ſae; ¿ae §§ §§ w: , ſºſ: **) ºſ; *?) -¿№sſº ºgaeºſae ſae ºžſë!!!?? ∞∞∞∞∞∞ ¿ 'fºº'); și ſä,~ §§§§§ ¿º *** • • • • • • • • • • • • sº. * * *, *t → *** * * º ~ - ... º. a. º.º. * * * * r * * * * * * ~~~~ * ~~~~" -- ~~~~. º º **** º-3 ~. ===º º---ºr- * * ***.*.*.*. * *- GENERAL LIBRARY OF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN __*-*. . . . . . . *== <- – -ss ----- *= ~<. -- * * * * - - - --------------------~ & *s CŞ 7| , TT3+ |8&ST 99 ** Jäſ (0) \ſſ J5. Igſ () (USI; , Rebuilt by George Maris (29) in 1722. . Ovvned in unbroken succession by George (1), John (6), George (29), Jehu (1O1), John (268), George (681). T H E MAR IS FAMILY IN THE UNITED STATES. A RECORD OF THE DESCEND ANTS OF GEORGE AND ALICE MARIS. A683–1885. COMP1LED FOR THE FAMILY, BY GEORGE L. AND ANNIE M. MARIS. WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA. 1885. F. S. HICKMAN, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER, West Chester, PA. INTRODUCTION. THE Centennial Exhibition held in Philadelphia, in 1876, suggested to the writer the idea of holding a Bi-centennial Celebration of the landing in America, of GEORGE and ALICE MARIs, and at a suitable time he mentioned the subjećt to some of the de- scendants, especially to John M. Maris, of Philadelphia, Pa. The proposition received a hearty second from all. - The first step toward making an organization, was a meeting in Philadelphia, Pa., of-John M. Maris, Joshua Maris, George C. Maris, and George L. Maris, at the resi- dence of the first named, on the evening of February 14, 1882. Various plans were discussed, and it was thought, as the Bi-Centennial would call together not more than 250 people, it might be held at the spacious home of John M. Maris, which was freely offered for the occasion. At a subsequent meeting held at the house of Dr. Edward Maris, in Philadelphia, the committee was enlarged to embrace representatives of the different lines of descent, as follows: John M. MARIs, Philadelphia, THOMAS R. MARIs,’ & [ JARED MARIs, Columbus, Ohio. WILLIAM MARIs, Chester, Pa., JoHN WELSH, { { GEORGE J. MARIS, Guthrie Centre, Ia, DR. EDWARD MARIs, “ . | ROBERT HATTON, Easton, Md., JoHN M. BROOMALL, Media, Pa., | MARIs TAYLOR, Doe Run, Pa., GEORGE G. MARIs, Lahaska, Pa., DR. CLARENCE F. MARIs, Columbus, Ohio. JOSHUA MARIs, Wilmington, Del., GEORGE MARIs, Marple, Pa., GEORGE C. MARIs, “ { { Joseph P. MARIs, “ { { GEORGE M. BOOTH, Chester, Pa., WILLIAM MARIs, West Branch, Ia., B. FRANK BEATTY, & 4 { { . Joseph MARIs, Smith River Valley, Cal. | GEO, L. MARIs, West Chester, Pa. Geo. L. Maris was authorized to compile a family genealogy, and on behalf of the committee to affix his name to the introdućtion. As the committee thought the attendance at the Bi-centennial would largely ex- ceed their first estimate, and George Maris, the owner of Home House, offered the use of his grove, it was decided to hold the Re-union on the spot originally occupied by our immigrant ancestors, GEORGE and ALICE MARIS. This property was pre-eminently suited for the occasion, as it was purchased by George Maris from William Penn, in 1683, and has remained in the name of Maris in unbroken succession. A full account of the proceedings—substantially the same as that published at the time in the West Chester Daily Local News—being given elsewhere, it only remains to RICHARD MARIs, Wilmington, Del., ( III ) IV JAW TRO D UC 7 / O AV. be said here that the Re-union was a success in every particular, far beyond the most sanguine expe&tations of the committee in charge. The difficult task of compiling the family genealogy still remained to be done, though considerable data had been col- lečted at and before the Bi-centennial. As the employment of a professional genealogist would involve a large outlay of money, the Secretary, to whom the matter had been entrusted, did not feel authorized to proceed in that way, but referred to the advisory committee—Joshua Maris, of Wil- mington, Del., John M. Broomall, of Media, Pa., and William W. Maris, of Philadel- phia—the proposition that his wife, Annie M. Maris, would, under his direction, do the work without compensation, if they would pay the necessary expenses for postage, cir- culars, &c., and the employment, when necessary, of Gilbert Cope, a professional gene- alogist. This they agreed to do, and the work was commenced in September, 1883, and has been prosecuted without interruption ever since, involving constant daily em- ployment for a period of over two years. The Original plan of dropping the female lines after the second generation, has been departed from where an interest has been shown by such descendants. The labor has been much greater than was at first anticipated, and though the book is far more complete than we had any reason to expect, yet we know it is not per- feót, and from the very nature of the case it cannot be. We have been obliged to rely for data, in a great measure, upon the descendants themselves, some of whom take no interest in such work, and those that do, are often unable to present reliable statistics. In many cases the dates furnished are conflićting; and in such instances we have adopted those thought most likely to be correót. Having done the best we can, we deem no further apology necessary, but leave the result of our labors to the charita- ble consideration of those concerned. - Our thanks are due to Hon. John Welsh, of Philadelphia, for efficient assistance; to Hon. John M. Broomall, of Media, to whom we are indebted for all the data of the descendants of Ann (5) and John Worrilow; to Phebe Maris Horton, of Ohio, for most of the material furnished in relation to the descendants of David Maris (250); to Phebe M. Taylor, of West Chester, for nearly all the facts concerning the descendants of Mary Maris (32) and Joseph Taylor; to John M. Maris, of Philadelphia, for the pamphlet entitled “The Maris Family,” which furnished the basis of this work, and to many others to a greater or less degree for valuable assistance rendered. GEO. L. MARIs, Secretary. J/est Chester, Pa., 11th muo., 1885. - --~~~~) •), --> |*№. ~^- -ı CĂ! - 37±_^|\ §1-1 )„ “\ ~ .\/ v..),\ _^^Y© .\__- ------ ~~{| „º„^\._.--~~~~į į 2^- „º\\,{\_-~~~~ 2.^K0}}{į_- - ~~ ~~|`<-/rł ~ \\,~$~~~~,{ \ G H O 0 N 0 0 \\»^ ^_ ?--) ºȚIȚAȚIO!!![] , i--; “IHT|\Lº×�\\.aeº__-^`~~�} \„* •*\/`NL-~~„~~~~~_! *`~~~2^{_^→X^\\-/~~~~, \^,،•\~~~~); `)� „º“/>^\ /~ ~\~)\,-Jl– !, ™Z \, ,ITWI Lºv,«»L ^\!\, ,\`~~~~ \I *„”*�„*-„^2 ^�^{*,T~~~_| {{VV.„őſ\!^z 21 -yº2.^ \-\\T ~ ~ ~__~] ^L^\/**′{{{3x2 ^-\_>•| º.A „º!•L •• «¿es?-roſſºssae^,Lº\\\^~^\�| 1 d. ºfººnſ_ _±Lº \„<\^J| 7~~)}Lºº\„^\\~ ~)|-…? „^•„”º„º , ^ ^ ^N_2 < \LoļsalųO 1S:AAN\,| _ - ~~{#¡ /\„”Ķ\ºv\\ ------- 1©120 „^>^^ ' firſt | \ ,\ ,2\| `s)– – –"ºitºſļĐ00 /\„ºſººs --~~_ • ^^• ý NMOLME N\,,\-... \y ) : \ ſ^--… >>N T W O | L -- „^ •\→!\… =* Aae ~ )^ ^„”\ iTECTAC_ _ — — — IT >^· HIJWIº/\NM01sIT-T| NA\`vº\/\,!\, = -| \,„^\\~^K__ ~~~} ^،\IIŅĶIS,SȚIEWI\2.^ \\ſ| \\„^\�\ 2^\\|O| ^ ^~ . \,{{S __NOED- ~~~? 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Morton station, on the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, presented an un- usual scene of animation and activity last Saturday, because of its being the objective point of hundreds of people from the city, town, and hamlet en route to take part in the Bi-Centennial Maris Family Re-union, which took place that day in Springfield town- ship, Delaware county. The morning was a propitious one for this grand event, which, for months past, had been looked forward to with zealous pride and much interest by the almost in- numerable descendants of George Maris, who, on this day two long centuries ago, landed upon these shores, the pioneer of this army (so to speak) of descendants who to-day represent the most thrifty families in this country. From every point vehicles, great and small, freighted with young and old, grave and gay, filed into the well-chosen grounds and deposited their passengers midst the welcoming throng, and the scenes of cheerful and heartfelt greetings which were pre- sented during the whole of the morning were of a kind which any attempt to describe would be futile in the extreme. To hearty hand-shakings, affectionate embraces and kind words of welcome the pleasurable hours were devoted, and the scores of well- ladened baskets, with snowy-white coverings, made evident the very important matter that the welfare of the inner man had not by any means been lost sight of in the pro- gramme of arrangements looking to this gathering of well-to-do people, who had met to pay tribute to the memory of their honored ancestor. In scores of cases friends who had been separated during a long term of years were brought together, and the traditions of “Auld Lang Syne" were resurrected and reviewed in that refreshing and happy manner which led the participants to feel that they were living anew the happy days of youth, and that it was indeed good to meet ( V ) VI T// E M A R / S FA M// Y. under the family tree and renew kindred ties on this most social and fitting of all occa- sions. By every train, until afternoon was reached, new accessions to the assemblage were let down at the station, while by the country highways vehicles continued to ar- rive and add to the throng which by this time had grown far beyond the expectations of those who were foremost in arranging for the event. THE FARM-I-IOUSE AND GROVE. The scene of this happy family gathering is one most charmingly located and ad- mirably suited to the purposes for which the day was set apart. Its location is about three miles north of Morton village and one mile east of the old Springfield meeting-house, where George Maris of old worshipped nearly two hundred years ago. This house was his particular place of worship, and in this con- nection it is worthy of mention that on this day, 8th mo. 25, 1703, he was made the custodian of its title deeds, he being a worthy one in the minds of his people to take charge of its valuable papers. .ººsº ; ºS.§-y :*.* º;--- sº- - §-- §-3.; ºi.t º. ;*. *. 2.*.º.º. --Tº-º --~- - S.T. ...:”.--> ; : * *s | - r ſ tº & R--> *r - - - sº ". . jº • . * As : & sºil. { * - * * * is * = 2. * -*. * º ::$ * - & -- *|| | :-- * . º º a arº º - - º * Lºs º : . . . . - & t f º º º º º: ºn . . . . .” a ſº º: ºr sº - º º: - §ſ. * l º. ** º " ; | * * * *...*.*.* º Ü --- º º 2׺ a ºf ~ * ***- A. ºf & . . . . . ;- Jº —— & * * * * sº Q º: - sºº-º-º-º: -- . ~ ~~~. º } : *- : *T* *--> >~~: SPRINGFIELD MEETING HOUSE. BUILT IN 1738. The house which the ancestor built, and in which he lived and died, has long since passed away, and on its site is a quiet, quaint and staunch Stone structure of two and a-half stories, erected by his grandson George, in 1722. The pioneer with his wife and family left England in 1683, and settled in Pennsylvania. Soon after his arrival he took up his abode in Chester county, (now Springfield township, Delaware county), and named his residence the “Home House,” and a spring on his farm is supposed by many to have given the name to the township—Springfield. The original tract was 400 acres, but it has, during the lapse of the long term of intervening years, been divided and sub-divided until only 70 acres remain in the name —two tracts, owned respectively by George and Joseph P. Maris, of the sixth genera- tion. The site proper, where the old house stood, is owned by George. Near by, the /3 /– CAE AW 7/8 AVAW/A / . VII old spring feeds a handsome public fountain or trough by the public roadside, which is built of beautiful stone and in a very symmetrical and durable manner. In its con- struction a large pillar-block, taken from Swarthmore College, after its recent fiery ordeal, forms a conspicuous as well as an attractive part. The grove, about four acres in extent, is composed of fine old lords of the forest, and is situated a little distance to the rear of the farm. From it the near surroundings gracefully slope toward Darby Creek on the eastern side, and the entire absence of undergrowth makes it a beautiful spot indeed, just such a one as conforms to the de- sires and tastes of those who delight in spending a summer's day in the woods. Here ample provision for the comfort, convenience and pleasure of this family assemblage was provided, consisting of a speaker's platform, Iox30 feet, and seats for the audience. r -- In front of the stand or platform an arch was tastefully erected and most beauti- fully decorated. Upon the arch evergreens and pretty flowers were woven into shapely designs, forming a beautiful edging to the motto “Esse quam videri.” Immediately be- low, a board was gracefully swung, bearing the honored name: 1683. GEORGE MARIS. 1883. the whole being decorated by a generous expenditure of ivy and choice wild flowers, in which the aster and golden rod were conspicuous, and the whole setting forth the evidence of taste, coupled with patience and a love for the beautiful. The hours preceding the midday were passed in an informal manner, being de- voted to a general intermingling of the clan, to renewing old acquaintances and form- ing new ones—all of which served to make the event a re-union in the fullest sense of the term, as was designed by those foremost in thus calling together the many holding the title to a place beneath the widespread branches of the famous old Maris family grove. Shortly after the sun had crossed the meridian line there began a stir which be- tokened the coming noonday meal, and soon into groups, large and small, the grove became dotted with scores of scenes gastronomic, as made up a pic-nic picture in the fullest measure. Creaking baskets and jingling kettles were relieved of their carefully prepared contents—contents which busy and skilled housewives had days before ex- erted their best efforts in providing; and appetites, sharpened by a ride in the fresh air of the morning and the long hours since an early breakfast, were appeased after a style suggestive of a sound digestion and a keen appreciation for the good things of life. All over the grounds busy children flitted in gay colors and their merry laughter added not a little to the merry scene, and so when the inner guest looked up in his sa- tiated woe and cried out “Hold, enough !” the remnants were gathered together and the AFTERNOON PROGRAMME was looked for—that which was to serve as a mental dessert to the feast just partaken of VIII TA/A) // A R / S FA A/// V. Accordingly at the sound of the slogan from the speaker's stand, almost every one repaired to the spot set apart for the literary exercises of the day, and when all had found comfortable seats, and the attending bustle had subsided, the following organi- zation was effected : PRESIDENT, DR. EDWARD MARIS, Philadelphia. VICE PRESIDENTS. GEORGE J. MARIS, Iowa, GEORGE BROOMALL, Penna., NATHANIEL N. MARIs, Indiana, PHEBE MARIs HORTON, Ohio, CHAs. M. TAYLOR, Philadelphia, WM. MARIs, JR., New Jersey, NORRIS MARIs, Delaware, SARAH WoRRALL, Penna., JoSEPH W. BARNARD, Penna., CHAS. H. MARIs, Texas, DR. ISAAC MASSEY, Penna., GEORGE C. MARIs, Delaware, SARAH MARIs, Iowa, MARTH A P. GIBBONS, Penna., PENNOCK E. LEONARD, Penna., LEWIS D. MARIs, Kansas. MORGAN B. HALL, Penna., HENRY J. MARIs, Philadelphia, PHEBE M. TAYLOR, Penna., GEORGE MARIs, Indiana, ISABELLA P. HuSTON, Penna., BENJ. C. MARIs, Nevada, GEORGE MARIs, Penna., JEPTHA G. MARIs, Dakota. Then followed a very interesting paper upon “The Maris Family in Europe,” pre- pared by DR. CLARENCE F. MARIs, formerly of London, now of Columbus, Ohio. Being unable to be present, his welcome production was read by Miss Emma F. West, of Philadelphia, as follows: - THE MARIS FAMILY IN EUROPE. The earliest mention of the name of Maris is in the “Iliad '' of Homer. It occurs in the account of the 6th battle before the walls of Troy, in which Maris and Atymnius, sons of the Trojan, Amisodarus, die fighting with the two sons of Nestor. The objec- tion to any attempt on our part to make this Lycian the founder of the family who now bear the name, lies in the fact that his father, Amisodarus, led by the Furies became the sire of Chimaera, a fire-breathing monster described as having the head of a lion, the tail of a crocodile and the body of a goat. To establish claim to common inheri- tance with such a baleful personage, is hardly to be desired, although it would give al- most unrivalled antiquity. I quote the lines in which this mention is made from Pope's translation of Homer: “In equal arms two sons of Nestor stand, And two bold brothers of the Lycian band; By great Antilochus Atymnius dies, % Pierced in the flank, lamented youth, he lies. Kind Maris, bleeding in his brother's wound, Defends the breathless carcass on the ground. Furious he flies, his murderer to engage, But godlike Thrasymed prevents his rage; Between his arm and shoulder aims a blow— His arm falls spouting on the dust below. He sinks with endless darkness covered o'er, And vents his soul effused with gushing gore. Slain by two brothers, thus two brothers bleed, /3 / C /; AV //; AVAV/A / . IX Sarpedon's friends, Amisodarus' Sced— Amisodarus, who, by Furies led, The bane of men, abhorred Chimaera, bred ; Skilled in the dart in vain, his sons expire, And pay the forfeit of their guilty sire.” The historical and biographical value of the statements of Homeric poetry may be questioned, but that Maris was a common name among the citizens of Lycia as early as the time of Solomon cannot be doubted. In Roman history appears a man whose valor, perhaps rivalling that of the Trojan warrior, is exhibited in the fearlessness of standing a professed Christian before a pagan prince who ridicules his faith in God. From Bingham's history I quote: “Julian the Apostate, in a dialogue with old blind Bishop Maris, said by way of scoff: Thy Gallilean God cannot cure thee.'" As the Emperor Julian became an apostate in 362 A. D., and died only three years later, the chronology of our Bishop is closely given. In the Sixth century a Sir Ector de Maris figures prominently in Arthurian romance, as a rich and valiant knight and the foster father of King Authur. *In the “Historie of King Arthur" there is a dialogue between Utherpendragon and his court magician which runs as follows:—“Soone came Merlin unto the King, and said, ‘Sir, you must provide you for the nourishing of your child.” “As thou wilt, said the King, ‘be it.’ ‘Well,' said Merlin, ‘I know a lord of yours in this land that is a passing true man and a faithful, and he shall have the nourishing of your child; his name is Sir Ector and hee is a lord of faire livelyhood in many parts of England and Wales.’ So the child was delivered unto Merlin, and so hee bare it forth unto Sir Ector, and made an holy man to christen him, and named him Arthur; and So Sir Ector's wife nourished him.” * The valor of this ancient Maris is well told in history “How Sir Ector de Maris followed to seeke his brother Sir Launcelot.” “When Sir Ector de Maris wist that Sir Launcelot was passed out of court to seeke adventures, hee was wroth with himself and made him ready to seeke Sir Launcelot." His exploits on this occasion did not, however, add so much to his renown as the part he took in the slaying of the four green Knights, before whom all the Knights of Orkney had fallen, and who had slain nearly half a hundred of the proved Knights of King Arthur. The narrative of the killing of these Knights by Sir Ector, his brother Sir Launcelot, their cousin Sir Bleoberis, and King Arthur, closes thus: “Then Sir Ećtor de Maris smote Garet so hard that downe hee fell from his horse. And then King Arthur encountered with Sir Dinadan and hee Smote him quite from his saddell, that hee fell downe to the earth and then the noise turned a while how that the greene Knights were slain.” The next account of members of the family is traditional. In France, persecuted for conscience sake, they appear as Huguenots, worshipping in fear and by stealth in the seclusion of forests and in the gorges of the Pyrenees. At some time during the in- terval of 26 years, between the massacre upon Saint Bartholomew's Day and the pro- mulgation of the Edićt of Nantes in 1598, they escaped to England. But they had not yet found a country in which they might worship the true God after the manner dićtated by their consciences, and to this fačt do we owe our birth- N 7. // / / 21 A' / S / A // / / ) ". right to a State whose history bears no shameful blot recording persecution on account of religious opinions. It seems that the family have been from the earliest date amongst those who have been classed as religious fanatics. First in the then pagan Italy; next of outlaws as Protestants against Catholicism in France; then derided and imprisoned in England. What eminence is more enviable than that from such suffering P The heads which tower sufficiently above the common level to be seen in looking back over the centuries, are a mitred 13ishop, next a helmeted Knight, and last the Quaker's beaver. Richard Maris was one of the jury before whom the political agitator John Horne Tooke was tried for his life, in London, in 1794. Tooke had previously been im- prisoned for a year, because he started a subscription for the families of those who fell in the battle of Lexington, and charged the British government with murdering Ameri- cans. Subsequently he became a leader of the Constitutional Society, and was in- dicted for high treason. After having been twice convićted, he was given another trial, and the jury, in spite of the pressure of the Crown, acquitted him. The Consti- tutional party, in commemoration of their victory, had medals struck, upon one side of which were the names of the counsel and jury, on the obverse a bust of Horne Tooke. The cut is a facsimile. T ICE gºes §§ bº & < $ ERSKINE X of LT.T.T. ſº * HAGGARD |MARIS v) I I AR RISON COOKE FIA LE PRATT D R A IN E I) U P() N'D W IIIT ING HARVVOOID COV EIN IDALEllsULLOCK GIBBS Ay, ok' o V*R 22 $1 `--~. It was this celebrated case that first brought Thomas, afterward Lord Erskine, prominently before the public and made the foundation for his great reputation as an advocatc. - The Marises now found in England reside in London and the county of Sussex. An account of them, however, can have nothing of interest to us; for the name this family bore at the time of the coming of George Maris to this country was Marias, the second “a” having been dropped only a generation since. In a residence of two years in England at different times, I found no person to whom we can prove kinship. The two eminent painters of London who bear the name Van Maris were origi- nally from Amsterdam, but I was unable to find any of the family in that city. I have carefully searched the post-office directories of nearly all the capitals of Europe, and of many of the smaller cities, and the business directories as well. The only Maris found aside from the two families mentioned, is Guisseppe Maris, an ac- countant in Milan, Italy. Lack of knowledge of the language he speaks prevented my learning anything of his ancestry. The name is of Latin origin, but a search Jº J-C / W 7 /; AVAW/A / . XI through the names of residents in all the principal cities of Italy finds but the one in Milan. Spain has a noble family of our name, and the name is also found in France. Next in order, Prof. GEO. L. MARIs, of West Chester, was introduced. To him had been allotted the preparation of the “History of George Maris, the Pioneer.” This paper we give entire, as follows: LIFE OF GEORGE MARIS, THE PIONEER. Two hundred years ago the whole country by which we are surrounded was a dense forest. Deer and game of all sorts wandered at will over these hills as untamed as the red men who made them their abode. How changed in these respects, yet how like it was then in the main features of the landscape! Here are these beautiful hills gently sloping toward the Delaware. The same streams still gladden the hearts of all dwelling near. The long lapse of years has not changed the peaceful, quiet aspect so in accord with the feelings of him whose landing on this soil we are here to celebrate. No noise of mills or railroad, nor the bustle of city life, disturbs the repose of two hundred years. -* Glowing reports of the “Indian country on the western side of the great river Delaware " had been sent home to England by those who had before settled in the low lands of New Jersey, and an impetus had been given to emigration by the broad and generous terms offered by that great philanthropist, William Penn, and the oppressed of all nations began to look toward Pennsylvania as a sweet asylum where they might worship God according to the dićtates of their own conscience. “The plains,” say these enthusiastic settlers, “along the winding flood are, in most places, covered with corn and natural meadows, and marshes; while all on the back of this a mighty forest rose, tall and stately, darkening the western sky with its blue shade, and stretching itself north and south with the river as far as the astonished eye can travel. And as to the country we can truly say of it that it is a land most rich, and desirable to dwell in—a land of fountains and brooks—a land of mighty Oaks and elms, and all manner of precious trees for timber—a land whose soil, especially on the water courses, was a black mould, very deep and rich, insomuch that Indian corn, without the aid of a plough, grew there to an enormous size, with two and sometimes three large shocks [ears] on a stalk; and we have counted seven and eight hundred grains on a shock. And then for the game in the ancient forests; it is wonderful to look at, far surpass- ing in abundance anything we had ever thought of For, in walking through the woods, we were ever and anon starting up deer in droves, and also frequently within sight of large herds of the buffalo, all perfeótly wild and wallowing in fat, and seeming in their course to shake the earth with their weight. And, indeed, no wonder; for the grass, particularly in the lowlands, grew so rank and tall that the buffalo and deer on flying into it, which they were wont to do when frightened, would disappear in a moment.” - One can readily imagine how gratefully such accounts fell upon the persecuted followers of Penn and Fox, as they lay suffering in the filthy dungeons of England; XII 7 // A // A R / S. A. Al Alf // Y. how such an asylum seemed to them like a sign from God himself that they should go where freedom of conscience was the law of the land. Among those who determined to try the fortunes of that pioneer life were George Maris, and his wife Alice, with their six children, of Grafton Plyford, and county of Worcester. His life in England had been rendered oppressive, because he could not conform to the customs of the established church ; for having a religious mecting at his house he was fined £2O. Afterwards “he was taken by an assize process and sent to prison on the 23d of the month called July, 1670, and continued there above eight months, but never knew for what cause he was so long imprisoned.” As persecutions in England continued there seemed to be no way left but to emigrate, and as the Colony of Pennsylvania had been founded a year or two before, and William Penn, whom all Friends so much admired, had himself already sailed for the shores of the Delaware, our common ancestor, as was customary, laid his intentions before the Monthly Meeting to which he belonged, and in response thereto received a testimonial, of which the following is a copy, taken from the 3d page of the oldest records of the Darby (Pa.) Monthly Meeting: “From our meeting at Hattswell, in the pish (parish) of Inkborough, and county of Worcester, in Old England, to which meeting our friends hereafter mentioned did belong, the 6th of the 3d month, 1683. To FRIENDS IN PENNSYLVANIA—/Ocar Fric/lds:–We, whose names are here sub- scribed, thought good to give you this short testimony concerning our friend George Maris, with his wife and children, of the pish of Grafton, of the county and nation aforesaid: WHEREAs, Our dear friend before mentioned, hath laid before us his intention of transporting himself and family into your country, he being free to leave our country, we have nothing against his going, but do condescend to him therein. And this may certify to all Friends and others whom it may concern, that we have this further to say for our dear friend, George Maris, that we have had good knowledge of his life and conversation, and we have known it to be such that hath adorned the gospel of Christ; and hath been a good example in his place, and a man ye bent of whose heart hath been to serve ye Lord and all people in love, and hath not spared to spend and be spent in the service of Truth; and this we can say, we do not know of any person, Friend or others, that hath aught against him, his wife or children, upon any just account whatsoever; and surely friends, we could have been glad, if it had been so ordered, that they might have spent the remaining part of their days with us, who have lived together in true love and unity for many years. And, dear ſfriends in the unknown parts of America, having given you this short account of those, our friends, though far short of what lives in our hearts for them, more of which we could give in truth if need require, but hoping when you meet your sense of each other in the Truth will be a confirmation of what we have testified, we remain your dear friends, Brothers and Sisters, in the love that makes us willing to submit to the will of God in all things.” (Signed by fourteen men and women Friends). Previous to leaving England our ancestor had purchased from Robert Toomer, of Worcester, I,000 acres of land in Pennsylvania, but unlocated. In a short time after his arrival he took up a tract of 400 acres and built upon it a house on the exačt spot now occupied by the residence of Geo. Maris, by whose generosity we are permitted to gather upon the land where our pioneer ancestor took up his abode 200 years ago; /3 /– C/E AWT/E AWAV/A / . XIII the house now standing on this ground was erected in 1722 by George Maris, a grand- son of the immigrant. Scarcely had he time to begin the work of clearing the timber from his farm be- fore he was commissioned Justice of the Peace, and, empowered with six others, Chris- topher Taylor, Wm. Wood, Robert Wade, John Blunstone, James Saunderlaine and John Warding, to hold the Courts of Chester for the County of Chester. The oldest official Court records of Chester county (now at West Chester, Pa.), dating back to 1681, show that he took his seat on the Bench on the “Ist of 5th mo., 1684,” and from that time until the year 1690 he attended every sitting of the Court, when he was allowed a rest ſor one year; but from the beginning of IG9 I till the close of 1693 he was just as assiduous in his attention to his judicial duties. Though the sessions of the Court occupied much of his time, his public Service did not end with this duty, but the demands of the State were laid upon him, and he was chosen a member of the Assembly in 1684, and annually elected thereafter till the year 1693, with the exception of the year 1689; and I might state in passing that throughout this long period there is no record of his absence from a single sitting of the Court or from one session of the Assembly—a faithful attention to duty of which we may all feel proud. While he was thus busily engaged with affairs of justice and State, and he and his family were occupied in making a home in the wilds of a new country, he was not un- mindful of his duty to his Maker, who had so blest his faithfulness to conscience and right. He was an acknowledged minister in the Society of Friends, in regular attend- ance at its mectings for business and worship. In those early days the cases that came before the Court were not what we, in these times, would call heavy or important, yet when we consider that all transactions in real estate, that all brands and marks on cattle, all proceedings in the laying out of roads, as well as the ordinary civil and criminal cases, had to be passed upon by the Court, we can easily imagine that his duties in this direction were by no means light. It would be useless to give in detail many of the cases passed upon by our hon- ored ancestor, yet I have deemed it not improper to give one or two from the records of those times. “9th of 12th mo., 1687. By virtue of an order from ye last County Court given unto us whose names are hereunto subscribed, being of the Grand Jury, for to lay out a road way that should serve for Newtown, Marple, Springfield and ye Inhabitants that way to ye landing Place at Amosland, did upon ye day above written Begin atta Road way in ye lands of George Maris which road goeth from Chester through Marple to Newtown, and from that road through Bartholomew Coppock's land, near to his house, his house being on ye left hand. Soo on through Robert Taylor's land, straight on through more land of George Maris his land, leaving his Plantation on ye right hand, through George Simcock's land, leaving his plantation on ye left hand, soo on straight through land Joining to Amosland unto ye King's road from Darby, marking ye trees as we came, Soo on to ye landing place by Maine creek's side, beyond Morton Mor- ton's son's house. Signed, William Garrett,” and others. I-16-1687. “This Court being informed that Richard Crosby was Drunk on XIV 7T///, // A A' A S /7A // / / V. this 6th instant last, he was upon ye same called to ye Barr, and upon his submission was amerced tenne shillings to the Governor's use to be levied upon his goods and chattles, this being his second offence.” 2-18-1693. “George Maris the elder acknowledged a deed in open court, unto his son George Maris the younger for one hundred acres of land in Springfield, bearing date the seventeenth day of ye second-mo., 1693.” The sessions of the Legislature during the eight years George Maris was a mem- ber were short, occupying on an average nine days each. They began at 7 o'clock in the morning and continued till noon, and, after a recess of two hours, extended late into the afternoon, every day in the week, except the Sabbath. The pay was six shil- lings a day. J shall quote a very few of the bills acted upon while our ancestor was a member of Assembly.—“It was put to vote whether a Bill relating to corporal punishment by stripes might be passed into a law; this was carried in the affirmative.” “The Bill relating to the Grant of Liberty for selling Rum to the Indians, upon condition, etc.; this was answered in the negative.” “Proposed to a vote, as a Rule, in the House, That whatsoever member shall not attend the House, but shall wilfully absent himself therefrom without lawful and satis- factory Reason given, shall be expelled from the House; this was carried in the affir- mative.” “Put to a vote whether any member that doth not appear in due Time, according to Adjournment, shall be fined one shilling.”—Carried. “By vote Simon Irons was fined I shilling, 6d, for absence, and 5 shillings for being disordered with Drink.” “Carried that Custom of the Country to servants shall be two suits of apparel, ten IBushels of Wheat or fifteen Bushels of Indian Corn, one Axe and two Hoes.” This applied to apprentices who had completed their term of service. The session of Assembly in 1692, the last attended by the pioneer, George Maris, was the longest and much the most exciting up to this time. The opponents of Wil- liam Penn, who were assiduous in their efforts to prejudice the new King and Queen, William and Mary, against Penn, succeeded in their purpose in the year 1692, whereby Benjamin Fletcher, Governor of New York, received a commission giving him au- thority over Pennsylvania, and superseding the authority of Penn. I shall give an outline of this controversy, because George Maris took an active part in the proceedings. At the opening of the session of the Assembly in 1693, Queen Mary's letter to Gov. Fletcher was read as follows: “Trusty and well beloved, we greet you well. Whereas, it has been represented unto us in Council in Behalf of our province of New York in America, that the same having been at great expense for the Preservation and Defense of Albany, its Frontier against the French (by the Loss of which Province the Inhabitants of Maryland and Virginia would not be able to live only in Garrison) and having hitherto preserved that Post, the Burden whereof is intolerable to the inhabitants there, we think it reasonable and necessary that our several Colonies and Provinces of New England, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania should be aiding and assisting from Time to Time the Governor or Commander-in-Chief of our said Province of New York in the Mainten- ance and Defense of it during the present War; and accordingly our Will and Pleasure /3 /– C / W 7" EAW AW / A / . XV is that upon the Application of the said Governor or Commander-in-Chief, you do im- mediately send him such Aid or Assistance, in men or otherwise, for the security of our said Province from the Attempts of the French or Indians, as the conditions of the said plantations under your government shall permit, &c., and that you return a Speedy Account of your Proceeding herein to the End that such further Directions may be given as shall be necessary for Securing the Fort at Albany from the Attempts of our Enemics in those Parts. And so we bid you farewell. “Given at our Court at Whitehall, the seventh day of October, 1692, in the fourth year of our Reign. By Her Majesty's command. “NOTTINGHAM.” In reply to Governor Fletcher's request that Supplies be voted to equip eighty (80) soldiers for the defense of Albany, etc., the Assembly replied: “We earnestly beseech that our Procedure in Legislature may be according to the usual method and Laws of this Government founded upon the late King's Letters Patent which we hum- bly conceive to be yet in Force, and therefore we desire the same may be con- firmed unto us as our Rights and Liberties.—And we (with all Faithfulness and Sin- cerity) do give what answer we are capable of, in the present circumstances we are under, to answer the Queen's Letter and thy Request according to our ability. “3-mo. I 7, 1693.” The same day the Governor replied: “The Constitution of their Majesties' Gov- ernment and that of Mr. Penn's are in a direct opposition, one to the other. If you will be tenacious in sticking to this, it is a plain Demonstration, use what words you please, that indeed you decline the other. * * * Time is very precious to me. I hope you will desist from all unnecessary Debates, and fall in earnest upon those mat- ters I have already mentioned and shall have to recommend to you, and for which you are principally convened.” He also spoke of the Want of Necessary Defense against the Enemy, and the danger of being lost from the Crown. The Assembly replied the same day: “We do not apprehend that the Province is in Danger of being lost from the Crown, although the Government was in the hands of some whose Principles are not for War. And we conceive that the present Gov- ernancy hath no direct Opposition (with respect to the King's Government here in Gen- eral) to our Proprietary's, William Penn, though the exercise of the Authority at pre- sent supersedes that of our said Proprietary's.” When the Assembly met next day (3-mo. 18, 1693), the following record was made upon the minutes: “Ordered that Samuel Richardson, * * * * George Maris [and others] be a committee to consider that Part of the Governor's speech re- lating to a supply for the support of the Government and Fortifications of the Province, etc., as also what measures and course may be taken to raise money for the same ; and what sum may be thought expedient, and make report thereof to-morrow morning.” At the appointed time this committee reported as follows: “The Committee appoint- ed to consider that Part of the Governor's Speech relating to Supplies, &c., report to the House, they believe there is an absolute necessity of raising money to support the Government, and the most expedient way is, viz: By tax on Strong Beer and Ale retailed; by Deer Skins raw and dressed; by the Pole; by Land, per hundred acres, by rent of Houses; upon Wine and Cyder im- N VI 7. // / /l/A A' / S / A /l/ / / V. ported ; but have not considered how much is needful to be raised, desiring that the house would ascertain the sum.” The report was adopted and a protest signed by ten members, our ancestor among them, placed on record. The protest is as follows: PHILADELPHIA, 4th mo. Ist, 1693. “We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, Representatives of the Freemen of this Province in Assembly, do declare, it is the undoubted right of this House to re- ceive back from the Governor and Council, all such bills as are sent up for their ap- probation or Amendment: and it is necessary to know the Amendments and debate the same as the Body of the Bills: and that the denial of that Right is destructive of the Freedom of making Laws. And we do also declare it is the Right of the Assembly that before any Bill for supplies be presented for the last Sanction of a Law, Aggriev- ances ought to be redressed : Therefore we with Protestation (Saving our just Rights in Assembly) do declare that the assent of such of us as were in Favor of sending up the Bill for Supply this morning, was merely in consideration of the Governor's Speedy Departure; but that it should not be drawn into example for the Future.” This was George Maris's last act in the Assembly. During his term of service therein he was frequently appointed on committees having in charge important subjećts, annong them one “to draw up a Bill for the erecting of a Post Office, and also a bill against Privateers and Pirates.” He was a member of the Council only one year—1695—during which time the controversy in regard to raising troops for the defense of New York was carried on with considerable spirit between Governor Wm. Markham and the Council, the details of which it is not within the purpose of this paper to name. One circumstance, however, is thought worthy of mention in this conneétion as it illustrates the condition of the people at that time. When the Governor asked the advice of the Council, whether to call another meeting of the Assembly before the 9th of September, which day seems to have been previously appointed, he received the following reply, our ancestor being at the time in the Council : “It was the unanimous opinion of all the members present that it would be of no service to callym (them) sooner. The Governor having asked them the reason of their opinion, one of the members answered : Because by the great Mortalities of the Cattle and stock of the inhabitants last year, the people have been and still are under great straits for corne and provisions, and the substance of the Province and the Territories consisting altogether in stock, provisions, and corne, if the inhabitants should be called off from getting in their Har- vest and Cropts to attend Assemblic, whose number with the Council, are 54 persons, it would tend to their utter ruine.” “To which the rest of the members unanimouslie assented.” George Maris was a member of Chester Monthly Meeting of Friends, and was an active worker for the cause of Truth; he was also a member of the Yearly Meeting of Ministers, which mct at Burlington and Philadelphia in the early days, but afterward only in Philadelphia. During the latter part of his life, and especially after he had re- tired from the active participation in judicial and legislative duties, he was almost /3 / C /; AV 7/5 AWAV/A1 / . XVII always one of the Committee appointed to represent his Monthly Mccting at the Quar- terly Meeting, and was as uniformly appointed a representative to the Yearly Mccting. As early as 1688 he was one to sign “a petition against Sclling Rum and other Strong Liquors to the Indians.” The carly records of the Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly Meetings of Friends are very brief, merely naming the subjects treated of and giving the names of persons appointed on committees. It is therefore impossible to give any account of his active work in the Ministry; but his frequent appointment to visit and labor with the erring, where the finest qualitics of a loving heart are most cffective, bears testimony to his amiable disposition; for the records speak of his being appointed on such visits even after the labors of many others had proven ineffectual; and on the other hand his appointment by the Yearly Meeting to visit George Keith, the leader of a most determined faction in the Society of Fricnds, and deliver to him the Censure of the Mecting for certain of his acts, shows their estimate of his good judgment and courage. George Maris lived in this country twenty-two years (being over fifty years of age when he left England), during the first twelve of which he was constantly occupied with affairs of Church and State; he was not a man of many words, nor did he push himself forward into public place; he was clearly a man of gentle manners and of unswerving integrity and courage, whose purpose was “to serve the Lord and all people in love.” To Hon. JoHN M. BROOMALL, of Media, was given the subject—“The Descendants of George Maris,” which was also a very valuable historical production ; we give it entire, as follows: THE FAMILY OF GEORGE MARIS. We are as we are, very much by reason of our antecedents and surroundings. The line of ancestry through which we came, and the associations among which our advent as conscious beings has thrown us, in the main make us what we are. The former of these we have no control over. No man is consulted about who shall be his parents. As far as inheritance is concerned he must take his being as it is cast upon him. Within certain limits, we can modify the inheritance after it comes to us. Within Certain limits, we are free agents. We can vary our surroundings. We can choose Our associations, and thereby make for ourselves a new creation, to Some small extent, a changed estate, so to speak, to transmit to our heirs. It is certainly no merit to be descended from a line of worthy and virtuous ancestors; as it is no demerit to be the Offspring of vicious and ignoble parents. But the former is as certainly a blessing as the latter is a misfortune. The man who can trace his parentage back for two hundred years, without finding qualities he would not wish to inherit, is to be envied ; and such a man is base indeed if he fails to transmit untarnished the inheritance he received. The desire to know something of the stock from which we came is a laudable one; and while there are few of us but will find something of which we have reason to be ashamed, yet, as a rule, the descendants of the first settlers of Pennsylvania have good cause to congratulate themselves that their line of ancestry at that point of time Commenced well. They are doubly fortunate, first, in the fact that their fathers were emigrants, and second, in the fact that they fled from ecclesiastical tyranny at home. NV III 7. / / / // A R / S FA /l/ / / Y. All other things being equal, it requires more force of character, and, therefore, more mind to dissent than to conform. It is casy to go with the current. A log does that. But to shape a course against the current or independent of it requires a higher power than mere gravity. Hence the English dissenters of two centuries ago, and possibly ever since, possessed more than the average mental force of Englishmen. However wrong they might be, at least they were sincere in their opinions. They acted from a sense of duty, whether mistaken or not, and by that fact they manifested a more than average moral force of Englishmen. Grant that they were wrong, the error was one of judgment only, which would have yielded to time and the Spirit of in- quiry. But no time and no inquiry would correct an error of intention. Surely there has been no period in the history of England of a scarcity of intentional wrong-doers sufficient to keep the government busy. Only the energetic emigrate voluntarily. Hence emigration always deprives the parent stock of its energy for the benefit of the new country. It requires more force of charaćter to expatriate one's self to avoid the ills that threaten than to remain and bear them. True, this extra force of character may not be in the direčtion of morals, and so the result may be a lawless, as well as a strong and energetic stock. But in those who fled from persecution at the hands of the State Church in England, in the seventeenth century, we find the force of charaćter that led to emigration combined with the moral force that led in the line of duty, making the best possible combination of elements for a new stock. Having more than the average mental, and more than the average moral, force of Englishmen, they were just the people whom England should have labored to keep at home. A government that undertakes to control the citizens in their religious opinions and in their acts that concern only private duty, always finds it most difficult to man- age the great energetic middle ranks, the higher orders of producers. It may bribe its nobility with power and titles, for they are few. It may coerce or frighten the very low, because they are weak. But the shrewd, thinking middle classes cannot be reached by either of these means. Hence, in England the ranks of the dissenters have always been kept up mainly from those below the nobility, and above the average of the commonalty. Considered in the light of these obvious propositions much of American history becomes plain. We derived from England more than her average energy, more than her average moral sense, more than her average obstinacy in demanding on the one hand, and fairness in conceding on the other, all we believed to be right. With this it was impossible that we should remain a dependency of the mother country. Our enormous strides in material well-being, our vast and increasing national and individual wealth, Our readiness to embark in all moral and material projects, our jealousy of gov- crnmental assumption of power—all these are the natural result of our English ante- cedents and Our American surroundings. Two hundred years ago George Maris, and Alice, his wife, selected the spot on which we stand, for their future home. They were emigrants from Worcestershire, Eng- land, and they had left their native land to escape its cruel and unjust laws. A few years before, the husband had had his goods distrained and sold to the value of twenty /3 /– ( / AV / / V V / / / / . X I X pounds sterling, cqual to four hundred dollars now, and had been imprisoned cight months, for the crime of permitting a religious mccting to be held at his dwelling house, without having the scrvices conducted by a pricst of the State Church. Learn- ing from bitter experience that God was not at that time frce by the laws of England to receive such worship as His creatures, under all the light He gave them, could tender Him, these worthy people sought and found here a country where there is no embargo on religious worship. And now, after the lapse of the two centuries, we, the present audience, some of the descendants of this worthy couple, have met to clasp hands as brothers and sisters, to recognize a common parentage, to cultivate those sen- timents of affection which should pervade and animate persons of one blood, to study the charaćter and cmulate the virtues of our first American parents, and to carry to our widely-scattered homes the sentiment that it was good for us to be here. It is with design that I speak of Alice, as well as of her husband, for we must not forget that we are of her blood as well as his. Indeed it is possible that she con- tributed more to the family traits than he. It is believed by many that Nature repro- duces the mother in the children more faithfully than the father. However this may be, the descendants of our venerated ancestors have exhibited the peculiar American modifications of British charaćter. They have largely diverged. Numbering the thousands they do, they have scattered themselves all over the United States. They are of every grade of Society, and of every shade of political and religious opinion. Comparatively few of them remain attached to the Society of Friends of which George Maris was so active and so worthy a member. Under the same sense of duty that governed him ; claiming and conceding the same right of individual opinion for which he so suffered, that even banishment was a relief, they formed from time to time new religious associations as they felt themselves guided by the inner light of which he was so distinguished a follower. The descendants of George and Alice Maris have been more or less distinguished in the diplomatic Service of the country, in the halls of State and National legislation, in political and constitutional conventions, in the army and navy, in the learned profes- sions, in the college, the School, the work-shop, the counting house, and largely in the field. It is true we have furnished no President of the United States, no Governor of a State; but on the other hand we have contributed little, if anything, toward the oc- cupation of the prison and the almshouse. Mainly the family has been of the great middle rank of the people, in comfortable circumstances, with probably more than the average American education. John Welsh, late Minister to England, of whom Philadelphia is so justly proud; Washington Townsend, who represented our district in Congress so ably for four suc- cessive terms; Dr. John T. Huddleson, a former State Senator; General Persifor Fra- zer Smith, of the United States Army; Simon Barnard, an active operator on the Un- derground Railroad, as long as its functions lasted; Edward H. Magill, President of Swarthmore College; George L. Maris, formerly Principal of the West Chester State Normal School and now Principal of Friends' Central School, Phil'a, and many others might be named to show that the mental and moral force which characterized George Maris is still potent and active in his progeny. XX T// / / / | A / S /7A Al/ / / Y. The family has furnished at least six members of Congress, and while it may not be entirely proper to speak of the four living ones, yet a few words may well be devoted to the dead—the gifted dead. John Edwards Leonard, a Representative from Louis- iana, was born September 22, 1845, near Fairville, Chester county, and was the only child of John E. and Mary H. Leonard. He died of yellow fever at Havana, March I 5, 1878. He was a graduate of Harvard University, and he completed his studies at Heidelberg, Germany, receiving the degree of Doctor of Laws. IHe settled in Louisiana in 1870, practised law in the Thirteenth District of that State, and became a Judge of the Supreme Court. Finally he was elected to the Forty-fifth Congress, and died while a member. Though so young a man, Mr. Leonard was a ripe scholar. He was the author of some legal works, and of a volume of poems of considerable promise, published in 1871. The memorial addresses delivered in Congress April 18, 1878, show that he had acquired quite a standing among his fellow members, and testify a universal regret at his un- timely end. It is a remarkable coincidence that John Edwards, a great uncle of Mr. Leonard, and in the line of the family of George Maris, also died while a member of Congress. He was clected in 1838, again in 1840, and again in 1842, and he died June 25, 1843. He was a prominent lawyer of our county; and he owned and operated the iron works at Glen Mills. Mr Leonard was not the only poct in the family. Susan Wilson, the gifted author of “The Painter of Seville,” was also of the lineage of George Maris and Alice, his wife, and we have just reason to be proud of the relationship. Judging of her talent from that production, it is a pity she wrote so little. That certainly is a sample of word painting rarely excelled in the language, and as such it deserves the place it has among the choice specimens of English poetry. We do not merely read the incidents; we see, for example, the slave boy with the brush in his hand to efface, standing at dawn before the canvas which contained his surreptitious workmanship. We see the com- ing day light up the picture until its beauties stayed his hand, as “He cried : Shall I efface it P NO ! That breathing lip; that beaming eye, Efface them P I would rather die.” In the living words of the author we see the day slowly opening, while touch after touch of the brush in the slave hand brings out new beauties, making the picture what it still is after the lapse of centuries. We see the stealthy approach of the master and his pupils. We see them gazing in silent wonder at the glowing and breathing madonna. We see the discovery, the terror, the crouching at the feet of his master as only a slave can crouch, to receive, not the punishment he expected, but the reward he hardly dared ask for, his father's freedom and his own. The family of George Maris furnished some of the most prominent anti-slavery men of the days when it cost something to avow their sentiments; and when the time of terrible reckoning came, the dies irae, a goodly number of them espoused the cause of the nation in the field. Among them was George W. Roberts, whose last promo- tion to a Generalship came after he had fallen in battle. He had distinguished himself BI-CENTE NN/AL. - XXI in various ways in his early service; and his most daring deed was the spiking of the rebel guns on Island No. 10. From that time onward his short life exhibited a series of brilliant achievements, and he fell at Stony River, gallantly repulsing the enemy. Distinguished as he was in the early years of the war, at the age of twenty-nine, what might have been expected of him if he had lived until its close 2 Among the gifted dead may be mentioned Professor John F. Frazer, of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, who occupied a most enviable position among his fellows; and Persifor Frazer Smith, of West Chester, a prominent member of the Bar and of the House of Representatives, who has left a durable record of his name upon his Supreme Court Reports, as well as other legal productions. We might speak of others of the lineage who have gone before us, leaving us still less by which to remember them, “Mute, inglorious Miltons,” “Cromwells guiltless of their country's blood,” examples to us in the common everyday walks of life. We might mention John Talbot, of Up- per Chichester, a prominent member of the Society of Friends; a successful farmer, and the wealthiest man of his day in the two counties of Chester and Delaware. He died at an advanced age in 1821. Caleb Maris, of Willistown, who was born one hun- dred and thirty-nine years ago to-day, and lived to be ninety-four. He was noted for his benevolent disposition and his desire to aid the afflićted of all races, ranks, classes and religions. George Maris, of Willistown, who was born one hundred and eight years ago to-day, and lived to be ninety-five. He remembered the closing scenes of the Revolution, and was fond of relating interesting incidents of our early history. It is remarkable that the day we celebrate is the anniversary of the birthdays of both these old men. Thomas Dutton, of Aston, who died at the age of a hundred years in I879, leaving a numerous family of four generations. Jesse J. Maris, of Chester, for many years the President of the Bank of Delaware County, and a most useful citizen in every walk of life. But the list of those who have left us an example we can scarcely hope to follow, would be too long; and the details may be left for the proposed Maris family history. There are also many more living members of whom it would be quite pleasant to speak, but it is difficult to speak aright of the living. The history of these people is still being made, and no man should be called famous until he is dead. Counting an average of four children to the family, the descendants of George and Alice Maris, unaffected by inter-marriages, would number over sixteen thousand. As this average is probably large, we may set the number down safely at six thousand. These would probably be of the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth generations. The sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth generations, are no doubt represented on the grounds to-day, and although the present company comprises but a small portion of the family, yet no doubt there are representatives of the families of all the grand-children of the first settler among them. - . Counting that the average of this company is of the sixth generation from George Maris, and supposing the case unaffected by inter-marriages, there are sixty-four of the Cotemporaries of George and Alice Maris represented in the present audience. And the descendants of those Cotemporaries, at the same rate of increase, would exceed three hundred thousand. Reducing the number to one-half on account of inter-mar- XXII T///5 /l/ Al R/S FA / / / / Y. riages, and the result would be a fair estimate of our individual kindred. It is no , fiction of language to speak of the universal brotherhood of man when we reflect that each of us has probably one hundred and fifty thousand blood relations within the period of two hundred years. Beyond all doubt all persons whose parents and grand- parents were born within the limits of the old Chester county, are related to one another by blood or marriage within a very few generations past; and it is reasonably certain that all men of the Teutonic and Celtic races are related to one another by blood within fifty generations. - These considerations, so far from making us value one another the less as of the blood of George and Alice Maris, should simply enlarge the sphere of clanship, causing it to comprehend new classes as they come up to our knowledge, and making us re- cognize all we meet in our passage through life as brothers and sisters. Let us carry the remembrance of this meeting to our various homes, and transmit to our children and our children's children the fact that we gathered at this place on this day to recognize, and seal, and perpetuate the bond of union that should link to- gether those who feel that they are of one blood. Let us collect and perpetuate the evidence of our relationship, so that two hundred years hence the descendants of George and Alice Maris, who will not then find standing room in the township of Springfield, will look back over the ages to our meeting here, as we look back over the ages to the first settlement; will point out to one another the particular ancestors of each in the group here assembled; and as they learn to venerate the memory of the patriarch from whom they take their being, will feel for one another that affection and sympathy that arises from, as well as demonstrates, a unity of blood. “The Maris Family in the West,” was a lengthy and well-prepared paper, closely devoted to the subject. It was read by its writer, Mr. JARED MARIs, of Columbus, Ohio, as follows: THE MARIS FAMILY IN THE WEST. MR. CHAIRMAN, RELATIVES AND FRIENDS:—When I came upon this stand I thought to offer an apology for appearing a stranger before you, but finding myself related to such ladies and gentlemen as surround me, and that I may say of the author of the “Painter of Seville," she was my cousin, why should I apologize for appearing any- where P The marked attention given by you to the addresses you have heard is a high compliment to those who delivered them. There are two things conneéted with my address with which you will be ultimately pleased. First, it will not be published in the book of chronicles in its present form; secondly, much of it will not appear at all. Before opening the manuscript I will outline the narrative. • George Maris, grandson of George, the immigrant, has been called George the patri- arch, because of his numerous family, he having been married four times. His eldest son, James, was the father of David and Levis. David, with five adult sons, Nathaniel, Jonathan, Lewis, Owen, and Isaiah, removed to Ohio about the year 1814. These were the progenitors of that branch of the Maris family of which I shall speak. The value of history and biography consists in the amount of truth which it em- bodies, and the motto of the biographer should be /3 /– C E AWT/E AWAV/A / . XXIII “Nothing extenuate Nor set down aught in malice.” One may write of the dead and their deeds with little embarrassment, but he who writes truthfully of the living, and especially if they be relatives, has an undesirable task, or, very desirable relatives. In the economies of nature ancestors are a common inheritance, and, whether good or bad, they are the links which bind us to the past, and the channel through which we receive the image of our Maker. Though the proper subjects of critical inspection, they are doubtless entitled to a certain degree of venera- tion. Each succeeding generation should inherit the cKperiences of the past. Recent discoveries in the laws of heredity show the desirability of family history, as well as the importance of a record of a Nation's growth. The peculiar nature of a genealogical history demands fair, careful, and accurate statement. Saxe cautions against climbing the family thread, lest we “find it waxed at the other end by some plebeian vocation.” Better it were waxed at both ends than stained with blood or scorched in the fires of licentiousness. We have the Maris thread unbroken for two hundred and fifty years, and find it strung with such ornaments of society as seamstresses, shoemakers and tailors, and it has survived these oft repeated waxings. The forthcoming book will, I trust, give such information touching the physical, mental, and moral status of the family as will fur- nish data for the sociologist. Investigation concerning all the branches of the family in the West was denied me on account of limited time. I must therefore confine this paper to that division of which I am a member. Our ancestor was assigned to us in a very undemocratic manner, without consent of ours. The fates were kind, however, for having none who had been imprisoned for conscience sake, or fined for “the meeting being at his house,” they gave us one whose conscience never got him into any such trouble. - In middle life he, with his family, moved West beyond the Alleghenies, presuma- bly to “grow up with the country;” and grow they did. Isolated from our kindred by this mountain barrier, we lost our ancestral thread. Our generation have longed for a knowledge of their ancestry; and now after a lapse of three score and ten years, we are glad to be invited to meet with you at the “Home House.” When scarce half a year ago I met by accident our good cousin, Prof. George L. Maris, and told him how the long lost David, son of James, eldest son of the abundantly and well married George the patriarch, had crossed the mountains in 1814, taking with him six adult children, who traveled behind the wagon that carried the parents and household effects, and also that two married sons, with their families, had emigrated to the same place, Nathaniel with three, and Jonathan with four children, and how they planted homes and reared families, to one of which I had the fortune to belong, he looked somewhat as one who would know more, and yet feared to know too much. He kindly told me of the effort making by good friends to gather up the family threads with their many ties, and to show the one pattern the Master has been weaving XXIV TH E M A R / S FA // / / Y. all these years. He gave me a little book of the Maris generation, to the present time, and we were left out. I felt that we were the orphans of the period, and insisted (quite unnecessarily) that we should be admitted to the fold. He asked for names, and received names of David's descendants in many States and Territories, and numbering hundreds. He in turn told me of unnumbered cousins and those united to them who, I learn, detract nothing, but rather add to the honor of the cherished name. This kindled fire of consanguinity ran in circulars, letters and missives over all the West. Nine-tenths of David's descendants had no knowledge of eastern Connections. None of us had ever heard of George the first, or of the patriarch, and more than all, we did not know that a Maris had ever been in jail. We did not even know whence Our lineage came. The intelligence received at this interview, coupled with an invitation to meet you here, stirred our hearts to right loyal depths. I can assure you that there are many scores of your cousins and mine in many western homes, who talk of Our Com- munion here this day with warm hearts and right spirits, and who will anxiously await the printed reports and enduring mementoes of this grand occasion. We rejoice to know that the common home-place of which we had never heard, has not been alienated, but is ours still ; held in trust by one who bears honorably the ancestral name. The generous bestowment of these beautiful grounds, so sacred to us, for the pur- poses for which they are used to-day, shows that he appreciates the fiduciary charaćter of his title. We trust it will be held by his descendants whose name shall be Maris, a thousand years to come. Or if some Maris who thirsts for fame among his kindred, would buy and dedicate it to holding of family anniversaries forever, we would vote him a right royal, loyal benefactor; would teach our children to speak of him as cousin Richard, or George (as the case might be), and adorn the next centennial medal with his medal- lion. About one hundred and ten years ago, at a farm house not many miles from here, David Maris, grandson of George the Patriarch, was married to Sarah, daughter of Richard Fox, and sister of Ann, wife of Caleb Maris, whose grand-sons, Norris, John, and Caleb, still survive, and grace us with their venerable presence. To this wedded pair, David and Sarah, children came till they numbered nine. As they arrived at proper age, the mother, who was a wise, judicious woman, put the sons out to service under indenture in good homes, and afterward apprenticed them to trades. This she did because the husband and father held chronic consultation with his cups and his comrades. Many years passed, and all the family but Curtis emigrated to Belmont county, Ohio. Of Curtis I know nothing but the report of a brother that he married, and died, leaving a daughter. Nathaniel was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Matthew Wood, a Friend, of Chester county, with whom he removed to Ohio. Jesse Maris, their eldest son, still lives at the home in Ohio, where they settled in 1812. As he is the oldest one of our generation I may speak of him as having led a blameless life, and though blind for many years, is a cheerful, joyous man of seventy-seven. Susan married Jacob Hoopes, and died early. Rachel married John Harbin, and at an ad- vanced age died of paralysis. Mary married a Friend by the name of Thomas Deweese. AE / C / W 77/E AWAV/A / . XXV Jonathan married Sarah Thomas, of Delaware county, Pa., of whose family I know nothing. I knew her many years as an excellent wife and a devoted mother of twelve children. Owen married Rachel, sister of George K. Jenkins, a noted educator and promi- nent advocate of pacific measures in the Government's treatment of the Indians. She - was a very queen among women. Of this marriage there were cight children. She died in life's prime. He afterwards marricq Amy Spencer Vanlaw, who lived but a few months. He subsequently married Anna Worthington Vanlaw. Of this marriage there were six children, the eldest of whom died in the Union Army. His three wives were Friends. Isaiah married Phebe, daughter of David Fawcett, an Ohio Friend. She died early of consumption, leaving five children. He afterwards married Mary, daughter of Benjamin Street, widow of Mark Yocum. Of this marriage there were five children. The mother still lives, the only surviving member of a long-lived family. She is the mother of nine living children, ranging in age from 25 to 52 years. Her home is in Salem, Iowa. I sometimes visit her, my only living aunt. I wish you could see her, dressed, as she always is, in simple Quaker garb, in apparent Contentment, waiting, not for the little feet that come no more, but for the sure reward of faithful life. As he crossed the mountains on foot to visit the place of his birth about the year 1818, Lewis Maris met Sidney, daughter of Isaac Hoopes, of Goshen, as she journeyed to Ohio in company with William Dewees and wife, her elder sister, who, with their family, were emigrating to Ohio. They had met in earlier youth. It was now nearing night, and he retraced his steps upon the mountain road with her to an inn, where the company stopped for the night. While sitting near each other in the moonlight on the porch, the landlady came to them and said, as if by some strange inspiration, that they were suited to each other. And they were superstitious enough to think her a prophetess. On the morrow both went their ways, he to visit the place of his birth, and she to a new home in the west. Not as the day before, weary trudgers on the highway, but with new life, and hearts singing a new song—the one song whose infinite variety never “stales.” At her home in Ohio they met again and resumed their journey on life's valley and mountain road, and walked together to the measure of that ever new song for nearly sixty years. Ten years of the way she was blind, and he was eyes for her. Love never grew weary or faltered even once, but his body failed, and one early morn- ing as I watched beside his chair, his head fell upon his breast. “The silver cord was loosed.” My father had left life's highway, and rested not at the wayside inn, but Home. The story of the landlady and her lover guests was told me by the woman who was the heroine more than sixty years before the telling. She was now eighty-seven years of age, and yet she told it with almost bated breath, as though it were a secret still, and in tender accents, as if her lover three years in spirit land, might hear and feel that she might not tell it even to her son. She seemed to trip along the mountain road once more, though her feet refused the carpet floor of home. Her eyes were long since dead to the light of Heaven or NNW I 77///5 // A R / S FA // / / Y. loving face of friends, and every physical power faltered at the threshold of dissolution, yet manner, tone and accent showed love was strong. The very day following, while in my arms, she ceased to breathe and rested; not as one who lies down to dream, but as one whom the light of morning waketh. Of the eight children of Lewis, five are living. The brothers, Nathaniel, Jonathan, Lewis, Owen, and Isaiah, pursued their mechanical trades in conneétion with clearing lands and farming. Being men of honest charaćter, and allied by marriage to good families, they exercised a large influence for good in this new country. They were all total abstinence men except Jonathan, who in his early life was not. In politics they were all Whigs and among the few men of their time who took a newspaper. Their descendants are to a man and woman Republicans or Prohibitionists. Many were in the Union army, some wounded and some slain. Upon moral and educational ques- tions they uniformly occupy advanced ground. Their position on questions pertaining to good order may be inferred from the fačt that all except Jonathan adhered to the distinguishing doctrines of the Society of Friends. The family of Jonathan, however, has demonstrated that this was not necessary to the development of good sterling charaćter. The five brothers were all ready talkers and though high-tempered, wore bright, kindly faces. With one exception they were in stature above medium and all of fine personal appearance. A personal pride border- ing on vanity was charaćteristic of them all. They had a certain habit of moderate strutting, rising slightly on tiptoe, which told of blood descended from knights of old who choose for their helmet's crest a peacock in full bloom. None of the descendants of the five have died of intemperance, and among them all there are not three mod- crate drinkers. In religion some of them adhere to the spiritual faith of their fathers. Many are Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists. No imbecile or congenitally deformed child has been born to any of David Maris's descendants, and there is no evidence of hereditary taint of any kind in the family. No man has died of consumption, though three women have. Of the five brothers, Nathan- icl, the eldest, died at the age of near 70 of paralysis, the others from disorders conse- quent upon senile decay. At one time during the life of the four younger brothers, their ages aggregated three hundred and twenty years. Western Marises have not accumulated large property. They are fair money- makers, but not disposed to invest for accumulation. It requires but little money to make the average Maris rich. Ambition and necessity have developed in us a more desirable quality, viz., ability to command good position in society without it. The domestic qualities of the conneétions are of a very high order. Levis, the revolutionary soldier and brother of David, was our only confirmed bachelor. Marry- ing well, early and often as circumstances require, is charaćteristic of the family. When you consider the fačt that the average distance the western members would have to travel is more than one thousand miles, you will not be surprised that they are not all here. I desire on their behalf to assure the active working members of your com- mittee, our hearty thanks. Our family, which now numbers hundreds, would I doubt not, Sanction my saying to you that we are a fair class of common people, and I am equally sure that when you become acquainted with us you will be impressed with the B /– C E M T E AWAV/A / . XXVII idea that it were well if such common people were more common. Members of our family have held places of public trust from school directors to Legislators. This reunion will be to us “little less than a liberal education.” We had not dreamed of ancestral bishops, barons or knights, and were innocent of any suspicion that we were entitled to an heraldic coat-of-arms. But even if our veins are warmed by noble blood, we would be humbled if asked “to what purpose ’’ in a land where every drop of blood is royal, and emblems of dis- tinétion are the ornaments of children. Some of our people have a knowledge of the .distinguishing charaćteristics of the Society of which our ancestor of the line of true moči!?!y was a distinguished member, a few of the favored ones who in youth were com- pelled to Sandwich “piety promoted" between Dickens and Thackeray, and Barclay's Apology and John Dymond's Essays, between Robinson Crusoe and Sandford and Merton. A knowledge of life and its incidents has shown us that the good boys and girls that were painted and died to order, were feeble imitations of real religious charaćter, and their chroniclers not having a spark of genius, the youths and the books are alike dead to some of us. Not so with Barclay, whom, to follow and understand, is a thorough course in logic; or John Dymond's essays, whose technical morality no phi- losopher dare with logic attack. The conflićt, with error, of these giants we do not forget. Neither do we forget our own conflićt with error, when, with simple argument and pleading faces we fought as earnestly as ever Paul fought with beasts at Ephesus for the privilege of whistling a tune, singing a sentimental song or devotional hymn, or playing a jews-harp. The conflićt grew hot if we sought the privilege of going with Some youthful friends to even a Friends' meeting, if of an opposite itc or dot. Con- signed, as we were, to wear clothing invented to invite the terrible sword of ridicule, we stood between its biting edge and disobedience to parents, who, in their tender love for us, would have saved us from both but for the tyranny of society. The placard advertisements of spiritual life were burned into us and, like all other surface burning, left a scar. We learn from the opening address that our family name is almost extinët in Europe, and, from statistics, that it is waning here. Luxury is doubtless preying upon your vitals. We of the West have escaped its inroads and are waxing to fine proportions. We trust you will not regard us presumptuous in claiming that some of the man- tles of our ancestors have fallen upon Western shoulders. - Our fathers taught and suffered for such doctrines as these: Woman is man's equal, before God, in the church. No priest stands between the Soul and God. There can be no connubial relation between the State and the Church. That where God's children meet regularly for worship, there is a church, priest or no priest. That tem- perance is a virtue. That black men should be equal in Church and before the law. That slaveholders should not be compromised with. No Western Maris votes the Democratic ticket. We hold that woman is superior before God in the Church, and should be equal NXVIII - T///E /l/ Al R / S FA /l/ / / V. before the law, and the most of us advocate her right (as a right), to every position and franchise within the gift of the State. Protećtion to industry and capital; advancement of civilization by Compulsory education, and the aid by General Government in this regard for the Southern States : absolute control by law of the liquor traffic, are also in our political Creed. You may be glad to learn that our worthy ancestor has a descendant of the same name who has been doing good battle for prohibition in the Legislature of Iowa, and he writes me that the temperance canvass in that State keeps him from being with us to-day. - & Hoping that you have some faith in us, we trust that you will add to it charity for our failings and a generous appreciation of Our successes. We will covenant with you on this to us sacred day to remember the motto of our ancestors, inscribed on the beautiful memorials of this good time. Be what we seem. Then, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” With the reading of this entertaining produćtion of Mr. Jared Maris the prepared programme of the occasion terminated. - The President having announced that Hon. John Welsh, late Minister from the United States to Great Britain and Ireland was present, he would take the liberty of introducing him. M.R. WELSH came forward and spoke in substance as follows: “MY KINSMEN:—Although unauthorized by me, I cheerfully respond to the call of our honored President, with the assurance that it affords me great pleasure to meet you all and to find before me so large a gathering of our now numerous and widely-spread family. I may well be proud of such a conneétion. A single household driven by religious persecution, in 1683, sought a home here on this very spot, then a dense wilderness, and behold what a multitude it has become ! I am fifth in descent from our revered ancestor, George Maris. My mother was Jemima Maris, daughter of Jesse, Son of Joseph, son of Richard, son of George, and I am one of one hundred and twenty-five descendants from my mother, now living. Thus I am one of you, and with you, I have cordially and earnestly united in honoring him, of whose charaćter and life we have so much reason to be proud. Having done so, ought we not to take our minds from the past and fix them on the future ? In the years to come, we are to hold the same relation to our descend- ants, that George Maris does to us. Now is the moment that we should impress this thought upon ourselves each one individually, that we may so order our lives that our descendants may have no less cause to honor our memories, than we now have to honor the memory of George Maris of 1683, who endured persecution for conscience sake, and imparted to us, through our blood, as we trust, some of the virtue with which he was imbued. I must say no more, you are already weary, and the day is far spent, therefore, I bid you good-bye.” COMMITTEES. The committees upon the work of preparing for the event were respectively as follows: Grounds and Relics—George Maris, Joseph P. Maris, John Leedom. /3 /– CAE AWT/E/W/V/A / . XXIX Finance—Joshua Maris, John M. Broomall, William W. Maris. Transportation—B. Frank. Beatty. Treasurer—Joshua Maris, Wilmington, Delaware. A large tent, of the camp meeting order, was erected outside the grove, wherein bronze medals bearing a correct facsimile of the family's coat of arms, together with a traditionary inscription, were sold to hundreds of eager purchasers. ºšā QUAA VIDE; gºº The number in attendance was generally rated at two thousand persons, though some thought it much greater. In every way the occasion far exceeded the expecta- tions of those who labored in the front ranks in bringing about the affair, and a num- ber of friends from a distance, who were not expected, helped to swell the kindred throng. We have seldom seen so many vehicles at any gathering, the grove and adjacent fields being literally filled with them, and the wonder of everyone was where they all came from. Every hoped for feature of the reunion was faithfully and satisfactorily carried out, and we feel safe in saying that there has not been a larger or more suc- cessful event of the kind ever held in this part of the State. Old and young vied in making everybody feel at home, and in no particular was there one made to feel that his best anticipations had not been fully realized. The many conveyances employed in carrying people to and from the railroad station at Morton, were kept busy until after sunset, and we heard the driver of a single vehicle say, that he had carried over one hundred passengers during the day. Taking his statement as a guide, we may safely say that at least one thousand persons were thus carried, which means of transporta- tion was but a fraction of what the scene presented to the eye during the day. Many were obliged to quit the grove much earlier than they wished in order to make sure of transportation to the station, while some, through fear of missing the train, made this portion of their homeward trip on foot. % The press of Philadelphia and surrounding towns was well represented, the repre- sentatives making copious notes of the occasion, and generally according it one of the largest assemblages of the kind they had ever witnessed. DESCENDANTS IN INDIANA. In compiling the genealogy of the Maris Family of the United States, it soon be- came evident that there were branches residing in Indiana, which it would be difficult to place accurately, without an interview with some of the members; it was, therefore, thought best to send among them a representative, who was interested in the work, to procure the necessary information. Pic-nics of the descendants were held in Orange, Parke, and Howard counties, accounts of which are given below. THE MARIS FAMILY IN ORANGE COUNTY. The Orange county (Ind.) descendants of George and Alice Maris met at the house of “Uncle John Maris,” September I I, 1884, for the purpose of aiding Annie M. Maris, of West Chester, Pa., in procuring records of the descendants of our ancestor who came from England about two hundred years ago. Our friend and relative from the East has been engaged more than a year in the work of collečting material for a book, which will contain several thousand names traceable to this family. The work, though a difficult one, is full of interest in many ways; the descendants are scattered over nearly all the States and Territories of the Union. The day though warm, will long be remembered as a renewal of kindred and social ties, as well as the formation of new ones. We assembled from 9 to II o'clock, and after a friendly greeting, followed by general and informal conversation, we were invited to dinner, which was particularly good, and to which all did ample justice. By previous arrangement an artist was present, and photographed the relatives, as- sembled in a group in the grove in front of the house. Following this, the meeting was organized with John Atkinson as President, and Aaron Maris, Secretary. Our relative from Chester county, assisted by Jared Maris, of Columbus, Ohio, who accompanied her, gave a short sketch of the labor, aims, etc., of the work referred to in this article, and also explained the difficulties encountered in collečting data. The particular branch of the family in Orange county was taken up, and traced back to North Carolina, and thence to Pennsylvania. The meeting adjourned, and we were again occupied for a short time in social talk, feeling and saying we were glad we were there. How pleasant, how beneficial, yea, how sweet are these carthly socials when devoid of evil. John ATKINSON, President. AARON MARIs, Scarciary. ( XXX ) :| | i : T///, // A A' / S /7/1 /l/ / / ) " /AV / AV/) /A AVA . XXXI THE PARKE COUNTY MARISES. The morning of September 16th, 1884, opened cloudy and threatening, and much of the forenoon a mist and slight rain came down with promise of more to follow, but near II A. M., the sun came out brightly and presented his full face the remainder of the day. Such in brief was the day on which the scattering Marises and some of their re- lations met in the grove north of Annapolis. All of the name were not present, and from morning indications, the only wonder is that as many ventured out as did. The forenoon was spent in becoming acquainted and in living over again old mem- ories and pioneer incidents. About I 2.30 this part of the programme was brought to an abrupt close by the announcement of the ladies that dinner was ready. Seldom have we had the pleasure of gathering around a table so richly and plentifully supplied. Merry voices and the hum of conversation again announced that the social part was resumed; but not long did this continue, for the familiar voice of William O. Maris, of Sylvania, announced that it was time to attend to the important part for which we had assembled. On motion of Thomas E. Maris, Mary Maris Welch, of Annapolis, was made Chairman. She came forward with grace and dignity, thanked the audience for the bestowed honor, and proceeded to business by asking for a Secre- tary; on motion of Joseph Vickory, Thomas E. Maris was chosen. Jared Maris, of Columbus, Ohio, was called forward and addressed the meeting in a plain, sensible, pointed, interesting talk. Among other things he said: There is much in a name; much in the honor of a name. A knowledge of one's genealogy is a valuable acquisition. We want to get away from the value of a dollar, a pound, or an acre of land, and institute in its place the intrinsic value and merit of mental worth and intellectual ability. He showed us a “Family Coat of Arms,” something little seen here in the West of free America. He then introduced Annie M. Maris, of West Chester, Pa., who came to the stand and read a very interesting and instrućtive letter from her husband, George L. Maris. It was both congratulatory and historical; and to say that it was highly appreciated by all present, is but putting the point mildly. Unconsciously, and without effort, we found ourselves beyond the Apalachians walk- ing heart and hand with cousins, of whose existence, but a short time before, we knew nothing. A good pen pićture was given of the Bi-Centennial Re-union held at the Old Homestead of the family patriarch, in Delaware county, Penna., in 1883. And con- tinuing, “You of Parke county, who assemble to do honor to your ancestor, the great grand-son of George Maris the immigrant, have reason to be proud of the name you commemorate, as the descendants of George Maris, of North Carolina, constitute a considerable part of the Maris Family of the United States.” The speaker then delved into family genealogy, tracing those present back, first to Orange county, Ind., then to North Carolina, and lastly to Pennsylvania, to the immigrant George Maris, who came over with Penn when he founded his colony in the Keystone State. She is interested in, and hard at work on a family record, and this was her mission with us, and the main cause of our re-union. Zimri D. Maris, of Rockville, Parke county, Indiana, in response to a call talked for some minutes, saying if further assurances of a hearty welcome to our Eastern XXXII TA/A) // A R / S FA /l/ / / Y /AV / NZD / A NA. cousins were necessary he would now extend such to them, “Do not be in a hurry to leave us, but visit us at our homes, around our firesides, and participate in the daily services we render to the Great I Am.” He mentioned the general religious and moral tendency of the Maris name in the county. That none had ever so far digressed from the great law of right as to look out upon the world through iron gratings. William O. Maris, after repeated calls, rather supplemented Zimri's talk by a few appropriate and witty remarks to the amusement of all. He said he was glad that he had lived to see this day, to grasp the friendly hands of Eastern cousins, and that he was one of the number who could trace genealogy by an unbroken line to the settle- ment of our country. Was glad that no one in all this long line had so far diverged as to be dealt with as a transgressor of the civil law. Dr. Garrigus talked in a line somewhat different from those who preceded him; said he was descended from ancestors on either side who had been persecuted for reli- gion's sake, and as a consequence this element was doubled in himself, and he was glad of it, as it often gave him inspiration and courage when he, was likely to grow luke- warm in the cause for which his honored ancestors had suffered. He prized his con- ne&tion with the Maris family, and hoped it might never be brought into disrepute by any aćt of his. Thomas E. Maris added to the above remarks, giving a short retrospect of the Maris family of the United States, also some good advice in regard to the attention that higher education should receive. * Martha Harvey gave some account of her father George Maris [1035], who, owing to feeble health, could not be present. Iły comparison of dates it was found that he is the oldest of the name living in America. About noon-time Mr. Peacock, the artist from Rockville, photographed the group. The pićture is a good representation of the friends that assembled in the grove that September day. - As the sun's rays warned us that evening was approaching, we realized that our day of pleasure was at an end; and we are sure that all, without exception, felt that it was a day well spent. As an evidence of the interest manifested, the company, before separating, unanimously agreed to hold a family gathering again in Parke county, one year hence. Much of the success of the occasion was due to the untiring efforts of Jonathan Maris and family, of Annapolis. - MARY MARIs WELCH, President. THOMAS E. MARIs, Secretary. HOWARD COUNTY DESCENDANTS. The members of the Maris family in this county held a re-union Friday, Septem- ber 19th, at the residence of George Maris, in Russiaville. The direét object of the meeting was to facilitate the gathering of data, and other information for a history of the family that is being compiled in Eastern Pennsylvania. There were present about forty persons, consisting almost entirely of the families of the above mentioned George TA/A MA R / S FA M// V / NW / W/O / A NA. XXXIII Maris, and his sister Eleanor Maris Moulder. Annie M. Maris, of West Chester, Pa., and William O. Maris and daughter, of Parke county, Indiana, were also of the number. The house is surrounded by a beautiful lawn, and under the trees a table had been improvised for the occasion, from which the assembled friends partook of a bounteous repast. In the afternoon, grouped upon the porch and around the yard, a photograph was taken, after which we listened to some account of various branches of the Maris family in Indiana, in earlier times, from William O. Maris; also some of his own expe- riences when as a youth, he helped clear off the timber and build a home in the woods. He was followed by I. H. Ellis, Dr. T. M. Moulder, and T. E. Trueblood, each giving Some account of his own particular family. In the early evening the relatives separated, having spent a pleasant and profit- able day. 1969 I NI LT105 'ESnOH ĐN|L=3|N BELSEHO º ºt- º W. FIFST G E N E FATION . I. GEORGE MARIs, b. 1632, in England. In 1683, he and his wife Alice, with their six children, came from Worcestershire to America, and settled at “Home House,” in Springfield township, Chester (now Delaware) county, Pa. He was one of the Justices holding the Courts for Chester county, during the years 1684–85–86–87–88–89–91–92– 93. Member of Assembly in 1684–85–86–87–88–90–92–93. Member of the Pro- vincial Council, in the year 1695. He was a Minister in the Society of Friends, a mem- ber of Chester Monthly Meeting, and took an active part therein. For further account, see Bi-centennial Address. Died I I, I 5, 1705. Alice died I, II, 1699; we have been unable to learn anything further in regard to her. Appendix, Note I. S E C O N D G E N E Evº A T L O N . Children of George (1) and Alice J/aris. 2. ALICE, b. 8, 17, 1660; m. I I, I 5, 1684, at an appointed meeting at Chester, to Jacob Simcock, son of John and Elizabeth. Died Io, Io, 1726. Appendix, Note 2. 