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NEW YORK: 33 UNION SQUARE. 1894. Price One Penny. PELLING. .Iz'n'ted, by permission, from the “ Fortnight/y Review” IV. ON SPELLING. THE remarks which I venture to offer in these pages on the corrupt state of the present spelling of English, and on the advantages and disadvantages connected with a reform of English orthography, were written in fulfilment of a promise of very long standing. Ever since the publication of the Second Volume of my “ Lectures on the Science of Language ” in 1863, where I had expressed my sincere admiration for the courage and perseverance with which Mr. Isaac Pitman and. some of his friends, (particularly Mr. A. J. Ellis, for six years his most active associate,) had fought the battle of a reform in English spelling, Mr. Pitman had been requesting me to state more explicitly than I had done in my “ Lectures ” my general approval of his life-long endeavors. He wished more particularly that I should explain why I, though by profession an etymologist, was not frightened by the spectre of phonetic spelling, while such high authorities as Archbishop Trench and Dean Alford had declared that phonetic spelling would necessarily destroy the historical and etymological character of the English language. If I ask myself why I put off the fulfilment of my promilse from year to year, the principal reason I find 181999 4 ON SPELLING. is, that really I had nothing more to say than what, though in few words, I had said before. Everything that can be said on this subject has been said and well said, not only by Mr. Pitman, but by a host of writers and lecturers, among whom I might mention Mr. Alexander J .Ellis, Dr. Latham, Professors Haldeman, Whitney, and Hadley, Mr. Withers, Mr. E. Jones, Dr. J. H. Gladstone, and many others. The whole matter is no longer a matter for argument 3 and the older I grow, the more I feel convinced that nothing vexes people so much, and hardens them in their unbelief and in their dogged resistance to reforms, as undeniable facts and unanswerable arguments. Reforms are carried by Time, and what generally prevails in the end, are not logical deductions, but some haphazard and frequently irrational motives. I do not say, therefore, with Dean Swift, that “there is a degree of corruption wherein some nations, as bad as the world is, will proceed to an amendment; till which time particular men should be quiet.” _ On the contrary, I feel convinced that practical reformers, like Mr. Pitman, should never slumber nor sleep. They should keep their grievances before the public in season and out of season. They should have their lamps burning, to be ready whenever the right time comes. They should repeat the same thing over and over again, undismayed by indifference, ridicule, contempt, and all the other weapons which the lazy world knows so well how to employ against those who venture to disturb its peace. I myself, however, am not a practical reformer; least of all in a matter which concerns Englishmen only—- namely, the spelling of the English language. I should much rather, therefore, have left the fight to others, con~ 0N SPELLING. 5 tent with being merely a looker-on. But when I was on the point of leaving England my conscience smote me. Though I had not actually given a pledge, I remembered how, again and again, I had said to Mr. Pitman that I would much rather keep than make a promise ; and though overwhelmed with other work at the time, I felt that before my departure I ought, if possible, to satisfy Mr. Pitman’s demands. The article was written; and though my own plans have since been changed, and I remain at Oxford, it may as well be published in dis- charge of a debt which has been for some time heavy on my conscience. What I wish most strongly to impress on my readers is that I do not write as an advocate. I am not an agitator for phonetic reform in England. My interest in the matter is, and always has been, purely theoretical and scientific. Spelling and the reform of spelling are problems which concern every student of the science of language. It does not matter whether the language be English, German, or Dutch. In every written language the problem of reforming its antiquated spelling must sooner or later arise; and we must form some clear notion whether anything can be done to remove or alleviate a complaint inherent in the very life of language. If my friends tell me that the idea of a reform of spelling is entirely Quixotic, that it is a mere waste of time to try to influence a whole nation to surrender its historical orthography and to write phonetically, I bow to their superior wisdom as men of the world. But as I am not a man of the World, but rather an observer of the world, my interest in the subject, my convictions as to what is right and wrong, remain just the same. It is the duty of scholars and 6 ON SPELLING. philosophers not to shrink from holding and expressing what men of the world call Quixotic opinions; for, if 1 read the history of the world rightly, the victory of reason over unreason, and the whole progress of our race, have generally been achieved by such fools as our- selves “rushing in where angels fear to tread,” till after a time the track becomes beaten, and even angels are no longer afraid. I hold, and have confessed, much more Quixotic theories on language than this belief,— that what has been done before by Spaniards and Dutch- men—what is at this very moment being done by Germans, namely, to reform their corrupt spelling— may be achieved even by Englishmen and Americans. I have expressed my belief that the time will come when not only the various alphabets and systems of spelling, but many of the languages themselves which are now spoken in Europe, to say nothing of the rest of the world, will have to be improved away from the face of the earth and abolished. Knowing that nothing rouses the ire of a Welshman or a Gael so much as to assert the expediency, nay, necessity, of suppressing the teaching of their languages at school, it seems madness to hint that it would be a blessing to every child born in Holland, in Portugal, or in Denmark—nay, in Sweden and even in Russia—if, instead of learning a language which is for life a barrier between them and the rest of mankind, they were at once to learn one of the great historical languages which confer intellectual and social fellowship with the whole world. If, as a first step in the right direction, four languages only, namely, English, French, German, Italian, (or possibly Spanish,) were taught at school, the saving of time—and what is more precious than time ?-—would be infinitely greater than 0N SPELLISG. 7 what has been effected by railways and telegraphs. But I know that no name in any of the doomed languages would be too strong to stigmatise such folly. We should be told that a Japanese only could conceive such an idea; that for a people deliberately to give up its language was a thing never heard of before ,' that a nation would cease to be a nation if it changed its language; that it would, in fact, commit “ the happy despatch,” a la Japonaz'se. All this may be true, but I hold that language is meant to be an instrument of com- munication, and that in the struggle for life, the most efficient instrument of communication must certainly carry the day, as long as natural selection, or, as we formerly called it, reason, rules the world. The following figures may be of use for forming an opinion as to the fates of the great languages of Europe :(‘)—— Portuguese is spoken in Portugal, by 3,980,000 Brazil, by 10,000,000 —~ 13,980,000 Italian, by 27,524,238 French, in France, Belgium, Swit- zerland, etc., by 40,188,000 Spanish, in Spain by 16,301,000 in South America by 27 ,408,082 -- 43 709,082 Russian, by 51370000 German, by .. .. 55,789,000 English, in Europe, by .. 31,000,000 America, by 45,000,000 Australia, etc., by 2,000,000 the Colonies, by 1,050,000 ——- 79,050,000 According to De Candolle, the population doubles in England in 56 years Spain in .. 112 years America, among the South America in 27% ,, German races, in 25 ,, Germany in 100 ,, Italy in 135 ,, France in 140 Russia in .. 100 ,, 1 See W. E. A. Axon’s “The Future of the English Language,” the Almanac]: do Gotha, and De Candolle’s Histoire des Sciences, 1873. 8 ON SPELLING. Therefore, in 200 years (barring accidents) Italian will be spoken by 53,370,000 French ,, ,, 72,571,000 German ,, ,, . .. ... .. 157,480,000 Spanish, in Europe, by 36 938,338 South America. by 468,347,904 — 505,286,242 English will by spoken in Europe by .. 178,846,153 United States 8: British Dependencies, by 1,658,440,000 -—- 1,837,286,153 But I shall say no more on this, for as it is, I know I shall never hear the end of it, and shall go down to posterity, if for nothing else, at least for this the most suicidal folly in a student of languages; a folly com- parable only to that of Leibnitz, who actually conceived the possibility of one universal language. To return, however, to the problem to the solution of which Mr. Pitman has devoted the whole of his active life, let me say again that my interest in it is purely philological; or, if you like, historical. The problem which has to be solved in England and the United States of America is not a new one, nor an isolated one. It occurs again and again in the history of language ; in fact, it must occur. When languages are reduced to writing, they are at first written phonetically, though always in a very rough and ready manner. One dialect, that of the dominant, the literary, or priestly class, is generally selected; and the spelling, once adopted, becomes in a very short time traditional and authoritative. What took place thousands of years ago, we can see taking place, if we like, at the present moment. A missionary from the island of Mangaia, the Rev. W. Gill, first introduced the art of writing among his converts. He learned their language, at least one dialect of it, be translated part of the Bible into it, and adopted, of necessity, a phonetic spelling. ()N SPELLING. 