its significance; niox-
hevé, what doest thou m., say? Eoxhevo, what does he m.,
say? Heto nahessezesta, I m., opine this; inf.-hesseto-
va- and -hešetova- for the purpose, aim; hena zehess-
tovamane heto mhão, what is the meaning of this house
being built, for what purpose is this house built? He-
na zehešetovaneoxzess, what is your meaning, intention
for going there? Enahan zehešetanotto, that is what I
m.,opine; zehešetanotōez, what he means for us; Maheo
ninešetanotōen ememehotàzez, God means (for us) that
we should love each other. Nahetom, it is so, I m.it;
see meaning.
mean, adj., etahehetovanov, he is m., unruly; eahansenova,
one is m., a villain, wicked; emomoxa, one is m., low-
ly; ehaesenova, one is m., wicked, bad; esaakooxtahe, one
is m., selfish; evenaheškos or evenhaškos, one
is m.,
sordid, stingy; emåscems taha, one is m., narrow, cramped-
hearted; inf. -toto- malignant, with meaness, intending
to harm, spoil; see spoil. Inf.-tonš– =means, manner,
way, agency; etonšeme se, how does he eat? Nitonšhenee-
na, by which means doest thou know it? Etonšeanao, how
did he fall? Etonšhāmoxtäoz nasaaheneenomovohe, how he
became sick I do not know; nasaatonšeneoxzé, I cannot,
have no means to go there; inf.-veše- by means of,
with, wherewith, medium; heto na vešhāmoxta, I am sick by
means of this; ameškoneva navešemese, I eat with, by
means of a spoon; heto maataevexansz naveševōsanenoz,
by means of these glasses I see, I see with the glass-
es (spectacles); naveševoešetanonoz (or nonotto), I
rejoice with one (in having him) =he is the means of
my rejoicing; heto zèmezetto navešepevetano, I am glad
thru this which thou gavest me thy giving me this is
the means of my gladness. Inf.-hoko- by any means,
way, absolutely, must; natâkoneoxz, I go by any means, I
must go; nataešhokovōmo, I must see one; nasaahokovō-
mohe, I did not see him in any way. Ehaōva, he has
means, is rich; nanexovae, I have the means, can afford;
nanexovae emehoxtovatto zeto mobènoham, I have the
means to buy this horse; nanexovaeta, I have the means
for it, can cope with it.
meander, inf.-momaan- =plaited; emomaanĕsetto, it is a
plaited, serpentine, sinuous line; emomaaneeoz
meo, the road is meandering, going to and fro like a
plaited line (horizontal): sitoxceo emomaaneeš, the
rope lies meandering, forming a plaited line; emomaa-
neoxz, he goes meandering; emomaanèn, he walks meander-
ing; emomaaneōsta, it floats, moves meandering (suspend-
ed or floating); momaaneoxzistoz, the meandering (in
going); heto ohe eohamomaaane oz, this river meanders
very much; Makanē, Meandering, pr. name of a woman;
move (to and fro), sway, from one side to the other.
meaning, zehešetovatto, its m.,object, purport, end; hena
zehessetovaneoxzess, what is the m.,object of
your going there? Etonšetovatto, what m. has it, what
can it mean? Etonšetovahe, of what m.,significance can
he be? Nitosemestomevazenov zehešetovaes (or -vahes),
I am going to explain to you his m., object, signifi-
cance; zehešetovatōez heto naheneenanon, we know what
m.this has for us; enešetovana, he sets it for a pur-
pose, m., object; heto mhão enešetovamane emeoxchaônan-
ov hotoma, this house was built for the purpose of
meaness, ahansenovàtoz, m., wickedness; hehetovanovhes-
toz, m., the being unruly, uproarious; momorastoz,
m., lowliness; venhaškosestoz, m., stinginess, sordid-
ness; saakooxtahestoz, m., selfishness; måscemstahàtoz,
m., narrow heartedness; totonševestoz, m., the spoiling,
ruining, malignancy in doing.
meanwhile, expressed by pref. zetäš- -during the lapse
of; zetäšhovanēs nahozeohe, while he is gone I
work; zetāešemesēs nitaēveēsohemå let us converse to-
gether while he is eating, lit.in the meantime of his
eating let us have a talk; tae, until,m.; oxtáetto,
thru, until, in the m.; see during, while.
measles, oseozistoz; eoseoz, one has the m.; see pox.
measure, v., rad. -tā- amount, size, set; natāevanen (in-
trans.), I m. (by hand or arm); natāevana, I m.
(by hand); nataevano (or.); nataevàn (intrans.), I m.
(instr.); nataevàno, I m. one (or.); nataevaha, I m.it;
natãoha, I m.it (instr., something immovable); zehetā-
oého nanitãoéha, in the m. I treat him he treats me;
nahózetāoha, I cannot m.it; nataevavoènosan, I m. (ca-
pacity,contents); natāevavoeneha, I m.it, also natāeva-
voenoxz; natāevavoèno, I m.it (or. as a sack); natāeva-
voenoxtomevo, I m. for, unto one; zeveštāevavoènosanet-
to zetaevhavešetaevavoenoxtomonétto, with the m. (hav-
ing hold, as bushel m.) thou measurest, it shall be mea-
sured unto thee; ene totãoene, it measures, contains that
much; esētotāoenensz, they (in.) m., contain the same
amount; nataevàtàno, I m. one's foot; natotaevàn, I m.in
portion; nataevahemo hees zehen, I m. (instr.) his coat;
nataevahomovo, I m.it his (instr.); natavanamo heesze-
hen, I m. one's coat (by hand); nataevanomovo hevoxca, I
m.one's hat; natãohomovo, I m.it his (something immov-
able); natãohemetan, I m.in mind (Ger.ermessen); inf.
-eštā- full m., amount, size; esaaeštäheneenôhan, it is
not known to the full m.; esaahonetãohan, it is not
the full m. etãomosan, he measures, surveys (in-
trans.); naešetaomon hoe, land has been measured, sur-
veyed, allotted to me; ēšetotāomoenov hoe, land has
been allotted (measured) to each one of them; inf.
-totā- to each one so much, or each one of the por-
tions of a whole; inf. -taeva (ve)- by m., portion, al-
lotment; nataevavemetanenon, we are given it by m.,
portions; totaevaven
(adv.phrase), in the m. that, ac-
cording to the m., apportionment; natāevatõena, I m.by
holding it in hand.
measure, n., taevaheo, m., ruler; etaevaheoneve, it is a
m., ruler;
taevavhoemanistoz, m., regulation, law
m.; taevavovistomevazistoz,
m., apportionment of
struction; taevaheoneva, with a m., ruler; taevahenen-
eo,m.of capacity; enhôo, m., hold, contents; naha enhôo-
neva, three times inside m. (bushels); tāevavata, foot
m.; hestaevavàta, one's foot m.; tãoheo, m., mile
eral term); tāevaneo,hand m.; nocemoeo, one finger m.
(gauge); nišemoeo, two fingers m., etc., see numerals;
nokatōeneo, one hand hold m. (fist or what a hand can
hold in measuring poles, etc.); nixatōeneo, two hands
m., etc.; nokatoene oneva, with one hand m.; nokatōeneo-
neva enetão, it is the size of a hand hold; nokatāe-
neo, one hand span m. (thumb and middle finger extend-
ed), also: nokatae vaneo, one hand span m.; nixataeneo,
two hands span m., etc.; nahetaeneoneva eneeso, three
span m. long; nokanhesàtàtovå, one foot m.;
tàtovå, two foot m.; nokahoneamestovå, of one step m
(lift of the foot); nokataehoseoneva, of one step m.
(on the ground); nokoamestovå, one throw or shooting
distance; nokatãoheo, one mile; in all the preceding
terms the ending -nev or -ovå denotes an adj.phrase
"of such m."; nokataeneo enetonotto, it is one hand,
span thick; nokatãoheo enetão, it is one mile wide;
naha taoheoneva etåxtanitaōmoeha, it is three miles in
circumference (sp. of a body of water); nokatãoheoneva
eoetam, it is one mile deep (of lake, etc.); see size.
nixa ox-
Noka oxtaeneneo, one "overnight's" distance;
taeneneo, two "overnight's" distance; noka hamoxzeoon,
similar to the preceding, one camping's distance; noc-
éš ameoxzistovå, of one day's journey; nišéš ameoxzis-
tova, of two day's journey; nišenistovå, two days and
nights; nahenistová, three days and nights; nocene vo-
mao, it requires two days; nivenivomao, it requires
four days; see journey. Ohotomozestoz, an armful; nok-
stāheo, one handful (hold of palm); nišstāheo, two
hands full (when holding two hands together, cupshap-
ed); nixa nišstāheo, two times two hands full; nooseo
or hooseo, mouthful; noka nooseo or noka hooseo, one
mouthful; noka zenōstom, I hold one mouthful; noka zce-
ameškoneva, one teaspoonful; nokaameškoneva, one spoon-
ful; nokaehanaosē,it weights one pound; noka
hānano, it is one heavy one pound weight; see weigh.
For all terms expressing m. of length, width, depth,
height, thickness, volume, weight, size, etc., see under
measurement, taevahestoz, the measuring; zehexovetão,its
m.,size; zehexovetaetas, one's m.,size; tāe-
vàtatoz,foot m.;
tãohemetanoxtoz, m., apprehension
(Ger.das Ermessen); tāomosanistoz or tāomohestoz, m.,
survey; tāevanenistoz, m. by hands; see measure.
measurer, taevaheo, m., ruler; tãoheo, m., also mile, mea-
sure; taonevèho, whiteman m., surveyor; also ta-
omosanehe, the apportioner, allotter.
measuring, tāevanenistoz, the m. (by hands); taevahestoz,
the m. (with instr.); tāohestoz, the m. (when
obj.is not moveable, cannot be held); tāomosanistoz,
the m.,apportioning, surveying; tāevavhoemanistoz, the
m.by law, regulation; tāevavovistomosanistoz, graded
instruction; taevavoènosanistoz, the m. (of capacity);
tāohemestoz, the m. (in words, example, likeness, para-
ble); see measure, measurement.
meat, hoevōxz, m. (large amount); hoevoxkoz, m., small
amount; honovoxk, m. (ref. to best parts for frying
or roasting); ehonovoxkoneve, it is m. (for frying or
roasting); hoevoxzeva, with, in m.; nathoevoxkotam, my
m. [navōxỏz, my flesh]; nathonovoxkonam, my m. (for fry-
ing); hesthoevoxkotam, one's m. (which he eats); nstho-
evoxkotaman, our m.; nsthoevoxko tamevo, your m.; hest-
hoevoxkotamevo, their m.; nahesthoevoxkotam, I have m.;
esevon nimehavešhesthoevoxko tamenon, the buffalo was
our m., food; hoevoxko tam, m., food; nahoahe hoevoxkoz,
I like to have m.; naanèn, I cut the m.,butcher (ref.
to the dissecting part); naoesova, I cut up m.(in
sheet like pieces to hang up for drying); naetoenoxz
hoevoxkoz hōenovå, I put the m.into the sack;
Voxz hoevoxz, I take out the m.; [suff. -oxz (in.) and
-oto (or.) are used for anything put in, taken, etc.,
from a hold (as boxes, receptacles, guns, etc.)]; vèpe-
maxeva naēstoenoxz hoevoxköz, I put the m. into the
box; nahooesz hoevoxkoz, I boil m.; omotō, omotōnoz,
boiled m.; eomotooneheve, it is boiled m.; nahecoha
hoevorkůz,I cook m.soft; nahonoxta hoevoxköz, I broil,
bake roast m.; hoonō, broiled m. honovoxk, m.for
broiling; naestovhaen, I put m.on to boil; napävhonox-
ta hoevoxköz, I broil m. on ashes (hot); naséoxthonox-
ta hoevoxköz,I toast, roast m.holding it before or ov-
er the fire; the word hoevozkůz can be left out in
above expressions and the verb written in its intran-
sitive form, as: nahonon, napävhonon, naséoxthonon; nae-
voneahonon, I broil, by swaying the m. suspended from a
tripod or something similar (spit-roasting); namazez
hoevoxkoz, I dry m.; namazemomâha honovoxk, I smoke m.;
zemazemonâta honovoxk, smoked m.; naes'onaz hoevoxkůz,
I dry m.; evxkonoz, dried, preserved m.; nahoox, I pack
m. home (game); ehooxestov, it is an arriving with load-
ed (packed) m.,game; ehooneoxestove, they arrive in
line with packed m.game; namene ovo, I provide one with
hoevoxkůz zeoxce-
m.; napeena hoevoxkoz, I grind m.;
vešepeene, m. grinder. Following are parts of a butch-
ered animal (like buffalo, cattle, deer, sheep); it must
be kept in mind that the Ch.does not butcher like his
white brother and so the names of different pieces of
m.do not correspond with our names. The Ch.used to
dissect the animal, not cutting the muscles transvers-
ally but severing them in their natural parts: heoxz,
its neck; hestazeo, its shoulder blade; henaeva, its
shoulder (meat); henaevaoxz,
its shoulder m. with
bones; haešksaes, m. of foreleg; hotàn, side m., behind
shoulder; hemònekov, part of chuck and middle rib, on
the upper part, reaching to the sirloin piece; hesova-
kov, sirloin piece; honovonoz, m.part of tenderloin,
kept for broiling; hešeonòneva, breast piece; voxtas,
flank; hese maneva, thick flank; hešèp, its rump; hèpsz,
ribs; heton, piece of mouse buttock; henomoz, hind
quarter m.; henom, inner side of thigh m.; hececenom,
piece next to sirloin, towards the hind leg, tender-
loin; henstaneva, soup m. (leg above knee); heseva, sin-
ewy part of leg; heszeō, hind part or bull joint; hen-
stan, piece of front leg (above knee); hestona,ridge
piece (on back); heen, brisket and thin flank; hešeoo
m.and bones of rump; vō, hump part (as in buffalos);
aetōvotůz, m. under rump; hetons, insides; venooxz,
tripes; hepeemon, its first stomach; hestxoanoz, its
spleen; hée, liver; heszhetato, its kidneys; hesta,
heart; heponoz, its lungs; heveeonišsz, its entrails;
hestàtoz, its colon; hevaonš, rectum.
mechanical, expressed by suff. -vaen, in the sense of
automatically, involuntarily, spontaneously;
see verb of -vaen in Ch.gr.
meddle, nahemeemoésan, I m. (intrans.); nahemeemoého, I
m.,with, disturb one; nahemeemoész, I m. with it;
chemeemoēta,he is a meddler; zehemeemoésansz, the one
who meddles with; nahemeemos toman, I make, cause a m.;
nahemeemostomovo, I m. with his (in.); nahemeemoéhamo,
I m. with his (or.); see disturb.
[of m.
meddler, hemeemoésanehe; zehemeemoētasz, the one who
meddles; ehemeemoésaneheve, he is a m.
meddlesome, eheme emoésaneoneve, one is a m.one;
moëtaeoneve, one is a m.one.
meddling, hemeemoésanistoz, the m.; hemeemoētastoz, act]
mediate, is expressed by rad. -omot- which denotes "in-
tervening agency, serving as or being a means
or medium"; naomotâ, I assist, help one, intervene for
him; nahaôn, I pray; nahaônavomótâ, I m., intervene for
one in prayer; naēsztomotâ, I m., intercede for one in
speaking, I speak for one. See mediative m. (substitu-
tive) in Ch.gr. The intrans.form of -omotâ is -omot'-
san; the stative is -omotxeva;
mediates in prayer (predicative);
ehaônavomoxtxeva, he
ve, he is one interceding, an intercessor. The suff.
-omotsan, -omotsen, -omotâ and -omotxeva, can be added
to any verb in order to express "intervention, inter-
cession, m. agency between, assistance, medium and for".
mediation, omotsanistoz, the mediating; see medium; omo-
txevàtoz, m., used mostly as substantive suff .
to verbs of mediating.
mediator, omotsanehe or
zeomotsansz, the ones who medi-
ates; oomotxe vahe and zeomotxevaz, m. ; Maheo ni-
metaenon nasz Maxeomo txevaheo, God gave us a great m.;
hoxovhoonanehe, m., bridge maker, the one who bridges
over; hoxovevomotxe vahe, m., similar to pontifex. Haô-
navomotxevahe, m., intercessor in prayer; mestomotxeva-
he, m.in explaining; meavomotxevahe, m.in giving.
medicine, hesēoxz, m., drug (from heseohỏ =root);
oxz or heseoxz =parts of root or roots. This
term does not imply the sense of mysterious, it ref.
simply to m.; ehesēoxzeve, it is m.; vèhoheseoxz, white
man's m., drug; vokomhesēoxz, quinine; voomheseoxz,
white m., found near water, used for sores; hèyaesē-
oxz, cough m.; xoemazenenazistoz, eye m., salve; esehe-
sẽoxz,eye m. (to inject); hesĕoxz zevešhahenohe stove,
rubbing m.,liniment; hesēoxz zevešenšexaxistove, gar-
gling m.; heseoxz zevešeoom'nistove, cathartic m. Fol-
lowing are Ch.names of medicinal herbs, for which we
hope to give the botanical terms in a special appen-
dix on fauna and flora. Moxšen, moxšensz, is a
term given to aromatic herbs especially of the
Mentha. Emoxšeeve, it is an aromatic herb;
ce-moxšen, marmot aromatic herb; moehemoxšen grows on
mountains and màpemoxšen near water, both are aromatic
herbs; veoxcemoxšen, pungent aromatic herb; nakoemox-
šen, bear aromatic herb; meemeaton, juniper leaves or
sprays; meškahesz, moss (?); seozemhân, "ghost" melon
(cucurbitaceous plant with prostrate stems and small
round fruit the size of an apple); maxesēoxz, big root
m.; mozenist, used for head ache; hetonehesēoxz, bark
m. (inside bark); hoxemēhesēoxz, bitter m. used for
snake bite; mohènohamesĕoxz, used for horses;
onsz, m. used to activate flow of mammary glands; mà-
tamhaoe.m.used to produce secretion of the salivary
glands (by sucking it); mahesēoxz, m.used in dysen-
tery; veoxchesēoxz, aromatic plant with bitter taste,
used for insect bites; šišino vozhesēoxz, veoxchesēoxz,
hoxemĕhesēoxz and some others are combined for snake
bites; heemotomazistoz, herb used for perfume and m.;
hetamistoto, plant whose leaves and berries cause
sneezing; hôaseon, species of cedar (used in insense);
vehooxz, medicinal herb dried and braided and used as
incense; hekonemoxtaen, edible root also used in infu-
sions; moxtaen is the wild turnip; hestamōkan, a m.
herb used by the "Comtrary" band ("hoxnókavo eoxchox-
nokavhaeneo", the reverse ones cook, boil it in the
"contrary" way; see reverse, contrary), it is put in
the boiling soup or water with which the "reversed"
dancers asperse their naked bodies with apparent im-
munity; otatavhesēoxz, copperas; hohonaemaz, lit. stone
excrement, a gelatine substance oozing from rocks in
the mountains; vanovàn, powerful herb, producing bleed-
ing of nose, used in the Mashaom (lodge of the Con-
trary ones) and growing in the Colorado mountains.
Some herbs and berries are used as ingredients with
other medicines; such are: menoz, wild, choke cherries;
exovavosz, m.plant (root is called heacess); nakoe-
staàzemenoz (elderberries?); macemenoz, red berries
(different kinds of berries are called by this name,
both in Montana and Oklahoma); henen, seed pods of the
wild rose; homen, bark (inside) of elm tree used for
medicinal tea; vesceehemeno hesozeva, mulberry root
(close to the ground); naevosz, m.herbs (used in ablu-
tions).- Nahe seotan, I prepare m.; namhaesta hesēoxz, I
swallow m.; epevseoma, it is efficacious (as m.);
zhesēom, my m. (treament with drugs); heszhesēom, one's
m.; nazhesēotam, my m. (a special root or drug); hesz-
hesẽotam, one's m., drug. Vešhēseo, m. bag; maheone vešhē-
seo, mysterious, sacred m. bag; nisimōnevehaneo, m.bag
(occult), bag in which the demon or m. power giving
spirit is kept; navešhēseo, my m. bag; nivešhēseonan-
oz,our m.bags; hevešhēseonevoz, their m.bags; maheono-
soestoz, m., sacred dance; ovavosohestoz, m., magic
dance; ovaoneavo, m., magic drum; maheoneoneavo, m.,
sacred drum; nao and naetaneo, m.men (Ind.doctors);
naevèho, white doctor; see doctor. Ononeovätaneo, or-
ganization of m., magic men, now extinct; see demon.
Naenooxz, naenootoz (pl.), m.song (sung while treating
the patient); maheonenooxz, maheonenootoz (pl.), m.,
sacred, mysterious song; zemaheonevsz, m., sacred man.
meditate, naēvetanona, I am meditating; nanoxtovetanona,
I m.,plan in the mind; namomaxome tanona,
I am
meditating, musing; natoxetanona, I m., dwell upon, keep
in touch with the mind; naēve tanona emeheševetto, I m.
upon what I should do; naeveõhetan, I am meditating,
considering, judging in mind; naēvetoxetanotomovo he-
ēszistoz, I m. upon his word, keep one's word in mind;
zeēvetanonaz, the one who meditates.
meditation, toxetanonàtoz, momaxometanoxtoz and momaxo-
metanonàtoz, m.
medium, see mediate; setov, m., middle.
meek, enonizeomae, one is m.;
; zenonizeomasz, the m.one;
nanonizeomaeztovo, I behave meekly towards one;
nanonizeomaetovo, I am m.towards one; see tame; inf.
-nonizeom- meekly, with meekness; eoanaxaesta, one is
m., peaceable; ehekota, one is m., quiet, unassuming.
meekly, see meek.
meekness, nonizeomhastoz; nonizeomaetovazistoz, m. toward
one; nonizeometanoxtoz, m.in mind, disposition;
oanaxaestàtoz, m., peacefulness; hekotastoz, m., quiet-
meet, nahoehosan, I m. (intrans.), come to; nahoehoto, I m.
one (coming to a person coming from an opposite
direction); nahoehoxta, I m.it; nataomaovo, I m.one (at
right angle), head one off, pass before him; naameox-
zetovo, I m. with one (coming up to one);
(in.); natōeovo, I m.one (where he is), also collide;
nahetōeovo, I m., come against one (as an enemy); nahe-
toeoaovo, I m.one (by rushing at him); nanhaéovo, I m.,
collide with one; maatameo hemekonevoz etōeoao vàzet-
tonsz, the locomotives collided; natōea, I m., collide
with it, press under foot; namamovō, I m. together with
them (unite); namamovho tàzheme, we m., come close, unite
together; emamovonsz, they (in.) m., unite together;
emamoveozensz, they (in.) m. together; meo ehoxseoz,
the road meets, joins,q.v.; meo zenxhoxseoz, where the
roads met (before, further back); zexhoxseoz meo, where
the road meets, joins; zistahoxseoz meo, where the road
meets, joins (ahead); zèmamoveoz, where it meets,
together; ohe zènmamovoom, where the river meets (lit.
mouth together with), said when the place of conflu-
ence is farther up, from where the speaker stands; see
mouth. Namamovano, I make them (in.) m., I join them
together; namamovananoz, I make them (in.)m., bring them
together; emamovaneo, they are met, united; emamovōmoe-
ha,it meets together(a body of water); emohēoxzeo, they
m., gather together; see gather, together; emàtatame, it
is m., fair, acceptable; namàtatamo, I deem one m., ac-
ceptable; namàtatano, I make one m., acceptable;
votaehan, it is not m., not becoming; esaavo tahe, one is
not m.,becoming.
meeting, mohēoxzistoz, a m., gathering; etosemohēoxzisto-
ve, there will be a m.; esaamohēoxzistovhan,
there is no m.; ēšénemohēoxzistove, the m. is ended;
emonemohẽoxzistove, the m.is just opened; see gather
together; mohēoxzemhäo or eszemhão, m.house; mamovazi-
stoz, the m., uniting; tōeovazistoz, the m., opposing,
colliding; see meet.
melancholic, see depressed, sad.
mellow, etahekasetto, it is m.;
ehekatamano, it is m.,
soft (sp. of weather condition, as in spring).
melodious, epevenonenov, it is m.; see sing.
melody, expressed by suff.-nonistoz; see sing, song.
melon, mhân (has a pl. meaning); emhâneveo, they (or.)
are melons; heovemhân, yellow m., musk m.; nxo-
meveo, another name for m., water m.; seozemhân, a kind
of wild m. found in Oklahoma, with
spherical fruit the
namevo mhân, I eat
size of an apple, but not edible;
m.; eosezemaheovstav, m.color; see color.
melt, rad.-hòp- ref.to melting; ehòpeoz, it is melting,
perspiring; ehòpetto hestass, the snow melts;
txpevōva, it melts, dissolves by means of water (as
sugar in cold or hot water); epoeōstâta, it melts off
(from heat); ehoxpeōstâta, it melts (by heat); nahò-
pea, nahòpeosan, I m., relent; see dissolve, spare; nama-
txpevōvana, I m., dissolve it in water; ehooneoz, it is
slowly melting away, said of snow when thawing; evhâta
amsc, the lard melts; nahòpész, I m.it; nahòpého (or.).
member, naves tax, I am a m. (ref.to warrior bands); nist-
xeo, my co-members; estxeo, thy co-m.; hevestxeo,
one's co-members; ehoxszèn, one is m., joins;
see ad-
mit, join; navessetan, I want one to be with (a m.) ;
nasz zehetaeoxsetto, one of my members, parts of my
body; ninist xnoemàzhemå, we are members, are all one
together; ehaestoetovahe or ehaestoenahe, one has many
members (Ger. Familienglieder).
memento, hovae zevešhessemeetanoxtove,
something by
which remembrance is effected, also memorial;
see memory. [keeping in mind.
memorize, nahessheneenova tõetanoxtovå, I m., know by]
memory, tōetanoxzeva, meetanoxzeva; the first ref.to
keeping in mind, while the second ref.to remem-
bering; tosetōetan, m., Ger. Gedächtnis (subjective);
meetan, m., rememberance (subjective); toovetanoxtoz,
m., the keeping in mind; natoovetanotovo, I keep one in
m.; natoovetanota, I keep it in m.; meetanoxtoz, m., the
remembering; exavonetanonov, he has no m., is forgetful.
menace, see threaten. [shown.
menagerie, hovàn zeoxcevōstomane voss, animals that are]
mend, naevhapevanen, I m., repair, make better; naevhapev-
ana, I m., repair it; naevapevano (or.);
hapevanomovo, I m., repair his (in.); nazeoto šeon, I m.
the cloth; napoeno, I m. (by sewing); napoenoto, I m. it
(or.,by sewing); napoenoxta, I m., patch it; see patch;
ehotäva poenohestovå, she won (the prize) in mending.
mendacious, enizeheoneve, one is m., a liar; see lie.
mendacity, nizeheonevestoz.
mendicant, see beggar, beg.
Mennonite, Maevèho, red-white-people, also = Germans.
menses, nhastonestoz; from -nhasto- forbidden, tabooed
(religiously or ceremonially); see forbid.
mental, expressed with suff.-tan; see mental m.in Ch.gr.
mention, letter "n" when infixed after the pronominal
pref.ref.to that which has been mentioned be-
fore; namxeatamo, I m., touch him; mxeatamazistoz, m.of
one (obj.); nanooxtosesta, I leave it unmentioned, un
said; nasaanooxtosestô, I leave it not unmentioned;
zenheto, the one (or.) mentioned; zenhestom, that which
I mentioned.
mercenary, ehozevaztaheoneve, one is m.
merchandise, hoxtovo, m.; hesthoxtovo, one's m.
merchant, hoxtovavèho, white trader.
merciful, ešivaztaheoneve, one is m.; šivaztaheoneves-
toz, mercifulness; našivaztaheonevetovo, I am
m.to one; see mercy; našivazesta, I am mercifully]
merciless, see implacable.
mercy, šivaztastoz; ešivaztastove, it is a m.; šivatama-
hestoz, state of m.; našivatamo, I am merciful
to one; našivatametanotovo, I show one m. (in disposi-
tion); nahešivaztastove, I have m.; šivaztaehoestoz, m.
seat; šivatametanoxtoz, m.in thot; see pity.
mere, expressed with inf. -vhan- merely; navhanenheve, I
merely say; evhanhoeoxz he merely came, with no
special purpose; evhanevoēta, he is a m. actor, he mere-
ly acts; vhanevoētastoz,m.act, ceremony; vhanetaxce,
merely a little, just a little bit; otaxå, m., nothing
but, only; otaxå hetaneo, merely the men; see only.
merge, etataèn, he merges, disappears (as the sun); eta-
taeoxz, he merges, disappears from view; see disap-
merit, see deserve; ekoxcenitá, it is meritorious,
serving; nakoxcenitázesta, I hold it for meritori-
ous, deserving; koxcenitàtoz, m.
merrily, expressed with inf. -hetota- =with gladness,
happiness; ehetotanemeneo, they sing m.
merriment, hetotastoz; hetotaetanohazistoz, the making
merry, joyful; pavohazistoz, m., laughing.
merry, ehetotaetan, one is m., joyful, happy; see blithe.
Nimaoaxestoz, m.-go-round;
mescal, máta, m. button. The Ch. term máta
=prickly pear
or cactus, but since the
of the peyote
came up the name is applied to the downy or button
part of a small cactus (Anhalonium or Lophophora), and
has no relation to the mescal or pulque brandy of
Mexico. See peyote.
meseems, zhešetanotto, methinks.
mesh, zepopoetonoesso, meshes, the ones (or.) braided
with interstices; zeōtaetonoess8, the ones (or.)
braided or woven with holes; ōsestaeo and ōseneo ref.
to the meshes of the netted hoops used in games; see
play. Napopoetonòno, I make, braid it (or.) in meshes;
also naōtaetonòno; same expression can be used for
crochet or net work; napopoetonoha, I make it (in.) in
meshes, braid it in net or crochet work; emomaha-popo-
etonohe, it is braided in large meshes; see braid, en-
mess in the sense of "disorder" is expressed by inf.
-anona- mixed up; eanonane, it is messed, mixed up to-
gether, mussy; see mix; zeanonatto,a m., disorder, mix
up; eanonavoēta, he acts in a disorderly, messed up
way; eanonamanesz, he messes, mixes up together, con-
message, hostō, m., tidings; nahozeemo, I send a m.to one;
nanxhohozeemo, I have come with a m.for him; na-
hoestonaovo, I send a m.to one; ehostōneheve, it is a
m., tidings; also hòtaheo, m., story; hotonazistoz, m.,
information; see inform.
messenger, zehotonovaz, the informant, m.; hehòtahaneo,
the m.,teller; ehehòtahaneoneve, one is a m.;
hoze, m., servant; nanxhethozeoneve, I am a m. (from
one); natahozeto, I use him as a m.
Messiah, Maheonexoestaansz, the Anointed-one-of-God.
messmate, zevesseanamazesso, the ones who eat together,
in company; zeto zevesseanamo, this one is my m.
metal, makät, a piece of m.; emakä taeve, it is m.; this
term is also used to designate iron; heovemakät,
yellow m., brass; hekonemakät, strong m.,steel; vokome-
makät, white m.,silver; vehonemakät or maemakät, chief
or red m., gold; hetoxkonemakät, thin m., tin; emakäta-
evstoon, it is made of m., iron.
metallic, etoxzeevon, it has a m., clinking sound.
metaphor, the Ch. are fond of metaphors and often used
to speak of an animal to characterize a per-
son; this was especially the case in pr. names; see
methodical, see particular.
mete, see measure.
methinks, see meseems.
method, inf.-senoma- =without m.; esenomahozeohe, one
works without m.; see capricious, particular;
inf.-oxcheše- denotes "according to custom,m.". Ze-
a m., system of teaching;
zeoxcheševostane hevstove, the m., system, way, manner
Mexican, Mešeĕsevèho, hairy-nosed-white-man; Meško, M., as
pr.name; emešeĕsevèhoeve, one is a M.; Mešeē-
sevèhoa, M. woman; zexhestanovevoss Mešeĕsevèho, where
the M.live, the land of the M.
midday, setovešēva; esetovōsena, it is m.; esaaešsetovō-
senahe, it is not m.; etaase-setovōsena, it is to-
wards m.
middle, setov; setovešēva, the m. of the day; zehešeamōs,
in the m. of forenoon; mxhomōs, when it is the m.
of the afternoon; esetoveve, it is the m.; ; zesetovevsz
hoxzz, the m. tree, the tree forming the m.; setovoom,
mid-heaven; setoveohe or setovōma,m.of the river; se-
tovóeme, the m.of the woods; setovemaxeva, the m. of the
wood; hevenha hoxzz, m., center, marrow of the tree; se-
toveoson,m. finger; totāsetov, straight thru the m.
line); nanokaemaena, I fold it in the m.; enokaemaeha,
it is folded in the m.: see fold. The sound of "m'
often denotes "m."; naamstoe, I "stand in the m." =I
sit; etomoxtoe, he sits up (from a lying position);
eovšemeoz, he lies down (from sitting position).
midnight, set'tāeva.
midst, expressed by inf.-tóov-; tóovetto, amidst, among,
in between; tóovetto zehetaez, in the m.of us
(where we stand).
midsummer, setovemeaneva.
midwife, toenova; etoenovaheve, she is a m.
midwinter, setoveāneva, m., usually means New-year.
mien, zehešiens, as one's countenance is; ehetotaene, he
has a happy m., face; see countenance, face, ap-
J atten
might, as imperfect of "may" see may;
nexovastoz and
tonexovastoz, m. (Ger. Vermögen); hohātamahestoz, m.,
power (Ger. Gewalt);
exoētastoz, m., executive power;
exhastoz,m, ability; toneōsanistoz, m. to prevail; exao-
sanistoz, m.to overcome.
mighty, ehohatamahe, one is m.; ehotoanahe, one is m.,
dreadful; zeohātamano, that which is m. in appear-
ance and being; zehohātamahesz, the m. one; hohātmàzhe-
tan, a m., powerful man; ehohātamaešston Maheo, God
creates mightily; ehohamoxta, one is "m." sick; inf.
-hoha- or -ohā- very much, intense, m., powerfully.
mild, rendered with inf.-nonizeom- gentle, m., good-na-
tured, tame, kind; enonizeomae, one is m.; enonizeom-
staha,one is m.hearted; enonizeomeēsz, one speaks with
mildness, kindness; ehe kotae, one is m., quiet; ehekata-
mano,it is m. (of weather); nonizeomhastoz, mildness;
hekotastoz, mildness, quietness; see soft.
mile, tāeo and tãoheo; noka etaeoneve, it is one m.;
ka esaatāeonevhan, it is not one m.; nixa tãeoneva
ehēseha, it is one m. long, distant; noka tãoheoneva
etazēso, it is one
one m. distant to it; nixa tãoheoneva
ethaeso,it is two miles in length; naha tāoheoneva
etåxtanitãomoeha, it is three miles around (a body of
water); zehešhota nixa esaatãoheonevhan, it is not two
miles where it is (sets); nixa tāeo ehōsta, it is two
miles high; tanšhaesto-ametãoheoneva, four miles;
esto zetašetāoheoneve, for a distance of many miles.
Miles, (General), Nàkoes zehena, Bear-coat.
militancy, meoestoz; emeoe, one is militant, waging war.
milk, v.,navoetanhanoham, I m. (an animal); ze voetanhano-
hamsz, the one who milks; voetanhanohamestoz,
the milking; nahevoetanhano, I m.her (animal); ēševoe-
tanhane, she is milked.
milk, n.,matan [matanan, breasts]; emataneve, it is m.;
mataneva,with, in m.; namatanaeme, my m. (not of own
body); hematanaeme, one's m.; natanan, my m. (breasts);
hetanan, her m., udder; eponoevetana, she is dry (of
m.); eponoeo, she has no m.; emàpeveo, she has m.; the
word map water which is drunk, hence the application
to the secretion of m.; ehaanēheo, she has an abund-
ance of m.; see breast, suck. Seameo, Milky Way; heko-
zeameo, branch of the Milky Way.
milker, zevoetanhanohamsz, also zehevoetanhanensz, the m.
mill, peeneoneva navešepeena, I mill it with a m.;
maesevo,it is milling, flows in circle; peenene
vohona, m.stone,also hohonapēneo; epeenene-vohonaeve,
it is a m.stone; pêneo, coffee m.; peenenemhão,
peenenemhão, flour
m., also penhôoemhäo, flour house; axaxtoz, old Sota
word ref.to a kind of m.used to grind corn.
miller, vèho zeoxcepeeno
penhoo, the white man who
grinds wheat.
millet, heovemóesz, yellow grass; eheovemóeve, it is m.
million, vonhoestonstov, lost in number; noka vonhoes-
tonstove, one m.; the exact term would be: matò-
toha-matòtnó-maxematòtnoe =ten times hundred times
millstone, peenevohona.
mimic, see counterfeit, imitate.
navesohaeoxz, I walk
mince, navovesceax, I m., cut in small pieces;
ceaso, I m. one (or.) ;
mincing (with short steps).
mind, v.,natoxetan, I m., pay close attention to; natoxe-
tanotovo, I m.one; natoxetanota, I m.it; naamàta, I
m., obey it; naamàtovo, I m., obey one; nha zetoxetanoz,
the one who minds; nha zeamàtasz, the one who minds,
obeys; esaa-amà tale, one does not m., obey; esaatoxeta-
nohe, one does not m., consider, pay attention to; nana-
hetan, I m., am on my guard; see beware.
mind, n., matšetan, matšetanoxzeva, the m.; toxetan, toxe-
tanoxzeva, the m. (attentive to something); nòtove-
tan, nòtovetanoxzeva, m., that which apprehends, grasps
mentally; nanòtovetan, I grasp with the mind; nathavs
eoxceevhavešhoeoz natšetanoneva, my evil comes back to
my m.; nanitavetan, I am of different m.; natōetan, I
bear in m.; oxcetōetanotova, bear him in m.; ehaztove-
tan, one is of two minds, double minded; haztovetan, ha-
ztovetanoxzeva, double m.; haztovetanoxtoz, double
mindedness; navonetan, I lose in m., forget; nameetan,
it comes to my m., I remember; suff.-tan denotes any-
thing "minded", of the m.; suff.-zesta minded, dispos-
ed in m.; ešivazesta, one is mercifully minded; ehav-
sevetan, one is evil minded or feels bad in m.; napev-
azesta, I approve of it (in m.); eononisetan, one is
foolish minded; eononovetan, one is of doubtful m.
does not know well; namehaneševetanota, I was minded
to do it; namestomevo natšetan, I open my m. to one;
vovònešematšetan, a m. of helpfulness.
mindful, etoxetan, one is m., thotful; toxetanoxtoz, mind-
fulness; natoxetanotōen Maheo, God is m. of us;
nioxcevistämaen oha toxetanotovoz, he does help us, if
only we are m.of him; zistōetano tomaz, we being m
it, keeping it in mind; zetoxetanoss, the m.ones;
toxetanotoss, the ones m.of it; zetoxetanotovóss, the
ones m.of him; inf.-toxetanona- mindfully, with thot-
fulness; natoxetanonavhozeohe, I work with thotful-
ness; etoxetanonaveēsz, he speaks mindfully.
mindless, esaatoxetanonahe, one is m.; esaaheōhetanoxto-
vé, one is m., thotless.
mine, v., namenôn, I m.; zemenônsz, the one who mines; me-
nônistoz, the mining; namenoha, I m.it, dig it up;
namènoōvsan, I m.,dig by means of water; namènoōvoto, I
m.,dig one up (by pouring water into a burrow to
force out its occupant); namènoōvoxz, I m.it (by means
of water); makät eoxcemenohe, iron is mined; see dig;
zemenohe stove makät, an iron m.
Data pran
mine, (pronoun), nazhotoz, m., my things; nazeoxz, my pro-
perty; nazhov, m., what belongs to me; zeaenon, that
which is m., which I own; zehešheszhovetto, for it is
m.; naheszhovao vàz, I make it to be m.; namäaena, it is
all m.,I own it all; heto mxistonestoz naheszhov, this
pen is m., I have it for m when "m." is used (in
Eng.) for a substitute for "my" with a noun, as, "his
friend and m.", the noun must be repeated in Ch., thus:
heves'en na zeheves'enetto, his friend and my friend;
when the noun is in.it need not be repeated, thus: he-
mxistō na zeaenom, his book and m.,lit.the one I own.
miner, menônevèho, white man m.; zemenônsz, the one who
mingle, see mix.
minify, nazceana, I m.it, make it smaller: nazekstana, I
m.it, make it shorter; both terms ref.to real ex-
tent or size; see slight.
minimize, papass nasaahesseztohe, I m.it, think nothing
about it; papass nasaahesse tamo (or.); nivé-
ahanaxchesseztanov, do not m.it, think it not so very
small; ehōveahanaxchesseztomovo heszhekoneozistoz, he
minimizes one's strength, by mistake.
minimum, hooxzce; zehooxetaxceo, the smallest (in.).
minister, v., navovònešestoman, I am ministering;
nešestomane-mà tasooma, ministering spirit; na-
vovònhestatovo, I m.
, I m., am helpful unto one; nitavovòn-
hestatovàzhemå, let us m.unto each other!
m.unto each other! Navovònet-
hozeohe, I m., work with helpfulness; navovònethozeohe-
tovo, I m.unto one (Ger. einen verpflegen); inf.-vo-
vòn-,-vovòneš- with benevolence, service, helpfulness;
navovònetoého, I perform a service to one; evovònetoē-
ta, he is one who ministers, does service; èmehavovdne-
toého zehāomeneziss, he ministered to the afflicted;
emómå tavoēta, he ministers, in ceremonials, religious
rites; navovònetanen, I m., serve, prepare
serve, prepare (as Martha
was doing for Jesus); zevovònešestomansz, the one who
ministers; nha zevovònhestatōez, the one who ministers
unto us, who helps our condition; zevovònetoéhaez, the
one who ministers unto us, performs a service for us.
minister, n., maheoneēszevèho, sacred-speaking-white-man,
m., clergyman, missionary; maheoneēszhetan, ma-
heoneēszhetaneo (pl.), m., missionary, clergyman; ma-
heonhetan, sacred man, priest; of the three terms the
second one is best adapted; the last is used among
the Northern Ch. The better expression is maheonhoze,
maheonhozeo (pl.), servant of God or for God; this
term is also used for ministering angels, hoze =serv-
ant,helper; emaheonhozeoneve, he is a m., a servant,
messenger for God; nanxhe thozeoneve Maheo etovevo, I
am a m., servant of God for your sakes; see messenger.
ministration, vovònešestomanistoz; Vovònetoéhazistoz,
the ministering unto one; vovònethozeohes-
toz,m.,helpful work (Ger. Pflegearbeit); vovònhesta-
tovazistoz, the ministering, helping one's condition;
vovònetoētastoz, act of m.
ministry, maheoneēszhetanevestoz, the being a minister,
clergyman; maheoneēszhetanistoz, m.,body of
clergymen; maheonhozeonevestoz, m., the being minister;
eveàz maheonhozeonevstovå, one is in the m.
minh, xác,xáeo (pl.) m. [xaon =skunk]; exáeve, it is a
m.; voxpexáe, white m.; Xáea, She-m., pr.name.
minor, novs enitáetto, it is m., less important; novs na-
nitázesta, I deem it of m.importance;novs epeva, it
is of m.,inferior quality, less good; esaaešhaeahe, one
is a m.,not of age; zetocaesso, the minors, small in
age; suff.-es and son designate .,young, when ref.to
people and animals; hotam dog, hotames, young dog; es-
hovsta, it is m., inferior.
minority, txkomxestoz, the m., smallness in number or
smaller number; zehešetxkomxevoss, since they
are few, in m.
minus, novs or novos, less than.
minutely, see particular.
miracle, ovavoētastoz; ova magic + -oētastoz =act,]
miraculous, eovavoētastove, it is m.,
., a miracle; inf.
-ova- =miraculous, magical; ovašivatamahes-
toz, m.mercy.
mirage, ehemàtasoomaeha, it is a reflecting
(as a mir-
ror,water,etc.); oxhāehotāsz toxtō hénehótàtovå
eoxcevōme màp, when it is hot on the prairies, water is
seen in the heat wave.
mire, hetanomaoxz, thick mud, soft bluish clay with which
the Ind.children fashion animals; Ŏxenitamomaoxz,
semi-liquid mud, m ;
mirror, amōmestoz and amōmazistoz; naamōmàz amōmàzisto-
vå, I m. myself in a m.; see reflect.
mirth, ohazeonevestoz;
8xenitamomaoxzeše, miry ground,
hetotanevoomenestoz, m.,happi-
ness, blissfulness; pavohazistoz, m.,good laugh;
pevetanohazistoz, m., pleasure; epavohazesohe stove, it
is a cause of m ; eohazenovatto, it causes m., makes
mirthful, eohazeoneve, he is m., a laugher; eohazenov, one
is m.,has the faculty to be gay, m., means also:
there is a laughing; -hetotan happily, mirthfully.
mis-, as Eng. prefix is expressed by Ch.inf.-ox- =wrong;
naoxtoan, I mispronounce; naoxtxiston, I miswrite;
naoxtxea, I miswrite it: naoxsezesta, I misjudge it;
naoxtstoonaoxz, I misfashion, miserect it; naoxhestana,
I take it by mistake; naoxsemo, I misallege concerning
one, I mention one by mistake; see miss; naoxsetan, I
am misled, misguided (in thot); eoxseoz, one is misled;
inf.-oxs- else where. [advice; naoxsevàtomoe, I m.
misadvise, naoxsevamo, I m. one; oxsevàtohestoz, mis-]
misbehave, ehehetovanov, he misbehaves, is unruly;
tovahestoz, misbehavior.
misbelief, oxsenietamestoz, wrong trust; hōvenietames-
toz, vain, false trust.
misbelieve, nahōveamàtove, I m.one, believe
in him erro-
neously; naoxsenie tamenoz, I m., trust in him
wrongly; nahōvenietamenoz, I m. one, trust in him in
[tonstoz, miscalculation.
miscalculate, naoxthoeston, I m., count wrong;
count wrong; oxthoes-]
miscall, naoxsevého, I m. one, call him by the wrong name.
miscarriage, nássestoz, m., abortion,q.v.;
miscarry, see abortion.
miscellaneous, anonatto, m., mixedly.
mischance, see misfortune.
mischief, hehetovahestoz, unruliness;
m., disarrangement, making a disorder; to-
tahopemansohestoz, cause of m., disturbance; totonšev-
estoz, m., damage, harm.
mischievous, ehehet ovanov, one is m., unruly, troublesome,
prankish; zehehetovanesso, the m. ones (or.);
etotonševe, one is m., harming; see spoil; ehãesenov
and eohãesenov, one is m., troublesome.
misconceive, naoxsetan, I m.,also naoxseōhetan;
[it is a m.
zesta,I m., misjudge it; oxsetanoxtoz, oxsez-
tastoz,misconception, misjudgement; naoxsetanoho, I
cause him to be led astray (to make him m., err,
err, to be
misconduct, enimoēta and enohévoēta, one misconducts,
lit.acts aside, sideways (sc.from what is
proper); nimoētastoz and nohévoētastoz, m., n.
misconstruct, eoxston, one misconstructs,
eoxstoona, it is misconstructed.
builds wrong;
miscount, see miscalculate.
miscreant, zeohãesenovasz, a villain, also onimeešehetan.
misdeed, havsevoētastoz, m., evil deed; hoxtoētastoz, m.,]
misdemeanor, see misdeed.
[error (in act).
misdirect, naoxseneevaovo, I m.one;
miserable, eahanoomen, one is m., wretched;
hetan, a m. wretched man; ahanoomeo or ahanoo-
menhestoz, miserableness, wretchedness; nahavsevomoxta,
I feel m., wretched (physically or otherwise); ešeni-
tamae, one is m., a sorry fellow; emomoxetto, it is m.,]
miserly, evenaheškos, one is m., stingy.
misery, havsevomoxtastoz, m. (physical and otherwise);
havsevoomenhestoz, m., suffering, evil;
see mis-
misfortune, haomenhestoz, m., condition of;
hestoz, m.,ill fortune; haomeo, m.itself; hao-
meozistoz,m. (happening); veoomenhestoz, great, over-
whelming m.; ; veoomeo, excessive m.(itself); haomoomen-
hestoz, m., adversity, calamity (implying weeping);
emaxhãomeneo, they are in great m.; nahãomeneshan, I am
caused m.; heovasz hešehaomeo naxhoehota, all sorts of
m.have assailed me, come unto me; zehāomenesso, the
ones in m.; see accident, bereavment, mishap, suffer.
misgive, enìnitameoz, one is misgiving, fails in confi-
dence, gives up; eninitams taha, he has misgivings
(in heart); nanišs taha, I m., distrust, mistrust.
misgiving, nìnitameozistoz, m., discouragement; nīnitams-
tahàtoz, heart m.; ôzetanoxtoz, m., anxiety; na-
ôzetan, I have misgivings; naôzetanona, I am with mis-
givings, am apprehensive; naôzetanooz, I have misgiv-
ings, become anxious, apprehensive; nahohoomeéta,I have
misgivings about it, apprehend, fear it.
misgovern, ehavsevenitáetsan, he misgoverns, rules bad-
ly; havsevenitátsanistoz, the misgoverning;
havsevenitástoz, misgovernment, bad ruling.
misguidance, havsevevamazistoz, m., ill guidance; oxseva-
mazistoz, m., wrong advising; oxsetanohazis-
toz, m., leading amiss.
misguide, naoxsevamo, I m.one; advise him wrongly; naox-
setanoho, I m.,mislead one; naoxseneevaovo, I
m.,misdirect one; eoxsetanohe, one is misguided.
mishap, atoomenhestoz and hooxtoomenhestoz, m., accident;
eatoomen or ehooxtoomen, one has a m
see mis-
mishmash, anonatto; inf.-anona- mixed up together.
misinform, naoxsehotono, I m. one; oxsehotonazistoz, mis-
misjudge, naoxsezesta, I m.it; naoxsetamo, I m.one; oxse-
ztastoz, oxsetamazistoz, misjudgment.
misknow, naononovetan, I m., know imperfectly; naononovo,
I m.him, do not know him well.
mislead, naoxsetanoho, I m.one (fig.); nanimoého and na-
nohéozého, I m.,lead one aside; naoxseoz, I am
misled,led astray; nahōvenosého, I m., deceive, delude
one, cause him to be deluded; oxsetanohazistoz, the
misleading one (obj.) ; oxseozistoz, the being misled;
hōvenosàzistoz, the misleading, delusion; hōvenosohes-
toz, cause of delusion; ehōvenosohetto, it misleads, de-
ludes, deceives; navonšenaovo, I make one to be misled,
to err in the way; evonšenaoe, one is misled, made
err, to go the wrong way, be lost; nahestomenoxseoz, I
m., lead astray.
misnomer, áestomevehestoz, m., false name.
mispronounce, eoxtoan, he mispronounces; oxtoanistoz,
misrepresent, eáestomhòtahan, one misrepresents, tells
falsely; áestomhòtahanistoz, misrepresenta-
tion; esaahetomhòtahané, he does
he does not tell straight,
true; saahetomhòtahanistoz, misrepresentation, the not
telling true; esaatotapavemēstô, he misrepresents,
does not explain all well about it.
misrule, esaapavhoemané, he misrules, makes no good law;
esaapavenitáetsané, he misrules; saapavenitáet-
sanistoz, saapavenitáhestoz, m., the not good ruling;
ehavsevenitáetsan, he misrules, rules badly; havseveni -
táetsanistoz, havsevenitástoz, m., bad rule.
miss, expressed by inf.-éz-;
naézeovo, I m. one, do not
find, reach where one is; naézea,I m., do not
come to it; nasaaézevōxtô, I do m.seeing it; naézevō-
mo, I m. seeing him; naézena, I m., fail to touch it; see
fail. Nahaamooz, navenomooz, I m.it (feeling the loss
or absence); nashovenhaeno, I m., fail to catch him (by
hands); nashovanhaòno, I m.catching him (with trap or
snare); naoháena, I m., drop it; naoháeno, I m., drop
one; naoháea, I m. where it is; naoháeovo, I m.,shun,
avoid him; naoháetovo, I m.him (as in shooting); nao-
háeta, I m.it; navoneoesz, I m., lose it; see lose; na-
noxzevatamo, I m. one, long for him; nasaanitaovoheo, I
missed not one (or.), of all; našexoeoháea, I m.it, it
slips me; nanitxneoz, I m., come short, fail; nanitxne-
he, I m., have failings, shortcomings.
missay, naoxsemo, I m., say amiss concerning one; naoxse-
sta, I m.concerning it.
misshapen, etotonesta, he is m., crippled, deformed; zeto-
tonstasso, the m. ones (or.).
missing, ehovane, he is m.; ehovahan, it is m. (gone, not
present); zehovanehess8, the m. ones (or.); zeho-
vahan, the m. one (in.); see gap.
mission, meatovazistoz, the giving, sending. This term has
not the Christian meaning for which the Ch. has no
adequate expression; the word maheonemonhōstomosanis-
toz is the next best, meaning: spreading abroad of
God's tidings. Zexhessetovameatōs or zehešetovamea-
tōs, the purpose, object of one's m., being sent.
missionary, maheonemonhōstomosanehe or mahe onemonhōsto-
moheo, the one spreading abroad God's tid-
ings; this term has not been used in the past but
would be better for m.than maheoneēszhetan; see min-
ister; maheoneēszevèhoa, m. white woman; nha zemeatōsz,
a m., the one who is sent; maheoneēszhetan zemeatōsz, a
m.,minister who is sent.
misstep, naoháone, I make a m.; oháonestoz, m.,n.; hoxto-
ētastoz, m., error; nahoxtoēta, I make a m., commit
an error; nahooxta, I m., err; hooxtastoz, m., error,
see stumble.
mist, zeēšeō, rising vapor, m.; anstaeš, m.,light m.trail-
ing in draws or depressions (at twilight); see fog.
mistake, see mis-; inf.-hōv- denotes "mistakenly";
hōvešetan, I mistakenly thot, I thot but it was
not so; nahōvemeto, I give to him mistakenly, by m.;
nahōveneoxz, I went there mistakenly (without avail, by
m., under the impression that..... for nothing, in
vain); nihōvenie tamenoz, thou doest trust in him mis-
takenly [hōvenietamistoz, wrong, false trust]. Navoneš,
I go by m., err to the wrong place; see err; ahetov,
amiss; ahetovazistoz, m., fault; nitxnehestoz, m., short-
coming, failure; nitxneozistoz, the making a m., short-
coming, failing; naoxseoz (or naeoxseoz), I am mistak-
en, muddled; naoxstoonaoxz, I make a m. in building,
erecting, fashioning it; zeto eszehen nioxstoonaovo,
thou makest a m.in tailoring this coat; nahōvenosého,
I cause one to be mistaken, to blunder, I delude him.
Mister, hoxta, M., sir! Old term used by men.
mistful, maeno enxpōs, it is m., misty, foggy.
mistress, vehona, m., woman chief.
mistrust, nanišstahàtovo, I m.him; nanišs taha, I m.; niš-
stahàtoz, m.; nasaanie tamehenoz, I do not trust
him; nasaamesehaztahe, I m.; nasaamesehatamohe, I m.
one, do not think him open, frank; saamesēhaztastoz, m.
the not deeming open, frank.
misty, maeno ehōs, it is m., foggy; eoaneha, it is m.(with
fine drizzle); see mistful.
misunderstand, naononovetan, I m., do not know well; nao-
neevavàtomon, I m., do not understand well;
naoneevavàtovo, I m., do not understand him fully; na-
hōvešetan, I misunderstood, thot by mistake; nahōven-
hessetamo, I misunderstood him, I thot of him with a
wrong impression; nahōvenhessezta, I misunderstood it;
eox(se)nistomon, he misunderstood, understood the wrong
way; eoxsenešetan, he misunderstands, thinks the other
way; naoxsetan, I m., understand wrongly; see fail.
misunderstanding, hōvenešetanoxtoz, mistake in thot; hō-
venhesseztastoz, m., misapprehension;
nitavetanoxtoz, m.,difference of opinion;
of opinion; esaamanoho-
toemazistoz, m., disagreement; oneevavàtomonestoz, m.,
the not understanding fully.
misuse, naoxthozesz,I m.it, use it wrong;
it wrong; nasaapavhoze-
oxtô,I m.it, do not use it well; nahavsevoého, I
m., abuse, maltreat one; havsevoéhazistoz, m., abuse, mal-
mite, zeahanaxceo, that which is minute, exceeding small;
eahanaxceo,it is a m.; eahanaxceta, it (or.) is ex-
ceeding small; zeahanaxce tasso meškson eveševōmeo he-
kōoxtovå, minute insects are see by means of "peeping
glass"; heva tonetaxce (or ahanaxce) namstameta, he
could have given me a m.
mitigate, nasè potomaovo, I m.,
alleviate, relieve the
strain for one; nahaamosész, I m.it; nahaamosé-
ho, I m., soften him; see relieve.
mitten, same as glove.
mix, expressed by inf.-astoe- or - aestoe-; eaestoenen,
he mixes (intran.); naastoena, I m.it; naastoena-
noz, I m.them (in.); eastoenensz, they have been mixed
(in.); eastoeo, they (or.) are mixed; naastoea, I make
it to be mixed; naastoeovo, I make them (or.) to be
mixed; eastoeovàzetto, it mixes with....; eaestoevōma-
hàz,he mixes it by shaking (as in a bottle); mataeše-
aestoevōmahàzetto heto heseoxz mhāstomeo, after thou
shalt have mixed the medicine by shaking it, swallow
it! Eaestoevōvane or eaestoevōmane, it is mixed (of
fluid); nanoanen, I m., connect with; nanoana, I m.it
with, add unto; esaanoanehan, it is not mixed, not to-
gether with; nivénoanomovo hevehestoz, do not m.,
nect his name together with....; inf. -anona- =mixed
up together, with disorder, confusion; zeanonatto, that
which is mixed up together, muddled, confused, mishmash;
eanonamanesz, he makes it confused, mixed up; eanonana,
he mixes it up together; eanonavoēta, he acts mixed
up, confusedly, disconnectedly; see jumble, tangle.
´mixture, astoenenistoz, the mixing,m.; heto zeastoene
(or zeastoeo) nasaahoahe, I do not like this m.;
heto zeaestoevōmane oxcemane, do drink this m.! Anona-
voētastoz,m., confusion of acting, performing; nha ze-
noano zesemómåtavoētastoz éōstaevostanehevstova eneš-
eanonavoēta, the one who combines Ch. ceremonials with
Christianity makes a m., a confusion.
moan, enšeševe, one moans, wails (for the dead); eĕvoam,
one moans, groans; enšešenon, one sings moaning (for
the dead); eēvoamevitõe, it is heard moaning, groaning;
hāavhan eēvoamevitōe, the wind is heard moaning; eēvo-
amevon, it sounds moaning; nšeševestoz, the moaning
(for the dead); nšešenonistoz, the moaning song (for
the dead); enistonevaå, the wind is moaning.
mobile, see move.
mobility, momoozistoz; see move.
moccasin, mocan, mocanoz (pl.); namocan, namocanoz (pl.),
my m
; namocananoz, our moccasins; nimocanevoz,
your moccasins; nahemocan, I have a m.; emocaneoz, one
is moccasined; see shoe.
mock, natotazetan or natazetan, I m., have
contempt for;
see contempt; nanasoého, I m. one (in jest); enasoe-
ta, one is a mocker; inf.-tohoxt- with mockery, scorn,
jeer; natohoxtoan, I speak with derision; etohoxtaeon-
eve, one is a mocker; natohoxtaeztovo, I show mockery,
behave mocking towards one; emesaatohoxtaeztoehe, he
may not be mocked; natohoxtoého and natotohoxtoého
(repeatedly), I do m.him, cause one to be mocked; eto-
hoxtoēta, he mocks, acts as a mocker. Zetotazetanotova-
ta, the one who mocks thee; zetohoxtoéhaez, the
mocking us, causing us to be mocked; nahestoēmo, I m.,
revile one (in words); zehestoēmaezē, the ones who re-
vile us; natotonšenheto, I m., scorn one (in talking);
natohosohazetovo, I m. deride one; natohosohazeta
(in.); natoho sohaz, I laugh provokingly.
mockable, emetohoxtaeztohe, one may be mocked; emesaato-
hoxtaeztôhan, it is not m., may not be mocked.
mocker, zetazetanoz, the one who mocks; tohoxtaheo, m.;
etohoxtaheoneve, one is a m.; zetohoxtoansz, the
one who mocks (in utterance); toho sohazeo, m., derider.
mockery, totazetanoxtoz, m., contempt; tazàtoz, m., scorn;
tohoxtastoz, m.; tohoxtoētastoz, m.in acts; to-
hoxtoanistoz, m.in words, toho sohazistoz, m., derision;
tohoxtaeztovazistoz, m. towards one; hestoēmazistoz, m.,
reviling; totonšemazistoz, m.in the sense of harming,
belittling, spoiling, ruining.
mocking-bird, haestošemeo, the-many-voiced-one; ehaes-]
mode, see how, manner, way.
[tošemeoneve, it is a m.
model, rad. -ne-, -neš- according to, after; zeheševosta-
nehevs zevehonevsz naneševostanehevevo, I
m.my living after the chief's way of living; naneš-
(in fashioning, constructing, design-
ston, I m. after
ing); for m.as noun, see example.
moderate, nahaomosemo, I m.him (by talking to him);
haomosého, I m., appease one (in acts);
he, one is m., modest, sober, frugal;
toz, m., modest living; inf.-omata- =with moderation,
without excess, pretention; inf. -haomos- becoming
calm, appeasing; enšeomeóe, it moderates, in the lodge
after it had been cold; estōno, estōneoxz, the cold
moderates, subsides [estonooz, it changes to cold];
etapoetonetto, the cold moderates, is subdued; eanōvat-
to, it moderates, goes down (of pain), also it recedes
(of water); see subdue, subside; eneešeenaešeeoz, the
weather moderates, becomes warmer (from being cold);
nahòpsan, I m., relent,q.v.; inf.-nhastom- m., slacken,
to become less intense than it was; epevakamae, one is
m., slow, patient; see slow.
moderation, omatastoz, m., soberness, frugality, self con-
straint; haomoses tomosanistoz, m., the moder-
ating (in words); haomoséhazistoz, the moderating (in
acts); oanaxanestoz, m., calm; tapoētastoz, m., the sub-
duing; hòpsanistoz, m., relenting; pevakamaestoz, m.,
slowness, patience; momaxometanoxtoz, m., deliberate-
ness; see moderate.
modest, eoma tahe, one is m., moderate, not presumptuous;
zeomatasz, the m.one; see satisfied; ekōma, one is
m., chaste, virtuous; ekōmehēve, she is a m., chaste wo-
man; eomatavostaneheve, one leads a m. life, not preten-
tious; omatavostan, m., unpretentious person.
modesty, omatastoz; omatavostanehevestoz,
custom; see moderation.
m.in living,
modicum, hovèn, limited degree, a little.
modification, modify, see change.
modulate, see sing, tune.
modus, expressed by pref.zeoxcheše-; zeoxchešezistove,
m.,operandi; zeoxcheševostanehevs-
tove, m., vivendi; see manner, way.
moist, ehekōva, it is m.,little wet; ehavomao, the ground
is very m.; ehekōveneoxz, it becomes m., damp; ehe-
stoneoo,it is m., damp; ehestoneomao, the ground is m.,
has moisture. See damp, wet. [kōvoe, it is moistened.
moisten, nahekōvoxz, I m., wet it; nahekōvoto (or.); ehe-]
moisture, hestoneeš, the m., dampness; ehestoneeševe, it
is a place of m., dampness; zsaahestonemaoehan,
where it (ground) has no m.; hoe zehestoneatamano,
land of m.
molasses, paneaseo, the sticky-drawing, viscid; epanease-
oneve, it is m.; hànom-hepane aseo, honey; panea-
seoneva, with m.
mold, see form, frame; eotatavhotxeo, it is moldy, lit.de-
cays green; exavoxpotxaneo, it molds (white mold),]
molder, ematotxeoxz, it molds, decays,q.v. [gets musty.
moldy, see mold.
mole, eszemae, m. or gopher; zeooensz-eszema, blind m.,
gopher; the term "eszemae" is used to designate
glandular swelling. The Ch. avoid camping on ground
with mole hills, believing it causes scrofula. Hoxta-
vestoz, m., birthmark.
molest, see disturb, harm, meddle.
mollify, nahaomo semo, I m., appease one (by words); naha-
omosého, I cause one to be mollified,
mollified, appeased;
ehòpetanooz, he becomes mollified, relenting, lenient;
see appease, soften.
molten, ehòpea, it is m.; see melt, dissolve; zehòpehe
moment, kasexov, short time; ohākasexov,
time; ohākasexoveva, in a brief m.;
m a while, interval; eoxcemomenhoeston na momen eoxc-
• ,
haona, he would read for a m. and then
pray at inter-
vals; zheš, at this m., now; pref.zestš- presently, at
this m.; zestševehōmemenotto, as thou now seest us;
zeheehōs, the m., time of day; hezezeha, now, at the
present. See instant; hotama, in a m., in no time; eve-
stov'netto, it is but for a m.,is fleeting; evhanekas-
exov'netto, it is but for a m., for a short time.
momentarily, nšekasexoveva, for a short time; nšeninove-
xoveva, fr a short while.
momentary, eohakasexov'netto, it is m., of very short
duration; vhanevestovetto, m., merely fleeting.
monarch, maxeveho; emaxevehoneve, he is the m.; zemaxe-
vehonevsz, the m., great ruler; maxenitáe, m.,
very short
momen, for a
great master, lord. See lord, master.
Monday, zeénemaheonešēve, when it was M., lit.after the
Sunday is ended; mataénemahe onešēve, the coming
M.; énemaheonešēva, on M.; eénemaheonešēve hiz ešēva,
today is M.; see day.
money, makät, makätansz (pl.);
namakätaeme, namakätaemoz
(pl.), my m.; nimakätaeman, nimakätaemanoz (pl.),
our m.; nimakätaemevo, nimakä taemevoz (pl.), your m.;
nahemakätaeme, I have m.; nasaahemakätaemé, I have no
m.; nihemakä taemhemå, we have m.; ehemakätaemeo (or
-mō), they have m.; zehemakä taemesso, those who have
nametanoz makätansz, I give m.to one; maxemakät,
big m., one dollar; oxemakät, half a m., fifty cents;
zevokomoao makät, m.in silver; mämakät, m.in gold; mxis-
tonemakät, paper m.; macemakät, little red m., pennies;
vessemakät, small m., change; vokomemakät, white m., a
dime; moxtaemakät, black m., five cent piece; emakätae-
vensz, it is m., lit. they (in.) are moneys; nahemakäe-
metan, I want to have m. hemakätaemetanoxtoz, the
wanting m., m.greed; nametàzetanotanoz makätansz, I want
to be given moneys; makätaeva, with m.; ehevasemetto
namakätaeme, my m. brings interests, lit. has younger
moneyed, emakä taema, one is m., has money; epavemakätaema,
he is well m., well provided with money; ehaes-
toemakätaema, one is much m.; nha zepavemakätaemaz, the
one well m.; makätaemàtoz, the being m.; namakä taemao-
vo, I make him to be m.; epavemakä taemetan, he wants to
be well m.; esaapavemakätaemaheo, they are not well
is penniless;
provided with money.
moneyless, esaaxahemakä taemé, one is m.
ehaōvnova, one is m., penurious.
monkey, make (corruption of the Eng.);
makevostan, m.
person (another name for m.); emakeeve, it is a m.
monkey-wrench, onimaoaneo and onimotaenitaneo, wrench, m.
and others; onimotaenitaneoneva, with a
m.; eonimotaenitaneoneve, it is a m.
monogamist, enoceeva, he is m., he has one wife;
evasso, the monogamists.
› Gettin
monogamy, noceevàtoz, the having one wife.
monophonous, seetoanistoz, the
vého, whiteman; veho, chief.
monster, Ax-xea, a m.living in springs and is atagonis-
tic to the thunder. The name ref.to an antede-
luvian animal. Bones of the latter were found near a
spring in the neighborhood of Cantonment, Okla., and an
old Ch. (Romannose-thunder) told writer that they were
the remnants of one of the Ax-xea. These
would travel from deep springs or lakes to large
rivers and leave immense tracks wherever they went.
Maheonhovàn, mysterious animal, m. of which the Ch. tale
of the Pleiades says: "zistoseaseaovavoss zenxhóevoss
maheonhovàn zistaseéozevoss zèmaxemhãomoehaz'
alike, as:
when they fled in fear from where they lived, from be-
fore the mysterious monster, who chased them across
the great body of water.
Names of other
hestanovahe, hàpanovahe (crocodile?)
monsters were:
and maxhàpanovahe.
month, ešehe, ešeheo (pl.or.), moon, m.; nasz ešehe, one
moon, m.; nišešeheo, two moons, months. The Eng.
names of the months are well known and used by the
schooled Ch., while the old names of the different
"moons" are being forgotten; see moon.
monthly, nistoha noka ešehe, m., every moon; nhastones-
toz, monthlies, menses.
mood, can be expressed by suff.-tan; ehavsevetan, one is
in a bad m.; ehetotaetan, one is in a happy m.;
suff.-moxta ref. to physical feeling but also used
fig.; emomenomoxta, one is in an agreable m.; esaamom-
enomoxtahe, one is not in a good m., humor; evenomoxta,
one is in a sullen m., humor; see bitter, sour. Taxa
zehexovomoxtas, let see in which m.he is, how he feels!
moon, ešebe, tāešehe, sun of the night (Ger.Nachtge-
stirn); ameònetto, mythological name for m.; voxce-
ešehe, m., crescent m., lit. crooked sun; nitaeman, ni-
tāešeheman, niešeheman, our m. (ceremonial language);
ešehe zèmonhos, new m., thin crescent; ešehe
thin crescent; ešehe zèvovoCo-
xas, first half of the m.; èšehe zeevhaoxas, second
half of the m.(last quarter, in Eng.);ešehe zeevhazce-
tas, last thin crescent of the m.; ešehe zeonistakaes,
full or round m.; ešehe eoxax, it is half m
eoeš, the m. begins to decrease; tāešehe (or ešehe)
emaneoxz, the m.is increasing; tāešehe (or ešehe) es-
hovemaneoxz, the m. is decreasing; hēmēn, a very old
Chief Littleman)
term now unkown (given to writer by
ref.to the first appearance of the new m.; tāešehe
enenovax, the m. is late coming out; tāešehe zènāeoz,
at the dark of the m.,lit. when the m.dies; eotavonet-
to, it is m. light ("m." is not expressed, but is self-
evident); enhestoešeham, her moons, months are all,
she is ready to be delivered of a child; etaešenasòt-
xó, she is in her sixth m., month (sc.with child). The
Ch.had names for moons or months, begining to count
with "Seene" (October). Following are the old m.names:
Seene, the Facing-into, when thin ice begins to form at
the edge of ponds or rivers (in October); Hekonenes,
Little-strong-face, heavier frost (about November); Max-
hekonene, Strong-face, hard frost (December); Oxzeeše-
hes, Little-racket (a racket used in the racket game),
about January; Maxoxzeešehe, Big-racket, February; Po-
nomäasene, Drying-face (March); Vèpozevešehe, Leaves-
m.,ref.to first leaves on trees (April); Poetanešehe,
(meaning not clear), May; Enanoešehe, Planting-m.,
(May and beginning of June); Eomeešehe, Fat-m. (latter
part of June and part of July); Meanešehe, Summer-m.
(Part of July and August); Mozeešehe, Breeding m. (sec-
ond part of August and part of September); Tonoešehe,
Fall-m. (Part of September and October). The names Po-
etanešehe and Enanoešehe were often given to the same
m. Besides the above names were the following desig-
nating the main moons or seasons: Tonoeše, Fall-m.;
anešehe, Winter-m.; Mazeomešehe, Spring-m.; Meanešehe,]
moose, màpe-moehe, m., water-elk.
mop, óovaheo; eōvaha, she mops it; eahenōvaha, she mops,
scrubs it.
moral, zehešeonoevostanehevstove, correct,m.living; inf.
-ono- =correct, even, with rectitude; ekōma, one is
m., virtuous; onoevostanehevestoz, morality; kōmastoz,
morality, virtue.
more, mato, m., in the senese of the Fr. "encore"; na ma-
to, and what m.? Mato nasz, one m.; inf.-amehosse-
m.and m.; eamehosseneševe, he does it m. and m.; inf.
-hosse again, m.; inf.-oham- or -hoham- and ohamet-
to (detached) =m. than; inf.-hossoham- and hossohamet-
to (detached) much m.; ehossohamepeva, it is much
better, "m.good"; inf.-hèp- =m., beyond; ehèphaenōheo,
they are m.(in number, seen); chèphaestxeo, they are m.
(in number); -hèpstoe- (also detached) =m. and m. in a
series, line; ehèpsta, it is m.; hèpetto, m. (detached);
see comparative. Inf.-saaevha- no m., not again; inf.
-saaevhazeše- never m.; inf. -taze- and -tazheše- =
ever m.; hooxenoka, once m., for the last time; hooxe-
nasz, one m. (for the last); mathosz or mato hosz, some
m.; hèpaovazistoz, the being m., majority; chèpaosan, he
makes it m.; ehèpaosanetto, it is m., outnumbers, it
no m.
makes it m.; nihèpaovaonhemå, we are made to be m., in
majority; nahèpaosan, I make to be m.; nahèpaoxz, I
make it to be m.; nihèpaoxtovo, thou makest his (in.)
to be m., in greater amount or number; ehovahan, it is
no more; ehovanē, one is no m.; hovanēhestoz, the being
[at the same time, further.
moreover, inf.-aàze-, aàzevetto (detached), m., besides, ]
morning, vōna,m.; màvōna, to-morrow m.; matavōna, when it
shall be m.; zèvōna, when it was m. (past); zex-
hossevōna, the next m. (past); matâssevōna, the next,
following m. (future); màvōna hetōeva, to-morrow
ing; meovōna, early in the m., at dawn; zetohetoona, as
soon as it is m.; hahanevōnaoxz, towards, approaching
m.; zexhahanevōnaoz, when the m. approached; matahaha-
nevōnaoxz, when the m. shall approach; nahevōnaoxzeham,
I have a m. (see Isaiah 8:20); vō also vovoevo, m.star;
evōeve, it is the m.star [evoeve, it is cloudy]; nanē-
hov meohotoxc, I am the m.star, star of the dawn;
neoxz, it is getting m.;navōnhozeohe, I work until the]
morose, etaoven, he is m., surly; see sour.
morrow, see morning; màvōna na mxhosseešēve,
[m., dawn.
day after
to-morrow; meovōna natatoseaseoxz, I am going to]
morsel, see mouthful.
[start to-morrow early.
mortal, eoxcenāenov, it or one (or.) is m.; esaanaenové,
one is not m.; ehenāestove, one is m., has death;
esaahenaestovettan, it is not m.; zehe tähenãestovetto,
all (in.) that is m.
mortality, amenãestovàtoz, m.; eohānāenov, the m.is great;
there is much dying, there are many deaths.
mortification, omo semazistoz, omoseztovazistoz, m.,hu-
miliation, vexation.
mortify, naomo semo, I m., humiliate (also implies malice)
one by words; naomoseztovo, I act mortifying to-
wards one.
moss, mēskahesz; mēskaeheoxaenistoz (?).
most, see majority; inf.-nanos- m., highest;
Moses, Oxtonovōensz, Drawn-out-of-water.
mosquito, hōmå; hōmao evovozevoaxeo, the mosquitoes
swarm, whirl around.
parative; nanosetto, mostly, principally; ehonoxox-
tovotàzetan, he wants to sell m.; inf.-nocoha- m., in-
tense m.high; enocohātamahe, he is the m. powerful;
inf.-honox- m., the greatest amount, number.
mote, atoseneozistoz (as in the eye).
moth, evavaxcem, m., same as butterfly.
mother, nàkohe, my m.; nišą (male sp.), nisq (female
sp.), thy m.; hesc, one's m.; nskan, our m. (incl.);
zehescez, our m. (excl.); nskaneo, our mothers; zehehezē,
our mothers; niscevo, your m.; niscevō, your mothers;
hescevō, their mothers; nàko, m.! Maxc, maxceo (pl.)
very old term for m.; zehescestovsz, zehescestovess
(pl.), the one who is m.; nahesc, I have a m.; nahesc-
heme, we have a m.; ehesceo, they have a m.; nahesce-
noz, I have her for m., or she is my m.; nihe scenon, she
is our m.; nihe scenoneo, they are our mothers; nihesc-
enov, she is your m.; nihes cenovo, they are your moth-
ers; nahescetova, I am one's m.; nihescetōeneo, we are
their mothers; nihescetōevō,
you are their mothers;
zehescetōsz, I who am his or her m.; zehescetōez, we
who are one's m. This can be said in Ch. because the
mother's sisters are called "m." also. Zehescetōezē,
we who are their mothers; nahesceton, I am a m. (to
some one); nihescetonhemå, we are mothers; ehescesto-
ve, she is a m.; ehescestoveo, they are mothers.
hescetan, I want a m.; nahescetanotovo, I want her for
m.; nahescetovàzetanotovo, I want to be m.to one; ni-
hescetovaz, thou art my m.; nihescetovazeme, you are my
mothers; nihescetovazemeno, you are our mothers; ni-
hescetove, I am thy m.;
nihescetoveme, I am your m.;
nihescetovemeno, we are your mothers. Nanēhov zehesce-
tonetto, I who am a m.
a m.; zehescetonez, we being mothers;
zehescetto, the one who is my m., or I having a m.;
hescetono, the ones who are my mothers; zehescesz, the
one who has a m.or who has her for m.; zehescez, the
one who is our m.; zehescezē, the ones who are our
mothers, or the ones we have for mothers; zehescess,
the one your m.; zehescessē, the ones your mothers;
zehescevoss, the ones having a m; zehescevose, the ones
having mothers; zehescetōsz, I being one's m.; zehes-
cetōevoss, I being their m.; zehescetovaz, thou who
art my m.; zehescetovaziss, you who are my mothers;
zehescetovazemenotto, you who are our mothers; zehes-
cetovetto, I who am thy m.; zehescetovess, I who am
your m.; zehescetovemenotto, we who are your mothers;
naheškamō, naheškamōn (pl.), my m., sister to own m.,
stepm.or foster-m.; naheškamōnenoz, she is my m. (not
own); naheškamōnetova, I am one's m. (not own); zeheš-
kamōnetto, the one who is my m.; zeheškamōne tōsz, I be-
ing one's m. Hescetonettoha, be a m.! Hescetovehå, let
her be a m.! Nitahe scenon, let her be our m.! Natahes-
cenoz, let her be my m.! Hescetovatahå, be m.to one!
Hescetovatavoha, be m.to them! Nstahescetovaz, be m. to
me! Nstahescetovazeme, be mothers to me! Nstabesceto-
vazemeno, be mothers (or m.) to us! Hescetovazeneha, be
m. Hescetōeha, let her be m.to one! also let me be
his m. Hescestoz, the having a m.; hescestovestoz, the
being a m., motherhood; hescetanoxtoz, the wanting to
have a m.; hescetovazetanoxtoz, the wanting to be m.
(to one, but object not expressed); hescetovàzetanoto-
vazistoz, the wanting to be m.to one; nahescevōemo, I
count her as m., also: she is m.relation to me; nahes-
cemo, I am m. with her; nihescemàzhemå, we are mothers
together; hescevōemazistoz, m. relation, the counting
one as m.; hescemazistoz, the being mothers together.
Above examples may suffice. Verbal expressions for
relationship are elaborate and reach more or less
into thousands of different forms. See under "rela-
motherhood, hescestovestoz, the being a mother,m.
mother-in-law, same as grandmother.
motion, momoozistoz, the moving; esaahemomoozistovettan,
it has no m.; naàtonōvo, I m. one to stop
and listen; namomooz, I make the m., proposition that
(new term); see move.
motionless, inf.-meto- to come to a standstill (with
purpose); name tonešeō,
I come to a stand
still, on or above a spot; emetôn, it flutters above
the same spot (as some hawks or flycatchers do); eme-
tõesena,it (or.,ref to celestial bodies) stands still
(from moving). Suff.-ō- =partly m., still, not moving
further; emomoseō, one stands at the same place mov-
ing; emeeō, one is in view, standing still; etahoeō, one
stands still (on horseback or wagon); etahoeōeo, they
stand still (from driving in a wagon, etc.).
motive, expressed by inf.-hessetova- =purpose, object,
m.,aim; hena zehessetovane oxzess, which m. have
you to go there? Hena zehessetovanahos nasaaheneeno-
he, I do not know from which m. he killed him.
nszemonheneenanon henaez' zehessetova-hãomenheshaez
Maheo, some time we shall know the m. of God in giving
us adversity.
mound, hohanenō, a small heap of ground for demarcation
(in ceremonials); zehoneta, a m.,heap, pile;
vósoz (pl.), m., mountain peak; vóseva, in, on the m.;
evóseve, it is a m. A Ch. tale mentions several such
"vós" as being inhabited by magicians, large slabs of
stones forming the doors, the entrance or door of each
being watched by mountain lions and powerful bears (a
metaphor for a strong guard of men); àtonomehetaneo,
m. people, underground people.
mount, is expressed by inf.-é- up, ascending; naévonèn,
I m., by climbing; naéoxz, I m., ascend, by walking,
going; naéèn, I m. by walking, stepping; eéax, one
mounts, by running, dashing; eéões, it (or.) mounts, as-
cends, by floating motion; eéšeō, it mounts., of vapor,
steam; natáhoe, I m. and seat myself upon; natáhoenoz
(or -enotto), I m., ride him (horse or whatever
the m.
be); natáhoeta, I m., ride it (vehicle); táhoestoto, m.
(horse); natáhoestoto, my m.; nitáhoestonaneo,
mounts; nitáhoestovevō, your mounts; táhoenotxeo,
mounted warriors; táhoenotax (sg.); hetáhoenotxemō,
his mounted warriors; táhoenotxestoz, cavalry.
mountain, hoho na, hohona (pl.), m., rock, stone, also pr.
name for Rocky Mountains; hohona zeamões, chain of
mountains; suff.-hoomen denotes "lateral sides meet-
ing together"; eseheoomeno, range of mountains; eseom,
m.ridge, hill ridge; zistoehoomeno, at or on the m.,
where the m.is; hohona ehāehoomeneta, the m.is high;
hohona ehaehoomenetao or ehāehoomenō, the mountains
(or) are high; vós ehaeho omeno, the m.peak (in.) is
high; vósoz ehaeoomenonsz, the m.peaks (in.) are high;
hohonaevhoomenoz, rocky mountains. Following are a few
names of western mountains: Homävē, Beaver Peak; Nako-
evē, Bear Peak (in the Black Hills, S. Dakota); Esevone-
vē, Buffalo Peak, Long's Peak (in Colorado); suff.-vē =
tipi form; Ookoomenevós and Ookoomeneta, Bald Peak,
Pike's Peak (in Colorado); Tōnevós (?); Hestatamōn,
Shoulder (mountain ridge in Colorado); Honeevēsoz,
Wolf Teeth (in Montana, southeast of CrowA gency); Pä-
vós, Powder Peak (in Montana); Maxeōxeaneva, Great
Bluffs or Canyon; šen, jagged or castellated rock, also
said of such mountains; Hohonahetaneo, M. men (pr. name
of a band or tribe of northern Indians); nišcestan, m
squirrel, chipmunk; hohamos, m.side, declivity; nehamos,
the back side of a m. (from where the speaker stands);
hôhos, summit, top of a m.; zeénota vós, at the foot of
a m.; hestsozeva, its foot., thicker end, base (said of
things having a butt end);
in the moun-
tains; motó, m.ash; qos, qsan (pl.), m. sheep (before the
Ch.had seen domestic sheep); toxtoeqos,m., wild sheep
(present name); meàzeqos, meàzeqsan (pl.), m.goat (now
applied to domestic goats); nanoseham, m.lion; nanose-
hamson,m.lion kittens; mohèhya, m.magpie; nakoemoxšen,
bear mint (m.mint in Eng.).
mourn, naoeometan or naôometan, I m., grieve; naoeometa-
noho, I cause one to m.,grieve; naôometanoz, I be-
come mourning; naôometanosého, I am the cause of his
mourning; naôometanotovo, I want one to m.; nahesseôo-
metanotovo, I m. on one's account; navesseôometanomo, I
m .with one; naôomevoomen, I endure mourning, grieving;
namemo, I m.
weep over one; namemota, I m.over it;
šeševe, one mourns, moans (for the dead); hoe zenše-
ševetto, the earth shall m.;
earth shall m.; see cry, wail, weep.
(pl.), the m., mourn-
mourner, zeôometanoz, zeôometanosso (pl.), the m
ing one (ref. to the inner grieving);
ansz, the m., wailer; zenšeševesz, the m., wailer.
and -Ôo-
mournful, expressed with rad.-oeom- =grieving
metanona with grief, mournfulness; eôomenōhe,
one looks, appears m.; eoeoma, one is m. (stative); eoe-
ometanonov, one or it is m.; enšeševenov, it is m
wailful, also there is a wailing; eoeometanona-vosta-
neheve, one is a m.person; enšeševon, it is a m.sound.
mourning, ôometanoxtoz, the m., grieving; oeomastoz, the
state of m., grief; naôome tanona, I am m.; -ôom-
etanona- with m., mournfully (adj. meaning); naôometan-
onavstaha, I am m.in my heart; naôometanonaovo, I make
one to be m.; naôometanonavoého, I inflict m.upon one;
naôometanonavstahaovo, I make one to be of a m., mourn-
ful heart; memazistoz, the m., weeping over (some one);
nšeševestoz, m., wailing for a dead; hemen, m.-dove.
mouse, oxcêhes, oxcēseo (pl.). Oxcehemeo, M. trail, pr. mame.
mouth, màz, the m.; nàz, my m.; nàzeneva, in my m.; nisz,
thy m.; hesz, one's m.; nàzenan, our (excl.) m.;
nszenan, our m. (incl.); nszenevo, your m.; heszenevo,
their m.; màzeneva, with the m.; zehetàzenaz, the kind
of m.one has, lit. the way he is mouthed; nanetàzena, I
have such a m.; eoxcetose-oxàzenao, they have wide
mouths; ehetoseoxàzenaoz, he opens his m. wide; ehoxeà-
zena, one has a clean m., also fig.one who does not use
bad or obscene language. In ceremonials Ch. clean
their mouths before praying; zehoxeàzenassů, the ones
with clean mouths; nahoxeàzenàno, I clean one's m.
(with something); nahoxeàzenano, I clean one's m. (by
hand); eoxksezenaoz, one makes his m. to protrude, forms
it pointed; emaàzenao, he opens his m.; maàzenaoz,
open thy m. ! Namaàzenano, I open one's m.;
no, I open one's m. (with instrument); nahàpàzenaoz, I
shut my m.; hàpàzenaoz, shut thy m.! Nanxpazenaoz, I
hold my m.shut (by covering with hand); nanxpàzenàno,
I cover one's m.shut (with something); nahàpàzenàno, I
shut one's m. (with instr.); napoàzenàno, I strike one
on the m.; ehoàzenatto, it has a m., an orifice (as of
a burrow or den,etc.); hoanoàzenàtoz, m., orifice of a
hole; enimàzena, he has a twisted m. (at one
(at one corner);
see lip; matoeoxzenon, corner of m.;
m.corner; natoxpozeš, I am struck into my m. (with a
stick,etc.); heàzeneva natoxpotaoho, I insert my fin-
ger into one's m.; natoxpotòno heszeneva, I thrust, or
strike into one's m. with anything pointed; natoxpoze-
ōstòno, same meaning, only more instantaneous; see in-
sert. Action done with the m.is expressed with suff .
-otoxta (in.) and -otomo (or.); natōena, I hold it
(by hand); natōenotoxta, I hold it with the m.; hotam
etōenotomo vekseo, the dog holds the bird in his m
hemen ehoènemo toxta vèpoz, the pigeon brings a leaf in
its m.,bill (the leaf only partly within the m., the
rest outside); see bite, gnaw. Namxevōmotoxta, I blow
it (liquid) with m., to clean it before drinking; if
done ceremonially by a priest it is a symbolic act of
strength or blessing imparted
imparted to the beverage or
food; mxevōmoxtoxtomevemenotto nàtāman, bless our
food! Naénotoxta, I let, drop it out of my m.; naéno-
tomo (or.); see spue. Suff.-oom denotes "lateral
proach or meeting of two surfaces merging into one":
nahekoneoómàzenao, I shut my m.tight; nahekoneoómàze-
natoeoxzenon, my
naome, we shut our mouths tight; ohe zexoom, where the
river has its m. (Ger. mündet), comes together with an-
other body of water; ohe eoom, the river has its m.;
ohe zèmamovoom, where the river meets with another
(at any place); zènmamovoom, at the confluence of
a river (ref. back, further up stream); zistamamovoom,
at the m.,confluence of a river(further down stream);
naneheaenoseoz, it makes my m.water; zehešetàzenaz nà-
ko enetazenao, he has the m. of a bear, lit.he is mouth-
ed as the bear is; nahestomosan, I take with m.;
hestòno, I suck him (with m.), as Ind.doctors do;
hestoha, I suck it; see suck.
mouthful, noka hōseo or hooseo, one m.; noka hooseoneva,
with one m.; nixa hōseo, two mouthfuls;
zenhōstom, one m. that I hold.
mouthpiece, esztomotxe vahe, m., interpreter.
movable, emomoxtaneoneve, it is m., can be moved;
momoxtaneoneve, it cannot be moved, is
able. In Ch. "o" denotes movability; see move.
move, actuation, action, occuring, moving is expressed by
"o" in Ch.; emomooz, one moves (of self); emomoo-
zetto, it moves; emomoostaha, his heart moves, beats, is
in action; nimomoozhemå, we m.; esaamomoozehan, it
does not m.; zehetaemomooz, all that moves; namomoo-
esz, I impart motion to it; namomooého, I impart motion
to one; namomooséo, I cause one to m ; namomoosész
(in.); suff.-oz implies self action, motion, the taking
place of an action (real or fig.) ; nhäno eameoz meo,
the road goes there; emaàzenaoz, one opens the mouth;
enaeoz, one dies, becomes dead; suff.-oxz is the longer
or slower, gradual process of -oz; ehetaneveoz, he be-
comes (turns into) a man; ehetaneveoxz, he is becoming
a man; emaneoxz, one is growing; suff.-ōs or -oes
(or.) and -ōsta- or -hōsta (in.) implies motion,
tion in a floating, suspended manner, as celestial bo-
dies, clouds, etc.; suff.-ohe denotes fast motion,
tion, running; ohe, river; naaseohe, I run away fast;
suff.-ao and -aohe designate swift motion, action; vóe
enmehōsta, the cloud moves into view; vóe eamhōsta, the
cloud is moving, passing over; see cloud; eamões, it
(or.) is moving on (of celestial bodies); eōesena, it
(or.) is moving; eéōes, it (or.) moves upward, ascends;
emetões, it stands still; emeōes, it (or.) moves into
view; esetovões, it (or.) moves in the middle (mid-
day); etakaōes, it (or.) moves short from (sc. the ho-
rizon), towards sunset; enševõesena, it (or., as a com-
et) is moving swiftly; zehexovenševões, its degree of
swift moving, velocity; ninoxtõesetõen, it (or.) moves
towards us; nevóneešehe exaheovōmaoes, the sun moves
with a yellow light; inf.-ōst- is found in many verb-
al forms and denotes swiftness, velocity, sweeping mo-
tion or action; naoaneeeòno, I spear one; naoaneōstò-
no, I spear him instantly; easetoeōstahå, it blows off
(from wind) in an instant; enovao, it moves less swift
than.... (bullets, arrows, etc., anything dashing, having
great celerity); enševao, it moves swiftly; ehèpenše-
vao, it moves faster than; nahoeohetovo, I come to one
with swift motion; navoneohetovo, I make him disappear
quickly; naaseohetovo, I leave him quickly. Namomoxta-
nen, I m. (trans.); namomoxtana, I m.it; namomoxtano, I
m.one (or.); zetóhešemomoxtanaez nimene šhoeovon, as he
moves us we ought to follow him; zemomoxtan, the one
who moves it; zemomoxtansz, the one moved; namomoxtō-
mana, I m.it, make it m. (water, liquid); emomoxtōmeoz, it
is moved (liquid); emomoxtōmaha, it is moved, agitated
(water by wind); emomoxtova, the water moves; namo-
moxtaház, I m.it by shaking; see shake; namomoxtaham-
an, I am moved, shaken; emomoxtōmeōs taha, it (water) is
moved instantly, swiftly, agitated by wind; naamová, I
m.it (water) with the foot; emomoxtoahansz, they (in.)
are moved by the wind; emomoxtoahå, it is moved by the
wind; emomoxtoax, one is moved by the wind; eōevavoa-
hansz, they (in.) are moved to and fro by the wind;
eōevavoaxeo, they (or.) are moved to and fro by the
wind; ēvoax,it (or.) is moved by the wind (an object
suspended or on top of something); emoxtonaha, it is
moved (wave like), waved by the wind (as fields, tall
grasses, wheat, corn); emomaane oxz, one moves to and fro
(meandering); emomaaneoxzistove, it is a moving to and
fro; emomaanhōsta, it moves, sways to and fro (when
suspended making a serpentine line); emomaanhōstansz,
they (in.) m.to and fro; emomaanoa, it is made to m.up
and down, in a sinuous line (by the wind); emomaano-
,pl.of preceding; ehotxaa, it is moved back and
forth (by wind); ehotxaansz, they are moved back and
forth (by wind); eōmaeš, he shakes, moves his head from
side to side (as when motioning no); eōvaeōs tax, he
moves, shakes his head (swiftly), said of animals; naa-
mōhesz, I go boating, make the boat float, m.; eamōeo, it
moves floating (something on water); see float. When
"m." is used in the sense of "going from one place to
another, journey, progress, advance (Ger.ziehen)" then
either suff. -ē or inf.-ehe is used; naheoē,
naheoē, I moved
here (Ger.bin hieher gezogen); heoĕhestoz, the moving
to a place; eheoĕnov, there is a moving in (Ger. Ein-
zug); eamēheo, they are moving, journeying; see jour-
ney; eoxovehetanov, they m. across (Ger. ziehen über);
niasēhemå, we start on (Ger.ziehen ab); emaso sehetoox-
zeo, they (or.) all moved into the water; emasomehe to-
oxzeo, they all m.into view; nataoehetovon, we m. to
where he is (his camp); nataoē, I m. up to, attain.
Suff.-oèho (or.) and -oész,-ého (or.) and -ész denote
m.in the sense of "influence, prompt, carry, convey";
napevoého, I prompt, convey, impart good to one; naha-
moxtaého, I prompt him to be sick; nahoeozého, I bring
one; nahoeozesz (in.) or naaseozész, I carry, m.it away;
nahešemen, I m., change place (Ger.umzügeln), also na-
asemen; namomoheno, I am moved, troubled; see trouble;
namomohenoomen, I am moved, troubled, afflicted.
movement, momoozistoz, m., motion; esaahemomoozistovet-
tan, it has no m. motion; Maheo nimetaenon omo-
tom, ametanenistoz na momoozistoz, God gave us breath,
life and m.; momoostahàtoz, m..beating of the heart.
mover, zeamēsz vèho, the white man who moves on; also
amēheo,m.; eamēheoneve, one is a m., one who jour-
neys on.
moving, momoxtanenistoz, momoxtanazistoz, the m. (trans.);
momoozistoz, the m. (intrans.); momoxtōmanistoz,
the m.of water (trans.); momoxtōmeozistoz, the m.of
the water (intrans.); momo ostahàtoz, the m., beating of
the heart; momooéhàzistoz, the prompting a motion; mo-
moosohestoz, the cause of a m., motion; momoxtahasenis-
toz, the moving, shaking (trans.); momoxtahamazistoz,
the m., shaking one (obj.); amehestoz, the m., journey-
ing; heoĕhestoz, the m. here; hoxovehestoz, the m.
across; amōsenàtoz, the m., floating; ease ameohetto ma-
atameo, the train has started m., running; asĕhestoz,
the m. away (Ger.das Fortziehen); navōxta hovae zemo-
mooz,I see something m.; mxeeozistomanistoz, the show-
ing of m.pictures; emxe eozistoman, he (shows) m. pic-
tures; mxeeozistoz,m.picture, also stereopticon.
mow, naoexova, I m., am cutting, this is a general term
ref.to be cutting each off from its length or
height; eookoeš, it is mown; naoexova moesz, I m.grass,
hay; oexovahe, the mower, also pr.name =the one a cut-
ting; zeoexovaz, the one who mows; naookoexanoz moesz,
I m., cut grasses (the Ch.speak of grass in pl.); eoo-
koeš, it is mown, cut (ref. to plants cut while stand-
ing); eookoešensz moesz, the grasses (in.) are mown;
eookoešeo, they (or.) are mown; etokstoešensz moesz,
the grasses are mown short, close to the ground; zeoo-
koešēsz, that which is mown (pl.); see cut.
mower, zeoexovaz, the m.; oexovàtoz,m., mowing machine;
eoexovàtove, it is a m.
much, expressed by inf.-ha- and haesto (detached)
to a great degree, very many; ehamoxta, one is m.
very sick; ehaexov, it is m., a long time; ehaeaxaeme,
she cries m.; inf.-ohā- =very m.; inf.-maxohā- =very,
very m.; hape, m.in volume; hàpe nameta, he gave me
m.; inf.-tonetā- =how m.? (ref. to amount in size);
etonethāstxevo, how many are they? Etonetōemé,
is it? ref. to value; see how. Esaanexovhan, it is not
as m.; hoōvaetto, as m. as if, counts the same as if;
how m.
zehešetovoss hoōvaetto ninešetoveme,
him is as m. as done to me (by you);
m.; eheomemese, one eats too m.;
mucilage, nomàkoz, m., glue; enomàkozeve, it is m.; axc =
gum; nomaxc and nomàkoz gum to paste with.
mud, hetanomaoxz, clayish m.; hetanomaoxzeše, a muddy,
boggy place; eahanomao, it is heavy muddy ground;
ahanomaoxz, heavy, thick m.; oxenitamomaoxz, slimy m.;
oxenitamomaoxzeše, muddy, slimy place; eoxenitamomao, it
is muddy (as roads, when the ruts are filled with
semi-liquid m.); hešeevoxz, m., dirt (in chunks); eaha-
nōme, it looks muddy, thick (of water); oxmeemehesz ze-
8xenitamomao eoxchesseŎxenitameonàtove, when mud is
stirred (worked with hands) the hands get muddy, when
one meddles with a nasty business he suffers from it;
oxmomoxtōmanomassesz zeixenitamomao nioxce&xenitameo-
nàzheme, by agitating the slime you do get slimy! Na-
pâeàtata,I have muddy feet; napâeàtatoe, it
makes my
feet muddy; see dirty; xåxcem, xåxcema (pl.), m.hen,
coot; amsemaenon, m. turtle, also heōnemaenon.
muddle, nahanōman, I m., make turbid (of liquids); nahan-
ōmana, I m.it; eoxsetan, one is muddled, confused,
misled; eoxseoz, one becomes muddled (of self), con-
fused, mistaken; etotahopetan, one is muddled, tangled]
muddy, see mud.
[up in mind.
muffin, asksevanō, m.tin.
muffle, nanxpazenana, m.it (with hand covering an aper-
ture, orifice, mouthpiece); nanxpazenaha, I m
it (instr.); enxpazenahe, it is muffled;
hensz, it is muffled (phone); etovevon, it sounds dull,
muffled; etovevonensz (pl. of preceding); ehovēvon, it
is muffled, dull, weak sound; ehoveàtōe, it is heard
muffled; ehoveàtōetto, it sounds muffled; zeàtohoe
ehessaamahaehahettan, being covered it sounds muffled,
lit.does not sound loud.
what you did to
inf.-heom- =too
muffler, hokota, m., scarf, neckwear; meovavoota, m., furry
scarf; emeovavootaneve, it is a m
mulberry, hesceehemen, hesceehemenoz (pl.), the wrinkled
berry, m.; ehesceehemenevensz, they (in.) are
mulberries; hesceehemenóe, hesceehemenósz (pl.), m. bush
or tree; ehesceehemenóeve, it is a m. bush or tree;
hesceehemenóeše, m.patch; ehesceehemenóešeeve, it is a
mule, aevoham (pl. and sg., altho aĕvo be used for sg.
sometimes); acēvoham, small m.; aēvohamson, young
m.,or m.colt.
is expressed by -haestnov; ehaestnovão, they
(or.) are many, manyfold; ehaestnovatto, it is
manyfold; ehaestnovxtav, it is m.colored; hastnovxta-
vestoz, the being m.colored; inf.-haesto- is also us-
ed; haestnoanistoz, multitude of words; haestoevatoz,
polygamy. See many, multitude.
multiplex, ehaestnovatto, it is m.
multiply, ehovxseoz-hāenōheo, they (or.) m., increase in
numbers; ehovxseoxz-haenonoensz (in.); esaa-
hovxseoxz-hāenōheheo, they do not m.,increase; q.v .
multitude, zehešenōhevoss, the m. of them (or.); zeheše-
nonoevosz, the m. of them (in.); zehešenono, the
m.of it; haenohestoz, great number, many; vonenohestoz,
lost in number; maxhaenōhestoz, very many; haestxes-
toz, the many. Emaxevonenōheo, they (or.) are a count-
less m.; emaxevonenonoensz (in.); maxhaestxestoz, the
being a m., a great m. The inf.-haetanevon- -a m.of
people; ehāetanevoneo, they are a m.of people; nihāe-
tanevonhemå, we are a m.; emaxhaetanevoneo, they
very great m. of people; emohētane voneo, a m. of people
gathers; ehaetanevonetanov, a m.of people are in, at, by
it,fill it; emohētanevonetanov, a m.of people gather
at it; homo tane voxzeše, maxhãe tane voxzeše, haetanevox-
zeše and maxemhätanevoxzeše, a m. of people, including
the place where it is; haestoeozistoz, the becoming
many, the multiplicity, n.; zehešheomhè penono havs, be-
cause of the too great m of evil; hoosz, a m., host;
see myriad.
are a
mumble, evoveevenesz, one mumbles; etovevenesz, one mumb-
les, speaks low, indistinctly; voveevenszistoz, the
mumbling. See language, speak.
mummy, mummies were unknown to the Ch. : zees' sonahesz
seoxz, dried up corpse or dead man; zees'sonahesso
seoto (pl.).
[veanàtoz, the munching; see noise.
munch, enistonevaveana, one eats with noise; nistoneva-]
mundane, enotovaeoxz, one is m., alien to,frivolous, wick-
ed; notovavostanehevestoz,m.living. (giving).
munificence, ohameatanoheonevestoz, great liberality(in]
munificent, eohameatanoheoneve, one is m.; zeohāmeatano-
heonevsz, the m.one. See present.
murder, enasen, one murders, kills; enitoenahan, one mur-
ders (when a blood relative or one of the tribe
is killed by the murderer); enitoenaho, he murders
one; zenitoenahansz, the one who murders;
the one who kills; enaho, he kills one;
the one who murders, kills; enáhe, one has been killed,
murdered; enitoenáhe, one has been murdered;
voss, one murders, lit.he stinks (from murdering); the
Ch.believes that a murderer has a peculiar offensive
smell. Nasenistoz, the murdering,killing; nitoenaha-
nestoz, the murdering of blood relatives; nitoenaha-
zistoz,m. of relatives.
murderer, nasenehe; nitoenahane, m. of a relative; hoxovse,
m.under the ban of the people. Ch.used
to put
under a ban any one who murdered one of the tribe. He
was shun-
was not allowed to camp with the tribe and
ned by every one as
as one who "stunk"; ehoxovseoneve,
one under this ban. An old man told writer that the
first m.was given heavy, bushy eyebrows as a sign and
this was one reason why the Ch. pull out their eye-]
murderess, evanahane, M., pr.name).
murderous, enaseneoneve, one is m.; hosz nàkôo enaseneo-
neveo, some bears are m.
murmur, naeoeme šemasz,I m.,grumble; see grumble; eoeme-
šemaszistoz, the murmuring;
eoemešemaszetovo, he
he mur-
murmurs, grumbles against one; etotonšenheto,
murs, grumbles about one; zeoxpevoēvoss enšeame totoni-
toaneo, altho well treated they m.
muscle, zehetaoešenàtov, bunch of muscles.
naōhaetanonaoe, I m., consider; namomaxometanonaoe,
I m., meditate,
meditate,deliberate; nanoxtovetanonaoe, I]
mush, māmenhan, corn m.
[m., seek (in mind) to know.
mushroom, hepan, large, rounded m.; taxesēstoto, edible m.
mushy, eha(o)nōme, it is m., semi-liquid; nahaonōmana, I
make it m.
music, nemenestoz, m., also said of pianos and organs;
enemenestove, it is m.; nazetana nemenestoz, I play
the m. (on piano, organ or instr. played with the
musical instr., also
gers); matanōenemenestoz, string
string m.; ; see serenade, sing.
muskrat, seavons ceo (pl.or sg.).
muslin, voxpemonat.
mussel, exovon, m. shell; Exovomeohe, H. shell river.
must, rendered by inf.-hoko-
m., have to, cannot fail,
bound to; nahokoneoxz, I am bound to go; nasaa-
hokovōmoheo, I m.not have seen them; inf. -hokxa- =m.
without fail, simply have to; nasaahokxanonoxpanešhe-
totaetanotovoheo, I simply cannot therewith have any
joy in them (or.). M. is also expressed by the Hypo-
thetic m.in the sense "likely, without doubt, obious-
ly"; mo estãevhan, it m. have been night; mo easeoxzé,
he m.have gone away.
mustache, meàzenàtotoz, hairs of the lip, mouth.
muster, namohēneenànō, I m.them (or.), lit. I order them
to come together; emohēnēnaheo, they are mus-]
musty, see moldy.
[tered, ordered to assemble.
mutability, saatoomahestoz; hovae hoeva zehešsaatoomat-
tan, the m. of things on earth; eneheoxseonev-
estoz,m., fickleness, change fulness, inconstancy.
mutable, eoxcenitavaneoneve, it is m.,changeable;
toomahe, one is m., remains not the same; enehe-
oxseoneve, one is m., fickle, inconstant; see fickle.
mutation, see change.
esaanoxtovenszé, one is m., cannot speak; zsaanox-
tovenszēsz or saanoxtovens zehe, the m. (person);
esaaenszé, he is m., remains silent, does not talk.
mutilate, natotonševe, I m., do harm, spoil, ruin; nato-
tonstaovo, I m., cripple one; natotonšeonenxaōstòno, I
m.one by fire; natotonšeōstaso, I m. one with knife;
natotonetoého, I m.one (in acts), doing harm, hurt;
[it is m., spoiled, ruined.
mutilated, etotonesta, one is m., crippled; etotonšeoz,]
mutilation, totonstàtoz, the being mutilated; totonšeo-
zistoz, m.; totonševestoz, doing m.; zeto he-
tan zehešetotonstaoes, the m. of this man.
mutinous, see rebel.
mutter, ensoevon, it is a. muttering, guttural sound; evo-
veevenesz, one mutters, speaks indistinctly, mum-
bles; etovà tõe nonoma, the muttering of the thunder is
mutual, no name to, m., one another; suff. -àz of the re-
flexive voice denotes mutuality, either when com-
bined with noname to or not; enoname to-mehotàzhemå,
they love mutually, each other; evistämàzeo, they help
mutually; hovae emetàzenov, they give each other;
with and comitative m.in Ch.gr.
muzzle, nanxpàzenàno, I m. one (person); nahōm(a)zenàno, I
m.one (animal only); hōmåzenahestoz, m. for ani-
mals; nxpazenahestoz, m., covering for mouth (people).