3. GEORGE, b. IO, 2, 1662; m. I690, Jane Maddock, daughter of Henry. She died 6, 28, 1705. He married 6, 7, 1718, Jane Hayes, widow of Jonathan of Merion, and daughter of Edward Rees. Was a member of Assembly in 1717. Died in 1753. Appendix, Note 3. * 4. ELIZABETH, b. 2, 3, 1665; m. 1685, John Mendenhall, of Concord. In 1697 / they gave to the Society of Friends, the land on which the Concord Meeting House was built. Appendix, Note 4. º 5. ANN, b. 6, 18, 1667; m. 8, 14, 1690, at an appointed meeting at the house of Bartholomew Coppock, Jr., in Springfield, John Worrilow, son of Thomas of Edge- mont. Appendix, Note 5. 6. JoHN, b. 3, 21, 1669; m. 9, 21, 1693, at Haverford Meeting, Susanna Lewis of Haverford. Member of Assembly in 1709–12–16–19–20. He was the owner of the “Home House,” in Springfield, where he resided. Died 1, 8, 1747. 7. RICHARD, b. 9, 20, 1672; m. I698, Elizabeth Hayes, daughter of Jonathan and Ann of Marple. Member of the Assembly in 1714. Died in 1745. She died 8, 9, 1720. Appendix, Note 6. - ( 1 ) 2 7 Aſ AE A/A A' A S FA A/ / / V. We extract the following from his will: “Item, I give and Bequeath unto my well beloved wife Elizabeth Maris the free use of my old Parlour and new Parlour in my new Dwelling House, and the new vault under the Said House, and also such Priviledges in my wash house annexed to said Dwelling House, and use of my Draw well and bake oven in the said wash house as she shall have occasion; and Likewise Liberty in my barn, Stable and Cow House on my new dwelling Plantation as my said Wife Shall or may have need of, and also the Pasturage or Grassing of two cows and one Horse kind in my said Plantation, and Priviledge in my meadows in the said Plantation to mow and make So much Hay as Shall in Every year be needful for the keeping and maintaining of two Cows and one Horse kind, the said creatures to be her own and not another's. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my said beloved wife one half part of my House- hold goods and Furniture, and all my Stock of horned Cattle and the one half of my flock of Sheep, and two Hundred pounds of Lawful money of the Province aforesaid to be Procured of my Debtors. Item, I Give and devise unto my Oldest Son Jonathan Maris all that part of my tract of Land that is Lying and being on the north side of the Great road, leading to Darby, Containing by estimation three hundred acres. Item, I give and Devise unto my youngest Son Joseph Maris all that Plantation and tract of Land whereon I now dwell, Situate in Springfield aforesaid, Containing by Computation three hundred acres. It is my will and I order that my son Joseph doth pay unto his said Mother twenty Bushels of Good, Sound Merchantable Wheat Every year during her said Life, and the same shall for her use be Delivered unto the then next Grist Mill to my said Plantation, and further that my said son Joseph Shall find out and bring from time to time a Suitable and Sufficient Quantity of fire wood unto my said Dwelling House to and for the necessary Services of his said Mother during her said Life.” ------ - --> * * *-----------> THIRD G EN EF ATION, Children of Alice Maris (2) and Jacob Simcock. 8. JoHN, b. 7, 23, 1685; m. 1706, Mary Waln, daughter of Nicholas of Philadel- phia. 9. JACOB, b. 7, 25, 1686; m. 17 I I, Sarah Waln, daughter of Nicholas Waln of Philadelphia. Died about 1716. Io. MARY, b. I I, 4, 1688; m. 1708, Joseph Harvey of Ridley. I I. BENJAMIN, b. 9, 10, 1690; m. I 712, Hannah Hodges. I 2. HANNAH., b. 5, 25, 1692; m. I, I 5, 172 I, John Iden of Falls township, Bucks county, at an appointed meeting at Springfield. She was a minister in the Society of Friends. A certificate for her to Falls Monthly Meeting was signed 6, 28, 1721, and one to Abington, 8, 29, 1739. I 3. SARAH., b. 7, 18, 1696; m. I 716, Samuel Worthington ; 9, 26, 1722, they moved to Salem, New Jersey. . ' TA/ / / /) G /; AV/E A* A 7T / O AV. 3 Children of George Maris (3) and Jane Maddock. 14. MoRDECAI, b. 7, 22, 1691. No further record obtained. It is believed that he had no descendants. I 5. GEORGE, b. 9, 25, 1694. Died 3, 8, 1696. I6. HANNAII, b. 12, 17, 1698; m. 8, 22, 1719, John Owen, son of Robert of Merion. Died in 1752 in Chester township. I 7. ESTHER, b. 2, 24, 1703; m. Mordecai Taylor of Springfield. Children of Elizabeth Maris (4) and /o/ul Menden/a/. 18. GEORGE, b. 6, 14, 1686. Unm. Died f/58. Oc., miller. 19. John, b. 4, 3, 1688; m. 1709, Susanna Pierson, daughter of Thomas and Rose. They settled in East Caln near the Meeting House, and about 173 I moved to Lancaster county. In 1747 they went to Hopewell Monthly Meeting in Virginia. 2O. AARON, b. 9, 20, 1690; m. 4, 16, 1715, Rose Pierson, daughter of Thomas and Rose of Concord. They settled in East Caln, Chester county, Pa., where he died 4, 30, 1765. Rose died I, 29, 1771, in her 78th year. Children of Ann Maris (5) and /o/in II'orriſow. 21. MARY, m. 3, 18, 1709, Joseph Baker, of Edgmont, Delaware county, who died in 1717, and 7, 10, 1718, she m. Dr. John Taylor, son of Isaac and Martha. 22. ALICE, m. I 7 I 5, Peter Yarnall. 23. ANNE, died unm. 24. SARAH, m. IO, 7, 1721, Nicholas Pyle. 25. JANE, m. 5, 23, 1726, George Whippo. 26. Thomas, m. 1726, Susanna Taylor. 27. WALTER, died unm. 28. GRACE, m. 8, 13, 1728, Jacob Taylor, brother of John, who m. Mary. Children of John J/aris (6) and Susanna Lewis. 29. GEORGE, b. 6, 31, 1694; m. 3, 19, 172O, in Springfield Meeting House, Sarah Levis, daughter of Samuel. In IO, -, 1725, he married Hannah Massey, daughter of Thomas. In 7, −, 1730, he m. Mary, widow of Joseph Busby of Goshen, and in 9, -, 1732, m. Ann Lownes, daughter of George and sister of the wife of Jonathan, son of Richard. Owned and resided at “ Home House,” in Springfield, Delaware county. The main part of the present building was erected by him in 1722. His will was ad- mitted to probate I I, 24, 1760. From it we extract the following: “Item, My will is that my Plantation shall be devided by a line to begin at a corner stone standing at the end of the Lower Meadow by water Course, so up the fence to the Ditch and from thence straight up the Meadow to a white oak and sassafrax standing near the Ditch and from thence across the Meadow to where the water Course comes out of the field and from thence up the fence to the upper end of the Meadow, from thence along the road to a Spanish oak standing near the Spring house and from thence up by the west end of the Little orchard to the line between me and cousin Joseph Maris. 4. 7. // / / / / A / S /7/1 /l/ / / Y. Item, I give and bequeath the west end of the Land that hath on Buildings unto my son Isaac Maris his heirs and assigns forever. * >k Sk >}: >}: Item, I give and Bequeath to my son Jehu Maris the other end of the plantation, next to Darby Creek with all the Buildings and Improvements to him his heirs and assigns forever, he allowing his Mother Privilege of two rooms in the house, the Lower Room next the orchard, and the upper Room at the right hand of the head of the stairs, and the privilege of the Kitchen, Cellar, and Oven and Draw well and Spring house for her necessary use, and ground for a garden Before the Door and apples for her use out of the orchard and to keep her one horse and one cow winter and summer and cut fire wood and Bring unto the house for her as much as is necessary for her use and privilege,” &c. Appendix, Notes 7 and 8. 3O. SARA II, b. 1, 31, 1697; m. 7, 17, 1719, John Bennett. 31. ALICE, b. I, II, 1699; m. 6, IO, 172 I, Jesse Jacob bourne. ** 32. MARY, b. I, 9, 17OO ; m. 9, 29, 1722, Joseph Taylor of Springfield. They located in Marlborough, Chester county, on the property now owned by Maris C. Taylor. This property has remained in the possession of the male descendants without interruption. 33. HANNAH., b. 8, 8, 17O2; m. in 1724 or 25, Michael Harlan. 34. SUSANNA, b. 5, 6, I 7O4; m. Daniel James ; and 8, 30, 1746, John Davis. 35. JANE, b. 6, 9, 1705 ; died 8, 2 I, 172O. 36. KATHARINE, b. 5, 8, 1707; m. — Willis and John Pusey. 37. JOHN, b. I I, 15, 1709; m. Katharine Bound Hayden. Died 3, 19, 1792. 38. JAMES, b. 2, 28, 171 I. Died 8, 15, 172O. 39. ELIZABETH, b. 12, 12, 1713. Died 8, 9, 172O. Children of Richard Maris (7) and Elizabeth Hayes. 4O. JONATHAN, b. 1, 16, 1702; m. 4, 19, 1726, Jane Lownes, daughter of George and sister of Ann, the wife of George, (29). In 1753 he m. Ann Waln, daughter of Richard of North Wales, Montgomery county. He was a minister in the Society of Friends. 4 I. MARY, m. 2, 25, 1723, John Bartram. Died 1727. See Appendix, Note 9. 42. FLIZABETH, m. 7, 30, 1725, James Bartram. 43. ANN, m. 3, 24, 1739, David Llewellyn, Jr., at Springfield. Certificate from Chester Monthly Meeting to Haverford 9, 27, 1739. No descendants. 44. JOSEPH, m. I I, 21, 1741, Ann Shipley, daughter of William and Mary. Died 9, 16, 1758. Ann was born in Leicestershire, England, and died 4, IO, 1780, in Penn- sylvania. From the will of Joseph we extract the following : “Item, I give and devise to my son Jesse two hundred acres of Land situate in the township of Springfield, being the old place where my father formerly dwelt and also myself, with the buildings and Improvements and Appurtenances to hold to him my said son Jesse his heirs and assigns forever. Item, I give and devise to my two daughters Mary and Elizabeth all the remaining part of my lands in the County of Chester aforesaid to be divided (as near as may be ) equally in quantity and quality between them in manner following, that is to say to my A. O Ú/ú T// G /; AV/EA' A T/O AW. 5 daughter Mary I give the house wherein I now dwell with the half of my Remaining lands aforesaid joining and adjacent thereto with the appurtenances to hold to her my said daughter Mary and to her heirs and assigns forever, to be in her possession and enjoyment at the age of twenty-one years. Last and all the remaining other half part of my Lands as aforesaid with my upper house now building with the appurtenances, I give to my said daughter Flizabeth and to her heirs and assigns forever, to be in her possession and enjoyment at the age of twenty-one years. Item, I give and devise to my son Samuel my messuage and lot of Land situate in Wilmington, in the County of New Castle, in Delaware, to hold &c., to be in his possession and enjoyment at the age of twenty-one years,” &c. FO U R T H G E N E FATION. Children of /o/in Simcock (8) and Mary IVa/u. 45. ALICE, b. 12, 28, 1707. 46, JACOB, b. 3, 15, 17 IO. Children of /acob Simcock (9) and Sarah Iſa/n. 47. JOSEPH. 48. SARAH, m. 12, 1 1, 1736, William Magill, who came from the north of Ireland, about 1725. Children of Mary Simcock (10) and Joseph Harvey. 49. Jose.PH. 50. ALICE, m. John Lewis, 5 I. MARY. 52. SUSANNA. Child of Benjamin Simcock ( / / ) and Hannah Hodges. 53. SARAH, m. Francis Routh. Children of Hannah Maris (16) and /o/ul Owen. 54, JANE, m. Joseph West. 55. GEORGE. 56, ELIZABETH, m. James Rhoads. 57. REBECCA, m. 8, 22, 1754, Jesse Maris, (97) son of George and Hannah. 58. SUSANNA, m. Josiah Hibberd. . Children of Esther Maris (17) and Mordecai Taylor. 59. GEORGE, m ; no children. 60. HANNAH, m. Nathan Thompson. 6 TA/ E MA R / S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of John Menden/a/ (19) and Susanna Pierson. 61. MoRDECA1, m. 3, 21, 1735, Charity Beeson. 62. MARY, m. 1742. 63. MOSES, m. 7, 24, 1747, Mary Walter. 64. John. 65. STEPHEN. Children of Aaron Menden/a/ (20 ) and Rose Person. 66. GEORGE, m. 9, 2, 1737, Sarah Pim. 67. JAMES, m. 1739, Martha Griffith; m, 2d time to Hannah Thomas. Moved to North Carolina in 1759, with his brother John. afterwards to Georgia, where he died. Oc., miller. 68. ELIZABETII, m. Samuel Coates; 2d Caleb Kirk. 69. JOHN, m. I 743, Elizabeth Coates. Lived in East Caln township, Chester county, until 1755, when he moved to Guilford county, North Carolina. D. about 18OO. 7O. AARON, b. 5, I 3, 1729; m. I I, I I, 1756, Mary Woodward. D. 3, IO, I 813. 7 I. ROSE, b. 8, 4, 1733; m. I, I, 1752, James Packer. 72. LYDIA, m. I 755, Joshua Men- denhall. 73. ELIJAH. Children of Mary IVorriſow (21) and Joseph Baker. 74. SARAH, m. Isaac Strode. 75. HANNAH, m. Joseph Talbot. 76. Joseph, m. 2, 30, 174O, Mary Chamberlain. Children of Mary (IVorriſow) Baker (21) and Dr. John Taylor. 77. ISAAC, m. about 1743, Helena Stephenson. D. 1745. 78. JOHN, m. Sarah Worrall. D. 1756. 79. PHILIP, m. about 1749, Mary Riley. D. 1754. 80. MARTHA, m. 9, 23, 1738, William Empson. 8 I. MARY, d. young. Children of Sarah Worriſow (24) and Wicholas Pyle. 82. JAMES. 83. MARY, m. 9, 13, 1745, John Newlin, Jr. 84. PHILIP. 85. ABIGAIL. Child of 7/lomas Worriſow (26) and Susanna Taylor. 86. John, m. Phebe Children of Grace Worriſow (28) and /acob Taylor. 87. ISRAEL 88. ISAAC. 89. THOMAS. 90. JAcoB. 91. Joseph, 92. JAMES. 93. HANNAH. 94. ANNE. 95. MARY. * - Child of George Maris (29) and Sara/, /cvis. 96. JAMES, b. 12, 17, 1720; m. 6, I I, 1752, Rachel Evans, at the Old Swedes' Church, Philadelphia. Aſ O U R 7TP/ CA; AVA R A 7TWO W. 7 Children of George Maris (29) and Hanna/, //assey. 97. JESSE, b. 10, 18, 1727; m. 8, 22, 1754, Rebecca Owen, (57) daughter of Hannah (Maris) and John Owen. In 9, 4, 1771, he married Jane Ashbridge. He was High Sheriff of Chester county, from Oct. 1769 to Oct. 1771. D. 1, 20, 181 I. 98. ALice, m. 1749, Jchu Lewis, son of Evan of Caln. 3, 26, 1762, a certificate was given Alice and her three children, Joel, Hannah, and Evan, from Chester Monthly Meeting to Fairfax, Virginia. Nothing further is known of the descendants of Alice. Children of George Maris (29 ) and Ann Lownes. 99. GEORGE, b. 6, 24, 1733; m. at Gwynedd Meeting House, I 2, 6, 1757, Jane Foulke, daughter of William and Hannah of Gwynedd. D. 8, 20, 18O3. Buried at Gwynedd. Jane d. 1, 8, 1807. Was an extensive landholder in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. IOO. SUSANNA, b. 9, 2, 1734; m. I I, 4, 1756, John Hall. IOI. JEHU, b. 4, 15, 1736; m. I 779, Jane Humphrey, daughter of John. D. I, 12, 1797. He resided at “Home House,” which he inherited from his father. IO2. John, b. 1, 20, 1737; m. about 1766, Margaret Lewis, daughter of John. IO3. ISAAC, b. 4, I, 1740; m. about 1766, Elizabeth Howell. IO4. BETTY, b. 4, 22, 1742; d. unm. IOS. CALEB, b. 8, 25, 1744, at “Home House,” in Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania: m. I I, 3, 1768, at Newtown Meeting, Ann Fawkes, daughter of Richard of Newtown, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. Settled in Willistown township, Chester county, in 1768; farmer; d. Io, 26, 1839, and was buried in the graveyard at Willis- town Meeting House. “Caleb Maris had a birthright in the Society of Friends, which he retained during his long existence. In early life he was termed a “Merry Quaker,” not refusing to intermingle occasionally with the gay and lively, and to partake of their sportive mo- mentS. He married at a prudent age, Ann, daughter of Richard Fawkes. This happy matri- monial connection survived upwards of seventy years, and gave birth to a number of offspring. Their father was their sole instructor in the different branches of an English education, as well as in their pursuits of life. He was practically acquainted with most of the mechanic arts, a knowledge of which he instilled into his sons. During the last sixty years Caleb Maris resided in the house wherein he died. Here his doors were ever open to the friendly reception of all denominations of Christians, poor as well as rich. Although he lived for the above period much retired from the world, yet where sickness and distress were, there was he also. In fact he made it his business to search after the house of mourning, with the benevolent view of rendering all the physical and moral aid in his power; from this loved task he did not withdraw until compelled by age and infirmity. * The latter days of this good man were embittered by the unhappy schism among Friends. It preyed much on his spirits, but he adopted the course in this instance, which a sound judgment, ecclesiastical reading, and his own conscience dictated, never des- pairing of that mercy which is the Christian's brightest hope. It may truly be said of 8 THE MARIS FAMILY. him that he was an upright man, and one that feared God and eschewed evil.”—Obitu- any AVotice. 106. ANN, b. 4, 30, 175 I ;- m. I I, I 3, 1783, Robert Hatton, at Uwchlan Monthly Meeting. She received a certificate from Chester Monthly Meeting to Uwchlan, 8, 26, 1782. D. in Centre county, Pennsylvania, 9, 16, 1805. Children of Sarah Maris (30) and /o/ul Bennett. IO7. John, m. IO, 26, 1745, Hannah Seal ; m, 2d, 12, 18, 1754, Ruth Way. IO8. WILLIAM, m. Martha Jefferis. Io9. TITUS, b. 12, 8, 1732. Unm. D. 1, 21, 1825. I IO. JAMES, b. 9, IO, 1734; m. I 2, 23, 1761, Hannah Gilpin, daughter of Isaac and Mary. D. 3, 24, 1825. Hannah, b. 6, 20, 1741 ; d. 1, 29, 1794. I I I. ANN, m. 9, I, 1743, Nathaniel Pennock. I I 2. SUSANNA ; unm. Children of A/ice Maris ( ; 1) and /esse /acoſ Bourne. I I 3. ANN, m. 9, 19, 1746, Robert Lamborn. D. 6, 6, 1790. I 14. SUSANNA, b. I, 18, 1729; m. Jacob Bennett. She and her husband received a certificate from Kennett Monthly Meeting to Wilmington, 5, 4, 1758. II 5. SARAH, m. before 1756, Nathaniel Pennock; m. 6, I I, 1783, John Webster, of London Grove, Pennsylvania. Children of Mary Maris (32) and Joseph Taylor. I 16. SARAH, b. 8, I I, 1725; m. 3, 18, 1743, Joseph Pennock. D. I I, 22, 1775. I 17. JESSE, b. 1726; m. 8, 18, 1749, Ann Way. Settled in Newlin township, Chester county. Will proved, 2, 15, 18 IO. I 18. MARY, m. 8, 24, 1750, Robert Wickersham. I 19, JOSEPH, m. IO, 17, 1753, Hannah Johnson. I 20. GEORGE, m. 5, 23, 1764, Hannah Phillips. 12 I. PHEBE, b. 2, 14, 1744; m. I I, 14, 1764, William Mode. D. 7, 15, 1817. Children of Hannah Maris (33) and Michael Harlan. I 22. DAVID, m. I 2, 16, 1756, Alice Starr, daughter of Jeremiah and Rebecca. 123. CALEB, m. IO, 23, 1760, Ann Jackson. Resided at Milltown, Chester county, Pennsyl- vania. D. 7th mo., 1815. I 24. MICHAEL. I 25. STEPHEN. I 26. SARAH., b. 1737; m. 3, 19, 1760, Moses Starr, son of Jeremiah and Rebecca. D. 3, 5, 1815. Child of Susanna Maris (34) and Daniel James. I 27. LYDIA, b. 1730; m. I I, II, 1749, Thomas Smedley. D. 4, 4, 1815. Children of Katharine Maris (36) and John Pusey. I 28. JAMES, b. 6, 3, 1735; m. IO, 28, 1761, Rachel Jackson. D. 3, 7, 1766. I 29. LYDIA, b. I I, I 3, 1736; m. I I, I4, 1759, John Baily. I 3O. JoHN, b. I I, I. I738; m. 6, Phºt-Trºg F-ºut-ºu-ar Birth place of JESSE MARIS, (148), Springfield, Pa. Built by Rich ARD MARIs (7) about 1720. P-L-E-A- FO URT// G ENERA 7/O N. 9 I 5, 1763, Elizabeth Painter; d. 9, 24, 1783. I 3 I. SAMUEL, b. I, 27, 1741 ; d. young. I 32. GEORGE, b. 3, 12, 1743; m. Sarah Cox, of Deer Creek, Md. I 33. JANE, b. 3, 30, 1746; m. J. Jackson. I 34. NATHAN, b. 5, 17, 1748. I 35. SUSANNA, b. IO, I I, 1750; m. I I, 24, 1773, Thomas Wood. Children of /o/in Maris (37) and Ka//arine //ayaden. 136. John, b. IO, I 2, 1736; m. Jane Mace. Moved to North Carolina. 137. RACHEL, b. 4. 7, 1739; m. Alexander Skelton ; d. 7, 19, 182O, at Doe Run, Chester County, Pa. 138. AARON, b. I I, 17, 1742. About 1767 he went to North Carolina. He and his brothers, John and George, took certificates from Bradford Monthly Meeting. Aaron returned to Chester county, where he died, leaving no descendants. 139. GEORGE, b. 2, 30, 1744; m. Eleanor Lindley, daughter of Thomas of London Grove, Chester county, Pa. Moved to North Carolina, where he died in 1782 or 83. I4O. SUSANNA, b. 8, 4, 1746; m. I I, 23, 1768, Isaac Swayne, son of Edward and Sarah of East Marlborough, Pa.; m. 5, 17, 1775, Henry Chalfant, son of Henry, of West Marlborough, Pa. 141. MARTHA, b. 8, 8, 1750; m. I I, 26, 1773, Caleb Hurford, son of John and Hannah; d. about 1843. She had been blind more than twenty years previous to her death. Child of Jonathan Maris (Zo) and Jane Lowics. 142. RICHARD, m. 6, 8, 1758, Ann Swaffer, daughter of Joseph. Children of Mary Maris (y1) and /o/ul Bartram. I43. RICHARD, b. 1724; d. I I, 19, 1728. I44. ISAAC, b. 9, 17, 1725; d. 18OI. No descendants. Child of Elisabeth Maris (#2) and ſames Bartram. I45. MARY, b. 9, 12, 1727; m. 9, 21, 1745, Isaac Howell; d. 10, 16, 1756. Children of Joseph Maris ( //) and Ann Ship/cy. 146. WILLIAM, b. 8, 19, 1742; d. young. I47. THOMAS, b. 8, 19, 1742; d. young. I48. JESSE, b. 5, 30, 1745; m. I 768, Margaret Edwards; d. 8, 23, 1784. In an appraisement of his goods and effects, we find the following, among other items: I5 I ounces and I2 grains of old plate at £64, 3s. 6d. ; an old pinchbeck watch, 4 I ; silver shoe and knee buckles, with sleeve buttons, £1, 5s. ; pair of plated spurs, £5; apparel, £9, 17s. 9d., IO notes in sums ranging from £ I, 3s, to £16, 3s.6d, 149. MARY, b. 12, 7, 1748; m. 1765, Elisha Worrall; d. 5, 6, 1830. Elisha d. 12, 27, 1829, in his 91st year. I 50. ELIZABETH, b. 5, 13, 1750; m. I I, 4, 1774, John Scott. 2, 22, 1777, she m. Enoch Taylor, and m. 3d time, William Twaddell; d. 11, 3, 1827. I 5 I. SAMUEL, b. 5, I., 1755; d. young. IO 7. // / // A R /S FA /l/ / / Y. |- IFT H G E N E ERATION. Chi/dreſſ of Sara/, Simcoc/ ( /S) and lºſ/a/, //agi// I 52. Joun, m. 3, 20, 1765, Amy Whitson, daughter of David. I 53. SARAH, b. 9, 9, 1742; m. 9, 24, 1760, George Ely, son of Joshua and Elizabeth. C/i/arch of Sara/, Simcoe/ (53) and Francis Kouth, [Aut/..] 54. HANNAH., b. IO, 5, 1736; m. Thomas Dutton, son of Richard and Mary of Aston, Delaware county, Pa. Thomas d. 3, 21, 1775. Hannah m. 2d time, I 2, I I, 1783, Thomas Wilson, of Chichester; d. 3, 25, 1825. From the Record of the Dutton Family we take the following: “At the time of the Battle of Brandywine, 9, 1 1, 1777, Hannah Dutton was a widow with five children; of whom the oldest was in his 19th year, and the youngest not yet three. Her son Thomas, then in his ninth year, said that he went to school that morning, but when the booming of the distant cannon was heard from the scene of conflićt, the teacher dis- missed the scholars, saying: “Go home, children, I can't keep school to-day.” A few days after the battle, the British army arrived in the neighborhood, and encamped on the hills to the westward; a part of the camp being on the Dutton farm.” I 55. SARAH, m. Abel Way. I 56. SUSANNA, m. Abraham Martin. I 57. JAMEs. I 58. JANE. - Children of Elizabeth Owen (56) and ſames R/loads. 159. HANNAH, m. 7, 6, 1780, Nathan Garrett; d. 3, 2, 1795, in her 49th year. 16O. REBECCA, m. I 784, Hugh Lownes. 161. OWEN, m. IO, 20, 1785, Mary Hall, (267) daughter of John and Susanna (IOO) Hall; d. 8, IO, 1838. 162. Joseph, m. Mary Ashbridge. - Children of Rebecca Owen (57) and /esse Maris (97). I63. HANNAH., b. I I, 9, 1755; m. I, 16, 1775, Edward Hunter, son of William Hunter, who came from England; d. 8, 15, 18O3. 164. OWEN, b. 5, 6, 1756; m. 1807, Elizabeth (Hoopes) Way, widow of Robert Way, and daughter of Nathan and Ann Hoopes of New Garden, Chester county, Pa. 165. GEORGE, b. 3, 29, 1761; d. unm. Children of Susanna Owen (58) and Josiah Hibberd. I66. OWEN. 167. REBECCA. 168. Josia.H, m. Alice Hunter. 169. GEORGE. 17O. SUSANNA. I 71. JAMES. Children of Hannah Taylor (60) and Wathan Thompson. I72. ESTHER. I 73. MARGARET. F/PT// G E W ERA T/O W. - I I * Children of Mordecai Mendenhall (61) and Charity Becson. 174. John. 175. MoRDECAI. 176. Moses. 177. THOMAS. 178. STEPHEN. I79. AARON. 18O. Isa Ac. 181. CHARITY. I 82. RICHARD. Children of Moses Mendenhall (63) and Mary IVa/ter. I83. ELISHA, and others. Children of George Mendenhall (66) and Sara/, Pim. 184. MARY, m. Caleb Cope. 185. THOMAS. Children of James Mendenhall (67) and Martha Griffith. 186. GRIFFITH, b. 9, Io, 1740. 187. PHINEAS, b. I 2, 20, 1741; m. Tamar Kirk in Pennsylvania, and Catharine Varnum in Georgia. Moved to Georgia between 1782 and 1790. Children of James Mendenhal/ (67) and Hannah Thomas. 188. RICHARD, b. 7, 28, 1744; died unm. in Guilford county, N. C. 189. GRACE, b. I I, 14, 1746. 190. ELIJAH., b. 12, 15, 1748; m. Mary Kendall. Moved to Georgia before 1790. 191. GEORGE, b. 5, 21, 175 I ; m. Judith Gardner. Founded Jamestown, N. C. 192. MARMADUKE, b. 1, 23, 1754; m. A. Benson; d. in Georgia in 1797. 193. HANNAH., b. 4, 24, 1757; m. Matthew Coffin. & Children of Elisabeth Menden/a/ (68) and Samue/ Coates. I94. AARON, b. 4, 6, 1744, 195. MOSES, b. I 2, 4, 1746. I96. ISAAC, b. 2, I, I 748; d. 4, 3, 1809. - Children of Elizabeth Menden/a/ (68) and Caſcó Kirk. 197. ELISHA. 198. CALEB. I99. BEULAH. 200. ELI. Children of /o/n Mendenhal/ (69) and Elizabeth Coates. 2O1. MOSES, b. 12, 23, 1744, 202. John, b. I I, 26, 1746. 203. SUSANNA, b. 7, 9, I749. 204. SAMUEL, b. 4, 21, 1753. 205. PRISCILLA, b. 1756. 206. ELIZABETH, b. 3, 24, I 759. Children of Aaron Menden/a/ (70) and Mary Woodward. 2O7. JAMES, b. 6, 30, 1763; d. 1, 8, 1839. 208. JoHN; d. 2, 3, 1830, 209. ABRAHAM, b. 3, 28, 1766. 2 IO, SARAH. 2 I I, HANNAH. 212, WILLIAM. I 2 THE MAR IS FAMILY. Children of Rose Menden/a/ (71) and James Packer. 2 I 3. ROSE, b. I 2, 6, 1752; d. young. 214. JOB, b. 3, 27, 1754. 2 I 5. HANNAII, b. I 2, 19, 1755. 216, ELI, b. 9, 9, 1757. 2 17. AMOS, b. I, 30, 1759. 218. MOSES, b. 4, 26, 1761; d. young. 219. LYDIA, b. I, 19, 1763. 22O. AARON, b. I I, 5, 1764. 22 I. ROSE. 222. ANN. Children of Lydia Menden/a/ (72) and Joshua Menden/a/. 223. DAVID, b. I I, I I, 1755. 224. JEMIMA, b. 12, 9, 1757. 225. JONATHAN, b. IO, 24, 1759. 226. HANNAH, b. 3, 23, 1762. 227. JAMES, b. 2, 2, 1764. 228. ISAAC, b. 4, 29, 1766. 229. b. 2, I, I 769. 230. MARTHA, b. I 2, IO, 1772. Children of Hannah Baker (75) and Joseph Talbot. 23 I. MARGARET, m. Thomas Griswold. 232. MARY, m. Robert Rogers. 233. Joseph, m. Hannah Pennell. 234. MARTHA, m. Daniel Broomall. 235. JoHN, m. Sarah Levis; d. 1821. No children. The wealthiest man of his day in the two counties. His wife was a prominent minister in the Society of Friends, having visited England and other foreign countries on religious missions. 236. RACHEL, b. 9, 27, 1745; m. Francis Townsend, 1762 ; d. 9, 22, 1784. 237. JACOB, m. Susanna Sharpless. Noth- ing known of descendants. 238. ELIZABETH, m. Isaac Sharpless, and Rees Cadwalla- der. Nothing is known of any descendants, except one child, Benjamin, by first husband. 239. HANNAH, m. Francis Dutton. 24O. SUSANNA, m. Nathan Pennell. Children of Joseph Baker (76) and Mary Chamberlain. 241. John. 242. LETTICE, m. Richard Bernard, of Newlin, Chester county. MARY. 244. ELIZABETH. 2 4 3 Children of John Taylor (78) and Sarah Worra// 245. JoHN. 246. MARY W., m. Persifor Frazer. 247. SARAH, m. James Thomson. Children of /o/in Worriſow (86) and Phebe — 248. THOMAS, b. 2, 13, 1755; m. 2, 13, 1777, Hannah Dickinson, daughter of Ben- jamin and Isabel. 249. JOSEPH, b. I I, 3, 1756; d. 3, 4, 1778. - Children of /ames Maris (96) and Kachc/ Evans. 250. DAVID, b. 4, 25, 1753; m. 1780, Sarah Fawkes, daughter of Richard, of New- town, Delaware county, Pa.. Went with all his family, except his son Curtis, to Belmont county, Ohio, in 1814, 25 I. LEVIS, b. 6, 5, 1754. Was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Aſ //, 7 // G /; AVA R A / / O AV. I 3 Child of Jesse Maris (97) and Jane Ashbridge. 255. REBECCA, b. 9, 12, 1774; m. IO, 31, 1793, Abner Garrett, Son of Thomas and Hannah; d. 1, 6, 1856. Children of George Maris (99) and ſame Fou/ºc. 256. WILLIAM, b. 5, 4, 1759; d. unm. I I, 19, 1804. 257. AMOS, b. I 761 ; d. in infancy. 258. JESSE, b. 9, 8, 1763; d. unm. 6, 25, 1792. 259. JONATHAN, b. I 2, 3 I, 1765; m. 1791, Judith McIlvain, daughter of John and Lydia of Ridley, Delaware county, Pa.; d. 2, 28, 1797. He studied medicine under Dr. C. W. Moore. Was a man of imposing appearance and of unusual skill in his profession. His widow sur- vived him many years, and her remembrance of him on her 79th birthday is touchingly referred to in the following lines by Susan Wilson (671); “It is her birthday; and she wanders back, In memory and in fitful slumbers—back To days of early youth, and love, and joy; She sees, through that long vista, one green spot, The home of wedded love, that for brief space Was hers—but five short years, and since that time, More than twice twenty she has seen pass by. But still, she says, she often thinks of ſlim, Youthful and beautiful, who died so young; Thinks of him daily now—and then she tells How kind he ever was, through every change; Tells his last words to her, and to their child, And how in his cold hands he held her own, Until they led her from his lifeless corpse.” 26O. ANN, b. 12, IO, 1767; d. unm. 2, 3, 1815. 261. HANNAH., b. I, I 3, 1770; m. 3, 8, 1796, at Gwynedd Meeting House, Montgomery county, Pa., John Wilson; d. 3, 8, 1850. 262. SUSANNA, b. 12, I, 1771 ; m. 4, 21, 1795, at Gwynedd Meeting House, Levi Heston. 263. REBECCA, b. 8, 13, 1773; m. 5, 17, 1796, at Gwynedd Meet- ing, Jarrett Heston; d. 4, 16, 1807. No children. 264. JANE, b. 4, 28, 1775; d. unm. I I, I 3, 1806. 265. GEORGE, b. I 2, 25, 1779; d. unm. 6, 13, 1805. Children of Susanna Maris ( ſoo) and /o/ul Hal/ 266. HANNAH, m. Benjamin Lobb. 267. MARY, m. IO, 20, 1785, Owen Rhoads, (161) son of James and Elizabeth of Springfield, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Jehu Maris (roſ) and Jane Humphrey. - 268. JoHN, b. 12, 28, 1779, at the “Home House; ” m. 1823, Martha Ann Bon- Sall; d. 12, 23, 1841. 269. ANN, b. 7, I I, 1781, at the “Home House,” Springfield, Delaware county, Pa.; m. 3, 15, 1815, Samuel Lindsay, and moved to Lower Merion, I4. TH E M A R / S FA /l/ / / Y. Montgomery county, near the line between Montgomery and Delaware counties, where she lived until her death, 3, 4, 1853. 270. ASA, b. 1, 8, 1783; m. Elizabeth Afflick. Had three children ; all deceased. 27 I. LYDIA, b. IO, 4, 1784; d. unm. 272. GEORGE, b. 1, 20, 1786; d. unm. 273. ELLIS, b. 5, 4, 1788; d. 2, —, I859, unm. Children of /o/in Maris (102) and Margaret Lewis. NOTE-Caleb J. Maris, (726) now residing in Willistown, Chester county, remem- bers that his great uncle, John Maris, (IO2) had a son Elliott, who was married and resided in Willistown, when he (Caleb ) was a small boy; but we have not been able to learn anything further in regard to the descendants of this couple. Elliott was a tannel". Children of Isaac Maris (103) and Elisabeth Howe/ 274. MARY, b. 9, -, 1767; m. about 1786, at Haverford, Delaware county, Pa., Joshua Lawrence; d. IO, 20, 1833. 275. FLIZABETH, b. 1769; m. about 1791, Thomas West; d. 2, 25, 1825. 276. ELIZA, b. 3, I, 1778; m. 5, 5, 1803, Samuel Davis; d. 7, 14, 1855. 277. JAMES, m. 9, 22, 18O3, Hannah Hunter, daughter of John of New- town, Delaware county, Pa. 278. ISAAC, m. 4, I I, I 81 I, Martha Hunter, daughter of James. Children of Caſcó Maris (105) and Ann Fawkes. 279. REBECCA, b. 8, 28, 1769; m. Roger Dix; d. 5, 20, 1858. No children. 28O. SUSANNA, b. 7, 22, 177 I ; m. John Hall, of Willistown ; d. 1, 31, 1854. 281. MARY, b. I, 28, 1774; d. unm. I 855. 282. GEORGE, b. 8, 25, 1775, in Willistown, Chester county, Pa.; m. 5, 20, 1802, in Uwchlan Meeting House, Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Elisha and Gwen ; farmer; d. 5, IO, 1871, in West Pikeland, Chester county, and was buried in Uwchlan Friends' Burying Ground. The following is taken from the II'est Chester 17//age Record of 5, 13, 1871 : “George Maris, one of the oldest, if not the oldest man in Chester county, died at the residence of his son John, in West Pikeland, on Wednesday afternoon last, from injuries received by being thrown from a carriage on the Sunday week previous, while on his way home from Meeting. He was a wonderfully hale and active man for one of his age—being in his 96th year. Born in Willistown township, in 1775, just as the Revolution was breaking out, his memory was stored with many interesting incidents of that strug- gle and of the early history of our country. He remembered, as a very small boy, the gaily attired veterans of the Revolution making sudden raids among the plain citizens of Willistown, and driving off the cattle. He was fond of narrating the improvements he had witnessed in farm implements and machinery. Very ingenious in mechanical pursuits, he made the first horse-rake introduced into that neighborhood. The last ten years of his life he has enjoyed rare good health for so old a man. But for the acci- dent, he would doubtless have been spared much longer. He was a member of the Society of Friends, a good neighbor, and a valuable citizen. . In politics he was an Old Line Whig, later a Republican, and although nothing of a politician, he always cast his pººr-º- ------- GEORGE MARIS. Taken in his 93rd year. (282) F/AW 7TA/ C /2 W/2. R A 7TWO AV. I 5 vote for many years. Full of years he has passed away. Few men have lived so long ; and few have died so universally esteemed and respected.” 283. ANN, b. 5, 26, 1777; d. unm. Io, 22, 1819. 284. HANNAH., b. 6, 16, 1779; d. 1781. 285. HANNAH., b. I I, 31, 1783; d. unm. I, 25, 1822. 286. PHEBE, b. 12, 22, 1785; d. unm. 9, 16, 1843. 287. CALEB, b. 2, 25, 1788; m. 4, 24, 1828, Ruth Ben- nett (753) daughter of Jacob and Judith. Miller. Resided in Willistown, Chester county; d. 9, 14, 1838. 288. RICHARD, b. 1, 20, 1790; m. Ann Rogers. No children. Farmer; d. 8, 15, 1867. Interred in Willistown Friends' Burying Ground. 289. JONATHAN, b. 9, 12, 1791 ; m. I I, 14, 1822, Mary Garrett, daughter of David and Esther, at Goshen Meeting; farmer; d. I, Io, 1853. Children of Ann Maris (106) and Robert Hatton. º 29O. SUSANNA, b. 3, IO, 1784; d. young. 291. ELIZA, b. 2, 26, 1786, in Pikeland, Chester county, Pa.; m. 9, -, 1804, John Pennington, Waynesville, Warren county, Ohio. --- ~, < -- * “Near the village of Waynesville, lives Eliza Pennington, the oldest living de- scendant of George Maris, who came to Pennsylvania from England, in 1683. ‘Aunt Eliza,' as she is affectionately called, will be 99 years old, if she lives until the 26th of next February. It was my privilege a few days ago, to spend a couple of hours with this venerable woman, and they were hours long to be remembered. Though very feeble, she is always exceedingly particular as to her personal appearance. She readily understood the few words needed to explain my connection with the family, and asking me to sit close to her side, slipped her dear old wrinkled hand into mine, with a kind inquiry for all of whom she had knowledge in Pennsylvania, as well as of places and things, for she was born in Chester county. Sight and hearing are both impaired, but her mental faculties are remarkably bright, even for one less aged. She expressed much pleasure in having a visit from one familiar with her birth-place, and was troubled lest she should forget to ask what she might afterward desire to know. She remembers many interesting incidents of her early frontier life, and relates them very intelligently. Speaking of her long life, she said she was weary of it and longed for rest, but prayed for a patient waiting till her mission should be ended. Dear “Aunt Eliza,' only a little longer to wait, and thy sojourn here will be ended, thy haven reached. At rest will be the dear body that has done so much for others, happy the spirit that has gone home to its God.”—Ertrać7 from a ſetter by Annie M. Maris, 9th mo. 188/. 292. RACHEL, b. 7, 18, 1787; d. unm. 293. JERVIS, b. 9, 19, 1788; d. in his 17th year. 294. GEORGE, b. IO, 28, 1790; m. 2, 9, 1815, Margaret Foulke, daughter of Joshua, of Cincinnati; m. 2d time, 4, 25, 1851, Hannah Hopkins; d. at Waynesville, Ohio, IO, 8, 1872. 295. MARY, b. 3, 12, 1792; d. young. 296. EDWARD, b. 9, 27, I794, in Chester county, Pa.; moved to Centre county, Pa., about 1798; removed to Warren county, Ohio, in 1816, when that country was covered with dense forest; m. 3, 5, 1817, Rachel Lukens; d. 12, 25, 1883, in Harveysburg, Warren county, Ohio. I6 7//E MAR/S FAM/// Y. Children of John Bennett (107) and Ruth Way. 297. John, d. unm. 298. SARAI, m. 12, 13, 1798, John Martin. No children. 299. RUTH, m. James Armstrong. 3OO, HANNAH, d. unm. 301. ANN, m. Richard Shirtliff. No children. 302. JACOB, b. 12, 31, 1757; m. I I, 27, 1793, Judith Nichols. d. 5, 16, 1826. 303. PHEBE, d. unm. 3O4. TITUS, b. 8, IO, 1768; m. 6, 19, 1799, Jane Hannum; n. 2d time Rachel Richards ; d. 6, 27, 1841. 305. JOSEPH, m. Mary Mor- gan. 306, JANE, m, 4, 25, 18F I, Daniel Warner. No children. Children of Iſiſ/ia/, /3cm/ſett (108) and Martha /cfferis. 307. JESSE, went to Maryland. 3O8. JotLN, went to Maryland. 309. ELIZABETH, m. I 2, 3, 1789, Moses Pennock. No children. 3 IO, SILAS, m. Abigail Woodward. d. 5, 9, 1833. 3 II. WILLIAM, b. I, 7, 1765; m, 4, 22, 1790, at Goshen Meeting, Alice Hoopes; d. 4, 20, 1833. Alice d. 8, 15, 1826. 312. JAMES, b. 2, 24, 1769; m. Han- nah Hoopes. 313. MARTHA, d. unm. 314. TITUS. Resided in Fayette County in 1794. Children of /a/les Bennett ( / 10) and Hannah Gilpin. 3.15. MARY, b. I I, 29, 1762; m. Cheyney Jefferis; d. 9, 2, 1807, 316. ISAAC, b. 5, I I, 1764; m. I I, 22, 1792, at Kennett Meeting, Ann Webb; d. IO, 23, 1835. 317. SARAH., b. 5, 2, 1766; m. I I, 29, 1787, Abraham Pennock; d. 2, 4, 1842. 318. JAMES, b. 7, 10, 1768; d. 8, 13, 1818, 319. Joseph, b. 3, 9, 1771; d. 1, 28, 1773. 320. JACOB, b. 9, IO, 1773; d. 12, 31, 18O I. 32 I. HANNAH., b. 5, 6, 1776; d. IO, 18, 1853. 322. SUSANNA, b. 4, 17, 1778; m. Joshua Peirce; d. 1, 26, 185 I. 323. JOSEPH, b. 2, 7, 1781 ; m. Lydia Bailey; d. 8, 24, 1818. Child of Ann Bennett ( / 1 / ) and Nathaniel Pennocé. 324. JOHN, m. Elinor Pusey. Children of Ayun Bourne (113) and Robert Lamborn. 325. JESSE, d, young. 326. SUSANNA, b. 4, 7, 1749; m. John Marshall; d. 11, 30, 1815. 327. Robert, b. 4, 8, 1751; m. Martha Townsend, daughter of John and Joanna; d. I 2, 7, 1817. 328. THOMAS, d. young. 329. MARY, b. 4, 26, 1753; m. IO, II, 1775, Joseph Wilkinson, of Kent county, Md. 330. JACOB, b. 7, 23, 1756; d. young. 331. JOHN, d. young. 332. JOSEPH, d. young, 333. SARAH, b. 9, 26, 1761 ; m. I I, 12, 1783, James Webb. 334. DAVID, b. 2, 13, 1764; m. I 2, 13, 1797, Elizabeth Williams, daughter Of Job and Rachel, of Londongrove, Pa. 335. ANN, b. 8, 22, 1766; m, 9, 6, 1790, James Dawson. 336. GEORGE, b. I 2, 23, 1768; m. Martha Marshall, daughter of Thomas and Mary. 337. LYDIA, b. 6, I, I 77 I ; d. in infancy. 338. LYDIA, b. 8, 15, 1772. <--, } - - - - ------ - \ * º º - - - -- --~~~~ - |- º - - 70*. º - - - - -- - º, º * - tº º - . 5…a º - - - - º .. - º -- - -- - - - º - º º - - -- -º- - - º 'º º - - - --~~~~ - - - ſy- Tºº - - - º º - - - -2. - º º yº-yº ºr ºf º | 20 (. º º, º º - - - * - - - - --- - º/ - ( - º/ º - --~~ (T--> --~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- - - TY - - - - - ſº - - -º-º-Tºº º --~~~~ --- - - a - A - - - --- ------- --~~~~ ſ - º - */ º 2/ () | - - - - -º-º-º-º-º-º-º: - - - - -- - - - - - º - A. - -º-º: --> º º wºº - -ºº-º-º-º-º-º-º- … ºn - - - ---> ºf ºº - - - - - - - - - - ---- º º * : º º - --- - º - - - -º-º-º- ----- -º- - - - º ºººººº. - º - * - -º-º-º- º --- º º - - - - º º - - º º - --- --- - º- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- º yºu º - "2, --- º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zºº º/ º - - - º ºr - - - * - - -- º º */ º - º … . - - - - - - - - // ſº - - - - º - - - º - - -- - - - - - - - - - º º - - - - - - --- º º-º-º- - - - - A ſ/7 TA/ C /º/V/3 RA / / O AV. - - 17 Children of Susanna Bourne ( / / / ) and /acoſ Benneſſ. 339. ALICE, b. 1, 18, 1752. 340. JACOI, b. IO, 19, 1755. 341. ANN, b. 3, 9, 1757; m. 5, 16, 1776, William Zane, son of Jonathan and Mary of Philadelphia. 342. SARAH, b. 2, 3, 1759. Children of Sara/, /30//rue ( / / 5) and Maſſaſſic//en/lock. 343. JOSEPH, m. Mary Pusey. 344. SAMUEL, b. 1, 14, 1763; m. Elizabeth Johnson Underhill. 345. WILLIAM, m. Lydia Jackson. 346. SUSANNA, m. William Travilla. 347. MARY, m. Levis Janney. 348. SARAH., b. 2, 15, 1768; m. James Baker; d. I I, 18, 1858. 349. ALICE, m. Moses Marshall, 7, 20, 1841. 350. ANN, b. 1772; m. I I, 25, 1804, Joshua Johnson. Children of Sara/, /a/or ( / /6) and /ose//, /ö//loc/. 35 I. MARY, b. I 2, 23, 1743; d. young. 352. JESSE, b. 5, 15, 1745; m. 4, 7, 1772, Hannah Baldwin; d. I, I 2, 1816. 353. HANNAH., b. 9, 9, 1747; m. 6, 24, 1767, John Baker; m. 2d time, John Edwards. 354. JosLPH, b. 6, 7, 1750; d. 4, 16, 177O. 355. JACOB, b. 2, 9, 1753; d. 7, 31, 1768. 356. LEVI, b. 1, 20, 1756; d. 4, 5, 176O. 357. ISAAC, b. 6, 3, 1759; d. 9, 9, 1765. 358. GEORGE, b. 5, 25, 1762; m. 1st, Mary Liddon; 2d, IO, 14, 1790, Sarah Wistar. 359. SARAH, b. IO, 23, 1764; d. young. 36O. ISAAC, b. 1, 16, 1767, m. Martha Webb. - Children of ſesse Taylor ( / 17) and Ajul I Way. - 361. JoSEPH, b. 9, 18, 1751; m. I 775, Jane Walters. 362. SARAH, b. 5, I I, 1754. 363. RUTH, b. IO, I4, 1756; d. young. 364. JACOB, b. 4, 12, 1759; m. 6, 18, 1783, Elizabeth Jones. 365. ISAAC, b. 10, 17, 1761; m. a Virginia lady. Was a land sur- veyor in Kentucky. We have received no further information of this family. 366. MARY, b. 1, 25, 1764; m. Thomas Stubbs. Have no further record of this family. 367, JESSE, b. 6, 7, 1766; d. young. 368. HANNAH., b. I I, 7, 1768; m. Askew. Nothing further known. 369. RUTH, b. 4, 4, 1772; m. Charles Wilson. 370. DAVID, b. 12, 17, 1775; m. Hannah Craig. Farmer. Drowned 18O9 in the Brandywine while fishing. Children of Mary Taylor (118) and Robert Iſickers/am. 371. SARAH, m. I, 12, 1791, Jacob Kerkner, at Concord Meeting, Delaware county, Pa. Nothing further known, 372. ABIGAIL, d. IO, 6, 18 IO, aged 50 years. Buried at Frankford. Children of Joseph Taylor (119) and Hannah Johnson. 373. RUTH, m. Baily. Have no further record. 374. MARY, m. 4, 19, 1781, Abner Wickersham; d. 4, 6, 1843, aged 86 years. I 8 TA/ E M A R /S FA /l/ / / V. Children of George Taylor (120) and Hannah Phillips. 375. MARY, b. 3, I 3, 1765; m. Jehu Dixon; d. 4, 9, 1855, in Delaware. 376. PHEBE, b. 9, 1, 1766; m. John Starr. 377. LYDIA, b, 4, 13, 1768; m. John Simmons; . d. I 824, in Delaware. 378. DEBORAH., b. I 2, 25, 1770; d. 2, 8, 1789. 379. SARAH., b. I, 6, 1773; m. Ist, Thomas Bently; 2d, Joseph Buffington; d. in Bradford, Chester county, Pa. 380. HANNAH., b. 2, 5, 1775; m. John Wilson. 38 I. MARIBA, b. 5, 28, 1777; m. Gideon Wickersham; d. 9, 13, 1862, in East Marlborough, Chester county, Pa. 382. MARIS, b. 4, 27, 1779; m. I I, 24, 1804, Ann Baily. Farmer; d. 2, 21, 1851, in West Marlborough, Chester county, Pa. Ann d. 2, 23, 1877. 383. ANN, b. 5, 9, 1782; m. John Grave; d. 1861, in Washington County, Pa. 384. EVAN, b. 3, 9, 1784; m. Rebecca Lawrence. Lived and died in Alexandria, Va. 385. SUSAN, b. 5, 23, 1786; m. Samuel Clark; d. in Highland, Chester county, Pa. Children of Phebe Taylor (121) and William Mode. 386. ALEXANDER, b. 8, 29, 1765; d. young. 387. MARY, b. 12, 24, 1768; m. 1788, Joel Davis. 388. REBECCA, b. I I, 19, 1770; m. John Pusey. 389, AMY, b. 4, 18, 1773; d. 1823, unm. 390. WILLIAM, b. I 2, 4, 1774; m. 1819, Elizabeth Baker; d. 6, 18, 1839. 39 I. PHEBE, b. 6, 30, 1777; d. young. 392. ALLEN, b. 7, IO, 1779; d. unm. I, 6, 1844. 393. ALEXANDER, b. 7, 27, 178 I ; m. Mary Ridgway; no children. 394. PHEBE, b. 5, Io, 1784; m. Thomas Hall. Children of David Harlan (122) and A/ice Starr. 395. LEWIS, m. Harris, in Cecil county, Md. 396. JEREMIAH, m. Hettie Stump, in Harford county, Md. 397. ELISHA, m. Harris, in Cecil county, Md. 398. HANNAH, d. unm. I 83 I, in Philadelphia. 399. REBECCA, b. 1775; m. 6, 14, 1798, John Carter, of Harford county, Md., at Deer Creek Meeting; d. in Philadelphia, in 1819. 4OO. ALICE, b. about 1780; d. unm. in Philadelphia, in 186O. Children of Caleb Harlan (123) and Ann Jackson. 401. HANNAH, d. 1785. 402. CATHARINE, b. 4, 25, 1763; m. 1787, Thomas Canby, son of Benjamin and Susanna; d. 12, 6, 1819. 403. WILLIAM, b. 9, 24, 1765; m. Anna- bella Elliott, daughter of Samuel, of Philadelphia; 'm. 2d time, Sarah Wessels; d. 3, I, 1833. 404. JoB, b. 2, 27, 1768; d. 9, 21, 1793. 405. CALEB, b. I, I, 1770; m. 1803, Edith Ferris, daughter of Ziba and Edith, of Wilmington, Delaware; d. 8, 8, 1840, 406. John, b. 8, 31, 1773; m. Elizabeth Quimby, daughter of Moses; d. 12, 24, 1851. 407. ANN, b. I I, 7, 1777; m. IO, 4, 1827, John Clark; d. 9, 8, 185 I ; no children. 408. SARAH, b. 8, 7, 1780; m. IO, 22, 18OO, John Ferris; d. 4, 17, 1869. 4O9. Joshua, b. 4, 8, 1783; m. I I, 7, 1822, Ann Quimby ; d. 2, 18, 1854; no children. Aſ/AWTA/ G E WAER A 7T/O AW. I9 Children of Sarah Harlam (126) and Moses Starr. 410. JEREMIAH, b. 9, 10, 1762; m. Anne Whitson; d. 3, 12, 1816. 4II. HANNAH, b. 2, 3, 1765; m. Io, 31, 1787, Thomas Whitson; d. 4, 20, 1836. 412. REBECCA, m. Thomas Downing. 413. SARAH, d. unm. - Child of Lydia James (127) and Thomas Smedley. 4I4. THOMAS, b. 4, Io, 1759; m. 6, 3, 1790, Abigail Yarnall, at Willistown Meet- ing; d. 2, 21, 1836. Abigail d. 4, 25, 1836. t Children of James Pusey (128) and Rachel Jackson. 415. JoHN, b. IO, 28, 1762. 416. ISAAC, b. 2, 3, 1765. Children of Lydia Pusey (129) and /o/in Baily. Taylor. 418. LILLY, d. unm. 417. JOEL, m. - Children of John Pusey (130) and Elizabeth Painter. 419. LYDIA, m. John Pim, of Caln, Chester county, Pa. 42O. THOMAS. 42 I. JAMES, 422. SUSANNA, b. 3, 29, 177 I ; m. I I, 17, 1790, William Chambers; d. 7, 17, 1854. 423. NATHAN. Children of George Pusey (132) and Sarah Cor. 424. WILLIAM. 425. JOEL. 426. LYDIA, m. Elisha Cook. 427. NATHAN. 428. GEORGE. 429. MARY. 430. MERCY. Children of Jane Pusey (133) and /. Jackson. 431. SAMUEL, m. Mary Peirce. 432. MARY, m. Eli Mendenhall. Children of Susanna Pusey (135) and Thomas Wood. 433. JoHN, m. I 800, Lydia Swayne. 434. NATHAN, m. 1801, Margaret Waters, of Md. Moved to Ohio. 435. THOMAS, m. Mary Shepherd. The following account of their son Thomas, who was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and after- wards a Professor of Surgery, in Cincinnati, Ohio, is taken from The Cincinnati Gazette, soon after his death, which occurred II, 2 I, I88O : “Dr. Thomas Wood, the well known physician and surgeon of this city, died at his residence, 94 West 8th St., at 2 o'clock, yesterday afternoon, from poisoning of the blood, a disease which ends the career of nearly all active surgeons. On the 20th of 2O TA/A) /l/A A' / S FA // / / Y. last month, the day of the collision on the C. H. & D. R. R., at Jones' Station, Dr. Wood was one of several physicians and surgeons who went from this city to the scene of disaster, to look after the injured. The Doctor's hands were badly chapped, and while dressing the injuries of one of the wounded, his blood became poisoned. From the hands, the poison gradually spread throughout his body, until it struck the brain, producing paralysis, from the immediate effects of which he died. For a surgeon as eminent and well known as Dr. Wood, it seems Strange that more is not known of his early history and life, but as his friend Dr. Miller stated, he was a man who was averse to notoriety.” 436. PUSEY, m. Charity Reed, of Ohio. 437. CALEB, m. Lydia Reed, of Ohio. 438. MARGARET, m. Ist, Thomas Plummer; 2d, John Burges. 439. MARY, m. Deni- son Bates. Children of John Maris (136) and Jane Macc. 44O. SILAS, m. Martha Hyatt. 441. AARON, m. Susanna Hodgson. 442. HANNAH, b. 6, 1, 1762; m. 2, 7, 1781, at New Garden Monthly Meeting, North Carolina, Joseph Mills. “In the Friends' Burial Ground, in Martinsville, Ohio, is a small marble slab, on which is inscribed, ‘Hannah Mills, died 5, 26, 1856, aged 93 years, 1 I mos., 26 days.'”—M. L. Humf. Children of Rache/ Maris (137) and A/crander Skelton. 443. MARGARET, b. 5, 24, 1762; m. James Vernon ; d. about 18O3. 444. GEORGE, b. 12, 22, 1763; m. Lydia Leightner; resided in Ohio at the time of his death, 7, 1 1, 1844; no children. 445. JOHN, b. I I, IQ, I 765; m. Phebe Hughes. 446. AARON, b. IO, 8, 1767; m. Mary Harlan; d. 2, 5, 1844. 447. SUSAN, b. 7, 6, 1769; d. in infancy. 448. CATHERINE, b. 11, 3, 1770; d. unm. I I, 6, 1810. 449. ISAAC, b. 9, 2, 1772; d. unm. 8, 24, 1855. 450. WILLIAM, b. 6, 29, 1774 ; m. I I, 14, 1809, Elizabeth Gerber. 451. CALEB, b. IO, I 2, 1776; d. in infancy. 452. ALEXANDER, b. 5, 4, 1778; d. unm. 5, 20, 1817. # Children of George Maris (139) and Ælcanor Lindſey. 453. RUTH, b. 2, 17, 1771; m. 8, 19, 1789, Jeremiah Hadley, at Cane Creek, Chatham county, N. C.; d. 3, 29, 1864. Their nine children were all born in North Carolina, the family emigrating to Indiana in 1823. 454. SUSANNA, b. Io, 12, 1772; m. in Chatham county, N. C., 4, −, 1796, Jonathan Lindley; d. 8, 22, 1863. 455. AARON, b. 5, 4, 1774; m. Ist, Sarah Holiday; 2d, Mary Chambers; d. 3, 4, 1843. 456. THOMAS, b. 7, 16, 1776, in Orange county, N. C.; m. I I, 17, 1802, Jane Holiday, at Spring Meeting House, Orange county, N. C.; moved to Orange county, Ind., in 18 I I, with his wife and four children; lived in the vicinity of Paoli, Ind., until 1868, when he went to Howard county, Ind., and spent the remainder of his days with his son George, at Russiaville; d. 8, 8, 1869. April 8, 1816, Court met at the house of William Lindley, and on this occasion the first grand jury of Orange county met. |-|-|-|- . - | , ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، . . . . . . . . .| , ، ،|-17, . | . . . . . . . . . . |- | | | , ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، - - - | ….….….…….….…. |- . . . . . . . .ſae . . . . . . . . . .…….| . . . . ; | ….……… |- |- |- - - - -ſae . .· |-|- | … . |- · "… … . . . . |- |- , , , , , , , |- | |- |- - ( ) |- |- |-| - |-- -|- |- |-· ·7 ~) - |- |- . . . | -| … … ….………….|-|- |- º |--- |-----|- , , , , , , , ,"… . . .- |×|-- |- - |- |----^ . . . . . . , , … .|- | . | |- -- : | || .….… | .ſae … . . . .|-|-|- ---- - , , ، ، ،| , ، ، ، ، ، ،|×| ….- |-- |- , .-|-|-|-|- |- --|- . . . . . . . . . . , , , , |- |-|- . . . . . . . . . . .|-ſ. - ---- . . . . . . . ….….….….…….|… . . . . |-|- (~~~~ ~~\, ,|×ſº ’:’, :, , , , , |-|- |-|-|-|-|- ) . , , . . |- -|- -, , . . . . |- . .|- . .| . . . . . . . . . . |- . . . . .|- - - |-|-: , , , , .|(~~~~ ~ || … … … . . . . . . |- .|- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …|- - │ ├ae . . ſae,ſaeſº, |-|-| -|- | …, /,| , ، ، ،|-º ////// · ſae aerº).wae,| , ، ، ، ، º , , , , , , , , |-|×) |-|- ſºſ.|-· ſae|-||-//ſae, ſ!!! !!ſzaeſº,º, , /))· | (_| , ، ،ſºſ%>ſae ,| || ... :º) //, // ſae”,: ((| |-|- ſº º|-“).Ø ºſaeſ. ( ººº !%%ſae | , , |× ) ſae|:|| ~|-|×ſae, | 7/7,|× :: ` ~- , |- ·- .----- -- |-| - - - ----|- ( )- · · · · · · -|- - |-. . . . .. . . .|-|-|-|- |- -· · - |- - ' ( ( ----' * Af/FTA/ G ENAERA T/O W. 21 Thomas Maris was a member of this body. The log house which he built on going to Orange county, is still standing. - - 457. John, b. 3, 31, 1778; m. Sarah Pickard; d. 12, 9, 1850. 458, KATHARINE, b. 4, −, 1780; m. William Pickett, in North Carolina; d. 9, 23, 1843, in Parke county, Ind. 459. WILLIAM, b. 5, 15, 1782; m. 1st, Martha Thompson; 2d, Delphinia Riddle; farmer; died in Orange county, N. C., 7, 2, 1864. Children of Susanna Maris (1zo) and Isaac Swayne. 460. SARAH, b. 177 I ; m. Benjamin Fredd ; d. 3. 2, 1863. Benjamin d. 4, I I, 1838. 461. RACHEL, b. —; m. Nathan Baker; d. 12, 25, 1852. Nathan d. 5, 4, 1838. Children of Susanna Maris (140) and Henry Chalſant. 462. CALEB, d. unm. 463. ABNER, m. three times, but left no descendants. Children of Martha Maris ( / / / ) and Caſcó Hurford. 464. John, b. 8, 9, 1774; d. unm. I I, I, 1865. 465. AARON, b. 3, 20, 1776; d. unm. I 2, 19, 1869. 466. CALEB, b. 9, 25, 1778; d. unm. 8, IO, 1840. 467. LEWIS, b. Io, 16, 1780; m. 1833, Sarah D. Couch ; d. 4, 3, 1862. Sarah is still living in Lancaster, Lancaster county, Pa. 468. ELI, b. IO, 28, 1783; m. Mrs. Cloud; d. 4, 9, 1873. 469. MARIs, b. 2, 9, 1786; m. 1, 8, 1868, Martha Buffington ; d. 7, 20, 1873. Martha is still living near Atglen, Chester county, Pa. 470. HANNAH., b. 3, IO, 1789; d. unm. 8, 14, 1856. . . Children of Richard Maris (1/2) and Ann Swaffer. 471. RICHARD. It is believed that he left no descendants. 472. Joseph, m. 1st in Pennsylvania, Ann Earl ; 2d in Ohio, Ann Wickersham; d. 1839, aged 65 years. 473. JoHN, b. 3, I I, 1777, in Pennsylvania; m. 9, 12, 1805, Elizabeth Reed. Moved to Cecil county, Md. Farmer. In 1834 he moved with his family to Tazewell county, Illinois, where his wife died 8, 31, 1834, one month after their arrival. John d. 9, 7, 1852. 474. WILLIAM, d. unm. 475. ELIZABETH, m. 5, 9, 1788, at Chester Monthly Meeting, Jacob Dingee, son of Christopher and Ruth. 476. REBECCA, m. Dingee. 477. HETTY, m. 10, 8, 1792, Thomas Fiss, at St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, Pa. 478. TACY, m. I 793, - Harrison. 479. ANN, m. 1798, John Mace. Moved to West- moreland county, Pa., where she died in 1819. - Children of Mary Bartram (145) and Isaac Aſozoic// 480. JAMES, b. 8, 9, 1746; d. 9, 12, 1748. 481. ELIZABETH, b. 1, 9, 1748. 482. Eliza, b. 7, 3, 175 I ; m. 5, 9, 1771, John Bartram. 483. SARAH, b. 4, 21, I 754; m. Io, I4, 1773, Nathan Gibson. - 2 2 TH/ / /l/A A' /S F/1 /l/ / / V. Children of Jesse Maris (148) and Margaret Edwards. 484. RICHARD, b. I 2, 19, 1772; m. I I, 29, 1804, Rachel Ross; d. 2, 5, 1817. Rachel d. 7, 5, 1875. He was a merchant in Philadelphia, and acquired a considerable estate. 485. ANN, m. 4, 2, 1792, Dr. Amos Gregg, of Bristol, Bucks county, Pa.; d. 6, 7, 1843. 486, JEMIMA, b. 2, 14, 1775; m. 3, 14, 1795, John Welsh, by Rev. John B. Smith, pastor of Presbyterian Church, Fourth and Pine streets, Phil'a; d. 2, 19, 1854. 487. ELIZABETH, b. 9, 19, 1776; m. 6, 17, 1799, Francis Lowen Cooch, in the First Baptist Church, Phil'a. She died at New Hope, Bucks county, 3, 30, 1840. Her hus- band d. in New Castle, Del., 8, 6, 1854. 488. WILLIAM, b. 1781, in Springfield, Del. Co.; m. 1803, Jane Beaumont; was a merchant in Philadelphia; a manufacturer in New Hope, Bucks county; afterwards went to Madeira Island; d. in Phil'a 9th mo. 1845. 489. MARGARET, b. I, 2O, 1783 ; m. IO, 29, 1805, Joseph R. Evans, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth, by Robert Wharton, Mayor of Phil'a; d. 4, − 1855, in Phil'a. Children of Mary Maris (149) and Elisha Worrall. 490. JEMIMA, b. IO, 7, 1766; d. unm. 5, 26, 1791. 491. MARIS, b. 6, 17, 1768; m. 4, I I, I 793, Rebecca Garrett; 9, 9, 1802, Mary Rowan; 7, 28, 1808, Katharine Lewis; 2, 17, 1814, Alice Palmer; 5, 29, 1819, Sarah Nyce. Maris d. 7, 26, 1821. 492. JoSEPH, b. 8, 30, 1770; m. I I, 19, 1795, Mary Dutton; d. 1, 12, 1848. 493. MORDECAI, b. 2, 25, 1773; m. 1809, Margaret Smith. 494. OWEN, d. unm. 495. ANNE, b. 2, 25, 1777; m. William Garrett; d. 1850. 496. MARGARET, b. 8, I I, 1779; m. George Lewis; d. 6, 1 1, 1817. 497. REBECCA, b. 8, 14, 1781 ; m. James Lewis; d. 1851. 498. DAVID, b. 9, 22, 1783; m. 4, 26, 1815, Sarah Gibbons; d. 1, 24, 1847. Sarah d. 9, 29, 1884. 499. ELIZABETH, b. 9, 13, 1785; d. unm. 500. MARY, b. 6, 17, 1787; m. 1821, Joseph Leedom; d. 8, 26, 1866. 501. BETSY, b. 7, 2, 1789; m. 3, I 5, 1813, John Justis ; d. 9, 23, 1823. John d. 6, 6, 1843. Child of Elizabeth Maris (150) and John Scott. 502. ANN, b. 6, 23, 1775; m. John Smith. Children of Elizabeth Maris (150) and Enoch Taylor. 503. EzRA, b. 6, 26, 1781; m. 6, 3, 1809, Sarah P. Curtis, daughter of Thomas Curtis, of New Jersey; d. 5, 5, 1825. 504. NATHAN, m. Susan Massey, of Springfield, Delaware county, Pa.; d. I I, 16, 1808. 505. ELIZA, m. 8, 21, 1797, Joseph Cloud. 506. MARY, m. 1st, Levi Bailey; 2d, William Walters. 507. HANNAH, m. Samuel Lay- cock. 508. JEMIMA, m. Anderson; d. 1864. 509. JULIANN, m. Joseph King, of Germantown, Pa.; d. 4, 22, 1863, 5 Io. MARIs, m. Ist, Rhoda Elkinton; 2d, Sarah Norris; d. 6, 14, 1854. ------- -------- ------- JEMIMA (MARIS) VVELS.H. From an oil painting. (486) S/XTH G EAVERA T/O N. 23 SIXTH G ENERATION. Children of John Magi/ (152) and Amy Wiitson. 511. JAcob, b. 11, 2, 1766; m. 5, 12, 1796, Rebecca Paxson. 512. JANE, b. 5, 20, 1769. 513. RACHEL, b. 2, 25, 1772. 514. WILLIAM, b. 3, 24, 1774 ; m. 12, 15, 1803, Jane Paxson. 515. DAVID, b. 8, 6, 1776. 516. JOHN, b. 7, 12, 1779. Children of Sarah Magill (153) and George Ely. 5 17. JoSEPH, b. 8, 13, 1761. 518. JANE, b. 1, 5, 1764; m. 6, 9, 1784, at Bucking- ham Meeting, Bucks county, Pa., Benjamin Paxson, of Solebury, Bucks County, Pa. 519. JoSHUA, b. 7, 4, 1766; d. young. 52O. AMOS, b. 2, 6, 1769. 521. GEORGE, b. 7, 25, 1772. 522. WILLIAM, b. I I, 26, 1774. 523. AARON, b. 7, 24, 1777. 524. JOSHUA, b. 10, 24, 1779. 525. MARK, b. 9, 18, 1781. 526. MATHIAS, b. 9, 5, 1783. 527. AMASA, b. I I, I 2, 1787. Children of Hanna/, Routh (154) and 7% omas Drafton. 528. RICHARD, b. I I, 20, 1758; m. 4, 19, 1787, Margaret Larkin, daughter of Isaac and Sarah, of Bethel; d. I I, 5, 1832. 529. SARAH, b. I 2, 7, 176O ; m. I I, 19, 1778, Jacob Hibberd, son of John and Mary, of Willistown, Chester county, Pa. They resided in Middletown, Delaware county, Pa.; d. 2, 9, 1841. 53O. GEORGE, b. 8, 27, 1763; d. 7, I 2, 1775. 53 I. MARY, b. 5, 30, 1766; d. I I, 6, 1771. 532. THOMAS, b. 2, 2, 1769; m. I I, 24, 1791, Sarah Jones, daughter of John and Mary, of Lower Merion, Pa.; m. 2d, 12, 25, 1816, Amy Pim Trimble, widow of Samuel Trimble; m. 3d, Mary Yarnall, daughter of William and Sarah, of Thornbury, Chester county, Pa. Tanner; d. 9, 12, 1869. “Thomas remembered hearing the firing of cannon on the Declaration of Inde- pendence, and would often talk of incidents connected with the Revolutionary War. He voted for George Washington at his second election, and at every Presidential elec- tion afterward, except 1808, when he was absent from home. A few weeks before he completed his one hundredth year, it was decided to have a meeting of his descendants and relatives to celebrate the anniversary of his birth, and about two days before the event he was asked by Some of his family, if he had any objections. After a short pause he replied, ‘I have no objection, provided it is orderly conducted, and if so, it will be a credit to me, and to you afterward.’” At this meeting an address was read referring to the great advances in civilization, science, and agriculture within the century just closed; also some portions of the genealogy of the family. A picture of those assembled, with the venerable patriarch in their midst, was taken, Altogether it was a day long to be remembered by those present. 533. HANNAH, b. 6, 21, 1771; m. 10, 11, 1798, James Broomall, son of Daniel and Martha, of Thornbury; d. 3, 2, 1846. 534. SUSANNA, b. 10, 29, 1774 ; m. I I, 8, 24 7 A/ / /l/A A' /S FA /l/ / / V. 1798, Andrew Steel, son of Andrew and Mary, of Newtown, Delaware county, Pa.; d. 6, 18, 1857. Children of Owen R/loads (161) and Mary Ha// (267). 535. Jon N, b. 8, 25, 1786; m. Ann Pratt. Ann d. 4, 4, 1872, in West Chester, Pa. 536. ELIZABETH, b. 2, 17, 1788; d. unm. 537. SUSANNA, b. 3, 26, 1790; d. unm. 8, 23, 1814. 538. JAMES, b. 2, 4, 1793; d. unm. 539. SAMUEL, b. 8, 16, 1795; m. 4, 22, 1824, Hannah Davis (705), daughter of Samuel and Eliza. 540. HANNAH., b. 8, 22, I 800; m. I I, 9, 182O, Joel Evans. 541. OWEN, b. Io, 22, 1802; m. 4, 21, 1831, Sarah Burdsell ; d. 12, 20, 1879. Children of Phineas Menden/a/ (187) and Tamar Kirk. 542. A BIAII. 543. MARY. 544. GRACE. 545. CALEB. 546. JoSEPH. 547. TAMAR. Children of Elija/, //cºdeſ/a/ (190) and Mary Kenda/. 548. JAMES. 549. SARAH. 550. DANIEL. 55 I. ISAIAH. 552. HANNAH. Children of George Menden/a/ (197) and Judith Gardiner. 553. STEPHEN. 554. NATHAN. , 555. RICHARD. 556, JEMIMA. 557. JAMES. 558. WILLIAM. 559. HANNAH. 560. JUDITH. 561. MARY. 562. ABIGAIL. 563. GEORGE. Children of Margaret 7.allot (231) and Thomas Griswold. 564. MARTHA. 565. Joseph. 566. EDWARD. 567. HANNAH. 568. THOMAS. m. and had son Charles. 569. MARY. 57O. LYDIA, 57 I. ANN. 572. SARAH. 573. ELIZABETH. 574. RACHEL. NOTE–The Griswolds moved to Ohio sixty years ago, and only the descendants of Prudence and Sarah, daughters of Edward, are in Pennsylvania, as far as known. Children of Mary Talbot (232) and Robert Rogers. 575. MISHAL, m. 576. ISAAC. 577. JoHN. 578. HANNAH. 579. EDITH. 580. SUSANNA. 58 I. REBECCA. Children of Joseph Talbot (233) and Hannah Penneſ/. 582, JAMES. 583. HANNAH. 584. JoSEPH, d. unm. 585. RUTH, m. Jacob Neide; no children. 586. JoHN, m. Hannah Smith, and Hannah Calvert. 587. Rachel, m, Mark Elliott. g S /_Y 7 // G /; AV / R A / / O AW. 25 Children of Marſ/a Ta/Óof (23/) and Danic/ / room/a/. 588. HANNAII, b. 2, 13, 1755; m. John Smith. 589. JoSEPH, b. I, 27, 1758; d. in childhood. 590. John, the great grandson of the immigrant of the same name, was born in Middletown, Delaware County, Pa., 11, 8, 1760. He grew up during the struggle for in- dependence, and while strongly opposed upon principle to war, his sympathies were on the side of the Colonies. But throughout his life he remained of the conviction that the same result would have been attained quite as specdily with little loss of life, and without the terrible demoralization which always characterizes the generation following a great war, if the Americans had quietly carried on their public affairs, wherever the army was absent, simply refusing to recognize any English authority, and suffered the consequences without active resistance. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and for many years he was an elder of Concord Monthly Meeting. Among the papers left by him are the certificates of his marriages, all in the form of the Friends: the first at Chichester Meeting to Susanna Wilson, I, 4, 1798; the second at Middletown Meeting to Sarah Sharpless, 6, 7, 1804; the third at Chichester Meeting to Sarah Martin, 3, 14, 181 i ; and the fourth at Chichester Mecting to Ann Webster Townsend, 7, 4, 1822. He advocated the largest liberty of religious belief, and therefore when, in 1827, there came up in the Society of Friends a theological controversy, he refused to take part in it, but maintained the right of every one to be “fully satisfied in his own mind,” and continued his quiet attendance at his usual place of worship at Chichester, till the close of his life, 3, 6, 1848. - Sarah Martin Broomall, the daughter of George Martin and Elizabeth Reynolds, was descended, like her husband, on all sides from the first settlers of 1681 to 1685. Among them were William Clayton, a member of Penn's first and second Council, Henry Reynolds, who took up a large tract of land in Chichester and named the town- ship from his native place in England, part of the tract being still in the ownership of his lineal descendant, George Broomall, Thomas Martin and Margery Mendenhall, his wife, James Dilworth, from whom Dilworthtown took its name, John Davis, an origi- nal land owner in Birmingham, Darby and Upper Darby, Benjamin Acton, one of Penn's Jersey colonists; all members of the Society of Friends. She died in 1819, leaving her infant family to the care of her husband, three of whom survived him, two still living, with very faint but very tender recollections of their mother. 591. NEHEMIAH, b. 8, 27, 1762; m. Mary Robinson. 592. ISAAC, b. 8, 27, 1762; m. Lydia Neal. “For some reason of his own, Isaac Broomall changed the vowel in the last syllable of his name to e. I notice some of his descendants have restored the old spelling, as they all Ought to, and probably will. I do not know whether to write the name Broomell for his descendants or not.”—J. M. B. 593. JAMEs, b. 2, 6, 1765; m. Hannah Dutton ; d. 3, 12, 1838. 594. JAcob, b. 4, 18, 1768; m. Phebe Broomall; d. 2, —, 1830. 595. RACHEL, b. 3, 8, 1771 ; m. Caleb Temple; d. 9, IO, 1841. 596, DAVID, b. 6, 24, 1773; d. 7, 2, 1840, unm.; blind from childhood. 597. ELIZABETH, b. 6, 4, 1775; m. Isaac Frame, 598. NATHAN, b. 7, 12, 1777; m. Hannah G. Conner; was a worker in iron; settled in Phoenixville early in life, and his family reside there 26 7. // / /l/ Al A' /S / Al A/ / / V. or in that neighborhood, and are mostly engaged in iron manufacture. 599. JOSEPH, b. 7, 12, 1777; m. Elizabeth Yeates and Phebe Brown ; settled in Columbiana county, O., sixty-five years ago. His family are mostly in that neighborhood now. Children of Rache/ 7a/hof (236) and Francis Townsend. 6OO. Joseph, b. IO, 4, 1763; m. Sina Walton. ÓOI. SAMUEL, b. I 1, 17, 1764; m. , 22, 1787, Priscilla Yarnall, daughter of David and Sarah, of Coventry, Pa.; d. 12, 16, 1816. 6O2. LYDIA, m. Evan Pugh. 603. DAVID, m. Mary Walton. 604. John, d. unm. 605. BENJAMIN, m. Pamela Marshall. 606. HANNAI1, m. James Dugan. 607. JACOB. 608. ISAAC, m. Elizabeth Dixon. 609. TALBOT, m. Eliza Cadwallader. RACHEL. Children of Hanna/, 7 albot (239) and Francis Dutton. 61O. Joh N T., b. 2, 27, 1776; m. Mary Hewes, daughter of Jacob and Rachel, of Lower Chichester; m. 8, 9, 1802, Sarah Walter; d. 2, 13, 1805. 61 I. Joseph, m. Mary Morris; 2d wife, Joanna Smith ; 3d wife, Sarah Mendenhall. Moved to Ohio in 1816; d. 12, 26, 1865. 612. DAVID. Have no account. 613. ELISHA, d. young. Children of Susanna Talbot (2/o) and Wathan Penneſ/ 614. HANNAH., b. 1777; m. 1817, David Hall. 615. SARAH, b. 5, 28, 1779; m. Salkeld Larkin; d. 9, 7, 1861. 616. JOHN, b. 1781 ; d. unm. 617. JAMES, b. 1784; m. Margaret Innes. 618. NATHAN, b. 5, 22, 1787; m. Ann Larkin; d. 9, 16, 1821. 619. RACHEL, b. 2, 26, 1789; m. Jonathan Dutton; d. 8, 3, 1850. 62O. JoSEPH, b. IO, 13, 1793; m. Mary Larkin; d. 5, 19, 1847. 621. SUSAN, b. 1795; m. Isaac Hall. 622. WILLIAM, b. 1797; d. unm. Children of Zeffice Baker (2/2) and Richard /Sarnard. 623. JOSEPH, b. 1763; m. Mary Meredith, daughter of Simon, of northern Chester county; d. 1847. 624. MARY, b. Io, I 3, 1765; m. I 2, 29, 1791, William Thompson, son of Daniel and Elizabeth ; d. 7, 30, 1841. 625. RICHARD, b. 1767; m. Chambers; d. 1841. 626. LYDIA, b. 1770; m. George Darlington, of Pennsbury. 627. AMOS, b. 1772; d. unm., 18O3. 628. JUDITII, b. 1774 ; m. Moses Baily, of Brad- ford. 629. CYRUS, b. 1776; m. Rachel Wilson. 630. LETTICE, b. 1779; d. unm. 631. ABIAH, b. 1781; d. 1785. 632. Flizabeth, b. 1783; d. unm. 1821. - Children of Thomas Worriſow (2/8) and //a/a/. Dic/inson. 633. MARY, m. Thomas Hinkson; 2d, Richard Parsons; 3d, Daniel Trainor. 634. SARAH, m. Nicholas Newlin; d. 3, 8, 1845. 635. Joseph, m. Margaret Wilkin- son and Ann —. 636. HANNAH, m. Paschall Yearsley, 637. PHEBE, m. John S/x7 // G / WERA 7/ON. 27 Thompson and settled in Chester Valley, Pa. 638. ISABELLA, m. John Newlin; settled in Phil'a. 639. John, m. Elspey Harvey and settled in Upper Chichester, Delaware county, Pa. 640. BENJAMIN, b. 6, 22, 1793; m. Ann Farra in 1815; d. 5, 30, 1862. 641. ELIZA, m. Jacob Zibley, and settled near Wilmington, Del. 642. ANN, m. James Curtis; d. 1873; no children. Children of David Maris (250) and Sara/, Fawkes. 643. NATHANIEL, b. 6, 20, 1781 ; m. IO, 3, 1805, Elizabeth Wood. 644. RACHEL, b. 12, 22, 1783; m. John Harbin ; no children. 645. CURTIS, b. 2, 14, 1786; m. and d. in Delaware. 646. REBECCA, b. I, Io, I 788; m. Jacob Hoopes. 647. JONATHAN, b. I I, 19, 1789; m. Sarah Thomas; d. 5, 29, 1881. 648. ANN, b. 7, j I, 1791 ; d. young. 649. LEWIS, b. 5, 17, 1793; m. 1818, Sidney Hoopes ; d. 4, 21, 1876. 650. MARY, b. I I, 9, 1796; m. about 1816, Thomas L. Dewees. 65 I. OWEN, b, IO, I I, 1799; m. 1825, Rachel Jenkins; 2d, Amy Vanlaw; 3d, Anna Worthington Vanlaw. 652. ISAIAH, b. 5, 9, 1802; m. I, 12, 1825, Phebe Faucett, daughter of David, of Ohio; m. 2d, about 1840, Mary S. Yocum, widow of Mark Yocum, and daughter of Benjamin Street; d. 3, 7, 1881. Children of Hanna/, //aris (252) and Ædward ////uſer. 653. REBECCA, b. 5, –, 1776; m. Peter Pechin. 654. ALICE, b. I I, 2, 1778; m. James Cornog, of Haverford, Delaware county. 655. MARGARET, b. 7, 14, 1781; d. unm. 656. WILLIAM, b. 5, 27, 1784; m. Sarah Davis. 657. HANNAH., b. 9, 8, 1790; d. unm. 658. EDWARD, b. 6, 22, 1793, in Newtown township, Delaware county, Pa.; m. I 830, Anna Stanley, of Newtown. In 1844 was married by Brigham Young, to Laura L. Shimer, of Salt Lake City, and in 1845, m. by Heber C. Kimball, to Susanna Wann; d. at his home in Salt Lake City, Io, 16, 1883. The following is a notice that appeared in the paper soon after his death : - “DEATH OF BISHOP HUNTER.—Edward Hunter, Presiding Bishop of the Church of Latter-Day Saints, died at his home in Salt Lake City, on Tuesday, October 16, 1883. He was born in Newtown township, Delaware county, June 22, 1793, and was ninety years and nearly four months old at the time of his death. His parents were Edward Hunter and Hannah Maris, and were of English ancestry. He was baptised into the Church of Latter-Day Saints in Chester county, Pa. At an early day he went to Nauvoo, Ill., and became an intimate friend and associate of Prophet Joseph Smith, acting as one of his life-guards, and being one of the few who conveyed the martyred brothers Joseph and Hyram to their final resting place. On November 23d, 1844, he was ordained under the hands of President Brigham Young. He crossed the plains in 1847, arriving soon after the pioneers, and returned to winter quarters in 1849, and brought over the first season's emigration to Utah, in the fall of 1850. He assisted in laying the corner-stone of the Temple in Salt Lake City, April 6th, 1853, and also de- livered the oration. He visited his native State during the summer of 1876, and spent Some time in Philadelphia attending the Centennial celebration.” 659. ELIZABETH, b. 6, 8, 1796; m. Job Bishop. 28 T///E /l/ Al R/S /7A // / / Y. Children of Owen Maris (253) and Elisabeth Hoopes |Vay. 66O. ELIZA, b. 1807; d. unm., aged about 27 years. 661. GEORGE OWEN, b. 9, 9, 1809. Living unm., near Newtown Square, Delaware county, Pa. Farmer. Chi/dreſſ of Rebecca Maris (255) and Abner Garreſt. 662. GEORGE, b. I 1, 20, 1794; m. 2, 8, 1821, Mary Griffith, daughter of Abner and Amy, of Willistown, Pa.; m. 2d, Beulah Sharpless, daughter of Samuel and Ruth, of Middletown, Delaware county, Pa.; d. 12, 7, 1881. 663. THOMAS G., b. 8, 18, 1796; m. 5, 10, 1821, Mary M. Hoopes, daughter of Abner and Sarah ; d. I I, 24, 1841. 664. JANE A., b. 9, 29, 1799; d. unm. 2, 26, 1818 or 1819. 665. LYDIA, b. 6, 12, 18OI ; m. I I, 4, 1824, Isaac Garrett, son of Isaac and Elizabeth, of Willistown ; d. 4, 14, 1879. 666. ABIGAIL, b. 7, 28, 1804; m. 12, 14, 1825, William Sharpless, son of Nathan and Sarah; d. Io, 28, 1854. 667. REBECCA A., b. IO, 26, 1806; d. 1, 14, 1844. 668. ABNER, b. 6, 25, 1809; m. at Willistown Meeting House, 3, 7, 1833, Eliza Thomas, daughter of Mordecai and Lydia; m. 2d, 4, 5, 1854, Rachel Martin. Farmer. Living at Elkview, Chester county, Pa. 669. HANNAH Y., b. 4, 18, 1815; m. I 2, 7, 1837, Benjamin Hood, of Newtown, Delaware county, Pa.; d. I I, 18, 1884. Benjamin d. I I, 2O, 1877. Child of /o/lathan Maris (259) and /udit/, //c//waine. 670. JESSE J. MARIs, the only child of Dr. Jonathan Maris and Judith McIlvaine, was born in North Wales, Montgomery county, Pa., 6th mo. 18th, 1793. On his father's death, which occurred before he was four years old, he went with his mother to reside with his grandmother McIlvaine, in Ridley township, Delaware county, Pa., where he spent the greater part of his early life. The old stone school house, where he received his early education, is still standing. After spending some time at New Garden boarding school, under the teaching of Enoch Lewis, the celebrated mathema- tician, he went into the counting-house of his uncles, R. & H. McIlvaine, lumber mer- chants of West Philadelphia, where he remained several years and received a thorough commercial training. - - About 1814 he and his friend Pennock Passmore made a journey on horseback Over the Alleghany mountains as far west as Cincinnati, then a town of only a few houses. Much of the way was a mere bridle path through the wilderness. They re- turned by Buffalo, which had recently been burned by the British, leaving only a few houses standing. Soon aſter returning he went to a farm in Montgomery county, devised to him by his uncle William Maris. After farming a year he returned to Ridley, and set up the lumber business, to which he had been educated. He married Io, I 5, 1815, Mary, daughter of Samuel and Mary West, and in 1820 the young couple fixed their permanent home upon a farm given them by her father, in Chester township, where they passed the remainder of their lives, she surviving him a few years. In 1841 he was elected President of the Bank of Delaware County, and was annu- ally re-elected up to the time of his death. His kind and courteous treatment of all who were brought into business relations with him, his active and earnest care of the %, Z/ º º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ºf º - º'- - - - - - - - - - - | … … . . º/ . - - --- - - … … -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - v. ºf . , -- º - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - º º -- . º … - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- º, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - º º- - - - - º --- º -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º . - … - - - -* - - - - - - - … . -- -- … --- - -- -- . - - - - - - - - - º - - - - - º. -- º º: … *º- - --- º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º, - º º --- - -º-º-º: … º - -- - - - - º 2.- º º … º - - - - - - … … . º - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - - - --- - L ... - - - - - - - --- - - . - - - - - - - - - -º-, … - - - - - - - - º - - - - -- --- - º … - - - - - -- - - - - - ºf º, 7- º /- - º, º ſº. º 2… . -º-º-ººººººººººººº… º. º. ºº - - - -- - - - - - - - - º - - º -- - - - - - - - - º º - - - --- º-º-º: - -- - - - º - -- - - - - - - - -- - --- -º-º-º-º-º: - - - - ºº: -º- º -- º º - º . - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S / A 7"// (, /; AV/; /* A 7 / O AV. 29 interests of the institution and his disposition to oblige its customers, combined with his weight of character, contributed greatly to the prosperity of the bank. Confided in as one in whom implicit faith might safely be reposed, his experience, his business capacity and untiring energy fully justified his long continuance in office, and his death was regretted by none more sincerely than by those who knew him as the President of the Bank of Delaware County. Many of them still remember his kind attentions and manly bearing, and few, if any, will recall an unkind or reproachful word. He had long been deeply interested in the cause of the slave. With two other members of the Society of Friends, he attended several sessions of the State Legis- lature, and labored to procure the passage of a law to prevent kidnapping. The effort was successful ; but one section of the law was peculiarly obnoxious to the slave power, and it required constant watchfulness on the part of the same Friends to prevent its repeal. - - * While on his death-bed Jesse J. Maris expressed his firm belief that slavery in this country was nearly at an end, though he had little idea by what means the end would be brought about, nor how very near it was. This was four months before the war commenced, and four years before the proclamation of Abraham Lincoln and the Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment terminated American slavery forever. As a husband, parent and friend, his character and virtues shone pre-eminent. His house was ever open to his many friends and acquaintances, who shared the simple welcome of his pleasant rural home, a seat of refined hospitality. His life was one of active employment. His unbiased judgment, enlightened by much and varied reading, his sincere and benevolent heart, well fitted him for the semi-public duties he was con- stantly called upon to perform. He reconciled differences annong his neighbors, thereby preventing much litigation; he settled estates, held guardianships and other trusts, and labored to his own physical injury up to the very close of his life, in conscientiously protecting the interests confided to him. He was a meek and humble Christian, a member of the Religious Society of Friends. Love to God and love to man, were the ruling motives of his life. His use- ful life closed quietly and peacefully, I 2, 15, 1860. He was interred in the Friends' Burying Ground, at Waterville, near Chester. Children of Hanna/, //aris (261) and /o/in Irison. 671. SUSAN, b. I, 14, 1797, in Whitemarsh township, Montgomery county, Pa.; m. I 2, 4, 1845, Solomon Lukens. No children; d. I, I, 1873. She was the author of “The Painter of Seville,” and other poems. 672. GEORGE M., b. 10, 14, 1798, in White- marsh township, Montgomery county, Pa.; m. IO, 18, 1825, Sarah Schofield; d. 3, 18, 1868. 673. JANE, b. 6, 25, 1800; d. in infancy. 674. JESSE, b. 1, 29, 1803; d. in infancy. 675. ANN, b. I I, 8, 1804, in Whitemarsh township, Montgomery county, Pa.; m. I I, 15, 1832, Benjamin Jones. Living with her daughter Susan W. Taylor, at Edgmont, Delaware county, Pa. 676. REBECCA, b. 6, 27, 1814; d. 6, 17, 1843. 3O 77// / /l/A A' / S /7/1 /l/ / / Y. Chi/dren of Susanna Maris (262) and Levi //es/on. 677. MARIA, m. 4, Io, 182O, Jesse Tyson, son of Robert; 2d, Franklin Foulke. 678, JANE, b. 9, 29, 1802; m, lo, 18, 1821, Robert Tyson, son of Robert; d. 6, 1 1, 1883. y Children of //a/a/, //a//(266) and /Senjamin Loſº, 679. SARAH, m. William Hood. 680. GEORGE, b. 8, 14, 1795; d. unm. 2, 20, 1875. Children of /o/, //aris (268) and Marſha Ann Bonsal/. 681. GEORGE, b. IO, 23, 1823; m. Io, 19, 1870, Caroline Worrall, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah ; farmer. He is the present owner and occupant of the “Home House.” 682. ISAAC, b. 8, 3, 1825 ; d. I I, 7, 1827. 683. LEWIS D., b. 2, 27, 1827, in Springfield, Delaware county; he went to Iowa in 185 I ; m. I I, 28, 1858, Selinda Randalls, of Iowa; blacksmith and farmer ; Hoyt, Jackson county, Kansas. 684. HUMPHREY, b. 3, 5, 1829; m. 6, 15, 1856, Martha, daughter of Whitten Bonsall, of Iowa; farmer ; New Sharon, Mahaska county, Iowa. 685. JoSEPH P., b. I I, I 7, 183 I ; m. 2, 2, 1860, Mary Rhoads, daughter of Joseph and Sarah ; farmer ; president of Springfield Free Fountain Society. His farm is a part of the original Maris tract in Springfield; Marple, Delaware “county, Pa. 686. REBECCA, b. 3, 30, 1834; d. in in- fancy. 687. SUSANNA E., b. I I, 4, 1835; m. 9, 24, 1857, David R. Hoopes; Oska- loosa, Mahaska county, Iowa. 688. ELLIS, b. 5, 28, 1838; m. I 2, 25, 1862, Hannah Jobson ; Coatesville, Chester county, Pa.; Hannah d. I I, 9, 1883, in her 39th year. 689. John L., b. 5, 27, 1840; m. I, 15, 1866, Elizabeth Jobson, daughter of Joseph ; farmer, Coatesville, Pa.; no children. Children of Ann Maris (269) and Samuel Lindsay. 690. JANE A., b. 12, 4, 1818; unm ; living at Bryn Mawr, Pa. 69 I. JoHN MARIs, b. 9, 3, 1820; m. 6, 5, 1851, Martha Stewart, who d. 1852; m. 6, 13, 1878, Martha Gurney Fine; no children; Bryn Mawr, Pa. 692. ELIZABETH C., b. 7, 27, 1822; m. 3, 18, 1845, Isaac C. Black, who d. 8, 24, 1845; m. 6, 6, 1849, Samuel A. Black, editor of 7/le Home News, Bryn Mawr, Pa. - Children of Mary Maris (274) and /os/mla /awrence. 693. JOHN, b. I 2, 20, 1786; m. Maria Van Leer; d. 2, 9, 1838. 694. ISAAC, b. 12, 4, 1789; m. 6, 15, 1820, Mary L. Evans; d. 7, 10, 1834, 695. HANNAH., b. 6, 8, 1793; d. unm. 9, I I, 1859. 696. HENRY, b. 3, 16, 1796; m. I I, 21, 1833, Mary D. Ash- bridge; d. 6, 4, 1879. 697. ELIZABETH, b. I 2, 2, 18OI ; d. unm. IO, 4, 1854. Children of Elizabet/. Maris (275) and Thomas West. 698. SALLIE, b. 6, 8, 1791 ; d. unm. I, I4, 1844, 699. ELIZA, b. 9, 29, 1792; m. 1, 3 I, 1828, Isaac Haldeman; d. 1, 5, 1861. 700. ELIZABETH, b. 7, 28, 1796; unm. S/XTH GENERAT/O W. 3 I 701. MARY, b. 4, 17, 1798; d. unm. 4, 7, 1832. 702. CALEB, b. 7, 7, 18OI ; m. I, 8, 1829, Sarah Williamson, daughter of Enos; d. I I, 26, 1852. 703. THOMAS H., b. I, 17, 1804; m. Mary Maris, (708) daughter of James and Hannah. 704. ISAAC, d. in his 3d year. - Children of Eliza Maris (276) and Samuel Davis. 705. HANNAH., b. I, 29, 1804; m. 4, 22, 1824, Samuel Rhoads, (539) of Spring- field. 706. FILIZABETH, b. 8, 6, 1806; m. 5, 8, 1827, Thomas L. Bartram, of Darby, Delaware county, Pa.; address, Darby, Pa. 707. EMILY, b. I I, 28, 1815; m. 4, 9, I835, Isaac L. Bartram ; d. IO, Ig, I88O. Children of James Maris (277) and Hannah Hunter. 