9 That dialect is gradually becoming the recognised literary language of the whole island, and his spelling is taught at school. Other dialects, however, continue to be spoken, and they may in time influence the literary dialect. For the present, however, the missionary dialect, as it is called by the natives themselves, and the missionary spelling, rule supreme, and it will be some time before a spelling reform is wanted out there. Among the more ancient nations of Europe, not only does the pronunciation of a language maintain its inherent dialectic variety, and fluctuate through the prevalence of provincial speakers, but the whole body of a language changes, while yet the spelling, once adopted in public documents, and taught to children, remains for a long time the same. In early times, when literature was in its infancy, when copies of books could easily be counted, and when the norma scribendz' was in the hands of a few persons, the difficulty of adapting the writing to the ever-varying pronunciation of a language was com- paratively small. We see it when we compare the Latin of early Roman inscriptions with the Latin of Cicero. We know from Cicero himself that when he settled among the patricians of Rome, he had on some small points to change both his pronunciation and his spelling of Latin. The reform of spelling was a favorite subject with Roman scholars, and even em“ perors were not too proud to dabble in inventing new letters and diacritical signs. The difficulty, however, never assumed serious proportions. The small minority of people who were able to read and write, pleased them- selves as best they could ; and, by timely concessions, prevented a complete estrangement between the written and the spoken language. 2 10 ON SPELLING. Then came the time when Latin ceased to be Latin, and the vulgar dialects, such as Italian, French, and Spanish, took its place. At that time the spelling was again phonetic, though here and there tinged by reminiscences of Latin spelling. There was much variety, but considering how limited the literary inter- course must have been between different parts of France, Spain, or Italy, it is surprising that on the whole there should have been so much uniformity in the spelling of these modern dialects. A certain local and individual freedom of spelling, however, was retained ; and we can easily detect in mediaeval MSS. the spelling of literate and illiterate writers, the hand of the learned cleric, the professional clerk, and the layman. [A style of spelling will now be introduced which corrects the errors of the common spelling, and is regulated by the following Three Rules :— RULE 1.-—Reject “o, q, x” as redundant, use the other 18 consonants for the sounds usually associated with them, and suppl the deficiency of 12 other letters by the usual di raphs, distinguishing the non-vocal“ th ” in thin, thus—’th. BULB ....— et “a, e, o, u,” when ending a syllable, except at the end of a word, as sofa,) represent a Long vowel ; as in “ fa-vor, fie-ver, o-li, tru-li.” RULE 3.—Let the five vowels of the present alphabet, “a, e, i, o, u,” in elm syllables, (and a at the end of a word,) represent the short sounds in “ pat, pet, pit, pot, put; ” and use “ ti” for the “ u ’ in but." Concede to custom—-“ I ” instead of “ ei ” for the first personal pronoun; “ n” for “ng” when followed by “k” or “g,” in monosyllables,~and sometimes in other words; as, “ bank (bangk), anger (ang-ger) ; ” and. “ father ” for “ feather.” The grait event which formz a deseisiv epok in the histori ov speling, iz the introdiikshon ov printing. With printed buks, and partikiularli with printed Beibelz, skaterd over the kuntri, the speling 0v wurdz bekaim rijid, and yuniversali beinding. Sum langwejez, siich az Italian, wer moar fortiunet than utherz in having a moar rashonal sistem ov speling tu start with. Sum, agen, leik German, wer abel tu maik teimli kon- seshonz, wheil utherz, such az Spanish, Dutch, and French, had Akademiz tu help them at kritikal periodz ov thair histori. The moast unfortiunet in aul theez respekts woz English. It started with a Latin a'lfabet, 0N SPELLING. 11 the pronfinsiashon ov which woz unseteld, and which had tu be apleid tu a Teutonic langwej. After this ferst fonetik kompromeiz it had tu pas ’thru a kon- fiiizd sistem ov speling, haaf Saxon, haaf Norman ; haaf fonetik, haaf tradishonal. The histori ov the speling, and even ov the pronunsiashon, ov English, in its pasej from Anglo-Saxon tu midel and modern English, haz laitli been stiidid with-grait siikses bei Mr Ellis and Mr Sweet. I miist refer tu thair buks “ On Early En- glish Pronunciation,” and “ On the History of English Sounds,” which kontain a wel’th ov ilfistrashon, aul- moast bewildering. And even after English reechez the period ov printing, the konfiuzhon iz bei no meenz ter- minaited ; on the kontrari, for a teim it iz graiter than ever. Hou this kaim tu pas haz been wel iliistraited bei Mr Marsh in hiz ekselent “Lectures on the English Language,” p- 687. seq(‘). Whot we nou kaul the es- tablisht sistem ov English or’thografi may, in the main, be traist bak tu Johnson’s Dictionary, and tn the stil moar kaprishfis sway ekserseizd bei larj printing-ofiscz and publisherz. It iz tru that the evil ov printing karid tu a serten ekstent its oan remedi. If the speling bekaim iinchainjabel, the langwej itself, too, woz, bei meenz ov a printed literatiur, chekt konsiderabli in its natiural groa’th and its deialektik vareieti. Nevertheles English haz chainjd sins the invenshon ov printing; English iz chainjing, tho bei imperseptibel degreez, even nou ; and if we kompair English az spoaken with English ax ' The pronoun it woz speld in ait diferent wayz bei Tyndale, thus, hyt, hytt, hit, hitt, it, itt, yt, ytt. Aniithtr au’thor speld tongue in the folo'ing wayz: tang, tong, image, tongs, tmmge. The wfird head woz varifisli speld had, heads, beds, hqfode. The spelingz oba-y, survay, pray, vail, vain, ar often yigd for obey, survey, prey, veil, vein. 12 ON SPELLING. riten, thay seem aulmoast leik tii diferent langwejez ; az diferent az Latin iz from Italian. This, no dout, iz a nashonal misfortiun, but it iz inevitabel. Litel az we perseev it, langwej iz, and aul- wayz must be, in a stait ov fermentashon; and whether within hfmdredz or within‘ ’thouzandz ov yeerz, aul living langwejez must be prepaird tu enkounter the difikiilti which in England stairz us in the fais at prezent. “Whot shal we du?” ask our frendz. “ Ther iz our hoal nashonal literatiur,” thay say; “ our leibra- riz aktiuali bursting with buks and niuzpaperz. Ar aul theez tu be ’throan away? Ar aul valiuabel buks tu be reprinted? Ar we ourselvz tu finlern whot we hav lernd with so much triibel, and whot we hav taut _ tu our children with graiter trfibel stil? Ar we tu sakrifeiz aul that iz historikal in our ~langwej, and sink doun tn the 10 level 0v the Fonetz'k Nuz .?” I kud go on multipleiing theez kwestionz til even thoaz men ov the wiirld hu nou hav oanli a shrug ov the shoalder for the reformerz ov speling shud say, “We had no cidea hou strong our pozishon reali iz.” But with aul that, the problem remainz iinsolvd. \Vhot ar pepel tu du when langwej and pronunsiashon chainj, wheil thair speling iz deklaird tu be finchainja- bel ? It iz, I. beleev, hardli neseseri that I shud proov hou korfipt, efeet, and uterli irrashonal the prezent sistem ov speling iz, for nowiin seemz inkleind tu denei aul that. I shal oanli kwoat, thairfor, the jiijment ov wiin man, the lait Bishop Thirlwall, a man hu never yuzd ekzajeraited lanbgwej. ,“I luk,” he sez, “upon the establisht sistem, if an aksidental kiistom may be so kauld, az a mas 0v anomaliz, the groa’th ov ignorans and ehans, ekwali repugnant tu gud taist and tu komon 0N SPELLING. 13 sens. Biit I am awair that the publik kling tu theez anomaliz with a tenasiti propoarshond tu thair absfirditi, and ar jelus ov aul enkroachment on ground konse- kraited tn the free play ov bleind kaprees.” It may be yusful, houever, tu kwoat the testimonialz 'ov a flu praktikal men in order tu sho that this sistem ov speling haz reali bekfim wun ov the graitest nashonal misfortiun'z, swolo'ing up milionz ov mfini everi yeer and bleiting aul atempts at nashonal ediukashon. Mr Edward Jones, a skoolmaster ov grait eksperiens, having then the siuperintendens ov the Hibernian Schools, Liverpool, roat in the yeer 1868 : “ The Gfivernment haz~ for the last twenti yeerz taiken ediukashon iinder its kair. Thay diveided the slibjekts ov instrukshon intu siks graidz. The heiest point that woz atempted in the Gfivernment Skoolz woz, that a piupil shud be abel tu reed with tolerabel eez and - ekspreshon a pasej from a niuzpaper, and tu spel the saim with a tolerabel amount ov akiurasi.” Let iis luk at the reziilts az thay apeer in the Repoart ov the Komitee ov Kounsil on Ediukashon for 187 0-71 : Skoolz or Departments finder separet hed teecherz in England and Wales inspekted diuring the yeer 31st August, 1870 l ,287 Sertifikaited, asistant, and piupil teecherz emploid in theez skoolz 28,033 Skolarz in daili averej atendans ’thruout the yeer 1,168,981 Skolarz prezent on the day 0v inspekshon 1,473,883 Skolarz prezented for ekzaminashon :— Under ten yeerz ov aij 473,444 Over ten yeerz ov aij 292,144 765,588 Skolarz prezented for Standard V1:— Under ten yeerz ov aij 227 Over ten yeerz ov aij 32,953 33,180 Skolarz bu past in Standard VI. 2- 1. Reading a short paragraf froni a niuzpaper 30,985 2. Reiting the saim from diktashon 27 ,989 3. Ari’thmetik 22,839 l4 ON SPELLING. Thairfor, les than wfin skolar for eech teecher, and les than tii skolarz for eech skool inspekted, reecht Standard VI. In 1878 the stait ov ’thingz, akording tu the ofishal retiirnz 0v the Ediukashon Department, woz mfich the saim. Ferst ov aul, ther aut tu hav been at skool 4,600,000 children between the aijez ov ’three and ’therteen. The number ov children on the rejister ov inspekted skoolz woz 2,218,598. Out ov that number, about 200,000 leev skool aniuali, thair ediukashon be'ing siipoazd tu be finisht. Out ov theez 200,000, neinti per sent. leev without reeching the 6’th Standard, aiti per sent. without reeching the 5’th, and siksti per sent. without reeching the AL’th Standard. The Itepoart for 187 4-75 shoaz an inkrees ov children on the buks, bit the propoarshon ov children pasing in the varifis standardz iz siibstanshali the saim. (See “Popular Education,” bei E. Jones, B.A., an eks- skoolmaster, 1875.) It iz kalkiulaited that for siich reziilts az theez the kuntri, whether bei taksashon or bei volunteri kontribiushonz, payz aniuali neerli £8,500,000. Akording tn the saim au’thoriti, Mr E. Jones, it nou taiks from siks tu seven yeerz tu lern the arts ov reeding and speling with a fair degree ov intelijens— that iz, about 2,000 ourz; and tu meni meindz the difikiiltiz ov or’thografi ar insurmountabel. The biilk ov the children pas ’thru the Guvernment skoolz without having akweird the abiliti tu reed with eez and intelijens. “ An averej cheild,” sez aniither skoolmaster, “be- gining skool at seven, aut tu be abel tu reed the New Testament fliuentli at eleven or twelv yeerz ov aij, and ON SPELLING. 