Zexhoazenatto maatano, m. of a gun.
my, expressed by pref.na- (except in irregular forms
where "ni-" is used); namhão, my house; navenoz, my
tipi; natataneme, m. older brother (fem.speaking); na-
nis,m.child; nisima, m.younger brother; ninov, my home.
See possessive pronoun in Ch. gr.
myriad, vonhōestonstov, a countless number; emaxevonenō-
heo, they are a m., innumerable; vonstoxno, beyond
number; hoosz, myriads, hosts.
myself, nanēhov; zenēhovetto, I m.
mysterious, expressed by inf. -maheo- which implies
supernatural, divine" and by inf. -ova-
magically, miraculous, enigmatically; inf. -emōs- and
emōsetto (detached) imply "not known, secret"; onono-
voanistoz, m., dark, not well understood saying.
mystery, zetoome-ononoe, that which cannot be known, re-
mains unknown or not well known; maemōsetanox-
zeva, the m., secret; etamaheoneve, it is a m. [story.
myth, aestomhòtaheo, false story; vhanhòtaheo, m., mere]
N, in Ch. denotes round line (vertical or horizontal),
concenter, lineal connection, coordination, in.
implying flat line, plane, surface (horizontal or ver-
tical), middle, lateral connection, collateral]
Nadir, totaàtono, also totahoeva, tåxtanovàtono.
nag, namavetanoho, I n.one, make him wearied in mind; ni-
aeneveoeta, she nags, scolds thee continually; zeane-
veoestomoesz, the one who nags; nama vetanoha zehešeae-
neveoetas, one wearies me by continual nagging, scold-
nail, v., natōneoha, I n.it; natōneòno, I n.him; etōneohe,
one is nailed; esaatōneoehan, it is not nailed;
ehózetōneohe, it cannot fail to be
hensz, they (in.) are all nailed; napaeoha, I n., fix it
against (a surface); napaeòno, I n.one against; this
term implies that the object is held fast against a
surface by a medium; navešepaeoha tōneoheoneva, I fix
it against, with a nail; naēstoha, I drive a nail in;
nanitana tōneoheo, I pull out the nail; see pull.
nail, n.,tōneoheo, tōneoheonoz (pl.in.),n. (metal); etō-
neoheoneve, it is a n.; tōneoheoneva, with a n.; hō-
hevo, finger n., also claw; mathōhevo, mathōhevon (pl.),
the n. (or.); nàthōhevỏ, my n.; nàthōevon, my nails;
nsthōhevo, thy n.; hesthōhevo, one's n.or claw; nsthō-
hevonenaneo, our nails; nsthōhevonevō, your nails; hes-
thōhevonevō, their nails or claws; nahesthōhevon, I
have nails; ehesthōhevon, one has nails or claws;
hesthōhevonenoneo, we have them for nails (symbolized
with exovon shells in certain ceremonials);
moeos, edge of n.; name sememoeoson, my n. (edge of it);
nimesememoeosonan, our n.edges; napohōhevaōstòno, I rub
one's finger nails (or finger's end) off; napohōheva-
oseš, I have my nails rubbed, pulled off; epavhōheva, he
has good finger nails, lit.he is well "nailed"; ehav-
sevhōheva, he has bad finger nails; evoxphōheva, he has
white nails, is white "nailed"; emahōheva, he has red
nails; zehavsevhōhevasso, the ones with bad nails; the
suff. -hōheva means "with nails or provided with
shield" as shown in the following pr.names: Mahōheva,
Redn.or Redshield; Mahōhevaeohe, Redshield river (Re-
publican river); Voxphōheva, Whitenail or Whiteshield;
Amsthōheva, Spreadshield or Spreadn.; natoxoéso na-
mesememoeoson, I cut, trim the edge of my nails.
naked, inf.-nēme- bare, naked, only; nemesetto, in a bare
way, manner; enēmetoxs, one is n., has nothing on
(fig.destitute); niva zenhetata zehešenemetoxsétto,
who told thee that thou wert naked? Enēmesevecēno, it
tastes only of sugar (nothing else); enēmesevoxpoma-
oxzevēno, it tastes only of salt (nothing else); enē-
metomaeha, it is bare, naked ground; nēmetomao naēnana
šešistoz, I put, set the bed on the bare ground; nēme-
tomae ehota, it sets on bare ground; nēme tōvhòp, bare
coffee (with nothing else in it); see bare. Vovok,n
nude, stripped of clothing (or harness); evovokae, one
is n., nude, q.v. Nēmesetto hetomhestoz, the n.truth;
naxanēmese-oxheta, he told me the n.truth; enotovamae-
ha, it is n., bare ground.
nakedness, vovokastoz; see nude.
I n.
V. navého,I n.one, call him by n.; nahathavsevevé-
ho, I call one bad names; napavevého, I call
one a good n.; nahešetovazheševého, I call,n. him thus
for the purpose, object; navéhan, I am named, called by
n.; evehe, one is named, called by n.; naveesz
and na-
vésta, I n.it, call it (also promise it, because the
gift to be given is heralded); navehestonaovo,
one, give, impart him a n.; naneševehestonaon, I was
given such a n., named this way; zehetaevehevoss, all
who are named, called by n.; naeševého veho na vèho, I
have called by n.the chiefs and the white man; niton-
ševehe, what is thy n., how art thou named? Nakos na-
heševehe, Littlebear is my n., I am named Littlebear;
eáestomevehe, he has a wrong, false n., is named wrong-
ly, falsely; esaatonše vehettan, it cannot have a n.;
esaatonševehehan, it cannot be named, called by n.;
etonševehetto heto mâevèhoen, how is this town named?
Hotoameq eheševehetto, it is named, called Bullhead.
name, n.,vehestoz, vehestotoz (pl.); ezheševehestove, it
has this n.; esaavehestovhan, it is not a n.; nahe-
vehestove, I have a n.; naamhàz navehestoz, I apply,
sign my n.; naamhàtomovo hevehestoz, I put his n.down;
nisaahevehestoveheme, you have no n.; esaahevehestov-
ettan, it has no n.; vehestovå, with, by, in the n.; na-
vehestovå, in, with my n.; epavevehestove, it is a good
n.; nasēhevehestovheme, we have the same n. Vehestona-
osanistoz, the giving of a n.; vehestonaovazistoz, the
naming one, giving a n. to some one; navehestonaovo, I
give him a n.; ēševehestonaoe, one has been given a
n.; esaaeševehestonaohe, he has not been given a n.;
enovehestonaoe, one is named by it; navehestonaoxz, I
give a n.to it; navehestonaoxtovo, I give a n.to his
(in.); navehestonaovamo, I give a n. to his (or.).
Following are pr.names:
Heoxnemensz, Singingwoman; he woman-ox-other-
wise, called so (which is much used in names) + -nem-
ensz who sings, from -nemen, to sing. Maheonemene, My's-
terious-singer; Heoxnistōhe, Womancalling; Pavēna,
Goodfeatherwoman; Mocēs, Little- or Elkwoman; Maxhe-
hetan, Bigman; Macēta, Littleman (also shortened into
Acē); Hetanoxhavsevasz, Man-who-is-bad; Kàkoneta, Thin-
waist; Heton, Ham; Zēstonehe, Longstrung; ēs- =long +
-onehe round body (as of a long
of a long barreled horse),
string; Kakstāsz, Short-one; Kaks tahe, Shortwoman;
estätan, Tallman; Kàgonemahacis, Child-old-man; Maxe-
meševoto, Bigbaby; Kamosàz, Droopingmouth; Meševozevee-
ahe, Of-baby-age; Hooxtona, Staffwoman; hooxto- =staff
+ -a denoting woman; Oxmeshee, Northern-Cheyenne-woman
or Eating-woman; -mes- to eat + -hee woman; Heszhe-
maeme, One's-blood or Artery;
mae =blood; Tamahe,
Stumpwoman; tam stumped, blunt; Totoevetova, Bent back-
ward; toto backward, reversed, crippled, misshapen +
-vetova formed, fashioned, bodied; Voxkasz, The-bent-
one; Voxkahe, Bentwoman; Voešeme ona, Gladroadwoman; vo-
eše- rejoicing, glad, joyful + meo -road-na, fem.
form; Meneeme ona, Fair-roadwoman; mene =round and
fair; Móeha, Grasswoman; Toxtooka, Bare-prairie-woman;
toxto plain, prairie + -ooka bare, peeled, final "a"
is fem.; Mocenimoe, Littlebraid; Mocemeène, Youngcalf-
stepping-into-view; Moceemeona, fem. of preceding; Es-
zeovoeva, Sinkingwoman; Hohaene, Lust face; -hoahe to
to have + -ene face; Pavhōmaz, Goodrobe; Pavōma-
he, Goodro bewoman; Ononisthâe, Foolhot; ononis foolish
+ hâe hot, burning; Vxtato, Fat (leaflard); Hotamema-
es, Dog-chips; Ovaemães, Magical-chips; Heovhe, Yellow-
woman; Moxtavehe, Blackwoman; Mohave, Lynxwoman; Veces-
nševehaos, Bird-swift-flying; veces bird + neševehaos
=swift flying; Maheonhepo, Sacredsmoke; Paeoxq, Knob-
bed-pipe; Oneonax, Loose-bones (of a corpse); Kamxeha,
Woodstickwoman; Kamax, Woodstick; Moxšea, Mint- or
Sweetscented-woman; Voxpemaetom, Gray-red-paint (cere-
monial paint); Nocevse, Onehorn; Kaevse, Kaevseeva
(fem.), Shorthorn; Oxsevse, Twinhorn or Otherhorn;
meševess, Hairyhorn; Vxtan, Skin; Hotoavxtan, Bullskin;
Vehonseasen, Chief-sopping; Hokxceemesesz, Crow-eating;
Hokxceveho, Crowchief; Hozeemehe, Employer;
Employer; Aenhozeo,
Ever-working; Voeše, Gladdy; Hestaxcehe, Twinwoman; Am-
scehe, Oilwoman; Héoseamscehe, Hardeningfat; Hekomema-
en, Greasy; Macoe, Little-redskin, or -hide; Zcemacēta,
Dwarfman; Màpevanhēsz, Standing-in-water; Màpeva-nis-
tō, Shouting-in-water; Meonistō, Calling- or Shouting-
early (in the morning); Onsceena, Wrinkle-arm;
vēn and Hoxavēn, Cross-feather; Kōvohe, Picking-tooth
(?); Manstone, Artisan, Maker; Oxhavsevehetoansz, Bad-
bore (?); Hohēbe, Swaddling; Hoevoxta, Meat; Oxzevatō,
Raising-dust; Epaesess, Lump-sinew; Hāameoxz, Windwalk;
Heškovemata, Prickly-pear; Oxmatonsz, Smelling; Koema-
ess, Instep-sinew; Moxtavoeomene, Blacklodge; moxtavo =
black-eomen it is a lodge; Heovhōma, Yellowrobe;
Mahōma, Redrobe; Neovasz, Stander; Hotoameènsz, Bull-
coming-up; Oxhoeosz, Sitting-on-top; Meeoxzeva, Appear-
ingwoman; Honemeemeeoxz, Wolfappearing; see pr.names
under "bear, body, buffalo, bull, river, tribe, wolf". Ko-
ona, Knocking-the-head; Aenoevehaz, Flying-hawk; Taxe-
meō, Standing-in-buffallow-wallow (fem.); ehotoaxem,
the bull rolls, or paws the ground in anger; Motäva,
Sadwoman; emotäoz, one is dejected, low spirited; Maha-
ōsa, Big-dressed-woman; emoxtavōsta, she is gowned,
dressed in black; Hessehe, Moving-on-the-divide (mov-
ing in the sense of the Ger. "ziehen"; nahessehe, I
move on the divide; ehessehestove, it is a going, mov-
ing along the divide); Ameō, Goingwoman; Ameòne (from
Ameònetto, ceremonial name of moon), Everlightwoman;
Makse, Bigbelliedwoman; Hekas, Softbellied; Vonha,
Priestess; Hehen, Blackbird; Veces-oxhastxess, Many-
birds; ōeveta, Scabby; Ookat, Bareskin; eooka =it is
plucked, as a chicken; ōhēs, Young-buzzard; eōs zeha, one
is bald headed; Voa, name of a bird of the stork kind,
carries water in a pouch [?]); Voaheve (fem.); Maēhe,
Redwoman; Maoeomenehe, Redlodge-owner;
seo, Medicine-bag; Kâe, possibly from kâseo =lodestone;
Vesshēva, Finehairedwoman; Tovoàzenavèho, Harelip-
whiteman; etovoàz, he has a harelip; Nàkoena, Bear-doc-
toress; Hozeoxze, Going-for-provisions (fem.); Hesta, n.
ref.to umbilical cord, worn as a charm after being en-
closed in an adorned case representing a turtle (for
boys), and long and narrow (for girls); it is supposed
to ward off malign influence; Meško, Mexican; Nizevós,
Eaglenest; Manhovae, Giving-drink (fem.); Maoxcenae,
Headfeatherwoman (ornament); Makane, Meanderingwoman;
Papē, Limpnose; ōstone, Sacrifice-woman; Nakoehossoham,
Bear-shooting-again; Taovene, Frowningwoman; Seota,
Deadwoman or Ghostwoman; Maezevheona, Red-dust-cloud-
woman; nahezevôon, I raise a cloud of dust (in going);
Maheonhossō, Mysterious-dancer; Võstaheveva, Whitehorn-
buffalocow; Vōst, Whitebuffalo; Vōsta, Whitebuffalo-cow
(lit.white-haired-); Võstasoeva, Crane-woman; Vōstass,
Crane; Aenoeakonō, Roostinghawk; Hoxēsē, Bandaged-
across-nose; Maheonoxzeoxz, Wandering-mysteriously; Ho-
tōme, Shelterwoman; Mamxkaehe, Wavy-hairedwoman; Maze-
os, Festering-finger; Moxzevàtōsz, Howling-, Bawling-
elk; Maōx, Red-roman-nose; Hotoaoxzevèn, Bull-moving-
about; Akave, Bentwrist; Evhozeta, In-search-of-food;
nataēveevhozetäoxz, I am in search of food; Hoxnokahe,
Reversewoman; Soaxszz, Plunging-into-the-enemy; Maxeō-
hev, Big-pipe-man; Noahe, Munificence, (personified, dei-
fied Providence; noaešhestoz, the being munificent,
liberal, making presents); nanoaešého, I make a present
to one; nanoaoto, I make one a present, dedicate him;
nanoaoxta,I present it to; Võevèpona, Poor-rabbit; Ho-
neemàt, Wolflegging; Päcàta, Knobbed-foot; Heevhone,
Shewolf'; Nahaneveho, Chiefkiller; Messoxq, Swallow
(bird); Oxhevootansz, Necklace; Voxkanos, Crookedwoman;
ōszeha, Baldhead; Honeheonoz, Wolfbag; Nomeoz, Going-
with-the-wind; Heovese, Yellow-nose; Homähesta, Beaver-
heart; Homänistō, Callingbeaver; Mähane, Rednape; Haes-
toešemeo, Mockingbird (the-many-voiced-one); Cehaensz,
Sliteyes; Ohec, Littleriver; Moeheohe, Elkriver; Maheo-
nōkxtahe, Mysterious-ear-of-corn; Eēszeoxz, Talking-
while-going; Nimaeos. Standing-around; Meeō, Standing-
in-sight; Esēnōna, Fasting-two-nights; Nàkôooxnivess,
Four-bears; Voxkàtae, Crooked-footwoman;
Strong-wolf; Maheoneō, Standing-mysterious (fem.); Ko-
meō, Standing-motionless; ekōmenhē, one stands motion-
less; Enahes, 01d-woman; Mozeeō, Sweetrootwoman; Veno-
hōxzz, Paunch; Nizvokomasz, White-eagle; Voaxa, Bald-
eagle; Vohāno, Comanche or Texan; Hestōetane, Strange-
(outlandish) woman; Papäseva, Blotched-calf-of-leg;
Mazàta, Festering-foot; Heoxmaheo, Goddess; Pät, Ashman;
Heokne, Diggingwoman; Henahe, Goosewoman; Zcehōma,
Littlerobe; Ešeoxmahaesz, Redmoon; Honeoxmahaesz, Red-
wolf; Hotoaevess, Buffalo thigh; Vehoc, Littlechief; Ma-
evess, Redbird; Hohona, Stone; Hohonaoxtaamènsz, Walk-
ingstone. The above does by far not exhaust the sup-
ply of names, but it will be sufficient to show how
they are formed.
nameless, esaahevehestové, one is n; esaahevehestovet-
tan, it has no name; esaatonševehehan, it is n.;
heto mxistō esaaamhàtoehan vehestoz, this letter is
n., has no name signed, applied to it.
namely, ota, also hetova; this last term is used
when a
collective meaning of in.abstract nouns follow;
hetova: pavhastoz, šivaztastoz na mehotazistoz, n.:
kindness, mercy and love.
namseake, nanovehestonaova, he is my n.; enovehestona5
zeto hetano, he is the n.of this man.
naĕvenomů, I take a n.;
naēveoanaxaenomo, I take a
n., doze leisurely.
nape, mahane, the n.; nahane, my n.; hehane, one's n.; ni-
hanehan, our n.; nihanevo, your n.; zèpaehane, n.
neck protuberance; napaehanestoz, my n., protuberance;
(n.ref.to the inion or raised part at the base of the
skull); zèvecehane, cavity of n.; navecehanestoz, my n.
cavity; hence the inf.-hano- backward; nahanoseanao,
I fall backward, see back, neck.
napkin, neonaxestoz, n., hand towel; enonaxestove, it is a
n.; neonaxestovå, in a n.
narrate, nahòtahan, I n., tell a story, tell of; nahòtaha-
ovo, I n.to one; nanetòtahan, I n.of, concerning
it; nanethò tahaova, he has narrated of it to me; nahe-
thòtahan, I am a narrating; nahe thòtahaovo, I am nar-
rating to him; nahòtahanetovo, I n.concerning one, tell
about him; heto zehethòtahaovetto, this which thou do-
est n., tell to me; zehòtahansz, the one who narrates;
see narrator.
narration, hòtahanistoz, the telling of a story; hòta-
heo, the n., story itself; see story; nathòta-
hanistoz, my n., narrating; nsthòtahanistonan,our n.;
hesthòtahanistovevo, their n.; nasaaonisyomaz tomovohe;
hesthòtahanistoz, I believe that his n. is not true;
nasaaonisyomàtomovohe hesthòtaheo, I do not believe
his story; etosaahe thòtahanistovhan, there will
be no
n., narrative.
narrative, same as narration.
narrator, hòtahane, n., the teller; hòtahanemakät, the
iron teller =telegraph or telephone wire;
ehòtahaneoneve, he is a n.,story teller; zehòtahansz,
the one who narrates; see story.
narrow, expressed by inf.-masem- and -mascem- =n., nar-
rowly, slightly; emåseheoz, it is n. (not confin-
ed); emaseoc, it is n., confined room, place, it gets
gradually narrower (as space between walls), strait,q.
v.; eoxkas, it is n., see crowd (enēokaosen); eoxkase-
oz,it is narrowing (lessening distance from one side
to the other); zemaseoceoz meo, the strait, n.way, ref.
to a road walled on each side; emåseoceneota, it is a
n. room, quarter (confined); emåscemhoeo, they sit
cramped; emaseoceo, they (or.) are in n. quarters,
crowded, confined; eoxcemåscemenitävevosoeo, they
(or.) play slightly different, with n. difference;
emåscemenitävēno, it tastes slightly different; emås-
ceme henitōneheva, the door is hardly, narrowly opened;
eoxcemåsceme-éztomoe, he narrowly, barely denies it, is
hard pressed in denying; emåsceme, it is n., strait,
cramped, pressing, leaving hardly room; nimåscememetaz,
I can hardly, narrowly give to thee (having little my-
self); namåscemheena, I reserve (have a n.reserve of
it) hardly any; nimåscemheenanonsz makätansz, we re-
served hardly a little money; inf.-sòkom- n., slender
and long, straight and n., also without swerving; esò-
komene, he has a n., long face; esòkomo, it is n., slen-
der; esòkomeoz meo, the road is n.,streak like; esòko-
meponōmeoz, a n.strip of water becomes dry;
it has n. streaks (of color); nasòkomhooxz, I go
straight home; ezcesòkomonea, it is small, n. and long
(as a field); eotazcesòpo, it is n. (thru), as a thoru-
fare; see small.
[it is n., filthy.
nasty, rendered by inf. -8xenitam- filthy; eoxenitamo,]
nation, mazhestanestoz, the being a n.; nazhestanestoz,
my n.; heszhestanestoz, one's n.; nszhestanesto-
nan, our n. ; heszhestanestovevo, their n.; vhestaneone-
vestoz,n.,lit. "with- or co-people", also co-citizen-
ship; suff.-an to nouns denotes "gregarious, herd or
flock of, together as one"; noman, fishes; qsan, sheep;
kokôaxan, chickens; havsevevhan, the evil; hāmoxtävhan,
Sickness; nāevhan, Death, etc. Suff. -stan denotes
"collection of human beings as one people"; hestan,
mankind, race, n.; nazhestan, my race,n.; heszhestan,
one's race, n.; nszhestanonan, our race,n.; nszhestano-
nevo, your race,,n.;navhestan, the people I am one with
(not much in use); hestōhestan, strange, foreign n.,
people; havsevhestan, evil n 9 race; pavhestan, good
race,n.; Zhestan, Ch. race,n.; nazhesta, I am of the Ch.
race,n.; Zhestan eveàz, he is among the Ch., in the Ch.
n.; vèhohestan, the English race, people. Hestaneo, the
nations in general, human beings, men; hestanov, the hu-
man world; hestanovå, in the world.
native, nahesta, I am, have my being, existence; zethoe-
va nahesta, I am n. of this country; zehestassỏ,
the natives, the ones being; ehestaoz, he becomes a be-
ing, a n., he is born; nazhesta, I am a n.
a Ch.; hoe
zexhestävo, the land I am from, my n. land; t'sa ehesta,
where is he from? Navhesta, I have my being with; nav-
hestamo, I am n.with him, have the same being, condi-
tion,nature [not to confound with navistämo, I help
him]; inf.-xama- =n.,indegenous; see natural.
nativity, hestaozistoz, the becoming being.
natural, inf.-taom- of self,n.; etaomhoneo, it grows
(plant) naturally, of self; etaomenhesso, it is
naturally so; etaomenhesta, one is naturally so; etao-
mepeva, it is naturally good; nataomene henovhätovon, we
naturally follow his way; ōxhesta, n., normal, remaining
in the same condition; oxhesta epevomoxta, one is in
n.,normal health; inf.-xama- =n.in the sense of "un-
affected, not forced, not artificial, indigenous"; xama-
vostaneo, the natural people, Indians; xamavostan, an
Ind.; examavostaneheve, he leads a n. life, he is an
Ind.; xamahoxzz, n. tree, cotton-wood tree; oatōs,n., of
course, self evident! (exclamation).
nature, noavoom, the sphere of providence, munificence;
see present. Enonizeomezhesta, one is of gentle
n., disposition; ešivazesta, one is of merciful n.
epevazhesta, one is of good n. [epevazesta, he deems it
good]; emomátazhesta, he is of irascible n.; zehešhes-
tas, the way one is, his n.; hestàtoz, n., disposition,
condition of being; nazhestàtoz, my n., condition, being
thus; zehešheszhestàtovetto, the n., disposition, exis-
tence I have; esaanhesta, he is not of that n.,kind.
naught, see nothing.
naughty, eotahehetovanov, he is n., unruly;
one is n.,insolent; hehetovahestoz, naughtiness.
nausea, see vomit.
[eno, country of the Navajos.
Navajo, Navaho, Navahō (pl.); Navahoetan, N. man; Navaho-]
navel, hestá,n.; nazhestá, my n.; the umbilical cord is
preserved, sometimes wrapped and put on trees, at
other times inclosed in an ornamental bag in the form
of a turtle (for boys) and a long narrow case (for
girls). These ornaments are supposed to counteract
malign influences; nahestaeveàz, I am with the cord
(umbilical), meaning: I belong to it for a time, I am
only with it for a time: nanhestaesoneve, I am a young
adherent, a novice; evhanenhestaesoneve he is a mere
novice, adherent but not strong.
navy, mano-ovaamōheszistov zevešemeoestove, collection
of ships (steam vessels) for waging war.
nay, see no.
near, v.,nahahanèn, I step n., approach;
I n., come n.him; nahahaneoxz, I n. (walking);
haneohe, I n.(running); nahahanē, I move n.; ehahanevō-
nao,it is nearing morning; nakahanèn, I am nearing
closer; ehahnetto, it is nearing; ehahanexov, time is
nearing; nahahane oxta, I n., approach it; nahahaneoto, I
n.one; nahahaneovo, I n.where he is; nahahanoxzoxta, I
n., approach towards it; nahahanoxzoto, I n., approach
towards him; nahahaneoxzevo,I n., approach his place;
nahahaneoxzetovo, I n., come near at him.
near, adj. or adv.is expressed by inf.-hahan- approach-
ing; zen'nesohota, the nearest (something in., self
supporting) standing from the speaker; zistaešhahane-
vōmoeha, n. a body of water; zenšhahaneōsz vē, the near-
est tipi (on this side, towards the speaker); zetaz-
hešhahaneōsz vē, the nearest tipi, on that side (from
speaker); nakahaého, I come n. the mark (in shooting
arrows); nahahaneoxz, I come nearer; nahahaneōetovo, I
sit n.him; nahahaneohetovo, I n. him quickly; nihaha-
nehetanon, we are moving, journeying nearer to it; eta-
kahaneōes sitovešēva, it is n.midday (he [the sun]
moves floating closer to the middle of the day); mhäo
ehahaneta, the house is n.; zehahaneta vē, the n. tipi;
ehahaneta, it is (predicative) n.by; ehahanetto,it
nears, is nearing; ehahane toeve, it is n. (substantive
v.); zehahane tõeve, the approach (as of a bridge); ha-
hanetto,n.by; mo hahanettan, it likely was n., must be
n.; áe zeno, n., close by (here); áe täno, n., close by
(there, men-
(there, pointing); áe nhäno, n., close by
tioned before); áe,n., close; áe hevōhestoto,
his n.,
close relatives; áe ehota, it is n.,close by; nakaoe-
mo, I am n.him, his neighbor, living, being n. to him, See
close. Nakaōmo, I see one n., close; nakaōxta (in.);
nakaōsan,I see n.,am near-sighted.
nearly, expressed by inf.-tosetóeše- n., almost;
setóešemese, I have n.eaten; natosetóešeneševe, I
have n.done it; hahanesit’tāeva, n.midnight; hahanese-
tovešēva,n.midday; hahanevōna, n. morning;
na, it is n.full.
near-sighted, ekaōo, one is n., looks near; ekaōsan, he
sees near; kaōsanistoz, near-sightedness.
neat, esósoxka, it is n., well formed; see good, clean.
necessary, see must; inf.vovoxpon- =requiring, exacting;
etavovoxponeveàzetto, it is n., belongs to it;
esaavovoxponeoxzistovhan, it is not n.to go: evovoxpo-
neševstove, it is a n.work; eme saahovahan, it is n., it
cannot not be.
necessity, expressed in the same manner as "necessary"
neck, expressed by -notova- when ref. to the whole n. ;
-zeoxz ref.to the throat part of the n. and -hane ref.
to the back (nape) of the n.; see nape; mazhenotov,
the n. nazhenotov, my n.; nszhenotovan, our n.; emeho-
va-venotova, one has a furry n.; zeme hovavenotovaz, the
one with the furry n.; ezēsenotova, one is long neck-
ed; ekaenotovao, they (in.) have short necks, are short
necked; ekaenotovatto, it has a short n.; epavenoto-
va, one is well necked, has a nice n.; emaenotova, it
(bird) has a red n.; zenskovenotovat to, that which
neck shaped; enepōo, he cranes his n.to look; ninepō-
ma, we crane our necks to look; nskovenotovàtoz, n.
shape; naénotovaso, I end one's n. (with a knife),
head him; naénotovàno, I behead him (with an ax or
stroke); ēšénotovae, one has no n.,is beheaded; nahe-
kozeno, I fall on his n.; nahekozēto, I n., hang him;
ehekozehe, one is hung; eeozhekonaoz, he breaks his n.;
(by fall-
eeozhekonaoešeš, he instantly breaks his n.
ing); nahekotòno, I break its (or.) n. (with trap). See
nape. Hokota, neckerchief; meovavoota, neckwear, muf-
fler. Nahootanaovo and
I put (some-
thing) around his n.
necklace, voota,n., necktie, anything in the line of
neckwear; navoota, my n.; hevoota, one's n.; ni-
vootananeo, our necklaces; nivootane võ, your necklaces;
evootaneve, it is a n.; vootaneva, with a n.;
tan, I have a n.; navootanaon, I wear a n.; navootanao-
vo and nahootanaovo, I make him wear a n nahootano-
ham, I "n." the horse (put the collar on); see collar.
Eaxxevootan, he has a bell on his neck; nahootanaovo-
noz oneavokz, I put a n.of beads on one; naonehavoo-
tanano, I untie the n., neckwear (from his neck); naše-
xootanano, I unloose the n., take off him the n.; nani-
tootanano I take off him the n ; natōeto navoota, I
tie my n.; nitōetoneo nivootananeo, we tie our neck-
laces or neckties; naonehaeno navoota, I untie my n.;
nionehaenoneo nivootananeo, we untie our neckties; he-
konevoota,n.of bones; vekseemaevonevoota, n.of bird's
bills; vekseosonevoota,n.of bird's claws; vostaneoso-
nevoota,n. of human fingers; nàkôosonevoota, n.of
bear's claws; hokotanoz, n. of beads. Oxevootansz, Neck-
lace, pr.name.
necklaced, epavevootanaoe, one is well n.
necktie, hokota and voota (or.); see necklaced: nahoko-
tanaovo, I put a n.on him.
neckyoke, amstoeseo, n. of a wagon; eamstoeseoneve, it is
a n.; amstoeseoneva, with a n.; see wagon.
need, natonšého, I n.him (his help, instrumentality); ni-
saatonšéhazé, I do not n.thee, can do without thee;
nahozeto, I n.his help, service; nihozetaz, I n.thy
service; naohemeoz, I n.,lack; naohemeozeta, I am in n.
of it; naohemeozetovo, I am in n.with him; naohema, I
of one
am lacking, wanting; naohemeozemo, am in n.with him.
When "n." implies "want, desire" it is expressed by
suff.-tan; nahōènetan (with the meaning of name sekac-
tan), I n.to go out (ref.to moving of bowels); naxāe-
tan, I am in need of urinating; nanohozesz hovae, I am
in n.of something, I get something (which I have not);
nanohoz'zenoz mataocemenoz, I am in n.of coffee, I get
coffee; rad.-hoko must needs; see must; inf. -vovox-
pon- needy, necessary, q.v; nisaavovoxponeoxzé, thou
needest not go, it is not absolutely necessary for
thee to go; ehaomen, one is in n., is destitute, indi-
gent, poor, bereft, in misfortune; haomenhestoz,n., des-
titution; ohemastoz, state of n., want, lack; ohemeozi-
stoz, the becoming in n.; nanoxzevazesta, I n.,long for
it; nanoxzevatamo, I n.,long for him.
needful, inf. -vovoxpon- =n., indispensable, exacting, un-
avoidable; etanitáe, it is n., important; ekoxce-
nitáe, it is n., essential.
needle, heškovohestoz, thorn, n.; vèhoheškovohestoz, n.
(whiteman's make); evèhoheškovohestoz, it is a
n.; naēstoneana heškovohestoz, I thread a n.; naēsoész
heškovohestoz, I push the n.into; heškovohestoz eotae-
sozeva, its thicker (butt) end is pierced; heškovohes-
toz zexeotaesozevatto, at the n.eye; šistato hevèpo-
toz, pine needles.
[see useless.
needless, esaavovoxponaehan, it is n., not necessary;]
needy, ehaomen, one is n., in need, poverty; see need.
negation, see deny.
negative, expressed with inf.-saa-; see n.m.in Ch.gr.
neglect, nasaonstohe, I n.it,disregard, do not heed it;
nasaaonemohe, I n.one, do not heed him.
negligence, hōsotastoz, n., carelessness; hōsotáenistoz,
n.in cooking.
negligent, ehōsota, one is n.,careless; ehōsotáen, she
cooks with negligence, carelessness.
negro, moxtavèho, black whiteman; emoxtavèhoeve, he is a
n.; moxtavèhoa, negress.
neighbor, zekaoemasz, my n., the one
the one near me;
the one to whom I am n.; ekaoemàzeo, they
live close to each other; nesthózemaō, nes thózemaon
(pl.), my n.; esthózemao, thy n.; heves thózemao, one's
n.; nesthózemaōnan, our n. (excl.); esthózemaōnan, our
n.(incl.); esthózemaōnevo, your n.; heves thózemaōnevo,
their n.; navesthózemo, I camp with one, close to him
[confound not with navestozémo, I smoke with him]; na-
hevesthózemaōn, I have a n.; naheves thózemaōnenoz, he
is my n.;
nahahaneheves thózemaōnetovàzheme, we
near neighbors to each other; nhestaneam, my n., fellow
man; estaneam, thy n., fellow man: hevhestaneam, his n.,
fellow man; nhestaneaman, our (excl.) n., fellow
fellow man;
estaneaman, our fellow man; nhestaneamevo, your n., fel-
low man; hevhestaneamevo, their n., fellow man; see
citizen. Zehevhestaneonetto, the one being my n. (simi-
lar meaning as preceding), fellow man; zehevhestaneo-
nezē and zehevestaneamezē, our neighbors, fellow men;
see v.forms of relationship in Ch.gr. Zekahaneōsz, the
one sitting, living next to me, my n.; nimaoetto, in the
neighborhood, surroundings; hahanevèhoeno,
the neigh-
boring, near town; see near; epaveves thózemaōneve, one
is neighborly; paveves thózemaōnevestoz, neighborliness.
neither, na mato "and also" denotes n. when following a
negative form; nasaaheneenohe na mato zeto
sima, I do not know n. this my younger brother; na mato
nanēhov, n. I; this implies a preceding negative state-
ment; "n. ....nor" is expressed by "heva....matoheva
(or matôva)"; heva ninis matôva nanēhov nasaahāmoxta-
heme,n.my child nor myself are sick; na mato name saa-
metohe,n.will I give it to him.
nephew, the Ch. man does not call nephews or nieces
children of his own brother, neither does the Ch.
woman call her sister's children nephews or nieces.
But the man calls his sister's child n. or niece,
whereas the woman calls her brother's child n.or
niece. In other words the child of a man's brother-
in-law is his n.or niece, whereas
child of a wo-
man's sister-in-law is her
or niece. Nazenota, my
n.; nizenota, thy n.; hezenota, one's n.; nazenotan, na-
zhenotaneo (pl.), our (excl.) n.; nizenotan, nizeno tan-
eo (pl.), our (incl.) n.; nizenotaevo, your n.; hezeno-
taevo, their n.; nahezenota, I have a n : nahezenotan-
oz, I have him for n.; nihezenotatovaz, thou art my n.;
nihezenotatove, I am thy n.; see verbal form of
tionship in Ch.gr. Nahezenotävōemo, I count him for my
n.; zehezenotastovsz,a n.; zehezenotastovesso, neph-
ews; nahezenotamo, I am n.with him; hezenotamazistoz,
the being nephews together; hezenotastovestoz, the be-
ing a n.
[neve, it is a n.
nerve, omatseod, omat seonoz (pl.), n., feeler; eomatseo-
nest, vhos, vhoshoz (pl.); evhosoneve, it is a n,; vecess
evhosonan, the bird builds a n.
nestle, momo xeman ehešeš zistōenās (or zenoōetās) hesc,
he nestles in his mothers arms; momo xeman naheš-
eš, I n.,lie easy, comfortable, lit.with a wish I lie.
nestling, monevat, n., young bird.
net, naonohôn, I fish with a n. (onohônehe, fisher); nao-
nohòno, I catch one (or.) with a n.; naōhamo,
I catch one (or.) by fishing; naōhaz (in.); onohoo,
fish n.(or.); naonôon, my fish n.; nionohoonan, our
fish n.; heonohoonevo, their fish n.; eonohooneve, it is
a fish n.; onohooneva, with a fish n.; naheonohôon, I
have a fish n.; namaného onohoo, I make a fish n.: hō-
mävotoneo, hōmaomēhaehess and hōmäom, mosquito bar; no-
man eonohoheo, the fishes are netted, caught with the]
network, see meshes, lace.
never, expressed by inf. -saazheš-; nasaazheševōmoheo, I
have n.seen them (or.); -saaevha- and inf. -saa-
evhazheš- =n.again; inf. -oxksaaéne- =n. ceasing, n.
ending; eoxksaaénhozeohe, he is n. stopping in his
work; inf.-vàtom- nevertheless, yet; vàtometto (de-
tached form of -vàtom-); ovoxponetto, nevertheless,
notwithstanding (with a sense of relenting, conced-
ing); nahavsevoéha ōvoxponetto nanše pevoého, he treat-
ed me badly, nevertheless I do him good; hoveeta, nev-
ertheless, notwithstanding, for a certainty, as sure as
can be. Zsaaén'nettan, that which is n.ending;
ever;inf.-kanom- nevermind, it matters not that.
new, emona, it is n., fresh; zemona, that which is n.; ze-
monasz, the n.one (or.); inf.-mon(e)- newly, fresh-
ly, recently (Ger.erst), for the first time; emonhoe-
oxz, he is newly arrived; esaamonaehan, it is not n.;
emonhoxca, she has a n.hat; etosemonheneena, he will
know it (find it out) for the first time; mxhozeōsz
zemonheneena zehessoz' when he shall work he will
know for the first time what it is, or means (Ger. wenn
er arbeitet, erst dann wird er ausfinden); monhoeman-
istoz,n.law; emoneaneve, it is a n.year; a zemona, the
n.year; namo na ovo, I make one (or.) new; see renew.
Ehóxa, one is n., inexperienced, green; monhastoz, the
being n.; monevostane hevestoz,n.life; monhestaozis-]
newly, see new.
[toz,n.birth; monhoe, n.earth.
news, hoestō, n., tidings [ōsto, sacrifice]; ehoes toone, n.
are brot; zeĕvhenov, the n., sayings; nixhòtahaovsz
zeēvhenov, tell me the n., what the sayings are; hòta-
hanistoz, the telling n ; etonšemonhòtahanestove, what
are the recent n.? Hòtahanemxistō and Hõestonemxistō,
n. paper.
nice, see good, well.
niche, zevecetto, that which is like a nook, pocket.
nick, see indented, dent; etameésevota,
New-year, Setoveāneva, N., in the midst of the winter.
next, á,n.to;
á,n.to; hoss(e), n
hoss(e), n., again; hosseešēva, n. day;
hosseāneva, n. year; hosseneševetto, n.time I do
it; oome mxhossesetovōs, n. day, at noon; áe zehoetōsz,
the one sitting n.to me; áe hevōhestoto, his n.rela-
tion; áe ehota, it is setting n., close by.
Nez Percés, otasetaneo, the "pierced-nose-men". This name
was known by the Ch. long before the French
gave it. Otāsetaneno, Nez Percés village or country; ]
nibble, see gnaw.
[eotāsetaneve, he is a Nez Percé.
it is nicked,
notched, indented, broken in; esoson, it is nicked
(of a surface), stove in; see stove.
niece, see remarks about nephew. Náham, my n; niham, thy
n. [něhyam, thy husband]; heham, one's n.; nahaman
(excl.) and nihaman (incl.), our n.; nihamaneo, our
nieces; nihamevo, nihamevō (pl.), your n.; hehamevo,
their n.; naheham, I have a n.; nahehamenoz, she is my
n.; nahehametova, I am her or his n.; nahehameton, I am
a n.; ehehamestove, she is a n.; zehehamestovsz, the
n.; zehehamstovessỏ, the nieces; nahehamevōemō, I count
them as nieces; zehehametto, I who have a n., also she
being my n.; see m. of relationship in Ch.gr.
niggard, see selfish, stingy.
sgtų palik
nigh, see approach, close, near.
night, tae, tāsz (pl.); tāeva, at, in the n.;
every n.; etaeve, it is n.; etaeveoz, it gets n.;
nahetaeme, I am overtaken by n.; naoxtaen, I
; naoxtāen, I am overn.;
hezezeha taeva, to-night (also heztāeva, this n.); mo-
netāeva, first part of n.; set'taeva, midn.; suff. -enō
implies n.(generally means a day of 24 hours), especi-
ally in connection with numbers; nanoceenō, I stay
overn.(one n.); nanoceenóho, I keep one overn.,I lodge
him for the n.; enišeenōeo, they stay for two nights;
nanišeenoz, I camp for two nights; nitosetoxtoenoz, how
many nights art thou to camp? Etosetoxtoenota, for how
many nights shall the camping be? Etones tnoenō, how
many nights? Inf.-vōn- the whole n., until the morn-
ing or dawn; evōnhozeoheo, he works the whole night;
navōnoásenàn, I keep the lamp burning the whole n.,un-
til dawn; navōnēvèn, I am up the whole n., keep n.
watch; vōnēvnestoz,n.watch, the being up until dawn;
tāe zeoxēso nasaanãozé, I slept not thru the whole n.;
eotaenanivess, the n. is clear, pellucid; vohoksenoma,
light or shining fish, name for the n.or fire fly.
nightfall, monetaeva, at n.
nightless, esaatāevhan, it is n.,it is not night.
nightly, totāeva, n., every night; taeva,n., by night.
nimble, see quick; momo xeman, with ease, nimbleness.
nimbus, cookoveoxz, it is a n., rain cloud. [see numeral.
nine, sóòt; esóòtxeo, they (or.) are n.; sóòtnov, n.fold;]
nineteen, matòt òtsóòt,or òtsóòt; ematòtxeo òtsóòtxeo,
they (or.) are n. See numeral.
nineteenth, zematòtaonetto òtsóòtaonetto, the n.See nu-]
ninetieth, zesóòtoaonetto,
the n.
[zesóòtaonetto, the
ninety, sóòtnóe; esóòtnoeo, they (or.) are n.; see
ninth, zesóòtaonetto, the n.; see numeral.
nip, napooxta and napoevooxta, napopooxta (several
times), I n.it (with teeth); napoevoomo, I n. one
(with teeth); napoomo, napoevoomo, I n.one (with teeth);
epoome or epoevoome, it is nipped (with teeth); napoe-
vooha, I n.it off (with instr.); napoevoòno (or.);
epoevoohe, it is pinched, nipped off; see pinch.
nipple, hehe von, hehevonoz (pl.),n., mammilla; see suck;
nenistoz,nenistotoz (pl.), rubber n.
no, hovahan; eōmaeš, one says no, by shake of the head;
inf. -saaevha- n. more; nasaaevhavōmohe, I see
him n.
more; esaaevhahotahan, it is n.more (there or here);
inf.-véevha- no more, in a prohibitive sense; nivéev-
haneševe, do it n.more! In Ch. the negative inf. -saa-
means n.and not; esaame havónettan, there was n. light;
esaapevaehan, it is n. (or not) good; esaavoešetanox-
tovhan nitov, it is n. joy for me; nasaahemakätaemé, I
have n.money; nasaahevoxca, I have no hat; nasaaheši-
vaztastové, I have n. pity; evèpeometta, there is n. one
(at home), the lodge is empty, also evèpeneota, it sets
empty; hovane esaaheneenohe, n. one (or.) knows; hova-
nē esaanāhe, n. one (or.) dies; hovane esaahāmoxtahe, n.
one is sick; ēšhovanē, one is no more; ēšhovahan, it is
n.more; hovanē, no one (or.); nasaaheàzenae, I have n.
arm; nasaaheszehessé, I have n. feet.
Noah, Oana xane, Rest.
noble, hoovevostan, n., rich person; eonoazeoneve,
one is
n. (character); eonoazeoneve-vostaneheve, one leads
a n.life; onohetan, n. man; ehotoa, he is n., generous;
onoatamahestoz, nobleness (state of); hotoastoz, noble-
ness, generosity.
[acts n.,generously.
nobly, eonooēta, one acts n., straight; ehotoevoēta, one]
nobody, hovanē; hovanē nasaavōmohe, I see n., no one; ho-
vaneo esaavōmahe, he is seen by n.; hovaně nasaa-
hòtahaovahe, n. told me; hovane esaahoe, n. lives here.
nod, hehe nahetaeoz, I n.yes; naoxceosenaozeoz, I n. from
being sleepy; see bow.
noise, see sound; heovaz zehessevon, all sorts of n.,
sound; ekokoevàta, he makes n.with his feet; enx-
hotoepopoehóta, one blast, n. after another; ehetoseha-
estao, they (or.) purposely make n. (with voice, crying,
calling, etc.); eoxcetónsestao, what kind of n. do they
(or.) make? Eoxcetónšešeme,
what n., sound does it]
noiseless, see quiet.
[make (passive)?
noisome, ehavsevemeeoz, it is n., smells bad; eoxemeeoz,
it is n.,rotten smelling; oxemeeozistoz, noi-
noisy, eohāenov, one is n.; also chaenov; nahāenovosého,
I cause him to be n ; hehetovanovhetaneo,
boisterous, uproarious men; ehehetovanov, one is n., un-
ruly; nivéhetosehaestame, do not be purposely n.! Eha-
esta, one is n.,loud; zehaenovsz, the n.one.
nomadic, enotovaeoxz, one is n., roaming, wandering with
no fixed abode; also used in the sense of friv-
olous, wicked, alien.
nominate, navého, I n.,call him by name; see name; zeve-
hesz, the one nominated, called by name.
nook, zevecetto, that which is a n., also zevecevoneo.
noon, setovešēva,n., midday; ešsetovōsena, it is n.; ea-
mõesena,it is forenoon (about 9 o'clock); ehonōe-
sena, it is afternoon (about 3 o'clock); see time.
noose, nhâxnoxseo, n. of lasso; noasetõevone aneo,n., loop.
nor, mato heva or matôva used as correlative to a pre-
ceding negative; nasaamese heva kokonhoo matova
heoveamsc, I eat neither bread nor butter; es'aaĕszé
na matôva esaamomoozé, he did not speak n.move; zesto-
netto matôva haehótàtoz nasaavešhestomeozé, cold n.
heat prevent me.
normal, expressed by ōxhesta to denote "in the same
condition, normally"; ōxhesta epevomoxta, he is
in good, n. health; ōxhesta eamesevo ohe, the river
flows normally, naturally, as usual.
north, notam, n.; notamota (ceremonial name); notamevo-
noomē, in the region, sphere of the n.; notamhetan-
eo,northern men; notamhetan, northern man; notamehee,
northern woman (Indian), [nota, Ind. woman from another
tribe]; nano tameoxz, I go against the wind;
ta, it (tipi) faces the wind; notam ehestå, the wind
blows from the n.; tataenotam, in a straight
tataenotam, in a straight northern
direction. In ceremonial colors n. is represented by
black =dead coal, cold. Notam áe onxsovon, northwest,
lit.north next to the west; notam áe esenhasto,n.next
to the east, northeast.
see names
nose, maevo, the n.,bill; naevo, my n ; heevo, one's n.;
naevonan, our n.; nievonevo, your n.: naheevon, I
have a n. (obs.); suff. -ēs,-ēsena denotes "nosed, pro-
vided with a n."; ekaēs, one has a short n., is short
nosed; eonoēs, one is straight, even nosed;
for "nosed" under "body". Natamēsz, I have the end of
my n.cut off; koēsz, hump n.; zezeehēsz, negro n.; to-
toēs, protruding n.; tomoxcēs, turned up n.; eseēs, long
n.; paeoēs, lump n.; aēs, big end n.; zekaĕsesso, the
ones with short noses; nakaēsèno, I shorten one's n.
(by cutting): natamēsèno, I cut off the end of one's
n.; natamēseš, I have the end of my n. cut; nasosɔ̃e-
sèno, I stove in one's n. (also indent it); nasosōeseš,
my n.is stove in; naosōesehesz, I stove in my n.; ze-
pavēsenasso, the ones with well formed noses.
nostrils, måtazehemoz, the n.; hestazehemoz, one's n.;
also natazeovoz, my n.; nstazeovoz, thy n.: ns-
tazeovenanoz, our n.; nstazeovevoz, your n ; ezēsemeo,
he expands his n.(of animals, as horses); ezēsemeoheo,
they expand the n.; etotàpezēseohe, he expands
the n.
wide (of a horse); etotàpezēseovotom, he expands the
n., after running hard; emešees, he has hair in the n.
not, expressed with the negative inf.-saa- and follow-
ing negative suff.; see negative m.of the v. in Ch.
gr.; -saanoce-....oha mato,n.only....but also; nisaa-
nocemetazehenov oha mato zeto hetaneo, I do n. only
give to you, but also to these men;
inf.-vé- has a
prohibitive meaning; nivéneoxz, do n.go (thou); nivé-
he is
I see
metonovo,give it n.-to them; enita, it is n.it;
tae, it is n.him [not to confound with ennitáe,
ruler, master]; enitaensz, n. them (in.); enitão, it is
n. them (or.); see other. Ehovahan, it is n.,exists n.;
ehovanē, one is n., does not exist; ehovahanehensz, they
(in.) are n.; ehovaneheo, they (or.) are n.; hovanē-
hestoz, the n. existing, also ref. to death, being no
more; zehovanehesso, the ones (or.) n. here, n. present;
esaahotahan, it is n. (at a place); esaahoe, one is n.at
a place; esaapevxovattan, it does n.plow well
the plow); nasaavōsané, I see n.; nasaavōxtohe,
it n.; nasaavōmohe, I see him n.; esaavōmehan, it is n.
seen; esaavōmehe, one (or.) is n.seen; esaahovaevhan,
it is n.a thing, nothing; pref.mãseo- governs the sub.
cj.and denotes "n., as otherwise expected"; māseonē-
hovsz, then it is n.him! I thot it was him (sc.but was
mistaken). Pref.mohono- n.likely; mohonoheneeno, he
likely does n.know; kama, n.much; -saaeš(e)- =n.yet;
nasaaešeme sé, I have n.yet eaten; see no.
notable, hovae zeonooētastove, something n., worthy of]
notch, zetaxax, the n., cut; nataxax, I cut a n.; see gap,
indent, stove.
note, naneevazesz, I n., discern it; naamhaz, I n. it (by]
noted, eheneenoseoneve, he is n.,known; eneevaoseoneve,
one is n.,distinguished (from others); see reput-
ed, famed.
nothing, hováe,n., when used in combination with the
negative; hováe esaaxamapohestanohe,
there was
n.he did not take; hováe nasaamesé, I have n. to eat;
nasaahováe-hemsestové, I have n.to eat, or in the line
of food; when infixed "hováe" has a stronger meaning
similar to "n.whatever"; hovahestovȧ nasaavhestamohe,
I have n.in common to do with him; hováe nivéaetovaō-
enov,have n.with you (Ger.bei Euch); hováe nasaaoxo-
he, I have n. to say; oxhesta, n. the matter, it is nor-
mal, as usual; inf. -aestom- (aestometto when detached)
=for n., in vain, falsely; ohaestometto, entirely for
treat him
n.; naaestomoého, I do unto him for n.
falsely.wrongfully; vovok, with n.on, naked, stripped;
nasaahovahestové, I am n.; esaahovahestovhan, it is n.,
not a thing; nasaahahane tohe, I have n. to do with it, I
do not near, approach concerning it. See empty.
notice, namešena, I n.it; namešenovo, I n., observe one
(or.); zemešenovaz, the one noticing; naōhazesta,
I take n., examine; naneevazesz, I take n. of it,dis-
tinguish it; nataosēneevazesz, I take special n. of
him; naemōmo, I n., detect one (or.); naemōxta (in.);
mešenovatoz, the noticing; mešenovazistoz, the noticing
one (obj.)
notify, nahotono, I n., inform one; see inform.
notion, zetoeamešetanotto, my n.; nataomeametan,
my na-
tural n.,way of thinking;
Voss, each according to his own n.
notorious, see reputed.
notwithstanding, ōvoxp,n
ōvoxp,n., in spite of the fact that
(when relenting or conceding), howbeit;
inf.-vàtom n., nevertheless; inf.-oxkanom- n., altho;
see spite.
noun, the majority of nouns in Ch.are
verbal substan-
tives and are recognized by their suff.-estoz, -ox-
toz and -àtoz. See Ch.gr.
nourish, naešého, I n. one, in the sense of promoting
growth, taking care, raising; naešész, I n., raise
it; nahoxomo, I n., feed one; see nurse.
nourishment, màtam, n., food; emàtameve, it is n.; see]
novel, see new. [food.
soss zetotaomeame šetano-
November, see moon.
novice, esohóxae, one is a n., still green.
now, zheš, n., at this time or moment; hezezeha, n., at
present; hezezeha hovahan, not n.; nohétto,n.
then! Nomo and nomonheš, n. then! ready to start! Nohe-
tota,n.on! Moxhezé, but n., a short while ago, usually
combined with a question, as: moxhezé ehoe, was he not
here but n.? Seeha, n., instantly; inf.-sá- is used in
the imperative to mean "n."; nisámezz, give it n.
(thou) to me! [Not to confound with -saa- =not]; to-
toneš, n. and then.
nowadays, hezezeha amexoveva, in the present time, age.
noxious, see harm hurt.
nozzle, zeškaaetto,n., spout; zeškaaetto epoeoz, the n.,
spout comes off; zeškaaetto epoeōstâtto, the
n., spout comes off (by heat); hosz hetoxkonoz
tonsz, some vessels have nozzles, spouts; ekaevetoxkon-
eve, it is a vessel, utensil with a n., spout; kaevetō,
name of such a utensil; maataeta zevešezessonehao
màp, iron n. of pipe, hose.
nucleus, zehetahestahemeneva, that which is the kernel:
zexhosanetto,n., inside of nuts.
I strip
nude, evovokae, one is n., stripped; navovokano,
one of clothing (entirely); navovokanoham, I strip
the horse (of harness, bridle or whatever the animal
has on); vovok when used alone means "stripped, with
nothing on, denuded"; nahōevok'nō mohènoham, I let the
horses loose (unharnessing and turning them out to
pasture); zevovokasso, the n.ones.
nudge, naàtoezeeno, I n. to on, by touching him with
ger; nazeōnòno, I n., elbow one.
nudity, vovokastoz, the being nude.
nuisance, esaaevotahe, one is a n.; nasaaevotaovohe, I am
a n.to one; hovae zevešhemeemoehàzistove, some-
thing causing n., disturbance; see disturb.
numb, nananehe, I am n.; nananomoxtäoz, my feeling be-
comes benumbed; nanatos, I am n.with cold; nanazeona-
os, my hands are n. with cold; nanazeàtaos, my feet are
n.with cold; nananého,I n., paralyze him; enaneoz, he
becomes n. (from any cause); enaneoxtaoz, his leg be-
comes n.; enaneonaoz, his hand becomes n.; enaneàtaoz,
his foot becomes n.; enonāeoxta, one is n., paralyzed,
dead in both legs; tass enanstaha, as it were he is n.
hearted; nanehestoz, numbness; naneozistoz, the becom-
ing n.; nanomoxtäozistoz,n. feeling; natosestoz, numb-
ness from cold; nazeonaosestoz, numbness from cold
hands; nazeàtaosestoz, numbness from cold feet.
numbness, see numb.
number, tone toestonestoz,n.; see count; for numbers see
numeral; emesaatone toestonstovhan, it is without
n., incalculable; Etone toestonstove, it is a n. ;nohase-
nšetonstoeš, for a n.of days; nohas tonstoha, for a n.,
certain n. of; zehestoxtoa, a certain n.; emesaatoneto-
estoné,it (or.) cannot be numbered; inf. -sēstoxta- =
same n.; etaešenistazēsz heešehamoz, his days are num-
bered, are all; natxkomxheme, we are few in n.; etxkom-
xeo, they (or.) are few in n.; etxkomansz, they (in.)
are few in n.; see few; nihaestihemå, we are many; see
numeral, the Ch.numerals undergo divers forms according
as they are cardinal, ordinal, abstrat, concrete,
multiplicative, collective, distributive, partitive, or
combined with verbal forms, The Ch.count from 1-5 in-
clusive, then say: "1 to (added) 5", for 6; "2 to 5",
for 7; "3 to 5", for 8; "one less than all", for 9; "all
added", for 10. In counting further the Ch. says: "10
and (added) 1; 10 and 2, etc.". The same is done for
the tens up to 100. From 100 on, the hundred is named
first, then the tens and finally the units. When the
number of hundreds is specified, the multiplicatives
1-9 must precede the hundred. The following examples
are needed to give an idea of the Ch.n.system.
CARDINAL NUMERALS. (See remark below).
3. Multipli-] 4. Unit.
Noká [cativ. Nokov
1, Nokå
2, nixå
1. Abstract.
3, nahå
4, nivå
5, nohonå
6, nasòtå
7, nisòtå
8, nanòtå
9, soòtå
10, matòtå
11, matòt-òt-
12, matòt-
nixå, etc.
The word "matòt" can be left out, when the ten is un-
derstood, not otherwise.
20, nisoe
niš, etc.
40, nivoe
50, nohonoe
60, nasòtnoe
80, nanòtnoe
90, soòtnoe
100, matòtnoe
101, matòtnoe- matòtnó-
òtnokå òtnasz
102,-òtnixå -òtniš
110,-òtnokoe -òtnokó
nixá, etc.
nisov, etc.
-òtmatòtå -òtmatòtô
The above shows that the hundred is "matòtnoe", the
rest being added to it by pref.-òt and the units fol-
low in the same manner. In other words whenever "òt-
is prefixed to any of the numerals from 1-9 it
cates its being added to a greater number, whether it
be "tens" or hundreds". In counting higher than 100
there are two forms for "ten", either -òtnokoe or -òt-
matòtå. For lack of space the following cannot be ar-
ranged like the preceding examples.
A p
111, (abs.) noká matòtnoe-òtnokoe-òtnokå,or: noka matòt-
noe-òtmatòtå-òtnokå. (Con.) noká matòtnó-òtnasz, or:
matòtnoe-òtmatòtô-òtnasz. (Mul.)noká matòtnóe-òtmatò-
toa-òtnoká. (Unit) noká matòtnóov-òtmatòtnov-òtnokov.
112, (abs.) noká matòtnoe-òtnokoe-òtnokå, or: -òtmatòtå-
instead of -òtnokoe. (Con.) noká matòtnó-òtnokó-òt-
niš,or: -òtmatòtô- instead of -òtnokó.
The above suffices to show how the rest are formed.
120, (abs.) noká matòtnoe-òtnisoe; to this are added 1-9
to count to 130.
130, (con.) noká matòtnó-òtnanó; adding 1-9 up to 140.
140, (mul.) noká matòtnóe-òtnivóe; adding 1-9 up to 150.
150, (unit) noká matòtnóov-òtnohonóov; 1-9 up to 160.
200,(abs.) nixá matòtnoe; (con.) nixá matòtnó; (mul.)
nixá matòtnóe; (unit) nixá matòtnóov. To these are
added the tens and units by prefixing them with -òt.
The number of the hundred from 1-9 must precede in
the mul.form: noká, nixá, nahá, nivá. (etc.), matòtnoe.
1000, matòtoa matòtnoe, 10 times 100; sometimes noká
1468, (abs.) matòtoa
and 7.
noe-òtnisòt; (unit) matòtoa
ov-òtnasòtnóov-òtnisòtnov, 10 times 100 and 400 and 60
2000, (abs.) nixá matòtoa matòtnoe, lit. 2 times 10]
10,000, (abs.) matòtoa matòtoa matòtnoe, lit. 10 times 10
15,389, (abs.) matòtoa-òtnohoná maxematòtnoe-òtnahá-]
100,000, (abs.) matòtnóe matòtoa matòtnoe, lit.100 times
10 hundreds.
1,000,000, (abs.) noká vonhoestonstov, lit. 1 lost]
In numbers higher than 100 multiplicativ and unit
forms are hardly ever used. In fact the numerals be-
yond 1000 are seldom used by the Ch., barring the edu-
cated ones.
Remark: The rad.-òt- added unto, counting with [ hence
the rad.-òt- in the v.-hòtahan narrate (Fr. ra-
conter); this "òt" is much used as pref.in old sto-
ries and tales]. The abstract numerals are used in
mere counting. The concrete n.are used in connection
with objects, as: niš hotameo, 2 dogs; nasz mhäo, 1
house; in counting further than ten the object must
be repeated with each part of the n.,as: matòtô a òt-
nive a, lit.10 years and 4 years, =14 years. The same
repetition is required for all higher numbers.
multiplicativ numerals are used to indicate the num-
noká nataešene-
ber of times a quantity is taken, as:
oxz, I have been there 1 time; nixá naeševōmo, I have
seen him twice; nivá naešešivatamo, I have pitied him
4 times; noká ešēva, once a day; nahá ešēva, 3 times a
day or 3 days; nahá nistoha ešēva, thrice each day;
nohoná nistoha ešēva, 5 times each day; nixá tóevhatto
nixå, 2 times 2; nivá tóevhatto nohonå, 4 times 5. The
mul.of 6-10 is also pronounced with a "h" sound in
the last syllable, thus: nasòtoha, nisòtoha, nanòtoha,
soòtoha, matòtoha. The con.ending of 6-10 is "-tô", but
in common language it is pronounced sometimes like
"-to" and again like "-te"; nasòto and nasòte;
to and nanòte, etc. The same is often the case in com-
bination with verbal forms. In counting from 6-8 al-
ways put more stress on the first syllable as if the
"o" in -òt- were whispered. This is especially the
case with "nisòt" which is pronounced like "nisxt".
The mul.is also used to indicate the quantiy of high-
er numbers as in 2,3,4,5 hundreds, when the Ch.say, "1
time, 2 times (etc.) a hundred, etc. The form we call
"unit" (or "collective") has a collective meaning; it
applies to packages, bands, companies, lit. "many in
one"; thus 1 lb. of coffee is: nokov mataocemenoz, im-
plying that there is 1 unit of several or many parts;
nokov mocanoz,1 pair of shoes; nokov notxeo,1 company
of soldiers; nohonov notxeo,5 companies of soldiers;
this form is also used in the sense of the Eng. "fold"
as suff. See farther on another form for the folding
or plaiting of anything with a surface.
to each.
nononiš, 2-
nononahe, 3-
nononiv, 4–
nononohon, 5-
nononasòtô, 6-
nononanò tô,8-
5. Distributive.
noniš, 2 at a
time, as one.
nonahe, 3 at a
time, as one.
nonive, 4-
nonohon, 5-
nonasòtô, 6–
nomatòtô, 10-
nistohá noce ā,
every year.
nistohá niše ā,-2-
nistohá nahe a,-3-
nistohá nive a,-4-
nistohá nohone a,-5-
nistohá nasòtô a,-6- nononokov, to
nistohá nisòtô ā, -7- each one 1.
nistohá nanòtô a,-8- nononisov,-2
nistohá soòtô ā,-9- nononanov, −3
nīnišez,2 of us (incl.)
nīniševoz, 2 of us (excl.)
nīnišess, 2 of you.
niniševoss, 2 of them (or.)
nìnišez',2- (excl.or.)
nìnixasz, 2 of them (in.)
nīnixazēsz, 2- (excl.in.)
nonokov, 1(as a|
pack) to each. |
nonisov, 2-
nìnivez,4 of us (incl.)
nìnivevoz, 4- (excl.)
ninivess, 4 of you.
ninivevoss, 4 of them (or.)
ninivez', 4- (excl.or.)
nìnivasz,4 of them (in.)
nìnivazēsz, 4- (excl.in.)
nīnasòtxez, 6 of us,
ninisòtxez,7 of us,
nimatòtxez, 10 of us,
ninisóez, 20 of us,
etc., etc.
nonoká ešēva, every
nonixá ešēva, every
2 days
nonahá ešēva,-3-
nonivá ešēva,-4-
nonohoná ešēva,-5-
nonasòtoá ešēva,-6–
nonisòtá ešēva,-7–
nonanòtoá ešēva,-8-
nosoòtá ešēva,-9-
nomatòtá ",-10-, etc.
6. Partitive.
ninokätto, I one
or alone.
ninokaétto, thou
one or alone.
ninokaes, 1 alone.
ninokatto, it
11 '.
alone (excl.).
ninokaez, we
nìnokaéss, you
nìnokaevoss, they
(or.) alone.
ninokaez', he, or
they (excl.)
ninokavosz, they (in.) alone.
ninahez, 3 of us (incl.)
ninahevoz,3 of us (excl.)
nìnahess,3 of you.
ninahevoss, 3 of them (or.)
ninahez',3- (excl.or.)
ninahasz,3 of them (in.)
nīnahazēsz, 3 (excl.in.)
ninohonez, 5 of us (incl.)
ninohonevoz, 5- (excl.)
ninohoness, 5 of you.
ninohonevoss, 5 of them (or.)
ninohonez',5- (excl.or.)
ninohonasz,5 of them (in.)
ninohonazēsz, 5- (excl.in.)
There is also a partitive of the "unit" form, as shown
by following examples:
nīnisovaez, the 2 companies or bands of us; ninisovae-
voz (excl.). Nînissovaess, the 2 companies or bands of
you. Nìnisovävoss, the 2 companies or bands of them; nì-
nisovaez' (excl.). Nînisovasz, the 2 packages, etc.(in.);
ninisovazēsz (excl.). Ninanovaez, the 3 companies of us;
ninanovävoz (excl.). Ninanovaess, the 3 companies of
you. Ninanovävoss, nìnanovasz (in.), the 3 companies of
them; nìnanovaez',nīnanovaezēsz (in.), (excl.). Nini-
vovaez, nìnohonovaez, nīnasòtnovaez,nīnisòtnovaez,nìnanò-
tnovaez, nisoòtnovaez, nìmatòtnovaez, etc., the 4,5,6,7,8,
9,10 companies of us,etc.,etc.
The words "company, band, etc. are not implied in
above terms, they are only given in Eng. as examples.
7. Numerals combined with nouns and verbs.
Examples of concrete cardinal numerals when closely
combined with a noun:
Nocéš,nišéš, nahéš, nivéš, nohonéš, nasòtôš,nisòtôš, nanòt-
ôš, matòtôš,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 days.
Nocea, nišeā, naheā, niveā, nohoneā, nasòtôā, 1,2,3,4,5,6]
Nokoxca, nisoxca, nanoxca, nivoxca, nohonoxca, nasoxtoxca,1,
2,3,4,5,6 hats.
[2,3,4,5,6 horses.
Noceham, nišeham, naheam, niveham, nohoneham, nasòtôham, 1,]
Noceenō, nišeenō, naheenō, niveenō, nohoneenō, nasòtôenō, 1,
2,3,4,5,6 nights.
[4 days' journey.
Nocenivomao, nišenivomao, nahenivomao, nivenivomao,1,2,3,]
Nocēnistov, nišēnistov, nahēnistov, nivēnistov, 1,2,3,4
days and nights (moving).
[or hand measure.
Nokatāevaneo,nixatāevaneo, nasòtatāevaneo, 1,2,6 span]
Nocemoeo,nišemoeo, nasòtômoeo,1,2,6 finger measure.[ure.
Nokataehosseoneva, nasòtatāehosseoneva,1,2,6 step meas-]
Nokanesàtàtov, nixanesàtàtov, nasòtanestàtov, 1,2,6 foot
measure; see measure.
The above examples show that when the numeral is com-
bined with a noun, the latter remains singular.
forms the
In combination with verbal
abstract nu-
merals are not used, the multiplicative is not always
incorporated and the
never, but
the con-
crete, unit and distributive incorporate with the verb
as infixes or otherwise. The numeral inf.are: -noce-,
–niše-,-nahe-,-nive-,-nohone-,-nasòtô-,-nisòtô-, -na-
nòtô-,-soòtô- and -matòtô- for 1-10.
For higher nu-
merals the verbal form must be repeated for each part
(hundreds, tens and units), as will be examplified. In
the following we give only the verbal forms
and per-
sons that are needed for the making of others:
1. Nanocē, I am 1; ninocēmå, we are alone;
enocēeo, they
(or.) are alone; enocēt to, it is 1, alone; enocēttonsz,
they (in.) are alone; enoka, it is 1,
enoka,it is 1,
alone (predica-
2. Ninišēmå, we are 2; enišēeo, they (or.) are 2; enišeet-
tonsz, enixansz (in.).
[ettonsz, enahansz (in.).
3. Ninahēmå, we are 3; enaheeo, they (or.) are 3; enahe-]
4. Ninivemå, we are 4; eniveeo, they (or.) are 4; eniveet-
tonsz,enivansz (in.). [honeettonsz, enohonansz (in.).
5. Ninohonhe må, we are 5; enohoneo, they (or.) are 5; eno-]
6.Ninasòtxhemå, we are 6; enasòtxeo, they (or.) are 6;
enasòtxeettonsz, enasòtansz (in.).
10. Nimatòtxhemå, we are 10; ematòtxeo, they (or.) are 10;
ematòtxeettonsz, ematòtansz (in.).
11. Niòtnokamå, we are 11; eòtnokão, they are 11;
kattonsz, eòtnokansz (in.); niòtnišēmȧ, we are 12; eòt-
naheeo, they (or.) are 13, etc.; such forms as these
three can only be used when the ten has been mention-
ed just before; otherwise the full form is: nimatòt-
xhemå-òtnokamå, we are 11; ematòtxeo-òtnokão, they
(or.) are 11; ematòtxeettonsz-òtnokattonsz (in.)
Remark: For the in. of numerals there are two main
forms: the impersonal one characterized by end-
ing -ettonsz (-etto sg.) and the passive form by end-
ing -nsz (-a sg.), thus: enohoneet tonsz, they (in.) are
5 (impersonal), lit."it fives"; enohonansz, they (in.)
[enisóettonsz, enisóensz (in.)
are 5.
20. Ninisóhemå, we are 20; enisóeo, they (or.) are 20;]
25.Ninisóhemå-òtnohonhemå, we are 25; enisóeo-òtsoòt-
xeo, they (or.) are 29. [are 38; -òtnanòtansz (in.)
30. Ninanóhe må, we are 30; enanóeo-òtnanòtxeo, they (or.)]
100.Nimatòtnóhemå, we are 100; ematòtnoeo.they (or.)
are 100; ematòtnoeettonsz, ematòtnoensz (in.).
101. Nimatòtnohemå-òtnokamå, we are 101; ematòtnóeo-òtno-
käo, they (or.) are 101. [òtnokóeo, they (or.) are 110
110. Nimatòtnóhemå-òtnokóhemå, we are 110; ematòtnóeo-]
111. Nimatòtnóhemå-òtnokóhema-òtnokamå, we are 111; ema-
tòtnóeettonsz-òtnokoeettonsz, ematòtnóensz-òtnokoensz-
òtnokansz (in.).
168. Nimatòtnóhemå-òtnasòtnóhemå-òtnanòt xhemå, we are]
200.Ninixamatòtnóhe må, we are 200, or nixa matòtnó ninis-
This latter
txhemå 2 times 100 are we all of us.
form is more in use for higher numbers than 100; ma-
tòtnó enistxeo, they (or.) are 100 in all; nahá matòt-
nó enistansz, they (in.) are 300 in all. Enixamatòt-
noeettonsz, enixamatòtnoensz (in.); also nixa matòtnó
enistansz, they (in.) are 200 in all.
In the sense of "together, into or in union with each
other, etc." "o" is added to the multiplicativ in
this wise:
Ninokaomå, we are 1 together; enokaō, they (or.) are 1
together; enokaonsz, they (in.) are 1 together. Ninixao-
må, we are 2 together, 2 of us, we make up 2; enixaō, they
(or.) are 2 together. Ninahaomå, we are 3 together; ni-
nivaomå, we are 4 together; enasòtaō, they (or.) are 6
together, they are 6 of them or they make up 6, etc., etc.
Ninisóaomå, we are 20 together (obs.). Ninonixaomå, we
(many of us) are together by twos.
Nanoceanama, I am 1 year old; enišeānama, he is 2 years
old; ematòtôānamaō, they are 10 years old; namatò tôāna-
ma-òtnohoneānama, I am 15 years old; enohonóeānama-òtni-
veānama, he is 54 years old; zematòtôānamaz, the one 10
years old; zematòtôānamassỏ (pl.). Nanoceham, I have 1
horse (or head of stock); ninocehamhe må, we have 1
horse; enocehameo, they have 1 horse; nanišeham, I have
2 horses; nanohoneham, I have 5 horses; ematò tôhameo,
they have 10 horses; enisóehameo-òtnivehameo, they have
24 horses; zenanò tôhamsz, the one having 8 horses; zena-
nòtôhamesso, the ones having 8 horses; enonišehameo, they
each have 2 horses; enonocehameo, they have each 1
horse; zenosoòtôhamesso, the ones having each 10 horses;
namatòtnóehamoto qsan, I am the owner of 100 sheep; ni-
matòtnoehamotoneo vèhoehotoa, they are the owners of 100
heads of cattle; enoni xamatòtnoehamotovo meàzeqsan, they
have each 200 goats; nimetanonaxe-nivamatòtno-òtnasòt-
nó-òtnohonehamotovo qsan, you may possibly be the owner
of 465 sheep. However when numbers have several parts
combined with -òt- following form is
preferred and
easier: nivamatòtnoe-òtnasòtnoe-òtnohó ninistôhamotovō
qsan, 465 is the amount of sheep you own; nanistôham, I
have that many horses (when the kind of animal is not
specified); nanistôhamoto qsan, I have that many sheep,
am the owner of so many sheep. Oftentimes the numeral
multiplicativ is not infixed, thus: nixa namatòtnoehamo -
tō qsan instead of nanixamatòtnoehamoto qsan, I am the
owner of 200 sheep; noká zematòtnoehamo toss qsan, he who
is the owner of 100 sheep. Nanišemakä taema, I have (am
with) $2; enasòtômakä taemaō, they have $6; enonasòtôma-
kätaemaō, they each have $6; enasòtansz makätansz, they
(in.) are $6; zematòtômakätaemaz, the one having $10;
zematòtômakätaemasso, the ones having $10; zemomatòtôma-
kätaemasso, the ones having each $10; nanohonemakä taema-
tan, I want to have $5. Nanišeeszehena, I am provided
with 2 coats; enoniveeszehenaō, they have each 5 coats;
zenoceszehenassỏ, the ones having each 1 coat; nanonive-
eszehenaovō, I make them to have each 4 coats, or provide
them with 4 coats each. Nanisoxca, I have 2 hats; ninis-
oxcamå, we have 2 hats; ninonisoxcamå, we have 2 hats
each; zeto hetaneo zenonivoxcasso, these men who have
each 4 hats. Enasòtônōna, he has 6 wings, lit.is "6 wing-
ed"; enonasòtônōnaō, they each are with 6 wings. Nano-
kōèn, I have 1 child; ninokōènhemå, we have 1 child; eno-
kōèneo, they have 1 child; enonokōèneo, they have 1 child
each; enisōèn, she has 2 children; enonisōèneo, they have
2 children each; nananōèn, I have 3 children; ninonanō-
ènhemå, we have 3 children each; enivōèn, she has 4
children; enohonōèn, she has 5 children; enasòtnōèn, she
has 6 children; nimatòtnōènhemå, we have 10 children;
matòtô-òtnasz enistōèn, 11 is the number of one's child-
ren. Zenokōènsz, the one having 1 child; zenistōènsz, the
one having 2 children; zenonivõènessỏ, the ones having
each 4 children. Nanokōenoto zeto hetanekašgon, this boy
is my 1 child; nanisōenoto zeto heekašgoneo, these girls
are my 2 children; zeto hee zenohonōenotos kasovaheo,
this woman having 5 young men as children. Nanoceeva, I
einmal beweibt); ninonoceeva-
have 1 wife (Ger.ich bin
må, we each have one wife; ninišeeva, thou hast 2 wives;
eniveevaō, they have 4 wives; enoniveevao, they have 4
wives each; zenoceevaz, the one with 1 wife; zenaheevaz,
the one with 3 wives; zenonišeevasso, the ones with 2
wives each. Enocevass, it (animal) has 1 tail; eniševas-
seo, they have 2 tails; enoniševasseo, they have each
tails. Noceom, 1 lodge; nišeom, 2 lodges; nanoceomen, I
have 1 lodge; ninišeomen, thou hast 2 lodges; enonišeo-
zenoceomensz, the one
meneo, they have 2 lodges each;
having 1 lodge. Nanonisoeto, I tie 2 (or.) together, by
twos; nanonanoe to, I tie 3 (or.) together; nanonivoetō, I
tie 4 (or.) together, etc.; nanonisoeszenoz, I tie 2
(in.) together; nanonanoeszenoz, I tie 3 (in.) together;
nanisotoena, I braid it in 2 strands; nanisotoeno, I
braid it (or.) in 2 strands (wool, dry goods); nananoto-
eno, I braid it (or.) in 3 strands; zenivo toene, the one
(in.) braided with 4 strands; zenivotoensz, the one (or.
as wool, etc.) braided with 4 strands.
Matòtxevae, ref. to first bone (in play of Netônistoz, see
play) counting 10; nisóhohe, second bone counting 20;
nanóhohe, third bone counting 30; nivóhohe, fourth bone
counting 40.- Nanokamaena, I fold it once; nanokamaeno
(or., as blankets); enokamaene, it is folded once; enoka-
maéha, it lies folded once; enokamaeš, it (or.) lies
folded once; enixamaeha, it lies folded twice; enixama-
eš,it lies (or.) folded twice; enonixamaehansz, they
(in.) lie each folded twice; enonixamaešen, they (or.)
lie each folded twice; enahamaeha, it lies folded
thrice; enivamaeš, it (or.) lies folded 4 times; enasò-
tamaeha, it lies folded 6 times, etc. Enasòta-totooveha,
it is in 6 layers; enisòta-totooveš, it (or.) is in 6
layers; enonasòta-totoovešen, they (or.) are in 6 layers
each; another way to express the above forms (with -to-
tooveha and totooveš) is by using the multiplicativ de-
tached,as: nasòtoha etotoovota, it sets 6 times super-
posed; nasòtoha etotooveha, it is in 6 layers (in.); ni-
sòtoha etotoovešen, they (or.) form 7 layers; nanòtoha
etotoovemaéha, it is folded in 8 layers, or enasòta-too-
vemaeha (in.); enanòta-toovemaeš, it (or.) is folded in
8 layers; esoòta-toove maeneo, they (or.) are made to be
folded in 8 layers; ematòta-toovemaenensz, they
1 2
are made to fold in 8 layers, etc.- For branching the
Ch.has two different forms, the one ending in -hestae-
natto ref.to branches, limbs
of a tree and the other
ending in -onae,-onatto ref.to branching. The latter is
also used for bones, spokes of wagons, anything round and
more or less tapering. Enišhestaenatto, it (the tree)
has 2 branches; enasòtohestaenatto, it has 6 branches,
etc. Enisoonatto,it branches, ramifies in 2; enisoonae,
it (or.) ramifies in 2; enisoonatto, it (in.) ramifies
in 2; enanoonae, it (or.) ramifies in 3; enanoonatto, it
(in.) ramifies in 3; enasòtoonae, it (or.) ramifies in
6; enasòtoonatto (in.); nanivoonaoxz, I make it ramify
in 4.- Nanišeona, I have 2 hands; enoceona, he has 1
hand; enišeonatto, it has 2 hands; nanišeoxta, I am 2
legged; eniveoxta, he is 4 legged; eniveoxtatto, it is 4
legged; enoces zeha, he has 1 head; enišeszeha, he is 2
headed; enaheszeha, he has 3 heads; enisòtoeszeha, he has
7 heads.-
For objects shaped round and long (not
necessarily straight) there are two endings,-oneo (in.)
and onehe (or.) ref. mostly to thread, ropes, fringes,
etc. Enokooneo, it (in.)has 1 string or fringe; enoko-
onehe (or.); enisooneo, it (in.) has 2 strings, fringes,
ropes,as: vavaestoz enisooneo, the swing
has 2 ropes;
enonisooneonsz vavaestotoz, the swings have each 2
ropes; enasòtooneo, it has 6 ropes, strings. Enisoeš, it
is slashed in 2 (as strips of buckskin); enisoešensz,
they (in.) are slashed in 2; enanoešensz, they (in.) are
slashed in 3; enanoešen or enanoešenaō (or); enasòto-
ešensz, they are slashed in 6; enisóoešensz, they are
slashed in 20, etc.
The following is the verbal form of numerals in
connection with the valuation or numeration of objects
(in.and or.), nowadays usually indicating their worth in
money (the $ as a unit). Thus each
term can be
lated "to count the number of...." or "to value at so
many dollars". With each numeral only a few of the ver-
bal forms are examplified; with the aid of the
Ch. gr.
the rest are easily formed.
Nanokhōsta, I count it 1, or worth $1; nanokhōemo, I
count him worth $1; enokhōeme it (in.or or.) is counted
1, is worth $1; nanonokhōstanoz, I count each worth $1;
nanonokhōemo, I count each (or.) worth $1; enonokhōem-
ensz, they (in.) are each worth $1; enonokhōemeo, they
(or.) are worth $1 each. Nanishōsta, I count it, value
it $2; nanishōstanoz, I value them (in.) $2; nanonishōs-
tanoz, I value them (in.) $2 each; nanishōemo, I count
him 2, or value him $2; nanishōemō, I value them (or.)
$2; nanonishōemō, I value them (or.) $2 each; enishōeme,
it is valued $2; enishōemensz, they (in.) are valued $2;
enonishōemensz, they (in.) are valued each $2; enishōe-
me, one (or.) is valued $2;
(or.) are
enishomeo, they
valued $2; enonishōemeo, they (or.) are valued at $2
each. The above will suffice to show the verbal forma-
tion, so only one example of each of the following nu-
merals is given: nananhōsta, I value it 8; nanivhōsta, I
value it 4; nanohonhōsta, I value it 5; nanasòtohōsta, I
value it 6; nanisxtohōsta, I value it 7; namatòtohōsta-
òtnokhōsta, I value it 11; nanisóhōsta, I value it 20;
nanohonóhōsta, I value it 50. For higher numbers fol-
lowing form is preferred: noka matòtnó makätansz nanit-
hōsta, I value its worth at $100; nixá matòtnó makätansz
enithōeme, it (in. and or.) is worth $200; zeto mohènoham
nivá matòtnó makätansz enonithōemeo, these horses are
worth $400 each. This form can also be used with small
numbers. Zenokhōeme, the one (in.) worth $1; zenokhōem-
ĕsz, the ones (in.) worth $1 (sc.together); vèhoehotoā
zenonasòtnóhōemesso, the cattle worth $60 each.
Counting the moons (or months): nasz ešehe, 1 moon;
nišešeheo,2 months; nahešeheo, 3-; nivešeheo, 4-; nohone-
šeheo, 5-; nasòtoešeheo, 6-; matòtoešeheo, 10-; etc. Noka
tāešeheva, during 1 moon, month; also nokaešeheva; nasò-
toha tāešeheva enšeamhoxovistava, he is traveling for 6
months. Enocēnōn, he fasts 1 day; enišēnōn, he fasts 2
days; enahenōn, he fasts 3 days; enivenōn, he fasts 4
days. Enokxeo, it is 1 o'clock; enisxeo, it is 2-; enan-
xeo, it is 3-; enivxeo, it is 4-; enohonxeo, it is 5-;
enasòtxeo, it is 6-; eòtnokxeo, it is 11-; eòtnisxeo, it
is 12-; see time.
The exclusive form of the 3rd. pers. (sg.or pl.) for
numerals is as follows: enokó, he or she (different from
another 3rd.pers.subject in the same sentence)
is 1;
enixó, they are 2, as: enixó henison, her children (they)
are 2; enahó, they are 3; enivó, they are 4; enohó, they
are 5; enasòtxó, they are 6; enisòtxó, they are 7; ena-
nòtxó, they are 8; esoòtxó, they are 9; ematòtxó, they are
10; ematòtxó-òtnokó, they are 11,etc.; all preceding
terms are or., the following are in.: enokaz', it is one;
enixaz', it is 2; enixazensz, they (his, hers or its) are
2; enahaz', it is 3; enahazensz, they are 3; enivaz' it
is 4; enivazensz, they are 4; enasòtaz', it is 6; enasò-
tazensz, they are 6; ematòtazensz-òtnokazensz, they are
11; enisóez', it is 20; enisóezensz, they are 20, etc.
The reflective m. of the numerals is used mostly in
the 3rd.pers.; enokō, he was 1; enišōn, they were 2; ena-
hōn, they were 3; enivōn, they were 4; enasòtxeōn, they
were 6; enisóeōn, they were 20, etc. Enixaonōnoz and eni-
xaneōnoz, they (in.) were 2; enahaonōnoz and enahaneōnoz,
they (in.) were 3; enasòtaonōnoz and enasòtaneōnoz, they
(in.) were 6, etc. This in. combined with the excl. 3rd.
pers.is as follows: enixazenōnoz, they (in.) were 2;
enahazenōnoz, they (in.) were 3; enasòtazenōnoz, they
(in.) were 6; enisóezenōnoz, they (in.) were 20, etc.
permissible, emeneševstove, it is p., may be done; emeni-
zeohe, it is p.,is permitted; esaanizeôhan,
it is not p.; esaaneševs tovhan, it is not done, may not
be done.
permission, nizeovazistoz, the permitting
to one (or.);
nizeovsanistoz, the permitting; nizeohestoz,
the being permitted; ninizeovazeme, I give you p.; na-
nizeon, I am permitted, given p.; nameto nizeovazistoz,
I give him p. (adapted to the Eng.).
permit, nanizeosan, I p. (intr.); nanizea, I p.it; nanize-
ovo, I p.one (or.); nanizeon, I am permitted; na-
nizeomon, it is permitted to me; emhonemxistō, hunting
p., license; mxistō zeameha nizeovazistoz, written p.
pernicious, etotonšezistovatto, it is p.; etotonitoēta,
he is p., acts perniciously; etotonhestanov-
eo, they are a p.people, generation; natotonsezesta, I
am perniciously minded towards it; natotonse tamo, I am
perniciously minded toward him, hate him; inf.-toto-
implies "damaging, hurtful, injurious, destructive, ma-
licious,p.". Totonsetamazistoz, perniciousness towards
one (or.); totonseztastoz, perniciousness; totonseta-
mahestoz,state of perniciousness; etotonsetamahe, he
is p.; etotonševostaneheve, he leads a p.life; see
[straight upward
persecute, harm.
perpendicular, exanov tāheama, it is p.
p., vertical, ]
perpetrate, see act, do, commit;
ehavsevoēta, he perpe-
trates, evil.
perpetual, expressed by inf. -aén- (usually written
-aen) without stopping, ending; näno eaeneme-
aneve, there (at that place) is p. summer; aeneameta-
nenistoz, p.life; eaenetto, it is p.; eaen' netto, it
has a p.course; esaa-aenettan, it is not p.; aenetto,
perpetually; eaenettōeve, it is p., eternal.
perpetuate, naneševe zehešsaavonetano tôhan aenetto, I
p.it, make, cause it not to be forgotten for
ever; naneševe zehešsaavonetanotohes aenetto, I p.him,
make that he be never forgotten; naneševe zeaenemee-
tanotōsz,I p.one's memory, lit.I do it, so that one be
perpetually remembered.
perpetuity, aenetōevestoz, the being perpetual.
perplex, navovaovetanoho, I p. one, make him confused,
cornered; navovaovetan, I am perplexed; navo-
vaovetanooz, I have become perplexed; evovaoveoz, he
becomes pesplexed, confused; namåsemetan, I am perplex-
ed, hard pressed, distressed in mind; kasova nahessemå –
semetanotovo, I am perplexed about the young man; naô-
zetan, I am perplexed, bothered, anxious; evovaovetanon-
ov, it is perplexing, confusing; emåsemetanonov, it is
perplexing, distressing; eôzetanonov, it is perplexing,
bothering; navovaovaovo, I make him to be perplexed,
embarassed; vovaovaovazistoz, the making one to be
perplexed, confused, embarassed; vovaovetanoozistoz, the
becoming perplexed in mind; vovaovaovazistoz, the mak-
ing one to be perplexed.
of p.;
perplexity, vovaovetanoxtoz, p., confusion of mind;
vaovetanohazistoz, the causing p.to one;
vovaovetanona, I am in a state
navstaha, I am in a state of p. of heart; vovaovetano-
navstahàtoz, the being perplexed of heart; vovaoveta-
nonàtoz, the being in p., confusion of mind; navovaove-
tanonavoého, I impart one p. of mind; måsemetanoxtoz,
måsemetanonavstahàtoz, p.,
p., distress of mind:
tress of heart; måsemetanoozistoz, sudden p., distress
of mind; måsemetanohazistoz, the causing one (obj.) p.
of mind; måsemetanonavstaomenhestoz, condition of, en-
during p., distress of mind. Many more such nouns can
be formed with the aid of the different verbal forms.
Consult Ch. gr.
persecute, namomez tomosan and nameztomosan, I p., tor-
ment; nameztomo, I p. one (or.); nameztoman and
namomeztoman, I am persecuted; namomeztovoého, I in-
flict persecution on one, treat him persecutingly; na-
ònevoého, I p.him, treat him adversely; eohameztome, he
is very much persecuted; inf. -toto- implies "harm,
hurt, injury, damage, perniciousness"; etotonsetameo,
they are persecuted, hated; etotonšenhestoeo, they are
persecuted (in words): etotonetoeo, they are persecut-
ed (in acts, treatment); etotonitoomeneo, they suffer
persecution, harm.
persecution, meztomosanistoz. the persecuting:
mazistoz, p.; momeztovo omenhestoz, the suf-
fering of p.; namomeztovoomen, I suffer p.; nista ze-
Vovoeōs tahesso èmehanšemomeztovoĕo, the first Chris-
tians were persecuted: totonsetamazistoz, p. (in dis-
position), hatred against one: totonšenhetazistoz,p.
(in words); totonetoehàzistoz,p.in treatment; totoni
toētastoz, acts of p.; ònevoētastoz, p., hostile oppres-
sion, adverse treatment, acting as an enemy Nanšeame-
ònevoéhā oástometto, they perscute me without cause.
perseverance, ōènovetanoxtoz, p. (in disposition, will);
ōènovhastoz, p. (quality, subjective); oxtōè-
novastoz, p., patience (sc.thru all); eheōènovetanoxto-
ve, he has p.; eheoxtōènovastoz, he has p., patience,
holds out; ōènovoētastoz, act of p.; toahestoz, p.,
steadiness; heahestoz, p., endurance, lastingness; ótse-
tanoxtoz, p., persistence, endeavor; ótsehestoz, the be-
ing persevering, persisting, striving for; inf. -ōènov-
and ōènovetto (as phrase) with p., perseveringly.
perseverant, eōènovahe, he is p.; zeōènovasz, the p. one;
eótseheoneve, one is p., persistent, striving,
endeavoring; eoxtōènovahe, one is p., holds out; ehea-
he, one is p., steady, lasting; etoahe, one is p., steady,
stable, not fickle; naōènovetanona, I am p.; naōènove-
tanonaovo, I make him to be p.
persevere, naōènovetan, I p.; zeōènovetanoz, the one who
perseveres; nahesseōènove tanotovo, I p. on
one's account; naōènove pavevostaneheve, I p. to lead a
good life; eótsetan, he perseveres, endeavors; naōèno-
vetanosého, I cause him to p.; navesseōènovetanomo, I
p.with him; eōènovetanoō, I see, perceive that he is
persevering; eótsevhôna, he perseveres, persists, en-
deavors in prayer.
persimmon, naktavaemen, -menoz (pl.); enaktavaemeneve, it
is a p.; nak tavaemenóe, -menósz (pl.), p.tree;
enaktavaemenóeve, it is a p.tree; nak tavaemenóeše,
grove; enak tavaemenóešeeve, it is a p.grove.
persist, expressed by inf.-hetose- =with persistence,
cling obstinatly, bent on; eoxchetoseman, he per-
sists in drinking; ehetoseneševe, he persists in doing
it; eoxchetoszevō, he persists in saying this; inf.
-ótse- with perseverance, endeavor, persistence; niót-
sevhônamå, we p.in prayer; naoxzeše-ōhaevamo t'sẽ eta-
nšeneoxz, tho I cautioned him, he persisted in going;
inf.-nš- -keep on,p.; naoxtoxcevovistomevo oha etan-
šemashanē, in spite of my teaching him he persists,
keeps on being unreasonable; inf.-enšsxsoe- persis-
tently, thruout; somewhat similar is inf. -soxpstove-
and soxpstovetto (phrase) which with persistency, on-
ly after that; esoxpstoveneševe, he is persistently
after doing it, it is the only thing he is doing.
persistence, tosàzistoz, p., the not letting go, clinging
to; ótsetanoxtoz, p., perseverance; soxps-
tovastoz,p.after; toahestoz, p., steadiness, obstinacy;
t'sē also infixed denotes purpose, determination.
persistent, etoahe, he is p., steady, unswerving; etoaheo-
neve, he is p., obstinate; etoomahe, he is p.,
unchanging; see change, permanent; enšeótsetan, he is
p., determined in a course; ehetosàz, he is p., keeping
at it long.
person, vostan, vostaneo (pl.),p.,a human being; evosta-
neheve,it is a p.,also, he lives (as a p.); vostanehe-
vestoz, the being a p.; xamavostan, an Indian, lit.,in-
digenous, perfect p.; see live. Votostatan,p.; see
people; navostanevaosan, I make to be living (as a
person), prosperous, successful; Maheo enoceonisyome-
vostanevaosan, God alone truly makes a p. prosperous,
successful; navostane vaovo, I make him to be p., I im-
part him personality, being (as a p.), I cause him to
live, to have individual being; evostane vaosanetto, it
imparts personality, life, being, existence (as a p.), is
efficacious (as a medicine, saving a patient from dis-
ease or dying); navostanevaon, I made a p. well,
healthy, prosperous; navostanevaomo, I lead a success-
ful, prosperous life; above terms are of difficult
rendering in Eng.except with "personify" if that term
could also be made to mean: "impart human existence".
Verbs like "save, restore, redeem, deliver, raise, make
prosperous, successful, maintain life" can be rendered
by -vostane vaosan and its derived forms, whenever
action has an individual, a human being, a p.for its
object. See save, redeem, live. Nitooxz, in p.; eneevae-
vé, what kind of p.is he, who is he? Nihovaevé, what p.
art thou, who art thou? Navostanevaoxz, I make it to be
a p.; see represent.
to be a per-
personally, tāma nitooxz, self, in person.
personality, něhovestoz; heněhovestoz, one's p.; zeheše-
nēhovstovs, as one's p.is; tāma henēhoves-
toz, one's own p.; totāma ninēhovstonan, our own p.
(distributive sense, the p.of each of us).
personate, nahenehovstovenotto, I p., impersonate, repre-
sent them (or.); see represent.
personify, navostanevaoxz, I p.it, make it
son; vostanevaoxzistoz, personifying.
perspective, tåxta etahotaoenov, it is in p., full sight,
vista; zeoxtatohetahotaōotto, all that is in
my p.,within my sight; see sight, see.
prespiration, hòpeozistoz, the perspiring; see sweat.
persuade, expressed with the Ch.modal suff.-vàtoe (in-
trans.),-vamo (or.) and -vàta (in.) which
denotes "urging, coaxing, persuading"; naōhaetan, I con-
sider; naōhaevamo, I p.him to consider; naōhaevàtoe, I
p., urge to consider; namanevamo, I p., encourage him;
napevevamo, I p., urge one to be good; see persuasive
m.in Ch.gr.; naešenoto, I p. one, win over
(sc.to my
side); naešhokoešeno to ehessemese, I persuaded him to
eat; naešenosého, I cause him to be persuaded, won over.
persuasion, vàtoestoz, p., seldom used alone but combined
with verbs; pavevamàzistoz, the persuading
one (obj.) to be good; manevàtoestoz, manevamàzistoz,
P., encouragement; ešenotazistoz, p., the winning
ešenosohestoz, the cause of p.
pertain, enoveàzetto, it pertains, belongs to; ehoxstat-
to, it pertains, belongs to, is an adjunct; zehe-
tãestoon, its parts, all that pertains to it (something
put together); see belong, connected.
pertinacious, etoahe, he is p.; etoaheoneve, he is p.,]
pertinacity, toahestoz; heahestoz, p., endurance.
perturb, see disturb; eohaetano oz, he becomes perturbed,
agitated (in mind).
Kitap pindadega
perturbation, ohaetanoozistoz; see disturbance.
peruse, naoxtanōxta, I see it thru carefully; hovae ze-
oxtanōme, something looked carfully thru.
perverse, ehetosemashanë, one is p., intractable, unrea-
sonable; eahansenova, one is p., wicked, unto-
ward, wayward; epaponoe, one is p., obstinate, refuses to
do what he is bidden; ehetosehavsevoēta, one is p.,
does wilfully wrong.
perversion, hetosema shanehestoz;
the doing wrong
ahansenovàtoz, p., wickedness; havseveoxsetanòtoz, p. (in
mind); havseveoxsenosohestoz, cause of p.; havseveoox-
senoshàzistoz, the causing one (obj.) to be perverted;
nohévoĕtastoz and nimoētastoz,p.acts.
perversity, see perversion; havseveoxsenoshastoz;
metanoxtoz,p.(of mind).
pervert, nahavseveooxsenosého, I p.one; ehavseveooxseno-
sē, he has been perverted; ehavseveooxsenoshae,
he is perverted, p.; ehavseveoorsenosohe, he is per-
verting, causing perversion; enohévoētaheoneve, he is
p., turned from right doing; eonimetan, he is p., de-
tracted from (in mind); enimoēta, he acts perversely;
zenohévoētasso, zenimoētasso, the ones acting perverse-
ly; see perverse.
pest, hesseozistoz, maxhesseozistoz, p., pestilence.
Ch. were visited at times by a ravaging disease
which caused convulsions, hence the above name [from
ehesseoz, ehes sax, he has jerkings, drawing of the mus-
[mind; see bother.
pester, namave tanoho, I p.one, make him tired, weary in]
pestilence, see pest. [(ref.to own horse, dog, etc.).
pet, niestō, p. (of birds); nanies to, my p; nathoz, my p.]
Peter, Hohona, pr.name for Stone.
petition, emasoamešemensz vehestotoz etosevēstomohesto-
ve, the names are written down for a p.; vēs-
tomohestoz, the petitioning, asking; evēstomohestove, it
is a p..a petitioning; momoxzemestoz, p., supplication,
pleading; haônàtoz, p., prayer; eamhàz hevehestoz zeto-
sevessevēstomōsz, he signs his name to a p.
petrify, eoxchohonaeveoz, it becomes, turns to stone;
ehohonaevao,it is petrified.
from habit and
petroleum, see coal oil.
petticoat, éōstoz; heéōstoto,her p.; eéōstove, it is a]
peyote, see page 877.
[fidgety, fretful.
one is p., impatient, ]
Sun dance pole. That
rites have a good deal
in former days
evident in the
their "myster-
petty, vhanetoneta; vhanetonethavs, p. fault.
petulance, aazetanoxtoz and heneetanoxtoz, p., fretful-
ness, impatience.
petulant, eaazetano, eheneetan,
phallus, used to be hung to the
the Sun dance and other
of phallism in them was more obvious
than now. The symbolism of the heap of stones, the
shape of the path and the buffalo head in connection
with ceremonial sweat baths was self
days when the priests feared not for
ies" to become open to the white man.
Pharao, Šišinovoz or Maxemhäo.
pharisaical, evhanoētastove, it is mere
nhessemanistove, it is p.,hypocritical.
Pharisee, Vovoxponhetan, -hetaneo (pl.), Strict- or Scru-
pulous-man. When applied to a mere formalist
in religion the term vhanoētahe, mere formalist, or
ōcemómatätan, deceitful pious man, should be used.
pharynx, mhastomo hestoz, alimentary canal; emhastomohe-
stove, it is the p.; mhastomohestovå, in the p.
phase, zehešenōhe stove, its look, appearance; zehešeoni-
tavhestàtove, its different aspects (Ger. Gestalt-
ungen); zehešeonitava tamano, the different phases, as-
pects (of weather, general aspect, situation); zeoxto-
ešeonitavat amano vostanehevestoz, thru the different
phases of life; zeoxtoešeonitavenōhestove, thru the
different phases, appearances; eheonitavenōhestovetto,
it has different phases, looks, appearances.
phenomenal, eohātamano, it is p., extraordinary.
Philistine, Hestoetaneo or Hoshestahetaneo,
photograph, see picture.
the Out-]
it becomes
phrase, whenever an inf. is used detachedly
an adverbial or prepositional p.; ametto or
amesto, with continuance; ĕsetto, into; hotoanatto, with
difficulty; havsevetto, in a bad, evil way; taxetto, on
top of; hàpe, a good deal; aninōs, with care; mómåta-
nōs, in a ceremonial way, manner; oatōs, of course, self
evident, of course it is so, told so, paid no attention!
Exclamation of surprise or half disgust when some one
asks something that has just been explained; otame-
nōs, taxamenōs, with close attention (as in: if you
will pay attention, take the trouble); vhaneēszistoz,
p.,mere word making; evhaneēszistove, it is only p.,]
phthisis, see consumption, tuberculosis.
physician, see doctor.
piano, nemenistoz, the singing or musical
nemenistoz zeoxcezetane, musical instrument
touched or played (by hands alone).
pick, nahessevaena, I p.it up, take hold of it;
nen, I p.up (and collect, as from the ground);
haenanoz peoxkonoz, I p.up broken branches; namhaenenō
hohonàceo, I p.up pebbles; nahemonikona, I p. the bones
(fresh) to see if any meat or marrow is left; nihemo-
nikonamå, we p. the bones; Hemonikonaé, Picking-bone, pr.
name of a womam; namome seaovo, I p., select one (or);
emónooxane onenov, they p.up, provide themselves with
clubs or stones; namóns taman, I p.up food (left on the
ground); zemomeseaoesso hetaneo, picked, selected men;
namomeseaoxz zenanose peva, I p.out the best one (in.);
naoena,I p.fruit; naoenemena, I p.berries; oenemenà-
toz, the picking of berries, fruit; naoenanoz maxemen-
oz,I p.apples; hessevaenàzistoz, the picking up, taking
hold of; mhaenenistoz, the picking up (from the
ground) and gathering; mónstamanistoz, the picking up
of food (left on the ground); momeseaosanistoz, the
picking, selecting, singling out from; momeseaovazis-
toz, the picking, selecting of one (obj.); oenàtoz, the
picking of fruit; oenemenàtoz, the picking, harvesting
the berries; oenohestoz, the picking, harvesting; naoe-
nanoz hookoxsz, I husk corn. Eskseox,p., pickax.
picket, nasehootoham, I p.the horse; nasehòno, I p.
(with p.pin); nasehoha, I p.it; nasehoena, I p.it,
set it in the ground; see pin, pitch.
pickle, emènemenevana, she pickles it (mènemen =some-
thing strong, peppery, etc.); emènemenevane, it has
been pickled; emènemeneva, it is pickled; emènemene-
vatto,it pickles; heškovomân, pickles (ref. to cucum-
bers, thorny melons).
picture, napäozého, I take one's p., photograph;
zész,I take a p.of it; namxeovo, I p., paint, draw
one (or.), write, delineate; namxea, I draw, p., paint it;
emxeeoz, it is pictured, drawn, painted; zemxeōsz hoxzz,
the pictured, written tree; hohonaeo zemieoesså, the
written stones (on which are pictures, drawings, paint-
ings). The original word "mxe" ref.to "draw the out-
line, contour of (by touching a surface)" The first
writing of the Ch.were pictorial, later on they appli-
ed the name for "pictorial" to the writing of the
white man, so that today "write, delineate, draw,
paint" are expressed with the same term; eamehå, it is
pictured, written on; eamšeme, it is written, pictured
(what one says, his words); eameš and eamxešena, one
(or.) is pictured (usually ref.to the face); naamxeše-
na.I (my face) am pictured, drawn; ezetxšena, one (or.)
its thus pictured (face); eatōoevxešena, he is pictur-
ed with eyes uplifted; eams toevxešena, he is pictured
sitting; eamxeoe, one (or.) is pictured (the whole
person); päozistoz, päozistotoz (pl.in.) and päozisto-
tỏ (îr.),p., photograph; epäozistove, it is a p.; napä-
ozistoto (or.), napäozistoz (in.), my p.; zehepäozis-
tovsz, it is one's p., the p.of one; zehēpäozistovesså,
I dash
they are their pictures, photographs, the pictures are
theirs; amxešenà toy,p., drawing of face; amxeoestoz, p. of
the whole person; mxeeozistoz., p., also used for stere-
opticon views; mxeeom, tipi, lodge with pictorial writ-
ing; mxeeozistomanistoz, stereopticon views, moving p.]
pie, toovano, toovanōnoz (pl.).
(pl.). [(the showing of them).
piece, see mend, patch; namano enoto, I p. them (or., sp.of
dry goods) together (by sewing); naevhapevanen, I
p., repair, q.v.; see together; vònita, a p.of;
kòkonhôo, a p.of bread; etamo, it is blunt
(with a p.
off); inf.-vesse in small pieces, slices; vessemakä-
tansz, small change (money); navovessax, I cut it in
small pieces, slices; see cut, slice; epēvoeha, it lies,
is dashed, crushed to pieces; epēvoehansz, they (in.)
lie crushed, dashed to pieces; epēvoeš, it (or. as
stone) lies dashed to pieces; epēvoešena, it lies
(stative) crushed to pieces; epēvoešen, they (or.) lie
crushed, dashed to pieces; napēvoehaz, I crush it to
pieces (by throwing, dashing); napēvoehazenoz,
them (in.) to pieces; napēvoešemo hohona, I dash the
stone to pieces; epēvoešeme, it has been dashed to
pieces; epēpeōs tahansz, they (in.) are blown to pieces
by the wind; epēpeōstaxeo, they are torn to pieces by
the wind; naonenxana, I take it to pieces; eoninšeoz,
it is in pieces, demolished; eoninševoeha, it lies bro-
ken, torn to pieces; eoninševoehansz, they (in.) lie
torn, broken to pieces; eoninševoeš or eoninševoešena,
it (or.) lies broken, torn to pieces; eoninševoešen,
they (or.) lie torn to pieces; naoninševoehaz, and na-
oxevoehaz, I throw it so it breaks to pieces;
ševoešemo and naoxevoešemo, I throw it (or.) so that
it is broken to pieces; evhapevanenistoz, the piecing,
repairing; see mend, repair; vovessaxestoz, the cutting
in pieces or slices; pēvoehasenistoz, the crushing to
pieces (act); pēvoešenàtoz, the being crushed to piec-
es; naevhamamovana, I p.it again together; evxseonoz,
pieces, fragments of victuals; peetto, pieces, débris:
evaneonoz, p.; suff.-oxs has sometimes the meaning of
"integral, inherent, part, chunk,p.of"; mhahaoxz, it is a
p lump chunk of; hešeevoxz, mud in pieces, chunks; ho-
evoxz, chunk, p. of meat; hoemaoxz, part of the law; he-
tanomaoxz, a lump of mud.
pierce, see bore; naotaemxesta, I p.it; naotāemaso, I p.
it (or.,ref to finger nail, stone, etc.); eotāem-
xe, it is pierced (with instrument); eotaemxensz, they
(in.) are pierced; eotāemxeo, they (or.) are pierced;
naotāemiestomovo, I p.his (in.); naotāemxemo,
I p.his
(or.); naotaeoha nazhessam, I p.my pipe stem; natōene-
òno, I p.one (or.) with nails, I nail him; hoom nahōha,
I p.it thru; hoom eoeōhe, it is pierced thru; novs eo-
eōhe,it is pierced in (not thru, less than thru); na-
pilgrimage, amhoxovistavàtoz,
amhoxovistavàtoz, p., continuous journey,
traveling; eamhoxovistavàtove, it is a p.;
amōsemestoz, p., fleeing from; amehestoz, p., journey, the
moving on; niamehestonan hoeva, our p. on earth; nivos-
tanehevstonan hoeva eamehestoven's, our earthly life
is a p. (Ger.ein Dahinziehen).
pill, zeoacemenósz esẽoxz, pellets of medicine;
noz, pills, pellets, small round berries. Heto zeoa-
cemenosz esẽoxz nitosemhastanoz noniš nistoha ešēva
nahá, this pills thou art to swallow two at a time,
every day three times.
pillage, ešēnovao, they are pillaging; našēno, I p., rob,
plunder him; našēnomōenon zehetaeaenomaz, he
pillaged, plundered all we had; šēnovatoz, the pillag-
ing; šēnazistoz, the p.; šēnovahe,-vaheo (pl.), robber.