708. MARy, m. Thomas H. West (703) son of Thomas and Elizabeth. 709. ELIZA, d. unm. 7 IO. JANE, unm. 7 I I. ELIZABETH, d. unm. 7 I 2. ALICE, unm. Children of Isaac Maris (278) and Martha Hunter. 713. JAMES BARTRAM, b. 3, 4, 1812; unm.; Marple, Delaware County, Pa. 714. ISAAC HOWELL, b. 7, 25, 1813; m. I 2, 5, 1844, Mary Anna Clark, of Radnor; farmer; Marple, Delaware county, Pa. 715. SAMUEL HUNTER, b. 7, 25, 1815; living, unm. 716. WILLIAM LEVIS, b. 7, 24, 1817; living, unm. 7 I 7. HENRY LAWRENCE, b. 4, 3, 1822; d. unm. I 861. 718. HANNAH ANN, b. Io, 20, 1824; m. Io, 8, 1867, William Shearer; no children. 719. Joseph McCLEES, b. 2, 10, 1827; d. unm. 3, 7, 1884. Children of Susanna Maris (280) and /o/ul Hall. 72O. MARIs, b. 9, 20, 1794; m. 4, 7, 1825, Sarah D. Hibberd, daughter of Jacob and Sarah, of Middletown; d. 12, 1, 1865. 72 I. MARY ANN, b. 1799; m. 2, 27, 1834, Goodwin Lloyd; d. 2, 7, 1877. 722. CALEB, b. 9, 28, 18OI ; m. I I, 18, 1826, Martha R. Bennett, daughter of Joseph and Mary, of New Jersey; d. 11, 17, 1863. 723. PHEBE, b. I I, 3, 1805; d. young. -------- - ---------- - - ----- - # Children of George Maris (282) and Elizabet/, /oncs. 724. Norris, b. 5, 24, 1803, in West Pikeland, Chester county, Pa.; m: 2, 21, 1827, at Caln Meeting House, Ann, daughter of William and Mary (Spackman) Davis. He was engaged in farming and mining iron ore in West Vincent twp., Chester County, from 1834 to 1864. Appointed by Gov. Curtin, “Sealer of Weights and Measures” for Chester county in 1864, and re-appointed by Governor Geary in 1867. He was an active worker in the cause of temperance, and for the abolition of slavery, being an agent on the “Underground Railroad.” A birth-right member of the Religious So- ciety of Friends, in which he held various positions of responsibility. Is now living in Wilmington, Delaware. - 3 2 7. // / /l/ Al K’ ſ S / A /l/ / / Y. 725. REBECCA, b. 12, 13, 1804; m. I I, 30, 1839, John Hibberd; d. 5, 24, 1845; left One child, Amy Ann, who d. 9, 13, 1851. 726. CALEB J., b. 6, 25, 1806, in West Pikeland, Chester Co., Pa.; m. Io, 31, 1839, Rebecca, daughter of Thomas and Phebe Massey; she died 9, 9, 1843; Caleb m. Io, 31, 1850, Hannah, daughter of Lewis and Abigail Garrett; one child, Amy Ann, by first wife, b. 6, 1, 1841 ; d. 9, IO, 1842. His mother dying when he was very young, he was taken by his paternal grandparents and brought up as one of their own children. When he became of age he bought a farm in Nether Providence, Delaware county, where he lived until he sold it and bought the one in Chester county, on which he now resides. He was very fond of good stock, especially horses, and his fine team was well known in the neighborhood. On account of failing health he retired from ac- tive business some years since. Address, White Horse, Pa. 727. JollN H. b. 2, 20, 1809, in West Pikeland; m. 2, 19, 1834, at Caln Meeting House, Mary Davis, sister of the wife of his brother Norris; farmer until 1872. Present residence, Wilmington, Del. Children of Caleó Maris (287) and Rut/, /3c//left (753). 728. JACOB B., b. 2, 5, 1829; d. 9, 16, 1854. 729. PHEBE, b. I I, 16, 1830; m. 8, 25, 1853, Edward Pray; d. 1, 23, 1857. 73O. JoSHUA, b. 4, 7, 1832, in Willistown, Chester county, Pa.; m. I, I 2, 1870, at Yardley, Bucks county, Pa., Martha A. liowell. Educated at Newark Academy and Dickinson College. Studied law in the office of Daniel M. Bates, afterward Chancellor of Delaware. Admitted to the Bar, May, 1859. Ele&ted Mayor of Wilmington, Delaware, in 1864, and served two terms. Ele&ted President of the City Council 1871 and 1874. Member of the Legislature in 1873. He was a prominent member of the Improved Order of Red Men, and other organiza- tions. Practised law till his death, 8, I 3, 1884. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. “A meeting of the members of New Castle county (Delaware) Bar, was held at Wilmington, on Tuesday afternoon, the object of the mecting being to take suitable action respecting the death of the late Joshua Maris, Esq., who formerly resided in this county. While the committee appointed for the purpose were drafting a series of reso- lutions, speeches descriptive of the life and labor of the late Mr. Maris were made by prominent members of the Bar of which he was a member. The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the Bar of New Castle county have heard with deep sensibility the announcement of the death of their late brother, Joshua Maris, Esq. A'eso/ved, That in an active practice of the law, for more than a quarter of a cen- tury, our deceased brother has won the respect of his professional associates and the community at large. Aeso/ved, That he will long be remembered for his integrity, his fidelity to his duties, public and private, and his kindly courtesy to all of us in his professional inter- COll TSC. Reso/ved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of our de- ceased brother as a token of our sympathy in their great bereavement, and that they be published in the newspapers of this city. - MARIS’S MILL, VVILLISTOVVIN, PA.| Built by CALEB MARIs, (106) about 1809. S / YTA/ GAZAWAE RA 7TWO AV. 33 Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions be presented to the Superior Court of this county with the request that they be spread upon its records.”—From Wilmington Paper. 731. THOMAS, b. 6, 9, 1834; d. 3, 8, 1850. 732. BARKLEY, b. 3, IO, I836; d. 1, 8, 1853. 733. GEORGE C., b. 3, 14, 1838, in Willistown, Chester county, Pa.; m. 3, 15, 1859, Elizabeth Walker. Educated at Friends' School, Wilmington. Treasurer of Wilmington, 1868–9. Conveyancer and real estate agent, Wilmington, Delaware. Children of Jonathan Maris (289) and Mary Garrett. 734. HANNAH., b. 6, 2, 1824; m. IO, 14, 1847, Benjamin Franklin Hall; d. 4, 9, 1849; one child, William P.; d. in infancy. 735. ANN, b. 7, 21, 1826; m. I 2, 4, 1851, William Edwards; living in Willistown, Chester county, Pa. 736. WILLIAM, b. IO, Io, 1829; d. unm. 3, 20, 1852. 737. ROBERT, b. 9, 29, 1833; m. 3, 21, 1861, Phebe Ann James, daughter of Abraham and Phebe. She d. 7, 15, 1865; m. 3, 7, 1867, Mar- garet Stewart, daughter of Elijah and Margaret. He now owns and resides upon the original Maris homestead, in Chester county, Willistownto winship. Address, Duffryn Mawr, Penn'a. 738. Joseph, b. 4, IO, 1838, in Chester county; left Pennsylvania in 1858, travelling two years in Western States and Territories; settled in central Texas in 1860, but on account of the Rebellion was driven into Mexico, where he remained until 1863. Travelled in Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Arizona from 1864 to 1874. Visited Europe in 1875. In 1877 he settled in California, where he m. 4, 8, 1877, Katie O. Loughlin. Engaged in farming. He and his wife attended the Bi-centennial at “Home House,” in 1883. Smith River Valley, Cal. Child of Elisa Hatton (291) and /o/in Pennington. 739. ROBERT, b. 7, 20, 1811; d. 1828. ---------------------------- - - - - - - - - --~~~ * Child of George Hatton (29/) and Margaret Foulke. 74O. ROBERT, b. 12, 6, 1816; m. 5, 31, 1837, Susanna Evans. A minister in the Society of Friends. Farmer, Russellville, Chester county, Pa. Children of Edward Hatton (296) and Rache/ Zukens. 741, LEWIS, b. 9, 4, 1817; d. young. 742. ANN, b. 9, 4, 1818; m. 5, 1, 1850, Moses Kelly, Waynesville, Warren county, Ohio. 743. Levi L., b. 8, 6, 1821; m. 3, 5, 1863, Rachel Mills. Farmer in Logan county, Illinois. 744. GEORGE, b. 3, 19, I 825; m. 3, 22, 1870, Rebecca La Fetra. He has been a practising physician in Har- veysburg, Ohio, for 19 years, 745. JERVIS J., b. 10, 19, 1827; m. I I, 26, 1856, Samantha Anderson. Farmer, Harveysburg, Warren county, Ohio. 746. SUSANNA, b. 2, 16, 1830; d. unm. 1868. 747. ELIZABETH, b. 8, 23, 1833; d. 1854. 748. MARy, b. J 34 . 7 A/B // A R /S FA // / / Y. II, 14, 1836; m. IO, 16, 1866, Robert E. La Fetra; Chicago, Ill. 749. EDWARD, b. 10, I, 1838; unm. Sergeant in 39th Ohio Volunteer Infantry; d. of pneumonia at Benton Barracks, Missouri. 750. RACHEL, b. IO, I, 1838; d. in infancy. 75 I. DEBORAH., b. 7, 23, 1842; m. I, I, 1862, Barclay L. Dakin, Harveysburg, Ohio. Children of /acob Bennett (302) and Judith Nichols. 752. THOMAS, b. 8, 8, 1794; m. Sarah Taylor. 753. RUTH, b. 9, 29, 1796; m, 4, 24, 1828, Caleb Maris, (287) son of Caleb and Ann. 754, LYDIA, b. I I, 6, 1798; d. young. 755, JOHN, b. 3, 4, 18OI ; m. IO, 20, 1853, Jane Hall; d. 8, 25, 1883. 756. LYDIA, b. I I, 6, 1803; d. unm. I 884, in West Chester, 757. REBECCA, b. 4, 25, 1806; d. 6, 25, 1808. 758. REBECCA, b. IO, 4, 1808; d. unm. I 2, 6, 1880, in West Chester. Children of William Bennett (3/1) and Alice Hoopes. 759. JULIET, b. 6, 15, 1791 ; d. unm. 2, 14, 1883. 76O. LEWIS, b. 9, 2, 1792; m. II, 24, 1814, Harriet Righter; m. 2d, 4, 2, 1818, Fannie Hunt; d. 4, 19, 1851. 761. MALINDA, b. 7, 6, 1794; d. unm. 2, 22, 182 I. 762. WARNER, b. 6, 2, 1796; m. Mary Davis; d. 7, 24, 1880. 763. MINERVA, b. 5, 28, 1798, West Chester, Pa. 764. IMLAH J., b. 4, 26, 18OO ; m. I 2, 9, 1819, Margaret Williamson; d. 3, 24, 1864. 765. MATILDA, b. 3, 7, 1802; m. William Thomas; d. 4, 4, 1883, in West Chester. 766. TITUS, b. 2, 7, 1804; m. 5, 11, 1826, Harriet Davis; d. 2, 18, 1881. 767. HARRIET, b. 7, 29, 1806; d. I I, 17, 1812. 768. SIDNEY, b. I I, I, 1808; m. 7, 9, 1827, Edward E. Collins; West Ches- ter, Pa. 769. REBECCA L., b. 8, 9, 181 i ; m. 10, 1, 1840, William Reid, of Birmingham, England; West Chester, Pa. - º Children of James Bennett (312) and Hanna/, Hoopes. 770. THIRZA, b. 5, 17, 1795; m. Baldwin Weaver; d. 4, 24, 1869. 771. JABEZ, b. II, 22, 1796; m. 5, 24, 182 I, Rachel Warner. 772. LEAH, b. 3, IO, 1798; d. young. 773. SIDNEY, b. IO, I 7, 1799; m. Henry Hoopes; d. 7, 24, 1842. 774. REBECCA H., b. 7, 3, 18OI ; m. 3, 9, 1837, William Burson. 775. SAMUEL H., b. 3, IO, I803; m. 3, 13, 1828, Ruth E. Hannum; m, 2d, 12, 3, 1840, Elizabeth D. Hannum, sister of his first wife; 3d, 8, 18, 1847, Phebe Yates. 776. LEAH., b. 3, 24, 1805; m. Mary Dugdale; d. in Iowa about 1851. 777. SUSANNA, b. 2, 14, 1807; m. 12, 16, 1829, Emmor Entriken. 778. HANNAH. J., b. 7, 17, 1809; m. 2, 20, 1834, William Yates. Child of Isaac Bennett (316) and Ann Webb. 779. EDITH, b. 10, 20, 1793; m. 5, 15, 1823, Robert Lamborn, son of Robert and Martha; d. 1, 27, 1825. . Children of Susanna Bennett (322) and Joshua Peirce. 78O. MARY ANN B., b. I2, Io, 181 I ; m. 9, 3, 1842, Dr. Sumner Stebbins; Dr. S /X 7// G E AWA R A 7"/O AV. —w 35 Stebbins d. 1884; Dugdale, Chester county, Pa. 781. GEORGE W., b. 2, 20, 1814; d. unm. I I, 26, 1880. 782. SIDNEY., b. Io, 20, 1815; m. IO, 14, 1854, Thomas Curtis. Children of Susanna Zamborn (326) and /o/in Marshal/ 783. THOMAS, b. 4, 22, 1769; m. Sarah Gregg. 784. ROBERT, b. 9, 15, 1771 ; m. II, 22, 1804, Mary Hoopes, daughter of Thomas and Sarah, of Goshen. 785. WILLIAM, b. 5, 26, 1773. 786. HANNAH., b. 1, 7, 1775; m. John Yeatman, son of Andrew. 787. ANN, b. 8, 22, 1778; m. I 2, 2, 1801, John Scarlet, son of John and Mary, at Hockessin Meeting; d. 5, 26, 1862. 788. MARTHA, b. 8, 20, 1780; d. 1, 3, 181 I. 789. WILLIAM, b. 7, 30, 1784; m. Margaret McCammon ; d. 1859. Children of Robert Lamborn (327) and Martha Townsend. 790. JOANNA, b. 4, IO, I 774; d. 9, 27, 1827. 79 I. ANN, b. I, I4, 1776; d. 9, 8, I777. 792. TownsEND, b. 4, 15, 1778; m. 5, 9, 1805, Ann Clayton, at Bradford Meet- ing; d. 6, 8, 1860. 793. SARAH, b. 5, 28, 1780. 794. JESSE, b. 4, −, 1782. 795. SUSANNA, b. 4, 2, 1784; d. 3, 17, 1786. 796. MARY J., b. 9, I, 1786; m. Moses Pen- nock. 797. MARGARET, b. 9, I I, 1788. 798. ROBERT, b. I I, 25, 1790; m. Ist, Edith Bennett, daughter of Isaac and Ann ; 2d, Rachel Pierce. Edith d. 1, 27, 1825; Rachel d. 8, 20, 186O. 799. MARTHA, b. 5, 9, 1793; d. 8, 24, 1809. - Children of Jesse Pennock (352) and Hanna/. Baldwin. 8OO. JoSEPH, b. I, 27, 1773; m. Hannah Jones ; d. 1, 26, 1853. 801. SARAH., b. 9, 20, 1774; m. 5, 7, 1794, James Wollaston; d. 3, 8, 1829. 802. HANNAH, b. 10, 14, 1776; m. Robert Steel. No children. 803. THOMAS, b. 7, 4, 1779; d. 8, 13, 1813. 804. MARY A., b. 4, 21, 1783; m. IO, I 5, 1817, John Rakestraw. Children of Hannah Pennocé ( s53) and /o/izz Baker. 805. Joseph, m. Elizabeth Baldwin. 806. MARY, m. James Massey, in 1793. Children of Hannah Pennock (353) and John Edwards. 807. PENNock, b. 6, 26, 1782; d. unm. 808. NATHAN, b. 2, 6, 1784; d. unm. 809. John, b. 7, 15, 1786; m. Hannah Gibbons; buried IO, 5, 1825, at Middletown, Dela- ware county, Pa. He was for several years a member of Congress from the District composed of Delaware, Chester, and Lancaster counties. 8 IO, SARAH, b. 2, 27, 1788; m. 1816, Joseph Leonard; d. 1877, in West Chester; buried at Middletown, Pa. Children of George Pennocé (358) and Mary Liddon. 81 I. ABRAHAM L., b. 8, 17, 1786; m. Eliza Sellers. 812. GEORGE. 813. JOSEPH. 36 - TA/A) // A R / S. FA /l/ / / Y. Children of George Pennock (358) and Sarah Wistar. 814. MARY L., b. 7, I I, 1791; d. young. 815. SARAH W., b. 9, 4, 1792; m. Charles Lukens. 816. ISABELLA, b. 1, 29, 1795; d. unm. 817. CATH ARINE, d. unm. 818. CASPER W. b. 7, 2, 1799; m. Caroline Morris. Children of Isaac Pennock (360) and Martha Webb. 819. MARY, d. young. 820. SARAH T., b. 12, 6, 1792; d. in infancy. 82 I. REBECCA W., b. I, 6, 1794; m. Charles Lukens; d. 12, IO, 1854. 822. ISAAC W., b. 5, 1, 1798; m. Harriet Penrose. 823. MARTHA, b. IO, 22, 18OO ; m. Dr. Jesse Coates. 824. ANNA ELIZA, b. 5, 25, 1803; d. 5, I, 1826. 825. MARY A., b. 3, 2, 1806; m. James Penrose. 826. GEORGE W., m. Eliza Mason. Children of Joseph Taylor (361) and Jane Walter. 827. JAMES, b. 1779; m. a Kentucky lady. 828. JoSEPH, b. 1780. 829. ISRAEL, b. Io, 27, 1782; m. 3, 12, 1808, Susan Mans, at Trenton, New Jersey; d. IO, 22, 1850, in Philadelphia; buried at Fair Hill. 830. SARAH., b. 1774, 831. ANN, b. in Chester county, 1791; m. 12, 16, 1810, Hugh Wilson. Moved to Barnesville, Ohio, thence to Pulaski county, Illinois; d. I I, 25, 1864, at Village Ridge, Pulaski county, Illinois. 832. JoEL, b. 1792; d. 1826. 833. LYDIA, d. young. Children of Jacob Taylor (364) and Elizabeth Jones. 834. ANN, b. 3, 20, 1784. 835. MARY, b. 2, 17, 1786. 836. JoSEPH, b. 3, 25, 1788; m. Sarah Harlan, daughter of Joseph and Hannah. They had six children. 837. ISAAC, b. 7, 31, 1790. 838. JACOB, b. IO, 9, 1792; m. Ist, Grace A. Trump; 2d, Ann Passmore; 3d, Mary Love. 839. ELIZABETH, b. I I, IQ, I 794. 84O. JESSE, b. 9, 25, 18OI ; m. Susanna Pusey; d. 1, 25, 1851. No children. Children of Ruth T.aylor (369) and Charles Wilson. 841. MILTON, b. 1795; m. Emily Wheeler. 842. ELIZA, b. 1800; d. unm. 843. HANNAH, b. 1804; m. Richard M. Bernard. 844. ANN, b. 1806; m. Pratt Roberts. 845. CHARLEs, b. 18 IO; m. Josephine Tarascon. 846. MARY, m. Moses Carpenter. Children of David Taylor (370) and Hannah Craig. 847. Joseph C., b. 6, 22, 1805; m. 3, 24, 1831, Susanna Twaddell, and 1, 17, 1837, Jane M. White; d. 4, 26, 1876. He was engaged in farming and mercantile pursuits; was an early and active Abolitionist. Lived in Lancaster county, Pa. 848. LYDIA, m. James Pierce, Downingtown, Pa. 849. ANN W., b. 4, 4, 1809; m. 1827, James Wood- S/X 7// GENERA 7/0M. 37 row. They settled in Lancaster county, Pa., where he d. in 1881 ; Ann's address is Landenberg, Chester county, Pa. Children of Mary Taylor (374) and Abner Wickers/am. 850. ANN, b. 2, 3, 1782; m. Thomas Milhous. 85 I. Joseph, b. 4, 25, 1784. 852. ENOCH, b. 7, 21, 1786; m. 4, 12, 1815, Ann Wickersham. 853. ELLIS, b. 3, 24, 1789; d. I 2, 24, 1880, in Stark county, Ohio. Children of Mary Taylor (375) and /o/u/ Diron. 854. JOHN, b. 2, 9, 1791; d. in infancy. 855. HANNAH., b. I I, 25, 1792; m. Philip Chandler; d. 9, 7, 1857. 856. ANN, b. 1, 25, 1795, at Hockessin, Delaware; m. I I, 7, 1816, Thomas Raley. Settled in Washington county, Pa. Moved to Columbiana county, Ohio, in 1832, where they remained till death. Ann d. 9, 26, 1851 ; Thomas d. 5, 29, 1867. 857. PHEBE, b. I I, 17, 1796; m. John Veal. 858. MARTHA, b. I I, 9, 1798; m. Amos Sharpless. 859. SAMUEL, b. IO, 27, 18OO ; m. Mary Beeson ; d. 4, 30, 188o. 860. MARY T., b. I 2, 25, 18O2; m. Marshall Yeatman. No children. 861. SARAH, b. 2, 23, 1805; d. young. - Children of Phebe Taylor (376) and /o/in Starr. 862. JESSE, m. Tabitha Norris. 863. Jose.PH, d. young. 864. LYDIA, d. young. 865. HANNAH, m. Isaac Thomas. 866. DEBORAH, m. Seth Waters. 867. SARAH, m. John Kennedy. 868. HIRAM, m. Rebecca Griffith. 869. PHEBE, m. Abner Thomas. 870. REUBEN. 871. ESTHER, m. Isaac Boone. Children of Lydia Taylor (377) and /o/in Simmons. 872. JoHN. 873. MARY. 874. GEORGE. 875. HANNAH, m. Jesse Gregg. No children. 876. BoDWEY, m. Mary Gregg. - Children of Hannah Taylor (380) and John Wilson. 877. MARIs, m. Sarah Glenn. 878. ROSS, d. young. 879. John, d. unm. 88O. JAMES, d. unm. ---- Children of Mariba Taylor (381) and Gideon Wickersham. 88.I. JEHU, b. 2, 7, 1800; m. Phebe Baldwin. 882. HANNAH., b. 7, 25, 1801; d. in infancy. 883. SARAH, b. I I, 5, 1802; m. Reuben Taylor. 884. PHEBE, b. 8, 26, 1804; m. John Wilson. 885. TAYLOR, b. I 2, 25, 1805; m. Susan Kimely. 886. ABEL, b. 7, 25, 1807; d. in infancy. 887. JANE, b. IO, 7, 1808; d. unm. 888. HANNAH., b. 5, 25, 1810; d. unm. 889. Evan, b. 5, 16, 1812; m. Susan Wickersham. 890. GEORGE, b. IO, 20, 1815. 891. ENOCH, b. 4, 5, 1819; m. Phebe Gatchell. 892. GIDEON, b. I I, 15, 1820; m. 1st, Jane Gatchell; 2d, Lydia A. Dixon, 1869. 38 T// / /l/A A' / S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Maris Taylor (382) and Ann Baily. 893. SARAI, b. 2, 24, 1805; m. 3, 18, 1829, William G. Chandler, Indianapolis, Indiana. 894. ELISIIA, b. 3, 6, 1807; m. 2, 15, 1833, Mary A. Clark; d. I I, I 5, 1882. 895. HANNAH., b. 4, 30, 1809; m. 2, I I, 1858, Isaac Miller, who d. 5, 30, 1866. She re- sides in West Chester. No children. 896. MARY A., b. I 2, 24, 18 I I ; m. 1832, Edwin Wollaston; 2d, George Palmer; both deceased. Her address is Unionville, Chester county, Pa. 897. FRANKLIN, b. 3, I I, 1814, in West Marlborough, Chester county; educated at West Chester, and Strode's Academy. Manufacturer and merchant in Pennsylvania, and at Alexandria, Virginia, previous to 1864; m. 4, 26, 1864, Phebe Mode, (943) daughter of William and Elizabeth. Now a member of the firm of Chandler and Taylor, Phoenix Machine Works, Indianapolis, Indiana. - 898. LYDIA, b. I I, 7, 1816; m. 7, 3 I, I 844, Ephraim Bernard; d. 3, IO, 1852. 899. ANN F., b. 7, 20, 1818, in West Marlborough ; m. 3, 4, 1852, Norris J. Embree. Educated at Price's Boarding School, West Chester; Louisburg, Miami county, Kansas. No children. 900. SUSAN, b. 1, 18, 1821 ; m. 3, 12, 1857, Baker Leonard; Doe Run, Chester county, Pa. 901. EMMA, b. 2, 15, 1823; d. unm. 9, 5, 1876. 902. MARIs, b. 5, 5, 1825; m. 1865, Kate Smoot; d. 6, 30, 1877. 903. ANNA, b. 8, 31, 1827; m. I I, 9, 1848, William H. Pyle; West Chester, Pa. 904. PHEBE, b. 2, 24, 1830; unm.; West Chester, Pa. - . Children of Ann Taylor (383) and /o/in Grave. 905. ALBINA, m. Josiah John. 906. MARY. 907. SAMUEL, m. Margaret Wilson. 908. JEHU, m. Abigail Duval and Catharine Deems. 909. MARY A., m. Ellis N. John- son. 9 IO. DAVID. 91 I. MARIs T., m. Susan Boram. 912. RUTH A., m. Washington Cooper. Children of Evan P. Taylor (384) and Rebecca Lawrence. 913. CHARLEs M., m. Esther Clark and Sallie Hendry. No children. 914. HANNAH E., m. James Clark; both deceased. 915. GEORGE R., m. Theresa Paul; both deceased. 916. MARY A., m. Dr. William B. Klipstien, Alexandria, Virginia. Children of Susan Taylor (385) and Samuel Clark. 917. GEORGE T., b. 3, 27, 1807; m. Annie Taylor and Hannah Baily. 918. DAVID, b. 4, 25, 1809. 919. MARIS T., b. 4, 20, 18 I I ; m. Rachel Brown; d. 5, I I, I876. 92O. SARAH., b. 9, 18, 1816. 92 I. JoSEPH, b. 9, 18, 1816; m. Lydia Brown, Kennett Square, Pa. Children of Mary Mode (387) and Joel Davis. 922. ELIZABETH, d. young. 923. HANNAH, d. young. 924. WILLIAM, m. Susanna Baker. 925. PHEBE, d. young. 926. RUTH, m. 1819, Reuben Baker. 927. PHEBE, d. young. 928. ELIZABETH, d. young. 929. MARY, m. Aaron Baker. 93O. JOEL, m. S / YTH G EAVERA T/O W. 39 Jane Worrell. 931. REBECCA P., m. Isaac Skelton. . 932. ISAAC, m. Mary Denny. 933. GRACE, d. young. 934. AMY. 935. AMOS, m. Mary Worrell. Children of Rebecca Mode (388) and /o/ul Pºsey. 936. SARAH A., b. 7, I I, 1799; m. Isaac Altemus. No children; London Grove, Pa. 937. REBECCA M., b. 3, 21, 1805; d. 7, 15, 1829. 938. John, b. 7, 25, 1809; m. Mary Wilkinson; London Grove, Pa. Children of William Mode (390) and Elizabeth Baker. - 939. JAMES, b. 3, 6, 1821 ; m. Sarah Baker. 940. WILLIAM, b. 7, 8, 1822 Priscilla Pierce; Modena, Chester county, Pa. 94 I. AMY, b. I, 4, 1824; m. I 2, 23, 1846, Vincent D. Barnard. 942. SARAH, b. 8, 9, 1825; Modena, Chester County, Pa. 943. PHEBE, b. I I, I 2, 1826; m. 4, 26, 1864, Franklin Taylor, (897); Indianapolis, Indiana. 944. ALEXANDER, b. 3, I I, 1828; m. Anna Comly ; Modena, Chester county, Pa. 945. ALLEN, b. 8, 25, 1830; m. Mary Scott; Modena, Chester county, Pa. Children of Picóe J/ode (39/) and 7/iomas Ha// 946. MODE, b. 1, 20, 18 IO; d. unm. 947. MARY, b. 5, 30, 181 i ; d. 1834. 948. THOMAS, b. 9, 3, 1813; m. Rosanna B. Smith ; Harmonsburg, Crawford county, Pa. 949. PHEBE, b. 4, 7, 1818; m. Levis Rogers; Norristown, Montgomery county, Pa. 950. AMY H., b. 7, 18, 1823; m. William Williams, 4, 9, 1851; Sugartown, Pa. Children of Thomas Smedley (/1/) and Abigail Yarnal/ 95 I. MARY, b. 7, 25, 1792; m. 9, I I, 1817, Thomas CON ; d. 2, 26, 1864. 952. ELIZABETH, b. 4, 22, 1793; m. 6, 12, 1838, John Gray; Doe Run, Chester county, Pa.; no children. 953, BENNETT, b. 1, 16, 1795; m. 10, 7, 1835, Deborah Passmore; d. 12, 3, 1871. 954. THOMAS, b. 1796; d. in infancy. 955. FDITH, b. I, I, 1798; m. Io, 7, 1824, Richard Darlington ; d. 5, 15, 1883. Children of Susanna Pusey (422) and William Chambers. 956. John P., b. IO, 28, 1791; m. 5, 15, 1817, Hannah Thompson, daughter of James and Mary; d. 12, 21, 1870. He was a man of unusual mechanical genius, and being a woollen manufacturer, he displayed much skill in the adaptation of water- power to many domestic purposes. He was a kind and devoted husband and father, a good neighbor, and charitable to the poor. Many still living may remember the ge- nial hospitality of his home. 957. REBECCA, b. 9, IO, 1793; m. 5, I I, 182O, John Green, son of Jesse and Mary 4O 7 A/A A/A R /S FA A/ / / Y. of Birmingham. Now in her ninety-second year she is a living monument of a calm, gentle temperament, of wonderfully bright intellectual powers. 958. ELIZABETH, b. 8, 27, 1795; d. 1, 25, 1882. A woman of strong character and rigid sense of justice, without severity. One in whom both old and young found a sympathetic and help- ful friend. She had the genuine “mother heart” for young people, and to such was a most winning and attractive person. 959. LYDIA, b. 8, 16, 1797; m. 3, 15, 182 I, Daniel Temple, son of Caleb and Rachel. 96O. CYRUS, b. IO, 23, 18OO ; m. 9, 15, 1870, Susan Scarlet, daughter of John and Ann. No children; Kennett Square, Pa. He has lived the whole of his life of over eighty-four years in the immediate vicinity of Kennett Square, and is highly respected for honesty and integrity, and beloved for his kind and genial nature. 961. AsBNATH, b. 12, 7, 1802; m, 4, 17, 1823, William Wilson, son of Skidmore and Sarah ; d. 7, 31, 1866. 962. JoSEPH, b. 2, 18, 1805; d. in infancy. 963. SUSANNA P., b. 2, 22, 1807; m. 5, 13, 1830, William Jackson, son of Josiah and Mary. 964. RUTH ANN, b. 9, 25, 18 IO; d. 6, 16, 1863. Children of /o/ul Wood (A33) and Lydia Swayne. 965. HANNAH, m. 1834, Benjamin Ladd, of Ohio. Was a teacher for IO years at Westtown Boarding School, Pa. 966. SAMUEL, m. 1828, Orphia Broomall, of Ohio. 967. NATHAN, d. young. 968. THOMAS, b. 9, 25, 1807; m. Massey Lamborn, of London- grove; she d. in 1838. In 1841 he m. Sarah Coates. Farmer; Doe Run, Chester county, Pa. 969. Josh UA, m. 1833, Ann Taylor, who d. in 1838; in 1840 he m. Eliza Hall. 970. John, m. Elizabeth Kirby, of Ohio. 971. SUSAN, d. young. 972. LYDIA ANN, m. 1844, Samuel B. Smith, of Ohio. Child of Silas Maris (4/o) and Martha Hyatt. 973. John, b. I I, 29, 1797, in Guilford county, North Carolina; m. Io, I 5, 1818, Rachel Mills, daughter of Amos and Elizabeth. Children of Alaron Maris (4/1) and Susanna Hodgson. 974. JANE, b. I I, 23, 1811; d. unm. 975. GEORGE, b. 2, 14, 1816; m, 9, 16, 1860, Esther Gordon; Westminster, Guilford county, N. C. 976. RACHEL, b. 2, 14, 1816; d. 2, 28, 1866, unm. Children of Hannah Maris (442) and Joseph Mills. 977. JonATHAN, b. 2, 16, 1782; m, 7, 17, 1807, Sarah Holiday; was a farmer in Ohio; d. 9, 5, 1866. 978, JANE, b. 5, 3, 1784; m. I I, 14, 1805, in Guilford county, N. C., Henry Andrew; d. 7, 27, 1870. 979. ANNA B., b. IO, 5, 1786; d. unm. I2, 4, 1808. 980. HEZEKIAH, b. 5, 25, 1788; m. 9, 13, 1815, Dorcas Bentley, in Clinton county, Ohio; d. in Shelby county, Ill., 3, 31, 1864. 981. SARAH, b. I, I, 1792; m, phºnºtºrpe. r-ºut-ºut-r ELIZA PENNINGTON. (291) Taken 2, 26, 1885, aged 99 years. Phil-ana, S/XTH G EAVERA T/O N. 4. I Henry Moon; d. 10, 16, 1874, in Iowa. 982. JoHN, b. 3, 1, 1793; m. 9, 4, 1828, Agnes Hockett; d. 4, I I, 1880. 983. Joseph, b. 12, 1, 1795; m. Ist, Ruth Hockett; 2d, L. Hockett. Children of Margaret Skelton (4/3) and /ames Vernon. 984. GEORGE, m. Ann Baldwin; d. 1843. 985. RACHEL, m. William Bailey. 986. RALPH, b. I, 22, 1790; m. 2, 19, 1818, Ann Otley; d. 4, 27, 1857. 987. MARY, d. young. 988. AARON, d. young. 989. HANNAH., b. I, 4, 1798; m. 1818, Eli Kerns. Soon aſter being m. they went to live in Lancaster county, Pa.; Eli d. in 1848. Hannah now resides with her daughter Mary Ann McCanna, Atglen, Chester county, Pa. 990. ISAAC, d. young. Children of John Séeſton (4/5) and Phebe Hughes. 991. JOHN, b. 1789; d. unm. 181O. 992. PHEBE A., b. 1792; m. John S. Levely; d. 9, 27, 1872. 993. BETSY, m. Thomas Stansbury. Children of Aaron Skelton (A/6) and Mary Harlan. 994. THOMAS, b. IO, IO, 1794; d. in infancy. 995. LYDIA, b. 9, 9, 1796; m. I, I 2, 1823, John Commons; d. I I, 9, 1825. 996. ISAAC, b. 4, 6, 1799; m. I 83O, Rebecca P., daughter of Joel and Mary (Mode) Davis; was a farmer and carpenter. 997. ELI, b. 8, 14, 1802; educated at Westtown Boarding School, Chester county, Pa.; d. unm. 6, 19, 1828. 998. LEWIs, b. 6, 28, 1804; m. I, 14, 1851, Hannah B. Wickersham ; d. 12, 6, 1857. Was a farmer at Londongrove, Pa. 999. AARON, b. 12, 20, 1806; d. in infancy. IOOO. RACHEL, b. 8, 29, 1808; d. in infancy. IOOI. SUSANNA, b. IO, I 5, 1809; d. unm. 5, 22, 1847. IOO2. MARY, b. I I, 27, 1812; d. in infancy. IOO3. ANN, b. 6, 18, 1814; d. 6, 18, 1834. - Children of William SAEcſton (£50) and Elisabeth Gerðer. IOO4. RACHEL, b. 12, I 3, 18 IO; m. Jesse Heath ; d. 2, 6, 1864. IOO5. JoHN, b. 5, 18, 1812; m. Catharine Steimetz; d. IO, 22, 1862. IOO6. WILLIAM, b. 6, 28, 1814; m. Elizabeth Price; d. 4, 20, 1867. Resided at Orrville, Wayne county, Ohio. IOO7. MAGDALINE, b. 9, 14, 1816; unm, IOO8. ISAAC, b. 4, I I, I819; m. IO, 26, 1843, Mary Holm. Farmer; North Industry, Stark county, Ohio. 1009. ELIZABETH, b. 2, 23, 1821 ; d. unm. 7, Io, 1883. IOIO. JoSEPH, b. I, 24, 1823; m. 3, 26, 1846, Margaret Holm. Farmer and Wheelwright; Williams county, Ohio. IOI 1. GEORGE, b. 2, 12, I825; d. unm. 3, 4, 1872. He was a farmer and coachmaker. IOI 2. ALEXANDER, b. 9, 21, 1826; m. 5, 20, 1851, Caroline Bard. IOI 3. AARON, b. I, I8, 1829; m. I 2, 3 I, 1867, Elizabeth Steiner. Io 14. MARGARET, b. 3, 3 I, I83 I ; m. Christian Gasser. No children; Angola, Angola county, Indiana. IOI 5. ANN, b. 8, I I, 1833; unm. Edu- cated at Mount Union College, Ohio; teacher. IOI6. CATHARINE, d. in infancy. 42 7 H E // A R /S FA A/ / / V. Children of Ruth Maris (453) and /øremiah Hadley. IOI7, ELEANOR, b. 1, 30, 1790; m. 4, 19, 1812, Samuel McMasters; d. 9, 16, 1882. IOI8. GEORGE, b. 1, 19, 1795; m. I 2, 15, 1815, Deborah Cox; d. 1, 16, 1868. Deborah d. 1, 16, 1883. IO IQ. MARY, b. 2, 2, 1797; m. I I, 23, 1815, James Hadley; d. I I, 24, 1877. James d. I I, 25, 1843. He was a minister in the Society of Friends. IO2O. SUSANNA, b. 4, 22, 1799; m. 3, 22, 1817, John Bray; d. I, I 2, 1876. IO2 I. EUNICE, b. 2, Io, I 801 ; m. I 2, 21, 1825, John. Doan ; d. 3, I, 1880. IO22. IRA, b. 6, 23, 18O3; m. about 1828, Jane Blair; d. 9, 28, 1856. IO23. AARON, b. 9, 13, 1805; m. 4, 15, 1829, Lydia Hadley; d. 3, 4, 1857; Lydia d. 5, 9, 1876. IO24. JAMES D., b. 8, 30, 1807; m. IO, I, 1831, Matilda Morris; Mooresville, Ind. I O25. LOT MARIs, b. 2, 15, 18 I I, in Chatham county, N. C.; m. I, I, 1832, Eunice Haydock; 2d, 3, 4, 1867, Sophia Crawford. Farmer, stock raiser, and banker. Went from North Carolina to Indiana, when he was twelve years of age. He and his brothers have been successful business men. Address, Gasburg, Morgan county, Ind. Children of Susanna Maris (454) and Jonathan Lindley. 1026. THOMAS, b. 2, 8, 1797; d. in infancy. IO27. GEORGE, b. 7, 8, 1798; m. Sarah Maudlin. No children; d. 3, 17, 1876. Was a farmer; near Bloomingdale, Ind. IO28. SARAH, b. I I, 14, 18OO; m. I, IO, 1822, Philip Siler; d. 4, 21, 1881. Bloomingdale, Indiana. IO29. DAVID, b. 3, 15, 18O3; m. Nancy Stalcup ; d. I, II, 1881, Farmer; Bloomingdale, Parke county, Ind. IO3O. LOT, b. 9, 7, 1805; m. 3, 13, 1833, Miriam Kersey; d. 12, 2, 1872. Farmer; Sylvania, Parke county, Ind. IO3 I. ELEANOR, b. 9, 12, 1807; m. 5, 14, 1829, Duncan Newlin; Sylvania, Ind. IO32. RUTH, b. 1, 3, 1811; m. 1830, Noah Hadley; in 1845, m. Samuel Atkinson; d. 1, 27, 1853. IO33. HIRAM, b. 7, 2, 1813; m. I 2, 29, 1836, Sarah Maris; daughter of George and Hannah of Sylvania; d. 7, 18, 1841. Farmer; Sylvania, Ind. IO34. MARY, b. 5, 2, 1816; m. I 2, 3, 1835, George Towell; Sylvania, Parke county, Ind. Children of Aaron Maris (455) and Sarah Holiday. IO35. GEORGE, b. 4, 14, 1799; m. IO, 14, 1818, Hannah Towell; 9, 6, 1860, m. Hannah Weeks. First wife d. 8, 31, 1857, and the 2d 12, 27, 1883; Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. He is the oldest living person of the name of Maris, in the U. S. Io36. ELEANOR, b. 8, 27, 18OI ; m. I I, 18, 1819, Nichison Millis; d. 1, 3, 1835. IO37. WILLIAM, b. 6, 21, 1804; m. Catharine Lowder, who d. IO, 23, 1859; m. 2d time, Mary Hemphill, and 3d, Hannah Carper; d. of apoplexy, Io, I I, 1876. No children. IO38. THOMAS, b. 2, IO, 1806; d. in infancy. IO39. AARON, b. IO, 28, 1807; m. I 2, 14, 1826, Kessiah Millis; d. I I, 26, 1871. Merchant and farmer; Tuscola, Illinois. IO40. JANE, b. IO, 28, 18 IO; d. young. IO4I. ANN, b. 3, 18, 1812; d. young. IO42. ABRAM, b. I I, 25, 1814; m. I I mo., 1837, Avis Starbuck; m. I, I, I847, Amanda Hunt; Fairmount, Leavenworth County, Kansas. IO43. John, b. 5, 22, 1817; m. IO, 7, 1841, Sarah Thompson. Farmer; Annapolis, Parke county, Indiana. IO44. SAMUEL, b. 3, 26, 1821; m. 7, 12, 1843, Mary Casy; d. 8, 3, 1846. IO45. JonATHAN, S/X 7// C /E WAER A 7'ſ O AV. 43 b. 5, 8, 1823; m. 3, 18, 1847, Julia Hill. He is the owner of a beautiful farm of 350 acres, two miles from the Bloomingdale Station, on the I. B. & W. R. R.; address, Annapolis, Parke county, Indiana. * Children of Thomas Maris (456) and Jane Holiday. IO46. SARAH, b. I, 5, 1804; m. I, 9, 1822, Josiah Trueblood; d. 7, 4, 1848, near Paoli, Orange county, Indiana. IO47. ELEANOR, b. 2, 18, 1806; m. near Paoli, Orange county, Indiana, 2, 1, 1827, John Moulder. Born in Orange county, North Carolina, she moved to Orange county, Indiana, thence to Parke county, Indiana, and finally to Howard county, Indiana, where she now resides; near Russiaville. IO48. MARY, b. I, 29, 1808; m. Io, 13, 1825, Jacob Hockett; m. 2d time, Joel Parker. Her two children by first m. lived to be grown, but d. unm. Mrs. Parker lives with her daughter, Mrs. Hallowell, in Indianapolis, Indiana. IO49. ANN, b. 12, 15, 1809; m. I, 19, 183O, John T. Lindley; m. 2d, 5, 20, 1840, Hezekiah Henley; d. 3, 28, 1872, near Carthage, Ind. IO5O. AARON, b. I I, I 6, 18 I I ; m. Io, 31, 1833, Mary Farlow; m. 2d, 12, 22, 1841, Jane Andrew ; d. 2, IO, 1852. Jane lives with her son Aaron on the home farm, and in the house built just previous to her husband's death, near Paoli, Orange county, Ind. Aaron was a useful and highly es- teemed citizen ; was one of the first white children born in Orange county. Ios I. RUTH, b. 7, 18, 1814; m. I I, -, 1832, Jonathan Farlow, of Paoli, Ind.; d. I I, 17, 1843. IO52. LUCINDA, b. 4, 25, 1816; m. Jonathan Lindley; d. 3, 22, 1839. No children. IoS3. WILLIAM O., b. 3, I I, 1818, in Orange county, Ind.; m. 3, 26, 1845, Mary Jones, of Paoli, Orange County, Ind., and 9, 14, 1854, Eleanor Lindley, of Parke county, Ind. Farmer, Sylvania, Parke county, Ind. Speaking of his boyhood days, he says: “As to schooling, I received but little; three months' subscription school was all we had during the year, and the child that had the advantage of all this was fortunate, for we often had to stay at home and scutch flax, besides we had to cut all the wood used by the school, taking our axes with us and working during recesses. The school house was a log structure I 2 x 14, with greased paper for window lights; and the seats were slabs of wood.” 1054. GEORGE, b. 4, 24, 1820; m. 9, 23, 1842, Martha Braxtan, of Orange county, Ind. Farmer; Russiaville, Howard county, Ind. IO55. John, b. 2, 2, 1822; unm. Farmer; owns 1,000 acres of land near Paoli, Orange county, Ind. IO;6. SUSANNA, b. 9, 5, 1825; d. in her 17th year. Children of John Maris (457) and Sarah Pickard. IO57. WILLIAM, b. 9, 28, 1805; m. Abigail Hunt, Io;8, JAMEs, b. 12, 25, 1807; m. 3, 8, 1829, Anna Hunt, sister of his brother William's wife; Annapolis, Parke county, Ind. IO59. ELEANOR, b. 2, 20, 18 IO; m, 5, 15, 1828, Thomas Woody; Tus- cola, Douglass county, Ill. IO60. KATHARINE, b. 5, 2, 1813; m. 1845, Wilson Jen- kins; Waveland, Parke county, Ind. IO61. JANE, b. 12, 25, 1815; m. 12, 13, 1838, 44 7T///E // A R / S. PA /l/ / / Y. Caleb Bundy; Tuscola, Ill. IO62. GEORGE, b. I, I I, 1818; m. I 2, 14, 1848, Elizabeth McKee; Ward's Mills, Parke county, Ind. IO63. REBECCA, b. I, II, 1821; m. 12, 17, 1840, Cyrus Garrigus ; m. 2d, 3, IO, 1853, David Best; Annapolis, Ind. IO64. MARTHA L., b. 2, 20, 1823; m. I 2, 4, 1845, Jacob M. Ephlin; Tuscola, Ill. No children. IO65. THOMAS D., b. I, I 3, 1829; drowned 6, 14, 1840. Children of Katharine Maris (458) and William Pickett. IO66. MARY, b. I, 22, 1802; m. Thomas Lindley, in North Carolina; d. 5, 23, I883. Thomas d. 5, 7, 1880. IOG7. JOHN, b. 7, 20, 1805; m. 9, 8, 1830, Elizabeth Davis; d. 5, IO, 1849. Farmer; Annapolis, Indiana. IO68. ELEANOR, b. IO, 24, I 808; m. I I, I 3, 1833, David T. Lindley; d. 8, 8, 1854. David d. 4, 27, 1879. IO69. AARON, b. 1, 2, 181 I ; m. 9, 15, 1836, Eunice Newlin; d. 1845. IO70. HANNAH, b. 9, 18, 1813; m. 4, 9, 1835, William Cox; Darlington, Montgomery county, Indiana. IO7I. GEORGE, b. 5, 30, 1816; d. unm. 7, IO, I84I. IOZ2. NATHAN, b. Io, 26, 1818; m. I I, 18, 1841, Harriet Carter. President of the Howard National Bank, Kokomo, Indiana. IO73. EUNICE, b. IO, 9, 1822; m. 5, I I, 1848, Isaac Cox; d. 7, 23, 1871. Her address was Darlington, Montgomery county, Indiana, where her husband yet resides. Children of William Maris (459) and Martha Thompson. IO74. JonATHAN, b. in North Carolina, 4, 20, 18O4; m. I, 3, 1849, Sarah Hallo- well, of Orange county, Indiana. Farmer; d. 8, 17, 1868. No children. Io/5. ELEANOR, b. I, 30, 1806; m. 9, 14, 1826, William Wood; Belfast, Marshall county, Tennessee. IO76. SARAH, b. 1, 8, 1808; m. I, 25, 1826, John Taylor; Hillsboro, Orange county, North Carolina. IO77. SUSAN, b. 4, IO, 18 IO; d. unm. IO, I 5, 1848. IO78. MARY, b. 9, 23, 1812; d. unm. 3, 6, 1844. IO79. JAMES, b. 9, 28, 1814; d. 3, 19, 1816. Children of William Maris (459) and Delphinia Riddle. Io8O. THOMPSON, b. 3, 22, 1817; m. Elizabeth Thompson; d. 6, 19, 1853. IOSI. WILLIAM, b. 12, 7, 1818; m. I 2, 4, 1841, Jane McGowan; m. 2d, 9, 24, 1847, Martha Carter; m. 3d, 7, 17, 1855, Sallie Wainwright. No children living by first and second wives; Somerville, Fayette county, Tenn. IO82. GEORGE W., b. I I, I 3, 182O ; d. unm. in Orange county, N. C., 3, 17, 1855. IO83. MARTHA A., b. I I, 2O, 1823; d. unm. 2, 18, 1882. Io94. JAMES S., b. I I, 20, 1823; m. Ellen J. Forrest, who lived about a month; m. 2d, 6, 25, 1858, Martha S. Wilson. James d. 2, 21, 1877, in Orange county, N. C.; farmer. IO85. ELIZA. C., b. I, 30, 1826; m. I I, I4, 1877, I. J. Carden; d. 7, 4, 1882. No children. IO86. JoHN L., b. I, 30, 1826; d. in infancy. IOS7. JoHN W., b. I I, 15, 1827; m. I 2, 27, 1859, Mary F. Reid; d. 4, 16, 1877. Mary and her family re- side at Franklin, Texas. IO88. EMILY J., b. 2, 19, 1830; m. James Syks, of Orange county, N. C.; d. 2, 9, 1879. No children. Io99. WILEY S., b. in North Carolina, 2, 19, 1830; m. I 2, 15, 1858, S. E. Perry; m, 2d, I I, II, 1863, Rosetta A. Sharpe; S / X TA/ G / AV/, /* A 7"/O AV. 45 moved to Texas in 1852, studied medicine at Louisville, Kentucky, commenced to practice in 1856, in Texas; Griffin, Cherokee county, Texas. IO90. NANCY A., b. 3, 6, 1832; d. unm. 2, 7, 1855. Io91. FRANCES E., b. 5, 13, 1834; m. IO, 9, 1866, Thomas J. Jones; Cairo, Crockette county, Tenn. Children of Sarah Swayne (460) and Benjamin Fredd. IO92. SUSANNA, b. 3, 24, 1791; d. unm. IO, 31, 1832. IOO3. JOHN, b. I I, 27, 1792; d. unm. 5, 27, 1872. IO94. ISAAC, b. I I, 16, 1794; m. 1823, Mary (Garrett) Sheward. No children. IOQ5. AMOS, b. 2, 14, 1797; m. 1839, Mary L. Baker; d. 1862. IOO6. ELIZABETH, b. 9, 6, 1799; d. unm. 5, 29, 1844. IOO7. ELI, b. I 2, 7, 18OI ; m. I 85 I, Sarah Wiley; d. 3, 30, 1870. Io98. RACHEL, b. 7, 3 I, I 804; d. in infancy. IOO9. SARAH, b. 5, 6, 1808; m. 1838, William Robinson; d. 2, 1, 1877. No children. I IOO. GEORGE, b. 2, 7, 18 I I d. unm. Children of Rache/ Swayne (467) and Nathan Baker. I IOI. ISAAC, d. unm. 8, 15, 1866. I IO2. MARY, d, unm. I, 2, 1844. I IO3. HENRY, b. IO, 8, 1797. Living near Coatesville, Chester county, Pa., with Preston . Baker, his brother Nathan's son. I IO4. SARAH, d. unm. I, 22, 1853. I IOS. SUSAN, b. 1799; d. unm. I 2, 13, 1880. I IO6. NATHAN, b. 18O3; m. I 844, Hannah Ann Woodnut; d. 4, 4, 1872. I IO7. KATHARINE, d. unm. 5, 30, 1850. I IO8. JoEL, b. I 2 mo., 1806; m. Phebe Cook; d. 2, 24, 1851. I IOO. RACHEL, b. 1809; d. unm. I 2, 29, 1852. Children of Lewis Hurford (467) and Sarah Downing Couch. I I IO. ANNA MARTHA, b. 12, 21, 1834; Lancaster, Pa.. I I I I. MARY, b. 5, 23, I838; m. 4, 28, 1864, George Calder. I I I 2. LEWIS, b. 2, 7, 1845; d. 3, 3, 1861. I I I 3. EMILY, b. 3, 1, 1853; m. IO, 16, 1872, Robert Robinson. Child of Eli Hurford (468) and Mrs. Cloud. I I I4. JoHN, b. 7, 6, 1837; m. I 2, 23, 1875, Margaret A. Brown. Farmer ; Cal- vert, Cecil county, Md. - Child of Maris Hurford (469) and Martha Buffington. I I I 5. ANNA MARIS ; Atglen, Chester county, Pa. Children of Joseph Maris (472) and Ayum Earl. I I I6. JonATHAN, b. 2, 9, 18OO ; m. 1825, Thomason Morris ; d. 1, 25, 1864; Thomason d. I, 9, 1877. I I I 7. WILLIAM, m. 1824, Sarah Prince. I I 18. ANN, m. Robert Woolson. 46 TA/A) // A R / S. FA // / / Y. Children of Joseph Maris (472) and Ann Wickersham. I 19. JESSE, b. 8, 6, 1826; m. 3, 31, 1849, Rachel Chester; m. 2d, 6, 7, 1857, Eliza- beth Stanley ; m. 3d, 4, 30, 1881, Rebecca Gordon ; West Mansfield, Logan county, O. I 20, ELIZABETH ; is supposed to be living in Ohio. Children of John Maris (473) and Elizabeth Reed. I 12 I. MARTHA, b. I, 6, 1806; d. in infancy. I I 22, ELIZA, b. 6, 7, 1807; m. I 2, 24, 1834, Michael Trump, who d. 3, 26, 1837. She married 2d, David Simmons. Living in Seattle, Washington Territory. I 123. TACY, b. 9, 26, 1808; m, 1859, Rev. Timothy Crosby; d. 9 mo., 1877. No children. I 124. JAMES C., b. 5, 6, 18 IO; d. 8, 12, 1848, unm. I 125. JESSE, b. 8, IO, 1815; d. unm. 9, 14, 1847. II 26. JOHN, m. I 84O, Mary Beatie; d. 8, 28, 1850. No children. I 127. SARAH, b. I I, 26, 1813; m. IO, 20, 1836, Barzillia Allee; Washington, Tazewell county, Illinois. I 128. ALICE, b. 9, 15, I 817; d. 4, I I, 1836. I 129. MARY B., b. 6, I I, 182O ; m. 4, 12, 1849, James Trimble; d. I I, 28, 1871. II 30. HANNAH., b. 4, 2, 1821 ; m. I, I, 1845, David Kyes; Washington, Tazewell county, Illinois. I 131. ANGELINE, b. 1, 9, 1824; m. 3, 4, 1852, William Bogardus; d. 2, —, 1865. I I 32. REBECCA J., b. Io, 6, 1825; m. 2, 22, 1849, William A. Ross; d. 2, —, 1873. I I 33. MARTHA, b. 6, 19, 1827; m. 5, 2, 1850, James Kyes; d. 12, 22, 1882. I I 34. MARGARET R., b. 6, 22, 1829; m. 7, 15, 1852, Rev. Jos. S. Cumming, now President of Hedding College, Abingdon, Illinois. Child of Ann Maris (479) and John Mace. I 135. John MARIs, b. 3, 17, 1810; m. Laura C. Boice; Greensburg, Westmore- land county, Pa. He is a successful business man. No children. Children of Richard Maris (484) and Rachel Ross. - I 136. THOMAS R., b. I I, 25, 1805, in Phil'a; m. 6, 30, 1836, Sarah W. Cooch ( I 157), daughter of Francis L. and Elizabeth (Maris) Cooch; 239 S. Eighth Street, Phil'a. No children. His mercantile life began in the cloth house founded by his father, the firm being Maris & Dulles. This was subsequently Maris & Wilcox, and later E. Wilcox & J. Welsh, Jr., to whom Mr. Maris was bookkeeper. On the retirement of Mr. Welsh to enter the shipping house of his brothers, S. & W. Welsh, Thomas succeeded him in the partnership, the firm being Wilcox, Maris & Co., their location being No. 145 (old No.) Market street. This continued in existence until October, 1848. In January following he accepted a position with the Insurance Company of North America, where he re- mained until his election April 5th, 1855, as Secretary of the American Fire Insurance Company, succeeding Mr. Joseph G. Mitchell. He was elected President of the Com- pany January I I, 1860; this office he held until advancing years and infirmities warned º/o/62, Z8A S/XTH G EVERA 7/O W. 47 him to retire from active business life, and he resigned April 25, 1882, being succeeded by Thomas H. Montgomery. Mr. Maris retains his Directorship, and his interest in the Company is testified to by his regular attendance at the Board meetings, whenever health permits. II 37. RICHARD, b. I, 9, 1808; m. 6, 6, 1847, Maria Louisa Ellmaker; graduate of University of Pennsylvania; physician; Philadelphia. No children. I I 38. GEORGE G., b. in Philadelphia, 3, IO, 18 IO; m. 12, 13, 1833, Sarah Ruckman; engaged in dry goods until 1857, when he retired to a farm in Buckingham township, Bucks county, where he now resides; Lahaska, Bucks county, Pa. No children. I 139. WILLIAM, b. 3, 15, 1814; m. 1835, Margaret Stevenson; Beverly, N. J. Children of Ann Maris (485) and Dr. Amos Gregg. I 140. ANNA ELIZA, b. 4, 29, 1796; m. John P. Kirkbride; d. 4, 29, 1878. He is deceased also. I 141. DEBORAH W., m. 1819, Dr. John Phillips; both deceased. Children of Jemima Maris (A86) and /o/ul We/s/. I 142. ANN, b. I, 23, 1796, in Philadelphia; m. 5, 24, 1827, David Lapsley, of Philadelphia ; d. at Narraganset Pier, R. I., 6, 23, 1879. I 143. MARGARET, b. 9, 2, 1797, in Bethel, Delaware; m, 4, 21, 1819, Joseph H. Dulles; living in Philadelphia. I 144. ELIZABETH, b. 3, 28, 18OO; m. Dr. William E. Horner, of Philadelphia; d. 7, 9, I879. I 145. OSGOOD, b. IO, 16, 18OI ; d. 3, 17, 1818. I 146. SAMUEL. b. 9, 3, 18O3, in Phil'a. ; m. 4, 28, 183 I, Elizabeth T. Evans, who d. 3, 28, 1874; m. 8, 30, 1878, Anna Lewis Randolph, of Phil'a. He is now in vigorous health, and the senior partner in the commercial house of S. & J. Welsh, successor to that of S. & W. Welsh, founded in 1827. His active busi- ness course covers fifty-seven years. As a merchant, he has invariably adhered to the Soundest commercial principles. Beginning without capital, his earnings controlled his expenditures, and as his means accumulated, his business was extended until the house, of which he was the senior, stood in the first rank for reliability and in the extent of its operations. During all the vicissitudes to which the commerce of the country has been sub- jećted, both in peace and in war, so conservative was its management that the credit of his house was never subjećted to a strain, and its members were ever free from the anxieties which were so familiar and so galling to less thoughtful and less prudent men. Less prominent than his brothers, because he avoided all participation in public affairs, being of a more retiring disposition, and possibly having a greater fondness for ease and freedom from responsibility, he has nevertheless filled many positions in the leading corporations of Philadelphia, with great credit to himself and advantage to the community. Among them may be named: The Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, The Philadelphia National Bank, The Mutual Assurance Company, The Washington Manufacturing Company, The Westmoreland Coal Company, The Pennsylvania Hos- 48 7. // / /l/ Al A' / S A. A /l/ / / Y. pital, and the Delaware and Raritan Canal, and Camden and Amboy Railroad Com- panies, in all of which he has taken a prominent part in the management. Through his long life, Mr. Welsh has been held in universal respe&t as a Christian gentleman, filling well his part in the community, and endearing himself to his family and friends by his intelligence, kindness, and urbanity. His benefactions have been large, but made with great privacy. I 147. Johl N, b. I I, 9, 1805, in Phil'a; m. 4, 30, 1829, Rebecca Bass Miller, who d. 8, 3, 1832; m. 2d, 2, 6, 1838, Mary Lowber, who d. IO, 25, 1852; IO34 Spruce St., Philadelphia. His education was limited to a preparation for college. At an early age he de- voted himself to commercial pursuits, in which he is yet engaged. His business life has been passed chiefly as an ačtve member of the house of S. & W. Welsh, and its successor S. & J. Welsh. He has long been prominent among the merchants of Phila- delphia, and an adtve participant in measures designed to promote its commerce and the general welfare of its inhabitants. To the good opinion of his fellow citizens, he was indebted for his selection as a leader in the movement which, in 1864, resulted in the Sanitary Fair, producing over one million of dollars for supplementing the Gov- ernment in the care of its soldiers and sailors, and, again, in 1873, when it was found that the A&t of Congress providing for the Centennial Exhibition, in 1776, lacked the features essential to its success, and by a supplement, the Centennial Board of Finance was created, co-ordinate with the Centennial Commission, having in its charge exclu- sively the financial and business management of the Exhibition, Mr. Welsh was com- pelled, most reluctantly on his part, to assume the Presidency, which involved more than three years of exclusive devotion to it, attended with unremitting labor, anxiety and responsibility. Happily he was fully repaid by the success which crowned the patriotic and unselfish toil of his associates and himself in its wide-spread influence on the material interests and the reputation of the United States. With no desire for political preferment, he yielded, in the autumn of 1877, to the request of President Hayes, and dwelt for two years in London, as Minister from the United States to Great Britain, then resigning that honorable post because of several family bereavements. Subsequently he declined the appointment tendered him as Secretary of the Navy. Nevertheless, he has seldom refused the demands of his fellow citizens in cases of cmergency, and his time and means have been freely given to religious and charitable institutions. He has been conneéted with Fairmount Park as a Commissioner, from the time of its great expansion in 1867, and is now President of the Board. He was one of the founders of the Hospital of the P. E. Church, and continues in its manage- ment. In 1832, when Bishop White was its Rector, he became a vestryman. of St. Peter's Church, and is now its senior Warden. In 1835 he aided in reviving tô ačtive usefulness, the Academy of the P. E. Church. As a trustee of the University of Pennsyl- vania for a quarter of a century, he has watched its development from the limited sphere it once filled in Ninth street, to its magnificent proportions and constantly ex- panding usefulness in West Philadelphia. For many years Mr. Welsh has presided Over the deliberations of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, and of the Merchants' Fund, and although he is now trying to diminish his cares, he finds it very difficult to sunder S / Y 7"// (, /; AV / A A / / O AW. 49 the tics which have long bound him in very many useful and agreeable associations. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on him by the University of Pennsylvania, and also by the Washington and Lcc University, of Virginia. His cventſul life cannot be fully sketchcq in a limited space. 1 148. WILLIAM, b. 9, 2, 1807; m. IO, 2, 1833, Mary Ross Newbold; d. 2, I I, 1877. At an early age, as his father had done, he crgaged in commercial pursuits, and shortly before his majority, he united with his eldest brother, Samuel, under the firm of Samuel and William Welsh, in which house, with other partners subsequently added, of whom was his brother John, he continucci until his death. When that occurred he had completed a half century as one of Philadelphia's most prominent and successful merchants. Mr. Welsh's mind was active, clear, comprehensive and forcible, and his will in- flexible. His industry was untiring ; his adherence to principle unwavering ; his judg- ment accurate and reliable. His life he considered a boon from his Creator, to be spent in His service, in which was prominent the promotion of the best interests of his fel- low-men. In the P. E. Church his active zeal and judicious labors were shown in the Parish, as well as its Diocesan and General Conventions. In each of them, he was largely in- strumental in directing attention towards the practical instruction of the humble classes. St. Mark's Church, Frankford, under his lead, became a model parish in the perfection of its organization, and the successful teaching of its large class of operatives. Few laymen wielded a wider influence in the Church, or have done more toward awakening it to a high sense of its responsibility. For the best interests of his native city, his work was, in many ways, very effective. Its Volunteer Fire Department was so prolific of evil, and had so strong a hold on his fellow-citizens, that it was only after a desperate struggle, on the part of a few like- minded with himself, that it yielded to the substitution of the present efficient organiza- tion, under the control of the city authorities. To provide places of profitable resort for young men, who, by this change, were thrown out of a most unprofitable occupation, “Institutes " with libraries, free reading rooms, lectures, &c., were established, mainly through his instrumentality, in the old city and its several districts. The work, which made the community his debtor, perhaps, more than any other, was in aiding to bring about, through the action of the Legislature, the transfer of the management of the City Trusts from a Board, appointed by the City Councils, to one chosen by the Courts, thus saving it from political influences. Unexpectedly, in the new organization, he found himself not only a manager, but its President, and with a Board in full harmony with his intelligent conception of duty, he had the satisfaction of seeing Mr. Girard's noble and humane design realized in the thorough efficiency of the College, to which he had devoted the fruits of his long and laborious life. Nor were Wills Hospital, and the several other trusts committed to the care of the Board of less interest to him. His thoughts were on each in proportion to its claims; and it so came to pass that whilst on duty in Wills Hospital, on the afternoon of February I I, 1877, suddenly, in apparent health, he closed his earthly career. With very many of the benevolent institutions of Philadelphia he was conneéted. His services in the 5O TA/A) /l/A R /S FA /l/ / / Y. Deaf and Dumb Asylum will long be remembered. In the wards of the Hospital of the P. E. Church, he dispensed freely the consolation which is so grateful in hours of suffering and on the approach of death, and in that most successful mission connected with it, his guiding hand and wise counsel greatly strengthened the unselfish laborers who wrought in it so faithfully and effectually. The wrongs of the Indians he felt deeply, caused, as he held, by the faithlessness of their guardian, the Nation. The hatred shown toward him by government con- tractors, and the awakened interest in the fulfillment of neglečted treaties by Congress, testify to the zeal with which he worked in their behalf. His work goes on and soon the Indians will enjoy the rights so long denied them. In the hours of his country's trial, when its sovereignty was imperilled, he was faithful. Mr. Welsh's heart and hand were ready for every good work, and in what he recognized as duty, he entered with cheerful zeal, whether it was “in visiting the widow and fatherless in their affliction,” or in matters concerning the welfare of the commu- nity. His benefactions were large, even half his income. As a speaker he was in- structive. As a writer he was clear and forcible. His contributions were numerous on matters of public interest to the secular and religious press, and several volumes on Woman's work from his pen, attracted much attention in this country and England. He married Mary Ross Newbold, a lady who in every way was in full sympathy with him, entered heartily into all his purposes and plans, shared freely in his work, and bore for him a like strong affection to that which he bestowed upon her. She, with six children, survives him. I I49. MARY, b. 9, 13, 1809; d. 2, 22, 1826. I I 50. RICHARD, b. 2, 27, 1812; d. in infancy. Children of Elizabeth Maris (487) and Francis L. Cooch. I 15 1. WILLIAM, unm. First mate on a vessel; d. of yellow fever, I I 52. ANN, b. 6, 28, 1804; m. I, 30, 1823, Edmund G. Dutilh, of Philadelphia; d. 5, 23, 1876. I I 53. THOMAS, b. 10, 2, 1806; m. 3, 28, 1849, Mary A. Beader; m. 2d, 12, 16, 1857, Catha- rine S. Miller; Pottsville, Schuylkill county, Pa.. I I 54. MARGARET M., m. 4, 4, 1832, Dr. Charles F. Randolph, in Philadelphia, Pa.. I I 55. FRANCES E., unm. I 156, RICHARD M., b. 5, 14, 1814; m. I I, 19, 1839, Hannah E. Brittain, who d. 1856; m. 6 mo., 1858, Helen C. Ogilvie; Lambertville, New Jersey. I 157. SARAH W., m. 6, 30, 1836, Thomas R. Maris, (1136) son of Richard and Rachel. No children; d. 4, 25, I885. I I 58. RACHEL, d. in infancy. I I 59. CAROLINE, unm. Children of Margaret Maris (489) and /oseph R. Evans. I 16O. EDWARD R., b. I, 5, 1807; m. Sally Ann Price, 3, 12, 1829; d. 8, 28, I843. Interred in family vault in St. Peter's Church yard. I 161. ELIZABETH T., b. 7, 31, 1808; m. Samuel Welsh (I 146) son of John and Jemima; d. 3, 26, 1876. Interred at Laurel Hill, Philadelphia. I 162. WILLIAM MARIs, b. 2, 21, 1811; d. unm. 12, 3, 1832. Interred in family vault at St. Peter's P. E. Church, Philadelphia. I 163. Joseph R., b. --tor-º- -ºut----- ------ VVILLIAM WELSH. (1148) S /X TA/ GA; AVA R A 7T/O AW. 5 I 2, 28, 1817, in Philadelphia; m. 8, 21, 1838, Margaret H. Horner; 2d time, I I, 17, 1863, Susanna E. Robinson. Educated at Pittsfield, Mass. Entered his father's count- ing house at the age of 17 years, and at the age of 21 was associated with his father in business. In 1848 he succeeded him in the General, Foreign and Commission Trade; retiring from business in 1855. Since 1875 he has been an invalid from the effects of paralysis. During his active life he several times visited England. He re- sides in his father's old home, 329 Pine street, Philadelphia. Children of William Maris (488) and ſame Beaumont. I 164. MARGARET E., b. 8, 17, 1804; m. 6, 24, 1825, William H. Morris, of Sole- bury. I 165. SARAH N., unm; 708 Franklin street, Philadelphia. 1166. ELIZABETH C., m. Dr. E. P. Montague, an Englishman; d. 1856. I 167. JANE B., d. 1877. I 168. ANN G., d. 6, 21, 1863. I 169. BEAUMONT. I 17O. MARY, m. 9, 7, 1843, Captain Charles Hilliard, of Norwich, Connecticut. I I 71. RACHEL. I 172. WILLIAM S., m. Dolores Chapman, of Santa Barbara, California. I 173. RICHARD. I I 74. EMMELINE, m. Dr. E. P. Montague, who had been husband of her sister Elizabeth; d. 7, 15, 1858. Child of Maris Worral/ (#91) and Mary Rowan. I 175. REBECCA, b. 4, 5, 1805; m. 4, 5, 1823, Jabez Wight; d. 11, 26, 1871. Child of Maris Worra// (491) and Catharine A. Zezvis. II 76. LEWIS L., b. 4, IO, 1809; m. 3, 15, 1832, Matilda Eachus, who d. 11, 2, .1835. Lewis m. 4, 5, 1838, Rebecca E. Pyle. ----------- -------------------- Children of Joseph Worral/ (492).and Mary Dutton. II 77. JEMIMA, b. 8, 18, 1796; m. John Hinkson ; d. 1, 19, 1821. I 178. Isa AC, b. II, 8, 1797; m. 1824, Abigail Worrall; d. 10 mo., 1850. I 179. MARY, b. 10, 5, 1799; m. I I, 3, 1831, George Kirk; d. 7, 23, 1841. I 18O, ELIZA, b. 7, 22, 1803; m. 12, 3O, 1824, Philip Kirk; d. 2, 6, 1877. I 181. ELISHA, b. 7, 17, 1805; m. 9, 29, 1827, Mary Minshall; d. 7, 23, 1847. I 182. EMMA W., b. I 2, 31, 1807; m. Nathan Evans; d. 2, 16, 1883. I 183. MARGARET, b. I I, 30, 1812; m. 6, 21, 1836, Charles Manley. I 184. JOSEPH, b. 2, I I, 1819; m. I 2, 19, 1839, Catharine Palmer. Children of Mordecai Worrall (493) and Margaret Smith. I 185. WILLIAM, m. Mary Norris, 1186. MARY, m. Emmor Steele. I 187. MAR- GARET, b. 4, 15, 1815; m. I I, I, 1838, Elisha Worrall. I 188. WASHINGTON, m. Malinda Akins. I 189. GEORGE, m. Hannah Bonsall. I 190. HUDSON, d. unm. I IQ I. SARAH, d. unm. I 192. JUSTICE, d, unm. I 193. MoRDECA1, m. Hannah Morton. 52 T///E /l/A A' / S FA // / / Y. Children of Anne Worra// (495) and William Garretſ. I 194. MARY ANN, b. 1, 13, 1803; m. 4, 13, 1826, John Kirk. I 195. JEMIMA, b. 9, 24, 1805; m. I I, 5, 1829, John Massey; West Chester, Pa.. I 196. WILLIAM, b. 12, 7, 1808; m. 4, 17, 1833, Hannah Super; d. 7, 10, 1868. Children of Margaret IVorral/ (496) and George Lewis. I 197. SARAH, b. 2, 29, 18 IO; m. Thomas Beatty. I 198. GEORGE, b. 3, 26, 1815; m. 9 mo., 1842, Margaret Cornog m. 2d, 6 mo., I 847, Jane Cornog. Children of Rebecca I Porra// (#97) and /a/les Zewis. I 199, EVAN, unm. I 200, ELISHA, m. Elizabeth Ward. I 201. MARIs W., b. 6, 6, I 813; m. 8, 30, 1834, Sidney Semans. f Children of David Worra/ (498) and Sara/, Gibbons. I 202. JANE G., b. 4, 12, 1816; m. IO, I, 1840, William Bittle; d. 6, 13, 1882. I 203. ELIZABETH, b. I I, I 3, 1817; m. I 2, 16, 1838, John C. H. Morton. I 204. SARAH, b. 3, 19, 1819; unm. ; Manoa, Delaware county, Pa. i 205. Joseph MARIs, b. Io, 19, 1820; m. I, 2 I, 1850, Mary Bishop. I 206. LY DIA, b. 3, Io, 1822; m. I, Io, 1843, William Johnson. I 207. ELISHA, b. 12, 26, 1823; m, 2, 25, 1858, Josephine Oat. 1208. MARY E., b. IO, 21, 1825; d. in infancy. I 209. DAVID, b. 6, 16, 1830, unm. I 2 IO, REBECCA, b. 5, 16, 1833; m. I, 7, 1863, Emmor Levis. I 2 I I. DEBORAH., b. I, 16, 1836; m. I 2, 17, 1861, Edward Barber. Children of Mary Worral/ (5oo) and Joseph Leedom. 12 12. MYRA W., b. 1, 20, 1822; m. 1867, Charles Worrell; d. 10, 16, 1879. No children. 1213. JOHN, b. I I, 30, 1823; m. 3, 29, 1849, Hannah T. Worrall. 1214. MARIs W., b. 6, 10, 1825; m. 6, 19, 1855, Elvira M. Clark; d. 4, 8, 1873. 1215. JOSEPH, b. 1, 2, 1827; m. Emily Pyle. - Children of Betsy Worra// (5oz.) and /o/, /ustis. 1216. CHARLEs, b. 12, 20, 1813; m. 2, 28, 1846, Mary DeGroot; Io27 Oxford street, Philadelphia. I 217. MARY, b. 5, 28, 1815; m. 12, 3, 1835, Jesse Rambo; 909 Auburn street, Philadelphia. 1218. REBECCA, b. I I, 12, 1818; m. 8, 18, 1845, Abel T. Parker; Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, Pa. I 2 IQ. ELLEN, b. 2, 17, 1822; m. 5, 20, 1845, Elisha B. Parker; Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, Pa. 1220. Elizabeth, b. 8, 18, 1823; m. 2, IO, 1853, Samuel Richards. --- SAE VE/V 7A/ C / WEA' A T/O N. 53 SEV ENT H G E NE RATION. Children of Jacob Magi/ (5/1) and Rebecca Parson. 1221. MARy, b. 5, 18, 1797; m. Jonathan I. Watson. I 222. JONATHAN P., b. IO, 3, 1798; m. Io, Io, 1821, Mary Watson, daughter of David and Rachel ; d. 5, 25, 1868. 1223. SUSAN, b. 5, 12, 1800, d. unm. 1225. CHARLEs, b. 3, 25, 1805; m. 9, 15, 1830, Annie Trego, daughter of William and Rachel. I 225. SARAH, b. 9, 4, 1809; m. 12, 16, 1863, John D. Balderson. No children. . Children of ſame Ely (518) and Benjamin Parson. 1226. Isaiah, m. Lydia Mendenhall. I 227. MATILDA, b. 6, 16, 1786; d. IO, 2, 18O2. I 228. WILLIAM M., b. 8, 23, 1788; m. Sarah Morgan. I 229. BENJAMIN, m. Sarah Mitchell and Abigail Nealy. I 230. SARAH, m. Joshua Mendenhall and Ellis Davis. I 231. MARTHA, b. I, 4, 1795; d. in infancy. I 232. MARY, b. I, 4, 1795; d. in infancy. I 233. JANE, b. I, 4, 1798; m. 2, 5, 1816, Edward Hall; m. 2d, Abraham Heston. I 234. GEORGE, b. 3, I, 18OO. I 235. ESTHER. I 236. RACHEL. Children of Richard Dutton (528) and Margaret Larkin. 1237. SARAH., b. 2, 18, 1788; d. unm., 9, I I, 1819. I 238. THOMAS, b. 9, 5, 1790; m. Hannah Cotman, of Philadelphia; d. 3, 26, 1827. I 239. ISAAC, b. 7, 22, 1792; m. I, 14, 1817, Catharine Taylor, daughter of Lewis and Catharine; d. in Philadelphia, 2, 26, 1829. I24O. RICHARD, b. 7, 1, 1796; d. unm. at Sea, 9, 16, 1826. I 241. LARKIN, b. 5, 15, 1798; m. I I, 30, 1819, Maria Norris, who d. 3, 15, 1825. He m. 2d time, 2, 2 I, 1828, Ann Matlack, daughter of Simeon and Elizabeth. 1242. JoHN B., b. 7, 12, 1806; d. unm. 6, 20, 1848. - Children of Sarah Dutton (520) and /acob Hióðerd. 1243. MARY, b. 7, 17, 1779; d. unm. I 244. HANNAH., b. I, 9, 178 I ; m. 4, 19, 1817, Israel Lobb, of Upper Darby, Delaware county, Pa. 1245. JOHN, b. I, 4, 1783; m. 5, 16, 1816, Amy L. Thomas, who d. 4, 19, 1836; m. I I, 28, 1839, Rebecca Maris, daughter of George and Elizabeth, of Pikeland, Chester county, Pa. One child Amy Ann, died in her 9th year. I 246. THOMAS, b. IO, 14, 1785; m, 4, 12, 182O, Margaret Powell, daughter of John and Amelia, of Chester, Delaware county, Pa.. I 247. JACOB, b. I, I I, 1787; m. Hannah Baker and moved to Ohio. I 248. PHINEAS, b. I2, I I, 1792; d. 8, 24, 1808. I249. PHEBE, b. 9, 12, 1794; d. 5, 20, 1808. I 250. SAMUEL, b. 1, 8, 1797; m. I, I, 1829, Lydia Reece, daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth, of Upper Provi- dence, Montgomery county, Pa. 125 I. JESSE, b. IO, Io, 18OI ; d. 8, 28, 1808. I 252. SUSANNA, b. 9, 27, 1803; m. 5, 3, 1827, Levi Cox, son of William and Lydia, of Willis- town, Chester county, Pa. 1253. SARAH D., b. 9, 27, 1803; m. 4, 7, 1825, Maris Hall, (720) son of John and Susanna, of Willistown; d. 2, 8, 1874. 1254, ABRAHAM, b. 6, 21, 1806; d. in infancy. 54 7TH E M A R /S FA // / / Y. Children of Thomas Dutton (532) and Sara/, /ones. I 255. HANNAH, b, 2, 26, 1793; d. in infancy. I 256. SUSANNA, b. 4, 3, 1795; m. I 1, 3, 1815, Isaac Powell, son of John and Amelia, of Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 1257. John, b. 2, 23, 1797; d. with consumption at Savannah, Georgia, 2, 3, 1822; unm. I 258. ROWLAND, b. 2, 4, 1799; d. 9, 5, 1820. 1259. THOMAS, b. I, 7, 1803; m. Io, Io, 1828, Hannah E. Ridgway, daughter of William and Mary; m. 4th mo., 1840, Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Spencer; d. 4, 6, 1849. I26O. EDMUNI), b. 4, I 2, 1805; m. I I, 20, 1828, Tacy, daughter of Simeon Mat- lack, of Radnor, Delaware county, Pa.; d. 2, 12, 1846. 1261, MARY, b. 4, 5, 1808; m. 4, 7, 1831, at Chichester Meeting, Jared Darlington, son of Jesse and Amy, of Middle- town, Pa. Living in West Chester, Pa. Children of Thomas Dutton (532) and Amy P. Trimble. 1262. SAMUEL, b. I I, 16, 1817; m. 9, 16, 1841, Mary J. Worrall, of Middletown, Pa., who d. 4, 30, 1851 ; m. 2d, Mary E. Young, of West Chester. No children. I 263. NATHAN C., b. 7, 26, 1819; m. 7, 30, 1840, Maria Butler, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth, who d. 5, 21, 1846; 2d wife was Hannah Smedley, daughter of George and Elizabeth; 3d wife was Anne, daughter of James and Sarah Shearer, of Spring- field, Delaware county, where he resides. Farmer. I 264. RUTHANNA, b. 3, 26, 1822; m. 5, 30, 1844, Thomas W. Cassin, of Philadelphia; d. 2, I I, 1847. I 265. AMY P., b. 3, 9, 1824; m. 4, 19, 1848, John Williamson; Media, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Hannah Dutton (533) and James Broomall (593). 1266. THOMAS D., b. 8, 5, 1799; m. Mary D. Carter; d. IO, I 5, 1865. I267. Joh N, b. 7, 6, 18OO ; m. 1st, Sarah Webb; 2d, Hannah Matson; 3d, Lydia Way; d. 9, 17, 1872. 1268. ABRAHAM, b. 7, 20, 18OI ; m. Annie Monks; d. 6, 20, 1875. I 269. DANIEL, b. 6, 23, 1802; m. Sarah Ann Baker; living in Thornbury township, Dela- ware county, Pa. 1270. SUSANNA, b. 8, 20, 18O3; living in Thornbury. I 27 I. JAMES, b. 4, 29, 1805; d. young. I 272. JAMES, b. IO, 30, 1806; d. I I, 19, 1825. I273. HANNAH., b. 6, 4, 1813; m. Eli Baker; d. 2, 26, 1842. Children of Susanna Dutton (534) and Andrew Steel. I 274. MARY, b. 9, 16, 1799; m. 3, 13, 1817, Jesse Horton; m. 2d, William Jones; d. 9, 25, 1826. I 275. THOMAS, b. Io, 23, 1800; d. unm. 7, 31, 1834. I276. HANNAH, b. 6, 7, 1803; d. unm. 3, 2, 1860. 1277. SUSANNA M., b. 4, 22, 1806; m. I 2, 25, 1825, John Leedom ; d. 2, 20, 1882. 1278. ANDREW, b. 3, I I, 1808; m. I 2, 22, 1831, Mar- garet Johnson; d. IO, 14, 1842. I 279. MARGARETTA, b. 9, 15, 181 I ; m. I 2, 8, 1831, John Davis; d. 9, 18, 1859. 1280. ANNE E., b. 3, 2, 1814; d. unm. 7, 16, 1870. SAE VA; NTA/ G /; AVAE RA 7" / O M. 55 Children of /o/in R/loads (535) and Ann Pratt. 1281. THOMAS, b. 5, 25, 181 i ; m. Emily Carpenter; d. IO, 15, 1866. I 282. Robert, b. 6, 3, 1813; d. 9, 27, 1829. I 283. OWEN, b. IO, I, 1815; m. Elizabeth Perry; d. 10 mo., 1878. 1284. MARIs, b. 3, 8, 1818; m. Ann Eliza Houtten ; d. 12, 2, 1880. I 285. MARY H., b. 5, 27, 1820; m. 4, 9, 1846, William Ogden; 3 II North 41st street, Philadelphia. 1286. SUSANNA, b. 12, 17, 1822; m. I 2, 9, 1847, Benjamin J. Edwards; Newark, New Jersey. 1287. PHINEAS, b. 3, 4, 1825; d. in infancy. I 288. JoHN, b. Io, I 3, 1826; m. 12, 5, 1860, Elizabeth Passmore. Lumber merchant; Pas- challville, Philadelphia. I 289. JoEL, b. 8, 19, 1830; d. unm. 8, 5, 1855. I 29O. ELIZA- BETH, b. 8, 3, 1833; West Chester, Pa. Children of Samuel Rhoads (339) and Hanna/, Davis (705). I 291. ELIZABETH, b. 5, 22, 1825; m. Oborn Levis; Clifton Heights, Delaware county, Pa.. I 292. SUSANNA H., b. I 2, 9, 1829; m. John W. Ogden; 1918 Arch Street, Philadelphia. I293. JAMES D., b. 7, 28, 1833, in Springfield, Delaware county, Pa.; m. Mary F. Hibberd, 2, 28, 1861. Manufacturer; South Avenue, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Hanna/, Rhoads (5/o) and /oc/ Bºaſis. 1294. MARY, b. IO, 18, 1821; m. I I, 8, 1849, William Rhoads; d. 8, 26, 1850. I 295. WILLIAM, b. 7, 7, 1823; d. 1, 24, 1843. I 296. OWEN, b. 3, IO, 1826; m. I I, 12, 1857, Lydia Thompson. Farmer; Thompson, Delaware. I 297. ELIZABETH, b. 5, 15, I828; d. young. I 298. HANNAH, b. 9, 22, 1830; unm. I 299. SUSANNA, b. IO, 5, I833; d. young. I 3OO. JoEL, b. 2, 24, 1836; d. in infancy. I 3OI. CHARLES, b. 8, 2 I, I838; m. 4, 29, 1863, Jennie G. Lawrence, who d. 5, 23, 1864; m. 3, 12, 1872, Anna B. Kirby. Owner and manager of “Sea Side House,” Atlantic City. President of Atlantic National Bank; Atlantic City, N. J. 1302. SAMUEL, b. 12, 28, 1840; m. IO, 31, 1867, Annie E. Taylor. Farmer; Marple, Delaware county, Pa. I3O3. JoEL, b. I 2 mo., 1845; m. I I, 5, 1868, Emma D. Stokley, of Philadelphia. In Custom House, Philadelphia; Marple, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Owen Rhoads (5/1) and Sarah Burd'se// I3O4. HANNAH., b. 2, 21, 1832; d. 9, I I, 1876. I 305. ISAAC, b. 9, 19, 1833; d. I I, II, 1866. I 3O6. JAMES, b. 8, 6, 1835; d. 8, 7, 1883. 1307. Robert, b. 9, 5, 1837; d. 3, 28, 1877. I 3O8. OWEN, b. 3, 20, 1840; d. 9, IO, 1881. I 309. ELEANOR, b. 1, 5, 1842; m. 3, 9, 1864, John Shee; Clifton, Delaware county, Pa. 13 IO. ELIZABETH, b. 8, 27, 1844; d. young. I 3 II. LEWIS D., b. 1, 22, 1847; unm. I 312. SARAH B., b. 7, 26, 1849; m. 9, 3, 1881, Charles E. Taylor, son of Elisha Taylor (894); Doe Run, Chester county, Pa.. I 313. IRA B., b. 8, 26, 1852; m. Io mo., 1880, Mary DeMagree. I314. JoHN, b. 8, 21, 1854; d. in infancy. 56 7. Aſ A // A R /S FA // / / Y. **** Children of Edward Griswold (566) and 1315. SARAH, b. 1, 19, 1782; m. James Starr. 1316. PRUDENCE, b. 2, 27, 1784; m. 1804, William Russell; d. 12, 1, 1862. y Children of Edward Griswold (566) and 1317. LYDIA, b. 6, 12, 1788. I 318. ELIZABETH, 5, 20, 1790. I 319. THOMAS, b. 12, 17, 1792. 1320. MARGARET, b. 10, 20, 1795. Children of Mis/a/ Kogers (575) and /l/argaretta — 1.32 I. ROBERT, b. 6, 15, 1794, in Queen Anne county, Md. ; m. IO mo., 1816, Elizabeth Crider, of Bridgeport, Pa. He was an extensive steamboat owner on the western waters; was a good business man, industrious, prompt and upright; these qualities made him his fortune; his father died leaving him quite a child entirely with- out means. He d. 1, 27, 1866, leaving a considerable estate, the bulk of which went to his sister Sarah, he having no children. . - I 322. SARAH., b. 8 mo., 1797; m. 4, 6, 182O, Mordecai Larkin, Son of John and Martha, of Concord, Delaware county, Pa. They lived for many years at Downing- town, Pa.; she d. 5, IO, 1880. Children of /o/in Talbot (586) and Hannah Smith. I 323, ELIZABETH, b. 1815; m. John Hickman. I 324. SAMUEL, b. 1817; d. young. I 325. John, b. 1819; m. Hannah Smith ; still living in Philadelphia. I 326. JoSEPH, b. 182 I ; d. young. Children of Rachel Talbot (587) and Mark Elliot. 1327. John, d. unm. in 1846. 1328. ANNE, b. 1818; d. unm. I 329. BENJAMIN, b. 1820; unm. Living in Oxford, Chester county, Pa. 1330. MARK, b. 1823. Living at Carthage, Missouri. 1331. CLOUD, b. 2, 17, 1826; m. Rebecca A. Dutton (1486); Oxford, Chester county, Pa. - Children of Hannah Broomall (588) and John Smith. I 332. DANIEL, b. 4, 12, 1778; d. 6. 26, 1804. I 333. JANE, b. 2, 9, 1780; m. Jacob Way; d. 5, 9, 1850. 1334. JoSEPH, b. 5, 13, 1782; m. Hoskins; m. 2d, Sidney Malin ; d. I I, 17, 1855. I 335. SARAH., b. 1, 12, 1784. Nothing further known. I 336. DAVID, b. 2, 7, 1786; d. 7, 24, 1818. I 337. JoHN, b. 7, 27, 1788; m. Calvert. I 338. ISAAC, b. 8, 7, 1790. Nothing further known. 1339. MARTHA, b. Io, 28, 1792. Nothing further known. I 340. ENOCH T., b. 6, 27, 1795; m. Esther Calvert; d. 7, 1 1, I864. - pHard twº- rautrºuhar *HILaosa. Lºzºv. … > → . —" ( 1344) S /E IV/2 AW 7// GENERAT/ow. 57 Children of /o/, /3roomal/ (590) and Sara/, Martin. 1341. MARTHA, b. 1812; d. 9, 13, 182O. I 342. GEORGE, b. 1, 3, 1814; m. Rebecca Shoemaker, 3, IO, 1842. He lives in Media, Delaware county, Pa., where he has been Prison Inspector and Notary Public for a number of years. Much of his aćtive life has been occupied in Scttling estates, managing trusts, advising widows and orphans, and in otherwise aiding those who need his services, without much regard to compensation. 1343. ELIZABETH, b. 1, 19, 1816; m. 2, 4, 1841, William Booth, whom she sur- vived, and died in Chester, Pa., I I, 8, 1880. She was an active and earnest member of the Society of Friends, an efficient supporter of the First Day Schools, and an ardent advocate of the proper training of children. 1344. John M., b. 1, 19, 1816; (twin with Elizabeth ) m. IO, 14, 1841, Elizabeth Booth; m. 2d, 9, 29, 1853, Caroline L. Larkin. He was educated in the schools of the Society of Friends to which the family belonged, and in the boarding school of Samuel Smith, in Wilmington, Delaware. He read law with John Bouvier, of Phila- delphia, the author of Bouvier's Institutes and other legal works, and one of the Judges of the Court of Criminal Sessions of Philadelphia, and was admitted to the bar of his native county in May, 1840. He was a member of the State Legislature in 1851 and 1852, and in 1854 he was a member of the State Revenue Board. He served in the 38th, 39th, and 40th Congresses, and took an active part in the business of Reconstruction. He was an Elector in the first election of Lincoln, and also in the first election of Grant, and a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1873. In 1874 he was appointed the first judge of the judicial district of Delaware county, and was nominated for the same office by his party friends, the Republicans, but was de- feated by a combination of the opponents of temperance. He is now practising law in Media. NotE.—All the children of John Broomall and Sarah Martin were born in Upper Chichester, Delaware Co., Pa., on a farm still owned by George Broomall, a part of a large tract taken up by their maternal ancestor, Henry Reynolds, in 1682. This part has been in the family ever since, though passing from the maternal to the paternal side three generations ago. Henry Reynolds called the township “Chichester " from his place of birth in England. - Children of Nc/cmia/, Brooma//(591) and Mary Robinson. 345. Robert, m. Mary Weldon. I 346. JESSE, m. Mira Robinson and Jane Tem- ple. I 347. John T., m. Mary Pennell, daughter of James and Margaret. I 348. MARTHA, m. Silas Green; d. 1830. I 349. SUSAN, unm. I 350. NEHEMIAH, m. Mary Thompson; d. 1876. I 35 I. SARAH, d. unm. at Lima, Delaware county, Pa. 1352. DANIEL, m.; living in Philadelphia. 1353. LARKIN R., b. 1813; m. Ann Brown, living in Upper Chichester, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Isaac Broomc// (592) and Lydia Nea/ I354. JoHN, b. I, Io, I 794; m. Letitia Parry; m. 2d time, Esther M. Hambleton; 58 77/7 F /l/A A' A S FA /l/ / / Y. 3d, Sarah Moore ; d. 3, 15, 1881. I 355. DANIEL, m. I 356. CIDNEY, m. William Preston; one son, Kersey, d. young. 1357. JAMES, m. Rachel Baker; d. 1840. 358. MARTHA, d. in childhood, 1359. ANN, d. 1837. I 36O. ELIZABETH, m. James Davis. Living at Hopewell, Chester county, Pa. 1361. ISAAC, m. Rachel H. Wilkin- Son. Living at Christiana, Lancaster county, Pa. Children of /a/cs Brooma/ (593) and Hanna/, /Jul/o/l (533 See page 54. Child of /acob Broomal/ (594) and //lcóe Broomla!/. 1362. NATHAN P., b. 8, 18, 1810; m. Mary Roberts; West Chester, Pa. Children of Rachel Broomal/ (595) and Caſcó Temple. 1363. SOLOMON, m. Mary Coffin. They lived and died in Philadelphia. He was a druggist; a man of education and ability. His wife was a sister of Lucretia Mott. 1364. MARTHA, m. Thomas Riley; d. 1881. I 365. MARY, m. Joseph Edwards. I 366. DANIEL, m. Lydia Chambers. I 367. ABRAHAM P., m. Hannah Pratt. I 368. JANE B., m. James P. Palmer. Living in Chester county. I 369. RACHEL, m. Isaac Hibberd. Living in Chester county. I 370. HANNAH S., m. Dr. John Lewis. I 37 I. CALEB, b. 1807; m. Rebecca Taylor; d. in Iowa 6, Io, 1857. I 372. THOMAS B., m. Elizabeth Worrall. I 373. BENNETT, b, 5, 23, 1812; m. Martha Dutton. Living at Thornton, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Wathan Broomal/ (598) and Hannah G. Conner. 1374. THOMAS, b. 7, 19, 1807; m. I, II, 1828, Sarah Morris. I 375. JOSEPH, b. 8, 22, 1808; m. Margaret Newell; d. 3, 4, 1829. I 376. CALEB, b. 3, 21, 1810; d. unm. 1377. CHEYNEy, b. 12, 17, 181 I ; m. Eliza Porter and Ruth Loper; d. 1884. I 378. JOHN S., b. 1, 18, 1814; m. Ist, Sarah Preston; 2d, Sarah Orner. Living in Phoenix- ville, Pa. 1379. LYDIA C., b. 12, 18, 1816; m. John Knerr. I 380. NATHAN B., b. 9, 9, 1819; m. Eliza Louisa Knerr; Phoenixville, Pa.. I 381. HANNAH S., b. I I, 28, 1821 ; m. Leonard Quidland, Jr.; Phoenixville, Pa. 1382. MARGARETTA C., b. 6, 16, 1823; m. William W. Waitneight; Phoenixville, Pa. 1383. DAVID C., b. 9, 28, 1830; m. Olivia Messer; Phoenixville, Pa. Children of Joseph Brooma/ (599) and Elizabeth Yeates. I 384. LYDIA, m. Aaron Vataw. I 385. HANNAH, m. Joseph Jobson. I 386. RACHEL, m. Hugh Knight; Salem, Ohio. I 387. SARAH T., m. 8, 13, 1836, Jacob Townsend; Mt. Union, O. 1388. NATHAN, b. 4, 13, 1811; m. Jane Hill, 1841. 1389. ELIZABETH nothing known. I 390. LEWIS; nothing further known. 1391. Joseph S.; nothing further known. - SAE VEAW TH G E WAER A T/O AV. 59 Children of Joseph Broomal/ (599) and Phebe Brown. 1392. ELIZABETH E. 1393. MARY F. 1394. AARON V. 1395. NEHEMIAH. Noth- ing known of this family, except that Nehemiah is dead. Child of Damic/ Brooma//* and Sarah Worra// I 396. HANNAI1, m. Joshua Smith. Children of Joseph Townsend (600) and Sina Walton. I 397. MARY, m. McClure. I 398. ABRAHAM. I 399. RACHEL, m. 14OO. MARTHA, m. Stanton. I4O I. HANNAH, m. I4O3. FRANCIS. I.4O4. LYDIA, m. Bailey. Stratton. Stratton. I4O2. LEWIS. Children of Samuel Townsend (601) and Priscilla Yarnal/ 1405. DAVID, b. I 2, I 3, 1787, near Pughtown, Chester County, Pa.; m. 4, 16, 1812, Rebecca Sharpless, daughter of William and Ann, of West Chester. He was elected Commissioner of Chester county, in 1813; County Treasurer in 1816; Io, I, 1817, he was appointed Cashier of the Bank of Chester County, and served till 1849, when he resigned on account of ill health. Was one of the founders of the Chester County Cabinet of Natural Science in 1826, ačting as its secretary and treasurer from its origin until he was obliged to resign on account of failing health. The splendid herbarium collected by him is now in the possession of the West Chester State Normal School ; d. 12, 6, 1858. I4O6. SARAH, b. 8, 5, 1789; d. 1819. I4O7. RACHEL, b. 8, 14, 1790; d. I I, 18, 1871. 1408. LYDIA, b. 7, 24, 1795; m. William H. Brown ; d. IO, 8, 1878. 1409. PRISCILLA, b. 3, 7, 1797; m. Mordecai Evans ; d. 12, 7, 1840. I4IO. FRANKLIN, b. Io, 19, 1798; d. 1822. 141 1. JANE, b. 7, 19, 18OO ; m. Thomas P. Bishop ; d. IO, 16, 1875. 1412. SUSAN, b. 12, 21, 1802; m. Davis Hoopes; d. 1825. 1413. ELIZA, b. 5, I 4, 1805; d. 8, 2, 1805. I414. Thomas J., b. I, I, I 809; d. 1, 22, 18O9. Children of David Townsend (603) and Mary Walton. 1415. RUTH, m. McConnell. I416. LYDIA, m. ADELINE, m. Talbot. I 418. ELMIRA, m. DAVID. 142 I. MARY, m. Myers. rº. McConnell. 1417. Coffin. I419. NATHAN. 142O. Children of Benjamin Townsend (605) and Pamc/a Aſarshal/. Hoopes. I423. CYNTHIA, m. Hoopes. 1424. Seal. 1425. JACOB, m. 7, 12, 1826, Mary Hamilton, and 8, 13, 1836 1422. ELIZABETH, m. ESTHER, m. y * Son of Martha Talbot and Daniel Broomall, omitted from page 25. 6O 7T///, /ſ/AA’ ſ S. Aſ A // / / Y. Sarah T. Broomall. I426. EVAN. 1427. CLARISSA, m. Bidason. I428. LEWIS. I429. SARAH, m. Cole. Children of Hannah Townsend (606) and /ames Dugan. I43O. JOSEPH. I.43 I. JAMES. I.432. TALBOT. I433. SARAH. I.434. ROBERT. Children of Talbot Townsend (609) and Elisa Cadwallader. I435. DALLAS. I.436. ELIZA, m. Garnell. 1437. MILO. 1438. MILTON. I439. CAROLINE, m. Rhoads. I44O. ALFRED. I.44 I. LYDIA. I.442. ALICE, m. Judson. I 443. JACOB, b. 7, 7, 18OO ; m. 3, 6, 1822, Susan Mendenhall, daughter of James and Sarah. Children of Joseph Dutton (611) and Mary Morris. I444. ELISHA. I.445. HANNAH. I.446. MARIA. I.447. SARAH. I.448. ELIZA. 1449. PHEBE. 1450. MATILDA. I.45 I, DEBORAH. 1452. DAVID. - Children of Hanna/, Penne// (6.14) and David Hall 1453. BEULAH, m. Nathan Davis, 1454. JULIANN, m. Simeon Garrett. I455. HANNAH, m. William M. Stephens. 1456. SUSANNA, m. John Black. Children of Sarah Penne// (615) and Sa/ke/d Larkin. 1457. SUSAN, b. 5, 28, 1803; m. John H. Fairlamb; d. 1884. 1458. ANN, m. Nathan L. Eyre; d. 4, 1, 1863. 1459. JOSEPH, m. Ann S. Eyre. I460. SARAH, d. unm. I461. HANNAH., b. 12, I 2, 181 I. Living in Upper Chichester, Pa.; unm. I462. AARON. Living unm. in Upper Chichester, Delaware county, Pa. 1463. SALKELD, b. 3, 30, 1818; m. Caroline M. Moulder. Living in Aston, Delaware county, Pa. 1464. ELIZABETH, m. William Webster; d. 3, 22, 1877. 1465. NATHAN, d. unm. I 466. PENNELL, d. unm. I467. PHILENA, d. unm. I468. JAMES, m. Beulah Larkin. -------------------- *-------------- Children of James Penne// (617) and Margaret Immes. - I469. MARY, m. John T. Broomall, son of Nehemiah and Mary. 1470. SARAH, m. Bayard Smith. I.471. BEULAH, m. Joseph Lloyd. 1472. SUSAN, d. unm. 1473. MARGARET, d. unm. I474. EMELINE, m. Hickman Bullock. Children of Nathan Pennell (618) and Ann Larkin. 1475. MARTHA, d. young. I476. SUSANNA, b. 12, 1, 1815; m. Thomas Forsyther Phil'a, Pa. He was Prothonotary of Delaware County at the time of the first invasion of S AE V/3/V 7TA/ C /º/VA, R A 7T/O AV. 6 I Pennsylvania, in 1862. With laudable patriotism he closed his office and enlisted as a private soldier, which position he filled until the Confederate army retired beyond the Potomac. He returned home so affected by the exposure of army life that he died in a few weeks, a victim to his desire to serve his country in her hour of need. I 477. John L., b. 1, 28, 1818; m. Jane Peirce; Chester, Delaware county. 1478. SARAH T., b. 2, 26, 1820; m. William B. Roberts; d. 4, 17, 1885. Children of Rache/Pemc// (619) and Jonathan Dutton. 1479. MARTHA, b. 3, 7, 181 i ; m. I, 14, 1836, at Chichester Meeting, William West, son of Samuel and Mary. They live near Chester, Pa. 1480. NATHAN, b. 3, 2, 1813; m. 4, 25, 1850, Sidney Larkin; killed by lightning at Village Green, Delaware county, Pa., 8, 3, 1850. I481. SUSANNA, b. 2, 14, 1815; m. 2, I 3, 1834, Mahlon Man- cill; Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 1482. HANNAH., b. 8, 13, 1817; m. 4, 3, 1851, John Valentine, who d, I I, 2, 1855. Hannah afterwards married James S. Tyson; d. 1883. 1483. GULIELMA, b. 2, 20, 1819. I484. SARAH., b. 2, 24, 1821 ; d. unm. 5, IO, 1841. I485. BEULAH, b. 3, 3 I, 1823; d. 3, 29, 1830. I486. REBECCA A., b. 4, 26, 1825; m. 5, 26, 1849, Cloud Elliott (1331), son of Mark and Rachel ; Fairville, Ches- ter county, Pa. 1487. DAVID H., b. 1, 3, 1829; m. 5, 15, 1856, Elizabeth R. Moore; lives in Upper Chichester, Pa. 1488. WILLIAM HENRY, b. 12, 8, 183 I ; m. Mary E. Butler; Upper Chichester, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Joseph Penneſ/ (620) and Aſary Zaráin. 1489. NATHAN, m. Mary G. Fogg. I490. LARKIN, b. IO, 17, 1819; m. Rebecca A. Barton; Germantown, Pa. 1491. ELIZA, b. 12, 19, 182 I m. Isaac Webster; Moorestown, N. J. 1492. MARTHA L., b. 9, 27, 1824; m. Charles L. Scott; West Chester, Pa. 1493. AMELIA ANNA, b. I, 21, 1829; unm. ; West Chester, Pa. 1494. MARY, b. 4, 24, 1832; m. Enoch Leedom. Children of Susan Penne// (621) and Isaac Hall. 1495. NATHAN P., m. Henrietta Horn. I496. MARY ANN, m. Jacob Sentman. 1497. ELIZABETH, m. John Colflesh. I498. ISAAC, m. Amanda Coughlin. I499. EDWIN, m. Jane Ford; m, 2d, Annie Ford. 1500. Lewis S., m. Matilda Scheetz. 1501. SUSAN P., m. Edwin C. Fenimore; Odessa, Delaware. I 502. LOUISA, m, Robert Mull. Children of Joseph Barnard (623) and Mary Mercdith. I 503. DINAH, b. 1792; m. Mahlon Phillips, of Kennett Square, Pa.; d. 1844. I 504. LETTICE, b. 1795; m. Elijah Pugh, of Philadelphia; d. 1832, at Unionville, Chester county, Pa. 1505. RICHARD M., b. 1797; m. Hannah Wilson (843). Was in the Pennsylvania Assembly 1837–38; d. 1854. 1506. GRACE, b. 1799; m. Benjamin Mason. Settled in Indiana, and d. there in 1837. 1507. SIMON, b. 1802, in Newlin 62 THE MA R /S FAM// Y. township; m. Sarah, daughter of Emanuel Darlington, of West Chester; Residence, West Philadelphia. “He was one of the original members of the Anti-Slavery Society, and took a conspicuous and ačtive part, assisting the celebrated Thomas Garrett, of Wilmington, in the management of the Underground Railroad. He was a man of very consider- able power and influence, positive, uncompromising, and fearlessly outspoken when such a course was unpopular and even dangerous. His house was a resort of the leaders in the Anti-Slavery cause when they came to Chester county, and William Lloyd Garrison, Lucretia Mott, Theodore Parker, John G. Whittier, and others of dis- tinction frequently visited him.”—History of Chester Com/n/y. I 508. I.YDIA, b. 1804; unm. ; West Chester, Pa. 1509. JOSEPH M., b. 1806; d. unm. 184 I. Children of Mary /3arnard (62/) and IV://iam Thompson. 1 5 IO. Joseph, b. I I, I 3, 1792; m. 9, 17, 1818, Elizabeth Seal ; d. 12, 5, 185 I. I 5 II. ELIZABETH, b. 7, 4, 1794; unm. I 5 12. LYDIA, b. I 2, 28, 1795; m. I I, II, I 82 I, Caleb Seal. I 5 I 3. RICHARD B., b. 5, I, I 798; m. 3, IO, 1830, Hannah Seal; d. IO, 23, 1876. I 5 I4. DANIEL B., b. 2, 14, 18OO ; m. 5, 13, 1830, Mary Hayes. I 5 I 5. HANNAH, b. I 2, 25, 18O1 ; m. I 2, 2, 1824, Reuben Walton ; d. 12, 6, 1853. I 5 16. LETTICE, b. 2, 16, 1804; unm. I 5 17. WILLIAM, b. 9, 20, 1806; m. 3, 4, 182O, Joanna H. Taylor. 1 5 18, JABEZ, b. 1, 16, 1808; unm. Chi/arch of Richard Barnard (625) and Chamócrs. I 5.19. Joseph C., b. 1793; m. Phebe Williams, daughter of John. I 520. AMOS, b. 1795; m. Ann Wilson ; d. in New Garden. I 521. ELIHU, b. 1798; m. Mary, daughter of John Williams; d. 1857. I 522. WILLIAM, b. 18OO ; m. 1st, Ruth, daughter of Vincent Stubbs; 2d, Mary Lundy, of New Jersey. I 523. EUSEBIUS, b. 1802; m. 1st, Sarah, daughter of Enos Painter, of Delaware county; 2d, Sarah Marsh, who sur- vives him. He was a life-long abolitionist; hundreds of fugitive slaves having been aided by him. He was a minister in the Society of Friends, and a member of Kennett Monthly Meeting. I 524. CYRUS, b. 1802; d. 1808. I525. EZRA T., b. 1806; d. 1808. 1526. CYRUs T., b. 1808; m.; d. 1842. 1527. FLIZABETH, b. 1809; d. young. I 528. PHILENA, b. 1812; d. 1813. Children of Zydia Barnard (626) and George Darlingſon. I 529. HANNAH1, m. Warwick Coates. I 530. RICHARD, b. I, 27, 1798; m. IO, 7, 1824, Edith Smedley (955). Educated in Friends' schools, and at Enoch Lewis's and Jonathan Gause's acad- emics, the former school in New Garden township, Chester county, the latter in West Chester, Pa. He taught at 13irmingham Meeting House seven years. His experience as teacher extended through a period of eleven years. He purchased a farm in 1830 in West Marlborough township, Chester county, and has lived there since that time. SAE IVA WTA/ G /; AV/7 RA 7 / O M. 63 He has always taken an active interest in educational matters, having been a school di- rector many years, and has also been greatly interested in the Society of Friends, hav- ing filled the positions of clerk, overseer, and elder; the latter position he has held for over thirty years. He is now living at the advanced age of eighty-seven years; ad- dress, Pomeroy, Pa. 1531. STEPHEN, m. Ann Mendenhall. I 532. CYRUS. I 533. GEORGE, m. Susan Coates. I 534. Joseph B., m. Mary Jackson. I 535. HILLBORN. I 536. LYDIA, m. Hudson, of Hopewell Borough, Chester county. I 537. ELIZA, m. Hart Coates. Child of Judith Barnard (628) and Moses Baily. I 538. RICHARD B., unm. Children of Cyrus Barnard (629) and Rac/ic/ IV./son. I 539. REBECCA, b. 1814; m. George Thompson, of New Garden, Pa.. I 54O. EPHRAIM, b. 1816; m. 7, 31, 1844, Lydia Taylor (898) daughter of Maris and Ann, of West Marlborough, Chester county, Pa. *A Children of Mary Worriſow (633) and Thomas Hill/son. I 54I. THOMAS, b. 7, 14, 1798; m. Elizabeth S. Minshall; Elam, Delaware county, Pa. I 542. MAURICE, d. unm. I 543. John, d. unm. I 544. WASHINGTON, m., and re- sides in Philadelphia. I 545. SARAH, m. David Mancill. I 546. HANNAH, d. unm. Children of Mary Worriſov (633) and Richard Parsons. I 547. HANNAH, d. unm. I 548. LEWIS, m. and Settled in Wilmington, Del. Children of Mary IVorriſow (633) and Daniel Trainor. 1549. MARGARET, m. Joseph Cloud and settled in the northern part of Chester county. I 550. HANNAH, m. John Archer and moved to Maryland. I 55 I. GEORGE, m. Hannah Bullock and lives in Concord, Delaware County, Pa. 1552, MARY, m. James Hendrickson and removed to Wilmington, Delaware. I 553. JoSEPH, m., and d. leaving no children. Children of Sarah Worriſow (634) and Nicholas New/in. 1554. CHARLOTTE, b. 2, 24, 1804; m. 3, 6, 1828, Jacob G. Kitts; d. 3, 30, 1877. 1555. JESSE, b. 1, 22, 1806; m. 1556. GEORGE, b. 10, Io, 1807; d. 6, 19, 1812. I 557. MARY, b. I 2, 3, 18 IO; d. 8, 23, 1827. I 558. GEORGE, b. 6, I 3, 1813; m. Anna Eliza Elliott; Viola, Linn county, Iowa. I 559. LEVIS, b. 12, 2, 1815; d. 2, 7, 1844. 1560. 64 77// / /l/A K’ ſ S. PA /l/ / / V. JOHN, b. I, 25, 1818; d. 1, 8, 1851. I 561. HANNAH., b. 8, 26, 1819. I 562. NICHO- LAS, b. 3, 26, 1822. Children of /ose//, IVorriſow (635) and Margaret Wilkinson. I 563. MARY, m. John Dyers; d. in Delaware county. I 564. Jon N, d. unm. I 565. SARAH, b. 5, 2, 1815; m. Walter M. Bateman; Frankford, Pa. 1566. HANNAH, d. young. Children of Joseph Worriſow (635) and Ann - I 567. ANNIE. 1568. SUSAN. I 569. LOUISA. I 570. HENRY. 1571. MILTON. 1572. ENOS. . Children of Hanna/. Worriſow (636) and Pasc/a/ Years/ey. I 573. GEORGE, m. and settled in Philadelphia. I 574. PASCHALL, d. young. I 575. TOWNSEND, settled in Philadelphia. 1576. WASHINGTON, 1577. RACHEL, d. young. I 578. JOHN, d. young. I 579. MARY, d. young. I 58O, SARAH, m. Isaac Gilpin. I 58 I. HANNAH, d. young. - . Children of Phebe Worriſow (637) and /o/in Thompson. I 582. JESSE. I 583. LYDIA, m. Hiram Hunt. I 584. SARAH, m. Evans. I 585. MAURICE. 