15 at ’therteen or foarteen aut tu be abel tu reed a gud leeding artikel with eez and ekspreshon.” That iz, with seven ourz a week for forti weeks for feiv yeerz, a cheild rekweirz 1,400 ourz’ wurk tu be abel tu reed the New Testament. ' After a kairful ekzaminashon ov yiing men and wimen from ’therteen tu twenti yeerz ov aij in the fak- toriz 0v Birmingham, it woz proovd that oanli 4% per sent. wer abel tu reed a simpel sentens from an ordineri skool-buk with intelijens and akiurasi. This apleiz tn the loer klasez. But with regard tn the heier klasez the kais seemz aulmoast wiirs ; for Dr Morell, in hiz “ Manual of Spelling,” aserts that out 0v 1,972 failiurz in the Sivil Servis Ekzaminashonz, 1,866 kandidaits wer pliikt for speling. So much for the piupilz. Amiing the teecherz themselvz it woz found in America that out 0v wfin hundred komon wiirdz, the best speler amfing the aiti or neinti teecherz ekzamind faild in win, sum preiz- taikerz faild in foar or feiv, and sum fitherz mist over forti. The Depiuti Stait Siuperintendent deklaird that on an averej the teecherz ov the Stait wud fail in speling tu the ekstent ov 25 per sent. Whot, houever, iz even moar seriiis than aul this iz, not the grait waist ov teim in lerning tu reed, and the aulmoast kompleet failiur in nashonal ediukashon, but the aktiual mischef dun bei subjekting yfing meindz tn the illojikal and tedius driij eri ov lerning tu reed English az speld at prezent. Everi’thing thay hav tu lern in reeding (or proniinsiashon) and speling iz irrashonal; wiin rool kontradikts the iither, and eech staitment haz tu be aksepted simpli on au’thoriti, and with a kompleet disregard 0v aul thoaz rashonal instinkts which lei dor- 16 ON SPELLING. mant in the cheild, and aut tu be awaikcnd bei everi keind ov hel’thi ekserseiz. . I no ther ar personz hu kan defend eni’thing, and hu hoald that it iz diu tu this veri disiplin that the English karakter iz whot it iz: that it retainz respekt for au’thoriti; that it diiz not rekweir a rezon for everi’thing; and that it dfiz not admit that whot iz inkonseevabel iz thairfor imposibel. Even English or- ’thodoksi haz been traist bak tu that hiden soars, bekauz a cheild akustomd tu beleev that t-h-o-u-g-h iz tho, and that t-h-r-o-u-g-h iz throo, wud afterwerdz beleev eni’thing. It may be so; stil I clout whether even such objekts wud jiistifei siich meenz. Lord Lytton sez, “A moar leiing, round-about, puzel-heded deliuzhon than that bei which we konfiuz the kleer instinkts ov tru’th in our akiirsed sistem ov speling woz never kon- kokted bei the father ov fols'hud. [Instans, see-ayJee, cat] Hou kan a sistem ov ediukashon fifu'ish that beginz bei so monstriis a fols'hud, which the sens ov heering siifeizez tu kontradikt ? ” Tho it may seem a wfirk ov siupererogashon, tu bring forwerd stil moar fakts in sfipoart ov the jeneral kondemnashon past on English speling, a fin ekstrakts from a pamfiet bei Mr Meiklejohn, lait Asistant-Kom- ishoner ov the Endoud Skoolz Komishon for Scotland, may heer feind a plais. “ Ther ar ’therteen diferent wayz ov reprezenting the sound ov long 0:--N01‘e, boat, toe, yeoman, soul, row, sew, hautboy, beau, owe, floor, 0h ! O ./ ” And agen (p. 16) ,— Double-you-aitch-eye-sce-ail ch is which 'l‘ea-are-you-tea-aitch ,, truth llee-o-you-gee-aitch ,, bong/h 0N SPELLING. 17 See-are-eh-bee _ ,, crab Bee-ee-eh-see-aitch ,, beach Oh-you-gee-aitch-tee ,, ought Oh-enn-see-ee ,, once “ Or, tu sum up the hoal indeitment agenst the kiilprit: 1. Out 0v the twenti-siks leterz, oanli ait ar tru, fikst, and permanent kwolitiz—that iz, ar tru boa’th tu ei and eer. 2. Ther ar ’therti-ait distinkt soundz in our spoaken langwej ; [34 simpel soundz; 2 kon- sonant dif’thongz, ch, j ; and 2 vouel dif’thongz,_i, 22 ;] and ther ar about 400 distinkt simbolz (simpel and kompound) tu reprezent theez ’therti-ait soundz. In iither wurdz, ther ar 4.100 servants tu du the wurk ov ’therti-ait. 3. Ov the twenti-siks leterz, fifteen hav akweird a habit ov heiding themselvz. Thay ar riten and printed; bit the eer haz no akount ov them; siich ar w in wrong, and gh in right. 4.‘. The vouel soundz ar printed in diferent wayz ; a long 0 for ekzampel haz ’therteen printed simbolz tu repre- zent it. 5. Foarteen vouel soundz hav 190 printed simbolz atacht tu thair servis. 6.. The singel vouel e haz feiv‘ diferent fiinkshonz; it ant oanli tu hav wiin. 7. Ther ar at leest 1,300 wurdz in which the simbol and the sound ar at varians—in which the wfird iz not sounded az it iz printed. 8. Ov theez 1,300, 800 ar monosilabelz—the komonest wurdz, and sfipoazd tu be eezier for children. 9. The hoal langwej ov kuntri children leiz within theez wurdz ; and meni agrikfiltiural laborerz go from the kradel tn the graiv with a stok ov no moar than 500 wfirdz.” The kwestion, then, that wil hav tu be anserd sooner or laiter iz this z—Kan this unsistematik sistem ov speling English be aloud tu go on for ever? 12 everi a 18 ON SPELLING . English cheild, az kompaird with iither children, tu be mfilkted in hi or ’three yeerz ov hiz leif in order tu lern it? Ar the loer klasez tu go ’thru skool without lerning tu reed and reit thair oan langwej intelijentli ? And iz the kuntri tu pay milionz everi yeer for this titer failiur ov nashonal ediukashon ? I du not beleev that such a stait 0v ’thingz wil be aloud tu kon- tiniu for ever, partikiularli az a remedi iz at hand —a remedi that haz nou [1894] been tested for fifti yeerz, and that haz anserd ekstreemli wel. I meen Mr Pitman’z sistem ov fonetik reiting, az apleid tu English. ,I shal not enter heer intu eni miniut diskushon ov fonetiks, or re-open the kontroversi which haz arizen between the advokaits ov diferent sistemz ov fonetik reiting. Ov koars, ther ar diferent degreez ov ekselens in diferent sistemz ov fonetik speling; but even the wiirst ov theez sistemz iz infinitli siuperior tu the tradishonal speling. I giv Mr Pitman’z alfabet, which komprehendz the ’therti-siks braud tipikal soundz ov the English langwej, » and aseinz tu eech a definit sein. With theez ’therti- siks seinz, English kan be riten rashonali and red eezili ; and, whot iz moast important, it haz been proovd bei an eksperiens ov meni yeerz, bei niumerus publikashonz, and bei praktikal eksperiments in teeching boa’th children and adults, that such a sistem az Mr Pitman’z iz perfektli praktikal. ON SPELLING. 19 Oq'-—.sm {if-#4.!“ THE PHONETIC ALPHABET. The phonetic letters in the first column are pronounced like the italic letters in the words that follow. column contains the names of the letters. CON SON ANTS. Explodents. . . .etoh . ..ea’ge QWHQU'EUUFU as Wf‘wo pad-Fred .....rope.. .. .“robe... ...fate. . ...faa'e.. .. leek. . . .league..gay .pee .bee .tee ...dee ...chay .. ...jay ....kay Continuants. ....safe.. .... save.. ....breath . . .ith ...breathe..thee ....hiss .. .. . .his. . . .....vioious...ish .....vision..zhee .....ef ....vee ....€SS IQ'OZee Nasals. M m...seem.... em N n...seen. W g...sing.. DIPHTHONGS : I ...I'en ....ing ei, as heard in by, 3* on, now, The last Liquids. L l....fall ...... ..el R r....rare .... ..ar Coalescents. W w....wet.....way Y y....yet .... ..yay Aspirate. H h...hay...aitch VOWELS. Lingual.‘ A a......am,far..at El s......alms....ah E e......ell,fern..et 8 e .... ..ale,air..eh I i .... ..ill ...... ..it til i .... ..eel,fear..ee Labial. O o.....on,or...ot COG) .... ..all .... ..aw B’ 8 .... ..up,cur..ut 6 o‘.....ope,ore..oh U u .... ..full.....oot U 1],...f00d, poor..66 iu, ai, oi. new, ay (yes), boy. __ _ ' J f\ 1 (— ‘ ..<_ l ‘l r 20 ON SPELLING. [In the following pages the spelling will be strictly phonetic, with thirteen new letters, as in the preceding alphabet] Nou ei ask eni intelijent rider hu da'z not (‘rink dat everii‘rig niu and strenj iz, z'pso facto, ridikiules and abssrd, wheéler after a flu dez’ praktis, hi or wud not rid and reit Inglif, akordir) tu Mr Pitman’z sistem, wid perfekt iz? Ov kors it teks mer (tan feiv minits tu master it, and mm dan feiv minits tu form an opinion ov its merits. Bat admitiig iven dat pipel ov a serten ej iud feind dis niu- alfabet trsbelse'm, wi mast not forget (tat no reform kan bi karid out widout a jenerej'on or ti’i ov marterz; and whot tru. reformerz hav tu ‘Jitgk ov iz not demselvz, bet de‘z hu, ka'm after (fem—den, in fakt, hii ar nou groin 8p tu inherit hir- after, wheder (te leik it or not, (01 de gud and 01 de ivil whic, wi guz tu liv tu Clem. ltmeit bi sed, houever, dat Mr Pitman’z sistem, biii) enteirli fo‘netik, iz tu radikal a reform, and flat meni and de wsrst irregiularitiz in Igglij' spe'lii) kud bi remuvd widout go‘ir] kweit so‘ far. He prinsipel flat hnf a lef iz beter (tan no bred iz not widout sem trujl, and in meni kesez n6 dat a polisi ov kompromeiz haz bin prodxktiv 0v veri gud rezelts. Bet, on file ‘8&6!’ hand, (iis hcf-harted polisi haz often retarded a rial and komplit reform ov ekzistig abiusez ; and in de kes ov a reform ov SPBlllJ, ei (almost dout wheder (te difikxltiz inhirent in hsf megurz ar not az gret az de difike'ltiz ov kariii) a komplit reform. If de wsrld iz not redi for reform, let ‘8S wet. It simz far beter, and at 01 events far mo‘r onest, tu wet til it iz redi Clan tu kari de relb'k- tant wsrld wid yu, a'litel we, and (ten tu feind (lat 01 de impslsiv fers iz spent, and tie greter part ov de abiusez establijt on fermer ground flan ever. 0N SPELLING. - 21 Mr J ones,1 huu reprezents de konsilistori reformerz ov speliij, wud bi satisfeid wid a moderet skim ov spelii] reform, in Whig, bei obzervig analoji and foloiij presedent in olterirj a komparativli smol nsmber ov wxrdz, it wud bi posibel tu simplifei ordografi tu a konsiderabel eks- tent widout apleiirj eni niu prinsipel, or introdiusiij niu leterz, and yet tu redilis de teim and labor in tigir) ridirj and speliij bei at list wan hef. It meit at 01 events bi posibel tu setel de spelirj ov doz tii or .‘rri douzand wardz whig at prezent ar speld diferentli bei diferent odoritiz. His skim, advoketed bei Mr Jones, iz sertenli veri klever ; and if it vhad a gans ov sakses, ei meiself j'ud konsider it a gret step in advans. Mei onli dout iz wheder, in a kes leik dis, a smol megur ov reform wud bi karid mo‘r izili (tan a komplit reform. It iz diferent in J erman, wher de disiz haz not spred so far. Hir de Komiti apointed bei GKVGI’IIIHGIlt tu konsider de kwes- tion ov a reform ov spelirj haz deklerd in favor ov ss'm sag moderet prinsipelz az Mr Jones advokets for Igglif. In Igglij', houever, de difikslti leiz in genjiij enittiij ; and if de prinsipel ov eni genj iz wens admited, it wud riali bi i-zier, ei beliv, tu begin de novo dan tu genj ss'mdiij, and liv de rest xngsnjd. Let XS non si hou Mr Pitman’z or eni similar sistem ov fenetik reitiij haz we'rkt wher it haz bin put to do test. Mr William White reits :--“ Ei spik from ekspiriens. Ei hav tot p111‘ gildren in Glasgo‘ tu rid (‘1e Sermon on de Mount after a ko'rs ov ekserseizez ekstendiij o‘ver no‘ ' mo‘r dan siks ourz.”' He foloirj iz an ekstrakt from a leter riten se'm teim 1 Popiular Ediukej'on—A Revigon 0v Igglif Spelig a Naj'onal Nesesili. Bei E. Jones, BA. Landon, 1875. 22 i ON SPELLING. ago bei de let Mr William Colbourne, manejer ov ‘y-v Dorset Bagk at Sts'rminster, tu a frend ov hiz, a skf‘v master. Hi sez :- i Q “ Mei litel Sidni, hu iz nou a fin mantis mor (tan for‘; yirz old, wil rid eni fonetik buk widout de s‘leitesh hezitej'on ; d'e hardest nemz or de longest wsrdz in (it; 61d or Niu Testament form no obstakel tu him. Andi- hou lor) du yu, dink it tuk mi—for ei am hiz tiger—tn! impart tu him ttis pouer? Whei somfi’rig les dan at ourz Yu, me beliv it or not az' yu leik, bot ei am konfideni.) dat not mor Clan dat amount ov teim woz spent on lllfl‘E"; and (‘lat woz in snagez ov feiv minits at a teim, wheil ii". woz getir) redi. Ei no yu wil bi inkleind tu sa, ‘ @l as iz veri wel, bot whot iz tie yqs ov ridir) fonetik buks hi iz stil az far of, and me bi farder, from ridir) romanil.i buks.’ Bot in dis yu, ar mistaken. Tek anxder ekzaml pel. Hiz nekst elder brs'der, a boi ov siks yirz, haz has a fonetik ediukejon so far. Whot iz de konsekwens“ Whei, ridir) in de ferst stej woz so deleitful and izi .- C’rirJ tu him, (lat hi tot himself tu rid romanikali, and i. wud bi a difikolt mater tu feind won boi in twenti, 0‘ a korespondir] ej, (lat kud rid hsf so wel az hi kan ii eni buk. Agen, mei oldest boi haz riten mor fonetii _ forthand and loghand, perhaps, dan eni boi ov hiz », (eleven yirz) in de kirJdom; and nowon ei derse he had les tu du Witt dat abssrditi ov abszirditiz, de spelir; -buk! Hi iz nou at a ferst-rat skul in Wiltfir, and de hsf yir presidiig Krismas, hi karid of de preiz ft: ori’rografi in a kontest Witt boiz ss'm 0v dem hiz sinioi bei yirz ! ” i Bei de adopj' on ov file fonetik alfabet, de difiks'ltiz d?‘ lei in de we ov forenerz lernirJ Igglij', (also wud bi dzj: awe wid. He Rev. Newman Hall reits, “ Ei met with. 0N SPELLING. 23 'Denif jentelman de xder dc hu heili preizd de Igglif ,fionotipik Niu Testament. It had bin ov gret yus tu r "im, and enebeld him tu rid [buks in do komon speliy] widout an instrakter, remuvig de gretest obstakel in akweirii] Igglij', de monstra's anomaliz ov pronxnsiejon.” Ekzampelz leik diz go‘ a log we. Mr A. J. Ellis, dan hum newe'n haz lebord mor devotedli for a reform ov spelii), az a ferst step in a reform ov nafonal ediukef on, and hu, haz himself elabor- ated several most injinias'sistemz ov fonetik reitirJ, givz 88 de folefii) az de rezalts ov hiz praktikal ekspiriens :— “Wid de fonetik sistem ov spelig, de Primer iz masterd widin dri mantis, at most. Elle ,gildren den prosid tu praktis dis fonetik ridii] for sum teim, til de kan rid wid fliuensi from de jeneral luk ov de ward, and not from konsiderig de pouerz 0v its leterz. Eri me'nds mor, at most, ar rekweird for dis stej. “ When dis pouer 0v fiiuent ridii) in fonetik print iz akweird, buks in de ordineri print, siuted tu der kapasi- tiz, ar tu bi put intu de gildren’z handz, and dc ar to‘ld tu rid dem. To, ward Whig de fel tu ges iz told dem immidietli ; but it iz found dat gildren ar mo‘stli sbel tu_ rid de ordineri print widout eni fe'rder instre'k f on. He teim neseseri for komplitii) dis step ms bi taken, at de longest, az tii, mxnfls, so dat de hol teim ov lernii) tu rid in de ordineri print, on de Ridig Reform sistem, me bi rekond az feiv ourz a wik for at mantis. He ho‘l task haz, in meni kesez, bin akomplij‘t in les teim, iven in dri mands. ‘On de sder hand, in W811 skul wher it iz yuzd, eleven me'nds ar okiupeid, az de master feindz it advantejss in ader respekts tu kip de piupil longer at fonetik ridii). Bat enli wan our a dc iz rekweird.” Mr Ellis sxmz up az foloz : 24.. ON SPELLING. “ Kerful eksperiments in tigii] gildren ov veria's ejez and ranks, and iven poperz ~ and kriminal adxlts, hav establift— “ 1. Elat piupilz me bi tot tu rid buks in fonetik print, sloli but fiurli, in from ten tu forti ourz, and wil aten konsiderabel fliuensi after a fin wiks’ praktis. ' “ 2. flat when de piupilz hav atend fliuensi in ridig from fonetik print, a veri fiu ourz ssfeiz tu giv dem de sem fliuensi in ridiig ordineri print. “3. EIat de hol teim neseseri for impartig a nolej ov bod fonetik and ordineri ridirJ da'z not eksid et ma'nds for gildren ov averej intelijens, betwin for and feiv yirz ov ej, tot in klas, at skul, not mor dan hsf-an-our tu an our de ; and dat in dis teim an abiliti to rid iz akweird siupirior tu dat yiiguali atend in tii or dri teimz de piriod on de old plan; wheil de pronensiej‘on 0v de piupil iz meg imprqvd, hiz interest in hiz stadi iz kept aleiv, and a lojikal trenii] ov endiurii-J valiu iz given tu hiz meind bei de habitiual analisis and sindesis ov spoken soundz. ‘(4!- EIat doz tot tu rid in dis maner akweir de art or ordineri spelig mor redili dan doz instre'kted on de old medod.” i Tu 01 hi no Mr Alexander J. Ellis, dis evidens wil bi sefij'ent az tu de praktikal yusfulnes ov de Fonetik sistem ov spelii]. Tu doz hu, wi‘f for mor evidens ei rekomend a pamfiet bei Mr G. Withers, “ Ele Igglif Laggwej Speld az Pronotinst,” 1874: and won bei Dr J. W. Martin, “ EIe Gordian Not Kat,” 1875, wher de wil feind de konkerent testimoni ov praktikal tigerz in Ingland, Skotland, Eirland, and Amerika, ol agriii] dat, bod az a praktikal and a lojikal trenii], de Fonetik sis- tem haz pruvd dc gretest SBkSES. Fl er remenz, derfor, dis wan objekj'on onli, dat whot». 0N SPELLING. 25 ever de praktikal, and whotever de dioretikal advantejez ov dc fonetik sistem me bi, it wud 81261'11 destroi de his- torikal or etimolojikal karakter ov de Igglij laggwej. Sb'poz it did ; whot den ? He Reforms} on iz sopozd tu hav destroid de historikal karakter ov do Irjglif Oe'rg, and dat sentimental grivans iz stil felt bei som stiudents 0v ekliziastikal antikwitiz. Bot did Irjgland, did (01 do riali progresiv n-efonz ov Yurop, alou dis sentimental grivans tu outwe de praktikal and dioretikal advantejez ov Protestant Reform ? Laijgwej iz not med for skolarz and etimolojists : and if de hol res ov Igglif etimolojists wer riali tu bi swept awe bei de introdskj' on ov a Spelii} Reform, ei hop (is wud bi de ferst tu rejois in sakrifeiziij demselvz in so gud a koz. Bat iz it riali de kes dat de historikal kontiniiiiti 0v de Irjglif laggwej wud bi broken bei de adopj'on ov fo- netik speliij, and dat de profef on ov de etimolojist wud bi gon for ever? Ei se, No, most emfatikali, tu bot} propozij‘onz. If de seiens ov laijgwej haz priivd enidiij, it haz prdvd (fat 01 larjgwejez genj akordirj tu lo, and wid konsiderabel yiiniformiti. If, derfor, de reitirj folod, part‘ passu, on do genjez in pronansiej'on, whot iz kold de etimolojikal konj'rssnes ov de spikerz and do riderz— ei spik, ov kors, ov ediuketed pipel onli—wud not safer in de list. If wi reten de filiij ov an etimolojikal konekj'on. betwin gentlemanly and gentlemanh/ce, wi fud fiurli reten it whetter wi reit gentlemanly or jentelmantz'. If wi fil dat think and thought, bring and brought, buy and bought, freight and fraught, belorj tugeder, j'ud wi til it les if wi rot 6oz‘, brat, beat, frat ? If, in spikirj, doz hu no Latin retsn do [iliij dat wsrdz endiij in -atz'on korespond tu Latin wa’rdz in -atz'o, wud tie lqz de tiliij if do so de ssm wa'rdz speld Witt efon? or iven “ejsn?” Du the not rekog- 26 ON SPE LLING. neiz Latin -ilia in -ice ; or -illis in -le, az in -able (Latin abilis)? . If de skolar noz, at wans, dat sag wardz az barbarous, anan'ous, circus, genius, ar ov Latin orijin, wud hi hezitet if de last silabel in Q1 ov dem wer yuni- formli riten “ as ?” Ne, iz not de prezent spelirJ ov barbarous and anxious enteirli mislidig, bei konfoundir) wardz endir] in -osus, sag az famous (famosus) wid wardz en'dig in -us, leik barbarous, ana'ious, ets.? Bekoz de Italianz reit filosofo, ar de les awer dan fle Igglij', hu reit philosopher, and dc Freng, hu, reit philosophe, dat (is hav befor Clem tle Latin philosophus, de Grik ¢ll\(50'0¢0$‘? If wi reit f in fancy, whei not in phantom .? if in frenzy and frantic, whei not in phrenologg .? A larigwej Whig 'tolerets vial for phial, nid not fiver at filosofer. Everi xediuketed spiker no‘z dat sag wardz az honour, ara'our, colour, odour, labour, vigour, error, emperor, hav past from Latin tu Freng, and from Freng tu Igglif. Wud hi no it les if cal wer speld aleik, sag az onor (onorabel), ardor, m'gor (vigorous), labor (laborious), or iven “onar, ardar, vigar ? ” He old spelii] ov emperor, doctor, governor, and error, woz emperour, doctour, gooernour, and errour. If diz kud bi gsnjd, whei not de rest‘? ‘Spenser haz neibor for neighbour, and it iz difikalt tu so I whot woz gend bei genjir) -bor intu -bour in sag piurli 'Sakson wardz az neighbor, harbor. No dout if wi si laugh riten wid gh at de end, doz hu, no J erman ar at wans remeinded ov its etimolojikal konekjon wid de Jerman lachen; bat fud sun no (‘le sem bei analoji, if wi found not onli “lsf,” bat “ kof ” for cough (J er. . .keuchen), “enaf” for enough (Jer. genug), ets. In “draft,” fonetik spelir) haz nirli saplanted tie so-kold historikal spelig draught; in “ dwarf” (dwergh, thweorh) and in “ rufi' ” (rough), oltugeder. 