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RODOLPHE PETTER MISSIONARY TO THE CHEYENNE INDIANS, 1891-, AT CANTONMENT, OKLAHOMA PRINTED ENTIRELY IN THE INTEREST OF THE MENNONITE MISSION AMONG THE CHEYENNE INDIANS OF OKLAHOMA AND MONTANA PRINTED AT KETTLE FALLS, WASHINGTON, U.S.A. SEPT. 1913 TO JULY 1915 PRINTED ENTIRELY ON THE GAMMETER MULTIGRAPH BY VALDO PETTER COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY REV. RODOLPHE petter 09.30.49 m Anthro-Gen. Petter 9-27-49 68048 PM 795 2.5 74% INTRODUCTION When The present book is the result of twenty four years of labor. Excepting almost three years, all this time was spent among the Cheyenne Indians in Oklahoma. I first came to this people only a very few understood English. I soon saw that to reach the Indian's heart a thory command of their heretofore unwritten language our mission work. By living in close contact with the Cheyenne I had a rare opportu- nity to listen to them and become thoruly acquainted with their ways of thinking. In course of time a great amount of linguistic material was collected and the whole classified and systematized in lexical and gram- matical form. was the sine qua non of This Dictionary is the first of its kind in print and is not without mistakes and imperfections. The printing was not done by a printer but in our home. This will account for typographical errors and the sometimes arbitrary dividing of words at the end of a line. In an early edition of the Bible, Psalm 119:161 was made to read: "Printers have persecuted me without a cause" instead of "Princes"! In an other edition of the Bible (1632) the word "not" was omitted from the seventh commandment! In the Oxford edition (1717) of the same book the heading of Luke 20 read: "Parable the Vineager" instead of "Vineyard"! Such blunders do not excuse ours but they comfort us to some extent. The printing was done by my son on the Multigraph; the Oliver Printype (from page 311 on) was not available for the first part of the book. of The working out of this Dictionary was done almost page for page ahead of its printing, leaving no time for uniform correction and review "d'ensemble". In spite of the limited time, experience and means for its printing, the present book offers to students of the Cheyenne a linguistic material which would be very hard and to +10+ III INTRODUCTION some extent impossible to gather at the present time. The English had to be adapted to give as close a literal meaning of the Cheyenne as possible. Thus 'thou, thee" are used to express the singular form of the second person in Cheyenne in order to avoid confu- sion with the plural form of the same person. The Cheyenne nouns, for the most part, are verbal substantives. They are formed by eliminating the prono- minal prefix and adding suffix -stoz or -xtoz, as, "name- se, I eat, mesestoz, the eating, food; naanao, I fall, ana- oxtoz, the falling,fall". Therefore many verbal substan- tives are not given in this Dictionary; they being only a form of the verb easily constructed. "1 New words or expressions coined recently by the younger generation are not recorded in this book, for the reason that most of them are still in the embryo state and very unsettled. I have endeavored to give the correct Cheyenne terms and not what young school boys and girls have coined of late under the influence of the English language. The Cheyenne-English and Cheyenne Tales be printed at some future time. S The original purpose of this Dictionary was not only to give lexicographic but also anthropologic data as well as special details in fauna and flora. However the little interest shown by scientific institutions and libraries for a work of this kind did not warrant the expenses of time and money: therefore the book was especially prepared to meet the needs of our mission- aries among the Cheyenne in Oklahoma and Montana. Rodolphe Petter. S Dictionary Dictionary, Cheyenne Grammar exist in manuscript form; they may Kettle Falls, Washington, July 14,1915. C IV A KEY TO THE CHEYENNE ALPHABET The best phonetic system will not record an Indian language to undoubted satisfaction, unless the student have spent at least two years in close contact with the Indians. In my experience I found that vowels and con- sonant sounds differentiate more or less with individu- als and families. Not only has the schooling of the younger generation influenced their enunciation, but different family groups camping together have not al- ways the same pronunciation of word syllables. Espe- cially is this noticeable between Northern and Southern Cheyenne. The difference is not great, but enough to make one very careful not to write Cheyenne just as а few informants will pronounce it. My experience has been, whenever possible, not to make the Indian repeat a word a second or third time, for he will invariably pro- nounce it so that you can retain it, but not the way it is usually spoken in fluent language. The key to the Cheyenne Alphabet has been written after years of study and experience and aims to elimi- nate a cumbrous accumulation of consonants and typo- graphical marks. The Cheyenne has a strong aspirate sound preceding vowels, which is indicated by "h": when the sound follows the vowel as an expiration it is in- dicated by the grave accent placed above the letter: when a short gap follows a vowel or consonant it is re- cognized by the acute accent above the vowel or follow- ing the consonant. Long stress of a vowel is indicated by the macron above the same. A small ring above a vow- el denotes the mere of the same. The "e" will become "i" (as in "it") in rapid or mocking speech. When "e" precedes the "a" or "o" it sounds as if "y" follows it, thus "ea" and "eo" sound like "eya and "eyo"; "aeo" becomes "ayo. This being the rule we dispense with writing the "y" except in some nouns ending in "-ayo", and in the word "onisyom" (=in truth). whispering 11 G J S G Sk G - V A KEY TO THE CHEYENNE ALPHABET −â- A, as in papa; -â- =a+o, pronounced like "ou" in house; -ä- =ate, pronounced like "I"; -a- is a long "a"; -á- (hiatus) is "a" followed by a short gasp; -à- is spoken with expiring breath; -å- is "a" with whisper- ed or evanescent sound. "a" b, as in babe. The average Ch. makes no difference be- tween "b" and "p". Sometimes "b" turns to "m" or "v" c, pronounced like -tié in the French word "moitié" similar to "teou" in the English word "plenteous". d, as in dad; but used only by some members of the He- vešksenx-pâess band (see organization). e, as in prey; -e- is long "e", similar to "a" in "ate" or the French "ê"; -é- is "e" followed by a short gap (hiatus); -è- is "e" followed by expired breath. The ring over "e" would indicate an evanescent "e", but it is rarely needed. g, as in go; many Ch.pronounce it as hard as "k". h, as in hate, with strong aspirate sound. i, as in pit; "i" is "i" with expired breath. k, as in key. m, as in moment. n, as in none. 0, as in obey; -o- is long like "o" in home; -Ô- =ote, pronounced like "oy" in decoy; -ó- is "o" with hia- tus; -ò- is "o" with expired breath; -8- is evanes- cent or whispered "o". In very rapid pronounced like "u" in "nut". speech "o" is p, as in paper. q, similar to "coo" in coop, but expired. s, as in sense; -s'- like "ss" but separated by a hia- tus; -- as "sh" in she. t, as in table. v, like the latin in "amavi" "ue" in "tue, hue", or like "f" in of. x, as "ch" in the German "ach". y, as in year. z, as "ts" or Ger."z or similar to the French "ts" or Ger. "z"; -z'- similar to "ds" or "d's". : in- Remark. When the Ch. temper is aroused all the con- sonants, but especially the aspirates become tensified; in endearing language much softer. In mock- intensified ery or contempt the sibilants are and the "e" turns to a short "1" sound, while the "o" becomes as "u" in "nut". The women and children use the softer language. Thus it comes that a word may be heard with the sound of "h" at times and again not; or a word may be written with an "e" today and be heard with an "i" tomorrow. In ceremonial and dignified language the dic- tion is slower, even and chosen. Unaccented syllables are spoken in the same stress, except that the final vowel is half mute in words of more than one syllable. . S S VI 1 Act.active acc.=accusative. adj. adjective. adv.=adverb. aff. affixe. att. attributive. B.of Am. Ethn. =Bureau of American Ethnology. c.=with. caus.causative. c.com. cum communionis. c.instr.=cum in- strumentalis. cf.=confer. Ch. Cheyenne. cj.=conjugation. coll.=collective. comp.compare. coor.cj.=coordinate conjugation. dat.=dative. desid.=desiderative. dic. dictionary. dim.=diminutive. dist.=distributive. e.g.=for example. Eng. =English. eqv.=equivalent. estim.-estimative. excl. exclusive. f.=form. ABBREVIATIONS fem.=feminine. fig.=figurative. freq.=frequentive. Fr.=French. 鏖 ​f.sp. female speaking. gen. -generic. genit.=genitive. Ger.German. gov.=governing. gr.-grammar. hort. hortative. hypo.=hypothetic. i.e. that is. imp.=impersonal. imper.=imperative. in.-inorganic, inanimate. Ind. Indians. indef.=indefinite. inf.-infixe. instr. instrumental. interj.=interjection. interrog.=interrogative. intr.=intransitive. Lat. Latin. 1.c.-loco citato. lit. literally. m.=mode. M. Am. Anthr.Ass. -Memoirs of the American Anthropolo- gical Association. masc.=masculine med.=mediate. ml.sp.=male speaking. n.=noun. n.agent.=nomen agentis. neg.-negative. obj.=objective. obs. obsolete. or.=organic, animate. VII ABBREVIATIONS part.=participle. pass.=passive. pers. person. pl.=plural. p.n.=pr.noun. poss.-possessive. pref.=prefixe. pres.=present. pret.=preterit. prog.=progressive. proh.=prohibitive. pro.=pronoun. q.v.=quod vide. rad.=radix, root. recipr.=reciprocal. redupl.=reduplicate. reflex.=reflexive. ref.=referring, reference. reflect.reflective. rel.=related, relationship. s.see. sc. scilicet, to wit. sg.=singular. sp. speaking. stat. stative. sub.cj.=subordinate conjugation. subj.=subjective. subst.=substitutive. s.v.=sub voce. tr.transitive. v. verb. v.f. verbal form. v.n. verbal form. General Remarks. When in a word a letter is in parenthesis, as, "en(h)oe- tam,noxtov(e)' it indicates that at times the letter is eliminated. 11 The word "state" when in parenthesis (state) refers to a stative or passive meaning A word followed by an interrogation point (?) is of an uncertain meaning. A letter by itself is usually between quotation marks. Being unable to obtain the brackets for the first few pages of the Dictionary, braces were used instead. When "(in.)" follows the Eng. word "his" it means "it his", as, "nahestanomovo, I take his (in.), sc...it his". The Ch.does not differentiate between "he" and "she" Unless the meaning be obviously masculine "he" may also mean "she"; oftentimes the Eng. "one" is used to cover both "he" and "she", and has not the indefi- nite meaning. "It or one" implies that the term is used for either the organic or inorganic form. Sometimes the spelling of a Ch. word is changed. This is not a printer's error but on account of the mutation of vowels and consonants in certain word forms. The cut on the title page is made from a of Wolfrobe, a Cheyenne Chief. A photograph VIII ENGLISH - CHEYENNE DICTIONARY } :: 2 ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY A A, pronounced as "a" in father; with a macron (ā) it is long; with a circle above (å) it evanesces into a whisper; with a circumflex (â) it is a contraction of "a" and "o" and is pronounced as "au" in house. With dieresis (ä), it is a contraction of "a" and "e" and is pronounced similarly to Eng. Eng. "I" or Ger."ei" in suff.-heit. With an acute accent (á) it has a short, exploded sound; with a grave accent (à) it has an ex- pired sound, resulting from a hiatus. "A" as pref.gov- erns the Sub. Cj. [cf.gr.] and denotes "ought". In general "a" indicates "basis, foundation, foot, sub- jectivity, predicate, surface". 1---1 I a. abandon, expressed by rad. -nō-; -nō-; naase-nōosan, leave away; naasenōoxta (in), naase-nōoto (or.); naōvenōosan, I a., leave entirely, wholly, -ōvenōoxta (in.), ōvenōoto (or.). Nanōhoxz ninov, I a., forsake my home; nanōhoxzého, I cause one (or.) to depart; nanōo- vanotto,I a.,leave and flee from one (or.); nanōota- na, I a. (in the sense of deposit and leave); nanōotano (or.); nanōxtaovo, I cause one (or.) to a.; enōxtae, one is abandoned; nahotamenōoto,I a.one behind, away from one. turn abandonment, ovenōosanistoz, the abandoning; see leave, KÜ 1 S forsake. abase, rad. -momox- =base, low, humble; namomoxanen (obs.), I a., lower, humble; namomoxana (in.),−momo- xano (or.); namomoxazesta (in.), -momoxatamo (or.), I deem abased, humble. Namomoxaevõemo, I count one abas- ed, humble. Naanovanen, I a.,lower, let down, -anovana (in.).—anovano (or.). Navovovonatamo, -nazesta (in.), I a.,deem weak. See low, humble, down, press. abasing, momoxanenistoz, the a. (more in the moral sense); momoxatamahestoz, the state of being abased. Anovanenistoz, the a., putting down; anovana- zistoz, lowering. S S Cl ABATE ABLE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY It abate, expressed by rad. -ona- subside, become less; eo- naoz, it becomes abated; eonatto, it abates, sub- sides; eonattonsz, they (in.) a.; eonatoēta, one (or.) abates in acting, doing; naonatoého (or.), naonatoész (in.), I act abating to; eonataha, the wind abates; eo- natooko, the rain abates; eonatoanea, the sleet, mist, drizzle abates; eonataehóta, the heat abates; eonaze- tonetto, the cold abates; eonazē to, the snowing abates; eonazetanevō, the crowd subsides; eanōvatto, it abates, settles down (ref.to pain or fluid substance); eanō- vaoz, it abates, recedes, gets low (sp. of water); -nhas- tom- as inf. denotes "getting less, slackening"; enhas- tomeoz, it becomes slackening, abating. abating, or subsiding, nhastomeozistoz, the becoming abated; onatoētastoz, the lessening in action, doing or performing; onaozistoz, the becoming abated. The inf.-onat- is used in all verbal forms implying a slackening. Before stems beginning with "e", inf. -onat- becomes -onaz-. abdomen, mavhonoz, the a.; see belly; naóseno, I open,rip one's a. abide, inf.-toom(e)- to a. unchangeable; etoomahe, one abides the same; etoomatto, it abides un- changeable; etoomeoz, it or he becomes unchangeable; etoomenistxeo, they (or.) a. all together (not separat- ing). Navesz'nemo, I a. with one (or.); navesz'nemota, I a.with it (in.); navesz'nemotovo, I a.with it his; nataešenethoe, I shall stay, a.with (only in the instr. form); nasethoe, I a., stay (when others go awav), re- main. Natšetanoxtoz natōetanota, I a.by my opinion. Inf. -ēve- denotes abiding, engaged in, dwelling on or upon. Naĕvèn, I a., have my whereabouts; naevae, I am abiding, being (stat.); naēveēsz,I a. (am engaged in) speaking; naēvemxiston, I am engaged in writing. Zexhoes, where one (or.) abides, stays at; zexēvèns, where one (or.) abides (has his whereabouts); zexēva- es, where one dwells, abides (stat.). abiding, toomevostanehevestoz, life abiding, unchange- able; toomeozistoz, the becoming abiding: tooma- hestoz, state of abiding unchangable. Vesz'nemazis- toz, the abiding with: ev'nistoz, the abiding, the whereabouts; ēvastoz, the state of living, being. See abode, dwell, live. able, expressed by inf. ability or faculty. having been a. before); one can speak, utter (as when children begin to speak). Enoxtovae, one is a. (stat.); enoxtoveoz, he becomes a.; enoxtovetan, one wants to be a. ; enox- tovetanona, one is trying to find out, to know. Esaa- noxtovetanoxtovhan, it cannot be conceived. Enoxtoveo- hollanda S S W G -noxtov(e)-, denoting power, Enoxtoveĕsz, he can speak (not enoxtovensz or enoxtovoan, S S 2 ABILITY ABORIGINAL ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY zistov,it becomes a faculty.Naexae, I am able (to exe- cute). Naotoxovae, I am able, wise, capable; the inf. -otoxov(e) — denotes capableness from experience or practice, can also be used in the sense of skilled, skillful. P ability, noxtovastoz, ability, faculty as a state; noxto- veozistoz, the becoming able; noxtovenszistoz, the ability of speech, power; noxtovoanistoz, the being able of uttering; noxtovetanoxtoz, the wanting, trying to be able, to know; noxtovheneenovastoz, the ability of knowing how, understanding. Otoxovastoz, skill, ex- perience, wisdom in managing. Zenoxtovaess, those who have the faculty; zeotoxovaess, the skilled, experien- ced, capable ones. Exástoz, ability in executing, Aus- führungsmacht. abode, vē, abode, tipi, dwelling. ovo, I make one an abode; tipi is; zexhoetto, where I where the abode of mine is. Vē has more reference to the dwelling while the verbal f. zexhoevo denotes the "place at". Heszevox, its abode, lair, den of wild ani- mals lit. "its hole". Heexovoešestov, its resting place, Fr.gîte) ref. to a slight depression in the ground or grass, where animals lie down; heestohestov, its resting place, sp. of birds. abominate, naoxstazesta (in.) naoxstatamo (or.) I abom- inate; našenezesta (in.) našenetamo (or.) I ab., loathe; napeosan, I dislike, disdain, -peoxta (in.), peoto (or.) Rad. -oxs- denotes "away from"; rad. -pe- implies "crushing" and rad. -šene- conveys "loose from". All J Nave, my abode; navenona- zèvēetto, where my abode, have my abode; zexhoevo, sp C abomination, oxstaztastoz; oxstatamahestoz, state of a- bomination; šenetamahestoz, the loathing: peosanistoz, the disdaining. Oxstatamazistoz, mutual abominating. aboriginal, adj. is rendered by inf. -xama- natural, belonging to native character, not foreign, not artificial, normal, simple, indigenous, inherent, na- tive. Sometimes the last syllable -ma is left out and only -xa is used. -Xamavostan, natural, native people; xamavèho, genuine, natural English people (as discerned from other white people). Xamahoxzz, cottonwood tree, also implying all poplar species; xamavē, the real tipi. Xamavostanehevestoz, the natural, the Indian way of living. When xama- is infixed in v.f. it has an adv. meaning. Naxamavostaneheve, I live in the native way, lifelike, Indianlike; naxamamesse, I eat natur-- ally, unaffectedly. An Indian having eaten at a table with a knife, fork and spoon will say: naxamamesse, when he again eats Indian fashion, meaning to say: I eat again naturally! Naxaēsztovo, I simply speak to one. C 3 ABORTION ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ABSENCE Nasaaxahestamé, I simply have no food! Esaaxaheneenohe hovae, he simply knows nothing! In connection with postures the -xama- denotes bowing, bending, stooping, e.g. examaáeo, one bows the head (head inclined down- ward); nanosxamaáeotovo, I bow the head to one (cf.bow} abortion, násestoz, the miscarrying; násoxzz, abortus (dead), zehóhestaz, living abortus; enás, she aborts; zenász, the one who ab.; enásoxzeve, it is an abortus; enásestove, it is an abortion. abound, ehāenonɔ, (-nononsz,pl.) it abounds; ehāenōheo, they (or.) are many; eetâmeoz,it (or one) becomes abounding,plentiful cf. abundant}; emaxàtove, there K abounds, is abundance. about, tataetto, all about around; natataeoxz, natataeoxz, I go a- bout, around (and disappear behind), as when one goes around and behind a corner, or below the visual line. Inf. -tose- denotes about in the sense of time, at the point of; etosenaeoz, one is about to die; e- tosemesse, one is about to eat. S J above, heamå, in the general sense; also means sky,heav- en. Heamå zehesso, that which is from heaven, a- bove; heamaes, the realm of above (obs.) heamå henitō- neheva, above the door; heamå vónanistovå, above the window; heameohe, up, above the river (Fr. en amont). When infixed, heama becomes heame-; naheameneoxz, I go above, ascend; heamemhayo, upstairs; eheameesz, one speaks above = prays; naheamēnana, I set it above: he- ama-vostanehevestoz, life above, eqv. to Kingdom of heaven; heamahistanov, world above = heaven of the christians; heamapavoome, the heavenly abode, paradise, region of bliss; heamavostan, person from above; heama ehesta, one is from above; heama ehoe, one has his abode above, on high. Zehehetovazemenotto heama zeho- étto thou our Father being "at" above; Zeheamasz, the one above (ref. to God; haeš heama, far above; ha-- ko haešheama, very far above; naheamōemo, I count, deem one above; eamhoomosan, one is above, greater than, surpassing: naamhoomosan zehexovaes, I am above, great- er than, surpassing what "he degrees". Abraham, Oxhaenōsz = the one who is many, as name form. abroad has no exact eqv.in Ch. Inf.-mhon- denotes "in the field" but ref. mainly to procure by hunt- ing,picking up: sometimes it implies a forward broad direction; namhonōsta, I spread it abroad (news). abscess, poheozistoz, swelling; oháoxtoz, painful swell- ing; eszemá, scrophulous abscess (which the Ch. connect with the gopher); emazeve, it matters, forms an abscess; eoseoz, it becomes naōseo- open, flows out; zesz,I cause it to flow out, to open; lance it. absence, hovanehestoz, the not being present, non exist- ence, the being no more, state of death; dis- G Conta S - 4 ABSENT ABUSE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY appearing from life. absent, ehovanē, one (or.) is absent; ehovahan, it is absent or not present,not here, it is gone; eho- vahanehensz, they are absent (in.); exahovahan, it is simply not here! zehovahan, that which is not; mataho- vahan, when it shall be no more; zehovanēess, the ab- sent ones, the departed, those not present; zexhovanē- etto,during my absence; zehešhovanēs, as, since he was absent; zetāešhovanēez, until we shall be no more, un- til our death; ehovanēhestove, it is absent, it is a departing from life. The rad. of this is -hova- -per- sonal objectivity. The n in Ch. has often a neg. or contrary meaning. Esaahomatovàzé, one is absentminded, homatovazistoz = presence of mind; saahomatovazis- < Adde G toz, absentmindedness. absorb, namhaestana, I absorb it, swallow it (also fig.}; naponomaena, I abs. it (with a blotter or some- thing) ref.to liquids; epoaneoz, it becomes absorbed; napoanen, I abs. with something. absorption, poanenistoz, the act of absorbing; poaneo-- zistoz, the becoming abs. abstain, nanhasta, I abstain from it tr.f.}; nanhasto- vo, I abst. from one (or.) nanhastomaeta, I ab- stain concerning it; nanhastomaetovo, I abst.concern- ing one; nanhastoosesz navōxöz,I make my body, flesh, abstain from; nhastomevostanehevestoz, abstemious way of living, temperate life. Rad. -nhasto- or -nhas- tom(e)- implying "from one". See forbid. abstemious, see abstain. Mak C - abundance, maxàtoz, emaxàtov, there is abundance (of); emaxàtovensz, there is abundance of them {in.}; etâmàtoz, abundance, plentifulness; eetâmàtove, there is plenty (of it); esaaetâmàtovhan, it is not a plenty; esaaetâmàtovhanehensz, there is not an abund- ance of them (in.); eohāehōstoestove, there is an ab. (in fruit bearing),sp.of growing things. Rad. -maxa- implies "touching all around"; rad. -etâm- denotes "reaching up, full to".. C abundant, ehaenono, it is abundant s. abound}; eetâmeoz, it becomes plentiful emaxeetam, it is very a- bundant; eetâmhoneo, it grows abundantly, plentifully, richly; ehaestansz, (in.) ehaestxeo (or.) there are many of them. See many. abuse, nahavsevoého, I ab. deal unfair with one; nato- tonšého, I ab.one from -totonš- = spoil, hurt,un- do; naohaoého, I ab. act dreadfully towards, oppress one; šēmoz, one abusing in sexual matters, overindul- gent; enasoého, he ab.her (zum Spiel geben). See mis- treat. The inf. -heom- = over much; -havsevhetosse- = purposely bad, can be used to express abuse; eheom- hozeoto hetahoestoto,he abuses his riding horse uses W - M 5 ABUSE ACCESSION ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY P tama hetahoes- it too much; ehavsevhetosse-hozeotovo tovevo, they abuse, misuse, purposely badly use their own riding horses. abuse, n.totonšenhestoz, abuse in words; ohãoētastoz, ab. in acts,doing; nouns can be formed from any v.f. having the inf.mentioned under the v. abuse. abyss, vox zsaa-mxaoonevhan, hole without be touched hole that cannot by foot; mxaa, I touch it, reach to it with foot. accept, naamha, I acc., receive (something given); naam- naamhaenotto, haenoz, I acc.receive them (in.); I ac- (or.) I.acc.receive (sing.or pl.or.). naamàta, cept it,consent to, agree with it; naamàtovo,I acc. it his, consent to, agree with his; nahotohestana (in.) nahotohestano (or.) I acc. gladly, willingly; {rad. gladly, v.f. -hestan -hoto (e) = generously; take; namasezta (in.), namaseztovo (or.) I receive willingly, politely; naohamehotoaetovo, -ohamhotoatama- etovo, I accept his person (am more kind towards one). This must be followed by sub.cj.with pref. zehexov-. acceptable, emàtatame, one is acceptable, agreeable; màtazesta (in,) mamàtatamo (or.) I deem ac- ceptable, agreeable (cf. agreeable). to na- acceptance, amhastoz,acc., the receiving of a gift; amà- tàtoz,acceptance, consent, agreement; masezto…- vazistoz, freundliches Aufnehmen; zehešohamhotoaeto- nétto (or zehešohamemaseztaetonétto) en,hen esaapevaehan, the acceptance fore thy friend, that is not good. dealt unto generously friend. Hotoeamàtàtoz, generous (Einwilligung). zehexovaes es'- of thy person be- thou art (Lit.that thy acceptance, consent more than bottom lit. {from na- "degrees" - Mala op- i.e. access, zexhestaetta, where acc.is, ref.to a gate or ening, entrance; zevešhahanènistove, access that by which there navešhahaneovon is an approach; haônàtovå, we have access to one (approach) by prayer; cf.admission and join. accessible, enoxtovehoxtame, it is attainable, it can be reached nahoxtamo = I reach, attain where one is; ehoxtame = it is attained; enoxtovho ešenàto- ve, it is accessible implies reaching and staying at. Maheo evešhahane oe haônàtovå, God is (made) ac- cessible by prayer. Rad. -hahan- nearing, approach- not ac- ing). Esaahoešetoehan, esaahoešenàtovan, it is cessible; esaahoxtamehan, it cannot be reached, attain- esaaha- ed; esaahahane oehan, it cannot be approached; esaahoxtamehe, haneohé, one (or.) is not accessible; one is not reached; esaanoxtovhoxtamehe, one is inac- cessible; eoxceēsz'nistove, it is accessible, enterable. accession, hoxstanenistoz, the act of adding to; hoxsta- estoz, the state of being added; hoxseozistoz, Ca V SON G 6 ACCIDENT ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ACCORD becoming an accession, admission. See admit and join. accident, hooxto omenestoz, atoomenestoz (lit. unpremedi- tated suffering); masohoto anavoéàtoz and maso- hotoanavoomenestoz, sudden misfortune (Fr.malheur sou- dain). accidentally, -ata- and -ose- or -oseata- are inf.which denote something done without design, unintentional, not premeditated. Naatano or naoseata- no, I shoot one accidentally; naatasso (or.), naatax (in.) I cut one acc.; naoseataneševe, I did it acc. Oseataneševestoz, accidental doing; atanazistoz,acci- dental shooting; naatoesz, I hit myself acc. naatoēta, I act without premeditation, make a mistake. This word has been used for "transgression", which it implies to a certain extent, but for which the right expression, totaxoētastoz (instead of atoētastoz) ought to be : ? used. accompany, naveoxzemo, I go naveoxzemo, I go with one; naveoxzemota,I accompany it, go with it, Veoxzemosanistoz, the accompanying, going with; navessevo, I acc. am with one (or.) See company and companion. accomplice, zevhestozezevsz = the acc.