See rob.
pillar, tomseto, tomsetonoz (pl.); zetomseo, zetomseōsz
or zetomseonoz (pl.), p., the upright; tomsetoea,
like a p.; tomsetonoz zistaho-nešeō mhão, the pillars
upon which the house rests.
pillow, maestō, maestōno (or.); ehaestoneo
maestō, the
p.is long; hohona namaestōnenotto, I take a stone
for a p.
pilot, zeneevaozz semo, the one who guides a boat; nane-
evaozého, I p., guide him; neevaoztsanehe, p., guide.
pimple, enoneen, he has a pimpled face; noneenestotoz,
pimples (in the face); eoeven, one has a rough,
pimply skin; epopeešen, he has pimples on the face;
popeoonha, toad.
pin, v.,naséòno, I p.one down (stake); naséhoha vē,I p.,
stake the tipi; séhoxzz, p., stake it! Naséhohe, I p.,
stake the hide on the ground; niséhohēmå, we p.the
hide; nasenôhassen, I p. (by piercing and fastening to,
as a brooch or a skewer); nasenôhaz, I p.it; nasenoeš-
emo, I p.one (or.); zesenoešenassỏ, the pinned ones
(or.); zesenoeš emesso, the ones (or.) who have been
pinned; esénoeha, it is pinned in, thrust into; eséno-
ešena,it (or.) is pinned; nahàpaovo, I p., pinch one
(or.) between; ehàpaōenov, it pinned, pinched them
(or.), as under a piece of timber,etc.; nasèpatoha, I
p.(as with a safety p.to fasten two edges together)
nasèpatòno, I p.it (or., ref.to robe, shawl, coat, etc.);
nasèpatohomovo, I p., fasten his (in.) together by
means of a p. (or safety p.); hesthōma nasèpatohemo, I
p.his robe together; nahoxosèpatoha, I p., fasten it
close together; ehoxosèpatooz, it is pinned close to-
gether; epavesèpatooz, it is well pinned, fastened to-
gether; naséhootoham, I p.the horse down (with picket
p.), stake him; senôhasenistoz, the pinning; sèpatoo-
zistoz, the becoming pinned, fastened with a p., safety
p.: hàpaosanistoz, the pinning, pinching; hàpaovazis-
toz, the pinning one (obj.).
pin, n.,séhoestoz, -estotoz (pl.),p.,stake; eséhoestove,
it is a p., stake, there is a staking; sého otohamestoz,
picket p.; sénôhaseo, -seonoz (pl.), p.like a brooch,
badge; esénôhaseoneve, it is a p.; sénôhaseoneva, with
a p.; hoetoseo,p., badge; ehoetoseoneve, it is a p.,
badge; sèpatôo, -tôonoz (pl.), contracted from sèpato-
heo,p., safety p.; esèpatoheoneve, it is a p.; ekseha-
and aksehavèhoheškovohestoz, -totoz (pl.), p., lit.
little heated white man's thorn [vèhoheškovohestoz,
needle]; eaksehavèhoheškovohestovensz, they (in.) are]
pincers, hàpaneo and hàpanistoz, p.; see pinch. [pins.
pinch, nahàpanen, I p. together; nahapana, I p.it, to en-
close by pressing of two lateral sides; nahàpa-
na mxistō,I close the book; nahàpaovo, I make one to be
pinched, pinned (as between two logs, stones); nahàpaa,
I make it to be pinned, pinched; nahàpoha, I p. (instr.
form); hàpanistoz, the pinching, pinning; naheškana
(in), naheškano (or.), I p.one; heškaneoneva netā hes-
tanoz, take the size of a p., take a p.of; naonimotaôo-
heškano, I p.him (by twisting the skin); nahoxneno, I
p.him; naho tôného, I p.him (on the face, in scratching,
see scratch); napooēsena, I p. it off (with finger
nails); napooĕsenomovo, I p.his (in.) off with nails;
napooĕsevoxta, I p.it off (with teeth); napooĕsevomo, I
p.it (or.) off; napooĕsexa, I p.it off (with knife);
napooēsena hàpaneoneva, I p.it off with pincers.
pine, nanhazetan, I p., long; nhazetanoxtoz, the pining;
xamaešistato,p.tree; šistato,p.or fir tree; šista-
toeše,p.forest; vokomešistato, white p. or fir. The
name šistato is given to the coniferous trees; šista-
[p. [mazen =arm pit].
pinion, mazhenōn, p., the wing of a bird; hezhenōn, its]
pink, emaomazevxtav, it is p.; eohosezeovxtav, it is
salmon p.
pinnacle, heamōnôon and hekamōnôon; ehekamōnôoneve, it
is a p.;hekamōnôoneva, on the p.; nahekamōnēno,
I set him on the p.; nahekamōnēnano, I put him on the
p.; nataxeēnana hekamōnôon, I set it on the p., point.
pioneer, nha zemeonaotsansz, the one who prepares the
way; zehoxovoonansz, the one who bridges over;
both terms are fig.and imply "the one who prepares
the way for another".
pious, xanovemómå tahe, he is p. (also orthodox); eéàtoe-
vostaneheve, he leads a reverent life; eéàtoēta, he
acts piously, reverently; emómåtavostaneheve, he is p.,
(Christian devoutness, godliness); niéōstaemómåtavos-
tanehevhemå, we live a p., Christian life; pavéàtoes-
toz, piousness, reverence; xanovemómåtahestoz, pious-
ness, orthodoxy; éàtoemómå tahestoz, piousness, religious
reverence; éàtoevostanehevestoz, the leading of a p.
life; zeéàtoemómå tahesz, the p.one; éàtoemómå tavo stan,
pipe, eoxq,eoxknonoz (pl.), tobacco p.; eeoxkoneve, it is
a p.; nazeoxq, my p.; nszeoxkonan (nszeoxkonehan)
our p.; heszeoxkonevo, their p.; heeseveō, p.made of
bone of a deer's leg; vèhoeveō, white man's tobacco
p.; mozenaeō, sacred tobacco p. (without a bowl and
straight); Eōneva, Pipe-woman, pr. name; eō, (usually
a suff.) denotes tobacco p.). Eoxkoneva, with the p.:
vèhoeveōneva, with the white man's p.; see smoke; nata-
meoanham, I get the doctor with the p. Zevèpōsz, stove
pipes, the hollow ones (in.); mahäta zevešeēstonēha
màp, water p., lit.iron thru which water is let in; ma-
häta zevešhōstonēha màp, iron pipes thru which the wa-
ter is let out; enoka mahäta zevešeēstonēha màp mhä-
on, one pipes, leads the water into the house; na
hen mahäta etamasó-hénevoneha nitao mhäon, and that p.
branches (radiates) into the whole house; zehestoe-
oáešeneota etaōstonēha màp, into all the different
rooms it leads, brings (out) water.
pistol, kao, p., revolver.
pit, vox, p., hole (in the ground); maxevox, p., large hole
in the ground; emaxevoxeve, it is a p.;
eva, in the p.; voxše, place where pits are; evoxšeeve,
it is a place of pits, it is full of pits; zsaamxaose-
onevhan vox, a bottomless p.; aenonevox, dark p., dun-
geon; eaenonevoxeve, it is a dark p.; eseanao voxeva,
he falls into a p.; mazen, the arm p.; nazen, my arm
p.; mooezen, rough arm p.; hestaheme,p., kernel, seed;
esaahestahemene vhan, it has no p.,kernel.
pitch, hooxe natomoxtanō, I p., set up the tipi poles;
ēšetomoxtaneo hooxe (or.)., the poles are pitched,
set up; natovono eneoého, I p., set them up, stack them
(sp.of tipi poles, as rifles are stacked); natohovôn, I
p.the tent (ref.to stretching the cloth on the poles;
see tipi. Naxamoxz'nheme, we p. camp; exhamoxzeota-
nov vós, they pitched their camp before a mountain
peak, a high hill; ehešksota, it is pitched pointed,
sets with a high p.(sp.of roof); eheomtoohota, it is
too low pitched;
etaheomhešksehahe, his voice is
pitched too high; nanxpeam, I p., make it impervious
with p.,glue, etc.; axc, p., gum; eaxceve, it is p.,gum;
nasehoena, I p.into the ground; naséhoha vē, I
tent (by pinning it to the ground); see pin, stake;
naséhasen, I p., soak into (as in sopping); see dip,
soak; naséahasen, I p., throw down into; naséahàz, I p.
it into; naséahamo, I p.one (or.) into; naséoesz, I
p.it into (as a net); naséhoena amōheszistoz, I p.,
launch a boat; naséax, I p.into (by running); nasxso-
ax, I p., plunge into (battle, fight); see plunge, throw,
thrust; easetahasen, he is pitching (in base ball
game); easetahàz, he pitches it; ease tahamo, he pitches
it (or., when ref. to the ball); easetahame, it is
p. the
Spar (matt
pitcher, meneevetō,-vetōnoz (pl.); emeneevetōneheve,
is a p.; meneevetōneheva, with a p.; meneevetō
zeohotomoena matan, a p. full of milk; zeasetahasensz,
p.in a base ball game.
pitchfork, zenaēsetto,p., hay fork.
piteous, see pitiful.
pitfall, àtoaseom; àtoaseomensz (pl.); àtoaseomē, at, in
the p.; eàtoaseomeve, it is a p.;
eššemō, p.,
trap (old expression); eššemōneheva eseanaoō
tive form), he fell into a p.; hoanàtoz is synonym to
the precedent terms. [navenomoxta, I feel it keenly.
pith, ven, p., marrow; heszevèn, its p., marrow, medulla;]
pitiable, ešivatamoētto, it is p.; našivatamoē, I am in a
p.,piteous, pitiful condition.
pitiful, same as pitiable; ešivatamahe, one is p., piti-
able; šivatamahestoz, pitifulness.
pitiless, esaananonhé, he is cruel, implacable; esaahe-
šivaztastové, he has no pity.
pitted, zeoešstāhemenattōsz,p.fruit;
han, fruit which has no pit.
pity, šivaztastoz; ešivatametan, he has p;
tanotovo, I have p.for one; zešivaztasz, the one
pitying: ešivaztaheoneve, he is merciful; našivatamo,
I p.him; ešivatame, one is pitied; oanhometto or mo-]
placate, see appease.
[moxtometto, it is a p.
place, nahoxeosan, I p.in order; natahoz, I p., set it;
natahoo, I p., set one (or.) on something;
hosan, I p.upon; natotahosan, I p.upon several;
hoz hestatamōn, he places it on each shoulder;
sanistoz, the placing upon; etahosanistove, it is a
placing upon; nametomevo, I make p., room for one, also,
has been
give him opportunity; name tomon, p., room
made, given me; nitao zeoxeme tomonetto, tho I be given
p. [zeoxemetoenomonetto, tho it be exchanged for me]:
namxtaeovo, I mark. designate (prepare) a p.for one;
namxtaea, I mark, designate a p.for it; following are
transitive forms of the same verb: namxtaeoxta, I lo-
cate it; namxtaeoto, I locate him; mxtaēva, sign where
a camping p. was); mxtäota, p. where camp was; namxtae-
nan, our camping p. (ref. to the p., not to the tents);
emxtaeosan, he marks, prepares a location; mxtaeosanis-
toz, the marking, locating a p.for; mxtaeovazistoz, the
marking a location for one; mxtaeotazistoz, the locat-
ing one (obj.); oxs, another p., elsewhere; ooxs, other
places; eooxseoz, he is misled, led to another p.; tae-
oxs, to the wrong p.; navez, my p., where I stay; hevez,
one's p., abode; pavhastoz esaahes tovhanehez'
heva, kindness
has no p. (is not inclosed) in his
heart; totama zexhestastovs, each in his own p.,order;
naễnanen, I p., put down, set, depose; naenana, I p., set,
depose it; naēnano, I put one (or.) down; naēnanoe, I
put, set down, I plant,q.v.; nataxeēnana, I p., set it
down upon; natâta, I p., set it before; natâtomevo, I p.
it before one; esaamahaomaohan, it is not a large p.
(of ground); sitoesta, fire p. (in the lodge); zexhoes-
tave, fire p., where there is fire; pref.zè- (before
consonants except "h"), zex- (before vowels and "h")
denotes "the p.where"; zexhoes, the p. where he lives,
stays; zèvōmo, the p. (or time) where I saw him, or when
I saw him; zeo (often contracted into "zo"), at this
p.; heexovošestove, its (or., ref.to animals) p.of rest
(Fr.gîte); heestohestove, its (of birds) resting p.
(Fr.gîte); hozeohestoz, p., position, job; nahestanomovo
hestozeohestoz, I take one's p., position, job;
hoevo or meto nahoevo, in turn I stay where he was, I
take one's p.; naneoxzevo, I go to one's p.: hoestoz,
the p.of residence, where one lives, stays; zexhoevo, at
my p.; naamsthoe, I take a p., sit down; amsthōsz, have
a p., seat, sit down! Naĕsztomot'san, I speak for, in p.
(substitutive); naēsztomtâ, I speak for one, in one's
p.; naneoxzevomotâ, I go there in one's p., for one;
see Ch.gr. for the formation of the substitutive m.;
heva něhovetonhao, if it were me, where we say "in your
or his place"; vehoneomē, at the chief's p.,lodge; zex-
hessenènetto, the p. where it comes from; sean, the p.
where the dead ones go to; ōstoneomē, the p., lodge of
offering; see lodge; taxeohesseo, shelf (supported by
feet, legs); etaxeohesseoneve, it is such a shelf; see
room; emaxepoota, it is an open, unoccupied p.; emhätō,
it is an empty room, space,p.; see space; hotaz, in
(of what was expected); oatōs, (exclamation) in p.of]
placenta, see womb.
placid, see calm; ehekotōmoehå, it is p. (of a body of
in P.
plague, naôzetanoho, I p., bother one; naôzetanohan, I am
plagued; namavetanoho,I p., weary one; nahomose-
han, I am plagued, vexed, annoyed; emähamoxtastove, it is
a p., epidemy, disease: ôzetanohazistoz, the plaguing
one (obj.); mavetanohazistoz, the plaguing, wearying
one (obj.); ôzetanosohe or zeôzetanosōsz, the plaguing
one (subj.); mavetanosohe, zemavetanososz, the worrying
one (subj.); maxhesseozistoz, the p.,pestilence.
plain, zistoxton, the p., level country; toxtō,p., prai-
rie; etoxtoešeeve, it is a p., prairie; inf.-nōv- =
p.,open; etanōvezhesso, it is p., evident; etåxtanōve-
oz, it becomes, is p., evident, open; natåxtanōvana, I
make it p., open; enōveoz, it is p., open, not hidden;
ohatōs or oatōs, plainly, self evident! (exclamation,
see under place). Namesta, I make it p.in words, I ex-
plain; namēs tomevo, I make it p.,explain to one (or.);
namēstomosan, I make p.in words, explain; see explain.
Inf.-mesē plainly, sincere, openly, minutely, in de-
tail, honestly; namesēhòtahaovo, I told him plainly, in
detail, honestly; emesehazta, he is p., open, honest, sin-
cere; esaamesehaztahe, he is mistrusting, not open, not]
plaint, see lament, weep, groan.
plait, nato anena, I p.it, in the sense of interweave; na-
totoovemaena, I p.it (in folds); etotoo vemaene, it
is plaited, folded in layers; etotoovemacha, it is
plaited (as paper); etotoovemaeš, it is plaited (as
plan, nahoeman, I p., make a decision to go by; natšetan-
oxzeva or natšetanoxtovå nahoeman zetoshesso, I p.,
lit.in my mind or thot I make a decision how it shall
be; naōhetanota zetatosešstoon, I p., consider how it
is to be built, constructed; nanistamxea zetatoshesso,
I p. (by drawing) how it shall be; oxtosemhäonanisto-
vēsz eoxcevovoemxeohe mhão, when a house is to be
built it is first drawn: Maheo hesthoemaosanistoz
etovan nisaamäheneenohenon, we do not know all of
God's plans (decisions) for us; namehaneoxzetan, I was
planning to go there; nanistaexanen, I p., prepare; na-
tšetanoxtovå nanistaexanen, I p.beforehand in my thot;
see prepare.
Nanistaēvetanona zetosheševetto, I am
planning, pondering beforehand what I shall do. Nista-
exanenistoz matšetanoxzeva, the planning in the mind;
mxistō zeneevamhäonanistove, written plans of a house,
building; Maheo henistaexanenistoz etovan, God's
plans, preparations for us.
plane, nasesenôn, I p.; nasesenoha, I p.it; nasesenòno
šistato, I p. the board; sesenônistoz, the planing;
zeto šistato ēšesesenohe, this board (or.) is planed;
sesenôo, -nôonoz (pl.), a p., planer; sesenônehe, the one
who planes; nasesenoha taxemesestoz, I p.the table;
esaasesenôhan, it is not planed(in.); see level, smooth.
planer, sesenôo, -nôonoz (pl.); esesenôoneve, it is a p.
plank, popòpoe-ōmhaox,-oxnoz (pl.); see beam.
plant, naēnanoe, I p., set in the ground; [naĕnanen, I
set, place down]; naēnanooxta, I p.it; naĕnanooto
hooxz, I p. a tree (or.); zeēnanoesz, the one who
plants; zeēnanooxto, the one who plants it; eēnanoohe,
it is planted; enanoestoz, the planting; ēnanoestotoz,
the plants (planted); zehoneo, a p., that which grows
(on the ground); zetohetahoneo, all the plants; mäho-
neoxtov, the vegetable kingdom; suff. "-ó" ref.to. p.
life, growing; eohaó, there is dense growth of plants
or trees; epavszehavoóeve, it
is a nice head of p.
(flower); epavoó, it is a good p.; eoxoxzevoó, it grows
(the p.) green; emasomaóeoz, it turns red (the p.);
see grass, tree, vegetation. Here follow a few names
of plants; the exact Engl. rendering or botanical
names may be given later under a special appendix on
fauna and flora: móe, móesz (pl.), common name for all
grasses, it is usually used in the pl.form; mhâsz, red
grass, rough prairie grass, bunch grass; zestósz, blue
grass; hekósz, buffalo grass; nōeanavósz, loco; mata-
vósz, cactus p.; onšcevēsevósz, kind of reeds; vēse-
vósz, very tall, rank grass with which the Southern Ch.
make their windbreaks; exovavósz, another kind of
reeds; vitanósz, cat-tail; mhonaton, kind of reed; moo-
mstas, reeds; heškovósz, thorn bushes; hànovósz, thorny
weeds like sand burs, etc.; esoxoenos, rank weed with
yellow flower similar to the sun flower (sometimes
called Chinese Chrysanthemum); heškovoenos, species
of sun flower; vanósz, comon name for sage, [hence the
name for Wyoming in Ch.is Vanôno sage place; Vanohe-
taneo, Wyoming people (ref.to the Northern Arapaho)];
veoxcevanósz, bitter sage; xamaevanósz, native sage;
hetanevanósz, male sage; moxtavanósz,black sage; mae-
menósz, red berry bush; makōmehess, kinnikinic, lit.red
bark; hotamemenósz, dog wood (bush); easetto, vines;
mènemenósz, snake bush, also pepper plant;
plant; tàpenoósz,
flute shrub (whose wood is used to make flutes); mäa-
senósz, bush with bright red berries; heškovemenósz or
àkanósz, bush with black berries; heškovehestaàzemen-
oz, black berry bush; maevoeozevósz and maeveozevósz,
tall weed, similar to hemp, but emitting blood red sap
when twisted; meemeaton, low juniper bush; hepan, edi-
ble mushroom; moxtaen, wild turnip; seozemhân, wild
melons; oacemata, white mushroom; exaenehan, wild
ions, etc.; see under medicine; voxрósz, cabage, etc.
plantation, enanoestxe or enanoeše.
planter, ēnanoehe; eēnanoeheve, he is a p., farmer;
noevého, white man p., farmer.
plaster, napapanoena, I p., spread it over (by hand); na-
napapanoha, I p.it, spread it over (instr.);
papanoea, I p.it, smear, spatter it over; napapanoeovo, I
p.it (or.); examaenš papanoeōenov ahanomaoxz, they
(or.) are perfectly plastered over, bespattered with
clay; voozenaeva navešepapanoha hotoma mhão, with p. I
smear the inside of the house; hotoma evešepapanoeo
voozenaeva, the house is plastered inside;
ve, it is a r.; šešenovozhetaneo, R.-people,
Comanches; xamašešenovoz, the genuine, real r.
ravage, emaxevonanenistove, it is a great r.; see des-
troy, destruction.
enonotovstaha, one raves, is mad; see rabid; evons-
zeha, he raves, has delirium; emomátaehahe, he raves,
talks with rage; naohā-momátaehahetova, he raves at me
(-hahe- ref.to the voice); nonotovstahàtoz, the rav-
ing, being rabid; vonszehàtoz, the raving, being frenzi-
ed; momátaehahestoz, the raving, raging.
ravel, see unravel.
raven, devoto and ōheo (both pl.); õhetaneo, R.-people
or Crow Indians; hokoxc, little r.or crow,q.v.
ravenous, ehāpohe, he is r.,gluttonous; hāpohetan, r.man;
hāpohestoz, the being r.; emesheeoneve and
emevsaneoneve, he is r.; eohamesetan, he is ravenously
hungry; see voracious; enamakōva and enamakōvax,
eats ravenously, gorges with eating.
ravine, zetovomao, a gap in the ground; hohona zistovōs,
r., a gorge in mountains.
ravish, see ecstasy, enrapture, rape, rob.
ravishing, evonhetotaetanonov, it is r.
ravishment, vonhetotaetanoxtoz; vonhetotanhestaomenhes-
toz, condition of r.; pēsanistoz, pēszeovazis-
toz, pēetazistoz, r., rape; šēnazistoz, r., robbery.
raw, ehóe, it is r.; ehóeta, it (or., as potatoes, toma-
toes, beans, etc.) is r.; ehóetao, they (or.) are r.,
uncooked; aestomamesestoto zehóetasså,r.potatoes; ze-
hóēsz mataocemenoz, r., green (not yet roasted) coffee;
esóhóeta zeto henen, this tomato is still r.; nxóe,r.;
nxóe nivémese, do not eat it r., uncooked (ref.to
meat): ehóxao, it is r., green, q.v. Eonexoeoešeš, he is]
rawhide, hóea; see hide. [r., abraded, has a skin wound.
ray, ešehemahe, sun's r., arrow; see streak, strip.
razor, ocemeàzenahezistoz; naocemeàzenàno, I shave one.
as Eng.pref.is rendered by inf.-evha- in Ch.
reach, nataéoxta, I r.it, come up to it; nataéoto, I r.one
(or.); nahoxtamesta, I r.it (come up with it);
nahoxtamo, I r.one (or.); nahoxtamevaeno, I quickly,
soon come up with him; etaeha, it is reaching, extend-
ing to; etāeš (or., as in speaking of drygoods); etāe-
oz,it has reached completly; etahoeoz, it reaches, ar-
rives, attains to; etaoē, he has reached (after a
ing, a journey); etaoētanov, they have reached their
goal (towards which they were moving, journeying);
etatóeš,it or one has reached at, up to; etatoeha, it
reaches up to; etaota, it fills, occupies all of; etaè-
netto, it reaches, extends (a course, process); the inf.
-tā- implies "full amount, extent, size, all over"; na-
hestatana, I r.for it; hovèn ehestatana or ehest'tana,
he quasi reaches it; esaahestataneonevhan, it is not
within r.; ehestaetta, it gives r., access to, is an en-
trance; nahestanen, I r. towards me, I take; nahestana,
I r.it towards me, I take it; nahéstomevo, I r.after it
for him; nahesevaena, I r.quickly, take hold of, grasp
it; zeoxkas-hesevaene, that which is within easy, short
r.; zeheškas-hesevaene, within easy r.; ehestatatovão,
it reaches, comes within r. (of fire and smoke); hovèn
nahestatatovaoto, the fire (and smoke) comes quasi (al-
most) in reach of me; nahóeš, I r.at, attain, am able;
nahoešena, I have attained, am able; nahóešemo, I make
one to arrive, attain, r.at (see cover, alight, light);
nahoana, I r. it to, extend it (as something to a
place), also means: I desire to eat; nahoanomovo hes-
zeneva, I r.it to one's mouth; nixhoaneha nimoešą,
thy finger here! Nixhoeonaoxz, r.here thy hand! Nata-
ešheneena, I have learned it, have reached it with
knowledge; nataešemahaciseheve, I have reached old
age; natahooxz, I am reaching for home; nataešhooxz, I
have reached home; natamese, I will eat; nataešemese,
when I shall have eaten, after my eating is reached, is
all over; zehetā- as pref.implies the whole r., ex-
tent, amount, size, volume of"; "ze" as pref. or incor-
porated particle is related to "ta" [words with "ta"
often are changed in careless languge as "zaxce" and
"zezce" for "taxce"; tozanom and tozea for totanom]
and implies "extending, reaching, pointing forward,
ahead"; nahes tatoo, I am within r., sight of; nahesta-
tōxta, I r.sight of it; namxaa, I r. the bottom (with
foot); esaamxaoseonevhan, the bottom cannot be reach-
ed, touched (by foot); see touch. Inf. -mxastov- =
reaching, covering all, satisfied, content.
read, nahōesta,I r.or count it; nahɔ̃estomevo, I r.it for
one; nahōston, I r.; ehōeme, it is r.; mxistō oxhōe-
mēsz, when a book is r.; hōestonestoz, the reading.
reader, nha zehōestonsz, the one who reads.
readily, expressed by inf.-mase- =willingly, r.
readiness, nonotohastoz, the being ready; see
tion, ready.
ready, expressed by inf.-nonoto-; nanonotohanen, I make
r.; nonotohanistoz, the making r.; enonotohanenis-
tove, they are making r., or there is a preparing; ze-
I am
nonotohanesz, the one who makes r.; nanonotohae,
r., in readiness (state); nanonotohaoz, I have made my-
self r.; nanonotohana, I make it r.; nanonotohano,
of the preceding; zenonotohanasz, the one making me
r.; zononotohansz, the one who is made r.; nanonotoha-
ovo, I make him to be r.; nanistanonotohanen, I make r.
beforehand; nanonotohanomoxta, I make or am r.for it;
enonotohota, it sets r.; enonotohoe, he stands r.; see
handy. Eexaota, it is, sets r.(as a house); naexaotana
mhäo, I make it r., finish it, set it done; eexátansz
menoz, the berries are r.,ripe; esaaexátahan, it is not
r., cooked, ripe; navaxē, I am r., fixed up (for war or
dance, feast), arrayed; navaxeeno, I make him r., fix him
up, array; naeštāeoz,I am r., have reached all, have
sufficiently; esaaeštāeozé, he is not r., has not
finished his preparations, has not enough, is not suf-
ficient; hovae zsaaeštāeozehan, something unready; in-
sufficient; see prepare; inf.-notox- handy, in readi-
ness, preparedness; see handy.
real, in Ch."o" denotes "real, actual, concrete as a
solid, tangible, set"; etóenhesso, it is really, actu-
ally so; inf.-onisyom- truly, in reality, actually;
onisyometto, also onisyó, r. actual; see true. Inf. -ho-
ko- denotes "real, certain"; nasaahokoheneenovohe, I do
not really, actually know him; esaahokopevaehan, it is
not really good; inf.-xama- r., absolute.
realize, is expressed by rad. -ō- in the sense of "to
present to the mind or sight, perceive as a
reality,effectuate". Ehetomō, I r.that he is true; em-
seōn, I r., see, perceive that they eat; ehamoxtäō, I r.
that he is sick; nasaavoxtôno, I did not see it, not r.
the sight of it (at a certain place). Anos epevheta-
nevō, I r.that he is a good man. This "5" is much used
in narratives, bringing the story before the mind; na-
monheneeno, I r., know now; natãohemetan, I r., apprehend
really, xamaetto,r., actually, absolutely; see real.
realm, matšetanoxzeše, the r.of thot; havsevstxe, the r.
of evil, where many evils are; this suff.-eše and
-estxe ref.to "extent, reach, area, loose agglomeration.
reap, naoenoe, I am a reaping; oenohestoz, the reaping;
naoenoeta,I r.of, concerning it; naoena, I r., pick it
(fruit); nao enanoz hòpaehemenoz, I pick grapes; eoeno-
hestove, it is a reaping, they r.; pen'nôo zeoxcevešeo-
oeš, a reaper, lit. that with which wheat is cut; see
rear, noos, the r.end or part, outcircle
(as in a coun-
cil, dance, ceremony); noos hóroe, at the r., close to
the tent wall; nooxtó, at the r., in the back part, as
in a building, church; ehezax mohèno, the horse rears,
bucks; mohèno etovtáo, the horse rears; natomoxtana, I
raise it up; etomoxtoe, he sits up,rears; namans-
ton, I r., erect; naešeéhō kokôaxan, I r. chickens; see
back; notxeo noos zeam'nevoss, the warriors who walk
in the r.
Kara Par
reason, naōhetan, I r.,consider in mind; ezhešeōhetano-
ta, he reasons thus about it; naōēsz, I r., present
to the mind in words; naōēsztovo, I r. with him, advise
him; naōhazesta, I r., examine it (in mind or by
sight); naōhatamo, or.of preceding; emanoeōhetanō, they
r.among themselves; nitaēveōhetanotanon, let us r.
about it; inf.-hesse- r., cause; enahan zehesseêszet-
to, that is the r.I speak; hovae nasaahesshahenon, he
has no r., cause against us; nahessého, I make him the
r., cause; hesshàzistoz, the r., cause why. Emashanē, he
has no r., is unreasonable; hena zehesseaxaemeozz, what
is the r.of his crying? Hena zehesshoeoxzess,
the r.of your coming?
reasonable, etatoxetan, he is r., rational; etatoxetanon-
ov,it is r., rational;
rational; inf.-voeše- =joyfully
but has also the meaning of "well so, reasonable,: in
place"; emevoešhota, it may well be there, it is r.that
it set there; otherwise inf.-pave- well, or -ono-
"properly, correctly" are used for r.; etapavhōeme,
reasoning, see argue, debate.
[has a r.,good price.
rebate, nashovhõesta, I r.it, make it less in cost, worth,
value; nashovōemo, I r.him; eshovhoxtovotazis-
tove, there is a r.in the sale, or, there is less sale.
rebel, natōhaeztovo, I r.against, oppose one; esaaevha-
amàtaheo, they r., do not obey any more; esaaevha-
amàtovohevo, they r. against him, do not obey him any
more; enonohenomo hetovovo hevehonamevo or henitáeame-
vo, they r., against, resist their chief, ruler; enonohe-
nomohetovovō zenitáeziss, they r. against the ruler;
see resist: naohaetaotovo navehonam, I r., rise against
my chief; see rise.
rebellion, oxsaaevha-amàtohēsz zenitáesz, when the ruler
is not obeyed any more; saaevha-amàtahestoz,
r., the no more obeying; tōhaeztovazistoz, r., opposi-
tion; all these terms do not render the exact mean-
ing of r. Oxnonohenomohetōesz zenitáesz, and oxnonohe-
nomohetōevosz zenitätsanessỏ (pl.), r., resistance
against the ruler or rulers (authorities).
rebellious, nha zenonohenomoheto hoemanistoz or nitáes-
toz, the one who resists the law or authori-
ty; esaaevhanitáetovàzetan, he is r., does not want
be ruled any longer; enitáetan, he wants to rule, is r.
rebound, noka epōeš, nixa epōeš (or., as in speaking of
balls), it rebounds, bounces once, twice; napōeš-
emo, I make it (or.) r.: epōešeme, it is made to r.;
nanoxtaotova, it rebounds against me; also náevhanhaé–
ova, it rebounds, recoils against, collides with me;
eoxceevhavoeha, it rebounds, recoils; eoxceevhavôhansz,
they (in.) r.,recoil; eoxceevhavoeš, it (or., as a
ball) rebounds.
rebuke, navéhoes tomoe, I r. (doing so); navehoestomosan, I
r. (predicative); navehoe to, I r.one; navehoesta, I
r.it; zevehoesz, the rebuked one; naōhaevamo, I warn
him; nahoxe evamo (adding vehoestomohestovå =with r.),
I r., urge him to be orderly, clean; navešeōhaevamo ve-
hoestomohestovå, I warn him with r.; vehoestomohestoz,
the r.; vehoes tomosanistoz, the rebuking; vehoetazis-
toz, the rebuking one (obj.); see punish.
recall, nanehevamo, I r., call him back; nanehevavēnàno, I
r.,order him back; naevhameetanosého, I r.to his
mind, remind him of.
recede, eevhanōvatto, it recedes (of liquids);
► jan
see di-
minish, dwindle; eevhanōvaoz, it becomes receding;
see water.
receipt, amhastoz, the receiving; naešeamha, I am in r.]
receive, naamha, I r., or r.it; naamhänoz, I r. them (in.);
namhänotto, I r. them (or.); natooneeamha, I r.
continually, without interruption; nahèpeamha, I r.
more; naamōxta, I r.it (for my toil, trouble, work);
amōmo, I r.one (for my work, trouble); nanoōmo, I r.,
treat him, similar to namaseztovo; namahaosan, I r.
greet, welcome; namahaovo,I r., greet, welcome him; na-
metan, I received, I am given; namaseztovo, I r., welcome
him; namasezta, I r., welcome it; zetohetāeamhaz, all
that we received.
receptacle, vehoseo; evehoseoneve, it is a r.; vehoseo-
neva,in the r.; vehaneo, r.,small bag, en-
velop; see bag,box.
reception, amhastoz, the act of receiving; maseztovazis-
toz,noōmazistoz,r., welcome; mahaosanistoz, r.,
greeting; mahaovazistoz, the r.of a friend; zehešeam-
haes, at his r.of, when he received; zehešemaseztōs, his
r., the way he was received.
receptive, eoxcemase-amha, he is r., receives willingly.
recess, zèvecetto, inner corner, depression; also zèvece-
voneo; same as niche, nook.
reciprocal, noname to, r.,mutual; nonameto emehotàzeo,
they love reciprocally, one another; meto,
in turn; both terms can be incorporated as inf.
reciprocate, expressed by inf.-hotxove- =alternate, to
and fro; ehotxovemetàzenov hovae, they r. in
giving something mutually; emetoemetàzenov, they r. in
giving (it) to each other, one another; see exchange,
reciprocation, nonameto-mehotàzistoz,r.in love; noname-
to-metàzistoz, r.in giving;
tàzistoz,r.in fighting, warring.
reciprocative, expressed with either
nonameto or meto
with the v. in the reflexive voice; (see Ch.gr.); hot-
xovetto,in a r.manner, alternating, to and fro.
recital, hòtahanistoz, the reciting, telling, narrating;
ehòtahanistove, it is a r., in the sense of tell-
ing, narrating.
recite, nahethòtahan, I am reciting; zehethòtahansz, the
one reciting, relating, narrating; nahethòtahaovo,
I r.to him; nahethòtahane tovo, I r., tell concerning
him; see tell.
reckless, evavaneta, he his r.,rash; esaanešetahe, he is
r., thotless; esaaonokotahe, he is r., careless,
shiftless; ešenitamahe, he is r., insolent, loose fel-
low; ehestatamahe, he is r., bold, rash, intrepid;
rash. Hestatamahemeo, road of recklessness, danger (in
Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress). Vavanetàtoz, reckless-
ness,rashness; hestatamahestoz,recklessness; saaono-
kotahestoz, the being r., careless.
reckon, see calculate, count; eqsãevõeme, he is reckoned
a sheep; nahōstomon, it is reckoned unto me,
for me; nanohōstomota, I r.it for; nahōemetan, I r.,
have so many counts; hōemetanoxtoz, the reckoning, re-
compense; éš hōemetanoxtovå, the day of reckoning; see
deem, esteem.
reclaim, naevhavēsta, I r.it, ask again for it; see ask.
recline, nanoneesenonao, I sit reclining (resting on el-
bows backwards); nakaemaeho, I sit reclining
(backward); see lean.
[see recognize.
recognition, nanovazistoz, the recognizing one (obj.); ]
recognizable, eneevaheneenoe, it is r., known by.
recognize, expressed by inf.-nan(e)-; nananeoto, I r.one
by his tracks; nananeoxta,in. of preceding;
nananovo, I r.him (by sight); nanana, in. of preceding;
ninanovà zhemå, we r. each other; nananon, I am recogniz-
ed; nananomevo, I r.it for one (or.),
for one (or.), concerning him;
nananone to vàzheme, we r.each other, are reconciled
each other; nananeàtovo, I r.one (by his voice); nana-
neàta,I r.by hearing it; nananéàta, I r.it by taste;
nananéasen, I r.by taste; ǹananevaovo, I r.him by touch
of feet; nananevaa, I r.it by touch of feet; nanane và-
no, I r.him by indirect touch (instr.); nananevaha, in.
of preceding; nananevano, I r.him by touch of finger:
nananevana, in. of preceding; nananematoxta, I r.it by
smell; nananematomo, I r.one by smell; naneevaheneeno-
vo, I r.,know him by a mark, sign; see know; heexansz
navešenanovonoz, I r.one dy his eyes; naneotazistoz,
the recognizing by the tracks; nanovazistoz,
the re-
cognizing one by sight (also in general); nanovsanis-
toz, the recognizing: naneàtovazistoz, the recognizing
one (obj.) by hearing; naneasenistoz, the recognizing
by taste; nanevaovazistoz, the recognizing by touch of
feet; nanevanazistoz, the recognizing by touch of
hand; nanevahestoz, the recognizing by instrumental
touch; nanemo tomazistoz, the recognizing by the smell.
recoil, eevhavoéha, it recoils (as an arrow, etc.); eev-
havoehansz, they (in.) r.; eevhavoeš, it (or.,as a
ball) recoils; eevhavoešen, they (or.) r.; this term
(-evhavoeš) is also used in the fig.to say "one is
ineffective"; Maheo heēszistoz eevhavoešemez' heveto-
vevo zsaanietametōhess, God's Word is ineffective for
those who do not trust in him; see rebound; nahosso-
ostax,I r., step back (with a jerk or quickness);
momhemeohe, I r.; namomhemeohe zeéšivaeno, I r.from]
recollect, remember.
[fear (sudden) of him.
recommend, napevhosesta, I r.it, speak well of it; napev-
hossemo, I r.one; in the sense of "advise, ad-
monish" suff.-vamo (or.) is used; naoanoevamo,
advise him to be quiet; naaseoxzevamo, I r. him to
leave; epevooseoneve, he is well recommended, has a
good report.
[epevhoses tomohe, he has good r.
recommendation, pevhostomo hestoz; epevhōstomohe or]
recompense, hōemetanoxtoz; naevhâztomevo, I r., compen-
sate him; naevhahenetano, I r.; naevhahe-
netanomevo, I r.it unto him, for him; navovēmo, I r. (in
words of praise); navoveahetovo, I r.to him (in acts);
onenxomevazistoz, r., reward; evhâztomevazistoz, r., com-
reconcilable, enanovazetaneoxz, he grows r.; enanoneone-
ve, he is r.; esaananonhe, he is irreconcil-
I r.
reconcile, naevhamamovanō, I r. them, bring them together
again; evhamamovanazistoz, the reconciling;
eevhananoväo, they are reconciled; nievhanao vàzhemå, we
r.to each other; ninanonhetovàzhemå, we are reconciled
with each other; see appease.calm, peace, soothe.
reconciliation, evhananovazistoz, the reconciling one
(or., with); eevhananovastoz, the state
of being reconciled; evhamamovanazistoz, the being mu-
tually reconciled, meeting together again; nanomonhes-
toz, r., peace making; nanonhetovazistoz, mutual r.; oa-
noevaostomohestoz, r., making quiet by talking.
record, naamhaz, I r. (by writing); naamhàtomovo hevehes-
toz, I r.one's name: eameha, it is recorded, writ-
ten; eamšeme, it or one is recorded. written; ezhešeam-
šeme, it is thus recorded; esaa-amehahan, it is not re-
corded, written on; epevhōstomohe, he has a good r.,re-
commendation; epevooseoneve, he is well spoken of, has
a good r., report; ehavsevhōstomohe, he has a bad r.;
ehavsevooseoneve, he has an evil r., is evil spoken of;
see reputation, fame. Zehovtxeeozēsz, the stored up
writings, records, also library: zeamhaztsansz, the one
who records; amhaztsenistoz, the recording.
recount, name sehòtahan, I r., tell in details;
hanistoz, the recounting; namesehòtahaovo, I r. to one;
namesehòtahaneta, I r. concerning it; namesehòtahaneto-
vo, I r.concerning him; zemesehòtahansz, the one who
recounts. See tell, narrate.
recover, naevhaaena zèmehavoneoeszetto, I r.that which I
had lost; naevhapevomoxta, I r., am well again.
recovery, evhaaenazistoz, the recovering
of property;
evhapevomoxtastoz, r., the being well again.
recreancy, ocevovoze (ze)vestoz; see faithless, treacher-
[zeōcevovoze (ze)vsz, the r.one.
recreant, eōcevovozeve, he is r., treacherous, deceitful;]
recriminate, meto emomaxstomohe, he recriminates, accuses
in return; meto-momaxstomohestoz, recrimina-
tion; nha zeme toe-momaxsetanevaz, the one who recrimi-
nates, who returns one accusation with another; meto
namomaxemo, I r.against him. See accuse.
rectangle, hovèn eamshaesso, it is a r. (drawn or plane);
eamseveevetovatto, a r.body hollowed (trough);
hovèn eamsexovaveevetovatto,it is a r. (body, solid).
rectangular, see rectangle, shape.
rectification, onoanenistoz, the rectifying;
toz,r., the making right, correct.
rectify, naonoanen, I r., correct; naonoana, I r.it; nao-
noano,or.of preceding; zeonoanensz, the one who
rectifies; zeonoano, the one who rectifies it; naonoa-
ovo, I make him to be rectified, correct; naonoého, I do
r.,redress him; naonoēta, I am one who does r.; nao-
noatamo, I deem him right, correct; see correct, right,
[in the moral sense); see right
rectitude, onoastoz, the being correct, right (usually)
rectum, mazeo and maszeoo; heszeoo, one's r.; nas'zeo or
nas'z, my r.
recuperate, naēveevhapevomoxtäoz, I am recuperating; see
recover; naevhaoanaxanomoxta, I r.; evhapevo-
moxtäozistoz, the recuperating; evhaonaxanomoxtastoz,
the recuperating, feeling eased.
recur, eoxceevhanhesso, it recurs, happens again; in Ch.,
when recurrence or repetition of action takes
place, the first syllable of the verbal stem becomes
reduplicated, as, evoxq, it is crooked (one bend); evo-
voxq,it is crooked (several bends); epevoēta, he does
good; epopevoēta, he does good repeatedly; name to,
give him; namometo, I give him several times; taeva, at
night; totāeva, recurring every night; ešēva, to-day;
oešēva, daily, recurring every day; ehavsevoēta, he does
evil; ehathavsevoēta, he does evil repeatedly; evoho-
veoz,it comes apart; evovohoveozeo, they (as boards)]
recurrent, see alternating.
[come apart.
red, rad. -ma- blood,r.; emao, it is r.; emako, it is r.
(diminutive form); emakonsz or emaonsz, they
(in.) are r.; emaeta, he is r.; emae tao, they (or.) are
zemaetaz, the r.one (or.);
r.one (or.); zemao or zemako, the r.one
(in.); namaena, I make it r.
I make it r., redden it;
redden it; namaeno (or.);
emavōna, it is a r. morning; emaōmano, it is r., general
aspect, as atmosphere, etc.; emaeneoz, he reddens (in the
face); namaenen, I am r.faced; emaaneova, he is of red-
dish fur; emaova, he has r. fur; zemaovaz, the one with r.
fur; zemaovasso, the ones with r.fur; zemaovessesso, he
has r.hair; zemaovessz, the one with the r.hair:
vess, he has r. hair; emämakoovess, his hair is all
r.; emaevōme, it looks r. (of liquids); namaevōmaného, I
make him look r.; emaevōmanehe, it is made to look r ;
emaaneō, it reddens, makes r. (liquid); emaaneoetto, it
reddens, makes r.(solid); emaone, it is r. (thread, string);
namahotona ovo, I braid, weave it (or.) r.; emahotona, it
is braided r.; emaoneeo sitoxceo, the rope (pl. or.) is
r.; emaoneonsz, they (in.) are r. (something having a
round body); emaaneōva, it gets r. (liquid); emaōva,it is
r.water, also he is bloody under the skin; emaōmeha, it
is a body of r.water; Maōm, Red river, name given to the
South Canadian river in Oklahoma, also pr.name for per-
sons. Emaēnaoszeo, they turn themselves r.; this is said
of a kind of grasshoppers, which at some time of their
development fly high into the air and come back with
wings turned r.; etamomakoen, he has r. (sore) eyelids;
emämomakoaen, he is painted r.all over; emaoĕsettonsz,
they bud, bloom r. (-ēsetto ref. to the end or point of
branches, prongs, etc.); namähasen, I dye feathers r. (by
dipping in r.color, but not boiling); mähaseonosz, a bush
whose black berries yield a fast r.dye; namaháen, I col-
or r.(by means of cooking, boiling); nimaháenhema, we
color r.by cooking; maetxo, weed whose root is cooked to
make r.coloring; hessozeva evešemaháenistove, by means
of its roots r.coloring is obtained (by cooking); namä-
hohēn ešehe, the sun burns us r.; namáehono, I burn, heat
it (or.) r.; namáehoha, I burn, heat it r.; emáehota, it
is r.,glows from heat; maxemenoz emáehotansz, the apples
are r. from heat; ešeheo emáehoe vostan, a person scorch-
ed r.by the sun; emaoaoensz, they are made r.; namaoaovo,
I make one (or.) to be r.; namaoaa, I make it r.;
ensz, they (in.) are light r.,pink; maohe om, maohe omensz
(pl.), r.lodge; eoxcemaoēhensz, they (in.) are tied, wrap-
ped with r.strings; Maoheomenehe, Maohe om, Maoheomen, Red-
lodge (owner), pr.namė; nahemaoheomē, I have a r.lodge;
nihemaoheomēmå, we have a r.lodge; Ešeoxmahāsz, Redmoon;
Honeomaovaz, Redwolf (fur); Honioxmahāsz, Redwolf;
menoz, Redberries; maemenoz, red berries; xamamenoceo,r
willows (or.); Maeoxta, Redleg; Maehe, Redliver or Red-
woman; Maomaoxzevea, Red-earth or -ground; preceding are
pr.names; maekamxeo, r. wood; makōmehess, r. bark, kinnikin-
ic; xamaemata,r.cactus; eheovemao, it is orange r.; see
color, dye; maevecess,r.bird; Maevess, Redbird, pr. name;
mae, the r., blood,q.v.
The Ch. think much of the r.
color, it symbolizes to them life and joy. Dull r.(ma-
etom) is used for ceremonial painting; namakoaenàz, I
paint myself r.; xamavostan, the r.man (or genuine, in-
digenous blood). Emaevsen, he has r. painted horns;
emaohe hoàn, the shield is r. (made so); emaoheo hoá-
non, the shields are r. xomō emaene, the spear is
painted r.; emakoē, it is r. (of quill or feather
work); eoxcemaomae heàzeneva, he is painted r. on the
arm; eoxcemaensko, they (persons) are striped with r.;
mašeonon evešenō, it is wrapped with r.cloth; mašeonon
navešenoenoz (or.), I wrap it with r.cloth; emaestae-
ne, it is tipped with r.; namaestaena, I tip it with r.
redeem, naēnanomoxta zistoseevhaaenom, I r., pay for it,
in order to own it again; navostanevého, I r.,
save him; evostanevstoman, he occasions redeeming, re-
demption; navostanevehan, I am redeemed; navovēheva, I
r., ransom; see ransom; navenootan, I want to be re-
deemed, delivered; navenooho, I prompt him to be de-
livered; see save.
Redeemer, Vostanevhan, Vostanevstoman, also Venootxevahe;
see Savior; evenootievaheve, he is a R.; veno-
otxevahestoz, the being a R.; vovēhevàtoz, r., ransom.
redemption, vostanevstomanistoz; evostanevstomanistove,
it is a r.; venoohazistoz, the redeeming, de-
livering; venootanoxtoz, desire
for r. deliverance;
venooxevà toz, the r., redeeming (as a medium of de-
liverance, an act done for another); evenooxe vàtove or
evenootxe vàtove, it is a r., deliverance for one.
redress, see rebuke, punish; navehoeto, I r.,rebuke one
(in words); naoneevàtohe, I r.,correct; zeonee-
vàtōsz, the one who redresses; oneevàtohestoz, r.,dis-
cipline; naoneevamo, I urge him to r.; naoneevaovo, I
make him to r.; the inf.-evha- the Eng.re-,
and can
be used in the above terms; naonoana, I r.it; naonoa-
no (or.of preceding); naonoého, I do r.him; naevhaono-
ēta,I am a redresser, reformer; onoētastoz, the act of
redressing, reforming; naevhavovôtana, I r.,reform one;
naevhavovôta, I am redressed, reformed; naevhavovôtae-
tan, I want to r., reform.
reduce, nazceéxa, I r., by filing, cutting (on the sides
or surface); natameéxa, I r.it by filing (either
end); eevhazeceoz, it has been reduced (in size); eev-
hatxkomxéo, they (or.) have been reduced (in numbers);
eevhazcetaō, they (or.) have been reduced (in size,
amount); etoxkonaoz, one becomes reduced, emaciated;
see diminish, recede; esovhōeme, it is reduced in val-
ue; eanavhoxtova, he reduces his price, sells cheaper.
reduction, anavhoxtovotazistoz, r., in price of sale, pur-
reduplication, see recur, repeat; in Ch. the initial part
of a verbal stem is repeated once
to express recur-
rence, repetition of the action. See Ch.gr.
reed, moomstas, mhonaton and exovavósz, ref. to different
kinds of reeds.
reel, ehohozeš, he is reeling, staggering; ehohotšetto, it
is reeling, staggering; hotšenàtoz, the reeling.
refer, nanheto, I r.to him (in sp. of him, meaning him);
inserted "n" after the pers. pref. implies refer-
ence or relation to something previously mentioned or
done; né, the one mentioned before; zènvēstomonetto,
referring to what I am asked (to give); nanetoahe, I
like it so (referring to); nanethòtahan, I tell,nar-
rate, referring to something; nanethozeohe, I work (as
referred to); suff.-evo also implies reference to a
place, time or object; nihetazevo, I said of, referring
to, concerning thee; hane zèmezevos, the ones (or.)
thou gavest to me then; zexhoevo, there where my place
is, where I live.
[objects, purports.
it has r.to, aims,]
reference, see apply; ehešetovatto,
reflect, ehénehóta, it reflects heat; hénehótàtoz, the
reflecting,radiating of heat; ehemàtasoomat-
to, it reflects, as an image; ehemàtasoomaeha, it is re-
flecting,a reflection; evohôotta, it reflects, shines,
q.v.; naēvetanona, I am reflecting (in thots); see
reflection, hénehótàtoz,r.of heat, heat waves; ēvetano-
naestoz,r. (in mind); vohôotàtoz, r.,shine;
ōhetanoxtoz, r., consideration; when "r." implies "per-
ception, coming to the mind" it is expressed by the
reflective m.; see Ch.gr.
reflexive, see r.voice in Ch.gr.; r. is expressed with
suff.-àz; navōmàz, I see myself.
reform, same as redress, correct; naevhapevanen, I make
it good again, amend; nitaevhapevananon nivosta-
nehevstonan, let us r., amend our way of living; evha-
pevanenistoz, the reforming, making better again; evha-
pevanazistoz, the reforming one (obj.); ēševhapevane,
he is reformed, bettered.
[making better again.
reformation, evhapevanazistoz;
refrain, see keep, hold back;
evhapavemanistoz, the]
nanšhekotoma, I keep my
peace; nasaaoxo, I r.from saying anything.
refresh, naosotomaného, I r. one, make him rested; see
rest, solace; naevhamonana, I r., renew it, see re-
new; naevhaosotomoeoz, I am refreshed.
refuge, naamōsem, I flee for r.; zeamōsemsz, the one
fleeing for r.; naasetōseme, I leave, flee from,
for r.; see flee; nahetōseme, I take my r.to; nanoxtō-
semetovo, I take r.to thee; see shelter.
refund, naevhame tonoz hemakätaemoz, I r.his money; heto
makätansz nazeevhame taneno voz, this money will be
refunded to you.
refuse, nahōsz, I r.,hold it back; nahōsz nasaametohe, I
r.to give it to him; epapaponeho,
epapaponeho, he refuses to
move, budge; naméstov, I r.to eat; ehoanahe, he refuses
to work; hoanahestoz, the refusing to work; hoanakaš-
goneo,children who r. to work, disobey; hoanahetaneo, ]
refute, see confound, confuse. [men refusing to work.
regalia, vaxēhestoto, all the "fixings"; vaxēhestoz, the
arraying, fixing up.
regard, naono atamo, I r., esteem him; naonoazesta, in. of
preceding; see care, consider; papas nasaahesse-
tamohe, I have no r.for him; papas nasaahesseztohe,
have no r. for it; see heed; naohāpevatamo, I have
high r.for him; ono atamazistoz, r. for one;
also peva-
tamazistoz. Vovoxpone as inf. =without r., strictly,
regenerate, naevhamone-maneoxzesého, I cause him to r.,
to grow anew; evhamonemaneoxzistoz, regenera-
tion; evhavovôstâzistoz, regeneration, new birth; ev-
havovôševostanehevestoz, renerated, renewed life; eev-
havovôševostaneheve, he is regenerated. See change.
region, can be rendered with suff. -oomē and -oom in a
few words; havsevoome, the evil r.; matavoomē, the
wooded regions; pavoome, the r., place of the good; ho-
estavoomē, the fiery r.; meztovoomē, the r. of persecu-
tion, torment; otatavoom, the blue r., sphere (firma-
ment); tåxtavoom or tåxtaom, the open r., atmosphere;
axtonoomē, the underworld r.; totanoom, the r. of the
past; vonoom, the original time, epoch.
register, see record.
regret, navevešhesseanovetanoozeta, I r.concerning it,
have regrets over it, feel downhearted, sad
about it; navešhesseanove tanoozetovo, I have regrets
over, concerning him; navenomoxta, I r.,feel sorry,
this term fits better for "feeling sore, offend-
ed" than "r."; eahanoms taha, he deeply regrets it, has
remorse; ahanomstahàtoz, r., remorse; naahanoms tahaoze-
ta, I have deep r.concerning it.
regular, taevavetto, by measure, according to rule; inf.
-oxce- r., recurring habitually, methodically.
regulate, nataevávistomosan, I r.it; nataevávistomevo, I
give him regulations; natotāevana nathozeohes-
toz,I r.my work, work by rules, regulations; nataeváv-
hoeman, I r., make a regulation, a rule; nataevávhoema-
oxta, I r.it.
regulation, tãevávistomosanistoz, the regulating; tãevá-
vistomevazistoz, r.; taevávhoemanistoz, r.,
rule; zetoheštaevávhoemaohe heto mhäo, according to
the r.of this house; also zetohešeēnane hoemanistoz,
according to the r.of the law.
reign, enitáetsan, he is reigning, ruling; zenitáetsansz,
the one who reigns; nitáetsanehe, the ruler, reign-
ing one; see rule; nitáetsenistoz, the reigning; nitá-
rein, zetanohames toto, the reins, lines; natōhaenoham,
I r.on
r.in the horse, hold him back; navhoneno zetanoham-
estoto, I hold up the reins, lines; nahesevaenō zetano-
hamestoto, I take hold of the reins.
reiterate, see repeat, recur, reduplicate.
reject, navoohoeto, I r.him; navoohoesz, I r.it, throw it
away; zevoohoēsz, the rejected one; zevooho-
eszz, the one who rejects it; napeosan, I r.,repel
(from a dislike); napeoxta, I r.,dislike it; napeoto,
or.of preceding; see dislike,exclude, throw; nanōoséo,
I r.one, cause him to be forsaken, left; nanōosetan, I r.
rejection, voohoetazistoz, the rejecting; voohoestoz, the
being rejected; noosetanoxtoz, r., the forsak-
ing, in thot.
rejoice, navoešetan, I r.; nahessevoešetanotovo,
his account; nahessevoešetanota, in.of preced-
ing; navesse voešetanomo, I r. with one; navoešetanoho, I
prompt him to r.; inf.-voeše- with joy, contentment,
satisfaction; sometimes -voeše- expresses "good, al-
right, very well"; evoešhota, it is good that it is
here; evoešhoeoxz, it is very well that he arrived;
napevetan, I r., am glad, q.v.; nahotometan, I r.inward-
ly, in anticipation; eamhotomeoxz, he goes on rejoic-
ing; enxhotomeoxz, he comes (hither) rejoicing; see
joy. Voešetanoxtoz, the rejoicing; voešetanohazistoz,
the making one r.; pevetanoxtoz, the rejoicing, glad-]
rejoin, naevhahoxseoz,I r.; see join.
rejuvenate, see renew.
[his former condition.
relapse, zèmehahesta etaevhanhesta, he relapses into]
relate, see narrate, recount; nahetaemo, I r.to one, tell
him; ninetaemaz, this is all I r. to thee;
esaatãosemehan, it cannot be told; nanóonena, I r., con-
nect it (in the sense of connecting "ends"); namamo-
vana, I r., bring it together (lateral connection);
enóonetto,it is related, belongs to, with; epavemanóo-
netto,it is well related, connected together (as the
articulations or parts of the body); inf. -5еmo-
(or), -oemota- and -õesta- (in.) ref. to "be counted
with, as one of"; namhaōemàzhema, we are all related to
each other; nitonetōemohe, how art thou related to
him? Etonitōemàzettonsz, how are they (in.) related?
Nahestatovo, I am in this relation, condition to him;
nahestata, I fit its condition. Inf. -no- together,
connected, related with.
relation, vōhestoto,r. (sg.and pl.); navōhestoto, my r.;
nivõhestonaneo, our relations; nivōhestovevō,
your relations; nahevõhestove, I have r.; nahevōhesto-
venoz, I have him for r.; nihevõhestovstovaz, thou art
my r.; ononovōhes toto, doubtful r., not well known r.
(when the r. between the parties is not well estab-
lished); etone tõemàzevo, in what r.are they (ur.), how
are they related? Etonetōemazetto, in. of preceding;
etone-nóonetto, how is it related, what connection,
has it? See connection.
relationship, võhestovetovazistoz,r. (blood r.); in the
Ch.gr.we have a m. of r.implying "possess-
ive connection by blood or otherwise". Following is a
recapitulation of r.terms: nihoe, my father; nàkohe, my
mother; namšem, my grandfather or my father-in-law;
nišceheme (also nisceheme), my grandmother or my
mother-in-law; nxan, my uncle (mother's brother, not
father's brother); nahan, my aunt (my father's [not
mother's] sister); nanéha, my (male sp.) older
brother; natataneme, my (fem.sp.) older brother; nisi-
ma, my younger brother or sister (male or fem. sp.); na-
axaeheme, my older sister (male sp.), or my sister-in-
law (fem.sp.); namhan, my older sister (fem.sp.); ni-
sis, my cousin or half brother or half sister;
nāa, my
son; zemahaetaz naa, my older son; zehaaxcetaz
nāa, my
younger son; nàtona, my daughter; zemahaetaz nàtona, my
older daughter; zehaxcetaz nà tona, my younger daugh-
ter; nanis, my child; nixa, my grandchild (boy or girl,
also son or daughter-in-law); nitov, my brother-in-
law; nitam, my sister-in-law (male sp.); niaxaeheme, my
sister-in-law (fem.sp.), or my sister (male sp.); na-
hyam, my husband; nazhe eme, my wife; nazenota, my nephew
(implying the male child of one's brother- or sister-
in-law, but not the child of one's own brother [when
male is sp.] or one's own sister [when fem. is sp.]);
náham, my niece. (implying the fem. child of
brother or sister-in-law, but not the child of
own brother [when male is sp.] or the child of
own sister [when fem.is sp.]); natovame, my kindred
(by marriage); nis'en, my friend (male sp.); nishee, my
friend (fem. sp.); navōhes toto, my relations; natonitō-
estoto, the one with whom I have relations; nistax, my
co-warriors. The 28 different terms mentioned can
each be modified into over 20,000 ways, the substance
of which is explained in the Ch. gr. under possessive
pronoun and m. of relationship.
relative, navõhestoto, my r., kindred.
relax, rad.-otov- slack, loose, shaky; eotovotane, it is
relaxed (ref.to bow string or an uncocked
trigger); eshovotane, it is somewhat relaxed, or get-
ting loose (bow string): rad.-shov- less than, dimin-
ishingly; eshovevovòponahe, he relaxes in strictness;
nashovevōsan, my sight is relaxed, is less than before,
diminishes; see relieve; eotoveoz, it is relaxed, shaky.
relaxation, see relief, rest, relent; otoveozistoz, r.,
release, naevhaēnano, I let him go, set him free again;
našexano, I r., set him loose; evhaēnanazistoz,
the releasing; Šexanazistoz, the releasing, setting
loose (from being tied, tangled, etc.).
relegate, t'sa oxs easetane, it has been relegated some-
wheres; naasetana t'sa oxs; I r. it somewheres
else; hoemhäon nataasetana, I relegated it in the cel-
I am
relent, nahòpsan, I r., modify, dissolve, melt; see melt;
nahòpého, I cause him to r.; nahòpetan, I r.(in
disposition); nahòpetanooz, I feel relenting; nahòpe-
mo, I r.concerning him, warn him (of danger for him);
hòpetanoxtoz, the relenting (in disposition); hòpeta-
noozistoz, the becoming relenting; hòpsanistoz, the re-
lenting (act); hòpéhazistoz, the causing one to r. See
spare (Ger.schonen). Estōneoxz, the cold relents. See
[esaahòpsané, one is r., pitiless.
relentless, esaananoné, one is r., implacable, cruel;]
reliable, emomeovahe, one is r.; zemomeovahesz, the r.
one; namomeovaeztovo, I show reliableness to
one; momeovhastoz, reliableness.
reliance, nietamistoz, r., trust, confidence; heovosetan-]
relief, see relieve. [oxtoz, r., assurance; see trust.
relieve, navostanevéha, it relieves me, gives me relief;
navistämo, I r.,help him; vistäozemsz, give me
relief, help! Eoxchaomoaomohetto heto esēoxz, this
medicine gives relief; naevhaénomata, I am relieved
from pain; navèpanāma oxtamaného, I give him relief (in
sickness, physical or other ills); navèpanaox, I am re-
lieved, eased (from bearing burdens); naoanaxan,
relieved, eased; no anaxanomoxta, I am relieved, eased,
quietened in my feelings; nahaehomoxtaon, I feel re-
lieved, appeased; nahaamosého, I r., quieten one; nahaa-
mosetanotovo, I want to r.him; namastohano, I r.one,
from burden; emastoheoz, he is given relief; nasèpoto-
maovo, I r.one's strain; nasèpotostahaovo, I give re-
lief to one's heart; namaxeomotom, I breathe free, am
relieved; naevhamaxeomotom, I feel relieved again;
sèpotostahàtoz, heart relief; sèpotostahaovazistoz, the
giving one (obj.) relief for his heart; oanaxanestoz,
relief; oanaxamoxtastoz and vèpanāmoxtastoz, feeling
of relief; vèpanaoxestoz, relief from bearing burden;
māstohanenistoz, the relieving from burden; mastoheo-
zistoz, the becoming relieved from burden; mastohana-
zistoz, the relieving one from burden; haomoxtomoxtas-
toz, relief, peace; vistämeozistoz, r., help; haamoozis-
toz,relief, the being appeased; haamosetanoxtoz, relief
in mind; eanōvatto, it is relieved, subsiding (sp.of
pain in the sense of receding, like water).
religion, hoes tomohestoz, see offer: mómåtavhoestomohes-
toz, sacred r.; zenitavhoestomoesso, the ones of
different r.; naonitavhoes tomoheme, we have different
religions; enahan zehethoestomohestovez, this (ref.)
is our r.; ovaxenàtoz, Messias r. (dreaming); matavean-
àtoz, peyote r.,ritual; éōstahestoz, Christian r. (bap-
tizing, baptism); evessezhešemómå tavhoes tomohe, he is
one belonging to this r.
religious, emómåtahe, he is r., pious; emómå tavostanehe-
ve, he is a r. person; mómåtavostan, r. person;
mómå tahetan, r., pious man; emómå tavoēta, he performs a
r.act; mómåtavoētastoz,r.act; emómåtavoan, he speaks
religiously, ceremonially; see holy, sacred.
reluctance, popexôstoz, slowness; honiztastoz, r., unwill-
ingness, disinclination.
reluctant, ehoniztae, one is r., unwilling, grudging, dis-
inclined, averse; ehoniztavenōhe, he looks r.;
esaamaseneševé, he does it reluctantly, not willingly;
nahoniztaetovo, I am r. towards him; oha honiztastovå
eoxceneševeo, they do it only with reluctance.
rely, see depend, trust; nanietamenoz, I r.on him; nanie-
tametovo, I r.upon him; there is little difference
between the two terms, the last is the older, now less
remain, nasethoe, I r., when others go; nanocsethoe, I r.
the only one; nanocē, I r.alone; natanovōsan, I r.
to watch; našeševisthōmo, I r.with him; nahāexovheeox-
ta, I r.a long time; etoomahe, he remains the same, does
not change; etoomenistxeo, they r.all together; inf.
-toom to r.in the same position, not changing; nato-
omhōsz, I keep it for good; etoomhota, it remains set,
where it is; nahetoomoéhàz, I make myself to r. the
same, unchanged; oxhesta nataĕvhesta, I r.in the same
condition; oxhesta epevomoxta, he remains well; màp
ešetaxceoena, a little water remains (in close
vessels); ēšetaxceōvatto, little water remains; inf.
-hee- r.,left behind; naheeoz, I r., am left behind;
oha zeto kašgon naheeoto, only this child remains to
me; heto naheeoxta, this remains to me; hovae esaahee-
noxzenov, nothing remains undestroyed; nasaaheeoxhes-
tové, nothing remains for me to say; nasaaheemakätae-
mé, no money remains to me, I have no money left;
nocšešnōotan, I am left remaining, r. abandonned;
zeheeoz, that which remains, is left over, remainder,
remnant; mavōxůz zeheeoz, the remains of the body.
remainder, hovae zeheeoz,r.; see remain.
remark, see notice; navhanenheve, I simply r.
remarkable, see astonishing, marvelous, strange.
remedy, see heal; hovae
which heals disease.
remember, nameetan, I r.; nameetanotovo, I r.him; namee-
nameetanosého, I make him r.;
tanota, I r.it;
nameetanona, I am remembering; nameetanonavoého, I make
one r.; nameetanonatovo, I am remembering about one;
the preceding terms ref. to remembrance in mind; name-
ovhosemo, I r.him (in words); nameovhosesta, I r.it (in
words), bring it to remembrance; nameovhoses tomohe, I
do bring to remembrance (in words);
vo, I bring it to his remembrance, remind him of; nato-
ovetan, I r., keep in memory; natoovetanotovo, I r.him,
keep one in memory, mind; natoovetanota, in. of preced-
remembrance, meetanoxtoz, the bringing before the mind;
meetanotovazistoz,r.concerning one;
nonaestoz, the remembering; meetanoozistoz, r. (present
or sudden); meetanohazistoz, the causing to remember;
meovhoses tomohes-
meetanosohestoz, cause of r.; toovetanoxtoz, r., the
keeping in memory, mind; toovetanotovazistoz, the keep-
ing one (obj.) in memory; nameovho semo, I bring him to
r. (by words); nameovho sesta, I bring it to r.; meovho-
semazistóz, the bringing one to r.;
toz, the bringing to r.
remind, nameetanoho (direct) and nameetanosého (indi-
rect), I r.him., cause him to remember; meetanoha-
zistoz, the reminding (direct); meetanoshàzistoz, the
reminding (indirect).
remission, vonanomevazistoz; see forgive.
remit, see forgive; navonanomevo, I r.it to (for) one;
naevhaēnana, I r.it, set it down again; naevha-
ēnanomevo, I r.for (his benefit) him.
remnant, zeheeoz, that which remains, is left; see re-]
remorse, ahanomstahàtoz,r.; eahanomstaha, he has r. re-
grets; zeahanoms tahaz, the one having r.
remote, hako vohēs, very distant; etazeoxzesz t'sa hako
vohēs hoeva, he has gone somewhere into a r.coun-
try; hako tozeha,r.in time (past): hako haeš, r.,very
distant; hako haeš heama, r. above; maeto hako haeš, in
the r.future; haeš or vohēs nahevōhestovenoz, he is a
distant, r. relative; see alien, distant.
remount, naevhataho, I r. (as on a carriage, horse); naev-
hatahoenoz mohèno, I r.the horse; naevhaéèn, I
r., reascend (an acclivity); eevhatahoeō, he stands
(having remounted); naevhatahoz, I r., set it upon
again; naevha tahoho, or.of preceding.
removable, eoxceasetanenov, it is r.; easetaneoneve, it
is r.; esaa-asetaneonevhan, it is not r.
removal, asetanenistoz, r., the removing(action); asetana-
zistoz,r.;heto zehešeasetans, one's r.(passive).
remove, naasetanen, I r.; naasetana, I r.it; naasetano, I
r.one (or.); naasetanomevo, I r.it for him (one's
benefit); naasetanomovo, I r.his (in.); naasetanamo, I
r.his (or., as coat, etc.); rad.-asetan- to take away;
zeasetanensz, the one who removes, takes away; zease-
tansz, the one removed; zeasetane, that which is remov-
ed; esaa-asetanehan, it is not removed; naookomao, I r.
the sod (in a tipi or before certain ceremonies); see
peel, shell, skin; nanitoxca, I r., take off my hat; ni-
toxcasz,r., take off thy hat; naasetanomeva navoxca, he
removed my hat, took it away; naōsepäen, I r. the ashes
(from fire place.
remunerate, naoninxomevo, I r., reward him; an informant
said that this term started among the North-
ern Ch., when the first "annuities" were given to
them, the boxes being broken open and their contents
distributed; naonenxana, I take it apart, in pieces;
naoninxomevo, I take it apart for one's benefit. The
contents of the box being regarded as remuneration
for the Ch.the term was subsequently made to mean
"reward or paying back". Naoninxomohe, I r.; naoninxo-
mosan, I r. (predicative). Ehozevatan, he wants to be
remunerated, to earn something.
remuneration, oninxomosanistoz, the remunerating (predi-
cative meaning); oninxomohestoz,
oninxomohestoz, r.,remu-
nerating; oninxomevazistoz, the remunerating one
(obj.); ehozevazesta, he expects r.; hovae nasaahoze-
vaztohe, I ask or expect no r.; hozevatanoxtoz, desire]
rencounter, see attack, encounter.
[for r.
rend, epopooneoz, it rends (something like rope, thread,
nets, long and round); napopooneohaovo sitox-
ceo, I r., tear asunder the rope (or.); naoxevoeno, I r.
it in two (cloth); navoeno, nao xaovo, napóeovo, I r.,
tear cloth (see tear, break, cleave, split).
render, navenoheškona, I r.lard; nahoxovensz
tovå, I r., translate it in Ch.; nahoxovensz vèho-
enszistovå, I r.it in Eng.; see interpret, translate.
renegade, eotaéanahe, he is a r., a fallen one (state);
otaéanaheo, the r.; zeotaéanahesso, the rene-
renew, naevhamonana, I r.it; nievhamonanomōenon vostane-
hevestoz, he renews our life, lit. he renews life
for us; evhamonanenistoz, the renewing; eevhamono maena
hoe, he renews the earth, the ground; inf. -vovôš- anew.
renounce, navoohoeto, I r., reject, disclaim, repudiate one
(see throw); navoohoesz, I r.,disclaim it, throw
it away; nanōosan, I r., abandon; nanōoto, I r., abandon
him; nanōoxta, I r., abandon it; naasetana, I r., put it
off; asetanom zetohetaevešhestomoeozess,r.to all that
which hinders you; hena zeasetanomass nitov, what did
you r.for my sake?
renovate, naevhamonana, I r.it; naevhamonemanisz, I make
it new again; see renew; naevhavovôšemanisz, I
r., make it anew.
see famous; emäheneenohe, he is r., known by all.
rent, see lease.
renunciation, see renounce; noosanistoz, the renouncing,
— partage
abandoning; asetanazistoz, r., the putting away, off.
repair, naevhapevanen, I r.; naevhape vana, I r.it;
hapevano, I r.one; zeevhapevanensz, the one who
repairs; zeevhapevansz, the one repaired (or.); zeev-
hapevane, the one (in.) repaired; also naevhapaveman-
isz, I r., make it well again; eevhapeveoz, it is re-
paired (ref.not to the action of repairing but to the
being now repaired); eevhapevane, it is, has been re-
paired; naevhavovetanen, I r., put in order again; heto
zehešeevhape vane etone tõeme, how much are the repairs
for this? Evhapevanenistoz, the repairing; evhapevana-
zistoz,evhapavemanistoz, the r
the repairing, putting in order again.
reparation, evhape vanazistoz.
repay, naevhâzta, I r., render it; naevhâztavoého, I r.un-
to one; naevhâztomohe, I r.; naevhatóhooto, I
r., bestow the same upon him (again).
repeat, expressed by inf.-tóevha-;
natóevhavoan, I r.
(the same word, utterance); natotóevhavoan, I r.
several times; repetition is also expressed by redup-
lication of the initial syllable of the verbal stem;
see recur, reduplicate. Inf.-hosse- another or second
time, again; -evhâse- again another time; -hotse- and
-evhâtse- again and again, repeatedly; hotxsetto, re-
peatedly (detached).
[r.it; see chase, drive.
repel, naaseozeto, I r.one, push him away; naaseozesz, I]
repellent, epeoseoneve, one is r.; napeoxta, it is r., re-
pulsive to me; napeoto, one is r. to me, I feel
disgust for him; see dislike, disgust.
repent, navovoneoz nathavseva or nathavsevoētastovå,
r.from my sin, evil deed; navešeanovetano nat-
havs, I r., feel sad, sorry for my sin; navovetanàz, I
change myself, r.; see change; naanove meseoz nathavs, I
r.from my sin, badness; zeanoveme sēozz, the one repent-
ing; -anov- sad, down hearted + -meseoz to come to
self, to better judgement; naanovemesēozeta natšezis-
toz, I r.over my deed; navovetanàzetan, I r., want to
repentance, vovetanoxtoz, r., change for better; vovetan-
àzetanoxtoz, the desire to change for better;
anovemesēozistoz, the repenting; havs zexhesseanoveta-
noxtove, feeling of contrition for sin.
repetition, tóevhavoanistoz, r. (in utterances); totóev-
havoanistoz, pl. of the preceding; hosseneše-
vestoz,r.of a doing; popevoētastoz, r.of well doing;
hathavsevoētastoz,r.of evil doing; see reduplicate.
repine, evenomoxta, one repines, feels sorry, discontent-
ed; see sour, bitter.
replace, naevhaēnana, I r., put it down in its place
again; name toenen, I r., exchange,
of; nametoena, I r.it; see exchange;
give in place
meto, in place;
zeheševoneōszetto nakokôaseo meto nasz nametan, having
lost my watch, another one was given me in place; zè-
mehahestanom name to-ēnana hovae, I r.by something that
which I had taken.
replenish, naevhaohotomoen xsan, I r.; naevhaohotomoe-
noxz, I r.it; naevhaohotomoenoto, I r. one;
-ohotomoen- ref. to make full (something having сара-
city); naevhahovxtsan, I r., store up again; naevhaetâ-
mana,I r.,make it plentiful; eevhaetâmeoz, it is re-
plenished, made plentiful again. Evhaohotomoenàtoz,
state of being replenished, full again; evhaoho tomo en-
xsanistoz, the replenishing.
[abundant, plenty,
replete, eetâmeoz, it is r., copious, abounding;
abounding; see]
reply, nanōsta, I r., answer; nanōstovo, I r.to him; nano-
sta,I r.,protest (in words); natohosenōsta,I r.
with provocation; naevhatohosnonōstovo, I r.to him
with provocation; nasaaoxhestohe, I do not r., say no-
thing; nasaaoxhestomovohe, I do not r. to his (in.);
hovae esaavešhess-nōstovohenov, they had nothing to
r., answer to them (or.); nōstàtoz, the r.
esaatonšenōstôhan, it cannot be replied, no r., answer
can be made to it. Navešenōstovo mxistōneheva, I r.
him by letter, paper. Nha zenōstaz, the one who re-
plies, answers; nha zenonōstaz, the one replying,
testing; nōstovazistoz, the r. (to one); evhatohoseno-
nōstàtoz, provoking r. Toho sohazistovå navešenōstova,
he replied to me in derision (meaning either that his
answer was derisive, mocking or that the derision was
his answer).
report, nahotono, I r.to one, inform him; nahéneotonova, I
spread the r., information; zehéneotonovaz, the
one spreading a r.; héneotonovahe, would be the name
for "reporter"; natoxhotono, I go about reporting, in-
forming; see inform; ehoehotonovàtove, a r. has come;
ehotone, it is reported or he is reported unto; some-
times the attributive form is used to express "re-
ported" in the sense of "said"; ehāmoxtaesz, he is re-
ported sick, is said to be sick; pevooseo, good r.;
epevooseoneve, he has a good r., is well spoken of; al-
so epevhōstomohe or epevhoses tomohe; havsevooseo, bad
r.; ehavsevooseoneve, one has an evil r., reputation.
reporter, hénehotonovahe, the one who spreads the re-
port, information; hòtahanehe, r., messenger,
repose, see lean, rest. [teller; ehotonovaheve, he is a r.
reprehend, see rebuke; navehoes tomohe, I r. [prehended.
reprehensible, emevehoes tomo hestove, it should
be re-]
reprehension, vehoes tomohestoz; see rebuke.
represent, nahevezhovaosan, I r. (predicative), liken
with; nahevezhovaovo, I r. one with, make
him to r.; nahevezhovenotto,I r.him or them; ehevez-
hov, it represents; eoxchevezhovenov, it does r.; nahe-
Gng. Gain (00
nehoveta, I r.it; naheněhovenotto, I r.him; nszhenēho-
vetovaz, I shall r. thee; evhanhetomohe, it is repre-
sented by, stands for; eoxchetomoetto, it represents,
stands for, symbolizes, impersonates;
ehetomōtov honeo, they r., impersonate wolves; naheto-
mōto hone, I r.a wolf; nahešetovahevezhov, I r.its na-
ture, character, object; zehešetovahevezovs henitáes-
tov qsāeson zexhevezovs, as he represents, character-
izes his rule with the likeness of the lamb.
representation, hevezhovanistoz, the representing,liken-
ing (ref.to character); henehovetomosan-
istoz and henehovetomohestoz,
r., the representing
(ref.to personality); henēhovetovazistoz, the repre-
senting one (obj.); nha zehenēhovetōezē, the ones
(or.) who represent us, our representation, represent-
repress, natohaeno, I r., check him; zetohaeness, the re-
pressed ones (or.); eoxnšhekotoma, he
his feelings, keeps quiet in spite, altho.. ; naōèno-
voomosàz,I r. myself, hold myself under restraint; na-
homosého, I r., quell, overwhelm one; nahósaxan, I r. the
tears; nasèpäen, I cannot r.the tears; natoomana, I r
stay it, check it from moving; natoomano, or. of preced-
ing; see keep or hold back.
repression, tohaenazistoz; tohaenenistoz, the repress-]
reprimand, see chide, rebuke.
[ing, checking.
reproach, nahomosemo, I r., upbraid one; nahomoseztovo, I
show r.to one; homosemazistoz, r., upbraiding;
homoseztovazistoz, showing r.to one.
prizna. Ca
reprobate, zeahansenovaz, the r.; zeahansenovasså, the
reprobates; eahansenova, he is r.; eahanseno-
vaheve, he is a r.; naahansenovazesta, I deem it r.;
naahansenova tamo, I deem him r.; natapeosenhesta, I r.]
reproof, see rebuke.
[it; natapeosenheto, I r.him.
reprovable, eoxeseoneve, he is r.; oxeseonevestoz, the
being r.
reprove, nasaapevaztohe, I r.,disapprove it; naonoevamo
nasz zeatoētasz or zeoxtoētasz, I r., correct one
for transgressing, erring; navehoeto zèno-onoevamo, I
rebuke him to redress him; heto zeheševetto nasaako-
pevaztohe, I r., do not approve what thou didst; nita-
nōortanon zetohetaesaapevaztomōhez Maheo, let us for-
sake whatever God reproves or does not approve in us;
tāma hetšezistovevoz eveševehoenovoz, they are reprov-
ed, rebuked by their own deeds.
reptile, mèn, mèneo (pl.), r., serpent.
repudiate, eéztomosan, he repudiates, denies; eèztomohe
zehešeamhasens, he repudiates his debt; evoo-
hoeto heszheem, he repudiates his wife; éztomohestoz,
the repudiating, denying; voohoetazistoz, repudiation,
the casting off, putting away.
repugnance, peosetanoxtoz, feeling of r.,disgust,
sion, dislike; napeoxta, it is repugnant, re-
pellent to me, I dislike it; napeoto, I have a r.for
repulse, nanomaomo, I r.one (by gesture);
naasetaovo, I
r.,drive him away; naaseozeto, I r., push him
[aversion, r.
feeling of]
back, away.
repulsion, asetaovazistoz; peosetanoxtoz,
repulsive, same as repellent.
reputable, epevooseoneve, it or one is r.; epevhōstomo-
he or epevhoses tomohe, he is r., well spoken
of; esaapevoose onevhan, it is not r.; esaapevoose one-
vé, he is not r.
reputation, pevooseonevestoz, the being reputable, having
a good report; emäpevatame, he has a good r.
is esteemed by all; emähavsevatame, he has a bad r.,is
deemed bad by all; epevooseoneve, he has a good r., re-
port; ehavsevooseoneve he has a bad r.
repute, same as reputation; see deem, esteem; ehaōvaesz,
he is reputed rich, said to be rich; eohāhavseva-
esz, he is reputed to be bad.
request, see ask; vēstomevazistoz, the requesting; naho-
zeto, I r., require him, ask him to do for me; na-
hozetan, I am requested to do; ehozee, it is requested;
nahoztomon, it is requested of me to do; nanethozetan,
I am so requested; ehoztomohe, it is requested of one;
hozetazistoz, the requesting one (obj.).
require, navovoxpone vēstomevo, I r., ask strictly of one;
evovoxponahe, he is requiring, exacting, strict;
evovoxponoae, it is required; esaavovoxponoaehan, it is
not required, not strictly involved, connected with;
enitoohe,it is required, essential; naasenēnàno, I r.
order him to leave; nahōènēnàno, I r.him, demand of one
to go out; see order. Nanethohaztomevo, I r.of him
(Ger. begehren); enahanez' Maheo zenethohaz tomōez, this
is what God requires of us; heto makätansz zeaenomas-
sēsz nitosenethohaz tomonenovoz, the money you own will
be required of you; see request.
requirement, zetohetahethohastov, all that is required,
wanted; zetohetaevēme, all that is asked;
zetohetāevovoxponevēme, all that is strictly required;
henova vostan zenethohaztomōsz, what is required, want-
ed of a person? See request.
requisite, hovae zenitáetto, something
something indispensable;
enitáetto and ekoxcenitáe, it is a r.,
pensable, all important.
requital, evhâztomohestoz; see retribute.
requite, see avenge, repay, retribute.
rescue, navostanevého, I r.him; see deliver, save; vosta-
nevhàzistoz, the rescuing one (obj.).
resemblance, see alike, same, similar.
resemble, esēšeneo, they r.in the face; esēešenōheo, they
r., have similar appearance.
resent, nahomoxtazesta, I r.it. it offends me; navenazes-
ta, I r.it; heto nahavsevetanoha, I r.it, it makes
me feel bad. See offend; evenahe, he is resentful.
resentment, venahestoz, venhastoz, r., sourness, offense:
venomoxtastoz,r.,also regret. [ing for one.
reservation, see keep back; hozeovazistoz, the reserv-]
reserve, see store up; nahozeovo, I r.for one; nahozeon,
it is reserved for me; hovae zehozeoness,
something reserved for you; naheena, I r.it (inf.-hee-
=left over); namascemheena, I r. only, barely any (for
me); nahono xheena, I r.most of it (for me); naheeno-
mon, it is left over, reserved for me; oha hosz
ansz niheenomotanenovoz, only some money is left over,
reserved for you; etãoseēsz, he is reserved in his
words (speaking), saves his words.
reservoir, t'sa zènitovovane, where
water is gathered;
or zeakōmoeha zevešhovitōvanenistove, pond by
which water is stored up.
reside, t'sa eve, where does he r.,have his abode? Zè-
vēs, where he resides, has his tent; näno navē, I
r.there; this term ref. especially to the tipi or
tent. Nahoe (silent "e"), I r.,am at, occupy a place;
zexhoes, where he resides,is,lives; zexhoevoss, where
they (or.) r., are, live; see inhabit, is, live.
residence, zèves, one's r.; zexhoes, where he lives, is;
see dwell, home, house, tipi.
resident, nha zehoeto hen mhäon, the r.of that house, the
one who occupies that house; nha zehoessỏ mãe-
vehoeno, the residents of the town; see inhabitant.
residue, zeheeoz, the r., remnant; see remainder.
resign, naénevaena nathozeohestoz or naénhozeohe,
I r.
give up my work, position; naoxnšekotomaamàta, I
am resigned, submit in quiet obedience.
resignation, oxnšhekotomaamàtastoz, r., quiet submission;
énhozeohestoz, stopping working, (only the
sentence connection will make it understood as r.).
resin, axc; see gum; eaxceve, it is r.
I r.
resist, nanonohenomosan, I r. (predicative acting); nano-
nohenomohe, I r. (actual); nanonohenomohetovo,I r.
him; nanonohenomoheta, I r.it; zenonohenomosansz and
zenonohenomōsz, the one resisting; nanonoevaeno,
him (for a short time); nanonoeno, I r.him; nanonoòno,
I r.him by striking; nahestometan, I want to r
to r.,hin-
der, put obstacle in the way; natōhaovo, I oppose, r.
him; natóhaota, I r., am obstinate, opposed to it; nató-
ahezesta, I r.it, am opposed to it (in disposition);
natōhaztovo, I r., oppose him; nanonōsta, I r. (in words,
protest); nanonōstovo, I r.him, reply to him: see reply.
resistance, nonohenomohestoz, the resisting; nonohenomo-
hetovazistoz, the resisting to one; nonōstàtoz,r.
test in words; see opposition.
resolute, see steady, firm.
resolution, exhoemanistoz; naešexhoeman nitov, I made a
r.for myself; toahestoz,r., steadiness.
resolve, nahoeman, I r., also determine, make a law; naeš-
exhoeman, I have resolved, determined; tāma etov
zehoemanetto nasaaheneenohe, I know not what thou hast
resolved for thyself; nahoeman zetosaaevhamanehetto, I
resolved not to drink any more.
Jang Gag
resonant, enistonevon, it is r.; see sound.
resound, see sound.
=with r.
respect, naéàtovo, I r., fear him; rad.-éàtoe-
fear; éàtohestoz, r., fear; naéàtoevostaneheve, I
lead a respectful, honorable life; namome ovatamo, I r.,
deem him respectable, wise; naonoazesta, I deem it res-
pectable, correct; naonoa tamo, I r., honor him; esaana-
notatanotovohe vostano, he is no respecter of person;
also eoxksaahèpohamatamohe vostano.
respectable, expressed with -on- and -momeov-;
vatame, it (or he) is r.; onhevá, r.woman;
eonheváheve, she is a r.,honorable woman; epevooseone-
ve, he is of good repute; napevooseonevatamo, I deem
him r.,of good reputation.
respectful, eonoazeoneve, one is r.; onoazeonevestoz,]
respiration, omotomestoz, the respiring; see breathe.
respire, see breathe.
respite, oanoeozistoz,oanoeotševaenaziztoz, rest, cessa-
tion for a short while; nasaaheoanoeozisto-
vé, I have no r.; nasaahaomoxtoéha, he leaves me no r.
resplendent, evovoasešena, it is r.; emävooasevōme, he
is, looks all r., dazzling; emäoaseōstahå, it
becomes instantly r.; emäoaseōs tax, he becomes all r.;
see shine; vovoasešenàtoz, resplendency.
respond, see answer, reply.
responsibility, ehessàzenov, they (or.) push the r.on,
blame each other; see account.
responsible, nahesshaenon, it is accounted to us, we
made r.for it; nahesshan or nahessehan, I am
r.; ehessàzistove, it is r., the cause; nanheeta,
I am
r., stand for it; natanēhovevomotâ, I will be r. for
him; naheszhovaon, I am made r.for it, it is put on me,
made my property.
rest, naosotomoeoz, I r.,become rested, have rested; nao-
sotomoe, I r., am resting; naosotomeš, I r.,lying;
naosotomoxta, I feel rested; naosotomoho, I prompt him
r.; naosotomstaha, I have r.at heart; naosotomaovo, I
make him to r.; naosotomano, I r., refresh him; nahao-
moxtoého, I cause him to r.,give him respite; namaxeo-
motomeoz, I draw a long breath, am relieved, rested; na-
ēvevešeosotomanhan, I am rested, refreshed by it; nao-
sotomaného, I make him to r.; nahooxtoeō and
eō, I lean resting on the staff; nihoktoeōenonsz nst-
hooxtonanoz, we r.leaning upon our staffs; etahonešeō,
it rests on, upon; zistahonešeōs, where one rests upon
for support; zistahonešeō, where it rests on (for a
support); nao anaxano, I r., refresh, solace him; eoanoe-
oz, he has rested, had respite; namastohano, I give one
r. from encumbrance, burden; see free, relieve. Osotom,
the r.; osotomoestoz, the resting; osotomstahàtoz,r.of
heart; osotomoeozistoz, the getting rested;
tastoz, feeling of r.; osotomanistoz, the making r.;
hooxtoeɔ̃estoz, the resting on staff; tahonešeōestoz,
the resting upon (for support); osotomohàzistoz, the
prompting r.; oanoeozistoz, the getting rested, having
respite; haomoxtomoxtastoz, feeling of r.,peace; OSO-
tomšenàtoz, the resting (in lying posture); naosotoms-
tahaovo, I make him to have r. at heart; naosotomstaha-
osemo, I inspire r.at heart (in talking to him); nao-
sotomoetan, I want r.; nasaat'sa-heosotomoestové, I
have r.nowheres; naoanoeoz nathozeohestovå, I r., pause
from my work; naoanoeoz zèmxistonetto, I r. from writ-
ing; eosotomoeoz hemähozeohestovå, he rests from all
his works; emastoheoz hevevoxestovå, he rests, is given
relief from his burden; nha zeosotomēvšenasso, the
ones who r. (in death). Final "o" usually "ō",in some
verbs expresses "still, stay without motion".
calm, cease, ease, peacefulness, quiet. Hovae zeheeoz,
something left over; zesetoesso, the r.of them (or.),
after the others are gone, the ones who remain.
restaurant, meshemhäo, eating house.
restful, eoanaxanetto, it is r., peaceful, it rests; eoa-
naxanatamano, it is r. (general); etaosotomo-
estove, it is r.
[hevat toha, in a way of r.
vovēhevatto or vove-]
restitution, see restore, ransom;
restive, see restless.
restless, naamosemeohe, I am r. (from being tired);
neetan, one is r., restive, impatient, fidgety;
heneetanoxtoz, restlessness.
restoration, evhahootazistoz, the restoring, giving back;
evhaēnanazistoz, r., the putting back (where
it was); evhapevomoxtastoz,r.to health; evhanhestà-
toz,r.to former condition, being; evhapevanazistoz,r.,
reparation, betterment; evhaheves'enetovazistoz,
friendship (between men).
restore, naevhahoeoztomevo, I r.it to him, bring it back
to one; naevhahoo to, I bestow it upon him again;
naevhaēnana zèmehahestanom, I r.what I had taken;
evhapevomoxta, I am restored (in health); naevhazhes-
ta, I am restored, again in the same condition; naevha-
pavstaomen, I am restored, in the former well being,
condition; naevhapevomoxtamaného, I r.him to health;
naevhatōosého, I r. sight to one, cause him to see
again; naosotomoeoz, I am restored, rested, refreshed;
naevhamonana, I r., renew it; eevhavostanevehe, he is
restored to life; eevhamez zèmehahestanomōs, he is re-
stored (given back) what had been taken from him.
restrain, see hold, keep back, prevent, prohibit; naōèno-
mosàz,I r., deny myself.
restrict, nanxpaovo, I keep him from going out, check
him, confine him in; nahestomoého, I r., hold one
from; see hinder, prevent; navovoxponeševe heto, I r.
myself to this work.
restriction, hovae zenxpaosanetto, something that con-
fines, holds in; nxpaovazistoz, r., barring,
confining; etaomehoemaotàz, restrictions are removed
from him, he controls himself. See hindrance, obstacle.
restrictive, expressed with inf.-ovoxpon- or -vovoxpo-;
eovovoxponahe, one is r., strict.
result, eešetónhesso, what is the r., outcome? Enxhôosan-
etto, it results, follows; hovae
etto, the r., that which will ensue (from it); inf.-os-
an- with the r., accordingly, consequently; inf.-ho- =
resulted in, arrived at; see reach; evešenhess, it is
the r.of; evešheznetto, it results, leads into.
resume, naevha-aseĕsz, I r.my talk, I again begin to
talk; nataevhanšeamèn, I r.my walk; etaevhahozeo-
he, he resumes his work.
resurrection, evhâhaestoz; zeeševhâhaestove,
after the
r. (past); mataevhâhaestove, after the r.
(future); zeevhâhaestove, at the r.; maevhâhaetanevoz
zeēvšenasso, at the r.of the dead. See rise.
resuscitate, naevhaame taneného, I r., revive him; naohae-
tano, I r.one (from death); see quicken.
resuscitation, evhaametaneohazistoz or evhaametanehazi-
stoz, the reviving, bringing back to life;
ohaetanazistoz,r. from death.
I r.,
retain, natoomana, I r.it; see hold, keep back.
retaliate, hapoevetto naevhatãestovoého, I do unto him
again as much (good or evil); naevhâztomohe, I
r., repay; nanonohenomohe, I r.; naevhâztavoého,
pay him back, requite, revenge; evhatãestovoéhàzistoz,
retaliation; evhâztomohestoz and nonohenomo hestoz, re-
taliation, resistance; nonohenomohevotazistoz, the re-
taliating, giving in return (in the evil sense); ehe-
zevavoēta, one is retaliating, is revengeful (not]
retard, see delay, prevent.
[openly, behind hand).
retire, see withdraw; navovenosàz, I r., withdraw from
association; vovenosàzistoz, retirement, withdraw-
[see reply. Nonōstàtoz,r.
retort, nanonōsta, I r.,reply; nanonōstovo, I r.to him; ]
retrace, naevhatootaenotaz, I r.my steps, follow back my
tracks; see track; naevhaneheoxta nàtotàenoz, I
r., my steps, tracks.
retreat, naevhavahova, I r.,go back (as in war or game);
eevhavhōsemeo, they r., go back for refuge; eamō-
semeo, they r. (as some birds, before the storm); evha-
vahovazistoz and evhahovazistoz,r.; t'sa zexhetōseme,
a place of r.,refuge.
retrench, see diminish, lessen; zehešhãoeme hoevoxkoz
nashovemesenon, since meat is high we eat less
of it; naoxceasetana nohas hovae zehãoeme nonoxpa
emepevetaeozensz namakätaemoz, I r., take away things
(sg.) that cost much so that my money may reach out;
asetanom màtam na honeo zehãoeme nszaanonoxpa-nstame-
nōeheveoxzeheme, r., take away expensive food and rai-
ment so that you shall not grow poorer.
retribution, evhatãestovoéhazistoz, the doing, acting to
one "again as much" (for good or evil); ev-
hahoehotazistoz,r., that which comes back to one; havs
zeveševhahoeoz, the r.of the evil; evhâztomohestoz,r.,
the requiting, retaliating. See pay back, requite.
return, expressed by inf.-evha- back, sometimes -evho-;
naevhameto, I r.it, give it back to him; mataešev-
hahoeoxzz, when he shall have returned; evhaeoxzistoz,
the returning; ēševhame aneve, the summer has returned,
is back again.
reunite, eevhamamovanàzeo, they (or.) r.; eevhanokoväo,
they are reunited, are together as one again;
naevhamamovanō, I r. them (or.); naevhamamovananoz,
of preceding; see reconcile.
reunion, evhamamovanazistoz,r., coming together again;
evhanokovaovazistoz, the being one together
again; evhanokovemohēoxzistoz, r., the assembling to-
gether again.
reveal, nameena, I r.it, make it appear; nameeno, or.of
preceding; nameenomon, it is revealed to me; na-
meenomotan, it is revealed for me; nameenan, I am re-
vealed; namēsta,I r.it (by words); nameemo, I r.him
(by words); natåxtanovana, I r.it, make it plain, pub-
lic; emeene, it is revealed; emeeme, it is revealed (by
words); etåxtanovane, it is revealed, made public, open;
navōstoman, I r.by showing; vōstomanistoz, the reveal-
ing, showing; inf.-hotx- denotes "uncover,r."; nahot-
xana,I r., uncover it; ehotxane, it is revealed, uncov-
ered, unveiled; nahotxheneenomon, it is revealed to my
knowledge; hotxeneenomevemeno, r. thou to our know-
ledge! Esaameenehan, it is not revealed; esaameemehan,
it is not revealed, divulged; esaatåxtanovanehan, it is
not revealed, unveiled; hovae emōsetto eoxcetåxtanova-
na, he reveals, makes public secret things; hovae zeno-
hoez' eoxchotxana, he reveals things hidden: hovae
zsaaheneenôhanehez' eoxchot xheneena, he reveals things
unknown; hovae zsaavōmehanehez' eoxcevōstoman, he re-
veals things unseen.
revel, eáhez, he revels (in eating, without bad meaning);
hetoseáhezistoz, the revelling (in eating); pepe-
estaeonevestoz, revelry, debauch.
revelation, meenazistoz, the revealing, bringing to view;
tåxtanōveozistoz, the becoming revealed, pub-
lic; tåxtanovanenistoz, the making public, open, dis-
closed; meemazistoz, r., the revealing (by words); hot-
xanenistoz, r., the revealing, unveiling; hot xheneenome-
vazistoz, the revealing knowledge to one; vōstomanis-
toz, r., showing; Maheo zetohetaevōstomōez noavoomē, all
that God reveals us in the nature; omotom zeamšeme
zevešhotxheneenomevazistove, the written r. (ref. to
God's Word); heto naséhov-hot xheneenomon, this was a
sudden r. to me; ovaxenàtovå zevešemeene hovae, r.by]
revelry, see revel.
naevhavešhoehoto hesthavs, I r. his evil upon
him; namoxzenavoého, I r. myself upon him (in
acts); nahezevavoého, I act with vengeance against him
(in an underhanded way); see avenge, repay, requite.;
moxzenavoētastoz,r.; maxeoshatanoxtoz, desire of r.,
revengeful, ehe zevatan, he is r. (in desire); ehezevavoē-
ta, one is r.; nahezevavoého, I treat him
vengefully, maliciously; namaxeosàzetanotovo, I desire
him to be punished; hezevavoētastoz, revengefulness
(in acts); hezevatanoxtoz, revengefulness (in desire).
revere, reverence, naéàtovo, I r.him; naéàta, I r.it; na-
novsiamaeozetovo, I make r., bow my head
to him; eéàtoe, he reveres; eéàtohe, he is reverenced;
éàtohestoz, reverence; see respect.
reverent, is expressed by inf. -éàtoe- =with obedient]
reverse, oneeōta, r., reversely; see contrary; eoxsene, it
is reversed; eevasene, it is reversed, upside
down; naoxsena, I r.it; naevasena, I r. it (upside
down); eoxseoz, it is reversed; eoxsetan, one is re-
versed (in mind); see opposite. Inf. -evhakse- =re-
reversion, oxsenenistoz and oxsenazistoz, the reversing;
evasenazistoz, r., upside down; -evha- as inf.
implies reverting to; see revert.
revert, is expressed by inf.-evha- back again; eevha-
kašgoneve, he reverts to childhood; eevhamashanē,
he reverts to unreasonableness, foolishness; eevhan-
hesso, it reverts to its former state; eevhamàpeve, it
reverts to water.
revile, expressed by inf.-taz-
-totaz- =with con-
tempt; natotazetan, I r., in disposition, mental
attitude; natotaznonoan, I r., in utterances; natotaze-
mo, I r.him (speaking of him); natohosemo, I r., mock
him (in words); natohosesta, I r.it; natohoses tomovo, I
r.his (in.); natohosetaneva, I am a reviler; totazno-
noanistoz, the reviling; tohosetane vàtoz, the reviling
(from call or habit).
revive, nahoaheoz, I r.one; see quicken; naevhaame tane-]
revolt, see rebel. [oho, I r., cause him to live again.
revolution, see rebel, rebellion; nitätanoxtoz.
revolve, nanimaoahàz, I make it r., turn; nanimaoahasen, I
make r.; nimaoahasenistoz, the making r.; na-
nitoena, I make it r. (as tops); nsthoaman enimahōsta,
our earth revolves; hoe enimaões ešeheva, the earth]
revolver, kao. [revolves about the sun; see orb, top.
reward, naoninxomosan, I r. (predicative); naoninxomovo, I
I r.him; hozevōxtomohestoz, the r.,hope; nahoz-
tavoého, I r., pay him back (mostly in the evil sense);
eevhâneha, it is the r., comes home to roost, lit. it
drizzles back. Terms like the last when used in the
fig.are not always understood by all Indians unless
they are acquainted with the connection. Some Ch. use
more a fig.language than others and where the last
would only understand them literally. Oninxomevazis-
toz and oninxomohestoz, the r.; oninxomosanistoz,
rib, hep, heps or hepåz (pl.); see parts of body and
name. Nazhep, my r.; heszhep, one's r.; ehepeoaohe, he
has the ribs crushed, stove in, broken; ehesseaonatto,
it "ribs",is drawn into round stripes, also ehesseao-
nazestaoz; enskotōeš, it (or.) looks ribbed (like cor-
duroy); enskotononetto, it is ribbed; enskotonoe, it is
braided, woven in stripes or ribs; enskotäva, it is
colored in stripes, ribs; enskâeš, it (or., sp. of cloth)
is ribbed, corrugated.
ribbon, toxeno hestoz, r., edging (of cloth); etoxenohes-]
rice, hehesson (pl.).
[tove, it is a r.
rich, ehaoova, one is r.; zehaoovasz, the r.one; zehaoo-
vasso (pl.); hoovevostan,r.person; epavoó, it is
a r., good pasture; emxastovsan, he dresses richly, gor-
geously; see abundant, plentiful.
riches, haoovhastoz,r.: mxastovsanistoz, the being rich
in clothes, having an abundance of them; Haooväv-
han, riches personified, Mammon.
ricochet, ekakxkonōsta, it ricochets, floats; kakrkonōs-
tàtoz, the ricochetting.
rid, nahomoenomevo, I r.one of it; from nahomoena, I un-
load, unburden, take off from; namastohano, I r.one of
his burden, give him relief, free him; našexoena, I get
r.of it, blot it; našexoenomon, I am r. of it; Maheo na-
eše-šexoenomōenon havs, God has rid us from evil; na-
šexoenomoenoz, I am r.of him; nišexoenomoetovaz, I am
r.of thee; see deliver; naasetaoz, I become r. of it;
nasaapoeozetōhe, he does not leave me, does not quit to
cling to me, I do not get r.of him; našešeoz, I become
r.of,loose from; našešeozetovo,I get r., loose from
him; see free.
riddle, namomoanavoan, I speak in riddles; momo anavoani-
stoz, r., hard saying; eononovoan, he speaks in
riddles; ono novo anistoz, r., unknown, ambiguous, doubtful
utterance; naononovo, he is a r.to me; emomoanatto,
is difficult, hard to take, riddlesome, enigmatic.
ride, nataho, I r. (horseback or in a vehicle); natahoe-
noz, I r.him (horse); natahoeta, I r.it; mohèno ze-
tahoetōsz, the ridden horse; tahoevoham, riding horse;
ehoxeetaho, he is used, accustomed to riding (horse or
man); natahoestoto, my riding horse; see horse. Nata-
hoo, I give him a r.; natahotoman, I give a r.; nataho-
tomaného, I make him r., give him the opportunity to r.
(these two terms given by an old man); nanostahaso,
r.him (the horse) over a barrier; nanokoēsoheme or
nanokaesoheme, we r.one horse (being two or three on
the same horse); nahotxtano, I r.over one (knocking
him down); naosēhectaho, I r.on horseback (alone); ta-
hoestoz, the riding; etahoeō, he stands still (rid-
ing); zetahoeõesso, the ones standing still (in rid-
ing, on horseback or on a wagon which stands still).
rider, zetahoesz, the one who rides (on a horse or vehi-
cle); tahoeno tax, the soldier r., cavalry man; ta-
hoenotxeo (pl.).
ridge, eseom, eseomensz (pl.),r.of a hill; eseomē, at the
r.; eseomē eameotatavaota, it is a blue r. (of dis-
tant hills, mountains); ziskàkoevōnatto, r.of a roof;
ekakonota, it is a r.,is ridged (anything).
ridicule, natohosohazetovo, I r.one; natohosohazeta (in.
of preceding); natoho sohaz, I r.; inf.-tohos- =
mock, jeer, scorn + -ohaz to laugh; tohosohazestoz, the
ridiculing; zetohosohazz, the one ridiculing; tohoso-
hazetovazistoz,r.; nanxooxtataman, I am ridiculed,
deemed funny; nanxooxtatamo, I r.him, deem him funny;
nanxooxtaemaného, I make him ridiculous; nanxooxtae-
manhan, I am made ridiculous, made a laughing stock;
inf.-nxooxta- funny, droll, causing merriment (has not
a bad meaning in itself); nanasoēseoneton, I am ridi-
held for a laughing stock; see laugh; natotaze-
ohaz, I r. (with contempt): natotazeohazetovo, I r.one,
laugh at him with contempt; totazeohazistoz,r.
ridiculous, etatohosohazistove, it is r.; etotazeoha-]
riding, see ride.
[zistove, it is r.; see ridicule.
rife, expressed by inf.-etâm- =abundant, plentiful; inf.