0N SPELLING. 27 Whot pipel kol de etimolojikal konjosnes ov de spiker iz striktli a mater ov oratorikal sentiment onli, and it wud remcn nirli az StI'OlJ' az it iz nou, whotever spelii) bi adopted. Bot iven if it jud safer hir and der, wi 0t tu bar in meind dat, eksept for oratorikal porposez, dat konfasnes, kon-feind az it iz tu a veri fiu ediuketed pipel, iz ov veri smol importans, anles it haz ferst bin korekted bei a strikt etimolojikal disiplin. Widout dat, it often dejenerets intu Whot iz kold “ popiular etimoloji,” and aktiuali tendz, in som kesez, tu vij'iet de korekt spelii) ov wordz. Ei hav frikwentli dwelt on dis befor, in order tn [6 hou, whot iz nou kold de etirnolojikal or historikal spelirJ ov wordz iz, in meni kesez, sterli ‘onetimolojikal and zmhistorikal. Wi spel to delight, and dos indiiis ' meni pipel tu beliv dat dis word iz somhou konekted wid light (lux), or light (levis) ; whsraz de old spelig woz to delgt or to delite (Tyndale), reprezentig de old Freng deleiter. On de e'der hand wi feind for quite and smite, dc old spelii] guight, smight, Whig me bi old and historikal, bot iz deseidedli onetimolojikal. Sovereign and foreign ar speld az if dc wer konekted wid reign, regnum; de tru, etimoloji ov de former biig superanus, Old Freng soorain, Old Igglij' sooeraine; wheil foreign iz de let Latin foraneus ; Old Freng forain 5 Old Igglij forein. And whei duu wi reit to feign .2 Arg- bij'op Trench (“ Igglij~ Past and Prezent,” p. 238) dirJks de g in feign iz elokwent tu de ei; but its elokwens iz mislidii]. Feign iz not taken from Latin fingo, az litel az honour iz taken from Latin honor. Feign kxmz from de Old Ereng faindre; it woz in Old Igglij fagnen and fegnen, and it woz derfor a mir etimolojikal fent tu insert de g ov de Latin fingo, and de Freng feignant. He Old _ 28 ON SPELLING. Igglij' shammfast (Orm.), formd leik stedefasst (stedfas't) iz nou speld shamefaced, az if it had sa'mdiiJ tu dd wid a _ blofii) fes. Aghast, insted ov 61d Iigglij~ agasl, iz supozd tu luk mor freitful bekoz it remeindz ‘88 0V ghost. He Freng lanterne woz riten taut-horn, az if it had bin so kold from de transperent [its ov horn dat enklozd de leit. He s in island oz its orijin tu a mistaken belif dat de word iz konekted wid isle (tnsula), wheraz it iz de Anglo-Sakson edland (J erman ez'laud ), dat iz, water- -land. He spelii) iland woz stil ksrent in Shakspere’s teim. In aisle, tu, de s iz snetimolojikal, do it iz his- torikal, az havin bin teken over from de @“ld Freng aisle. His tendensi tu olter de SPGIIlJ in order tu impart tu a word, at 031 hazardz, an etimolojikal karakter, beginz iven in Latin, wher postumus, a siuperlativ ov post, woz s‘smteimz riten posthumus, az if, when apleid tu a let- - -born sen, it woz dereivd from humus. In Igglif, dis fols spelig iz retend in posthumous. Cena woz speld bei _ pipel hu wonted tu fo der nolej ov Grik, ccena, az if konekted wid newt’, Whig it iz not. But nou let us luk mor kerfuli intu do far mor important stetment, dat de Inglif langwej, if riten fo- netikali, wud riali lu,z its historikal and etimolojikal karakter. He ferst kwestion iz, in whot sens kan de prezent spelii) ov Igglif bi kwld historikal? Wi hav onli tu go bak a veri fort we in order tu si de modern spstart karakter ov whot iz kold historikal spelirJ. nou reit pleasure, measure, and feather, bet not veri 103g ago, in Spenser’s teim, diz wa'rdz wer speld plesure, mesure, fether. Tyndale rot frute ; de 2' in fruit iz a mir restore] on ov de li‘reng spelirJ. For debt, on de kontrari, wi feind, but dri or for hundred yirz ago, dett. His iz mor historikal derfor dan debt, bekoz in Freng, from 0N SPELLING. 29 wbig de ward woz borod, de 6 had disapird, and it woz a piurli etimolojikal fansi tu restor it. He b woz leik- weiz ri-introdifist in doubt, bat de 12 woz not restord in to count (Freng compter, Latin computare), wher p had at list de sem reit az b in doute. He's receipt reziiir'nz de Latin 12, but deceit dsz widout it. To deign kips de g, to disdain dzs'z widout it. Her iz anader b whig haz a serten historikal er in sxm Irjglif wxrdz, but Whig woz orijinali piurli fonetik, and iz nou simpli siupérfiiuss. He old word for member woz Zim. In sag kompoundz az lim-lama, lim(b) -lame ; Zim- Zeas, lim(b) -less, it woz im- posibel tu avoid de interkalej' on ov a b in pronelnsiej' on. In dis maner de b krept in, and wi hav nou tu tig dat in limb, crumb (crume), thumb (thuma) de b mast bi riten, but not pronoiinst. Agen, tung (J er. zunge), yung (J er. ‘ 'jung), az speld bei Spenser, hav a far mor historikal aspekt dan tongue and young. If wi wi j” t tu reit historikali, wi ot tu reit saim insted ov psalm, for de inij'al p, biirj lost in pronsnsief on, woz dropt in reitiij at a veri erli teim (Anglo-Sakson sealm) and woz ri-introdiiist simpli tu pliz ssm ekliziastikal etimolojists ; also nevew (Freng ne'veu) insted ov nephew, Whig iz bod Xnetimolojikal and snfonetik. In whot sens kan it bi kold historikal spelirj if de old pliuralz ov mouse and louse, whig wer mys and Zys, ar nou speld mice and lice .? He pliural ov goose iz not speld geece but geese, yet everibodi noz hou tu pronouns it. He ssm mistsken atempt at an okegonal fonetik speliij haz separated dice from die, and pence from pens, dat iz, penyes; wheil in nurse, wber de speliIj nurce wud hav bin yusful, az remeindirj as ov its tru etimon nourrice, de 0 haz bin riplsst bei s. Her ar, in fakt, meni speliijz whig wud bi at de ssm - 30 ON SPELLIN G. teim mor historikal and mor fonetik. Whei reit little, when nowan pronoiinsez little, and when de old spelig woz lgtel? Whei girdle, when de old spelig woz girdel? He sem rul apleiz tu nirli ol wardz endig in lo, sag az sickle; ladle, apple, ets., wher de etimoloji iz komplitli ‘ obskiiird bei de prezent ordografi. W hei scent, bat dissent, when iven Milton stil rot sent? Whei ache, insted ov de Zskspirian ake? Whei cat, bat kitten; whei cow, bat kine .? Whei accede, precede, secede, bat exceed, proceed, succeed? Whei indid, eksept tu west de prefas teim ov gildren? And if it iz difikalt tu se whot konstitiuts historikal spelig, it iz ikwali perpleksii] tu defein de rial minig ov etimolojikal spelig. For, wher ar wi tu stop ‘P It wud bi konsiderd' veri anetimolojikal wer wi tu reit nee insted ov knee, now insted ov know, night insted ov knight; yet nowan komplenz about de los ov de inifal' h, de reprezentativ 0v an orijinal k, in loaf; A. S. hlaf (cf. KAlBaVOS), in ring (A.S. hring); in lade, ladder, neck, ets. If wi ar tu reit etimolojikali, den whei not retarn tu looerd, or hlaford, insted ov lord? tu nose-thrill, or nosethirle insted ov nostril ; tu swister insted ov sister ; Whig wud not bi mor trabelsam dan sword. Wi mann jiurli wud bi beter dan woman; meadwife beter dan midwife; godspel beter dan gospel, ortgard beter dan orchard, puisne beter dan pung. Frikwentli de prezent rekogneizd spelig luks etimolojikal, bat it iz aterli anetimolojikal. Righteous luks leik an ajektiv in -eous, sag az plenteous, bat it iz riali a Sakson ward, rightwis, dat iz rightwise, formd leik otherwise, ets. Could iz riten wid an l in analoji tu would, bat wheil de l iz jastifeid in would from will, and should from ' 0N SPELLING. 81 shall, wi feind de Old Igglif imperfekt ov can riten cuthe, den couthe, coude. He l, derfor, iz neider fonetik nor etimolojikal. Nadir‘), agen, kan bi mor mislidig tu an etimolojist dan de prezent spelig ov whole and hate. Bod k'om from de sem sors, de Godik hail-s, Sanskrit lcalga-s, minii] orijinali, fit, redi; den sound, complete, whole. In Agglo-Sakson wi hav heel, hol; and hat, heldi, Widout eni tres 'ov a w, cider befor or after. He ‘ Old Igglij' halsum, holsom, iz de Jerman hailsam. Whole, derfor, iz a mir mis-spelii], de 20 havig probabli bin aded in analoji tu who, which, ets. From a piurli etimolojikal point ov viu, do w iz rogli left out befor h in hou; foraz Agglo-Sakson hwy bekem why, Anglo- Sakson hwa Ind hav bekom whow. If wiriali atempted tu reit etimolojikali, wi [ud hav tu reit bridegroom Widout de 1', bekoz groom iz a mir koropj’on ov guma, man, Agglo-Sakson bryd-guma. Wi j'ud hav tu reit burse insted 0v purse, az in disburse. In fakt, it iz difikslt tu ss wher Wi jud stop. Whei du wi not reit metal insted ov mettle, worthship insted ov worship, chiru-rgeon insted ov surgeon, furhlong (dat iz, foro 101,1) insted ov furlong, feordhing (dat iz, ford part} insted ov farthing? If wi reit piuni puisne, wi meit az wel reit post-natus. Wi meit spel koi, guietus ; pert, apertus ; prist, presbyter 3 master, magister; sekston, saoristan ; smz, eleemosyne, ets. If enibodi wil tel mi at whot det etimolojikal spelirJ iz tu begin, wheder at 1,500 A.D., or at 1,000 A.D., or at 500 A.D., ei am wilii]. tu diske‘s de kwestion. Til den, ei beg liv tu se dat eti~ molojikal spelig wud ple grater havok in Igglij' dan fonetik spelii], iven if wi wer tu drco a lein not mor dan feiv hundred yirz ago. He ti’i stroggest argiuments, derfor, agenst fonetik 32 ON SPELLING. spelii], nemli, dat it wud destroi de historikal and eti- molojikal karakter ov de Igglif laggwej, ar, after Q1, bet veri parj'ali trii. Hir and der, no dout, de etimoloji and histori ov an Igglij' ward meit bi obskidrd bei fonetik spelii] ; az if, for instans, wi rot “Yurop” insted ov Europe. But iven den analoji wud-help as, and tic doz huu no Grik, ov hum der ar not meni, dat “ Yur” in sag wsrdz az Europe, Eurydice, reprezénted de Grik eilpds‘. He rial anser, houever, iz, dat nowsn kud onestli kol de prezent sistem ov spelii) eider historikal or etimolojikal 3 and ei beliv, dat teken az a hol, de los okegond bei konsistent fonetik spelin wud not bi greter dan de gen. Anoder objekfon zsrjd 'agenst fonetik spelii], nemli, dat wid it it wud bi imposibel tu distingwif homonimz, most bi-met in de sem we. No dout it iz a serten ad- vantej. if in reitig wi kan distiggwij right, rite, writes and wright. But if, in de heri ov konversej'on, der iz hardli ever a dout Whig ward iz ment, fiurli der wud bi meg les denjer in de slo proses ov ridii] a kontiniuss sentens. If veriss speligz ov de sem word ar neseseri tu point out diferent minigz, wi fud rekweir et spelirJz for how, tu signifei a gest, a Krismas gift, a hsntii) sit, a tri, a slap, tu sel round, sits in a diater, and de front sit on a kog ; and dis prinsipel wud hav tu bi apleid tu absv 4100 wsrdz. I-Iu wud Xndertek tu proveid o1 diz veriej‘onz ov de prezent yuniform. spelii] ov diz wsrdz? And wi most not forget dat, after col, in ridip a pej wi ar seldom in dout wheder sole minz a fif, or de sole ov a fut, or iz yuzd az an ajektiv. If der iz at eni teim eni rial difikzslti, laggwej proveidz its on remedi. It eider drops sag wordz az rite and sole, replesii] dem bei cere- many and only, or it yiizez a‘ perifrastik eksprefon, sag az de sol ov de fut, or de sol and onli ground, ets. 0N SPELLING. 33 Has far ei hav treid tu anser de riali important argiu- ments whig hav bin brot forwerd agenst fonetik spelig. Ei hav den so wid spejal referens'tu de pouerful remon- stransez ov Argbij'op Trench, and biz most ebel plidiij in favor ov de establij't sistem ov ordografi. A2. a mir skolar, ei fuli I er biz filirjz, and ei sinsirli admeir biz elokwent advokasi. Ei difer from him bekoz ei du, not dirjk, az bi dnz, dat de los enteld bei fonetik spelilj wud bi so gret az wi imajin; .or dat it wud bi ol on wen seid. Beseidz, enles hi kan f o hou a reform ov spelirj iz not onli for de prezent tu bi avoided, but oltu- geder tu bi renderd enneseseri, ei' konsider dat de suner it iz tsken in band do beter. It simz tu mi dat de Argbifop luks on de introdekj'on ov fonetik spelirj an a mir kroget ov a flu skolarz, or az an atempt on de part ov .ssm hsf-ediuketed personz, wifiij tu avoid de tre'bel ov lernirj hou tu spel korektli. If dat wer so, ei kweit agri wid him dat peblik opinion wud never asiiim sefij'ent fors for kariiij der skim. Bet der iz a motiv pouer beheind diz fonetik reformerz whig de Argbi J‘ op haz hardli teken intu akount. Ei min de mizeri endiiird bei milionz ov gildren at skul, hu, meit 1cm in wen yir, and wid rial advantej tn demselvz, whot de nou rekweir for or feiv yirz tu 1ern, and seldom seksid in lernirj after 0)]. ‘ ' If de evidens ov sag men az Mr Ellis iz tu bi depended on, and ei beliv hi iz wilirj tn submit tu eni test, den fiurli de los ov sem historikal and etimolojikal suvnz'rz wud we litel agenst de hapines 0v milionz ov gildren, and de stil heier hapines ov milionz 0v Iijgli f men and Igglif- wimen, groirj ep az de erz [heirs] tu (01 de weld and strerjd 0v Iljglif literatiur, or enebel tu rid iven der Beibel. Hir it iz wher ei ventiur tu difer from de Arg- bij‘op, not az biig sangwin az tu eni immidiet sskses, 34 ON SPELLING. bat simpli az iilir] it a diuti tu help in a koz Whig at prezent iz most anpopiular. He ivil de me bi put of for alog teim, partikiularli if de wet ov sag men az Arg- bi i op Trench iz dron intu de ader skel. Bat anlés lag- gwej sisez tu bi laggwej, and reitig sisez tu bi reitig, de de wil ~[iurli kam when pis wil hav tu bi med betwin de mi. Jermani haz apointed a Gavernment Komifon tu konsider whot iz tu bi dan wid Jerman spelig. In Amerika, tu, sam lidig stetsmen sim inkleind tu tek ap de reform ov spelig on nafonal groundz. Iz der no stetsman in Iggland safij'entli pruf agenst ridikiul tu kol de atenj'on ov Parliment tu whot iz a groig naj'onal misfortiun? Mag, houever, az ei difer from de Argbijop on diz groundz, ei kanot bat depreket de ton in Whig hiz pou- erful opozij' on haz bin met bei meni ov de apholderz ov fonetik spelig. Ne, ei mast go stil farder, and fragkli konfés dat tu wan ov hiz argiuments ei feind it difikalt, at prezent, tu giv a satisfaktori anser. “ It iz a mir asampj'on,” de Argbi J‘ op remarks, “ dat 01 men pronoiins ol wardz aleik; or dat whenever de kam tu spel a ward de wil ekzaktli agri az tu whot de outlein ov its sound iz. Nou wi ar fiur men wil not dq dis, from de fakt dat, befor der woz eni fikst and seteld ordografi in our laggwej, when, derfor, everibodi woz mor or les a fonografer, sikig tu reit doun de ward az it sounded tu him,——for hi had no ader lo tu geid him, ——de veriejonz ov spelii] ar infinit. Tek, for instan's, de ward sudden, Whig daz not sim tu promis eni gret skop for vareiet-i. Ei hav meiself met wid dis ward speld in no les dan fortin wez amag our erli reiterz. Agen, in hou meni wez woz Italeigh’s nem speld, or Shakspere’s ? He sem iz evident from de spelig ov anediuketed personz 0N SPELLING. 85 in our on do. He hav no oder but de sound tu geid dem. Hou iz it dat ds du, not al spel aleik ?”-—-English Past and Present, p. 203. Leik most men hii plid wid der hart az we]. az wid der hed, de Argbij'op haz hir overlukt won ObVlXS anser tu .hiz kwestion. He du not spel aleik bekaz de hav bin brat up wid a sistem ov spelig in Whig de sem sound kan bi reprezented in ten diferent wez, and in whig hardli eni won leter iz restrikted tu won fonetik pouer onli. If gildren wer brat op wid an alfabet in whig ig - leter had but won sound, and in Whig de sem sound woz alwez reprezented bei de sem sein—and dis iz de veri esens ov fonetik reitig—den it wud bi simpli imposibel dat dc fud drim ov reitig sudden in fortin, or Woburn in 14.40, diferent wez. But for al dat der iz sum trud in de Argbij'op’s re- mark; and if wi komper de diferent wsz in whig de advoksts ov fonetik spelirJ—men leik Pitman, Bell, Ellis, Withers, Jones—reit de ssm we'rdz, iven when . yqziig de sem fonetik alfabet, wi fal si - dat de difiks'lti pointed out bei de Argbij'op iz a rial wan. Everiws'n noz hou diferentli de sem wordz alwez hav bin and stil ar pronounst in diferent parts ov Iggland. And it iz not onli in tounz and kountiz dat diz pekiuliaritiz pre- vel ; der ar serten wordz Whig won famili pronoiinsez diferentli from ane'der ; and der ar beseidz de stodid and onstodid pekiuliaritiz ov individiual spikerz. Tu kon- vins ‘pipel dat won prononsief on iz reit and de ader rog, simz aterli hoples. Ei hav herd a heili koltiveted man defendig hiz dropirJ de h at de beginii] ov serten wordz, bei de Knanserabel argiument dat in de ples wher hi woz brat op, nowsn pronoiinst diz inij'al h’z. Whot Skogman wud admit dat hiz pronsnsiefon woz falti? 36 ON SPELLING. Whot Eiriiman wudsebmit tu lcoz ov speliig past in London? And whot renderz argiument on eni neisetiz 0v pronzsnsiej' on stil mor difikzslt iz, dat bod de ir and de ton ar most tregeros witnesez. Ei hav herd Amerikanz menten in gud ernest dat der woz mag les ov nezal twag in Amerika dan in Iijgland. Pipel ar not awer hou_ de pronoiins, and hen diferentli de pronodns won and de sem word. Az a forener ei hav had ampel oportiunitiz for obzervef on on dis point. Ssm frendz wud tel mi, for instans, dat world woz pronodnst leik whirt’d, father leik farther, nor (befor konsonantsl leik gnaw, bud leik bird, burst leik bust, for leik fur, birth leik berth; dat de vouelz had de sem sound in where and were, in God and gaudy ; wheil oderz afiurd mi dat nowzsn bet a forener kud dink so. And do worst iz, dat iven de sem person doz not olwez pronouns de sem word in ekzaktli de sem maner. Konstantli, when ei askt a frend tn repit a word Whig hi had just pronounst, hi wud pronouns it agen, bet wid a sleit diferens. He mir fakt ov hiz treiii.) tu pronodns wel wud giv tu hiz pro- nsnsiej'on a konj'a's’and emfatik karakter. He prepozifon of iz pronoiinst bei most pipel on, hot if kros-ekzamind, meni wil se dat de pronouns on, hot de 0 not ekzaktli leik 01?‘. He konfiugon beksmz gretest when it iz atempted tu eidentifei de pronsnsiej'on, se ov a vouel in J erman wid a vouel in Igglif. No ti’i Ingli f men and no tii J ermanz simd tu bi ebel tu agri on whot de herd wid der irz, or whot de sed wid der te'gz ; and de rezzslt in do end iz, dat no vouel in J erman woz riali de sem az eni xder vouel in Igglij'. Tu tek won or ti’i instansez from Mr Ellis’s Ki tu Palioteip (Paloeotype), ei kan hir no diferens be- twin do a in Italian mano, Iiyglij‘ father, and J erman ON SPELLING. 