(sing.) zevhesto- zezevessỏ (pl.) navhestozezezeve, I am an acc.; navhesthozezevemo, I am acc. with one. accomplish, naexanen, I acc.naexana (in.), naexano (or.), I bring to a finish. Rad.-ex- denotes a pro- cess ended,done thru. nazeexanen, zeexana (in.), -ze- exano (or.) I acc. by touch of hands or fingers, by handling. Inf. -vâxs- or -vâs- denotes fulfill, comp-- lete, achieve; navâxseneševe, I acc.doing; navâxseexan- en, I fulfill, -vâxseexana (in.) -vâxseexano (or.). Na- vaxtoēta, I acc. (in acts); navâxtanen, I acc. fulfill it,make it complete; -vaxtana (in.) -vâxtano (or.) navâxston, I acc.a design, building; evâxsenhesso, it is thus accomplished, completed; nahózeexanen, I cannot, (fail to) acc. Heĕszistoz zeheševâxsenhessoz', since his word has been accomplished; enšeame vâxseexane, it is being accomplished. accomplishing, accomplishment, exanenistoz, the accomp- lishing, preparing; vâxseexanenistoz, the accomplishment; heto zeheševâxseexane the acc. of this; hóżeexanenistoz, non accomplishment; vaxtoētas- toz, the acc.of an act,rite, performance; vâxstonestoz, accomplishment of a design, building. See fulfill, K L S - - C S jag Kleider complete, done. accord, v.nanizeovsan, -nizea (in.), -nizeovo (or.) I accord,grant, allow; nahetooto (or.),I acc.grant, bestow rarely used in the in. See agree. accord, n. manohotoemazistoz, of one accord, agreement; namanosēhešetanome, we think of one accord; -ma- no- = together as one; -se- alike, same. Nimanoho- . 7 ACCORDINGLY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ACCUSATIVE toemazhemå, we are of one accord; nimanósēameamàtamhe- må, we agree, consent together; inf. -masómano- with one accord (done with a rush or suddenly); emasómano- aseoxzeo, they left with one accord. -Epavsē-nemeneo, they sing well in accord, together; emanohotoemanston- eo, they design, build with one accord. Hestoxtaheonevo es'aasēheznettanehez', their testimony was not of one C S - accord (gestaltete sich nicht gleich). accordingly, is expressed by inf. -neše-, -osá(n) and (ref.); na- zehešhetas -Osá- also -sá-. -Neše- thus, from there neševostaneheve, I accordingly live thus: I accordingly live thus: nanešemanisz, as he told me, so I make it. -osa(n) is much used in story telling: eosanenahoōn, he accordingly killed one. -Sá- is mostly used in the imper. as: nisámezz, give thou me now! (sc.what thou hast promised) See imper. in gr. Sometimes the inf. -tó is used, implying the meaning "exactly as, exactly according to": zehēsz etóhessoz', that which he speaks comes accordingly (exactly) so. Etóneševō zexhetās Maheon, he did exactly as God had told him. account,v.nanetōsta (in.), nanetōemo (or.) I account so much; evovōeme, one is acc.first, prominent; nan- heetovo, I acc.for one; nanheeta, I acc. for it (stand for). account, n. masóhōestonestoz, the full counting; nìmasó- hōestoz zèmestom, give (thou) a full account,ex- plaining; nìmasóhōestomevsz, give me (thou) a full ac- count. also: nìmasómestomevsz = explain (thou) me all! Esaatonitoktahe, one is of no account, no value; esaatonitoktatamehan, it is of no acc.valueless; esaa-- tonitoktaheonevé: one is of no account (in charac- Ma ter). accountable, naveštõenanenotto, I am held acc.respons- ible for one; eveštõene nitove, one is made acc.held responsible for me; havs navešheszhovaon, I am made acc.for (charged) the evil. accumulate, nahovxthoz (sing. in.) -hovxthozenoz (pl. in.) I acc. See store, pile. accusation, óestomanistoz, the making of a malignant ac- cusation; óésanistoz, the accusing malignant- ly; momaxsetanevàtoz, accusing-"tonguedness": momaxe- mosanistoz, accusation, telling on; momaxstomosanistoz, stative accusing; momaxstomoestoz,accusal; aestomemo- maxemazistoz, false accusation: hessàzistoz,accusa- tion, blaming. accusative, adj. The Ch. has no acc. case but has an acc. verbal sff.indicating direct action up- on the object, without instrumentality or medium, (by "hands"): e.g.nahestana (in.),nahestano (or.) I take it. Thus sff.with n denotes accusative object. Be- sides this the Ch.gr.has an acc.mode to express poss- C Gy K M Sy - : 8 ACCUSE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ACQUAINT + ! essive relation between subj.and obj.e.g.nanomazenoz, I steal one (to have), ich stehle ihn; name anoz,I give one (or.), ich gebe ihn. See gr. under Accusative Mode. accuse, naóésan, I accuse malignantly; naóéto (or.), -óész (in.); naóēstoman, I make a malignant accu- sation; namomaxem'san, I accuse, (tell on), -momaxesta (in.), -momaxemo (or.) lit.to tell of, move the lips touching; namomaxsetaneva, I am (provided) with ac- cusing tongue; namomaxsetane vaheve, I am one with an acc.tongue; namomaxstomosan, I am accusing;namomaxeto- moe, I am (state of) accusant; naaestomemomaxemo, I acc. one falsely inf. -aestom(e)- = for nothing, in vain nahestoēmo. I acc. one of it, blame for (with rancor); nahessého, I acc., put blame on one; ehessà- zeo, they (or.) acc.each other of, shove the blame on each other; ehessàzenov, there is an accusing of each other; ehessevotàzenov, there is an acc. and quarrel- ing. Zeóésansz, the accusing one (malignantly); zeó- ēsz, the accused one; zemomaxsetanevaz, the accusing tongued) one; zemomaxstomosansz the one who accuses, tells on one; zemomaxstomosz the accusant hestoēmsz, the one accused of it. one; ze accustom, is rendered by inf. -oxce- = use to, wont. E- oxcemeaa hovae nistoha ešēva, he is accustomed (used) to give something every day. Another inf. is -hox(e) acquainted with, also used in the sense of accustomed, inured. Ehoxeoz = one becomes acustomed, acquainted; navónhan, I accustom myself to darkness (lit.I make light). Before stepping out of a lighted lodge into the darkness outside, the Ind.will shade their eyes, so as to become accustomed to the dark be- fore they go out, where they will be able to see bet- ter. This expression becomes obs. ache, • GAN Ca v.ehāmatto, it aches, pains; etavomatto, the ache, pain increases; nahohoeoxz, I ache (all over); hohoenaoxz, I ache in my limbs. na- ache, n.hāmatazistoz,ache, pain; onšeozistoz, ache, hurt; hohoeoxzistoz,ache; hohoenaoxzistoz, ache in limbs. See pain and hurt. acid, adj.eveēstoonaenoe (in.), it is acid (in taste); eveēstoonaenoensz (in.pl.): exåxeeno, it is acid, S sharp. acid, n.veēstoonàtoz, acidity, puckering in mouth; estoonàtoz, acidity, drawing of mouth muscles. terms are also use as n. agent. acquaint, nahoxazesta or nahoxazta, I am acq. with it; -hoxaztanoz, -with them (in.) nahoxatamo, I am acq. with one; ehoxeoz, one becomes acq. conversant with: ehoxae, he is acq.affable, friendly; nahoxeessé- ho, I cause one to be acquainted; acquaint, make one fa- miliar with, train one (as horses); hoxeesohestoz, the G xâxe- Both S < 9 ACQUAINTABLE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ACQUIREMENT making acquainted with; ehoxetahoetoe, he (of horses) has been made acq., familiar with riding (used to the saddle); ehoxetahoe, one is acq., familiar with rid- ing; nahoxe eto, I acq.one, make him familiar with, train him (usualy said of horses, where the Eng.uses the ex- pression "break"); zehoxeesz, the one made acq. with, trained; ehoxeevosoe, he is acq. familiar with, train- ed, to play. acquaintable,ehoxaztaeoneve, one is acquaintable,friend- ly, approachable, congenial; hoxaztaeoneves- toz, congenialty, acquaintablness; nahoxaztaeonevetovo, I am congenial towards one; nahoxaztaeonevatamo, I deem one approachable; Rad. -hox- implies close con- tact. < quando acquaintance, zehoxatamo, the one with whom I am acq., my acquaintance; zehoxatamozē, our acquain- tances (with whom we are acq.); zehoxatamaezē, our acq. who are acq.with us. See gr.Sub.cj. Hoxaztastoz, acquaintance; hoxatamahestoz, the state of being acq. familiar with. Hoxeesohestoz, acquaintance, (caus.); hoxeesóhe, n.agent.; hoxetahoestoz, acq. familiarity with riding. acquire, nāena,(in.) nāeno (or.) I acquire, own. -aen- is the rad.but in the present tense of I.pers. the pro.pref.contracts with the a of the v. stem into one long a, except in the pret. when the first a in "na-" becomes very short,e.g. náaena, I acquired, owned it. -Naenanoz, I acquire them (in.pl.); nãenō, I acq. them (or.pl.); nanešeaena, I acquired it thus (as men- tioned before). Quite often the Ch. use the expre- ssion: nahoehoxta, I come to it,or: nahoehota, it comes to me, to mean what one may acquire or get, as: hāmox- tastoz nszhoehota, sickness shall come to thee thou shalt get sick; makätansz nahoehotaenoz, money came to me = I acquired money; màneševostanehevess nszhoeho- taenov pavstaomenestoz, if you live thus, you shall have well being (lit. well being shall come to you). Nahóaota (in.), nahóaotovo (or.) I come to it, (get, acquire it gradually, not at random or accidentally). Nanešeamha, I have thus obtained, acquired: naeneo ze- hešemeemeszetto, the property I have acquired (by wor- king); niaeneo zeheševešeaenom nsthozeohestovå, thy possession, which thou hast acquired by work; nitao ze- heševešeamhaetto namakätaemeva, all I acquired with my money; heto nitao nanešeaena zexhòtovatto, this all I got by trading; naheszhovao vàz, I acquire it for me; zetohetaemeha-heszhovao vàzetto examahovahan, all I had acquired for myself is simply gone! Nahoxtamista (in.) I acq.it, attain it, (does not imply possession in all cases). acquirement, hovae zeaenom, thing I own or naeneo - Ja G G - (ang St Sta = my 10 ACQUIT ACROSS ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY TULE » property,possession; nitao zehešeamhaetto,all I have received, acquired; heneenovastoz zehóaotomaz, zehoehox- tomaz, zeamhaz, the knowledge we have come to, we have realized, we have received; etahanez' mhayon zeheszho- vaovàz nasima, here is the house my younger brother acquired. acquit, naevhanonizeomēnano (or.), I acq.one, let him go free again; naonohoemaoto (or.), I judge one straight,right, acquit him (by law). Hoemanistovå (by law or council), hoemaotazistovå (by judgment) evešeo- noevhosseme, one is acquitted; evešxanovhosseme, one is acq.spoken straight (with or by). Zèmehamomaxemanetto naevhaonohoemaotan, I am acquitted (by judgment) from accusation; zèmehameatōs hoemanemhayon eevhanonizeom- ēnane, he was acquited by the court (lit.having been given over to the law house he was let free again). acquittal, evhaonohoemaotazistoz, acq.by judgment; evha- nonizeomēnanenistoz, acq.release; eevhaonohoe- maotazistove, it is an acq.;eevhanonizeomēnanenstov, it is an acq.,a release;navoešetanooz zeheševhanonizeom- ēnans, I become rejoicing at his Sp K C J acquittal (that he across was acquitted). across, inf. -oxov-, -exxov- and -ams (e)-, the three be- ing also used as detached adv. -Oxov- =crossing (in the act of); -exxov- crossed, on the other side. Both inf.ref.to the crossing of warecourses or space. Rad. -ox- to cut thru}. Inf. -ams (e) = crosswise, athwart. Naoxovèn, I walk across, wade; nahotoxovèn, I walk ac.several times; naoxovetaho, I ride across; na- oxovotohen, I swim ac.; naoxovekaax, I jump ac.; naoxo- vaház I throw it ac.; naoxovahamo, throw one ac.; nao- xovetxeovo, I drive one (in.), chase ac.; naoxovōesz, I go ac.with boat; naoxovehetanon, we go ac. it (moving ac.it, "mit Sack u. Pack"). Naexxovèn, I come (walking); exxovetto, across, on the other side; oxove- tto hōma,over on the other side (while one is stand- ing on this side); naexxoveozého, I made one cross, come across; naešexxovotanon, we have (done) crossing it. See cross and bridge. Amsetto, crosswise athwart; amsetto voeva, across the sky; amsetto vónanistovå, a- cross the window; eamshãesso, it is far athwart it; naamšeš, I lie athwart, across; naamstxiston, I write a- cross it; naamseexa, I cut it across; esaaehōmattan, it is not far across (body of water); ehaehōmatto, it is far across, the shore is distant; naonòn, I come a- cross, ashore, land see ashore). Oxov'nistoz, the walk- ing across; oxove tahoestoz, the riding acr.; oxovahas- enistoz, the throwing acr.; zeoxovahamsz, the one thrown across (or.); zeoxovahame, the one thrown (in.) zeoxovahamēsz (in. pl.); zeoxovahamesso, the ones thrown acr.; zeoxovensz, the one going acr.; Tag acr. zeoxove- J - - . 11 ACT ACTUAL ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY one tahōsz, the one riding acr.; zeoxovetohonaz, the swimming acr. zexxovetohonaz, the one who swam acr.; zeoxovekaaxsz, the one jumping acr. -Amstxistonestoz, athwart writing; amšešenàtoz, athwart lying; zeoxove- txeosz, the one driven acr. Naoxovetahoha, one brings me acr.,give me a ride acr. (either on horseback or wagon).Inf. -otxov- crossing many times is also used to denote reciprocal action, e.g. eotxovemeàzenovoz makätansz, they give each other (Einer dem Andern) mo- ney. But -otxove- or otxov(e)- implies distance bet- ween the givers, as when the Northern and Southern Ch. make gifts to each other. Eotxovevōmàzeo, they see each other (across). Some Ch.pronounce -oxov- with an h sound,hoxov or hotxov, so both forms can be used. Inf. -nos- acr., but over a barrier or an elevation. See over. ity. actual, adj. -tó- inf. the very; M act, v.sff. -oēta- -acting, -oého- -acting to one, and -oész- acting to it, convey the meaning of doing, performing. See doing. Etoxetanonavoēta, he acts wise- ly; epevoēta, he acts kindly; ehavsevoēta, he acts bad- ly; emamovoētao, they act in concert, together; esētoē- ta, he acts alike; ezestoēta, he acts as a Ch. Ofentim- es inf. -ez- or -hez- following the verbal stem, imp- lies behavior, conduct in acts,e.g.namaseztovo, I act, behave pleasant, acceptable towards one, from -mase- willingly yielding, accepting). Nataneheztovo, I behave ashamed of him, {from -tane- shameful}; napevaeztovo, I act, behave good before, towards one; e(h)eznetto, it acts,proceeds; eéznetto màztaheva, it acts in the heart, heart's intents; naheznessesz, I cause it to act, nìnešéhaenon, it acts upon us. When sff.-man is used, it implies pretence; etaeveononiseman, he acts as a, pre- tends to be fool. See pretend. act, n.matšezistoz, the act, the doing; tóneševestoz, the very act; tóneševstovå, in the very act; nitao het- šezistovå eonoazeoneve, all his act are characterized by straightforwardness, (lit.in all his acting he is a straightforward one). Vhanenhessemanistoz, mere act, pretence; pevoētastoz,kind act; pevoētastotoz, (pl.); popevoētastoz, kind acts repeated. See doing. Inf. -nšena- in the act of, while. S action, see act. active, enàkae, one is active, industrious; enàkaetto, it is active. Active in the sense of busy is rend- ered by sff. -anen. Nazetanen, I am active, busy with, handling something with fingers; natotahopanen, I am kept busy by; nahastanen, I am busy with much; navove- tanen, I am busy with preparing. activity, nàkastoz; eohānàkastove, there is great activ- etónēhov, he is the - M D 12 ACUTE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ADDRESSING of very one. The sff. -o in many v.f.has the meaning "actual, real, taking place, true"; naanao, I actually fall; ehetom, it is true, real; napevetano, I rejoice (taking place, presently); nitatomenahaz, let me pres- ently kill thee! etónhesso, it is actually so. acute, eohãoxzezeve, one is acute, sharp, shrewd; eohão,it is acute, sharp (not confound with eohaó, it is dense, sp. of growth of plants, as dense forest or dense, rank weeds). Enxooxta, one is cute, funny; enx- hōs, it is cute, funny. Inf. -oha- acutely. acuteness, ohãoxzezevestoz; ohāmatazistoz, acute pain. add, inf. -hoxs- implies adding, joining. Nahoxstanen, I add, -hoxstana (in.),-hoxstano (or.); nahoxs- eoz, I become added; nahoxstae, I am added (stat.); na- hoxstanan, I am added (pass.); nahoxstaetovo, (or.), hoxstaeta (in.) unto one, unto it; ehoxstota, it is, stands added (as a house addition); nahoxsznetan, I want to join; nanohonetovo, I add to one (dazu noch); namamovhōston, I add, count together; namamovhõesta ze- hestoha, I count together how much it is,add; namamov- hōemō zehestxevoss, I count together how many they are(or.). See join. Inf. -honaov (e) = added unto as much, that much more. Nitosehonaove-amhaenon hovae, we shall receive that much more added; ehonaoveamhastov, it is that much more added; namakätaemoz evešhonaoveamhas- tovensz, my money has increased that much more, once as much (thereby); nahonaovana, I make it that much more, once as much; Maheo exhonaovanomevo hevostaneheves- toz, God prolonged his life once as much. Nahotonaova- na, I increase it, more and more. addition, hoxstanenistoz, joining together; mamovanenis- toz, summing up together; hoxstanenistovå nan- ešhōsta zenhestoha, by addition I count how much it is; naōemō zehestxevoss, I count (them, or.) how many they are. Mamovhõestonestoz, addition (by counting); mhayo zehoxstota, the house addition; honaovanenistoz, addition, in addition to; hoxstaestoz, add. (state), the being added to; honaoveamhastoz, the receiving in ad- dition to; hoxseozistoz, the becoming added;hotonaova- nenistoz,making an increase more and more. additional, adj.zehonaovasz, the add. one (or.), zehonao- venitáesz, the add. master; zehonaovevehon- evsz, the add. chief; zehonaovoess, the add. ones (or.) often used for the upper side boards of a wagon box. Zehonaovehozeonevsz, the add. servant; zehoxstxeo, the G < - p Adalet T - add.writing. addressing form (vocative). The Ch. has not a regular vocative in the sg.except in some names of relationships. In the pl.the vocative is usually sff. (e)hasz or -esz. Nihó, father! Nako, mother! Nàz,daugh- ter! Nisce, grandmother! Nxan, uncle! Nahan, aunt! Nàz, 13 ADHERE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ADHERENT nephew! Nahame, niece! Niš, grandchild! Mahā, friend! (of same age). Hova or hōvé, friend! (more between ol- der men). Kašgonasz, children! (in general) Nanisonasz, children (my,sp. to one's own children). Onisyomàtae- hász,believers! Onisyometanoehász,ye believing ones! Onisyomàtatanesz, believing men! Hetanesz, ye men! He- esz, ye women! Vostanesz, ye people.* Notxesz, ye war- riors. Vósesz, ye peaks. Nisenehasz, my friends. (ml. sp.) Niseehasz, my friends. (f.sp.) Nis'onasz, friends. (for ml. and f.) Veksehasz, ye birds. Maheonasz, ye gods. Ohehasz, ye rivers. Moehasz, ye grasses. ye grasses. Hoxze- tasz,ye trees. Hovahasz, ye creatures, beasts. Hovae- hasz, ye things. Hotoxkasz, ye stars. Voasz ye clouds. Màpasz, ye waters. Mènasz, ye serpents. Kasovae- hasz, ye young men. Kaseheehasz, ye young women. Anoth- er way of addressing is the second pers.sg. or pl.in. the sub.cj.,as: zehevasemetovaz, thou my brother. Zehe- hetovazemenotto, thou our father. Zehehetoness, ye fa- thers. Vehonasz or ninēhovheme zevehonevess, ye chiefs.Naēsztovo, I address one, speak to one; naēszeta, I address it; hevehestoz nataxemxeomovo vehaneoneva, I address the letter (to one), lit. his name I write upon the envelope or package). Nìmestomevsz zexhoes explain me, tell me his address (where he lives); mxe- omovehå hevehestoz na zexhoes, write his name and where he lives; mxeoxz zexhestano mxistō, write (thou) his address (where he gets letters); mēs tomoveha zex- hestano mxistō, explain where he gets letter; maeveho- enszistovå navešeēsztovo, I address one in German. adhere, napanoetovo, I adhere, stick close to one; zepan- oxevaeno, I merely set one close to me; napanoho, I put one close to me (make adhere to); epaoeoz, it becomes adhered, sticks, cleaves to; paeozistoz the be- coming adherent, adhessive to, a word mostly used for printed pictures and photographs. {Rad. -pa- =adhe- sion, flat against, shut as to make one surface). Napae- ozessesz mxistō, I print a book, make it adhere a- gainst; epapanoetoe, it adheres to one (as stains from mud,etc.); havs napanoetoe evil adheres to me; epano- ta, it stands adhering to; nitao zepancetto, all (in.) that adheres, cleaves to me; epoeoz, it comes off, from having been adherent; Inf. -saapo- = not discontinu- ing, adhering on, e.g.hovae esaaxamapohestanohe, he left nothing untaken, did not leave off taking everything; nahekonetanotovo, I adhere, cling strongly to one (in thot, mind); nasaapoeveoxzemahe, he does not quit me (an instant), adheres to me; nasaapó-heves'enehenoz, I adhere to my friend, am faithful to him, do not leave off having him for friend. * SUPPLY OF EX. POINTS GAVE OUT. 14 Sig Calga < S adherent, nahestaeveàz, I am merely adherent, not real member from hesta =navel; hestaēva, umbilical Tag S ADHESIVE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ADMIT cord. As the umbilical cord drops after a time, so does one who is not a real member]: hestaeson, mere a. for a time; navhanenhestaesoneve, I am only an a. (for a time). adhesive, epaeozeoneve, it is a.; see seal; enomàkozeve, it is a.,gluey, pasty; axc eoxcpaeoz, gum ad- heres, is a., sticks to. adjoin, rendered by inf. -hoxs(e); ehoxstota, it adjoins (standing close against); ehoxsemane, one is made to adjoin; ehoxsemaneo, they (or.) are made to adjoin. See join. adjunct, n., hoxehestoz, used as condiment, added to bread or meat, spread with; nahoxeevo, I use it as a., condiment. admire, naohāpevazesta, I a.it; naohāpevatamo, I deem one (or.) good; napevatamano zesta, I a. the scen- ery, vista; naohamoonazesta, I a., deem beautiful (in.); naohāmoonatamo (or.); eohāpevenono nahessezta, I a. it (lit.it looks fine I think of it); eohāpevenōhe nahessetamo, I a.one. Naheneena zehešohāpevatams, I know how he is admired. admirable, eohāpevatamano, it is a., fine; eohamoonata- mano,it is a., beautiful (sp. of scenery, sky); eohāpavston, it is admirably built; eohāpevenono, it (in.) looks a.; eohāpevenōhe, one (or.) looks a.; eohamomoxenōhe, it (in.) is a., very desirable; eohāpavevōseoneve, one (in.and or.) is an a. sight; esaaohāpavevōseonevhan, it is not an a.sight; esaaohā- pavevōseonevé, one (or.) is not an a. an a. sight; nisaa- heneenô zehexovohāpevenōs, thou doest not know how a. he is! admiration, ohāpevaztastoz; ohāpevatamaestoz, state of being admired; yā! yā! interj. of a. (used by men only); naō! naō! exclamation of surprise or a. (used only by women). Heto zehešohāpevazto, his a. for this; zehešohāpevatamoss, his a.for one; ni- saaheneenohe zehexovohāpevatamanétto, thou doest not know how thou art admired, how fine thou art, what a.one has for thee! momoxenōhestoz, a.,in the sense of desirableness. C I to admit, ehoxsze, one is admitted, joins; nahoxstano, I a. one (or.) to, let one join; eĕseoz, one is admit- ted, let in; naēseozého, I let one in; naēseozhan, am admitted; nahoxsz'netan, I want to be admitted, join, to be let in, become a member; ehoxsz'netan, he wants to be with; evessene šetan, he admits with, thinks also the same; nasaaéztohe, I do not deny it, I a.it; nasaaéztohe zehešheneenovo, I a. that I know him. The expression "na hehe" preceding a v.f. denotes admit ting, acknowledging; na hehe naneševe.I a.to have done it, (Ger.nun ja, ich habe es getan); nataxtanōve-mēsta, M 15 ADMISSION ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ADMONITION (lit. well yes, I êseo- I a.it (in words) openly, publicly (in the sense of explaining, confessing); na hehe nanešeēsz, exhevo, since he admitted to have said so spoke so, he said). admission, hoxsz'nistoz (usually to membership); zistoz, admission, entrance, the becoming enter- ed; hoxsz'netanoxtoz, the wanting an admission; esaa- ēsz'nistovhan, there is no admission, no entering; zeto hetan esaahoxsznistovhan hevetov, there is no admis- sion, membership for this man; zehešhoxstans nahesse- pevetano, I rejoice that one (or.) has been admitted, about one's admission; taxtå hehe hešhestoz, free ad- mission, confession (open, public); saaheztomohestoz, non-denial, admission. admonish, naoneevàtoe, I a., advise; naoneevamo (or.), na- oneevàta (in.); naōhaevàtoe, I a.with counsel; naōhaevamo (or.), naōhaevàta (in.); naohāevàtoe, I a.with warning. Suff.