ARLEU PUBLICATIONS THE VISITATION OF CORNWALL, 620 CS 410 423 H2 B 820,141 ARTES LIBRARY VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | ༡༩པན་ཁོང TUEBOR UERIS-PENINSULAM AMIT MAN CIRCUMSPICE THE PUBLICATIONS OF The Harleian Society. ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. THE GL FATHERS VIRGVOC ET FIDE ARE THE Volume EX. FOR THE YEAR MDCCCLXXIV. 2 > THE GRENVILLE QUARTERINGS, FACSIMILE REDUCED. HARL:MS. 1164. 1000 4 Sa 2 or Ar 9 Ar A Sa Sa At A'A Ar R Sa B Ar Su AY of Ar За B За یست 9 #or ΟΥ sa H.H.DRAKE . 73 Whiteman & Bass. Photoliths to the Queen 230, High Holborn Sa 总 ​कु & 啡 ​OR Ar Sa Av Ar Ar A Ar 9 or Sa AT Ar O DY B or B Αν ΟΥ DJ $ + + Sa of + sa Ja Ar Ar Sa Ar AY Sa Sa 5. Ba AT See end of Prefa The grampler Visitation of the County of Cornwall. IN THE YEAR 1620. EDITED BY LIEUT.-COLONEL J. L. VIVIAN AND HENRY H. DRAKE, M.A., PH.D., MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ARCHEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE of GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. LONDON: 1874. LONDON: MITCHELL AND HUGHES, PRINTERS, WARDOUR STREET, W. Preface. THE original drafts of the Heralds' Visitation of Cornwall in 1620 are pre- served in the British Museum, and form part of the Harleian Collection, being MSS. 1162 and 1164. They are in the handwriting of Camden's deputies, Sir Henry St. George, when Richmond Herald, and Mr. Sampson Lennard, Blue Mantle; and the pedigrees are subscribed in most cases by the then representatives of the several families. The pedigrees in each of these MSS. have the word "Entered" written above them, in red chalk, shewing that they had been transcribed at the College of Arms; and those in MS. 1162 have an additional mark (thus #) in black lead, from which we presume that a second transcript was made, probably that in Harl. MS. 1079, by John Withie, Heraldic Artist of London, in whose MS. the greater number of the pedigrees of MS. 1164 do not appear. The loose sheets on which the drafts were written were bound together by Mr. Sampson Lennard, whose arms were stamped on the cover. After his death they came into the posses- sion of Mr. Parker, who added a few notes, and they then passed by purchase to Mr. Robert Fisher, and subsequently to the Earl of Oxford's library. 1 In editing this Visitation, we have endeavoured to reproduce these original drafts in printing type, scrupulously retaining all the inaccuracies, whether in orthography or in statement of fact, in order that the reader may be enabled to form a fair estimate of the nature and value of a Herald's Visita- tion. But the order of the pedigrees is not preserved. They are arranged alphabetically, according to the plan adopted for the 'Visitation of Devon,' ¹ Probably an accredited artist. Herald painters were (to ensure accuracy) obliged to obtain licence from the Heralds to pursue their occupation, and were punishable and punished for acting without such authority. Grim. Orig. Geneal., p. 83. 260348 b vi PREFACE. Harl. Soc. Pub., vol. vi. Where the Arms are given we have blazoned them in their places, and we have referred to the Harleian MSS.-chiefly MS. 1079-to supply the omissions in a separate list, at p. 301. It is much to be regretted that Carew, the Historian, left his "painful collection of Cornish Arms ""unmentioned," from fear of doing his friends the Heralds wrong, "by thrusting his sickle into their harvest." He states that the Cornish appeared to change and diversify their Arms at pleasure, and further, that "The most Cornish gentlemen can better vaunt of their pedigree than of their livelihood, for that they derive from great antiquity, and I (R. C.) make question whether any shire in England, of but equal quantity, can muster a like number of fair coat armours, whereas this declineth to the mean." De Dunstanville edit., p. 179. The County of Cornwall may be considered pre-eminent in the antiquity of its family Heraldry, since it was admitted in Court, during the memorable Scrope and Grosvenor controversy, that the same Arms, azure a bend or, had remained in the family of Carminow from the time of King Arthur! conse- quently it had been adjudged in a previous trial with Scrope, under the walls of Paris, that Carminow should continue to bear them entire, a fact at variance with the popular belief that a label was assigned to the Cornishman for difference.¹ In point of family antiquity, Cleaveland, in his 'History of the House of 1 Evidences of Arms of Carmynowe without the label. In addition to the seals quoted, p. 33, are the seal of Thomas Carmynow (Chapter Ho. Domestic Deeds, 7 R. II., No. 16), and the seal of Oliver Carmynow of Fentongollan, with the motto "Cala Raggi wethlowe " (Chapter Ho. Domestic Deeds, 35 Eliz., No. 25), both in good preservation. The seals of different deeds in the possession of John Jope Rogers, Esq., the present Lord of the Manor of Wyneanton, are with- out the label. TESTIMONIES CONCERNING THE ARMS OF CARMINOW GIVEN IN THE SCROPE AND GROSVENOR CONTROVERSY. (Misc. Rolls of Chanc., Nos. 311 and 312.) John p' la gace de Dieu ROY DU CHASTELL & DE LYON DUC DE LANCASTRE, &c. Nous dions et tesmoignons q' a la derrain viage en France de notre tres redoute Sr & pier q' Dieu assoill' fuist moeve un debate des ditz armes p' entr' mons' Richard Lescrop susdit & un appelle Carmynau de Cornewale lequel Carmynau chalangea ses armes du dit mons' Richard le quele debate fuist mys en regard de sys chivalers and tielx sys chivalers jeo quide ne sont pas mayntenant en monde & la troverent p' lez tesmoignes verroies q' le dit Carmynau descendit delyne armez dazure ove un bende dor depuis le temps de roy Arthur encea. Et troverent q' le dit Mons. Richard descendut de droit lynee dauncestrie armez en memez lez armez dazur' ov un bende dor depuis le temps du Roy William Conquerour encea et issent fuist juggez q' ambideux devont porter lez armez entiers! PREFACE. vii Courtenay,' mentions the still more astounding tradition that one of the Carminows led a body of troops to oppose the landing of Cæsar. Although the early history of this family is obscure, it was once classed amongst those related to the blood royal (Harl. 1074, fo. 320), and so many Cornishmen are proud to claim descent from it, that we select its example, at page 296, to shew the necessity of testing the truth of the Visitation Pedigrees by independent evidence. Similar tests may be applied to the scarcely less distinguished Cornish family of Petit, and with similar results; and it must be understood from these examples, and our notes under Ley, Yorke, and others, that in repro- ducing the text of the Visitation we do not hold ourselves responsible for the errors it contains. The Records of the Heralds' Visitations are highly valuable in affording information which, but for them, would have been lost to the general public. These Visitations called moreover for the performance of two separate and distinct offices; the Heralds had to declare and record the Armorial cognizance of each particular family, to define the quarterings, differences, and due marks of cadency, while the "Chief of the Coat Armour " had to set forth his own pedigree, tracing from the last Visitation, and Mons. Thomas Fychet, &c., dit coment il ad oy dir' dez ceux quex sont veillerds q' Thomas Carmynau de Cornwalc qest mon p'ent estoit en debate ove le dit mons Richard et son lynage pr lez ditz armez en France devant le conte de Northampton luy quel Thomas Carmynau p’va cez armes du temps le Roy Arthur and le dit mons Richard du temps de Roy William le Con- querour p' quell accorde le dit Thomas Carmynau pur ce qil estoit devant le Q'quest il lez doit porter du droit. Nicholas Sabraham Esq. del age de lx ans. &c. Mes du chalange qi Carmynau fist a mons Richard Lescrop devant Parys lez queux estoient acordez p` le Roy and p' le duc de Lancast'r q' mort est q' chescun deux deyvent porter lez armez entiers. John Topclyffe Esquier del age de lx ans et plus. A la darrein voiage du Roy q' mort est un dez Carmynawe de Cornewale chalangeast le dit mons Richard et estoient acordez p' le count de Northampton adont conestable et p' le Count de Warwyk' adounc marshall et le duc de Lancastr' q' mort est q' pr cause q'lun estoit de Cornewale et lautre estoit trovez adont del Conquest, &c. Carmynawe lez doit porter pur ceo q' Cornwale estoit un grosse t're et jadys portant le noun dune roialme. John de Rither Esquier dage de lxvi ans, &c. Un Carmynawe de Cornwale q' chalangea le dit mons Richard a la voiage devant Parys & le Roy q' mort est & mons de Lancastr' q' mort est lez accorderent p' til man'e q' le dit mons Richard doit porter lez entiers armez & le dit Cormynaue lez doit porter auxi. The evidence of Geoffery Chaucer was in favour of Scrope, and did not affect Carmynow. (This memorable controversy lasted over four years. Among the witnesses appeared one Sovereign Prince, one Duke, three Earls, three Barons, three mitred Abbots, two Priors, eleven Bannerets, and more than one hundred and fifty Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, and others, an array such as no other case has ever seen before or since. Chetham Soc.. The Amicia Tract.) viii PREFACE. embracing such branches or members of his family as he thought fit to include for the Heralds' guidance and commemoration, and thus many genealogical errors occurred through indifference or lack of information on the part of the head of the house, and many omissions were due as much perhaps to a narrow or unamiable spirit as to forgetfulness. It is only fair to exonerate the officials of the time, whom aggrieved persons are apt to blame for the trouble caused by an erroneous statement, for much had evidently to be taken upon trust, or upon evidence which would not now be accepted by their successors at the College of Arms; and modern Genealogists deem it necessary to prove every pedigree by wills, parish registers, and by searches at the Record Office, to which the public, through the liberality of the Master of the Rolls, has every facility of access. The extracts from parish registers in the notes and appendix are intended not only to support the pedigrees, but to stimulate a taste for genealogical enquiries by assisting the cadets of a family to establish their connection with the main trunk, for, in the words of Richard Carew, "all Cornish gentlemen are cousins." They are extracted from large collections, commenced many years since, chiefly for private purposes, which will explain why they are not as uniformly given under each pedigree as we could have desired. When availing ourselves of the opportunities, kindly afforded by the clergy, of searching their parish records, to curtail an intrusive visit, we have, like the Eastern pearl divers, hastily collected every thing within reach, with- out waiting to scrutinize; we cannot therefore guarantee the accuracy of every transcript made under these circumstances, and we recommend the reader who descries a pearl of value, to have it verified by the clergyman of the parish, by whose certificate alone it can be converted into legal evidence. We have noted the varied spelling of the same name to encourage enquirers not to abandon their pursuit of a pedigree on account of the difficulty caused by such variations. About two hundred years since, the name Watts was spelt Oats, Woots, Wots in the Gwennap Registers.¹ A slight acquaintance with the Public Records will shew that family distinctions, 1 Shortly after the earthquake of Lisbon, a considerable amount of personalty was lost to the family of Joll (one of whom had acquired wealth as a foreign merchant), presumably from the different spelling of the name in an advertisement. See variations under Jolliffe. PREFACE. ix 1 based on the interchange of the letters i and y, such as in Vivian, Vyvyan, Williams, Wyllyams, are more imaginary than real. The pedigrees of Arundel and Petit, given at pages 271 and 276, were evidently interpolations, and that of Vivyan is taken from Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 37. Several pedigrees, belonging more properly to Devonshire, were inserted by the Heralds among the Cornish. They are added in the Supplement, together with a list of the "disclaimed," taken from Harl. MS. 1079. For the convenience of those among our Members who may desire to search further, we will repeat Sims' List of Heralds' Visitations for Cornwall (Manual, etc., p. 163). S. D.. 1530. "" Benolte "" (original) "" 1573. Cooke "" "" (original) College of Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14, 315. Coll. of Arms MS. H 18. "" "" MS. G 2 (1). Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 1079. Coll. of Arms MS. E 15. رو MSS. G 6 (1); 29 H 16. Caius Coll., Camb., MS. 553. "" "" 1620. Camden (By St. George and Lennard). Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 1079. "" (part of original) . 1162. "" "" "" (remaining part) 1164. • "" 1142. "" "" 1149. دو "" دو Coll. of Arms, MS. C 1. "" "" رو وو (with additions) MS. E, D, N, "" "" No. 2. وو دو "" Caius Coll., Camb., MS. 532. Bodl. Lib. MS. 5054, f. 59. To these we add the following from Sir N. Harris Nicolas' Catalogue, Harl. MSS. 891, 1956, 4632, 5827, 1482, 4031, 6252; and Cott. MS. Faust, E III. We must here acknowledge our obligations to the indefatigable Historian of Trigg, Sir John Maclean, F.S.A., whose numerous contributions are dis- X PREFACE. tinguished by the initials J. M. affixed, and whose valuable co-operation throughout entitles him to be regarded as forming with ourselves an Editorial triumvirate. HENRY H. DRAKE. JOHN L. VIVIAN. QUARTERINGS OF THE GRENVILLE SHIELD, REFERRED TO ON THE FRONTISPIECE. 1. Grenville. 14. Fitz Yve. 2. Wortham. 15. Carminowe. 3. Whitleigh. 4. Esse? 5. Winard. 6. Reprin, or Wroughton. 10. Trefouis. 16. St. Leger. 17. Donet. 18. Butler, Earl of Ormond. 19. Rochford. 27. Bere. 41. Berry. 28. Killegarth. 42. Mallet. 29. Udey. 43. 30. Pengelley. 31. Becket. 44. 32. Le Tailleur. 33. Nantion. 34. Delahay. 35. Lanhergy. 7. Bevil. 8. Waff? 20. Hankford. 21. Stapeldon. 9. Tredignie. 22. Bevil. 36. Fairford. 23. Trelowarren. 37. 11. Mathedarva. 12. Tresithney. 13. Petit. 24. Tredignie. 38. 25. Trefouis. 39. 26. Mathedarva. 40. Hungerford. 45. Giffard. 46. Trecarrel al's Esse. 47. Ilcomb. 48. Kelloway. 49. Tregarthan. 50. Hender. 51. Cornwall. 52. Chamberlain. 53. Pever. List of Visitation Pedigrees. ALEIGH. ARUNDELL of Lanherne ARUNDELL of Trerice ARUNDELL of Camborne ARUNDELL of Trerice (Add.) 271 AYRE BARRET. BARET BASSETT BASTARD • · • 2 PAGE 1 COCK. 2 COKE COLLING 3 COLQUIT CONNOCK PAGE 43 GLYN 44 GODOLPHIN 44 GODOLPHIN 45 GODOLPHIN 46 GOODE PAGE 80 80 82 • 83 • 83 • 3 COOLE of Morval 46 GRENVILE • • 84 4 COODE of Menheniot 48 GREINEVELE 87 • 5 CORYTON 49 GRILLS 88 6 CORYTON 49 GRYLLS. 88 BATTERSBYE BEAUCHAMP BEAUCHAMP • • BERE BERE BENNETT BILLINGE BLAKE BLIGHE BLIGHE • • 9 • 10 • 10 • • 7 COSWORTH 7 COSSEN alias MADDERN 7 COURTENAY of Landrake. 8 COURTENEY of Lanivet 9 COURTNEY of Penkivel COWLIN. CRAB. CRESSEL 11 CREWES. 12 CROCKER 13 CROCKHAY. 50 51 • 51 GROSSE . HALLAMORE HARRIS. 89 90 • 90 52 HARVY • 91 • 52 HATCH 91 • • 54 HAWKE 92 • • 55 55 HELE HENDER 92 • 93 56 HERLE 94 57 HEXT 96 57 HICKES 96 • • DARLEY. DARRELL 22 DEWEN 23 DODSON. 23 • EDGCOMBE 24 EDGCOMBE BOGANS 14 CROSMAN • BOND 14 CULLOW • BOND 15 DAGGE • • BONYTHON 16 DANDY BONYTHON 16 BOSAVARNE 17 BOSCAWEN. 17 DENYS 61 HOBLYN • • BOSSAWSACKE 62 JENKYN BOSUSTOWE 63 JEYNENES • BRAY 63 JOLLYFE BULLER. 64 JOPE. • • • BURELL. 25 EDMONDES. 65 • BURGES. 26 EDWARDES. 58 HILL of Hill Top 97 58 HILL. 98 59 HILL of Truro 60 HILL of St. Keverne 99 99 60 HYLL of Heligan 100 • • 61 HOARE 100 · 101 • 103 • 104 105 • 108 KEKEWICH 65 KENDALL 108 109 • BUSVARGUS BYLL. BYRD CAREW CAREW 27 ELFORD. 27 ELLYOTT or ELIOT. 28 ENYS. 28 ERISEY • 66 KENDALL 111 • • 66 KENDALL 112 • 67 KESTELL 112 • 67 KESTELL 115 • · • 33 ESTCOTT 69 KETE 116 • • CARMINOWE (Add. 296.) 33 FITZPEN alias PHIPPEN CARNSEWE. CARTER. • • 35 FLAMANKE. • 71 • 71 36 FLEMINGE. FORTESCU CARY. . CAVELL . CEELYE. CHAMOND CHEPMAN CHAPMAN CHENOUTH CHIVERTON of Paul 37 FLETCHAR 37 · 38 GAMON alias GAMBONE 40 GEORGE. 40 GEIRVEIS 41 GEYRVEYS . 41 GLANVILLE 42 GLANVILE CHIVERTON of Trehunsey. 43 GLYN • 74 LANGFORD. 75 LANGEFORD 75 KNYVETT KYLLYOWE 72 LAMPEN 73 LANGDON 117 117 • 119 119 73 LANGDON 120 • 121 • 122 • • • LANGHARNE 122 • • 77 LANYON 123 · 77 LAUNCE. 78 LEACHE 124 125 • • D 79 LEIGH • • 125 xii LIST OF VISITATION PEDIGREES. MATHEW MATHEW MAYNARD • LEVELIS LEY • LEY alias KEMPTHORNE . LOVEYS. LOVEYS. LOWER LOWER LOWER LYNAM · • • PAGE 126 PORTER. 127 PORTER • OBNE 129 POYLE 130 PYE · • 131 QUARME 132 RANDALL 133 · • RASHLEIGH 133 RESKIMER • MANINGTON MARKE. MARTYN • 134 ROBARTS 134 ROBERTS ROBINSON 1 136 · 137 ROGERS. 137 PAGE . 178 TREGEARE . 179 TREHANE PAGE 225 227 . 180 • TRELAWNY 228 • 181 TRENANCE . 231 182 TRENERTH. 233 ❤ 182 TRENGOVE alias NANSE 233 • . 183 TRESAHIER 234 • 185 TRETHEWY 237 186 TREUNWITH vel TREN- 186 188 • WITH . TREVANION 238 • 239 · 188 TREVANION 240 • MAYNARD MAYOW. MENWYNICK MICHELL MICHELL Monus. • MOLESWORTH MORTHE 140 . ROSCARROCK 138 ROSCARROCK 139 ROSCARROCK ROSEWARAN 189 + • TREVELYAN 242 189 TREVISA 244 • 190 · TREWOLLA. • 244 191 TREW BODY 246 • • · 140 ROSKROWE 192 · TREWREN 247 • • 141 ROSKRUGE. 192 TUBB 247 • 142 ROSUGGAN. 193 TUCKER. 248 142 ROUS. 193 • • • • VACYE 250 1 143 SAMUELL 196 • VERMAN 251 • 147 SAWLE • 196 VIVIAN 252 · • 147 • MORTON MOYELL MOYLE • MUNDAY 148 • • SAYER SCAWEN. 149 SCAWEN. 150 SCAWNE. 197 VYVYAN 256 • • 198 VIVYAN. 257 • • 199 WALLIS al's DARTE (Add.) 279 • 200 WEBBER 262 151 SCOBELL • NANKEVELL alias TIPPETT 153 NANSPIAN SEARLE SHORROCK 202 • 200 WHITE WILLIAMS 262 263 NICOLL • NICHOLLS NOYE OPY. OUGHE 154 156 SKORY • 202 • WILLOUGHBY. 265 203 • WILLS 265 • • • 157 SMYTH 158 SPARKE 159 SPARNON 160 SPOORE • • 204 WODENOTE 266 205 WORTHEVALE 205 WREY 267 268 269 • PARKER. 269 206 • WYVELL 161 SPREY 207 • YORK PAYNTER • PENDARVES 162 SPRY. . 208 • 163 SPRY. 211 PENDARVES 164 PENDARVIS PENFOUN 164 SEYNTAUBYN vel AUBIN ST. 212 SUPPLEMENT. • 164 STANBERYE vel STAN- • PENHALLOW PENHELLICK PENROSE 166 BURYE 213 • • Bevonshire Pedigrees. 167 STEPHENS 214 169 STONE 215 ARSCOTT . 286 PENROS • • PENWARNE PETIT (Add.) PLUMLEIGHE POLWHEILE POLKINGHORNE POLKINHORNE POLLARD POMEROY POMEROY • · 276 THOMS • • · 172 173 • • 175 169 TANNER (Add.) 170 THOMAS 171 THOMS alias CARNSEW TOINKEIN TREBARFOOTE TREFFRY 176 TREFRIE 176 TREFUSIS 177 TREFUSIS 278 ARSCOTT 287 • 215 BARKLEY 287 • 217 217 • 218 • 216 BLACKALL CALMADY FOWNES 288 • 288 289 HUNKIN 290 • 219 ROLL. 221 UPPETON • 222 YEO • 222 WYCHEHALSE . 290 291 • 292 292 The Original Visitation of the County of Cornwall, 1620. Aleigh. ARMS.-A Lion rampant is given in trick, without naming tincture or metal. Tho. Aleigh al's Leigh of Weke St Mary in Cornwall descended from Leigh of highleigh in Chesheire lived in time H. VI. T .. Humphrie Aleigh al's Leigh Da. of V. ... & widow of... sonne and heire Selman of. Willm. Aleigh al's Leigh sonne & heire Mary Da. of Andrew Pomeroy of Newton Villa of Leigh in Com. Cornw. Ferreis in Com. Devon, Esq. Willm. Leigh of Leighe in Com. Corn wall sonne & heire liveing 1620 Elizab. Da. of Wymond Searle of Anthonie in Cornwall John 2 Thomazin 1 Wymond Leigh sone & Joanna heire æt. 18, 1620 Andrew 3 Agnes 2 Joanna Noble of Boyton mial.20 Nov. 1622 Eliacan 4 WILLIAM ALEIGH. (ch. Lic. Even 10.79) B 2 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Arundell of Lanherne. Arondell of Lanherne in Cornwall Esq.¹ Sr John Arondel of Lan- herne 1 sonne Knight ㅜ ​Tho. Arondell of Elizab. da. & coheire of Tringove Lanherne 2 sonne of Nance in Cornwall 2 Tho. Arondell of Collomb Maior in Rachell Da. of Monp'son & sistr Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 to Sr Giles Monp'son Willm 2 sone Cicilie 1 Da. Tho. Arondell sonne & hey. liveing 1620 Jane 2 Da. THOMAS ARUNDELL, JUNIOR. Catherin da. & heire of Cos- warth 1 wife 3 Arundell of Trerice. John Arrundell Gertrude da. of Sr Robt. Dennys-Edw. Lord Mor- of Trerise of Holcombe Kt. 2 wife ley 2 husband Esq. 1 2 3 | | 4 Julian wife to Richard Carew of Anthony ª Alice wife to Henry 4 Somester of Pains- ford Dorothy wife to Edward Coswarth of Coswarth Mary wife to Oliver Dyn- ham 1 | │ John Arrundell Mary da. of George of Trerise Esq. living 1620. Cary of Clovelley Esq. Thomas Arundell 2 sonn Mary da. of S Gamaliell Capell John sonne & heir Richard 2 Agnes 1 Gertrude ætat. 7 annores 1620 Ann wife to William Carnsew of Buckelley Esq. 2 Catherine wife to John St Albone of Clowans, Esq.5 William 3 Mary 2 Francis 4 JOHN ARUNDELL OF TRERISE. ¹ This was Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, who married Elizabeth, da, of Gerald Danet of Danet's Hall, Esq. Vide Pedigree of Arundell in Coll. of Arms. 2 Nance in the parish of Illogan. 3 Da. of John Cosworth, Esq. Vide Harl. MSS. 4031, fo. 77. 4 Author of the Survey of Cornwall. 5 John St Aubyn of Clowance. * These Pedigrees are considerably extended in Harl. MSS. 1079, fos. 78, 79 and 80. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 3 Arundell of Camborne. Robt. Arundell 2 son of Sr John Elizab. Da. of Will'm Clapton Esq. Arundell of Camborne¹ of Stafford Christopher Arundell of Camborne Katherine Da. of Will'm Chiverton of in com. Cornwall 2 3 Thomas 3 ob. s. p. 8 Margery ux. John Bosa- varne 3 Elizab. ux. David Grosse Pawle in com. Cornub.¹ 3 John 2 son æt. 34 mar. Ann Da. of Alexander Pendarvis T 3 Will'm Arundell of Camborne filius et heres æt. 36 living 1620. Dorkis Da. of Zeakiell Grosse of Camborne in Com. Corn- wall. Zeakiell Arundell filius et heres æt. 12 living 1620 2. Will'm æt. 11 3. John æt. 7 5. Francis æt. 6 mensis 4. Robt. æt. 5 Katherine a Da. æt. 13 living 1620 WILLIAM ARUNDELL. Ayre. Willim Ayre al's Eyre of St Cue in Cornwall. T John Ayre al's Eyre of Joane Da. of Jo. Jewell of St Cue in Cornw. Dewstowe in Cornwall, John Ayre Al's Eyre in com. Cornwall Margt Da. of Jo. Wotton of of Dewstowe liveing 1620. Ingleborne in com. Devon. Jane Da. & sole hey. ux' Phillip Crimes of Mevey in com. Devon liveing 1620. 구 ​ 1 John sone & heire æt. 9, 1620 Will'm 2 Phillip 3 Francis 4 sonne Margaret a da. æt. 4, 1620 JOHN AYRE AL'S EYRE. 1 This Robert was a bastard son of Sir John Arundell in two deeds dated 4 Jan., 1 Ed. VI., and 26 Jan., 2 Eliz. Trerice, 3 Eliz., No. 23 part 1. of Trerice, and is so described by him Vide Inq. P. M. Sir John Arundell of 2 Mentioned in the will of John Arundell of Trerice, proved in London 26 Nov., 1580, of which his father Robert was one of the executors. There are several other children of Robert named in this will. 3 Mentioned in the will of Thomas Chiverton of Paul, 26 August, 1604; proved in London 7 Feb. 1605. Bur. at Camborne 1 March, 1617. 4 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Barret. Barratt Jo. Barrat of Rodeland Т John Barrat Julian Da. of Raph de Aston Nicho. Barrat Edw. I. 10 Edith Da. & Coh. of Hen. Penhergie Jo. Barrat of Penhergie the 23. Ed. III. 구 ​Jo. Barret of Penhergie 19 R. II. & 7 H. VI. Da. of Bonvill Jo. Barrat of Penhargie the 1. Ed. IV. Margt Da. of Rich. Ducton¹ Wil Will'm Barret Margt Da. & hey. of Benidict Bernard 2 Jo. Barrat of Penquite in Co. Cornwall Nichol. Da. and Coh. of Tho. Coryton Jo. Barret of Gollant-Blanch Da. of Nicho. Kendall Jo. Barret 1 sone of St Sampsons in Corn. liveing 1620 Elizab. Da. of John Coode Waleter 2 sone Charles 3 sonne Jo. sone & hey. ætat. 14. 1620 Blanch a da. Bridget 2 Da. Not Signed. 1 Rich. Becton in Harl. MSS. 4031, fo. 82. Of Penquite; she was heiress of Bernard Favell, Harl. MSS. 4031, fo. 82. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 5 Baret. John Barrett of Tregarne Joane Da. of Hugh Boscawen Rich. Barret John Barrett of St Tudy in Com. sone & heyre Cornwall 2 sone liveinge. 1620. Jenor Da. of Jo. Wallacomb of Com. Devon Joane a da. 1 Mary 2 Da. John sone & hey. æt. 9 Jenor 3 Dau. JOHN BARET. Basset. Sr John Basset, of Umberley in Com. Devon Kt 구 ​Sr Arthure Basset of Umberley¹ George Basset of Tehiddye2Jaquet da. of Coffin Kt sonne & heir in Cornwall 2 sonne James Basset of Jane da. of Sir Francis Tehiddye sonne | Godolphin of Godolphin & heir Kt Catheryne wife to James Cary of Cockington of Portlich³ Blanche wife to Willm Newman of Plemyn Thomas, 2 Francis Basset-Ann da. of Sir of Tehiddy James, 3 sonne and heir living 1620 Jonathan Tre- lawny of Tre- lawny¹ | 1 Margery wife to Hen 2 Jane wife Grace, 3 Trengove al's Nance to Willm Courtney of Tre- Margaret, 4 unmaried Arthure, 4 5 mere Nicholas, 5 FRS. BASSETT. 1 This S Arthur Basset was son of John Bassett, Esq., and grandson of Sir John; he was therefore a nephew of George Basset, not a brother, consequently his entry at this place was an error of the Herald. Vide Inq. P.M. 28 Eliz., No. 21, 1 part. 2 M.P. for Launceston, 5 Eliz., and for Newport (Cornwall), 1 and 14 Elizab. 3 John Coffin of Porthledge. Vide Visitation of Devon, 1620, p. 335. 4 Mar. 31 Aug., 1620, at Pelint. • Mar. at Illogan, 22 July, 1613. * Pedigree extended in Harl. MSS. 1079, fo. 179. 6 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Bastard. ¹ Jo. de Bastard-Da. & hey. of Tho. at Ley in Devon Jo. de Bastard Da. of Chubbe of Addeston in Devon Jo. de Bastard Thomazin Da. of Otes Gilbert 2 of Grenway in Devon Wm Bastard record of Totnes & Dartmouth in Com. Devon Joseph de Bastard of Dewlow in Cornwall liveing 16203 Anne Da. & hey. of John Killy- awe of Dulo in Cornwall John Richard sine p❜le 2 sonne 1 sone W Wilu Willm. Joseph 2 sonne 3 sonne Dorithie ux James Mark of Liscard in Cornwall John sone & hey. ætat. 30 1620 live- Alice Da. of Anne ux² Elizab. 3 Edm. Rey- nell of Ric. Kemp- thorne of Marye 4 Malston in Merther in ing 1620 Devon Cornwall Thomazin 5 wh 1 Elizab. Anne, 2 Mary, 3 Will'm sonne & heire æt. 4 1620 JOSEPH BASTARD. Battersbye. NICH. BATTERSBY OF HARRAVER P. R. S. NORREY, 1605 ARMS. Or a saltire paly erm. and g. in chief a crescent for difference. CREST. A Ram erm. trip. armed and ungued or. Nicho. Battersby of Battersby Hall in Com. York T Alice Da. of Christ Brokin of Plimouth in Com. Devon John Battersby of Harrabeare in Com. Cornw. 2 sonne 1 Thomazin Da. of Sr Stephen Beard of Beard hill in Sussex 2 Nicho. Battersby of Harrabeare-Elizb. da. of Jo. in Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Trevisa of Corn- wall in Crokadon Fran. 1 da. æt. 1 NICH. BATTERSBYE. 1 Called Thomas in 'Visitation of Devon,' 1620, p. 19. 2 Called Geffry Gilbert in 'Visitation of Devon,' 1620, p. 19. 3 He acquired Westnorth in Duloe by this marriage. * Joseph Bastard, gent, buried 1690 Mrs. Elizb. Bastard Mrs Dorothy Bastard Alice Bastard buried 1st Feb., 1635. St. Veep. Par. Reg. Lansalloes, Thomas Helman married Mary Bastard 30th October, 1651 Par. Reg. F THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 7 ARMS. Vairé Az. and Ar. Beauchamp. Sciant p'sent' et futur' qd ego Galfridus Beauchamp filius et heres Johis Beau- champ senioris Dom's de Binn'ton dedi concessi et prsenti carta mea indentata confirmavi Jacobo Beauchamp fri meo et Elizab. filie Nichi. Richowe et heredibus suis &c. totam placeam terre meam in Villa de Pensance &c. In cuius rei testimen. nos p'tes p'dictas. p'sentibz Indentur sigilla nra apposuimus hijs testibus Rico. Browning cum alijs dat. apud Pensance quarto die Julij aº Reg. Regis Hen. VII. secundo. Inquire for ye coate of Trefins. Johes. Beauchamp senior de Binn'ton Honor Da. et her. of Kenege de Keneg Galfridus Beauchamp filius et heres mar Elizab. fil. Tregos de Tregos¹ 1 John Beauchamp-Jana filia Wm Carnsew Jacobus Beauchamp-Elizabetha fil. 2 filius Nich. Richowe Alice Margerie John Beaucha'-Maria 4 filia Thomas Wilm Willm. Beau- champ fil et Margerie heres Martin Beauchamp-Margered Da. fil. et heres & heir of Hen. Trefyns2 Joane Da. of Willm. Tubb of Gwenip 4 Son of Tubb of Rogeri Char- fold Militis³ Margerie mariet to Robt Yeo John 3 fil. ætat. 35 Trangoe in Com. Cornwall Julian mar. to Peter Beauchamp 2 Margeret Thomas 2 filius of Chiton in Cornwall ætat. 37 3 Florence Walter Beawcham wal Willm. Beauchamp filius-Katherin Da. et heres ætat. 38 de Tre- of John Tre- vince in P'ochia de fuses of Gwinop Trefuses Richar. 4 son mar. Florence Da. of Richard Millionick of Glwvies in Com. Cornwall Sara youngest Da. mar. to Hugh Trewike John Beau- 2 Willm. æt. 7 1 Jane champ fil. et Martin fil. primoge- Katherin fil. John fil. unica æt. unicus ætat. heres æt. 8 3 Francis 1 annoru' 1620 2 Maria nitus ætat. 2 annoru' unius anni 2 annoru'. WM BEAUCHAMP. ¹ Da. of Rich. Tregose of Tregose. She afterwards married Wm. Carnsewe, who by his 1st wife Jane, daughter of Lawrence Sherston, had Jane married to John Beauchamp above, the son of his 2nd wife Elizabeth Tregose by her 1st husband, Galfridus Beauchamp. Vide Harl. MSS. 1079, fo. 201. 2 Henry Trevince of Trevince in the Parish of St. Stythians. 3 Sir Roger Grenville of Stowe. Vide Pedigree of Grenville post. * William Beauchamp, gent., married Mrs Elizab. Courteney of the Boro' of Truro, at St Kea, 9 April, 1695. Vide Gwennap Par. Register. 8 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Beauchamp. Beauchamp Sr Offridus Beauchamp K Robert Beauchamp Esq' Margaret the da. of Sr John Beauchamp of Senobell John Beauchamp fil. et heres ob. sine prole mar the Da. of... Roger 2 sonne Joane Da. of of Chiton Hen. Ties. John Beauchamp of Chiton Joane Da. of John Rawfis of Treverbon Luke Beauchamp of Chiton Wilmot Da. & hey. of Henry Hayne of Trevenhedee Pawle Beauchamp of Chiton fil. et heres Ellinor Da. & hey. of Martin Pender of Penere Nicholas Beaucham of Chiton fil. et heres Mary Da. of John Pentiere Roger Beauchamp fil. et heres John Beauchamp of Florence Da. of Raphe Chiton 2 fil. Stephen 3 Callard of Menver sonne John Beauchamp Robt 2 fil. et heres ob. sonne sine prole ob. s. p. Peter Beauchamp 3 sonne of Chi- ton Julian Da. of Willm. Beauchamp of Gwin- hop in com. Cornwall Jane mar. et mor- tuus Walter Beaucham fil. et heres ætat. 10 annoru' 1620 Jone æt. 12 Jane æt. 10 Margerie 8 Not Signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 9 Bere. Tho. Bere of Trevedo. Sibbell Da. & heire of Jo. Doyngle of Benethewood Rich. 2 Samsone Beare of Lante-Phillip Da. of Ridg- glus in Cornwall John sone & hey. mar. Jone Da. of Geo. Tubbe sone waye of Devon Jo. Beere of Trevedo in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620. Margerie Da. of Tho. Hoblyn of St. Collom in Cornwall Tho. sone & heire ætat. 5. 1620. Elizab. æt. 3. 1620. * Judithe ætat. half yeare JOHN BERE. Bere. Sciant p'sentes & futuri qª ego Anna Bere vidua nup. ux' Johis Bere de Pen- gelley dedi concessi et hac p'sent. carta mea confirmavi Johannæ Bere vidue nup. ux'i Thomæ filio meo iam defunct' omnia messuag' terr' rev' reddit' et servicijs mea cum omibz p'tinentijs in Borlawren in p'ochia de Eglesheyle habend &c. Hijs Testibz Johis Flamank Armigero Willo Baret Nicho. Stephyn. et alijs. Dat' apud Borlawren 7 die Octobris Aº 10 H. 8. Omibz X'ri fidelibz &c. Johes Bevill de Killgath in Com' Cornub. armigero fil. & heres apparens Phelippi Arrundell vid. nup. relict' eiusdem Humf. Arrundell ar' defunct' salut' &c. Sciatis me presnto Johem Bevill dedisse &c. Tho. Bere de Egglosheile gen'ose ac consanguine meo totu' illud tent' meum cum omnibz suis p'tinentijs in Burlawren maior iacent et existent' infra p'ochia de Eglosheile &c. Dat' apud Borlawren maior 16 die Augusti 1º Mariæ Reginæ. John Beere of Pengelly Anne Da. of Thomas Beere of Pengelly Robt. Beare of Barlawren in Com. Cornwall-Jaquet Da. of Jo. Kestell of Parke 2 1 Agnes Da. of Jo. Lyne-Jo. Beare of Barlawren in Thomasin Da. of John ham of St. Cue in Cornwall. Com. Cornwall liveinge 1620 | Boroughe of Egloshaye John 1 sonne æt. 28, 1620 Thomas 2 sonne æt. 20 Elizab. ux' Rich. Billing of Bosiron. || Jacquet 2 Mary 3 Rich. 3 sone ob. sine Marg' 4 Joane 6 prole Presilla 5 Phillip 7 JOHN BERE. * Extended Ped. in Harl. MSS. 1079, fo. 94. C 10 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Bennett. Bennet of Sussex Sist' of Broadbridge Bishop of Exiter Elles Bennet mar. & had issue Rob. Bennett of Lawhitton in Cornwall Elizb. Da. of Rob. Couch of Lawhiton in Cornw. Rich. Bennet Drap. in Poules Church Yard Elizb. ux' Willm. Elizb. Da. Thom. Bennet Nichol of Leyante of Huck- more of Devon Rich. Bennet of Lawhitton Esq. | in Cornw. Coun- cellor at Lawe berie of Bradstone Mary Da. of Olivr Clo- Rich. Bennet mar. Lettice Da. of Sr Jo. Haigham of Barow hall in Suff. 1 Two Daught'. 2. Willm. æt. 8 Rob. sone & hey. æt. 15. 1620. Anne Mary æt. 4 æt. 5 3. Olver æt. 6 JOHN JOPE for ROB. BENNETT. Billinge. Richard Billing de Trevorder in Com. Cornw.T T Thomas Billing 2 fil.— Rich. Billing de Trevarder fil. primogenitus fil.T a Da. mar to Viall¹ a da. mar. to Kestell John Billing fil. T Reginald Billinge 2 filius. John Billing Da. & Coh. of Blewet De com. Cornwall Willm. Billing of Hanger in p'ochia-Elizab. fil. Bab. de Tin- de St. Tudy in Com. Cornw. grase in Com. Devon. Eliz. Da. & hey. of .. Hockin of Brward.3 ... Rich. Billing de Hanger in p'ochia de St. Tudy fil. primogenitus eschar & feodarie to Prince Charles temp. vite | Elizab. filia 2 Jo- his Conock de St. Cleere in Com. Cornw.4 1. Willm. 3. Rich. Margaret 5. Lowday Grace Margaret 4 fil. 3 filia Jane 1 Da. unmaried 2. John 6. Phillip AB 1 Elizabeth mar. Geo. Viell of Wood. Vide Ped. of Viell in Coll. of Arms. 2 Margaret mar. John Kestell. Vide Kestell Ped. post. 3 St Breward. 4 Called 3 daughter in Connock Ped. post. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 11 Philadelpha uxor. Christ' Warthevale de Worthevale in Com. Cornwall Anna nupta John Rico Rowse de Endelion Edwardus Billing fil. primo- genit. ætat. 22 annoru' 1620 Shern of More- winsto in com. Cornw. 3. Mary mar. to Robt. Thorning of Highweeke in Devon Elizab. mar. to Oliver Fla- mock of Tre- wardreth A | B John 2 fil. ætat. 14 Jone mar. to Robt. Baker of London RICHARD BILLINGE.¹ Blake. John Blake of Comb in Com. Devon Elizb. Da. & hey. of Rob. Lugar of Modburye in Devon John Blake of Comb in Com. Devon Stivolla (sic) Da. of Jo. Weeke of Widicomb in Devon 2 Mary Da. of Hump. Jo. Blake of Comb liveing 1620. Fortescue of Spur-3 wif, Grace Da. of Jo. Cock of Cambelford in Cornwall Esq. waye 1 Elizb. Da. of Jo. Slannig of Ley Esq. 1 Ferdinand 2 sone Prisilla ux. Jo. Blake mar. Martha Da. of Berry Nicho. Peirse sone & Dorithie Da. of Jo. Wood Margt ux' Rog. Ford of Brixton in Devon of Plimpton hey. Esq. John 1 son ætat. 12 | | | George 2 Suzan 1 Jane 3 Da. Nicho. 3 Edw. 4 Elizab. 2 JOHN BLAKE. ¹ These Billings were commonly called Billing al's Trelawder, and are found thus described in numerous Inquisitions and Fines. A member of this family represented Cornwall in Parlia ment as early as Edw. II., and others of the name sat for Liskeard, Bodmin, and Helston. * As an instance of peculiar spelling, as also of double entries in Parish Registers, tending to confuse, we give the marriage of the same persons in two parishes, as taken from the registers, viz. :- :- Braddock (Broadoak) 15 June 1619 Henry Blake & Lowdye Helman. Lanreth (Lanreath) 15 June 1619 Henry Blake & Louvdei Holliman. 12 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Blighe. Rich. Bligh of Bodman¹-Isaball fil..... Tankred John Bleigh² Johanna fil. Colquite Rosa ob. s. p. Emline nuptu Willo. Achim de Pelint Armig❜ 2 filius obt. s. p. Michaell Thomas Bleigh of Bodman³ Johanna fil. Agneta uxor Tho. Joh'is New- Arscott de Holes- court worthy Jane ux. Ric Wiat of Lan- Honor mar. to Nic. Opye of Bodman gent. Elizab. mar. to Willm Gill of Pelint gent. Joh'es Bleigh-Agneta fil. de Bodman Joh'is Ars- Emanuell Bligh 2 fil. et her.¹ cott de fil. ob. s. evet Dunsland p. 1 | 2 31 Danot mar. to Geo. Glin of Glin Barbara mar. to Wi Williams of Bodman Phillip mar. to John Penhelick of Hel- ston gent. John Bligh of Exeter 2 fil. mar. Agnis Da. of Skinner of Exeter Thomas Bligh Jane Da. of Francis of Bodman Penkevell of Minver Willm 3 fil. ob. s. p. Rich. 4 fil. ob. s. p. Esq. Gilbert 5 son mar. Elizab. Da. of Digorie Roe of St Tisick | | | 1. Agnes 6. Danett 2. Katherin 5. Francis Rich. Bligh fil. et heres ætat. 10 annoru. 1620 John 2 sonne ætat. 8 Jane ob. s. P. 3. Mary 7. Phillip 4. Elizab. THOS BLIGHE. 1505 & 21. 1531 & 39. 31 1559 & 70. 1 Mayor of Bodmin A.D. 2 Mayor of Bodmin 3 Mayor of Bodmin 4 Mayor of Bodmin 1582 & 88. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 13 Blighe. Sciant presentes & futuri qª Joh'is Blygh & Johanna ux' mea dedimus conces- simus & hac p'senti carta n'ra indent' confirmavimus Waltero filio n'ro & Argentelle ux' eius medietatem unius orti cum p'tinentijs suis in Donheved, Burgh. &c. ex una p'te. et ortum Tho. Raynfrey ex altera p'te, &c. Hijs testibus Waltero Skinner et alijs Dat. Aº 12. H. IV. Sciant p'sentes & futuri qd ego Juliana Raynfry dedi concessi et hac p'senta carta mea confirmavi Joh'æ filiæ mæ om'ia messuag' terr' et tenementa mea in Villa de Botathan cum om'bz suis p'tinentijs, &c. Dat. apud Launceston Aº 7 R. II. Joh'es Bligh 12 E. IV. Johanna ux' Walterus Bligh Aº 12 E. IV.—Argentella ux' Juliana Raynfry Johanna ux' Joh'is Blygh T Margeria ux' Durand Bligh John Blighe T Richard= Bligh 3 Tho. Bligh of Botaden sonne Margt Da. & sole hey. of Gache of Hinderthyn Stephen Bant Blanch Da. of John Langdon Wil William Bligh=da. of Burnford Will's Will'm Bligh of Jane Da. & Cohey. of Botadon Stephen Bant Leonord Wm Bligh of 2 sonne Botadon in Cornwall gent. Jone Da. of John Trevanion of Tre- valster in Com. Cornwall & after Coh. to hir nephew John Trevanion Anne ux' Christ. Wallys of Totnes Thomas 2 sone John Will'm Bligh of Botathan-Margt Da. of Geo. Bridget Anne 3 sone in Com. Corwall liveing 1620. Jane uxor Grigorie Cole of the Midle Temple London Esq. Cary of Clovelley in Com. Devon. Tho. sone & hey. ætat. 11. 1620. Julian 2 Da. Fraunces a da. WILLIA' BLIGHE. 14 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Bogans. Jo. Bugan¹ of Helstone in Com. Cornwall Alice Da. of Allex. Penhellick of Helston in Com. Cornwall Nicho. Buging2 of St Keverne in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620. Dorithy Da. of Haniball Vivion of Trelaworen in Cornwall Fran. 2 Katherin 1 Haniball 1 sone ætat. 14, 1620 Phillip 3 Da. Bridget 4 Da. John 3 Jane 2 NICHOLAS BOGANS. Bond. ARMS. 1. Arg., on a chevron sa. 3 bezants. 2. Arg., 3 stags' heads, 2, 1, couped sa, collar'd arg. 3. Maynard. 4. Coryton. CREST. A demi Pegasus, Azure, winged and powdered with stars Or, with a crescent for difference. John sans issue Rich. Bonde of Saltash in Com. Cornub. Elizab. Da. & Coh. of Coriton. will: Will'm Bond of Saltash mar. Katherin Da. of John Fitz of Devonsh. Thomas Bond de Earth de Com. Cornwall 2 fil. | Jone Da... relicta T. T... Tome Willmot filia Haughton de Haughton-Will'm Bonde of tower in Com. Lancash. relicta Phill. Holewoode in Stroud com. Cornwall Jane Da. of Tho. Spoure of Northill in com. Corn- wall ux. 1 Peter æt. 10 Will'm æt. 12 Elianor uxor Hugonis Rositer de Ilmist' in Com. Som'set Thomas Bond Margaret Da. of Christo- of Holewoode | pher Savery de Shilston et fil. et heres modo Viscomes Devoniæ Margaret fil. unica æt. sex dieru' Will'ms Bond fil. et 25 Septemb. 1620 æt. 2 annoru' Christopher 2 fil. hæres æt. 3 annoru' A 1 This John Bogan came from Totnes. Vide Penhellick Ped. post. 2 Named in Will of Haniball Vivian of Trelawarren, 30 Nov., 1608. Proved in London, 1609. Nicholas Bogan was one of the witnesses. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 15 A | John 2 fil. ætat. 34 Susanna ux. Petri Hunt de Liskerd Anna ux. Ric. Roberts of Larack Christopher 3 fil. æt 27 Richard 4 fil. æt. 24 * THO. BOND. Bond. ARMS. 1. Arg., on a chevron sa. 3 bezants. 2. Arg., 3 stags' heads, 2, 1, couped sa, collar'd arg. 3. Maynard. 4. Coryton. CREST. A demi Pegasus, Azure, winged and powdered with stars Or. Will'ms Bond ob. 20 H. VIII. Ī Ricus Bonde of Earth prope Salt Ash-Elizab. fil. et Coh. Coriton ætat. 22 Annoru' 20 H. VIII. willn Will❜ms Bonde de Earth juxta-Katherina fil. Johis Fitz de Fitz Ford Saltash in Com. Cornub. in Com. Devon Will'ms Bonde de Earth Margareta fil. maxima et Coheres... Fountaine juxta Salt Ash de Ugborough in Com. Devon annor' Margareta Georg Bond-Argent Da. & Coh. æt. 16 3 fil. de Salt- of John Stronge of ash Joh'es Bond fil. et heres Saltash Deceased Honora filia Johis Carter de St Columbe the higher in Cornw. Margarete fil. unica ætat. unius anni wir Will'ms Bond fil. primogenit æt. 11 annoru' 2. Johannes æt. 6 Dorothea 10 3. James æt. 2 Richard 4 fil. Will'n Anthonie 5 fil. Will❜ms 2 fil. mar. Jone Sister to Sr Francis Crane Francisca fil. unica æt. 4 * WILLIA' BOND. * Extended in Harl. MSS. 1079, fo. 247 and 248. 16 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Bonython. Raphe Bonithan of Bonithan-Da. of Downe Rich. Bonithan-Jane Da. & hey. of John Durant fil. et heres of Pensinans in Cornwall Edmond 2 son T John Bonithan ob. s. p. Jennet mar. to Tre- golles Christian ux. Nich. John Davy Davy Bersaba ux. Elizab. 1 mar. to Condon after to Peter Cooke Isabell mar. to James Pawley Katherin Margaret John Bonithan-Eliano" Da. & Coh. of fil. et heres Willm Militon Jame Boni--Margerie fil. Joh'is Melhuise thon 2 filius of Truro merther Roskimer Boni- 2. Willm Elizab. John Bonithan de than sone & her. 3. John Cullum Minor fil. et heres Margerie Da. of John Kerne al's Tresilian de Tresilian || Willm Bonithon fil. primogenitus ætat. John 2 fil. ætat. unius anni et dimidiu' 1. Anne 2. Margerie 3. Mary 4. Prudence 6 annoru' Rob't 2 Nicholas 3 fil. mar. Anne Da. fil. mar. of Hugh Monday of Tregony Thomas 4 fil. now goldsmith Anne un- in Chepeside mar. Alice Da. of maried Purforoy de Com. Leicter JO. BONYTHON. Bonython. Bonythan & Mileton to be quartered. Raph Bonith'n. of Bonytham. Т Rich. Bonyth'n. Jane Da. & hey. of Jo. Durant of Pensinans in Cornwall. John Bonytham sone and heire-Ellinor Da. & Coheyre of Wm Mylyton. A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 17 A | Richard 2 Anne ux' Walter Hen. Pome- Edmond 3 Rosscarock roy of Tre- Elizb. ux' geny Reskimer Bonytha' of Bony--Lowday Da. of tha'. high Shreife of the Countie of Cornwall liveing 1620. Wm Kendall of Lostwithan in Cornwall ¹ Tho. Bonitha' sone & heyre-Fran. Da. of Erasmus Waller of London. John sone & heire ætat. 2. 1620. THO. BONYTHON. Bosavarne. Tho. Bossaverne of St. Just in Cornw. ㅜ ​Martin Bossavern of St. Just 2-Jane Da. of Rich. Rob'ts. of Truro. Tho. Bossaverne John Bosseverne of St. Margerie Da. of Christop. Arundell 2 filius mar. Just first son of Camborne 3 Thomas fil. et heres ætat. 19 temp. visitacon's 1620 ³John 2 fil. Mary æt. 15 æt. 18 Anna æt. 14 JO. BOSAVARNE. Boscawen. Sciant present' et futuri qª ego Alanus filius Henrici de Boskawen dedi et qui'te clamavi, &c. in Boscawen rose, &c. sans dat. Sciant present' et futuri qª ego Radulphus de Kerrise filius Mabile de Tresole dedi et concessi Henrico de Boscawen, &c. sans Dat. Sciant p'sent. et futur' qª ego Martinus eger filius davidi de Helleston omnino remisi et quietu' clamavi p. me et heredes meis et p. meis assig' totu' Jus qª habui et 1 Lostwithiel. 2 Martyn Thomas al's Bosaverne. Vide Roberts' Pedigree post. 3 Named in Will of Thomas Chiverton of Paul, 26 August, 1604. Proved in London 7th Feb., 1605. D 18 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. qa habere potui aut debui in tota villa in Boscawen rose et in tota terra dicte ville c'm omn❜by pertin' suis in sicco et humido Henrico filio Rob'ti de eadem Boscawen rose, &c. sans Dat. Sciant et p❜sent' qª ego Will'ms. filius Nicholai Scutoris de Porthenes dedi quietu' clamavi et hac p'senti carta confirmavi unam placeam qui habui in Brewory coram capite domus rectoris Sci Pawlia a parte superiori dictis (sic) domus' Henric' filio Henrici de Boscawen-rose, &c. sans dat. Sciant p❜sent' et futur' qª ego Tho. de Trewoof inspexi cartam quam Henricus filius Henrici de Boscawen rose habuit de Henrico de Boscawen rose et Havisia uxori eiusdem in hac verba, &c. sans Dat. Reverend • • in Christo filio et hered. de Tresula ac suis Henrico de Boscawen rose salt. quia dedi Henrico filio et heredi meo totam terram meam in Landu de crouspoule cum pertin' &c. sans dat. Pl'ita apud Westm' coram Robt. de Thorp et socijs suis Justic' d'no Regis de Banc' de termin Pasche Anno Regni Regis E. 3. 31. Cornub. Johis de Boscawen Rose per Reginaldu' de Triwancamstell attornatu' suu' petit versus Thoma' Enedye duo messuagia et medietatem unius acre terre c'm p'ten. in Trevelli qui Henricus de Boscawen Rose p'oavus predict' Joh'is cuius heres ipse est dedit Rodulpho filio Phillippi de Trevilli Johanne filie Thome de Rosmodres et heredibus de corporibus ipsoru' Radulphi Johanne exeuntibus, et que post mortem predictorum Radulphe et Johanne ad p'fatu' Johanne' reverti debent p' formam donationis predict' eo qª predict' Radulphus et Johanna obierunt sine herede de corporibz suis exeuntibus, et unde dicit qd predict'. Henricus de Boscawen proavus &c. fuit seizitus de tent' predict' cum pertin' in dominico suo de feodo et inde tempore pacis temp. dni Regis Edw. patris dni. regis nunc cepit ad val. . . . &c. et post modu' predict. Rodulphus et Johanna obierunt sine herede de corporibus eorunde' Radi' et Johanne exeuntibus. p' qa terr. p'dict. revertebantur p'dicte Henric' ut Donatori et de ipse Henrico descendebat Jus cuidam Henrico ut filio et heridi &c. et de ipse Henric' descendebat ius cuidam Johanne ut filio et herid. et de ipse Johanni descendebat ius isti Johanni qui nunc petit ut filio et heredi A° regni E. 3. 31. Curia Henrici de Boscawen Rose fecit apud Boleth die sabbati prox post festu' beate Marie Aº Regni Regis E. 1. 30. Sciant p'sent. et futuri qa ego Joh'es Boscawen Junior dedi concessi et hac p'senti carta mea confirmavi Henrico Giffard Magro' D'nie¹ p'sone Ecc'lie de Lanefet Joh'i Tremain et Joh'i Boscawen patri meo o'nia maneria mea de Nansavallen, Trevaile, Trenancmoor ac o'nia messuag' terras et ten'te mea in Villa de Tregu- don, Trenowre, Penwithes, Blaboll et Lamaelt, &c. aº R. Rici 2 undecimo. Sciant p'sent. et futur' qego Johes de Treguthnan dedi concessi et hac p'senti carta mea confirmavi Johi de Boscawen rose et Johanne filie mei et heredibus de corporibus ipsoru' Johis et Johe exeuntibus o'nia messuagea mea et unam acram cornubiencijs terre in Treguthnan &c. una cum homgijs et Servicijs, &c. Johis Tully, Tho. de Prideis, &c. Dat. apud Tregothnan Octavo E. 3. Hac Indentura facta inter Vivianu' Penrose Chr. et Margerie uxore' eius ex p'te una, et Joh'em Boscawen et Johanna' uxorem eius ex p'te altra testatu' q'd partes p'dict. concordati sunt comunibus amicis intervenientibus de om'ibus terris et ten'tes reditibus et servicijs que fuerunt Odonis de la Landa quondam viram predicte Margeria et patre predict' Joh'is, et que eidem Margere habet in dotem &c. aº regni Regis H. 4. 5. ¹? Magister in Divinitate, a term used A.D. 1365, Vide Du Cange, Tom. 4, p. 481. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 19 Osbertus de la Land cepit in uxorem Alicia' filiam Lawrencij Arundell, et habuerunt exitus Eurinu' de la Landa qui cepit in uxorem Aliciam filia' Odonis de Trevaile et Matilda' filie Johis de Reskimmer sorore Rogeri de reskimmer, qui Rogerus Reskimmer dedit duos partes omniu' terraru' suaru' in Tregiddin predictis Odonis de Trevaile et Matilde' sororis sue et heridibus de corporibus ipsoru' exeuntibus in perpetuu', et p'dictus Eurinus habuit exitu' Odonem de la Land ex p'dict. Alicia filie Odonis de Trevaile et Matilde sororis Rogeri de Reskimmer, et p'dictus Odo de la Land cepit in uxorem Margeria' filia' Rad'i Raoll et habuerunt exitu' Johanna' que fuit maritata Johi Boscawen, et p'dicti Johes et Johanna haberunt exitum Johannem, qui cepit in uxorem Roseam filiam Willmi Brett, et habuerunt exitu' Hugonam Boscawen qui cepit in uxorem Johannam filiam Rad'i de Trenouth et haberunt exitu' Richard'm Boscawenrose qui cepit in uxorem Matildam filiam et coheredem Lawrencij Trewonwall et Elionare Treville uxoris eius soror et hered. Willm's Treville Aº E. IV. 19. et habuerunt exitum Joh'em Boscawen qui maritatus fuit Elizab. filie Nicholaij Lower de St. Wynow et habuerunt Hugonem Boscawen qui cepit in uxorem Philippam filie et heredem Nicholaij Carmino Armig' et Cathe- rine filie et heredis Johis Wolvedon Armigeri et habuerunt exitu' Nicholau' Boscawen qui cepit in uxorem Aliciam filia' et heredem Johis Trevanion Armigeri et habuerunt exitu' Hugonem Boscawen, et Radagunda' nup. uxorem Will'mi Cooke de Hinam in Com. Glocestere Militis. This bill indented made at Westm' the fourth daye of July the 20 yeare of or souvraing lo. King Henrie the VII. Witnesseth that Thomas Hobbes Clarke hath receyved in the name & for ye use and behouffe of or said souveraing lord of Rich. Boscawen in the Countie of Cornwall Esq. in redie monie V of lawfull monie of England in full paiment of his fine made & given to ye Kings grace for his pardon to be released fro' the order of Knight of ye Bathe at ye creac❜on of my Lo. Prince Henrie in wittnes whereof either partie interchangeablye have set their seales & subscribed theire names ye daye & yeare above rehersed. Cornub. p' me THOMA' HOBBES. Decimo sext' feb. A° regni Regis E. VI. primo. Recept de Hugonie Boscawen de Tregothnan Arg' p' fine suo milit' attachiat coram Rico' Rich. Ro' Southwell et Tho. Moyle Militibus Comissionarijs D'ni Regis in ea p'te assignatis Sum' 40s. p' WILL'M ALEXANDER. Clericu' WIMUNDI CAREW Armigero. Be it known to all men by these presents yt I John Arundell of Trerise Kt late sherief of the countie of Cornwall have receyved of Hugh Boscawen Esq. 4 Marks of Lawfull monie of England to the kinge & queenes maiesties uses for yt he repaired not unto the Coronac'on of the queene, to receyve the order of Knighthood in Witnes whereof I the said John Arundell have subscribed my name, & set my seale the 18 of Januarie in the first & 2 yeare of King Phillip & Marie. JOHN ARUNDELL of Trerise. 20 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Boscawen. Osbert de Albalanda Knight Gu. 3 bends Arg. Eusada Da. of John Reskimer Henry de Boscawen= Euryne de Albalanda Florence Da. & hey. of Walter Poher this Descent is proved by Evidences Stephen Trewartheneck Ar.-Melior Da. of Osbert Soar Robert de chev' & border engr' Sa. of Talverne Kt. Boscawen Allen de Boscawen Osbert de Alba-Alice Da. & her. of Sr Lawrence landa 7 E. II. Arundell de Lamayle Stephen Tre-Joan Da. of John warthenek Trevanion Kt. Henry de Bos-Hawise relict Willm. cawen 1292 Trewoof John Bos- cawen Osbert de Albalanda= Knight¹ cawen 1 E. | Sulyn III. John Treiago Joan Da. & hey. of Trenouth-Butler Henry Bos--Nicha de Stephen Trewar- knight thenek Stephen Treiago Alce Da. of Trenouth-Bushell John Bos--Joan Da. & hey. of John Tregothnan Kt. Willm Chandit cawen 8 E. | Ar. chev' ent' 3 crosletts Sa. III. Cruceleu 5 E. III. Otho de Alba--Margerie Da. of landa 1 Ric. Raphe Kayell II. Mira- bell Ewryne de Al- balanda Alice Da. & hey. of Otho de Tre- vaile Rose ux W Dangrous de Thomas-Margaret Da. of Stephen Treiago Rosca- rock Jane Da. of Willm. Basset Ar. 3 barres wavy gu. Raphe Trenouth Ar. on fes 3 chevr's ye ponts in fes: Jane Da. of Stephe❜ Treiago John Tre- nowth Otho 2 fil. John Basca- wen fil. Johannis Joan sole Da. & hey. of Otho de Alba- landa Knight Rog Car--Mawd Da, of minow Jarveis Hornicot Mawde da. & hey. Jo. Tre- garick Ar. 2 chevr' com- ponie or b. John Bosca--Rose Da. of wen fil. et Robt Carminow Willm Roger Carmino Kt. heres Brett James Nanfan Joan Trenowith sole hey. to Maude her mother Hugh Boscawen filius Johis B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 21 2 Trenouth —ппа т C Ar. 3 Wolfes pas❜t B. VI. ux. 1 b. Da. of Geo--Rich. Bosca--Mawde Da. & coh. of Lawrence Hallop of Trewon- frey St Aubin 38 H. 38 H. wen anno 6 wall ux. 2 Or 3 bends Sa. & Elinor his wife Da. E. IV. & hey. of Willm Treville John Trenouth-Honor Da. of Willm Tregarthyn Bennett ob. s. p. John Boscawen fil. Rici-Elizab. Da. of Nicholas Lower 22 E IV. All these descents were exactly proved by deedes 5 | | | Grace ux Wm. Kempe de Blisland rence 4 Elizab. ux Ric. Curteis sans issue Law- ob. cawen son of John s. p. John Bos--Margaret Da. of Tho. Hugh Bosca-Phillip Coh. Trethurf & Coh. of Edw. Courtney Erle of Devon wen 2 son heire to his Brother of Nicholas Carminow 1 | Jane ux Ric. Tre- vener2 2 | | Christian ux Thos Ninnis of Ninnis³ 2. Walter Burlace 3 Isabell ux Samson Manning- ton 3 Thomas Bas- Petronell cowen ob. S. Prole mar. to 7 ļ Katherin mar. Nans- 5 4] Elizab. mar. to Richard Mary mar. Peter Mayow caven 2.Ric. Gedy Poyle 2. Ric. Trevilian to Peter Coffin 71 Edward mar. Jane Da. of Will. White 5 | 1. John sine 2. John Sp❜le sans 4. Willm Hugh mar. Mary Da. of issue Tho. Tredi- nick Mary mar. to Willm Bird de Foy Hugh. fil. primogenit. æt. 24 6 | | 1 2! Georg mar. Eliz. ye hey. of Tho. Carnarther T Nicholas 3 son Alice Da. & he. of John Tre- Joan mar. to Walter Gav'gan Alice mar. to of Hugh vanion of ye 2 house 2. to John Barrett 61 Margt un- Richard Kendall maried Hugh fil. primo- 2. Edward 3. John Grace genit. æt. 23 æt. 20 ob.s.p. Hugh Boscawen fil. et heres Ric. Cole de Buckish in Radigan Com. Devo' vir primus | fil. 2 | Sr Willm Cooke of Highnam in Com't Gloucest¹ 2 Maritus H. BOSCAWEN. ¹ This Osbert seems to have been entered in error as he does not appear in the narrative ped., pp. 18 and 19 ante., or De Banco Roll 50 Ed. III., Hill. Term, in which these descents are given. 2 She afterwards mar. Lawrence Courtney, vide Harl. MSS. 4031, fo. 61 and 62. 3 This is probably a mistake for Enis, as that name is inserted, and the first Ninnis altered to Innis, in the original Harl. MSS. 1164, apparently by another hand. 22 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Bossawsacke. Sciant presentes & futuri qª ego Petrus Bosawsake dedi concessi & hac p'senti carta mea confirmavi Waltero Bosawsak heredibus & assignatis suis om'ia messuagio terr. in villa de Bosawsake &c. habend. et tenend. &c. Hijs testibz Johe Penans & alijs. Dat' apud Bosawsake Aº 5 H. V. Seal. Pateat Univ'sis p' p'sentes me Petrum Bosawsake dedisse et concessi Joh'e Penpan & Joh'em Penwaren demisisse &c. Dat' apud Bosawsack Aº 5 H. V. Seal. Jenkin Bossawsack of Bossawsack Da. of . . . . Raph Bosawsack-wth a Westm'land gent'woman wch was an inherytrix & had a p'te of y' Bartyn called Tregenha nere St Ives Rich. Bossawsack-mar' wth a Westm' gent'woman wch was an inheritrix & had a of Constinton p'te of Tremedo' & Boswednock in the pish of Senar Jo. Bossawsack Christian Da. & Coh. of John Browncowse¹ Stethyanne gent. of Bossawsack & hir mother was Da. & cohey. of Jo. Treagowe of Crantock Gilbert Bossawsack of Bossawsack | | John 2 Grace ux' Michall Bussowe Sam- well 3 of Seelye Elizb. Da. of Jo. Trepconye of ye pish. of gowlvale Esq. & hir mother was Da. & Coh. of Keenegine & Crancann nere ye Mounte Rich. Bosasack of Bossawsack in Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Sara Da. of Raph Keete rector Eccliæ de St Earme & officiall Eccliæ de St Earme & officiall of ye Diocess of Cornwall 1 Jacquet Da. of Rob. Arun- dell of Camborne Esq. hir mother was Da. unto Mr | Claptone of Warwicksh.2 hir mother Da. of Gray of same sheire James 2 sone 21 Richard 3 sonne ætat. 19 Thomas 1 sone ætat. 29 Elizab. 1 Da. RICHARD BOSSAWSACKE. 1 Burncoose in Parish of St Stithians. 2 Willm Clapton of Stafford. Vide Arundell Pedigree ante. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 23 Bosustowe. Sciant presentes et futuri qª ego Willms. de Dodustow dedi concessi & hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Rico. filio Radi. de Dodustow et heredibz. suis de corpore Johe. filie Johis. de Erisie exeuntiby omnia messuag. terr. et ten' mea in villis de Dodustow, Trevyan et Chinals, cum omnibz. p'tinentijs, &c. Hijs testibz. Johe. de Trewethy Tho. Rosmorders, Rico. Pendre, Petro Erisi, Ric'o Vivian et alijs. Dat. apud Dodustow A° 50 Edward 3. Willm. Bosusto of Levan in Com. Cornwall Da. of Duen of Wynier ¹ 1 Raph Bosusto of St. Levan in Com. Cornwall Catherine Da. of Walter Tregosse 2John Bosusto of Levan 2 Ann Da. of Mathew Trenwith 2 Glynn 2 sonne in Com. Cornwall of St. Ives in Com. Cornwall Dorothy Da. of James=2 Martine Bosusto of Levan-Margery Da. of Tho. Geere of Erisy of Erysy in com. cornw. 2 wife Budyn in com. Cornwall 1 wife in Com. Cornwall fil. et heres æt. 36 living 1620 Richard 2 fil. æt. 3 living 1620 John fil. et heres æt. 15 1620 Willm. 2 sonne | 1 2 Elizab. ux. John Rashley | 2 2 Joane ux. Rich. Geere | 3 2Ann ux. Thos. Hutchins 4 2Cheston both un- 5 2Jane marr. Ursela ux. Charles Souch MARTYN BOSUSTOWE. Bray. Hen. Bray of Tresudyan-Margery Da. of Walter Burlassy4 in Com. Cornwall of Newlyn in Com. Cornwall John Bray filius-Katherine Da. of Willm Richard 2 et heres of Tre- Isam of Ilbruers in suydyan in Cam- | Com. Som'set borne A Hen. ob.sine ob. p'le Willm 3 s. p. 1 Dewen of Gwinear. 2 Will of John Bosustow 8 July, 1604. Proved in London 19 June, 1605. All so marked are named in the will; also a brother William, of unsound mind, left in custody of his son Martin. 3 Treswithen in Parish of Camborne. 4 Burlace? * Extended in Harl. MSS. 1079, fo. 115 and 116. 24 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Mary ux. Peter Treunwith Katherine ux. John George Bray of Tre-Elizab. Da. of Hen. Dan- suydyan fil. et heres Willm 2 vers of Dancy in Com. son mar. James æt. 54 living 1620 Wilts 2 Brother to Sr John Danvers ye Da. of Fulln Hen. Bray fil. et heres æt. 24 liveing 1620 Amies 2 son æt. 23 Willm 3 fil. æt. 22 Buller. GEORGE BRAY. Ralfe Buller of Wood Esq. John Buller Ann da. of Roger Staly. Argt sonne & heir T a chev' betwene 3 B. John Buller Esq. sonne & heir.... da. of Gourney John Buller Esq.¹.... da. & heire of Jo. Beauchamp of Lillesdon John Buller of Lillesdon Esq.Ann da. & heir of Nich. Chedington John Buller of Lillesdon Esq.Thamasine da. of Orchard John Buller of Lillesdon Alice da. of Sidnam of Brampton Ann da. of Giles Lo. Allexander Buller-Elizabeth da. of Sr John Daubney 1 wife Horsey Kt 2 wife John Buller-Dorothy da. of Sr sonne & heir Jo. Kellaway Kt 2 Francis Buller of Shillingham 2 sonne Thomasine da. of Tho. Wil- liams Esq. B A Mary wife to Thomas Wise of Sid- enham Kt. ¹ He is called Nicholas Buller in the Pedigree in Coll. of Arms. 2 A descent is left out here in the original MS., viz., Richard Buller, who married Margaret daughter and coheiress of Thomas Tretherffe, and widow of Edward Courtney of Lanrake. It is entered in Heralds' College Pedigree, and Harl. MSS. 1079, and is proved by Inq. p. Mort Alexander Buller, 18 Hen. VIII., No. 17. Richard Buller's will, dated in Nov., 1555, is recited in Inq. P. M. 2 and 3 Phil. and Mary, part 1, No. 5; his wife Margaret sole executrix; he names his son Francis, daughter Mary, son-in-law Edward Courtney, son-in-law Peter Courtney, his cousin John Buller, 24 son of his nephew John Buller, his sister Abbyngton, and uncle Thos. Buller. Margaret, his widow, died 28 June, 1576; and Peter Courtney, Esq., her son and heir was aged 40 years and more. Vide Inq. P. M. Margaret Buller, 18 Eliz., part 1, No. 22. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 25 Elizab. da. of St John Rogers Kt Margaret 1 wife to Rich. Kendall of Treworgye & after to Sr Tho. Honnywood of Kent Kt A | John Buller of Lillesdon in Com. Som'set Esq. 1584 B Sr Richard Buller=Alice da. of of Shillingham Kt Sr Rowland Haward of London Kt now living 1620 | 1 George Robert 3 sonne & heir Richard 5 Francis Buller George 2 sonne & heir ætat.17 Annores Richard 3 Catheryne wife to Julian 2 James Parker of Blisland Alice 3 1620 John 2 John 4 Mary 4 Beniamin 2 | Thomasine wife to Rob't Dodson of Haye 3 | Mary wife Anthony 5 to Arthur Burell 4 | Margery wife to Piers Man- nington 5 | Frances wife to John Vivyan of St Cullomb 6 | Emlyn Mathew 2 wife to Henry Chiverton Francis 3 RICH. BULLER. Burell. ARMS.-Ar. on bend Sa. 3 Stags' heds cabosed Or. Radus Burell Walterus Wodeland Mile T Radus Burell Sermonda fil. et coh. Walteri fil. et heres Wodeland militis aº 19 E. II. Hillaria fil. et Coh. uxor Radi at Will de Tavistock Johes Burell fil. et heres T Johes Burell¹ aº 44 E. III. et 5 Ri. II. Alicia uxor eius Walterus Burell Aº 2 H. VI.—Alicia fil. ... 1 Walterns Walterus Burell— Johes Burell de Wodeland- A 1 Ped. Fin. 8 Hen. IV., No. 4. Lands in Trematon, Burrell, Saltash, &c. E 26 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A ¹Walterus Burell fil. et heres 2 Willms Burell fil. et hæres Elizab. fil..... Hillersdon de Memland in Com. Devon Rob'tus Burell fil. et hære=Margareta fil. et Coh. Leonardi Gifford de Yoe Thomas Burell de Wodeland Agnes Da. of John Crocker of Linham in Com. Devon. Esq. Andrew ob. sine prole 2 fil. Thomas 2 fil. mar. Alice Da. Arthur Burell de Burell iuxta Salt Ash in Com. Cornub. Maria fil. Francisci Buller et soror Rici Buller Militis Margaret ob. s. p. Arthur fil. et heres ætat. 14 2. John æt.13 4. James 4 1. Mary 3. Agneta 3. Thomas 10 2. Philaclia ARTR BURELL. Burges. Ellice Burgesse of Trwro in Com. Cornwall- Tho. Burgesse of Trwro Honor Da. of Hump. Sidnam of Tregonie Humph. Anneux'. Hen. 2 sone=Jane Da. of 2 Rob.Tre- thewye Rich. 3 Leiuften- nant of Truro the fore- Tho. Bur-Elizb. Da. gesse of of Antho. Jane 5 ux Ephram said An- Trwro Pye gent Boniter tho. Pye. living 3 1620 hey John 6 2 Calip Janes13 Rob.7 1 sone æt. 18 1620 Honor 1 Constance 3 Hen. 10 3 Josuah Allicia Anne 2 Elizb.9 4 Humph.114 Twins12 THO. BURGES. 1 Inq. P. M. 21 Edw. IV., No. 37. He died 13 Aug., 21 Edw. IV. 2 Aged 8 years at time of Father's death. 3 M.P. for Truro 1 and 21 James I. 4 Mar. 27 Nov., 1598. 5 Bapt. 12 August, 1599. 6 3 Feb., 1604-5. "" 7 "" 29 August, 1602. 8 Bapt. 13 Feb., 1613-4. 9 30 Dec., 1617. "; 10 "" 12 March, 1606. 11 "" 17 Sept., 1612. 12 "" 8 Sept., 1611. 13 "" 24 Nov., 1616. Truro Parish Registers. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 27 Busvargus. John Busvargus of St Just in Com. Corw. Jenefer Da. of Jno. Sparnon John Busvargus-Mary Da. of Tho. Randall of... Alice Nich. John Bus--Agnes Da. of John Hill 2. Elizab. 3. Tomazin Bolson of Paule vergus of Gwendon in Cornw. JOHN BUSVARGUS. Byll. ARMS.-Azure three griffins' heads erased 2, 1, Arg. quartering Arg. a chevron Sa. betw. three estoiles gules. Edmond Byll¹ of Stoke in Com. Cornw. Isaball Da. & hey. of John Skenoke T Wm. Bile of St. Stephens in Phillip Da. of Robt Hill Com. Cornw. 2 sonne Christopher Bill of Santon testified by Mr Estcott in the olde visitation (an interpolation.) of Helligam in Cornwall Christ' Bile of Santon in Cornwall liveing 1620 Agath. da. of John Arondell of Bliston in Com. Cornwall Grenvile sone Christopher & heire at. 9 4 sonne Gorge 2 Barnard 3 1620 * Marye 1 Agathe 2 By mee CHRYSTOP. BYLL. 1 Sampson Byll, eldest son of Edmund, in a Chancery Suit, 12 June, 1578 (Elizb. B & A. S. s. 6. No. 36), names his brother John, whose wife was Mary, and da. Alice. Descents from Sampson Byll are also registered in the Colí. of Arms. * There are numerous entries of the name of Beele in the Registers of the Par. of St. Ewe. This pedigree is much extended in Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 191–2. Roger Beyle, M.P. for Launceston, 6 Ed. III. Walter Byle of Lanecote, M.P. for Launceston 6 Ed. III. 28 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Byrd. Christ' Byrd of Stoke in Sussex but-Joane Da. of Holmes came fro' Saffron Waldon in Esex in Sussex John Byrd of Aple--Cicilye Da. of Adryan drum in Sussex Mason of Southampton Tho. Byrd of Chichester Joane Da. of Lick- fald of Sussex 1 Thomas Ellinor Geo. Byrd of Raph Byrd of Mary Da. Willm' Wilm Byrd Da. of Barne in Dor- Tremeer in of Hugh Byrd 2 Grace da. of Wm. Beets setsh. mar. of hert- fordsh. Judith Da. of Seward of Dowlans Cornw. maried Rebecka Da. of Hen. Blaxton of Blaxton Halle in the Bish. of Dirw' Doctor of Divinitie non Bosca- wen of Tregow- of Toye Frye of Somer- setsheire Christop. Byrd John Byrd Not signed. Carew.* Tho. Carew of Anthony Esq. Elizb. Da. of Sr Rich. Edgcomb of Edgcomb in Cornw. Sr George Carew Thomazin Rich. Carew¹Julian Da. of John Kt. Mr of the Court of Wardes Fran. Carew sone & hey. Da. of Sr Fran. Godolphin of Anthony Esq. liveing 1620 Arundell of Trerice & Cohey, to hir mo- ther Katherin Cos- worth. Elizb. ux' Jam. Erisy of Erisey in Cornw. Ꭺ 1 Author of the 'Survey of Cornwall,' * Caerau pl. of Caer, a wall, mound, or fortress. Pugh. For Caerau, or the Camps, see Fenton's Pembrokeshire, p. 578. Kaeryw family, see Lewys Dwnn, by Sir Sam. Meyrick; and for Carrw, Karreu, Carru, Carrow, and other various spellings of the name on Deeds, see Harl. 66 Caerau, MS. 3288, fo. 151-2. See also Nicholas' Annals and Antiq. of Wales, vol. ii., p. 853. by helpless foreign tongues pronounced Caren." THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 29 | A sonne mar. Hoby 3 Rich. Carew¹ of Anthonie sone & heyre liveing 1620 Bridgt da. of John Chudleigh of Chud- leigh in Devon John Carew Georg.3 4 Gertrude 1 uxr 2 sone mar. Jo. Arundell, Alice da. of Jo. Hilman of Furland 2 Wymond 5 of Talverne in Cornw. 2 to Wm Carey of Thomas 1 Titus 2 Caudace Clovelley in Devon Elizab. 1 Martha 2 Mary 3 Alex. sone & Gartrude 4 da. heire ætat. 10.4 1620 * Anne uxor Fran. Godolphin of Treverege in Cornwall. Ī Loveday Katherine. GEOR. CAREW. 1 Rich. Carew mar. Miss Rolle of Heanton, as 2nd wife, and had by her two sons, John and Thomas of Barley near Exeter, from the latter the Sawles of Penrice descend, inheriting Barley. 2 Al's Helman or Holman, mar. at St Thomas, Exeter, 9 Dec., 1615. This John Carew was styled the "One handed One handed" from having lost his right hand at the siege of Ostend, A.D. 1601. He afterwards settled as a Merchant in Mevagissey. His son Richard died without issue, and his five daughters and coheiresses married into the Hoblyn, Tremayne, and Trevanion families. 3 George Carew mar. Jane Hockin at Lanteglos by Camelford, 15 Feb., 1624-5, and his numerous descendants appear on the Parish Registers to this day. They contemplated laying claim to the Anthony estates about the commencement of the present century. Mr. William Carew, Mayor of Camelford, was buried 7 March, 1737. 4 Born 30 August, 1609, and baptized at Anthony 4 Sept., 1609. Par. Reg. * As the descendants of the distinguished family of Carew are still numerous in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, a more extended notice than ordinary may not be out of place. The earlier generations have been somewhat confused, but the following extract from Sir Simon D'Ewes' Collection, vol. ii., fo. 87, Harl. MS. 380, may be relied on. It is entitled "The Copy of a Descent of Carew written on paper remaining in the Earl of Arundel's librarie being as followeth, which seemes to be the very truth faithfully transcribed out of and compared with the original Aº D'n. 1646." "Johannes Dei gratia rex Angliæ &c. sciatis quod reddimus et hac carta nostra confirmavi- mus Willo de Carrio Manerium de Mulesford, cum pertinenciis suis quod Henricus rex avus Regis Henrici patris n're dedit Geraldo filio Walteri, Avo Odonis patris predicti Willielmi de Carrio tenendum &c." (This confirmation is well known.) "Walter Gerald son of Walter William Fitz Gerold Odio de Carrio William de Carrio William Nicholas de Carrio William de Carrio Nicholas de Carrio Nicholas de Carrio.' 30 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. The following Pedigree, compiled partly from Harl. MS. 1155, and partly from the Carew MSS., vol. 626, fo. 89, at Lambeth Palace (in the hand-writing of George Carew, Earl of Totnes), will throw additional light on the origin of other noble houses deriving from the same source. Otheus, Constable of Windsor temp. Ed. Confess. 구 ​Walter Constable of Windsor Gladys da. of Rywallon ap Conwyn Pr. of Wales.* William, eldest William, eldest son of whom the Lords Wind- sor descend. Giraldus de Windsor 2nd son: Giraldus de Windsor 2nd son-Nesta dau. to Rees ap Theodor was Constable of Pembroke, Maur Pr. of Wales, had children to whom K. Hen. I. gave the by Hen. I. Manor of Moulesford in Berk- shire. will 2 David 1 William Archdeacon Fitzgerald of Cardigan lived at and Bp. of Dau. mar. Barry of whom the Lord Barry St David's Visct. Butevant? descend Pembroke and there died 1173. Henry, sl'n in Anglesea of whom the Mylers descend. 3 Maurice Fitzgerald went into Ireland with Earl Strongbow and died there, of whom the Geraldines are descended. Der- mot Mac Morrough gave him Wexford Town, sister to Ric. Strongbow E. of Pem- broke s.p. Raymundus surn. le Gros bur. in=Priscilla the Abbey of Molana near unto Youghal. after whose death the Carews yt were issued fro' Odo had all his landes wh. he had of Fitz Stephen. Of this Raymond's natural children the Lord Fitz- morice of Kerry, the Baron of Brentchurch. the families of Pen- dergast and Graces do descend. Stephen Con- stable of Abertivi in Wales Robert Fitz Stephen went into Ireland with his brother Mau- rice & had by the gift of King H. II. the one half of the king- dom of Cork at 30 knight's fees and died without issue, when his nephew Raymond possessed the same. Myles Cogan, another nephew of Robert, had the other half of Cork by gift of K. H. II. Odo Carrio now called Carew in Pembrokeshire in Wales. Willms Dn's de Carrio.(^) to whom King John re- stored the Lo. of Moules- ford in Berksh. wh. K. Hen. I. gave unto Walter the father of Gerald. Nicholas infra æt. 15. H. III. Kath'n da. & coh. of Myles Lord Courcye.* Margt da. of Ric. son of Tancred. Solomon. Walter. Stephen. Tho. Rob. Tho. Morice. wil Villiam: s. p. Maurice Robert bur. at Kilkenny s. p. Nicholas (b) Baron of Carew 5 E. II. Car. MSS., Vol. 635. Avice da. & heir of Ric. Tuitt of Marston, renupta Willo Appledore. or Appeldryffeld. (Glover, Harl. MS. 245.) Sir Nich. Lord Carew Avice da. & heyre of Digon Baron of Odrone in Ireland. 〒 2 Thos. (1) Elinor da. & heir de C. of Wm Mohun of John Carreu Lord of C. &c. ob. 17 E.2. (2) Joan da. of Sir Gilbert Talbot. 3 Will de Carrew Knt. David de C Ottery. A B David. (Glover, Deeds Harl. MSS. 245.) The MSS. differ here. The Harl. MS. 1155 states that this William de Carrio left a dau & heyre, married to Adam de Montgomery, whose posterity assumed the name of Carew; but the Earl of Totnes' MS. continues male line as given. The Inq. P. M. of Ada de Montgomerie, A 18 Ed. I., No. 5, gives Thomas, his son, æt. 30, and Robert, æt. 18, his son, by Isabel de Constantin, as his heirs. (b) Vol. 626, Carew MSS., gives,— Nich. de C. Lord of Mulesford, Carreu, and Idron. Avice, sist. & heyr to John son to Hugh Peverell. Harl. 3288, cites the gift of the Man' Weston Peverell, jux. Plymº, by John Peverell, to his sister Amicia and her husb. Nich. C., followed by a note of "the Office of Wallingford, taken 2 E, III, 1328." wherein she was declared sister and heir of David Martyn, Bp. of St. David's. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 31 | A Nicholas Lo. Carew-Elinor da. of John ob. s.p. 17 E. 2. Ric. Lo. Talbot 36 E.3. John Agnes o. v. p. | dau. s. p. Nich. o. v. p. of Sir Will. Sir Leonard Carew Miles æt. 20.36. E. 3. ob. 44 E. Martin. 3. s. p. V * B (1) Margt da. of John Mohun=(2) Elizb. Corbet Lo. of Dunster. Alice da. to Edmund Fitz Alan de Arundel, Knt. younger brother to Richard, 13 Earl of Arundel, intended for the Church, but afterwards knighted (Barne's Hist. Ed. III., p. 463) A.D. 1352, and married Sibil dau. of Will. Montacute Earl of Salisb. He had one daughter Alice married to Leonard Lord Carew of Mulesford. Ashm. MSS. 8467. Had grants of land in Devon. Pat. Roll. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. Inq. P. M. 48 Ed. III. 2nd numb. N° 9 names no heir. Tho. de Carrew-Elizb. d. & h.(?) Baron Hydron ob. 9 H. VI. of Sir Will. Bon- ville of Shute. Odo Le Erce--Matilda Tho. de la Roche- dekne. Esc. 5. Lord of Roche & Pill.Pembrokesh. E. III. No. 33. Tho. L. Ercedekne Alice, coheir. Sir John L. Ercedekne Cecilia d. & h. of Jordan de Haccomb. дета Sir Warren L. Ercedekne. Elizb. dau. & coh. of Sir John Talbot of Richard's Castle. de- scended from the heiress of Rhys ap Griffith Prince of S. Wales. Sir Hugh Courtney, descended from Humph de Bohun and Elizb. dau. of Philippa dau. Ed. I. their dau. Margt carried Powderham in marriage to Courtney. Hugh.* and coheir Nicholas Carew Bar. Hydron Joane da. of Sir Hugh=2nd Sr Robt Vere from æt. 22. 9. H. VI. Courteney and co- heiress of her mother. whom the Earls of Oxford descended. 2 Nich. C. of Hac- comb. V 1 Tho. Carew de Mohuns Ottery. Baron Carew.Esc.25 H. VI. Nich.(a) Baron Carew æt. 22. 25. H. VI. ob. 11 E. IV. Sir John dau. of Carew. Champer- Vnown. dau. to Willough- by de Broke. Joane da. & coh. of Tho. Carminow re- nupta Halnathe Maleverer. Will P.C.C. Blamye 73. 12 Ap. 1502. 3 Hugh 4 Alexander s. p. of Anthony. Isabel dau. of Hatch. Margt. eldest sist. & coh. to John Lo. Dinham. Lord Treasurer of England. 1 Edmund Bar. Carew æt. 6. 11 Ed. IV. 5 Will. C. Knt. of Burye. John C. Thomazin dau. & h. of Roger Holland. Martha Sr Wymond Carew. Martha Dennis Thos. Vide ped., p. 28. Catherine (will Prin. Co. Can. Holder. 4. 1517) dau. and coh. of Sir Will. Hud- dersfield (will prob. Lamb. 6 July, 1499) by Elizb. da. & h. of Bozom. of Devon. Ancestors of the Dukes of Bedford, Sir Walter Raleigh, and the Champer- nowns. Elizb. Bozom married 1st Sir Baldwin Fulford, from which marriage descended Henry Bozon Carey, K.G. Lord Hunsdon, and Robert Devreux Earl of Essex. C Jane-Rob. Cary of Corkington from whom the Earls of Mt. Edg- cuib and Prideaux of Padstow. (a) This Nich. Lord Carew, and his wife Margt., were buried in Westminster Abbey, among he kings and queens of England. Vide Hals. Cornw. *These are all from Sir John Maclean's 'Life of Sir Peter Carew.' 32 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | C 1 Sir Will. C. Joane dau. of Sir of Ottery Mohun. Will. Courteney(") of Powderham. (2) Anne da. of Hurst of Exeter. 2 Thos. C. (1) da. & heir of Willm. Anne. of Bickley Humph. Courte- ney of Bickley. John. Isabel. both Charles Nuns. George. Sir George=da. of Sir Rich. Thomazine Tho. Kirk- Philip Knt. of Pollard. (Cicily, ham of -Sist. of Henry Harl. 807.) Devon. Malta s.p. slain by the Turks. All died young. Lord Norreys.(a) Sir Peter C. married Margt. dau. of Sr Wm Skipwith widow of George Lord Talbois. ob. s. p. in Ireland. 1575. Will P.C.C. Carew 1. This Sir Peter recovered the Barony of Odrone or Idrone in Ireland, by right of inheritance. George Carew, D.D.-Anne dau. of Sir Dean of the Queen's Chapel at Windsor. Will Prin. Co. Cant. 1583. Rowe 40. Wit- nesses, Walter Dow- rish, Peter & George | Carew. Mary Nicholas Harvey ancestor of the Barons Kidbroke and Marquis of Bristol. Will Prin. Co. Cant. 1605. Hay. 61. William. Humph.: John of Katherine dau. Bickley of Stukeley. -dau. of St Clair. s. p. John. Sir Gawen=(1) Anne sister of Charles Carew of Brandon Duke of Suffolk, & Wood. widow of Sir John Shillstone Will P.C.C.=(2) Mary dau. of Wotten of 1585. Kent & widow of Sir Henry Brudnell Guildford. 34 s. P. Kat'n m. Sr Philip Champernon whence the Prideaux of Prideaux =(3) Elizabeth dau. of Sir Place John Norrish. Padstow Walter Dowrish of Dowrish Devon. bur. in Sandford Church Devon. A.D. 1604. Elizb. Carew. Brass Tablet lately restored. (For continuation of her line see Sir John died Maclean, 'Deanery of Trigg, part Bodmin.') young. Peter Carew sl'n in Ireland 1580. held the Bar. of Odrone Admon. 1581 to relict. Anne Awdrey dau. to Wm Gardiner of Grove in Bucks. mar. 2nd to Sir Edm. Verney. Willm s. & h. to Sir Tho. Wilford, no issue. d.&h. 2nd to Sir Alan Apsley. 구 ​Peter Apsley. s. p. Adm. granted 1661 to Sir Alan Apsley, the half brother. (a) Sir Simon D'Ewes, Harl. MS. 380. & coh. of Will. Clop- ton of Clopton in Warwick- shire. Geo. Carew Bar. Clopton-Joyce dau. E. of Totnes. held Bar. of Odrone & sold it to Dudley Bagnall. Will 1625 P. P. C. Ridley 36 s. p. Compiler of the Carew MSS. lately calen- dered at the Record Office. In Wood's Athenæ. is given a diary of the principal events in the life of the Earl of Totnes, read before the Soc. of Antiquaries in 1794. The family possessions were very extensive in the Kingdom of Ireland. "In the book d the tenures called the White Book, remayning in the Exchequier at Dublin," it is thus recorded that in Cork Robt Carew held 30 Services." (Carew MSS., Vol. 635, fo. 41.) A list is given of "the landes wh. the Ancestors of Sr Peter Carewe did possess in the Countries of Cork, Desmond and Kerry and by him claymed as his inheritance," representing 68 horse and 2600 foot "Besides the lands here mentioned with the Countie of Cork the Carews at that tyme had land in sundrye other Counties, viz. in Catherloghe, the Baronie of Odrone, and in Methe the Baron of Marston Tute, etc., Stellonorgan and other landes in Dublin, much lande in the Countie Waterford and ells where." In A.D. 1568 (Rot. Pat. Banc. 14° Eliz., Dublin) it appears "th: Sir Peter Carewe Knight was founde as trewe and lawful heyre to the Baronye of Odrone al Hydrone." (Carew MSS.) Sir Peter bequeathed this Barony by Will to his Cousin Sir Peter wit remainder to George Carew, who successively entered into possession, and Geo. C., the last holde sold it. The great extent of the Carew territories in Ireland was subject of disquietude to th State. King Edw. III. gave the Wardship of John Carew in respect to the Irish lands to hi Queen Philippa. (Carew MSS.) 34 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A John Carmynow Kt 2 son Anne Maryett Tho. Carmynow fil. et hær. Jane Walsbury Walter Carmy-Alice Jane mar. to ye great Arundell Bloy called Arundell of Lanherne Phillip mar. to Sr John Treverthen to whom &c. now knight Willm Carminowe¹ 2 son miles mar. Margaret Kelly Raphe who was by a brase of Greyhounds pulled over a Cliff and died 2 Walter Carmy-Jane Da. of Ric. Thomas³ mar. nowe 3 fil. & had issue Resprin John Carmynowe filius et heres Nicholas 4 2 sonne mar. Alice Da. of Polmarva et ob. s. prole Phillip Da. & Cohey. of John Trenwith of Fentongollon Thomas Carminowe of ye Privy Chamb. to H. 8 Elizab. Da. of Chesman John John mar. Margt 1 Da. & Coh. of Ric. Champ'non John Carmynowe 5 de Fentengollen Margaret 6 Da. of Chris- fil. et hær. George Carmynowe fil. Jane Da. of 2 et heres fratris Thomas Carmynowe de Polmagan in Com. Cornw. John Lowre Blanchia filia et. Coh. Tho. Helliard de Lost- withiell in Com. Cornw. topher Tredenneck Oliver Carmynowe fil. et hæres mar. Mary Da. of Peter Coriton 7 Anne mar. to Will'm Salter of Dorsetsh. Margaret 2 fil. et Coh.nupta Phillippi Cole de Com. Devon B Trevarthian, æt. 36, were found to be her next heirs, viz. John Arundell, son of John Arundell, Kt., son of Elizabeth, da. of Oliver Carminowe, Kt., father of Roger Carminowe, Kt., father of Thomas Carminowe, Kt., father of Thomas Carminowe, Esq., father of the said Johanna Carminowe; and John Trevarthian was son of Matilda, the other daughter of the aforesaid Oliver Carminowe, Kt. It would therefore appear by the reversions in this Inq. that John Carminow, Kt., given in the pedigree and leaving male issue, could not have been 2nd son of Roger Carminowe. 1 Inq. p. m. William Carminow, 8 Hen. IV. No. 16, John son and heir, æt. 23. 2 Inq. p. m. Ralph Carmynowe, 10 Rich. II. No. 11, William Carminowe brother and heir. 3 Thomas was uncle and heir of John Carminowe, son of John Carminow in the writ named. Inq. p. m. John C., 8 Hen. V. No. 99. 4 Inq. p. m. Nicholas Carminow, 11 Ed. IV. No. 44. A certain William Carminow was father of said Nicholas, and Johanna, æt. about 40 [the widow of Sir Thomas Carew] wife of Halnatha Maleverer, is next heir of said William, viz. da. & heir of Thomas, the uncle, heir of John, son and heir of John, son and heir of said William Carminow. 5 John Carminow bur. 1592. 6 Margaret Carminow wid. bur. 1593. 7 Oliver Carmynowe, Esq., bur. 23 Dec., 1597. Juell Carmynowe, Gent., bur. 18 Dec., 1597. Mary widow of Oliver Carminowe, deceased, bur. 5 April, 1618. Margaret daughter of Oliver Carminowe bur. St. Michael Penkivel Par. Registers. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 33 Carew. Sr Mathew Carie ¹Elizab. fil. et coh. Sr James Cromar first son of Tunsted in Kent Willm 2 filius Eliza.2 filia Not signed. Carminowe. ARMS.-Az. a bend Or, with a label of three Gules. CREST.-A dolphin embowed Or. (The shield is drawn for twelve quarters, eleven left blank.) Oliverus de Carmynowe Mile concessit om'ia Blada sua in terris crescentia ac etiam om'ia mobilia et immobilia Rogero de Carmynowe filio suo pro centu' Libris Stirlingeru.' Dat. apud Carmynowe A° regni Regis Edw. terrtij post conquest. Angliæ duodecimo A° Domini 1338. SEAL.-Circular, enclosing a shield charged with a bend only, inscribed SIGILLVM. OLIVERI. DE. CARMYNOW. Thomas de Carmynow præd le prendru Elizabeth filie Au Meunsier Raufe Beaupoll, Chivaler, a sa femme p' le Chart. fait au temps Edwardi tierce Le Ann. de son Reige 31 ann. 1357. SEAL. Similar to the above, but inscribed + SIGILLVM THOME CARMINOW. Roger Carmynow³ Katherin Da. of Sherley TK A 1 Sir Matthew Carew, LL.D., father of this Sir Matthew, married Alice Ingpenny, widow of Sir John Rivers, Mayor of London; he was uncle of Richard Carew the historian, and was buried in London, at St. Dunstan's in the West, 2 August, 1618, where the inscription on his monument throws a different light on the story told by Richard Carew in his Survey respecting the quarrel between Joan Courtenay, heiress of Archedekne, and Thomas Carew, her eldest son. It states that the said Thomas Carew having been sufficiently well provided for by his patrimonial in- heritance, out of maternal solicitude, and in no vindictive spirit, Joan distributed her own seventeen manors among her youngest sons. The inscription on Sir Matthew's tablet, names nly three children,-Matthew, Thomas, and Martha; but in the Registers of St. Dunstan's we he following entries of baptism, viz.— Elizabeth, da. of Mr. Doctor Carye, Wymond, sonne of Mathewe Carewe, Doctor, and one of ye Masters of the Chauncery Walter, son of ditto 2 Baptised at St Dunstan's in the West, London, 28 May, 1615. 13 Nov., 1580; Dec. 11, 1586; 8 July, 1588; 3 Oliver Carmino, father of this Roger, was son and heir of Roger Carmino, and æt. 30 et amplius 2 Ed. II. (Inq. p. mort. 2 Edw. II., No. 73), and it appears from an Inq. p. mort. 19 Rich. II., No. 15, that Johanna was daughter and heiress of Thomas Carminowe, and a Ward of the King, and that she died on the 21 Feb., 1396, when John Arundell, æt. 28, and John F THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 35 Thomas Carmynow fil. et hær. atat. 18 annoru' 1620 | B Will'ms Carminow 2 fil. æt. 11 annoru' 1. Jane 2. Blanch 3. Elizab. ætat.21 æt. æt. THO. CARMYNOWE. will Carnsewe. Wm Carnsewe of St Kue in Jane Da. of Edm. Stradlinge of Com. Cornw. Will'm 1 sonne of St Kue Fran. Carnsew¹Mary Da. of St Donnetts in Wales. Geo. Carnsew 2 sonne of St Kue in Com. Cornwall 2 | Anne uxor Hugh Prust of Hart- land in Devon Thomazin Da. of John Nicholl of St Kue in Com. Cornwall 31 Margt uxor Jo. Lukie of Helland in Corn- wall 4 Honor Da. of Jo. Fitz of Tavistock in Devon of Philly in John Webber 11 Honor uxor Jo. Joliffe Cornwall live- of St Kue 2 in Devon³ ing 1620. Geo. 1 sone ætat. Mathew 2 16. 