-mxastov- touching all, in full; emxastov-
havsevoētastove, the evil deeds are r. (sg.in Ch.).
rifle, v., see rob.
rifle, n.,nxpohoonevó; enxpohoone voeve, it is a r.; inf.
-nxpo- ref.to something "shutting, closing"; see
bow, gun.
right, expressed by rad. -xan- denoting straight, in di-
rect line; see straight; inf.-ono- r., correct;
exanovo, it is r., straight; exanovonsz, they (in.) are
straight; exanova, it is (state) r., straight; exanove-
peva, it is r. and good; eonoa, it is r., correct; ehe-
tom, he is r., true; inf.-hetom- =true; naonoaosan, I
make r., correct; naonoaoto, I "righten" him, make him
r.,correct; naxanovana, I make it r., straight; heszhe-
amaxesto nazhešenoèn, I turn to the r.side (walking);
heszheamaxesto nazhešenoeoèn, I turn to his r. (in
driving); heszheamaxesto nazhešeoxseō, I turn to his
r.(standing); heszheamaxesto nazhešeoxstoe, I turn to
his r.(sitting); heszheamaxesto, one's r.side; heszhe-
amaxesto hesto, on one's r.side; seeya,r.away; zexano-
vepeva, that which is r.and good; inf.-voeše- (=with
joy) sometimes expresses "r., well so"; evoešhota, it
is r., well that it be there; evoešhoeoxz, he arrives
r.,at the r.time. Nahetom, am I not r.? Nihetom, thou
art r., true; nahetomemo, I declare that he is r., true;
nitao zepeveoz, all will turn out r., well;
toz, the r.,truth; mazheamaxesto, the r. (of a person);
heszheamaxesto, his r. (side); heszheamaxesto hesto, at
his r.hand, side; see side.
righteous, exanovae, one is r., also exanovepevae; zexa-
novasz, zexanovepevasz, the r.one;
taneheve, he leads a r.life; xanovevostane hevestoz, r.
living; xanovevostan, r. person; xanovhetan, r. man; also
onohetan, r., correct, noble man; exanovemómå tahe, he is
r., pious, orthodox; exanovemómå tavoēta, he acts right-
eously, performs with exactness; exanovepavstav, he is
r.and good; Maheo nixanovemanhaen, God makes us r.;
naxanovooto, I declare one r.; navovònešexanovano or
navovònešeonoano, I make him r.; naxanovstaha, I am r.
of heart,straight hearted; naxanovaeztovo, I am r. to-
wards him; naxanovstahaōen, he makes us r.hearted; na-
xanovazesta, I deem it r.; naxanovatamo, I deem one
righteously, expressed by inf.-xanov-.
righteousness, xanovevostanehevestoz,
the living
righteously; xanovastoz and xanove pevhas-
toz,r.(state); xanovstahàtoz,r.of heart; xanovetanox-
toz,r.of thot, mind.
ehenehae, one is r.,
rigid, eheneho, it is r., stiff;
stiff; see stiff. Ehesēso, it is r., strong, sinewy;
ehesēsa, one is r., strong; inf.-ovoxpo- or -vovoxpo-
r., strict; ovoxponetto, yielding from rigidity, strict-
ness; eosēnitá, one is r., particular, exacting; etaheo-
meosēnitá, he is too r.;etoomota, it sets r., immovable.
rigidity, osēnitàtoz, r., strictness, sternness; henehas-
toz,r.,stiffness; vovoxponhastoz, r., strictness.
rigor, same as rigidity.
rigorous, evovoxpona, one is r., uncompromising, exacting;
inf.-vovoxpo(n)- =rigorously; eosēnitá, he is
r., particular, stern.
rim, see border;
zexhoanoàzenatto, its r., border (of
vessels, pails, gun barrels).
rind, hesthōmo, its r., bark, peeling, husk.
ring, zeonistàq moešą, finger r.; moešą, moeškonoz (pl.)
is also used for finger r.and finger; naonistako-
nehoeme, we sit in a r.,circle; see circle, encircle;
naonistakomaen, I make a r
I make a r.,circle of ground; onista-
koneohestoz, the sitting (standing) in a r., circle;
naonistakoneozenoz, I place them (in.) in a r.;
nistakoneozého, I place them (or.) in a r.,circle; na-
zetaház axxeva, I r. the bell; eze tahame axxev, the bell
is rung; natåxtaohoneetōe, they "r.", encircle me (sit-
[r.my mouth, gargle.
see wash; nanšexàz, I]
rinse, nanšeōvoxz, I r., wash it;
riot, ehetosenehaenov, it is a r.;
the rioting, acting disorderly; see disturbance,
rip, naonehaotoena, I r.it open (something sewed); nao-
nehaotoeno, I r. it (seam, or.) open; naóseoého and
naóseno, I r.one open; mohèno eósehe, the horse is rip-
ped open; naóesevoého and naóesešemo, I r.him.
ripe, ešeexáta and ešeexâta,it is r.; eexatansz menoz,
the berries are r.; eexao, it ripens; noxa ešenše-
exaoneha, wait let it ripen! Naexaosesz, I cause it to]
ripen, see ripe. [ripen; zeexátasz maxemenoz,r.apples.
ripple, emamàkōma, it makes ripples, waves; etatàkōma, it
makes ripples, is ruffled (water); ensceesevo,ens-
ceesevōxz, it flows in ripples; zensceesevōxz, the r.
rise, naoha, I r., stand up; naohaešena, I am risen; nao-
haešeoz,I r., spring up; naešeohaetao, I am risen,
stand risen; naohaetao, I r.quickly against; naohaeta-
otovo,I r.against one; nanooseohãe nathavs, I r.from
my evil; eševhâha, he is risen again; enmasóohaeoz na-
exā, it rises before my eyes; nazhemaeme enmasóeohaeoz
naexā, the blood rose to my eyes; ešehe enmeèn, the sun
is rising; zeešemeèns ešehe, after sun rise; natóe, I
r., get up (from bed, sleep); nahessetóevonèn, I r., get
up and climb off (the bed); natomoxtoe, I r., in a sit-
ting posture (from lying); see raise; natomseō,
and stand (still); ehechanos-éomaoeha, the ground ris-
es gently, gradually; ezevatoeō, the dust rises; naze-
vatoea, I make the dust r.in walking, I raise dust [na-
zevatoaház, I throw dust]; eéšeō, it rises up, of vapor,
steam; ehōneō, it rises (of water, as geysers); eheamō-
vatto, eheamōvaoz, it rises (the water, of
of a river,
lake); zeevhâhāsz, the one risen again; evhâhãestoz,
the rising, resurrection; zeheamōvatto ohe, the rising
river; eashãoetameoxz ohe, the river is rising, is
getting deeper.
I r.
risk, vozeva ovoxponetto, at the r., in spite of; natan-
šeneoxz ōvoxponetto honšetoomenetto, I will go at
the r.of my life, lit.
that I suffer;
voxz,I r., expose myself; ehestatamahe, he runs the r.,
is reckless; hestatamahestoz, r.,danger; nahestatama-
heta, I r.it, court its danger; naôzeōmetoxana, I run
the r.of it; ehestatamano, it is risky, dangerous.
rite, mómåtastoz, a religious, ceremonial r.: eoxcemato,
he performs a r.; eoxcevovoema toeo, they first per-
form the rites; namatòno, I ordain, initiate him (with
certain religious rites); matoeszistoz,ritual ordina-
rival, ehevehonenotto, he has him for r.; nahevehonenot-
to, he is my r.; nihevehonetovaz, thou art my r.
(said between chiefs, women, etc.); hevehono, one's r.;
hevehonetovazistoz, mutual rivalry; ehonoxhoxtovaze-
tan, he is a r.in trade, wants to sell most; honoxhox-
tovazistoz, rivalry, competition in trade.
rivalry, see rival.
river, ohe,ohesz (pl.); ohec,little r. [ohevahe, creek]
eoheeve, it is a r.; ohé, at the r.; ohe zeameoz,
where the r.courses; heoheam Maheo, the r.of God; na-
hèpazesta, I fear the r.; eheameohetto ohe, the r. runs
full; eheeotomōvatto and eohotomōvatto ohe, the r.runs
over; enševetto, emaxenševetto and emaxenševe ameohetto
ohe, the r. flows, runs swiftly; ohe eashãoetame oxz, the
r.gets deeper (rises); ohe etahāoetameoz, the r. has a
deep course; ohe evosoetam, the r.digs deep holes; ohe
ekōmesevo, the r.flows full and quiet; ohe eheceamese-
vo, the r.flows quietly; ohe ešeevhaehozeohetto, the r.
runs, gets down (having less water); ohe eševhaeotō-
vatto, the r.recedes; ohe enovstovat to, the r.recedes,
has less water; ohe enostōvatto, the r.runs over; ohe
eševhazocetam, the r.is shallow again. has reached its
low stand; hōmå, on the other side (of r.or lake);
zisthōm,on this side (of the r.); setovōm, in the mid-
dle of the r.; totxkōm, a little ways from the bank;
hestovōm, on both sides of the r.; haztovōm, on either
side, bank of the r.; eponoeoz ohe, the r. is dried up;
naséèn, I step into the r.or any body of water; natao-
nòn, I step out on the other bank; naneonòn, I step out
from the r. (on this side, also ref. to past action);
eonònekaax, one jumps out of the river on the bank (as
frogs, etc.), also enemeekaax; naešeonovoe, I have come
on the bank (out of the r.); nataexxovèn, I have
crossed; see cross; naonōzého, I bring, land him (on
the bank of r.,lake); naexoveozeho, I get him across.
Nahonevaoxz, I go away from the r. bank (to higher
benches or ground rising away and paralell with the
river or any body of water); honevatto, ref. to the
country rising away from a r., lake or deep canyon;
seetto is the opposite of honevatto, it means "towards
the r.or lower ground", also near a lake; hoxovetto
hōma, the crossing, landing on the other side of the r.;
nahoxovetohona ohe, I swim across the r., see swim; naho-
xovota ohe, I cross the r.; see cross.
following are
the names of rivers as given to writer by old Ch.: Ho-
neheohe, Wolfr.or North Canadian (Okla.), named so from
the abundance of grey wolves the Ch. found there; Maōm,
Redwater or South Canadian (Okla.), from its reddish
color at high water; Nanivsevōmemàp, Clearcreek, the wa-
ter being very limpid (for a southern stream), called
Deer Creek and flows into the S. Canadian, near Bridge-
port, Okla.; Hooxeeohe, Poles r., Washita r. (Okla.); Maxe-
mesevo, Big sand r., Red r. (South); Veoxcemàp, Bitter wa-
ter, Sweet r.(South); Mozeeoneohe, Sweet r.; mozeeonsz is
a semi equatic plant used by the Ch. to increase the
flow of milk; Hoxeheohe, Lodge r. (ref. to Sun dance), west
of Fort Supply, Okla. (where it flows into Beaver r.);
Homaeohe, Beaver r., name given to two rivers, one in
Okla. (south of Fort Supply), and the other one flowing
into the Republican r. in Kansas; Hoxeheohecis, Little
Sun dance lodge r., Medicine Lodge creek, (Kansas); Hox-
tovaseohe, Trade r., Brazos r. where the Ch.met and traded
with the Comanches for the first time; Kanaeohe, Con-
sumptive r.; ekana, he is in a tired (sick) condition,
having ref.to the last stage of consumption; Kanaes was
the name of chief Redmoon's brother who died and was
left on a scaffold where the creek empties into the
Washita, it is called Barnett's creek; Kokoemenoeše,
Hackberry creek, "where there is a growth of hackberry
bushes"; Hotoaeohe, Bull r., Cimarron r. (Okla.); also
called Noazeeohe, R. of the giving; Exomoóeohe or Hekomo-
óeohe, Fat grass r., Sillwater creek (flowing into the
Cimarron, Okla.); Maheonekamax, Mysterious wood, Eagle
creek, emptying into the Cimarron near Cleo, Okla.; Heo-
tōeohe, Deep r., called Haoetameohe by the Northern Ch.,
flows into the N. Canadian, east of El Reno; Mazeneohe,
Kingfisher r. (Mazene =Little or Slit eyes), usually
called Nomäohe,Fish r., empties into the Cimarron, east
of Dover, Okla.; Mozooeneohe, Flint r. (from having found
flint arrow heads there), Arkansas r.; Hekōmaeohe, Soft-
ground r., Mud creek, flowing into the Arkansas in Colo.;
Heovoneohe, Yellowpaint r., two rivers or creeks are
called by that name, one in Colorado and one in Montana
(empties into the Rosebud r.and is called Muddy creek);
Mahōhevaeohe, Redshield r., Republican r. (Kansas); Makōm-
ehesseohe, Redwillow r., flows into the Republican below
Beecher's island; Menoeše, Willow-growth, Willow creek
(Kansas); Motoše, Ash-growth, Walnut creek; moto ash;
this r.enters into the Arkansas; õevozeohe, Quarreling
r., Apishapa r., a tributary to the Arkansas; the name is
given from a quarrel which Indians had there among
themselves; Ononeohe, Arikara r.(fork of the
r.). It was on an island of this r. that Colonel G. A.
Forsyth and 48 scouts fought against vastly superior
numbers of Ch.led by their chief Roman Nose (see 1868
under "date"). Ponoeohe, Dried r. Sand creek (Colo.),
there the Chivington massacre took place; Zeonitavó,
All-sorts-of-timber (different trees growing near it),
Mulberry creek (Kansas); Hotoanaohe, Hard r. (from its
difficult banks), Purgatory r. (Colo.); Vèhoeohe, White
man's r., Rio Grande (New Mexico) and also the name for
Frenchman's r.emptying into the Republican; Vehoneohe,
Chief r., North fork of the Republican r.; Eometa, Fat-
foam r., from the lumps of froth which this stream car-
ries when rising, Missouri r.; Meneeohe, Platte r. (also
the North Platte), from mene =something discoidal and
glossy [men berry], hence applied to chinaware and the
smooth white shell ornaments worn by the Indians; Vita-
neohe, Fat r., South Platte r.,from vita =fat, grcase; Vo-
kaeoneohe, Antelope-pit r., Little Missouri r.; Esehove-
ohe, Sudden r., Niobrara r.; Hestaeohe, Heart r. (near Man-
dan, North Dakota); Maetomoneohe, Red-paint r., Cheyenne
r.(S. Dakota, the South Cheyenne r.); Mistaeohe, Owl r.,
Moreau r., empties into Missouri r., S. Dakota; Xovatovo-
neohe, Sword r., Knife r.,near Fort Berthold, N. Dakota;
Ešeeohe, Sun r., flowing into the Missouri; Manóeohe, Tim-
ber-grove r., Smoky Hill r.; Voxpōm, White r. (S. Dakota);
Amaoxzeohe, Driven r., Punished Woman's Fork, empties into
the Smoky Hill r., there the Ch. drove away the Pawnees
in Battle; šistatoeohe, Cedar or Pine r.. Saline Fork of
Smoky Hill; Moeheohe, Elk r., Yellowstone r.; Qsaeohe,
Sheep r., Bighorn r. (Montana); Qsaeohecis, Little Bighorn
r. (Mont.); Päeohe, Powder r. (Mont.); pä ref.to ashes and
powder, lignite; the r.has seams of lignite along its
banke; Päeohecis, Little Powder r. (Mont.); Heneneohe,
Roseberry r., Rosebud r.,having many wild rose bushes,
(Mont.): Vitanoveohe, Tongue r. (Mont.); Tonšenoveohe,
Frivolous or Foolish woman r., Crazy Woman's r. (branch
of the Powder r.in Wyoming): Mohènohameohe, Horse
Horse creek (Wyoming, empties into the North Platte);
Exovoneohe, shell r., Musselshell r. (Mont.); Esevoteohe,
Esevoteohe, Seething r., Fountain r.; Zceeohe, Little r.,
Milk r. (Mont.); Henaeneohe, Goose r., Laramie r. (Wyom-
ing); Haeoeohe or Haeohemàp, Swift r.or Swift water, Rap-
id Creek (empties into South Fork of Cheyenne r., S. Da-
kota): Mescemaeohe, Box-elder r. (near Rapid Creek); 00-
menoeohe, Elm r., Elm Fork (empties in North Fork of Ch.
r.): Moomstaše, Tule-growth, Tule Creek, flowing into Red
r.of North; õhetaneohe, called Okoxceohe by the Northern
Ch., Crow r. (Wyoming); Heškovizeohe, Porcupine r., empties
into the Yellowstone; ōxemeeoemàp, Ill-smelling-water,
Stinking-water, or Wind r.; Màtasoeohe, Scalp r., Green r.
(Utah); Otatavemàp, Blue water; Mà tamaexanova, Old-woman-
r.; Hoenōneohe, Spy r ; Voxpomaozeohe, Salt r..
Salt Fork (Okla.); Moxtavōmeohe, Black r., fig.sp.of
death; Ametaneneohe, r. of life (fig.).
rivet, inf. -xahec- "riveted, rooted on the spot";
hoeoz, he stands riveted, fixed (at a place); tōne-
oheo zehekoneēstane, r.
road, meo,meonoz (pl.); meoneva, on the r.; emeoneve, it
is a r.; nohémeon, besides the r.; nxpeme on, in, be-
fore, obstructing the r.; meo etapepeeoz, the r.is
rough; meo eameoz, the r.goes; t'sa etaoeoz meo, where
does the r.lead to? Meo evotaneoz, the r.makes an el-
bow; meo eotaavomaeoz, the r.slopes: meo eonimxaeoz,
the r.is tortuous; meo evoxceoz, the r.makes a curve
(also said of the turning of a section line r.); ze-
voxceoz meo, at the short turn of a r. (as a section
r.); evovoxceoz meo, the r.makes bends, curves; meo ea-
mepaoeoz, the r.runs paralell; paoemeo,
paralell; paoemeo, paralell r.
meo eametoxeoz, the r.skirts along (as along a river,
woods, etc.); meo eahāeoz, the r. goes round about, makes
a détour; meo zistamamoveoz, where the r. meets, comes
together with (another); meonoz etamamoveozensz,
the roads meet; meo enxohoxseoz, the r. joins; zenxo-
hoxseoz meo, where the r.joined (ref.to a place or
spot already passed); meo etaevhahoxseoz, it joins,
meets the r.again; nataevha-áešeoz meo, I go out of
the r. (I had), sc.into another one; nataneha meo zeta-
oz, I take the r.leading to....; ehaestoeozensz meo-
noz, they are paralell roads; epeveoz meo,it is a good
r ; ehavseveoz meo, it is a bad r : seameo, the r.to
the place of the dead, Milky Way; hekozehemeo,r.of the
suicides, one branch of the Milky Way; maatameo., iron
r., railroad (named after a snake, iron gray and long);
nameonaosan, I make a r.; nameonaoto,
nameonaoto, I make a r.for
one (is a transitive v.in Ch.); nameona ovo, I make a
r. for him (intrans.form), both are used fig.; nšeme-
onsz, keep on thy r.! See way.
roadside, eama meon, at the side of the road.
roam, nanotovaeoxz, I r., wander without, am homeless, as
an outsider: enotovaeoxzetovo Maheon,
he wan-
ders away from God; zenotovaeoxzessỏ, the ones who r.
wander, who are without, wicked, frivolous; see range.
roan, maovahe, r. horse; otatavovahe, blue r. (horse);
emoktavehemenpohōn, he is black r.spotted: eheovce-
hemenpohōn, he is yellow r.spotted; emacehemenpohōn, he
is red r.spotted; eotatavehemenpohɔ̃n, he is blue r.
spotted; emoce vašehemenpohōn, he is grass (dead grass)
r.spotted; see horse.
roar, enháeta, he roars for it (as a wild beast for its
prey); emaxenistonevon, it is a roaring sound; ema-
xenistonevavessevo, it roars in flowing (water), lit.it
flows with a great sound; emaxenistonevaveōs tōmaå, the
waves are roaring; eoahanatamaō, they (or.) r.with
laughter; pèpenanoseham emaxenistōhe, the lion roars.
roast, nahonon, I r., broil, bake;
I r.on
coals; naevoneahonon, I r., by swaying food on a
fire, suspended to a tripod or some other arrangement;
this was done in a green or
raw hide [hoxaevxotan]
in which the meat was suspended and swayed; in stand-
ing still it would scorch; evoneahotanoz, they r., cook
while swaying (the things thus cooked); nahonoxta, I
r.it; nahonoto, I r.him (sp.of animals); napanoxta, I
r., broil it in a flat pan or skillet;
mataocemenoz, I r. coffee; zepanoēsz
roasted coffee; ehonoe, it (or one) is roasted; ehono-
ensz, they (in.) are roasted; popocemāmenoz napanoxta-
noz, I r
I r., pop popcorn; naséoxtonon, I r., toast (before
the fire, as a spit); naséoxtono, I r., toast him; nase-
oxtonoxta, I r.it; nahōhe, I r., toast, broil for myself
(quick cooking); nihōhemå, we r. for ourselves; name-
natanetânotō zeoxche-
nonanen, I r.corn (on the ear); natanetânotō
tahohaes, I will r.them (or., as birds) as he likes it
(ref.to taste); honoono, roasting plate upon which the
roasting takes place, also roasting pan; hononistoz,
the roasting, also roasting, baking pan; hekaenistoz,
double roaster; paononistoz, the roasting in a skil-
let, also name for flat roasting pan; paononevetoxq
and hevaxevetoxq, roasting pan, skillet; see bake, cook;
zeto vecess zehonotoz natatosemevo, I am going to eat
this bird thou art roasting; hookoxz zehonoēsz, corn
ears roasted.
rob, ešēnova, he robs (predicative);
ones who r.; našēno, I r., despoil one; ešēne, he is
robbed; nasēnomevo, I r.him of it; šēnovàtoz, the rob-
bing; našēnan, I am robbed, despoiled; see steal; zešē-
nomōez, the one who robs us of it; našēnomonenoz nama-
kätaemoz, I am robbed of my money.
robber, šēnovahe, šēnovaheo (pl.) ;
r. zešēnovaz, the one who
ešēnovaheve, he is a
robs; nxpaevèho, r.,
"masked white man"
robbery, šēnazistoz, the robbing one (obj.),r
robe, v., nanhōmano, I r.one; zenhōmansz, the one robed;
naénhōmano, I unrobe, disrobe him; zemoxtavōstas-
så, the black robed, gowned ones (or.), ref. to Catholic
priests; zevoomōstasso, the white robed, gowned ones,
ref.to the Episcopalian ministers; evoomōsta, one is
robed, dressed, gowned in white; emoxtavōsta, one is
robed, gowned in black; exhoneevotōmaoe, he was robed
with a wolf r.; emeškonhōmane, he is dressed, robed
with a tanned hide (usually ref. to buffalo r.);
protect, protection, shield.
robe, n., hōmå, hōmá (pl.); nàthōmå, my r., blanket;
man, our r., blanket; hesthōmevō, their
blankets; hōmäva, on, with the r.; tonovhōmå, thick r.;
mahōmå, red r. [maōm, red water]; heocevhōmå, fringed r.;
pokōmå, grey r.; otatavhōmå, blue r.; moxtavhōmå, black
r.; in Ch.r.means also blanket or shawl: mómåtahōmå,
ceremonial r.; enotoxkōmå, spotted, starred r.; meškon-
hōmå, buffalo r.,skin r.; honehevotōmå, wolf r.; eams-
zekstsēmoneta, one has a r.with crosswise stripes; hō-
må ezekst'täva, the r.is striped up and down; esosox-
kovxtäva hōmå, the r.is striped up down (in streaks);
etotomxt' täva hōmå, the r.is striped up and down; eho-
txaevxta hōmå, the r. is checked; eeōmst'täva hōmå, the
r.is striped crosswise; ešéxanevxtäva hōmå, the r. has
oblique (partly) lines between the upright ones; emo-
maxeōmst'täva hōmå, the r.is plaid. Hovoeàtahestoz, lap
r.; also hoomaeàtahestoz; both terms imply covering
for the feet or legs; natanhōmanenoz, I will have it
(or.) for my r.; etaxeōeš hōmäva, it lights on a r.
blanket; enhōmanenoz mómå tahōma, he has a ceremonial
r.for a r.; ehestōm, he has a r.; ehestōm mesešą, he
has a r.of leather, skin; emeskonōma, is the better
term for the preceding; ehesthonehevotan, he wants
wolf r.; ehevōhevomae, he has a rabbit r.; Võhevoma-
heo, Rabbit-r.-ones, Paiutes; naamstovoeoxz, I go with
my r., with longest way around (proper Indian style,
instead of the long way down); napevovoeoxz, same as
preceding; natahovoeoz or natâvoeoz, I am entirely
covered (enshrouded) with r., blanket; nanitovoeoz, the
r.is too short for me, (does not cover); naxanisēma, I
wear the r. long way hanging down (opposite to naams-
tovoeoxz); nixanisēmamå, we wear the r. (in preceding
fashion); eoxcemätâvoeoxzistove, the r. is worn over
all; eoxcepavxanisēmàtove, the r. is worn (long way
down); naxanitovano, I fold my r., blanked once (over
the shoulder); naxanitōvseomaoxz, I go with r., shawl
folded lengthwise; also naxanitōvoeoxz; navecevano
nàthōmå, I hollow my r., blanket (to receive something
in it); ehōman, she is skilled in making robes; enše-
vemos, she is industrious, untiring (in tending to r.
making); zenševemosz, the industrious one in tending
to robes, buffalo skins, etc.
robust, expressed by inf.-mooxe-
hard, flinty, immune;
emooxoneta, one is r., rugged; mooxonetàtoz, the
being r.; mooxevostanehevestoz, r., rugged life; emoo-
xevostaneheve, he is r., has a r.life; see immune.
rock, hohona, hohonaeo (pl.,or.); ehohonaeve, it is a r.,
stone; see mountain; hohonaeva, on the r.; zèpapon-
ōs hohona, a flat r.extension, ledge; zehoxtoneneš ho-
hona, projecting r. (not necessarily flat on top); ho-
honā zeamõesso, a range of rocks (also Rocky Moun-
tains); nixa eamōs hohonā, there are two ranges of
mountains; šēn,r.,sand stone r.; šēnson, small r. (not
loose); šēn zistovoō, in the crevice, gap of a r.;
heo nahesthohonaemenoz, God is my r.(fig.); nihestho-
honaemetovaz, thou art my r.; see stone; navavahamo, I
r.him; see swing.
Rocky Mountains, Hohona, also Hohona zeamões; see rock.
rod, see staff; tōseon, fishing r., pole.
kang pan
rogue, expressed by inf. -hehetovanov- roguish, mischie-
vous, unruly; eahansenova, he is a r.,
knave; eōceheoneve, he is a r., deceiver.
roil, naahanōman, I r.it, to render muddy (liquid).
roll, suff.-oen denotes "rolling"; naamo ena vèhoemax, I
r.a barrel; naēvoen,
naēvoen, I r.to and fro, wallow (also
from pain); emasóevoen, he suddenly rolls, wallows; na-
oxceamoevaena, I make it r. (without special inten-
tion); naasetoevaena, I start it rolling; naonimo taoen
hoxxeo, I r.a log;
naonimotaemaena, I r.it up (as a
scroll); eonimo taoemaene, it has been rolled up; eoni-
motaoemaeha, it lies rolled up; eonimotaoemaeš, it
(or.,as dry goods) lies rolled up; nazešemaenen, I r.a
cigarette; nasèpemaena, I r.out, open a scroll: nonoma
eemehahe, the thunder rolls (ref.to voice, sound);
zem eamoeoxz, the ball is rolling; toxto, rolling prai-
rie; eanhóeo, he rolls down; nianhoeohemå, we r.down;
etaanhoeohetto, it rolls down (from the speaker); t'sa
nihetoeoxzé, where art thou rolling? (asked of one who
is driving); hohona ehetoeoxz, a stone is rolling; ho-
hona enxhetoeoxz, a stone comes roling; hohona nanxhe-
toeoxzetō, a stone came rolling against me; eoeotōma,
it is rolling (of waves); rad.-oeo- implies "rolling,
stirring motion, action". It is of interest to note
that the suff.-oen is used in the verb "to pray": na-
hoen, nahaoen, nahaôn, I pray; namavhoen, I am tired of
roof, heama zensceha mhäo (zensceaemhão), r., the ridge
above the house; eestovoeha, it is roofed, lined
(sp.of tent fly); niva eest ovoeha, it has a fourfold
r.(of tents); zeheskseō, pointed r., steeple, spire; ze-
hesksota,r., cupola; zens cepaonatto mhão, the ridge.,r.
of the house; ziskàkoevōnatto, ridge of r.
room, nametomosan, I make r.,also give opportunity; na-
metomevo, I make r.for one; nametomon,r.is made, op-
portunity is given me; suff. -eneota denotes "set in,
within"; emahaeneota,it is a large r.; ezceeneota, it
is a small r.; eáeš-eneota, it is a private r.; vâxs-
heama zemahaeneota, a large upper r.; namhäo
heneota, my house is to have three rooms; etosenišene-
ota, it is to have two rooms; ehaestoeneotansz, there
are many rooms; hemhäo ehaestoeneotaz', his house has
many rooms, lit.is many roomed; when in a house ref.is
made to a special room suff. -eneota is replaced by
-mhäo house; hevosoemhão, play r.; ōstonemhäo, study
place made for
wood, stick;
r.; šešemhäo, bed r.; homsemhäo, kitchen;
bath r.; esaametomohe, there is no r.
him; esaame tomôhan, there is not r.made for it.
roost, eakonō kamxeheva, it roosts, perches, squats on the
vecseo zexoxtaenevoss, where birds
pass the night; maxeneo eehao (also eoxtaeneo), the
turkeys r.
[ve, it is a r.
rooster, hetanekokôax, -kokoaxeo (pl.); ehetanekokôaxe-]
root, naokòno, I r.it (or.), ref. to the digging out of
certain edible roots or bulbs; nanit'semaoz, I
r.out, uproot; nasehoena, I r., fix, stake it in the
ground; esehoeoz, it is rooted, fixed in the ground;
see stake,dig, snout. Eseoho, eseohonoz (pl.),r.; eese-
ohoneve, it is a r. natseohonam, my r.;
natseohonam, my r.; eseohonoz vo-
konaekamaxsz, dried roots of trees; maxeeseoho, large
r.; esēoxz, r. used in medicine, q.v.; esozeva, the r.
bottom, close to the ground (not in the ground, but the
part next to the roots); see butt, thick. Inf.-hesse-
rope, see bind, lasso and tie; nahotoanaoho hoxzezeva, I
r.him to a tree (so he cannot escape); sitoxceo
(or.), r.,cord; sitoxc (in.), thong, harness tug; nahe-
sitoxceam, I have a r.; hohōnasitoto (or.), r.used to
tie the three center poles of a tipi; natohōnasitoto,
my r. (as above); natohōnasitotoaman, our r.; hēvaho,r.
made of hair or fur; vèhoehēva, white man's r.; vxta-
neatto,r., thong of rawhide, not braided; paponasito,
same as preceding but flat; something done with a r.
is expressed by "-onean-, also -one-"; naonehaeno, I
untie him; naonehaena sitoxc, I loosen the r., thong;
naanhoneano, I let him down by means of a r.; naanho-
neano sitoxceo, I let down a r.,string; naanhoneoeto
sitoxceo vónhanistovå, I tie a r., string to the win-
dow; naanhōstoneano, I let one down. (suspended) by a
r.; naheamoneana, I pull it up by r.; namevō-oneana, I
pull one to the surface (of water) by r.; natotahopo-
neano, I entangle one with a r.or string; etotahopone-
eoz, it
(or he) becomes entangled (in r r., meshes,
strings); etotahoponeaohàz, he causes himself to be
entangled (as with a r.); epopooneeoz, it (r., string,
etc.) tears apart; napopooneohaovo sitoxceo, I tear
the r.asunder; emaonehe, it is red (of r., string, yarn,
meshes); eotatavonehe sitoxceo, the r.is blue; nanoa-
setoevoneana, I make a loop at the end of a r.; navov-
hetoneana, I make a running noose at the end of a r.;
noasetoevone aneo, loop in a r. (not slip loop); VoVhe-
toneaneo, noose, slip or running loop; evovhetoneane,
it is (the r.) ready for use, provided with a running
loop; namomekanone ano, I coil a r. (some of the younger
Indians will say, "namomekanoneana", using the in. in-
stead of the or.); nasèponeano, I stretch the r.;
asèponeano, I slacken the r.; naho tovone ano, I slacken,
loosen the r.; naevhašexoneano, I unwind, uncoil the
r.; naonimo taone ano, I wind the r. (around something
standing); esoxkomonehe sitoxceo, the r.is thin; emoo-
nehe,it is a coarse r.,string.
rose, henen,wild r., also tomato (or.); the name really
applies to the berry of the wild r.; Heneneohe,
Rosebud river (Montana); eosemakomaoxzevxtav, it is r.
(color); emaeaensz, they (in.) are rosy, pink, light red.
rosin, same as glue, gum, pitch. [ness; see decay, rotten.
rot, eōxeoz,it rots; eoxōva, it rots from water, damp-]
rotate, nanitoena, I make it r., whirl,q.v., (something
unstable, like a top); nanimaoahasen,
I make r.;
nanimaoahàz, I make it r.; enimaoahame, it is made to
r., revolve, q.v.; enimaoaa, it rotates, as the wheels of
machinery; nsthoaman enimahōsta or enimaoes, our earth
rotates (suspended).
[ revolving.
rotation, nimaohasenistoz, the rotating, turning around, ]
rotten, zeōxeoz hoevoxkůz,r.meat; eheko txa, it is r.;
eōxeoz, it is r., rotting; eheko txaoz, it becomes
r.(wood); eheotxeoz, it is r. (intensive); hekotxa-
hoxzz,r.tree; navōmo hoxzz zeheko txasz, I saw a r.
tree; see decay, corrupt.
rough, epepeha, it is r.; meo etapepeeoz, the road is r.;
napepeana, I make it r.; eōeven, one has a r. face
(with pimples or boils); epopeen, one has a r. face
(small, wart like elevations of the skin, similar to
those of the toad but more numerous); epopees, he has
a r.nose (like the preceding); eóonavheona, he has r.,
chapped hands (from cold); emóostaheona, one has r
chapped hands (from work or otherwise); emóo, it is
r., not smooth, coarse; emóoa nàthōmå, my robe or blank-
et is r.,coarse; móoezen, r. arm pit: hoe ematat'koz,
the land is r., broken up: navavenavemo, I speak rough-
ly, threateningly to him; vavenavemazistoz, the speak-
ing of r.,threatening words; pepehastoz, that which is
r., roughness, coarsness, disorder.
round, naakana, I r.it, like a ball; naaksemanisz, I make
it r., spherical at the point; naaksemaného, I make
it (or.) r., spherical at the point: naonistakoana, I
wind it r., into a ball (as by winding string); naoni-
stakoano, I make it r., wind it (or., sp. of string, yarn)
into a ball; naonistakana, I make it round, form it in-
to a ball; naakozenoz móesz, I r.up the (stack) hay;
eàq,it is r., head like; eonistàq,it is r., ring like;
ehohano, it is r. and long,
and long, cylindrical (as quiver
spokes, rungs, etc.); ehohanonsz, they (in.) are r.;
ehōhane tamo, it is rounded at the ends (of a cylin-
drical body); ehōhanetamonsz, they (in.) are rounded
at the ends; see under "shaped"; epàpoeonistàq, it is
r.and flat,disk like; epàpoeonistakonsz, they (in.)
are r.and flat; eveeveonistàq, it is r. and concave
(dished); see around, circle, ring, surround; inf. -ahā-
=r.about, making a détour; zevecetto, r.nook, corner;
zevotan, rounding, bending out.
rouse, našešeoešemo, I r.one from sleep; naséaoho, I r.]
rout, see defeat.
[ one .
rove, same as roam; see range.
• >
row, V eamōhesz,he rows the boat; naonovōhesz,I r.to
shore; nahoxovōhesz, I r.across; etazetōhesz, he
rows towards; ehoōhesz, he has come rowing; nahoe-ono-
vōhesz,I land, after rowing; easetōhesz, he rows away;
see boat.
n., enóovoneho tansz, they (in.) are (set) in a r.;
nanoovoneozenoz, I place them (in.) in a r.; enoovo-
neōensz, they (in.) stand in a r.; haestoha eamoneeō-
ensz maxemenósz, there are many rows of apple trees;
nohoná eamoneōeo hohonaeo, the stones are in five
rows; matòtoha eamoneōensz heceōseonoz, also
moneōeo heceōseon (or.), there are ten rows of posts;
the rad.-am- ref.to being seen from the side, abreast,
in front; enoovoneeōeo, they (or.) stand in a r.; eno-
ovoneōeo, they (or.) sit in a r., file; enoovoneešen,
they (or.) lie in a r.; enoovoneehansz, they (in.) lie
in a r.; māmenoz enoovoneenanooensz, corn is planted
in rows;
enoovoneōensz māmenoz, the corn stands in
rows; enoovoneehonetansz māmenoz, the corn is in rows
(in heaps or piles); nanoovoneehónizenoz māmenoz, I
heap, put corn in piles (making a r. of piles); eoxcho-
tonaovšetovàzeo, they (or.) lay down in a r., one after
another; nivá zistovoneōesso, there were four rows of
them (or.); nanoovoneoetō, I tie them one after an-
other, in a r.; see file,line.
royal, expressed by inf.-vehone-
"of a chief" and inf.
-nitáe- =ruling, principal; evehonevostaneheve, he
is a r.person, also he leads a chief's life;
kašgon,r.child, chief's child; nitáetanestoz,
hood; vehonhetanestoz, r. men, kingly people.
royalty, vehonevestoz, the being chief,king.
rub, nahaheanen, I r.; nahaheana, I r.it; nahaheano, I r.
one; nahahenòno, r.him (instr., as "moeva, with
grass"); nahahenoha, I r.it (instr.); ehaheane, it is
rubbed (by hand); ehahenohe, it is rubbed (with some-
thing); haheanistoz, the rubbing, also name for wash
board; hahenônistoz, the rubbing (with instr.); hahea-
neneo, the rubber, that which (or one who) is used for
rubbing; naneàtax, I r., wipe my feet; nahaheàtanàz, I
r.my feet; nahaheàtano, I r.his feet; moeva nahaheàtà-
no, I r.one's feet with grass; nahaheonanàz, I r.my
hands; nahaheonanàno moeva, I r. one's hands with
grass; nahaheonano, I r.one's hands; namamēana, I r. it
between my hands; see wear; nanehāz, I r.it off; nane-
šemo, I r.him off; enešeme, it (he) is rubbed off.
rubber, esoxocanoz,r.shoes; esoxēszehen, r.coat;
esox-smooth, slick, slippery.
rubbish, see chip, débris; peeto, r.; peoxkonoz, r.of
fallen twigs and branches.
rude, enháe, one is r., savage, wild; esónháe, one is yet
r., savage, uncultured; ehezkovoevostaneheve, he is a
ehezkovoevoan, he
r.person, leads a r.life;
rudely; ehezkovoaeta, one is r., coarse, gritty;
gritty, rough. [rude; hezkovoetàtoz, r., grittiness.
rudeness, nháestoz, r ; hezkovoezestàtoz, r., the being]
rue, see regret, repent.
rueful, eta-oeometanonov, it is r.; nataanove tanona, I am
r. etaanove tanonaoz, he becomes r.
ruffian, ahansenovahe; maseha, r., villain.
rug, honok, honokon (pl.); honok eamstosēmoneta, the r.is
longer one way than the other; etaesētostovsē-
moneta honokon, the r.is square, has equal sides.
rugged, see rough, robust; emooxoevostaneheve, he leads a
r.life; etaheszkovoa, it is r., rough, gritty; eta-
heszkovoaeta hohona, the rock, stone is r., gritty; emo-
oxoneta, one is r., robust, immune.
ruin, natotonšenoxz, I r.it; natotonšenoto, I r.one; emä-
totonšenohe, it is all ruined, spoiled; nistāsz mhä-
onoz emasenohensz, all the houses are ruined; see des-
troy; nahãovnovaovo, I r., impoverish him; nataešehāov-
novaon, I am now ruined, impoverished; totonšenotazis-
toz,r.,destruction; mätotonšenotazistoz, complete r.;
haovnovaovazistoz, r., impoverishment; see destruction,
rule, nanitáetsan, I am ruling; nanitáetovo, I r master
one; nanitáeta, I r.it; zenitáetsanesså, the ones
who are ruling; zenitáesso, the rulers;
the one ruled; nanitáetan, I want to r.;
tovo, I want to r.him; nahoeman, I make a r., decision,
law; ešexhoemanistove, a r.,regulation has been pass-
ed, made; nahoemaosan, I make a r., law for; nahoema ovo,
I make a r., law for (unto) one; nahoemaoxta, I r., con-
trol it; nahoemaoto, I r., control one; nataevavistomo-
san, I make rules, regulations; nataevavistomevo, I make
rules, regulations for him; toxtomonetto, without r.
or system; inf.-toxtomone- without restriction, free,
without fuss; nionone, without r.,at random; nitáetsa-
nistoz, the ruling; hoemanistoz, the making a r., pass-
ing a decision; nitáestoz, r., dominion; nitávhoemanis-
toz,r.,authority; taevavistomosanistoz, the making
rules, regulations; taevavistomevazistoz, r., regula-
tion, measure; vehonenitáestoz, chief's r.; vehonenitá-
etsanistoz, the ruling, chief ruling; zehenitäames-
tovsz, the one being ruled; nahenitáestove, I have r.,
dominion, command; nahenitáestoveta, I have r.over it.
ruler, nitáe, r., master, lord; zeniţáesz, the r.; zenitá-
essỏ, the rulers [not to confound with "eni'ta",it
is a different one; zeni'tasz, the other one; zeni'-
tasso, the other ones]; Zemaheonenitáesz, the R., Lord,
Master (ref. to God); Zemaxenitáesz, the Great R.; Mo-
nenitáe, the All R. (ceremonial term used with the "Ar-
rows"); Zemonenitáesz, the one being All R., Supreme
Lord; nanitáeam, my r., master; nahenitáeam or naheni-
täam, I have a r.; nahenitäamenoz, he is my r., master;
nihenitäametovaz, thou art my r.; zehenitäamestovsz,
the one being ruled; zehenitäamsz, the one having a
r.; zehenitäamesso, the ones having a r.; zehenitäame-
stovesso, the ones ruled; eoxcemähenitáestoveta hoe
na voe, he is the r. of earth and sky. Taevaheo, r.,
etāevaheoneve, it is a r., something to
measure with; hoemane, r., law maker.
rumble, etovevon, it rumbles, is a rumbling, muffled
sound; see sound; etovà tõe, the thunder is heard]
ruminate, see chew.
nasxsenoxzena, I r.thru it (seeking, searching
with the hands); see stir.
rumor, ehenov, there is a r.; also expressed with the]
rump, hešèp
[Attributive m.; see Ch.gr.
rumple, see crumple, wrinkle.
run, expressed by suff.
and -ohe; naasetax, I start
running; naamax, I r. away; naamxemo, I r. away from
one; naamxesta, I r. away from it; naamxstomovo, I r.
away from his (in.); nanoseasetaxetovo, I r. upon,
against him; nanoosease taxenoz, I r.away without
leaving him; naevhavax, I r.back; naevhavxemo, I r.back
from one; naevhavxesta, I r.back from it; eamxehestove,
they move away (running); eamxehetanov, they move away
(running) from it; eamohatax, he runs laughing; eōmo-
hatax, he passes by (runs) laughing; zeamaxsz, the one
running; zeamxessỏ, the ones running away; eamåxetan,
he wants to r.away; asetaxestoz or asetxestoz
starting on a r.; amxistoz, the running away; suff .
-ohe, denotes "running, rushing forward"; eamemeohe, he
runs, races on (with swiftness); naamemeoxz, I am run-
ning, racing; maatameo ehaeohetto, the train runs fast;
ohe eameohetto, the river is running swiftly; maata-
meo eéneohetto, the train stops running; maatameo zeé-
neohetto, where the train stops running (station); na-
aseohe, I r., race away; naaseohevo, I r., race away from
one, from where one is; naaseohetovo, I r.away from
him; nahethoahe, I r.for it, towards it, I desire it;
totahoesta ehetoaheozeo, they r. in all directions (al-
so fig.); nahoeohetō, he comes to me running; ehehe-
notomoena, it runs over (cup, bushel measure, trough);
eoheotōva, it runs over (liquids); eoheotōmahå,it
runs, rages, waves (of the water); naôzeōmetoxana, I r.
the risk of it, pass close to the border, edge;
toxanō, I pass close to them (or.), as challenging;
evoveheoxz, he runs, trots, goes faster than a walk;
inf.-vovehe- denotes "at a fast gait"; evoveomaxova,
he plows at a fast gait. Either
"X" or "h" carries
the meaning of "r." in the sense of celerity, quick-
ness, thru action, pressing, cutting thru. Nanxhotamaeo-
hetōe, he comes up behind me running; naotāemaso, I r.
one thru, pierce; naotāemxesta, I r., pierce it thru;
nahoxahôn, I r. thru (with instr., awl, knife);
toz, the running thru) the piercing of flesh in tor-
turing); nahoxaòno, I r.him (by piercing in torture),
ref.also to bead work; what is done with the awl in
bead work to adorn skin garments or shoes used to be
done on the human body,
first possibly to adorn
(tattoo), then as a torture (as in the Sun dance and
other occasions); hoxahova, hoxahovao (pl.), the one
who is adept in torturing (in ceremonials), by run-
ning a sharp instrument into the flesh; hoxaônehe, the
one running the awl,or: "the beader": such persons
(usually women) were experts in the beading
mentation of tipis and formed a special class. Ameo-
hestoz, the running; mäohestoz, the all running, race
(ref.to the fourth of July). Amxenoham, r. away horse.
runner, zeamemeoxzz, zeameohesz, the one who runs.
rush, naaeoz, I r., attack; naaeozetovo, I r. at, attack
him; ehotxovessevanoxzeo, they (or.) are heard
rushing to and fro; nanoōhetovo, I r.forward, from one;
ezetōvaoz máe, the blood rushes (sc.to the head); na-
vessetan, I am in a r.,haste; inf. -vestov- =rushing,
fleetingly; evestov'netto, it is rushing, has a rush-
ing, fleeting course; enistonevavessevo, the sound of
rushing water; see press, crowd. In some verbs the
suff.-ōst- implies "with a r.", see Instr. form of the
Ch.v.in gr.; eoxeōstahå, it is torn by a r.
of wind;
see blow, wind. Vitanósz, rushes, cattails.
rust, ehoxōao,it rusts; hoxoaoz,r.
rustle, see rustling sound.
or orna-
S, is pronounced in Ch. like "s" in "silver". When fol-
lowed by an accent (s') it sounds like two "s" sounds
with a hiatus in the middle. When surmounted by a
circumflex (š) it is pronounced like "sh" as in
"shape", but not quite as strong; sometimes it is a
change of "x" sound as "nix" into "niš". To represent
"t + s" we use "z" in Ch.
in Ch. (pronounced like the Ger.
"z"). When "z" is followed by an accent (z') it
pronounced similar to "d's" or "dzh". The etymologic-
al value of Ch."s" is "drawing to a point, thru, into"
Sack, hōe,hōeo (pl.,or.); hōenov, a s.full; naaenanoz
hōenov mazemenoz, I have (own) a s. full of oats;
veemà pehōe, a s.of sugar; pen'nhôoehōe, a s.of flour;
nahetoèno hōenov, I fill the s.; nahetoemo hesthōenov,
I fill one's s.
sacred, expressed by inf. -maheon- mysterious, divine;
also by inf. -mómå ta- sacredly, ceremonially, de-
voutly, religiously; emómåtavoan, he utters sacred,
ceremonial language; emómatavoēta, he performs a s.ac-
tion; mómå tavoētastoz, s. performance, ceremony; emómå-
tahe, one is s. (belonging to a special class of reli-
gious men, priests); mómatahestoz, the being s.; mómå-
tahetan, s. man; mómå tahee, s. woman; mómåtahéš, s.day;
namómå tavazesta, I deem it s.; namómå tavatamo, I deem
one s.; emómå tavatame, it is deemed s.; mómå tavatama-
hestoz,state of sacredness; namómå tavōemo, I count,
consider him s.; sometimes the inf.-hoxee- is prefix-
ed to -mómåta- and makes the term stronger in the
sense of "holy + sacred"; Maheo ehoxeemómå tahe, God is
s.; Maheo ehoxeemómåtavōeme, God is considered s.; na-
mómå taetanota, I hold it s., sanctify it (in mind); Ma-
heo ehoxeemómåtavostaneheve, God is a s.being; hoxee-
mómåtavostan, s. person; hoxeemómåtavostanehevestoz, s.
custom, way of living; emómåtatto,it is s ; ehoxeemó-
måtatto,it is holy and s.; zehoxeemómåtatto, that
which is s.; zemómå tattōsz or zehoxeemómå tattōsz, pl.
of preceding. Namaheonevetanota, I want it to be s.
divine; namaheonevazesta or namaheonazesta, I deem it
s., divine; namaheoneva tamo, namaheonatamo, I deem one
s., divine; maheonevrehestoz, S., ceremonial "fixings"
(ref.to s.things one wears); maheonevxistoz, s.writ-
ing; see priest.
sacrifice, eōston, he makes a s.; ōstonestoz, the making
of a s.; eōstoneheve, it is a s.; naōeto, I s.,
offer one (or.); the rad. -ōe- denotes "value, cost"
[ehoeston, one counts, studies, goes to school, reads]:
naōesz,I s.,offer it; naōstoonòno Maheo, I make a s.to
God (of it or one); ōstonhetan, the sacrificer, sacri-
ficing man; ōstoné, sacrificer (Fr.sacrificateur); ōs-
tooneomē, place of s.; zehēnaneonsz, the one who lays
down, offers, sacrifices; naēvanen, I heave (that which
is offered); see offer.
[see desecrate.
sacrilegious, hovae zetohosso, something s., profane; }
sad, eanovae, one is s.; eanovaoz, one becomes s.; eano-
vetan, one is s., feels s. (in mind); eanove-
tanona, one is in a s.disposition; zeanovasz, the one
being s.; the rad.-anove- downcast; eanovstaha, he is
s.hearted; naanovetanonavoého, I make him s.; naanove-
tanonavstaha, I am in a s.mood, feel s. at heart; see
heart. Inf.-oeom- (-ôom-) =s., mournful, grieving; eô-
ometan, one is s.,grieving; eôomae, one is (state) sor-
rowful, grieving; eoeomeneo, he has a s. countenance,
face; nioeoemeneomå, we have a s. countenance; see
mourn; naanovetanooz, I get s.; naôometanooz, I get s.,
mournful, grieving; see dejected, low spirited.
sadden, naano vetanoho, I s.him, prompt him to be sad; na-
Ôometanoho, I s.,grieve him, cause him to grieve;
naanovstahaovo, I s.him at heart, make him to be sad
hearted; naanovasého, I s., cause one to be sad; naano-
vetanosého, I s.him, cause him to feel sad; etaanoveta-
nosohetto, it saddens, causes sadness; eanove tanonov, it
saddens; eoeometanonov, it saddens, is grieving; naano-
vaovo, I s. one, make him to be sad.
saddle, hoaoxestoz, hoaoxes totoz (pl.); ehoaoxestove, it
is a s.; nathoaoxestoz, my s.; nahesthoaoxestove,
I have a s.; nahoaoxevoham, I s. the horse; ehoxeeta-
hoe, he is used to the s. (see unsaddle); hōmaoestoz,s.
blanket; tahoevoha, tahoe voham (pl.), s. horse; ēšehoa-
ox, it is saddled (sc. the horse); enešehoaoxseōeo, they
stand saddled.
saddler, tohaetotams tomanehe, s.,harness maker.
sadness, anovastoz, s., the being sad; anovetanoxtoz,s.
(feeling, disposition); anovetanoozistoz, S., the
becoming sad: oeometanoxtoz, s., grief (in thot); oeom-
hastoz, s., grief (state); anove tanonavstahàtoz, s.of
heart; also anovstahàtoz; oeomstahàtoz and oeometa-
nonavstahàtoz, s.,grief of heart.
safe, navostaneve, I am s., sound; nahōmoetan, I feel s ;
eéatamano, it is not s. (in general); eastoē, he is
not s.,is dangerous; nahōmaovo, I keep one s.; see im-
mune, save; maxevehoseo zemakätaevstoon, large recep-
tacle made of iron, a s.
safeguard, nahōmaovo, I s.him; see protect, shield; hō-1
safety, vostanevestoz, the being safe or sound, recovery;
hōmoetanoxtoz, s., shelter, the feeling safe; hō-
maovazistoz, s., shelter,q.v. nahesthōmoetanoxtove,
I have s.; navostanevatamo, I deem one safe, in safety;
vostanevatamahestoz, s. (also given to mean danger).
sag, eveevōetto, it sags.
vanósz,s.(pl. form); evanóeve,it is s.; veoxcevan-
ósz, bitter s.; xamaevanósz, red s.; hetanevanósz,
male s. moxtaevanósz, black s.; voxpevanósz, white s.,
used in ceremonials, not in infusions.
said, ehestohe, it is s.; see say: nahāmoxtaemås, I am s.
to be sick; ehāmoxtaesz, one is s.to be sick; ease-
oxzesz, he is s.to have left; napevetanomås, I am s.to
be glad; etonetton's, it is s. to be
cold (weather);
nahetaesz, one is s.to have told me;
m.in Ch.gr.
see Attributive
sail, tonovšeon zeoxcevešeamōeo semo, thick cloth used
to make the boat go; tonovšeon zeoxcevešeamōeo semo
esévoneōetto, the s. hangs loose; tonovšeon zeoxceveš-
eamōeo semo eas-séoax, the s. swells (by the wind);
amoahasemo, s. boat; amoahasemo eamoxtonaha, the wind
drives the s.boat; amoahasemo eonoveamoxtonaha, the s.
boat is driven (blown) by the wind to shore; see fly.
saint, hoxeevostan, also hoxeemómåtahe; hoxeéōstahe,
Christian S.; zehoxeéōstahes, the Christian
saints; hoxe clean, holy; ehoxeevostaneheve, he is a
s., a holy person; ehoxeemómå tahe, he is a s., sacred.
sake, expressed by inf.-hesse- in verbal forms; nahes-
seanove tanotovo, I am sad for one's s.; nahesseôze-
tanotovo, I am worried for one's s., account; nahessha-
ônatovonotto, I pray to him for his (one's) s.; nitov,
for my s.; etov, for thy s.; hevetov, for one's s.; ni-
tovan, for our s. (excl.); etovan, for our s. (incl.);
etovevo, for your s.; hevet ovevo, for their s. The same
terms are used to express "my, thy his etc, brother-in-
law" and also "myself, etc.".
salable, eoxchoxtovàtove, it is s.
salamander, eooxtatto.
salary, hoozeemestoz, S., wages (that I give); hoozeohes-
toz,s.,wages (that I get); nathoozeohestoz,
my s. (subjective); nathoozeemestoz, my s., the wages I
give; makätansz zeoxcevešeamhattonoz nathozeohestovå,
the money I get for my work; see earnings, wages.
sale, hoxtovotazistoz, s., trade; hoxtovàtoz, the selling.
salesman, vého zeoxchoxtovas, the man who does sell.
salesroom, hoxtovamhão, s., also trade house.
salesware, hoxtovo, hoxtovōnoz (pl.), s., goods, merchan-]
saliva, ōseanoxz, spit, s.; mahaenoz, s., also foam, tears,
secretion from mouth or eyes; mathosàz, flow-
ing s.; see salivate,spit.
salivate, ehosàz (or ekamosàz), he salivates; see spit.
sally, eaeoz, he sallies; niaeozetōeneo notxeo, the sol-
diers sallied, rushed against us; ehōao, he sal-
lies, rushes out; ehōax, he sallies, steps out; enxhōax,
he sallies (speaker being outside).
saloon, vèhoemàpemhäo,lit.white-man's-water-house.
salt, voxpomaoxz; evoxpomaoxzeve, it is s.; voxpomaoxze-
va, with s.; zetomseo voxpomaoxz, pillar
of s.;
Voxpomaoxzeohe, S. river (Salt Fork in Okla.); nanoa-
na voxpomaoxz hòpeeva, I s.the soup, mix s.with soup;
also navoxpomaoxzevana hòp, I s. the soup (make it
salty); navoxpomao xzevana, I s.it: evoxpomaoxzevane, it
is salted; zevoxpomaoxzevane hoevoxkoz, salted meat;
navoxpomaoxzevōmana, I s.it (in water, brine).
salted, evoxpomaoxzeva, it is s., salty, q.v.
salty, evoxpomaoxzeva, it is s.; evoxpomaoxzēno,
tastes s.; evenēno, it
salutation, see greet, salute.
(water) tastes
[like, brakish, alkali.
salute, naaxaoto, I s.him; naaxaōeoxz,I s., show friend-
liness, am social; etoxōeoxz, he salutes around,
goes about being social.
salvation, vostanevhàzistoz and vostanevstomanistoz;
heto naveševostanevhan, this is my s.; hevos-
tanevstomanistoz, his s., the one he occasions, makes;
hevostanevàzistoz, his s., by which he is saved.
salve, xoaneo (in.), also xoanenistoz, s., ointment;
nevoenistoz, s., for the face;
eye s.; see ointment.
same, hapo, the s., likewise; inf.-aàze- at the s. time,
besides, aside; aàzevetto, phrase of preceding; ene-
hae, the very s. (or.); eneha, the very s. (in.);
alike; esaasēhessohan, it is not the s. inf.-sē- =S.,
alike, similar, equal; nasaaevhapevazestahe,
I am no
more the s. (physically); eevhazesta, he is the s.
again; seetoes, at the s.point (time or place). Esēše-
amata, it pains the s.; nisētomatanonsz nivēsanoz, our
teeth pain the s.,alike; esehessonettonsz, they (in.)
are the s.,alike; nitao etonšeneha, it is all the s.;
esxsẽexovonsz, they (in.) are of the s. quality, de-
gree; etoomahe, he remains the same, unchanged.
sample, see compare; neevavõsanistoto, s. (of cloth, dry
goods); see example.
Samuel, Maheon-oxnistōsz, Heard of God.
Samson, Oxhekoneozz or Hekoneozemaha.
sanctification, hoxeanazistoz, s., cleansing; mómå tahoxe-
anazistoz, s., sacred cleansing; hoxeemó-
måtavanenistoz, s., the sanctifying: hoxeemómåtavosta-
nehevestoz, s., sanctified life; hoxeemómå tavanazistoz,
s., the sanctifying one (obj.).
sanctified, see sanctify.
[the one who sanctifies.
sanctifier, hoxeemómå tavaneneo; zehoxeamómå tavanensz,]
sanctify, nahoxemómå tavanen, I s.; nahoxeemómå tavano, I
s.one (or.); nahoxeemómå tavana, I s.it; naho-
xeetanota, I s.it (in thot, hold for clean); Maheo ni-
hoxeetanotōen, God sanctifies us, also nihoxeemómåta-
vanaen, God sanctifies us, makes us holy; nahoxeexana, I
s.,perfect it (clean); nahoxeexano (or. of preceding);
namxevōmotoxta, I s.,clean it, as in blowing a beverage
(ceremonially) before drinking; see blow; mxevɔ̃motox-
toz nàtaman, sanctify our food, blow over it! Nahoxee-
mómåtavostaneheve, I lead a sanctified life; ehoxeemó-
måtavane, it (or one) is sanctified; ehoxeemómåtahe, he
is sanctified, sacred; emxevōmotome, it is sanctified,
blessed (food, beverage); ehoxeetano toe, it is sancti-
fied (held so); ehoxeatamahe, one is held, deemed holy,
sanctified; nahoxeemómå tavatamo, I deem one sacred,
sanctified, holy; nahoxeetanota Maheonéš, I s. the Sun-
day, keep it holy, sacred in thot; navâxshoxeexano, I
s., make him perfectly clean, holy.
sanction, see consent, permission.
sanctity, hoxeatamahestoz,s., state of being clean, holy;
hoxeemómåtahestoz, S., sacredness; oxsehoxeemó-
måtahestoz,s., perfection in holiness;
xeastoz, divine s., holiness; mómåtahoxeastoz, s., state
of sanctification.
sanctuary, maheonevē, sacred tipi; maheoneom, sacred
lodge; hoxeemómåtaveom, s.; maheonemhäo, s.,
holy house. Zexhōs Maheo etaoxsēmómåtattoz', the s.of
God, lit. the place of God (where he is) is exceeding
sacred; hevez Maheo zehoxeemómå tavatamahettoz', the s.
of God.
sand, heséovo, s., quick or shifting s.; eheséovomao or
eheséovoevomao, it is sandy ground; šenovhohona, s.
stone; eheséovoeve, it is s.; heséovoeva, in the s.;
naeszevanēoxz heséovoeva, I sink in the s. See sandy.
sandal, hoemxôn, s.; ehoemxôanon, one is provided with
sandals; see shoe. [place, s. ground (whitish).
sandy, neomao, s., barren place; eneomaeve, it is a s.]
oxhesta epevomoxta, he is s. and sound (physical-
ly): esaamashanē, he is s., not unreasonable;
vetoxetan, one is s., has a correct judgement.
sanity, pave toxetanoxtoz, s., soundness of mind;
hanĕhestoz, S., the not being unreasonable.
sap, hoxzezemàp, tree s.,also s. of maple tree; eōhesto-
neoxz, it saps, has s.; esxseveceonaoz, one is sapped,
limp, exhausted,q.v.
sapphire, emoxtaveotatav, it is s. (color).
sarcasm, see contempt.
sash, see belt, frame, girdle, sling.
Satan, writer keeps the name as it is, pronouncing
"a's" as in "father. Havsevevhan,
Eavo, Devil (from the Mexicans).
satiate, nanasoeno, I am satiated (food): nanasoenôoz, I
become satiated; nasoenosz, be satiated, have
enough! Esaanševóenohe or eoxksaanševóenohe, he is
never satiated; nanasōvoe, I am satiated (in drink-
ing); see enough.
satisfaction, hekozetanoxtoz, s., contentment (in mind);
mxomhastoz, s., sufficiency; omazeozistoz, s.
(Ger., Genügsamkeit), also modesty; mxàtovestoz, full
sufficiency, the "reaching all" (implying s.); hotoeo-
zistoz,s., contentment; etâmastoz, s., abundance; see
plenty, satisfy.
can also be ex-
satisfactory, etapeva, it is s., good;
pressed by inf.-voeše-; evoešenhesso, it is
the Evil;
satisfy, namänxeoz, I am
satisfied, have plenty, amply
enough; eomazeoz, one is satisfied, not assuming,
contented; inf. -mxastov- denotes "reaching amply,
touching all"; inf.-etâm- with plenty, richly;
mae, one is satisfied,
satisfied, contented;
nahekozetan, I am
satisfied, content; nahekozetanoho, I s.him, make him
feel content; navhàpe, I am satisfied, have enough; na-
eševhapetōen, he has satisfied us (physical needs);
naešenasoeno, I am satisfied, have enough (in eating);
napâmevo, I s.him with food (this term is not quite
certain); nasómahā, I am satisfied, have still enough,
have a plenty yet; nanasoenôoz, my hunger
satisfied; see satiate; navešhotoeoz, I am satisfied,
pleased with it; navešhotoeozenotto, I am satisfied,
pleased with them (or.); nahotoetan, I feel satisfied,
pleased; nahotoetanoho, I prompt him to be satisfied,
pleased; nasaaho toestô, I am not satisfied with it, I
complain about it.
saturate, eexōva, it is saturated; see soak, wet.
saucer, nomeneveēsohestoz; nomen to drink (in eating)
+ -veesohestoz, that which is slightly concave.
sausage, hoevoxköz zepeene, ground meat; naetoeha hoe-
voxkỏz zepeene hestàzeva, I put ground meat into
intestines, make s.; nahestazeheeneonan, I make s.;
hestaz, hestatoz (pl.), s., bologna; hestatsonoz, small
s.,also hestazeheeneo.
savage, enháe, one is s., wild, not tamed; emomátae, he is
s.,violent, raging; momátavostan, S., violent
son; nháevostan, s., wild person.
save, navostanevého, I s.him; navostane vész, I s.it; na-
vostanevstovo, I s.his (in.); evostanevehe, one is
saved; zevostane vēsz, the saved one; navostanevhàze-
tan, I want to be saved; navenootan, I desire to be
saved, delivered; navenootanota, I want to s.it; nave-
nootanotovo, I want to s.,deliver him; navenooho, I s.
him; navenooevamo, I urge him to be saved, delivered;
evostanevstoman, he saves, occasions salvation; all the
above terms used to ref. solely to the saving from
disease or death; ehotōva, one is saved from dying
(having performed certain rites, which are supposed to
s. him or make him immune); etoshotōvasz, he is to
perform in order to be saved from death; nahotōvavo-
motao, I s. one (performing certain ceremonials for
him): natãosen, I s., keep intact, preserved; natāose-
noz, I s., keep him (as a horse, Ger., schonen); natāos-
zhova, I s., am saving with my property; natãosexan, I
s.my eyes; natāoseēsz, I s.my words, speak with circum-
spection; inf.-taos- savingly, guardedly, carefully;
tãosestoz, the saving (Ger.das Schonen, Sparen); nahov-
xthozenoz makätansz, I s., hoard money; oha, s., except,
unless, but; vostane vstomanistoz, the saving, salvation.
Savior. Vostanevstoman and Vostane vhan; navostane vsto-
maneham, my S.; nahevostanevstomanehamenoz, he is
my S.; evostanevstomaneheve, he is a S.
savor, expressed by suff. -ēno
having the taste, flavor,
savor; eēno,it savors; evešeēno,it savors with; epe-
veēno,it has a good flavor, s.; evešeenhēno (or -nhee-
no),it savors of; nanohēna or nanoheena, I s. it with;
see flavor, taste.
tovosešeheo,-heonoz (pl.), usually applied to small
saws; tovo gap, ref.to the s.teeth; tovosešeheone-
va navešeheoneva navešeéxa, I s.it, cut it with a s
éšxovàtoz or exxovàtoz, larger s : naexxova, I s.
I s.,cut
thru; see cut.
[is sawed.
sawmill, mhäo zexxovàtove šistato, house where lumber]
say, naheve,I s.; niheve, thou sayest; ehevō, one says;
naheme, we s.; nihema, you s.; ehevōn, they s.;
naxheve, I said; exhevō, he said; zehetto, what I s.;
zehesz, what one says.; zehevoss, what they s. or said;
naoxheve, I s., reply, answer; eoxhevō, what did he s.?
Nioxhevé, what didst thou s., reply? Nasaaoxohe, I said
nothing; nisaaoxohema, we said, answered nothing; esaa-
oxohe, he said nothing; hapo nataešeoxheve, let me also
have my s.! Naoxoe, I s., answer, reply; venaoxosz, now
have thy s., s. on! Hovahestovå nasaaoxohe, I have no-
thing to s.; hehe axhessēsz, you ought to s.yes; nitā-
emaz, it is all I s. to thee, I have told thee all; na-
heto, I s.to one; nahesta, I s.it; zexhēs, what he said,
also zeoxhes; naoxheto, I s., answer, reply to one; ni-
oxhetohé, what didst thou s. to him? Nasaaoxhetohe, I
said, replied nothing to him; zexhetata, that which he
said to thee; axhetōsz, thou shouldst have told him;
zistanhēs,as (while, during) he said so; eoxhestomota-
àzeo, they s., answer for themselves; axhetossēsz, you
ought to have said to him; evešenhenov, it is said
therewith, it means to s.; naoxhestomotâ, I s., answer
for him; nasaaoxhestomotaàzé, I have nothing to s.,an-
swer for myself; hešehå, s. thou! Hehe, s. you! Hešehå, s.
thou to him! Heta, s. you to him or them! Hešenan, s.
thou to them! Niheš, thou sayest to me; nixhešsz, s.
thou to me! Oxhešehå, s., answer thou him! Oxohe, s., an-
swer you! Heoxhestoz, his s., saying, utterance, reply.
See speak, tell.
saying, oxhestoz, -totoz (pl.); ehestov, it is said, is a
saying; also ehenov, it is a s.; eoxcenhenov,
there is a s.; ozhenov, the s. thus, to say thus; onhe-
nov, the s. so, the "to say of"; hehe hestov, the s.yes;
ehenov, it is a s., a rumor; suff.-oan (for verbs) and
-oanistoz (for nouns) implies s. utterance, speech;
eohāoanistove, it is a hard s., also "strange news";
otoxovoanistoz, wise s.; ononovoanistoz, dark, doubtful
s.; neenovoanistoz, proverbial s.; ehotoanavoanistove,
it is a hard, dire s.
scab, eōeve, one has s., is scabby; eōevetto, it is scab-
by; eōevettonsz, they (in.) are scabby; eōevemazen,
he has scabby eyes; devemana, Scab-band (pr.name); õe-
veta, S., Scabby (pr.name); see sore; emaenita, one is]
scabbard, see sheath.
[full of s., sores.
scabby, see scab, itch.
scaffold, niveoxtaōstoz, s., "four legged stand", used
some Indians (also Ch.) to bury their dead.
scald, expressed by instr.suff.-ōmâno (or.) and
(in.) to burn with hot liquid; naonitōmâno, I s.
him (implies peeling of skin); naonitōmâno kokôax,
s.a chicken; naonitōmâe nazehess, my foot is scalded;
see burn.
scale, nomahehestōm, fish s.; šišinovoz hestoxōm, rattle-
snake s., skin; naexōeno noman, I s., peel, skin the
fish; zevešeonistanãosanistove, s., lit. "by which
weight is ascertained". See climb.
scalp, naéōstaso,I s. one [naéōstàno, I baptize one];
eéōstxe, he is scalped; zeéōstxesso, the scalped
ones; màtas, scalped man (living): mazeevavoton,s.
lock; metax, s.; also meq, hair; metaxēszehen, s. coat
(adorned with scalps or human hair). Sometimes the
whole s.was taken, oftener only a piece of skin with
hair on, and sometimes only a bunch of hair. Any knife
was used to take a s.
is a s.
scan, naevoeō, I s., looking around (standing), in one di-
rection, then in another; naevonō, I s. (sitting);
natåtaotoeō, I s.(standing), begining at one point and
circling to the other end; natåtao tono, I s. (sitting);
see look,see.
scandal, havsevetotoxsetane vàtoz, s., evil talk, spreading
of evil reports; ehavsevetotoxsetane vàtove, it
[meoz, it becomes s., scarce.
scant, eohemo kòkonhôo, bread is s., lacking; eoxceohe-]
scanty, hovèn, small in measure or quantity.
scar, vovehaestoz; inf.-vovehe- denotes "scarred"; evo-
vehensta, he has a scarred knee; evovehetoness, he
has a scarred abdomen; evovehešen, he has a scarred
chest; evoveheeoxtana, he has a scarred forehead; evo-
vehene, he has a scarred face; evovehestoona, he has a
scarred throat; evovehevotanos, he has a scarred
cheek; evoveheota, he is scarred under the chin;
vehepaona, he is scarred on the back; evovehestatamōn,
he is scarred on the shoulder; evovehēs, he has a
scarred nose; evoveheškos, he has a scarred finger;
evovehestāeona, he has a scarred palm; evoveheszeoona,
he has a scarred elbow; evoveheaona, he has a scarred
shin; evovehesseva, he has a scarred calf of leg: evo-
veheané, he has a scarred nape; see cut.
scarce, see rare; eohemeoz, it is s.; etohovo, it is s.,
rare.q.v.; hovèn, scarcely, barely; makätansz eto-
hovonsz, money
is s., rare; inf. -saaxaē, =scarcely
left; esaaxaēhoneohenov, they had scarcely any cloth-
ing left.
scare, nahèpoemo, I s. one (by words);
nahèpôozého, I
cause one to s.; nahèpôoz, I get scared; nahè poe-
tan, I feel scared; nahèpoetanoho, I cause him to feel
scared; eohaetano oz, he is scared, alarmed, frightened;
exahec-ohão tōene, he looks scared; hèpôozistoz, the
getting scared, s.; ohaetanoozistoz, s., alarm (in
thot); hèpoetanoxtoz, the feeling scared; hèpoemazis-
toz, the scaring one (obj., by
by words); see fear,]
scarf, hokota; see necktie.
scarlet, enanivsemaktav, it is s.; see color.
scary, ehèpoetanoeoneve, he is s.
scatter, nanonokanen, I s.,disperse; nanonokaosan, I make
s.; nanonokaovō, I make them s.; nanonokanō, I s.
them (or.); inf.-héne- scattering, going asunder; ni-
héneoxzhemå, we s., disperse; exhénevetanevoneo, the
multitude scattered, dispersed; enonoceha, it lies
scattered; hekonoz enonocehansz, the bones lie scat-
tered; enonocehansz, they (in.) lie scattered; enono-
cešen, they (or.) lie scattered; ehénevoehansz, they
(in.) lie spreading apart, scattered, dispersed; ehéne-
voešen, they (or.) lie scattered, spreading asunder;
nahénehàz,I s.it (by throwing); nahénehàzenoz ēnano-
hestoz, I s.seeds; ehénehamensz, they (in.) are scat-
tered (thrown apart); see radiate, spread.
scenery, zehetatamano; moonatamano hestoz, s., beauty (in
general); zemoonatamanoó, beautiful s. (of ver-
dure, plants, fields); eohāpevatamanoó,it is a
ful s.(of vegetation).
scent, hessematonistoz; see smell.
scholar, vovistomoseo, the one taught; evovistomose one-
ve, he is a s.,learner, a taught one: see pupil.
school, mxistonemhão, s., schoolhouse; name anoz mxistone-
mhäon, I send him to s.; evessemxiston, he goes to
writes with (sc.others); navestxistonemo,
I go to
s.with him, am his s.fellow; namxistonevea, I am of s.
age: zemxistoneveãesso, the ones of s.age; hezethoeva
tass nimxistoneshanhemå Maheo hemxistonemhäon, we are,
as it were, in God's s. here on earth; mxistoneo, s.
children, students, writers; vovistomosenehe, vovistomo-
sanehe, teacher; zeoxcevovistomosansz mxistonemhäon, s.
scissors, oxtxovamota, -motaxcsz (pl.); eoxtxovamo taxce-
ve,it is a pair of s.(sg.in Ch.); oxtxovamotä-
va, with the s.; natoxtxovamota, my s.; oxtxovamo täva
navešeéxa, I cut it with s.; see cut, trim. Hatoxcea,
hatoxcean (pl.), Scissor-tailed flycatcher (Muscivo -]
scoff, see deride,mock.
[ra forficata)
scold, naveoeto, I s.one; see rebuke; nanehoetovatovo, I
s., am cross, mad at one; veoestomohestoz, veoetazi-
stoz, the scolding; nehoetovatovazistoz, the scolding, ]
scoop, see dip.
[the being cross, mad at one.
scorch, etonitâta, it is scorched (burnt some); esaato-
nitâtahan, it is not scorched; enitâha, he
scorches it; etonitâno, he scorches one (burns some);
namomohe, I am scorched; naaeha, I s., burn it; naaehan-
on, we s.it; naaeōs tâha, I s.it (in a hurry); zeaeooma-
oe, scorched prairie (black after fire): see singe.
scorn, natohoxtoého, I s.him, treat him scornfully; see
mock; natotazetanotovo, I s.him (in contempt); na-
totatōmo, I look at him with s.; natotazeēsztovo, I
speak scornfully to one; natotazemo, I speak of him
he looks with s
with s.; etotatōmanehe,
tempt. Tohoxtoētastoz, s., mockery; totazetanoxtoz, s.,
contempt; totazeēszistoz, words of s.; totazemazistoz,
s., the scorning of one (obj.), in words;
toz, look of s. See despise, deride, disdain.
scorner, totazeheo; totazevoētahe, s. (in doings); zeto-
tatōsansz, the s.in look; see mocker. [disdain.
scornful, expressed with inf. -totaz-=with s., contempt, ]
scorpion, voxcevase,-vaseo(pl.); evoxcevaseve, it is a s.
scoundrel, eotašenitamae, he is a s.; šenitamahetan, s.;
emaseha, he is a s., villain.
scour, mhäo nanšehana, I s., wash the house; nanhoaena, I
s.it; nanhoaenanon, we s.it; nhoaeneo, scourer, iron
dish rag; hovae zemóo eoxcenhoaene, something coarse,
rough must be scoured.
[who s., spy; see spy.
scout, nanon, I s., spy; nōne, s., spy; zenōnesso, the ones]
scowl, emoetaveneo, he scowls; etaoveneo and etakoveneo,
he scowls, frowns; moetavenestoz,s.
scramble, can be expressed with inf.-nonotov- hurried-
ly; estano notoveaseohe, he scrambled away.
scrap, see fragment.
scrape, našēxa, I s., take it off (with
noz, I s.them (in.) off; nasesenôn, I s. (with in-
str.); nasesenòno, I s. one (or.); nasesenoha, I s.it;
naseseanen, I s. (with fingers); naseseano, I s.one
(or., with fingers); naseseana, I s.it; naseseax, I s.it
(with knife, as corn from the ear or meat from the
bones); nase seaxanon, we s.it; nasesenoxsan, I s.with
teeth, gnaw; nasesenoxta,I s., gnaw it; nasesenomo, I s.
one (or., with teeth), gnaw him; napopoovesēsan, I s.off
the hair; zešēxovaz, the one who scrapes off
off (with
knife); zesesenônsz, the one who scrapes (with in-
str.); zesesenohe, that which is scraped; zesesanensz,
the one who scrapes with fingers; zeseseane, that
which is scraped (with fingers); zeseseaxe, the one
(in.) scraped with knife; zeseseaxesso, the ones (or.)
scraped with knife; zesesenome, that which is scraped
with teeth, gnawed; natšexōen, I s. (a hide); namaeō, I
s.a hide; maen, scraping tool.
scraper, ahōenovota, hide s., on which hide is rubbed
and fro; monàz, monàzetto (pl.), hide s. (antler
haft and iron blade); namonázz, my s.; hemonàzetto,
one's s.; namonàzenan, our s.; nōhanistoz, maxenōhanis-
toz, road s.,big shovel.
scraping, seseanenistoz, s.with fingers; eseseanenisto-
ve, it is a s.with fingers; sesenônistoz, the s.
with striking instr.; seseaxestoz, the s. with knife;
šēxovàtoz, the s.off with knife; sesenoxsanistoz, the
s.with teeth, gnawing.
scratch, nahotaosan, I s. (with whole hand); kaesebotam
ehotaosan, the cat scratches; nahotaeneosan, I s.
the face; ehotaene, he has a scratched face; etoxzeoe-
ha,it has a s.; etoxzeoeš, one has a s.; nahotaovo, I
s.him; ehotaoe, he is scratched; nahotaòno, I s.one
(with instr.); rad.-axē- ref.to scratching for relief
from itching, etc.; naaxēoxz, I s. (the part itching);
eaxēna, he is scratching; eaxēnàz, he scratches him-
self; naaxēno, I s.him; naaxēszeha, I s. my head; naaxē-
szehano, I s. one's head; naaxēheonaoxz, I s. my hands;
eaxestaeme, he scratches (for lice); naaxeeseoxz, I s.
my nose; naaxeostaoxz, I s.my ears; naaxēeoseoxz, I s.
my fingers; naaxēevaenaoxz, I s.my arm; naaxēexaneoxz,
I s.my eyes; naaxēeneoxz, I s. my face; naaxēešene oxz, I
s.my chest; naaxēpaonaoxz, I s.my back; naaxēàtaoxz, I
s.my feet; naaxēeoxtaoxz, I s. my legs; naaxēexaneno, I
s.one's eyes (for itch); naaxēexanèno, I s. one's eyes
(with instr., for itching); axeoxzistoz, s., the scratch-
ing for itch; hotaosanistoz, s., the scratching; enše-
amhotan, he (animal) is scratching the ground, digging;
see dig.
[he screams; masónistoeozistoz,s.
scream, emasónistoeoz, he screams, shouts; evovoxkoom (?), ]
screen, zevesshotoene makäta, finely woven wire; hōmeho-
estoz, s. (standing); see shield, sift.
screw, nahekoneonimo taoba, I s.it tight;
taoha, I s.it loosely (also
naonimotaoēstana, I s.it in (by hand); naonimotaoēsto-
ha, I s.it in (with instr.); tōneoheo zeonimotaoēset-
to, s., lit. nail winding into a point; also zeonimotao-
ēstaneoneve tōneoheo, nail which is inserted by
ing or winding; onimo taoēstôo, s. driver, the one
the screwing.
scribe, mxistonhetan, -hetaneo (pl.), the writing man.
scripture, maheonemxisto, holy writing, book; Maheonemxi-
stō, Scriptures, Bible, Holy writing; zetohes-
tov Maheonemxistō, as the Scriptures say; ezhešeamše-
me Maheonemxistōneheva, it is thus written in the S.
scrofula, eszemáe; eheszemáeve, it is s.; see gopher.
scroll. naonimo taoemaena, I s., roll it up in the form of
a s.; onimo taoemaeneo, s., roll,q.v.; zeonimota-
oemaene, that which is rolled up, a s.; zeonimotaoemae-
ha, s., that which is rolled up (state); zeonimo taoema-
eš, s., that which (or.) is rolled up, as dry goods; see
roll, wind.
scrub, naahenōvaha, I s.it (as floor), rubbing with wa-
ter; also naōvaha.
scruple nanizesta, I have scruples, doubts, q.v.; see]
scrutinize, navovoxponenòztovo, I s. him (by question-
ing); navovoxpone-oxtanōxta, I s.it (by look-
ing); see scan.
scrutiny, vovoxponenòztàtoz, s.in questioning; vovox-
pone-ōhatamazistoz,s.(in examining); Vovoxpo-
neoxtanōsanistoz, s. (by look).
scum, ze(o)xenitam; see filth.
scythe, ookoenenistoz.
sea, zemhaōmoeha, the s., great body of water;
ha, it is the s.; esaamhaōehaan, it is not the s.;
zexhestoema-mhaōmoeha, the s. side, towards the s.; emo-
moxtōmeostahå, the seas are agitated; eonovōmeoz, the
seas hurl shoreward; eésevōmeoz, the s. swells; enxhe-
tōmeoz, the seas rise (Ger. auftürmen); etaava-vovoe-
seōmeoz zenstoseonovōmeoz, the seas first recede and
then rush on shoreward; eavaseōmeoz, the seas recede;
see under "water". Naenehan, Dead S.; hōma zèmhaōmoe-
ha, on the other side of the s.
seaboard, toxetto zèmhaōmoeha, along the edge of the]
seal, napâanen, I s., paste to; napaana, I s.it; epâane, it
is sealed; pâaneo,s. (also postage stamp); pâa-
neneo, the instr. to s.with; nahekonxpeamena, I s.it
shut (any aperture, as with wax, mud, cement, pitch); na-
nxpeamena, I s.its holes, apertures; naaxcevana, I s.
with wax, glue; paehoovàtoz, sealing wax, solder; napä-
hoova, I s., paste, solder; zemacepâne, the red s. (on
documents). Eneamanemoktav, it is s.brown (color).
seam, zeamenoe, that which is sewed on (in a continuous
way); see sew.
[ seam.
seamless, esaa-ameno ehe, it (or., sp. of garments) has no]
seamstress, hàpenoevèhoa, sewing white woman; vohetxova-
vèhoa, s. (white woman); [navohetxova, I cut
for a dress; navohetaso, I cut it (or., sp. of drygoods)
for a dress]; zeoxcemaneoz vōstoto, the one who makes]
sear, see scorch, shrivel, wrinkle by heat.
search, nanoxzena, I s., seek for it (with hands); nanox-
zenoho, I s.him; see range (in s. of food).
searching, expressed with inf.-vovoxpon-
seaside, toxetto zèmhaōmoeha.
season, eoešemensz or eoehoensz, they (in.) are seasoned
(arrow wood, in the sun); naoehoha, I s.it by
heat, fire; nanoheena (or nanohēna), I s., flavor it;
zehetoexovhonexov, in its s., time; zehetoexoveāneve, in
the winter s.; zehetoexovemeaneve, in the summer s.
time; zehetoexovetonōeve, in the fall s.; zehetoexove-
mazeomeve, in the spring s., time: oneevavexovēsz, the
seasons; esaaešhone xovhan, it is not the s., the time.
taxesehestoz; etaxesehestove, it is a s.; hoestoz,
s.,place; hoesto, s. (like a throne, stationary s.).
secluded, see apart; eáešhistanoveo, they live in seclu-
sion, s.; eáešnxpaoeo, they (or.) are s., kept in
second, navistämo, I s.,help him; see assist; inf. -hos-
se- for a s.time, again; inf.-honaov- denotes s.
in a line, next to the first or last; zehonaovasz, the
s.one (or.); nahonaovemetan, I am given a s.time, added
unto the first; nahonaoveamha, I receive a s. time (as
much as the first); ehonaovenitáe, he is next after
the ruler, s.master; zehonaovezeceasz, the s. last
(or.), in age; zenixaonetto éš, the s., day; nahossevō-
mo, I see him for the s.time.
secrecy, emōsetanoxtoz; emōsetto, with s., in secret.
secret, nataézesta, I keep it s.; also nanšeézesta; naé–
ztomevo, I keep it s. from him, do not tell him of
it; zeemōszhesso, that which is s.; naemōsetan, I am
s.,I think in s.; inf.-emos- secretly; naemōseĕszto-
vo, I speak in s.to him; naemōxtoēta, I act in s., am a
s.doer, performer; naemōxtoxtova, I sell in s.; see il-
legitimate. Emōseneševestoz,s.doing, deed; inf. -eme-
implies "covertly, concealing"; naemenoto, I kill him
in s., covertly (also said of a Ch. butchering a beef
without telling the others); see conceal.
secretary, nha zeoxcemxistonsz, the one who is in the
habit of writing. Old Ch.who have often heard
the name "Secretary" pronounce it "Secetä", and use it
when ref.to the Secretary of the Interior.
secrete, see conceal, hide.
sect, momenohènistoz, s., faction, the
bunching apart;
emomenohèneo, they form a s., bunch for them-
selves; see faction.
secure, nahestōmeozistove, I am s., safe, protected; see]
security, see safety, shelter.
[fasten, safe, shelter.
sedate, eomatahe, one is s., sober, q.v.
seduce, naavosého, I s.,influence one; naooxsenosého,
s., lead one astray; nanohénosého, I s., cause
him to go astray, aside; nanezného havseveva, I s., lead
him into evil; navonhosemo, I s., influence, urge one
(in words); navonhoaovo, I s., entice him; naooxsetano-
ho, I s., lead him astray (in thot); see blandish, flat-
seduction, avosàzistoz; ooxsetanoshàzistoz and ooxse-
nosházistoz, s., the leading astray; Ooxseta-
noxtoz,s. (in thot); vonhosemazistoz,s., influence (in
words); vonhoaozistoz, s., temptation.
see, rad.-ō- ref.to sight, look,s. In the following ex
amples many terms are better translated by "look".
but are put together here for the sake of the Ch. rad.
Naoxcpavō, I s.well, have a good sight; nahavsevō, I
have poor sight, s.badly; nahotō, I s., have sight; nat-
sono, I s.thru (any surface); nanàkō, I s.clear, sharp;
nameonō, I s.dimly; name anho, I s. down upon; nahoxeōo, I
s.clean, clear, have a clear sight, look; nasòpo vónhanis-
tovå, I s. thru the window; nakaōsan, I s.close, near; na-
kaōmo, I s.him close; nakaōxta, I s.it close; navōsan,
s., am seeing; navōmo, I see one; navōxta, I s.it; evōme,
it or one is seen; evōmensz, they (in.) are seen; evōm-
eo, they (or.) are seen; esaavōmehan, it is not seen;
esaavōmehe, he is not seen; navehōsan, I am at it seeing;
navehōmo, I am at it seeing him, I look at him; navehōx-
ta (in.); navōsého, I cause him to see it, I show it to
him; navōsesz, I show it; navōsonotto, I make him s.him, I
show him to him; ehanōme, he is seen, detected; nahanōmo,
I s.him from a distance, without him seeing me; also na-
nhaōmo, I s., detect, catch a glimpse of him; epevōenov, it
sees well (as eyeglasses), there is a good seeing; esaa-
pevōenovhan, it does not s.well, there is no good sight;
navōsetan, navōsanetan, I want to s.; naohanōmo and naox-
tanōmo, I s.him distinctly (also am eyewitness); nahoo-
toevōmo, I turn to s.him; emaeōme, he is seen by all; ze-
oxtatoheta-hotaōtto,as far as I can s.,scan; esaasoxpo-
Oxtovhan, it is opaque, cannot be seen thru; nanoméoto
hestotaenovå, I s.his trail (s.him by his trail); nanox-
zeoto, I seek to s.his trail, trail him; nananovo, I know
him by seeing him; see recognize: naemōmo, I s.him in
secret, from behind, concealed (subj.): navoxtomovo heam-
stōenovestoz, I s.him from the side, profile; naamstōeno-
vetan, I want to have a side view; eamstōenov, it is seen
from the side; naamstōmo, I s.him from the side; niatae-
vōmazeme, I s. you (full face); naataevōmo, I s.him (full
face); naamhōmo, I s. him outlined (against a back-
ground, horizon, etc.); naamhōmàz, I s.myself, my outline
(as in a mirror, water); naamhōxta, I s. its outline (as
the eye of a needle, when held to the light, also some-
thing seen from dark to light [as horizon in the even-
ing, or stereopticon views], reflected in the light); am-
hōseo, the object thus seen, also: clear view;
zistoz, mirror]; eamhōseoneve, it is a reflected object;
zevōseoneve, that which is seen, visible; zevōseonevsz,
the one seen, visible; esaavōseonevhan, it cannot be
seen, is invisible; esaavōseonevé, he is not seen, is in-
visible; nataneevane tōeoz, nataneevazetōeoz, I shall s.,
look that way (as a sign agreed upon beforehand); nsta-
neevavehoeozetovaz, I shall look at thee (prearranged
sign); namešého, I s., detect, notice him, know what he
will do (from prearranged signs); naehanox tōmo, I look
at him with envy; ehanoxtōmazistoz,envious look; naotō-
statamo, I look at him in wonder, astonishment; zehe-
tōmsz, the way one looks, is seen; zehetōmaetto,
the way
it looks, appears to me; zehetōmaes, the way it looks to
one; zehetōmaez, the way it appears to us; navōxta zeē-
veha, I s.it lying; navōxtanoz eevhansz, or zeēvaēsz, I s.
them (in.) lying; navōmo ešeš, zešešenaz or zešešsz,I s.
him lying; zeēvšenaz or zeēvešsz, lying dead; navōmō ze-
zešešenavoss, I s. them (or.) lying (alive); navōmō zeēv-
šenavoss, I s. them (or.) lying dead; navōmo zenhēsz, I s.
him standing; navōmo henstaneva zenhēsz,I s.him kneel-
ing; navehoeō, I standing s.; navehoeoetovo, I standing
s.him; navehoeoeta, I standing s.it; navehonō, I sitting
s.; navehonoetovo, I sitting s.him; navehonoeta, I sit-
ting s.it,look at it; ezetōeō, he standing looks; ezeto-
nō,he sitting looks; navehoeoz, I standing glance, give a
quick look; navehoeozetovo, I standing look quickly at
him; navehonoeoz, I sitting glance; navehoeozeta, I
standing look, glance at it. In the following "1.
stands for "look" or "looks": evoešetanonavōmanehe,
1.happy; eanovetanonavōmanehe, he 1.sad; ehèpnōmanehe, he
1. frightened; eononovōmanehe, he 1.doubtful; epave tanona-
vōmanehe, he 1. radiant; ehevessenehevōmanehe, he 1. to be
a friend; eōcevōmanehe, he 1.deceitful; enozevōmanehe, he
1.hostile; ehaeanavōmanehe, he 1. hungry; enxooxtōmanehe,
he 1.amused; etotatōmanehe, he 1. scornful; ešivaztavōma-
nehe, he 1. merciful, kind; eaxâxtomanehe, also eaxaenevō-
manehe, he 1. friendly, pleasant; ehōvōmanehe, he 1. disap-
pointed; emomátaōmanehe, he 1. angry; esaananonevōmanehe,
he 1.harsh, implacable; emehoxtōmanehe, he 1.loving; evē-
stomoevōmanehe, he 1. askingly; enòztavōmanehe, he 1.ques-
tioningly; ehoēstomanevōmanehe, he 1. reproachfully; eo-
nisyomōmanehe, he 1. true; eheovoxtōmanehe, he 1. confi-
dent, having no fear; epevenōhe, he 1., appears well; epe-
venono, it 1.well: emomoxzenōhe, he 1.desirable; emomox-
zenono,it 1.desirable; epevetanonavenōhe, he 1. happy;
eōcevenōhe, he 1., appears deceitful; eōcevenono,it l.de-
ceitful; ehaenavenōhe, he 1. hungry. This suff. -nōhe
(or),-nono (in.) ref.to the whole person, one's appear-
ance, look in general; suff.-vōmanehe ref.to facial
pression (eyes) and has not an in. form. Navēstomoevōmé–
ho, I l.at one askingly; nanòztavōmého,I 1.at one ques-
tioningly; namehoxtōmého, I 1.at one with love; namomá-
taōmého, I 1.at one in rage; nasaananonevōmohe, I l.at
him harshly, without pity; nasaamomenovōmohe, I 1. at one
severely, not with pleasantness; nahoēstomanevōmého, I 1.
at one reproachfully; nahèpnōmého, I 1. at one in fear;
naononovōmého, I 1.at one doubtfully; našivatamōmého, I
1.at one with pity, appealingly: nahāeanavōmého, I 1.at
one hungrily; nanxooxtōmého,I 1.at one amusingly, amused;
natotatōmo and natotatōmého, I 1.at one scornfully; nao-
tōstōmého,I 1.at one wonderingly; nasaaho toōmohe, I 1. at
one disapprovingly; nahoemanevōmého, I 1.at one command-
ingly; naaxaenevōmého, I 1.pleased at one; eaxaene, he 1.
pleased (in the face); nameoevōmého, I 1.at one with
hostility; also nanozevōmého; naheveamevōmého, I 1.at
one as an enemy; hēhe nahetōmého, I 1.at one affirm-
ing, I say yes to him by 1.; hovahan nahe tōmého, I say
no to him by 1. When "s." implies "realize, perceive
to be a fact, true, actual" suff."-ō" is used (see Re-
flective m.in Ch. gr.); epevhetanevō, I s., realize that
he is a good man; ehetomo, I s.that he is true; emese-
ōn, they are actually eating, there they eat! Toa noxa,
let s., wait! Taxa, let me s.!
seed, hestaheme, hestāhemenoz (pl.), s., kernel, ref.to
"enveloped seeds"; ehestāhemeneve, it is a s.; ehe-
stahemenevensz, they are seeds; hestahemeneva, in, with
S ; maxemen hesztāheme, apple s.; móe hesztaheme, grass
s.; ehesztāhemenevettonsz, they (in.) have seeds; heo-
vamaxemenoz esaahesztahemene vhanehensz or esaahesztā-
hemenevhane oxz, the oranges have no seeds; hoxzezeme,
tree s.; heme nam, its s., fruit; peenanoestotoz, garden
s.; ēnanoestotoz, seeds, plants; epeenanoestovensz, they
are garden (fine) seeds; hevehoestoz, its envelope,
that which envelops the germ; also heveanehestoz;
mat' seno, human semen; hestseno, suum semen;
manhaoss, one's s., posterity.
seek, expressed by inf.-noxz- striving after; nanoxze-
osan, I s.(location, place); nanoxzea, I s.it; nanox-
zeovo, I s.him (where he is); nanoxzena, I s.it (by
hand), search; nanoxzetan, I s.in thot; nanoxzetanota, I
s.it (in mind, desire); nanoxzetanotovo, or. of preced-
ing; nanoxzevatamo, I s. after, long for one; nanoxzeva-
zesta,I s.after it; nanoxzesta, I s., question it; na-
noxztovo or nanòztovo, I s.of, question him; nanoxzhe-
neena, I s. to know it; naoxzenoto, I s.to kill him, lay
in wait for him; nanoxzeoheta àtoeozistov, I s. a hid-
ing place; naoxzenoxtovo heametanenistoz, I s. after
one's life: nanoxzeoto, I s., trail him; nanoxzevōsan, I
s.(by looking); nanoxzevōmo, I s.to see him; nanoxze-
vōxta, I s. to see it; zenoxzeosansz, the one who seeks;
zenoxzeōsz, the sought one (where one is); zenoxzevō-
sansz, the one who seeks (to see); zenoxzevōmsz, the
sought one (by look); zeoxzenohesz, the one sought
after (with evil, murderous intention); zenoxzetanoz,
the one who seeks (in thot); zenoxzetanotōsz, the
sought, desired one; zenoxzevatamsz, the one sought,
longed after; makätansz eoxtoxceohānoxzevatamensz oha
esaavešemämxeozistovhanehensz, money is sought, striven
after, but does not give satisfaction; noxzeosanistoz,
the seeking (where, place, location); noxzetanoxtoz, the
seeking with the mind, thot; noxzevatanoxtoz and nox-
zevaztastoz, the seeking, longing; noxzevōsanistoz, the
seeking by look; noxzevōmazistoz, the seeking one, try-
ing to see one; oxzenohestoz, oxzenotazistoz, the seek-
ing, lurking to kill.
seeker, zenoxzeosansz,noxzeosanehe, the s.;
Spa S
sansz, noxzevōsanehe, s. (looking).
seem, tass zehessetame natšetanoxzeva,
as it seems to
it seeps
me, lit. as it is thot of in my mind; tass hama eto-
sooko, it seems as if it would rain; tass hama ehova-
nē, he seems to be gone; see appear, look. Zehetōmaet-
to, as it seems, appears to me; zehetōmaes, as it seems
to him; zehetōmaez, as it appears to us.
seemingly, tass hama.
seep, ehōstaneeoxz, it seeps out; eēstaneeoxz,
in; eēszevaneeoxz, it seeps down, into.
seepage, hōstaneeoxzistoz, zehōstaneeoxz, the s., that
which seeps out; zeēstaneeoxz, estaneeoxzistoz,
s., the seeping in: eszevaneeoxzistoz, zeēszevaneeoxz,
the s., that which seeps, sinks down (liquid).
seer, hotō, hotōeo (pl.); ehotōe, he has a vision.
seethe, ehemocamōmeoxz, it seethes, bubbles; eésevota
màp, the water seethes, boils; evoxceonsevota, it
seethes intensely; epopoesevota, it seethes vith noise
(popping); eheheozevota, it seethes, boils over; eése-
vōmeoz, it is seething (of a body of water).
segregate, see apart, separate; eáeonsz, they s., sepa-
rate; eoáešhistanoveo, they live segregated
(as people); navovènosàz, I s.myself; zevovènosàzessỏ,
the segregated ones (or.); see faction, sect.
segregation, vovènosházistoz; momenohènistoz,s., bunch-
ing apart. See apart, separate.
seize, naesevaena, I s.it, take hold of it;
or.of preceding; see catch, take; namomátahestana,
I s.it by force; zehešemo má tahestans, as he was taken,
seized by force.
select, nanoxzevōmen, 1 s., choose; nanoxzevōmènoz,
I s.
him for me; ninoxzevōmenetovaz, I s.,choose thee;
nanoxzevōmènotao, I s. for one; see choose. Namónenoz,I
s., procure him for me; see procure, provide.
selection, see choice.
self, inf. -taom- of self, spontaneous, automatic, auto-;
etaomhoneo, it grows of s.;
they each go for themselves; verbal suff.-àz denotes
"S." and is the characteristic of the reflexive
voice; name to, I give to him; nametàz, I give to my-
self; navōmo, I see him; navōmàz, I see mys.; enešetov-
az, he did it to hims.; tāma, s., used when special
stress is laid on "s."; tāma naneševe, I did it mys.;
tāma zehešetanoss, what he hims. thinks; tāma hesthoze,
his own horse (or animal); totāma zeaenomass, each
your own possession, what belongs to each personally;
tāma navostan, my own s., my soul, person; tāma nitooxz,
my own s.in person; nanēhov, I, mys.; ninēhov, thou, thy-
s.; enēhov, he (or she), hims.; nanēhovheme, we, our-
selves (excl.); ninēhovhemå, we, ourselves (incl.);
ninēhovheme, you, yourselves; enēhoveo, they, themselves;
we cannot
nocetovatto and nocevetovat to, by itself, alone; nino-
cevetovätto, by mys., alone; ninocevetovaétto, by thy-
s., alone; nìnocevetovaes, by hims. (or hers.) alone;
ninonocevetovahez, by ourselves alone
for him-
s.); ninonocevetovahess, by yourselves alone; ninono-
cevetovahevoss, by themselves (each by themselves);
ninonocevetovahez', excl. of preceding term. Nitov, by
mys.; etov, by thys.; hevetov, by one's s.; nitovan, by
ourselves (excl.); etovan, by ourselves (incl.); etov-
evo, by yourselves; hevetovevo, by themselves.
cevetovahez nimeōhatamàzhemå zeheševostanehevez, we
should examine ourselves (each one for hims.) how we
live; etovan nimesaatonševostanevhàzehemå,
save ourselves by ourselves; áeš, by s., apart (most-
ly used as inf., see apart); etóněhov, he is the self-
same, the very one; nasaaevhapavezhesta, I am no more
mys., in the same good condition; naevhapavezhesta,
am mys. again; also naevhazhesta;
naevhazhesta; natanšēvenoka na-
vostan, I will be further alone by mys., with my own
s.; tāma navostan, my own s. [vostan is related to the
Greek "psyche" (especially in such connection as this
sentence shows) and means "personal substance"].
self-confidence, taomenie tametovazistoz, the trusting in
one's self.
self-confident, etaomenietametovàz, he is s., trusts in
himself; zenietametovàzesso, the s. ones.
self-control, taomenitáetovazistoz, s., self ruling; also
taomhoemaotàzistoz; nataomenitáetovàz, I
• Septe
control, rule myself.
self-defense, taomehōnevotàzistoz, s.;
vazistoz, s. (warding off); taomenonohenomo-
hetovazistoz,s., self-resistance; heto nànešetovo
nonohenomohetovàzetto, I did this to him in defending
myself, in s.
[one's own feelings).
self-denial, taome-hotomoéhàzistoz,s. (not gratifying]
self-distrust, taomenīnitameozetovazistoz; etaomenìni-
tameozetovàz, he distrusts himself.
self-esteem, taomepevatamazistoz; etaomepevatamàz,
esteems himself.
[dent! (exclamation).
self-evidence, taometåxtanōveozistoz; oatōs, self-evi-]
self-examination, taomeōhatamazistoz; etaomeōhatamàz, he
examines himself.
self-existence, taomevostanehevestoz;
ve, he exists by himself.
self-help, taomevistämazistoz; etaomevistämàz, he helps]
self-importance, taomeohatamazistoz; etaomeohatamàz tā-
ma, he is self important.
self-indulgence, saataomenitáetovazestoz, the not having
self-control; esaataomenitáetovàzé,
has no self-control; esaahoemaoxtô tāma hesthohastoz,
he is self indulgent, does not command, control his own
desire; oxsaanitáetôhanehesz hohäozistoz, S., when de-
sire, lust is not controlled; oxsaataomenitáetovaze-
novhanehēsz, when there is no self-control.
selfish, evenhäškos, he is s., stingy (concerning food),
egoist; eoáeštanoheoneve, he is s., for himself,
keeps himself apart; emomènkoezesta, he is s.,clan-
nish; emehoxta zeaeno, he is s., egoist, loves what he
has (does not let others share in it);esaakooxtahe, he
is s.; this term appears only in the negative; etao-
memehotàz tāma ninokaes, he is s., loves himself alone.
selfishness, venhäškosestoz; momènkoezestàtoz, s.; tao-
memehotàzistoz, s., self-love; saakooxtahes-]
self-knowing, taomheneenovhastoz.
self-knowledge, taomheneenovazistoz; etaomheneeno vàz, he
knows himself; emonetoxetano vostan OX-
taomheneenovàzēsz, a person is wise only when knowing
zehäheneenovatamàzessỏ eoxksaaheneeno vàzeheo
totāma, the ones who deem themselves knowing much do
not know their own selves.
selfless, tāma esaavovoaetovàzetanohe, he is s., does not
desire to be first; esaahetaometanoxtové, he is
[ēsz, when there is love for self.
self-love, taomemeho tàzistoz, also oxtaomemeho tàzenov-]
self-righteousness, taomexanovatamazistoz; oxtaomexano
vatamazenovēsz, when there is s.;
etaomexanovatamàz, he is s.
self-sacrifice, taomemeàtovazistoz, the giving of
self giving; etaomemeatovàz, he gives
himself; taomeōetàzistoz, s., offer; estaome-õetaz, he
offered himself (in sacrifice).
self-satisfaction, tāma zeveštaomepevetanohàzistove, the
being pleased with one's self; tāma
evešetaomepevetanohàz, he is self satisfied. [willed.
self-will, taometanoxtoz; etaometanoxzeve, he is self-]
sell, nahoxtova, I s. or buy; see buy, trade; ehoxtovazis-
tove, there is a selling; emathoxtovatovensz,
they (in.) are all sold; ehoxtovàtoe, he is sold.
Seminole, Nasōnaho (pl.), Nasōna (sg.), also name
name for a
certain kind of dog. Derivation of name not
well known, possibly adapted.
send, naasemea, I s., give away; also namea,
same as "I
give"; naasemeaa, I s.it; naasemeanoz, I s.them (in.)
or I s.him away; niasemeatovaz, I s., give thee away,
also nimeatovaz, I s.thee; nameanotto, I s. them (or.)
give them away; see give. Nha zemeatōsz, the one who
sent me; emeàtoe, he is sent; emeatove, it is sent, giv-
en; naasenēnàno, I s.,order him off, away; heto naeše-
meta, he has sent, given me this; naonōmo, I s., call for
him; nanxhozeta, I am sent by him (hither),
rand; naasethozeto, I s.him on an errand;
nànō, I s. them (or.) out (in different
on an er-
nahethozeemo, I s.him with a message; nanešenēnahe,
am thus sent (ref.); also nameaton.
senile, expressed by mahaciss- old man; zemahacisehe-
vetto, that which is s., of the old man.
senility, mahacisehevestoz.