1586. LEVIS, m; lives near Malvern, Chester county, Pa. 1587. ISRAEL 1588. ELIZABETH, m. Martin. I 589. TAMZINE, m. Beidler. I 590. JOHN, m.; Delaware county, Pa.. I 591. TOWNSEND, b. 9, 7, 1822; m. Caroline Rogers; Westtown, Pa. 1592. HANNAH, married and lives in Wilmington, Del. Children of Isabella Worriſow (638) and John Wewlin. - 1593. HANNAH. 1594. MAGGIE 1595. ANN ELIZA. 1596. PHEBE, 1597. MARY. I 598. SARAH. I 599. ISABELLA. & Children of John Worriſow (639) and Elspey Harvey. 1600. THOMAS, b. 7, 23, 1817; m, 1st, Eliza A. Nuckols; 2d, Mary J. Price. No children; Wilmington, Delaware. 1601. GEORGE. 1602. MARGARET H., b. 5, 24, 1822; m. James H. Ewing. Had three children; all deceased; Linwood, Delaware County, Pa. 1603. BENJAMIN, b. 2, 24, 1824; m. 3, 5, 1846, Catharine E. Ewing; Booth's Corner, Delaware county, Pa. 1604. HARVEY, m. Margaret Ewing; Bethel, Delaware county, Pa. 1605. NICHOLAs N., b. 2, 8, 1829; m. Sallie J. Slawter; Wil- mington, Del. S AE WA M 7T// G /? A//5A* A 7TWO AV. 65 Children of Benjamin Worriſow (640) and Ann Farra. 1606. FRANKLIN, b. I, II, 1817; m. Sarah P. Beck; 1715 Columbia Avenue, Phila- delphia. I6O7. CHARLEs, m. Ann Rebecca Davidson; d. 4, 30, 1850. I608. BENJA- MIN, b. 7, 28, 1821; d. 9, 6, 1822. 1609. HANNAH., b. 1, 12, 1824; d. 9, 19, 1835. 1610. SUSAN, m. John Keenan; 518 Front St., Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 161 I. THOMAS, b. I I, 8, 1828; d. 9, 14, 1829. 1612. JoHN, b. 8, 18, 1830; m. Emma Nichols; White Horse, Chester county, Pa. 1613. ELIZA. A., b. 1, 19, 1833; m. Enos Hall; Village Green, Delaware county, Pa. 1614. BENJAMIN D., b. 8, 11, 1836; d. 7, 30, 1843. Children of Eliza Worriſow (6/1) and Jacob Zió/cy. 1615. THOMAS, 1616. FRANKLIN. 1617. HANNAH. 1618. JACOB. 1619. SARAH E. 162O. ANNIE, d. unm. Children of Wathanic/Maris (643) and Elizabeth Wood. I62 I. JESSE, b. 2, 21, 1806; m. 4, 20, 1826, Nancy Smith, who d. 7, 31, 1841; m. 4, 20, 1846, Mary Yoe. 1622. CURTIs, b. 10, 30, 1807, in Chester county; m. Mary New- nam, of Delaware county; moved to Brown county, Ind., in 1853; d. 1858; was a manufacturer of fire arms. I623. SARAH, b. I, 26, 18 Io; m. I 2, 25, 1828, Alfred Davies; d. 12, IO, 1856. I624. MARY, b. 2, 4, 1812; d. unm. I625. TAMAR, b. 5, 21, I816; d. young. Children of Curtis Maris (645) and 1626. NATHANIEL. 1627. ANDREW J. 1628. MATILDA, m. Richard F., son of Jonathan Maris (647). - Children of Rebecca Maris (6/6) and Jacob Hoopes. 1629. ISAAC. Nothing known of him or his descendants. I 630. CIDNEY, d. in infancy. * Children of Jonathan Maris (647) and Sarah Thomas. 1631. RICHARD F., b. 3, 5, 1815; m. Matilda, daughter of Curtis Maris (645); 2d wife, Elizabeth Mauber; shoemaker; d. 1880. I632. LEWIS, b. 2, 29, 1816; m. I840, Amy Featherby. Farmer. I633. SAMUEL, b. 6, 19, 1817; m. IO, 29, 1839, Martha A. Rebec. Farmer; Chariton, Lucas county, Iowa. 1634. Eveline P., b. 9, 5, 1818; m. 8, Io, 1843, Eli Harris; d. 12, 20, 1865. 1635. DAVID P., b. I I, 4, 1819; d. young. I636. WILLIAM T., b. 4, 26, 1821 ; m. 5, 18, 1842, Ann Featherby. Farmer; Viola, Marshall county, West Virginia. I637. NATHANIEL, b. 6, 8, 1822; m. I I mo., I844, Mary Worton, and in 1850, Druzilla Yarnall; Superior, Nebraska. 1638. THOMAS D., b. I, 22, 1824; m. 2, 15, 1855, Rachel A. Fisher, of Md. Stone mason; y d. 4, 21, 1866, 1639. OWEN, b. IO, 26, 1825; d. unm. at the age of 22 years, 1640. 66 - 7// E M A R /S FAM II. Y. GEORGE W., b. 2, 1, 1827; m. 4, 22, 1858, Sarah M. Skinner. Farmer; Portersville, Perry county, Ohio. 1641. JonATHAN S., b. 3, 2, 1828; d. 1843. 1642. ANN, b. IO, 16, 1829; m. 9, 23, 1858, Caleb Patterson. No children. Farmer; Luther, Iowa. 1643. SARAH., b. 3, 6, 183 I ; m. I, 9, 1872, Gideon Lingo. No children; Pugh, Belmont county, Ohio. Children of Lewis Maris (6/9) and Sidney //ooſes. 1644. DAVID, b. 8, 22, 1819; m, 2, 14, 1844; Mary Purviance; d. 1 O, 4, 185 I. 1645. RACHEL H., b. 3, 13, 1821 ; unm ; Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson county, Ohio. I646. JAMES D., b. 9, 19, 1822; m. 3, 27, 185 I, Elizabeth Worrall; and 9, 17, 1863, H. C. Tedrow ; insurance agent; McConnellsville, Morgan county, Ohio. I647. PHEBE, b. 4, 4, 1824; m. 4, 27, 1865, Thomas Horton; Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson county, Ohio. I648. DEBORAH, b. 8, 3, 1826, d. in infancy. I649. MARY, b. 6, 24, 1828; d. in infancy. 1650. JARED, b. 4, 15, 1830, in Belmont county, Ohio; m. 8, 3, 1852, Isabella Fletcher. He was for many years a merchant and manufacturer. At present, general agent for S. N. Brown & Co., of Dayton, Ohio. Inventor of several valuable methods in the construction of wheels. Editor of the Carriage Monthly, Philadelphia, and the C. B. AW. A. Daily; also contributor to various literary and religious journals; ad- dress, Columbus, Ohio. I65 I. THOMAS CHALKLEY, b. 4, 26, 1832; m. I I, 20, 1854, Susan C. Jennings; dentist; Malta, Morgan county, Ohio. Children of Mary Maris (650) and Thomas L. Dewees. 1652. LEWIS M., b. I 2, 18, 1817. 1653. JonATHAN F., b. I2, I I, 1820; unm. 1654. ANN M., b. 9, 20, 182 I ; m. 5, 3, 1844, Joshua S. Lincoln; d. I I, 4, 1881. I655. ISAIAH, b. IO, I, 1823; unm. 1656. MARY L., b. 7, 19, 1825; m. I I, 6, 1845, J. P. Harris; m. 2d time, 9, I, 1859, Obediah Preston. 1657. WILLIAM H., b. 3, 5, 1827; m. 6, 5, 1847, Eliza J. Adrian. 1658. CHARLES B., b. 5, 6, 1830; m. 9, 4, 185 I, Mary Gardner. Farmer; Corning, Adams county, Iowa. I659. GREENBURY P., b. I, Io, 1832; m. 7, 28, 1855, Anna A. Warden. I660. SARAH M., b. 7, 12, 1834. Children of Owen Maris (651) and Rache//en/ins. 1661. SARAH J., b. 8, 27, 1826; m. IO, 22, 1846, Talbert Plummer; Springville, Linn county, Iowa. I662. MISHAL J., b. 3, IO, 1828; m, 9, 9, 1859, Elizabeth Pear- son. Farmer; Springdale, Cedar county, Iowa. I663. MARY ANNA, b. I 2, 20, 1830; m. 8, 20, 1857, Clarkson Penrose; West Branch, Cedar county, Iowa. I664. PHEBE B., b. I I, 26, 1832; m. Io, 6, 1865, Dr. E. B. Wright. No children; Des Moines, Iowa. I665. GEORGE J., b. 1, 21, 1835; d. in infancy. I666. REBECCA, b. 5, 6, 1837; m. I 2, 14, 1865, Nathan Smith; Springdale, Cedar county, Iowa. I667. CLARK, b. 4, 17, 1839; m. 3 mo., 1873, Otilla Neff, Bayard, Guthrie county, Iowa. 1668. GEORGE J., b. 6, 17, 1841; m. 6, 2, 1865, Mary Smith; Guthrie Centre, Guthrie county, Iowa. Was elected to the State Legislature on the temperance issue, and served with ability and acceptance. Is now Treasurer of the County, and a citizen highly esteemed. SA; VA: WTA/ C / WA R A T/O M. 67 Children of Owen Maris (651) and Anna Worthington Vanlaw. 1669. JAMEs E., b. 6, 17, 1848; d. in the Union Army. I670. THOMAS E., b. 12, 25, 1849; m. 7, Io, 1878, M. C. Carothers. Farmer; Wichita, Guthrie County, Iowa. 1671. RACHEL L., b. 2, 27, 1852; m. 12, 24, 1880, Perry L. Johnson; Guthrie Centre, Guthrie county, Iowa. 1672. EDWARD B., b. IO, 31, 1855. I673. CHARLES H., b. I, 8, 1858; unm. Graduated from Iowa State University and admitted to the Bar, 6, 21, 1881. Elected Prosecuting Attorney I 1, 7, 1882; Victoria, Texas. 1674. ABRAM P., b. 1859; d. in infancy. Children of Isaiah F. Maris (652) and Phcöe Faucett. 1675. MARY F., b. Io, 16, 1826; m. 9, 25, 1847, Joseph Dewees; Malta, Morgan county, Ohio. I676. RUTH ANN, b. 6, 25, 1828, in Goshen township, Belmont county, Ohio; m. 12, 21, 1848, John Faucett; Sumner, Chariton county, Missouri. I677. JEHU, b. 4, 17, 1830; m. 4, 24, 1851, Anna Gray. Blacksmith ; Pennsville, Morgan county, Ohio. I678. EUNICE, b. 4, 5, 1832; m. 8, 5, 1855, Peter Bannen; d. I, I 2, 1870. 1679. LUCY R., b. 4, II, 1834; m. 8, 7, 1853, Robert Russell ; d. 3, I, 1881; Salem, Henry county, Iowa. I680. CLARK, b. 9, I I, I836; d. young. Children of Isaiah F. Maris (652) and Mary Yocum. 1681. BENJAMIN C., b. I 2, 4, 1841; educated at Howe's Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. He began teaching in 1863; was Assistant Superintendent of Iowa State Re- form School, in 1869. In August, 1873, he accepted a position as teacher and disci- plinarian in the National Reform School, at Washington, D. C. In June, 1879, he went to the Pacific Coast, and is at present engaged in mining and speculating in mining property; address, Gold Hill, Nevada. 1682. JEPTHA, b. 5, 25, 1844; m. IO, 4, 1881, Alice Cornell. Dealer in stock; Sanborn, Barnes county, Dakota Territory. I683. ALFRED D., b. 4, 16, 1847; m. 9, 30, 1880, Mary S. Pease; dealer in stock; Sanborn, Barnes county, Dakota. 1684. SARAH D.; teacher; Sanborn, Barnes county, Dakota Territory. 1685. AMANDA E. Children of Edward Hunter (658) and Anna Stanley. 1686. A daughter; d. in infancy. 1687. GEORGE WASHINGTON, d. young. 1688. ANNA ELIZA, m. Joseph C. Rich ; Paris, Oneida county, Idaho. Children of Edward Hunter (658) and Laura L. Shimer. 1689. Rodolph EDWARD. 1690. WILLIAM W. 1691. OSCAR F. 1692. LAURA L. Children of Edward Hunter (658) and Susanna Wann. 1693. EDWARD ENOCH WANN, b. 12, 5, 1849; Morgan, Morgan county, Utah. 1694. MARGARET CATHARINE WANN, b. 12, 26, 1851; d. in infancy. 1695. DANIEL WANN, b. IO, I4, 1856. r 68 TA/A) // A R / S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of George Garrett (662) and Mary Griffith. I696. AMY, d. in the 27th year of her age. I697. MARIS, b. 8, 9, 1823; m. 3, 4, 1847, Elizabeth Kinsey, daughter of Dr. John and Margaret; 1619 Bouvier St., Phil'a. 1698. HIBBERD, b. 4, 10, 1829; m. 6, 25, 1857, Hannah Griffith; d. 6, 8, 1881. Mrs. Garrett and her two sons live at 2655 Caroline St., St. Louis, Missouri. Children of Thomas Garrett (663) and Mary M. Hoopes. 1699. MARSHALL, b. 5, 4, 1822. I7OO. T. ELLWOOD, b. 6, 5, 1824. 17OI. ANTHONY BENEZET, b. 8, 24, 1829. I702. SARAH JANE, b. IO, Ig, 1833; d. unm. Children of Lydia Garrett (665) and Isaac Garrett. 1703. JoSHUA L., b. 8, 19, 1825; m. 9, 18, 1856, Caroline Hoopes, daughter of Ezra and Rebecca. No children. Farmer; Sugartown, Chester county, Pa. 1704. ELIZABETH, b. 7, 29, 1827; m. I I, 19, 1849, Thomas G. Smedley; Willistown Inn, Chester county, Pa. 1705. AMOS, b. 5, 21, 1833; m. 4, 25, 1860, Annie M. Chandler. Farmer; Sugartown, Pa. Children of Abigail Garrett (666) and William Sharpless. 1706. MILTON, b. 3, 19, 1826; m. 2, 17, 1859, Mary N. Kitts, daughter of Jacob G. and Charlotte N. No children; Marshallton, Chester county, Pa. 1707. REBECCA G., b. 12, 22, 1827; d. in infancy. I 708. ELIZABETH, b. 6, 24, 1829; m. I 2, 12, 1865, J. Marshall Aitkin. No children; West Chester, Pa. 1709. CAROLINE, b. 8, 22, 1831; m. Harrison Hampton; West Chester, Pa. 17 Io. ABNER G., b. 2, 16, 1835; unm.; West Chester, Pa. 17 II. B. FRANKLIN, b. 12, 4, 1837; m. I 2, 14, 1864, Harriet Wol- lerton; Rockville, Bates county, Missouri. I 712. WILLIAM HENRY, b. 7, 29, 1840; unm. ; West Chester, Pa. Children of Abner Garrett (668) and Elisa Thomas. 1713. FRANKLIN T., b. I, 14, 1834; m. 3, 8, 1860, Mary Lightfoot. No children. I714. LYDIA L., b. 8, 4, 1836; m. I 2, 25, 1856, Gideon S. Moore, son of Robert and Rachel, of Uwchlan, Chester county, Pa.; Milford Mills, Chester county, Pa. 1715. ANNA R., b. I I, I 2, 1838; m. Io, 16, 1867, Evan B. Evans, son of Ezekiel, of Uwchlan. 1716. ELIZA T., b. 5, 29, 1844; m. 2, 21, 1867, Richard H. Fell. Children of Hannah Y. Garrett (669) and Benjamin Hood. 1717. EMMA, b. I I, 23, 1839; m. I I, 19, 1862, Henry Townsend, son of Eber and Eliza; Cheyney, Delaware county, Pa. 1718. SARAH, b. 4, 29, 1841; .m. 1, 6, 1869, Joseph James, son of Wellington and Louisa; West Chester, Pa. 1719. Joseph, b. 3, priatutwº- r-uutºunar ºral arra. SE VENT// G E WERA T/O W. 69 28, 1843; m. 6, 19, 1872, Louisa Kate Leibert, who, d. 5, 9, 1880; m. IO, 25, 1882, Margaretta R. Comly; Philadelphia. 1720. REBECCA G., b. 1, 3, 1845; m. I I, 25, 1863, Edwin Palmer, son of Samuel and Ann. 1721. WILM ER W., b. 6, 1, 1854; m. 4, 17, 1878, Sallie E. Dutton, daughter of Joseph and Sarah ; West Chester, Pa. Children of Jesse / Maris (670) and Mary West. 1722. HANNAH., b. 9, 18, 1816, in Ridley, Delaware county, Pa.; educated at West- town Boarding School; m. 6, 8, 1864, John Stokes, of Germantown. No children. Media, Delaware county, Pa. 1723. John M., b. 9, 20, 1818, in Ridley township, Delaware county, Pa.; educated at Westtown Boarding School; m. IO, 14, 1846, Sarah Louisa Wainwright, daughter of William and Mary. He taught the first public school opened in the district in which his father resided. In 1836 he removed to Wilmington, Delaware, where he was an assistant teacher in the school of the late John Bullock, until the year 1838, when he removed to Philadel- phia, and commenced his business life as an apprentice to the wholesale drug business in the house of H. Troth & Co. In the following year he was employed by Caleb E. Pleasants, with whom, on January 1, 1840, he formed a co-partnership, under the firm name of Caleb E. Pleasants & Co. In 1842 the name of the firm was changed to that of Pleasants & Maris. Mr. Pleasants's death occurring the same year, the business was conducted by Mr. Maris, under the same name until January I, 1846, when the present firm name of John M. Maris & Co., was assumed. During this long period of 45 years, the details of the business have received his personal attention. Commencing business shortly before the culmination of the commercial trouble growing out of the financial actions, and final failure of the United States Bank, and passing through the various panics of the business world, to this time he has been en- abled to meet all business obligations of his firm, as they matured. One of the highest compliments paid him was, after his selection as assignee of an insolvent estate, with assets appraised at over $2OO,OOO, by the unanimous vote of the creditors, he was released from giving security, and the deed of assignment was made to him with this provision inserted, and at no time during the settlement of this intricate business, La period of seven years—was he called upon by any one connected with the matter, to give Security to any amount. In the year 1859 he was appointed by the Court, one to have charge of the Phila- delphia Alms House. The year after his appointment, he was eleēted President of the Board, which position he occupied for several years. He was reappointed, but after serving about half his term resigned, having accomplished a purpose very near to his heart, that of a reform in the Medical administration of the Institution. In 1871 he was appointed by the Supreme Court, a member of the Board of Inspectors of the Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, which position he continues to hold, now under the amended Constitution, receiving his appointment from the Governor. In the matter of penal service Mr. Maris takes much interest, and is a very decided advocate of the “Separate System " as followed in the Penitentiary with which he is connected. 70 THE MA R /S FA //// V. In his religious views Mr. Maris is a Methodist. In his lives of prominent Metho- dists, Bishop Simpson refers to him and his interest in the building of the Arch Street Methodist Episcopal Church, a structure which cost about two hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars, and is out of debt. This financial result gave him much satisfaction, as he had been the Treasurer from its commencement to the completion and freedom from all indebtedness. Some years ago his health being much impaired, with his wife and daughter he visited Europe, remaining about 18 months. He returned much benefited, and is again engaged in ačtive business life. His residence for the last 30 years has been at 820 Pine street, Philadelphia. 1724. SAMUEL W., b. 7, 17, 1821, at Chester, Delaware county, Pa.; educated at Westtown Boarding School; m. IO, 8, 1845, Sarah, daughter of Richard Wetherill. Farmer; Alexandria, Virginia. I725. WILLIAM, b. I I, II, 1823, at Upland, Delaware county; educated at Westtown Boarding School; m. 12, 26, 1883, Lillian P. Hart, of Washington, D. C. Farmer; Upland, Delaware county, Pa. 1726. JESSE EMLEN, b. II, 6, 1828, at Chester, Delaware county; educated at Westtown; m. 4, 30, 1856, Mary Gaskill, daughter of Job and Mary. Druggist; d. 5, 20, 1883. 1727. SARAH ANN, b. 4, 15, 1828; d. 4, 21, 187 I ; unm.; was educated at Westtown. I 728. EDWARD, b. 3, 15, 1832, in Chester township, Delaware county; educated at Westtown Boarding School. Graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1855; m. Io, 14, 1857, Eleanor K. Wood, of New York, and 6, 5, 1873, Rachel Scattergood, of Philadelphia. Resi- dent physician of Philadelphia Dispensary from 1860 to 1879. Now practising medi- cine; I IO6 Pine street, Philadelphia. I 729. MARY, b. 9, I, I835, in Upland, Pa.; edu- cated at Westtown Boarding School; m. IO, 3, 1866, George S. Garrett; Garrettford, Delaware county, Pa. Children of George Wilson (672) and Sarah Schofield. 1730. MARSHALL S., b. 9, 20, 1826; d. 2, 6, 1832, 1731. HANNAH. F., b. 10, 25, 1828; m. 9, 8, 1859, Guy Roberts. No children; West Philadelphia. I 732. MARTHA A., b. 1, 6, 1832; m. 9, 4, 1851, Charles Humphreys. No children. 1733. OLIVER S., b. 8, 14, 1833; m. I I, 12, 1861, Elizabeth Mills, of Philadelphia; d. 7, 28, 1878. Children of Ann Wilson (675) and Benjamin /ones. 1734. J. WILSON, b. 9, 26, 1833; m. I I, 14, 1861, Elizabeth G. Wood; Plymouth Meeting, Montgomery county, Pa. 1735. GEORGE MARIS, b. 4, 18, 1837; m. 3, 19, 1868, Mary E. Baker. Mary E. d. 6, 2, 1875; Edgmont, Delaware county, Pa. 1736. REBECCA A., b. I I, 28, 1840; d. 12, 17, 1868. I737. SUSAN W., b. IO, 29, 1842; m. 3, I 2, 1863, Caleb M. Taylor; Edgmont, Delaware county, Pa. Child of Maria Heston (677) and Jesse Tyson. 1738. JESSE MARIs, b. 12, 31, 1820; m. 2, 9, 1843, Ellen Fox; d. I I, I, I872. Ellen lives at 2424 Nassau St., Phil'a. S E V/3AWTA/ C / W/E RA / / O M. 7 I Children of ſame Heston (678) and Robert Tyson. 1739. JESSE D., b. 4, 2, 1825; m. 3, 13, 1849, Sarah Buckwalter, daughter of Joseph. 1740. JoHN W., b. 10, 22, 1827; m. I Ith mo., 1853, Jane Brower, daughter of Abraham, who d. 1, 19, 1855; m. 1, 16, 1862, Annie Henry; d. 3, 21, 1867. I 74 I. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, b. 9, 18, 1830; m. 7, 23, 1853, Margaret Cox, daughter of Ben- jamin. 1742. MARIA F., b. 9, 18, 1830; m. IO, 29, 1856, Reuben, Son of Joseph Buckwalter; d. 2, 15, 1861. I 743. MARY JANE, b. 9, 1, 1833; m. I 2, 27, 1860, Henry Bean, son of Nicholas; Valley Forge, Montgomery county, Pa. 1744. SARAH, b. 8, 29, 1838; m. 2, 9, 1860, Benjamin Franklin Garrett, son of Nathan L. 1745. ROBERT H., b. 7, 13, 1841 ; m. 9th mo., 1867, Mary Russell. Children of Sarah Loðb (679) and William Hood. 1746. HANNAH, b. IO, I 3, 1813; m. 3, I 2, 1840, James Dunwoody, at Newtown, Delaware county; d. 4, 17, 1863. 1747. BENJAMIN, b. 7, I 3, 1815; m. I 2, 7, 1837, Hannah Y. Garrett (669), daughter of Abner and Rebecca; d. I I, 20, 1877. I 748. JOSEPH, b. 2, 22, 1817; d. 7, 22, 1839. I 749. MARY, b. 7, 28, 1818; d. 7, 13, 1826. I75O. RICHARD, b. 7, IO, I82O ; d. 6, 13, 1845. I75I. REBECCA, b. 3, 12, 1823; unm.; Media, Pa. 1752. WILLIAM, b. I, 18, 1825; unm. I 753. SARAH ANN, b. I, 4, 1827; m. 2, 24, 1848, Charles Johnson, of Haverford, Delaware county, Pa.; d. 12, 2, 1877. I754. GEORGE, b. 3, 25, 1829; d. 7, 1, 1830. I755. JonATHAN L., b. I, 30, 1832; d. 8, 27, 1857. Children of George Maris (681) and Caroline Worrall. I756. REBECCA. I 757. EMMA. Children of Lewis D. Maris (683) and Sc/inda Randal/s. I758. SUSANNA E., b. IO, 16, 1859; m. 7, 1, 1881, Joseph M. Burns. 1759. GEORGE, b. I 2, 9, 1861. I76O. HANNAH R., b. 2, 28, 1864. 1761. JoHN, b. 6, 28, 1867. 1762. WILLIAM A., b. 8, 12, 1869. I763. ELLwooD, b. 9, Io, 1871. 1764. LEWIs D., b. I I, I, I873; d. 5, 25, 1874. I765. MARTHA A., b. I2, I, 1876. - Children of Humphrey Maris (684) and Martha Bonsal/ I766. ELLIS W., b. 12, 22, 1858; d. 4, 21, 1860. 1767. MARY D., b. 10, 28, 1860. I768. ANNIE O., b. IO, I 3, 1863. 1769. MARTHA J., b. 9, 9, 1865; d. 7, 4, 1866, 1770. EMMA J., b. 5, 4, 1867. I771. LIZZIE P., b. 9, 16, 1870. 1772. Josie P., b. 9, 25, 1872. Children of Joseph P. Maris (685) and Mary Rhoads. I773. WARREN L., b. IO, 28, 1860; farmer; Marple, Delaware county, Pa. 1774. ELLIS, b. 5, 28, 1864; station agent and telegraph operator in the employ of the Bur- lington and Missouri River R. R.; Staplehurst, Seward county, Nebraska, 1775, GEORGE, b. 6, Io, 1867; d. in infancy. - 72 7 H.A. MA R /S AWA MA / Y. Children of Susanna Maris (687) and David R. Hoopes. 1776. S. EDWIN, b. 6, 18, 1858. 1777. E. MARIs, b. 3, 28, 1861. 1778. WILLIAM" T., b. 6, 25, 1864. 1779. LEWIS M., b. 6, 5, 1869. I 78O. M. VIRGINIA, b. 4, 4, 1871. 1781. ALICE MAUD, b. 2, 21, 1875. Children of Ellis Maris (688) and Hanna/, /obson. 1782. MATTIE, 1783. LIZZIE. 1784. THOMAS. I 785. ANNA. I 786. HoRACE A. Children of Elisabeth C. Lindsay (692) and Samuel A. Black. 1787. JEANNETTE, b. 3, 24, 1850; educated in Philadelphia and at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1788. SAMUEL L., b. 9, 20, 185 I ; d. 5, 19, 1865. I789. BERTHA, b. 9, 24, 1853; educated in Philadelphia and at Vassar College. I 790. JoHN MARIs L., b. 6, 8, 1857; educated at Prof. Gregory's school in Phil'a; also, at Prof. Reginald H. Chase's, of Phil'a, and Haverford College, Pa.; now in Bozeman, Montana, in the transportation department of the Northern Pacific R. R. 1791. CHARLES WRIGHT, b. I I, 30, 1860; educated at Prof. Gregory's School, and with Prof. Reginald H. Chase. Now assistant editor of the Home Mezws, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1792. ULYSSES GRANT, b. 2, I I, I864; d. 6, 19, 1865. Children of John Lawrence (693) and Maria Van Leer. 1793. HANNAH, m. John Sparks. I794. ELIZABETH A., m. John Billingham. I795. ELLEN, m. John Pancoast. Children of Isaac Lawrence (694) and Mary L. Evans. 1796. MARY E., d. 9, 3, 1882. 1797. DAVID E., drowned at Cape May, 1842. 1798. GUELMIA. I 799. HENRY, d. IO, 22, 1835. I 80O. JOSHUA C., b. IO, 25, 1825; 1738 Pine street, Philadelphia. & Children of Henry Lawrence (696) and Mary D. Ashbridge. 1801. Joseph T., b. 12, 12, 1834; m. 3, IO, 1859, Annie M. Hibberd, daughter of Enos, of Willistown. 1802. MARY A., b. 9, 8, 1836; unm. 1803. HANNAH P., b. 10, 29, 1838; unm ; 161 I Summer street, Philadelphia. I 804. ELIZABETH, b. 5, IO, 1841; d. 12, 30, 1850. I 805. WILLIAM H., b. 2, 26, 1846; d. IO, 16, 1865. I 806. JoHN A., b. 7, 21, 1848; unm. I 807. LYDIA, b. 4, 18, 1853; unm. Children of Eliza West (699) and Isaac Haldeman. 1808. ELIZABETH W., b. 12, 3, 1829, at Marple, Delaware county; unm; Media, Pa. 1809. THOMAS J., b. 7, 14, 1833; unm ; Media, Pa. 18 IO. ISAAC L., b. 7, 18, 1835; m. 9, 15, 1864, Josephine Brinton; Media, Pa. 181 I. MARY, b. 4, 24, 1840, at Upper Providence, Delaware county; m. I I, 7, 1865, Edgar T. Miller; Oakdale, Pa. S AE WAE AW TA/ C / WA R A T/O AV. 73 Children of Calcó West (702) and Sara/, Williamson. 1812. WILLIAM, b. 2, 14, 1830; m. I, 21, 1858, Rebecca K. Thomas; King of Prussia, Montgomery county, Pa. 1813. THOMAS ELLWOOD, b. I I, 5, 1833; d. 1, 2 I, 1852. I 814. SALLIE E., b. 6, I, I842, at Radnor; unm. w Children of Thomas H. West (703) and Mary Maris (708). 1815. HANNAH. 1816. MARY. 1817. JAMES M. 1818. ISAAC. 1819. HANNAH E. 1820. M. JENNIE, m. Howard Fairlamb, of Media. 1821. ALICE. Children of Hannah Davis (705) and Samuel Rhoads (539). See page 55. Children of Elizabeth Davis (706) and Thomas L. Bartram. 1822. SAMUEL D., b. 7, 20, 1828; m. 6, 27, 1850, Deborah Widdifield; Darby, Delaware county, Pa. 1823. ISAAC, b. 2, 18, 1832; 2d & Market streets, Philadelphia. 1824. T. CHALKLEY, b. I, I 2, 1835, in Darby; m. Io, I 3, 1869, Sarah W. Brower, of New York, who d. 5, 18, 1878; m. I I, 16, 1881, Anna P. Wollaston, of Wilmington, Del.; London Grove, Chester county, Pa. & 1825. BENJAMIN, b. I I, II, 1837; m. I 2, 24, 1873, Lizzie Noble. No children; Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. I 826. WILLIAM, b. Io, I, 1840; m. Io, I I, 1866, Ellen H. Thorn; 2 IOS Brandywine street, Philadelphia. I 827. MARTHA L., b. IO, 9, 1845; m. 9, 16, 1869, Wilmer H. Garrett; Sugartown, Chester county, Pa. 1828. NATHAN D., b. 6, 2, 1849; Darby, Delaware county, Pa. - Children of Emily Davis (707) and Isaac L. Bartram. 1829. John, b. 5, 1, 1836; m. I I, 3, 1870, Margaret L. Williamson. I 83O. S. MARIs, b. 4, 7, 1838; d. IO, 7, 1874. I 83 I. PHEBE L., b. 6, 13, 1841 ; Darby, Dela- ware county, Pa. 1832. ISAAC L., Jr., b. 8, 8, 1844; m. 5, 31, 1871, Emma Kinsey, daughter of Dr. John and Margaret Kinsey. No children; Darby, Pa. 1833. Joseph D., b. 4, 5, 1848, 1834. JAMES K., b. I I, 2, 1850. I835. G. EDWARD, b. 12, 18, 1857. Children of Mary Maris (708) and Thomas H. West (703). See above. Children of Isaac Howell Maris (714) and Mary Anna Clark. 1837. John HUNTER, b. 12, 28, 1845; d. I I, 25, 1846. I 838. ISAAC HOWELL, b. 8, 31, 1848; d. 12, 4, 1849. I 839. JOSEPH LEEDOM, b. 8, 31, 1848; m. 3, 29, 1877, 74 TA/ E A/A A' /S FA /l/ / / Y. Anna C. Heins. Farmer; Media, Delaware county, Pa. 1840. ANNA MARY, b. 8, 4, 1849; d. 3, 8, 1851. I 841. ALBERT MoRRIs, b. 8, 1, 1851 ; m. IO, 26, 1871, Anna M. Dickinson; Broomall, Delaware county, Pa. - 1842. HENRIETTA, b. 3, 30, 1853; m. 9, 12, 1872, William Dickinson, Jr.; Marple, Delaware county, Pa. 1843. SHELDRICK, b. 3, 20, 1855; d. 3, 23, 1857. I 844. MARTHA A., b. 4, 17, 1859. 1845. ELMIRA, b. 7, 27, 1861 ; m. I 2, 25, 1882, John Morris Williamson; Broomall, Delaware county, Pa. 1846. HANNAH EMMA, b. 3, 18, 1863; d. 5, 2 I, I878. Children of Maris Hall (720) and Sara/, D. Hióðcrd (1253). 1847. JACOB HIBBERD, b. 1, 16, 1827; m. 9, 15, 1853, Joanna Pugh ; d. IO, 22, 1865. I 848. SUSANNA, b. 12, 18, 1828; m. 5, 12, 1852, David Eldridge; d. 4, 4, 1861. 1849. JESSE, b. 8, 28, 1830; unm. Merchant; Plymouth Meeting, Montgomery County, Pa. 1850. BARCLAY, b. 8, 29, 1833; m. 12, 28, 1865, Ella Clime. Saddler; Radnor, Delaware county, Pa. 185 I. MARY, b. 7, 3, 1836; d. 4, 27, 1846. I 852. CLARKSON, b. I, 23, 1838; m. 3, 14, 1867, Margaret L. Garrett; m. I, 5, 1871, Elizabeth Dowell. Farmer; Malvern, Chester county, Pa. 1853. HANNAH., b. IO, I8, 1840; d. unm. I I, 3, 1871. I 854. MARIS, b. I, 22, 1844; d. I, I 7, 1845. Children of Mary Ann Hall (721) and Goodwin Lloyd. 1855. MARIs, b. 1, 14, 1836; m. I 863, Sarah J. Gray. He was a farmer; d. 2, 6, 1868. I856. TRUEMAN, b. 3, 9, 1838; m. 5, 24, 1875, S. J. Lloyd. Farmer; Picker- ing, Nodaway County, Missouri. I 857. MARY, b. 4, 30, 1840; d. I I, I 3, 1864. Children of Caleb Hall (722) and Martha R. Bennett. 1858. JoHN, b. 8, 16, 1827; d. 1849. Studied law at West Chester, Pa. 1859. MoRGAN B., b. I I, 14, 1833; m. 3, 21, 1861, Susanna Smedley, daughter of Abiah T. and Agnes, of Willistown. Farmer; Sugartown, Chester county, Pa. 1860. SUSANNA, b. 4, 1, 1839; d. unm. 7, 22, 1865. Children of Worris Maris (724) and Ann Davis. 1861. WILLIAM, b. I 2, 16, 1827; d. 1, 31, 1828. 1862. REBECCA D., b. 12, Io, I828; d. 6, 12, 1832. I863. ISAAC, b. 2, 15, 183 I ; d. 5, 30, 1834. I 864. ELIZABETH J., b. 7, 8, 1833. Educated at Downingtown, and Kimberton Boarding School; m. I I, 8, 1854, J. Peirce West, son of David and Betsy, of East Pikeland; residence, West Philadelphia. I865. MARY JANE, b. 7, 6, 1836; educated at Westtown Boarding School and Penna. Female College; m. 8, 25, 1864, Joseph A. Bond, son of David- and Sarah; residence, Wilmington, Delaware. I 866. PHEBE, b. 8, 27, 1839; d. 5, 14, I84O. 1867. GEORGE L., b. 4, 16, 1842, in West Vincent, Chester county; m. 6, 17, 1869, Annie M. Pinkerton, daughter of Elisha C. and Rebecca, of Upper Uwchlan. Edu- cated at the West Chester Academy and the University of Michigan, graduating from --tºr-º- ºut-ºuºt *-alº- NORRIS MARIS. (724) S E VENTH G E WERA T/O W. 75 the latter in 1867, with the degree of A. B. Charter member of the Phi Chapter of Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Taught in public school two years, at “Wyers' Boarding School” 1867–69. Elected County Superintendent of Chester County, Pa., in May, 1869, and served three years. Admitted to the Bar, at West Chester, 3, 12, 1873, but never practised. Elected Principal of the West Chester State Normal School, 3, 15, 1873, and continued therein till the summer of 1881, when he resigned to accept a Pro- fessorship in Swarthmore College, in connection with the Superintendency of the Friends' Schools, within the limits of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Principal of Friends' Central High School of Philadelphia, since 1883. President of Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association, in 1877. Received the degree of A. M. from the Uni- versity of Michigan, in 1873; Residence, West Chester, Pa. 1868. DEBBIE A., b. 1, 26, 1845; unm. Educated at “Ivy Institute,” and West Chester State Normal School. Teacher. I 869. BLLWOOD, b. 2, 20, 1849; d. 2, 2, 1858. Children of John Maris (727) and Mary Davis. 1870. HANNAH ANN, b. I, I 7, 1835; d. IO, 29, 1838. 1871. REBECCA D., b. I I, 21, 1837; unm. Educated at Westtown Boarding School and West Chester. At present Governess over the girls' department, at Westtown Boarding School. For sev- eral years a teacher at Wilmington, Delaware. I 872. DEBORAH D., b. I I, 18, 1839; unm. Educated at Westtown Boarding School. Teacher; Wilmington, Delaware. 1873. RICHARD, b. 5, 27, 1842; unm. Educated at Westtown Boarding School, West Chester, and Philadelphia. Clerk U. S. Sanitary Commission, Philadelphia. At present Treasurer and Paymaster of the Diamond State Iron Company, Wilmington, Delaware. I 874. MARY ELIZABETH, b. 1, 17, 1847; d. 2, 22, 1870. Educated at Westtown Boarding School. Child of Phebe Maris (729) and Edward Pray. 1875. KATE L., b. I I, 29, 1855; educated at “Brook Hall,” Media, Pa.; m. 3, 13, 1883, Eugene E. Ingram; West Chester, Pa. * Children of Joshua Maris (730) and Martha A. Howe// 1876. BERTHA H. 1877. DELA H. 1878. ELMA H. Children of George C. Maris (733) and Elizabeth IPa/Ker. 1879. MARY ELIZABETH, graduate of the Wesleyan Female College, of Wilming- ton, Delaware. 1880. GEORGE NEWLIN. Children of Ann Maris (735) and IP//iam Edwards. I881. ANNA MARY, b. 2, 3, 1853; d. in infancy. 1882. Lydia M., b. 5, 30, 1855. 1883. JESSE G., b. 2, 12, 1858; educated at State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. 76 • THE MA R / S FA M//. Y. Teacher; and salesman in dry goods store, Philadelphia; m. 5, 14, 1885, Emma Gar- rett, daughter of Amos. 1884. Joseph, b. 2, 1, 1860; m. I 2, 23, 1882, S. Lizzie Grubb. 1885. MARY J., b. 9, 3, 1867. Children of Robert Maris (737) and Phebe A. James. 1886. Joseph, b. 7, 18, 1863. 1887. WILLIAM, b. 7, 8, 1865; d. in infancy. Children of Robert Maris (737) and Margaret Steward. 1888. ANNIE J. 1889. LYDIA ELLA. 1890. MARY EMMA. 1891. FILIJAH S. 1892. CALEB J. I 893. MINNIE MAY. 1894. ABBY E., b. I I, 9, 1877; d. in infancy. Children of Joseph Maris (738) and Katie O. Loughlin. 1895. JoSEPH. I 896. CHESTER. Children of Robert Hatton (740) and Susanna Evans. 1897. JoSEPH, b. 3, 23, 1838; m. 9, 27, 1864, Elmira McQuality. Farmer and Mechanic. 1898. ELIZABETH E., b. 10, 2, 1839; unm. 1899. SARAH, b. 7, 9, 1841. 1900. MARGARET, b. 2, 22, 1843. Igoi. ELIZA, b. I, 30, 1848. I902. ROBERT J., b. 6, 4, 1851, in Richmond, Indiana; m. I 2, 4, 1878, Josephine V. Fountain. Farmer; Matthews, Talbot county, Md. I903. WILLITS, b. 4, 27, 1853, near Waynesville, Warren county, Ohio; m. I 2, 25, 1877, Alzora A. Rogers. Lumber and groceries; Arlington, Washington county, Nebraska. I904. LORENZO, b. 5, 25, 1855; m. 1882, Henrietta A. Hanna. Farmer. I905. EDMUND E., b. I I, 23, 1859. Child of Ann Hatton (742) and Moses Kelly. 1906. LEVI, b. 8, 27, 1853; m. Io, I 2, 1876, Hattie Sabin; Waynesville, Warren county, Ohio. Children of Zevi Z. Hatton (743) and Rachel Mills. 1907. LizziE LEE, b. 6, 11, 1864. 1908. EDWARD, b. 6, 11, 1864. 1909. BENJA- MIN, b. 7, I I, 1868; d. 4, 21, 1871. - Child of George Hatton (74%) and Rebecca La Fetra. 1910, EDWARD, b. 12, 9, 1872. Children of ſervis /. Hatton (745) and Samantha Anderson. I9 II. CLARA JANE, b. 7, 9, 1858; m. Io, 9, 1879, Wilbert Bonneville; Waynes- ville, Warren county, Ohio. 1912. HoRACE E., b. 1, 19, 1865; Farmer; Harveysburg, Warren county, Ohio. e * ... ... º. - - | - - º - - **º-Z Z” --- - - º - - **. º - zºº Zºº - - º º *º , - º --~~~~ "… º - - - - - y *zº. **22 Z - - - - - - º º -/- **º “Z” - * … ****- ". *zº ſº º º *-*-*-2” -- --- … º - % - - . - --- - Z. - Zºº // -- º: *Tºº -- Zºº” - º/ º, , º *-*** - -- - - - - ** *A* --- * , , --- º "---> * - … ~4% º - *** *** | * * * * * * * º ºr " 22-3) fºr -- * º . . . . . . . . . º. º. ºººººººº- - - - - …' - - - - ------- a - - - - - º, ZººZºº - - - º - -- º Pº --- - Z º º/ ------ º- º - -º-º-º-º 232 - --- - -----> º º - - * --- - - - º - º *ZZ - *** - º yº” - - º -) */ º - º º º/ ºr -- ~~ º º/ --- Z -- º º */*/ º - --- - - ºf ſº- - - - zº- - . - - - º º --- --- º - º --> º, º --> º º -- -- º -- * º º * > * º - º * º º º - - - - - --~~ - - - - º --~~ º - - - - - - --- - - ------- --- *22 - - - - - - - - - - - - º -º- º . . . - - - ---, - -- - - - - - - 2 * * * * * * * * - º - - ---, - **** --- º º -- º - º--- - - - - - - - -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- - - - - º, º ºſ -2" - - - * ******* º Zºº” ” º º -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: º º -- - - - º --- º --- ---- 2* *** *** -º-º-º-º-º-º: - - - - - - - -- - - - º --~~~ º º º * *Z º/ --- º - */ - - - - - - - - - ---, - º º - - º - --- º - - - - - *- --- º - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ºr * ~ * - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -º-º-º-º- - --- - - ** * * - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - * * * * * -- - ** - - --~~~~ --- º º -> º --- * - º-º-º/ . --- - - - 2- --> - - -- º - - º º/ - º --------- - - - - - - ſº - º wº º-º-º-º-º- 2- *- */-, º Zºº”. */ º - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------> º º, -º- º ºf Aºzº- º | rºw- - - Zºº / "Zºº "Zºº” ºf 7/// - --- S /E IV/2 AV 7 // G /EAVAE /* A 7T/O AW. 77 Children of Mary Hatſon (748) and Robert E. La Petra. 1913. ORIANA, b. 5, 20, 1868. Stenographer and type writer. I 914. ERNEST I., b. 4, 30, 1873. I915. ALICE L., b. 4, 30, 1873. f ſ Children of Debora/, //affon (751) and Barc/aj, Z. Da/in. 1916. EDWARD B., b. IO, 29, 1863. I917. LOUIS F., b. 3, 9, 1873. Children of Thomas Benneſſ (752) and Sara/, Taylor. 1918. CAROLINE, d. young. I 919. T. ELLWOOD, m. Matilda Pyle. I 92O. EDITH, m. John Everman. IQ2 I. CAROLINE, m. John Palmer. I 922. TITUS. 1923. JACOB. Children of Ruth Bennett (753) and Caleó Maris (287). See page 32. Children of John Benneſſ (755) and /anc Hal/. I924. ELI, b. 9, 3, 1854; d. IO, 25, 1869. IO25. HENRY L., b. 2, 23, 1856; m. I I, 22, 1882, S. Ella Seal. Farmer; Dilworthtown, Chester county, Pa. 1926. REBEccA, b. 5, 6, 1857; d. in infancy. 1927. ANNA H., b. 9, 29, 1858, 1928. JENNIE W., b. 4, 16, 1862; m. 4, 16, 1885, William Miller; Elam, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Rebecca L. Bennett (769) and IV://iam Reid. 1929. ANNA M. D. B., b. 8, 18, 1841; West Chester, Pa. 1930. WILLIAM B., b. 7, 15, 1843; m. 9, 22, 1870, Emilie Pennypacker. Farmer; West Chester, Pa. 1931. FREDERIC DU ROSE, b. 9, 8, 1845; m. 5, 7, 1874, Adelaide Hains. Merchant; West Chester, Pa. 1932. ALBERT H., b. 12, 25, 1848; d. 4, 7, 1867. 1933. BENNETT, b. 5, 22, 1852; d. in infancy. - * Children of Mary Ann Peirce (780) and Dr. Summer Stebbins. I934. J. PEIRCE, m. Libbie Richards. IQ35. CHANNING, m. Sarah F. Smith. IQ36. 934 935 93 SIDNEY P., m. A. Darwin Woodward. 1937. CHARLEs SUMNER, m. Sarah A. Stubbs. 1938. GEORGE P., d. young. IQ39. MARY A., d. young. - Child of Sidney Peirce (782) and Thomas Curtis. I94O. EMILY. . Children of Townsend Lamborn (792) and Ann Clayton. 1941. ISRAEL, b. 6, 8, 1807. 1942. CLAYTON, b. 8, 28, ISO8. 1943. SARAH, b. 7, 24, 1810, 1944. ANN J., b. I I, 25, 181 I. 1945. Joseph T., b. 3, 3, 1813, 1946. 78 7T///E /l/A A2/S /7A /l/ / / Y. RICHARD J., b. 4, 5, 1815. 1947. ROBERT 13., b. IO, 27, 1817, 1948. LYDIA, b. I 2, I, 1819. 1949. HANNAIl M., b. IO, 3 I, I 822. IQ5O. LIVI, b. IO, LO, 1827. Children of Mary / Zamborn (796) and /l/oses Pennoc/. 195 I. THOMAZINE, 1952. JESSE. 1953. SAMUEL, b. IO, 8, 1816; m. 9 mo., 1853, Deborah A., daughter of John and Catharine Yerkes; Kennett Square, Pa. 1954. HANNAI1. 1955. BARCLAY, b. 1, 26, 1821; m. 2, 8, 1857, Lydia A. Caldwell, of New York; d. 3, 9, 1858, 1956. MoRTON. 1957. EDITF1. IQ58. JoANNA. 1959. SARAH. Children of Roberſ /amborn (798) and Edith Bennett. - 1960. ANNE, b. 3, 5, 1824; m. Richard B. Taylor; West Chester, Pa. 1961. ISAAC, b. 1, 16, 1825; d. in infancy. I962. ROBERT, b. I, 16, 1825; d. in infancy. Children of Robert Lamborn (798) and Rachel Peirce. 1963. ROBERT HENRY, b. IO, 29, 1835; unm. Educated at the brothers Smiley's School, the Polytechnic College, in Philadelphia, then at Freiberg Mining School in Saxony, and at the University of Giessen, in Germany, at which he graduated as Doctor of Philosophy. In Germany he wrote and published a work on the Metallurgy of Copper. Heard lectures during one winter at the School of Mines in Paris, and wrote there a work on the Metallurgy of Silver and Lead, which was published in London, and has passed through six editions. He was City Surveyor of Newton, New Jersey, and Civil Engineer on the Phila- delphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad, and subsequently a Director of the same road. Engineer in charge of fuel, and iron rails, on the Pennsylvania Railway, resident at Altoona. Subsequently Secretary and Treasurer of the Lake Superior & Miss. R. R. Co. Treasurer and Director of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, during the construction of the mills and furnaces. Then organized the company that laid out Duluth, Minnesota, and was Treasurer of the same. Was Vice-President of the Den- ver & Rio Grande R. R. President of the company that founded Colorado Springs, and managing Director of the Colorado Coal and Iron Company, during the construction of the mills and furnaces. He was one of the United States Commissioners of the Centennial Exhibition, at Philadelphia, and served on the Building Committee. He represented Colorado at the International Exhibition, at Paris, in 1878. During the Rebellion he received a com- mission as Captain from Governor Curtin, and served on the staffs of General William F. Smith, and General Reynolds; present address, 32 Nassau street, New York. 1964. CHARLEs B., b. IO, 28, 1837; graduate of the University of Michigan. Began the study of Law in the office of Wayne MacVeagh, Esq., at West Chester, Pa., but soon afterwards entered the Army; promoted First Lieutenant of Company A, First Regiment of Pennsylvania Reserves, 6, 4, 1861; 2, 17, 1863, appointed Lieut.- S AE WAEAVTA/ C / W/2. R A T/O M. - 79 Colonel of the Fifteenth Regiment of Pennsylvania Cavalry; resigned 2, 15, 1865. Married Emma, youngest sister of Bayard Taylor, and moved to the West; at present Land Commissioner of the Northern Pacific Rail Road Company, with office at St. Paul, Minn. *- 1965. EDWARD W., b. I I, 9, 1841; d. in infancy. Children of Joseph Pennock (800) and Hanna/, /ones. 1966. BENJAMIN J., b. 3, 13, 1797; d. unm. 6, 29, 1862. 1967. JAcob, d, young. 1968. SARAH, d. young. 1969. HANNAH J., b. 1, 28, 18O1 ; d. 9, 9, 1818. 1970. MARY, b. 1, 7, 1803; m. William Pennock; Coatesville, Pa. 1971. JESSE, d. young. I 972. SARAH A., b. 8, 29, 1806; m. 5, 12, 1830, Levis Pennock. No children; Coatesville, Pa. 1973. JoSEPH B., b. I, I 5, 1819; d. 5, I, I84O. Children of Sarah Pennock (801) and James Wollaston. 1974. HANNAH P., b. 2, 18, 1795; d. unm. 3, 28, 1825. I975. Joseph P., b. IO, 9, 1796; m. Adaline Smith. One child, William W., d. young. 1976. SARAH, b. 7, 26, I798; d. unm. 3, 24, 1839. I977. JESSE, b. 2, 5, 18OI ; d. unm. 9, 5, 1863. 1978. EDWIN, b. 5, I, 1803; m. 1832, Mary A. Taylor, (896) daughter of Maris and Ann; d. I, 30, 1849. - 1979. MARY A., b. 9, 21, 1805; m. Isaac Baily. No children. I98O. JAMES P., b. I I, 21, 1808; m. Margaret Whipple. 1981. SUSAN P. 1982. THOMAS P., m. 1st Mary Gregg; 2d, Mary Armstrong; 3d, Margaret Macauley. 1983. GEORGE P., b. 6, 21, 1817; m, Amanda Laurie. Children of Mary A. Pennock (8.0/) and /o/in Rakestraw. 1984. HANNAH, m. Hugh E. Steele. 1985. THOMAS P., d. unm. 1986. John M., d. young. I987. SARAH M., d. young. Children of Joseph Baker (805) and Elisabeth Ba/dwin. I988. John, m. Emily Johnson. I 989. DEBORAH, m. Amos Baldwin. I 990. WILLIAM, m. Ist, S. Gillaspie ; 2d, E. Gates. 1991. MARY, m. Lewis Baily. No chil- dren. 1992. Joseph, m. Hannah Chalſant. 1993. ELI, m. 1st, M. Elliot; 2d, S. Hayes. 1994. ELIZA, m. — Woodward. Io95. MARGARET, m, Ezekiel Harlan. 1996. JULIA M., d. young. I997. ELIZABETH, m. George Gates. 1998. ADALINE, m. Urban Smith. I999. ISAAC P. Child of Mary Baker (806) and /ames Massey. 2OOO. HANNAH; m. I 819, Isaac Miller. Children of John Edwards (809) and Hannah Gibbons. 2OOI. JAMES, d. young. 2002. JoHN P., d. young. 2003. WILLIAM, d. unm. 8O 7 H.A. MA A' /S Aſ A M//. V. Children of Sara/, Edwards (8/o) and Joseph Zeonard. 2004. JoHN E., m. Mary Lamborn ; 2d, Sarah Bradway; 3d, Emeline Nields. Re- tired from business; West Chester, Pa. 2005. PENNOCK E., b. 5, 19, 1822; m. Mary A. Horn. He takes a great interest in the public school system, having been a school director in West Marlborough for many years. The compiler of this book remembers with much pleasure the hospitable manner in which he (while County Superintendent of Public Schools,) was entertained at the beautiful home of Mr. Leonard. No chil- dren. Farmer; Londongrove, Pa. Children of Abraham L. Pennock (81 ſ) and Elisa Sellers. - 2OO6. GEORGE, m., Eliza Sellers. 2007. MARY C., m. David Sellers. 2008. JoHN , d. young. 2009. JoSEPH L. 20IO. SARAH. 20 II. ANN. 2012. ABRAHAM L. 2OI 3. ISABELLA. 2014. CASPER, d. young. S. Children of Sarah W. Pennock (87.5) and Charles Zukens. 2O15. MARY S., d. young. 2016. CASPER W. P., d. young. 2017. CASPER P. 2018. SARAH W., d. young. Child of Casper W. Pennocé (878) and Caroline Morris. 2019. SARAH W., m. William H. Miller; Media, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Rebecca W. Pennocé (821) and Charles Zukens. 2O2O. MARTHA P., b. 8, 29, 1814; m. IO, I4, 1841, Abraham Gibbons; Coates- ville, Pa. 2021. ELIZABETH W., b. 4, 25, 1817; d. young. 2022. CHARLEs E., b. 2, I4, 1819; d. young. 2023. ISAAC P., b. 5, 9, 182 I ; d. 3, 17, 1822. 2024. ISABELLA P., b. I I, 30, 1822; m. 4, 27, 1848, Charles Huston; Coatesville, Pa. 2025. CHARLES- ANNA, m. Dr. Tingley. One child; d. young. Children of Isaac W. Pennock (822) and Harriet Penrose. 2O26. ANNIE E. 2027. CHARLEs W. 2028. ISAAC. Children of Martha Pennock (823) and Jesse Coates. 2029. GEORGE W. 2030. CHARLEs L., m. Annie Roberts. 2031. ANN E., d. young. 2032. SARAH P. 2033. ISAAC P., m. Susan Ellison. 2034. CAROLINE P. Children of Mary A. Pennocé (825) and James Penrose. 2035. CHARLEs, m. Lizzie Pennock. 2036. NorMAN. ºlº M 7|| | | | | |2 7"| º % | § | ſº | UWCHLAN FRIENDS' MEETING House. BUILT IN 1756. S/E I//EAV TA/ C / WEA' A T/O AV. sº 8 I. Children of George IV. Pºſt/loc/ (826) and Eliza Mason. 2037. GEORGE, d. young. 2038. SALLIE, m. Lewis P. Mercer. 2039. LIZZIE, m. Charles Penrose (2035). 2040. MARTHA. Children of /a/ues Tay/or (827) and 2O4 I. ISAAC. 2042. JAMES. 2043. JOSEPH. J Children of Israe/ Taylor (829) and Susan J/ai/s". 2O44. Joseph FRANKLIN, b. 12, 30, 1808, in Trenton, New Jersey; m. I I, I 9, 1844, Adaline Nice, of Pottsville. 2045. MARIA A., b. 5, 31, 18 IO; m. 1828, Daniel Bennett; d. 7, 14, 1850; buried at Minersville, Pa. 2046. GEORGE R., b. 6, 21, 1814, in Trenton, N. J.; m. 1844, Mary Nesmith; d. 3, 30, 1876; buried at Deerfield, Ind. …” 2O47. CHARLEs M., b. Io, 3, 1817, in Trenton, New Jersey; m. 1845, Annie E. Sterling. President of Philadelphia Grain Elevator Company; 2022 Race street, Phila- delphia, Pa. 2048. J. WALTER, b. I I, 26, 182O, in Trenton, New Jersey; d. unm. in Minersville, Pa. 2049. LYDIA S., b. 2, 9, 1822, in Trenton, New Jersey; m. 9, 12, 1844, W. S. Wright, of Troy, New York. 2050. EDITH S., b. 4, 18, 1824, in Trenton, New Jersey; d. unm., 6, 19, 1880, in Lancaster county, Pa. 205 I. JANE, b. IO, I I, 1827, at Barnesville, Ohio; m. I, 29, 1855, at Cincinnati, Ohio, Daniel R. Bennett; d. I, 17, 1881, in Philadelphia. Children of Ann Taylor (831) and Hugh Wilson. 2O52. Joseph T., b. 1812, at Barnesville, Ohio; removed with his parents in 1848, to Pulaski county, Illinois; d. I I, 2 I, 1849. 2053. ISAAC B., b. 1815; m. 6, 9, 1836, Harriet M. Arnott; d. 1865, at Villa Ridge, Illinois. 2054. REBECCA, b. 1817, at Barnesville, Ohio; m. I I, 14, 1844, George Hawke, of Canton, Virginia, who d. 1852; m. I 857, Elijah Depew. 2O55. JAMES W., b. 1819; m. 5, 20, 1847, Harriet Smith, at Cincinnati, Ohio; d. I868. 2056. STEPHEN, b. 182 I, in Belmont county, Ohio; d. 2, 24, 1856, at Dayton, Ohio. 2057. MARY I., b. 1823; unm. 2058. SARAH., b. 1826; m. I 862, William Jincks, of Alabama; d. 12, I 5, 1877, in Illinois. 2059. ANNA, b. 1828, in Belmont county, O.; d. 9 mo., I852. - Children of Jacob Taylor (838) and Ann Passmore. 2O6O. PASSMORE, b. 12, 26, 1821 ; d. IO, 8, 1836. 2061. GRACE A., b. 9, 18, 1823; m. Abraham Reeves. 2062. ANN, b. I I, 26, 1824; m. Enos Heacock. 2063. PHEBE, b. 2, 24, 1827; m. Henry Rice. 2064. MARY, b. 9, 12, 1828; d. 8, 17, 1830, 2065. JESSE, b. 1, 3, 1830; killed near Richmond, in the Rebellion. 2066. JAcob, b. 9, 26, 183 I ; m. Annie Brosius. 2067. MANSEL, b. 6, 3, 1833. 2068. ELIZABETH, b. 12, 5, * Incorrectly spelled Mans on page 36. 82 - 7TP/A IMA R / S FA // / / V. 1834; m. Jesse Brosius. 2069. ALFRED, b. 8, 16, 1836; killed in Charleston Harbor during the Rebellion. 2070. JEMIMA, b. 6, 27, 1838. Child of Milton Wilson (841) and Emily Wicc/er. 2O7I. C. MILTON. - Children of Hannah Wilson (8/3) and Richard M. Barnard (1505). 2O72. MARY, b. 8, 9, 1828; m. Marshall Swayne, of New Garden, Chester county, • Pa. 2073. CHARLEs, b. 9, 11, 1829; m. Lizzie Swayne, daughter of William and Mary Ann ; Unionville, Pa. 2074. MILTON, b. 9, I I, 1829; m. Edith Wickersham, of Marlborough ; Unionville, Pa. . 2O75. JoSEPH W., b. I I, 29, 1834; m. Jane Swayne, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah, of London Grove, Pa. - For a brief period he was engaged in mercantile life, but abandoned it for the more congenial study of the Law. Having pursued the required course of legal study in the office of Hon. Washington Townsend, he was admitted' to the Chester County Bar, August 13, 1867. He has since been admitted to practice in the Courts of Dela- ware county, in the Common Pleas, and Orphans' Courts of Philadelphia, and in the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania. - - The Republican party of Chester county showed its appreciation of his services by making him Chairman of its Executive Committee from 1873 to 1876, and in the latter year he was chosen by the Republicans of the State as a Presidential Elector. He owns one of the most valuable private libraries in Chester county; was one of the originators of the West Chester Philosophical Society, before which he has read several valuable essays. Practising Law in West Chester, Pa. 2O76. ANNA W., b. 5, 3, 1839; unm. Teacher; Philadelphia. Children of Ann Wilson (844) and Pratt Roberts. 2O77. HENRIETTA, d. young. 2078. JoSEPHINE, d. young. 2O79. GEORGE W., b. Io, 2, 1833; killed near Murfreesboro’, Tenn., 12, 31, 1862. He was educated at Haverford, and Yale Colleges, graduating from the latter in 1857, with high honors. Studied law under the direction of Hon. Joseph J. Lewis, of West Chester, Pa.; was admitted to the Bar of Chester County in 1858. In 1859 he moved to Chicago, and began the practice of law in that city. At the opening of the War he determined to enter the Army; to use his own words: “I have health and strength, will give them both, and life too, if necessary, to my country.” On the 22d of July, 1861, he was commissioned Major of the 42d Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, and Dec. 24, 1861, was chosen Colonel of the same. At Island No. 10, he performed a most valuable service in spiking a number of the enemy's guns. On the dark and stormy night of April 1, 1862, when almost a hurricane lashed the waters of the S/E IV/AWTA/ C / WA R A 7TWO W. Children of Martha Diron (858) and Amos Sharp/ess. 2125. MARY, b. I I, 23, 1817; m. Wister Dixon ; d. 1, 28, 1847. 2 I 26. ANN, b. 6, I 2, 1820, 2 127. EDITII, b. 3, 14, 1822; m. Samuel Cranston. 2 I 28. JEHU, b. 6, 4, 1824; Ashland, Delaware. 2129. CALEB, b. 8, 17, 1826; m. Rebecca Hoopes. 2 I 30. SAMUEL, b, I, 6, 1829; m. Sarah Cranston. 2 I 3 I. AMOS, b. IO, 14, 1832; m. Caroline Baily; Ashland, Delaware. 2 I 32. EDWARD, b. 2, 26, 1835; d. I I, 26, 1855. 2 I 33. WILLIAM, b. 9, 6, 1837; m. Jane R. Pyle; d. IO, IO, 1865. Children of Samue/ Diron (859) and Mary Becson. 2 I 34. SUSAN M., b. 3, 31, 1823; unm.; Ashland, New Castle county, Del. 2 I 35. ELIZABETH B., b. 9, 13, 1824; d. unm. 9, 22, 1863. 2 I 36. HANNAH C., b. 9, 16, 1826; m. 1st, Milton Stradon ; 2d, Ira Stradon ; Williamsport, Pa. 21.37. LYDIA A., b. 8, 31, 1828; m. I 2, 23, 1869, Gideon Wickersham ; Dugdale, Chester county, Pa. 2 I 38. MARIs T., b. I I, 22, 183 i ; unm. Farmer; Ashland, Delaware. 2 I 39. S. ANNA, b. 6, 16, 1835; d. 12, 28, 1884. 2 I 4O. SAMUEL C., b. 7, 16, 1837; m. Ella Mar- tin. Carpenter; Wilmington, Delaware. 214 I. WILLIAM B., b. 5, 4, 1839; m. Han- nah Heilman. Machinist. Chattanooga, Tenn. 2142. MARY T., b. 9, 27, 1845; m. 1, 7, 1879, Stephen Mitchell; Hockessin, Delaware. . Children of Jesse Starr (862) and Zabitha Norris. 2I43. JOHN. 2 I44. MARIS. 2145. NORRIS. Children of Hannah Starr (865) and Isaac Thomas. 2146. CAROLINE, 2147, WEBSTER. 2148. ABNER. 21.49. MARY. Children of Deborah Starr (866) and Seth IWaters. 2 I 50. PHEBE, 21 5 I. HIRAM. - 86 TA/A) // A R / S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Sarah Starr (867) and John Kennedy. 2 52. G. FAIRLAM.B. 2 I 53. MIFFLIN, m. Patreta Vidal. 2 I 54. PHEBE A., m. Clarkson Jefferis. Two children, d. young. 2 I 55. MARY, d. young. 2 I 56. JoSEPHINE, m. Ist, Samuel Fulmer; 2d, W. A. Thompson. 2 I 57. Joh N H., d. young. 2 I 58. ELISILA J., m. Anna V. Price. Children of Hiram Starr (868) and Rebecca Griffith. 2 I 59. AMANDA. 2160. REUBEN. 2161. Joseph. 2162. HIRAM. 2163. REBECCA. 2164. RACHEL. Children of Phebe Starr (869) and Abner Thomas. 2165. CAROLINE, 2166. WILLIAM. 2167. ELLEN. 2.168. ESTHER. 21.69. ISAAC. 217O. REUBEN. 217 1. JANE, 2172. ALLEN. 2173. PHEBE A. 2 174. HANNAH. Child of Reuben Starr (870) and 2.175. HARRISON, m. Lulu Graves. Children of Esther Starr (871) and Isaac Boone. 2176. THOMAS C. 2177. JAMES. 2178. PHEBE I. 2 179. CHARLES. 218O. REBECCA. 2 I 81. FMMA. 2 I 82. MARY E. Children of Bodway Simmons (876) and Mary Gregg. 2183. SAMUEL G., m. Elizabeth Chandler; Wilmington, Delaware. 2 184. JoHN, d. young. 2185. CHARLEs, m. Mary Christy. 2186. ANN C., d. young. 2187. FRANK. 2188. JESSE G.; Wilmington, Delaware. 2 189. HELEN. Children of Maris Wilson (877) and Sarah Glenn. 2190. ELIZA, m. Jefferis Keech. 2191. HANNAH, m. W. Roberts. 2192. MARTHA, m. Thomas Supplee. 2 193. JULIA, m. John Faddis. 2194. ROSS, m. I 857, Mary Baker. 2.195. JoHN, m. Lizzie Speakman. 2196. M. PORTER, m. Eliza Simmons. 2 197. MARY E., m. John Gilles. 2198. SAMUEL G., m. Reece. 2 199. WILLIAM H., d. young. 22OO. SARAH A., m. William Supplee. Children of Jehu Wickersham (887) and Phebe Baldwin. 22OI. LAVINA. 22O2. TAYLOR. 2203. PHEBE, 2204. MARY. S E V/AW TA/ G F W E R A T/O AV. 87 Child of Phebe Wickers/lam (884) and /o/n Wilson. 2205. MARY E. ------------…----------------º-º-º- amº-º-º-º-º-º-º- Children of Taylor Wickers/a/a (885) and Susan Ääme/y. 22O6. MINERVA. 22O7. GIDEON. 2208. MARIBA. 22O9. DAVID. Children of Evan Wickers/am (889) and Susan Wickers/a/. 2210. CLARKSON, b. 9, 5, 1843; m. Hannah Pearce. 22 I I. GEORGE T., b. 12, 5, 1844; m. Emarene Love. 2212. SARAH E., b. 9, 10, 1847; m. Thomas Heald. 2213. ANNA M., b. 7, 27, 1851. 2214. MARY ELLA, b. 8, 2, 1854. 22 15. IDA MAY, b. 9, 30, 1857. Children of Enoch Wickersham (891) and Phebe Gatchell. 2216. MARTHA J., b. 4, 14, 1845. 2217. EMMA L., b. 8, 2, 1848. 22.18. CHARLES T., b. 3, 28, 1850. Child of Gideon Wickersham (892) and Jane Gaſc/ic//. 22 19. SALLIE G. Children of Sarah Taylor (893) and William G. Chand/or. 222O, THOMAS E., b. 9, 26, 1831; m. Io, I 3, 1852, Lucetta Hobentoble. He is a member of the firm of Chandler & Taylor, Phoenix Machine Works; Indianapolis, Indiana. 2221. ELIZABETH M., b. 3, 20, 1835; m. 6, 9, 1858, Charles Merritt; Battle Creek, Michigan. - 2222, WILLIAM EDWARD, b. 2, 26, 1837; m. 2, 14, 1859, Margaret Stott, of Phoe- nixville. Machinist; Indianapolis, Indiana. 2223. HENRY C., b. 12, 7, 1842; m. 7, 21, 1875, Lizzie M. Fay, in Indianapolis. Engraver; Indianapolis, Indiana. Children of Elisha Taylor (89/) and Mary A. Clark. 2224. MARIS C., b. 2, 15, 1837; m. 1, 17, 1867, Lydia Bishop, daughter of Randal and Maria, of Springfield, Delaware county, Pa. He has lived on the old Taylor homestead twenty-four years. Farmer; London Grove, Pa. 2225. ELMIRA, m. Ellis Ridgway. 2226. ANNIE E., m. IO, 31, 1867, Samuel Evans (I 3O2); Marple, Delaware county, Pa. 2327. CHARLEs E., m. 9, 3, 1881, Sarah B. Rhoads (1312). Farmer; Doe Run, Chester county, Pa. - 2228. HENRY C., b. 5, 5, 1846; m. I I, 20, 1873, Sallie Johnson, of York county, Pa. Dairyman; Doe Run, Pa. 2229. HAYES, d. young. Children of Mary A. Taylor (896) and Edwin Wol/aston. 2230. HANNAH. P., b. 8, 25, 1833; m, I I, 27, 1856, Enos Wickersham; Morton- © º •e a tº º : . ... • ... • * •e • c tº : ; SS 7///, /AR/S FAM/// Y. ville, Chester county, Pa. 2231. CuARLES H., b. 8, 19, 1835; m. 3, 7, 1860, Victoria Harry. Miller; Unionville, Pa. 2232. CAROLINE P., b. 12, 27, 1837; d. young. 2233. B. FRANKLIN, b. 4, 15, 1840; m. I 2, 28, 1869, Anna R. Jackson. Farmer ; Kennett Square, Pa. 2234, EMMA T., b. I, II, 1843; d. unm. 8, 16, 1869. 2235. MARIS E., b. 4, 1, 1845; m. I 2, 20, 1870, Georgiana Palmer. Was a farmer; d. 6, 30, 1884, at Unionville, Pa. Children of Fra////in Zay/or (897) and Picóc Mode (9/3). 36. WILLIAM M., b. 6, 29, 1865. 22.37. MARY L., b. 2, 6, 1870. o o Child of Lydia Taylor (898) and F//ºraim Barnard. 2238. C. NorMAN, b. 9, 26, 1849. Farmer; London Grove, Pa. Children of Susan /a/or (900) and /Saker / collard. 2239. ANNA T. 2240. FRANK, educated at West Chester State Normal School. 2241. SALLIE. Children of J/aris Taylor (902) and Kate Smoot. ~~ 2242. VIRGINIA. 2243. EUGENE. Children of Anna Zay/or (903) and IV://iam H. Pyle. 2244. Fowl N W., b. 9, 16, 1849; educated at Millersville State Normal School; m. 2, 8, 1876, Hattie A. Myers. Physician ; Jersey City, New Jersey. 2.245. ELLA. V., b. 9, 21, 1851; m. 3, 23, 1882, Isaac Martin. Educated at Millersville State Normal School ; West Grove, Pa. 2246. LIZZIE M., b. 4, I I, 1854; educated at Ercildoun, and Millersville State Normal School; m. 12, 27, 1877, Geo. Morris Philips, Principal of the West Chester State Normal School; West Chester, Pa. - 2247. FANNIE A., graduate of West Chester State Normal School. Teacher; West Chester, Pa. 2248. EMMA T., graduated at West Chester State Normal School, and studied two years at Wellesley College, Mass. Teaching in Wilmington, Dela- ware. 2249. WILLIAM L., educated at West Chester State Normal School. Now study- ing medicine. 2250. MARY A., a pupil at Friends' Graded School, West Chester, Pa. Children of Albina Grave (905) and /osia/, /o/n. 225 I. ELMIRA, m. Joseph Hill. 2252. MILTON. 2253. ASENATH, b. 4, 17, 1830; m. 2, 2, 1870, Kersey Raley (212 I); East Fairfield, Columbiana county, O. 2254. DAVID; Black Fort, Montana Territory. 2255. TAYLOR, m. Alice Jewell. 2256. Joseph. 2257. FLLEN, m. James England. 2258. EMMA, m. Hiram Griffith; Montana Territory. 2259. ALBINA. 2260. ANNA. 2261. MARY A., m. Carver Tomlinson; Putnam county, Illinois. * > © Q e is e? tº e se sº : tº * * * * e tº Q * tº dº e ~) sº * º dº {º 2 * * * * * - ------- -ºut------ ------. (1146) SE VENTH GENERAT/O W. 89 C/hi/al of Samue/ Crazye ( 907) a/ld Margaret Wi/soſz. 262. MARY M., m. Benjamin Clcaver. 2 Children of ſchu Grave (908) and Abigail Duval. - 2263. MARY A., m. Kinsey Burngardner. 2264. EMILY. 2265. Jof N H. e Child of Jehu Grave (908) and Catharine Deems. 2266. ABBY. Children of Mary A. Grave (909) and E//is V. Johnson. 2267. ALBINA. 2268. DAVID, m. Elizabeth Scott; Mount Union, Stark county, Ohio. 2269. EMILY A. 2270. MARY A., m. Jeremiah Lee. 2271. DoRCAs E., m. William Teeters. 2272. SAMUEL T. 2273. CHARLES F.; East Bethlehem, Washington county, Pa. 2274. ELLA B., m. Lee Grimes. . Children of Maris 7. Grave (9/1) and Susan Boram. 2275. John B., m. Almira Powell; Garwood, Washington county, Pa. 2276. MARY E., m. Emmor Raley. 2277. HAMILTON, m. Ada B. Wyatt. 2278. NorA, m. William Lewis. 2279. CHARLES; Garwood, Washington county, Pa. Children of Ruth A. Grave (912) and Washington Cooper. 228O. John F., m. Sallie Crow. 2281. JEHU, m. Jennie Wilson. They have three children. 2282. ANNIE, m. William West. Two children ; lives in Tennessee. Children of Hannah E. Taylor (914) and James Clark. 2283. ESTHER, m. James Morrison; Alexandria, Virginia. 2284. FANNY. 2285, ELIZABETH, m. Louis Reichie. 2286, CHARLEs, m. Kate Gilmore. Children of George R. Taylor (915) and Theresa Paul. 2287. ADOLPH. 2288, LAURA, m. Albin Mellier; St. Louis, Missouri. 2289. IDA. 2290. THERESA. 2291. GEORGE. 2292. AGNES. 2293. LULU. 2294. WALTER. * Children of Mary A. Taylor (916) and Dr. William B. Klipsticm. 2295. REBECCA; Alexandria, Va. 2296. GEORGE: Alexandria, Va. 2297. MARY ; Alexandria, Va. - 90 7TA/A) // A A' MS FA // / / Y. Children of George T. Clark (917) and Annie Taylor. 2298. SUSAN E., m. Comly Maule. 2299. WILLIAM M., m. Isabella Renshaw. 23OO, MARY B., m. William Glenn ; deceased. 2301. EDWARD. Children of Maris T. Clark (919) and Rachel Brown. 23O2. SARAH E., m. David Ferree. 2303. EVAN, m. Phebe Cooper. 23O4. LYDIA, m. Nathan Maule. 2305. SUSANNA, m. Taylor Mercer; West Chester, Pa. 2306. SAMUEL, m. Melvina Kilgrove. 2307. DAVID, m. Anna Hinkson. 2308. ELLA, m. Mahlon Ironsides. Children of Joseph Clark (921) and Lydia Brown. 2309. PHILENA, m. Benjamin Powell. 23 IO. SARAH, m. George Coates. 23 II. ALFRED, m. Fannie Moore. 2312. ANNIE, m. Albert Baily. 23 13. THEODORE, Children of William Davis (924) and Susanna Baker. 2314. AARON, m. Lizzie Harry; deceased. 2315. MARY E. 23 16. WILLIAM W., m, Mary M. Thompson. Both deceased. 23.17. JoEL R., m. Mary H. Pratt. Children of Ruth Davis (926) and Reuben Baker. 23 18. JoEL, d. young. 2319. HANNAH, d. young. 232O. MARY D., b. 1825; m. 1857, Ross Wilson. 232 I. PHEBE, d. young. Children of Mary Davis (929) and Aaron Baker. 2322. SARAH, m. Stephen Rouse, 2323. DAVIS, d. young. 2324. ELIZA D., m. William Carter. 2325. OLIVIA, d. unm. 2326. JAMES R., m. Edith Swayze. 2327. RUTH D., d. young. 2328. LOUISA, m. James W. Gill. 2329. MARY M., d. young. 2330. MARY. 233 I. AMY, m. Peter Gerth. 2332. AMELIA, d. unm. 2333. LYDIA P., m. James F. Martin. 23.34. EMILY R., d. young. 2335. EMILY A., m. Samuel Cummings. 2336. WILLIAM H., d. young. Children of Rebecca P Davis (937) and /saac Skelton (996). 2337. CAROLINE, b. 2, 2, 1831 ; d. young. 2338. WILLIAM, b. 5, 30, 1832; m. 2, 23, 1871, Sallie Pettit. Farmer; Doe Run, Chester county, Pa. 2339. GEORGE, b. 2, 5, 1834; d. I I, 29, 1850. 2340. MARY, b. 8, 23, 1836; m. 2, 18, 1869, Isaac Garrett; Newtown Square, ~ 9 S/E VAE AWTA/ G E WAER A T/O AW. 9 I Delaware county, Pa. 2341. ISAAC, b. 7, 3, 1841; m. 9, 17, 1868, Sarah T. Comly. Farmer ; Doe Run, Pa. 2342. JOEL D., b. 6, 7, 1844; d. unm. IO, 26, 1866. Teacher. 2343. LYDIA R., b. 2, 27, 1849; was educated at Millersville State Normal School, and resided at Kennett Square, Pa.; d. unm. 4, 29, 1873. Chi/d of /o/im Pusey (938) and Mary Wi/%inson. 2344. EDWIN, b. 3, 16, 1838; m. Rebecca Kirk. Children of Amy H. Hall (950) and William Williams. 2345. THOMAS H., b. 3, 22, 1852. 2346. MARY H., b. I, 2, 1854; d. in infancy. 2347. AMY IDA, b. 7, I I, 1857. 2348. WILLIAM, b. 7, 7, 1860; address, Sugartown, Pa. Children of Mary Smedley (951) and Thomas Cor. 2349. LYDIA, d. in infancy. 2350. SUSANNA, b. I, 28, 182O ; m. 9, 18, 185 I, Wil- liam Hibberd; d. 5, 4, 1884. 235 I. THOMAS, b. 9, 30, 182 I ; m. 3, 4, 1846, Mary Williams. Farmer; Sugartown, Chester county, Pa. 2352. WILLIAM, b. 8, 1, 1823; m. I 2, 19, 1859, Sarah James. No children. Farmer; White Horse, Chester county, Pa. 2353. MARY, b. 7 mo. 1826; d. unm. 2354. BENNETT, b. 4 mo. 1828; m. 3, 25, 1858, Rebecca Smedley, daughter of Benjamin and Jane, who d. I I, 30, 1860. Bennett m. 3, 19, 1863, Sarah Johnson; Sugartown, Pa. - 2355. ABBY, b. 4, 5, 1830; m. 4, 5, 1855, Chalkley Williams, of East Goshen, Pa. He d. 9, 20, 1880; West Chester, Pa. 2356. LYDIA H., b. 5, 7, 1832; m. I I, 1, 1854, Thomas H. Hall. Editor of Scattered Seeds, and one of the editors of Friends' Inte//gencer, West Chester, Pa. Children of Bennett Smedley (953) and Deborah Passmore. 2357. THOMAS, b. 7, 21, 1837; m. IO, 12, 1860, Rachel G. Preston, who d. 8, 31, 1865; m. 2d, 5, 12, 1875, Mary Emma Huston. Member of the firm of Buchanan, Smedley & Bromley, 25 North 7th street; address, 415 North 41st street, Philadelphia. 2358. DEBORAH P., b. 2, 21, 1840; d. 8, 2, 1859. Children of Edith Smedley (955) and Richard Darlington (1530). 2359. MILTON, b. in West Marlborough, Chester county, Pa., 12, 27, 1825; he re- ceived a good common School education ; m. 6, IO, 1858, Sarah Forman, and soon afterward took charge of the home farm, conducting his business in an energetic and successful manner. He was one of the first to introduce butter making on a large 92 TH E MATR /S FAM // V. scale, producing about two thousand pounds a week. Though thoroughly devoted to his business pursuits, he still finds time to look after the interests of the public schools of his vicinity, having been several times elected to the important position of School director. 236O. SMEDLEY, b. in West Marlborough, Pa., 12, 24, 1827; m. 5, 15, 185 I, Mary E. Baker. Educated in public schools and at Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, in which he afterward became a teacher. In 1851 he opened a Boarding School at Ercil- doun, Pa., and continued to conduct it successfully until 1861, when he sold it to his brother Richard. For many years he has been a banker and broker at West Chester, Pa. He is an ardent and devoted Republican, and an active and influential citizen. 2361. ELIZABETH, d. at the age of 24 years. 2362. RICHARD, Jr., b. 8, 14, 1834; m. 2, 7, 1861, Elizabeth F. Alexander, of Bucks county, Pa. *. He was educated at Jonathan Gause's Academy in West Bradford, and Ercildoun Boarding School for Boys, Ecildoun, Pa., and at Harvard University. Taught school in Highland township at eighteen years of age. For three following years taught in Chester county, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. Purchased Ercildoun Seminary for Young Ladies, February, 1861, and became Principal at that date. In 1877 a violent tornado caused the removal of the school to the vicinity of West Chester, Pa., and since the Fall of that year, Prof. Darlington has conducted the same institution under the name of Darlington Seminary for Young Ladies. Under his management the school has prospered during its entire career. In 188 I Washington and Jefferson College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He has been a School and Institute lecturer for twenty years, and for the last seven years an active member of the West Chester Philosophical Society. He has also taken an active interest in political affairs. Children of /o/in P. Chambers (956) and Hanna/. Thompson. 2363. WILLIAM, b. 4, 5, 1818; m. 6, 26, 1850, Ann J. Anderson; d. 4, 9, 1877; Residence, Philadelphia. 2364. MARY, b. I 2, 19, 1819; d. 2, 24, 1844. 2365. JAMES T., b. 4, 5, 1822; m. IO, IG, 1850, Amy T. Thompson, of New Gar- den; d. 8, 1, 1874 in Wilmington, Delaware. 2366. PUSEY, b. 1, 4, 1824. He went to the Island of Trinidad in 1843, and engaged in the manufacture of sugar; d. IO, 30, 1844. 2367. EDWIN, b. 12, 23, 1825; m. 9, 28, 1854, Martha, daughter of Simon and Sarah D. Barnard; d. 5, 7, 1875; residence, Philadelphia. 2368. SUSANNA P., b. 3, I, 1828. Has resided in Philadelphia for many years. She is a woman of bright mind and a skillful artist. 2369. MARIs, b. 3, 9, 1830; residence, Albemarle county, Virginia. 2370. SARAH T., b. I, 5, 1832; d. 3, 19, 1841. 2371. CYRUS, Jr., b. 12, 6, 1833; m. 5, 7, 1868, Mary P., daughter of Cyrus and Mary Pyle, of Wilmington, Delaware. He has been a successful inventor, and, in con- S E VEAVTA/ GA. MAZ RA T/O M. 93 nection with his brother Edwin, a manufacturer of a book and paper folding machine. Residence, Philadelphia. 2372. HANNAH T., b. 3, 30, 1835; m. 9, 27, 1854, Jeremiah Croasdale, of Attle- boro’, Bucks county, Pa. She is a graduate of the Woman's Medical College of Penn- sylvania, in which she holds honorable positions. She is Professor of Diseases of Women and Children, Vice-President of the Philadelphia Clinical Society; also on the consulting staff in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia. 2373. RUTH A., b. 12, 14, 1837; m. J. Davis Huey, of Kennett Square, Pa. 2374. ELIZABETH, b. I, 6, 1840; d. in infancy. 2375. JOHN T., b. 3, I I, 1842; m. 10, 20, 1870, Alice E. Jackson, of Kennett Square, Pa., where they reside. Children of Rebecca Chambers (957) and /o/in Green. 2376. ASENATH C., b. 2, 8, 1822; m. 3, 21, 1849, Allan Moore. No children. 2377. ELIZABETH P., b. IO, 28, 1823; m. 5, 28, 1844, Jacob C. Smith, of Darby, Dela- ware county, Pa. Children of Lydia Chambers (959) and Damic/ Temp/e (1366 ). 2378. WILLIAM, b. 6, 3, 1822; deceased. 2379. SMEDLEY, b. 2, 19, 1824; m. 3, 25, 1847, Elizabeth Pratt, of Newtown, Delaware county, who d. 9, 13, 1867. Smedley m. 4, I I, 1872, Margaret C. Milhouse. 238O. ABRAM, b. I 2, 16, 1825; Marshallton, Pa. 238 1. John B., b. 5, 17, 1828; m. 8, 15, 1857, Rebecca Marshall. Homoeopathic Physician; Marshallton, Pa. 2382. WILLIAM C., b. 12, 3, 1830; lives in West Bradford, Chester county, Pa. 2383. HENRY M., b. 9, 7, 1832; m. 12, I I, 1863, Rachel Davis, of Upper Oxford, Pa.; West Chester, Pa. 2384. SOLOMON, b. 3, 21, 1839; m. 6, 14, 1866, Martha B. Davis, of Upper Oxford, Pa.; d. 5, I, I87 I. Children of Asenath Chambers (961) and William IV:/son. 2385. SUSANNA C., b. I, 29, 1824; m. I, 4, 1844, Samuel W. Sellers, of Pocopson, Chester county, Pa.; d. 1, 13, 1860. 2386. FRANKLIN C., b. 1, 29, 1824; d. in infancy. 2387. SKIDMORE D., b. 6, 4, 1825; d. in infancy. 2388. SARAH D., b. 6, 4, 1825; d. in infancy. 2389. ELIZABETH, b. 3, 8, 1827; d. in infancy. 2390. LYDIA T., b. IO, 3, 1833; m. 9, 4, 1858, John Wickersham, of East Marlborough, Pa. Children of Susanna Chambers (963) and William Jackson. 2391. ANNA, b. 3, 23, 1831 ; m. 8, 9, 1849, Robert A. Jackson, of Lower Oxford, Pa.; Elk Neck, Cecil county, Md. 94 TH E M A R /S FA // / L. V. ( 2392. WILLIAMINA, b. 8, 16, 1833; m. 2, 20, 1855, Howard H. Jackson, of Lower Oxford, Pa. He d. 5, I I, 1866. She resides in Kennett Square, Pa. She has ren- dered efficient aid in procuring the records of her branch of the family. Children of Hannah Wood (965) and Benjamin Ladd. 2393. ELIZABETH. 2394. LYDIA. 2395. HANNAH. - Children of Samue/ Wood (966) and Orphia Brooma// 2396. HANNAH, d. young. 2397. PHEBE, m. Jacob Rogers. 2398. THOMAS. 3 2 99. LYDIA, d. young. 24OO. ELIZA, d. young. Children of Thomas Wood (968) and Massey Lamborn. - 24O1. ELIZA JANE, m. 1880, Henry Armitage, of Ohio. 24O2. BENJAMIN L, m. 1862, Annie Wilson, who d. 1865. He m. in 1872, Louisa Faucett, of Ohio. 24O3. AMOS, deceased. Children of Thomas Wood (968) and Sarah Coates. 24O4. LYDIA, m. 1865, Jesse H. Brinton. 24O5. ELLIS P., m. I 87 I, Rebecca Mar- tin. 24O6. PHILENA, m. 1875, David W. Jackson. 24O7. MoRRIs T., m. I 2, 23, 1880, Maggie B. Weldon ; Doe Run, Pa. 2408. ELINOR, d. young. 24O9. LAURA, d. young. Child of Joshua Wood (969) and Elisa Hall. 24 Io. WILLIAM N. Children of John Wood (970) and Elizabeth Kirby. 241 I. R. ANNA. 24.12. FRANKLIN, d. young. 24.13. LYDIA. 2414. EDITH, d. young. Children of Lydia Ann Wood (972) and Samuel B. Smith. 2415. LOUISA. 2416. MoRRIS C. 2417. AMY T. 2418. MARY. 2419. JoSHUA. Children of John Maris (973) and Rachel Mills. 242O. LYDIA, b. 7, 16, 1819; d. unm. 242 I. JonATHAN, b. IO, I I, I 82 I ; d. I, 2 I, 1824. 2422. SUSANNA, b. 2, 15, 1824; d. in infancy. 2423. BENJAMIN L., b. in North Carolina, 2, 20, 1826. In 1851 he left North Carolina and went to Wayne county, Iowa, where he re- SA; VA2 WTA/ GA; AVA R A T/O AW. 95 mained until 1856, when he moved to Jefferson county, Iowa; 6, 20, 1858, he married Priscilla Jones. In 1870 they removed to Bates county, Missouri, and in 1878 to Texas county, Missouri, where they still reside at Cabool. We quote the following from a letter received from him in May, 1885 : “Father was very feeble when the War broke out, but did all in his power to advance the cause of freedom. I have heard it said that he carried lots of bread and meat to men that were hiding to keep out of the Southern Army.” - 2424. PHEBE, b. 10, 29, 1828; m. George S. Gossett, son of William and Hannah, of Randolph county, North Carolina; d. 1883, in Grant county, Indiana, where it is supposed she has children living. 2425. ANNA, b. 1, 3, 1831; m. Alvien Ledbetter. Both d. in North Carolina; her death occurring in 1855. 2426. WILLIAM, b. 4, 25, 1833, near Deep River, Guilford County, North Caro- lina; m. 8. 27, 1855, Lydia J. Couch, of same place. In 1862 he was drafted into the Southern Army; but this being against his senti- ments, he tried to make his way through the Federal lines. Was taken prisoner by the Confederate officers and taken to Richmond, and afterwards to Staunton. Thence he made his escape with his brother Temple and others, making his way by night back to Guilford county, North Carolina. After paying a tax of $500, he was given papers which would pass him anywhere in the Southern States. During the remainder of the War he followed trading in North and South Carolina. In 1868 he moved to Indiana, in 1871 to Missouri, and in 1881 to Linn county, Kansas, near Coonsville, where he d. IO, I 3, 1883, leaving a wife and two sons. - 2427. MARY, b. 1, 26, 1836; m. Isaac Trueblood, son of Jesse and Irena, of Guil- ford county, North Carolina. No children. 2428. JoHN, b. 3, 6, 1838; d. 6, 2, 1852. 2429. TEMPLE S., b. 2, 7, 1841; m. Hannah Mills, of Clinton County, Indiana. No children. - Children of George Maris (975) and Esther Gordon. 2430. LYDIA. C., b. 9, 6, 1861 ; m. IO, 20, 1881, Daniel B. Anderson ; Friendship, Guilford county, North Carolina. 243 I. RACHEL, b. 5, 18, 1863. 2432. HENRY F., b. 3, 1, 1866. 2433. MARIAN, b. 9, 8, 1868. 2434. John, b. 4, 18, 1871. Children of Jonathan Mills (977) and Sarah Holiday. 2435. JOHN, b. 4, 24, 1808; m. IO, 13, 1829, Eddis Hobson; d. I I, 7, 1847. 2436. SAMUEL, b. 6, 7, 1810; unm. When last heard from he was in Kansas. 2437. ANNA, b. I I, 27, 1812; m. I I, 7, 1847, Robert Montgomery, who d. 1854. She m. I I, 12, 1856, David Osborn; Plainfield, Indiana. 2438. Joseph, b. I, I 3, 1815; m. I, 3, 1843, Margaret Gwinn; d. 8, 13, 1857. 2439. JONATHAN, b. 6, 1, 1817; d. 3, 23, 1826, 2440. SARAH, b. 6, 1, 1820; m. IO, I 3, 1853, Laban Wood; m, 2d time, William Rolanson; address, Marion, Grant county, Indiana. 96 TA/A) // A R /S FA // / / Y. Children of Jane Mills (978) and Henry Andrew. 2441. ANNA, b. 8, 7, 1806; deceased. 2442. ROBERT, b. 2, 14, 1809; d. young. 2443. JOHN, b. 3, I 1, 18 I l ; deceased. 2444. HANNAI1, b. 4, 13, 1813; m. 4, 24, 1834, Robert Holiday; Westboro’, Clin- ton county, Ohio. 2445. JoSEPH M., b. I, 19, 1816; deceased. 2446. WILLIAM, b. I I, 21, 1818; deceased. - 2447. JONATHAN, b. 1, 26, 1821; m. IO, 28, 1840, Elizabeth Garner, daughter of William and Ann, of near Westboro’, Ohio; Eagletown, Indiana. 2448. SARAH., b. I, 8, 1825; d. young. ** Children of Hege/ia/, ////s (980) and Dorcas Bentley. 2449. BENJAMIN, d. 1872. 2450. JoSEPH, b. 3, 1, 1818; d. 1, 5, 1872. 245 I. JONA- THAN C., b. 6, 6, 1820; m. Rhoda Peele; Sabina, Ohio. w 2452. REBECCA, m. Ezra Moon. 2453. JESSE. 2454. HANNAH, m. Jacob Moon. 2455. WILLIAM W., b. 9, 22, 1828. 2456. THOMAS, m. Eliza Stout. - 2457. JoHN, m. Ann Zimmerman. 2458. MALINDA, b. IO, 16, 1835; m. Jesse Philips. 2459. MILTON, m. 1st, Sarah Simmons; 2d, Ruth Anna Carey; 3d, Kate Newlin. Children of Sara/, ////s (981) and Henry Moon. 246O. ANNA, b. 5, 25, 1815; m. 1833, Jesse Hunt; d. 4, 19, 1879. 2461. HANNAH, b. 1, 4, 1817; m. Amos Hunt. A daughter, Mrs. Louisa Painter, lives in Monrovia, Indiana. 2462. JANE, b. IO, 26, 1819; m. I I, 2, 1837, Elias Carey. Her daughter, Mrs. Frank L. Hockett, lives at Wilmington, Ohio. 2463. MARY, b. I I, 2, 1821 ; m. 3, 28, 1844, James Whinery; m. 2d, 2, 16, 1812, William Moore; Bangor, Iowa. 2464. JoHN MILTON, b. I I, 8, 1824; m. 4, 24, 1845, Rebecca Janney; d. IO, 25, 1864, leaving two children. Children of John Mills (982) and Agnes Hockett. 2465. CLARKSON. 2466. LEWIS. 2467. JOSEPH H. 2468. DORCAS. 2469. HAN- NAH. 2470. SARAH J. 247 I. DAVID. Children of Joseph Mills (983) and L. Hockett. 2472. MILTON, 2473. ALBERT H., b. 10, 15, 1852; m. I, 1, 1876, Hannah E. Davis; Westfield, Hamilton county, Indiana. Children of Ralph Vernon (986) and Ann Otley. 2474. HANNAH, b. 2, 14, 1819; d. 5, 27, 1846. 2475. ELIZA, b. I I, 9, 1821 ; m. 9 mo. 1840, Holten C. Yarnall; d. 12, 27, 1857. - - pºintwº- -ºut-ºu-r CALEB J. MARIS. Enlarged from small card. (726) S/E V/; AV / // G /; AV/; /* A 7 / O AV. 97 2476, OTLEy, b. 1, 9, 1824; m. I 2, 13, 1853, Margaret P. Martin, Mt. Cuba, Dela- ware. 2477. SARAH ANN, b. 4, 30, 1826; m. 1856, Jacob W. Dixon. 2478. BENJAMIN F., b. 7, 24, 1828; d. 1830, 2479. WILLIAM F., b. 3, 4, 183 I ; d. Io, 12, 1850. 2480. MARIs, b. I I, IO, 1833; m. 7th mo. 1876. 248 I. HMMA, b. 9, 3, 1836; m, 1861, Edward L. Stiles. Children of Hanna/ Vernon (989) and //; A crus. 2482. JAMES V. Enlisted in the Army from Ohio, during the late War, was taken prisoner, and is supposed to have died in a Southern prison. 2483. HoRATIO, b. I, 21, 1825; m. 3, I I, 1851, Elizabeth Pettit, of Sadsbury, Chester county. Merchant until 1870. At present in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Philadelphia. - - 2484. MARIs V., b. 4, 19, 1827; m. 9, 26, 1850, Emma J. Lefevre; d. I I, I 7, 1884. Machinist; Gloucester Court House, Virginia. 2485. MARY ANN, b. 9, 8, 1829; m. 12, 19, 1848, William McCanna; Atglen, Chester county, Pa. 2486. MAGGIE E., m. Francis I. Pennock; d. in the 29th year of her age. 2487. WILLIAM F., d. 1860, in his 25th year, leaving two children, Ellwood J., now in Kennett Square, Pa., and Mary. 2488. MARTHA H., b. 6, 8, 1838; m. John D. Laverty; 3908 Aspen street, West Philadelphia. 2489. ELI, b. 6, IO, 1842; m. 9, 1, 1863, Ellen J. McKee. Book-keeper in Altoona Car Works; Altoona, Pa. Children of Phebe A. SAEc/ton (992) and /o/im S. Leve/y. 2490. John S., b. 1814; m. Caroline Christopher. No children. 2491. HENRY A. b. 1818; m. Emily E. Tuck. Merchant; Annapolis, Md. 2492. WILLIAM, b. 1820; d. 1849. He was a surgeon in the United States Army during the war in Mexico. Children of Zydia Sęe/ton (995) and /o/izz Commons. 2493. FRANKLIN, b. I I, 23, 1823; educated at Jonathan Gause's School, and com- menced teaching before he was 16 years of age; d. I I, 9, 1842, near Centreville, Dela- ware. 2494. AARON, b. 9, 28, 1825; m. Sarah Woodward; Doe Run, Chester county, Penna. - Children of /saac Skelton (996) and Rebecca P. Davis (931). See page 90. * Children of Lewis Skelton (998) and Hannah B. Wickersham. 2495, LYDIA, b. I 2, 8, 1857; unm. Teacher. It was through her efforts that we were enabled to procure a large part of the data concerning this branch of the family. 98 TA/A) // A R / S FA // / / Y. 2496. Lewis M., b. 12, 1, 1853; d. 9, 8, 1870. 2497, EDWARD W., b. 10, 24, 1855; m. 3, 26, 1879, Maggie Brinton. Children of Rache/SAEc/ton (Zoo/) and /esse Heath. 2498. MARTHA ANN, b. 8, 13, 1844; m. 2, 12, 1874, LaFayette Stogdill. 2499. EMMA, b. IO, 19, 1846; m. IO, 30, 1869, Alonzo M. Smith. Children of John Sºc/ton (Zoo 5) and Catharine Steimucts. 25OO, WILLIAM, m. Alice Bowersox. Farmer. 25OI. ISAAC N., b. 5, 7, 1840; m. 2, 18, 1867, Margaret R. Day. Was a private in Company H, 197th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Farmer and carpenter in Ohio. 25O2. Joseph H., b. 12, 23, 1841 ; m, 4, 6, 1863, Eliza A. Casebeer. Farmer. 2503. CAROLINE, m. Jesse Harger. 2504. RACHEL, b. 2, 12, 1846; m. 9, 28, 1867, Jerome Ralyea, of Ulster county, New York. 2505. MARY E., b. 5, 3, 1849; m. 9, 19, 1867, Peter Scott. 2506. John Q. A., m. twice. * 25O7. JAMES G., b. 7, 14, 1855; m. I I, 9, 1879, Sophie Shipper. 2508, GEORGE, d. in infancy. 2509. HIRAM W., d. in his IOth year. Child of William Skelton (Zoo.6) and Elizabeth Price. - 25 IO. BENJAMIN W., b. 1846. Grocer and provision merchant; Fort Wayne, Indiana. Children of Isaac Séelton ( zoos ) and Mary Holm. 25 II. John C., b. 9, 26, 1844; m. 6, 20, 1872, Elizabeth Hill. Proprietor of the Memento Publishing Company; Canton, Stark county, Ohio. 25 12. LEWIS T., b. 6, 21, 1848; m. 6, 23, 1869, Sarah A. Slutts. Educated at Mt. Union College. • * - Children of Joseph Skelton (Zozo) and Margaret Holm. - 25 I 3. GEORGE, b. 2, 8, 1847; m. IO, 4, 1855, Rosetta Fisher. 2514. AARON, b. 7, 24, 1849; d. young. 25 I 5. MARY C., b. I I, I 5, 1850; unm. 2516. MARTHA, b. 7, 24, 1852; m. Io, 29, 1873, Milo Cummins. 25 17. Joseph B., b. 5, 27, 1855; Professor of Music. - 25 I 8. ALEXANDER, b. 6, 24, 1857; m. 8, 21, 1879, Marion Casebeer. 25 19. AMELIA, b. IO, IO, 1858; m. William Snyder. 2520. HARRIET E., b. 4, 6, 1861 ; unm. Children of Alexander Skelton (Zozz) and Caroline Bard. 252 I. ELIZA. E., b. 3, 12, 1852; unm.; Canton, Stark county, Ohio. 2522. MARY FRANCEs, b. 8, 19, 1854; unm. 2523. JANE A., b. 9, 5, 1857; d. in infancy. : ; S E VAZAWTH G E AWA R A T/O W. 99 2524. WILLIAM A., b. 2, 26, 1859; unm. 2525. ANNETTA, b. 9, 18, 1862; m. 12, 27, 1882, Charles Pearson. Children of Aaron SAEelton (10/3) and Elizabeth Steiner. 2526. LOTTIE A., b. 12, 28, 1868; d. in infancy. 2527. WILLIAM J., b. 5, 20, 1870. 2528. MIRIAM J., b. 4, 29, 1873. 2529. BESSIE M., b. 6, 1 1, 1875. 253O. GEORGE B., b. 2, 20, 1882; d. in infancy. Children of Eleanor Hadley (Zoz7) and Samuel McMasters. 253 I. RUTH, b. 4, I I, 1813; m. 5, 3, 1843, Ambrose Ingold. Had five children, all of whom are married; Ruth lives in Kansas with her daughter, Martha Ash. 2532. HADLEY, b. I I, IO, 1814; d. 2, 4, 1849. 2533. QUINTON, b. 8, 19, 1817; d. IO, 2, 1846. 2534. ELIZABETH, b. 7, 23, 1819; d. IO, 14, 1846. 2535. MARY D., b. 8, I6, 1821; unm.; living at Union Mills, Iowa. 25.36. SAMUEL L., b. 8, 2, 1825; m. 6, 19, 1856, Kezia Gorsuch ; d. 12, 3, 1857. Had one daughter, who d. at the age of three years. 2537. ELEANOR L., b. IO, 22, 1829; m. 5, 7, 1857, Joshua R. Gorsuch, and has several children and grand-children. She d. 5, 28, 1884. Her husband still resides at Sherman, Poweshiek county, Iowa. Children of George Hadley (1018) and Deborah Cor. 25.38. ASA, b. 12, 12, 1816; m. 9, 15, 1850, Jane Johnson. Lumber dealer; Brazil, Clay county, Indiana. 2539. TEMPERANCE, b. I, I 2, 1818; m. I 2, 23, 1841, David Blunk. 2540. URIAH., b. I, Io, 1820; m. IO, I, 1842, Sarah Rhoads. Was a dealer in lumber at Neoga, Cumberland county, Illinois; d. 1, 2, 1874. 2541. ZENO, b. 5, 7, 1822; m. 5, 12, 1843, Elizabeth Johnson, who d. 1, 18, 1849, and he m. 8, 28, 1852, Mary Reese; Knightsville, Clay county, Indiana. 2542. DEMPSEY, b. 8, 15, 1825; m. 3, 15, 1846, Martha Moore, who d. in 1861; m. 4, 15, 1862, Eliza Farmer; Brazil, Clay county, Indiana. .*. 2543. JASON, b. 1826; m. 3, 4, 1847, Mary Ann Nickols. Farmer; Brazil, Clay county, Indiana. 2544. ALEXANDER C., m. I I, 31, 1866, Sarah Shackelford; Brazil, Indiana. 2545. MALINDA, b. 8, 8, 1829; m. A. Secrest; d. 3, 3, 1864. 2546. VIOLET, b. Io, 7, 1834; m. IO, I, 1855, Daniel A. Scott; d. 7, 1, 1875. Children of Mary Hadley (royo) and James Hadley. 2547. EVAN, b. 9, 26, 1816; m. I, 23, 1840, Sibby L. Clawson, who d. 6, 10, 1845; m. 9, 23, 1846, Mary A. Ballard. Farmer; Monrovia, Indiana. 2548. MATILDA, b. 7, 24, 1818; m. 4, 21, 1841, Milton White, who d. 1852; m. I, 25, 1865, Robert Kenworthy; Bull City, Kansas. I OO w - 7A/A) // A R /S FA // / / Y. 2549. JEREMIAH, b. 8, 20, 1820; m. 4, 17, 1841, Eliza E. McCracken. He was a Minister in the Society of Friends; d. 1, 29, 1876; address was Mooresville, Indiana. Children of Susanna Hadley (1020) and /o/in Bray. 25.5o. REBECCA, b. 2, 19, 1818; d. unm. 8, 15, 1836. 255 I. LYDIA, b. 8, 3, 1819; m. 3, 14, 1839, James Dorsett. Had several children; d. I, IO, 1865. 2552. JEREMIAH, b. 8, IO, I82 I ; m. 3, 4, 1843, Emma Hadley, and 8, 27, 1854, Tempy Greeson, and had nine children; Pleasant Plain, Iowa. 2553. JoHN H., b. 3, 27, 1824; m. 6, 5, 1845, Asenath Duncan, and had seven chil- dren; d. 8, 12, 1862. 2554. WILEY B., b. 7, 26, 1827; m. 4, Io, 1850, Mary J. Jones; Beatrice, Nebraska. 2555. HENRY Z., b. 4, 3, 1833; m. I I, 2, 1854, Nancy Buck- hanan. No children; d. 4, 4, 1875. - - 2556. SARAH R., b. 2, 2, 1837; m. 4, 5, 1859, W. R. Craven, and had seven chil- dren; Centre Valley, Indiana. 2557. IRA MARIs, b. I I, I 3, 1840; m. I 2, 25, 1860, Emma Richardson ; had three children; Hazlewood, Indiana. Children of Eunice Hadley (1021) and John Doan. 2558. RUTH, b. IO, 31, 1826; d. 7, 4, 1830. 2559. AMOS, b. 2, 25, 1828; m. 2, 26, 1852, Martha Thomas, who d. I I, 26, 1863; m. 2, 15, 1865, Ann Johnson, who d. 7, 24, 1881 ; m. IO, 4, 1882, Jane Tomlinson. Farmer; Valley Mills, Marion county, Indiana. 2560. ZENO, b. I I, 6, 1829; d. 1, 7, 1838. 2561. EPHRAIM, b. 12, 26, 183 I ; m. 8, 23, 1860, Ann Harvey, who d. 8, 7, 1867; m. I 2, 3, 1868, Jane Hadley. Farmer; Pecksburgh, Hendricks county, Indiana. 2562. ENOS, b. 5, 21, 1834; m. 3, 3, 1859, Martha A. Burgess. Physician in New London, Howard county, Indiana; d. 7, 14, 1866. 2563. SARAH., b. 7, 26, 1837; m. 9, 8, 1859, Isaac Roberts; Westfield, Hamilton county, Indiana. 2564. ABEL, b. 8, 25, 1843; m. 9, 8, 1869, Phebe Lindley. Farmer; Westfield, Hamilton county, Indiana. Children of Ira Hadley (1022) and ſame Blair. 2565. ELEANOR, b. 4, 9, 1830; m. 12, 21, 1847, John J. Carter, in Friends' Meet- ing, West Union, and lived in Monrovia, Morgan county, Indiana, until her death in 1853. - • 1 - 2566. ABIGAIL, b. I, 9, 1833; m. I I, 23, 1856, George M. Harvey, who d. 3, 23, 1870; m. 8, 27, 1874, F. Workman; Emporia, Lyon county, Kansas. In a letter from Abigail she says: “We came to Kansas in the spring of 1855. Some of our household goods being shipped on a steamboat, our books and some other things were lost, so that our old Family Bible never reached us. We were here all through the ‘Border Ruffian' times, and were thoroughly initiated in the settling of a new country.” S E VAZA/ TA/ G /º/V/E R A 7'ſ O AV. I O I 2567. EUNICE, b. 8, 7, 1834; m. 3, 17, 1861, Jacob V. Carter; Garden City, Finney county, Kansas. 2568. ABNER, b. 5, 6, 1836; m. 3, 22, 1854, Mary M. Carter. Queens- ware merchant; Emporia, Lyon county, Kansas. 2569. CYNTHIA A., b. 5, 31, 1840; m. I 2, 6, 1868, C. N. Linck. Lived at Emporia, Kansas; d. 6, 8, 1865. 2570. ENOs B., b. 7th mo. 1844; d. 7, 14, 1878; unm. He was a farmer and lived with his youngest sister Ruth, until his death. 2571. RUTH A., b. 8, 9, 1848; m. 3, 9, 1879, Alfred Coate; Frnporia, Lyon County, Kansas. Children of Aaron Hadley (1023) and Zydia Had/cy. 2572. SUSANNA, b. 4, 5, 1830; d. unm. 3, 3, 1879. 2573. AMOS L., b. 5, 25, 1834; unm. Farmer; living at Mooresville, Morgan county, Indiana. 2574. John F., b. I, 14, 1840; m. 3, 13, 1858, Lydia A. Macy. Farmer; Mooresville, Morgan County, Ind. Children of James D. Hadley (1024) and Matilda Morris. 2575. ESTHER, b. I I, 25, 1832; deceased. 2576. RUTH, b. IO, I 5, 1834; m. 3, I 3, 1869, Joseph Rawnsley; lives in Hendricks county, Indiana. 2577. ELI, b. I I, 24, I836; d. in infancy. 2578. MARTHA, b. 4, 3, 1839; d. in infancy. 2579. ENOS, b. 9, 7, 1840; d. 6, 14, 1862. 2580. ELI A., b. 5, 29, 1844; m. I I, 12, 1875, Catharine Farmer; lives in Hendricks county, Indiana. 258 I. MARTHA J., b. 5, 29, 1844; m. 3, 13, 1884, John W. Bray; Mooresville, Indiana. 2582. JEREMIAH, b. I I, 2, 1847; d. in infancy. 2583. NATHAN R., b. 2, IO, 1850; m. 8, 28, 1874, Ella Beeson ; Morgan county, Indiana. Children of Lot Maris Hadley (1025) and Eunice Haydock. 2584. NATHAN, b. Io, 2, 1832; m. 6, 26, 185 I, Cornelia A. Hadley; m. 2d, I I, 24, 1864, Penelope Pruett. Farmer; Gasburg, Indiana. 2585. ASENATH, b. 12, 8, 1833; m. 4, 20, 1854, Edwin Johnson; Monrovia, Morgan County, Indiana. 2586. ANN, b. 7, 29, 1835; m. Io, 20, 1853, Stephen Thatcher. Lived at Salem, Henry county, Iowa; d. 5, 27, 1860. 2587. AMY M., b. 8, 4, 1836; m. 4, 9, 1859, Robert Y. Sellers. Lived at Argenta, Illinois ; d. 6, 17, 1883. 2588. JULIA, b. 4, 21, 1839; m. 3, 24, 1859, William Dewees; Main City, Missouri. 2589. JARED P., b. Io, 14, 1842; m. I 2th mo. 1865, Isabella Major. Lived at Gasburg, Indiana; d. IO, 20, 187 I. Children of Lot Maris Hadley (1025) and Sophia Crawford. 2590. ARTHUR MARIs, b. I I, 8, 1870. 2591. ESTELLA B., b. 3, 22, 1878. I O2 TAWA, MA R /S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Sarah Lindley (1028) and Philip Siler. g 2592. PAMELA, b. 11, 8, 1822; m. Green Mote; Bloomingdale, Parke county, Ind. 2593. NARCISSA, b. 9, 6, 1826; d. unm. at Bloomingdale, Indiana. 2594. EMILY, b. I I, II, 1830; m. I I, 17, 1847, Exum T. Cox; Coloma, Parke county, Indiana. 2595. ELIAS, b. 8, 27, 1835; unm.; Bloomingdale, Parke County, Indiana. Children of David Lindley (1029) and Wancy Stalcup. 2596. REBECCA, b. 7, I I, 1825; m. 5th mo. 1845, John Maris (2630); Bethel, Wayne county, Indiana. 2597. GEORGE, b. 9, 9, 1827; unm. Farmer, and lives at Harrison- ville, Montgomery county, Kansas. 2598. CATHARINE, b. 3, 31, 1829; m. 4, 20, 1855, William M. Elmore; Harveys- burg, Fountain county, Indiana. 2599. JonATHAN, b. 4, 15, 183 I ; d. unm. 3, 16, 1881, at Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. Was a farmer. 26OO. ISAAC, b. 8, 5, 1833; m. 1860, Elizabeth Woody. Farmer; Harrisonville, Montgomery county, Kansas. 2601. SUSANNA, b. 4, 12, 1838; m. Simon Cox. Lived in Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana; d. 4th mo. 1877. Children of Lot Lindley (1030) and Miriam Kersey. 26O2. MARTHA, b. I 2, 3, 1833; d. 7, 1, 1850. 2603. SUSANNA H., b. 6, 3, 1835; m. 6, IO, 1860, John Osborn ; Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. 26O4. JEMIMA, b. I, 3 I, 1837; d. young. 2605. RUTH, b. 3, 7, 1840; m. 7, 19, 1876, Jonathan H. Lindley; Sylvania, Parke County, Indiana. 2606. HIRAM, b. 9, 14, 1842; m. 12, 14, 1865, Hannah Woody. Farmer; Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. 26O7. STEPHEN, b. I I, II, 1845; d. 4, 22, 1865. Children of Eleanor Lindley (1031) and Duncan Wewlin. 2608. SUSANNA, b. 4, 27, 1830; m. 9, 8, 1853, Henry Durham; Sylvania, Parke County, Indiana. 2609. EUNICE, b. 12, 17, 1831 ; m. 5, 1, 1862, Ira Mendenhall; Bloomingdale, Parke county, Indiana. # 261O. MILTON, b. 3, 13, 1834; m. 8, 6, 1858, Mary J. Marks. Farmer; George- town, Vermillion county, Illinois. 261 I. MARTHA, b. 8, 12, 1837; m. I I, 14, 1872, Mahlon Lindley; Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. 2012. CATHARINE, b. 3, 25, 1840; d. 11, 25, 1854. Children of Ruth Lindley (1032) and Noah Hadley. 2613. JonATHAN, b. 3, 31, 1831; m. 3, IO, 1853, Martha McCoy. Farmer; Syl- vania, Indiana. 2614. ELLwooD, b. 12, 25, 1833; m. 11, 6, 18 5 I, Ruth Towell. Farmer; Sylvania, Indiana. SAE VA2 WTAſ G F WAER A 7TWO W. IO3 Children of Ruth Lindley (1032) and Samuel Atkinson. 2615. MARY, b. 7, 8, 1846; m. 9th mo. 1881, James A. Richardson ; Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. 2616. MARTHA, b. 9, 29, 1848; m. 3, 3, 1870, Charles Hadley. - Child of Hiram Zindley (ſo;3) and Sarah Maris (2628). 2617. GEORGE M., b. 12, 27, 1840; m. I 2, 4, 1862, Sarah Woody. Farmer; Syl- vania, Parke County, Indiana. Children of Mary Lindley (1034) and George Towc// 2618. DINAH, b. I, 7, 1837; m. I I, 17, 1870, John Henderson; Quaker Hill, Ver- million county, Indiana. 2619. JonATHAN, b. 8, 15, 1840. Farmer; Sylvania, Indiana. 262O. MARTHA, b. Io, Io, 1842; m. Ioth mo. 1867, William H. Wilkey. Lived at Sylvania, Indiana; d. 8, 31, 1882. 262 I. SARAH, b. 9, 7, 1844; m. IOth mo. 1875, Richard McKey ; Russell's Mills, Parke county, Indiana. 2622. MIRIAM, b. 8, I I, 1848; m. 9, 19, 1872, Charles Lindley; Sylvania, Parke County, Indiana. 