37 mahnen, enles ei restrikt mei obzerveionz tu de eterans ov serten individiualz ; wheraz ei dq hir a veri deseided, and jenerali adopted, diferens betwin de vouelz in J er- man bo'cke and Freng jeune. Mr Ellis, tegirj on de sem difikelti, remarks, “ Mr Bell’s pronensiefon, in meni instansez, diferz from dat whig ei am akestomd tu giv, espej'ali in foren werdz. Bod ov es me bi rorj.” Mr Sweet remarks, pej 10, “ Mr Ellis insists strorjli on de monofdorjgal karakter 0v hiz on e’z and o’z. Ei hir biz e (may), and o (no) az distiijkt difdoijz, not onli in biz Irjglif pronensiefon, bet also in lllZ pronensiejon ov Freng, Jerman, and Latin.” If fonetik reitig ment . dis minilit fotografi ov spoken soundz, in Whig Mes. Bell and Ellis eksél ; if eni atempt had ever bin med tu emploi dis her-splitirj mafineri for a praktikal reform ov Igglif spelig, do objekj'onz rezd bei Argbifop Trench wud bi kweit enanserabel. Her wud bi fifti diferent wez ov spelig Irjglij', and do konfiugon wud bi greter dan it iz non. Not iven Mr Bell’z derti'siks kategoriz ov vouel sound wud bi sefij'ent tu render everi pekiuliariti ov vouel kwoliti, pig, and kwontiti, wid perfekt akiurasi. (Si H. Sweet, “Histori ov Igglij' Soundz,” pp. 58, 68,) Bet "dis woz never intended, and wheil konsidiij meg tu de Argbijop’s argiuments, ei mest not konsid tu meg. Whot ei leik in Mr Pitman’z sistem ov spelii) iz ek- zaktli whot ei n6" haz bin found folt wid bei ederz, nemli, dat hi dez not atempt tu refein tu meg, and tu ekspres in reitig doz endles [edz ov pronensief on, whig me bi ov de gretest interest tu de stindent ov akoustiks, or ov fonetiks, az apleid tu de stedi ov livig deialekts, bet Whig, for praktikal az wel az for seientifik filolojikal perposez, mest bi enteirli ignord. Reitiij woz never intended tu fotograf spoken laggwejez : it woz ment tu 38 ON SPELLING. indiket, not tu pent, soundz. If Voltaire sez, “ L’ecri- ture c’est la peinture de la voix,” hi iz reit ; bat when hi goz on tu se, “plus elle est ressemblante, meilleur' elle est,” ei am not serten dat, az in a piktiur ov a land- skep, so in a piktiur ov de vois, pri-Itsfeleit miniutnes me not destroi de veri objekt ov de piktiur. Laggwej dilz in broad kalorz, and reiti'g at tu folo de ekzampel ov laggwej, whig do it alouz an endles vareieti 0v pronan- siej' on, restrikts itself for its on parpos, for de parpos -ov ekspresig dot in (91 its modifikej'onz, tu a veri limited namber ov tipikal vouelz and konsonants. Out ov de larj namber ov soundz, for instans, whig hav bin kata- logd from de verias Igglij' deialekts, doz onli kan bi rekogneizd az konstitiuent elements 0v de laggwej whig in, and bei, der diferens from ig ader konvé a diferens ov minig. ()v sag pregnant and dot-konveig vouelz, Igglij' pozésez no mor dan twelv. Whotever de meinor j'edz ov vouel soundz in Igglij' deialekts me bi, de du not en- rig de laggwej, az sag, dat iz, de d1], not enebel de spiker tu konvé mor miniiit j‘edz ov dot dan de twelv tipikal siggel vouelz. Beseidz, der jenerali iz whot de Freng meit kol a fonetik solidariti in ig deialekt. If wan vouel genjez, de aderz ar apt tu folo. and de men objekt ov laggwej remenz de sem drqout, nemli, tu prevent wan ward from ranig intu anader, and yet tu absten from tii miniiit fonetik distigkj'onz, whig an ordineri ir meit feind it difikalt tu grasp. His prinsipel ov fonetik solidariti iz ov gret importans, not onli in eksplenig de gradiual genjez 0v vouelz, bat also sag jeneral genjez 0v konso- nants az Wi si, for instans, in de Jerman Lautoerschiebung. Az sun az wan ples iz left vekant, der iz prej'ur tu til it, or so mag ov it az iz left vekant, bat no mor. Her er, in fakt, tii brangez, or at 01 events, tii kweit 0N SPELLING. 39 distigkt praktikal aplikefonz ov de seiens ov Fonetiks, Whig, for Wont ov beter nemz, ei designet az filoloji/ca/ and ~deialektikal. Her iz Whot ms bi kald a filolojikal studi ov Fonetiks, Whig iz an esenj'al part 0v de Seiens ov Laggwej, and haz for its objekt tu giv a klir eidia ov de alfabet, not az riten, but az spoken. It trits ov de matirialz out ov Whig, de instruments Wid Whig, and de proses bei Whig, vouelz and konsonants ar formd ; and after eksplenig hou serten leterz agri, and difer, in der matirial 3 in de instruments Wid Whig, and de proses bei Whig, dc ar prodiiist; it enebelz us tu understand dc kazez and rezults ov Whot iz kald Fonetik Oenj. In meni respekts de most instruktiv tritment ov de jeneral diori ov Fonetiks iz tu bi found in de Pratisakhyas; partikiularli in de oldest (400 B.K.), dat atagt tu de Rig Veda.1 Ho dc number ov posibel soundz ms sim infinit, de number ov rial soundz yuzd in Sanskrit or eni uder given laggwej for de purpos ov ekspresiiJ diferent fedz 0v minig, iz veri limited. It iz Wid diz brad kategoriz ov sound alon dat de Pratisakhyas dil ; and it iz for a proper understandii) ov diz de Seiens ov Laggwej haz tu inkliud Widin its stir a kerful studi ov Fonetiks. He deialektikal studi ov Fonetiks haz larjer objekts. It Wifez tu ekzast al posibel soundz Whig kan bi pro- dii’ist bei dc vokal organz, litel konsernd az tu wheder diz soundz oku‘r in eni rial laggwej or not. It in partikiularli yusful for de purpos ov pentig, wid de ut- most akiurasi, de aktiual pronunsiefon ov individiualz, and ov fiksig de fentest fedz ov deialektik vareieti. Ho 1 “Rig-Veda-Pratisakhya, Das alteste Lellrbuch der Vedischen Phonetik, Sanskrit Text mit Ubersetzung und Anmerkungcn, herausgsgeben,” von F. Max Miiller, Leipzig, 1869. 40 ' ON SPELLING. most marvele's agivment in dis brang ov apleid fonetiks me bi sin in Mr. Bell’s “ Vizibel Spig.” Hiz ti’i brangez ov fonetik seiens, houever, j'ud bi kept kerfuli distigkt. Az de foundef on ov a praktikal alfabet, leikweiz az de onli sef foundef on for de Seiens ov Laggwej, wi wont filolojikal or dioretik Fonetiks. Wi wont an "snderstandig 0v doz jeneral prinsipelz and doz brod kategoriz ov sound Whig ar trited in de Pratisakhyas ; wi du, not wont eni ov de minidt deialektik distigkj'onz, Whig hav no gramatikal porpos, and ar derfor outseid de ‘ pel 0v gramatikal seiens. Tu'minidt distigkfon pro- didsez konfiugon, and wher it kan bi avoided, widout a sakrifeiz ov akiurasi, it (at tu bi avoided. Wher vegnes ekzists in rialiti, and wher netiur alouz a brod marjin on eider seid, it wud bi rog tu ignor dat latitiud. Akiurasi itself wud hir beka'm inakiurasi. But when wi wont tu ekzcost ol posibel fedz ov sound, when wi wont tu fotograf de pekiuliaritiz ov serten deialekts, or megur de diviej'onz in de prona'nsiefon ov individiualz bei de most miniut degriz, wi den most avel ourselvz ov dat ekskwizit artistik mafineri konstrzskted bei Mr. Bell, and handeld wid so mag skil bei Mr A. J. Ellis, do fiu onli wil bi ebel tu yuz it wid rial sskses. Sam pipel sim tu imajin dat de pouer ov distiggwifig minidt diferensez 0v soundz iz a natiural gift, and kanot bi akweird. It me bi so in kweit eksepj'onal kesez, bet ei no az a fakt dat a geild dat had, az pipel se, no ir for miuzik, and kud not sig “ God Sev de Kwin,” gradiuali akweird de pouer ov distiggwij'ig de ordineri nots, and ov sigii] a tiun. Spikig from mei on ekspiriens, ei fud se dat a gud ir ke'mz bei inheritans, for, az lop az ei kan remember, a fols not, or, az wi yust tu kol it, an impiur (unrein) not, woz tu mi fizikali penful. 0N SPELLING. 4:1 Bet dis apleiz tu miuzik onli, and it iz bei no minz jenerali tru, dat pipel bu hav a gud miuzikal ir, hav olso a gud ir for laggwej. Ei hav non pipel kweit enmiuzikal, pozést ov a veri gud ir for laggwej, and vice oersci. He tii natiural gifts, derfor, if natiural gifts de ar, ov distiggwij'ii] miniiit degriz ov pig and kwoliti ov sound du not sim tu bi de sem. He rial difikelti, houever, whig meks itself felt in diskesig miniiit fedz ov sound, areizez from de insefij'ensi ov our nomenkletiur, from do almost irrezistibel infiiuens 0v imajinej' on, and in do end, from de wont ov a fonometer. A gud miuzi I an kan distiggwij' betwin Cfarp and D flat, a gud fonetij' an betwin a “lo-bak-naro” and a “lo-mikst-naro” vouel. Bet de kanot olwez translet der sentiments intu definit laggwej, and if de trei bei aktiual eksperiment tu imitet diz tii soundz ov vouelz, de imperfekfonz ov de ir and terj, bod in de spiker and de lisener, frikwentli render o1 atempts at a miutiual enderstandig imposibel. fal never areiv at seientifik presigon til wi hav a fonom- eter for kwoliti ov sound, nor do, ei si wbei seg an instrument j'ud bi imposibel. Ei wel remember \Vheat- stone telig mi, dat hi wud endertek tu riprodius bei minz ov an instrument everi j' ed ov vouel in eni 1a1ggwej ov de werld, and ei jud dirjk dat Willis’s and Helmholtz’s eksperiments wud seplei de elements from whig seg a fonometer meit bi konstitiuted. Az sun az wi kan megur, defein, and riprodius, at plegur, whot at prezent wi kan onli deskreib in aproksimet termz, de seiens ov fonetiks wil bekem most frutful, and asiiim its lejitimet ples az a sine gud non tu de stiudent ov laggwej. Ei hav semteimz bin blemd for havirj insisted on ' Fonetiks biiij rekogneizd az de foundefon ov de Seiens ov Larjgwej. Prof. Benfey and eder skolarz protested 42 ON SPELLING. agenst de gapter ei hav devoted tu Fonetiks in de Sekond Siriz ov mei “ Lektiurz,” az an anneseseri inovefon, and doz protests hav bekam stil strogger ov let. Bat hir, 1311, wi mast distiggwij betwin tii, digz. Filolojikal or J eneral Fonetiks, ar, ei hold az strogli az- ever, an integral part ov de Seiens ov Laggwej ; Deialek- tik Fonetiks me bi yusful hir and der, bat de j'ud bi kept widin der proper sfi’r 5 'aderweiz, ei admit az redili aa eniwan els, de obskitir rsder dan revil de bred and masiv kalorz ov sound whig laggwej yuzez for its ordineri wark. If reflekt a litel, wi [al si dat de filolojikal kon- sepj'on ov a vouel iz samdig totali diferent from its piurli akoustik or deialektik konsepj‘on. He former iz gifli konsernd wid de stir ov posibel veriefon, and de later wid de piurli fenomenal individiualiti ov ig vouel. Tu de filolojist, de dri vouelz in septimus, for instans, whot- ever der ekzakt pronansiefonz me hav bin at diferent teimz, and in diferent provinsez ov de Roman Empeir, ar potenj'ali wan and de sem. luk on septimus and 8360,10: az on Sanskrit saptamas, and onli bei noig dat e, i, and u in septimus ar 01 reprezentativz ov a .fort a, or dat optimus standz for de mor enjent optumus and optomos, du, wi tek in at wan glans de hol histori and posibel veriefon ov diz vouelz in diferent laggwejez and deialekts. Even wher a vouel disapirz komplitli, az in gigno for gigeno, in 'rrl'lr'rw for mean», de mental ei 0v de filolojist disérnz and wez whot no ir kan hir. And wheil in diz kesez de etimolojist, disregardig de klirest vareieti 0v pronansiej'on, trits sag vouelz az a, e, i, o, u az wan and de sem, in aderz wher tii vouelz sim tu hav ekzaktli de sem sound tu de deialekti i an, de filolojist on hiz part persivz diferensez ov de gretest importans. He i in on SPELLING. 