-vàtoe (genit.), -vamo (or.) and -vàta (in.) denotes urging, coaxing, admonishing, ex- horting. Axtom, Ger.achtung, passt Acht! (imper.sec. per.,pl.); vavekỏxz, reminding of one's duty, either forgotten or neglected. Vavekỏ xz nataneševe, this time I must not forget to do it! Ger. Jetz aber in ernst! Navonhosemo, I a. one, persuade; navonhostomosan, I am an admonisher, exhorter; navonhosemo emeaseoxz, I a., per- suade one to leave; namomehememo, I a., exhort, enforce upon one by promise (also used for "flatter"); naho- zeovosemo, or nahozeovoseto, I a.one, make one hope, urge to hold on; see hope; naàtozeeno, I a.one to listen to (by touching, poking). Zeoneevàtoesz, or zeoneevàto- mosansz, the one admonishing; zeoneevàto, the one who admonishes it; zeoneevamsz, the one admonished; zeone- evamesso, the ones admonished; zevonhose tanevaz, the one exhorting (having that gift or habit); zevonhos- tomosansz, the one who admonishes (doing it constantly or as a vocation); zehozeovosēsz, the one admonished, made to hold on; zemomehemosansz, or zemomehemosansz, the one admonishing, exhorting, enforcing upon, flatter- ing: zeàtozeensz, the one brot to attention by being poked or touched; hooxceêsztovoz nasz zenohétanoozz àtozeenō, when thou art speaking to one who becomes listless, make him listen by (gently) poking him! Ma- acseo eoxcenonametóàtozeenàzeo, old men will make themselves listened to by poking each other. admonition, oneevàtoestoz, the a., redress; oneevamsa- nistoz, the admonishing; vonhosemazistoz, mutual urging, a.; vonhostomosanistoz, state of ad- monition, urging; momehememazistoz, mutual admonition, (by promise): àtozeenazistoz, mutual urging to listen to (by poking); evonhostomohestov, it is an admoni- tion; evonhos tomoetto, it admonishes; nahevonhostomo- C G Art S Mak Cataly COP G S S 16 ADOPT ADVANCE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY * 1--2 (h)estov,I have an admonition (to give). adopt, namhonōènenoz, I adopt one as child; namhonheyae- noz,I adopt him for son; namhonhestonaenoz, I a- dopt her for daughter; naoxsenovo, I adopt one (for resemblance sake). If a Ch.loses a child by death and happens to see another one, resembling his own, he will adopt it; zeheševostanehevs nanešhestana, I adopt his way of living; nanešhestana vehoevsanistoz, I adopt white man's clothing =I take after white man's cloth- ing; zeoxchešemesesz vèho nanešemesse, I adopt the white man's way of eating (the way he eats, the white man, so I eat). Zemhonoènetovata, the one who adopted thee as child; zevehonevsz namhonōènetōen, the chief adopts us. adoption, mhonōènetovazistoz, adoption (as child); óxse- novastoz, adoption (from resemblance). adorn, namanseonan namanseonan, namanseonaoxz (in.), namanseonaovo (or.) I adorn, ornament; namanseonaoto, I adorn one; napevseonaoxz, I ad. it fine; epevseonaoe, he is well adorned; navaxe, I am adorned, fixed up; navaxĕe- no, I fix, adorn one. The rad. -manseo- ref. to things put on as ad.,and rad. -vaxē-- denotes "fixed up". adorning, manseonanistoz, the adorning; manseonaovazis- toz,manseonaoxzistoz,done to one. Popevanàzis- toz, the making fine, beautiful; vaxēhestoz, the fixing up, arraying. adultery, hēocestoz, cheating with woman; ōcetovazistoz, mutual adultery, cheating; hēocéo,n.agent; ehē- oceoneve, one is aduterer; hee navesseōcemo, I commit adultery with a woman; mataevestoz, adultery in gener- al, fornication; emataeve, she is an adulteress; matā- evostanehevestoz, life of adultery; tonšenovehestoz, loose life, lasciviousness, adultery; etonšenové, she is loose; etonšenoxka, he is loose; emasavoēta, one acts in a bad way (used also for adultery); masavoētastoz, loose behavior. advance, nahèphooto, I am in advance of one (on the road,beating); navovoehoto, I am in advance, be- fore one; Inf. -hèpe- =in advance, beyond, over (see comparison), more than. Maeto, in front, before, in ad- vance; maeto naameoxz, I go in front (vorher) in ad- vance; maeto naamènevo, I walk in advance of another; sub.pref. zehessaa- =in advance, before that, (Germ. ehe); enae zehešsaavōmôvo, he died before, in advance of my seeing him) I saw him; Inf. -nista- before- hand, in advance; noxa natanistahotono zetoseēsztovoz, wait, I will inform him in advance that thou willt speak to him; nanistastanen, I buy on hand; nitao zenistastanenétto, all thou advance; nistaēnanomohestoz, advance money. S - C - magdam Mag - credit, before- hast bought in 17 ADVANTAGE ADVERSE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY 4 advantage, ehoozenov,it is an advantage,gain; ehooztse- oneve, it is advantageous; ehoozetovàzeo, they are of advantage, profit to each other (see profit); ehoozenovensz, they (in.)are of advantage; ehoozenov- eo, they (or.) are of adv.; tah makätansz etonšhooz- tseonevensz etov? how does money be advantageous to thee? Nitao zeaenom tah etonšhoozenov etov mxhamoxta- étto? all thou possessest how can it be of advantage to thee, if thou art sick? Makätansz esaahooz- enovhanehensz màvešeononistoētastovēsz, money is of no advantage when used foolishly. Nitao zevovistomōez pavevostaneo eohāhoozenovez' etovan, all that good people teach us is of great advantage for us; hèpao- sanistoz, the being an advantage; nahèpaosan, I advan- tage; vovonanovastoz, advantage, supremacy, victory. adventurous, rendered by inf. -saahezev(a)— =bold; na- saahezevavoĕtahe, I act boldly. See bold. Nasaahezevaheonevé, I am adventurous. The meaning is rather "venturesome" than "adventurous". G p — C J adverb. All infixes that modify the verb are adverbs and end with an e before verbal stems, except when the last begin with an h. When a predicative meaning is implied the infixe usually terminates with -a or -ae, e.g. epevae, one is good; emonae, one is fresh, young; ehavsevae, one is bad; epeveēsz, he speaks well; emoneēsz, be now, recently, speaks; ehavseveēsz,he speaks badly. Adverbs come under the nomenclature of infixes,q.v. Some adverbs can also be used detached from the verb, in which case they are suffixed by -(e)tto,e.g.naséhovevōmo, I see one suddenly; séhovet- to navōmo, suddenly I see him; -anhoe- downward; nān- hoeneoxz, I go downward; anhoetto naneoxz, downward I go. Thus the adverb becomes detached when more stress is layed upon it. A remnant of old adverbial forms is surviving in words like: oatōs! of course self-evid- ently, that is a matter of course, obviously; otamenōs, genauerweise, paying exact attention to; taxamenös, in- quiringly, inquiring "wise" ; aninīs, carefully, in a careful way; momåtanōs, in a respectful way, frommer- weise. These examples show that adverbial suff. -ōs or -menōs is the eqv.of the Eng. -wise in the sense of manner or way. } P M K adversary, ònehe, opponent, the one against (n.agent.); zeòneztasz, the adv. (stat.) zeòneztosz, my adv. enemy; zeònevoéhasz, the one who deals against me my adversary. See enemy, foe. adverse, rendered by inf. -òne- not one with, adversely; naòne-neševe, I do it reluctantly, adversely; na- òneztovo, I am adv. to one, act, behave so; eòneztae, one is adverse (stat.); eòneztaheoneve, one is adv. (in character, held so); naònevoého, I act against one,deal M 18 ADVERSITY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AFFECTATION adversely unto one; naònevoēta, I act adversely, am an "adverse-doer"; ònehe, adversary,n.agent.; ònevostan, adverse person; ònevostanehevestoz, adverse fortune or fate, inimical, hostile way of living; naòneztaetovo, I adv.; am adverse towards one; òneztastoz, the being òneztaetovazistoz, the being adv. towards one; ònevoē- tastoz, adv.doing. adversity, haomenestoz, adv., affliction; heovaze toomeo zehoehotata, all the adversity, suffering which comes upon thee; heškovo eše-vostanehevestoz, adv. life (lit. life of thorns); heškovo eše-voomenestoz, adverse sufferings. See affliction, suffering, hurt. advertise, napâena mxistō, I post bills (lit. I paste paper); hesthoxtovatō eamehaz' (or: eamšemez') is advertised hoxtahanemxistōneheva, his merchandise in the newspaper; hesthoxtovatō ehōxe vàtovez' mxistō- neheva (or: hoxtahanemxistōneheva), his goods are adv. evešhōxevà- in the paper (lit. are heralded); mxistō tove, it is advertised in the paper; ehōxeva zetoshox- tovatovez', he advertises a sale. advertisement, zeoxcepâene mxistō, advertising paper; hōxevàtoz, the heralding, advertising; hōxevàtove mxistōneheva, that which is heralded in the paper; masóhoxtovàtoz ehōxe vàtove, "mass" sale adver- tisement. advice, oneevàtohestoz, counsel, admonition; oneevaosan- istoz, the giving advice, counsel, redress; -vàtoe, to advise, becomes -vàta (with in. obj.) and -vamo (with or.obj), hence different nouns as oneevàtàtoz and oneevamazistoz. Vovistomosanistoz, advice, the ad- vising, teaching; onoevamazistoz, well advice. ze- advise, the three suff.mentioned under "advice" (-vàtoe, -vàta and -vamo) denote advising, urging, admonish- ing, counseling or persuading. They can be suff.to any rad. susceptible of above meaning,e.g. napavevamo, I advise one to be good; nahavsevevamo; I adv.one to be bad; nahessevamo, I adv. urge one to come; namane vamo, I urge one to grow, increase; naaseoxzevamo, I adv. one to leave, etc. See persuade. aff.one; mrd godad S S S affability, hoxaztaheonevestoz, aff., congenialty, friend- liness; hotoastoz, aff.kindheartedness. affable, ehoxaztaheoneve, one is aff. nihoxaztaetova, he is aff. towards thee; zehoxaztaheonevsz, the nahoxaztaeztovo, I behave affably towards P one. affect, suff,-man- =pretend; ehāmoxtaman, he affets to be sick. See pretend; evešemxe, one is affected, hit by; naheznessesz, I aff.that it ; naheznessého, I aff.that one ....; nitao zehoehotaez,zetõeōez, zeveš- emxaonez, all that affects, comes to, touches us. affectation, vhanenhessemanistoz,aff.hypocrisy; heto ev- Kath S 19 AFFECTED ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AFFIX vhanevōm- hanenhessemanistov, it is only affectation; sohestoz,aff.artificial, shallow display; evhanevōmsó- hestov,it is only affectation. affected, eheoceve, one is affected; heoce, masc.n.agent; heoka,fem.n.agent, the affected one; eheocevōm- só,he is aff.showy, dude; evhanenhessemaneheoneve, he is affected, pretending one. affection, mehoxtastoz,mehoxtaeonevestoz,kind love; na- mehosanetovo, I have an aff.for one; inf.-he- tos- fond of, bent on,habit of; ehetostôam, one has an affection for horses (is fond of them); ehetosemane, he has an aff.for drink, (has the drink habit); nahe- tosàz,I have an affection for, am fond of; hetosazis- toz, fondness, affection for; mehosanistoz, love, aff. namehosetanotova, he shows affection for me. affectionate, emehoxtaeoneve, one is affectionate; ehox- aztaeoneve, one is af. friendly; mehoxtaez- tovàz nonametó, be affectionate one towards another (in actual behavior); inf. -vovòneše- with kindness, tenderly, affectionately; nivovònešetanotōen, he thinks of us with affection; nivovònethozeohetõen, he works for us with tender care (as nurse for her patient). affiliate, naneštovāeoxz, I belong with, one with; enoto- vaeoxz, he is not af. does not belong to; inf. -vess- denotes association, partnership, affiliation; navessevo, I am af. with one; navistoēta, I am af. in doings, performances; nivisthozezevemo, thou art af. accomplice with one; naveoxzemaōn, navessevaōn, my com- panion (the one affiliated with me; naheveoxzemaōnen- oz, he is my companion, affiliate; naveàz, I af. with, go with, belong to. affiliation, vistoētastoz,af. in acts,deeds; vessevazi- toz, the being, going with; vesthozezevestoz, the being accomplice; veàzistoz, the belonging to. affirm, hēhe naheve, I affirm, I say yes; nahetomemosan, I af. declare of true; nahetomesta, I af. it, dec- lare it (of it) true. affirmation, hetomemosanistoz,declaration of truth; hē- he hešhestoz, af. the saying yes. affix, v.napâanen, I af. fix to, seal,-pâana (in.),pâno (or.); napoen, I af. to, patch (having reference to flat pieces); -poenoxta (in.), -poenoto (or.) nahoen, I af. patch (in the sense of adding to the length or width), hoenoxta (in.), -ho enoto (or.); nahoenoxta navēnoz,I affix, attach to my tipi (in adding to it); epâaene, it is affixed, sealed; epâeoz, it becomes af. pasted, adherent (to a surface); epoenoe, it is af. object patched); patched (sp. of the patch or noe, it is af. patched (by adding to). See tie. affix, n.See respective nomenclatures of pref., inf. and ehoe- suff. -Pâanenistoz, the affixing, sealing; pâaneo, Ka Gold O M --- S 20 AFFLICT AFRAID ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY affix, stamp, seal. afflict, naonšého, I aff. hurt, harm one; nahāomenesého, I aff.one, cause him sufferings or misfortune; naohaoého, I aff.,oppress, deal hard with one; naanove- tanoho,I aff.one, make him sad; naanovetanosoe, I cause affliction. afflicted, nahāomen, I am afflicted; naanovetanooz, I be- come sad, sorrowful, aff.; nahāomeoz, I become aff.; namomohenoomen, I am aff.greatly distressed; na- mhaomeeoz, I am utterly aff.; naanovae, I am sad,sor- rowful,aff.(stat.); zehāomenēsz, the aff.one; zeano- vasz, the sad, aff.one; zeohāoēsz, the aff. oppressed one; zeanovetanosz, the one to whom affliction is im- parted; See suffer, trouble, misfortune. affliction, haomenestoz, bereavment; haomeo,n.agent; ha- omeozistoz, aff., the becoming afflicted; ano- vetanoxtoz, affliction, sadness (in thot, mental state); anovastoz,aff., sadness (state of); anovetan- oxzeše, growth, field, realm of affliction, sorrow. afflictive, eanovetanosohetto, it is aff.; ehãomenesohe- hetto, it causes affliction. afford, nahoxtamesta,I aff.reach to it; nasaahoxtamis- tohe ememeatto, I cannot aff. to give it; zeheš- hastoemakätaemas emevoešemeaa hovae, since he has much money, he can afford (lit. he may well give) to give something; zenstamenōehevsz esaaxamahoxtamistohe mxa- stovsanistoz, the poor cannot afford gorgeous clothing (cannot reach it). Oftentimes the inf. -tons (e)-ab- -tonš(e) ility of, means of e.g. zehešhāmoxtas emetonšhozeohé? Since he is sick, how could he work? Zeheš saahemakäta- ems emetonšeneoxzé, since he has no money how can he afford to go? Nanexovae, I can afford, come up to re- quirements, am equal to. affright, see frighten, scare, afraid. afire,see fire, burning. 1 p afloat, etahokovōeo,it is afl.,floating on top, surface; eamōeo,it is (or one is) afl.,drifting; naamō- eo, I am afloat, drifting. See float. afraid, naétoxtae, I am afraid; naého, I am afraid of one; naéta, I am afraid of it; étoxtastoz, the be- ing afraid; inf. -saahez (e)- not afraid; nasaaheze- vemo, I am not afraid to tell of him; nasaahezevavoē- tahe, I am not afraid to do, am venturesome doer; zeé- toxtasso, the afraid ones; zeétoss hovae, those who are afraid of something; enoéata, he is afraid of, (from superstition, something tabooed). Some Ch.fear certain animals or objects, which they superstitiously believe to have occult or malevolent influence,e.g. homä eno- éata, he is afraid, superstitious about the beaver; na- xamaétoxta, I am naturally, simply afraid; étoxtastoz nszhoehota, fear shall come upon thee; naétoxtasého, I J Ma p 21 AFTER ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AFTER cause one to be afraid; étoxtasohestoz, cause of being afraid. See fear. Inf. -ise- afraid of, hesitating, e.g. eiseneoxz, he is afraid, hesitates to go; niiseēsztovo, you are afraid to speak to one; nasaaiseneševe, I do it without hesitation,fear. after, inf. -eše [from -eš = lying] denotes the space of time lying after a specified action or condi- tion and done, e.g. naešemese, I am done eating (the interval following the eating); nataešemesse, I shall, will be done eating =after I shall have eaten. In the sub.cj. the pref.ze-, preceding -eše- (becoming zee- še-) -after, in the sense of being done,e.g.zeešeemes- etto, after I had eaten (= being done eating). [Do not confound with pref. zeheše- as, since]. When pref.ma- or mata- precedes -eše-, (becoming mataeše- or maeše-) it means after, being done, refer.to a mediate or imme- diate future, e.g. mataešenaetto, after I shall be dead; maeševōmo niszeoxzeo, after thou shalt have seen him come hither. Thus zeeše- denotes after,refer. to past, and maeše- or matae še after refer. to future. Both prefixes govern the sub.cj. Inf. -hestoxe- =af- ter, in the sense of behind; nahestoxhoeoxz, I came af- ter, behind, last, not in front; letter n followed by either one of the vowels a, and O carries the mean- ing of "after" in the sense of succeeding, following, getting; nanehea, I am after, following it; naneševos- taneheve,I live accordingly, after it; enhē, he keeps at (a place). Hence nanoxzevōmo, I seek one, ich suche nach ihm; nanoxzeovo, I seek where he is; nanohoz hoe- voxköz, I get meat, ich komme nach Fleisch; nanòzto- vo, I inquire (after) of him; inf. -honaov(e)- im- plies the one after, next to, second, next in rank to, e.g. zehonaovevašitaevsz, the Vice-President; zehonao- venitáesz, the one next to the master or ruler. While letter n implies coordination, after, succeeding, the contrary meaning is brot in by letter é, which implies a stopping, ending = no more after, e.g. naénemese, I stop eating; eénotovae, he is beheaded. Inf. -né- or -ni- is eqv.to English pref, un- and in-,e.g. nanita- vana, I change, unset its coordination; nanitana, I pull it out (after it had been set in). See letter n. In repetition of an action or condition, one after anoth- er the Ch.use the reduplicating form, e.g, oešēva, day after day every day;totāeva,night after night every night; epopevoēta, one does good repeatedly; ehathavs- evoēta,one does bad repeatedly; nameto, I give to one; -ho- namometo, I give to each, one after another. Inf. toe is also used for " one after another", e.g. eho- toeanao hotoxceo, the stars are falling one after ano- ther; ehotoehetovazeo, they follow, come one after each other. See line, row. - Mag Golfk Cat pag Stag S G C T - 22 AFTERBIRTH ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AGAINST afterbirth, hestahe. Is usually tied fast together and placed in the crotch of a tree. afternoon, zeešesitovōs or zeešénsitovōs, after the middle of the day (ref. to past); mataešesi- tovōs or mataešénsitovōs, afternoon = when it shall be after the middle of the day. [Esitovos = it hangs in the middle, sp. of the sun]. This expression is gen- eral and can have ref. to the whole afternoon, from 1-4 o'clock, but when the time is to be stated more exactly the terms -homōs and -kaōs are used. Zeešhom- os, afternoon about 2-3 o'clock; zeešekaōs refers to the time of the afternoon from 5-7 o'clock. These terms become in disuse among younger Ind. who have learned to divide the day into hours. Zenokxeo,ze- nisxeo, zenanxeo, zenivxeo zeénsitovōs, 1,2,3 etc.o'c- lock in the afternoon. Màvōna mataénsitovōs, to-morrow afternoon; màvōna maénsitovōs matanisxeo, to-morrow af- ternoon at 2 o'clock; han eševa zeešénsitovōs zènanx- eo, the other day, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon; zis- tóešesitovōs noxsetto zistakaōs, the whole afternoon [lit.from the very middle of the being suspended un- til it suspended short from (horizon)].Nistoha maoxc- énsitovōs, every afteroon. afterward, hohoma (on this side); hohomaevetto, shortly afterward; nheš, then, then afterward; nìnitā, after....until now, ever since, from there on until now; niszetā, ever after, until here; hotama, soon af- ter, gleich darauf. — M again, -hosse- inf. again, a second time; -hot'se- = a- gain and again, over and over; -evhâsse- = back a- gain; -evhâtse- back again and again, repeatedly; -honaov(e)- again as much. Ehosseneševe, one does it a- gain; nahot'seneoxz, I go again and again; naevhâseme- to, I give it back again (to one); eevhâtseneoxz, one goes back again and again; nahonaovemetan, I am given to again as much. Inf. -evha- = back, but is now also used in the sense of "again"; naevhakaš goneve, I am a child again (return to childhood). Hotxsetto,again and again, over and over,e.g. hotxsetto nakokonoha he- nitō, over and over I knock at the door. against, -òne- and ònez- verse, hostile. {MONIO BANGA p K as inf. denotes against,ad- Naòneztovo, I behave adverse to one [see adverse]; eòneztaetovàzeo, they are against each other; eònehozeohe, he works against, (mit Wider- willen) reluctantly; eòneztaenōhe, he looks adverse, opposed; zeòneztaetōess, those who are against me, my enemies.- Natohaheztovo I am (or.) against, oppose one; natohahezesta, I am against it; ehetoeoxz,it rolls (or.when sp.of stones) against; enxhetoeoxz, (also or.) comes rollig against; navéstaenoz, he is my opponent (Gegner); navéstaetovo, I am against (not it S d << 23 AGE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AGGRAVATE with) one. Inf. -vé- is used in the prohibitive form and means "be not with", e.g. nivémesse, do not eat! Inf. -ata- and -xaata- = against, straight against, facing against. [See face]. Aōx, over against, the o- ther side; onēota,against, contrary to; natōeovo, I go against one (friendly or hostile); eveštōeoe hoema, it is against the law; evešeòneztaetoe hoemanistoz, it is against (inimical to) the law; hosz zestoētastovå e- vešetōeoe hoemanistoz, some of the Ch. ceremonials are against the law; napeoxta, it is against me, I disdain it; naoxkanomeōhaevamo, vàtometto emasavoēta, against my warning advice he leads a bad life. age, -a- is the inf.denoting years [from a Gamb na ert state]; eòtnišeānama, one is twelve years of age; zenišeānamassỏ, those of two years old, aged two; zeheeães nstaneeahemâ, as he is old we shall be old; zemxistoneveãesso, the ones of school age; emeševoze- veāhe, he is of baby age; etoxtoeanama? What age has he? Naveāhenoz, one is of my age; naveãhetova, I am of his age; ehaeae, he is of age; esózeceae, he is still young; naãenamoz, my years, my age; haeaestoz, the being of age. See old, year. Totanoomē, in ages past, ref.to epoch [totanoom, tozanoom, long ago]; nistavonoomē, an- cient age, remote epoch; eoxnestoeamexov, in all the ages, durch all die Zeiten; emahaciseveähe, er ist im Greisenalter. winter, in- agency, meavehoeno, the agency (ref.to Ind.agency). Inf. -veše- implies means, agency, instrumentality;heo- motomeva èvešemanhaoxtoveneo, by the agency of his breath (inspired word) there was a creation.When -veše- is used, the accompanying n. agent. takes an ablative form,usually sff.-eva or -ovå. Mere agency is express- ed by sff. -eva added to the verbal stem,e.g. nameze- vaena, I just hand it over; naonōsetanaeva, I am call- ing, for another one; namanševaena, I merely make it; ēsztomotxevàtoz, agency of speech = interpretation; ēsztomotxevahe, n.agent. interpreter; nahessevaena, I take it (not to keep), am instrunental of its being taken; nahōènevaeno, I let one go out, am instrument of his outgoing; nahotševaenā, he uses me, I am his tool, instrument. [This agency form (-vaen) implies always a short duration of the action or condition]. agent, meaveho, Ind. agent; emeaevehoeve, he is Ind. a- gent. [from -mea to give, and veho whiteman]. Eēsztomotxevaeheve, one is interpreter, the instrument myse of speaking; venootxevahe, instrument of saving. agglomerate, see pile, heap together. aggrandize, namahaana (in.) I make it large, enlarge. See great,large. aggravate, ehonao vhoto anatto, it is the harder; ehonaov- hotoanavoomen, one's suffering is aggravated; P Ca p M P C 24 AGGRESSIVE AGREE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY hesthamoxtastoz ehonaovanez', his sickness is aggrava- ted; ehonaovhāmoxta, one increases being sick; evešhon- aovhotoanazhestàtov, by it the condition is aggravat- Jasmine a ed. aggressive, enàkae, he is agg.active, industrious; eáeoz, one becomes agg.attacking, assaulting; eveho- nae, one is agg., goes ahead; ešévae, one is agg.dili- gent. J aggressivness, nàkastoz, activity; aeozistoz, the rushing at; vehonastoz, the going ahead; šévastoz, diligence, promptness. agitate, emomoxtōmeoz, it becomes ag., sp. of a body of water; emomoxtōmeōstaha, it is violently agitat- ed (sp.of water ag. by wind); namomoxtōmana màp, I ag. the water; namomoxtana, I ag.it; namomoxtano, I ag.one [from -momo- to move]; emomooz, it becomes ag., moving; eoeotōmaha,it is ag. by wind (ref.to waves); namomoo - sesz, I ag., cause it to move; naohāetanooz, I become ag.excited (thinking pitched high); namomoxtōea or namoxtōea, I ag.it, stir it (liquids); hovae etonševeš- emomoxtōmeozistov, by some reason the waters became agitated; nanxsovōea, I ag.it, stir it, durcheinander rühren (of liquids) [also used in the fg.] See move. momoxtanen- agitation, momoozistoz,ag.,becoming moved; istoz, the agitating; momoxtōmeozistoz, agita- tion of waters (becoming so); momoxtōmanazistoz, the agitation, moving of the water (when done by some one); ohāetanoozistoz,agitation, excitement; emaxohãe- emaxehomôo- tanoozistov, there is a great excitement; zistov, there is a great excitment (in a crowd). agitator, zemomoxtanensz, the one who agitates; momoxta- neneo, momoosohe (caus.), the agitator; ohāeta- nosohe,zeohāetanosōsz, the one who cause agitation, ex- citement; zetaneneo zevešemomoxtōmane màp, instrument, tool with which water is made to agitate; ago, tozea, long ago; totánoom or tozanoom, the long ago; totanoomē, in the long ago; esaahānexovhan, it is not long ago; moxhezé, not long ago, awhile ago! This is usually an exclamation, e.g. moxhezé ehoe! Was he not here just a while ago! agony, ôzetanonavo omenestoz, distressing, suffering. [-ô- and -ôz- = break]; -tan ref. to mental condition and -oomen implies suffering [rel. with drying]. See suffering. << - S - M M W agree, naamàta (in.) naamàtovo (or.) I agree, with, con- sent to; emanohoto emàzeo, they agree together, are of one accord; hestoxtaheonevo esaasēeznettanehez' their testimony does not agree; inf. -sē- alike, con- form to, harmonize; hapo nanešetan, I agree with, think the same,am of the same opinion; emanohoemaneo, they together make a law, agree in making a rule; eamàta K S 25 AGREEABLE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AIM + zetoseveoxzemas, he agrees to go with me. agreeable, napevazesta,it is agr. to me (I deem it good); napevatamo, I deem one agr.; eaxaetan nitove, one is ag.friendly, pleasant to me; emàtatame, one (in.or or.) is agreeable, deemed so; ehotoa,one is agreable (Ger.leutselig); nahotoazesta (in.), nahotoa- tamo, (or.) I deem agreeable; ehotoatamano, it is agr. sp. of weather or nature; ehotoeoz, it becomes agr.; ehotoevostaneheve, one is agr.lives a pleasant life. agreement, amatastoz, agr., consent; amatovazistoz, mutu- al agreement (not written); ēšexhoemanistove, the agreement has been made (law has been passed); nanitovhoemanheme, we pass а law, an agreement toge- ther; nimehaešho emamhemå na nimehaešemxana mxistō, we had made an agreement and thou hadst signed the pa- per. ague, n.natosevomoxtastoz, chilly feeling; nanatosevo- moxta, I have the ague, chills; [-natos cold]. ahead, evehona, one goes ahead, is progressive, aggress- ive; maeto, in front; maeto etaešeneoxz, he has gone ahead; nanitáe, I am ahead, ruler, master; maeto eheznetto, it goes, proceeds (gestaltet sich) ahead; maeto naameoxzetova, one goes ahead of me; maeto naa- meoxzevo,I go ahead of one (of one's going); etašenis- taaseoxz, he has gone ahead, beforehand; maeto èmēsta- no zetoshes soz', he explained (reflect.m) that which was going to be. aid, v.See help. Navistämo, I aid assist one; naomotaho, I aid, assist one (stehe für ihn ein). [This -omo- ta- is used in the substitutive m. See gr.]