2623. SUSANNA, b. 4, 9, 1850; d. young. 2624. JoHN P., b. 2, 19, 1852; m. 12, 25, 1874, Dora Warwick. Farmer; Guil- ford, Custar county, Nebraska. 2625. WILSON H., b. 4, 4, 1855; Sylvania, Parke County, Indiana. 2626. CHARLES A., b. 12, 12, 1859; Sylvania, Parke county, Ind. Children of George Maris (1035) and Hanna/. Towc// 2627. AARON, b. 7, 9, 1819; m. I I, 18, 1840, Asenath Harvey; d. 9, 16, 1846. 2628. SARAH, b. IO, IO, 1820; m. 12, 29, 1836, Hiram Lindley (IO33), son of Susanna and Jonathan. Hiram d. 7, 18, 1841, and Sarah m. Asahel Harvey. 2629. MARTHA, b. 8, 25, 1822; m. I I, I 5, 1838, Jehu Harvey; Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. 2630. JOHN, b. 3, 28, 1824; m. 5th mo. 1845, Rebecca Lindley (2596). Lived at Bethel, Wayne county, Indiana; d. 8. 26, 1872. Children of Eleanor Maris (zo;6) and Nichison Millis. 263 I. JoHN, b. 8, 20, 1820; m. 3, 4, 1841, Nancy Cloud, who d. 8, 4, 1873; 3, I I, I875, John m. Emma G. Smith. Merchant; Paola, Miami county, Kansas. 2632. HESTER ANN, b. 9, 12, 1821 ; d. 8, 24, 1842. 2633. ENOCH, b. 8, 2, 1823; d. 1878. 2634. CHARLES D., b. 5, 19, 1825; d. 1873. 2635. SARAH J., b. 9, 23, 1827; m. 6, 18, 1846, Lindley Hallowell; Orleans, Orange county, Indiana. - - 2636. KEZIAH, b. 9, 19, 1829; d. 1879. 2637. EDWARD, b. 12, 20, 1831; d. young. 2638. MARY E., b. 4, 15, 1837; d. young. Children of Aaron Maris (1039) and Kessiah Millis. 2639. HESTER ELLEN, b. I I, I, 1827; m. 9, 4, 1849, James Davis, Tuscola, Douglass county, Illinois. 2648, ABRAM, b. 2, 14, 1830; d. 3, 29, 1848. IO4. 7A/A) // A R /S FA M//. Y. 2641, EDWARD, b. 4, 29, 1832; m. I I, IO, 1853, Julia A. Morrison; was a farmer. Tuscola, Ill.; d. 12, 31, 1865. 2642. MARY A., b. 1, 2, 1835; m, IO, 7, 1858, Alfred Mauck. Princeton, Gibson county, Ind. 2643. HANNAH., b. 8, 5, 1837; m. 7, 26, 1853, Luther McMasters; d. IO, 3, 1877; Tuscola, Ill. 2644. NICH ISON, b. I I, 27, 1839; d. 5, 31, 185 I. 2645. WILLIAM H., b. 8, 8, 1842; m. 8, 14, 1867, Ada Lipscomb. Farmer; Winfield, Cowley county, Kansas. 2646. CHARLES D., b. 2, 26, 1845; m. 7, 5, 1865, Hattie Huddleson; d. 1, 27, 1867. No children. 2647. AMANDA, b. 2, 11, 1848; d. in infancy. 2648. ELIZABETH, b. 7, 2 I, 1849; d. young. - Children of Abram Maris (10/2) and Avis Starbuck. 2649. CHARLES F., b. in Annapolis, Parke County, Ind., 9, 9, 1838; m. 1870, Martha Good; m. 2d time, 1877, Dora Annett. Farmer. Cloverdale, Kansas. 2650. MARY E., b. in Annapolis, Parke county, Ind., 5, 5, 1840; m. I, I, I862, Oliver S. Hiatt. Fairmount, Leavenworth county, Kansas. - 265 I. KATE C., b. in Annapolis, Parke county, Ind., I, 7, 1842; m. 2, 6, 1866, James Yeates. Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas. Children of John Maris (10/3) and Sarah Thompson. 2652. ENOCH, b. in Parke county, Ind., Io, 7, 1842; m. L. C. Tucker. Real Es- tate Agent. Eldorado, Butler county, Kansas. No children. 2653. SARAH J., b. 7, 30, I844; m. Io, 24, 1875, Fuller Bradley. Farmer; Annapolis, Parke county, Ind. 2654. CALVIN, b. I I, 27, 1846; m. I, 30, 1868, Marinda Cox. Farmer; Annapolis, Parke county, Indiana. 2655. LYDIA A., b. 10, 5, 1849; m. IO, 4, 1868, Joseph C. Vickory. Joseph is an Insurance Agent; Annapolis, Parke county, Indiana. - 2656. ELIZABETH E., b. 7, 22, 1852; d. young. 2657. JOSEPH A., b. 2, IO, 1855; m. I I, 15, 1877, Emma Swaim. Was a farmer in Bloomingdale, Parke county, Ind. ; d. 3, 8, 1879. 2658. RACHEL M., b. 6, 6, 1858; d. young. Child of Samue/ Maris (1044) and Mary Casy. 2659. MARY E., b. 4, 4, 1844; m. 6, 1, 1861, John Price; Cherokee, Crawford County, Kansas. Children of Jonathan Maris (1045) and /ulia Hil/ 2660. NATHAN, b. I, 22, 1848; d. young. 2661. ANNA J., b. IO, 9, 1849; d. young. 2662. MARY C., b. 6, 21, 1852; m. 12, 28, 1876, William A. Welch; An- napolis, Parke County, Indiana. She was one of the prime movers in organizing a re-union of the Maris descend- ants in Parke county, Indiana, in September, 1884, and was President of the meeting, an account of which appears in the early part of the book. S/2 l//. AV / // G / M7 /2/3. A 7TWO AV. IO5 2663. AMANDA, b. 12, 23, 1854; m. 12, 27, 1877, Ezra H. Woodward. He is a member of State Legislature from Newberg, Oregon. 2664. WILLIAM, b. 12, 25, 1856; d. in infancy. 2665. EMERY, b. 5, 26, 1858; d. in infancy. 2666. ELLA, b. 5, 26, 1858; d. in infancy. 2667. ACHSA, b. I I, I 2, 1860; m. IO, 26, 1881, Frank Morris; Tuscola, Douglass county, Illinois. 2668. NEWTON C., b. I I, 23, 1863; m. 12, 25, 1883, L. Ettie Swaim. Farmer; Newberg, Oregon. Children of Sara/, Maris (10/6) and /osia/, Trueblood. 2669. HIRAM, b. 1, 29, 1823; m. I I, 2, 1848, Hannah E. Lindley. Farmer ; Paoli, Orange County, Ind. 267O. ALFRED, b. 1, 19, 1825; m. 9, 23, 1852, Amy Lind- ley; d. 2, 7, 1868. Was a merchant at Paoli, Orange county, Ind. 267 I. THOMAS ELLwooD, b. 7, 4, 1827; m. 9, 6, 1849, Sarah J. White. Grocery- man; Kokomo, Howard county, Ind. 2672. ELLEN, b. IO, IO, 1830; d. unm. 4, 4, 1852. 2673. WILLIAM, b. 8, 5, 1833; m. 4, 21, 1858, Ruth E. Dixon. Grain dealer; Kokomo, Howard county, Ind. 2674. John, b. 8, I I, 1839; m. 4, 4, 1872, Mary Townsend. Druggist; Earlham, Madison county, Iowa. Children of Æleanor Maris ( ro/7) and /o/uu Moulder. 2675. THOMAS, b. 2, 6, 1828; m. 2, 27, 1849, Eliza Williams. Physician and Sur- geon; Russiaville, Howard county, Ind. 2676. ELIZABETH, b. 4, 21, 1830; m. IO, I, 1848, Zimri Nixon ; d. 8, 30, 1864. 2677. MARY, b. 9, 6, 1832; m. 9, 8, 1850, William Vandenbark; d. 12, 30, 1869. 2678, JANE, b. I I, Io, 1834; m. I I, 12, 1854, William Middleton; West Middle- ton, Howard county, Indiana. 2679. JACOB, b. 5, 2, 1837; d. unm. I 2, 21, 1862, from a wound received in battle at Prairie Grove, Arkansas. 268O. ANN, b. 9, 14, 1839; m. 2, 23, 1862, Isaac H. Ellis; Kokomo, Howard county, Indiana. 268 I. OLIVER L., b. I 2, 17, 184I ; m. I 2, 19, 1865, Martha M. Car- ter. Merchant; Kokomo, Indiana. 2682. HENRY C., b. IO, 25, 1844; m. I 2, 24, 1865, Martha Hadley. Carpenter; Hutchison, Kansas. 2683. ELIZA. E., b. 7, 15, 1849; m. 2, 28, 1869, Oliver L. Evans; Russiaville, Howard county, Indiana. 2684. JoHN MILTON, b. 7, 15, 1849; m. 9, 24, 1874, Elma Drummond. Clerk; Russiaville, Howard county, Indiana. Child of Mary Maris (ro/8) and Joel Parker. - - 2685, ADALINE H., b. 7, 17, 1848, at Newport, Wayne county, Indiana; m. Io, 19, 1870, Amos Hallowell; Indianapolis, Indiana. Child of Ann Maris (10/9) and Jacob T. Lindley. 2686. JoHN T., b. 11, 20, 1831; m. 4, 7, 1858, Rachel C. Mills. Farmer; Russia- ville, Howard county, Indiana. - I O6 THE MA R/S FAM / L. Y. Children of Ann Maris (10/9) and Hezekiah Henley. 2687. CYRUS, b. 4, 20, 1841; m. I Ith mo., 1862, Lizzie Hill; d. 11, 14, 1864. 2688, JANE, b. 2, 12, 1844; m. 3d mo., 1862, John Holloway; d. I I, 6, 1876. 2689. GEORGE, b. 9, 9, 1845; m. I I, 12, 1874, Celia A. Baker; Carthage, Rush county, Indiana. 2690. HENRY M., b. 9, 20, 1847; m. 9, 18, 1878, Clara Dille; Car- thage, Rush county, Indiana. 2691. WILLIAM, b. 3, 12, 1852; m. 8, 8, 1883, Jennie M. Dille; Carthage, Rush county, Indiana. - Children of Aaron Maris (1050) and Mary Far/ow. 2692. MARY A., b. 1, 21, 1835; m. I I, 24, 1854, Thomas White; Atchison, Atchi- son county, Kansas. 2693. THOMAS, b. 7, 25, 1837; m. 12, 22, 1859, Anna White. Farmer; Paoli, Orange county, Indiana. 2694. MARY F., b. IO, 31, 1839; m. I I, 8, 1867, John B. Morrison. No children; d. 1, 20, 1871. Children of Aaron Maris (1050) and Jane Andrew. 2695. OLIVER, b, I 1, 20, 1842; d. 1, 18, 1862, at Louisville; he was a member of Company A, 38th Regiment Indiana Volunteers. 2696. SARAH JANE, b. I, 23, 1845; m. I, 20, 1870, Woodson Hubbard; Carthage, Jasper county, Missouri. 2697. MARTIN LUTHER, b. IO, 20, 1848; d. 12, 20, 1867. 2698. RUTH, b. 7, 20, 1850; m. IO, 20, 1869, Dr. J. W. Montgomery; Valune, Orange county, Indiana. 2699. AARON, b. 8, I I, 1852; m. I I, I 2, 1878, Mary A. Rhodes, of Paoli, Orange county. Educated at Blue River Academy, Washington county, Indiana. A farmer; owns and occupies a farm of 300 acres, formerly the property of his father. We are indebted to him for many interesting fačts relating to his branch of the family. Children of Ruth Maris (1051) and Jonathan Farlow. 27OO. JANE, b. 12, 7, 1833; m. 3, 25, 1852, Mark Hill. No children; Paoli, Orange county, Indiana. 27OI. JoSEPH, b. I, 3, 1836; m. 3, 24, 1859, Hannah Hill; m. 6, 24, 1875, Rebecca Cox; m. I I, 9, 1878, Mary E. Hill; Harrisonville, Kansas. 2702. DEBORAH, b. 1, 14, 1838; m. I I, 22, 1860, John Atkinson; Paoli, Orange county, Indiana. 27O3. THOMAS, b. 2, 2, 1840; m. 3, 21, 1870, Ellen Lee. Lived at Paoli, Indiana; d. 1, 3, 1884. 27O4. NATHAN M., b. I, 5, 1842; m. 2, 4, 1869, Martha Cloud. Is a farmer and owns a farm of 232 acres near Paoli, Orange county, Indiana. January 4, 1864, he en- listed as a private in Company F, 13th Indiana Cavalry, and served until mustered out at Vicksburg, Miss., November 18, 1865. Is a member of the G. A. R. . **-----------------------> --~~~~-s-------- a----------- Children of William O. Maris (zo;5) and Mary Jones. 2705. ENOS J., b. 12, I I, 1845. Enlisted in the 21st Indiana Heavy Artillery, and S.A. V.A. WTAſ GA, MA: R A T/O M. IO7 d. at Vicksburg, Mississippi, 9, 16, 1864. 27O6. DEBORAH J., b. I, 16, 1848; m. I 2, 2, 1869, H. M. Wilkey; Independence, Kansas. 2707. JoHN T., b. 4, 29, 1851 ; m. 4, 23, 1874, Elma Hadley; Cold Water, Comanche county, Kansas. Children of William O. Maris (ro; 3) and Eleanor Lindley (2758). 2708. THOMAS E., b. 7, 6, 1855. Educated at Central Normal School, Danville, Indiana. Teacher; Sylvania, Indiana. 2709. MARY E., b. 3, 26, 1859. Educated at Central Normal School, Danville, Indiana; Sylvania, Indiana. 27 Io. MILES M., b. 8, 24, 1857; d. 1, 19, 1873. 27 I I. MARTHA E., b. 2, 19, 1861. Has charge of her father's household at Sylvania, Indiana. 27 12. ELMIRA. C., b. 6, 14, 1864; d. 9, 30, 1882. 27 I 3. ALBERT B., b. 7, I I, 1867. 2714. CORA A., b. 3, 19, 1870. Children of George Maris (roš/) and Martha Braatan. 271 5. MILTON J., b. 12, Io, 1843; m. 5, 29, 1867, Edith A. Edwards, daughter of John and Eliza. Merchant; Kokomo, Howard county, Indiana. 2716. CHARLES E., b. 8, Io, 1848; m. Io, 3, 1865, Lottie Arnett; m. 2d time, Ioth mo. 1883, Ella Bren- ton. Farmer; Farmersburg, Kansas. r - 27 17. MARY EMMA, b. I, I, 1853; m. 5, 7, 1874, Dr. Levi Connor; d. I I, 2O, 1878. 27 18. OMER T., b. Io, 12, 1858; unm. Farmer; Russiaville, Howard county, Indiana. Children of William Maris (1057) and Abigail Hunt. 2719. ZIMRI D., b. I 2, I 3, 1835; m. 11, 1, 1855, Mary E. Manwarring. He was High Sheriff of Parke county, Indiana. Is actively interested in politics; address, Rockville, Indiana. 272O. John M., b. 4, 12, 1838; m. I I, 20, 1860, Lucinda E. Robertson, and 9, 20, 1877, Laura Henderson. Wholesale grocer; Decatur, Macon county, Illinois. 272 I. JAMES A., b. 1845; m. 9, 23, 1879, Sallie Robertson. Grocer; Tuscola, Douglass county, Illinois. Children of James Maris (1058) and Anna Hunt. 2722. JoHN, b. I 2, 4, 1829; m. 2, 2, 1852, Sarah J. Sowers. Proprietor of Magill House, Clinton, Detroit county, Illinois. 2723. WILLIAM, b. 2, 21, 1831 ; m. Ist, I 2, 6, 1850, Jane McCool; m. 2d, 12, 6, 1852, Sarah Jane Denham; m, 3d, 12, 29, 1881, Rebecca Justice. Farmer; Tuscola, Douglass County, Illinois. 2724. ABIGAIL, b. 2, 27, 1834; m. Thomas Guisinger. 2725. NATHAN H., b. 5, 26, 1836; m. I, I, 1861, Annie Towell. House carpenter; Harveysburg, Fountain county, Indiana. - 2726. ZIMRI W., b. 5, 7, 1839; m, 9, 15, 1859, Ann Heidrick. Harness maker; \ IO8 77///E /l/A A& M S Aſ A M J/L. V. Annapolis, Parke county, Indiana. 2727. THOMAS D., b. 8, 1, 1841; m. I I, I, 1863, Alice Long. Minister; Maringo, Crawford county, Indiana. - 2728. GEORGE C., b. I, I 5, 1844; m. 3, 14, 1872, Jennie Cary. House carpenter; Annapolis, Parke County, Indiana. 2729. JAMES C., b. 7, 28, 1847; m. Fannie Wiley. Bridge carpenter. Children of Eleanor Maris (zo;9) and Thomas Woody. 2730. GEORGE C., b. IO, 31, 1829; m. I 852, Mary McClure. Veterinary surgeon; Annapolis, Parke county, Indiana. 273 I. CAROLINE, b. 9, 6, 1831 ; m. 1854, William H. Russell; Hannibal, Marion county, Missouri. 2732. John MILTON, b. 12, 23, 1833; d. in infancy. 2733. ALBERT M., b. 10, 20, 1836; m. in 1861, Margaret, and in 1877, Phebe Noel. Grocer; Tuscola, Illinois. 2734. WILLIAM H., b. 6, 23, 1839; d. 9, 8, 1841. 2735. SARAH JANE, b. 2, 19, 1842; m. I 867, A. S. Lindsay; d. 6, 29, 1876. 2736. JAMES G., b. I 2, 2, 1844; d. 12, 22, 1846. 2737. MARY E., b. 7, I, 1847; m. 3d mo., 1870, James Trownsell; d. IO, 19, I 882. f 2738. THOMAS F., b. I, 5, 1850. Musical Director; Tuscola, Ill. 2739. MERVIN P., b. 1, 1, 1853. Musical Director; Tuscola, Illinois. Children of Katharine Maris (1060) and Wilson /en/ins. 2740. SARAH ELLEN, b. IO, IO, 1846; d. I I, 14, 1859. 274 I. JoHN WESLEY, b. I, 23, 1848; m. Io, 8, 1874, Louisa McCord. Farmer; Waveland, Ind. 2742. WILLIAM T., b. 8, 4, 1849; unm. Farmer; Waveland, Indiana. 2743. CHARLES N., b. 4, 23, 185 I ; unm. Farmer; Waveland, Ind. 2744. JAMES A., b. 3, 25, 1853; m. 4, 5, 1882, Elizabeth Whipps. Farmer; Waveland, Indiana. 2745. MARTHA J., b. 3, 4, 1855; m. 4, 15, 1874, William T. Rusk ; Waveland, Indiana. Children of /ane Maris (1067) and Caleb Bundy. - 2746. THOMAS E., b. I 2, 18, 1839; d. I, I, 1885. 2747. SARAH E., b. IO, 16, 1846; m. 1869, William Bryan; Howe, Illinois. 2748. MARTHA E., b. 10, 14, 1852; Tuscola, Douglass county, Ill. 2749. REBECCA K., b. 5, 13, 1854; Tuscola, Illinois. 2750. John C., b. 8, 27, 1858. Farmer; Tus- cola, Illinois. Children of George Maris (zoá2) and Elizabeth McKee. 275 I. JoſiN E., b. 6, I I, 1850; m. Io, 6, 1872, Mary Swaim. Farmer; Woody's Corner, Parke county, Indiana. 2752. JAMES T., b. 5, 15, 1854; m. 12, 28, 1875, Lena Swaim. Farmer ; Ward's Mills, Indiana. - 2753. ALLEN, b. 6, 7, 1857; m. I I, 19, 1882, Dora Pickard. Farmer; Ward's Mills, Indiana. . S AE VE AWT// G EAWA R A 7T/O AV. I O9 Children of Rebecca Maris (1063) and Cyrus Garrigus. 2754. MARY C., b. 1, 8, 1846; m. 8, 13, 1881, Daniel Wheeler; Newport, Ver- million county, Indiana. 2755. JOHN J., b. 4, I 3, 1848; m. 3, 9, 1867, Mary J. Ward. Physician; Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. Child of Rebecca Maris (1063) and David Best. 2756. WILLIAM C., b. 12, 18, 1853; unm. Carpenter; Annapolis, Parke county, Indiana. Children of Mary Pickett (1066) and Thomas Lind/cy. 2757. NATHAN, b. IO, 31, 1826; m. 2, 5, 1859, Susanna Harvey. 2758. ELEANOR, b. 8, 22, 1829; m. 9, 14, 1854, Wm. O. Maris (IO53), son of Thomas and Eleanor; d. 8, 28, 1872. 2759. CATHARINE, b. 4, 6, 1832; m. 8, 19, 1860, David Cates; d. 8, 15, 1872. 2760. EUNICE, b. I I, 7, 1833; m. I, 31, 1866, Isaiah Sivage. No children. 2761. WILLIAM, b. 12, I I, 1835; m. IO, 26, 1865, Hannah C. Lindley. 2762. JAMEs, b. 6, 2, 1838; d. 7, 12, 1842. - Children of John Pickett (1067) and Elizabeth Davis. 2763. WILLIAM, b. I 2, 4, 1831; m. 9, 17, 1856, Elizabeth Morris; d. 8, 7, 1858. Their only child, John, died young. 2764. MARY, b. 5, 10, 1836; m. I I, 16, 1853, William E. Branson; d. 2, 12, I86 I. 2765. ANN, b. 5, IO, 1836; m. I I, 16, 1853, Exum Newlin; d. 7, 1, 1864. 2766. LOT, b. 8, 2, 1839; m. 8, 20, 1862, Asenath A. Canaday. Farmer; Annapo- lis, Parke county, Indiana. Children of Eleanor Pickett (1068) and David T. Lindley. 2767. OWEN, b. IO, 24, 1834; d. 9, 28, 185 I. 2768. EDMUND, b. 9, 29, 1836; m. 12, 5, 1858, Ellen Jane Ratcliff; Sylvania, Parke county, Indiana. 2769. ELLWOOD, b. 12, 21, 1838; m. Martha A. Lewis. 277O. MARTHA, b. 2, 21, I844; d. 12, 18, 1854. Children of Aaron Pickett (1069) and Eunice Wew/in. - 277 I. POLLY, b. 9, 23, 1837; m. Levi Branson. 2772. WILLIAM, b. 5, 29, 1839; m. Miriam Mitchell. 2773. GEORGE, b. 10, 28, 1841 ; d. in the Army. 2774. MATILDA, b. IO, 25, 1843; d. young. Children of Hannah Pickett (1070) and William Cor. 2775. CATHARINE, b. 7, 26, 1836; d. in infancy, 2776, JEREMIAH, b. 6, 5, 1838; I l O r TA/A) // A R /S FA /l/ / / Y. d. 2, 16, 1864. 2777. IRA, b. IO, I, I84O. 2778. EMILY, b. I 2, 16, 1842. 2779. ELL- WOOD, b. I, 5, 1847; d. in infancy. 278O. ALBERT, b. 12, 29, 1848; m. 3, 4, 1875, Julia Henry. Farmer; Darlington, Montgomery county, Indiana. Children of Wathan Pickett (zo??) and Harriet Carter. 2781. LOUISA, b. IO, 27, 1842; m. 5, 25, 187 I, Zimri Nixon, who d. 1874. She m. I I, 6, 1884, Jonathan E. Branson; Bridgeport, Marion county, Indiana. 2782. CATHARINE, b. 6, 15, 1845; d. 8, 24, 1855. 2783. LYDIA P., b. 12, 21, 1846; m. 8, 24, 1870, William Moore; Kokomo, Howard county, Ind. 2784. SARAH., b. I I, 22, 1848; m. Io, 22, 1879, Taylor McNeil; Kokomo, Howard county, Indiana. 2785. JEHU C., b. I, 24, 1852; m. IO, 18, 1877, Louisa Lindley. Hardware mer- chant; Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana. 2786. EMILY, b. 2, 7, 1855; m. IO, I6, 1878, L. F. Hornaday; Crawfordsville, Montgomery county, Indiana. 2787. AMANDA, b. 9, 27, 1857; d. 12, 17, 1876. 2788. WALTER, b. I, 24, 1860, at Crawfordsville, Montgomery county, Ind. Wholesale and retail grocer; Crawfords- ville, Ind. 2789. ELLA, b. 1, 24, 1860; Kokomo, Howard County, Ind. 2790. IDA, b. 4, 23, 1863; m. I I, 19, 1884, Julius Ayres; Evansville, Vanderburg county, Indiana. Children of Eunice Pickett (1073) and Isaac Coa. 279 I. Joh N H., b. IO, 20, 1850; m. 5, 2, 1872, Kessiah Cox, who, d. 12, 17, 1873. He m. I 2, 27, 1877, Alice Johnson. 2792. ELLEN, b. I I, IO, 1852; m. I I, 28, 1877, Charles Townsend; Indianapolis, Indiana. 2793. JULIUS, b. IO, 7, 1855. 2794. CLAYTON, b. 2, 14, 1858; m. IO, 5, 1883, Hila Hiatt, Farmer and stock raiser; Darlington, Montgomery county, Indiana. - 2795. ISAAC T., b. 6, 25, 1859; m. 9, 3, 1883, Eliza Wheeler. Farmer and stock raiser; Darlington, Montgomery county, Indiana. 2796. ALICE, b. 5, 1, 1862; d. I I, 2, 1864. 2797. ALPHEUS, b. 10, 21, 1864. - Children of Eleanor Maris (ro/5) and William Wood. 2798. WILLIAM A., b. 7, 30, 1827; m. I, 14, 1855, Eliza Stanley; m. 2d time, I I, 30, 1884, Hester A. Bales. Farmer; Alvarado, Johnson county, Texas. 2799. JAMES G., b. 12, 21, 1828; d. 12, 24, 1852. 28OO. STEPHEN C., b. 12, 28, 1830; m. I, 27, 1857, Henrietta Davidson. Farmer; Belfast, Marshall county, Tennessee. 2801. MARTHA J., b. 4, 17, 1833; m. 7th mo., 1852, John N. Blackwell. 28O2. MARY D., b. I I, 6, 1835; m. 5, 1, 1856, William Woodward. 28O3. John P., b. 9, 20, 1838; m. 8, 15, 1861, Martha Woodward. Farmer; Bel- fast, Marshall county, Tennessee. 2804. NANcy F., b. 3, IO, 1841 ; d. in infancy. SAE VAZAVTA/ G E AWA R A T/O AW. I I I 28O5. SALLIE C., b. 5, 30, 1843; m. Io, 26, 1865, Frank M. Dillard; Belfast, Mar- shall county, Tennessee. 2806. SAMUEL D., b. 9, 21, 1845; m. IO, 17, 1864, Patty Courtner. Farmer; Belfast, Marshall county, Tennessee. Children of Sara/, Maris (1076) and /o/ul Taylor. 2807. MARTHA E., b. 8, 31, 1828; m. 6, 20, 1874, Rev. Thomas Hayes. No chil- dren; Hillsboro’, Orange county, North Carolina. 28O8. SUSAN F., b. 9, 25, 1830; m. I, 25, 1853, Samuel P. Collins; Hillsboro’, Orange county, North Carolina. 2809. THOMAS J., b. 3, 20, 1832; m. 9, 4, 1855, Martha E. Redding; Hillsboro, Orange county, North Carolina. 28 IO. WILLIAM M., b. 8, 14, 1834; d. I I, 7, 1847. 28 II. JonATHAN J., b. 3, 12, 1836; m. 9, 12, 1866, Julia Wood, who d. 4, 29, 1879; m. 2d, 7, 20, 1880, Martha E. Bain. Farmer; Hillsboro’, Orange county, North Carolina. 2812. DAVID M., b. 2, 18, 1838; d. young. 2813. SARAH J., b. IO, 31, 1841 ; d. unm. 6, 14, 1883. 2814. STEPHEN, b. 4, 23, 1847; unm. Farmer; Hillsboro’, Orange county, North Carolina. Children of Thompson Maris (1080) and Elizabeth Thompson. 2815. MARTHA F., b. IO, 29, 1842; m. Josiah McDade; Hillsboro’, Orange county, North Carolina. 2816. REBECCA D., b. 5, 29, 1845; m. I 2, 8, 1870, Jasper Sykes; Hills- boro’, Orange county, North Carolina. 2817. MARY S., b. 9, 21, 1847; m. 8, 7, 1877, James Faulkner; Lima, Greenville county, South Carolina. 2818. EUPHRASIA, b. 8, 17, 1849; m. 5, 7, 1872, William Mc- Dade; d. 2, 28, 1879. Children of William Maris (1081) and Sallie Wainwright. 2819. FANNIE O., b. 9, 9, 1859. 282O. ANNIE E., b. 2, 15, 1861. 282 I. LUcy J., b. 1, 22, 1863. - Children of James S. Maris (108/) and Martha S. Wilson. 2822. ELLEN J., b. 5, 3, 1859; unm. 2823. WILLIAM S., b. I 2, 3, 1860; d. 12, 13, 1862. 2824. JoHN F., b. 8, 30, 1862; d. I, II, 1877. 2825. CoRINNA L., b. 8, 15, 1864; unm. 2826. MARTHA F., b. 12, 10, 1866; d. 1, 29, 1872. 2827. JAMES C., b. I 2, Io, 1868. 2828. EDNA D., b. 9, 12, 1870. 2829. HENRY F., b. I I, 5, 1872; d. 7, 5, 1875. 2830. MARY E., b. 6, 6, 1875. All of Hillsboro’, Orange county, North Carolina. Children of John W. Maris (1087) and Martha F. Reid. 283 I. JAMES L., b. IO, 19, 1862; m. 12, 18, 1884, Adelia Allday, of Owensville, Texas. 2832. JOHN A., b. 9, 4, 1864. 2833. THOMAS, b. 2, 2, 1868. 2834. SIDNEY J., b. 8, 4, 1871. 2835. MARY A., b. 5, 30, 1874. 2836. EVA MAY, ... b. Io, 5, 1876. All of Franklin, Texas. - -- I I 2 TA/A) // A R /S PA // / / Y. Children of Wiley S. Maris (1089) and Rosetta A. Sharp. 2837. ROSETTA E., b. 9, 29, 1864; m. 8, 20, 1882, Gaines C. Miller. 2838. WILLIAM B., b. 12, 4, 1865; d. 8, 14, 1867. 2839. OSCAR E., b. 7, 8, 1867. 2840. ELGIN, b. 8, 5, 1868. 284 I. MATTIE, b. 6, 7, 1870. 2842. WILEY T., b. 3, 25, 1872. 2843. John D., b. 4, 7, 1873. 2844. CHARLES I., b. 6, 27, 1875. 2845. MERTICE, b. 9, 18, 1878. Children of Frances E. Maris (Zoyſ) and Thomas J. Jones. 2846. DELPHINIA E., b. 7, 28, 1867. 2847. JonATHAN H., b. 5, 27, 1869, 2848. PATTIE M., b. 8, 7, 1871. 2849. WILEY F., b. 4, 6, 1874. 2850. THOMAS T., b. Io, 6, 1876. * Children of Amos Fredd (1095) and Mary L. Baker. 285 I. MARY JANE, m. Reuben Baker; Latrobe, Westmoreland county, Pa. 2852. ELIZABETH, m. John P. Harlan; 47 Kingsessing Avenue, Philadelphia. 2853. SUSAN, unm. 2854. JoFIN B., unm. f Children of Eli Fredd (1097) and Sarah Wiley. 2855. BENJAMIN. 2856. ELI. 2857. SARAH. Children of Mathan Baker ( / Zoo) and Hannah A. Woodnut. 2858. MARY E., b. 2, 1, 1845; m. 3, 19, 1868, George M. Jones (1735); d. 6, 2, 1875. 2859. H. PRESTON, b. 2, I I, 1847; m. Io, I I, 1877, Eliza Ridgway, of Coates- ville. Farmer; Coatesville, Chester county, Pa. mºsºm-º. ----------------------------------4----sº Children of Joel Baker (1108) and Phebe Cook. 286O. NATHAN H., b. 5, 22, 1836; m. I Ith mo., 1866, Marietta Stanley, of Ohio; m. 12th mo., 1874, Anna Roberts. Three children; Coatesville, Chester county, Pa. 286 I. HANNAH E., b. 3, 9, 1838; m. 3d mo., 1857, Isaac Coppock. One child; Beloit, Mahoning county, Ohio. 2862. RACHEL S., b. 8, 13, 1839; m. 6th mo., 1869, Dr. William R. Blakeslee. One child; d. 2d mo., 1876. . - 2863. SARAH H., b. 12, 2, 1840; m. 2d mo., 1876, Maurice Pennock; Doe Run, Chester county, Pa. 2864. MARY S., b. 4, 26, 1842; m. I Ith mo., 1863, Jabez Wilson. Two children; d. 7th mo., 1880. 2865. ENOS C., b. IO, 24, 1843; m. I Ith mo., 1868, Eleanor Broomell; Doe Run, Chester county, Pa. 2866. CATHARINE, b. 4, 12, 1845; m. 1st mo., 1865, Elisha H. Newlin. Eight children; 307 South Jackson street, Wilmington, Delaware. 2867. MARIs, b. 4, 26, 1847; m. 9th mo., 1869, Emma Linton. Three children; rºut-au-r WILEY S. MARIS, M. D. - (1089) S/E V/ENT// G / WEA' A T/O N. I 3 Beloit, Mahoning county, Ohio. 2868. CALEB D., b. I I, 14, 1848; unm. ; Doe Run, Chester county, Pa. Children of Mary Hurford ( / / / / ) and George Calder. 2869. ELLEN ELLERY. 2870. GEORGE HURFORD. 287 I. WILLIAM ELLERY. 2872. MARY HURFORD. 2873. EDWARD. 2874. STEwART W. Child of Emily Hurford ( / / / ; ) and Robert Kobinson. 2875. John HURFORD. Children of /o/ul Hurſord (Z Z //) and Margaret A. Brown. 2876. CLARENCE E. 2877. MARIs B. Children of Jonathan Maris ( / / /6) and Thomason Morris. 2878. BARCLAY, b. 7, 13, 1826, in Mahoning county, Ohio.; m. 5, 27, 1874, Ann Pim. Farmer; Boswell, Mahoning county, Ohio. 2879. ANN, b. 9, 27, 1827; unm. Living at Damascus, Ohio. 288O. ESTHER, b. 9, 18, 1829; unm. Living with her sister Ann, at Damascus, Ohio. 2881. Joseph, b. I, 26, 1833; d. unm. I, 28, 1871. - 2882, ISAAC, b. 7, 16, 1834, in Mahoning county, Ohio; m. I 2, 7, 1858, Alma L. Buton, of New York. Lived in Ohio until 23 years of age, when he went to Kansas, and took up a claim of 160 acres of land, 16 miles southwest of the city of Atchison; present address, Nortonville, Jefferson county, Kansas. 2883. CALEB, b. 5, 12, 1836, in Mahoning county, Ohio; m. 1861, Deborah Wat- son. In 1870 he m. Elizabeth Butler. Engaged in small fruit business; Damascus, Columbiana county, Ohio. * 2884. ABRAHAM, b. 5, 18, 1838, in Mahoning county, Ohio; unm. Lives with his sisters Ann and Esther, at Damascus, Columbiana county, Ohio. Is a farmer. 2885. JESSE, b. 9, 4, 1840. Volunteered in the 6th Ohio Cavalry; crossed the mountains at Luray, West Virginia, under Gen. Fremont in 1862; d. 7, 27, 1862. 2886. JoB S., b. 5, 26, 1844; d. unm. 5, 6, 1875. 2887. WILLIAM, b. 6, 22, 1847, in Mahoning county, Ohio; m. 1867, Sarah H. Ball; West Branch, Cedar County, Iowa. Children of William Maris (1117) and Sarah Prince. 2888. Joseph. 2889. ANGELINE, 2890. ALEXANDER. 2891. WILLIAM. 2892. LEANDER. 2893. JAMES, It is known that there were four other children, but repeated efforts to find them, both by us and by their relatives in Mahoning county, Ohio, have proved fruitless. I I4 THE MAR IS FAMILY. William, the father, moved from Mahoning county, Ohio, in 1846, to Wood county, Ohio. It is believed that he died before his brother Jonathan, which was in 1864. Children of Jesse Maris (1 1/9) and Rachel Chester. 2894. Joseph G., b. 6, 1, 1850; m. and in the spring of 1884 was living in St. Louis, Missouri. 2895. SYLVESTER, b. I I, 26, 1852; m. I I, 20, 1872, Minnie Lane. Physician ; West Mansfield, Logan county, Ohio. 2896. WILLIAM P., b. 3, 15, 1855; m. 1875, Bessie Price. Farmer; Broadway, Union county, Ohio. 2897. JAMES D., b. 3, 30, 1860; m. I I, 18, 1882, Dora Huffman. Farmer. Children of Jesse Maris ( / / /9) and Elisabeth Stanley. 2898. EBERT, 2899. CHARLES P. f Child of Elisa Maris (1/22) and Michael Trump. 29OO. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. 7, 14, 1836; m. 9, 18, 1856, Rev. George M. Irwin, who is President of the Blue Mountain University, situated at La Grande, Union county, Oregon. Children of Elisa Maris ( / 122) and David Simmons. 29OI. TACY ANN, b. 6, 3, 1842; m. 5, 26, 1863, Wade Wren; Washington, Taze- well county, Illinois. 2902. JOHN W., b. 5, 1, 1844; m. Mary E. Kelley. Engineer on the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railroad; post office, Dwight, Illinois. 2903. ANGELINE C., b. 8, 9, 1845; m. George Kinnear; Seattle, Washington Ter- ritory. 29O4. EUDOCIA, b. 8, 18, 1846; m. 8, 18, 1869, George A. Metzgar; Port Bryon, Ill. 2905. DAVID M., b. 3, 30, 1849; lives in Oregon. 2906. MARY ELIZA, dec'd, Children of Sarah Maris (1727) and Bargillia A//ec. 2907. JONATHAN, b. 8, 5, 1837; d. in infancy. 2908. JoHN, b. I I, I 5, 1838; d. 3, 25, 1845. 29O9. LIBBIE, b. IO, 8, 1840; d. 2, 25, 1858. 29IO. JESSE J., b. 5, 9, 1846; m. 9, 25, 1874, Mary Kingman. Has a stock farm at Newell, Buena Vista county, Iowa. Children of Mary B. Maris (1729) and James Trimble. 29 II. CHARLEs E., b. I, 27, 1850; m. 5, 16, 1883, Mrs. Louella Burr Loar, a de- scendant of Aaron Burr; locomotive engineer; address, Bloomington, Illinois. * 2912. WILLIAM T., b. 5. 14, I852; d. 8, I I, 1856. 2913. JAMES H., b. 12, 2, 1857; d. 9, 16, 1879. 2914. ELIZABETH A., b. 10, 3, 1862; d. 9, 8, 1864. S E VENTH G EN/E /* A T/O AW. I I 5 Children of Hannah Maris (1/30) and David Kyes. 2915. HANNAH. J., b. 1, 31, 1847; m. 3, 8, 1866, Peter Berger; Fairview, Fulton county, Illinois. 2916. LAURA L., b. 3, IO, 185 I ; m. 6, 13, 1869, Lewis Cole; Le Roy, Decatur county, Iowa. 29.17. FLETCHER D., b. 12, 9, 1854; m. 7, 3, 1880, Meta Zook. Painter and paper hanger; Washington, Tazewell county, Illinois. 2918. LABAN J., b. 8, 18, 1857; unm. Assistant ticket agent for the P. D. & E. R. R., in the General Passenger Office at . Peoria, Illinois. 2919. JULIA S., b. I I, 22, 1859; m. I I, 25, 1880, William A. Wildhack; Pekin, Tazewell county, Illinois. 2920. CHITTY C., b. 8, 5, 1862; m. 6, 12, 1882, Mrs. Bella Ellis. Printer; Fort Morgan, Colorado. 2921. KENT O., b. 3, 20, 1864; unm. Works in Wabash freight office; Peoria, Illinois, 2922. LIBBIE A., b. I, I, 1867; Washington, Tazewell county, Illinois. Children of Angeline Maris (1131) and William Bogardus. 2923. HELEN R., b. 2, 19, 1853; m. 9, 14, 1871, C. C. Potter; Gainesville, Texas. 2924. JosLPHINE, b. 12, 28, 1856; d. in infancy. 2925. WILLIAM H., b. IO, 29, 1859; d. 3, 2, 1863. 2926. LIZZIE M., b. 4, 9, 1862; d. Io, 18, 1872. Children of Rebecca / Maris (1 132) and William A. Ross. 2927. MARIs C., b. 6, 3, 1850; m. IO, 7, 1880, Mrs. Mary M. Rucker. Farmer; Le Roy, Decatur county, Iowa. 2928. JoHN H., b. I, 22, 1857; d. 12, 3, 1865. 2929. JAMES A., b. 7, 29, 1862. Farmer; Le Roy, Decatur county, Illinois. Children of Martha Maris (1133) and ſames Ayes. 293O. EDGAR, b. 3, I I, 185 I ; m. I 2, 28, 1876, Matilda Jones ; d. 9, 1, 1881. 2931. CORNELIA, b. I I, 19, 1855; m. I I, IO, 1880, Z. A. Whitehill; Washington, Taze- well county, Illinois. 2932. LILLIE S., b. 9, IO, 1861 ; d. 8, 31, 1875. 2933. MAGGIE R., b. 8, 27, 1865; d. in infancy. 2934. John H., b. I 2, 20, 1870; Washington, Tazewell county, Illinois. Children of Margaret R. Maris (1134) and Joseph S. Cumming. 2935. FRANCIS H., b. I, IO, 1854, at Carthage, Illinois; graduated at Illinois Wes- leyan University, June 18, 1875, with the Degree of A. B. Entered the Ministry, Oc- tober, 1875. Took Degree of A. M., June, 1878; m. 5, 25, 1880, Lizzie M. Mann, of Harrodsburg, Kentucky, a descendant of Horace Mann, of Massachusetts. Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Kewanee, Illinois. I IG TA/A) /l/A R / S FA /l/ / / Y. 2936. BELLE, b. 9, 1, 1856; m. 6, 22, 1875, Frank Peyton Gilbert; Monmouth, Warren county, Illinois, 2937. EDDIE, deceased. 2938. ADA, deceased. 2939. EVA. 2940, GUSSIE. 2941. MINNETTE. 2942. FANNY. The last four are at home, in Abing- don, Illinois. Children of William Maris, /r., (1739) and Margaret Stevenson. 2943. RICHARD, m. Lavinia Cressman; m, 2d, Lucy Roberts. Assistant Secretary of the American Fire Insurance Company, 308 Walnut street, Philadelphia. 2944. RACHEL R., lives with her father at Beverly, New Jersey. 2945. ARCHER, m. Bessie K. Stewart; deceased. 2946. BESSIE S. 2947. MEGGIE H., m. Roger C. Weightman. 2948. THOMAS R., Jr., b. 7th mo., 1856, in Philadelphia; m. in 1881, Lilly M. Wright, daughter of the late Samuel and Eleanor Wright, of Philadelphia. Af After spending six years at Dr. J. W. Faires' school, was admitted in 1871, to the University of Pennsylvania. In 1874 he entered the service of the American Bank Note Company, for the purpose of learning bank note engraving, where he is still employed; 125 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. Children of Anna Elisa Gregg (1 1/o) and /o/in P. Kirkbride. 2949. RICHARD M., b. 7, 10, 1820; m. Ellen Von Culin; d. 4, 8, 1869, at “The Oaks,” Burlington, New Jersey. 2950. HARRIET, m. Theodore Fox; post office ad- dress, Saltburn by the Sca, Yorkshire, England. Children of Deborah W. Gregg (1147) and Dr. John Phillips. 295 I. MARGARET A., m. 1840, Symington Phillips; Bristol, Pa. 2952. ANNA ELIZA, m. 1st, Dr. William R. Phillips; 2d, Albert H. Phillips. 2953. CAROLINE, m. Allen L. Bassett. 2954. MARY WELSH, m. Rev. Henry B. Barton. Children of Ann Welsh (1 1/2) and David Lapsley. 2955. MARY W., b. 3, I I, 1828, in Philadelphia; m. I, 24, 1855, Samuel A. Strang; 2O West 36th street, New York. 2956. HENRY, b. 5, 25, 1829; m. 4, I 3, 1882, Josephine W. Herrick. 2957. SAMUEL W., b. 12, 2, 1830, in Philadelphia; m. 4, 8, 1858, in Philadelphia, by Rev. Howard Malcolm, Margaret Jefferis. Stock Broker; 6O Broadway, New York. 2958. ANNA, b. 4, 14, 1832; unm. 2959. SARAH C., b. 12, 21, 1833; d. 2, I, 1879. 2960. HOWARD, b. 8, 12, 1835, in Philadelphia; m. Io, 31, 1866, Katharine A. Willard. Banker and broker; 24 Broad street, New York. 2961. FRANCEs, b. 12, Io, 1841, in Philadelphia; m. I I, 27, 1872, Charles Hitchcock; 61 West 36th street, New York. SEVENTH GENERATION. I 17 Children of Margaret Welsh (1143) and Joseph H. Du//es. 2962. Joseph HEATLY, unm. Educated at Yale College; address, Philadelphia. 2963. ANNA D., m. Professor Charles I. Stille, Philadelphia. 2964. John W., D. D., educated at Yale College; m. 1st, Harriet Winslow ; m. 2d, Nataline Baynard; address, Philadelphia. 2965. WILLIAM, educated at the University of Pennsylvania; m. Fanny Harrison; Philadelphia. 2966. SoPHIA D., m. Robert L. Kennedy, of New York; New York City. 2967. MARY C., unm ; Philadelphia. 2968. ANDREW C., educated at Yale College; m. Mary Crothers; Philadelphia. 2969. ELIZABETH D., m. Frank O. Allen; Phil'a. Children of Elizabeth Welsh (1 1//) and Dr. William E. Horner. 2970. MARY EDMONDs, b. 8, 5, 1821, in Philadelphia; m. IO, 4, 1843, Dr. Henry H. Smith; 1800 Spruce street, Philadelphia. - Dr. Henry Smith was b. 12, Io, 1815; graduated at the University of Pennsyl- vania, B. A., 1834. Studied medicine with William E. Horner, M. D.; graduated March, 1837, M.D., at the University of Pennsylvania. Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania, 1850; Professor of Surgery at same place, 1855. Sur- geon General of Pennsylvania for two years from May, 1861. President of the Phila- delphia County Medical Society for three years, 1877–78–79. President of State Medical Society of Pennsylvania, 1884. 2971. EMILY VIRGINIA, b. in Philadelphia, 8, 6, 1824; m. 6, 16, 1847, William Horner; d. in Lancaster, Wisconsin, 6, 16, 1854. 2972. JoSEPHINE, b. 9, 23, 1826; m. 3, 12, 1850, Dr. Richard Eppes; deceased. Had one child, Josephine H., who d. in infancy. 2973, ELIZABETH W., b. in Philadelphia, 6, 18, 1832; m. I I, 2, 1854, Dr. Richard Eppes; City Point, Virginia. 2974. ALFRED, b. 1, 4, 1834; unm. Retired merchant; Í729 Pine street, Philadelphia. - - 2975. AGNES, b. in Philadelphia, 8, 29, 1837; m. 4, I I, 1871, Gen. Adolf Busch- beck, of Berlin. He is deceased. Was U. S. Brigadier General in the Rebellion. Children of Samuel Welsh (1 1/6) and Elisabeth 7. Evans ( / 161 ). 2976. REBECCA M., m. 12, Io, 1863, Dr. Edward A. Smith; address, 37 Fifth Avenue, New York. 2977. Joseph INE E., m. I I, IO, 1864, Benjamin Perkins, of Boston, Mass.; d. 9, I I, 1878. 2978. FANNY D., unm. ; Philadelphia. Child of John Welsh (1 1/7) and Rebecca Bass Miller. 2979. ANNA MARIA, b. 4, 30, 1830, in Philadelphia; m. I 1, 19, 1863, James Somers Smith; 212 South 4th street, Philadelphia. I I 8 THE MARIS FAMILY. Children of John Welsh (1147) and Mary Lowber. 2980. EDWARD LOWBER, b. 9, 12, 1839; d. 4, 24, 1859. 298 I. ELIZABETH T., b. I 2, 4, 1840, in Philadelphia; m. I I, 2, 1865, James B. Young; IO34 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. 2982. JoHN LOWBER, b. 6, 4, 1842, in Philadelphia; m. Io, I 5, 1863, Maria New- bold. Merchant in Philadelphia. Was educated in Philadelphia and Switzerland. 2983. SAMUEL, Jr., b. 7, 7, 1843, in Philadelphia; m, 7, 15, 1863, Elizabeth C. Young, and Io, 25, 1866, Helen Butler Johnson. Educated in Philadelphia and Switzerland. Farmer ; Germantown, Pa. -- 2984. WILLIAM Lowber, b. 1, 12, 1846, in Philadelphia; m. 1871, Mary V. Parker. Educated in Philadelphia. Consul of the United States at Florence, Italy. No chil- dren. 2985. ALICE, b. 7, 24, 1848, at Spring Bank, Germantown, Pa.; m. 6, 5, 1873, George Strawbridge; I 500 Walnut street, Philadelphia. 2986. ELLEN, b. 3, 15, 1850, in Phila- delphia; m. I 2, 9, 1879, Thomas P. Cope Stokes; Loan Oak, Germantown, Pa. 2987. HERBERT, b. I 2, 4, 1851, in Philadelphia; m. 4, 15, 1874, Fanny Frazer. Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Secretary of the Indian Rights Asso- ciation ; Germantown, Pa. Children of William Welsh (1 1/8) and Mary Ross Wewbold. 2988. Jon N, Jr., b. 10, 19, 1834, in Philadelphia; m. 4, 30, 1857, Elizabeth A. Ralston; d. 8, 23, 1881. 2989. ELIZABETH R., b. Io, 6, 1836, in Philadelphia; m. 6, 4, 1861, Charles W. Cushman; Rosemont, Montgomery county, Pa. 2990. MARY, b. 9, 17, 1839; unm. 2991. OSGOOD, b. 4, 2, 1841, in Philadelphia; m. 4, 26, 1864, Julia L. Turner. Merchant; New York. 2992. NEWBOLD, b. 8, 19, I844; d. 7, 2 I, I845. - 2993. JULIA NEWBOLD, b. 10, 27, 1845, in Philadelphia; m. IO, 2, 1866, Rev. William H. Vibbert; Chicago, Illinois. 2994. WILLIAM, Jr., b. 9, 2, 1847, at Straw- berry Hill, Frankford, Phil'a.; m. 6, 1, 1876, Caroline T. Tatham, who d. 4, 8, 1884; Frankford, Philadelphia. 2995. EDITH NEWBOLD, b. 1, 18, 1855; m. 4, 15, 1880, William Drayton; Penllyn, Montgomery county, Pa. . Child of Ann R. Cooch (1152) and Edmund G. Dutil/. 2996. CATHARINE MADALINE, b. 11, 27, 1823; m. 3, 19, 1844, Dr. Francis Gurney Smith. Dr. Smith d. 4, 6, 1878; 2209 St. James Place, Philadelphia. Children of Thomas R. Cooch (1153) and Catharine S. Miller. 2997. FRANCIS LOWEN, b. 9, 26, 1858; unm. Paymaster's clerk in United States Army; Salt Lake City, Utah. 2998, ELIZABETH MILLER, b. 6, 1, 1861; m. 10, 9, 1883, William Clay Fox; Pottsville, Pa. Prior-wº- -------- 0%, ſº -------- (1147) S E VAZAWTA/ G EAVAE RA T/O AW. I I 9 Children of Margaret M. Cooch (1154) and Dr. Charles F. Randolph. 2999. FRANCIS EDWARD. 3OOO. RICHARD. 3OOI. EDMUND D., m. Helen Earle Lothrop, 3d mo., 1860, in Philadelphia. 30O2. WALLACE I., m. 1873, Katharine Julia Powel, in Newport, Rhode Island. Captain in the United States Army. Children of Richard M. Cooch (1156) and Hannah B. Brittain. 30O3. ELIZABETH, b. I, 16, 1841; m. 7, 14, 1859, Charles M. Pettee. 3OO4. ANNIE M., b. I I, 14, 1850; m. 7, 17, 187 I, Eugene Moore. Richard had also two sons (both named Francis Lowen) that died in infancy. Children of Edward R. Evans (1160) and Sally A. Price. 3Oo3. MARGARET MARIs, b. IO, 31, 1832; m. I, 9, 1851, Dr. John B. Holmes, of Charleston; d. 6, 28, 1874. 3OO6. MARTHA P., m. I 2, 4, 1856, Edwards Roberts, Jr. 3OO7. ELIZABETH R., m. Io, 24, 1861, John Tucker, Jr. 3OO8. John WELSH, b. 8, 23, I84O ; d. 8, 23, 1848. Children of Elisabeth 7. Evans (1161) and Samuel IV./s/ (1 1/6). See page I I7. Children of Joseph R. Evans (1163) and Margaret //, //orner. 3OO9. JoSEPH R., J.R., b. 5, 4, 1840; m. 6, 9, 1866, Ellen Stockton. Artist; Edding- ton, Bucks county, Pa. 3OIO. MARY HENDERSON, b. 2, 25, 1842; d. 7, 27, 1862. 3ol I. ANNE RUSSELL, b. 8, 26, 1843; m. I I, 20, 1872, Edward Samuel. No children. Philadelphia. 3012, ELIZABETH WELSH, b. I I, I 7, 1844; m. 4, 26, 1877, Richard Ashhurst; 1524 Pine street, Philadelphia. 3013. INMAN HORNER, b. 5, 2, 1846; m. Mildred M. Campbell. Philadelphia. Children of Joseph R. Evans (1163) and Susanna E. Robinson. 3014. MARGARET, deceased. 3OI 5. ALFRED E., b. I I, I 7, 1865. 3OI6, JOSEPHINE R., b. I I, 17, 1870. 3or 7. SUSANNA E., b. I I, 5, 1873. 3OI8, LLEWELLYN W., b. 6, IO, 1877. 3OI9. EVAN C., b. 7, IO, I879. Children of Margaret E. Maris (1164) and William H. Morris. 3020. MARTHA M., b. in New Hope, Bucks county, Pa.; m, 4th mo., 1845, Wil- liam Gummere, who is President of the Bank of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, 3O2.I. MARY J., d. in infancy. I 20 7 HAE // A R /S FAM//. V. 3022. ELIZABETH M., m. Dillwyn Smith. No children; Burlington, New Jersey. 3O23. JANE M., m. 5, 9, 1865, Francis W. Milnor; Burlington, New Jersey. Child of Mary Maris (1170) and Captain Charles Hi//ard. 3O24. WILLIAM MARIS, b. 4, 13, 1845; m. IO, 1, 1879, I. A. Kirkbride. No chil- dren. Photographer; Scranton, Pa. - Children of Rebecca Worra/ (1 175) and /abc& Wight. 3O25. E. LOUISA, b. 6, 12, 1826; m. 6, 12, 1849, Henry Oaks; living in West Philadelphia. 3026. JoHN FITCH, b. 9, 22, 1830; unm ; Whitewater, Wisconsin. 3O27. REBECCA, b. 3, 24, 184I ; m. 5, 20, 1874, George Marsh. 3028. ALICE F., b. IO, 7, 1849; unm. Child of Lewis L. Worra/ (1176) and Matilda Eachus. 3O29. EDWIN E., b. 9, I, 1833; m. 2, 6, 1867, Maggie E. Bishop. Farmer; Upper Providence, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Lewis L. Worrall (1776) and Rebecca E. Pyle. 3O3O. J. LEEDOM, b. 8, 6, 1839; m. I 2, 21, 1865, Sallie W. Thomas; I424 Bou- vier Street, Philadelphia. 3O3 I. JonATHAN P., b. 7, 30, 1844; unm. 3O32. HIBBERD B., b. 7, 1, 1852; m. 4, 4, 1878, Sallie Glenn ; 1642 Green street, Philadelphia. Children of Jemima Worrall (1177) and John Hinkson. 3033. Joseph H., m. Lydia Edwards. 3034. JoHN ENGLE, m. Annie Pleasants. 3035. JEMIMA, b. 1, 8, 1821 ; m. I, 2, 1840, John C. Beatty; d. 7, 27, 1880. Children of Isaac Worrall (1178) and Abigail Worrall. 3O36. MARIs, b. IO, I 3, 1826; m. 3, 2, 1854, Margaret Jane Bishop, and 9, 28, . I876, Martha E. Nuzum. 3O37. ISAIAH, b. 9, I I, 1828; m. IOth mo., 1850, Susanna Latch. Children of Mary Worrall (1179) and George Kirk. 3O38. WASHINGTON, b. 7, 31, 1832; m. and had four children. 3039. LEEDOM, b. [2, 31, 1833; m. I, 12, 1853, Sabina B. Kirk. Russellville, Chester county, Pa. Ten children. 3040. WELLs, b. 3, 26, 1836. - 3O4I. MARY W., b. 5, Io, 1839; m. 12, 12, 1865, Frazer Mann. Haverford, Del. Co. Five children. 3O42. MARGARETTA, b. 7, 5, 1842. • S E V/E/V 7// G B M ERA 7TWO AV. I 2 I Children of Eliza Worra/ (1 z80) and Philip Kirk. t 3O43. ROSANNA, b. 4, 5, 1825; d. in infancy. 3O44. ANDERSON, b. I, 5, 1827; m. IO, 25, 1855, Rosanna Norman. Four children. 3O45. PHILIP R., b. 3, 1 1, 1829. 3O46. CHARLES W., b. 6, I I, 1831 ; d. in infancy. 3O47. MARY, b. 12, 9, 1832. d. 12, 6, 185 I. - 3O48. JOSEPH W., b. 8, 30, 1835; m. 4, 16, 1878, Mary Anderson. No children. 3O49. ANNA ELIZA, b. 3, 30, 1838; d. young. 3050. JEMIMA, b. I, 15, 1841; m. 2, IO, 1870, Ezekiel Anderson. Four children. 305 I. RACHEL, b. 3, 16, 1844. Children of Elisha Worra/ (1 181) and Mary Minsha/ 3052, J. DUTTON, b. 6, 2, 1828; m. Phebe A. Green. One child. 3053. SARAH E., b. 8, 26, 1829; m. Levi James; d. 9, 18, 1883. Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Five children. 3054. ELIZA, b. 6, I 3, 1832. 3O55. HENRY, b. 7, 13, 1834. 3056. MARY, b. 8, 28, 1835; d. in infancy. 3057. ISAAC, b. 6, 2, 1839; d. in infancy. 3058. MARY, b. 8, 6, 1840; m. I, 5, 1860, Harvey S. Garrett. Had four children. 3059. Joseph, b. 8, 6, 1840; m. Mira Leedom. No children. 306O. ELISHA, b. 7, 15, 1844; Carthage, Illinois. 3061. SUSANNA, b. 8, 9, 1847; m. 2, 28, 1877, Joseph Afflick. Had three children. * Children of Emma Worral/ (1 182) and Nathan AEvans. 3O62. WILLIAM HENRY, b. 5, 3, 1845; m. 3, 5, 1884, Caroline R., eldest daughter of Francis and Lucinda Lewis, of Marple, Delaware county, Pa.; Media, Pa. 3O63. T. REECE, b. 7, 13, 1847; d. 5, 17, 1864. 3064. J. ENGLE, b. 9, 19, 1852; m, 7, 4, 1877, Georgie A. Baldwin; Media, Pa. Children of Margaret Worra/ (1 183) and Charles D. Manley. 3065. MARY W., b. 7, IO, 1837; m. 2, 18, 1868, John R. Cunningham. Had three children. 3066. HENRY DEHAVEN, b. 12, 20, 1839; m. 6, 4, 1874, Harriet J. Early. Had one child. 3067. CHARLES DEHAVEN, b. I, 4, 1843. 3068. HoRACE R., b. 5, 4, 1849. Children of Joseph Worrall (1184) and Catharine Palmer. 3069. PALMER, b. IO, 24, 1840; m. IO, I 5, 1862, Sarah Jane Dicks. Had two children; d. I I, 22, 1866. 3070. ELLWOOD M., b. 7, 30, 1842; m, 5, 25, 1871, Sarah J. Palmer. Had three children. 3071. JoSEPH ROWLAND, b. I2, 27, 1843; d. 3, 4, 1861. 3072, JoHN LEEDOM, b. 9, 14, 1845; d. young. 3073. MARY ANN, b. I, Io, 1848; d. 1, 21, 1868. - I 22 7 H E M A R /S FA // / / V. 3O74. REBECCA T., b. 7, 19, 185 I ; m. I I, IO, I87 I, Harrison L. Rowland. Had five children. 3075. ALFRED B., b. 3, 4, 1853; m. Watson. Had one child. 3O76. JOHN T., b. 2, 15, 1855. 3077. SARAH P., b. IO, I 3, 1857. 3078. FRANK, b. I2, I, I859. Children of William Worra/ (1 18.5) and Mary Worris. 3O79. MARIA, m. John Smith. 3O8O. DAVID, m. Anna Fry. 3O8 I. MARY J., m. John Youtsey. Children of Mary Worra/ (1 z86) and Emmor Stee/e. 3O82. ANNA ELIZA, m. John Seal. 3O83. MoRDECAI, m. Mattie Phipps. 3O84. DAVIS. 3085. WILLIAM, m. Sallie Ely. 3O86. MARY JANE. 3O87. MAR- GARETTA, b. 8, 20, 1844; m. I 2, 16, 1860, Benjamin Lentz. 2088. EMMOR, m. Amelia Toole. Children of Margaretta Worrall (1187) and Elisha Worrall. 3O89. ANNA H., b. 9, 27, 1839; m. 3, 19, 1857, Davis Coates. Had two children. 3O90. JOSEPHINE, b. 4, 8, 1843; m. I 2, 24, 1863, Charles Rue. Had no children. 3O9 I. ELISHA, b. 9, 18, 1845; m. 9, 18, 1877, Emily Locke. Had two children. 3092, OAKFORD, 3093. WINFIELD S., m. Anna Comly. 3094. SALLIE, b. 6, 10, 1855; m. 8, 11, 1871, Aden Brinker. Had seven children. - 3095. J. HUNTER. 3O96. HANNAH. Children of Washington Worrall (1188) and Malinda Akins. 3097. ELLWOOD. 3098. ADELBERT. Children of George Worrall (1789) and Hannah Bonsall. 3O99. CLAYTON. 3 IOO. HOLLAND. 3 IOI. ELLEN, b. 9, 23, 1847; m. 3, IO, I88O, William Kirk. 3 IO2. MARGARETTA. 3 IO3. ANNA MARY. 3 IO4. HANNAH. 3105. JoSEPHINE. Children of Mordecai Worrall (1193) and Hannah Morton. 3 IO6. MARY, m. Harry Cornman. 3107. SUSANNA, m. Frank Scheetz and John Morton. 31.08. IDA. 3109. GEORGE, 31 Io. EMMA. 3 I I I. MARCUs. Children of Mary Ann Garrett (1194) and John Kirk. 31 I2. THOMAS, b. II, 8, 1826; m. I 1, 8, 1849, Isabel Hannum. Farmer; New- PHºnury PL f. Gullkufur Pºll-au-A, (1723) S E VA2 WTA/ G EAVAERA 7 / O AV. I 23 town Square, Delaware county, Pa. 3 I I 3. JOHN, b. 2, 15, 1833; m. I I, 14, 1861, Sarah W. Bittle; Upper Darby, Delaware county, Pa. 3 I I4. MARY G., b. 1, 5, 1835; m. 6, 2, 1869, Chalkley Duell; Wenonah, New Jersey. 3 II 5. WILLIAM, b. 3, 12, 1837; m. 3, IO, 1880, Ellen C. Worrall; Upper Darby, Delaware county, Pa. 3 I 16. EMMA A., b. 4, 25, 1839; m. 9, 15, 1865, George Horner; Harrisonville, Gloucester county, New Jersey. 3 I 17. ELIZABETH, b. 2, 22, 1842; unm.; Upper Darby, Delaware county, Pa. 3 I 18. DEBBY L., b. IO, 22, 1846; unm.; Upper Darby, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Jemima Garrett (1795) and /o/in Massey. 3 I 19, REBECCA, b. 3, 26, 183 I ; m. 2, 14, 1870, William G. Garrett. 3 I 20. WILLIAM, b. 4, 25, 1833; d. unm. 9, 20, 1869. 312 I. ISAAC, b. 2, 15, 1835; educated at Ercildoun Academy, Jonathan Gause's, and at Tremont Seminary, Norristown, Pa. Teacher of Higher Mathematics in West Chester Academy, William F. Wyers, principal, from 1859 to 1861. Graduated at Jef- ferson Medical College in 1864. Acting Assistant Surgeon in the Regular Army from March, 1864, to April, 1865, at Fort Canby, Washington Territory, and Assistant Sur- geon in the Army of the Potomac ; m. I 2, 20, 1866, Mary A. Hinman, who d. 5, 8, 1874; m. I, 8, 1879, Sara R. Conner. Has pračtised medicine in West Chester since 1865. Children of William Garrett (1795) and Hanna/º Super. 3122. PHILIP, b. 1, 25, 1834; m. IO, 16, 1856, Elizabeth McAfee. Carpenter; Ardmore, Montgomery county, Pa. 3123. MARY, b. 7, 1, 1836; unm.; Upper Darby, Delaware county, Pa. 31 24. WILLIAM H., b. IO, 25, 1837; m. I 2, 21, 1876, Mary S. Owen. No chil- dren; Upper Darby, Delaware county, Pa. Children of George Lewis (1198) and Margaret Cornog. 3.125. SARAH J., b. 7, I, 1843; m. I2, 24, 1878, Pancoast James. 3126. GEORGE, b. 12, 22, 1845; m. 5, 5, 1869, Frances E. Lewis. I 2 Children of George Lewis ( / 198) and ſane Cornog. 3127. MARGARET C., b. 3, 25, 1848; m. I, 14, 1869, James McCracken. 3 128. MARY E., b. 3, 4, 1852; m. 1, 29, 1874, Levi J. Deland. Children of Elisha Lewis (1200) and Elizabeth IPard. 3129. REBECCA, m. Joseph Feltie. 3 I 3O. FRANKLIN, m. 3 I 3 I. SAMUEL. 3 I 32. ELIZABETH. Cunningham. I 24 7TA/A, MA R / S FA /l/ / / V. Children of Maris Zewis (1201) and Sidney Semans. 3.133. Joseph, b. 1, 16, 1837; m. I I, 3, 1866, Anna Matlack. 31.34. WILLIAM S., b. 8, 10, 1839; d. in infancy. 31.35. EDWARD C., b. 2, 5, 1842; d. 2, 26, 1846. 3136. WILLIAM H., b. 3, 3, 1844; d. 6, I, 1846. 3 I 37. JANE W., b. 3, 26, 1847; d. 5, 30, 1849, 31.38, ELLIE S., b. 9, 12, 1849; m. Enos Verlenden; Darby, Pa. 3139. REBECCA, b. 2, 21, 1852. 3140. MAGGIE N., b. 9, 15, 1855; d. 5, 30, 186O. 3 I4 I. HENRY B., b. 2, 19, 1858; educated at Friends' School, Darby, Pa., and learned lithographing and drawing in Philadelphia; m, 2, 25, 1885, Mattie E. Boyd, of Philadelphia. The beautiful cut of “Home House" used as the frontispiece, is his work, and is contributed by him as a gift to his numerous cousins. He and Charles Serrill organized the first First-day School, at Darby. Profession, Artist; rooms 7 Io Walnut street, Philadelphia. - e - Children of ſame G. Worrall (1202) and William Bittle. 3.142. SARAH W., b. IO, 28, 184I ; m. I I, I4, 1861, John Kirk. 3143. WILLIAM, b. 8. 23, 1843; m. 2, 12, 1868, A. J. Werner. Had one child, William, who d. in infancy. 31.44. M. JENNIE, b. 6, IO, 1845. 3I45. HANNAH, b. 4, 15, 1847; m. I I, 2, 1871, William V. Carter. 3 I46. JoSEPH W., b. 8, 20, 1849; d. in infancy. 31.47. LYDIA J., b. IO, 6, 1850; m. 3, 20, 1875, John E. Stanley. - - 3148. REBECCA, b. 3, 18, 1853; d. I I, 3, 1856. 31.49. ANNA E., b. I I, II, 1855. 3150. Howard D., b. 3, 5, 1857. 3151. WALTER S., b. 4, 17, 1861. Children of Elizabeth Worrall (1203) and John C. H. Morton. 3.152. J. CHARLEs, b. 10, 25, 1839; m. 2, 22, 1863, Madaline A. Driscoll. No children. Physician; 266 West 24th street, New York. 3153. ELLEN E., b. 11, 18, 1842; m. I, 3, 1866, Powell Dickinson. Children of Joseph Maris Worrall (1205) and Mary E. Bishop. - 3154. R. BISHOP, b. 2, 6, 185 I ; d. IO, I I, 1866. 3 I 55. DAVID, b. 2, 8, 1852; m. 1, 2, 1876, Mary E. Ball. 3 156. FRANKLIN, b. 5, 3, 1854; m. 9, 1, 1878, Kate Harvey. 3157. RUSH, b. 1, 30, 1856; d. in infancy. • . - 3158. WILMER J., b. 3, 6, 1859; d. I I, 5, 1875. 3 I 59. H. DE VEIR, b. 9, 13, 1860. 316O. WALTER, b. 6, 29, 1864. 3161. MARY LOUISA, b. IO, 23, 1868. Children of Lydia Worrall (1206) and William Johnson. 3.162. HENRY C., b. 5, 5, 1844; m. 4, 8, 1873, Naomi Fisher. No children. 3.163. HANNAH E., b. I, 12, 1846; d. in infancy. 3164. DAvid W., b. 2, 27, I847; m. 8, 15, 1875, Susan Dougherty. No children. S EVENTH GENERAT/O N. I 25 * 3.165. WILLIAM, b. 5, 23, 1849; m. 2, 20, 1871, Margaret McGinn. Had one child; d. 5, 4, 1880. Children of Ælisha Worra/ (1207) and /osephine Oat. 3166. ANNA C., b. 12, 2, 1858. To her energy and good taste we are in a great measure indebted for the beautiful decorations at the grove in which the Bi-Centennial was held in 1883. º 3.167. J. MoRRIs, b. 7, 3, 1862; d. in infancy. 3168 ALBERT D., b. 10, 15, 1863. 3169. EMILY G., b. 5, 28, 1867; address, Marple, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Rebecca Worra/ (12 ſo) and Emmor Eſton Zevis. 317O. SARA VIRGINIA, b. I 2, 14, 1863. 317 I. WILLIAM BITTLE, b. 3, 14, 1865. 3.172. JULIA IRENE, b. 9, 14, 1866. 3173. DE HAVEN MANLEY, b. 9, 19, 1868. 3174, CHARLEs MoRTON, b. 6, 6, 1871. 3.175. EMMOR ELTON, b. 1, 10, 1874. All born in Philadelphia. Children of Deborah Worrall (1211) and Edward S. Barber. 3176, ELIZA. S., b. 9, 14, 1862. 3177. HENRY C., b. I I, 24, 1863. 31.78. Jones M., b. 3, 9, 1868. 31.79. S. NETTIE, b. 3, 8, 1880; d. 6, 25, 1882. Children of John Leedom (1213) and Hamma/ 7. IWorra/ 3180. MARY L., b. 1, 25, 1850; m, 2, 22, 1883, Samuel H. Moore. 3 181. SHARP- LESS, b. 8, 17, 1851; d. in infancy. 3182. MARIs W., b. IO, 29, 1853; d. 7, 31, 1869. 3183. ELLWooD P., b. 7, 30, 1857. Educated at West Chester State Normal School. 3 184. MYRA W., b. I I, 15, I86 I. Children of Maris W. Lecdom (1214) and Elvira M. Clark. 3185. SALLIE C., b. 1, 24, 1858; m. 2, 7, 1882, Henry W. Lobb; Marple, Dela- ware county, Pa. 3186. RIDGWAY, b. 9, 9, 1859; m. 8, 9, 1880, Mary B. Sauter. Sallie C. and Ridgway were both educated at the West Chester State Normal School. t 3.187. MARY W., b. 3, 21, 1863. 3188, ELVIRA M., b. 2, 2, 1873. Children of Joseph Leedom (1215) and Emily Pyle. 3189, AMANDA R., b. 9, 8, 1853; d. 4, 7, 1876. 3190. WILLIAM P., b. 2, 24, 1856; educated at West Chester State Normal School; m, 4, 28, 1880, Louisa A. Enochs. 3191. JoSEPH B., b. 4, 25, 1858. I 26 - TA/A, MA A& M S FA /l/ / / V. 3192. G. TRUMAN, b. 5, 22, 1861; d. 12, 22, 1877. 31.93. John B., b. 5, 25, 1863. 3 194. WALTER, b. 9, 14, 1868. * Children of Charles /ustis (1216) and Mary D. Groof. 3.195. CHARLES, b. I I, I 2, 1846. 3 196. LEWIS, b. I 2, 18, 1848. 3 197. MARY, b. I 2, 15, 1850; m. Jerome Generi and Lewis Campbell. 3.198. ROBERTHA, b. IO, 6, 1853. 3199. CORNELIA, b. 3, IO, 1856, 32OO. GEORGE, b. 6, 14, 1863. 32OI. JoSEPHINE, b. 7, 12, 1869. Children of Mary Justis (1217) and Jesse Rambo. - - 32O2. HENRY, b. 2, 12, 1837. 32O3. EMILY W., b. I I, II, 1839; m. 9, 16, 1860, Joseph H. Pritner. 32O4. EUNICE M., b. 9, 10, 1843; m. 5, 26, 1863, Theodore M. Wilhelm. Children of Rebecca /ustis (1278) and Abc/ 7. Parker. 32O5. MARY, b. IO, 5, 1847; m. 8, 9, 1873, Henry Bidwell. 32O6. Joseph INE V., b. I 2, 18, 1849. 32O7. John MORTON, b. I I, 7, 185 I ; m. I, 4, 1874, Alice Hale. * - 3208. EvangeLINE ST. CLAIR, b. 12, 22, 1853; m. 8, 27, 1881, William A. Snyder. 3209, LILLIE D., b. 4, 4, 1856. 3210. WILLIAM, b. 10, 5, 1858. 321 I. CATHA- RINE E., b. 4, 4, 1861. 32 I2. MARTHA A., b. 4, 4, 1861. Children of Ellen /ustis (1219) and Elisha B. Parker. 32 I 3. JAMES L., b. I 2, 12, 1845. 32 I4. HENRY C., b. I, 28, 1848; m. 6, 13, 1878, Nannie C. Earnest. 321 5. ELLEN V., b. 2, 6, 1850. 3216. ANNA MARY, b. I, 23, 1852; d. 9, 4, 1865. . 32 17. MARTHA H., b. 4, 18, 1854. 32 I 8. ALEXANDER. McCONNELL, b. I 2, 22, 1856; d. I, 6, 1858. 3219. MARIA LOUISA, b. IO, 22, 1858. 322O. ISAAC, b. 8, 14, I866. Children of Elizabeth W. Justis (1220) and Samuel Richards. 322 I. WILLIAM B., b. 5, 16, 1854; m. I I, 22, 1876, Jane Cleaver. 3222. CARROLL B., b. I 2, 2, 1866. ºn ºne A / G H 7TA/ G F WA. R A T/O M. I 27 EIG HT H G E N E FATION. Children of Mary Magi/ (1227) and /onathan / Watson. 3223. JACOB M., b. 8, 12, 1829. 3224. John, b. 8, 12, 1829. 3225. JONATHAN P., b. 5, 3, 183 I ; d. 2, 28, 1833. 3226. T. ELLWOOD, b. 3, 30, 1834. Children of Jonathan P. Magi/ (7222) and Mary Watson. 3227. SARAH, b. IO, 2, 1822; d. 2, 2, 1835. 3228. EDWARD H., b. 9, 24, 1825; m. IO, 25, 1852, Sarah W. Beans. Entered the Freshman Class of Yale College in 1850; remained one year, and in 1851 became a student of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, from which he received in 1852, the degree of A. B., and in 1855, that of A. M. He accepted in 1852 the principalship of the Providence High School, and acted in that capacity until 1859, when he was appointed sub-master of the Boston Latin School. During his sub-mastership he published a French Grammar and a series of French Readers, which have been widely used in the schools and colleges of this country. In 1867 Mr. Magill, having resigned his position in the Latin School, devoted a year to foreign travel. In 1869 he was made principal of the Preparatory School of Swarthmore College, and two years later became President of the College, which position he still holds. - 3229. WATSON P., b. 12, 1, 1827; m. 9, 16, 1851, Mary Harvey, who died I I, 8, 1878; m. 12, 21, 1882, Elizabeth H. Moore. 1702 N. 19th Street, Philadelphia. 323O. REBECCA T., b. 6, 26, 1830; d. I I, I 3, 1882. 323 I. CATHARINE J., b. 9, 2, 1833; m. 4, 19, 1860, Henry C. Phillips. 32 IO Baring Street, West Philadelphia. 3232. RACHEL P., b. 2, 3, 1836; m. I I, 23, 1854, John S. Williams. New Hope, Bucks county, Pa. 3233. MATILDA R., b. 8, 6, 1839; m. I I, 20, 1862, Charles Smith Atkinson. New Hope, Bucks county, Pa. * Children of Charles Magi/ (1225) and Annie Trego. 3234. WILLIAM C., b. I I, I 7, 1831. 3235. JACOB, b. 8, 5, 1833. 3236. ELIZABETH, b. 2, 9, 1835. 3237. GEORGE, b. 2, I, 1838; d. 5, 31, 1862. 3238. JonATHAN, b. 8, 22, I840; d. 4, 19, 1843. 3239. ANNE, b. 9, 6, 1844, 324O. CHARLES, b. 9, 6, 1844. Children of Jane Parson (1233) and Edward Hall. 324.I. SARAH P., b. in Chester county, Pa., I I, 17, 1817; m. James Taylor; Edger- ton, Williams county, Ohio. 3242. WILLIAM W., b. in Chester county, Pa., 8, I 3, I819; m. Sarah Robinson; Bristolville, Trumbull county, Ohio. I 28 7TA/A) /l/A A' MS AWA // / / Y. 3243. MARY H., b. 1, 17, 1821 ; m. Levi Hambleton; Oskaloosa, Iowa. 3244. RACHEL, b. 6, 2, 1822; d. unm. 8, 30, 1866. 3245. MAHLON, b. 9, 21, 1823; m. Asenath Arnold ; m. 2d time, Jane Dilley; deceased. w 3246. THOMAS H., b. 9, I I, 1825, in Columbiana county, Ohio; m. I I, I, 1854, Lydia H. Cox, (2356). - Educated at Westtown Boarding School. At an early age he went to Aaron Cooper's, near Parkesburg, to learn the woollen manufacturing business, and from 1845 to 1849, was in Culton's Carpet factory, in Pikeland township, Chester county. Came to West Chester in 1850, as clerk in a lumber yard. From 1855 till 1866, was clerk in the Bank of Chester county, which position he left to establish, in connection with others, a coal and lumber yard at 54th street and Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia. Was Secretary and Treasurer of the West Chester Railroad from 1860 till it passed into the hands of the Pennsylvania Railroad. In 1869 he was appointed Treasurer of the West Chester & Philadelphia Railroad, and held the position eleven years, till the road passed into the control of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad; residence, West Chester, Pa. . s 3247. GEORGE E., b. 4, 21, 1828; m. Ist, Mary B. Heston; 2d, Hannah Heston; d. 7, 15, 1879. - 3248. ALBERT P., b. in Columbiana county, Ohio, IO, 17, 1829. When about three years of age he went to live in Philadelphia, where he attended Public and Friends' Schools. He also spent two years at Westtown Boarding School. At fourteen years of age he went to Aaron Cooper's, in Sadsbury, Chester county, to learn the manufacturing business. At seventeen he went back to Philadelphia and attended Friends' School one year, then he went to Ohio and soon afterwards entered a store as clerk, remaining there 18 months, when he returned to Philadelphia. Com- menced store-keeping on his own account in Philadelphia, at the age of twenty-four; m. 7, 1, 1854, Hannah Hall, daughter of Mahlon and Isabella, of Bucks county, Pa.; remained in Philadelphia about seven years, then removed to Marshallton, Pa., where he kept a store for six years. Now engaged in the dry goods business in West Chester, Pa. 3249. EDWARD H., b. 7, 9, 1831; educated at Westtown Boarding School; m. 2, 27, 1860, Sarah E. Cranston. Went into the coal and brick business in 1856, as a member of the firm of Sharples & Hall, and still maintains his connection therewith, carrying on an extensive business in coal and lumber, at West Chester, Pa. 325O. JOHN, d. in infancy. Children of Jane Parson (1233) and Abraham Heston. 325i. ADALINE, 3252. ELIZA JANE 3253. BENJAMIN E., m. 1867, Lydia Yar- nall. West Chester, Pa. - Children of Thomas Dutton (1238) and Hannah Cotman. 3254. MARY ANN, m. Charles Pearson and went to Reading, Pa., where she died. We have no record of any descendants. - A / G Aſ TA/ G /2 MA: R A 7 / O AV. I 29 3.255. WILLIAM, left Philadelphia many years ago; no further knowledge of him or any of his descendants. 3256. HARRIET, m. in Reading, Pa., is deceased. We know nothing of any de- scendants. Children of Isaac Dutton (1239) and Catharine Taylor. 3257. LEWIS T., b. I 2, 2, 1817; m. I, II, 1844, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Moore. 3322 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia. - 3258. SARAH M., b. I I, 19, 1819; m. 6, 2 I, 1855, Joseph Eves Hover, of Phila- delphia. Address, 3709 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia. 3259. RICHARD R., b. 3, 4, 1822; m. 5, I, 1851, Margaret E., daughter of Peter and Mary Boyle. 625 N. 8th Street, Philadelphia. 326O. ALEXANDER L., b. 5, 23, 1824; d. unm. 4, 18, 1881. 326 I. AUGUSTUS P., b. 5, 23, 1824; d. unm. 3, 19, 1880. These two brothers were associated in a boot and shoe store at 927 Market Street, Philadelphia, under the firm name of A. P. & A. L. Dutton. 3262. CATHARINE M., b. 8, 27, 1827; d. IO, 29, 1834. Children of Larkin Dutton (12/1) and Maria Morris. 3263. NoKRIs, enlisted in the army and died; unm. 3264. GEORGE, d. 1, 25, 1846. 3265. John RICHARD, m. and is deceased. We have no further records of either of these brothers. Children of Larkin Dutton (12/1) and Ann Maſſack. 3266. ANNA MARIA, b. 12, 14, 1828; unm. 3267. SIMEON M., m. 3, 15, 1859, Ruth Anna Davis, daughter of John and Margaretta. No children; Norristown, Pa. - - - - - - --------------------------- Child of Hannah Hibberd (12//) and Israe/ Loðb. 3268. ESTHER, b. 8th mo., 1819; m. 12, 2, 1841, Samuel G. Levis; d. 7, 9, 1866. Children of Thomas Hibºerd (1246) and Margaret Powell. 3269. JoHN, b. 5, 31, 1821. Lawyer; Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 3270. HANNAH, b. 8, 17, 1823; d. unm. 10, 19, 1870. Children of Jacob Hibberd (1247) and Hannah Baker. 3271. PHEBE, m. Christopher Bailey. 3272. Lydia, m. David Sheehan. I 3O 7A/A) // A R /S FA M / / Y. 3273. MARY ANN, m. Adamier Reed. 3274. JESSE, m. Caroline Stansell. 3275. SARAH. 3276. DUTTON. Children of Samuel Hióðcrd (1250) and Lydia Recce. 3.277. JACOB, b. 12, I I, 1829; m. I 2, 31, 1863, Sarah R. Worrall, daughter of Richard T. and Mary Ann. Farmer; Media, Delaware county, Pa. 3278. JESSE, b. I 2, 28, 1834; m. Mary Ann Levis. Farmer; Lima, Delaware county, Pa. 3279. MARY, b. IO, 9, 1836; unm.; West Chester, Pa. 328O. ELIZABETH, b. 6, 17, 1841; unm.; West Chester, Pa. - 3281. JoHN, b. 6, 17, 1841 ; m. 5, 3, 1876, Mary E. Hall, of Aston, Delaware county, Pa. Farmer; Lima, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Susanna Hibberd (1252) and Levi Cor. 3282. SARAH D., b. I 2, 31, 1830. Living in West Chester, Pa. 3283. J. HIBBERD, b. 12, 23, 1834; d. unm. I I, 28, 1862. - 3284. WILLIAM G., b. I I, 21, 1836; m. 3, 17, 1859, Sarah Jones. Farmer; Mal- vern, Chester county, Pa. 3285. LEVI, b. 9, 3, 1842; deceased. 3286. GULIELMA, b. 2, 18, 1847. Teacher; West Chester, Pa. Children of Sarah Hibberd (1253) and Maris Hall (720). See page 74. Children of Susanna Dutton (1256) and Isaac Powell. 3287. SARAH D., b. 6, 29, 1817; m. 3, 28, 1849, at 12th Street Meeting, Philadel- phia, Isaac Leeds, of Moorestown, New Jersey. - • 3288. BENAMIN R., b. 7, 28, 1819; d. unm. 2, 19, 185 I. Children of Thomas Dutton (1259) and Hannah E. Ridgway. 3289. SARAH J., b. 7, 22, 1829; unm.; Burlington, New Jersey. 329O. WILLIAM R., b. 12, Io, 1830; m. 8, 30, 1853, Sarah H. Scattergood, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca. Bank teller; Frankford, Pa. - 329 I. ROWLAND J., b. 9, 6, 1832; m. 6, 3, 1863, Helen E. Burr, daughter of William and Mercy, of Burlington, New Jersey. Merchant; Burlington, New Jersey. 3292. MARY, b. 12, 12, 1834; m. 4, 13, 1854, Richard J. Allen, son of George and Sidney, of Springfield, Delaware county, Pa. 3293. CHARLEs R., b. 11, 28, 1836; d. 4, I 2, 1838. - . E/G HTH GENERATION. I 3 I Children of Thomas Dutton (1259) and Elizabeth Spencer. 3294. CHARLES S., b. 12, 8, 1842; d. unm. IO, I 2, 1867. 3295. HANNAH., b. 12, 29, 1843; m. 9, 5, 1867, Henry C. Ellis, of Milford, Mass.; d. 3, 21, 1869. They had one child Bessie who d. in infancy. - 3296. THOMAS, b. 6, 16, 1846; m. 6, 19, 1867, Emma F. Kinsey, of Philadelphia. 3297. GEORGE, b. 8, 24, 1848; d. in infancy. - Children of Edmund Dutton (1260) and Tacy Matlock. 3298. SALLIE J., b. IO, 4, 1829; d. unm. 5, 22, 1853. 3299. ELIZABETH M., b. 12, 12, 1835; m. 2, 26, 1857, J. Hibberd Bartram, son of Israel and Mary Ann ; Milltown, Chester county, Pa. . 33OO. THOMAS DILLWYN, b. I, IO, 1842; m. I I, 3, 1867, Lydia, daughter of Randall and Mary G. Pratt; d. 8, 2, 1878. Was a farmer near Newtown Square, Del- aware county, Pa. Children of Mary Dutton (1261) and ſarca Darlington. 3301. EDWARD, b. 1, 22, 1832; m. 3, 12, 1856, Mary T., daughter of Charles Palmer, of Concord, Pa. Was a farmer; d. IOth mo., 1876. 3302. SARAH J., b. 8, 31, 1833; unm. Living in West Chester, Pa. - 33O3. ALBERT, b. 5, 12, 1835; m. Charlotte Kitts. No children. Farmer; Glen Mills, Delaware county, Pa. 33O4. AMY, b. 2, 20, 1837; m. 3, 16, 1859, Henry Pratt, son of Nathaniel and Susan; Concordville, Delaware county, Pa. 3305. FRANCES, b. 2, I 3, 1839; d. unm. 8, 30, 1877. 3306. JESSE, b. 7, 8, 1841 ; m. Io, 25, 1866, Hannah W. Pratt, daughter of Thomas and Mary, of Middletown, Delaware county, Pa. Farmer; Darling, Delaware county, Pa. 3307. THOMAS, b. 7, 16, 1843; d. in infancy. 33O8. JARED, b. 8, 16, 1844; m. I 2, 19, 1871, Annie Needles, daughter of Edward and Mary. He and his brother Jesse are the owners of several farms and an extensive butter dairy in Delaware county, Pa.; Darling, Delaware county, Pa. 3309. MARY, b. 8, 15, 1846; unm ; West Chester, Pa. 33 IO. RUTHANNA, b. 12, 8, 1848. Teacher; West Chester, Pa. Children of Nathan C. Dutton (1263) and Maria Butler. 33 I I. MARY E., b. 2, 2, 1841 ; m. I 870, Charles Leech. 33 12. THOMAS E., b. Ioth mo, 1844, 3313. EDMUND, b. 2, 14, 1846. Children of Wathan C. Dutton (1263) and Hannah Smedley. 3314. LEWIS G. 33 I 5. GEORGE S. - Children of Ruthamna Dutton (1264) and Thomas W. Cassin. 33 16. MARY, d. young, 3317. CHARLEs L., b. 5, 9, 1846. A graduate of Penn- I 32 7TA/AS MA A' / S FA /l/ / / Y. sylvania University; m. Emma Sterns. A navy physician ; d. 1, 14, 1878. His widow resides at Brookline, Mass. Children of Amy P. Dutton (1265) and John Williamson. 33 18. JANE R., b. 3, 3, 1849; d. 2, 6, 1852. 33.19. SIDNEY B., b. 2, 7, 1850; d. 2, I 1, 1852. 332O. MARY D., b. 3, IO, 1851 ; m. IO, 21, 1873, Richard W. Randolph ; d I 2, 3 I, 1875. - 332 I. RUTHANNA, b. 8, IO, I853; d. in infancy. 33.22. REBECCA, b. I, 7, 1855. 3323. CHARLES D., Taught Darby Friends' School for four years; address, Media, Pa. b. I I, 6, 1856. Was editor of Media Record and Chester Evening AVews; d. I I, 9, 1881. Children of Mary Steel (1274) and Jesse Horton. 3324. DAVIS. 3325. CAROLINE. Children of Susanna M. Stec/ (1277) and /o/m Leedom. 3326. S. JONES. 3327. MARY E., m. John Jones. 3328. ISAAC, m. Fannie Tor- rance. 3329. ANNA ELIZA. * - 333O. JoHN, m. Josephine Derry. 33.31. ANDREW, m. Sallie Taylor. 3332. KATE, m. John Pugh. Children of Andrew Steel (1278) and Margaret Johnson. 3333. MARY JANE 3334. ANDREW. 3335. CHARLES. 3336. KATE, m. Eugene DeHaven. 3337. THEODORE. Children of Margaretta Steel (1279) and John Davis. - 3338. RUTH A., m. Simeon Dutton. 3339. ELIZABETH S. 3340. S. EMMA, b. 3, 6, 1842, m. Charles Paist; Devon, Chester county, Pa. 334I. CHARLEs, m. Ada Rowan. 3342. MARY C. 3343. B. FRANK. 3344. SUSANNA S. 3345. RETTA S., educated at West Chester State Normal School. Child of Thomas Rhoads (1281) and Emily Carpenter. 3346. J. CARPENTER, m. Miss Graham. Children of Maris Rhoads (1284) and Anna Eliza Houtten. 3347. SALLIE, unm. 3348. ANNIE, m. Morton Chase. º E/G HTH GENERATION. I 33 Children of Mary H. Rhoads (1285) and William Ogden. 3349. John R., b. 3, 9, 1851 ; d. 2, 28, 1861. 3350. ELIZABETH R., b. 9, 7, 1853. 335 I. MARY ELLA, b. 9, 7, 1853. 3352. HANNA W., b. I, 18, 1856; d. I, I 3, 1872. 3353. ANNA P., b. 4, 7, 1857; d. IO, 9, 1864. 3354. WILLIAM, b. 4, 22, 1859; m. 12, 7, 1880, Ella Talbot. 3355. RICHARD, b. 12, 8, 1860. 3356, JENNIE, b. 7, 18, 1862; d. 12, 16, 1867. - Children of Susanna Rhoads (1286) and Benjamin / Edwards. 3357. SAMUEL H., b. 1, 8, 1850; m. I, 24, 1872, Irene, daughter of Rev. Robert McGonigle, now of Newark, Conneéticut. 3358. ANNA R., b. 9, 30, 185 I ; m. 2, 22, 1883, John M. James, son of Edwin, of West Chester, Pa. - Children of /o/in Rhoads (1288) and Elizabeth Passmore. 3359. JOHN. 336O. HoRACE. 3361. CLARENCE D. 3362. ELIZABETH. Children of Elizabeth Rhoads (1291) and Oborn Lewis. 3363. HANNAH. L., b. I, 9, 1847; educated at Attleboro, Bucks county, Pa.; m. 6, 27, 1866, Joseph S. Bunting; address, Clifton Heights, Pa. 3364. SAMUEL EDGAR, b. 5, 12, 1850; educated in Philadelphia; m. I I, 26, 1879, Mary Lownes. Farmer; address, West Chester, Pa. Children of Susanna H. Rhoads (1292) and /o/in W. Ogden. 3365. SAMUEL R., b. 9, 20, 1855; educated in Philadelphia; m. Io, 6, 1880, Vir- ginia Passmore. Farmer; Westtown, Pa. 3366. JoHN HERBERT, b. 1, 28, 1858; educated at Providence, R. I. Clerk; Clifton Heights, Delaware county, Pa. 3367. JAMES CLARENCE, b. 9, 21, 1867; educated at 15th & Race Streets, Philadelphia; Clifton Heights, Pa. Children of James Rhoads (1293) and Mary F. Hibberd. 3368. SAMUEL D., b. 2, 3, 1863. 3369. ISAAC H., b. 4, 23, 1867. Children of Owen Evans (1296) and Lydia Thompson. 3370. MARY, m. Io, 23, 1884, Charles T. Mitchell. 337 I. BEULAH. T. 3372. EDWIN, 3373. WILLIAM. Children of Charles Evans (1307) and Anna B. Kirby. 3374. ANNA, deceased. 3375. WALTER, deceased. 33 76. C. WISTAR. 3377. GRACE, deceased. 3378. EDITH, deceased. • . I 34 TA/A) // A R /S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Samuel Evans (1302) and Annie E. Taylor (2226). 3379. HENRY T., b. II, 1, 1868. 3380. MARY A., b. 3, 22, 1870, 3381. ELLA R., b. 9, 6, 1872. 3382. CAROLINE C., b. 9, 7, 1874. 3383. ALBERT, b. 7, 9, 1876. 3384. BERTHA E., b. 9, 25, 1879. Children of Joel Evans (1303) and Emma D. Stokley. 3385. MARY S. 3386. WILLIAM S. 3387. LAURA, 3388. CLARENCE, d. in infancy. Children of Eleanor Rhoads (1309) and /o/in Shee. 3389. SALLIE R. 3390. Owen R. 3391. LAURA. 3392. FRANK. Children of Sarah B. Rhoads (1312) and Charles E. Taylor (2227). 3393. HAYES C. 3394. ELINOR R. Children of Sarah Griswold (1315) and James Starr. 3395. BEULAH, m. John Wright. 3396. HANNAH, m. John H. Nelling. 3397. THOMAS. 3398. SARAH, m. Edward McGeehan. Children of Prudence Griswold (1316) and William Russel/ 3399. SARAH., b. I I, 17, 1805; m. I 825, John Johnson; d. 1866. 34OO. J. MILLER, b. 6, 25, 1808; m. 1836, Ann Shelldrake; d. 1860. 34OI. HANNAH., b. 3, IO, 18 IO; m. I 830, Hamilton Morton; d. 1832. 34O2. LYDIA, b. 5, 19, 1812; m. 1834, Joseph B. Smith; d. 184I. 34O3. SUSANNA, b. 8, 3, 1814; m. 1833, William Colton Smith, and I I, I8, 1847, . Nathan Williams. 34O4. Evans E., b. I I, Io, 1817; m. I, 6, 1841, Mary G. Lloyd; d. 1882. 3405, WILLIAM, b. 6, 12, 1820; m. 9, 24, 1842, Adaline G. Russell; d. 8, II, 1873. - 34O6. HENRIETTA, b. I I, 19, 1822; d. unm. 34O7. MARY, b. 12, 13, 1827; d. in infancy. - Children of Sarah Rogers (1322) and Mordecai Larkin. 3408. HIRAM, b. 2, 2, 1821; d. 7, 25, 1822. 34O9. ROBERT, b. I, 27, 1823; unm.; Guthrieville, Chester county, Pa. 34IO. GEORGE, b. 8, 29, 1825; m. 4, 28, 1863, Annie W. Pusey. Farmer; North- brook, Chester county, Pa.. - 34II. John, b. 3, 6, 1828; m, 4, 27, 1854, Rebecca A. Kimble. Farmer; Guth- rieville, Chester county, Pa. A / G // / // G A# /V/7 R A 7T/O AV. I 35 J 3412. JESSE, b. 3, 20, 1832; m. 3, 13, 1867, Rachel Dingce. Miller; Milford Mills, Chester county, Pa. 34.13. MOR DECAI, b. 6, 6, 1835; m. IO, 21, 1869, Georgetta Chamberlin; Oskaloosa, Iowa. 3414. MARTHA, b. 10, 12, 1838; m. James F. Reid. No children; Downingtown, Chester county, Pennsylvania. Children of John Talbot (1325) and Hannah Smith. 3415. SAMUEL S., b. 8, 28, 1843; m. 4, 25, 1861, Ellen W. Brown. 3416. SARAH, b. 9, 15, 1845; unm. 34.17. ESTHER, b. 9, 2, 1847; unm. 3418. HANNAH., b. IO, 6, I849; unm. 34.19. KATE, b. 7, 3, 1852; unm. All the above named children live in Philadelphia. Children of Cloud Elliott (1331) and Rebecca A. Dutton (1/86). 342O. JOSEPH T., d. in infancy. 342 I. MALINDA, d. in infancy. 3422. JONATHAN D., b. 3, 26, 1854; m. Ella Beidler. Children of Jane Smith (1333) and Jacob Way. 3424. EVANS S., b. IO, 29, 1803; m. IO, 5, 1832, Mary K. Wells; d. 1876. 3.425. LOUISA, b. I, IO, I805; m. I2, I 3, 1832, Edward H. Engle; d. 1873. 3426. CHARLOTTE, b. IO, 20, 1806; m. 2, 12, 1835, William A. Engle; d. 7, 6, 1871. 3427. EMELIA, b. I I, I 7, 1808; m. James Anderson; d. 5, 2, 1862. Child of Joseph Smith (1334) and Sidney Malin. 3428. ISAAC L., b. 6, 19, 1838; m. Jane G. Burns. Living in Delaware county. Children of Enoch T Smith (13/o) and Esther Ca/vert. 3429. HANNAH., b. 1824; m. John Talbot; deceased. 3430. ABRAHAM, b. 1826; m. Elma John ; deceased. 3431. John, b. I, 4, 1828; m. Sarah J. Mingen ; Media, Pa. 3432. EVANS, b. 1830; m. and living in Chester county. Children of George Broomal/(13/2) and Rebecca Shoemaker. 3433. CHARLEs A., b. 4, 14, 1843; m. 3, 22, 1875, Sallie B. Goodley. Farmer; Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 3435. ANNA M., b. 3, 21, 1846; unm.; Media, Pa. 3436. John M., b. 8, 4, 1848; m. 3, 17, 1880, Ella Lindsay. Merchant; Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 3437. LIZZIE, b. I 2, 27, 185 I ; m. I, 9, 1879, Henry C. Howard, a native of Dela- ware county, and one of the leading members of the Delaware county Bar. 3438. LAURA C., b. I I, 4, 1857; Media, Pa. I 36 TA/ / // A A' /S /*A /l/ / / Y. Children of Ælisabet/. M. Brooma/ (13/3) and William Booth. 3439. SARAH., b. 12, 2, 1841 ; m. I 2, 5, 1876, Allen Flitcraft; Chester, Pa. 3440. CLARA V., b. 9, 14, 1843; m. 6, 12, 1867, Isaac L. Miller; Wallingford, Pa. 3441. HANNAH. B., b. 9, 8, 1845; m. 2, 24, 1870, J. Newlin Trainer. 3442. ELLEN H., b. 12, 3, 1847; m. 3, 26, 1868, Ellwood Harvey. - 3443. GEORGE M., b. 9, 19, 185 I ; m. I I, 29, 1876, Ellen Miller. He is a gradu- ate of Swarthmore College, and a member of the Delaware County Bar. His place of business is in Chester, Pa. 3. 3414. John B., b. I, 13, 1856; unm. A graduate of Swarthmore College. Is at present engaged in the profession of Law in Chester City, Delaware county, Pa. Children of John M. Broomall (13//) and Elizabeth Booth. 3445. WILLIAM B., b. I, 30, 1843, in Chester, Delaware county, Pa.; m. IO, 17, 1876, Anna M. Hinkson. He received his early education at the public schools, and in 1857 he entered Haverford College, where he graduated in 1861. He read Law in the office of his father, John M. Broomall, and commenced praćtice in Chester, where he still remains, having for several years past the largest practice in Delaware county. He has served several terms in the City Council of Chester, from which he retired in 1884 to accept the position of Solicitor for the Baltimore & Philadelphia Railroad Company. w- He enlisted in the 124th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the summer of 1862, then only 19 years of age, and served the term of the Regiment, nine months. He was in the battle of Antietam, and that of Chancellorsville—quite a military experience for So young a soldier. 3446. JOSEPH JOHN, b. I 2, 30, 1844; d. IO, I 2, 1846. 3447. ANNA ELIZABETH, b. in Upper Chichester, Delaware county, Pa., 3, 4, 1847. She received her early education at Peirce's Academy, Bristol, Pa. She studied medi- cine and graduated in 1871, at the Women's Medical College of Philadelphia. She was immediately appointed Assistant Physician at the Women's Hospital of Philadelphia, where she remained until the spring of 1872. In the summer of that year she went to Europe to complete her studies, and spent two years in the hospitals of Vienna and Paris, returning in November, 1874. In August, 1875, she was appointed Resident Physician in the Women's Hospital, and in 1878 was made Physician in Charge. In 1882 she resigned to engage in private pračtice, in which she is still occupied. In 1878 she was appointed Professor of Obstetrics in the College, a position she still holds, and she is also Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Women's Hospital. Early in 1885 she was appointed Consulting Physician and le&turer on Special Hygiene to the new College for Women at Bryn Mawr. Children of John M. Broomall (1344) and Caroline Larkin. 3448. JOHN L., b. 3, 8, 1855; d. in infancy. A / C // TA/ GAZ N/E/C A TVO /V. I 37 3449. John M., J.R., was born in Chester, 7, 25, 1856. After attending the public schools, he passed one year at Swarthmore College, and then went in the summer of 1872, to Hanover, Germany, where he completed his scholastic education. Return- ing in 1874, he read Law in the office ºf his father, John M. Broomall, and was ad- mitted to the Bar in 1877. In 1, 23, 1877, he m. Elizabeth M. Cook. He entered the office of his father, in Media, as a partner, and soon took his place among the young, promising members of the Bar. His death, which occurred 7, 12, 1884, was seriously felt by his many clients, as well as by his family and friends. 3450. HENRY L., b. 4, 12, 1860; unm. Is a member of the Bar in Chester City, just commencing pračtice. He was educated at the public schools, at Swarthmore College, and under private tuition. 345 I. CAROLINE LOUISE, b. 8, 30, 1862; d. in infancy. 3452. CAROLE M., b. 3, 8, 1870; Media, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Robert Broomal/ (I 3/5) and Mary IVc/dow. 3453. LEWIS R., was for some years a leading politician of Philadelphia. He served a term as Register of Wills of the City, and held for some years the position of Chief Coiner at the U. S. Mint. He is still living, but the failure of his health has driven him from public life. 3454. MATILDA, m. Jackson Leidy; living in Philadelphia. Children of Jesse Brooma/ (13/6) and Mira Robinson. 3455. Joseph P., d. in the Army. 3456. WILLIAM, living in Clearfield county, Pa. Children of John T. Broomall (13/7) and Mary Penne// (1/69). 3457. MARGARET P., b. 5, 1, 1827; d. unm. 3, 2, 1873. 3458. JAMES P., b. 7, 22, 1828; d. 12, 25, 1884, unm. 3459. LOUISA, b. 2, 14, 1830; m. Franklin Gray; d. I, 24, 1867. 3460. MARY, b. 9, 9, 1831 ; deceased. 3461. CHARLES P., b. 1, 20, 1833; deceased. 3462. JoHN T., b. 12, 22, 1834; deceased. 3463. SUSANNA, b. I, 6, 1837; d. 6, 23, 1855. 3464. EDWARD, b. 12, 14, 1838; deceased. 3465. SARAH E., b. 9, 3, 1841; unm.; Linwood, Pa. 3466. BEULAH L., b. 3, 29, 1844; unm.; Linwood, Pa. - Children of Martha Broomtal! (1348) and Silas Green. 3467. MARY, d. unm. 3468. ELIZA ANN, living unm. at Linwood, Delaware county, Pa. 3469. SILAS, d. unm. I 38 77///5 // A R /S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Wehemia/, Broomal/ (1350) and Mary Thompson. 3470. MARY, b. 4, 12, 1837; m. James C. Rusk. Living in Delaware county, Pa. 3471. THOMAS T., b. 7, 5, 1839; unm. Living in Delaware county, 3472. MARTHA S., b. 9, 9, 1842; m. William Priest. Living in Delaware county. 3473. JESSE, b. 2, 2, 1845; d. in infancy. 3474. NEHEMIAH, b. 4, 18, 1847; d. in infancy. 3475. JOIN T., b. I I, 14, 1853. Living unm. in Delaware County. 3476. SARAH T., b. 4, 1, 1856; m. James M. Bullock. Living in Delaware county. Children of Daniel Broomall (1352) and º 3477. EMELINE, 3478. WILLIAM. 3479. MARY. 348O. HENRY. Children of Larkin R. Broomall (1353) and Ann Brown. 3481. SARAH T., b. I, I, I836; m. Joseph Fairlamb; d. 3, 14, 1857. 3482. MARTHA A., b. Io. 8, 1837; m. 9, 6, 1855, Samuel Hickman. Resides in Delaware county, 3483. GEORGE M., b. 8, 29, 1839; m. 5, 27, 1855, Maggie — Lives in Delaware county. - 3484. ALFRED D., b. 9, 16, 1841; m. 7, I I, 1866, Mary E. Bell; Chester, Dela- ware county. 3485. CAROLINE L., b. 9, 19, 1843; m. 1861, John A. Green ; Linwood, Delaware county, Pa. Children of John Broome// (1354) and Letitia Parry. 3486. ELIZABETH, d. in infancy. 3487. GEORGE D., b. 7, 24, 1832, in Upper Oxford, Pa.; m, 4th mo., 1861, Ellen Chapin, of New Marlborough, Massachusetts. He was brought up on the farm of his father, John Broomell, and was educated in early life at the public schools. He completed his scholastic education at London Grove Boarding School, and at Ercildoun Academy, two of the excellent institutions for which Chester county has been so noted, and at Whitestown Seminary in New York. He then taught in the public schools of his county, and in various seminaries there and in New York until 1856, when he settled in Chicago, Illinois, where he still resides. - In 1857 he was elečted Principal of one of the public schools of that city, and was engaged in various capacities conneéted with the schools until 1882, when he re- signed the position of mathematical teacher in the High School, which he had held for thirteen years, to embark in mercantile business, in which he is still engaged. His connection with the schools of Chicago commenced when the system was in its infancy, and he did much toward organizing and perfecting it. In this he exhibited abilities of a high order; and his work was greatly appreciated and accepted by the School Department. - His pursuits have always been literary and scientific. For some years he has in- terested himself in advocating phonetic spelling, and pointing out the absurdities of our r-uui-kun-T A / C // TA/ G /2 WAER A 7" / O M. I 39 English system, but the conservatism of lexicographers makes the progress of pho- netics very slow. Children of John Broomc// (1354) and Esther Moore Hamó/eton. 3488. JAMES H., b. 8, 2, 1837; educated at Millersville State Normal School; m. 7, I I, 1867, Mary A. Wickersham. Manufacturer; Aurora, Ill. 3489. LETITIA P., b. 8, 2, 1837; educated at Millersville State Normal School; m. 3, 20, 1861, Cyrus S. Griest; Guernsey, Adams county, Pa. 3490. ELIZABETH, b. 3, 9, 1839; cqucated at Millersville State Normal School; m. 4, 17, 1862, George B. Passmore; Oxford, Chester county, Pa. 3491. SENECA, b. 12, 24, 1840; educated at Millersville State Normal School; m. 5, 30, 1867, Hannah A. Passmore, and 9, 23, 1884, Rebecca J. Lupton. Superintendent of Susquehanna Fertilizer Company, Baltimore, Md. 3492. SAMUEL H., b. I I, I 3, 1842; m. 2, 20, 1873, Mary Ella Cloud. Farmer; Russellville, Chester county, Pa. Children of Daniel Brooma/ (1355) and Martha Commar. 3493. B. FRANKLIN; Collamer, Pa. 3494. LYDIA A., m. — Rigg. 3495. MAR- GARET C., m. Albert G. Preston; deceased. 3496. CIDNEY, m. Albert G. Preston; Bryn Mawr, Pa. 3497. ELIZA JANE, d. young. 3498. PHILENA, m. Willing Griest; 24 N. Mount Street, Baltimore, Md. 3499. SUSANNA, m. Edmund Hatton; living in Upper Oxford. Collamer, Pa. 35oo. WILLIAM C.; Nottingham, Pa. Children of James Broomc// (1357) and Rachel Bażer. 35OI. Josh UA B., b. 12, 13, 1821; m. 2, 4, 1847, Martha Young. Paper manu- fačturer; Ercildoun, Pa. 3502. JASON D., b. 4, 4, 1823; d. 1869. 3503. JOHN C., b. 4, 13, 1825; living unm. at Ercildoun, Pa. 3504. ISAAC E., b. 12, 23, 1828; m. Mary M. Blythe, and lives in Philadelphia. 3505. ELEANOR, b. 1830. 3506. LOUISA, b. 8, 30, 1832; m. William L. Elkins, who is a prominent merchant in Philadelphia. His position and wealth are the product of his own energy and ex- ertions, aided of course by his wife. “A man must consult his mother if he is to be wise, and his wife if he is to be rich.” 35O7. PORTER, b. 3, 1, 1835; d. unm. I 862. Children of Elisabeth Broomc// (1360) and /ames Davis. 3508. ISAAC B., b. 3, 3, 1832; living unm. at Hopewell, Chester county, Pa. 3509. MARY, b. 9, 6, 1833; d. 10, 1, 1836. 3510. ANN B., b. 8, 26, 1836; m. 6, 17, 1858, Washington Bunting; lives in Chester county, Pa. 35 II. RACHEL B., b. Io, 25, 1840; m. I 2, I I, 1862, Henry Temple; lives in Chester county, Pa. I 4O TH E M A R /S FAMA / V. 35 12. EMILY H., b. 1, 14, 1842; living unm. in Chester county. 35.13. MARTILA B., b. 6, 7, 1843; m. 6, 14, 1867, Solomon Temple, and 3, 17, 1884, Baldwin Speakman; living in Chester county. 3514. SARAH M., b. 1, 25, 1845; m. IO, IO, 1872, Talbot M. Rumsey. 3515. ELLEN, b. 3, 22, 1847; m. 6, 1, 1871, Emmor Brown. 35 16. MARY F., b. I I, 29, 1848; m. Mifflin Rigg. 3517. ABIGAIL C., b. Io, 31, 1850; m. James P. Bunting. - - Children of Isaac Brooma/ (1361) and Rache/ H. Wil/inson. 3518. SARAH E., b. 3, 5, 1839; m. 6, 18, 1857, Samuel Linton; Philadelphia. 3519, EDWARD G., b. 2, 22, 1841 ; m. 1865, Eliza Way. 352O. HENRY, b. 3, IO, 1843; m. I I, 30, 1866, M. Frances Turner. 352 I. THOMAS W., b. IO, I 5, 1845; m. I 2, 28, 1870, Sallie W. Eby. 3522. ALBERT, b. 12, I I, 1847; m. Kate M. Harrar. 3523. Eva A., b. 6, 26, 1854; m. I I, 28, 1877, Herman J. Caruthers. 3524. J. NORMAN, b. I I, 25, 1858; m. 6, 2, 1884, Eliza Seabury. Dentist; Philadelphia. ----------------- *-*- Children of Wathan P. Brooma/ (1362) and Mary Roberts. 3525. TAYLOR F., b. 4, 12, 1847; m. Elizabeth Hannum. 3526, JANE. 3527. ANNA, 3528. JACOB. 3529. PHEBE, 353O. LAURA. 353 I. RUTH. 3532. MALIN. Child of Solomon Temple (1363) and Mary Coffin. 3533. ANNA, m. Walter Brown; living in New York State. Children of Damic/ Temple (7.366) and Lydia Chambers (959). See page 93. Children of Abraham P. Temple (1367) and Hannah Pratt 3534. ELIZABETH, living unm. in Philadelphia. 3535. JoHN, m. Emma S. Stokes; living in Philadelphia. Children of Jane B. Temple (1368) and James P. Palmer. 3536. CALEB, d. in infancy. 3537. Lydia, m. Jesse B. Davis; living in Chester County, Pa. - Children of Hannah S. Temple (1370) and Dr. John Lewis. * 3538. ISABELLA T., b. 4, 21, 1826; m. Alfred A. Davis; m. 2d, Thomas Crosby; Philadelphia. 3539. MARY E., b. 3, 18, 1830; m. George F. Brinton; Philadelphia. 3540. HANNAH T., b. 4, 5, 1838; m. Jeremiah C. Jones; Philadelphia. A / G A# 7. Aſ G /2/V ERA 7TWO AW. I4 I Children of Caleb Temple (1371) and Rebecca Taylor. 3541. EMILY R., b. 9, 2, 1833; m. George A. Roberts; Rahway, New Jersey. 3542. JAMES T., b. 1, 16, 1836; m. Caroline E. Conrad ; d. I I, 5, 1872. 3543. EDWARD, living. 3544. ANNA B., b. 8, IO, 1845; m. Samuel Boyer ; living in Chester county. Children of Thomas B. Temple (1372) and Elizabeth Worral/ 3545. ELIZABETH. 3546. MARY S., m. Charles P. Smith. 3547. JOHN B., edu- cated at West Chester Academy; m. Mary John. Merchant; Lionville, Pa. 3548, SALLIE, m. Richard T. Baldwin ; Chadd's Ford, Pa. Children of Bennett Temple (1373) and Martha Dutton. 3549. LYDIA ANN, b. 1835; m. Alfred Mancill (3731); Thornton, Delaware county, - Pa. 3550. THOMAS R., b. 1838; m. Sarah L. Briggs; living in Delaware county. - Children of 77 omas Brooma/ (1374) and Sarah Morris. 355 I. JAMES M., b. 9, 3, 1829; m. 7, 17, 1853, Rebecca C. Foley. 3552. Joseph, b. 7, 22, 183 I ; d. 1, 7, 1873. 3553. CALEB, b. 7, 15, 1833; m. 2, 18, 1855, Mary MC- Dowell. 3554. HELEN, b. 3, 13, 1837. 3555. HANNAH E., b. 2, 18, 1842. -- Children of Nathan B. Brooma/ (1380) and Eliza Zozºisa Kuerr. 3556. VIRGINA EARL, b. 7, 24, 1845; m. 10, 20, 1870, Samuel W. Pennypacker. Mr. Pennypacker was born April 9, 1843; read Law with the Hon. Peter McCall, in Philadelphia; was graduated Bachelor of Laws at the University of Pennsylvania; was President of the Philadelphia Law Academy in 1868; is the editor of Penny- packer's Supreme Court Reports, one of the cditors of the Weekly Notes of Cascs, the leading law journal in Pennsylvania, and is the author of the “Annals of Phoenixville,” “historical and biographical sketches,” and various orations and addresses and his- torical papers, some of which have been translated into Dutch and German, and repro- duced in Europe. He is Vice-President of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and is a member of the Board of Public Education of Philadelphia. 3557. CHARLEs H., b. Io, 6, 1852. Machinist; Phoenixville, Pa. Children of Hannah S. Brooma/ (1381) and Leonard Quidland, Jr. 3558. EMMA D., teacher in Phoenixville, Pa. 3559. BENJAMIN F. 3560. HENRY C. Children of Margaretta C. Brooma/ (1382) and William IV. Waitncight. - 356I. SAMUEL S., b. 2, 22, 1846; m. 5, 17, 1877, Maggie Chrisinger; Pittsburg, Pa. 3562. NATHAN J., b. 9, 8, 1848; m. 9, 7, 1876, Maggie A. Showalter. I42 * TA/A) // A R /S FA M //, V. 3563. WILLIAM F., b. I, 14, 1851. 3564. FLLA V., b. 4, 3, 1857. 3565. GEORGE W., b. 7, 19, 1859. 3566. HARRY P., b. 9, 6, 1861. 3567. W. WERT, b. 4, 24, 1864. Children of David C. Broomall (1383) and Olivia Messer. 3568. SARAH C., b. 12. 2, 1854; d. young. 3569. MARGARET L., b. 7, 5, 1856; m. 6, 13, 1876, Mordecai Rimby: Norristown, Pa. 3570. HARRY W., b. 5, 29, 1859; d. in infancy. 3571. HowARD S., b. 6, I I, 1863. 3572. WILLIAM W., b. I I, 22, 1865; d. I 2, 25, 1870. Child of Lydia Broomall (1384) and Aaron Patazv. 3573. I_YDIA, m. Benjamin J. Townsend, (3581). Children of Hannah S. Brooma/ (1385) and /oseph Joãson. 3574. ELIZABETH B., b. 1832; m. I, 15, 1866, John L. Maris, (689). No children. Coatesville, Pa. 3575. ISAAC W., b. 1836; m. 1862, Sarah Megonigal; living in Dela- ware county. 3576. LYDIA E., b. 1838; m. 1861, Thomas C. Hoopes; living in Ches- ter county. 3577. ESTHER A., b. 1840; m. 1865, B. Frank Allen; living in Montgomery county. 3578. HANNAH., b. 1847; m. 12, 25, 1862, Ellis Maris, (688); d. I I, 9, 1883. 3579. JoSEPH, b. 1852; d. 1873. * - Child of Rachel Broomall (1386) and Hugh Knight. 3580. RACHEL, b. 1847; living in Salem, Ohio. Child of Sarah 7. Broomall (1387) and Jacob Townsend (1425). 3581. BENJAMIN J., b. 6, II, 1837; m. Lydia Vataw (3573); West Branch, Wis. Children of Wathan Broomall (1388) and ſame Hill. 3582. CoRWIN. 3583. SARAH. 3584. MARIAN. All living in Wood county, O. Children of Hannah Broomall (1396) and Joshua Smith. 3585. SARAH ANN, living unm. in Philadelphia. 3586. MARY JANE, m. James Wil- liamson; deceased. 