4-3 fides and aliens me hav de sem sound az de i in gigno or septimus, de a ov luo me not difer from de u in optumus or lubens, but der intrinsik valiu, der kepabilitiz ov grod and deké, ar totali diferent in ig. Wi fal never bi ebel tu spik wid enidig leik rial seientifik akiurasi ov de pro- nunsiefon 0v cnj'ent laggwejez, but iven if wi luk tu der- riten apirans onli, Wi si agen and agen hou vouelz, riten aleik, ar historikali totali distigkt. Grimm introdiust. de distigkj‘on betwin oii and at, betwin tin and art, not bekaz it iz bei eni minz serten dat de pronunsiefon or diz difdogz verid, but bekaz hi wift tu indiket dat do antesidents ov di and tin wer diferent from doz ov a2" and art. In Godik faihu, (Sk. pasu, pecu,) ai iz a- j'ortend tu i, and broken befor h tu di; in Godik odit (Sk. veda, (cite), ai iz radikal i stregdend tu (ii. In Godik dadhtar (Sk. duhitar Gu'yd'rnp), ad iz radikal is: broken tu ad ; in aiihna, uven (Sk. asna. i-rrvd=ixuo=dxuo),, de ,au iz a darkend tu u, and broken tu du; wheil in- Godik bdug ('n'épevya), du iz orijinal u stregdend tu du. When wi hir é and o’ in Godik, Wi si ti, just az si‘, Dorik d beheind Eionik 11. When wi hir c in canis, Wi si Sanskrit s ; when Wi hir c in oruor, wi si Sanskrit k- When wi hir 'y in 761105‘, Wi si Brian g ; when wi hir 7 in. gbAe'yw, Wi si Brian 2. Hiz fiu ilustrej‘onz wil eksplen, ei hop, de esenj‘a]L diferens in de aplikej'on ov fonetiks tu filoloji and- deialektoloji, and wil [o dat in de former our bruj" must‘ ov nesesiti bi brad, wheil in de later it must bi fein. It iz bei miksii) up tii separet leinz ov reserg, it; heili important in itself, dat so mug konfiugon haz 0v let bin okegond. He valiu 0v piurli fonetik obzervefonz' Iud on no akount bi underrated ; but it iz neseseri, for- dat veri rizon, dat deialektikal az wel az filolojikal e114.‘ ON SPELLING. fonetiks fud bi konfeind tu der proper sfir. He filolojist haz meg tu lern from de fonetijan, bot hi fud never ‘forget dat hir, az elswher, whot iz bred and tipikal iz az important and az seientifikali akiuret az whot iz minidt .and spefal. Whot iz bred and tipikal iz often mor akiuret iven dan whot iz miniut and spefal. It meit bi posibel, for instans, bei a fotografik proses, tu reprezent de ekzakt pozij'on 0v de ton and de inseid wolz ov de moud wheil wi pronouns de Italian vouel 3'. Bot it wud bi de gretest mistek tu sopoz dat dis imej givz as de onli we in Whig ‘dat vouel iz, and kan bi, pronounst. Ho ig individiual me hav hiz on we ov P188113 de ton in pronounsii] Z‘, wi ‘hav onli tu trei de eksperiment in order tu konvins ourselvz dat, wid sem efort, wi me veri dat poziion in aneni Wez and yet prodids de sound 0v 3'. When, derfor, "in mei “Lektiurz on de Seiens ov Laggwej,” ei 'gev piktiurz 0v de pozifonz ov de vokal organz rekweird_for pronounsii) de tipikal leterz 0v de alfabet, ei tuk gret 'eker tu mek dem tipikal, dat iz, tu liv dem ref skegez reder dan miniut fotografs. Ei kanot beter ekspres whot ~ei fil on dis point dan bei kwotig de werdz 0v Haeckel :— “ For didaktik psrposez, simpel skimatik figiurz ar ‘far mor yusful dan piktiurz prezervig de gretest fedfulnes tu netiur and karid out wid de gretest akiurasi.” (“ Ziele und Wege,” p. 37.) Tu return, after dis digrei on, tu Mr Pitman’z alfabet, ~ei repit dat it komendz itself tu mei meind bei whot oderz kol its inakiurasi. It i oz its rial and praktikal wizdom bei not atemptig tu fiks eni distigkj'onz Whig :ar not absoliutli neseseri. If, for instans, wi tek de ,jgxtzsral teniuis, wi feind dat Igglij' rekogneizez wen k onli, oldo its pronzsnsieion veriz konsiderabli. It iz 0N SPELLING. 4'5 semteimz pronoiinst so az tu prodids almost a farp krak; semteimz it haz a dip, holo sound ; and semteimz a soft, lezi, mouillé karakter. It veriz konsiderabli akordiij tu de vouel whig foloz it, az enibodi me hir, ne lil, if hi pronounsez, in seksejon, kot, lcql, kar, kat, kit. Bet az Igglij' dez not yuz diz diferent Irz for de perpos ov distirjgwij'irj werdz or gramatikal formz, wen brod kategori onli ov voisles geteral geks haz tu bi admited in reitig Igglij'. In de Semitik laijgwejez de kes iz diferent; not onli ar kaf and kof diferent in sound, bet dis diferens iz yuzd tu distiggwij' diferent minigz. Or if wi tek de vouel a in its orijinal, piur pronensie- Ion, leik Italian a, kan izili persiv dat it haz diferent kelorz in diferent kountiz ov Iijgland. Yet in reitig it me bi trited az wen, bekoz it haz bet wen and de sem gramatikal intenf on, and dez not konvé a niu miniij til it eksidz its weidest limits. Gud spikerz in Iggland pronoiins de a in last leik de piur Italian a ; wid ederz it bekemz brod, wid ederz din. Bet do it me des osilet konsiderabli, it mest not enkrog on de provins 0v 6, whig wud genj its miniig tu lest; nor on de provins ov a, whig wud genj it tu lost-3 nor on de provins ov u, whig wud genj it tu lust. He difikelti, derfor, whig Argbij' op Trench haz pointed out iz riali restrikted tu doz kesez wher de pronensiefon ov vouelz—for it iz wid vouelz gifli dat wi ar trebeld— veriz so meg az tu overstep de brodest limits ov wen ov de rekogneizd kategoriz ov sound, and tu enkrog on aneder. If wi tek de werd fast, whig iz prononinst veri diferentli iven bei ediuketed pipel, der wud bi no nesesiti for indiketirj in reitiij de diferent fedz ov pronensisfon ‘whig lei betwin de sound ov de fort Italian a and de 1013 a herd in father. Bet when de a in fast it pronoiinst 46 ON SPELLING. Ieik de a in fat, den de nesesiti ov a niu grafik eksponent wud areiz, and Argbij op Trench wud bi reit in twiting fonetik reformerz wid sagkj'onig tii speligz for de sem ward. Ei kud menj'on de nemz ov dri bij'ops, wan ov hum pronoiinst de vouel in God leik God, anader leik rod, a derd leik gad. He last pronansiej'on wud probabli bi kondemd bei everibodi, bat de ader tii wud remen, sagkj'ond bei de heiest odoriti, and derfor retend in fonetik reitig. So far, den, ei admit dat Argbi j' op Trench haz pointed out a rial difikalti inhirent in fonetik reitir) ; bat whot iz dat wan difikalti komperd wid de difikaltiz ov de prezent sistem ov Igglif spelig ? It wud not bi onest tu trei tu eved hiz garj, bei seig dat der iz bat wan pronansiefon rekogneizd bei de yuzej 0v ediuketed pipel. Hat iz not so, and doz hu no best de beioloji 0v laggwej, no dat it kanot bi so. He veri leif ov laggwej konsists in a konstant frikj'on betwin de sentripetal fors 0v kastom and de sentrifiugal fors ov individiual fridom. Agenst dat difikalti derfor der iz no remedi. (Tnli hir agen de Argbij'op simz tu hav overlukt de fakt dat de difikalti belogz tu de prezent sistem ov spelig nirli az mag az tu de fonetik sistem. Her iz bat wan rekogneizd we ov spelig, bat everibodi pronolinsez akordig tu hiz on idiosinkrasiz. It wud bi de sem wid fonetik spelir']. Wan pronansiefon, de best rekogneizd, Wud hav tu bi adopted az a standard in fonetik reitig, livig tu everi Igglifrnau hiz fridom tu pronoiins az simed gud tu him. Wi j‘ud lqz nadir) ov whot wi nou pozés, and 01 de advantejez ov fonetik reitii] wud remen animperd. He rial stet ov de kes iz, derfor, dis--Nowan defendz de prezent sistem ov spelig ; everiwan admits de sirias 0N SPELLIN G. 47 dnjuri Whig it inflikts on nafonal ediukej'on. Everibodi admits de praktikal adv antejez ov fonetik spelig, but after dat, al eksklem dat a reform ov spelii), wheder parfal or komplit, iz imposibel. Wheder it iz imposibel ~ or not, ei gladli liv tu men 0v de wurld tu deseid. A2 a skolar, az a stiudent ov de histori ov laggwej, ei simpli msnten dat in everzi riten laggwej a reform ov spelig iz, 81331161‘ or leter, inevitabel. No dout de ivil de me bi put of. Ei hav litel dout dat it wil bi put of for meni jenerej'onz, and dat a rial reform wil probabli not bi karid eksept konkurentli Wid a veiolent sofal konvul I on. Onli let de kwestion bi argiud ferli. Let fakts hav sum wet, and let it not bi supozd bei men ov de Wurld dat doz hu defend de prinsipelz ov de Fonetik Niuz ar onli titotalerz and vejeterianz, hu hav never lernd hou tu s e1. (If ei hav spoken strogli in suport ov Mr Pitman’z sistem, it iz not bekaz on al points ei konsider it siu- pirior tu de sistemz preperd bei uder reformerz, hu ar , li inkrisig in number; but gifli bekaz it haz bin tested so larjli, and haz stud de test wel. Mr. Pitman’z Fonetik Jurnal haz nou [1894:] bin publij't fifti-dri yirz, and if it iz non dat it iz publijt wikli in 23,000 kopiz, ig kopi reprezentii) at list for or feiv riderz, it me not sim so veri fulij, after al, if Wi imajin dat der iz sum veital pouer in dirt insignifikant jerm. ' \ . PHONOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION BOOK The PHONOGRAPHIC TEACHER; or First Boo Shorthand, A Guide to a Practical Acquaintance with Art of Phonography or Phonetic Shorthand, containi Series of Progressive Lessons. One million nine hun and fiftieth thousand. 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Price, cloth, phonetic reading. Price ; Tablets, or the letters of the Phonetic Alphabet, printed stiff cardboard, to be used in teaching the Alphabet, ‘; ‘ explaining it at Lectures. 3d. ; post-free 4d. ‘ ~ PITMAN'S PHONETIG READERS. , First Bookin Phonetic Reading, with “ Directions to Teache ‘ ‘ how to use it, Id. ; post-free I§d. - Printed in large type. 1 Second Book, 2d. ; p’ost-free 295d. Large type and z'llustra Third Book, 3d. ;. post-free 3%d. - ' Fourth Book, 4d. ; post-free 4%(1. Fifth or Transition Book, 3d. ; post-free 3-§~d. The set of Five Books, Is., post-free. Testimonials gratis and post-free. LONDON: Sir Isaac Pitman 8: Sons, 1 Amen Corner, E.C ' BATH: honetic Institute. NEW YORK: 33 Union Square. -__--__-__‘._.__~‘...~_._- _..~._.. - ‘35* emsreem o. .e.._‘._._.-. a...__ .._._>..\__ ,_... ...... . __- 1.- W _. .. y £11. a: ..~ .Ktw , tam... J‘, 13ft 5-. 5 " ‘ r82‘??? I’ " "his; ‘1;. ‘- (‘lbw-w address“. ‘remake 11,; , "weir, =7 _ ‘ v ‘iii’, ' Wm’; v fig??? 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