. aid, n.vistämosanistoz, faculty of helping; vistämazis- toz,aid, mutual assistance. Zèvistämas nanšhesshoe- oxz, I came here by his aid. See help. ail, namek ehāmatto, my head ails; naēvhāmata, I am ail- ing; natotonstae, I am ailing; nasaapevomoxtahe, I do not feel well, am ailing, feel indisposed. See ache, конв Con J G W G Salad Standa pain. ailment, hāmatazistoz; heovasz hešehāmatazistoz naešho- ehota, all sorts of ailment have come to me; he- to nahesthāmatazistov, this is my ailment; zaahāmata- zistovhan, there will be no ailment; totonstàtoz, ail- ment, infirmity; saapevomoxtahestoz, feeling indispos- ed,not well; onševostanehevestoz, a life of ailments. aim, t'sē either detached or infixed implies: with a purpose, aiming for, determined, e.g. t'sē naneševe, I do it purposely; in the sense of being "set towards, facing to", the letter t expresses aim, set purpose [see t]. Natazeoxz, I go there, to a place; täno, there (pointing forward). The mental suff. -tan implies the inward desire, intent toward an object, e.g.namesetan, I want to eat; easeoxzetano, they desire to leave. The pa K - G C 26 AIMLESS AIR ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY na- -tan implies the aim in thot or desire. The o implies. object, aim, e.g.meo etaoeoz, the road reaches at; hoeoxz, I arrive; e(h)oaena maātano, he points, aims the gun,objects it; henova zehessetovaneoxzess? What is the aim, purport of your going? [Inf.hessetova-, or -hešetova- = purporting; zehešetovatto what it pur- ports]. Nanosenaha zexhōmaōez, I get at,reach the aim, goal (one had set for us); [zexhōmaovo, where I put a blanket for one. The Ch.used a robe or blanket to de- signate the goal in races]. Inf. -he- implies aim in the sense of "have to, am bound to", e.g.nahevehomo, I aim, am bent on seeing him. This would be said while in the act of going to see one. When the action is not yet carried out, only intended, the desiderative m. is used,as: navehōmatanotovo, I desire, aim to see one. The v. -hoahe- run for, covet,like,is sometimes used in the sense "to run, tend towards an aim or goal", as: nahethoahe, I am after;nahethoahe zetoseamhaetto,I run (in order) to obtain. I all divers expressions there is no special verb or noun for aim as we have Eng., altho the meaning is conveyed as above mentioned or by using following forms: tâ nahethoahe, there is my liking, aim, goal; eoxksaaeštāeozé, one is without purpose, aim, does not reach anywheres. [From etāeoz = it reaches completely]. Niononevetto in nasaavostanehe- vé, I do not live without aim, ignorantly; haeš eoxksa- aešhoohe, one has no further goal,aim; toxtomonetto e- saaĕszé, one does not speak aimlessly. See aimless. aimless, toxtomone- aimlessly, toxtomonetto [used de- tached]; nionone and niononevetto, at random, without aim, ignorantly; nionone nasaaneševé, I do it not with ignorance, without aim; niononevetto eoxchaô- na, he worships in an aimless way, without system (Ger. blindlinks); etoxtomonevostaneheve, one lives unregu- lated,aimlessly (hit or miss); natoxtomona, I am aim- less; niononevetto examavostaneheveo, they simply live in ways of ignorance, without system or rule; haeš e- oxksaaešhoohe, he comes nowheres, has no aim,no goal; eoxksaaeštaeozé, one reaches no goal,no aim; nataome- vhanetoxtoetan, I have no aim, merely surmise; nataome- vhanetoxtoeoxz, I go without aim, having nothing speci- al in view. [toxto means plain, prairies, boundless,not limited]. Taomevhanetoxtoetanoxtoz, mere conjecture; taomevhanetoxtoeoxzıstoz,natural free, aimless going. [Taome self (von selbst), natural, of one's own ac- cord; -vhane- merely]. Taome vhanetoxtoevostaneheves- toz, natural free,unrestricted life. [Toxtoevostanehe- vestoz,prairie life,unrestricted life]. air, omotom; omotomestoz, the air that one breathes. [Oomotom is also used for inspired word in the Ch. religious terminology. Eomotomeve, it is air, breath; = M C S quity J GUD S S Mag K d រ 27 AIRSHIP ALERT ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY otatavoom,air region, space, the bluelodge or dome; ea- hanomotom, one pants, gasp for air. See breathe. Zeheše- nōs, one's air,mien, how he looks. Suff. -non denotes air in the sense of tune, melody. See song. airship, semo zeamehatto, flying boat; éoahamazistoz, the flying-up-by-wind. Sy aisle, zeōmepoota, zeōme popoota (pl.) that which is open between a row [also used for streets]. Hotoma mo- hēoxzemhayo zeōmepopoota, the aisles in the meeting house; [zeōmepopoota mâevehoeno, the streets in town]. ajar, etataota henitō, the door stands ajar, open; etata- hame,it is flung ajar (door,lid). akimbo, -zeškseona-; nazeškseonàn, I walk akimbo; ezeš- kseonaeo, he stands akimbo. akin, see related and relationship. alacrity, ševetanoxtoz, alacr.willingness,diligence; šé- vastoz, alacr.(state) Inf. šéve- =with alacr., vivacity, sprightliness, e.g.etašéveaseoxz, he left with alacrity. S alarm, v.enotxeva, he gives the alarm, announces stran- gers (from noz alien); naohaetano oz, I become al- armed,excited in feeling; naseaovo, I arouse one from sleep; ehomôozeo, they become alarmed, are in a commo- tion; emasóhèpôoóeo, they become suddenly alarmed, frightened; nahèpoetan, I am al. entertain fears; nahè- poetanoho, I cause one alarm; nahèpoestomohe,I am al- arming (by words); nahèpoesetaneva, I am an alarmist; eohãoanistov, it is an alarming report; eohaotōeneo,he looks alarmed, frightened; axxev eoxzcetahame hooxceo- aseoxzistovez', the bell is rung when there is a fire; nahèpoemo, I alarm one (by words); našeševaosemo, I al- arm, waken one by noise. K - S G - G Saval alarm, n.notoxe vàtoz, sound of alarm (also the call to arms); enotoxevatove, the alarm is sounded; ohae- tanoxtoz,alarm, apprehension; ohāetanoozistoz, alarm, sudden excitment; homôozistoz, sudden commotion, alarm; masóhèpôozistoz, sudden alarm, fright; hèpoetanoxtoz alarm (within one), dread; hèpotanoozistoz, the becom- ing alarmed, filled with apprehension; hèpoestomohes- toz, the alarming, by words; hèpoesetane vàtoz, alarmist disposition; šeševaose-kokoxaseo (or šeševaostomohe), the alarm clock, Ger.Wecker. alas, ahahē! interj. exclamation pag } S Ag of woe or regret; a! long drawn out with subdued voice is an exclama- tion of sorrow, great astonishment, with the hand held before the mouth. regret,oftentimes alcohol, veho emàp, the water of the white man; evèhoe- màpeve, it is alcohol. ale, mènemàp, also used for beer. alert, eohānàkae, one iš alert, industrious; inf. -ševe- =with alertness, quickness; ševeneoxzz, be quick Comm 28 ALERTNESS ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ALIGHT about going! ešévae, one is alert; šévetanoz,get busy be alert! -hohoomē- alert (in the sense of watchful); hohoomēto (when detached from the v.); enonahaxka, he is alert, brisk,nimble; enonahaxczesta, one is of alert, brisk,agile disposition; enahetan, one is alert,on his guard. disposi- alertness, ohānàkastoz, state of being busy, industrious, (Ger. grosser Fleiss); šévastoz, alertness (stat.) šévetanoxtoz, alertness in thot,diligence; šé– vezetanenistoz, alertness in doing something with the šivaztas- hands; šéveam'nistoz, alertness in walking; toz, alert in disposition, friendly, merciful tion.; [šivatamahestoz, mercifulness, favorable sition]. The words šivaztastoz and šivaztamahestoz are much used in religious terminology and denote pity, mercy, grace, favor. Nonahaxkastoz, alertness, briskness, agility; nonahaxczestastoz, alertness,agili- ty (in disposition); nahetanoxtoz, alertness, watchful- ness, the being on one's guard. dispo- alien, n.noz (masc.), nota (fem.), alien, foreigner; not'- son,foreign child, young alien; nanozeve, I am an alien; nozevestoz, the being an alien; hestõevostan, alien, outsider; nahestõevostaneheve, I live as an ali- en; hestōhetan, alien man; hestōhee, alien woman; hes- tõevostanehevestoz, foreign way of living; nahestõevo- staneheveto vàzheme, we are strangers towards each o- ther; hestōhistanov, foreign world; zehestchestasso, the alien born (ones). alien, adj.rendered by inf. -noze- alien, foreign: W C w C G P > eno- zeēsz,enozevoan, he speaks foreignlike; inf.,-he- stōe- from outside, ehestōhesta, he is alien born, an outsider; -notova- = foreign, alien (from another place); nanotovaeoxz, I roam from my place, am home- less,barbaric, not within a nation, country or associa- tion; enotovaeo, they are alien; enotovaeveo, they are aliens; nanotovaetovo, I am alien to one; enotovatto, it is alien; enotoxe vàtov, it is a calling for stran- gers sound alarm when strangers come (in war times or otherwise); notovatto evostaneheve, he leads the life of an outsider, outcast,waif. alienate, v.naovahāovo, I al.myself, separate naasevoeovo, I separate myself from one; venosàz, I alienate myself from; navovenosàzetovo, I al.myself from one. alienation, ovahāovazistoz, the being alienated; asevoe- ovazistoz, alienation, separation; vovènosàzi- stoz, alienation, disassociation. T alight', ehōešeš, it al. (or.) (from flight); etaõeš,it alights on (or.); .zistaōeš,(or,) where one a- lighted; zistaōea, where it alighted,lit; eōeš hoxze- zeva,(or.) it alights on the tree; hohona eōeš, the Mag from one; navo- - C - [ 29 ALIKE ALIMENTARY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY stone (or.) alights [màpeva, on the water, mhayon, the house]. Eōéa, it alights; eōstao,it alights (when re- maining suspended, as on trees or on houses); eséao,it alights (into water); naomevonèn, I alight, from a horse or wagon, by descending; naomekaax, I alight, by jumping from,off. alike, inf. -sē- -alike, the same; esehesso,it is alike; esaasēnessohan, it is not alike, it is different; esēhessonsz, they (in.) are alike; esaasēhessohane- hensz (in.) they are not alike; esēhessonetto, it acts alike, is the same; esaasehessonettan, it is not alike; esẽešeneo, they look alike (or.),ref.to face; esẽhesta- o, they (or.) are alike, ref.to state, condition; ešēpe- vaeo, they are good alike, of the same goodness; esēto- anistov, it is the same speech, it is uttered alike; e- sēez'netto, it is alike (Ger.es äussert sich ähnlich, gleich); esaasēeznettan, it is not alike, behaves, acts not alike; esēešeamataeo, they have pains alike (or.); -sēeše- alike, sp. of people; esēeševostaneheveo, their customs are alike; esēešeexan, he has the same eyes; esēetova, (or.) it has the same fur, is furred alike; esētóēva, one (or.) is of same skin; esētotav, it is of the same color; esētotao,it is of same size; esētota- eta, he is of same size; eseetosso, it is of the same length; esētostone, it (or.) is of same length (sp. of thread, rope); esētonotto, it is of same thickness; e seetoehōsta, it is low alike; esehestota, it is high a- like (standing objects); esethastota, it sets alike very high; esehestohoe, same height,sp.of trees, poles, something planted; esēzechestahe, one is short alike; esetohomao, the same elevation (low) of ground; esēe- kiess, it is alike of short length; esēekass, it is of the same short distance; esekasexov, it is of the same short time; esēeszehenao, they are shirted, coated a- like; esēesaneo, they dress alike; zsēhessosz, those (in.) being alike; zsētotavēsz, those of same colors; (in.) zsēhestasso, the ones (or.) being alike; zsēeto- vassỏ, the ones (animals) of the same fur (color; zsē- etotaosz, the ones (in.) of same size; zsētotaetasso, same size (or.pl.); zsēetostonēs, the one (or.) of same length (sp.of ropes and thread) or long cylindrical bodies; zsētóēvasso, those (or.) of the same skin; zsēetotaevetovasso, the ones of the same thickness in body; zsētàpetasso, those (or.) of same volume, capaci- ty, bigness; zsētàpeosz, the ones (in.pl.) of same vol- ume, bulkiness; zsēetososz, those (in.pl.) of same length; zsēēstonēsso, the ones (or.pl.) of the same length of body; zseetostasso, the ones alike (or.pl.) in height, tallness; zsēetoeāesso, those (or.pl.) of same age. See same, kind. C alimentary, zevešemesestov, wherewith is to eat; zeveše- } G G - Saman Gadg S 1 Sang 30 ALIGN ALL ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY màtameve, wherewith alimentary canal. there is food; mhaestomohestoz, align, see row, line, straight. alive, adj.nšeametan (while living); eametanen, one is alive; esaa-ametanenettan, it is not alive; esóea- metanen, one is still alive, living; hovèn eametanen, one is barely alive. See alert, brisk. all, nitao, all in a general sense, rarely infixed; zehe- tā- pref.gov.the sub,cj.denotes "the reach of", all of them, or all of it,e.g.zehetaepeva, all that which is good; zehetaepe vaevoss, all who are good; zetohetā- ze- has the same meaning, only that the o every one; tohetaepevoētavoss, all, every one of those who are "good-doers"; zetohetāehoneo, all, everything that grows; Inf. -mae- or -mä- and -mhä- all of it, e.g. nszemäaena, thou shalt own all of it; emäheneenovahe, he is a knower of it all. [Not to be confused with inf. -ma-, -mam- which implies bigness, bulkiness (Ger.um- fangreich), large body of it, e.g. emamota, it stands, sets in bulk; zemhaōmoeha, the ocean, the great body of waters]. Nšemätto (detached), all of it; mhastoz, the all of it; namhastonan, the all of us, our whole comp- any; nimäozhemå, we are all together, we bunch togeth- er; etamäneoxzeo, they all went there; nšemaetto and nimaestovaetto all of me, together; nšemaétto and ni- maestovaétto the all of thee together; nšemaes and nimaestovaes the all of one together; nšemaez and ni- maestovahez the all of us together; nšemaéss and ni- maestovaéss the all of you together; nšemaevoss and nimaestovaevoss the all of them together; nšematto and nimaestovatto the all of it together; nistoxet- to, all of me; nistoxétto,all of thee; nistoxs, all of one, every single one; nistöxez, all of us; nistôxess, all of you; nistôxevoss, all of them. [The o in the pl.forms becomes so short as not to be pronounced all and we write usually nistxez, nistxess,nistxe- voss]. Nistasz, all of those (i.pl.).— Nistnovaez, the whole of us; nistnovaéss, the whole of you; nistnova- evoss, the whole of them; nistnovatto, the whole of it; nistnovāsz, the whole of them (in.pl.). Nitaeta, all of my stature; nitaéta, all of thy stature; nitaetas, all of one's stature; nitaetaz, all of our stature; nitāe- tass, all of your stature; nitāetavoss, all of their stature; zehetao, all of its stature, size; nistxestoz, the all (Ger.die Gesammtheit) sp.of or.beings: nanis- txistonan, our all (Ger.unsere Gesammtheit); nanistx- heme, we are all (of us); enistxeo, they are all of them (or.); enistansz, they are all of those (in. pl.); etoomenistxeo, they remain, abide firm togeth- er; nistxenov, the all of, (Insgesammtheit); heovasz = all kinds of, e.g. heovasz hešemenoz, all kinds of at C - G J S My C ་ 31 ALL ALL ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY all kinds of berries; anonatto heovasz heševostaneo, people (mixed up); zeoxtohetāomao, all over the land; zeoxtohetãoxoss, all over one's body (hemekon noxset- to heszehesseva from head to foot); zeoxtohetāeame- hoesso, all thru them, all of them, who are sitting. This pref.zeoxtohetā- (with sub. cj. is used in the sense of over or thru, as examples show. Zeoxtohetãe- mazeomeve, all thru the spring. When "all" implies mo- ving together (Ger.mit Sack u.pack), journeying with belongings, or "packing" [when pack =to bear as a load], then sff. -ē or -ehe is used, e.g. naasēheme, we leave with all,packing all; ehoxovēheo, they all cross the river (Ger.mit Sack u.Pack); natâehetanon,hoe, we come with all our belongings to land; exoxovehetanov ohe, they crossed the river with all their belongings; ehoxovehestoveneo, there was a crossing with the packs. Nahoēme, we have come with all; ehoehestov, there is an arriving with everything. Inf. -hovo- (sometimes without h) =all together as one fold. Ho- voetto, all together (in a collective sense), as a whole; ehovho eoxzeo, they come all together, all of them. This inf. -hovỏ- or -ov- is extensively used in n.and v.forms, as: ninitoveaenanon, we own it in com- mon; enisovatto, it is twofold. [It is also used as suff.in the endings -tove and -nove; emesestov, it is eaten; emesenov, there is an eating (Ger. es wird ge- gessen, man isst) implying "folded" action; naēsztovo, I speak to (with) one]. Nomoss, all the time, ever; me- sēto,mešsz, all the time, always;as inf.-mese- and -a- mese- always, all the time is used, but not frequent- ly, e.g. naamesetaetovo, I am with one all the time, always; nitao tataetta, all around, that surrounds, the surrounding vista; taxtano om means the same only is an old and more ceremonial term, it denotes the region in view above the horizon; nimaoetto, all around, about, refers not to a line around, but the whole surface; tāe zeēso,all the night long. [Inf. -vōn- -thru the whole night,as: evōnēvèn, he walks about the whole night thru]. Zehetãoxsetto,all of my body, flesh; ze- hetãoxoss,all of one's body (see suff.of sub.cj.); hóehaetto hóyāetto, all the same, even, just the same [what would not be expected]; Maheo, the All-Father, All-One; eame vonèn, one goes on all fours; -masó- inf. = all of a sudden, suddenly; èmasóaeozetovovō, all of a sudden they rushed at them; Mämanstomanehe, All-Crea- tor; inf. -mat- (and -matx- before an aspired sound) denotes "all out" = entirely, completly, as: ematane, it is all used up (so there is no more of it); emaseoz, it becomes all used up, (Ger.verschwindet); namatoan, I have uttered all (I had to say); ematxiston, he has written all (completely); emathoxtovàtove,it is all, T S S K mg 32 ALLAY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ALLIANCE entirely sold; eoxcematxpe võva, it does all, entirely, dissolve in water. [From -mat entirely, all; -hòp- = dissolve, melt; and sff. -ōva water or liquid]. allay, -oan- inf. =subside, cease gradually; naoanaxano, I allay,quieten one. See peace. Navešhaomoxta, I allay with; toxtoehovàn evešhaomoxtanov, hesthaōnstov, their the wild animals allay thirst with it; nahao- moxtoého, I cause one to be pacified, I allay his feel- ing; nahāomosého, I allay one (pacify); nahāamosetano- tovo, I want to allay one; naekōvaoz nao estōnatoz, I al- lay my thirst (lit. I wet my dry throat). See abate, subside, pacify. allegiance, vistomōanistoz, all. to, covenant. [From navi- stomōan I promise by oath, in smoking] vistomchaovo, I promise allegiance to one; navistomō- haovo zevistamōnanetto, I swear all. to one (or.). alleviate, navèpanaovo, I alleviate one; navèpanamoxta- I maného, I make one to feel easier, alleviated; naénoxeno, I all.unburden one; naénoxena, I am allevia- ted; naénoxeoxz, I walk alleviated, unburdened; nahomo- eno (see unload), I all.take off a load; naoanaxano, all.relieve one; naoanaxāmoxtaman, I cause relief, I all.the feeling; naoanaxanomoxtae, I feel alleviated; navèpanāmoxtae, I feel all. light. [Rad.vèp- =light, empty; -moxta- physical feeling; -ox as sff. -packed, burdened; -énox- unpacked, ending the burden; -oan- = allay, subside, calm down. [Inf. -masto- =not in use but available, released, relieved, not with, stripped; namāstohano, I all.relieve one, as a relay horse; emās- tohahe, one is all.relieved, stripped from; emastoheoz, one becomes deprived of; ēševhamastoheoz, he is single again (after having been married)]. Eoxchaomoxtaomo- etto,it alleviates, gives relief (as of medecine); na- evhaénomata, my pain is all.,relieved; navèpanaox, I am all. (from burden; nahāomosého, I cause one allevia- tion; nahāomosetanotovo, I desire to all.one. Nasèpo- tomaovo, I all. one, from strain; nasèpotostahaovo,I all.one's heart. alleviation, vèpanamoxtastoz (in feeling); vèpanaoxis- toz,all. [from burden, also used fg.]; oana- xanestoz, all., calm; énoxenàtoz, all. from burden; oana- xamoxtastoz, calm, alleviated feeling or condition; sè- potomaovazistoz, alleviation from great strain; sépo- tostahàtoz,all.relief of heart. See relief. 1--3 C G .. na- A J - — Sabade alley, see street, aisle. alliance, see fellowship. Manohoemazistoz., common (mutu- al) alliance; nistxnoemazistoz, the being all- ied together, being all together; vistaetovazistoz, mu- tual fellowship, alliance; manohevis'onemazistoz,alli- ance of friendship, brotherhood; manohoemanistoz,alli- ance, pact; visthozezevemazistoz, alliance, accomplici- S J W T 33 ALLIED ALLOWABLE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ty; visthozezevestoz, the consorting, being allied with; momeno hestaneo zehešemanohoemazevoss, the alli- ance which groups of nations have made (=the mutual laws they have passed for each other). Vistoxestoz, all.of warriors. • allied, navistamaozetovo, I become allied to one; navis- thoemazemo, I am allied to one; navisthozezevemo, I am allied, accomplice with one; nahevis'onemo, I am friend with one; naves tax or navestox, I am all. (as warrior). Navistohènemo, I am allied with one (am of same mind). The inf. -ve-, -vesse- (which becomes vest- or -vist- before an aspired sound) implies as- sociation, being allied, fellowship, as: naveàz, I am with; navessevo, I am allied go with one. alligator, hestanová. allot, nahestoaovo, I allot land to one (make that he have land; etaomohe, one is allotted (measured land) [natāa,I fit one with; natāomevo, I measure unto one]. Zehestoaoesso, the allotted ones (land); ninehov zehestoaonétto, thou who art allotted land; natāevamea, I allot, give by measure; taevavetto eoxcemometo SOSS hestamevo, he allots to each one their food; zetaevao- netto, that which is allotted, measured for me; hovae soss zemezz, what is allotted to each in particular (lit.thing particularly given to one) zenhestohazēsz makätansz soss ninetaomōenonsz, so much money he allo- tted to each of us (lit.that much monies particularly he measured unto us); enahan vostanehevestoz Maheo zetaomōez, this is the life which God has allotted, appointed to us. C allotment, tāomosanistoz; hesthoaovazistoz,all.of land; zehesthoaonetto, my allotment; hoe zetãomonet- to, my all., the land measured to me; séozehoe, dead land (allotment of a dead Ind.) séozehosz (pl.); naehosz (pl.) nāehoe (sg.), land, allotment of "died" ones, one. [Do not confound with naeohe Dead river]. allow, nanizeovo, I allow, permit one; nanizeon, I am all- owed; nanizeomon, it is permitted to me; esaanize- oehan,it is not allowed; esaanizeovazistovhan, it is not permissive; zetā ninizeon, hèpetto hovahan, thus far thou art allowed, not further; nizeovsz emeaseoxz- etto! Allow me to leave (that I may leave); inf. -ox- and also -oxkanom- allowing, in the sense of conced- ing,granting, otherwise....but,as: naoxkanomemahacise- heve,granted the fact, allowing that I am an old man; eoxpeva oha emevešhavsevevostanehevstovez', allowing that it is good, but it may lead to a bad living; eox- tatonetto navàtomehozeohe, allowing that it be very cold, I work just the same. Nasaanizeoné zemeēszetto,I am not allowed to speak. allowable, enizeovazistov, it is all.; esaaneševstovhan, S K Ma 34 ALLOWANCE ALMOST ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY esaanethoe- e- it is not all.admissible, not to be done; manistovhan, it is unlawful,not all.;enizeomohe, it is all.to one; esaanizeomohehe, it is not all.to one; meneševstov, it is all., admissible, can be done; esaa- nhastōehan, it is all.,not tabooed; enhastonestov, it is forbidden, tabooed, not allowable. allowance, nizeovazistoz; zenizeomonetto, my all., that which is allowed to me; soss zetotāevamezes- så, the allowance, apportion to each [see allotment]. Zeoxsaanizeovôvo etanšeneoxzé, he went without my all., permission; esaanizeoehe, allowance is not given one;nohass hama vistoētastoz esaanizeomohenov, all. to any religious doing is not (given) them, they are not allowed. Cont G C anxiety, heomstôtanoxtoz and hōmstôtanoxtoz. anxious, naôzetan, I am anx., worried; nahe omstôtan, I am anx., preoccupied; nahōmstôtan, I am anx., ap- prehending; nahessôzetanotovo, I am anx.about him; na- vōmatanotovo, I am anx., eager, desirous to see one. The mental sff. -tan, (tanota for the in. and -tanotovo for the or.) denotes eagerness, desire, anxious for; e- ohāveàzetan, one is very anxious to go along. See de- siderative m.in the Ch. gr. - mang mga any, nohas, nahas, any; ahas, and any; nohass emetonitāe- onetto, any amount (size); tonstoxnov, any amount (number). When connected with a n. nohass and nahas take a final e except when the n. begins with an as- pired sound; nohase nha, anybody; nohas hetan,any man; nohashama, any (matters not which); nohashama tonexove- va, at any time; nohase nasz, any one; nohase nasz ze- hestxevoss nisaavōmohe? Did you see any one of them? anyhow, vàtometto,notwithstanding; as inf. -vàtom (e)—; evàtomeneoxz, he goes anyhow; inf, -tanš- is used for anyhow, at times,as: nivéneoxz naxheta,na natanše- neoxz, he told me not to go, but I go anyhow. anything, nohas hovae; hamanaes, most anything; nohas hama zemezetto nazeve šepevetan, anything thou givest me, I shall be glad of it; tonxestoe, anything, whatsoever; hovae esaa-amhahe, he received not any- thing; ponoxta exhoèn, he came without anything, empty - C S S - 46 ANYWAY APATHETIC ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY handed. anyway, rendered by inf. -tanše-; natanšemesse, I eat anyway; nitanšehozeohemå, let us work anyway; no- has etonshāmoxtaeoz, anyway (not known how) he got jordane post sick. anywhen, nohashama tones, at any time whatever. anywhere, nohase t'sa,wherever. anywise, rendered by the negative inf. -saaxama-; esaa- xamapevahe, nor is he anywise good, in no wise whatever. Apache, Mozeeonhetan (sg.); Mozeeonhetaneo (pl.). Ac- cording to Mooney [see Memoirs of the Anthropo- logical