16205 Phillip 1 Da.6 Mary 2 Da. Francis 3 FRANCIS CARNSEWE. 1 Bapt. 10 Nov., 1572. 2 Mar. 26 Jan., 160. Bur. 29 Jan., 1643. 3 Mar. 5 Nov., 1582. 4 Mar. 4 June, 1599. 6 Bapt. 9 June, 1606. 5 Bapt. 2 March, 1602. St. Kew Par. Reg. * Roger de Carminow, called to answer to the King for his Manor of Wynyanton, said that Richard, formerly Earl of Cornwall, gave to a certain Gervaise de Hornycote, his ancestor, the manors of Wynyanton, Merthyn, and Tamerton, to which the aforesaid belong, in exchange for the Manor of Bochym, etc., which exchange King Henry, father of this King (Ed. I.) ratified, and which same charter and deed Roger presents.-Assize Roll, M. 20 1 } 2 M. 32. 30 Ed. 1. Roger de Carmynow tenet man'ia Wynyenton & Mervyn in excamb. maner' de Bochym et Tyntagel que comes modo tenet.-Assize Roll, M. 14 M. 14. 20 Gervasius (Hornacote) Ped. fin. 40 Hen. III. Mich. 23. Gervas de Hornyngecote q. etc. F arra. dau. & heir to her niece Margery Cenota dau. & h. in s. & h. L Roger de Carminow bro. and heir to John Margery d. & h. s. P. Assize Roll, M. Mich.30 Ed.1 21 M. 11 also 1 21 -2 M. 21. Ibid. M. 14. Rog'us de Carmyno petit v'su' Pet'm de Lancuck decem acr. tre. etc. etc. in Dysart and West Dysart in quas id'm Petr'us no' h't. ingrm. nisi p. Will'm Lancuck q. inde juste etc. diss Sarram de Horny acote mr'm p'd'cti Rog. cui her. ipe est. Peter renounced claim nd surrendered for himself and heirs to Roger C. and his heirs. Walter Carminow afterwards held the Man. of Tamerton. The heirs of Sir John Arundel held Wynienton, and the heirs of Reskimer held Merthyn. Ralph, æt. 5, the son of Alan Bloyon, ucceeded to the Manor of Polrode 34 Ed. I. 1 36 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Carter. Richard Carter T John Newman mar. Da. of Trafford Richard Vivion T Rich.¹ 2 sone ob. sine p'le Duxit Janam 2 fil. of Nanconan James Carter of St Collomb in Com. Cornwall Honor Da. & Coh. of John Newman ㅜ ​Vivion³-Olife John Vivion³ Olife Da. & Cohey, of Tresaster Kath. Carter 1 mar. to Jo. Brabyn 2 to James Jenkin Rich. 1 sone ob. sine prole Charles 2 2John Carter 2—Jane one of 3 sone ob. sone & hey. of ye Da. of sine prole James liveing JohnVivion 1620 John Thomas Honor Jenkin mar. to James Peter Jenkin Will'm Anne Brabin Prade 2 2 Jo. Carter 2 Mary Da. of sone of St Collombe Robt. Moyle of StGermans Ar.¹ 4 Charles Arthure ob.s.p'le Rich. Carter of St Col--Elizab. Da. of Sr Jo. Arundell lumbe Maior in Com. of Talverne Kt Cornw. liveing 1620. Joane a Da. ob. sine p'le Rich. sone & hey. at. 2. 1620 Elinor ob. s.p. Edward Honor ux" John Bond sone & hey. of Wm Bond of Earth Esq. Michaell ob. James ob. sine p❜le sine prole Anne ob. s.p. Т Will'm Dorothy John Richard ob. s. p. Honor ob. s. p. James. JOHN CARTER, JUNR RICHARD CARTER. 1 Died at St. Columb Major, 4 August, 1581. Inq. p. m. 25 Eliz., No. 84. John, son and heir of James Carter, his nephew and heir, æt. 26. His will dated 27 Nov., 1578, prob. in Lond. 5 Feb 1582. 2 Named in the will of Ric. Carter, together with the following :-His sister Catherin Carter; his cousin Ric. Carter, the elder; Richard, John, and Elizb., children of the last nam Richard; his Godson Richard, son of John Carter; Ric. Vyvyan of St. Meryn, and Jane Vyvy his wife, with John, Richard, and Olive, their children. 3 Vivian of St. Columb. 4 Married at St. Breock, 13 Sept., 1617. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 37 Cary. ARMS. Argent, on a bend sable, 3 roses of the field. CREST. A swan close Arg. beaked gu. legged sa. John Cary of Cary in Com. Devon. Esq. Jane Da. & hey. of Edm. Devyok of eldist sonne & heire of Robt. Okehampton in Com. Devon 1 1 Robt. 1 John 3 sone ob. sonne sine pl'e ob. s.p. Tho. Cary of Cary in Com. Devon 2 sone & hey.of John Elizab. Da. of Sr Jo. Fulford of Mary ux" Mary ux Humphrie Thomas Elizb. ux Alice un- Fulford in Com. Devon Kt2 Stephens Walton in Com.Som'set mar. Grigorie 1 sone Peter 2 sonne Haniball 3 sonne Andrew 4 sonne ob. sine p❜le ob. sine p❜le ob. sin p❜le ob. s. ple Hen. Cary of Launston Willmot Da. of Edm. in Com. Čornw. liveing Cann of Okehampton | 1620. 5 sone & hey. Launston-Willmot Fulford 6 sonne Rich. 7 Mary ux' Hen. sone ob. Prost of Mary- į in Devon ob. s. p. s. p. weeke in Corn. Robt. 1 sone George atat. 15. 1620 2 sonne Mary 1 Da. Elizb. Arminall 2 Da. 3 Da. Alice 4 Da. HENRY CARY. * Cavell. Roger Cavell Anne Da. of John Bodulgatt Esq. Stephen Cavell Jone Da. & Coh. of Rob. Boniface Esq. Rob. Cavell Sibell Da. & Coh. of Jo. Trehaverock Esq.3 Nicho. Cavell Alice Da. & hey. of Jo. Trecarren Esq. & wdowe of Wm Carnsewe Esq. A 1 He is called Deviell 'Harl. Soc. Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 49. 2 She was widow of Humphry Arundell. 3 By this marriage he acquired Trehaverock al's Treharrock, which came to Vivian of St. Columb, who married Mary, one of the coheiresses of Henry Cavell in 1615. * Will'm Carye, gent., married Elizab. Gedye 4 Mar., 1621. Menheniot Par. Reg. Nicholas, son of Will'm Carye, gent., bap. at Menheniot. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 38 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A Hen. Cavell Da. of John Trevillian Esq. Nicho. Cavell Sole Da. & hey. of Wm Knight Will'm Cavell Thomazin¹ Da. of John Godolphin Esq. John Cavell of Trehaverock-Phill. Da. of Lawrence Courtney Esq. Nicho. 1 sone Mary Will'm 2 sone & ob. sine p❜le hey. of Trehave- rock liveing 16202 Jane³ Da. of Wm Elizab. 2 Dorithie 5 Pomeroy Esq. * Fran. 3 Thomazin 6 Elizb. 4 Joane 2 Da. Jo. Hore of Trenouth4 Mary 1 Da. & Cohey. ux" Jo. Vivian of St Collomb5 Not signed. Ceelye. Thomas Ceely of Comesberie in Com. Som'set & 10 miles fro Bristow.6 ī Christopher Ceely of Plimoth Avis Da. of ... Marchant & of his wife in Com. Devon da. & her. of Bullin of Dorsetshere Prisilla mar. to Rich. Joye de Com. Wilts Mary mar. to Thomas 2 son mar. Da. of Will' Eyres de Oliver Spry of St Germans Willm Ceely of St Ives in Com. Corn- wall æt. 40 | A Anne Da. of Christopher Tho. Penrose 3 fil. in of Penrose in P'ochia de Seithney in Com. Cornwal B partibus transmarinis 1 She is called Elizabeth in Harl. MS. 4031, fo. 84, and Add. MS. 14135. 2 Bur. at St. Kew 19 Dec., 1647. 3 Bur. at St. Kew 26 June, 1652. 4 Mar. at St. Kew 10 August, 1618. 5 Married at St. Kew 18 April, 1615. 6 Bristol. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 7 Thomasin. Vide Spry Ped. post. * Will. Cavell and Jane his wife, with their two daughters and coheiresses Joane, and Mary, wife of John Vivian, are named in the will of John Pomeroy of St. Cleere, gent., prob. Lond. 12 March, 1619. John Cavell married Jane Robins, 1623, at St. Mabyn. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Ped. fin. 5 Ric. II. No. 4. Int. Rad. Carmynewe Chivaler gu. Henry Cavel and Sibill his wife, and Wm Bray of Treworles and Elizabeth his wife, df. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 39 : A B Thomas fil. et heres Judith da. of Rose Francis 2 fil. æt. 5 annoru' *Peter 3 1 Presilla 16 fil. æt. 4 Mary 11 ob. s.p. ætat. 18 relict of... tempore ob. in Turkey Trowbridge sans issue 2 annor. 2 Avis 14 5 Loveday 10 visitacois 3 Anne 13 16201 6 Jane 8 Thomas 1 sonn Judith Prescilla wife of William Avis wife of Ann wife of Tregost of St. Ives in Corn. T John Shirwill of Plimouth Ezekias Baugh- ton of Phluke Jane wife of Henry Williams of St. Ives in Corn. 2 children ob. in Corn.— John Tregost 1 Thomas 5 young Jane Margaret Jane 2 Margaret 6 William Baughton one more Epharem Ann 3 Mary 7 Francis 4 William *2 Peter Ceely of St. Ives in Com.Joane Da. of Thomas Purfrey al's Cornw. 2 sonne of Wm. that is now | Purefoy of St. Ives in Com. Corn. living 1646. descended from Warwickshire William 1 sonne ætat. 4. 1646 Thomas 2 ætat. 2 yeares & halfe in 1646 Peter 3 sonne 3 quarters in 1646 William of Pli- mouth 7 sonne mar. da. of John Parnell of Cornwall Dorcas Christ. 1 sone Oliver 2 Geo. 5 Anne a da. atat. ætat. 14. 1620 12 marr. to Faith da. of Rose of LymeT Thom. 3 John 6 Robt. Arundell a divine T Rich. 4 Thomas Faith of Plimouth Oliver Ceely 2.... da. of Waddon sonn of Thomas of Plimouth 2 children 1646. George Cely of Pli-Fran. da. of Wm. mouth 5 sonne Floyer of. • THOMAS CEELYE. W. CEELYE. ¹ A Thomas Ceeley commanded the Elizabeth Drake, 60 gun ship, against the Spanish Armada. Royal MSS. 14B, xiii. 2 ? Phillack. The additions in Italics are in the hand of Parker. 40 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Chamond. ARMS. Argent, a chevron betw. 3 fleurs de lis gu. CREST. A Griffin sejeant Or. Alex Chamond of Lancells in Com. Cornw. Elizb. Da. & hey. of Tho. Treughans B. a chev'on ent, 3 Dalphins Ar. Tho. Chamond Agnes Da. of Tho. Writhe.¹ Ar. an eagle displaied of Lancells wth 2 heads armed & beaked Or. Margt Da. and Coh. of Thom.=Sr John Chamond Tregarthen. Ar. Chev'on ent. Kt of Lancells in 3 Escallops Sa. 1 wife Cornwall Jane late wife of Sir Jo. Arun- dell Kt2 Da. of Sr Tho. Gren- vile Kt Gu. 3 Sufflues or. Rich. Chamond³-Margt Da. & Coheyre of Rich. Trevener. of Lancells Esq. | Ar. Chev'on Sa. ent. 3 Cornishe Dawes pp. John Chamond of Lancells in Cornw. liveinge 1620. atat. 70. Esq. Not signed. Chepman. John Chapman of Whet-Thomazin Da. of Ric. Gilbert Esq. of stone in Cornwall Northpetherwyn in Cornwall Edw. Chapman of Liskard in Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 & at this time Maior Lore Da. of John Hantkin of Liskerd in Cornwall Beniamin 2 Edward 4 Jonathon 6 Joseph 1 sone ætat. 16, 1620 Rachell a da. Jacobb 3 John 5 EDWARD CHEPMAN. ¹ Worthe of Washfield. See 'Harl. Soc.Visit. of Devon,' 1620, p. 316. 2 Of Trerice. 3 High Sheriff of Cornwall A.D. 1544, 59, and 63. * At fo. 84, in the Original MS., 1162, the Pedigree of Chamond, commencing four genera- tions earlier, has been cancelled by the Heralds' pen. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 41 Chapman. Edw. Chapman of Hanckford in Com. Jaquet Da. of Marwood of Devo' descended out of the Northe Westcott in Com. Devon Seintleger Chapman John Chapman of Hank--Christian Dau. of Rob. Chichester ford in Com. Devon of Hall in Com. Devon 2 sonne ob. sine p'le John 2 sone mar. Agnes Da.of Tay- lor of Westley in Com. Devon- Arthure 3 sone mar. Alice Da. of Jo. Salisburie of Buckland Bruer in Devon Edw. Chapman of Resprin in Com. Cornwall liveinge 1620 די Elizb. Da. of Rich. Pre- diaux of Thew- burie in Com. Devon A Dau. A sonne Rich. sone &hey.atat. sone 21.1620 Edw. 2 Nicholas 3 sonne atat. 16 at. 9 Sinobia 1 Da. at. 19. 1620 Grace 2 Da. atat. 14 Blanch 3 Da. Phillip 4 Da. at. 5 atat. 9 1620 | 4 1 Jaquet uxor Stephen Hogge of Buckland Bruer in Com. Devon | 2 Christian ux James Browneing of Kilk- hampton in Cornwall | 3 Anne uxor Shapley of Clovelley in Com. Devon Julyan ux' Daniell Colscot of West Putford in Com. Devon EDWARD CHAPMAN. Chenouth. The auntient name of this family of Chynoweth was called Trevelizek, & was changed upon this occation. one John Trevelizek had issue divers sonne unto one of the youngest named John he gave a certayne peice of Land whereon the said John built a new howse & alwais afterward was called Chinoweth which is in Cornish a new howse yet afterwards all the issue of thelder house failed, & the auntient land cam to this younger branch called Chinoweth whoe have the land & continew the same name to this day. Trevelisick of St. Earth mar. Elizb. Da. of John Tirrell of St. Earth & had issue John Tho. Chenouth¹ of Mogion Anne Da. of Tho. Tregose & one of his heires Ellinor uxor Jo. Roskirke2 ¹ Mawgan in Meneage. Antho. Chenouth Grace Da. of Tho. of Mogion Spour of Trembath A 2 John Roskruge. See pedigree, post. G 4.2 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A Grace Da. of Henry Thoms als Carnsew of Budock Hen. Chenouth-Mary Da. of of Mogion 1 James Kestell sone of Monnaccon John Chenouth of Mogion in Com. Cornw.liveing 1620 Temperence uxr Walter Kestell Antho¹ sone & heyre atat. 4, 1620 Not signed. Chiverton of Paul. Tho. Chiverton of the parish of Paule.... Da. of.... Whalisborough James Chiverton of Pawle fil. et heres Clarence Da. of John Cowling of Kirtheu Willm. Chiverton de Com. Cornwall-Katherin Da. of Tho. Bevill 2 Thomas Cheverton fil. et hæres Johanna filia Robt. Butside Willm. Cheverton de Pawle fil. et heres Tomazin Da. of John Godolphin 1. Thomas 3 Willm. Chiver--Mary Da. Jane ton heire to his of Willm. ob. Elizab. mar. to Katherin mar. to Christopher 2. Richard Brothers de Lanion virgin John Arundell of Pawle in Com. Relicta Trewren¹ Camborne in ob. sine prole Cornwall Burlace Cornwa.4 sup'stes 1620 WILLYAM CHIVERTON. ¹ Baptized at St. Martin in Meneage 19 January, 1616. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 2 Beville of Gwarnake. 3 Will dated 26 Aug., 1604, proved in London 7 Feb., 1605. 4 Named in Will of Tho. Chiverton of Paule, 26 Aug., 1604. Richard Chiverton of Kerrys, in the Parish of Paul, High Sheriff of Cornwall, A.D. 1564. Henry Chiverton, Esq., M.P. for Cornwall 6 Edw. IV.; 1, 2, and 3 Philip and Mary; for Bodmin, 1 Mary. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 43 Chiverton of Trehunsey. ARMS.-Arg. a castle tower triple-towered Sa. on a mound Vert. Hen. Chev'ton of Trehunsie Alice Da. & hey. of Kindon ¹ in Com. Cornw. of Trehunsie 2 Hen. Chiverton sone & heyre mar. Mary Rich. Chiv'ton of Tre-Isaball Da. of Da. of St G. auen ob. sine prole hunsie 2 sonne Polewheele Hen. Chiv'ton of Trehunsie in Emlin Da. of Fran. Bullar · Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Esq. of Shillingham Francis 2 sone Rich.3 sone & heire atat. 4. 1620 HENRY CHIVERTON. Cock. Lewkis Cocke of Plimouth in Com. DevonĦ T Symon Cocke of Plimouth Grace da. of Sheere of Launston in Com. Devon John 2 Lewkis 1 son ob. sonne S. P. in Com. Cornw. Edward Cock of Plimouth in Com. Devon mar. to his 2 wif Elizab. da. of Oswell Cooke of Launston Amy da. of John Gubbes of Plimouth 1 wife Lewkis Cock fil. et heres æt. 2. 1620 Grace 1 Christian 2 Joane 3 EDWARD COCK. 1 Kingdon of Trehunsey in Quethiock. 2 He mar. Mary, da. of John St. Aubyn of Clowance. Vide ped. of St. Aubyn, post. Zenobia, da. of Hen Chiverton, bur. 16 Oct., 1580. Gwinear Par. Reg. 3 Lord Mayor of London in 1658, Knighted at Whitehall 12 Oct., 1663. Vide Le Neve's Pelligrees of Knights, Harl. Soc. pub., page 177. At page 256 of the same publication Le Neve has against Sir Richard's name "qre of Sr John Coriton or write to my Lady." 4 Symon had a son Francis, who also had a son Francis year old 1620. Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 117. * Capt. Cock of Plymouth, styled "A Cock of the Game," supposed to be of this family, was the only officer killed fighting against the Armada. Arms-Ar. a chev. engr, betw. 3 Cocks' heads Sa. a canton B. charged with an anchor Or. 44 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Coke. Christopher Cooke of Thorne - Margaret da. of Richard Garland in Com. Devon Christopher Coke of= Thorn sone & heir of Whitfeld John Coke of Trerice in Corn- wall 2 sonne living 1620 Prudence da. of William Godolphin of Trewar- veneth John Coke sonne & heir ætat. 14 Edward 2 ¹Jane 1 Margaret 3 Annores 1620 Francis 3 Prudence 2 J. COKE. Colling. Geo. Collyng of Hampte in Cornwall T Jo. Collyng of Hampte of Joane Da. of Rich. Burgoyne of Geo. Collyng of Hampte Kath' Da. & sole hey. of Hen. Mannington of Mannington in Cornwall Geo. Collynge of Hampte in Com. Cornw.liveinge 1620 Elizb. Da. of Pet' Mayowe of Torr in Cornwall Katherin 1 Da. atat. 11, 1620 Radigund 2 Da. at. 9 Judeth 3 Da. at. 7 Margerie 4 Da. at. 4 Anne 5 Da. at. 1 weeke 1620 GEORGE COLLING. 1 ¹ Baptized at St. Allen 27 Sept., 1612. * Exch. Inq. p. m. 14 Hen. VIII, No. 5. æt. 37 and more. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. John Coke of Thorne, John Coke, son and heir, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 45 Colquit. (sic) Quere:-ARMS. Ar. fes b. frette or ent. 3 cinquefoils Gu. Henry Colquit Henry Colquit of Lewhire in Foy Parish- Agnes nupta Robto. Rashley John Colquit of Foy in Com. Da. of Minors Thomas Colquit 2 fil. de Francis Colquit of Elizab. Da. & hey. of Foy mar. Jone Da. of Hooper of Barstable Foy fil. primo- genitus Hammett of Lezant Jone mar. to John Lambe of St Samsons in Cornwall Elizab. mar. to Geo. Rescorly 2 Michel Vine Debora Gertrude Mary Katherin Julian mar. to Ric. Downinge of Egleskerrie in Com. Cornw. Willm. 2 fil. ætat. 28 Henry 4 fil. ætat. 12 Francis 3 fil. æt. 21 John Colquite of Foy fil. primo- genit. atat. 35 2. John æt. 4 annoru' 1620 Julyan Da. of Willm. Stroude of Holberton in Com. Devon Esq. Elizabeth fil. unica Lewis Colquite fil. primogenit. ætat. 9 Nich. Colquite of London Drap. mar. Anne Da. of= Tho. Audeley of Hoton Conquest in Com. Bed. Rich. Colquitt fil. primogenitus æt. 22 mar. Margaret Da. of John Cason of London Groser Dorothea mar. to Robt. Haly of Elizab. London Drap. Marie JOHN COLQUIT. 26 Oct. 1543. John Colquite bapt. Fowey Par. Reg. 14 Apl. 1558. Henry son of Thomas Colquite bapt. 1548. Henry Colquite bapt. 1559. Rich. Colquite. 1564. Tho. Colquite. "" 1656. Wm. son of Mr. Lewis Colquite, bapt. 1660. Wm. son of Mr. Lewis Colquite, bapt. 16 May, 1568. Jno Colquite & Jone Rashleigh were mar. 1577. Jno Colquite & Alce Bewes 1603. Henry Colquite buried. do. 3 May 1621. Elizth ux. Francis Colquite bur. 4 1621. Francis Colquite her husband bur. 46 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Connock. John Connock of Liskerd in Com. Cornub. Johan da. of Willm Roe of Lanrake Willi | 1 William 2 Richard 3 s. p. John Connock of Treworgy in Com. Cornwall in Pochia de St Cleare Mary da. of George Tubb of Tringoff¹ Jane wife to Stephen Tucker Lora wife to John Mark Johan wife to Peter of Brembowet Mark of Liskerd Edward 3 sonne ob. s. p. Beill 2 John Connock of Treworgy in St Cleare, living 1620 of Thomas Beill of | 1 Philadelpha wife to Edw. Carr of London Margery da. & heir 1 John Connock Nicholas Phillipa wife to sonne & heir 2 sonne ætat. 25 annores 1620 William Kelley of Kelley 2 | Jane wife to John Hunkin of Gatherley Margery 3 Johan 5 Lowday 4 all unmaried. | 2 Mary wife to | 3 | 4 Gabriell Carr of London Elizabeth wife to Richard Billing of Hengar Lowday wife to Sr Francis Vivian of Trelawarren * George 2 sonne mar. mary da. of Tho. Dodson of St Ive 3 Not signed. Coode of Morval. ARMS.-1. [COODE.] Argent a chevron Gules betw. 3 Cocks Sable, armed crested and jelloped of the second. 2. Gules 3 crescents Or. Damerell John Damerell John Birrie Clara fil. Damerell 1 In Gwennap Parish. John Carndow Alicia fil. et her. Henricus Cokeyne Alicia fil. et heres Joh'es Durnford Johanna fil. et heres. A 2 Beele, Beyle, vel Byll. 3 St. Ive, near Liskeard. * John Connock, gent. M.P. for Liskeard 1 & 2 Phil, & Mary, & 13 Eliz. Nicholas Connock, M.P. for Bodmin 12 Jas. I. John Connock, gent. M.P. for Liskeard 31 Chas. II. & 1 Jas. II. : John Connock of Liskeard, by deed dated 22 Jan., 1579, granted his Manor of Trewthand to John Nichols. Sir J. Maclean. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 47 A Ricus Coode¹Alicia fil. et Coheres primogenita Edgcomb 2-2 filia Filia nupta Filius 2 Walter Coode³ fil. primogenit.filia .... Fulford Filia et heres Battin de Devon ux. 1 Ricus Coode fil. et heres Da. Tomasina fil. Glinne de & heir of Beer relict Filia nupta 5 Johi Mo- Walterus-Editha filia hun de Hall Petri Coriton Coode Elizab. Margareta Katherina Tomasina Jana nupta nupta Tre- Prideis vasco Guilielmus ob. in purilitate Gilbertus 4 fil. nupta nupta Snelling 6 Johi Bon- Morvall 4 2 uxor. Anna nupta Rico Coriton filio Petri Coriton de Newton 7 fil. Eliza. Christiana Brigat nup- nupta nupta ta Knap- Leigh Ding- nock Lee man ley? Ricus 2 Johes Coode of Morvall Margeria fil. Phil. Arthur 3 fil. Rector Anna Eccliæ de Tavistock nupta filius Mayowe de Loowe Phillip rector Eccliæ Liskerd Ricus 3 Walterus 2 Willms Coode fil. filius filius ob. et heres Anna Leodia fil. Walteri supste s. prole fil. Johi Stukley Kendall Elizab. uxor Johis Barret de Penquite 1620 Jana nupta Edwardo Keckwich de Trehauke de Aston in Devon 2 uxor. B 1 Rich. Coode presented to Gidley A.D. 1420. Bp. Lacey's Reg. 2 Sir Pierse Edgcombe mar. Johanna Dernford. See note 2, Edgcombe Ped. post. 3 Walter Coode presented to St. Mary Tavey A.D. 1456. (Bp. Neville's Reg.) James Tremayne presented to the same parish in 1420. (Bp. Lacey's Reg.) Inq. p. m. 13 Edw. IV. No. 38, Walter died 1 March. Richard, his son, 20 years of age and more. Recites ped. from Johanna Durnford. 4 She was da. of Jno. Glyn and widow of Michael Vivian of Trelawarren. 5 In the church of Lanteglos by Fowey there is a brass to the memory of this John Mohun and Anne his wife, daur. of Rich. Code, Esq., with figures of the parents and five sons and five daughters, with shields of arms. 6 Thomas Snelling mar. Katherine Coode 7 July, 1572. 7 Wm. Dingley mar. Bridget Coode 15 Nov., 1575. 8 High Sheriff of Cornwall 1616. Richard Code, M.P. for Liskeard 47 Edw. III. Morval Par. Reg. John, son of Walter Code, Esq., and Margery, dau. of Phi. Mayow, gent., mar. 3 June, 1572. Walter Code and Elizb. John, mar. 1582. Walter Code, Jun", and Philippa Vivian, gent. (daughter of Hannibal Vyvyan of Trelowarren) mar. 1621. John Code and Grace Langford, mar. 1622. Lewis Stuckley, gen., and Margery Cood, gen., mar. 12 April, 1627. Mr. John Buller and Mrs. Anne Coode, mar. 1657. Benj. Coode, gen., of Liskerd, and Abigail Chapman, mar. 1668. Morval Par. Reg. Mr. Thos. Cood and Miss Mary Kendall, mar. 4 Jan., 1675. Duloe Par. Reg. Will'm Coode, Esq., and Anne, sist. of Henry Vincent of Treleven, Esq., mar. 25 Feb., 1685. Mevagissey Par. Reg. [Continued over. 48 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Elizab. Maria ¹ Margerie Anna Leodia Brigett | B Jana uxor. Willmi Ketchwich of Ketch- french Walterus Coode 2. John æt. 21 5. Edward fil. primogenitus ob. s. p. ætatu 26 temp. visitacois 1620 3. Willm 26 6. Carolus 4. Phillip 18 ætat. 13 WILLIA. COODE. Coode of Menheniot. Jo. Code of Menhenet in Cornwall ㅜ ​Jo. Code² of Breage in Com. Cornw. 3 sone Margt Da. of Wm Lanion of Bereage Elizb. ux. | 1 Jo. Gere of St Keverne Blanch ux. Edw. Noye of Paule in Cornw. Jo. Code of Breage in Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Jane Da. of Wm Lovedaye 3 Prade of Uni le- lant in Cornwall Thomazin 4 Willm. Code of . . . atat. 1, 1620. ... * JOHN COODE. Morval Par. Reg. Anne, da. of Walter Coode, Esq., bapt. 1544. Richard, son of John Code, Esq., bapt. 1582. John, son of 1546. "" Arthur, son of "" Will'm, Philip, "" Robert Code, 1589. ,, Philip Code, "" "" Philip 1550. John, "" "" "" "" Will❜m Code, Esq.,, 1597. Gilbert 1552. Philip, 1599. "" "" "" "" bur. 1545. Phi. Coode, gent., bur. 1654. 1571. Walter Code, Esq., John Code, an almes man, Edward, son of Edward Coode, bapt. 29 Nov., 1601. St. Pinnock Par. Reg. Gilbert Code, gent., Joseph Coade, bur. 18 Nov., 1676. Illogan Par. Reg. 1686. 1 Bapt. 28 July, 1610. Morval Par. Reg. 2 Inq. de Lunat. Inquir. 12 Jas. I., part 1, No. 35, Jurors find that John Code is of unsound mind, and that John Code, his son and heir, is aged 16 years and six months. Sithney, Constantine, St. Keverne, Cury, St. Anthony, and Truro. * John son of John Coode, bap. 1578. Lands in Breage, Luke "" Peter 29 "" John "" "" 1583. 1585. "9 3 Jan., 1610-11. John Code, Jun., and Mary Ingram mar. 1602. John Coode & Alse Eustys mar. 1580. Elizabeth, wife of John Coode, bur. 1579. Blanche Coode, widow John Cood John Cood the elder 1594. "; 1590. "" 1600. "" Menheniot Par. Reg. James Bath and Elizabeth, daughter of John Coode, were mar. 22 Feb., 1670. Stithians Par. Reg. The Baths are descended from Edmond Bathe, described in his will proved at Bodmin 20 Nov., 1633, as of Kenal, in the Parish of Stithians, Gent. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 49 Edw. Coryton. Jeffrie Coriton de Coriton Isot fil. et her. Johis Ferrers de West in Com. Devo' Newton in Com. Cornw. Willm Willm Coriton Agnes fil. de Tremaine de Coleton in Com. Devo' Willm CoritonT Edw. Coriton Jone 2 da. et Coh. Steph. Bodelesgat de Tremerake in Com. Cornw.¹ John Coriton Katherin 1 fil. Phil. Stoford de Stoford in Com. Devon Rich. Coriton Eliz. 2 da. of John Reyney de Egglesford in Com. Devon Anne Peter Coriton Jone Da. & heire Johis Tregasow de Tregasow in Com. Cornw. Edeth mar. to Walt. Coode de Morevale 2 John 3 Robt. 4 Edward 5 Peter 6 Thomas 7 Willm Edith Elizab. Rich. Anne Jone -Anne 2 da. Coriton of Ric. Code 1 sonne de Morevale * Not signed. Coryton. Willm Curington of Quethyock in Cornw. Bridgett Da. of Burnell Jo. Curington of St Ive in Cornwall Prudence Da. of Prouse Joh John Curington sone & heire at. 23. 1620. JOHN CORYTON. Inq. p. m. 2 Hen. VII., No. 51, John C., son and heir, æt. 40. This ped. is extended in Harl. MSS. 1079, fo. 22-23. Mary, da. of Sir John Coryton, Bart., and Elizb., his Lady, bapt. at St. Mellion 11 Aug., 1664. Katheryn, da. of the Worshipful Will. Coryton, Esq., and Elizab. his wife, bap. at St. Mellion 10 Nov., 1610. Elizab., da. of John Coriton, gent., and Mary, his wife, bap. at St Ive 17 Nov., 1631. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. H 50 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Cosworth. John Cosworth¹ of Cosworth Dorithy Da. of Sr Willm Lock of London Kt. in Com. Cornw. Edw. Cosworth of Cosworth Esq. liveing Dorithy Da. of Jo. Arondell of Trerise & Co- Tho. Cosworth of Cosworth in Com. Cornw. Ar. Agnes Da. of John 2 sone John St Aubyn of Michell 4 sonne 1620 hey. to hir mo- ther the Da. of Cosworth. Duche of Corn- Receaver of the Clowans in Com. Cornw. Willm 5 sonne wall. Willm 2 Dorithy John 3 1 Daw. unmar. | 2 | Julyan ux'Hen. 1 1 Samwell Cos--Dulcebella Elizb. 4 Alice 7 2 worth sone & Da. of Tho. Mainard hey. at. 30 Heale of Margery 5 Zenobia 8 annores 1620 Fleete in 3 Mary ux' Devon Agnes 6 Francis 9 Wm Cottell unmaried unmaried Edw. sone & heyre atat. 3 annores 1620 * Samwell 2 sone ætat. 1 Not signed. ¹ Mercer of London, and Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall. Brass in Colan Ch. For more of Cosworth, see the 'Visitation of London, 1568,' Harl. MSS. 1096, fo. 56; and 1463, fo. 8, b, where the descent is continued from Nicholas (the elder brother of John C. of London) to the marriage of the heiress with Arundel. See Arundel Ped. ante. 2 Thos. Hoblyn, Gt., and Alice Cosworth, mar. at Little Collan 7 Oct., 1634. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * Samuel= vely Bridget Henry Maynard. Fidget T T Anna Maynard of Colan. Francis Vivian, Esq., of St. Columb. Mar. Lic. 1677. Mary=Sir Ric. Vyvyan of Trelawarren.-EDS. Francis Vivian's will, 1689, prob. St. Neott, dau. Mary executrix. He desired his father, his brother Vivian, brother John Vivian, and his cousins Richard and Francis Scobell of St. Austell, father and son, to manage his estate, and sell all, except the barton of Coswarth, to pay his debts. Sir Richard Vyvyan and Mrs. Mary Vivian were married Nov. 9, 1697. St. Eval. Par, Reg. This marriage is said to have reunited the houses of Vyvyan or Vivian. Ped. fin. 5 Ja. Mich. Ed. Coswarth, ar. qu. W. Vivian and o'rs def. ten't in Bossagrant. Jane, da. of Edw. Cosworth, Esq., bapt. at Little Collan 1 Aug., 6 King James, 1608. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 51 Cossen alias Madern. Cossen Maderne Cossen + John Cossen-Margeret Da. of ... Gillard of Market al's Maddern | Jew al's Marasion in Com. Cornwall Willm Cossen al's John Cossen al's Maddern Maddern 2 fil. of Pensanse fil. primus Anne Da. of Rich. Trevanion of Tolverne 3 brother to the house of Carheis Nicholas 2 John Cossen al's-Anne Da. of John filius ætat. 23.1620 Maddern fil. et heres ætat. 25 Guavis of Sithney in Cornwall Grace mar. to Roger Pol- kenhorn of Pensance ætat. 30 annoru' JOHN COSSEN ALIAS MADERN. Courtenay of Landrake. Edw. Cortney 2 son of Sr Wm Cortney Alice Da. & hey. of John Wotton Edw. Courtney of Lanrake in Margaret 2 Da. and Coh. of Com. Cornwall Thomas Tredurff 1 Peter Courtney of Lanrake Katherin Da. & hey. of Willm Reskim² Reskimer Peter 4 fil. mar. John Courtney Courtney 5 fil. Tomazin Da. of Rich. Courtney of Lanevit in Cornwall fil. primogenit. ob. sine p'le Edward Court- ney fil. Elizab. filia maxima et et heres trami Gorges heres Tris- Will Willm 2 fil. mar. Duglas 3 filia etCoh. Tristrami de Budokeshed Gorges in Com. Devon Peter Courtney fil. primogenitus ætatis 4 Annor' 1620 Edward 2 fil. ætat. unius annis. et demi. EDW. COURTENAY. 1 Tretherffe; she afterwards mar. Rich. Buller. See Ped. post, and Inq. p. m. 2 Reskimer. *For fuller, though imperfect ped. of Courtenay, see 'Archæological Journal,' vol, x., p. 52. 52 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Courteney of Lanivet. Maude Da. of Jo. Michell¹Rich. Courtney-Jane 2 Da. of John Boscauin Lawrence Willm 2 John Courtney of Tremure in Cornwall 3 sonne 1 sonne sonne Henry 2 sone maried da. of Giles of Kent George 3 sonne 2 Rich. Courtney³ of Tremure in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Elizb. Da. & hey. Alice mar. to of Ric. Trengove Wm Paynter Thmazin Da. of Jane Alice Nicholas Ken- dall Lowday Thomazin ux' Wm ux' Peter Painter Courteney Wm Courtney sone & hey. liveing 1620 Jane Da. of James Basset of Tehidy in Cornwall4 Jone ux' Christoph. Spray of Badman Rich. sone & hey. at. 6. 1620 John 2 sone Thomazin a da. 1. Jane 2 Da. Francis Courtney of Lanevet-Catherine the da. of living 1620 Henry Courtney sonne & heire æt. 2 Annores 1620 Francis 2 sonne RICHARD COURTENEY. WILLI. COURTENEY. Edw. Lower George Courtney 2 sonne Courtney of Penkivel. ARMS. 1. [COURTNEY] Or 3 torteaux. 2. [REDVERS] Or a lion ramp. B. 3 Arg. a chevron engr. betw. 3 Does statant sa. 4. Quartered Crenellée Arg. and Sa. CREST. A Panache Arg. rising from a Ducal Coronet Or. Philip Courtney of Powderham Edmond Courtney of St. Lennard's Jane da. & Coheire by Exeter 2 sonn of Devioke Richard Courtney of Lestithell 1 sonne Jane da. of Hugh Boscawen William Courtney of Deviok-Elizabeth da. of in Com. Cornub. Bowerman A John Courtney of Lanevet 2 sonne 2 Ob. 1 mar. 2 Elizb. Et. 7, 3 Elizb. Inq. p. m., 3 Elizb. First wife.) No. ¹ Of St. Colan. (Harl. MSS. 4031, fo. 81. 4 Mar. 22 July, 1613. Illogan Par. Reg. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 53 | A 1 George Courtney of Penkevell-Constance da. of in Com. Cornub. 1620 Peter Courtney-Amye da. of Penkevell Tho. Trenance Johane wife to Tho- mas Rosewarren Dorothy unmaried | 1 Hugh 2 Loveday | 2 Constance & coheir of wife to wife to Mary wife to Edward sonne & heir æt. 36 1620 Jo. Trehane Francis 3 Willm Xrofer Kestle Avery' Hatch Littleton 4 William sonne & heir ætat. 8 annores 1620 Jane PETER COURTNEY. Bishop of Exeter's Transcripts. Will. Courteney, Esq. did marry one of the daus. of Ja. Basset, Esq. (sic) 22 July, George Courteney, Esq. and Elizb. Mallet, mar. 5 Oct. Edw. son of Edw. Courteney, bap.. Wm Bligh, Esq. and Elizb. Courteney, wid., mar. Lawrence, son of John Courteney, bp. Humph. son of Ric. Courteney, gen. and Philippa, bap. Dorothy, dau. Edwd Courteney, gent. bap. George, son of Geor. Courteney, gent. bap. and bur. Honor dau. of John Courteney and Jane, bap. Edw. Courteney, Esq. and Elizb. Gorges, gent., mar. 1 Aug. Parish Registers. PARISHES. 1613. Illogan. 1609. Laddock. 1619. "" 1623. 1622. Lanivet. 1641. 1610. Ruan Lanihorne. 1610. "" 1638. St. Austell. 1614. St. Budeaux, Dev. John Kempthorne, Gent., and Kath. Courteney, Gent. mar. 21 Jan. 1558. Mary, dau. of Peter Courteney, Esq., bapt. 6 Jan. Chudleigh, Dev. Fowey. Alice, "" "" 99 29 Aug. 1639. 1641. "" Elizb., Anne, "" Sir Peter Courteney, Knt., bap. 29 Dec. 1642. "" 2 Feb. 1644. "" "" "; Mary, bur. 1655. "" 1667. 1683. Edw., son of Humphry Courteney, Esq., bap. 27 Dec. Wm Courteney, Esq., bur. 15 Jan. Will., son & heir of Rich. Courteney of London, Esq. and Jane, one of the daughters of Ja Bassett of Tehidie, Esq., mar. 22 July, John Courteney, bur. Jn° Courteney, bur. John Courteney of Tregellas in Probus, Gent., bur. Peeter Courteney, of St. Erme, Gent., and Honnor, dau. of Ric. Courteney, Esq., dec., mar. John, son of Will. Courteney and Patience, bap. Peter Courteney, bur. 21 Jan. Willm Courtney, bur. John Courteney and Jane Vyvyan, mar. 8 Oct., 1633; bur. 1613. Illogan. 1709. Laddock. 1718. 1799. "" "" 1673. Lanivet. 1695. Luxyllian. 1699. 1703. 99 1633. St. Austell. 1722. St. Enoder. 1673. St. Erme. Will. Courteney and Grace Bice, mar. Reskimer, son of Peter Courteney, Esq., bur. John Courteney and Dorothy Pendarves, mar. Jan. 1674. Anne, dau. of Peter Courteney and Honor, bap. 1674. Willm Courtney, of St. Erme, Gent., bur. 1725. Wm Averie, Gent., and Loveday Corteney, mar. 19 Feb. 1609. St. Mich. St. Mich. Penkivel. Willm, son of Peter Courteney, bur. 31 Mar. 1665. "" Ric. Williams of Probus, Gent., was married to Mary, the dau. of Will. Courteney, Gent., decd, of this p'ish, 23 Dec. 1661. "" Peter Courteney, bur. 1698. Peter Courteney and Jane Olliver, mar. 28 Nov. 1671. St. Neott. Joan, dau. of Peter and Jane Courteney, bap. 1673. Peter, son "" Joseph, son "" Willm "" 1679. 1687. 99 "} 1683. [Continued over. 54 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Cowlin. Robt. Cowlin of Trevegles Willm Cowlin of Mathern-Ellen Da. of James in parochia de Trenguen- Chanough de St then¹ in Com. Cornw. fil. 2 Robt. Coulin fil. et heres ob. s. p. Willm Cowlin 2 filius unmaried secus Alice Da. of John Parmere of Sunner2 in Com.Cornw.ux.2 Martin John Cowlin de Tren--Christian Da. of Robt guenthen in pochia de Rosetor of Kestenton³ Madern ætat. ux. prima Anne John Colin fil. 2 ætat. 20 annoru. Alice 1620 Thomas Cowlin fil. et heres æt. 40 Annoru. Katherin Da. of Willm. Levelis de Madern Gertrude mar. to Emanuell Blewet de Com. Devon Robt. 3 fil. John Cowlin ætat. 2 annoru. fil. et heres æt. 15 Willm Cowlin 1. Honor 3. Jone 2 fil. 10 2. Anne N The M'ke of John Cowlin. Parish Registers—continued. PARISHES. Peter Courteney, bur. 1704. St. Neott. John Courteney and Mary Rawe, mar. John, son of John and Mary Courteney bap. "" 1709. "" 1716. "" Peter Will. John "" Will. and Jane Courteney, bap. "" "" 1717. "1 1742. "" 1745. " "" Willm, son of Peter C, Knt, by Alse his wife, bap. 1647. St. Sampson's. Ric. Courteney, gent., bur. 3 May, Eleanor Allse, wife of Sir Peter Cortnye, bur. in the Church 25 Nov. Mr Humphary Corteny and Mistres Allse Cortne, mar. 27 Dec. Edw., s. of Humphry Courteny, Esq., bapt. 22 Dec. 1627. St. Winnow. 1629. "" 1659. Tywardreath. 1666. "" 1667. "" Tho. Courteney and Jane Chely, mar. 26 May 1696. 99 Marriage Licenses. John Courteney, gen. de Lazack al's Ladock, and Anne St. Albin, dau. of St. Albyn of Crowan, ar. Edw. Courteney of Lazac, ar. and Elizb. Gorges of St. Budeaux Will. Courtney of Butshed, in p'ish of St. Budoxe and Dorothy Gorg. of same gen. Ric. Courteney of Lanivet, gen. and Philippa, dau. of Humphry Prouze of Chagford, mar. Peter Courteney of Lazack, ar. and Alice, dau, of Jonathan Rashleigh of Fowey, mar. Mr Wm Courteny of St. Mich. Penk. and Elizb. Crossman of Botesfleming, ¹ Trengwainton. 2 Zennor? 3 Constantine? 10 Oct., 1595. 1614. 1615. 17 May, 1637. 11 Dec., 1638. 17 Dec., 1639. * Jeffery Cowlyn, gent., and Dorothy Courteney, mar. 17 Jan., 1561.-Chudleigh par. reg., Devon. John Cowling of Trewornon, and Joan ux. eius qu. Peter Burnand, def., names John, s. of Jn° Cowling. Ped. fin. 32 Ed. III. No. 3. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 55 Crab. John Crabb of Castelwich Da. & heyre of Bruysye Thomas John Crabb of Margerie Da. of Wm Scawyn of Molinick Peter John Crabb of Margt Da. of John Clowberie of Broadston Henry 2 sone John Crabb of Castlewich in Com. Cornwall Joane Da. & Coh. of Thomas Wollesdon of Wollesdon. gent. John sone & hey. atat. 12. 1620 Mary a dau. atat. 10. 1620 Not signed. Cressel.* Sciant presentes et futuri qd ego Nicholaus de Todiford dedi, concessi et hac p'senti carta mea confirmavi Robto fratri meo de Cressel unam acrum terræ Cornu- biensis in Harelesdon &c. Hijs testibus Vinc de Poldresak Ermano de le Marquille Rico de Tregrilla, Waltero Doygnill et alijs sans dat Sciant present. et futur' qd ego Ruwall de Cressol dedi concessi et hac present. carta mea confirmavi Robto de Treviwen p' homagio et servicio suo totam terram meam in Harelsdon &c. sans dat. Sciant present. qd ego Rad'us de Cressel didi concessi et hac presenti Carta mea confirmavi Robto de Cressell totam terram meam in villa de Cressell &c. Hijs testibus Willo de Penquit Rico de la Brigge, Willo de Carballa et alijs. Dat. in festu Sti Lawrencij martiris anno regni Regis Edw. tercij a conquestu Angl. quinto Sciant present' et futur' qd ego Walterus de Polhelon dedi concessi et hac presenti carta confirmavi Willo de Cressell Heredibus suis et assignatis &c. Dat. Die Sabbati prox post festu' Beati Joh'is ante porta' Latinam, A° regni regis Edw. III. a conq. Angli. nonodecimo Hac Indentura facta inter Will'm Cressell et Isabell uxore' eius ex parte una et Joh'em Proseper et Margeria' uxore' eius et altra p'te testatur qd predict. Will'mus et Isabella, Joh'is et Margeia &c. Hijs testibus Ric'o de Trochynock, Hen. Tresulgan, Johi Scawen et alijs. Dat. apud Sanctu' Gorna in die veneris prox post festum Sc'i Andrea Ap'li. A° regni regis Rici secundi tercio Sciant presentes et futur' qª ego Willms Cressoll et Isabella uxor mea dedimus concessimus et hac presenti Carta nostra confirmavimus Nicho. de Padarda et Thomo filio suo et heredibus de corporibus d'ci Thome exeuntibus unam p'cellam terræ &c. Dat. apud Cressell die veneris prox post festu' S'ci Martini. Anno regni regis Rici secundi a conquestu Angli. decimo octavo * Malger Cressel held Cressel, temp. K. John. Assize Roll, 8 John, Launceston. 56 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Riwall de Cressoll sans dat. Radus de Cressoll Aº 5 E. III. Т Willm's de Cressoll A° 19 E. III. Т Willms de Cressell A° R. II. 3 et 18-Isabella uxor eius John Cressoll de Cressoll in Com. Cornb. ㅜ ​John Cressell de Cressell-Elizab. Da. of... Grills of in Cornub. Shevioke in Cornwall John Cressell de Cressell Agnes Da. of Edw. Scawen fil. primo. wal of St Germins Jone æt. 30 Will'ms Cressell fil et heres æt. 40 Annoru' 1620 James 2 fil, de St Germins Amy Da. of Willm Andrew of St Germins John 2 fil. æt. 34 Parnell 19 Robt. Cressell fil. pri- mogenitus ætat. 8 Thomas 2 fil. ætat. 5 John 3 fil. æt. 3 mensis. JOHN CRESSEL. Crewes. John Crwse¹ younger Brother of the house of Morchard lived at Liskerd in Com. Cornwall Rich. Crwse Gilbert Crwse of fil. primoge. St Garons in ob. s. p. Com, Cornwall Jone² Da. of Baberie in Com. Cornw. Jane Da. of James Humphrie of St Garrans in Com. Corn- wall John Crwse 3 sone mar. Mary Da. of T A B 1 He was son of Anthony Crewes of Liskeard (who came from Cruse Morchard, Devon) by Johanna, wid. of Nicholas Glynn, and daughter of John Bealburye of Liskeard, Merchant, who died 28 July, 1581, and by Will (prob. at Exeter, 1583) gave unto John Crewes and the heirs of his body, lands in Burgh of Leskerd, Lyskeard Sanctuary, Trembrase, Trewidlonde, Trewen, Skynter, Trematon, Colewood in p'ish of St. Nightons, Bodmin, Easthendra in the p'ish of St. Kewe, and Bodinnick, co. Cornw.; rem. to Anthony Crewes, in default to rt. hrs. respectively of his three daurs., viz., Johan, ux. Anthony Crewes, and late wife of Nicholas Glynn, æt. 40; Alice, ux. Jnº Madocke, late ux. Jnº Petherbridge, æt. 37; and Thomazin, ux. Jnº Drake, and late ux. Tho. Ryder, æt. 30. Inq. p. m. 24 Elizb. John Bealbury purchased the advowson of Roche, Cornw. (Star Chamb. Hy. VIII.) Thomazin, dau. and coh., married John Drake; and the wall of Will. Drake, Rector of Roche, was proved at Exeter 1597. 2 Da. of Christf. Tredenick of St. Breock. Harl, MS. 1079, fos. 186 and 33, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 57 A | Anthonie Crwes of 2 Nicholas æt. 14 B Anne fil. 1 Thomazin Elizab. mar. to mar. Tho. unmaried Martin of Foye in Cornw. Stephen Gen- ninge of St Garrons St Garrons Superstes æta. 20, 1620 3 Edward æt. 12 4 Edward æt. 8 John ætat. 24 Rich. æt. 22 Nicho. æt. 20 ANTHONY CREWES. Crocker. John Crocker of Lynam in Com. Devon¹ John Crocker of Lynam Thomas Crocker of St Anns-Margery da. of John Gyll sonne & heir in Cornwall 2 sonne of Tavestock John Crocker of St Agnes living 1620 Hugh 2 sonne JOHN CROCKER. Crockhay. William Crockhaye of Kingston upon Hull Robert Crockhay Nathaniell Crock-- Ellyn da. of Tho- hay of Peryn living 1620 mas Lukye & widdow of Tho. Tremenhere т Beniamin Crock- hay of Bristow 2 sonne .. da. of Allder of Bristow Ann wife to Arthure Tempest Elizabeth Sara Thomas 1 sonne Robert 2 sonne Not signed. ¹ Mary, dau. of John Croker of Lynham, married Hen. Knyvett of Cornwall, vide Ped. post, and Mary, 3rd dau. of John Croker of Lynham, mar. Tho. Southcott, vide Ped. 'Harl. Soc. Visit. Dev., 1620,' p. 269. I 58 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Crosman. ARMS. Sa. a chevr. Or. betw. 3 goats' heads erased Arg. James Crasman of Crose in Com. Corn. quere testified by Mr Estcote. Jo. Croseman of Crosse in Cornwall gent. 24 H. VII. Joane Da. of Louis Edw. Crosman of Crosse gent. 7 H. VIII. Joane Da. of Brendon 1 эт John Crosman ¹ of Crosse Phillip Da. of John Gifford of gent. 37 H. VIII. Hallisburie in Com. Devon Esq. 2John Cros- man of Crosse 3 Rich. Mary Da. of Rich. Trevanian 2 sone of Crosse -Blanch Da. & Coh. of Edw. Couch of St. Stephens James Crosman of Crosse in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Nicho. Crosman of Margt Da. of St. Peniock in Rich. Myners Cornwall Elizb. Da. of Nicho.Skell- ton of Lan- dilt Phill. ux' Wm. Elizb. uxor Ede of St. Peniock Jo. Eustace of St. Penioke Elizab. Da. & hey. at. half yeare JAMES CROSMAN. The marke of + NICHO. CROSMAN. Cullow. ARMS. The Coate as they suppose is 3 garbes in pale. Henry Cullow of Tintagell-Walthen Da. John of Kelly John Cullow of Tintagell-Jane¹ Da. & hey. of Rich. Facy of Winscott in Com. Cornwall in the parish of Puerthy 5 Honor 3 fil. mar. to 6 Edm. Painter of Lanreth in Cornwall 7Willm Cullow of 8Jane 4 Tintagell in Com. Cornwall ætat. 30 Cornwall ætat. 30 annoru' 1620 Da. æt. 20 annor. "Grace fil. primo- genita ætat. 40 unmaried Anna 2 fil. æt. 36 un- maried WILLIAM CULLOW. ¹ Ob. 4 Oct. 9 Eliz. Inq. p. m. 12 Elizb. No. 51, names his wife Phillipa, and John his son and h. 2 Æt. 20 and 6 month, 12 Elizb. 3 Married at Goran 28 Jan., 1617. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 4 Jane wife of Jno. Cullow bur. 10 Dec. 1621. 5 Honor da. of Jno. Cullow bap. 28 Mar., 1595. Tintagel Par. 6 (Edm) Panter and Honner Cullow mar. 7 Will.Cullow (etatis 81) bur. 29 June, 1671. 20 Jan., 1618. 9 Grace da. of Jno. Cullow bur. 2 Aug., 1623. [Reg, 8 Jane da, of Jno. Cullow bap. 29 Ap., 1597. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 59 Dagge. Sciant p'sentes et futuri qª ego Willo Dagh de St Eth dedi concessi et hac p'sent carta mea confirmavi Warino Donand omnia messuagio &c. in Villa de St Eath &c. Dat' apud St Eath A° 45 Ed. III. Sciant p❜sentes & futuri qª ego Lucea que fuit ux" Joh'is Smith de Trewegett in pura viduetate mea dedi concessi & hac presenti carta mea confirmavi &c. Rico Smith filio meo & Roesie filio Johis Cradock omnia messuagia terr. et tenement. &c. Dat' apud Trewegett Aº Regni Regis Edw. post conquest. Angliæ Octavo. Taken out of an old paper pedegre written in a very auntient hand, remaining in the custodie of John Dagg of Trewegett in Com. Cornub. the 2 of October aº D'ni 1620. Wi John Smith of Trewegett Jane da. of John Peirs William Dagg of St Eath¹Jennet da. & heire of John Smith of Treweggett Nicholas Dagg of Treweget Stephen Dagg of Trewegget-Eliza. da. & heire of John Reskere of Reskere John Dagge=.... da. & heire John Dagg of Dorothy da, of William Dag= 3 sonne of Trefrye of St Trewegett Eath 1 sonne Nicholas Cavell 2 sonne of Treharreck esq. John Dagg of Treweget John da. & heire of Walter Colman Nicholas 2 George 3 sonne & heire John Dagg of Trewegett sonne & heire Margery da. of William Webber of St Kew John Dagg of Treweget Dorothy da. of Rich. Lynham Edward 1 Abell 2 sonne & heir living 1620 of St Kew Richard Dag sonne & heir John 2 Radigund 1 da. Johan 3 da. ætat. 8 Annoru' 1620 John 3 Susan 2 da. Thomasine 4 JOHN DAGGE. 1 St. Teath. * Several members of this family were Mayors of Bodmin. One, Digory Dag of St. Kew, son of Nicholas, before 1623 was a charitable benefactor, as appears on a Tablet in Bodmin Church. For a more comprehensive pedigree of Dagg, see Sir John Maclean's 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., p. 296, and vol. ii., pp. 178, 179. 60 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Dandy. Thomas Dawndy vel Danney of Lanreth in Com. Corn--Margt Da. of Tho. Mahow wall descended from the auntient familye of the Dannyes of Minhennit in Com. of Sheviok in the County of Cornwall Cornwall Nicholas Danny of Lanreth-Christian da. of Willm Scawen Alice wife to William sonne & heire of St Germains Wilton of Lanreth wil William Dandy¹ vel Danny of Lan--Margaret da. of Rich. Walter 2 Nicholas 4 reth in Com. Cornw. living 1620 Bruin 2 of Tavestock John 3 Nicholas Danny Sonne & heire Thomas³ 2 Francis 4 Ann 1 da. ætat. 16 annoru' 1620 William 3 * Elizabeth 2 WM DANDY. Darley. ARMS. Gu. 6 fleurs-de-lis 3, 2, 1, Arg. within a bordure Ermine. Johes Darley de Buttercram in Com. Ebor' Ī Nathan Darley de Beckles Maria filia... Houghton de Houghton in Com. Suff. filij Junioris de Houghton Mary uxor Hen. Cres- well de London John Darley de Northill in Com. Cornub. et rectori Eccliæ ib❜m Anna filia Johis Feateley al's Fayreclowgh de Civitate Oxonia John Darley filius Primogenitus æt. 3 menses 1620= Nathan (sic) JOHN DARLEY. 1 ¹ Bur. 30 Mar., 1648; Margt., his wife, bur. 2 Aug., 1650. Mur. Tab. Lanreath Ch. 2 Same as Browne of Brownlarsh. 3 Thos. Dandy, gent., bur. 1692. Lanreath Par. Reg. * Inq. p. m. 6 Ed. III., 2nd Nos., No. 79, Nich. Dannay. John, his son and heir, æt. 30 and more. Inq. p. m. 20 Ed. III., 1st Nos., No. 33. John Daunee al's Dauney, Chivalier, ob. 4 A■g., 20 Ed. III. Emelyna, da. and heir, æt. 18 and more (she afterwards married Sir Edw. Courteney, and was mother of Edw. C., the blind Earl of Devon). Names Will. Daunee and John, broth of Nich. Daunee; lands in Sheviock, &c. Ped. Fin. 36 Eliz. Hillary, Cornw. No. 16. Joseph Bastard, qu. Nicholas Dandy, gent., and others def. tent, in Rescradock. Ped. Fin. 41 Eliz., Mich.. Cornw. No. 35. William Moulton, gen., and William Dandy, gen. qu. Edm. Dourich, gen., and Agnes, his wife, def. mess. and tent. in Saltash. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 61 1 Darrell. To enquyre better for this descent of Brandon. Brandon Т Charles Brandon¹ Duke of ... Leventhorp Elizb. Da. of Suffolke tempe H. VIII. Brandon Rob. Brograve of Bickingham-Katherin Da. of Leventhorp ... Hammond of Pritwell Esq.-Anne Da. of Rob. Brograve Rich. Hamond of Pritwell Esq. Elizb. Da. of Sanders of Cornwall W Wm Darrell of Crowan-Phillip Da. & Coh. in Cornwall of Rich. Hamond Elizb. 2 Da. & Coheire maried to Jo. Wilson Rich. Darell sone & hey. æt. 20 Annoru' 1620 John 2 sonne WILLM DARRELL. Denys. ARMS. 1. DENNYS. Erm. 3 battle axes gu. 2. DABERNON. 3. GIFFARD. 4. BREWER. 5. BOCKERELL. 6. Ar., a chev. sa. charged with three acorns or, between 3 birds' h'ds erased of the second. ? CHRISTENSTOW. CREST. A Griffin's head eras. erm. Ie le proveray vray. Tho. Dennis of Holcomb Jenno" Da. of Phill. Lovday of Cheston in Suff. Sr Thomas Dennis 1 sonne Hen. Dennis of Petroke Stowe Alice Da. of Speeke in Devon 4 sonne Tho. Dennis of Creede in Com. Cornwall-Margt Da. of Tho. Tremayne | A 1 Anne, sister of Charles Brandon, D. of Suff., was widow of Sir John Shillston, and first we of Sir Gawen Carew. Tomb in Exeter Cathedral. Named in will of Sir G. C. P. C. C. 34, B denell, 1585. 62 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Grace Da. of Wm Leigh of St. Katherin's in Cornw. Tho. Dennis of Menheniot of Cornwall liveinge 1620 1 Grace Da. of Jo. Polewheele of Polewheele in Cornwall Edmond 2 Sone Mary Tho. sone & hey. 3 Da. atat. 16. 1620 Grace Dorithie 1 Da. 2 Da. THOMAS DENYS. Dewen. Raphe Dewin¹ of Gwinnier in Com. Cornwall-Da.2 & Coh. of Tristram Culland Katherin mar. to Willm Geare son of Geare Father of Alic wife to Tho. Dewin, Thomas Dewin 3-Alice Da. of... Geare of Gwinier of Marrasow 4 in Com. Corn. annor' Thomas 2 fil. John Dewin" de ætat. 30 Gwiner in Com. Cornwall Margt Da. of John Thomas of Crowan in Com. Corn- wall Jane virg. Blanch mar. to Chapman 4 Annas æt. 12 Thomas Dewin 11 sonne & heire 2 John 12 æt. 8 1 Elianor æt. 20 5 Elizab.9 7 atat. 17 6 Mary10 5 t 2 Alice 13 æt. 18 3 Charity 16 JOHN DEWEN. * Edward Denys and Maria Thom's were mar. 25 Nov. 1581, St. Ewe Par. Reg. This Ped. is given at considerable length in Harl. MS. 1079, ffo. 177–8. ¹ Bur. 20 Aug. 1580. 2 Ann, wife of Ralph. Dewin, bur. 25 March, 1575. 7 Bapt. 23 April, 1581. 8 "" 23 July, 1608. 9 "" 31 Jan., 1610. 10 "" 20 Feb., 1613. 11 "" 7 Mar., 1603. 12 13 3 Bur. 14 Feb. 1590. 4 Marazion. 5 Bapt. 13 April, 1589. 6 1 April, 1571. 31 Jan., 1611. 26 April, 1601. + Grace, da. of Thomas Dewin, bapt. 17 Jan., 1573. Raffe, son of Margery, da. of Barbara, "" 19 Jan., 1574. "" 1 April, 1582. "; 5 June, 1583. Jane, "; "" "" 10 May, 1607. Edward, son of "" Peter, "" Margery, da. of Edward son of "" Katherine daughter of Thomas Dewin and John Polkinghorne, mar. 27 Aug., 1615. 24 Nov., 1577. 20 June, 1582. 10 Nov., 1615. 18 Feb., 1594. bur. Gwinear Par. Reg. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 63 Dodson. John Hey of Hey sonne & heir of Robt.-Johan da. & coheir of Rich. Crook of Dotson- da. & coheire of John Hey Thomas Dotson of Hey=. . . . da. & coheire of Molyns John Dotson of Hey-Margery da. of Enys Thomas Dotson of Hey-Eliza. da. of Willm Piper Mary da. 4 da. to Sr-Robert Dodson of Hey Thomasine da. to Francis Buller Hugh Pollard 2 wife now living 1620 of Shillingham 1 wife Thomas sonne & heire ætat. 10 annoru' 1620 Elizabeth Not signed. ARMS. Three shields are given :- Edgcombe. The first is impaled. BARON, blank. FEMME. Or, a chev. betw. 3 escallops sa. The second shield is of EDGCOMBE. Gu. on a bend sa. cottised or, 3 boars' h'ds erased (? couped) arg. Third shield, quarterly, 1 & 4, EDGCOMB. 2 & 3 (HOLLAND). Sa. semée de fleurs-de-lis, a lion ramp. within a border engr. all arg. CREST. A Boar's h'd couped prop. 1Sr Richa Edgcomb. Kt. comptroler of the houshould to H. VII. ob. 1409. 8 Die Septemb.= 2Sr Pierse Edgcomb Kt. of Mont-Da. & hey. of Dernford Edgcomb in Com. Devon A * Thomas Dotson, gener., buried 1610. Wendron Par. Reg. John, son of Tho. Dodson, Esq., of Hay, in St. Ive, bur. 23 Sept., 1730, æt. 14, at Lansallos. Wm. Drake, cler., mar. Jane Dosten 3 Dec., 1598. Wm. Dosten mar. Honor Williams, 1604. Fra., s. of Wm. Dosen, bur. 1608. Truro Par. Reg. ¹The date here given is incorrect. Hen. VII. began his reign 22 Aug., 1485. For more of Sir Rich. Edgcombe see 'Le Neve's Ped. of Knights,' Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 25. 2 Int. Wm. Courteney, and ors. qu. Peter Eggcombe, Kt., and Johanna his wife, def., East Stonehouse, Ashwater, Goodlegh, &c., Ped. fin., Cornwall, 7 Hen VIII., Mich. Term. No. 76. Inq. p. m. 19 Ed. IV. No. 35., James Dernford, son and h. of James, son and h. of Stephen Dernford. Johanna, da, and heir of said James, æt, 5 years and more, 64 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Katherin mar. Ed- mond Predeaux of Netherton Elizab. mar. to St John Spec- cot Kt. 1 ¹ Sr Rich. Edgcomb fil. et heres 2Da. of Tregian of Golden in Com. Corn. | 2 3 Peter vel peirse Edgcomb-Margt Da. of Sr Andrew Lutterell Kt. Anne mar. to Ric. Trefusis 2 to Ambrose Manington of South Petherin 1 | Margaret mar. to St Edward Denny Kt. John Andrew 4 fil. 5 fil. in ob.s.p. London Mary Da. of Sr4Sr Rich. Edg--Anne Da. of Sr Pierse Edgcomb Tho. Coteeles de London comb of Edg- comb Kt. militis ux. 2 George Cary of Cockington Kt. ob. s. p. ux 1 2 fil. Edward 3 fil. at Bodrigan Pierse Edgcomb. fil. et heres æt. 11 annoru' temp. Visitacionis 1620 5 Rich. Edgcomb. 2 filius ætatis 8 annoru' Not signed. Edgcombe. Sr Rich. Edgcomb Kt. Mont Edgcomb Sr Peter Edgcomb Sr Rich Edgcomb. Kt.- Та 1 Sir Richard died 1 Feb., 1562. Will dated 1 July, 1560, proved in London 24 April, 1562, names Richard, Henry, and Edward, his sons, a daughter mar. to Henry Champernon, and his daughters Anne and Honor (Edward and the two last not of age). This da. Anne was wife of the Rev. Hugh Dowrish, Rector of Lapford; mar. lic. dated 29 Nov., 1580. She dedicated, in 1589, a book, now very scarce, to her loving brother Master Pearse Edgecombe of Mount Edgecombe, Devon, entitled 'A History of Bloody Broils,' &c. The dedication is a curious Acrostic on Pears Edgcomb's name. It is noticed in the Select Poetry of the Parker Society, 1845. 2 Inq. p. m., John Wyse, 34 Hen. VIII., No. 37, Sir Richard's wife is called Elizabeth [according to Edmondson Elizabeth was da. of Sir Jno. Arundell]; and in Inq. p. m., Sir Rich. Edgcombe, 4 Eliz. No. 29, the names of the children are given as in the will, but the Christian name of Champernon's wife is omitted. 3 Executor of his father's will, which he proved 24 April, 1562, as Peter Edgcombe. He was son and heir of Sir Richard, and aged 26 at his father's death. Vide Inq. p. m. 4 Eliz. No. 29. 4 Knighted at Whitehall 23 July, 1603. 5 Monument in St. Gorran Church. To Rich. Edgcumb of Bodrugan, Ar., a younger son of Sir Richard Edgcumb, erected by Piers Edgcumb, the eldest son, A.D. 1655. * Sir Andrew Luttrell's wife was Margt, dau. of Sr Thomas Wyndham, the grandson of John Howard, 1st Duke of Norff. of that name. This match brought a Royal descent from Thos de Brotherton into the house of Edgcomb. Margt Luttrell's will P. C. C. 8 Butt. 1583. Peter Edg- cumbe and his daughter Margaret his wife, Executors. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 65 " A | Peter Edgcomb.1-Margt Da. of Sr Andrew Luttrell Kt. Sr Rich. Edgcomb. Kt. sone & hey. Edw. Edgcomb. of Bodringham² in Cornw. 3 sone of Peter liveing 1620 EDWARD EDGCOMBE. Edmondes. Rich. Edmondes of Lidington in Com. Margerie Da. of Rich. Rutland who came out of the house of | Knoles of Cold Ashby Empingham in Lincolnsh. in Com. Northampton Roger 1 sone of Everard Edmondes Jenephor Da. of Lidington in of Trwro in Com. Michael Averie Elizb. uxr Margery uxr Wil- Com. Rutland Cornwall liveinge of Trwro in Haddon liames liveinge 1620 1620 2 sonne Edward Hugh 2 sone Cornwall 3 sone Francis 1 Da. Hen. sone & hey. atat. 7, 1620 Margerie 2 Da. EVERARD EMONDES. [src.] Da. of Samford of Coome florie de Com. Somerset relicta Stephens 2 uxor Edwardes. Henry Edwardes of Lelant-Matilda Da. of | in Hund. Penwth Margt3 da. of John Gavrigan of Gavri- gan in Com. Cornw. ux 3 John Launce of St. Clemets iuxta Truro ux. 1 Т Willm William Tho. Edwards Stephn. de Lelant in Com. Cornwall Jane Da. of John Ros- Jenefer cruge de Roscrude in Com. Cornwall ob. infantes Elizab. Jane Margaret Margaret Henry Edwards Thomas Beniamin fil. primogenitus 2 fil. 13 3 fil. æt. 7 Anne Prudence æt. 20, 1620 THO. EDWARDES. 1 Ob. 4 Jan. 4 Jas. 1606-7. Sr Rich. Edgcomb, son & h., æt. 30, et ampl. Misc. Inq. p. m. Eliz., Jas. & Chas., No. 109. Barton of Mount Edgcombe al's West Stonehouse, & other lands named. 2 Bodrigan. 3 She was widow of Wm. Bossavern. Harl. MS., 4031, fos. 61 & 62. * Int. Ralph Edwards, gen. q. Michael Tresahar, gen., and Tho. Tresaher, gen., def. lands in Tregandallion al's Tregantallan and Mewan. Ped. fin. Cornw. 8 James I. Michm. K 66 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Elford. John Elford of Shippester in Com. Devon Margery da. of Roger Langefford John Elford of Ship-T da. of pesford sonne & heir | Gregory¹ Thomas Elford of Mawnan in Com. Cornub. living 1620 Alice da. of Benny & widdow of Edw. Spry Walter Elford of Shippester living 1620-Barbara da. of John Crocker of Lynam THOM'S ELFORD. Ellyott or Eliot. ARMS. 1. ELLIOT. Argent, a Fess gu. betw. 4 cotises wavy, B. 2. CUTLAND. 3. Arg., a trefoil slipped vert. 4. B., a tilting spear palewise betw. 2 mullets or. 5. PAWLHERMAN. 6. BREWIN. 7. KERSWELL. 8. DownE. 9. PRAWLE. 10. BRIXSTON. 11. Arg. on a chief B., 3 mullets or. 12. GILL. CREST. An Elephant's hd. coup. A., collared g. Edw. Ellyott of Cutland in Com. Devon. Alice Da. of Rob. Gye of Kingsbridge .TA Margt Da. of Jo. Elliot of St.-Grace Dau. of Tho. Elyot Joane Da. of John Jo. Brjwyn Germayns in Com. Jo. Fitze of 2 sonne of Plimouth Cornwall gent. Tavistock Norbrooke of Exiter Edward Hugh 4 sone 2 sonne 3 sone Walter 2 Richard 1 sone Bridget Da. & Alice of Port Eliott | Cohey. of Carswell³ a dau. of Hatch A 1 Elizabeth, daughter of Gregory of Plympton St. Mary. She afterwards married Thomas Drake (bro. and h. of the first Sir Francis D.) 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' Harl. Soc., pp. 105 and 96. And her will (as Elizb. Drake, wid.) proved P. C. C., 68 Audley, 23 June, 1632, mentions her son Sir Francis Drake, and other members of his family, her two sons, Willm and Walter Elford, who are appointed overseers, and the following children of her son Walter: John (and Elizabeth his wife), Walter, Willm, Frances, wife of Ric. Langworthy, gent. (and their dau., Elizab. L.), Anne, Joane, Elizb., Marie. Her da.-in-law, Barbara Elford. Her grandson, John, executor. 2 Died 22 June, 1609. Inq. p. m., 7 James, part 2, No. 97. Names John, son and h.. æt. 17, 11 April, 1609; and wife Radigund, da. of Rich. Gedye; also his own wife Bridget, and his uncle John E. 3 A daughter of Nicholas Carswell, Ar. of Hatch Arundell, co. Devon. She ob. 5 March, 5 Jas. Jno. Elliott, son and h., aged 24 years and more. Inq. p. m. (16 Jas.) Eliz., Jas., and Chas., part 4, No. 124. * For Extension of Elford, see 'Visit. Dev. 1620,' Har. Soc. Pub., p. 105. 1 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 67 A | Sr John Eliot sone & hey. of Port Elliott¹-Radigund Da. & sole in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Richard 2 Edward 3 sonne at. 7 sonne atat. 2- hey. of Rich. Gedie2 John sone and hey. Elizb. Bridgett atat. 9, 1620 Enys. The Coate of Enys is 3 Lizardes & must borne first [sic]. Tho. Enys of Eneys in Com. Cornwall Kath. Da. of John Reskimer of Merthen in Cornwall Not signed. Avis uxr Jo. Tre- Grace uxr Jo. Enys of Eneys Wynifrid Da. Hen. Tyrack thowen of in Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 and Cohey, of Tho. Rise of Agnes ux Mathew Woldridge Sinobia uxr Trethowen Blanch 2 Da. Trewardrevah John Coffin 3 John 2 Samwell 3 Thomas sone and heire atat. 15, 1620 Richard Katherin 4 sonne a daughter † JOHN ENYS. Erisey. To remember to serch for the Coate that are to be quartered by Erysye, vidz.:- 1. ERYSIE. 2. EARE. 3. DURANT. 4. MILLETON. Willm de Herisi sanz dat. Ricardus de Herisi filius Willi Sanz date. proved by a deed without date. 1 Aged 17 years, 11 April, 1609, Knighted at Whitehall, 10 May, 1618, died 27 Nov., 8 Chas. I. Inq. p. m., 8 Chas., part 3, No. 61. John, son & h., aged 20 years and 40 days at father's death. 2 Inq. p. m., Rich. Gedy, 6 Chas., part 1, No. 90. Rich., son of Sir Jno. Elliot and Radigund his wife, dec., his heir. 3 John, son of Mr. John Enys, was bapt. at Gluvias 4 April, 1610, Bp. of Exeter's Tran- scripts. (J. M.) * William Ellyott, supposed to have been of this family, was the first Mayor of Falmouth when incorporated under the Charter of Chas. II. 1661. † For earlier generations of this ped. see Harl. MS., 1079, fo. 201. 68 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. ¹ John Erisy aº 19 E. III. Johanna filia Allexan* D'ns de Godolghan.² John Erysye aº 37 E. III. William Erisy aº 37 E. III. John Erisy aº 16 H. VI. VI.T Tho. Erisa of Erisa in Con. Cornwall Esq.Alice Da. & hey.3 of Ere of Grindreth. James Erissa. Margt Da. & one of heirs of Jo. Durant Pensinguns in Cornwall.¹ Alice uxr phin of Guinope. Margerie Jo. Godol- ux" to Tre- 7 Katherin ux Rich. Boni- James Erisa nouth6 of thon of Cur- of Christian young- est Da. of Rog Grenvill of Julian ux" Jo. Arondel of Trerise. Trenouth. klaw Erisa.5 Stowe. Margt Philip Honor ux Rich. Avce Da. & 1 da. wife to Wm Erisa Coh. of Willm Dorothy wife to ux. Cavell. Tucker of of Exiter. Erisa. Milliton of Pengersey. Pawle Alice Julian wife to Specot 3 Da. of Hurle- Hill. dith. Julian uxr Wm Wadda's of St Alice ux Rog. James Erisa of Elizb. Da. of Anne ux Walt Stevens. Dolton of Ireland. Errisa a sea Tho. Carew Captayne.⁹ of Anthonie. Tregost of Trewethock. 1 2 Elizb. Da. of Pet Carew of Bickley in Devon. Esq.10 in Com. Cornw. Rich. Erisa of Erisa-Mary Da. of Sr James Ley of Westburie in liveinge 1620 Esq. Com. Wilts Kt & Baronet. James 1 sone at. 4 1620. A Rich. 2 sonne atat. 5 weekes 1620. Dorithie uxor Martin Bosustow. 1 John Erisy, ob. 1328, married Joane dau. of Ric. Vivyan of Trevidren, ob. 1354. These were parents of John Erisy at the head of this ped. (Vid. Vivian ped., post.) 2 Godolphin. 3 In the Inq. p. m. 35 Hen. VIII., No. 8, of James Erisey, his grandmother's name is given as Elizabeth. His father James, grandfather Thomas E. and aunt Elizabeth Bonython also named. 4 She died 1 January, 26 Hen. VIII., Jas. E., her son and h., æt. 34 years and more. Esch. Inq. Cornw. 31 and 32 H. VIII., No. 3. 5 Died 2 May, 33 H. VIII. Inq. p. m. 35 H.VIII. No. 8. 6 Thos. Trenouth named in Inq. p. m. of Jas. Erisey, 35 H. VIII., together with Ralph Bony- thon and Elizab. ux., the da. of Tho. Erisey, and their sons John and Edmond B. 8 Wadham. 7 She was wid. of Jno. Boys of Coswyn. See Inq. p. m. of her bro. James. 9 Commanded the White Lion under Sir Fra. Drake in 1585, and the galleon Dudley against the Armada, 1588. Ob. 3 Feb. 43 Eliz. Rich. son and h., æt. 10 years and no more 19 May. Misc. Inq. p. m. 43 Eliz. (temp. Eliz., Jas., and Chas.) part 7, No. 107. 10 Rich. Erisey and Mrs. Elizb. Carew, mar. 9 April, 1615. Name of Parish obliterated. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. ? Bickley. * Sir Nicholas Parker, Kt., mar. to Avis Erysye, widowe, 26 Jan., 1600, at Grade. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. (J. M.) Elizb. da. of Ric. Erisey ar. bap. 3 Sept. 1623. Ruan Major Par. Reg. Thomas, son of Ric. Erisey, Esq., bp. 1665. Rich. Erisey, Gent., bur. 1700. Charles Vivyan Ar. and Mary Erisey, da. of Rich. Erisey of St. Nyott Ar., mar. licence dated 11 March, 1674, St. Neott Par. Reg. 1 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 69 | A Kath ux' Tho. Penwarne of Penorne 2 sonne. Martha ux' Pet. Spry of¹ I Geo. 2 sone. Gertrud uxr Harison 2d to Gravenor. * RICHARD ERISEY. Estcott. Walter Estcott al's at Hole did graunt to Humphrie Beville Esq. & to John Pentier Esq. and to John Trevilian Esq. & to John Trenger Bastard, Tho. Viall, John Somaster, & Thos. Escott theire heires & assignes, all the lands lying in Davies wthin the Mannor of Fenton & also all his lands in Tinnyo wch was lately the lands of Willm Blackdon, and also all his lands in Northdowne in the mannor of Westwillesworth. Dated at Fenton die lune prox ante festu Na'tis D'ni Aº regni H. VI. 27. SEAL.-A shield charged with six escallops, 3, 2, 1. Willm. Totworthy the elder graunteth to Willm Davy & to Jone his wife & to Isabell their daughtr, one peece of land in Totworthy in the mannor of Northam, dated at Northam the monday next after the feast of the purificacion of the blessed Mary in the 10 yeare of H. IV. SEAL.-A shield charged with 3 plates on a fess betw. 3 griffins' heads erased. John Estcott the elder graunteth to Thos. Grenfeild Esq. & to John Estcott Junior all his lands in the p'ish of Holsworthy for ever according to the accustomed rent. Dated at Solden the 10 of Octob. in ye 9 yeare of H. VII. SEAL.-Circular, having a gull, wings expanded. ARMS.-1. ESTCOTT. Sa. six escallops Or, 3, 2, 1. 2. B. a fess Arg. charged with 3 roundlets B. betw. 3 griffins' h'ds eras. Arg. 3. Sa. a chev. betw. 3 trefoils slipped Arg. 4. As 1. ~ An Escutcheon of Pretence, Gu. on a chief Arg. 2 Estoiles Sa. CREST.-A gull erect, wings expanded Sa. This descent is proved downe by 25 auncient deeds whereof these are inserted yt proveth the coate & creast. Ricus de Estcott sans date. Osbertus de Estcott duxit Basiliam fil. Willmi Laun- celles. Tho. Éstcott duxit Asserian fil. Adæ de Foye Militis. Richard Estcott mar. Jane da. of Gourdon. A John Totworthy Fil. et hæres Temp. 5 R. II. Willms Totworthy de Totworthy Temp. R. I. Walter at Comb.— mar. Christian. Ricus Estcott Temp. R. Stepa. Walteri at Comb. Thomas de Estcott de Tamerton temp.E.III. John Totworthy-fil. Temp. H. IV. Noble. John Estcott at Hole in Tamerton temp. H. V. B Film Willm Totworthy lived in the tyme of H. IV. C 1 Mar. at Ruan Major 10 Oct., 1614. (Par. Reg.) Henry Erisy, Esq., bur. 6 Ap. 1681. (Eglos- kerry Par. Reg.) Mrs. Frances Erissey, bur. 23 Ap. 1687. (Ruan Ma. Par. Reg.) Wm. Erisey, ob. 1688. Tomb. Egloskerry Churchyard. * Ped. Fin. 4 King John, Corn. Pasch., No. 1. Inter Rich. de Trecarl q. Henry Heriz def. in Ebbeford, etc. Rob. de Heriz appears in the Assize Roll, Launceston, 8 K. John. Henry Erisey was seated at Tredidon, Egloskerry, A.D. 1676 (by deed in possess. of Ed.) 70 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Robt Estcott mar. the Da. of Beau- pre. B Walterus Est-filia Hurst cott temp. H. de Credi- VI. | ton. John Tot worthy de Totworthy. c | Willms Totwor- thy 2 fil. mar. Jone Da. of.... Stephen Estcott Duxit filiam Gervis Statton. Thomas Estcott temp. H. VI. Alicia fil. et Coh. Johis Totwor- thy de Penishill in Abbotshams. | Robt. Escott Duxit Marga- retam filiam Rici Mohun. John Escott by 2 deedes Jane Relicta.. in E. IV. tyme. Browninge. Stephen Estcott mar. Matilda Da. of Willm Menwincke. Rich. Estcott mar. the Da.— of William Kellaway. John Escott temp. H. VII. John Estcott de Laun-: ceston temp. H. VIII. John Pentier son Matilda filia et hæres John Estcott de Tamer--Charity Da. of of Richard Pentier. Rici Estcott. ton temp. E. VI. John Leache. Rob'tus Estcott de Pwishall in p'ochia de Abbotsham in Com. Devon.— John Estcott de-Anne fil. & her. of Man--Willms Vallet de Northam Pewishall. Elizab. mar. first to Wal- ter Stoford of Stoford 2 to John Sea- mour of Launcesto' Christian mar. to John Glanvile ing de Com. Devon. Jone mar. Arm. 2 maritus. Willmot Da. to John of Sampson Rich. Estcott-Honor Da. of de Launces- John Stone of Reade of Biddiford. of Laun- ceston. Grills of Launceston ux. 1. ton sup'stes 1620. Trevigo relict Charles Prust ux. 2. Margaret mar. 1Joh'es Estcott-Maria fil. et to Digorie de Launceston Coh. Caroli Prowt of Ker- fil. et hæres Prust de nick. sup'stes 1620. Thori in Hartland. Rich. Escott de Lincolnes Inne 2 son. Jane mar. to Nich. Voly of Hartland. Thomas Estcott 3 sonne. Charles 4 sonne. Rich. Estcott fil. primogenitus ætat. 6 annoru' 1620. Bevill Estcott 2 sonne ætat. 2 annorum Maria fil. unica ætat. 4 annu'. RICHARD ESTCOTT. ¹ In 1620, John Estcott of Launceston was Deputy to the Office of Arms for Devon and Cornwall (Bodl. Lib. Ashm. 836, fo. 513). (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 71 Fitzpen al's Phippen. ARMS. Arg. two bars, in chief 3 escallops, sable. Hen. Fitzpen of St. Mary Ov'y in Devon Alice Da. of Peirse of Ireland Jo. Fitzpen-. Da. of.... Robt. Fitzpen al's Fippen of Wamouth in Com. Dorset Owen Fitzpen of Ireland 1 sonne¹ 2 sone Cicilie Da. of Tho. Jordon of Dorsetsh. David Geo. 3 sone of Trewro in Cicilie 2 sone Cornwall liveing 1620 a da. GEO. FITZPEN AL'S PHIPPEN. Flamanke. ARMS. FLAMANKE. Arg., a cross betw. 4 mullets, gu. pierced or, quartering PEVERELL, B. 3 garbs ar., a chief or. (The arms are trick'd in pencil, evidently by the Herald.) Rich. Flamoke of Bukian in Cornw. Margaret Da. of Peter Geirveis de Perin³ James Flamock-Jane Da. of Hen. Trewynard Richard Jane Da. & Flamock sole heir Tho. 2 Thomas Elizab. 3 Robt. Christian 4 James Lovedaye maried to Will. Barret of Tregarin John Joyce Da. 2 fil. of Sr Ric. Honstant Thomas -Elizab. Da. of Flamock John Trelawnie of Minwenick 1 Loveday 2 Jane John Roger Gilbert Flamock Henry de Buscnae 1 son A Jone Da. of Reinold Gaire of Liskerd Jane mar. to Peter Fantleroy 1 There is a Monument to this Owen in Truro Church. 2 Rector of Truro, 1636. 3 Penryn. 72 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Willm Flamank-Mary Da. of John Carminow of of Buscane Fentengollen in Com Cornw. Hugo 6 fil. de Hellon Jane Charles ob. Nicholas Fla--Mary Da. of fil. apud Yar- mank of Oliver John Lipkencott 2 fil.¹ John ob. in Com. mouth fuit Buscane in of Wibberrie in Corw. Clericus Hugh Com. Cornw. Barnard Flamank of Buscane Christop. in Com. Cornw. ætat. 22 Com. Devo' Elizab. fil. unica BER. FLAMANKE. Fleminge. John Fleminge of Monster in Ireland John Fleminge who came into England Kath' Da. of Barry descended out of & seated himselfe in Bristoll the house of the Lo. Barrye of Ireland Nicho. Fleminge of Landith in Pochia de Maderne in Com. Cornwall Elizb. Da. of Jenkin Keigwin of Paule in Cornwall John Fleminge Doct™ of Di- vinitie & first Tho. Fle- minge of Landithe Elizb. Da. & Elizb. ux" hey. of Tho. Wm Treruf Cock of of Maderne Warden of in Com. Bodmin in Wadda'Colledge Cornw. Com. Corn- in Corn- wall in Oxford ob. liveing wall sine prole 1620 Mary ux² 1 Tho. Crudge of Mderne 2 to Rob. Jago of St. Erme in Cornwall Clarence uxor Edw. Mundaye of Tregonie in Cornwall Thomas Francis 1 Anne 3 2 sonne Grace 2 Elizab. 4 Nicho. sone & hey. atat. 18, 1620 Mary 5 Jane 7 sone Phillip 6 (sic.) THOMAS FLEMINGE. ¹ He mar. Elizabeth, da. of Wm. Billing, of Hanger. Vide Pedigree of Billing, ante. Lic. 22 Jan., 1596; she is called Elizabeth Billion al's Trelawder of St. Tudye. (J. M.) * Will. s. of John Flamanck, gent., bap. 1631 John and Anne, bap. 1639 Padstow Par. Reg. Rich. Vivian, gent., mar. Mary Flamock, 1601. * St. Columb Major. Par. Reg. Mr. Jno. Flamick mar. Mrs. Mileson Hockings, 1668. Lansalloes Par. Reg. Mar. Ped. fin. 15 Elizb. Cornw. Easter. Roger Flamank & Jno. Vyvyan, gent., q. Otho and John Merefield, gent., def. land in St. Columb Major. Luxyllion, &c. For further and extensive ped. of Flamanke (which has been registered at Heralds' Coll. down to 1848), see Sir Jno. Maclean's Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., pp. 283, 285. † Thomas Fleming gent. and Mary Harris married, 1657. Gulval. Par. Reg. Christabel da. of Willm Fleming, bapt. 1573. Fowey Par. Reg. 19.}: Nich. Flemyng, gent., and Anne, da. of Jno. Clese, gent., mar. 1699. Madron Par. Reg. Nich. Flemyng, gent., bur. 1668. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 73 Robert Fletcher= of Leicester Fletchar. Gourny of Corry Mallet Thomas Hill-Agnes da. of . . . . Gourney of John Gourny of Taunton Corry Mallet & heire to her S. P. brother John Robert Fletcher of Mawgan in Cornwall, Chapleyn to Queene Elizabeth in ordinary Johan da. & heir to Tho. Hill of Taunton in Com. Som'set Godolphin Fletcher-Ann da. of Gourney. 3 Adeodata of Cury sonne & John Mahew heir living 1620 of Eastlow 1 Hanniball Avis da. Fletcher 2 of Tho. wife to Tho. Triggs of Gwynnyer sonne Baker Hannaball sonne & heir ætat. 15 annoru' 1620 Robert. 2 Gourney. 3 * GODOLPHIN FLETCHAR. Eliza Fortescu. Lewis Fortescue of Vallepit in Com. Devon 구 ​Nicholas Fortescue of Maw-Jane da. of Robt. Hill of Helle- gan in Com. Cornub. 2 sonne | gan and widdow Michaell Vivian wali =2William widow of Fortescue of Roger Sleman Mawgan now living 1620 2 wife Christian da. of Jo. Vivian of Trelawarren 1 wife A Lewis For-Lower tescue 2 sonne Agass Margaret da. of wife to wife to Jo.Sam- George William well B Bowden Prisk 1 East Looe. 2 Mr. William Fortescue of Skyberio was bur. at Mawgan in Meneage 1623. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * F. Fletcher was chaplain with Sir Francis Drake, and from his notes 'The World Encom- passed' was compiled, L 74 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A B Agnes 1 wife to Thomas Start of Burian Mary 2 to John Randall of Burian ㅜ ​Mary Start WILLIA' FORTESCU. Gamon alias Gambone. John Gambon vel Gamon of Gamon howse by Padstow in Com. Devon (sic.) T Richard Gamon of Craford in Kent T Hannyball Gambon vel Gamon Frances of Rich. Thomas of London Goldsmith 2 sonne Galis of Windsor • Hanyball Gambon Eliza. da. al's Gamon of St of James Richard 2 sonne Maugan rector Rilston of living 1620 St Breock Mary wife to Thomas Alleyn of Elam in Kent Frances wife Susan to.... Wes- ton un- maried Hannyball sonne & heire 3 quarters old 1620 HANNIBAL GAMON ALIAS GAMBONE. * Mr. Fortescue, of Penwarne, Cornw., ar., and Anne Fortescue, of Wood Devon, spinster, mar. lic. 29 Oct. 1688. Peter Fortescue and -mye the Lady Courtney were mar. 21 Nov., 1669. Buryan par. reg. Robert Fortescue, Esq., and Grace Grenvile mar. 20 Feb., 1644. Kilkhampton par. reg. Xfer Fortescue of St. Wenne bur. 9 Oct., 1637. Menheniot par. reg. Ric. Fortescue and Jane Searle mar. 27 Oct., 1622. Hugh, s. of Arthur F. of Penwarne, Esq., & Barbara bap. 2d June, 1665. John, s. of Arthur F., of Penwarne, Esq., & Barbara, bap. 2 Sep., 1668. Arth., s. of Arth. Fortescue, bap. 1673. Joseph, s. of Arth. Fortescue, bap. 1675. John Fortescue, gent., and Elizb. Keagle mar. 10 Jun., 1688. Arthur Fortescue, Esq., bur. 12 Ap., 1693. John, son of Arthur Fortescue, Esq., and Dinah, bap. 2 Sept., 1713. Arthur Fortescue, Esq., bur. 10 Oct., 1735. Mary, wife of Henry Foskew, bur. 1636. St. Issey par. reg. Mevagizzey par. reg. Margt., da. of Hen. Fortescue, of Filley, Esq., and Bridget, da. of the Rt. Hon. Hu. Boscawen, and the Lady Margt., born 1 Mar., 1693, bap. 3 Ap., 1694. St. Mich. Penk. par. reg. Onnor, wife of Mr. Fortescue, bur. 1641. St. Winnow par. reg. Ped. fin. Cornw. 50 Ed. III., No. 4, Willm Fortescue & Will Beere q. Ric. Prideux and Milicent ux. def. 10 Hen. IV., No. 5, Wm. Fortescue, Henry Fortescue, John Mareys and Tho. Stoke q. John Fortescue and Clarice ux. def. rem. to Hen. Fortescue. Ric. Fortescu held land in Lesnewth. 3 John. Coram Rege. For more see 'Visit. Devon. 1620,' Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 109, and 'Family of Fortescue in all its branches,' by Thomas Fortescue Lord Clermont, Lond., 1869, 4to. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 75 George. ... George of Geo. Come in Com. Gloucester George of Gloucest' came to Osmondto' in Com. Dorset T George of Osmondton in Con. Dorset Da. of Hussie Simon George came to Quo-Thomazin Da. of Rich. Lanian toule in Com. Cornwall in Com. Cornw. Esq. Simon 1 sone ob. sine ple Salathiell George of Trenouth-Agnes Da. of Jo. Trestrale in Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 of Verryan in Cornw. gent. Anne 1 1 Elizab. 2 Da. atat. 6 Da. atat. 4 Thomazin 3 Da. atat. 2, 1620 SALATHIELL GEORGE. Geirveis. Peter Lo. of Antrewon Duxit fil. Hugonis Peverell ㅜ ​Joseus de Antre-Alicia fil. Rogeri le Archdecon de Trewareton Hale Cornw. won sans Dat. Petrus fil.=filia et heres Basset Gervasius de Antre- won in Cornub. Michaell John Gerveis 2 de fili. 2 Helston Aº 17 E.II. Nicholea² fil. et unica Heres Johis Benarklick Michaell 2 fil. somtm' maior of Helston Jacobus Isabella³ filia et Coh. Rogeri Gerveis³| Treveglos died before hir Aº 8 R. husbond aº 7 H. IV. Thomas³ ob. s. p. II. A } ¹ Elizab., da. of Sleathiel George, gent., bapt. 3 March, 1616. Gwinear par. reg. John, son of Roger George, bur. 22 Feb., 1563. Thomazine George, bur. 19 Nov., 1587. Marie, wife of Thomas George, bur. 3 July, 1619.} St. Ewe par. reg. 2 Ped. fin. Cornw. 6 Ed. III., No. 7, Jno. Bethever q. John Gerves of Helston Burgh & Nichola his wife def.; names Alice wife of Jno. Banethlek; remainder of Banethlek lands to Jno. Gerveis & Nichola ux. 3 Ped. fin. Cornw. 41 Ed. III., No. 3, Jacob Gerveys & Isabella his wife q. Thos. Gerveys def. Lands in Treveglas, etc. 76 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Henry 2 son of Helston Johe's Ger-Margareta¹ fil. et Margt mar. Margeri mar. veis¹ A° 11 | heres Willmi to Rich. H. VI. Mewthing Flamock to John Tre- fuses Peter Gerveis 4 H. VII. Johanna filia Willmi Gurland Jacobus ob. s. p. Willm's Gerveis² Emlin² Da. of Michaell Pettit 20 H. VIII. John fil. et her. mar. Mellior Da. of John Tre- sithney & ob. s. p. 3 Ric'us Jane filia Tho. Gerveis | Trefuses de Trefuses Thomazin mar. to Rafe Couch of Slasney & Margt mar. to Hoare of St. Erven Isat Da. of Ric. Pol--Thomas Gerveys lard of Langles Devon de Benathleck 2 wif s. p. Anne Da. of Nich. Herle of Trenouth Jonne mar. to Harris 5Rich.Gerveis fil. et heres Willmot Da. of Tho. Trenance John Gerveis de Benathleck mar. Jone Da. & sole hei of Willm Trevanian Willm Constance Willm Thomas ob.s.p. Gerveis fil. et heres æt. 36 George 3 fil. mar. Anne Richard 4 sonne Bridges of London. Lewis 5 filiu' Da. of Rich. John 2 fil. Ursula mar. in the Nether- to John Trewinard mar. to lands Jane virg a1620 idney Sidney Geirveis æt. unius anni THO. GEIRVEIS. Noverint universi p' p'sent me Johon Gerveys remisisse relaxasse & omnino imperpetue p' me et heredibus meis quietu' Clamasse &c. Hijs testibus Johe Skewys, Johe Keynwood tunc maiore ville de Helston Burgh, Rogero Jonwan, Johe Seler ¹ Ped. fin. Cornw. 2 H. IV., No. 2, John Gerveys & Margaret his wife q. Thos. Jon of Helston def. 2 Peter Bevil married Thomazine, the widow of Michael Petit, and by his Will (prob. 1515; given more at length under Petit) he bequeaths to Willm Gervys his "best gowne lyned with Sasnet." Thomazine Bevil, the widow, by her Will, 1517, names her daughter Emlyn, and says, "I bequeath to Willm Gerves children begotten of Emlyn £6:13:4 between them. 3 Brass in Constantine Ch. to mem. of Ric. Geyrveys, Esquier, and Jane his wyfe, Dowghter of Tho. Trefusys, Esq., bur. 2 Oct. 1574. Figures of Parents, with eight sons and eight daughters. Also Brass in same ch. to mem. of Melior, wife of Jn° Pendarvis and dau. of Ric. Gearveis, Esq. ob. 17 Mar. 1607. 4 Bur. 26 Aug. 1616, at Constantine. Will prob. Arch. Cornw. 17 Mar. 1616-17. Names Wilmet, wife of his eldest son Ric., and Tho., Jno., Geo., Ric., Lewis, Ursula, Constance, and Jane, sons and daus. of sd. Ric.; Jenophat, his dau., wife of Westcote of St. Issey, and several other daus.; bro.-in-law Jno. Herle; and Francis Gerveis, Executor; Wm. Reskymer of Merthen, Esq., and Jno. Gerveis, his son, father of sd. Francis, overseers. (J. M.) Ric. G. ob. 1608. Admon. granted 11 Jan. 1608, to relict Wilmet; Jnº Gerveis of St. Gee's, one of the sureties. (J. M.) 6 Tho. Gerveis by Deed dat. 25 Ap. 1612, 19 Jas., made over Benathlek, &c., to John G., his uncle, and Francis, son of John. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 77 et alijs. Dat' apud Helston die sabbati prox post festu' S'ti Joh'is Ante portam Latinam. aº Regni Regis H. V. post conquest' Angl. secundo. SEAL. A chev. betw. 3 garbs. Sig.-JACOBI GERVEIS. Geyrveys. Tho. Geirveis of Constenton Anne Da of Nicho. Herle John Geirveis of Constentin liveinge 1620 Joane Da. & sole hey. of Wm Trevanion Fran. 1 sone atat. 5 John 2 sonne Richard 3 sone JOHN GEYRVEYS. ARMS. Az. three saltires or. Glanville. CREST. A buck stat. ppr. Joh'es Glanvile of Tavistock in Com. Devon Nicholas Glanvile= fil. primagenitus Ī 2 John Glanvile 3 Thomas Raymond 1 Johanna Justiciarius de Comuni Banco Johannes Glanvile fil.-Anna fil. Jacobi et hæres rector Eccliæ Rilston de Breague de Withell in Com. Cornw. Clerici Dewnes fil. unica ætat. demidiu' Anni 1620 4 filius 2 Agneta 3 Maria Tobias Duxit Francesca 4 Dennis filia Maxima Georgij Wadham, Armig. ㅜ ​Nicholas Glanvile fil. Elizab. et hær. æt. 23 1 Agneta 3 Eulalia 1 Richard ob. s. p. 3 Nicholas ob. s. p. 5 Raphe 2 Johanna 4 Dewnes 2 John 4 Tobias 6 Kedley JOHN GLANVILLE. * George, son of Richard Geirves, gent., and Wylemett, bapt. 22 May, 1592. Johan da. of .. Gervys and Wilmett, Elizab., da. of Richard Gerveis, gent., and Ann, Richard Gerveis, Thomas Gervies, Esq. 1593. born 1654. bur. 26 Nov. 1605. 26 Aug. 1616. Constentin. (J.M.) 78 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. ARMS. Az. three saltires Glanvile. CREST. A stag trippant ppr.} (Tricked in pencil.) John Glanvile of Tavistock in Com. Devon ī Nicholas Tho. Glanvile=Jane Da. of 1 sonne of Tavistock 2 sonne John Cornish of Tavestock 2 John Glanvile 3 sone-Da.¹ of Skerret one of the Judges of 2 to Sr Fraun. the com❜on pleas Godolphin 1 of Abbotsham Mary Da. of Jo. Skerett John Glanvile of Laun--Christian Da. of Jo. Estcotte of Whitchurch ston in Cornwall John 2 sonne-Grace Da. of Peter Hallamore Mary ux' John Jop of Penrine of Meryfeild Oliver Glanvile of Laun--Elezb.Da. of Christr Broken stone in Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 of Totnes in Com. Devon Susan ux Christo. Broken of Totnes T Alice Agnes John & John ob. sine p'le Mary a dau. atat. 7 monthes 1620 P. me OLIVER GLANVILE. 1 Alicia, da. of John Skirritt of Tavistock, called wid. of Sir Francis Godolphin in Glanville Ped. 'Visit. Dev., 1620,' Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 130, where also the ped. is continued from this marriage. * Oliver Sawel, Esq., and Mrs. Jane Glanville, da. of Rt Worshipful Sir Francis Glanville, Kt, mar. 3 Feb., 1632, Sunday. Jnº Dodge, Esq., and Dionyse, da. of the Rt Worshipful Sir Fra.Tavistock Par. Reg. Glanvill, K', mar. 1635. The Rt Worshipful Sir Francis Glanville, bur. 1638. Mr. Jnº Atwill, Minister, and Mrs. Grace Glanville, mar. 1675. Francis Glandville Ar. & Elizab. Crymes, mar. 21 Sept. 1604. Buckl. Mon. Devon. Par. Reg. Thomas Drake and Alice Glanville, mar. 23 Oct. 1634. Truro Par. Reg. In the Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts she is called Glanfield. Johannes Glanville sac. Theol. bac., bur. 1615. Withiel. Richard Glanville of Lelant was bur. 24 Apl. 1631. Probus. Francis, son of Mr. Oliver Glanville, bap. 7 Dec., 1623. Launceston. }. (J. M.) Miss Alice Glanvile, da. of the Lady Alice Godolphin, bur. at Tavistock, 14 Nov., 1608. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 79 Glyn. Tho. Glynn of Glynn Alice Da. & hey. of Ric. Dennys Nicho. 1 sone mar' to 1 Constance Da. & hey. of Joh. Brian ob. sine prole 24 to Elizb. Da. of John Talkerne of Golocotte and had issue John Glynn of Boyton 2 sonne in Com. Corn- Thomazin Da. of Nicho. Carlyon of Carlyon Key in Cornwall wall John Glynn of Boyton 1 sonne Mary Da. of Rob. Treweike of Stediens in Cornwall 3 ¹Leonard Glyn 2Willm. John Glynn of Anne Da. of Rob. 2 sone obijt sine p❜le 3 sone Boyton inCom. Cornwall live- inge 1620 Menwynnick of Menwynnick in Cornwall 4Phillip ux. Tristram Peirse of Tamerton in Cornw. 5George 3 sonne Robert 2 sone 'John sonne & heyre=Prudence da. of .... Risden of now heire 1649 atat' 11, 1620 Aston in Com. Devon JOHN GLYN. ¹ Bapt. 11 Dec. 1578. 4 "" 10 Sept. 1582. 5 2 Bapt. 4 Aug. 1581. 23 Sept. 1612. 3 Bapt. 10 Feb. 1577. 6 "" 30 June, 1610. 7 "" 5 Aug. 1609. Boyton. * Mar. Lic. Exeter, Leonard Glynn of Werrington vel Boyton, gent., and Johanna (J. M.) Noble of Boyton, 8 Jan. 1617. Adm. of effects of Leonard Glynn, late of Boyton, co. Cornw., granted to Johanna, his relict, 11 Oct. 1639. Nicholas, son of Walter Glyn, gt., and Agnes, George, " Walter, "" Mrs. Gartered Glynn, Denes Glyn, Esq., Mr. Will. Glyn, "" bapt. 1635. "" 1637. Lanreath Par. Reg. 1642. "" bur. 1675. "" 14 April, 1705. 1719. 