[older one.
nahāeā, I am s., the]
senior, zehãeāsz, the older one;
sensation, see feeling.
sense, etaeononista, he has no s., is foolish; etatoxeta-
no, he has good sense, also eotoxova, he has s.,
is wise; inf.-masha- denotes "senseless, brainless,
tactless"; emashanē, he has no s., is unreasonable, cra-
zy; eevhamesēoxz, he comes to his senses (also fig.);
matonistoz, s. of smell, the smelling; oneasenistoz, the
taste; vōsanistoz, the sight; nistomonistoz, the hear-
ing; mxanenistoz, the touch (in general); zeenenistoz,
the touch (of fingers); homatsenistoz, the feeling
(psychical); homat seo, homatseonoz (pl.), s.; see feeling.
senseless, enaeoz, he is s., bereft of bodily feeling;
eononiso, it is s., foolish; eononistoētasto-
ve, it is a s., foolish act; emashanehestove, it is s.,
inane, insane; noavoxoz, s., brainless, good-for-nothing.
sensibility, see feeling.
sensible, eotoxovae, he is s.,wise; etoxetano, he is s.,]
sensitive, eoxcetaohaevenáe, he is s., irritable; enehes-
taha, he is s., quick of heart; eohāesenov, he
is s.,has temper; nehestahàtoz, sensitiveness, irri-
sentence, eszistoz, s., word; hoemaotazistoz, s., judgement.
separable, emeoxceasetane, it can be taken off; eoxceo-
nisovazeoneve, it is s.,divisible; eoxchéneo-
neve, it is s.
separate, see divide; nahéna, I s., take it apart (see
pour); nanohéna, I s.it (away) from; nanohéno,
I s.him from (or.); nanohénomevo, I s. it from him;
nahéneoxzheme, we s., go asunder; zistoshéneoxzez, as we
are to s., part from each other; nahénènheme, we s.,di-
verge; ehénènistove, it is a separating, going away,
apart from each other; nahénevhistanovheme, we s., dis-
perse as people (live apart); eonisovaozeo, they (or.)
s., divide, disunite; eonisovaneo they (or.), are sepa-
rated; naonisovana, I s.,disunite it; naonisovanō, I
s.them (or.); onisovanazistoz, the separating, separa-
tion; naasevoeovo, I s. from him; niasevoeōen, he sepa-
tes from us; navovenoshàz, I s.,disassociate, withdraw,
segregate myself from; nioaešhistanovhemå, we live s.,
as people; evohoveoz, it becomes s., apart; see apart,
asunder; navohovaszého, I cause him to be separated, to
s., be apart; eáeonsz, they (in.) are s.,apart, by them-
separation, héneoxzistoz, s., dispersion; nohénazistoz, s.
from; onisovanazistoz, s., disunion; Vovenos-
hazistoz, s.,disassociation, segregation; hénevhista-
novestoz, s., dispersion (as people); asevoeovazistoz,
s.from; vohoveozistoz, the becoming separated, apart;
áešhistanovestoz and áeševostane hevestoz, the living]
September, tonōešehe, fall, autumn moon. [separate, apart.
sepulchre, àtohoestoz, s., grave, also burial, funeral.
serenade, amenoneõestoz, the serenading; niamenoneōema,
we s. (to go about singing standing).
ehekotamano, epevatamano, it is s. (weather); ehe-
kozetan, he is s., peaceful, tranquil; see peace-
ful, quiet. [manoestoz, peva tamano hestoz, s. of weather.
serenity, hekozetanoxtoz,s., calm, peacefulness; hekota-]
serious, zsaapopastōsz, the one not taking things
ously; see frivolous; vavekỏxz, seriously, in
earnest; eomatae, one is s., sober; emómåtae, one is s.,
grave; zemómå tahesso, the s., austere, devout ones; eta-
hotoanatto,it is s.,has a grave bearing; eohāoētasto-]
sermon, hozeovosemazistoz. [ve, it is a s., weighty act.
serpent, mèn, mèneo (pl.); emèneve, it is a s.; maxemèn,
great s.; hoestavonenešišinovoz, poisonous s.,]
serpentine, see meander.
servant, hozeo, hozeon (pl.); nathozeo, my s.; nathozeon,
my servants; nathozeonan, our s.; nathozeona-
neo,our servants; nahesthozeon, I have a s.; nahestho-
zeonenoz, I have him for s.; nahesthozeonenotto, I have
them for servants; zehesthozeonsz, the one having
servants or a s.; ehozeoneve, he is a s.; hozeonasz, ye
servants! Namoeonam, my war s.; hozeonena, s. in cere-
monials; nsthozeomaōn, my co-s.; esthozeoemaōn, thy co-
s.; heves thozeoemaōn, one's co-s.; nihesthozeonetove, I
am thy s.; nihesthozeonetovaz, thou art my s.; hetan-
hozeo, man s.; heehozeo, woman s.
serve, navozenoovō, I s. them (or.), distribute to them, at
table; nahe thozetan, I s. (is a passive form and
means "I am used"); nahozeto, I use him as a servant,
have him do for me. Nioxceneševhemå zeoxchethozetaez
Maheo, we s. God, lit. we do what God has us to do for
him; nahozeohevomotâ, I s.him, work for him; nahozeta, I
s.him, lit, I am used by him; nahozeohetovo, I s.him,
work for him on his account; nha zehozetsansz, the one
who serves; nha zehozēsz, the one used as servant; na-
nohōmo, I s.with food.
service, hozetazistoz; vovònhestàtoz, s., helpfulness,
good turn; nivovònhestatovàzhemå, we render s.to
each other, are helpful one to another; vovònethozeo-
hestoz, s., helpful work; nathozeemestoz, my s., the er-
rand I give; see wages; hozeohestoz, s., labor; hozeo-
hestoz hevetov Maheo, s., labor for God;
zeohetovo, I do a kind s.to one (as a nurse in caring
for a patient); heto zexhozeohetovetto nihessemetaz
hovae, for thy services to me I give thee something;
nioxtoxchozeohemå hovae
nothing for our s. (or services).
service-berry, hetanemenoz, he tanemen (sg.), always used
in the pl.form; hetanemenóe, hetanemenósz
pl.), s.bush; hetanemenóeše, patch of s.bushes; eheta-
nemenóevensz, they are s.bushes.
servile, emomōnezhesta, he is s., like a slave; momōne-]
servitor, see servant. [zhestàtoz,s.condition, servility.
servitude, momōnehevestoz, the being slave.
set, nahoz, I s.it; natahoz, I s.it on; natahoztomevo,
s.before him; naamsthoz, I s. it sideways; ni-
amsthozenon, we s.it sideways; nahoo, I s.him; eamsto-
he, it is s. (sideways); naamstoho, I s. one sideways;
nasehoena, I s.it (in the ground, as stakes); naséhoe-
oz, I become s., fixed (as if rooted to the spot), firm;
nahoeš, I s. on, alight; naséana, I s.it on, as kettle on
the fire; ehota, it sets, is at a place; ehoe, he sets,
is at a place; t'sa nihetananov, where have you s., put
it? Etomoxtoe, one is s.sitting up; etomixtota,it is s.
up(state); natomoxtana, I s.it up; etomoxtane, it is s.
up; enhohona kokôax, the hen is setting; natahana, I s.
it upon; natahaena, I s.it upon (one end of it or with
several actions); natahano, I s.him upon; nazéa or na-
zéoha, I s.fire to it (touching with match or brand);
nazeōstoha, I s.fire to it (instantaneously); nayoóa-
we receive
senàn, I s.it burning; nahenan, I s. fire; nahenato
hoxzz,I s.fire to the tree; nahàponeneo, I s.my teeth
(as to not show pain or anger); nihàponeneomå, we s.
our teeth; našexano, I s.him free, deliver him; našexa-
so, I s.one free, by cutting; našexax, I s.it free;
šexàno, I s. one free (by instr.); inf.-naesz- one s.,
as one, of one accord; naēnanen, I s., put, lay down; na-
ēnana, I s., lay it down; niēnanomotāenon hevostanehev-
estoz, he s., laid down his life for us; nanizeomēnano,
I s.him free, I gently let him go; ešehe etaèn, the sun
is setting: t'sē,s., on purpose, with determination
(also used as inf.); zehetā- (pref.) =the s. of, all
who, which; see stake; in some words rad. -st- implies
"s." ref.to a group of things, persons or to an ac-
tion, being as a whole; haesto, a s. of many; ehaestxeo,
they (or.) are many (as a s.); mesestoz, the eating
(not only once, but as a s.).
settle, ehekoneoz, it is settled, firm, strong; nahekona-
na, I make it firm; nahoxeana, I s.,clean it;
etoshoxeane hoemanemhäon, it is to be settled, cleared
at court; heto totahopetanoxtoz mataešehoxeane, when
this disorder, confusion shall have been settled; eho-
xeōme, the water is settled, clear; ehekotomatto, it is
settled, quiet, calm; etaešhekonhoemanistove, it has
been settled, fixed, arranged, decreed; ēšhoemanistove,
it is settled, determined, decreed;
eseanomaeoz, the
ground settles, sinks;
eêszevanĕoxz, it is settling,
sinking,q.v.; exaxoeoz, it settles, is pressed down.
settlement, zexhoevoss, where they (or.) have set them-
selves; hoe zexhoetomevoss, s., lit. the land
which they (or.) occupy, settle.
seven, nisòtoha; see numeral.
sevenfold, nisòtov; see numeral.
seventeen, matòt-òtnisòta; see numeral.
seventeenth, zematòtaonetto-òtnisòtaonetto; see numeral.
seventh, zenisòtaonetto, the s.; see numeral.
seventieth, zenisòtnóaonetto, the s.; see numeral.
seventy, nisòtnóe; see numeral.
sever, see cut; naéovax, I s.it., cut it off; naévoaso,
s.him (with knife); naévodno, I s.him (by
blow or breaking); naévooha, in. of the preceding; naé-
voaxomovo hestovoettoz, I s.his ear; also napopoevoa-
xomovonoz hestovoettoz, I s., cut off both of his ears;
naéoneevokòno, I s., break him (as snakes, etc.); naoni-
sovana,I s.,divide it in two, disunite it (by hand
fig.so); see apart, separate; nanoceamooha, I s.it once.
several, toxto (also inf.), a certain number; hosz, some,
s.; toxto ešēva nasaavōmohe, I have not seen him
for s.days.
severally, expressed
expressed by
by reduplication; namometonovoz
maxemenoz, I give them (or.) apples s., to each
one (person); nononasz, s., to each one.
severe, evovoxponae, he is s.; etaosēnitá, he is s., rig-
orous; inf. -vovoxpon- s., rigorous, rigid. [ness.
severity, Vovoxponhastoz; osēnitàtoz, s.,extreme strict-]
sew, nahàpenoe, I s.; nahàpenoxta, I s.it (as paper, shoe,
book, not drygoods or garments); nahàpenoto, I
s.it (or.,sp. of garments); ehàpenōhe, it (or.) is sew-
I s. it
ed; namano enoto,
together; naamenoe, I s. (a
seam); etosemanoenōheo, they (or.) are going to be
sewed together; emohenōheo, they (or.) are sewed to-
gether, assembled (by sewing), as patches for a quilt;
naonehaotoenoe, I unsew, rip that which was sewed;
vešhàpenoe nàzheon vxtahakoz, I s.leather with my awl;
eōstovenōhe, it is faced (in sewing); ehestovenohe, it
is lined (by sewing); etoovenōhe, it is turned under
(as hem in sewing); enišeenōhe, it is sewed together
(as a seam); eamenōhe, it is sewed on in a seam;
toovenōhe, it is sewed as a hem, turned under several
times; namēpaonanoe, I s. beads
the middle (on
back of tipi); nakaenoto, I s.it (or.) short; napoe-
noe, I patch, mend (by sewing); nahoenoe, I patch,
(by adding in sewing); napoenoxta navenoz, I patch my
tipi. Nanēhov zehàpenoetto, who s.
sewer, zehàpenōsz, the one who sews.
sewing, hàpenoestoz, the s., also s. machine; ehàpenoes-
tove, it is a s., or a s.machine.
sex, ehovaevé, what s.?
sexual, enhaešenamo, he has s. intercourse with
other terms are: enhaeš, enhaevaoxz, enhaneš, eox-
céš (coarse); enhanèno, she has s.intercourse with
him; enhaevàno, he....with her; nasaanonanènohe, I have
no s.intercourse with him (fem. sp.); zenhaevansz, the
one having s.intercourse; ehaestnova, she
has many
men; ehaestoeva, he has many wives; naxknoestoz, when a
woman is given (in punishment) to many for s.com-
merce; enaxknoen, she is thus given; nanasoéha, said by
a woman of the one who thus gives her away; ocemaneo,
the ones having s.intercourse and drink together.
shabby, emavao, it is s.; esaamavaohan, it is not s.; see
corrupt, old.
shackle, namanoeoxtaeto, I s.him, bind his feet; namano-
eàzenaeto, I s.one's hands; manoeoxtahestoz,
shackles for feet; manoeàzenahestoz, shackles for
hands; mano together + eoxta =legs, feet, -eàzena =
hands, wrists.
shade, nahoveoaovo, I s.one, make
him to have s.; nahove-
ōstonaovo, I make, build up a s. for one; ehoveoe-
oxz, it gives s.; nahoveoeoxz, I am under s.;
ceoxz,I walk with a little s., an umbrella; zehoveok,
that which shades, as a porch roof; zexhoveonao hoxzz,
in the s.of a tree; ehovenenoma,
he shades his eyes;
hoveoxz,s.itself; nathoveoxzz, my s.; hesthoveoxzetto,
one's s. (which he has); nathoveoxzenan, our s.; hest-
hoveoxzevo, their s. (which they have); hoveooestoz, s
arbor; zexhoveooes, where one has a s.; hoveoehom,
summer house; hoveokôo,little s., umbrella; ehoveokôo-
neve, it is an umbrella; nahoveokòno, I s. him (with an
umbrella); zemeneevoao,lamp s; see shield, shelter;
ehoveoaoe, it is shaded; séan, shades, place, region
of the dead; see shadow.
shadow, zexhoveohōsta nãestoz, in the s.of death; the s.
of a person or animal is called "hemàtasooma, his
spirit, spiritual self"; otherwise the Ch. use the same
term for shade and s.
shaft, hootó, s., handle; hesthootó, its s.
shaggy, expressed by rad.-pèpe-; pèpenanosehama, s.pan-
ther lion; pèpeqos, s., woolly sheep; epèpe, it is
s.,having rough hair or wool.
shake, inf.-šeš- implies "s. loose"; ešešehōsta, it
shakes loose, comes off (something suspended like
the neckyoke of a wagon); našešeoz, I become awake, s.
loose; inf. -ótov- =s., be shaky, loosened; eótoveoz, it
shakes, is loose (as a post, tooth.etc.); naótovstahae-
ona, I have shaky hands; eótovenstan, his knees s., are
shaky eōveoz, he shakes himself (as a horse, dog,
bird), also used fig. to denote change, the "shaking
off" of what burdened or annoyed one; eōvaeōstax, he
shakes his head (as animals); naōvoahasen, I s., wave;
naōvoaház, I s.it; naōvoahamo hoxzz, I s. the tree; naō-
voxtaax, I s. out (lowest part of legging or pants);
naōveàtax,I s. out my feet; naōvahasen, I s.out; naōva-
hàz,I s.it out; našeahasen, I s., sift; našeahàz, I s.,
sift it (a sidewise shaking as in sifting, in sacks,
packages, also in order to make the contents settle);
napèpeàz, I s.it of (by strewing); napèpeahàz, I s.it
(by throwing); eanstahamenax, it (implies tree) is
shaken by wind (so the fruit falls); naōmstahasen,
s., brandish; naōmstaház, I s., brandish it; navaxkaha-
mo, I s.,jerk him; emomoxtoaha, it is shaken, moved, agi-
tated by the wind; namomoxtana, I s.it, make it move,
agitate; namomomoxtahamo, I s. him; namomoxtōman, I s.,
agitate (liquid) with something; namomoxtōmaház and
nazetōmahàz, I s. it (something containing liquid);
emomoxtōmeoz, it is shaken, agitated (body of water);
emomoxtōmeōs taha, it is shaken, agitated by the wind
(body of water); naaestoevōmahàz, I s.it, to mix it
(liquid); enonxpaoz, enonxpeoz, it shakes, springs,
swings, rocks; enonxpoahamā haavhanó, it is shaken,
swung, rocked by the wind; nanonxpoahamo hoxzz, I s.,
swing the tree; inf.-nonom- s., tremble; nanonomax, I
s., tremble (one s.); nanonomē, I am shaking, trembling
(from fear); nanonomeonax, my hand shakes; nanonomaha-
sen,I s.,make tremble, quake, quiver; nanonomahàz, I s.
it so it trembles, quivers; nanonomahamo, I make it s.,
tremble; nanonomeoz, I become shaking, trembling; naho-
enonomeoxz, I arrive shaking, trembling; nanonomos, I s.
shiver from cold; naaxaoto, I s.hands with him; rad.
-axa- ref.to being pleasant, friendly and has nothing
to do with "s."; nanonamhōvo, I s., my fist at one; eō-
maeš,he shakes his head (to say no); našešeoešemo, I
s., rouse him from sleep; naseaoho, I s., rouse one.
shaky, eótoveoz, it is s., loosened; eótovenstan, his
knees are s.,see
see shake.
shall, expressed by inf.-ze- implying simple futurity;
nazemese, I s.eat; inf. -ta- bound for, bound to,
s., will; nstamese, thou shalt eat; often the inf.-tsē-
is combined with "ta", making "-tatsē-" s. indeed,
surely; zetatsēmese, he s. surely eat; màsaamesēsz ze-
tanae, if he does not eat he s.,will die;
inf. -zaa—,
-tosaa- and -tasaa- s.not; inf. -zevé- (usually
the 2nd. pers. pl. or sg.) has a future
meaning; nszevémese, thou shalt not eat!
shallow, ezocetam, it is s., "little deep", in speaking of
rivers, lakes, ponds, tanks.
sham, expressed by inf.aestom- =false; aestomemeotazi-
stoz,s.battle; evhanenhesseman, he shams, makes
pretence; see pretend.
shaman, zemaheonevsz, the mysterious one; emaheonoēta,
he acts as a s.; maheonoētastoz, shamanistic act; this
is now also applied to all sorts of tricks, sleight of
hand and jugglery performed by white men. There is a
difference between the Ch."zemaheonevesso or zemaheo-
noētasso" and the common doctors; the first being
more regarded as the jugglers of the tribe. Evidently
these men were more feared than respected. An old
priest (Lefthandbull) quite influential in the tribe,
said once to writer, "nasaamaheonevé, I am not a s.".
in repudiating the title. Ehōnehe, s., exorcist, also
the one who pronounces a "curse
a "curse, malediction"
supernatural power; ehōnestoz and ehōnehestoz,
cism; ehōneheonevestoz, shamanism; zeehōneheonevsz, the
one who is s., who exorcises, pronounces a malediction;
náetan or náe (náo,pl.), s., doctor, herbalist, priest;
these form the common class of SO called "medicine
zehenisimōnamsz, the one having a familiar
spirit,a seer, sorcerer, s.; maheonhetan, s., priest. All
these men have certain "ceremonial" terms in their
official language which the non initiated are afraid
to use and which many do not well understand. The
shamans act in common in all the tribal ceremonials,
otherwise each one is for himself, having his own at-
tendant spirit, with his own peculiar signs, rules, ta-
boo, fetish and specific medicine. Some men (common
or chiefs) may not be shamans or
some "fetish" in their possession
"spiritual" power is ascribed. This
small stone, an odd bone, a peculiar pipe, a certain
shell, a scalp, stone arrow heads, part of a sword or
lance,etc. The rattle which each s. has is not only
the insignia of his office but also a medium in his
incantations, containing different fetishes and re-
presenting various "powers" or spirits. The latter
are symbolized by crude drawings of snakes, spiders,
moon, stars, etc. on the outside of the rattle. All
the ornaments of the rattle are symbols, also the
wrappings in which the rattle is kept. The shamans
have an empiric knowledge of anatomy and pathology,
but know almost nothing of physiological anatomy.
shamble, ehàpesenonaoxz, he shambles; ehàpesenona, he is
doctors but have
to which great
fetish may be a
weak, knock kneed.
shame, tane tanoxtoz, s. (in feeling, thot); tanehestoz, s.;
etanehestove, it is a s.; tanevoomenestoz, S., suf-
fering, undergoing s., humiliation; natanevoomen, I suf-
fer s. natanevoomenesého, I cause one to suffer s.;
tanevomoxtastoz, feeling of s.; natanevomoxta, I feel
shamed: see ashamed.
shamefaced, etane, etotone, he is s.; see bashful.
shameful, etanehenov, it is s.; etanevatame, it is s.,
considered a shame; eotatanevatamano, it is
s., obscene; naēvetanevého, I treat one shamefully; ta-
nevatamanoestoz, shamefulness; tanevatamahestoz, state
of shame, shamefulness; tanehe-hathavsevoanistoz, s.ut-
terance, language; tanehevostanehevestoz,s.
shameless, saatanehe-vostanevestoz, s.life; esaahetane-
hestové, he is s., has no shame.
shape, nahevetovaoxz, I s.it; nahevetovaovo,
I s., form
him; nahevetovae, I am shaped, formed, bodied, fash-
ioned; etonševetovat to, what s., form has it? Zeheševe-
tovaes nasaaheneenomovohe, I know not how he is shap-
ed, what form of body he has; hovèn eamshãesso, it is
of rectangular s.; emanosētostovevetovatto, it is cube
shaped, bodied; emanosētostovevetto heto, this is cube
S.; ("s." stands for "shape" or "shaped"); esēto-
stovo, it is square s.; hovèn eamsexovavetovatto, it is
rectangular s. (body, solid); ehohano, ehohanonsz (pl.),
it is of cylindrical s.,like the spokes of a wheel,
rungs of a ladder, etc.; epàpono,
it is flat s.; ema-
nohameevet ovat to, it is (watering) trough s., also eam-
seveevetovatto, it is rectangular and hollowed, open;
nonohono easenimaoneo,it is spiral s.; nonohono ease-
nimaonemxeo, it is a spiral s. figure (drawing, pic-
ture); nonohono easenimaetovatto, it is a spiral s.bo-
dy; maevonea ehešetovatto, it is nose s.; maevonea
ehesso, it is like a nose; moeškonea ehešetovatto, it
is finger shaped; moheškonea ehesso, it is like a
finger (the ending -vetovat to or simply -tovatto ref.
to "bodied, formed, fashioned" while -hesso ref.to sem-
blance,likeness, figure, drawing, etc.); maexaea eheše-
vetovatto or ehesso, it is eye s.; mahessea eheševeto-
vatto, it is foot s.; mazhekonea
eheševetovatto or
ehesso,it is leg s.; eams toxeō, it is oval s. (figure,
drawing); eamsemenō, it is oval s. (solid body); evovo-
zevemenō, evovozevevetovatto, it is egg s. (ending in
-no ref.to look, appearance); vèpozea eheševetovatto,
ehesso, it is leaf s.; ehotoxcemxeoe, it is diamond s.
(plane); hešexovavoota, -vootanoz (pl.), diamond s.
body; hešexovavootaea ehesso or eheševetovatto, it is
diamond s. [hešxovavomahoo, diamond (base ball)]; ho-
toxcsevanhostoz, diamond s.beading on woman's legging
(side of leg); véhoemaxea ehess, eheševetovatto, it is
barrel s.; eamshaesevetovat to, it has an oblong s. (bo-
dy); enhônea eheševetovatto, it is funnel s.;
vetas enhôonea ehešenō, the tornado is funnel s.,looks
like a funnel; ehešksaetto, it is cone s. [ahešksaēsz,
cone s.piece of meat on shoulder blade of beef]; eto-
nithaea, how is it s., built? (ref. to parts of beef);
eheškos, it is cone s.; heškoshoxca, cone s.cap (dunce
cap); hešksavehaneo, -vehane onoz (pl.), cone s.recepta-
cle, like ice cream cones [hešksaevehaneo zeoxceveš-
hota zeton, cone in which ice cream
is kept (zeton
ice cream)]; ehohanistatto, -tattonsz (pl.), it is
mound s., convex at one end (like the glass at the end
of an electric light bulb); ehohane paomao, it is mound
s. (ground); vavahestovea ehesso, it is like a swing;
ehohanevèpo,-vèponsz (pl.),it is cylindrical, tube s.;
hekonea ehess or eheševetovatto, it is bone s.; vēsea
ehesso or eheševet ovat to, it is tooth s ; màzenea
ehesso or eheševetovatto, it is mouth s. vevezea
ehesso or eheševetovatto, it is horn s.; nomaea ehesso
or eheševetovatto, it is fish s.; henomea ehesso, ehe-
Ševetovatto, it is thigh s. [henomea ehešenō, it looks
like a thigh]; màzeōnea ehesso, eheševetovatto, it is
elbow s.; manstanea ehešetovatto, ehesso, it is knee
s.; mekonea ehesso, eheševetovatto, it is head s.; ši-
šinovozea ehešetovatto, it is snake s.; mēnhea eheše-
vetovatto, it is s.like a feather; hotxasehoestovea
eheševetovatto, it is s. like a cross (fixed in the
ground); hotxavootaneo ehesso, eheševetovatto, it is
s.as a cross; hotxavxseĕsea ehesso or eheševetovatto,
it is like an ear cross ornament (hotxavxseēs, hot xav-
xseestoz (pl.), is an ear ornament in the form, s. of a
cross); ehénevōnavxeo, it is s. like a Maltese cross
(figure); heto zehotxatto ehénevōnatto, this cross is
s.like a Maltese cross; hénevōnatoea eheševetovatto,
it is Maltese cross s.; ehotxavōnatto, it is cross s.
(Greek cross form); ehotxavōnavxeo,it is s. (figure,
drawing) like a Greek cross; hot xavōnattoea ehesso or
eheševetovatto, it is s. like a Greek cross;
ehesso, eheševetovatto, it is star s.; tāešehea ehesso
or eheševetovatto, it is moon s.; nonōea ehesso, it is
rainbow s.; voea ehesso, it is cloud s.; niva-vaxkonoz
ehesso, eheševetovatto, it is four corner s.; nohona-
vaxkonoz, it is five corner s.; nasòtoavaxkonoz ehes-
so, it is six corner s.; esosxkae, one is well s form-
ed (ref.to person).
share, see fellowship, part, partake; naamemesého, I s.my
food with him; naamenaveamo, I s. my bed with him;
nazeoxz, my s., portion, possession; navhesta, I am a
sharer, have a s.; navhestaeta, I have a s. in it;
allotted; zetomaxovaxtoz hevēs, plow s.
sharp, eohãoáo and eōáo,it is s.(instr.);
eokaq, it is
little s.; heškseesevota, s., pointed instr.; zeoáo
xovatov, a s. sword; hešksēs, s. nose; ehão xzezeve, he is
s., shrewd, cunning; eōce, he is s.,deceitful [ehōspox-
zeve, he fails to be s., is an "easy mark"]; inf. -ohā-
keen, acute, s., intense, in a high degree; enakō, one
sees sharply; ehãonova, one has a s.tongue; eohanehes-
taha, one has a s.temper; inf. -veoxce- =bitter, pun-
gent,s.; eveoxcetonetto, it is bitter cold, the cold is
s., also eohatonetto; zehaosetto, that which is s.,
pointed, painful, thorny; see rough,gritty.
sharpen, naéasen, I s.; éasenistoz, the sharpening (of a
tool); naéàz, I s.it; nahešksoha namxistonestoz,
I s.my pencil.
shatter, epēvoeha, it is shattered; see blow, break, piece.
shave, naoemeàzenàno, I s.him; naocemeàzenahe, I am shav-
ed; naocemeàzenahe, I am shaved (similar to pre-
ceding but less). [ings; evhôoneva, with shavings.
shaving, evhôonoz (pl.); eevhôonevensz, they are shav-]
shawl, zezexhōma, zezexhōmao (pl.), the fringed robe
blanket; nazezexhōmaneo, our shawls; nszevépopo-
ešemo nszezexhōma, do not tear holes in thy s.; see
blanket, robe.
[Vasōhan is another name.
Shawnee, Savan, Savaneo (pl.); the word sovon south;]
she, expressed in nouns by suff.-a or pref.-hee;
bear, naka, s. bear; kokôax, chicken, heekokoax,
chicken, hen; mehevaozeva, s. deer, doe; esica, s.dog,
bitch; heeomä, s. beaver; the personal pref.of the 3rd.
pers.is -e and implies "s., he or it"; emesse, means
either "s." or "he" eats. [my s., bundle; see bundle.
sheaf, hoxpooseo pen'nhôo, a s.of wheat; nathoxpooseo,]
shear, naōkasɔ̃ qsan, I s.the sheep; eōkax, it (or.) is
shorn; eōkaxeo, they are shorn; oxtxovamota,
shears, scissors.
sheath, vehanooxz, vehanooxzz (pl.), s., case (also mail-
ing tubes); naēstovotana, I s.it, put it inside of
something else; navešeàzenanotonoz vokaevoz, I s.his
hands, forearms in buckskins; natohaovo, I s., slip into
it (or.,as gloves), so as to fit closely; see glove.
shed, nahän, I s.tears; eanevèpoz hoxzz, the tree sheds
leaves; eōeoz,it (or., animal) sheds its hair, fur;
eénomaoxz, it sheds its bark; eénhōma, it sheds its
skin, robe, envelope (also fig. of babies when their
Ind. craddle is discarded); naénhōma, I s., take off my
blanket, robe; eōešeme, it is s. (blood).
sheep, qoså, qsan (pl.); eqsaeve, it is a s.; qsaes, qsae-
son (pl.), young s., lamb; eqsaevōeme, he is ac-
counted as a s.; pèpeqsan, shaggy, woolly s.; meaze-
qsan, bearded s., goat; nháeqsan, wild s.; also toxtoe-
qsan; the last two terms were used after the Ch. had
seen the domestic s.; in former times "qsan" meant
mountain s., the only s. the Ch. knew.
knew. Naqsāmo,my s.
(pl.); naheqsāmenoz, it is my s.; namatòtôhamotō qsan,
I have ten s.
[naoeva, in the s.
sheepfold, qsaemenao; eqsaemenaoeve, it is a s.; qsame-]
sheepman, qsähetan; eqsähetaneve, he is a s.
sheer, is expressed by inf. -xama- in the sense of "ab-
solute, downright, abruptly, utter, consumate".
sheet, ekako emakätaeve, it is a s. of iron (thin); hoxto-
vaz kakoemakät or ziskakoemakätaeve, buy a s.of
tin; pàpoemakät,s.of iron (thin or thick), flat piece
of iron; ekakoemxistōneheve, it is a s. of paper; nì-
mezz nasz ziskākoemxistōneve, give me (thou) a s. of
paper; ekakoevehonemakätaeve, it is a s.of gold; inf.
-kako- thin while -pàpo- flat; hoeasen, wagon s.;
voxpemonat, s. (white bed s.), mostly used in summer
time as blankets by men and women.
shelf, taxeohesseo, s. (on which things stand);
hesseoneve, it is such a s.; taxeohesseoneva, on
the s.; tahosanistoz, s. on which things lie or set.
shell, naōena, I s.; naōenana, I s. it (divest it of s..
husk); ōeneo, sheller, thrasher; otaaseme, nut
nimac, sea s.; see pearl; hestōmosz, shells, husks;
hoemā, vèhoemãoz (pl.), shells, cartridges.
shelter, nahōmaosan, I s.; nahōmaovo, I s.one; ehōmoeoz,
one is sheltered; ehōmston, he erects a s.; na-
hōmoetan, I seek a s.; nahomōva,
I am
sheltered from
the rain; ehotōmoeozistove, there is a s.; Hotōme, S.
woman (pr.name); hōmoeozistoz,s., protection; nahetōs-
eme, I flee for s.,refuge; see flee. Naētoax, I seek s.
from wind; navēnonaovo, I make a dwelling, tent, s. for
one; hōmoetanoxtoz, s., safety; homōvàtoz, s. from rain;
ētoaxestoz, s. from wind; nahesthōmoeozistoz, I have a
s.; nahesthōmoeozistovenoz, he is my s.; see protect.
shelterless, esaahesthōmoeozistové, he is s., has no
t'sa esaavēnonaoehe,
shelter, abode, tent (sc.made for him).
Sheol, Sean, place of the dead, also Naeomē.
shepherd, nanxpaovoham qsan, I s.,keep the sheep;
paovoham, I herd; qsahetan, s.; eqsähetaneve, he
is a s.; also qsanxpaovohamehe, s., sheep herder;
nxpaovohamestoz, the shepherding; naheqsähetanemenoz, ]
Sheridan, (General), Voxpcae, White-helmet. [he is my S.
sheriff, matanāvèho, s., police,q.v.
Sherman, (General), Hotoxceoxnaes, Three-stars.
shield, see defend, protect; hoàno, s.; nathoànon, my s.;
nsthoànon, thy s.; nsthoànonan, our s.; ehoàno-
neve,it is a s.; nahesthoànon, I have a s.; nahesthoà-
noneoz,I am shielded, am provided with s.; hoànono, s.
tripod; suff.-hōheva- with s.; Mahōheva, Red-s. (pr.
name); Mahōhevass, Reds. band; Mahōhevaeohe, Reds. river,
Republican river; Voxphōheva (z), White-s. (pr. name);
he has no
see nail. Nahesthoànonenoz, he is my s.
shift, see change, move.
shimmer, see shine.
[oaso, I cut both his shins.
shin, maaó; naaó,my s.; naeaonaso, I cut his s.; naoea-]
shine, suff.-voóas (larger s.) and -voókas (smaller s.)
denotes "s., burn, shimmer,light"; epevoóas, it
shines well (ref. to the shining); epevoóasetto, it
(ref.to the obj.emitting light) shines well;
voóasehan and esaapevoóasettan, it does not s. well;
suff.-oas- ref.to burning, fire, shiny; eoasevstoon, it
is made shining; eoasevstoone vocana, one is provided
with shining shoes; eoasevenōhe, he shines, looks like
fire; eoasevenono, it shines, looks fire; zeoasevenō-
hesso, the shining ones (or.); evoóksēsena, it (or.)
shines (of a star); naoasevenōhetova, he shines upon
me, makes me look like fire; suff. -oaseha implies s.,
brightness, brilliancy; eotataveoaseha, it shines, radi-
ates blue; naoasevoaena, I make it s., burnish it;
asevoeha, it is bright, shining, burnished; eoasevoaeoe,
it is made shining, is burnished; evoomeoaseha,it is
shining white; evoomeoaseōstaha, it becomes (suddenly)
shining white; evoomeaseōs tax, one (or.) becomes shin-
ing white; suff.-vohôo denotes s., resplendency, efful-
gence; evohôota, it shines, is resplendent, glorious, ef-
fulgent; vohôotàtoz, the s., shining, effulgence; vohôo-
evatamahestoz, state of s.,glory, effulgence; evohôoe-
vatamano, it is shining, glorious (in general); esaavo-
hôotahan, it is not shining; ešehe evohôoova, the
is shining (like crystal); eoxoxzeoasetto, it (the ob-
ject) shines, burns with green light; oovaevhohonaeo,
shining stones, crystals; see bright, glow.
shingle, napanôn, I s.; napanohanoz panôonoz, I s. them
(sc. shingles, lit. I make the shingles adhere by
nailing them); panôo, panôonoz (pl.), s.; epanôoneve, it
is a s.;zens cepaonatto mhão etae šepanohe, the roof has
been shingled; nokov panôonoz, a bundle of shingles.
shinny, ooxnistoz; see under "play", page 828.
ship, semo, semonoz (pl.), s., boat; esemoneve, it is a s.;
semoneva, in the s.; nahe semonoz etahoxovemea-
noz, he sent three ships across.
shirk, see avoid, shun; also expressed with inf. -ise-;
naisetanotovo, I s.him (in thot); naisezetan, I s.
doctoring, doing; inf.-hònez- denotes "in a shirking,
irksome, negligent way"; ehòneztaneševe, he does it in
a shirking way.
shirt, eszehen, -heno (pl.), s., considered or.; naesze-
hen, my s. or coat; eoxa naeszehen, my s., coat is
torn; naeszehen ehosotae, my s. is dirty, soiled; nahes-
zehena, I am with a s., shirted, coated; asēszehe, S.,
chemise (ase drawing, elastic); see coat.
shiver, see break; enonome, he shivers, shakes, trembles;
enonomos, he shivers from cold; eōveoz, he shivers
(as a bird in shaking its feathers), shakes himself;
enomonos, he shivers, from cold and sleepiness; nanono-
max, I have a s., trembling; see shake, tremble.
shock, epóetovaoz, he is shocked (of pain or fear); pó-
shoe, suff.-can and -ôan (or -ôhan) ref. to s : in the
following verbs ending in -can or -ôhan, the mean-
ing is sg. but is also used in the pl. sense; suff .
-anoz is the regular pl. form; napevôhan, I have good,
nice S.;
našeononevôhan, I have cloth s. (in winter
when moccasins are wrapped with cloth to keep warm or
prevent slipping); nasxsevo tôhan, my s. are untied, lit.
I am with s. untied; namavocan, I have old s.; namono-
can, I have new s.; namēnoevocan, I have s. with quill
work on them; nahavsevôhan, I have bad s.; emaocan,
has red s.; eheovocan, he has yellow s.; epavevocana,
he is fitted, provided with good s.; navocanaovo, I
make him to be provided with s.; emocaneoz, he has s.
on; evocana, he is shoed, is with s.; naešenôanon, I
have old s. (to spare); ehoemo caneoz, he arrived with
s.on; eoasevstoone vocana, he is provided with shining,
bright s. (made so, as patent leather s.); evohaenocan,
he has buckskin s.; emeskonocan, he has leather s. (of
leather other than buckskin); nahes’emaôan, I have my
s.shrivelled by fire, burnt (partly); nahes'emaôanoz,
my s.are shrivelled (from burning); namocanoz ehes'-
emâtansz,my s. are burnt (partly); nanitôhan, I take
off my s.; nanitoesz namocan, I untie my s. (sg.); na-
nitoeszenoz namocanoz, I untie my shoes; navoneōs taôa-
anoz, I destroy my shoes by burning them; emomoettansz
mocanoz, the shoes are wrinkled, shrivelled; emomoevo-
caneoz, he has wrinkled shoes on; nahà pôan, my s. is
(are) shrunk, drawn; napeno can, I have torn s. (also na-
penocanoz); naēseà tàno mohènoham, I s. the horse;
seàtahe mohènoham, the horse is shod; mocan, mocanoz
(pl.), s.; emocaneve, it is a s.; namocan, namocanoz
(pl.),my s.; nimocanoz, our shoes; hemocanevoz, their
shoes; mocanane, s. maker; hokononoz, common high (lace
or button) shoes; tostoononoz, high shoes, boots; ehe-
vokononetto, it is a s. (of common kind, lace or button,
but not low ones); hoose vocanoz, low shoes; mahatäva-
tàtoz, iron s.; mahataevàtaenohames toz, horse s.; mes-
konocanoz, leather (formerly ref. to buffalo leather)
shoes; vohaenocanoz, buckskin shoes; šeononevôhanoz,
cloth shoes; esoxocanoz, rubber shoes; penocanoz, torn
shoes; monocanoz, new shoes; mavocanoz, old shoes;
haevestoz, s. tongue; natoesz namocanoz, I tie my shoes;
naponomaeàta, I fix rags under the feet to prevent
shoe-string, vhoe, vhosz (pl.); esxsevo tôan, one's shoe-
strings are loose, untied. In former days it
was considered indecent for a woman or girl to have
her moccasins untied.
shoot, naam, I s.; naneovoam, I s.standing; naamstoeoam,
I s.sitting; nakonoeoam, I s.squatting (Ger. hock-
end) nahamoešeoam, I s. lying; naamo, I s. one (or.);
naamesta, I s.it; in games of bows and arrows follow-
ing terms are used: nitoseneamhemà, we are going to
s.; nanheamestotoz, the ones I s. (in play); nahaeam, I
s.well;navovoease taooxz, I s.first; naasetaoho, I s.,
discharge one (arrow); nakahaeo, I s. it nearest the
target; nahèpòno, I s. beyond the target; nanetòno, I s.
on this side (short of) the target; eama naamòno, I
hit (by shooting) on the side (of target); namxòno, I
hit the target. Nanosēnotoemaso, I s.it (or., also said
of the play wheel), transfix it; nanosehoemaso, I s.it,
transfixing it to the ground; nanoemaso and nanoeto-
vo, I s.it (or., wheel or bird) on the fly; nanonoema-
so, I s.one (or.) in resisting, defending; naonistoena,
I stretch the bow to s.; nanševoam, I s.swift, fast
(with bow); emaxesovan, it (bow) shoots far; nanševon,
I s.a long distance (in play), am skilled in shooting;
[nanševhón, I am skillful in sign language]; nanovon, I
cannot s.far, am not skilled in shooting; nanovhón, I
test to see how far I can s.; enovhónistove, trial at
target; haeš eoxchetonstove, there is a long range
shooting; ehèpseva, it shoots beyond; evavanoxseo, it
shoots whirling (arrow); hoaniško xtoz, game of shoot-
ing, see under "play", page 829,#5; nasoxpeoesemaso, I
s.thru him (fatally); naanemaso, I s.him (from a high-
er place); eanemax, he is shot (from above); naatanàz, I
s.myself (accidentally); natoome maso, I s. (on purpose,
but not killing); naosea tano, I happen to s.him (dead,
not purposely); hohomo navèpsoeta vēno, I s. thru the
tent; hohomo evèpstohe, he is shot thru; navèpsoetovo
hohomo, I s.him thru; hohomo evèpstohe heàzeneva, he is
shot thru the arm; nonoma hestoamestoz, the shooting
of the thunder, lightning stroke; nahèpoemaso, I s.over
and beyond him; nahèpoemxesta, I s. over and beyond it;
nokoamestov, one arrow s. (about 1/4 of a mile); eovao-
am, he shoots by magic; some shamans
are believed to
have small magical arrows (visible and invisible)
which they s.at any one whom they intend to hurt
(physically or otherwise); see target.
shooting, amestoz, the s.;amàzistoz, the s.at each other.
shop, hoxtovamhão, trading house; hoevoxzemhäo, meat s.
shopkeeper, hoxtovavého, s.; ehoxtovavèhoeve, he is a s.
shore, haztovōma, on either s.; hestovōma, on each, both
shores; zeénōmoeha, at the s. where the body
of water ends, stops; zeénhoeve, where the land ends;
zistōeovázetto hoe na zemhaōmoeha, S., where land and
sea meet; see beach, border; naonovonèn, I reach the s.
from the water (in walking), I land; eonovemoxtonaha,
it is blown (by wind) to s.; eonoveōs taha, it is
blown, hurled, dashed to shore; naonovetohona, I swim to
s.; naonovohēsz, I come to s. (with boat); see ashore,
land, river; esaahāehōmattan, the s.is not far.
short, otama(?), s.space of time; kaks,s.,near
(of dis-
tance and time, corruption from ekas, it is near,
short distance): ekasexov, it is a s.time; etakaseoz,
it is s. (time and distance); nakasexovhoe or nasaahā-
ehoe, I stay a s.time, not a long time; nakasexovena, I
make it s. (time); kasexovetto, in a s.time; kasexove-
va, for a s.time; kasetto, a s.interval; kokasetto, at
s.intervals; ekaoetto navōstoz, my dress is s.; eheo-
mekaoetto, it (or.) is too s.; naheomekstana, I make it
too s; ekasexov'netto vostanehevestoz,life lasts a s.
time; ezeces, it is s. (in length); ezekstae, he is s.
(in height); ezekstonehe, he has a s. body; rad. -nov-
expresses "less than, behind, short of"; see less. Ene-
heoz, it is s.,of s.duration; eneheoz nivostanehevsto-
nan, our life is s.; ekastaha, he is s. hearted, high
tempered; nakase amèn, I walk for a s.distance; enize-
oz, it comes s., does not reach, is not sufficient; na-
nit'san(?) šistatoeva, I am s. of lumber; ezekseve tova,
one is s.bodied (ref.to the trunk); etokseoxta,one is
s.legged; nakahoemo, I sit a s.ways from him, near one;
nakaoan, I speak s.; kaoanistoz, a s. utterance; kaósz,
s.grass; ekaovess, he has s.hair; ekaonen, he has s.
teeth; kao, s. gun, pistol, revolver; Kaēs, S.nose (pr.
name); natoksevaena, I have s. arms; nakokaena, I have
s.arms, sleeves. Above examples show that "k" and "c"
denote "small, short, diminutive"; see diminutive.
shorten, nazekstana, I s.it (with hand); nazekstanen, I
s.; nakasexovena, I s., make it short (time); na-
heomekstana, I s.it too much; nakaomaoena, I s.it, make
it smaller (a patch of ground); nakokahana, I s. it
(each of it); nazekseena, I s.it (by breaking with
hand); nizekseenanon, we break it short; nazekstax, I
s.it (with knife); nazekstaso, I s. it (or., as gar-
ments) by cutting; nazekstoha, I s. it (by striking,
chopping with instr.); naevhakaenoto, I s.it (or.,gar-
ment) by sewing; nakaenoto vōstoz, I s.the dress (in
sewing); nakaenotamo hevōstoz, I s. her dress; nakae-
noe,I s.by sewing; nakokaenoe, I s.each time or each]
shorthorn, see horn.
[piece (sc. of a garment).
shortly, expressed by inf.-nehe-; enstosenehehoeoxz, he
will arrive s., soon; also inf.-kas-; kasetto,
in a short while, s. [sightedness, the seeing short.
short-sighted, ekaōsan, he is s.; kaōsanistoz, short-]
short-winded, eahanomotom, one is s.
Shoshoni, Sosoneo, whether this name is adapted is un-
certain; [esoson =it is stove in,q.v.]
some Ch.call the S.šišinovozhetaneo (same as for the]
shot, šešemaoz, small s.
shotgun, mahaatano,-tanosz, pl. ; emahaatanoeve, it is a s.
should, expressed by inf. -meta-, which also may mean
"would"; nimetaneoxzheme, you s.go; name tamese, I
s.eat; pref.-a s.,ought, and governs the sub.cj.; ax-
hetosz, thou shouldst have told him; atoseneševezēsz,
we s., ought to do it; pref.eo- whether, s.; eotosene-
na mo hovahan nasaaheneenohe, I know not
whether I should go or not (if I s. or not).
shoulder, màtatamõ,màtamòn (pl.); nàtatamō, nàtatamōn
(pl.), my s.; hestatamōn, one's shoulders; often
the pl.form is also used for the sg.; hotoavō, the
protuberant part of the s.blade (in buffaloes); màta-
zeō,s.blade, scapula (whole); henaeva, meat of the s.
blade; ziskakonēpaonatto, lower part of the scapula;
nahestatamōnaso, I cut one's s.; for packing or bear-
ing on s.suff.-ox is characteristic; see bear; navis-
toxemo, I bear,s.with him; nano tamo, I s.one; nakokas-
tatamōn,I have short shoulders (either narrow or be-
ing short to the elbow); Heszevoxkon, Hump-on-s. (pr.
name, ref.to the hump in animals; Moehestatamon, Elk-s.
shout, nanistō,I s., howl; zenistōsz, the one shouting;
nanoonō, I s.; nanoonōoto, I s.to one; ehōxeva, he
shouts, heralds, calls out; see cry, herald. Noonōhes-
toz,s., the shouting; nistōhestoz, the shouting, call-]
shove, see push.
[ing, howling.
shovel, naasetoha heseovo, I s.sand (removing); natahoha
heseovo, I s.,load sand; in the preceding
there is nothing to indicate "shoveling" except the
instr.form of the verb which assumes a s.; nōhanis-
toz, s., dipper; nōhanistoz zehastoó, s.with a long
handle, mining s.; enōhanistove, it is a s.; nōhanisto-
vå, with a s.; nōhanistovå heseovo, a s.-ful of sand;
xanèpemeno estàzeo, straight s., spade.
show, navōstoman, I s., make a s.; navōsého, I s. to him;
navōsesz, I s.it; navōstomevo, I s. for him; navōso-
notto, I s.him (to one); navōstoman zehešetanotto, I s.
what I think; navōstoman zehexovhekoneozetto, I s.how
strong I am; evōstoman zehethomatsans, he shows his
feeling; evōstoman zehethomaozeto, he shows his feel-
ing towards it; evōstoman zehexovenizeheonevs, he
shows what a liar he is; namenoxcevōstoman, I make a
s. (out of pride); hena emevōstomanetto, what canst
thou s.? Navōstomanenon zehešetovahez, we s. what we
are (our color, fig.); evhanenitōmsohe, he makes a mere
s., puts up appearances;
vhanenitōmsohestoz, mere
appearance; namenoxcenhesseman pavxanovevostanehevs-
tovå, I make a s.of righteous living; eohāōmsohe, he is
showy, ostentatious; ohāōmsohestoz, showiness, ostenta-
tiousness; namehemōmàz, I am showy, boast of myself;
emenone, he makes a s., is proud; haesto evešhemenohe
he is revealed, showed, manifested by many things; emox-
totan, he wants to s., is forward, fresh, pushes himself
to the front; moxtotanoxtoz, n.of preceding; Maheo
eamevōstoman hešivaztastoz etovan, God continually
shows his mercy towards us also Maheo
mōenon hešivaztastoz, God shows his mercy unto us; vō-
stomanistoz, s., the showing; navōsàz, I s. myself; vōsà-
zistoz, the s.of self; oftentimes the suff. -ého (or.)
and -ész (in.) implies "s., causing to, exhibit, demon-
strate, realize", as: navōsého, I cause him to see it:
navōsész, I cause it to be seen; napevoého, I cause
good, s. one kindness (in acts); another way of ex-
pressing "s., demonstration, behavior towards"
particle -ez- usually inserted before the modal suf-
fixes,as: namaseztovo, I s. friendliness, courtesy to
-mase polite, willing +-ez-acting, showing in
acts-tovo unto one; naōènovaeztovo, I s.patience
towards him, act patiently with him; nataneheztovo, I
am ashamed of him (Ger.zeige Sham vor Einem); mxeeo-
zistomanistoz, stereopticon s.; amoētastoz,doings, s.,
circus, fair; mohènoham zèvōshevoss, horse s.; amoētas-
tovå zehetāevōstomanistovēsz, all the shows (at a
fair, performance); vōseo, that which is shown, on ex-]
shower, ookoxtoz; see rain.
[hibit, a s.
shred, see tear; epēsan, he is in shreds (ref.to gar-
ments); epepeōstaha, it is torn in shreds (by
wind). [shrewdness; eohãotoxovae, he is s., very wise.
shrewd, eohāoxezezeve, one is s.,sly; ohāoxzezevestoz,]
shriek, emasónistō, he shrieks; see shout; emasómahaheš-
ksehahe, he bursts out shrieking. [has a s. voice.
shrill, eohāhešksevon, it has a s.sound; ehešksehahe, she]
shrink, ehehe sceoz, it becomes shrunk, wrinkled; emohes-
ceoz, it shrinks, becomes small; emooxkonâta,it
shrinks (thru heat); esaamooxkonattan, it does not s.;
namomhemeohe zeešivaeno, I s. from fear of him; nahoso-
ostax, I s., step back; exaxonatto, it is shrunk, is
pressed together; emooxkona, it is shrunk, shrivelled;
hehesceozistoz, the shrinking, wrinkling; mohesceozis-
toz, the shrinking, becoming smaller; mooxokonastoz, the
being shrunk; xaxonoaozistoz, the shrinking together.
shrivel, see shrink, wrinkle.
shroud, see encase, enshroud, envelop: nahovoenàz,
cover myself completely;
I s.,
navehoan, I am en-
shrub, nanhooxzz, nanhooxzetto (pl.); enanhooxzeve, it is
a s.; hestaàzemenóe, -menósz (pl.), currant s.
shudder, see shiver.
shun, navohovaa, I s., keep away from it: navohovaovo,or.
of preceding; naoháea, I s.it (its place); nao-
háeovo,I s. him, where he is; naoháeoto, I s.him; naohá-
eoxta, I s.it (these two terms have more a transitive
meaning in Ch.); naoháetan, I s.in thot; naoháetanota,
I s.it; naoháetanotovo, I s.him (in thot).
shut, see close; nahōna, I s.it (as a door); hōnoz,s.it!
ehoōz, it is s.; nanxpana, I s.it (an aperture); na-
nxpanomovo heexa, I s. one's eyes (blindfold him); enx-
poeoz, it becomes s., closed; nanxpooha and nanxpaha, I
s.it (with cork. lid, lock); nanxpoòno, I s.one in
(locking; ehe konxpoohe, it is s. (locked); nanxpoanàz, I
have s.out myself; nanxpàzenàno, I s. one's mouth
holding the hand on mouth); nanxpàzenàz, I s.my mouth
(with hand); naoomazenao, I s.my mouth (naturally);
nahekoneoomazenao, I s.my mouth tight; nihekoneoomaze-
naomå, we s. our mouth tight; naoomatovan, I s. (ref. to
stove lids) it, so there is no gap, but one surface;
naoomana, I s., make it to be one
make it to be one (surface); nanxpato-
van, I s.the damper (of a stove); rad. -nxp- ref. to
"close, stop issuance"; nameoexan and nameozexan, I s.
my eyes; meozexansz, s. thy eyes! Naonxpēstanàz, I s.my
ears; nanxpōxzenahen, I s. the wings or ears of tipi;
nahàpana mxistō, I s.,close the book; nahàpheona, I s.
my hand; zetohetāenxpoeoneve, all that which shuts
(from issuance), all the locks; see stop.
shutter, nxpohaneo and nxpoheo; hovae zevešenxpoanisto-
ve, something to shut with;
bar,q.v.; nxpatovanehe, s., damper; oomatovanehe, s.,
stove lid (or other stove parts).
shuttle, hotanon zeoxcevehoevoss hotoma hàpenohestovå,
that which contains the thread in the sewing
shy, eétoxtaeoneve, he is s.; ehèpae, he is s.,scary;
ehépôoz, he shies; etane, he is s., bashful; hèpastoz,
shyness, timidity; hèpôozistoz, the shying; nahèpoetan,
I s. (in thot); hèpoetanoxtoz, the being s., fearsome,
frightened in thot. Mohènoham èmasóhè pôozeta,
horse shyed at it.
sick, ehamoxta, one is sick; ehāmoxtäoz, one gets s.;
etomoxtäoz, he becomes suddenly s.; etaomoxtavhoä-
oz, he becomes s.with desire; nahāmoxtasého, I cause
sickle, same as scythe.
[one to be s.
sickly, eonohomona, he is s.; zenonohomonasz, the S.,
weak one.
[moxtanov, there is s.
sickness, hāmoxtastoz; ehāmoxtastove, it is a s.; ehā-
side, rad.-eama- =s.; naeamax(ena), I lie on my s.; na-
hoxoeamax(ena),I lean on my s. close to (as on
a couch, bed, to eat); mazheamaxhesto, the right s.; na-
mosesto, the left side; nazheamaxhesto, on my right s.;
nanamosesto, on my left s.; naeamaanao, I fall on my
s.; eamaomē, sides of the tipi; eamaom, one s. (of the
tipi); neamos and neamakos, the off s. (as the other s.
of a hill); hohamos, hill, mountain s. (before one);
nixhestoamos, the other s. of a hill, from which one
stands; naeama ovo, I walk at one's s. [naamaovo, I drive
one]; eama meon, on the side of the road; haztov,
either s.; hestov, both sides, also used as inf.; hoha-
mos, mountain s.; rad.-hestoema- on the s., adjoining
the s.; ehestoema, he sides with, is on the s.;
on the s.; nahes-
toemaovo, I s.him, have him on my s.; zehestoemaetovaz,
at his s.; heszheamaxhesto zehestoemaetovaz, at his
right s.; hestoemaestoz, the being on the s. (adjoin-
ing, situated at the s.; zenxhestoemaosz, the one (or.)
from the s.;zexhestoema-henitōneheve, at, toward the s.of
the door; zexhestoema-mhaōmoeha, towards the sea s.,
s.towards the sea; zexhestoemaetto, at my s.; esenhasto
hestoema, on the eastern s.; etahestoema, it sides, bor-
ders on; ehestoematto, it forms the s., border, is siding;
nime (also used as inf.), to one s., sideways; enime taho,
he rides on one s. (as when leaning sideways); nime na-
hoz, I set it to one s.; nimene xhozz, put it to one s.,
sideways; also nimeaseozz! Nimenhēsz, stand to one S
aside! Nime naēnana or nanimeēnana, I put, set it down to
one s., aside; hoxovetto hōma, across, on the other s.:
hōma, on the other s. (of a body of water), bank, shore;
zisthōma, on this s. (of the water); hohom, on this s. (to-
wards the speaker); nhasto, on the other s., beyond; ohō-
ma,bed at the s. (either side) of the lodge, (distin-
guished from the "vaoxtam" or bed facing the entrance);
ohōma ehota, it is on the s.bed; noxsemå, back s. of the
bed towards the tipi wall; zešhesto,
zešhesto, on this (or that)
s., (either right or left in front); inf. -nōs- one s.;
enōsestxeo, they are (men) on one s. (as in games, where
men are on one s.and women on the other); enōsemxeoe,it
is written on one s.; ehestovemxeo, it is written on
both sides (hestov both sides); esēstxeo, they (or.)
are several, the same number on each, either s.; nanōseo-
hetovo, I keep to his s., to one s.with him; hovae esaa-
hosanehan (or esaahosaoehan) oxnōseeozistovesz, nothing
I see
is impossible when there is one s. together, when all are
on one s.; eams taevxeeoz, it is drawn, pictured in pro-
file, from the s.; navōxtomovo heamstōenovestoz,
him from the s., in profile; naamstōenovetan, I want a s.
view; naamstōmo, I see him from the s.; eamshes so, it is
sideways (presenting the lateral s.); eamseō, he stands
sideways (presenting his right or left s.); ešexaneta, it
stands sideways, not in straight line (ahead); ešexanev-
ota, it stands entirely sideways; esaataeamseō, he does
not stand entirely sideways (is partly facing one);
enšhestovepeva, it is good either way, on both sides,
is "both" good; maxhesto, on this s. (before death);
hevistametovo, I am on his s., for him; also navistamao-
zetovo; naamsthoz, I set it sideways, the narrower s.to-
ward the speaker; naamstoho (or .of preceding); emasto-
ta, it sets sideways; eams tohe, one is set (put so) side-
ways; zeoxtohetahotaoenov, on every s.; ehotxovistavao,
he goes from one s.to the other; ehoxoveaseoe, he starts
for the other s. (as on a street); nahotaana, I throw it
on the s., upset something so it falls on its s.: OX
zehessevōme hovae, s. view of something, also ox zevōseo-
neve, the part, s.visible (of something); paoemeo, S.,
paralell road; amstōenovestoz, s.view. In Ch.the sound
"m" implies "s." in the sense of "surface or part
of a
surface or object situated laterally to any assumed
axis"; letter "s" implies the "bounding line of al
-side-path, nohémeon.
sidewalk, zeamhooneve, raised floor (continuous).
sideways, see side.
side-whiskers, hestovemeàz, beard on both sides.
sieve, šeahaseo, šeahaseonoz (pl.).s.,sifter; ešeahaseo-
neve, it is a s.;šeahaseoneva, with, in a s.
sift, našeahasen, I s.; zešeahasensz, the one who sifts;
našeaház, I s.it; ešeahamensz mazemenoz, the oats
are sifted; ešeahame, it is sifted; šeahasenistoz, the
sifting; naše ahamo. I s.it (or.). [(itself); see sieve.
sifter, šeahaseneo, s., the one who sifts; šeahaseo, s.]
sigh, namaxeomotom, I s.; maxeomotomestoz, s.; eamevoam,
he sighs, groans; eamevoamèn, he walks sighing,
sight, long "ō" is
characteristic for "look, see and
s."; vōsanistoz, s., the faculty of seeing; hotōhe-
stoz, s., outlook; nathotōhestoz, my s.; màzhesta zeho-
tōetto, a heart that sees, has sight; maztahanoz zeho-
tōettosz, hearts which see, inward s.; nahestatōo, I am
within s.; nahestatōoxta, I am within s. of it; tåxta
zexhotaoenov, in full s.; ehotâenov, it is in s., view,
full s.; nahóetovō, my s.is defective; eàtohōmaeoz, it
is hidden from s.; eàtohoma; zevōseoneve, that which
is s. or visible; zevōseonevsz (or. of preceding); ze-
vōseonevēsz (pl.,in.); zevōseonevesso (or., pl.); võe-
nestoz, impaired s.; naevhatōesého, I restore one's s.;
nananovo, I know one by s.; nanana, I know it by s.;
naexanèno, I keep him in s.; emäōme and emävōme, it (or
one) is in the s.of all; mävōseoneva, in the s.of all,
visible to all; heto zèvōme nàpevetanooz, at the s. of
this I was glad; emeeoz, one comes in s., into view, ap-
pendent part,
sign, naamhàz navehestoz, I s.my name;
naneevatsan, I
make a s., mark; naēvhon, I speak by s. (s.language);
nanševhón, I am skillful in s.language; nanševon, I am
skilled in s.speech; naevhōvo, I speak to one by s.;
eneevatto, it marks, is a s.; neevatseo, neevatseonoz
(pl.), s., mark, signal; eneevat seoneve, it is a s.; ene-
evatseona, it is for a s., it signifies (state); neeva-
tseoo,s.(set); naneevatseoneve, I am as a s.; naneeva-
tseonan, I make, set a s., mark; naneevat seonanetovo, I
am set as a s.concerning one; naneevatseonano, I set
him as a s., mark; zeneevatonhesso, it shall
zeneevatonhessetamano, there shall be a s. (in the na-
ture, in general): neevatonhesse tamanoestoz, s. in na-
ture; zetonšeneevatto, what is its s.? Neevazhàzistoz,
s.,distinguishment, brand; naneevazého, I know him by a
s. neevaestoz, the being known by (s.); naneevae, I am
known as; naneevaeno, I use one as s naneevamxea, I
be a s.;
mark (by writing) a s.; hesthonestoz, s., beckoning;
ĕvhonistoz, s.language; see mark; inf.-neeva- s., mark
(known by); eneevaseš, he is known by the way he lies
(posture); see represent, purport.
signal, neevatseo; eneevat seona, it is a s.; evešeneeva-
tsanistove, it is signaled with; hesthonistoz,s
the beckoning; see sign.
signature, vehestoz zeamšeme or zeameha, also zeamhàtoe;
etahan navehestoz zehešeamhàtoe or zehešeam-
šeme, this is my s., the way my name is put down.
significance, zehešetovat to, its s., purport, object, aim;
hena zehešetovatōez, what is its s.for us?
signify, ehešetovatto, it signifies, purports, aims; enee-
vatto,it signifies, marks; etonšetovatto, what
does it s.?
silence, hekotastoz; hekotamanoestoz and hekotomatama-
noestoz, general s.; hekotomastoz, s., quietness;
hap', s.! (said among children); ehekotomatto, s.
reigns, it is quiet;nahekotaesého, I s., make one quiet.
silent, ehekotae, one is s.; ehekotomae, one is s.,quiet,
peaceful; esaaoxohe, one is s., answers not; nan-
šezesta and nanšeezta, I am, keep s.about it; hekotōsz
naheto, I tell him to keep s., be quiet; eheko tatamano
it is s. (in general); nahekotatamo, I deem one s.;
esaaenszé, he is s., does not speak; see quiet.
silk, has no fixed name in Ch. Some of the younger
Ind. will say, "silkaevōstoz" for s.dress.
silly, emashanē, one is s., erratic in judgement, foolish.
silver, vokomemakät, white metal, usually ref. to money;
(nasz vokomemakät, a ten cents piece); zevohomoao
(zevokomoao, diminutive form), s., the same name would
be given to nickel; evokomemakätävs toon, it is made of
s.; also, zevokomoaoz' makätäva evešemane, it is made
with s.
similar, often expressed by suff.-ea to nouns
(see un-
der "shape") and meaning "like": henitōnea
ehesso, it is s.to, like a door; hovèn ezhesso, it is s.
(not quite like); esĕhesso, it is s.,"alike
inf.-sē- means "alike" it is also used for s ; áe
ehesso, it is s., nearly like.
similitude, tãohemestoz, s., parable; etãoheme stove, it is
a s.; tãohemestovå evešeēsz, he speaks in s.
simple, emomoxae, one is s.,lowly; see humble; eheanat-
to, it is s., easy, not difficult; inf.
-xa- is also used to express s. in the sense of
"plain, artless, natural, not artificial"; inf.-vhane- =
simply, merely.
[to, with s., easiness.
simplicity, momoxhastoz, s., humility, lowliness; heanat-]
simulate, see imitate.
simultaneous, seetoeš, s., at the same time.
sin, havs, hathavs (pl.); ehavseve, it is s.;
-xama- or
seve, I have s.; nahavsevoēta, I commit s.;
with, in s.; havsevetto, sinfully, wrongly; see bad,
evil. Nahavsevoētaetovo, I s., do wrong against him;
havsevestoz, the being s.; nathavs, my s.; hesthavs,
one's s.; nsthavsevan, our s.; natathavs, my sins; ns-
tathavsevan, our sins (repeated s.); zèvonane havs, the
forgiveness of s.,lit.s.being wiped out; vonanomeva-
zistoz, the forgiving of s.; navonanomeva nathavs, he
forgives my s.; vhanetonithavseva, unimportant, petty
s.; Havsevevhan, S. (personified, used for "Devil").
since, nìnitā, s. then, from there on; niszetā, s. (up to
the present); niszetā nasaaevhavōmohe, I have
seen him s.; pref.zeheš- =s., inasmuch, seeing that, be-
cause of; zehešepevaes, s., inasmuch as he is good; ze-
hešhāmoxtaes, s., seeing that he is sick [zeeše- after
(past); zeešemesēs, after he had eaten].
sincere, emesehazta, one is s., frank, open hearted;
sincerity, mesehaztastoz.
sinew, hota, hotaxcsz (pl.)
is the old term [hotanon =
thread]; hozc, hozceoxz (pl.), s. (used in sew-
ing), present, current name; nathozceme, my s. (the one I
use, as in sewing); nahesthozceme, I have s.; hesesoz,
sinews (of the body); nahesesoz, my sinews; niheseso-
nan, our s. (sg. but with pl. meaning), represented by
vines in some ceremonials; ehesēso, it is s. like, sin-
ewy; ehesēsaeo, they (or.) are like sinews, sinewy (an-
tonym to emataq, it is brittle).
sinful, ehathavsevoētaeoneve, he is s., an evil doer;
ehesthavseve, one is s.,has sin; nahonea havs,
am s have sin; see bad.
• >
sing, nanemen, I s.; nemenistoz, the singing, also music-
al instr.; zenemensz, the one who sings; nemeozeva,
with singing; nanemeoto, I besing one; suff.-non =
singing, caroling (similar to the Ger. "jodeln"); naho-
nehenon, I s. the wolf tune; honehenonestoz, the singing
the wolf song; namaheonenon, I s. a sacred, religious
tune; nazesenon, I s. a Ch. tune; eaenenoneo, they s.for-
ever; navovònešenon, I s.praising, blessing; ezhešenon,
he sings thus; naemenon, I hum; naemōsenon, I s. in se-
cret; nanonomenon, I s. trembling, with a trill; naase-
az, I will s. (now); nitaaseàzenon, let us s.it; naēve-
aseaxz, I am singing; naasenoooto, I begin to s.to one;
zehešenoosàtov, the way, how to s.; suff. -hahe ref. to
voice; ezceenehahe or ehešksehahe (shrill voice), one
sings soprano; also eheškosenon, one sings a shrill,
high tune; etomsehahe, one sings alto; also, hovèn eé-
noxsehahe; emahaoehahe, eheevahe and eheevenon, one
sings tenor; eénosehahe, one sings bass; ehekonehahe,
one sings without breaking (high or low); etåtxovoe-
hahe, one sings breaking (cut); enitavehahe, one sings
different, has a different voice; nionitävoehahemå, we
s.a different voice, tune; nisētoehahemå, we s. the same
tune, voice; [nisētôahemå, we are of the same age];
ezhešehahe, he sings thus; nišešehahemå, we s.in the
same voice; navehooto, I s. praising him; nanonevéoe-
noz, I s.the praise of one; ninoneveoetovaz, I s.of
thee (thy praise); nahetotaehahe, I s.with gladness,
have a glad voice; nahessemhâe, I s. remembering (as
when a Ch.remembers an absent friend by singing); see
song; Maheonenonehe, Sacred-singing-woman (pr. name).
singe, hoesta emomoeohovat to, fire singes the hair, fur;
monsceo ehooetō, she cooks beans (a humoristic way
to say, "her hair is singed"); ehehescemâta, it is
singed, wrinkled by fire; ehescemâe, one is singed; he-
meq evétta, one's hair is burned, singed; evehe, also
evēstove,it is singed (Ger. angebrannt), speaking of
the fur of a robe, blanket; eveōstâta, it is instantly
singed; emomoeōstâta, it singes and shrinks (as
shoes); ehesseōs tâtansz, they (in.) s., draw together]
singer, none; maheonenone, religious s. [(from fire, heat).
single, namome seaosan, I s., pick out; namomeseaovo, I s.
him out; momeseaosanistoz, the singling out;
meseaovazistoz, the singling one (obj.) out; soxpstov-
etto, singly, specially, only after that; nasoxpstomao-
vo, I am singly, only after that one (or.); emastoheoz,
one is s., unincumbered, made free from burden; ehovoa-
heve, he is s., unmarried; hovoahestoz, the being s., un-
married (man); also said of divorced
also said of divorced men and widow-
ers; enokae, one is s., alone; enokatto, it is s.;
eszetto, singly; inf.-naesz- and -naeszeom- S., sin-
gly, solely; nanaeszenēnànō, I order them to form a s.,
one company, bunch; ninaeszhemå, we are one, form a
unit; nanaeszeometan, I think singly, only of it; see
only; nasaanaeszeaenô makät, I have not a s.money,]
singular, nšenokatto, alone by self.
sink, naeszevōea, I s. (in water); naeszevanēoxz heseovo-
eva, I s.in the sand; eeszevanēoz, it becomes
sunk (not in water); naeszevoeno, I s.him; eeszeoxz, it
sinks in; naeszeena, I s.it in; eseanomaeoz, the ground
sinks; ehèpeeseanomaeoz, the ground sinks lower; heto
naeszevoenā, this sinks me. [hesthavsevēsz, the s.one.
sinless, esaahesthavsevé, he is s., has no sin; zsaa-]
sinner, havsevoĕtahe, -voetaheo (pl.); ehavsevoētahe one-
ve, he is a s.; zehavsevoētaeonevsz, the s., sin-
ing one.
[Ohoomohee, S. woman; Ohoomoeno, S. country.
Sioux, Ohoomo, Ohoomoheo(pl.); eohomôtaneve, he is a S.;]
sirloin, honovonoz, part of s., for frying purposes.
sister, nisima, my younger S. or brother; esima, thy
younger s.; hevasem, one's younger s.; esimahan,
our (incl.) younger s.; nisimahan, our (excl.) young-
er s.; esimaevo, your younger s.; nahevasem, I have a
younger s.; nahevasemenoz, I have her for a younger
s.; nahevasemevõemo, I count her for my younger s.;
nahevasemeton, I am a younger s.to one; hevasemetova-
zistoz, the being s. to one; zehevasemestovsz, a younger
s.or brother; namhan, my older s. (woman sp.); nime, thy
older s.; hemeo, her older s.; namhanan, our (excl.)
older s.; nimevo, your older s.; [nimevo, thou eatest
him; naheme, we say]; nahemed, I have an older s.; na-
she is my older s.; nihemetovaz, thou art my
older s.; nahemevōemo, I count her for my older s.;
zehemestovsz, a s.; naaxaehem, my s. (male sp.), also my
s.-in-law (woman sp.); niaxaeheme, thy s.; niaxaehem-
an, our s.; niaxaehemevo, your s.; naheaxaehem, I have a
S.; naheaxaehemenoz, she is. my s.; zeheaxaehemes tovsz,
a s.; naheaxaehemeton, I am a S.; zeheaxaemez,
s zeheaxaemez, our s.;
zeheaxaemezē, our sisters; zeheaxaemestovesso, the sis-
ters. This term can also be used in speaking of the
women or girls as members of a band or congregation;
Heaxaemestovestoz, s. hood.
sister-in-law, zeheaxaehemes tovsz, the one being s. (to a
woman); zehevetamestovsz, the one being
s. (to a man), or brother-in-law (to a woman); naaxaé-
heme,my s.(fem.sp.), also my sister (male sp.); nitam,
my s. (male sp.), or my brother-in-law (fem.sp.); etam,
thy s.; hevetam, his s.; nitaman, our (excl.) s.; eta-
man, our (incl.) s.; etamevo, your s.; hevetamevo, their
s.; nahevetam, I have a s. (male sp.), or I have a bro-
ther-in-law (fem.sp.); naaxaeheme, I have a s.(fem.
sp.); nahevetameton, I am s. (to a man), or I am a bro-
ther-in-law (to a woman); naheaxaehemeton, I am s. (to
a woman), or I am sister (to a man); nahevetamenoz, she
is my s. (male sp.); naheaxaehemenoz, she is my s. (fem.
sp.). As seen above the terms "nitam,etam, hevetam,
etc." ref.both to s.and brother-in-law; when a man
says "nitam" it means "my s.", but when a woman says
"nitam" she means "my brother-in-law". When she ref.
to her s., she says, "naaxaehem".
sit, nahoe, I s.,am at a place; zexhoes, where one sits,
lives; naamsthoe, I s. down. Ezetoshoe, she sits (Ind.
woman fashion); etahaešemo kašgon zeszetoshoesz, she
holds the child on her lap sitting (woman fashion);
enamoxtseva, she sits (with knees to the right and
feet to the left); eheszeamaxseva, she sits (with feet
to the right side); exanovoseva and eonoxseva, she
sits properly, correctly, with decency. An Ind. woman
sits on the ground with her lower limbs turned partly
backward either to left or right, which is considered
proper and decent. Nimåscemhoemå, we s. cramped, having
barely room; zehoesz, the sitting one; zeamoneoessỏ,
the ones sitting in a row; nahoetan, I want to s.,live
at a place; nahoeta, I sit at, in it, occupy it;
toz, the sitting, sitting place; navesthoemo, I s. with
one; naamsthoemo, I s.with him, at his side;
toe, I s.up (from lying); nahoesého, I cause one to s.;
nahoho, I set him, make him s., give sitting room or
place to one; ehoxoetovàzeo, they s. close to each
other; ehoxoe, he sits close against; nahoxoetovo, I s.
close against him; hoxoe,s.close to....! Vohes ehoe-
tovazeo, they s.at a distance from each other;
nō, he sits and looks; nahotxakono, I s., squatting; na-
oxotomaoho, I s.with knees drawn up; nanišenstaneo,
s.with knees close together (on the ground) and using
soles of feet for a seat (the legs being folded
straight backwards under the person); etane vhoe, I s.
as preceding but one knee drawn up; naheevxshoe, I s.
with both legs to one side; nanišeàtao, I s. with both
legs stretched straight ahead; nanonizeomeàtaeta, I s.
with foot hanging quiet (when one leg is crossed over
the other); nanonizeomeàtao, I s. (in any way) with
feet,legs quiet or free [nanonizeomeàtax, I lie with
legs free or quiet]; nanoneesenonao, I s.reclining,ly-
ing backward and resting on elbows (really a lying
posture); nakaemaeo, I s. (in lying posture with head
raised); naakono, I s., squat (Ger. hockend); nanomonho,
I s.drowsy, sleeping; nanovonho, I s.with elbows
ing on knees (when sitting on something); nataxesē, I
s.upon (a chair, seat); nahotxaveàzenao, I s.with fold-
ed arms; natoehaneenazē, I s.with hands behind head;
natoemoetonanazē, I s.with elbows resting on something
(Fr.accoudé); natostoonanazē, new term for preceding;
natoeoxtanenazē, I s.with one hand
the fore-
head; nanxpàzenanazē, I s.with one hand on my mouth;
nakōmenaevao, I s.with folded arms; napoekoxtanevenom,
I s.with head on folded arms; natoenstanenazē, I s.
with hands folded over the knees (holding the knees);
nahanotoe,I s. (on something) with head thrown back;
naeamao, I s.sideways; naomacē, I s. with head moving
sideways; emeoavenomhoe, he sits half asleep. The fi-
nal "-o,or -hoe" ref. to s., set, while suff.-eō ref. to
standing; etahoeō, he stands sill (in riding); ezetō-
eō, he stands and looks; ezetonō, he sits and looks;
eéatōeō, he stands and looks up; eéatonō, he sits and
looks up; eanōeō, he stands and looks down; eanonō, he
sits and looks down; naevoeō, I stand and look all
around; naevonō, I s. and look all around; see stand;
zistahamstoes, as he sat down; hamstoestoz, the sitting
down; ehamstoeoz, he becomes seated; hamstoeozz,s.down
[is, sets.
site, zexomao, at the place, ground; zexhota, where it]
situate, zèmhâestove, where the town is situated; zexho-
es, where one is situated, where he lives, stays
at,sits; nasaaheneenohe hen mâevèhoeno zèmhâestove, I
know not where that town is situated; see locate,
junnu pe
situation, see condition, position; etahoto anatamano, it
is a hard s.,aspect; zèmhâstov etapeva, the
s.of the town is good; nasaaheneenohe zèmxtaeoe, I do]
six, nasòtoha; see numeral. [not know its s.,location.
sixfold, nasòtov; see numeral.
sixteen, matòt-òtnasòt; see numeral.
sixteenth, zematòtaonetto-òtnasòtaonetto; see numeral.
sixth, zenasòtaonetto; see numeral.
sixtieth, zenasòtnóaonetto; see numeral.
sixty, nasòtnóe; see numeral.
size, rad.-tā- implies "s., amount, volume, reach, quantity
(not number), measure"; etonetão, what s.has
it? Etonetaeta, of what s.is he? Zehetao, that s. (in.);
zehetaetas, that s. (or.); enetão, it is of that s. (re-
ferring to something); enetāeta, he is of that s.;
hetaetas nanetaeta, I am of his s., as he is (in s.) so
am I; emaxetão, it is of great s.; emaxtaeta, he is of
great s.; ezetaemeno, it'is of this (pointing) s., ref.
to berry like, granular objects; etonetāemeno, of what
s.is it? Ehàpemeno, it is a large grain, berry; etazce-
emeno, it is a small grain, berry; emahaeta, one (or.)
is of large s., is big; mohèno ehāehóōs, the horse is
of "high s."; etoneehóōs, how high is it (or., ref.to
animals)? Ezcehóōs, he is not high; etóhóōs, he is low;
ehaehóōsen mohènoham, the horses are of "high s.
ehaehóōsta, it is high; tostoon ehastoononeve, the boot
is high; vós ehaehóomen, the peak is high; hohona ehā-
ehóomeneta, the mountain is high; ehahóomeno, they (the
mountains) are high; hoxzz ehas toohe, the tree is
high; šistato ehastooheo, the pines are h.; šistato
ezestoohe, the pine is tall; hoxzz ezek stoohe, the tree
is not tall; hoxzz etoohe, the tree is low; etàpeo, it
is of big, bulky s.; etàpeta, he is of bulky s.; etone-
mahao, how wide is it? Etonemahaeta,
how wide is one
(or.)? Etoneeneota, how much of a room is it? Etoneta-
one, how wide is it (of something round)? Etonetãone-
he, how big is it (or., as ropes, thread, snakes, etc.)
around? Etone taotō, how deep is it? Etoneoetam, how
deep is it (a body of water); Etone tonotto, how thick
is it? Etoneesso, how long is it (distance)? See mea-
[shoes, skates; s'evanoxtoz, the skating.
skate, nas'evan, I s.,glide,q.v.; s'evanocanoz, skating]
skein, nokov hotanon, a bunch of thread; nisov hotanon,
two skeins of thread; nokov oneavokoz, one bunch
of beads.
skeleton, seozeheq, seozehekonoz (pl.); eseozehekoneve,
it is a s.; honeonahestoz and honeonaxestoz,
carcass, loose bones.
skeptic, tazàtaheo, a s.; etazàtaheoneve, he is a s.
nizes taheoneves-
skeptical, enizestaheoneve, he is s.;
toz, skepticism; see doubt; na tazetan or nato-
tazetan, I am s. (implies also contempt).
skepticism, tazàtastoz,s.: totazetanoxtoz, s., contempt;
nizestàtoz, s., disbelief.
skewer, oxahoo (?), s.used in torturing (see torture);
eoxahova, he is skewering, doing the torturing by
inserting the s.; naōxaòno, I s., torture him.
skilful, enešeoona, one is s.; epavheneeno, he knows
well; inf. -otoxov-wise, practical, knowing]
skill, nešeoonàtoz, S.; otoxovastoz, S., wisdom. [how, s.
skillet, tonovevaxeveto, -vetōnoz (pl.), lit. thick and
tailed vessel; etonovevaxevetōneheve, it is a s.
skim, namomhôn, I s.; namomoha, I s.it (as milk, soup);
momhoo, skimmer, also hovae zevešemomhônistove, some-
thing to s.with; matan zemomohe, skimmed milk.
skin, naoeno, I s. one (or.): zeoensz, the skinned one
[zeóóensz, the blind one]; see pare, peel. Naoexoeno
vecess, I s.a bird; naookano, I skin., pick (ref. to
plucking a bird); naookaso, I s., pick it (or.) with
knife; naneoenaezenotto, it (his) pulls out my skin
(either ref.to the instr. of a doctor or when a plas-
ter is removed); natóvaso, I slit it (or.) open in or-
der to s.; tovxovàtoz, the slitting before skinning;
naonitōmâno, I s.it (or.) by scalding; naonexoeoeseš, I
have a s.wound; naonexoeōstòno and naonexoeōstaso,
s.him, inflict him a s.wound; navèpeoēvaeno, I s. one
(entirely); mazevxtan, s.; nazevxtan, my s.;
nazevxtan, my s.; evxtanee-
ve, it is s.; hestoev, his s.; hoev, s. (when taken off);
nsthoēvan, our s.; hoáa, s., dry hide, untanned and used
for tent making; hoea, also hooxkå, s.,hide (when
scraped on both sides); ehooxkaneve, it is a s. (just
scraped); mesešk, older s. (usually tanned, of buffalo
or cattle); mesiškane om, old s.lodge; emēskoneve, it is
s.,leather; mēskonsanistoz, s., leather clothing; zehe-
ovâta mesešą, smoked s., made yellow by fire; naheovâ-
ha mesešą, I smoke the s.; mosea, old and brown s.; ho-
eemxoan, s., hide, used for sole leather; hoseon, par-
flêche; hoemškon, bag made of tanned s.; mehasetto, s.
with hair, fur; natahes thoēvaovo or natas thoēvaovo,
will provide him with s., make him to have s. (on his
body); enitavoēvaenàz, he changes his s. (his own); ni-
onitavoēvamå, we have different
(from one an-
other); vokaevoz, -votoz (pl.), antelope s., also buck-
skin; hotovoz,-votoz (pl.), bull s.; mohènoz, -notoz
(pl.), elk s.,hide; qsaeoēv, sheep s.: qsaeoēvson,small
sheep s.; nàkoēv,bear s.; see hide,leather, tan.
skip, nataomesta, I s. (?); see hop, jump.
skirt, etoxeha,it skirts, forms a skirting line, borders;
see border; eametoxeha,it skirts along; meo
toxeoz, the road skirts; éōstoz., s., unders., petticoat.
skittish, see shy, timid.
skulk, etaemɔ̃seamèn, he skulks, walks stealthily; etaēve-
mōsèn or etaemōsēvèn, he skulks, moves about in a se-
cret, concealed way; eàtoneēvèn, he skulks, sneaks about.
skull, metaešą, metaeškonoz (pl.); emetaeškoneve, it is a
skunk, xā, xao (pl.); xākson, young s. [xaeo, mink]; exae-
ve,it is a s.; xāeva ènahā, he has been killed by
a s.; vovoasexā, spotted s.; Xaaxkoomen, S. peak (pr.
name of a man).
sky, vóe; vóeva, in the s ; evoeve, it is the s.; the
same term is used for cloud; nivoaman, our s. (cere-
monial term); hoe na voe, earth and s.; taxtaom, otata-
voom, s. dome; votostoom, s.line; setovoom, s. space, room;
preceding are ceremonial terms; hoaxtovå and hoaxtov-
eš, space, room under the s.; enotoxko, starry s.; heama
voeva, in the s.above.
slab, popoxpoevhohona, a s. of stone; zepàponasz hohona,
s.of stone, a flat stone; see board, flat, sheet.
slack, inf. -nhastom- denotes slacken; "s." in the sense
of "loose" is expressed by inf.-ótov-; eótovhota-
ne mazc, the bow string is s.; eótoveoz vēs, the tooth
is loose, shaky; naótovoneano, I slacken the rope,
thread; etaešeótovoneane, it has been slackened, loos-
ened (some; ref. to rope, etc.); etamonēoz, it is s.
slam, nanistonevahàz henito, I s. the door, lit. fling
door with noise, sound; enistonevahame, it is slam-
med, heard flung with noise; epoéha, it is slammed.
slander, eaestomemomaxemosan, he slanders; eaestomemo-
maxsetaneva, he slanders (in the habit of);
aestomemomaxemo, I s.him; naaestomhoxomohamôtovo, or
naaestomhoxomohamônoz, I s.one, accuse him falsely; na-
hoxomohamoto, I "beslander" him to one (feed him on
false accusation to get his good will and turn him
against the one I slander); nahoxomohamônoz, I s. him
to one; hoxomohamotovazistoz, s.; aestomemo xemazistoz,
s. (against one); aestomemoma xemosanistoz, the slander-
ing; aestomemoxsetane vàtoz, s.
slanderer, aestomemomaxsetane vahe; eaestomemomaxsetane-
vahe, he is a s.; aestomemomaxemosane; the one
slant, rad.-nova- bevel, oblique surface, slanting; eno-
vae,it is slanting, bevel; nanovãoha tōneoheo, I
drive the nail slanting; enovãohe tōneoheo, the nail
is (driven in) slanting; nanovāéxa, I cut it slanting;
nanovaéso hohona, I cut the stone (or.) slanting, bev-
el, oblique; nanov@mxiston, I write slanting; enovāoz,
it is slanting, tilting (as a road); ox ešxovatto, one
side is tilting, slanting. See bevel, slope,tilt.
slap, napoenèno, I s.one; napopoenèno, I s. one on both
cheeks or several times on one cheek.
slash, naoesova, I am slashing, slitting
(as meat); na-
nisoéso, I s.,slit it (or., drygoods) in two; nana-
oéso, I s.it in three; nanisoéxa, I s.it (in.) in two;
enisoéš, it is slashed, slit in two; enonanoešensz, they
(in.) are each slashed in three; naóseno, I s., cut, rip
one open; suff.-ōstòno,-ōstaso, -ōstaha, -ōstoha (see
Instr.Form in Ch. Gr.) denotes "s." when the cut
blow is done with violence, or long sweeping strokes;
nahešksoōstaso, I s.one's finger; nataxeōstaso, I s.,
gash him; naénotovostaso, I s. his head off (with
knife); naénotovaōstòno, I s. one's head off (by a
sweeping stroke); ohamevoxeva naveševeeōstòno, I s.him
with the whip; see cut, scar; navovèno, I s.his face;
navoveeoxtaso, I s.one's forehead; rad.-vove(he)-
presses "s.,scar"; see scar.
slat, kamaxsz zeoxceamsehaesz
(or amsetto) šešistovȧ,
the pieces of wood lying across the bed.
slaughter, namasenotō, I s. them, kill them all; maxemase-
notazistoz, a great s.; enaton, he slaughters,
butchers (an animal); natonestoz, the slaughtering,
butchering (of animals).
slave, momō, momōn (pl.), s., war prisoner; emomōneheve,
one is a s.; namomōhestoneheve, I decend from a
s.; namomōnam, my s.; nimomōnaman, our s.; nimomōnaman-
eo, our slaves; nahemomōnam, I have a s.or slaves; na-
hemomōnamenoz, he is my s.; nahemomōname ton, I am s. (to
one); zemomōnehevsz, the one being s.; momōnehevestoz,
the being s.,slavery; namomōnaovo, I make him to be
s.; namomōnaoto, I enslave him; namomōnoého, I treat
him as a s.;
zehemomōnamsz, the one who has a s.or
slaves; nahemomōnametan, I want to have a s.or slaves.
slavery, momōnehevestoz; emomōnehevstove, it is s.
slave-trade, momōn zeoxchoxtovatoevoss.
slavish, emomōnezhesso, it is s.,slave like; momōnezhe-]
slay, see kill.
[stàtoz, slavishness.
sled, sevanoxtoz; esevanoxtove, it is a s.; homastohoeo,
soxoeneo, s. (old terms for Ind.sleds).
sledge, maxsevanoxtoz, large sled: see sled.
sleek, ehesoxova, it is s. (ref.to animals); eohāsevova,
it (or.) is s., shinny; eseškohatova, it (or.) is
s.,glossy (as in spring when animals have a short,
glossy fur or hair); this can also be applied to
broad cloth; ehesoxovat to, it is s. (sp. of the fur it-
self); see smooth.
sleekness, hesoxovàtoz, s. of fur, hair; see sleek, smooth.
sleep, nanaoz, I s.; nanaozetan, I want to s.; nãozistoz,
the s.,sleeping; nanaozesého, I cause him to
s.; napevenom, I s., slumber well: naēveoanaxaenom, I
s..nap leisurely; naveamo, I s.with him; etapanox, he
goes early to s.,sleeps early, is a sleeper; eheanox,
he does not go to s.soon, he keeps long awake,also he
is an early riser; našešeoèšemo, I rouse him from s ;
navavaosemo, I lull him to s.; exovošestoz, sleeping
place (of animals which have no dens, Fr. gîte); eexo-
vošestove, it is the sleeping place (of an animal);
estohestoz, the sleeping place of birds who have no
nest (not the roosting place); eestohestove, it is the
sleeping place (of a bird).
sleepiness, nomonetanoxtoz, drowsiness.
sleepy, nanomonetan, I am s., drowsy, want to sleep, also
nanaozetan; enomoneoz, he becomes s.;
neva, he is made s.by sound (as rain).
sleet, emaome vooko,it sleets; maomevookoxtoz, s.;
maomevooko,it pours down s.
sleeve, same as arm; nakokaenae or natoksevaena, I have
short sleeves; ehãesenaeva, it (or.) has a long
s.; ehathãesenaeva, it is long sleeved, has both sleev-
es long; natoksevaenaso, I cut its sleeves short; max-
sevonoz, maxsevon (sg.), s. holders; emaxsevoneve, it is]
sleigh, same as sled.
[a s.holder.
sleight, nešeoonàtoz, s., skill; ohãoxzezevestoz, s., wile,
shrewdness; nonahoētastoz, s. of hand,
the per-
forming of tricks; enonahoēta, he performs s. of hand,
trickery; maheonoētastoz has a similar meaning to
slender, expressed by inf.
=long and narrow;
esòkomene, he has a s.face; esòkomae, one is s.;
esòkomonehe, it (or.) is s., sp. of ropes, thread, etc.;
esòkomoneo, it is s.; esòkomhoneo, it grows s.; hovèn,
s.,inadequate, just a little, barely; hovèn naheneeno-
vo, I have a s.acquaintance with him, know him barely.
slice, naoesova, I s., cut in slices, sheets (as Ind. women
do with meat); nakàgonéso, I s.it (or.), cut it
thin, flat pieces; nakàgonéxa, I s.it; navovesaxå, I cut
it in slices; navovesaso, I s.it (or.); see cut; kà-
gonešeo, thin s. of bread or meat; ekàgonešeoneve, it]
slick, see sleek, smooth.
[is a s.
slide, naanhoeoe, I s.,glide down; naanhosevano, I s. down
(on something); hohona nanosevano, I s.off the
stone; nahoo toone-anôsevano, I s. back, by steps; nao-
hešemo, I send it (or.) sliding (in the sliding game);
naohešema, I play the slider; ohešemàtoz, the sliding
game, see under "play" page 830,#6; eohéha (eohéhansz,
pl.) hoeva,it slides, glides, skims over the ground
(something hurled); eohešeme màpeva, it is made to s.,
glide, skim over the water; zeanhošešemomao, land s.
See throw. Letter "s" and "š" in Ch. imply "sliding,
gliding, slipping"; ešešehōsta, it slides, glides, slips
off (from being suspended); eamoes, it (or., sp. of ce-
lestial bodies) slides,glides; eamesevo, it slides,
glides, flows; našexano, I slip him off, disengage, dis-
entangle, deliver him.
slight, nahestoého, I s.,act, inflict
toēmo, I speak with s. of him;
s.upon one;
nahestoēta, I am one
who acts with s.; nahes toēoz, I become slighted; vovoz
nasaahessetamohe, I s., belittle him; nasaaonònohe, I s.
him; nisaaonoezé, I s.thee, do not honor thee; nasaao-
nônehe, I feel slighted; namistova, I feel slighted
(when not offered to eat), refuse to eat;
toz,act of s.; hestoēstoz, the being slighted; hestoē-
mazistoz,s. (in words). As adj. "s." is expressed by
inf.-måscem- narrowly, hardly, slender, small margin;
emåscemenitävēno, it tastes slightly different; see
narrow. Hovèn slightly, little, inconsiderable;
eevhapevomoxta, he is slightly better.
slim, see narrow, slender, thin.
[ mud.
slime, nomakòz; see glue; oxenitamomao, s., filthy, slimy]
sling, nahessevahasen, I s., fling from; nahessevahàz, I
s.it; nahessevahamo, I s. one; ehessevahame, it (or
one) is slung, flung; hessevahasseo, s.; ehessevahaseo-
neve, it is a s.; hessevahaseoneva, with a s.; hesseva-
haseonevhohona, s.stone; vostahohona, white pebbles
(also name for crystal, diamond), which were preferred
for throwing with the s.; nahoxezeena, I carry slung
(over the shoulder); nahoxzeenov, I carry it (collect-
ive) slung, hanging from the shoulder.
slink, easevonèn, he slinks, creeps away; see sneak.
slip, naesoxeaeš, I s. out; naesoxeoaešename,
našexoneaōe, it slips me (rope); našexoeohaea, it
slips me; nataesoxeoaena, it slips from my hold; naše-
xoneano, I let it s. (or., sp. of rope, thread, etc.); na-
Šexoneana, I let it s. (as wire, something round and
long); natohaovo, I s. it on (as gloves or skin); eše-
šehōsta, it slips off (something suspended); našexan-
àz, I disengage myself,s.off; see slide. Esoxeaešenà-
toz, the slipping out; zesòkoma mxistō,a s., strip of]
slipper, same as shoe.
slipperiness, expressed by rad.-hesox-; see slippery.
slippery, eotahesox, it is s., smooth; also ehesox; nahe-
soxeamena, I make it s.with grease or oil;
hooxe ehesoxe amene, the pole is made s., greased; ze-
hesoxeamensz hooxe, the s..greased pole; noman eheso-
xa, the fish is s.; nomane ehesoxão, the fishes are S.;
hesoxastoz, the being s.; sitoxceo ehesoxonehe, the
rope (or.) is s.; ehesoxoneo, it is s. (something like
wire, now also applied to strings); sitoxceoz ehesoxo-
neoensz, the strings, ropes (here used in the in.) are
s.; etahesoxomao, it is s. ground; naponoemaena, I ren-
der it less s., absorb or dry the wet or s.part; napo-
nomaeonàz, I dry my hands. (as when sprinkling flour
on them to absorb the dampness and make them less]
slit, same as slash; etocehän, he has s.eyes.
[ s.).
slop, see spill.
slope, eanhoesetto, it slopes (ref. to line, length, as the
ridge of a hill); eanhoeseoz meo, the road slopes;
we s.out;
eanhomaeoz meo, the road slopes (slants to one side);
eanhomaeoz, the ground becomes sloping; eanhomao, the
land slopes; eotavomaoeha, it is sloping (ground,
land); zèmhaōmoeha eszhešeanhomaoe, the land slopes
towards the sea; hohamos, the s., incline of a hill,]
sloth, see sluggish.
slouchy, esaaonokotahe, he is s., careless.
slough, oxenitamomaoxzeše, place of soft mud; also hekō-
maoxzeše, ahanomaoxzeše; ahanomaoxzenehan, s.,
lake with mire, bog; also hekōmaoxzenēhan; Ninitameo-
zenēhan, S. of Despond (in The Pilgrim's Progress).
slow, inf.-novoha- s. in gait; [antonym to -nševoha- =
fast of gait]; enovohaeoxz, he goes s.; naseexove-
novohaeoxz, I go as s. as he,lit.I am going in the same
degree of slowness with him; mazceva nanovhon, I am s.
with the bow (in shooting); enovae, one is s.,
not up
to, behind, falling off; enov'netto, it does not reach
to,comes short of, is slower than; taomeameoxzehe ehe-
ceameoxz, the auto slows down; maatameo eheceameohet-
to, the train slows down; eheceamohaèn, he slows up,
from a moderate gait still slower; eheceameohe, one
slows up (from running); emomestohe, one is s. (of per-
son or animal being naturally s. no matter how urged);
epopeahetan, one is s., delaying; epopexov, one is s.,
sluggish; ehònizesta, one is s., unwilling, reluctant;
naēvepopexoe, I am s.; emomaxoma, one is s., deliberate;
emomaxomesevo, it flows slowly, sluggishly; eoanaxaese-
vo,it flows slowly, leisurely; napevekamae, I am s., pa-
tient; esaanehestahahe, he is s. of anger, not high
tempered; hovèno etónōoxta, he is s.to leave it, leaves
it with difficulty, he hardly, barely can leave it.
sluggish, noavōxzz, S., lazy fellow; enoavōxzeve (or eno-
avōxzezeve), he is s., lazy, slothful; eĕvepope-
xov, one is s.; popexovestoz, sluggishness. See slow.
slumber, nanomon; nanomonetan, I feel drowsy; nanomonoe-
oz, I s.; see drowsy; nomonestoz, the s.,slum-]
slump, see sink.
sly, eohãoxzezeve, one is s., shrewd; ohãoxzezevestoz,
slyness; inf.-eme- -on the s., concealing; naeme-
noto vehoehotoa, I kill the beef on the s.; naemeneše-
ve, I do it on the s., in a hiding manner; see conceal.
smack, ěvovetazenaoz, he smacks his lips, lit.prepares
his mouth, lips (before eating or speaking); exa-
maemaestomoevene oz, he smacks his lips (while swallow-
ing food); eneōzeta hesz, he smacks, licks his lips
(opening the mouth); eoxcemomoxzekazenax, he smacks
his lips, mouth (ref.to the sound thus produced); eox-
cemomoxzekazenaxen, they s.their lips.
small, expressed by rad. -taxc- (some Ch.women say "zax-
ce") which is usually contracted into zce-; ez-
ceo or etaxce, it is s.; etaxceta, also etazceta, one is
S.; ehaaxceo, it is s., quite s.; ehaaxceta, one is very
s.; zehaaxcetas hestona, his smallest, youngest
ter; ehaaxconeo, it is very s., slender (as wire, nee-
dles [in contour]); ehaaxceonehe, it (or., as rope)
very s.around; ehaaxceneota, it is a very s.room; eha-
axceotō, it is very s. (a hole, anything dug); ehaaxceo-
ena, it is a s.load, containing little; eahanaxceo, it
is extremely s.; eahanaxceta, one is extremely s.; mo-
ahanaxceohan, is it so very s.? Ezeces, it is s., short
(in length); ezceneota, it is a s.room; ezocetam, it
has s.,little depth, is shallow; etazceoz meo, the road
is s.,narrow, q.v.; "little, s. and short" are charac-
terized by "k" and "c."; see diminutive; ohe, river,
ohec,s.,little river; mhão, house, mhašq, s. house; mox-
tav, black, moktav, little black (either ref. to the s.
extent of the color or to its not being quite black);
vita,fat (large amount), vitaxc or vizc, S. amount of
fat; hohona, stone, hohona xc, s. stone, pebble; mista, owl,
mistac, owlet; vèho, white man, vèhoc, s.,little white
man; vèhoa, white woman, vèhoka, s., little, young white
woman. Nazcemanisz, I make it s.,little; nazceana, I
make it smaller; natozceano navõestoz, I make my dress
smaller; nazceaso, I make it smaller (by cutting); ze-
noceceasz, the smallest, youngest one (mostly of per-
sons); see young; ezcemenoe, it is a s.berry, grain.
smallpox, ōseozistoz; maxeōseozistoz, virulent form of
s.; eōseoz, he has the s.
smart, see hurt; onšeozistoz, the smarting, hurting;
toxovae, he is s.,clever; otoxovastoz, smartness.
smash, naoxevoehàz, I s.it to pieces (by throwing); nao-
xevoešemo hohona, I s. the stone (or., by throwing);
naoxevohena, I s.it (by hand); eoxevoehå, it is
ed, broken in pieces; see break; nasosõesèno, I s. his
nose (stove it in); nasosõeseš, my nose is smashed in;
nasosōesehesz, I s.my nose in; see stove (verb); when
implies "flatten, crush", see crush, piece.
smear, napapanoeš, I am besmeared with; napapanoeovo,
s., besmear one; napapanoena, I s., spread it
(with hands); napapanoha, I s., spread it over (with
instr.); see bespatter.
smell, nama toxta, I s.it; namatomo, I s.one; zematome,
that which is smelled; zematomsz, the one (or.)
smelled; emeeoz, it smells, emits a s.; ehavsevemeeoz,
it smells bad; epevemeeoz, it smells good, has a good
s.; enitavemeeoz, it has a different s.; napeosematox-
ta,I dislike the s.of it; napeosematomo, I dislike his
s.; eōxemeeoz, it smells bad, rotten; ehaemeeoz, it
smells strong; evoxcemeeoz, it smells pungent; eshove-
meeoz, it loses its s.; matonestoz, the s., smelling;
meeozistoz, s., odor, fragrance; pavemeeozistoz good s.,
fragrance; oxemeeozistoz, ill s.; nananematoxta, I s.
it; nananematomo, I s.one; hessematonistoz, s. (sense);
enisemeax, a s. comes from, issues from (toward the
speaker); naho xematoxta, I am acquainted with its s.;
naho xematomo, I am acquainted with one's s.; eookomee-
oz, it smells after rain; eookomehå, it smells of rain;
évehemĕhota (or -meehota), it smells of burning hair,
fur, wool; ekakoešeonemeehóta, it smells of burning
clothes (drygoods); emoemeehóta, it smells of burning
grass; etanitoxcemeehóta, it smells of burning
wood; ehaheškonameehóta, it smells of burning bones;
etavessemeehóta, it smells of fat (when frying); eta-
honōnemeehóta, it smells of roasted, fried meat; ešis-
tatoemeehóta, it smells of burning cedar, pine wood;
ešistatoemeeoz, it smells of cedar, pine; exanhessemee-
hóta, it smells of burning (in general); etamxistone-
meehóta, it smells of burning paper; epäemeeoz, it
smells of powder; eohosemeehóta, it smells of burning
coal; etavecemà pemeehóta, it smells of burning sugar;
evescevano emeehóta, it smells of bread, pie, doughnuts,
etc. (when being baked or fried); nanisemeeohe, I (my-
self) s.of burning; exaniseme eozistov šistatoešeeva, a
s.comes out, issues from the forest (toward the speak-
er); eniseme eoz, one smells that way, emits such a s.;
evostanemeeoz, he smells like a person; evèhoemeeoz, he
smells like a white man; nanehematozet'san, I trail by
smelling; nehematozetsane, a hound, a trailer by smell-
ing; nanehematomo, I trail him by his s.; nanehemato-
ma, he trailed me by smelling; nehematozetsanistoz, the
trailing by s.; Zehešemeeoz, as it smells; zehešemee-
oz', the way one smells; zehešeme eozevoss, the way they
(or.) s.; esaamēeozehan, it has no s.; etonšemēeozé,
how does it s.? [Etonšeméeozé, how does it appear?].
smile, naxaemen, I s.; naxaemeneotovo, I s.at him; xaeme-
nestoz, the smiling; exaemene oz, he smiles (quick]
smirch, see stain, soil.
smirk, eaestomohaz, he smiles, laughs falsely; evhane-
nhesseohaz, he pretends to laugh.
smite, naōmo, I s., strike one; naōxta, I s., strike it;
suff.-òno (or.),-oha (in.),-ōstòno (or.) and -ōs-
toha (in.) imply "smiting, striking, forceful
napopoēstaōstòno,I s.off his ears; namasenotoneo, we
S kill, slay them all; natoomenaōstòno, I s.,knock him
senseless; see beat, bump, knock.
smoke, esetovao, it smokes, s. issues; suff.-tovā or -to-
vao ref.to issuing s.or flames; eonimotaoa or eo-
nimotovao, the s.rises in twists, curls, winding; ehoa-
tovao, the s.issues out of; enxhoatovao, s.comes out
from; ehénevatovao, the s. is spreading in different
directions; the suff.-tovao implies fire as well as
s.; eēstatova, it smokes into; ehestatovao, the s.
reaches at; hovèn nahestatatovaoto, the s. almost
reaches at me; eamnetovão, it smokes to the side, side-
ways; evoxpatovā, it smokes white (like the train);
nxpatovanehe, s. shutter, damper; nanxpatovana, I shut
the damper; suff.-tovaoxtoz and -tovaozistoz, is used
to form the n.,as, amnetovaozistoz, the smoking to one
side; ezetatova, it smokes or flames this way (thus);
this term was used by the Ch. in ref.to Halley's comet
in 1910. Naheovaha vokaevoz or mesešą, I s. the skin,
hide, leather (making it yellow or brownish); enxhoto-
atova,s.comes out by puffs; eéšeō, it smokes, lit. as-
cends (said of steam, vapor); namazemonâha honovoxq, I
s.meat; zemazemonhâta honovoxq, smoked meat; see dryed
meat. Nahépỏ, I s. (inhale and exhale s.) ; nahéponoz
hestotoeono, I s.cigars; nahépỏ heoxkoneva, I s. with
the pipe (Ind.pipe); navešhéponoz vèhoeveō, I s.the
white man's pipe; noaneonoz nahéponoz, I s.leaves
(mixture of sumac leaves and some bark); heovasz he-
šehépoxtov, all kinds of smoking; nemetozistoz, when no
mixture is used in smoking, only one kind of leaves, or
one kind of bark or pure tobacco; enēmetozistove, it
is such a smoking (unmixed), also enēmeshépoxtov;
kōmehess, red willow or Bearberry bark used for smok-
ing (Kinnikinic); hoatonóe, hoatonósz (pl.), also call-
ed hoxemēnoaneonóe,-nósz (pl.), are other plants used
in smoking; nanemetozenoz zenimōn, I s. tobacco (unmix-
ed); onimotaeono nahéponoz, also nazhešemaoz
I s.
cigarettes; peeono, finely cut smoking tobacco; nazhé-
poxtoz, my smoking; nahépỏn zevistomōhanetto, I s.to a
covenant, oath; ehãoze, he is a strong smoker; navisto-
zémo, I s.with him [navisthózemo, I camp with him]; na-
tameoanham, I bring a pipe to the doctor (to call him
to a patient); natōenomosan, I s. (in a ceremonial way,
presenting the pipe); nahépotan, I want to s.
smoke-house, mašą zèvešemazemonháoe hoevoxkz,
house where meat is smoked.
smokeless, esaasetovaohan, it is s., does not smoke.
smoker, zehepoz, the one who smokes; hãoze, s., strong s.;
Haozé, Strong-s., a byname by which the old
chief Redmoon was called.
smoky, evenota, it is s. (tipi, house);
venotaeše, smoki-
ness; evenotavōme, it looks s. (atmosphere).
smolder, esetovavóas, it burns smoking.
smooth, same as slippery; ehesox, it is s., slippery;
amsceva evešhesoxeoxzetto, with oil it works
easily; xoōxz hàpenoestoz zehesoxeozetto, oil the sew-
ing machine so it runs smoothly; ehesoxenimaoaá, it
turns smoothly; ehoxeo, it is s.; see clean; eōceata,
it (or.) is smooth, soft (as broadcloth); esiškohoto-
va, it (or.) has a s.,sleek fur; nahesoxôn, I s. (with
instr.); hesoxôo, smoother, sad iron; nahesoxoha, I s.it
(with instr.); nahesoxea, I s.it; nahesoxana, I make it
smother, enxpotomeoz, one smothers;
enxpotomeōstãe, one
is smothered (in fire); nanxpotomano, I s.one;
nanxpotomoxta, I feel smothering; see choke, suffocate;
enxpatovao, it is smothered (fire, smoke);
(fire, smoke); nanxpatova-
na,I s.it, preventing issuance of smoke or flame;
snail, nimac, nimaceo (pl.); enimaceve, it is a s.
snake, nahōstosemo, I s. one out; see drag; mèn,mèneo
(pl.), s.; emèneve, it is a s.; xamaešešeno voz,-še-
šenovotto (pl.), rattlesnake; examaešešenovozeve, it is
a rattles.; hoestavonene-šešenovoz, fiery, venomenous
s.; našešenovozevōemo, I count, hold one as a rattles.;
hesoxemèn, smooth, slippery s.; maatameo, iron s., racer
(from which the Ch.name for railroad was derived)
makätaemèn, copper s.; soskovetan, water s.; niēe, bull
s.; anetōesoz, fangs of snakes; Šešenovozeseeo, s.