Assoc.Vol.I, Part 6,p.426] this name refers to "people using the rasp fiddle". While not contradict- ing this, I simply state here that moze is used a pre- fix for the larger male animals, as: mozeehotoa, bull (of buffaloes); mozevehoehotoa, bull (of cattle); mo- zènoham, stallion; mozenako, male bear. The mozeeon in itself designates a medecinal herb (also mozenista) used to promote the flow of the breasts. The proper name Mozeeōeve sweet root. 1 S M M apart, inf. -áe-, áeš-, oáe- and -oáeš- denote apart, by self; the ending -eš refers to a passive state, while the o before ae and aeš implies distributive meaning; eáehōemàz,he counts himself apart, separate from others; eáehoe, he sits apart, by himself; nioáe- hoemå, we sit apart, by ourselves; nioáehoetovaz, I sit apart from thee; naoáehanō, I take them apart, sort them (or.); naevhaáešeoz, I become apart, by myself; na- áešvostaneheve, I live apart; nioáešvostanehevhema, we each live apart; eoáešhistanoveo, they are living a- part,as people; inf. -nohé- apart, aside, deviating from; nanohéno nitovå, I put him apart, aside from me; nanohéoz, I become "side tracked". See separate. Inf. -vohov- denotes apart, asunder (of objects put toge- ther); evohovaeo, they come apart (as shingles,flooring, which are spoken of as or.) evovohovšen they lie,come apart; evohovonatto, it breaks apart (anything around, cylindrical); evohovonattonsz (pl.); evohoveoz, it comes apart; navohovao vàzheme, we keep apart from each other; navohovaovo, I keep apart from one; evovohovo- heo, they come apart (as flooring). The reduplication of -vo designates plr.distributive meaning; naoninxa- nen, I take apart; -oninxana (in.), -oninxano (or.), also demolish; áešeozess nitovå nimesaatoneōsaneheme, apart from me, ye can do nothing, ye can do nothing, ye cannot prevail; hevaoáešeozetovess nimesaatoneōsaneheme, being apart from me,ye cannot prevail; emōsetto, apart, secretly; -mōs- inf. secretly; naemōseēsztovo, I speak apart, secretly. apathetic, esaanitomo tsané, one is apa., without feeling; to one C << S - - 47 APATHY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY APPAL ehózenitomo tsan, he is apa., cannot feel; màzhesta zsa- aomatôhan,an apa. heart; esaaxama-tonšetanoheonevé,he is apa.,simply indifferent. apathy, saanitomo tsanehestoz, ap., the having no feeling; saatonšetanoxtoz, ap., indifference. provatno po ape, n.hotamevostan, person dog; make-vostan, ape, monkey; make is corruption of the Eng.monkey. ape, v.nahoxeszeha, one apes, counterfeits me; voz ape, imitate in acts or gestures; this word is not a ver- bal f. but implies mimicking. See imitate. apex, honoc, apex, point; -tonocnanoss- extreme apex, ex- tremely (used as infix); hekamōnôon, apex, pinnacle, proda Ty gundulatin tip. apheresis (aphesis), is indicated in Ch. by the small ring (°) over vowel, as nitova, eszistovå, ax°- xev.. In other places the aphe.is shown by the apos- trophe,as: eēsz'neo for eēszèneo. The e or i of nouns ending in -estoz or -istoz -istoz becomes apocopated when they add more syllables, as: navostanehevestoz, my life; nivostanehevstonan. The vowels O and a in the syllables ox and ax become apocopated when more syl- lables are added, as: eēstax, he steps in; eestxeo, they step in; nistoxs, each becomes nistxeo =all. aphonia, hóze-ešehahestoz, not able to voice,hoarse. apiece, in the sense of each, every, is rendered by o and reduplication of first consonant in the word, as: to nasz =one; nonasz, one apiece; nononasz, one apiece (many times); noniš two to one; nononiš, two to each, two apiece; nonive, four to one; nononive, four each, apiece; nametonoz maxenoz, I give to one apples; namometonovoz, I give them each apples; nononasz maxem namometonov, I give to them an apple apiece. apologize, natamestomovo zehešhavsevo anetto, I will to one for my speaking bad; heto zehešhavse- veoxhetaz naevhaasetana, I take away what evil I had said to thee; naevhameseoz zehešhavsevoéaz, I repent, apologize, for havin illtreated thee; nahavsevoan e- tov, tätō,go and tell him that thou hadst spoken evil concerning him (lit. I spoke bad concerning thee,go and tell him) arithmetic, zeoxceōstonstov, the numbering, counting. ark, semonemhayo, the ark (boat-house); vistomōhane-ve- šeēseo,ark of covenant. [Navistomōhan, I make a covenant; vešeēseo =case]. arm a v.naheskovanen, I am armed (with weapons); nahesko- vaneoz, I become armed [from heškov =that which is thorny, pointed]. Formerly this ref. to bows, arrows, spears and knives. Nahemahatano, I am armed with a gun, have a gun; kao enoèn, he is armed with, carries revolver; namhonooxan, I am armed (provided with club or stones); emãesena, he is without arms, unarmed. arm, (weapon) n.heskovaneo (anything to stick or pierce with), heskovaneonoz (pl.); naheskovaneon, I have arms. See armor. = arm, n.maàz, the arm, maàzenoz (pl.); naàz, my arm; naàze- neva, in my arm (or arms) or in my hand; maàz-mazeno- ne,arm pit; natossenaevaena, I am long armed, overlong; natoksenaevaena, I am short armed; nahestatamōnasso, I cut his arm (at shoulder); ehãesenaevaena, he is long armed (one arm): ehathãesenaevaena, he is long armed (both arms); ekokaena, the arm is short,ref.to sleeve; nahenehavenaeva, I lift the arms; nahenehavenaevao, I stand with uplifted arms; nahenehavenaevàn, I walk with uplifted arms; nahenehavenaevaeno, I uplift one's arms; nazeenaeoe, I stand with outstretched arms; naheameze- enaeoe, I stand with arms outstretched upward; naan- hônaevao, I stand with downward arms; nahotxavenaevao, I stand with crossed arms; etamenaevaena, he has a stumped arm (is one armed); etotamenaevaena, he is arm- less (both arms stumped); ēsenaevaoxtoz, armhole (in sleeve), to which sleeve is attached; otaenaevaoxtoz, open arm hole, as in sleeveless vest; navešeàzenanoto, I sheath his arms, fitting closely, similar to gloving; namanoeàzenaeto, I tie, bind his arms, hands together; nahotameàzenaeto, I tie one's arm or hands behind his back; nanskoxtseno, I hold one in my arms; nanskoxtse- na (in.); naeénaevaena, I am with a broken arm; the inf.-naeva- with arm; the added sff.-ena is a verbal adj.form which denotes "provided with"; ohotomezis- tov,armful; eamōs, he stands with arms stretched for- wards, palms downward. [The same word may mean: he floats on, from -ões to be suspended]. - G Stat S S G armor, mahataeszehen, armor, coat of mail (lit. metal coat); mahataevsanistoz, armor, war dress; [mahata =metal, iron, + eszehen coat, shirt]. Meoevhoned, ar- mor [meo =warring honeō apparel]; makätaevhone on = armor,metal apparel; namahätaevhoneonaovo,I cloth him with armor; naeseonaoto mahätaevsanistoz, I put armor on one (lit. I sheath one the armor); namhätaevsaneno, I clad one with armor [from naēs'aneno, I clad one]; namahätaeszehenano, I coat one with armor; emahätaes- G J 56 ARMY ARRANGE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY name · SIGN zehena, he is provided with armor; mahätaeszehenàtoz, the being provided with a coat of mail. The Ch.proper "Mahataeszehen" is usually translated "Iron- Shirt". Nameoevsan, I am clad for war. See war. army, maxenokova-notxevestoz, [maxe large,+ nokova = collected in one, notxevestoz the being warrior (from notax warrior)]; emaxenokova-notxevetto, it is a great army; zeheszemēness hozeo heno txistov, the ar- my of the angels; t'sa zèmomeno enotxevstov, where dif- ferent army corps are; emaxhaenōheo, there is an army of them (they are a great many); emaxhaenonoensz (in.); zehetahenotxemetōess ehahaneoxtó, his whole ar- my, all his warriors, is approaching; Maheo zehenotxe- metōess, God's army (his warriors); - toess, my whole army, the whole of my warriors. aroma, pavemeeozistoz, good smelling. aromatic, epavemeeozistov, it is ar., of good smelling. around, nimaoetto, all around, on all sides (of a plane); ahāetto, around, in the sense of away from, a- voiding it; enimaōsta, it orbs around; enimaeoxz, he walks around; eahāeoxz, he walks around, making a byway; eahāeoxzeta, he walks around, passing it (Ger.umgehen); inf. -ahā- implies avoiding, keeping off; natâxtaeõe- tovon, we are around one (see circle, surround); noka- tãoheoneva etåxtanitaōmoeha, it is one mile around the water. [Sff. -ōmoeha refers to a body of water, from ō =not set,not solid + m =aggregation of]. m =aggregation of]. Etåxtaōmoe- ha, it is a body of water around, it is surrounded by water; etåxtaoneõeo, they stand around, encircling; tâxtaohoneōeo, they stand around, as a ring; naohonee- tovon, we sit in circle (ring) around one; tovon, we stand in circle (ring) around one. circle, surround. e- naohoneōe- See en- arouse, naseaovo, I arouse one (from rest, sleep, lethar- gy); emomátaeoz, one becomes aroused, angry; nata- kovetanoho, I arouse, provoke, anger one; nanàkasého, I ar.one to activity, industry; naševetanoho, I ar.one to diligence. arraign, eonōme hoemanemhayon, he is arr.in court, called to the law house; nitose onōmanheman's zehetaēs Maheo,we are to be arraigned before God; eonōmeo ze- toshoemaoevoss, they are arr.to be judged. Nha zeonōmsz hoemanemhayon, the one arraigned in court. arraignment, hovaeva zevešeonōms hoemanemhayon, thing with which one is brot to court. arrange, nahoxeanen, I arr.,put in order; hoxeana (in.), -hoxeano (or.); nahoxe exanen, I arr., prepare in order; nahoxeosan, I arr.place in order; nahoxetahos- an,I arr.set in order; navovetanen, I arr. get things ready beforehand; ehoxenono, it looks well arranged; naonoanen, I arr. straighten, settle things; onoana + M med << zehetähenotxemet- A K S K C the 57 ARRANGEMENT ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ARRIVE (in.),-onoano (or.); napevanen, I arr.,in the sense of repairing, making better (usually with inf. -evha-. See prepare, ready, agree. Naexhoemanheme zetosemohēox- zistove,we arr.that there be a meeting. [Naexhoeman I pass a law]. arrangement, hoxeanenistoz, hoxeexanenistoz, the arrang- ing; vovetanenistoz, the preparing; voveta- nazistoz, arrangement, preparation; onoanenistoz, the arr., straightening; evhapevanenistoz, arranging, re- pairing; tāma enethoeman, it is his arr., his law; ema- noexhoemanistove, there has been an arr.made. arrant, is expressed by inf.-ahan (e)- extremely, out- and-out; eahansenova, he is an arrant villain; e- ahanemashanē, he is an arrant fool; eahanatamae, he laughs extremely, genuinely (Fr.il se meurt de rire). array, v.navaxē, I am arrayed, dressed and painted; nava- xēno, I arr.one (or.); emxastovsan, he is arr. with the finest clothing (Ger.-mit der Fülle von Kleidern); enonotohoeo zistosemeoevoss, they stand arrayed for battle (they stand ready for warring); ehoxeotansz, they are arrayed, placed in order; nahoxeosan, I place in arr.; nahoxetahosan, I array, arrange upon, place in order upon something; ehoxetahota,it stands in array, well ordered; nahoxetahotana, I place it in array. array, n.ēšexhoneōeo, they stand in array, formed in line (see line, row); vaxēhestoz, array,ref.to dress and paint; mxastovsanistoz, arr, display of fine clothing; ehoxetahosanistov, it is an array, placed in order upon G W CAND P something. arrear, n. našenomaéo, I am in arr.,late, behind time; na- šenomaćom, we are in arr.; ešenomaéo, they are in arr.,behind time. arrest, v. matanāevèho ehestanā, one was arr., taken by the police [matan milk; see police]; natóhaēto, I arr. stop (as a horse). See stop. Nahessevaeno, I arr.seize one; nahessevaena, (in.). arrest, n.nxpaozistoz, the arresting, stoppage; hessevae- nazistoz, arr., seizure. arrival, hoènistoz, (from walking); hoeoxzistoz, arr., coming; hooxzistoz, arr.at home; heoēhestoz,arr. (with belongings); eheoēnov, there is an arr.; hooxzi- stoz, arr.with game; enoxtomoehestov, it is an arr.from hauling; monetochoeoxzistoz, immediate arr.; napeveta- no zehešhooxevoss, I am glad of their arr. home with game; napevetano zehešhooxzevoss, I am glad of their arr. home. Ca " I arrive, nahoèn, I arr from walking; nahoeoxz, I arr. come;;nahoeoe, Í arr.,am arriving; namonetochoèn, I have just arr.; nahoox, I arr.packing game; naheoē,I arr.with all my belongings; nahoeoe, I am arrived now; nanoxtomoē, I arr. from hauling; nahoešena, I am arriv- > Kateg 58 ARROGANT ARROW ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY arr.,disdain. ed, have attained; etaoeoz, it arrives, leads to (of a path); nahoxtamista (in.),nahoxtamo (or.) I arrive, attain,reach at; manxhoènetto, when it arrives; maeš- honexoveoz, when the time will have arrived, come; nao- novōhesz, I arr.with a boat, land on shore; naonove-to- hona, I arr. (to shore) by swimming. arrogance, menoxcetazetanoxtoz, arr.,haughtiness; menohestoz, arr., pride; menoxcepeosanistoz, arrogant, eohāmenoheoneve, he is arr.,overbearing; noxcetazetan, he is arr., haughty; emenoxcepeos- zehešohaheneeno- an, he is arr., disdainful and proud; vaevatamàz eoxcemenoxcetazetanotovo zenitäziss, deem- ing himself very learned he is arr. towards others; oxtosešeavaozistovesz maeto eoxcevovoeam'netton's me- noxcetazetanoxtoz, where there is be a fall, there goes before hand the arrogance. arrow, mahe (sg.), māhoz (pl.); namahe, my arr. namoxoxzZ =my flint arr.; namāhean our arr (sg.); namāhea- noz, our arr. (pl.); maheveva, by an arr.; nahemäheve, I have an arr; nimahenan, our arr.ref. to sacred arrows owned by the Ch. They are mysterious,religious sym- bols, greatly venerated by all the Ch. They are said to have been given to the tribe by their ancient pro- phet or leader. His name was Nizhevoss (Eagle's nest or peak), but from his charater and relations to the tribe his agnomen became Mozeeoeve =Sweet-Root-Mede- cine. This root is used to increase the flow of the human milk. Mozeeoeve was the spiritual father, his teaching was the milk for the tribe to grow by. The venerated arrows were given by him as symbols, to crystalize his teachings and make them more tangible. The arrow shaft (because made of wood) represents the people; the feathers symbolize the spirit world; the flinty arrow points are the emblems of incorruption, health, fire and eternity; the fur enwrapping the four arrows represent the "animate" being who holds within himself all that which the arrows stand for. Usually once in a year, the "bundle" is unwrapped after pre- liminary ceremonies. Any adult male member of the tribe may make an appeal to these arrows, when a great trouble of some sort has befallen him or some one of his blood. After the appeal has been made, the devotee makes а ceremonial visit to the different camping places of the tribe and gathers votive offerings. At the same time he receives the preliminary instruc- tions from a priest. After one or several months of preparation, the arrow gathering is held. This gather- ing is called "hoetonestoz"; the devotee is called "hoetoneševahe"; ehoestoneševa =he makes an offering (to the arrows); maxhoetonstov, when the arrow worship to -- ohae- eme- M S A V S - : 59 ARTERY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ARTICULATION takes place; emeaevaxeva,he occasions an arrow an arrow wor- ship; hooton, reunion of the sacred arr.; ehootonstov, the arr. worship takes place. Moxozz zehoestavēsz, fiery arrow points; esaahemahestovhan, there is no ar- row; ehestoena, he draws (the arr.or bow); mahe esaa- moxoxzevhan, the arr. is not provided with a tip (flint point); emoxoxzeve, it is tipped with flint; namāhe epóno, my arr. has no point; namāhe namoxotaoz, I provide my arr.with flint point; māhe enševao, the arr.flies swiftly; noko amestov, one arr.shot (in mea- suring distance =about 400 yards); zevovokỏ mahe bare arr., not tipped nor feathered; namatôs I am out of arrows; namatohamenoz, I spend all my arr; ehèpse- va, it shoots (arr.) beyond the mark; evavanoxseo, it shoots (arr.) whirling; naexoovoeta, I provide the ar- row with feathers; napenosoxta namahe, I chew the end of my arr.; hakosoevoz, round pointed arrows (bullet head); paosevoz, blunt arrows (having a ball-like head or being hemispherical); pâsevota, thick end arrow; ponoevozz, blunt pointed arr. (popinjay head); heškose- voz, sharp pointed arr. (not tipped); penosevoz, chewed point arr.; [These arrows are mentioned in tales and are attributed to have killing power, possibly they were poisoned by the saliva or otherwise]. Motaxce- voz, tipped with steel points; vāstavoxoz, tipped with barbed heads; maxamoxoz, stone tipped. Mahe eōéa, the arrow alights; māhe eōstáo, the arr. alights and re- mains suspended (as on a tree); mahe eséao, the arr.a- lights into the water; etonovhõesta māhoz nehanēva, the arrows were thick on the lake (it was thick with arrows upon the lake). Kam M S S artery, mazhemaeme. artful, eohāoxzezeve, one is artful, cunning. artfulness, ohãoxzezevestoz. (in artichoke, hoenoxkon (also sweet potatoes). articulate, enonaoseēsz, he articulates distinctly speech); enonāoxtoan, he art., pronounces dis- tinctly. Inf. -nonā- at a time. The distinct articu- lation in speech is considered old and good Cheyenne and is conserved among older people and in ceremonial language. See plain. articulation, nonāoseēszistoz,distinct art. (in speech), slow,distinct pronunciation; nonāoxtoanis- toz,distinct, good articulation, pronunciation [the antonym is: enonotoveēsz, one speaks with hurry, not clearly]. Honaéonahestoz, art. (any form of joint in the body); zexhonaéonahestov, where there is an arti- culation; hotonaéonahestoz, articulations, joints, the "several-jointing" [reduplicative form]; zehešhonaéo- naevoss, where they are jointed; mahàz zexhonaotto, hand joint, articulation of the wrist. See joint. S M G S 60 ARTLESS ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ASCEND artless, ehōspoxzeve, one is artless, fails to be crafty. as, tass, as, as if (not real). [Rad.tass is found in mà- tass, scalped man (still living) and màtasoom spirit]. Tass....hapo,as. ,as....so; tasse vezen, just as; zista- pref gov.the sub.cj. as, at the time when; zi- staešemesēs, as he had eaten; zistaaseoxz, as he left; zeheše- sub.pref. =as, since; zehešeaseoxz,as, since he left; homōxz, as, for instance; zehexov-....-nexov, as....as, in the degree....so; zehexovepevaes nanexov- ae, I am as good as he is (lit.as he degrees being good so do I); zehetā-....-nitā—.... =as. so (ref. to size,area, reach, amount); zehetaehozeohes nanitāho- zeohe, I work as much as he does (lit.as he amounts in working, so do I). From above examples it is seen that zehe- as, (in zeheše-, zehetā, zehexov-); when follow- ed by inf. -nexov-, -neše-, -nitā in the dependent clause, has a comparative meaning; zeheševostanehevez eneševostanehevo, as we live they live; inf. -taestov- =as well, as much as, nataestovõemo, I am as much worth as he is; tass hama, as if (wondering, guessing); tass hama ehovanē! as if he were gone! I wonder if he is not gone;tass hama emese, as if he were eating, he must be eating! Home evås, as if, supposing;hoomeevås ehāmox tasz, supposing he be sick hoomeevås-hetomsz, suppos- ing he be true; zezhestasso, such as they are (or.), zezhesōsz, such as those (in.). See such. Inf. -tatóm- eše- -as soon as, usually in combination with pref.ze- or zis-; zistatomešenaeoz, as soon as he was dead; ma- ešemesēsz zetatomeaseoxz, as soon as he has eaten he will leave; zetäš (from zetaheš-) =as, during the time, while; zetäšeneoxz, as, while he was Some- gone. times infixes become detached and add sff.-noxz, deno- ting as,e.g.-hece-, easily, quietly, becomes hecenoxz = as easily, easily-like; hotoanatanoxz,as difficult;ve- haenoxz, as old; inf. -ox- otherwise, tho, is used for "as" in the sense of however (expressing a conces- sion),e.g.zeoxpeva nasaahoahe, as good as it is, I do not like it; zeoxhavsevaesz ešivatama Maheon, however bad he be, he is pitied by God; na tama, as for (whe- ther me, thee, one, us, you or them), is specified by the subj.of the sentence, e.g.na tāma napevetano, as for me I rejoice; na tāma eanovetano, as for them they are sad; na tāma nitoshozeoheme, as for you, you are going to work; navhestamo =navesshes tamo, and navesshestata- no, I am as he is (ref.to stature, condition); navess- hestatana, I am as it is, conform to it. Zenhestavoss vostaneo hapo zenhesta vonhätan, as the people are, so will be the priest; zhestas zevovistomosansz zenhesta zevovistomo esso, as the teacher so the pupils. ascend, eéènsz, one asc., steps one asc., steps upward; eéèn'netto, it asc. [from é upward, upright; eéa, it stands up- K M K M C C < S C S J M T 61 ASCENDABLE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ASIDE right; eéax, one runs upward; eéões, one floats upward; eohaetto,it asc.,rises; emaxohaeneo venotaeše, it was ascending, a great smoke (Reflect.m.); eheameoxz, one asc.above, to heaven; nataéoxz eseome, I asc., go up the hill; eéomao, it is ascending ground; eohāenšev-éomao, it is very ascending (steep) ground; eéšeō, vapor is ascending; eheamehá, he ascends (flying); eheamehatto, it is ascending (flying upwards). ascendable, eéènistov, it is asc.; eéaxistov, asc.by run- eéoxzis- ning; eéōesenàtov, asc.by floating; tove, it is asc. ascension, ascent, éènistoz; éaxistoz (by flight run- ning); éoxzistoz, asc. going up; éōesenàtoz, asc. (by floating); heameoxzistoz, asc., the going K C above. ascertain, ooseš nataešheneena zehesso, I ascertain it, (lit.in truth I will know what it is; naonis- nataešpavhe- tazesta eohetom, I test the truth of it; neena eoešenāeoz na mo hovahan, I will asc.(know well) whether he died or not; nataešpavheneena zehexovõems, I ascertain his worth (also nataešpavheneenovo); eta- ascertained about one ešhetomeme, the truth has been Kate (or.and in.). ascribe, zèmans ehesshamoxta nahešetanome, we ascribe his being sick to his drinking (lit. that he drank, he is sick from, we think). The Ch.language an attributive m., see Ch.gr. has ash, motó, ash tree (Fraxinus Americana). ash, pä powder; hoestapä, ashes (fire-powder); vohome- pä, white ashes; mahaxcepä, old ashes, clinkers. [This háe word obviously is derived from the rad.hâe and burning; the letter p denotes a crushing, pressing to =crushed to powder by pieces, powder; thus pháe or pä heat or fire]. Pä zèveota,ash-pan or ash-pit; zehone- ta pä, heap of ashes; mahaxce-pä zehoneta, pile of old ashes. Karang) be ashamed, nataneheztovo, I am ash.of one (or.),natanehez- ta (in.); natanehe, I am ash. [natanevazesta, I deem it a shame]; natanehesého, I cause one to ash.;natanehevomotâ,I am ash.for one. See shame. ashen, päea ehesso it is ashen, ash-like; vohomepäea nešenōhe, he looks ashen, like white ashes. the nano- aside, eama, at the side; eama meo, at the side of road; nohémeon, aside of the road; inf. -nohé- -a- side,from, astray from; nanohéoz, I become aside, as- tray; nanohétan, I am aside in thot, distracted; nanohénosého, I hévoēta,I act aside (from the good); cause one to go astray; nanohéoxz, I go aside, astray; nanohéohe, I turn aside, astray; nanohéna, I put it side,apart; inf.-nime- aside, to one side, deviating from a perpendicular or horizontal line in a widening a- W e- Go CON 62 ASK ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ASK 2 angle; naasetanen, I put it aside; -asetana (in.), -asetano (or.); inf.-áe-, áeš-,-oáeš- aside by self; see apart; eáehoe, he is aside (by himself); zeheše- aseēnanom nitao, having put aside (laid aside) every- thing; emōsetto, aside, as not to be heard, secretly; emōsetto eneševe, he does it aside, secretly; inf. -aà- ze- aside, besides, at the same time; eaàzeosen, he has aside, he "besides" (Ger.erübrigen) e.g. epavenasoenôo na eaàzeoseneo, they have well enough (to eat) and to aàzevetto of enonotovsešsz, aside spare; this he drinks; oxsecetto namehahoe, aside of me there was no one (lit.perfectly alone I was); áeš naēnana etov, I put it aside, apart for thee; eáešēnane nitovå, it is put aside, apart for me; maxemenoz eoáešēnanensz, the apples are put aside, apart. ask, navēstomosan, I ask of; navēstomohe, I am asking of; vēstomosanistoz, the asking of; navēsta, I ask for it; [not to be confounded with navista, I promise it and navēsta, my temple (of head)]; navēmo, I ask for one; vēmosanistoz, the asking for; navēstomevo, I ask it of one; navēstomevonoz, I ask those (in.) of one; navēstomevonotto, I ask them (or.) of one; vēstomeva- zistoz, the asking of one; navēstomoenoz, I ask for one (to have him); nivēmaz, I ask concerning, for thee; ni- vēstomoetovaz, I ask for thee (to have thee); naoen, I ask entreat, pray; nahaoen, nahaôn, I entreat, pray (is the word commonly used when not combined with infixes or other verbal forms); nahaôna, I am asking (in pray- er, entreaty); hevehestovå navešhestoen, I ask, entreat with (in) his name; Ehan navešhestoenatovamo Hēhya hevehestovå, I ask, entreat God with (in) the name of His Son; navēstomovo, I ask for it,his; eaanenòztanoz, he ask those (in.) to be his property; nanòzesta, I ask,question about it; nanòztovo,I ask, question one; nanòzemo,I ask, question concerning one (or.); nanòz- tomovo,I ask, question it his; nanòztomevo,I ask, ques- tion for it his; nanòztovamo, I ask, question him, his e.g. hehya nanòztovamo, I question his son; nanòztavō- vo,I ask,question one, by look or sign; nòztastoz, the asking, questioning; naenòztovo, I ask questions of one; [rad. nòz is closely related to inf. -nox- and -noxz- =seeking after]. See question. Namooto, I ask, invite one to a meal; nanethoaztomon, it is asked, re- quired of me; paveamàtàtoz ninethoaztomōenon, he asks, requires of us good obedience; nahethoaztome vo hevox- ca, I ask, require his hat; nahozetan, I am asked to do for one; heto nitao nitsehozetanenon, all this we are asked to do; Maheo zehoz(es)tomōez esaahotoanattane- hez', what God asks us to do is not hard; zetohetaho- z(es) tomonez or zetohetāhozetanez, all that is asked of us to do, our duty; enahan zehethozeto, this is - J M Nigga S 63 ASKANCE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ASPIRATE what I ask him to do; nanethozetan heto hoxaônestoz,I am asked to do this bead work. askance, ehešksenō, he looks ask. ;natotazenetovo, I look ask.,disdainfully at one. [From -taze disdain- fully -(e)ne countenance, face]. + eēveoanaxaenom, aslant, eamstota, it sits aslant; zeamsetto, that which is aslant, athwart; enovoxeo, he writes aslant (see tilted, bevel); eamsenovoxeo, it is written aslant across; enovohénevatova, it radiates light aslant; e- amshénevatovãoz hotoma mhayo, a ray of light aslant the room (within the house). asleep, eotoešenom, one is sound asleep; naméovo zènaoz, I found one asleep; epevenom, he is well asleep; he is settled asleep, he sleeps leisurely emeoavenomhoe, he sits half asleep. See drowsy, sleep. aspect, zehešenono, its as., the way it looks; zehešenōs, one's (or.) as.; zehetaeonitavenono natotaōha- zesta, I study its different aspects; naōhazesta ze- hešeonitavatamano, I study the different aspects weather, nature. asperity, saamomenovahestoz, without agreeableness; ma- táetàtoz, as.,toughness, harshness [from matá = cactus]; venhastoz, as., sourness, crabbedness. See sour, harsh. Heškonastoz, asperity, `grating,stinging; heškovoaestoz, as., grating; pepeastoz, as., roughness (not smooth); niheneenanon zehešemämatáe nivostane- hevstonnan, we know that our life is full of asperity, harshness. of gan S giadani asperse, nahéemotsan, I asp. [taking water or medecine in mouth and forcing it out in spray form]; na- héemotomo, I asp.one (with mouth); nahéemotoxta, I asp. it (with mouth); nahéemōvoxz, I asp., besprinkle it; nahéemovoto, I asp., besprinkle one (or.). See sprinkle. Naaestome-momaxemo, I asp., slander one. aspersion, aestome-momaxemazistoz, asp., slanderous re- port; héemotsanistoz, asp., besprinkling (with mouth); héemõvotazistoz,asp.besprinkling; héemotoma- zistoto, the ingredients used for mouth asp.,usually medicinal or sweet scented herbs; nāesevosz, certain herbs used in ablutions (consisting mostly in asper- sions from the mouth) by the priests or doctors. asphyxia, nxpotomeozistoz (from dust or vapors); tomeōstâestoz, asp. by heat, suffocation. [From close,bar + -omotom breath]. nxpo- nxp asphyxiate, enxpotome oz, he becomes as.; enxpotomeōstâe, he as., suffocates. M C Gy S aspirant, n.nha zehe thoahesz, the one who runs for; na- hethoaheztovo,I am an asp. for her. aspirate, v.navèpeēstonaesz, I as., utter with [from vèp hollow + estona pharinx + -ēsz breathing - to 64 ASPIRATE ASSEMBLE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY gmama "lip" =speak]. aspirate, adj. vèpeēstonaēszistoz, asp. speech. This we represent by the grave accent over vowels. aspire, nahozeovõsetan, I asp., hope; nahoešenatan, I asp. desire to reach within a place; nahe thoahezta, I asp., run for it; nahessàz, I asp. inspire, inhale. ass, vohooxta (large), vohokoxta, donkey; vohokoxtaeson, young donkey (Fr.