1727. Cardinham Par. Reg. 99 Will. Glyn, Esq., of Glyn, Thos. Glynn of the Boro' of Helston, mar. Mary, the da. and heir of Otho Polkinhorne of Polkinhorne 22 April, 1662. Otho Glynn, 3rd son of Thos. Glynn of Polkinhorne, gent., was mar. to Elizabeth, da. of Peter Pendarves of Bodriggey, gent., the 30 Dec., 1697. Otho, son of Thos. Glynn, gent., Will., "" Susanna, da. of "" Nicholas, son of Mary, da. of Phillip, son of "" Luce, da. of Margaret, Mary, wife of bapt. 26 Dec., 1667. "" 11 Sept., 1669. ," 7 Nov., 1671. Gwinear Par. Reg. "" 4 Aug., 1673. "" 6 April, 1675. 3 April, 1677. "" bur. Edm. Herring of St. John's, gt., and Loveday, da. of St. Neot, gent., mar. 1712. He was bur. the she the year following. 27 Dec., 1679. 10 Aug., 1683. 29 Nov., 1712. Nich. Glynn of same year, and St. John's Par. Reg. Ped. fin. Cornw. 7 Edw. II. No. 5. Int. Peter, son of Ralph de Glen; qu. Ralph de Glen, def. In Boskennan and Treveniel. The additions in italic are in the hand of Parker. 80 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Glyn. Constance da. & heir of John Brian 1 wife s. p. Nicholas Glinn¹ of Glynn in Com. Cornub. Esq. Elizabeth da. of John Talkern of Godacote 2 wife Film 2Willm. Glinn of Glinn sone & hey. Anne Da. of Antho. Crewse Nicho. Glinn of Glinn sone & hey. in Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Walt' 2 sone at. 10 Willm.³ sone & hey. at. 21, 1620 〒 Jane Da. of Walt' Kendall of Pelyne Lovedaye ux' Tho. Hearle of Trenouth Esq. NICH. GLYN. Godolphin. Edw. Godolphin Matilda fil. Boteler de Camerton Willm. Godolphin Constance Da. of Willm. Wise of Grayston Edwward Godolphin Clare of Solgena Alexander Marrion Da. of John Tremrow Willm. Melior da. of John Cowlinge of Trewarnan Elinor nupta Johi Rencie Thomas 1 The ped. of Glyn is confused here. Compare Coles' Escheats, Note 1, under Crewes, p. 56, with the following extracts of wills :-Nicholas Glynne of Glynne, P'ish. of Cardinham, Cornw., 23 Nov., 1579, P. C. C. 21 Nov., 1580; names wife, Johane; his son and heir, Will.; his son Nicholas; Rob., Sampson, Will., and John Trevethwane, his nephews; Geo. and Leonard, sons of his bro. John Glynne; his da. Mary, wife of John Harrye, and her 3 daus.; and legacies to his Godchildren, not named. Prob. P. C. C., 1580. John Drake of Liskeard, mercht., dat. 30 June, 1582, prob. 1583; names wife Thomazine (Bealbery) to act as executrix, under advice of Nicholas Glin, Esq., and Rich. Myners, gent. Wm. Drake of Roche; will 11 Feb., 1596; prob. 1597, Exeter; makes his cosen Nich. Glinn, with o'rs, gardens (guardians) of his dau. till 18 years old; Nich. Glinne, witness. Elizab. Drake of Lanlivey, spinster, died 17 Nov., 1621. Will prob. Bodmin, 1622. Names her "God Father and Gardeyn " Nich. Glyn, Esq., and Stephen Kendall. Ped. fin. 32 H. VIII. Trin. Cornw. Jno. Bealbury, q. Jno. Glyn of Lanhydrok, def. ten, in Leskerde, &c., &c. Inq. p. m. 23 Elizb. part 2, No. 14. Nich. Glyn, ob. 11 Oct., son and heir Will'm, æt. 46. Recites Deed dat. 18 Feb. 14 Elizb., enfeoffing Nich. Carminow, Rob. Trencreke, Wm. Courteney of Deviock, Jno. Crewes, Tho. Trevythvan, and Jno. Glyn of Boyton, gent., in behalf of his son Nich. Glyn. 2 Phelip, da. of Will. Glinne of Glinne, mar. Jno. Incledon of Bratton. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 158. 3 Will of William Glyn de Glyn in Cardinham, Ar. prob. Exeter, 1665, Nich. Glyn, son and exor. * For extensive ped. of Glyn, see 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol, i., p. 68. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 81 Sr William Godolphin Kt. Margaret da. of John Glynn of Morvall Elizabeth Honor wife wife to Jo. to Willm. Langdon Meliton of Pengarsek Sr William Godolfyn-Blanch da. of Kt sonne & heir John Langdon William Godolfin of Windsor 3 sonne to Sr Willm. of whome Guy Godolfin now living 1620 is de- scended Margaret wife to Dennys Grace wife to Sr John Sidenham Kt da. of John Grenvile Thomas Godolphyn 2 sonn.... da. & heir of Edmond & heire to his brother Bonythan 1 wife da. wife to Tho. Peters • of Okhampton T Ann wife to Sr Sr Francis Jo. Arundell of Godolphin Talvern Kt. Kt. da. wife to Fursman Gentill Godolfyn¹ who lived in Devon' & had issue Will'm Margaret da. of John Killigrew of Arwenneck willi William Godolphyn of Treveneag 2 sonne Jane² da. & co- heir of Walter Gaverigan Esq. francis Catheryn Jane wife unmaried to James Basset 4 Thomasine wife to Sr Geo. Carew Kt. Willian Sr William Godol--Thomasines da. and fyn of Godolphyn Kt. ob. 1613 heire of Tho. Sidney of Wrighton in Com. Norff. Francis Godolfyn sonne & heir ætat. 14, Sydney 2. William 3. Penelopy 1. 1620. now in Warde John 5 Judith da. of Francis Godol- 2 sonne Edward phyn 3 sonne Ursula wife to Jo. Crudge Blanch wife to George Keckwich of Katch- Amerideth french William sonne & heir Thomas 2. John 3. Elizabeth 1. Margaret 2. ætat. 15, 1620 FRA. GODOLPHIN. ¹ Gentle, son of Gentle Godolphynne, bapt. 21 June, 1614, at Teingrace, Devon. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 2 William Godolphin and Mrs. Jane Gavrigan, mar. 11 Dec. 1587. St. Mabyn. (J. M.) 3 The Right Worshipful the Lady Godolphin was bur. 24 April, 1632. Tavistock Par. Reg. 4 Grandfather of Francis, Earl of Godolphin, who mar. Henrietta, da. and coh. of the great Duke of Marlborough. She was created Duchess of Marlborough by Act of Parliament. 5 Captain of Silley. 'Visit. of Devon, 1620,' Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 6. * Francis Godolphin and Katherine Trevanion mar. 8 May, 1622. Name of Parish wanting. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Sir William Godolphin and Mrs. Grace Barret, mar. 25 March, 1658. Sutcome, Devon. (J.M.) Grace, the wife of Sir Will. Godolphin, Kt., died the 11 day of Oct., 1663, and was bur. the 13 day of the same month. Sir Will. Godolphin, Kt., died the 26, and was bur. the 27 Nov., 1663. St. Mabyn Par. Reg. The will of Sir Will. Godolphin of St. Mabyn was proved at Bodmin 23 Dec., 1663. (Compare Edmondson, fo. 183.) Francis Godolfyn and Frances Browne, mar. 20 March, 1684. St. Issey Par. Reg. M 82 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. J Godolphin. John Godolphin de Godolphin John Godolphin of Helston Elizab. Da. of Cararthyn John Godolphin Elizab. Da. of Rich. Nevill of fil. et heres Trworbonett in Com. Corn. John Godolphin fil. et hæres Jane Da. of Nich. Crankan Carankan (sic) of Gulval in Com. Cornwall Thomas mar. to Ric.= ¹ Willm Godolphin of Trewar-Jane Da. of John Tredeneck veneth in Con. Cornwal of St. Breague Prudence ma. to John Cooke of 2 Tomazin Francis John 2 fil. mar. to 3 fil. mar. the Thomas ob. in da. of Sparnan of Hiber- Trerise of Breage in nia the p'ish of Com. Nicholas Whitinge of Silley St. Allen Corn. 3 Nicholas Godol--Phillippa Da. of phin of Trewor- Humphrie veneth in parochia Nicholles of de Paule in Com. Penvoes in the Devon (sic) Parish of St. Tudie Willm Godolphin fil. et heres 1 Jane³ at. 18 æt. 11 annor. temp. Visitacois Elizab. Phillip alip obierunt s. p. Marie Prudence aº 1620. 2 Margerie at. 5 NICHOLAS GODOLPHIN. 1 Mar. at St. Breock October, 1571. St. Breock Par. Reg. 2 Mar. at Breage 10 July, 1598. Breage Par. Reg. 3 Named in the Will of Thomas Chiverton of Paul, 26 August, 1604. Proved in London, 7 Feb. 1605. 4 Bapt. at St. Paul, 1613. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Will., son of Will. Godolphin, Esq., by Ruth his wife, Ruth, da. of "" "" bapt. born 7, Will., son of "" "" Ann, da. of "1" 19 Will., son of "" 1632. 14 Oct., 1633. 2 Feb., 1634. 12 Jan., 1641. bur. 29 Sept. 1631 John Godolphin, gent., of St. Kew, and Honour Dennys, wid., of same parish, John, son of Will. Godolphin, Esq. Barnard, Margaret, da. of John Honour, wife of Mr. Godolphin, mar. 10 May, 1640. bapt. 24 April, 1636. St. Mabyn. (J. M.) 24 Feb., 1638. | St. Kew. bur. 31 Oct., 1641. (J. M.) "" 15 May, 1642. William Godolphin, Esq., and Elizab. Darrell, mar. April, 29, 1673. St. Winnow. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 83 Godolphin. Sr William Godolfyn of Godolfin Kt Margaret da. of John Glynn of Morvall Sr William-Blanch da. Godolfyn Kt. of Jo.1 Langdon. da. of—Thomas Godolfin 2ĦF. 2 da. & heir of sonne & heire to his | Edmond Bonythan brother of .... • John Gren- vile 2 wife Gentill Godol- Sr Francis Godol--Margaret phyn³ de Com. phin of Godolphin da.of John Devon Kt. Killigrew T William Godol-Jane da. & coheir phin of Treve- of Walter Gave- neag 2 sonne William Godolphin 4 Francis Godolphin of Treveneag Esq. sonne & heir living 1620 Loveday 1 da. ætat. 2 annoru' 1620 rigan of Gaveri- gan Esq. Ann da. of Rich. Carew of Anthony Esq. Catheryne 2 da. ætat. 6 weekes the 9 of October 1620 * FRANCIS GODOLPHIN. ARMS. A chevron (unfinished). Goode. Goode T Rich. Goode of Whetston in Cornwall liveing 1620—Da. of Penkevile Geo. 2 sone 5Walter Da. of Rich. Goode sone= at. 50, 1620 3 sone at. 35 & hey. atat. 60, 1620 4 sonne a dau. at. 32 Digorie Florence Margt un- maried at. 45 at. 40 Not signed. 1 Robert in Langdon Ped., Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 63. 2 Katherine Godolphin's name follows those of Tho. and James Bonythan in the Will of John Arundell of Trerice, Esq., proved in London 26 Nov., 1580. 3 Mar. Cicily, da. of George Southcot of Calwoodley. 'Visit. Devon., 1620,' Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 269. 4 Francis Godolphin of St. Hilary, near The Mount, gentleman, and Anne Carew, da. of Richard Carew the elder, Esq., of Anthony, married at Anthony 15 Nov., 1616. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 5 He mar. Alice, da. of Rich. de la More of Little Torington. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 194. Rich Goode of Plymouth, mar. Joane, da. of John Downe of Pilton. Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 90. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' Launcells. (J. M.) St. Kew. John Badcock, Parson of Whitston, and Dorothy Goode, mar. 4 Mar. 1656. John Goode of Whitston, and Dorothy Penkevil, mar. 20 June, 1648. Dorothy, da. of John Goode of Whitston & Dorothy his wife, bap. 15 Jan. 1648-9.) (J. M.) * For pedigree of Godolphin more extended, see Harl. MS. 1079, ffo. 206 to 209. 84 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. ނ ARMS. (See Frontispiece.) Grenvile. Ricus Grenvile filius Rici Grenvile sans Dat. Sr Thomas Grenvile fil. et heres Ricus Grenvile fil. Thomæ Sr Theobald Grenvile temp. Rici primi Jana fil. Willm Trewent Ricus Grenvile lived in Isabell Da. of Josselin the tyme of E. I. de Mont Tregomynion Sr Willm Grenvile Kt. temp. E. II.—Johanna fil. et hæres Wortham 1 Sr Barthomew Grenvile Kt. temp. E. II. Joanna fil. Sr Viell Vivion militis Sr Theobald Grenvile Kt. temp. E. III. Jois Da. of Tho. Beaumont Sr Theobald Grenvile Kt. temp. Ric. II. Margaret Da. of Hugh Courtney Sr John Grenvile ob. s. p. Willm Grenvile Brother and hey. to Sr John temp. H. IV. Phillip sist' to the Lo. Bondvile Thos. Grenvile fil. et hæres Elizab. Sist' to Sr Theobald de Gorges Kt. Relicta Hill de Sr Tho. Grenvile=Isabella fil. Otes Taunton ux. 2 Kt. temp. E. IV. | Gilbert ux. 1 fil. nupta Yoe 2 John Gren- Jane mar. to vile a priest Raleigh 2 to Batin Phillip mar. to Francis Harris 2 to Stening Da. mar. to Arundell of Lanherne Honor mar. to St John Basset 2 to Arthur Plantaginet Lo. Lisly Mary ux Ri. Blewet 2 to St. Aubin Agnes ux. Johis Roscarick Roger Gren--Margaret fil. vile fil. et et Coh. Rich. hæres Whitleygh Ricus ob. 3 Jane ux. Jhon Arundell de Tre- s. p. rest A 1 Int. Bartholomew de Grenevill and Anna his wife, qu. Margery who was wife of Joceus de Dynham, def. Manor of Kilkhampton settled on Bartmw. and his wife for life. Rem. to Henry, son of Bartholomew, rem. to Johanna & Isabell, sisters of Henry. Ped. fin. Cornw. 10 Edw. II. No. 1. 2 Ellin, mar. to Will. Yeo. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' Harl. Soc. Pub., p. 322. 3 She mar. Sir John Arundell of Trerice. Coll. of Arms. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. .85 | A Phillip mar. to Tho. Tremaine Agnes mar. to John Fites of Tavistock 1Sr Richard Gren-: 1 Sr Richard Gren--2 Matilda fil. vile fil. et hæres 3 et coh. Johis Bevill* John 2 fi. mar. Lettice Da. of Lucas Roger Gren--Thomasin Da. of Tho. Mary mar. to John Jane mar. to Robt 4 vile fil. et her. Gifford of Whethall Brightley of Callis Esq. Cole of Slade postea Tho. Arundell 2 maritus of Lee Margaret mar. to Sr Ri. Lee Kt. -6 5 Sr Ric. Grenvile 6 Mary Da. of Sr John St Leger fil. et heres & heyre to hir brother Briget un- maried Catherin mar. to Justinian Abbot of Hartland in Com. Devon 7 Charles ob. s. p. 8 Mary mar. to Arthur Tremayne of Culla- combe in Com. Devon Ursula un- maried 9Sr Barnard Grenvile of Elizab. fil. et unica her. Phillippi Bevile Stow in Com. Cornwall10 de Kellygarth in Com. Cornwall Esq. 11 John 2 fil. ob. s. p. 12 Gartrud mar. to Christopher Harris & hey. to Roger 4 fil. 13 John 3 fil. de Lincolnes 14 Bevile Gren-15Grace Da.of vile fil. et heres 16 Ricus Sr Geo. Smith 2 fil. æt. 16 Inne ætat.18 æt. 24, 1620 Sr Christ' Harris ætatis 20 Mary mar. 17 Amy mar. to to John Beauchamp John Drake 1 Bur. 23 March, 1550. Christian mar. to James Jane mar. to Edm. Erisey Spent of Exiter & hei. to hir mother Da. & Coh. of Wm Viell Esq. Degorie Grenvile of Pen- heale mar. the Da. & hey. of Gough T Тв 2 Bur. 25 April, 1550. Inq. p. m. 4 E. VI. part 1, No. 20. She ob. 26 April, 1550. 3 Inq. p. m. 4 Edw.VI. part 1, Nos. 12 and 26. Sir Rich. ob. 18 March. Rich., son of Roger G. (o. v. p.), his grandson and heir, æt. 8 et non amp., also heir to his uncle Digory. Names his wife Matilda, his brothers John, and John a clergyman and sister Anna, and grandchildren Rich., Nicholas, and Alice. 4 Drowned in the Mary Rose. Will, 1566, names brothers Nicholas, Digory, Thomas, Arthur, and sister Margaret. Slain in a sea fight in the Revenge, Sir Francis Drake's favourite ship, 1591. 6 Bur. at Bideford, 1623. Bideford Par. Reg. 7 Bur. 28 Aug. 1544. Buckland Monachorum (Devon) Par. Reg. 8 Arthur Tremaine, gen., and Maria Grenvile, mar. 11 June, 1586. 9 Bur. 26 June, 1636. 10 Mar. 10 July, 1592. Withiell. (J. M.) 11 Slain in the Indies with Sir F. Drake. 13 Bapt. 29 Sept. 1601. 15 Bur. 8 June, 1647. 12 Bapt. 8 May, 1597 14 Born 23, and bapt. 25 March, 1595; bur. 26 July, 1643. 16 Bapt. 26 June, 1600. 17 Amy Drake of Musbury, Devon, widow. Will dated 8 Oct. 1577; prob. P. C. C. 9 Feb. 1579. Names her cousins Rich. Tremaine, Treasurer of Exeter Cathedral & John Tremaine, gent. * Will of Peter Bevyll, prob. 1515 P. C. C., Holder 13. "Item do et lego Marie Arundell et Matilde Greneffelde fil. Johannis Bevyill filii mei cuilibet eorum £20." Names Roger and Richard Greynfelde. Digory, son of Rich. Grenville and Gertrude his wife, bapt. 1620. Digory St. Tudy. (J. M.) bur. 1621. When the name of the Parish is omitted here, the Registers are from Kilkhampton. "" 86 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | B Rich. Grenvile mar. Florence Da. & coh. of Kelloway ī willn Willm. ob. s. p. 1 Mary 2 Jane 3 ¹Martha George fil. et hæres mar. Julyan Da. & coh. of Wm Viell Sr Geo. Grenvile mar. Marie Da. of John Killegriewe of Arwanick Esq. Т Mary fil. unica ætat. 10 * BAR. GRENVILE. 1 Bapt. 8 Oct. 1555. * Kilkhampton Par. Reg. Rich., eldest son of the R. Wpfl. Bevill Grenvile, Esq., born at Tremeere in Lanteglos by Foye 19, and bapt. 25 Mar. 1621. [The "Grenville Pew" in Lanteglos Church has on its panels a series of shields, con- taining in all nearly 150 quarterings properly blazoned. Among them appears the shield given in the frontispiece to this book. They were much injured by time, and were lately carefully restored in exact imitation of the originals under the supervision of the Editor, and at the expense of the Hon. Geo. M. Fortescue, the lay impropriator.] Bevill, son of the R. Wpfl. Bevill Grenvile, Esq., born 23 June, bapt. 16 July, 1626. John "" "" "" Bernarde "" "" George "" ;; "" Roger 29 Aug. 4 and 22 Aug. 3 and "; 16 Sept. 1628. 20 Mar. 1630. "" "" 2 Sept. 1632. 17 Nov. 1633. 99 Dennis 13 and 26 Feb. 1636. "" Peter Prideaux, Esq., and Elizabeth Grenvile, Roger, son of Rich. Grenvile, mar. 17 Nov. 1645. bur. 10 Dec. 1565. John Greinvile, Rector of Kilkhampton, "; 5 May, 1580. "" 5 June, 1635. 21 Feb. 1635. "" Roger Grenvile, Bevill Grenvile, Bishop Bronscombe's Registers at Exeter, 1257-1307, state that Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, presented to Kilkhampton ratione custodie Richardi de Greinvillâ. The Hon. Lady Mary Howard al's Grenfield, ob. 17 Oct., and bur. 10 Nov. 1671. Tavistock Par. Reg. The match with St. Leger brought in the quarterings of St. Leger, Donnet, Butler, E. of Ormond, Rochford, Hankford, and Stapledon, given on the shield in the frontispiece; also numerous royal descents (both York and Lancaster), besides descents from the great Houses of Neville, Percy, Stafford, Beauchamp, Beaufort, Audley, De Burgh, Despencer, Clare, Fitz Alan, Knyvett, Montacute, Grandison, &c. (See Sir J. Maclean's' Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., p. 683.) The following Law Case from the Carew MSS. at Lambeth Palace, vol. 600, fo. 239, is curious as touching the relationship of Queen Elizb. :— "Mr. St. Leger's Case to his Title to the Earl of Ormond's lands." "Thomas Butler, Earl of Ormond, took to wife Ann, daughter and heyre of Sir Richard Hanke- forde, sonne and heire of Sir Will. Hankford, some tyme Cheefe Justice of the Court of the Common Pleas, and they had issue Anne and Margaret. Thomas Earl of Ormond, had in his own right divers Mannors in fee and divers in tayle, he and his Lady in her right had sundry other Mannors in fee and in Tayle. Anne the elder daughter was married to Sir James St. Leger, and they had issue Sir George St. Leger, and James died. Margaret was married to Sir Will. Bullen, and they had issue Thomas Bullen. Thomas Butler Earle of Ormonde, and Anne his wife weare bothe dead, 7 H. VIII. Anne the daughter and Sr George St. Leger her sonne, and Margarett, and Sir Tho. Bullen her sonne by indenture 10 H. VIII. did make partition. And p'te of the land of the Earl of Ormond was allotted to Margarett and to Thomas, her sonne. All the rest of the Father's and all the Mother's land was allotted to Anne and to Sir George St. Leger, her sonne. [Continued next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 87 Greinebele. CREST. A demi Griffin charged with a crescent for difference. Sr Thomas Grenvileof Stow Kt. Isabell Da. of Sr Olever Gilbert Kt Roger Grenvile Margt Da. & Coh. of Rich. Whetleighe Digorie Grenvile of Penheale Esq. Mary Da. of Cavell & widowe of Reskareck Geo. Grenvile Arthure Tho. Grenvile of Aldercombe of Penheale 1 sonne in Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 | Spurre of Trebathe Katherin Da. of Tho. 2 sonne Esq. | 1 Elizab.¹ ux' James Carey of relicta Browneing 21 Bridget2 ux' Wm Proute of Allington in Com. Devon St Stevens juxta Lanston 구 ​T Grenvile Cary 1 sone at. 3. 1620 Timothie 2 sonne atat. 2 * Willm. Proute 1 sonne Richard 2 sonne atat. 7. 1620 atat. 4 THOMAS GREINEVELE. Anne St. Leger after died. Sir George St. Leger had issue St John St. Leger and died. Margaret became Lunatick the same yeare soone after this petition and died. Sr Thomas Bullen had issue Mary and Anne and died. Mary was married to Sir Wm. Carey, and Anne to King H. VIII. King H. VIII. had issue by Anne Queen Elizabeth of blessed memory, and Anne died. Mary had issue Henry Carey Lord Hunsdon, and she and her husband died. Henry Lord Huns- don did alien that p'te w'ch was allotted to his Auncestors and had issue Sir George Carey, and died. Sir George Carey had issue Elizabeth Lady Barkly, and died; and Sir John St. Leger in the time of Queen Elizabeth alienated that which by the p'tition was allotted to his auncestors, and had issue John St. Leger that now is. Q. Elizabeth died without issue." The case is summed up concisely, and opinion given in these words, followed by six separate reasons:-"I take it that John St. Leger hath good right to the moietie of the Mannors and hereditaments allotted unto Bullen." St. Leger received with his wife, the Heiress of Ormond, 36 Manors in Engl'd, which estates were all wasted (see Ped. fin. repeatedly temp. Elizb.) and the descendant, Jno. St. Leger (the plaintiff above, and brother of Mary Grenvile), died in reduced circumstances s. p. A very elaborate ped. of the St. Legers, with copious notes from authorities, has been com- piled by Fras. Bayley, Esq., of Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, a portion of which was inserted by Charles Wykeham Martin, M.P., F.S.A., in his 'Hist. of Leeds Castle,' pub. 1869. 2 1 Bapt. 5 Oct., 1589. 26 Jan., 1591; mar. 20 Aug., 1610. * Bernard, son of Thos. Greinvile, gener., bapt. 5 July, and bur. Kilkhampton Par. Reg. 1 Sept., 1588. Thomas Grenvile, gent., bur. 10 July, 1625. Rich., son of Rich. Grenville, gent., and Mary, bapt. 1689. Chammond Grenville, gent., bur. 1689. Poughill Par. Reg. Rich Grenvil, Esq., and Mary Trewinnard, ye da. of Joseph Trewinnard, Rector of Mawnan, were mar. 1684. Mawnan Par. Reg. Arthur Grenville, gent., bur. 1613. St. Tudy. (J. M.) (For more of Grenvile, see 'Parochial Hist, of Cornwall,' vol, ii., p. 364.) 88 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Grills. ARMS. Or, three bendlets enhanced gu.(Tricked in pencil.) CREST. A Porcupine pass. Ar. Da. of Leigh Samson Grilles of Launceston-Dorothy Da. of Hunicome of of Cawlstock in Com. Corn. Cawlstock in Com. Cornwall Joan uxor. Lawrene Mary uxor Stephen Trehayne of South- hill in Com. Corn. Wardon of St Myett in Com. Cornwall Margt u'or Gregory Hansam 2 to John Hocking Willmott ux' Rich. Estcott of Launston Samson Grilles of Launceston Katherine Da. of Will'm Smith in Com. Corn. Willm Grilles filius et hæres æt. 23. 1620 of Stoke Clymsland Peteter 2 fil. ob. in 1 Christian æt. 22 3 Wilmott æt. 17 the East Indies 2 Alice at. 20 Marke Grilles Martha Da. of Grilles-Martha of Calstock in Com. Cornub. Tho. Bennet of Launceston John Grilles of Lincoln's Inne Esq. ob. sine p'le Samson fil. et hæres 1 Mary æt. 22 ob. sine Prole 2 Jane æt. 18 Rich. Grilles mar. Anne Da. of Christ. Bligh of Treworgey in St Gennys in com. Cornwall T 8 Tomizen æt. 16 Wilmott ob. sine p’le. RICHARD GRILLS. Grylls. Willm. Grylles of Tavistock in Devon Esq. 구 ​Charles Gryles¹ of Lanrethoe in Cornwall Esq. Agnes² Da. of Geo. Stubb Esq. John Gryles of Lanrethoe in-Grace Da. & hey. of Wm Beare of Cornw. liveing 1620 Esq. St Nyott in Cornw. Esq. discesed A ¹ Bur. at Lanreath 2 March, 1611. Monument Lanreath Ch. 2 "" "" 13 June, 1607. } * Ped. fin. 40 Hen. III. No. 5. Int. Will. de Grelles and Milicent his wife, Pet., and Roger le Bere, def., a messuage in Bodmani. Thomas Griles bur. 23 Jan., 1587. Cuby Par. Reg. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 89 A || Charrles Griles John ob. sin' 1 son atat. 8 p❜le 2 sone Jonathan Grace 1 Elizab. 3 Joane 5 3 sonne * Agnes 2 Mary 4 JOHN GRYLLS. Grosse. Grosse who Came out of Norfolk and lived at Liskerd Grosse of Liskerd ㅜ ​Margaret Da. of Rich. Trelederis of Burian in Cornw. Ezechiell Grosse¹ of Camborne 7 sonne Jone2 mar. to Tho. Treunwith Thomas 2 David³ fil. pri--Elizab. Da. of Christopher fil. æt. 30 mogenitus ætat. 34 Arundell of Menardarvy in Camborne Ezechiell¹ fil. primogenitus æt. 10 annoru' Dorcas mar. to Willm. Arundell of Menadarvy † LAW. CALL For MR. EZECHIELL GROSSE. * Wm Can, gent., and Marie Grills were mar. at Lanreath, 1600. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Thos. Lower, gent., and Jane, da. of Charles Grills, gent., were mar. 14 June, 1652. Elizb., da. of Methusela and Joan Grills, Anthony, son of Mr. Nathaniel Grylles and Elizb. bap. 1680. "" "" "" 19 Warwick "" Charles Gryles, Esq., and Elizb. Methusela Grylls bur. 1694. "" For more of this pedigree, see 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 134. Lanreath Par. Reg. Charles Grylls of Carwin, gent., 1 Francis, da. of Ezechiel Grosse, Esq., and Margaret, bapt. 16 Aug., 1616, at Probus. 2 Tho. Trenwith of Trenwith, Esquire, and Joane, da. of Ezechiell Grosse, Esquire, married at St. Ive's, 7 Mar., 1623. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 3 Elizabeth, da. of David Grose, bapt. 3 Nov., 1606. Camborne Par. Reg. Ezechiel Grose and Margaret Coryton were mar. at. St. Mellion 18 Sept., 1631. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. † Wm Grose, gent., and Alice, da. of Wm Nosworthy, mar. 1639. Madron Par. Reg. Edward Grosse and Anna Huthnans mar. 7 April, 1611. Truro Par. Reg. Jonathan Grosse, gent., & Kathn. Polsewe, widow, of Mevagizzy, mar. 1619. Joshua, son of Will. Grosse, gen', bap. 1581. Will. Ferdinando Grosse, 99 19 1615. bur. 1643. St. Pinnock Par. Reg. N 90 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Hallamore. John Halamore of Elynor da. of Bragdon of Rye 1 wife Walter Halamor of Penryn in Cornwall Grace da. of Hen. Thomas al's Carnsew 2 wife Peter Halamor of Penryn in-¹Ann da. of John Rachell wife to Petronell wife to Com. Cornub. living 1620 Thomas Trewolla George Paynter Trewolla John Halamor sonne & heire æt. 19 Annoru' 1620 Grace 1 Alice 2 PETER HALLAMORE. Harris. Wm Harris of Hayne in Mary Da. of Sr Foulke Grevill of Beauchampe Com. Devon. Esq. Elizb. ux' Tho. Stone of Minver Court in Com. Warrwick Kt. Brygdd sanz issue Arthure Harris of Hayne in Com. Devon Esq. liveing 1620 Kath' uxor Tho. Martin in Com. Som'set Margt Da. & sole hey. of | Jo. Davilles of Marland in Devon Margt ux' Wm Grimes 2 of Buckland Monacorm in Devon Blanch uxor Tho. Kelley of Kelley in Devon John sone & Will'm 2 hey. at. 34 1620 Alice unmaried. Arthure 4 Mary ux' Tobias New- Margart court of Bickwel of Devon Esq. Thomas 3 Henry 5 Phillip 6 ARTHRE HARRIS. ¹ Agnes in Trewolla Ped. post. 2 Crymes. 3 Captain of St. Michael's Mount. Named in Will of Haniball Vivian of Trelowarren, 30 Nov. 1608. * Mr. Arthur Harris and Mrs. Kath. Beard were mar. 1579. Ludgvan Par. Reg. Wm. Harris, Esq., and Mrs. Jane St. Aubyn were mar. 4 Oct., 1685. Gulval Par. Reg. Jno. Harris of Lanrest, gent., and Jane Harrys, gentlewoman, mar. 31 Jan. 1562. Men- heniot Par. Reg. (She was sister of Sir Christopher Harris of Radford, co. Devon.) Mr. John Harris and Mistress Mary Rashleigh, mar. 4 Feb., 1666. St. Breock Par. Reg. John Harrys of Radford, Esq., and Amy Sawle were mar. 18 Aug., 1690. Tywardreath Par. Reg. Mr. Ric. Harris and Mrs. Jane Webber were mar. 6 June, 1670. Padstow Par. Reg. Jane, da. of Ric. Harrice, gent., and Jane ux., bap. 1672. Padstow Par. Reg. John Harris (St. Breock.-ED.) and Olivia Moyle were mar. 10 May, 1631. St. Austell Par. Reg. Thos. Harris and Thomazin Vivean were mar. 27 April, 1681. St. Ewe Par, Reg. Tho, Harryes of St. Issey and Jane Hart of Padstow, mar. lic. 1618, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 91 Harvy. ARMS. Arg. a chev. betw. 3 harrows sa. John Harvy of Hale in pochiæ de Linkinghorne in Com. Cornw. Elizb. Da. of Baldwyne Grigorie of Trenyne in pochia de Mynver in Com. Cornw. Baldwyne Harvy of Hale Mary Da. of Jo. Somester of Peryn in Com. Cornw. Margt mar. to Rich. Crabb Jo. Harvy of Hale sone & hey. now liveinge 1620 Elizbeth un- maried Mary unmar. * Not signed. Robt. 1 sone ob. sine p❜le Hatch. Jeffery Hatch- John Hatch- Willm. Hatch Jane. Da. of Willm. Worlington sone & hey. of Sr Mathew Tho. Hatch-Mabell Da. of Tho. Leighe Rob. Hatch-Guinthian Da. & hey. of Sr Jo. Mabell Beatrix Jane Murdoke of Northamptonsh. Rob. Hatch-Blanch Da. of Rowland Audley, sone of James Lo. Audley John Hatch-Elizb. Da. & heire of Willm. Durwyn John Hatch 2 gone mar. Willm' Hatch Alice Da. of Jo. Yeo of Branton- John Hatch- divers Daughters A * John Harvey, gent., bur. 16 Feb., 1617. Francis Harvye mar. Xtian Bolytho Francis Harvye Alice Blanke, wid., Richard Harvye,, Anna Carthew B Lanteglos by Cam. Par. Reg. 16 April, 1638.7 Anthony in Meneage 27 Nov., 1628. Par. Reg. John Harvye Tho. Harvey John Harvey Jane Carthew Elizab. Trevail >> Jane Halke "" 1605. 1580. Breock Par. Reg. 1588. Walter Harvey and Anne Williams, mar. 1599, at Feock.) Bp. of Exeter's Michael Harvey and Patience Williams,,, }} Transcripts, 92 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A | B John Hatch-Thomazin Da. of Wm Selman Tho. Hatch- Tho. Hatch Mary Da. of Thomas Hellinge Anne only Da. & hey. ux' Baldwyn Mallet Willm. John Rich. Tho. Willm Hatch Mary Da. of Willm. Widdeslade of Wideslade Christ' Hatch of Busuistock-Constance Da. of Geo. Courtney in Cornwall Esq. of Penkevell Esq. Prudence 1 Da. Amye 2 Da. Frances 3 Da. Hawke. Hawke Not signed. Willm John Hawke of Alternoon in Cornwall Willm. Hawke of Alternon in Cornw. 2 sone ㅜ ​Da. & heyre ux' Drew of Tho. Hawke of Treriven-Cicily Da. & Coh. of W" St Cleder in Cornw. in Com. Cornw. Heare of Treriven Nicho. Hawke of Treriven in Com. Temperance Da. & Coh. of Cha. Prust Cornwall liveinge 1620 of Hartland in Com. Devon Tho. 2 Mary a dat' sonne at. 3 at. 1 yeare & half Rich. Hawke sone & hey.=Joane Da. & Coh. of Robt. Burden atat. 20. 1620 liveing of North Petherwyn in Devon NICHOLAS HAWKE. Hele. Nicho. Heale of Cornwood in Devon Da.2 of Done 2 wife Tho. Heale³ of Fleete in Com. Devon Julian Da. of Jo. Smith of Exiter. A ¹ He mar. Agnes, da. of Sir John Bassett of Umberleigh.-ED. 2 Margeria, da. of Rich. Dune of Hollsworthy. See Hele ped. ' Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 147. ³ Penelope, da. of Thos. Hele of Fleete, mar. Christopher Blackall (' Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 31), and Joane, another da., mar. Robert Rolle of Heampton ('Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 323). * Mr. Peter Hawke and Mrs. Margaret Baker, mar. 1667. Tywardreath Par. Reg. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 93 | A Tho. Heale of Fleete in Com. Bridgt¹ Da. of Hen. Champnon of. . . . Devon liveinge 1620 Thomas 2 Henry 4 Fran. 5 Dolzabatt ux' Samwell Nicholas 3 Rich. 6 Cosworth Samwell sone Briget 2 & hey. atat. 30, 1620 Honor 4 Elizab. 3 THO. HELE. Hender. Wm Hender of Botriaux Castle Agnes Da. of Jo. Newcourt in Com. Cornwall of Holisworthie heyre Jo. Hender² of Da. of Thorne in Com. Edw. Hender of Veriam 1 sone & Northampton Elizb. Da. of Jo. Trefrie of Foye in Cornwall in Com. Corn. liveing 1620, 2 sone Kath' ux' Jo. Molsworth Mary³ ux' Ellys of Breage Heale of Devon Elizb. uxor Cotton¹ Fran. ux' Sr Rich. Rob.5 of Trwro EDWARD HENDER. 1 John Coswarth of Little Colan, gent., and Bridget Hele, widow, relict of Thos. Hele of Fleete. Mar. Lic. at Exeter, 1626. * Samuel Hele and Elizabeth Stone, Elizab., da. of Samuel Hele, gent., and Elizab., bap. 28 Oct. 1632. Hannah, "" William, son of "" William Hele, parsone, "" "" mar. 28 Aug. 1631.1 St. Neot. 26 May, 1635. 23 Mar. 1636. bur. 25 June, 1624. Landulph. (J. M.) 6 Jan. 1636. "" "" 21 June, 1637. Į St. Neot. 12 Mar. 1660. "" William, son of Samuel Hele, gent., Hannah, da. of Samuel Hele, gent., For more extended pedigree of Hele, see 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' pp. 145-8, and 'Hist. of Trigg Minor,' vol. i., p. 42. 2 John Hender, of Botreaux Castle, died 7 June, 1611; bur. at Minster, where is a monument to himself and wife, on which is a shield charged with the arms of Hender. Az. a lion ramp. within an orle of escallops or. Crest, a flaming sword erect, and impaling, Ar. a fess gu. betw. 3 lions ramp. difference, with a crescent for Thorne. There is also a monument in memory of Elizabeth, da. of the said John, and William Cotton her husband, Precentor and Canon of Exeter, eldest son of William Cotton, Bishop of that See. For more of this, and further memorials of Hender, see 'History of Trigg Minor,' vol. i. 3 Marriage settlement dated 16 Dec., 1 James. (J. M.) 4 William Cotton. See ped. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 341. [Marriage settlement dated 20 July, 5 James. (J. M.)] 5 Roberts. 94 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Herle. To all christen people these p'sentez l'res to se & to heare. John, Prior of Durham, Willm, Abbot of Newminster, Thomas, Prior of Tinmouth, Robt. Whelpington, Mair of new castell on tyne, John Wodrington, knight, Rog. Wodrington, squire sherife of Northumb. gretinge in god. ffor that meritorie is to witnes truth to yor Universitie, we witnes & certifie of or verie knowing that one. John Herle, Esq., yt was Lo. of West Herle in Northumb. had issue in lawfull matrimonie one Tho. Herle his eldist son, & John Herle the elder knight his brother yt dwelt in Cornwall & divers other children, & the said Thomas entered & peaceablie continewed his possession all his life, & had issue in lawfull matrimonie John Herle his sonne & heire, & died, & the said John his sonne entered & peace- ablie possessed all his life, and had issue in lawfull matrimonie John Herle, his son eldest yet living, & Thomas his brother now dwelling in Cornwall of hale bloude, and then their said fader died, & the said John the brother of the last Thomas, entered as his sonne & heire, and continued his possession as right heire of the whole bloud to the date of the making of this, & where it is supposed that the said Thomas now dwelling in Cornwall should be bastard, we witnes and certifie yt he is mulier and not bastar gotten & borne in forme & manner afforesaid, also we witnes & certifie that if the said John Herle knight & John Herle knight his sonne be dead wthout issue of their bodies, that the same John Herle brother of the sayd Thomas dwelling in Cornwall is cosen & next heire to the sayde John Herle knight the sonne, that is to saye sonne & heire of the sayd John Herle his father, sonne & heire of ye said Tho. his father, sonne & hei. of the same John his father, whilke was father of the said John Herle knight the elder, father of ye said John Herle knight his sonne & heire by cause yt ye same John died wthout heire of him as before is specified. In witnes of whilke thinke we the said Priors, Abbot, Maior, the seales of or offices, & we the saide John Wodrington & Roger Wodrington or seales to these p'sent l'res has . . . . set. At the Newcastell on Tine the first daye of Maye in the yeare of ye raigne of King Henrie the 6 after ye conquest of England the 14th. John Hearle of West hearle in Northumberland Tho. Hearle 1 sonne John Hearle-Mawde Sr John Hearle Kt 2 sonne Da. & hey. of Wm Poleglasse of Trelaune aneT ет Sr John Hearle Kt Marg' Da. of Sr Wm Talbot ob. sine p❜le Tho. Hearle¹Jane¹ Da. & hey. of Phil. Arvos John Hearle of Elizb. Da. & hey. of John Salter John Hearles of Margaret' Da. & hey. of Wm Foalkroy A T ¹ Called 2 son of Jo. Herle, and mar. to Joane, da. of Rich. Arvos, Lo. of Pridieux. 'Visit. Devon, 1565 and 1620,' Harl. MS. 1080, fo. 104. 2 She afterwards mar. Robert Cary. 'Visit. Dev., 1620,' p. 49. Mar. 1616. Luxyllian Par. Reg. 3 His sister Margaret Herle mar. Rich. Harrington, who was named with others on a commis- sion directed to the Sheriff of Cornwall, to try Pirates (one of them named Glyn) at Fowey. Pat. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 95 A | 1 Nicho. Hearle of... 1 Da. & Coh. of Nicho. Carmynow 2 Jenophes Dau. of Hugh Tho. Hearle of Prideaux-Elizab. Sist' & Coh. of Wm Mil- Trevanyon Kt Hearle in Com. Cornw. liton 1 mar. to Treanwith. 2 to Arundell Hugh Hearle sone & hey. ob. sine p❜le Edw. Hearle of Anne Da. of Jo. Pridiaux Trefrye Nicho. 2 sone Charles 3 sonne Jenephes uxor Nicho. Leach of Stoke Clymsland in Cornwall Willm. 4 sonne ob. sine p❜le Tho. Hearle of Prediaux in Com. Cornw. Lowday Da. of Nicho. Glyn of Glyn in Com. Cornwall Edw. 5 sone Edw. 5 sone Hugh 6 sone ob. sine prole prentez in London Anne 1 Da. at. 5 Edward sone & heire atat. 3, 1620 Jane 2 Da. atat. 2, 1620. Not signed. Roll 1 Edw. V. m. s. d. Carew, in his 'Survey,' relates that one Harrington of Fowey, was tried and hanged for Piracy about the end of Edw. IV. reign. While carefully searching the Record Office for confirmation of this, to no purpose, we lighted upon the Commission first named, and note the circumstance as one among many examples of distorted tradition. Anne, the daughter of Rich. Harrington, mar. Rob. Poyle (Harl. MS. 4031, fo. 78), and their only da. and heir mar. Thomas, the last male of the Petit family. Ped. fin. Cornwall 8 Hen. VIII. Trinity. Richard Harrington de Fowey, Mercat. qu. Tho. Glover and ux. def. lands in Fowey. * Thos., son of Thos. Herle, Esq., bap., 1622. Bridget, da. of and Loveday 1627. 99 Charles, son of 1632. "" "" 99 Thos. 99 Edward Herle, Esq., and Mary 1635. "" Edward 1643. "" "" "" Charles 1652. "" "" Edward Herle, Esq. bur. 1619. Luxyllian Par. Reg. Will., son of Edw. Herle, Esq. 1653. Thos. Herle, gent. 1666. "" Mrs. Mary Herle, wife of Edw. Herle, Esq. 1673. "" Edward Herle, Esq. 1695. 99 Charles Herle, gent. 1697./ 99 Nicholas Hearle and Richow Battin, mar. 21 Sept. 1617. Stephen, son of Nicholas Hearle, bap. 14 Mar. 1617-18. St. Ewe Par. Reg. William "" 24 Oct. 1620. 99 Simon Clotworthy of Wembworthy, and Martha Herle of Tywardreth, Mar. Lic. at Exeter Nov. 1620. Carlian, filius Carminois Herle, genosi, bap. 1584. Lanlivery Par. Reg. Edw. Hearle, gen., and Maria Trefusis, mar. 1634. Buckland Mon. Par. Reg. John Hearell & Marg. Sowden, Will. Hearl & Marg. Blake Duloe Par. Reg. "" 1700. bur. 1695. mar. 1668. | James, son of Tho & Dorothy. Hearle, bap. 1691. 1686. Ric., son of Ric. and Anstis Horrell, Ric. Horrell, Sen., bur. 1719. Ric. Horwell, Peter, son of Peter & Elizb. Hearle, bap. 1670. Peter Horrell, 1757. [We insert the Duloe Regs. in further illustration of the note under Joliffe on change of name.] 96 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Vert. Jo. Hext of Stav'ton in Com. Devon Phill. Da. of Wm Denham of Leviston 2 John Hext Abigall Da. of Willm. Hext¹ of Constentin in 1 sone Rob. Quarme Com. Cornw. liveing 1620. 2 sonne 1 Jane¹ Da. of Wm Ri- chardes of Constantin Thomas 3 sonne Agnes a dau. John 1 sone atat. 18 at. half yeare sone atat. 18 Willm. Willm. 2 sone at. 14 * WILLIAM HEXT. Hickes Hickes. Hen. Hickes of Luxillian of Cornwall Т Rich. Hickes of Luxillian Mary Da. of Wm. Grilles of Tavistock in Devon 2 Walt' Hickes of Luxillian in Com. Cornwall liveinge 1620 Rich. son & hey. at. 14. 1620 Henry 2 sone. t Elizb. Da. of Luke Bett of St. Tizey in Cornwall , Mary 1 Da. Joane Elizab. at. vi. 2 Da. 3 Da. WA. HICKES. ¹ Will. Hext, gent., and Joan Richards, mar. at Constantine, 1601. Bp. of Exeter's Trans- cripts. * Emlin, da. of Geo. Hexte, bapt. 1676. Thos. Hexed and Mary Chely, mar. 1671. } Tywardreth Par. Reg. Samuel Hext, gent., and Jane Moyle, mar. 19 Sept. 1668. St. Austell Par. Reg. 2 Ob. 1636. Monument in Luxulyan Church. + John, s. of Master Nicolas Hickes, by Jone, bap. 1688. Tywardreath Par. Reg. Nicholas Hicks, gentleman, bur. 27 Sept. 1668. Robert Robins of the Parish of Blisland, gent., and Anne, da. of John Hicks of St. Ives, gent., mar. 28 Sept. 1693. } Zennor Par. Reg. David Hickst was one of the principal inhabitants of Lanlivery, and signed Register Book, 1654, electing Jno. Couch the elder as Registrar. Walter Hicks of Luxyllian and Frances Bersey, mar. 1747. St. Ervan Par. Reg. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 97 Hill. Rob Hill of Hill Tope Esq. came into Engl. wth ye Conqueror Da. of Rawton Rob. Hill of Hill Tope Da. of Grimsbye of Grymsbye Rob. Hill of Hill Tope Da. of Claxston of Wennet William Hill 2 Da. & hey. of Hamond sonne of Shropsh. of Hamond Aley Tho. Hill of Hill Tope Da. of Lap- feild Wm Hill of Shropsh. Tho. Hill of Shropsh.T T Tho. Hill of Hill Da. of Rockwood of Rockwood John Hill of Hill tope Da. & hey. of Marifeild Tho. Hill of Shropsh. of who came Sr Rowland Hill Lo. Maior of London Wm Hill of Da. of Savell Hill tope Wm Hill of Hill tope-Da. of Danbye Wm Hill of Hill tope Da. of Rensby John Hill 2 sonne Т Wm Hill of Hill Tope Da. of Melton Willm Hill Wm Hill of Hills tope Da. of fayrfax he was a Man yt did great hurt to his house, for he spent all his land John Hill Da. of Fletcher of Harwood W Win Hill of Da. of Haucksworthe hill tope of Haucksworthe Wm Hill John 2 sone Wm Hill of Dau. of ... Hill tope Banreck Hen. Hill 2 sone of the Forrest of Knavesburye Dorithie Da. of Wm Quarton of Hempshill Hills tope Willm Hill of Da, of Scafe 1 Willn Jone Da. of Jo.-Willm Hill of Pli-=Jone Da. of Jo. Harvye of Pli- mouth mouth liveing 1620 Tho. Hill of Hills tope-Dau. of Mande Bowrd of Pli- mouth WILLAM HILL. 98 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Hill. Vincent de Bedow Т Robert de Bedow= Joh James de Bedow=Jane fil. Reginaldi de Rosiwike John Bedow Jane Da. of Rich. Seneshall de Trevenetheke John Hill Jana fil. et heres John Hill fil. et heres= 4. John 5. Thomas Robt. Hill fil. pri- Robt. Hill fil. pri- mogenit. ob. s. p. 2 fil. Willm Hill Alice da. of Carance Pawle Hill 3 fil. Thomas Hill fil. et heres Jane Da. of Otes Trefuses Michaell Hil. Jane fil. et Coh. 2 fil. Gerance Bodrigie Thomas Hill sone & heire ob. s. p. Michaell Hill fil. et hæres Margerie Da. of Robt Vivian John Hill fil. et heres ob. sine p❜le 2 fil. Paule Hill-Dorothy Da. of Richard¹ Erisey John Hill fil. et Heres--Alicia fil. Tho. Penrose Thomas 1. Agneta 3. Jana 2 fil. æt. 15 Francis Hill-Grace Da. 3. John æt. 12 fil. et Heres 2. Dorothea 4. Margaret ætat. 23 of Tho. Randall 4. Michaell 6 JOHN HILL. ¹ Called James Erisey in the Erisey Ped. ante, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. COUNTY 99 Oliver Hill. 1 Robt. Hill of Shiston eldist son & hey. of Richard Elizab. Da. of John Dinham of Wortham in Com. Devon Esq. 2. Francis 4. Phillip son & heyre 3. Humphrie 5. Robt. Richard Hill 6 son of Robt. Lora Da. of Hugh Weekes of North Lew in Com. Devon 2 Richard Hill fil. et heres ætat. 28 de Truro--Anne² Da. of Rich. White of Truro Richard Hill fil. et heres atat dimidiu' anni. 1620 * Francis³ fil. 1 æt. 5 annoru' Loveday¹ fil. 2 ætat. 3 RICHARD HILL. Oliv' Hill of Shilston in Com. Devon Esq. sone & hey. of Robt. Rog. Hill 1 sonne Hill. Agnes 2 Da. of Rog. Boduckshued of Budside in Com. Devon Esq. Arthur Hill 2 sone of St Keverne=Margt Da. of Tho. Southcot in Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 of Bovye in Com. Devon ARTHUR HILL. 1 Son of Rich. Hill, by Joane, da. of Andrew Strechley of Holberton, Devon. 1620,' p. 344. 2 Mar. 16 Nov., 1613 3 Bap. 13 July, 1615. 4 Bap. 31 Aug., 1617. Walter, son of John Hill of St. Clements, bap. 5 Jan, 1611-12. * Jane, da. of Phillip Hill, bap. 10 Nov., 1610, at Helston. William, son "; bur. 21 Nov., 1610, 'Visit. Devon, ·} Truro Par. Reg. Walter Hill and Elizb. Cowlin mar. 1632, at St. Ste- Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. phen's, Saltash. For more, see Hill Ped., ' Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 344. 100 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Robt. Hill son & hey. of Giles Hill Hyll. Margaret Da. & hey. of Fantleroy & to hir mother who was Da. & heyre of Flamock Giles Hill fil. et heres Da. of Littleher of Essex Robt. Hill Moris Hill of Helligan-¹ Margaret Da. of John Carnsew 2 fil. in Com. Cornwall of Bokally of 2 House Katherin mar. to Peter Toker fratri Cristop. Toker Honor mar. Moris Hill 1 to Christoph. Toker of Hellond 2 fil. ætat. 28. Humphrie Hill-Grace Da. of de Hellegan fil. de Hellegan fil. primogenit. 2 Rich. Peter Corri- Hill 3 ton of New- fil. ton in Com. ætat. Cornwall 25 Humphrie Hill fil. et Hæres ætat. 6 annoru' 1620 HUMPHRYE HYLL. Hoare. Eliza. da. to John John Hore of Catheryn da. to Phelip Roskarock Penkevell 1 wife 3 Francis 4 Dorithi 5 Da. Trenouth Fillm 3 Richard Hore of Tre--Philip da. Thomas Willm. nouth sonne & heir of Wynter 3 A 2 1 In an Indenture dated 18 Oct., 1675, relating to lands in St. Mabyn, there is a citation of a lease which had been granted by Margaret Hill, widow, and Humphry Hill, son and heir apparent of the said Margaret. (Sir John Maclean's Collection.) 2 Rich., son of Maurice Hill, Esq., bap. 2 Jan., 1595. Truro Par. Reg. 21 July, 1568. 30 June, 1579. * Allexander Arundell & Catherine Hill mar. John Loveales & Mary Hill were wedded Antonie, son of Mr. Maurice Hill, was christened 27 Aug., 1583. John, son of Humphry Hill & Grace his wife bap. 12 July, 1621. Humphry Hill, ye sonne of Mr. Robert Hill, bur. 1 Nov., 1576. Mr. Robert Hill Giles, ye sonne of Maurice Hilì, Esq. Robert Hill, gent. "" 4 Oct., 1578. "? 8 Feb., 1601. 22 Sept., 1611. 3 Ped. fin. Cornw. Hill. 38 Eliz. Francis Hore qu. Rich. Hore def. St. Mabyn Par. Reg. (J. M.) Ped. fin. Cornw. 4 Hen. IV., No. 8. Int. Noel Paderda qu. Walter Hore and Alice his wife def. Lands in Pengelly, North Paderda, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw. 11 Hen. IV., No. 6. Int. John, son of Henry Hore, qu. and Warin Hore de Trewaythe and Nichola ux. eius def. Lands in Trewaythe, Trengale, and Fosnewyth settled on Warin H. and his wife by John. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 101 | A John Hore sone & hey. Joane Da. & Coh. of Wm Cavill of atat. 22 1620 St. Kue in Com. Cornwall John sone & hey. atat. 1 1620 A da. at this prset unchristened * JOHN HOARE. Hoblyn. Richard Hoblyn-Margaret da. & coheire of John Daw of Lescarwell John Hoblyn-Sibell da. & coheire of Edw. Ronnell of Boddrane Anstace da. of Willm Thomas Hoblyn-Agnes da. & heire of Collard 1 wife Willm. Kinge Treire 2 sonne John Hoblyn-Eliza. da. of John Harrys of Lanrest Reynald-Da. of Peter Hoblyn mar. Tho- Hoblyn Hockin masin Da. of Hitchins T Richard Phillip da. & co- Katherin mar. Anthonie 1. Kather. 3. Ågnis Hoblyn heire of John Pye to John Pitt Robert 2. Elizab. 4. Jane Dorothy da. of Thomas Hoblyn of Judith Da. of Francis Ephue Da. of John Dynham Nanswedon in Edw. Trevals- Hoblyn Tho. Hickes 2 wife Cornwall living cois uxor 2 filius de Launceston 1620 prima Margeria uxor Johis Beare de Trevedow in Com.Cornw. Agnes mar. to Edwardus Ho--Mary Da. & blyn fil. primo- Coh. of Thomas 2 2. Ricus 1. Dorothy fil. de 2 fil. æt. 18 genitus ætatu. Robt. Apley medio æt. 23 33 aº 1620 of Barne- Templo stable in Com. Devon Londo' 2. Susan æt. 16 ætat. 25 Charles Trwe- body de Castell A B 15 July, 1610. 20 Jan., 1632. St. Teath. Poughill. Blisland. St. Kew. (J. M.) * John Hocking and Johanna Hore mar. 10 May, 1569. Alexander Hore and Dorothy Cotton mar. 5 Nov., 1628. John Hore, Clerk, bur. Hugh, son of John Hore, gent., bap. 102 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | B John fil. primogenitus ætat 1 Anne unius anni et dimidiu' 2 Maria 3 Eli- æt. 5 æt. 4 zab. 3 4 Judith dimidiu' anni 1 Richard Hoblyn Margaret da. of Wallys John Hoblyn Johan da. of Henry Wood Elizab. uxor Rici Cowling de Thomas Hoblyn of Bo--Eliza da. of William Bon- Liskerd in Com. Cornwall dreyn living 1620 vile of St Cullombe T 1. John æt. 6 2. Phillip 2 Joane 4 THOMAS HOBLYN OF BODRANE. THO. HOBLYN OF NANSWHIDEN. 2 Bapt. 22 Sept., 1616. 1 Bapt. 19 Feb., 1614-15. 3 Bapt. 5 Jan., 1617-18. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. 4 Bapt. 16 Oct., 1619. * Reginald Hobling and Joan, da. of John Wenmouth of Quethiock, were mar. 1543. St. Pinnock Par. Reg. Rachell, da. of Anthony Hoblyn and Joane his wife, bap. at Liskeard 12 March, 1624. Robert, son of Edward Hoblyn, gent., and Marie his wife, bap. at Goran 6 June, 1624. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. St. Winnow Thos. Hoblyn, gent., and Alice Coswarth were mar. at Little Colon 7 Oct., 1634. Thos. Hoblyne, gent., and Olyve Vivian, gen., were mar. 23 Nov., 1625. Par. Reg. Goran Par. Reg. Anne, da. of Thos. Hoblyn, gent., and Grace, bap. 1665. Will. Karkeek, gent., and Mrs. Grace Hoblyn mar. 13 March, 1687. Rich., son of Edw. Hoblyn, gent., bap. 31 May, 1696. St. Stephen's in Brannel Par. Reg. Edward Hoblyn, gent., son of Edward Hoblyn of Nanswhidden, Esq., dec. and Bridget, da. of John Carew of Penwarne, Esq., were mar. 8 August, 1659 (also entered in St. Col. Major Par. Reg.). Mevagissey Par. Reg. Francis Hoblyng and Elizab. Warne mar. 1685. St. Issey Par. Reg. Edw., son of Rob. Hoblyn, Clerk, bap. 1689. Colan Par. Reg. Dorothea, da of Thos. Hoblyn, gent., and Alice his wife, bap. 16 Aug., 1637. Judith, da. Alice, da. "" " Judith, da. of Edw. Höblyn, gent. >> "" 8 Nov., 1638. "" 6 Jan., 1640. "" 9 Oct., 1670. "; 21 Mar., 1674. St. Enoder "" 1675. Par. Reg. and Joanna his wife, "9 30 Nov., 1683. Edward, son Alice, da. John, son Mrs. Alice Hoblyn Mr. Thos. Hoblyn Francis Hoblyn Peter Hoblyn and Elizab. Moyle mar. 27 June, 1662. bur. 1675. 1699. 1710. Edw. Hoblyn, Esq., and Mrs. Barbara Hawkin mar. 27 Aug., 1726. St. Austell Par. Reg Mrs. Barbara Hoblyn bur. 1 Dec., 1739. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 103 Jenkyn. Edy Moyle al's Otes Moyle Wm Harry Watt gent. Ric. Moyle 3 son John RetallerT Willm. Amy Henry John obierunt sine p'le 2 Jenkin filia Thomazine Da. & Coh. of Harry John Moyle Jane Da. of John Retaller 13 H. VIII. John Tho. Jenkin fil. et hæres Jane Da. & hey. of John Moyle Henry Jenkin 2 fil. mar. Margt. Relict Phillip Cole Esq. Da. & Coh. of Oliver Carminow Esq. James Jenken fil. et heres sup'stes 1620 Katherine relicta Johis Brabin soror Joh'esCarter Arm. Henry Jenkin 2 filius sup'stes 1620 (sic.) Peter Jenken fil. et heres ætat. 16 1620 Honor mar. to James Praed gent. 2 fil. Willmi Praed gent. deceased * JAMES JENKYN. (Note continued.) Rich. Hoblyn, Esq., and Anne da. of John Carew of Penwarne, Esq., were mar. 25 July, 1644. Thos. Hoblyn, gent., and Mary, da. of Jno. Carter, Esq., were mar. 1 Sept., 1688. Grace, da. of Thos. Hoblyn, Grace, 'da. of Mr. Thos. Hoblyn, Judith, da. Madam Grace Hoblyn, wid., Edw. Hoblyn, Esq. bap. 23 Jan., 1697. 1699. "" 12 Nov. 1700. "" St. Columb Major Par. Reg. Mrs. Damaris Hoblyn, bur. 1 June, 1693. bur. 30 Dec., 1713. 1684./ Damaris, da. of Edw. Hoblyn and Damaris, bap. 18 Dec., 1633. Egloshayle Par. Reg. John Hoblyn of St. Euoder, gent., and Anne Tub of St. Stephens, mar. 30 Jan., 1706. St. Mewan Par. Reg. William Hobelyn held lands in Cornwall. De Banco Roll 50 Edw. III. Hillary. (Rob. Herres v. Will. Hobelyn.) Ped. fin. Cornw. Mich. 28 Eliz. Int. Peter Marke qu. Richard Hoblynge, Thos. Hoblyng, and o'rs def. The pedigree of Hoblyn has been registered in the College of Arms, and has been printed, with further extensions, in 'History of Trigg Minor,' vol. i. pp. 473-5. * John Williams and Mary Jenking mar. 3 Aug., 1605. Bartholomew Williams and Elizab. Jenkyn William Williams and Julian Jenkyn William Williams and Agnes Jenken, both of Ladock, 8 Oct., 1610. St. Enoder 23 Sept., Par. Reg. 8 Nov., 1642. Mar. Lic. between Peter Jenkyn of St. Columb Major, and Anne, da. of Andrew Pomeroy of the same, Esq., 20 Oct., 1628. (J. M.) [Note continued on next page. 104 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Jeynenes. Rowland Jeynens of Bokonock in Cornwall descend of a familie of Shropshire Fran. Jeynens of Bosmawgan Elizb. Da. of Hen. Spour of in Cornwall Trebarth in Cornwall Hen. Jeynens of Bosmaw- gan in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Elizab. uxor Nicho. Mary 2 Lowdey 4 Anne 6 Lavers of Grace 3 Phillip 5 HENRYE JEYNENES. (Note continued.) John Jenken and Philip Vyvian John Jenken and Katherine Pube James Jenkin and Johan Francis Thomas Jenken and Ursula Spraye John Jenkyn and Elizabeth Nanconnan Anthony Jenkyn and Jane Bennett Christopher Jenkins and Richo Dunn John, son of Thomas Jenken, Thomas 99 1 July, 1546. 7 Dec., 1549. 1573. "" mar. "" "" "" "" 20 April, 1602. 21 Aug., 1626. 1650. bap. 16 March, 1553. St. Columb 1571. Major Par. "" John "" "" 1574. Reg. (J.M.) Richard 1576. "" "" "" Thomas 1584. "" Christopher, Anthony and Jane Jenken 9 Jan., 1630. Margery, wife of John Jenkin bur. 4 May, 1542. George, son of Thos. Jenkin "" 1 May, 1543. Thomas Jenken "" 15 June, Peter Jenkyn, Esq. "" 19 Sept., 1663. Mrs. Ann Jenkyn, widow 19 May, 1681. John Jenkyn and Margaret Basset mar. 15 Sept., 1611. Pyran in Powder. (J.M.) Elizabeth, wife of Henry Jenkin, gent., bur. 5 Sept., 1686. Lanivet. (J.M.) John Seynt Aubyn, son of John Seynt Aubin, Esq., and Anne, da. of James Jenkyn, Esq., deceased, were mar. 14 Nov., 1665, at St. Columb Major. (Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts.) Sir Nicholas Slanninge, Kt. of the Bath and Bart., and Mary, da. of James Jenkyn, Esq., did mar. 22 June, 1670. (St. Columb Major Par. Reg.) Will of John Jenkyn of Penpons Alverton (Maddern), 14 Sept., 2 Jas. Names his wife Elizabeth, his son Edward, and Thomas, John, William, Mary, and Catherine, children of Edward; also Richard, and Philip, son of William Noye, of Talcarn, his son-in-law. * Chancery Proceedings 27 June, 1579, Eliz. William Jennyngs of Padstow, thirty years ago a soldier, he had two sons, William, o. s. p., and John Jennyngs of Tottin Mill, Co. Lanca- shire, who had issue John, o. s. p., Elizabeth, mar. to Rich. Soughte, and Thomasine, mar. to Robert Irishe. }(J. M.) Rich. Symons and Lowdy Jennyngs, gent., mar. 9 May, 1629. St. Winnow. Thomas Jennynge and Elizabeth Horwell, mar. 10 Oct., 1624. St. Columb Major. Ped. fin. 18 Jas., Easter, Cornw. Abraham Jennens qu. Edm. Dourishe, gent., and Agnes ux. eius Elizeus Dourish and Johanna ux. eius def. Ten. in Saltashe. Ric. Williams and Jane Jennings were mar. 1600. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. For earlier and extensive ped. of Jeynenes, see Harl. MSS. 615, 1241, 1396, and 6172. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 105 Jollyfe.* Stephen Tredidon temp. Rici II. Magdalena John Tredidon temp. H. VI. Joane fil. et hær. Rici Fowler de Twynyo Tho. Tredidon temp. E. IV. Elizab. fil. Willmi Penfound de Penfound IV.TI Tredi John Tredidon A | * The family of Erisey were seated at Tredidon in Egloskerry after the Visitation, and George Joll (i.e. Jolliffe) of Alternon and James Erisey married two sisters from Devonshire. John Erisey of Egloskerry, will prob. 1684; Ric. Erisey of St. Neot, will prob. 1707. (Bodmin.) Egloskerry. John Joll, clerk, and Ursula Prowse mar. Jan., 1610. In the mar. lic. he is called Jole. St. Enoder. Katherine, wife of Willm. Jollye, clerk, bur. 15 July, 1616. Will prob. 1628, Bodmin. Jno. Joll of Lewannick, miller, legacies to his bro. John J. of Egloskerry, clerk, and his bro. Thos. J. Will prob. 1624, Bodmin. George Jolliffe, clerk, Lewannick. Will prob. 1574, Bodmin, not found. Presented a.d. 1569, on death of Jno. Waye. Bp. Reg. Exon. George Jolliffe, Vicar of Lewannick. Will prob. 1593, Bodmin. Names children of his son Timothy. Timothy Jollif mar. Mary Martin, Tho. Joliffe mar. Eliz. Band, 1576 1589. 1602. Fowey Par. Reg. Francis, son of Timothy Jolliffe, bap. 26 Dec., 1583. Tho. Jolly mar. Xtian Jane, Will., son of Timothy Jolly, 1582. Hals mentions one Peter Jowll or Jouell, under clerk or deacon of Alternon, temp. Chas. II., who attained the age of 150 odd years. When 100 years old, new black hair sprung forth on his head, and new teeth grew in his jaws in place of those which had fallen out. The Rev. Peter William Jolliffe (B.A. 1789, M.A. 1792, St. John's Coll. Camb.), P. C. of St. James, Poole, died 22 Feb., 1861, in the seventy-first year of his incumbency, aged ninety-four; the circum- stance is alluded to in 'Notes and Queries,' vol. xi., second series. The families of Jolliffe, Jollowe, Jolle, Jollye, and Joll were evidently one and the same, and their tradition supports this view. They were seated in the same and neighbouring parishes, were landowners, yeomen, and clergy- men there contemporaneously, using the same peculiar Christian names, Peter, Nicholas, and Digory, with the more ordinary ones, George, John, William; and, according to Lysons, they were noted for their singular longevity. (The Lysons state they could not find any entry of the ancient Peter in the Parish Registers; but Alternon registers have been much mutilated,—in fact all destroyed before the twenty-ninth page, beginning with 29 March, 1688—and the Editors have heard that they were cut up by their custodian, a tailor, to take measures, They here offer to the notice of the curious the following extract from the Parish of Broadock :-John Holman, 102 years old, was buryed the 8th of Dec., 1626.) In the folio pedigree of vol. i. 'Parochial Hist. of Cornwall' will be found the names of John Joll, from Alternon, who died aged 98, and of his three daughters, Honor, died aged 80, from the effects of a fall downstairs; Catherine, died aged 86; and Mary, died aged 93, of injuries received in a field from the attack of a ram. It is of some import to the genealogist to note the corruptions and abbreviations of West Country names,-for instance, Joli, Jolla, Jowle, Joyl, Juyl, presumably the older forms, became Jolliffe, Jollow, Jollye, Joll (around Alternon and Egloskerry), Joll and Jolly, same persons (Landewednack), Gatliffe, Gatley (St. Clement's), Talbot, Talbutt, Talbord (Tavistock), Talver, Tabre, Tallbert (Lostwithiel), Mohun, Moon (St. Blazey), Bohun, Boon (Bp.'s Teignton), Carkeet, Terkick (St. John's and Sheviock), Hext, Hixt, Hix, Hicks(Lamorran);cum multis aliis quæ nunc, etc. Mr. Peter Jollife bur. 18 Mar., 1665. St. Thomas by Launceston Par. Reg. Tho., son of John Joll, bap. 11 Sep., 1598. Lewannick. Henry Rowe and Margt. Jolly mar. 1624. Nich. Jolle and Margt., da. of Arthur Dalley, were mar. at Michaelstow 1601. John Jolliffe bur. Jane, da. of Mr. Joseph Jolley, bap. at Kenwyn Francis Jolla bur. N. Petherwin. Mary, da. of John Jollow, bap. at Jacobstow Tho. Joll and Frances Pearne were mar. 1616. Bp.of Exeter's 1622. Transcripts. 1633. 1655. Ann, daughter of Peter Jolliffe, gent., baptized 26 Oct. 1623. Northill. (J. M.) P 106 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Tho. Windsor Jone Da. and hei. of John Tredidon John Joliffe de Pougwill-Maria fil, et hær. Tho. Windsor John Joliffe temp. aº 23 H. VII.— Willm Joliffe of Tredidon Emma uxor eius Nicholas Joliffe of Tre--Elinor Da. Johis of (sic) Trehauke de Trehauke didon 24 H. VIII. B spinst., plust, 1797. Mar. Lic. West Pudford, Devon. Henry Joll of Okehampton & Mary Howard of the same, spinst., 25 July, 1695. Henry Jole of Okehampton, gentleman & Mary Collings of the same, John Jolliffe, gent., and Mrs. Agnes Cary were married 9 May, 1676. (J. M.) Bridget, wife of Jno. Jolliffe, bur. John Jolliffe bur. 1609. 1621. Lanlivery John, son of Gregory and Priscilla Jolly, bap. 1648. Par. Reg. Walter, son of Gregory and Priscilla Jolly, bap. 1650. John Dowrish, son of George and Margaret Joll, bap. 6 Ap., 1677.1 bur. at Alternon 10 Aug., 1679. Archdea. Transcripts.) Anne, da. of George and Margaret Joll, 20 June, 1682. 21 April, 1685. ܕܕ ( "" "" "" "" John, son (He was bur. at St. Budeaux, aged 98, 1 Jany., 1783.) George Joll bur. 9 June, 1692. Dame Margaret Joll bur. 10 June, 1694. Alternon Par. Reg. South Petherwin Par. Reg. (She was the da. of Lewis Dowrish of Dowrish in Devon, et tandem hæres familiæ Dowrish.) George Joll and Margaret Dowrish of Sandford. Mar. lic. 2 Jany., 1674-5. Nich., s. of Wm. Jolle, bap. Nich. Jollie, Warden Nicholas Jolly, gent., bur. 13 July, 1602. 1634. Padstow Par. Reg. 1666. Nich., s. of Nich. Jolly and Ann, bap. 1675. Close Rolls. 30 Chas. II. pt. 3. Sir. Wm. Palmer and o'rs and Elizb. Clerk, wid. of Clerk, mercht. of Lond., one part, and John Jollife and Will. Jolly of London, merch'ts of London, of the other part. "" 99 "" "" "" "" Ped. fin. 17 Elizb. 99 "" "" "" "" "" 2 Geo. I. 12 pt. Sir William Jolliffe per Arabella Clark, wid. 1657. Barney Morden 1st part. Tho. Jolley of Easton, Worcester, Esq., John Jolliffe, citizen mercht. of London, James Wainwright, cit. and haber- dasher of Lond., and Will. Jolley of Ligorne in Italy beyond seas, mercht. Land in Great Woodstock St., p'ish of St. Michael's. 2 Chas. I. pt. 10. John Jowle of Gray's Inn, co. Mid., gent., land in Kent. 1658. Fra. Drake, of Walton on Thames, ar., before his Highness Rich. Lo. Protect. of the Commonw., acknowledgeth himself to owe unto George Joyliffe, of ye city of London, Doct. of Physic, £2800. 7 Ed. VI. 2d pt. Int. Reve. Cotton and John Joll generosus, and Clemence ux. Ampthill in Bedfordsh., etc. Easter, Cornw. 31 & 32 Elizb. Mich., Dev. 32 & 33 Elizb. Mich., Corn. 33 & 34 Elizb. Mich., Corn. East., Dev. 36 Elizb. "; 37 Elizb. 38 Elizb. * 2 East., Corn. Trin., Corn. Will. Jollyffe al's Jollow q. Degory Beare gen. def. ten. in Penpole & Lesnewth. Jno. Jollowe & Wm. Trebarfoot q. Ric. Cleverton def. ten't in Cleverton Bradworthy. Degory Jollyffe gen. q. Jno. Harrys gen. def. ten. East Downend and Egloskerry. Degory Jollyffe gen. qu. Jno. Pearse def. tent. in N. Huish. Jno. Jollowe gen. q. Tho. Vigurs gen. def. 400 acres in West Putford, Monk Okehampton, etc. Nich. Jollowe q. Walter Cottell, Moorwynstow. Nich. Jolyffe & al. q. Edw. Dassell gen. & Margt. Dassel wid. def. about 500 acres Egloskerry, etc., & St. Stephens. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 107 | B Degorie Joliff-Margaret Da. of Burden iuxta of Tredidon Biddiford relicta Nicolls Joliffe Nich. Joliffe de Tredidon in Com. Cornw.-Elizab. Da. of Tho. Risdon of Babligh Peter Joliffe Anna fil. Rici de Tredidon | Spoure de Northill Grace mar. to Nic. Mayow of Minhin- net Ma Mary wife of Nich. Rutter of Costentin in cornwall Elizab. fil. primogenita æt. 6 septimanes PETER JOLLYFE. ¹ Nich., s. of Ric. Rutter, Vicar of Constantine, and Mary, da. of Nic. Joliffe of p'ish St. Thomas, Esquire, mar. 10 Feb., 1619. Constantine Par. Reg. Ped. fin. 44 Elizb. "" وو 2 James. 9 James. East., Dev. Mich. Mich., Corn. Mich., Dev. Dorset. East., Corn. 10 James. 99 99 13 James. 16 James. 16 James. 99 99 20 James. " 1 Cha. 1 Cha. East., Corn. East., Dev. East., Dev. Trin., Corn. 1 Cha. 99 Trin., Corn. "" ,, 2 Cha. 2 Cha. 2 Cha. "" 11 Chas. >" "" "" 24 Chas. I. Mich., Dev. Mich., Dev. Mich., Dev. Mich., Corn. East., Dev. "" "; 24 Chas. II. "" 99 "; 24 Chas. II. 28-29 Chas.II. Trin., Corn. Mich., Corn. Hill., Cornw. 4 Jas. II. 1653. "" 1655. Trin., Corn. Hill., Corn. Mich. "" " Cath. Joll al's Jolly bur. 7 Dec., 1731. Nic. Joliff gen. q. Hy. Spore & al. def. in Bridge & Knell. Nich. Jolliffe q. Tremlet def. lands in Krabrill. Wm. Jollye, clerk, q. Humph. Kemp ar. & al. def. Man. de Pencorse & lands in Bossiney, Cubert, Breock, Enoder, etc. Nich. Jollyffe gen. q. Ric. Westlake & Xtn ux. def. land in Pyworthy. Humphry Jollif gen. & al. q. Wm. Holmes def. lands in Weymouth & Melcombe Regis. Jno. Rawle gen. qu. & Wm. Jolle & Mary ux. def. lands in St. Juliott. Wm. Jolle q. Emanuel Langford ar. def. lands in Alternon. Nich. Prideaux mil. q. Peter Jolliffe gen. & Anna ux. def. 200 acr. land & 40/ rents in Bradworthie. Geo. Small q. Peter Jolliffe gen. def. ten. in Blacktor- rington. W. Rous ar. q. Wm. Jolly clerk & al. def. Manor of Pencorse, etc. W. Jolley q. Ina Vivian wid. def. lands in Werrestone Aliscomb, etc. Jno. Seymour & al. q. Peter Jolliffe gen. def. lands in Downheved. Tho. Burnevy gen. q. Peter Jolliffe gen. & al. def. lands in Devon. Geo. Uglow q. Peter Jolliffe gen. def. Pyworthy, Bridgerule, etc. Wm. Rous ar. W. Courteney gen. q. Wm. Jolley clerk Joseph Jolly gen. & Johan ux. & or. def. Pencorse, etc. Nich. Jolly & al. q. Geo. Smyth ar. def. lands in Pad- stow, etc. Henry Spoure ar. Peter Jolliffe ar. q. Wm. Mallett def. lands in Idderlegh, Monk Okehampton. Benj. Jolly gen. q. Tho. Webb & al. def. land in Launcells Spoore vid. q. Joseph Jollye & al. in Penryn Burrough. Sam. Kekewich ar. q. W. Jolley gen. def. lands in Kenwyn. (The name Joll is in Kenwyn Par. Reg.) Arthur Fortescue ar. q.Wm. Jolley senr. gen. & Anne ux. Wm. Jolley jun. gen. def. St. Enoder, etc. Nich. Jeffery q. Peter Joll and Willm. Joll def. lands in Tredawle, Austell, Alternon, & Foy Moor. Rob. Couch q. Leonard Joll & Joan ux. def. land in Trewynt Alternon. Landewednack Par. Reg. Inq. Nonar. 15 E. III. De nona garb vell. et agn. poch. Ecclie de Alternon etc. vend. Johi Yolla etc. 108 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Jope. Rog. Jope of Meryfeild in Stokechymsland in Cornwall Jane Da. of Collyn Rog. 2 sone mar. Da. of Henrie ob. sine prole Samson 3 of Collyn of Stoke Jo. Jope of Katherin Da. of Jo. Raphe 4 J }}0 ob. sine p❜le Rich. 5 sone mar. Merifeild sone & heyre Tremouth of Stoke- clymsland Da. of Jo. Collin of Stoke Rog. Jope John Jope of Merifeild Clerke in Com. Cornwall Mary Da. of Jo. Glanvill of Lan- ceston Antho. 6 sone mar. Da. of Ducket Jone ux' Barber of Lesnenth Kath' ux' 1 Edw. Poulsewe of Mevegesy 2 to Jonathan Grosse of Morewinstowe JOHN JOPE. Kekewich. ARMS.-Shield of six quarterings:-1 and 6. KEKEWICH. Arg. 2 lions pass. in bend Sa. betw. 2 cotises Gu. 2. Arg. 3 bars gemels Gu. 3. TOLKARNE. Or on a fesse betw. 3 Cornish choughs prop. a garb betw. 2 cross-crosslets fitché of the first. 4. BARDFIELD. Arg. on a bend Az. 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. 5. Quarterly Or and Gu. on a bordure Sa. 8 escallops Arg. CREST.-A leopard's head and neck affrontée Sa. p' ROB. COOKE. Geo. Ketchwich¹ of Ketchfrench-Katherin Da. of Edw. in Com. Cornwall Esq. Courtney of Lanrack A 1 Ob. 26 June, 23 Eliz. Inq. p. m. 24 Eliz., 2 part, No. 13. George Keckwych, son & heir. * Jno. Jope and Mrs. Ann Courteney were mar. 1772. Buckland Mon. Devon Par. Reg. Margaret, dau. of John Jope, Glover, bap. 5 Aug., 1623. Joane, Mary, "" "" "" 99 gent. "" 2 Nov., 1623. 10 April, 1625. Stoke Climsland. (J. M.) Thomazine, wife of George Jope, Sen. bur. 16 April, 1625. Fortige? son of John Jope, 6 Feb., Robert Jope of and Catherine Trigges (daughter of the Rector), mar. 3 May, 1706. • • Warleggan. (J. M.) Peter Lower of Treloske, co. Cornwall, and Thomas Lower, son and heir apparent of the said Peter, by deed dated 1 Jan., 1617, granted to Edward Reede of Wenbury, co. Devon, gent., and John Jope of Launceston, gent., a lease of certain lands in Alternon, etc., for the term of 99 years. Deed in the Collection of Sir John Maclean. Ped. fin. Cornwall 2 Hen. IV., No. 5. Int. John Jope, brother of Nicholas Bokelly. qu. Nicholas Bokelly and Alice his wife, def. in Tregorthian. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 109 | A John 2 Edward 4 ¹Geo. Kekwich of Peter 3 Fraun. 5 Ketchfrench in Com. Cornw. Blanch Da. of Sr Fran. Godolphin of Godolphin Katherin 1 Mary 4 Grace 2 Margt 5 2 Anne 3 John Kekswich sone & heire mar. Sara Da. of Orwell ob. sine prole Willm Kekwich of Ketch-Jane Da. of Wm Code of Morvale in Corn- wall Esq. french in Cornwall liveing 1620 Esq. Willm 2 sone at. 2 Geo. sone & hey. at. 6 1620 1. Lovedey at. 4 2. Sare at. 5 yeare * WILLIAM KEKEWICH. Kendall. Nicholas Kendall3 of Pelyn in Com. Cornwall Loveday 1 Da. to John Kelow Rich Kendall 3 sonne Т Nicholas Kendall Walter Kendall sonne & hey. of Pelyn mar. Agnes 2 Da. of John Bovele Willm Kendall-Temperance Da. of of Lostwithiell Willm Waye of Lestidiall ob. s. p. Phillippa Walter 2 son ob. s. p. Loveday mar. to Reskimer Bonithon of Bonithon in Cury in Com. Cornwall et nunc vicecom. Cornwall 1 Aged 24 years and more 26 June, 23 Eliz. Thomas Kendall Elizab. Da. of of Pelene in Ty- | ArthurArscott wardreth in of Titcott in Cornwall 2 She mar. Oliver Clobery. See 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 60. Com. Devon A * Edward Ketchwich of Trethanke, mar. Jane, da. of John Coode of Morval. See Coode ped. ante. Peter Kekewich, gent., and Mrs. Ruth Williams, mar. 20 Ap. 1713. Peter, son of Peter Kekewich, gent., and Ruth, bap. Mrs. Ruth Kekewich, bur. 1714. 1726. Lanteglos by Fowey Par. Reg. " 16 Aug. 1728. Mr. Peter Kekewich of Lanteglos, and Mrs. Rebecca Williams, mar. 1741. Peter Kekewich of Hall, Esq., Duloe Par. Reg. 3 Inq. p. m. Walter Kendall of Pellyn 1 Ed. VI. No. 6. Nicholas, son and heir, æt. 36 et amp.; Lawrence Kendall, father of said Walter. 110 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Walter Kendall fil. et heres ætat. 12 annoru' 1620 A | Elizab. 2 fil. Mary 3 fil. Honor 4 fil. 1 ann. æt. 5 WALTER ALLYN For MR. KENDALL. 1 Thomas Kendall Thomazin æt. 9 æt. 8 2 fil. æt. 11 * 1 Bapt. 13 Aug. 1609, at Tywardreth. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * Avis, da. of Walter Kendall, gent. Lawrence, son of Lawrence Kendall, gent. bap. 1609. 9 Oct. 1609. James, "" Jane, Agnes, William, da. of "" "" "" "" "" 1612. Anthony in Meneage Par. Reg. 1613. 1614. 10 June, 1616. Lawrence Kendall and Furnifell Pollowyn, mar. 28 Dec. 1659. St. Colomb Major Par. Reg. Roger, son of Roger Kendall, bap. 1650. St. Sampsons and Gollant Par. Reg. Sampson, Mrs. Elizabeth Kendall, "" "" at Tywardreath. Tywardreth Par. Reg. 1652. bur. 1644. Roger Kendall and Elizb. Vanson were mar. 1660. Anne, wife of Mr. Walter Kendall, bur. 1661. Truro Par. Reg. Jane, da. of Tho. Kendle, bap. 21 Sept. 1628. Mary, "" Tho. Kendall and Jone, Geo., son of Thos. Kennall, Anne, da. of Thos. Kendall, Francis, son of 1636. 1638. 1641. St. Pinnock Par. Reg. bur. 4 Jan. 1640. Walter, son of John Kendall and Emeline, bap. 1626. Walter Kendall, Esq., and Jone Carew, his wife, were married to- gether the 17 July, 1650, in the Parish Church of St. Minver, by me William Collyer, Vicar of Lanlivery. Nich: Kendall, gen. et Emlina, uxor ejus, mar. 1623. Nich. Kendall, Vic. of Lanlivery, and Jane, da. of Tho. Carew, of Harroboro, Esq. decd. were mar. 14 Oct. by the Right Rev. Father Lanlivery Par. Reg. in God Jonathan (Trelawney), Lo. Bishop of Bristol, 1684. About this time (22 July, 1697), ye price of corn arose in ye marketts hereabouts: wheat to 35s. ye b's, barley to 24s., and oats to 12s. at 21 gallons to ye b's, which I sett down here as a thing never known before, and I hope never will be more. Nich. Kendall, Vic. Ric., son of Nich. Kendall, gent. bap. 19 Mar. 1608.1 Walter, ,, John, Nich., Willm., bapt. 1610. "" "" "" 1613. "" 1617. 1622. "" Loveday and Amye, daus. of Nich. Kendall, 1626. "" Ric., "" Walter, son of Nich. Kendall, Esq., and Marie, Ric. Kendall, gent., and Anne, 1630. "" 1655. "" Tho., 1657. "" "} Nic. Kendall and Marie, Allson Kendall, gent., mar. 24 May, 1608. bur. 1609. Luxyllian Par. Reg. Ric. Kendall, gent., 1620. " Will. Kendall, gent., 1640. Nich. Kendall, Esq., "" 21 Sept. 1649. Ric. Kendall, gent., 26 May, 1655. Mrs. Amy Kendall, 1656. Mrs. Marie Kendall, widow, 1666. "; Thos. son of Ric. Kendall, gent., 1673. Ric. John Kendall, gent., 1679. 19 Ric. Kendall, gent., 1695./ 19 Ric., son of Tho. Kendall, gent., bap. 1603. Tho., Tho., "" Walter, John Kendall, gent., Mr. Ric. K., gent., Walter K. and Agnes, 1628. 1637. Morval Par. Reg. 1662. Ric. Kendall and Philippa Treddennick, mar. 1635. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 111 Kendall. 1 ¹Nicho. Kendall of Pelyn in Com. Cornwall Loveday Da. of Jo. Kellowe² of Lansells 3Walt' 1 sone of Wm 2 sone mar. Pelyn mar.Agnes Tempance Da. 2 da. of Jo. Bevill of Wm Waye of of Mellydar Listidiall 1 Rich. Kendall of Medrose=Kath' 4 Da. & hey. in Cornwall liveing 1620. of Tho. Trewolley Alie Da. of Hughe Bas- of Trewolley coyne in Cornw. 2 wife Nicho. Kendall sone & atat. Mary Da. & Coheyre of John Trehayne 37 liveinge 1620 of Trehayne in Cornwall Rich. sone & heyre Walt' 2 John 3 Nicho. 4 Katherine a da. at. 6. 1620. at. 11. 1620 * NICHOLAS KENDALL. 1 Inq. p. m. 35 Eliz., 1 part, No. 52. 2 Killiowe of Lansalloes. 3 Æt. 40, 35 Eliz. His da. Jane mar. Rich. Michell of Bodmin. See ped. post. See ped. ante. Walter Kendall, son and heir. Nich. Glinn of Glinn. See ped. ante. Phillipa mar. And Loveday (or Leodia) mar. Will. Coode of Morval. 4 In Chancery Proceedings, 9 April, 1583, Eliz. K. k. 2. No. 33. Rich. Kendall and Katherine his wife v. John Trewolla, she is called the dau. and hey. of Wm. Trewolla and great grand- daughter of Rich. Trewhilla. See also Trewolla Ped. post. * Tho. Kendall and Grace Robins, Edw. Kendall and Philippa Crago, Tho. Kendall, Esq., Mary, wife of Mr. John Kendall, Tho. K. of Cutparrot, Esq., John Kendall of Treworgy, Esq., Tho. Kendall, gent., Mearchant, mar. "" bur. 1657. 1675. 1600. 1637. Morval Par. Reg. 27 Oct. 1638. "" 12 Jan. 1640. ,, 1676. Mary, dau. of Thomas Kendall, Esq., bap. 11 Jan. 1614. Tywardreth. Jane, dau. of Nicholas Kendall, gent., and Emeline, bap. 12 Oct. 1624. Lanlivery. Jane, dau. of Walter Kendall, gent., bur. 23 Oct. 1683. Margaret Kendall, William, son of Nicholas Kendall, bap. 1687. St. Cleer. Jane, dau. of William Kendall, Nicholas Kendall, son of Thomas Kendall and his wife Jone, Mary, dau. of Thomas Kendall, Jone Kendall, Alice, dau. of Thomas Kendall, Lostwithiel. 15 July, 1696. § bap. 1567. "" 4 May, 1636. St. Pinnock. bur. 10 April, 1632. 1643. (J.M.) "" bap. 1600. Elyal Kendall and Elizabeth Borlase, William, son of Nicholas Kendall, Esq., Capt. Kendall of Lostwithiel, (killed in a battle between the Royalists and Parliamentarians, fought in or near Bodmin, on or about 16 May, 1643. See 'History of Trigg Minor,' vol. i. p. 222), mar. 22 Oct. 1699. bur. 1604. 1643. Bodmin. Gualter Kendall, Esq., and Joane Carew were mar. 17 July, 1650. St. Miniver. John Kendall of Treworgey, Esq., was trustee named in settlement after marriage, dated 2 April, 1668, of John Anstis of Luna, and Mary, daughter and coheir of George Smith, which John Anstis and Mary were the parents of John Anstis, Garter King of Arms, the first of that Deed in the Collection of Sir John Maclean. name. 112 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Kendall. Rich. Kendall in Com. Cornwall Ar. Alice 2 Da. of John Rowe 2 Elizb. Da. of Bryan=Tho. Kendall of Treworgie in Com. Cornw. Ar. Fantleroy Rich. 1 sone mar. ¹Margt Da. of Fran. Buller Esq. ob. sine prole John sone & hey. at. 19. 1620 Tho. Kendall of Treworgie in Com. Cornwall Ar.liveinge1620 1 Joane Da. of Ric. Moyle Dorothie Da. & hey. of Tho. Cosworth of Cosworth in Cornwall Elizb. 1 Alice 3 Constance 2 Margt 4 2Rich. sone atat. 16. 1620 Thomas 3 sone atat. 14. 1620. THOMAS KENDALL. Kestell. Sciant p'sentes et futuri qª ego Willm's de Kestell fil. et heres Johis de Kestell, dedi concessi et hac p'senti carta mea confirmavi Joh'i filio meo primogenito et legittimo, &c. Dat' apud Kestell die Johis prox post festu' aploru' Petri et Pawli A Regni Regis Edwardi tertij post conquestu' Angliæ 25. Sciant p'sentes et futuri qa ego Joh'a Cammes filia Nici Russell et Heres Andrei f'ris mei dedi concessi et hac p'sent' carta mea confirmavi Petro de Kestell et Melior ux' sue una in Villa de Eggosheil. Hijs testibus Laurenc. de Arundell, 1 She afterwards mar. Sir Thos. Honywood of Kent. See Buller Pedigree ante. 2 Bapt. 1603. Morval Par. Reg. * Ped. fin. Cornw. 40 Edw. III. No. 2. Int. Jno. de Kendale, qu. John Dubber of Bodmyn and Merauld his wife, def. Bridgend juxta Lostwithiell. Ped. fin. Cornw. 40 Ed. III. No. 7. Int. Rich. de Kendale, qu. Walter Mayou, Junior, and Cecilia his wife, def. In Penquyt and Middelonde. Ped. fin. Cornw. 18 Rich. II. No. 3. his wife, def. In Cayrowe and Porghol. Ped. fin. Cornw. 6 Hen. VI. No. 1. Beate, def. In Lostwithiel, etc. Int. Robert Kendall, qu. Michael Bettowe and Margery Ped. fin. Cornw. 6 Hen. VI. No. 3. wenhelek, def. Tregantallan, etc. Int. Stephen Kendall and Cristiana his wife, qu. Rich. Int. Thos. Kendale and Matilda his wife, qu. Will. Tre- Ped. fin. Cornw. 16 Hen. VI. No. 2. Int. Stephen Kendall and Cristiana his wife, qu. John Malerbe and Cristiana his wife, def. Penquyt, Treworgey, etc. Rich. Kendale, gen. of Treworgy v. Rich. Mareys and o'rs, in a plea of lands. De Banco Roll, 50 Edw. III., Hill., m. 139. Ped. fin. Cornw. 28 Eliz. Int. Walter and William Kendall, qu. Francis Courtney and Philipa his wife, Nich., Rich., and Maria Courtney, and o'rs, def. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 113 Rico de Crowan, Johe de Kestell, Luck de Trenant, Nicho Trenchard et alijs. Dat' apud Egglosheil die Lune prox' post festu' S'ci Vincencij Anno Regni regis Edwardi 34. SEAL WITH ARMS.-Two greyhounds ramp. combatant, on a chief three escallops. Sciant p'sentes et futuri qª Ego Willmo de Kestell dedi concessi et hac p❜senti carta confirmavi Johi filio Galfridi de Eglesseil, &c. hijs testibus Walt' Lap, Rico de Crowan, Johi Beorust et alijs. Sans Dat. SEAL WITH ARMS.-A chevron betw. three birds. Sciant presentes et futuri qª ego Joh'es Kestell filius et heres Willmi Kestell dedi concessi et hac p'senti carta mea indentata confirmavi Joh'i filio meo unu' messuagiu' et totam terram meam cum omnibus suis pertin' in Villa de Trenart &c. hijs testibus Rob'to Post, Phillip Trevegan et alijs. Dat' apud Kestell die Lune prox' ante festu' S'ci Mich'is Archangli anno regni regis Rici Secundi 15. Sciant presentes et futuri qd Ego Ric'us Crowan dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Joh'i de Kestell in libero maritagio cu' Margeria filia mea totam terram meam in Pennaguinnell cum omnibus libertatibus d'ci terre spectan- tibus habend. predicti Johi et Margerie et heredibus de corporibus eorundem &c. Hijs testiby Rog' Treglethenek, Johi Billion de Eglosheil, Willo Francis et alijs. Dat' apud Eglesheile die lune prox' post festu' S'ti Lawrencij a° Regni Regis Ed'ri filij Regis Edwardi quint' et a D'ni 1311. William Kestell made a deed of Kestell to his son John then Lo. of Kestell ob John Kestell fil. et Heres Alicia fil. Willmi de Egglosheill Petrus Kestell fil. et heres temp. E. I. Meliara fil. Joh'is Cammes John Kestell fil. et heres temp. E. II. Margerie Da. of Rich. de Crowan Willm = Willms Kestell fil. et hæres Joh. temp. E. III.—Alicia fil. Joh'is Trenant Joh John Kestell fil. et heres de Kestell temp. H. IV. Margaret Da. of Lawrence Penvrane John Kestell de Kestell Johanna fil. et unica hæres temp. H. VI. Simon Kestell 4 son mar. Jane Da. of Rich. Boturnell temp. E. IV. Та Nicholaij Golopin John Kestell de Kes--Margaret fil. et Coh. tell temp. E. IV. Rici Billyon de Tre- vourder Esq. B 114 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Agneta Thomas Kestell filius et hæres | B James Kestell de Kestell Elizab. Da. of Robert temp. H. VII. Tredenick Johes Kestell fil. et heres mar. Da. of Marat al's Treludders Willms 2 filius Alison filia Thomæ 1 John Kestell de Kestell temp. H. VIII. Robt Kestell 3 fil. mar. Jone Billin of Ecclo- sey in Corn. Jackett Da. of John Coffin of Porthledg Esq. in Com. Devon John Kestell de Kestell temp. Eliz. Anne Da. of John Vivian of Trelawar- Richard 2 fil. ob. s. p. 1. Francis James 2. Thomas ren Esq. 3. Elizab. Thomas Kestell de Kestell fil. et hæres Dorothy Da. of Tredineck in com. Cornwall Haniball Kestell fil. et heres ætat. 14 John 2 fil. æt. 12 3. Charles 8 4. Thomas 5 Filia unica wil Willm fil. 2 de Boturnell mar. Alice Da. of Edgcome Т Thomas fil. et heres mar. Da. of Trevill 2 Thomas Kestell=.... Da. & hey. of Luky who de Bodman mar. Blanch Da. of Wm Rouse Walter Kestell de Boke--Margaret Da. & hey. of John dock in Lanevit Forde of Egloshale in Com. cornwall Jane mar. to Tho. Kent of Dinham Thomazin mar. to John Pierse of cornwall Willm 3 son unmaried in the Netherlands Richord mar. to John Richord mar. to John Warren of Cornwall Anthonie ob.s. p. Thomas Francis Da. Walter 2 son mar. Jane Da. of mar. Jane Da. of John Newton Kestell of John de Pen- Harris of devy in devy in Landrest in Com. Com. Corn- Corn- wall wall John Kestell fil. et hæres æt. 20 annoru' nunc in Oxonia 1620 Frances fil. unica ætat. 21 THOMAS KESTELL. THOMAS KESTELL. ¹ He had also a da. Jaquet mar. to Rob. Beare of Borlawren. See Bere ped., ante. 2 His da. Anstice mar. Christopher Worthevale. See Worthevale ped., post. 99 } * Thomas, son of Thomas Kestell, Esq., bap. 14 March, 1612, at Egloshaile. Bp. of Exeter's Elizab., da. of John Kestell of Trethannicke, bap. 27 Dec., 1612 Transcripts. Hugh, son of Nicholas Kestell, bapt. 26 Feb., 1597, at St. Just Philippa, da. of Jno. Kestell, gentleman, bap. 1580. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. William Vyvian and Phillipa Kestell mar. 13 Jan., 1616. St. Austle Par. Reg. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 115 Kestell. Walter Kestle filius et hæres Margt da. of Robert Vivyon Edward Kestle of Kestle-Jane Da. of John Tripconny in Com. Cornwall of Gulver Walter 2 son mar. James Kestell of Kestle Avis Da. of John in Com. Cornwall live- | Rashley of Foy ing 120 [sic] in com. Cornw. Elizab. da. Ally in Devon ī 1. Edward æt. 30 Avis Walter filius-Temprance a da. 2. James æt. 20. et hæres æt. 30 liveing 1620 da. of An- thony Che- nower 2 3. Willm æt. 18 Sibbell ux. Tho. 1Crnsew of Mabe in com.Cornwall 1. Mary ux. 3 Phillip 4. Alice Henry ux. Chenoweth Tho. 2. Elizab. 5. Pre- Ed- wards cilla ux. Tho. Somer James filius et hæres æt. 4 1. Grace³ * 2. Avis¹ JAMES KESTELL. 1 "Carnsewe" is written above this, but a pen has been drawn through it by the Herald. 2 Chenoweth. See ped., ante. 3 Bapt. 29 Oct., 1612, at St. Martin in Meneage. 4 Bapt. 6 Nov., 1615, "" Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Anthony in Meneage Par. Reg. * Avis, da. of Walter Kestell, gent., bap. 1609. Janet, wife of John Kestell, bur. at Constantine 14 Aug., 1597. John Kestell al's Pengwin bur. 7 Nov., 1598. Bp. of Exeter's Tran- Edw. Coade of Breage and Jane, da. of Wm. Kestell, mar. 30 Ap., 1599, at St. Pinnock. Alice, da. of James Kestell, gent., bap. 1577. Fowey Par. Reg. Will. Kestell & Johanna Roe mar. 11 Aug., 1613.. Edward Kestell & Johanna Averie mar. 16 Sept., 1599. Elizab., da. of Edward Kestell, bap. 10 July, 1604. scripts. John, son "" Grace, da. Januaria, da. " Sara, da. 17 Anna, da. Edward Castell "" 26 Feb., 1611. 19 April, 1612. "" 28 June, 1607. 18 Dec., 1608. 17 Dec., 1609. Truro Par. Reg. Frances, da. Edward Kestell Henry, son Edward Castell 25 Sept., 1614. "" 30 June, 1617. Judith his wife "" 8 Feb., 1630. Peter, son of Edward Kestle & John Kestell, Esq., bur. 1718. Manaccan Par. Reg. Hugh Prust, gent., & Ann Kestill, wid., mar. 30 Sep. 1589. Poughill. Walter Kestell, Esq., & Temperance his wife, mar. 14 Sept. 1610. Ann, dau. of Walter Kestell, gent., bap. 20 July, 1628. Manaccan. Pentecost, dau. of Trevenard Kestell & Agnes his w., bap. 30 Jan. 1630. Lostwithiel. ¦ (J. M.) Mrs. Mary Kestell bur. 28 Dec. 1694. Fowey. Leonard Yeo, gent., of North Petherwin & Margaret Kestell, mar. 18 Feby. 1670. Lanreath. The pedigree of Kestell of Kestell in Egloshayle has recently been registered in the College of Arms down to the present time, and has been printed, with Extensions and Evidences, in Sir John Maclean's' History of Trigg Minor.' Sir John has pointed out that two descents have been omitted in the old pedigree, between Rich. II. and Edw. IV. See'Hist. of Trigg Minor,' vol. i. pp. 455-462. The Right Rev. Robert Kestell Kestell-Cornish, Missionary Bishop for Madagascar, is the present representative of this ancient family. 116 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Kete. Willm Kete of Hugborne in Com. Berkes Da. of Angers Edward Kete of Lockage in Com. Berks 3 fil. Jane Da. of Doe in Com. Berks John Kete of Chekington-Da. of Oglethorp in Com. Berks first sonn in Com. Berks 1. Edward first sonne 2. Willm Francis de Medio Templo London 2 filij Raphe Kete of Whad--Anne Da. of Clarke Hugh Kete of Hugborne in Com. Berks don prope Saru' in in Com. Wilts 2 fil. of Arrington in Com. Berks Hugh fil. Hugonis Raphe Kete of St. Colomb-Anne Da. of Wm Arscott of in Com. Cornwall Sepho- ronia Da. of Colman et relict Petri Beare ux. 2 Holsworthy in Com. Devon 1 wife who mar. Julyan Da. of Wm Hender of Botriux Castell Rebecca mar. to 2. Elizab. Willm fil. Geo. Beare sonne Gilbert p' 2 uxorem æt. 3 annoru' et heres of Peter Beare de 3. Anna Ervin in Com. Cornwall æt. 20 Willm 2 sonne Da. of de Heldrop in Com. Wilts John Kete 2 fil. ætat. 17 Raphe 3 fil. ætat. 8 2 Chil- dren John 3 son of Enodor in Com. Corn- wall mar. the Da. of Coquit of Foy Gilbert 4 son mar. Jone Da. of Troblefeild of Kirton in Devon & hath issue Willm Willm 1 sone æt. 15 George 2 sone æt. 13 3 Children RALPHE KETE. * Sara, da. of Ralph Kete, was second wife to Rich. Bossawsack. See ped, ante. Edward Ashe, gent., and Anne Kete, mar. 8 June, 1631. William, son of William Keet, gent., bap. Ann, wife of Ralph Keat, gent. 1625. bur. 10 Nov., 1614. 