[snake like.
snaky, šešenovozea ehesso or ehešetovatto, it is s.,]
snap, epoonēeoz, it snaps asunder; nakoeoxtanemaso, I s.
him on the forehead with finger; nakoenemasso, I
s.him (any part of the head); napo evanen, I s.with my
fingers; ēst'taneo, s., buckle. See snatch.
snare, nononō, nononōnoz (pl.); enononoeve, it is a s
nanhaonoto, I catch him with a s., ensnare, entrap]
snarl, see growl.
[him; see trap.
snatch, našexahasen, I s.; našexahàz, I s.it; našexahamo,
I s.one; ešexahame, it (or one) is snatched; na-
vàkakaz, I s., jerk it away; navàkahamo, I s.one away;
nanohénàno, I s., take one away from;
nanison, he snatched my child away from me.
sneak, etaemōseaseoe, he sneaks away;
sneaking (hiding); eàtoneezhesso,
eàtoneē, he sits
it is sneaking
[deride, mock.
sneer, expressed by inf.-totaz- with s.,contempt; see]
sneeze, nahetam, I s.; zehetamsz, the sneezing one; heta-
mestoz, the sneezing; evešhetamistove, it causes
sneezing, lit.with it there is sneezing.
snicker, naemeohaz, (?) I s., laugh on the sly.
sniff, ematon, he sniffs; see smell; matonistoz, the
sniffing; hotam namatonetova, the dog sniffs at]
snipe, hoveš, hovšeo (pl.), s., also plover.
snivel, maēme, the s.; heême, one's s.
snooze, enomon, he snoozes; see sleep.
• "
snore, ensó enomon, he sleeps muttering, snoring;
nomonsz, the snoring one; nsónomonestoz, they
[growl, bark at me.
snort, mohèno emae, the horse snorts; namae tõe, they s ]
snot, eoxēs and eoxēseha, he has a snotty nose; ehãotän,
he is very snotty; eahanotän, he is extremely]
snout, same as nose.
snow, hestas (or.); ehestaseva, it is s.; hestasea ehes-
so, it is like s.; hestaseva, in, with s.; hestas eamō,
the s.is frozen; hestas evovozevoax, the s.drifts,
blows in fine dust; emaeno, the ground is covered with
s.; hestaseva eahaneszistove, there is s. pelting with
each other (s.balling); hestasemàp, s. water; eoēto, it
is snowing; ehaostonevēto, it snows with large sleet;
ehaoscetonevēto, it snows with small sleet; popòpôanoz
zevešhonĕnàtove, s. shoes; apopòpoaesz, large s.flakes,
also pr.name for the son of Ohoemaha (Winter, Cold and
Hunger personified); nanhaēna, I am caught by the s.;
naàtoen, I am buried under s.; naàtoēnaovo, I make him
to be buried under S.; naàtoēneōs tòno, I bury him
(with force) under s.; naàtoēnoeōstohe, it buried me
under s.; eàtoēnoeoešeš, one is buried under s. (in a
sweep); nahonēna, I walk on s.; zehonēnaz, the one
walking on s.; nanxsēnòno, I dig one out of s.;
sēnoha, I dig out of s. ; hestas naóóeneoha, the s.
blinds me (either from its blowing into the eyes or
from its whiteness); zexoēto examanxpōmanōsanistove, a
blinding s. (said of falling or drifting s.); namxevē–
nota, I sweep s.; hestaenoz eàtoēnoensz, the branches
are covered with s.; eàtoēnoetto, it covers with s.;
šeheo, Juncos, s.birds; hestasevostaneo, s. people (Indi-
ans living in the far North). Ohešemàtoz, S. snake
game; see under "play", page 830, #6: maztam, maztamoz
(pl.), stick used in the game of S.snake.
snowbird, šeheo (pl.), Junco, s. (Junco hyemalis).
snowflake, epopòpoax, it falls in large flakes (snow);
[walk on snow.
snow-shoe, popòpôanoz zevešhonēnàtove, flat shoes to]
snub, naveoeto, I s., rebuff, scold him; nahavseveoxheto, I
s.one (in reply); see rebuke.
hestas snow and s.
snug, epopeveš, he lies s.; enonizeomeš, he lies s.,gent-
ly; enonizeomhataneš, he lies s.,close; epopevhoe,
he is (sits, sets, lives at a place) s.; epopeveneota,]
snuggle, see nestle. [the room is s., cozy; see nestle.
so, expressed by rad.-ne-; enhesso
by a de-
pendent expression), it is so; enhesta, he is
that way; inf.-nexov- so, to such a degree (ref. to a
preceding dependent expression); enexovepevae, he is
s.good (to such a degree); enexovemehoto, he loves him
so; nanešetan, I think so; hapo nanešetan, I also think
so; inf.-ze-,-zexov- "so, thus" when followed by a
dependent expression; ezhevō, he says so, thus. Nanexo-
veĕsz zenonaxemänistomonstov, I speak s. that all can
hear; zehe thoemaōez Maheo naneševostane hevheme, as God
decreed for us, s. do we live: zehešenhesso, it being
so; nioxzhešenhet az, I told thee so; inf.-ota- can
stand for "so" in the sense of "to an extreme degree,
extremely", as, nao tape vetano oz zexhoeoxzetto, I am so
glad thou camest; eotaohāpeveeno, it tastes s. good;
neš so, after that, then; nheš easeoxz, so, then he
left; at times the suff.of the Reflective m. (see Ch.
gr.) implies "so" in the sense of an expletive as,eš-
hoeoxzeō, s. he has come; ehamoxtaeo, s. he is sick! Eme-
seōn,s.they are eating! Nanistō emenešenistonetto,I
shouted s.as to be heard; nonoxpa, s.that, in order
that; nahena,s.it is! Enahan, so, that way; na hapo
enahan zehešetovaes, s.it is with him (his being, con-
dition,object); na hapo enhešetovatto, s.it is, like-
wise (in purpose, significance, object, aim).
soak, nacekōvoxz, I s.it (in water); naexōvoxZ, same as
I s.
preceding but more; naexōvoxzenoz mazemenoz,
the oats; etaešexovohe, it has been soaked in water;
naexōvoto, I s.it (or., as drygoods, potatoes, beans,
etc.); eexōva and eotōva, it is soaked, thoruly wet;
naxaxcecenana, nama xececenana, I soften by soaking; na-
sehasen kòkonhoo hòpeeva, I s., dip the bread in the
soup; navess-séahasenemo, I s., dip with one [séhaseo,
sop, that which is soaked, steeped, implying
either the
food dipped or the substance into which it is dip-
ped]; naséomesz, I s., dip into (piece of food); see
dip; naéohē, I s. the hide (in tanning); niéohēmå, we s.
the hide; maéohēz, when we s. the hide; naéovo, I
plunge, immerse him; see plunge; eĕszevanēoz, it is
soaked, sunk in; see sink, soften. Zesehasensz, the one
soaking, dipping into.
soap, vèhoenšeševōenestoz; vèho- white man + −nšeše-
to wash -võenhestoz face; evèhoenšeševōenstove,
it is s.,soapy.
soar, eheceamōsena, it (or.) is soaring, flying quietly,
without motion of the wings; eēvseo, they (or.) s.
circle in flying; esaaxamosēnaozeheo, they sail, s.
(without wing motion). [emeoz, he sobs (with hiccough).
sob, emaxeaxaemeoz, one is sobbing; see cry; ehesoveaxa-]
sober, eoma tahe, one is s. (in words or eating); zeomata-
hesz, the s.one; eomazeoz, he is s., contented (Ger.
genügsam); emeseahe, one is s. (in judgement); nitame-
seahemå, let us be s., careful; emeseeoz, he becomes s.,
comes to a better judgement; name seetan, I am s., care-
ful. Meseetanoxtoz, soberness, carefulness, cool judge-
ment; meseeozistoz, soberness, the coming to a better
judgement, to one's self); omatastoz, soberness, frugal-
ity; omazeozistoz, the being s., satisfied, contented,
sociable, ehotoae, one is s., pleasant,q.v.; etoxōeoxz, he
is s., friendly, salutes around; see greet;
xane, one is s., friendly, pleasant; hotoastoz, sociable-
ness, the being pleasant; also axanestoz.
sock, same as stocking.
sod, naookomao, I remove the s.; eookomao, the s.is re-
moved (ref.to the place where the s.is removed).
sodden, eexōva or eotova, one is s.
soft, ehec and ehecea, is is s., mellow, limp: ehekaeone-
ve, it is s., not hard; enonizeomstaha, one is s.,
gentle; naheceamèn, I walk softly, quietly; ehekōva, it
is s. (by water, dampness); ehekóva,it (or.,animal) has
a s.fur; ehekomao, it is s.ground; eōceata, it (or.,
ref.to cloth only) is s., smooth; nahecáen, I cook (it)
s.; also nahecoha, I soften by cooking, by heat; inf.
-hece- softly; see smooth.
soften, nahesoxana, I s., smooth it; naxaxcecenana, I s.it
(by soaking), also namaxececenana; naxaceceaesz,I
make it to be soft (by soaking); nahecoha, I s.it by
fire, heat, cooking; nahecáen, I s. by cooking; nacekōvâ-
ha, I s.it in hot water, by boiling; ehecohe, it is
softened by heat; ecekōvâe, it is softened by boiling;
ecekōvâta, it softens in boiling; ehecoea, it is soft-
ened (by heat), also ehecoeōstá (in a rapid manner);
Maheo zenonize omstahano, God will s. his (some one's)
heart; namazevaoxz, I make it s. (as an abscess); naha-
omosemo, I s., mollify him (in words); nahaomooz, I be-
come softened, mollified, cooled; see melt.
softly, expressed by inf.-hece- s., quietly;
sox- =smoothly, s.; inf.-nonizeom =s., gently.
softness, hekaeonevestoz, the being soft, not hard; he-
soxastoz, S., smoothness; nonizeomstahàtoz, s.,
gentleness; haomosetanoxtoz,s., calmness (in thot,dis-
position); pevakamahestoz, s., gentleness, kindliness.
soggy, see sodden.
soil, nazemeoz, I get soiled; nazemae, I am soiled, stain-
ed; ezemae naeszehen, my coat is soiled; eekomae
naeszehen, my coat is soiled, greasy; nazemana, I s.,
stain it; ehosoto, it soils, makes dirty; ehosotae, it
is soiled, dirty; nahosotaovo, I make one to be soiled,
dirty; ehosotaoe, it is made dirty; ehosovome, it looks
soiled, dirty (liquids); nahosotazesta, I deem it soil-
ed, dirty; nahosotatamo, I deem one soiled, dirty; see
defile. Eekomemaene, it is soiled, has greasy stains,
spots; zemeozistoz, the getting soiled; zemastoz, the
being soiled, stained (state); hosotastoz, dirtiness;
ekomastoz, the being soiled, greasy; etahešeceva, it is
soiled, dusty; hešec, heše (larger extent), s., dust;
ehešeceve, it is dust, s.; hešec zeaenom, the s., ground
I have, own; hešeceva, in the s.,dust; see dust, earth,
ground, land.
sojourn, see stay; nahaexovhoe, I s. for a long time; na-
kasexovhoe, I s. for a short time; nanenovhoe, I
s.for a time; hatäno nazenenovhoe, I shall s.there for
a time; zeheešhoes, during his s., as long as he stays.
solace, naoanaxano, I s.him; naosotomanhan, I am solaced,
made restful, to rest; naosotoman, I s., make rest;
naosotomaného, I s., make him rest; naosotomoxta, I feel
restful, solaced; see rest; navovoešemo, I s.,comfort
him; navovoešems tahaovo, I s., comfort his heart; oana-
xanestoz, s., peacefulness, comfort; osotom, s.,rest;
osotomoxtastoz, feeling of rest; vovoešemazistoz,
comfort; vovoešemstahàtoz, s. of heart, comfort.
solder, napaohova, I s. (also fixing feathers on arrow
shaft or hair at the end of eagle feathers); na-
paoha, I s.it; napaòno, I s.it (or.); paohovàtoz, the
soldering; makät zeveše paohovàtove, soldering iron.
soldier, notax, notxeo (pl.,contraction of notaxeo), s.,
warrior,slayer; enotxeve, he is a s.; notxestoz,
soldiers (collectively), army; éōstaenotxestoz, the
Christian band; éōstaenotxeo, Christian soldiers;
enotxistove, it is an army, band of soldiers; nokovnot-
xeo, one company of soldiers; nanotxemō, my soldiers
(the ones I have); nistxeo, my co-soldiers; estxeo, thy
co-soldiers; hevestxeo, his co-soldiers; estxeaneo, our
(incl.) co-soldiers; nistxeaneo, our (excl.) co-sol-
diers; estxevō, your co-soldiers; hevestxevō, their co-
soldiers; nahenotxeme, I have soldiers; nahenotxemen-
otto, they are my soldiers; notxenitá, notxevoneva, s.
leader; nano txeme, I am (have) with soldiers; notxev-
estoz,s.hood or s.ship; notxevèho, white man s. (pl.or
sg.); tahoenotxeo, mounted soldiers; tahoenotxistoz,
cavalry. See warrior.
soldiery, notxestoz; enotxestove, it is a s., an army.
sole, see alone, only; mamàta, solely, only; emamàtavehoe,
he stands alone, solely; inf. -naeszeom-
single, s.; nanaeszeometotšetan, I think solely, my s.,
single thot; hoemxoe, s. of shoe; naoemxanonoz, my soles
(of shoes); màtoešàta,s.of foot; nàtoneàton, the s.of
my foot, my s.; naàtaeštòno, I s.him.
solemn, expressed by inf.-mómåta serious, ceremonious,
devout, sacred, religious; etamómå tavoētastove, it
is a s.act; eohāmómå tava tamano, it is s., impressive,
awe-inspiring; see ceremony. [hestoz,s. (in general).
solemnity, ohāmómå tavatamahestoz; ohāmómåtavatamano-]
solemnize, namómå tavoēta, I s., perform a ceremony; namó-
måtavoan zèvistōmàzevoss. I s. their marriage;
etaešemómå tavo ane toeo zèvistōmàzevoss, their marriage
has been solemnized.
[istoz, the soliciting.
solicit, namomoxzemo, I s.,plead, entreat; momoxzemosan-]
solicitation, momoxzemazistoz.
[who solicits.
solicitor, momoxzemosanehe; zemomoxzemosansz, the one]
solicitous, nahesseôzetan, I am s. (on account of); na-
hesseôzetanotovo, I am s. on one's account;
see anxious; namåsemetan, I feel s.(Ger.beengt, bange);
namåscemevomoxta, I feel s., pressed, anxious.
solicitude, hesseôzetanoxtoz; see anxiety: måsemetanox-
toz, feeling of anxiety for.
solid, emhaaoxzeve, it is a s. (body); ehohanemhaaoxzeve,
it is a s., cylindrical body; inf.-hekon- s.,
firm, strong; hekonomao, s. ground; nahekonana, I make it
s.,strengthen it; see firm, strong.
solidify, ehēoseoz, it solidifies;
solidifying, solidification.
heoseozistoz, the
solidity, hekoneozistoz, s., strength, firmness;
toz, the being (state) solid; see firm.
solitary, inf.-noc(e)- =to be alone; enocē, he is s.,
alone; enocēeo, they are s.; zenocēsz, the S.
one; enocēetto, it is s.; enocēmhäoneve, it is a s.
house; naōnsetan, I feel s.,lonely; ehōnos, it is s.
lonesome; ehōnotatamano, it is s.,lonesome
(in gener-
al); t'sa zexhōnỏ tatamano, the s.place, where it is s.,
lonesome; see lonely. [some, in a lonely condition.
solitude, hōnotatamano hestoz, the being solitary, lone-]
solubility, see dissolve, melt.
solve, see contrive, find out.
in s.
some, hosz; nimezz hosz, give (thou) me s. (of it or of
them, in. or or.); hosz epeväo na hosz ehavse-
väo, s. are good and s. are bad; t'sa tonxhestoe,
way; nivaesz, s. one; nivāsesto (pl.), some ones (un-
known); toneš ešēva, s.day; hosz nahozenoz makätansz, I
have s.money with me; nivasesto naonōmãe, s. (not known
to me) people called me; hosz naonōmae, s. have called
[pl.of nivaesz.
somebody, nivaesz,s. (unknown or unnamed); nivāsesto, ]
somehow, nohas tonxhesto.
something, hovae; ehovaeve, it is s.; in certain connec-
tions "hovae" nothing; hovae nasaame tahe, he
gave me nothing; hovae nameta, he gave me s.
sometime, tonexov; tonexoveva, at s.; toneš, s.; pref.ox-
toneš- =s., when, whenever; oxtoneševōmo, s.,]
sometimes, totoneš, totonexoveva.
[when I see him.
someway, nohas etonšhomsta, he escaped in s.;
in s.; no has]
somewhere, nohas t'sa.
[etonšhāmoxta, s.he is sick.
son, zehēhyahestovsz, the s.; zehēhyaetōsz Maheon, the
Son of God; zehēhyaestovesso, the sons; näha,
my s.; něhya, thy s.; hēhya, one's s.; nahahan, our s.;
nehyaevo, your s.; hehyaevo, their s. The pl. form "our
sons, your sons, their sons" ref. more to the sons
of different people; in the family the name "s." was
usually given to the oldest boy or to the only boy
left. Hence while the pl.forms "our, your and their
sons" are used, the terms "my sons, thy sons, one's
sons" are rather obsolete; nahao, my sons; něhyao, thy
sons; hēhyao, one's sons; nāhahaneo, our sons (excl.):
zehēhaezē, our sons (incl.); něhyaevō, your sons; hē-
hyaevō, their sons; nahēhyaevõemo, I count, value him as
a s.; nahēhya, I have a s.; nahēhyaenoz,
he is my s.;
nihēhyaetovaz, thou art my s.; nihēhyaetove, I am thy
s.; nahēhyaetan, I want a s.; nahehyaetanotovo, I want
him to be my s.; nahēhyaetovàzetan, I want to be a s.;
nahēhyaetovazetanotovo, I want to be his s.; hēhyaeto-
vatahå, be s.to one! Hēhyaetovàzenehå, be s.! Hēhyae-
tōehå, let him be his s.! Zehehyaetto, I who have a s.;
zehēhyaetton, I having sons; nahēhyaemàzheme, we are
sons together; nahēhyaemo, I am s.with him; zemahae-
taz naha, my older s.; zehaaxcetaz nehya, your younger
s.; maha, a s., that which is s.
has re-
song, nemeooxz,nemeotoz (pl.); enemeozeve or enemeoox-
zeve, it is a s., a tune; ovaxenōoxz, -nōotoz (pl.),
dream s.,also magical, enchanted s. (which one
ceived or learned in a dream); náenōoxz, doctoring s.
(sung by the doctors); mà tasoomanōoxz, spiritual s.;
vovēnōoxz, song of praise; voešetano-nooxz, s. of re-
joicing; haônanōoxz, s. of prayer; momhônanōoxz, s.of
supplication, pleading; vehootazistoz, the singing
praise (to one); no-ootazistoz, the singing about one;
honehenonistoz, wolf s., tune; maheonenonistoz, sacred
tune, s.; zesenonistoz, Ch. s., tune; vovònešenonistoz,
s.of praise; aenenonistoz, eternal s.; the suff.-noni-
stoz the singing, melody, tune; see sing. Enōosa, he
makes songs; eohaestoenōosa, he makes many songs. On
the whole the Ch.songs have very few words and these
repeated over and over.
[sounding, it sounds.
sonorous, see sound; eoxcenistonevon, it is heard]
soon, inf.-nehe- s., following, close after; inf.-ònehe-
=very s., immediately; eneheoz, enehestoveoz, it
is s.; enehes taha, he is high tempered; inf.-nehestov-
is similar to -vestov- fleeting, of short or swift
duration; nehenhessonehå, let it be s. (also said to
one when he sneezes); hotama, s.after.
soot, zemoxtavâta, that which blackens (from fire);
emoxtavâta, it is sooty.
soothe, ehaamooz, one becomes soothed; nahaomosemo, I s.,
calm him; see calm; navovoešemo, I s.,comfort
one; see comfort; naoanoevaosemo, I s., calm one; see
sop, see dip; nasehasen, I s.
(as a piece of bread in
liquid food); sehaseo, s.; esehaseoneve, it is a s.;
naponoena, I s.it, absorb it (also said in pumping or
carrying out water until there is none left).
soprano, see sing.
sorcerer, zeehōneheonevsz, the one who is s
s.; eehōneheoneve, he is a s.; zehenisimōnamsz,
s., the one having a familiar spirit; see shaman. The
"zeehōneheonevsz" is the one who condemns, curses in a
magic way, inflicting bad luck, disease, misfortune, etc.
sorcery, ehōnestoz; ehōneheonevestoz, s., the being sor-]
sordid, see mean, stingy.
navohen, I have a
sore, naóoen, I have s. eyes, am blind;
s.eyes,am blind;
s.eye (white spot in the eye); naóeàta,I have
a s.foot; naóheona, I have a s.hand; naōesta, I have a
s.ear; evovoàz, he has s.lips; naonšeàtaxena, I have s.
feet, my feet hurt me; naanēškosē, I have a s. (prick-
ing) toe (as from a corn); nianēškosēmā, we have s.
toes; anēškosēhestoz, the having a s. toe (corn); na-
anēàtaoz,I have a s., pricked foot; namoešą eóoepaon,
the back of my finger is s.; naoestoona, I have a s.
throat; nahemaneta, I have sores; nazhemanetàtoz, my
sores; emämaneta, he is full of sores; enehe vaneoxz, it
grows s.; voheneozistoz, s. eyes (having white spots);
ehemaen, one has a s. face; ehavsevomoxta, he feels bad,
s. (physically and otherwise); evenomoxta, he feels s.,
aggravated, sorry; ehavsevetan, he feels s., bad, irri-
tated; venomoxtastoz, the being s.or feeling aggravat-
ed; havsevetanoxtoz, the feeling s., bad, irritated.
sorrow, see grieve, sad; eanovetan, he sorrows; eôometan,
I s.,grieve; ôometanoxtoz, s., grieving, mourning;
Ôomstahàtoz, s.of heart; Ôometanonavoomenhestoz, a
condition of s.; ôometan and anovetan, the s. (itself);
naôometanoho, I prompt s.to one, grieve him; also na-
anovetanoho, I sadden him.
sorrowful, eôometanona, he is s.; eanove tanona, he is s.,
sad; eôometano oz, he becomes s.; ôomastoz, ano-
vastoz, sorrowfulness.
sorrow-stricken, eanove tanonavoomen or
men, he is s.;
the being s.; emasó-anove tanooz, he becomes s.
sorry, evenomoxta, he is, feels s.; naanhootan and naano-
vetan, I am s., sad; see sore. Ehavsevoomen, he is
in a s.plight, condition; heto zeheševetto nahesshav-
sevomoxta, I feel s., bad to have done this; nathavs
nahesshavsevomoxtaeta, I feel bad,s.about my evil,sin.
sort, naoáehana, I s.it; see apart, asunder, separate; he-
ovasz, all sorts, kinds of (in.); heovasz hešemenoz,
all sorts of berries; heovaz zehessevon, all sorts of
noises, sounds; heovasz heševostanestove, all kinds,
sorts of peoples,nations; eneevaevé, what s.of man,
person is he? See class, kind.
Sota, Sotaeo; pr.name of a band of Indians whose lan-
guage differed but little from the Ch. They met
the Ch.in the "northern country, on the other side of
the Missouri" and a battle would have ensued, had not
the Ch.heard the Sotão address each other in Ch. From
that time on the Sotäo became a part of the Ch.tribe.
While their language was only a dialect of the Ch. it
brot many new terms which were gradually added to the
Ch. vocabulary. Following names are also given to the
Sotão or their subdivisions: Maxeomeetaneo and Maxe-
omēsoneo, Biglodge people; Neomätaneo and Neomäsoneo,
Sandhill people; Noxzevaheo and Noxzevaheson,(?).
soul, màtasooma, s., spirit;
vostanemàtasooma, person's
s.; see spirit.
sound, enistonevon, it sounds; enistonevonensz, they
(in.) s ; hovae zenistonevon, something sounding;
eohāvevon, it is a dreadful s.; heovaz zehessevon, all
sorts of sounds; ehãavevon, it sounds of wind; emomoe-
von, the s. of bubub; eomomonevon, it is a s. of wailing,
weeping; ensoevon, it is a muttering s.; ehovēvon,
sounds weak, not clear; etovevon, it sounds muffled;
zeheševonez' hestovoozevo, as it sounds to their ears;
epevevon, it sounds well; esaapevevonehan, it does not
s.well; esaanistonevonehan, it does not s.; taomeame-
oxzehe esaanistonevonehe, the automobile (or.) makes
no s.; eaxxevon, the bell is sounding; axxevonsonoz
eaxxevonensz, the little bells (as jingle bells) are
sounding, jingling; eemevon, it sounds far away; etox-
zeevon, it sounds clinking; epōevon, emaxepõevon, it
makes a loud s.,report; en'nisevon, the sound comes
nearer, hither; ececevon, it sounds squeaking (as
shoes, harness, leather); epepeevon, it sounds discord-
ant; ehōepepevon, a discordant s. comes out, issues;
enistonevax, it sounds rubbing, grating; enscevax, it is
a grating s. (small); enscevasen, it is a gnawing s.;
enistonevão, it sounds whizzing; ekokoevon, it sounds
rattling, knocking, clattering; enistonevavesevo, the
rushing s. of flowing water; enistonevavōmahå, the s.of
roaring waves; eneamevon, it sounds coming on; emomo-
esta, it is the s., noise of a crowd, din; enistonevan-
Oxz, it sounds clattering; enistōhe, it or one is
heard; tàpen zenistōhetto, the trumpet shall s.,be
heard; ehōhevovoeš, it (or., as of a tree) is heard
crashing; ehōhevovoeha, it is heard crashing; suff.
-von ref.to s.in general; suff.-esta ref.to s.,noise
of voice,cry; inf.-hōhe- ref.to s.heard; enistonevā,
it is the moaning s. of wind; eētovehahe hemen, the s.
of a dove's voice in the distance; eoxcetóvaxtōe, it
sounds in the far away; ehohoenaoz, it sounds, is heard
tearing; ehōhevaeoz, also ehohoevaoxeoz, it is heard
breaking; ehōhevaveoxevoeha or ehōheoxeoz, it is heard
falling and breaking; haavhan eevoamevxtõe, the wind
makes a moaning, groaning s.; enistonevaveana, he is
heard eating (sounds of crunching); ehōxeva, one is
heard calling, heralding; ehōevax, it sounds, is heard
rattling shaking; honexhōevax, at the s. of rattling
(as arrows in the quiver); ehōevanov, it is heard
sounding; ene amevano xz, he is heard coming; eēvàtōe,
one is heard coming; eēvàtōe, one is heard moving
about bawling; hooxka eōxan, it is a peal of thunder;
ehōevonàtõe, evonevàtõe, emónà tõe, it (thunder) is
heard; etovàtõe,it (thunder) is heard at a distance
(muffled s.); eheceamàtõe, it (thunder) is slightly
heard; ehōenistōe, he is heard calling; nakokoevahas-
en, I s. (as with cymbals), make clatter; nakokoevahàz, I
make it s., clatter (by striking, throwing, dashing
against); ehōevahame axxev, the bell is heard sound-
ing, ringing; axxev oxhōhevahamēsz, whenever the bell
is rung; axxev enistonevahame, the bell is made to
ring,s.; nanistonevahàz axxev, I make the bell ring,
s.; the suff.-ahàz (in.), -ahamo (or.) implies throw-
ing, shaking, dashing motion; nanistonevanen, I make s.
(with hand); nanistonevana, I make it s.; nanistone và-
ta, I make s., noise with the feet; nakokoevàta, I make
a knocking s. with the feet; ekokonoeš, it sounds
rattling; enistonevavooko, it is a s.of rain; ehōheta-
zistove,it is a s. of battle, it is heard battling;
enomoneva, he is made drowsy by s.; haestoanistoz,long
s.of words; kaoanistoz, short s.of words; zceoanistoz,
whispered, evanescent s. of words; oakoanistoz, syllable
s.; omotomoanistoz, aspired s.; vēsēszistoz, dental s.;
manxpohōnoanistoz, guttural s. The suff.-oanistoz ref.
to utterance, articulation; -ēszistoz ref. to speech;
vonestàtoz, s., noise; ehoveàtõe, it is heard weakly, not
clear; ehoveàtōetto, it sounds weakly, not clear; ema
haehahetto, it sounds (voices) loud; hotam ehōhevav-
seš, the dog is heard lapping (while drinking); emo-
moxzecevon, it sounds like lapping; màp emomoxzecevon,
the water makes a lapping s.; nanista màp ehoxopopõe-
ha amōheszistovå, I hear the water splash against the
boat (when water is rough); nanista màp emomoxzeceva
amōheszistovå, same as preceding only in smooth or
quiet water; hosz vostaneo hooxcemesevoss eoxcemomox-
zekazenaxen, some people make a smacking s. with their
lips in eating: hotxovesevanoxzistoz, s.of hurrying
(to and fro) steps; examapevomoxta, he is s. and well.
soup, hòp; ehòpeve, it is s.; moxtavhòp, black s.,coffee;
hòpeva, in the s.; hòp emaomeva, the s. is frozen;
eaenomeōsta hòp, the s.is dark and fat.
sour, eveneeno, it is s. (of taste); evenahe, one is s.,
surly, crabbed; etaoven, he is s., displeased, frown-
ing; veoxchòpāehemenoz, s. grapes; evenazesta, he has a
s.disposition; navenemo, I make him s.,surly, sore (in
talking); evenomoxta, one feels s.,sore.
source, expressed by inf. -hesse- =because of, reason,
origin; hohame, s., spring, q.v.
sourness, venhastoz; venomoxtastoz, s. (in feeling).
souse, see plunge; nanhaōvano, I s., drench him.
south, sovon and sovota are ceremonial terms
for s.;
nomhasto, s. (common name); hetaneoxzeaneeno(?);
tataenomhasto, southward, straight s.; Maōm, S. Canadian
river, called Redwater by the Ch.
souvenir, hovae zevešetoovetanoxtove.
sovereign, zemaxenitáhesz, zemaxevehonevsz, great ruler,
sovereignty, maxenitástoz, maxevehonevestoz.
sow, naēnanoe, I s. or plant; naēnanooxta, I s., plant it;
naēnanoeta, I s., plant for, unto; esaapeveēnanoettan, it
does not s., plant well (as a planting machine); ēnao-
ehe, sower, planter; ēnanoevèho, white man sower, plant-
er, farmer; nahénehàz, I s.it broadcast; nahéneházenoz
mazemenoz, I s.oats broadcast; mazemenoz ēšehéneham-
ensz, the oats are sown.
is s.
space, nametomosan, I make s., room; name tomevo, I make
s.,room for him; ezceneota, it is a small s. room
(enclosed); see room. Epoota, it is a s., clearing, said
of open country, clearing in a forest, vacant lots in a
town, empty benches in a hall or church; emaxepoota, it
is a wide empty s., not occupied; esopoota, there still
room; napoana setov, I leave a s.in the
between; emhaoto, it is one empty s. (enclosed); emha-
tō,it is one s.; eoáeotō, it is partitioned in spaces
or rooms; eáeone-oxxeoe and epopoone-oxxeoe, it is
spaced (between lines of writing); eōeone-oxxeoe, it is
written with spaces (between words); eoáeoxxeoe, it is
spaced (between syllables); epopoota, it is spaced be-
tween (as between benches); epopooneoe, it is a s. be-
tween the single ones of a row, as between the pickets
of a fence; vaoxtam, the s. in the tipi which is be-
tween the fire and the west wall; nxpeoxtam, s.before
the door (in the tipi); vecehóozeon, s. between the
"vaoxtam" and either one of the side beds (in the ti-
pi), also the s. at the foot of the beds, towards the
entrance; noxsemå, s. towards the walls (on side beds);
hoaxtoveš, s, in the air; hoaxtovå, coming out of s.;
suff.-om and -oom denotes "s." in the sense of "area,
region, canopy, dome, reach, sphere"; tåxtanoom, s. bounded
by the horizon; axtonoom, underworld region; otatavo-
om, blue s., sky; pavoom, sphere of bliss; matāvoom, the
region of the woods; see place.
spade, mxanèpemenoheo and mxanè pemeno estàzeo; suff.-noz
to the preceding indicates the pl.; emxanèpemeno-
heoneve, it is a s.; mxanèpemeno estàzeoneva naveševos-
ôn, I s.,dig with a s.
span, natāevana, I s., measure it (by hand); nataevaha, I
s.,measure it (with instr.); see measure; tāheneo,
s.measure; nokatäheneo, one s.; nanixaeetoham, I have a
s.of horses; tohaeseo, s. of horses, team; natohaeseon
enist xnoväo, my spans of horses are many; nitohaeseo-
naneo, our spans of horses, teams; zenixaehevoss, one s.
of them (or.); zenonixaehevoss, two spans of them
(or.); enixaeeo, they (or.) are one s.; enonixaeeo,
they (or.) are two spans; enonixaeetoham,
spans of horses (or oxen, dogs, mules, etc.).
spangle, naoáseš, I have spangles (on me), am
(from -oás- to shine, glitter, glisten,
of flame); oáseštotoz, spangles; namanszenoz oásešto-
toz,I make spangles; naoásevsozevano, I have spangles
he has two
a burst
at the bottom of my dress (fem.sp.); nioásevsozevano-
må, we have spangles at the bottom of our dresses.
Spaniard, Spañol, adapted by older men, who were ac-
quainted with the Mexican language, otherwise
the term is unknown.
I s.
spare, nahòpsan, I s., am lenient, relent; nahòpého,
him, am lenient towards him; nahòpész, I s.it, re-
lent towards it; nahòpea, I am sparing, lenient; hòpsa-
nistoz, the sparing, leniency, relenting; namkätaemoz
hosz eheeozensz, I have money left, to s.; eaàzeosen, he
has to s.,left besides or over; namesaatonšeēnanohe, I
cannot s.him, let him go; nasaatonšeoanhozeohe, I have
not time to s., cannot pause in my work; see lean.
spark, epóetov, it sparks, crackles (fire); ehoestazeta,
it sparks (metal, rock, gun discharge); zeahasetto,
the s.; hoesta eahaseoxz, fire emits sparks.
sparkle, see shine; eoásetto, it sparkles.
spasm, hes'saxestoz; hes'seozistoz, s., cramps, convul-
sions; ehes' sax, he has a s.
| Data
spatter, naheniskomano, I s.him; see bespatter, sprinkle.
speak, naēsz, I s.; naēszt'san, I s. (predicative); naēsz-
tovo, I s.to one; naĕsztomevo, I s. for one, his
benefit; naēsztomotâ, I s. for one, interpret for him;
naēsz(e)ta, I s.to it; naēszemo, I s. concerning one;
nahotameēsztovo, I s.behind him; navovoēszevo,I s. be-
fore he speaks; naoxceoxzemo, I always s. of, about him;
nahèpeēsz, I s. beyond, more than; nashoveēsz, I s.less
and less; naneheēsz, I s.soon, quickly, excitedly: namo –
mehememo, I s. gently, agreably, flatteringly of him; na-
momehemesta, I s.flatteringly of it: namomehemevamo, I
prevail upon him with agreable words, persuade
him by
flattery; nasaapevemohe, I do not s.well of one; nahe-
tomemo, I s. the truth concerning him; nahetomesta, I s.
the truth concerning it; suff. -emo (or.) and -esta
(in.) denotes "speaking of one", suff. -enesz ref.to
one's speech, language; suff.-oan, ref.to one's
one's speak-
ing, utterance, articulation, pronouncing; ezesenesz, he
speaks Ch.; ezeseneszetan or ezeseniszetan [the "e"
usually changes to "i" sound or is entirely dropped,
when more syllables follow], also ezesenszetan, he
wants to s.Ch.; zesenszistoz, Ch.speaking, language;
evèhoenesz, he speaks English; emahevèhoensz, he speaks
German; ehetanevoenesz, he speaks Arapaho; eohoomoe-
nesz, he speaks Sioux; emeševèhoenesz, he speaks Mexi-
can; zezeseneszz, the one speaking Ch.; zezesenszesså,
the ones speaking Ch.; zesenszehe, Ch. speaker; enoxto-
venesz, he is able to, can s. (as a child); esaanoxtove-
nszé, he cannot s., is dumb; zeheens ze voss, their speak-
ing, language; eotovenesz, he speaks brokenly: evovee-
venesz, he speaks cut up (like a little child): evha-
neoneevavensz, he speaks brokenly, with an accent, pe-
culiarly; hestovooz naoaeovo, I s.into one's ear;
so naemōsēsztovo, I s.in secret to him; nahestoēmo, I
s.ill of one; navesseĕsoemo, I s.,converse with him;
see converse; epevoan, he speaks, utters well; ehavse-
voan, he speaks bad, mean; emaheonoan, he speaks sacred-
ly, mysteriously; emómå tavoan, he speaks sacred, cere-
monial terms; ehoto anavoan, he speaks foreboding, in-
spiring dread; etosetkxkomnoan, he will s.a few words;
see language, sound. Natōszého, I repeat his speech
(literal); nahessevoto, I s. bad to one; enxpoĕsehaeo,
they s.thru the nose; ehevitanovozehaeo, he speaks
with heavy tongue; enonaoxtoan, he speaks cutting the
syllables, plainly, articulating well. See speech.
spear, xomō, xomōnoz (pl.); exomōneheve, it is a s.; ehe-
xomōn, one is provided with a s.; matanōexomō, bow
s.(of the Hematanōhess band); matanōexomō niva vo-
tonsz ehoettonsz, four tail feathers are attached to
the bow s.; maešeonon evešenō, it is tied with red
cloth; eotatavox, it has a blue s.end; eotatavohe mox-
oz, the s.point is made blue; voxkaexomō, crooked s.,in
the form of a bow bent inward in the middle; màtavóe,
s.belonging to the Hematanōhess band; ehemoxensz xom-
ōnoz, the spears are provided with a point; ehemoxensz
māhozz, the arrows are speared, provided with darts;
heszevevezeva eexomovo, he speared, pierced him with
his horns; naxomōnòno, I s.him (with a s.); exomōnohe,
he is speared; naxomōnoha, I s.it.
› Common pur
special, expressed by inf.-nanos-, also -soxpstov-; ena-
nosepeva,it is specially good; nanosetto, spe-
cially; zenanosetto, the s. one (in.); soxpstovetto,
specially, only that, with a single purpose on that;
nasoxpstomaovo, I am after him specially, single him
out specially; nasoxpstohevovistomevo, I teach him
specially (more than another, singly); inf. -osē− =s.,
above all, the only one; eosēpeva, he is specially
good; eosēšivatamae, he is specially merciful, rich in
mercy. See particular.
species, zešhessemanhaoss, his s.,kind (v.); see class,
kind; hemanhastoz, his s.,kind; hestōemanhastoz,
strange s.,kind; emanhaonsz, they (in.) are or grow a
s.; emanhaoeo, they are made a s.,kind by themselves.
specify, nanezemo, I s., select him (in words); nanezes-
ta,I s.it; nanano tano, I s. one (or.); enehov na-
nanosemo, I s.him: natotamĕstomevo emeheševsz, I s.to
him what he is to do; enezeme, one is specified, elect-
ed; zenezemesso, the specified ones.
specimen, see example, sample. [blemish; see defile.
speck, sec speckle, spot: hehemeozistoz: tasehestoz, s.,]
speckle, rad. -hehem- ref.to s.; ehehemen, one is spec-
kled, freckled (in the face); ehehemeneo,
have speckled faces; hehemenestoz,
emoxtavhehemen, his face is speckled black; ehehemae,
he is speckled; hehemhastoz, the being speckled; hehe-
meozistoz, speckles; namxistō emoxtavhehem, my paper is
black speckled; see color (of animals), horse, spot,
spectacle, vehōseo,s.or spectator; navehōseoneve, I am
a s.or spectator; èmehamo ona tamano zèvehōseo-
neve, it was a beautiful s.; vōstomanistoz,s.,display,
show; maataevexansz, spectacles, lit.metal eyes.
specter, see ghost; màtass, seooxz.
speech, see language; eszistoz, s., word (implying a col-
lective meaning); zeĕszz, one's s., what he
speaks; naēszistoz, my s., word; Maheo heēszistoz, God's
Word; etoseēsz, he makes a long s.; paveēszistoz, a
good s.,word; evehoneēsz, he makes a chief's s.; veho-
neēszistoz, chief's s.; nxpoēseahestoz, nasal s.; hevi-
tanovozeahestoz, heavy tongue s.; kaoanistoz, short s.,
utterance; nonaoxtoanistoz, articulate, plain s.; see
speak. [histové, he is s.,has nothig to say, reply.
speechless, esaanoxtovenszé, he is s., dumb; esaaheox-]
speed, nševhastoz, s., swiftness; enševaonsz, they (in., as
bullets, arrows) have s.; nanševaovo, I s.him,
make him go fast, swiftly; emaxenševaões,
it (or.,ce-
lestial body) goes at a great s.; nševâhestovå, with
s., swiftness; navovistomevâhetovo, I instruct him
speedily; inf.-nševe with s., despatch, diligence;
emaxenševetto ohe, the river has a great s.,flows
swiftly; maxevecess enševeháo, the eagle flies with]
spell, same as count or read.
[s., swiftness.
spend, nama thoxtova namakätaeme, I s. all my money in
buying; naēnanomoxtanoz namakätaemoz hoevoxkoz, I
s.my money for meat; namasenemoto, I s. for him;
-mat- (also -mase-) denotes "spend, exhaust"; nama
toan, I spent my words, said all I had to say; namato-
hamenoz, I spent all my arrows, amunition; emaseozensz
makätannsz, the money is all spent; natóešenexova, I am
spent, it is all I can do, all that my strength, power
will allow me; nanxhoe ešēva, I s. the day; haexoveva
nanxhoe hen hoeva, I spent a long time in that
try; ematoész, he spent it all; eononisematoész, he
spent it all foolishly.
spendtrift, esaatãosenanoz hemakä taemoz, he is a s., does
not save his money; esaatãoszhovahe, he is a
s., does not save, use judicially his property; eononi-
sematoeszenoz hemakätaemoz, he is a s. (with his money,
spends it foolishly).
spent, esxseveoz, he is s., exhausted; see under exhaust.
sperm, mat'seno; hest' seno, one's s.
[toz,s.it out!
spew, naénotoxta, I s.it out; naénotomo (or.); nixōox-
spider, vèho (also name for white man); evèhoeve, it is
a s.; maxevèho, large s., tarantula; vèhoeom, spi-
der web (also square tent); vèho eamoneana nononō, the
s.spins its web; vèho eamoneanovo henononōevō (or.),
the spiders spin their webs; nononō, spider web (ref.
to web as a trap, snare, while vèhoeom ref. to the web
as lodge of the s.); vèhoeom or nononō eakavoetto,
also epanoetto, the spider web is hanging (eakavoet-
tonsz, epanoettonsz, pl. form); moxtavèho, black s.
spigot, nxpohôo,s.or stopper; enxpohôoneve, it is a s.
spill, nahéahàz, I s.it; nahéahamo, I s.it (or.); ehéaha-
me, it or one is spilled; ehéeozettonsz veeo-
nišsz, the entrails are spilled; heszhemaeme eōešeme,
his blood is spilled; momeaevenōsàzistoz, blood spill-
ing, bloodshed.
spin, ehestotòno qsahēva, she spins wool; ehestotòno
esevonhēva, she spins buffalo wool,hair; ehestoto-
nohe, it is spun, braided, woven; nanetoena, I make it s.
(as a top); nine toenanon, we make it s.; nanetoenen
oxzem, I s.the wheel (play wheel); see top. Nimaohas-
eo, spinning wheel; nanimaohàz, I s.,I make it s., turn
(as a wheel); see turn.
spindle, makät zevehota nimahaseoneva zevešenimaoahå,
piece of iron inside of a wheel
(not wagon
wheel) by means of which it spins; makät zevehota]
spindling, see slender. [zeonistakoeoxtattoz', wagon s.
spine, màtåtōn, the s.; nàtåtōn, my s.; heståtōn, one's s.
spinner, zehestotônsz, the s., weaver; see braid, spin, ]
spinster, maxehee.
spiral, eonimataevoxq or eonimotaevoxq, it is s., winding
crookedly; nonohono easenimaoneo, it is s.
shape; nonohono easenimaetovatto, it is a s.body; no-
nohono easenimaonemahaaetto, it is coiled in s. shape
(as bed springs); see spring; maxetomsemhäo enimaoneé-
vonooneve, the tower has a winding stairway; see wind.
spirit, màtasooma, màtasoomao (pl.); emàtasoomaeve, it is
a s.; màtasoomaeva, by, with a s.; vostanemàtasoo-
s.person, a person in s., also the soul; Maheonemàtaso-
oma, Holy S.; màtasoomhastoz, the having a s., being
provided with a s.; màtasoomhestanov, the world of
spirits; màtasooma-vostanehevestoz, spiritual life;
ehemàtasooma, he has a s., a soul; havsevemàtasooma,
evil s.; mashanēmàtasooma, insane, evil s.; Maxemàtaso-
oma, Great S. Old informants (Chief Redmoon, Lonewolf)
told writer that this name was given to the Creator
of all things, the Spirit involving precedence in time
and power over all other spirits. Maxemaheo (accord-
ing to above informants) has practically the same
meaning. Zeto hetan eveoxkōvano namàtasoomaho, this
man embitters my s.; eveoxkōvane namàtasooma, my s.is
made bitter; seozeatastoz, fear of s., superstitious
fear; mista, s., ghost, also owl; nisimōn, demon, familiar
s.; enisima, he has a demon, a familiar s.; nisimàtoz,
the having a demon; see demon. Maakohotanevosans, the
badger s. (deemed to be a very powerful s. invoked at
certain ceremonial occasions; when a badger was cut
open into halves, its coagulating blood was used
means of divination).
as a
spiritism, nisimàtoz; enisima, he is a spiritist, has a]
spiritless, see dejected.
[ demon.
spiritual, expressed by inf.-màtasooma-; màtasoomavos-
tanehevestoz,s.life; màtasoomätan, s.man.
spiritualism, same as spiritism.
spiritualist, same as spiritist (see spiritism).
spit, ehōsean, he spits; nahōseanoto, I s.at one; nahōe-
àz, I s., spew out; nahōoxta, I s., spew it
out; hōseanoxz, s.; namomeaàz, I s.blood; namomeaamos, I
s.bloody saliva; see cook, roast.
spite, nseztastoz,s., hatred; nansetama, he has s. against
me, hates me; pref.honš-, also hot one- and hotons-
denote "in s.of"; honšhaomenetto, in s. of my being in
misfortune; hotonetaha, in s. of the wind; hotonšohae-
tonetto, in s.of the cold; hotonetooko or honšookō, in
s.of the rain; inf.-ox- is used at times in the sense
of "in s.of"; naoxtoxceēsztovo,in s.of my speaking to
him, altho I spoke to him; zeoxetookō, in s. of the
rain, tho it rained.
spiteful, is expressed by inf.-hezeva-; nahezevameto, I
give it to him spitefully, out of spite, because
I am angry with him; nahezevavoēta, I act spitefully,
vengefully; nahezevavoého, I treat him spitefully.
spittle, hōseanoxz.
splash, ehéneomeha, it splashes; ehénehavōma and ehéne-
vōma, it splashes up; eohaeš-ehetōma, it splashes
far; naheniskomàtavova, I s.water on my feet;
niskōmaoha, I make it s.(a great s.), by striking the
water or liquid with something; naponōmoha, I make it
s.(by striking); nanista màp emomoxzeceva amōheszis-
tovå, I hear the water splashing (lapping) against the
boat (when water is smooth, quiet); nanista màp ehoxo-
popōeha amōheszistovå, I hear the water splashing
against the boat (when water is rough).
spleen, hestxoanoz, his s.; matxoanoz, S.
splendid, epevatamano, it is s.; see beautiful, glory;
evohooevatamano, it is s., glorious; eohamoona-
tamano,it is s., magnificent.
splendor, pevatamanohestoz,
glory; moonatamano hestoz, s., magnificence;
vatamahestoz, vohôohevatamahestoz and moonatamahestoz
ref.to a state of s., beauty, glory, magnificence.
splice, nahonaovetōneoha, I s.it by nailing; ehonaovetō-
neohe, it is spliced (by nailing); nahonaovetōne-
ana, I s.a rope, thread; nahonaovetōena, I s.it (by
braiding, interweaving); nihonaovetōenanon, we s.it;
nanoname toeveoxax, I s.it, as in beveling the ends to
fit together.
splinter, nasēnotoeš, I have a s. (horizontally or nearly
so in skin); natoxposeš, I have a s. (under the
nail of finger or toe); naoxes and naaseš, I have a s.;
zeoxešenaz, the one having a s.; naoxešenàtoz ehecea,
my s.is in vertically; naoxešenàtoz esēnotōe,my s. is
in horizontally; senotoeneo, s.; nasēnotoheonax, I have
a s.in my hand; nasēnotoeàtax, I have a s. in my foot;
oxeàtaxenàtoz,s.in foot; sẽno toeàtaxenàtoz, s.in foot
(horizontal); toxposešenàtoz, s. under finger nail.
split, naoxoha, I s.it; naoxono, I s.it (or., as tree,
pole, stone); hoxzz eoxevoemåxe (or eoxevoemxe),
the tree is s.by lightning; naoxevoòno hoxzz,I s. the
tree; emameoxevoòno hoxzetto, he made a yawning (or
great) s.in the tree; naōha, I s. wood; see apart,
break, crack, fissure.
spoil, expressed by inf.-toton- to spoil, undo, damage,
hurt, impair; natotonitana, I s.it; natotonšetan, I
want to s.; natotonševe, I s. (in doings); natotonitoé-
ho,I s.him, treat him harmfully; natotonitoész,I s.it;
natotonitoēta, I act harmfully; natotonšenheto, Ι
speak damagingly, hurtfully to him; totonševestoz, the
spoiling, undoing; totonitoētastoz, the act of spoil-
ing; totonšetanoxtoz, spoiling, harmful thot, disposi-
tion; totonitanenistoz, the spoiling (by hand); nahav-
sevana, I s.it, make it bad; nahavsevaa, I s.it (with
the foot); nhaeneo, nhaeneonoz (pl.), s., catch (as in
war); see catch, plunder.
spoke, zet'taeoneōsz or zestšetāeoneōsz, s. of wagon]
sponge, heponohaneàzehess or -zehesta; also zeàzepase-
he; zeoxceotāesess (?); see absorb.
spontaneity, expressed by inf. -taom- =of self; taomes-
toz, s.; etaomhoneo,
it grows
of itself;
sometimes the verbal suff.-vaen implies "s." when de-
noting "without external efficient cause, without con-
straint or coercion"; nahesevaena, I take hold of it
(automatically, instinctively); napeoxevaeno, I simply
dislike him; nahōènevaeno, I let him pass out; nahox-
tamevaeno, I just catch up with him; namanševaena, I]
spontaneous, see spontaneity.
[just make it.
spook, see ghost.
spool, hotanon zeoxcenimaešenavoss, that on which thread
is wound (lit.lies around); zevešenimaoane-
Voss hotanon, that with which the thread is wound; na-
ohotomoenoz zevešenimaoanevoss, I fill the s.; nahona-
ovoneana, I fill it again (s.); ematoneaxene, the s. is
empty; nanimaoena and nanimaone ano, I wind it on s.;
naevhašexotohana, I unwind it (does not necessarily
imply s.); see wind.
spoon, ameškon, ameškonoz (pl.); eameškoneve, it is a s.;
ameškoneva, with a s.; ameškonea ehess, it is s.shaped,
like a s.; maxeameškon, large s., table s.; zceameškon,
small s.,tea s.; eamskonazena, he makes a spoony
mouth, pouts.
When writer came to the Ch. many were
still using wooden and horn spoons made by certain]
sport, see play.
[old men.
spot, heheozistoz, s., stain; eheheozistove, it is a s.;
zeheoxtavestoz, s. (mostly in ref. to colors); eze-
oxtav, it is a s., a dot, speck; ehoxtaeve, it is a s. (in
colors), also ref.to birthmarks; epavevoxtav, it (or.)
is beautifully colored in spots (of animals, insects,
calico prints); ehōetto, it is a s. (on clothing);
esaahoxtavhan, it is without s.,spotless; énotoxkōma,
spotted robe; evovoas, he is white spotted (of a horse
or other animal); see colors of animals, horses;
panooxtav, it has large spots (colors); ehehemo, it is
spotted, speckled (see speckle); esaavo tõenovhan, it is
without s., dazzling, not able to be looked at; inf.
-tom- on the s.; nitatomenahaz, I am going to kill
thee on the s.! See mark.
[s., undefiled.
spotless, esaahoxtavhan, it is s.; esaatasehettan, it is]
spotted, see color of animals (especially horses).
spousal, same as marriage.
spout, see nozle; ezhessonehao, it spouts, spurts.
sprain, nanimaeohan nazeq, I s.my leg or foot; nanimaeo-]
sprawl, ehatoes, he lies sprawled. [han naàz, I s.my hand.
spray, naheniškomōvotō hoxzetto, I s. the trees; see
spread, nasèpano hōma, I s.a robe,blanket; nasèpovoeše-
monotto, I s. a blanket over one; nasèpšeneo, I s.,
stretch it (or., blanket); nasèpemaena, I s.it (some-
thing folded or rolled); nasèpaoho, I s.it (or.); nat-
seono hōma honooneva, I s.a blanket, robe on the ground
or floor; eoxcetaxsèpezenōna, he spreads his wings
over; ezeezenōnao, he spreads his wings; napapanoha, I
s.it (with instr.on a surface, like butter on bread);
napapanoena, I s.it (with hand); nazhešeàzenoz peoxko-
noz, I s.,scatter the (fallen) branches; enisōenaoz, it
spreads (of branches on the tree); eōxtaeoz, it
spreads apart (as of two branches,limbs); evohoveoz >
it spreads apart; see apart; eōmomano, the clouds s.;
natahénen hoxtahanistoz, I s. the news, story: nahénev-
hōsta, I s. the tidings; namónhösta, I s. the news
abroad; ehénevatovā, the light (from fire, lamp)
spreads, radiates; ehénevoehansz, they (in.) s.,scatter
(as plants, like peanut plants); ehénevoeha, it spreads,
scatters in different directions; ehénevōvatto, it
(water) spreads out; mazhem emónhoneešen, the blood
spreads all over (in the body); emónhone ha vostanes-
toz, the people s.; inf.-héne- ref.to spreading, scat-
tering, disseminate; ehénevhistanoveo, they s.from each
other, are disseminated (as people); inf. -món- (not
-mone-) ref. to spreading out, forth; inf.-sèp- ref. to
spreading, stretching out; naheneenovasohe, I s. know-
lege,cause knowlege; Pavhostō ehénevhōeme, the Gospel
is s.; zeoxchešhénevhōeme Maheonhostō, the s.of the
sacred tidings; eoxchénehamoxtastove, the disease is
spreading, scattering; eoxcemónhamoxtastove, the dis-
ease is spreading out, abroad.
spreader, hénehaseneo or héneahaseneo,
spreads by throwing, casting.
sprightliness, nonahahestoz; see brisk, blithe.
sprightly, enonahahe, he is s.; see blithe, brisk.
spring, see leap, jump; eohāhecekoōs, it has a soft s.
(wagon, seat, bed); eohaenonxpoax, it springs
(something on springs); amoeneo zevešenonxpoōsena-
voss, wagon springs; zevešenonxpoōsenàtov nonohono ea-
senimaone-mahaaetto, the s.is coiled spirally; ehōneō,
it springs up (like a jet of water); emehōeneō,it ap-
pears springing up; eméanēoxz, it springs water, as wa-
ter springs, comes up to the surface; hohame, hohamēsz
(pl.), water s.; ehohamēve, it is a water s.; hohamee-
va, in the s.; hohamē, at the s.; eohaešeoz, he springs,
jumps up; ehoneoz, it springs, sprouts; eexhoneo,it has
sprung up, sprouted; in many instances letter "h" and
"x" (in Ch.) is inserted to express "S., sudden
action, by force, flow forth, originate". Mazeom, s.
(season); emazeomeve, it is s.; mazeomeva, in the s.;
inf.-hesse- cause, because of, origin, source.
sprinkle, nahehemōvsan, I s. (with liquid); nahehemōvoxz,
I s., besprinkle it; nahehemōvoto, I s., be-
sprinkle one; naheniškomōvoxz, I besprinkle it; see
splash; naheniškomaház, I s. it (with force, as
spraying): nahemotoxta, I s., besprinkle it (with the
mouth); nahemotomo, I s., besprinkle one (with mouth, as
Indian doctors do); nahemotoxtomovo, I besprinkle his
(in.); eookōxz, ehemokōxz, ehemooko, it is sprinkling
(of rain); navoxpano, I s., powder one (white); VOX-
paneo, talcum powder; evoxpanenàz, she sprinkles, pow-
ders her face; navoxpomaoxzevana, I salt it,s.salt on
it. See speckle.
[is a s.
sprinkler, heniškomahaseneo; eheniškomahaseneoneve,i
sprout, ehoneoz, it sprouts; eexhoneo, it has sprouted.
spruce, šistato, same as pine or fir.
spue, nahōoxta, I s.it out; nahōeàz, I s., sputter it out;
nixhōoxtoz, s. it out! Ezevanota, it spues it
upward; see raise.
spunk, see courage; hooasenanistoto,s., tinder, kindling.
spur, naaneceaovo, I s.him (by pricking); heto nszeane-
ceaōenoz, these (in.) shall s.thee on; heto nane-
šehozeovosetanoha, this spurs me to hope; verbal suff.
-oho (or.) spurring, prompting; navoešetanoho, I s.one
to rejoice; naametaneoho, I s. him to life, live; ōxa-
heō,-eōnoz (pl., in.), s. of rooster, bird; heōxaheō, his
s.; heōxaheōnevoz, their spurs.
spurious, see false, illegitimate.
spurn, natotazetan, I s.; natotazetanotovo, I s., disdain
him; see contempt, disdain; totazetanoxtoz, the
spurning (in thot); natotazetanoho, I spur him on to s.
spurt, ezhessonehao, it spurts out.
sputter, nahōeàz, I s.it out; see spit,spue.
sputum, see spittle.
nanoone, I s., scout; also nanōn; ninōnhemå,we s.;
nanōneta, I s.it; nanōnetovo, I s.him; ninōnetov-
oneo, we s. them (or.); nōne, nōneo (pl.), the s.; Hoenō-
neohe, Arrival of the Spies river.
squander, see waste.
pastatų padang pendekata
square, nasētostovevàkax, I cut it s.;nasētovs tovevàkaso
hohona, I cut the stone s.; nasētos tovevakonea-
so, I cut it (or.,as dry goods) s.; esētostovevàkone-
he,it (or.) is s. (a piece of drygoods); esētostovo, it
is s.; esētostovavxeo, it is written, drawn s.; esētos-
tovavxeoensz, they (in.) are written, drawn s. See]
squash, same as melon.
squat, naakonō, I s.; zeakonōsz, the squatting one; ako-
nōestoz, the squatting; āneakonō, Squatting-Hawk,
squeak, ececevon, it squeaks; ececevonensz, they (in.)
S.;esaacecevonehan, it does not s.; zeoxcecece-
von, the squeaking.
squeeze, nahehevåsena (also nahehevxsena), I s.it; nahe-
hevåseno eszehen, I s. the coat (or.); nihehevås-
enon, we s.it (or.); nazevxsena (also nazevåsena), I s.
it out; naēshevåsena, I s.it into; also naesezevåsena;
the rad.-ze- implies pressure, force; hehevxsenazis-
toz, the squeezing; zehehevxsene, that which is squeez-
ed; see wring.
squint, eonimeexan, he squints; Tozcemazene, S.-eyes, pr.]
squirm, see writhe.
squirrel, noe, noeeo (pl.);
squirt, same as spurt.
stab, naoaneòno, I s.him;
noeeson, young squirrels;]
[enoĕeve, it is a s.
naoaneōstòno, I s. (with one
stroke); eoaneōešeš, he is stabbed; eoaneova, he
stabs (collective meaning).
stable, naēstano mohènohamemhäon, I s.him, put him in the
s.; mohènohamemhäo, s., lit. horse house; emohè-
nohamemhäoneve, it is a s.
stable, adj.etoomahe, he is s., steady, does not change; ]
stableness, see steadiness; toomhastoz. [see steady.
stablish, natoomhekonemanisz, I s.it, make it stable;
etoomhekonemanehe, it is stablished, made
stack, móesz nazetozenoz,I s.hay; zeakotaesz móesz, hay
s.; see pile; natovonoeneoéhō, I s. them up (as tipi
poles stacked up in sheaf like manner, like rifles);
mahaatanosz natovono eneoészenoz, I s.up the rifles.
staff, hokto, hoktôo and hooxto,s.,cane; ehoktôneve and
ehooxtoneve, it is a s.; nathokto, nathoktoo
nathooxtō, my s.; hesthoktō, hesthoktôo and hesthooxtō,
one's s.; nathoktôonan, nathoktonan and nathooxtonan,
our s.; nsthokôonevoz, ns thoktonevoz and nsthooxtoney-
oz, your staffs; nahesthoktō, nahesthoktôon, I have a
staff; nahesthooxtona, I am provided with a s.; nahe-
sthooxtonaovo, I provide him with a s.;
and hooxtonistoz, s., the act of leaning on the s. (Ger.
Stütze); Maheo nahesthotonistovenoz, God is my s. (Ger.
meine Stütze); Maheo zehesthooxtonistovstovaz, God who
art my s., my "lean-on"; nišena natōena hoktôo, I hold
my s.with both hands; nahoktôonoan, I make a s
hoktoeō, I lean upon my s.; also nahooxtoeō; hoktoeo-
estoz, hooxtoeoestoz, the leaning upon the staff; hox-
nokavo, emblematic s. of a warrior band; hesthoxnoka-]
stag, hotoa vaozeva, bull deer.
[vó, his s.;
stagger, nahohozeš, I s.; ehohotšetto, it staggers; hoho-
tšenatoz, the staggering; zehohotšenaz, the stag-
gering one; zehohotšenasso (pl.).
staid, emómå tahe, he is s., grave, solemn, austere, sober;
etoomonezesta, he is s.,stable; see steady.
stain, nazemana, I s., soil it, make spots on it; ezemeoz,
it gets stained, soiled; see spot. Namaena, I s.it
red (see color, dye); namenokam namaenō, I s. my willow
sticks (or.) red; naoxoxzevheona, my hands are stained
stair, eévono, s., ladder; honistoz, honistotoz (pl.), s.
steps; naèn eévonoon, I go up the stairs; naèn
heama mhão, I go upstairs; nanhỏèn heama mhäo, I go
down stairs; eévonooneve, it is a s. case, flight of
stairs, stile, ladder.
stake, séhoestoz, séhoestotoz (pl.), s., pin (to fix in
the ground); eséhoestove, it is a s.; séhoetoham-
estoz,s.,picket pin; naséhoena, I s.it (by hand); na-
séhòno, I s. him (with instr.); naséhoha, I s. it (with
instr.); naséhoha vẽ, I s. down the tipi; séhoxzz, s. the
tipi! naséhohē, I s. the hide (to the ground); see pin,
stick. Naséoz, I bet, put at s.; naséoz mesestoz, I s.,
wager food; nanisimohova, I put food at s. (in gambl-
ing); nanisimoòn, I beat one in gambling for food; ni-
tanisimoheszhemå, let us put food for stakes (gambl-
ing); nahotän nisimoheszistovå, also nahotän meses-
toz (or mesem), I am beaten in the staking of food;
eséhoensz makätansz, money is put at s.; naséosan, I
put at S.
(in gambling); nanosoe, I s. food (in
games) ninosohemå, we s. food;
food is put at s. (in games);
nametkâe, I s., hazard;
nametkâetova, he stakes, hazards me;
met'kâestoz, S.,
hazard, risk. See pin, stick down.
stalk, naeveoxzenotto, I s., lurk for him (in order to
kill), lie in wait for game; zèvēsevoeve, the s. (of
plants); zesozeve, the s. (stubles of grass, wheat,
etc.); hooxzemenóe, hooxzemenósz (pl.), corn s.
stallion, mozēnoham.
[see stick.
stall, eho toonohoe, he is stalled, stuck (in mire, etc.);]
stammer, eótovenesz and enitaneva, he stammers; nitane-
vàtoz and ótovenszistoz, the stammering; zenita-
nevaz,zeótoveniszz, the stammerer; see stutter.
stamp, napâanen, I s., seal; napâana, I s., seal it; ehōme
pâaneo, it is stamped, sealed (when applied with
force); epâane, it is stamped, pasted against; pâaneo,
s., seal; pâaneonoz, stamps (postage). Nakokoevàta, I s.
with the foot; emomátaahàz, he stamps with the feet
(in anger, impatience).
stampede, eamxestove, it is a s.; eamxeo vèhoehotoā, the
cattle stampedes; amxestoz, s.; eamax, one stam-
pedes, runs away; eamxestanov, they s. from it; eamxe-
movo, they s. from him.
stanch, see check, close; naponomaena máe, I s.the blood;
etoomahe, he is s., constant; see steady.
stand, nanhe, I s. (at a place); ešenhēsz, remain stand-
ing! Nhētohamestoz, where the stock stands, pas-
tures (has pasture room); nanhēetovo, I s. before him;
nanhēeta, I s.before, or for it; enhēestove, they (inde-
finite) s there is a standing; nivā zenhēsz, who is
standing? Totxkōm enhē, he stands a little ways from
(in the water, near shore); nahanhē, I s.from; nahanhē-
etovo, I s. from him; hanhēsz, s. from! Nanhēetomotâ,I s.
for him; nhēestoz, the standing (at); setovōm enhē, he
stands in the middle of the water (river, lake or
pond); naoha, I s. up, rise; zeohāsz, the one standing
up, risen; see rise. Naneoveō, I s.up (and remain
tionary); neoveōsz, s. up! Nahossevá, I s.my ground;
suff.-eō ref.to "s. in the sense of "stationary,
still"; etahoe, he rides; etahoeō, he stands (still)
riding (on horseback or on a vehicle, but stationary,
not moving); eéatōeɔ̃, he stands looking up; emomoseō, he
stands moving; nazeenaeō, I s.with outstretched arms;
naevoeō, I s.looking all around; natåtaotoeō, I s.scan-
ning the horizon; nanešeō, I remain standing, I s.so;
ezhešeō, he stands thus, in this manner; nazhešeõetōen,
he stands thus before us; nahezeoneō, I s.pointing;
etomseō, he stands bolt upright; eoxoxzeveōeo, they
(or.,as trees) s.green; zeto hoxzetto epevatamaeōeo,
these trees s.beautiful; emomenōeōeo, they (or.) s.
looking beautiful; eoxoxzeveōensz, they (in.) s.green;
epevatamaeōensz zepevszeavósz, the flowers (in.) s.
beautiful, have a fine s., s.in all beauty; naheenseō, I
s.firmly, hold my ground; eamoneōeo, they s.in a row or
in rows; eamoneōensz, they (in.) s. in rows; eohazeōeo,
they s.laughing; emseōeo, they s.eating; eēveĕszeōeo,
they are standing and talking; etovonoeneōeo, they
(or., as tipi poles, rafters, etc.) S. stacked (in
sheaves); etovonoeneōensz maatanósz, the rifles s.
stacked; nahooxtoeō, I s. on my staff (leaning on);
enōstomaeō, he stands with face turned from; nahoeōe-
tova, he stands next to me; naoomoeōetovon, we s.;
hosshōsz,s. thou back! Hesshōsz, s. forth! Emetoes, eme-
tõesena,it (or., of celestial bodies, also of people
when on water) stands still from moving; emetōsta, in.
form of preceding; emetôn, it stands still (of birds
and fishes, standing still in the air or in the wa-
ter); emetoonešeō, he takes a foothold and rest; nase-
hoeoz, I s.firm, as if rooted, staked to a place; eavhō-
sta, it stands leaning over (suspended); eavota, it
stands, sets leaning; naneoveseš, I drink standing; na-
paonenhē, I s.behind; napaonenhēetovo, I s.behind one's
back; ešéxaneta, it stands partly sideways (not in
line); eséxanevota, it stands out of the line; ešexa-
neeō, he stands partly sideways (not in line with)
naomotaho, naomo tao, I s.by him, assist him; navistamo, I
s.for, with him; nistamo, my s.by; estamo, thy s. by; he-
vistamō, one's s.by; nistamōnan, our s.by; estamōnan,
our (incl.) s. by; estamōnevo, your s.by; hevistamōne-
vo, their s. by; nahevistamōn, I have a s.by; nahevista-
mōnenoz, he is my s.by; namanoeàzenaeō, I s. with my
hands bound, tied; namanooxtaeō, I s.with bound feet;
tõenišq nanoeo, I s. with a cup in hand; mxistō enoeō,
he stands with a book in his hands; nasaamàtatamohe, I
cannot s.him, he is not agreable to me; Kōmeō, Standing
quiet,pr.name; ekōmeō, he stands still, motionless;
ekōmenhē, he is standing still (at a place); taxeohes-
seo,s.(on which things are put)
standard, see example, rule, measure; taevavhoemanistoz,]
standby, nhestav; nistamo, nistamōn (pl.), my s.; see]
standing, expressed by suff.-eō, see under stand. [stand.
standstill, is expressed by rad. -meto- in following
terms: emetões, it (or.,as celestial bodies
or people on the water) is at a s., motionless (from
previous moving); emetōsta, in. form of preceding; eme-
tôn, it is at a s.,of a bird in the air (as some hawks
do) or a fish in the water. See stand.
star, hotoxc, hotoxceo (pl.,or.); eho toxceve, it is a s.;
evōmo hotoxk, he sees a s.; navōmo hotoxc, I see a
s.; these examples show the change in "hotoxc" when
it becomes obj.to a third pers. subj. Hotoxceva, in,
with a s.; manohotoxceo, the bunch of stars, Pleiades
(also title of a Ch.tale); hotoxc eamões, the s. moves
on; hotoxc easetões, the s. starts a moving; hotoxc
enimaōes ešeheva, the s.moves around the sun; nanoxtō-
esetõen hotoxc, the s.moves towards us; hotoxc enševō-
esena, the s.is moving swiftly, with speed; hotoxc ze.
hexovenševões, in the degree of the star's velocity;
emetōesena hotoxc, the s.is standing still; hotoxceo
eheovomaōesen, the stars appear yellow; hotoxceo ehaa-
xẽo, the stars are shooting (scratching); enetaxēo ho-
toxceo, the stars are shooting so, in the manner men-
tioned; hotoxc ehōesena, the s.comes out; hotoxc emeō-
esena, the s.moves into view; nahestoxkam, my s.; tass
nahestoxkamenoz, as it were he is my s.; nsthoxkaman-
eo, our stars (ceremonial term); vō, morning s.; meo
hotoxc, early s.,s.of the dawn; zenišstanehetos, heart
s.; zexhooneto, circle of stars, also zeohonevōesenas-
so, a group of stars forming a circle; mhäo or mooxz,
part of Ursa major; homä, beaver. These names are
given to certain groups of stars, some of which are
entirely different from the known constellations,
while others are only partly the same. For instance
the Ch.call "mooxz" the handle of the Dipper but do
not connect the rest of the constellation with it. An
old informant said that the Ch.used to have experts
who knew the stars and the names of all their differ-
ent groups, but this knowlege had been gradually neg-
lected and forgotten.
stare, esoss navehōmo, I s.at him; see gaze, look.
stark, ehenehae, one is s., stiff,q.v.
starlight, ehotoxkoenō, it is s.
start, expressed with inf.-as- to begin;
etto, zenxhesseaseoz, where it starts from;
zenxhesseaseoxzetto, where I started from; moneasetto,
from the very s., beginning; ease toēta, he makes a s..
the beginning (in ceremonials); nitaasetoētamå, let us
begin, open, s. our doing, performance, ceremony, etc.; ea-
setomao, it has a s., an introduction; esaa-asetomaoe-
han, it has no s., special way of opening, beginning (as
in ceremonies); nahóseoetoeneo, they started after we
did (into it after we did); inf. -masó- denotes "s."
in the sense of "sudden motion or effusion, burst,
sally"; emasóhèpôoz, he started in fright; emasóaxae-
meoz, she started to cry; emasóohaz, he started to,
burst into a laugh; inf. -séhov- implies "surprise,
startling". Naséhovaého, I s., surprise him. Aseozis-
toz, the starting; asetoētastoz, the starting, beginning
of a doing; asethozeohestoz, the s.of a work; asetha-
moxtäozistoz, the s. of a disease.
startle, see surprise; naséhovaého, I s., surprise one.
starvation, avōnestoz; see famine, fast.
starve, naavōn, I s.,am famished; naavōn mesestovå, I s.,
perish of hunger; naavōn manistovå, I s., per-
ish of thirst; naavōn màpeva,
same as preceding but
hestam, one's
I make him to]
[have s.
is a s.; emesoceveo, they are swallows.
swamp, eszene; zeeszeneevomao, swampy ground; hoxzeomeš,
s.oak; naoxseàz semo, I s. the boat; eoxsešeme se-
mo, the boat is swamped; see capsize.
swap, see barter, trade.
swarm, emanoeháo, they s.together (in flying); emaxhoe-
háo, they come in swarms;
they s.
(whirling, Fr. tourbilloner); zexhevenovevoss hànomao, a
s.of bees (ref.to the hives they are in).
sway, naevoneahonon, I roast by swaying (over the fire);
see influence, swing. Nahotxovahaman, I am swayed to
and fro; ehotxovahame, it is swayed to and fro; nahot-
xovaház, I s.it to and fro; hotxovahasenistoz, the mak-
ing s.to and fro;
the swaying to
and fro.
swear, navistomōhan, I s.,take an oath, make a covenant
(with ceremony); navis tomōhaovo, I s.him, make him
to take an oath,q.v. Nahestosenonoan, I s., blaspheme;
hetosenonoanistoz, the swearing, blaspheming; see
curse; naōceno navistomōhanistoz, I s. falsely.
sweat, nahòpeoz, I s., am sweating; nahòpenozeoz, I s.
(after eating); hòpeozistoz, the sweating, s.; hò-
penozeozistoz, the sweating (after eating). Nahema, I
take a s.bath.
sweat lodge, emaom (ema concealed om =lodge); this
ref.to the common s.; vonhäom is the cere-
monial s.(see under Sun dance); naemanan, I build a
s. emanhohonaeo, stones for the s.;
emanósz, willow
rods used in the erection of a s.; emâm ehoešeme, the
s.is covered (with skins or blankets); eesevonèn, he
crawls into. The ceremonial s.is built with greater
care and with more rods than the common one. The
sticks are stuck in the ground and then bent at their
upper ends which are then tied together with withes
to form a hemispherical booth. The rod that forms the
middle line from east to west represents the sun's
path. On the inside of a ceremonial s. the sod is re-
moved and a circular hole (about 4" deep) is made in
the center, where the heated stones are put. All this
is done by a priest, who also draws symbolical signs
in the interior of the hole. From the hole a straight
path to the fire heap and the buffalo skull outside
is cut out of the sod. These ceremonial sweat lodges,
with the path to the fire and skull, used to be built
with much painstaking by the officiating priest.
Writer saw one of these men using the fore lower leg
of a buffalo to make the imprints of the bull's foot
in the cut path, the tracks leading from the buffalo
skull and fire into the hole inside the Vonäom. The
sun's heat that has made the wood (which is used to
heat up the stones) grow, passes thru combustion into
the stones. These are carried into the circular hole
of the s.along the cut path. When the water is poured
upon the stones, their heat is transmitted into steam
and the latter is inhaled by the people squatting
the s.,cleaning them externally and internally and
giving them new life power. The form of the
path and
its meaning is of phallic nature, not with immoral
meaning or teaching but representing life coming to
men in the form of heat. The same idea is repre-
sented in the Sun dance lodge which is called Maxevo
näom (see Sun dance). An old priest (Lefthandbull)
told writer that the ceremonial s. (Vonäom) was in-
troduced long after the common s., which meant only а
private sweat bath, often taken by single ones where-
ever they were and without ceremony. According to
dreams which a priest may have had or copied from
some other tribes certain changes are made in the
ceremony, as the sticking in the ground of certain
young trees (usually cotton wood or cedars, with foli-
age on) in front of the s., and the whole doing may
receive a different interpretation. From what writer
has seen of the religious ceremonies of the Ch. shows
that in the past as well as in the present constant
changes have taken place in them.
sweep, namxeen or namxehen, I s.; namxevomaoha, I s. the
ground (with something); namxevomoha mhão, I s.the
house; namxéa, I s.it; namxena, I s.it (with the hand);
namxevēnoena and namxevēnota, I s.the snow; namxevōmo-
toxta, I s.it (liquid, beverage) by blowing with mouth;
emxevomaenena also emxena, it sweeps (said of wind,
tornado, flood and the like); emxevomaoe, the ground,
floor is swept; mxeenistoz, the sweeping. When an ac-
tion is done with one "s., stroke, flash" it is ex-
pressed by the instr. suff. -ōstòno, etc. (see Instr.
Form in Ch.gr.).
sweepings, mxeeneonoz; see débris, fragment.
sweet, eveceeno, eveeno, it is s.; esaavecenoehan, it is
not s.; naveceana and naveeana, I make it s.;
moemoxšen, moemoxešsz (pl.),s.grass (aromatic herb of
the mint family); evoxcemeeoz, it smells s. (as in-
cense), pungent; epavemeeoz, it smells good, s. ho-
enoxkon, s. potatoes; nahozēhe, I give a present to my
s.heart; nihozēhemå, we give presents to our s.hearts;
hozēhestoz, the giving of a present to a s.heart; me-
ōn, s.heart; hemeōn, one's s.heart, loved one; veeanō, or
zevecekòkonôo, s. bread, cake or pie; vecemàp, s.water =
sweeten, naveceana and veeana, I s.it; zeveceane, that
which has been sweetened; veceanenistoz, the
sweetening; esaaveceanehan, it has not been sweetened.
sweetly, expressed by inf.-nonizeom- gently, kindly.
mahàz eo-
swell, epoheoz, it is swollen, it has swelled;
heoz, the hand is swollen; epohâta, it swells (by,
from heat, as bread); epoaseoz, he swells, bloats up;
examapoaseoz, he is swollen (in sick condition); eoxk-
seaseoz, he swells (as a horse when one tightens the
cinch); eoxkseasemeohe, he strains to s.; epohòtaoz,
it swells, bloats (as of animals after being killed);
ehestovome, it is swollen, inflated,blowed up; see
blow; nahestovoxta, I make it s. by blowing into it;
màp evešepohoxos, he has dropsy, his flesh is swollen
by water; see dropsy; eoháo,it is a painful swelling;
oháoxtoz, painful swelling; emahaeoxz, it swells up,
gets large; eashãoetameoxz ohe, the river is swollen,
is getting deeper; hessevōmeozistoz,s. (of waves), see]
swelter, naohāhòpeoz, I s., perspire profusely. [water.
swerve, enohéoz, he swerves, turns from his course,
swift, rendered by inf.-nše- and -vestov- also by suff.
-ao; ehātao, he is s. of foot; nahoao, I arrive
swiftly; ehoao, it has arrived
(as a wire message);
nahoaotovo, I follow him swiftly, leap after him; enše-
vetto ohe, the river flows swiftly; evestov'netto, it
is s.,fleeting; see quick.
swim, natohona, I s.; naame tohona,
I keep on swimming;
natonševe tohona, I know how to s.; nahoxove tohona, I
s.across; naexxovotohona, I have swum across; naonone-
tohona, I s. ashore; tohonàtoz, the swimming; zetohon-]
swindle, see cheat.
[az, the swimmer.
swing, navavae,
navavae,I s.; navavaeto, I s.him; zevavaēsz, the
swung one; navavahamo, I s.him (with force); na-
evoneahamo, I s., sway one; navavaosemo, I s.him to
sleep (in talking, singing, also fig. as when voices,
noise or speech make one to sleep); vavaestoz enokon-
eo, a single s., or a s.with a single rope; enisoneo, it
has two ropes, strings; enishoszeo, they hold each other
with the feet (in swinging, see page 834, #15); nahéne-
heōstòno, I s.him upward; eoxcevohovevoeovàzeo, they
kick apart (in the s.play); naonimotaoehàz, I s.it
around (as a lasso); naonimotaoehamo setoxceo, I s. the
rope; naonimotaoešemo, I s.it (or.) around; eonimo tao-
eš,it (or.) swings around; eonimotaoeha, it (in.)
swings around; eonimotaoehame, it is swung, flung]
swirl, see whirl.
switch, veceoheo, s. (to punish with).
swollen, epohoxos, his body (flesh) is swollen; see]
swoon, enäoz, one swoons, faints, is dying; näozistoz, the
swooning; eoxcenäoz, he has fainting spells.
swoop, ehōešeš,it (or.) swoops, alights on; naōešetova,
he swoops down upon me, alights on me; suff.-ōstò-
no, etc. (see Instr. Form in Ch.gr.) expresses something
done with a s.
sword, xovatov, xovatovonoz (pl.) s.; exovatovoneve, it
is a s.;
zehestovonenetto xovatov, two edged
(lit.toothed) s.; xovatovoneva, by, with the s.; na-
heszxovatovon, I have a s., am sworded;
oneoz, I am provided with a s.
syllable, oakoanistoz, s. (in utterance); zeoakovxeo, se-
parate s.(in writing, print).
symbol, see represent; eoxcetomōetto, it is a s., it sym-
bolizes; nahe tomōtxevaheve, I am a s.; hetomōtxe-
vahevestoz, the being a s.; hetomōtxeva, s.
symbolize, nahetomoto, I s.him; nahe tomōxta, I s.it; na-
hetomōsan, I s. (predicative); zehetomōsz,
one symbolized; ehetomōhe, it (or one) is symbolized;
hetomōsane, the one who symbolizes; hetomōhestoz
hetomōsanistoz, the symbolizing.
sympathetic, ešivaztaeoneve, he is s., merciful.
sympathize, našivatamo, I s. with one, have mercy
him; navis toomenemo, I suffer, s.with him;
navistavōna, I am sympathized with, have sympathizers;
nahaestovistavōna, I have many sympathizers.
sympathy, šivaztastoz, s., mercy, pity; našivatametano to-
symptom, see sign.
[vo, I show him s., mercy.
synagogue, mohēoxzemhäo, meeting house.
syrup, pane aseo,s., molasses; epaneaseoneve, it is s.,
molasses; paneaseoneva, with s., molasses.
system, nionone, without s., at random; also toxtomonetto
and inf.-toxtomon-; eoxcseseheoneoxz hevxozevo,
it affects, goes thru their body, system.
in Ch.is pronounced like in "tea". When immediately
followed by an apostrophe (t') it has an explosive
sound. Before an "e" the "t" changes into "z"
to, I give it to him; emeze, he is given it; taxce,
small; ez(e)ceo, it is small). At the end of a word it
sounds as if a mute "o" followed it. It is used to
combine an aspirate with a vowel, as,nathoe, my land,
nathozeoestoz, my work, nàtam, my food (instead of, na-
hoe, nahozeohestoz, etc.).— The sound of "t" has the
etymological value of "thru" in the sense of "unob-
structed, open, clear, the entire reach, from one end to
the other, to a termination, over all parts, in the
midst, middle".
table, taxemesestoz, eating t.; taxemxistonestoz, writing
t.; the word "taxemesestoz" is used in general
for t.; taxemesestotoz, tables; etaxemesestove, it is
a t.; esaataxemesestovhan, it is not a t.; zeniveox-
tatto, the four-legged one (in.) =t.; tamēsevota,t.
knife; taxemesestoz zeoxcsòpao, folding t.
taboo, enhaston, it is tabooed; see forbid.
tack, same as nail; napanôn, I t.; napanòno, I t. it
(or.); napanoha, I t.it (in.); napanoha mxisto ho-
toma mhão, I t.paper in the house; napanòno šistato
hotoma mhão, I t., nail the board in the house.
tact, otoxovastoz, t., wisdom, the knowing how.
tail, maevax and mazevax; heevax, usually heszevax, its
(animal, insect) t.; votonsz, t.feathers of birds;
heszevotonsz, its t.feathers; Votona, T. feather (fem.),
pr.name; natōevotonano, I hold it (or.) by the t. (t.
feathers); suff.-vass ref.to t.in verbal forms; eton-
ševass, how is it tailed? heszevax nazekseōstòno, I cut
its (or.) t.short; nahešce-hevaseōstòno, I cut the tip
of its t.(with a blow, stroke); nahešce-hevasseōstaso,
I cut the tip of its t. (with a knife, at one cutting);
namhävasseōs tòno, I cut off its t. (entirely, with one
stroke); navakoéso and navakoso, also navahos, I bob-
tail it (or.); hotam evakoešē hetanekašgon, the dog
has been bobtailed by the boy; eneševass, it is tailed
that way (as mentioned or showed); eniševass, it has
two tails; etósevass, it is long tailed; evoxpevass,it
is white tailed; natōevaseno, I hold him by his t. ;
votonsz emoxtavstaettonsz, the t.feathers are black;
their tails
nanonoevasseetō, I tie to each of
thing, as a tin can); also nanonoevasseetohō, I tie to
each tail (something); nanoniševasseetō, I tie their
tails together by twos; vohénezevósz, cattails
(rushes); vohéneoxzemaxz, stem of the cattails. Hesze-
vax, its t., is also used for anything that is t.shap-
ed, like the handle of a skillet, dipper, etc.
tailor, vohetxovavèho; zeoxcemaneoz vešeĕsenestoz, the]
taint, see defile.
[one who makes trousers.
take, nahestanen, I t. (predicative); nahestana, I t.it;
nahestano, I t.him; ehestane, it or one is taken;
hestaneneo, the one who takes, also the one who borrows
or buys on time; hestaneonoz, that which is taken,
bought on time, debts; esaaešeēnanônoz hestaneonoz, he
has not paid his debts (what he had taken); nahesta-
nomevo, I t.it from him; nahestanomovo, I t.his (in.);
nahestanamo, I t.his (or.); t'sa nihehestana, where
didst thou t.it from? naesevaena, I t., seize, t. hold of
it (for a while, automatically, instinctively); nahōhe-
stana, I reach out to t.it; nahōestxtana, I come within
reach of it (by putting out the hands); nahōstano, I
t.him out (from an enclosure); naomano, I t.him from
on top off (Fr.de dessus); nanoasenoz, I t.him along,
away (by force); tastanoz, t.it (when handing to one);
nahōvxtōe, and navèphovxtōe, I t.out, empty (that which
has been stored up); nanitovoxz and nanhoenoxz, I t.it
out from inside a bag, sack, etc., also nahoèno, I t.it
(or.) out of the sack,
nanoeha, in. of preceding;
made to enter; nahōeozhan, I am taken out,
out; nahechestana, I t.it easily, softly, quietly;
nenxana, I t.it apart, to pieces; easethoneo, it takes
root; eoxceota-ninoveexov, it takes some time, awhile;
nataneoxz, natanoèn, I t.it along; nahōvoenananoz, I t.
them (in.) all (in games, beat); nanitoxca, I t.off my
hat; nanitananoz namocanoz, I t.off my shoes; also na-
nitôan; nanēs'an, I t.off my clothes; nanitana,
I t.,
pull it off (as a handle from a drawer, a ring from a
finger); hosz nahénena pen'nôo, I t., pour out some
flour; nataat'san, I t.aim; navhoneno, I t.him up, lift
him out by hand (at an angle); naéoneano, I t., lift
him up (by means of a rope); naasetōva, I t. away (by
means of water); naasetōvoxz, I t.it away (by means of
water); naasetōvoto,or. of preceding; naasetovoxtovo,
I t.his (or.) away (by water); naasetana, I t., remove
it; naasetanomevo, I t.it away, remove it from him; na-
menanon, I t.back (something previously given [this
was considered worse than stealing]); namenanōhan,
is taken back from me (as a gift that was given to
me); nanoeōenoz, I t.one up (as in lifting up, taking a
child in one's arms); našexano navoomoota, I t.off my
collar or neck tie; naonehaootanano, našexootanano and
nanitootanano, I t.off his necktie,neckwear; see neck-
tie; našēxa, I t.meat off the bones (with knife);našē-
xanoz and nase seaxanoz, I t., cut them (in.) off (as the
corn from the ear); naanhana, I t.it down; see catch.
tale, hoxtaheo; see story; vhanhoxtaheo, mere t.; eaes-
tomhoxtahan, he tells a t., a false story.
talisman, vonhäxa; see amulet, idol.
empty the interior of a bag;
naĕseozhan, I am taken in,
made to go
talk, naēsz, I t., speak, q.v.; nameseoan, I t. plainly;
ehavsevoan, he talks (also pronounces) badly;
epevoan, he talks well; naotoxoveēsz, I t.with experi-
ence, wisdom; eononiseēsz, he talks foolishly; ehāono-
he talks much, is talkative (has a busy, bad
tongue); nahesshāonovatōeneo, they have quite a t. on
our account; eheomenistxnoan, he talks on too many
different subjects
subjects (as when a speaker touches too
many topics in one speech); etxkomonoan, he talks
short, not many words; eoxcetószistoxtnoan, he is a
talker,is talkative (Ger.redeselig); eoxcetószistox-
tazena, he talks too long, without ending; ezestoxtaze-
nax, he is much talked about: natotoxesta, I t. about
it; natotoxemo, I t. about him; natotoxstomevo, I t.
about it for (unto) him; totoxseo, that which is talk-
ed about, or the one who talks about; vhanetotoxseone-
va, by a mere t.; evhanetotoxseoneve, it is only a t.;
etotoxseoneve, it is a t., subject, topic for discus-
sion; etotoxsetaneva, he talks about, gossips, judges;
totoxsetanevàtoz, the talking about, judging, gossiping;
eheškovázena, eheškovàz, he has thorny lips; enešehahe,
he talks that way, it is his voice; navonevamon, we
disturb him in his t.; eoxchessevonevamàzistov, dis-
turbance is made by talking (in some games in order
to confuse the player); enonosta, he talks back; eno-
nostovo, he talks back to one; naoxceeseoetanov, we t.,
discuss, converse about it; navonevaosemo, I disturb
him by talking; namomehememo, I t.friendly of him (al-
so flatter); namomehemesta,in. of preceding; see flat-
ter. Ezesenesz, he talks Ch.; see speak; eoxceēszisto-
ve, there is a t., a council. [eohastahe, he is very t.
tall, ehāstahe, he is t.; see high, measure, size; eota-]
tallow, hekoneam, t., suet, hard fat; also hekona amsq, or]
tally, see under play, page 831, #8.
tambour, oneavo; see drum.
tame, enonizeomae, it (or.) is t., gentle, meek; nanonize-
omo, I t.him; nonizeomhastoz, tameness, gentle-]
tamper, see meddle.
[ness; enáe, he is untamed.
tan, nahónen, I t.a hide; nahoneoxta, I t.it; naexhonen, I
finish tanning. Following terms are used in tan-
ning: hesthàp, liver, brain and lard mash (a mixture
for tanning process); nahestàpan, I treat the hide
with preceding mixture; naéohē, I soak the hide; niéo-
hēmå, we soak the hide; maešéohēz, when we have soaked
the hide; nasèpao, I stretch it (hide); hóneo, hide to
be tanned; honeoó, pole on which the hide is stretch-
ed; nataešhoneonoan, I have it stretched on a pole;
nasèpōsen, I tie it, stretch it, getting ready for work;
ahoenovotäva, knife used in scraping the hide; namxē, I
work it; namxēonatto, my string (the kind used in
working the hide), string of raw hide; hekone va naea-
neòno, I go over it with a bone to see if it is well
soaked; honenistoz, tanning process; honens tovå, in
tanning; nasèpseòno, I stretch it (or.); naseòno, I pin
it down; namaeō, I am scraping it; maen, tool used in
scraping; naexōna, I take the hair off; monàzz, monà-
zetto (pl.), scraper (made of an elk horn to which a
sharp stone or piece of metal used
to be attached);
namonàzz, my scraper; hemonàzetto, her scraper; hoea,
hide; nathoeanam, nathoeanamoz (pl.), my hide (in tan-
ning); mseškan, t.(color,q.v.).
tangible, emxaooneve, it is t., can be touched.
tangle, etotahopeoz, it is tangled; etotahoponeane, it is
tangled (thread, rope); natotahoponeaoho, I t.
him up (with a rope); eatokonsz, they (in.) are tan-
gled (as branches); etotahopae, he is tangled, in dis-
order; see entangle; totahopeozistoz, the t.,tangling;
totahopeozistovå, in the t.
[see barrel, vessel.
tank, maxeveto, large vessel; maxeveoemax, large barrel;]
tap, nakokonôn, I t.(with something); nahecekokonan, I t.
(with the hand); kokonônistoz, kokonanistoz, the tap-
ping, knocking.
taper, naheškosôn, I t. (with instr.); naheškosoha, I t.it
(by striking); naheškosax, I t. it (with knife);
eheškos,it is tapering, pointed; naheškosemanisz, I
make it tapering; hešksēsehotam, tapering nosed dog =
pig; hešksemhão, tapering house, steeple.
tapeworm, mazemènemoxtam; naheszemènemoxtam, I have the
tarantula, moxtavèho,black spider; also maxevèho, large]
tardy, see late.
target, oneanistoz (for gun shooting); hoaniškoz, or ho-
aniškoxtoz, arrow t. (the arrow being used as a
t.); nasz mahe eoxcenehovetto hoaniškoz, one arrow is
itself a t. (wherever it is shot and sticks in the
ground or something else); nakahaeha hoaniškoz, I
shoot close to the t.; ekahaehå hoaniškoto, he shoots
close to the t.
tarry, zeo nanethoe, I t.here, at this place; ešenethōsz,
t.on! naohaeoxta, I t.,stay long; nanovhoeoxz, I]
tart, see acid.
[t.on the way, come slow, straggling.
task, hozeohestoz, t., work; nathozeohestoz, my t.,work.
tassel, hooxz emaoxcē, the corn is tasseling; emaoxcē-
netto, it tassels, heads out (like a plume), also
said of grass, cereals, etc.; emao xcēna, he has a feath-
er on the head; ehemaoxcēno, they (or.) have head
feathers, like a t. (ref. to a downy feather stuck on
top of the head); maoxcē, head ornament (sticking up),
tuft; namaoxcē, my head ornament, my tuft,t.; nimaoxcē-
nan, our head ornament, tuft; hemaoxcenevo, their tuft,
t.; paveahàtovehå nišą na èyo tass nihemao xcēnenotto,
obey well thy father and mother, they are as it were
thy head ornaments, tassels [where we say crown in the
fig.]. Maoxcēnahe, Feather-on-head-woman, pr.name.
taste, naoneasen. I t., try the t.; naonéàta, I t.it, try
its t. [naoneàta, I am deaf]; oneasenistoz, the
tasting, trying the t.; naneoneasen, I know by t.;
neonéàta, I know it by its t.: nameasen, I t.; nameàta,
I t.it; paveasenistoz, good t., the good tasting; eve-
ceeno, it tastes sweet; evoxpomàzēno, it tastes salty;
eveneno, it tastes flat (like alkali); see flavor,
tattered, epēsan, he is t., ragged: see rag, torn. [savor.
taunt, natohosemo, I t., provoke him; naomosemo, I t.
badger him; inf. -tohos- =tauntingly, with
scoffing, jeer, provocation; toho semazistoz, the taunt-
ing,t.; natohoseohazetovo, I t.him with laughing; see]
taut, see stretch.
[contempt, provoke.
tax, ēnaneonoz (pl.); from naēnana, I put, set it down;
naēnaneonoz, my taxes: ēnanenistoz, the t.giving;
ēnanomoxtastoz, the paying of taxes; ēnane one-hovxsa-
nehe,t.collector: ēšhoemaoe zetoshexovēnanenistove, it
has been decreed, regulated, decided how much it is to
be taxed; esaavessehōemehan ēnanoeoneva, it has not
been taxed along with (sc. something else), has not
been counted in the t.; mazhotoz na hoe zevešeēna-
nomoez',t. for things and land; all the above terms
are of very recent origin. [evèpozehòpeve, it is t.
tea, vèpotoz, t., or leaves; vèpozehòp, t. (as beverage);]
teach, navovis tomosan, I teach (predicative); navovisto-
mosen, I t.(actually); navovistomevo, I t.one; evo-
vistomohe, he is taught; nazeomosan, I t. (by pointing,
directing); nazeòmevo, I t.him (by pointing); naanee-
va, I t., train,q.v.; vovistomosanistoz, the teaching;
vovistomevazistoz, the teaching.
teacher, vovistomosanehe and vovistomosenehe; evovisto-
mosaneheve, he is a t.; zevovistomosansz,
vistomosensz, the one who teaches; zeomosanehe, zeomo-
senehe,t. (by pointing); zezeomosansz, the one who
teaches (by pointing); nha zevovistomōsz, my t., the
one teaching me; navovistomosaneham, my t.; zeanee-]
teaching, see teach.
[vaz, t., trainer: see train.
teal, oxcem.
team, toaseo (ref.to horses); hetoaseon, one's t.; nito-
aseonaneo, our teams; hetoaseonevo, their teams;
etoaseoneve, it is a t.
do not
tear, v.,napeena, I t.it; napeenomevo, I t. this (in.);
napooeno, I t.off a piece (sp. of drygoods, gar-
ments); napoéovo eszehen, I t.a hole in the coat;
popoahàz, I t.it by force; napopoahamo, or. of preced-
ing); napenoxta, I t.it (with teeth); napenomo, I t.it
(or., as mata peyote); napenoahàz, I t. it in pieces
(by breaking); namame poena, I t.it off in chunks; epo-
poeha namocan, my shoes are torn; nszevépohàz,
let it t.off; napoe hàz, I t.a hole in it; napoešemo,
or.of preceding; napopoešemo nazezexōma, I make a t.in
my shawl; epopoešenaō šistato, the boards are torn,
cracked (from shrinking); napēoho, I cause him to be
torn to pieces; epopooneeoz, it tears asunder, apart
(as a rope,wire); napopooneohaovo, I cause it (or.) to
t.; naamoenana, I t.it (as paper); naamoenano hōmå, I
t.the robe thru; naoxoeno, I t.it (or., as a robe) in
two; naoxoena, I t.it in two; naoxevoheno, I t.it (or.)
off; naoxaosan, I t.; naoxaovo', I make it (or.) to be
torn; eoxaomoe, it is torn; eoxaosanetto, it tears
(acting); navoxkoeno, I t.it (or.) crooked;
na,in.of preceding: naamseoena, I t.it thru the width;
navoeno kakoešeon, I t. the goods (calico) apart; nasò-
komoena, I t.it in narrow strips; naoxana navenoz,I t.
my tipi; eoxeōstahå, it is torn by wind, force; naonen-
xana, I d., demolish it; haavhan eavahamō hoxzetto, the
wind tears down the trees; naoxēto, I t.him (as an
animal does, by pulling towards itself); navoveshano,
I t.him to small pieces; navoveshana, in. of preceding;
naōxzenaoho, I t.his mouth (by pulling apart, as Samson
did); naōxahamo, I t. him in two (in pulling apart);
napénoxta, my pants are torn; napéeszehen, my coat
shirt) is torn; napénoxca, my hat is torn; napénocan,
my shoes are torn; napénoxeon, my stockings, socks are
torn; epeeoz, it is torn; eōxevoeha, it is torn, broken
up; eōxevoeš, it (or.) is, lies torn, broken up; see
break, crush.
tear, n.,mahän, mahänoz (pl.); nanehänèno, I wipe one's
tears (with something); nanhäneno, I wipe one's
tears (with the hand); nanhänenàz, I wipe my tears
(with the hand); nanehänesz, I wipe my tears (with
something); nahän eanho sevō, my tears run down (flow);
emomeaehän, he has bloody tears; evōmo eanhosevōxtó,or
eamesevōxtó, he saw him with tears running down; na-
sèphän, I cannot keep the tears back; naoemhän, I la-
ment with tears; naomomhän, I wail with tears; nahos-
axan, I keep the tears back, keep from crying; see cry;
eōotoanao, the tears fall one after another; naomomos,
I have tears (from cold); rad. -omom- ref.to the shed-
ding of tears, weeping; eomomhôna, he prays with tears;
niomomemomoxzema, he is entreating thee with tears;
heexa eoxenoešenaz' mahäen, her eyes are full of
tears; emomàpeō, he has tears in his eyes, looks tear-
ful; amevōzistoz, the flowing, wetting with tears;
esaa-anhosevōxzehan, 'it does not wet down, run down (of
tears); enone otōene, he is t. or dust stained (around
the eyes.
[(in words); see joke.
tease, nanasoého, I t.one (in acts); nanasoēmo, I t. him]
teaspoon, zceameškon, zceameškonoz (pl.), small spoon; ]
teat, hehevon, hehevonos (pl.).[ezceameškoneve, it is a t.
tedious, ehoniztavenono, it is very t.; ehoniztavez-]
[hess, it is t.like.
teem, see abound.
telegram, ehoao hoxtaheo, a t. has come.
telegraph, hoxtabanemakät, telling wire, iron; see wire;
navešhotono hoxtahanemakätaeva, I inform him
by means of the t.
telephone, same as telegraph; navešeĕsztovo hoxtahane-
makä taeva, I speak to him by t.; natavešhotono
hoxtahanemakä taeva, I t.to one, inform him by wire,q.v.
telescope, maxhekōoxtoz.
tell, nahoxtahan, I t., narrate; hoxtahane, the teller,
narrator; nahethoxtahan, I am telling; nanet-
hoxtahan, I am telling so or from; zehoxtahansz, the
one telling; nahoxtahaovo, I t.him; nahoxtahanetovo, I
t.concerning one, testify about him; nahoxtahaneta, I
t., testify about, concerning it; ezethoxtahan, he tells
thus; hoxtaheo, story teller or the story itself;
ehoxtaheonatto, it tells, narrates (as a book);
taheonan, I t.in parables; nahosesta, I t. of it; nahos-
emo, I t.of one; nahoses tomosan, I t., testify;
zistoz, the telling of; choseme, it is told of one,
it is told; esaahosemehan, it is not told of; nahozee-
mo, I let him know (by messenger, word); nahotono, I t.
inform him; natoxhotonō zehetāozistove, I t.(them)
thru the whole camp; nanheševaeno, I just, merely t.
him; nioxzhešenhetaz, I told thee (implying that the
telling was not heeded); naoxzhešenheto, altho I told
him; nanitaemo, I have told him all; ninitaemaz, I have
told thee all I had to say; ēvenesz, he tells lies;
naheto,I t.(told) him, say to him; see say.
temerity, hestatamahestoz; see bold.
temper, enehes taha, he is short tempered; epavstaha, he
has a good t., heart; emomátastaha, he has a]
temperance, see sober.
[violent t.; see heart.
temperate, see sober; eomata, he is t. (in words or eat-
ing and drinking); inf.nhastom- =refraining,
abstaining from; nhastomevostanehevestoz, t.living.
temple, can be rendered by suff.-om =lodge, covered in-
terior; maheonemhão, t., sacred house; vēsta, t.(of
head); navēsta, my t.
tempt, navonhosemo, I t.,influence him (by words); na-
vonhoaovo havseveva, I t.him into evil; naavosého,
I t.,entice him to wrong; eavosohetto,it tempts.
temptation, vonhoaovazistoz; vonho semazistoz, t., persua-
sion, coaxing; vonhoahotanevàtoz, the tempting
(as a state, habit, vocation); evonhoaovazistove nito-
ve, it is a t.for me; avoshàzistoz,t., enticement; avo-
stomanistoz, t., seduction, the making inclined so; hoe-
novàtoz, bait; ehesthoenovàtov, it is a bait; Havsevev-
han hesthoenovàtov, the Evil's bait,t.; eavosohestove,
it is a t.a cause to fall.
1 Adde quedang
tempter, vonhoahotanevahe, the t.; Maxevonhoahotane vahe,
the great t., the Evil one; evonhoahotanevaheve,
he is a t.(as a habit,vocation); zevonhoaosansz,
one who tempts; nha zevonhosemosansz, the one who
coaxes, influences; avosohe, t., the one causing to]
ten, matòt; see numeral.
[fall, seductor.
tenacious, see strong; ehekonepäoz, it is t., adheres
fast; ehekonetoetan, he is t.; inf. -saapóe- =
not coming off, adhering; esaapóetōetanotô heēszistoz,
he holds tenaciously to his word.
tenacity, hekonetōetanoxtoz, the holding firmly in mind,
purpose; hekoneozistoz, firmness, t.
tend, is not expressed by any particular term but is
often implied by inf. -he- and -ta-;
I will t.to it; heto nahethozeoheta, I t.to this work.
tender, see offer; ehec, it is t.,soft,q.v.; enonizeom-]
tenderloin, honovoxk; see meat. [staha, he is t.hearted.
tenderly, expressed by inf.-nizeom- gently, t.
tenderness, see soft; nonizeomstahàtoz,t.of heart; hòp-]
tenfold, matòtov; see numeral. [sanistoz,t., leniency.
tenor, see sing.
[-meohe straining.
tense, expressed by inf. -ohā- =very much; also suff.]
tent, expressed with suff.-om when ref.to lodge; vèhoe-
om, white man's lodge square t.; see tipi; navē-
nonaovo, I make him to have, be provided with a t.; ho-
veoeom, arbor, summer shade (t. built of foliage for
summer use); oneanotxe om, drum warrior t., lodge; oxhe-
heom, Sun dance t., lodge; nocehóm, lone t., lodge (espe-
cially in ref. to a ceremonial lodge of the Sun
dance); maheoneóm, sacred t. (where ceremonial arrows
are kept); mashaóm, crazy t. (of the Crazy band); VOX-
cahóm, ceremonial hat lodge; mxeeóm, ghost t.; hesta-
tōn vèhoeómē, ridge pole of square t. See tipi.
tenth, zematòtaonetto, the t.one (in.); zematòtaonsz,]
tepid, see lukewarm, warm. [the t.one(or.); see numeral.
term, nisóe a mohéoxtoz, a t.of twenty years; see end.
terminal, maatameo zeoxceéneohetto, a railroad t.
terestrial, hoeva ehesta, one is t.; hoeva ehesso, it is
t.,is of the earth.
terrible, eohão, it is t.; eohãoētastove, it is a t.
deed; ohãoētastoz, t.deed; niohāoeszenon, we
have done a t.deed, thing (sc.to it); rad. -hotoana- =
t., dreadful.