ânon); toxtoe-vohooxta, wild ass. assail, naaeozetovo, I ass., rush at one; naaeozeta, I ass.it; nimasóaeozetõeneo, they ass. us suddenly; nanhaéōenon hamoxtastoz, sickness assails us, collides with us; heovasz zehesso havs nahoehota, all kinds of evil assail me. assassin, nasenehe, killer; zenasensz, the one who assas- sinates; nitoenahane, ass., ass., murderer (killing blood relations); hoxovsé, assassin. This name desig- nates the murderer ostracized by the tribe. assassinate, enasen, one ass.,kill; enaho, he ass.one; e- nitoenahan, he ass. a blood relation. The killing of friends or blood relations is considered murder among the Ch. and the murderer was ostracized by the whole tribe. The killing of an alien or an enemy was a manly virtue. Thus nanaho, I kill one and nanitoenaho, I murder, assassinate one. assassination, nitoenahanestoz,nasenistoz. assault, see assail, attack. assemblage, mohēanenistoz, ass., collecting; zemanoĕesso, the assemblage (of people), their being gathered together; manoēhestoz, the assembling; manoha- stoz,ass., the being united together; nitovastoz, ass. the being as one, compacted together; nokovanenistoz, the assembling into one; mohēoxzistoz, the assembling, coming together;nokova-mamovanenistoz, the assembling, bringing into one, of different parts; mohẽaovoha- mestoz, ass.of horses, cattle or sheep; mohenoōvanenis- toz, the assembling of water; mohenoōvaozistoz, the ass.of waters nitovōmoehàtoz, the assemblage of waters together; emaxemohētaneve, there is a great ass., mul- titude (of people); see gather; emohee šemeàtovensz,it is an assemblage of gifts. assemble, namohēanen, I ass.,gather; -mohēana (in.),-mo- heanō (or.pl.); nanitovanen, I ass. make to be one fold;nanokovanen, I ass., make to be one; namanoha- na,I ass.to one bunch; namanoēme, we bunch together, ass.; namohēoxzheme, we ass.come together; nanokova- namohĕao- mamo vanō, I ass., bring them (or.) together; 1---5 M K V S voham, I ass. the stock; emohēnoōvanen, he ass. the wa- ters; emohēnoōvaozistov, the waters are assembled.See gather, together. Namohēozō, I bring them together; ze- mohēènesso, those (or.) who have assembled, come toge- ther; zèmehanonokanevoss naevhanokovanō, from their K g July 65 ASSEMBLY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ASSISTANT assem- being dispersed, I made them to be together again (as one). See gather, collect, organize. Nahoxpoanen, I ass. in a package; -hoxpoana (in.),-hoxpoano (or.pl.). assembly, zeamonehoesso, those sitting present; mohēox- zistoz the assembly, gathering; hemanohastov ze- xanovevostanehevesso, the assembly of the righteous; hemomenohastovevo zeto vostaneo, the different blies, groups of these people. See crowd, multitude. assent, naamàta, I ass., consent to it; -amàtovo, (or.). See agree. Eōmaeš =he does not assent (lit.he shakes his head in dissent). assert, t'se enhesso it is indeed so; t'sē enhesso na- heve, I assert that it is so, (lit.it is indeed so, I say); tsẽ ehetomo, it is indeed true; t'sē eheto- må naheve, I assert, say that it is true indeed; t'sē nahetom, I assert, certainly I am true; nahetomesta, declare it true; nahetomemo (or.). T'sē indeed, deci- dedly,determinedly, purposely. assess, navèhoevhõesta, I ass., count it as "white man"; navèhoevõemo, I ass.one,count him as citizen. assessment, vèhoevōemazistoz,ass., the counting as white man. Mak M P H assiduity, ótsetanoxtoz, ass. in thots, disposition; ótse- hestoz, ass.; ótseheonevestoz, ass., (in char- acter); nàkastoz, ass., industry. Inf. -6ts- endeavor- ing,long and faithfully continued; ševetanoxtoz,ass., diligence. K eót- assiduous, adj. eótsetan, one is ass., endeavoring; seheoneve, one is zealous; eótsevhoena, he prays assiduously; eševetan, one is ass.,diligent; ót- sehe, the assiduous one; eohānàkae, one is very industrious (Ger.arbeitsam). 2SS., assign, see appoint,allot. assist, naomotao, I ass., stand for one; navistämo, I ass.,help one; navistämota (in.); nahōnevoto, I ass.,defend one; navistamaozetovo, I ass., am on his side; nahevistamenoz, I have one to assist me; nahe- vistametova, he has me to ass.him. assistance, omotsanistoz, the assisting; omotaàzistoz, mutual ass., aid; vistämazistoz, ass., help; vistamaozetovazistoz, ass., the being on one's side; zèvistamaozetōs nahessevostane vhan, for his ass. I was saved; nasaahevistämazistov, I have no ass.; esaaveše- vistämazistovhan, it is of no ass. See help. assistant, nha zevistämosansz, the one who ass., zeomotsansz, the one who ass., aids; vistämose- ne, vistäozeo, vistaoseo, ass., helper; omotsene, ass., stand by; nahevistamenoz, I have one for ass., to stand with me; heva Maheo mxhevistametčez, tah niva emetone- õetaez? If God be for us (our ass., stand by) who will prevail against us? See helper. Visthoze, co-servant, helps; Ma 66 ASSOCIABLE ASSORT ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY · assistant in work. associable, eveàzistov, it is ass.; esaaveàzistovhan, it is not ass. associate, v.naveàz, I ass.with; eveàzetto,it ass.with; esaaveàzettan, it does not ass.with; navesse- vo, I ass., am with one; navesseneševe, I ass.with in doing; nanhestavonoeve, I ass. with, am of the same class; navisthozezeve, I ass. with, am an accomplice; navesthozeohemo, I ass.with one in working; navistoē- ta,I ass.with in doings, performances; navistoētamo, ass.with him to perform; navesthoena emo, I ass.with one in prayer; navhestanovemo, I ass, with them, live with them as a tribe or nation; navistōmo, I ass.with, marry one. The rad. -vess(e)- and -vest- or -vist- before aspirates denotes association; nanooēta, I ass. with, am connected with doings; enóonetto,it ass.with, connects, relates with, to. See connect, relate. Inf. -nitov associated, in common. associate, n.navessevōn, my ass., also navessevaōn, my ass.,consort; navessevōnam, my ass., companion; nahevesse võnamenoz, he is my ass.; nahevessevaōnetova, I am his ass.; naveoxzemačn,my ass., companion. These expressions imply company, going together. The inf. -nitov- denotes "in common" as a concern (in busi- ness); enitoveaenanov heto hoxtovamhayon, they are ass. common); na- in the store (lit.they own the store in nitovame heto hozeohestovå, we are associates in this work; vistaoseo,ass.,helper. See companion, assistant, fellowship. Niahane zeto zeves thozeze vemo, this is the one, my associate, accomplice; zevistōmo, my ass. in mar- riage; zevistoētamo and zenooētamo, the one, my ass., in doings, performances. The inf. -noo- denotes "connect- ed with"; zevesthoenaemon, my associates in prayer; zevesthozeohematao, thy associates in work, zevessemxi- stonemaésse, your school associates. Malign I added G W V association, manohastoz, ass., congregation; notxestoz, ass. of warriors; éōstaenotxestoz, ass.of christians; éōstaemanohastoz, ass., company, organiza- tion of christians; nitovetanoxtoz, ass.of thot, in the sense of common, together; nóonetanoxtoz, ass. of thot, in connection; nóonetanoxtovå enahan zevešheneenom, by thot connection, association I know it; emanohastove, it is an ass.,a grouping together; emomenohastov, it is in several groups or associations; nitovhoxto- vazistoz, ass. in trade; nahoxznetan hemanohastov, I want to join their association. assort, namomenohanen, I assort in groups [-momen- =by bunches, -momenohana (in.), -momenohano (or.)]; namomen-oáehananoz, I ass.them (in.) in groups by them- selves. [-0áe-,-oáeš- by self, apart; see apart]; e- momen-oáehoeo, they stand assorted, in groups for them- 67 ASSORTMENT ASTONISHMENT ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY selves,e.g. sp.of dry goods. assortment, momenohastoz, the ass., grouping in several classes or bunches; heto zèmomenohanevosz vèhoheškovohestotoz nasaapevaztohe, I do not like this assortment of needles; momenokov, several ass.; nokov one ass.,bunch, package of (in.); nishov, two ass. of the same kind. S assuage, naonaxano, I ass.,soothe one; nahaomoxtoého, I ass., appease, comfort one; eoaneoz, one (in. and or.) becomes assuaged, calmed down; naoanomoxta, I feel ass.,alleviated. See appease, abate, pacify. Naoanoe và- toe, I ass. by advice; -oanoevàta (in.), -oanoevamo (or.). Nahòpetanooz, I become ass., see lenient. assume, eoneetan, he is assuming, particular; evhanezis- toxtoetan, he merely ass. conjectures; hoomeevås ehamoxtasz, assuming that he be sick, suppose that he....; ēšokome se nahess tamo, I ass.that he has eaten (lit.he cannot fail to have eaten, I think of him); e- hamoxtaeman, he ass., pretends to be sick. See pretend. Evhanetaometan, he simply ass. Inf. -zistoxtoe- and -toxtomone- assumingly; etoxtomoneēsz, he speaks as- sumingly. assumption, vhanetaometanoxtoz, mere ass., opinion; onee- tanoxtoz, ass., fastidiousness; vhanezistox- toetanoxtoz, mere ass.conjecture. assurance, hozeovōsetanoxtoz,ass.confidence, hope; heo- vosetanoxtoz, ass., confidence; hestahàtoz, ass., heartedness (Ger. Beherzigkeit); hēstahaovazistoz, mutual ass. heartening; niheovosehoxovista- vame, you travel with ass. Inf.-heovos(e) with confi- dence. Nietamstahàtoz, ass. of heart; momehemazistoz, ass.in words. ass., assure, G Wa T Kalenda nahozeovosemo, I ass.one, make him hopeful; naho- zeovoseto, I ass. one by promise; nahēstahaovo, I ass., hearten one; namomehememo, I ass. to one (in words); naheovosetanoho, I keep one assured, hopeful. assuredly, ooseš, in truth. asthma, nxpotomevomoxtastoz, choking sickness; tomevomoxta, he has asthma. astir, ešešeoz, one is astir, awake. astonish, inf.-otōs- astonishing; eotōsetan, he is as.; eotōhesso, it is as.; naotōstazesta, I deem it astonishing; naotostatamo, I deem one as.;eotõstatama- no,it is an astonishing, marvellous sight (of scenery, nature); eotōseēsz, one speaks astonishingly; esaaton- šeotōhesshan, it cannot be astonishing. See marvel, wonder. Eotōsevoēta, one acts, does astonishing perfor- mances. S S enxpo- Ma T te astonishment, otõesetanoxtoz,ast. (mental); otōstastoz, as. (state); otõstatamaestoz, the being an as.; otōstatamanohestoz, astonishing sight (in nature 68 ASTOUND AT ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY 1. A or vista); otōsevoētastoz, ance. See wonder. eoox- astound, namasóotosetano oz, I become as.; naohaetano oz, I am as., become alarmed; naotōstahaoz, I become naohāō- as.(in my heart); eohaōo, he looks astounded; mo, I look at him astounded; eohaōxta, he looks at it as., surprised; eohãotōene, he looks as., surprised, frightened; eséhoveoz, one is as. surprised. See sur- prise. astray, adj.naooxseoz, I become astrayed; naooxsenosého, I cause one to go astray; naooxsetan, I am astray (mental); naooxsetanoho, I keep one astray (mental); naooxsevostaneheve, I live astray. Ooxseozistoz, the becoming astray; ooxsetanoxtoz, the being astray (men- tal); ooxsetanohazistoz, the keeping astray; ọoxseno- sohestoz, cause of going astray; ooxsevostanehevestoz, going astray in living (Ger.verfehltes Leben); sevovistomosan, one teaches astray, at variance; ooxse- vovistomosanistoz, heterodox teaching; ooxsevovistome- vazistoz,heterodox doctrine; eooxsevoēta, he acts at. variance with, astray from; ooxsevoētastoz, heterodox doing. [Rad. -OOXS- is derived from oxs =elsewhere and denotes "at variance, different, not at the place, not normal, strange". The Greek heteros is the Ch. ooxs]. Inf. -nohé- aside from, swerving from; enohé - oz, he turns astray from; nanohétan, I turn as.from (mental); nanohévoēta, I act swerving from, go as.in my doings; enohépavevostaneheve, he turns as. from the right living; nohéozistoz, the turning astray; nohé- tanoxtoz, astray in thot, distraction; nohévoētastoz, astray, wrong doing. Inf. -von- astray in the sense of lost; evoneoz, one is as., lost; navoneozeham, my horses went as.,are lost; navonetan, I forget, am as.in thot. See lose, forget. astride, natahoenoz, I am as. of (or.); natahoeta, I am as.of it. See ride. astonishing deed, perform- See stars. astute, eohãoxzezeve, he is very astute, shrewd; oneve, one is as.,deceitful. astuteness, ohāoxzezevestoz; ōceheonevestoz,as. fulness. asunder, see apart. G astronomer, vostan zeoxcheneenovoss hotoxq, a person who knows the stars. In former days the Ch. had men, priests who knew more about the stars than others, and had names for different constellations. C << eccehe- S at, has no exact equivalent in Ch. As a rule the vowel "e" denotes the prepositional meaning of "at" in the sense of a point in space, within the limits of, in the direction of, in reference to; (ref.to or.),hén,that one (ref.to in.); né- that one sétov,at the 69 ATHEISM ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ATONE center; natazeoxz, I go there at; natahemese, I am "at" going to eat. Napeosan I dislike; napeosen, I do dis- like, am at disliking; napevoého = I am at doing good to one; napevoēta =I am at doing good; naenòztovo, I am at, asking questions of one; eeveesz, one is at, en- gaged in speaking; evehōmo, he is at seeing one; ohe, river; ohé, at the river; vehoeom, square tent; véhoeo- mē, at the square tent; vehoneom, the chief's lodge; vehoneomē, at the chief's lodge; nataehoe, I am going to live at. Pref.ze- used extensively in the sub.form of the v. that which, the one who (pointing, indicat- ing at). "At", in the sense of added, prolonged, extend- ed, belonging to, within, adhering, is rendered by "h"; nahoeoxz, I come at, arrive; nahoenoe, I mend, add to,at; nahevehōmo, I am at going to see one; nahemhayon, I have a house; navoešetanoho, I am at rejoicing one, (Ger.ich erfreue ihn). atheism, éztomohestoz zehešhenēhovstovS tanoz, K madaly Maheo, denial that God has a being, personality; oxsaaonisyom- atamēsz Maheo, the non belief in God. atheist, esaaonisyomatamohe Maheon, he is an at., does not believe in God; eéztomohe zehešhenēhovsto- vez' Maheon, he denies that God has an existence; e- saamaheonané, he is atheist. athirst,nha zehaōnsz, he who is athirst; nha zeohāmane- he who is athirst, wants to drink. See thirst. Ehaōneta, he is thirsty for it (fig.). atmosphere, omotom,at.,air; taxtaom, the surrounding at.; setovoom, the middle at.; otatavoom, blue sky; [these expressions are connected with ceremo– nials]; the sff. -om denotes sphere, region of; -mano ref. to atmosphere, air, nature, scenery, vista, e.g. e- pevatamano, the at.is clear, or fine; eoxkossemano, the at.is of brownish tint, when the horizon all around becomes darkly hazed; eheoveatamano, the at.is yellow- ish tinted; emaeatamano, the at.is of a reddish tint; eoveoatamano, the at. is clouded, it is a cloudy at. weather; evenotamano and evenotavōma, the at. looks smoky; eanstaešeeve, the at. is hazy [from anstaeš = haze, trailing mist on lower ground. See weather, cloud]. Sff. -mano ref.also to quality, situation, con- dition, conceived collectively, and has a similar mean- ing to the Eng.sff. -ful in expressions like: it is dreadful, beautiful, awful. See full. atone, nahestoomen, I at., suffer on account; [hesse from, because of +oomen suffer]; nahestoomeoého, I cause one to atone; nahestoomenetovo,I at. for one, on his account; nahestoomeneta, I at.for it; also used in the tr.as: ehestoomenenov tāma hesthavsevevo, they themselves atoned (for) their sin.; nahestoomenevomo- tâ, I atone in one's place. C ( C g 1 70 ATONMENT ATTEND ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ; atonment, hestoomeneto vazistoz,at.; hestoomene-vovēhe- vàtoz,at., ransom by suffering; hestoomene-vovē- hevavomotxe vàtoz,at.,expiation for [from hestoomen suffer for + vovēheva = ransoming + vomotxevàtoz substitute, in place for]. See suffer. atrocious, eahanemomeztomazistov, it is a cruel, atro- cious doing; eahanemomeztovoētastov, it is an atrocious deed, act; see cruel. atrocity, momeztovoéhazıstoz, atrocity, cruelty; ahanemo- meztovoéhazistoz, an atrocious act; ahanemomez- tomazistoz, atrocity. attach, enóonetto, it is attached to, related, connected; nanóonena, I attach it, connect it; see tie, bind. attack, v.eaeoz, one attacks; naaeozetovo,I att.one; na- tōeoavo, I att.one, rush at one to fight; namenha- òno,I att., challenge one (Inst.m.); namenhaōstòno, I att.,challenge one instantly; namenhaen, I am attack- ed; namenhae, one attacks me; namenhaovatan, I desire to att. challenge; tahemenhaehå, go,attack him! Inf. -ševeas- attacking in the sense of beginning with will,diligence;naševeashozeohe, I att.,begin my work. attack, n.aeozistoz; tõeoaovazistoz, att., rushing at; menhaônestoz, att., challenge. a attain, nahoxtamista, I att., overtake it; nahoxtamo (or.) ehoxtame, it is overtaken; nahóeš, I att., am able, capable; nahóešena, I have att ehóešetto,it att.; esaahóešettan, it does not att.,is unattainable; nahỏešemo, I enable one, make him att.; esaahóešemehan, it cannot be attained. M << attainable, ehoxtamestov, it is attainable, can be over- taken; ehóešeme, it is att.; ehóešenàtov, it is att.; esaahóešemehan, it is not att. attainment,hoxtamestoz, att., the overtaking; hóešenàtoz, att., ability to reach; hoešemazistoz, the making one attain. attempt, v.is rendered by inf. -onis (e)- trying, test- ing; naonishene enovo, I att., try to know one; naoniseneševe, I att. to do; naonistoēta, I am one who att. to act, perform; toanoxa onisetto, let it be at- tempted, tried! See try, test. Inf. -6tse- denotes at- tempt in the sense of striving, endeavoring. See these words. attempt, n.oniseztastoz, att., trial, test; onisetanoxtoz, att. (mental); ótsetanoxtoz, attempt, endeavor (mental); ótsehestoz, the att.striving. See trial. attend, nameemesz, I att.to, take care of it; nameemého, I att.to, take care of one; navovònethozeohetovo zehāmoxtasz, I att.to, minister unto the sick one; vesshooxz maheonemhayo, I (with) attend the church: navostaneheon, I am attended, live not alone; navosta- neheovo, he is attended by me, lives not alone, I live C C - - na- 71 ATTENDANCE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ATTRACT eves- with him; enoane, it is attended by,with it there is; xamavostanehevestoz enoane hoto anatto, the life of the Indians is attended with hardships; vèhoemàpemanistoz enoane hamoxtastoz, drinking whiskey is attended by sickness; evessevāãe hevis'on, he is attended by his brothers his b.are with him; vonstoxno hozeon sevā,he is attended by countless servants. attendance, vesshooxzistoz, the attending with (to a meeting); zevessemohēoxzessỏ, the attendance, they who attend a meeting; epavemohēoxzistove, the at- tendance was good (of a gathering). attendant, zevesshooxzz, the att. (to a meeting); àzz, the att., one who goes with; zeveàzetto, the att., that which goes with; hoze, att., servant. attention, naàtoezeeno, I call one's att.by poking him; epaveàtomon, he pays good att., listens well; naonista, I pay att., heed to it; napaveonemo, I pay well att.to one, heed him; nasaaonemohe, I pay no att. to,neglect one; àtom! attention! look out! attentive, epaveahàtomon, he is att.,listens well. attenuate, v.nakakoana, I att. it make thin; nahešksôn, I att.by tapering with instrument; namàpevōm- ana, I att. it (liquids); nazceana, I att., make it C zeve- K Ag smaller. attenuate, adj.eohāonae, one is very att., lean; etoxko- nae,one is att.,lean; zetoxkonasz, the attenu- ated one; zehetonasz nanitonae, I am attenuated as he is; enitonaeo, they are thus (alluding) attenuated; eohaonaoz, one has become very attenuated. See thin, lean. M A attenuation, hetoxkonastoz, state of att.; ohaonastoz, great att. attest, v.ehetomesta, he att. the truth of it; nahetome- mo, I att. that one is true. attest, n.hetomemazistoz. attic. zeneota vâxsheama mhayon, that room which is top- most of the house. attire, see adorn, array, dress. attidude, zehešeōs, his att., the way he stands; zehešam- stoes, his att., the way he sits down; ezhešeõe, 'he has this att.; ezhešeota, it stands this way; hesz- hešeõestoz, one's att.,standing; zehešeztovo, my atti- tude towards one. The inf. -ez- denotes attitude, be- havior, conduct. attorney, hoemanevèho, lawyer (white man) attract, nahessenoxsohe, I cause to come, attract; nahes- senoxsha, one att.me; nahessenoxsesz, I att.it; nahessenoxsého, I att. him; ehesseaonoto, he att. one (in.) [with the mouth, as serpents do]; nahestōmsohe, I att. by look; nahestōmého, I att.one (or.) by look; nahessetanotovo, I att. one (or.) by mind; nahessetano- Heading G G G 72 ATTRACTION ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AUDIENCE tovo nitovå, I att.one (or.) to me, by thot; nahessema- ova, he att.me by pretending; ehesseman, he att.by pre- text. attraction, hessetanoxtoz, attr. by mind; hessenoxsohes- toz, cause of att., making come; hetōmsohes- toz, cause of att. by look; hessetanotovazistoz, the attracting one, by thot. attractive, heto eoxchessenoxsohestove, this is att., drawing; eohahessenoxsohetto, it is very at- tracting; heto evešhessetanoxtove, this is a means of attraction, is attractive (mental); evešhestōmsohes- tov, it is att., is a nmeans of attraction by look; ze- hešemomoxenōs navešhessetanoton, I was attracted by one's desirable apearance; emomoxenono, it is att.,de- sirable; emomoxenōhe, one is attr.,desirable. attractiveness, hestoms ohestoz, att. by look; momoxenōhes- toz att., desirableness; zehešepevenōs zeto hetan navešhessetanoton, I am drawn by the att.of this man [lit.he looking well, this man, I am attract- ed]. S M attribute, v. The Ch.language has an attributive m.; ni- hetasz, thou art attributed to have said; evōm- osz, he is att.to have seen one; navõxtan's, I am att. to have seen it; emaheonevesz, he is att. to be God; evehonevsesto, they are att.to be chiefs; ehāmoxtasz, he is att., said to be sick (Ger.er soll krank sein); see Attributive m.in Ch.gr.