1654. "" 6 April, 1658. 24 Nov. 1659. "" St. Columb Major. (J. M.) 19 1 May, 1667. John Keat, John, son of John Keat, Owen Keat, William Keat, gent. Ralph Keate, gent., Grace Keate, widow, Philip Keate, "" Jane Keate, widow, Anne, wife of Rob, Keate, gent. bur. 12 Mar. 1670. 16 July, 1685. 26 June, 1688. 28 April, 1699. 1 Feb. 1676. St. Columb Minor. (J. M.) [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 117 Knybett. Sr Thomas Knevit of Ashwell thorp in Com. Norff. . . . . da. & heire of the Lord Berners Thomas Knyvit of Ashwell Thorp. Henry Knyvet Mary da. of eldest sonne= 2 sonne Wolverston Henry Knyvet¹ of Rosemeryn in Com. Cornub. Mary da. of John Crocker of Lynam Mary wife Thomas Whitfeld Thomas Knyvet of Rosemeryn living 1620 Elyn da. of Rich. For- ster of.... Sara wife to Frances wife to Robert Kemp Robt. Ingram of Roscarrock Henry sonne & heir ætat. 14 annoru' 1620. Thomas² 2 æt. 3 Barbara 1 Ann 2 * THO. KNYVETT. A Kyllpowe. Thomas Killiowe of Lansallos Jone³ Da. of Ric. Trehake in Com. Cornw. of St. Blassye John Killiowe¹ of Lansallos Anne Da. of Sr Hugh Trevanion of Cary Hayes Hercules 2 Willm. 3 Charles 4 Thomas 5 Reynell 6 Sibell ux' Ro. Nicolls of St Kue in Cornwall (Note continued.) Barzillai, son of Robt. Keate, "" "" John, son of Barzillai Keate, and Grace his w. Will'm bap. 16 April, 1667. "" 2 April, 1687. 5 Mar. 1688. "" "" Grace, da. of 24 Mar. 1690. "" "" Robert, son of 27 Mar. 1694. 19 "" Tintagel. (J. M.) Mary, da. of 1697. "" Thomasine, wife of John Keat of St. Teath, Grace, wife of Robert Keat, bur. 7 Mar. 1651. "" 17 April, 1667. ¹ Bur. at Budock, 1617. Į 2 Bapt. at Budock, 1617.) Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. *Thos., son of Mr. Thos. Knyvett, bur. 1662. Joan, wife of Henry Knyvett, Henry Knyvett, gent., Mrs. Barbara Knyvett, 3 Bur. 10 March, 1604. 1669. "; Budock Par. Reg. 1671. 1676. Bur. 3 April, 1602. Lansalloes Par. Reg. 118 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A John Killiowe Sonne & heyre of Lansallos liveing 1620 Anne Da. of Tho. Ken- Anne¹ ux' Phillip dall of Treworgie Tinkcomb Jane unmar. at. 22, 1620 Fran. 2 Rich. 4 John sone & heire Thomas 6 Elizab. a da. atat. 15 Hen.23 Oliv' 5 Charles 7 P' me JOHANNE KYLLYOWE. "" Jno. Killiow, gent., 1 Mr. Philip Tingcombe and Mrs. Anne Killiow, mar. Nov. 1616. Lansalloes Par. Reg. 2 Bap. 13 June, 1602. } * Mr. Jno. Tippett and Florence Killowe mar. at St. Wenn 22 June, 1609. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Mr. Thos. Secom and Mistress Ann Kyllow, mar. 14 April, 1656. Fowey Par. Reg. Wm Killiow, gent., and Mrs. Joane Trejeagow, mar. 9 Feb. 1619. Mr. Oliver Killiow and Mrs. Sibilla Killiow, Richard Killiow and Mary Cock, Will., son of John Killiow, jun., gent., John, son of Edward Killiow, gent., Will., son of Mr. Will. Killiow, Sibilla, da. of "" Ann, da. of Henry and Elizb. Killiow, Solomon, son of Hen. and Elizb. Killiow, "" Hen. Killiow, gent., Jonathan, Daniel, Charles, Jonathan, James, "" Henry, "" Will., Oliver and Sybilla Killiow, Jonathan & Barbara Killiow,,, Jan. 1655. 1685. bapt. 8 Jan. 1600. 1610. "" 1622. 1632. "" 22 Nov. 1650. "" 1655. "" 1656. 1659. "" 1665. :) 1698. 1700. 1) 1702. Lansalloes Par. Reg. "" bur. 9 May, 1602. John Killiow, senior, Esq., Mrs. Joane Killiow, Frances, son of John Killow, Esq., John Killiow of Tresilian, Esq., Mrs. Ann Killiow, Charles Killiow, John Killiow, Esq., Mr. William Killiow, Mr. Henry Killiowe, 1632. "" 1634. 1643. 2 July, 1644. 1649. "; 1651. 1660. "" 1664. "" 12 Mar. 1665. "" Rich. Killiowe, gent., Edward Killiow, gent., Thos. Killiow, gent., Charles, son of Oliver Killiow, gent., 28 Feb. 1671. "" "" 18 Sept. 1680. 1682. "" 1687. Robt. Killiow of Anthony, and Jone Webb of this parish, mar. 15 Jan. 1673. Sheviock Par. Reg. Ped. fin. Cornwall, 3 Hen. V. No. 4. William Killyowe de Trevordre, lands in Trevorder, Trevedowe, &c. Ped. fin. Corn. 11 Elizb. Easter. Jno. Kyllyowe q. Jno. Karkycke (Carkeet), et al. def. Trethake, &c., in St. Cleer. Ped. fin. Corn. 12 Elizb., Easter. Tho. Kyllyow ar. q. John Karkeke gen. et al. def. John Killiowe, Cleric. A.B., presented to the Rectory of Lansalloes by Ric. Killiowe of Roselion, Cornw. ar. 1681. Bp. Reg. Exeter. Indenture dated 11 August, 44 Elizabeth, betw. Loveday Killiowe of Warleggan, spinster, of the one part, and Peter Sturbridge of Temple of the other part. Recites that Francis Courteney of Ethye, Esq., and Phillippa his wife, one of the daughters and coheirs of Philip Dennis, by indenture dated 1 June 26 Elizb., had demised unto George Killiowe the younger, John Killiowe, and the said Loveday, certain lands in Temple, which by this indenture the said Loveday releases to the said Peter for the remainder of the said term, Deed in the Collection of Sir John Maclean. • } . THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 119 Lampen. John Lampene¹ of Lampene in Cornwall Jane Da. of Nicho. Lowre John Lampene of Padardaye in Alice Da. & Coh. of Hen. Cloberie Cornwall liveing 1620 of Salt Ashe in Cornw. Katherin² a da. ux' Nicholas Trefuses of Landew in Com. Cornwall John sone & heire-Wilmot da. of John Lan- atat. 15, 1620 drey of Wilcombe in Com. Cornb. John Lampen³ of Padreda in=Jane da. of Anthony Rous Esq. Com. Cornubia, Esq. | of Wotton in Com. Cornub. John sonn & h'r apparant JOHN LAMPEN. Langdon. John Langdon¹ of Bicton in Com. Cornw. Elizab. Da. of Sr Willm. Godolphin Rich. Langdon de Keverell Esq.-Agathe fil. Robti Hill de Helligan Esq. | A 1 John Lampen, æt. 40, 23 Elizb., son and h. of John Lampen of Linkinghorne, who ob. 20 Feb., 23 Elizb. Inq. p. m. 24 Elizb. 2 part, No. 20. 2 Mar. Lic. Nich. Trefusis of Lezant and Kath. Lampen of Linkinhorne, gent., 1615. 3 Notes of Fines, 16 Chas. II., Trinity, Cornw. Anthony Rous and Ric. Killiowe, ar. q. John Lampen ar. and Jane, ux. def. Horwood, Northill and Linkinghorne, and Rectory of Linkinghorne. * Edward Lampen and Redygan Renolds, mar. 7 Feb., 1614, at Kea. Bp. of Exeter's Tran- scripts. John Husband and Hanna Lampen of Kea, mar. 10 June, 1655. Truro Par. Reg. Richard Pomery and Jone Lampen, mar. 24 Sept. 1576. St. Neot Par. Reg. (J. M.) Robert, son of Robert Lampen, Anna, da. of Jno. Lampen, "" bap. 15 Oct. 1618. "" 5 April, 1619. "" Truro Par. Reg. "" Frances, da. of Rob. Lampen, and Thamasine his wife, 21 Dec. 1620. Anna, Jno. Lampen, 10 Jan. 1627. Hannah, da. of Mr. Rob. Lampene and of his wife Thomasine, bap. 20 Dec. 1630, at Kea. Mr. Robt. Lampen, Churchwarden of Kea, 1614. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. John, son of Edward Lampen, bap. 3 Dec. and bur. 4 Dec. 1617, at Kea. Ped. fin. Corn. 14 Chas. Hill. Will. Lampen and John Knighton q. land in p'ish of Budeox. 10 Chas. 16 Chas. II. Mich. Geo. Pope q. Roger Lampen et al. def. lands in Mil- brook, &c. Mich. 31 & 32 Chas. II. Hill. Joseph Lampen, gent., and al. q. Jno. Trwbody et al. in Treworricke. Jno. Oliver and o'rs q. John Lampen, Sen., ar., and o'rs def. in Higher Millcombe, &c. The additions in italic are in the hand of Parker. 4 John Langdon, æt. 40, son and h. of Rob. Langdon. See Inq. p. m. 4 Ed. VI., part 1, No. 10. Names his grandfather John Langdon of Keverell. 5 Elizabeth, his sister, married Drake of Tavistock; Mary married Will. Whiddon of Chaf- ford; and Margt. married John Cock. Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 63, where ped. of Langdon is enlarged. 120 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Walter Langdon Elizab. Da. of Edward Ameri- de Keverell Esq. deth de Slapton Esq. Alícia nupta Willo. Winter de Parchmouth in Com. South- ampton- Elizab. mar. to Nich. 2 Ursula 4 Alicia Edwardus Langdon Maynard of Cornwall 3 Margeria Franciscus fil. et heres ætat. 24 Winter annoru' 1620 2 Walter æt. 21 4 Nicholas 18 6 Franciscus 14 8 Barnard 12 3 Robtus æt. 20 5 Will'ms 16 7 Ricardus 13 * WALTER LANGDON. Langdon. Willm Langdon of Jacobstowe Katherin Da. of Edm. Specott of in Com. Cornwall Thornborowe in Com. Devon ¹ Humph. Langdon of Jacobstowe in Com. Cornw. 1 sonne liveinge 1620 Joane Da. of Estcott of John sone & heyre atat. 30 1620 Ellinor Da. of Tho. Jollar² Willm 2 sonne in the Lowe Countries Daniell 1 sonne Digorie 2 Humph. 3 Jane a da. H. * Walter Langdon of Keverell and Wilmot Mathew of Endellion, wid., mar. Mar. Lic. 5 Nov. 1610. John Langdon of St. Martin's, Cornw., and Hannah Hicks of St. Budeaux, by certificate of the banns being published in each of the said p'ish churches, mar. 29 Nov., 1715, at Egg Buckland. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Mary, da. of Will. and Margaret Langdon, bap. 1661. bur. 23 Feb. 1676. Walter Langdon, Jun., Esq., Walter Langdon, Esq., Margaret Langdon, Wilmoth Langdon, "" 8 Sept. 1677. St. Martin's by Looe Par. Reg. 1678. 1688. Tho. Langdon and Margery Lanyne mar. 1654. Truro Par. Reg. Will. de Bortreus v. Thom. de Langdon, in a plea of Lands. Cor. Rege. Roll 3 John, No. 9. Thomas and Roger de Langdon, held in Langdon. Assize Roll at Launceston, 8 John. By Deed dated 1 June, 6 Elizabeth, John Langdon of Keverell demised to John Harrys of Carnworthy, in the parish of Warbstow, Honour, his wife, and William, their son, one tenement in Hendre to hold for their lives and the life of the survivor of them at the rent of 24s. 4d., and making suit at the Court of the Manor of Langdon, &c., " and ferder that the said John, Honour and William shall geve ther voyce at the eleccion of the knyghtes of the Shere for and with the said John Langdon and his heirs, or for and with any other person and persons at the appointment of the said John Langdon and his heirs." Deed in the Collection of Sir John Maclean. See Rogers ped., post. 1 His sister Mary mar. Christopher Rogers of Lanke. 2 ? Jollowe. (Kat., wife of Wm. Jollowe, bur. 1618. Jacobstow Par. Reg.) Ped. fin. Corn. 42 Elizb. Hill. Will. Holman gen. & al. q. Will, Langdon def. ten't in Ventergon. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 121 Langford. proved by evidence Theobald Langford de Langford John Langford fil. et hæres John Langford fil. et hæres Walter Langford fil. et hæres ¹ Willm Langford fil. et heres John Langford fil. et heres Elizab. fili Phillippi Inch de St. Kew Francis mar. Elizab. mar. 2. Rich Lang- Willm Lang--Christian Avis mar. (sic.) un- maried to Michell ford of Poun- ford fil. et brother to stock æt. 35 hæres de ye other Langford Hill Da. of JohnCole of Mori- to Michell of Corn- all Jone unma- Michell ried John 3 fil. de St. Kew æt. 32 in Com. Corn- stow wall 1. Margaret 12 2. Elizab. 8 Film Willms Langford fil. et hær. æt. 15 John 2 fil. æt. 10 Not signed. 1 Inq. p. mort. 6 Edw. VI. part i. No. 11. Will. Langford died 31 July, 1551. John Lang- ford son & heir aged 10 years, and not more 1 May, 1551. (This Inq. is dated at Bodmin 12 Jan. 5 Ed. VI.) * Lovegod, son of John Langford, gentleman, bap. 1580. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. Walter Langford, gent., & Elizab. Langford, mar. William Langford and Christian Cooles Elizabeth, da. of John Langford, gent., 3 Aug., 1694. Marham Ch. Par. Reg. 20 Dec., 1605. bap. 20 March, 1586. Elizabeth, "" Mr. John Langford, "" 28 July, 1593. Francis, "" Elizabeth, John Langford, gent., William Langford, 30 Mar., 1596. 17 Nov., 1606. "" (J. M.) Elizabeth, "" Mr. William Langford, 19 7 Aug., 1611. John, sou of "" 19 May, 1614. bur. 7 Jan., 1591. "" 7 March, 1633. Week St. Mary Par. Register. Elizabeth, da. of John Langford, gent. William Langford, gent., 99 William Langford, Clerk, bur. 1 May, 1642. John Langford, gent., 5 Mar., 1662. Elizabeth Langford, widow 12 Nov., 1665. Roger Bloy, gent., and Dorothy Langford, mar. 1693. Constantine Par. Reg. Henry Langford one of ye five clerks King's Bench, ob. 5 June, 1698, æt. 82. Loveday, wife of Hen. Langford and da. of Tho. Herle of Prideaux, Esq., ob. 14 Jan. 1691. M. 1. Morwinstow Church. Gravestone in the Church of Marham Church-Here lieth the Body of William Langford of Langford Hill, gent., who died the last male of his family, and was buried the 5 day of April, Anno Dom' 1686. (J. M.) Also of Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Hugh Prowse of Chagford, Esq., who was buried the 1st day of May, 1653. Arms, Langford impaling Prowse (EDS.) Ꭱ 122 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Langeford. ARMS.-Paly of six Arg. and Gu., on a chief B. a lion passant guardant Or, a mullet for diff. St. Clere Langford Т John sanze isue Richard sanz isue Devon Hen. Langford of Langford in Com. Wilmot Da. of Hen. Roger Toll of Devon Walt' Edmond Langford Grace Da. of of Devon Jo. Langford Mary Michell Robt 1 ¹ Robt. Langford ¹ Petronell Da. of Steph. of Liskerd Andrewe al's Hoop 2Emanuell Lang--Alice Da. Jane Mary John Fitze John 2 Johr 1 sone sone ford of Tremade of George ob. sine p❜le ob.sine prole in Cornw. live- ing 1620 | Cary of Cloveley in Devon Alice || Edward 2 Emanuell 4 Fran. 1 son at. 16 1620 Robt. 3 John 5 Elizb. 1 Prisilla 2 Mary 4 Grace 3 Julyan 5 Dorothye 6 Kath.' 7 EMANUELL LANGEFORD. Langharne. Stephan Langhern of Tregovethan 3 John Langhern 1 sonne A Thomas Langhern 2 sonne Jane da. of Hum- phrey Danyell B ¹ At the East end of the South aisle of the Church of St. Cleer is a large tomb commemorating Robert Langeford, Esq., who died 23 Feby., 1614, aged 80 years, and also Petronilla his wife, Emanuel Langford, his son, and Alice his wife, and four sons and five daughters of the latter, all of whose effigies appear on the tomb. The date of Robert Langford's death only is filled in, those of the others being left blank. Between the figures are the arms, Paly of six, on a chief a lion passant guardant. (J. M.) There is also a quaint inscription in St. Cleer Ch. relating to this Rob. Langford, given in extenso in the Parochial Hist. of Cornw. 1870, vol. i. p. 204. (EDS.) "George Jagow, gent., and Grace, daughter of Robert Langford, were wedded at St. Cleare Jan. 8, 1599-1600. (Gerrans Parish Register.) (J. M.) 2 Chan. Pro. Elizb. L. 1. 6, No. 43 (A.D. 1595). Langford v. St. Aubyn and ors. Emanuel of Tremabe, and Robert his father are mentioned. * Ped. fin. Cornw. 16 James, East. Will. Joll q. Emanl. Langford ar. def. 25 acres in Austle al's Hawsewell Park, Alternon, £41. Ric. Langford, son-in-law of Francis Drake, bur. 2 June, 1608, at Tavistock. (Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts.) 3 Inq. p. m. 8 Eliz. No. 176. John Langhern ob. 17 March, 1566. John, son and heir, æt. 6 et amp. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 123 A | B | John Langhern Catherin da. sonne & heir Robert of Nancel 2 sonne Robert Langhern of St. Margery da. of Erme living 1620 Tho. Vincent Lang- 2 Degory=Dorothy John sonne da. of & heir æt. Stephen 2 Mary 2 Catheryne 1 Johan 5 da. wife to herne Wadham 19 annoru' Thomas 3 Abygall 3 Johns Raw living 1620 p'son of 1620 Degory 4 Lawre 4 Camburne Anthony > ROBART LANGHARNE. John Lanyon of Lanion in Com. Cornwall sone & heyre Lanyon. Rich. Lanian¹ of Lanyan Esq. Margt 5 Da. & hey. of Tho. Treskillard Phill. Da. & Cohey. 6 Edward Lann-Margery da. of of Wm Myliton yan 2 sonne Chappell Esq. Fran. Lanion of Lanion sone & heire Esq. Alice Da. of Jo. Trewren of Sancret in Cornwall 7 Willm 2 sonne William Lanyan-Eliza. da. of of Wynyard living 1620 Rich. Lee al's Kimpthorne A B ¹ Da. of John Trengove, al. Nance, and her husband is called John Lawharne in Trengove ped., post. 2 Rich., son of Digory Langherne, Esq., bap. 15 Oct., 1611, at St. Stephen's by Saltash. (Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts.) (J. M.) 3 John Rowe, admitted Rector of Camborne 7 May, 1617, at the death of Doctor Flemmynge. Presented by Francis Bassett, Esq., true patron. Bp. Cotton's Reg., p. 108. * Ind're made 20 Aug., 1630, between Katherine Langherne, of Roseverth, Co. Cornw., widow, and Katherine Langherne, her daughter, of the one part, and Edward Grosse, of Truro, gent., of the other part, witnesseth that in consideration that the said Edward Grosse shall surrender one lease dated 21 Dec. 30 Eliz., whereby John Langherne, Esq., dec'd, late husband of the said Katherine Langherne, widow, demised to Gregory Foggins for a term of 99 years the premises hereafter mentioned, the same having been assigned to the said Edward Grosse for the remainder of the said term, etc. etc., hath granted to the said Edward Grosse all those three closes of land, etc., in the parish of Kenwyn, to hold to the said Edward Grosse for the full term of 99 years, if the said Edward Grosse, and Edward Grosse, and Susan Grosse, children of William Grosse, gent., brother of the said Edward Grosse, so long shall live. (Deed in the Collection of Sir John Maclean.) (J.M.) 4 Mar. 11 June, 1581, bur. 18 Sept., 1592. Gwinear Par. Reg. 5 Bur. 28 Oct., 1579. 6 Edward, son of Mr. Edward Lanyon, bap. 5 Nov., 1592. (Gwinear Par. Reg.) Phillipa, da. of Edw. Lanyon, mar. Wm. Noye of Burian. (See Noye ped., post.) 7 Will. Lanian of St. Breake mar. Susan, da. of Robert Burdon. Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 39. Avis, da. of Mr. Will. Lanion, bur. at Morval 24 Sept., 1614. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Margaret, da. of Will. Lanion of Breage, mar. John Code of Breage. See Coode ped., ante. 8 Bap. 18 Nov., 1590. Gwinear Par. Reg. Ezechiel Trenwith, gent., and Elizab. Lanyon, mar. 1614. St. Ive's Par. Reg. John Williams, jun., and Katherine Lanion, mar, 16 May, 1668. Camborne Par. Reg. 124 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. John 2 sonne A | Anne ux' Jo. Toin- ken of Penzance Rich. Lanion sone & heyre of Lanion in Com. Cornwall Esq. liveinge 1620 Jane Da. of Rich Moor- inge al's De la More in Com. Devon John sone & heire atat. 10 B | | | 1 Tobyas sonne 2Constance 1 & heire ætat. 2 Annoru' 1620 Margery 2 3 Johanna 3 Francis 2 sone Pasca Phillip Jane atat. 3 1 Da. 2 Da. 3 Da. RICHARD LANYON. Launce. the coate & Creast in the old visitacon. John Launce of Penneare in Cornwall Mary Da. of Polewheele of Polewheele Hen. 4-Ann da. & heire 4 Tho. 1 sone ob. sine prole Rob. Launce of Penneare in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Suzan Da. of Geo. Tubb of Tringoff in Cornwall sonne liveing in Lan- casheire John 2 sone ob. sine prole of.... Abraham of Abraham Hall in Com. Lanc. John sone & hey. atat 23 1620 Isabell Da. of Sr Edw. Darsie of Dartford in Kent John 2 Abraham 2 A t 1 Bap. 9 Mar., 1618-9. 2 Bap. 3 Oct., 1613. 3 Bap. 27 July, 1617. Gwinear Par. Reg. * Rich. Nance and Margaret Lanyne mar. 22 Oct., 1604. Truro Par. Reg. Baldwin, son of Will. Lanyon, bap. 1 Ap., 1561. Blanche, da. of John Lanyon, William, son of William Lanyon, gent., Bawden, 1582. "" "" 99 Tamson, wife of 18 Mar. 1620-21. bur. 24 Jun., 1563. 26 Jun. "; Gwinear Par. Reg. John Lanyon 22 July, 99 Mr. Tobias Lanion and Jane Tresilian mar. 1670. Mr. Will. Lanion of Sancret and Mrs. Keigwin of Mousehole mar. 6 Buryan Par. Reg. March, 1672. John Lanyon, gent., and Jane his wife mar. 13 June, 1625, at Madron. Bp. of Exeter's Susanna, da. of Francis Lanyon, gent., bap. 14 March, 1619, Francis Lanyne was mar. to Ales his wyffe 24 May, 1584. John, son of Francis Lanyne, bap. 10 Dec., 1587. Transcripts(J.M.) Sancreed Par. Reg. (J. M.) Ped. fin. Cornw. 28 Hen. III. Pasc. No. 2. Int. John de Linyine qu. Hugh de Bello Campo def. Botnole Bichan and Over Bichan. 4 Mar. Grace, daughter of Leonard Loveis. See ped. of Loveis, post. ↑ John Danyell and Philippa Lawnce, mar. 11 May, 1609. Truro Par. Reg. The additions in italic are in the hand of Parker. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 125 James Launce of Pennare in Cornwall Esq. | A Rebecca da. of John Blackston of John ob. Darcy John ob. Newton in the Bishoprick of Durham. John ob. John son & heire James living Susanna Isabella Rebecca Leache. JO. LAUNCE. ARMS.—Ermine on a chief indented Gu. 3 ducal coronets Or. CREST.-Issuing out of a ducal coronet Or a dexter fore-arm, grasping a serpent, all proper. John Leach of Exiter & Chauncell¹ of the Church Elizb. Da. of Allex. Nappar & sist' to Baronet Napper 2 Nicho. Leach of Stoke Clims-Jenophah Da. of Edw. land in Cornw. liveinge 1620 | Hearle of Trenouthe Martha a da. at. 2 ³ John sone & hey. at. 3 1620 * NICHOLAS LEACHE. Leigh. This pedigree has the words "Not to be entered, but to be disclaimed" at the head of it. A pen has, however, been drawn through the sentence, and a note— "This must be entered "-added. ¹ Chancellor of St. Peter's, Exeter. Margaret, his da., mar. Robert Buryngton of Sandford. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 41. 2 Nicholas Leach, gent., and Jeano (sic) were mar. 1616. 3 John, son of Nicholas Leach, gent., bap. 1617. Luxyllian Par. Reg. * Sim. Leche of St. Columb, gent., and Dorothy Vivian, da. of Matthew Vivian of Advent, gent., deceased, mar. 23 Nov., 1700. St. Ervan Par. Reg. Ped. fin. 9 Chas. Devon and Cornw. Simon Leach, mil, and o'rs qu. Emanuel Davy, ar. def. Crediton, Dev., and tent. in Advent Cornw. John Leach of Crediton OBT Simon Leach of Crediton, s. and h., Blacksmith. Elizab. da. of John Roe of Crediton. Elizab. Borowe. -Symon de Cadley, knighted at Forde 26 Sept. 1625. Katherine Tuberville. Harl. MS. 6062, fo. 34 b. Coll. of Arms. 126 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. John Leighe of Leigh in Cornw. Da. & hey. of Isseck of Cornwall Willm Leigh of Leigh Jane Da. of Code¹ of Morle in Cornw. Hen. Leigh of Leigh Sibell Da. of Hearle of Trenouth in Cornw. Nicho. Leigh of Leigh in Barbara Da. & Coh. of Far- Cornw. liveing 1620 dinando Lower of Barbara 1 Da. at. 4 Anne 2 Da. at. 3 NICHOLAS LEIGH. Levelis. Tho. Levelis of Castle Horneck-Elizab. Da. & hey. of in Com. Cornw. Edw. Bosvennon Will Willm Levelis Joan Da. & hey. of Renold Trerise of Sancred James Levelis Joan fil. et Coh. Johis Archar of Lizard Jane Jane Da. of Tho. Bond 2 wife Tho. Levelis Joan Da. of Trewooffe first wife Elizab. Robt. 2 sonne Jane elis-Joar John Levelis Katherin Da. Jane Jacobus Amy sonne & heireet coh. Nan- coras 2 fil. Margt Hugh 2 fil. ob. s. p. John Levelis fil. et heres Jane Da. of Robt. Poile Willm John 2 Arthur Levelis fil. et heres Anne Da. of Tho. Herle Hugh Esq. Jane mar. to Roger Hall Elizab. to Tho. Glason Alice A ¹ Walter Coode of Morval. See ped. ante. * Ped. fin. Cornw. 23 Edw. I. No. 1. in Yalwelegh. Ped. fin. Cornw. 49 Edw. III. No. 2. Joan his wife def. Dunheved Burgh. Int. Rich. de Leghe qu. Jno. de Thurlbere def. lands Int. Will. son of Robert Leygh qu. John Harry and Ped.fin. Cornw. 50 Edw. III. No. 1. Int. Robert de Tresilian qu. John Leygh def. Landreyth, &c. 2 Arthur Lavelys of Trewoof and Hugh his son sold Hewgose Wood in Kea to Wm. Beau- champ, junior, of Gwennap. Indenture dated 1 Nov., 1616. (B.M. Add. Chart. 15379.) Chan. Pro. Elizb. L. 1. 7, No. 44 (A.D.1602). Arthur Lavelis, Esq., v. Hen. Thoms al's Carnsew and o'rs, names John L. the father, & John L. the grandfather of said Arthur Lavelis of Buryan. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 127 | A Zenobia mar. to Jane Phillip Phillip Thomas Scipio Ackland virgo ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Gabriell Hugh Levelis fil. et heres de Chappell in both died æt. 38 Winklye Tracy in Devon without issue Arthur fil. et heres æt. 9 annoru' 1620 Hugh 2 fil. æt. 7 Ebit Da. of Arthur Rich. Coffin 2 sone of Portlage ætat. in Devon 36 1. Anne 8 2. Martha 4 3. Elizab. 2 ARTHUR LEVELIS, for Mr. ARTHUR the elder his father. Ley. Crest given in Trick, a Lion Sejant. Robert Ley of Kempthorn in Com. Devon John Ley of Kempthorn John Ley al'as Kempthorne of Tonacombe Thamazin¹ Da. & hey. of Jordon of Tohacambe 1 sonne John² Ley=Kath' Da. of Sr Peirse Courtney ob. sine p'le Three Daughters Rich. Ley al's Kempthorne of Merther= T Two Sonnes Two Daughters A * Robert Lavelis, gentleman, bur. 1583. Margaret, wife of Tho. Levelis, gent., bur. 1638. Madron Par. Reg. Hanibal Levelis and Mary Chenalls mar. 28 April, 1634, at Zennor. Honour, dau. of Hanibal Levelis and Mary his wife, bap. 23 Jan. 1634, at Zennor. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Ind're dated 19 Sep., 1653, betw. Thomas Levelis, of Penzance, gent., of the one part, William Godolphin, of Trewarveneth, Co. Cornw., Esq., and Arthur Levelis, of Trewoofe in the said Co., Esq., of the other part. Settlement by said Thomas Levelis upon Honour Levelis, spinster, daughter of Hanibal Levelis, gent., dec'd, brother of the said Thomas, upon the marriage of the said Honour and David Grosse, son of Thomas Grosse of Penzance, gent., of certain messuages in Penzance, to hold to the said Honour and the heirs of her body, in default remainder to Thomas Cowling, son of John Cowling of Trengwenton, gent., and Ralph Lanyon, son of Thomas Lanyon, gent., sisters' sons of the said Thomas Levelis, etc. etc. Sealed with the arms of Levelis-Ar. 3 calves' heads couped Gu. Prudence, sole heir of Arthur Levelis of Trewoof, married Richard Vosper of Liskeard. Their son, Arthur Vosper, left two daughters and coheirs,-Elizabeth, married Joseph Marke of Woodhill, and Prudence, married George Dennis of Liskeard, gent. (J. M.) 1 Bur. 7 Jan. 1585. 2 Ob. 1 Mar. 1592. Mr. John Kempthorne, Justice and the only stay of Morwinstow, bur. 2 Mar. 1592. Inq. p. m. 36 Elizab. part ii. No. 79. John, of Lyffney al's Luney, nephew and heir, æt. 22. 128 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Tho. Ley al's Kempthorne mar. Elizb. Da. of Cholwell- Nicho.2 Ley-Margt3 Da. & Coh. of 2 sone John Luney of Luney John Edw.5 Rich.6 Thom.7 Three Daughterss A | John Ley⁹ al's Kemp--Mawdelyn Da. of Antho. Clifford thorne Esq. 1 husband of Descombe in Com. Wilts Esq. Leonard Vasie of Vasie 2 husband || John Ley10 al's Kempthorne-Ursula,11 Da.† of of Tonacombe in Com. Cornw. John Trevillian John 1 12 Elizab. 1 Fran. 4 liveing 1620 Esq. of Netleham Esq. Edm. 2 Anne 2 Ursula 5 of. Before 1023 m. 2°. to Timothy Browninge of Kilkchariton in. al. 15 Okt 16 23. (M.Sic for 182) Honor 13 Ley atat. 4 monthes 1620 де Katherin 3 JOHN LEY. 1 Vicar of Morwinstow. Tho. Kempthorne and Thomasine Chollwell, mar. 8 Sept. 1562; he was bur. 29 April, 1594. (J. M.) 2 Ob. 14 July, 1589. Inq. p. m. 35 Eliz. part i. No. 13. 3 Margaret Kempthorne al's Luney, bur. 17 Aug. 1570. 4 Bap. 5 June, 1568. 6 Bap. 18 May, 1578. 5 Bap. 24 June, 1571. John son and h., æt. 19 yrs. and 2 mo. St. Ewe Par. Reg. mar. Mr. Henry Wallis, 29 Aug. 1585. 8 Anne, Johan, Catherine, bap. 8 Aug. 1563 ; 6 Jan. 1565 ; 12 Dec. 1574; 7 Bap. 16 Oct. 1580. Par. Reg. "" John Yeo of Launcells, 1589. Mr. Richard... Minister, 1592. At Morwinstow. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. (J. M.) 9 Bur, at Morwinstow, 1594. (J. M.) Bap. 21 March, 1571. (St. Ewe Par. Reg.) John Kempthorne and Magdalene Clifford, mar. 1591. (Chudleigh Devon Par. Reg.) 10 John Kempthorne al's Ley, bur. 19 Oct. 1622. Morwinstow Par. Reg. (J. M.) 11 Timothy Browning and Ulalia Kempthorne, wid., mar. Oct. 20, 1623, at Marham Church. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. (J. M.) 12 Married Theophilus Loveis. 13 Honour Kempthorne al's Ley, da. of John Kempthorne al's Ley and Eulalia his wife, bap. 21 May, 1620. Morwinstow Par. Reg. (J. M.) * Henry Slarder and Johanna Kempthorne, mar. 7 Feb. 1580. Thomasine, da. of Nicholas Kempthorne, bap. 30 Feb. Thomasine Kempthorne, bur. 12 Mar. Henry, son of Mr. John Kempthorne the younger, bap. Edw., son of Tho. Kempthorne and Priscilla, Honour, da. of Thomazine & Edw. s. & da. "" 1567. St. Ewe Par. Reg. 1578. Morwinstow 2 June, 1594. "" 7 June, 1626. 30 Dec. 1627. "" 15 Dec. 1632. "" John, son of 21 Mar. 1634. Par. Reg. (J. M.) Tho., 25 Dec. "" "" 99 John, son of Mr. Jno. Kempthorne, bur. Domus spes unica nostræ, "" 10 May, 1592. Mr. John Kempthorne of Lewney Thomazine, da. of Edw. Kempthorne, Thomazine Kempthorne, wid. of Tho. Kempthorne bur. 25 April, 1594. 24 Feb. 1618. "" 21 June, 1619. For more of Kempthorne, see 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., p. 314. At Morwinstow. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. (J. M.) † She is called Eulalia in the Pedigree at the end of Part III. of the Trevelyan Papers (printed by the Camden Soc. 1872), also at the baptism of her dau. Honour, in the Morwinstow Par. Reg. 1620, and Ulalia Kempthorne, widow, on her second marriage at Marham Church; yet it would appear that her husband testified that her name was Ursula! also called Eulalia in Wen. Lic. Exon, p. 82- THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 129 John 1 sone Ley al's Kempthorne. John Ley al's Kempthorne of Kempthorne in Com. Devon Thomazin Da. of Rob. Jordon of Tonycomb in Com. Cornw. Nicho 2 Thomas 3 Rich Ley al's Kemp Constance Da. of Tho. Ken- thorne of Merther in❘ dall of Treworga in Corn- Cornwall sone sonne Rich. Ley al's Kempthorne of Merther living 1620 Tho. 1 sonne atat. 9 1620 wall Anne 2 Da. of Joseph Bastard of Westmarker in Dwlo in Cornwall John 2 sone willr Willm 3 sone RICHARD LEY AL'S KEMPTHORNE. * John, John, son of Ric. Kempthorne by Sarah, ux., bap. 4 Sep. 1694. 1696. "" :: 99 Tho., 1698. "" Richard, 1700. Cury Par. Reg. "" "" "" Samuel, 1701. "" 19 Thomas, 1702. " "" John, son of Edw. Kempthorne, Sarah, da. of bap. 28 Nov. 1622. 28 Jan. 1626. Elizb., "" 99 1629. Grace, 1631. Elizb., 1633. "" Samuel, son of Samuel Kempthorne and Jane, 1630. 19 James, 5 Nov. 1633. "" Ursula, da. of and Florence, ux. 1636. "" Thos., son of 3 Feb. 1638. "" 19 John, "" John, Renatus,,, Rich., "" Edw., 19 99 Chas., Will. Kempthorne and Constance, ux. Samuel Kempthorne and Florence, Renatus Kempthorne and Elizb. Elizb., da. of Edw. Kempthorne and Mary, ux. Rob., son of Edw. Kempthorne and Jane, James Kempthorne and Elizb. Grace, da. of Renatus Kempthorne and Loveday, ux. Renatus, son of Edw., 11 Will. and Jane Kempthorne, Renatus Kempthorne and Loveday, Ambrose,,, William Kempthorne, Ric. and Sarah Kempthorne, 19 Edw., Will. Kempthorne and Constance Parnell, Renatus Kempthorne and Elizb. Hickinge, Edw. Kempthorne and Jane Stewert (?) James Kempthorne and Blanch, John Kempthorne and Anne Robinson, John Kempthorne and Anne Tonken, Ric. Kempthorne and Sarah Kempthorne, Renatus Kempthorne and Jane Tonken, Edw., son of Edw. Kempthorne, 99 16 Aug. 1640. 1642. "" 23 May, 1643. 1640. "" 1652. "" 1657. Mullion "" "" 1670. "" Par. Regs. "" 24 Sep. 1672. "" 7 June, 1674. 1673. ", 19 Mar. 1675. 1677. 1692. mar. 1639. 7 June, 1641. 1649. " 1650. "" 1666. 1670. 1691. "1 1699. bur. 1631. [Note continued on next page. ន 130 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Lovers. Loveis of Devonsheire Humphrie Loveis-Jane Da. of Hatch of Devon Ibott Da. of Humph. Specott 2 wife Leonard Loveis of Ogbeare in Com. Cornw. Ar. Jane Da. & hey. of Upcott 1 A Da. Thomas sone & heyre Willm. 2 Humph. 3 Rob. 1-Grace Da. sone of ❘ of Andrew | | | Rich. Loveis-2Fran. Da. Hen. Jane uxor Amy 3 4 sonne of Beardon in Cornwall Rolls of Pad- stow in Devon Walter Porter Fran. 4 (sic) Grace uxor Tho. Launce Phill. 5 3 Leonard Loveis-Kath. Emanuell 3 sone mar. Wilmot Da. of Wm. Kelley F Timo- thy 4 sone 7A sonne 8 Katherin 2 sone of Cran- Da. of Bear- don Luterell tock in Cornw. Willm liveing 1620 Kelley 4 Rich. 1 sone 5 Fran. atat. 6 1 Da. 6 Martha 2 Da. Phillip a da. atat. 3 quarters of a yeare at. 2 a da. (Note continued.) Ambrose Kempthorne, Sen. bur. 1634. Constance Kempthorne, 1642. "" Sarah ux. Edw. Kempthorne, Sen. 1647. Florence ux. Samuel Kempthorne, 1654. James Kempthorne, 1659. Samuel Kempthorne, 1665. Mullion Par. Regs. Edw. Kempthorne, 1671. James Kempthorne, 1684. Martha ux. Ĵames Kempthorne, 1686. Edw. Kempthorne, 1693. A Licence of burial within the chancel of the church of Merther granted to Richard Ley, alias Kempthorne, son of Richard Ley, alias Kempthorne, of the same place, gent., 4 Oct., 1621. (J. M.) James Kempthorne and Elizabeth Kempthorne of the parish of Mullion were mar. 20 Oct., 1669. Buryan Par. Reg. 1 Elizabeth mar. to Rich. Coffin. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 64. 2 Frances Rolls is entered in Devon Visit., 1620, p. 323, as wife of Leonard Lovelace (doubt- less Loveis), her son, an oversight of the Heralds. 3 Francis, son of Leonard Loveis, gent., and Katherine, bap. and bur. 1623 at Newlyn in Pider. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Bap. Sept., 1613. 5 Bap. 15 Dec., 1611. 6 Bap. 28 Dec., 1617. 7 Gilbert, son of Emanuel Loveys, bap. 31 Dec., 1618. • Bap. 1 Dec., 1619. Boyton Par. Reg. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 131 Theophilus 5 sone of Beardon Elizb. Da. of Leonard Vesie of Tamarton 1 1 | 3 ¹ Martha uxor Coland Blewet 2 Mary Al uxor Rich. Goddard of 2 Elizb. uxor Ric. Carwy- tham of Panston in Devon Amy ux' Wm. Upeton of Newton Ferris in Devon in Cornwall .. in Com. Wilts of Litlecollom 3 Mary 1 da. atat. 3 Martha a dau. p' me LEONARD LOVEYS. Loveys. Humph. Loves Jane Da. of Hatch of Devon Leonard Loves of Ogbeare in Com. Cornw. Esq.-Jane Da. & hey. of Upcote Tho. 1 Willm 2 Humph. 3 Rich. Loves of Bere--Fran. Da. of Hen. Rolles don 4 sonne of Heamton Rob. Loves of Berdon in Com. Grace Da. Andrew Luttrell Cornw. liveing 1620 of Hartland Fran, a dau. Rich. sone & hey. at. 9 † Martha a dau. ROBERT LOVEYS. 1 Bapt. 27 Nov., 1589. Boyton Par. Reg. (J. M.) 2 Rich. Goddare and Mrs. Mary Loveis mar. 25 March, 1613. North Tamerton. Bp. Trans. 3 Bap. 18 Oct., 1618. * Theophilus, s. of Theophilus Loveys and Elizab. his wife, bap. 9 Nov., 1623. Elizab., da. Francis, s. Rich., s. "" "" "" bap. 1 Dec., 1626. Boyton Par. Reg. 99 "; "" 15 Mar., 1628. "" " 17 May, 1636. Ric., s. of Ric. Loveys, bap. 4 Feb., 1646. Leonard Loveys of Lifton and Zenobia Thorne of Sheepwash, mar. lic. 1 Oct., 1615. (J. M.) Humph. Loveis of Black Torrington and Philippa Morecombe of Sheepwash, mar. lic. 29 Sept., 1629. Samuel Loveis, gent., and Elizb. Matthew, dau. of Wm. Matthew, gent., mar. 2 Aug., 1649. St. Kew Par. Reg. Joseph Hankyn, gent., and Frances Loves, mar. 30 Mar., 1630, at Boyton. Bp. of Exeter's Trans. + Ped. fin. Cornw. 15 Rich. II. No. 2. Int. William Lowys and Simon Lowys qu. Simon Gunmaylek and wife def. Ped. fin. Cornw. 9 Hen. IV. No. 7. Int. Simon Lowys and Nicholas Gerlyn qu. Robt. Bray and Alice his wife and Thos. Porter and Christian his wife def. Andrew Loveys mar. Avis da. of John Gaverigan and wid. of Robert Kestle. Kestle Ped., ante. Theophilus Loves mar. Elizabeth da. of Leonard Vacey. See Vacey ped., post. For further ped. of Loveys vel Lowis, see 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' pp. 171-2. 132 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Lower. CREST.-A unicorn's head erased, tricked in ink over a quartered shield tricked roughly in pencil, but evidently the same as is given detailed under Lower in Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 54. Tho. Lower of Trelaske in Com. Cornwall Margt Da. of Percivall in Com. Som'set Jane Lower 1 Pet. Lower of Trelask Esq. liveing 1620 Hanar Da. of Wm. Abbotte of Hartland 2 Tho. Lowre of Tre-Eulalia Da. of lask in Com. Cornw. Arthere Tremayne Esq. of Collocombe Willm Peter 3 2 sone Nicho. 5 Margt 1 Georg. 4 Ellinor 2 Tho. sone & heire atat. 1 1620 Mary a da. atat. 3 1620 Not signed. ¹ James I., Ind're betw. Peter Lower of Trelaske, Esq., and Honor his wife. Tho. Lower, Esq., s. and h. appar., and Eulalia his wife, Sir Will. Wrey, Arthur Tremayne of Collocombe, Esq., Edmund Tremayne, s. and h. appar. of said Arthur, etc. (J. M.) 2 Thos. Lower of Lewannack, gent., and Ulalia Tremayne of Lamerton, mar. lic. 13 Oct., 1613. Ezechiel, son of Thos. and Eulalia Lower, bap. at Lewannack 1614. (Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts.) * Hercules Lower and Lore Alee (Aleigh Bp. Trans.) mar. 1 Jan., 1597. Lore, da. of Hercules Lower, 19 "" Thos., son of Rich. Lower, gent. Thos., son William, Lore, da. of Hercules Lower Hercules Lower, gent., bap. "" 1604. 1607. 1631. "" 1630. Lanreath Par. Reg, bur. 1626. • 4 Mar., 1639. Thos. Lower, gent., and Jane, da. of Chas. Grills, gent., mar. 14 June, 1652. Į Tho. Lower of Trelaske bur. 1687. Lewannick Par. Reg. John, son of John Lower, gent., and Elizb., bap. 1677. Michaelstow Par. Reg. John Eustic and Elizb., da. Tho. Lower, gent., mar. 24 Ap., 1688. Ric., s. of Hercules Lower, bap. 24 June, 1601. Nycholas, s. of Ric. Lower, gent., and Philadelphia 99 24 Nov., 1633. Elizb., da. "" 99 29 June, 1636. Frances, da. "" ?? ** 4 Nov., 1638. Thos., s. of Thos. Lower, gent., and Jane 99 6 Dec., 1653. Lanreath Elizb., da. "" "" 19 May, 1655. Par. Reg. Elizb., da. 8 Oct., 1657. George, s. of Wm. Lower, Lore Lower Elizb., da. Ric. Lower, gent., bur. "" 1 Ap., 1617. "" 10 Feb., 1641. 28 Mar., 1656. "" 15 Jan., 1572. (J. M.) Elizb., da. Tho. Lower, gent., Justinian Cocke alias Lower bur. 16 Apr., 1662. St. Breward Par. Reg. Loare, wife of Justinian Lowre, bur. at St. Just, Roseland, 28 Feb., 1611. Rich. Haydon and Agnes Lower mar. at Alternon 3 Sept., 1611. James, son of Ric. and Elizb. Lower, bap. at St. Germans 17 Feb., 1632. Bishop of Exeter's Transcripts. Ped. fin. Cornw. 9 Edw. IV. No. 1. Int. Nicholas Loure qu. Margaret, Lady Hungerford and Botreaux, wid., da. and h. of William, late Lo. Botreaux, def. Manor of St. Wynowe. The ped. of Lower is given more extensively in Harl. MS. 1079, ffo. 53, 54. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 133 Lower. To enquire whether Lower did not mary with Elynor, da. & heir of Pentire, which if he did then may he quarter the Coate. Wm. Lower of St. Wynnow in Cornwall Agnes Da. of Tho. Trefry of Foye Tho. Hen. 2 sone mar. Elizab. Lower widow of Antho. Fox. of 1 sonne highhampton in Devo' Edw. Lower¹ of Mary2 Da. of Ferdi- St. Tudy in Humph. nando 4 Com. Corn. liveinge 1620 Nicholls of St. Tudy Walter 5 3 Willm 2 5 Nicholas 4 6 Hump. sone & hey. atat. 4 Edward 3 Phillip 5 21 1620 7 Katherin ux' Fran. Court- ney of Lanivet Agnes 2 8 Elizab. 3 Janor 5 9 Grace 4 HENRYE LOWER. EDWARD LOWER. | 1 Lower. Willm Lower of Winnow in Com. Cornw. Agnes Da. of Tho. Trefrye of Foye Ferdinando Lower of Lesaunt in Com. Lore Da. of Wm. Kelley of Cornwall liveing 1620 5 sonne Jane ux' Tho. Grose of Liscard in Cornw. Northlew in Com. Devon | 2 Barbara ux' Nicho. Leighe of Quethiock in Cornw. t Elizab. ux' Nicho. Cock of South Pederwyn Esq. FERDINANDO LOWER. 1 Mar. 22 April, 1594, bur. Aug. 1627. 2 Bur. April, 1626. 3 Bap. 1598. 7 Bap. 1595. 4 Bap. 1600. * Francis Courteney and Kat. Lower, gent., 5 Bap. 1604. 6 Bap. 1597. 8 Bap. 1602. 9 Bap. 1609. mar. 1617. Will. Hocken of St. Advent and Jane Lower of St. Tudy Rich. Lower and Elizb. Trelawney 1634. "" 17 Sep., 1656. (She was da. & h. of John Billing of Hengar, and relict of Sam. Trelawney. See Billing ped., Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i. p. 389.) St. Tudy Par. Reg. Mr. Edw. Lower and Elizb. Prideaux .. Apr., 1678. (J. M.) Anne, da. of Edw. Lower, gent., bap. 1601. Jane, da. 1610. Rich., son of Mr. Humphrey Lower, 29 Jan,, 1631. Tho., son of Humphrey Lower of Tremeer, gent., 11 Aug., 1633. John Lower, Esq., son of Dr. Ric. Lower, bur. 19 Nov., 1679. Elizb., widow of Rich. Lower, Dr. of Physic, 22 Feb., 1703. Thos. Lower bap. 27 Jan., 1543. Fowey Par. Reg. Will., son of Mr. John Lower and Mary, bap. 1608 at Constantine. Rich. Lower, gent., and Philadelphia Searell, wid., mar. 1630 at Lanreath Bp. of Exeter's Tho. Lower and Mary Packer mar. 1670. St. Winnow Par. Reg. † Walter, son of Will. Lower, gent., bapt. 1611, at Madron. Will., Mr. John Lower and Mary Mr. Will, Lower, bur. 20 Aug. 1615, at Madron, Bp. of Exeter's 1608, at Constantine. Transcripts. Bp. Transcripts. (J. M.) 134 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Lynam. Robert Lynam of St. Kew in Com. Cornub.-- 1 John Lynam of St. Kew-Johan da. of Blewett of Egglesheyll Richard Lynam of St. Kew in Com. Cornub. living 1620. John Newton Thomasine da. of Martha wife to of Eglesheyll Agnes wife to Jo. Bere of Egglosheyl Eliza. wife to John Hunny of Dewston 2 furzland of Bickinton. John Lynam sonne-Charitie da. of Hum- Richard & heir ætat. 30 frey Prideaux of Kir- 2 sonne annoru' 1620 ton Dorothy wife to John Dagg of Trewegitt Catheryne 2 da. Richard sonne & heir ætat. 9 annoru' 1620 John 2 Mathew 3 Johanna JO. LYNAM. Manington. ARMS.-Arg. on a bend Sa. 3 mullets Arg. pierced of the first. CREST.-A demi-unicorn Sa., crined and ungued Arg., with a crescent Or, on shoulder, for diff. Sampson Manington, of Manington in Com. Corn., p. R. C. Clarent., but the creast testified by Mr. Philpott. Adam Manington wh Willm Manington Sr Geo. Manington Willm Manington A | 1 He married secondly a da. of Tresungar, and by her had issue; she afterwards married Will. Matthew. Rich. Mathew, gent., of Tresungar, in his will dated 2 June, 8 Jas., P. P. C., names Sara and Ursula Lynam, and his cousin George Lynam. 2 John Fursland. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 122. * This pedigree will be found fully extended in the History of Trigg Minor,' vol. ü., pp. 258, 263. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 135 Ambrose 3 A | Robt. Manington Da. of Jo. Bycton Jo. Manington of Manington-Da. of John Kingdon John Manington-Da. of John Trecarrell Sampson Manington of Manington-Da. of Rich. Tremayne Edward Manington-Kath' Da. of John Harte Samson 2 sone mar. the Da. of Rich. Haukins Peter Maning-Fran. on of the Da. ton of Maning- & heires of Edw. ton Arthure 4 Couch of Houghton George 5 Samson Maning-Mary Da. & Hen- ton of Manington in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Esq. ry 3 Coh. of Tristra' Gorges of Budeuxshed Esq. Ambrose Maning-Anne¹ Da. of Peirse ton 2 son of Edgecomb of Mont South Petherwyn Edgcomb in Com. Cornw. Esq. Anne 1 da. at. 6 1620 Fran. 2 da. atat. 4 Jone 3 da. atat. 2 1620 Peirse Manington 1 sone of Margery Da. of Combeshed in Co. Cornwall | Fran. Buller Sampsone sone & heire atat. 3 & half Edw. 2 Rich. 3 Arthure 4 Rich. 2 sone at. 2 PEIRCE MANINGTON. * SAMPSON MANINGTON. 1 Widow of Ric. Trefusis, Esq. * Ann, da. of Anthony Mannyngton, Rector, bap. 1630. Francis, son of " "" Henry, 1632. 1635. St. Pinnock Par. Reg. "" bur. 12 Jan. 1656. "" Anthony Mannington, Rector, Ambrose Mannington of Killiver, and Rachell Carew of Anthony, mar. lic. dated 11 Oct., mar. 23 Oct. 1690. Anthony in the East Par. Reg. Pierce Manaton, gent., and Joan Sakfen, gen., mar. 1686. St. Gennis Par. Reg. Ambrose Manington of Launceston, and Grace Horndon of Callington, mar. lic. dated July, 1721. Philippa, da. of Mr. Peter and Mrs. Philippa Manaton, bap. 1665, at Stoke Climsland. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Martha Manaton (Mannington) of Calstock, widow. (Will, Bodmin, 1707.) To Mr. Jno. Fursman (after Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral), silver watch and all the books of her late hus- band, and a gold ring. All the rest of her property to her niece Martha Radcliffe, sole executrix [Note continued on next page, 136 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF. CORNWALL. • Marke. Willm Marke of Liscard in Com. Cornwall Joane Da. of Andrew of Liscard John Marke of Liscard-Emlene Da. of Tho. Vivian of in Cornwall St. Culme in Cornwall Willm 3 Margerie 1 Marye 2 James Marke-Dorithie Da. of of Liscard in Joseph Bastard Com. Corn- of of (sic) Dulo wall liveinge in Cornwall Rich. Marke-Francis Da. of Michel- of Francis stow 2 filius North of Michelstow Olve 3 1620 Josephe Willm 3 sonne John sone & at. 3 2 sonne half yeare old 1620 heire at. 6 1620 JA. MARKE. Humphrie Marke fil. primo- genitus atat. 2 Septimanes 1 Octob. 1620 RICHARD MARKE. (Note continued.) -said Martha "not to sell my chariot nor coach horses, but to keep them for her own use. Funeral not to exceed £30. Å leaden coffin to be carried to the p'ish of Tinten hall in Somerset, and there buried at twelve at night. (John Fursman, Curate of Calstock, Rector of Trevalga, Vicar of Lamerton, and Chancellor of Exeter, married the above Martha Radcliffe, St. Thomas, Exeter, May 18, 1721, Par. Reg.) And among other heirlooms was a portrait of Sir Fra. Drake, which remains with the representatives of Fursman. Ambrose Mannington commanded the bark Manington, 160 tons, in the squadron serving under Sir F. Drake against the Armada. Roy. MSS. 14 B. xiii. License of marriage between Anthony Mannington, Clerk, Rector of St. Pinnock, and Joanna Wills of Saltash, 15 May, 1623. Penelope, wife to Mr. Richard Manaton, bur. 1670. Edward Manaton, gent., and Abigail Ally, Christopher, s. of Edward Manaton, gent., & Abigail, "? Mary, dau. of Christopher, s. of Abigail, wife of "" Elzabith Maniton, Bodmin Par. Reg. mar. 25 April, 1670. bap. April, 1673. "" "" 23 Sep. 1674. bur. 30 April, 1673. "" 22 April, 1691. "" St. Breward Par. Reg. Degory Pearce, gent., and Jane Mannington, 8 Nov. 1699. mar. 1657. Christ. Efford, of Modbury, gent., & Elyzabeth Mannington, da. of Anthony Mannington, late Rector of this p'ish, Elzabeth, da. of Anthony Mannington, Rector, Jane, Henry, son of Jane Mannington, 99 1657. bap. 20 Jan., 1627. 14 Jan. 1637. bur. 16 April, 1636. 10 Jan. 1639., "" (J. M.) St. Pinnock Par. Reg. Thomasine, dau. of Pierce Manyngton, gent., bap. 10 April, 1625, at Stoke Climsland. Bp. Exeter's Transcripts. * Thomas, son of Marten Marrake, bap. 10 April, 1607, at Paul. Jane, da. of Thos. Marrake, " 25 Sept. 1625, at Newlin in Pider. Prudence, Rich. Marek, 5 April, 1613, at Paul. "" William, son of Rich. Marke, 8 July, 1617, " Rich., John Marrak, 8 June, 1619, ?? Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Henry. John Marrke, 20 April, 1621, "} "" William, William Mark, " George Mark, 28 June, 1737, * "" bur. 20 June, 1737, [Note continued on following page, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 137 1 Martyn. Evan Martin of Dotington in Com. Devon Da. of Blackaller Tho. Martin of Dotington Julian Da. of Dible Elizb. Da. of Jo. Fursland of Bickington in Devon gent. 2 Rog. Martin of St. Domi--Anne Da. of Rob. Moore nock in Com. Cornw. of Tavistock Esq. liveing 1620 Roger 1 sonne Marg. 1 Judith 2 Anthonie Christian Gartrude * ROGER MARTYN. Mathew. Edm. Matthew of Dodbroke in Com. Anne Da. of Tho. Parker of North- Devon sone & hey of Edm. molton in Com. Devon James Matthew of Dodbroke Da.¹ of Courtney of Molland in Devon Edmond Matthew of Dodbrooke in Com. Devon 1 sonne Justian Da. of Weekes in Com. Somerset A (Note continued.) Paule Marke and Maria Husband, mar. 23 Oct. 1608. Truro Par. Reg. Licence of marriage between John Markes of Liskeard, and Joanna Brendon of St. Dominick, 7 Oct. 1620. Philip Marke of Liskeard and Joanna Howsaye, John Marke of Liskeard, and Gartred, da. of Christopher Polland, gent., of St. Maben Anthony Markes of Liskeard, and Jane, Henry Markes of Liskeard, gent., and Elizabeth, William Gabriel to Dorcas, da. of Philip Marke of Liskeard, mar. 1606. 1635. St. Pinnock 1664. Par. Reg. 1666. "" 1682. (J. M.) Stephen Pomery and Pasca Marke, mar. 22 July, 1593. St. Neot Par. Reg. Dorothy, wife of Rich. Roberts, Mayor of Liskeard, and da. of Joseph Marke of Woodhill, Esq., died 13 Aug., and bur. 16 Aug. 1697. John Marke, son of Will. Marke of Woodhill, bur. 28 Feb. 1614. Margery, wife of Walter Tregasse, da. of John Marke, of Woodhill, died 1 Dec. 1629. Emblyn Mark, gent., bur. 13 June, 1629. Mon. in Liskeard Church. The Paul and Newlin Registers are inserted to shew the difference in the spelling of proper names. * Nich. Martin and Joan Cole were mar, 1628. Tavistock Par. Reg. 1 Ursula, da. of Phillip Courtney. = 138 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | John Matthew of Milton in Com. Corn--Mary Da. of Tho. Plumley wall liveing 1620 of Lalivery P'ish John John 2 Thom. 3 Anne 1 Da. of Dartmouth Rebecka 2 Bridget 3 Edm. sone & hey. Mary 4 at. 14 1620 Dau. JOHN MATHEW. ¹ Da. of Vivian of Trenouth ux. 2 Mathew. John Mathew of St. Kew Willm Mathew of Penetenny Da. & hey. of Tresungar relicta Johis Linan ux. 3 Willm Mathew Emlin Da. of Rouse 1 wife Dorothy mar. to Rich. Foote 2 Rich. ob. 3Elizab. mar. to Jo. Sharock of Creed S. P. 3Willm 3 fil. mar. the Da. of WellingtonT V 4 John Mathew of Penytenny Winifred Da. of John Stone of Trevigo Andrew Willm Mathew-Sibilla filia 5 fil. un- maried Degorie 4 fil. un- maried Edward 3 fil. mar. Rebecca John Mathew of Peniteny now Johis Ros- fil..... Jones de Com. Devon 2 fil. ob. of Treshungar s. p. in Com. Corn- wall carrock de Roscarock in Com. Cornw. 6 John Mathew fil. primogenitus ætat. 4 annoru' 1620 1. Sibella æt. 6 2. Katherin 3. Lady Mathew 5 2 2 | 3 4 1 | Jone mar. to Phillip mar. to Tamazin mar. Raphe Lawse Nicholas Canno to Robt. Lam- Mary un- maried of Dewstock of St. Kew pen *This pedigree is much extended in Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 70. 1 Emlyn, da. of Rich. Vivian of Trenouth.-EDS. Dorothy mar. to Grigorie Tom de Little Petherick A 2 He mar. Wilmot, da. of James Nanspyan of Gurlyn (see Nanspyan ped., post). His will, dated at Tresunger 2 June 8 James, proved in London 30 July, 1610, names Wilmot his wife, his bro. John Sharrock and wife, his cousins John, Anne, and Phillip Sharrock, Sara and Ursula Lynam and his cousin George Lynam, Richard, son of his brother Nicholas Mathew of Tregil- dren, bro. William Mathew, cousin John Foote, and his brother Foote's children. 3 Named in Rich. Mathew's will, preceding note. 4 Mar. 3 Nov., 1573 (St. Minver), bur. 29 Oct., 1606. 5 Bur. 11 June, 1634. • Bur. 31 Oct., 1688. Endellion, } St. Kew. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 139 | A 4 Richard 3 son ata. 28 in Oxonia¹ ¹Nicholas² mar. Jones Da. of John Randal 5 Doro- thy ætat. 24 6 Mary mar. to Walter Webb of Tintodgwell in Com. Cornw. 10 John Mathew fil. et hæres 5 annoru' DEGORY MATHEW. 7 Willms Mathew fil. primogenitus mar. Susan Da. of John Parsons of Black Torrington 11 Dorothy æt. unius anni 9Sidrack 2 fil. mar. Jane Da. of Savory of....& widow of John Rashley 12 Willm 2 fil. æt. 3 WILLIAM MATHEW. Maynard. Henry Maynard of Milton in Com. Devon Johan da. of Jackman Constatyne Agnes da. of Oliver 2 Maynard of John Haw- Johan wife to Mary wife to Wod- Alice wife to Philip wife to Milton kyns of Tavestock William 3 Chapman man Robyns Edgcomb Nicholas Maynard of Milton-Eliza. da. of Wal- Henry Julyan John 3 sonne & heir Living 1620 mar. Jane da. of 13 Michell 1 wife ter Langdon of Keverell 2 wife 2 da. of living 14Cos- Bartho- 1620 warth lomew 4 T Philippa Charles sonne & heir ætat. 3 Rebecka Henry sonne Samuell Barbara 1 & heir æt. 6 2 sonne annoru' 1620 Elizabeth annoru' frances 2 † NICHOLAS MAYNARD. HENRY MAYNARD. 1 Named in Rich. Mathew's will. 2 Bur. 21 Feb., 1608. 4 Bap. 28 May, 1592. 6 Mar. 28 April, 1609. 8 Bur. 9 Aug., 1655. 10 Bur. 1701. 11 Bap. 3 Jan., 1619., 3 Bur, 4 June, 1641. St. Kew. 5 Bap. 8 Aug., 1596. 99 St. Kew. 7 Bur. 4 Aug., 1661. "" (J. M.) 9 Bur. at Tintagel 4 Oct., 1625, 12 Bap. 12 Dec., 1617. St. Kew. Henry, son of Will. Mathewe of St. Clements, bap. 6 June, 1610. Truro Par. Reg. * For continuation of the ped. of Mathew, registered at Heralds' College, see certified copy in 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i. pp. 564, 573. 13 Gilbert Michell. See ped., post. 14 Henry Cosworth. See ped., ante. † Ped. fin. Cornwall 34 Edw. I. No. 4. Rich., son of John le Tailleur of Bodmin, qu. Bernard Maynard and Matilda his wife def. Messuage, etc., in Bodmin. Francis Vivian of St. Columb and Anna Maynard of Colon, mar. lic. dated 1677. Ric. Vyvian and Maria Mynars mar. 2 Nov., 1614. St. Austell Par. Reg. John Vivian and Margaret Minerd mar. at St, Mewan 1666. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 140 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Maynard. Alexander Maynard de Tavistock et de Medio Temple 4 filius Johis Mainard Honora filia Arthuri Arscott de Tetcott 1 Arthur 4 Allan ob. 4 Allan ob. s. p. John filius et heres ætat. 16 annoru' Joseph 2 fil. æt. 13 1620 de medio Temple Not signed. Mayow. Phillip Mayow of Lowe in Com. Cornwall-Margt Da. of Snith of S.... Phillip Mayow¹ of Lowe Da. of Webb of Tavistock in Devon John Mayow2 of Lowe-Joane Da. of John Rashley of Foye Phillip Mayow³ of Brey of Morvell in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Edeth da. of Haniball Vivion of Trelawarren in Cornwall t PHILLIPPE MAYOW. * Arthur Maynard and Johan Hitchings Oliver Maynard and Elinor Troute Jonathan Maynard and Thomazin Bickford Joseph, son of John Maynard, Esq., Alexander, Arthur Maynard "" Andrew, son of John Maynard, Esq. Andrew, Elias, "" "" Elias Maynard mar. 1618. 1622. 1644. bap. 1639. "" 1642. Tavistock Par. Reg. bur. 1628. 1635. 99 1641. "" 1672. "" 1571. Philip Maynard and Joanne Crypse mar. John, s. of John Mainerd, bap. May, 1538. Agnes, wife of John Mainerd, Will. Mainerd, son of John, Agnes Mainerd, wife of John M., bur. bap. bur. 1543. Buckland Mon. Par. Reg. 1546. 1551. 1 Margerie, da. of Phillip Mayow, mar. Jno. Coode, son of Walter Coode, 3 June, 1572. (Morval Par. Reg.) See also ped. of Coode, ante. 2 Anne, da. of Jno. Mayow, mar. Godolphin Fletcher. See ped. of Fletcher, ante. 3 Named in will of Haniball Vivian, dated 30 Nov., 1608, but his wife is called Judith, not Edith. + Philip, son of Philip Mayow, gent., bap. 1639. Morval Par. Reg. Stephen Mayow bur. 1668. Philip Mayow of Morval and Martin Burthogg of Totnes, spinster, mar. lic. dated 1700. Wm. Jolley and Phillip Mayhow mar. at St. Columb Major 8 July, 1617. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Phil. Mayow, gent., and Dorothy, da. of Mr. Will. Mohun, mar. 1710. St. Ewe Par. Reg. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 141 Menwynick. Roger Menwynnick of Menwynnick Willm Menwynick of Menwynick in Com. Cornwall- John Menwynick of Menwynick-Da. of Thorne of Thorne in Com. Devon Rob. Menwynick of Menwynick in Cornwall-Barbara Da. of Wolcott of Cornwall 1 Elizb. Da. of Giles Pawlet-Wm Menwynnick of Menwynnick of Swandrop in hampsh. in Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 Lewis sone & heyre atat. 15, 1620 Agnes Da. of Tho. Roscorrock of Ros- corock in Cornwall Nicho. 2 sone mar. Natha- ob 1 John 3 sone mar. Anne Dau. of sone niah Da. of Bartholo. Hatherley Robt. 4 Radigund ux' Alex' Tripcunny of St Tue in Cornwall Anne ux' John Glyn of Boyton in Cornwa. Leonard Jolle (Note continued.) * WILLIAM MENWYNICK. Joseph Mayow and Elizb. Greby mar. 1677. Tywardreath Par. Reg. John Mayow, gent., and Phillip Roberts mar. at Lezant 31 March, 1614. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Grace, da. of Jno. Mayo, gent., Philip, son of Philip Mayow, gent., John Mayow, gent., Peter Mayow, gent., Stephen Mayow bur. 1668. bap. 1605. 1639. bur. 1615. Menheniot Par. Reg. 1645. Philip Mayow and Frances Stuckley, da. of Jno. Stuckley of Afton, Morval Par. Reg. Esq., mar. 22 Nov., 1635. Davis, son of John Mayowe, "" Johanna, widow of John Mayowe, George, son of Matilda Mayowe, widow, John Mayowe William Mayowe Milsom, dau. of William Mayowe, Penta (Pentecost?) dau. of John Mayow, Richard Bligh, gent., and Ann Mayowe John, son of Thomas Mayowe, Wm., "} John, Katherine, wife of Nicholas Mayowe, bap. 30 Ap., 1570. 3 Feb., "" bur. 5 May, 1559. 18 Oct., "" 18 Jan., 1569. 15 June, 1579. 14 Mar., 1588. 1589. 29 Feb., 1619. 3 July, 1562. 6 Ap., 1564. St. Pinnock. "" mar. bur. (J. M.) "" "" 10 Jan., 1565. Lanreath. "" 18 Aug., 1596. 11 May, 1616. Nicholas Mayowe Charles Harry and Margery Mayowe mar. 10 Nov., 1612. St. Kew. John Mayow, gent., and Philip Roberts mar. at Lezant 31 March, 1614. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. There is another pedigree of Mayow or Mayhowe in Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 4, 5. * Johannis Moone filius Willmi Monne p'ochiæ Lyskeard et Joanna Menwyneeke conj. fu. 1540. St. Pinnock Par. Reg. Ped. fin. Cornw. 29 Hen. VI., No. 3. Stephen Kendall and Wm. Menwynnyk qu. and Wm. Horde and Johanna ux. lands in Polkinghorne, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw. Mich., 1655. Rob. Couch qu. Leonard Jolle and Joan ux. def. lands in etc. Alternon. Leonard Jolle bur. 1689. Alternon Par. Reg. Will, Bodmin. 142 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Michell. Willm Michell of St Collomb John Michell of St Collomb= John Michell of St Collomb-Alice Da. of Pole Beauchamp 2 brother to Beauchamp of Som'setsh. John Michell of Trewro-Jane Da. of Jo. Killygrewe John 1 sone of Trwro liveing 1620 mar. Cristabel James Michell 2 sonne of Trwro Da. of Rich. Rob'tes of Trwro- in Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 Rich, sone & hey. at. 21, 1620 John 2 Samwell 3 Margerie Grace Anne Alice ux' Pet. Wolcot Radigund ux' Wm Yonge of Anne ux' Ellis Bartlet of Exiter Trent in Som'setsh. of Devo * JAMES MICHELL. Michell. ARMS. Sa., a falcon close in fesse Or. betw. 2 cotises Ar.; in chief, 2 falcons close of the second. Gilbt. Michell¹ of Bodman Esq. Raph Michell of Bodmin= Fran. Da. of Antho. Roscarock of Crowane after mar. to John Sanders of Bodmayn Rich. Michell-Phillip Da. of of Bodmin died Walt' Kendall sanz issue of Pellyne A * Hercules Michell and Bethseba Sampson mar. 1621. Rich., son of Hercules Michell, George, David, "" "" "" bap. 1635. Truro Par. Reg. "" 1645. "", William Carter and Margery Michell mar. 12 Nov., 1553. St. Col. Maj. Par. Reg. (J. M.) 1 Inq. p. m. 11 Jas., part 3, No. 198. Gilbert died 28 March, 1615; Phillip son and heir. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 143 A | Jane ux' Nicho. Maynard of Mylton Abbott in Com.Devon heire Phill.¹ Michell Bodman Raph 2 now liveinge soe & Gilbert 3 Richard 4 sonne died Joane Ī Phillip Maynard * PHILLIP MICHELL. Mohun. Willms de Mohun cam into England wt w. Conqueror Willms de Mohun Willms de Mohun vocatus Comes Som's. Will Willms de Mohun vocatus Meschines Reginaldus de Mohun Alicia fil. Willmi-Willms Paynell D'ns de Bamp- D'ns de Dunster de Brewer ton Primus Vir. ob. s. p. Willms Mohun Anelina Alicia Gilbertus Isabella Reginaldus de=Hawisia habuit ex dono uxor ob. Basset 1 filia Mohun fun- soror Johis matris Patricij sine maritus Willi2 dator Abbatiæ manoru' de Frisell hered. ob. s. p. Comitis Torry ob. sine herede 1265 Comitis Darbiæ de Newham in Maneria de filij Gal- fridi Prima de Anegos Axmist' 1246 ob. 1257 uxor. ob. 1260 illn Willms Mohun fil. 2 dictus de Mohun Otery ob. 1280 Beatrix filia Reginaldi fil. Petri Sibilla Isabella Reginaldus de Mohun ob. s. p. 1 Et. 19 et amp. 11 Jas. Maria ux. Johis Meriett ob. s. p. Alinora fil. et heres nupta Joh'i filio Nich'i Carew A * John Drake and Johan Michell mar. 28 June, 1601, at Laureath. Phillip Michell, gent., and Blanche Carmenowe mar. at St. Winnow 16 Bp. of Exeter's June, 1625. Transcripts. } Walter Kendall of Lostwithiel inscribed a stone in Bodmin Ch. to the memory of the years, above Blanch, who died 13 Sep., 1673, having survived her husband 15 2 William Ferrers, 144 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Reginaldus Lucia uxor de Mohun Johis Grey ob. s. p. de Codner Joh'es de Mohun-Johanna fil.¹ de Dunstar fil. 1 | Comitis de ob. 7 E. I. A | Alicia nupta Juliana Beauchamp Ferrarijs Soror Isabellæ Basset de Hatch miles et Baro Angliæ de Ilstor Reginaldus de Mohun ob. s. p. Joh'es de Mohun ob. in Gas-Alinora filia conia evocatus ad parliament Reginaldi Aº 28 E. I. 2. Robtus filij Petri 2 3. Jacobus 3 Joh'es de Mohun ob. A° 4 E. III. Ada filia D'ni Pagani Tiptoft Joh'es de Mohun ob. in vita patris sepelitur apud Éboru' Christiana fil. D'ni Johis Segrave ob. 1341 Rob'tus 2 fil. Duxit Elizab. fil. Rogeri occisus p' mali- ciam uxoris suæ 1332 4 Joh'es de Mohun fuit in minori-Johanna ¹ filia etate et custodia avi eius et p' eum venditur p' sex centis mercis Dno. Bartholomeo de Burwash Bartholomei Burwash 1343 Margareta uxor D'ni Johis Carew Alinora uxor D'ni Rad'i de Willington ob. s. P. Elizabetha ob. s. p. Elizab. uxor Willi Montague had issue Willm slaine in his father's life Matild. fil. et her. ux. Johis D'ni Strange Phillippa uxor Edwardi Ducis Eboru' et postea uxor Walteri fitz Walter | | 6. Paganus 8. Patricius 7. Lawrentig 5 9. Henricus Reginaldus 4 filius Duxit Elizab. filiam Johis Fitz Williams militis Baldwin 5 filius Thomas 3 filius ob. s. p. Johannes de Mohun-Johanna fil. St. Aubin Thomas de Mohun fil. et heres Elizab. fil. et hær. Rici Hayre Willms Mohun fil. et hæres Johanna fil. Cavell 1 William, Earl Ferrers. A 2 Afterwards mar. to Sir William Martin, and called da. of William ped., 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 185, which see for further information. 3 Inq. p. m. 4 Edw. III. No. 35. Johes de Mohun ob, 4 Edw. III. grandson, and heir. Fitz-Pierse in Mohun John de Mohun, his 4 Inq. p. m. 6 Hen. IV. No. 33. Elizabeth, Matilda, and Phillipa, her dau'rs and coheirs. 5 From him descended Mohun of Tavistock. See 'Devon, 1620,' p. 185. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 145 | A 1 Willms Mohun fil. Willmi Isabella filia et Coh. Hugonis Courtney 1 Johes de Mohun fil. et hæres Amicia fil. Rici Code - Isabella uxor Joh'is Nicolls 1 ¹ Reginaldus de Mohun fil. et Johanna soror Hugonis Tre- · heres vanian militis Johannes Mohun ob. s. p. Johanna uxor Rosogan Hugh Reginald all ob. Johis fil. et heres2 s. p. Horsey et Johannes hæres Elizab. fil.=Willms Mohun-Anna³ Isabella uxor | | | 2. Jana¹ fil. Marthei Tre- Willmi winward de 3. Anna Ros- cornwall kemmer 4. Honor 5 Willms mohun 5 Thomas mohun Arundell mo- hun ob. s. p. Jane ux. Joh'is Speccot miles Brigett uxor Tho. Arundell militis Willn Willm Mohun 5 2 son mar. Honor da. & Coh. of John Trencreke Maria fil. Hen. Killigrey mil. ux. 1 Reginaldus Mohun 5-Phillippa fil. miles et Baronettus | Johis Heale mar. Dorathy Da. of | 2 uxor. John Chidley 3 wife Edith uxor. Radi Horsey militis Esq. T 1. Nathaniell æt. 24 2. Phillipp ob. Thomas æt. 16 Willms ob. s. p. 1613 Reginald mohun 2 fil. æta. 15, 1620 Ferdinado 3 fil. ætat. 8 Georgius 4 fil. ætat. 7 annoru' Dorothia æt. 16 annoru' 6 Brigett 9 7 Penelope 9 8 Margaret 1 et demid. A * 1 All named in Inq. p. m. Edward Courtney, Earl of Devon, 4 and 5 Phil. and Mary, pt. 2, Nos. 4 and 6. Reginald de Mohun being one of the coheirs, æt. 47 et amp. 3 and 4 Phil. and Mary. 2 Inq. p. m. 30 Elizab., pt. 2, No. 43. Ob. 6 April, 1587. Reginald Mohun, son and heir, æt. 23 et amp. 3 Called Margaret in Mohun ped., ' Devon, 1620,' p. 186. 4 She mar. John Treffry of Foye. See ped., post. 5 All named in Inq. p. m. Sir Will Mohun, note 2. 6 John Nicholls of Trewane, Esq., and Mrs. Bridget Mohun, da. of Sir Reginald Mohun, Kt. and Bart., mar. at Boconnoc 15 April, 1635. 7 Bap. at Boconnock 8 "" 29 Jan., 1608-9. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 27 June, 1619. * Nathaniel, s. of Wm. Mohune, Esq., and Jane, da. of Tho. Trefusis, gent., mar. 29 July, 1624. Tho. Trefusis, s. of Tho. T. the elder, and Mary, da. of Wm. Mohan, Esq., mar. 1626. Tho. Moune and Cunstice Cloke mar. 1673. Willm., son of Tho. Moune and Constes, bap. 1676. ) Barbara Mohun bur. 1677. St. Enoder Par. Reg. Constantine Par. Reg. Tywardreath or St. Sampson's Par. Reg. U 146 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Johannes Mohun fil.—relicta Rogeri et hæres æt. 25 Aston militis ¹ Elizab. nupta Johi Trelani of Trelani in com. Cornwall Joh'es Mohun fil. et hæres æt. 5 2 filiæ * RAYNOLD MOHUN. 1 Bap. 10 Feb., 1593. St. Pinnock Par. Reg. Mevagissey Par. Reg. * Charles, son of John Mohun, Esq., bap. 25 Aug., 1622. Į Philippa, da. 1623.) Warwick Mohun of Boconnock and Anna Addis of Plymouth, spinster, mar. lic. dated 23 Nov.. 1704. Guarvicus Mohun de Luny Armiger et Anna Addis hoc anno etiam nempe Decembris Octavo in Ecclesia Parochiali de Stoke Damerel juxta Plimothia in agro Devoniensi Nuptias inierunt 1704. St. Ewe Par. Reg. Johannis Moone, filius Willmi Moune, Pochiæ Lyskeard, et Joanna Menwynecke were Thos. Moune of Liskeard and Alicia Wood Ann, da. of Cornelius Moone, gent., and Jane, Mary, Beatrice, "1" "" Edw., son of Thos. Mohun, mar. 1540. "; 1562. St. Pinnock bap. 1666. Par. Reg. "" 1667. 1673. "" "" bap. 1617. Thos. Moohun, gent., and Johan Harris mar. at Peter Tavy 1614. Wm. Moore and Frances Mohune Josias Mohune Mr. Thos. Mohun Willm, s. of John and Emma Moone, John, ་ 1617. 1626. 12 Dec., 1644. bap. 1653. 1657. Ambrose Moon and Jane Harding of Fowey mar. 1685. Tavistock Par. Reg. bur. "" St. Veep Par. Reg. Will. Moone bur. 1655. Delia, da. of Will. Mohun, bap. 1667. Warwick, son of Esq. 8 Dec., 1668. Warwick Mohun bur. Ann Mohun John Mohun, Esq. 12 March, 1714. 6 Jan., 1714. 1719. St. Ewe Par. Reg. Warwick Mohun, Esq. 27 Oct., 1733. Rob. Morshead and Mary Moone mar. 1639. Menheniot Par. Reg. Edith, da. of Will. Mohun, gent., bap. 15 Aug., 1566. Will., son of Arundell, 19 Bridget, da. of Mr. Will. Mohun Margt., "" Will., son of Will. Moon, Tho., "" Mohun, Esq. 1 Sep., 1571. ?? 16 Sep., 1575. "" 1579. Fowey Par. Reg. 1608. 1611. 1613. Lanteglos by Fowey Tho. Clark and Pascoe Moone mar. 13 Nov., 1687. John, son of Philip Moone, bap. 1687. Par. Reg. Nicholas, son of Simon Mohoon, bap. 1709. Wendron Par. Reg. Charity, da. of Matthew Moon and Jane his wife, bap. Oct., 1719. St. Blazey Philip, son of Matthew Mohun and Jane his wife, bur. 6 Ap.. 1721.) Par. Reg. (In Bishop's Teignton Par. Reg., Devon, appears a parallel change from Bohun to Boon.) In St. Ewe's Church is a monument with a bust to the memory of William Mohun, Esq., "The last of that Ancient Name and Noble Family," who died 2 Dec., 1737, æt. 32. Margaret, sister and coh. of Reginald Mohun, married Charles Roscarrock of Roscarrock. Vide ped. of Roscarrock, 'Hist. of Trigg, vol. i., p. 562. To all, etc. Sir John Grenville of Stowe, Knt., sends greeting, etc. Know, etc., I, John Grenville, have remised, etc., to the Rt. Hon'ble Warwick, Lord Mohun, Baron of Okehampton, son and heir of John Mohun, dec'd, being in full possession, all my estate, etc., in the Manors of Bodmin and Bocarren, etc., sometime the lands of inheritance of Sir William Bevill, Knt.. Philip Bevill. Esq.. John Bevill, Esq., Sir Bernard Grenvile, Knt., and Sir Bevill Grenvile, Knt., some or one of them, which said premises the said Sir Beville Grenvile, father of me, the said Sir John Grenvile, did sell to John, Lord Mohun, father of the said Warwick, Lord Mohun, etc., etc. Dated 18 Oct.. 1657.-Deed among the muniments at Boconnoc. (J. M.) William Molen & Thomasine Langson mar. 26 Oct., 1607. St. Broward Par. Reg. (J. M.) Johan, the wife of Robert Mohan, was buried 2 Dec., 1582. St. Mabyn Wm. Mohun, Esq., bur. 24 Dec. 1707, at Creed. Archd. Trans. For extensive ped. of Mohun, see Harl. MS. 3288. The Moon family is dispersed about the county, some following the occupation of basket makers. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 147 Molesworth. John Mowlesworth of Helpeston in Com. Northpt. Esq. tempore H. VIII.Ţ John Mowlesworth of Margaret da. of William Westcott of Handsaker in com, Staff. Esq. Helpeston aforesaid sonne & heire William 2 sonne s.p. Mary un- maried. Anthony Moles- worth of fodringay sonne & heire Robt. 2 Bevile 3 4 John Mowlesworth of pencarrow in Com. Cornub. living 1620. his 2 wife Philip da. of Hen.¹ Rolle of Heanton Catherine 1 da. & coheire of John Hendor of Botreaux castle 1 wife Mary 3 Honor 6 Hender Mowlesworth Martha 4 Grace 7 sonne & heir ætat. 23 annoru' 1620. Jane wife to willm Risdon of vileston in Devon Elizabeth wife to John Tredinham Esq. of Cornwall 2Philipp 5 | Philip Risdon sonne & heir atat. 3 Annoru' 1620. Valentyne 2 sonne Grace * p. JO. MOLESWORTH. Morthe. Rich. Murthe of Murthe Isabell Da. of John Andrew in Cornwall of Michellstowe in Cornw. John Murth of Murth Isabell Da. of Jo. Carver of Carver in Cornw. Sist & Coh. of Rich. hir brother John Murth of Murth T John Murth of Murth- Hugh Murth of Murthe Constance Da. of Jo. Kt. of Treganaw A | 1 Called Moris Rolle, 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 244. 2 Bap. at Egloshaile 22 Nov. 1612. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * For memoir and extended pedigree, see History of Trigg Minor,' vol. ii., pp. 463, 472. 148 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | John Murth of Taland in Com. Cornwall Joano Da. & hey. of John Taland of Taland in com. Corn. John Murth of Taland in Com. Cornwall Katherin Da. & cohey. of Tho. Tregosa of Penpole Edward Murth¹ of Penpolle Elizab. Da. of John Trefry in Com. Corn. of Foye in Com. Cornwall John Murth of Taland in Com. Cornwall Esq. Anne Da. & cohey. of Baltizer Butler of Stone in com. Devon Honor Mary Gartred Edward Murth filius et hæres Barnard 2 filius æt. 6 Annorum 1620 æt. 3 menses * JO. MORTHE. Morton. William Morton of Launceston Mawd da. of John Squire Oliver Morton of Margery da. of William Stitheans living Thomas Morton now Maior= of Launceston living 1620 1620 Kendall John Morton sonne & heir ætat. 3 annoru' 1620 Temporance 1 da. Martha 2 OLYVER MORTON. 1 Mr. Edward Murth was buried 27 Jan. 1602, at Anthony in Meneage. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. (J. M.) * Thomas Morthe, gent., bur. 1606. Anthony in Meneage Par. Reg. Ped. fin. Cornwall, Eliz. Edward Morthe, gent., qu. Thomas Vyvyan, gent., def. quarter part of lands in Penpolle-Melyn, Manoid al's Manor Mylls, Carne Greowe. Toba al's Gyllyn Wollas, Trelege Vean, St. Anthony, St. Keverne, and Mannaccan. Edward paid Thomas £40. Pet. to Parl. 12 and 13 Ed. IV. John Vivian of Trelowarren, gent., and Anor his wife, set forth that on the 2nd Aug., 12 Ed. IV., Jas. Gerves, Jno. Mayowe, jun., late of Fowey, Rob. Toker, and o'rs, servants unto Tho. Trethewe, Esq., Coroner of Cornw., "arraied in maner of werre," with bows and arrows, swords, bucklers, etc., did lay await to murder him and his on their way to the Chapel of St. James, Tregours (Tregoney?), on pilgrimage, and maimed Vivian, his wife and son Richard, and murdered "oon John Morthure, gent., nevewe and servaunte" to the said John Vivian. Rot. Parl., vol. vi., p. 54. For continuation of this ped., see Couche's 'Hist. of Polperro,' Lond., 1871. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 149 Moyell. ¹Rich. Moyle of St. Austle in Cornw. Mary² Da. of Lawrence Kendall³ Lowdy uxor Hen. Ashe of Sowton in Devon ་ Rich. Moyle of Austle-Emlin5 Da. of Tho. Vivion of St. liveing 1620 Collomb in Com. Cornwall Davy 2 sonne John sone & hey. atat. 11, 1620 Boli Olive 1 Da. Barbara 2 Mary 3 RCH. MOYELL. 1 Rich. Moyle, gent., bur. 17 Aug., 1589. 1573.} St. Austell Par. Reg. 2 Maria, wife of Rich. Moule, bur. 5 Dec. 1573. 3 By his wife Katherine, niece of Tho. Munday al's Wandsworth, last Prior of Bodmin (see note under Munday). 4 Rich. Moyle, gent., bur. 14 June, 1654. (St. Austle Par. Reg.) Will 1 Nov., 1653, prob. P. C. C. 1 July, 1654. Alchin, 144. Of the p'ish of St. Austell, gentleman, to be bur. near my auncestors in the South Chauncell of the p'ish Ch. of St. Austell. Bequests to poor of said p'ish £100; to poor of St. Mewan, £3; to poor of Mevagizy, £12. To my daughter Olave Trebarfett, £5. (She was relict of Harris of St. Issey, see note p. 90.) Barbara Carlyon, £5. (For her descendants, see 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., "" "" page 319.) ,, my grandchild Richard Harris, £30. ?? ?? "" Barbara Carlyon, £10. (She married Rich. Scobell of Menaguins. See 'Hist. of Trigg.') Richard Moyle, £5. Samuel Moyle, the Manor of St. Austell prior within the p'ish of St. Austell. Jane Moyle, £10; to Ann, Philip, Mary, and Emblen Moyle, each £100. my sister Loveday Ash's two grandsons, £10 each, and her five granddau'rs, legacies. Ric. Moyle of St. Columb Major, £5. John Moyle "" Son David Moyle, Executor. "" £10. (A weaver.) John Vivian of St. Columb Major, Esq., and Walter Moyle of St. Germans, gentleman, to be overseers of the will. 5 Rich. Moyell, gent., and Emblin Vivian, mar. 30 Jan. 1606. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. Emblyn, wife of Rich. Moyle, gent., bur. 21 July, 1648. St. Austell Par. Reg. 6 Both named in the will of Rich. Moyle, note 4. * This ped. is carried four generations earlier in Harl. MS. 1079, commencing with Odo Moyle of Rosgerence, whose grandson John Moyle mar. Agnes, da. of Jno. Vivyan of Chipons. Probably Moyle obtained Rosegrence through an early marriage with Vivyan, for by Ped. fin. 21 Hen. VI. No. 1, Odo Vyvyan and Matilda his wife held Resgerense among other lands. For another short descent of Moyle, see ped. of Jenkyn, ante. Thomas Moyle and Honor Landare, mar. Feb. 1672. } Mary, da. of Posen (? Parson) Moyle and Tamsin, bap. 1638.} St. Winnow Par. Reg. 1615. John, son of Samuel Moyle, gent., and Minister, bap. at Liskeard, 1630. James Moyle and Elizab. Vivian, mar. at St. Columb Major, Jane Moyle, widow, bur. Jno. Moylle and Johan his wife, mar. 5 May, 1555. Rich. Moylle and Johan Barne, Rich. Moyle and Maria Bray, David, son of Rich. Moile, gent., John Moyle, Elizab., da. of Rich. Mule, John, son of David Moyle, Charles, Nich., "" Jno. Moyle, gent., "" 9 Feb., 1634. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 1576. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. 1582. "" 22 "" bap. 23 April, 1620. bur. 1 Feb., 1566. 9 Aug., 1572. 1654. 1662. St. Austell Par. Reg. 10 June, 1664. 16 Dec., 1670. 99 24 Aug., 1672. "1 5 May, 1672. [Note continued on following page. Joseph, son of David Moyle, gent., David Moyle, gent., 150 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Moyle. Edw. Tredinick Lo. of Tredinick in Com. Cornwall T Rob'tus Moyle Sanz date Christian uxor Adam de Bath Rog. Tredinick (Back?) 10 Ed. III.- T Alice ux Rich. Hallacombe Reginald Moyle Thomas Thomas Richard Т T T Roger Moyle 29 Ed. I. 구 ​John Т Alice ux. Tho. Windsor T William Moyle 1 Ed. III. Willm Bake Richard Agnes uxor Rich. Fortescue нет Isabell uxr John Ritt John Т ¹John Moyle-da. & heir of Pafford 1 sonne Roger Moyle 2—Johanna filia sonn to Willmet heres uxr Moyle John Moyle-Elinor da. & coheir of Willm Tirrell John Moyle of Bake Nicholas ㅜ ​John sanz issue Richard Agnes Da. & hey. of Rich. Fortescue of Hollocombe Johana ux. wife • Edw. Burn- to Keate bury saw • wife Margaret wife to Trega- to Kelley of Rich. Moyle-Eliza. da. of of Bake in willm fortescue Southweek A Cornwall of preston in com. Devon (Note continued.) Ann, da. of Rich. Moyle, gent., bur. Mary Moyle, widow, 1683. 1685. Rich., son of Rich. Moile, gent., " Emlin, da, of Mrs. Alice Moyle, 23 May, 1686. 1687. 1714. St. Austell Par. Reg. "" } Frances, da. of Samuel Moyle, Vicar, and Hester, ux., bap. 1689. St. Merryn Walter, son of Mr. Samuel Moyle, clerk, deceased, Elizb., da. of David Moil, bap. 1695. Gulval Par. Reg. Rich. Moyle and Martha John, mar. Feb. 1609. ;" 1690. Par. Reg. Daniel Moyle and Anne Pike, Oct. 1674. Lansalloes Par. Reg. Ann, da. of Mr. Samuel Moyle and Dorothy, bap. 1673. David, son of Ann, da. of David, son of Samuel, " 1679. bur. 1676. "" Dorothy, wife of "" Mr. Samuel Moyle, "" 1679. Truro Par. Reg. 1681. 1687. bur. 25 Jan. 1717. Martayn Moile and Ellenor John, mar. 1681. Richard Moile and Willm. Perrow, "; 1687. Gwennap Par. Reg. George Moile and Susan Perrow, 1689. "" 1 Ped. fin. Cornwall 41 Edward III. No. 4. Int. John Moil and Matilda his wife qu. Ralph Padreda of Lostwithiel and Matilda his wife def. Lands in Polscoth, &c. Moil paid 100 silver marcs. Ped, fin. Cornwall 5 Rich. II. No. 11. Int. Stephen Bony qu. John Moyle de Bodmalgan, Junior, and Johanna his wife, def. Bodmyn, Lostwythiel, Bonathalek, etc. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 151 Willm. 3 sonne ob. sine p❜le Robt. 1 sone ob. sine p'le ¹John Moyle-Anne Da. of 2 sone & heire | Tho. St. Tavy¹ A | Jone ux. Tho. Kendall of Treworgey 2Robt. Moyle sone & heire-Anne Da. of Hen. Lock of Bake in Cornwall of Acton in Midd. 3 John Moyle of Bake in Cornw. liveing 1620 John sonne & heire atat. 6, 1620 Admonition da. of Edm. Predieux of Netherton in Devon Esq. Anthonie 2 sonne Anne 1 Bridgett 2 * JOHN MOYLE. 4Thomas Munday Prior of Bodmin temp. Hen. VIII. Munday. Munday John Munday who being a younger brother of the family of Munday in the County of Derby cam into Cornwall about 80 yeares since & lived at Rialton, who cam through the meanes of his Brother Tho. Prior of Bodmin Joan Da. of J... Man of.... A 1 Ob. 28 Sept. 28 Elizb. Inq. p. m. 30 Elizb., pt. 2, No. 70. Rob. Moyle, son and heir. (His wife was a da. of St. Aubyn.) 2 Æt. 30, 30 Elizb. The ped., Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 196, gives him two bros., Geo. and Will., and three sisters, Joane, Elizabeth, and Ann, wife of John Prideaux. 3 John Moyle of St. Germans, ar., and Admonition Prideaux, da. of Edmond Prideaux of Farway. Mar. lic. 1 Sept. 1612. * Admonition, da. of Nathaniel Moyle, Esq., bap. 29 July, 1670; bur. 1672. John, son of Nathaniel, "" "" 1673. 99 27 Aug. 1672. Egloshayle Par. Reg. 1702. Ruan Minor Par. Reg. Mrs. Sarah, wife of Nathaniel Moyle, gent. bur. Tho., son of Tho. and Dorothy Moyle, bap. 1672. Tho.. and Priscilla Moyle, 1693.) Francis, son of Charles Tredenecke, Esq., Wm. Godolphin and Jane Tredeneck, Warren Williams and Constantia Tredinnick, Nicholas Tredinick, gent., and Francisca Brabin, John Carter, gent., and Maria Moyle, John Tredennick, gen., and Alicia Randall, bap. 20 Nov. 1565. mar. Oct. 1571. " "" "" 1606. 1616. 1616-17. 1626. St. Breock. Par. Reg. Ped. fin. Cornw. 33 Edw. III, No. 3. Int. Radulphus de Tredynek and Amiciam, ux. eius qu. Ric'um Baldewyne Capellanus, def. Lands in Carnewynek Wartha and Trenaek settled on Ralph and Amicia, and their heirs. 4 Tho. Mundye al's Wansworth, will dat. 17 Feb. 1548; P. P. C. 16 Feb. 1554, More 19, men- tions intended marriage between his nephew Will. Mundy and Elizb. da. of Humphry Prideaux, "when and as soon as she came to lawfull age according as I certified the King's Councill by my writing what time I was judged to dye." Also mentions his nephew Lawrence Kendall, and Katherin Kendall his wife. 152 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Roger Munday Willm Munday son & 2 son de Rialton hey. of John of Rialton T Robt. Katherin mar. to Munday Marose Tredinick of Brege 1John Munday de Rialton, Anne Da. of Tho. Mayowe 2 wife Emelyn Da. & Coh. of Willm Wey of Lestithell in Com. Cornwall A | Katherin Da. of Wil- Richard munday cock de Com. Cornwall 3 fil. de Rialton to Joane mar. Ric. Tregolse of Tregolse John 3 fil. ætat. 20 Anne Richard 4 ætat. 21 fil. æt. 18 secus 3 Dulsabolla 1 Mary 2 Barbara Da. of John Willm. Roope of Little Dart- 2 fil. mouth in Com. Devon ætat. 30 John Munday 2 Ambrose æt. 9 4 Anthonie 7 fil. primogeni- 2 Dorothy tus ætat. 12 6 Beniamin 3 3 Thomas æt. 8 5 Willm 6 7 Frances 3 menses * B Thomas Munday de Rialton in Com. Cornwa. 1 John Munday of Rialton, Cornw., gent. (collated wills Exeter), to be bur. in Ch. of St. Columb the Lower. To eldest son Tho. M. Ryalton and Peterwthk in Bailiwick of Hund. of Pider, lands in Porthvean and Perin; to son Will. M., £100, and tent. of Penrose and part of Manor of Ryalton; to dau's. Dorothy, Carthart, Loveday, Philippa, Margery, and Emilin the youngest, each £100; to Anne my now wife, 200 marks. Tho. M., the son, ex'or. Overseers, Walter Kendall, Esq., Hen. Courteney, Esq., Jno. Courtis, and Ric. Crossman. 2 Bap. at St. Columb Minor, 5 Jan., 1609-10. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * John Munday, gent., and Anne Mayow, da. of Mr. Thos. Mayow of Trey, mar. 2 Jan., 1596. Menheniot Par. Reg. Anthony Munday of Penryn, gent., and Anna Boyle of St. Wenn. Mar. lic. dated 15 Nov., 1614. Anthony Munday bur. 1677. St. John's Par. Reg. Nan, wife of John Munday, gent., bur. 9 Jan., 1614. John Munday, gent., "" Tywardreath Par. Reg. Jane, da. of Mr. Edw. Munday, gent., bap. 1620. Madron Par. Reg. Will., son of Hugh Munday, bur. 11 Dec., 1598, at St. Ewe. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Mary, da. of Nich. Munday, gent., and Mary, bap. 1658. Nich. Munday of Mawnan, gent., son of Thos. Munday, dec'd, and Mary, da. of Sam. Trefusis of Constantine, gent., were mar. 9 Nov., 1657. (Also in Constantine Par. Reg.) Mawnan Par. Reg. Sam. Pentire, son of Rich. Pentire of the Boro' of Tregoney, gent., and Julian Munday, da. of Thos. Munday, gent., were mar. 13 April, 1670. Will., son of Will. Munday and Temperance his wife, bap. 2 Mar. 1645. Mullion Par. Reg. Thos. Munday and Florence John of Mullion, mar. 1719. Ruan Major Par. Reg. Elizb., da, of Will. Mundaye, Malachi, son of Henry, Will., Thos., " "" Will. Munday, Mariner, bap. 1575. 1590. "" 19 1592. Fowey Par. Reg. 1596. " 1703. Will., son of Hugh Munday, bur. Dec. 11, 1589. Cuby Par. Reg. Jane, da. of bap. 1608, at Cuby. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Deed, date omitted, settlement by Robt. Keste of St. Neott, yeoman, on his son and heir, George Keste, who married Joan, da. of Robt. Munday of Penryn, merchant. Harl. MS. 6243, fo. 37. Lawrence Kendall married Katherine, dau. of John Munday, and nicce of the Prior, who settled on them certain Priory lands. Observe the recurrence of the names Lawrence Kendall with that of Munday in Meneage; see notes under Kendall. William, son of Humphrey Prideaux, married Johanna, another da. of John Mundy. Aug- mentation, Hill. 34 Hen. VIII. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 153 | 1 ¹ Dorothy mar. to Francis Rawle of St. Gilt Cornw. Gartrud. mar. to John Ede of Bodmin Lowday mar. to Rich. Kensham of St. Keverne B | 2Phillip mar. to || Margerie 5 John Martin of St. Erven Cornw. Emlin 6 * THO. MUNDAY. Nankevell alias Tippett. Nankevill of Collomb Maior or St. Wenn. Tipett Nankevill of Collomb Maior in Cornwall- John Nankevill of Collomb Maior Jenkin Nankevill of Collomb Maior Marke Nankevill of Collomb Maior Rich. Nankevill of St. Wenn in Com. Cornwall Mary Da. of John Gaveregan A | 1 Francis Rawle and Dorothy Munday, 2 John Martyn, gent., and Phillip Munday, * John Turnavyne and Honour Mundaye, Thomas Munday of Ryalton, gent., and Gillian Carnsewe, gent., John Ugler and Rebecca Munday, Nicholas Langmaid of East Allington, Devon, gent., and Mary Mundaye of Ryalton, dau. of Thomas Munday, gent., Robert Munday and Jane Roberts, Thomas Munday, gent., and Margaret Cooke, Ambrose Munday, gent., and Elizabeth Carne, John Andrew, gent., and Mrs. Julian Munday, William Pitts and Dunsabella Munday, Lawrence Michell and Elizabeth Munday, Nicholas, son of Thomas Munday, gent., Emlyn, dau. of "" Roger Carne and Dorothy Munday, Thomas Crossman and Emlin Munday,(*) mar. 29 Oct. 1605. 20 Nov. 1607. "; 22 Oct. 1622. 99 4 Feb. 1625. "" 4 Feb. 1627. "" 29 April, 1633. 7 Nov. 1637. "" "" 1 Feb. 1639-40. 1 June, 1640. 6 Feb. 1642. 11 Ap. 1687. 