[terrified; see fright.
terrify, naohāetanoho, I t.one; eohaetanooz, he becomes]
terror, ohāetanoxtoz; nahestohāetanoxtovetovo, I have
t.of him; xaveohaetanoozistoz, genuine t.;
veohāetanooz, he is in genuine t.
test, naonistazesta,I t.it; naonistatamo,I t.him;
-onisi- =try,t.; naonisetanotovo, I t.him (in
mind); naonistoého, I t.him (in acts); naonistoész,
t.it; naonistonetamo, I t.him (by heeding, watching);
testicle, mataxevoz, mataxevotto (pl.); emataxevozeve,it
is a t.; hestaxevotto, his testicles.
testify, nahoxtahan hoemanemhäo, I t.in court;
hanetovo, I t.for, concerning one; nahoxtahaneta,
in. of preceding; nahetomemo, I t.that he is true; na-
hetomesta, I t.that it is true; nahoses tomosan, I t.,
tell of it; nahosestomotâ, I t., tell for one.
testimonial, pevooseo; epevooseoneve, it is a t.(for
good), also, one has a good reputation;
matšezistoz epevooseonatto, this deed is a t.;
vatseonanetovo, I am a t.for, concerning him.
testimony, hoxtahanistoz hoemanemhäon, t.in court; name-
ena hoxtahanistoz,I bring up t.; naneevatseo-
nanetovo, I am a t., testimonial for him; hesthoxtaheo-
nevo esaasēezne tanehez', their t.does not agree, is not
the same; hoxtahanistoz,t.,telling; hossemazistoz,t.,
telling of; napevoosemo, I give a good t.of him; epevo-]
testis, see testicle. [oseoneve, he has a good t.,report.
tether, nasehootoham, I t. the horse; sehootohamesbz, t.
texture, zhešhestotonohes, its t., the way it is woven,
braided; see weave.
than, see comparison; rendered by inf.-hèp-,-oham-.
thank, the word "haho" now used by the Ch. was adapted
from the Arapaho. Formerly the verbal
for "thanks" was a peculiar guttural sound like a
hemming or coughing grunt; otherwise the Ch. expressed
their thanks in action. Haho naheve, I t., say thanks;
haho naešetan, I t.in thot,am thankful; napevetan =I
feel glad, but implies also the meaning "I thank, feel
thankful"; haho nahe to, I t.him, say thanks to him; ba-
hoešhestoz, t.saying, giving thanks.
thankful, haho naešetan, I feel t.: hahoe šetanoxtoz,
thankfulness; nahāého, I cause him to be t.;
nihaehaen, he makes us t.
thankless, haho esaahešetanohe, he is t., unthankful.
thanksgiving, hahoešhestoz,t. (in words); hahoešemeses-
toz,t.(in eating); ešēva zevešehahoešemes-
estove, t.day.
that, tato,t.one (or.); hato, t.(in.); hane,t.(ref.to
time); han or hen ešēva, t.day; né,t.(mentioned be-
fore); hensé, is t.it? nseō,is t.him? rad.-n—‚—ne-
t., the person or thing implied; enhesso, it is t. way,
so; enhesta, he is t. way; eneševostaneheve, he lives t.
way; pref.zeheš- =t., seeing t., for the reason t.,in-
asmuch; naheneena zehešhamoxtas, I know t.he is sick;
pref.eme- (gov.the sub.cj.) so t.; nahaôna emehekon-
eozz, he prays t.he may be strong; naneševe emesaaase-
oxzēs, I do this t. he may not go away; pref.zistose-
(gov.the sub.cj.) in order t.,for to; nahoeoxz zis-
tohozeohetto, I came in order to work; pref.ma- (be-
fore nouns) =all t., all the,q.v. [spell); see melt.
thaw, ehestonēha, it is thawing (after a freezing]
the, is expressed by pref.ma- to a noun which denotes
"t. whole substance of" in a collective (sg.) or
distributive (pl.) meaning; maex, t.eye (in general);
maexansz,t. eyes (in general); mavenov, t.home, that
which is home; mavostanehevestoz,t.life, living; mamà-
tasooma, t.spirit, all that which is spirit; manison,t.
child or children (not any special child, but in
eral) mahēhyam, t. husband or husbands; mazheem, t.
wife, that which is wife, wives; màzhesta, t.heart; maz-
tahanoz, the hearts, hearts; màtatamōn, the shoulders;
màzehess,t.foot; màzehessoz,t.feet.
thee, never expressed alone, always incorporated in the
verb; nimehotaz, I love t.; nimehotae, he loves t.;
see verb in Ch.gr. In this dic. the Ch. form of "you"
(sg.) is always rendered by "t., thou" in Eng. to avoid
confusion with "you" of the 2nd. pers. pl., thus: nime-
taz, I give it to t., and nimetazenov, I give
it to you
(pl.); this avoids the constant mentioning or stating
that the "you" is sg.or pl.
theft, nomàzistoz; enomàzistove, it is a t.
them, see Ch. gr. under verbal suffixes.
theme, totoxseo, t., topic of discussion.
then, hane (ref.to past); neš and nheš, t.,next,
t., next, immedi-
ately afterward; suff.-ō (see Reflective m.in Ch.
gr.) and -neo denotes "t., there"; ehetomō, t. he is
true; epevaeneo, t.it is good; hoxtahaovō, t.tell him
(after, when you see him).
thenceforth, nìnitā; niszetā,t.until now.
theory, vhanenešetanoxtoz, mere thot; evhanenešetanoxtov
it is a t., not a
fact, deed.
there, näno (referring); täno, t. (pointing to, forward);
when used indefinitely "t." is expressed by suff.
-nov after verbs; emohēoxzenov, t.is a meeting (emohē-
oxzistove, it is or here is a meeting); emesenov, t.is
an eating (emesestove, it is food, they have a feast);
eēszenov, t.is a talk (eēszistove, it is [here] a talk,
council); ehamoxtanov, there is sickness (ehamoxtasto-
ve, it is a sickness); suff.-ō is used for "t." in a
similar sense to "then" (q.v.), also as an expletive;
emeseōn, t. they are eating! nâ, t. (ref.); hanhäno, right
t.(ref.); hatäno right t.(pointing); navahāne, t. he
is; enahāne, t.it is; niahāne, t.he is, he is the one;
suff.-eha (in.) and -eš (or.) =t.is, ref.to horizontal
position; emà peha, t. is water.
thereabout, hoetov, t., approximately.
thereafter, tazeta.
[by that means.
thereby, expressed by inf.-vešhess- thru the agency,]
therefore, expressed by inf.-hesse- =because, for the
reason that, t.; nahesseaxaem,t.I cry.
they, enehoveo, t. themselves, t. (emphatic); eněhovensz,
also enēhovettonsz,t. (in.)are the ones; see Ch.gr.
thick, etonoto, it is t. (of solids); etonetonoto, how t.
is it? ehaonoto, it is t.,dense; etonovemaeha, it
lies folded thickly, in t.folds; etonovemaeš, it (or.,
as drygoods) lies in t.folds; etonovhōsta, it lies (as
on surface of water, liquids, mountain sides, or clouds
in the sky, etc.) thickly; natonovana, I make it thick-
er; natonovemanisz, I make it t.; etonovovess, one has
t.hair: etonovaomoxta, the ice is t.; etonovstomoatto,
the bark is t.; nahaonovana, I make it thicker, denser;
ehaonovoevoeve, it is a t., dense cloud; zehonotazesso,
the ones (or.) t.together, crowding; etàpeta, he is t.,
big,q.v.; zistonoto,its thickness; eoxzhesso, it is
t.,gelatinous; enhan eoxzhess, the gravy is t. [oxzhess
is the name given to jelly]; naoxzhesshana, I make it
thicker (as jelly); ehekomomao and eomomao, the ground
is t., mushy, muddy; suff.-eše to some nouns denotes a
growth of, where many of the same are "t.with"; maxe-
of cedars;
menoeše, apple orchard; šistatoeše, thicket
heškovoeše, a patch of thorns, it is t.with thorns; he-
sozeva, its thicker end, butt (of tipi poles, needles,
etc.), bottom.
thicken, natonovana, I t.it; nahaonovana, I t.it,make
denser; naoxzhesshana, I t.it (to jelly consis-
thicket, suff.-eše =thicket, whenever the bushes or
trees are of the same kind; heškovoeše, t.of
thorns; šistatoeše,t.of fir, cedar or pine; see thick.
thickness, zistonoto,its t.
thief, nomàzehe, nomàzeheo (pl.); enomàzeheoneve, he is]
thievery, nomàzeheonevestoz.
[a t., thievish.
thigh, mazhenom; nazhenom, my t.; heszhenom, one's t.;
natotaxenomaso, I gash both his thighs.
thin, inf.-kàko- =t., not thick; ekàkon, it is t.; rad.
-ona- =t.,of round, branch, bone like objects; nakà-
koemanisz,I make it t.; nakakoana, I make it thinner;
eohāonae, he is very t.; etoxkonae, he is t.,lean; na-
màpevōmana, I make it t., t.it (liquid); natxkomananoz
maxemenoz, I t. the apples, make them (in.) few; inf.
-vesse t., small, fine; navovessax, I cut it t., fine;
vessemakätansz, t., small change.
thine, expressed by pref.ni-; niheszhov,
saaheszhové, it is not t.;
which is t.
thing, hováe, hovaeoxz (pl.), t., something,
also nothing
(when connected with the negation); hováe nasaa-
vōxtô, I saw nothing; hováe navōxta, I saw something;
hováe zevōxtom, the t.I saw; ehováeve, it is a t., some-
thing; esaahováevhan, it is not a t., is nothing; ma-
zhotoz, the things (belonging to one); mazeoxz, t.,
property; mazhov, t.one has (similar to mazhotoz); na-
zhotoz, my things; heszhotoz, one's things; nszhotanoz,
our things; nazhov, my t.,belonging; nazhovanoz,
things, belongings; naheszhov, I have something (be-
longing to me); zeheszhovetto, that which belongs to
me; naheszhovetan, I want something (to possess, that
should belong to me); heszhovetanoxtoz, the wanting
something; naheszhovaovo, I make him to have some-
it is t.; ni-
zeheszhovétto, that
I am
think, suff.-tan denotes "mind, thinking, mentality,
ward disposition"; naešetan, I t.; naēvetan,
thinking; naēvetanota, I am thinking about it;
tan, I t., consider; naametan, my way of thinking;
metanoxtoz, his way of thinking; also zehešetanos,
he thinks, opines; zehešetanotto, methinks, I am of the
opinion, according to my mind; suff.-zesta (in.), -tamo
(or.) denotes "to t.of, deem, hold one to be"; nahesse-
tamo, I t.of one, deem him to be; epavae nahessetamo, I
deem him good; nitonhessetamohe, what doest thou t. of
t., dry land.
him? nahessezesta, I t., hold of it;
I t.,hold of it; nitonhessezesta,
what doest thou t.of it? napevazesta, I deem it good;
napevatamo, I deem him good; namakä taevazesta, I deem
it iron; see deem, esteem; zetónešetanoss, all who t.
so; nazhešetano, I t.thus; nanešetan, I t.so; matšetan,
the thinking, mind; matšetanoxtoz, product of thinking,
thought; natšetanoxz, my mind; natšetanoxtoz, my thot;
see mind, thot; hesseztastoz, the thinking of, deeming;
namasavatamo, I t.him crazy; naononistatamo, I t.him]
third, zenahaonetto; see numeral.
thirst, nahaōn,I t.; nahaōneta, I t.for it; zehaōnesså,
the thirsty ones; naoestōna, I have a dry throat,
t.; naekōvaoz naoestōnàtoz, I quench my t., wet my dry
throat; naavōn màp, I perish of t.; manetanoxtoz,
thirstiness. [toz, thirstiness; zeóomao, the
thirsty, namanetan, I am t., want to drink;
thirteen, matòt-òtnaha; see numeral.
thirteenth, zematòtaonetto-òtnahaonetto
thirtieth, zenanóaonetto; see numeral.
thirty, nanóe; see numeral.
this, zeto (or.), heto (in.); zeto hetan,
mhäo, t. house; hez or hiz, t. (ref. to time);
hizešēva, t.day; hezezeha, t.time, now; zeo,t.place,
point; zeno, t.place, hereabout; -ze- is prefixed be-
fore the verbal stem to imply "t. thus" (pointing for-
ward); ezhesso, it is t. way, thus; nazheve, I say t.; [ze-
as pref.is a characteristic of the sub. cj. (see Ch.
gr.)and has a demonstrative meaning denoting "the one
who"]; etsé, is it t.? niva zeneševsz heto, who did t.?
thistle, heškovósz, thorny grasses; hànovass (hàno-
vósz?), thistles, burrs, thorny seeded plants; hà-
novaeše (hànovóeše?),t.patch; none of the preceding
terms ref.especially to thistles but they imply them
with other thorny plants.
or zeòtnahao-]
[netto; see]
t.man; heto
thither, expressed by inf. -ta- following the pronoun
particle; etazeoxz, he goes t.
thong, setoxc (in.); [setoxceo (or.) =rope, lariat]; tō-
seonatto, tōseonattonsz (pl.), t.of rawhide;
totonôsito,rope made of braided thongs; hestotonôse-
toxc,leather covering or piping of chain traces;
toxceoxz, harness (ref.especially to the traces).
thorax, popoxpōhepestoz.
thorn, heškovósz, thorns (used in the pl.); eheškovóeve,
it is a t., thorny; heškovemenóe, heškovemenósz
(pl.),t.berry bushes; hànovass, t. (ref.to thorny burrs
of certain plants); heškovoeše, a patch of thorns;
naheškovoého, I prick him with a t., lit. I "t." him;
naheškovoeház, I prick myself
a t.,lit. I am
thorny, eheškovóeve,
eheškovóeve, it is t.;
bristling, also
eheškovae, one is t.,
heškovemhân, t.melon =
cucumber; heškovetto, porcupine quills; heškovez,
t.one porcupine; eheškovàz and eheško vàzena, he has a
t.mouth,t.lips (ref.to harsh, stinging talk).
thoru, expressed by inf.-xaenš-
the sense of "com-
plete, perfect"; exaenšepeva, it is thoruly, per-
fectly good; inf. -otā- =not superficial, t., radical,
thruout; eotamashane, he is a t.fool.
[narrow t.
thorufare, esòpooneve, it is a t.; eotazcesòpỏ, it is a]
thou, ninēhov, t., thyself; pref.ni- (in verbs) =t. See
pers. pronouns in Ch. gr.
tho, expressed by inf.-ox-; nao xheneena, tho I know it;
eoxpeva, altho it is good; pref. hons- and zeoxeš- =
t.,altho,in spite of; these two pref. govern the sub.
cj.; honšhāmoxtasz, he, tho being sick; zeoxešhaexov,
t., altho it is a long time; eoxtoxceēsztovō, t.he
would speak to them, in spite of his speaking to them;
when "hons" is connected with "heva" the combination
is "hevânš" even t., even if; hevânšhãomenet to,
t.I am in misfortune.
thot, matšetanoxtoz, matšetanoxtotoz (pl.); natšeta-
noxtoz, my t.; eoxsetan
eoxsetan or eooxsetan, his thots are
elsewhere; enohétan, his thots are diverted; suff.-tan
implies t., thinking, mentality; napavhetšetanoxtov,
have good t., judgement.
thotful, eheōhetanoxtov, he is t., meditative; also eōhe-
tanoheoneve, he is t., considerate; etoxetan, he
is t., mindful, attentive.
thotless, esaaešetanetahe, he is t.; see rash.
thousand, matòtoha-matòtnóe, 10 times 100; see numeral.
thousandth, not in use, would be: zemaxematòtnóaonetto.
thrashing ma-
thrash, naōena pen'nôo, I t.wheat; ōeneo,
chine; see shell.
thread, hotanon (or.); ehotanoneve, it is t.; naestonea-
no, I t., put the t.into; suff.-oneano ref. to ac-
tion done with t., string or rope; hotanon zeoxceveho-
evoss, where the t. is shuttle; hotanon zeoxcenimao-
ešenavoss, that on which t. is (lies) wound around =
spool; nanimaone ano, I wind the t. around;
neano, I unwind the t.; t.is always pl. in Ch.; see
rope, spool,string.
[like thread.
threadlike, hotanonea ehesso or ebešetovatto, it is]
threaten, nahoxemo, I t.one, curse (in words); nahoxseta-
neva, I am one who threatens (from habit);
navavenaemo, I speak rough words, t.to kill him; naneo-
hotovatovo, I t.him; neohotovatovazistoz, the threaten-
ing; vavenaemazistoz, threat of killing.
three, nahe; see numeral.
threefold, nanov; see numeral.
threshold, hesseox; hesseox anos nanhē, I stand outside]
thrice, naha; see numeral.
thrift, see prosperity.
[of the t.
thrifty, see prosperous.
thrill, ?
thrive, see prosper, successful.
throat, maestōo; naoestoona, I have sore t.(also dry
t.); oestōnàtoz, sore or dry t.; evoxpestōnaō,
they (or.) are white throated; see neck.
throb, nàzhestå ekokoehå, my heart
my heart is throbbing; see]
throne, vehonhoestoz, chief's seat.
zetaovazistov, the
it is thronging;
throng, nahetaōe, they (or.) t.me;
thronging; also eoeovazistov,
tonovaovazistoz, the thronging, being thick; see crowd.
throw, suff.-ahasen,-ahàz (in.) and ahamo (or.) denote
throwing, flinging, hurling, casting forth; naaseta-
hàz,I t.it away (from me); naase tahamo, I t.it (or.)
away; navoohoého, I reject, discard one, put him away;
navoohoész,I t.it away, discard, reject it; navoohoeto,
I t.him (from hold, from me), reject him; navoohoesta
(in.); evoohoe, it or one is thrown away, discarded, re-
jected; asetahasenistoz, the throwing away from; naē-
stahasen, I t.,cast into; naēstahàz, I cast it into;
naséaház, I t.it down into; naanahaz, I t., fling it
down; naéahàz, I t., toss it upward; naheamahàz,I t. it
upward; nahenehaehàz, I t.it up (by lifting); nahótaa-
hàz, I overthrow it; nazevatōahàz, I t.up dust, ashes;
nahōstaház, I t.it out (from an enclosure, interior);
naavahàz,I t.it down, over; naōnstahàz,I t., fling
shut; natatahàz,I fling it open; niszetahàzz,t.it
me! naasetahàtovo hevoxca, I t.his hat away, off; nahe-
amstahamo, I t.it (or., sp. of ball, etc. in games)
fashion; naxanovease tahamo, I t.it (or.) woman's fash-
ion; naomahama mohèno, the horse threw me; naomahàz, I
t.it from off a higher place, surface; nahōahàz,I t.it
out, also I spit it out; the passive of -ahàz, -ahamo
is -ahame for the 3rd.pers.; inf. -ahan- =with force,
dash, down; eahanevaeno, he throws him down; naoešemo, I
t.him prone; naĕseoešemo, I t.him into (prone); naoe-
hàz,I t.it prone; naoxevoehàz, I t.it that it lies
broken; naoxevoešemo, or. of preceding; eoxevoešeme, it
is thrown down, broken apart; eoxevoeha, it lies broken
(from having been thrown); eoxevoešen, they (or.) lie
prone and broken (having been thrown); naheōseva, I
make a t., I t. (in wheel game); eheōsevàtove, it is a
t.; haeš nanisthoe, I t. far; haes enisthoe, they (or.)
t.fast, swiftly; nanovhoe, I t. it slow, am inexpert in
throwing; naēsthoe, I t.into (in games); natakahoe, I
t., make glance; this rad.-hoe implies a t.with force,
swiftness; when preceded by "a" the resulting con-
traction is -âe; nahōevâe, I t. out with force (from
me); naasevâe, I t.it off; navâenotto hohonaxceo, I t.
stones; ehōevâestove, it is a throwing out (as out of
a catapult); naĕsevâe, I t.it in with force; vâhestoz,
t a t.(with force); zetotaomhexovâhevoss, as each can
t.(each one's power of throwing); naēst'taehamo, I t.
the lasso on him; see lasso; naonimaoehàz, I t., swing
it around.
thru, expressed by inf.-sòp(e)-; esòpooneve, it leads
t.,is a t.passage; nasòpeoz, I am t., have gone
nasòpèn, I walk t.; nasòphaôna, I pray t.; nasòpota, I
go t.it; heto naneešemäsòpota, I have gone t.all this;
navèpsoetovo,I "t." him (as in shooting); navèpsoeto-
va,it went t.me; nasòpeš, I cut my way t.; nasòpeose-
oz, I press, push my finger t.: emasòpeoz setov meo, the
road goes t.the middle (lengthwise); inf. -ex- denotes
a process brot t.; nahoeman, I make a law; naexhoeman,
I am t.making a law; nae xoan, I am t.talking; eexho-
neo,it is t.growing, has sprouted (finished pushing
out of the ground); nasēnotoemaso, I shoot it (or., as
in wheel game) t., as a pin thrust horizontally t. pa-
per; nasēnotoehàz, I thrust it t.; nasēnotoešemo, or.of
preceding; esēnotoeha, it is (lies) pinned or thrust
t.; esēnotoešeme, it has been thrust t.; see splinter;
inf.-oxt- =t.,over all parts or portions; eoxtaen, he
is overnight, passes the night t.; zeoxtooko, t.all the
rain (the time it rained); zeoxtohetaomao, t.all the
land; zeoxtoešemeaneve, t. the whole summer; suff.-vå
(−evå,−ovå) =t.,by, in, with, etc.; màpeva, t.the water;
vonhánistov, t. the window; enēhoveva, t.him; inf.-veš-
=with, by means of, t.; hetšezistovå navešheneenovo, I
know him t., by his deeds; nitovå, t.me, on my account;
suff.-ōstaso,-ōstòno, -ostâno, etc. (see Instr. Form in
Ch. gr.) denote action done without stopping, at one
sweep, with one stroke; hohom navèpsoeta vēno, I shoot
t. the tipi; hohom t. and t.(Ger.hindurch).
thruout, inf.-enšsxsoe- denotes t., persistently; nioxc-
heše-enšsxsoe-hoeōen, he follows us t.,
t., persist-
ently; inf. -sxseno- (sxsoetto, detached) =t., among.
thrust, nasēnotoemaso, I t.it (in wheel game) by throw-
ing, shooting; nasēnotoehàz, I t. it (horizontally
into); esēnotoeha, it is (lies) t.in; esēnotoešeme, it
has been t.into, pinned (horizontally); nasēnotoeha-
sen, I t.horizontally; see pin, splinter, thru; nanosé-
hoèno, I t.it (or.) so it sticks in the ground; nano-
séhoemaso, I t., shoot it (or.), transfix it to the
ground; naoaneeòno, I t., spear, stab him;
no, I t.him with one stroke; nazeeōstâno, I t., as with
a burning stick, iron rod, etc. See stick. Naase taoho, I
t.him out, away; naaseto,I t., push him away.
thumb, mahaemoešą; emahaemoeškoneve, it is a t.; mahae-
moeškoneva, with the t.
thump, nazetôn,1 t.; nazetonaheno,I t.him;
maso, I t.one's forehead; namoeškoneva naveše amo, I
t.him with my finger; see knock.
thunder, nonoma enistōe, it thunders, the t.calls, sounds;
etovatōe, the t.is heard in the distance; emónà-
tōe, it (t.) is heard in one direction; this suff.ref.
to rumbling, muttering sound; see sound; nonoma eoze-
nota, he is struck (not killed) by t. (lightning);
noma etoomeno tā, he is killed by lightning (lit.t.);
nonomaevoe, t.cloud; nonoma hemāhe, the t.'s arrow,
lightning; Nonomaevōxev, T. nose (pr. name); ònokavó, t.
bow (ceremonial); ònokao, t. men (of the Mashaom
ceremonies); Nemevota, T. or Rain god; Nemevonan, our T.
god (both preceding terms are ceremonial).
Thursday, zenaheeno, t., the third day (counting Tuesday
as the first day; Monday being called "day
after Sunday"); matanaheeno, when it shall be T.;
naheeno, when it was T.; hossenaheeno, the following T.
(either past or future); mxhossenaheeno, next,coming
T. (future); zexhossenaheeno, the following T. (past).
thus, expressed by rad.-ze- pointing to, showing forth;
ezhesso, it is t.; ezhesta, he is t.;
neheve, I live t., in this manner; zheševostane heves-
toz, the "t." living, such a way of living; nazheto, I
say t., this to him; when "-n-" is infixed instead of
-ze- it shows "back", referring to something mention-
ed; nanhesta, I am t., so, that way; enheševostaneheve
he lives t., that way; naĕvenhesta, I am t.,in this]
thwart, see across. [condition; enhestatto, it is t.,so.
thy, expressed by pref.ni-; nivoxca, t.hat: nimhäo, t.
house; see possessive pron. (in Ch.gr.).
thyself, ninēhov; tāma, t. (emphatic), only understood in
the sentence connection; mehotàzz tāma,love t.
tick, ekokoeha, it ticks; kokôase, the ticker, clock, watch.
ticket, hoxotavxistō,ration t.(formerly issued to Indi-
ans by the Government); hoxovistavamxistō, trav-
eling t., paper; mxistō zevešetahoe stove maa tameoneva,
railroad t., paper with which one rides on the train.
tickle, naonit'kano,I t.him; naonit 'komo, I t.him by
biting; naoni t'kanova, I am a tickler; nanxōse-]
tidings, see news.
[tan, I am tickled, amused.
tie, natoosan, I t. (predicative); zetoosansz, the one who
ties; natooto, I t.him; natoosz, I t.it; natōeto,
I t.him to; natoész (in.); natootoham, I t.the horse
or horses; natōetoham, I t.the h.to....; etōhe, one is
tied; naaceoesz, I t.it in a knot; nahonaoesz, I t. it
together (two separate pieces [of rope,etc.] tied in
a knot); napasēsz, I t.a knot at the end
(as of rope,
thread, etc.); see splice, wrap. Eneevaheo, they (or.
ref.to pieces of drygoods, etc.) are tied as a sign;
zèmamovōhe, where it is tied together; eanhôoettonsz
votonsz, tail feathers are tied, attached (so they hang
down); see hang; nanonisoeto, I t. two together; nano-
noevasetohō, I t.to each tail; namētoeto, I t.a feather
to one; emētoehe, a feather is tied to him; nanonon-
hestooneoeto, I t.them (or.) in a row,
as one string;
nanovoneoetō, I t.them (or.) one after another, in a
row, string; naanhoneoeto vonhánistovå, I t.a string to
the window (so it hangs down); nasèpõsen, I t. the hide
(in tanning); evešeho xpoheoz, he is tied up, hindered
by, bound; see bind; natovohe, I t.my shoe string.
tiger, nanoseham, same name for panther.
tight, ehekonēstane, it is made t., put in firmly (as a
screw, cork, stopper, etc.); nahehyoena, I make it t.
(press together); ehehyoen, it is t.; ehekonhoxoeoz, it
is t.(of anything hard "against", as doors, windows,
boxes, etc.); nahekoneana, I make it t. (as wire); nahe-
kononeano, I make the rope t., taut; ehekononeane,
rope is t.,taut; namocanoz eneokonsz or emaseokonsz,
my shoes are t., narrow; naēszehen ene okae, my coat is
t., narrow; eneokäo, they (or.) are t.
tighten, nahekonēs tana, I t.it in, as stoppers, screws,
etc.;nahekononeano, I t.the rope; hekonēs taneneo,
hekononeanenistoz and hekononeaneneo, tightener (for
rope, wire), stretcher; nahekonhoxoemanisz, I make it t.
till, see cultivate; naéomax, I t.the ground; naeomaxo-
va, I am tilling, cultivating; eéomåxe, it is tilled;
esaaéomaxehan, it is not tilled, cultivated; naéomasō
aestomamesestoto, I t., cultivate the potatoes. Noxset-
to, and inf. -noxsetov- =t., until, as far as, up to;
noxsetto nāestovå, t.death; noxsetto mataešemeset-
to,t.I shall have eaten; enoxsetoveōènovetan zetāeš-
hoxtamisto, he perseveres t., until he shall attain it.
tillage, eomaxovàtoz, the tilling, also name for culti-]
tiller, éomaxovahe.
[vator (machine).
tilt, eešxovaoz, it is tilted; naešxovana, I t.it; naexo-
vãe, I sit tilting; see bevel.
timber, šistato (for building); zèmaó, where it is tim-
bered, where there is wood; see wood.
time, aneva, in winter t.; mazeomeva, in spring t.; mea-
neva, in summer t.; tonōeva, in the fall time; zehe-
toexoveāneve, during winter season, t.; zehetoexovema-
zeomeve, during spring t.; zehetoexovemeaneve, during
the summer t.; zehetoexove tonōeve, during the fall
(t.); rad.-exov- denotes "degree, amount of t.";
pexov, it is past t.; etonexov, what t.is it? also eto-
nehōsta, how does it hang, ref. to clock; tonexoveva, at
some t.; ehaexov, it is a long t.; ekasexov, it is a
short t.; esaaešexovhan, it is not t.; ehonexov, t.has
come; ehonexoveoz,t.has now come; nohas tonexov,
any t.; zéxov, this (present) t.; zéxoveohemahestove,
in t.of need; amexov, the current t.; amexoveva, in the
current t.; zistanše-enšhāexov, after a certain t.
(ref.to past); matanše-enšhāexov,
(future); nakasexovhoe, I stay for
after a certain t.
a short t.; nahae-
xovhoe, I stay for a long t.; also nahaehoe; nahae xovea-
mèn, I walked for a long t.; nakasexoveamèn, I walked for
a short t.; totoneš and totone xoveva, from t.to t.;nexo-
veva, at that t.; zéxoveva, at this t.; noxsetto zeszexo-
veva (or zeszexov), until this present t.; zheš, at this
t., moment; eninovexov, it is for a t.,a while; šeninove-
xoveva, for a t.,a while; noce a etanexov, it is one
year's t.; et anexov, it is that much t.; mato vezen ze-
xoveva hane nhasto aneva, this t.last winter; mxhonexov,
when the t. shall come; hako vonoom eamezhesso, from
ancient (immemorable) t.; zehe toexovetãèns, at the t.of
its (ref.to sun, or.) setting, at evening t.; zehetoexo-
ve-amenexov, in its due t.; totos (old term), long t.ago;
maxenistaomēno, very ancient t., antiquity; suff.-om ref.
to a period, cycle of t.(also ref.to space, etc.); vono-
om, ancient, immemorable t.; tozanom and totanoom, the old
t.; tozeha (present term), long t.ago; hezezehå, now, at
this present t.; moxhezhan, just a short t.,
while ago;
nanexovam esaaešhoènettan, my t.has not yet come; nista,
before (in t.); nista ešiensz, in former days, times; ho-
oxetto, inf.-hoox(e)- last t.; nahooxevōmo, I saw him
for the last t.; noká, one t.; nixá, two times, etc.;
multiplicative numerals (under numeral); nistoha,every,
each t.; nistoha oxvōmosz, every t.I see him; where we
say, "I have no t.", the Ch.uses the inf. -hestom- pre-
vented, hindered by (whatever it be); nahestomanen, I am
preoccupied, busied with (have no t.); nahestomhozeohe, I
am prevented, hindered by work (have not t.for something
else); zèmonätto, in my youth, when I was young (Ger. in
meiner Jugendzeit); zèmxistonetto, in my school t.; ha-
ne,at that t., then; hane zèvōmess, then, at the t.you saw
me; also hane nexoveva, then at that t.; toneš, tonexov,
at which t., when? nivá eoxcenamanov, they (or.) pass it
four times (ref.to ceremonials); ešenomaen, he is behind
t.,late; našenomaenatamo, I deem him behind t.; hotoma,
in no t.; totaevavexov, each portion, measure of t.;
hestōešeham, her moons are acomplished, her time is up
(for childbirth); the Ch.measure the t. by the sun (for
the day), the moon (for the month) and the winter (for
the year); etoneōes, what t.of day is it? lit. how does
it float,hang, suspend (ref.to sun formerly, now to hands
of a watch or clock); this is an old term which
placed by "etonehōsta" from the time the Ch. saw
watches; the Northern Ch. call the watch "ešehe" =sun.
The rad.-exov- (=t.) is related to ešehe. Following are
old terms used to designate certain times of the day:
meo, at dawn, early, before sunrise (still in use); ens-
toseešemeèn, shortly before sunrise, lit. it is going
appear (sun); eneešemeèn, at sunrising, lit.it is coming
up; eneešeamões, earlier part of forenoon, lit.it is
floating, moving on (between sunrise and about 9
is re-
o'clock; enestahaeões, between 9 and 10 o'clock, lit.it
floats higher; estoseešesetovões, near noon, lit.it is
going, moving to the middle; ešsetovões, noon, lit.it is
in the middle; ēšhèpeèn, past noon, lit.it has passed
beyond; ešetahāešhèpeèn, about 2 P.M.,lit. it is passed
far beyond; etaešhomōes, near 3 o'clock; etakahões,
near sunset, lit.it moves close to horizon; etataèn,
sunset,lit.it is setting. These terms are in the
present form; the past forms would be: zèmeovōna,zis-
tatoseešemeèns, zèneešemeèns, zèneešeamões, zistahaehō-
es,zistatoseešesetovões, zèsetovões,zistaešhèpeèns, zi-
staeštahaeš-hèpeèns, zistahomōes, zistakahōes and zis-
tataèns. The future forms would be: matameovōna, mans-
tosemeènsz, matameènsz, mataešeamōesz, etc. Inf.-nha-
=on t., timely,q.v.
timely, expressed by inf.-nha-; nanhaehoèn, I come on
time; also inf.-otanha- t., opportunely, season-
ably; niotanhavōxtanon, we see it in time, t., it is a
t.sight for us.
timid, rad.-eov- t.; nieovae, thou art t.; eeovstaha, he
is of a t., fearful heart; see afraid, timorous.
timidity, eovastoz; eovstahàtoz, t.of heart.
timorous, ehèpā, he is t.; ehèpāetan, he is t. (in thot);
hèphāhestoz, timorousness; also hèpāetanoxtoz.
Hèpās, T., pr. name.
tin, hetoxkonemakät; ehetoxkonemakätaeve, it is t.; tō-]
tinder, hooasenànistoto,t., kindling; hòpa, t.or pouch
where t.was kept.
pinką pa
tingle, natovōxz enistonevon, my ear tingles, sounds,
"tinkles"; napoetovãoz, I t.all over, have a shock
like sensation.
[tinkling; ekokoevon, it tinkles.
tinkle, axxevonsonoz exxevonensz, the little bells are]
tint, see color, hue. [eahanaxceo,it is very t., minute.
tiny, ehāaxceo, it is t.;ehaaxceta, one is t., very small]
tip, honoc,t., point; honocemen, t.of feather; nahonoka-
na,I t.it; naēstoena, I set a t.to it, t.it, pro-
vide it with a t. (at the point); honoc emaestaene,
it is tipped with red; hoxtatto,
horse hair dyed any
color and glued to t.of feathers; eheovstaene, it is
tipped yellow; namaestaena, I t.it red; emoxoxzeve, it
is tipped (with dart, head, sp.of arrow, spear); rad.
-ava- denotes tipping, leaning, falling over; eavota,it
sets tipping; eavhōsta, it tips, hangs over; see fall,
hang, tilt.
tipi, vē; zèvēetto, where my t.is; zèvēs, where his t.is;
vēstoz, that which has tipis camp; zèvēstove, where
the tipis are, the camp is; veno nahooxz, I come to the
t., come on a visit; navenoz, my t.,tent; nivenoz, thy
t.; hevenoz, one's t.; navenotan, our t.; nivenozevo,
your t.; hevenozevo, their t.; nahoxeon, I put up a t.
(arranging the poles); nihoxeonhemå, we put up a t.;
natoovôn, I put up a t. (the cover over the poles); na-
oenana vē, I take off the cover of t.or square tent; na-
oenanōn, I take down the t.cover; nioenanōnhemå, we take
down the t. cover; naavanōn, I take down the t. (the whole
t., poles and cover); eavanōnistove, the tipis are taken
down (as when the camp breaks); eoenanōnistove, the t.
covers are taken off; etoovônistove, they put on the
t.cover or the t.cover is being put on; toovôneheo, the
ones who put up the t. (cover); natovono eneoého hooxē, I
put up the poles (in sheaf like form, as rifles); natom-
oxtanō hooxe, I set up, raise the poles (in any way);
etomoxtane, it is set up (said of a square tent); nahō-
ešemo, I cover it (or.) with sheet; esaaešeahahan, it is
not yet covered with cloth; navēnonan, I make a t.,
tent, dwelling; navēnonaovo, I make a dwelling, tent, t.
shelter unto him; Maheo nanistavēnonaōenesz, God has
provided a home, dwelling for us beforehand; evovo-oe-
nan, he or she receives the first t. (as gift at a wed-
ding); emavo ve, the t.is old; ehoxenono vē, the t.looks
clean; nimôo, family
family badge
badge hanging from the top of t.
pole; exhohonezetōe, it is surrounded, encircled (t.,by
others); ehohoneta, it is a circle of tipis; hesozeva
vē, lower part of the t.; hestonoenē also honoc, tip of
t.pole; hoxzenaheonó, hoxzenaheonósz (pl.), smoke flap
of t. (also pole attached to flap); nahoxzenahen, I open
the smoke flap (one or both flaps); nihoxzenahenhemå,
we open the flap; nanxpōxzenahen or naomōxzenahen, I
shut the smoke flap or flaps; mxeeomensz, mxeeom (sg.),
painted tipis; mēnoeom, mēnoeomensz (pl.), quilled tipis;
mēpaonaom, mēpaonaomensz (pl.), tipi whose back (center
line) is adorned with quill or bead work; maoheom, mao-
heomensz (pl.), t. decorated with red rattling (dew
claws) ornaments; heovxkoheomensz, tipis with yellow
ornaments; oešeēseo, oešeēṣeonoz (pl.,in.), dew claw
ornaments; hotoxceo, ornaments in form of stars, usually
on the back or sides of the t.: nitōheonóe, the poles
(of tripod) tied together; nitōheonó natomoxtano, I
raise the tripod (when beginning to put up the t.; zè-
mamovonoenēhevoss, when they stand together (set up,
[poles of tripod]); hohōnaseto, rope used to tie the
tripod; nathohōnaseto, my rope (for tripod); nathohōna-
setoaman, our rope (for tripod); evovèpoaa, evovèpoaansz
(pl.),it (t.) flaps in the wind; eokseoenetto, it is
well stretched (cloth of t.or tent); evovèpoenetto, it
is loosely stretched; naokseoenena, I stretch it (cover,
cloth); séhoestoz, séhoestotoz (pl.), stake; maesz or ma-
cesz (smaller), maeszistoz and maceszistoz (pl.), t., tent
peg; namaeszz, my t., tent peg; namaesze tanan, our tent
peg; naséhoha vē, I pin, peg down the t. (cover); henitō,
door flap of t.; hesseox, doorway; nxpeoxtam,
right be-
fore the door (between side beds and door, in t.); nxpe-
oxtam hōes, outside
outside in front of t. entrance;
nxpeoxtam hões, I stand outside before the door; hes-
seox anos nanhẽ, I stand before the threshold (out-
side); setoesta, fire place (in the center); eama nie-
nàn,thou startest the fire on the side (not in the
center where it belongs); hoxhóe vēno, t. wall (inside
or outside); noos hoxhóe, next to the wall; noos hox-
hóe naễnana, I set it down close to the wall (of t.);
noos nahessevehōsan, I look on from the extreme out-
circle (as of a crowd); anosemå vē, outside of the t.;
toxehå, inner circle of t.towards fire; toxehå nàtaseš,
I will sleep on the inner side (side of bed next to
the fire place); noxsemå nåtaseš, I will sleep next
the wall; noxsemå, the side towards the wall (of bed);
vaoxtam, couch or place opposite the entrance (this is
considered the place of honor for guests); ohōma,
either bed on left or right hand when entering the t.
(is also said of the sides of a big crowd or an ar-
my); ohōmå [not to confound with hohom on this side]
ehota, it is on one of the side beds; vecevhoozeon,
empty corner between vaoxtam and ohōmå (also corner
at the foot of ohōmå); hepaoneomē, at the back of t.;
eamaomē, sides of the t. (externally); eamaom, one of
the sides; hohoseon, line where t. cover touches the
ground and where heavy pieces of wood, etc. are placed
to strengthen the t.;nahoo soha, I strengthen the t.(in
above manner); hēšeeon, its breast (above entrance);
zèmamovōhe, where it is tied with a string (above and
below entrance); sèpatoheo, sèpatoheonoz (pl.), sticks
that fasten the t.in front (above the entrance); eno-
tamaeta, it (t.) faces the wind; hehane, its neck (back
of t., above); eshôo, eshôonoz (pl.), t.lining or dew
cloth, a piece of cloth (formerly skin) stretched in-
side the t., against the walls and above the beds;
nxpôo, an arrangement of cloth (or skin) at the en-
trace by which protection from smoke is obtained when
wind blows against entrance of t.; hestōmoz, bed,
couch; hoōseono, bedstead (Ind.) ; hoozeonoe, the up-
right willow pieces or matting at the head and foot
of bed; monhoēseon, general term for the willow mat-
ting used for couches; nanēmetomaeš, I lie on bare
ground; enēme tomaeha, it is bare (of ground); nēmeto-
mae ehota,it is under the bed on bare ground; nēmeto-
mae or enotovoma naēnana šešistovå, I set it down on
bare ground under the bed; enotovomaeha, it is bare
ground; mseškane om, t. of old skins (mseškan, yellow
brownish leather); mseškaneomē, in, at the old skin t.;
vehoneom, chief's t.(suff.-om ref.to lodge, covered in-
terior); ninov, my t., home, q.v.; maxevē, a large t.;
evenota, the t.is full of smoke. [the walking on t.
tiptoe, nahenecešeoxz, I walk on t.; henecešeoxzistoz,
tire, inf. kan- denotes "tired, fatigued": inf.-mave- or
-mâe tired, weary; inf.-sxsev- tired, exhausted;
nakaneoz, I am now tired; ekanae, he is tired (state,
usually ref. to consumption); zekanaesz, the tired, con-
sumptive one; zekaneozz, the tired one; nakanâta, I am
tired from the heat; nakanomaoe, I am tired of sitting
on the ground; nakanetan, I am tired in mind; nakane-
meohe, I am tired of making effort, also tired of run-
ning; namâezetō, I am tired of looking; namâevehōsen, I
am tired of looking on; namâvstaha, I am tired of
heart,discouraged; namavhôna, I am tired of praying;
namaveēsztovo,I am tired, weary of talking to him; na-
mâetan, I am tired, wearied (in mind); namâetanoho, I
weary him (in mind); namaveoz or namâeoz, I am now
tired, wearied; nahanax, I am tired (from jolting, rid-
ing); namavoeseš and navovaovoseš, I am tired
(in the
arms); naamo semeohe, I am tired, restless, in a state of
restlessness; eahanekaneoz, he is extremely tired, ex-
hausted; also natoomeoz, navotatoomeoz and navotatoo-
mekaneoz,I am thoruly tired; esxseveoz, he is thoruly
tired, exhausted,q.v. ; nahonezista, I have a tired
feeling; ehāhonezista, he is lazy; nahoneztavomoxta, I
have a tired feeling, feel lazy; enševemos, he is never
tiring, is expert (in doing ornamental work on robes,
tiredness, kaneozistoz, the being tired;
tiresome, emavetanosohetto, it is t.; see tedious.
to, is not expressed by any single word, but is implied
in verbal forms, usually with sound "z" or
"t"; hoxtovamhäon etazeoxz, he went t. the store, trad-
ing house; inf.-momaan- ref.to meandering line, t.and
fro; inf.-ōtoxov- also denotes "t.and fro"; nisaaev-
hanoze-ōtoxov-oxhestohenov, you need not discuss it
again t.and fro; ehotxovessevanoxzeo, they rush t.and]
toad, popeeona, popeeonao (pl.).
toast, naséoxthonon, I t. (by holding against or over
fire); see cook, roast.
tobacco, zenimōn (or.); påpõeonoe, plug t ; onimotâeo-
noe, twisted t.; peeonoe, crushed or ground t.
(cut fine); noaneonoz, leaves of sumac used as t.;
nimōnestoz, t. pouch, bag.
to-day, hiz ešēva or hezezeha ešēva, t., this day.
toe, moešą; same as finger,q.v.
together, inf.-mano- =t.as one; namanoananon, we put
we put it
t.; emanohäo, they (or.) are t., form a congre-
gation; namano ezetanome, we wish to be t.; namanootō, I
bind, group them (or.) t.; inf.-mohe- gather t.; emo-
hēoxzeo, they (or.) gather t.; namohēvamō, I call, ad-
monish them (or.) to come t.; inf. -mamov- to meet
t.; nimamo voetazeme, I bring, join you t.;
join you t.; inf.-hov--
denotes "t.as a whole, a collection, entirety, fold";
nahovxsan, I put it up, store it t.; see heap, rake, lay
up, store; nahovoxz and nahovxtana, I lay it up t.;
hoxpoanen, I gather, pack t.; verbal suff.-ehe ref.
"moving together"; easeheo, they move away t.;
veheo, they cross (a water course) t.; ehoeheo, they
moved in, arrived t.; eamehestoveneo, they (indefinite
form) traveled t.; see tóeš, t., at the same time.
toil, expressed by suff.-meohe (in verbs); see strain.
toilet, vaxēhestoz, the fixing up; see fix.
token, mehoxtoētastoz,t.,act of love; šivatamoētastoz,
t.,act of mercy; see sign.
told, nahetan, I am t.; see tell.
tolerable, kama (also used as inf.); kama epevomoxta, he
is tolerably well; esaanizeôhan, it is not
t., tolerated.
tolerate, nanizeosan, I t., permit; enizeohe, he is toler-
ated; esaanizeôhan, it is not tolerated, per-]
toleration, see permission. [mitted; see allow, permit.
toll, nazetahàz axxev, I t.the bell; axxev eze tahame, the
bell is tolled; see tax. [is a t., an ax,q.v.
tomahawk, mathoxqx, the t.,ax; hoxqx, t.; ehoxqxeve, it]
tomato, henen, heneno (pl.,or.).
tomb, àtohoestoz; see grave. [standing upon the grave.
tombstone, hohona zetaxehosz àtohoestovå, the stone]
tomfool, emashanē, he is t.; zemashanēsz, the t.one.
to-morrow, màvōna; see morrow.
tongs, hàpanestoz, also hàpaneo; see pinchers.
tongue, vitanov, vitanovoz (pl.); navitanov, my t.; nivi-
tanov, thy t.,etc.; the old form for my, thy,
his (etc.) t.,is: nitanov, etanov, hevetanov, nitanovan
(our, excl.), etanovan (our, incl.), etanovevo, hevetano-
vevo; suff.-taneva tongued, provided with t.; epave-
taneva, he is well tongued; zeoxhešpave tanevas eotaši-
tamae, altho well tongued he is a scoundrel; enišetan-
eva, he has two tongues, is double tongued; emomaxseta-
neva, he has an accusing t.; evonhoahotaneva, he has an
alluring t.; ezesetaneva, he is Ch. tongued;
tae-onitavenszistove, every t., language; vohaevestoz,
shoe t.; eotahestovoahe, he has a double mouth (t.), is
a liar; see language.
to-night, hiz tāeva or hezezeha tāeva.
too, expressed by inf.-heom- in excess; -heomeose- t.
extreme; etaheomao, it is t.wide; etaheomaeta,
it (or.) is t.wide; etaheomemese, he eats t.much; inf.
heomst. far, over much; naheomstoēta, I have gone t.
far (in my act); mato, t., in addition, also; mato zeto,
this one t.
tool, zetaneneo, zetaneneonoz (pl.), t., implement;
meemaneo; nazetaneneo and name emaneo, my t.; ezeta-
neneoneve, it is a t.; zetanene oneva, with a t.
tooth, vēs, vēsoz (pl.); evēsevensz, they (in.) are
teeth; navēs, my t.; navēsoz, my teeth; nahāmata navēs,
my t.hurts; naonxoneniš, I have t.ache; ehevēsan, he is
teething; evēsa, it is provided with teeth, is toothed;
rad. -onen- ref. to t., teeth; naxaoneniš, I grate my
teeth (when biting on a hard substance); eéoneniš, he
has clean, sharp teeth (fig. his word is sharp, keen
sure, good); naéonenešého, I cause one to have clean
teeth (fig.); etapavonen, he is well teethed; etohovo-
nen, he has a gap in his teeth (Ger. Zahnlücke); etoko-
vonen, same as preceding, only ref. to a "small gap";
natovoeosàz, I make teeth in it,dent it; natovooneneo-
sàz, I dent it, form teeth in it; the first term ref.to
the empty space between teeth; see dent. Ekaonen, he
has short teeth; moènões, moènōesoz (pl.), elk t.; eso-
xàz, one is toothless.
top, hōhyos, t.of a hill, mountain;
kamōnôon, tip t.of
tree, crest; votocat, t., surface; tahok, tahoc, on t.,
surface; etahokota, it sets on t.; natahokahàz, I throw
it on t.of; natahokahamo, I throw it (or., as in games)
on t.of; natahokovōeno, I raise him to the t., sur-
face (of liquids); etotaxstoon, it is built on t.of,
superposed; heama noxset to anhotto, from t.to bottom;
hekamōnoon nahōs hoxzezeva, I sit on t. of the tree;
nitóheo or uitóhôn, t.(to spin); ninitohôonanoz, our
tops (to spin); nanitohôonaovo, I make a t. for him;
nitohôon esaa-avaohan, the t.does not fall over; nane-
tooha, I whirl, whip the t., make it spin; nitóhoeonoe,
nitóhoeonosz (pl.), whip used to make the t.spin.
topic, totoxseo,t.of discussion, also the one discuss-
ing; hovae nitosetotoxstanon, we are going to dis-
cuss, talk about a t., something; heto zetotoxeme na-
saaheneenô, I do not know this t.
topple, eevakseoz,it topples over.
torch, hoes taono, hoes taonoz (pl.); also vohoksenanistoz.
torment, nameztomo and nameztovoého, I t.him; namezto-
tan, I am tormented (in mind); nameztovoomen and
nameztovooeoz, I suffer t.; meztomazistoz, the tor-
menting; meztovo omenestoz, t., suffering t.
see tear; eōxevoeha, it is torn open; eōxevoeš, it
(or.) is t.open.
tornado, maxevovetas (or.), the great whirler; vovetas,]
torrent, ohevâe, t., now applied to any creek; the name
implies swiftness and must have referred only]
tortoise, see turtle.
[to mountain watercourses.
tortuous, eonemxaeoz meo, the road is t.; ēstavatto, it
is t., meandering.
torture, hestohoestoz or hestosanistoz, t. by dragging
buffalo heads by means of thongs fastened to
muscles of shoulders (on the back); nahestosan, I
drag; this t.takes place at the Sun dance; évoneax-
estoz, t.in which the sufferer has a wooden skewer
on each side
even thru the
are fastened
thrust thru a strip of skin or muscles
or muscles
of the chest (above the nipples), or
flesh below each eye. To these skewers
thongs hanging from a pole (either at the Sun dance
or otherwise). The torturer throws his weight back-
ward and strains at the thongs until the skewers tear
loose from their flesh. Eevoneax, he tortures himself
(in the preceding manner); vononeaxestoz, a similar t.
but lasting from sunset to sundown; évonenistoz, t.by
hanging from a pole by means of thongs fastened to
the breast's muscles by skewers; eévonen, he tortures
himself (in preceding manner); enhoxtanoz mekonoz, he
packs (carries) heads; this t. consists of carrying
two or four buffalo skulls fastened by skewers either
to each shoulder (in front or in the back) or to the
muscles of each shoulder blade: popoešestoz, t.con-
sisting of small circular cuts made on one or both
arms, above and below the elbow. The cuts are made by
raising the skin with a kind of pinchers and then
cutting it close under the pinchers with a knife;
sometimes also done by means of fire. This t.used
be frequently done until some ten years ago; women
did it also. Zeszetxestoz, is a t. consisting in gash-
ing both arms transversally above and below the el-
bow, the greater number of gashes (usually 12) being
below the elbow; ōxahostoz and hoxahostoz, ref. to the
piercing or cutting for the skewer [hoxaônistoz =
beading, ref.to the piercing with the awl]; eoxaòno,
cuts (pierces) him, makes a cut thru the muscles for
the skewer; oxahova, oxahovao (pl.), name of the one
who does such a cutting; zeōszesz hevxozeva, the one
offering his flesh. In all such torturing the aim is
to offer part of one's flesh. Avōneoestoz, t.consist-
ing of standing on the same spot and looking into the
sun without eating or drinking the whole day; màpeva
avōneoestoz, same as preceding, only the sufferer
stands in the water; eavōneōe, he fasts standing;
avōnšenàtoz, similar to the above only in a lying pos-
ture. Besides the ways of torturing here mentioned
any Ch.may choose some other way to inflict suffering
upon his body, either by fasting or otherwise. If all
this is not seen or known at the present, the practice
is far from having disappeared.
toss, nahenehaehàz, I t.it; nahenehaehamo (or.); naoxcé-
voahamo, I t.him up and down; see throw; ehenehae-
hame, it is tossed; henehaehasenistoz, the tossing up.
total, nšematto, t., all of it.
totter, see fall, stagger.
touch, nazeena, I t.it (with point of finger); nazeeno,
or. of preceding; zeenenistoz, the t.of fingers;
naàtoezeeno, I t. him so he listens; nazeeoz, I am
touched (with point of finger); nazeea, I t.it (with
the toe); nanēhov zezeeom, I who t.it (with toes); na-
zeeovo,I t.him (with toes); nazeoha, I t. it (with
pointed instrument); nazeòno, or. of preceding: naze
tana nemenistoz, I t., strike the music, play (with
hands); nazetanen, I am busy with my hands; ezeosan, he
touches with point of finger; mazeosen, name for cer-
tain religious teachers [hic "mazeosen" suis digitis
tangit partes obscenas docendi vel docendae]; rad.
-mxa- coming together with, touching; namxana, I t.it
(by hand); namxano,or.of preceding; namxaa, I t.it
(with the foot); namxaovo, I t.one with the foot, also
I make him to be touched; namxaon, I am touched, am im-
plicated; namxeàta, I t. with the feet; emaxàz, he
touches, punishes himself; also emomaxàz, in the sense
of "bringing punishment upon oneself";
hevhan, it cannot be touched by feet, is not to be
stepped on, ref.to floors, rugs, bottoms, anything under
the feet; also used to say: it is bottomless; nszevé-
mxōmaoz, do not t.it (liquid) with fingers; nszevémxō-
meohaanov, do not t.it (liquid) with your feet;
zehaovàzhemå, our heads t.together; see dip. Nananevà-
no, I know him by t.(with instr.); nananevaha, I know
it by t.(with instr.); nananevaa, I know it by t. (of
feet); nananevaovo,or.of preceding. The two rad.-z-
and -mx- are used to express "t.", the first implying
"with a point or only a momentary act" [hence the ex-
tensive use of the "z" in pref.and suff.-ze,-oz,-az],
the second ref.more to "touching together, being tan-
gent to"; namxiston, I t., make a delineating, drawing,
writing; ešivatameoz, he is touched with pity; ehamox-
täoz, he is touched with sickness, becomes sick; navō-
màz,I see myself, the final "z" implying the "pointing
to self"; zevōmo, the one I see, the "ze-" implying the
"pointing (touching)"; zheš, at this point (as if
touching with the finger); nazeomosan, I teach by
touching, pointing, demonstrating with finger.
touchiness, saahenōvàtoz.
touching, see pitiful.
touchy, esaahenōvá, he is t.; zsaahenōvahes, the t.one.
tough, inf.-mooxe- rugged, t., robust, flinty, immune to;
see immune; ematáeta, it (or.) is t.,rough;
matáéveho, t., rough chief; emátastaha, he is t.of
heart, of rough, irritable disposition; ehesēso, it is
t., sinewy; ehesēsão, they (or.) are t., sinewy; esaaho-
koxcesahe, he is t.,ref.to character; mataetàtoz, tough-
ness, roughness; hesēsaestoz, toughness, sinewiness.
toughen, see harden; mataešehāmataetavosz, when they
(in.) are toughened, hardened.
tousle, see disorder; eatoeszeha, he has a tousled head.
tow, see drag; naamōena,I t.it; in speaking of a net
the or. (naamōeno) would be used.
towards, often expressed by inserted "t"; nahooxzeta,
go t.it; nanhooxzetova, he comes t.me; nahooxze-
tovo, I go t.him; nanoxzoxta, I go t.it, where it sets,
is; nanoxzoto, I go t. him, where he is; nanoxzoxta nā-
estoz, I go t.death; nanoxtaetovo, I face t.him; nanox-
taeta, I face t.it; nanoxtaešetovo, I lie facing one;
nišc-hahanevetto, more t.this way (t.speaker).
towel, nevōenestoz, face wiper; neonaxestoz, hand wiper;
neàtaxestoz, foot wiper; see wipe.
[is a t.
tower, tomsemhão, tomsemhäonoz (pl.); etomsemhäoneve, it]
town, mâevehoen, also mâevehoēstoz; nimâeveho aman, our
t.; both terms ref. to towns of white people; mâ-
estoz,t.,lit. where all stay; emâestove, it is a t.;
èmâestoveneo, it was a town (ancient past); zèmâesto-
ve, where the t.is.
toy, evosoeseo, evosoeseonoz (pl.); see plaything.
trace, naneheo to, I t., trail him; natootáenoto, I t. him;
nitootáenox, thou tracest me; namxea, I t.it (in
drawing, writing); amoxzistoz, t., footprint, track,q.v.
track, amoxzistoz, amoxzistotoz (pl.); see trace; hotá,
hotáenoz (pl.) and hotáenov (collective), t.,ref.
to a trail, continuous tracks [hotaehe cinders of
burnt grass, when blown after a fire]; nàthotáenoz, my
tracks; nsthotáenanoz, our tracks; nahessheneenovo
hesthotáeneva, I know him by his t., imprint, mark; amo-
eneo-hotáenoz, wagon tracks; evonhotáena, his tracks
are obliterated; eàtomaotáenax, his tracks are covered
(by the wind); evonho táenavōva, the water (rain) obli-
terates his tracks; natootáenoto, I follow his tracks,
trace him; natooneoto, I follow his foot steps; tootá-
enoxsz, trace thou me, follow my tracks; tooneoxsz, fol-
low my foot steps; suff.-oxz ref.to t.,imprint;
oxz, he ends his tracks, dies; heamoxzetto, his, its t.,
tractable, enonizeomae, he is t., docile, tame, gentle.
trade, hoxtovazistoz, the trading; hoxtovametazistoz, t.
by bartering; nahoxtova, I t.; also nahoxtov-
san (pred.); navisthoxtova, I t.with him (associated
with one in t.); hoxtovavého, white man trader; hoxto-
vamhão, trading house; see buy, sell.
tradesman, zehoxtovsansz or hoxtovsanehe,
tradition, hoxtaheo, t., tale.
trail, meo, t., road; nanomeo to, I follow his t.; enehota-
neva, he is trailing, chasing; natoeoxtaz, na-
ameoxtome vàz, I keep on the t
the t.; neheoxzetsan, nehemato-
zetsan, t. hound.
the one who]
train, maatameo; same name
name as for
er. Eaneeva, he is training
naaneemo, I t., teach him; eaneema
by God; aneevàtoz, the training; aneemazistoz, the
railroad. See stream-
(himself or another);
Maheon, he is trained
training of one; nahoxee to mohèno, I t.the horse;
horse; ze-
hoxeesz, the trained one; ehoxeevosoe, he is trained in
playing; eonistosoe, he trains, practices (for games);
mohènoham-hoxeesóhestoz, also hoxetahoestoz, horse]
trainman, maatameo-vého. [training (for the saddle).
traitor, mesētaneva; emesētane vaheve, he is a t.; eōce-
vozezeve, he is a t., cheater; ehoxovevistava, he
is a t., one who passes to the other side; see betray.
trammel, see entangle.
tramp, same as walk, q.v.; enistonevanoxzistove, it is a
sound of tramping feet; hotxovessevanoxzistove,
it is a sound of tramping feet (to and fro); vēstomo-
heo, t.,beggar,q.v.
trample, natotaxotovo, I t.over him; natotaxého, I t.him;
natotaxész, I t.it; natotaxota, I t.over it; see
tread; etotaxoēta, he is a trampler, a transgressor;
totaxotovazistoz, the trampling over; napēoho, I t.upon
one, crush him; nazenxamapēohan, I shall simply be]
trance, see dream.
[crushed under.
tranquil, see calm.
transfer, nahoxovhoxsznetan, nahoxovhoxstaetan, I want to
be transferred, join another band, organization.
transfigure, enitavevene oz, he is transfigured, changed
in face.
transfix, nanosēnotoòno, I t.it (or., as a play wheel) to
the ground; nanosēnotoemaso, I t.it (in shoot-
ing the arrow thru the play wheel); nanoséhoèno, I t.
it (or.) to the ground; see pierce, pin, stake.
transform, see change.
transgress, natotaxoēta, I t.,act transgressing (tread-
ing over); natotaxetan, nataxetan, I t.(in
thot; natotaxoész, I t.it, tread over it (see trample);
naatoēta, I t. (in acts); naatoého, I cause him to t.;
naatoész, I t.it; naatoëtaetovo, I t.gainst him; naato-
ētaeta,in.of the preceding: zeatoētasz, zetotaxoētasz,
the transgressor; zetotaxetanoz, the transgressor
thot) with his disposition; zeatoētaetōsz or zetotax-
oēsz, the one (or.) transgressed against; hoema zeato-
ētaetoe or zetotaxoē, the transgressed law; niatoesto-
von hesthoemanistoz, we transgressed his law; naatoso-
neta, I have temptation to t.; zsaa-atosonetahess,
ones having no temptations, trials to t.
transgression, totaxoētastoz, atoētastoz, t. in acts;
taxetanoxtoz, totaxetanoxtoz, t.in disposi-
tion, feeling, intention; nioéeneonan, our t., break
[t.; see transgress.
transgressor, eatoētaeoneve, etotaxoētaeoneve, he is a]
transient, evhan'netto, it has a mere passing course;
nivostanehevstonan etavhan'netto (or etav-
hanènetto), our life is t.: zevhanènetto
netto, that which is t.; see fleeting;
or zevhan’–
(in.), -vaeno (or.) ref. to t.actions.
transitive, see Ch.gr.
[Scriptures: see interpret.
translate, nahoxovens zevxeana Maheonemxistō, I t.the]
translation, hoxovens zevxeanazistoz.
translator, zehoxovenszevxeanensz; see interpreter.
transmit, namezevaeno, I t.to him (in giving something);
nahoxovemeaa, I t.it, give it across; nahoxo-
vehotonan hoxtahanemakätaeva, it (information)
been transmitted to me by telegraph (or telephone).
transmute, see change.
transparent, esaasonoenovhan, it is not t.; esonoenov, it
is t., also esoxpooxtove, it can be seen
thru; hovae zeoometōenov, something t.
transpire, see sweat.
transverse, see across, crosswise.
trap. nonono, t., snare, fish line, rain-bow; monàzeom, bird
t.; nitaamonàzeomanhemå, let us t.birds! Na-
hekotono, I catch one by t.; atoaseom, t.,pit fall;
older words are: ešiemōn or eššemōn and hoanàtoz; na-
nonoto, I t.him; see catch, snare.
trash, see débris, rubbish.
travail ekanemeohe, he travails, strains with work; eae-
neozetan, she is in t.; eahanemeohe, she is in
great t.
travel, nahoxovistava, I t.; zehoxovistavaz, the one who
travels; naamhoxoveoxzeta, I t.thru it;
tavátoz, t.; ehoxovistavàtove, it is a t.; see journey.
traveler, hoxovistavahe.
traverse, nahoxoveoxz,I t., go across; nahoxovèn,
walk across; ehoxoveoz, he has traversed;
xoveoxzeta, he traverses it; see cross.
travois, amstoeseo and hoetōnó.
I t.,
tray, amsetoxq, oval t.; heoxotave toxq, feeding t.
treacherous, eocevovozezeve, he is t.; also eoceheoneve;
see cheat, deceive; eocevomao, it is t.
ground; inf. -momoana- =t., dangerous; emomo anahekomao,
it is t.,dangerously soft ground; naocetovo, I am t.]
treachery, ocevovozezevestoz, ōcestoz.
[towards him.
tread, natotaxota, I t.upon it (several times);
ta, I t.upon it (once, as if pressing); nato-
taxotovo,or.of preceding; natotatohaèn, I walk tread-
ing; examatotaxovàzeo, they (or.) t. upon each other;
nahonešeoxzenoz meškson, I t.on a worm, killing it; na-
pēàtaovo,I cause him to have his foot crushed, t.it;
napēàtano, I t., crush his foot; napēszeaovo, I t., crush
one's head; nasososzehaovo, I stove in one's head
(either by treading or otherwise); etotaxèn, he walks
treading upon; totaxènistoz, the treading (in walk-
ing); totaxotovazistoz, the treading upon.
treason, mesetane vàtoz; see betrayal.
treasure, same as riches, q.v.
treat, napevoého, I t.him well;
I t. him
bad; naohaoého, I t. him dreadfully; našivatamoého,
I t.him with mercy; nataestovoého, I t.him in the same
way, as much; zehexovoéhas natanexovoého, I will t. him
as he treats me; namooto, I t. him (invite him to a
meal), also nanoōmo; nazevôonaova(?), he treats me with
food. Nameztovoého, I t.him cruelly.
treatment, pevoētastoz, good t., act; pevoéhàzistoz, good
t.to one; náestoz,t., doctoring; see doctor.
treaty, vistomōhanistoz, t.,covenant, oath; hoemanistoz,
tree, hoxzz, hoxzetto (pl., or.); ehoxzezeve, it (or.) is
a t.; ehoxzezeveo, they (or.) are trees; hoxzezeva,
on, in the t.; maxhoxzz, a big t.; pavhoxzz, a good t.;
nathoxzetam, my t.; nsthoxzetamaneo, our trees; hest-
hoxzetamevō, their trees; hevetova hoxzz, t.trunk;
monhoxzz, t.stub, stump; naéòno, I cut, hew a t.; naavòno
hoxzz, I fell a t.; zeavoesz hoxzz
zeavoesz hoxzz, a felled t ; hekot-
xahoxzz, a rotten t.; hoxzz zeanstahamenax tsaaeše-ex-
aohanehez' hemenam, a tree whose unripe fruit is shak-
en down by the wind; eéasetto eonimotaoena hoxzezeva,
the vine winds up around the t. ; enōnoeo, the trees
are dried; evokonaoeo hoxzetto, the trees stand dried
up (looking white, their bark peeled); xamahoxzz, the
native t. (cottonwood t.); hoxzz esóhóxae, the t.is
still green (ref.to wood); hoxzetto ēševèpozeväo, the
trees have leaves; evèpozevat tonsz, they are leafing;
maxemenóe, maxemenósz, apple t.; menóe, menósz, cherry
t.; fruit trees (except cherry t.) have the suff.-me-
nóe (sg.) and -menósz (pl.); šistato, pine,cedar or
fir t.; amstōseo, double t.(of a wagon); amstōseo
evešhotxpseoe xoeoxtanohamistovå, the double t. is
fastened by means of the wagon wrench (sc. to the wag-
on tongue); amstōseo napâana or nahot xpstana penoma-
ôoneva, I fasten the double t.to the harrow; amstōseo
enonametoevhōsta, the double t.is not evening (either
end moves back and forth); see pull; hessemeohesto-
toz amoeneo, the single trees of the wagon; mxeomàto-
toz,t.buds, blossoms (ref.specially to cottonwood t.);
hoxzezeme (?), t.seed; haestoha eamoneōeo hoxzetto,
there are many rows of trees; hastoha eamoneōensz
maxemenósz. there are many rows of apple trees; hoxzz
emènevasehe or emènevas, the t.is worm eaten;
estaēstotano hoxzetto, the worm digs into the t.
tremble, nanonomē, I t.; ehoenonomeoxz, he arrived trem-
bling; zenonomēsz, the trembling; enxpomaeoz, the
ground trembles; see shake.
tremendous, eahanohātamahe, he is t., powerful; eahanho-
toanahe, he is t., terrible, awful; inf.-ahan-
[tongue; see trill.
tremor, nonomēestoz; enonomeetaneva, he has a trembling]
trench, zeamotōe or zeamevosoe, that which is dug]
trespass, same as transgress, trample. [(lengthwise).
trial, oniseztastoz, t., attempt: ōhaztastoz, t., examina-
tion; oniseztaetovazistoz, t., the being tried
(not in court); motahestoz, t., in the sense of tired-.
ness, depression, weariness; oniseztaevoomenestoz,t.(in
suffering, misfortune); hoesta-oniseztaetovazistoz,
fiery t.; esaa-atosonetahe, he has no t., temptation, no
cause to transgress; zsaa-atosonetahesså, the ones
(or.) who have not trials, no cause or temptations to
transgress; heovaz hešeoniseztastove evešeonistatame,
he is tried with all sorts of trials; see try; ehox-
tahanistove hoemanemhayon, t., court proceeding.
triangle, zehešksaevxeo or zeohešksaevxeoe, t. (drawn);
exovavósz, triangular (?) grass, whose stem has
three (or four?) corners; naha eexovatto, it is tri-
angular has three corners; naohešksaevax, I cut it in
triangles; naohešksaevaso, I cut it (or., as cloth) in]
triangular, see triangle. [triangles; also naohešksaéso.
tribe, manha or manhao, manhaō (pl.); manhastoz, manhas-
totoz (pl.),t., band (substantive n.); nis-
txnova manha, all the tribes; also hestanestoz, hestan-
ov, t.,nation; nokov hestanov, one tribe of men; also
nokov hestanistove; for the names of Ind. tribes see
under Indian; see also band, organization.
tribulation, mhaomeeozistoz,overwhelming misfortune, t
hotoanavoomenestoz, ôzetanonavoomenestoz,t.;
see misfortune, suffering; naomomoomen, I am in "wail-
ing" t.
tribute, navovēmo, I pay t., homage to one; also navovē-]
trick, nanasoēta, I play tricks, practical jokes; nanaso-
éha, he plays a t.on me; enonahoēta, he plays
tricks,is a juggler; nonahoētätan, trickster, juggler;
eōcevovozezeve, he is tricky, crafty, wily.
trickle, see drop, leak,rain; eheōxz,it trickles.
trifle, nanasoéha, he trifles with me; natotatoész and
nanasoész, I t.with it; nanasoēmo, I t.,joke con-
cerning one; nameemész, I handle it (without special
care or attention); this term conveys "t." when im-
portant or ceremonial things are handled lightly. To-
tatoētastoz, trifling act;nasoētastoz, similar to pre-]
trigger, matano, also bow string. [ceding, implying joke.
trill, enonomenon, he sings with trembling.
trim, napevanen, I t. (by hand); napevana, I t., repair it;
nahoxeaxå, I t., clean it (with knife); nat'tano-
ax oxtxovamo täva, I t.it with shears, scissors;
tanoaxanon, pl. pers. of preceding; nit'tanoaso šeon,
thou trimmest the cloth; natoxoéxa, I t. it along the
edge (with cutting instr.); natoxoéso, or.of preced-
ing; nahonocéxa, I t. its point (with cutting instr.);
nahonocéso, or.form of preceding; natoxoexova oxtxova-
motäva, I am trimming the edge with the scissors: na-
honocexova, I am trimming the point; namaného navōsto-
to zetatoxsozevano, I make my dress trimmed at the
bottom (with ribbons, etc.); see adorn.
trinity, nahetovahestoz, the
being three; Zenahetova-
hesz, the Triune one.
trip, nahotxtaovo, I t.him, make him stumble,q.v.; hoxo-]
tripe, venooxz.
[vistavàtoz, t., journey.
triple, nanov; see numeral.
tripod, zenaheoxtatto, the three legged one (in.); hom-
sestonoe, t., for cooking purpose; hoeono, hooseo-
no, t., stand; hoànonoe, shield t. (to hang shield on);
the meaning "t." is not implied, but usually such
"stands" were made of three sticks or small poles.]
triumph, vehaoestoz; navehaovo, I t.over him. [See tipi.
troop, see gather; expressed by inf. -mano- =together;
nokov notxeo, a t.of soldiers; inf. -momeno-
group; zemomenohasso notxeo, the groups, troops of
soldiers; nimhastonan, our t., company, the "all of us".
Usually the Ch. said "notxevèho" for "troops", ref.to
the U.S.Army; nisov notxevèhoniaeozetõeneo,
troops of soldiers attacked us.
trot, mohèno evoveoxz, the horse is trotting; hetan evo-
veoxz, the man walks fast (between a walk and a
trouble, naôzetan, I am troubled (in mind); namâetan,
am troubled, worried; namåsemetan, I am troubled
hard pressed (Ger.bin bange); naôzetanoho, I t.him;
naôzetanonavstaha, I am troubled in heart; naôzetanon-
avoomen, I endure t., anxiety; see disturb; emomoxtōme-
ōstaa, the water is troubled, stirred, agitated (by
wind); ôzetanoxtoz, ôzetanoozistoz,t.; haomenhestoz,
t., misfortune; ôzetanonavoomenhestoz, condition of t.
troublesome, eôzetano sóhe, he is t.; eôzetanosohetto, it
is t., also emavetanosóhetto; see meddlesome.
trough, zeoxceveevxnoes hoxzz, t., hollowed out tree; na-
veevòno hoxzz, I hollow out a tree; veeveto, vee-
vetōnoz, t.or vessel in t.like form; eamseveevetovat-
to,it is t.shaped; emanohameevetovatto,
it is like a
watering t.; manohamevetō, watering t.
trouser, vešeĕsenostoto (pl.or.); evešeêsenostoveo, they
are trousers; navešeēsenostovetan, I want
trousers; màto or màtohon, Ind. t., see legging.
true, ehetometto, it is t., sure; ehetom, he is t.; eoni-
syometom, it is indeed t.; eonisyomahe, he is t.;
eonisyomoēta, he acts t.,in truth; rad. -onisyom- in-
deed so,with certainty; nahetomemo, I speak t. of him;
nahetomesta, I speak t.of it; mxhetom, if t.; mxhe-
tomsz, if he is t.; nahetom, am I not t., is it not tru-
ly so? Inf.-ono- correct, level,t.; eonisyometan, he
is t.,faithful,q.v.;naonisyomnie tamenoz, I truly trust
truly, óosetto and óoseš, t., really, in truth; inf.-tó- =
the very, exact, true, t.; etóněhov, it is t.him;
etónhesso, it is t., exactly so; onisyometto, t., indeed;
heto hetom, if this is t.so; esaaonisyomeneševé, he did
not t.do it.
etàpen, he
trumpet, tàpen, tàpenonoz (pl.), t.,name for all mouth
instruments; etàpenoneve, it is a t.; tàpenone-
va, with a t.; zenistōhetto maxetàpen, the great t.
shall sound; natàpenon, my t., flute, etc.;
plays the t., or any mouth instrument.
trumpeteer, tàpenoneheo; hetàpenoneham, his t.
truncate, expressed by rad.-tam- top cut off abruptly;
etamo, it is cut level on top, on the end; na-
tamosôn, I t.; natamo soha, I t.it, cut, chop its end or
top off.
trunk, mavetov, the t. (body without legs, arms and head);
hevetov, his or its t.; heev zesēseo, the t.of
elephant; vèhoehoseo, vèhoehoseonoz (pl.), t.,chest,
lit.white man's box, bag.
nanietam, I t.; nanietametovo,I t.in, on him;
nietameta, I t.in it; nanietamenoz, I t.him, in him,
depend on him; this last term is more used than "na-
nietametovo"; ninietametovazemeno, we t.in thee or
you; nanēhov zenietametto, I who t.in him; zenietamsz
Maheo, the one trusting in God; zenietamezē, the ones
(or.) in whom we t.; zenietametōezē, the ones who t.in
us; nanietams tahaovo, I make him to have t. in his
heart; nanietamstahaosemo, I inspire t. to one's heart
(by words); nanethootan, it is entrusted to me; nieta-
mestoz,t., the trusting; nahenietame stove, I have a t.;
nahenietamestovenoz, he is my t.; nihenietamstovsto-
vaz, thou art my t.; naonisyomnie tamenoz, I fully, truly
t.,believe in him; onisyomnietamestoz, t., faith.
trustworthy, eonisyom, eonisyometto, it is t.; eonisyoma-
he is t.; onisyomhastoz, trustworthiness.
trusty, same as trustworthy.
truth, hetomestoz; onisyomhetomestoz,
the real t.; óo-
setto, óoseš,
óoseš, in t.,
in t., of a t.; xanovastoz t.,
straightforwardness; nahetomeēsz, I speak the t.; He-
tomevhan, the Truth itself.
truthful, ehetomeheoneve, he is t.
try, inf.-onis-, onisetto (detached)
trying, attempting;
naonisineševe, I t.to do it; naonisiztaetovo,
t., test him; see test. Naōhaztaetovo, I t., examine
him, find him out; naonisezta, I t. (in doctoring, medi-
cine); naonistaoha, I t.it (instr. form); nionisyomnie-
tamestovevo eoxceoniseztaetoe, your faith is being
tried; esaaešeoniseztaetôhan, it has not yet been;
tried; naonistosoe, I t.to play, I practice (games,
plays); naonistoan, I t.to pronounce, speak [confound
not with inf. ononis- foolishly;
eononis toeta, he
acts foolishly]; toanoxa onisetto, let me t.!
tub, nšehanenevetō,-tōnoz (pl.), wash t.; eušehaneneve-
tōneheve, it is a t.; nšehanenevetō zeohotomoena,
tube, vehanooxz, vehanooxzz (pl.), t., lit.hollow case;ve-
hanooxz ehohan na evèpo, the t.is round (cylindric-
al) and hollow; ehohanemhaaoxzeve, it is a solid t.;
ehohanevèpo, it is a hollow t.; ehohanevèponsz, they
(in.) are hollow tubes; rad. -ve- concave, hollow;
rad.-vèp hollow (with both ends open).
tuberculosis, kaneozistoz and kanhastoz,
tiredness; the latter term is mostly in]
tubular, ehohano, it is t.; see shape, tube.
Tuesday, noceeno, the first day (because the Ch. call
Monday "after Sunday"); see day. Matanoceeno,
when it shall be T.; mxhossenoceeno, next T.; zexhos-
senoceeno, the next, following (past) T.; zénoceeno,
when it was T.; nistoha noceeno,every T.
tuft, same as tassel,q.v.
tug, nahessemeohe, I t.; setoxc, t., thong, q.v.
tule, moomstas.
tumble, ehotãoz, it tumbles over, this can also be said
of a person who begins to get dizzy, also fig.go-
ing from good to bad; nonohoma ehotåtanazeo, they
(or.) t.over each other; ehoto anao, they (or.) t.down,
one after another; nahotãoz, I make it t.; see over-
throw; eavevoeàzeo, they make each other fall over, t.;
toneš etoseoxseozen's na etoshotãozen's, when will it
turn turtle and t.over? this was said by old Ch.who
believed the earth was more like a flat mound which
eventually would turn turtle and t.over; nahonotaze-
tõe, they (or.) t.on me, crowd me; hotāozistoz, the]
tumor, see boil.
[ tumbling.
tumult, homôozistoz, t., commotion, q.v.
tune, hešksehahestoz, high t.; see sing, voice;
-non,-nonistoz denotes t., melody.
suff .
tunnel, oom ehotōtōhanov, they make a t.; vós hastoha
oom ehotōtōhe, the mountain has many tunnels; ho-
hona oom ehōtōhe, the mountain or rock is tunneled;]
turbid, eahanōme, it looks t.; see mud, muddy. [oom -thru.
turbulent, ehomôoz, it is t.; see commotion; eoeotōmeoz,
it is t.(of a body of water, see water).
turkey, maxen, maxeneo (pl.); emaxeneve, it is a t.; ve-
honemaxen, t.cock, gobbler; maxenes, young t.; tox-
tōemaxen would be used for "wild t.", because the Ch.]
turmoil, see commotion.
[know the tame t.now.
turn, naeoxsan, I t.over; naeoxsena, I t.it over; naeose-
hasen, I t.over (something, by throwing); naeose-
hàz, I t.it over by throwing (as pancakes); eeoseoz, it
turns over, turns turtle; naeoxseoz, I am turned
around, mixed up; eosehaseo, pancake turner; navoxceta-
ho, I t.around, make a t. (in riding); rad. -voxce-
crooked, bend, corner; navoxkoeno, I make a t.(with a
wagon); navoxkoan, I t. (in speaking, degress from the
subject); emomotonoeno, he turns around, back (with a
wagon); nanimaoha, I make it t. (as a wheel); enimaoaa,
it turns (as the wheel of a sew machine, etc.): nani-
maeozesz, I make it t.in a circle; nsthoaman enimahōs-
ta, our earth turns, rotates (being suspended); enimae-
asethōsta, it turns, revolves and moves ahead (being
suspended, like the earth); nanimaoena tatahoo, I t.the
key; naotxovevistäva, I am a "turncoat", one who passes
over to the other side; naoevaxkax, I t.from; naoevax-
kaxetovo, I t. from him; naeotaenōoto, I t. away from
him, leave him; nahanoxtaeoetovo, I t.my back to him;
zetapeveoz, it will t.out well; napeveozhatanotovo, I
want him to t.out well; nanhatae, I t., face towards;
etataeoz,it has turned open (as a door, lid of a box,
etc.); etataeoxz, he turns down, off, disappears from
view; nanoxtaeoetovo, I t.towards, face him; enovsevox-
ka, he turns off (from where he was expected to go or
come, as a rabbit); ehokoxceveoz, he turns into a crow;
ešešenovozeveoz, it or one turns into a snake; enize-
veoz, he turns into an eagle; the three preceding
terms are used in the Ch.tale of the Pleiades; eame-
haoemèneveoz, he turns into a dragon; nahōevoknō, I t.
them (or., as horses) loose, out; naevhae, I t.about;
naevhaeota, I t.back; nazetaovoham, I t. the horses (in
guiding them); nazetaena, I t., place, guide him into a
certain direction with the hands; nazetaovo, I make
him to t.into a certain direction; naxaenōoxta, I
leave it, turn away from it; nahanosšemo, I t.him on
his back; nanohèn, I t.aside; nìnohèn hohom, t.ye aside
this way! nohéohestoz, the turning out (from the way,
course one had); -nohé- turning away from; nazetaha-
mo osēna, I t.the grind stone; nonameto, each by t.;
rad.-meto- by turns, alternately. Nanohévoēta, also
nanimoēta,I t.aside (in acts), do wrong; nanohéšenaoz,
I turned aside (from my course) to sleep (when I was]
turpentine, šistato-heamsc, oil of pine. [not to do so).
turtle, maen, maenon (pl.); maenxkōva, a t.back; toxtoe-
maenon, land turtles; amsemaenon and heōnema-
enon are two kinds of water turtles. In certain
ceremonials the Ch.draw a t. for a symbol. Often it
represents the womb. A large or small beaded bag in
the form of a t. is also worn by younger girls; see
navel. Eeoseoz, it turns t., see turn, tumble.
turtle-dove, hemen, hemeneo (pl.); see dove.
twain, enisoväo, they (or.) are t.
tweezers, oceveenosenazistoz.
twelfth, zeòtnixaonetto, or zematòtaonetto
twelve, matòtòtnix; see numeral.
[to; see numeral.
twentieth, zenisóaonetto, the t.; see numeral.
twenty, nisóe; see numeral.
twice, nixa; see numeral.
twig, hesta, t., branch.
twilight, ehetoevōmano, it is t.
twin, hestaes, hestaxc (both sg.);
hestaeson, hestaxce-
son are used both in the sg.and pl.; also he-
staxceo, twins; ehestaxcnevōèn, she has (bears) twins;
navhanenhestaesoneve, I am merely "t.", do not really
belong to but sympathize with, not being a member
(active member) but interested with. Hestaxcehee, T.-
woman, pr.name; Hesta, T.-man (when not a pr. name this
word also means "heart" or "navel").
twine, see twist; setoxceo,t., string,q.v.
twinkle, hotoxceo evohokasešen, the stars t.; zevessoe-
sēsz, the twinkling one; epopoemazeniš, he
twinkles (with the eyes).
twirl, see whirl; nanitooha, I t.it (by means of a short
whip); nanitohesz (?) or nanitoena, I t. it (not
with instr.).
twist, naonimotaoena, I t., wind it; naonimo taoeno, or.of
preceding; eonimotaoene, it is twisted; naonimota-
hôoheškana, I t.and wrench it (as when pinching the
skin and twisting it off); naonimo taoha, I t.it (with
an instr.); naonimataotohana, I t.it around; naeonimo-
taotohana, same as preceding only by a slower, more de-
tailed process; naoneaotohana, I untwist; naanho-eoni-
motaotohana, I t.it around downward; all these terms
imply "winding",q.v.; inf.-onimxa- twistedly, tortu-
ous; inf.-nime- denotes partial t.; enimēs, he has a
twisted nose (to one side); nanimononaoz, I t. my foot
(when foot is turned outward); nanimenstaneoz,
wrench my knee; nanimaevskoseoz, I t.my finger;
eōeseš, he has a twisted, wrenched finger (from
ing); nstanimaevskseohàz, I will t.thy finger; onimo-
tâeonoe, twisted tobacco; zeonimaoeozēsz, the twists,
turns in the road; eonimaoeoz meo, the road has twists.
twitter, zeto vecess etonsesta, what kind of voice, t.has
this bird? enešesesta, he twitters that way;
zepevetanos ehessenesesta, it twitters, chirps because
it is glad.
I t.,
two, nixå; see numeral; nanisovàno, I sever it (or.) in
t.(by stroke, blow); naonisovaso, I cut it (or.,as
potatoes, drygoods, etc.) in t.; naonisovax, in. of pre-]
twofold, nisov; see numeral.
type, hetomōhestoz, t., symbol, trope; see represent, sym-
boli ze
typify, ehetomōtâ, he typifies, represents; nahetomōto,
t.him; nahe tomōxta, I t., symbolize it; ehetomō-
txevaheve, he is one who typifies, symbolizes; hetomō-
txeva,n.of preceding, also hetomōsane or zehetomōsz.
typewrite, namxeoahasen, I write by striking, throwing;
namxeoahàz, I t.it; emxeoahame, it
is type-
written; mxeoahaseneo, typewriter.
tyrannize, emátanitáetsan, he tyrannizes, rules with]
tyranny, mátaevehonevestoz, t., the being a tyrant, a
harsh chief; also mátaenitáestoz.
tyrant, mátaeveho or mátaenitáe; emátaevehoneve, emá tae-
nitáetsaneheve, he is a t.
The Ch.can be written without the letter "u". In a
few words like "mxistō, nistxez", the sound of
"u" as
in "quit" seems present. This is due to the syncope
of "o" befor the "x" and the peculiar sound of "x"
before "ẹ" and "i". In some words letter "o" sounds
like "u" in "nut", but is the result of rapid speech.
Udder, matanan, the u.; hetanan, her u.
ugly, eahansenova or eohãesenova, he is u. (in character,
disposition); eonimoxoeszeha, he has an u.head;
nasaamomenovomoxta, I feel u., ill humored; ehavseven
she has an u.face; ahansenovàtoz, ugliness; saamome-]
ulcer, see boil. [novomoxtastoz, ugliness, ill humor.
ultimate, expressed by inf.-hoox- last.
umbilical, hesta,u.cord; see navel.
umbrella, hoveokoo, hoveokôonoz (pl.); see shade; naho-
veokôoaovo, I provide him with an u.; nahoveo-
kôòno, I shade him (sc.with an u.); nahoveoceoxz, I
walk, go with an u.; ehoveokôoneve, it
un-, expressed at times with inf. -ne-
is an u.
and again with
the negative particle "-saa-"; nanetoxca, I "unhat"
take off my hat; nanetôan, I "unshoe", take off my
shoes; esaaheneenôhan, it is unkown, not known.
unaccustomed, esaahoxeozé, he is still new, green, not yet
acquainted with; see acquaint.
unacquainted, nasaahoxaztô, I am u.with it; nasaahoxata-
mohe, I am u.with him; zsaahoxatamehessỏ,]
unalloyed, eoseeka,it is u., pure,q.v.
[the u.ones.
unanimous, emätanoozeo, they (or.) are u.; emätanoozis-
tove, it is u.; oxmätanoozistovēsz, when (sc.
people) are u.,have all the same mind.
unanswered, esaanōstôhan, it is u.; mxistōnoz zsaanōstô-
haneh ĕsz, the u.letters; esaanōstoehe, he is]
unapproved, esaapevatamehan, it is u.; zetohetasaape-[u.
vatamehan, all that is u.; esaapeva tamehe, he
is u.; zsaapevatamehesso, the u.one (or.).
unarmed, emãesena, he is u., has no weapons;
zemãesenassỏ (pl.), the u.one.
unassuming, enōse-oneetan, he is u., unpretentious.
unattainable, esaahoxtame han, esaahoešenà tovhan, it is]
unavoidable, esaatoss-nohéozehan.
unbandage, naevhašexone ano, I u.,unrope, unbind(as rope,]
unbecoming, esaavotaehan, it is u. [string tied around, ]
unbeheld, hovae zsaavōseone vhan, something u.
unbeknown, zsaaheneenôhan, that which is u.
unbelief, nizestàtoz, u., doubt; tazàtoz, u.,contempt.
unbeliever, zenize staz, zenizes tasso (pl.), the u.
er; zsaaonisyomà tahesså, the unbelievers
the ones who do not believe; esaaonisyomàtahe, he is]
unbind, see untie.
[an u.
unborn, esaaešhestaozé, it is u. [which is u., endless.
unbounded, esaataènettan; zsaahēn'nistovettan, that]
unbraid, nasevá, I have my hair loose; naonehaovana,
it; eonehaovaostá, her hair is unbraided; ese-
vaeš, she is unbraided, has her hair loose, (usually
ref.to having hair loose in mourning); naonehaoneano,
I u.the rope, thread; naonehahotoena, I u. it
hair); naonehahotonòno, I u.her hair; eonehahotonoe,
she has been unbraided (ref.to braids); eonehaovess,
her hair is unbraided (ref.to hair).
I u.
unbridle, naoneha-hoxzenāetoham, I u. the horse; zeeše-
hoxzenaevoss, after they had been unbridled.
unbrokenly, tatōneetto.
unbuckle, nanit'taena, I u.it; see unharness.
unburden, nahomoena, I u.it; rad. -māsto- ref. to "free
from burden, give relief"; namastohano mohè-
no, I u.the horse; namās toheoz, I am unburdened, releas-
ed; zemaxemās tohanevoss, the unburdened ones (or.),
freed from burden; naénevox, also naénevevox, I am un-
burdened (from packing, carrying); naénoxena,
I am
(state) unburdened (from carrying on shoulder); éno-
xenàtoz, the being (state) unburdened; naénoxeoxz, I go
unburdened; naénoxenoz, I u.myself of him (from carry-
ing him on shoulder).
[ena, I u.it.
unbutton, nanit'taeno naeszehen, I u.my coat; nanit'ta-]
uncertain, eonovetan, he is u., doubtful, does not know;
naononoveoz, I am u., doubt, do not know well;
see flighty; nahestovazesta, I am u. about it. [change
unchangeable, etoomatto, it is u. ;etoomahe, he is u.; see
uncharitable, esaašivaztahe, he is u., unmerciful.
uncle, nxan, my u.; niš, thy u.; hešeo, one's u.; nxan, our
u. (same as "my u."); zehešez, the one we
have for u.; nševo, your u.; heševo, their u. naheše-
noz, he is my u.; nahešetova, I am his u.; zehešes-
tovsz, an u.; nahešeton, I am an u.; navesshešemo, I am
u.with him; zehešetto, I being u.
unclean, esaahoxeaehan, it is u.; esaahoxeahe, he is u.
unclose, see open.
uncoil, naonehao toena, I u.it; nasèponeano, I u., stretch
out the rope; naevhašexotoano, I u., unwind it
uncommon, see strange.
unconcerned, see lightly. [eoz, he is u. (when fainting).
unconscious, nasaahomatovàz, I am u., do not feel; ena-]
uncooked, see raw; esaaexátahan, it is not cooked.
uncouth, see awkward.
uncover, nahotxana, I u.it; nahotxano (or.); ehotxane, it
is uncovered; nahotxae, I am uncovered, re-
vealed; ehotxaeheve, she is a widow; inf.-hotxe- to u.
undecided, ehestoveoz, he is u.; nahestovazesta, I am u.
about it; see hesitate; naxanisxkonavetan,
am u. (between two).
under, àtono; eàtōeoz, he is u.,hides u.; àtonoomehetan-
eo,u.ground people, cave dwellers; àtonoom(ē)
ground place, u.world, cave dwelling; nahoveoeoxz, I am
u.shade; navèpevonōeoxz, I am u. water; nahoešetova, I
u. (lying) him; nanhe àtono hoxzezeva, I stand u.a tree.
underdone, ehospâta, it is u.,cooked rare.
undergo, see endure, suffer.
underground, àtono hoeva.
underskirt, eōstoz, eōs toto (pl., or.).
understand, naheneeno, I u.; naheneena, I u.,know it; see
know; nanoxtovheneeno, I can u.; nanitavàto-
vo,I u.him differently; noxtovetanoxtoz, the under-
standing; also noxtovheneenovhastoz; matšetan, mind, ]
undertake, naaseneševe, I u.,begin to do it. [under-]
underwear, asēszehe.
underworld, àtonoomē.
[undoes, spoils it; see open.
undo, see inf.-toto- under "harm, spoil"; etotonševe, he]
undress, nanes'an, I u. (man sp.); nanes' ano, I u.him; na-
nitōsta, I u. (fem.sp.); nanitostano, I u.her;
nanĕseeszehen, I u., take off my coat, shirt, I unshirt;
navovokanàz, I u., stripping off all clothing. Nēs'an-
istoz, the undressing (for men); nitōstanenistoz, the
undressing (for women).
[with instr.).
unearth, namenôn; namenoha, I u.it; namenòno,I u. (or.,]
unending, esaahēn'nistovettan, it is u., has no end.
uneven, see rough.
unexpected, esaanòzevatamehan, it is u; hootova, unex-]
unfit, evotanxpavs, he is u. (for anything good).
unflinchingly, expressed by inf.-soom-thruout, neither
right nor left; inf. -vàtom- =neverthe-
less; toometto, u., without change.
unfold, nasèpemaena, I u.it (as a scroll, paper); nasèpe-
maeno,I u.it (or., as a folded blanket, bolt of
drygoods,etc.); esèpemaene, it has been unfolded; esè-
pemaeha,it is,lies unfolded; esèpemaeš, it (or.) lies
unfolded; easemaneoxz, it unfolds, grows "increasing"
(of a plant, etc.); etataĕsettonsz, the blossoms u.,
open; eametataeoz, it is unfolding, opening.
unfortunate, ehãomen, he is u., in misfortune; zehāomen-
ēsz,the u.one; zehāomenesso, the u.ones.
unfriendly, esaamomenovahe, he is u., disagreable; eònez-
tae, he is u., hostile,q.v.
the u.ones,
ungodly, nha zsaatoxetanotovohesso Maheon,
the ones not minding God; rad.-notova- implies
u., frivolous, light minded; enotovae, he is u.;
vaameoxz, he walks, goes without rule or road;
vaeoxzesso, the u.ones, sometimes used to mean
verted"; notovavostaneo,u.people; enotovavostaneheve,
he lives an u.life.
think to]
ungrateful, hahō esaahešetanohe, he does not
unhandy, esaanotoxaehan, it is u.; see handy.
unharness, nanit'taeno mohèno, I u.the horse; nanit’tae-
noham, I u. (implies horse or horses); nit' ta-
enehå, u.him; also nit' taenohamsz!
unhitch, našexaenoham, I u. (ref.to horses);
(ref.to horses); našexaeno
mohèno, I u.the horse; šexaenohamsz, u.the horse
or horses.
[horsed, thrown from the horse.
unhorse, naomahaman, I am unhorsed; eomahame, he is un-]
unhook, našexana, I u.it; nanit'taena, I u., unbuckle, un-
button; ešešehōsta, it unhooks of itself (some-]
unhusk, see shell.
[thing hanging, suspended).
unicorn-plant, vovoxkaemenóe, vovoxkaemenósz (pl.), lit.
the crooked berry plant (Martynia probos-
cidea); vovoxkaemenoz, the fruit of the u. By mistake
the Engl. name for u. was given as "devil's claws"
(Scabiosa succisa) under "devil".
unify, nanokovaosan, I u., make to be one; see unite; na-
namanohaovō, I u.them (or.).
union, manohastoz, u., the being together;
toz,different unions, groups; nokovaovazistoz, the
being one, the collecting in one.
unit, see numeral; inf.-naesz- as one, a unit.
unite, emamovaneo, they have been united; namamovanō,
u. them; vistōmazistovå evešemamovaneo, they are
united in marriage; emamo vão, they are united; emano-
hão, they are together as one; enokoväo, they are one
(as a collection); emätanoozeo, they are one, united in
thot, mind; also enokaez' zehešetanovoss, they are
united in purpose, mind, lit. it is one that which they
think; see join, meet, together; nimanohamå, we are
united; also ninokovamano hamå, we are as one.
unity, manohastoz, nokovamanohastoz.
universe, hestanov; this is also applied to "world".
unjust, esaapavxanovaehan, it is u.; esaapavxanovahe, he
is u.; esaaonoazeonevhan, it is u.,unfair, not
noble, correct; zsaapavxanovahesz,the u.; zsaaxanova-
hesso, the u.ones.
[nevestoz, unkindness.
unkind, esaašivaztaheonevé, he is u.; saašivaztaheo-]
unknown, esaaheneenôhan, it is u.; zsaaheneenôhan, that
which is u.; zeononoe, that which is u.,not well
known, uncertain, doubtful; rad.-ononov- =doubtfull, not
well known, u.; ononovōestoto,u.relatives; zeononoesså
vostaneo, u. person; zsaaheneenohesz, the u.one (or.);
nivāsesto, some one (not known); hestōevostan, u.per-
son, stranger.
unlawful, esaahoemanistovhan, it is u., not the law;
esaanizeôhan hoemanistovå, it is not allowed by
law; evešetotaxoe hoemanistoz, it is a trespass of]
unleavened, zsaapohanoehan kòkonôo, u. bread. [the law.
unless, óha; namesaametohe óha nhâxzevasz,
I may not
give it to him u.he comes to me.
unlikely, expressed with "mo" or "móna" followed by
inf.-me-; móna emehoeoxzé, it is u.that he will
[esaatāōemehanehez', his knowlege is u.
unlimited, esaataōemehan, it is u.; heszheneenovhastoz]
unload, naomoena, I u.it; namās tohano, I u., unburden him;
see unburden. [ohe, that which is unlocked.
unlock, natataoha, I u.it (with key or instr.); zetata-]
unloose, naonehaenen, I u.; naonehaena, I u.it.
unlucky, ehãomeneoz, he is u., unfortunate.
unmarked, esaamxehôhan, it is u. (by branding, writing);
esaaneevamxehôhan, it is not marked, has no]
unmerciful, same as unkind.
[sign written.
unmindful, esaatoxetanohe, he is u.; saatoxetanoxtoz, un-
mindfulness; zsaatoxetanohesso, the u.ones;
zsaatoxetanotohesso, the ones u.of it; zsaatoxetano-]
unmixed, see pure.
[ tovohesso, the ones u.of him.
unmoved, esaamomoozehan, it is u.,not moved; etoometto,
it is u.,remains unchangeable, unchanging; esaa-
homatôhanehez' heszhesta, his heart is u., without
[cover; see naked, nude.
unprepared, expressed by "neemes" =without backing,]
unprofitable, esaahoozenovhan, it is u.; see profitable;
unravel, našexone ano, I u. the thread, rope. [esaatoni-]
unreasonable, emashanē, he is u.
[toksohan, it]
unreprovable, esaaoxeseonevé, he is u. [is u.,useless.
unrest, saahaomoxtomoxtastoz, restlessness; see restless.
unrighteous, esaaxanovahe, he is u.; esaaxanovoētahe, he
is u. (in acts); esaaxanovaehan, it is u.;
zsaaxanovaehan, that which is u.; saaxanovahestoz, un-
righteousness; zsaaxanovahesz, the u.one; esaaxanovhe-
tanevé, he is an u.man; esaaxanovevostanehevé, he leads
an u.life; see righteous, unjust; ehavsevoēta, he is
u., an evil doer; enotovaeoxz, he is u., ungodly.
unripe, esaaešexatan, it is u., not yet ripe;
ešeexaohan, it is still u.; see ripe.
unroll, nasèpemaena, I u., spread it (something folded,
rolled); esèpemaene, it (also or.) has been un-
rolled; esèpemaeha, it is (lies) unrolled, unfolded;
esèpemaeš, it (or., as robe, blanket, bolt of drygoods)
is.lies unrolled; see uncoil.
unruly, ehehet ovanov, he is u.; zehehetovanesso, the u.]
also esaa-
unsaddle, naomana hoaoxestoz, I remove the saddle
the horse); nanithoaoxeno mohèno, I u. the horse;
nanithoaoxenoham, same as preceding; naomahaman, I am]
unsaid, nanōoxtosesta, I leave it u. [unsaddled, unseated.
unscrew, naniseonimotaoēstaoha, I u.it (with instr.);
naniseonimotaoēstana, I u.it (by hand).
unseen, esaavōseonevhan, it is u.,invisible; esaavōseo-
nevé, he is u.,invisible; zsaavōseonevhanehēsz,
the u.things; esaavōmehan, it is not seen; esaavōmehe,
he is not seen; zehetaesaavōseonevhan, all that is u.
unsex, nahoxozevanoham, I u., castrate the horse.
unspeakable, esaatāmeemehan, it is u. [hesz, the u.one.
unthankful, hahō esaahešetanohe; hahō zsaahešetano-]
untie, inf.-oneha- denotes "u., loosen something tied";
naonehaena, I u.it; naonehatovohe, I u. my
shoe string; eonehatovoheoz, it (shoe string) is un-
tied; naonehaeno navoota, I u.my necktie; naonehahoto-
nôn,I u.(braid); eonehaovess, her hair is untied;]
unto, see to.
[naonehaoneano, I u. the rope.
untrue, esaahetomettan, it is u.; zsaahetomettan, that
which is u.; esaahetomé, he is u., also esaaheto-
mahe (state).
untruth, saahetomhestoz; esaahetomhestovhan, it is an u.
unveil, same as uncover.
unwell, esaapevomoxta, he is u., feels not well.
unwilling, etóvahe, he is u.,insolent, impudent. [foolish.
unwise, esaaotoxovahe, he is u.; emashanē, he is u., ]
unwind, naonehaotohano, I u.a rope, string from around
(pole, tree, etc.); naevhašexoneano, I u. (rope),
uncoil; naevhašexotohano, I u. (as a ball of string);
nasè poneano, I u. (rope) and stretch it. [leave it u.
unwritten, esaamxeôhan, it is not written; nanōoxtxea, I]
up, heama, up, above; often expressed by inserted "é" in
the sense of "upward"; nataéoxz, I go up, as-
cend; eéomao, it is uphill ground, the ground is steep;
niéènsz,walk up (where speaker is); naéatōo, I look
upward; éomao-hozeohestoz, uphill work; eéōes, it
floats upward; etomixtoe, he sits up; natomoxtana, I
set it up; heameohe, u. the river.
upbraid, navehoeto, I u.him; navehoesta, I u.it; see
uphill, eéomao, it is u., steep: éomao-hozeohestoz, u.work.
uphold, see support; naohaeštano tomovo hevostane heves-]
uplift, see lift.
[toz, I u., prolong his life.
upon, taxetto (detached): inf.-tax- =upon; taxetto mà-
peva, u. the water; nataxeamèn, I walk u.; inf.
-totax- u. (several times); etotaxeavaō, they (or.)
fall u.each other; etotoovotansz, they (in.) set u.
each other (superposed); etotoovehå, it is (lies) u.
each other (in layers, folds); etotoovešen, they (or.
as drygoods) lie upon each other (in layers, folds);
etotoovemaeš, it lies folded (with folds superposed);
| Juliana pravdata
mang kawatapat
see fold; etotoovemaehansz, they (in., as sheets of pa-
per) lie u. each other; nataxeanaotovo, I fall u.him;
etaxeanao, he falls u.; etaxehoe, he stands u. etaxo-
ta, it sets u.; etaxesē, he sits u.a chair; nataxemxis-
ton, I write u.; nataxemxea, I write it u.
upper, vâxsheama; also expressed by inf.-nanos- high-
est; nanosetto (detached).
uppermost, zenanosetto, that which is u.; zenitáetto, the
u.,most important, main thing; zenanotahesz,
the u.one; Zenano tahesz Maheo, the u., supreme God.
upright, see erect; inf.-exanov u., straight.
uproot, nanit'semaoz, I u.
upset, nahotãoz, I am u.; nahotāhàz, I u.,overthrow it,
make it tumble,q.v.; naevasena, I u.it (upside]
up-stream, heameohe.
naéões, I
upward, expressed by "é"; naéèn, I walk u.:
float, move (suspended) u.; naéax, I flee u.;
naéoxz, I go u.; eéaxenstove, it is a fleeing, running
u.; naéahàz, I throw it u.; naéahamo, I throw him u.;
eéahame, it (or one) is thrown u.; naéaton, I kill u.
(by shooting u.); naheamoamo, I shoot u.and kill him
heama, "the u.", that which is above; hohona nahea-
mahamo, I throw a stone u.
[toz, urbanity
urbane, ehotoae, he is u.; zehotoasz, the u.one; hotoas-]
urge, navonhosemo, I u.him; evonhosetaneva, he has an
urging tongue, is in the habit of urging,
ishing (also in a good sense); vonhosetanevàtoz, and
vonhosemazistoz, the urging; zevonhose tanevaz, the one
who urges (from vocation, habit); zevonhosemansz, the
urging one (subj.); zevonho semsz, the urged one;
vonhostomosan, I u., exhort; vonhostomo hestoz, the urg-
ing, exhorting; nahénhessetaneva, I go to u., influence,
incite; suff.-vamo (or.) and -vàta (in., seldom)
plies "urging, coaxing, persuading"; napavevamo, I u.him
to be good; namanevamo, I u., encourage him; see Per-
suasive m.in Ch.gr.
When "u." is used in the sense
of "haste, hurry", see these terms.
urgency, vessetanoxtoz.
urgent, evesse tanonov, it is u.;
it should be done in a hurry, it is u. that it
should be done.
[etanoxtoz, the wanting to u.
urinate, exae, one urinates; naxaetan, I want to u.; xa-]
urine, xaestoz: nxpexaenōsestoz, dysuria; enxpexaenōse-
oz, he has dysuria.
us, expressed in the or. accusative suff. of the verb, ]
[see Ch.gr.
usage, see custom, habit.
use, nahozeoxta, I u.it; nahozento, I u.him; nahozeto, T
u.him; nahozesz, I u.it; the difference between
"nahozeoto" and "nahozeto" is that the first indi-
cates "direct" and the second "indirect u."; in the
first I do the work myself (as with a horse) in using
him, in the second he does the work for me, upon my
telling him; nahozeto can also mean: I want him to do
(it) for me; nihozetaz, I need thee to do something
for me;nihotševaenaz, I need thy help quick, for a min-
ute! nahozeoxtomovo hemxistonestoz, I u.his pen; ehoā-
hoozeenov, it is of great u.,profit; nahest'seeseomen,
I u.it for medicine; naešho xazesta, I am used, accustom-
ed to, acquainted with it; nasaahoozenové, I am of no
u profit; rad.-mat-,-mase- denotes "used up, entirely
gone, used"; see finish; ematane namxistonestoz,
pencil is used up; hevostanehevestoz emataneoz, his
life is all used up, nothing of it is left; natapavho-
zeoxta, I will make a good u.of it;navovònethozeoxta, ]
useful, ehoozeenov,it is u. [I u.it with tender care.
also esaatonitokso-
usless, esaahoozeenovhan, it is u.;
han; esaatonitoktahe, he is u.; enšheneena zeheš-
saatonitoksohanehez, he knows the uselessness of it;
rad.-oxze-,-oxzheš- =u.,in vain; naoxzhešenheto, it
was u.to tell him, I told him in vain.
usually, rendered by inf.-oxc-, becoming -oxk- before
inf.-saa-; eoxcemese hezeto, he u., commonly eats
here; eoxksaamané, he does not u.drink.