- This form of the v. is extensively used by the Ch.implying attribute, suppo- sition, saying and state ascribed to one. K K auburn, zeoxemak, that which is deep red; eoxemaovess and emaovess, one has auburn hair. The Ch.admire light brownish hair with a tint of deep red and call this: "yellow haired"; eheovstá, he is yellow haired. This of course in ref. to long hair, both in men and women. Long and beautiful hair is much mentioned in the Ch.stories. See hair. - auction, hoxe vàtovå evešhoxtovàtove, it is sold at auc- tion [from hōxeva =herald and hoxtova =to M trade]. audacious, ehestatamahe, one is aud.; esaahezevahe, one is bold, aud.; ehātamaz, he is aud., valiant. audacity, hātamazistoz, valor; hestatamahestoz, recklessness; saahezevahestoz, boldness; hestoz,aud.in the sense of insolence. audience, zemohēoxzesso, the gathered ones; zeahàtomon- esso, the hearers; zeamoneoesso, the ones sit- ting around. This is usually said by Ch.of those who sit at a council or gathering in a tent. Zeamoneoes- så zeahàtōess, my audience [lit. the ones sitting a- round listening to me; nanizeova esznistoz zistoseēs- ztovo,he granted me an audience [lit.he granted me Gadg aud., tova- Mal - Sp 73 AUGER ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AUSTERE → entrance that I should speak to him]; nànizeomon zis- toseĕsztovo Zevašitaevsz, I was granted an audience with the President. auger, otaheo [from naotāôn, I bore, pierce; otāēshetan = pierced-nose-man, Nez Percés]. See bore, pierce. augment, see increase. augur, n.maakootanovosansz [from maako badger +-otan- =dig,bore into]. The badger was used formerly for divination of future events. As with the Romans the Ch.priests would foretell future events by the state or position of the entrails of animals, foremost the badger; also by the images represented in his CO- agulating blood. The animal was cut in two halves while alive. The fur of a badger enwraps the sacred arrows of the Ch.and those are also used as omens for the tribe. Certain old men could also foretell future events by the form of certain clouds, called ehōstone- voeoxz =telling clouds. aunt, zeheháhestovsz, the aunt; zeheháhestovesså, aunts; nāhan,my aunt; nhāhe, thy aunt; heháheo,one's aunt; nāhan,our aunt; zeheháhez our (sub. form); nháhevo, your aunt; heháhevo, their aunt. Pl.not much in use. Naheháhenoz, she is my aunt; naheháhetova,I am his or her aunt; naheháheton, I am an aunt; naheháhe, I have an aunt; heháhestovestoz,aunthood; heháhetovazistoz, the being an aunt to; heháhemazistoz, the being mutual aunts,collection of aunts; naheháhevōemo, I count her as my aunt. All relationships have а pecular v.f. which we classified as Relationship m. The first inf. -he- denotes possession,na-heháhe-noz =I have her for aunt; naheháhetova she has me for aunt. See Ch.gr. Among the Cheyenne an aunt is the sister of one's fa- ther (not of one's mother);. also the wife of one's uncle' (either father's brother's wife or mother's brother's wife). S ( austere, adj. emómåtae, one is au.,grave, abstemious, re- ligious,godly. Inf. -mómåta is used in many re- ligious terms and has ref. to the class of Ch. who strictly observe religious performances. Zemómåtahes- sỏ, the class of the austere, religious ones; emómåta- voēta, one is performing religious rites (said of priests) [obviously related to -omata =sober]. Emó- måtavostaneheve, he lives an austere, religious life; emómåtaēsz, one speaks austerely, gravely, on religious or sacred subjects; emómåtavoan, one utters austere, sacred words; mómåtavoanistoz, sacred, grave utterance, religious term; mómåtahetan, austere, religious man; mómåtahee, austere, religious woman; éōstaemómåtavosta- nehevestoz, austere, religious christian life [éōsta = baptized, anointed with water on the head]; mómåtaheš, austere,sacred day; mómåtavostan, austere, religious K Jap 74 AUSTERITY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AVAIL " person; mómåtamahaciss, austere, grave, religious man; namómåtavazesta, I deem it au.,grave; namómåtava- tamo, I deem one (or.) au., religious; emómåtavenōhe, emómåtave- one has a grave, au., religious appearance; ne, one has a grave, au.face; mómåtanos, in an austere, grave, religious manner. See holy, pious, sacred. Inf. (not -vovoxbon- strict, rigid, impartial 1.n a reli- gious sense), austere; evovoxbonae, one is au.,strict, inexorable; esaavovoxbonenoaehan, it does not strictly imply; evovoxbonhe taneve, he is an au., strict man; Vovoxbonevostaneheve, one lives a rigid, austere life. See rigid, strict. austerity, vovoxbonastoz, au., strictness; strictness; auto- K old Th - e- au.,gravity, piety; mómåtavostanehevestoz, au. in living; mómåtavenōhestoz, au.in appearance. authentic, eonisyomhetom, it is au.,true. author, zehemanstoonehesz, the au., maker, designer, crea- tor (of something put, built together); zehe- the exaeneonsz, the author, one who brings to execu- tion. [ Zehetaeneonsz, the finisher (Ger.Vollender) ]. authority, nitáhestoz, rule; nitávhoemanistoz, au., power of au. [From nitáhe ruler, master + hoemanis- toz =law]. Nametan nitao nitavhoemanistoz heama na hoeva, to me is given all authority in heaven and on earth; nahenitáhestov, I have the au.; ehenitáhesto- vetto,it has au. authorize, nanitáemaného, I make one ruler; nameto nitá- hestoz or nitávhoemanistoz, I give to one the authority, power, rule; nahetooto heneševestoz, I confer upon one the authority to do; nahetooto zexhoxtovas namhayon I confer upon one that he sell my house. is rendered by inf.-taom- =of self. autograph, tāma hetaomemxistonestoz, one's Own hand- automatic, etaome-momooz, it moves by itself,automatic- ally; etaome-amoeoxzetto, it goes automatic- ally; taomenemenistoz, automatic music, any musical in- instrument playing by its own mechanism. Sometimes the inf. -taom- denotes "without any reason or speci- al cause" e.g. etaomhoneo, it grows by self; esaataom- hoeoxzé,he did not come, for no apparent reason. automaton, taomezetaneneo. writing. automobile, taome-amoeoxzistoz, Glen mómåtahestoz, << S - Cate that which runs of itself. autumn, tono eva, in autumn; tono ešehe, moon of the fall. See months. avail, v.evistämosanetto, it avails, helps; eveševistäma- zistove,it is of avail, assistance; nahozeto, I av. myself of one's help; esaatoneozehan, it is of no av.; haônàtoz maha evešetoneozistov, prayer is of great av. avail, n.esaavešhoozenovan, it is of no av., advantage, - 75 AVAILABILITY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AVOID gain, profit; etoneozistov, it is of avail, benefit,use; esaavešetoneozistovhan, it is of no avail, no benefit or serviceableness. availability, hooztseonevestoz,av.,advantage; hestoz, availability. available, ekanòzeahe, one is available, can be used (or.),is extra; nisaahozetané? art thou av. not in the service of some one? Ehozestomohestov, it is available (Ger.steht zur Verfügung); esaahozeehan, it is not in use, is available; zehešsaahozehēs (or -hozēs) natâzeto, since he is available (is not in use) I am going to use him. avalanche, hestass zemame-anhosevanoz hohamoss hohona e- va,snow sliding in bulk down the side of a mountain. Hohonaeo ema sóanho sevano, there was an aval. of stones; hohamoss zeomao èmasó-anhos evanotto, there was a land slide. > kanòzea- avarice, hozevatanoeonevestoz; makätaemetanoheoneves- toz,av., the wanting money; haōvatanoheoneves- toz,av.,greed for riches. avaricious, emakätaemetanoheoneve, he is av.; ehozevata- noheoneve, he is greedy,coveting; ehaōvatan- oheoneve, he wants riches; emehoxta hemakätaeme, he loves his money. avenge, nameoevomotâ, I av.,fight for,defend one; naevâz- tomoe, I av., take vengeance; havs zeheševez ni- tosevešhoehotaenon, the wrong, evil we do will av. it- self upon us (will come to us). See revenge or venge- ance. averse, rendered by inf. -òne- and -ònez-, see adverse. aversion, òneztastoz; šenitanoxtoz, loathing; peosanis- toz,disgust, av. M mag S B - avert, natōeman, I avert, prevent; -tōemanisz, av., prevent it; -tõemaného, prevent, avert one; natōemaného zi- stosenitoenahans, I av., I av., prevent one from murdering; nahestomano, I prevent one. See prevent, avoid. my avid, ehāpoe, one is av., gluttonous (in eating); emhaet- sanetan, emhaestomosaneoneve, one is avid, greedy to swallow; tass èmhaesta naēszistoz, he was avid for words (as it were he swallowed my word); oxcemhaesta- tanotomova Maheo heomotom, be ye avid for God's Word! naoha-hoahe, I am avid,. craving for; enhazetan,he is avid, craves for. See crave. avidity, hapohestoz, av. gluttony; mhaestatanoxtoz, greed to swallow; ohāhoästoz, ohāhoaetsenistoz, av.,great desire, covetousness; heneenatanoheonevestoz, av.for knowing. avoid, nanohéna,I av., avert it; navohovaovo,I av. keep away from one; naoxstaovo, I av.one (on the way, as to not meet him); naovahãovo, I av. one, keeping away from one; eahaeoxz, he avoids, in going wide of; nia- - C patient A:. 76 AVOIDABLE AWAY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY • haeoxta, thou avoidest it (passest on the farther side of it); inf. -ahā- away from, wide of; naoháea (in.), naoháeovo (or.) I avoid, shun (meeting); nahomista, I avoid, escape it. See escape. avoidable, eahaeoxzistov, it is avoidable (in going); eahaeoxzetoe, one (in.or or.) is avoided; eo- vahãoe, one (in.or or.) is avoided; emeovahãovazistov, it should be av.; esaahomstaetoehan, it is not av.,es- capable; esaahomstaetoehe, one is not av.; esaaoháeo- esaa-ahaeox- ehan, it is unav., cannot be missed; nàko zetoehe, the bear is not av.; vox meoneva esaa-ahāeox- zetoehan, the hole in the road is not av. avow, etåxtanōvemeeme, one (in. or or.) is avowed openly; natåxtanōvemēsta nathavs, I avow my wrong, sin; e- tåxtanōveoz, it becomes av., acknowledged. See frank. avowal, tåxtanoveozistoz; tåxtanōvemeemazistoz,av., con- P fession. await, natonōsan, I await; -tonōxta (in.),-tonōmo (or.); natonōešeta, I await for it (it lying posture); zeōènovetonōsansz, the one who awaits patiently; navō- mo nasz zetonōešenaz, I see one awaiting (in a lying posture). See wait. Heovasz zehesso zetoshoeohotata nisaaheneenohe, thou dost not know all that awaits away, › prometa ( K thee. awake, v.ešešeoz, one awakes, becomes awakened; etotonōe, one awakes (opening the eyes); esaatotonōhe, one awakes not; naséhano, naséhaoho, I cause one to awake; našeševamo, I coax one to awake; našeševaosemo, I awake one (by noise). S awake, adj.etotoešena, one lies awake; totoešenàtoz, the lying awake; ešešeoz, one is awake. awaken, našešeozého, I aw., cause one to awake; naséaovo, I aw., arouse one; šešeozistoz, the awakening; še- ševamazistoz, the awakening by coaxing; šeševaosemazis- toz, the awakening by noise. award, v.navovēmo, I award to one [in the sense of pay- ing tribute, homage to one (in words)]; navovēta- notovo, I pay tribute to one (in thot); navovēahetovo, I pay tribute to one (in deeds). aware, homatan nanšheneena, I am aware, [homatan denotes inward feeling]; I become aware of it; na (h) omazetovo, I become aware, concious of one; naomata, I am aware, feel of it; nao- matovo (or.); naoxheneena, tho I am aware, tho I know; nanšheneena zehešenās, I am aware that he is dead. haeš, far away, distant; ehaesså, it is far away; inf. -as- -away, start off (also begin); eas,he goes away, starts off; nitaashemå, let us be off, away! Easeoxzeo, they have left, gone away; naasetana, I take it away [the "s" implies "from, deriving, off"]; enise- oz, it comes away, out off; naaseozého, I cause to G concious of it na(h)omaozeta, - 77 AWE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AWHILE K go away, to leave; naaasemeanoz, I give them (in.) a- way; naasethozeto, I send one away for to....; easet- hozē zetoshozeohes, one is sent away to work; inf. -ahā- =away, wide of (see avoid); naovahāovo, I keep a- way from one; naahaeoxzetovo, I go away, wide of one; eahāehoe, one stands away, wide of; inf.-nōs- and -noo- se- =not with, away, from having been with; nanooseme- semo, I eat without him (he being away); nanooseoz, I become turned away, am no more with; nanōsetan, I put away,reject (in mind); naovahāemo, I keep away, from being with one; inf. -nševe- =away in the sense of "without break or delay"; enševemese, he eats away; enševenemen, one sings away; the same meaning of away can be rendered with the negative inf. -saapó (e)- does not discontinue; esaapóhestanohe, one keeps away taking it, does not cease taking it; esaapóeneševé, one keeps away doing, does not stop doing; hazz! away! get out of the way, thou! [Usually said to one person]. See depart, leave. Nataéótaenōoto, I turn away from, leave one; naéótaencoxta, I turn away from it. Hako haeš etàzeoxz, far away he goes; naasetanomon zemeha- aenom, it is taken away that which I owned. See turn. awe, v.naohaetano oz, I become awed, in dread; evešeohāe- tanoe, one is awed by; heto zeohātamano navešeohae- tanoha, this great, terrible (sight) awes me; naohaeta- noho, I inspire one with awe, dread; naohaéàtoe, I am awed, inspired with reverential fear; niohaéàtovo, thou art inspired with awe before one; naohāéàta, I rever- ence it with fear. awe, n.ohaetanoxtoz, dread, apprehension; ohaetanohazis- toz, the inspiring with awe, dread; ohaéàtohestoz, awe, reverential fear; ohāéàtovazistoz, awe towards one, veneration; niéàtoenheetovovo you stand in awe, veneration before one; inf. -éàtoe- awe, reverential fearing; eéàtoe-mómåtavoētao, they perform the rites with awe.[From "é" =fearing, dreading + àtoe =listen, obey + mómåta austere, grave, religious + -oēta to perform, be doing]. J S QUA Sty awful, adj.eohātamano, it is awful, awe inspiring; eohā- tamanoētastov, it is an awful,dreadful, powerful doing; eohaetanoxtov, it is awful, dreadful; eohāoētas- tov, it is an awful, terrible deed; eohaéàtohestov, it is awe inspiring, worthy of veneration; eohamómåtavoē- tastov,it is an awful, solemn performance; niheneenan- ov zehešohātamano, do you know the awfulness of it? awhile is rendered by inf.-ninove- awhile; nšeninove- xoveva, for awhile, (for a time); ninovexoveva, for awhile, short time; eninovhozeohe, one works a- while; eninov'netto,it is but for awhile; ninovetto nasaaēszé, for awhile I did not speak; moxheze, just a- while ago; etamonekasexove zehešeaseoxz, it is just P St S Madagat 78 AWKWARD ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY AZURE awhile ago that he left; moxheze nàvōmo, just awhile ago I saw one; nšeninovexoveva emehahozeohe, for a- while, for sometime he was workig; "momen" either in- fixed or detached denotes "by bunch, group", but can also be used in the sense of an alternate condition or doing of short duration,e.g.toxto eoxcemomenhões- ton na momen eoxchaôn, on the prairie for awhile he would read and for awhile he would pray (Ger.bald las er, bald betete er). Kasexov short time; is also used to express "awhile"; kasexoveva emehavoešetan, for a- while, a short time, he rejoiced; etaešhaexov zeheševō- mo,it is quite awhile (long time) since I saw one. awkward, eonohomae, one is awk., young at it, feeble; eo- nohomaeoneve, he is an awk.one; esaaotoxovahe, one is awk., not skillful; esaapevheneenohe, one is awk., does not know well; ehóxa, one is awk., green; zeheš- sóhóxaetto navešetane, since I am still awkward I feel embarassed. awkwardness, onohomastoz; inexpert, green. awl, héon. awning, hoveoo, shade; saaotoxovahestoz, awk., not skillfulness; hóxastoz, awk., state of being zehoveohōsta, • hanging awning. See shade. awry, rendered by inf. eni- -nime- turned aside, also de- tached,e.g. nime nahoz, I set, put it awry, to one side; nanimeēnana or nime naēnana, I set it down awry, to one. side; nimenexhozz, put it sideways, awry; mehota, it stands awry. See side, deviate. ax, hoxqx (hoxqox), mathoxqx, the ax [mahoxqx old word for the ax, from which "tomahak" must be derived]. Ehoxqxeve, it is an ax; nathoxqxeme, my ax; nahesthoxq- xeme, I have an ax; ehecéa hoxqx kamxeheva, the ax is stuck in the wood; eheceō hoxqx, it sticks in the ground, the ax. [The word for hammer is toxq, from ton- ôn to pound with with an instrument; an ax,hoxqx is a hammer cutting thru. Old Indians tell me that the original model for the hammer was the raised arm and fist, while the arm raised and hand opened edgewise gave the idea of the "cutting hammer". [Anything that has a "hold" or is tied to has the rad.-to- in Ch.1 axilla, nazeno, armpit. C - G - axis, hovae zetasitoveoz na zenoveše-nimaoesenàtov, something thru the middle, around which rotation takes place. axle, makät zeoxceseoxtaoz amoeneo, wagon axle (lit.iron which enters the wagon legs). azure, otatavoom, the blue vault. - 79 B BACK ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY B B, pronounced like "b" in baby. It denotes close to a surface, adhering to. Many Ch. make no distinction be- tween the sounds of "b" and "p" and a few pronounce the "b" like the soft Hebrew "bêth". Babel, Zevešeonitavevenszistov languages ensued. baby, meševoz, see babe. Baal, Atovsz in the hieratic use of the Ch. ="Sun-god" Known and used solely by certain initiated priests. [Ameònito =Ashtoreth in hieratic Ch.and re- fers to the moon]. babble, v.evovee venisz, one babbles (as a little child); zevoveevensz, the one who babbles. evoveevenszistove, it is a babble, n.voveevenszistoz; babble. he babe, meševoz (sg.), meševoto, babies; evōmo meševoto, sees the babe or babies; emeševozeve, it is a babe; emeševozeveahe, one is of babies' age; zemeševozevsz the baby one; zemeševozevess, the babies; nameševotam, my babe; nahemeševotam, I have a babe; nahemeševotame- noz, it is my babe; nihemeševotame tõevo, you are his. babes. =wherewith different K babyhood, meševozevestoz; emeševozevstov,it is bab. bachelor, hovo(h)á, (unmarried man, widower or divorc- ed); ehovoaheve, he is a bach.; zehovoahevsz, the one who is bach.; zehovoahevesso, the bachelors; heehe,bach.woman; eheehēve, she is single,batch., un- married woman, virgin. bachelorhood, hovoáestoz. back, v.nahósaovo, I back, second one; nahosonen, I back, push back; -hosonena (in.), -hosoneno (or.); nahosonoham, I back up (the horses). back, adj.nooxtóe, back position, in the rear (usually) of an interior); nooxtóe taxeestoz, the back seat; zehestoxēsz, the back one; zehestoxesso, the back ones See behind. (having ref. to spine; napaon, my saavehōxtohenon back, n.matatōn, the back (of body); natatōn, my back the spine); hestatōn, one's back, back (the flat surface of it); nit- nipaonan zehota, let us not behold that which is in (behind) our back! Napāōmo, I bear one on my back (as Ind. children are carried, with with a blanket); napãovoto,I carry one on my back; napāovox- ta, I carry it carry it on my back; nēmesepao, bareback utely bare); ponomaepao, bareback, as a horse saddle; naponomae omoheme, we ride bareback; (absol- without neamoss, Cody 80 BACK ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY BAD ! I the back, other side of a hill or mountain, also used figuratively e.g. neamoss zehota nameheneenohe, how should I know what is back of it? Zepaomao (large), zepakomao (small) back, knoll of ground. back, adv. inf.-hoso- =backward; nahossoozz, I go back- wards; nahosoōstax, I shrink back; nahosovone, I step backward; inf.-evha- back, returning; naevhâoxz, I go back home; eevhâeoxz, he has come back; naevhasó- ostax and naevhaeōs tax, I step back quickly; eevhâsve- oxzetsan, he turns back, is backsliding; naevhavana, turn it back (as leaves of book); -evhâse- =back an- other time, again; Inf.-hootō- turning back and look- ing; nahootčeoz, I become turning back and looking; naevhahootōeveoxta and naevhahootōetoxetanota, I turn back and look at it (in thot,retrospection); naézeeoz and nāézeeōs tax, I jerk back (suddenly) with the head; nāézeaeš, I jerk back with the head, when lying; nane- hevamo, I call one back; nanehevavenēnàno, I order one back; nanosepaonaetovo or nanosepaonaoetovo, I sit, turning my back to one; nanosepaonaxetovo, I turn my back to one (lying position) and: nahotamaeš, I lie with back against; nahotamaešeta, I lie with back a- gainst it; -hotamaešetovo, (or.); natâtameas, I turn my back and leave; inf.-hotam- turning back to, keeping behind,e.g. nahotamenheetovo, stand behind, back of one [hence hotam, dog the follower]; nahotamamese, I eat sitting behind the back of another; nanoneesenonao, I sit,reclining ba. on elbows; namsiskotaeho, I sit (al- most lying) backward (knees drawn up); natoehaneena- zē, I sit with folded hands back of head; nahanothoe, I sit,head bent backward; inf. -hano- and -hanose- = backwards with head thrown back; nahanôxtao, I fall backward (from higher ground); nahanoseanao, I fall backward (taking a longer period of time); ehanoeoxz, one walks with head thrown back; etotoevetova, one is bent (crippled) backward; nanonostá, I talk back,re- tort; nasaanonostahe, I do not talk back; ehootōeoxz, one walks backward; naéotaenōoxta, I turn back from it (leaving); naevhaéota, I turn back from. backbone, màtatōn, my ba., my spine [names of promi- nent bones usually end with long vowel "o", see bones]. Tass esaahestatōné, as it were he has no ba. background, nooxtóe [antonym to hestó =foreground, in front of]. backslide, v.eevhâsveoxzet'san, one ba., goes back again where he formerly belonged; evhâsveoxzet'- sanistoz, the ba. (said of such Indians who return to associations they had left). backward, see back, adv. bacon, hešksesehotam, bacon., pork. bad, adj.ehavseva (in.), ehavsevae, (or.) on is bad; eo- > I---6 = St - Kada - 81 BAD ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY BADLY hamsenova, it is worse; eho sohamsenova or enanoshavse- va,it is worst; nahavsevazeona, it seems bad to me, I deem it bad; ehavsevazeoneve, one is a bad character; nahavsevetan, I feel bad (mentally); nahavsevomoxta, I feel bad (physically); nahavsevaetovo, I am bad towards one; nahavsevaeztovo, I behave bad towards one; na- havsevoēta, I act bad; nahavsevoého, I do bad to one; nahavsevoesz,I do bad to it; nahavsevemo, I speak bad of one; nahavseveēsztovo,I speak bad to one; ehavse- veēsz,one speaks bad; ehavsevoan, he speaks bad (sc. ut terances). Oftentimes bad is expressed by the nega- tion of "good", e.g. esaapevaehan, it is bad, not good; esaapevahe, one is not good, is bad; ehavsevešēve, it is a bad day; heto mhayo ehavseva, this house is bad; he- ēszistoz ehavseva, his word is bad; nihavsevazesta, thou deemest it bad; ehavsevatamo, he deems one bad; nahavsevōemo, I count one for bad; ehavsevoētastov, it is a bad act, deed; in so far that bad is infixed, it is used for adj. and adverb, but the real adj. f. is havseva bad; the Ch. can say havseve-vostanehevestoz =bad life, bad living or vostanehevestoz zehavseva, the life or living which is bad. The ending in "a" instead of e denotes a state or quality. The rad. "havs" is the exact equivalent of the Ger. verwerflich. Nahavse- vstahaoz, I become bad hearted angry; havsevhetan, bad man; havsevomao, bad land; ehavsevatamano, it is bad weather; havsevemàtam, bad food; ehavsevenono (in.) it has a bad appearance; ehavsevenōhe, one has a bad ap- pearance. Canad S S C Sta bad, n.havs, mathavs, the bad; Havsevevhan or Havsev- han, the Bad (in person); havsevastoz, badness (state) havsevestoz, that wch is bad (being), badness; havsevstxe, the realm of the bad; zehavseva, that which is bad, the evil; zehavsevasz, the bad one (or.) zehav- sevaesso, the bad ones; havseve-vostaneo, bad people; zsaapevaehan, that which is not good, the bad; Havevsz name of a prominent evil person in an old Ch.tale. See evil an devil. Stay badge, hoetoseo; exxeoe hoetoseoneva, it is written on a badge; nimôo, badge or heraldic emblem, usually consisting of a bunch of hair or a feather suspended on the tip of one of the lodge poles. badger, maàko;maàkootanovosans, religious term referring to the badger in certain ceremonials and espe- cially in auguring. See augur. badinage, see banter. badly, rendered by inf.-havseve-, see bad. Ehavseveman- isz,one makes it badly or makes it bad; zeto nisima ehavseoéha heves'eno, this my younger brother has been treated badly by his friends; ehavsevetan one feels badly (mentally); ehavsevomoxta, one feels badly - 82 BAFFLE BALANCE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY (physically). In the sense of unskillfully, poorly imperfectly inf. -saape ve- not well, is used,e.g.esa- apevhõestoné, one reads badly, poorly; one sees badly, imperfectly. baffle, see deceive, perplex. esaapavevõsané, bag, v.navehanen, I bag, put in bag; -vehana (in.); -ve- hano (or.); navehoz, I have it in bag, receptacle; evehota, it is in bag or receptacle. or bag, n.moemestoz,large bag made of grass; kaemestoz, hand bag, small bag; vehaneo,lag, envelope, small case or tin box (from navehanen, I wrap in); vešeĕseo, me- decine bg; véozeva, in the bag, receptacle; hemanoeveo- toz,water bag (made of the paunch of buffaloes); ze- eneheone-kaemestoz, bag for combs or hair brushes; ho- emskot,parfleche, bag of rawhide; vehooseo, bag, recep- tacle, trunk; formerly the small round Ind.bags made of tanned leather. G S bail, v.nanōhan, I bail,dip out (liquids). bail, n.vovēhevàtoz, bail, ransom; navovēheva, I give bail; navovēhevavomotâ, I give bail for one, ransom one. See ransom. Honeanat, bail, handle, chain. bailiff, matanavého, police [lit. breasted or milk white man, because of the star or badges such officers wear on the breast]; ematanaevéhoeve, he is a bai- liff,sheriff,police. bait, hoenovàtoz, the bait; ehesthoenovàtov, it is a bait. bake, ehonoxta, she bakes it; ehonoto, she bakes (or.); ehonosan, she bakes, roasts; ehonoe, it is baked; honō, baked, roasted meat; honovoxköz, meat to be bak- ed, roasted [ bake and roast are expressed alike in Ch.] Natonovânon, I bake bread (Ind.bread as baked in Dutch ovens); nitonovânonhemå, we bake bread in Dutch oven; ensomaehóta, the ground (surface) is baking (when heated by the sun or otherwise); eoxomaehóta, it (ground) bakes, cracks from the heat; eōxomaoxta,it is baked, cracked open (ground) by fire; hononistoz, baking pan. See bread. baker, kòkonôomane-vého, baker (white man); kòkonôo-hox- tovamhayo, bakery (house where bread is bought); zehonosansz, the one who bakes; honosanehe, baker, roaster. balance, v.has no exact equivalent in Ch.but the bring- ing into or keeping in equilibrium, the moving up and down.or swinging, is expressd by the consonant sound "v", e.g. vavaestoz, swing; naēvèn, I move up and down in one place (Ger.habe mein Wesen dort); ēvnis- toz, the being at one place, the whereabouts of one; naĕvetanona, I weigh in my mind; nieveēszhemå, we are engaged in talking. Hence the verb "to be" in the sense of exsist or take place (evolving) is charac- terized by suffix -eve; nahetaneve, I am a man (from CO C - →→ 83 BALANCE BALM ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY hetan man); emhayoneve, it is a house (from mhayo house). See be.naeveõhazesta, I balance, weigh the mat- ter (mentally). Gag balance, n.hovae zeveše-ehanāohazistove, something with which heaviness (weight) is ascertained; ehana- ovahe, the bal.,weigher. bald, evōheszea, one is bald (has a shining top, head); zevōheszeasso, the bald ones; zevcheszeaz, the bald one; navōheszeasého, I cause one's baldness; Ookoome- nevós, Bald-Peak, Pike's Peak, also called Ookoomeneni- ta. The word ookass bald, depilated (Fr. sans polls), ref.to any place lacking natural covering of hair, fur, or feathers. See skin, peel. bale, v.nahoxbohōesan, I bale, bundle up; nahoxbohõesz, I bale it; nahoxbohōeto (or.), bundle one up; na- Ehox- hoxbohõesz móesz, I bale hay. See bind, bundle. bohōehe, it is baled; zehoxbohōesansz, the one who bales, packs. Ma V C G bale, n.hoxbohōeseo; nathoxbohõeseo, my bale, bundle; no- kov móesz zehoxbohōesz, one bale of hay; hoxbohōe- sanehe, baler;móesz zevešehoxbohōesanistove, hay baler. balk, epaponehoe, one balks, refuse to go. balky, epaponehoeoneve, one is balky. ball, v.naakanen, I ball; -akano (or.), -akana (in.) eakane, it or one is formed into a ball; akanenis- toz, the forming into a ball; naonistakoanen, I wind into a ball; -onistakoana (in.); -onistakoano (or.). ball, n.oxzem, play ball; oxzevònistoz, wheel play. Oxzem ref. to the Ch.play wheel, which resembles a tennis racket,round and without handle, about fifteen inches in diameter. The center mesh is called máe or hestá, (blood or heart); the periphrastic meshes are dis- tinct from the others and represent hostile animals or the horizon. See play wheel. Ohòneoxzem, Ohòneoxzem, baseball, ref.to ball only; ohònistoz oxzem, baseball game; oha- seovàtoz, football; hoe oxzemea ehesso, the earth is like a ball. The word oxzem was originally the webbed wheel which was not a ball. As regular play balls be- came known to the Ch. they called them oxzem, not in ref.to their spherical shape, but from the use they were put to. When they say that the earth is shaped like an "oxzem", it is because they believed the earth had the shape of a disc. The real word for ball is zeaq, that which is spherical; zeonistaq, that which is round. See round. Akosoevoz, arrows with spherical heads hosohestoz, ball, dance. See dance. Véhoema (sg.), véhoemahoz (pl.) ball, bullet; maxevého ema, cannon ball. balm, hovae zevešeoanomoxtastov, something that soothes (physically and mentally); hovae zevešepavemeeo- zistove, something that has a fragrance; xoaneo,balm, ointment; see balsam, perfume. Vladat S S ad 84 BALMY ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY BAND · balmy, epavemeeoz, it is balmy, fragrant. balsam, voxcemexoaneo, perfume, fragrant ointment, salve. banana, voxkaemenoz, crooked berries. band, v.emomeno èneo, they band, group together; emomenox- koèneo, they band together, apart from others, selfishly; emanohaeo, they are banded together; emome- nohaeo, they are in different bands or groups; inf. -mano-banding together. = band, n.tōhestoz, bonds; manoeoxtahes totoz, bands, shack- les for the feet; manoeàzenahestoz, bands, shackles for the hands; see bind, bandage. Manháo, band, tribe, that which has been made together (from namanháovo, I Manhas- make one to be); [manháo also means island]. toz,the band, tribe; manohastoz, band, congregation; mo- different menohastoz, band or groups (momen =group- ing); manoēhestoz, the banding, coming, arriving toge- ther; mohenovàtoz, band, organization; mohéoxtoz, band, collection; emanohastov, it is a band; zèmomenohastov, where there are groups or bands. See gather, together, meet. Notxestoz, band of warriors (from notax =war- rior); onehanotxeo, band of the "drum" warriors. Moze- eõeve, the traditional prophet or hero of the Ch.tribe organized four bands of warriors: 1.Hotamhetaneo, the "Dogmen". 