19 Aug. 1690. bap. 1 May, 1622. "" 2 Oct. 1633. mar. 22 Sept. 1634. St. Columb Minor (J. M.) Par. Regs. 20 Nov. 1621. Bodmin. An, dau. of John Munday, gent., bap. 3 Oct. 1636. Fowey Par. Reg. William Munday of St. Columb the lower. Will dated 29 Nov., 1650, names Brother Carnes, eldest daughter, and his younger children; brother Ambrose Munday's daughters; brother Long- man's children; John Munday and Thomas Munday, sons of his brother Thomas; Ann, dau. to John Munday, his exor; his father Thomas Munday (dec'd); Magdalen, daughter of John Munday; brother John Munday, Exr. Appoints his uncle John Munday of Tretharas, brother Ambrose Munday, and Roger Carne, Overseers. Probate 29 Nov. 1650. (Pembroke 181.) (J. M.) (*) See Ped. of Crossman, Hist. of Trigg Minor,' vol. i., p. 298; see also notice of Munday family in the same work, p. 309, " X 154 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | 3 Willm. | 2 Marke ma. .. da. of Dagge of St. Earth in Corn. 1 A | John Nankevill al's Tipott of Kath' Da. of Hum- St. Wenn liveinge 1620 phrey Arscott Rich. sone and hey. atat. 13 Joane 1 Da. at. 18 Katherin 2 Da. atat. 16 JOHN NANKEVELL Al's TIPPETT. | 3 Edward Nanspian. John Nanspyan Joane Da. & hey. of Tho. Tregose Elizab. ux. ob. s.p. Walter Anyon | 1 James Nanspyan Grace Da. of Garlyn in com. of John Cornwall Penrose | 2 Hen. Nanspyan-Margt Da.of of Crowen in Com. Cornwall Rich. Roberts of Truro 2Catherine ux. Michell Vivion of Phillick in com, corn. Zenobia ux. Rich. Prediux of Gur- land in Cornwall Cheston ob. sine p❜le Wilmot mar. to Rich. Mathew 2 to Walter Langdon of Keverl in St. Martines in com. cornwall A ¹ Mar. Phillip, da. of Dagg. The names of their children are given in Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 156. * Mr. John Tippett and Florence Killowe were mar. at St. Wen 22 June, 1609. Bp. of Exe- ter's Transcripts. Ursula, da. of James Nankevell, Thomas, son of John Nanskevell, John Vyncent and Johan Nanskevell, Richard Nanskevell and Agnes Hamblie, John Nankevell and Elizabeth Howse, Thomas Nankevell and Wilmot his wife, Ursula, dau. of James Nanskavell, Harry, son of James Nanscavell, Johan Nankevell, Catherine, dau. of Umfry Nankevell, Umfry Nankevell, Elizabeth Nankevell, widow, John, son of John Nankevell, Thomas Nankevell, John Nankevell, bap. March 23, 1540. "" 1548. mar. Nov. 29, 1551. Oct. "" "" 4, 1555. 1577. 1582. 99 St. Columb Major Par. Reg. (J. M.) bur. April 15, 1540. ܕܕ July 24, 1543. April 10, 1578. "" Aug. 24, 1582. May 9, 1586. June 1, April 8, 1587. "" Aug. 13, June 17, 1590. George Tooker (of Minster) and Dorothy Nankivell, mar. 26 Sept., 1677. Michaelstow Par. Reg. (J. M.) 2 Mr. Michael Vivian and Kath. Nanspian, one of the dau.'s of James Nanspian, Esq., mar. 14 Oct., 1603. St. Erth Par. Reg. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 155 A | Edwa. 3 son 1 Zeno- 2 Honnor John Nanspyan of Crowell bia fil. et heres to his Brother Agnes Da. of John Trithwal of Crowen John Nanspian filius et heres æt. 2 Prudence a Da. æt. 6 weekes JOHN NANSPIAN. *The Ped. of Nanspian is carried back in Harl. 1079, thus- Wm. Tregender. Joan, da. and h. of Tho. Gourlyn. Wm. Tregender.= T Wm. Tregender. Joane, d. and h. of Wm. Godrewy. Ric. Nanspian Cheston d. and h. of John Polsulsack. Wm. Tregender.T Henry Nanspian. Joan, da. of Wm. Tregender. John Nanspian. Joan, d. and coh. of Tho. Tregose. Edw. 1 James-Grace, da. of 3. John Penrise of Methlowe. Anne wife to John Tubb. Agnes (? mar. Michael Tre- Elizb. m. Walter sahar.) Lanyon. 2 Henry-Margt. da. of of Cro- wan. Ric. Nanspian and Johanna Jenkyn mar. 1603. Wendron Par. Reg. John, son of John Nanspian, gent., "" "" Rich. Roberts of Truro. bap. and bur. 1614, at Crowan.) Bp. of Exeter's 1619, Transcripts. St. Enoder Par. Reg. Ric. and Anne, Florence, da. of John Nanspian, bap. 1573. Richard, son of 1574. "" ?? Ind're tripartite ... year of K. James, betw. Zenobia Prideaux, wid. of Ric. P., late of Gurlyn, of the first part; Michael Vyvyan of Mid. Temp. Lond., Esq., and Kath. his wife, second part; and Tho. Robyns of Penryn, gent., and James Tresahar of Gurlyn, gent., third part. Zenobia Prideaux, Michael Vyvyan, and wife, covenant that they will acknowledge and levy unto Robyns and Tresahar all their property by right of inheritance from James Nanspyan, Esq., Zenobia and Katherine being two of his dau.'s and coheirs. Recites the various manors and lands of Nanspian. Harl. 6243, fo. 19. Ped. fin. 17 James, Hill. Cornw. Carried out the above covenant. See 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. ii., pp. 204, 224. Sciant p'sent et fut' q'd ego Martius Nanspyan Capell. frat et heres Reginaldi Nanspyan dedi concessi etc. Johi Tretherff armigero om'ia mea terr ten. etc. in Tendeyll, Treloddrow, Tregonowe, etc. Dom. Deed. Chapt. Ho. 8 Aug. 6 Hen. VII. Chan. B and A, James I. Bund. U. 3, No. 70. Vyvian v. Nanspian. Michael Vivian of Mid. Temp., gent., orator. Whereas James Nanspean of Gurlyn, co. Cornw., Esq., was seised in his demesne as of fee of the Manors and Bartons of Gurlyn, Tregender, Penpons, Gurlyn Rebah, Mellyn, Gurlyn Lountha al's St. Earthe Ch. Town, etc., etc. (a long list), in co. Cornw., "worth to be bought and sold at least £6000," and having issue four daughters, viz., Willmot, Cheston, Katherin (wife of Orator), and Zenobia. With forethought said James N. settled his lands on self and his wife Grace for life, rem. to his four daughters, of whom Chester is dead s. p. Wm. Mathew of St. Kew, Cornw., gent., about nine years last past, took to wife said Willmott the eldest da., and shortly after Ric. Prideaux, Esq., took to wife Zenobia the youngest da., and yo. Orator Michael Vivian did, with consent and liking of said James N. and Grace his wife, take to wife the said Katherine. The said Ric. Prideaux was indebted to Humfry Yorke, gentleman, and John Carvaddres in the sum of £400, and his goods were taken in execution, and your Orator at earnest request of said Ric. P., did sell to Humph. Yorke one third part of an estate called Pulsack [Note continued on next page. M 156 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. ARMS. Sa. a Pheon Arg. CREST. A Cornish chough proper. Nicoll. 1 Humph. Nicholl of Penvos in Jane 2 Da. of Rich. Com. Cornwall gent. Roscarock Humph. Nicholl of Penvos in Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Phillip Da. of Sr Antho. Rowse Kt. A (Note continued.) on three lives, and did procure Mathew and Willmott and James Nanspian and Grace to likewise sell their interest, etc. From the answers, we learn that Cheston died s. p. ; that James Nanspian was indebted some moneys, partly on his own account, and partly as surety; was arrested by the Sheriff of Cornw. and imprisoned in her late Majesty's prison in Bodmin; that James Nanspian leased Gurlyn to William, son of Rich. Prideaux and Zenobia; and the said daughter Katherine Nanspian married Michael V. out of affection, and against the will of her parents. Taken at Mawnan 2 June, 4 James. ¹ He had two daughters,—Isabell, mar. to Robert Scawen (see ped., post), and Phillipa, mar. to Nicholas Godolphin of Trewarveneth (see ped., ante). 2 Widow of William Tremayne of Upcott. See ped. of Roscarrock. * Margt., da. of Herculaus Nicoll, bap. at Gwennap, 1614. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. John Nicholas of Sendy and Jane, da. of Steven Rosewarne, mar. 27 May, 1547. Cam- borne Par. Reg. Ped. fin. Cornwall 19 Rich. II. No. 4. John Nicol qu. John Hogge of Bodrennek and Mabilla his wife, da. of John Nichol, def. Bodrennek. Ped. fin. 29 Cha. II. Mic. Cornw. Anty. Nicoll gen. qu. Jno. Vivian ar. and o'rs in Gor- wena in Cornw. in Scobell et al. Devon. John Nicoll, gent., and Mrs. Anne Russell, widow, mar. 1 July, 1656. Captain John Nicoll Mrs. Bridgett Nicoll Edward Lower and Mary Nicoll Robert Scawen, gen., and Isabell Nichol Humphry Nicoll, Esq., and Phillip Rouse married at St. Dominick John Prideaux and Abigail Nicolls John Sillye, Esq., and Philip Nicoll John Nicholl, gen., and Honour Moyse, widow Richard Sillye, gent., and Ann Nicoll, gent. bur. 2 Sept., 1685. " 20 Nov., 1696. mar. 22 April, 1594. 29 Richard Archard, gent., and Dorothy Nicolls, gent., ., Thomas Turner of Exeter, merchant, and Ann dau. of Humphry Nicholl, Esq., dec'd Anthony, son of Humphry Nicoll, Esq., Dorothy, dau. "? 3 Feb., 1599. May, 1604. 20 Sept., 1610. 4 Jany., 1639. 1640. 25 Jany., 1649. 24 May, 1656. St. Maben Par. Reg. "" 18 May, 1704. natus bap. 14 Nov., 1611. (J. M.) 1613. St. Tudy 1614. Par. Reg. 1615. Jane, "" Elizabeth, "} Richard, son of Augustine,,, "" "" "" (nat. 26 Feb.) March, 1619. and Phillippa his wife nat. 20 June, 1622. Bridget, dau. of Hump. Nicoll, Esq., and Phillippa 1624. Degorie? son of "" Anthony, son of Anthony Nicoll, Esq., John, Peter, Anthony, Anthony, " 22 March, 1627-8. 1649. Anthony Nicoll, gen., 1651. "" Anthony Nicoll, Esq., and Amy, born 3 Sep., 1654. "" Anthony Nicoll, Esq., and Amy, born 7 Jany., 1656. "" Hump. Nicoll, Esq., and Rebecca, 1678. baptized in London 10 Dec. and born the same day he was baptized. Humphry, son of Humphry Nicoll of Tremeere, Esq., born 18 March, 1680. This pedigree is carried back five generations, to John Nicholls of the Isle of Guernsey. Harl, MS. 1079, fo. 91. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 157 A | Humph. 2 Rich. 4 Anne 2 Antho. sone & hey. at. 9 John 3 Phillip 1 Dori- Ame¹ da. of Peter Jane 4 Elizzb. 5 Speckett of Thorn- bury in Com. Devon Amey 6 thy 3 Esq. Humphrey 1 Peter 2 Anthony 3 * HUMFRYE NICOLL. Nicholls. 2 John Nicholls of Trewane in the p'ish of St Kew in Cornwall John Nicholls--Catheryn da. of John Trobridge of Trewane of Trobridg in Com. Devon A 1 Amy, afterwards mar. to John Vivian of Trewan at St. Tudy, 4 May, 1671, as Amy Nichols (Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts), and registered at Heralds' Coll. as dau. of Peter Specot. * John Nicoll, son of Humphrey Nicoll, born and bap. 1 March, 1681. Rebeccah, da. of Humphry Nicoll and Rebeckah, born 19 Sep., 1685. Mary, Philippa, Joseph, son of "" "" Mary, da. of Humphry Nicolls Amath, "" "" Benjamin, son of Humph. Nicoll, Esq., by Rebecca, "" 2 Aug., 1687. 28 Jan., 1688. 1694. " 28 July, 1615. Nov., 1618. Bridget, da. Isabell, da. Jane, da. Mrs. Jone Nicolls Mathew Nicoll, clerk, " " 15 Sept., 1696. 1 July, 1698. bur. 1570. 1607. died 7 May, bur. 27th, 1615. 1625. St. Tudy " 1642. Par. Reg. 1646. (J. M.) 1649. 1652. Humphry Nicoll of Penvosc, Esq. Richard, son of Humphry Nicoll, Esq., of Penvose Anthony, son of Anthony Nicoll, Esq. John, The Worshipful Anthony Nicoll of Penvose, Esq., dyed Feby. 20 in the Savoye parish in London and was bur. 22 in the Savoye Phillippa Nicholl, widow, who died at Helligan in St. Mabyn and buried at St. Tudy .. son of Humphry Nicoll, Esq. Dorothy, da. of Humphry Nicolls, Esq., Bridget, da. 1658. 1668. bur. 1679. "" 25 Jany., 1609. 14 Aug., 1698. Will of Anthony Nicoll of Penvose, dated 13 Feby., 1658, names his mother Phillip, wife Anne, sons Peter, Anthony, eldest son Humphry, brother John Nicoll, cousin John Barrett. Probate to John Nicoll, uncle and guardian of Humphry Nicoll during mino- rity, 7 October, 1662. Inq. p. m. 43 Elizab., pt. 1, Nos. 148 and 155. Humphry Nicoll, late of Penvos, died 27 Dec., 40 Elizab. Humphry Nicoll, son and heir, aged 20 years, 21 weeks, and 5 days, and no more, at his father's death. The additions in italic are in the hand of Parker. ? His da. Thomasin mar. Geo. Carnsewe of St. Kew. See ped., ante. 158 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Thomas 4 Nicho. 5 | A John Nicholls of Trewane-Eliza. da. of Edmond for- living 1620 tescue of Vallepit John sonne & heire æt. 7 annoru' 1620 francis 2 sonne Sibill 1 Grace 2 Mary 3 Roger Nicholls-Sibell da. of John 2 sonne. Robert Nicholls-Constance da. of Hugh Pomeroy of Trigney Killiow of Lansallers 3 sonne JOHN NICHOLLS. Noye. Willm Noy of Burryan-Phillip Da. of Lenyne of in com. Cornwall Gwynier in Com. Corn. 1 Edward filius et heres 2 Willm Noy of Buryan 3 filius=Sara2 Da. of Humpfry æt. 56 living 1620 York of Fellick John 2 filius Anne 2 Da. æt. 2 Humphry Noy filius et heres æt. 11 3 Phillip 2 sonne Joseph 3 æt. 8 t son æt. 4 WILLIA. NOYE. 4 Barbara 1 Da. æt. 6 * For memoir of the family of Nicholls of Trewane and exhaustive pedigree, see History of Trigg,' vol. ii., pp. 164, 166. Ped. fin. Cornwall 18 Rich. II. No. 1. John, son of Rich. Nicholl of Lostwithiel qu. John Hora and Johana his wife def. Lostwithiel, Bryggend, and Nether Polscoth. Ped. fin. Cornwall 8 Hen. VI. No. 2. John Nicoll of Bodmin qu. Thos. Lycheborowe and Johana his wife def. Trenale. Tregearchapell, Drannek. Ped. fin. Cornwall 17 Hen. VI. No. 10. Oto Nicoll and Jno. Colyn of Hellond qu. Jno. Lukey of Wadefast and Johane his wife def. Tregagelwales and Tregagelwortha. James Nicolls, gent., and Dionis Erisey mar. 27 Nov., 1683. St. Neott's Par. Reg. John Nicolls of Trewane, Esq., and Mrs. Bridget Mohun, da. of Sir Reginald Mohun, Kt. and Bart., were mar. 15 April, 1635, at Boconnoc. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Thos. Nicolls and Annys Robert Tubb and Jane Nicholls were mar. 1 July, 1565. 20 Sept., 1565. St. Ewe Par. Reg. Charles Williams, Esq., of St. Twin (Wenn) and Jane Nicholls of Gulval, mar. 27 Feb., 1676-7. Gulval Par. Reg. 1 Father of Wm. Noye, the Attorney-General under Chas. I. See Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 113 b. 2 Win. Noy, gent., and Sarah, da. of Humphry York, gent., mar. 26 Nov., 1606.) Phillack and 3 Philip, son of Will. Noy, gent., 4 Barbara, da. of Will. Noy, generosus, † Edward, son of Edward Noie, bap. 1612. Gwithian 21 Aug., 1608.) Par. Reg. bap. at Paul 9 May, 1619. ": bur. 16 Jan., 1619-20. 17 Jan., 1619–20. ( Bp. of Exeter's Henry, Robert, Martin Werter 19 "" Jone, wife of John Ann, da. of Werter " 19 Mary, da. of Edward Noy, gent., bur. at Mawgan in Pider "" 9 June, 1619. 10 Nov., 1619. 1612. Transcripts. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 159 : Opy. ¹Nicholas Opy de Badman-2 Ebit Da. and hey. of Willm. Heydon 3 Thomas Opy de Bodman in Com. Cornwall Alicia 2 fil. et Coh. Willm. Way de Lestwithiell in Cornwall (Note continued.) A Will. Harris, gen., and Philippa Noy mar. 4 June, 1625. bur. Gulval Par. Reg. 1634. S John Noy, generosus, Esct. Eliz. Ja. and Chas. pt. 21, No. 41. Inq. p. m. taken 27 May, 11 Cha., at Truro, John Noy, Esq., ob. 29 Ap. 10 Chas., lands in Sancreed, Zennor, Paul, St. Ives, Ludgvan, and in Buryan Ch. Town, which latter he held of Edw. Noy, Esq., as of his Manor of Buryan. Philippa, wife of William Harris, sole da. & heir, aged 21 years and 10 months at father's death. bap. at St. Paul Ric., son of Daniel Noie, 1635. Bp. of Exeter's Mary, da. of Edw. Noy, gentleman, bur. at Maugan in Pider 1612.) Transcripts. Adrodata, da. of John Noye, Esq., bap. 1629. Edw. Noye, Esq. and Ane Bluett mar. 28 June, 1617. St. Columb Minor Par. Reg. Philip, wife of Edw. Noye Will., s. of Sampson Noy, bur. 1697. bap. 13 Oct., 1611.` Tho., s. of Will. Noy, 1646. William Noy and Margaret Sampson Noy and Anne mar. 1596. 1601. "" Ralph Noy and Margaret 1604. "" Madron Par. Reg. Walter Noy and Margaret 1645. 99 James Noy and Jane 1649. Arthur Noy and Alice 1647. ,, "" 1652. Will. Noy and Margaret Edward and Blanche Noy bur. at Paul in Penwith 1668. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Mar. lic. dated 1682 between Henry Drake of Barnstaple and Anna Noye, of the City of Exeter, widow. John Jenkyn of Penpons Alverton (Maddern), in his will, 14 Sept. 2 Jas. I., P. P. C., names Richard and Philip, sons of William Noye of Talcarn, his son-in-law. Philip Noie and Honor Crudge 28 May, 1613. Breage Par. Reg. 29 April, 1616. j 6 June, 1631. Constantine Par. Reg, 14 July, 1631. mar. Edm'd Noye and Blanche Code Michael Noy and Parker Harry "" 2 April, 1627. Thos. Noy and Rachel Peard "" Will., son of Thos. Noy by Rachel, bap. Martha, dau. of Elizabeth, dau. of Edward, son of Edward Noy by Elizab., bap. 18 June, 1649. "" "" "? 19 Mar., 1654. bur. 16 Apl., 1656. Padstow Par. Reg. (J. M.) Will of Edward Noye of Maugan in Pyder. gent., dated 25 Oct., 1621, names wife Jane, sons Thomas, Edward, John, Philip, William (eldest), daughter Jane Penkevell. Wife Jane and son Edward ex'rs. Prob. 27 July, 1622. Saville 65. Humphry Noy was included in the Commission of Array for the King, and his estates were sequestrated by the Parliament. In his petition, dated in 1646, he prayed to be admitted to compound, and sets out the particulars of his estate, claiming an allowance of £1500 due on mortgage of the Manor of Lanowemere, etc., and annuities of £60 given by the will of his brother Edward Noy, dated 16 March, 1635, proved 7 April, 1636, which is fully set out. He was fined at a tenth under the Articles of Truro, 6 Feby., 1646.-Royalist Comp. Papers, 2nd Series, vol. xxxvi, ff. 253–280. (J. M.) 1 Inq. p. m. 8 Elizab. No. 177. Thomas Opye died at Bodmin 19 Jan. 1565. Nicholas, son and heir, aged 46 and more. 2 Bur. 1576. Bodmin Par. Reg. • Chan. Pro. Eliz. O. o. 2, No. 36, 1579. Opye v. Kestell. Names Thomas Opye of Bodmin, with Radigan and Patience, daughters of his late brother Nicholas, whose wife Honor (daughter of Thos. Bligh of Bodmin) was married to William Kestell. 4 Mar, to Thos. Opie 9 Sept. 1566. Bodmin Par. Reg. 160 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | ¹Nicholas 2 fil. de Plimouth in Com. Devon Duxit Jana fil. Johis Waade² of Herston in Devon= Thomas fil. Edward primogenit. 4 fil. ob. s. p. Eliza. mar. to Patrick Jen- kin of Lanivet in com. corn- wall Mary mar. Ric. Pierse 3 son of Wm Pierse Thomas sonne and heir ætat. 14 annoru' 1620. Nicholas 2 Edward 3 Emelin 2 filia un- maried | | T Will'ms Opy de-Maria filia Johis Penborgard in Courtier de Devon Com. Cornw. 1 Maria 14 4 Felip 6 2 Elizab. 13 5 Grace 2 3 Jana 12 6 Emmalin 1 Thomas Opy fil. primo- genit. ætat. 22, 1620 Will Tho. 3 fil. de London in Bread Street, Linendrap' mar. Da. of Palm London Will❜ms 2 fil. æt. 21 .. 3 John æt. 20 5 Edward 10 4 Nicholas 18 6 Richard 4 Oughe. WILLM OPY. Willm Oughe of St. Margt Da. of Wm Samwell of Cleare in Cornwall Restormell in Cornwall Christ' Oughe of St. Cleare-Prisilla Da. of Tho. Woodnott of in Cornwall liveing 1620 Linkinghorne in Com. Cornwall Theophilus sone and heyre at. 10, 1620 Bridget at. 8, 1620 CHRISTOP. OUGHE. 1 Sarah, da. of Nicholas Opie of Plymouth, mar. Christopher Warren of London. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' pp. 300 and 354. 2 Woode. Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 314. * Chan. Pro. Eliz. O. o. 3, No. 15. Thomas Opye v. Otes Trelother. To recover deed and possession of Manor called Parke in Bodmin and Egloshaile. John Opie, gent., and Margaret Hole, mar. 1660. Egloshayle Par. Reg. William Opie of Boconnoc, gent., and Anne Stuart. Mar. lic. dated 1670. Phillip, da. of Robert Opey of Cornwall, mar. Hugh Luttrell of Marshwood, co. Somerset. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 175. Thos., son of 'Thos. Opie, gent., bap. 1568. Emline, da. of William, son of Nicholas, Thos., "" Edward, "" "" 1570. 1572. 1574. Bodmin Par. Reg. 1575. 1577. For a particular account of the family of Opie, with extended pedigree of Opie of Bodmin and Penhargard, and Pedigree of Opie of Parke, see Hist. Trigg,' vol. ii., pp. 47-55, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 161 Parker. Rob'tus Parker de Brousholm in Elizab. filia Georgij Chaterton de Bolland in Com. Eboru' Nuthurst in Com. Lancast. Thomas Parker fil. primogenitus de Brusholm in Com. Eboru' Willms Parker de Blis-Johanna filia land in Com. Cornwall et Archidiaconus de Cornwall 3 fil. Rogerus Parker Pan- chard de Com. Wiltes 2 fil. Decanus de Lincolne Jacobus Parker filius et hæres ætatis 30 annoru' Katherin filia Rici Buller de Com. Cornub. Militis Willms Parker 2 filius ætat. 28 de Academia Cantab. Katherina filia maxima etat. 2 annoru' temporere visitacois 1620 Alicia filia 2 ætatis dimidiu' anni 1620 WILLIAM PARKER. * Wilmot, da. of Jno, and Mary Anstis Mary, Rachel, :) "" Jno. and Eliz. Anstis bap. 1671. 1698. Jno. Anstis, Esq., by Elizab., was born 6 June, 1700, Xtened at St. Clement's Danes in London, dyed Feb. 3, 1701, and bur. at St. Marie's Bermondsey in Southwark, as appears by the Registers of these Parishes, and removed hither ye 14 Aug., 1706. Jno., son of Jno. Anstis, Esq., born 1703-4, Xtened at St. Martins in the Fields, dyed at Fulham and there bur. John, s. of John Anstis, bap. St. Clements, dyed in Essex Street, Lond., 2 May, and bur, at Duloe. Will., son of Jno. Anstis by Eliz., born in Arundell Street 1713, bur. in Dulo 1714. Rich., Jno. Anstis, jun., Esq. Edward Anstis Mary Anstis Jno. Anstis, senior Mr. Jno. Anstis of St. Nyot bur. in Dulo Church bur. 1671. 1671. "" "" 9 June, 1692. 26 Jan., 1713. (Styled Jno. Anstis Seig'r, gent., in the Archd. Transcripts.) Philip, son of Jno. Anstis, Esq., Garter Principal King at Arms, bur. here 1 Oct., 1719. Jno. Anstis, Esq., Garter Principal King at Arms, died at Mortlake in Surrey and was bur. here 23 March, 1743. Mrs. Anna Anstis of Mortlake, Surrey, bur. 14 Oct., 1749. John Anstis, Esq., Principal Garter King of Arms, died at Mortlake in Surrey and was bur. here 30 Dec., 1753. Roger, son of John Anstis, gent., bap. 1675. Mary, wife of John Anstis, gent., bur. 1669.St. Neott Par. Reg. Duloe Par. Reg. John Anstis, gent., of Cornw. and Elizab. Cudlip mar. (by license) 23 June, 1695. Į Tavistock Hugh, s. of Hugh Anstis, bur. Par. Reg. For memoir of the family of Parker, and continuation of pedigree to John Anstis, Garter King of Arms, see 'History of Trigg,' vol. i., pp. 67, 69, Y 162 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Paynter. | | | William Camborn al's Elinor da. of Paynter of Deverell Wilton John Jane da. of John Antron. | Bevile of peryn George Camborn--Ann da. & sole heir al's painter of John Antron John Antron ob. s. p. Georg 2 ¹ Jane da. of Reynold Hawys of Redruth John 4 2 wife Arthure paynter 3 sonne of George 2 2 Grace da. of John Ros- crigg 1 wife Henry 5 | 4 Ann wife to Richard Richards of Cleargarn William 1 Reynold 2 3 William paynter of Antron sonne & heire living 1620 George 3 John 4 Grace only da. Lowday da. of Richard Court- 1 Elizabeth wife | 2 Jane wife Allexander to James 3 ney of Lanevit polkenhorn Trenhall | 3 Grace wife to francis Cara wil William painter sonne & heir ætat. 17 annoru' Richard 2 francis 4 Agnes 1 Thomasine 3 1620 John 3 Jane 2 Elizabeth 4 ARTHUR PAYNTER WILLM PAYNTER. 1 Bur. at St. Erth 24 Jan., 1619-20. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 2 Grace da. Mr. J. Reskreck and Mr. Arthur Penter of St. Earth mar. at Anthony 2 Feb., 1597. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. (J. M.) 3 By Indre. 22 May, 1555, Rich. Courtney of Tremere and William Paynter of Antorne in the Co. of Cornwall Esquires bound unto Hugh Bawden of the parish of Kea gent. in the sum of £120 to fulfil Indentures bearing same date made between the same parties (signed by Rich. Courtney only, seals gone). B. M. Add. Chart, No. 15,386. * Balthazer Williams and Anna Paynter mar. at Stithians 24 Nov., 1630. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Francis Paynter of St. Earth, gent., and Margaret, da. of Francis Paynter of Boskenna St. Buryan, gent., mar. 8 July, 1706. Buryan Par. Reg. George Painter and Petronell, da. of Walter Halamore, Rachell, da. of George Painter, gent., Thomas, son mar. 30 Sept., 1602. bap. 9 April, 1604. 7 July, 1610. Gwinear "" 10 March, 1615-16. Par.Reg. 21 Feb., 1617-18. 29 Oct., 1619.) Alice, da. George, son Rich., Tristram Bath and Petronell Painter mar. 1696. Stithians Par. Reg. Matthew Rutter and Loveday Painter mar. 11 May, 1669. Constantine Par. Reg. the William Paynter of Antron, Esq., named as a trustee in the settlement upon marriage of Richard Gerveys of Benallack, gent., and Sara, daughter of George Yeo of Huish, Esq. Dated 14 April, 1653. Deed in possession of S. M. Grylls, of Lewarne, Esq. For. ped. of Antron, and more of Paynter, see Harl. MS. 1079, f. 236. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 163 Pendarves. David Pendarveis of Crowan in Cornwall Mary Da. of Sparnon ¹ Jo. Pendarveies Mellior Da. of Ric. Geirveis A Mary ux' Wm. Tho.2 of Curye 3 Samwell Pendarveis of Roscrowe-Grace 4 Da. of Jo. in Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 Robertes of Trwro Robt. 2 5 Samwell 3 Josias 4 Valintine 6 6Wm.sone & hey. at. 7 Jane 1 Da. Elizab. 2 Da. Thom. 5 John 7 * SAMUELL PENDARVES. 1 Bur. 18 July, 1616. Constantine Par. Reg. (J. M.) Inq. p. m. 14 Jas., part 2, No. 85, Samuel l'endarves son and heir. 2 William Thoms or Thomas. 3 Æt. 43 and more 14 Jas. Mar. at Constantine to Mrs. Grace Roberts 24 June, 1598 (Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts); died 5 Sept., 1643; M. I. St. Gluvias Ch., and named with his wife and their son William in the will of William Roberts of St. Allen, merchant, 30 Jan., 1604, proved in London 1605. 4 Bur. 23 July, 1662. M. I. Gluvias Ch. 5 Bap. 13 July, 1603. Truro Par. Reg. 6 Bap. 20 July, 1600. j 7 Jane, da. of Samuel Pendarves, gent., & Grace, bap. 11 June, 1611. Constantine Par. Reg. * John, son of Samuel Pendarves, gent., bap. at Constantine 1599. Thomas, son of Samuel Pendarves, bap. 18 Aug. and bur. 16 >Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Sept., 1612, at Constantine. Samuel Enys, gent., and Mrs. Elizab. Pendarves John Pendarves of Roscrowe, Esq., and Mrs. Bridget Carew John, son of Samuel Pendarves, Mrs. Bridget Pendarves Walter, son of John Pendarves of Roscrowe Madam Bridget Pendarves Mrs. Melior Pendarves 1647. mar. 6 May, 1658. bap. 1619. Gluvias bur. 15 June, 1625. / Par. Reg. 1663. 29 Mar., 1701. Walter, son of John and Bridget Pendarves, ob. 20 June, 1663. William, "" " 19 William Pendarves of Roscrow, Esq. Anne, wife of do. 1715. 14 Oct., 1693. "" M. I. Gluvias Ch. 4 June, 1673. 3 Oct., 1643. Padstow Par. Reg. 1696. bur. 1638. Wendron Par. Reg. " Steven Pendarves, gent., bur. 12 Dec., 1676, Thos. Pendarvis William Pendarves To Bridget Pendarves, da. of William Pendarves of Roskrow, Esq., a legacy under the will of John Tresahar of Constantine, prob. 1661, Bodmin. Jane, da. of John Pendarves, gent., and Mellyor his wife, bap. 3 Sept., 1581. Con- stantine Par. Reg. William Thomas, gent., and Mary Pendarves mar. 19 Nov., 1598, at Wendron. Bishop of Exeter's Transcripts. Henry Pendarves, clerk, and Mrs. Mary Pearse, widow, mar. 8 Aug., 1701. San- creed Par. Reg. Thomas Pendarves, Rector, bur. 18 Mar., 1703. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. Rich. Pendarves, Esq., bur. 7 July, 1706, at St. Columb Major. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Mar. lic. between Randolph Pendarves of . . . . gent. and Elizabeth Boone of the of.. same, 13 July, 1639. Exeter Act Books. (J. M.) 164 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | 2 Pendarves. Tho. Pendarvis of Pendarvis in Camborne in Com. Cornub. Rapfe mar. Anne Da. of Tho. Eva of St. Just. ¹Alexander Pendarvis of Pendarvis in Camborne in Com. Cornubia in Camborne in Com. Cornubia living 1620 Alice Da. of John Hump- frey of Camborne in Com. Cornwall Henry 2 John filius et Tho. 2 John heres æt. 35 sonne 2 Rich. Pendarvis Thomas filius et hæres both Twins æt. 24, 1620 ³Anne uxor John son æt. 20 Arundell of Camborne RICHARD PENDARVES. Pendarvis. David Pendarvis of Camborn in Com. Cornwall— Willm Pendarvis 2 son of david of Crowen in Com. Cornwall æt. 67 liveing 1620 t John Pendarvis of Constantine in Com. Cornwall son & hey. mar. Mellior da. of Rich. Jarvis of Constantine RICHARD POLKENHORNE. Penfoun. Penfoun of Penfoun in the Parish of Da. of Trevillian Pounstock in the hund. of Lesnuth A 1 Bur. 29 July, 1624. (Camborne Par. Reg.) Inq. p. m. 2 Chas. I., Esch. Eliz., Jas., and Charles, part 20, No. 84. Alexander Pendarves, gent., died 28 July, 1624. Richard, his son and heir, aged 26 and more. 2 Rich. Pendarves, gent., and Katherine Arundell, 3 John Arundell and Ann Pendarves, "" mar. 13 April, 1629. 29 Oct., 1617. " Camborne Par. Reg. * John Williams of Probus and Florence, da.of.... Pendarves, 28 Sept., 1549. John Vavian and Ellyzobeth Pendarves wedded ye 26 Mar., 1570. Will., son of Rich. Pendarves, gent., and Admonition, da. of Edw. Prideaux, Esq., mar. 23 May, att Padstow, as per Register doth there appear, 1667. Blanch, da. of Stephen Pendarves of London, merchant, bap. 1666. Phillack Par. Reg. Sir William Pendarves, Knight, and Madame Powley Hoblyn were mar. 1714. St. Enoder Par. Reg. Mar. lic. between John Courteney de Tregellas, ar., and Dorcas Pendarves, dated 1674. Master Richard Pendarves, bur. 30 Dec. 1667. Truro Par. Reg. Inq. p. m. 22 Jas. Esch. Eliz., Jas., and Chas., part 4, No. 24. Ralph Pendarves, gent., died 10 April, 22 Jas. John Pendarves, son and heir, aged 21 and more at the time of his father's death. For more of Pendarves, see Harl. MS. 1079, f. 115. + Raphe, son of John Pendarves, bapt. at Crowan 18 May, 1617. Bp. of Exeter's Rich., son of John l'endarvis and Blanche, bap. at Crowan 1619. J Transcripts. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 165 | A Penfoun fil. et hæres. Da. of Kelloway Penfoun of Penfoun-Da. of Daviles Penfoun of Penfoun-Da. of Morris Penfoun of Penfoun Da. of Pollard Penfoun of Penfoun⇒. . . . Da. of Haston de Horwood House in Com. Wilts. Digory Penfoun of Penfoun- 1 .. ¹ Da. of Chamond 2 John Penfoun of Penfoun=. da. of Grenvile Digorie Penfoun of Penfound... da. of Leonard Yeo Esq. in ye parish of Penstock Esq. Arthur Penfoun fil. et hæres ætat. 15 annoru' 2 John æt. 13 3 Digorie 11 11 6 Andrew 6 1 Mary æt. 18 7 Willm. 3 2 Elizab. æt. 12. 4 Leonard Gemolli æt. 7 5 Richard PHILLIPPE HODGSHONN. for Mr DIGORIE PENFOUN. 1 Jane, da. of Sir John Chamond. Harl. MS. 1079, fo. • 2 Had two daughters; Maria mar. to Hugh Corry, and Jane mar. to Andrew Corry. Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 73. * Chancery Proceedings, Eliz., P. p. 16, No. 4. John Penfownd v. Edward and Richard Pen- fownd (his brothers). Names Willyam Penfownd, Esquire, their father, to whose will defendants were executors. John Penfownd, complainant, son and heir, lands in Whitston. Chancery Proceedings, Eliz. M. m. 14, No. 2. Benett Myll v. Richard Penfowne and Eliza- beth his wife, widow of Nicholas Wykkett. Land in St. Gennys. License of marriage between Arthur Penfound of Poundstock, gent., and Sibella Nicholls of St. Kew, 24 October, 1634. License of marriage between John Penfound and Ann Pollexfen of Sherford, 25 August, 1673. Anne, da. of Alexander Penfounde, Jane, "" "" Humphry, son of Alex. and Margaret Penfound, Grace, da. of "" Exeter Act Books. bap. 23 Oct. 1621. (J. M.) 26 Feb. 1622. "" 3 Mar. 1624. St. Columb Par. Regs. "" 13 Jan. 1632. Mr. George Wills and Mrs. Ebbott Penfound, mar. 3 Oct. 1682. Minster Par. Reg. Degory Penfound, gent., bur. 22 Jan., 1671–2. Poundstock. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 166 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Penhallow. Joh'es Penhalow de Penhalow Aº 41 E. III.— Peter Penhalow Aº 12 Ric. II.— II.T Willm. 1 Willm. Penhalow Aº 12 R. II. Agneta filia Joh'is Aº 17 R. II. Tho. Penhalow-Margerie Aº 6 H. IV. Ricus Penhalow Aº 6 H. IV. Nich. Penhalow temp. H. VI. Ricus Penhalow A° 34 Hen. VI. Margareta uxor eius outlived hir husband Aº E. IV., 5 Thomas Penhalow aº 12 H. VII.- Т Joh'es Penhalow aº 12 H. VII. Mary Da. & Coh. of Vivian Penwarn John Penhalow 11 H. VIII. Elizab. Da. & Coh. of Lagher The Tho. Penhalow filius et heres-Christia fil. Trevalscus John Penhalow fil. et heres Agnes Da. of Crocker 1 Rich. Penhalow of Pen--Jone Da. of halow living 1620. Mary Rog' Daniell Da. of Walter Portor ux. 2 ㅜ ​2John Penhalow 2 fil. de Penhalow in pochia de Filley sup'stes 1620 Alice2 Da. of Hen. Jago of Ruan John fil. primus Christian æt. 16 Α John fil. primus 2 Hugh 5 3 Willm. 3 Anne ætat. 8 ¹ Margareta Penhalow, A° 2 H. V¬ Ricus Penhaloo. } This is a marginal note in the original.) 2 John Penhallow, gent., and Alyce Jagoe, mar. at Ruan Lanihorne, 1608. Bp. of Exeter's Hugh Penhallow, gent., and Elizab. Free, St. Clements, 18 Nov. 1641. Transcripts. "" THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 167 A Chamon Pen- 3 Richard 4 Hugh 5 Emanuell 1 Elizab. halow 2 son 2 Mary 3 Susan p' me JOHANE PENHALLOW. Penhellick. Walter Penhelleck of Penhellick Margaret Da. of John Bosuysa Walte Walter Penhelleck fil. et heres Alice Da. of John Trehey John Penhellick of Illogan Thomazin Da. of Jenken in Com. Cornw. Killivorne John Penhelick of Penhelick fil. primogenitus Mary Da. of Edm. Bee Katherin mar. to Henry Nangothan Penhelek Nangothan John Penhellick Elizab. Da. of John Nancothan 2 sonne John 1 son mar. Alice Da. of Boweyr Tho. Penhellick 2 sonne Ellinor Da. of Rich. Dowse of Totnes Devon Elizab. Da. & hey. mar. to John Christo- pher fil. John 2 son Herbert of Helston primog. mar. Phillip Da. of Tho. Florence mar. to Mary ob. Thomas 3 fil. ætat. 25 1620 John virgo ob. s. p. Bligh of Bodmin Cock of Helston Humphrie 4 fil. ætat. 22 Alexander Penhellick 3 son of John ¹ Florence Da. of Willm Tone | A Bodmin. Archdeacon's Trans. (J. M.) }w. * Sara, da. of Jacob Penhallow, gent., bur. 1667. Madron Par. Reg. Will. Penhallow, gent., Filley, Prob. 8 Mar. 1679.) Archd. of Cornw. Chamond Penhallow, gent., Filley, Adm. 30 Ap. 1690. Š Chamond Penhallow, gent., bur. at Fowey 19 Feb. 1689. Ped. fin. 11 Will. East. Cornw. Hugh Boscawen qu. Baker, Penhallow, and o'rs, def. in Tregoney Burg. 1 Chancery Proceedings A.D. 1582, Eliz., P. p. 4, No. 36. widow, v. Tho. Lukey, John Penhellick the younger, and o'rs. Florence Penhellicke of Helston, One-third part of Gweek wood, 168 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Wil Willm. Penhellick of Mary Da. and one of ye heyres of Wm. Mylleton of Pengar- Helston in Com. Cornwall sick Thomas 2 son mar. Agnes Da. of Tho. Peirse of Hel- ston T Francis ux. Rich. Frawn of Wendorn in Com. Corn. Cornwall Alexander Pen-Catherine Da. hellick of Pen- | of Peter Dagg garsick in Com. of St. Teth in of St. Teth in Com. Cornwall Simon filius uni- cus ætat. 23 1. Agnis 3. Susan 2. Jane 4. Elizab. Anne 1 Cheston Mary mar. to Bowyer Elizab. Elin mar. to John Hunt of Devon Alice mar. to John Bogins of Totnes Wilm Willm 3 sonne ob. s. p. ALEXANDER PENHELLICK. Barnard 1 sone Penrose. Jo. Penrose of Seeny in Com. Cornwall 2 John Penrose of Manacon-Nora Da. and sole hey. of John in Cornwall 2 sonne Tregetho of Monacon Edw. Elinor uxor James Chris- 2 sone Jo. Penrose of Monacon in topher of St. Com. Cornw. Blandane Da. Abraha. Baker of Kilkhampton in Cornw. Alice ux' Michaell Tanner of Monacco A Erth in Cornw. liveing 1620 ¹ Cheston mar. Gilbert Staplehill of Dartmouth. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 275. Grace ux' John Nicholl of St. Keverne * John Williams and Ann Penhillick mar. 31 Jany., 1665, at Helstone. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. John Penhellick and Phillip Bligh mar. 15 June, 1620 (see ante, page 12). min Par. Reg. Alexander, son of Mr. John Penhellick Ann, dau. of Mr. Simon Penhallick, Humphry, son of Humphrey Penhallick, Elizabeth, da. of Mr. Humphry Penhallick Martha, dau. of Mr. Humphrey Penhellick, Mayor of Hellston Thomas, son of Mr. Humphrey Penhellick Humphrey Penhellick and Grace Bolithoe bap. 20 Oct., 1622. "" 27 May, 1632. "" 2 Oct., 1634. 1 Nov., 1635. "" 28 July, 1638. mar. bur. Bod- 6 Jan., 1640. 27 Nov., 1623. 12 April, 1621. Helston Par. Reg. John Penhellick, gent., bur. Aug., 1603. John, son of Mr. John Penhellick, Mr. Thomas Penhellick, jun., "" 23 Jan., 1624. Anna, wife of Thomas Penhellick, gent., 18 Feb., 1627. "" Mr. Symon Penhellick 20 Dec., 1635. 19 "" (J.M.) Mr. Thomas Penhellick 7 Feb., 1635. John Penhellick of Helston, merchant, named in the marriage settlement of Thomas Glynn the younger, of Helston, and Mary, dau. of Otho Polkinhorne, of the parish of Gwynier. Dated 14 April, 1662. Deed in possession of S. M. Grylls, Esq. 2 Chancery Proceedings A.D. 1592, Eliz. R. r. 2, No. 39. Roscrowgye v. Roscrowgye. Names John Penrose of Tregethowe, gent., and Nora his wife. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 169 A | Villm Willm 2 James 3 Walter 4 John sone & hey at. 18 1620 * Avis uxr Tho. Treourne of Monacco JOHN PENROSE. Penros. Johes Tretherf Armigr 2 vir. Filia Trenowith Armige' Reginaldus Trethref Johes Treveno'-Filia Johis Tretherf Will Willm. Trevenour: Johannes Penros-Phillippa fil. Philip Ricus Metheros Thomazin fil. et heres nupta Nicho. Enis 1 Rich. Penros fil. et heres Florence Da. of Tho. Erisey John Enis sone & hey. John Penros Agneta fil. Johis Thomas Enis-Christian Da. of John Boscawen Killegrew Bernard Penros-Elizab. Da. & hey. of Tho. Enis de Com. Cornw. 2 Agneta fil. Emanuell=Tho. Penros of Penros Metheley Drwe de Com. Devon in Com. Cornwall sup'stes 1620 ux. 2 A Agneta fil. Joh'is Rashley de Foy ux 1 * William Carlyan and Ann Penrose mar. 1619. Ladock Par. Reg. James Williams and Jane Penrose mar. 1670. Newlin in Pider Par. Reg. Edward, son of Jno. Penrose, gent., and Elizab. ux. bur. 1689. John, Edw., Barnard, John, Manaccan Par. Reg. Mullion Par. Reg. "" Thos. Penrose, gent., Jno. Penrose, Esq., وو " bap. 15 Sep., 1620. bap. 1670. and Mary his wife 1672. 1674. bur. 1680. "" Sithney Par. Reg. "" John Penrose, Esq., Chancery Proceedings, Eliz., P. p. 9, No. 56. Henry Penrose al's Nicholas and Margaret his wife v. Jno. Vyvyan al's Cooke. Messuage called Trethias in St. Merryn and Porthvyan in Lower St. Columb claimed by Henry in right of his wife Margaret, da. of Mellyar, da. of Jno. Trethias. Chancery Proceedings A.D. 1586, Eliz., M. m. 2, No. 52. Peter Mark of Liskeard v. Martin Diggow and or's. Claims Manor of Tredinnyal by purchase from Raphe Penrose of St. Syney (son of Bennett P., son of Joce Penrose), who granted a lease to defendants in Botallack in St. Just, part of said manor. Chancery Proceedings, Elizab., R. r. 7, No. 19. Resuygan and o'rs v. Trerraffe al's Treruthe. Romfray Penrose and Milysent his wife, da. of Thomas Cocke, are named as plaintiffs. ¹ Inq. p. m. V. O. 33 Hen VIII., No. 197. Rich. Penrose ob. 19 Jan., 31 Hen. VIII. John Penrose, his son and heir, æt. 21 and more, mar. to Agnes, da. of John Kyllygrew. 2 Agnes, da. of Mr. Emanuel Drew, bap. 1552. Kenne Par. Reg., Devon. Z 170 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | 3 Anne mar. to Wm Celey | 4 Katherin mar. to Wm Robin- | 5 son Edy mar to Phil. Edy mar to Phil. Champ'non of Berie in Devon | 6 Margt mar. to John Davy of Crediton in Com. Devon | 7 Francisca unmaried | 1 Thomas æt. 40 John Penros fil. et heres ob. 1617 Edward æt. 38 Jane fil. Johis Trefuses of Miler Alice mar. to John Hill of Gwendron | 2 Marie mar. to Tho. Lukie of Perin Franciscus fil. 2 1 Jane 2 Mary 3 Agnes¹ John Penros fil. et heres ætat. 9 annoru' 1620 ætat. 4 annoru' * THOMAS PENROS. Penwarne. Thomas Penwarren of Penwaren— John Penwarren of Penwarren Margery da. to Vivian Penwaren of Mevagesye Richard Penwaren of Pen-Margaret da. of Rich. warren in Mawnan A Bonythan of Kerclew 1 Agnes, da. of John Penrose, Esquyre, bap. 24 Nov., 1616. Helston Par. Reg. * Henry Penrose al's Treveare & Christian Peryam, wid., mar. 20 Nov., 1605. Truro Par. Reg. Richard Penrose and Cheston his wife were mar. 28 Sept. 1618. Gwinear Par. Reg. Alex. Penrose and Judith Coterell mar. at Ruan Lanihorne 22 July, 1610. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts, 99 "" Margery, "" 1707. mar. 1706. Philip, son of Henry Penrose, gent., and Elizb. his wife, bap. 1688. Henry, Tho. Penrose, gent., and Mary Kestell, gent., Henry Penrose, gent., bur. 1703. Anthony in Meneage Par. Reg. Roger de Penros. Lands, etc., in St. Inq. p. m. 33 Edw. I., No. 120 b. Reginald, son of Richard de Penrees. Inq. ad quod damp. 20 Edw. III., 2 Nos., No. 32. Berian. Joceus de Penros one of the Jury. Inq. de ext. terr. 5 Hen. V., No. 68. John Penrose, a Prisoner, Manor of Penrose Methle. By Indenture dated at Trewond 6 Sept., 8 Hen. IV., John Penrose Methele gave to Jno. Boswathek and Katherine his wife, and their heirs, all his lands and tenements in Villa de Trewand and Tr...., remainder to the heirs of said John Penrose Methele for ever. No seal. B. M. Add. Chart. No. 15,352. Penelope, da. of John Williams al's Boswathick, bap. 1695. Falmouth Par. Reg. Frances Williams and Marg. Boswarthick 6º Elizab. Fine. Barnard Penrose Armiger qu. Henry Earl of Huntingdon, &c., and Kathe- rine his wife, def. de medietat. manor of Harvena al's Harmena, &c., in Parish of St. Enoder. Barnard paid the Earl and his wife £40 sterling. B. M. Add. Chart. No. 15,370. Richard Penrose was buried 25 Mar., 1608, at Feock. John Penrose & Prisella his wife, mar. 29 Oct., 1627, at Manaccan. Bishop's Trans. Mary, dau. of John Penrose, gent., bur. 28 Dec., 1628, John Merrifield and Agnes Penrosse, mar. 14 Feb., 1550. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. William Penrose and Dorothy Catcher, both of St. Clements, mar. 8 July, 1708. (J. M.) Feock Par. Reg. Joane, dau. of John Penrose of Sythney, Esq., mar. 1 Mar., 1634. Helston Mr. George Phippen, Pastor of Lamoran, and Mrs. Mary Penrose, Par. Reg. mar, 20 June, 1648. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 171 A | Richard Penwarren¹ of Pen--Jane¹ da. & coheir of Robt. warren in Mawnan Penwaren in St. Maw- Trencreeke of Treworgan John Robert 2 sonne 3 sonne Catherine da. Grace 1 Mary 3 of James 2 Robt. Penwaren of- Thomas Penwaren 2 sonne living nan living 1620 1620 of Mullion Erysie Ann 2 Richard sonne & heir ætat. 1 yeare 1620 Mary 1 Eliza. 2 3 frances 3 ROBT. PENWARNE. * THO. PENWARNE. Plumleighe. 4 John Plumleigh of Dartmouth .... Da. of Fortescue of in Com. Devon Falopit in Com. Devon Tho. Plumleigh of Townstall-Elizab. Da. of Robt. Shap- iuxta Dartmouth leigh of Dartmouth John Plumleigh of St. Mabin in Com. Jone Da. of John Sture of Cornwall gent liveinge 1620 Huish in Com. Devon Gilbert sone & hey. 5 Raphe 2 sonne atat. 16 1620 atat. 10 Elizab. 1 Dau. at. 13 6 Grace 2 Da. at. 8 7 Joane 3 Da. at. 5 1620 + JO. PLUMLEIGHE. 1 Rich. Penwarne, gent., and Jane, 2 Rob. Penwarne, Esq., 3 Frances, da. of Tho. Penwarne, gent., mar. 1 Sept., 1572. bur. bap. 1658. 1618. Mawnan Par. Reg. * Will. Arundell of Miler, & Elizabeth, da. of Thos. Penwarne, mar. 1651. Rich. Penwarne and Johana Deuse, mar. 7 Feb., 1606. Penticoste, da. of Rich. Penwarne, bap. 27 May, 1607. Truro Par. Reg. Margareta, 30 May, 1610. "" John, son of Thos. Penwarne, gent., bap. 15 Sep., 1620. Mullion Par. Reg. Richard Penwaren, witness to will of Tho. Poyle. P. P. C. A.D. 1502. Nicholas Penwaryn, Lo. Willoby de Broke, Peter Bevyl, etc., Exors. to the will of Sir John Treffey. P. P. C. A.D. 1500. Ped. fin. Cornw. 34 Edw. I. No. 7. Auger de Firsdon and Margery his wife qu. John de Penwarren and Isold his wife, def. Wadeford, etc. 4 His 1st wife was a da. of Eastchurch, the 2nd was Ann, da. of John Foscue of Vallopit. 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 211, which see for an extended pedigree. 5 Bap. 13 May, 1611. 6 Bap. 20 Sept., 1612. † John, son of John Plumleigh, gent., and Jane his wife, Joane, dau. of Ralph Plumleigh, gent., and Grace Grace, dau. of }} 7 Bap. 9 July, 1615. ) St. Ma- bap, 15 March, 1620. byn Par. "" "} 4 July, 1639.Reg. 6 Mar., 1651. (J.M.) [Note continued on next page, 172 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Polwheile. John Polewheele of Polewheele in the time H. VI. Eizb. Da. of Otes Polewheele of Polewheele Alice Da. & sole hey. of Otes Lukye Otes Polewheele of Polewheele-Margerie, Da. & sole hey of Walt' Killigrewe Stephen Polewheele of Polewheele Mary Da. of Erisse John Polewheele of Polewheele Da. & hey. of Tresoye of Tresoye John Polewheele of Polewheele Grace Da. of Lowre of Trelaske Digorie Polewheele of Polewheele Kathe' Da. & Cohey. of Rob. Trencreke (Note continued.) A Mary, dau. of John Plumleigh by Anna, John, son of John Plumleigh John, John, "" ;; Willm, "; Charles, "" William, "" Grace, dau. of "" Mary, "" John, Thomas, bap. gent., by Ann "" "" "" John Plumleigh, gent., and Jane son of Ralph Plumleigh, gent., and Grace John Plumleigh, gent., by Ann "" Joseph, son of John Plumbleigh, gent., by Ann Wm. Hendar of Tintagell and Joane Plumbleigh April, 1652. 1652. 1 April, 1658. 18 Nov., 1659. 19 Nov., 5 June, 1662. "" 14 July, 1611. 20 Sept., 1612. "" 12 July, 1627. "" 20 April, 1638. "" 10 Oct., 1654. "" 6 June, 1656. mar. 20 Jan., 1633. 1641. Giles Betty and Grace Plumbleigh 353 William Parnell and Jane Plumbleigh "" 20 Jan., 1664. John Oliver, gent., and Mary Plumbleigh "" 11 May, 1665. St. Ma- John Helman of Lanlivery and Honour, dau, of Ralph byn Par. Plumleigh, gent., "" Henry Stevens and Joan, dau. of John Plumleigh, gent., Margaret, dau. of John Plumleigh, gent., bur. Wm., son of "" John, "" "" Thomas Plumleigh, gent., John, son of Ralph Plumleigh, Ralph Plumbleigh, gent., John Plumbleigh, gent., Wm., Thomas, son of John Plumbleigh, gent., "" Elizabeth, dau. of Ralph Plumleigh, gent., "; "" 18 Nov., 1675. Reg. 12 Oct., 1682. | (J. M.) 20 Mar., 1610. 25 Sept., 1611. 31 Aug., 1620. 24 July, 1615. 20 April, 1638. 16 Aug., 1658. "" 7 Feb., 19 Jan., 1659. "" "" 12 Mar., 5 April, 1660. Joan Plumbleigh, widow, "" 7 Nov., 1667. Charles, son of John Plumbleigh, gent., by Ann, John Plumbleigh, gent., 16 April, 1685. "" 4 Sep., 1689. Mrs. Anne Plumbleigh, relict of John P., gent., 20 Jan., 1694. "" Grace Plumbleigh " 24 Jan., 1697–8. Adm'n of the goods, etc., of Ralph Plumleigh, late of St. Mabyn, dec'd, granted 27 Oct., 1658, to Grace Plumleigh, relict of dec'd.-P. C. Č. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 173 Susan ux' Jo. Webber of St Kue Mary ux' Jo. Chatley of Truro John sone & hey. Fran. 2 at. 14 1620 A | Tho. Polewheele of Pole-Dionesst Da. of Judge wheele in Com. Cornw. Glanvile of Tavistock liveing 1620 Tho.3 sonne Alice Digorie Rob. Anne half at. 9 at. 4 yeare sone at. 12 at. 10 2 John 2 Phillip 3 William 4 Otes 5 Digorie 6 sone sonne of sone liveing in Lon- London don Jonathan 7 sonne Anne ux' Wm Hearl of Bericon erber in Devon THOMAS POLWHEILE. Polkinghorne. Sciant p'sent. et futur. qd ego Rogerus de Polkenhorne dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johi filio meo un'm messuag. in Truru etc. Dat' apud Polkenhorne die sab' prox. ante festu' circumcisionis D'ni anno Regni regis E. ÎII. a conquestu primo. Sciant present. et futur. qª ego Willmus fil. Joh'is de Polkenhorne dedi concessi et hac p'senti carta mea confirmavi etc. hijs testibus D'no Michael Vicarie Ecclie de Wyniore, Joh'ne Bois et alijs. dat' apud Polkenhorne die Dominico prox. post festu' sc'i etc. A° regni regis Rici. II. 8. Sciant p'sent et futur. qd ego Willm's de Polkenhorne dedi concessi etc. Dat' apud Polkenhorne aº Regni regis R. II. 15. 1 Thos. Polwheele, filius Digorii Polwheele de Parochia Scti Earme Armigeri et Duena Glanvill (filia Johis Glanvill defuncti olim unus ex Justiciarys Domini Regis de curia Common Plees), nupti fuere Tercio die Marcii 1606. Breage Par. Reg. "Dionisia nupta Thomæ Polwheile, Ar." Inscription on Judge Glanville's Tomb, Tavistock Church. * Katherine, da. of Thomas Polwheele, bap. 1608. Breage Par. Reg. Ped. fin. 4 James, Mic., Cornw. Edw. Skirrett, gen., Edw. Vivian, gen., Edm. Dowriche, gen., qu. Digory Polwhele ar. et Katherine ux. ejus. Tho. Polwhele, gen., def. 30 mess., etc.; 40 gard. and orch., 1000 acr. ter., 300 mead., 100 past., 40 wood, 2000 Down, 100 more, 40 sh. reddit. in St. Herme, Clements, Truro Burg., Kenwyn, Key, Gwendron, Gwynyer, Helston Boro', Cuthbert, Newlyn, Probus, and Tregoneyboro. £400 paid. Ped. fin. 21 James, East, Cornw. John Drake, jun., and Will. Polwheile, qu.; Jo. Gerry, def. Land in Tavistock. Stephen Trewbody and Anne Polwhile, wief of Stephen P., dec., mar. 4 July, 1597. St. Clement's Par. Reg. License of marriage betw. Stephen Polwheele, gent., and Susan Lander of Kenwyn, 14 May, 1662. Francis, son of John Polwhele, Esq., bur. 1678. Tavistock Par. Reg. License of marriage between John Polwheele, Clerk, Vicar of White- church, and Elizabeth Browne of Tavistock, 9 June 1623. License of marriage between Gregory Stubley and Anne Polwheele of Treworgan, 21 June, 1673. Exeter Act Books. Margaret Polwhele, widow, buried 25 Mar., 1612, at St. Allen. Bishop's Trans. Mr. Francis Polyheil (Polwhele?) bur. 8 June, 1678. Lanhydrock Par. Reg. Mr. Philip Polwheele, Clerk, buried 9 Mar. 1663. St. Kew Par. Reg. Margaret Polwheele, Probus 27 Sept., 1683, Adm. Bodmin. Archdeaconery of Cornwall, (J.M.) 174 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Sciant p❜sentes et futur. qª nos Rob'tus Tubba et Ricus Roscreek dedimus et concessimus Nicho. Polkenhorne et Elizab. uxori eius filio Johis Renolds etc. Dat' decimo die mensis Julij Anno Regni regis Ed. IV. post conq. Angl. 19. Will Roger Polkinhorne aº 1 E. III.— I Johannes Polkinhorne- horne Will'ms Polkinghorne A° 8 R. II. et 15= Nicholas Polkinhorne A° 19 E. IV. Elizab. filia Johis Renolds Bowdon Gascoyne of St. Ives in Com. Cornwall John Gascoyne Da. & heyre of John Hell John Hell Joane fil. et her. Johis Gascoyne Nicho. Hell Willm Hell 3 | Rich. Nancothon-Jewunut Da. & hey. of Wm. Hell Robt. Nancothon Nanoothon™ Jo. Nancothon= Thomas Polkinghorne of Polkinghorne mar. the Da. of Opy of Bodmin 1 | of Tho. Cos- wyne of Gui- wyne of Gui- ner by whome Raph. Polkinghorne of Gui---Katherin Da. niard in Cornw. bought the Mann of Dynasia & por- thin of Jo. Nacothon being his Kinseman he had landes John Polkinghorn of Polkinghorne mar. the Da. & hey. of Olver of Bodmin T 2 Willm. Polking- horne of Breague mar. the Da. of Cowling 1 Kath' Da. of Tho. Dewen John Polkinghorne-Kath' Da. of Gwiner in Com. of Tho. Cornw.liveing 1620 Wolcott Thomas Polking- horne sone & heyre mar. John sonne & heire Henry Polking- horne fil. primo- genitus. Ī Roger Polkinghorne fil. et hæres p' me JOHN POLKINGHORNE. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 175 Polkinhorne. Tho. Polkinhorne John Polkinhorne¹ of Polkinhorne Elizab. Da. & hey. of Tho. Oliver of in Com. Cornwall Bodmin in Com. Cornwall Tho. Polkinhorne² of Polkinhorne* Catherine Da. of Rich. Pella- in Com. Cornwall mounter in Com. Corn. 2 | 1| T Thomas 2 sonne æt. 40 Grace 3 Mary ux unmar Warne æt. 34 Pryor of Gwendier John Polkinhorne of Polkinhorne in Com. Cornwall Alice Da. of 3. Richard æt. 38 Otes Edy of Bodmin in 4. James æt. 33 filius et hæres æt. 44 Com. Corn- wall Otes Polkinhorne filius et heres æt. 20 Catherine 1 Da. æt. 13 5 Tho. 2 son æt. 18 4. Willm æt. 15 6. Raphe 6 æt. 12 5. Roger æt. 14 4 * Margery 2 Da. John 3 son æt. 4 æt. 16 † 7. Stephen 7 æt. 6 JOHN POLKINHORNE. 1 Bur. 19 March, 1565-6. 2 Mar. 11 Jan., 1564-5; died 4 Dec. and bur. 6 Dec., 1610. 3 Bap. 15 Aug., 1582. 4 Bap. 7 Feb., 1616-17. 6 Bap. 15 May, 1609. 5 Bap. 10 Feb., 1601-2. 7 Bap. 20 May, 1613. Gwinear Par. Reg. * Chancery Proceedings A.D. 1581, Eliz., P. p. 4, No. 93. Thomas P. claimed a tenement and four acres of land called Traytor in parish of Padstowe as his by right of descent from Thomas Olyver, father of Elizabeth, his mother. + Esch. Eliz. Jas. and Chas., part 25, No. 77. John Polkinhorne, gent., died 20 Oct., 1638. Otho P., son and heir, aged 30 and more. John Polkinhorne and Catherine his wife Mr. John Polkinhorne and Catherine mar. 14 Jan., 1584-5. 18 Feb., 1591-5. Thos. Glynn of the Boro' of Helston mar. Mary the da. and heir of Otho Polkinhorne of Polkinhorne Margaret, da. of Mr. Thos. Polkinhorne, bap. June and bur. Elizabeth, John, son of Thos. Polkinhorne, Blanch, da. of Mr. Thos. Polkinhorne, Grace, 99 William, son of Thomas 22 April, 1662. 6 Aug., 1571. 20 Aug., 1572, bur. 17 Sept., 1572. 11 Nov., 1573. 15 Mar., 1574-5, bur. 30 Sept., 1580. 8 Oct. and 1587, bur. 25 Sept., 1583. 12 Oct., 1583. 7 Dec., 1610. Gwinear Par. Reg. Avis, da. of "" Katherine, "" Jane, Katherine, Elizabeth, " 99 Mr. John Polkinhorne, John Polkinhorne, gent., bap. John Polkinhorne of Polkinhorne, bap. James, son of Mr. John Polkinhorne, Nicholas, John Polkinhorne, gent., "" 7 Jan., 1586-7. 1 Feb., 1600. 1610. 25 June, 1615, bur. 3 Oct., 1616. 6 Aug., 1619, bur. 26 Nov., 1619. 18 Aug., 1608, bur. 6 Oct., 1608. [Note continued on following page, 176 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Pollard. Christopher Pollard filius Jana fil. Rici Erlesman in Insula Victis in Com. South. 1 Christop. ob. s. p. 2 Beniamin Pollard fil. 1. Anna³ 6 2. Gertrud 4 3. Jane¹ 2 ætatit unius anni CHRISTOPHER POLLARD. Pomeroy. John Pomeroy of Colliton in pochiæ de Newton Ferrers in Co. Devon Da. of Strowd of Pardnon Andrew Pomeroye of Colliton-Anne Da. of Sr Geo. Mathewe in Com. Devon of Wales A (Note continued.) Zenobia, da. of Thos. Polkinhorne, Jane, "" "" Thomas, son of Mr. Thomas Polkinhorne, Catherine, wife of John Polkinhorne, James, son of John Polkinhorne, gent., Katherine, wife of John Polkinhorne, gent., Otho Polkinhorne, gent., bur. "" "" "" 16 Sept., 1575. 20 March, 1578-9. 17 May, 1586. 28 Feb., 1588-9. 8 Feb., 1600-1. 16 March, 1610-11. 1665. Gwinear Par. Reg. Nicholas Polkinghorne and Jane Stephen mar. at Breage 28 Nov., 1601. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Jas. Williams and Margaret Polkinghorn, mar. 15 April, 1644. Breage Par. Reg. Otho, son of John Polkinhorne, gent., baptized 1599. Bodmin Par. Reg. Mary, dau. of Pascho Polkinhorn bap. 1582. St. Columb Major Richard Tregennowe and Jane Polkinhorn mar. 1632. Par. Reg. License of marriage between Roger Polkinhorne of Maddern, gent., and Blanche Elise of the same, 25 January, 1626. } 1 Christopher, son of Christopher Pollard, gent., bap. 28 Nov.,1616, bur. 20 Aug., 1620. 2 Bengymyn, "" dau. of "" 3 Amy, 4 Jane, Christopher, son of Gilbert, "" Margaret, dau. of Mary, "" Edward, son of Jane, dau. of 99 "" 19 April, 1633. bap. 4 Sept., 1613. "" and Jane, "" (J. M.) and Jane, John Toker, jun., gent., and Protesia Pollard * Chancery Proceedings A.D. 1593, Elizab., P. p. 7 No. 55. Names Alexander Pollard of St. Hillary and Thomas Pollard, his " "; 15 Oct., 1617. 24 May, 1624. May, 1627. 16 Oct., 1628. 30 Dec., 1626. 12 Dec., 1628. 1 Nov., 1628. mar. 17 Dec., 1683. St. Ma- byn Par. Reg. (J. M.) Pollard v. Chiverton and o'rs. son. Charles Pollard and Frances Godolphin mar. 19 Nov., 1698. Tywardreath Par. Reg. Lewis Pollard, Esq., and Mistris Mary Fortescue mar. 9 May, 1611, at Filleigh. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 177 A | John 2 sone mar. Mary Da. of Jo. Slaninge of Plimpton Mary in Com. Devon had isue Edw. 3 sone Wm. Pome--Mary Da. Wilmot Mary ux' Wm mar. Julian mar. Julian roye of Col- of Jo. ux' Leigh of Leigh Da. of.... liton in Bevill of Inkle- Forster & Com. Devon Killgarthe ton Thomazin ux' Pitford Mathew 1 John 2 sone who died in Ireland 3 Jane ux' Wm. Ca- vill 3 2 Andrew Pomeroy of St.-Jane Da. & sole hey. of Collomb liveing 1620 in Com. Cornwall Digorie Hext of Laun- ceston in Cornwall 3 Wm. sone & hey. at. 14 1620 3 Anne 1 Da. Fran. 2 Da. AND. POMEROY. Pomeroy. 4 Sr Edw. Pomeroy of Bury Pomeroy in Com. Devon K 5 Hugh Pomeroy of Tregny-Johan da. of Tho. Bowerman in Cornwall 2 sonne of the Isle of Wight Hugh Pomeroy sonne & heire 6 Henry Pomeroy of Tregney 2 sonne living 1620 Hugh sonne & heire ætat. 18 annoru' 1620 Francis 2 Sr Thomas Pomeroy sonne & heir Eliza da. of John Bony- than of Kewry John 3 Henry 4 Richard 5 Elynor * 1 Bur. 31 May, 1634. 2 "" 22 Nov., 1639. St. Columb Par. Reg. (J. M.) HENRYE POMEROY. 3 Named in the will of John Pomeroy of St. Cleere, gent., 16 June, 1618, in which is also named Matthew, son of Ellis Pomeroy, deceased (qy. Edward). Proved in London 12 March, 1619. Witnesses Pascowe Vivian, Pascowe Vivian, jun., and Rich. Vivian. 4 Son of Sir Rich. Pomeroy, Sir Edw. died 21 Oct., 30 Hen. VIII. Thomas Pomeroy, his son and heir, aged 35 and more. Esch. Inq. p. m. 30 and 31 Hen. VIII., Cornw., No. 7. Names his wife Johanna, da. of Sir John Sapcot, and the Manor of Tregoney. 5 Ob. 23 Sept., 7 Eliz. Inq. p. m., 8 Eliz., No. 50. Hugh Pomeroy, son and heir, æt. 11. Names Sir Thomas Pomeroy, his brother. 6 Mar. 15 Apr., 1600. St. Columb Par. Reg. (J. M.) Mayor of Tregoney, 1620. * Walter Jenkyn and Ann Pomeroy, mar. 27 Oct., 1628. St. Columb Par. Reg. (J. M.) Gregory Pomeroy and Joane Broade, mar. 17 Nov., 1617. Rich., son of Gregory Pomerie, Grace, da. of "" bap. 14 Jan., 1617-18. St. Ewe Par. Reg. 22 Oct., 1620. "" Cor. Reg. King John, No. 6. Hen. de la Pomeroy v. John Russell and Rohaysia de la Pomeroy, his wife, plea of dower. Rohays de la Pomeroy for her husband John Russell v. Henry de la Pomeroy, her son, in a plea of dower. Inq. prob. æt. 15 Edw. I., No. 72. Henry, son of Henry de la Pomeroy, born at Tregoney, and baptized in the church of the said town, 22 years of age on the Friday after Feast of Pentecost, 15 Edw. I. Inq. p. m. 27 Ed. I., No. 32. Henry de la Pomeroye and Peter Corbet consang. et hæred. of Roger de Valle Torte. Ped. fin. 29 Eliz., Ea. Rich. Carveth qu. Hen. Pomeroy gen. def. Ten't in Penwarne Chidown, etc. 2 A 178 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Porter. 1 Walt' Porter of the Countie Gartrude Da. of Rich. of Cornwall Chamond Peter Porter 2 sonne Suzun Da. of² of Lancells Digory Grenvile 2 Rich. Porter of Lancelles in Com.= Cornw. liveing 1620 atat. 44 John 1 sone atat. 16 1620 Rich. 2 sone at. 14 Not signed. ¹ Inq. p. m. 24 Eliz., No. 7. Walter Porter died 17 Jan., 24 Eliz. Rich. Porter, son and heir, æt. 5 years 7 July last. Recites will of Walter, dated 14 Jan., 1581, in which are named his wife Gertrude, sons Peter and John, da. Mary, and his bro. Emanuel Chamond. Richard Porter, his son, sole Ex'r. 2 Will of Barnaby Leigh of St. Catherine's, Devon, dated 20 Aug., 1616, proved London, 15 May, 1618. Names his sister Porter (probably this Susan) and his mother, Mrs. Phillip Grenville; and we find, 'Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 226, that Phillip, da. of Hugh Prust, mar. 1, Wm. Leigh, and 2, Digory Greenvile. * Inq. p. m. 8 Eliz., No. 175. John Porter died 24 August, and Walter, son of Walter Porter, bro. and heir of said John, and aged 10 years and more. Mr. Richard Porter, Esq., and Mrs. Mary Mollesworth, Mary, dau. of Richard Porter, Esq., of the parish of Launcells, mar. 21 Aug., 1628. Egloshayle Par. Reg. St. Kew bap. 14 May, 1637. § Par. Reg. Mr. Thomas Porter was presented to the Rectory of this parish 15 June, 1629. Thomas, son of Thomas Porter, Rector of St. Mabyn, by Sarah his wife, Mary, da. of Christ. Porter, gent., by Elizab., bap. 15 Mar., 1639. Thomas, son of "" Lucy, da. of "" Thomas, son of "" Christopher, "" "" John, " Charles, Endymion, "" "" 1 Jan., 1670. ,, 28 Dec., 1671. by Eliz., 13 Oct., 1673. "" "" 20 Aug., 1683. "1 "" 20 Jan., 1686. 99 19 June, 1688. 17 June, 1690. "" 1 Oct., 1692. mar. 15 June, 1658. 30 Dec., 1658. 24 June, 1714. Walter Langollen, gent., & Mrs. Ann Porter, Thomas Fornell, gent., & Mrs. Mary Porter, Mr. Charles Porter & Mrs. Mary Caffin, of Launceston, John, son of Thomas Porter, Rector, by Sarah, bur. 5 July, 1639. Thomas Porter, gent., son of Mr. Thomas Porter, Rector, 23 Jan., 1666. "" Sarah Porter, wife of Thomas Porter, Rector, 12 May, 1668. Thomas Porter, Rector, "; 30 Sep., 1668. Christ., son of Christ. Porter, gent., by Elizab., Elizab., wife of Mr. Christ. Porter, "" 15 Oct., 1681. 17 May, 1701. William, son of 99 14 May, 1706. George, "" Wm. and Grace Porter, Wm., son of Robert Porter, gent., Mr. Robert Porter and Alice Taverner, Wm. Porter and Grace, dau. of George Bastard, of Lanteglos, Robert Porter, gent., Alice Porter, widow, mar. 21 Feb., 1663. 1688. bur. 1676. bap. 1665. 1688. "" George, son of Wm. Porter, Grace, wife of William Porter, gent., 1682. "" 1691. 1699./ St. Mabyn Par. Reg. St. Teath Par. Reg. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 179 Porter. Richard Porter of St. Stephens. . . . da. of William Parkyng iuxta Ash in Cornwall of Torr in Com. Cornub. John Porter of St. Stephens by Salt Ash-Margaret da. of . . . . Bake of Bake William Porter of Trimer--Mary da. of Hen. ton in St. Stephens eldest Hichins of Merk- sonne well John Porter of=Agnes da. of Salt Ash 2 sonne Henry Lus- comb Richard Porter of Tri--Elizabeth da. merton in St. Stephens of John Pas- living 1620 coe Elizabeth wife to Rich. Lambert & after to Theobald Gears Johana wife to Hugh Hawkyns 2 Roger Porter sonne Willm 2 1 Erysye 4 Dorothy 1 Elizab. 3 & heir ætat. 15 annoru' 1620 Richard 3 Arthure 4 Mary 2 Johan 4 RICHARD PORTER. * 1 Erisye, son of Richard Porter, gent., bap. 5 Jan., 1615, at St. Stephen's by Saltash. 2 William, son of Roger Porter, gent., 9 Oct., 1633, 99 Bishop's Trans. * Christopher Osmond, gent., and Marye Porter, mar. 26 Mar., 1627. Kilkhampton Par. Reg. St. Stephens by Saltash. William Porter, gent., prob. 23 Sept., 1675. St. Mabyn. Roger Porter, gent., Elizabeth Porter, Thomas Porter, St. Teath. 1677. Robert Porter. W. Plymouth. 1672. Francis Porter, clerk. W. 99 31 Oct., 1677. 2 May, 1679. 19 Sept., 1666. Wills: Archdeaconry of Cornwall. Wills Principal Register, Exeter. Will of Thomas Porter, Rector of St. Mabyn, dated June, 1668. To be buried in chancel of St. Mabyn Church. Names daughters Alice Porter, Sarah Elford, Mary Howell, Ann Langollan, and son Christopher Porter, who he makes sole executor. Probate 20 Jan., 1668-9. Coke, 9 P. C. C. Inventory of the goods of Richard Porter of Launcells, 2/6, 24 June, 1631. License of marriage between Michael Porter of Launceston, clerk, and Alice Jen- nings, widow, of Plymouth, 22 July, 1642. Exeter Act Book. (J. M.) Ped. fin. Cornw. 38 Hen. III., No. 1. Henry le Porter, qu. Reginald le Porter, def. A knight's fee in Treseles on the death of Reginald to remain entirely to Henry and his heirs, as held of Reginald and his heirs for ever by payment of 2s. annually at Michaelmas. Chancery Proceedings, A.D. 1579, Elizab. P. p. 3, No. 11. Porter v. Battin. Names William, Richard, Bartholomew, and Jane, children of Thomas Porter and Agnys his wife, who afterwards mar. defendant, John Battin. Will of Thos. Porter dated 29 Aug., 1558; proved before Thos. Fuyge, Official of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall, 10 Oct., 1558. 180 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. ARMS.-Argent a Brake Sa. Poyle. Rob. Poyle of Tregney John Poyle of Tregney-Da. and Coh. of Sr Tho. Tregarthan Kt Jo. Jo. Poyle of Tregney Da. of Nicho. Barrat of Tregardon ¹ Rich. Poyle of Castlecesanse Elizb. Da. of Hugh Boscawen Nicho. Poyle of Castlezance in=Elizb. Da. of Hugh Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 * Monday of Tregney NICH. POYLE. ¹ Rich. Poyle, ob. 9 July, 35 Eliz. Nicholas, son and heir, æt. 14 at time of father's death. Castlesans, etc. Inq. p. m. 36 Eliz., 2 pt., No. 45. * Nicholas, the son of Mr. Poyle, was buried 9 Nov. 1563. St. Mabyn Par. Reg. } (J. M.) John Hender and Willmet Poyle mar. 1657. St. Teath Par. Reg. Ralph Poyle bur. 1626. Padstow Par. Reg. ·} Tho. Poyle of Tregoney. Will, many bequests to Churches, Tregony, Bodmin, etc. Residue to wife Joan. Names sons Robert, Richard, and Martin, who were appointed exors. in succession after Joan. Henry Pester,(ª) Ric. Penwerin,(") and o'rs, witnesses. P. P. C. A.D. 1502. Blamye, 163. Robert Poyle. (a) Will, 10 Sept., 1502; to be buried in the Church of St. Frembaron of Fowey ; to the building of the said Church, “all my part of a ship called the De le An of Fowey;” legacies to Tho. Trevroi (Treffey) and the Vic. of Fowey. Residue to Ric. Haryngton,(a) his father-in- law, and Tho. Poyle, his brother, whom he appointed executors for the protection of his daughter Joane. He bequeathed to each son of his brother a silver cup. Hen. Pester, (*) Supervisor. P. P. C. at Lambeth, Dec., 1502. (Blamye, 163.) Ped. fin. 1 and 2 Ph. and Mary. East. Cornw. John Tremayne and o'rs, qu.; J. Poyle, def. ten. in Tregoney and Cornelly. Ped. fin. 22 Elizb. Hil. Cornw. Jno. Dallamayne, qu. John Poyle and o'rs, def. Ten't in Tregarrock, etc. "" Ped. fin. 43-4 Eliz. Mich. Cornw. Ric. Coga, qu.; Nich. Poile, def. tent. in Trevalla Vean. 16 James. East. Cornw. Andrew Avent and Hugo Munday, qu.; Nicholas Poyle, gen., def. Lands in Castlesins al's Castellzens, Elerkie al's Verian, Trewella-Vean, Goran, Helligan al's Heligan, Kestell, St. Ewa, Beaga-Cubie, Penboghe, Saynt Stephen's in Brannell, Oxford Park, and Clements, etc. £120 paid. Richard Harrington of Fowey. Ped. fin. 8 Hen. VII., Trin., Cornw. Commissioned to try Pirates at Fowey. | Pat. Roll. 1st Edw. V. Margaret, da. of Jno. Herle of Prideaux Herle and Anne his wife, da. and h. of Jno. Salter of Foye.(*) Anne Robert Poile. h.Th Jane Poile, so. da. and h. Thomas Petit, 2nd husb. (in whom the male line of Petit ended.) Alice, so. da. and h. James Tresahar of Trevethan. V (Harl. 4031, fo. 78 and 72. Add. MSS. 14315. Benolt's Visit. of A.D. 1531. Treffry MS. at Place Fowey, and Sir John Maclean's' Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i. p. 683.) In the list of knights summoned from Cornwall, A.D. 1277, to attend King Edw. I. at Wor- cester, on service against Llewellyn ap Griffith, we find the names of Walter de la Poylle, Ralph Bassett, Tho. le Ercedekne, Rob. D'Aumarle, Henry de Ralegh, Robt. de Dyneham, Robert Malet, etc., knights. For Sir Walter de la Poyle, John de la Poyle, his son, offered to perform the service of half a fee in Hampton (Hampton, Poyle, Oxfordsh.) "qui idem Walterus est de familia Com. Cornub." Cott. Claud. C. II., fos. 52, 55. Inq. p. m. 27 Ed. I. No. 44. Walter de la Poyle. John, s. and h., æt. 25. In window of the Manor Ho. of Sutton Valence were the arms of De la Poyle,― A. a saltire Gu. with a bord. Sa. bezantée. Hasted's Kent,' vol. ii., p. 412 n. Hasted's 'Kent,' vol. ii., p. 412 n. Presumably of Cornish origin, from the border Sa. bezantée. Coram Reg. Ro. 30 Ed. I. Cornw. Roger de la Poylle named. (2) Named in the will of SirJohn Treffry P. P. C. 19 Feb., 1500. (Moone, 20.) See Treffey, post. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 181 ! Pye. Jo. Pye of Nansarth in Cornwall- John 1 John 2 sone sone Alex' Pye of St Stevens in Com. Cornwall 3 sonne Marian Da. of Rich. Corne of St Stevens in Cornwall ¹ Antho. Pye of Bodinick-veor in Constance Da. of Wm Pound of Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Launston in Com. Cornwall 2 sonne 2 Antho. Elizb. Da. of Rob. Trethewye John Pye sone & hey. ob. sine ple mar. Jane Da. of Thomas 3 sone Elizb. ux' Jane ux' Hen. Tho. Bur- Burgesse Otwell 4 Jo. Tanner of Court Esq. gess of Trwro Nathani. 5 Margt ux' Wm Catcher Hen. sone & hey atat. 4 1620 Willm 2 John 3 Jane a da. ob. sine prole ANTHO. PYE. * 1 Esch. Eliz. Jas. and Chas., part 27, No. 92. Inq. p. m. 3 Chas. Anthony Pye died at East Lowe 26 April, 1627. Anthony, his son and heir. 2 Aged 30 and more at the time of his father's death. * Chancery Proceedings, Eliz., P. p. 14, No. 13. etc., in Grampound. Anthony Pye v. Rich, Pengelley. Lands, William_Tremayne and Anna Pye mar. 13 Aug., 1579. Entered also in St. Ewe Par. Reg. "" 26 Oct., 1600. Truro Par. Reg. Robert Benett and Betonia Pye Ped. fin. 10 James, Hill., Cornw. Anthony Pye gen. and Hugh Trevanion gen. qu. Tho. Tresahar gen. and Anna Tresahar vid. def. Lands in Govyly Vean, Fentongoeck al's Fenton- goeth, Tresoren al's Soren, and Kebye (Cuby); one-third part of the Manor of Trelowyth with its appurt's, a part of Trelowith the lower, Naphissick, Tregantallan al's Tregandallen, Bossinver, Mewan, Saynt Tewe alias Eva, etc. Ped. fin. 12 James, East. Cornw. Ant. Pye gen. qu. John Carveighe gen, and Barbara ux. and Ric. Carveigh def. Lands in Tregerthick, Trenynnock, Rayles, Streete, Portheast, &c., in Saynt Goran. Ped, fin. 3 Chas. Mic. Cornw. Hen. Boscawen, qu. Jno. Hoare and Joane ux. Anthony Pye, jun. gen. def. Manor of West Langdon, etc. St. Stephen's in Brannell and Feock. John, son of Anthony Pye, bur. 29 May, 1617, at St. Stephen's in Branel. do. Robert, son of Anthony Pye, bap. 21 March, 1623, at Mr. Anthony Pye and Phillippa Andrew mar. 8 Sept., 1684. Arch- deacon's Transcripts at Probus. Will of Susannah Pye of St. Stephen's in Brannel, co. Cornw., dated 16 Nov., 1712, prob. 1719. Names Philippa and two grandsons, Henry and Pye Harris. The following wills of this family Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. are lost :- St. Stephen's in Branwell. Alexander Pye, 14 Feb., 1569. Do. Do. John Pye, John Pye, 30 Mar., 1582. 12 Decr., 1607. (J. M.) Nathaniel Pye of St. Stephen's in Branwell, gent., and Jenofesse his wife held lease of lands at Terris in that parish. Deed dated 6 January, 1654. Deeds in Collec- By deed dated 1 Aug., 12 Charles I., Anthony Pye of St. Stephen's tion of Sir John in Branwell, gent., conveyed lands at Hallivick in that parish to Tho- mas Hoblyn and his heirs. By deed dated 25 June, 7 Chas. I., Anthony Pye of St. Stephen's in Branwell conveyed lands called Terrys to John Vivian. Maclean. [Note continued on next page. 182 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. t Quarme. Captaine Quarme-Da. of Crispin Lo. of Woodhouse Roger Quarme of Woodhouse Roger Quarme of Woodhouse Da. of Bastard Robt. Quarme Agnes da. of Crispine of Hedswell Robt. Quarme of Woodhouse in Devon but now of St Keverne in Cornwall Bridget Da. of Robt. Webber of Bowrings Lee Thomas ob. s. p. in India Orien- talis John 3 filius Thomas fil. pri- Nicholas 2 fil. Gedian 3 mus ob. s. p. Mary Da. of Robt. Robt. Quarme fil. ob. s. p. fil. æt. Crispin 4 æt. 28 Robt. filius et heres æt. 6 annoru' 1620 Honor Dorothey Walter Quarme 5 fil. scolasticus Nicholas 6 filius ætat. Bridget mar. to Anne ob. virgo Edw. Isack of 20 St Anthony Grace virgo Abigall mar. to Willm Hext ROBERT QUARME. Randall. To Inquire for ye Coate of Randall. 2 Da. of Eyre Tho. Randall of Peryn in Com. Grace Da. of Rich. Geir- Cornw. liveing 1620 Gertrude | veis of Constenton in da. of Nic. Penticost 3 wife BT Com. Cornwall C A (Note continued.) : Adm❜n, etc., of Otwell, alias Atwell Pye. Probus, granted to Jane Pye, his relict, 19 Sept., 1683. Adm'n, etc., Nathaniel Pye of St. Stephen's in Branwell granted Bodmin. (J. M.) Humphry Pye and William Pye witnesses to the will of Constantine Moyle to Jenefer Pye, his relict, 10 Sept., 1669. of St. Minver, dated 16 Decr., 1618. * Robert Quarme, gent., and Katherine Trefusis, da. of Thomas Trefusis, mar. 1633. Con- stantine Par. Reg. Mrs. Dorothy Quarme bur. at Creed 1668. Grace, da. of Rob. Quarme, gent., bur. at do. 1668. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Joseph May (Clerk) and Judith Quarme mar. 1688. St. Ewe Par. Reg. The register books of Mawnan contain several entries of the family of Quarme about the date of this Visitation. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 183 A | B | 이 ​Thomas Mary ob. sine p❜le John 1 sone Haniball Ran- dall by ye 3 wife Tho. Randall of Mevy Kath' Da. of in Com. Cornwall live- | Jo. Stronge ing 1620 2 sone of Saltash Tho. 2 Willm 3 Katherin 1.Da. John sone & hey. at. 6 Rich. 3 Jenifer ux' John Jane ux' Grace ux' Emlyn ux' Dorithie ux' Jo. Wm Tre- Willm 4 Treourne wynick Fran. Hill of Wm Rumoe Retallick in Cornwall THO. RANDALL. 4 || Rashleigh. 1 Phillip Rashleigh of Fowye Genet Da. of Tho. Leighe 2 Robt. Rashley 3 John Rashleyghe Alice Da. of Wm sone & heyre 2 sonne * Agnes ux' Mar- 5 John Rash-=Alice Da. of tin of Devon Jone uxor Jo. Mayo of Lowe ley sone & heire of Fowye in Com. Corn- wall liveing 1620 Bonithan of Kertleowe in Cornwall A † Hanyon Avis ux' Kes- tell of Cornw. Emlyn ux. J. Ape- ley of Devon 7 Joanne un- maried 8 Mary uxor Sim. Clotworthie of Rashleigh * Ped. fin. Cornw. 4, Edw. IV., No. 1. Henry Courteney, son of Thos. Courteney, late Earl of Devon, qu. Thos. Sele and Margaret his wife def. Names John Randell of Merther. 1 Inq. p. m. 4 Edw. VI., part I., No. 23. Philip Rayssheligh died 14 June, 4 Edw. VI. Robert R., son and heir, aged 30 and more. 2 Inq. p. m. 30 Elizb., pt. I., No. 12. Robt. Rayshlegh ob. 27 March. John Rashlegh, son and heir, aged 20 years, 7 mo., 24 d. at father's death, and had married Elizabeth, the da. of Rich. Trevanion, ar. 3 Inq. p. m. 25 Eliz., No. 163. John Rashleigh died 10 Aug., 20 Eliz. John, son and heir, aged 27 and more. 4 She is called Joane, wife of Will Martin of Totnes, in Martin ped.,' Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 182. 5 Jno. Rashleigh and Alice Bonython mar. 10 Feb., 6 Alice, wife of John Rashley, Esq., bur. 10 Ap., 1507. Fowey Par. Reg. 7 Named in Inq. p. m. John Rashleigh, note 3. • 8 Simon Clotworthy and Mary Rashleigh mar. 2 Mar., 1583. Fowey Par. Reg. † Inq. p. m. 21 Eliz., part I., No. 15. Thomas Rashleigh of Foye died 20 May, 18 Eliz. John Rashleigh, his nephew, son of Robert R., his next heir, æt. 18 y'rs 2 months. Anthony in Inq. p. m. 20 Jas., part I., No. 92, John Rashleigh. Robt., s. and h., aged 24 at father's death. Jonathan Rashleigh of Menabille, Esq., and Madam Jane Carew, da. of Sir John Carew, Bart., were mar. 12 Dec., 1681. (Entered also at Lan- livery.) the East Par. Reg. 184 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Jonithan 2 sone mar. Anne Da.of Sr Robert Basset Kt John Rashley sone & hey. at. 34 live- inge Alice ux' Nicho. Sawle of Cornw. Debora ux' John Spark of Devon JONATHAN RASHLEIGHE. * Johan Rashleigh Joan Rashleigh Letty Rashleigh John, son of Jo. Rashleigh, John, Joan Rashleigh John, son of Rob. Rayshley, Margaret Rashleigh Robert, son of Mr. Jno. Rashlegh of Coombe, bap. 3 Aug. 1544. 26 Jan., 1546. 8 July, 1548. "" "" 11 May, 1550. "" 27 Nov., 1554. 5 May, 1558. "" 14 Jan., 1563. Jno., "" "" "" 1564. "" 29 June, 1585. gent., 22 Dec., 1588. Jonathan, "" "" Philip, "" "" "" "" Thomas, "" "" "" "" 4 July, 1591. 11 Nov., 1593. 7 Sept., 1595. John, son of Robert Rashley, "" 21 Jan., 1619. Jno., "" Jonathan Rash legh, "" 22 Apl., 1621. Jonathan, "" "" "" 15 Jan., 1631. Jonathan, John Rashley of Menibilie, Esq. "" 23 July, 1642. Philip, "" John Rashley of Coombe "" 19 Nov., 1643. Jno., "" Rob., "" Absalom, "" John Rashley, gent., of Menabilly, John Rashley of Coombe, gent., Robert Rashleigh, "" 20 Nov., 1644. 1645. "" "" Thos., "" "" gent., "" Thos. Rashleigh and Elizab. Trevanion mar. 21 Jan., 1655. 1660. 30 June, 1573. Francis Vivyan and Elizab. Rashleigh Mr. Robert Rashlegh and Jane Maior (qy. Maioe) John Rashleigh, gent., and Elizab. Rashleigh Rob. Rashlegh and Grace Biggs Kath., ux. Mr. John Rashleigh of Coombe, John Rashlegh John Rashlegh, gent., of Coombe Mr. Jno. Rashleye, Esq. John, his son, Joane, ux. Rob. Rashlegh of Coombe Thos., son of Jno. Rashley of Coombe, gent., John Rashley of Coombe, the elder Thos., son of Jno. Rashley, Rob. Rashley, Esq., Thos. Rashley of Coombe Mrs. Joane Rashley, wid., Mrs. Mary Rashley Phil. Rashley, gent., Mrs. Jane Rashley Mrs. Joan Rashey Mrs. Mary Rashey "" "" bur. "" 13 Jan., 1605. 16 Dec., 1619. 5 Dec., 1642. Jan., 1652. 1614. 20 Aug., 1619. 21 Nov., 1621. Fowey Par. Reg. 16 May, 1624. "" 22 May, 1624. "" Jan., 1643. 1648. 1654. 1660. 1666. "" 1661. 1668. "" 1674. "" in the Church 1681. "" 1681. "" 2 March, 1682. و, 1683. Mr. Jno. Rashey Jno. Rashley of St. Katherine's, Esq., Jane, ux. Jonathan Rashley, Esq., Stephen, son of John Rashleigh, bap. 26 Feb., 1630. Mr. Jonathan Rashey, Esq., and Nan Courtney were Par. Reg. "" "" 99 in the Church 1691. 1693. 31 Aug., 1700. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. mar. 11 March, 1672. Tywardreth Phil., son of Jno. Rashley, Esq., by Joan, bap. 1647. St. Sampson's and Golant Par. Reg. Francis, s. of Wm. Rashleigh (of Gunwalloe) & Jane his wife, bap. Joane, da. of Peter Rashleigh and Mary, 1690. Cury. Par. bap. 14 Oct., 1690. Reg. Several entries of Rashleigh appear in the Par. Reg.'s of Gunwalloe and Cury. Chan. Pro., Eliz., R. r. 4, No. 52. John Rashleigh of Menabilly v. Wm. Achym and or's. Right of water at Penhellick in parish of Pelynt. John Rashleigh, father of Orator, named. Ped. fin. Cornw., 6 Edw. VI., pack. 9. John Rashley gent. qu. Stephen Vyvyan gent. and Maria his wife def. Pennyllyke, Foxehall, and Holewood, in the parishes of Pelynt and Quethyock. John paid Stephen £80 sterling. For more extended ped. of Rashleighe, see Harl. M.S. 1079, fo. 200. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 185 Reskimer. John Reskimer of Marthen in Com. Cornub. Esq.T John Res--Grace da. William Res--Elynor da. Richard= Res- kimer kimer sonne & heir ob. to John St.Aubyn of Clo- kimer 3sonne of Henry & heire to Spurr of his brother of Northill 2 sonne s. p. wans Esq. Merthen in Com. Cornub. די Catherine wife to Thomas Enys of Enys Jane wife to John Couch of Penryn John Res- kimer Henry 2 John Res-1 Margaret Grace 1 d. kimer of William 3 Marthen da. of George | 2 Philippa 2 wife to Mary 3 Jo. Trith- Gifford of Johan 4 James 4 1620 Tiverton wall of Trink sonne & heir ob. Catherin 5 s. p. Nicholas 5 all unmaried $ HENRY RESKIMER. Mary in the Gyfford Ped. See 'Visit. Devon,' p. 135. 2 Compare ped. of Thomas of Crowan, post. * John, son of John Trelawney, Esq., and Anne Reskymer, gent., da. of Alse Reskymer, mar. 11 Dec., 1562. Menhenniot Par. Reg. This marriage carried the quarterings of Reskymer, Trevarthian, and Carminow, to Trelaw- ney; John Trevarthian having been proved one of the heirs of Joanna Carminow, Inq. p. m. 19 Ric. II., No. 15, as son of Matilda, the daughter of Sir Oliver Carminow. The subsequent descent through the main line of Reskymer is given in the History of Trigg,' vol. i., p. 555. Rich. Reskymer, bur. 1597. John Reskymer, Esq., 1601. Constantine Par. Reg. "" Will. Reskymer, Esq., 1616. "" Arthur, son of Mr. Will. Reskymer, bur. 27 Dec., 1601. Gluvias Par. Reg. Alice Reskymer, gent., bur. 1563. St. Tudy Par. Reg. John Trenthall, gent., and Phillis, da. of Wm. Reskymer, Esq., mar. 10 Feb., 1615. (J.M.) Constantine Par. Reg. Inq. p. m. 5 Ed. IV., No. 19. and heir, æt. 28. Inq. p. m. 11 Ed. IV., No. 45. Ralph Reskymmer, ob. 14 April last. Will. Reskymmer, son William Reskymmer, ob. 11 Feb. last. Names Elizabeth, his wife, da. of Thos. Arundell, militis; John Reskymmer, son and heir, æt. 14, et amp. Inq. p. m. 6 Elizb., No. 15. Alice Reskymer, wid., ob. 14 Jan. Anne, ux. John Trelawney, aged 21, 26 July last; Katherine, aged 16; Francisca, aged 13; and Johanna, aged 12, her daughters and heirs. Inq. p. m. 15 Jas., part 1, No. 96. John Reskymer al's Creber of Merthen, ob. 2 Feb. last past. An Ind're, 3 Ap., 44 Elizb., between John Reskymer al's Creber of Merthen, first part, and Tho. St. Awbyn of Clowance, Esq., and Tho. Enys of Gluvias, gent., second part, recites a demise by John Reskymer, Esq., of Merthen, dec. dat. 1 Mar., 4 Elizb., of certain lands to John Reskymer al's Creber, rem. to Will. Reskymer al's Creber, rem. to John Reskymer al's Creber, son of Richard Reskymer al's Creber, rem. to right heirs of John Reskymer al's Creber first named, rem. to right heirs of John Reskymer of Merthen, Esq., dec. William Reskymer, bro. and heir, aged 50 years and more. Ped. fin. Cornwall, 20 Hen. III., No. 2. Abbas de Bello Loco, qu. Ric. de Riskemere, def. In St. Kavaron. Ped. fin. 32 Ed. I., No. 2, Cornwall. John de Reskemmer qu. Roger de Carmynou, def Lands in Lannergh, Trevagethyghan, Trevagetmur, etc. £10 sterling paid. 2 B 186 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Robarts. ARMS (tricked in pencil).-B. on a chev. Arg. three mullets pierced Sab. ARMS. HENDER in trick. A lion ramp. within an orle of escalops. Rich. Robts of Trwro in Com. Cornw. esq. John Robertes 1 sonne ma. Phillip 2 da. of John Gaveregan, Esq Rich. Robertes of Trwro 2 sone Margerie Da. of Willes of Saltashe esq. Rich. Lo.-Frances da. & heyre Roberts Baron of Truro of Ed. Hinder of Botreaux Castle Corn. Esq. John Lo. Roberts Baron of Truro mar. Lucy da. of ye Lord Rich Earle of Warwick Hugh 2 Phillip 3 Rich. 5 Josias Roberts of Tregaso in Com. Cornw. esq. live- inge 1620 Barbara Da. of Edw. Noye esq. of Carnington in Cornwall by Jane da. of Crabbe father & mother of Wm. Noye of Lincolnes In. esq. Willm 4 mar. Elinor da. of Rich- ard Hekinson of Islington in Midd. gent. by Jane daughter and coheyre to John Wilson of Bednall Greene gent. by his wife Katherine daugh- ter of . .. Muschamp of Peccam in Surry esq. 2 Edw. 1 sone at. 22 Fraun- cis, a dau. JOSIAS ROBARTS. Roberts. Richard Roberts of Truro in Com. Cornub.Johan da. of Geffrey of St. Breage | 1 Jane wife | 2 | 3 Ann wife to Elizabeth wife to to Martyn Thomas Roger Tucker of al's Bosa- veron Illmester in Com.Som'set Balthazer Wil- liams of Trevor- voe in Pochia de Probes Christabel wife to John Michell of Truro Margaret wife to Henry Nan- spian of Crowan Richard Margery da. Roberts of Wills of 2 sonne Blowfleming 1 See Truro Par. Reg. opp. John Roberts of Truro Esq.sonne & heire A These 2 last daughters weare Twinns 2 Philip 2 da. of John Gaverigan of Gaveregan in Com. Corn. Esq. 2 Bap. 29 Nov., 1598. Truro, Par. Reg. * Ped. fin. 17 Edw. IV., No. 1. Peter William and John Roberds qu. Johana Coty of Tresula, widow, def. 1 Johan Robartes, wife of Mr. Rich. Robarts, Senior, bur. Xmas. day, 1608. 2 Philip, wife of John Robartes, 1603. The additions in italic are in another handwriting. Truro Par. Reg. >> THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 187 A | Sr Richard Roberts of Truro Kt and Baronett=Frances da. & coheire of living 1620 & created Baron of Truro by K. James 26 of January 26 Ja. R. Aº 1624 John Roberts sonne & heir ætat. 14 annoru' 1620 John Hender of Botriaux Castle Esq. ¹ Mary wife to 2 William Rowse of Halton sonne of Ambrose Rowse desceased whoe was sonne & heire Sr Anthony Rouse of Halton Kt T Jane 2 daughter ma. to Charles Lo. Lambert of Cavan in Irelande Francis a da. Tho. 3 sone Anthonie 1 son Richard 2 son Richard 1 son Not signed. Maria, da. of Richard Roberts, 2 William Rowse and Maria Robarts, bap. 28 Jan., 1599-60. mar. 24 Apr., 1617. Truro Par. Reg. * Samuel Pendarves, gent., of Constantine, and Mrs. Grace Roberts of Truro, mar. at Con- stantine 24 June, 1598. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Will of William Roberts of St. Allen, Merchant, 30 Jan., 1604, proved in London 1605. Names his sister Grace Burgess, and her son William when 21; Samuel Pendarves and Grace his wife, with their son William; John, son of Symon Roberts, when 21; Maria Lanyon. His bro. John Roberts and wife Jane, Exors. John Robarts and Johana Brende, Edward, son of Josia Roberts (see opp. page) Jane, da. of Richard Roberts, Josias, son of Josias Roberts (see opp. page) Frances, da. of Mr. Richard Robartes, jun., Reginald Robartes, senex, Maria, wife of Simon Robartes, Frances, da. of Rich. Robarts, militis, William Roberts and Mary Calmadow mar. 11 July, 1612. bap. 29 Nov., 1598. "" bur. "; "" 22 Sept., 1600. 21 Dec., 1611. Truro Par. Reg. 1605. 1605. 1618. 1.663. "" 29 Jan., 1631-32. "" 28 Nov., 1635. mar. Richard, son of The Hon. John Robartes, bap. 29 Dec., 1630. John, " "" Hender, Richard, "" Lord Robartes, Francis, "" Letitia, da. of John Lord Robartes, bap. at. Charles, son of • "" 24 Feb., 1648-9. 6 Jan., 1649–50. in Essex, 1651. bap. 20 Sept., 1653. Diana, da. of Aramintha, "" John, son of "" Olympia, da. of "" 19 Oct., 1654. 18 Oct., 1655. ** 2 Dec., 1656. 10 Dec., 1657. Henry, son of 99 John, son of the Hon. Robert Robartes, Esq., born Feb. 10, 1658, bap. in London. Mary, da. of Lord Robartes, born 31 May, 1661, bap. at Chelsea. John, son of Lord Robartes, Warwick, "" Enese, da. of :" 22 Feb., 1658. bap. 14 Oct., 1662. born at Chelsea, April 21, 1667. April, 1669. "" The Right Hon. Lord Francis Robartes was bur. 28 Oct., 1626. Richard, son of Lord Robartes, bur. the last day of Dec., 1630. Richard, Lord Robartes, bur. 4 July, 1634. (Richard, Lord Roberts, dyed the 19th day of Aprill, Anno D'ni 1634, and was buryed the 4 July the next following. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts.) John, son of John, Lord Robartes, Diana, da. of John, Lord Robartes, died at Chelsea. bar. 23 Feb., 1657. - 26 Jan., 1672. " July 17, 1685. Lanhydrock Par. Reg. 188 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Robinson. Willm Robinson of the Cittie of Worcester Ellinor Da. of Pitchard in Com. Worc' Thomas 1 sone ob. sine p❜le Fran. 2 sone ob. sine p❜le Wm. Robinson of Sithney-Agnes Da. of Tho. in Cornwall came out of Perrie in Com. Worcest' Som'set Cornwall Hickes of liveing 1620 Sithney Tho. 1 sonne-Jane Da.of of Sithney in Rich. Willm Robinson-Kath' Da. of James 2 Mary ux' of Helstone in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 sone Jo. obijt sine Hickes of prole Sithney Tho. Pen- rose of Sithney Thomas 2 Fran. 3 John 4 Agnes a da. Willm 1 sone atat. 14 1620 John Rogers de Lanke in Com. Cornwall 2. John 2 fil. 3. Thomas 3 fil. mar. the Da. of Trewawas in Com. Cornwall Anne mar. to Robt. Robins of Blisland THOMAS ROBINSON. WILLIAM ROBINSON, Rogers. Tomasin fil. et heres Johis Heydon de Heydon in p'ochia de Jacobstow in Com. Cornwall Christopher Rogers fil. et hæres Mary Da. of Willm Landon of Langdon in Jacob-stow in Com. Cornwall Ebot mar. to Hugh Wills of Hellond Reginall Rogers of Richard Da. of Rich. Lanke in Com. Cornwall Crosman of Lancarfe in Com. Cornw. Anne fil. primo- genit æt. 13 2. Maria at. 11 3. Jane at. 6 4. Ebott at. 3 5. Francisca unius ann. et demi REGNALD ROGERS. ¹ William Robinson signed the return of Arms of the Borough of Helston at the 'Visitation of Cornwall, 1620.' * For account and ped. of Rogers, see Chanc. Proc. Elizab. R. r. 11, No. 37. re Penrose, St. Breward. 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., p. 392. Christopher Rogers v. Hu., Riche, Wm. Bathe, and o'rs Inq. p. m. 25 Eliz., part 1, No. 109. Wm. Rogers ob. at Trebigh in Eggloskerry 26 Nov., 1582. Edward Rogers, son and heir, aged 21 on 20 June, 1583. John, son of John Rogers, gent., bap. at Crowan, 1690. Archd. Transcripts. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 189 Roscarrock. ¹ Ric. Roscarrock of Rosarock=-2 Isabell Da. & one of theires of in Com. Cornwall Rich. Trevenor al's dewy 3 Tho. Roscarock of Pentiene Jane Da. & sole hey. of Wm. in Com. Cornwall Pentier of Pentier Willm 2 sone mar. Anne Da. of Shel- ton in Com. 4 Jo. Roscarock of Roscarrock in Com. Corn. 5 Elizb. Da. of Hugh Trevanion of Cary- hayes in Cornwall Fran. 3 sone 1 Nicho. 2 sone Isabell ux. Wm. Mathew of Tresungar Charles Roscarock of Ros--Dorothie Da. of Sr Joane 2 carock in Com. Cornwall 1 | Tho. Thinn in sone Esq. liveing 1620 Com. Wiltes Jane 3 Chamond 2 sonne 1. Elizab. 2. Anne Cha. 1 sonne atat. 5 Joane 3 Dau. Not signed. Roscarrock. Thomas Roscarrock of Roscarrock Jane da. & sole heir of William Pentier of Pentune A ¹ Son and heir of John Roscarrock, Esq., and aged 30 and more at his father's death, 26 Oct., 29 Hen. VIII. (Esch. Inq. p. m. 28 and 29 Hen. VIII., Cornwall, No. 4.) Ob. 26 Oct. 17 Elizab. Thomas, son and heir, aged 44 and more. (Inq. p. m. 18 Elizab., part 1, No. 9.) 2 One of the sisters and heirs of Will. Trevener, defunct. Inq. p. m. 29 H. VIII., No. 30. See also note 3, p. 190. 3 Ob. 13 Feb. 29 Eliz. 4 Ob. 24 Nov., 6 Jas. No. 66. John, s. and h., aged 30 and more. Inq. p. m. 30 Eliz. pt. 1, No. 82. Charles, son and heir, aged 18 and more. Inq. p. m. 6 Jas., 2 part, 5 In a pedigree given at fo. 62, Harl. MS. 4031, she is called Katherine, da. of Hugh Tre- vanion, which agrees with the entry on the next page. Charles, son of Charles Roscarrock, Esq., bur. 1647. St. Neott Par. Reg. Dorithye Roscarrocke, gentlewoman, bur. at Trevalga 20 Dec., 1613. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Ped fin. Cornw. 12 Hen. VI., No. 1. Benedict Hamle qu. Thos. Roscreck and Annora his wife, def. Lands in Karlunyck, Helston Burgh, Truro Burgh, etc. Names also John and William Pennance, sons of Annora. Ped. fin. Cornw. 15 Eliz. Jas. Humfry qu. Robert Roscowrak al's Roscoryck, gener., and Ann his wife, and John Arundell of Treberthes (? Treverthes), gener., and Margaret his wife, def. Lands in Nanspellye in St. Gerans. Ped. fin. Pasch. 1 and 2 Phil. and Mary, No. 6. Rich. Roscarrock, Esq., and Rich. Chamond, qu. Stephen Vyvyan, gent., and Maria his wife, def. Lands, etc., in Trenans Austell, St. Austell, Castell Gotham, Tregorrek, Trethyrgy, and Boscovey, called also Boscavevyon in St. Austell and St. Blazey. Rem. to John Vyvyan, bro. of Stephen, rem. to Francis Bluett, Henry Chiverton, and John Courteney, and in default rem. to right heirs of said Stephen Vyvyan for ever. Inq. p. m. 3 Hen. VII., No. 117. Isabella Rescarrek. John R., son and heir, aged 40 and more. Chanc. Proc. Elizab. R. r. 3, No. 27. Humphry Rescarock v. Richard Mathewe. Lands in Endellion. 190 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A vali William Ros-Ann da. of Francis Eliza Agnes wife Catherine Margaret carrock of 3 sonne wife to William Padstow 2 sonne living 1620 Shelton of London living to wife to Menwinnek Jo. Tan- wife to Littleton 1620 Lewis ner Trenance Dart John Jane unmaried John Roscarrock of Ros-¹ Catheryne da. of Hugh Tre- carrock sonne and heir Charles Roscarrock-Dorothy da. of of Roscarrock living 1620 Sr John Thynn of Wilt' Kt. vanyan of Carryheys Nicholas 2 sonne Sibell wife to William Mathew of Tresunger Johan unma- ried Charles Roscarrock sonne and heir ætat. 4 ann. ** Not signed. Roscarrock. 2 Richard Roskarrock of Roscarrock: in Com. Cornwall 3 Thomas Ros--Jane da. and sole carock of Ros- carrock sonne and heir heir of Willm Pentier of Pentune 3 Isabell da. and coheir of Rich. Trevennor al's Dewy Hugh Roscarrock 2 sonne mar. the da. and heire of Boswaro Anthony Ros-Isabell carrock of Crowne 3 sonne da, of John Stone John Roscarrock of Crawne in Com. Cornub. Esq. living 1620. Eliza. da. of Thomas | Hinckston of Park- gate & of Durworthy William sonne and heir Humfrey 2 John 4 ætat. 8 Annoru' 1620 Thomas 3 Frances 1 first maried to Gilbert Michell & after to John Sanders of Bodman Frances 1 da. Philipp 2 JOHES SAUNDERS. 1 See note 5, p. 189. * Roger Roscowreake, bur. 24 Feb., 1561. St. Ewe Par. Reg. 2 Chan. Pro. Eliz. R. r. 11, No. 61. Roscarrocke v. Trevanyon and o'rs. Names Richard Roscarrocke & his sons Humphry & Nicholas R. John R. is named as a def. re Deliobell, St. Tethe. 3 Inq. p. m. 34 Elizb., part 1, No. 32. Isabella Roscarrock, widow, died 17 Aug. last past. John Roscarrock, aged 30 years and more, was next heir, viz., son of Thomas, son of said Isabella. See n. 2, 3, and 4, p. 189. Ped. fin. 3 John, No. 8. Cornw. Matthew de Egloshei, qu. Walter de Roskareo, def. Havenant, etc. Pipe Roll. 1 Ric. I. Walter de Roscharet. Lands in Cornwall. For fuller and continued ped. of Roscarrock, see Hist. of Trigg.' vol. i.. p. 563. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 191 Rosewaran. Tho. Rosewarne of Camborne Win Rosewarne of Key-Anne Da. & Coh. of Nich. Carlyan of Carlyan & of his wife Margt Da. of Chiverton of Chiverton Esq. ¹ Peter Rosewarne of Key & Carlyan in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Jane Da. & sole hey. of Ralph Pencarowe of Trevalane Rich. 2 Bennett 4 John sone & hey. atat. 32, 1620 Tho. 3 Robert 5 Grace 1 Da. Jane ux. Nicholas Baw- Nichol. den of Litle Peran PETER ROSEWARAN of Carlyane. ¹ Ind're 8 July, 4 Chas., betw. Peter Rosewarne of Carlighan, gent., and John R., son and h. appar't of s'd Peter, of the first part, and Rich. Hendra, p'ish of Feock, yeom., other part. Conveyance of certain lands in Feock, sometime the heredit. of Thomazin Glyn, dec'd, and of Anne Rosewarne, wid., mother of s'd Peter-two of the dau'rs and coh's of Nich. Carlighan, gent., decd.,—now in occup. of Rich. R., son of s'd Peter R., and o'rs. Names Will. Rosewarne, gent., sometime husb. of s'a Anne, and Judith, wife of John Rosewarne, son of Peter R. Signed by John and Peter Rosewarne. Dors.-Sealed by the within-named John Carlyan (? John Rose- warne) in presence of Jno. Haweis, Sam. Davyes, Rob. Rosewarne, and Tristram Moore. * John Killigollan and Jane, da. of Thos. Roswarne, Jno. Evah and Ann Rosewarne, George Rosewarne and Ann Mason, John Nicholas of Sendy, and Jane, da. of Steven Rosewarne, Katherine, da. of Rich. Rosewarne, Jane, "" Rich., son of George Rosewarne, Bennett Rosewarne and Jane his wife, Grace, da. of Bennett Rosewarne, "" "" mar. 21 June, 1550. 26 Jan., 1617. "" 20 June, 1619. Camborne Par. Reg. "" 27 May, 1547. bap. 1 Sept., 1605. "" "" April, 1622. 19 Aug., 1627. mar. 2 Nov., 1603. bap. 9 Mar., 1561. "9 "" 1565. 20 Aug., 1567. 16 Aug., 1572. 26 July, 1573. 17 July, 1582. 27 Oct., 1594. 24 Jan., 1595. 7 April, 1598. 28 Sept., 1600. 1603. Mary, "" Rich., son of "" John, "9 "" Jane, da. "" Bennett, son 59 Thomas, Thomas Rosewarne, Rich., "" "" Marke, John, Bennett, "" "" "" Thomas Rosewarne, Richard, Will., "" gent., ,, "; "" Edward, "" Bennett Rosewarne, "" " John, "? "" "" "" "" Gyllian, da. ?" "" Thomas, Jane, da. Arthur, son "" Mary, da. William Rosewarne, John, son Bennett Rosewarne, William, son of Mr. Rosewarne, Richard Rosewarne, Katherine, wife of Bennett Rosewarne, "" "" 10 June, 1610. Thomas Rosewarne, gent., 27 Aug., 1620. bur. 28 Mar., 1566. "" 26 Oct., 1571. 99 29 Aug., 1574. "" 6 Jan., 1578. 20 July, 1591. Phillip, "" 14 Dec., 1606. 28 May, 1609. 30 Jan., 1604. 29 May, 1607. 2 Mar., 1613. 29 Oct., 1615. Gwinear Par. Reg. Richard, son of Thomas Rosewarne, Bennett Rosewarne, gent., Thomas, son of Bennet Rosewarne, Jane, wife of "; > 14 Feb., 1598. 14 Feb., 1603. 26 April, 1604. 8 Feb., 1618. 5 June, 1619. 192 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 1 Roskrowe. 2 Da. & heire of Trewynnard Tho. of Roscrowe in Jane Da. of Tho. Gerratt | Com. Cornw. * Tho. 1 sone Richard 2 Rich. 3 sone Da. of Dedicott ob. sine p❜le sonne ob. of Gluvias in of Worcest' John 2 sone ob. sine p'le 3 sone John sine p❜le Cornwall Peter 1 Rich. 4 Elizb. ux' Hen. Jane ux' Josias Sibell ux' Wm 2 sone mar. Tho. 3 Kelverth Perne * "T Tho. Lugie a da. PETER ROSKROWE. = Roskruge. Tho. Roskruge of St. Anthony in Com. Cornw.T ¹John Roskruge of St. Anthony Ellinor Da. of Tho. Chinoweth in Com. Cornwall of St. Martin Jane ux Tho. Edwards of Uny Lelant Anthony Roskrug of St. Anthony fil. et heres æt. 47 liveing 1620 Dorothy Da.of John Davy of Samford in Com. Devon Christian ux Peter Spry of Mawnon in Com. Cornwall John Roskrug fil. et 1 Ann æt. 16 heres æt. 14, 1620 3 Susan 5 Lowday Grace 2 Elinor æt. 15 4 Elizab.2 6 Alice t Sinobia ANTHONY ROSKRUGE. * Chanc. Proceed. Elizab. R. r. 1, No. 9. John Roskrowe v. Peter Hallamore and Phi. Tonckin, respecting tenement, etc., at Peryn al's Penryn. 1 John Roskruge, gent., 2 Elizab., da. of Anthony Roskruge, gent., + Rich. Roskruge, gent., and Rebecca Phillips were mar. 1666. James, son of Jno. Roskruge, gent., and Grace, John, Francis, Benjamin, "" "" "" 999 "" Anthony,,, Anthony Roskruge, Henry, "" "" John Roskruge, gent., "" "" bur. 1605. bap. 1608. bap. 1634. 1636. "" 1636. 1646. Anthony in Meneage Par. Reg. "" 1620. " 1627. "" bur. 1665. Anthony Roskruge, gent., "" 1707. Chanc. Proc. Elizab., R. r. 2, No. 39. James Roscrowgye of St. Kevern v. Gilbert Roscrowgye, his bro. Names Nowell R., son of James, and Rich. R., son of Gilbert. Gilbert states that long since he took to wife Margaret, and complainant James took to wife Nicholla, dau'rs and coheirs of Rich. Rysgrowgie, deceased, etc. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 193 Rosuggan. ARMS.-Ar. chev. ent. 3 roses, gu. seeds and leaves pp. John Rosuggan Nich. Rosuggan of St. Earme in Cornwall Alice Da. and hey. of Tripconney of . . . Jo. Rosuggan of St. Joane Da. of Wm Arscot Earme liveinge 1620 of Hollisworthie Digorie 2 fil. de Rederife iuxta London Robt. 2 Hump. 4 Hester 1 Da. John sone & hey. atat. 20 Rebecka 2 Da. Nicho. 3 Fran. 5 J. R. Rous. RIXTON. 9. KERKHAM. 10. WRAY. ARMS.-1. Rous, Or an eagle displayed B. armed Gu. 2. EDMERSTON. 3. RAMES- LAND. 4. HILL. 5. REVELL. 6. LEIGH. CREST.-An eagle displayed. 7. BARNHOUSE. 8. BRIGHT- Rad'us Le Rufus miles Willm's Le Rous filius Radi Rad'us Le Rous miles D'ns Alicia filia. . de parva Modberie Johes Le Rous Armiger Willm's de Edmerston al's Emerston 24 Ed. I. Johes de Edmerston fil. et hæres E. I. Matilda uxor eius Will'ms Le Rous D'ns de Johanna fil. Rici parva Modberie Tho. Edmerston fil.= et hæres 3 E. III. Speccot Militis Rad'us Le Rouse fil. Johanna filia Robti et hæres Godnesford John Edmerston fil. Johanna filia et hæres 16 E. III. A B * Chanc. Proc. Elizab. R. r. 7, No. 19. Resuggan and o'rs v. Trerruffe al's Treruthe. Names Robert Resuggan and Katherine his wife, one of the dau'rs and coh. of Thomas Cocke. T 2 C 194 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Rad'us le Rous fil. et hæres A | Rob'tus Le Rous secundus filius Willm's Dimock-Elizab. filia et heres Radi de Rous Baldwinus le Rous 3 filius ob. s. p. 16 E. II. Willms Le Rous fil. Alicia filia et hæres et hæres Rob'ti Thomæ de Edmerston B Thomas Ed--Rosa filia Will' Aunte & hey. merston Esq. of Willm of Rames Land Esq. Rob'tus Leigh de Leigh Johanna fil. et her. Robti Leigh. or on bend gu. a Lucye ar. Esquire Radus Ravell Lived in- the 5 yeare of H. IV. John Dimock fil. et heres Radus 2 fil. Walter 3 fil. Willms Rous fil. et hæres Margeria fil. Willmi Lower Armig. Walter Revell de Stoliford Ar. chevron gu. on chief gu. 3 treifoiles or. Edw. Barnhouse of King-Johanna fil. et Coh. Joh'is ston in ye Parish of Sto- | Brightrixton. Ar. 3 bores' narton (Staverton) gu. 2 | heads cope ent. 9 crosse wings Ar. Nicholas Kirk-Johanna fil. et John Rous Isabella ham of Black- | her. JohisWrey fil. et hæres | fil. doune in Com. de Marsh in Devon Com. Devon Willm Revell Mabill uxor of Stoliford elus Worth Fowelscombe in Com. Devon Rogerus Rous fil. et hæres Į Rich. Rous 2 fil. et | Mabill Da. & Coh. mar. to Willm Hill of Penquit & Fleete. Ar. chev. ent. 3 bugetts Sa. Juliana soror et Coh. Joh'is Hill de Penquit et Fleete Elinor Da. of Sr Edm. Maruni one of ye Kings Justices heres fratris D Marie mar. to Willm Fountaine Jane Da. and Coh. mar. to Robt. Hurst. Willms Rou's 3 fil. mar. the Da. of Ashford of Wonwell TE Thomas Rous 4 sonne F Croslets fitche gu. John Barn-Jane Da. of John Nicholas Kirk-=Katherine Da. of house fil. et | Pope Ar. 2 chev. ham of Marsh John Bonvile base son of Will'm hæres on Canton gu. a Lord Bonvile scallop or. Willms Rous Sibilla fil.Willmi Vowell of 2 son fil. et hæres John Barnhouse of Marsh in Com. Devon-Margaret Da. & hey. of Nic. Kirkham cott Esq. Tho. South-Grace soror et her. Nic. Barn- house Esq. Nicholas Barnhouse John Rous obijt sine prole first son ob. s. P. C THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 195 Deve izab. Da. of=¹ Anthonie Rous knight-Phillip Da. South- mar. Susan Sist. of Sr & Coh. to Hugh Pollard 3 wife ce his wife relict Copleston of Humph- rie Coles 2 wife 2 Alexander Pim first Husb. Edmous z filius mar. Jane Da. of Legg of Chalton Clarenceux Rex Armoru'. Robt. Ro 2 sonne a. of 3 Richard Ambrose Magdalena fil. Johis Osborne Elizab. mar. Alexander Pime 4 Francis Rous fil. et heres Esq. Ar. bend ermines ent. 2 Lions rampt. Sa. to John Phillip mar. to Humphric Nicolls Dorothy 3 Daught. mar. to John Upton Northcott of Penrose 5 Arthur Anthonie fil. et hær. Johannes 2 filius 4 Willm's Rous= fil et hæres 2 George 3 Thomas Anthony Rous 2 sonne of Lupton Quoad constat ex Officio Armoru' et privatis hujus Clarissimæ familiæ de Rous evidentijs GIULIELMUS CAMDEN Henry Rous fil. et heres 1 Executor to the will of Sir Francis Drake, the Circumnavigator. 2 She was the relict of Alexander Pym. See Visit. Devon,' Harl. 1080, fo. 360. 3 Francis Rous, gent., son of Sir Ant. Rous, Knt., and Ebbot Greynville, the da. of Geo. Greynvile, Esquier. of Penheale, mar. 2 Ap., 1612. (Menhenniot Par. Reg.) He was M.P. for Truro 1643, Speaker of Barebones Parliament, and afterwards Provost of Eton, where he died 7 Jan., 1658, and was interred in the College Chapel. He and his brother Richard wrote commendatory verses prefixed to the Rev. Charles Fitzgeffery's 'Life of Drake. 4 William Rowse and Maria Robarts, mar. 24 Ap., 1617. Truro Par. Reg. * Marten Rous of Holbeton in Devon, bur. 1623. Menhenniot Par. Reg. Francis Rows and Martha Carew, mar. at Antony, 26 Dec., 1639. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Francis Rous of St. Dominic, Cornw., gent., and Honor Coppleston of Boskerin, in Bodmin, wid., mar. lic. 29 Aug., 1610. Ped. fin. 7 Ric. I. No. 2, Cornw. Rich. Ruffus and Marina ux. qu. Ric. fil. Wybd, def. Lands in Tredewi. "" 30 Ed. I. No. 10, Cornw. Rich. le Rous de Tregaminion and Belisentam ux. qu. Rad. de Boskennan, def. Tregaminion juxta Lesard. Cornw. 35 Hen. VIII. No. 7. Odonem Rous and William Rous his son, and Johana his wife, qu. Michael Rous, bro. of William, def. Pipe Roll 31 Hen. I. Osbt. Ruffs. held in Cornwall. Chan. Proc. Eliz. R. r. 9, No. 11. John Rowse v. Will. Kendall, claim by descent. 1 196 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | | Margt 1 Samuell. Wm Samuell of Shevyock-Mary Da. of Tho. Tremayn in Com. Cornwall 1 of Collocombe Honor Da. of=Jo. Samuell of Ric. Halse of Elizab. 2 Keneton in Devon Rostormell in 2 Mary Da. of Jo. Chichester of Hall in Devon Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 John 2 sone Willm sone & hey. Elizab. 1 at. 7 atat. 17, 1620 a da. Lorew 3 H Margery 4 Gra Anne 2 Da. JO. SAMUELL Sawle. Richard Sawle of Lavaren Rose, da. of. . . . Sallamon ¹ Oliver Sawle of Lavaren ¹Jane da. of Nich. Kendall ¹ Richard sonne and heire ob. s. p. 2 John sonne & heir ætat. 21 annoru' 1620 1 Nicholas Sawle of Alice da. of John Rashley Penrise Living 1620 | of Foy in Com. Cornub. 3 Oliver 2 Nicholas 3 Francis 4 6 Jonathan 5 Willm 8 Willm 7 4 Jane 1 7 Richard 6 9 Joseph 9 5 Elizabeth Robert 8 Alice 3 NICHOLAS SAWLE. * For additions to ped. of Samuell, see Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 195. ¹ Oliver Sawle. Will. Harrington, 79. To Parish Stocke of Saneste names his brother Marmaduke, wife Jane ; to son Rich. his best brass Croc las, Brother Kendall, and Cousin Rich. Tremayne to be overseers. 2 John, son of Nicholas Sawl, bap. 13 May, 1599. Fowey Par. Reg Mr. John Sawell and Mrs. Mary Putt, mar. 13 Mar., 1627. St. Au 3 Oliver Sawel, Esq., and Mrs. Jane Glanville, da. of the Rt. Worsh Kut., mar. Sunday. 3 Feb., 1632. Tavistock Par. Reg. 4 Jane. da. of Nich. Sawl, bap. 5 Elizb., 6 Jonathan, son of Mar., 1598. 11 Oct., 1603. 17 Sept., 1609. 7 Richard, "} 8 Will., :) → Joseph, 17 Feb., 1611. Fowey Par. ** 7 Mar., 1613. *2 3 Jan., 1619. + Rychard Sawell witnessed the will of the Rev. Edmund Drake, father of the Admiral Sir Francis Drake. Testator requested " Rycharde Sawer good frynde." Prob. at Canterbury 16 Jan., 1566, [Note continued or THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 197 Sayer. Sayer & Bond Sayer & Viveon Sayer & Kendall. ugh Sayer of Michaell Penkevell -1 Margaret da. of . . . . Digby of Colshull ichard Sayer of Michaell Penkevell Ursula da. of Hugh Trevillian of Yarnescomb Edward Sayer of Michaell Penkevell living 1620 ætat. 20 Richard 2 sonne EDWARD SAYER. (Note continued.) Elizab., da. of Oliver Sawle, Esq., bap. 1638, at Tavistock. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Henry Sawle and Elizb. Peek, mar. 1678. Lansalloes Par. Reg. John Sawlle and Joane, mar. 1615. Luxyllian Par. Reg. Ric. Sawell of the parish of Gerrenst and Sibill Michell, mar. 1615. Rich., son of Rich. Sawell and Sibilla, ux., bap. 1628. Mawnan Par. Reg. Alice, da. of Mr. Oliver Sawel, bap. 1633. John Sawle and Mary Hooper, mar. 1637. John Sawle and Thomazin Trevillian, Rich. Saule, Mary Saule, wid., 1670. Tavistock Par. Reg. bur. 1667. 1677. Will. Saule of St. Austell, bur. 14 May, 1659. Truro Par. Reg. John Harrys of Radford, Esq., and Amy Sawle, mar. 31 May, 1661. Temperance, wife of Mr. Nich. Saull, Mr. Nich. Saule, bur. 2 April, 1658. 30 Nov., 1667. | Tywardreath Par. Reg. Ped. fin. 6 Ed. VI. East. Rich. Sawle, gen., qu. Tho. Drake and Margaret, ux., John Erncctle and Joan, ux., def. Lands in Hawcombe, p'ish of Beer Ferris. Ernsettle Estate is on the left bank of the Tamar, above and near Saltash Bridge. Ped. fin. 16 Elizb. Mich. Cornw. 1660. "" "" 34 40 "" ་་ Dev. 2 Jas. II. Trin. Cornw. William Kendall, qu. Oliver Sawle, def. Lostwithiel. Nicho. Sawle, gen. qu. Jno. Loure, sen, gen. and o'rs, def. Ten't in Penryse, etc. Jno. Glanville, qu. Tho. Sawle, def. Tavistock. Jos. Sawle ar. and o'rs, qu. Bridget Maynard vid Vivian and o'rs in Cosewarth, etc. The following notes relate to the issue of Joseph, son of Oliver and Joan Sawle :— Joseph Sawle of St. Austell and Amy Trevanion of Pendennis or St. Allen. Mar. lic. 21 Mar., Timothy Shoote, Rect. of Lawhidon, and Garthryd, da. of Joseph Sawle of St. Austell, Esq., mar. 29 Jan., 1700. St. Mewan Par. Reg. John, son of Jno. Vivian, Esq., of St. Columb Ma., and Mary, da. of Joseph Sawle of St. Austell, mar. at St. Mewan, 1684. Archd. Transcripts. Will of Mrs. Jane Williams (da. of Joseph Sawle) of St. Austell, wid., 3 Feb., 1732. Names sisters Ann and Mary Beauford; brother Francis Sawle, and his son Rich. and da. Mary ; brother Joseph Sawle and his son John; nieces Polly and Agnes Sawle; sisters-in-law Mary Sawle and Jane Carthew and her husband John Carthew; nephews John Harris and Tho. Shute; cousin Tha. Vivian; brother-in-law Hugh Williams; sister Mary Vivian. To Ch. of St. Austell her d largest silver salver. Bodmin Prob. Co. more of Sawle, see ped. 'Parochial Hist. Cornwall.' Lond., 1667. Vol. i., p. 44; and IS. 1079, fo. 204. Margaret, wife of Hugh Saier, Esq., bur. Rich. Saier, Esq., Anthony, son of Rich. Saier, Esq., Tho. Sayer and Elizb. Weeks, mar. 1665. 1608. 11 Sept., 1603. 29 Oct.. 1599. 1st St. Michael Penkivel Par. Reg. Probus Par. Reg. 198 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Scawen. Sciant present et futur qd Ego Joh'es de Kilquite dedi concessi et hac Carta mea confirmavi Sibille que fuit uxor Will'mi Scawen de Meleneck, Joh'is Scawen filij et heredis d'ci Will'mi Seawen, etc., A° 8 Rici II. Sciant p'sent' et futuri qª ego Joh'es Scawen de Meneleck dedi concessi e presenti carta mea confirmavi Nico Strike omnia mesuag. et totam terra' mea Kilquite cum suis p'tn' etc. hijs testibus Thoma Paderda Joh'e Tolcarn, 1 Cressell, Johe Harlisdon, Waltero Smith et alijs. Dat. apud Melenck die J prima post festu' Aploru' Johi et Jacobi Aº regni Regis Henrici quarti post co nono. (Seal of John Scawen—A chev. betw. 3 Griffins' heads erased.) Sciant p'sent' et futuri qª ego Thomas Scawen dedi concessi et hac presenti Car mea indentata confirmavi Rogero filio meo omnia, etc., Aº 10 H. VI. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos present scriptu' indentatu' p'ven'it Rogeru Scawen de Meleneck salt'. Dat. apud Stoketon quartodecimo die Junij A° regni regis Edw. quarti vicessimo. Sciant present et futur qª ego Tho. Scawen dedi concessi et hac p'senti carta mea confirmavi Waltero Scawen filio meo et heredi et Anastacie filic Robti de Wene-. mouth quem idem Walterus ducit in uxorem etc. Anno regni regis Hen. VII. vicesimo primo. Sciant p'sent et futur qd ego Willms Scawen filius et heres Walteri Scawen defuncti etc. Dat. apud Belenick vicesimo die octob. Aº regi Regis Hen. VIII., 32. Willm's Scawen de Meleneck vixit temp. E. I.— Willms Scawen fil. et heres aº 15 E. II. Nicholea filia Johis Danny militis Willms Scawen de Meleneck aº 8 R. II. Sibilla fil. Johis Kilquite Johes Scawen de Meleneck 9 H. IV. Johanna fil. T Tho. Scawen de Meleneck aº 10 H. VI.—Johanna fil. T 1 Rogerus Scawen filius et hæres aº 20 E. IV. Tho. Scawen fil. et hæres Junij 14 24 E. IV. Cicilia fil. Johis Wilshman Anestasia fil. Robt'i Wene-Walterus Scawen de Mele- Agneta filia. mouth ux. 1 neck 21 H. VII. A renupta Crab B 1 Ped. fin. Cornw. 36 Hen. VI. No. 1. Roger Skawen and John Talkarn. bastard, qu Talkarn and Johanna his wife, def. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 199 - A | I's Scawen Alicia filia Tho. H. VIII. Sprye de Til- land B Walter Scauen-Alice Da. of John Westcott 2 filius of Killington in Com. Cornw. wardus Scawen ob. 12—Joanna fil. Rogeri Cole de Cargreene. p' pale gu. Ar. anno Elizab. 40 a Bull passant count' a border besanté Sa. ob'tus Scawen=Isabella fil. 1. et hær. ætat. 30 annoru' 40 Elizab. : Humphridi Nicholles de St. Tide Caroli Grills de Johes Scawen2filius=Elizah. fil. et Duxit Elizab. fil. Coh. Johis Trehan de Alicia nupta Will'o Hancock de Hender Trehan de parochia S'ti Probus ux 2 Lanreth ux prima Sa. pheon Ar. S. P. John 5 fil. 1. Phillipa 3. Jana æt. 3. Jana æt. Edwardus æt. 10 æt. 16 11 4 filius æt. 12 Francis 6 fil. æt. 5 2. Eizab. æt. 14 4. Agneta æt. 7 Willms Scawen fil. et heres æt. 20 annoru'temp Elizab. uxor Joh'is Jane de St. Dominick Rob'tus 2 filius ætat. 18 Visitaco'is1620 Humphridus 3 annoru' fil. ætat. 17 annoru' ROBERT SCAWEN. Rob'tus Treswell, Somerset. Extract ex diversis evidentijs et record. in officio Armoru' mense Junij Aº D’ni 1601. Scawen. Edwardus Scawen Inq.=Johanna filia Rogeri Cole de Cargreene per pale capta 4 Sept. 40 Elizab. | gu. Ar. a Bull passt counter border Sa. besanté Robtus Scawen fil. et heres ætat. 30 annoru' Ar. mar. Isabella fil. Hum- phridi Nicholles de St. Tyde Joh'es Scawen 2 fil.-Elizab. fil. de Trehane Elizab. fil. et Coh. Johis Trehane de Trehane de p'ochie de Probus uxor 2 1. Elizab. 3. Anna 2. Katherin Caroli Grilles de Lanrath ob. s. p. Trehane Scawen fil. primo- genitus ætat. 8 annoru' temp. visitac'ois 1620 + Elizab. nupta Johi Jane de S'to Dominick Alicia nupta Willo Han- cock de Hender John 2 fil. ætat. 5 3. Peter æt. unius anni JOHN SCAWEN. ¹ Inq. p. m. 40 Elizab. No. 26. Edward Scawen died 12 May, 40 Eliz. Robert Scawen, son and heir, aged 30 and more. * Thomas Scawen Generoso and Anna Urhan were mar. at Werrington 4 March, 1608. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. + Ped. fin. 36 Elizb. East. Dev. Wm. Holman, gen. and Rob. Scawen, gen. qu. Tho. Drake, gen. Rich Wylles, gen. Wm. Predyaux, gen. def. Manor of Strete al's Trevervyn, Blackawton, Stoke flemynge. Ped. fin. 42 Elizb. Mic. Cornw. Wm. Holman, gen, and Rob. Scawen, gen. qu. Geo. Harvey, gen. def. Lands in Kilkhampton. 1 200 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Scawne. Anestalia filia Rob'ti-Walt' Scawen of Mele-=Agneta fil. Wenemouth 1 wife neck Aº 21 H. VII. postea nupt. Jo. Crabb Wm. Scawen 1-Alice Da. of sone Anno' 32 Hen. octavi Tho. Sprye of Tilland Matthew 2 sone obijt sine p❜le Walt' Scawen of Agnes Da. of Jo. Westcot Meleneck in of Kellington in Com. Cornwall Cornwall John Scawen of Adven in=Anne Da. of Jo. Nicholls of Sheb Com.Cornwall liveing 1620 beare in Com. Devon Mathew sonne & Anne Da. of Tho. heyr atat. 30 1620 liveing 1620 Kelley of Kelly in Devon Rich. 2 sone: Rich. 2 sone=Thomazin Margt ux' Geffery at. 27, 1620 liveinge rilicta Wythyby in Cornw. Collyn of Stoke Clymsland in Cornw. John sone & hey. at. 3 1620 Blanch 1 Da. at. 12 1620 Margt 2 Elizab. 3 Phillip 4 JOHN SCAWNE. Scobell.* Sr Robt. Scobbell who heyres generall were maried to several families Margerie Da. of Willm Webber al's Gilbert-Vincent Scobbell Jone Da. of de Chestow in Com. Devon ux. 2 of Plymouth A ux. 1 B *The above pedigree properly belongs to Devon, and was intended for insertion under that county, as the word "Devon was written in pencil at the top of the original. For more of the Cornish Scobels see Parochial Hist. of Cornwall,' under the articles St. Ewe, St. Austell, and St. Blazey, and 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i. Several families derive from the Cornish branch. Francis Vivian of Coswarth (will prob. 1689, Archd. Co. Cornw.) names his cousins Rich. and Francis Scoble of St. Austell, father and son. John Cosgarne of St. Austell, will 1698, names his uncle Rich. Scobell. Rich. Scoble of St. Austell, gent., will 1716 (Bodmin), names his daughters Mary Hawkins and Barbara Hawkins, sons Francis, Henry, and Rich. Scoble, and his kinsman John Anstis (Garter ?). The son Francis was M.P. for St. Mawes, and married Mary, the da. and heiress of Sir Joseph Tredenham, by Mary, dau. of Sir Edw. Seymour. The male line becoming extinct, Mary and Barbara Hawkins inherited the estates, which still remain with their descend- ants. Franciscus Scoble duxit uxorem Johan Bennet vidua, prima die Feb., 1601. Name of parish torn off. at St. Cleer, 1599. Rich. Scoble, bur. at Milton Abbot, Dev., 1614. Wm., son of Rich. Scobbell and Grace, bapt. Francis, son of Tho. Scobble, bapt. 30 Oct., Francis, John 29 Apr., Loveday, da. of Rich. Scobble, 28 July, John Scoble & Argent Bruyne, mar. Rich. Scoble, "" 1631, at Buckl. Mon. Dev. Bp. of Exeter's 1628, at Tavistock. Transcripts. 1622, at St. Blazey. 1626, at Lamerton. bur. 16 Mar., 1622, at St. Blazey. "" [Note continued on following page, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 201 A | B Ellin Athanasius Scobbell John Scobbell de Elizab. Da. of fil. 2 æt. 20 annoru' Diana a° 1620 Plimouth fil. pri- | Willm Perrye mogenit. Jone mar. to John Lewis John Cole Witchampton in Jone fil. unica mar. to John Trlawny Com. Dorset 2 maritus John Cole fil. primogenitus ætat. 7 annor' 1620 ob. ille s. p. first husb. 2. Lawrence 5 3. Thomas 2 Elizab. * JOHN SCOBELL. * Mr. Jno. Prideaux and Dorothy Scoble, mar. at St. Ive, 17 Aug., 1691. Archdeacon's Mrs. Dorothy Scoble bur. at Quethiock, John Scoble and Alice Facie, 1682. Transcripts. mar. 22 Aug., 1543. Rich. "" and Richarda, 1563. "" John John Rich. Robt. Robt. Tho. John "9 and Agnes, 1567. " "" and Jone Hamlyn, 1572. and Richarda Warren, "" "" and Xtn. Harwoode, 1586. "" "" and Joan Tapson, "" Buckland Mon. Par. Reg. bur. 1546. "" 1548. "" "" John 1551. 19 Francis, Elizb., John, son of Richard S., Nich. Scoble, Gabriel Rich., son of Fras. Scoble, by Priscilla, "" Barbara, da. of John Cosgarne and Elizb. Scobell, Francis Scobell, gent., 1552. "" 1553. 1556. bap. 22 Feb., 1633. Rich Scoble, by Barbara, 24 Aug., 1664. " gent., .99 21 May, 1669. 31 Oct., 1671. mar. 28 Jan., 1672. bur. 31 Mar., 1664. St. Austell Par. Reg. Priscilla wid., Mrs. Barbara Scobell, Francis Scobell, Esq., Mary wid., "" "" 3 Aug., 1670. 16 Mar., 1712., "" 3 Dec., 1740. 26 Aug., 1742. St. Ewe Par. Reg. Rich. Scoble, Francis, son of John Scoble, bap. at Tavistock, Loveday, da. of Rich. Scoble, Rich., son of John Scoble, Philip Scoble and Emma Bodman, "" St. Blazey, 1638. 1622. Bp. of Exeter's Trans. bur. at 16 Mar., bap. 1661. mar. 1614. Oliver "" Philip "" John "" Elizb. Rowe, 1617. Wilmot Soper, "" and Mary Palke, 1618. "" Walter S'obbell and Johan Hooper, 99 1620. Tavistock Par. Reg. Roger Scoble and Joan Peeke, 1647. "" John Mary Martin, " Tristram Hilman, 1700. "" "" Oliver bur. 1619. Walter 1626. Mr. Richard Skobell and Barber Carllyone, mar. 24 April, 1660. Tywardreath Par. Reg. Mr. Henry Scoble, bur. 23 Aug., 1655. Kenwyn Par. Reg. Rich. Scobell and Joane, mar. 9 July, 1611. Luxyllian Par. Reg. John Scoble and Joan Carveth, mar. 1574. St. Columb Ma. Par. Reg. Chas. Fortescue and Dorothy Scoble of Plympton St. Mary, 1685. Mar. lic. Lic. to erect monument in Church of St. Blazey granted to Fra. Scoble ar. 16 Mar., 1730. Exeter Act Book. Ped. fin. 20 Jas. East. Cornw. Rich. Scobell qu. Edw. Retallack and Elnr, ux. def. Heybullien, Heywartha, Polmeder, St. Austell. Ped. fin. 1651, Hill. Cornw. Francis Scoble qu. Chas., Philip, and Lewis Dart and Lewis Tremaine def. Polruddan Port, Pentewan, St. Austell. Ped. fin. 26 Chas. II. Trin. Cornw. Ric. Scoble and o'rs qu. Chas. Trevanion ar. def. Man. of Tregarthen and ten'ts. 2 D 202 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 1 Searle. ARMS.-Arg. a chev. Sa. betw. 3 wood doves proper. CREST.-A Greyhound Arg. collared Gu. sejant on a bank Vert. Anthonie Searle of Thanks, p. w. C. C. the 44 of 2 Eliz. aº D'm. 1602 Rich. Searle of Thankes in Cornwall lived in the time R. III.— Rich. Searle John Searle of Thankes Wymond Searle of Thanks Joane Da. of Germayne Antho. Searle of Thanks Thamazin Da. of walt Stearte T Wymond 2 Eugenius 3 Elizb. 1 Mary 2 Daniell Searle of Thanks in Cornwall liveing 1620 * DANIELL SEARELL. Shorrock. Shorrockes of Ribbelsdale in Com. Lanc², first of wch name was Raphe Shorrock of Shorockhayes, wch in the Barons' Wars was advanced to be a Captaine and therein lost his life. his descent grewe poore, and when the Scotts overan the Northrne borders & parte of Lancasheire and Chesheire, the most parte of this familie fled unto Dublyn in Ireland, where by Corruption of the Irish Ideoam the were termed Sharlock, wch name of necessitie they were constreyned to hold in the time of King Henrie the Seventh. Shorrock Da. of Dewhurst Reignold Shorrocke Da. of Bayley A | * Ped. fin. Cornw. 27 Hen. VI. No. 1. John Serle of Leskyrd and Isabella his wife def. Henry, son of John Sorrell, gent., bap. at Lanston 18 Oct., 1608. Richard Lower, gent., and Philadelphia Searell, wid., mar. at Lanreath 1630. John Dyer and Claris Searle Martin Searle mar. 19 Feb., 1581-2. bur. 7 March, 1581. Edward Searle "" 1677. "" Letitia Isabella, da. of Mr. Edw. and Elizabeth Searle, bap. 27 Jan., 1671. Mr. Walter Searle, Minister, 19 March, 1607. 28 Nov., Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. St. Ewe Par. Reg. Lanhydrock Par. Reg. (J. M.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 203 A | Robert Shorrock Da. of Adams in Com. Midd. 1 John Sharrock of Tregon-John in ¹ Elizb. Da. of Wm. Matthew of Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 St. Kue in Com. Cornwall 1 | 2 | 3 1 John sone Rob. 2 sonne at. 23 Matthew 3 1 Anne mar. to 1 Phillip Elizb. & hey. at. Mast of Arte in sonne atat. 32, 1620 Exiter Coledge in 15, 1620 Oxford John Tucker of Kingsale in Ire- land unma- unma- ried ried * Not signed. Skory. Sr Rich. De la laune Da. of . . .. Edm. De la laune-Maud da. of Sr Rich. Bluett Kt Robt. De la laune Alice Da. of Sr Tho. Boscawen Kt 2 John Skorie of whals- Mawde Da. and one of the hires borowe Esq. of Rob. De la laune John Skory of Whalsburye Margt Da. and one of the heires of Rob. Lanion Rob. Skorie of Whalsburye Grace Da. of Hugh Trevenor Esquire 4 John Skorie-Grace Da. and one of the heires of Robt. Redris John Skorie Kath" Da. of Hen. Trevisa Gent. Rich. 1 sone 5 John Skorie 2 sonne had 2 Da. Da. of Trewynt Rob. Skorie Henrie 4 3 sonne sonne Tho. 5 sone Michaell 6 sonne АТ ¹ Named in will of Rich. Mathew of Tresunger 2 June 8 James, proved in London 1610. * William Sharrock, Vicar of Gluvias, bur. 22 Nov., 1612. Gluvias Par. Reg. 2 Son of John Skory of Whallesburgh, Ar. 3 Alice was the other daughter and coh. Harl. MS. 4 His wife is called Jane, dau. of Rich. Kendall, and the arms of Kendall (1140, ffo. 23, 24. of Pelynt are annexed. Married Maria, da. of Tho. Shelton of Norff. B. a cross Or. Harl. MS. 1545, fo. 34. 204 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | 1 Tho. Skorie sone of John-Jane Da. of Callard Tho. Skorie Alice Da. of John Tregonell Stephen Skorie of Treworgie Skorie in Cornw. Elizb. Da. of Jo. Trubodie John Skorie of Lanliverie in=Elizb. Da. of Wm. Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620 Samuell Bridgett a da. atat. 24, 1620 Walt™ 2 sone atat. 18 John sone & heire atat. 22, 1620 JOHN SKORY. 1 Smyth. Rob. Smithe of Tregonake in the Joane Da. & hey. of Rob. p'ish of St. Germayns Killegrew 1 wife Wilmot Da. & hey.Thomas Smith of Tregonake Mary Da. of Sr... Lentall of of Roger Tremayne | sone & hey. Latchford in Com. Oxford John Smith sone & hey. of Tregonok Robt. Smith of Trewynt in Blysland P'ish in Com. Cornw. atat. 35, 1620 t ROBT. SMYTH. 1 His brother John Skory Bp. of Hereford, ob. 1585, whose wife Elizb., da. of Robt. Clement of Surrey, ob. 1592. The descent is continued, in the MSS. quoted, 3 generations below the bishop. "John Scory, Byshop of Hereford, ignorant of his descent, procured this coat above tricked to be granted to him" (Party per chevron embattled Or and Sa., 3 pelicans' heads erased counterch., vulned Gu., on a chief B. a fleur-de-lis betw. two estoiles of the first)" as appeareth by the pattent, 6 March Aº Reginæ Elizabethæ. But his posteritie, findeing as it seemeth better proofe, left this and doe nowe bear as in the pedigree before set downe,-Or, on a saltire Sa. 5 cinqfoils Or" (quartering DE LA LANDE, Arg. a chevron betw. three billets Gu., and LANYON). Harl. 1140, fo. 25. Crest, Medusa's head, Harl. 1545, in which MS. is a note that the Bishop's ped. was subscribed by Clarenceux Camden. * John Beale and Jane, filia Thos. Score, mar. 28 Jan., 1606–7. St. Ewe Par. Reg. John Skore and Elizabeth Grilles mar. at Lanreath 12 Jan., 1600. Bp. of Exeter's Trans. + Ped. fin. Cornw. 5 Rich. II. No. 9. Walter Smyth and or's qu. John Cok and wife def. Trelay, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw. 20 Rich. II. No. 2. Lawrence Smyth of Fowey, gent. qu. Wm. Carpenter def. 19 Hen. VI. No. 7. Thomas Smyth of Crofthole qu. John Estcote of Atte hole def. Trithell juxta Crofthole. Honor da. of John Smith gent. bap. at St. Columb Major 19 Feb., 1614. Bp. of Exeter's Trans. Jno. Smith, gent., bur. 5 Aug., 1656. Blisland Par. Reg. Christopher Pomeroy of Plymo., and Anne Smith of Blisland, mar. lic. 7 Nov. 1617. Jno. Smith of St. Germans, and Elizb. Carter of St. Columb Maj., wid., mar. 28 Nov., 1631. lic. (J. M.) For Smith of Blisland, see 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., pp. 47, 48, etc. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 205 Sparke. John Spearke who came from Nantwich in Com. Chesh. & Jane Da. of Moore lived in Plimpton St. Mawrice in Com. Devon Tho. Sparke Rich. of Devon John 1 sonne 2 sone John Sparke of Pli-Julian dau. & hey. of Grigorie 2 sone mouth in Com. Devon | Cock of Plimouth Grigorie 2 sone Judith ux Jo. Clement of Plimoth Mary uxor Nic. Putt of Allington in Devon John Sparke Deborah Da. of Jo. Rashleygh of Plimouthe of Foye in Com. Cornw. Esq. liveing 1620 Jonathan 2 sonne Willm. 2 sonne Mary 1 Julyan 2 Deborah 3 1 John sone & hey. Alice 4 at. 8, 1620 JOHN SPARKE. Joane un- mar. Jane uxor Tho. Crampporn of Plimouth Sparnon. Sim. Sparnon of Sparnon in Cornwall- John Sparnon of Sparnon-Margt Da. of John Martin of Breage Edw. Sparnon of Sparnon-Elizb. Da. of John Toule of Dalverton in Somrsetsh. 1. Jane Dau. of Pasco Kerne of--Tho. Sparnon-2 Thomazin Da. of Godolphin of Tresilian in Cornwall Trewarvenner in Cornwall of Sparnon a da. Edw. Sparnon of Anne Da. of edw. Bugges Thomas 3 Fran. 4 Anne Spernon in Com. of Harlow in Essex Cornwall liveing John 2 sone 1620 Thomas 2 sone Beniamin 5 Fran. sone & hey. John 3 sone Mary 1 Da. Anne 2 Da. atat. 5, 1620 EDW. SPARNON. 1 John Sparke was born in Nov., 1602, died in Fowey, and there buried March, 1633. M. I. Fowey Church. 2 Thomas Spernon gent. and Thomasin Godolphin mar. 10 July, 1598. Breage Par. Reg. 206 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Spoore. Nicholas Gifford 7 E. II. Raphe Gifford= Walter Gifford― Baldwin Gifford 21 E. III. Ralphe Gifford 2 fil. John Tre- bartha Willm Rouse 6 H. IV. Willms Downe Ricus Gifford 2 H. V. John Gifford 2 fil. John Trebartha fil. et her. John Rouse 19 E. IV. T Robtus Downe 2 H. V. Joane da. & her. of Rich. Gifford Phillippus Spoure Robtus Tre- Alice uxor. Cottell Willm Rouse son of John John Downe 37 H. VI. די bartha John Downe fil. et heres T Willm Spoure of= Nicholas Misterton in Trebartha Com. Som❜rset Catherin Da.of John Kelloway John Rouse Agneta fil. et Coh. fil. et heres Johis Downe 13 H. VIII. Tho. Spoure de—Anna fil. et John Rouse- 13 H. VIII. Nicholas Tre- bartha Com. Cornubia Northill in Com. unica heres Cornwall Thomas Spoure-Jane Da. of John John Rouse fil. et heres Willmot Da. of.... de Northill in Jackman of Stockclimesland 35 H. VIII. 5 H. VIII. Ricus Combe-Joan Da. & coh. of Johis Rous 13 H. VIII. John Rouse fil. et her. Stephen Rouse 2 fil. 1 & 2 phill. & mary John 2 fil. Henry Spoure de Northill-Mary Da. of & hey, of John Rouse of Whitstone Thomas Christopher ob. s. p. Henry 2 fil. æt. 40, 1620 Elinnor nupta Willo Reskemer de merthon Honor 3 filia unmaried A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 207 A | Mary mar. to Anth. Manning- ton, after to Atkins & lastly to Travais iuxta Barstable Anna filia-Peter Joliffe de maxima Tredidon in ætat. 24 Com. Cornwall Rich. Spoure de Tre--Maria fil. Petri bartha in pochia de Northill in Com. Cornub. Esq. Arthur Courtney of Tre- durff in Com. Cornubiæ 3 fil. æt. 35 Henry Spoure 2 2Katherine æt. 20 4 Jana æt. 12 hæres æt. 19 annoru'1620 3 Maria æt. 19 6 ³Magdalen æt. 8 Thomas 2 filius ætat. 17 7 Margaret æt. 6 * 5 Ellianor 10 George 3 filius Ricardus 4 æt. 14 filius æt. 3 RICHARD SPOORE. Sprey. Christopher Walker William Sprey Eliza. da. of Kittow of of Bodmyn Eliza da, of Clickerd Townclarke of the same place Nicholas Sprey of Bodmyn now Margaret da. of Christopher Walker of Bodmyn Jheromy Walker sonne & heire Christopher Sprey Johan da. of Rich. Stephen Margaret wife sonne & heire Courtney of Lan- heved (Lanivet) 2 sonne to Robt. fri- gens of Trewro Catherine wife to Jacob Dan- yell of Trewro Thomasine NICHO. SPREY. Philip sonne & heir ætat. 5 annor' 1620 Nicholas 2 sonne + ¹ Lic. to marry Gertrude, da. of Humph. Bury of Culleton, p'ish of Chumleigh, Esq., 14 Sept., 1622. 2 Lic. to marry Tho. Cooke of Forde, p'ish of Hartland, 16 July, 1630. 3 Bur. 15 April, 1687. Whitstone Par. Reg. * Mar. lic. to Pet. Spoure, gent., and Joanna Short of Ashwater, 19 Oct., 1674; Edm. Speur and Mary, da. of Jas. Rodd of Exon, 6 Oct., 1675; Wm. Hooper of Linking- horne, and Fras. Spoure of Northill, sp., 14 Sept. 1667. (J. M.) Ped. fin. 44 Elizb. East. Cornw. Nich. Joliff, gen. qu. Hen. Spore and o'rs def. Bridge, Knell, etc. "" 1 Chas. Mich. Cornw. Rich. Spoure ar. qu. Peter Jollyffe, def. Manor of Dodacomb, etc. 24 Chas. East. Devon. Henry Spoure ar. and Peter Jolliffe ar. qu. Wm. Mallett, def. Iddeslegh, Monkhampton. 1657, Hill. Cornw. Henry Spoure, Esq., qu. Jno. Carkeete, def. Brown Park, etc. † For account of this family and contin. of ped., see 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., pp. 293–4. * 208 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Spry. ARMS.-SPRY. B. 2 bars and a chev. in chief Or. TRENOWITH. Arg. on a fess Sa. 3 chevronels palewise, points to dexter of the first. TREWARTHENIK. Arg. a chev. within a bord. engr. Sa. Johes de Trenowith Stephen Trewarthenick Melior soror osberti de Talverne militis Stephanus Trenowth-Johanna fil. Rici de Trenance Stephanus Trewarthenick Jana fil. Jo. Trevanion Michaell de Trenowith Margareta filia Butler Johes Treiagoe Jana fil. unica et hey. Tho. Trenoweth filius 4 Johis 3 fil. Michaell Trenowith fil. et heres ob. s. p. Radus Treno-filia Rici with 2 fil. Bushell Stephen Alicia filia Willi Treiago Cheynduit 2. Thomas 3. Ricus Johes Trenowith fil. et heres Jana filia 1 et coh. Steph. Treiagoe Radus Trenowith-Jana filia Willi Bassett Thomas Roscarick-Margt 2 fil. et coh. Johes Trenowith filius et hæres Jana filia Jacobi Nanfan Johes Trenowith fil. et hæres Honor filia Willmi Tregarthin Willms Trenowith 2 filius= A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 209 A | Stephanus Trenowith fil. et hær.. fil. et Coh. Johis Blompin John Spry of Cutcrew 2 sonne maried to Catherine da. and coheire of his 2 wife the da. of Jo. Hendy John Trenowith 1 wife Thomas Spry of Cutcrew-Catheryne da. of John in Cornwall Bake of Lanrake John John Trenowith- of Tillond da. of Beile of Stoke Thomas Spry of Tyllond in--Eliza. da. and coheir of John Cornwall 1 sonne Trenowith of Tillond | 2 1 | 2 Oliver Spry of Cutcrew sonne and heir Eliza. da. of John Debell of Tre- winny in p'ochia de Cundye Mevegesa John Spry-Catherine Robert Spry-Johan da. da. of of Milbroke of Smith 3 sonne Alice wife to Jo. Eliza. wife to Jo. Johan wife to John of Les- cawen Trewbody Golston of Debyll of of Tre- worrek Plymouth Insworth Eliza. da. and heire to her mother maried to Jo. Vash- ment | 1 | | George Spry of Cutcrew now livinge 1620 Ann da. of Arthure Ashford of Wone- well Oliver 2 Rich. 4 Thomasin wife to Tho. Ceely of Plimouth now John 3 of Bitellford in Cornwall Thomas Spry of Mevegesy Eliza. da. of Hugh John 1 Pyne of East Downe in Devon Robert 2 1 John sonne and heir ætat. 13 annoru' 1620 Samewell 2.11 Arthure 3.8 Willm 4.5 George 5 one month Ann æt. 3 John ætat. 4 Others A 2 E 210 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Hugh Spry of Tillond-Margaret da. of John sonne and heir Debyll of Inswerth Edward Spry of Ten- creke 2 sonne | 1 Catherine wife to Jo. Kemp | 2 Johan wife to Peter Burden | 1 Thomas Spry of Bod--Catherine da. of Arthure Hugh 2 Johan wife Thomas Spry-Ann da. of | 3 Agnes wife to Robert Trelawny John Spry--Ann da. of myn sonne and heir living 1620 Ashford of Wonwell in Com. Devon Esq. to Jo. of Tencreke John Vash- 2 sonne Edw. 3 Meriet living 1620 ment Ten- creke | | Arthure Spry sonne and Thomas 2 heir æt. 18 annoru' 1620 Henry 3 Robt 4 John sonne and heir Edward 2 George 3 Elizabeth wife 2 sonnes ætat. 18 annoru' 1620 to | 2 | 3 Henry Spry a Captaine of Foote in the Low Countryes of Thewborow 1 wife da. of Rich. Prediaux-Peter Spry of Mewden in Mawnan- his 3 wife da. of Castle da. of Erisye 2 wife a da. mar. to Stiler Issue Issue Issue Not signed. 1 Peter Spry and Martha Erysey mar. at Ruan Major 10 Oct., 1614. (Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts.) A Peter Spry of Mawnan also mar. Christian, da. of John Roskruge of Anthony. Compare ped. of Roskruge, ante. * Richard Hennah and Elizab. Spry, mar. 1700. St. Ewe Par. Reg. Ped. fin. 30 Elizb. Cornw. Nich. Skelton and Glinn Spry, gen., qu. Wm. Fortescue, ar. def. Lands in Milbrook, Insworke, and Maker. "" 21 Chas. II. Trin. Cornw. Arthur Spry qu. Stephen Robins def. Trebisker, etc. St. Eval, St. Ervan. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 211 Spry. Tho. Sprye of Cutcrew in Com. Cornwall John Sprye of Cutcrewe in Com. Cornw.= Oliver Spry of Cutcrew-Elizab. of John Deble of living 1620 Insworke of Cornwall George Spry sone & heire Anne Da. of Arthure Ashford of atat. 40, 1620 Wonwell in Devon Esq. Samwell 2 Arthure 3 John sone & hey. Willm 4 at. 13, 1620 Anne a da. atat. 2, 1620 GEORGE SPRY. * There are two lines in form of a X drawn though this pedigree. Peter Spry, gent., and Anne da. of Rich Penwarne Esq. mar. at Mawnan 1681. Tho. Holman and Susannah Spry, both of Maker, by lic. from Plymo. dat. 1 7ber, 1721, mar. at Maker. Archd. Transcripts. Agnes, da. of Wm. Sprie of Ramsham, bap. 1614 at Tavistock. Bp. of Exeter's Will Spry and Alice Elford Rich. Knighton and Maria Spry Elizb. da. of Lewis Spry Ric. son of Ric. Spry Tho. Elford and Alis Spry Elizb., da. of Rich. Spry, Honor, da. of Will. mar. "" } Transcripts. 1611. Buckland Mon. Par. 1611. S bap. 12 Feb., 1624. Reg. 26 Ap., 1625. Fowey Par. Reg. 1585. Menheniot Par. Reg. 1646.\ Mary, da. of Anthony „, James, son of Mr. Will. Spry, Mary, da. of Richard Spry and Honor Hillman Anthony Spry and Joan Edgcombe mar. bap. 1667. "" 1671. 1682. 1695. mar. 1631. Tavistock Par. Reg. 1632. 7 Dec., 1632. mar. 1658. 1671. 21 1680. ** Rich. Spry of Tavistock and Honor Hilman of Anthony, mar. lic. Francis Edgcumbe, gent., and Honor Spry Anthony Spry and Abigail Abbott Will. Spry and Mary Vivian Holman, Helman (Helman Tor, Lanlivery), Hillman, indifferently. See ped., ' Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 150. Grant by Ralph de Valletorta to Roger Derwyn, clerk, Sibil his wife, and Joan, the da. of Roger, of lands that Fulke Holman held in p'ish of Maker. Deed dat. 19 Ed. III., 1345. See corrected ped. of Spry, Hist, of Trigg,' vol. i., pp. 72, 73. Communicated by Deeble Boger, Esq. 212 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALĹ. Seyntaubyn vel St. Aubin. John St. Albone of St. Clowins-1 Blanch Da. & Coh. of Tho. Whittington in Com. Cornw. of Pawntley in Com. Glouc. Tho. St. Zenobia Da. Mari mar. Albin of John de St. Mallet of to Hen. Chiverton Grace mar. to John Reskemer Agnes to Tho. Coso- Avis mar. to Corri- ton Clowins Wolley worth John St. Albin-Katherin Da. of fil. et heres John Arundell of Trerise Thomas 2 fil. de Helston mar. Katherin² Da. of John Bonithon of Cal- clew Anne mar. to John Courtney of La- sack in Com. Corn- wall F 1. Gartrude 15 4. Blanch 6 John fil. 2. Thomas æt. 9 Henricus et her. 2. Anne 14 5. Catherin³ 4 æt. 10 annoru' 3. Willms fil. et 7 heres Thomas 2 fil. æt. 3 annoru' 3. Zenobia 12 6. Margaret 3 1620 4. Henry ætat. 3 6 annoru' et 3 men- sis et demi 5. Nicholas 4 THOMAS SEYNTAUBYN. ANTHONIE STEPHENS X mark for his Mr THO. ST. AUBIN. ¹ Inq. p. m. Thos. Whittington, 38 Hen. VIII. Blanche, da. and coh., æt. 22. 2 Mar. 13 April, 1615. Milor Par. Reg. 3 Bap. at Crowan 18 Sep., 1614. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * John Seyntaubyn, Esq., Sir John Seynt Aubyn, Bart., Mrs. Blanch St. Aubyn bur. 20 Aug., 1684, at Crowan. 24 June, 1679, "" 2 Jan., 1680, Archd. Transcripts. 3 Oct., 1725. Sir John St. Aybyn, Bart., and Catherine, da. of Sir Nicholas Morice, Bart., mar. by lic. (Sir Nich. Morice bur. 7 feb., 1725.) John Seynt Aubyn, son of John Seynt Aubyn, Esq., and Anne, da. of James Jenkyn, Esq., dec., were mar. at St. Columb Major 14 Nov., 1665. Henry, son of Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart., born 4 June, bap. 12 June, 1703. Francis St. Aubyn, Esq., of Crowan and Maddren, and Mrs. Ane Arundell mar. 29 Sept., 1690. John Courtenay, of Lazack or Laddock, and Annie St. Abin, da. of St. Ablyn of Crowan, ar., 10 Oct., 1595. John St. Aubyn of Crowan and Catherine Godolphin, da. of Fras. G. of St. Illary, 29 Mar., 1637. James St. Aubyn, of St. Agnes, gent., and Mary Sleeman of Lower St. Columb Mr. Harrie Sintabin's mother, of Carminowe, Hen. Saintawbin of Carminowe, Esq., 1728. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Crowan Par. Reg. Gulval Par. Reg. Mar. Lic. bur. 21 Jan., 1595.) Mawgan in Men. 17 Aug., 1617.) Par. Reg. Ped. fin. Cornw. 6 Edw. III., No. 6. Guy de Sancto Albino and Margareta his wife qu. Walter de Sutton def. Argallas, Medeshole, Wyk St. Mary, and Whitstone, to Walter for life, rem. to Guy and his heirs. [Note continued on following page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 213 Stanberpe vel Stanburye. ARMS. Quarterly STANBERYE. Party per pale B. and O. a lion ramp. Sab. and ESTCOTTE. Sa. six escallops Or, 3, 2, 1. John Stanbery of Stanbery in Morewinstow in Com. Cornwall— Walter Stanbery son & heyre of John Cicily fil: . . . Rich. Stanbery 2 son was Bishop of Hereford Robt. Stanbery 3 son who dwelt at weststanbery Ī Willm Stanbery 4 son who dwelt at Cliff T John Stanbery sone & heyre T will John Stanbery son & hey. Willm Stanbery sone & heyre John Stanbery sone & heyre Willm Stanbery of Morwinstowe Nich. Stanberie of Cliffe Margaret Sister & Coh. of....E Willms Stanbery of Tamer- ton Jone 1 Da. & hey. of Robt. Dawe of Broadwood Nich. 2 fil. mar. Anne da. of Robt. Cutting of Tam'ton T Film Tho. Stanberie of Morewinstow or Cliffe Willms-Jane Da. & Coh. of Stan- Willm Salisberie bery of of Buckland Tamer- Brewer ton Phillip Da. of Hugh Manning of Dassell in Morewinstow in Cornwall Tho. Stan--Willmot Da. of John bery fil. Clowter of South primogenit Petherwin Com. Cornub. 1. Margerie Willms Stanbery fil. et hæres æt. Roger 2 fil. ætat. T Abigall Thomas fil. et hæres æt. 2 annoru' 2. Maria 10 annoru' 1620 6 Maria 3. Magdalen Elizab. (Note continued.) John Stanbery fil. primogenitus Rosa fil. . . . . Inq. p. m. 8 Ric. II., No. 32. Cornwall.) | A John de St. Aubyn chev. Guido filius æt. 7. (Somerset and Inq. p. m. 14 Rich. II., No. 46. John St. Aubyn, Kt., ob. 7 Rich. II. Guido St. Aubyn, son and heir, æt. 13 et amp. Names Johanna, wife of Sir John, and Elizabeth, wife of his son Guido. Inq. p. m. 7 Hen. V., No. 39. John St. Aubyn and Katherine ux., heir of Sir Robt. Challons. Joan, æt. 8, da. and coh., after married Otho de Bodrugan. Margaretta, æt. 4, da. and coh., after mar. Reginald Trethurff. (For this line of St. Aubyn, consult Sir Wm. Pole's Devon.) Inq. p. m. 1 Hen. IV., 1 part, No. 77. part, No. 77. Philipa, wife of Rich. Sergeaux. Alice, born at Kilquite in Mabin and bapt. in the church of St. Mabin, one of the das. and heirs of Philipa, mar. to Guido de St. Aubyn. Prob. æt. Sep. 1 Hen. IV. Mrs. Isabella Saintaubyn is named in will of Dame Elizabeth, wid. of Sir Jno. Arundell of Lanherne, 12 June, 1564. P. P. C. 9 Nov., 1564. Jane Arundell of Lanherne, will 2 Sept., 1575. P. P. C. 31 Oct., 1577. Names her god- daughter Elizabeth St. Aubyn. 214 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Rich. Stanbery son & hey. Rich. Manning-Margaret Da. & hey. John Dassell Alice Da. & hey. of Robt. of Stanberie of Rich. Stanberie Hudisland of Bristoll Robt. Manninge fil. et her Robt. Rogers Mawde Da. & hey. of John Dassell John Maning sonne & her. Margery oldest Da. & heyre of Robt. Rogers John Manninge sone & heyre―Margery fil. . . . John Manning sonne & heyre Jane Da. & hey. of John Rowland of Plimouth Willm Maning son & heyre Thomasin Da. & Coh. of John Blanchard Nicholas Manning son & hey.-Margaret Da. Coh. of Lawrence Prust of Thory John Manning son & hey. Christian Ley al's Kempthorne ob. sine prole WILLIAM STANBERYE. THOMAS STANBURYE. Stephens. T Jo. Stevens of .... Tho. Stevens of Dulo in Cornwall-Joane Da. of Collicotte Tho. Stevens of Tregony Jane Da. of Tho. Cock of Bodmin liveing 1620 in Com. Cornwall Hen. sone & hey. at. 18 John 2 Arther 3 Elizb. 1 Agnes 2 Rafe 3 Richard 4 * THO. STEPHENS. * John Stephen of Godolphin bur. 1584. Will. Williams and Xtian Steven mar. 12 Nov., 1642. Breage Par. Reg. Thomas Stephens and Miss Vivian mar. 27 June, 1674. St. Ervan Par. Reg. John Treffry, Esq., and Katherine Stephens mar. 22 Dec., 1675. Fowey Par. Reg. Henry Vyvyan and Jane Stephens mar. 1682. St. Austell Par. Reg. [Note continued on following page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 215 Stone. ARMS. P'tie p' pale Or and V't chev'on engraled ent. 3 birdes countercharged, quart with Sa. & fesse ent. 3 Beares Or, as in the old Visitacon of Cornwall. Stephen at Stone in the old Visitacon. ¹Jo. Stone of Trevigo in Cornw. Jane Da. of Callard of Callard in Devon Elizb. ux' Antho. Roscarrock John 2 sonne mar. Suzan Da. of Tho. Moor Doct. of Di- vinitie Jone ux' Oliver Col- lyns of Launston Dorithie ux' Wm. Len- nard of Favant in Com. Wilts Docter of Divi- nitie Tho. Stone Elizb. Da, of Wm. of Strevigo Harris of Hayne Wm. Stone of Stre--Mary Da. of Jo. vigo in Com. Corn- wall liveing 1620 Wynifrid ux' John Mathew Honor ux' 1 Cha. Prust 2 to Rich. of St. Cue Estcot of Lanston Anne ux' Digorie Hixt of Lances- ton Newcort of Pickwell in Devon Esq. Margt ux' James Bagg of Pli- mouth WILLIA STONE. Thomas. John Thomas of Crowan in Cornwall-Margerie Da. & hey. Jo. Thomas of Crowan= Crowan. Т Da. of.... John Thomas of Crowan-Ellinor Da. of Wm. Paynter of St. Earth (Note continued.) A Rich. Carter, St. Columb the Lower, will 27 Nov., 1578, P. P. C. 5 Feb., 1582. Names Tho. Stephens, the elder, of Trenythen, and Tho. Stephens of Trenythen in Probus, an overseer. Ped. fin. Cornw. 13 Hen. IV., No. 3. John Stephen, Vicar of St. Peter's, Bodmin, qu. Rich. Wyket and Johanna his wife def. In Grampound, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw. 18 Hen. VI., No. 12. and wife def. In Leskyret. Ped. fin. Cornw. 19 Hen. VI., No. 1. John Thomas and Alianor Lovell def. Ped. fin. Cornw. 28 Hen. VI., No. 2. def. In Truruburg, etc. Nicholas Stephen and John Kympe qu. Rob. Brewys Thos. Dawe, cl'icus, and Henry Stevens, cl'icus, qu. Names Johanna, wid. of Will. Thomas, Padestowe, etc. Thom. Bertelot qu. Robert Stephen and Alice his wife Ped. fin. Cornw. 16 Edw. IV., No. 1. Jno. Carowe, cl'icus, and William Stephyn, capel- lanus, qu. Thos. Tregose and wife def. Kenegy, etc. ¹ Called John in Bagg pedigree Visit. Devon, 1620,' p. 16. * Michael Williams and Joan Stone mar. 29 Sept., 1676. Kenwyn Par. Reg. Ped. fin. Cornw. 2 Hen. VI., No. 1. Rich. Fortescue and Agnes his wife qu. Margaret, who was wife of John Stone, def. Littlecote, etc. Rem. to Margaret and her heirs if Rich, and Agnes died without issue. 216 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. T A | John Thomas of Lanant in Com.-Phill. Da. of Wm. Reskemer Cornw. liveing 1620 of Merthen John sone & hey. at. 4 1620 Wi Willm 2 sonne Ellinor 1 Katherin 2 JOHN THOMAS. Thoms. This coate of P' pale nebule Ar. B. was ye coate armor of Sr Willm ap Thomas, from whome this familye chalengeth to be descended. Rich. Thomas gent. of Wales, dealing in marchandise betweene Wales & Cornwall, maried at lelant in Cornwall wt the da. & hær. of John Hickes of lelant P' pale nebolie Ar. & B. p' Samp. Lennard Henrie Thomas son of Richard Da. & hey. of Pawly Rosmell Da. & hey. of Owen of woen- hosken in Com. Cornwall 1 will Willm Thoms of Lelant Da. of Rose- in Com. Cornwall Da. & hey. of Rosmell of Bodmin John Thoms of Lelant John Thoms Da. & hey. of John Godolphin of of Lelant Gwenippe in Com. Cornwall 2 warne Jane Da. & Coh. of Nic.-Willm Thoms of Curie in Com. Mary Da. of John Penticost Cornw. liveing 1620 Pendarveis John sone & hey. at. 22 Willm 2 Bartho. 3 Samwell 4 Edmond 5 Hester 1 Grace 2 Lowday 3 Jane 5 Ellinor 4 Mary 6 WILLM THOMS, 1620. * Loveday, da. of Will. Thomas, gent., bap. at Constantine 6 Mar., 1601. Bp. of Exeter's Jane, wife 1597. Transcripts. "" bur. Ped. fin. Cornw. 8 Rich. II., No. 3. Roger Thomas of Fosnewith qu. Thomas Juyl of Tre- worgy and Celnance his wife def. Treworgy juxta Lanstenetha and Heye juxta Calington settled on Roger Thomas and Isabella his wife, rem. to Johana, da. of Isabella, rem. to John Treworgy and his heirs for ever. † For continuation of this pedigree, see 'History of Trigg Minor,' vol. i., p. 306. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 217 Thoms alias Carnsew. Willm Thoms al's Carnsew of Carnsew Mawd da. & heir of Drew of Tregny 1 Henry Thoms al's Carnsew of Carnsew Julian da. of Tubb of St. Niott Thomas Thoms-Sibell da. of Edw. al's Carnsew Kestell of Kestell 1 Henry Thoms al's Carnsew of Treune Charitie da. of James Tripcunny Henry Thoms al's Carnsew of Treune eldest sonne living 1620 ætat. 23 James 2 sonne Grace wife to John Ellynor 2 Johan 4 Chenowith Julyan 3 HENRY THOMS AL'S CARNSEW. Toinkein. John Tonkin of Trevalack in St Kevern in Cornwall— John Tonkin of Trevalack-Da. of Sandry Browne of in St. Kevern Logan in Cornwall Julian Da. of Will. Pick--Thomas Tonkin ford of Exeter ux. 2 of Trevalack Mary Da. of Hen. Dulyn of Newton Ferrers in Devon ux. 1 Radigon mar. to Willm Braban of St. Cullum— Filius unicus † THOMAS TOINKEIN. 1 Chanc. Pro. Elizab. (8 May, 1602), L. 1. 7, No. 44. Lovelis v. Thoms al's Carnsew and o'rs. Gives this descent. * Grace, da. of Henry Thoms al's Carnsew, mar. Walter Halamore of Penryn. See Halla- more ped., ante. For continuation of this pedigree, see 'Hist. of Trigg Minor,' vol. ii., pp. 174, 175. + Rev. Hugh Tonkin and Mrs. Prudence Williams mar. at Helstone 1726. Archdeacon's Will. Tonkin, minister, bur. at Mullion 7 Jan., 1719. ) Transcripts. [Note continued on next page. 2 F 218 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Trebarfoote. Tho. Trebarfoote of Poundstoke in Cornwall-Agnes Da. & hey. of Tole of Devon John Trebarfoote of Poundstock-Margt Da. of Wm. Penfound in Com. Cornwall Rich. 2 sone of Trebar- foote of Poundstocke Willm Trebarfoote of Trebar--Mary Da. & Coh. of John foote in Com. Cornwall liveing 1620 Bobage of Northtawton in Com. Devon ! Honor Margt Willm 2 sone * John sonne & heire at' 15 RICHARD TREBARFOOTE. Michael, James, (Note continued.) son of Humph. Tonkin, gent., Thomas "" Sarah, da. of Humph. Sarah, Thomas "" Henry, son of John Stephen, "" Stephen Mary, da. of Willm. Tonkin Sen'r William, son of William Tonkin William, William, 19 Temperance, da. of Thomas Tonkin Frances, "" John Tonkin, Hugh Tonkin, Esq., Humph., son of Humph. Tonkin Humphry, "" "" Joseph May, clerk, and Elizab. Taunking William Tonkin and Elyzab. Erissy Mr. Hugh Tonkin of Mullion and Elizb. Deane John Tonkin and Loveday Vyvian Philip Tonkin and Elizab. Halse William Cornish, gent., and Jane Tonkin, gent., mar. Thomas Tonkin, Cornw. Will proved 1652, P. P. C. Edmund Tonkin, Cornw. Adm'n 1652, P. C. C. bap. 27 Feb., 1654. 1654. 1656. 1657. 1675. 1677. "" 1680. "" St. Agnes 1681. >> Par. Reg. 1683. 1683. "" 1683. 11 Jan., 1684. 30 Nov., 1689. 1694. St. Austell mar. 22 Jan., 1607. Par. Reg. 1701. Duloe Par. Reg. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. Reg. St. Breoke Par. Reg. (J. M.) mar. mar. 22 June, 1687.} 28 May, 1614.) St. Austell Par. 9 Aug., 1684. 12 Aug., 1675.{ Bowyer, 93. Į * Olive Trebarfoot, wid., bur. 1686. St. Issey Par. Reg. John Trebarfoot, gen., bur. 3 May, 1631, at Poundstock. William, son of Digory Trebarfote, bap. 6 Jany., 1592. Mary, dau. of 14 Sep., 1594. bap. 27 May, 1676. John, son of Arthur Trebarfote, Arthur, son of Arthur Trebarfoot, Elizabeth, dau. of "" 31 Aug., 1684. "" 24 Nov., 1686. Mar. lic. betw. Robert Martyn, of St. Gennys, gent., and Honour Trebarfoote of Poundestock, Jan. 26, 1634. See note 4 under Moyle ped., ante. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Kilkhampton Par. Reg. St. Columb Minor Par. Reg. Adm'n of goods, etc., of Simon Trebarfoote, late of Act Books, Exeter. Newlyn, gent., who died intestate, granted to Nicholas Trebarfoot, his brother, Mar. 24, 1664. Thomas Trebarfoot bur. at Poundstock 29 Aug., 1598. Bp. of Exeter's Trans. (J. M.) Ped. fin. 31 Elizb., Mich., Devon. John Jollowe and Will. Trebarfoot qu. Rich. Clevedon def. 250 acr. and ten'ts in Cleverton, 250 in Bradworthy. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 219 Treffry. ARMS.-Sa. chev. ent. 3 trees arrashed Ar. Sr John Trefry K da. & coheir wife to the Lo. Bonvile da. & coheir wife to Archdeacon John Roger Trefry of Trefry John Trefry Ibott da. of Sr Nich. flamank kt John Trefry.... da. & heir of Killigrewe Roger TrefrySenata da. & heir of peter Polgreene Thomas Trefry Eliza. da. & coheir of Robt. Bonnyface Thomas Trefry Amice da. & heire of John Michelstow Thomas Trefry Alice da. & coheire of Searl of Penverane 1 Sir John Tre--Ann da. of fry kt. Lucome 2 Thomas Trefry Jennet da. & heir of Willm Daw of plymouth 2 sonne A ¹ Sir John Treffry, Knt., will P. P. C,, Moone 20, dat. 24 Jun., 1500. Legacies to the church of St. Fembaro at Fowey. "To the Prior and Convent of the Ho. of St. Andrew's at Tyward- reath a goune of velvet without furre to make a Coope to thuse of the s'd House. Item, I beq. to the s❜d Prior and Conv. a paxe and two cruetts of silver a pair of vestments of blewe velvet. Item 22 marcs for the paiment of the same, a basin and an ewer of silver, and money to the value of the s'd 22 marcs to thintent that the s'd Prior and Conv. of Tywardreath shall settle my name in the Mortelege w'th ther founders and so to say after my decesse iiij times placebo and diriges and 4 masses at 4 times in the year for my soul and all the soules that I am bound to pray for and after to be prayed for daily and yerely as ther founders be there prayed for, and that they shall be bound to me by the Convent seal for the performance of the same in £20.” (This was duly observed; see Oliver's 'Monasticon.') A somewhat similar beq. to the Pbt. and Canons of St. German's, the freres of Truru and of Bodman, and to a priest to sing masses for his soul in the Lady Chapel of the Ch. of Saint Barry in Fowey. To his brother William Treffry, among several articles of plate, "a prang of silver for grene gynger," "a ringe of gold with a safflour lope for the sight. To his nephew Wm. Trevanyon a furre of martres, etc. To his bro. Thos. Treffry a quart. of the 'George' (name of a vessel). To nephew Jno. Trevanyon a quart. of the Mary Hardford.' To his son-in-law John Tregorck and Anne his wife. To his sister Jane, wife of John Beckett. Executors were Sir Rob. Willoughby, Lo. de Broke. Wm. Tre- vanyon, ar., Peter Bevyll, ar., and Nicho. Penwarne. Witnesses Nicho. Kent, clerk, Rich. Har- rington, Tho. Raby. Henry Pester, Rob. Poyle, and o'rs. 7th Sept. Obitus Johis Treffry militis bone memorie, qui obiit viii. id et. vii° die mensis Septembri MD. cujus a'ie p'picietur Deus, Amen." (Calendar Tywardreath Priory.) 2 Named in will of Willm. Treffry of Fowey, P. P. C. Holgrave 21, 25 Nov., 1504. To be bur. in the Ch. of St. Barre of Fowey. "I beseech to convey a tombe out of ye yle of Porbeck [Note continued on next page. 220 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | 1 Thomas Trefry¹ Eliza. da. of John Killegrew 2 Emilyn da. & coheir of John 2 John Trefry2 Jane da. of Reginald Tresithny 2 wife of Trefry Mohun 1 wife 3 William Trefry Ursula da. & coheir of Willm Tremaine of Upcot in Com. Devon Loare wife to .... Tren- with of Tren with 4 John Trefry of 5 Bridget da. of Sr Trefry Esq. living 1620 Arthure Champer- non kt. 6 Jane wife to John Trefuses of Tre- fuses Esq. 7 Emlyn 2 7 Emlyn 2 Ursula 4 Bridget 3 JOHN TREFFRY. (Note continued.) and send to Fowey, to be of the pattern of a tomb to Ar. Browne in the Croched Freers of Lond. Three images, my broder, me, and wyfe on tomb, with the portraits of St. Gregory and such sculpture as my Ex'or can devise after the apparell of the same. [There is a tomb in Fowey Ch. with figures of the three brothers, John, Wm., and Tho., which last died in 1509.-EDS.] Testator names his bro. and heir Thomas Treffry, his nephew John Treffry, nephew Jno. Trevanion, Lord Robt. Willoby de Broke, Sir Jno. Arundel of Cornw., and leaves his Chantry Priest of Barkley, Sir Tho. Holdman (Holman), to choose one of his Gildynes (geldings) and £3 to pray for him. Lands within Cornwall, Coventrie, and Barkley. Diamonds and rubies and much jewellery. (The originals of the above wills are lengthy, and worth the inspection of the antiquary.) ¹ M. I. Fowey Ch., date 31 Jan., 1563. Arms, TREFFRY impaling KILLEGREW. 2 M. I. Fowey Ch. Jno. Treffry, ob. 28 Jan., 1590. He had nine sons and seven dau's by his second wife. One of the sons was Tho. Treffry, "Councell att Law," who mar. Kath'n, da. and coh. of Tho. Hellier al's Mayow, and ob. 1 Mar., 1635. M. I. Fowey Ch. Kath'n, wife of Tho. Treffry, Esq., bur. at Lostwithiel 1625. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 3 Willm., son of John Treffry, Willm. Treffry, Esq., and Ursula Tremaine 4 John, son of Willm. Treffry, 5 Bridget, ux. Jno. Treffry, Esq., 6 Jane, da. of Willm. Treffry John Trefusis and Jane Treffry 7 Emblen, da. of Willm. Treffry, Mrs. Emblen Treffry bap. 18 Feb., 1559. mar. bap. bur. bap. mar. bap. bur. 3 Ap., 1589. 26 Jan., 1594. 15 Ap., 1650. 5 Mar., 1591. Fowey Par. Reg. 29 May, 1611. 15 Aug., 1596. 15 Ap., 1650. To poor of Foy £50. To chil- Godson John, son of Sir Rich. Ratifies and confirms sale of * John Treffry of Place, Fowey, Esq. (Will Bodmin, 1716.) dren of cousin Thomas ten gold moydores. Cousin Mary Dagg. Vivian, Bart. To cousin John Toller, Lieut. of a man-of-war. Barton of Rooke to Mr. Edw. Treffry of Mevagizzy. The Three-Corner Park to Vicar of Fowey for ever. Annuity to wife Katherin. Trustees Sir Rich. Vivian, Bart., Major-General Charles Trelawney, and Charles Gryles. (Vivian and Gryles died, when Ph. Rashleigh of Menabilly and Joseph Sawle of Penrice were substituted.) William Treffry and Thomazin Ceely Nicholas Trefry and Margaret Mill Nicholas Trefry and Thomazin Kestle Anthony, son of Rob. Trevry Charles, John, William, >> "" Walter Trefry and Elizab. Hambly John Trefry and Mary Williams mar. 1682. Breock Par. Reg. 1610. 1631. "; Egloshayle Par. Reg. bap. 1658. 1660. 1664. St. Issey Par. Reg. 1671. 1686. 1689. "" mar. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 221 Trefrie. ARMS.-Sa. a chev. betw. 3 trees Arg. John Trefrie of Foye Emlyn Da. of Jo. Tresithny Elizb. Da. of Jo. Somester of Peynsford in Com. Devon Willm Trefrie of Foye 1 son ¹ Matthew Trefrie of Foye 3 sone liveing 1620 Thomas 1 sone at. 13, 1620 Willm 2 John 3 sone sone Elizab. 1 Da. Jane 2 Da. * Not signed. (Note continued.) Tho., Debora, son of John Treffry, Esq., da. of Tresoney, son of bap. ❤ "" 16 June, 1563. 1570. 23 July, 1571. 1572. Martha, la. of Henry, son of "" Feb., 1575. Rebecca, da. of Mary, Henry, son of 1579. "2 1581. "" "" 20 June, 1583. Mary, da. of 1593. Rebecca, 1598. >> Maud, 1601. >" "" John, son of Justin Treffry, 1677. "" Maurice "" 12 Ap. 6, 1681. John, Thomas Treffry, "" 20 July, 1684. Fowey Par. Reg. Mary, da. of Mr. Justin Treffry Kat'n, Thos. Treffry, Thos., son of Tho. Dickwood and Martha Treffry 1687. 13 Sept., 1691. 8 Sept., 1695. June, 1594. Otherwise Hugh Peters, Chaplain and Adviser of Oliver Crom- well; b'h'd by Chas. II. on Tower Hill.-J. J. T. [A pencil note with the initials probably of Justin Treffry, clerk.-EDS.] Tho. Treffry and Elizb. Morish ,, 19 mar. mar. 30 Nov., 1613. Justin Treffry, clerk, and Susanna George 14 Feb., 1669. Tho. Treffry and Rose Major "" Jno. Treffry, Esq., bur. Henry, son of Justin Treffry, clerk, 14 Oct., 1683. 24 Sept., 1658. 1672.. ": Ped. fin. Cornw. 1 Rich. II., No. 3. Will Watta, Cappelanus, qu. William Treffry and Alicia his wife def. Hele, etc., settled on William and Alice, with rem. to right heirs of Alice. Ped. fin. 13 Eliz., Ea., Cornw. John Treffry ar. qu. Wm. Lower ar. def. Polveyn juxta Fowey. M. I. IN FOWEY CH. Here in this Chancell do I ly, Known by the name of John Treffry, Being made and born for to dye. So must thou, friend, as well as 1. Therefore Good works be Sure to try, but chiefly love and Charity. And still on them with faith rely : So be happy Eternally. Soli deo Gloria. ¹ Matthew, son of John Treffry, Esq., bap. 24 Feb., 1566. * Fowey * Thomas Treffry and Jane his wife, da. of John Vivian of Trewan, mar. 1641. Š Par. Reg. For memoir of the family and continued ped. of Treffry, see 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. ii., pp. 242, 256. * 222 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Trefusis. ARMS. 1. TREFUSIS. Arg. a chev. betw. 3 spindles Sa., a crescent for diff. 2. MARTIN of Bodmin. 3. TREWANWELL. 4. PENKEVII. 5. TRESITHNEY. MILLITON. 6. CREST. A Griffin sejant Or, winged B. The dexter claws resting on an escutcheon, Arg. 2 Tho. Trefuses Melior Da. of Tresyny and one of his heires Nicho. Trefuses of....Grace Da. & Coh. of Willm Millington in Cornw. of Pyngerseck in Cornw. Tho. Trefuses of Landew-Mary Da. of Peter Corriton of in Cornwall Newton in Cornwall Willm 2 sone Mary ux' Robt. Rashley of Cornwall Nicho. Trefuses of Lan-Katherin Da. of John dew in Cornw. liveing Lampen of Paderde 1620 in Cornwall Mary Da. & heyre atat. 4, 1620 NICHOLAS TREFUSIS. Trefusis. Sciant p'sentes & futuri qª ego Herveus de Lew dedi & concessi & hac presenti Carta mea confirmavi Ric'o filio Stephani de Trefuses p' homagio & servitio suo terr' in Villa de Trefuses cum p'tinent' sicut mete facta sunt & p'ambulati &c. usq'e ad ortum qª fuit quondam Acei de Trefuses &c. Hijs Testibz Waltero de Penhergard, Herveo de Trewinse, Reginaldo de Killegabes, Willo de Benedict, Johe Clerico de Trefuses & alijs, sanz dat. This Byll indented made at Westminster the 2 day of July in the 19 yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King H. VII. witnesseth, that Mr John Wallis, Clark, hath received in the name & for the use & behoofe of our said Sov'aigne Lord of James Trefuses in the County of Cornwall Esq. in readye mony 51 68 8d of Lawfull monye of England for his fine made & given to the king's Matic for his p'don to be released from the order of Knighthood of the Bath at the mariag. of my Lo. Arthure late prince. In witness, &c. p' me JOHEM WALLES. All this descent was exactly proved by evidences which remain in the Custody of John Trefuses, Esq., aº Dm' 1620, shewed unto us in this visitation. Baldwine de Treviados sanz date- Richard de Treviados-Marina da. of 24 E. I. Rich. de Halet A Aceus de Trefuses Sanz Dat' Stephan de Trefuses- Sanz dat' B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 223 A | B James Treviados 35 E. I. Elinor da. of Tho. Le Archdecon Richard de Trefuses sanz date Richard Treviados— 10 E. II. Peter de Trefuses sanz date Emma da. & heire of Andrew de la Champ James Treviados temp'e E. III.- Johan da. & heir of James-Peter de Trefuses די William Trefuses aº 22 E. I. Walter de Gaverygan de Trevyados 10 E. III. sanz dat. Adam Thomasin Martyn da. of of Bod- Willm James Tre-Emena da. fuses 20 of | & heire of E.III. Sr William Halep kt John Ga- Johanna verigan de sanz date of Gaveri- myn Coulyn Balune gan Roger Hawisia Martyn da. of Hawisia 19 R. Ralfe John Tre-Johan da. of John fuses aº 1 R. II. rose Methly Esq. Penross of Pen- William Halep a1304 Michaell—Mariet Gaveri- II. Cock gan 11 H. IV. da. of Willm Penrose Roger Eliza. da. John Martyn & heir of Tre- da. of Margery William-pascatia William-pascatia Hallep da. & William Johan da. & Gaveri- 5 H. IV. Rich. fuses James a 11 heir of gan of Treu- aº 10 roufe H. Gervese Esq. H. IV. John Gaveri- Trewy- IV. gan a 9 thenick H. VI. heir of Otes Treladerw of Treladerw Agnes 2 da. & co- heire wife to Wyn- ter (from whome Roger of Caning- ton in Com. Som'- set is descend.) Johan da. & coheire of Roger Otho Tre- Lawrence-Elinor Halep of da. & fuses Martyn of Bodman Esq. aº 25 Trewon- well 8 H.VI. H. V. heir of Willm de Tre- villa Richard Gaveri- gan 1 E. IV. Mawd da. & heir of Philip Godye of Balowdan James Tre--Philip da. & coheir fuses 13 E. IV. A of Lawrance Halep of Trewonwell Esq. Willia William Ga-Joan da. & heir of verigan 7 H. VII. B Philip Matherose of Matherose ! 224 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Melior da. & coheir of John Tresithny 2 wife a quo Tre- fuses de Landew Λ B | John Gavery--Millicent da. of gan of Gaveri- Job Sr John Arun- dell of Tal- verne Kt. 1 Thomas-Isabell da. of Trefuses a 21H VIII. gan a 17 H. VIII. William Carnsew & coheir to hir mother da. of Sherston John Trefuses Aº 34 H.VIII. Ann da. & coheir of Tristram Colan of Colan Esq. Richard Trefuses de Trefuses 4 & 5 of Philip & Ma. Thomas Trefuses 2 sonne Mary da. & coheir of John Trevanian of Trevalster Esq. 2 John Trefuses of Trefuses Esq. 24 of Q. Eliza. John Gaverigan-Honor da. of John 30 H. VIII. Michell of Truro Walter Gaverigan-Johan da. of Gaverigan 20 of Eliza. R. 2 Mary da. & coheir of Walter Gaverigan of Gaverigan Esq. of Hugh Boscawen Jane 2 da. & Coheir wife to Willm Godol- fin Gaverigan 2 John Trefuses of Jane da. of Willm Jane wife to Bartholo- mew 3 Trefuses in Com. Cornwall Esq. | Trefrye of Foy in Com. Cornub. Esq. John Pen- rose of Pen- living 1620 rose Esq. Catherine wife to William · Beucham of Trevince John Trefuses sonne & heir ætat. 8 annoru' 1620 William 2 Hugh 4 Mary 1 Charles 3 Jane 2 JO. TREFUSIS. 1 Inq. p. m. 6 Edw. VI., part i., No. 10. Thomas Trefuses, ob. 14 April, 6 Edw. VI. Rich. Tre- fusis, son of his son John T., his grandson and heir, æt. 17 and more. Names his wife Melior, da. of John Tresithney, his dau'rs Mary, and Joane, mar. to Rich. Garvis of Penhelleck, Esq., and son Thomas Trefusis. 2 John Trefusis, gent., and Mary Gavergan mar. 17 June, 1583. St. Mabyn Par. Reg. (J.M.) * John Trefusis, ar., of Milor, and D'nam Joanna Drake of Buck. Mon., wid., mar. 6 Aug., 1639. John Trefusis, jun., of Milor, gen., and Elizb. Drake of Buck. Mon., spinster, Edw. Herle, gent., and Maria Trefusis mar. 1634. John, son of Tho. Trefusis, gent., and Mary, Rich.. Thomas, James, " "" "" Henry Trefusis and Anne "" mar. 13 Feb., 1638. (See mar. lic. p. 225./ Buckland Mon., Devon, Par. Reg. bap. 1617. 1619. 1647. 1650. 1654. Constantine Par. 1658. Reg. Thomas, 2nd of that name, son of Henry Trefusis and Anne William, Thomas, son of Tho. Trefusis the elder, and Mary, da. of Wm. Mohown, Esq., mar. 1 Nov.. 1626. Samuel, son of Tho. Trefusis, gent., and Lower Stone, wid., mar. 1635. Thomas Trefusis, gent., bur. 1642. Thomas Trefusis, gent., and Hannah Addis of Mevagizzy mar. 1716. St. Ewe Par. Reg. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 225 Tregeare. The coate as they suppose of Tregonwell is a Chev' betweene 3 garbes. The Armes of Tregonwell to be searched for at London in the office of Armes, & to be delivered to Mr Kinge & Mr Tregere. Rich. Tregonwall— Amond Tregonwall sonne of Rich.Jone Da. of John Archard of Leysard E. II. 13. Claris fil. et coheres ob. sine p'le (Note continued.) John, son of John Trefusis, Esq., Dorothy, da. of John Trefusis, gent., John Trefusis and Jane Treffry Rich. Trefusis, gent., Mrs. Ursula Trefusis, wid., Gaverigan Trefuses, gent., Mrs. Amy Trefusis Alice maried to John Edward of Killyow | A bap. "" mar. bur. 1612. 7 Oct., 1646. 1611. 5 June, 1614. 1660. Fowey Par. Reg. 1661. 19 Chas. Trefusis bur. in the church 19 July, 1681. Henry Trefusis, gent., and Anne, da. of James Trenarth, gent. both of Mawnan Par. Reg. Constantine mar. Nich. Munday, gent., and Mary, da. of Saml. Trefusis, Jane, dau. of Samuel Trefusis, gent., by Lower his wife, bap. at Constantine 1642. Mawnan and Con- stantine Par. Reg. Bp. of Exeter's 28 Jany., 1636. S Transcripts. mar. 1657. } bap. 30 Apl., 1607. and Mary, ,, 15 Sep., 1609. Grace, dau. of Thomas Trefusis, gent., Samuel, son of Ketheryn, dau, of "" James, son of Henry Trefuses and Anne by 6 of the clock aft., Mary, dau. of "" "" 23 Ap., 1611. 14 Mar., 1649. 24 Sep., 1652. "" "" 13 July, 1639. Mary, dau. of Samuel Trefusis and Lower Thomas, son of Mr. Henry Trefusis and Elizabeth, Aug., by 6 of the clock aft., born Henry, son of Mr. Henry Trefusis and Elizab. bap. Henry, Robert Quarme, gent., and Catherine, dau. of Thos. gent., "" "" Mary, wife of Thomas Trefusis, gent., Thomas Trefusis, gent., bap. 16 1687. 6 July, 1690. 2 July, 1697. Trefusis, 24 Oct., 1632. bur. 10 Nov., 1628. 1 May, 1645. mar. Jane, dau. of Samuel Trefusis, gent., bur. 17 Sept. (in chancel), 1656. Thomas Trefusis, gent., Loer, wife of Samuel Trefusis, gent.,, Henry Trefusis, gent., "" widow, Ann, dau. of Mr. Henry Trefusis, Henry Mrs. Ann Henry, son of Samuel, "" Ann, dau. of 11 May (in church), 1657. 9 May, 1665. 99 23 Mar. (in church), 1687. bur. 13 Sep., 1690. 17 Sep., 1692. "" 31 July, 1699. 3 Aug., 1699. "" "" 5 May, 1703. 19 April, 1705. Constantine Par. Reg. (J. M.) Mar. lic. betw. Nicholas Trefusis of Lezant and Katherine 99 99 Lampen of Linkinhorne, gent., Nov. 22, 1615. betw. Robert Le Grys of Owby, co. Norfolk, Knt., and Mary Trefusis of Lezant, May 22, 1630. | Act Books, betw. Nicholas Trefusis of Lezant, Esq., and Phil- lipp Slanning of Tamerton Foliot, widow, April 5, 1632. betw. Edw. Hearle of Luxillian, gent., and Mary Trefusis of Lezant, Feb. 5, 1634.. Exeter. [Note continued on next page. 2 & 226 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. | A Rich. Owrye of St. Maws Amy fil. et heres 1 Rich. Owrye aº 2 Ri. II. Johanna fil. Rici Tregiskie Serlle Owrye al's Tregonwall de Tregiskie Milior Da. of John Treworga in Roseland Oliver Owry al's Tregonwall-Amie Da. of John Michell al's Jagow of St. Collumb John Owry al's Tregonwall Udon Da. of John Tregithew Jane the eldest Da. mar. to Ric. Adam al's Polgwest Jane 2 fil. et Coh. mar. to Jane 2 fil. et Coh. mar. to Rafe Liffnye of St. Ewe Thomas Adam al's Polgwest mar. Mary Da. of Dowell 구 ​George King of Manackan in Corn. Amy 3 fil. et Coh. mar. to John Tregere of Crowen ㅜ​_ John Liffney mar. Joan Da. of Walt' Herle of St. Blazie Elizab. Da. & heyre Jane of Tho. Adam al's Polgwest Died both wthout Margaret mar. to Nicholas Kempe- Alice Issue thorne of Morestow Т Humphrie Joane John JamesMaria fil. Maude æt. 28 un- John Kemp- maried Elizab. to be pre- sently maried to Francis Tripconie ob. s. P. mar. to 2 fil. æt. Kinge fil. Will. Bowle of George 3 Jona- 25 primo tha. genit. Miler in Cornwal Bowle ætat. of Miler 34 of St. Keverne АТ B fil. æt. 15 annoru' 1620 Note continued.] Mar. lic. betw. John Trefusis of Myler, gent., and Elizab. Drake of Buckland Monachorum, "" Feby. 13, 1638. betw. John Trefusis of Miler, Esq., and Lady Joanna Drake, widow, of Buckland Monachorum, Aug. 6, 1639. Wills. thorn mar. 2.... Da. of Clifford Act Books, Exeter. D John Trefusis, Cornw. Will proved 1648. John Trefusis, Cornw. Will proved 1654. Essex, 92. Alchin, 309. 1594. Trefusis, Richard. Mylor. Prob. 1602. "" 1614. "" Ann. John, Esq. "" Exeter. (J. M.) Mary. "" "" 1660, Feb. 14. Ursula. 99 Fowey. "9 1661, Feb. "" Gaverigan. Adm. "" Mar. Hugh. "" "" 1662, June. Ann. Prob. "" "" Archd. Cornw. 1688, April 30. 1692, April 21. Henry, William. Constantine. "" "" Oct. 13. "" "" Ann, widow. "" ¹ Ped. fin. Cornw. 3 Rich. II., No. 3. Rich. Oury and Johana, da. of Rich. Tregesky, qu. John Edwards of Kyllyou def. Kyllyou Edwards and Kyllyou settled on Rich. Ouryand Johana and their heirs, rem. to Will. Eyre and his heirs. Mawdlyn, da. of... Clifford. See ped. of Ley al's Kempthorne, ante. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 227 ! A | B 1. Jane 9 3. Mar- garet 4 John filius et heres ætat. 8 1. Ursula 5 2. Ursula 5 annoru' 1620 Thomas first sonne ob. s. p. Thomas 2 sonne mar. Dorothy relict Wills c | D John Kempthorne mar.¹ Da. of Trevilian in Com. 2. Margaret 3 Somerset Rich. Tregere mar. Agnes Da. of John Chapman of Langetree in Devon T John Tregere mar. Maude Da. of Roger Slader of Tiptquet in Devon Elizab. mar. to John Lenn of Lazack John Tregere of Honor Da. of John Hamb- Crowen in Corn-ley of St. Earth in Corn- wall wall Christop. 1. Anne 4 fil. 3. Chari- tie 4. Katherin James 3 fi. John 2 fil. Richard fil. et heres æt. 3 2. Grace 5. Mawde æt. 6 ætat. 9 æt. 19 JAMES KINGE. JOHN TREGEARE. Trehane. Otes Trehane of Trehane in Cornwall-Daughter of Lahere Mary John Trehane of Trehane Amy Da. & one of theires of.... Tregallest Agnes mar. to Stephe John Trehane of Trehane in Polewheele 1 Com. Cornw. liveinge 1620. | 2 Elizb. uxor Jo. Scawyne2 Mary ux' Nicho. Kendall of Luxillian in Cornwall | 3 Amy uxor Pet' Courtney of Penkevell in Cornwall of Trehane Elizb. Da. of John Merret of Probus in Cornw. gent. | 4 Katherin ux' Jo. Vermon of Lamarron John liveing in 1640 JOHN TREHANE. 1 Ursula, da. of Jno. Trevillian. See ped. of Ley al's Kempthorne, ante. 2 Trehane, where this family was seated, is in the parish of Probus, and passed to Scawen with the eldest coheir. (J. M.) * The addition in italic is in another handwriting. Mr. John Carveth and Mrs. Jane Trehane mar. 1741. Menhenniot Par. Reg. John Trehane of Linkinhorn and Martha Bellamy mar. at Probus Archd. 20 July, 1736. Transcripts. Richard Ingram and Elizabeth Trehane mar. 25 Nov., 1567. St. Austell Par. Reg. > (J. M.) Prob. of will of Thomas Trehane of Probus. Archd. Cornw., 26 Oct., 1570. Prob. ?? ?? ?? 28 June, 1660. [Note continued on next page, 228 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 得 ​Trelawny. Rich. Trelawny fuere de Trelony W Wm Trelawny Jo. Trelawny Joane Da. of Rich. Botterell 1 Wm Trelawny-Jane Da. of Stephen de Trewynick John de Trelawny sone & heyre Laur Da. of Rich. Sergeaux Kt Wm Trelawney sone & hey. Margery Da. of Jo. de Reparijs Win Trelawny sone & heyre Jone Da. of Rich. Doyngull & heire to hir brother John John Trelawny sone & heyre K-Mawde Da. of Rob. Menwynick Sr Jo. Trelawny Kt-Agnes Da. of Rob. Tregodack 2 Rich. Trelawny sone & heyre obijt sine prole 2 John Trelawny 2 sone & hey. Joane Da. & hey. of Nic. Helligan A (Note continued.) Honour, dau. of George Trehane of Treworget, bap. 26 Dec., 1583. Stephen, son of "" "" 8 Dec., 1588. [bap.?] 24 Oct., 1591. Treworthen bap. 18 July, 1593. George, Katherine, dau. of "" Penelope, John Trehane " Phillippa, "" "" Grace, "" Jane, Nicholas Symons and Mary Trehane Stephen Trehane of Treworthen Honour, dau. of George Trehane George, son of George Trehane, Johanna Trehane Christopher Trehane 13 Nov., 1614. 