3587. JAMES M., b. 5, 5, 1830; m. Anna M. Pyle, and Elizabeth W. Green; Howellville, Delaware county, Pa. 3588. ELIZA. P., m. Walter W. Calvert; Lima, Delaware county, Pa. 3589, HANNAH. B., living unm. in Philadelphia. 3590. MARTIIA T., b. 12, 18, 1834; m. Joseph P. Yarnall. 3591. AMERICUs V. B., b. 8, 13, 1840; m. Lizzie A. Atmore; Media, Pa. 3592. Lydia E., d. in infancy. 3593. WESLEY W., m. Mary Ella Green; Edgmont, Delaware county, Pa. A / C // 7. Aſ GA; AVA R A T/O M. I 43 Children of David Townsend (1405) and Rebecca Sharp/ess. 3594. WASHINGTON, b. 1, 20, 1813; m. 9, 27, 1838, Elizabeth B. Price, and 12, I I, I 850, Elizabeth A. Gibbons. He received an academical education under Jonathan Gause and Joseph Strode, eminent Chester county teachers. He was appointed teller of the Bank of Chester County in 1831, and Cashier in 1849. This position he resigned in 1857. He was appointed Prosecuting Attorney of Chester county in 1848, and was a member of the convention which nominated Scott in 1852, and of that which nominated Lincoln in I86O. In 1868 he was eleēted to the 41st Congress, and to the next three succeeding ones, and during his eight years in Congress he was aétive and prominent on all ques- tions relating to banking and currency, freedmen's affairs, domestic industry and edu- cation. At the close of his official life he resumed the praćtice of law in his native county, where he occupies a promient position in the profession ; West Chester, Pa. 3595. B. FRANKLIN, b. 8, 6, 1814; m. 3, I I, 1840, Sarah D. Stackhouse. 3596. PRISCILLA A., b. I, 27, 1817; d. 6, 22, 1819. 3597. GULIELMA M., b. 9, 16, I819; m. IO, 9, 1844, Edward Hoopes; d. I I, 24, 1861. 3598. ALBERT, b. 3, 27, 1822. 3599. ANNIE E., b. 8, 17, 1825; m. William E. Barber, who read law under U. S. Senator James Cooper, at Gettysburg, and was admitted to the Bar of Chester county in 1846. He was Assessor of U. S. Internal Revenue from 1869 to 1873, and he re- ceived the first prize of $500, from the Union League of Philadelphia, for the best essay on Political Organization. He d. at West Chester, 4, 13, 1882. 36OO. SAMUEL S., b. 3, 16, 1828; m. Annie Peckworth ; d. 1, 23, 1879. Children of Lydia P. Townsend (1/08) and William H. Brown. 36O1. GEORGE. 36O2. PRISCILLA ANN. 3603. GEORGE WASHINGTON. 36O4. FRANKLIN. 3605. WILLIAM HARVEY, m. Rebecca Townsend. 3606. SAMUEL TownsenD, m. Mary S. Parker. 36O7. HENRY. 3608. Thomas YARDLEY, m. Hen- rietta D. Jones. Children, Jennie J., Sadie, and Lydia T. 3609. LYDIA T. Children of Priscilla Townsend (1/09) and Mordecai Evans. 36IO. ELIZABETH, b. 2, 6, 1816; m. Nathan Evans; d. 1845, 361 I. HUGH, b. I I, 30, 1817; d. 1837. 3612. SARAH, b. I I, 7, 1819; d. 7, 7, 1841. 3613. TownsenD W., b. 9, 5, 1821 ; m. Elizabeth L. Shoemaker; d. 7, 20, 1881. 3614. REBECCA, b. 10, 19, 1823; m. Amos Frick. 3615. FRANKLIN T., b. 9, 25, 1825; m. Cornelia Morgan. 3616. I. Newton, was b. in East Nantmeal township, Chester county, Penna., 7, 29, 1827. He received an academic education, studied medicine and graduated in the Medi- cal Department of Bowdoin College, Maine, in 1851, and in Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, 1852. He is a member of the Pennsylvania State Medical Society, I44 - TA/A) // A R /S FA // / / Y. and of the American Medical Association, and has followed his profession for thirty years in the counties of Bucks and Montgomery, Pa. He resides at Hatboro, and is President of the National Bank of that place. He represented the Seventh Congressional Distrićt of Pennsylvania in the Forty- fifth Congress, and in the Forty-eighth, and he was eleēted to the Forty-ninth Con- gress at the late State ele&tion. As a member of Congress he has been diligent in urging measures tending to perfect the currency, such as redeeming the trade dollar in legal silver coin, equalizing the values of gold and silver currency, &c., measures to extend popular education, to promote peace by providing a National Court of Arbitration, to protećt the Indians against lawless white speculators, and other matters of general national importance. Dr. Evans m. 6, 18, 1856, Elizabeth L., daughter of Asa and Eliza L. Comly, the widow of Joseph Paul. One child living, Gertrude; three d. young, Anna M., Ger- trude, and A. Comly. - 3617. SUSAN H., b. 6, 16, 1829; m. Mark J. Cox. Children, Ellwood C., Anna, deceased, Martha E., deceased. 3618. PRISCILLA, b. 8, 9, 183 I ; d. 1, 7, 1861. 3619. ANNIE M., b. Io, 19, 1833; m. Charles M. Grimm. One child, Nathan P.; West Chester, Pa. 362O. EMMA, b. 6, 28, 1836. 3621. DEBB1E W., b. 5, 17, 1840; m. Hibbert John ; d. 3, 29, 1882. Had six children, two living, Albert T., and Wilmer F. Children of Jane Townsend (1/11) and Thomas P. Bishop. - 3622. PRISCILLA T., b. 12, 17, 1827; d. IO, IO, 1845. 3623. DAVID T., b. 8, 2, 1830; living in West Chester. 3624. TownsenD, b. 4, 5, 1832; d. 9, 8, 1832. 3625. SARAH P., b. I, I 7, 1834; d. 3, 19, 1842. 3626. FRANKLIN T., b. 5, 3 I, 1836; m. Annie Marshall. 3627. EMILY J., b. 1, 19, 1839; d. IO, 7, 1845. Children of Susan Townsend (1/12) and Davis Hoopes. 3628. FRANKLIN, b. 8, 14, 1823; d. 6, 22, 1825. 3629. TOWNSEND, b. 8, 26, 1825; m. Sallie Downing; d. 12, 29, 1872. Children, Sallie T., Frank T., and Joseph D. Children of Jacob Townsend (1425) and Mary Hamilton. 363O. JOHN HOWARD, b. 8, 31, 1827. 363 I. CHARLES P., d. in infancy. 3632. WILLIAM H., b. 4. I 3, 1833. Child of Jacob Townsend (1/25) and Sarah T. Broomall (1387). - See page 142. Children of Beulah Hall (1453) and Watham Davis. 3633. Joseph, m, 9, 21, 1843, Harriet Vaughan; is deceased. Had five children, A / G Aſ TA/ G ENAERA T/O AW. I 45 only one living, J. Lewis. 3634. HANNAH P., m. 1855, William H. Vogdes, a leading politician of Philadelphia, and has been for some years a Representative in the Legis- lature of Pennsylvania. 3635. FLIZA, m. Peter H. Hill, living in Delaware county. Children of /u/ia Ann Hall (1454) and Simeon Garrett. 3636. HANNAH. H., b. 4, 6, 1831 ; m. Chalkley Hatton; living in Chester county. Children, Levi G., Sarah T., T. Chalkley. 3637. RACHEL, b. 5, 23, 1836; m. Hayes Chandler. Had six children; living in Wilmington, Del. 3638. MARGARETTA, m. George W. Taggart. 3639. DAVID H., b. 8, 16, 1844; m. Anna B. Clark; living in Philadelphia. Children of Hannah Hall (1455) and William M. Stephens. 3640. SUSANNA, b. 1, 24, 1843; m. J. Walker Williams. Have two children; live in Chester county. 3641. Joseph INE, b. 12, 24, 1844; m. B. F. Williams. Have one child; live in Chester county. - Children of Susan Hall (1456) and /o/in Black. 3642. HANNAH., b. I I, 19, 1829; m. William Hinkson; three children living, Mary E., Anna P., and William E. 3643. Joseph H., m. Eliza Moore. Two children, both deceased. 3644. SAMUEL, m. Margaret A. Carter. Children, Annie E. and John L. 3645. J. ELLWOOD, m. Lydia Seal. Children, Myrtle H., Howard S., J. Walter, deceased, and Ellwood. 3646. SUSANNA P. 3647. TILLIE H. Children of Susan Larkin (1457) and /o/in H. Fair/amó. 3648. ANNIE S., b. I I, 6, 1834; m. Charles R. Yarnall. Had seven children, two of them deceased; living in Delaware county. 3649. Robert, b. 7, 3, 1836; m, Su- sanna Springer. Have three children; living in Delaware county. 3650. S. LARKIN, b. 9, 1, 1838; m. Emma A. Naseby; living at Rock Rapids, Iowa. 365 I. SARAH P., b. 1, 5, 1841 ; d. 12, IO, 1841. 3652. MARY H., b. IO, 20, 1843; m. George W. Smith, M. D. Children, Agnes H., George, and Ernest B. ; living in Philadelphia. Children of Ann Larkin (1458) and Wathan L. Eyre. 3653. SARAH L., b. I, 3, 1839; d. I, I 7, 1859; unm. 3654. Joseph L., b. I, 26, 1840, killed in the U. S. Army, 8, 4, 1863. 3655. PHILENA W., b. 8, 21, 1841 ; m. James Cheetham; children, Sadie L., Anna E., May D., E. Dutton, Jennie M., Joseph E., and Philena P.; living in Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 3656. PENNELL, b. 8, 30, 1843; m. Eliza A. Hanby; children, Frank N., Robert H., Anna L., and Bertha P.; living in Chelsea, Delaware county. 3657. Louisa B., b. 146 TH E M A R /S FA M // Y. 4, 29, 1846; d. 8, 25, 1853. 3658. NATHAN L., b. 5, 28, 1849; m. Sallie Ann Cheetham; children, Joseph L., William H., Estelle, deceased, and Carrie L.; living in Chester, Pa. Child of Josep/, /arkin (1459) and Ann S. Ayre. 3659. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. 7, 8, 1843; m. Alfred England. One child, Ella Irene; living in Upper Chichester, Delaware county, Pa. Children of Elizabeth Larkin (1/6/) and William Webster. 3660. HANNAH., b. 2, 23, 1840; m. 3, 5, 1885, at Middletown Meeting, Delaware county, Samuel L. Moore; address, Chester, Pa. 366 I. SARAH L., b. 4, 1, 1841; m. Joseph W. Jones; children, Elizabeth W., and Jane P.; Chester, Pa. 3662. EDWARD, b. 4, 16, 1847; m. Emma England; one child, Edward L.; Lima, Delaware county, Pa. 3663. RUTH ANNA, b. 2, 24, 1849; m. Samuel L. Moore; d. 4, I 3, 1880; chil- dren, Hannah W., Ruth A., deceased, and Elizabeth. - 3664. WILLIAM, b. 3, 6, 185 I ; m. Cynthia D. Kester. One child, William. 3665. PENNELL L., b. 9, 7, 1853; m. 5, 9, 1878, Mary W. Yarnall. Two children, J. Herbert, Anna G.; Media, Pa. 3666. OWEN Y., b. 2, 26, 1855; m. Clara England. One child, Agnes M.; living in Delaware county. 3667. ELIZABETH, b. I I, I, 1856; living in Middletown, Pa. 3668. RICHARD G., b. 6, 23, 1861; Middletown, Pa. Children of James Larkin (1468) and Beulah Larkin. 3669. SARAH REBECCA, b. 3, 31, 1854; m. Ezekiel C. Shoemaker. Two children, Comly B., Bessie W.; living in Montgomery county, Pa. 3670. SIDNEY: 3671. MIL- TON W. 3672. Joseph S. 3673. ANNIE S. 3674. EDITH. The last four are living in Upper Chichester, Delaware county, Pa. - Children of Mary Pennell (1469) and John T. Broomall (1347). See page I37. Children of Sarah Pennell (1470) and Bayard Smith. - 3675. PENNELL 3676, ELLwooD. 3677. ATTwooD. 3678. ATMORE, 3679. MAGGIE 3680. REBECCA H. 3681. EMMA, b. I I, 21, 1846; m. Emmor I. Barlow. Have six children; living in Chester, Pa. * Children of Beulah Pennell (1471) and Joseph Lloyd. 3682. GEORGE 3683. HENRY. 3684. John. 3685. Joseph. 3686. MARY. 3687. ORPAH. pºrºtº-º- – --------- v/642.9 (1650) ºut---- E7G H TH GENERATION I47 Children of Emeline Penne// (1474) and Hickman Bullock. 3688. ELIZABETH. 3689. SARAH, 3690. BEULAH. 3691. John. 3692. LEWIS. 3693. HARRISON. 3694. HICKMAN. 3695. MOSES. 3696. GEORGE. 3697. FRANCIS. 3698. MARY. 3699. EMELINE. Children of Susanna Penne// (1476) and Thomas Forsythe. 37OO. ANNA J., b. 3, 17, 1842; m. James R. Thorne. One child living, one de- ceased ; living in Philadelphia. 37OI. ELIZA. N., b. 5, 9, 1843; m. James Early Cad- mus. Children, Alfred B., Estella E., Neal Y.; living in Philadelphia. 3702. THOMAs JAMES, b. I, 21, 1845; living in Philadelphia. 3703. EMILY E., d. in infancy. 3704. VIRGINIA W., d. in infancy. 3705. SALLIE R., d. in infancy. 37O6. MARY, d. in infancy. 3707. CoRNELIA, living in Philadelphia. Children of John L. Pennell (1477) and Jane Peirce. 3708. NATHAN W. 3709. WILLIAM. 37 IO. EMMA, b. 5, 31, 1846; m. Thomas E. Lewis. Four children; living in Philadelphia. 371 I. John W. 3712. ANNA M. 37 I 3. ELLWOOD E. 37 I4. SARAH, d. in infancy. 371 5. ELIAS E. 3716. GEORGE W. 3717. HARRY W., d. in infancy. 3718. MARY T., d. in infancy. Children of Sarah T. Penne// (1478) and William B. Roberts. 3719. NATHAN P., b. 8, IO, 1841 ; m. I, I 3, 1869, Hannah M. Thompson; children, Sarah P., Adaline, William B., Phebe W.; Chester, Pa. 3720. PAULINE J., b. I I, 3, I843; m. IO, 5, 1869, Francis Gardner. Children, T. Hartt, Frank R., Jennie, Sarah R.; East Portland, Oregon. 372 I. THEODORE, b. 3, 21, 1846; living in- Chester, Pa. 3722. ANNIE M., b. IO, I, 1848; m. I, 2, 1872, Charles H. Hoopes. Children, Charlotte H., C. Harry, Pauline G., Horace F.; Chester, Pa. 3723. Lydia, b. 1, 2 I, 1851; m. I I, 18, 1869, George Griffith Jones. Children, William R., Bertha R., John Spencer, G. Griffith; Chester, Pa. 3724. MARY M., b. 9, 23, 1853; m. 2, 26, 1873, William D. Taylor. Children, Frederick F., E. Harvey, William L.; Chester, Pa. Children of Martha Dutton (1479) and William West. 3725. SAMUEL, b. I I, 20, 1836; d. 1884; unm. 3726. JonATHAN D., b. Io, 14, 1838; d. 2, 24, 1839. 3727. WILLIAM PUSEY, b. 2, 6, 1840; m. 9, 6, 1866, Margaret D. Pidgeon. Three children living, four deceased; living in Philadelphia. 3728. ELIAS H., b. 2, 24, 1842; m. I 2, 19, 1878, Jennie Maddock. Child, Edith M.; living in Chester, Pa. 3729, RACHEL P., b. 2, 24, 1842; m, 2, 7, 1867, James F. Leys. Child, James F.; living in Chester, Pa. 3730. KATE D., b. 2, 24, 1842; living in Chester, Pa. I48 7TA/A) // A R / S. FAMILY. Children of Susanna P. Dutton (1481) and Mahlon Mancil/ 3731. ALFRED, b. 2, I I, 1835; m. IO, 8, 1857, Lydia A. Temple (3549); living in Thornton, Delaware county, Pa. 3732. NATHAN P., b. 7, 23, 1836; d. 2, 23, 1838. 3733. RACHEL A., b. IO, 6, 1837; m. 4, 4, 1860, Jonathan Johnson. Three children living, one deceased; living at Chester, Pa. 3734. SARAH D., b. 8, 21, 1841 ; m. 2, 12, 1861, Edward Barton. Five children living, three deceased; living in Chester, Pa. 3735. ARABELLA, b. 6, 23, 1844; m. I 12, 1870, James E. Miller; living in Delaware county, Pa. y Children of Hannah H. Dutton (1482) and John Valentine. 3736. ANNA R., b. 3, 9, 1853; d. 3, 3, 1863. 3737. HARRY W., b. 6, IO, I855. d. 8, 3, 1861. Children of Rebecca A. Dutton (1486) and Cloud Elliott (1331). See page 135. Children of David H. Dutton (1487) and Elizabeth R. Moore. 3738. HORACE H., b. 4, 13, 1857. 3739. RACHEL P., b. 5, 27, 1859. 374O. BESSIE, b. I 2, 13, 1864; d. in infancy. - Children of William Henry Dutton (1488) and Mary E. Butler. 3741. WILLIAM H., b. 12, 9, 1873. 3742. LEWIS H., b. IO, 8, 1875. 3743. MINOR M., b. 6, 3, 1878. 3744. MARY E. Children of Watham Pennell (1489) and Mary G. Fogg. 3745. ELIZABETH B. 3746. WILLIAM H. 3747. MARY E. 3748. BEULAH F. 3749. SAMUEL F. 3750. WALTER. 375 I. CHARLES M. Child of Larkin Pennell (1490) and Rebecca A. Barton. 3752. Joseph, b. 7, 4, 1857; m. 6, 2, 1884, Elizabeth Robins. He was educated at the Friends' Sele&t School, at Germantown, Pa. At that School he received lessons in elementary drawing, a taste for which he displayed at a very early age. After leaving school he attended the Academy of Fine Arts for a short time, and commenced making drawings of whatever objećts struck his fancy. These attracted the attention and received the encouragement of the editor of the mag- azine of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and some of his earliest etchings and drawings appeared in that magazine. - In 1882 he went to New Orleans, where he made etchings and drawings for George W. Cable's “Creole Days” and other stories, which appeared in the Century /2 / G A# TA/ G E WAER A 7T / O AV. I 49 Magazine. His work has appeared at most of the recent exhibitions of art in this country and in Europe, and has been very favorably received. In 1883 he spent six months in Florence, Venice, and other Italian cities in his favorite pursuits, and illustrated some of the works of W. D. Howells. - His wife is a daughter of Edward Robins, and niece of Charles G. Leland, both of Philadelphia. She is the author of “The life of Mary Wollstonecraft,” and other works. They are now in London, having spent the past winter in Rome, Pompeii, Florence, and other Italian towns. Children of Eliza Penne// (1497) and Isaac Webster. 3753. MARY P., b. 5, 14, 1851; m. William H. Zelley; Marlton, Burlington County, New Jersey. 3754. SALLIE H., b. 9, 22, 1853; m. Woolman S. Kirkbride; living in Burlington county, New Jersey. - Children of Mary Penne// (1494) and Ænoch Zecalom. 3755. EDWIN, m. Abby W. Yarnall; address, Lionville, Pa. 3756. Joseph P., m. 2, 19, 1885, Belle P. Wickersham, of West Chester. 3757. ANNIE M. Child of Watham P. Hall (1495) and Henrictia Horn. 3758. ANNIE H. Child of Isaac Hall (1498) and Amanda Coughlin. 3759. MARTHA AMELIA. Child of Edwin Hall (1799) and Jane Ford. 3760. MARY F., m. Dr. Ford. Children of Edwin Hall (1/99) and Annie Ford. 3761. EDWIN, 3762. WILLIAM. 3763. CLARENCE. Children of Lewis S. Hall (15oo) and Matilda Scheets. 3764. GEORGE. 3765. SUSAN. 3766. ELIZA. 3767. LEWIS. 3768. FRANK. 3769. ELLWOOD, 3770. LAURA, 3771. NELLIE. Children of Susan P. Hall (1.5oz.) and Edwin C. Fenimore. 3772. MARY LOUISA. 3773. SARAH F. 3774. SUSAN H. I 50 TA/A) // A R /S FA // / / Y. Children of Louisa Hall (1502) and Robert Mull. 3775. EDWIN MARTIN, m. Annie McGlathery; living in Philadelphia. 3776. SUSAN H. 3777. HENRY B. Children of Dina/. Barnard (1503) and Mahlon Phillips. 3778. Joseph B., b. 10, 19, 1819; m. Annie W. Wright, of Columbia, Pa.; d. in Iowa, 7, 3, 1877; his wife survives him. He was distinguished as a scholar and mathematician. 3779. John B., b. 3, 23, 1821 ; m. Ist, Lydia Lewis, daughter of Nathan and Han- nah, of Kennett Square; 2d, Emily Webb, of Wilmington, Del.; the latter survives him. He d. at St. Paul, Minnesota, 4, 27, 1877. Dr. Phillips was, at the time of his death, Commissioner of Statistics of Minnesota, and also Assistant Secretary of State. He was educated at Heidelburg, Paris, and Vienna. Was a poet, and translator of German Lyrics. 3780. JAMES M., b. 9, 6, 1822; m. Mary, daughter of Jacob Pusey, a cotton manu- fa&turer of Wilmington, Del. Was a member of the State Legislature in 1867–8. 3781. REBECCA, b. 3, 17, 1824; d. 9, 17, 1825. - 3782. EDITH B., b. 12, 10, 1825; m. William Warren Woodruff, of Geneva, Ohio, afterwards County Superintendent of Public Schools of Chester and Bucks counties; deceased; children, Lucy E. and William W., Jr. 3783. PHILENA, b. 10, 26, 1827; d. unm. I I, 25, 1856. 3784. DEBORAH., b. 9, 26, 1829; d. 6, 12, 1847. 3785. HANNAH. B., b. 7, 30, 1831 ; m. J. Melancthon Frink, of Topeka, Kansas; d. 12, 16, 1875, at Seattle, Washington Territory. 3786. CYRUS, b. I, 26, 1834; d. 6, 9, 1838. 3787. SALLIE G., b. 4, 24, 1836; d. unm. 8, 3, 1867, at Cottage Grove, Minn. Children of Lettice Barnard (1504) and Elijah Pugh. 3788. J. HowARD, M. D., b. 6, 23, 1827; m. 3, 12, 1857, Susan M. Rinehart. Dr. Pugh has represented his District in Congress, and is President of the Mechanics' National Bank, at Burlington, New Jersey; two children, Isabel and Annie H. 3789. MARY B., m. Charles Cloud, of Philadelphia; children, Ella and Lettice. 3790. JoSEPH B., m., and d. in 1877, aged about 49 years. He resided at Port Deposit, Mol. Was a member of Maryland Convention to revise the State Constitution in 1864. 379 I. REBECCA B., teacher; d. unm. at West Chester. Children of Richard M. Barnard (1505) and Hannah Wilson (843). See page 82. - Children of Grace Barnard (1506) and Benjamin Mason. 3792. GEORGE. 3793. JoSEPH B. - A / G Aſ TA/ G / NWAZ RA T/O AV. I 5 I Children of Simon Barnard (1507) and Sara/, Darlington. 3794. MARTHA, b. I, 7, 1829; m. Edwin Chambers, of Phil'a. 3795. HANNAH MARY, b. 6, 21, 1831 ; m. Rev. Edwin Monroe, of Akron, Ohio; one child, Pauline Alice. 3796. LUCRETIA M., b. 5, I I, 1839; m. Charles W. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, who died some years since. She is Principal of a flourishing school in West Philadel- phia; children, Josephine B. and Charlotte B. 3797. JoSEPHINE D., b. 7, 23, 1845; m. Henry Justice, of Philadelphia; children, Lucretia and Anna. Children of Joseph Thompson (15/o) and Elizabeth Scal. 3798. PHEBE A., b. 8, 20, 1819; d. in infancy. 3799. WILLIAM S., M. D., b. I I, 27, 1820; m. 6, 17, 1847, Rebecca Paxson; d. 8, Io, 1870. During the War he was Surgeon of United States Volunteers; in charge of hospitals at Harrisburg and Fair- ſax. Subsequently, for a time, Medical Inspector of Penna. Reserves. 3800. HANNAH S., b. 2, 23, 1823; m. 3, 12, 1846, Joseph T. Barnard, son of Amos and Ann. 38OI. SIDNEY H., b. 4, 15, 1825; m. 3, 23, 1848, Norris Wilkinson; d. 3, 26, 1885. 38O2. BENJAMIN, M. D., b. 8, 20, 1827; m. 5, 23, 1872, Alice Elma Cope; children, Elizabeth S. and William C. 38O3. MARY ANN, b. 1, 2, 1830; m. 3, 16, 1854, Jacob Chandler; one child, John. 38O4. ELIZA, b. 7, 1, 1834. 3805. JoSEPH, b. 8, 24, 1836; m. 9, 29, 1870, Martha L. Brinton; children, Josephine and Martha B. He is the Senior member of the firm of Thompson, Fry & Co., Importers and Wholesale Grocers, I31 Market Street, Philadelphia. Children of Lydia Thompson (1512) and Calcó Sca/ 3806. MARY, b. IO, I 3, 1822; d. 8, 7, 1824, 3807. PHEBE ANN, b. I, I, 1824; m. G. Howard Leeds. 3808. LEWIS, b. I I, 24, 1825; m. Susan W. Orin ; d. 7, 16, 1865; child, Wilson. 3809. ELIZABETH, b. 2, 25, 1828; m. Isaac Good; children, Lydia, Susan A., Mary, and Florence. 38 IO. BENJAMIN, b. 3, 3, 1830; m. Mary Petit; children, Anna, Gertrude, and Francis. 381 I. FRANCIS, b. IO, 3, 1832; d. 4, 15, 1861. 38 I 2. WILLIAM T., b. 3, I, 1835. Education, common School and academic. Honorary degree of A. M. conferred by the College of New Jersey; engaged in teach- ing from 1856 to 1881; from 1862 to 1865, principal of the Excelsior Normal Insti- tute, at Carversville, Bucks county, Pa.; from 1866 to 1876, principal of the Bellevue Institute, at Langhorne, Bucks county; from 1876 to 1881, teaching in Philadelphia, and Secretary of the Counsel of Education of the International Exhibition; now Sec- retary of the Philadelphia Textile Association, and one of the Assessors of Real Es- tate of the city; married Emily H. Fell, of Bucks county; children, Harriet F., Lewis W., Ethel T., and Alfred N.; 106 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 3813. JoHN T., b. 7, 7, 1837; d. 6, 6, 1854. Children of Richard B. Thompson (1513) and Hannah Seal. 3814. ELIJAH., b. 3, 26, 1832; m. 3, 8, 1860, Hannah Pennell; children, Wilmer P., deceased, Emma, Laura, Carrie, A. Pennell, and Mary Ella, deceased. I 52 T///E MA R /S FAM//. V. 3815. PHEBE S., b. 5, 23, 1834; m. I, 29, 1863, Emmor Gawthrop. 3816. MARY B., b. 6, 3, 1836; m. 9, 7, 1865, Benjamin Orin; d. 9, 22, 1872; one child, B. Wilson. 3817. FRANCIS S., b. I I, 8, 1838; m. 2, 26, 1862, Hannah W. Clay- ton; children, Lillie C., Fannie A., deceased, Phebe E., and Mary A, 3818. ANNA. E., b. IO, 24, 1840; m. I, 30, 1879, Edgar L. Pratt. 3819. JABEZ W., b. I I, 14, 1844; m. 9, 18, 1873, Iverne Kennedy; children, C. Walton, Warren Chester, deceased, Les- ter K., Edwin J., and Marie Anna. 382O. JoSEPEI S., b. 8, 31, 1846; m. Io. 26, 1871, Lydia C. Temple. Children of Danic/ B. Thompson (1514) and Mary Hayes. 382 I. ISAAC H., b. 2, 18, 1831 ; m. I I, 7, 1860, Anna W. Hutton; they have eight children. 3822. SAMUEL S., b. 10, 22, 1832; m. 9, 18, 1862, Annie J. Mitchell, and Io, 26, 1876, Hannah J. Comly; children, Mary S., Justice M., and Carrie H. 3823. ELIZABETH A., b. 4, 7, 1835; m. 4, 12, 1864, Richard W. Hutton; children, J. Wetherill, Anna T., and Samuel T. 3824. SARAH H., b. 4, 13, 1838; d. 3, 23, 1884. 3825. MARY, b. IO, 4, 1840; d. 2, 28, 1877. Children of Hanna/, Thompson (1515) and Reuben Walton. 3826. ELIZABETH J., b. 8, 22, 1827; d. 7, I I, 1828. 3827. GILPIN T., b. 9, 25, 1830; m. I, 25, 1854, Rebecca J. Orin ; children, Hannah and Benjamin. Children of William Thompson (1517) and Joanna H. Taylor. 3828. JACOB T., d. young. 3829. TAYLOR, m. Philena Beeson; children, Arthur J., Jethro B., and M. Emma. 3830. MARY EMMA, m. William Wright; children, Eva L. and Wilson T. Child of Joseph C. Barnard (1519) and Phebe Williams. 3831. JOHN, b. 1821 ; m. Mary Ann Kent; d. 1854; one child, Ella. Children of Amos Barnard (1520) and Ann Wilson. 3832. Joseph T., m. Hannah Thompson, daughter of Joseph, of New Garden; had a son Amos and two daughters. 3833. WILSON, d. unm. 3834. RACHEL, d. unm. Children of Elihu Barnard (1521) and Mary Williams. 3835. EMMA, m. David C. Chambers, of London Grove; d. 1853. 3836. Norris, m. Martha Baker, daughter of Jacob, of London Grove, Pa. 3837. JoHN W., m. Mary P. Chambers, daughter of David, of London Grove, Pa. 3838. Richard C., m. Sarah, widow of Israel Way. 3839. PHEBE, m. William Lamborn, of Lancaster county, Pa. 3840. ANN E., d. unm. Jº / G // 7. Aſ CAE AWA R A T/O AV. I 53 Children of Williams /3arnard (1522) and Ruth Stubbs. 384 I. VINCENT, b. 1825; m. 1st, Joanna, daughter of Moses Pennock, of Kennett Square, Pa.; 2d, daughter of Simon Martin, of same place. Was a noted naturalist; he had two children, Moses Pennock, by his first wife, and Simon Martin by the second, the latter lives in Kennett Square, Pa.; d. in 1871. 3842. SARAH, m. Levi Preston, of Kennett Square, Pa.; one child, Dr. William B. 3843. ISAAC D., m. and settled in San Francisco, Cal. 3844. RICHARD W., m. 1st., James, and 2d, Mary Lundy. 3845. PRISCILLA, m. John Coates, of Atglen, Chester county, Pa. 3846. PHILENA. 3847. ELLA. Children of Eusebius /3arnard (1523) and Sara/, /ainter. 3848. FLIZABETH, b. 4, I I, 1830; m. Thomas Hoopes; d. 3, 26, 1856. 3849. MINERVA, b. 6, 14, 183 I ; d. 5, 9, 1833. 3850. HANNAH M., b. 3, 7, 1833; m. William Hoopes. 385 I. MINERVA, b. 3, 20, 1835; m. Ellwood Hoopes. 3852. ENOS, deceased. 3853. ANNA, deceased. 3854. EUSEBIUS R. 3855. ENOs P. Children of Richard Darlington (1530) and Edith Smedley (955). See page 91. Children of Stephen Darlington (153 / ) and Ann Menden/a/. 3856. FENELON, m. Hannah Tussey; deceased; children, Lucy, Jennie, Annie, and Emlen. All of Pocopson, Chester county, Pa. 3857. LAMARTINE, m. Sarah Sharpless, daughter of Joel. 3858. SARAH, m. Samuel Augee, of West Chester. 3859. LOUISA. 386O. EMMA D., m. Thomas Webb. Children of Joseph B. Darlington (15.3/) and Mary ſackson. 3861. ELISHA. 3862. Joseph P. 3863. GEORGE. Children of Thomas Hänſson (7.5/1) and Elisabeth S. Minshal/ 3864. WASHINGTON. 3865. MINSHALL. 3866. GEORGE. 3867. HARRISON. 3868. THOMAS. 3869. JAMES. * 3870. HENRY. 387 I. JoHN. 3872. SALLIE. 3873. MARY. Children of Sarah Hinkson (1545) and David Manciſ. - 3874. MARY T., b. 7, 5, 1830; m. I 2, 22, 1852, Aaron King, of East Pikeland, Chester county, Pa.; one child, Sallie, m. William Hallman, and is deceased. I 54 T///, // A R /S FA // / / Y. 3875. SUSANNA, b. 1, 13, 1832; m. I 2, 22, 1853, Joseph Philips; one child, C. Dayton, who is Water Guager for Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company, on the Schuylkill canal; address, I 50 Jefferson Street, Manayunk, Philadelphia. 3876. MAURICE H., b. 2, 18, 1834; m. I, II, 1860, Mary Anna Chrisman, who d. 12, 25, 1867; m. 2, Io, 1870, Emma M. Johnson. Superintendent of Carpentry for the P. & B. C. R. R.; Oxford, Pa. 3877. CAROLINE P., b. 2, 28, 1836; m. 12, 18, 1866, Jehu Dutton Slawter; children, George E. M. and Sallie K. 3878. HARRIET, b. I I, 26, 1837; d. unm. 4, 30, 1865. 3879. SAMUEL BARTON, d. in infancy. 3880. WILLIAM, d. young. 3881. GEORGE ELLWOOD, b. 4, 8, 1844; m. I 2, 24, 1868, Martha R. Hink- son. Moved to Philadelphia when a young man, and soon entered the grocery and provision business. By his energy and tačt he has become one of the leading mer- chants in West Philadelphia; children, Horace L., Anna H., George D., Stanley B., Mary K., and Mahlon H.; address, 36th & Market Streets, Philadelphia. 3882. MAHLON, b. 8, 12, 1847; m. and lives in Chester county. 3883. DAVID D., b. 9, 16, 1849; m. 2, 22, 1876, Alvina Bernet. In business with his brother at 36th & Market Streets, Philadelphia; children, Hattie B., Walter L., and Bessie M. Children of Charlotte New/in (1554) and Jacob G. Kitts. 3884. MARY N., b. 6, 18, 1830; m. Milton Sharpless, (17O6); Marshallton, Pa. 3885. THOMAS J., b. IO, 6, 1831; m. Elizabeth B. Thomas; d. 10, 18, 1884. - 3886. Levis N., d. young. 3887. SARAH A., d. in infancy. 3888. CHARLOTTE E., d. in infancy. 3889. CHARLorre N. 3890. SARAH N. 3891. John L., b. 12, 5, 1841; m. 2, 1, 1866, Anna R. Smith; Brandywine Summit, Delaware county, Pa. Children of George Wewlin (1558) and Anna Eliza Elliott. 3892. JOHN A. 3893. How ARD N. 3894. GEORGE W. 3895. LETTLE M. Children of Sara/, Worriſow (1565) and Walter M. Bateman. 3896. JOSEPH. 3897. JAMES. 3898. LIZZIE, 3899. CHARLES. 3900. PASCHALL. Children of Benjamin Worriſow (1603) and Catharine E. Ewing. 3901. John E., d. young. 3902. DAVID R., m. 3, 3, 1874, Maggie A. Pedrick. Bricklayer; Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 3903. ELLA. 3904. WILLIAM G., m. 5, I, 1878, Mary E. Slaven. Ship Carpenter; Chester, Pa. 3905. HANNAH L. - 3906, ADDIE S. 3907. ANTRIM H. Farmer; Booth's Corner, Pa. 3908, GEORGE H. Book-keeper; Philadelphia. . Children of Wicholas N. Worriſozy (1605) and Sallie / Slawſer. 3909. IDA E. 39 IO, THOMAS M. 391 I. MARY N. 39 I 2. WILLIAM D. 3913. ANNA B. 3914. Joseph J. NATHANIEL N. MARIs. (3926) A / C // T// G /E/V/ERA 7/O W. I 55 Children of Fran//im Worriſow (1606) and Sarah P. Beck. 3915. John F., d. young. 3916. MARY P. 3917. PHEBE B. 3918. SARAH B. 3919. BENJAMIN F., b. 8, 31, 1853; m. Io, 17, 1875, Emma Baldt. Druggist; address, 1715 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia. 392O. CLEMMIES. Children of Jesse Maris (1621) and Wancy Smith. 392 I. ELIZABETH, b. Io, 30, 1828; m. Jesse Williams; Pennville, Jay County, Ind. 3922. MARY, b. 7, 17, 183 I ; m. I 2th mo., 1848, James Hanson; d. 7, 7, 1853. 3923. CURTIs N., b. 7, 17, 1833; m. 4, 2, 1856, Sarah J. Paxton; d. 7, 16, 1859. 3924. MATTHEW W., b. 8, 25, 1835; m. 7, 25, 1861, Maggie Wiley; Clarkesville, John- Son County, Arkansas. Child of Jesse Maris (1621) and Mary Voc. 3925. SOLOMON H., b. 7, 6, 1847; m. 9, 24, 1872, Maria L. Davies. Farmer; Hunter, Belmont county, Ohio. Children of Curtis Maris (1622) and Mary Wewnam. 3926. NATHANIEL N., b. IO, 9, 1827; m. 6, 4, 1854, Mary Richardson. Farmer and stock raiser; Nineveh, Johnson County, Indiana. 3927. NANCY, b. 4, 14, 1829; m. Carlton Gregg; m. 2d, IO, 14, 1858, John Beatty. 3928. TAMOR, b. 1833; m. M. S. Lane; m, 2d, J. Skidmore; two children, Mary and Eliza, by first marriage; by the 2d, Wilma, George, Allen, Lillie M., and John; Bement, Piatt county, Illinois. - - Children of Sarah Maris (1623) and Alfred Davies. 3929. NATHANIEL, b. IO, 18, 1829; d. unm. 6, 9, 1853. Was a carpenter. 393O. John D., deceased. 393 I. MARY, deceased. 3932. JANE, b. I, 30, 1837; m. I I, 9, 1871, J. C. Gatchell. No children; Jerusalem, Monroe county, Ohio. 3933. JAMES, b. 6, 27, 1839; m. 2, 27, 1862, Tillie E. Minor; d. 12, 29, 1869. Was a farmer at Jerusalem, Ohio. 3934. ELEANOR, b. 12, I I, 1841 ; m. 3, 27, 1861, B. M. Loper; children, Emmet E., Mary A., Annie B., John D., Sadie E., and Carrie L. 3935. RUTH ANN, b. Io, 8, 1844; m. J. W. Thornbury; one child, Ora L. 3936. PHEBE L., d. young. 3937. ISAIAH M., b. 12, IO, 185 ; was a merchant; d. unm. I 2, 20, 1874. - - Children of Matilda Maris (1628) and Richard F. Maris (16; 1). 3938. SARAH E. 3939. HENRIETTA, 394O, MARY. 394 I. MARTHA. Children of Lewis Maris (1632) and Amy Featherby. 3942. SARAH ANN. 3943. LYDIA JANE: 3944. CEPHAS. I 56 7A/A) // A R /S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Samuel Maris (1633) and Martha A. Rebec. 3945. SolomoN H., b. 5, 24, 1841; m. Elizabeth Hammack. 3946. STEPHEN L, d. young. 3947. EMILY J., b. I I, I4, 1844; m: 2, 9, 1868, David M. Rinard; children, Wilbert C., Robert P., Lorrie O., Mary E., and Watson. 3948. AMMON E., b. I, 5, 1847; d. 7, 15, 1863, in the Union Army. 3949. MINERVA, b. 8, 22, 1851. - 3950. JASPER N., b. 10, 19, 1857. Educated at State Normal School, Kirksville, Missouri. Scene, Sign, and Carriage Painter; Phoenix, Arizona. 395 I. MARY Joseph INE, b. 7, 7, 186O. Children of Eve/ine P. Maris (1634) and Eli Harris. 3952. RICHARD, deceased. 3953. SARAH MARIS, b. I I, Io, 1845; m. 5, 15, 1867, John North; children, Eli T., William S., Lucy J., Charles P., deceased, Kate E., Bruce, Cella E., and Henry H.; Amesville, Athens County, Ohio. 3954. BEULAH., b. I, 29, 1847; m. 11, 3, 1868, George North; children, Lysander, Lewis H., Charles W., Clarinda M., Silas W., Perry A., Mary A.; Rockton, Vernon county, Wisconsin. 3955. JonATHAN M., b. 4, 2, 1848; m. I 2th mo. 1878, Sarah M. Hand; four chil- dren; Almont, Colorado. 3956. GEORGE W., b. 12, I, 1852; m. I I, 27, 1874, Flora Finney; children, Hugh, Sarah, Clarence, Jonathan; New Plymouth, Vinton County, Ohio. 3957. SIDNEY., b. 12, 12, 1856; m. IO, 30, 1873, Jacob F. Miller; children, Charles, Estella E., Eddie, and Sarah I. ; New Plymouth, Vinton County, Ohio. Children of William Z. Maris (1636) and Ann Featherøy. 3958. EMILY J., b. 3, 13, 1845; m. John Lewis; no children. 3959. ELIZA. A., b. 9, 3, 1847; m. Christopher Gilbert; children, Hannah, William J., Mary H., Phebe A. 396O. LAVINA, b. 3, 8, 185 I ; m. David Cain; children, Rosetta, Lucinda, Margaret A., Florence M. 3961. SARAH, d. in infancy. 3962. MARY A., b. I I, 3, 1857; m. I I, 17, 1873, Samuel E. Kittle; children, Susan A., John E., William F., Clara V., and Silas B.; Wolf Run, West Virginia. . - 3963. PHEBE E., b. 3, 8, 1860; m. John Stanaford. 3964. GEORGE W., b. Io, 2, 1862; m. Fannie E. Sherman. 3965. MARGARET M., b. 2, 22, 1864; m. James Hart- ley; d. 5, 30, 1884. 3966. WILLIAM C., b. 4, 6, 1866. - - Child of Nathanic/ Maris (1637) and Mary Worton. 3967. JOHN FRANKLIN, b. II, 26, 1845; m. I 2, 27, 1871, Susan Harry. Farmer and book-keeper; Cisne, Illinois. Children of Wathaniel Maris (1637) and Drugilla Varma/ * 3968. VIOLET A., b. 3, 5, 1851; m. 8, 11, 1875, William G. White; children, Edwin L., Laura M., and Bertha A. : Superior, Nebraska. 3969. GEORGE R., b. IO, E/GH TH GENERAT/O W. I 57 IO, 1852; unm. Bee-keeping and dealing in lumber; Aberdeen, Chehalis county, Washington Territory. 3970. MARY T., d. young. 397 I. WILLIAM S., b. 4, 25, 1858; unm. Carpenter; Olympia, Washington Ter- ritory. 3972. LAURA, b. 12, 25, 1859. Teacher; Superior, Neb. 3973. CHARLEs T., b. 3, 13, 1862; unm. Farmer and dealer in agricultural implements; Cisne, Wayne county, Illinois. 3974. ALLEN G., b. 12, 7, 1864. Farmer; Superior, Nebraska. Children of Thomas D. Maris (1638) and Racheſ A. Fisher. - 3975. MARY, d. young. 3976. ABBIE E., b. 3, 16, 1858; unm.; Barnesville, Ohio. Children of George W. Maris (1640) and Sarah M. Skinner. 3977. AMOS CALVIN. 3978. JoHN THOMAS. 3979. HATTIE W. 3980. STANLEY F. Children of David Maris (1644) and Mary Purviance. 3981. RACHEL A., b. 12, 7, 1844, in Belmont county, Ohio; m. 12, 20, 1866, Thomas Nickols; no children; Chester Hill, Morgan county, Ohio. 3982. SAMUEL, d. in infancy. 3983. CLARA J., b. 3, 12, 1849. Teacher; Todd's, Morgan county, Ohio. 3984. E. CIDNA, b. 10, 28, 1851; m. 12, 31, 1874, Benjamin Humphrey; child, Edward D.; Todd's, Morgan county, Ohio. 4- Child of James D. Maris (1646) and Elizabeth Worra// 3985. CARRIE E., b. 9, 7, 1852; m. 8, 18, 1880, Homer Rush ; one child, Letha: Commercial Point, Ohio. Children of ſarca Maris (1650) and Isabel/a Fletcher. 3986. CLARENCE F., b. 5, 24, 1853, in Chesterfield, Ohio; m. Io, 16, 1872, Laura M. Dana, of Marietta, Ohio, who d. 4, 24, 1881; m. IO, I, 1884, Mary P. Samuel, of Columbus, Ohio. Educated at Ohio University, and in Europe. Member of Inter- national Medical Congress, held in London, in 1882. Assistant Surgeon in Golden Square Hospital for Throat and Chest, and in London General Hospital, London, Eng- land. Physician; Columbus, Ohio. 3987. MARY MABEL, b. 2, 27, 1864. Attending National Normal University, at Lebanon, Ohio. Children of Thomas Cha/Aley Maris (1651) and Susan C. /evenings. 3988. MYRTA J. 3989. LAURA. 3990. LUELLA. H. 3991. LizziE G. I 58 THE MAR/S FAM/L Y. Children of Ann M. Dewees (1654) and Joshua S. Lincoln. 3093. ELMIRA. B. 3993. MARY D. 3994. LEWIS D. 3995. SARAH ANN, de- ceased. 3996. THOMAS L., deceased. 3997. HESTER T., deceased. 3998. ELIZABETH J., deceased. 3999. JAMES. 40OO. GEORGE J. 40OI. THOMAS D. Children of Mary L. Dewees (1656) and /. P. Harris. 4OO2. WILLIAM D., b. 9, 5, 1846; m. 4, I I, 1875, Nina Coler. 40O3. LEWIS D., b. 3, 6, 1848; m. 9, 18, 1868, Albina J. Gift. 4004. REBECCA, b. I I, I, 1849; m. 8, 1, 1869, James Wagoner; children, Charles W., George S., and P. Lorenzo. 4OO5. LUCY A., d. 5, 3, 1857. 4OO6. SARAH B., d. 6, 30, 1855. 4OO7. THOMAS L., d. 8, 3, 1857. - - Children of Mary L. Dewees (1656) and Obedia/, Preston. 4OO8. ELIZABETH V., deceased. 4OO9. STEVEN. 4OIO. ISAAC H. 4OI I. THOMAS L. Children of William H. Dewees (1657) and Elisa J. Adrian. 4012. ELIZABETH, d. young. 4013. HARVEY H., b. 9, 13, 1850; m. 12, 19, 1873, Frances J. Taylor. 4014. MARY H., b. 5, 6, 1853; m. IO, 31, 1874, John Roberman; children, William H. and Amos S. 4015. ALCINDA, deceased. 4016. SARAH A., b. 9, IO, 1858; m. Io, 4, 1878, Orange Perry; child, Harvey D. 4OI7. NATHAN N., b. 7, 27, 1860; m. 6, 21, 1883, Annie Edgerton. 4018. AMOS E. 4019. ULYSSES S. G. Children of Charles B. Dewees (1658) and Mary Gardner. 4O2O. SARAH E., b. 4, 23, 1853; m. I, I, 1873, James Bristow; children, Pearlie A., Bertie L., Frank D., Howard T., Allie M.; Carl, Adams county, Iowa. 4021. ELIZA. A., b. 7, 26, 1855; m. 6, 18, 1879, Lawrence McCormick; children, Mary A., Clara F.; Corning, Adams county, Iowa. 4022. FRANCES M., b. 3, I, 1857; m. I I, 5, 1879, Philip Surface; child, Walter D.; Hillsdale, Mills county, Iowa. 4023. MARY A., b. 6, 29, 1860; m. 9, 1, 1881, Lewis W. Rogers; children, Rubie, William L. 4024. CHARLEs A. 4025. LEWIS J., deceased. Children of Greenbury P. Dewees (1639) and Amzza A. Warden. 4026. MANERVA J., d. young. 4027. MARY A., b. 12, I 5, 1858; m. 3, 4, 1882, William Wishard. 4028. CHARLEs B. 4029. AMY J. 4030. ALBERT N. w 4O3 I. ELIZA. D. 4032. FREDERick T. 4033. ADDIE F. 4034. BLANCHE. H. Children of Sarah J. Maris (166 1) and Talbert Plummer. 4035. THOMAs C., b. 3, 19, 1848; m. Io, 18, 1883, Lizzie English, 4036. CASPER A: / C // / // G / AV / /* A 7 / O AV. I 59 M., b. 2, 1 1, 1852; m. 1, 30, 1878, Mary A. Sechrist; children, Clyde M., Zula I. 3O37. LEROY, b. 2, 2, 1855; m. I I, 29, 1882, Henrietta E. Taylor; one child, Chauncy A. 4038. MARY E., b. 3, 23, 1861; m. 5, 4, 1882, William C. Wilson; one child, Clarence C. 4039. NELLIE, b. I 2, 12, 1864. Children of Mis/a/ / Maris (1662) and Elizabeth Pearson. 4O4O. LEORA. 4O4 I. MARY P. 4O42. SAMUEL P. 4O43. RACHEL A. Children of Mary Anna Maris (1663) and Clarkson Penrose. 4O44. MARIA ADA. 4O45. RACHEL EVA. 4O46. EDWARD C. 4O47. SARAH. All died young. Children of Rebecca Maris (1666) and Nathan Smith. 4O48. GEORGE C. 4O49. NATHAN E. Children of Claré Maris (1667) and Otilla Neff. 4050. CHARLES PERCY. 405 I. MARGARET. Children of George / Maris (1668) and Mary Smith. 4052. EMMOR B. 4053. Eva P. 4054. LILLIE C. 4055. EMILY. 4056. WALTER. 4057. FLORENCE L. Children of Thomas E. Maris (1670) and M. Carrie Carothers. 4058. MARY ETTA. 4059. JUSTIN HOWELL. Children of Rachel L. Maris (1671) and Perry L. Johnson. 4O6O. ERNEST G. 4O61. MYRTLE ANNA. Children of Mary F. Maris (1675) and /oseph Dewees. 4O62. AMOS F., b. I2, I I, 1848; m. 1, 2, 1870, Sarah M. Vanhorn; children, Mary F., Emily, and Alice. Dry goods merchant; Malta, Morgan county, Ohio. 4O63. AARON R., b. 8, 10, 1851 ; m. 3, 15, 1879, Sarah McElroy; no children; mechanic in wood; Pennsville, Morgan county, Ohio. 4064. ARTHUR, b. 4, 21, 1855; unm. Clerk; Malta, Morgan county, Ohio. 4O65. FRANCIS H., b. 5, 24, 1860; m. 12, 25, 1883, Kuzziah Hartley. Painter; Malta, Morgan county, Ohio. 4066. DANIEL A., b. 12, I I, 1862. Painter; Malta, Morgan county, Ohio. I6O 7. // / /l/ Al K M S FA // / / V. Children of Ruth Alun Maris (1676) and /o/ul Faucett. 4O67. ISAIAll M., b. I I, 23, 1849; m. I I, 21, 1873, Clarissa Ann Rayburn ; one child, Clarissa M.; plasterer; d. 6, Io, 1874. 4O68. RAcIII:L, unm. 4O69. MARY, b. IO, 18, 1855; m. 6, 4, 1881, Howard B. Woodward ; one child, Amanda. 407O. EUNICE B., b. 7, 16, 1858; m. 3, 4, 1882, Isaac Newton Brooks; Stanberry; Gentry county, Missouri. 407 I. MARIA ELIZABETII, b. 9, 1 1, 1860; m. 9, 20, 1882, John F. Van Brunt; Sumner, Chariton county, Mo. 4072. IUCY VIOLA, b. 2, 17, 1863; m. 1882, Charles W. Parsells; one child, Earl Deforest; Saint Joseph, Mo. 4073. PHEBE M. 4O74. JOHN FRANKLIN. Children of /o/, //aris (1677) and Anna Gray. 4O75. VIRGINIA ADELAIDE, b. 5, 16, 1852; m. 9, 15, 1872, John J. La Moria; m. 2d time, I, IO, 1882, Lewis Fox; one child, Helen B. (1st m). 4076. CHARLEs E., b. I 2, 24, 1853; unm. 4077. CASPER C. 4O78. OLIVER R. 4079. EMMA B. 4080. CLARA C 4081. Lydia M. 4082, NELLIE G. 4083. FANNIE O. Children of Eunice Maris (1678) and Peter L. Bannen. 4084. JEPTHA G., b. 3, 24, 1864; Verona, Allegheny county, Pa, 4085. MARY L., b. I, I 3, 1867; Verona, Allegheny county, Pa. - Children of Lucy R. Maris (1679) and Robert Russell. 4086. SARAH C., b. 7, 31, 1854; m. 3, 12, 1874, Granville Almond; children, James H., Myrta H., deceased. 4087. EUNICE C., b. 12, 15, 1856; m. 9, 12, 1880, Adrian Hodgson; one child, Lucy S., deceased. 4088. MARY J. 4089. CHARLES L. Child of Alfred D. Maris (1683) and Mary S. Pease. 4O90. HOADLEY B. Children of Maris Garrett (1697) and Elizabeth Kinsey. 4O9 I. MARY. 4O92. JoHN KINSEY, b. 8, 21, 1849; m. I 1, 16, 1871, E. Virginia Neff, children, Edward K., Howard W., Edith V., Granville M., and Annie; Haddon- field, New Jersey. 4093. ELMA. 4094. AMy IDA. 4095. MARGARET W., d. young. 4096, CHARLEs M., b. 7, 22, 1856; m. 6, 4, 1879, Lizzie J. Anns; children, Mary E., John H. Builder; Clarksborough, N. J. 4097. HIBBARD, d, in infancy. 4098. GRAN- VILLE, b. 6, 5, 1859. Salesman; 1619 Bouvier street, Philadelphia. 4099. ELIZABETH K. 4 IOO. GEORGE W., b. I I, 4, 1861; m. 5, 29, 1884, Ida M. Bead. Salesman ; 2 I 54 North 3d street, Philadelphia. 4101. Joseph.INE, deceased. 4 Io2. PHILENA, deceased, 4103. WALTER L., deceased. 4IO4. ADA, deceased. 4105. LAURA B. 2O79 A / C // T// G /Z MAZ RA 7 / O AV. I6 I Children of Hibberd Garrett (1698) and Hanna/, Griffith. 4106. GEORGE H., b. 9, 18, 1859. Assistant ticket agent in Union Depot, St. Louis, Missouri. 41 oz. WILLIAM A., b. 8, 18, 1861. Private secretary of the Super- intendent of Terminal Facilities, Gould System, St. Louis, Missouri. Children of Elizabeth Garrett (1704) and Thomas G. Smedley. 4108. MARY M. 4109. REBECCA G., m. 9, 30, 1874, Mordecai Bartram, son of Israel; children, Alice C., Wilmer I., and Helen, deceased ; White Horse, Pa. - 41 Io. ISAAC G., graduate of Swarthmore College, B. S., 1876. Graduated from Hahneman Medical College, 1879; residence, 1319 Arch street, Philadelphia. 41 II. LIZZIE B. Children of Amos Garrett (1705) and Annie M. Chandler. 41 12. EMMA, m. Jesse G. Edwards, (1883); now at Smith River Valley, California. 4 II 3. LYDIA. 4I I4. HOWARD. Child of Caroline Sharpless (1709) and Harrison Hampton. 41 I5. BESSIE. Children of B. Franklin Sharpless (1711) and Harriet Wo//crton. 4I 16. BERTIE F. 4 I I 7. CARRIE E. 4 II 8. WILLIAM W. 4I 19. HARRY C. 4I2O. S. LEWIS. Children of Lydia L. Garrett (1714) and Gideon S. Moore. 412 I. WILMER. 4I 22, ELIZA. G. 4123. RACHEL. 4124. GEORGE S. 4125. ANNA. 4I 26, HIBBERD B. 4127. GRANVILLE. 4128. CAROLINE. Children of Anna R. Garrett (1715) and Evan B. Evans. 4129. FRANKLIN B. 4130. WALTER B, - Children of Elisa T. Garrett (1716) and Richard H. Fell. 4131. ABNER G. 4132. REBECCA S. 4133. MARY D. 4134. WILMER M. Children of Æmma Hood (1717) and Henry Townsend. 4135. LAURA, 4136. CHARLEs. Both educated at West Chester State Normal School; address, Cheyney, Pa. - I62 THE MAR IS FAMILY. Child of Sarah Hood (1718) and Joseph /a/les. 41.37. MABEL. - Child of Joseph Hood (1719) and Louisa K. Leibert. 4138. EARL S. Children of Rebecca G. Hood (1720) and Edwin Palmer. 4.139. H. ANNIE. 4140. LILIAN, 4141. WILMER H. 4142. KATE H. Children of Wilmer W. Hood (1721) and Sallie E. Dutton. 4.143. GENEVIEVE. 4I44. ALBERT L. Children of John M. Maris (1723) and S. Louisa Wainwright. 4145. WILLIAM W., b. 9, 22, 1848; m. Io, 12, 1876, Annie, daughter of Dr. William Gerhard. Educated at Pennsylvania University, graduating in 1867, B. A.; took Degree of M. A., in 1870. President of the Elečtric Reporting Company. Organized the Bankers and Merchants’ Telegraph Company, and was its first President from 1881 to 1883. Banker and Broker; 20 South 3d Street, Phila. - 4I46. HENRY J., b. 6, 18, 1850. Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Arts, in 1869. Then entered his father's store as a learner of the business until 1875, when he became a member of the firm. In 1879 he opened in New York, a branch of the Philadelphia house; m, 4, 14, 1880, Susan, daughter of Robert and Susan Bryson. In 1882 he returned to Philadelphia to take charge of the business there, leaving the New York branch in charge of his brother George. 41.47. John M., b. 1, 6, 1854; m. 6, 17, 1880, Ellie M. B., daughter of Colonel Musser. He graduated from the Polytechnic College in 1872. In the same year he went to Altoona, Pa., and in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, learned the business of mechanical engineer and draughtsman. He contined in their employ, being stationed at Harrisburg, Williamsport, and Sunbury, until 1883, when he engaged in the iron business at Danville, Montour county, Pa.; present address, Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa. - 4I48. GEORGE, b. I I, 7, 1855. Entered the University of Pennsylvania in 1871, remaining two years, and in 1873, entered the wholesale grocery store of his uncles, Wainwright & Co. January 1, 1880, he went to New York, to assist his brother Henry in the New York branch of his father's business, and in 1881 was made a mem- ber of the firm ; 37 Barclay street, New York. 4I49. THEODORE, b. 9, 6, 1864. Entered the University of Pennsylvania in 1880, and left at the close of his second year, preferring to commence a mercantile life, and took his place in his father's store, 711 Market street, Philadelphia. 4150. MARY LOUISA. - A / G H TH G EAWAERA T/O AW. I63 Children of Samuel W. Maris (1724) and Sarah Wetherill. 415 I. MARIANNA, b. 8, 30, 1846, near Chester, Delaware county, Pa.; educated at Westtown Boarding School, Pa.; m. 4, 29, 1868, Stephen Wood, Jr.; children, Arthur King and Ernest Wetherill. 41 52. EMILIE ELLA, b. 2, I I, 1848, near Chester, Pa.; educated at Westtown Boarding School; m. Io, I 2, 1871, William Wilson Parker; children, Jesse Maris and Joseph L.; address, A. G. office, Washington, D. C. 4153. SARA, b. 9, 21, 1852. Educated at Westtown Boarding School; address, Alexandria, Virginia. 41 54. FANNIE, b. I I, I 3, 1854. Educated at Westtown Board- ing School; address, Alexandria, Virginia. 4155. RICHARD W., b. 3, 15, 1857, in Harford county, Md. Educated at Westtown Boarding School. Farmer; address, Alexandria, Virginia. Child of William Maris (1725) and Lilliam P. Hart. 4I 56. ALICE. Children of Jesse Emlen Maris (1726) and Mary Gaskill. 4157. CAROLINE J. 4158. FRANK, clerk; 7 I I Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. 4I 59. CHARLEs E. 416O. MARY H. - Children of Dr. Edward Maris (1728) and Eleanor K. Wood. 416I. HowARD, b. 8, 16, 1858; d. I, 31, 1879. 4I62. ALFRED EDWARD, b. 2, 4, 1862. Educated at Westtown Boarding School; clerk. 4163. Robert WooD, b. 8, 14, 1866. Educated at Westtown Boarding School; clerk. 4164. MARY ELEANOR. All living at I 106 Pine street, Philadelphia. Children of Mary Maris (1729) and George S. Garrett. 4.165. MARY MARIs. 4166. EDWARD J. 4167. ARTHUR SELLERs. 4.168. GEORGE SPENCER. - Children of J. Wilson Jones (1734) and Elizabeth G. Wood. 4169. JEANNETTE, d. in infancy. 417O. MATTHIAS S. 417 I. GEORGE MARIs. 4172. ANNIE W. 4173. J. WILSON. 4174. WILLIAM W. Children of George Maris Jones (1735) and Mary E. Baker (2858). 4.175. PRESTON B. 4176. NATHAN B., d. in infancy. 4177. JESSIE M. Children of Susan W. Jones (1737) and Caleb M. Taylor. 4178. ANNA M. Educated at West Chester State Normal School. 4179. ELIZA I64 TH AE // A R /S FA ////. V. H., d. in infancy. 418O, WILSON J. Educated at West Chester State Normal School. 4181. GEORGE MARIS. 41.82. WILLIAM. 4183. J. HIBBERD. 4184, C. MARSHALL. Children of Jesse Maris Tyson (1738) and Ellen For 4.185. MARGARET, b. 2, 27, 1844; m. Philip Bruner; d. in the Spring of 1871 ; children, Harry and Katie. 4186. JoSEPH H., b. 8, 15, 1846; m. twice; both wives de- ceased. 4187. MARY JANE, b. 6, 27, 1848; m. Gilmore Rice; children, Charles, Harry; Sing Sing, New York. 4,188. SYLVESTER, b. 6, 17, 1851 ; m. and has two children. Is a teacher and lives somewhere in the State of Delaware. - 4.189. ALMENIA, b. IO, 25, 1853; m., Harry Perkins; one child, Nellie; 2424 Nassau Street, Philadelphia. 4190. ELLA, b. 7, 30, 1855; 2424 Nassau Street, Phila- delphia. 419 I. MARIA B., b. 1858; d. young. 4192. IDA, b. 1860; d. young. Children of Jesse D. Tyson (1739) and Sarah Buckwalter. 4.193. MIALMA. 4194. JoSEPH B. 4195. MARY JANE. 41.96. ANNIE. 4197. JESSE D. Children of John W. Tyson (1740) and Annie Henry. 4.198. LAURA. 4199. WILLIAM. 42OO. HESTON. Children of Benjamin F. Tyson (1741) and Margaret Cor. 42O1. FANNIE. 42O2. JoHN C. 42O3. HARPER. Child of Maria F. Tyson (1742) and Reuben Buckzwalter. 42O4. HELEN; 24O4. Oxford Street, Philadelphia. Children of Mary Jane Tyson (1743) and Henry Bean. 42O5. FRANKLIN. 42O6. JESSE. 42O7. NICHOLAS. 42O8. ROBERT. 4209. JoHN. 42 IO, MARY JANE. 42 II. ANDORA. Children of Sarah Tyson (1744) and Benjamin F. Garrett. 421.2. ROBERT T. 4213. BENJAMIN F. 4214. MARY JANE 4215. FLORENCE E. Children of Robert H. Tyson (1745) and Mary Russell. 4216. FRANKLIN. 4217. L. JANE 4218. ARCHIBAL.D. 4219. FLORENCE. 422O, SARAH. 422 I. CORA. 4222. Robert. Pºirºtatºrpe p.aurichunar PHILAD"Ai (733) A / G Aſ TA/ GA, MA, RA T/O AV. I65 Children of Hannah Hood (1746) and James Dunwoody. 4223. WILLIAM H., b. 3, 14, 1841; m. 12, 8, 1868, Katie L. Patton, of Philadel- phia. Member of the firm of Washburn, Crosby & Co., flour mills, Minneapolis, Min- nesota. 4224. RICHARD, deceased. 4225. CHARLEs, b. I 2, 7, 1844; m. 4, 7, 1875, Marianna Zook, daughter of Isaac and Leah, of West Whiteland, Pa.; one child, Clarence J. General commission merchant, 1909 Market Street, Philadelphia. 4226. JoHN, b. 2, 21, 1846; m. 5, 17, 1876, Emma J. Bishop, of Upper Provi- dence, Pa.; children, Preston, Hannah, and Mary; address, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 4227. EZEKIEL E., b. 4, 30, 1848; m. 9, 5, 1883, Susanna Lewis, daughter of Joseph, of Newtown Square, Delaware county, Pa.; Dunwoody and Corson, flour manu- facturers, Richland, Minnesota. 4228. J. PENROSE ; Newtown Square, Pa. Children of Benjamin Hood (1747) and Hannah Y. Garrett (669). See page 68. Children of Sarah A. Hood (1753) and Charles Johnson. 4229. CAROLINE E., d. young. 423O. WILLIAM A., b. IO, I 3, 1850; m. I I, 27, 1872, Hannah D. Lobb, of Upper Darby, Pa.; children, Lemuel L., and Emily L. 4231. GEORGE, d. young. 42.32. ANNIE. 4233. LIZZIE, d. young. 4234. HANNAH M., b. Io, 30, 1857; m. 3, 22, 1882, Edward H. Knickerbocker, of Fairfax, Linn county, Iowa; one child, Charles J. 4235. CHARLES, b. I, 23, 1861; d. 1, 28, 1866. 4236. SARAH. 4237. JOHN, d. young. 4238. BENJAMIN F. Child of Susanna E. Maris (1758) and Joseph M. Burns. -* 4239. LEWIS C. Children of Joseph T. Lawrence (18oz.) and Annie M. Hibberd. 4240. HENRY. 4241. E. HIBBERD. 4242. CHARLES F., deceased. 4243. WISTAR E. Children of Isaac L. Haldeman (18 ro) and /osephine Brinſon. 4244. FLIZA. B. 4245. MARTHA. * Children of Mary Haldeman (1811) and Edgar T. Miller. 4246. LizzIE H. 4247. SPENCER. 4248. CLARENCE H. Children of William West (1812) and Rebecca K. Thomas. 4249. RUTH ANNA, b. 12, 8, 1859; m. 4, 5, 1883, David Wilson. 4250. SALLIE R. 425 I. ELIZABETH H. I 66 THE MARIS FAMILY. Child of Samuel D. Bartram (1822) and Deborah Widdifield. 4252. GEORGE W., b. 8, IO, 1854; m. IO, 4, 1876, Clara E. Bunting; children, Edwin B., Helen W. Children of 7. Cha/Aley Bartram (1824) and Sarah W. Brower. 4253. FRANK M. 4254. MARY S. Children of William Bartram (1826) and Ellen H. Thorn. 4255. ELIZABETH W. 4256. LUCY T. Children of Martha L. Bartram (1827) and Wilmer H. Garrett. 4257. ELIZABETH B. 4258. ANNAL. 4259. DEBBIE L. Child of John Bartram (1829) and Margaret L. Williamson. 4260. MARIS E. Child of Joseph Zeedom Maris (1839) and Anna C. Heins. 4261. MARGARET H. Children of Albert Morris Maris (1841) and Anna M. Dickinson. 4262. MARY L. 4263. HANNAH B. 4264. ALBERT B. 4265. BERTHA I. Children of Henrietta Maris (1842) and William Dickinson, Jr. 4266, ELLWOOD. 4267. NELLIE M. 4268. LAURA E. 4269. MATTIE M. Child of Elmira Maris (1845) and /o/in Morris Williamson. 427O. THOMAS M. Children of Jacob Hibberd Hall (1847) and Joanna Pugh. 427 I. SARAH D., b. 6, 13, 1856; educated at West Chester State Normal School; m. 4, 5, 1877, Lafayette Ross; children, Martha Emily, Margaret, Jesse, and John Hibberd; Norristown, Pa. 4272. WILLIAM M., b. 4, 27, 1860. Educated at West Chester State Normal School. Graduate of University of Pennsylvania. Physician; Conshohocken, Pa. 4273. JESSE B., b. 2, 3, 1863. Educated at Friends' Central School, Philadelphia. Graduated at the School of Pharmacy, Philadelphia, March, 1885. A / G Aſ TA/ GA. MAZA' A T/O AV. 167 Children of Susanna Hall (1848) and David Eldridge. 4274. MARIS H., deceased. 4275. JONATHAN, b. I I, 17, 1855. Unm. ; Goshen- ville, Chester county, Pa, 4276. SARAH H., d. young. Children of Barclay Hall (1850) and Ella C/ime. 4277. SARAH H. 4278. WALTER S., deceased. 4279. MARY S. 428O, ELIZABETH C. 4281. JESSE HIBBERD. Children of Clarkson Hall (1852) and Elizabeth Dowe//, 4282. JACOB HIBBERD. 4283. EUGENE. 4284. Lydia ANN. 4285. HANNAH. Children of Maris Lloyd (1855) and Sarah / Gray. 4286. ULYSSES. 4287. MARY ELLA. - Child of Truman Lloyd (1856) and S. /, //oyd. 4288. ELDON. Children of Morgan B. Ha/ (1859) and Susanna Smedley. 4289. J. COMLY, educated at West Chester State Normal School. Clerk in the National Bank of Chester County; address, West Chester, Pa. 4290. MARY A., a graduate of West Chester State Normal School, class of 1885. 4291. WILLIAM S. 4292. MORGAN B., J.R. 4293. LILLIAN M. 4294. CHANNING. 4295. WALTER HIB- BERD. 4296. ROBERT SMEDLEY. Children of Elisabeth J. Maris (1864) and /. Peirce West. 4297. LEVI G., b. 9, 13, 1855; educated at Taylor and Jackson's Academy, Wil- mington, Delaware; m. I I, 17, 1881, Caroline H. Burnell, of Philadelphia. General Agent for Sellers & Co., of Philadelphia; one child, Henry Burnell; residence, Beverly, New Jersey. 4298. ANNA M., educated at Friends' Central School. 4299, EMMA F., graduated at Friends' Central School, Philadelphia. Teacher. Children of George L. Maris (1867) and Annie M. Pinkerton. 43OO. LUCY ALICE. 43OI. WILLARD LORRAINE. 43O2. JENNIE BOND. 43O3. HELEN MAY. 43O4. HERBERT LEONARD. All except the youngest attend Friends' Graded School, West Chester, Pa. - Child of Kate L. Pray (1875) and Eugene E. Ingram. 4305. GRETA E. I68 7"Aſ AE A/A R /S FA // / / Y. Child of /ose//, Edwards (188/) and S. Lissie Grubb. 4306. LOTTIE M. Children of /oseph Hatton (1897) and Elmira McQuality. 4307. EVANS, 43O8. REECE. 4309. SETH. Children of Robert /. Hatton (1902) and /osephine V. Fountain. 43 O. ROBERT. 43 II. HUGH. 43 I 2. EDITH J. Children of Wil/its //atton (1903) and A/Sora A. Rogers. 43 I 3. LORRAINE. 43 I4. ORANGE O. 43 I 5. IRENE. Children of Lorengo D. M. Hatton (1904) and Henrietta A. Hanna. 43 16. MABEL GRACE. 43 I 7. GEORGE. - Children of Zevi Kelly (1906) and Haſtie Saôin. 4318. MABEL, deceased. 4319. ALICE H. Children of Clara Jane Hatton (1911) and Wilbert Bonneville. 432O. FLORENCE. 432 I. WILLIE H. -sº-º-º-º-- ~~~~ *-*-*-* ******* Children of Henry L. Bennet (1925) and S. Ella Sca/. 4322. JOHN. 4323. FLORENCE. Children of William B. Reid (1930) and Emilie Pennypacker. 4324. FLORENCE. 4325. ANNA. 4326. LILLIAN R. 4327. WILLIAM. Children of Frederic DuRose Reid (1931) and Adelaide Hains. 4328. MARY L. 4329. ALBERT D. 4330. ALICE M. 433 I. MARION H. 4332. JAMES F. Children of Channing Stebbins (1935) and Sarah F. Smith. 4333. JOSEPH C. 4334. SARAH. A / C // TA/ GA MA: A' A 7" / O AV. 169 Children of Sidney P. Stebbins (1936) and A. Darwin Woodward. 4335. MARY. 4336. CHARLEs S. 4337. ARTHUR M. 4338. HORACE J., d. young. 4339. HELEN. Children of Charles S. Stebbins (1937) and Sara/, A. Stuðós. 434O. EUNICE. 434 I. JoEL. Children of Anne B. Lamborn (1960) and Richard B. Tay/or. 4342. HELEN, educated at West Chester, Pa., and Swarthmore College. 4343. LOWNDES, educated at West Chester, Swarthmore College, and Cornell University. Has been in the West for several years; he was first conneéted with the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad; now in St. Paul, Minnesota, as General Town Site Agent for the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Children of Mary Pennocé (1970) and William Pennocé. 43.44. CHARLEs E., m. Mary Evans; Coatesville, Chester county, Pa. 4345. JoSEPH L., m. Annie Shafer; Coatesville, Pa. 4346. HANNAH. J., m. Edward Morris. 4347. MARY L. 4348. ADALINE. - Children of Edwin Wollaston (1978) and Mary A. Taylor (896). See page 87. Children of James P. Wol/aston (1980) and Margaret Whipple. 4349. MARY, m. Samuel Seaman. 4350. HARRY. 435 I. EMILY. 4352. GEORGIE. 4353. ARTHUR. Children of Thomas P. Wollaston (1982) and Mary Gregg. 4354. SALLIE. 4355. SUSAN, d. young. Children of Thomas P. Wollaston (1982) and Mary Armstrong. 4356. MARYETTA, 4357. JoSEPH. 4358. JoSEPHINE, m. Biddle Pennington, 4359. MARY, m. Adams Uberroth. 436O. ELLA, m. Price Vasey. I7o 7 H AE // A R /S FA /l/ / / V. Children of George P. Wollaston (1983) and Amanda Laurie. 4361. KATE, m. John Sinclair. 4362. GEORGE. 4363. CLARA. 4364. SUSAN. 4365. PAUL. 4366. EARL. Children of Hanna/, Rakestraw (1984) and Hugh E. Steele. 4367. ANNIE, m. John Stone. 4368. MARY. 4369. John. 437O, HANNAI1, m. Joseph Downing. Children of Deborah Baker (1989) and Amos Baldwin. 437 I. JoSEPH B., m. Violetta Smith. 4372. WASHINGTON L., m. Lizzie Anderson; no children. 4373. WILLIAM, m. Mary A. Huey; had several children, all d. young. 4374. ELIZA, m. John Huey ; children, Louisa I., Edwin, deceased, Wilmer B., Albert B., and Anna M. 4375. AMOS C., m. Marietta Humes; three children d. young, Frank, William E., and Mary Anna, living. 4376. LOUISA A. Children of Hannah Massey (2000) and Isaac Miller. 4377. MARY, b. 3, 14, 1822; m. 4, 6, 1848, Reece Lewis. 4378. SARAH P. 4379. GEORGE. 4380. HANNAH E. 4381. ELIZABETH, d. young. 4382. JOHN, d. unm. Child of John E. Leonard (2004) and Mary H. Lamborn. 4383. John EDWARDS, b. 9, 22, 1845, in Chester county, Pa.; educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, N. H., and Harvard University, graduating from the latter in 1867 with high honors, having been chosen by the students as Class Orator, and by the Faculty of the University to deliver the Latin Thesis. The two following years he spent in Europe, mostly at the University of Insbrook, Austria, and Heidelberg, Ger- many, receiving from the latter the degree of LL. D. At the University of Paris he gave special attention to the Code of Napoleon. - After taking an extended tour on the Continent, he returned to his native country in September, 1869. In the fall of 1869 he was admitted to praćtise law in the several courts of Massachusetts. In February, 1870, he visited New Orleans, and was induced to remain and praćtise law in Louisiana. Was appointed Distrićt Attorney of the 5th Distrićt, and located at Lake Providence, Carroll Parish; m. 6th mo., 1872, Ella, daughter of the Hon. John C. Burbank, of St. Paul, Minn.; two children, Crosby and Edward F. º * He was engaged as counsel in several very important cases, notably that known as “Heine et al. vs. the Levee Commissioners of Louisiana,” in which he won a com- plete victory, both in the lower and the Superior Courts, and in the “Hover Will Case,” involving several millions, as well as in the exciting trial on the impeachment of Governor Kellogg. In the fall of 1876 he was elečted to represent his District in Congress, and in the interim before his Congressional term began, he was appointed as ºf 7//// w/ 6. / / / / C // 7 A/ G / N/E RA 7"/O AV. 17 I one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State, but resigned in January, 1877, when his election to Congress had been duly declared. In the summer of 1877 he made a short visit to Europe, returning in October in time to take his seat at the extra session of Congress. The time of this session was largely occupied in contesting the seats of new members. We quote from the Journal of the House of Representatives, an extraćt from Judge Leonard's remarks, stating his position on the general principles involved: “As I understand the Constitution of my country, the House of Representatives is sitting as a Court of Justice, and each mem- ber is a judge acting under the sanction of his official oath. And am I to be told that it is my duty in such a case to cast my vote as a judge, with my party, because forsooth the vote which I shall thus cast will be advantageous to me and others of the same political proclivities P Sir, if so foul a doćtrine as that is to be applied in a Court of Justice, let the meanness of the deed be acknowledged and understood. There is no necessity for adding hypocrisy to villainy. If the judges of this court are to vote ac- cording to their party proclivities, let us have an end of this farce of trial and judg- ment.” On account of over-work he asked leave of absence for a short trip to Cuba, and being a fine Spanish scholar, much confidential business was entrusted to him by Presi- dent Hayes and others in authority in reference to the relations of the United States and that island. He sailed from New York, February 28, 1878, and arrived at Havana, March 4th, expecting to return on the IOth of the same month, but on his way to the steamer he was taken sick and returned to the hotel, and on the 15th he died of yellow fever. His remains, attended by the Congressional Committee, were interred in the burial ground at the Friends' Meeting House, Middletown, Delaware county, Pa. The career of Judge Leonard has scarcely a parallel in the annals of our country. He was a brilliant Scholar, a forcible speaker, a talented lawyer, an upright judge, and a statesman of broad, comprehensive views. The following resolutions were adopted by the House of Representatives, April 18, 1878: “Resolved, That this House has learned with deep regret of the death of Hon. J. Edwards Leonard, a Representative from the State of Louisiana. Resolved, That the House do now suspend the consideration of all other business in order to pay appropriate respect to the memory of the lamented deceased. Resolved, That in token of regret the members of this House do wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That out of respect to the memory of the deceased the House do now adjourn.” Children of George Pennock (2006) and Elisa Sclers. 4384. ELIZABETH. 4385. ALMA L. 4386. SARAH W. 4387, JANE L.; d. young. 4388. JoHN S. - Children of Sarah W. Pennock (2079) and William H. Miller. 4389. CAROLINE, b. I, I 5, 1862; Media, Pa. 4390. CASPAR Wistak, b. 9, 17, 1868; Media, Pa. 172 7TA/A2 // A R / S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Martha P. Lukens (2020) and Abraham Gibbons. 439 I. ELIZABETH L. 4392. HANNAH J. 4393. CHARLES L. 4394. REBECCA L. 4395. WILLIAM H. 4396. ISABELLA L. 4397. MARIAN P. Children of Isabella P. Lukens (2024) and Charles Huston. 4398. ANNA L. 4399. CLARA. 44OO. ABRAHAM F. 44O1. ALICE R. 44O2. CHARLES D. 4403. MARY. 44O4. SAMUEL E. Children of Joseph F. Taylor (2044) and Adaline Wice. 4405. SUSAN M., b. Io, I6, 1845; m. William Sterling, of Mount Carmel; chil- dren, Adaline C., Joseph W., deceased, Mary L., Florence F., Horace, Percy F., Helen, and Joseph W. 4406. WILLIAM N., b. IO, 31, 1846; m. Helen Lorrey; one child, Eunice, d. young. 44O7. ANNIE M., b. 9, IO, 1850; m. George Wynkoop ; children, LeRoy and Bessie. Children of Maria A. Taylor (20.45) and Daniel Bennett. 4408. CHARLES H., b. 6, 28, 1829; m. 8, IO, I859, at Ridgway, North Carolina, Elizabeth White; child, Maria Frances. 44O9. FRANK. T., b. 8, 1, 1834; m. at Leg- horn, Italy, Io, 4, 1856, Lizzie L. Collins, of England; children, Richard, Paul, and Alice; d. 2, 5, 1871. 44IO. ALFRED R., b. 5, 4, 1836; m. I, I4, 1867, Mary J. True- filt; one child, Flora. 441 I. HoRACE C., deceased. 4412. JoSEPH I., deceased. Children of George R. Taylor (2046) and Mary Wesmith. *. 44.13. CHARLES. 4414. MARY. 4415. MARIA. 4416. ANNIE E. 4417. GEORGE R. Children of Charles M. Taylor (2047) and Annie E. Sterling. 4418. JAMEs S., b. 2, 15, 1847; m. I 2, 9, 1879, Mary White. Treasurer of Phila- delphia Grain Elevator Company; I 16 Claymont Street, Philadelphia; children, James S., Adele M., and Albert E. 4419. FRED. W., b. 6, 17, 1848; m. 4, 30, 1878, Emily Hunt. Manager of the Philadelphia Grain Elevator Company; one child, Florence E.; Ashbourne, Montgomery county, Pa. 442O. CHARLES M., J.R., b. I I, 5, 1849; m. IO, 26, 1876, Ella M. Longstreth; no children. Manager of Philadelphia Grain Elevator Company; 2032 Race Street, Philadelphia. 442 I. ANNIE G., b. 2, 28, 1858; m. IO, 3, 1883, Henry P. Brown; one child, John Arthur. Children of Lydia S. Taylor (2079) and W. S. Wright. 4422. NORMAN, b. 8, 2, 1845. 4423. MARY E., b. IO, 3, 1847; m. 3, 12, 1868, Charles P. Reeves; children, Mark W., Alice W., and Agnes. A / G H 7" H G A. WAZ RA 7T / O AV. I 73 Child of Jane Taylor (2051) and Daniel R. Bennett. 4424. CLARENCE M., b. 4, 17, 1857, at Woodside, Pa.; m. 2, 14, 1882, Agnes Hewett, at Cheltenham, Pa. Children of Isaac B. Wilson (2053) and Harriet M. Armott. 4.425. OSCAR, d. in infancy. 4426. HELEN M., b. 3, I I, 1844; m. 1864, M. W. Gaskill, of Cincinnati, Ohio; children, Helen and Bruce. 4427. HARRIET E., b. 4, 25, 1847; m. 1870, William Emert, of Freeport, Illinois; child, Melville. Children of Rebecca Wilson (2054) and George Hawke. 4428. GEORGEANNA V., b. 8, 15, 1845; m. 7, 24, 1864, Joseph F. Parker; d. 2, I I, 1872; children, Noah, Henry, Walter, and Orange. 4429. FLORENCE R., b. 10, 7, 1849; m. I, 1, 1867, James A. Parker; children, Ira, Jesse, George, Margaret R., and John. Children of James W. Wilson (2055) and Harriet Smith. 4430. GEORGE A. 443 I. CHARLES C. 4432. HORACE, b. 1860; lives in Paris, Ky. Children of Mary Barnard (2072) and Marshal/ Swayne. 4.433. ADA B., b. IO, 23, 1851 ; m. Rev. John W. MacPherson, of Frankford, Phil- adelphia; d. 7, 17, 1884. 4434. ANTONIO CANOVA, b. 9, 21, 1853; m. Hannah M. Thomas, daughter of George and Rachel, of West Chester, Pa. 4435. WILLIAM M., JR. 4436. RICHARD M. B. 4437. MARY B. 4438. KATE C. 4439. ALICE W. 4440. ELLA N. Children of Charles Barnard (2073) and Elisabeth M. Swayne. 444 I. MARGARET B., b. 9, 7, 1853; m. Charles Walter, of Birmingham, son of Townsend. 4442. JOSEPHINE W. --------- -4----- “--------"“ Children of Milton Barnard (207/) and Edith Wickersham. 4443. EDGAR M., d. young. 4444. EMILIE W., d. in infancy. 4445. GERTRUDE E., d. in infancy. 4446. CHARLES P. 4447. ANNIE H. Children of Charles W. Roberts (2080) and Mary E. Mil/er. 4448, GEORGE. 4449. JOSEPHINE. I 74 THE MAR/S FAM/Z Y. Children of Benjamin F. Taylor (2090) and Ruth A. Kirk. 4450. JOHN K. 445 I, JENNIE R. Children of Benjamin F. Taylor (2090) and Elizabeth Harkness. 4452. J. C. TAYLOR. 4453. MARY B. 4454, GERTRUDE. 4455. EDNA C. 4456. LORENA. Children of Lydia Woodrow (2104) and Samuel W. Richardson. 4457. LOUELLA. 4458. ANNIE. 4459. ELIZABETH. 446O, WILLIAM. 4461. JAMES. 4462. FLORENCE. 4463. SAMUEL. - Children of Harrict H. Woodrow (2106) and John A. M. Passmore. 4464. ELVA T., b. 1855; d. 1872. 4465. GEORGE H., b. 1856. 4466. ANNA B. 4467. ANSON B., b. 1860; d. 1865. 4468. EDITH D. 4469. JoHN A., d. in infancy. 4470. John A. M., d. in infancy. 4471. HARRIET L. 4472. AMASA C., d. in infancy. Children of Philena R. Woodrow (2 ro7) and William G. Patton. 4473. Joseph F. 4474. JAMES W. 4475. ELVA A. * 4476. EMMA. 4477. WILLIAM. 4478. FREDERICK. Child of Emma R. Woodrow (21.08) and Thomas Furniss. 4479. ANNIE. º Children of Mary D. Chandler (21 13) and Marshall Yeatman. 448O. JoHN C., b. 8, 30, 1833; m. Margaret Roberts; children, Joseph, Mary, and Lydia, deceased. 4481. HANNAH., b. 8, IO, 1835; m. Jesse Pusey; children, Mary S., Solomon J., Marshall Y., Sarah I., George M., Philip C., Edgar S., deceased, Norris T., deceased, Elbert N., and Anna L.; London Grove, Pa. 4482. LYDIA, b. 7, 13, 1837; m. Joel Walton, of Kennett Square, Pa.; d. 8, 20, 1873; children, William M., Sarah I., Howard, Ellsworth, Mary, Joel, and Grace, de- ceased. 4483. MARSHALL, b. 9, 18, 1844; m. Emma Pennock; children, Arthur P., Laura, Walter, and Pennock; London Grove, Pa. Children of Spencer Chandler (211.5) and Eliza Wilson. 4484. PHILIP, b. 8, 30, 1847. 4485. SARAH W., b. 8, 28, 1850; m. George W. Lacey; children, Edward C., Anna R., Frank, Eliza W., and Lulu. 4486. ANNA R., Fººtotype. rºutrºuhºf PHILAD"As JOSEPH MARIS. (738) A / GA/TA/ GA: N/E R A T/O M. I 75 b. 5, 1, 1853; m. Thomas Jackson; children, Bertha E. and Elsic May. 4487. PHEBE H., b. 7, 19, 1856; m. Norwood Palmer; children, Norwood G. and Mabel. 4488. SPENCER D., b. 6, 6, 1864. Children of Mary Raley (2117) and William Longshore. 4489. ALICE C., m. Percy Armstrong, of Elkton, Columbiana County, O.; chil- dren, Herman and Walter. 4490. JEFFERSON D., m. Ella Morton; one child, Bertha; Signal, Columbiana county, Ohio. 449 I. SAMUEL D., m. Mary Armstrong. Children of Jehu D. Raley (21 19) and Esther Hunt. 4492. EMMOR, m. Mary E. Grave; one child, Ella. 4493. ANNIE, deceased. 4494. REBECCA, deceased. 4495. WILLIAM, m. Kate Campbell; one child, Arthur. 4496. MARY. 4497. THOMAS, m. Etta Dickey; one child, Walton. 4498. LAURA, m. Marshall Love; East Fairfield, Columbiana county, Ohio. 4499. RUTH A. Children of John Raley (2120) and Frances V. Crawford. 4500. THOMAS E. 450 I. DARWIN. 4502. ELI P. 4503. ANNA. Children of Albina Raley (2/22) and Samuel Morris. 4504. S. EVA. 4505. ANNA. 4506. PHEBE J. 4507, SUSAN B. Children of James D. Veal (21.23) and Hannah Morgan. 4508. PHEBE M., m. William Hannum. 4509. JoHN. 45 IO. EMMA, m. Chandler Lamborn. 45 I I. MERRITT. 45 I 2. ANNA. - Children of Mary Sharpless (2/25) and PVister Diron. 45 I 3. MARTHA, m. George Bell, 4514. ISAAC, m. Susan Holmes; children, Maris, Mary, and Martha. 4515. EBER, m. Nora Muncy; children, Mary, Martha, Amos, and Laura. Children of Edith Sharp/ess (2127) and Samuel Cranston. 4516. MARY. 4517. SAMUEL P. 4518. ELMA, d, young. 45.19. MARTHA T. 452O. EVANNA. - Children of Caleb Sharpless (2129) and Rebecca Hoopcs. 452 I. JoEL H., m. Mary Phillips; children, Harvey P., E. Wallace, and Rebecca. 176 TA/A MA R / S FA // / / Y. 4522. MARY D., m. Charles Marshall; children, Cora S., Elizabeth, Carrie, and C. Sharpless. 4523. ANNIE. 4524. MALINDA. 4525. ELLA. H., m. Edward B. Spencer. 4526. EDITH C., m. Montgomery Bell. 4527. PHEBE H. 4528. EDNA. 4529. 453 I. 4534. 4537. 454O. 4542. 4544. 4546. 4548. 45.53. 45.55. 4557. MARTHA. 4530. WILLIAM I. Children of Samuel Sharpless (2.130) and Sarah Cranston. EMMA, m. Edward Passmore. 4532. PHEBE. 4533. ANNA. M. FLORENCE. 4535. WILLIAM. Child of William Sharpless (2133) and Jane R. Pyle. . Mary D., m. Charles Paul. Children of Samuel C. Dixon (2140) and Ella Martin. WILLARD H. 4538. MARY S. 4539. BEATRICE M., d. young. ANNA. 454I. CHARLES. Children of William B. Diron (214.1) and Hannah Heilman. FRANK. 4543. CAROLINE. - - Children of Mary T. Diron (21/2) and Stephen Mitchell. ALICE. 4545. ERNEST. Children of Samuel G. Simmons (2.183) and Elizabeth Chandler. JOSEPH B. 4547. IRENE. - Children of Charles Simmons (2183) and Mary Christy. FRANK. 4549. ANNIE. 4550. BESSIE. 455 1. FLORA. 4552. JAMES. -* -- Children of Elisa Wilson (2190) and Jefferis Keech. JAMES. 4554. BRINTON. . Children of Hannah Wilson (21.91) and W. Roberts. ELIZA, m. Morgan Davis. 4556. SARAH, m. David Valentine, MARTHA. 4558. MARY. 4559. PEIRCE. A / G // TA/ C / WA R A T/O AW. 177 Children of Martha Wilson (21.92) and Thomas Supp/ce. 456O. MARIS. 4561. SALLIE. 4562. JoſiN. Children of Julia Wilson (2/93) and /o/ul Faddis. 4563. ANNIE. 4564. JOHN R. Child of Ross Wilson (2194) and Mary Baker. 4565. ABRAM L. -- ----------- Children of John Wilson (2/95) and Liggie Speakman. 4566. MARIS, m. Maggie Maguire. 4567. JESSE. 4568. WILLIAM H. 4569. GEORGE S. 457O. EUGENE. Children of M. Porter Wilson (21.96) and Elisa Simmons. 457 I. SAMUEL. 4572. HENRIETTA. Children of Mary E. Wilson (21.97) and /o/ul Gilles. 4573. CORA. 4574. JENNIE. Children of Sarah A. Wilson (2200) and William Supp/ce. 4575. THOMAS. 4576. ANNIE. Children of Thomas E. Chand/or (2220) and Zzzccffa Hoàenzoále. 4577. ANNA, m. Henry Werby. 4578. SARAH. 4579. LIZZIE, m. Martin Ohr. 458O. Joseph INE. 458 I. CAROLINE. 4582. GEORGE. Children of Elizabeth M. Chandler (2227) and Charles Merritt. 4583. MINNIE. 4584. WENDELL. 4585. MAUD E. 4586. WILLIAM G. C. Children of William Edward Chandler (2222) and Margaret Stott. 4587. HERBERT. 4588. FRANK. 4589. HARRIET. 4590. SALLIE. 459 I. THOMAS, 4592. EDWARD. 4593. WILLIAM G. 4594. John. 178 7 // / /l/A A' /S /* A /l/ / / Y. Children of Henry C. Chandler (2223) and Liggie M. Fay. - - ) 4595. FRANKLIN FAY. 4596. ANNA, 4597. NORMAN B. Child of Maris C. Taylor (2224) and Lydia Bishop. 4598. HOWARD. Children of Henry C. Taylor (2228) and Sallie Johnson. 4599. MARY A. 46OO, ELISHA B. 460 I. NorMAN, 46O2. BESSIE. 4603. FRED, d. young. y - ---------------------------- Children of Hannah P. Wollaston (2230) and Enos Wickersham. 46O4. CARRIE P., m. 2, 25, 1879, William Cloud. 4605. ELSIE J. 4606. EDWARD G. Children of Charles H. Wol/aston (223.1) and Victoria Harry. 46O7. EDWIN, b. 6, 9, 1861; educated at West Chester State Normal School; miller; Unionville, Pa. 4608. SADIE H., b. 3, 28, 1863; educated at West Chester State Normal School; m. 4, 25, 1883, Slater B. Morgan; d. I I, 4, 1884; buried at Unionville Cemetery. 4609. S. HARRY. 461O. ANNIE V. - Children of B. Franklin Wo/laston (2233) and Anna R. Jackson. 461 I. CYRUs J. 4612. WARREN T. 4613. BYRON P. 4614. LEON. Children of Maris E. Wol/aston (2235) and Georgianna Palmer. 4615. FREDERIC. 4616. CAROLINE. 4617. LAURA, 4618. MARY A. Children of Dr. Edwin W. Pyle (22.4%) and Hattie A. Myers. 4619. WALLACE B. 462O. IRMA V. Child of Ella V. Pyle (224.5) and Isaac Martin. 4621. LEILA. Child of Liggie M. Pyle (2246) and Geo. Morris Philips. 4622. WILLIAM PyLE. A / C // TA/ G B MA, RA T/O AW. I 79 4623. county, Pa. 4626. 4627. 463O. 4633. 4636. 464I. 4642. 4644. B. 4649. 4653. B. 4658. 4659. 4662. Children of Elmira /o/in (2251) and /oseſ/, Hiſ/ BELLE ; Pittsburg, Pa. 4624. JENNY, deceased. 4625. EMMA; Washington Child of Taylor /o/in (2255) and A/ice /cºve//, John; Thawville, Montana Territory. Children of Ellen /o/in (2257) and James England. BELLE ; Topeka, Kansas. 4628. JoSIAH. 4629. JAMES L., deceased. JESSE. 463 I. GERTRUDE. 4632. LULU. Children of Emma John (2258) and Hiram Griffith. GEORGE. 4634. MABEL: 4635. ANNA. Children of Mary A. John (2267) and Carver Tomlinson. JOSEPH. 4637. ISAAC. 4638. Joseph INE. 4639. MARY. 4640. ALICE. WILLIS, d. young. Children of Mary M. Grave (2262) and Benjamin Cleaver. . FLORENCE, m. Thornton Jones; Washington county, Pa. 4643. MATTIE. Children of Mary A. Grave (2263) and Kinsey Burmgardizer. URIAH. 4645. LAVINIA, 4646. GEORGE. 4647. ISADORE, 4648. LizzIE ELIAS. 465O. REBECCA, 465 I. JoSHUA. 4652. MINNIE M. Children of Dorcas E. Johnson (2271) and William Teeters. WILBER. 4654. EVA I. 4655. WALTER S. 4656. GEORGE. 4657. FLORA CHARLEs E. • Children of John B. Grave (2275) and A/mira Pozve// MARY. 4660. LYDIA. 466 I. FREDDIE. Child of Mary E. Grave (2276) and Emmor Ra/cy. ELLA. I 80 7TP/A MA R /S FA // / / Y. Child of Wora Grave (2278) and William Lewis. 4663. CLYDE. Children of John F. Cooper (228o) and Sallie Crow. 4664. RUTH O. 4665. ALICE C. 4666. FANNY. 4667. FRED. 4668. ALBINA A. 4669. GEORGE W. * Children of Esther Clark (2283) and James Morrison. 4670. JoHN. 467 I. MARY. 4672. TAYLOR. 4673. JAMES. 4674. REBECCA, d. young. 4675. EDITH. 4676. ROSALIE. Children of Charles Clark (2286) and Kate Gilmore. 4677. GUY H. 4678. ALBIN. - Children of Laura Taylor (2288) and Albin Mellier. 4679. IDA. 468O. REBA. 4681. ADEL. 4682. DUNCAN. Children of Susan E. Clark (2298) and Comly Maule. 4683. GEORGE. 4684. ANNA, m. Alison Baker. 4685. WALTER. 4686. EMMA. 4687. CHARLEs. 4688. NorMAN C. 4689. WILLIAM. Children of William M. Clark (2299) and Isabella Renshaw. 4690. HowARD. 4691. MYRTLE. Children of Sarah E. Clark (2302) and David Ferree. 4692. HARRY. 4693. LILY. 4694. MARIE. - Children of Evan Clark (2303) and Phebe Cooper. 4695. MARY A. 4696. Eva. 4697. MARIS. Children of Lydia Clark (2304) and Wathan Maule. 4698. HowARD. 4699. LORENA. 4700. MARIs. Child of Susanna Clark (2305) and Taylor Mercer. 47OI. M. WILBERT. A / C // TA/ G E WAE RA T/O AW. I 8 I 47O2. 47O3. 4705. 47O9. 47 II. 4716. 472O. 4723. 4724. 4725. 4728. 4729. 4732. Child of Samuel Clark (2306) and Me/vina Kilgrove. NORMAN. Children of David Clark (2307) and Anna //inkson. CLIFFORD. 4704. FSTELLA. Children of E//a Clark (2308) and Mahlon Ironsides. ELLA. 4706. MoRRIs. 4707, MABEL. 4708. WALTER. Children of Philena Clark (2309) and Benjamin Powc// MAYHAN. 47 IO. LYDIA. Children of Sarah Clark (23 ro) and George Coates. CHARLES. 4712. WILLIAM. 4713. MARY. 4714. JOSEPH. 4715. BENJAMIN. Children of Alfred Clark (2311) and Fannie Moore. WELLINGTON. 4717. HORACE. 47 18. LEONARD. 4719. MARYETTA. JoSEPH C. Children of Annie Clark (23.12) and Albert Baily. . HERBERT. 4722. PERCY. Child of Aaron Davis (23.14) and Liggie Harry. LIZZIE, deceased. Child of William W. Davis (2316) and Mary M. Thompson. MARY, deceased. Children of Joel R. Davis (2317) and Mary H. Pratt. ALLEN M. 4726. WILLIAM M. 4727. PRESTON P., deceased. Child of Mary D. Baker (2320) and Ross Wilson. ABRAM L. Children of Sarah Baker (2322) and Stephen Rouse. JAMES, deceased. 4730. LIZZIE, m. John McGregor. 4731, LILIAN. ADA, 4733. STEPHEN. I 82 THAE MA R /S FA // / / V. Children of Elisa D. Baker (23.2/) and IV://iam Carter. 4734. MARY L., d. young. 4735. EDWARD. 4736. AMELIA. Children of James R. Baker (2326) and Edith Swayze. 4737. CHARLES A, 4738. AMELIA R. 4739. WILLIAM S. 4740. MARY E., de- ceased. 474 I. JENNIE L. 4742. JAMES E. 4743. FRANK W., deceased. 4744. CLARENCE E. 4745. LILIAN, deceased. 4746. GRACE. 4747. HoMER, de- ceased. Children of Louisa Bażer (2328) and /o/les W. Gi// 4748. JAY, d. young, 4749. JAMES W., d. young. 4750. BLOOMER B, 475 I. CARRIE. - Children of Amy Baker (23; 1) and Peter Gerth. 4752. CHARLEs L., m. Eva Purviance. 4753. MARY L. 4754. EDITH B. Children of Lydia P. Baker (2333) and James F. Martin. 4755. JAMES S., m. Della Wells. 4756. FRANK. 4757. MARY. 4758. HARVEY. 4759. HoMER. 476O. WILLARD. 4761. ALLEN. Children of Emily A. Baker (2335) and Samuel Cummings. 4762. MARY B. 4763. BERTHA, d. young. 4764. CHARLES G. Children of William Skelton (2338) and Sallie Pettit. 4765. MARION L. 4766. GERTRUDE. Children of Mary Skelton (2340) and /saac Garrett. 4767. LEWIS, d. young. 4768. REBECCA, a pupil at Friends' Central School, Philadelphia. Children of Isaac Skelton (2341) and Sallie Comly. 4769. WALTER A. 477O. Joseph. 4771. MARY. 4772. ANNABELLE. { Child of Susanna Cor (23.50) and William Hibberd. 4773. MARY, b. IO, 31, 1853; m. Albert G. Thatcher, of Wilmington, Del.; children, William Hibberd, Herbert Spencer, and Richard C. - Pºlototype- 2. * º/ (1681) A / G // / // G A WA R A 7'ſ O AW. 183 Children of Thomas Cor (2357) and Mary Williams. 4774. SARAH, b. 3, 1, 1848; m. I I, 16, 1871, Elias Jones; children, Howard C., Edwin S., Mary E., and Jennie M.; Milltown, Pa. 4775. JESSE W., b. 6, 7, 185 I ; unm. House builder and carpenter; Sturgiss City, Dakota. 4776. WILMER B., b. IO, 8, 1853; m. 2, 7, 1877, Sallie Roberts; children, Thomas S., Lizzie, and Essie L. Farmer; Sugartown, Pa. 4777. EDWIN T., b. Io, I 2, 1856; m. 5, 5, 1881, Anna R. Hall; no children, Sugartown, Pa. 4778. Lydia J., b. 10, 7, 1859; m. 5, 5, 1881, Edwin Gilbert; chil- drén, Abbie W. and Jesse D.; West Grove, Chester county, Pa. Children of Bennett Cor (23.5/) and Sara/, /o/inson. 4779. WILMER S. 478O. LIZZIE. 478 I. SARAH JANE. 4782. J. FORMAN. 4783. HoRACE. Child of Aðby Cox (2355) and Cha///ey IV://iams. 4784. HOWARD, b. 2, 7, 1856; m. 2, 5, 1877, Mary R. Thompson; children, Bertha C. and Harry P.; Sugartown, Chester county, Pa. Children of Lydia H. Cor (23:56) and Thomas H. Ha!/(32/6). 4785. ESTELLE, educated at Friends' School and Swarthmore College. Spent one year in Germany, 1884–5; residence, West Chester, Pa. 4786. WILLIAM J., graduate of Swarthmore College, B. S. in 1878. Was in the employ of the Philadelphia, Wil- mington & Baltimore Railroad for several years. Superintendent of Swarthmore Col- lege since 4th mo., 1884; address, Swarthmore, Delaware county, Pa. 4787. FLORENCE, graduate of Swarthmore College, class of 1880. Studied in Germany during the year 1884–5. Teacher in Friends' Central School, Philadel- phia; address, West Chester, Pa. 4788. ALICE. 4789. ABBY M. Child of Thomas Smedley (2357) and Rachel G. Preston. 4790. MARY P. Child of Thomas Smedley (2357) and Mary Emma Huston. 4791. EDGAR B. Children of Milton Darlington (23.59) and Sarah Forman. 4792. WALTER, m. IO, 6, 1880, Rosa Dugan; Fort Scott, Kansas. 4793. ALFRED. 4794. ANNIE J. 4795. CHARLES. 4796. MAURICE R. I 84 7 H E M A R / S FA // / / V. Children of Smedley Darlington (23.60) and Mary E. Baker. 4797. JOSEPH CLINTON, d. young. 4798. HORACE, d. young. 4799. MAUD M., m. 2, 20, 1879, Thomas S. Butler, son of Samuel and Margaretta of Uwchlan, Chester county Pa.; children, Smedley D. and Samuel. 48OO. ELIZABETH H., m. 5, 15, 1884, S. Wilber Cooper, Wichita, Kansas. 48ol. FREDERICK, d. young. 4802. EDITH S. 48O3. MARY B. 4804. ISABEL E. 4805. ROSE. 4806. PERCY S. 4807. RICHARD, d. young. Children of Richard Darlington, Jr., (2362) and Elizabeth F. Alexander. 48O8. SARA E. 4809. ALICE E. 48 IO. GRACE A. Child of William Chambers (2363) and Ann / Anderson. 48 I I. WILLIAM J., b. IO, 31, 1855; residence, Phila. Children of James T. Chambers (2365) and Amy T. Thompson. 4812. MARY R.; Wilmington, Del. 4813. J. HowARD; Phila. 4814. PHEBE T., b. 9, 29, 1859; m. IO, 6, 1881, Frank H., son of Dr. William H. and Beulah Thomas, of Wilmington, Del. ; one child. 4815. GEORGE M.; Wilmington, Del. 4816. ARTHUR L. 4817. AMY, d. in infancy. Children of Ædwin Chambers (2367) and Martha Barnard (3794). 4818. S. BARNARD, b. 8, 14, 1855; m. Io, 12, 1880, Mary P. Brosius, daughter of Edwin and Mary, of Kennett Square; one child; Phila. 4819. PAUL, b. 1, 25, 1857, graduated in 1884 from the Georgetown Medical College, Washington, D. C., where he now resides. 482O. ELIZABETH. 4821. ALICE, d. in infancy. 4822. SARAH D. Children of Cyrus Chambers, /r., (2371) and Mary P. Pyle. 4823. ISABEL, 4824. HANNA, d. in infancy. 4825. HELEN. 4826. ALICE P. Children of Hannah T. Chambers (2.372) and Jeremiah Croasdale. 4827. ROBERT, b. IO, 21, 1856. 4828. CHARLEs, d. in infancy. 4829. KATHARINE M., b. I I, 29, 1859; m. Io, Io, 1883, Edward N. Trump, son of Charles N. and Helen, of Wilmington, Delaware; Syracuse, N. Y. 4830. John PUSEY, b. 8, 3, 1861; gradu- ated in June, 1884, from the Department of Arts, in the University of Pennsylvania. Children of Ruth A. Chambers (2373) and J. Davis Huey. 483 I. ELSIE V., b. 8, 19, 1860; m. 4, 26, 1883, William, son of Dr. Bird, of Buf- falo, New York; address, Emporia, Kansas. 4832. FREDERIC F. 4833. SARAH D. // C // / // G / W/; RA T/O N. 185 Children of /o/l/ 7. Chambers (2375) and Alice E. /ackson. 4834. JoFIN P. 4835. ROSAMOND. Children of Elizabeth P. Green (2377) and /acoſ, C. Smith. 4836. R. ELLEN, b. 3, 5, 1845; m. 3, 8, 1866, Samuel S. Martin, son of Simon and Deborah P., of Kennett Square; four children; address, Kennett Square, Pa. 4837. ANNIE B., b. 6, 3, 1852; m. 2, 19, 1874, Caleb P. Martin, son of Simon and Deborah P.; two children; address, Kennett Square, Pa. 4838. ELIZABETH C., d. in infancy. Children of Susanna C. Wilson (2385) and Samue/ W. Sc//ers. 4839. JANE P., b. I I, 4, 1844; m. I I, 18, 1869, William H. Haines, son of Abner and Phebe, of East Goshen, Chester county, Pa.; no children; residence, Pocopson, Chester county, Pa. 484O. ESCOL S., b. I I, I, 1845; m. 8, 19, 1869, Christiana W., daughter of William and Isabella Hunter, of Phila.; three children; Kimberton, Pa. 484 I. JonATHAN R., d. in infancy. 4842. ASENATH W., d, in infancy. 4843. SAMUEL W. P., b. 7, 18, 1852; m. 9, 5, 1878, Emma, daughter of Andrew and Margaret Addleman, of Buckingham, Va.; one child; address, Spearfish, Dakota. Child of Lydia T | Wilson (2390) and /o/ul I Wickers/lam. 4844. CHARLEs A., b. 9, 9, 1858; m. 6, 24, 1880, Lizzie A., daughter of Richard W. and Hannah Lamborn, of Newlin, Chester county, Pa.; two children ; address, Lincoln, Nebraska. Children of Ayua /ackson (2391) and Rofferſ ºl. /ac/son. 4845. WILLIAM A., b. 6, 3, 1850; m. Mary Emma, daughter of Jacob and Mary Houser, of Phila.; she d. 1878; two children. 4846. JOHN H.; Phila. 4847. LIZZIE J.; Kennett Square, Pa. 4848. Robert A.; residence, Cecil county, Md. 4849. WASHINGTON M.; residence, Phila. 4850. F. CLARENCE, residence, Cecil county, Md. 485 I. EMMA E., b. 8, 27, 1862; m. IO, 30, 1884, Jesse, Jr., Son of Jesse Stoops, of Cecil county, Md. 4852. OLIVER M. 4853. IDELLA M. Child of Williamina /ackson (2392) and Howard H. Jackson. 4854. ALFRED H., b. 5, 29, 1857; m. 2, 23, 1881, Sallie F. Speakman, daughter of James and Hannah Ann, of Chatham, Pa.; two children; Kennett Square, Pa. Children of Benjamin L. Maris (2/23) and Priscilla /ones. 4855. Eva J. 4856. CARRIE E. 4857. NETTIE L. 4858. SIBBY A. I S6 . 7 A/A /l/ A R /S FA /l/ / / V. Child of Anna Maris (2/25) and A/vien Ledbetter. 4859. John O., b. 5, 6, 1858, in Guilford county, North Carolina; m, 8, 8, 1878, Emily J. Johnson; one child, Cora E.; mechanic; Vinton, Bates county, Mo. Children of William Maris (2/26) and Lydia / Couch. 4860. BENJAMIN F., b. 8, 7, 1856, in Guilford county, North Carolina; Farmer; Lacygne, Linn county, Kansas. 486 I. John I., b. 7, 23, 1861, in Guilford county, North Carolina. Farmer; Lacygne, Linn County, Kansas, Child of Lydia C. Maris (2430) and Daniel B. Anderson. 4862. SAMUEL G. Children of Hannah Andrew (2/44) and Robert Holaday. 4863. THOMAS F., b. I, 27, 1835; m. I I, I 5, 1871, Sallie A. Johnson; children, Ethel B., Edna, Laura, and Chester A.; physician; Monrovia, Ind. 4864. JonATHAN, b. 7, 1, 1836; m. 10, 12, 1865, Louisa J. Gibson; children, Ellsworth, Elbridge, de- ceased, Clayton R., Walter, deceased, and Harley A.; farmer; Martinsville, Ohio. 4865. BETTIE J., b. 12, 13, 1837; m. I I, II, 1869, Jonathan Roberts; children, Curtis R., deceased, and Alta L.; West Elkton, Ohio. 4866. Louis A, b. I I, 19, 1839; Westboro, Ohio. 4867. JoHN HENRY, b. 3, 19, 1842; m. 7, 26, 1866, Rachel A. Tur- ner; children, Sherman C., Tillie T., Clyde P., Jennie G., Robert Milton, Halcyon L., deceased, Dudley W., and Edwin; lineman for the Western Union Telegraph Com- pany; Hamilton, Ohio. * - - 4868. SAMUEL A., b. 3, 22, 1845; m. Patience L. Pobst; children, Ross E., Mary A., Lillie A., Lydia E., and Robert; farmer; Westboro, Ohio. 4869. JoSEPH M., b. Io, 24, 1847; m. 4, 5, 1877, Adaline Randle; children, Stanley and Oscar; teacher; Lynchburg, Ohio. 4870. JoB S., b. 2, 12, 1850; teacher; Westboro, Ohio. 4871. MAHLON H., b. 6, 17, 1852; blacksmith; Westboro, Ohio. 4872. WILLIAM W., b. 7, 5, 1857; m. 12, 16, 1879, Libbie Hopewell; children, Estella M. and Clarenc E.; Westboro, Ohio. . - Children of Jonathan Andrew (24.47) and Elizabeth Garner. 4873. HENRY, b. 12, 14, 1841 ; farmer; Redwood Falls, Minn. 4874. WILLIAM, b. 8, 5, 1852; teacher; Westboro, Ohio. Children of Anna Moon (2460) and Jesse Hunt. 4875. JOSEPH M. b. 5, 19, 1834; m. 1859, Emma Haisley; had three children; lived near Martinsville, Ohio; d. 12, 21, 1873. 4876. MILTON L., b. 2, 2. I836; m. I I, I, 1866, Sarah E. Wright; two children; Martinsville, Ohio. 4877. ELLwooD, d. 10, A: / G H TH G ENERATION. . 187 I 2, 186O. 4878. MARY, b. 2, 21, 1842; m. 1869, John Carroll; two children; Wil- mington, Ohio. 4879. SARAH L., b. 2, 17, 1847; m. 4, 24, 1883, O. S. Coat; Wil- mington, Ohio. ." Children of Horatio Kerns (2483) and Elizabeth Pettit. 4880. ALFRED, educated at West Chester State Normal School. Studied law in Lancaster City, and was admitted to the bar, 6th mo., 1878. Went to Colorado, 5th mo., I88O. Has since married and settled in Denver where he is practising his profession. 488 I. EVERETT; is in business in Phila. 4882. ANNA; d. 2, 1, 1885. Children of Maris V. Kerms (2484) and Emma / Lefevre. 4883. HETTIE H. 4884. HIRAM. O. 4885. FRANKLIN L, 4886. IDA. M. 4887. MARIs V. 4888. WILLIAM W. Children of Mary Ann Kerns (2/85) and William McCanna. 4889. LELIA, 4890. MARY. 489 I. HARRY R. 4892. John E. 4893. HoRACE. 4894. ADELAIDE. 4895. GERTRUDE. - Child of Maggie E. Kerns (2/86) and Francis /. Pennock. 4896. WILLIAM E.; Christiana, Lancaster county, Pa. Children of Martha H. Kerns (2/88) and /o/ul D. Laverty. 