2. Voxksehetaneo, the "Foxmen" (voxcess =fox, from voxq deviate, crooked). This band was also call- ed Mozoonhetaneo Flintmen. 3.Hemoeoxess, the "Spear- men" (from mooxz-lance head). This band is also called Oómenotxeo "Coyotemen". 4. Mahoevass, the "Redshields (from ma =red + -oeva-provided with shield or nail); the older name for this band was Hotoahetaneo, the "Buffaloe Bullmen", from hotoa =Bull (either of buf- faloes or deer, elk or bear). The names of these four old warrior bands were given to the Ch. by their tra- ditional prophet, according as he appeared to them at first when they were pursuing him. Other names of "Provided-with- warrior bands are: Hematanóhess, the bowstrings",also called Honienotxe "Wolfwarriors"; Hotame-masháo, the "Demented-dogs" (from -mashá- = without sense, reason, unreasonable). Different names were given to certain groups of Ch.families, sometimes in reference to the camping order in the tribal circle and oftentimes because of a local particular- ity or prominent family traits. Some such names have even arisen since I was with the Ch. For instance a part of the Hotamhetaneo living in the neighborhood of Fonda, Oklahoma are called the "Veenoto", because of one Ch. who did not cut his eyebrows. Another ins- tance is a family group, whose head man was an "Eseom- hetan", but who were called "Eszenehetaneo" =Swamp- men, because they camped near a swamp. Another family group was called "Otatavoha" =Bluehorse, from an old - J C M - - S G K Ag - } 85 BAND ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY BAND man of this name, who died but a few years ago. The three names came up since I came to the Southern Ch. Other band names I know to also be of recent dates,e. g.Anskovenenes (Narrow-nose-bridge), and Penet’ka.What has happened within thirty or forty years must have happened before too. Even the band Hevešksenxpâess is not very old. This band tabues the beaver because thro that animal a man, who is still in remembrance of some old Ch., died of suffocation or strangulation. Evataneo, the "Peltmen" (from eva, pelt, skin with hair) is the name given to the Southern Ch. as a whole, to distinguish them from the Oxmesess ("Eaters") who are the Northern Ch. Thus in the camping circle the name Evataneo has not ref. to any special band. When for instance Oxmesess (Northern Ch.) come to attend an Arrow Ceremonial they are not taking a special place in the camp circle, but each one will be with his or her family group. Sotaeo is the name of a band or tribe of Indians whose language was only dialectical- ly different from the Ch. and readily understood by the latter. Eseomhetaneo, the "Hillmen (some of these also claim to belong to the Sotaeo!); Hevešksenxpâ– ess, the "Obstructed-oesophagus-ones" (from hevešksen= oesophagus and -nxpaoe =to shut, obstruct an aper- ture); Oevemanhá, the Scabby-tribe (from oeve, scabby + manha, to create, make as one); Masiškota, the "Reclin- reclin- ing-ones" evidently from namsiškotaehoe, I am ing (almost lying posture) with one knee drawn up and the other foot placed across it; Totoemanha, the "Shy- band"; Votapeo, the "eaters" (from a Sioux word); Hovx- nova, the "Penurious-ones" [ehaōva, one is rich, ehovx- nova, one is in penury]. Oxtokona or Oxtokoona, the "Lower jawbone"; Nako emanha, the "Bear-band"; Penet'- Moxta- ka, name given to the "Friendlies" of 1874-75; vataneo, the "Blackmen", also the name for the Utes. Môseo, were an allied band to the Ch. The name is de- rived from Monsoni, a tribe which is said to have OC - cupied the territory south and north of Rainy Lake and Lake of the Woods, and eastward to Moose river, in Canada. [James Mooney, in the Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, Vol.I, part 6, p.369]. No- th "Northern-ones"; Oseaono and Oxnova are for- mer bands of Cheyenne of which nothing definite is known besides their names. Zesseohoomoeo, the "Cheyenne-Sioux", a number of mostly Northern Ch. hav- ing intermarried with Sioux and for the greater part living near the Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dakota. See orga- nization. [Mr.James Mooney of the Bureau of American Ethnology at Washington,D.C. has written a valuable and very reliable article subject in Vol.I, part 6, p.402-418 of the "Memoirs of the American 1 on this C Sa G W - - - C P 86 BANDAGE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY BAPTISM Zeamenoneõessó, music Anthropological Association]. band, the ones go about serenading. This has no ref. to musical insruments, altho any kind may be im- plied. In order to specify, the instruments would have to be named, as tàpenonoz trumpets, flutes; matanōene- menestoz string instruments and oneavo drum. bandage, v.nahóxeetsan, I bandage (a wound, etc.); -hóxe- eto, bandage one; -hóxeesz, band.it; ehóxehe, one (in. and or.) is bandaged; nahóxesztovo, I band.it, one's; nahaestoha-hóxeesz, I (wrap) band.many times, (when coiling several times); navehoész, I band. it (when the whole object is wrapped in, as is wrapped in, as a fractured foot or leg in a plaster cast). See bind. Naevhaše- xoneano, I unbandage, uncoil the bandage; nanxpenēto, I bandage one's eyes, blindfold; heex nanxpenēsztovo, I band.it, one's eye. who - bandage, n.hóxehestoz; hóxeetsanistoz, the bandaging. bandit, šēnovahe, robber, despoiler, (from našēno, I rob, despoil one [by violence]); nxpaevèho, bandit, desperado, refer. to masked white highwaymen (from -nxpa- + =covering the face =whiteman); ešē- novaeve, one is a bandit; šēnovastoz, the act of a bandit. See rob. Enxpaevèhoeve, one is a bandit. bank, v.nahestovomaena, I bank up the ground; eneohãe vée etatomse- vého vóe, the cloud is banking up, rising; hoe, the cloud is banking up,wall like. bank, n.makätaemhayo, money house; emakätaemhayoneve, it is a bank; oxeano, steep river bank, bluff; eoxeand- eve,it is a river bank; oxeanōea ehesso, it is like a river bank, a bluff; hestovōma, on both banks, sides of a river; hōma, on the other side, other bank (of a ri- ver or lake); zehestovomao, bank, low elevation of ground, brow of a hill; ònovetto, the bank of a river, where one lands; naonòn, I come to the bank,land; nao- nōzého, I cause one to land, reach the bank. The rad. -ono- denotes less the bank than the coming out from any body of water; toxeeohé, at, along the river bank. emakätaevèho- banker, makätaevèho, the money-white man; eve, he is a banker. A Magdal — banner, hōeo, flag, "standing floating". banquet, maxemesestoz,feast; meenaestoz, public banquet, feast. banter, v.nanasoēmo, I banter one. See joke. banter, n.vhane-nasoemetastoz, banter, good natured teas- ing. See joke. baptism, éōstahestoz, the pouring upon the head; séènis- toz, baptism, the going into the water (ref to river or lake); the first form is the more natural to the Ch., the second more strange and needing an ex- planation; eéōstahestov, it is a baptism; éōstaovàtoz, baptism, the baptizing; éōstaemómåtavoētastoz, ceremony ✔ 87 BAPTISMAL BAR ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY of baptism. baptismal, eeōs taemómâtavoētastov, it is a bapt.service, rite, ceremonial. Paptist, seènistová zevešéōstahesso, the ones baptized by entering (descending into the water). baptize,naéōstaova, I baptize (on who does it as his vo- cation, like John the Baptist); naéōstàno, I bapt.one; naéōstaha, I bapt. it (see Instr.m.in Ch. gr.); nieōstaesz, I bapt. thee; naéōstahe, I am bap- tized, am a christian; zeeōstahesso, the baptized ones =christians; éōstaemanhastoz, baptized-band, church (as a body of christians believers); éōstaevostan, a bap- tized person; eeōstaevostaneheve, one lives a bap- tized, christian life; éōstahetan, baptized, christian man; éōstahee, christian woman; zistaéōstaes, as one was baptized; eéōstaetan, one desires to be baptized; éōstaetanoxtoz, the desire to be baptized; eeōstaenov, there is a baptizing. The v.stem -éōsta when used as infix denotes "christian". bar, v.is expressed by inf. -nxp- =obstructing a pass- age,close an entrance or egress; nanxpaosan, I bar, keep shut in; -nxpaovo, bar one; -nxpaa, bar it; enxpa- osanetto,it bars, obstructs; enxpoeoz, it or one has be- come shut in, barred; nanxpoòno, I bar one, shut one in; (instr.meaning); nanxpooha, I bar, shut,lock it; nanx- patovan, I bar, by shutting stove damper; nanxpenēto, I bar one's eyes, blindfold one; enxpazena, one has his mouth barred, shut (with something); nanxpazenàno, I bar one's mouth (Instr.m.); enxpazenanazē, one sits with one hand covering his mouth; nxpeoxtam, before the door, barring the entrance; enxpehoe, one stands, barring or before the door; enxpota, it sets barring; enxpaoz,it has become barred, stopped, shut; máe eveše- nxpaozistov, wherewith blood is stopped. This inf. "--nxp-" implies barring, shutting of a passage or aperture; nxpaevého, the masked white man (whose face is partly shut out, barred; applied to highway men); enxpotomeoz, one suffocates, is barred in his breath- ing; nanxpeamena, I shut, close it by means of fat or pitch, as the holes of a basket, boat, trough, etc. [From -nxp- + am fat, grease]. Enxpaosanistove, it is a bar- ring; enxpeozistove, it becomes a barring; enxpaosane- nov, there is a barring; enxpeozenov, there is a bar- ring (becoming so); zenxpaosansz, the one who bars, forbids entrance or egress; zenxpaosensz, the one who does the barring. The difference between these two expressions is only in the "a" and "e"; the one with the "a" implies a faculty, quality, state, the other (with "e") denotes a progressive doing. [Thus with navōsan and navōsen; both mean "I see", only the first ref.to the faculty of seeing, while the second implies K J - Ind KAD 88 BAR BARE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY the actual, progressive in. seeing]. seeing]. Votanxpavs, Votanxpavs, barring the good, exempt of good; evotanxpavseve, one is barred from good, is wicked. See close, stop, shut and bar, n.nxpoheo, bar, lid, cork; nxpohaneo, bar, shutter, lock; nxpaosenehe, the one barring; zenxpaosanetto, bar, that which bars, obstructs; nxpatovanehe, the bar for the smoke stove damper; hasso, crow bar; zeohano mahaeta,iron bar; nxpaovamehe, the keeper in, the bar of the stock (horses, cattle and sheep), shepherder; panxpoho, pomum adami, shutter, (Adam's apple); mox- enxpoho, epiglottis. barb, navāstax or navaes tax, I barb, cut into, edgewise; navāstaxå, I barb it (navastassi would be the or. where it could be used). See barbed; zeheškovetto va- stxestovå, barb (as in an arrow head). barbecue, v.naséoxtano, I barbecue one, roast before fire; eséoxtane, it is barbecued. barbecue, n.emaxemesestov,nitaetas vehoehotoa zeoxcséox- tans hoestavå, it is a big eating where a whole beef is broiled (roasted), held in or before the fire. barbed, evās tax, it is barbed; evāstae, it is bar. (state, quality); vastavoxoz, barbed arrow heads; makät zevešeamoeneane, barbed wire. There is no ref.to "bar- bed" in this word, but it is used for barbed as well as smooth wire. Zeoxce-maoxcenetóosz, the ones (in.) barbed, ref. to heads of certain plants, like wheat. [From -maoxce- tufting on top; maoxcēna, downy feath- er stuck on top of head of a priest, symbolizing his attendant spirit]. Emaoxcenetto, it tufts, is barbed. barber, hooxtxovavèho; ehooxtxaovavèhoeve, he is a b.; hooxtxovamhayo, barber shop (house); ehooxtxova- mhayoneve, it is a b.shop. [From rad. -hooxtax, to cut hair. Ehooxtxe, he has his hair cut; zehooxtxesso, the ones with hair cut; nahooxtxen, I am having my hair cut; nahooxtasso, I cut one's hair; nahooxtxova, I am cutting hair (as a vocation). See hair]. Zehooxtxovaz, the barber, hair cutter. naexoeno- bare, v.nahotxanen, I bare, unveil, uncover; -hotxano (or.); -hotxana (in.); nahotxanomon, it has been bared for me; nahotxheneena, I bare it, reveal it, open it to knowledge; màtasooma nahotxeneenomeva, the spi- rit bares, reveals it to me; inf.-hotxa- bare in the sense of uncover; ehotxaeheve, she is bare, is a widow; naexoena, I bare, peel it (by hand); (or.); naexonoxta, I bare, peel it (with teeth); naexo- nomo (or.); naexoaxå, I bare, peel it (with knife); na- exoasså (or.); see peel, skin. Naookoena, I lay it bare (of surface covered with hair, feather or grass; naoo- kano, bare one (or.), pick one's feathers (by hand); naookassó, I bare one (with cutting instrument) of hair or feathers; Ookass,p.n. the depilated one; na- - M T S C S 89 BARE BARGAIN ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY ookoena, I lay it bare (cutting weeds); naookomao,I lay bare the ground, remove the sod [Sod like bark is held as defiled outer garment of earth and trees, which needs be removed for ceremonial purposes]. Nao- okòno, I bare one (or.) by instrumental striking; na- ookoha (in.); [From the rad.-ooko is derived the inf. -oomen- which denotes suffering; see suffer. Nanšena- suffering; voomen, I am laid bare, am eexoeoz,it be- comes bared; naoexoého, I bare one (or.), by skinning. [The Ch. know that the cutting of the skin is more painful than deeper gashes and they inflicted punish- ment on their enemies by flaying them whole or in parts. The scalping was more frequent because easier of taking the skin and keeping it. Sometimes narrow strips of skin would be started at the neck and torn down the back, as far as possible. The peeling of the bark for certain ceremonials, the removing of the sod for religious rites and the flaying of animals or hu- man beings had the same end in view, to take defilment or wrong from an object. Hence the verb nahestoomen, I I atone, am laid bare for; nahestoomenetovo, I atone for one. G Jag C Market bare, adj.ookomaoxzeše, bare area of ground (large ex- tent), desert; also oomaoxzeše but implying very wide area; inf. -nēme- or -neeme- denotes bare in the sense of entirely naked, exempt of; nanēmetoxs, I am with bare body, flesh, am naked; niva zenhetata zènēme- txsétto, who told thee that thou wert bare, naked? Na- nēmeszeha, I am bareheaded, baldheaded; nēmetōvoxp,bare coffee, without sugar; nēmetomao, bare, barren ground, (see barren, desert); enēmenotova, one is bare-throat- ed; eponomaota, it sets low on not quite bare ground; enēmetomaota, it sets on absolutely ground; ponomaepao, bareback, scanty back (of riding horses); naponomaeomoheme, we ride bareback; eponomeo- mohe,it is bareback (with a scanty covering);emätō,it is bare, empty space (of an interior); nahosoeta, I am bare-foot; ponoxta ehoeoxz, he comes bare-, emptyhand- ed; eponoe, it is bare, dried up, (of watercourses) low; eponoeoxz, it becomes bare, low. [Pono on lower ground; see dry. bare barely, adv. inf. -pono- =low, is sometimes used for barely in the sense of scantily; hovèno barely; hovèno ehoeoxz, he barely, scarcely arrived. bareness, hãomenestoz, destitution; see emptiness. bargain, v. nahoxtova, I make a bar., trade. See sell and na- buy; nahoxtovamea, I give in bar., barter; hoxtovameto, I bar., barter with one. bargain, n.hoxtovàtoz, bar., trade; K V. 94 BE BE ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY son or personalty; nanehovestoz, my person or person- alty; suff.-eoneve =n.agent.verbalized,e.g. havsevoē- taheo evil doer; ehavsevoētaheoneve, one is an evil doer; nizeheo liar; enizeheoneve, one is a liar; ši vaztahe the merciful one; ešivaztaheoneve, one is merciful; mehoseo =lover; emehoseoneve, one is a lov- er. Such verbs become substantives by dropping the pronominal pref. and adding suff.-stoz,e.g. havsevoē- taheonevestoz, the characteristic of being an evil do- er; nizeheonevestoz, the characteristic of being a liar; šivaztaheonevestoz, mercifulness; the Ger. suff. -haft, as in boshaft, lügenhaft, teilhaft come very near the Ch.meaning of -eoneve. The "e" with a grave ac- cent (è) denotes "to be undergoing, gradual 11 progress and is always combined with "n", as: naamèn, I am step- ping by degrees walk; naēszèn, I am gradually pro- ceeding into, -enter; naōènovae, I am enduring, undergo- ing with patience, persevering; when suff.-èn is fol- lowed by one or more syllables the "è" becomes apoco- pated and a hiatus results which writer designates by acute accent or apostrophe, e. g. eeszèn, one enters; eĕsz'neo, they enter; naamèn, I walk; niam'nhemå, we walk. This is especially the case in the imp.f.of the v.ending with -èn; eam'netto, it walks, is progressing; ehez'netto, it proceeds (Ger. äussert sich); evhan'net- to, it is but for a time (from -vhan- merely + -ènet- to); eén'netto, it is ending, coming to an end (from -èn- end, stop + -ènetto =stepping gradually on); esaaén'nettan, it is unending (from -saa- not + -én- =ending + -ènettan proceeding; the suff. -an is the neg.f.of the imp.m.; ehaexov'netto, it is lasting a long time (from -haexov- long time + -ènetto, pro- ceeding on); the very rad. -exov- is derived from "a" and refers to cutting the length of by gradual pro- cess. See being. Sff. -na attached to nouns or verbs has a participial meaning denoting "to be with, be on with, or have on"; eszehen =coat; eeszehena, one is with a coat, has a coat on or is "coated"; toxca =cap, hat; nahetoxcaena, I am hatted; nahaôna, I am praying; (from nahaôn, I pray); sitovōs midday; esitovōs, it is noon; esitovōsena, it is being noon; eseš, one lies; esešena, one is in a lying posture.- Sff.-ea or -aha = to be, (imp.m.) in the sense of "being in the state, form of"; eakōmoeha,it is, forms a small body of wa- ter, a pond; etoxeha, it borders, skirts, forms a rim; eheceha hoxq, it stands in (stuck), the ax; eéha, it is stands upright: emhaōmoeha, it is a great body of wa- ter; epevomaoeha, it is good ground; ehenitōneha, it forms a door, it "doors"; [not to be confounded with ehenitōneheve, it is a door]; henitōnea ehesso,it is like a door: hoestaea ehesso, it is like fire; eséha, S P mig G Ag Sing Ap - 95 BEACH ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY BEAD it waters, there is water (in a cavity); emàpeha, it forms water (not to be confounded with emàpeve, it is water); eotataveoaseha, it is shining blue (a state of blue brightness); [eotataveoasetto, it shines blue (action)]. Suff.-eoz denotes "to be" in the sense of become, take place, happen; epeveoz, it turns to be good; nihavseveoz, thou becomest bad; nahestaoz, I be- come into being,am born; ehavsevstahaoz, one turns to be angry, "becomes with a bad heart"; evōnaoz,it comes to be morning. This suff. -eoz implies short transi- tion,short interval of time. When the transition is gradual, taking a longer interval of time, the suff. -eoxz is used with the same meaning, but implying slower process; ehetaneveoxz, he turns to be a man, be- comes a man; ehetaneveoz, he becomes a man (suddenly or in a very short interval).- Inf.-he- is to one or have; nahevoxca, to me is a hat, I have a hat; nahem- hayo, a house is to me, belongs to me; nahemesestov, to me is food, I have food; nahevasem (from nisima, my younger brother), to me is a brother; nahevasemenoz, one is to me a younger brother, I have for bro- ther. See poss., imper. and hortative m.in the Ch.gr. beach, seetto zeametoxea zèmhaōmoeha, the sloping con- tinuous along the great water body, ocean beach; zistōeovàzetto hoe na zèmhacmoeha, where meet land and great body of water; [zèmha- where the great + −ōmo- eha it is a body of water]; zeénōmoeha, where the body of water ends, beach; zeénhoeve, where the land ends, beach, shore; toxe nehaneheva, along, closely skirting the lake; zistoxemaoeha nēhaneheva, the strip or border of land along the lake; zeamhōsta or zetox- eamhōsta zèmhaōmoeha (or nehaneheva, beach, when a line of bluffs border the ocean or a lake); zehōmhōs- ta, the banks along the beach or shore; toxetto fol- lowed by zèmhaōmoeha,nēhan or ohé,denotes "along the edge of". beacon neevatseo,sign; eneevatseoneve,one is a beacon, sign. Cf.şign. one } S S Ka - Gaga C G bead, v.nahoxahôn, I bead (hoxa close, nahoxahon, to put close with instr.); nahoxaòno (or.); nahoxaoha (in.); nahoxaohanoz mocanoz I bead the mocassins; ni- hoxaòno eszehen, thou beadest a coat, shirt; ehoxahôn- estove,it is a beading (or a beadwork); naonistaxc- hoxaôn, I bead in circles [onistàq =circle or round strip; "àq" turns into "axc" when a syllable fol- lows]; namähoxaohanoz, I bead them (pl.in.) all over; emähoxaoensz, they (pl.in.) are beaded all over; nani- maesehoxahon, I bead in circle (convolute); eñimaese- hoxaonsz, they are beaded in circle (convolute); na- nahe-nımahoxahôn, I bead three rows (of beads) around; [-nahe three times + -nima- =surrounding + -hoxahôn W M Pa G A 96 BEAD ENGLISH-CHEYENNE DICTIONARY BEAD =bead]. Etoxehoxahon, it is beaded at the rim; ezeene- hoxahon,it is beaded on edge (like open work); etàpe- hoxahon, it is beaded in large design (-tàpe- large); etozceehoxahon (-tozce- small) it is beaded in small design; ehotoxcehoxahon, it is beaded in star design (-hotoxc- =star); evaozeva-evoxtavensz, they are (beaded) with deer design (-vaozeva- deer); the word "beaded" is not incorporated here, only the design (zexhoxtav -design in beadwork); eohešksoxtavensz, they are (beaded) with triangle design, (-heškso ering); eveksevoxtavensz, they are (beaded) with design. (vekseo birds); emävokomhoxahonsz, they (in. pl.) are beaded all over white; emäheovehoxahonsz, they are beaded all over yellow; eotatavehoxahonsz, they are beaded in blue. Above expressions are used in sp.of mocassins which are in. In beading on dry goods (which are considered or.) the or.form would have to be used; emähoxahoe, one is beaded all over; emähoxahoeo, they (or.) are beaded all over. Cf.feather or quill work. bead, n.oneavoq (obs.in the sg.), oneavokoz, beads. [From one =round, around + a headed + -VOZ =piece of skin; first beads (usuall; Ly bright hard red berries) were strung on a slender skin string]. Msiskaneo one- avokoz, amber or tanned leather colored beads; otata- veoneavokoz, blue beads; eotatavensz oneavokoz, the beads are blue; maceoneavokoz, light red beads; ema- konsz oneavokoz,the beads are red; ohase-oneavokoz (-ohase to shine), shining (silver bright) beads, (said of cut steel beads); hoxkose-oneavokoz, dark brown beads; hòpāe-oneavokoz, purple beads (hòpaemenoz =grapes; hòpãe grape color, purple). The verbal suff. -menoe denoting granular, is also used in connection with beads. This suff.is derived from the word "men" =berry (see berry) and has ref.to granular formation of beads, seeds or berries; emsiskanemenoensz, they are (sc.oneavokůz) leather brown colored, "berried" or granulated; also emsiskaemenaensz. Eneovemenoensz, they are yellow granulated. Oneavok z must be implied or stated, because this could be said of other granu- lar objects. Hoxahônestoz, the beading, beadwork; hox- ahônestoto (or.), beadwork, ref. to the material; zex- hoxtav, design in beadwork.-- [In former days the de- corative art of the Cheyenne consisting of quill work, feather ornamentation drawing on skins and par- fleches was the privilege of certain gilds of women, which required a ceremonial initiation. These women were called "The-Selected-Ones" or Moneneheo (from the verb namonen, I chose, select). They were usually older women and in most cases priestesses, also ini- tiated in the hieratical signs or drawings. Only they |---7 tap- bird M - C wy