5 Mar., 1616. 10 Mar., 1619. 30 Apl., 1622. mar. 28 Sept., 1653. bur. 35 5 May, 1584. 12 Mar., 1586. 26 Mar., 1592. 26 Feb., 1593. St. Kew Par. Reg. (J. M.) Honour, dau. of Rich. Trehane, clerk, and Margaret Lawrence, son of Richard Trehane, Christopher Trehane and Katherine Bennett Richard Trehane, clerk, and Margaret Rowe Katherine, wife of Christopher Trehane " 3 Jan., 1652. bap. March, 1624. mar. "" bur. March, 1628. St. Tudy 1603. Par. Reg. 1617. 1629. ¹ Ped. fin. Cornw. 7 Edw. III., No. 4. Stephen de Trewint and Isabella his wife qu. William de Trelouney and Johanna que fuit uxor William de Walesbrew def. 2 Ped. fin. Cornw. 13 Hen. IV., No. 5. John Trelouney and Rich. Trelouny qu. John Hendra of Lyskyrd and Elizabeth his wife and John Thomas and Johana his wife def. Lancrentyn settled on John Trelouny and Rich. T. and the heirs of Rich. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 229 A | Sr John Trelawny sone & heire K-Blanch Da. & Coh. of John Pownd 1 John Tre--Florence Da. & Coh. lawny sone & heyre John Trelawny-Margaret da. of of St. Germyns John Bickton of Bickton 2 sonne 1 Roger 3 sonne 구 ​of Sr Hugh Court- ney Kt Walt Agnes da. of Mary sole heire wife Towze of Toanton of Tudyford in Cornwall John Haw- kins of Tavestock Walt' Tre--Isabell Da. of Walter Trelawny lawny ¹ sone & 1 heyre to William Haw- kyns of Tavestock “Jo. Trelawney sone & hey. Margeri Da. sole heyre Tho. Lamelyon John Trelawny³-Anne Da. & Cohey. sone & heire of Wm Reskimer Sr Jonathan Trelawny 3: Kt sone & heire Elizb. 2 Da. of Sr Hen. Killigrewe Kt John Trelawny of Trelawny Elizb. Da. of Sr Reignold sone and heire liveing 1620 | Mohun Kt & Baronet Elizab. 1 Da. atat. 3 1620 Anne 2 Da. at. 2 Cordelia at. 1 yeare Robert Trelawny3Agnes da. of Tho. John Trelawny of Alice da. of of Tudiford Plimouth 2 sonne Tho. Kinge (Note continued.) Spry of Quethiock A B Ped. fin. Cornw. 9 Hen. V., No. 6. John Trelawny, junior, qu. Thos. Ricard and Johan his wife def. Northyeldelond. Ped. fin. Cornw. 12 Hen. VI., No. 5. Eliam Upton and Reginald Toker qu. John Trelawny Chivaler and Thomas Edwards and Margery his wife def. Manor of Trewynnek, etc., held by John Trelawny and his heirs, rem. to Thos. Courtney, Earl of Devon, and his heirs. Ped. fin. Cornw. 14 Hen. VI., No. 5. Rob. Arthorn and John Hameley qu. Rich. Trelauny and Johana his wife def. Penelwyn, etc., held by Richard and Johana, rem. to Margaret, wife of Thos. Edwards, rem. to Johana, wife of Roger Kelwa, rem. to Alex. Kenegy, rem. to right heirs of Johana Trelauny. Ped. fin. 18 Hen. VI., No. 9. Rich. Trelauny qu. John Hendre of Lyskyryd and Elizabeth his wife def. Mess., etc., in Lancrentyn. ¹ Inq. p. m. Edw. Courtney, Earl of Devon, 3 and 4 Ph. and Mary, gives this descent to John Trelawney, one of the coheirs of Edw., Earl of Devon, and æt. 52. 2 Ob. 29 Sept. 5 Eliz. Inq. p. m. 6 Eliz., No. 24. Recites his will, dat. 15 Feb. 5 Elizb., which names his wife Lore and his younger sons John and Reskymer T. John T., his eldest son and h., aged 30 and more. (Lora Trecarrel, 2nd wife, by whom 2nd son John m. Beatrix Trevanion.-Ed.) 3 Inq. p. m. 11 Eliz., No. 8. John Trelawney (s. and h. of John T., Esq., of Menhenniot, dec'd), ob. 24 Oct. 10 Elizb. recites his father's will (note 2). His own will dat. 13 Oct. 10 Elizb., which names Lore his mother-in-law, Tho. T. al's Kellye, his bastard son, his dau. Anne, his brother John T. Robert T. of Tudeford. The child his wife "presently goeth with." John T., his s. and h. apparent, aged 4. (The child unborn was Sir Jonathan, above.—ED.) 1 230 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | B| Edward Mary da. of Robert Trelawny-Eliza. da. of Francis Tre--Ann da. of Tre- Tristram of Plimouth 2 Allexander lawny of Jo. Fortes- lawny Arscot of sonne Judith da. Mayne of Plimouth cue of sonne & Annery of John Amadis Exeter 1 living 1620 heir of Plimouth Esq. 2 wife wife Buckland Philly John 3 Robert sonne & heir ætat. 21 annoru' 1620 JOHN TRELAWNY. Edward Elizabeth 1 John sonne & 2 heir ætat. 7 Margaret 2 annoru' 1620 Ann ROBERT TRELAWNY. FRAUNCIS TRELAWNY. * Edw., son of Jonathan, L'd Bp. of Exeter, and ye Lady Rebaca his wife, bap. 9 July, 1699. Mary, da. of Sir Jonat. Trelawney, Bar., Lo. B'p of Exeter, and Rebecca his wife, bap. 1 Sept., 1700. Jonathan, son of Sir Jonat. T., Bart., Lo. Bp. of Exeter, bap. 1702. John Fras. Buller, Esq., and Mrs. Rebecca Trelawney, 3rd da. of ye Hon. and Rt. Rev. Sir Jona. Trelawney, Bart., Ld. Bp. of Winchester, mar. in the chapel at Trelawne 22 July, 1716. Kath., wife of John Trelawney, Esq., bur. at Pelynt Sir John Trelawney, Bart., The Coronell (sic) John Trelawney, Esq., ,, 1677. 5 Mar., 1680. 9 Oct., 1680. Sir Jona. Trelawney, Bart., Lo. Bp. of Winchester bur. 10 Aug., 1721. Margery, da. of John Trelawny, gent., bap. at Pelint 19 Nov., 1620. Francis Trelawnie, gent., and Mrs. Anne Fortescue mar. at Weare Gifford 24 Dec., 1612. Francis Bassett of Illogan, Esq., and Anne, da. of Sir Jonathan Trelawney, dec., mar. at Pelint 31 Augt., 1620. bur. at St. Tudy 1661. The Worshipful Sam. Trelawny, Esq., Mr. Edw. Trelawney, clerk, and Mrs. Elizab. Darrell mar. 14 Nov., 1692. Jonathan, son of John Trelawney, Esq., John, son of Jonathan, "" Edw., son of Jonathan Trelawney, Esq., Jonathan, son of Jonathan Trelawny, Esq., of John, son of John Trelawney, Esq., and Ann da. of Alex. R., "" bap. 19 Dec., 1568. 7 May, 1592. Aug., 1595. Coldrenick, bap. 1648. Reskymer, gent., mar. 11 Dec., 1562. " Sir Tho. Reynell, Knt., of E. Ogwell, Dev., and the Lady Elizb. Trelawney of this p'ish Archdeac. Tran- scripts. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Egloshayle Par. Reg. Fowey Par. Reg. Menheniot Par. Reg. John Trelawny, Esq., Jonathan Trelawny, Esq., Rob. Trelawney and Anne Coga (or Crooke) mar. bur. 9 Feb., 1606. 17 Oct., 1563. 1705. mar. 5 Jan., 1623. 5 Jan., 1623. Mevagizzy Par. Reg. Edw. Trelawney of Lanteglos by Fowey, gen., and Ferdinanda Gorges of St. Budeaux. Mar. lic. 17 June, 1615. Bodmyn Par. Reg. St. Breward Par. Reg. Ellyn Trelawney bur. 1573. Samuel Trelawny, gent., and Mrs. Elizabeth Billing mar. 22 Jan., 1651. St. Minver John Trelawny bur. 30 Apl., 1631. Par. Reg. (J. M.) [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 231 Trenance. John Trenance of Lastilion Sist' & heyre of Tho. ¹ Litleton of Lanhidrake Blanch ux' Tho. Heliar of Lestithiell ux' Rawe Tho. Trenance of Jone Da. of Nicho. 2 to Couch Lanhidrak Kendall of Peline 2 Constance ux' Willmot ux' Willmot ux' Litleton Trenance George Court- Rich. Ger- ney of Penkevill veis of of Bodmin in Com. Cornwall liveinge Margt Da. of Tho. 3 Thomazin Roscarrock of ux' John Roscarrock Coryn 1620 A (Note continued.) Mr. Edward Trelawney instituted to Rectory of St. Tudy Oct. 12, 1677. Jonathan, son of Edward Trelawney, bap. 1694. Elizab., dau. of Hon. Charles Trelawney, Esq., by Elizab., bap. 30 Sep., 1700, and bur. 11 Dec., 1700. John Trelawny, sometyme Minister of this Parish, mar. Worthyvale at Lanevet Richard Lower and Elizabeth Trelawny Captain Henry Davies and Madam Mary of Sir Jonathan Trelawny, Bart., 21 Oct., 1612. mar. 7 Nov., 1666. Trelawny, dau. mar. 9 Nov., 1689. Joan, wife of John Trelawny, Minister of St. Tudy, bur. 1607. John Trelawny, Minister, The Worshipful Samuel Trelawny, Esq. Mrs. Ann Trelawney Elizabeth, wife of the Hon. Charles bur. 28 May, 1701. bur. 13 Jan., 1615. 26 Apl., 1666. 15 Oct., 1690. Trelawney, Esq., St. Tudy Par. Reg. Mar. lic. betw. John Cole of Sidbury, co. Dev., and Johanna Trelawny of Ply- (J. M.) mouth, gent., Aug. 28, 1610, 99 99 99 99 betw. John Martyn of Plymouth and Margaret Trelawny of the same, Nov. 5, 1633. betw. John Billing of St. Tudye, gent., and Ann, daughter of Francis Trelawny of Plymouth, gent., Feb. 13, 1636. Eulalia, dau. of Edward Trelawny, Esq., bap. at Pelynt 21 Jan., 1616. Elizabeth, dau. of John Trelawny, Esq., bap. at Pelynt 2 Feb., 1616. Mary, dau. of John Trelawny, Esq., and Elizab., bap. at Pelynt 24 Jan., 1620. Dorothy, dau. of Sir John Trelawny, Knt. and Bart., and Dame Elizabeth, (bap. ?) at Pelynt 1638. John, son of John Trelawney, bur. at Tywardreath 6 Nov., 1614. Sir John Trelawny, Knt. and Baronet, bur. at Pelynt 26 Feb., 1664. Bishop's Tran- scripts. 1 Tho. Littleton, Lanhydrock, will 1577, prob. Exon. Lands in Lanhydrock, St. Issey, St. Winnow, St. Vepe, Fowey, Tywardreath, St. Tua, St. Austel, St. Blazey, Lanivet, Lostwithiel, Cardinham, Luxylian, Ermington, Modbury, Stokenham, Withicomb, Colridge, Cornwithie, Hernefred, Harberford, Totnes, etc. 2 Mar. 25 Jan., 1576. 3 Thomazin Trenance John Corin and Thomazin Trenance Lanhydrock } bap. 1 Oct., 1569. Par. Reg. (J.M.) mar. 1590. 232 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Mary 1 Da. atat. 24 Jane 2 Da. Tho. sone & hey. at. 22 1620 Fran. Katherin 3 Da. 4 Da. 5 Da. LITLETON TRENANCE. 1 Cheston 1 Christian, da. of Littleton Trenance, Esq., bap. 26 Jan., 1603. Lanhydrock Par. Reg. (J. M.) * Will of Vivian Trenance, 19 Jan., 1506, proved at Lamehith (Lambeth) last day of Feb., 1507. Names his wife Pascacia, sons John, Reginald, Richard, Randulph, John, William, and Thomas, and dau'r Lucy. Wife and da. ex'ors. To be bur. in St. Austell Church. Leaves 6s. 8d. to church of the Convent and Priory of Bodmin for prayers for his soul. Thomas Trenance andAnn Hawkyn Lanivet 21 July, 1641. Į Bp. of Exeter's William Trenance bur. at St. Ewe 16 Feb., 1613. Ann, dau. of John Trenance Richard Trenance and Joanna Longge Richard Trenance and Nichola Rawe Thomas Hellier and Blanche Trenance bap. 24 Feb., 1565. mar. Transcripts. 24 Jan., 1568. (St. Austell Par. "" 19 June, 1581. 3 June, 1619. Mr. John Tredinnick and Petronel Trenance "" Thomas Trenance of Withiel and Catherine Cock Loveday Trenance Thomas Trenance Elizabeth, dau. of John Trenance Honour, Margaret, dau. of Thomas Trenance, 20 Dec., 1561. mar. 1655. bap. 3 June, 1561. bur. 19 Jan., 1685. born 16 July, 1657. 24 Feb., 1659. 1 May, 1570. 28 Jan., 1571. Reg. St. Breoke Par. Reg. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. Lanhydrock Par. Reg. Lanivet Par. Reg. "" bap. Richard, son of ", "" John, "" "" 29 Feb., 1573. Elizab., dau. of "" "9 4 Feb., 1575. Ralph, son of "" 99 5 Mar., 1577. Katherine, dau. of "" 19 13 Feb., 1580. Bawdon, son of "" "9 23 Oct., 1584. Thomas, 99 ?? 15 Oct., 1586. Blanche, dau. of "" 10 Mar., 1586. 2 July, 1600. (J. M.) 30 Nov., 1615. Agnes, dau. of Richard Trenance Richard, son of John, son of Thomas Trenance, jun., Thomas, Elizabeth, dau. of "" "" Thomazin, dau. of Philip Trenance Edward, son of Thomas Trenance John, Philip Trenance Joanna, dau. of John Trenance William Drake and Joanna Trenance "" "" 19 Feb., 1615. 1 Apl., 1617. 13 Feb., 1619. 20 Jan., 1620. 6 July, 1623. 8 Jan., 1627. 28 Sep., 1662. 14 Nov., 1573. Withiel Par. Reg. Thomas Bradley and Thomasine Trenance Philip Trenance and Elizab. Benford Wm. Randolph and Jane, dau. of John Trenance Joane Drake Phillippa Trenance Thomas Trenance Melliora, wife of Thomas Trenance, gent., Blanche Trednance John, son of Thomas Trenance, jun., Thomas Trenance Philip "" Warren 99 Richard "" Katherine mar. "" 20 Jan., 1600. "} 24 Apl., 1620. bur. "" "" 10 June, 1682. 1573. 1 May, 1576. 20 July, 1593. 15 Dec., 1608. 21 July, 1611. 26 Feb., 1615. 4 Jan., 1623. "" 4 Dec., 1633. 29 Dec., 1650. "9 25 Feb,, 1652. "" 21 Sept., 1661. 17 Aug., 1663.. Dorothy, dau. of John Trenance, Littleton is named on the appraismt with the will of Elizab. Drake. Note 1, p. 80. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 233 Trenerth. Gerans Trenerth of Trenerth-Mary Dau. of Edw. Kestell in Com. Cornw. in Com. Cornw. John Trenerth of Trenerth-Mary Da. of Jo. Tresuggan ¹ Gawen Trenerth of Constentin-Amy Da. of Micha. Collerian in Com. Cornw. of Cornwall James Trenerth of Constentin Mary Da. of John Tooker of Cardinha' in Cornw. living 1620 Anne a dau. at. half yeare 1620 * JAMES TRENERTH. | Trengove als Nanse. Alexander Trengove of Nance—. . . . da. of Gilly in in Com. Cornwall Henry Trengove 2 sonne of Nance in Com. Cornwall 2 John Trengove of Nance in Com. Cornwall 2 Dorothy ux. Hen. Colthurst of Treley in Com. Cornwall Com. Cornw. Cheston da. of Hen. Nanspyan of Powlsack in Com. Cornwall Margery da. of Sr John Arundell of Trerise knight 2 Henry Trengove³ of Nance in Com. Corn. æt. 64 live- ing 1620 A Margery da. of | James Basset of Tehidy in Com. Cornwall ¹ Gerance, son of Gawen Trenearth, gent., bap. at Constantine * James Trenerth, gent., bur. Marye, dau. of Mr. John Trenarth, bur. Mrs. Elizabeth Trenarth 2 Catherine ux. John Lawharne of Tregovethan 12 Mar., 1599. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 28 Mar., 1601. 21 Aug., 1564. 20 March, 1618. James Trenarth, gent., Gerrance "" "" "" 11 Nov., 1661. 16 Aug., 1688. Constantine Par. Reg. (J. M.) 2 Named in will of John Arundell of Trerice, Esq., dated 14 Sept. 22 Eliz., P. P. C. 26 Nov., 1580, together with Richard Nannce, son of John N. and Margery Arundell. 3 Esch. Eliz., Jas., and Chas., Pt. 14, No. 32. Henry Nance, gent., ob. 13 May 1 Chas. John Nance, his son and heir, æt. 11 years 10 months and ten days at his father's death. 2 H 234 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | John Trengove fil. et hæres æt. 6 Arthure 2 fil. æt. 3 Jane 1 da. æt. 8 Margaret 2 daughter æt. 3 menses HENRYE TRENGOVE AL'S NANSE. * Tresaher. ARMS.—B. a chev. between 3 Talbots couchant (alibi currentes) sinister regardant Arg., quartering PETIT Arg. a lion ramp. Gu. with a crescent Sa. for differ- ence. (Harl. 1091, fo. 101.) (In the Coll. of Arms the PETIT Lion is Armed and langued Or.) CREST.-A Demi-Talbot regard. Tho. Govily¹ of Govily in Com. Cornwall- Isabell mar. to Raph RestorakeT Anne mar. to Govily Margt had isue John Petit Oliver had issue Thomazin whoe died wthout isue John Petit Ar.= A | т * Richard, son of Mr. John Nance, bap. at St. Keverne 9 Sep., 1610. Bp.of Exeter's Henry Nance, Esq., bur. at Illogan 16 May, 1625.) Transcripts. Henry, son of John Nance, Esq., by Dorothy, bap. 17 Feb., 1681. John, 21 Oct., 1684. "" John, 21 Oct., 1686. 99 "} William, "" 17 Aug., 1687. "" "" bur. Dorothy, dau. of bap. 11 Dec., " 8 Jan., 1690. Warleggan Par. Reg. (J. M.) John, son of 24 Jan., 1694. Luce, dau. of "" 16 Nov., 1697. Mar. lic. betw. John Beaufort, clerk, and Ann, dau. of Henry Nance, 27 Jan., 1664. 1686, Sep. 17. Prob. of will of Mary Trengoffe, widow. Archd. Cornw. Mr. John Nans admitted to the church of St. Meriodoc, Camborne, on the free resignation of Alexander Penhyll, 5 June, 1501. (Bishop Redmayne's Reg., page 21. At page 22 is the permission of exchange between Mr. John Nans, Vicar of St. Thomas Collegiate Ch. of Glasney, and Mr. Alexander Penhall, of the parish of St. Meriodoc of Camborne.) Ped. fin. Cornw. 1 and 2 Phil. and Mary, Pasch. John Courtney, gent., qu. Egidius Greynfeld, gent., and Margery his wife, one of the dau'rs and heirs of Richard Trengove al's Nans, def. Lands in Trengove, Pellawyne, St. Logan, Tretharrope, Trespresyne, St. John's Parke, Helston, Sythney, St. Buryan, Trem brotheke, Trebuskan, and St. Paule. Indenture made 15 Oct., 1677, betw. John Trengove al's Nance, of Trengove al's Trengoffe, co. Cornw., Esq., of the one part, and William Chester, of East Haddon, co. Northampton, and Dorothy his wife and others named. Recites a marriage between the said John Trengove and Dorothy his wife, daughter of the said William Chester and Dorothy his wife, and settles Trengoffe and other lands. Seal of John Nance. ¹ The Ghivaile of Doomsday, Tregoney, Cornw. Deed in Collection of Sir John Maclean. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 235 John had issue 4 Daughters A | 1 Michall Petit 2 Tho. Petit John died wthout issue Mid 3 Alice mar'ied to James Tresahar 3 Michall Tresahar of Budock Da. of Nanspian B Michaell died wthout issue ¹ Married Thomazin, da. of Tho. Leigh of Holsworthy; she afterwards married Peter Bevil, and in her will (P. P. C. Holder 36) bequeaths to "Elizb. Petytt a girdell with a golden corse of gold lyned with rede, a pair of beds of ambyr doble gawded with silver, a kirtell of tawny cloth." "Item, I beq. to Tho. Petyt, a gilt goblet, my best nutte and his cover, and the cover of the cup that was stole, and £20 in money on condicion that he clayme no more goods of his fadere nor of myn, etc. Item, I beq. to the dau. of Tho. Petyt a dymysent with a golde corsse. To Jane, dau. of Thos. P., and his other daus. now at home. "To John Pentyre's children begotten of my dau. Isabell." To Will. Gerves' children begotten of Emlyn. "My son Peers Bevill" and John Walsh, Exors., and "my son Tho. Petytt," Supervisor. Prob. 10 Nov., 1517. Peter Bevill's will (P. P. C. Holder 13). "Item to Thomas Petytt my russet gowne furrd with foxe; to Wm. Gervys my best gowne lyned with sasnet." Names Sir John Treffry, Willm. Tre- vanion, John Arundell of Talverne, Marie Arundell, Matilda Greneffelde, John Bevil, his son's wife Thomazine, Michael Petytt, John Petyt, John and Rob. Fitz. 2 Tho. Petit married Elizabeth, da. of John Godolphin, and had a son Thomas Petit, who married Jane, sole da. and heiress of Rob. Poyle, and their sole da. and heiress Alice married James Tresahar, as in the ped. above. One generation has been omitted. See 'Hist. of Trigg.' 3 Chanc. Pro. Miscell., vol. ii. fo. 195. Temp. Elizb. To Rt. Hon. Sir Nich. Bacon, Kt., Lo. Keeper, etc. Orator Michell Tresagher of Trevithan, co. Cornw., gentleman; whereas James Tresagher, father to Orator, was seised in his demesne as of Fee of one-third of Manor of Trelowith, one-third of Govylie, Fentongorge, Soren, Carveynack Pettit; the same descended to your Orator within age as son and heir of sd James. Alyse, wife of sd James Tresaher, and mother of Orator, remarried one Edw. Cowche, who by reason of sd marriage obtained custody of the evidences and writings which Cowche on his death bed directed should be delivered up to Orator. Plea for restoration by Exors. Agnes, da. of Nanspian. Heralds' Coll. * Ped. fin. 25 Elizab., Easter, Cornw. Wm. Peres al's Pryske qu. Michael Tresagher al's Tresaugher, generos., and Anna, ux., def. Lands in Vounder Trewoone and Church Town, p'ish of Mullyan. Ped. fin. 30 Elizab., Hil., Cornw. Rich. Rawlyn qu. Michael Tresagher, gen., and Anne, ux., def. 154 acres in Tregewe and Myler. Ped. fin. 8 James, Mic., Cornw. Ralf Edwards, qu. Michael Tresahar, gen., and Tho. Tresa- har, gen., def. 3d part of Tregandallen and Mewan. Ped. fin. 10 James, Hil., Cornw. Ant. Pye, gen., Hugh Trevanion, gen., qu. Tho. Tresahar, gen., and Anna, vid., def. Govyly Vean, Fentongock Tresoren, Kebye, Manor of Trelowith, and other lands in St. Ewe and St. Mewan. See under Pye, ante. Ped. fin. 11 James, East., Cornw. Ralf Challons, gen., and Tho. Robyns, qu. Tho. Tresahar, gen., def. Ten't in Tregue and Mylor. Ped. fin. 13 James, Mic., Cornw. Wm. Praed, gen. qu. Tho. Tresahar, ar., and Geo. Williams, gen., def. Lands in St. Ives, Una juxta Lelant, and Illogan. Ped. fin. 16 James, Mic., Cornw. Jno. Trefusis, ar., qu. Tho. Tresahar, gen., and Anne, ux., def. Lands in Tregewe and Mylor. Ped. fin. 1655, Hil., Cornw. Wm. Oram and Xfer Ginn qu. Michael Tresahar, gent., and Elizab., ux. Lands in Smithick (Falmouth) al's Pennycomquick, Budock. Ped. fin. 1656, East., Cornw. Peter Killegrew, Knt., qu. Tho. Hickes and Michael Tresahar, gen., and Elizb., ux., def. Lands in Trevethan, Trevethan Wartha, Trevethan Wollas, Carga- mowe, The Cliffe Close, Smithick, and Budock. Ped. fin. 13 Chas. ÍI., Trin., Cornw. Hugh Boscawen, ar., qu. Michael Tresahar, genero., and Elizb., ux., def. Eastclose, Longclose, etc., and lands in Goviley Vean and Fentongoth. Ped. fin. 34 Chas. II., East., Cornw. Jno. Williams, gen., qu. Ezechiel Tresahar and Elizab., ux. 36 mess., 1 shop, 2 cellars, and 2 tortis, 30 gardens, 1 wharf, and 2 ac. land in town and parish of Falmouth. 236 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. B Tho. Tresahar of Trevethen in Anne¹ Da. of Hump. Com. Corn. liveing 1620 Yorke of Fillick Michall sone & hey. æt. halfe yeare Julian 1 Barbara 2 Anne 3 THO. TRESAHER. * 1 See Yorke ped., post. * Rot. Claus. 25 Chas. II., 4383, 5th part. An Indenture, 4 Dec., 25 Chas. II., between Ezechiel Tresahar, bro. and heir to Michael Tresahar, late of Goviley, dec., co. Cornw., gent., first part, and Hugh Boscawen of Tregothnan, in sª co., Esq., of the other part. Ezechiel sold Boscawen, the Mansion, Barton, and demesne lands of Goviley or Goviley Vean, and Fentanguck al's Fentongock, etc., in p'ish of Cuby, then in tenure of Elizabeth Tresahar, widow, mother of Ezechiel, and relict of Michael Tresahar, father of sd Ezchiel, subject to certain reservations under the will of said Michael Tresahar. Will of Michael Tresahar of Govyly, P. P. C. Bruce 106, A.D. 1664. To wife Elizb. £20 per ann. out of Barton of Govyly, and furniture of Green Chamber. Barton of Govylye to son Michael, he paying his mother the aforesaid annuity, and a debt to Hugh Boscawen. To three sons, Ezechiel, Gabriel, and Samuel, certain lands each. To daughters Carthrett, Elizab., Mary, Hannah, certain leases for term of 500 years. Will of Richard Tresahar, prob. 1563, Exeter (Old Totnes collated). To wife Ann (? née Killegrew), sole executrix, Trevethan for life. To dau. Jane, lands in town of Tregoney, and lands in Mylor; rem. to rt. heirs of testator. To Elizb., Jane, and Chesten, daughters of his son James, legacies. Witnesses, John and Alexander Killegrew and John Denys, Vicar. Will of John Tresahar of Constantine, yeom., P. P. C. Juxon, 86, A.D. 1663. To Bridget Pendarves, da. of Wm. P. of Roscrow, Esq., and o'rs. To his godson, son of Michael Tresahar of Smithicke, etc. Will of Henry Tresahar, 1706, of H.M.S. Pembroke. to Ezechiel Tresahar the father. Bodmin, and P. P. C. Henry, the son of Ezekiel Tresahar, gent., and Elizabeth his wife, Mary, the dafter of Ezechiel Tresahar, Richard, son of Michael and Mary Tresahar, Estate to sister Mary. bap. 13 June, 1683. 26 July, 1690. 1 April, 1712. "" 39 James, "" "" 13 May, 1714. Richard, James and Elizab. Tresahar, "" 29 Dec., 1740. Mary, da. of "" "" 27 Dec., 1742. Richard, son of Michael and Mary Tresahar, Mary, wife of Michael Tresahar, bur. Ezechiel Tresahar, Michael "" 17 April, 1734. "" 30 Oct., 1744. 1714. 26 May, 1724. Commission Cuby and Tregoney St. James' Par. Reg. Michael Tresahar & Mary Avent of Tregoney, mar. Ascension Day, 1701. James Tresaher of Tregoney and Elizab. Chappel of this parish, Henry Holman and Mary Treshair, James, son of Mr. John Tresahar, Michell, " "" mar. 8 Dec., 1739. Michael, son of Mr. James and Mrs. Margery Tresahar, "" 27 Aug., 1763. bap. 20 Oct., 1613. 16 Dec., 1614. bap. 30 July, 1655. Tho. Tresahar, gent., and Mrs. Matilda Prout, wid., mar. 1 May, 1665. Mrs. Anne Tresahar, wid., James Tresahar, gent., Margery, wife of James Tresahar, gent., Mr. James Tresahar, Ruth, wife of Mr. Jas. Tresahar of Falmo., James, son of Tho. and Matilda Tresahar, John, James, "" "" Thos., "" Sampson,, Castle, bur. 17 Nov., 1658. Lamorran Par. Reg. Ruan Lanihorne Par. Reg. Stoke Damarel Par. Reg. Gluvias Par. Reg. " 15 Dec.. 1667. Budock Par. Reg. "" 25 Feb., 1669. "9 4 Feb., 1695. "" 22 Jan., 1697., bap. 20 Jan., 1665. James and Ruth "" "" "" "" of Pendennis, "" "" Michael, son of James and Ruth Tresahar of Pendennis 2 July, 1679. 13 Apr., 1672. 11 Apr., 1674. 7 Mar., 1675. 17 July, 1678. Falmouth Par. Reg. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 237 Trethewy. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos p'sent's l're p'venerint ego Henr' de Trethewy filius et hæres Hudone que fuit ux' Johis de Trethewy Salt'm in D'no sempiter.' Noveritis me relaxasse et penitus quietu' clamasse p' me et heredibz meis et assign' Willo de Tregodek her. suis et assig' &c. In cuius rei testimoniu' huic present' script' sigillu' meu' apposui. Hijs testibus Joh'e de Trenoda, Joh'e de Polgoner, Petro de Westmarch, Robt' de Carnedon, et aliis multis. Sans Dat'. SEAL.—A chevron engr. betw. three goats statant. Omnibus Xpi fidelibz ad quos p'stus Scriptu' p'venerit ego Thomas Trethewy Armig' salt' in domino semp' noveritis me prfatu' Thoma' Remisisse relaxasse et omnino p' me et heredibus meis imperpetuu' clamasse Johe Lynam &c. In cuius rei testimoniu' Sigillu' meu' apposui hijs testibus Robt. Geffray maiore villæ pre- dict. Johe Comitreff, Willo Bernard, Johe Haill, Johe Harvy et alijs. Dat' die lune in crastino S'ti Georgij martiris Anno regni regis E. IV. post conquest' 25. Tho. Trethewy Armiger 15 E. IV. James Trethewy of St. Stephens in Branwell in Com. Devon (sic) Rich. Trethewy de St. Ste-Jone Da. of Willm. Haw- phens in Com. Cornwall kins of St. Wenne in Com. Cornwall 2. John 3. Thomas 4. Stephen fil. primogenit. Hugh Trethewy ат Robt. Trethewy de St. Stephens in Com. Cornwall Anne Da. of Tho. Burges of Truro in Com. Corn- wall Anthonie 3 fil. B fil. primogenitus A (Note continued.) Thos., son of John and Ursula Tresahar Henry, Ursula, wife of Mr. John Tresahar, John Tresahare the elder, John "" bap. 28 Sept., 1678. "" bur. 7 Apr., 1681. 1685. bur. at Constantine 14 Aug., 1598. 17 Mar., 1601. Barbara, da. of Tho. Tresahar, gent., bap. at Budock 8 Sept., 1625. ... el, the son of Ezekiel Tresaheare and El... (Elizabeth) his wife, bap. at Cuby, (Partly torn and illegible) 26 Mar., 1678. Mr. Tho. Tresahar & Mrs. Margt. Phillips, mar. at Camborne 7 June, 1730. 25 Oct., 1730. 22 Sept., 1730. 1698. bur. "; "" Tho. Tresahar of Camborne and Mrs. Ann Treminheere of Penzance, mar. at Madron, Mary, da. of Gabriel Tresahar, bur. at St. Minver, Ann, da. of Ezekiel Tresaier, gent., and Elizb. his wife, bap. at Tregoney, Margery, wife of Gabriel Tresahar, gent., bur. in the Church of Minster, 28 Mar., 1687.) › 3 July, 1694. Tho. Tresahar of Falmo., gent., and Elizab. Phillips, mar. 17 Oct., 1689. Elizb., da. of Gabriel Tresare, John, son of Thomas Tresare, gent., Mr. John Tozzare, bur. in the Church, Mistris Tresare, Anne Tresare, bap. 2 Feb., 1686. bap. 16 Oct., 1716. 18 Aug., 1712. 17 Feb., 1718. 8 May, 1719. Falmouth Par. Reg. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Archdeacon's Transcripts. (J. M.) Minster Par. Reg. Poughill Par. Reg. St. Issey Par. Reg. Camborne Par. Reg. (The Camborne branch probably descended from James Tresahar of Gurlyn. See n. p. 155.) For continuation and extinction of male line of Tresahar, see Sir John Maclean's' Hist. of Trigg, vol. i., pp. 317-319. See also Petit ped., post, and Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 81. 238 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | B| Hugh 2. Margerie Elizab. mar. John 3. Judith to Anthonie Pie of St. Stephens John Tre- thewy fil. Thomas Trethewy Barnard primo- genit æt. 2 fil. æt. 24 wt Mr Francis West sil- Richard gemelli man in Cheepside etat. 20 4. Honor 26 sup'stes 1620 5. Jone * Entered, not signed. Treunwith vel Trenwith. Henry Treunwth de Treunwith Elinor Da. of Tho. Rosmadres in Cornw. of St. Borian Peter Treunwth fil. et her. Elizab. fil. et her. Johis Vincent Otes 2 filius Willm Treunwth-Jane Da. & her. Ri. Predeney de St. Borian Thomas fil. Margerie of et her. James Erisey * Inq. p. m. 6 Edw. II., No. 20. mess. and land in Moresk. Henry 2 fil. Mathew Treunwith of Treun--Elizab. da. & hey.of with in Com. Cornwall James Caskayes A William Trethewy fil. et her. Agnetiss de Nans. Nans. Ped. fin. Cornw. 3 Rich. II., No. 5. wife def. In Treledyk, Trehenford, and Ped. fin. Cornw. 19 Rich. II., No. 3. wife def. In Trethewy. Ped. fin. Cornw. 14 Hen. IV., No. 2. Cecilia his wife def. East Ashton, etc., their son and his wife Cecilia. Philip Trethewy qu. Hugh Brendewoode and Alice his Bodmin. John Trethewy qu. Walter Canford and Johana his Rob. Bray and Johana his wife qu. John Trethewy and settled on John and Cecilia, rem. to William Trethewy Rich., son of Rich. Tretheuye, bap. 11 Feb., 1582. St. Ewe Par. Reg. John "" Trethewe, "" 12 June, 1585. Anne, dau. of Thomas Trethewy, gent., and Margery, bap. 3 Feb., 1632. Constan- tine Par. Reg. John Trethewie, clerk, and Alse Marke, widow, mar. 15 May, 1623. Lanteglos by Camelford Par. Reg. Licence to serve the cure of Lanteglos by Camelford granted to John Trethewy, clerk, 1634. (Act Book, Exeter.) Robert Trethewy of St. Stephen's in Brannel and Loveday Avery of Truro. Mar. lic. 1681. Ind're made 6 Jan. 1 Charles, betw. John Trethewy of St. Stephen's in Brannel, gent., of the one part, and Anthony Tanner of the same parish, gent., of the other part. Conveyance to the said Anthony Tanner and his heirs of two tenements called Trevenge)(J.M.) in the said parish, which Richard Chiverton, by deed dated 1 Oct., 38 Elizab., granted to Robert Trethewy, gent., dec'd, father of the said John, and also certain lands in the same parish which William Carlighan of Illogan, by deed dated 18 Oct. 34 Eliz., granted to the aforesaid Robert Trethewy. Seal. A chev. engr. betw. three goats. Ind're dated 2 March, 1680, betw. Anthony Trethewy, of St. Giles in the Fields, Middx., of the one part, and Sir John Baker, of St. Paul, Covent Garden, Knt., and William Baker, 2nd son of the said Sir John Baker, of the other part. Mortgage of lands in St. Stephen in Brannel for £1000. (Penes Mr. Vosper Thomas of Wimborne, co. Dorset.) THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 239 A | 1 Willm 3 son mar. ye Da. of Tho. Treunwith of--2 Elizab. Da. & one of ye heyres Treunwith in Com. of Willm Myllyton of Pengersick Cornwall in Com. Cornwall Rich. Treunwith of St. Earth-Ann Da. of John Merrit of Pro- Mary uxor Skott in Com. Cornwall bus in Com. Cornwall Ann uxor Humphry Burgis of St. Earth * of Kent RICHAR. TRENWITH. Trevanion. Sr Jo. Trevanion Kt-Jone Da. & hey. of Stephen de Belloprato Rob. Trevanion mar. the Da.T Sr Jo. Trevanion Kt-Jone Da. of Rich. & hey. of Le Archdecon Le Sergiaux Kt ob. sine prole Rob. Trevanion Jone Da. of Otho Arondell of Trembleth Rob. Trevanion Da. & heire of Carmynowe Rob. Trevanion Da. & hey. of Raph. Arondell of Caryhayes Tho. Trevanion-Maude Da. & Cohey. of Jo. Petit Esq. Jo. Trevanion temp. E. IV. 22 Jennet Da. of Tho. Trefrie of Foye Esq. John 2 sone from whome is descended Trevanion of Trevalster Sr Wm Trevanion-Anne Da. of Sr Ric. Kt 1 sone Edgcomb Kt A ¹ Named, together with his son Thomas, in will of Jno. Bosustow of St. Leven (who mar. his sister Anne), dat. 8 July, 1604. P. P. C. 19 June, 1605. 2 She afterwards mar. Hearle, ante. • Arundell, and lastly Thos. Hearl of Prideaux. See ped. of * Ezechiel Trenwith, gent., and Elizabeth Lanyon mar. 1614. St. Ives Par. Reg. William Trenewith, gent., and Mary Pellamounter mar. 10 Nov., 1634, at Zennor. Rp. of Exeter's Transcripts. (J. M.) Ped. fin. Cornw. 15 Rich. II., No. 3. Henry Treunwyth qu. Hugh Canas and Emma his wife def. Carbons and Carnyny. Ped. fin. Cornw. 34 Hen. VI., No. 3. Otonem Treunwyth qu. John Velour, def. Porthyala- nanta, Carnesuwe, and Helston, For more of Trenwith see Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 35. 240 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Jane ux' Reignold Mohun Sr Hugh Trevanion Kt—Elizb. Da. of Sr Lewis Pollard Kt John 2 ob. Rich. 3 Margaret da. & coheir of Tho. Hugh Tre--Sibell Da. of sine p❜le Chamont sonne & heir of Sr Jo. Chamont vanion Morgan of Lockstowe 11 Elizab. Hugh 1 Willr 1 Willm 4 Agnes wife Sibell wife Anne ux' Beatrix ux' to John to Hugh Jo. Killi- ux'John Mallet Richard 2 Edward 5 Madern Tredin- owe of Tre- ham Lansallos lawny John 3 Esq". Esq. Tho. Malet of The Midle Temple Esq. Elizb. ux' Sr Kath. uxr Rob. Cary Jo. Ross- Margt uxr Sr John Edward 1 sonne Charles Jone Da. & Trevan- hey. of after made Erle of Munmouth Esq. carock of Roscarrock Trevars Kt John 2 sone ion of Wichhalse Carry- Hugh 3 sonne hayes Kathr 1 Da. Charles Trevanion Amye 1 Da. of Sr Jo. of Carryhayes Mallet of Enmor Mary a da. John Trevanion sone & heir atat. 7 1620 Not signed. Trevanion. Sr Hugh Trevanion of Kerehayes Elizab. Da of Sr Lewis Pollard John 1 Sr Hughe Trevanion 1 sonne Rich. Trevanion of Tolverne in Com. Cornwall Margt Da. of Chamond & widowe of Arondell A * The additions in italic are in a different hand. 1 Hugh Trevanion of St. Michael, Caerhais. Will prob. Exeter, 1571. Names brother Richard T., cousin Will. Mohun, Esq., and trusty friend John Davy of Restrewg trustees for his manors of Tolgarrock, Trebarthes, Penhale, Horwell, Grogoth; daughters Beatrice, Katherine, Elizabeth; his wife Sibill, and his youngest son Charles Trevanion. (For these see Harl. MS, 1079, fo. 158.) Ped. fin. Cornw. 7 and 8 Eliz., Mich. Hugh Trevanyon, Esq., Will. Loveday, gent., qu. Rich. Trevanyon and Margaret his wife def. Glewyas al's Kenwyn, Keveran, and Lansallas settled on Rich. Trevanyon and Margaret his wife for life, rem. to Alice Arundell, da. of said Margaret, and her heirs, rem. to Rich. Trevanyon, second son of Rich. and Margaret, and his heirs, rem. to Thomas Arundell, son of said Margaret, and his heirs, rem. to right heirs of Margaret. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 241 Hugh Trevanion of Trelugan in Com. Cornw. Anne Da. & hey. of Tho. Mayowe al's Hellier of Lost- withell A | Rich. Trevanion of Mary Da. of Roll St. Goran in Com. I of Heamton in Cornwall liveinge 1620 Devon Hugh Trevanion-Suzan Da. of Blanch. ux" Jo. of Trelugan Robt. Ape- Clyes of Pen- liveing 1620 ley of Bor- sanz Gent. stable Nathaniell Tre- vanion sone & hey. at. 20 1620 1 ¹ Mary ux* Richard Cros- man of Crosse HU. TREVANION. * NATH. TREVANYON. Rich. Crosman, gent., and Mary Trevanyan, da. of Rich. Trevannion, Esq., mar. at Gorran 28 Jan., 1617. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * Nathaniel, son of Chas. Trevanion, gent., and Patience, bap. at Lanteglos by Fowey 2 Feb., 1713. 1699. 29 Mar., 1706. 1716. Archdeacon's Transcripts. Mr. John Kemp and Mrs. Grace Trevanion mar. at Veryan Sir Nich. Trevanion, Knt., and the Hon. Lady Coryton mar. at St. Stephen's by Ash Charles Trevanion and Mary Dodson of Pelint mar. at Lanteglos by Fowey Mr. Tho. Tresahar and Mrs. Ann Trevanion mar. at Veryan 16 July, 1717. Grace Trevanion bur. at Cuby 1700. Eleanor, wife of Chas. Trevanion, bur. at Ruan Lanihorne 10 Mar., 1702. Cath. Trevanion "" Rich. Trevanyon. gent., and Katherine Nottell mar. at Ruan Lani- horne Fra. Godolphin and Kath. Trevanion 1734. 3 July, 1610. mar. 8 May, 1622. John Trevannyon, Esq., and Mrs. Ann Arundell mar. at Newlyn John Trevanyon, gent., Ann, wife of Hugh Trevanion, gen., Ric. Trevanyon, gent., Hugh, son of Hugh Trevanion, Grace Trevanion John Trevanion 8 Dec.. 1634. bur. at Filley 6 Mar., 1613. bur. at St. Just in Roseland 1614. bur. at Veryan 2 Nov., 1635. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. bap. 1593. bur. 28 Ap., 1700. 1602. Cuby Par. Reg. St.Ewe Par. Reg. Nathaniel, son of Charles and Honor Trevanion Nathaniel, son of Nich. Trevanion, gent., Honor, da. of Charles Trevanion, gent., and Honor, Honor, wife of bap. 29 Oct., 1661. 1691. bur. 1662. 1665. Gorran Par. Reg. Par.Reg. Nathaniel Trevanion, Esq., "" 10 May, 1673. Will. Trevanion, gent., 12 Nov., 1681. "" Nathaniel Trevanion, son of Chas. T., Esq., 1684. " William, son of William Trevanion, bap. 1661. John, "" William Trevanion and Honor Williams Richard, son of Rich. Trevanion of Veryan, and Anne, dau. of John Verman and Mary his wife, of Lamorran Rich., son of Hugh Trevanion, gen., "" Richard, son of Will. Trevanion and Honor, Charles, Hugh Trevanion, gent., of Carhais died at Nuham in Kenwyn, bur. in the church Reg. Lamorran Par. Reg. → St.Michael Pen- Skivel Par. Reg. 1671. Padstow Par. 1676.) 20 Sept., 1696. } Truro Par. Reg. [Note continued on next page 1666. St. Issey Par. mar. 1659. 6 Feb., 1694. bur. 8 Nov., 1661. bap, Reg. >> 2 I 242 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Sr John Tre- Thomas 2 velian of Rich. 3 Nettlecomb Kt. sonne & heir Nich. 4 Rich. 5 Trevelyan. John Trevelian of Nettlecomb in Com. Som'set aº 9 H. VII. | Eliza, da. & heire of Tho. Whalesbury of Whalesbury in Com. Cornub. Humfrey Tre-Margaret da. of Sr Rhice ap Thomas Kt of tempe H. VII. vellian of Basill¹ in Com. Corn. the Garter George G S. P. John Trevellian of Basill-Eliza. da. of Peter sonne & heire Corington of William Viell Jane da. of Sr John of Trevarder Arrundell of Trerice Newton Esq. A B (Note continued.) 24 Mar., 1693. July. 1706. Veryan Par. Mr. Tho. Tresahar and Mrs. Anne Trevanion mar. 16 July, 1717. Jno. Trevanion bur. 5 Dec., 1687. Mr. Hugh Trevanion Mrs. Grace Trevanion 6 "" Mr. John Mr. Rich. Mrs. Anne Mr. Tho. Tresahar }" "" 18 June, 1712. 2 Nov., 1715. 1716. 1719. Hugh Trevanion and Candace Carew of St. Just, spinster, mar. lic. 1665. Reg. Sir Nich. Trevanion of Plymo. and Dame Sara Corriton, of St. Stephens by Ash, mar. lic. 3 Nov., 1716. Duncombe Drake of Stoke Dam., Esq., and Grace Trevanion of same, mar. lic. 4 Dec., 1733. Ric. Trevanion, " in the 87th year of my age." (Will 17 Ap., 1714, Bodmin.) Son Richard T. (Exor.). Son Charles T. to have Woodford in Lansalloes, he to pay his own dau. Jane £40 at 21. Charles' son John rem'r. Son Sir Nicholas T. a gold ring, and to his lady a gold ring, and each of his dau'rs £5. Daughters Elizb., Thomas, Grace Kemp, and Mary Kemp. Dau.-in-law Ann Trevanion. 66 Rich. Trevanion of Veryan, Governor of Pendennis Castle. Will prob. Bodmin, 15 Oct., 1717. Wife Ann Barton of Hay in Veryan. Lands of John Trevanion of Carhais now in my possession." House and gardens at Tredinnick for her use. All residue of lands, etc., to his dau. Anne Tresahar, his sole executrix. See Chan. Pro., May, 1723. Ped. fin. Cornw. 15 Rich. II., No. 4. Richard Trevanion qu. Ralph Soor def., etc. Ped. fin. Cornw. 8 Hen. IV., No. 6. Carhays and other lands settled on Rich. Trevanyon and Johana his wife, rem. to Stephen their son, rem. to Johana their da., rem. to right heirs of Rich. Ped. fin. Cornw. 8 Hen. IV., No. 10. Thos. Trevanyon qu. John Pascowe def. Lands in St. Enoder. Ped. fin. 1656, Hil., Cornw. John Robins, gen. qu. Chas. Trevanion, gent. def. Lands Trenastell and Ruan Lanihorne. Ped. fin. 26 Chas. II., Trin., Cornw. Rich. Scoble gen. and o'rs qu. Chas. Trevanion ar. def. Moiety of Tregarthen, etc. Ped. fin. 15 Jas., Mic., Cornw. vanyon ar. Hugh Trevanion gen. def. Ped. fin. 4 Anne, Trin., Cornw. Trevethick. 1 Basil in St. Cleather. Ric. Trevanion ar. and Jno. Trefusis ar. qu. Chas. Tre- Ardevora Vear and Filley. Stephen Robins ar. qu. Chas. Trevanion ar. def. Lands THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 2.13 Al Peter Trevellian-Eliza da. of Rich. of Basill in Com. Cornub. Peter Tre- Pollard of Hor- wood Esq. B | George Arrundell 2 sonne of St John Arundell of Lanhern & of Ann his wife da. to the E. of Derby Elizabeth 1 John Trevillian of Basill esq. now livinge 1620 unma- vilian 2 sonne ried Dorothy da. & co- heire of Willm Viell of Trevarder Mary da. of George Arundell & Coheir of her mother Dorothy da. of William Viell of Trevarder Gertrude 2 da. wife to Rosse- ter Arscot Peter sonne & heir John 2 Dorothy 1 Elizabeth 2 Mary 3 ætat. 7 annoru' 1620 JOHN TREVELYAN. * 1Jno. Trevillian, gent., and Mary Arundell, gent., mar. at Mawgan in Pider 31 Mar., 1608. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Thomas Trevillian, gen., and Sarah Drake mar. 20 Feb., 1649. Buckland Mon. Par. Reg. Jane, da. of Henry Trevillian, bap. 1682. Germoe Par. Reg. Edward Trevillian 1575. Perranuthno Par. Reg. James, son of Mr. James Trevillian and Lucy, bap. at Fowey 19 Feb., 1720. Francis, son of Arthur and Jane Trevillian, bap. at Archdeacon's Transcripts. Fowey Mr. James Trevilian 28 Jan., 1733. bur. at Fowey 18 Oct., 1743. Peter, son of John Trevelyan, Esq., bap. at St. Cleather William, son of Christopher Trevelian, Parson, Mawgan in Mencage Nicholas Trevillyan and Mary Rogers 17 Feb., 1613. bap. at 27 Ap., 1623. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Stephen, son of Avis Trevellian John Tomking and Avyes Trevillian mar. 29 Apl., 1605. 4 Mar., 1583. Blisland Par. Reg. St. Neot Par. Reg. Withiel Par. mar. 28 Feb., 1591 (J. M.) Reg. John Drew and Margery Trevylyan of St. Cleder, mar. lic. 8 Sept., 1568. John Trevillian, jun., of Nettlecomb, co. Som., and Ann Courteney, widow, of Lazack, co. Cornw., mar. lic. 12 Oet., 1620. Commend Garch of Nettlecomb, co. Som., and Cecilia Trevillian of Axmouth, mar. lic. 5 May, 1623. Thomas Robinson of Helston, gent., and Mary Trevillian of Tiverton, mar. lic. 1 Oct., 1631. Edward Morth of Talland, gent., and Elizabeth Trevillian of Morewinstow, mar. lic. 4 Oct.. 1638. Licence to preach within the Archdeaconry of Cornwall granted to James Trevillian, 5 Mar., 1662. Hugh Trevillian and Mary Fane of Tavistock, mar. lic. 13 Oct., 1669. Hugh Trevillian and Joanna Amery of Nymet Bishop, mar. lic. 7 Ap., 1670. Ped. fin. Cornw. 26 Hen. VI., No. 1. John Trevillian qu. John Dunkyn and Cecilia his wife def. Trenevesack, etc. Will of Jno. Trevelyan, Vicar of St. Peran in the Sands, 20 Mar., 1447, P.P.C. To be bur. in chancel of the ch. of St. Peran in the Sands. To several religious houses, etc. To the poor for meat and drink at his funeral. To his cousin John Wylle. Residue to his cousins John and Henry Trevelyan. For enlarged pedigree see Trevelyan Papers. pt. iii.. 1872, Camden Soc. 244 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Trevisa. Peter Trevisa of Crokadon-Elizb. base Da. of in Com. Cornwall Peter 2 Edward Elvazor Tre- & Wil- visa 2 sone Andrew 3 ob. s. P. liam Twinnes liveing 1620 Jo. Trelaunye ¹ John Trevisa¹ Margt Da. of of Crokadon Pet' Courtney liveinge 1620 of Tretharlffe Anne a da. un- maried 2 Willm. 2 Richard 3 Dougles 4 Jo. Trevisa Elizab. uxor Anne 2 Mary 5 sone & heire Nicho. Bat- Jonathan 5 atat. 16 1620 tersbye of Bridget 3 Margt 6 Caultock Phillipa 4 Katherin 7 ELEAZER TREVISA. * 1596. Trewolla. Marke Trewola¯ Rich. Trewola зат Thomas Trewola Da. of Rosogan A | 1 John Trevisa of St. Mellion and Margt. Courteney of Lazack (Laddock), mar. lic. 1 Dec., 2 William, son of John Trevisa, gent.. and Margt., bap. at St. Mellion 16 Dec., 1610. * Jonathan, son of Peter Trevisa, Esq., and Hannah, bap. at St. Mellion John Trevisa, gentleman, who was meaytayned by John Trevisa, Esq., bur. at St. Mellion Rich., son of Wm. Trevesa and Ursula Nancarowe, bap. at St. Martin's in Meneage Archdeac, 1699. Transcripts. 1623. } 27 Ma.r, 1626. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 15 May, 1631. John Trevisa, Esq., bur. at St. Mellion Elizb., wife of Will. Trevisa, Esq., bur. at St. Mellion 22 March, 1668., John Hellyer of Harford and Jocosa Trevisa of St. Mellion, mar. lic. 12 May, 1621. Ped. fin. 2 Hen. IV., No. 1. John Trethack qu. Walter Metheros and Johana his wife def. Various lands settled on Walter and Johana, rem. to heirs of Walter, rem. to Johana, wife of Will. Trethack, rem. to Johana, da. of Will. Trethack, rem. to Julia, da. of Galfrid Roskyr, rem. to John Trevysa, rem. to Juliana, sister of Jno. Trevysa. rem. to Nichola, sister of Juliana, rem. to Walter, son of Philip Trege, rem. to Roger, bro. of Walter, rem. to Rich. Tirell of St. Colan, rem. to Margery, wife of John Tregoys, rem. to right heirs of Walter Metheros. Ped. fin. 14 Jas., Trin., Cornw. Edw. Courtney ar. and Jno. Trevisa ar. qu. Will. Courtney ar, and Douglas ux. def. inter alia Tresagher (Tresahar) estate, Constantine. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 245 A | -2 1 Da. of Trewheler 2 John Trewola filius Daughter of John 2 uxor. John Trewolla first sonne et heres Joyce 2 uxor. 3 John Trewola³ Lettice Da. of Robt. of Trewola Rashley of Foy Thomas Tre-Rachell Da. of Walter wola fil. et Hollamore of Pen- heres reane Elizab. mar. to Reinold Bawden of Key in Cornw. Agnes ma. to Peter Hallamore brother to Rachell 1. Petronell 3. Elizab. 5. Phillip 8 John Trewola 2. Willm æt. 15 4. Thomas 2. Agnis 4. Ellin 6. James 7 fil. et heres ætat. 20 1620 3. Richard æt.14 æt. 13 THOMAS TREWOLLA. 1 Alice, da. of Rich. Trewhilla of Trewhilla in St. Enoder. See note 2. 2 Chan. Pro. 9 April, 1583, Eliz. K. k. 2, No. 33. Rich. Kendall and Katherine his wife v. John Trewolla and Jno. Higgowe. Names Alice, da. and h. of Rich. Trewhilla of Trewhilla in St. Enoder, wife of this John, together with John and William their sons, and Katherine, da. of William, mar. to Rich. Kendall. 3 John Trewolly and Litty Rashligh mar. 5 Feb., 1570. Fowey Par. Reg. * Will., son of John Trewolla bap. 30 July, 1579. Johanna, da. of Jno. Trewhela, 20 Aug., 1584. Thomas, son of Rich. Trewhela, "" 24 Dec., Margaret, da. of Jno. Trewyla, "" 16 Mar., 1586. Jno. Trewolla, junior, and Agnes James mar. Rich. Trewolla and Johanna James 28 Oct., Jane, da. of Jno. Trewolla, bur. Rich. Trewolla 25 Oct., 1573. 23 Jan., "" " 20 Mar., 1585. Jane, ux. Rich. Trewolla, 25 Nov., 1587. Rich. Trewolla Margaret " " 28 Oct., Thomas "" St. Ewe Par. Reg. George, son of John Trewhella, Will., 19 bap. James, son of Thos. Trewolla, gen., bap. at Gwennap Tho., son of Tho. Trewalla, gen., Temperance, da. of Wm. Trewalla, Tho., son of Tho. Trewalla, gen., 31 Jan., 1588. 1 Mar., 1589. 27 Nov., 1608. } Gwinear Par. Reg. 21 Mar., 1610. 1614. "" "" 18 June, 1633. .. "" 20 Aug., Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. bur. "" "" Tho., John Trewolla and Margt., bap. 29 Oct., 1661. Gorran Par.Reg. John Trewolla, gent., bur. 13 Ap., 1679. Thomas, son of John Trewolla, gent., Margt., wife of Mr. John Trewolla, bur. ? 1676. Bodmin Par. Reg. 30 Oct., 1677.S (J. M.) Ped. fin. 6 Chas. I., Mich., Cornw. Thos. Carthew qu. Thos. Trewolla gen. and o'rs def. Canelegie, etc. 246 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 1 = Trewbody. 2 Mary da. of Jo. Harris John Trewbody of Castle Mary Da. & hey. of of Lanrest Tho. Corryton of in Cornwall Nicho. Trewbody of Castle Dorithie Da. of Kempe of Blisland in Cornwall ¹ Petr Trewbody of Castle Margt Da. of Fursland al's in Cornwall Fitzhugh in Devon 2 Charles Trewbody sonne=Agnes Da. of Tho. Hoblyn of & hey. liveing 1620 Nanshwiddon in Cornwall * CHARLES TREWBODY. ¹ Peter Trewbody of Castle Lanlivery. Will P.P.C. Stafford, 8, A.D. 1604. Names sons. Charles, Tristeram, Thomas. To his wife Margaret all his lands in St. Austell called Boscovill during minority of Charles. 2 Mar. at St. Columb Major 3 Aug., 1620. Mary, da. of Charles Trubody, gent., bap. 16 Sept., 1621. Peter, son " "" "" 13 Aug., 1622. * Stephen Trewbody and Anna Polwhele, wid. of Steph. P., mar. 4 Mark Truebody, clerk, and Elizb. Toller Mrs. Elizb. Trubody 99 bur. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. July, 1597. 1684. (J. M.) St. Clement's Par. Re Reg. Fowey Par.Reg. Illogan Par. Reg. Mr. Mark Trubody, Vicar, 1700. Sybell, da. of Tho. Trewbodye, 1542. John, son of Peter Trubody bap. 1633. Thomas, son of John and Grace Trubody, Peter Trubody aud Anne Mounsell 1686. mar. Oct.. 1614. Peter Trubody, gent., and Sibella Tingcombe Peter Truebody bur. 1645. 1630. Lansalloes Par. Walter 14 Feb., 1648. Reg. Peter Susan 1650. "1 1679. John 1682. "" Peter Trewbody, gen. Rate Book, Lanlivery, 1654. Grace, da. of Tho. Trubody bap. 1694. Lanteglos by Anne "" 1697. Fowey Par.Reg. Pinnock Par. Joan, wife of Xfer Trubody, gent., bur. 10 Aug., 1689. Mr. Sam. Trewbody, Minister of St. German's, and Mrs. Reg. Sheviock Par. Mark, "" "" William, Mr. "" "" Philip, Elizb. Hancock of Hendra, wid., William, son of Walter Trubody Walter and Margt. Trubody Walter Trubody and Margt. Preston Mark Trubody and Sarah Carew Peter, son of Walter Trubody by Margt. his wife, John and Peter, sons of Walter Trubody, Tho. Hoblyn and Priscilla Trubody mar. mar. 1729. Reg. bap. 1644. 1651. "" 1667. "" 1674. "" mar. 25 Jan., 1667. 5 Feb., 1693. Tywardreath Par. Reg. bur. 15 May, 1613. 1658. 1637. } St. Winnow Par. Reg. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 247 Trewren. Tho. Tryourne Jo. Tryourne of Sankred¹ Elizb. Da. of Wm. Chiverton ¹ Tho. Tryourne of Sankred Jane Da. & coh. of Tho. Wise 1 Josias 2 Rich. 4 John 3 1 Elizab. 1 Dorithie 2 Tho. Tryourne of Monkcon-Enis Da. of Jo. in Cm. Cornw. liveing 1620 Penrose of Monekton THOMAS TREWREN. Tubb. John Tubb of Trengoffe―Joane Da. & hey. of John Callwaye h Willm Tubb of Julian Da. of Gwennop 4 sone George 1 sonne Roger 2 John 3 in Cornw. Tho. 5 sone Bonithon of Curclew a preist Edm. Tubb of Guinop in Com.Margt Da. of Rob. Rashley of Cornwall liveing 1620 Foye in Cornwall Germone 2 sonne Mary 1 Jane 2 Jo. Tubb sone & heyre Julian 3 liveing 1620 Sara 4 t JOHN TUBB. (Note continued.) Charles Trubody, gent., and Katherine Allen mar. 27 Ap., 1680. St. Austell Par. Nicholas Harrye and Elizabeth Trubody mar. 20 Jan., 1611. Mary, da. of John Treuren, jun., bap. at Sancered 20 Aug., 1608. Richard, son of Walter Trewren, „, William Trewren al's Tremearne James Reg. St. Kew Par. Reg. (J. M.) 14 Jan., 1609. [ Bp. of Exeter's Tran- 21 Sep., 1636. scripts. "" bur. 12 Nov., "" Named in will of Thomas Chiverton of Paul, dat. 26 Aug., 1604, P.P.C. 7 Feb., 1604-5, together with Henry, John, and William Trewren, sons of John T. and Elizab. Chiverton. * Ped. fin. Cornw. 24 Hen. VI., No. 2. John Treouran and Katherine his wife qu. Sampson Lucos and Alice his wife def. Mousehole, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw. 37 Hen. VI., No. 2. Roger Treouran qu. Johana, who was wife of Adam Vyvyan, and William Fox and Agnes his wife def. Erth, Holewode, etc. † George Robins and Agnes Tub mar. 1613. Hugh, son of Henry Tubb. bur. 13 Oct., 1592. St. Austell Par. Reg. Cuby Par. Reg. [Note continued on next page. 248 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Henry R. Tucker. Henry, by the grace of god Kinge of England & of fraunce, & Lord of Ireland, To all manner our subiects, as well of the spetiall preheminence & dignitie as of temporall authoritie, theis our l'res hearing or seing greeting. foras- much as we be credibly informed that our trustie subiect Stephin Tucker, of Lamartyn in Com. Devone, Gentleman, for certayne diseases and infirmities which he hath & dayly susteineth in his head, he cannot conveniently without his great Danger be discovered of the same. We let you wite that of our grace espetiall in tender consideration thereof, have by these presents licensed the said Stephen Tukker to use & wear his Bonet upon his said head, as well in our presence as (Note continued.) Stephen, son of John Tub, Tobias, Robert Tubb and Jane Nicholls Will. Tracher and Thomasine Tubbe George Tubb and Elizabeth Tredwene Jno. Tubbe and Johanna Batten Edward Prowte and Annys Tubbe Nicholas Tubb bap. 28 Nov., 1562. 11 Oct., 1570. mar. 20 Sept., 1565. 25 Feb.. 1578. 18 1583. 3 Oct., 1585. St. Ewe Par. Reg. 12 Feb., 1586. bur. 10 Mar., 1588. George Tubb Katherine Tubb, widow, 29 25 Sept., 1611. Will. Tubb, gent., bur. at Warleggan Hugh Popham and Jane Tubb mar. at Kilkhampton 17 John Roberts and Grace Tubb mar. at St. Allen William Tubb and Loveday Mylton mar. at Sheviock Sept., 1608. 1612. 10 Jan., 1614. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 17 Jan., 1618. Blanch, wife of Jonathan Tub, gen., bur. at Padstow 1636. John, son of Mr. John Tobbe, bap. 1571. Jonathan, 1575. Bodmin Par. John, 1582. " John Tobb, gent., bur. 1603. Reg. Mrs. Agnes Tubb 1611. Joanna, da. of John Tubb of Botreaux Castle, Egloshayle Par. bur. 12 Feb., 1605. f Reg. Geo., son of Wm. Tubb, and Margt., da. of Walter Ford, 1 Lanivet Par. mar. 1 Nov., 1683. Reg. Lanreth Par. Walter Tubbe, gent., bur. Kath., da. of Rob. Tubb, bap. George, son of John Tubb, Rob. Tubb, gent., and Jone Sloget, wid., mar. 21 Ap., 1630. 18 Nov., 1550. 1587. 11 Nov., 1589. Reg. Alice, wife of John Tubb, gent., bur. 4 Ap., 1623. St. Neot Par. Reg. (J. M.) John Tubb, gent., 19 Oct,, 1623.. Geo., son of John Tubb, gen., bap. 28 Sept., 1584. Elinor, wife of George Tubb, Esq., bur. Geo. Tubbe, Esq., 8 June, 1591. 1597. Warleggan Par. Reg. Will. Tubbe, gent., 1614. mar. lic. 1637. John Tubb, of Maugan in Meneage, gent., and Mary Bristow of Helston, widow, Indenture dated 13 May, 20 Elizab., betw. John Bonython of Bonython, gent., of the one part, and William Tubbe of Gwynep, gent., of the other part. Grant of certain premises in Geare in the parish of Gwynep to William Tubb and his heirs. Ind're made 9 June, 1619, betw. John Tubb of Gwennape, gent., of the one part, and George Husband, husbandman, of the other part. Lease of premises in Gwennape which late were the inheritance of William Tubbe, gent., grandfather of the said John Tubbe. Seal-three tubs in pale naiant. By deed dated 25 Dec., 1652, Thomas Achim of Hall granted to John Lee of Lan- reth, yeoman, certain premises in Trenay lately in the tenure of Thomas Olver by virtue of a lease made 29 Sept., 32 Elizab., by George Tubb, lord of Trenay, Eleanor his wife, and John Tubb their son, whose inheritance the premises late were. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 249 elswheare at his liberty. Wherfore we will & com'and you and every of you to p'mitt & suffer him soe to doe without any your challenges letts or interup- tions to the contrarye as yee & every of you tender our pleasure. Given under our signet at our mannor of Woodstock the 2 day of July in the 10 yeare of our Raigne. Stephen Tocker. John Tucker of South Tavistock in Com. Devon.... Da. of et relicta Trecarell • Da. & Coh. of Stephen Tucker of Lamerton. . . . Da. & hey. of Foxcomb Burlace uxor 2 iuxta Tavistock al's Trenchard ux. 1 John Tucker of Hellond in Com. Cornwall fil. mar. Blanch Da. of.... Bande of Exeter Ī John Tucker=Anne fil. 2 fil. rector Hugonis Stephen Tucker of Hellond in Cardinnam Pollard de Com. Cornw. in Com. North- iuxta Bodmin Cornw. ob. molton fil, et hæres Devon Nicholas fil. et hæres mar. Dorothy Da. of Trevilia' of Nettlecom Jane Da. of John Conock of Liskerd in Cornwal ī Katherin mar. to Nic. Mor- combe of Bodmin Samuel mar. Da. of Tho. Tredi- nick Zacharie Mary mar. Stephen 4 Tucker mar. to Rich. Crosman Anne Da. of Edm. Dunrich in Com. of Lan- karffe in parochia de Bodmin son mar. Margerie Da. of Peter Christo--Honor Da. pher fil. of Morris John ob. et heres Hill, Esq., s. p. Peter 3 fil. mar. Kathe- Peter Henry æt. 40 of Hilli- rin Da. Marke of gun in Cornwall Alice of Moris 2 Da. Hill Liskerd Cornwall 구 ​John æt. 2 Susan Stephen fil. primus æt. 9 John 2 son Jane Mary Mary Ste- Peter 5 æt. 7 æt. 2 phen 6 Not signed. * John Williams and Jone, da. of Will. Tucker, mar. 14 Oct., 1574. John Tucker, said to have been bro. of the Mayor of Exeter, was last Abbot of Buckland Mon. Devon, pensioned on the Vicar of Buckland £60 per an. John Carveth al's Perguion and Emblin Tooker, mar. 1606. St. Breock Par. Reg. John Trenvroth, gent., and Mrs. Maria Tucker, mar. 1615. Mawnan Par. Reg. Henry Tucker, clerk, and Elizabeth Warrin mar. at Bp. of Exeter's St. Juliet 19 Jan., 1623.) Transcripts. John Toker, jun., gent., and Mrs. Probesia Pollard, mar. at St. Mabyn 1683. Will, son of Mr. Stephen Toker and Susannah, Mr. Steven Toker, gent., bap. 1697. bur. at Helland 1682. bur. at St. Mabyn 15 Mar., 1697. Christopher Worthywell and Cath. Tucker of Cardinham, mar. lic. 1664. Mr. John Toker, Archdeacon's Transcripts. [Note continued on next page. 2 K 250 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. ARMS. Arg. on a chev. gu. 3 bezants. Vacye. Sciant p'sent. et futuri qª ego Theobaldus Vacy remise et om'ia p' me et heredibus meis sive assignat. meis imperpetuu' Waltero. Vacy fil. et hered. Will'mi Vacy et Augusta uxori suæ et hered' de corporibus eoru' p'creat. totum jus meum et clamav. etc. Dat' die Sabbati prox post festu S'te Margarete Anno regni regis Ed'ri filij regis Edwardi 18. Sciant p❜sentes et futuri qd ego Johis de Fenton remisi pro me et hered. meis et assignatis meis totu jus meu' qd habui in Fenton Vacy cum om'ib. part'in suis Will'o de Vacy et hered' suis sive suis assign. imperpetu. etc. hijs testibus mag'ro Ramud Parloben D'no Rogero de Nononant D'no Reginaldo de Unvile Joh'e Gerner Will'o De Hollewey et alijs. dat. Lond. in Eccl'ia S'ci Pawli die mercurij prox post festu Conversionis Santi Pawli. Anno grac. 1291. Remember to putt this Addition of the howse of Tredeage unto the discent of James Bonython. (sic.) Willm Vacy before Date De Fenten Vacy Adam Vacy miles temp. H. III.T wil Willm Vacy temp. E. I.T ד Theobald Vacy temp. E. II. De Fenton Vacy Walter Vacy temp. E. III. John Vacy 12 H. IV.T V.T Willms Willms Vacy 3 H. VI.— (Note continued.) Thomas Vacy 22 H. VI.Ħ VIT Ped. fin. Cornw. 12 Hen. IV. No. 4. Reginald Toker of Liskeard qu. John Geffery of Lis- keard and Alice his wife def. Mess., etc., in Liskeard settled on Alice, da. of Reginald Toker. Ped. fin. Cornw. 7 Hen. V. No. 5. Thos. Joeche of Liskerd and Florence his wife qu. Rich. Toker of Liskerd and Alice his wife. Ped. fin. Cornw. 18 Hen. VI. No. 10. John Toker qu. John Wade and Johana his wife def. In Camelford and Tregewe. Ped. fin. 5 Eliz., East. Dev. John Toker, gen. qu. Jno. Wollye def. Tent. in Tavistock. Ped. fin. 29-30 Eliz., Mich. Dev. Step. Toker, gen. qu. Samuel Toker, gen. and Anastasia, ux. def. Lands in Foxcomb, Lew Trenchard, Bradford. See Memoir of the Family of Tucker, alias Toker, in 'History of Trigg Minor,' vol. ii., pp. 54-57. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 251 A | John Vacy 9 E. IV.Ħ Willm Willms Vacy 22 H. VII.— Willms Vacy temp.T H. VIII. Rich. Vacy 2 fil. et heres.... fil. Vacy fratris de Fenton Vacy Phillip fil. et heres Willm Willm Vacy fil. et hæres fil. Fortescue de ob. s. p. Buckland Filley John Vacy de Fenton Vacy Elizab. Da. of John Harris of in Com. Cornwall Lanrest in Com. Cornwall Elizab. mar. to Humphrie Martin of St Ervan in Com. Cornub. Leonard Vacy de ¹ Magdalena fil. Fenton Vacy Anthonie Clifford de Boscombe John Vacy fil. Joh 2 ætat. 46, 1620 Anna ætat. 19 tempore visitaco'is 1620 3 Katherin æt. 17 4 Francisca æt. 10 5 Eulalia ætat. 9 Johes Vacy fil. et hæres Edmond 2 fil. Elizab. æt. 22 mar. to Theophilus Loveis ætat. 12, 1620 ætat. 10 of Bordon in Com. Cornw. LEO. VACYE. Verman. Georg Verman of Ardeveray in Philley in Cornw. Jane Da. of John Beaupre Gerons Verman first son 2 Agnis Da. of... Bonde of Earth Mary Geo. Verman Jane Da. & sol heire of Willm of Lamorran | Penant of Budock A John 2 son ob. s. p. 1 Da. of Anthony Clifford of Descombe, co. Wilts., widow of John Ley al's Kempthorne of Tonacombe. See ped. of Kempthorne, ante. * Eulalia, da. of Edmund Vacye, gent. and Jane, ux., bap. 30 June, 1647. Menenge Par. Reg. Anthony in Ped. fin. 3 John, No. 24. Walter de Vasoi qu. Osbert de Esct def. In Escote, * Da. of Thos. Bond. See ped. of Bond, ante. 252 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Geo. Verman of Lamorran in Cornwall-Eudon Da. of Geo. Dennis of Gluish in Cornwall Geo. 1 son ob. sine • p'le in hib'nia Cum Comiti Essex John Verman of Kath™ Da. & Coh. Lamorren in Com. | of John Trehane Cornw. liveing in Cornwall 1620 Jane ux" Tho. Anne Ward of Lamorran unmar. John sone & hey. atat. 6 dayes 1620 the 4 octob. JOHN VERMAN. Vivian. 1 John Vevion of St. Collomb Olive Da. & hey. of Tresaster of St. Wen in Cornw. Maior in Com. Cornwall 1 2 Tho. Vevion of St. Collomb Anne Da. and Coh. of Peter Lowre of Trwro in Cornwall 3 John Vevion of Mary Da. & Coh, of Fran. Da. of Fran.3 John Vevion of -³ Buller of Peleite in St. Collomb live- Cornwall Esq. ing 1620 | Wm. Cavill of St. Kue in Cornwall Esq. Anne 1 Da. atat. 7 4John sone & hey. atat.-5 † 5 Tho- Willm 3 6 Richard 4 mas 2 JOHN VIVIAN. *John Verman de Lamorran et Maria Walrond filia Guillmi Walrond de Brad- field in comitat. Devon armigeri matr'onum contrax 5 July, 1660. Rich. Trevanion, son of Rich. T., p'ish of Veryan, and Anne, da. of Jno. Ver- man and Mary his wife of Lamorran, mar. 6 Feb., 1693-4. Lamorran Par. Reg. 1 Named in the will of his father Richard Vyvyan of Trenouth, dated 27 Sept., 1550. P. P. C. together with his grandfather, John V., lately deceased, mother Elizabeth, brother Richard V., and sister Emlyng V. (both under age). John Vyvyan, clerk, one of the overseers. John Vyvian and Ollyff Taesalster (Tresaster) mar. 30 July, 1546. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. His will as John Vivian of Trenouth, dated 4 June, 1587, P. P. C. 1589. Names his wife Oliffe, sons Thomas, John, and Pascaux, and dau'rs Johane and Emlin. (Johane mar. Jno. Carter of St. Columb. See Carter ped., ante.) 2 Thomas Vivian, gent., bur. 18 May, 1617. (St. Columb Major Par. Reg.) His will, as Thomas Vyvyan of Trenouth, dated 8 May, 1617, P. P. C. Names his wife Anne, sons John, Pascowe, Michael, Thomas, and Richard, dau'rs Olive, Barbara, Ursula, and Emlin mar. to Moyle (see Moyle ped., ante), and Richard and John Vivian of St. Merryn. Inq. p. m. Wards and Liv., 17 Jas., No. 110, Bund. 27, inter alia. Tho. V. held in Pollawyne (n. 17, p. 259), Trenance, Skewys, Tresawell, Neweton, St. Anthony in Men., Towan Wartha, Towan Wolas, and Tomyowe. See notes, p. 255. [Notes continued on next page. • THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 253 (Notes continued.) 3 Johannes Vivian, gen., and Maria Cavell, filia Willmi Cavell, Ar., mar. at St. Kew 18 Ap., 1615. (Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts.) Named in will of John Pomeroy of St. Cleere, 16 June, 1618, P. P. C. 12 March, 1619. Witnesses Pascowe Vivian, Pascowe Vivian, jun., and Richard Vivian. Will of John Vivian of Trewan, dated 18 Jan., 1641, P. P. C. 1647. Names his wife Mary, and her father and mother, Will. and Jane Cavell, sons John, Thomas, Richard, Francis, Mathew, Edward, and Peter, dau'rs Anne, Mary, and Jane, mar. to Treffry. His brothers Pascowe and Thomas V. and son John ex'ors. His son Thomas Vivian and Joseph Jane overseers. 5 4 Bap. 9 June, 1616. Bap. 10 Aug., 1617. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. 6 For family of this Richard see Tavistock, Devon, Par. Reg. * William Inch of St. Kew and Ursula Vivian of St. Columb Major, mar. lic. 18 Nov., 1612. Francis Vivyan of St. Columb and Anna Maynard of Little Colon, mar. lic. 25 July, 1677. Degorie, son of Thomas Vivian, bap. at Crantock Thos., John, "" "" 21 July, 1598. 26 May, 1609. Rich. Vivian and Grace, bap. at St. Merryn 13 Oct., 1633. Thos. Vivian and Elyzabeth Jeffrie mar. at Crantock 13 Nov., 1597. John Vivian and Margaret Minerd mar. at St. Mewan 1666. John Vivian and Alsoa Jeffreye mar. at Crantock 10 Aug., 1612. John Burlace and Thamson, da. of John Vivean, were mar. at Roche 30 April, 1622. Thomas Carthewe and Amey Vivian mar. at St. Allen 1 Feb., 1624. Richard Rownsewall and Elizabeth Vivian mar. at St. Winnow 3 Feb., 1630. 4 May, 1671. (This marriage is also entered in St. Minver, the same date, but her name is spelt Vyvyan.) Rich. Vivian and Grace Robbins mar. at St. Merryn 8 June, 1631. John Vivian, Esq., of St. Columb, and Amy Nicolls of St. Tudy mar. at St. Stephen's in Brannel John, son of John Vivian, Esq., of St. Columb Major, and Mary, da. of Sir Joseph Sawle of St. Austell, mar. at St. Mewan 1684. Henry Vivian the younger bur. at St. Ervan Johannes Vivian sepulta erat at St. Kew Rich. Carlyon and Letta Vivian John Yarde and Phillipa Rich. Carlyon and Alice Will. Carlyon and Blanche " "" "" "" Rich. Vyvian and Maria Mynars Will. and Phillipa Kestell John Courtney and Jane Vyvyan Thomas Vyvyan and Mary Elliott Emblen, da. of Thos. Vivian, Peter, son of John and Mary Vivian, Elizab., da. of "" "" Francis, son of John Vivian and Mary, Thomas, son of John Vivian, Esq., and Mary his wife mar. = 7 Mar., 1602. 25 July, 1615. Act Books, Exeter. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. "" 30 July, 1576. 29 Jan., 1587. 28 July, 1593. 23 Nov., 1595. 2 Nov., 1614. 13 Jan., 1616. 1633. 25 Sept., 1669. St. Austell Par. Reg. "" "" bap. 31 Mar., 1580. "; 12 Sept., 1630. 1634. "" 1649. ,, "" 12 Sep., 1689. Richard Vivian, gent., and Mary Flamocke Richard Moyle and Emblen Vivian Robert Cocking and Margery Vivian mar. 1601. "" 30 Jan., 1602. " 16 May, 1614. James Moyle and Elizabeth Vivian Walter Vivian and Loveday Carlyon Henry Roscorla and Alse Vivian Walter Vivian and Ann Howe Rich., son of John Vivian, Esq., Pascowe Vivian, gent., Peter, son of Rich. Vivian. gent., Mrs. Olive Vivian Mary, wife of John Vivian, Esq., Paskowe Vivian, gent., John Vivian, jun., Esq., Judith widow, Emblyn, da. of John Vivian Thomazine, John, son of 1616. 10 June, 1630. 17 Jan., "" bur. "" bap. 20 Jan., 1684. 1660. 6 Aug., 1634. 20 Dec., 1665. 20 Aug., 1667. 26 Mar., 1670. 31 Mar., 1673. 12 May, 1691. 1700./ 20 Feb., 1593. 1594. St. Columb Major Par. Reg. "" Degorie, son of Degory Vivian 8 Mar., 1597. 20 Mar., 1666. St. Columb Minor Par. Reg. Nicholas Warren and Thamson Vivian mar. at Mawgan in Pider 4 Aug., 1633. [Notes continued on following page. 254 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. (Notes continued.) Thomas Cock and Margery Vivian Thomas Vivian and Franncis Robarts Digory Vivian and Mary Stone William Vivian and Prudence Brewer, Thomas Hix and Prudence Vivian Jone, wife of John Vivian, Will., son of Will. "" mar. "" 27 Dec., 1680. "" 28 July, 1682. 21 July, 1634. 29 May, 1641. 1644. St. Columb Minor Par. Reg. bur. 1591. 1683. "," William V. 1692. "" John Vivian of St. Issey, jun., and Mary Carthew mar. John Trebilcock, gent., and Elizabeth Vivian 1692. 27 Dec., 1697. St. Ervan Par. Reg. William Vivian, Rector, Michael Agus and Loveday Vivian Sam Leche of St. Columb, gent., and Dorothy Vivian, da. of Matthew Vivian of Advent, gent., deceased, mar. 28 Nov., 1700. 1699. 22 Oct., 1642. bur. mar. Mathew Vivian, gent., and Julyan Tanner, mar. published 20 May and 3 and 10 June, 1655. Jerome Mathew and Anne Vivian, mar. published 3, 10, and St. Ewe Par. Reg. 24 Dec., 1655. Thomas Harris and Thomazin Viveon mar. 27 April, 1681. John, son of Thomas Vyvian bur. 10 June, 1572., John Vevinne, Esq., 1646. Fowey Par. Reg. Thomas, son of John Vivian, bap. John, Rich. Rich. Vivian and Elinor Hawkins Stephen Vivian John Vivian, Esq., and Mrs. Mary Glanville Mr. Stephen Vivian and Mrs. Mary Slade Thos. Hoblyn, gent., and Olyve Vivian, gent., Thomas Vyvian and Jane James, mar. bur. mar. "" 27 May, 1665." 11 Feb., 1695. July, 1688. 1696. 18 Oct., 1642. 8 Sept., 1685. 24 Nov., 1625. 1 Oct., 1680. } St. Issey Par. Reg. Tavistock, Devon, Par. Reg. Veryan Par. Reg. St.Winnow Par. Reg. Redruth Par. Reg. Humphry Daniel and Jane Vivian, Hugh Harris and Margerie "" Humphry, son of Hugh "" 7 Nov., 1642. "" 16 Feb., 1652. bap. 25 Sept., 1602. "" bur. 23 Dec., 1603. 2 Jan., 1607. 8 Sept., 1685. 17 April, 1688. 17 Mar., 1689. Truro Par. Reg. 16 Sept., 1694. 11 May, 1697. 27 Feb., 1699. 1 Feb., 1602. 4 Feb., 1604. Jacobus, "" Phillip, "" "" "" Thomas, Thomas Vivian, "" Rich., and Hannah, 11 "9 Walter, "" Diggory, "} John, "" "9 "" Hannah, da. of Humphry, son of Hugh Vivian, Jacobus, Alice, wife of "" Jane, wife of Thomas Vyvian, "" "" 28 Mar., 1605. "" 29 Dec., 1681. Will of John Vivian of St. Peter, Padstow, 9 Mar., 1505. Proved Lamehith (Lambeth) 8 May, 1506. Body to be buried in the Church of Carmelite brothers in the town of Bristol. Names his son John Vivian and dau'rs Johanna and Margaret; Johanna his mother and Johanna his wife, Executors; his cousin John Tregonwall, Overseer. (Dr. Tregonwall was retained as Counsel for the Rev. Tho. Vivian, bro. of the Prior, and Vic. of Bodmin v. the Parishioners, A.D. 1529.) William Taverner, gener. Tho., Harry, and o'rs, witnesses. Will of Rich. Carter of St. Columb the Lower, 27 Nov., 1578. P. P. C. 5 Feb., 1582. Names Rich. Vyvyan of St. Meryn and Jane his wife, and their children Rich., John, and Olif. Will of Rich. Vivian the elder, of St. Columb Major, gent., 18 April, 1653. P. P. C. 19 Nov., 1655. Names Thomas, John, and Francis, sons of John Vivian, Esq., his bro. Pascowe V., his nephew Richard, son of his bro. John Vivian, deceased, and Richard his son, his nephews Francis, Matthew, Edward, and Peter, sons of his bro. John Vivian, deceased, god-daughter Mary V., cousin Rich. Vosper, sister-in-law Mary V., sister Olive V., sister Inch, sister Vosper, Ann and Mary dau'rs of John V., Esq., cousins John V. of Truan, Jane Treffry, William Inch, Anne Tregose, Katherine Hore, David Moyle's wife, and Joane Haweis, godsons Jno. Treffry, Sam. Moyle, and Edmond Beauford. • Will of Thomas Vivian of St. Martin's in the Fields, Surgeon, 13 Oct., 1690. P. P. C. 3 Dec. 1690. Names his sister Jane Vivian, uncle Thomas Vivian, cousins Robert Blewett, Edward Tregenna, Scoble, and Elizabeth Wrey. Brother John Vivian, sole Executor. Witness, Thos. Vivian. Will of Thomas Vivian of St. Martin's in the Fields, Gent, 1 Oct., 1688. P. P. C. 2 Oct., [Notes continued on following page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 255 (Notes continued.) 1691. Da. Mary sole heir and Executrix. Witnesses Thos. Vivian, Elizabeth Blathwayte, and Mary Alexander. Inq. p. m. 15 Jas. I., Wards and Liv., No. 184. John Vyvyan of St. Winnow, died 29 Jan., 1603. Olyve and Honor, his da.'s and coh.'s, aged 21 and 18. Ped. fin. Cornw. 19 Hen. VI. No. 3. Jno. Bonde and Sibill his wife, a da. and coheir of Margaret, who was wife of Stephen Trenewyth, and Johanna, who was wife of Adam Vyvyan, the other da. and h. of said Margaret, qu. Michael Power, Esq., and Isabella his wife def. In Overa Penquyte, Fenne, Tremaylek, Carpenters, Peytevynespark, Coleford, Tremargh, Rowehill, Wolvecombe, Leskered, Weylonde, Penacadek, Staunton, Tredareppe, Trenewyth, Trethack, Wallelond, Tregadek, Shernepark, and Atte Water. Settled on Michael P. and Isabell his wife to hold of the said John Bond and Sibill his wife, and Johanna, rem. to Jno. and Sibill and Johanna, rem. to heirs of Sibill. Ped. fin. Cornw. 21 Hen. VI. No. 1. Jno. Wydeslade qu. Odo Vyvyan and Matilda his wife def. Trewenhelek and appurtenances in Resgerans, Gluvyan Margh, and Treworrwale Vyan settled on Odo and his wife, rem. to Jno. Arundell, Esq., son of Jno. Arundell, late of Bydeford, rem. to Rich. Tregoys, Esq., rem. to Rich. Penpons and Amicia his wife, rem. to right heirs of Matilda. Ped. fin. Cornw. 37 Hen. VI. No. 2. Roger Treouran qu. Johanna, who was wife of Adam Vyvyan, and Will. Fox and Agnes his wife def. In Erthholewode, Porthpigan, Orchard overa Saltash, Drussell, Tremalik overa Penquyte, Fen Carpenters, Paytevynespark, Coleford, Tremargh, Rowehill, Tredynnek, Furson, Neweton (Neweton was held by Vivian of Trevidren, Inq. 11, Rich. II., No. 83), Tretharup, etc., which Michael Power and Isabella his wife held for life; of the inheritance of Johanna in Treneweth, etc., settled on Roger; rem. to Johanna, who was wife of Adam Vyvyan, and her heirs. Ped. fin. Cornw. 5 Edw. VI., Pasch. Jno. Connock, gent., qu. Stephen Vyvyan and Maria his wife def. In Penquyte al's Overa Penquyte, Fennesland, Tremaylek, Over Penquite al's Carpenters, Coleford, Tremargh, Rowehylle, Wolvecombe, Weylond, Pencradock, Staunton, Tredarope, Trenoweth, Tretharrop, Wallelond, Tregadock, Atte Water lands, and Lyskerd. Jno. C. paid Stephen £80. (These lands are named in Ped. fin. 37 Hen. VI. No. 2 as the inheritance of Johanna, widow of Adam Vyvyan, a coh. of Stephen Trenewyth, many of them were afterwards in the possession of Vivian of Trenouth and Trewan; Stephen Vyvyan also held lands in Luxulyan, Rosilion in St. Blasey, etc.) Ped. fin. Cornw. 6 Edw. VI., Pasch. Ped. fin. Foxholle, and Holewood. Jno. Collyns qu. Stephen Vyvyan def. In St. Austell, etc. Jno. Rashlegh qu. Stephen Vyvyan, gent., def. Penyllike, Ped. fin. Pasch. Cornw. 6 Edw. VI. Will. Laa qu. Stephyn Vyvyan def. Porth Merthen, etc. Ped. fin. 5 Edw. VI., Mich., Cornwall, No. 6. Rich. Roscarrock and Rich. Chamond qu. Stephen Vyvyan, gent., and Maria his wife, def. Trenans Austell, St. Austell, Castellgothan, Tregorrek, Trethyrgy, and Boscovey al's Boscavevyn. Settled on Stephen V. and wife, and their heirs, rem. to John V., bro. of Stephen, rem. to Francis Bluett, Hen. Chiverton, and John Courteney, rem. to right heirs of Stephen for ever. Ped. fin. 7 and 8 Eliz. Mich. Cornwall. Jno. Robyn qu. Jno. Vyvyan, gent., bro. and heir of tephyn Vyvyan, gent., defunct, def. In Trethyrgy. Ped. fin. 8 Elizab., East., Cornw. John Vyvyan al's Trenoweth qu. Will. Tredenecke and Phillipa his wife, def. In Tredrym and St. Just in Roseland. Ped. fin. 15 Eliz., East. Cornw. Roger Flamank and John Vyvyan, gents., qu. Otho and John Merefeild, gents., def. In St. Columb Major, Tresawell le over, Tresawell le lower (Ralph Vivian of Trevidren-Trelawarren family-held Tresawell, 11 Rich. II., in right of his wife, wid. of Tresawell, see Inq. p. m. 11 Rich. II., No. 83), Tomyowe, Luxulian, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw. 16 Jas. I., Hill. John Prideaux qu. Rich. Vivyan and o'rs def. Treve- meder. Ped. fin. Cornw. 17 Jas. I., Pasch. John Vivian, gent., qu. John Quych def. Manor of Retyn, etc. Chancery proceedings, Elizab. P. p. 9, No. 56 (1590). Henry Penrose al's Nicholas, and Mary his wife, v. John Vyvyan al's Cooke, Richard Vivian al's Trenowithe, and o'rs. To recover lands called Trethias in St. Meryn and Porthvyan in Lower St. Columb. Vyvyan answers that one John Trethias was seized in his demesne as of fee in Trethias Towen and Towen Wolas in St. Meryn and Porthvyan in Lower St. Columb, and had issue two sons, John, Pascowe, and one da. Emmott, and intending to marry his son John to Joane, da. of one Will. Cocke, granted all his tenements in Trethias, Towen Wartha, and Towen Wolas, and Trevanenher to have and to hold to said Joane and her heirs by said John Trethias, etc., with rem. to Pascowe Trethias, with rem. to Emmott, sister of said John and Pascowe. John died unmarried, and Pascowe took to wife said Joane, and died without issue, and said Joane was seized for life. Emmott mar. one John Vivian, and had issue John V., who had issue James V., who had issue John Vivian, the present defendant, and Emmot died leaving Joane tenant for life, after whose death the said tenements descended of right to James V., father of defendant, etc. Def. Vivian is stated by Complainant to be a very wealthy man, substantially and greatly allied in the County." 66 In the St. Columb Green Book' the Vivian's temp. Elizab. 1580, spelt their name Vyvyan; but in 1598 Thomas spelt his name Vivian. For additional information regarding this branch see ped. of Cavell,' History of Trigg,' vol. ii., pp. 162-3. 256 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Cybyan. .. Vivian— 2 Tho. Vivian prior of Bodmin decimo H. VIII. Tho. Vivian 1 sonne Vi John Vivian of Bodmin 1 John Vivian of Bodmin in Com. Cornwall ㅜ ​Elizb. Da. & Coh. of Tho. Tregof of Penpole in Cornwall gent. 3 Edward Vivian of Key in Com.—Jane Da. of Jo. Tren- Cornwall liveing 1620 creke of St. Kaye Grace uxor Johis Hawes of Kaye in Com. Cornwall 4 John sone & heire at. 19, 1620 Fran. 2 Reignold 3 5 Mary 1 Elizb. 2 EDW. VYVYAN. ¹ Thomas Vivian, Bro. ord. and reg. of St. Augustine Friars, and Sub. Prior. elected Prior of Bodmin 30 April, 1507, on the death of William John. (Bp. Oldham's Reg., p. 22.) Prior Vivian received the Tonsor 15 Sept., 1493, and ordained Acolyth the same day, being then actually a Canon of Bodmin. Elected Suffragan Bishop of Megara, and as such held ordination in Exeter Cathedral 30 May, 1518. Died 1 June, 1533. Tomb in Bodmin Ch. He was.second Prior of Bodmin of the name, Will Vyvyan having been elected 8 Oct., 1435. 2 Rich. Coryn (of Kenwyn) mar. Elizabeth, da. of John Vivian, brother of the Prior. Coryn Ped. in Coll. of Arms. 3 Mr. Edward Vivian was bur. at Kea 23 Feb., 1630. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 4 The will of Barbara Vosper of Kea (sister of John V. of St. Columb Major, who mar. Mary Cavell), 12 Aug., 1658. P. P. C. 30 Dec. 1658. Names her daughter Jane Haweis, her son-in-law John Haweis, her grandchildren Grace, Anne, Reginald, Jane, Mary, and John Haweis. 5 Bapt. at Kea 2 Feb., 1617. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * John Barges and Elizab. Vivyan, Thomas Vivyan and Joane Harris, John Nicholas and Johan Vivyan, mar. 16 Jan., 1608. "" 18 Oct., 1612. 24 Jan., 1615. Kenwyn Par. Reg. 1616. 1623. Degorye Vivian and Tamsen Beddlarke his wife were married ye five daye of Maye, Thos. Husband and Miss Vivian Thomas Vivyan, Trustrame, son of Degorye Viviane, "" "" mar. bur. 29 Dec., 1614. bap. at Kea 3 Dec., 1617. 15 Sept., 1622. John, Hugh, Digorie John Haweis, "" "" Anne, John, da. of "" bur. at Kea son of Digorye Vivian and Thamsyne, his wife, was bur. at Kea 5 June, 1614. Bp. of Exeter's 4 Oct., Transcripts. "" 16 Dec., 1630. Thomas Vivian, M.A., (brother of Prior V.) presented to the Vicarage of Bodmin 27 Nov., 1516, by the Prior and Convent, on death of Thos. Holwell, M.A. Chan. Pro. Elizab. 9 May, 1597, M. m. 2, No. 51. Michell v. Challenor, Coryn, and o'rs. Sets forth that Thomas Vivian and Ann his wife were seized in right of his wife Ann for the life of the said Ann, of the moiety of Penventynes, or Pen ventennow, in Kenwyn, and certain lands, etc., thereunto belonging. (Ann was the da. of Rich. Singleton by Ann his wife, the da. and coh. of Richard Coryn of Kenwyn.-'Visit. Cornwall, 1573,' Add. MS. 14, 315, and Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 5.) For a memoir of this branch see 'History of Trigg,' vol. i., pp. 307-8. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 257 Vibyan. 2. FERRERS. 7. CHALONS. 11. TREVISA. ARMS. 1. VIVIAN. A. a lion ramp. Gu., one foot on waves of the sea B. 3. ARUNDEL, 4. GLYN. 5. TRETHURF. 6. ST. AUBYN. 8. CHARLTON. 9. LEIGH. 10. COURTENAY and REDVERS qrly. Sr Vyell Vyvyan K-Margaret da. of Christopher count of Kildare in Ireland Joane wife to Sr Bartho- lomew Greenevile Kt Umryell Sr Raph Vivyan-Katherin d. of Reginald Kt Farrers of Boswithegie ¹ Richard Vivyan of Treve-Constance d. of James Peferell 2 drian ob. aº 1331 or Sr Hugh Peverell Hugh 2 3 John 3 4 Willm Vivyon sonn-Claryce 5 d. of Henry Le Forte & heire ob. 1345 of Pengersick ob. 1346 Raph Vivyan Alice d. of Peter Kemple or Kemyll 6 | 7 Roger Vivyan Isabell d. of John Anthorne Alice Joane Amor John Vivyan Honor d. & h. of Rich. Ferrers of Trelawarren 9 Richard Vivyan-Florence d. & h. of Rich. Arundell of Trerise 10 11 Robert Vivyan 2 sonne 12 mar. Margret ¹¹ d. & coh. of John Durant of Tre- vanion & h. of John 11 Michaell 11 Thomazin 13 d. Vivyan sonne & heire Glyn of Morvale Elizabeth 11 T James Michael 14 11 Willm Vivyan eldest sonne served Charles Earle of Darby & was drowned on Passion Mar- 15 John Elizabeth Vivyand. & h. of grett Thomas Trethurfe 16 of Tre- lawar- ren 2 Sunday aº 1520 s. p. sonne 17 John Vivyan-18 Ann d. of Baldwin Mallett of Devon 1. Katherin mar. to John Bonithon of Carclew 2. Barbara mar. to Humphry Yorke of Devon 19 Haniball=20 Phillip 21 da. & Vivyan of one of the heires of Trela- Roger Tremaine of Devon warren | A Florence wife to John Fortescue of Spryle- ston 3. Anne mar. to John Kestell of Kestell 4. Christian 22 mar. to Willm Fortescue 5. Avis mar. to Ro. Ridge [Notes on next page. 2 L 258 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 21 Sr Francis Vivyan 25 Kt eldest sonne | A Loweday d. of John Connock of Treworgy in the p'ish of St. Cleere in Cornwall 3. John 21 1. Margaret 4. 21 Haniball27 2. 21 Blanche 24 mar. to Fra. Tredenick 24 5. Robert21 3. Anne sans issue 6. 21 Roger 28 7. 21 Charles 29 21 Michaell Vivyan 23-Katherin 23 2 da. of Barrester of the Middle Temple & now of Phillick in Cornw. 2 sonne 26 4. 21 Edith mar. Phillip Mayou of Cornw. 5. Avis sans issue 6. Joane mar. to Nicholas Connock of Treworgie James Nanspian of Gurlyn in Com. Cornwall Esq. 7.21 Phillip mar. Wal- ter Coade of Morvall 8. 21 Dorothy 30 ma- ried Nicholas Bogans of Treleague Not signed. ¹ Jane, da. of Rich. Vivian of Trevidren, mar. John Erissey of Erissey, Esq., and died A.D. 1354; Isabella, da. of Rich. V., mar. John Aleth alias Abot of St. Martin's; and Deyones, another da., mar. Henry de Tresweswith (Harl. MS. 4031, ffo. 85, 86). Rich. Vivyan held in Trevenwyn of Joceus de Dynham. Inq. p. m. 29 Edw. I. No. 56. 2 Sir James Peverell in Coll. of Arms. 3 John Vivian of Boshavarne mar. Alice, da. of Francis Gwennow of Pordhenis, and died A.D. 1355. Harl. MS. 4031, fo. 86. 4 Melior, da. of William Vivian of Trevidren, mar. Rich. Rosmadres; and Joane, another da., mar. Alan Trereneke. Harl. MS. 4031, ff. 85, 86. 5 This marriage brought in a descent from Edward Godolphin of Pengersick. 6 This match brought in a descent from Arundell and Helligan. 7 Ralph in Coll. of Arms and all other pedigrees. Ralph and Thomas Vyvyan were indicted for killing John Trebner at Mousehole. Inq. 11 Rich. II., No. 83. Inq. 11 Rich. II., No. 83. Lands named as held by Vyvyan. Neweton, Trevudryn, Melynnewyth, Trethyn, Sendelowe, Trevorungowe, and Tresa- well. Ralph Vyvyan held Tresawell in right of his wife Johanna, wid. of Robert Tresawell. Johanna, wid. of Adam Vyvian, held Neweton, ped. fin. 37 Hen. VI., No. 2. John Vyvyan held in Tresawell 15 Eliz., see ped. fin. 15 Eliz., Easter, in notes to Vivian of St. Columb, ped. ante. 8 Pet. to Parl. 12 and 13 Edw. IV. John Vivian of Trelow arren, gent., sets forth that on the 2 Aug. 12 Edw. IV., when on his way to the Chapel of St. James, Tregours (? Tregoney), on pilgrimage, John Gerves, John Mayowe, jun., late of Fowey, Rob. Toker, and o'rs, servants unto Thos. Trethewe, Esq., Coroner of Cornw., "arrayed in manner of werre, etc.," lay in wait to murder him and his, and wounded him, Anore, his wife, and Richard V. his son, and murdered oon John Morthure, gent., nevewe and servaunte" to the said John Vivian. Rot. Parl., vol. vi., p. 54. 9 Inq. p. m. 11 Hen. VIII. No. 39. Richard Vivian died 7 Aug. 9 Hen. VIII. William V., son of Michael V., dec., and Thomasine his wife, his grandson and heir, æt. 16 and more. The Inq. names his son Robert V. and Margaret his wife, and his da. Elizabeth, wife to William Cowlynge, and Will. C. their son. Rich. V. was called by Leland "a gallant courtier set forth by Somerset, Lord Herbert." (( 10 This marriage brought in descents from Sergiaux, Seneschal, and the Earl of Arundell, according to Arundell ped., post. 11 Named in Inq. p. m. 11 Hen. VIII., Note 9. 12 He had a da. Margaret, mar. to Walter Kestell and Michael Hill, see Kestell and Hill peds., ante. 13 She afterwards mar. Rich. Coode of Morval. 14 Of Skyburiowe. Bur. at Mawgan in Men. 31 Jan., 1560-1. (Par. Reg.) He mar. Jane, da. of Robert Hill of Hellegan; she afterwards mar. Nicholas Fortescue of Mawgan (Fortescue ped., ante). Michael died 26 Jan., 3 Eliz. Christian V., his da. and h. (born 25 June, 1560), aged half a year and more. Inq. p. m. 4 Eliz., pt. i., No. 185. [Notes continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 259 (Notes continued.) 15 John Vivian died 18 May, 4 Eliz. Inq. p. m. 4 Eliz. No. 183. (Henry V., one of the jurors.) John V., son and heir. æt. 36 and more. His da. Florence, wife of John Fortescue, his cousin James V. and Michael his brother, are named. He was ex'or to the will of Thomas Tretherffe, his father-in-law, dat. 20 Sept., 20 Hen. VIII. Proved in Archdeacon's Court of Cornwall, 26 Oct., 1529. Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Testamenta Vetusta, 1826. Among other lands he held Tremaynone (note, p. 262), Tredeneke, Fursdon, and Penquite. 