Ute, Moxtavataneo [Moxtavàtataneo =Blackfeet], Black
people; Moxtavataneo zexhoe voss, where the Utes
live. The Utes were the last hostile tribe with which
the Ch.made peace. This was done in the fall of 1894,
by meeting the Ch.at Cantoment, Oklahoma. [child).
uterus, matxpohanoto,u.; vehōsestoz, u. (when bearing]
utmost, expressed by inf.-tonoc-; zetonochaeš-voēseve
hoe, the u. parts of the earth.
utter, rendered by suff.-oan to u., pronounce, articu-
late; epavoan, he utters well; esaaoxhohe, he utters
nothing; esaatonšeoanistovhan, it cannot be uttered.
utterance, pavoanistoz, a good u.; havsevoanistoz, evil
u.; kaoanistoz, short u.; see language, speak.
ܟ ܐ
In Ch."v" has a peculiar pronunciation hard to give
in Eng., somewhat between "v" and "w", similar to the
Fr. "ua, ué, or ou"
when pronounced rapidily.
sound in Ch. has the value of Eng.pref. "co-, con-", and
of "together, center".
[v. (sp.of a lodge, house).
Vacancy, see emptiness; vèpšenastoz, v.; vèpeometàtoz,]
vacant, evèpeometa mhão, the house is v..empty; evèpše-]
vacate, see leave. [na, it is empty, v.; see empty, hollow.
vacuity, see emptiness.
vagina, macesta.
vagrancy, notovaeoxzistoz, the roving, being unrestrain-]
a ja
vagrant, enotovaeoxz, he is a v.; zenotovaeoxzz, the v.,
unrestrained one, homeless, not affiliated with,
frivolous, ungodly.
vague, rendered by rad.ononov-; eononovazesta, he is v.
indefinite; eononovezhess, it is v., indifinite.
vain, inf.-hōv- =in v., for nothing; inf.-aestom- =y.
false; inf.-oxzheš- and -oxze- is used to express
"in v.,vainly, uselessly, with no result"; inf. -menoxc-
=v., proud; esaatonitoksohan, it is in v., useless;
hōveneoxz, I went there in v., for nothing; naoxzheše-
ēsztovō, it is in v. that I speak to them; see dese-
crate, false. Emomenoxkoan, he speaks with v.glory;
epevōmsohetan, he is v., proud, craving admiration; eme-
noxcevōmàzetan, he is v., wants to be seen; evèpa, it is
v., empty; vèpanan, vèpananeo (objective form), v., emp-
vainglorious, etaomemenoxcepevatamàz, he is v.; emenox-
wants to be ad-
cepevōmsohetan, he is v.,
mired; emomenoxkoen, he is v. (with aloofness).
vainglory, momenoxkohenestoz; menoxcepevōmsohetanoxtoz,
v., vanity; menoxcepevatamàzetanoxtoz, v., the
wanting (with pride) to be admired.
valiant, see brave; ehatamahe, he is v.; zehātamahesz,]
valid, epeva,it is v.,good.
[the v.one.
valise, vehoehoseo, white man's bag, also ref.to a trunk;
vèhoehoseoneva, in the v. ;kaemestoz, v., hand bag.
valley, zeveetto, zeveettosz (pl.), that which is con-
cave; zeameveetto, that which is long and con-
cave, v.; etoxtoeoz, it is a vale, a small depression
(on the prairie); zeamevoseoz ohe, v., river depres-
sion; zeōmevoveetto (zeōmevoveettosz,pl.) atoonato,
v.,long and low or deep depression; hotomeohe, hoto-
meohesz (pl.), v.,river flat, land on each side of a
river; zeootomevoveetto is another word for "v."; ze-
soxpevoveetto, a long, narrow v.,gorge.
valor, hatamahestoz; ehatamahestove, it is v.; see brave.
valorous, see valiant.
valuable, ehaōeme, it is v.; eohaōeme, it is very v.
haōeme, that which is v., has value,q. v.
value, verbal suff.-(h)ōem and (h)ōesta ref.to "v.";
ehaōeme, it (or one) has great v.; napevōemo, I
count, v.him as good; etonetōemé, what v. has it (or
he)? eshovōeme, it has less v.; nanokhõesta, I v., count
it worth one (sc.dollar); zeto mohènoham eanavhōemeo,
these horses are cheap, down in v.; zetāōeme, its v.;
zehexovōeme, the degree, amount of its v.; zehexovōems,
or.of preceding; naēveōhatamo zehexovōems, I examine
him to know his v.; evonhōeston, it is beyond v.,
priceless; haōemestoz, high v.; hohonaeo zenanoshaōe-
mess, stones of very great v., valuable above all (sc.
above other stones). Enokōeme, it is valued at $1;
enisōeme, it is valued at $2, etc. See estimate, esteem.
Nisó makätansz enetōeme, he is valued at $20; see]
vamp, vohaevestoz.
vanish, see disappear; esehovhovanē,
appears suddenly.
vanity, menoxcepevōmsohetanoxtoz, the wanting to be ad-
mired; menoxcevōmàzetanoxtoz, the wanting to be
seen; vèpanan, v., that which is v., empty, weightless-
ness; see vain. Vèpeneot-amoētastoz, V. Fair, lit.empty,
hollow performance; see pride.
vanquish, see conquer, subdue; navovonano, I v.him; navo-
vonoéhō, I v., defeat them (or.).
vapor, eéšeō, it is v.; zeéšeō, the v.;
zeéšeō, the v.; zeéšeō zeamhōsta
hāaešeeva, a v.driven by the wind. [ful; see change.
variable, eoxceonitavat amano, the weather is v., change-]
variant, expressed by rad. -nitav- =changing, differen-
tiating; see change, different.
variation, nitaveozistoz, the changing;
tovhan, there is no v., change; etanitavataman-
ooz, there is a v.in the weather; nitavatamanoozistoz,
v.in the weather.
varied, eonitavhestanoveo, they are v.people, live vari-
edly as peoples,nations; ehaestnovxtavensz, they
(in.) have v., many colors; eonitavevens zeo, they have
v.languages; eonitavhetšetanoxzeveo, they have v.
he vanishes, dis-
minds, opinions.
variety, onitavevenszistoz, v.of languages; onitavemeses-
toz, v.of food; onitavēs'anistoto, v. of clothings
(for men); onitavevoxcasz,v.of hats. See different.
various, see different, manyfold, varied; hastoha nataox-
ceneoxz mâevèhoeno,
oftentimes; heovasz, v., all sorts of; heovasz hešemen-
oz, v., all sorts of berries; inf. -estoxto- several,
I go to town at v.times,
V tonestoxtoe,in v.,several ways; ēvestoxto-hozeo-
heo, they work in v., several ways;
he pretends in v.ways with me;
natones toxtoemaova,
eevhestoxtoeman, he]
[pretexts in v.ways.
varnish, same as paint.
vary, see change, differ.
vast, inf.-von- expresses "vastness" in some terms,
like: evonemahao, it is v.in width; evonoetam, it
is of v.depth; evonhōestonstove, of v., countless num-
ber; evonōmoeha, it is a v.body of water.
vat, maxeveto or mameveto, a bulky, large vessel, a tank,]
vault, nanosekaax, I v.; kamxeheva navešenosekaax,
I v.
with a stick; nanoskaaxetahaso, I v.with a horse;
evoxkoston, it is a v. (made, erected) navoxkoston,
make it v.shaped; also navoxkoemanisz.
vaunt, see boast; emomenoxkoan, he vaunts himself;
etaomehãotaz (in words); emenoxcetotoxemàz, he
speaks with pride about himself; menoxkoanistoz, the
vaunting; ehōvohātamàz, he vaunts himelf brave, power-
veal, moksa hesthoevoxköz, calf's meat.
veer, enimao estaoxz nonohono nomhasto,it veers gradual-
ly to the south.
vegetation, zehetaehoneo, also zehetaeoó, all that grows
(as plant); emoonatamanoó, the v.is beauti-
ful; ehavsevoó, the v., plant growth is poor; hovae
esaahoneohan, there is no v., nothing grows; zehetaèoó
epevetanotto, the v.rejoices.
vehement, expressed by inf.-momáta- =with anger, temper
(in. sp. of people and animals); suff. -ōstaa,
-ōstòno,-ōstax, etc. (see Ins. form in Ch.gr.) imply ve-
hemence, force, blow, stroke; eoxeōstaa vē, the lodge is
torn by the vehemence of the wind.
veil, nahevae, I have my head covered, veiled; nahevaèno,
I cover one's head; see head; nahōmenèno, I v.one;
ehōmenehe, she is veiled, has her face covered; hōme-
nehestoz, cover for face; hevacehestoz, head covering;
zeotōenovsz, netting, anything having meshes;
voēta, he acts veiled, in disguise, not openly,
vein, màzemaeme.
velocity, rad. -nšev- denotes v.; enševeoēsena, it moves
with v. (sp.of celestial bodies); maatameo eo-
hāenševeohetto, the train runs with great v.
venerate, see fear, respect; naéàtovo,I v.him;
toz, veneration.
[see revenge.
vengeance, nonohenomo hestoz, v., resistance, retribution; ]
vengeful, enonohenomoheoneve, he is v.; inf.-eās- =with
wrath, vengefully; nivéeāseoxeve, speak not
anger, vengefully.
venomous, eohãonen,
pikakuniy tabakad
pangan menga
(or., of reptiles) is v is
"strong of teeth"; šešenovotto eohāoneneo, the
rattle snakes are v.; see poison.
venture, nasaahezeva, I v.,am bold, without disguise; na-
saahezevaeztô nitov, I v.myself; see bold, risk.
veracious, see true.
veracity, hetomhestoz, truthfulness, v.
verb, the Ch. v.has two main conjugations: coordinate
and subordinate, modified by persons, tenses,
forms, modes, modal affixes and divers suffixes. See
[by law.
verdict, zehešhoemanistove, that which has been decreed]
verdure, zeoxozevoó, the v., that which is green (of
growing plants, mostly grass); zepevatamanoó or
zemoonatamanoó toxto, the beautiful v.of the plain.
brink, border; inf. -tose-
verge, toxe; see
point,v.of; etosenãeoz, he is at the v.of death.
verify, evâxshe tomeoz, it becomes verified, true, truly
fulfilled; nahetomesta, I v.it, declare it true,]
verily, onisyo and onisyometto, in truth.
=at the
vermin, maevescehevotozz.
vernacular, tāma zeheenszevoss, their v., language, q.v.
vertebra, ätov, ätovonoz (pl.), lumbar vertebrae;
toz,caudal or coccygeal vertebrae.
vertical, expressed by
"t" in many
sound of
tions; see erect. Natomoxtana, I set it up, v.,
erect; natomooxz, I walk erect; zetomsxoz, a wall.
vertigo, eveneozistoz; see dizzy.
very, hako; hako haeš, v. far; hako heama, v.high,
above; inf.-oha- v., v. much; naohamehotaen,
loves us v. much; inf.-ota- and -vota- (old form) v.,
in a high degree; eotapeva, it is v.good; evotamasha-
nē, he is v. unreasonable; inf.-tó- and -nitó- ="v." in
the sense of "real, actual, true, same", also used to
give emphasis or express identity; etóněhov, he is the
v.one; tóetto is the detached form of inf.-tó-.
vessel, rad.-ve- denotes concavity; suff.-tō and -toxq
implies "holding within"; -vetō or vetoxq (for
a smaller v.) =v.; see kettle,kitchen utensils; maxe-
vetō, large v., tank.
vest, totamenaēszehe, the armless coat; natotamenaēsze-
he zevecenōs, where the pocket is in my v.
see feel; nahomosemo, I v.him; navenomoxta, I feel
vexed; see annoy. [words); ôzetanoxtoz, v.,bother.
vexation, venomoxtastoz; homosemazistoz, the vexing (in]
vial, kaevetoxq and kaenanivsetto (of glass).
vibrate, enonxpaa, it vibrates; enonxpoax, it (or.) vi-]
vice, see evil.
[brates; see shake.
vice-, expressed by inf.-honaov-- =next to, second
rank; zehonaovevašitaevsz, the V. President (of
the U.S.).
vicious, eahansenova, he is v., evil; ahansenovàtoz, vi-]
victor, zevovonanovaz, the one who is v.; zehotävaz,
one who wins; hotävahe, v.; nimaxhotävatōen,
is a great v. for us; nahotävanoz, I am v.over him.
victorious, evovonanova, he is v.; see defeat.
victory, vovonano vàtoz, the being victorious; hotävàtoz,
v., the winning; vonanetanevàtoz, v. (implying
extermination of the enemy); mooxzenistoz, v.celebra-
tion (by painting black) when no loss of men occurr-
ed; hoose or mooxzenistoz nimetaenov, he gave you v.
(only in war): hoose means "dead coal". The victori-
ous Ch.blackened their faces with dead coals as a]
victual, see food. [symbol of peace after war; see coal.
view, naevezetōo, I v., am looking; see scan, see;
am looking; see scan,see; zexho-
tāoenov, where the v.is free, open; ehotāoenov,
is in full v.; zemävōme, in v. of all; zistómonevōma-
zistove,at first v.; eàtohōmaeoz, it is hidden from
v.; nahestoemeoena, I bring it to v. (from enclosure);
inf.-me- to come to v., appear,q.v.; zehešetanotto, my
v. opinion; zehesseztom, my v., opinion of it; niton-]
vigilant, see watchful.
[hessezta, what is thy v ]
vigor, hekoneozistoz; see strength.
[opinion of it?
vigorous, ehekoneoz, he is v., strong: enakae, he is v.
has energy; see robust, sturdy.
vile, ešénitame, it is v., loathsome; našénezesta, I deem
it v.; see loathsome; etaohahavseva, it is v., very
bad; inf. -oxenitam- v., filthy; eôxenitamoan, he
speaks v. eoxenitamoēta, he does v. acts;
vostaneheve, he leads a v.life; Ŏxenitamestoz, vile-
ness; oxenitamoanistoz,vileness in words, utterance;
ôxenitamoētastoz, vileness in deeds; see filthy. Zešé-
nitamsz, the v.one; zešenitame, that which is v.; ze-
oxenitam, that which is v., filthy. [senovaz, the v.
villain, onimeešehtan; eohãesenova, he is a v.; zeohāe-]
villainous, expressed by inf.-ahansenov- or -ohãesenov;
eohãesenovevostaneheve, he is a v.person.
villainy, onimeešehetanevestoz, ohāesenovàtoz or ahan-]
vine, eéasetto, v., climbing plant.
v., acid water;]
[see acid.
vinegar, hoeståxemàp; màp zeex'xeeno,
violate, see transgress.
violence, momátahestoz; inf.-momáta- =with v ; namomá-
tahestana, I take it with v.
violent, emomátaeoz, he becomes v.
violin, matanōenemenistoz, v., string instrument.
virgin, zeheēvsz, zeheēvesso (pl.), the v.one; eheeve, she
is a v.; heēvestoz, virginity; also kasehee,
young girl, v. [is v., a man; hetanevestoz, virility.
virile, ehetanezhesso, it is v., manlike; ehetaneve, he]
virtue, hoxe epavhastoz.
virtuous, ekōmae, she is v.;ekōmheēve, she is a v.woman; ]
visage, see face. [ehoxeepavae, one is v., pure and good.
vise, hàpaneo; see pinchers.
visible, evōseoneve, it (or one) is v.; zevōseoneve, that
which is v.; zevōseonevesz, the v. things; zsaa-
vōseonevhan, that which is not v.; zehetäevōseoneve,
all that is v.
vision, nahotōo, I have v., sight; nathotōstoz, my v.,
sight; hōeta, v., "stars" (as when stunned by a
blow or at night when a sudden flash appears); nàthō-
eta, my v., flash; zehetõetatto, that which is a flash,
v.of fire; naevxtovo, I see in a v., also look around;
ovaxenàtoz, dream, v.; naōvax, I have a v., dream, q.v.
visit, vēno nahooxz, I v.; natotoxoeoxz zèvēstove,
I v.
thru the camp; see company.
visitor, hoxovistavahe, hoxovistavaheo (pl.), a v.;
ally said of one who came from a distance; see]
vitiate, ehavseveoz,it vitiates, becomes bad. [company.
vivacious, enonahaxczhesta, he is v., brisk, q.v.
vivacity, nonahaxczhestàtoz.
vivify, navostaovo, I v., give him being (this term is ob-
jected to by some Ch.); naametaneoho, I v.him.
vocation, suff.-taneva implies v., calling, occupation;
eonōsetaneva, he calls (as his v., occupation);
emomaxsetaneva, he accuses (from habit, occupation).
vocative, characterized by suff. -esz and -(h)asz (in
the pl.); hetanész, ye men! heesz, ye women! ve-
honasz, ye chiefs! kašgonasz, ye children! eōstaehasz,
ye Christians! onisyometanoehasz, ye believers! kaso-
vāehasz, ye young men! kaseheehasz, ye young women! ho-
toxkasz, ye stars! vóasz, ye clouds! màpasz, ye waters!
nako, mother! nàz,daughter! niš, grand child! niscehe,
grand mother! niho, father! zehevasemetovaz, my young
brother! zehemaheonametovaz, thou my God! these two
last terms are given as samples taken from the sub.of
the verb. See Ch.gr.
voice, hešehahestoz; zehešehahes, the v.one has;
hešehahe, I have a good v.; nazhešehahestoz, the
way my v.is, my v.; enitavehahe, he has a different v.;
etomenitavehahe, he presently has a different v. ; emo-
mátaehahe, he has an angry v.: enešehahe, he has such a
v.; namxehaheztovo, I call to one with a "great", loud
v.; heovaesz zexhessevon maxehahestoz, all sorts of
sounding voices; see sound; nahōnevosehaheztovo, I put
a v.in his defence; ezceenehahe and ehešksehahe, one
has a shrill v.; etomsehahe, one has an alto v.; eēno-
sehahe, he has a base v.; see sing; emaxetàpehahe, he
cries, calls with a loud v.
voiceless, esaanoxtovenszé, he cannot speak, is mute, v.
void, see empty; evotanxpavseve, he is v. of good.
volcano, vós zenxhoatovão, peak from which fire and]
voluminous, see bulky; expressed by inf.-mame-.
voluntary, expressed by inf.-taom- of self.
volute, evoxkaĕsetto, it is v., conduplicate;
for the terms used to designate the differ-
ent "-volute" forms. [heheozeozistoz, the vomiting.
vomit, naheheozeoz, I v.naheheoz ehōneoxz, I v.bile; he-]
voracious, emhaetsaneoneve, he is v.; eohamesheeoneve, he
is v., a greedy eater.
vouch, same as swear; navis tomōhan, I v., swear.
vouchsafe, nanonizeom-nizeovo, I v.him.
vow, ezetoxeva, he makes a v. (for a religious ceremony);
hosz eoxcevešezetoxevanov, some make a v. with
it; navistomōhan, I v., swear; zezetoxevaz, the one who
makes a v.; emeaevaxeva, he makes a v. (for the Arrow
ceremonial); ehoxeheševa, he makes the v. for the
vowel, maàzenavoanistoz.
see "line"
"y" before and
There is no "w" sound in Ch. altho
after "o" is pronounced similarly to "w" in "woe".
Wabble, see stagger.
wade, naamoxovo, I w.across; nazoova, I w.thru water; na-
zoòno hestas (or.), I w.thru snow; nazohanoz,
I w.
thru dry substances (as branches, etc.).
wag, naōmaeš, I w.my head; naōmacē, I sit wagging my
head; naōmacèn, I walk wagging my head; hotam eaxao-
eoxz, the dog wags his tail, shows friendliness; evava-
evaxeš, he wags, waggles his tail; zeōmaešenaz, the one
who wags his head; zevavaevaxešenaz, the one who wags
his tail; ōmaešenàtoz, the wagging of the head; vavae-
vaxešenàtoz, the wagging, waggling of the tail; axaoxe-
oxzistoz, the wagging, showing friendliness (of dogs).
wage, nameoe, I w.war; meoestoz, the waging of war [na-
meoeševa, I declare war]; hoozeemestoz, wages (obj.
which I give); hoozeohestoz, wages (subj., which I get);
nathoozeemestoz, my wages; nathoozeohestoz, my wages]
wager, naséoz mesestoz, I w.food; see stake. [(subj.).
waggle, see wag.
wagon, amoeneo (or., sg.and pl.); naaeno amoeneo, I own a
w.; eamoeoxzetto amoeneo, the w.rolls, goes; nata-
hozenoz maxsz amoeneon, I load a w.with wood; navoxko-
eno amoeneo, I drive around (a corner) with a w.; na-
momotonoeno, I turn round with a w.; etahoe amoeneon,
he rides in a w.; natahoho naamoene on,
natahoho naamo eneon, I give him a
ride in my w.; suff.-oxta in connection with w.ref.to
the wheels (legged); naxoeoxtano amoeneo, I grease the
w. (the word "amoeneo" is often left out); xoeoxtanis-
toz and xoeoxtanohamistoz,w.grease; evohoveoxta amoe-
neo, the w. wheels are loose, come apart; amoeneo hes-
zhekonoz evohoveozez' the w. wheels (legs) become
loose; amoeneo heszhekonoz evohovonattoz', the w
spokes come apart, get loose; zeonistakoeoxtatto, hub;
also amoeneo zeonistakoeoxtas or zeonistakoeoxtans;
amoeneo hevitanov, w.tongue; amoeneo hestatōn,w.reach,
lit.its spine; amoeneo zet'tāoneōsz or zestše-tāone-
ōsz, spokes of the w.wheels; zevecevhōs amoeneo, w.box;
zehonaovhōs amoeneo, w.with double box (two boards
high); zehotxovetomseōsz (amoeneo), w.bolster; amstō-
seo,ref.to both neck yoke and double tree; to differ-
entiate the Ch.say, amstōseo maeto vitanov, the cross
piece at the front of the tongue; amstōseo evešhotxp-
seō xoeoxtanohamistovå, the double tree is fastened by
means of the w.wrench; xoeoxtanohamistoz, w.wrench
(also used for "w.grease"); amstōseo napâana or na-
hotxpstana penomaôoneva, I fasten the double tree to
the harrow; hôasen, w. sheet, cover; zehoeš amoeneo, cov-
ered w. hovxtoene-amoeneo, dray, freight w.; amoenešq,
small w.,top buggy; also called moktav-amoeneo,
black w. (also ref.to carriage, surrey); amoeneo zeveše-
nonxpohōsenavoss, w.springs; naénhōmano amoeneo, I re-
move the w.cover, sheet; voxkoeōeseo,-eseonoz (pl.), w.
bow; also voxkoaneo, -neonoz (pl.); henešeoxtanohamis-
toz and tōeoxtanohamistoz, w.brake; nahenešeoxtano
natóeoxtano (sc.amoeneo), I set the brake.
waif, nxae, nxão (pl.); zenxavsz, zenxavesso (pl.), the
one being a w.; enxave, he is a w.; nxavestoz,
being a w.; enxavstaomen, he suffers as a w.,is in the
condition of a w.
wail, našeševe and nanšeševe, I w.,weep; inf.-omom-
with wailing, tears; naomomhôna, I pray with wail-
ing, tears; naomomoē, I am in a wailing, tearful condi-
tion; naomomoého, I impart wailing to one; naomomoao-
vo, I make him to be wailing; eomomonevon, it is a
sound of wailing; examaohānaem, he sets up a wailing,
weeping; see cry, weep.
waist, oxasom (of body); oxasom eneevazoetam, it is w.
deep; nahekotxsen, I hold around w.; nahekotxseno]
waistcoat, see vest.
wait, natonōsan, I w.; natonomo, I w.for, expect one; na-
tonōxta, I w.for it; zetonōmsz, the one waited
for; zetonōsansz, the one waiting; etonōeš, he waits
lying; natonōešeta, I w. for it lying; nansoto, I w.for
one; nitansotoneo, let us w. for him; tóa noxa, w., let
see! noxa, w.! ešenhēsz, w., stand where thou art! ešen-
hē, w.ye! natonezesta, I w.,hold on for it; naēveoxzen-
oto, I lie in w. for one (to kill him); niēvenoxzeno-
taz,I lie in w.for thee; nāhanhestomoého, I keep
waiting, prevent him from....; navozenohovo, I w.on
them, serve them (at meals); evozenohova, he is waiting
(at meals); vozenohovahe, waiter, one who distributes
food; vozenohovàtoz, the waiting (at meals); see dis-
tribute, serve.
waive, naasetana naoxhestoz, I w., take back my saying;
nanonizeomēnana or nanonizeomease tana, I w.it, let
it go gently (not being compelled to).
wake, naseaovo or nasehano, I w., arouse one; etotoes, he
lies awake,q.v.; našešeoešemo, I w.him (by noise),
rouse him from sleep: našeševaosemo, I w.him by talk-
ing [examatotōešenaō, there he lies wide awake! exama-
aàze-momamettōohō, there he is wide awake (having been
supposed to be sleeping)]. [šešeozistoz, the wakening.
waken, ešešeoz, ke wakens; zešešeozz, the wakened one;]
walk, expressd by suff,-èn; naamèn, I am walking; ze-
zènsz,w.here, to this place! naamènevehōmo or na-
am'nevehōmo, I see him in walking, passing; naamèneta
or naam'neta, I w.it; naamèn hoeva, I w.on foot; naamè-
neman, I drink in walking; naamènevaseš, I drink (with
hand) while walking (as in crossing rivers and having
no time to stop); nanovoèn, I eat while walking; na-
novhoèn, I w.bent forward (upper part of body); natox-
èn, I w.along the edge of; nahooxèn, I w.last; nanomèn
or nanomeoxz, I w.from (with) the wind; nano tamèn and
nano tameoxz,I w.against the wind; naĕvèn, I have my
w., whereabouts; suff.-ènetto implies w., course, pro-
gress; evhanènetto or evhan'netto, it has a mere
course, w.,is ephemeral; evestovènetto, it has a fast
course, is fleeting; ekasexovènetto or ekasexov'netto,
it lasts (has a course, w.) a short while; nakaseamèn,
I w.a short distance; naeamaèn, I w.sideways; natota-
tohaèn, I w.with strides; naōmacèn, I w. wagging my
head; natomozèn, I w. erect; nahecemàn, I w.noiselessly;
nahoxovèn, I w.across; naneovoxovoèn, I w.up and down
(a river?); naamevonèn, I w.crawling; nasxsenoèn mata,
I w.among the woods; eametotaxèn màpeva, he walks on,
upon the water; ehootōeoxz, he walks, goes looking
back; eoxksenomaeoxz, he walks with any wind (rad.-se-
noma- fickle); naéèn, I w.up; nataéoxz meo, I w., go up
(ascend) the road; nataanhôoxz meo, I w. down the road;
naeamaovo or naeamaènetovo, I w.at one's side; navoha-
eoxz, I w.with a fast gait; eoxotomaoz, he walks with
bowed legs; eamekaax, he walks a jumping, jumps on and
on (going forward); naves sohaeoxz, I w. with mincing
(short and fast) steps; nahevaeoxz, I w.with covered
head; natōxeoxz,I w.stooping, stooped; naxamaeoxz, I w.
bent; nahanoeoxz, I w.with head thrown back; nazeškse-
zeonaoxz, I w.with arms akimbo; nahotxaveàzenaoxz, I w.
with folded arms; nataomhoto, I w., pass before, in
front of one; esaataomhoe heo, they are (should not be)
not to be passed, "walked" in front; the Ch. etiquette
forbids to pass
pass in front of any one having a higher
standing than self; eakoseva and epopōseva, he walks
hitting his heels (or toes); eoansàta and ehatonsà-
ta, he walks with toes at an outward angle (oppo-
site to pigeon toed), considered ill becoming to a
Ch.; evovoxcàta, he walks pigeon toed; heovasz heševo-
stanehevstov, all sorts of, various walks of life; na-
vovoeamènevo, I w.before he does; naamènetan, I want to
w.; esaaešeamèné or esaaešeam'né, he does not yet w.;
enoxtoveamèn, he can w. See go. Am'nistoz, the walking;
zehešeam'nistove, as the walking is; zeamènsz, zeam'
nesså (pl.), the one who walks; Ameoxzehe, Walking-wo-
man, pr.name, very frequent among the Ch.
walking-stick, hatoeoxta (insect); hokto, w., cane,staff.
wall, zistomsxoz; zeametoms toone, a continuous w. ;
tova tass eoxeanōeveneo màp, "on each side
were like walls (lit.bluffs) of water"; nimaoetto
ehohonaemenaoeve, it is walled around; see fortify;
hohonaemenao, a surrounding, enclosing w.; nihohonaeme-
naoevstoonaōen, he builds a w. around us, for us; zeo-
xeō,w.,partition (as in a house); zeoxeō ekamxevsto-
on, the w.is built, made of wood; zeoxeō nakamxevstoo-
naoxz, I make a w.with wood; päozistoz nahōsz zeoxeō
mhäo, I hang a picture on the w.; hotoma zeoxeō, inside
tahoc (or hōs, anos) zeoxeo, outside w.; noxsema,
side of bed next to the w.; hoxóe ven, walls of lodge,
tent (inside or outside); noos hoxóe naēnana, I put it
next to the w. (of tent).
wallow, naevōena,I w.,roll to and fro; naevõenotàz, I
w.,roll myself to and fro; naevõenoxz, I w., roll
it to and fro; võenàtoz, the wallowing; emasovōena, he
suddenly wallows (as buffaloes did before attacking);
hotoaevōenàtoz, buffalo w., also called toaxemistoz;
hotoa eoxcevōenao, the buffaloes would w.,roll;
toaxemeo, they (buffalo bulls) roll, being angry before
charging; Taxemeō, Standing-in-buffalo-w., pr.name for
a woman; Taxem, same as preceding but for a man; zee-
võenaz,zeevōenassỏ (pl.), the one wallowing, rolling.
walnut, otasemen, otasemenoz (pl.); otasemenóe, otaseme-
nósz (pl.),w.tree; otasemenóeše, w.grove; otās- =
pierced nose men berry.
wander, see roam; enotovaeoxz, he wanders aimlessly; see
outsider; eōmènetto, it wanders, passes, without
a special direction (as comets).
wane, expressed by inf.-shov- to lessen; eshovevōsan,
his eyesight is waning; eshovoēta, he is waning in
his doings; see diminish, lessen.
want, expressed by suff.-tan wish, desire; namakä taeme-
tan, I w.to have money; enaetan, he wants to die;
naneoxzetan, I w. to go; namesetan, I w. to eat;
ves'enetan, I w. to have a friend (male sp.); nahetane-
vetan, I w. to be a man; eookootanotto, it wants to
rain; nahóa and nahóahe, I w., desire, covet; nahóätan, I
w. (in thot); nahóänoz, I w. to have him; nihóätovaz, I
w.thee; nanxhethoätova, he wants, desires of me; naohe-
ma, I am in w., need; eohemeoz, he is now in w., need;
see lack, need; ohemastoz and ohemeozistoz, w.,lack,
need; nanoxzevatan, I w.,long for; nanoxzevatanotovo, I
w.,long for him; nanoxzevatamo, I long for him, similar
to preceding; zeohemaesso, the wanting, needy ones; al-
so zeohemeozesso. Neoxzetanoxtoz, the wanting to go;
mesetanoxtoz, the wanting to eat, appetite;
toz, the wanting to die; henisonetanoxtoz, the wanting
to have a child; hóästoz and hohaestoz, the wanting,
desire,liking, coveting.
wanton, tonšenové, w. woman; tonšenovehestoz, wantonness.
wapiti, moehe, w. (erroneously called elk); by mistake
under "elk" is the Ch.name for "w." instead
for moose (moose and elk being the same animal).
war, meoestoz, w., the waging of w. ; meotazistoz, w., bat-
tle; emeoestove, it is w.; ème oenoveo, there was w.
(ancient past); nameoeševa, I declare w.; meoeševàtoz,
declaration of w. ; nameoto, I w.with one, fight him;
meoevsanistoz, w.dress; also meoevhoneō; meoevoham, w.
horse; mohoxz, mokoxz,w.spear; hoenōenistoz, w.whoop;
meoevhoestō,w.news; enoxne, he speaks about his w.
deeds (on special occasions, at dances, dedication of a
tipi,etc.); evehoz, he is on the w.path; Vehozenako,
Bear-on-w. path, pr. name; mamā, w.bonnet; namoeonam, my
w.servant; momo, momōn (pl.), prisoner of w.,slave. The
Ch. had many wars with other tribes and with the U. S.
troops. Being wild and warlike they were always in
preparedness for any enemy and they met him with
bravery. Their warfare was far from being "civiliz-
torture of the wounded and prisoners was often
resorted to, but as a retaliation for what had been
done to them. They considered the white man an in-
truder, yet refrained for a long time from warring
against him. In councils of w. the older men did their
utmost to pacify the younger warriors who chafed
der the encroachments of the white man.
Under pres-
sure of provocations, the Ch.decided to w. against the
intruders and defend what they considered their
"homeland", so that from 1856 to 1879 was a period of
ever recurring wars and outbreaks. The so-called Dog-
men (Hotamhetaneo), a powerful military organization
in the Ch. tribe, bore the brunt of all these wars.
Their aim was to inflict the heaviest loss to the
enemy with as few casualities to themseles as possi-
ble. A returning victorious chief was not praised if
he had lost too many of his men in the battle. The
relatives of the slain ones would lament and
to avenge the death of their loved ones. This they
did at the first opportunity given, when wounded or
captured enemies were brot to the camp.
interesting account of the Ch. wars is
James Mooney in the "M. Am. Anthr.Ass.",
pages 378-400. Mr.George Bird Grinnell's book on the
Ch.wars is forthcoming. No doubt this new contribu-
tion to the history of the Ch.will be greatly appre-
ciated by all interested
A thoro and
given by Mr.
Vol. I, part 6,
in the history of this]
warble, see sing, trill.
war-cry, hoenōenistoz; ehoenōenistove, it is a w.
ward, naheaenovoxzetova, I am his w.; naheaenovoxzenoz,
he is my w.; aenovoxz, w ; naaenovoxzz, my w.;
naaenovoxzetto, my wards; eaenovoxzeve, he is a w.; ae.
novoxzevestoz, the being a w.; nahesseto, I w.him off;
nahessetonotto, I w.him off one; nanhaezeta, I w.,be-
ware of, parry it: nanhaeztovo, or. of preceding; nató-
haoho, I w.one off; nitóhaozenon, we w. it off; nitóha-
ozenonsz atotonsōsz, we w.off dangers; nanohévoòno,
w.it (or.,in games) by striking; nanohévooha, in.of
preceding; also naoxsevoòno, naoxsevooha; natóhetanota
hamoxtastoz, I w.off sickness; see defend.
warden, neevavõsanehe or zeneevavõsansz; see watch.
ware, meneeve toxq, china w.; hesthoxtovo, his w., articles
of merchandise; hoxtovo, wares, merchandise.
warfare, meoestoz, the waging war.
wariness, nhaetanoheonevestoz; see caution.
warlike, emeoevenōhe, lit.he appears, looks for war; meo-
evenōhestoz, warlikeness.
warm, ehaehóta, it is w.,hot (weather or dry substance);
ehòpotom, it is stifling w.; nahòpotomeoz, I am w.
(sweating); eexoveomeóe, the lodge, room is w.; enšeo-
meóe, the lodge, room gets warmer; eexov, it is w. (ob-
ject); hoesta eexovaovat to, the fire warms; ešehe exo-
vâha hoe, the sun warms the earth, ground; naexovàtâe,
I w.my feet; exovà tâehå, w. (thou) his feet!
nâe, I w.my hands; naexovâe, I w. (the whole body); na-
exováe, I am w. (not cold); exovēszehe, w.coat; nahosko-
mâha, I w.it, make it (liquid) lukewarm; ehoskom, it is
lukew.; nahoskomhénen, I make lukew. (by pouring);
hoskomotoxta, I make it lukew. (by blowing);
osz, I make it lukew. (by dipping repeatedly);
tōneoxz, it is warmer than it was, the cold subsides;
enxatoometto, the water (any liquid) is w. ; ensoomet-
to, it (water or any liquid) is w.; -nxatoometto is
not as w.as -nsoometto, see boil; nanxatoomeha màp, I
w.water; nansoomeha màp, I w., boil water; naexová emo
heêszehen, I w.his coat; naexovâhomovonoz hemocanoz, I
w.his shoes; hozeosohestoz, warming closet.
warmth, hòpotomeozistoz, w. (weather, air), also the being
stifling w.; haehótàtoz, W heat; exováestoz, w.
warn, nahòpemo, I w.one (of danger); naōhaevamo, I w.one,
urge him to consider; ōhaevàtomohestoz, the warning
advice; hòpemazistoz, the warning of danger; nanaheve-
vamo, I w.him, urge him to be wary, beware; zenaheve-
vamsz, the warned one; nanahevevaman, I am warned;
hevevamazistoz, the warning (to be wary, beware);
toxeva, he warns that strangers come; notoxevàtoz, the
call, warning, alarm that strangers come; notōtao,
clamation of warning, threat, as, woe to....! notōoxta,
also notōseomeha, an exclamation of warning. Eoxnahe-
vevame, altho warned, urged, advised to be wary, beware.
warp, evoxkonãe, it has been warped (by heat, something
like branches); evoxkonâta, it warps (thru heat);
evoxkâta, it warps, is warped (thru water, heat, weather).
warrior, notax, notxeo (pl.); see soldier, organization.
Notxenitáe and notxevehoneva, w.leader, chief.
wary, enahetan, he is w.; nanaheztovo, I am w.of him; na-
nahezta, I am w. of it; see beware.
wash, nanšehanen, I w.; nanšehana, I w.it (implies rub-
bing); nanšehano, I w.him; enšehane, it or one is
washed; nšehanenistoz, the washing; nšehaneneo, the
washer; nanšešeona, I w.my hands; nanšehanàz, I w.my-
self (with hands); nanšeševōenesz, I w.my face; nanše-
ševōenèno, I w.his face; nanšešeàta, I w.my feet; nan-
neš es-
suff. -ōva ref. to w. ;
to liquid, not solid or compact;
suff.-om ref.to a body of w. Eakōmoeha, it is a pond;
zèmhaōmoeha, the sea, ocean; etahaeš-ehetōmoeha, it is a
great body of w.; ehekotōmoeha, it is a quiet body of
w.; enitovōmoeha, it is one body of w. (together); emome-
noōmoeha, they are groups of bodies of w.; emamovōmoeha,
it meets, comes together as a body of w.; esoxpeamōmoe-
ha,it is a narrow strip, strait of w.; ehahanevōmoeha, it
is near a w.; etåxtanōmoeha, it is surrounded by w. (an
island); eavaséōmeoz and eavaseōvaoz, it falls back and
down into (as the billows); the first term with suff.
-ōmeoz ref. more to a large surface of w., a mass of w.
together (as a surface); suff.-ōvaoz in the second term
ref.simply to w.not implying a "body surface"; this is
the rule for all the following expressions: etoomōmeoz,
it piles up; etavonevōmeoxz, it is foaming; eavavovo-se-
ōmeoz, eavavovoseōvaoz, it first recedes (as a billow);
eonovōmeoz,eonovōvaoz,it swells, rushes onward, hurls it-
self shoreward (sc. the w.); ehessevōmeoz, it forms a
swell, hill like wave (with a ridge or crest); enxhetō-
meoz,it sets up (Ger.auftürmen) like a wall;
the w.covers, buries; eàtohōvaoz, it becomes covered un-
der w.; eàtohōvatto, it covers under; naàtohōvatōe, the
w.covers me under; emaшxkōmeoz, it forms wavelets, rip-
ples; ehestatōnevesevo, it flows ridge like, forming
wavelets succeeding each other, lit. it flows in spine
form; ehemocamōmeoxz, it bubbles; eomovatto, the w.covers
over; eevhaomōvatto, it covers over again; this ref. to
the surface of water, becoming one as before; eohomōvat-
to, it runs over; etahōvatto, it runs upon; enovstōvatto,
the w.recedes; enostōvaoz, enostōvatto,it overflows; ea-
nōvatto, it runs down; eanōvaoz, it becomes less, down;
eoeotōmeoz, it is billowing; eoeotomeōs táa, it is a rush-
ing, dashing billow; eonovomeōstáa, it is dashing (as a
billow) shoreward, on the shore; esoxkome ponōmeoz, a nar-
row strip of w. (becoming dry); eoxenōvatto, it is full
to the brim (with w.); naoxenōvana, I fill it to the
brim; ehotovavōva, it is loosened by w. (as bridge, posts,
etc.); ehotovavōvansz, they (in.) are loosened by w. ;
rad.-sé- =down into, usually ref.to river or lake; nasé-
èn, I step into the w.; nasé(a)ovoham, I w. the horses(at
the river or lake); emasóséhetooxzeo, they descended in-
to the w. (in a mass, of a sudden); eséōmeoxz, it sinks,
forms a trough (of w.); emomoxtōmeoxz, the w.is agitat-
ed; evonōmeoxz, the w.is engulfing; nanšeōva, I wash in
or with w.,see wash; naasetōva, I remove, take away with
w.; evonōvat to, the w.destroys; maxevonōvàtoz, great des-
truction by w.; emhaōvatto, it is an overwhelming w.,
flood; naamōvanen, I irrigate; amōvanenistoz, irrigation;
nahekōva, I wet; nahekōvoxz, I wet it; see wet; nanhaōva,
I am caught by w.,rain; nahomōva, I am sheltered from
rain,w.; nahotōma, I am kept back, hindered by w. (as
when unable to cross a swollen river); hōōvaneo, w.
faucet; nahōōvana, I let out the w.; ehōneō, it springs
up, jets, geyser like; emeanēoxz, it springs, comes up
(out of a spring); enistonevaveoeotōmáa, it roars
(sound of rushing waves); etahaešehetōmáa, it splashes
far; mehōmanoxzz,w.plant (hairy, fibrous); emohenoōva-
nen, he gathers w. (as God at the Creation); ehovxtōva-
na, he gathers it up together (as in a heap); emoheno-
ōvaoz, it is gathered together; Maheo èmomenoōvanano,
God gathered it (sc.w.) in a group; veoxcemàp, bitter
w.; naménoōva, I dig out by means of w. ; naménoōvoto, I
dig him out (done by pouring w. into the burrows of
animals to cause the latter to come out); eoeoetōma-
ha,it waves, is agitated; namomoxtovana, I agitate, stir
up the w.; emomoxtōmeōs táa, the w. is suddenly agitated
(as by wind); nanxpōvana, I check, stop it (issuing
w.); hepan, w.lily (?) (w.lily represents the kidneys
in some ceremonials); naeszevoe, I sink in w.; natako-
vōeno, I bring one to the surface of w. ; naonovōeno, I
take him out of w., nameovōena, I bring it to the sur-]
waterbag, hemanoeveota, water container. [face, in view.
watercourse, ohe, ohevahe; see creek,river; ohe zeameoz,
where the river courses.
[neo, small w.
waterfall, zeanhoneo màp, falling water; zeanhosesko-]
water jet, zehoneō (upward), zeanhozessoneo, (downward).
water-lily, hepan (?).
watermelon, mhân, mhâneo (pl.,or.); mhâestaheme, w. seed.
watery, emàpevōme, it is w., liquid; eekōva, it is w., wet;
esēha,it is w.; exaesēha naexa, my eyes are
w.; naexa eōxenoešen nahāen, my eyes are w., tearful;
see eye, tear; emàpeveō, it is w., water is standing.
wave, naōmstahasen, I w.; naōmstaház navoxca, I w. my hat;
eōmstahame, it is waved; nanimaoehàz, I w. it in a
circle, around (as a stick): nahesthon, I w. the hand,
beckon; nahesthōvo, I w., beckon to him; zetōmaha màp
zènešehās hāhavano, the waves are made, produced by the
wind; enistonevaveoeostōmáha, the sound of roaring
waves; tass ōeotōmahanoz hoe eamhešemomooz, the earth
was shaken as waves; oeotōmahanoz, waves; zeoeotōmaha,
the waving water; ehetōmaha,it waves (sc.water); ene-
tōmaha,it waves (towards the speaker); zenoōevosz ho-
esta eoxcséeōvanovoz, waving their feather fans over
the fire so as to purify (in peyote worship); enskâ-
ta,it waves, said of heated air (as in summer time).
wavelike, see wavy.
waver, nahótovetan, I w., oscillate, hesitate in mind; hó-
tovetanoxtoz, the wavering, hesitating; nahótov-
staha, I am of wavering heart; hótovstahàtoz, the wav-
ering of heart; nanisko navetan, I w.between two, am un-
decided which to take, do, etc.; nasaatóaheztohe, I am
wavering about it; natoahezta, I am steady, firm con-
cerning it; nasaatoahehe, I am wavering; nisaatoahehe-
hemå, we are wavering; see fickle.
San D
wavy, expressed by inf. -mamxk- =in waves, undulating;
-emamxkaovess, one has w.hair; emamxkáe, she is w.
haired; emamxkōmeoz, the water gets w., there are wave-
eoxs, out
axc,w.,gum; eotaeaxceve, it is waxy, sticky; see
glue; emaneoxz, he waxes larger; see increase;
nxpeam, I w.it, shut, stop the holes (with grease, pitch,
etc.); enomàkozeve, it is waxy, gluey.
way, meo,meonoz (pl.); emeoneve, it is a w.,road;
neva, in the w., road; nohémeon, by the w.;
at the w.side; nameona, I am going my w
natto,its w.; nanehenovo, I follow one's w.,also nane-
henovhätovo (both terms have a fig.meaning);
mosan, I make w., room; name tomevo, I make w., room for
one; nanonaxetan, I try to find a w. (fig.);
of the w., in another place; navonéha meo, I lost my
w.; nahooseoneve, I know the w. (real) to it; ētaomo-
etto, it is in the w.; etaomhoe, he is in the w. ; ētao-
meō, he stands in the w.; etaomhota, it is, sets in the
w.; zetätōms, the w. it looks, appears to one; zetätōma-
etto, the w.it looks, appears to me; pref. zeoxcheš (e)-
=the w., manner how; zeoxchešhaônàtove,
the w how to
pray; zeoxcheševostanehevetto, the w.I live; zeoxc-
hešeĕsztovon, the w. I speak to them; the v. amèn com-
bines with other verbs to express "on the w., in pass-
ing"; nataam'nevehōmo, I will see him on my w.; naam'-
neēsztovo, I speak to him on the w.; na taam 'nehestana,
I will take it on my w., in passing; naam'neman,
drink on the w.; naneševostaneheve, it is my w., habit,
custom; zeheševostanehevevoss xamavostaneo naneševos-
taneheve (also naneševostanehevevo), I live the w. the
Indians live; naĕveoxzeno to, I w.lay him; Seozemeo,
Milky Way; meo zeameoz, where the w.goes;
netto, the w., course it has; suff. -ènetto (whose first
"è" is often dropped) denotes "w., course, process";
evhanènetto or evhan'netto, it has a mere w., course,
of passing importance; ekasexov'netto nivostanehevs-
tonan, our life has a short course.
eama meo,
wayward, enotovaeoxz, he is w.; see ungodly.
we, nanēhovheme, we, ourselves (excl.); ninēhovhemå, we,
ourselves (incl.); the Ch. has two forms for
"we"; the exclusive excludes the one spoken to and
means "he and I" or "they and I, they and we, he and
we" (not "thou" or "you"); the inclusive implies
"thou and me, you and me, he and we or they and we", in-
cluding the person spoken to. The coordinate cj."na-"
as prefix and "-(h)eme" as suff.stand for "we, excl."
while pref. "ni-" and suff. "-hemå" stand for "we,
incl."; -mese- to eat, na-mes-heme =w. (he and I, they
and I, he and w.or they and we) eat; ni-mes-hemå, W.
(thou and I, you and I, he and we, they and we) eat.
weak, naonohoma, I am w., feeble, sickly, helpless, awkward,
young at it; onohomhastoz,n.of preceding;
vona, I am w. (physically); votavonastoz, vovonastoz,
weakness; vovonazeonevestoz, the being full of weak-
ness; ehotoveoz, it becomes w., loose, unsteady, shaky;
natapae, I am w., subdued; taphastoz, the being weaken-
ed; etoxzēnatto it has a w.spot, a flaw (as a ridge
pole); zevovoneozesso, the ones who get w., weaken.
weaken, natapoého, I w.one; naonohomaovo, I w.him, make
him to be weak, sickly.
weakness, onohomastoz, w., awkwardness, faultiness; vota-
vonhastoz, w., feebleness; taphastoz, w., the be-
wealth, haoovhastoz, riches. [ing subdued; see weak.
wealthy, ehaoovae, he is w.; zehaoovaesz, the w.one; eha-
oovhätan, he wants to be w.
wean, napootano, I w.one (also fig.); ēšepootane, it is]
weapon, heškovaneo, heškovaneonoz (pl.); nahe szkovaneon,
I have weapons; naheskovaovo,
I hurt him with a
w. See arm.
Mga U
wear, emataneha, it wears off (as a candle by burning,
chalk by being used, etc.); ematanēoxz, it is wear-
ing off; ematxpeoxz, it wears off, dissolves;
noz, I w.them (in.) off; emaveoz, it wears off,gets
old, becomes useless; 'mavâhanoz namocanoz, I w.out my
shoes; nahonea kokoase,,I w. a watch; hohonoz nahonea-
noz or nahe vhóon, I w. racelets; nahoxezēena, I w.slung
across shoulder and beast; nahoxezēnov kaemestoz, I
w. (something) in a bag (suspended from the shoulder);
nahoneovo eszehe, I w.a coat; ohe eoxcevosaomoetto, the
river wears, washes out, digs deeper.
weariness, mavetanoxtoz; sxseveozistoz, w., the becoming
exhausted; mavstahàtoz, w. of heart; motoeozis-
toz, motahestoz, w., lassitude, dejection, low spirited-
ness; sxsevomoxtastoz, feeling (physical) of w.; náze-
tanoxtoz, w., exhaustion in mind.
wearisome, emavetanosohetto, it is w.
namavetan, I w.; namavetanoho, I w.him; nanàzeta-
nooz, I become wearied; rad.-naz- worn with;
see worn; nasxseveoz, I get wearied, exhausted; nasxse-
vae, I am wearied, exhausted; nasxsevomoxta, I feel
wearied, exhausted; nasxseveoto, I w.,exhaust him; zes-
xseveozz, the one getting w.; namotoeoz, I get w.,de-
pressed, low spirited; namotae, I am w., exhausted.
weasel, xae, xaeo (pl.), w., also mink.
weather, epevatamano hiz ešēva, the w. is nice to-day;
eonitavat amano, the w.changes; oxpevatamanoēsz,
when the w.is clear, nice; eonšeōstáa,it clears up, al-
so eonenxáa; eneešepoeōstáa, it is clearing up; see
cloud: eneevaexáa, it clears along the horizon; ene-
ešeexhotxáa, it is uncovering, clearing; eneešeenaešee-
oz, it is getting warmer (w.).
weave, nahotostotonòno, I w.it (or.); nanootonoha šeono-
neva, I w.it in the cloth; ehekonotonoe, it is WOV-
en compactly; ehekonotonōeš, it looks closely woven;
eazepotonoe, it is loosely, not tightly woven; evohov-
hotonoe, it is woven apart, leaving spaces, like burlap;
evohovotōeš, it looks loosely woven; eoxcenonokxtoton-
hoo, they are woven with wide meshes (something like
the wheel of the wheel game of the Ch.); evesshoton-
hôo, they (or.) are finely woven; emhatonôo, they (or.)
are woven closely, forming one surface; nahestotonoha
venoetoxq, I w.a willow basket; navohotonoha venoe-
toxq,I w.it loosely (with spaces between); ehoxtävo-
tonoe, it is woven in; hoxtävotonenistoz, the inweaving
of pattern or designs in cloths, blankets; nahoxtävo-
tonôn, I w.in. See braid.
web, see spider; epàpoeà ta šeš, the duck is webfooted.
wed, nanhōeve, I w. a wife; nhōevestoz, the wedding a
wife; navistōmo, I w.him or her.
wedding, vistōmazistoz, marriage; enoaháen, she cooks
for the w., the new couple; eho toanistove, there
is a present making (at a w.); see marriage.
wedge, exovaēstaneo(?); naexovaēstana, I w.it; eexovaēs-
tane, it is wedged.
weed, nitavóe, nitavósz (pl.), different grass; also ni-
tavemóesz, weeds, different grasses; eohaó, it is
weedy, rank growth of vegetation; naookoenen, I w. (by
hand); naookoena, I w.it; naookoha, I w.it (with hoe);
see hoe; nitavemóesz eamoxthoneonsz pen' nhôoneva, the
weeds outgrow the wheat.
week, noka maheonešēva, one w.,lit.one Sunday; zeamstoe-
nó, a w.;
see day; etonstoenó, what day of the w. is
it? enoceenó, it is the first day of the w. (Tuesday);
enišeenó, it is the second day of the w.; enaheenó, it
is the third day of the w.; eniveenó, it is the fourth
day of the w.; zsaaešemaz'nettan heto zeamstoenó, be-
fore this w.comes to an end; noka etamaheonešēve, it
one w. (one Sunday) since: nixa etaešemaheonešēve,
it has been two weeks; mxhossemaheonešēve, next w.
weep, eaxaemeoz, he weeps, cries;
ehāaxan, he weeps much;
navovonhestaxan, I w. to the utmost; navis taxanemo, I
w.with him; nahestaxanetovo, I w.on one's account; na-
hestaxaneta, I w. on its account; inf.-omom- with
weeping, tears; naomomaovo, I make one w.; eomomevon, it
is a sound of weeping; naomomenaenoe, I carry (with
the hands, arms) weeping, with tears; see wail. Namemo,
I w.over him; namemota, I w.over, concerning it. Axae-
mestoz, weeping, crying; hestanestoz, the weeping on ac-
count of; memazistoz, the weeping over, about one;
mevoešetanoxtoz, the weeping with joy; zeaxaemessỏ, the
weeping ones.
San Jua
weigh, naonistanāoz, I w.it, try its heaviness; naonist-
hanāovo, I w.him, try how heavy he is; naehanāoho, I
w.him; naehanaemaného, I make him w.,heavy; naehanãeō-
ého, I w.him (standing on scales); eheanaeo, he is be-
ing weighed (standing on the scales); nahānāstahaovo,
I make it w. on
on one's
one's heart; noka zehanāota, one
weight; noka ehanãosē, it weighs one pound; also noka
enexovhānano, it weighs one pound, lit.it is one time
heavy; ehānano, it weighs much, is heavy; esaahananohan,
it does not w.much; ehānaneta, one (or.) weighs much;
zehānanetaz, the one weighing much; navèpanaesan, I lay
aside weight; napavhaonaosan, I make a good w., load
well; see load; naōhe tanona, I w., consider in mind;
enšev'netto, it has a weighty meaning; ehanan, the
weight itself; nahanaoz, I find its weight; hovae ze-
hānano, something weighty, important, of weight.
weight, see weigh.
welcome, vahé! exclamation of w.; nomoto, nomoto, w.,w.!
namahaosan, I w., greet; namaseztovo, I w.one; na-
masezta,I w.it; mahaosanistoz, the welcoming, greeting;
maseztastoz, w., the receiving with willingness, courte-
sy; esaamaseztoehe, he is not w.; zsaamaseztovohess,
the ones who do not w.him; zsaamaseztohess, the ones
who do not w.it; esaamaseztôhan, it is not w.
welfare, pavstavestoz, w., well being; vovònhestàtoz, w.,
good condition; pavstaomenhestoz, w., the condi-
tion of being well; pavomoxtastoz, w., well feeling,
well, expressed by inf.-pave-,-peve-; epavhozeohe and
epevhozeohe, he works w.; napevemanisz, I make it
w.; napevanen, I repair,q.v.; napevomoxta, I feel w. :
epeveoz, it turns out w.; esaapeveozehan, it does not
turn out well; esaapevemxistonettan, it does not write
w. (as a pen); napevetanoho, I prompt him to feel good,
glad: napevoého, I do w.unto one; see good; epevoēta,
he does, acts w.,is w.doing; epevoētaeoneve,
he is a
good doer; napavstav, I fare w. ; niešenomoxtá, art thou
w.again? napevooseoneve, I am w.spoken of, have a good
reputation; pevooseonevestoz, the being w.spoken of;
epeveom, he looks w., fat; pavevostanehevestoz, w.,good
living; tomooxzevostane hevestoz, the being w., in
health, not sick, from "tomooxz" to be on one's legs,
erect, not lying; vovònitoētastoz, w.doing, deed of
kindness, help; voetoētastoz,w.doing, good behavior, al-
so voētastoz, similar to the preceding and to pevoē-
tastoz; navoēta or navoetoēta, I do, behave w.; inf.
-voeš- =w., satisfactory, with joy; evoešhota, it is w.
there; evoešhoeoxz, it is w. that he arrives; evoešho-
zeohe, he works with joy, w.; inf.-ono- ="w." in the
sense of correct; onoēnanoess hovae nszaaoenohenov, w.
shall you sow, but nothing shall you reap; momoxepavs-
taomenēsz nahessetamo, I wish his welfare, that he be
in a good condition, lit. may he be in a w. being (con-
dition) I think of him; namo enoevoēta, I fare w.,act
"proof against" (Ger.gefeit); eevhazhesta,
he is w.,
himself again; understood only in the connection
(that he was sick before); otherwise "eevhazhesta"
he is again in the former condition; epevoan, he
speaks, pronounces w.; epevōsan, he sees w.; epeveamoē-
ta, he continues in w.doing; ōxhesta epevomoxta, he
keeps on being w.
well, n., votaeno, votaenonoz (pl.); evo taenoneve, it is a
W.; votaenoneva, in, on, by the w.; ehaeoto votaen,
the w.is very deep.
west, ešehe zistataèns, where the sun sets (common
name); onxsovon, onxsovota, onxsovonahem, w., cere-
monial name.
wet, ehekōva, it is w.; ehekōvansz, they (in.) are w.;
nahekōva, I am w.; nahekōvoto, I w.him; nahekōvoxz, I
w.it; ehekōvohe, one has been wetted; ehekōvomao, the
ground is w.; ehekōvoó, eheōvoó, the grass is w.; see
dew; nahōvoxz, I w.it; nahōvoto, I w.one; similar to
-hekōvoxz and -hekōvoto only in a higher degree; eo-
tōva, it is soaking w.; also eexōva; eōxz, it wets thru
(like cloth); eemaōvaō, they all are w. [emaovaō, they
have red fur]; ehekōvoevōva, his shoes are w.; nihekō-
voevōvamå, we have w.shoes; also hemocanoz ehekōvanet-
toz', his shoes are w.; namocanoz ehekōvansz, my shoes
are w. nahekōvàta, I have w.feet; navxeon ehekōvaō, my
socks are w.; nahekōvheona, I have w.hands; nahekōvs-
taheona, my palms (of hand) are w.; heàzenoz ehekōva-
nettoz, his hands are w.; ehekōvotoxta, also ehekōvox-
zenoz hesz, he wets his lips; nahekōvotoxtomovo,
one's lips; evovhetàzenaoz, he wets his lips,
prepares his lips (before speaking); see soak, water.
wetness, hekōvàtoz.
I w.
what, henova, w. is it? also hena? henovaeoxz, w. are they
(in.)? toa henova emehesseneševsz, w.for should
he do it? henova zetosemezess, w. are you going to give
me? henova zehesso nasaaheneenô, I know not w.it is;
henova tóa, w. then? nioxhevo, w.didst thou say? henova
or hena zehohätto, w.doest thou want, desire? etonševe-
tovatto,w.shape has it, how is it shaped? see shape.
Etoneţaeta,w.size is he? etonetao,w.size is it? oovā,
w.kind? ehovaeve, w.kind of person, sex? eneevaevé, who
is he (or she)? na hena emehovahan, and w.not? etone-
hōsta,w.time (of day) is it? hoōtama, w.cannot then be
expected! "W." as a rel.pronoun is expressed by pref.
ze- (zè- for past, see Ch.gr.); mēs tomevsz zehesso,ex-
plain me w.it is! nasaanistô zeēsztōsz, I do not hear
w.he speaks to me; pref. eme- (gov. the sub. cj.) im-
plies "w.,may, should"; nasaaheneenô emeheševetto I do
not know w. to do; namestomevo zememesēsz, I explained
to him w.he should eat.
whatever, tonxhésto, w., under any circumstances; nohas
tonštonsoz,w.kind; pref. zetohetā- all that,
every one that, w.; zetohetahes so màpeva, w. is in the]
whatsoever, same as whatever.
wheat, pen'nhôo, w., also flour; epen'nhôoneve, it is]
wheedle, see coax, deceive. [w.; pen'nhôoneve, with, in w.
wheel, amoeneo heszheq.heszhekonoz (pl.), wagon w.;
xoaneoxtano, I grease the w.; eoninšeoxtaoz,
it gets broken (wagon w.); eniseoxtaoz, it (w.) comes
off the wagon; oxzem, play w.of the Indians; oxzevoni-
stoz, the w.play (see page 827,#2); oxzevatoaneo,wood-
en frame of the play w.; amoeneo heszheq nanimaoahà-
tovo, I make the wagon w.turn; enimaoáa, the w.is turn-
ing; nimaoahaseo and nimahaseo, the one that turns,
w. (not of a wagon).
[(legged) wagon.
wheelbarrow, zenoceoxtatto amoeneo, the one wheeled]
wheeze, ensóe, he wheezes; nsóhestoz, the wheezing; ensó-
evon, it wheezes (sound).
whelm, expressed by rad.-mha- =over and cover; emhaō-
vatto,it whelms, the water floods over and covers,
engulfs; emhaomeeoz, he is overwhelmed by misfortune;
see over.
when, toneš; toneš ehoeoxzé, when did he arrive? "toneš"
may also mean "at a point" (of a distance); pref.
òtoneš (with the sub.cj.) w., whenever; òtoneševōmo,
whenever I see him; tonexov, w., at some time; pref.ho-
oxc- (with sub.cj.) at the time that; hooxchamoxtass,
w.,while you are sick; pref.zè- =while, at the time.
also place; hane zexhoeoxz, w., at the time he arrived;
zexhaônavoss, w., while, at the time that they were
praying; pref.-zeeše- w., after (past); zeešemsevoss,
w.they had eaten; matanexov, w.it will be the time;
mataešemeènsz ešehe, w., after the sun has risen; manx-
w.he shall come hither; mataneoxzez, w.we
shall go there; neš, w., in the sense of "after that,
then"; pref.ox- (with the sub.cj.) =w.occurring, hap-
pening; oxneševstovēsz, w.it is done, at the doing; ox-
vehōmozēsz našivatamon, w. we see him we pity him.
whence, t'sa ninxhesshoèné, where doest thou come from?
zenxhestätto, w. I am; zenxhesshoeoxz, w.he came;
t'sa enxhestá,w.is he, where does he hail from?
enxhesso, w. is it? Inf.-hesse- therefore, w.; nahesse-
axaem, therefore I cry; t'sa enxhesshamoxtastove,
comes sickness?
Ꮃ .
whenever, expressed with pref.òtoneš-; nohass hooxchoo-
ko, w.it rains; nohas hooxchozeohes, w.he works;
nohas taome toneš, w., at any time whatsoever; nohas to-
neš,w.,at any time.
where, t'sa, at which place, point?
toas, w., which? (as
when seeking for something within the lodge);
t'sa ehoe, w. is he? t'sa ehota, w. is it? t'sa nivōmovo-
he,w.did you see him? t'sa nihehestana, w.doest thou
take it from? t'sa zetosemohēoxzistove nasaaheneeno-
he, I do not know w. the meeting will be; pref.zex- or
zé- =w.; zexhoetto, w. I live; zèvōmoz, w. we saw him;
zistaanaos, w.he fell, also zéanaos (before "a" and "o"
the aspired sound ["x" and "`"] is oftentimes left
out). [one's w.are; t'sa eev'né, where has he his w.?
whereabouts, evnistoz, also ēvhastoz; zexēvèns, where]
whereas, rendered by pref. zeheše- since, seeing that,
w.; zehešsaapevatamanoehan. w. the weather is
not nice; zehešhoemanistove, w., as the law has been
[neenovo, this w. I know him.
whereby, expressed by inf.-vešhess-; heto navešhes she-
wherefore, hena zehess- why, for what cause, reason?]
wherefrom, see whence.
[hena zehesseaseoxz,]
wheresoever, nohas t'sa.
[w.did he leave?
wherewith, same as whereby.
whet, naéhasen, I w., sharpen: naéhàz, I w.it; see sharp-
en; éhaseo, w.stone (also file); ósēna, w.
stone, rasp; eohotaxzz, smaller w. stone (for fine
work); see file.
whether, expressed by pref. eo- usually in connection
with a negative; nasaaheneenovohe eoešenās, I
know not w.he is dead; nasaaheneenohe eotoshoeoxzz na
mo hovahan, I know not w.he will come or not; nìmēs to-
mevemeno eotoseaseoxzetto, tell us w. thou wilt leave
(sc.or not); pref.hota- =w., if; èneevavōmov hotanšho-
zeohez', they watched him to see w.he would work; tāe-
oešehemakätaemsz, w.he has money! in the sense of "let]
whetstone, see whet. [me (or us) see w.he has money"!
which, tās, w. is it? tasevoensz, w. are they (in.)? tāse-
vōn, w.are they (or.)? tāsevo, w.one (or.)?
tāsesz,w.is the supposed one (or.)? hen zeaenon, the
one (in.) w. I own; toas, w., where is it (among several)?
whiff, exazevoze naexan, he whiffs, puffs smoke in my
face; nahešezevozevo heexa, I w.smoke in his face,
eye: niexa nihešezevoze, I w., puff smoke in thy face;
ehotoatovao, whiffs (of smoke); naexa niheše zevozeme,
you w.smoke in my face; zevozistoz, w., puff.
while, expressed by pref. zestše-, zestšena-, zistatše-
(past); zestšemanoēz, w. we are together, assembled;
zistat šehovanēs, w.he was absent; inf.-ninov- a W.;
inf.-momaxom- whiling; naemomaxomèn, I walk whiling]
whine, eokaoom hotam, the dog whines. [away, musingly.
whip, naveeòno, I w.him; see punish; nitóhôon nanitooha.
I w. the top (in playing, to make the top spin);
make tops
nitóhôonóe, nitóhôonosz (pl.), the w.used to
(pl.), the w.used to
spin; poevahaseo, w.,lash, ref.specially to w. cracker;
ohamevox, team w. (like quirts), "black snake"; zeheoha-
mevoxsz, the one with a w.; veeohamestoz, buggy w.
whir, enistoneva-nitóeōstáa,it whirs (ref. to sound, as
of a spinning top); enitóeōstáa,it whirs; enitóe-
ōstax, it (or., as a top) is whirring; kòkoao enemanis-
toneva-vēnaxeo, the quails flutter (fly) with a w.;
see whirl.
whirl, nanitóeōstax, I (myself) w. ;
enitóeōstáa, it
whirls; nanimaoaō, I am whirled; nanimaoaovo, I
make him to turn, w. ; nanimaoha, I w.it, make it turn;
ezevatoeō, the dust is whirling; see dust; evovozevo-
axeo, they (or.) w., swarm around; hestass evovozevoax,
the snow is whirling about; vovetas,w.wind; maxevove-
tas, tornado; evovetasoneve, it is a w. wind; see re-]
whirligig, nistonevahaseo.
[volve, spin.
whirlwind, vovetas (or.); evovetasoneve, it is a w.; ma-
xevovetas, a great w., a tornado; vovetasoneva,
with, by the w.
whisker, hestovoozemeàz; ehestovoozemeàz, he has whisk-]
whisky, vèhoemàp, white man's water; evèhoemàpeve, it is
w.; vèhoemàpeva, with w. [emōseēszistoz, w., n.
whisper, naemōseēsz, I speak in a whisper, secretly; ]
whistle, naéš, I w.; zeéšsz, the one who whistles; naéše-
mo, I w.him (to call him); naéšenon, I w.a tune;
eéš haavhan, the wind whistles; tàpen, w. (only as mouth
instrument); éšhestoz, the whisling; éšhestoz enistō-
he, the w. (as of engines, etc.) is heard, sounds.
white, evokom, it is w. (small surface); evohom, it is w.
(large surface); evokomene, he has a w.face; evo-
komeneoz, his face becomes w. navokomana, I make it
w.,whiten it; navokomano, or. of preceding;
no,it is all w.; evohomenōhe, he looks (in appearance)
w. evokomaneoetto, it makes w. (substance like paint,
chalk); evokomane ova, it (or.) is of whitish fur; evo-
komaneōva, it is whitish (liquid); evokomanēoxz,it is
getting w.; evohomatova and evoxpatova, it smokes w.;
evokomešen, they (or.) are w.breasted; evokomoē, it is
worked (beaded) with w.quills; evohomeoaseōstáa, it
gets shining w.; evohomeoaseōs tax, one becomes shining
w.; evokomeōstáa, it becomes w. (of a sudden, at once);
evokomeōs tax, or.of preceding; evokomoēvaoes tax, his
skin becomes suddenly w.; evohomeoasea, it shines w.;
evohomhoneon, he is clad in w.; evohomsan, he is dress-
ed in w.; vohomsanistoz, w.garments; evokonaota, it
sets, stands w. (of branches); evohonaehansz, they (in.)
lie dry and w. (branches, bones); also evohonaeona-
hansz, evohonaeona (sg.); evoheneoz, he has a w.spot in
the eye; voheneozistoz, w.spot in the eye;
also indicates w., whitish gray; navoxpoha, I paint it
W ; evoxpohe, it is painted w.; evoxpēstōnao,or evoxp-
estoonaō, they are w.throated; evoxpáe, he has w., gray
hair; evoxpoova, it (animal) has a w.fur, is w. furred;
evoxpoona, it is a w. morning (ref. to atmosphere);
evoxpomano, it is w., (atmosphere, sky, general aspect);
examaeš-voxpstnōèn, she has w.children; evoxpōm,it
w. (liquid); voxpeomeš, w.oak; voxpehonehe, w.wolf; vox-
poham, w.horse; ehecevoxpoovaoxz, it quietly (slowly)
turns w. (of the fur); zevokomoao makät, w.money, sil-
ver; evohomae, he is w.; zevohomasz hōma, a w.robe; the
following terms are proper names: Ešeoxvokomāsz, W.
sun; Voxpehoom, W. coyote; Vecesoxvokomāsz, W. bird; Vox-
penonoma, W. thunder; Voxpemasé, W. fool; Hotoavoēs, W.
nosed-bull; Voxphōhevàz, W. shield; Voxpenako, W.bear;
Niz-vokomāsz, W.eagle; Vohozena, W. touching or Lime;
Poexa, W. skunk; Honioxvokomasz, W.wolf; Voxpoham, W.
horse; Voxpōm, W. river; Võsta, W. buffalo-cow, also used
as name for albinos among larger wild animals that
are otherwise never w.; Voxpeexansz, W. eyes; Voxpáe
W. haired; Voxpas, W. belly; Voxpevas, W. tail;
kasz, Lone-w., also translated "W.rabbit"; Vèho, w.man;
this term has nothing to do with w., means also spi-
der; vèhoa, w. woman; vèhoka, young w.woman; vèhoc, young
w.man; vehociss, w.child. Rad.-vovoas- spotted w., see
horse. See color.
whiten, navokomana, I whiten it; zevokomane, the whitened
one (in.); zevokomansz hōmå, the whitened robe.
whiteness, vohomhastoz, the being white, w.; zevokom, ze-
vohom, w., that which is w. ; zehešohāevohomās
hesthōma, the w. of his robe.
whitewash, navoxpoha mhão, I paint the house white, w.it;
evoxpohe mhão, the house is painted white,
white, is
whitewashed; navoozenaevana mhäo, I w.the house; evo-
ozenaevane mhão, the house is whitewashed.
whither, t'sa etazeoxzé, w. has he gone? t'sa zistaneoxz,
w.he went; t'sa nitaamèn, w.art thou walking?
whittle, nazetxova, I am cutting; naemomaxomax,
I w.away
(musingly); emomaxestoz, the whittling.
whiz, enistonevao, it whizzes; vèhoemaoz eamevaonsz, the
bullets are whizzing; nistonevahaseo, whizzer; eni-
stonevahaseoneve, it is a w., buzzer; nanistonevahàz, I
make it w.; enistonevahame, it is made to w.
who, niva, nivāseo (pl.), w. ? nivaesz, nivāsesto (pl.), at-
tributive form of "nivā", =some one (not known);
nivahāne, it is he w.; zevahāne, this is the one w. ;
encevaevé,w. what kind of man is he? "Nha" in connec-
tion with pref.ze- he (or she) w.; nha zehamoxtasz,
he w.is sick; nha zèvōmoz, the one whom we saw; nivā
emeheenovaéss, w. would know you? niva zeēsztovata,
spoke to thee? niva zeto, w. is this? nivā tato,
that? niva zenaes, w.died?
whoever, nohase nivāesz, nohase nivāsesto (pl.):
zehohaesz, w.desires, is eager for; nohas zevōm-
Öz,w.thou seest; nohas zensetamaez, w. hates us; the
pref.zehetāe- all who, whosoever (has more a pl. mean-
ing); zetohetae- is the same as preceding but has a
distributive meaning, "all who, every one w."; both
preceding terms also denote "whatsoever, all that" in
connection with the in.; zetonešetanoss, w.think so;
zetonešemesess, w.eat (pl.meaning) so.
whole, inf.-mha(e)-,-ma- and -nä-; nimhastonan, the w.of
us, all of us together; nimäozheme, we form a w.
are all together; nimästovat to, the w.of it: nimaesto-
vätto, the w.of me, all my parts; inf. -hovo- w., en-
tire, as a collectivity, together as a bunch,
a bunch, collec-
tion; hovoetto is the detached form of -hovo-; ehovo-
aseoxzeo, they all, the w.of them has left;
nistxistove, the w.number, all of them (or.); nšematto,
the w.of it; nšemätto, the w. of me; nšemaez, the w.of
us; nšemaess, the w. of you; nšemaevoss, the w. of them;
see all.
wholesome, epevomoxtasohetto, it is w.; evešepevomoxtas-
tove,it is w., conducive to physical well be-
ing; pevomoxtasohestoz and vešepevomoxtastoz, whole-
wholly, expressed by inf.-ma(e)-; emähavseva, it is w.]
whoop, nanōonoe, I w.; nōonohestoz, the whooping, w.; enō-
onohestove, it is a w.; nahessovaxem, I have the
whooping-cough; hessovaxemestoz, whooping-cough; see
whore, see harlot, prostitute; mashaovèhoa, white woman]
whose, nivās hēszhovsz, w. is it? nivās hēmhäonsz, w.house
is it? zehēmhäonsz, w.house it is; zehēpäozis-
tovsz,w.picture it is; zehēvostanemsz, w. person (im-
age)it is; pref.ze- is left out in the interrogative.
why, hena followed by pref.zehess-; hena zehesseaxaem-
etto,w.doest thou cry? hena zehesseaseoxzess, w.do
you leave? hena not followed by pref. zehess- means
"what"; henā zemesess, what do you eat? hena zehesse-
mesess,w.do you eat? henaez' zehesseaxaemsz nasaahe-
neenomovohe, I know not w., for which reason he cries;
nitosemēs tome vazeme zehesseneševetto, I am going
tell (explain) to you w. I did it.
Wichitas, Hevsohetaneo; see Indian.
Votanxpavsevevan, the
wick, šeon vohoksenanistovå, lit.cloth in the lamp.
wicked, ehavsevoētaeoneve, he is w., an evil doer; havse-
voĕtahe, havsevoētaheo (pl.), the w.one; evo-
tanxpavs, he is w.,void of good;
void of good;
W. One; see ungodly. Zehessenova havs, that which is
w.; ahansenovätan, a w., depraved man; zeahansenovaz,
the w.one: ahansenovevostane hevestoz, w.living; ahan-
senovevostan, w.person.
a w.
wickedly, expressed by inf.-havs- "bad" and
ov- =depraved, vicious, fiendish.
wickedness, havsevoētastoz, act of w.; havsevoētaheonev-
estoz, the being wicked, an evil doer; ahanse-
novàtoz, w., depravity; see ungodly.
wide, emahao, it is w.; emahaeta, it (or., as a robe,
etc.) is w.; zemahao, the w.one (in.); zemahaetaz,
the w.one (or.); emahaeoxz, it gets wider, it widens;
naamsthoz, I set it on its w.side; esaahāehōmattan, it
is not w. (of a body of water); ehaehōmatto, it is w.
(body of water); etone taehōmatto, how w. is it? (body
of water); etonetaeneo ta, how w.,large is it? (ref.
interior, room), how large is the room? see size. Eto-
netāeoz шeo, how w., big is the road? etonetaeta, how
w.,big is he? noka tāoheoneva enetão, it is a mile w.;
rad.-ta- denotes "reach, over, extending across". See
big, large. Emomame-totoo, he is w.awake.
widen, namahaana, I w.it; etaešemahaeoz meo, the road has
widened; emahaane, it has been widened.
wideness, mahaetàtoz, w.,bigness.
widow, hotxahee, hotxaheeo (pl.); ehotxaheēve, she is a]
widower, hotxamaha (sg.and pl.); hotxamahaeheve, he is
[haehēvestoz, widowerhood.
widowhood, hotxaheēvestoz, the being a widow; hotxama-]
width, zeamsetto, its w. (as of boxes, setting objects);
eamse-mahaomax, it is plowed across the w.;
eamshaessỏ, its w. is longer than the length, it is
longer across; naamseéxa,I cut it thru its w. ;naamse-
éso šeon, I cut the cloth(or.) thru its w.;see across.
wife, mazheem, the w. (in general); nazheem, my w., lit.my
woman; nszheem, thy w.; heszheem, his w. ; nszheeman-
eo,our wives; nszheemevō, your wives; heszheemevō,
their wives; neēv nēnis, (sc.he or they) with w.and
child or children; naheszheem, I have a w.; naheszhe-
emetan, I want to have a w.; naheszheemenoz, she is my
w.; naheszheemenotto, they are my wives; niheszheeme-
tovaz, thou art my w.; niheszheemetove, I am thy w.;
zeheszheemetto, I who have a w., or I who have her for
w.; zeheszheemsz, zeheszhe emesso (pl.), the one who has
a w.,is married; zeheszheemetovaz, thou who art my w.;
zeheszheeme tovetto, I who am thy w.; heszheemetanox-
toz, the wanting to have a w.; zeheszheemestovsz, the
being a w.; naheszhe emeton, I am a w.; zeheszheemesto-
vessỏ, the ones being wives; naheszheemevōemo, I count
her as w. Suff.-eva [confound not with the preposi-
tional suff.-vå, as: màpevå, in the water, hohonaevå,
in, with the stone, mesestovå, in, with the food] denotes
"with a w., 'wifed'" (Ger.beweibt); nanišeevá, I have
two wives; enaheevá, he has three wives; eniveevá,
has four wives; the rule was for a man to have one w.
but often she was discarded for a second, third and
fourth, seldom more; or vice versa the women would
discard the man; but it was not uncommon for a man to
have two wives (usually sisters), but it was seldom if
more than two lived with him in the same lodge;
nišeevàtoz, the having two wives; ehaestoevá, he has
many wives; haestoevàtoz, the having many wives, poly-
gamy; naasetaevá, I take a w.; nanoxtaevá, I get a w.
(come to get a w.); nanehevá, I follow after (my) w. ;
Maenonehēvaz, Turtle-following-(his)-w., pr.name; na-
noxzeevá, I look for a w.; nanozeevá, I require a w.;
eōènovaoxz, he is faithful to his w.; nanhaevaoxz
with (my) w. (to any place); nahoenhaevaoxz, I come
with (my) w. Navéo, my co-w., the woman who is also
married to my husband; nivéo, thy co-w.; hevéon, her
co-w.; navéono, my co-wives; nahevéon, I have a co-w.;
nahevéonenoz, she is my co-w.; nahevéoneton, I am a
w.; heszheeme stovestoz, w.hood; taé, w.beater; etaeheo-
neve, he is a w.beater; tāsz, beat thy w.! Taeheo, W.
beater, pr.name; enovhasz, he is jealous of (his) w.
wigwam, vē; see lodge, tipi.
wild, enháe, he is w.; henen, w.rose, also tomato; seoze-
mhân, lit.ghost melon, ref. to the w. potato (Ipomo-
ea pandurata), also called "man-of-the-earth"; maevoe-
ozevósz or maeveozevósz,w.hemp; toxtōmohènoham, w.
horse (undomesticated); zenhász mohènoham, or nháevo-
ham, w.horse (unmanageable); nháevostan, nháevostaneo
(pl.), w., savage person (primitive); toxtō =rolling
prairie, also "at random, w., unrestricted"; toxtō hov-
àn, w.beasts, beasts of the field; toxtō-hešksēsehotam,
w.pig; toxtomonetto, wildly, at random; inf.-toxtomone-
=wildly, informally, not restricted, in a free way; inf.
-hehe tovanov- w., boisterous, turbulent; inf.-momáta-
=furious, violent, w., raging.
wildcat, moxkav, moxkaveo (pl.); Mohave, W. woman, pr. name.
wilderness, toxtō.
şee ob-
wile, see cheat, deceive; ohãoxzezevestoz, w., shrewdness;
ōcevovozezevestoz, w., craftiness, artfulness.
wilful, etaometan and etaomeametan, he is w.; taometan-
oxtoz and taomeametanoxtoz, wilfulness;
stinate; etóvahe, w., not willing; tóvahestoz,
ness, obstinacy.
wilfully, expressed by inf. taom (e)- =self, of
=self, of self;
inf.-heoms- w.; nasaaheomseneševé, I did not
do it w.; eheomstoēta, he acts w.
will, exprssed by rad. -ta- which denotes "intent, di-
rection to"; mxhoeoxzz nåtameto heto, if he comes I
w.give him this; natamese, I w.eat; t'sē, either alone
or infixed implies "with a w., determined, on purpose,
decidedly"; suff.-tan denotes "in the mind, in thot,in
the w.,with wanting"; naneoxzetan, I want to go, I
think of going, in my mind I w.go;
matšetanoxtoz, w.,
thot; matšetan, w.,mind; pavetanotsanistoz, good w.
willing, enotohae, he is w., ready; notohaestoz, willing-
ness; enotohätan, he is w., wants to be ready;
inf. -hoto- w., friendly; ehotoeoz, he is, becomes now
w.; ehotoa, he is w., generous, liberal; hotoeozistoz
and hotoastoz, willingness; inf. -mase- =willingly,
gladly; masetto (when detached); emaseneševe, he does
it willingly, gladly; namaseztovo, I am w. towards him;
eamà taheoneve, he is w., obedient; eamàta, he is w.,
agrees, obeys, consents; amàtaheonevestoz, willingness,
the being willing, obedient; amàtastoz, willingness,
obedience, consent; etóvahe, he is not w.; tóvahestoz,
the not being w., obstinate.
willow, menoceo (pl.,or); also mešeeno; xamamenoceo,red
w.; menoceva, in, with the w.; also mešēnoneva;
nomaxemenoceo, kind of w.; namenokam, my w.; nahemeno-
kam, I have w. (when using willows for betsteads, etc.);
namaenō menoceo, I stain the willows red; menoceve-
toxq,w.basket; menocehozeono or hoozeonóe, w.sticks
used in Ch.bedsteads; usually at the head and foot of
bed; monhoēseon, similar w.sticks but used horizontal-
ly; zemonhoēhesso, participle n. of preceding; see]
wilt, see droop, wither.
[bed. Menoceše, w. thicket.
wily, eohãoxzezeve, he is w.; eōcevovozezeve,
he is w.,
crafty, artful, treacherous; zeōcevovozezevsz, zeōce-
vovozezevesso (pl.), the w.one.
win, nahotäva, I w.; zehotävaz, the one who wins; zehotä-
vasso, the winners; zehotasso, the beaten ones; na-
ešenoto and naoešenoto, I w.one over; naešenosého, Ι
cause one to be won over; ešenoxsohestoz, the cause of
winning; niaestomovohamå, we w. for nothing (enjoying
what others had put up, in gambling).
wind, v., naonimo taoena, I w.it up; namomekano, I w., coil
it (or.); namomekane ano, I w., coil the rope; naoni-
motaoneano, I w. the rope upward; naonimo taovoeno, I w..
wrap (something) around one; navešeonimotaovoenonotto
šeon, I w., wrap him around with a piece of cloth;
taohaestoha-hóxesz, I bandage it (by winding) several,
many times; eonimo taoènetto, it winds itself around;
éeasetto eonimotaoena hoxzezeva, the vine winds itself
on the tree; naonimotaoemaena, I w., roll it (as a
scroll) up; naonimotaotohano, I w. it (or.) twisting
around; naanho-eonimo taotohano, I w. it downward; eoni-
mataoneanàzetto, it winds itself upward (as a vine);
naonehatoena, I unwind it; naonimaoheo,
around to the same place; naxanimaoeoxz,
(in walking); see around; naonistakoano, I w. it (or.)
I come
I w.around
in a ball.
I w
wind, n., hāavhan, the w., personified; haaeš, the w.;
setoahansz vèpotoz, the leaves are driven off by
the w.; eanoahansz, they (in., as leaves) are blown
down by the w.; emanoahansz vèpotoz, the w.makes the
leaves grow (the Ch. believe that the blowing of the
w.in the springs makes the young leaves to grow); eō-
moaha,it is driven by the w. ; eamoaha, it is driven
off by the w.; eōevavoaha, it is driven to and fro by
the w.; emomoxtoaha, it is agitated by the w.; enonx-
poahama haavhanó, it is shaken to and fro by the w.;
easetoeōstaha,it is suddenly blown away by a gust of
w.; easetoeōs tax, or.of preceding; eoxeōstaha, it is
suddenly torn by the w.; eonovōstaha, it is driven
shoreward by the w.; enxmaxhãeōstaha, a great w. comes
on suddenly (hither); eàtohomaotaenax, the w.covers
(with ground, sand) his tracks; eàtohomaeōs taha, it is
covered with ground by the w.; epēōstahansz, they
(in.) are torn by the w.; epepeōs tahansz, they (in.)
are blown, torn to pieces by the w.; eaveōstaha,it is
blown over by the w.; eoxsevoeōstaha, it is suddenly
upturned by the w.; ezevatoahansz vèpotoz, the leaves
are blown up in the air by the w.; evoneōs taha, it
suddenly wiped away, destroyed by w.; ehaavevon, the w.
sounds; ehésta, the w.blows from; oxnenose-héstasz,
when the w.blows from (hither); t'sa oxs oxneevhâs-
héstasz, when it (w.) blows again from a different di-
rection; zenšešhésta, where it blows from; evavhesta,
the w.blows back (when the w.veers); enševhaa, the w.
blows steady; héstan naamèn, I walk against the w
héstan, against the w.; Héstaneō, Against-the-w.-woman,
pr.name; hotonetaha, in spite of the w.; etoneshaa, it
blows a cold w.; nano tameoxz, I go against the w. ; vē
enotamaeta, the tipi faces the w.; nanomeoxz, I go from
(with) the w. naoxksenomaeoxz, I go with any w.; the
three preceding terms are also used fig. ehaavoeoxz,
the w.blows up clouds; see cloud; haavhan ene potoaha-
mo (or.) honokon, the w. raises the carpet (from the
floor); also enepotoahàz (in.); haavhan evonōahamo
(or evonōahàz) honokon, the w. raises up the carpet;
honokon evonōax, the carpet is raised by the w.
winding, see wind, v.; eestavatto, it is w., tortuous, me-
andering,also eestavon; see meander. [line pump.
windmill, hōvahaseo and nimahaseo; also name for gaso-]
window, vónhanistoz; evónhanistove, it is a w.; vónhani-
stovâ, in, by the w.; nahenehana vónhanistoz, I
raise the w.; naanhovana vónhanistoz, I lower, let down
the w.; ehesseeszèn vónhanistovå, he enters by the w. ;
evónhanistovensz, they (in.) are windows.
windpipe, mavešksen; hevešksen, his w. [han, it is not w.
windy, ehaa, it is w.; emaxhaa, it is very w ; esaahaa-1
wine, hòpãehemenemàp, also hòpazeehemenemàp, grape water;
hòpaehemene màpevå, with w.; ehòpaehemenemà peve,
it is w
wing, mazenōn; heszenōn, its (or.) w. ; hes tooxe, one w.
Som pu
feather; heszenōneva, with, in his w.or wings; ehezenō-
na, he is winged, has wings; enišezenōna, he has two
wings; zenišezenōnaz, the two winged one; zeoxchešeze-
nōnaz, the way, manner he is winged: enasòtoenōna (or
enasòtoezenōna), he has six wings; enonasòtoenōnaō,
they each have six wings; ezeezenōnao, he spreads his
wings; epaōmo, he carries him on his wings, lit.on his
back; hoxzenaheonó, hoxzenaheonósz (pl.), w., smoke flap
of tipi; naomōxzenahen, I shut the wings, flaps (of ti-
pi); also nanxphōxzenahen; nanxphĀxzenahenheme,
shut the wings of the tipi; nahoxzenahen. I open the
wings (one or both) of the tipi. Maezeno, Redwing, pr.
name. Nanoemaso or nanoetovo, I shoot it (or.) on the w.
wink, naoceneoz, I w.; naoceneozetovo, I w.at him; see]
winner, see win.
[blink; oheneozistoz, the winking.
winnow, našéahasen, I w.; našéahàz, I w.it; našéahamo, or.
of preceding; ešéahame, it is winnowed.
winsome, emomoxenōhe, one is w., looks desirable; emomox-
enono, it is w.,looks desirable.
winter, a, anoz (pl.), w., year; eāneva, it is w.; aneva,in
w.time; eoxtaāneve, it winters, is over w.; oxta-
anevēsz, when wintering, when (staying) thru the whole
w.; "a" ref.to inertia, passivity, not animate, not ac-
tive [enaoz, he sleeps; enae, he is dead; emetā, he is
given by one]. See year.
wipe, naneàtax, I w.my feet; naneonax, I w.my hands; na-
nevōenesz, I w.my face; neàtaxestoz, foot wiper; ne-
onaxestoz, hand wiper, napkin, towel; nevōenhestoz, face
wiper, towel; naneàtàno, I w.one's feet (with some-
thing); nanehänèno, I w. his tears (with something);
nanhäneno, I w.one's tears (with the hand);
àz, I w.my tears; nanhoha, I w.it (with something);
nhōxz or nhooxz, w. it thou! nanhohomovo, I w.his (in.);
nanhoenea maatano, I w. the gun; navonanen, I w. away;
navonana, I w.it away, off; navonanomevo, I w. it off
him; navonanomovo, I w.his (in.) off; evoneōstaha, it
is suddenly wiped off (by wind)
wire, makät, maäta (large amount); zeamoneane makät,
fence w. ; hoxtahanemakät, telegraph or telephone
w.,lit.telling iron; makātaēva, w.rope; nahekononeana
makät, I stretch, tighten w.; epopooneo makät, the w.is
severed, disconnected (several times); epooneo makät,
the w.is severed (once); hoxtahanemakät esaavesseēs-
toneanehan namhäo, my house is not connected with the
telephone w.; hoxtahanemakät eēstoneane namhäon, the
telephone w.enters my house; ehooneane or eestoneane
namhäo, my house is reached, connected with w. (tele-
phone); ehotxoveēstoneane namhäo na hoxtovamhäo, my
house is connected with w. (telephone) with the store;
navešhotono hoxtahanemakätäva, I inform him by W.
(telegraph or telephone). Hekononeaneo, w. stretcher.
wisdom, otoxovhastoz, w., sagacity: heheenovhastoz, know-
lege, w.; noxtovhastoz and noxtoetanoxtoz, under-
standing, w.; toxetanoxtoz, w., prudence, judiciousness:
oxtoxovenonaxetanoxtoz, w., shrewdness, the finding of
ways and means.
the w.,sage
wise, eotoxovahe, he is w.;
one; otoxovätan, w.man;
eotoxovoan, he speaks wisely; otoxovoanistoz, w.saying:
nihèpeotoxovätōen, he is wiser than we; eotoxovenonax-
etan, he is w., shrewd, finds ways and means; eheneeno-
vahe, he is w., learned; zehāheneenovahesso, the very
learned ones; enoxtovahe or enoxtovetanoheoneve, he
is w.,has understanding; etoxetan, he is w., prudent,
discreet; eotaēvetoxetanonavoēta, he acts wisely, with
prudence, discreetness; zetoxetanoss, the w.,prudent,
discreet ones (not foolish); eōhan, he is w.. prudent,
wisely, expressed by inf.-otoxov-; eotoxovoan, he speaks
w.; eotoxovhozeohe, he works w.; eotoxovenonaxe-
tan, he does w., shrewdly, finds a way (fig.); -toxeta-
nona- becomes incorporated in the v. or n. to mean
"with wisdom, prudence, not foolishness".
wish, pref.momox- implies w., entreaty, pleading; momoxe-
vehōmo nahessetamo, I w. to see him, lit.could I see
him I think of him; momoxevehōmasz nahessetamo, I w.he
could see me, lit. could he see me I think of him:
moxevehōmo nahessetama, he wishes he could see me, lit.
could I see him he thinks of me; momoxhoeoxzz, I w. he
could come! momoxehesthozeetto, I w. I had a horse!
hestozeetan, I w., want to have a horse;
tan, I w., want to have a dress; suff.-tan denotes "w.,
want, desire"; navōmatanotovo, I w., desire to see him;
or,momoxevōmo nahessetamo; the last form is stronger,
nearer entreaty, pleading. Namomaxstanotovo, I w.him
punishment, evil; nahe thoahe, I w..like, covet, desire;
hováe zehèpepeva nime saahe thoanov, you cannot w.for
anything better; nahóänoz, I w.one (or.), desire him
(or her); nahozeovosetan, I w.confidently, hope; momo-
xeman, with a w. momoxeman zehešetovata vostan oxce-
nešetoveha, as thou wishest to be done unto by one, do
unto him! hoahestoz, w.,desire,liking; havsevhóahes-
toz, evil w.,desire; zetohetahes thohästovetto màzhes-
ta, whatever, all that the heart wishes, desires: see]
witch, see sorcerer.
witchcraft, see sorcery.
with, expressed by inf.-veše- by the use, thru, by means
of; navešemese ameškoneva, I eat w.a spoon;
navešeēsztovo hoxtahanemakätäva, I speak to him by
means of the telephone; naveševoešetanonotto, I am
glad, rejoice w.,in, thru them (or.);
in, thru them (or.); heto navešhozeo-
he, I work w.this; navešhāmoxta heto esēoxz, I am sick
to mu-
w., thru this medicine; -veše- is
-veše- is also used where we
say "of" in Eng., as, navešekaneozetovo, I am tired (w.)
of him; inf.-vess-, -vest- or -vist (before "h") =
"w." in the sense of association; it is usually fol-
lowed by suff.-mo (or.) and -mota (in.); navessemese,
I eat w.; navessemesemo, I eat w.him; navessevoešeta-
no, I rejoice w.; navessevoešetanomo, I rejoice w.him;
navesthozeohe, I work w., in company w.; navesthozeohe-
mo, I work w.him; naveoxzemo, I go w.one; naveoxzemota,
I go w.it; nivā zeveoxzemata, who goes w.thee? nivā
zeveoxzemůz, w.whom doest thou go? navessevo, I am w
one; nha zevessevaez, the one who is w.us; naveàz, I go
along, belong w.; etaaseoxz neēv nēnis, he left w. wife
and children (or child); suff.-(e)mo ref. also to
tuality; nahevis'onemàzheme, we are brothers w. each
other; nivoešetanomazhe må, we rejoice w. each other;
navessevostanehevemo, I live w.him; navisthoemo, I sit
w.him; navisthavsevoētamo, I do evil w.him; particle
"no" denotes "w., in addition to, along w., together w.,
also withal"; nanomxea, I write it w., in addition to;
nanometonoz makätansz, I give him money w.it, together
w.what I gave him; natanóta, I shall have w.it; when
"W." implies "having on, characterized or marked by,
expressing endowment, possession" it is expressed by
suff.-a; eheszehena, he is provided w., has a coat on;
ehevoxcaena, he is w. a hat, is hatted, has a hat on;
eheszenōna, he is supplied w., has wings, is winged; na-
hevistamenoz, I am w., for him; see for.
withal, expressed by particle "no" (along with,' in ad-
dition) following the pronominal pref. in verbs;
see with; inf.-aàze- (aàzevetto, detached) =w.., at the
same time, likewise, further.
withdraw, naevhašexaeoz, I have withdrawn; nahossono, I
w.from him; naevhashovón, I w., step back; navo-
venosàz, I w.myself, disassociate from (a company, band,
organization, etc.); navovenosàzemō, I w. myself from
them, also navovenosàzetovō; naevhahestana, I w.it, take
it back again; evhašexaeozistoz, the withdrawing; hos-
sonazistoz, withdrawal: vovenosàzistoz, withdrawal, dis-
wither, enasomeoz, it has withered, wilted; enasoma, it is
withered; nanasomeàzena, I have a withered hand;
eoonatansz vèpotoz, the leaves are withering, drying;
see rad.-nōno- under "dry"; enasomevè pozevat to hoxzz,
the tree (its leaves) withers; nasomoeozistoz, the
withering, getting withered; nasomhastoz, the state of
being withered; see dry; enasomeozensz zepevszeavo-
ósz, the flowers w.,wilt; eohāonae, he is withered,
lean, q.v.;
withhold, nahōstomevo, I w.it from him; see hold, keep.
within, ho toma, w., inside; nasòtô a niszetā, w.six years
(up to now); nasòtô a tazetā,w.six years (from now).
without, mōesta, w., from a center; see outside; nanōse-
mesemo or nanoosemesemo, I eat w.him; rad.-nee-
me- bare, naked, carries also the meaning of "w.", as,
neeme tovhòp, coffee w. sugar, bare coffee; see bare.
withstand, nanešeō, I w.,stand my ground; nanešeōého,
w.one; see resist; natōea, I w.it; natōeovo, I
w.,resist, meet him.
witness, nanethoxtahanetovo, I w.of one; natätomevomo tâ,
I will w. the truth for him; naneevatseonaneto-
vo, I am a w., a sign for him, on his account; zevesse-
vehōsanesso, the witnesses, the ones who look on;
sevehōsanehe, a w., one who looks on with; navessevehō-
san, I am w.with; see with; navessenistomon,
I am W.,
hear with; zevessenistomonesså, the witnesses, the ones
who hear with; naoxtanōmo, I am eye w.of one; zehotx-
heneenomosansz zèvōxto na mato zénisto, w., the one who
makes known what he has seen or heard;
has seen or heard; also zehotxe-
vōstomansz zèvōxto na mato zènisto; hetomhoxtaheo or
zehetomhoxtaheonevsz, a true w., the one who tells the
truth; taxtanōvhoes tomohestoz, public witnessing; mē-
stomosanehe and hetomemosanehe imply "w." only in the
wizard, maheonoētätan; emaheono ētätan, he is a w., jug-]
woe, ahahē, and hãe,w.! hāomenhestoz, w., affliction; veo-
omenhestoz,great w.; see misfortune; ahahē ni-
tov,w.unto me!
woful, ehãomenhe stove, it is w.; ehoto anavoomenhestove,
it is w.,direful; eotašivatam,it is w.,pitiful.
wolf, honehe, honeheo (pl.); ehoneheve, it is a w.; monà-
zezess, w.puppy,, sucking w.; evevševhonehe, horned
w., also enovahonehe, magical w., these are names for
ancient, mythological wolves. Following are pr.names
connected with w. : Honeheonoz, W. bag: Honehevotōmå, W.
robe; Honehemàt, W. legging; Honehess, Young-w.; Maxho-
nehe, Bigw.; Axhonehe, Madw. Hone-oxvokomasz, Whitew.;
Honeoxmahāsz, Redw.; Moxtavhonehe, Blackw. ; Hone-ox-
hāsz, Brave- or Strongw.; Hone-oxhães, Highw.;
nomahe, Latew.; Vehonemonàzesz, Chief-young-w.;
oxvotonevsz, Birdtailw.; Honehenistō, Howlingw.;
heveho, W. chief; Hone-oxvàko, Bobtailw. ; Hone-oxVovo-
ènsz, W. walkingfirst; Hokom-xaaxceta, Littlew.or
Littlecoyote; Hokom, Coyote; Hone-oxvovoasz, Spotted w.
(implies spotted white); Hone-oxmaovaz, Redfurredw. ;
Hone-oxmox tavasz, W.-the-black-one or W.black; inf.
"ox" in a name implies "the one"; Voxpehoom, Grayw.;
Honeoxoehōsz,?; Hone-oxnhaevasz, W.-with-his-wife; Ho-
kom-oxseenoenosz,?; Hone-oxzeoxz, Afraid-of-w.; Hone--
oxsoesz,?; Honeehac,?; Hokomehoesta, Fire-w.; Hokom--
oxmaevoensz, W. nose or snout; Hokom-oxvõensz, White-
eyed w.; Hokom-oxmazevosz, W. chips (feces); Hokomehē-
va,W.fur (skin, hair); Hokomenònika, Lamew.; the term
"hokom" ref. to the prairie w. or coyote; Honehenamosz,
Lefthandw.; Honemeeoxz, W. appearing; Hone-oxvootansz,
W.necklace; Hone-oxnokāsz, Lone- or Onew. ; Hone-oxto-
hasz, Risingw.; Hone-oxnoceeoxz, W. going-alone; Hone--
neheomo, Trailingw.; Honeevahee, Shew. ; Honehemeo, W.
road; Honeheme ona, She-w.road; Honehevèpeàz, W.-empty-
mouth (or hand); Hone-oxmesesz, Eatingw.; Hone-oxhās-
tāsz, Tall- or Highw.; Honiscevoz,W.skin; Honehevesto-
ona, W. throat; Honiscenotam, Northern-w; Honeheszeō, W.
-elbow; Honehevōene, White--face-w.; Honehāsàta, Long-
footed-w.; Honeevàta, W.instep; Honeheàta, W. foot; Ho-
ne-oxmaheonevesz, Mysteriousw. ; Hone-oxhaenom, Long-
slumbering-w.; Honehevac, Littlew.wife; Honeheóoene,
Blindw.; Honehemakse, Bigbellied-shew.; Honehetan, W.
man (also name for the Pawnee); Honehemahacis, Oldw.;
Honehevēs, W. tooth. Xaènóne, timber w lit.w.of red-
dish pelage; this w. is claimed to be a different kind
from the ordinary grayw. , and does not go in packs but
always solitary; vhanoevovaehonehe, or honehe zeoxce-
vhanoevovas, magical, supernatural w.
woman, hee, heeo (pl.); "héo" (sg.and pl.) is used when
object to a subj.of the 3rd. pers., as, èvōmo héo,
he saw a w.or women; in the passive voice "héo" is
the subj., as, emehota héo, he is loved by the w.; ehe-
ēve, she is a w.; eheēveo, they are women; heēstoz,
that which is w., womanhood or womankind; heeman, her-
maphrodite (having more of the male element); hetane-
man, hermaphrodite (having more of the woman element);
nazheem, my w.; see wife; Heemazhesta, W. heart, pr.name.
"Hee" is used either prefixed or suffixed to desig-
nate "female, she"; heekašgon, female child,girl; kase-
hee, young w.; heehomä, she-beaver; "heeham" is used to
designate the female among animals and birds in gen-
eral; zeheeamsz, the w., female animal; heevoksa, COW-
calf; kokôaxhee, hen,etc.,etc. See under the pr. names
made with "bear, bull, buffalo"; Ameoxzehee, Walking-w.
pr.name. Zeheēvsz, the one being a w.; nishee, my w.
friend; see friend.
womb, maskaton; naskaton, my w.; heskaton, her w. ; zetó-
ešenistovaz tass nanis emomōstax naskatōeva, as
soon as I heard thee, the child in my w.moved; vehanō-
hestoz, membrane of w.; heoeheo, os uteri (?).
wonder, naotōstazesta, I w.at it; naotōstatamo, I w.at
him; eotōstatamano, it is a w. (in general aspect
strange weather); menōs, w.how? menōs etonšheneeno, I
w.how he knows! otōstastoz, w., astonishment; esaaton-
šeotōhesshan, it is no w., it cannot astonish; heahama,
w.if? heahama etaaseoxz, I w. if he has left (Ger.am
Ende ist er fort gezogen); nazistoxtōetan, I w., ask
myself, conjecture; see astonish, marvel, strange; eova-
voēta, he performs wonders, miracles, magic acts; ovavo-
ētastoz, w.,miracle; eovavoētastove, it is a w., a mira-
cle; ovavoētahe, a w. performer; ovavoētätan, a man
performs wonders, miracles, makes magic, a magician.
wonderful, eotamoonatamano, it is w.,beautiful; eotaotō-
statamano, it is w., astonishing, marvelous.
wondrous, eotōhesso, it is w. ; zeotōhesso, that which is
w., strange, astonishing.
wont, can be rendered by inf.-oxc- in the habit of.
wood, max, maxsz (pl.), not ref.to forest but cut w.; em-
xeve, it is w.; måxeva, with w.; namxem, my w., fire
w.; kamax, kamaxsz (pl.), ref. to branches, smaller piec-
es or sticks of w. ; ekamxeve, it is w., a w.stick; kam-
xeheva, with a stick of w.; ekamxevstoon, it is made of
w.; ekamxevston, he builds of w.: kamxevstonevého,
white man carpenter; kamxevetō, wooden vessel, butter
bowl; ekamxevetooneve, it is a wooden vessel; also
kamxevetoxq (smaller bowl); naexanoz max, I saw w.;
naešehanoz maxsz, I cut, chop w.; nanhoxtanoz maxsz, I
carry w.; nahemhan, I go after, for w.; [nahemanoe, I go
after water]; zemhansz, the one who goes after w.;
[zemansz, the one who is made, also the one who drinks;
zemaniszz, the one who makes it]; vokonaekamaxsz, dried
white branches; nahovxto emhan, I haul, make a provision
of w.; hóxaekamxeoz,green w.; zeexatto kamax, dry w. ;
heovekamax, yellow w. ; maekamxeo, red w. ; matanaemaxsz,
milk w.;
these three terms ref. to certain small
trees, shrubs; the "ó" when suffixed implies "plant or
w.growth; Zèmamovóo, where the woods meet (Cantonment,
Okla.); enhāó,it is heavily wooded, is a rank growth
(of plants); zexhaó, where there is much w., growing
timber; enokovavâe, it is one kind of w.; enitavâensz,
they (in.) are different kinds of w.; hekotxaoz, rot-
ted w. mata, woods, timber; [máta, cactus, peyote];
taestxe and matãeše, w.grove, the woods; matāvoom, wood-
ed place, region of the woods, forest,w.land; šistato-
eše, pine woods, forest.
wooden, ekamxevstoon, it is made of wood; ekamxeveoxta,
it is a w.leg; Kamxeveoxta, W. leg, pr.name: ekam-
xevóo, it has a w.handle; see handle.
[young w.
woodpecker, see peck; ōhene,ōheneo (pl.),w.; ōheneson,
woody, ekamxevoeve, it is w.; see handle; kamxea ehesso,
it is w., like wood.