4897. MINNIE V. 4898. CHARLES B. 4899. WILLIAM M. 4900. ROBERT E. 4901. ANNA V. 4902 LIZZIE B. 4903. JOHN D. 4904. SAMUEL M. 4905. REBA K. Child of Eli Kerns (2489) and Ellen / McKee. 4906. MAUDE A. Children of John C. Skelton (25/1) and Elisabeth Hill. 4907. LUCIAN E. 4908. OTLEY V. Children of Lewis T. Skelton (2512) and Sarah A. Slufts. 4909. CHARLEs G. 49 IO. LESLIE E. 49 II. EDWARD W. 4912. NELLIE O. Children of Asa Hadley (25.38) and Jane Johnson. 4913. CATHARINE. 4914. GEORGE W. 4915. ANDERSON. 4916. WILLIAM H. I 88 TH E M A R /S FA // / / V. Children of Temperance Hadley (25.39) and David B/m/. 4917. MARY JANE. 4918. DAVID E. 4919. John W. 492O. J.EREMIAH W. 492 I. SYLVESTER S. Children of Zeno Had/cy (25/1) and Elizabeth /o/mson. 4922. DEBORAH. 4923. ELIZA. 4924. LOT. 4925. HEZEKIAH, deceased. Children of Zeno Hadley (22/7) and Mary Reese. 4926. MARY ELLEN. 4927. IRA. 4928. GEORGE. Children of Alerander C. Hadley (25/4) and Sarah Shackefford. 4929. IDA. 493O, EDWARD. 493 I. SHERMAN. 4932. OLIVER, 4933. DEBORAH. 4934. SARAH. Children of Evan Hadley (2547) and Mary A. Ballard. 4935. ALIDA, b. 8, 1, 1847; m. 4, 15, 1869, Nixon Henley; Monrovia, Indiana. 4936. KEZIA C., b. 8, I I, I849; m. 8, 18, 1871, John M. Guyger; Monrovia, Ind. Children of Matilda Hadley (2548) and Milton White. 4937. JAMES H., b. 4, II, 1842. 4938. MARTHA, b. I I, 25, 1843; m. 2d mo., 1861, Israel Osborn. 4939. HANNAH., b. I, 5, 1846. 4940. MARY H., b. I, I 5, 1848; m. 12, 9, 1864, Jesse R. Pressmall. 4941. BENJAMIN, b. IO, 5, 1849; m. 4, 2, 1873, Elizabeth D. Pressmall. 4942. SIBBIE, b. 9, 14, 185 I ; m. 8th mo., 1876, Miles Mendenhall. 4943. ELIZABETH, b. 9, 7, 1853; m. 5, 12, 1876, William H. Boothe. Children of Jeremiah Hadley (2549) and Eliza E. McCracken. 4944. ALBERT M., b. 6, 6, 1842; m. I I, I 7, 1864, Cecelia Shaw ; Life Insurance; Danville, Ind. 4945. JAMES W., b. 8, 20, 1844; m. 7, IO, 1866, Sarah Storms; m. 8, I 1, 1869, Sarah E. Hunt. Was a physician at Mooresville, Ind. ; d. I I, 3, 1873. 4946. ARNOLD W., b. 5, 5, 1846; m. 9, I I, 1871, Almeda Hunt; Mooresville, Ind. 4947. CHARLEs, d. in infancy. 4948. THOMPSON C., d. young. 4949. WILLIAM F., b. 8, 3, 1855; m. I 2, 29, 1880, Cassie Farmer. Cashier of Farmers' Bank; Mooresville, Indiana. 4950. ANNA MARIA, b. 7, 21, 1860; m, 4, 13, 1881, Gilbert H. Hendren; Marco, Indiana. - Children of Amos Doan (2559) and Martha Thomas. 495 I. IRA, b. 2, 23, 1853; m. 8, 31, 1883, Hester Spencer. Physician; North P------ fºuTLºuhºt º-º-º- º///(22.2%. (1867) AE/G // T// G ENERA T/O W. 189 Bend, Nebraska. 4952. CALEB F., b. 2, 27, 1855. Has a Milk and Butter depot; Indianapolis, Ind. 4953. Joseph J., b. 6, 15, 1857; m. 6, 1, 1881, Ida Coffin. Farmer; Hadley, Ind. 4954. FNOs L., b. 5, 14, 1860; graduate of Haverford College. Teacher in Friends' School, Wilmington, Delaware. - 4955. WILLIAM ; d. in infancy. 4956. WILSON S.; Friendswood, Ind. Children of E//raim Doan (256/ ) and Ann //arxicy. 4957. WILLIAM H. 4958. JOHN. 4959. JAMES ; d. young. Children of Ephraim Doan (256.7) and ſane //ad/cy. 4960. ZENO H. 4961. Josh UA M. Children of Enos Doan (2562) and Martha A. Burgess. 4962. MARY EMILY ; d. young. 4963. John M. ; Oskaloosa, Iowa. 4964. ETTIE W. 4965. ENOs A. - Children of Sarah Doan (2563) and Isaac Roberts. 4966. RUTH ELLA, b. 8, 6, 1860; m. 9, 16, 1881, William Pierce. 4967. EDWIN J. 4968. JoFIN P. 4969. HORACE ; d. in infancy. 4970. ARTHUR ; d. in infancy. Children of Abel Doan (256/) and Phebe Lindley. 497 I. MARY. 4972. MARTHA. 4973. EMMA. 4974. JOHN L. 4975. ANNA. Children of Eleanor Hadley (2565) and /o/, /. Carter. 4976. DANIEL 4977. ELMIRA. Child of Abigail Hadley (2566) and George M. Harvey. 4978. MARY I. Children of Eunice Hadley (25.67) and Jacob V. Carter. 4979. WALTER O. 4980. MIRIAM A. 498 I. IRA J. 4982. WILLIAM I. Children of Cynthia A. Hadley (2569) and C. W. Zinck. 4983. VIOLA. 4984. MARY A. 4985. MINNIE B. I90 THE MARIS FAM/1. Y. Children of John F. Hadley (2574) and Lydia A. Macy. 4986. WILLIAM A. 4987. LINNIE A. 4988. MAHLON. 4989. CoRA. Children of Nathan Hadley (2584) and Cornelia A. Hadley. 4990. LUZENA E., b. 9, 21, 1852; m. 9, 3, 1867, John Tincher. 4991. JoHN C., b. I 2, 31, 1853; m. 5, 14, 1876, Laura Pearce. 4992. HARRIET E., b. 7, 5, 1856; m. 2, 10, 1876, Ashley Cooper. 4993. ANNETTA E., b. 11, 23, 1860; m, 8, 3, 1884, Charles Tindall, 4994. IRA MARIS. - Children of Wathan Hadley (2584) and Penelope Prueſº. 4995. MonTCLAIR E. 4996. HENRY M. 4997. SOPHIA J. 4998, CORNELIA I. Children of Asenath Hadley (258.5) and Edwin Johnson. 4999, ELIZABETH A.; teacher. Sooo. EUDORA. 5001. Lydia A. 5002. Joseph. Children of Ann Hadley (2586) and Stephen Thatcher. 5OO3. MARIETTA, b. 8, I I, 1854; m. 3, 28, 1878, at Paola, Kansas, George A. Pruitt. Lives in Page county, Iowa. 5005. JARED, b. 9, 15, 1856; m. 4th mo., 1880, Emma Lamm. 5006. ALBERT L.; d. young. Children of Amy M. Hadley (2587) and Robert Y. Sellers. 5007. ALICE A., b. 2, 26, 1860; m. 7, 22, 1880, William T. J. Cooper. 5008. CHARLEs E. 5009. MATTIE I. 50 IO. LILLY E. - Children of /u/ia Hadley (2588) and William Dewees. 5OI I. LOT MARIS. 5012. LAURA E., b. IO, 19, 1862; m. I 2, 18, 1883, George Cable. 501 3. TINNIE A. 5014. ANDRA. M. * Children of Jared P. Hadley (2589) and /sabella Major. 5O15. CLAYTON M. 5016. NoAH H., d. young. Children of Rebecca Lindley (2596) and John Maris (2630). 5OI7. NANCY, b. 4, 4, 1847; m. 7, 4, 1861, Joseph Little; d. I I, 24, 1875; chil- dren, George A., Emmor J., Louella, Martha A., Sarah E., and William B. Address of her family, Harveysburg, Fountain county, Ind. - U- º º ºzº DANIEL M FOX. --- - ----------------- º ºs º- - - - - - - - ----------- - - - - - - M-n --- º - - - - - - A / C // 7// G / NW/ER A T/O AW. I O I Children of George M. Zind/ey (26/7) and Sara/, lºſoody. 5018. HERBERT S. 5019. Lydia J. 5020. SAMUEL H. 5021. John M., deceased: 5022. LOT. 5023. MILES J. 5024. PAUL B. 5025. ANNIE. V. 5026. MARY F. H. 5027. Rose M. . Children of Aaron Maris (2627) and Alsena//, //arvey. 5028. HANNAH M., b. 2, 17, 1842; m. 5, 10, 1877, John W. Woody; children, Ira A., George M., and Ida E.; Independence, Montgomery county, Kansas. 5029. John H., b. 6, 30, 1844; d. I, 5, 1853. Child of Sarah Maris (2628) and //ira/, / ind/cy (/o33). See page IO3. Children of Sarah Maris (2628) and Asa/c///arveſ. 5O3O. AARON M., b. 3, 27, 1848. 503 I. ISAAC, b. 6, 3, 1849; m. I 2, 30, 1875, Mary A. Marshall; children, Luther B., Artie E., Martha E., Lucy B., and Cary M. ; farmer; Independence, Kansas. 5032. JAMES T., b. 3, 28, 185 I ; m. 2, 29, 1872, Sarah E. Hockett; children, Ira E., Benjamin E., Oliver M., Florence M., and Fletence L.; Harrisonville, Kansas. 5033. MILES, b. 4, 22, 1853; d. young. 5034. WILLIAM M., b. 1, 30, 1855; m. 10, 7, 1880, Mollie Jackson; one child, Thaddeus. Farmer; Independence, Kansas. 5035. ABRAM, b. IO, I 5, 1857; m. 3, II, I880, Sarah D. Jackson; children, Clarence, Jessie, and Frederic. Farmer; Inde- pendence, Kansas. 5036. HIRAM, b. I I, I 3, 1859; m. I Ith mo., 1882, Tempa I. Fields. Farmer; Independence, Kansas. 5037. MARTHA E., d. young. * Children of Martha Maris (2629) and /o/ul Harvey. 5038. GEORGE M., d. in infancy. 503.9. John J., b. IO, 31, 1840; m. I I, I, 1860, Martha E. Osborn; children, Charles L., Allen E., Annetta, George M., and Bertha B. 5O4O. NANCY E.; deceased. 504 I. ASENATH M., b. I I, 16, 1846; m. I 2, 29, 1870, William B. Swaim ; children, Martha, Silva, Strandus, Alice, Hannah, Fanny, and Clarence. 5042. AMANDA H., b. 5, 24, 1853; m. 2, 26, 1874, Robert Andrew. Children of John Maris (2630) and Rebecca Lindley (2596). See page 190. - Children of John Millis (2631) and Nancy Cloud. 5O43, ELLWOOD D., b. 5, 22, 1846. Physician and surgeon ; Plainville, Ind. 5044. CHARLES D., b. 6, 28, 1848. Farmer; Randolph, Iowa. I O2 7. // / /l/ Al K M S A. A /l/ / / Y. 5O45. GEORGE A., b. 4, 26, 1856. Trader; Paola, Kansas. 5046. JOSEPH ID., b. IO, I 3, 1861. Trader; Paola, Kansas. Children of John Miſſis (26; 1) and Emma G. Smith. 5O47. JOHN ALBERT. 5048. MINNIE BELLE. 5049. HALBERT. Children of Edward Maris (26/ſ) and /u/ia A. Morrison. 5050. ROBERT, b. 8, 14, 1854. Farmer; Annapolis, Ind. 505 I. ALBERT W., b. 3, 31, 1856; m. I, 3, 1878, Carrie E. Perkins. Clerk; Colfax, Washington Territory. 5052. MARY F., b. 9, 15, 1858; m, 2, 26, 1884, J. M. Sain; one child, Firth; Cam- argo, Ill. 5053. A. LINCOLN, b. 6, 18, 1860; m. 10, 30, 1880, Mary C. Dressback. Farmer; Tuscola, Ill. 5054, OSCAR F.; Tuscola, Ill. 5055. EDWARD; Tuscola, Ill. Children of Mary A. Maris (26/2) and Affred Mauck. 5056. LOUELLA, b. 8, 31, 1859; m. 9, I I, 1883, Willis Hargrove; child, Charles; Union, Pike county, Ind. 5057. GRACE B., b. 10, 15, 1861; m. I I, 17, 1881, John D. Chism ; two children; Aggie M., and Edgar ; Princeton, Ind. 5058. ALFRED M. 5059. MABEL K. - Children of //anna/, Maris (26/3) and Luther McMasters. 5O6O. LUCIEN F. 5061. JOSEPHINE E. 5062. CHARLES L.; Tuscola, Ill. Children of William H. Maris (26/5) and ſala Lipscomb. 5O63. EUGENE L. 5064. ADA W. 5065. LELA, deceased. 5066. GUY. 5O67. STELLA. 5068. THOMAS. - Children of Charles F. Maris (26/9) and 5069. WILLIAM. 5070. EDNA. 5071. LESTER. 5072. ETHEL 5073. MARY A. Children of Mary B. Maris (2650) and Oliver S. Hiatt. 5O74. EFFIE. 5075. MAMIE. Children of Kate C. Maris (2651) and /ames Yeates. 5076. MARY A. 5077. CARRIE C. 5078. WILSON A. 5079. DELLA M. Children of Sarah / Maris (2653) and Fuller Bradley. 5080. JoELLA. 508 I. JoHN LEROY. E/G//7// G ENERAT/ON. I93 Children of Calvin Maris (2654) and Marinda Cor. 5082, SARAH R.; deceased. 5083. LUCINDA E. 5084. MATILDA C. 5085. SARUSIA E. 5086. ELMER. 5087. DELLA M. 5088, LokEL. Child of Lydia A. Maris (2655) and Joseph C. Vickory. 5089. CHARLES. Child of /oseph A. Maris (2657) and Æuma Swaim. 5000. ORA. Children of Mary E. Maris (2659) and /o/ul Price. 5091. GRANT, b. 2, 18, 1862; m. 2, 21, 1883, Rosa Haworth ; child, Tabor; Cherokee, Kansas. 5092. RICHARD. 5093. JAMES; d. in infancy. 5094. ADA L. 5095. JoHN M. 5096. BART ; d. in infancy. 5097. WILLIE. Children of Amanda Maris (2663) and Esra H. Woodward. 5098. WALTER, 5099. BENNIE ; deceased. 5 IOO. SYBIL. Child of Newton C. Maris (2668) and L. Ettie Swaim. 5 IOI. OWEN R. Children of Hiram Trucâ/ood (2669) and Hannah B. Lind/cy. 5 IO2. MARY ELLEN, b. 8, 14, 1849; m. I I, 19, 1874, Nichison Millis; children, Charles R., John F., and Frank R.; Lick Creek, Indiana. 5 IO3. ZENO L.; deceased. 5 IO4. Thomas E.; deceased. 5 IO5. EDMUND L., b. 7, 26, 1855; m. IO, 20, 1880, Mary A. Jackson; children, Arthur C. and Retta M. Farmer; Paoli, Ind. 5 IO6. SARAH, b. Io, I 2, 1857; m. I I, 2O, aſ 882, O. C. Ham. Lived at West Baden, Indiana; d. 6, 23, 1884. 5 IOZ. CHARLES N., b. 2; 5, 186O. Salesman; Caldwell, Kansas. 5 IoS. RUTH, b. 6, 16, 1862; m. 4, 23, 1884, Charles H. Pennock; West Baden, Indiana. 5109. MILTON; d. in infancy. 51 Io, Eva A.; Paoli, Ind. 51 1 1. HARRY: Paoli, Indiana. 5 II 2. John M.; d. in infancy. Children of Alfred Trucâlood (2670) and Amy Lindley. 5113. CHARLEs W.; d. in infancy. 5 I I4. WILLIAM O. 5 II 5. MARY I. 5116. SARAH J.; d. in infancy. 51 17. OWEN L. 51 18. JoHN E. 51 19. ALFRED N.; d. in infancy. I94 - THE MARIS FAMILY Children of Thomas E. Trueblood (2671) and Sarah / White. 5 12O. ELEANORA, b. 2, 9, 185 I ; m. I, 14, 1880, William Gause. 512 I. LINDLEY E., b. 12, 6, 1853; m. 9, 7, 1882, Anna Henderson. 5 I 22. EMMA. * * \ Children of William Trucâlood (2673) and Ruth F. Diron. 5 123. LINDLEY M., b. 5, 2, 1859; m, 4, 20, 1881, Mary McDowell. 5 124. HoRACE. 5125. JoHN. 5126. CHARLEs, 5 I 27. ALFRED. Children of John Trucâlood (2674) and Mary Townsend. 5 128. WILLIAM A. 5 I 29. JoHN B. Children of Thomas Moulder (2675) and Æliga Williams. 5 i 30. JoHN McLAIN, b. 2, 4, 1850; m. 8, 31, 1876, Lucy Obrien. Physician; Kokomo, Ind. 5 131. LOUISA, b. 3, 28, 1852; m. 9, 1, 1880, Mac P. Jeter, Russiaville, Ind. 5 I 32. ELIZABETH E. 5133. JAMES L. 5134. Anna. Children of Elizabeth Moulder (2676) and Zimri Niron. 5 135. MARY E., b. 7, 27, 1849; m. 9, 21, 1880, John R. Griffith, Kokomo, Ind. 5 136. ELVINA, b. I, 24, 1854; m. 12, 4, 1873, William C. Kline; children, Nellie E., Lulu I., Alice, and Kate; Frankfort, Ind. 5 I 37. FLORA; Kokomo, Ind. Children of Mary Moulder (2677) and William Vandenbaré. 5 I 38. ELIZA, b. 5, 8, 1858. 5139. OLIVER, b. 9, 6, 1866. Children of Jane Moulder (2678) and William Middleton. 5 140, CHARLEs E., b. I I, 19, 1856; m. IO, 28, 1880, Mary C. Torrence; child, Eva Pearl. 5141. MARY F., b. 10, 9, 1860; m. I I, 30, 1882, William Orr. 5142. JoHN. All of West Middleton, Ind. Children of Ann Moulder (2680) and Isaac H. A.//is. 5143. EMMA, b. 12, 14, 1862; m. I, 18, 1882, A. H. Hunt, 5144. JENNIE, b. 7, 4, I864; m. 4, 27, 1883, C. W. Ruddell. 5145. LEWIs M. 5146. ADDA. Children of Oliver 1. Moulder (2687) and Martha M. Carter. 5 I47. NELLIE M. 5148. OLIVER, • e s , w e * © wº © tº tº : º : E/GH TH GEWERATION. I95 5 I49. 5 I 55. 5 I 58. 5 I 59. 5 I62. 5164. 5 167. 5 I69. 5 I 72. 5 I 74. 5 178. 5 182. 5 I 85. Children of Henry C. Moulder (2682) and Martha Hadley. CoRA. 5150. NELLIE. 515 I. EDNA. 5 I 52. JOHN. Children of Eliza F. Moulder (2683) and Oliver L. Evans. . JOHN. 5154. MARY. -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-ra--, -amº ºm-º-º-º-º-º- Children of John Milton Moulder (2684) and Elma Drummond. ETHEL. 5 I 56. LENA B. 5 I 57. HARRY. Child of Adaline H. Parker (2685) and Amos Hallowell. LYNDEN P. Children of John T. Lindley (2686) and Rachel C. Mills. ALBERT. 5160. WILLIAM E. 5 161. THOMAS E. CLARA T. 5163. GEORGE F. Children of Jane Henley (2688) and /o/in Holloway. ANNIE M. 5165. NELLIE. 5166. AMy. Children of George Henley (2689) and Celia A. Baker. LLOYD W. 5 168. John H. Children of Mary A. Maris (2692) and Thomas White. CHARLES M. 517O. GEORGE A. 5 I 7 I. ELLA. THOMAS L. 5173. MARY M. *mºmºmºsºm-ºs- .*.* Children of Thomas Maris (2693) and Anna White. OLIVER L. 5175. SAMUEL. 5 176. HARRY D. 5177. ROBERT W. Children of Sarah Jane Maris (2696) and Woodson Hubbard. ERNEST. 5179. FREDERIC M.; deceased. 5 18O. ETHEL. I. 5181. EDITH. Children of Ruth Maris (2698) and Dr. J. W. Montgomery. OLIVER M.; d. young. 5 183. CHARLES F.; d. in infancy. 5184. NELLIE. NORMAN ; d. young. 4186, JENNIE H. 5187. EDITH C. 196 TA/A) // A R /S FA //// V 5 188. 5 IQ I. 5 IQ4. 5 IQ5. 5 196. 5 IQ9. 52O I. 52O5. 52O9. 52 I 3. 52 I 7. 5218. \ Children of Aaron Maris (2609) and Mary A. Rhodes. John I. 5 189. MYRTLE E. 5 190. ANNA J. Children of Joseph Farlow (270) and Hamma/, Hi// ISADORE, 5 192. IDA. 5193. LILLY B. Child of Joseph Farlow (2707) and Rebecca Cor. ARTHUR J. Child of Joseph Farlow (2701) and Mary E. Hill. NELLIE B. Children of Deborah Farlow (2702) and John Atkinson. OMER M. 5 197. DESSIE. 51.98. WILLIAM P. ºr Children of Thomas Farlow (2703) and Ellen Lee. JoHN M. 52OO. OMER H. Children of Wathan M. Farlow (2704) and Martha Cloud. ELMER. 52O2. HARRY. 52O3. MAMIE A. 52O4. WILLIE C. Children of Deborah J. Maris (2706) and H. M. Wilkey. LAWRENCE. 52O6. ALTHA. 52O7. ERNEST. 52O8. LUCY. Children of John T. Maris (2707) and Elma Hadley. MARY M. 52 Io. BURTON. W. 52 II. OSCAR M. 5212. FLORINDA G. WILLIAM R. 52 I4. NELLIE. Children of Milton J. Maris (2715) and Edith A. Edwards. . MYRTLE. 5216. DAISy. Child of Charles E. Maris (2716) and Lottie Arnett. MINNIE. Child of Mary Emma Maris (2717) and Dr. Levi Connor. JOSEPHINE MARIs. ºn-to-twº- -ºut-ºuxºr (1867) COMPIL ER. ------- E/G//TH GENERA T/O W. I 97 Children of Zimri D. Maris (27/9) and Mary E. Manwarring. 52 I9. MARTHA A., b. 3, 15, 1857; m. 2, 28, 1880, Jacob Lincbarger. 5220. ROSE ELLA. 522 I. WILLIAM R.; d. in infancy. 5222. LUCINDA C.; teacher. 5223. MARY BELLE. 5224. ANNA FLIZA. 5225. CHARLES ALLEN. 5226. John MILTON ; d. in infancy. 5227. LINA E. 5228. FREDDIE ; d. in infancy. Child of John M. Maris (2720) and /lucinda E. Robertsoy. 5229. HARLAND R. Child of /o/, //, /Maris (2720) and Zaura //enderson. 523O. SUE MIDA. Child of James A. Maris (2721) and Sallie Robertson. 523 I. HENRY A. Child of John Maris (2722) and Sara/, / Sowers. 5232. HARRIET F., b. 6, 2, 1857; m. Edward P. Weaver. Children of William Maris (2723) and Sara/, / Dem/lam. 5233. ANN I. 5234. ERVIN D.; d. young. 5235. JAMES A. 5236. WILLIAM T. 5237. MARTHA E. 5238. GEORGE A. 5239. HARVEY C. 524O. MARGARET M. 524.I. MARY A. 5242. MERBERT D. Children of Abigail Maris (2724) and Thomas Guisinger. 5243. WILLIAM T. 5.244. ANNA. 5245. CLARA. 5246. CATHARINE. Children of Watham H. Maris (2725) and Annie Towell. 5247, IRA. 5248. EDWARD. 5249. EMMA. 5250. LIZZIE. Children of Zimri W. Maris (2726) and Ann Heidrick. 525 I. JAMES A., b. IO, I 2, 1860. Bridge Carpenter; Annapolis, Ind. 5252. GEORGE T., b. 10, 27, 1864. 5253. ALZADA. M., b. 2, 22, 1867. Children of Thomas D. Maris (2727) and Alice Long. 5254. IRVIN, 5.255. JAMES. 5256. MYRTA. 198 TH E M A R /S FA M// V. 5257. 5259. Children of George C. Maris (2728) and Jennie Carey. FOSTER M. 5258. DORA. Children of James C. Maris (2729) and Fannie Wiley. MILTON. 526O. ANNA E. Children of George C. Woody (2730) and Mary McClure. 5261. AUGUSTA. 5262. JoHN. 5263. WALTER. 5264. CHARLES. 5265. ALBERTA. 5266. 5273. 5283. 5287. Children of Caroline Woody (2731) and William H. Russel/ MARTHA E. 5267. John C. 5268. MARY S. Children of Albert M. Woody (2733) and Margaret Woel. . HoRATIO A. 5270. NED N. Children of Sara/, /. Woody (2735) and A. S. Lindsay. CECILE. 5272. THOMAS B. Children of Mary E. Woody (2737) and James Trownsell. FRED. 5274. JENNIE F. Child of Sarah E. Bundy (2747) and William Bryan. . NELLIE. Children of John E. Maris (2757) and Mary Swaim. . NELLIE P. 5277. ETHEL A. 5278. FRANK E. Children of James T. Maris (2752) and Lena Swaim. . FRED H. 5280. CHARLEs P. 5281. ELMER L. 5282. SUSIE A. Children of John J. Garrigus (2755) and Mary / Ward. JAMES C. 5284. ANNIE E. 5285. STRAWDY A. 5286. WILLIAM. CHARLES. 5288. GRACE. | | º | - º . º | | - " | - | º | | -- - A. W G H 7"Aſ G EAWAER A 7T/O AW. I99 5295. 5299. 53OI. 53O2. 53O5. 53O7. 53 I 2. 53 I6. 5318. 5322. 5326. Children of Mathan Lindley (2757) and Susanna Harvey. MARTILA A. 529O. HARRIET E. 529 I. LAVINA. 5.292. MARY A. Children of Æ/canor /ind/ey (2758) and William O. Maris (1053 See page IO7. tº, Children of Catharine Zindley (2759) and David Cates. . Joseph T. 5294. MARY J. Children of William Lindley (2761) and Hannah C. Lindſey. FLORA I. 5296. MARIETTA. 5297. MILLY B. 5298. DAYTON B. ERASTUs W. 53OO. ELSIE O. Child of Mary Pickett (2764) and William E. Branson. JOHN L. Children of Ann Pickett (2 765) and Erum Wew/in. ALONZO. 5303. MARY E. 53O4. SARAH E. ALICE. 5306. JoHN P.; d. young. Children of Lot Pickett (2766) and Asenath A. Canaday. FLORA. 5308. JoHN. 5309. MARY. 53 IO. ARTHUR. 53 I I. NATHAN. Children of Edmund Lindley (2768) and Ellen J. Ratcliff. MARTHA C. 5313. WILSON F. 5314. CYRUS F. 53 I 5. GULIA E. IRA. 5317. HATTLE L. 531.7%. BURT. Children of Elwood Lindley (2769) and Marſha A. Lewis. ULYSSES G. 5319. LUCINDA E. 532O. MARY J. 532 I. JoHN J. SOPHRONIA. 5323. LEWIS P. 5324. MALINDA. 5.325. KESSIAH. Children of Polly Pickett (277.1) and Levi Branson. NATHAN. 5327. EFFIE. 5328. CHARLES. 2OO THE MARAS FAMILY. Child of Louisa Pickett (2781) and Zimri Niwon. 5329. GRACE. Child of Lydia P. Pickett (2783) and William Moore. 5.330. AMANDA. Children of Sarah Pickett (2784) and Taylor McNeil. 533 I. WALTER, 5332. PAUL. Child of Jehu C. Pickett (2785) and Louisa Lindley. 5333. EMMA. Children of William A. Wood (2798) and Eliza Stanley. 5334, NANCY E. 5335. SAMUEL A. 5336. WILLIAM E. 5337. JoHN S. 5338. MARGARET M. 5339. SALLIE H. 5340. MARY B. 5341. JESSE A. 5342. IDA E. Children of Stephen C. Wood (28oo) and Henrietta Davidson. 5343. WILLIAM. 5344. SALLIE. 5345. LOURETA. Children of Martha / Wood (28oz.) and /o/n W. Blackwell. 5346. WILLIAM N. 5347. SAMANTHA. 5348. John A. 5349. THOMAS J. 5350. SAMUEL J. 535 I. CHARLES D. Children of Mary D. Wood (2802) and William Woodward. 5352. FRANCESCO D. Farmer. 5353. WILLIAM M. Farmer, 5.354. MARGARET E. 5355. THOMAS L. Farmer. 5356. MARY L. 5357. CHARLEs. All of Belfast, Tennessee. Children of John P. Wood (28o3) and Martha Woodward. 5358. MARY L. 5359. NorAH V. 5360. WILLIAM W. 5361. OLIE J. 5362. JoFIN P. 5363. VINIE L. Children of Sallie C. Wood (2805) and Frank M. Dillard. 5364. MARY I. 5365. NANCY E. 5366. WILLIAM A. 5.367. LILLIAN L. 5368. SAMUEL R. 5369. JESSE E. 5370. STEPHEN L. A / G // TA/ G A# /VAZ /ø A 7T / O AW. 2O I Children of Samuel D. Wood (2806) and /atty Courtner. 537 ſ. Joſſ N. 5372. ELIZA. J. 5373. JAMES T. 5374. SAMUEL D. 5375. MARY E. 5376. GEORGIANA D. 5377. MARVIN P. Children of Susan F. Taylor (2808) and Samue/ /’ Co//ins. 5378. LIZZIE J., b. 6, 16, 1854; m. Lemuel Dorothy. 5379. SALLIE E., b. 6, 18, 1856; m. Robert Graham ; Hillsboro, North Carolina. 538O. MARTHA C., b. 7, Io, 1866; m. Archie Burton; Hillsboro, North Carolina. 5381. SUSAN F., b. I I, 17, 1862; m. Charles McBroon; Hillsboro, North Carolina. Children of Thomas /. Taylor (2809) and Martha E. Kedding. 5382. ROBERT J. 5383. IDA. J. 5384. GEORGE. 5385. DAVID L. Children of Jonathan / Taylor (28/ / ) and /u/ia Wood. 5386. MAGGIE F. 5387. JOHN F. 5388. CHARLES C. 5389. SALLIE E. 5390. MARTHA R. 539 I. WILLIE W. Children of Jonathan / Taylor (28 7 1) and Martha E. Bain. 5392. JAMES E. 5393. JULIA F. 5394. MARY J. * = -------, ----------- -- Children of Martha F. Maris (2815) and Josiah McDade. 5395. MARY. 5396. JULIA. 5397. HENRY. 5398. EUGENE. Children of Rebecca D. Maris (2816) and Jasper Sykes. 5399. AGNES R. 540O. CHESTER C. Child of Mary S. Maris (2817) and James Fau/ºner. 54O1. DORA I. Child of Euphrasia Maris (2818) and William McDade. 54O2. MABEL. Child of Rosetta E. Maris (2837) and Gaines C. Miller. 54O3. JOHN F. 2. O 2 TA/A2 MAR/s AºA /l/ / / V. Children of Barclay Maris (2878) and Ann Pim. 54O4. Joseph P. 5405. EDITH. Children of /saac Maris (2882) and A/ma Z. Buton. 54O6. JESSE E. 5407. ALICE A. 5408. FREDERICK. Children of Caleó Maris (2883) and Debora/, Watson. 54O9. ANNIE. 54IO. LOUISA T.; at the Institute for the Blind, in Columbus, Ohio. 54I I. DEBORAH W. * Children of Caleb Maris (2883) and Elisabeth Butler. 54.12. ERNEST J. 54.13. CLARA. E. 54I4. EDWARD W. 5415. BEULAH. 5416. RUSSELL. Children of William Maris (2887) and Sarah H. Ba// 5417. CHARLES. 5418. EVA ; deceased. 5419. EDNA. 542O, CLARA. H. Children of Sylvester Maris (2895) and Minnie Lane. 542 I. VICTOR. 5422. NELLIE. 5423. BIRTRAM. 5424. HARRY. 5425. LENA. Children of William P. Maris (2896) and Bessic Price. 5426. ADA L. 5427. MYRTA E. 5428. JESSE CLARENCE. Children of Sarah E. Trump (2900) and Rev. George M. Irwin. 5429. CARRIE BELLE, b. I, 9, 1858; m. I I, 22, 1877, Herman Pearce; children, George H., Frank L., and Fred. M. 543O. JESSE MARIS. 543 I. GEORGE HENRY. 5432. ADDA ELIZA. Children of Tacy Ann Simmons (2907) and Wade 7. Wren. 5433. JAMES. 5434. EDWARD. 5435. EVA. 5436. BENJAMIN. 5437. FRANK. Children of John W. Simmons (2902) and Mary F. Kelley. 5438. GEORGE K. 5439. CHARLEs A. 5440 EUDocIA S. Children of Angeline C. Simmons (2903) and George Kinnear. 544 I. CHARLES. 5442. GEORGE: deceased. 5443. Roy. A / G A# 7// G / WA R A 7T/O AV. 2O3 5444. 5446. 5449. 545 I. 5454. 5456. 54.57. 546O. 5462. 5463. 5465. 5467. Children of Eudocia Simmons (2904) and George A. Metsgar. CHARLEs M. 5445. BERTHA B.; d. young. Children of Jesse / Allee (29/o) and Mary Kingman. HANNAH P. 5447. GEORGE B. 5448. ROSE S. Children of Hannah / Kyes (2615) and Peter Berger. JOHN K. 5450. JESSE A. Children of Fletcher D. Kyes (29.17) and Meſa Zook. LILLIE A. 5452. BANNA H. 5453. WALTER F. Children of /u/ia S. Kyes (2919) and William A. Wildhack. ROBERT J. 5455. GEORGE O. * Child of Chitty C. Kyes (2920) and Bella Ellis. FLETCHER L. Children of Helen R. Bogardus (2923) and C. C. Potter. CLEMENT B. 5458. Roy T. 5.459. WILLIAM D. GRACE. 5461. HAROLD. Child of Maris C. Ross (2927) and Mary M. Rucker. WILLIAM A. Children of Edgar Kyes (2950) and Matilda Jones. JESSIE J. 5464. ROBERT. Children of Cornelia L. Kyes (2931) and Z. A. Whitehill. CHARLEs J. 5466. MABEL. Children of Francis H. Cumming (2935) and Lissie M. Mann. PURDIE ; d. in infancy. 5468. ORRIS ANDREWs. 2O4 THE MAR/S FAMILY. Children of Belle Cumming (2936) and Frank P. Gilbert. 5469. FRED. P. 547O. HARRY P. ^ Children of Richard M. Kirkbride (29/9) and E//en. Von Cºſſin. 547 I. Joseph J., b. 2, 21, 1845; m. 6th mo., 1874, Sadie Massey. 5472. FRANK H., b. 1847. It is believed that he was killed during the war. 5473. GEORGE B., b. 3, 31, 1849. 5474. JULIA C., b. 7, 17, 185 I ; m. 3, 16, 1871, William S. Taylor; children, James G., George H., William C., and Elizabeth C.; Burlington, N. J. 5475. John PAUL, b. IO, 19, 1853; m. 1871, Eliza Hodgson; child- ren, John P., Henry H., Ralph Maris, and William T. 5476. ANNA E., b. 12, 22, 1855; m. Io, 2, 1884, Theodore Alfred Fox. 5477. HARRIET, b. 4, 30, 1860. Children of Harrict Kirkbride (2950) and Theodore For 5478. THEODORE. 5479. EDWIN. 548O. ELIZA G. 548 I. HERBERT. 5482 BEATRICE. / ----------------------- Children of Margaret A. Phillips (2951) and Symington Phillips. 5483. FANNIE S.; m. George Hamilton in 1858; one child, Caroline J. 5484. MITA E.; m. Burnet Landreth in 1868; children, Burnet, Symington, and Fannie H. Children of Anna Elisa Phil/i/s (2952) and A/hcrt H. Phillips. 5485. E. JAFFRAY ; m. Julia Seymour; children, Edward J., and William W. 5486. HowARD; m. Ida Montgomery; one child, Winthrop. 5487. ALBERT H. 5488. ANNA FRANCES. Children of Caroline Phillips (2953) and A//en. L. Bassetſ. 5489. ALLENA. 5490. CARROLL. Children of Mary Welsh Phillips (2954) and Rev. Henry B. Barton. 5491. HENRY B. 5492. FANNIE S. 5493. JoSIAH. B. Children of Mary W. Lapsley (2955) and Samuel A. Strang. 5494. NELSON; deceased. 5495. ANNA L.; deceased. 5496. MARY WELSH. 5497. AGNES HORNER. 5498. BESSIE A. A / G // T// G /E/V/E /* A 7" / O M. 2O5 Child of Henry Laps/ey (2956) and Josephine W. Herric/. 5499. JoSEPHINE. Children of Samue/ W. Laſs/cy (2957) and Margarcſ /efferis. 5500. DAVID. 550 I. ARTHUR. Children of Howard Lapsley (2960) and Katharine A. Iſiſ/ard. 5502. John WILLARD. 5503. ANNA WELSH. 5504. GAILLARD THOMAS. 5505. KATHARINE HOWARD. Children of Frances Lapsley (2967) and Charles Hitchcock. 5506. ETHEL. 5507. CHARLES. 5508. HowARD. Children of Mary E. Horner (2970) and Dr. Henry H. Smith. 5509. THOMAS L., b. 8, 3, 1844; educated at the Episcopal Academy and Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Collegiate Department; m. IO, 27, 1870, by Bishop Stevens, Emily V. Grant; children, Lydia L., Emily G., and Alice G. Merchant; New York city. 55 IO, EUGENIA H., b. 5, 25, 1847; educated at Miss Bayard's School. 55 II. WILLIAM H., b. 9, 2, 1853; educated at the Episcopal Academy and Uni- versity of Pennsylvania; m. 4, 14, 1880, Henrietta C. Wilkins; one child, Harry W. Merchant at 123 South Front Street, Philadelphia. 5512. HARRY E., b. 9, 10, 1855; educated at the Episcopal Academy and University of Pennsylvania; deceased. 55 13. JAMES R., b. 6, 14, 1857; educated at the Episcopal Academy and University of Pennsylvania; m. 8, 15, 1879; Ellen M. Hollingshead; one child, Ellen H.; Stock Broker; Philadelphia, 55 14. ALFRED H.; d. in infancy. Children of Emily Virginia Horncr (2971) and JPilliam Horner. 5515. ELIZABETH W., b. 4, 3, 1848, in Warrenton, Va.; m. I I, Io, 1870, Henry T. Cocke. Merchant; City Point, Va.; children, Emily Virginia, James, William H., H. Teller, Elizabeth W., Martha, deceased, Janet C. 55 16. ANNA P. 55.17. WILLIAM. 5518. INMAN. The last three died in childhood. Children of Elisabeth W. Horner (2973) and Dr. Richard Eppes. 5519. JoSEPHINE, b. I I, 6, 1855; educated in Philadelphia. 552O. MARY, b. 5, 9, I858; educated at St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N. J. 5521. AGNES, b. 9, 8, 1861; educated at private schools at home. 5522. RICHARD, b. 2, 18, 1864; educated at Charlottesville, Va., and Boston, Mass. 5523. EMILY, b. 8, 30, 1866; educated at 2O6 THE MAR IS FAM/1. Y. Stanton, and Edge Hill, Va. 5524. ALFREDA, b. I 2, 5, 1872; educated at private schools at home. Children of Agnes Horner (2975) and Gen. Adoff Buschbeck. 55.25. AGNES M.; d. young. 5526. ELIZABETH H. 5527. EUGENIA ; d. young. 55.28. WILLIAM WELSH ; d. young. Children of Rebecca M. We/s/. (2976) and Dr. Edward A. Smith. 5529. ELSIE W. 553O. JOSEPHINE. Children of Josephine E. Welsh (2977) and Benjamin Perkins. 553 I. SAMUEL W. 5532. JEANIE L. 5533. G. LAWRENCE. 5534. RUSSELL. Child of Amma Maria Weſs/ (2979) and James Somers Smith. 5.535. J. Somers, Jr. - Children of E/isabeth 7. We/s/l (2987) and James B. Young. 5536. Joh N WELSH, b. 8, 3, 1866. 5537. WILLIAM SYDNEY, b. 5, 5, 1874. Children of /o/in Lowber Welsh (2982) and Maria Wowbold. 5.538, EDWARD LOWBER. 5539. CHARLES NEWBOLD. 5540. MARY NEWBOLD. Child of Samuel We/s/, /r. (2983) and Elizabeth Conrad Young. 554 I. SAMUEL. Children of Samue/ We/s/, /r. (2983) and Helen B. Johnson. 5542. MARY LOWBER. 5543. ALICE J. 5544. LINDLEY J. *~~ *-es-------~~~~ sm---sºº ºm masº Children of A/ice Welsh (2985) and George Strawbridge. 5545. JoHN. 5546. MARY L. 5547. WELSH. 5548. ANNIE W. Children of Een Welsh (2986) and Thomas P. C. Sto/scs. 5549. EDWARD LOWBER. 5550. THOMAS COPE. A / G Aſ TA/ G B M E R A 7T/O AW. 2O7 Children of //cröert We/s/. (2987) and Fanny Frazer. 5551. ROBERT F. 5552. FLIZABETH. 5553. DOROTHY. 5554. HERBERT S. Children of /o/in Wels/, /r. (2988) and Elizabet/. A. Ralston. 5555. MARY N., m. 4, 29, 1884, Latham G. Reed, of New York. 5556. FRANK R. 5557. GERTRUDE C. 5558. ELIZABETH R. Children of Elisabeth R. We/s/. (2989) and Charles IV. Cushman. 5559. EMMA DE LONGUEVILLE. 5560. WILLIAM ROSS. 5561. EDITH NEW BOLD. Children of Osgood Welsh (2991) and /u/ia L. Turner. 5562. FRANCIS. 5563. EVELYN. 5564. JULIAN P. Children of /u/ia Newbold Weſs/ (2995) and Rev. William H. l?óðcrt. 5565. WILLIAM. 5566. MARY H. 5567. ARTHUR B. 5568. AUBREY. ------ - - ------------------- - ------------------ -- } Child of William Welsh, Jr. (299/) and Caroline 7. Tatham. 5569. WILLIAM. Child of Edith Wewbold Welsh (2995) and IV://iam Drayton. 557O, WILLIAM, JR. Children of Catharine M. Duri/h (2996) and Dr. Francis Gurney Smith. 5571. ANNA D., b. 4, 5, 1852; m. 1, 8, 1874, Nicholas Thomas. 5572. ROBERT MEADE, b. 6, 2, 1854; m. 12, 13, 1877, Florence Peace. 5573. EDMUND D., b. 3, IO, 1857; m. 4, 24, 1878, Rosa Milner. 5574. ALEXIS D. Child of Ælisabeth M. Cooch (2998) and William Clay For. 5575. CATHARINE. Children of Edmund D. Rando/p/ (;ooz) and Helen Earle Lothrop. 5576. MARGARET. 5577. HELEN. 5578. EDMUND. 5579. CHARLES. 5580. MARY W. 5581. CoRA. 5582. LOTHROP. 2OS T///, // A R /S FAM // Y. Children of IVa//ace / Rando/// (3002) and Aal/crime / Powe/ 5583. ANNIE P. 5584. MARY. Children of //sa/e//, // Cooch (soo; ) and Charles M. Pettee. 5585. HANNAII. E., b. 2, 25, 1861; m, 4th mo., 1880, Horatio Ege. 5586. EUGENE C. 5587. MAGGIE M. Child of Annie M. Cooch (300/) and /Eugene Moore. 5588. ADA. Children of Margaret Maris Evans (3005) and Dr. John B. Holmes. 5589. JoliN E., b. 7, 13, 1852; m, 7th mo., 1876, Mary Anderson. 5590. KATHARINE, b. 7, 3, 1853; m. I I, 2 I, 1877, Campbell Tucker. Children of Martha Price Evans (3006) and Edward Roberts, /r. 5591. EDWARD. 5592. J. R. EVANS. 5593. MARTHA P.; d. young. 5594. AGNES P., b. IO, 31, 1863; m. 4, 15, 1884, John C. Groome. 5595. CLARENCE H. 5596. EDITH. Children of Elizabeth R. Evans (3007) and /o/ul Tucker, /r. 5597. Joli N; d. young. 5598. RUSSELL E. 5599. MARGARET M. 56OO, HENRY. 5601. BESSIE N. Children of /oseph R. /ºvans, /r. (3009) and Æ//en. Stockton. 56O2. HoRACE H.; deceased. 5603. Joseph RUSSELL. 56O4. ELIZABETII W.; de- ceased. 5605. STOCKTON; deceased. 56O6. ARELL. 56O7. HERBERT. 5608. HowARD; deceased. Child of Elizabeth W. Avans (3072) and Richard Ash/uſrsſ. 5609. RICHARD, JR. Children of /n/uan //, /ºvans (3013) and Mildred M. Campbel/ 56 IO. SUSANNA. 56 II. MARY C. 5612. Joseph INE R. Children of Martha M. Morris (3020) and William Gummerc. 5613. R. MoRRIS, b. 2, 8, 1846, in Phila.; educated at Haverford College; m. 2, /, / (, // / // G /; AV / / / 1 / / O AV. 2OO 15, 1872, Elizabeth Hunt; children, Rebecca H., and William, Jr.; address, South Bethlehem, Pa 5614. MARGARET M., b. 5, 29, 1850; educated at Westtown Boarding School, and St. Mary's Hall; address, Burlington, N. J. 5615. FRANCEs M., b. 4, 17, 1853; educated at Westtown and St. Mary's Hall; m. IO, 17, 1878, James Craig Per- rine, of Freehold, N. J.; one child, Martha Gummere; address, Burlington, N. J. 5616. WILLIAM H., b. 5, 3, 1864, in Germantown; educated at Haverford College, Pa.; Bank Clerk, Burlington, N. J. Children of /a/ac M. Morris (3023) and Francis IV. Al/i/nor. 5617. THOMAS W., b. 10, 27, 1866; student at Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J. 5618. FRANCIS W., b. I I, 30, 1871 ; d. infancy. Children of Æ. Louisa Wight (302.5) and Henry Oa/s. 5619. HENRY F. 562O. MARIE L. 5621. ANNIE M. Children of Reóccoa Wight (3027) and George J/ars/. 5622. ALICE R. 5623. FITCH GEORGE. Children of Edwin B. Worra// (3029) and J/aggie A. Bishop. 5624. E. CHANNING. 5625. DAVID Y. 5626. PRATT B. Children of /, /lcedom II'orra// (3030) and Sa//ic || . Thomas. 5627. REBECCA P. 5628. ELIZA. H. Child of Hibberd B. Worral/ (; o;2) and Sal/ic G/en/l. 5629. MARY M. Children of /ose//, //, Hin/son (303.3) and /l/dia Edwards. 5630. JoHN B., b. IO, 2, 1840, near Chester, Pa.; entered the Freshman Class at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., in 1856, and graduated in 1860. Studied law with Hon. John M. Broomall, of Media, and was admitted to the Bar in 1863; m. 5, 16, 1864, Kate W. Caldwell; children, Joseph H., John C., Alfred H., Ridgely G., and Mary E. Practising law in Chester, Delaware county, Pa. 563 I. EDWARD E.; d. in 1849. 5632. MARY E.; d. 1849. 5633. LIZZIE E.; m. Professor John Sweeney, Ches- ter, Pa. 5634. SAMUEL E. 5635. PERCIPHOR B.; d. in infancy. 5636. JoSEPH A.; d. in infancy. THE MAR IS FAM/L Y. Children of /o/ul E. Hiſt/son (30.3/) and Annie Peasants. 5637. EMMA, b. 2, 1, 1851; m. 7, 29, 1875, Clarence Larkin. 5638. FANNIE, b. 2, 1, 1851; m. 6, 20, 1877, Frank R. Palmer; d. 2, 25, 1879. 5639. John ENGLE, de- ceased. - Children of /eſ/lima //in/son (3035) and /o/ul C. Beatty. 5640, LYDIA A. 564 I. WILLIAM H. 5642. ANNA M. 5643. JOHN. 5644. B. FRANK. 5645. ADA J. 5646. JAMES W. D. 5647. JOHN CALVIN. Children of Maris Worra// (; o;6) and Margaret / Bishop. 5648. ABBIE A., b. 3, I I, 1855; m. 1878, James Taggart. 5649. MATILDA E., b. 3, 14, 1856; m. 1876, Winfield S. Worrall. . Child of William Henry AEvans (3062) and Caroline R. Zewis. 5650. LUCINDA E. s Children of /, Engle Evans (3064) and Georgie A. Baldwin. 5651. EDWARD E. 5652. WILLIAM N. 5653. THOMAS B. Children of John Kirk (3/13) and Sarah W. Bittle (3 1/2). 5654. WILLIAM B. 5655. GARRETT. 5656. Joseph H. 5657. John. Children of Emma A. Kirk (31.16) and George Horner. 5658. BESSIE ; deceased. 5659. GEORGE K. 5660. MARY K. 5661. LEWIS D. 5662. ELMA. - Child of Rebecca Massey (3119) and William G. Garrett. 5663. ANNA M. Child of Dr. Isaac Massey (3121) and Sara R. Commer. 5664. FANNy. Children of Philip Garrett (; 122) and Elizabeth McAfee 5665. LIDIE C. 5666. WILLIAM E.; deceased. 5667. LEwis M. 5668. MARy A.; deceased. 5669. MARY E. --------- -uurt-ºu-r A / G // TAſ GAZAVAE RA T/O AW. 2 I I 5670. 5674. 5676. 5677. 568o. 5683. 5686. 5689. 5692. 5693. 5694. 5695. Children of Joseph Lewis (; 133) and Anna Maſſack. EMMA V. 567 I. MARIs W. 5672. OBER T 5673. W. LANE. Joseph P. 5675. SIDNEY B. Child of Ellie S. Lewis (; 138) and Enos Ver/cmden. HELEN L. Children of Hannah Bittle (3 1/5) and William V. Carter. MARY E. 5678. SARAH J. 5679. BERTHA B. Children of Lydia /. Bittle (3//7) and /o/ul E. Stanley. . JULIA. 5681. EMMA W. 5682. John M. Children of Ellen E. Morton (315; ) and Powe// Dickinson. J. MoRTON. 5684. FLORENCE E. 5685. BLANCHE. Children of David IVorral/ (3155) and Mary A. Ba// MARY J. 5687. HowARD T. 5688. LILLIE M. - -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: *-----------wº- ºr------------ - - - -- ~~ Children of Franklin Worral/ (3156) and Kate Harvey. LULU B. 5690. RANDALL B. 5691. CHARLEs J. Child of William Johnson (; 165) and Margaret McGinn. WILLIAM F. Child of Mary L. Leedom (31.80) and Samuel H. Moore. J. LEEDOM, b. 4, 19, 1884. Child of Sallie C. Leedom (; 18.5) and Henry IV. Loðb. RIDGWAY C., b. '11, 5, 1882. Child of Ridgway Leedom (3786) and Mary B. Sauter. MARIs W., b. I I, 30, 1882. 2 [ 2 THE MAR IS FAMILY. Children of IV://iam P. Leedom (31.90) and Louisa A. Enochs. 5696. HARRY T. 5697. ELLWOOD B. Child of Æmily W. Ramóo (32O3) and /osep/, //, /ºi/ner. 5698. HoRATIO C. Children of Euſtice M. Ramóo (;20/) and Theodore M. Wi//c/m. 5699. SAMUEL M. 57OO, THEODORE. 57OI. JESSE R. 57O2. MARY R. 5703. JoHN. 57O4. EMMA. 5705. WILLIAM M. Children of Mary Parker (3205) and Henry Bidweſ/ 57O6. RebeccA. 57O7. FREDERICK. 5708. JULIA. Children of John Morton Parker (3207) and Alice Hale. 5709. MABEL M. 57 IO, REBECCA A. 57 II. CATHARINE J. Children of Thomas D. Brooma/ (1266) and Mary D. Carter. 5712. MARK, b. 1837; d. in the Army, Io, I 5, 1863; unm. 57 I 3. DAVIS, b. IO, 21, 1839; m. Priscie R. Rees; living in Chester county. --- This family and the remainder on this page were omitted from page I 32. Children of John Brooma/ (1267) and Hannah Matson. 57.14. SARAH W., b. 8, 25, 1830; unm.; Elkton, Mol. 5715. ELI M., b. I, 7, 1836; m. Mary L. Worrall; d. 8, 8, 1877. Children of John Broomall (1267) and Lydia W. Way. 5716. HANNAII. D., b. Io, 16, 1846; m. John E. Wilson; Elkton, Md. 57 17. J. HowARD, b. 7, 14, 1849; m. and lives in Peoria, Ill. 5718. J. FRANCIS, b. 4, 29, 1855; m. and lives in Phila. 5719. JESSE J., b. I, 24, 1858; unm.; Lumber City, Pa. Children of Daniel Brooma/ (1269) and Sarah Ann Baker. 572O. FLIZABETH, b. IO, 27, 1828; unm. 5721. SUSANNA, b. 8, 23, 1833. 5722. ANNIE S., b. 6, 20, 1837. 5723. JAMEs, b. 7, 28, 1840; m. Anna B. Wor- rall; children, Clarence W., Folgard D., James Horace, Laura B., and Fannie W.; all living at Glen Mills, Pa. W/WTH GENERA 7/0M 2 I 3 NINT H G ENERATION. Children of Edward H. Magi/ (3228) and Sarah W. Beans. 5724. HELEN, b. I I, 28, 1853, in Providence, Rhode Island. Prepared for College at the Boston Latin School and in Paris; entered Swarthmore College in 1869; gradu- ated A. B. in 1873, and Resident Graduate 1873–75. Entered Boston University as Post Graduate in 1875, graduated Ph.D. 1877. Entered Newnham College, England, 1877; took the Classical Tripos Course of 4 years; no degrees conferred upon women. Principal of private school at Johnstown, Pa., 1882–83. Became Principal of Howard Collegiate Institute, West Bridgewater, Mass., in 1883. 5725. EUDORA, b. 7, 27, 1855, in Providence, Rhode Island. Prepared for College at Swarthmore, Pa., and entered Swarthmore College in 1872; graduated A. B. in 1877. Resident Graduate, and Special Student in Mathematics 1877–79. Taught in Friends' School, Mt. Holly, New Jersey, 1880–81. Taught in private school at Johnstown, Pa., 1882–83. Became Instrućtor in Mathematics in Howard Collegiate Institute, West Bridgewater, Mass., in 1883. 5726. BEATRICE, b. 3, 18, 1859, in Providence, Rhode Island. Went through the course of study in Swarthmore Preparatory School; entered School of Design for Women, in Philadelphia, in 1875, and graduated in 1878. Studied Art in Paris, under Mueller and Feyen Perrin, in 1879–81, and in the Academy, in Philadelphia, and under Sartain in 1881–82. Opened a studio in Philadelphia, in 1882. Appointed Instrućtor in Art, in Swarthmore College, in 1884. 5727. GERTRUDE B., b. 8, 31, 1861, in Boston, Mass. Prepared for College at Swarthmore, Pa., and entered Swarthmore College, in 1876, graduated in 1881, having spent one year in Europe. Taught in Friends' School, Locust Valley, Long Island, in 1882–83. Became Instructor in Modern Languages and Elocution, in Howard Col- legiate Institute, West Bridgewater, Mass., in 1883. 5728. FRANCIS G., b. 6, 14, 1863; d. at Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, Io, 6, 1872. 5723. MARIAN, b. 12, 8, 1868, in Solebury, Bucks county, Pa. Studied in Swarthmore Preparatory School, two years in Paris, and in Howard Collegiate Institute, West Bridgewater, Mass. Children of Watson P. Magi/ (3229) and Mary Harvey. 5729. CHALKLEY H., b. 2, I 3, 1853; m. I 2, 16, 1875, Almira Robinson; Philadel- phia. 5730. EDWARD W. Lawyer; Phila. Children of Catharine / Magill (323 ſ) and Henry C. Phil//s. 573 I. CAROLINE H., b. I, 30, 1861; d. in infancy. 5732. GEORGE C., b. 7, 30, 1862; d. 8, 7, 1883. Graduate of Swarthmore College. 5733. RYLAND W., b. 6, 6, 1866. Photographer; Phila. 5734. HowARD M., b. 10, 18, 1868. 214 7A/A) MARIS FA M//. Y. Children of Rachel P. Magi/ (3232) and /o/in S. Williams. 5735. CARROLL R., b. 8, 2, 1858, in Solebury, Bucks county, Pa. Graduated at Swarthmore College. Is pračtising Law in Phila. 5736. AGNES B. 5737. EDWARD N. Child of Matilda R. Magill (3233) and Charles S. Akinson. 5738. MARY M., b. 3, 14, 1865. Children of Thomas H. Ha// (32/6) and Lydia H. Cor (23:56). See page 183. Children of Albert P. Ha// (32/8) and Hannah Hall. 5739, WALTER H., b. 5, 8, 1855; m. Lydia T. James, daughter of John, of West Chester; children, John J., Albert P., and Herbert W.; dec'd. 574O. IRENE A., b. 7, 9, 1856; m. Abram Williams, West Chester, Pa. Children of Edward H. Hall (3249) and Sarah E. Cranston. 574 I. MARY, educated at Friends' School, West Chester, Pa. 5742. SARAH. Children of Benjamin E. Heston (3253) and Lydia Yarnal/ 5743. HOWARD. 5744. SARAH S. Children of Lewis T. Dutton (3257) and Mary Moore. 5745. ISAAC T. 5746. ADELAIDE V. 5747. CATHARINE T. 5748. LEWIS T. 5749. MARY. 5750. WILLIAM M. 575 I. SOPHIA T. Children of Sarah M. Dutton (3258) and Joseph E. Hover. 5752. CATHARINE. 5753. SARAH. 5754. FRANCES. 5755. HowARD D. Children of Richard R. Dutton (32.59) and Margaret E. Boyle. - 5756. RICHARD R. 5757. SARAH C. 5758. MARY M. 5759. ALEXANDER P. Children of Esther Zobb (3268) and Samuel G. Zevis. , 576O. HANNAH. H.; Clifton Heights, Pa. 5761. ALBERT, b. 2, 25, 1847; m. I I, 7, 1879, Katharine Miller; children, Samuel G., and Spencer M., deceased; Clifton Heights, Pa. 5762. ANNA P. & AV/AV 7TA/ G A WAER A T/O AV. 2 I 5 5763. 5766. 5767. 577O. 5772. 5774. 5778. 578O. 5781. 5782. 5783. 5784. 5787. 5789. 57.90, Children of /acob Hióðerd (3277) and Sara/, R. Worral/ BERTHA. 5764. John W. 5765. ELLWOOD W.; deceased. - - -g - - - - - - - - Child of Jesse Hióócra (3278) and Mary Ayuſz Z.cºis. SAMUEL. Children of /o/in Hióðcrd (3287) and Mary E. Hal/ LYDIA H. 5768. CARRIE J. 5769. DAVIS R. Children of William G. Cor (.328/) and Sara/, /oncs. EUGENE, deceased. 5771. SUSANNA M.; deceased. HARRIET J. 5773. GULIELMA S.; deceased. Children of Sarah D. Powell (3287) and /saac Leeds. SUSAN P. 5775. I. Powell. 5776. B. RUSH. 5777. SAMUEL. RUTH ANN. 5779. MARY W. Children of William R. Dutton (3290) and Sarah H. Scatter good. MARY H., m. Dr. John C. Hall; one child, William D.; Frankford, Phila. ANNA S., m. Albert Webster; children Mabel and Horace. Child of Roland / Dutton (3291) and Helen E. Burr. EDITH H. - Children of Mary Dutton (3292) and Richard /. A//en. RICHARD D., m. Io, 28, 1880, Anna B. Gill; one child, Clara. WILLIAM C. 5785. RICHARD J.; deceased. 5786. MARY ; deceased. GEORGE D. 5788. HENRY D. Child of Thomas Dutton (3296) and Emma F. Kinsey. CHARLEs S. Children of Elizabeth M. Dutton (3299) and /. Hióðerd Bartram. ANNA D.; d. young. 579 I. MARY T. 5792. SALLIE D., b. 3, 9, 1864; m. 6, 5, 1884, William Kent; Hockessin, Delaware. 5793. GEORGE H. 5794. IDA. P. 2 I 6 TA/ / // A R /S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Thomas Di//wyn Dutton (3300) and Lydia /?ral/. 5795. RANDALL P. 5796. EDMUND N. 5797. MARY T. Children of Edward Darlington (3301) and Mary 7, Palmer. 5798. FRANCES; d. 7, 24, 1871. 5799. DEBORAH ; d. in infancy. 580O. CHARLES P., b. 2, 12, 1860; m. 3, 23, 1882, Florence J. Baily; one child, Merwyn J. 58OI. MARY. 5802, JARED. 5803. ANNA S. 5804. BEULAH W. 58O5. EDWARD, J.R. Children of Amy Darlington (3304) and Henry Pratt. 5806. SUE ; educated at Concordville. Teacher. 5807. MARY D.; graduate of Swarthmore College, Class of 1885. Principal of Friends' Graded School, West Ches- ter, Pa. 5808. SADIE D. 5809. ALBERT D. 58 Io, CALVERT. Children of Jesse Darlington (3306) and Hannah W. Pratt. 581 I. HoRACE ; student at Swarthmore College. 5812. M. ELLA. 5813. JARED W. 5814. PAUL. Children of Jared Darlington (3308) and Annie Needles. 5815. SALLIE W. 5816. FANNIE. 5817. ANNE J. 5818. JESSIE. Children of Charles /. Cassin (33.17) and Emma Sterns. 5819. CARLOS; deceased. 582O. JoSEPH. 582 I. CHARLES. - Child of Mary D. Williamson (3320) and Richard W. Randolph. 5822. RICHARD W., b. I I, I 3, 1875. ------> **** -- ~~~~~ºs -- * > --~~~~ *-** ~~~~ Children of S. Amma Davis (3340) and Charles Paist. 5823. Joh N D.; graduate of Friends' Central School. 5824. CHARLEs. Children of William Ogden (3354) and Ælla Talbot. 5825. BESSIE MAY. 5826. EDITH. **-* *-** wºº----- **-*-ºs---º-º-º-º-ºººº-º-º-º-º-º-º: Children of Hannah L. Lewis (3363) and Joseph S. Bunting. 5827. BESSIE L. 5828. ARTHUR L. phºtºfºrº. ſº. ºut tºuhºt AARON MARIS. (2699) rºllºula. AV / AV / // G /; AV / R A 7T / O AV. - 217 Children of Sara/, /čussc// (3399)and /o/in /o/inson. 5829. KATE, b. 1827; unm. 5830. WILLIAM, b. 1829; m. Margaret Cornog. 583 I. EMILY, b. 1830; m. Ellwood Huntsman. 5832. SUSANNA, b. 1832; m. Jesse Williams; children, Sarah, John, Calvin, Lillian and Walter. 5833. MARGARET, b. 1834; m. Robert Evans; children, John, William, Kate and Robert. 5834. John, b. 1835; d. in the United States Army during the Rebellion. 5835. SARAH, b. 1835; m. 3, 19, 1863, Bennett Cox (2354); Sugartown, Pa. 5836. MARY, b. 1837; m. Joseph Williams; children, Caroline and Clarence. 5837. NAOMI P., b. 1839; m. Richard Gardner; children, Laura and Clarence. 5838. AMANDA ; d. young. Children of / Miller Russc// (3./oo) and Ann Shc/draße. 5839. WILLIAM, b. 1838; m. Mary Ann Gardner; deceased; children, William, Annie M., and Frank S. 5840. PRUDENCE A., b. 1840; m. 1863, Owen Tompkins; one child, William R. Child of Hannah Russc// (3/oz) and Hamilton Morton. 5841. HANNAH., b. 1835; m. Mordecai Worrall (I 193). Children of Lydia Russell (3/02) and /osc// B. Smith. 5842. GEORGE W., b. 2, 27, 1836; m. I 2, I, 1859, Anna M. Gardner; children, William G., and J. K. Lees. 5843. WILLIAM R., b. 3, 28, 1838; m. Emma Moore; one child, Howard. 5844. EVANS R., b. 8, 13, 184I. Child of Susanna Russc//(3/03) and William Coſton Smith. 5845. WILLIAM R., b. 8, IO, 1833; m. Lydia Steele and Susanna Snyder. Children of Evans E. Russc// (3./o/) and Mary G. Lloyd. 5846. ANNA MARY ; d. young. 5847. HENRY W., b. 4, IO, 1843; m. Emma Wil- son; d. 1876; one child, Evans. 5848. HANNAH., b. 5, 23, 1846; m. Charles R. Collins; children, Harry, Charles, Evans R., and Mary. Children of William Russell (3405) and Adaline G. Russell. 5849. LYDIA L., b. 7, 31, 1845; unm. 5850. ARABELLA, b. I I, 14, 1847; m. J. Wade Price and Lewis C. Grant. 585 I. WILLIAM, b. 5, 22, 185 I ; m. Mary B. Levis. Children of George Larkin (3/10) and Annie W. Pusey. 5852. CHARLES P. 5853. LEWIS M. 5854. SUSAN R. 2 I 8 TH E M A R /S FAMILY. Children of John Larkin (3/11) and Rebecca A. Kimb/e. 5855. SARAH C., b. 6, 12, 1856; m. 9, IO, 1884, Enos W. Baker. 5856. ANNA, b. II, 6, 1857; m, 2, 27, 1884, T. Ellwood Moore; Milford Mills, Chester County, Pa. 5857. MARY T. 5858. MARTHA E. 5859. IRMA. 586O. PENROSE. Children of Jesse Larkin (3/12) and Aachel Dingee. 5861. EDGAR D. 5862. WILLIAM S. 5863. WALTER, Children of Mordecai Larkin (3/13) and Georgetta Chamberlin. 5864. EDNA. 5865. LILLIAN. Children of Samuel S. Talbot (3/15) and Ellen W. Brown. 5866. JoHN H. C. 5867. SAMUEL S. 5868. THOMAS J. 5869. EDWARD W. 5870. MARY, b. 4, I I, I874. All living in Phila. 587 I. GETCHELL; d. 8, 20, 1877. Children of Jonathan D. Elliott (3/22) and Ella P. Beidler. 5872. ALVA WAYNE, b. IO, 23, 1879. 5873. ROWLAND ARTHUR, b. FO, 23, 1882. -* ºrº------------ Child of Evans S. Way (3424) and Mary Kirk Wells. 5874. WILLIAM. Children of Louisa Way (3425) and Edward H. Engle. 5875. CATHARINE D. 5876. MARY H. 5877. EDWARD H. 5878. FREDERIck. Child of Charlotte Way (3/26) and William A. Engle. 5879. PETER H., b. 6, 7, 1845. Child of Emelia Way (3427) and James Anderson. 5880. SAMUEL, b. 4, 15, 1835; m. Virginia P. Walter; living at Chester, Pa.; chil- dren, Emma L., Letitia W., and Edward C. -* -- a------ Children of Hannah Smith (3/29) and John Talbot. 588 I. SAMUEL S., b. 8, 28, 1843; m. 4, 25, 1861, Ellen W. Brown. 5882. SARAH. 5883. ESTHER. 5884. HANNAH. 5885. KATE. All living in Philadelphia. M/AV TAſ G EAVERA 7T/O AV. 2 I 9 5886. 5890. 5894. 5895. 5899. 590 I. 5904. 5908. 59 II. 59 I 3. 59 I 5. 59 I 7. 592O. 592 I. Children of Abraham Smith (3430) and Elma /o/in. ELMA. 5887. WILLIAM. 5888. CLARA. 5889. Townsen D. Children of John Smith (.3431) and Sarah ſame Mingen. LYDIA EMMA. 5891. GEORGE. 5892. ALFRED B. 5893. CAROLINE B. John M. All living in Media, Penna. Children of Evans Smith (3432) and Caroline THOMAS. 5896. SARAH. 5897. HARRY. 5898. ANNIE. CHARLES. 5900. GEORGE. Children of Ziggie Brooma/ (3/37) and //enry C. Howard. ANNA B. 5902. WILLIAM. 5903. GEORGE B. Children of Clara Booth (34/o) and Isaac L. Miller. MORRIs B. 5905. JoHN. 5906. ELIZABETH B. 5,907. WILLIAM B. Children of Hannah B. Booth (3/41) and /. New/in Trainer. DAVID. 5909. ELIZABETH. 59 IO. WILLIAM B. J. NEWLIN J.R. 5912. SAMUEL BANCROFT. Children of Ellen H. Booth (3/2) and E//wood Harvey. WILLIAM B. 5914. GEORGE B. Children of George M. Booth (3/43) and Ellen Miller. LEVIs M. 5916. ELIZABETH M. Children of John M. Broomal/, /r., (3/49) and Ælisabeth M. Cook. JoHN M., J.R. 5918. CAROLINE LOUISE. 5919. ANNA ELIZABETH. Children of Louisa Broomall (3/39) and Franklin Gray. MARY S., b. 9, 2, 1857; m: William W. Myers; Claymont, Del. HETTIE J., b. I I, 8, 1858; m. R. Trevor Dickinson; one child, Franklin G.; Claymont, Del. 5922. MAGGIE B.; Linwood, Delaware county, Pa. 2 2 O THE MAR/S FAM// Y. \ Children of Martha S. Broomall (3472) and William H. Prics!. 5923. ELIZABETH T. 5924. SARAH A. 5925. MARY R.; d. young. 5926. ELLA M. *---------------, -º-º-º: Children of Sallie 7. Brooma/ (3/76) and James M. Bullock. 5927. ALFRED. 5928. ETHEL. 5929. ALICE. Children of Caroline L. Broomal/ (3/85) and /o/in A. Green. 593O. FRANK. 593 I. SILAS; both of Linwood, Pa. - Children of George D. Broome// (3/87) and Ellen Chapin. 5932. CHESTER C. 5933. GEORGE D. 5934. FRANCIS E. Children of James H. Broomc// (3488) and Mary A. Wickersham. 5935. MARY ETTA. 5936. CHARLES ALBERT. 5.937. JoHN WILFRED. 5938, EMILIE ALICE. Children of Letitia P. Broomc// (3489) and Cyrus S. Griest. 5939. E. BELLE. 5940. MARY E. 594 I. FLORENCE. 5942. LIZZIE. 5943. GEORGE. 5944. C. ARTHUR. 5945. MAURICE. The first three are gradu- ates of the West Chester State Normal School. Children of Elizabeth Broomc// (3490) and George B. Passmore. 5946. HANSON PUSEY. 5947. LOUELLA. 5948. ELLEN. 5949. ANDREW M.; d. 3, I I, 1883. 5950. GEORGE B. 595 I. NORMAN S. Children of Seneca Broome// (3491) and Hannah A. Passmore. 5952. FSTHER. 5953. EMMA J. 5954. MARY E. 5955. BERTHA L. 5956. JoHN P. Children of Samuel H. Broome/ (3492) and Mary Ella Cloud. 5957. J. How ARD. 5958. EDWARD. 5959. ELLA. 596O. ANNIE. *-*-º-º-º-º-º: *-awº-ºº-ºº--~ * Children of Joshua B. Broome/ (35oz.) and Martha Young. 5961. ELEANOR LOUISE. 5962. JAMES G. 5963. SAMUEL M.; d. young. 5964. VIRGINIA D. 5965. MARTHA Y. 5966. Josh UA B. AV/AW 77// G EAVA R A 7 / O AW. 2 2 I Children of Louisa Broome// (3506) and William L. E/Ains. 5967. GEORGE W. 5968. IDA A. 5969. NELLIE B. 5970. WILLIAM L., edu- cated at Swarthmore College. Children of Rache/ B. Davis (35/1) and Henry Temp/e. 597 I. LILLIAN M. 5972. FRANCIS W. 5973. MoRRIs H. Children of Sarah M. Davis (3514) and Talbot M. Rumsey. 5974. MARY A. 5975. CLARA L. 5976. ELLEN B. 5977. EMILY D. 5978. ELIZABETH. Children of Mary E. Davis (3516) and Mifflin Rigg. 5979. NorA B. 598O. FANNIE. 598.I. CHARLES P. Children of Abigail C. Davis (3.517) and James P. Bunting. 5982. SAIDEE. 5983. CHESTER L. 5984. WALTER C. 5985. MARTHA T. 5986. ANNA ROSE. Children of Taylor F. Broomal/ (3.525) and Elisabeth Hannum. 5987. HANNUM. 5988. HARRY H. 5989. RALPH P. Children of James M. Broomal/ (3551) and Rebecca Foley. 5990. SARAH C., b. 3, 6, 1854; m. 3, 20, 1872, James Spillman. 599 I. CLARA V. ; d. in infancy. 5992. THOMAS, b. 4, 30, 1857. 5993. CLARA BELL; d. in infancy. 5994. LILLY ; d. young, 5995. ROSE. 5996, JAMES M. 5997. BAY R. 5998. CALEB B. W. 5999. CAROLINE B. 6OOO. GRACE. * Children of Caleb Broomall (3553) and Mary McDowc// 6001. ELLEN E.; d. young. 6002. EMMA C. 6OO3. WILLIAM McD.; d. young. 6OO4. GRANT C. 6005. CECILIA L. 6OO6. ELLA. S. 6007. JoSEPH. 6008. MARY. 6009. RUTHERFORD B. H. Children of Virginia E. Broomall (3556) and Samuel W. Pennypacker. 6OIO. DIRCK KOSTER, b. 8, 4, 1871; d. 1, 18, 1872. 601 I. Joseph.INE WHITAKER, * * 22 7 H.A. MA R /S FA /l/ / / V. b. I I, 14, 1872. 6012. ELIZA BROOMALſ, b. 10, 18, 1874. 601 3. ANNA MARIA WHIT- AKER, b. I I, 22, 1876. 6014. SAMUEL RICHARDSON, b. I 2, 3 I, 1878; d. 3, 2, 1880. 6O15. BEVAN AUBREY, b. 7, 29, 1881. Children of Margaret L. Brooma/ (3569) and Mordecai Rimby. 65 5. HARRY R. 6017. How ARD B. 6518. Hor Ace B.; dec'd. 6019. ELLA M. Children of Zydia Vaſaw (357; ) and Benjamin / Townsend (3581). 602O. DELAS. 602 I. LARIN. 6022. NELLIE. 6023. DALTON. 6024. VIVIAN. Children of /saac IV /obson (3575) and Sara/, Mºgoniga/. 6025. MARY L.; b. 1863. 6026. Joseph ; b. 1873. 6027. DAISY L.; b. 1883. Child of Lydia E. /obson (3576) and Thomas C. Hoopes. 6O28. CLARA B.; b. 1865. Children of Esther A. Jobson (3577) and B. Frank A//en. 6029. AMos R., b. 1866. 6030. CLEMENT B., b. 1870. 6031. WILLIAM F., b. 1881. Children of Hanna/, /obson (3578) and Ellis Maris (688). See page 72. Children of Mary ſanc Smith (3586) and James Williamson. 6032. ABBIE, educated at Swarthmore College. 6033. ANNA J., student at Swarth- more College; address of both, West Chester, Pa. Children of Jamcs M. Smith (3.587) and Elisabeth W. Green. 6034. ANNA L. 6035. JAMES HENRY. .Both educated at West Chester State Normal School. Children of Eliza P. Smith (3.588) and Walter W. Calvcrt. 6036. LYDIA E. 6037. HANNAH M., m. Mahlon Wood; one child, Harvey; West Philadelphia. Children of Martha T Smith (3590) and Joseph P. Varmall. 6038. EDWARD. 6039. JAMES S. 604O. GERTRUDE. 6041. HANNAH. R. 6O42. Josepſi INE. 6O43. ETTA. 6044. WESLEY. AV/AW 7// G A. MAZA' A 7TWO AV. 2 2 3 Children of Americus V. B. Smith (35.91) and /liºgic A. Atmore. 6O45. ATMORE, 6O46. EVA L.; d. 12, 9, 1881. 6O47. ARRETTA A.; d. 12, IO, 1881. 6048. JAMES WESLEY. 6049. LIZZIE D. 6050. MARY ELLA. 605 I. ANNIE E. D. Children of Wesley W. Smith (35.93) and Mary Ella Green. 6052. CoRA MAY. 6053. HoRACE WESLEY. Children of Washington Townsend (35.9/) and Elizabeth B. Price. 6054. REBECCA, b. 8, 3, 1840; m. 7, 2, 1868, W. Harvey Brown; children, Bertha, deceased, Ethelbert and George W.; West Chester, Pa. 6055. FRANK E., b. 5, 13, 1843; m. Io, 14, 1869, Mary Keller; one child, Marie L. 6056. HARRIET E. Children of Washington Townsend (35.9/) and Elizabeth A. Gibbons. 6057. MARGUERITE. 6058. ELMA ANITA, b. 12, 22, 1855; m. 4, 25, 1878, James C. Sellers; d. 4, 5, 1880; one child, James C. Children of Guſic/ma M. Townsend (3597) and Ædward Hoopes. 6059. DAVID T.; d. young. 6060. ANNIE. 6061. HERMAN, b. 7, 29, 1854; m. I I, II, 1880, Margaret G. Warfield; children, Marion and Edward. Children of Annie E. Townsend (3599) and William E. Barócr. s 6O62. EDWIN A., b. 8, 13, 1851 ; m, 2, 5, 1880, Nellie J. Parker; one child, Louise A. 6063. WILLIAM T., b. 9, 28, 1853; m. Io, 31, 1883, Annie R. Haldeman; one child, Kate S. 6064. ANNIE T., b. 9, 28, 1857; m. Io, 31, 1883, George Watson. Child of Samue/S. Townsend (3600) and Annie Peckworth. 6O65. DAVID, b. 2, 21, 1856; m. IO, 7, 1880, Sallie E. Moore; one child, Agnes M. Children of Samuel T. Brown (3606) and Mary S. Parker. 6066. WISTER P., b. 2, 17, 1857; dentist. 6067. LAURA H. Child of Elisabeth Evans (3670) and Nathan Evans. 6068. SARAH P., b. 3, 6, 1842; m, 1862, Dr. William C. Buckley; d. 4, 30, 1866; children, Gertrude, Duzane E., and William C. * - 2 2 4. 77// / /l/ Al A / S FA /l/ / / Y. Children of Townsend W. Evans (36/3) and Elisabeth L. Shoemaker. 6069. W. ELMA; deceased. 6070. NATHAN S.; deceased. 6071. ANNA P.; de- ceased. 6072. AUGUSTA E.; deceased. 6073. CHARLES T. 6O74. WALTER P., b. 5, 19, 1859; m. 7, 19, 1881, Lidie J. Plummer; children, C. Lynman and Walter T. 6O75. ARD W.; d. young. 6076. BERTHA T. - Children of Rebecca Evans (361/) and Amos Frick. 6077. ELEANOR, b. 10, 19, 1844; m. IO, 19, 1867, Dr. Amos G. Coleman; children, Gurnsey, Bertha, Edith and Amos R. 6078. PRISCILLA E., b. 7, 17, 1847; m. 5, 13, 1869, Henry Foulke. 6079. HoRACE E., b. 7, 17, 1850; m. IO, I, 1879, Anna E. Vezey; children, Charles V., and Horace E., Jr. Children of Franklin T. Evans (3615) and Cornelia Morgan. 6080. John M., b. 3, 15, 1850; m. 10, 8, 1876, Mary B. Denithorne; children, Cornelia, Fred. A., and John M., Jr. 608 I. MoRDECAI H.; d. young. 6082. MoRDECAI L. 6083. MARY M. 6084. FRANKLIN T., J.R. Children of Hanna/. P. Davis (3634) and William H. Vogdes. 6085. ADELAIDE H., b. 2, I I, 1840; m. Frank M. Brooke, and lives in Philadelphia; children, Estelle H., Hugh J., Wayne V., deceased, Florence, and Francis M. 6086. WILLIAM WAYNE, b. 2, 5, 1843; m. Lydia Marn. 6087. EMMA, b. 9, 7, 1844; m. Frank J. Macbeath, of Philadelphia; children, Sarah M. and Francis James. 6088. MARY, b. 7, 24, 1847. 6089. LEWIS D.; d. young. 6090. ANNA D.; d. young. 6091. FRANK ; d. young. 6092. R. HEBER, b. I, 6, 1861; Philadelphia. Children of Eliza Davis (3635) and Peter H. Hill. 6093. BEULAH D., b. 12, 8, 1847; m. 3, I I, 1873, Zachary T. Bartleson, Chester, Pa.; children, Martha A., Mary E., and Florence H. 6094. ELLA, b. 8, 28, 1854; m. George W. Jarden. Lives in Delaware county, Pa.; children, Bessie, Mary, and George W. 6095. WILLIAM V. 6096. ANNIE H. Child of Margaretta Garrett (3638) and George W. Taggart. 6097. EMMA R., b. 9, I I, 1858; m. Calvin Phillips; children, Bertha, Helen, Ruth, and Alice; West Chester, Pa. Children of S. Larkin Fairlamb (36.50) and Emma A. Naseby. 6098, ELEANOR, b. 1866; m. George H. Gibson; Rock Rapids, Iowa. 6O99. MILLARD. 6100. ETHEL. ------- (3986) AV/AV 7// G F WAER A 7"/O AV. 2 2 5 Children of A/red Manci/ (37.3/) and Zydia A. 7cm//e (35/9). 6 IOI. EDWIN B., m. Kate Tomlinson. 6102. T. WILDER ; d. young. 6 IO3. SUSANNA P. Children of Dr. John B. Phi///s (3779) and /ydia Zezvis. 6 IO4. PERcy B., b. I, Io, 1858; San Francisco, Cal. 6105. HERBERT, b. 9, 25, 1865; St. Paul, Minn. Children of /ames M. Phillips (3780) and Mary Pusey. 6 IO6. NORWOOD; d. in infancy. 6107. Lucy N., b. 3, 3, 1851 : m. George S. Allen, of Easton, N. Y. 6108. CHARLEs F., b. 6, 29, 1855; m. Phebe H., daughter of Harvey Phillips, of Kennett Square, Pa. Children of William S. Thompson (3799) and Rebecca Parson. 6 IO9. RUTHANNA ; d. young. 61 IO. CHARLES J.; d. young. 61 I 1. FREDERICK W., b. 7, 14, 1855; m. I, 21, 1880, Anne Jeffrey Pennell. 61 12. ELIZABETH M., b. 7, 9, 1858; m. John A. Shanahan. Children of Hannah S. Thompson (38oo) and /ose//, 7. Barnard. 61 I 3. ANNIE E., b. 5, Io, 1847; m. William Thomas. 61 I4. MARY. 61 I 5. AMOS, b. I, 22, 1851; m. I, 8, 1874, Lizzie Scarlet. 61 16. Joseph INE. 6I 17. WILSON. 61 18. CLARA. H. Children of Sidney H. Thompson (38oz.) and Morris IV./Kinson. 61 19. LYDIA ; d. in infancy. 612O. JoSEPH N., b. 3, 12, 1850; m. Elizabeth Ken- nedy. 612 I, FRANCIS S., b. 1, 16, 1852; m. Louisa Hunt, 61.22. CHARLEs B., b. 6, 8, 1855; m. I 1, 25, 1880, Sarah F. Smith. 6123. ALFRED J., b. 6, 20, 1858; m. 6, 16, I881, Mary Huhn. 6124. ANNA. Children of Elizabeth Maris (3921) and ſesse Williams. 61.25. NANCY M., b. 12, 25, 1845; m. 3, 31, 1866, Emery L. Gray; two children, Irwin and Anna E., deceased. 6126. ENOCH, b. I I, 7, 1848; m. IO, 3, 1876, Catha- rine Williams, who died 12, 28, 1876. 6127. RACHEL ANN, b. IO, 9, 1850; m. 12, 16, 1870, Roliandus Gardner; d. 8, 9, 1871. 6128. ELIHU, b. 8, 22, 1853; m. 8, 22, 1874, Jane Ranck; children, Arminda, Mary E., Abby B., Edna, deceased, and Jesse S. Child of Mary Maris (3922) and James Hanson. - 6129. JoHN W., b. 1, 28, 1851; Las Vegas, New Mexico. 226 TA/A) // A R /S FA // / / V. Child of Curtis W. Maris (3923) and Sara/, /. Parton. 613O. Joh N W., b. I, 5, 1857; m. 4, 25, 1878, Maggie M. McCleary; one child, Glenora, the only Maris of the tenth generation; engineer; Lloydsville, Belmont county, Ohio. Children of Matthew W. Maris (3.92%) and Maggie Wiley. 613 I. MoLLIE E., b. 5, 12, 1862; m. 9, 20, 1883, Isaac G. Robison; Cabin Creek, Johnson county, Arkansas. 6132. FLORENCE I, b. I 2, 17, 1864; m. I 2, 4, 1884, David L. Perryman; Cabin Creek, Johnson county, Arkansas. 6133. LAURA A. 6.134. WILLIAM S. 6135. ANNIE E. 6136. MINNIE M. 6137. ALBERT G. Children of Solomon H. Maris (3925) and Maria L. Davies. 61.38. FRANCIS LEE. 6139. NORA. D. 614O. ANSON G. Child of Wathaniel N. Maris (3926) and Mary Richardson. 614 I. THAMAR, b. 1855; m. I 873, James D. Lacey; children, Nathaniel, William J., and Mary E.; Nineveh, Johnson county, Indiana. Child of Wancy Maris (3927) and Carlton Gregg. 6142. NATHANIEL, b. 6, 25, 1851; m. 6, 6, 1881, Charity Squires; children, Wil- liam and Andrew; farmer; Morgantown, Morgan county, Indiana. Children of Nancy Maris (3927) and /o/in Beatty. 6143. CAMPSA. O. 6144. MARY B. 6145. SAMUEL. 6146. OSCAR. Address of all, Bean Blossom, Brown county, Indiana. Children of Solomon H. Maris (3945) and Elizabeth Hammock. 6147. LEANDER. 6148. ALVIRA. 6149. GEORGE. 6150. ARTHUR. Children of John Franklin Maris ( 3967) and Susan Harry. 615 I. EMORY AUSTIN. 6152. HATTIE L. 6153. VIOLA E. 6154. SHIRLEY W. Children of Rachel A. Maris (3981) and Thomas Wickols. 6155. MARY R. 6156. EDWARD D. 6157. ESTELLE J. 6158. FRANK L. 6159. CHARLEs S. 616O. GUILFORD J. It was stated, by mistake, on page I 57, that Rachel A. Maris and Thomas Nickols had no children. N/AW TH G EAVERA T/O AV. 227 Children of William W. Maris (4/45) and Annie Gerhard. 616 I. ANNIE GERHARD. 6162. JoHN McILVAINE. Child of Henry / Maris (5/46) and Susan Bryson. 6163. DOROTHY WAINWRIGHT. Children of John M. Maris, Jr. (41.47) and Ellic M. B. Mussor. 61.64. LOUISA WAINWRIGHT. 6165. MonTGOMERY Bow MAN ; d. 5, 21, 1885. 6166. JAMES MONTGOMERY Bow MAN. Children of Joseph B. Baldwin (437.1) and Violetta Smith. 6167. WILLIAM C., m. Lizzie W. Daily; seven children; Phila. 6168. AMos PARKER, m. Phebe Dobbins; deceased; one child. 6169. GEORGE W., m. Sallie M. Record; one child, d. young; West Liberty, Iowa. 617O. JoSEPH BAKER, m. Mary A. Garrett; four children; Dugdale, Pa. 617 I. LLEWELLYN, m. Hannah M. Ludwick; deceased; no children. 6172. L. BYRON, unm. Assistant Surgeon in the Navy. 6173. ELLA L.; educated at West Chester State Normal School and Wellesley College. Teacher; West Chester, Pa. Children of Albert W. Maris (50.51) and Carrie E. Perkins. 6174. CARRIE. 6175. JAMES E. Children of A. Lincoln Maris (5053) and Mary C. Dressback. 6176. GRACE P. 6177. EUDoRA F. APPENDIX. G. E. O. R. G E NAIA RIS . [NotE I.] “GEORGE MARIS emigrated from the parish of Inkborough, in the County of Wor- cester, England, in 1683, with his wife Alice and several children. On his first arrival he appears to have tarried for a short time with the Friends that had arrived the year before and settled at Darby, but he soon located a large tract of land in Springfield township, whereon he settled and named it “The Home House.” He was among the most eminent of the public Friends that came over with the first settlers, and was so esteemed in his native Country, where meetings had been held in his house, and where he had suffered by fines and imprisonment. His certificate, which is recorded at Darby, says, “He hath adorned the Gospel of Christ.” He held many public trusts; was a Justice of the Peace, one of the Judges of the Court, and on several occasions was chosen a member of the Provincial Assembly. He was one of those who signed the testimony against the celebrated George Keith. The descendants of this worthy patri- arch are numerous; those bearing his name in this County, Chester County, and in the city of Philadelphia, are probably all descended from him. His death occurred in 1705, at the age of seventy-three years; his wife having died nearly four years earlier. His children, so far as is known, were Elizabeth who intermarried with John Mendenhall; George, with Jane Maddock; Ann, with John Worrilow; John, with Susanna Lewis, of Haverford; and Richard, with Elizabeth Hayes, of Marple.” [Alice with Jacob Simcock.]—Smith's History of Delaware County, Pa. Copy of the paternt from VV NM. PEN N to GEORGE NMARIS. WILLIAM PENN by the providence of God & the king's authority Proprietary & Governor of the province of Pennsylvania and the territories thereunto belonging, To all to whom these presents shall come sendeth greeting— WHEREAS, there is a certain tract of land in the County of Chester Beginning at a corner marked post from thence North by a line of Marked trees three hundred & eighty perches to a corner marked white oak being the corner tree of the land of Bar- tholomew Coppock from thence South West by West by the s” land five hundred & seventy-five perches to a corner marked post from thence North by West by a line of marked trees three hundred and fifteen perches to a corner marked Maple tree standing by Darby Creek from thence downe the severall courses of the creek to a corner marked post standing by y” s” creek from thence South by West by a line of marked trees two hundred & ninety-seven perches to a corner marked post being the corner ( 228 ) A PP/E/V/) /_Y. 229 post of the land of George Simcock from thence North West by a line of marked trees one hundred & sixty perches to the first mentioned corner post containing four hun- dred Acres of land granted by a warrant from myself bearing date the sixth day of the eighth month one thousand six hundred and cighty-three, and laid out by the sur- veyor general's order y” twenty-fifth of y" s” month and year unto George Maris pur- chaser & y” sº George Maris requesting me to confirm the same by patent KNOW Y" that I have given granted & confirmed & by these presents for me my heirs & successors do give grant and confirm unto the s” George Maris his heirs and assigns forever the said four hundred Acres of land. To HAVE HOLD AND ENJOY y's" land to y” only use and behoof of y" said George Maris his heirs and assigns forever to be holden of me my heirs & successors pro- prietarys of Pennsylvania & the territories thereunto belonging as of our mannor of Spring Town in the county, aforesaid in free and common Socage by fealty it being seated planted and improved yielding and paying therefore to me my heirs and suc- cessors at or upon the first day of the first month in every year at the town of Chester one silver English shilling for every hundred Acres or value thereof in coyn currency to such persons as shall from time to time be appointed for y' purpose. In Witness hereof I have caused these my letters to be made patent. Witness myself at Philadelphia the thirtieth day of the fifth month one thousand six hundred and eighty-four being the thirty-fifth year of the king's reign and the fourth of my government. • WM. PENN. [NotE 2.] “JOHN SIMCOCK. No early settler in Pennsylvania possessed the confidence of the Proprietary to a greater extent than John Simcock. Arriving in the Province about the same time with Penn, he was immediately taken into his Council, a position he occupied till 1690. Besides being a member of the Free Society of Traders, he was on his own account one of the largest purchasers of Pennsylvania lands, in England. His place of residence was Ridley, in Cheshire. Upon his arrival he located 2,875 acres of his purchase east of Ridley creek, and immediately back of a tier of Swedish plantations that occupied the whole river front, in what subsequently became the town- ship of Ridley—named no doubt from the place whence he emigrated. Besides being one of the Council, he was a member of Assembly and sometimes speaker of that body; was a justice of the Court and frequently presided; was a Com- missioner to settle a difficulty with Lord Baltimore, and deputy president of the Free Society of Traders. In England he had been a severe sufferer on account of his de- votion to the principles and practices of the Quakers. At one time he was imprisoned fifteen months, and at different times his persecutors distrained from him property to the amount of several hundred pounds. The various secular employments in which he was engaged after his arrival in this country had no effect in lessening his zeal in ‘the cause of truth.' He was here ‘a nursing father in Israel, tender over the seed of God, and wherever he saw it in the least appearance, he was a cherisher of it without respect to persons; but he abhorred deceit and hypocrisy.' As a preacher in the Society, few in his time had a better standing. In very early times meetings were held at his house, and though his time was much occupied with business, his religious duties were not neglected. He found opportunities to pay religious visits to the neighboring provinces of Maryland and Virginia, and even to New England. He was a&tive in 23O A /2/2/3 AWAD /_Y. visiting George Keith with a view of restoring him to the true faith, but after all efforts had failed, he joined in the testimony against him. He died on 7th of the 1st month, (March,) 1703, aged 73 years, having on the day before his death expressed to those around him his firm confidence in the faith that he had kept, and in its sufficiency to secure a life eternal. “JAcoB SIMcock, son of John the elder, immigrated to this country with him and settled in Ridley. Early in the year 1685, he was married to Alice, daughter of George Maris, of the “Home House, in Springfield township. He, also, like his father, was a public Friend; travelled as a minister, and held public trusts. He was appointed Deputy Register General under James Claypole in 1686, and probably for a short time resided in Philadelphia. He died about the year 1716. His wife survived him ten years. Their children were John, Jacob, Benjamin, Hannah, and Mary.”—Smith's History of Delaware County, Pa. * * [Note 3.] “MoRDECAI MADDock was the oldest son of Henry Maddock, of Loom Hall, Cheshire, England. - g - - In 1681, Henry and his brother-in-law James Kenerly, purchased I 500 acres of land in Pennsylvania, and arrived here some time before the Proprietary, in 1682. In 1683 part of this. joint purchase, supposed to be 800 acres, but really more than I IOO acres, was located in Springfield adjoining Ridley, and James established his residence upon it. In a few years afterward James died, leaving his share of the joint purchase to his nephew, the subject of this notice, and shortly afterwards, his father Henry, who returned to England, conveyed the other half to him. Mordecai appears to have made a visit to Pennsylvania about the year 1687, and remained here for some time, but re- turned to England and it was not till 17OI, that he returned with his family, and fixed his permanent home on his estate. He was in membership with Friends.”—Smith's Aſistory of De/aware 6 ounty, Pa. * t N & |NOTE 4.] “John MENDENHALL came from England, from a town of Suffolk, called Milden- hall, that being the original family name. He was one of the earliest settlers in Con- cord, and in 1685 he was married to Elizabeth, the daughter of George Maris, of Springfield township. He was a Friend, and was ačtive and influential in the Society. In 1697 he granted the ground occupied by Concord Friends' Meeting House and graveyard. In 1708, his wife being deceased, he contraćted a second marriage with Hester Dix. He was one of the original shareholders of the first Concord mill. His children by his first wife were George, John, and Aaron. It is not known that he had any by his second wife."—Smith's History of Delaware County, Pa. [Note 5.] “THOMAS WORRILOW was settled in Edgmont as early as 1690, and possibly A /2/2/3 AW/D / Y. 23 I earlier. He called his place Brooznoll, which was probably the name of the place in England from which he emigrated. He was in membership with Friends. The time of his death is not exačtly known. His widow died at Philadelphia in 1710–Smith's History of Delaware County, Pa. “JoHN WORRILOW, a son of the above named Thomas, was settled in the County as early as 1687. In 1690 he was married to Ann, the daughter of George Maris, of Springfield. As a member of the Society of Friends, he was more ačtive than his father. His place of residence was Edgmont.”—Smith's History of De/aware County, Pezzzza. [NotE 6.] e “JonATHAN HAYES, with his wife [Ann], was settled in Marple as early as 1684. He was much the largest land-holder in that township; was a man of ability and influ- ence, and appears to have acted on his own judgment. He was a Justice of the Court, and represented the County in the Provincial Assembly. He had a daughter Mary, [Elizabeth], a son Jonathan and perhaps other children. Mary intermarried with Evan Lewis of Newton, and Jonathan with Jane Rees of Merion, [Elizabeth with. Richard Maris of Springfield.]—Smith's History of Delaware County, Pa. - adº * - [NotE 7.] w “SAMUEL LEvis, with his wife Elizabeth and one child, migrated from Hanby, County of Leicester, England, in 1684, and settled in Springfield township. Before leaving England, he, in conjunétion with William Garrett, purchased IOOO acres of land, part of which was located where he first settled, and is still in the family name. In less than two years after his arrival in the country, he represented the County of Ches- ter, in the Provincial Assembly, and was frequently elected tâ the same office subse- quently. He was also for some time a Justice of the Court of Chester County. But, notwithstanding the frequency of his civil engagements, he did not neglect his religious duties, being ever ready to do his share in promoting order and discipline in the Society of Friends, of which he was a zealous member. His children were Samuel, Mary, William, Elizabeth, Christopher, and Sarah. Samuel intermarried with Han- nah Stretch, of Philadelphia, and Mary with Joseph Pennock, son of Christopher Pen- nock. The latter marriage was accomplished before two Justices of the Court in 1705, at the residence of the bride's father, Joseph Pennock not being in membership with Friends. William removed to Kennett, and married Elizabeth Read, of that neigh- borhood, and became eminent as a preacher amongst Friends, and Sarah intermarried with George, the son of John Maris, of Springfield. Samuel Levis, the immigrant, died at an advanced age in the year 1728.”—Smith's History of Delaware County, Pa. [Note 8.] “SARAH MARIs, wife of George Maris, of Springfield, daughter of Samuel Levis and Elizabeth his wife, of the same place, was naturally of a mild, Sweet disposition, 232 A /2/2/3AW/O /.V. wise and discreet, dutiful to her parents, very affectionate to her brothers and sisters, a loving wife and tender mother, of a chaste, sober, humble conversation and behavior, a hearty lover of faithful friends, true sympathizer with any in afflićtion or tribulation, of which she had considerable share. She was desirous of the good of all mankind, and rejoiced to see any return from the evil of their ways and become religious; but when any turned aside, ran into evil, brought reproach upon themselves and their pro- fession, it would be a grief to her. It was her delight to go often to Meeting, and she was commonly under a solid weighty exercise of mind when there, and very tender in her spirit; and when she was at Meetings of business and the affairs of truth were managed in the peaceable uniting spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ she would rejoice, but if anything happened otherwise it would trouble her in spirit; she lived like a lamb and died like a lamb, as may appear by her following expression: On the 13th day of the IOth month, 1725, she was seized with a cold, chilly, shivering fit, succeeded with a fever which continued intermitting, with a cough and shortness of breath. Her father came to her finding her very ill, said, ‘Child art thou willing to die P’ She answered with a cheerful countenance, ‘Yes, father, I have not lived so careless in the world as to be afraid to die.’ At another time being very weary she desired the Lord would be pleased to give her some natural rest, which was granted. When she awoke she said, ‘The Lord hath been good to me at this time;" then recalling her words she said, ‘Why say I at this time he was always good to me.' She then said, ‘How many such wearisome nights shall I have P’ On the day she departed, a friend coming to see her, she said, “Sit down with us a little while.’ At the same time, her father and mother came to see her, and her mother said to her, “How is it with thee now P’ She answered, ‘Why, mother, I am nearer my grave than thou art, and some further sensible discourse with her father and mother. She was silent awhile, and being in a sweet heavenly frame of spirit, she signified to her husband that she must leave him; leaning on his neck she said, ‘My dear, be loving to thy children and trust in God, and be faithful to His truth, for He never leaves, nor forsakes those that put their trust in Him.’” [NOTE 9.] “JOIN BARTRAM, the earliest of American botanists, and the first to establish a botanic garden in America, was the eldest son of William Bartram, and grandson of the immigrant John Bartram. He was born in Darby township, on the 23d of March, 1699. By the will of his uncle, Isaac Bartram, he became possessed of the mansion property of his grand-father, and by the will of his father, of one-fourth of the estate, which is not supposed to have been large. Being left an orphan at the age of about thirteen, in a newly settled country almost destitute of schools, it cannot be supposed that his opportunities for obtaining an education were very good. Such as they were, they were embraced by him with all the spirit of youthful en- thusiasm—devoting himself to the study of Latin and Greek, when opportunity pre- sented. His inclination was to study physic and surgery, and in the latter science he had acquired so much knowledge as to be useful to his neighbors. His study of nature commenced while engaged in the labor of the field. From her ample volume A PPAE WAD / Y. 233 wide-spread before him, John Bartram took his earliest lessons. Conceiving the idea of a botanic garden, he, in the year 1728, purchased the site of the well-known “Bar- tram's garden,” on the banks of the Schuylkill, now the property of Thomas East- wick, Esq. A further notice of John Bartram as a botanist would be incompatible with this work; his biography in this respcét belongs to the State and to the Nation. He was twice married; to his first wife in 1723—to his second in 1729. His first wife was Mary, the daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Maris, of Spriſigfield township. His second was Ann, the daughter of Benjamin Mendenhall, of Concord. By the first marriage he had two children; by his second, nine. He was married both times in accordance with the discipline of the Society of Friends, of which Society he was a member till 1758, when he was disowned for entertaining opinions supposed not to be in accordance with the doctrines of that seót. His religious belief may be gathered from a distich conspicuously engraved with his own hands over the window of an apartment in his house devoted to study and retirement, and from its date it may be concluded that he held the same doćtrine till the end of his days. “'Tis God alone, Almighty Lord, The Holy One, by me adored.” “JoHN BARTRAM, 1770.” His death occurred on the 22d of September, 1777, shortly after the battle of Brandywine, and it was supposed to have been hastened by the apprehension that ‘ his darling garden, the cherished nursling of half a century, might not be spared from the ravages that the approaching British Army were then committing in his vicinity.' He had frequently expressed a desire that his illness might be short, and in this he was especially gratified. His age was seventy-eight years and six months.”—Smith's His- tory of Delawarc County, Pa. [NotE 10.] “GEORGE HATTON, the second son and fourth child of Ann Maris (IO6), and Robert Hatton, was noted for the vigor of his mind at an early period of life, as well as for his strong physical power. When he was about IO years old, his parents moved from Chester county to Centre county, Pa., then just settling. When only about 13 years old, he lost his mother by death. The extent of his schooling was less than three months, and at the time of his marriage his attainments amounted simply to reading and inferior writing, with some knowledge of the rudiments of arithmetic, but being gifted with excellent memory and having a valuable assistant in his companion, he soon became a ready and correct writer, and acquired a general fund of useful knowledge without the burden of technicalities. Upon arriving near his majority, George hired with Josiah Pennington, (brother of John Pennington) and worked with him at carpentering until the fall of 1813, when he walked to Barnesville, Belmont county, Ohio, where he remained till the Spring of 1814, and then being joined by his brother, they proceeded to Clinton county, Ohio. In the fall he married Margaret Foulke, of Montgomery County, Pa., and settled in Cincinnati, Ohio, which was his residence until the Spring of 1821, when he removed to the vicinity of Richmond, Indiana, and in 1833 to that place. 2 3 4 A PPAEAV D / Y. As this was his home for the most prominent part of his life as a member of the Socitcy of Friends, a sketch of his religious labors may be embraced here. Naturally of high devotional character, religious in pressions early engaged his attention, and on coming to his majority, he, for a time, united with the Methodists and became a class leader with them, but not being satisfied with them he returned to the Friends, became diligent in attending meetings and shortly appeared as a minister, and his gift therein was regularly acknowledged by Centre Monthly Meeting, Ohio, in 1814–15. In 1819 he attended Baltimore Yearly Meeting, and visited some parts of Maryland and Vir- ginia, with the unity of Cincinnati Monthly and Miami Quarterly Meeting. In 1822– 23 he travelled through parts of New Jersey, New York, and the New England States, and even Canada. In 1825–26, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, &c. In 1830–31 in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and the Island of Nantucket. In 1834–35, in the western parts of New York, (attending the opening of the Genesee Yearly Meeting,) Canada, Vermont, and Nantucket, returning through eastern New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. In 1845 to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York Yearly Meetings, and the meetings constituting them. His religious visits were continued at brief intervals during the remainder of his long and active life and extended over nearly the whole of country settled by Friends, but especially within the limits of Ohio Yearly Meeting. Though these ser- vices involved no small expenditure of time and money, he did not hesitate freely to give both in the service of the Master. During these visits he received minutes from many of the Meetings visited, showing appreciation of his services therein. In 1853 he moved to the neighborhood of Waynesville, O. In 1867, when on his way home from attending Yearly Meeting at Richmond, Ind., he was taken with severe illness, from which he never fully recovered. The principles of Friends were ever dear to him, though he could say with the Divine Master, “I have finished the work thou gavest me to do.’ Having been pre-eminently gifted in the administration of Disci- pline, he was active in all transactions of the Society where he belonged. His physi- cal powers continued to decline and during the session of the Yearly Meeting in 1872, he was attacked by illness which terminated his life on the 8th of Ioth month, in the 82d year of his age.” - [NOTE II.] THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, \ 3O8 AND 3 IO WALNUT STREET, ſ PHILADELPHIA, Septemócr 10, 1885. At a stated meeting of the Board of Direćtors held this day, the following minute was unanimously adopted : • The death of THOMAS R. MARIs, on the 20th ultimo, removes from among our number a gentleman who, in all his relations to this Company, fulfilled the duties of Secretary, President and Director with aptitude and fidelity. He died within a few weeks of attaining his eightieth birthday, after but a brief illness, which came upon him after the death of his wife, which occurred in April last. a A PPAE WI) / X. 235 His early engagements in manufacturing and mercantile life in this city and neigh- borhood, to which were added seven years of important clerical duty in the office of the Insurance Company of North America, prepared him for the Secretaryship of this Company, to which he was elected 5th of April, 1855; and five years after, upon the death of President Abbott, he was unanimously and worthily elected, I Ith January, I860, to succeed him. In his executive position of twenty-two years' duration he had but a single aim, namely, the furtherance of the Company's interest, and these he maintained with pru- dence and diligence through all the vicissitudes of conflagrations and commercial dis- quietude. The growth of the company in his later years became to him an anxious responsibility in his condition of health, which was never robust, and in April, 1882, he pressed his resignation on the Directors, asking retirement from his arduous duties; but he yielded, at their request, a continuance of his directorship, the duties of which upon committees and otherwise he willingly fulfilled whenever strength permitted, and he welcomed the further growth of the Company under his successor, who had been chosen on his nomination. The Board records this minute in respectful memory of an esteemed and beloved associate, and in the desire that the company's records should testify their appreciation of his singular merit and worth. And it was resolved that the foregoing should be published in the newspapers and a copy furnished the relatives. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. INDEX. The maiden names of married women are given under the surnames of their hus- bands. To find the name of Alice C. Longshore, who married Percy Armstrong, look under Armstrong, and it will be found printed thus: ARMSTRONG. Alice C.—Longshore, I 75. If one wishes to trace back his line of descent it can readily be done: Suppose George H. Passmore wishes to know how he is descended from George Maris; he will first look in the index and find his name appears on page I 74. He will see his mother's number is 2 IOG, and by turning back to the place in which this number first occurs, he will find it on page 84, and that she is a daughter of Ann W. Taylor, num- ber 849; now going back to the place in which this number first appears, page 36, he will see that she is a daughter of David Taylor, number 370; turning back as before, this number is found on page 17, David being a son of Jesse Taylor, number 1 17. Turning back to number I 17, he finds on page 8, that Jesse was a son of Mary Maris, number 32, and by looking further back, that she was a daughter of John Maris, number 6, who was a son of the immigrant George. In many cases, the names of children of the ninth and tenth generations are not indexed, as they are printed with those of their parents, and can readily be found. Page. Page. Aºzge, AFFLICK. ALLEN. ALTEMU.S. & Susanna—Worrall, | 2 | Clement B., 222 Sarah A.—Pusey, 39 AITKIN. Elizabeth D-Dulles, **7 ANDERSON. Elizabeth—Sharpless, 68 º * obson, I42 Emelia—Way I 35 ALLEE. #. . ** ſemima-Kič, I 2 I George B., 203 Lucy N-phillips, 225 J emima-Taylor, 22 Hannah P., “ Mary, 2 I 5 Lydia C.—Maris, 95 Jesse J., I 14 Mary—Dutton, I 3O Samuel G., 186 * John, " Richard D., 2 I 5 Samuel, 2 I 8 º " Richard J., “ ANDREW. 1DD1e, " William C., { { - - - - - ºn 1** 76: Rose S., 2O3 William F., ... ºn H-Harvey º Sarah—Maris, 46 - Henry ſº6 ALLEN. ALMOND. Jane-Mills, 4O Amos R., 222 Sarah C.—Russell, 160 John. 96 ( 236 ) /AVD Aº Y. ANDREW. Jonathan, Joseph M., Robert, Sarah, William, ARCHER. Hannah—Trainor, ARMITAGE. Eliza J.-Wood, ARMSTRONG. Alice C.—Longshore, Ruth—Bennett, 96, ASHHURST. Elizabeth W.-Evans, Richard, ASKEW. Hannah–Taylor, ATKINSON. Deborah—Farlow, Dessie, Mary M., Matilda R.—Magill, Omer M., Ruth—Lindley, William P., AUGEE. Sarah–Darlington, AYRES. Ida–Pickett, BAILY. Annie—Clark, Herbert, Joel, Judith—Barnard, Lilly, Lydia–Pusey, Mary—Baker, Mary–Taylor, Mary A.—Wollaston, Percy, Phebe–Hibberd, Rachel—Vernon, Richard B., Ruth–Taylor, BAKER. Amelia, 2O8 IO6 I96 2 I 4 I 27 I96 I96 I 53 90 I 8 I I9 26 I9 79 22 79 I 8 I I 29 4. I 17 90 Page. BAKER. Amelia R., I 82 Anna—Maule, I 80 Caleb D., I I 3 Charles A., I 82 Clarence E., I 82 Davis, 90 Eli, 79 Eliza, { { Elizabeth, I 2 Emily R., 90 Enos C., I I 2 Frank W., I 82 Grace, I 82 Hannah, 90 Hannah—Broomall, 54 Hannah–Pennock, I 7 Henry, 45 Homer, I 82 H. Preston, I I 2 Isaac, 39 Isaac, 45 Isaac P., 79 James E., I 82 James R., 90 Jennie L., I 82 Joel, 45, 90 John, I 2, 79 Joseph, 6, 35, 79 Julia M., 79 Katharine, 45 Lilian, I 82 Maris, I I 2 Mary, I 2, 45, 90 Mary—Davis, 38 Mary E., I 82 Mary J.-Fredd, I I 2 Mary M., 90 Mary—Worrilow, 3 Nathan, 45 Nathan H., I I 2 Olivia, 90 Phebe, º Rachel, 45 Rachel–Swayne, 2 I Ruth D., 90 Ruth—Davis, 38 Sarah, 45 Sarah C.—Larkin, 2 I 8 Sarah–Pennock, 17 Susan, 45 William, 79 BAKER. William H., William S., BALDERSON. Sarah—Magill, BALDWIN. Amos C., Amos P., Deborah–Baker, Flla L., George W., Joseph B., L. Byron, Llewellyn, Louisa A., Sallie–Temple, Washington L., William, William C., BALLENTINE. Mary E.-Pierce, BANNEN. Eunice–Maris, Jeptha G., Mary L., BARBER. Annie E.--Townsend, Deborah—Worrall, Edwin A., Eliza S., Henry C., Jones M., S. Nettie, William T., BARLOW. Emma–Smith, BARNARD. Abiah, Amos, Amy—Mode, Anna, Anna W., Ann E., Annie H., Charles, Charles P., Clara H., C. Norman, I 7O, Page. 90 I 82 53 17O 26 225 39 I 53 o 153 I 73 82 I 73 225 88 238 JAV/O E.Y. BARNARD. Cyrus, Cyrus T., Edgar M., Elihu, Elizabeth, Ella, Emilie W., Enos, Enos P., Ephraim, Eusebius, Ezra T., Gertrude E., Hannah—Wilson, I 73 62 26, 62 I 53 I 73 153 63 62, I 53 62 * I73 36 Hannah S.—Thompson, I 5 I Isaac D., John, John W., Joseph, Joseph C., Joseph M., Joseph T., Joseph W., Josephine, Josephine W., Lettice, Lettice—Baker, Lydia, Lydia–Taylor, Mary, Milton, Minerva, Norris, Philena, Rachel, Richard, Richard C., Richard M., Richard W., Simon, William, Wilson, Vincent, BARTLESON. Beulah D.—Hill, BARTRAM. Anna D., Benjamin, Eliza—Howell, Elizabeth—Davis, I 53 I 52 26 62 I 52 82 225 I 73 26 I 2 62 38 225 82 I 53 I 52 62, I 53 I 52 26 I 52 6 I I 53 6 I 62 I 52, 225 I 53 224 2 I 5 73 2 I 3 I BARTRAM. Elizabeth—Maris, Elizabeth MS-Dutton, Elizabeth W., Emily—Davis, Frank M., G. Edward, George H., George W., Ida P., Isaac, Isaac L., James K., John, Joseph D., . Lucy T., Maris E., Mary–Maris, Mary S., Mary T., Nathan D., Phebe L., Rebecca G-Smedley, Richard, Samuel D., S. Maris, T. Chalkley, William, BARTON. Fannie S., Henry B., Josiah B., Mary W.-Phillips, Sarah D.—Mancill, BASSETT. Allena, Caroline—Phillips, Carroll. BATEMAN. Charles, James, Joseph, Lizzie, Paschall, Sarah—Worrilow, BATES. Mary—Wood, BATTIN. Hannah—Pierce, 2O4. { { { { I IG I48 294 I IG 2O4. 2C) 84 Page. BEAN. Andora, I64 Franklin, { { Jesse, ( ( John, ( ( Mary J-Tyson, 7 I Mary J., I64 Nicholas, { % Robert, ( & BEATTY. Ada J., 2 IO Anna M., { { B. Frank, { { Campsa O., 226 James W. D., 2 IO Jemima—Hinkson, I 2G) John, 2 IO John C., ( ( Lydia A., { { Mary B., 226 Nancy–Maris, I 55 Oscar, 226 Samuel, ( ( Sarah-Lewis, 52 William H., 2 IO BELL. Edith C.—Sharpless, 176 Martha-Dixon, I75 BENNETT. Alfred R., I 72 . Alice, I7 Anna H., 77 Caroline, & 4 Charles H., I72 Clarence M., I73 Eli, 77 Florence, I68 Frank T., 172 Hannah, I6 Harriet, 34 Henry L., 77 Horace C., 172 Imlah J., 34 Isaac, I6 Jabez, 34 Jacob, I6, 17, 77 James, 8, 16 Jane—Taylor, 8 I Jesse, I6 John, Joseph, 8, 16, 34, 168 I6 MAV/O A. Y. Aage. BENNETT. Joseph I., 172 Juliet, 34 Lea, 4 4 Leah, {{ Lewis, (4 Lydia, { { Malinda, ( & Maria A.—Taylor, 8 I Martha, I6 Minerva, 34 Phebe, I6 Rebecca, 34, 77 Samuel H., 34 Sarah, 17 Sarah–Maris, 4 Silas, I6 Susanna, 8 Susanna–Bourne, { % T. Ellwood, 77 Thomas, 34 Titus, 8, 16, 34, 77 Warner, 34 William, 8, 16 BENTLY. Sarah–Taylor, I 8 BERGER. Hannah J.-Kyes, II 5 Jesse A., 2O3 John K., { { BEST. Rebecca-Maris, 44 William C., IO9 BIDWELL. Frederick, 2 I 2 Julia, { { Mary–Parker, I 26 Rebecca, 2 I 2 |BILLINGHAM. Elizabeth A. Lawrence, 72 BIRD. Elsie V-Huey, 184 BISHOP. David T., I44 Elizabeth—Hunter, 2 Emily J., I44 Franklin T., ( & Jane–Townsend, 59 HISHOP. Priscilla T., Sarah P., Townsend, BITTLE. Anna E., Howard D., Jane G-Worrall, Joseph W., M. Jennie, Rebecca, Walter S., William, BLACK. Bertha, Charles W., Elizabeth C.—Lindsay, Jeannette, J. Ellwood, John M. L., Joseph H., Samuel, Samuel L., Susanna—Hall, Susanna P., Tillie H., Ulysses G., BLACKWELL. Charles D., John A., Martha J.—Wood, Samantha, Samuel J., Thomas J., William N., BLAKESLEE. Rachel S-Baker, BLUNK. David E., Jeremiah W., John W., Mary J., Sylvester S., Temperance–Hadley, BOGARDUS. Angeline-Maris, Josephine, Lizzie M., William H., I 45 IBOND. Mary J.-Maris, BONNEVILLE. Clara J.-Hatton, Florence, Willie H., BOONE. Charles, Emma, Esther–Starr, James, Mary E., Phebe I., Rebecca, Thomas C., BOOTH. Elizabeth—Broomall, Elizabeth M., George M., John B., Levis M., BOOTHE. Elizabeth—White, BOURNE. Alice—Maris, BOYER. Anna B.—Temple, BRADLEY. Joella, John L., Sarah J.-Maris, BRANSON. Charles, Effie, John L., Louisa–Pickett, Mary—Pickett, Nathan, Polly—Pickett, BRAY. Henry Z., Ira M., Jeremiah, John H., Martha J.—Hadley, Rebecca, Susanna–Hadley, Wiley B., A age. 74 76 I68 4 & 24O JAWAD AE_Y. A age BRINKER. Sallie–Worrall, I 22 BRINTON. Lydia–Wood, 94 Mary E.-Lewis, I4O BRISTOW. Sarah E.-Dewees, I 58 BROOK.E. Adelaide H.-Vogdes, 224 BROOKS. Eunice B-Faucett, I6O BROOMALL. Aaron V., 59 Abraham, 54 Albert, I4O Alfred D., I 38 Ann, 58 Anna, I4O Anna E., I 36, 219 Anna M., I 35 Annie, 22O Annie S., 2 I 2 Bay R., 22 I B. Franklin, I 39 Bertha L., 22O Beulah L., I 37 Caleb, 58, 14 I Caleb B. W., 22 I Carole M., I 37 Caroline B., 22 I Caroline L., I 37, 219 Cecilia L., 22 I Charles A., I 35, 22O Charles H., I4 I Charles P., I 37 Chester C., 22O Cheyney, 58 Clara B., 22 I Clara V., { { Corwin, I42 Daniel, 54, 57, 58 David, 25 David C., 58 Davis, 2 I 2 Edward, I 37, 22O Edward G., . I 4O Fleanor, 39 Eleanor L., 22O Eli M., 2 I 2 BROOMALL. Eliza J., Elizabeth, \ Elizabeth E., 59 Ella, 22O Ella S., 22 I Ellen E., { { Emeline, I 38 Emilie A., 22O Emma C., 22 I Emma J., 22O Esther, & 4 Francis E., & 4 George, 57 George D., I 38, 22O George M., I 38 Grace, 22 I Grant C., & 4 Hannah–Dutton, 23 Hannah E., I4 I Hannum, 22 I Harry H., ( & Harry W., I42 Helen, I4 I Henry, I 38, I4O Henry L., 37 Howard S., I 42 Isaac, 25, 58 Isaac E., I 39 Jacob, 25, I4O James, 25, 54, 58, 2 I 2 James G., 22O James H., 39 James M., I4 I, 22 I James P., I 37 Jane, I4O Jason D., I 39 Jesse, 57, I 38 Jesse J., 2 I 2 J. Francis, { { J. Howard, 2 I 2, 22O J. Norman, I4O John, 25, 54, 57 John C., I 39 John L., I 36 John M., 57, I 35, 137, 219 John P., 22O John S., 58 John T., 57, I 37, I 38 John W., 22O 58, I 38, 2 I 2 Joseph, 25, 26, 58, 141, 22 I Joseph J., I 36 Z’age. BROOMALL. Joseph P., I 37 Joseph S., 58 Joshua B., I 39, 22O Larkin R., 57 Laura, I4O Laura C., I 35 Lewis, 58 Lewis R., I 37 Lilly, 22. I Malin, I4O Margaret P., I 37 Marian, I42 Mark, 2 I 2 Martha, 57 Martha, 58 Martha-Talbot, I 2 Martha Y., 22O Mary, I 37, I 38, 22 I Mary E., 59, 22O Mary—Pennell, 6O Nathan, 25, 58 Nathan B., 58 Nathan P., ( & Nehemiah, 25, 57, 59, I 38 Phebe, I4O Porter, I 39 Ralph P., 22 I Robert, 57 Rose, 22 I Ruth, I4O Rutherford B. H., 22 I Samuel H., I 39 Samuel M., 22O Sarah, 57, I42 Sarah C., I42 Sarah E., I 37 Sarah W., 2 I 2 Seneca, I 39 Susan, 57 Susanna, 54, I 37, 2 I 2 Taylor F., I4O Thomas, 58, 22 I Thomas D., 54 Thomas T., 138 Thomas W., I4O William, I 37, I 38 William B., I 36 William C., I 39 William McD., 22 I William W., I42 Virginia D., 22O MAV/D EX. 24. I BROSIUS. Elizabeth—Taylor, BROWN. Anna—Temple, Annie G.-Taylor, Ellen—Davis, Franklin, George, George W., Henry, Laura H., Lydia–Townsend, Lydia T., Priscilla A., Rebecca—Townsend, Samuel T., Thomas Y., William H., Wister P., BRUNER. Margaret—Tyson, BRYAN. Nellie, Sarah E-Bundy, BUCKLEY. Sarah P.-Evans, BUCKWALTER. Helen, Maria F.—Tyson, BUFFINGTON. Sarah–Taylor, BULLOCK. Alfred, Alice, Beulah, Elizabeth, Emeline, Emeline–Pennell, Ethel, Francis, George, Harrison, Hickman, John, Lewis, Mary, Moses, Sarah, Page. 8 I I4O BULLOCK. Sarah T-Broomall, HUNDY. Jane-Maris, John C., Martha E., Rebecca K., Thomas E., |BUNTING. Abigail C.—Davis, Anna R., Ann B-Davis, Arthur L., Bessie L., Chester L., Hannah L.-Levis, Martha T., Saidee, Walter C., BURGES. Margaret—Wood, BURNGARDNER. Elias, George, Isadore, Joshua, Lavinia, Lizzie B., Mary A—Grave, Minnie M., Rebecca, Uriah, BURNS, Lewis C., Susanna E.-Maris, BURSON. Rebecca H-Bennett, BURTON. Martha C.—Collins, BUSCHBECK. Agnes–Horner, Agnes M., Elizabeth H., Eugenia, William W., BUTLER. Page. I4O 22 I I 39 2 I6 ( & 22 I I 33 22 I { { 2O 34 2O I I 17 2O6 Maud M.–Darlington, 184 CABLE. Laura E.-Dewees, CADMUS. Eliza N.—Forsythe, CAIN. Lavina–Maris, CALDER. Edward, Ellen E., George H., Mary H., Mary—Hurford, Stewart W., William E., CALVERT. Eliza P.-Smith, Lydia E., CAMPBELL. Mary–Justis, CANBY. Catharine–Harlan, CARDEN. Eliza C.—Maris, CAREY. Jane—Moon, CARPENTER. Edwin, Humphrey M., Mary—Wilson, Moses, Sallie, CARROLL. Mary—Hunt, CARTER. Amelia, Bertha B., Daniel, Edward, Eleanor—Hadley, Eliza D.—Baker, Elmira, Eunice–Hadley, Hannah—Bittle, Ira J., Mary E., Mary L., Page. I90 I47 I 42 222 187 I 82 2 I I 189 I 82 IOO 90 I89 IOI I 24 I89 2 I I I 82 242 MAV/) A X. Page, CARTER. Miriam A., 189 Rebecca-Harlan, I 8 Sarah J., 2 I I Walter O., I89 William I., ( ( CARUTHERS. Eva A.—Broomall, I4O CASSIN. Carlos, 2 I6 Charles, & 4 Charles L., I 3 I Joseph, 2 I 6 Mary, I 3 I Ruthanna—Dutton, 54 CATES. Catharine—Lindley, IO9 Joseph T., I99 Mary J., ( & CHALFANT. Abner, 2 I Caleb, { { Susanna-Maris, 9 CHAMBERS. Alice, I 84 Alice P., 4 & Amy, { { Arthur L., ( & Cyrus, 4O, 92 Edwin, 92 Elizabeth, 40, 93, 184 Emma–Barnard, I 52 George M., I84 Hanna, ( & Helen, { { Isabel, ( ; James T., 92 J. Howard, 184 John P., 39, 185 John T., 93 Joseph, 4O Maris, 92 Martha-Barnard, I 5 I Mary, 92 Mary R., I84 Paul, ( ſ. Pusey, 92 Rosamond, I85 Ruth Ann, 4O Page CHAMBERS. Sarah T., 92 Sarah D., I 84 S. Barnard, { { Susanna P., 2 Susanna—Pusey, IQ William, 92 William J., I84 CHANDLER. Anna, 178 Caroline, 177 Edward, { { Esther, 84 Frank, 177 Franklin F., 178 George, 177 Hannah–Dixon, 37 Harriet, 177 Henry C., 87 Herbert, 177 John, & 4 Josephine, & 4 Mary A.—Thompson, I 5 I Norman B., 178 Philip, I 74 Rachel–Garrett, I45 Ruthanna, 84 Sallie, 177 Sarah, { % Sarah–Taylor, 38 Spencer, 84 Spencer D., I75 Thomas, 177 Thomas E., 87 William E., { % William G., 177 CHASE. Annie–Rhoads, I 32 CHEETHAM. Philena W-Eyre, I45 CHISM. Grace B.-Mauck, I92 CLARK. Albin, I8O Alfred, 90 Ann–Harlan, I 8 Charles, 89 Clifford, I8 I David, 38, 90 Edward, 90 CLARK. 'Estella, Eva, Evan, Fanny, George T., Guy H., Hannah E.-Taylor, Horace, Howard, Joseph, Joseph C., Leonard, Maris, Maris T., Mary A., Maryetta, Myrtle, Norman, Samuel, Sarah, Susan–Taylor, Theodore, Wellington, William M., CLEAVER. Mattie, Mary M.–Grave, CLOUD. Carrie P.-Wickersham, Eliza—Taylor, Margaret—Trainor, Mary B.-Pugh, COAT. Sarah L.-Hunt, COATE. Ruth A–Hadley, COATES. Aaron, Ann E., Anna H.-Worrall, Benjamin, Caroline P., Charles, Charles L., Eliza–Darlington, Elizabeth—Mendenhall, George W., Hannah–Darlington, * I 79 178 22 63 I 50 187 I O I I I 8O I 22 I 8 I 8O I8 I 8O 8O 62 MAW/D EX. 243 COATES. Isaac, Isaac P., Joseph, Martha-Pennock, Mary, Moses, Priscilla–Barnard, Sarah—Clark, Sarah P., William, COCKE. Elizabeth W.-Horner, COFFIN. Hannah–Mendenhall, COLE. Laura L–Kyes, COLEMAN. Eleanor—Frick, COLFLESH. Elizabeth—Hall, COLLINS. Hannah–Russell, Sidney—Bennett, Susan F.—Taylor, COMMONS. Aaron, Franklin, Lydia–Skelton, CONNOR. . Josephine M., Mary E-Maris, COOCH. Caroline, Elizabeth—Maris, Frances E., Francis L., Rachel, Richard M., Thomas, William, COOK. Lydia–Pusey, COOPER. Albina A., Alice A.—Sellers, I I 5 224 6 I 217 I I I 97 ( { 4. I 196 IO7 I I 8 I9 • I 80 I90 COOPER. Alice C., Lizzie H.-Darlington, Fanny, Fred, George W., Harriet E.-Hadley, Jehu, John F., Ruth A.—Grave, COPE. Mary–Mendenhall, COPPOCK. Hannah E.-Baker, CORNOG. Alice–Hunter, COX. Albert, Alice, Alpheus, Bennett, Katharine, Clayton, Edwin T., Ellwood, Emily, Emily—Siler, Eugene, Eunice—Pickett, Gulielma, Gulielma S., Hannah—Pickett, Harriet J., Horace, Isaac T., Jeremiah, Jesse W., J. Forman, J. Hibberd, John H., Q Julius, Levi, Lizzie, Lydia, Mary, Mary—Smedley, Sarah D., Sarah J., Sarah-Johnson, Susan H.-Evans, Page. I I 2 27 I IO ( ( 9I IO9 I IO I83 I IO { { I O2 2 I 5 I 3O 2 I 5 2 I 5 183 I IO IO9 183 I83 I 3O I IO I 3O I83 9 I { { 39 I 3O I83 217 I44. COX. Susanna M., Susanna—Hibberd, Susanna–Lindley, Thomas, William, William G., Wilmer B., Wilmer S., CRANSTON. Edith–Sharpless, Elma, Evanna, Martha T., Mary, Samuel P., CRAVEN. Sarah R.—Bray, CROASDALE. Charles, Hannah T.-Chambers, John P., Robert, CROSBY. Isabella T-Lewis, Tacy–Maris, CUMMING. Ada, Eddie, Eva, Fanny, Francis H., Gussie, Margaret R.—Maris, Minnette, Orris A., Purdie, CUMMINGS. Bertha, Charles G., Emily A.—Baker, Mary B., CUMMINS. Martha-Skelton, CUNNINGHAM, Mary W.-Manley, CURTIS. Ann—Worrilow, Page, 2 I 5 I O2 9 I { { I 3O IOO I84 93 I 84 I4O I 82 I 82 244 MAV/D E X. CURTIS. Emily, Sidney–Peirce, CUSHMAN. Edith N., Elizabeth R.—Welsh, Emma De L., William R., DAKIN. Deborah-Hatton, Edward B., Louis F., DARLINGTON. Albert, Alfred, Alice E., Anna S., Anne J., Annie J., Beulah W., Cyrus, Charles, Deborah, Edith-Smedley, Edith S., Edward, Elisha, Elizabeth, Fannie, Fenelon, Frances, Frederick, George, Grace A., Hillborn, Horace, Isabel E., Jared, Jared W., Jesse, Jessie, Joseph B., Joseph C., Joseph P., Lamartine, Louisa, Lydia, Lydia–Barnard, Mary, Mary B., Mary—Dutton, I83, I 3 I, I 3 I, 63, I84, I 3 I, I 3 I, Page. 77 35 2O7 II 8 2O7 34 ( & I 3 I 183 I84 2 I 6 183 2 I 6 2 I 6 2I 6 39 I84 2 I 6 I 53 2 2I 6 I 53 2I 6 DARLINGTON. Maurice R., M. Ella, Milton, Paul, Percy S., Richard, Rose, Ruthanna, Sallie W., Sara E., Sarah J., Smedley, Stephen, Thomas, Walter, DAVIES. Isaiah M., James, John D., Mary, Nathaniel, Phebe L., Sarah—Maris, DAVIS. Aaron, Allen M., Amos, Amy, Beulah—Hall, B. Frank, Charles, Eliza–Maris, Eliza—Roberts, Elizabeth, Elizabeth—Broomall, Elizabeth S., Emily H., Grace, Hannah, Hester E-Maris, Isaac, Isaac B., Isabella T-Lewis, Joel, Joel R., Joseph, Lizzie, Lydia–Palmer, Margaretta—Steel, Mary, 62, 92, Page 183 2 I 6 9 I 2 I 6 I84 I 84 I 84 I 3 I 2 I6 I84 I 3 I I 3 I I83 I8 I I8 I I4O 54 I 39, 18 I DAVIS. Mary–Mode, Mary C., Mary E., Phebe, Preston P., Retta S., Sarah-Paxson, Susanna-Maris, Susanna S., William, William M., William W., DAWSON. Ann–Lamborn, DE HAVEN. Kate—Steel, DELAND. Mary E.-Lewis, DEPEW. Rebecca—Wilson, DEWEES. Aaron R., Addie F., Albert N., Alcinda, Amos E., Amos F., Amy J., Andra M., Arthur, Blanche H., Charles A., Charles B., Daniel A., Elizabeth, Eliza D., Francis H., Frederick T., Greenbury P., Harvey H., Isaiah, Jonathan F., Julia–Hadley, Lewis J., Lewis M., Lot M., Manerva J., Mary–Maris, Mary F.—Maris, 66, I 32 I 23 8 I I 59 I 59 I 58 I 59 I 58 I 59 I 58 66 I 58 66 I O I I 58 66 I90 I 58 27 JAV/D EX. 245 DEWEES. Nathan N., Sarah M., Tinnie A., Ulysses S. G., William H., DICKINSON. Blanche, Ellen E.-Morton, Ellwood, Florence E., Henrietta—Maris, Hettie J.-Gray, J. Morton, Laura E., Mattie M., Nellie M., DILLARD. Jesse E., Lillian L., Mary I., Nancy E., Sallie C.—Wood, Samuel R., Stephen L., William A., DINGEE. Elizabeth—Maris, Rebecca-Maris, DIX. Rebecca-Maris, DIXON. Anna, Beatrice M., Caroline, Charles, Eber, Elizabeth B., Frank, Isaac, John, Maris T., Mary–Sharpless, Mary–Taylor, Mary S., Samuel, Samuel C., S. Anna, Sarah A.—Vernon, Page. I 58 66 I90 I 58 66 2 I I I 24 I66 2 I I 74 2 IQ 2 I I I66 DIXON. Susan M., Willard H., William B., DOAN. Abel, Amos, Anna, Caleb F., Emma, Enos, Enos A., Enos L., Ephraim, Ettie W., Eunice–Hadley, Ira, James, John, John L., John M., Joseph J., Joshua M., Martha, Mary, Mary E., Ruth, William, William H., Wilson S., Zeno, Zeno H., DOROTHY. Lizzie J.-Collins, DORSETT. Lydia–Bray, DOWNING, Hannah–Steele, Rebecca—Starr, DRAYTON. Edith N.—Welsh, William, DUELL. Mary G.-Kirk, DUGAN. Hannah–Townsend, James, Joseph, I OO 2O I IOO I7O I9 II 8 2O7 26 6O A age. DUGAN. Robert, 6O Sarah, ( & Talbot, ( & DULLES. Andrew C., I 17 John W., ( & Joseph H., & & Margaret–Welsh, 47 Mary C., I 17 William, & 4 DUNWOODY. Charles, I65 Ezekiel E., & & Hannah-Hood, 71 John, I65 J. Penrose, & 4 Richard, & 4 William H., & & DURHAM. Susanna–Newlin, I O2 DUTILH. Ann–Cooch, 5O DUTTON. Adelaide V., 2 I4 Alexander L., I 29 Alexander P., 2 I4 Anna M., I 29 Augustus P., § { Bessie, I48 Beulah, 6 I Catharine M., I 29 Catharine T., 2 I4. Charles R., I 3O Charles S., I 3 I, 2 I 5 David, 26, 6o David H., 6 I Deborah, 6O Edith H., 2 I 5 Edmund, 54, I 3 I Edmund N., 2 I6 Elisha, 26, 6o Eliza, 6O George, 23, I 29, I 3 I George S., I 3 I Gulielma, 6 I Hannah, 54, 6O Hannah–Routh, IO Hannah–Talbot, I 2 Harriet, I 29 246 JAV/O A. Y. Page. DUTTON. Horace H., I48 Isaac, 53 Isaac T., 2 I 4 John, 54 John B., 53 John R., I 29 John T., 26 Joseph, { { Larkin, 53 Lewis G., I 3 I Lewis H., I48 Lewis T., I 29, 2 I4 Maria, 6O Mary, 23, 2 I 4 Mary E., I48 Mary M., 2 I4. Mary T., 2 I 6 Matilda, 6O Minor M., I 48 Nathan, 6 I Nathan C., 54 Norris, I 29 Phebe, 6O Rachel–Pennell, 26 Rachel P., I48 Randall P., 2 I 6 Richard, 23, 53 Richard R., I 29, 2I4 Rowland, 54 Rowland J., I 3O Ruth A.—Davis, I 32 Sallie J., I 3 I Samuel, 54 Sarah, 53, 6O, 61 Sarah C., 2 I 4 Sarah J., I 3O Simeon M., 129 Sophia T., 2I4 Thomas, 23, 53, 54, I 3 I Thomas D., I 3 I Thomas E., ( & William, I 29. William H., 6 I, I 48 William M., 2 I4. William R., I 3O DYERS. Mary—Worrilow, 64 EDWARDS. Ann-Maris, 33 Anna M., 75 EDWARDS. Emma–Garrett, Hannah-Pennock, James, Jesse G., John, John P., Joseph, Lottie M., Lydia M., Mary J., Mary–Temple, Nathan, Pennock, Samuel H., Susanna–Rhoads, William, EGE. Hannah E.-Pettee, ELD RIDGE. Jonathan, Maris H., Sarah H., Susanna—Hall, ELKINS. eorge W., Ida A., Louisa—Broomell, Nellie B., William L., ELLIOTT. Alva W., Anne, Benjamin, Cloud, John, Jonathan D., Joseph T., Malinda, Mark, Rachel–Talbot, Rebecca A.—Dutton, Rowland A., ELLIS. Adda, Ann-Moulder, Hannah–Dutton, Lewis M., ELMORE. Catharine—Lindley, 22 I I 39 I94 ELSTON. Susanna–Pierce, ELY. Aaron, Amasa, Amos, George, Joseph, Joshua, Mark, Mathias, Sarah—Magill, William, EMBREE. Ann E-Taylor, EMERT. Harriet E-Wilson, EMPSON. Martha-Taylor, ENGLAND. Belle, Ellen—John, Gertrude, James L., Jesse, Josiah, Lulu, Sarah E-Larkin, ENGLE. Catharine D., Charlotte-Way, Edward H., Frederick, Louisa–Way, Mary H., Peter H., ENTRIKEN. Susanna–Bennett, EPHILIN. Martha L–Maris, EPPES. Agnes, Alfreda, Elizabeth W.-Horner, Emily, Josephine, Josephine–Horner, Page. 2 I 8 I 35 2 I 8 I 35 2 I 8 34 44 I 3 I I94 I O2 2O5 2O6 I 17 2O5 & 4 I 17 JAV D EX. 247 EPPES. Mary, Richard, EVANS. • Albert, Alfred E., Anna, Anna P., Anna R.—Garrett, Annie E-Taylor, Ard W., Arell, Augusta E., Bertha E., Bertha T., Beulah T., Caroline C., Charles, Charles T., Clarence, C. Wistar, Edith, Edward E., Edward R., Edwin, Elizabeth, Elizabeth—Evans, Elizabeth W., Eliza E-Moulder, Ella R., Emma, Emma W-Worrall, Evan C., Franklin B., Franklin T., Grace, Hannah, Hannah–Rhoads, Henry T., Herbert, Horace H., Howard, Hugh, I. Newton, Inman H., J. Engle, Joel, John, John M., John W., Joseph R., . . Josephine, I43, Page. 2O5 6 & I 34 I IQ I 33 224 68 224 2O8 224 I 34 224 I 33 I 34 55 224 I 34 133 2 IO 5O I 33 55 I43 2O8 IO5 I 34 I44 I IQ I6 I 224 I 33 55 24 I 34 2O8 EVANS. Josephine R., Laura, Llewellyn W., Lucinda E., Margaret, Margaret—Johnson, Margaret—Maris, Mary, Mary A., Mary C., Mary H., Mary M., Mary S., Mordecai H., Mordecai L., Nathan S., Owen, Priscilla, Priscilla–Townsend, Samuel, Sarah, Stockton, Susanna, 55, Susanna E., Thomas B., Townsend W., T. Reece, Walter, Walter B., Walter P., W. Elma, William, 55, William H., William M., William N., William S., EVERMAN. Edith—Bennett, EWING, /’age. 2O8 I 34 I IQ 2 I O I IQ 217 22 I95 I 34 2O8 I IQ - 224 I 34 224 I 2 I I 33 I6 I 224 I 33 I 2 I 5O 2 IO I 34 77 Margaret H.-Worrilow, 64 EYRE. Ann–Larkin, Joseph L., Louisa B., Nathan L., Pennell, Sarah L., FADDIS. Annie, 6O 145 I46 145 177 FADDIS. John R., Julia—Wilson, FAIRLAM.B. Ethel, Millard. M. Jennie–West, Robert, Sarah P., Sarah T–Broomall S. Larkin, Susan–Larkin, FARLOW. Arthur J., Elmer, Harry, Ida, Isadore, John M., Joseph, Lilly B., Mamie A., Nathan M., Nellie B., Omer H., Ruth–Maris, Thomas, Willie C., FAUCETT. Isaiah M., John F., Phebe M., Rachel, Ruth A.—Maris, FAULKNER. Dora I., Mary S.–Maris, FELL. Abner G., Eliza T-Garrett, Mary D., Rebecca S., Wilmer M., FELTIE, Rebecca—Lewis, FENIMORE. Mary L., Sarah F., y A age. 177 86 224 ( & 145 I6O 67 5O, I IQ, ( & . I43 I IQ I 2 I 55 I95 224 I 19 2O8 I IQ 2O I I I I I6 I I6 I & & I49 248 JAVAD Aº X. Page, FENIMORE. Susan H., I49 Susan P.-Hall, 6 I FERREE. Harry, I 80 Lily, ( & Marie, { { Sarah E.-Clark, 90 FERRIS. Sarah—Harlan, I 8 FISS. Hetty–Maris, 2 I FLITCRAFT. Sarah–Booth, I 36 FORD. Mary F.—Hall, I49 FORSYTHE. Cornelia, I47 Emily E., { { Mary, { { Sallie R., t iſ Susanna—Pennell, 6O Thomas J., I 47 Virginia W., { { FOULKE. Maria-Heston, 3O Priscilla E.-Frick, 224 FOX. Anna E.-Kirkbride, 204 Beatrice, { { Catharine, 2O7 Edwin, 2O4. Eliza G., { { Elizabeth M.–Cooch, I 18 Harriet—Kirkbride, I IG Herbert, 2O4. Theodore, ( & FRAME. Elizabeth—Broomall, 25 FRAZER. Mary W.-Taylor, I 2 FREDD. Amos, 45 Benjamin, I I 2 Eli, 45, I I 2 Elizabeth, 45 FREDD. George, Isaac, John, John B., Rachel, Sarah, Sarah–Swayne, Susan, Susanna, FRICK. Horace E., Rebecca—Evans, FRINK. * Hannah B.-Phillips, FULMER. Josephine–Kennedy, FURNISS. Annie, Emma R.—Woodrow, GARD NER. Naomi P-Johnson, Pauline J.-Roberts, Rachel A.—Williams, GARRETT. Abner, Ada, Amos, Amy, Amy I., Anna L., Anna M., Anne–Worrall, Anthony B., Arthur S., Benjamin F., Charles M., David H., Debbie L., Edward J., Elizabeth B., Elizabeth K., Elma, e Florence E., Franklin T., George, George H., George S., George W., Page. 45 { { I I 2 45 I I 2 2 I I I 2 45 224 I 43 86 I 74 217 I47 225 28 I6O 68 I6O I66 2 I O 22 68 I63 I64 I6O I45 I66 I63 I66 I6O I64 68 28 I6 I I63 I6O GARRETT. Granville, Hannah–Rhoads, Hibbard, Hibberd, Howard, Jane A., John K., Josephine, Joshua L., Juliann–Hall, Laura B., Lewis, Lewis M., Lidie, Lydia, Lydia—Garrett, Margaret W., Maris, Marshall, Martha L–Bartram, Mary, Mary–Maris, Mary–Skelton, Mary—Worrall, Mary A., Mary E., Mary J., Mary M., Philena, Philip, Rebecca, Rebecca—Maris, Rebecca—Massey, Rebecca A., Robert T., Sarah–Tyson, Sarah J., T. Ellwood, Thomas G., Walter L., William, William A., William E., William H., GARRIGUS. Annie E., Charles, Grace, James C., John J., Rebecca-Maris, 2 I O I6 I 28 I6O 68 73 I 23, 16O I6O I6 I 2 IO I 23 IND EX. 249 GARRIGUS. Strawdy A., William, GASKILL. -- Helen M.—Wilson, GASSER. Margaret—Skelton, GATCHELL. Jane—Davies, GATES. Elizabeth—Baker, GAUSE. Eleanora—Trueblood, GAWTHROP. Phebe S.—Thompson, GENERI. Mary–Justis, GERTH. Amy—Baker, Charles L., Edith B., Mary L., GIBBONS. Charles L., Elizabeth L., Hannah J., Isabella L., Marian P., Martha P-Lukens, Rebecca L., William H., GIBSON. Eleanor—Fairlamb, Sarah—Howell, GILBERT. Belle-Cumming, Eliza A.—Maris, Fred. P., Harry P., Lydia J-Cox, GILL. Bloomer B., Carrie, ~ James W., Jay, Louisa–Baker, Page. 198 { { I73 4. I I 55 79 I94 I 26 /’age. GILLES. Cora, 177 Jennie, § { Mary E-Wilson, 86 GILPIN. Sarah-Yearsley, 64 GLENN. Mary B-Clark, 90 GOOD. Elizabeth—Seal, I 5 I GORSUCH. Eleanor L-McMasters, 99 GOSSETT. Phebe–Maris, 95 GRAHAM. Sallie E.-Collins, 2O I GRANT. Arabella—Russell, 217 GRAVE. Abby, 89 Ann–Taylor, I 8 Charles, 89 David, 38 Emily, 89 Freddie, I 79 Hamilton, 89 Jehu, 38 John B., 89 John H., & Lydia, I 79 Maris T., 38 Mary, 38, 179 Samuel, 38 GRAY. Elizabeth—Smedley, 39 Louisa—Broomall, I 37 Nancy M.–Williams, 22 GREEN. Caroline L-Broomall, I 38 Eliza A., 37 Frank, 22O Martha-Broomall, 57 Mary, I 37 Rebecca—Chambers, 39 Silas, I 37, 22O GREGG. Ann-Maris, 22 GREGG. Hannah–Simmons, Nancy–Maris, Nathaniel, GRIEST. C. Arthur, E. Belle, Florence, George, Letitia P-Broomell, Lizzie, Mary E., Maurice, Philena—Broomell, GRIFFITH. Anna, Emma—John, George, Mabel, Mary E.-Nixon, GRIMES. Ella B.—Johnson, GRIMM. Annie M.–Evans, GRISWOLD. Ann, Edward, Elizabeth, Hannah, Joseph, Lydia, Margaret, Margaret–Talbot, Martha, Mary, Rachel, Sarah, Thomas, GROOME. Agnes P.-Roberts, GUISINGER. Abigail–Maris, Anna, Catharine, Clara, William T., GUMMER.E. Margaret M., Page. 226 I 39 I 79 88 179 I94. 89 24, 56 24, 56 25O JAWAD AE X. GUMMERE. Martha M.–Morris, R. Morris, William H., GUY GER. Kezia C.–Hadley, HADLEY. Aaron, Abner, Albert M., Alexander C., Amos L., Anderson, Arnold W., Arthur M., Asa, Catharine, Charles, Clayton M., Cora, Cornelia I., Deborah, Dempsey, Edward, Eli, Eli A., Eliza, Ellwood, Enos, Enos B., Estella B., Esther, Fvan, George, George W., Henry M., Hezekiah, Ida, Ira, Ira M., James D., James W., Jared P., Jason, Jeremiah, John C., John F., Jonathan, Linnie A., Lot, Lot M., IOO, A age. I IQ 2O8 2O9 I 88 42 I O I I 88 99 I O I 187 I 88 I O I 99 187 I 88 I90 & 4 I 88 99 I 88 IOI I 88 I O2 I O I I 88 I 88 I 88 I90 42 I 88 I O I 99 I O I I90 I O I I O2 I 90 I88 42 HADLEY. Mahlon, Martha, Martha-Atkinson, Mary–Hadley, Mary E., Montclair E., Nathan, Nathan R., Noah H., Oliver, Ruth–Lindley, Ruth—Maris, Sarah, Sherman, Sophia J., Susanna, Thompson C., Uriah, William A., William F., William H., Zeno, HAINES. Jane P-Sellers, HALL. Abby M., Albert P., Alice, Annie H., Barclay, Caleb, Clarence, Clarkson, Channing, Edward H., Edwin, Eliza, Eliza A.—Worrilow, Elizabeth C., Ellwood, Estelle, Eugene, Florence, Frank, George, George E., Hannah, Hannah—Maris, Hannah–Pennell, Isaac, Page. I90 I O I IO3 42 I 88 IQO I O I I90 I 88 o 2O I 88 I90 I O I I 88 99 I90 I 88 187 99 6I, I 28 74, 167 . 33 26 6 I Page. HALL. Jacob H., 74, 167 Jane—Paxson, 53 J. Comly, 167 Jesse, 74 Jesse B., I 66 Jesse H., 167 John, 74, I 28 Laura, I49 Lewis, { { Lewis S., 6 I Lillian M., 167 Lydia A., { { Lydia H.-Cox, 9 I Mahlon, I 28 Maris, 3 I, 74 Martha A., I 49 Mary, 39, 74, 2 I 4. Mary A., 167 Mary S., & 4 Mary H.-Dutton, 2 I 5 Mode, 39 Morgan B., 74, 167 Nathan P., 6 I Nellie, I49 Phebe, 3 I Phebe–Mode, I 8 Rachel, I 28 Robert S., 167 Sarah, 2I4. Sarah D.—Hibberd, 53 Sarah H., 167 Susan, I49 Susan–Pennell, 26 Susanna, 74. Susanna–Maris, 7, I4. Thomas, 39 Thomas H., I 28 Walter E., 214 Walter H., 167 Walter S., & 4 William, I49 William J., I83 William M., I66 William S., 167 William W., 127 HALDEMAN. Eliza—West, 3O Eliza B., I65 Elizabeth W., 72 Isaac L., { { Martha, I65 JAV/O E X. HALDEMAN. Thomas J., HALLOWELL. Adaline H.-Parker, Lynden P., Sarah J-Millis, HAM. Sarah–Trueblood, HAMBLETON. Mary H.-Hall, HAMILTON. Fannie S.–Phillips, HAMPTON. Bessie, Caroline-Sharpless, HANNUM. Phebe M.–Veal, HANSON. John W., Mary–Maris, HARBIN. Rachel–Maris, HARGER. Caroline—Skelton, HAR GROVE. Louella—Mauck, HARLAN. Alice, Caleb, David, Elisha, Elizabeth—Fredd, Hannah, Hannah—Maris, Jeremiah, Job, John, Joshua, Lewis, Margaret–Baker, Michael, Stephen, William, HARRIS. Eveline P.-Maris, George W., Page. 72 IO5 I95 IO3 I93 I 28 2O4. I6 I 68 I75 225 I 55 27 98 I92 I 8 8, 18 I I 2 Z’age. HARRIS. Jonathan M., I 56 Lewis D., I 58 Lucy A., { % Mary L.-Dewees, 66 Richard, I 56 Sarah B., I 58 Thomas L., ! { William D., { { HARRISON. Tacy–Maris, 2 I HART LEY. Margaret M.–Maris, I 56 HARVEY. Aaron M., I9 I Abigail–Hadley, I OO Abram, I9 I Ellen H.-Booth, I 36 George B., 2 IQ George M., I9 I Hiram, 4 4 Isaac, § { James T., { { John J., { Joseph, 5 Martha-Maris, IO3 Martha E., I9 I Mary, 5 Mary—Simcock, 2 Mary I., 189 Miles, I9 I Nancy E., 4 ( Sarah—Maris, IO3 Susanna, 5 William B., 2 IQ William M., I9 I HATTON. Ann-Maris, 8 Benjamin, 76 Edith J., I 68 Edmund E., 76 Edward, I5, 34, 76 Eliza, 76 Elizabeth, 33 Elizabeth E., 76 Evans, I 68 George, I 5, 33, 168, 233 Hannah H.-Garrett, I 45 Horace E., 76 Hugh, I68 HATTON. Irene, Jervis, Jervis J., Joseph, Levi L., Lewis, Lizzie L., Lorenzo, Lorraine, Mabel G., Margaret, Mary, Orange O., Rachel, Reece, Robert, Robert J., Sarah, Seth, Susanna, Susanna–Broomall, Willits, HAWKE. Rebecca—Wilson, HAYES. Martha E-Taylor, HEACOCK. Ann–Taylor, HEALD. J’age. I68 I 5 33 33 ( & 76 * { { I68 & & 76 I68 I 5, 34. I68 33, 168 76 I68 I 5, 33 Sarah E.-Wickersham, 87 HEATH. Rachel–Skelton, HENDERSON. Dinah—Towell, HEND REN. Anna M.–Hadley, HEND RICKSON. Mary—Trainor, HENLEY. Alida–Hadley, Ann-Maris, Cyrus, George, Henry M., John H., Lloyd W., William, I 88 43 IO6 { { I95 { { IO6 252 MAV/O A. Y. HESTON. Adaline, Benjamin E., Eliza J., Howard, Jane—Paxson, Rebecca-Maris, Sarah S., Susanna–Maris, HIATT. Effie, Mamie, Mary E.-Maris, HIBBERD. Abraham, Bertha, Carrie J., Davis R., Dutton, Elizabeth, Ellwood W., George, Hannah, Jacob, James, Jesse, John, 53, John W., Josiah, Lydia H., Mary, Owen, Phebe, Phineas, Rachel—Temple, Rebecca, Rebecca-Maris, Samuel, Sarah, Sarah-Dutton, Susanna, Susanna—Cox, Thomas, HICKMAN. Elizabeth—Talbot, Martha A.—Broomall, HILL. Annie H., Belle, Eliza—Davis, I 3O I 3O 2 I 5 IO I 29 I 3O IO , I 3O I 3O 2 I 5 IO 2 I 5 I 3O IO 53 58 IO 32 2 I 5 I 3O 23 IO 9 I 53 56 I 38 224 I 79 I45 HILL. Elmira–John, Emma, Jane—Farlow, Jenny, William V., HILLARD. Mary–Maris, William M., HINKSON. Edward E., George, Hannah, Hannah–Black, Harrison, Henry, James, Jemima–Worrall, John, 63, John B., John E., Joseph A., Joseph H., Mary, Mary—Worrilow, Mary E., Maurice, Minshall, Perciphor, Sallie, Samuel E., Thomas, 63, Washington, 63, HITCHCOCK. Charles, Ethel, Frances—Lapsley, Howard, HOCKETT. Mary–Maris, HODGSON. Eunice C.—Russell, HOLADAY. Hannah—Andrew, Job S., John H., Jonathan, Joseph M., Louisa, I 20, Page. 88 I79 IO6 I79 224 5 I I 20 2O9 I 53 I 45 I 53 ( & 5 I I 53 2O9 2 IO 2O9 I 2G) I 53 26 2O9 I 53 2O9 I 53 2O9 I 53 I 53 2O5 { { II 6 2O5 43 I6O HOLADAY. Mahlon H., Samuel A., Thomas F., William W., HOLLOWAY. Amy, Annie M., Jane—Henley, Nellie, HOLMES. John E., Margaret M.–Evans, HOOD. Albert L., Benjamin, Earl S., Genevieve, George, Hannah Y.-Garrett, Jonathan L., Joseph, Mary, Rebecca, Richard, Sarah-Lobb, William, Wilmer W., HOOPES. Alice M., Annie, Annie–Carpenter, Annie M.–Roberts, Cidney, Clara B., David T., Elizabeth—Barnard, E. Maris, Franklin, 195 - IO6 I95 2O8 I IQ I62 Gulielma M.–Townsend, 143 Hannah M.–Barnard, Herman, Isaac, Lewis M., Lydia E-Jobson, Minerva–Barnard, M. Virginia, Rebecca-Maris, S. Edwin, Sidney–Bennett, JAV/D EX. 253 HOOPES. Susan–Townsend, Susanna E-Maris, Townsend, William T., HORNADAY. Emily—Pickett, HORNER. Alfred, Anna P., Bessie, Elizabeth—Welsh, Elma, Emily V-Horner, Emma A.—Kirk, George K., Inman, Lewis D., Mary K., William, HORTON. Caroline, Davis, Mary–Steel, Phebe–Maris, HOVER. Catharine, Frances, Howard D., Sarah, Sarah M.–Dutton, HOWARD. Anna B., George B., Lizzie—Broomall, William, HOWELL. Elizabeth, James, Mary—Bartram, HUBBARD. Edith, Ernest, Ethel I., Frederic M., Sarah J.-Maris, HUEY. Eliza—Baldwin, Page. 59 3O 72 I 17 2O5 2 IO 47 2 IO I 17 I 23 2 IO 2O5 2 IO { { 2O5 2 I 9 { { I 35 2 I 9 2 I { { HUEY. Frederic F., Ruth A.—Chambers Sarah D., HUMPHREY. E. Cidna–Maris, HUMPHREYS. Martha A.—Wilson, HUNT. Anna–Moon, Ellwood, Emma–Ellis, Hannah–Moon, Joseph M., Lydia–Thompson, Milton L., HUNTER. Daniel W., Edward, Edward E. W., George W., Hannah, Hannah—Maris, Laura L., Margaret, Margaret C. W., Oscar F., Rodolph E., William, William W., HUNTSMAN. Emily—Johnson, HUR FORD. Aaron, Anna M., Caleb, Clarence E., Eli, Hannah, John, Lewis, Maris, Maris B., Martha-Maris, HUSTON. Abraham F., Alice R., Anna L., y I’age. I84 93 I 84 I 57 2 I 7 2 I * 45 2 I * II 3 2 I 2 I, 45 2 I, 45 2 I II 3 172 HUSTON. Charles D., Clara, Isabella—Lukens, Mary, Samuel E., HUTTON. Elizabeth A.—Thompson, IDEN. Hannah—Simcock, INGOLD. Ruth–McMasters, INGRAM. Greta E., Kate L–Pray, IRONSIDES. Ella, Ella—Clark, Mabel, Morris, Walter, IRWIN. Adda E., George H., Jesse M., Sarah E-Trump, JACKSON. Alfred H., Anna-Jackson, Anna R.—Chandler, F. Clarence, Idella M., Jane—Pusey, John H., Lizzie J., Oliver M., Phebe–Raley, Philena—Wood, Robert A., Samuel, Susanna P-Chambers, Washington M., Williamina—Jackson, William A., JAMES. Anna R.—Edwards, Mabel, Sarah—Hood, Aage. 172 & 4 8O I 72 ( & I 8 I I 33 I62 68 254 JAV/O A. Y. JAMES. Sarah E.-Worrall, Sarah J.-Lewis, Susanna—Maris, JANNEY. Mary—Pennock, JARDEN. Ella–Hill, JEFFERIS. Mary–Bennett, Phebe A.—Kennedy, JENKINS. Charles N., James A., John W., Katharine–Maris, Sarah E., William T., JETER. Louisa—Moulder, JINCKS. Sarah—Wilson, JOBSON. Daisy L., Hannah—Broomall, Isaac W., Joseph, Mary L., JOHN. Albina, Albina—Grave, Anna, David, Debbie W.-Evans, John, Joseph, Milton, Phebe–Raley, Taylor, JOHNSON. Albina, Amanda, Ann–Pennock, Annie, Asenath–Hadley, Benjamin F., Caroline, I4 Page. I 2 I I 23 I94 8 I 222 58 I42 222 222 88 88 I44 I 79 88 { { 88 89 217 17 I65 I O I I65 JOHNSON. Charles, Charles F., David, David W., Elizabeth A., Emily A., Ernest G., Eudora, George, Hannah E., Henry C., John, Joseph, Kate, Lizzie, Lydia–Worrall, Lydia A., Mary A—Grave, Myrtle A., Rachel A.—Mancill, Rachel L.-Maris, Samuel T., Sarah, Sarah–Russell, Sarah A.—Hood, William, I William A., William F., JONES. Ann–Wilson, Annie W., Delphinia E., Florence–Cleaver, Frances E.-Maris, George M., Hannah T.-Lewis, Jeannette, Jessie M., Jonathan H., J. Wilson, Lydia–Roberts, Mary–Steel, Mary E.-Baker, Mary E-Leedom, Matthias S., Nathan B., Pattie M., Preston B., Rebecca A., Sarah—Cox, Sarah L.-Webster, 25, 7O, 7O, Page, I 24 I I 2 I 79 45 I63 I4O I63 I I 2 I63 I47 I I 2 I 32 I63 I I 2 I63 JONES. Thomas T., Wiley F., William W., JUSTICE. Josephine D.—Barnard, JUSTIS. Betsy–Worrall, Charles, Cornelia, George, Josephine, Lewis, Robertha, KEECH. Brinton, Eliza—Wilson, James, KEENAN. Susan—Worrilow, KELLY. Alice H., Ann-Hatton, Levi, Mabel, KENNEDY. Elisha J., G. Fairlamb, John H., Mary, Mifflin, Sarah—Starr, Sophia D.—Dulles, KENT. Sallie D.—Bartram, KENWORTHY. Matilda–Hadley, KERKNER. Sarah—Wickersham, KERNS. Alfred, Anna, Eli, Everett, Franklin L., Hannah—Vernon, Hettie H., 52, I68 33 I68 17 187 183 I46 97 187 { { 4 I 187 MAVAO EX. 255 Page. KERNS. Hiram O., 187 Horatio, 97 Ida M., 187 James V., 97 Maris V., 97, 187 Maude A., 187 William F., 97 William W., 187 KING. Juliann–Taylor, 22 Mary T-Mancill, I 53 KINNEAR. Angeline C.—Simmons, I 14 Charles, 2O2 George, 4 & Roy, 4 & KIRK. Anderson, I 2 I Anna E., & 4 Beulah, fºr: I I Caleb, { % Charles W., I 2 I Debby L., I 23 Eli, I I Elisha, & 4 Eliza—Worrall, 5 I Elizabeth, I 2 Elizabeth—Mendenhall, 6 Ellen—Worrall, I 22 Garrett, 2 I O John, I 23, 2 IO Joseph H., 2 IO Joseph W., I 2 I Leedom, I 20 Margaretta, { { Mary, I 2 I Mary—Worrall, 5 I Mary A—Garrett, 52 Philip R., I 2 I Rachel, { { Rosanna, § { Sarah W.-Bittle, I 24 Thomas, I 22 Washington, I 20 Wells, • { { William, I 23 William B., 2 IO KIRKBRIDE. Anna E-Gregg, 47 KIRKBRIDE. Frank H., George B., Harriet, John P., Joseph J., Richard M., Sallie H.-Webster, KITTLE. Mary A.—Maris, KITTS. Charlotte–Newlin, Charlotte E., Charlotte N., John L., Levis N., Sarah A., Sarah N., Thomas J., KLINE. Elvina–Nixon, KLIPSTIEN. George, Mary, Mary A—Taylor, Rebecca, KNERR. Lydia C.—Broomall, KNICKERBOCKER. Hannah M.–Johnson, KNIGHT. Rachel, Rachel–Broomall, KYES. Banna H., Chitty C., Edgar, Fletcher D., Fletcher L., Hannah—Maris, Jessie J., John H., Kent O., Laban J., Libbie A., Lillie A., Lillie S., Maggie R., 58 165 I42 58 Page, KYES. Martha-Maris, 46 Robert, 2O3 Walter F., & 4 LACEY. Sarah W.-Chandler, I 74 Thamar—Maris, 226 LADD. Elizabeth, 94 Hannah, & 4 Hannah—Wood, 4O Lydia, 94 LA FETRA. - Alice L., 77 Ernest I., 4 { Oriana, & 4 Mary–Hatton, 33 LAMBORN. Ann, 35 Ann–Bourne, 8 Ann J., 77 Charles B., 78 Clayton, 77 David, I6 Edith—Bennett, 34 Edward W., 79 Emma—Veal, I75 George, I6 Hannah M., 78 Isaac, s 6 & Israel, 77 Jacob, I6 Jesse, I6, 35 Joanna, 35 John, I6 Joseph, & & Joseph T., 77 Levi, 78 Lydia, 16, 78 Margaret, 35 Phebe–Barnard, I 52 Richard J., 78 Robert, 16, 35, 78 Robert B., 78 Robert H., { { Sarah, 35, 77 Susanna, 35 Thomas, I6 Townsend, 35 256 MAV D AEX. LA MORIA. Virginia A.—Maris, LAND RETH. Mita E-Phillips, LAPSLEY. Ann–Welsh, Anna, Anna W., Arthur, David, Gaillard T., Henry, Howard, John W., Josephine, Katharine H., Samuel W., Sarah C., LARKIN. Aaron, Annie S., Charles P., Edgar D., Edith, Edna, Emma–Hinkson, George, Hannah, Hiram, Irma, James, Jesse, John, Joseph, Joseph S., Lewis M., Lillian, Martha E., Mary T., Milton W., Mordecai, Nathan, Pennell, Penrose, Philena, Robert, Salkeld, Sarah, Sarah–Pennell, Sarah-Rogers, Sidney, A'age. I6O 2O4 47 I I6 2O5 I I6 { { 2O5 { { I [6 { { 6O I46 2 I 7 2 I 8 I46 2 I 8 2 I O I 34 6O I 34 2 I 8 I 35 2 I 7 I 35 I 34. 26 56 I46 Aage. LARKIN. Susan R., 217 Walter, 2 I 8 William S., . { { LAVERTY. Anna V., 187 Charles B., & ( John D., ( * , Lizzie B., & 4 Martha H.-Kerns, 97 Minnie V., 187 Reba K., { { Robert E., ( ( Samuel M., + ( ( William M., { { LAWRENCE. Charles E., I65 David E., 72 E. Hibberd, I65 Elizabeth, 3O, 72 Guelmia, 72 Hannah, 3O Hannah P., 72 Henry, 3O, 72, 165 Isaac, 3O John, { { John A., 72 Joseph T., { { Joshua C., * { Lydia, { { Mary–Maris, I 4 Mary A., 72 Mary E., ( & William H., ( & Wistar E., I65 LAYCOCK. Hannah–Taylor, 22 LEDBETTER. Anna—Maris, 95 John O., I 86 LEE. 6. Mary A.—Johnson, 89 LEECH. Mary E-Dutton, I 3 I LEEDOM. Amanda R., Andrew, * Anna F., { { * Page. LEEDOM. - Annie M., I49 Edwin, { % Ellwood B., 2 I 2 Ellwood P., I 25 Elvira M., & & G. Truman, I 26 Harry T., 2 I 2 Isaac, I 32 John, 52, I 32 John B., I 26 Joseph, 52 Joseph B., I 25 Joseph P., I49. Maris W., 52, I 25, 2 II Mary—Pennell, 6 I Mary—Worrall, 22 Mary W., I 25 Myra W., & ( Ridgway, & 4 Sharpless, & 4 S. Jones, I 32 Susanna M.–Steel, 54 Walter, * I 26 William P., I 25 LEEDS. B. Rush, 2 I 5 I. Powell, ( & Phebe A.—Seal, I 5 I Mary W., 2 I 5 Ruth A., & 4 Samuel, ( & Sarah D.—Powell, I 3O Susan P., 2 I 5 LEIDY. Matilda—Broomall, I 37 LENTZ. - Margaretta—Steele, I 22 LEONARD. Anna T., 88 Frank, 4 & John E., 80, 170 Pennock E., 8O Sallie, 88 Sarah—Edwards, 35 Susan–Taylor, 38 LEVELY. Henry A., 97 John S., JAWAD Aº X. 257 LEVELY. Phebe A.—Skelton, William, LEVIS. Albert, Anna P., Charles M., De Haven M., Elizabeth—Rhoads, Emmor E., Esther—Lobb, Hannah H., Julia I., Rebecca—Worrall, Samuel E., Sara V., William B., LEWIS. Alice—Harvey, Alice—Maris, Clyde, Edward C., Elisha, Elizabeth, Emily J.-Maris, Emma–Pennell, Emma V., Evan, Franklin, George, Hannah S.–Temple, Henry B., Jane W., Joseph, Joseph P., Maggie N., Maris W., Mary–Miller, Norah—Grave, Ober T., Rebecca, Rebecca—Worrall, Samuel, Sidney B., William H., William S., W. Lane, LEYS. Rachel P.-West, LINCK. Cynthia A.—Hadley, 52. I 33 ISO I 24 52 I 23 I 47 2 I I LINCK. Mary A., Minnie B., Viola, LINCOLN. Ann M.–Dewees, Elizabeth J., Flmira B., George J., Hester T., James, Lewis D., Mary D., Sarah A., Thomas D., Thomas L., LINDLEY. Albert, Ann-Maris, Annie V., Burt, Clara T., Cyrus F., David, Dayton B., Edmund, Eleanor—Pickett, Ellwood, Elsie O., Erastus W., Flora I., George, 4. George F., George M., Gulia E., Harriet E., Hattie L., Herbert S., Hiram, Ira, Isaac, James, Jemima, John J., John M., John T., Jonathan, Joseph T., Kessiah, Lavina, Lewis P., . 42, Z’age. I 95 LINDLEY. Lot, Lucinda–Maris, Lucinda E., Lydia J., Malinda, Marietta, Martha, Martha—Newlin, Martha A., Martha C., Mary—Pickett, Mary A., Mary J., Mary E. H., Miles J., Milly B., Miriam—Towell, Nathan, Owen, Paul B., Rose M., Ruth–Lindley, Samuel H., Sarah-Maris, Sophronia, Stephen, Susanna–Maris, Thomas, Thomas E., William, William E., Wilson F., Ulysses G., LINDSAY. Ann-Maris, Cecile, Jane A., John M., Sarah J.-Woody, Thomas B., LINGO. Sarah—Maris, LINTON. Sarah E.-Broomall, LITTLE. Nancy–Maris, LLEWELLYN. Ann-Maris, A age. 42, IQ I 43 I99 I9 I I99 IO9 . I O2 199 44 199 I9 I I9 I I99 IO3 IO9 I9 I 4 & I O2 I9 I IO3 I99 I O2 2O 42 I95 IO9 I95 I99 { { I 3 I98 Iö8. I98 66 I4O I90 258 A W D Aº X. LLOYD. Beulah–Pennell, Eldon, George, Henry, John, Joseph, Maris, Mary, Mary A.—Hall, Mary E., Orpah, Trueman, Ulysses, LOBB. George, Hannah-Hall, Hannah-Hibberd, Ridgway C., Sallie C.—Leedom, LONGS.H.O.R.E. Jefferson D., Mary—Raley, Samuel D., LOPER. Eleanor—Davies, LOVE. Laura-Raley, LOWNES. Rebecca–Rhoads, LUKENS. Casper P., Casper W. P., Charles E., Elizabeth W., Isaac P., Mary S., Rebecca W.-Pennock, Sarah W., 74, Sarah W.-Pennock, Susan—Wilson, MACBEATH. Emma—Vogdes, MACE. Ann-Maris, John M., MACPHERSON. Ada B.—Swayne, A’as e. 6O 167 I46 74 I46 167 I46 74 167 3O I 3 2 I I I 25 I 75 I 75 I 55 175 I O 2 I 46 I 73 MAGILL. Anne, Beatrice, \ Chalkley H., Charles, David, Edward H., Edward W., Elizabeth, Eudora, Francis G., eorge, Gertrude B., Helen, Jacob, Jane, John, Jonathan, Jonathan P., Marian, Rachel, Rebecca T., Sarah, Sarah—Simcock, Susan, Watson P., William, William C., MANCILL. Alfred, David D., Edwin B., George E., Harriet, Lydia A.—Temple, Mahlon, Maurice H., Nathan P., Samuel B., Sarah—Hinkson, Susanna—Dutton, Susanna P., T. Wilder, William, MANLEY. Charles De H., Henry De H., Horace R., Margaret—Worrall, MANN. Mary W.-Kirk, I 27 { { I 27 23 I 27 I 48 I 54 22 154 I4 I 154 I48 1 54 6 I 225 { { I 54 I 2 I { { * { 5 I I 20 MARIS. A age. Aaron, 9, 20, 42, 43, IO3, too Abbie E., Abby E., Abram, Abram P., Abraham, Ada L., Ada W., Albert B., Albert G., Albert M., Albert W., Alfred D., Alfred E., Alexander, Alice, Alice A., A. Lincoln, Allen, Allen G., Alvira, Alzada M., Amanda, Amanda E., Ammon E., Amos, Amos C., Andrew J., Angeline, Ann, Anna, Anna E., Anna J., Anna M., Ann G., Ann I., Annie, Annie E., Annie G., Annie J., Annie O., Anson G., Archer, Arthur, Asa, Barclay, Barkley, Beaumont, Benjamin C., Benjamin F., Benjamin L., IO7, 31, 46, I 3, I 5, 27, 42, I97, IO4, I 57 "I I 3 II 3 72 198 I96 IND EX. 259 Page. /*a gre. Page. MARIS. MARIS. * MARIS & Bertha H., 75 Edward B., 67 George, (continued), 14, 30, Bertha I., I66 Edward W., 2O2 40, 42, 43, 44, 71, 162, 226 I3essie S., I 16 Eleanor—Lindley, IO9 George A., I97 Betty, 7 Elgin, II 2 George C., 33, IO8 Beulah, 2O2 Elijah S., 76 George G., 47 Birtram, “ Eliza, 28, 3 I George J., 66 Burton W., 196 Elizabeth, 4, 31, 46, IO4 George L., xi, 74- Caleb, 7, 15, I I 3 Elizabeth B-Jobson, 142 George N., 75 Caleb J., 32, 76 Elizabeth E., IO4 George O., 28 Calvin, IO4. Ella, IO5 George R., I 56 Caroline J., 163 Ellen J., I I I George T., I97 Carrie, 227 Elliott, I4 George W., 44, 66, I 56 Carrie E., 185 Ellis, I4, 30, 7 I Grace P., 227 Casper C., I6O Ellis W., 7 I Guy, I 92 Cephas, I 55 Ellwood, 7 I, 75 Hannah, - I 5 Charles, 2O2 Elma H., 75 Hannah A., 75 Charles A., 197 Elmer, I93 Hannah B., I66 Charles D., IO4. Elmer L., 198 Hannah E., 74 Charles E., IOZ, 160, 163 Elmira C., IO7 Hannah–Jobson, I42 Charles F., IO4. Emery, IOS Harland R., I97 Charles H., 67 Emily, I 59 Harry, 2O2 Charles I., II 2 Emma, 7 I, 197 Harry D., I95 Charles P., I I4, I 59, 198 Emma B., 16o Harvey C., I97 Charles T., I 57 Emma J., 7 I Hattie L., 226 Chester, - 76 Emmor B., 159 Hattie W., I 57 Clara C., 16O Emory A., 226 Helen M., 167 Clara E., 2O2 Enoch, IO4 Henrietta, I 55 Clara H., “ Enos J., - IO6 Henry A., I97 Clara J., I 57 Ernest J., 2O2 Henry F., 95, I I I Clarence F., viii, I 57 Ervin D., - 197 Henry J., I62 . Clark, 66, 67 Esther, I I 3 Henry L., 3 I Cora A., Io? Ethel, 192 Herbert L., 167 Corinna L., I I I Ethel A., 198 Hoadly B., I6O Curtis, 27, 65 Eudora F., 227 Horace A., 72 Curtis N., I 55 Eugene L., 192 Howard, I63 Daisy, 196 Eva, 2O2 Humphrey, 3O David, I 2, 66 Eva J., 185 Ira, I97 David P., 65 Eva M., I I I Irvin, { { Debbie A., 75 Eva P., I59 Isaac, 7, I4, 3O, 74, II 3 Deborah, 66 , Fannie, 163 Isaac H., 3 I, 73 Deborah D., 75 Fannie O., I I I, 16O Isaiah, 27 Deborah W., 2O2 Florence L., I 59 Jacob B., 32 Dela H., 75 Florinda G., 196 James, 4, 6, 14, 43, 44 Della M., 193 Foster M., . . Ig8 II 3, 197 Dora, 198 Francis L., 226 James A., IO7, IQ7 Dorothy W., 227 Frank, I63 James B., 3 I Ebert, I I4 Frank E., I98 James C., 46, IO8, I I I Edith, 2O2 Freddie, 197 James D., | 66, I I4 Edna, 192, 202 Frederick, 2O2 James E., 67, 227 Edna D., I I I Fred. H., I98 James L., I I I Edward, 70, IO4, 192, 197 George, I, 3, 7, 9, IO, I 3 James M. B., 227 26O JAV/D Aº X. Page. MARIS. James S., 44 James T., IO8 Jane, 4, I 3, 3 I, 40, 42 Jane B., 5 I Jared, xxii, 66 Jasper N., I 56 Jehu, 7, 67 Jennie B., 167 Jeptha, 67 Jesse, 7, 9, I 3, 46, 65, I I 3 Jesse C., 2O2 Jesse E., 7O, 202 Jesse J., 28 Job S., II 3 John, I, 4, 7, 9, 13, 2 I, 40 42, 43,46,71,95, IO3, IO7 John A., I I I John D., I I 2 John E., IO8 John F., I I I, I 56 John H., 32, 73, I 9 I John I., 186, 196 John L., 3O, 44 John M., 69, IO7, 162 I97, 227 John T., IO7, I 57 John W., 44, 226 Jonathan, 4, 13, I 5, 27, 42 44, 45, 94 Jonathan S., 66 Joseph, 4, 21, 33, 76, II 3 Joseph A., IO4. Joseph G., I I 4 Joseph L., 73 Joseph M., 3 I Joseph P., 3O, 2O2 Joshua, 32 Josie P., 7 I Justin H., I 59 Laura, I 57 Laura A. 226 Leander, II 3, 226 Lela, I 92 Lena, 2O2 Leora, I 59 Lester, I92 Levis, I 2 Lewis, 27, 65 Lewis D., 3O, 7 I Lina E., I97 Lillie C., I 59 Page MARIS. Lizzie, 72, IQ7 Lizzie G., I 57 Lizzie P., 7 I Lorel, I93 Louisa T., 2O2 Louisa W., 227 Lucinda C., I97 Lucinda H., I93 *Lucy A., zlº Z 107 Lucy J., I I I Luella H., I 57 Lydia, I4, 94 Lydia E., 76 Lydia J., I 55 Lydia M., I6O Margaret, I 59 Margaret H., I66 Margaret M., I97 Marian, 95 Martha, 46, I 55 Martha A., 44, 7 I, 74 Martha E., IO7, 197 Martha F., I I I Martha J., 7 I Martin L., IO6 Mary, I4, 44, 65, 66 I 55, I 57 Mary A., I I I, I 92, IQ7 Mary B., I97 Mary D., 7 I Mary E., 75, 76, IO7, I I I I 59, 163 Mary H., I63 Mary J., I 56 Mary L., I62, I66 Mary M., I 57, 196 Mary P., I 59 Mary T., I 57 Matilda–Maris, 65 Matilda C., I93 Matthew W., I 55 Mattie, 72, I I 2 Merbert D., I97 Mertice, I I 2 Miles M., Io? Milton, I98 Milton J., Io? Minerva, I 56 Minnie, I96 Minnie M., 76, 226 Mishal J., 66 MARIS. Montgomery B., Mordecai, Myrta, Myrta E., Myrta J., Myrtle, Myrtle E., Nancy A., Nathan, Nathan H., Nathaniel, Nathaniel N., Nellie, Nellie G., Nellie P., Nettie L., Newton C., Nichison, Nora D., Norris, Oliver, Oliver L., Oliver R., Omer T., Ora, Oscar E., Oscar F., Oscar M., Owen, Owen R., Phebe, Rachel, Rachel A., Rachel H., Rachel M., Rachel R., Rebecca, Rebecca D., Rebecca–Lindley, I, 9, I 5, 2 I, 22, 47 Richard, 5 I, 75, I I6 Richard F., Richard W., Robert, Robert W., Rose E., Russell, Ruth—Bennett, Samuel, Samuel H., Samuel P., Page. 227 3 I 97 2O2 I 57 I96 45 IO4. IO7 27, 65 I 55 I96, 202 I6O I98 I85 IO5 IO4 226 3 I IO6 I95 I6O IO7 I 93 I I 2 I 92 I96 IO, 27, 65 I93 I 5, 74 4O, 5 I, 95 I 59 66 IO4 I IG 3O, 7 I 74, 75 I O2 65 163 33, IQ2 I63, 195 I 97 2O2 34 9, 42, 65, I57, 195 3 I I 59 JAV/D E_Y. 26 I Page MARIS. Samuel W., 70 Sara, 163 Sarah, I 56 Sarah A., 7O, I 55 Sarah D., 67 Sarah E., I 55 Sarah N., 5 I Sarah R., I93 Sarah W.-Cooch, 5O Sarusia E., 193 Sheldrick, 74 Shirley W., 226 Sibby A., 185 Sidney J., I I I Silas, 2O Solomon H., I 55, I 56 Stanley F., I 57 Stella, I 92 Stephen L., I 56 Sue M., I97 Susan, 44 Susanna, 43, 94 Susie A., I98 Sylvester, I I4 Tamar, 65, I55 Temple S., 95 Theodore, I62 Thomas, 9, 20, 33, 42, 72 IO6, I I I, 192 Thomas C., 66 Thomas D., 44, 65, IO8 Thomas E., 67, IOZ Thomas R., 46, I 16, 234 Thompson, 44 Victor, 2O2 Viola E., 226 Walter, I 59 Warren L., 7 I Wiley S., 44 Wiley T., I I 2 Willard L., *3PJ 167 William, 9, I 3, 2 I, 22, 33 2, 43, 44, 45, 47, 70, 74 76, 95, IO5, IO7, II 3, 192 William A., 7 I William B., I I 2 William C., . I 56 William H., IO4. William L., 3 I William O., 43 William P., I I4. A 'age. MARIS. William R., I96, 197 William S., 5 I, I I I, 157, 226 William T., 65, 197 William W., I62 Zimri D., IO7 Zimri W., & 4 MARSH. Alice R., 2O9 Fitch G., { { Rebecca—Wight, I 20 MARSHALL. Alice–Pennock, I Martha, 35 Mary D.—Sharpless, 176 Robert, 35 Susanna–Lamborn, I6 Thomas, 35 William, 4 & MARTIN. Allen, I 82 Annie B.--Smith, 185 Ella V-Pyle, 88 Frank, I 82 Harvey, { { Homer, 4 & James S., & a Leila, 178 Lydia P-Baker, 90 Mary, I 82 R. Ellen–Smith, I85 Sarah–Bennett, I6 Susanna–Ruth, IO MASON. George, I 50 Grace—Barnard, 6 I Joseph B., I 50 MASSEY. Fanny, 2 IO Isaac, I 23 Jemima–Garrett, 52 Mary—Baker, 35 William, I 23 MAUCK. * Alfred M., I 92 Mabel K., & 4 Mary "A.—Maris, IO4 MAULE. Charles, I8O MAULE. Emma, George, Howard, Lorena, Lydia–Clark, Maris, Norman C., Susan E-Clark, Walter, William, MCBROON. Susan F.—Collins, MCCANNA. Adelaide, Gertrude, Harry R., Horace, John E., Lelia, Mary, Mary A—Kerns, MCCORMICK. Eliza A.—Dewees, MCCRACKEN. Margaret C.—Lewis, MCDADE. Eugene, Euphrasia–Maris, . Henry, Julia, Mabel, Martha F.—Maris, Mary, MCGEEHAN. Sarah—Starr, McGREGOR. Lizzie-Rouse, MCKEY. Sarah—Towell, MCMASTERS. Charles L., Eleanor—Hadley, Elizabeth, Hadley, Hannah–Maris, Josephine E., Aage. I 80 2O I I I I 2O I ( & I I I 2O I I 34 I 8 I I92 42 99 { { IO4. I92 262 JAWAD E X. Page. MCMASTERS. Lucien F., I92 Mary D., 99 Quinton, { { Samuel L., { { MCNEIL. Paul, 2OO Sarah–Pickett, I IO Walter, 2OO MELLIER. Adel, I8O Duncan, { { Ida, ( & Laura—Taylor, 89 Reba, I 80 MENDENHALL. Aaron, 3, 6, I I, I 2 Abiah, 24. Abigail, { { Abraham, I I Caleb, 24. Charity, I I Daniel, 24 David, I 2 Elijah, 6, 1 I Elisha, I I Elizabeth, § { Elizabeth—Maris, I Eunice—Newlin, I O2 George, 3, 6, II, 24 Grace, II, 24. Griffith, I I Hannah, I I, I 2, 24 Isaac, I I, I 2 Isaiah, 24 James, 6, I I, I 2, 24 Jemima, I 2, 24. John, 3, 6, II Jonathan, I 2 Joseph, 24 Judith, ( { Lydia–Mendenhall, 6 Marmaduke, I I Martha, : I 2 Mary, 6, 24 Mary–Jackson, I9 Mordecai, 6, II Moses, 6, II Nathan, 24. Phineas, I I Page. MENDENHALL. Priscilla, I I Richard, II, 24. Samuel, I I Sarah, 24. Sarah—Paxson, 53 Sibbie—White, I 88 Stephen, 6, II, 24 Susanna, I I Tamar, 24 Thomas, I I William, I I, 24. MERCER. M. Wilbert, I 80 Sallie–Pennock, 8 I Susanna–Clark, 90 MERRITT. Elizabeth M.–Chandler, 87 Maud E., 177 Minnie, { { Wendell, 4 ( William G. C., ( { METZGAR. Bertha B., 2O3 Charles M., { { Eudocia—Simmons, I I4 MIDDLETON. Charles E., I94 Jane—Moulder, IO5 John, I94 MILHOUS. Ann–Wickersham, 37 MILLER. Arabella—Mancill, I48 Caroline, I7 I Caspar W., { { NClara V-Booth, I 36 Clarence H., I65 Elizabeth, I7O Elizabeth B., 2 IQ George, 17O Hannah—Massey, 79 Hannah–Taylor, 38 Hannah E., I70 Jennie W-Bennett, 77 John, I 7O, 219 John F., 2O I Lizzie H., I65 Mary—Haldeman, 72 Page. MILLER. Morris B., 2 IQ Rosetta E.-Maris, I I 2 Sarah P., I7O Sarah W.-Pennock, 8O Sidney–Harris, I 56 Spencer, I65 William B., 2 IQ MILLIS. Charles D., IO3, IQ I Edward, IO3 Eleanor—Maris, 42 Ellwood D., I9 I Enoch, IO3 George A., I92 Halbert, { { Hester A., IO3 John, { { John A., I92 Joseph D., $ 4 Keziah, IO3 Mary E., & 4 Mary E-Trueblood, I93 Minnie B., I92 MILLS. Albert H., 96 Anna B., 4O Benjamin, 96 Clarkson, { { David, ( & Dorcas, { % Hannah, { { Hannah—Maris, 2O Hezekiah, 4O Jesse, 96 John, 41, 95, 96 Jonathan, 4O, 95 Jonathan C., 96 Joseph, 41, 95, 96 Joseph H., 96 Lewis, { { Milton, * { Samuel, 95 Sarah J., 96 Thomas, { { William W., { { MILNOR. Francis W., 2O9 Jane M.–Morris, I 2G) Thomas W., 2O9 JAVAD Aº X. 263 MITCHELL. Alice, Ernest, A age. 176 Lucretia M.–Barnard, I 5 I Mary–Evans, Mary T-Dixon, MODE. Alexander, Allen, Amy, James, Phebe, Phebe–Taylor, Sarah, William, MONROE. Hannah M.–Barnard, MONTAGUE. Elizabeth C.–Maris, Emmeline—Maris, MONTGOMERY. Anna—Mills, Charles F., Edith C., Jennie H., Nellie, Norman, Oliver M., Ruth–Maris, MOON. Hannah–Mills, , John M., *~~ Rebecca—Mills, Sarah–Mills, MOORE. Ada, Amanda, Anna, Anna–Larkin, Annie M.–Cooch, Asenath C.–Green, Caroline, Eliza G., George S., Granville, Hannah—Webster, Hibberd B., J. Leedom, Lydia L–Garrett, I 33 85 I8, 39 I8, 39 I 8 39 I 8 8 39 I8, 39 I 5 I 2O8 2OO I6 I 2 I 8 I IQ I6 I I6 I 2 I I 68 MOORE. Lydia P.-Pickett, Mary–Moon, Mary L.-Leedom, Rachel, Ruthanna-Webster, Wilmer, MORGAN. Sadie H.-Wollaston, MORRIS. Achsa–Maris, Albina–Raley, Anna, Hannah J.-Pennock, Margaret E-Maris, Mary J., Phebe J., S. Eva, Susan B., MORRISON. Edith, Esther—Clark, James, John, Mary, Mary F.—Maris, Rebecca, Rosalie, Taylor, MORTON. Elizabeth—Worrall, Hannah–Russell, J. Charles, Susanna—Worrall, MOTE. Pamela–Siler, MOULDER. Anna, Cora, Edna, Eleanor—Maris, Elizabeth E., Ethel, Harry, Henry C., Jacob, James L., John, John M., J’age. I IO I 25 I6 I46 16i IO5 I 75 I69 I IQ I75 4 & " I 80 I 8C { { IO6 ISO { { I 34 I 24 I 22 I O2 I94 I95 43 I94 I95 { { IO5 I94. I95 IO5 MOULDER. John McL., Lena B., Nellie, Nellie M., Oliver, Oliver L., Thomas, MULL. Edwin M., Henry B., Louisa–Hall, Susan H., MYERS. Mary S.–Gray, NEIDE. Ruth–Talbot, NELLING. Hannah—Starr, NEW LIN. Alice, Alonzo, Ann–Pickett, Ann E., Catharine, Catharine-Baker, Eleanor—Lindley, George, George W., Hannah, Howard N., Isabella, Isabella—Worrilow, Lettie M., Levis, Maggie, Mary, Mary—Pyle, Mary E., Milton, Nicholas, Phebe, Sarah, Sarah—Worrilow, Sarah E., A age. I94 I95 194 IO5 I 50 6 I I 50 2 IQ 264 MAVAO AE AT. NICKOLS. Charles S., Edward D., Estelle J., Frank L., Guilford J., Mary R., Rachel A.—Maris, I 57, NIXON. Elizabeth—Moulder, Flora, Grace, Louisa–Pickett, NORTH. Beulah—Harris, Sarah M.–Harris, OAKS. Annie M., E. Louisa–Wight, Henry F., Marie L., OGDEN. Anna P., Bessie M., Edith, Elizabeth R., Hanna W., James C., Jennie, John H., John R., Mary E., Mary H.-Rhoads, Richard, Samuel R., Susanna H.-Rhoads, William, OHR. Lizzie-Chandler, ORIN. Mary B-Thompson, ORR. - Mary F.—Middleton, OSBORN. Anna—Mills, Martha-White, Susanna Hi-Lindley, 2O9 1 2C) 2O9 { { 177 I94 95 I 88 I O2 OWEN. George, Hannah-Maris, PACKER. Aaron, Amos, Ann, Eli, Hannah, Job, Lydia, Moses, Rose, Rose—Mendenhall, PAIST. Charles, John D., S. Emma—Davis, PALMER. Caleb, Caroline—Bennett, Fannie—Hinkson, H. Annie, Jane B-Temple, Kate H., Lillian, Mary A.—Taylor, Phebe H.-Chandler, Rebecca G.-Hood, Wilmer H., PAN COAST. Ellen–Lawrence, PARKER. Alexander McC., Anna M., Catharine E., Catharine J., Ellen–Justis, Ellen V., Emilie E-Maris, Florence R.—Hawke, Georgeanna V-Hawke, Henry C., Isaac, James L., John M., Josephine V., Lillie D., Mabel M., Maria L., 2 I6 & 4 I 32 I4O 77 2 IO I62 I62 I75 69 I62 72 2 I 2 52 I 26 I63 I 73 { { I 26 { { PARKER. Martha A., Martha H., Mary–Maris, Rebecca—Justis, Rebecca A., William, PARSELLS. Lucy V-Faucett, PARSONS. Hannah, Lewis, Mary—Worrilow, PASSMORE. Amasa C., Andrew M., Anna B., Anson B., Edith D., Elizabeth—Broomell, Ellen, Elva T., Emma–Sharpless, George B., George H., Hanson P., Harriet H.-Woodrow, Harriet L., John A., John A. M., Louella, Norman S., PATTERSON. Ann-Maris, PATTON. Elva A., Emma, Frederick, James W., Joseph F., Philena R.—Woodrow, William, PAUL. Mary D.—Sharpless, PAXSON. Benjamin, Esther, George, Page. I 26 { { 43 52 2 I 2 I 26 I6O 22O JAVID B X. PAXSON. Isaiah, Jane–Ely, Martha, Mary, Matilda, Rachel, William M., PEAR CE. Carrie B.-Irwin, PEARSON. Annetta—Skelton, Mary A—Dutton, PECHIN. Rebecca–Hunter, PEIRCE. George W., Susanna—Bennett, PEMBERTON. Sarah D.—Raley, PENNELL. Amelia A., Anna M., Beulah F., Charles M., Elias E., Elizabeth B., Ellwood F., George W., Harry W., James, John, John L., John W., Joseph, Larkin, Margaret, Martha, Mary E., Mary T., Nathan, Nathan W., Samuel F., Sarah, Susan, Susanna–Talbot, Walter, William, William H., 2O2 99 I 28 27 à º I47 I 47 I47 26, 6 I I47 I48 I47 6O I 2 I48 26, 147 148 Jºage. PENNINGTON. & Eliza–Hatton, I 5 Josephine–Wollaston, 169 Robert, 33 PENNOCK. Abraham L., 35, 80 Adaline, I69 Alma L., I7 I Ann, 8O Ann–Bennett, 8 Anna E., 36 Annie E., 8O Barclay, 78 Benjamin J., 79 Casper, 8O Casper W., 36 Catharine, { { Charles E., I69 Charles W., 8O Edith, 78 Elizabeth, 17 I Elizabeth—Bennett, I6 George, I7, 35, 80, 8 I George W., 36 Hannah, 78 Hannah J., 79 Isaac, 17, 8O Isaac W., 36 Isabella, 36, 80 Jacob, I 7, 79 Jane L., I7 I Jesse, I7, 78, 79 Joanna, 78 John, I6, 8O John S., 17 I Joseph, I7, 35 Joseph B., 79 Joseph L., 8O, I69 Levi, 17 Maggie E.-Kerns, 97 Martha, 8 I Mary, I7, 36 Mary–Pennock, 79 Mary J.-Lamborn, 35 Mary L., 36, 169 Morton, 78 Ruth–Trueblood, I93 Samuel, 17, 78 Sarah, I7, 78, 79, 8O Sarah–Bennett, I6 Sarah–Bourne, 8 Sarah–Taylor, 8 PENNOCK. Sarah A.—Pennock, Sarah H.-Baker, Sarah J.-Woodrow, Sarah T., Sarah W., Thomas, Thomazine, William, William E., PENNY PACKER. Anna M. W., Bevan A., Dirck K., Eliza B., Josephine W., Samuel R., Virginia E-Broomall, PENROSE. Charles, Edward C., Lizzie–Pennock, Maria A., Mary A—Maris, Mary A.—Pennock, Norman, Rachel E., Sarah, PERKINS. G. Lawrence, Jeanie L., Josephine E-Welsh, Russell, Samuel W., PERRINE. Frances M.–Gummere, PERRY. Sarah A.—Dewees, PERRY MAN. Florence I.-Maris, PETTEE. Elizabeth—Cooch, Eugene C., Maggie M., PHILIPS. Lizzie M.–Pyle, Malinda—Mills, Susanna—Mancill, William P., 222 22 I 222 22 I 222 I4 I 8O I59 I 59 I 54 178 2 3 6 MAVAO E_Y. PHILLIPS. Albert, Anna E-Phillips, Anna F., Caroline H., Catharine J.-Magill, Charles F., Cyrus, Deborah, Deborah W.-Gregg, Dinah–Barnard, E. Jaffray, Emma R.—Taggart, George C., Herbert, Howard, Howard M., James M., John B., Joseph B., Margaret A.—Phillips, Norwood, Percy B., Philena, Rebecca, Ryland W., Sallie G., PICKETT. Aaron, Amanda, Arthur, Catharine, Ella, Emma, Flora, George, Jehu C., John, Katharine-Maris, Lot, Mary, Matilda, Nathan, Walter, William, PIER CE. Ruth E-Roberts, PIM. Lydia–Pusey, PLUMMER. Casper M., 44, 44, Page. 2O4. I I6 2O4. 2 I 3 I 27 225 I 50 & 4 47 6 I 2O4. 224 2 I 3 225 2O4. 2 I 3 I 50 { { { { I I6 225 ( & I 50 { { 2 I 3 I 50 44 I IO I99 I IO ( & 2OO I99 IO9 I IO I99 2 I IO9 I99 IO9 I99 I IO IO9 189 I9 PLUMMER. Leroy, Margaret—Wood, Nellie, Sarah J.-Maris, Thomas C., POTTER. Clement B., Grace, Harold, Aft Helen R.—Bogardus, Roy T., William D., POWELL. Benjamin R., Lydia, Mayhan, Philena—Clark, Susanna–Dutton, PRATT. Albert D., Amy–Darlington, Anna E-Thompson, Calvert, Mary D., Sadie, Sue, PRAY. Phebe–Maris, PRESSNALL. Mary H.-White, PRESTON. 2O3 { { II 5 ( & I 3O I 8 I { { 90 54 2 I6 I 3 I I 52 2 I6 { { ( & ( & 32 I 88 Cidney–Broomell, 58, 139 Elizabeth V., Isaac H., I 58 Margaret C.—Broomell, I 39 Sarah–Barnard, Steven, Thomas L., PRICE. Ada L., Arabella—Russell, Bart, Grant, James, John M., Mary E.-Maris, Richard, Willie, I 53 I 58 I93 217 193 {{ IO4. 193 e Page. PRIEST. Elizabeth T., 22O Ella M., { { Martha S.—Broomall, I 38 Mary R., 22O Sarah A., , ( & PRITNER. Emily W.-Rambo, I 26 Horatio C., 2 I 2 PRUITT. Marietta—Thatcher, I9O PUGH. J. Howard, I 50 Joseph B., { { Kate—Leedom, I 32 Lettice—Barnard, 6I Lydia–Townsend, 26 Rebecca B., I 50 PUSEY. Edwin, 9 I George, 9, IQ Hannah-Yeatman, I74 James, 8, 19 Joel, I9 John, 8, 19, 39 Katharine—Maris, 4 Mary, I9 Mercy, { { Nathan, 9, IQ Rebecca—Mode, I 8 Rebecca M., 39 Samuel, 9 Thomas, I9 William, 4 & PYLE. Abigail, 6 Anna—Taylor, 38 Edwin W., 88 Emma T., 4 ( Fannie A., ( & Irma V., 178 James, 6 Josephine–Carpenter, 84 Mary A., 88 Philip, 6 Sarah—Worrilow, 3 Wallace B., 178 William L., 88 QUIDLAND. Benjamin, I4 I MAV/D EX. 267 QUIDLAND. Emma D., Hannah S.—Broomall, Henry C., RAKESTRAW. John M., Mary A—Pennock, Sarah M., Thomas P., RALEY. Ann–Dixon, Anna, Annie, Asenath-John, Darwin, Eli P., Ella, Emmor, Jehu D., John, Kersey, Mary, Mary E-Grave, Rebecca, Ruth A., Thomas, Thomas E., William, RALYEA. Rachel–Skelton, RAMBO. Henry, Mary–Justis, RANDOLPH. Annie P., Charles, Cora, Edmund, Edmund D., Francis E., Helen, Lothrop, Margaret, Margaret M-Cooch, Mary, Mary D.—Williamson, Mary W., Richard, Jºage. I4. I I4 I 2O7 * { 5O 2O8 I 32 2O7 I IQ Page. RANDOLPH. Richard W., 2 I6 Wallace I., I IQ RAWNSLEY. Ruth–Hadley, I O I REED. Mary A.—Hibberd, I 3O Mary N.—Welsh, 2O7 REEVES. Grace A.—Taylor, 8 I Mary E-Wright, I 72 REICHIE. Elizabeth—Clark, 89 REID. Albert D., I68 Albert H., 77 Alice M., I68 Anna, & 4 Anna M. D. B., 77 Bennett, 4 4 Florence, I68 Frederic D., 77 James F., I68 Lillian R., * { Marion H., & 4 Martha-Larkin, I 35 Mary L., I68 Rebecca L–Bennett, 34 William, I68 William B., 77 RHOADS, Clarence D., I 33 Elizabeth, 24, 55, I 33 Elizabeth—Owen, 5 Hannah, 55 Hannah—Davis, 3 I Horace, 133 Ira B., 55 Isaac, { { Isaac H., . I 33 James, 24, 55 James D., 55 J. Carpenter, I 32 Joel, 55 John, 24, 55, I 33 Joseph, I O Lewis D., 55 Maris, { { Mary–Evans, - Page. RHOADS. Owen, IO, 24, 55 Phineas, 55 Robert, & 4 Samuel, 24. Samuel D., I 33 Sallie, I 32 Susanna, 24 Thomas, 55 RICE. Mary J.-Tyson, I64 Phebe–Taylor, 8 I RICH. Anna E.-Hunter, 67 RICHARDS. Carroll B., I 26 Elizabeth—Justis, 52 William B., - I 26 RICHARDSON. Annie, I 74 Elizabeth, { { Florence, { { James, { { Louella, & C Lydia—Woodrow, 84 Mary–Atkinson, IO3 Samuel, I 74 William, & 4 RIDGWAY. Elmira–Taylor, 87 RIGG. Charles P., 22 I Fannie, - { { Mary E.-Davis, I4O Nora B., 22 I RILEY. Martha—Temple, 58 RIMBY. Ella M., 222 Harry R., { { Horace B., { { Howard B., & 4 Margaret L-Broomall, 142 RINARD. Emily J.-Maris, I 56 ROBERMAN. Mary H.-Dewees, I 58 268 JAW/D E X. ROBERTS. Ada, Ann–Wilson, Arthur, Bettie J.-Holaday, Charles W., Clarence H., Edith, Edward, Edwin J., Emily R.—Temple, George, - George W., Hannah—Wilson, Hannah F.—Wilson, Henrietta, Horace, John P., Josephine, 82, J. R. Evans, Martha, Martha P., Martha P-Evans, Mary, Nathan P., Peirce, Sarah–Doan, Sarah T-Pennell, Theodore, ROBINSON. Emily—Hurford, John H., Sarah–Fredd, ROBISON. Mollie E-Maris, ROGERS. Edith, Hannah, Isaac, John, Mishal, Mary–Talbot, Mary A—Dewees, Phebe–Hall, Phebe–Wood, Rebecca, Robert, Susanna, Page. 83 I89 I 86 2O8 { % 189 I4 I I 73 82 86 7O 82 I89 ( & I 73 2O8 176 2O8 I IQ 176 I47 176 IOO 6 I I47 45 I I 3 45 226 ROSS. James A., John H., Maris C., Rebecca J.-Maris, Sarah D.—Hall, William A., ROUSE. Ada, James, Lilian, Sarah–Baker, Stephen, ROUTH. James, Jane, Sarah—Simcock, ROWLAND. Rebecca T-Worrall, RUDDELL, Jennie–Ellis, RUE. Josephine–Worrall, RUMSEY. Clara L., Elizabeth, Ellen B., Emily D., Mary A., Sarah M.–Davis, RUSH. Carrie E.-Maris, RUS.K. Martha J.-Jenkins, Mary—Broomall, RUSSELL Anna M., Carolina—Woody, Charles L., Evans E., Henrietta, Henry W., J. Miller, John C., Lucy R.—Maris, Lydia L., Martha E., I 22 I94. I 22 I 57 IO8 I 38 2 I 7 IO8 I6O 134 217 ROLANSON. Sarah—Mills, I 34 I98 217 I98 Aage. RUSSELL. Mary, I 34 Mary J., I6O Mary S., I98 Prudence—Griswold, 56 William, 2 I 7 SAIN. Mary E.-Maris, I 92 SAMUEL. Annie R.—Evans, I IQ SCARLET. Ann-Marshall, 35 SCHEETZ. Susanna—Worrall, I 22 SCOTT. Elizabeth—Maris, 9 Martha L–Pennell, 6 I Mary E-Skelton, 98 Violet–Hadley, 99 SEAL. Benjamin, I 5 I Francis, 4 ( John T., ( & Lewis, 4 & Lydia–Thompson, 62 Mary, I 5 I William T., { { SEAMAN. - Mary–Wollaston, I69 SECREST. Malinda–Hadley, 99 SELLERS. Amy M.–Hadley, IOI Asenath W., I85 Charles E., I 90 Elma A.—Townsend, 223 Escol S., I85 Jonathan R., { { Lilly E., I90 Mary C.—Pennock, 8O Mattie I., I90 Samuel W. P., I85 Susanna C.—Wilson, 93 SENT MAN. Mary A.—Hall, 6I SHANAHAN. Elizabeth M.–Thompson, 225 //WD Ex. 269 SHARPLESS. Abigail–Garrett, Abner G., Amos, Ann, Anna M., Annie, Bertie F., B. Franklin, Caleb, Carrie E., Edna, Edward, Elizabeth—Talbot Florence, Harry C., Jehu, Joel H., Malinda, Martha, Martha-Dixon, Mary N.—Kitts, Milton, Phebe, Phebe H., Rebecca G., Samuel, S. Lewis, William, William H., William I., William W., S.HEARER. Hannah A.—Maris, SHEE. Eleanor—Rhoads, Frank, Laura, Owen R., Sallie R., SHEENAN. Lydia–Hibberd, SHIRTLIFF. Ann–Bennett, SHOEMAKER. Sarah R.—Larkin, SILER. Elias, Narcissa, y Page. 28 68 85 { { 176 I6 I 68 85 I6 I 176 I 2 176 I6 I 85 I75 176 37 I 54 68 176 68 85 I6 I 176 68 176 I6I SILER. Sarah–Lindley, SIMCOCK. Alice, Alice—Maris, Benjamin, Jacob, John, Joseph, SIMMONS. Ann C., Annie, Bessie, Bodwey, Charles, Charles A., David M., Eliza–Maris, Eudocia S., Flora, Frank, George, George K., Helen, Irene, James, Jesse G., John, John W., Joseph B., Lydia–Taylor, Mary, Mary E., Samuel G., SINCLAIR. Kate–Wollaston, SIVAGE. Eunice—Lindley, SKELTON. Aaron, Alexander, Ann, Annabelle, Benjamin W., Bessie M., Caleb, Caroline, Catharine, Charles G., Aage. 42 IO9 2O, 4 I, 98 2O, 4 I, 98 4. I I 82 98 99 2O 90 2O, 4 I 187 Aage. SKELTON. Edward W., 98, 187 Eli, 4. I Eliza E., 98 Elizabeth, 4. I George, 2O, 4 I, 90, 98 George B., 99 Gertrude, I 82 Harriet E., 98 Hiram W., { { Isaac, 2O, 4 I, 9 I Isaac N., 98 James G., { { Jane A., 4 & Joel D., 9 I John, 2O, 4 I John C., 98 John Q. A., & 4 Joseph, 4 I, I82 Joseph B., 98 Joseph H., 4 & Leslie E., 187 Lewis, 4. I Lewis M., 98 Lewis T., & 4 Lottie A., 99 Lucian E., 187 Lydia C., 97 Lydia R., 9 I Magdaline, 4 I Marion L., I 82 Mary, 4 I, I82 Mary C., 98 Mary F., & ( Miriam J., 99 Nellie O., 187 Otley V., ( & Rachel, 4. I Rachel–Maris, 9 Rebecca P-Davis, 39 Susan, - 2C) Susanna, 4. I Thomas, & 4 Walter A., I 82 William, 2O, 4 I, 90, 98 William A., 99 William J., & & SKIDMORE. Tamor–Maris, I 55 SLAWTER, Caroline P-Mancill, I 54 270 MAV/O A. Y. Page. SMEDLEY. Bennett, 39 Deborah P., 9 I Edgar B., 183 Elizabeth—Garrett, 68 Isaac G., I6 I Lizzie B., I6 I Lydia–James, 8 Mary M., I6 I Mary P., 183 Thomas, I 9, 39, 9 I SMITH. Abraham, I 35 Adaline-Baker, 79 Alexis D., 2O7 Alfred B., 2 IQ Alfred H., 2O5 Americus V. B., I 42 Amy T., 94 Ann–Scott, 22 Anna L., 222 Anna M.–Welsh, I 17 Annie, 2 IQ Annie E. D., 223 Arretta A., ( { Atmore, I46, 223 Attwood, 223 Caroline B., 2 I 9 Catharine M.–Dutilh, I 18 Charles, 2 IQ Clara, { { Cora M., 223 Daniel, 56 David, { { Edmund D., 2O7 Elizabeth C., I85 Elizabeth M.–Morris, I 20 Elizabeth P.-Green, 93 Ellwood, I46 Elma, 2 I 9 Elsie W., 2O6 Emma—Heath, 98 Enoch T., 56 Eugenia H., 2O5 Eva L., 223 Evans, I 35 Evans R., 217 George, . 2 I 9 George C., I 59 George W., 217 Hannah-Broomall, 25, 59 Hannah B., I 42 SMITH. Harry, Harry E., Horace W., Isaac, Isaac L., James H., James M., James R., James W., John, 56, John M., Joseph, Josephine, Joshua, J. Somers, Lizzie D., Louisa, Lydia–Russell, Lydia A.—Wood, Lydia E., I4. Maggie, Maria—Worrall, Martha, Mary, Mary E., Mary E.-Horner, Mary H.-Fairlamb, Mary S.–Temple, Morris C., Nathan E., Pennell, Rebecca-Maris, Rebecca H., Rebecca M.–Welsh, Robert M., Sarah, 56 Sarah—Pennell, Sarah A., Susanna–Russell, Thomas, Thomas L., Townsend, Wesley W., William, William H., William R. SNY DER. . Amelia—Skelton, Evangeline—Parker, SPARKS. Hannah—Lawrence, Page 2 IQ 2O5 223 I 35 o o 2 I42 2O5 223 I 35 2 IQ 2O6 94 2O6 223 94 I 34 4O 2 IQ I46 I 22 56 223 I 17 I 45 I4 I 94 I 59 I46 66 I46 I 17 2O7 2 IQ 6O I42 I 34 2 IQ 2O5 2 IQ I42 2 IQ 2O5 217 SPEAKMAN. Martha B-Davis, SPENCER. Ella H.-Sharpless, SPILLMAN. Sarah C.—Broomall, STANSBURY. Betsy–Skelton, STANAFOR.D. Phebe E-Maris, STANLEY. Emma W., John M., Julia, Lydia J-Bittle, STARR. Amanda, Harrison, Hiram, Jeremiah, Jesse, John, Joseph, Lydia, Maris, Norris, Phebe–Taylor, Rachel, - Rebecca, Reuben, Sarah, Sarah—Griswold, Sarah-Harlan, Thomas, STEBBINS. Channing, Charles S., Eunice, George P., Joel, - Joseph C., J. Peirce, Mary A., Mary A.—Peirce, Sarah, STEEL. Andrew, Anna E., 86 { { 37, 86 I9 37 37, 86 37 { { I 8 37, 86 I9 I 34. 77 I69 77 I69 168 77 & ſ 34 I68 54, I 32 54 MAV/O AEX 27 I STEEL. Charles, Hannah, Hannah–Pennock, Mary J., Susanna—Dutton, Theodore, Thomas, STEELE. Davis, Emmor, John, Hannah-Rakestraw, Mary, Mary—Worrall, Mary J., Mordecai, William, STEPHENS. Hannah-Hall, STERLING. Susan M.–Taylor, STILES. Emma-Vernon, STILLE. Anna D.—Dulles, STOGDILL. Martha A.—Heath, STOKES. Edward L., Ellen–Welsh, Hannah—Maris, Thomas C., STONE. Annie-Steele, STOOPS. Emma E.-Jackson, STRANG. Agnes H., Anna L., Bessie A., Mary W., Mary W.-Lapsley, Nelson, STRADO.N. Hannah C.–Dixon, Page. I 32 54 I 32 23 I 32 54 I 72 97 II 7 98 2O6 II 8 2O6 I7O I85 294 I 16 2O4 85 Aage. STRAWBRIDGE, ". Alice—Welsh, II 8 Annie W., 2O6 John, & & Mary L., ( & Welsh, { { STRODE. Sarah–Baker, 6 STUHPS. Mary–Taylor, 17 SUPPLEE. Annie, 177 John, { { Maris, & 4 Martha—Wilson, 86 Sallie, 177 Sarah A.—Wilson, 86 Thomas, 177 SURFACE. Frances M.–Dewees, I 58 SWAIM. Asenath M.–Harvey, 191 SWAYNE. Alice W., I 73 Antonio C., & 4 Ella N., { { Hannah—Pierce, 84 Kate C., I 73 Mary–Barnard, 82 Mary B., I 73 Richard M. B., & 4 Susanna-Maris, 9 William M., I 73 SWEENEY. Lizzie E.-Hinkson, 209 SYK.E.S. Agnes R., 2O I Chester C., { { Emily J.-Maris, 44 Rebecca D.—Maris, I I I TAGGART. - Abbie A.—Worrall, 2 IO Margaretta-Garrett, 145 TALBOT, Edward W., 2 I 8 Esther, I 35, 218 Getchell, 2 I 8 A age. TALBOT. Hannah, 24, I 35, 2 I 8 Hannah–Baker, 6 Hannah–Smith, I 35 Jacob, I 2 James, 24. John, I 2, 24, 56 John H. C., 2 I 8 Joseph, I 2, 24, 56 Kate, I 35, 2 I 8 Mary, 2 I 8 Samuel, 56 Samuel S., I 35, 218 Sarah, I 35, 218 Thomas J., 2 I 8 TAYLOR. Adolph, 89 Agnes, & 6 Alfred, 82 Ann, 36, 84 Anna M., I63 Anne, 6 Anne B.-Lamborn, 78 Annie E., I 72 Benjamin F., 84 Bessie, 178 David M., I I I Charles, I 72 Charles C., 2O I Charles E., 87 Charles M., 38, 8 I, I 7 I C. Marshall, I64 David, I7, 84 David L., 2O I David M., 84 Deborah, I 8 Edward, 84 Edith S., 8 I Edna C., I 74 Elinor R., I 34 Elisha, 38 Elisha B., 178 Eliza H., I63 Elizabeth, 36 Elizabeth—Maris, 36 Emma, 38 Esther—Maris, 3 Eugene, 88 Evan, I 8 Ezra, 22 Franklin, 38 Fred., 178 272 INDEX. Page. TAYLOR. * Fred. W., I72 George, 5, 8, 89, 20I George M., I64 George R., 38, 81, 172 Gertrude, I 74 Grace—Worrilow, 3 Hannah, . 6 Hayes, 87 Hayes C., I 34 Helen, 169 Henry C., 87 Howard, 178 Ida, 89 Ida J., 2O I I. Howard, 84 Isaac, 6, 17, 36, 8 I Israel, 6, 36 Jacob, 6, 17, 36, 8 I James, 6, 36, 8 I James E., 2O I James S., 172 J. C., I 74 Jemima, 82 Jennie R., I 74 Jesse, 8, 17, 36, 8 I J. Hibberd, I64 Joel, 36 John, 6, I 2 John F., 2O I John K., I 74 John T., 84 Jonathan J., I I I Joseph, 6, 8, 17, 36, 8 I Joseph C., 36 Joseph F., 8 I Julia C.—Kirkbride, 2O4 Julia F., 2O I J. Walter, 8 I Lorena, I74 Lowndes, I69 Lulu, 89 Lydia, 36 Maggie F., 2O I Mansel, 8 I Maria, I 72 Maris, 18, 22, 38 Maris C., 87 1Martha R., 2O I Mary, 6, 36, 81, 172 Mary–Maris, 4. Mary—Worrilow, 3 Page, TAYLOR, Mary A., 178 Mary B., \ I 74 Mary J., 2O I Mary L., 88 Mary M.–Roberts, I47 Nathan, 22 Norman, 178 Passmore, 8 I Philip, 6 Phebe, 38 Phebe–Mode, 39 Robert J., 2O I Ruth, 17 Sallie E., 2O I Sarah, - I7, 36 Sarah–Maris, 44 Sarah—Wickersham, 37 Sarah B-Rhoads, 55 Sarah J., I I I Sarah P.-Hall, I 27 Stephen, I I I Susan W.-Jones, 7O Theresa, 89 Thomas, 6 Thomas J., I I I Virginia, 88 Walter, 89 William, I64 William M., 88, I I I William N., 172 Willie W., 2O I Wilson J., I64 TEETERS. Charles E., I 79 Dorcas E-Johnson, 89 Eva I., I79 Flora B., ( & George, £ ( Walter S., ( { Wilber, ( { TEMPLE. Abraham P., 58 Abram, 93 Bennett, 58 Caleb, ( a Daniel, { { Edward, I4 I. Elizabeth, I4O Francis W., 22 I Henry M., 93 TEMPLE. James T., John, John B., Lillian M., Lydia–Chambers, Martha B.—Davis, Morris H. Rachel–Broomall, Rachel B-Davis, Smedley, Solomon, Thomas B., Thomas R., William, William C., THATCHER. Albert L., Ann–Hadley, Jared, Mary—Hibberd, THOMAS. Abner, Allen, Anna D.—Smith, Annie E.-Barnard, Caroline, Ellen, Esther, Hannah, Hannah—Starr, Isaac, Jane, Mary, Matilda—Bennett, Phebe–Starr, Phebe A., Phebe T-Chambers, Reuben, Webster, William, THOMPSON. Benjamin, Charles J., Daniel B., Elijah, Eliza, Elizabeth, Esther, Francis S., Frederick W., 93, Page. I4. I I4O I4 I 22 I 4O I4O 22 I 25 I 39 93 {{ I4 I 93 { { I90 I O I I90 I 82 I 5 I 225 62 I 5 I ( & 62, 64 I O I 52 225 A M D Aº X. 273 THOMPSON. Hannah, Hannah–Taylor, Isaac H., Israel, Jabez, Jabez W., Jacob T., Jesse, John, Joseph, Joseph S., * Josephine–Kennedy, Lettice, Levis, Margaret, Mary, Mary–Barnard, Maurice, Phebe–Worrilow, Phebe A., Rebecca—Barnard, Richard B., Ruthanna, Samuel S., Sarah, Sarah H., Tamzine, Taylor, Townsend, William, William S., THOMSON. Sarah–Taylor, THORNBURY. Ruth A.—Davies, THORNE. Anna J-Forsythe, TINCHER. Luzena E.-Hadley, TINDALL. Annetta—Hadley, TINGLEY. Charlesanna–Lukens, TOMLINSON. Alice, Isaac, Joseph, 62, Page. I 52 62 I 52 I 52 { % I 5 I I 52 I 55 I47 I90 I9O 80 179 TOMLINSON. Josephine, Mary, Mary A.—John, Willis, TOMPKINS. Aage. I79 { { 88 I79 Prudence A.—Russell, 217 TOWELL. Charles A., John P., Jonathan, Mary—Lindley, Susanna, Wilson H., TOWNSEND. Abraham, Adeline, Albert, Alfred, Alice, Benjamin, B. Franklin, Caroline, Charles, Charles P., Clarissa, Cynthia, Dallas, Dalton, David, Delas, Eliza, Elizabeth, Ellen–Cox, Elmira, Emma–Hood, Esther, Evan, Francis, Frank E., Franklin, Hannah, Harriet E., Isaac, Jacob, John, John H., Joseph, Larin, Laura, Lewis, IO3 6 & { { 42 IO3 4 & 59 I43 6O 4 ( 26 I43 6O I6 I I 44. 6O 59 6O 222 26, 59, 223 222 59, 60 59 I IO 59 68 59 6O 59 •) 223 59 2 : 3 6 26, 59, 60 26 I44. 26 222 I6 I 59, 60 TOWNSEND. Lydia, Lydia–Vataw, Marguerite, Martha, Mary, Milo, Milton, Nathan, Nellie, Priscilla A., Rachel. Rachel–Talbot, Ruth, Samuel, Samuel S., Sarah, Talbot, Thomas J., Vivian, Washington, William H., TRAINER. David, Elizabeth, Hannah B.-Booth, J. Newlin, Samuel B., William B., TRAINOR. George, Joseph, , , Mary—Worrilow, TRAVILLA. Susanna—Pennock, TRIMBLE. Charles E, Elizabeth A., James H., Mary B.-Maris, William T., TROWNSELL. Fred., Jennie F., Mary E-Woody, TRUEBLOOD. Alfred, Alfred N., Charles, Page. 59, 6O I42 223 59 { { 6O ( & 59 222 I43 26, 59 I 2 59 26 I43 59, 60 26 59 22 o I43 I 44 2 IQ ( & II 4 { { 46 I I4. 198 { { IO8 IO5, IQ4 I93 I94 /AW/D E X. 274 TRUEBLOOD. Charles N., Charles W., Edmund L., Ellen, Emma, Eva A., Harry, Hiram, Horace, John, John B., John E., John M., Lindley E., Lindley M., Mary–Maris, Mary I., Milton, Owen L., Sarah—Maris, Sarah J., Thomas E., William, William A., William O., Zeno L., TRUMP. Eliza—Maris, Page. 193 IO5 I94 I93 { { IO5 I94 IO5, 194 I94. I93 4 ( 194 95 I93 { ( 43 I93 IO5, IQ3 IO5 I94 I93 { { 46 Kath'ine M.–Croasdale, 184 TUCKER. Bessie N., Elizabeth R.—Evans, Henry, John, Katharine–Holmes, Margaret M., Russell E., TYSON. Annie, Archibald, Benjamin F., Cora, Ella, Fannie, Florence, Franklin, Hannah-Dutton, Harper, Heston, Ida, 2O8 I IQ 2O8 { { { { ( { ( & I64 ( { TYSON. Jane–Heston, Jesse D., \ Jesse M., John C., John W., Joseph B., Joseph H., Laura, L. Jane, Maria—Heston, Maria B., Mary J., Mialma, Robert, Robert H., Sarah, Sylvester, William, UBERROTH. Mary–Wollaston, VALENTINE. Anna R., Hannah–Dutton, Harry W., Sarah—Roberts, VAN BRUNT. Maria E.-Faucett, VANDENBA.R.K. Eliza, Mary—Moulder, Oliver, VASEY. Ella–Wollaston, VATAW. Lydia–Broomall, VEAL. Anna, James D., John, Merritt, Phebe–Dixon, VERLENDEN, Ellie S.—Lewis, Helen L., VERNON. Aaron, 7 I, 85, Page. I48 I48 176 I6O I94 IO5 I94 I69 58 I75 I 75 I75 37 I 24 2 II VERNON. Benjamin F., George, Hannah, Isaac, Margaret—Skelton, Maris, ſ Mary, Otley, Ralph, William F., VIBBERT. Arthur B., Aubrey, Julia N.—Welsh, Mary H., William, VICKORY. Lydia A.—Maris, Charles, VOG DES. Anna D., Frank, Hannah P.-Davis, Lewis D., Mary, R. Heber, William W., WAGONER. Rebecca—Harris, WAITNEIGHT. Ella V., George W., Harry P., Margaretta C.—Broomall, Nathan J., Samuel S., William F., W. Wert, WALTER. Margaret B-Barnard, WALTERS. Mary–Taylor, WALTON. Elizabeth J., Gilpin T., Hannah—Thompson, Lydia–Yeatman, IO4 I 93 224. ( { I45 I42 C & I 73 22 I 52 4. I 62 I 74 MAV/O A. Y. 275 WARNER. Jane—Bennett, WATH.R.S. Deborah—Starr, Hiram, Phebe, WATSON." Annie T-Barber, Jacob M., - John, Jonathan P., Mary–Magill, T. Ellwood, WAY. Evans S., Jane—Smith, Sarah–Ruth, William, WEAVER. Harriet E-Maris, Thirza—Bennett, WEBR. Emma D.—Darlington, Sarah–Lamborn, WEBSTER. Anna S.—Dutton, Edward, Eliza—Pennell, Elizabeth, Elizabeth—Larkin, Owen Y., Pennell L., Richard G., William, WEIGHTMAN. Meggie H.-Maris, WELCH. Mary C.—Maris, WELSH. Alice J., Charles N., Dorothy, Edward L., Elizabeth, Elizabeth R., Elizabeth T-Evans, Evelyn, I 18, 223 I 27 { { 53 I 27 I 35 I O 2 I 8 I 97 34 2 I 5 146 I46 6O I46 I IG IO4 2O6 { { 2O7 2O6 2O7 5O 2O7 Aage. WELSH. Fanny D., II 7 Francis, 2O7 Frank R., { { Gertrude C., & 4 Herbert, II 8 Herbert S., 2O7 Jemima—Maris, 22 John, 48, xxviii, I I 8 John L., I I 8 Julian P., 2O7 Lindley J., 2O6 Mary, 50, II 8 Mary L., 2O6 Mary N., { { Newbold, I I 8 Osgood, 47, I 18 Richard, 5O Robert F., 2O7 Samuel, 47, I 18, 206 William, 49, I 18, 207 William L., I I 8 WER BY. Anna–Chandler, 177 WEST. Alice, 73 Anna M., 167 Annie-Cooper, 89 Caleb, 3 I Elias H., I 47 Elizabeth, 3O Elizabeth—Maris, I4. Elizabeth H., I65 Elizabeth J.-Maris, 74 Emma F., viii, 167 Hannah, 73 Isaac, 3 I, 73 James M., 73 Jane–Owen, 5 Jonathan D., I47 Kate D., 4 * Levi G., 167 Martha-Dutton, 6 I Mary, 3 I, 73 Mary–Maris, 3 I Samuel, I47 Sallie, 3O Sallie E., 73 Sallie R., I65 Thomas E., 73 Thomas H., 3 I Page. WEST. William, 73 William P., I 47 WHEELER. Mary C.–Garrigus, IO9 WHINERY. Mary–Moon, 96 WHIPPO. Jane—Worrilow, 3 WHITE. Benjamin, I 88 Charles M., I 95 Ella, & 4 George A., 4 & Hannah, I 88 James H., { { Mary A.—Maris, IO6 Mary M., I 95 Matilda–Hadley, 99 Thomas L., I 95 Violet A.—Maris, I 56 WHITEHILL. Charles J., 2O3 Cornelia–Kyes, I I 5 Mabel, 2O3 WHITSON. Hannah—Starr, I 9 WICKERSHAM. Abel, 37 Abigail, I7 Anna M., 87 Charles A., 185 Charles T., 87 Clarkson, { { David, 4 & Edward G., 178 Ellis, 37 Elsie J., 178 Emma L., 87 Enoch, 37 Evan, { { George, & 4 George T., 87 Gideon, 37, 87 Hannah, 37 Hannah P.-Wollaston, 87 Ida M., 4 & Jane, 37 Jehu, * { 276 JAW MD AE X. Page. WICKERSHAM. Joseph, 37 Lavina, 86 Lydia A-Dixon, 85 Lydia T-Wilson, 93 Mariba, 87 Mariba–Taylor, I 8 Martha J., 87 Mary, 86 Mary–Taylor, 8, 17 Mary E., 87 Minerva, & 4 Phebe, 86 Sallie G., 87 Taylor, 37, 86 WIGHT. Alice F., I 2G) John F., { { Rebecca—Worrall, 5 I WILDHACK. George O., 2O3 Julia S.–Kyes, I I 5 Robert J., 2O3 WILHELM. Emma, 2 I 2 Eunice M.–Rambo, I 26 Jesse R., 2 I 2 John, ( { Mary R., { { Samuel M., { { Theodore, { { William M., { { WILKHY, Altha, I96 Deborah J.-Maris, IO7 Ernest, I96 Lawrence, { { Lucy, { { Martha-Towell, IO3 WILKINSON. Alfred J., 225 Anna, { { Charles B., { { Francis S., & 4 Joseph N., { % Lydia, { { Mary–Lamborn, I6 Sidney H.-Thompson, 15 I WILLIAMS. Abby—Cox, . Agnes B., Amy H.-Hall, Amy I., Carroll R., Edward N., Elihu, Elizabeth—Maris, Enoch, Howard, Irene A.—Hall, Josephine—Stephens, Mary—Johnson, Mary H., Rachel P-Magill, Susanna—Johnson, Thomas H., William, WILLIAMSON. Abbie, Amy P.-Dutton, Anna J., Charles D., Elmira—Maris, Jane R., Mary J.-Smith, Rebecca, Ruthanna, Sidney B., Thomas M., WILSON. Abram L., Ann–Taylor, Anna, Asenath—Chambers, Charles, Charles C., C. Milton, Eliza, Elizabeth, Eugene, Franklin C., George A., George M., George S., Hannah–Maris, Hannah–Taylor, Hannah D.—Broomall, Henrietta, Horace, I77, Page. 9 I 2 I 4. 39 9 I 2 I4. 225 I 55 225 183 2 I 4 I45 217 9 I 127 2 I 7 9 I .::2 : 2 I 2 177 I73 Page. WILSON. & Isaac B., 8 I James, 37 James W., 8 I Jane, 29 Jesse, 29, I 77 John, 37, 86 Joseph T., 8 I Maris, 37, IZ7 Marshall S., 70 Mary D.—Baker, 90 Mary E., 87 Mary E-Plummer, I 59 Mary I., 8 I Mary S.—Baker, I I 2 Milton, 36 M. Porter, 86 Oliver S., 7O Oscar, I 73 Phebe–Wickersham, 37 Rebecca, 29 Ross, 37, 86 Ruth–Taylor, 17 Ruth A.—West, I65 Samuel, 177 Samuel G., 86 Sarah D., - 93 Skidmore D., { { Stephen, 8 I William H., 86, 177 WISHARD. Mary A.—Dewees, I 58 WOLLASTON. Annie V., 178 Arthur, I69 B. Franklin, 88 Byron P., 178 Caroline, { { Caroline P., 88 Charles H., * { Clara, 17O Cyrus J., 178 Earl, I7O Edwin, 79, I 78 Emily, I69 Emma T., 88 Frederic, 178 George, 169, 17O George P., 79 Hannah P., & 4 Harry, I69 WOLLASTON. James P., Jesse, Joseph, Joseph P., Laura, Leon, Maris E., Mary A., Mary A.—Taylor, Maryetta, Paul, Sallie, Sarah, Sarah–Pennock, S. Harry, Susan, Susan P., Thomas P., Warren T., WOOD. Amos, Benjamin L., Caleb, Edith, Eleanor—Maris, Elinor, Ellis P., Eliza, Eliza J., Franklin, Georgiana D., Hannah, Hannah M.–Calvert, Ida E., James G., James T., Jesse A., John, John P., John S., Joshua, Laura, Loureta, Lydia, Margaret M., Marianna—Maris, Marvin P., Mary B., Mary E., Mary L., Morris T., 2O I 222 2OO I IO 2O I 2OO 2O I 2OO 2OO AAW/O A. Y. Aage WOOD. Nancy E., 2OO Nancy F., I [O Nathan, I9, 40 Norah, 2OO Olie J., & 4 Pusey, 2O R. Anna, 94 Sallie, 2OO Sallie H., 4 & Samuel, 4O Samuel A., 2OO Samuel D., I I I, 2O I Sarah–Mills, 95 Stephen C., I IO Susan, 4O Susanna-Pusey, 9 Thomas, I9, 40, 94 Vinie L., 2OO William, { { William A., I IO William E., 2OO William N., 94 William W., 2OO WOODROW. Ann W.-Taylor, 36 Hannah, - 84 Joseph T., * { Margaret B., & 4 Wilbur, * { William, { { WOODRUFF. Edith B.-Phillips, I 50 WOODWARD. Amanda–Maris, IO5 Arthur M., I69 Bennie, I93 Charles, 2OO Charles L., 169 Francesco D., 2OO Helen, I69 Horace J., € 4 Margaret E., 2OO Mary, I69 Mary–Faucett, I6O Mary D.—Wood, I IO Mary L., 2OO Sidney P.-Stebbins, 77 Sybil, I93 Thomas L., 2OO Walter, I93 WOODWARD. William M., WOODY. Alberta, Albert M., Augusta, Charles, Eleanor—Maris, George C., Hannah M.–Maris, Horatio A., James G., John, John M., Mervin, Ned N., Thomas F., Walter, William H., WORKMAN. Abigail–Hadley, WORRALL. Adelbert, Albert D., Alfred B., Anna C., Anna M., Charles J., Clayton, David, David Y., E. Channing, Edwin E., Elisha, Eliza, Elizabeth, Eliza H., Ellwood, Ellwood M., Emily G., Emma, Frank, Franklin, George, Hannah, Hannah–Morton, H. D. Veir, Henry, Hibberd B., Holland, Howard T., 22, 52, I 22, 5 I, 52, I 2 I, 19, 40, 5 I, IOS I98 IO8 IOO O 278 MAV/O A. X. Page. WORRILOW. Anne, 3 Annie, 64 Antrim H., I 54 Benjamin, 27, 64, 65 Benjamin D., 65 Benjamin F., I 55 Charles, 65 Clemmie S., I 55 David R., I 54 Ella, & 4 Enos, 64 Franklin, 65 George, 64 George H., I 54 Hannah, 64, 65 Hannah L., I 54 Harvey, 64 Henry, { { Ida E., I 54 John, 6, 27, 64, 65 John H., I 54 John F., I 55 Joseph, I 2, 26 Joseph J., I 54 Louisa, 64 Mary N., I 54 Mary P., I 55 Milton, 64 Nicholas, { { Phebe B., I 55 Sarah B., { { Susan, 64 Thomas, 3, 12, 64, 65 Thomas M., I 54 Walter, 3 William D., I 54 William G., 4 & WORTHINGTON. Sarah—Simcock, 2 WREN. Benjamin, 2O2 Edward, { { Eva, { { Frank, & K James, { { Tacy A.—Simmons, I I4. WRIGHT. Beulah—Starr, I 34 Lydia S.–Taylor, 8 I Mary E.-Thompson, 152 WRIGHT. Norman, Phebe B-Maris, WYNKOOP. Annie M.–Taylor, YARNALL. Alice—Worrilow, Annie S.–Fairlanb, Edward, Eliza—Vernon, Etta, Gertrude, Hannah R., James S., Josephine, Martha T-Smith, Wesley, YATES. Hannah J.-Bennett, YEARSLEY. George, Hannah, Hannah—Worrilow, John, Mary, Paschall, Rachel, Townsend, Washington, YEATES. Carrie C., Della M., Kate C.–Maris, Mary A., Wilson A., YEATMAN. Hannah–Marshall, John C., Marshall, Mary D.—Chandler, Mary T-Dixon, YOUNG. Elizabeth T–Welsh, John W., William S., YOUTSEY. Mary J.-Worrall, Page WORRALL. Hudson, 5 I Ida, I 2.2 Isaac, 5 I, I 2 I Isaiah, I 2C) J. Dutton, I 2 I Jemima, 22 J. Hunter, I 22 J. Leedom, I 20 J. Morris, I 25 John L., I 2 I John T., I 2.2 Jonathan P., I 2C) Joseph, 22, 5 I, I 2 I Josephine, I 2.2 Joseph M., 52 Joseph R., I 2 I Justice, 5 I Lewis L., { \ Lillie M., 2 I I Lulu B., { { Marcus, I 22 Margaretta, { { Maris, 22, I 20 Mary, I 2 I Mary–Maris, 9 Mary A., I 2 I Mary E., 52 Mary J., 2 I I Mary L., I 24 Mary M., 2O9 Matilda E-Worrall, 2 IO Mordecai, 22, 5 I Myra W-Leedom, 52 Oakford, I 22 Owen, 22 Palmer, I 2 I Pratt B., 2O9 Randall B., 2 I I R. Bishop, I 24 Rush, { { Sarah, 5 I, 52 Sarah P., I 22 Walter, I 24 Washington, 5 I William, & ( Wilmer J., I 24 Winfield S., I 2.2 WORRILOW. Addie S., I 54 Ann-Maris, I Anna B., I 54 A’age. 172 66 I 92 { { IO4 I 92 { % 35 174 84 37 II 8 2O6 { { JAW D EX. 279 ZANE. Ann–Bennett, ZELLEY. Mary P-Webster, Page. 17 I49 Page. ZIBLEY. * ZIBLEY. Annie, . 65 Jacob, Eliza—Worrilow, 27 Sarah E., Franklin, 65 Thomas, Hannah, Page. 65 { { AºA // / / / / / COA: /). - ------ Lucy Alice Maris, who died at the George Friends' School, Newtown, on Third-day, | Twelfth-month 12th, was the eldest daugh- ter of George L. and Annie M. Maris, and was born 8th-mo. 28th, 1870. She gradu- ated in the class of ’87, at Friends' Graded School, West Chester. She was for one year a student at Swarthmore College, devoting her time to the study of modern languages, especially German. For one school year she taught in a public school of Upper Uwchlan township, Chester county. After this she occupied a position in the Friends' School of Camden, N. J. The following year she spent in the study of languages at the University of Michigan. In Ninth-mo., 1892, she commenced teaching at Darby Friends' School, Delaware county, Pa. Here, by her earnest work and loving in- terest in all, she won the highest esteem and warmest affection of those placed under her care, and it was with the deep- est regret that her co-workers and students were obliged to admit that, from failing strength, she was no longer able to fulfill the duties of her position. In the spring of '93 she was appointed assistant in the department of languages at George School. Early in the year she contracted a severe cold, which during the summer developed into a trouble of a serious nature, and she was compelled to resign the position ten- dered her, hoping that a year's rest would restore her to health. We add to sorrow- |ing affection the deepest regret at the loss of this fair young life, so full of love and earnest promise. º: -º-º-, Non (IRCULATING F-1 1/ / / ) A / C () A /). - DEATH'S WORLQ. Dr. Willard L. Maris. Fºr the third time in a period of about wo years it becomes necessary to record a death in the family of Prof. George L. | Mariº, Principal of the George Friends School at Newtown, Bucks county. This line the victim of the unead visitor is Dr. Willard L. Maris, who died westerday at the German Hospital, Philadelphia, after suffering for a few days with ty- phoid ſever and pneumonia. He was a young man of fine education and excep- tiºnal abilities. Lorn at the State Normal School sonne- | what over twenty years ago, while his | Tather was principal there, he breathed in knowledge with the atmosphere while nº played with his sisters about the halls of the familiar old greenstone building. Afterward he attended other schools, but did not forget the Normal, for at the opening meeting of the Moore Literary Society in the fall of 1888, he delivered the oration of the night. A week or two later he entered Swarthmore College, where he completed the course in that institution and went on to the University of Michigan, where he finally was graduated with honors. Not yet feeling that he was prepared to begin his life work he began the study of medicine in Philadelphia, finishing last June, and receiving an appointment as º physician in the German Hos- D11 a 1. For several years previous to that he had had no extended vacation, but had spent some of his summers at Watkins, N. Y., as clerk at the Glen Mountain House. This year he and his parents felt that he needed rest and change. Conse- quently he was encouraged to take a European trip, making Germany the chief object point in order that he might perfect himself in the knowledge of the tongue which is most familiar to the patients in the hospital where he was ex- pecting to labor. That his experiences abroad were pleasant and profitable was shown by the cheerful letters which he wrote home at regular intervals, and by his contributions to the News and other Dº Ders. During November he started for home, but upon arriving in Philadelphia he was in such a feeble state that he was taken to the hospital instead of New- town. Growing weaker he continued to fail until the end canne. In addition to his regular studies in the courses prescribed at the institutiºns. where he was enrolled as student, Dr. Maris was a good observer in the line of natural history, specializing on the habits of birds. To a scientific associa- tion which flourished at the George School during his residence there, he con- tributed a number of papers and talks. One of the best of these was entitled “An Acre of Birds' Nests,” and it was published in a number of places where many readers could enjoy it. - The death of Dr. Maris is all the more sad for the reason that two sisters died a comparatively short time ago. Miss Lucy Maris, the eldest child, who was an assistant in the High Street Friends' | School and who also taught in Uwchlan Tor a time, died about two years since, and Miss Jennie, who had served as an assistant in music at the State Normal School, and was a student at the Con- servatory in Boston, died about a year ago, both being buried here. There are yet two children living. Helen, who is just now entering woman- hood, and Herbert, a bright youth, who is now a student at the George School. -- FAMILY RECORD. - Q - \º UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | | | ||| | | ||| Ä 3 9015 02588 9505 ------/ | B | | | | -: * ~ * Y-- * T T->“ ------------ --~~~ * * *= * <=p=paeg: *= * • • •—•* * * ∞ √∞a, √≠ ≤ ≥ ± …, …)))…….…….