16 This marriage brought into the Vivian family a royal descent through Courtney, Earl of Devon, by the daughter of Humphry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, who mar. Elizabeth Plantagenet, da. of King Edward I. 17 He died 24 July, 19 Elizab., and was bur. at Mawgan in Men. 1 Aug., 1577. (Par. Reg.) Inq. p. m. 20 Eliz., No. 22. Haniball Vivian, son and heir, aged 23 and more. The Inq. recites an Indenture made 16 Aug., 4 and 5 Phil. and Mary, between him and John Mayow, alias Vivian, of Pollawyne. His eldest son John V. mar. Johanna Harrye in the ch. of St. Ladoc, and died at Arallas in St. Enoder, 28 Sept., 6 Eliz. (Inq. p, m. 15 Eliz., No. 159), leaving two dau'rs and coheirs, Johanna and Anna, twins, aged 11 years and more (in ward of John Cosgarne). Johanna, the widow, afterwards mar. Peter Bennett, and commenced a Chancery suit— "Peter Bennett and Joahne his wife, late wife of John Vyvyan, Esq., dec., v. Hanyball Vyvyan, Esq., and others." B. b. 25, No. 51. Claiming right of dower in one-eighth part of lands, etc., in Devon and Somerset. The proceedings set forth that the lands in question were the property of John Vyvyan, late husband of Joahne, and the elder brother of Haniball V., who after his brother's death had forcibly entered upon and taken possession of the said lands, etc. Ped. fin. Mich., 4 Eliz., set forth in the Inq. 20 Eliz. Thomas and Adam Mallet qu. John Vyvyan def. Settled lands in Devon upon Haniball V., second son of John V. and Ann his wife. 18 Bur. 13 May, 1592. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. Hannyball Vivian of Trelowarren, in the co. of Cornw., Esq., from Gibson's howse in the Friers." Bur. Feb. 20, 1609. St. Dunstan's in the West, London, Par. Reg. Will dated 30 Nov., 1608. P. P. C. 1609. Names his wife Phillipa, one of the dau'rs and coheirs of Roger Tremayne of Collacombe. Francis V., his eldest son and heir, who mar. Elizabeth, da. of John Rashleighe of Foye, Esq.; son Michael, "in consideration of his having been a very chargeable son, far above the proportion of any two of his younger brothers, etc." Sons John, Haniball, Robert, Roger, and Charles; dau'rs Phillip, Johane, Blanch Tredinyek, Judith Mayowe, and Dorothy Bogans. Son Francis V., sole ex'or. Sir Will. Godolphin and Sir Reginald Mohun, overseers, Mohun,_overseers, Chanc. Pro. Eliz. T. t. 11, No. 23. Hanibal Vivian, Esq., and o'rs v. Jno. Trejoskie. To protect rights in estates, etc. Trenhale in Newlin. 20 Bur. 8 April, 1612. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. 21 All named in will of Haniball V., note 19, but Mayow's wife is called Judith. 22 Mar. 14 Oct., 1591. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. 23 Mar. 14 Oct., 1603. St. Earth Par. Reg. 24 Bap. 1579, and mar. 26 Oct., 1596. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. 25 Francis Vivyan and Elizab. Raishleighe, mar. 13 Jan., 1605. Fowey Par. Reg. 26 Bap. 1576. (Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg.) Bur. 19 Oct., 1639. (St. Earth Par. Reg.) Will prob. Bodmin 1639. Inventory £279 : 16 : 4. Names his nephews, Sir Rich. and Michael Vivian, ex'ors. 27 Bap. 11 July, 1589, at Mawgan in Men. (Par. Reg.) Comptroller of the Coinage of Tin for the Duchy of Cornwall, and Keeper of the Gaol of Lostwithiel, Dom. Pap., Chas. I., Aug. 13, 1625. Mar. Anne, da. of John Munday of St. Columb Minor. Rich. Munday, gent. Will 6 Nov., 1643. P. P. C. 1647. Gives 20/- each to the children of his "brother-in-law, Haniball Vivian." King Chas. I. granted him a patent inasmuch as "The said Hanniball Vivyan hath, after much paynes and expences, invented and brought to p'fec'on an Engine of great use and p'ffitt both to us and our Subiects, Whereby one man alone can easily drawe as much water as otherwise ffower, and allsoe hoyse all weighty things out of the said Tynne Woorkes, etc." Pat. Roll. 10 Chas. I., No. 12. 28 Bap. 1594 at Mawgan in Men. (Par. Reg.) One of the Tin Farmers, committed to Gaol 16 Jan., 1642, for refusing to pay over the money the House had ordered "unless the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall gave an acquittance, who as was informed was with the King's Army.” State Pap. Ho. of Commons Journal, vol. ii., p. 929. He mar. Ellen Bennett 25 Oct., 1623, at Camborne. (Par. Reg.) 29 Bap. 1595. 30 Bap. 1588. Mawgan in Menege Par. Reg. * Sir Richard Vivian, Kt., of Trelowarren, and Mary Bulteele of Barum, mar. lic. 24 Sept., 1636. 16 March, 1674. Act Books, Exeter. Charles Vivyan, Esq., and Mary, da. of Richard Erisey of St. Nyott, mar. lic. Francis, son of Sir Viel Vyvyan, bap. at Mawgan in Pider Sir Vyell Vyvyan and Mrs. Jane Coode mar. Sir Vyel Vyvyan 26 Feb., 1689. 24 Jan., 1683. Archdeacon's Transcripts. bur. 27 Feb., 1696. "} [Notes continued on next page. 260 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. (Notes continued.) Powle, son of James V.and Jane his wife, bap. William,,, John and Honor Vivian William, James and Jane James Vivian Jane "" widow at Constantine 19 "" "} bur. ?! Avice, da. of James and Jane Vivian, bap. "" "" "" at Gluvias Jone, da. of Hanniball Vivian, gent., bap. at St. Just in Penw Elizab., John Vivian "" Jone Veviane, widow, Thomas, son of John Vivian, "" bur. bap. at. St. Keverne Tristram, "" "" "" Avis, da. of Justinian V., ": Justinian, son of "" Thomas, Thomas V., "" John Vivian and Margaret Bolythoe mar. Thomas, son of Thomas V., Haniball, Hanniball Vivian, gent.,bap. "" John, 39 Thomas, "" Charles, "" bur. at Lostwithiel "" "" "" "" Vyvyan Esq. & Anne 30 July, 1608. 10 July, 1612. 20 June, 1629. 2 May, 1636. 27 Jan., 1637. 10 May, 1625. 26 Dec., 1597. 30 Mar., 1600. 10 Sept., 1598. 30 Apl., 1599. 20 May, 1610. 1 Jan., 1670. 19 Oct., 1673. 23 Nov., 26 Nov., 1670. 24 Sept., 1664. 9 Feb., 1623. 22 Feb., 1624. Bp. of Exeter's Trans. Anne, wife of Hannyball Vyvian, Esq., bur. Lovedaie, 2d da. of Sir Francis Vyvyan, Kt. Sir Rich. Vyvyan, Kt., Roger Vivian and Ellen Bennett, John Vivian, junior, and Jane Luke, Johnson Vivian and Elizab. Davey, John, son of Roger Vivian, "" 15 Apl., 1628. "" 11 July, 1630. "" 3 Jan., 1635. bap. at Mawgan in Meneage 8 Feb., 1623. bur. "" 10 Nov., 1665. mar. 25 Oct., 1623. "" 14 Feb., 1673. "" 24 Oct., 1685. bap. 10 Sept., 1626. William, 22 Feb., 1628. " "" Francis, "" "" John, "" John Vivian, "" Robert, "" Roger, "" Francis, "" "" 15 Jan., 1640. 5 Apl., 1651. 7 May, 1653. born 22 June, 1655. bap. 18 Nov., 1657. Johnson,,, "" "" 1 Mar., 1659. John, "" John, Francis Vivian, John Vivian, "" 9 Jan., 1687. "" 20 Aug., 1689. John, Johnson Vivian, "" 29 Sept., James, "" "" 15 May, 1698. Johnson, "" Roger, John Vivian, John Vivian, Camborne Par. Reg. Thomas, son of Annibal Vivian, Sir Viel Vyvyan and Thomazin, da. of James Robyns, gent., Francis Vivian and Mary Childs, Francis Vevian, Sir Richard Vivian of Trelowarren, and Mrs. Mary Vivian, Constance, wife of Vivian of Christeroy (?) Whillem, da. of Mr. Hannibal Vivian, Esquier, John, the eighth son of Sir Francis Vyvyan, Kt. Viel, son and heir of the Rt. Worsh. Sir Rich. Vivian, Kt., and Lady Mary, John, son of James and Phillip Vivian, Mr. James Vyvyan and Phillip Warne, John Truran, Esq., and Mrs. Cordelia Vyvyan Sir Vyell Vivian, Kt. & Bart., and his Lady Jane, Francis Vyvyan, Esq., 16 Aug., 1701. bur. 22 May, 1679. Feb., 1689. bap. 15 Apl., 1628.} mar. 30 June, 1671. S 1673. bur. 9 April, 1693. "" St. Columb Minor Par. Reg. Constantine Par. Reg. St. Earth Par. Reg. St. Eval. Par. Reg. Illogan Par. Reg. mar. 9 Nov., 1697. bur. 1 Aug., 1541. bap. 1590. Jan., 1620. "" 20 May, 1639. 1640. Mawgan in Men. Par. Reg. mar. 6 Oct., 1634. "" 3 Jan., 1673. "" 24 Feb., 1683. bur. 29 Nov., 1686.. mar. 16 Jan., 1640. Michael Vivian, Esq., and Mary Erricke, Michael Vyvyan, gent., and Grace Madderne, John, son of Michael Vivian, gent., and Mary, bap. Loveday, da. of "" Ann, "" " Mary, "" Grace, Michael Vyvyan, gent., Elizab., "" "" 31 Aug., 1652. 1641. 1653. 1655. "" 1656. Phillack Par. Reg. 1661. "" 1663. "" Francis, son' of Michael 'Vivian, bap. 3 July, 1666, 'bur. 7 Mar., 1667. Michael Vyvyan, Esq., "9 12 July, 1676. [Notes continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 261 (Notes continued.) Henry Vivian and Alice Martyn mar. 20 Oct., 1600. Wendron Par. Reg. Michael Vivyan of Pulsack, Cornw. Will, Bodmin, 1676. Inventory £882 13s. 4d. Names his wife Grace, daughters Loveday, Grace, and Elizabeth, and " Henry Polkinghorne, son and heir of Roger P., my son-in-law." Will of Mary Vivian, spinster, 16 Dec., 1662, P.P.C. 1662. Names her brother Thankfull Owen's sons Thankfull and Philip, cousin Francis Howell, bro. Sir Rich. V., Kt. and Bart., bro. Michael V., cousin Haniball V., Anne Greatbatch, sister Loveday Owen. Thankfull Owen ex'or. Will of Sir Rich. Vyvyan of Trelawarren, 1 Aug., 1665, P.P.C. 1666. Names his wife Mary, dau'rs Arabella, Elizabeth, Cordelia, Diana, and Anna, Charles V. his second son. Deed 15 Apl., 1651, conveyed to trustees certain lands in parishes of Cubert, Peransand, Mawgan in Meneage. St. Keverne, Constentine (Pollawin, etc.), Camborne, Cury, Budock, and Illogan for the use of himself and his heirs male, in default to the heirs male of his father, Sir Francis V., dec., in default to his own right heirs for ever. His first son Vyell V., his sister Loveday Owen. Son Vyell V. sole ex'or. Francis Vivian of Cosowarth, gent. Will dat. 9 Ap., 1689, Archd. Court, Cornw. Names sisters Leach and Beauford, nephew John V., cousin Margt. Martyn. Devises all his lands to his child Mary Vivian, sole executrix. He desired his father, bro. Vivian, bro. John V., and cousins Richard Scobell and Francis Scobell (his son) to manage the estates for the good of the executrix, and to sell anything except the Barton of Cosowarth, to pay debts. Will 1712, Archd. Court, Cornw. "I, Richard Vivian, of Trelowarren, Co. Cornw., Bart." Styled Richard Vivyan of Trelowarren in 1712 in the will, and Richard Vyvyan of Trelowarren in 1721 in the codicil. Ped. fin. Cornw. 14 Hen. III., No. 1. Gilleb'm filiu' Viviani qu. Warin fil. Perlonis def. Advowson of the living of Queidike (Quethiock). Warin paid Gilleb. two marcs of silver quit claim. Ped. fin, Cornw. 22 Hen. III., No. 9. Jordanus de Trevage qu. Vivian de Treviniel def. Trevathelek. Vivian paid one marc of silver quit claim. Ped. fin. Cornw. 28 Hen. III., No. 16. In Rosalen. Ped. fin. Cornw. 39 Hen. III., No. 1. Trekurnel. Andrea paid V. four marks of Ped. fin. Cornw. 30 Edw. I., No. 9. def. In Alta. Andrew de Trevagan qu. Vivianus de Treviniel def. Vivianus de Trevyniel pet. Andrea de Treverga ten. silver. Richard Vyvian de Trevydrun qu. Hervieus de Alta Ped. fin. Cornw. and Devon, 1 and 2 Ph. and Mary, Hill. James Vyvyan and Thos. Mallet, gents, qu. John Vyvyan, sen., Esq., and Elizabeth his wife def. Lands in Devon and Arrallas al's Argallas, Medeshole (Michell), Skewys, Reserens, Trenhale, Illogan, Gwynyer, etc., co. Cornw., settled on John Vivian, second son of Jno. and Elizabeth, rem. to Margaret Bouller, sister of said Elizabeth, and her heirs by Edw. Courtney, late her husband, rem. to John Tretherffe, rem. to Thomas T. his bro., rem. to right heirs of John V. and Elizabeth. L Ped. fin. Cornw. 13 Elizab., Mich. Jno. Cougan qu. Christopher Vyvyan def. Lands called Bodgall in Lanlivery. Ped. fin. Cornw., Mich., 13 and 14 Elizab. Humphry Sydnam, Thomas Malet, Nicholas Flamock, John Collyns and or's qu. Humfry Vyvyan and Florence his wife def. In Tregoney Burgh and St. Kebye. Paid Humfry V. and Florence £40. Ped. fin. Cornw., Hill., 38 Elizab. William Coode qu. Haniball Vivian and Phillipa his wife def. Lands in Morvall. William paid Haniball and Phillipa 130 marcs of silver. Cor. Reg. Roll 1 Edw. I., Pasch., Cornwall, No. 3. Marcus le Cornwaleys v. Herveyus Vivien, Ranulphus de Treuronet, Alan de Treuronet, and others. Cor. Reg. Roll 1 Edw. I., Pasch., Cornwall, No. 4. Peter de Nanscoet v. Radulphus de Vivien and Luca de Tremidren. Trespass in Rosplede. Cor. Reg. Roll 30 Edw. I., Trin., Cornw., No. 170, case 14. Lucam Vyvyan and Vivianus Poer and Vivianus de Eskler named in suits. Lay Subsidies, 1 Edw. III. Parish of Paul-John Vivian paid 4s., John Vivian 1s. St. Levan Par.-Viviano Poer, Viviano Bodeler. Sennan Par.-Viviano Ised, Viviano Trevergan. Lay Subsidies, 29 Hen. VI., 87-92. Odo Vyvyan and John Vivian held in fee lands value of 100s. The name of Vivian was used as a prenomen in England as early as Will. Conquer. (Vide Visitation of Lancashire, Harl. MS. 1468, fo. 78.) Vivian de Molynes, son of William de Molynes, temp. Will. Conq. Rot. Chart. King John. The Vivians held lands in co. Somerset A.D. 1200, and T. Vivian was Archdeacon of Derby A.D. 1199. Rot. Litt. Pat. King John. Ralph Vivian held lands in Lincolnshire, also Lucian Vivian and his two sons Thomas and Galfrid. Rot. Litt. Pat. 14 King John. Rex Willo de Harecurt, etc. Sciatis quod Lucianus de Arquill' fine' fecit nobisc' per delibaco'e sua a prisona nostra in qua est eo q'd capt' fuit in Castro de Carickfergus per cent. marc etc. Thom' filiu' suu' primogenitu' Galfrid' fil' suu' jun. et Radulphum fil' Viviani fratris sui primogenitus quos W. Com. de Warrem comisim' custodiendo etc. Grantham, 23 Feb., 14 John. Rot. Hundredorum, vol. i. p. 13, Berkshire, 4 Edw. I. Dn't q'd Gervasius Vivien de Nuibyr' (Newbury) fecit duci lanas ad p'tes tansmarinos durante discord. etc. p' Johem Vivian filiu' suu' p' portu. Suht. et Portesmue sz nesciut' quo warranti necquot faccos. It. Will's Tabernar' cepit dece' marc' et alia dona de Joh'e de Dereby attach' cu' manupe' de magno latrocinio ut abire eum a prisona p'mitt'et. [Notes continued on next page, 262 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Webber. Willm Webber de Amell in.... filia Willmi Mathew of St. Kew et p'ochia de St. Kew Relicta of Harp of the same John Webber of Amell in the p'ish of Jone Da. of.... Trwebody of Trengale in St. Kew in Com. Cornwall gent. p'ochia de St. Cleere in Com. Devon (sic) Susan Da. of Digorie Polewheele of Tre- worgan in Cornw.ux. 2 gent. John Webber of Amell-Honor Da. of John Call- in p'ochia de St. Kew woodley de Padstow in Com. Cornwall Esq. ux. 1 George Webber 2 fil. mar. Matheus fil. 2 ætat. 19 Honor fil. unica ob. annoru' 1620 s.p. ¹ Digorie Webber 1. Katherin 9 3 fil. ætat. 4 annoru' 2. Joane 6 3. Susan 3 Richard Webber fil. Primogenit. ætat. 21 annoru' 1620 * White. Oliver White of St. Stephens iuxta Launston in Cornwall JOHN WEBBER, John 2 Beaton sonne Jane ux' 1 Da. Jo. Cole Oliv' White of St. Ste- Alice Da. of Anne ux' Margt ux' Edw. of Link- phen's inghorne in Cornw. Pet' Man- naton of Mannaton Esq. Jo. Hext of Lan- ston Kempthorne of Hockland in Devon A (Notes continued.) Exchequer Depositions, 31 Elizab., Hillary, Cornwall, No. 24. Nich. Courtney v. Rich. Bennett, John Slade, and William Slade. Plea of lands in Tremaynon and Goodorock. Thomas Vyvyan dwelt at Tremaynon, and died suddenly in a field at Trevarrack (his property). His son William V. was slayne about a mile distant from the lands in question, and his three daughters and coheiresses were Christian, mar. to John Slade, Olyff, mar. to Rich. Polkinghorne, and Agnes, mar. to Perys al's Paris John of Helston, after their father's death. For an account of the family of Vivonia or Vivian, see' Collectanea Topographica et Genea- logica,' vol. vii., p. 137. The additions in italic are taken from Harl. MS. 1091, fo. 102, and the pedigree is continued in that MS. down to A.D. 1640. We may note here that the name of Vivian has been spelt with i or y indifferently. The very earliest record of the name in England, temp. Will. Conq., gives it Vivian. The use of the y began about the time of Edw. I., and has since been adopted by different branches of the family. ¹ One of the Burgesses of Camelford, 12 Chas. II. * Will of John Webber of Penponte in Parish of St. Kew, Yeoman, 7 March, 1607. P. P. C. 1610. Names his wife Phillipp. sons John, William, Samuel, Nicholas, Francis, James, and Digory, dau'rs Elizabeth, wife of Geo. Sheere of Plymouth, Johane Meacke, and Honor Tamline. Son John, sole ex'or. For continuation of pedigree of the Family of Webber of Amell, and memoir of the Webbers of St. Kew, see History of Trigg,' vol. ii., pp. 166-168, THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 263 | A Thomas 2 sonne Samson 3 sonne Willm 4 sone Oliver White sone & hey. at. 17 at this p'sent a ward OLIVER WHITE. Williams. To enquire for the Coate of Williams of Dorsetsheir. Jo. ESTCOTT. John Williams of Heringston in Dorsetsh. came to Trevervo in Com. Cornwall Da. & sole hey Rich. of Trevervo in Com. Cornwall Willm Willms of Trevervo Da. of Jennings of Clemense in Cornwall ¹ John Williams of Trevervo-¹Florence Da. of Pendarvers of Camborne in Cornw. 2 Baltizer Williams of Trevervo Elizb. Da. of Rich. Robts of Trwro in Com. Cornwall -3 3 Rich. Williams of Trevervo in ³ Ellin Da. of Willm Younge of Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Trent in Com. Som'set A * Grace, dau. of Oliver White, gent., and Audrey, bap. at St. Stephen's by Launceston 1630. Bishop's Tran- scripts. Catherine, dau. of Mr. Oliver White and Jane, bap. Sep. 3, 1686. Mrs. Catherine White, widow, Alternon Par. bur. Mar. 6, 1684. Reg. Thomas, son of John White, gent., bap. 1605. Bodmin Par. Richard, 1609. John Billing and Bridget White "" 99 mar. 1683. Reg. Charles, son of Hugh White, clerk, and Jacket his wife bap. Ap. 1, 1627. Lanteglos by Camelford Par. (J. M.) Reg. St. Minver Par. Hugh White, clerk, Robert White of Key, gent., and Jane Phillips mar. Mar. 28, 1690. John, son of Henry White, clerk, and Hannah, bap. 8 May, 1716. For a short descent of White, see Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 14. 1 John Williams of Probus and Florence Pendarves mar. 28 Sept., 1549. Camborne Par. Reg. 2 Balthazar Williams generosus nup. Parochiæ de Probus sepult, fuit Decimo quarto die mensis Septembris 1608. Truro Par. Reg. 3 Mr. Richard Williams and Mrs. Helen Younge mar. at Probus 6 Feb., 1608. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. bur. 25 Nov., 1679. Reg. Poughill Par. Reg. Tintagel Par. Reg. 264 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Hugh 2 Henry Rich. 4 sonne 3 sone sone A | 1 Baltizer sone & heire John 5 Fran. 1 atat. 11, 1620 Radigund sone 12 2 Da. RICHARD WILLIAMS. Esq., gent., bur. Michael Williams and Katherine Trewavas mar. John Williams and Martha Tremaine John ¹ Balthazar Williams and Anne Paynter mar. 24 Nov., 1630, at Sithney. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. * Elizb., da. of Courteney Williams, gent., bap. at Probus 18 Oct., 1715. Rich., son of Rich., "" "" "" Mary, wife of Hugh Williams, gent., Elizb., da. of 99 Rich. Williams and Thomazin Clemence Otes Willim and Tamson his wife Harri and Elizab. Jno. Williams, jun., and Kath."Lanion Mr. Zachary Williams of Helston and Mrs. Cath. Pendarves of Truro mar. Rich., son of Rich. Williams, gent., and Elizb., bap. Par. Reg. } St. Columb Major St. Erth Par. Reg. "" 20 Feb., 1718. >Archd. Trans. 1715. "" bur. 9 Feb., 1684. St. Austell Par. Reg. mar. 5 Feb., 1594. mar, 19 Nov., 1540. 11 Oct., 1546. "" "" 16 May, 1668. Camborne Par. Reg. 1718. 1692. 25 Feb., 1649. 99 20 Jan., 1669. gent. and Jana Maunder mar. (apud St. Mewan) 29 Apr., 1699. St. Ewe Par. Reg. Tho. Pentire and Thomazine Williams mar. 1701. Thos. Williams Edw., son of Michell Williams, Davyd, Michael, "" "" "1 "" bap. 1543. 99 8 Mar., 1570. 1578. 10 June, 1615. Fowey Par. Reg. Davy "" Michael Williams and Katherine Tho. Williams and Dorothy Harris Chas. Williams of St. Twin and Jane Nicholls of Gulval Walter, son of Tho. Williams mar. 1568. Margt. Dickwood 1579. "" bap. Willyam, Mr. Wm. Williams "9" "" Roger, 2nd Wm. Williams, gent., Otho, Edw. Humphry, Wm. "" Sciprian, Otho "" Michael, John "" John, "" 7 Jan., 1672. Gorran Par. Reg. 27 Feb., 1676.} Gulval Par. Reg. 1566. 27 Nov., 1598. 24 July, 1600. 9 Mar., 1622. 24 Ap., 1625. 1656. Gwinnear Par. Reg. and bur. 1658. Humphry Wyllyams, gent., Bickington, Dev., John Williams of Helston, gent., and Mary John, son of Jno. Williams of St. Tallin, Michael, son of Henry Willim, Alis, da. of Humphre Willms, at High 1660. mar. 1689. bur. 5 Jan., 1658. } bap. 10 Nov., 1566. Gwithian Par. Reg. 20 Jan., 1594. William Williams of Probus and Christian, da. of Jno. Best of Lamorran Peter, son of Mychael Willia, mar. bur. mar. Robt. Williams of Constantine and Eliz. Erisey Hugh Williams, gent., and Jane of St. Nyott Rich. Williams of Probus, gent., and Mary, da. of Wm. Courtney, gent., dec., of this parish 4 Oct., 1687.} Lamorran Par. Reg. 10 Sep., 1577. Ludgvan Par. Reg. 22 Nov., 1637. Luxyllian Par. Reg. 9 Jan., 1689. Mabe Par. Reg. St. Michael Penk. mar. 22 Dec., 1662.} Par. Reg. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 265 Willoughby. Lennard Willoughby of Turners pidle in Com. Dorc.T Edward Willoughby sonne & heire George Willoughby of St. Enneder in Com. Cornub. living 1620 · Ann eldest da. wife to Zachary Arrun- dell of St. Ennoder Nicholas Willoughby of Johan da. of St. Enneder 2 sonne Jane da. of Sampson Tremaine of St. Kewl Jane wife to Tho- mas Cooke of Trewro Langeston John Wil--Catherine da. of loughby 2 sonne John Collyns of St. Enneder John Willoughby Johan wife Mary 1 sonne&heire ætat. to Arthure 18 annoru' 1620 Gyll GEORGE WILLOUGHBY. Wills. Antho. Wills of Saltashe Da. of Wootton of Ingleborn in Cornwall neare Totnes Rich. Wills Mary Da. of Wm. Carnsew Digorie Wills Mary Da. of Tho. Collyn A | (Note continued.) Erasmus, son of John Williams, Rich., son of Lewis Williams, John Robins and Jane Willyames Mr. Hugh Williams Hugh Williams Wm. Williams and Anne Tyncomb bap. mar. bur. mar. 1587. 1574. 1 Oct., 1655. 11 Ap., 1611. 25 May, 1721. } Peranuthno Par. Reg. Phillack Par. Reg. Tywardreath Par. Reg. 8 July, 1673. St. Winnow Par.Reg. Besides the Herringstone branch, there appears to have been two or three respectable families of the name of Williams in Cornwall deriving from Devon and Wales, and rendering the identi- fication very intricate, as these numerous specimen Registers will shew. The Gwinnear, Gwithian, and Phillack entries apply chiefly to the family seated at present at Carnanton. Michael was the prevailing name in a family now seated at Tregullow and Carhais Castle. For more of Williams, see Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 85. 1 ? St. Ewe. * For another branch of Willoughby see Trevelyan Papers, pt. 3. 2 M 266 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | Rich. Wills of Boatesfleminge in—Anne Da. of Rog. Westcot of Com. Cornw. liveing 1620 Plimouth in Devon Digorie Rich. sone & heire Anthonie 3 sonne atat. 2 sonne atat. 8, 1620 2 monthes 1620 Anne a dau. at. 2 RIC. WILLS. Wodenote. Lawrencius Woodnoth-Margaret filia Johis Rope 2 filius Georgij Johes Wodenoth fil.-Elizab. fil. et hæres de Shaving- Rog' Wal- ton then de Stapbley Armig' Thomas Wodenoth-Francisca. fil. Henrici filius secundus Clifford de Boscombe in Com. Wilts Prisilla uxor Chris- topheri Oughe de St. Cleere in Cornw. Debora nupta Hen. Fragle de Le Sante in Cornub. Theophilus Wodenoth de Linkenhorne in Com. Corn. et rector Eccliæ ib❜m. Maria fil. Jacobi Spicer of St. Gorrin in Cor- nubia, who came out of the East Countrey THEOPHILUS WODENOTE. * Peter, son of Mr. William Wills and Bessie his wife, bur. at St. Stephen's juxta Saltashe 20 Aug., 1608. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Ambrosia, da. of Francis Wills, Esq., bap. at St. Stephen's by Saltash Mar. 31, 1633. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. mar. Mary, wife of Thomas Wills, gent., bur. 24 Nov., 1657. Week St. Mary Par. Reg. (J. M.) Francis Mannington, Clerk, Rector of St. Pinnock, and Joanna Wills of Saltash, lic. 15 May, 1623. Exeter Act Books. Tho., son of Anthony Wills, gent., and Jenopheth, bap. 15 Mar., 1661. John, "" "" "" Rich., Willm., Rich.. James, "" " " Willm Wills and Lore "" :: Edm'd Wills and Jone, Willm Wills and Lore, Rich., "" "" Rich. Wills and Winifred Longe Nathaniel Will and Florence Will William Wills and Elizb. Devonshire John Andrew and Honour Wills Mrs. Susanna Wills "" 4 July, 1664. 1665. "" 1665. 1680. 1680. Gorran Par. "", "" 1682. Reg. mar. "" Sept., 1670. 24 Aug., 1702. 1723. 2 Jan., 1745. bur. 1682. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 267 Worthevale. Nicho. sone of Roger Worthivall of Worthivall in Cornwall- Edw. Worthivall John Worthivall— Stephen Worthivall John Worthivall quere from this Rich. upward John Worthivall Stephen Worthivall } Rich. Worthivall Christ' Worthivall of Worthivall Anstice Da. of Tho. Kestle of Bodman in Cornwall Walt' Worthivall of Worthivall Mary Da. of Tho. Gain of Worington in Devon Christ' Worthivall of Worthivall in Philladelphia Da. of Rich. Billen Com. Cornw.liveinge 1620 of Hangar in Cornwall Mary 1 Da. at. 3, 1620 Philladelfia 2 Da. Elizab. 3 Da. CHRISTOPHER WORTHEVALE. * Edward Worthevale, gent., and Sarah Millard mar. July 24, 1665.] St. Neot Par. William Trevithick, clerk, and Mary Worthevale, both of Reg. Poughill Par. Lanteglos, mar. Joan Worthivale bur. Elizabeth Dec. 12, 1669. Jan. 6, 1713.1 Probus Par. Jan. 28, 1718. Reg. (J.M.) Reg. 19 [Note continued on following page. 268 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Wrey. Henry Killigrew of Wolston.... da. & Coheir of Trelawny John Wrey of Northrusell Blanch¹ da. & coheir of Henry Killigrew in Com. Devon Esq. of Wolston in Com. Cornub. Jane wife to Arthure Wrey=Joyce da. & coheir of Peter Coriton Tristram Harry 3 sonne Philippa wife to George Upton of Puslich George 2 William Upton 1 William Coriton John Wrey of Northrusell Esq. ob. s. p. Elinor da. & heir to Bernard Smith of Totness & widow of Sr John Fulford Sr William Wrey of Northrusell in Čom. Devon and of Tre- beigh in Com. of Corn- wall kt liveing 1620 William Wrey sonne & heir ætat. 20 annoru' 1620 Elizabeth da. of Sr Wm Courtney of Powderham kt 2 wife Edmond Wrey 2 sonne Catheryn da. of John Prys of Horwell William sonne & heir æt. 21, 1620 John 2 sonne 5 daughters W. WREY. (Note continued.) Mar. lic. betw. John Baker of Tywardreth and Elizabeth Worthevale of the same, May 26, 1640. "} "" betw. Christopher Worthevale and Catherine Tucker of Cardinham, April 11, 1664. "" "" betw. William Williams of St. Juliot and Loveday Worthevale of Cambleford, spinster, Mar. 2, 1713. betw. Richard Worthevale of St. Lawrence, Exeter, Taylor, and Mary Griffin of St. John's in same city, sp., May 16, 1737. (J. M.) betw. John Worthevale of Camelford, Taylor, and Ursula Masters of St. Bruard, sp., Feb. 26, 1742. "" "" betw. Christopher Worthevale of New Town, Ireland, and Mary Farn- ham of Camelford, widow, Dec. 26, 1746. For account and continued ped. of Worthevale, see 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., pp. 663, etc. 1 Inq. p. m. 39 Eliz., Pt. 2, No. 157. Blanch Wrey, widow, died 14 Dec., 38 Eliz. John Wrey, son and heir, aged 40 and more. * Francis, son of Sir Wm. Wrey, Knt., and Elizb. ux, bap. 1633 at St. Ive. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. William, son of Sir William Wrey, Bart., and Lydia Elizabeth his wife, bap. at St. Ive Colan Blewett, son of Colan Blewett of Little Colan, dec'd, and Elizabeth Wrey, the daughter of Sir William Wrey, Knt. and Bart., dec'd. published only. May 17, 1631.Ì Bishop's Tran- scripts. Contract Jane Wraye, gent., bur. John Wrey "" 1655. Mar. 9, 1687. Aug. 14, 1691. St. Columb Major Par, Reg. (J. M.) Probus Par.Reg. For more of Wrey see Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 141. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 269 Wyvell. Tho. Wyvell of Crediton in Com. Devon Da. & Coh. of Clarke in Com. Som'sett in Com. Devon Oliver Wyvell of Maristowe Alice Da. of.... Gifford of Halisburie in Com. Devon Tho. Wyvell of Wyvellscomb in Thomazin Da. of John Whitford of Sconor in Cornwall Com. Cornwall liveinge 1620 1 Fran. uxor Gifford Willes of Lanrack in Com. Cornwall- Fran. 1 sonne atat. 18 1620 Katherin Da. of Ambrose Rowse of Hawton Esq. Thomas 2 sonne atat. 16 THO. WYVELL. * York. ¹ Rich. Yorke of Wellington in Com. Som'set A Da. mar. to .. Prediaux father to Sr Nich. Predeaux Tho 3 Tho. Yorke of Wellington in Com. Som'set A .2 2 Da. of St Andrew Lutterell de Dunster Ellinor Da. of Hen. Waldron 3 of Brad- feild & of his wife da. & hey. of Whiting of Devonsh. * Mar. lic. between Thomas Wyvell of Wyvellscombe, in the parish of St. Stephen's } (J. M.) by Saltash, and Joanna Wills of St. Stephen's aforesaid, 15 Dec., 1627. 1 Should be Roger Yorke, Serjeant-at-Law. Inq. p. m. Exch. 27-28 Hen. VIII. Rogeri Yorke, servientis ad legem, ob. Feb. 27 Hen. VIII. Thomas Yorke, son and heir, 15 years old at father's death. Names Sir Andrew Luttrell, bro.-in-law of Roger Yorke, and recites certain covenants in the event of Thomas York, s. & h., marrying Isabella Ernley, his step-mother's daughter. He married Eleanor Walrond as above. Roger York was called to be Serjeant-at-Law 1532. 2 Should be Eleanor, dau. of Sir Hugh Lutterell of Dunster. Coll, of Arms 2 C. 22. 3 Chan. Pro. B and A Eliz. Yorke v. Butler. Humphrie Yorke, gent., grandson of Roger Yorke, Serjeant-at-Law. Said Roger died 27 Hen. VIII., leaving a son and heir, Thomas, under guardianship of Henry Walrond of Bradfield, Devon, Esq. Names manor of Comb Ryall, and lands in Wellington, Kingsbridge, West Allington, Crediton, Exeter, and Sampford Arundel. Roger York married a second wife, Margaret, widow of Anthony Ernley. Humphry York is named in will of Haniball Vivian of Trelowarren, 30 Nov., 1608, P. P. C. 1609. 270 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. A | 1 ¹ Humphrie Barbara2 Da. John Vivian Yorke of of Trelawarren in p'ochia Fillack de Mogan Esq. 1 1. Jane æt. 24 2. Margt 4 18 Anne mar. to 6 Tho. Tresaher Mary Yorke mar. Francis Harvy Rector de Breague | 2 3 Sara mar. to Willm 5 Noy of Burrian HUMFRY YORK. ¹ See note 3, preceding page. Humphrie Yorke, gent. bur. 3 Sept., 1633. 2 Barbara, wife of Humphrie Yorke, gent., bur. 1 March, 1631.) Humfrie York, gent., was married unto Barbara, the da. of John Vivian, Esquire, the (sic) of the month of Blanche, da. of Mr. Humfrye Yeorcke, bap. 3 Sara, Christen, " "" 4 Margt., Xtian, "" "" "" "" "" "" }} 1585. 18 Feb., 1586. 24 Sept., 1589. 16 Dec., 1593. Gwinear Par. Reg. Mawgan in Meneage Par. Reg. 2 Jan., 1603. Phillack Par. Reg. 5 Willm Noy, gent., and Sara, da. of Humph. York, gent., 6 See Tresahar ped., ante. bur. 18 Feb., 1608. mar. 26 Nov., 1606. * John Trewinnard, gent., of St. Ives, and Margaret, da. of Humphrye Yorke, gent., of Gwinnear, mar. 25 Ap., 1623, at Towednacke. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Walter York, will prob. at Lambeth 2 Oct., 1505, Holgrave 36. Citz. and Mercht. of Exeter. To be buried in church outside the south gate of the city. Legacy to St. Gregory's, within the collegiate church of Crediton. Residue to Walter (Walthen) his wife, which Walthen after married Sir Hugh Lutterell, father-in-law of Roger Yorke. Roger Yorke married Eleanor, sister of Sir Andrew and da. of Sir Hugh Lutterell by Margaret, sister of Giles, Lo. Daubeney. (Coll. of Arms 2 C. 22, and Trevelyan Papers, pt. 3, p. ix.) Misc. Pap. Co. of Wards, temp. Hen. VIII., contains will of Sir Jno. Luttrell. Mention of lands as marriage jointure of "Welthian Luttrell, 2nd wief to Sir Hughe Lutterell,” and a deed betw. Sir Tho. Windham and Roger Yorke touching the said lands and a payment of 300 marks to Roger Yorke and his wife. For continuation of Yorke, see 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i. It may be serviceable to the genealogical enquirer to remember that members of several of the Devonshire families migrated to Cornwall, following in the wake of relatives who acted as pioneers. Thus in St. Earth, adjoining Gwinear, is found the marriage of Tho. Whiting with Grace, the da. of Arthur Painter, Esq., in 1611, with a numerous issue. The Whitings were related to Yorke, as the pedigree explains. One Whiting was afterwards Vicar of St. Earth. The Devon name of Honichurch is also in the same parish. In Gwennap was a colony of names all previously connected by marriage in Devon, viz., Harris, Winter, Drake, and Crymes. The last two were successively "Ministers" of the parish during the Commonwealth. Another list of names is found in Gulval, viz. Harris, Drew, Davy, Newman, Stukeley, and Honichurch. In Ludgvan the same, with the addition of Talbot of Tavistock. Their peculiar Christian names indicate their Devonshire origin. In Duloe and Morval were branches of the Stukeleys of Affton and of the Fortescues, who were also in St. Winnow and Mevagizzy. Some county names extinct in Devon appear in various Parish Registers of Cornwall.-EDS. (271) ADDITIONS. Arundell. Raynulfe Lord of Albominster & Stratton 2ª son to John Earle of Arundell temp. H. III. 1 Sr Oliver Arundell of Carshayes Knight temp. Hen. III. marryed Joh 2 Radulph Arundell marryed Margery the Daughter & heire of Raynulph de Arundell Lord of Albominster & Stratton 2 son to John Earle of Arundell Elizabeth ye Da. & heire of Sr John Seneschall Knt lord of ye Mannor of Trerise John Arundell de Treres marryed Jane Da. of Lupus of Tredannam John Arundell de Jane ye Da. & Coheire of Sr Richard Sergeaunt Knt who Treres marryed marryed Phillip ye only child of Richard Earle of Arundell 3 Nicholas Arundell Elizabeth Da. & Heire of de Treres marryed Sr John Cheddore Knt A 1 Ex. è Rot. Fin. 55 Hen. III., m. 1, Cornw. Oliverus de Arundell et Margeria ux. eius, Joh'es de Kelerion et Johanna ux. eius dant dimid. manor, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw., Hill., 2 Edw. I., No. 1. Olyver de Arundell qu. Robert Tyrel def. Trege- newe. Olyver gave one sparrowhawk quitclaim. 2 Brev. Cornub. 31 Edw. I., 87/2. Ralph, son of Oliver de Arundell, held one knight's fee which his ancestors held in Trekynnen in Trigg. Cor. Reg. Cornw. 31 Edw. I., Hill., m. 172. The jury present Roger de Ingepenne, Viscomes Cornubiæ, among other offences, for forcibly entering the house of Caryhayes and breaking open the coffer of Ralph, son of Oliver de Arundell, which was sealed with the seals of the Arch- deacon of Cornwall and Lawrence de Arundell, and taking away one silver cup value 10s. and another value 40s., together with deeds, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw., Mich., 18 Edw. II., No. 4. John de Carmenowe Chivaler qu. Ralph de Arundell of Karyhays def. Reskere, Dysard, Landu, and Treuryek next the village of St. Wenn, which Isabella de Buleghe held for life of the inheritance of Ralph, settled upon John de Car- menowe and John de C. his son, rem. to the right heirs of John de C. 3 There is apparently confusion here. Segar says that Randell (Ralph) Arundell mar. Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Steward (Seneschall), and had a son Ralph, mar. to Jane, da. and h. of Michael Trerice, temp. Edw. III., whose son Nicholas continued the line. Harl. MS. 4031, fo. 274, attributes two wives to Ralph, son of Oliver Arundell, the first named; the name of the second agrees with Segar's account, but gives the descent as above, without mentioning a second Ralph, who, however, must have existed, as we find from proceedings Cor. Reg. Cornw., 50 Edw. [Note continued on next page. 272 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 1 Sr John Arundell de Treres Knt marryed 2 Nicholas Arundell de Treres maryed Al. Jane ye Da. of Lupus of Carantock & heire to her mother ye Da. & heire of Durant the Daughter and heire to Edward St John of Som'settshire 4 Sr John Arundell de Treres Knt marryed 5 Sr John Arundell of Trerise Knt marryed 6 St John Arundell Kt of Trerise marryed (Note continued.) A Anne the Daughter of Sr Walter Moyle of Estwell & Kent Jane ye Daughter of Sr Thomas | Grenvile Knt Mary ye Da. & Coheire of John Bovill of Guarnack Esq. 1 wife. the daughter of Arisie widd. to Gourlyn ye 2ª wife by whom B III., Trin. m. 120, John Tynton v. William Lambron Chivaler and Johanna his wife, that William and Johanna had abducted Nicholas, son and heir of Ralph Arundell of Trerice, a minor in ward of the said John T. Ped. fin. Cornw. 33 Edw. III., No. 7. Ralph Arundell of Trerees and Johane his wife qu. Sir John Arundell and John Soor def. Govileymur, Govileybyhan, Fentongok, Polscoth, Trerees, Trenans, Trenewith, Trethygy, etc., settled on Ralph A. and Johane his wife and their heirs for ever, rem. to right heirs of Sir John A. By deed, 2 Mar. 32 Ed. III., Sir Jno. Arundell of Lanherne granted to his cousin Ralph Arundel of Trerise lands in Caeruner and Dunsfeld.- Communicated by Lo. Arundell of Wardour. ¹ Ped. fin. 1 Hen. V., Cornw., No. 1. Sir Nicholas Trerys and Margaret his wife qu. Sir John Arundell of Trerys and Johana his wife def. Tregantallan, Trenans, etc. Ped. fin. Cornw. and Devon 2 Hen. V., No. 18. John Cock qu. John Arundell and Johana his wife def. Efford, Thorlbeare, Lanest, Crugantallan al's Tregantallan and Alet, co. Cornw., Whitesday and Hundred of Blaketoriton, Lachebrook, and Hatherlegh, co. Devon, settled on John A. and Johanna his wife, rem. in part to Thomas Woyne and in part to the heirs of John Arundell. Ped. fin. 12 Hen. VI., Cornw., No. 2. Baldwin Fulford qu. Sir John Arundell of Trerys, Kt., and Johanna his wife def. Marwynchurch. 2 Inq. 3 Edw. IV., No. 26. his wife. Nicholas Arundell of Trerice, settlement of lands on Johanna 3 Inq. p. m. 22 Edw. IV., No. 48. Johanna, who was wife of Nicholas Arundell of Trerice, Esq., died 5 July, 22 Edw. IV. Selworth, Luscombe, etc., in co. Somerset settled on Alice, late wife of William Seynt John, for life. Robert Arundell, son of John Arundell, son of Johanna, her grandson and heir, aged 15 and more. Inq. taken in Devon (attached). Manor and advowson of Lappeford, etc., settled on her son Alexander Arundell. Names her dau'r Johanna. 4 Sheriff of Cornwall. Killed at the Mount when the Earl of Oxford surprised it, 10 Edw. IV. Inq. p. m. Y. O, 7 Hen. VII., No. 111. James Arundell died 31 Dec., 6 Hen. 7. John Arun- dell, cousin and heir, aged 21 and more. 5 Inq. p. m. 3 Hen. VIII., No. 1. Sir John Arundell of Trerice, died 12 July, 3 Hen. VIII. Names his wife Johanna, brothers Walter and Robert A. and wife Helena, sons Richard and Edward, and da. Elizabeth. John A., son & h., aged 17 and more, mar. to Maria, da. and coh. of John Bevill. 6 Inq. p. m. 3 Elizab., pt. 1, No. 8. Sir John Arundell of Trerice, died 25 Nov., 3 Elizab. Names his son John, dau'rs Margaret, Mary, Joane, Grace, and Margery. John A., son of Roger A. his son, his grandson and heir, aged 3 years and more. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 273 A | | B Roger Arundell who-Elizabeth ye Da. of Robert marryed (o. v. p.) Tredinham Esq. John Arundell of Guarnack Esq. obijt sine prole Richard Arundell 1 John Arundell fil. Sr Robert Dennis John Arundell * Not signed. ¹ Inq. p. m. 22 Elizab., Pt. i., No. 11. John Arundell of Trerice, Esq., died 22 Elizab. Names his dau'rs Julian, Dorothy, Mary, Anne, and Catherine. John A., his son and h., aged 3 years and more. Will dated 14 Sept., 22 Elizab. Names his late father Sir John A. of Trerice, "Garthrewde," now his wife, Christopher, John, Robert, Richard, Marie, Jacquett, and Blanche, children of Robert Arundell, Esq., of Camborne, son John A., dau'rs Julian, mar. to Rich. Carew, Alice, Dorothy, Mary, Anne, and Catherine. Overseers Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, Sir John Chichester, Sir Richard Greynvele, and o'rs. Prob. London 26 Nov., 1580. * John Arundel of North Tamerton, Devon, and Margaret Yeo of Brad- worthy, mar. lic. 2 June, 1671. Philip Arundel of West Anthony, scarlet dyer, and Elizabeth Deeble of same, spinster, mar. lic. 4 June, 1737. Henry Somaster and Alice Arundell, gent., mar. at Anthony in the East 18 Dec., 1583. James Tremerne and Catherine Arundell mar. at Breage 19 Feb., 1600-1. John Tresillian, gent., and Mary Arundell, gent., mar. at Mawgan in Pider 31 March, 1608. Mr. William Carnsewe and Ann Arundell mar. at Newlyn in Pider 1 Dec., 1610. Thomas Arundel of St. Columb Maj., gen., and Joanna Pyne of St. Goran, widow, Act Books, Exeter. mar. 1625. Edward Arundell, gent., and Jane Carmenowe mar. at St. Winnow 27 Nov., 1625. Emanuel Arundell, clerk, Rector of Stoke Brewer, and Elizab. Hope of Sheviock mar. at Sheviock 1626. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. 20 July, 1636. 4 Dec., 1610. John Arundell of Sithney, ar., and Margaret Cock mar. at St. Erme Henry Arundel, ar., bur. at Sithney Francis, son of Gabriel Arundel, bur. at Sheviock Dorothy, da. of Geo. Arundle, Esq., bur. at Mawgan in Pider William Arundell, gent., bur. at Newlyn in Pider Saberin, da. of Hugh Arundell, bur. at Mevagissey Mrs. Ann Arundel, wife of Rich. A. of Lanherne, at St. Columb Minor Ye Lady Ann Arundell bur. at St. Columb Minor Margery, da. of William Arundell, John, son of Robert, "" John, "" James, John William "" >> bap. "" "" "" "} "" Christopher, Robye Trestene and Grace Arundell Robye Arundell and Elizabeth Trenwith John Arundell and Ann Pendarves 1629. 19 June, 1634. 10 Maye, 1635. 2 July, 1636. Esq., bur. 1718. 8 Sep., 1718. 14 Aug., 1612. Feb., 1615-6. 3 Aug., 1617. 10 Sept., 1622. 16 Nov., 1623. 17 June, 1627. Camborne Par. Reg. mar. 17 Jan., 1574-5. "" 16 Apl., 1583. Katherine, wife of Christopher Arundell, bur. 9 Sept., 1617. 1 Mar., 1617-8. [Note continued on next page. 2 N 274 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. (Note continued.) Charles, son of Rich. Arundel, day labourer, bap. Hugh, son of Francis Arundell Alexander Row and Jane Arundell Capt. John Arundell Bridget, da. of Sir Thos. Arundell, Knt., bap. Francis St. Aubyn of Crowan and Madron and Mrs. Anne Arundell 1725. St. Erme Par. Reg. St. Ewe Par. Reg. Falmouth Par. Reg. Fowey Par. Reg. mar. 29 April, 1690. Will. Arundell of Milor and Elizab., da. of Thomas Penwarne of Mawnan Ann, da. of Thos. Arundell, Esq., of Tolverne. bap. Hugh Arundell and Jane Nance George Arundell, Rector 19 mar. 1 Oct., 1603. 14 Nov., 1563. } bur. 10 May, 1679. 24 June, 1604. } Gulval Par. Reg. mar. 1651. 27 June, 1602. mar. 3 Apl., 1632. Mawnan Par. Reg. Menheniot Par. Reg. Mevagissy Par. Reg. 1629. 1667. 1668. 11 Apl., 1684. mar. Joane, bap. 1695. 19 June, 1683. Sheviock Par. Reg. 1696. bur. 1676. 1689. 15 Feb., 1693. 7 May, 1670. 1672. Elizab., da. of Walter Arundel and Jone, bap. John, son of John Walter, Rich. and Ursula,,, "" and Bridget,,, "" Gregory and Michael, sons of Rich. Arundell and Rich. Arundel and Bridget Balson Henry Austin and Mary Arundel Mrs. Kate Arundel, widow, Walter Bridget John, son of John Arundel and Elizabeth, bap. Susan, da, of John Arundel Mrs. Katherin Arundel bur. 25 May, 1671. Sithney Par. Reg. 19 Apl., 1688.. Roger Arundell, described in Doomsday Book as holding manors in Dorsetshire and Somerset, 20 Will. Conqueror, had issue Gilbert de Arundell, first son, who mar. Rosamond, da. of John de Novant, and had issue Richard Arundell, who by his wife Juliana had issue Sir Reinfric Arundell, mar. to Alice, da. of Sir J. Lanherne of Lanherne, Cornw. (another pedigree says John de Umfravile mar. the widow of Sir J. Arundell, viz. Alice de Lanherne), by whom he had issue Sir Humphry A., who mar. a da. of John Umfravil and had a son, Sir Reinfric A., temp. H. III. Sir Ralph A., his son, Sheriff of Cornwall 44 Hen. III., mar. Eve, da. of Sir Richard de Rupe, Lord of Tremodrut, Cornwall, who by two deeds, dated Oct. 9, 1259, granted the manors of Trembleth and Tredreysowe to Sir Ralph de A. on his marriage with Eva, his da.- Communicated by Lord Arundell of Wardour. Lay Subsidies, 31 Edw. I., 87/2. John de Umfravile held by Alice his wife one great fee in Lanherne. Cor. Reg. Roll, Pasch., Edw. I. m. 13 d. Cornw. Ralph Arundell and John de Umfraville and o'rs, concerning a tenement in Conerton. Inq. p. m. 11 Rich. 2, No. 1. Ralph Arundell, chivaler, son of John A., chivaler, son of John A. of Trembleth, chivaler. John A., bro. of said Ralph, his next heir, aged 22 years and more. Inq. p. m. 19 Rich. II., No. 15. Johanna Carminowe died 21 Feb. John Arundell, son of Sir John Arundell, son of Elizabeth, da. of Sir Oliver Carminowe, one of her heirs, aged 28 years and more. Inq. p. m. 35 Hen. VIII., War. and Liv., vol. i., p. 84. John Arundell of Tolfern, Esq., died 2 Mar., 34 Hen. VIII. Names his father John A., sons Thomas, Henry, Richard, and da. Marie, wife Matilda. Alexander A., his son and heir. Inq. p. m. 16 Eliz., pt.ii., No. 19. Thomas Arundell of Ley, died 3 Mar., 15 Eliz. Alexander A., his son and h., aged 24 at his father's death. Names his sons John, Robert, Thomas, and Digory. Inq. p. m. 13 Chas. I.. pt. ii., No. 18. George Arundell died 29 Nov., 1636. Names his first wife Dorothy and second wife Elizabeth. Charles Arundell, son and h., aged 19 y'rs, 10 mo's, and 27 days. Lands in St. Eval, etc., co. Cornwall, Melcombe, etc., co. Devon. 1 Edw. III. Lay Sub., Cornub., 87/7. William Arundell in St. Michael's Mount. John de Arundell and John Arundell in Gorran. Ped. fin. Cornw. 46 Hen. III., No. 5. Ralph de Arundell and Eva his wife qu. Rich. de la Roche def. Tremblyth and Tredreyses settled on Eva, rem. to Rich. de la Roche and his heirs. Ped. fin. 8 Edw. III., Div. Co. Ligula 1, No. 151. John d'Arundell Chivaler qu. Radulphus d'Arundell Parsona eccl'ie de Colombe and John de Aldestowe def. In Manor de Morchard and Yeweton, co. Devon. Man. de Tremleth and Treley, Medeshole, Tregenstock, Caerennor, etc., co. Cornwall. John d'Arundell's for life, rem. in tail to John his son. Johana, who was wife of John d'Arundell, held Morchard for life. Ped. fin. Cornw., 5 Hen. IV., No. 4. John and Edmund Bottreux qu. Ralph Soor of Tolvern def. Tolvern, Carlennek, etc., settled on Ralph Soor, rem. to Ralph Arundell and Johanna his wife, rem. to Sir John Arundell and his heirs. Ped. fin. 22 Edw. IV., No. 1. John Arundell, Esq., and Alice his wife qu. Emanuel Assanes Suffianus, Kt., and Amicia his wife def. Bosworgy, Tregose, etc. [Note continued on next page. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 275 (Note continued.) Pipe Roll Cornw., 31 Hen. I. Rob. Arund. (Arundell) paid the sum of 12s. 4d. Placita de quo Warrant. 30 Edw. I. John Arundell of Lanherne, after his father's death (Sir Ralph), proved his title to the manor of Medeshole (Mitchell) as that which descended to him from his ancestors. Rot. Canc. K. John, Cornwall. Sibilla q. fuit ux. Willi. Arundell and Henry fil. Willi. Rot. Litt. Claus. King John, m. 10. Umfrido de Arundell plenar' saisina' de terr'qua fuit Will'o de Arundell. Avunculi ipsius Umfrid. de qua Will's fil. ejusdem Will. de A. qui est cu' inimicis d'ni Reg' est saisana' h'uit et q'm idem Umfrid' die' ip'm. he'ditarie continge. Ap' Skelton viij. die Feb., A.D. 1216. By deed dated 2 March, 32 Edw. III. (A.D. 1358), Sir John Arundell of Lanherne granted to his cousin Ralph Arundell of Trerice lands in Caeruner and Dontsfeld.-Communicated by Lord Arundell of Wardour. Star Chamber 18° Hen. VIII. Lady Katherine Arundel, late wife of Sir John Arundel of Langerne, Knt., dec'd, complained that on September, 8 Hen. VIII., Nicholas Kendell, Wyllyam Vyell, Laurence Kendall, Stephen Kendall, all of the co. Cornw., gentlemen, "with dyvers other malefactors, mysgovernd p'rsons, to the numb. of 16 p'rsons, etc., and the s'd ryotouse p'rsons, etc., assembled about one of the clock of mydnight yn the sayde daye and yere with force of armes, that ys to saye, with bowes, arowes, byllys, stafys, swords, bucklers, hand gonnes, cross bowes, short daggers, and howndes, entyred into the deere parke of y'r sayde subject callyd Helsbery Park, broke down, etc., spoyled and kylled the deere of y'r s'd subject, etc. Will of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, dat. 8 Apl., 1433. Proved before Bishop Lacy at Chudlegh 7 June, 1433. Names his da. Johanne, cousin Isabella Bevylle, sons Renfrid and Sir Thomas Arundell. Will of Sir Thos. Arundell of Lanherne, P. P. C. 1485, Mills 29, mentions "my Lord Dynham, my Lady my moder Dame Jana Dynham," Roger and Charles Dynham. Will of John Arundell, Bishop of Exeter, 14 Mar., 1503, P. P. C. Names John Arundell, Peter Colsull, Walter Somaster, Humphry Arundell, and Thos. Whityndon, his cousin. Will of Lady Elizabeth, wid. of Sir Jno. Arundell of Lanherne, 12 June, 1564, P. P. C. 9 Nov., 1564. Names her sons Sir John, Thomas, George, and Edward A., Lady Stourton, dau'rs Cicily, Mary, and Elizabeth, dau'r Katherine Tregian, sister Jane Arundell, bro. Thos. Danet, sister Medley, "little da. Dorothie," god-dau'r Eliz. Tregian. Mrs. Isabell St. Aubyn, Cicily, and Edward A. ex'ors. Will of Thos. Arundell of Tremere, 29 May, 1571, P. P. C. 8 Nov., 1571, Names Elizabeth his wife and Thomas A. his son, ex'ors. Witnessed by his bro's and sisters, friends, and servants- Cecily Arundell, Eliz. A., George A., Edward A., Jas. Carter, physician, etc. Will of Jane Arundell of Lanherne, 2 Sept., 1575, P. P. C. 31 Oct., 1577. Names nephew Sir John A., Lady Stourton, nephew and godson John, nephew George, niece Dorothy, nieces Eliz., Cyssell, Margaret, Gertrude, nephew Sir Matthew A., nephews Charles and Edward A., niece Kath. Tregian, niece Cecil the elder, niece and god-da. Mary, niece Eliz'th Hornell or Norwell, niece Isabell Arundell, nephew Thos. A., god-dau'r Eliz. St. Aubyn, niece Mary Tregian. Witnesses Mrs. Marie A. and o'rs. Will of Edward Arundell of Lanherne, Esq., 15 Oct., 28 Eliz., P. P. C. 10 Nov., 1587. Names bro. Sir John A., Thomas A., son of his brother Thos. A. of Tremere, dec., sister Mrs. Katherine Tregian, nephews John, George, and Thomas A., niece Dorothy, god-d. Eliz'th A., nieces Cecil, Margaret, and Gertrude A., sister Isabell, nieces Turberville and Thomazin Buck- land. Bonnatre. To all Nobles & Gentles these p'sent letters hereinge or seinge, Wm Hawkestow otherwise called Clarencieux kinge of Armes of the Southmarches of England sendeth humble & dwe recom❜endac'on as ap'teyneth, for so much as John Bonnatre Gent. couragiouslie moved to exercise & use gentill & com'endable guyding in such laudable Mann' and forme as maye best sound unto Gentrie, by the wch he shall mowe wth godes grace to attayne unto honor & worshipp hath desired & prayed me the said kinge of Armes yt by the power & Authoritie by the king's good grace to me in that behalf com'ited, should devise a conysaunce of Armes for the sayd Gent. wch he & his heires might boldly & vowably occupie, Challenge, & Inioy for ev'more w¹hout anie p'iudice or rebuke of anie estate or gentill of this realme, at the Instaunce and request of whome I the sayd King of Armes takeinge respect & considerac❜on unto the Godly entent & disposition of the sayd gent. have devised for him & his heires these Armes followeinge, that is to say, Gold & Asure p'tię in 276 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. pale a Chev'on bataly, counter Bataly Gould and Azure, 3 lions enterchanged of the feild, Armyd Gu. a Cornish Chough in the Chev'on, a border Ermyn: wch Armes I of my sayd power and Authoritie, have appointed, given, & granted to and for the said Gent & his said heirs. And by this my p'sent letter appointe give and graunte unto them the same, To have occupie Challenge and enioye wthout anie preiudice or empechment for ev'more. In witnesse whereof I the said kinge of Armes to these p'sents have sett my seale of Armes. given at London the first daye of the monthe of Aprill in the yeare of the reigne of Kinge Hen. the sixte, after the Conquest the 20th. Petit. Sr John Petit knt. who was Cosen & heire to Sr Otes Petit & Dame Eliz. his wife who was Daughter Isabell le Blanch sister to King Hen. III. marryed Alice Daughter to Sr Michaell Beauchamp knt Sr Michaell Petit knt marryed Amitia Daughter to Sr Thomas Le Archdeacon knt Sr John Petitt knt marryed Marguerite eldest Daughter to Thomas Carminoe Esq. Sr Michael Petit knt. marryed-Julyan ye Daughter of Sr William Talbot knt. Sr John Petit knt marryed Marguerite ye Da. of John Trenoweth of Trenowith Esq. John Petit Esq. marryed Jane ye Daughter of Wm Anthorne of Antorne Esq. Ellen Petit Eldest Daughter & Coheire Marryed John Bovill of Gwarnack Esq. Not signed. * A more reliable pedigree for several generations of this ancient family is given below from evidences:- Sir Rob. Maude da. of Sir Roger Heligan Carminowe sister to ob. 1272 Gervais C. ob. 1276 Sir Ric. Fitz-Isabella da. of King John, styled Isabell le Blanche Harl. MS. 4031, fo. 76, and else- where Isabel sist. of K. Hen. III. Yva ob. 1207 Sir Wm. Heligan ob. 1286 Margt. da. of Sir Wm. Dunstanville Lo. of Tehidy ob. 1285 Ric. Fitz Yva ob. 1281? John Le Petit. Ped. fin. 33 Hen. III. No. 1 Cornw.; Easter Assize Ro. 12 | Ed. I. 1284 Alice da. of Mira- bell Durhall (née Beauchamp?) Sir Belym Isabell ob. Heligan ob. 1312 4 Ap., 1313 John Le Petit. Assize Ro.Laure da. of 30 Ed. I. 1302 Ric. Helegan ob. 1326 Margaret da. of Sir Roger Prideaux ob. 1302 B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 277 Joauna Annie | A Petyt T 구 ​John Petyt Isabella da. and coh. (a) John Petyt ob. 36—(b)Joanna da. and coh. of Sir Oliver Ed. III. 1363 Carminow. See Inq. p. m. 5 Hen. VI. No. 57, on John Chenduit | B The evidences of Heligan and Fitz Yva down to the marriage of John Petyt and Isabella Heligan are from Coll. of Arms, F. i. fo. 210, and to be found at length in the Herald and Geneal.,' pt. xxxix., p. 229, and Harl. 4031, fo. 84. (b) Michael æt. 30 atF(c)(d)Amicia da. of Sir John Bloyou by father's death Margt. da. & h. of Sir John Tynten (c)(b)John Petit of(d)Margt. d. & h. of John Resoryk by Isabel (b)Joh da. & h. of Tho. Goviley of Goviley Ardevora (d)(c): (d)(c)John Petit of Ardevora Margt, da. of Ralph Trenowith of Trenowith (d)1. John aged 28 at father's death Jane da. of An- thorne гати 2. Michael Petit(d) held Manor of Trelowyth, Trelonk, and Go- viley, by gift from his father by fealty and service of one Red Rose. Thomazin Leigh, mar. after to Peter Bevill and was thus ancestress of Sir Bevil Grenville. Will P. P. C. Holder 36, 10 Nov., 1517, vid. n. p. 235 Issue 4 daughters coheiresses Tho. Petit Elizb. da. of John Godolphin Harl. 4031 and 1079 fo. 42 Tho. Petit Jane so. da. & h. of Rob. Poile by Ann, da. & h. of Richard Harrington of Fowey. Harl. MS. 4031 fo. 78 and Add. MS. 14 315. Alice da. & h. brought man. Trelowyth, inherited from Carminow, (see ped., post) and Goviley to her husband James Tresahar, whose descendant Ezechiel Tresahar sold Goviley in 1673 to Hugh Boscawen ancestor of Lo. Falmouth. See Tresahar ped., ante, notes, and 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i. Assize Roll, M. 1.13 12 Ed. I. 20. m. m. 11. Assize Roll, M. 1.] 2 30 Ed. I. 21. m. 16 dors. Michael o. s. p. John Petit v. Ogerum de Boffrasel. Land in Tresulbrethen. Names John Le Petit, father of said John P. Tho. de Cantrebry de Trethewy v. Johanna, da. of John Le Petyt, parcel in Treleweth juxta Treloy, and v. Amice, da. of s'd Jno., land in the same. Johanna and Amice come and defend their right and call to warrant John Petyt, who says he gave the tent's for life, which he himself held for term of his own life of John, son of Laure, formerly his own wife, and said John is under age. De Banco Ro. 20 Ric. II., East., No. 207. John Petit of Treleswythen v. Oger Hela. (a) Inq. p. m. 6 Ric. II., No. 207, held at Lostwithiel on John Petyt, chivaler, who died 36 of K. Edw., father of the now King. Michael Petyt was son and heir, aged 30 years and more. (b) Inq. p. m. 5 Hen. VI., No. 57, on John Chenduit, whose manors of Trewerys and St. Maudit, inherited from Margery, da. and h. of Oliver Carminow, Knt., ought to revert to John Petyt, armiger, aged 60 years and more, as heir of s'd Jno. Chenduit, viz. son of Michael Petyt, the son of Joanna, the daughter of said Oliver Carminow, and which manors were held of s'd John p. 545. Petyt by service and rent of thirteen shillings a year. See also 'Hist, of Trigg,' vol. i. (c) Inq. p. m. 8 Hen. VI., No. 24, held at Truro 16 Sept. on John Petyt, armiger, who held in the manor of Pradannack Wartha by gift of John Petyt, late lord of Trenerth, Knt., to Michael P. and Amicia his wife, parents of said John P., who held manor of Trelanmaur, Trelewyth, Trenerth, and Eglosros, and by right of his wife Margaret, then living, the manor of Resteck, Ardevoro, and Goveley, etc. S'd John ob. 23 July, and John Petyt was son and heir, aged 30 years. (Trelowyth and Eglosros probably came by match with the heiress of Carminow, and were held under Dynham. See Carminow ped., post.) Inquisit. Book of Hen. VI. Jno. Arundel held Treris and John Petyt held Predannek, formerly held by Bp. of Exon. Inquisit. Book of Hen. VI. Sir John Arundel of Trerys, John Petyt of Arworthell, and o'rs held half a knight's fee in Trelonk, etc. (d) Inq. p. m. 34 Hen. VI., No. 27, held at Leskeard 28 Oct., 34 H. VI., on John Petyt, ar. S'd [Note continued on next page. 278 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. (Note continued.) John held parcel of manor of Predannack Wartha by gift of John Petyt, Knt., late lord of Trenerth, to Michael Petyt and Amicia his wife, etc., of whom s'd John in writ named was heir, viz. the son of John, the son of s'd Michael and Amicia, held of the King in puro socagio as of his Castle of Launceston as of Duchy of Cornw., etc. S'd John held land by gift of John Tynten, Knt., by ind're made to Margaret his daughter and her heirs, and s'd John Petyt was heir of said Margt., viz. son of John, son of Amicia, the daughter of aforesaid Margaret. And s'd John held by gift of Oto, lord of Bodrugan, to Ralph Resoryk and his heirs, of which Ralph s'd John was heir, viz. son of Margaret, the daughter of s'd Ralph. And further the said John P. gave the manor of Trelowyth and certain lands in Trelonk to his son Michael Petit, to be held of the same John by fealty and service of one red rose. S'd John P. ob. 10 June last, and John Petyt, son and heir, aged 28 years and more. Parliam. Writs, A.D. 1297. Michael Le Petit returned for Cornw. as holding £20 in rents per an. sum. to perform mil. service with horses and arms beyond seas. Muster in Lond. Sunday next after Octave of St. John the Bap., 25 Ed. I. 1302. "" Michael le Petit Knight of Shire for Cornwall. 1:3 "" 1311. Michael le Pedit, Petyt, Petit, Supervisor of the Array for Cornw., and also leader of the levies, 4 Ed. II. 1314. "" Pat. Roll 1 Rich. III. Michael le Petit Knt. of Shire for Cornw. 7 Ed. II. Michael Petit on the Commission of Peace for Cornw. Ped. fin. 33 Hen. III., No. 1, Easter, Cornw. John Le Petit and Alice his wife, who, with her sister Emma, were coh. of Mirabell, once wife of Roger Durhull. Ped. fin. 47 Hen. III., Mich., No. 20. John Le Petit and Alice his wife pet. Steph. de Bello- campo. Said Stephen granted to John and Alice, Benherton and lands held of Rob. Carminow. Ped. fin. 17 Ed. I., No. 6. Michael Le Petyt qu. John Le Petyt def. Lands in Trenerth, Predanekwartha, etc., which s'd John held of s'd Michael, and which s'd Michael had of gift of s'd John. Ped. fin. 8 Hen. VII., Trin., Cornw. Rich. Harrington de Fowey mercat. qu. Tho. Glover and ux, def. Mess., yard, and wharf in Fowey. For more on Petit, see Sir John Maclean's 'Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., pp. 319, 546, 683; vol. ii., p. 252. Tanner. This and the following pedigree are indexed in Harl. MS. 1162, but are not to be found. They are therefore taken from Harl. MS. 1079. ARMS. 1. TANNER. Arg. on a chief Sa. 3 men's heads Or. 2. TREGARTHAN. Arg. a chevron betw. 3 escalops Sa. 3. CORNEWALL. Arg. a lion ramp. Gu. within a border engr. Sa. bezanté. 4. CHAMBERLAIN.¹ Arg. on a bend Sa. 5 bezants. See Harl. MS. 1079, fo. 142 b. CREST. A demi-talbot Or, ears Arg. John Tanner.... d. of.... Whitting of Wood T of.... Tregartyn This Margrett is descended as heire to Cornewall, Chamb'laine, & Pever George Tanner of Colamp-Margret d. & coh. ton in Devon Anthonie Tanner of Brannell in Elizab. d. of.... Tylley of Canington St. Stphen's in Cornwall in Com. Som'sett Joane wife to .... Pomeroy John Tanner of Bran--Katherin d. of Tho. Ros- nell aº 1620 Robert 2 carrok of Roscarrok sonne A ¹ The fourth quarter is assigned to Pever, who bore Arg. on a chev. gu. 3 fleurs de lis, or. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 279 A | Lewes 2 sonne Barnard Tanner eldest sonne æt. 26 a° 1620 Arther 3 sonne John 4 sonne Jane wife Elizabeth Ann to John Pye Dorothy Mary Not signed. Wallis al's Darte. ARMS. Gu. a fess and canton ermine. CREST. A Bonfire ppr. p' Rob't Cooke Clar. aº 1590 32 Q. Eliz. to Lewes Wallis al's Darte John Wallis al's Darte of Barstable Joane d. of Rob. Courtney of Molland in Devon Lewes Wallis al's Darte of Meve---Eliz. d. of Tho. Roscar- gesie in Cornw. aº 1620 rock of Roscarrock 1 Lewes 4 Phillip in Bohemia 3 sonne 2 Jane wife to Jo. Tremayne of Tregonowe John eldest= sonne æt.32 a 1620 Grace wife to Powle Worthe of Barstable 3 Charles 2 sonne of the Ynner Temple London Not signed. * Barnard Tanner, ar., and Julian, da. of Sir Rich. Buller, mar. 21 Nov., Bp. of Exeter's 1625, at St. Stephen's juxta Ash. Thomas Prowse of Taunton, gent., and Agnes, dau. of John Tanner, Rector of Offwell, mar. lic. July 3, 1628. George Tanner of Farringdon, gent., and Edith Harlewyn of Sidmouth, mar. lic. Aug. 7, 1630. Act Books, Exeter. Humphry Tanner of Crecombe and Johanna Park- house of Witheridge, mar. lic. Nov. 21, 1681. John Masey of London, and Ann Tanner of St. Enedor, Cornwall, Barnard, son of Barnard Tanner, Esq., bap. at St. Stephen's by Ash mar. lic. May 21, 1691. 31 Mar., 1633. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. Anthony Tanner, gent., and Honor Sibly, mar. 19 Oct., 1704. Elizab. bur. 1652. St. Minver Par. Reg. St. Tudy Par. Reg. Ind're dated 8 May, 26 Charles II. Between Richard Batten of Collombe Major, (J. M.) Doctor of Physic, and Anthony Tanner of St. Enodoc, gent. Conveyance of premises called Nampean in St. Enoder.-Penes Miles C. Seton, Esq. For Anthony Tanner of Court, Esq., vide Abstracts of Deeds, ante, p. 238. 1669, Oct. 10. John Tanner of Court, Esq., one of the Trustees on settlement after marriage of Chamond Roscarrock of Roscarrock, and Grace his wife. Ind're dated 23 Mar., 1675. Betw. Honor Carter the younger, one of the daughters and coheirs of John Carter, late of St. Columb, Esq., decd, of the one part, and Anthony Tanner of the parish of St. Eneder, gent., and John Beauford of St. Columb, clerk. Lease for a year of various manors and bartons, which descended to her as coheir of John Carter, decd. Seal of Arms, two lions combattant. Indorsed. Settlement upon the marriage of Honor Carter and William Silly.-Penes Sir John Maclean. ¹ Bap. 10 Dec., 1597. 3 Bap. 19 May, 1590. 2 Bap. 18 Dec., 1591; mar. 22 Nov., 1618. Mevagizzy Par. Reg. (J. M.) ( 280 ) Bodmin. ARMS-none. A SEAL, representing A King, crowned and sceptred, sitting under a canopy. INSCRIBED.-S. . COMMUNE. BURGI. ET. VILLÆ. BODMINÆ. This is the Com'on seale of the Towne & ancient Borrough of Bodmin, wch hath beene enabled by his Maties most Noble progenitors wth divers lib'ties, privi- ledges, and greate immunities, the govermt Consistinge of a Maior & 36 Cheife Burgesses, wch are called the Com'on Counsell of the sayde Towne & Borroughe : the Election of the Maior being yearely the 24 day of Septemb. The Maior, Towne Clarke, & last Anticedent Maior, being Justices of the Peace wthin the sayd Borough. The Maior being Coroner wthin the Borrough. The Maior & Towne Clarke have power to take Recognizances of Debtors according to the Statute of Acton Burnell and Westmr. they are to have a Com'on seale for all grauntes. forayne Justices of the peace are prohibited to intromit therein for causes wthin the sayd Borough. all wch priviledges & imunities were confirmed & ratified by or most gratious Sov'aigne Ladye Queen Elizab. of famous memorie, in the 36 yeare of hir raygne. And at the time of this p'sent visitation, the 3 of Octob., 1620, was Wm Prist, Maior; Nicho. Sprye, Towne Clarke; Rob't Wilton, Thomas Helliar, Rob't Hartwell, John Stone, Nicho. Webber, Raph Turney, Rich. Durant, John Corey, Will'm Stone, and John Edye, 12 of the Cheife Burgesses wthin the sayd Towne and Borroughe of Bodmin. WILLIM PRIST, Maiore. NICHO. SPREY, Towne Clark. the fee payd 40º. RICHARD Durant. Dunheved al's Launceston. ARMS.-A triple circular tower within a border charged with eight towers domed. CREST.-A lion's head between two ostrich plumes, all rising out of a ducal coronet. INSCRIBED.SIGILLUM . DUNHEVIDI. BOWROGH. ALIAS. LAUNCESTON. This is the Com'on seale of the towne & Borrough of Dunehened al's Launceston, wch by the auncient Kings of this land have beene endewed wth many previledgs, and great immunities, & incorporated in the 2 & 3 yeare of Kinge Phillip & Queene Mary, by the name of Maior, Aldermen, & Cominaltie of the THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 281 ch Borroughe of Dunhened al's Launcesto', & by that name to have perpetuall Succession, & enabled in Lawe to purchase Lands & Tenements & Likewize to assigne the same, and by the same name to plead & be impleaded, and that the Maior & Aldermen should have a Com❜on Seale for their affairs, and that the Borroughe & Corporac'on should consist of eight Aldermen besides the Maior, wch should yearely be Chosen at the Nativitie of or Ladye in Septemb.; weh Maior & Aldermen shall be called the Com'on Counsell, & have power to Chose a Record', wch Maior & Recorder shalbe iustices of the peace wthin the sayd Borroughe, & no other Justice to intromitt therin, with manie other Priviledges & immunities, as by their Charter doth appeare. And at this present Visitac'on, the 27th daye of Septemb', 1620, was Thomas Morton, Maior; S Anthonie Rowse, Recorder; John Gennis, Rich. Estcott, Arthure Pypard, Nicho. Baker, Hugh Vygars, Hen. Cary, George Hexte, Oswold Cooke, Aldermen; and Phillip Kinge, Towne Clarke of the sayd Towne & Borrough of Dunheved al's Launceston. THOMAS MORTON, Maior. the fee payde £3 6s. JOHN GENYS. RIC. ESTCOTT. ARTHUR PIPARD. HUGH VIGURES. HENRY CARY, GEORG HEAXTT. OSWALD COOKE. PHILLIPP KING. East Lowe. No Arms or Seal given. This is the Common Seale of the towne and Borough of East Lowe in the Countye of Cornwall, incorporated the 8 day of January, in the 29 yeare of Queene Elizabeth, by the name of Maior and Burgesses, and by that name to have perpetuall succession, and enabled in lawe to purchas landes & tenements & likewise to assigne the same, and by the same name to pleade and be impleaded, & that the Borough & Corporac'on should consist of 9 Burgesses, whereof one of them should yearly be chosen for Maior. To have power to chouse a Recorder. And at this present Visitac❜on, the 12 day of October, 1620, was John Eger, Maior; Sir Reginald Mohun, Knight and Barronet, Recorder, Phillip Fitz Williams, Edmond Fitz Williams. Henry Cloake, Tho. Egar, Dennis Fitz Williams, Daniell Chubb, Will'm Parris, Phillip Williams, Burgesses; and Joseph Bastard, Steward and towne Clerke of the same towne and borough. JOHN EGER, meyr. 20 282 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Grampound. SEAL.-A bridge of two arches over a river,—the dexter end shews the passage, and at the sinister end is a tree. Against the bridge a shield charged with a lion ramp. within a border bezantée. Inscribed SIGILUM COMMUNE BURGI GRAMPONIÆ. • • This is the Com'on Seale of ye towne and Boroughe of Grampound, wch was anciently incorporated by the name of Maior and 8 Burgesses, and at the time of this present Visitac'on, the sixt day of Octob., 1620, was Bennet Perdew, Maior, John Hawkins, Rich. Harison, John Sobye, Matthew Woldridge, Thomas Come, John Hawkins, Junio", Michaell Treglyne, & Thomas Hancock, Burgesses of the same Towne & Borroughe. B. P., maior. JOHN HAWKYNS. MATTHEW WOULRYDGE. No arms. Helstone. A SEAL, representing An angel winged, bearing a shield charged with the three lions of England, and thrusting a lance into the open mouth of a dragon at his feet, the whole flanked by two towers domed. Inscribed SIGILLUM . COMUNITATIS. VILLE. DE. HELLESTONE. BURGTH. This is the Com'on Seale of the Towne & Borroughe of Helstone in Cornwall, incorporated by Kinge John in the 2ª yeare of his raigne by the name of Maior & Burgesses. And at this present Visitac'on, the 9th day of October, 1620, was John Rowe, Maior; Tho. St. Aubin, Esquire, Will'm Robinson, Alexander Bolytho, John Harbert, John Allexander, Thomas James, Rob't Cock, Will'm Penhalurick, Daniell Bedford, Will'm Trewin, Patrick Pasemere, & John Cock, Burgesses; Fran. Godolphin of Godolphin, Esquire, Recorder; & Thomas Randall, Steward of the sayd Towne & Corporac'on. The m'ke of JOHN ROE, Maior. THOMAS SEYNTAUBYN. WILLIAM ROBINSON. THOMAS JAMES. JOHN HARBERT. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 283 No Arms. Liskerett al's Liskerd. SEAL.-A fleur-de-lis between two birds. Inscribed SIGILLUM . COM- MUN. BURGI DE LISKERTT. This is the Com'on Seale of the Towne & borough of Liskerett al's Liskerd, anciently incorporated by the name of Maior and Burgesses of Liskerett al's Liskerd, and re-incorporated ye sixte daye of July in the 29th yeare of Queene Elizb. by the same name of Maior & Burgesses, & by that name to have p'petuall Succession, & enabled in Lawe to purchase Lands & Tennements & Liberties, & like- wise to assigne the same, and by the same name to plead and be impleaded, and that the Borrough & Corporac'on shall consist of 9 Burgesses, wch shalbe called the Com❜on Counsell of the sayd Borroughe, wherof one for the time beinge should be yearly Chosen for Maior, to have power to chose a steward and Recorder, and yt the Mair & Burgesses should have a Com'on Seale for there affayres, & that the Maior, Recorder shalbe Justices of the peace within the sayd Borrough, which newe Corporac'on graunted by Queen Elizb. John Hunkin was the first Maior, wth divers other previledges and immunities, as by their Charter doth appeare. And at this present visitac'on, the 12 daye of Octob', 1620, was Edward Chapman, Maior; Sr William Wreye, Kt., Recorder; John Hunkin, gent., high Steward; Thomas Jane, John Vosper, Martin Sampson, John Pett, Jeffrie Clarke, John Taperell, and Will'm Fuge, Cheife Burgesses; and Walt' Nicholls, Towne Clark of the sayd Towne & Borroughe. EDWARD CHEPMAN, Maior. Jo. HUNKYN. THO. JANE. MARTIN SAMPSON. for GEFFERI CLARKE. WILLIAM FUDGE. WALTER NICHOLL. Pensance. SEAL.-St. John the Baptist's head in a charger. Over the Inscription ANNO. 1614. Circumscribed PENSANSE. DOMINI. The Village of Pensance incorporated by or Sov'aigne Lord Kinge James, the 9 day of Maye in the 12 yeare of his highnes raigne, by the name of Maior, Aldermen, and Comunaltie of the village of Pensance, & by that name to be one bodie booth in name & deede, & to have p'petuall succession, & to be p'sons capable in Lawe to have, purchase, & posses landes & Tennements, previledges & Jurisdictions, with divers other im'unities, & by that name of Maior, Aldermen, & Comunaltie to plead & be impleaded, & to have a com'on seale for their publick busines. That the Maior be chosen yearly, & 8 of the discretest sort to be Aldermen of the said Village, wch shalbe called of the Com'on Counsell, & 12 other men to be chosen wch shalbe called assistants, wth divers other priviledges & im'unities, as by their Charter doth appeare. And at the time of this p'sent Visitac'on, the 9 day of Octob', 1620, was Will'm Noseworthie, Maior; John St. Aubin, Esq., Recorder; John Madderne, John Clyes, Rob't Dunkin, John Game, Rog. Polkinhorne, Will'm Madderne, Rob't Luke, Pasco Ellys, Aldermen and Nicho. Hixt, Towne Clarke of the said Village and Corporac'on. JOHN MADDern. JAMES BONITHON, 284 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Portbyan al's West Loe. No Arms. SEAL.-A man wearing a sword, and carrying a bow in his right hand and an arrow in his left. Inscribed s.. COMUNE. BURGI. PORTBIAN. ALS. WEST. LOWE. This is the Com'on Seale of the Towne & Borroughe of Portbyan al's West Loe, incorporated by the name of Maior & Burgesses the 14 daye of February in the 16 yeare of Queene Elizab. by the same name of Maior & Burgesses, to have p'petuall succession, & enabled in Lawe to purchasse lands & Tennemts & like- wize to assigne the same, & by the same name to plead & be impleaded, and that the Borroughe & corporac'on should consist of 12 Burgesses, wherof one for ye time beinge shalbe yearely Chosen for Maior, and to have power to Chouse a Steward, & that the Maior & Burgesses shall have a Com'on seale for their affaires, wth divers other priviledges & immunities, as by their Charter dothe appeare. And at this present visitac'on, the 12 day of Octob., 1620, was John Francis, Maior; John Harris, Esq., Recorder; John Sharpe al's Garrett, John Grove, Will'm Chanler, Stephen Gerre, Walter Whitt, Walter Lillyck, Walter Babbidge, John Grylls, Rob't Hearle, Ambrose White, Burgesses of the same towne and Boroughe; & Thomas Jane, Towne Clarke of the same. Saltashe. Two SEALS.-1. SIGILLUM AQUATE SALTASCHE. A three-masted ship riding at anchor. 2. SIGILLUM SALTEASHE. A shield charged with a lion ramp. within a border bezantée. The point of the shield rests on waves, over it is a prince's coronet, and on each side of it an ostrich feather. This is the Com'on Seale of the Towne & Borroughe of Saltashe in the Countie of Cornwall. And at this present Visitac'on, the 14 daye of Octob., 1620, was Hen. Cloberie, Maior; Sr Rich. Buller, Kt., Recorder; John Randall, Will'm Biele, Samson Bonde, Will'm Maynard, Will'm Wills, Hen. Martin, Will'm Michell, Rich. Furlonge, & Phillip Randall, Aldermen; and Will'm Wills, Towne Clarke of the sayd Towne and Borroughe of Saltashe. HENRY CLOBERYE, Mayor. WILLIAM BIELL. SAMPSON BOND. HENRYE MARTYN, WILLIAM WYLLS. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 285 ་ Tregonny. ARMS.-A pomegranate seeded, slipped, and leaved. Inscribed SIGILLUM .COM. BURGO. DO. TRIGONI. This is the Com'on Seale of the Towne & Borroughe of Tregonny, incor- porated by the name of Maior & Burgesses, and at the time of this present visitac'on, the first day of Octob', 1620, was Mr Henry Pomeroy, Maior; Phillip Jago, Hugh Munday, Rich. Carveigh, Arthure Osgood, John Jago, Will'm Cardew, John Collins, and Nicho. Bonithan, Nowe Burgesses of the sayd Towne & Borrough of Tregonye. HENRY POMEROY, Maior. HUGH MONDAY. ARTHUR OSGOOD. Trwro. ARMS.-On a base barry wavy of four, charged with two fish, a three-masted ship in full sail. Also two SEALS. One representing A vessel with one mast sailing, one fish in the sea, and Inscribed SIGILLUM . COMMUNITATIS. DE. TRURU. The other, A one-masted vessel with no sail, two fishes in pale in the sea, and Inscribed SIGILLUM . COMMUNE. TRURURIE. fee payd £3 6º. These are the ancient Armes & Comon Seales of the Towne and Borroughe of Trwro, wch was incorporated by the name of Maior and Burgesses, by Reignold, Erle of Cornwall, Natureall sonne to Henry the first, wch was done by Rich. Lucy al's Lacam, teste, Rogeri de Vallitort, Rob'te de Edunett Anuilla, Ricardo de Raddona, Alredo de Sto Martino, sealed wth an ancient seale wth a man on Horsbacke. And at the time of this present Visitac'on, the 9th daye of Octob., 1620, was Grigorie Frigens, Maior; Tho. Burgesse, Rich. Daniell, James Lawarren, Will'm Ketcher, Aldermen; Evarar. Edmondes, Hen. Will'ms, Edw. Kestell, Wm Avery, Walt' Penarth, Germain Grees, Fran. Noseworthie, Fran. Grevill, Cutbert Sidnam, Hump. Sidnam, Gawen Carverth, Tho. Burgesse, junior, Rich. Hill, John Adlington, Nicho. Paule, Edw. Grose, Robt. Kempe, Nicho. Stephens, John Parnall, & Will❜m Cozen, Burgesses; Hugh Boscawen, Esq., Recorder; & John Michell, Towne Clarke of the sayd Borough and Corporac❜on. Wee finde also that the Maior of Trwro hath alwayes beene & still is Maior of Fallmouthe, as by an ancient graunt now in the Custodie of the said Maior & Burgesses as doth appeare. GREGO. FRIGGENS, Mayor. HENRY WILLEAMS. THOMAS BURGESSE. JAMES LESWAREN. 286 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. SUPPLEMENT.* Arscott. This descent of Mules to Dabernon, & from him to Battyn & soe to Arscott, was taken out of an antient pleadinge which was shewed unto us in our visitation by Mr Arthure Arscot of Dunsland, & is at this day remaining in his hand in Aº Dm' 1620. John De Dunsland Cade of....Da. & hey of Jo. de Donsland Dabarnon Da. & hey. of Cade Joh' Mules of Elizb. Da. of Donsland Yaresborowe of.. John Dabarnon-Isabell Da. & hey. of Donsland of John Mules Alice uxr Gilbert John Arscot of Arscot Da. of Renston John Battyn sone & hey. Elizb. Da. & hey. of Will'm Batyn of Jo. Dabernon Jo. Arscott of Arscott Dau. of Tilley John Arscot Da. & hey. of Floyre of Arscott of Hollesworthie Joane uxor Jo. Gifford Rob't Battyn Da. of Gilbert al's Webber Rob't Battyn Joane Da. of Wal- rond of Wood John Arscott of Arscot Da. & hey. of Hump. Battyn Katherin Da. of and Hollesworthie Cloford Carmynow John Arscot of the Inner Temple London Esq. Phill. Da. & hey. of Humph. Battyn of Donsland Humph. Arscot of Donsland Ellin Da. of Tho. Hatch of Aler Esq. A * All these pedigrees in the MS. are noted "This descent is to be entered in the Visitac'on of Devon," THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 287 A | John Arscot of Donsland liveing 1620 Mary Da. of Tho. Monke of Powdridge Esq. Arthure Arscot of Donsland in Ebbott Da. of Leonard Com. Devon liveing 1620 Yeo Esq. Mary 1 Da. at. 19, 1620 Grace 2 Da. atat. 18, 1620 Not signed. Arscott. John Arscott of Donsland Tho. Arscott of Hollisworthie in Com. Devon Willm Arscott of Hollisworthie Humph. Arscott of Hoieworthie Elizb. Da. of Fran. Penkevill of Rossara Julian a da. Rossackclea Arscott of Hollisworthie-Gartru. Da. of Geo. Arondell of in Com. Devon liveing 1620 Lanherne in Com. Cornwall ROSICLEER ARSCOTT. Barkley. John Barkeley of Kingsbridge Joane Da. of Leigh of Leigh in Com. Devon in Com. Devon Tho. Barkeley of Okenburye Agnes Da. of Jo. Hele of Lucestow in Com. Devon in Com. Devon Tho. Barkeley of Okenbury in Com. Devon liveing 1620 Elizb. Da. of Geo. Southcott of Bovy in Com. Devon Hen. 2. Elizab. 1 Tho. sone & Mary 3 hey. atat. 16 Agnes 2 1620 Fran. 4 Joane 5 7. Margaret Jane 6 9. Gar- trude 8. Bridget THO. BARKLEY. 288 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Blackall. ARMS.-Paly of six Or and Sa., on a chief Gu. 3 bezants. John Blackall of Exiter Da. of Parrat of Dorsetsh. Tho. Blackall of Cowick Mary Da. of Geo. Southcott of in Com. Devon Callwoodley in Com. Devon John Blackall of Cowick in Com. Devon liveing 1620 John sone & heire at. 6 1620 Jane Da. of Raphe Haymer of London Mary a dau. atat. 1 1620 JOHN BLACKALL. Calmady. Vincent Calmady of Wenburie in Com. Devon Esq. 1 Mary Da. & hey. of Rob. Nick Willm Katherin Tho. 2 Josias Calmady-Kath' Da. & hey of Edw. Elizb. 1 sone of Wemberie in Com. Devon Edm. 3 Esq. 1 sone sone Courtney Esq. sone of Sr Peirse Courtney wch Sr Peirs mar. Elizb. Da. & hey. of Jo. Shilston of Ley Wood Esq. Grace 2 Cicilye 3 2 Anne a 1 Honor Da. of Edw. For--Sr Shilston Calmady-Elizb. Da. of Edward 2 Daught' tescue of Fallopitt widow of Hump. Prideaux Esq. sone of Sr Nic. Pridieux of Soldon Kt. Josias of Wemburie in Com. Devon live- ing 1620 Jo. Cople- stone of Vincent 3 Warle Esq. John Calmady sone & heyre Not signed. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 289 Fownes. To Inquire for the Crest to this Coate in the Countie of Worcester. Willm Fones of Saxby Esq. Da. of Sr Robt. Hyelton Kt Geo. Fones of Saxby Esq. Da. of . . . . Malbant of Malpas m Wi Fones of Saxbye Esq. Da. of Telha' of Telham John Fones of Saxbye Esq. Da. of Bradlye of Bedham John John Fones of Saxbye Esq. Da. of Lewell of Lewell Esq. Robt. 1. Tho. 3 Humph. 4 Nicho. 5 Willm 6 Wm Fones John Fones of Dodford in p'ochia de Bramsgrove in Com. Worcest' 2 sone Rich. Fones of Joane Da. of Tindall of Bristoll in Thomas 2 sone 1 sone of Bristoll hey. to his father Com. Glouc. the Ile of Axham in Com. Lincolne John Fones Geo. 2 sone 1 sone Rich. 3 sone Tho. Fones of Plimouth in Com. Jone Da. of Walt' Hele Devon liveing 1620. Prudence Da. of Jo. Nicholls of Tavistock in Com. Devon 1 wife 구 ​of Knaton in Com. Devon T Rich. 1 sone Prudence 1 at. 18, 1620 Jane 3 Da. Samsone 2 Thomas 4 sone Elizb. 4 Da. Mary 2 John 3 Suzan 5 Da. THO. FOWNES. 2 P 290 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Hunkin. Sciant p❜sentz et futuri qd. ego Will's Boturnell dedi concessi et hac p'senti carta mea indent. confirmavi Willo Hunkin et Isabelle filie Thomæ Trenger om'ia habui messug. terr' et tent'a mea in Southkymbar & in Twelmona More que nup. ex dono et feoffamento eiusdem Will. Hunkyn &c. Hijs testibus Willo Devioke, Willo Littleton, Rico Clemens, Tho. Clemens, Nicho. Scheplyn, et alijs. Dat. apud Southkymbar die Sabbathi prox post festu' S'cti Luce Evangeliste aº Regni regis Hen. VI. post conquest' 27. Willm's Hunkyn aº 27 H. VI. of South-Isabella filia Tho. kimbare in Com. Cornub. Trenger John Hunkin of Southkimbare Elizab. filia Brendon 2 E. VI. Ricus Hunkin filius et heres of Southkimbare Matilda filia . . . . Alwin John Hunkin of Liskerd-Lore filia Tho. Mayowe de fil. et heres Minheniott in Cornw. Gracia filia Andrew Cloberie John Hunkin de Gather-Jana filia Johis Conock of Bradston in Com. Devon | ley in Com. Devon fil. et | of Treworgay in Com. Cornw. ux. 2 uxor 1 her. Joseph fil. et heres atatis 10 annoru' Radagunda ætat. 14 Ricus Hunkin 2 filius ætat. 5 John 3 fil. ætat. Maria unius. ann. 1620 ætat. 4 Not signed. Roll. John Cwthy Joane Da. & hey. of Jo. Cwthi Rob. Stonard John Stonord sone & heire Raph Kaill-Mawd Da. & hey. of John Stonord Willm Kaill- A | THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 291 ! A | Da. & hey. of Will'm Kaill-John Luccombe 1. Jone ux' Jo. Moyle 3. Elizab. ux' John Deviock Rosmodres Margt 2 Da. of John Luccomb Mawde 1 Joane 2 Margt 3 Thomazin 4 Elizb. Da. & Ric. Bottreaux of Coheyre Cosworthie Jane Da. & hey. of Ric. Bottreaux John Marrays of Marrays Geo. Roll of Stevenston in Devon Wm. Marrys Margerie of Marrays Geo. Roll of Marrays in Cornw. (sic) Margaret Marrays Margt ux' Hen. Andrew Roll of Marrays Lamerton of Bassett in Com. Devon liveing Honor ux' Digorie Burdon of St Mary weeke Florence ux' Peter Bennet of Peranor worthall Mochamchurch 1620 Esq. at. 40 Not signed. Uppeton. Will'm Upton of Posninch in Com. Devon Esq. 3 sone of Jo. & brother & heyre of Nicholas Mary Da. of Tho. Kirkham of Blackdon in Com. Devon Esq. John 2 sone Elizab. ux' Cromwell Geo. Upton of Posnich Phill. Da. of Jo. Wrey of Trebithe 2 sone Georg Barbara ux' Jo. Brooke Will'm Upton of Cornw. of Poslinch in Com. Devon Agnes ux' Jo. Pillaton liveing 1620 Amye Da. of Rich. Loves of Beredon in Cornw. Mary ux' Jo. Harris of Cornw. Grace ux' Jo. Crapp of Cornw. Rich. 2 Marke 1 sone atat. 7 Fran. 1 Elizab. 2 Amye 3 Phillipa 4 WILLIAM UPPETON. 292 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Wychehalse. Nicho. Wichhalse of Chudley in Com. Devon gent. Margerie Da. of sonne Will'm John 1 Nicho. Wychhalse of Barnestable in Com. Devon 3 sone of Nicho. Mary Da. & hey. of Rich. Welsh of Pilton Margerie ux' Peter Luccon¹ of Mow- letn in Com. Devon gent. Jone uxor Bartho- lomew Borrington of Idford 2 sonne & heyre Joane ux' 1 Rob. Prouse of Barnstable 2 Jasper Bridgman of Exiter Nicho. Wychhalse of Barn-Margt 1 Da. of Hugh stable in Com. Devon sone Acland of Acland in Com. Devon Nicho. 2 Robt. 4 Elizb. 1 Hugh Wichhalse Dorithie Da. of Margt ux' sonne & heire of Tho. Pomeroy Ric. Arthure 3 Phillip 5 Grace 2 Barnestable in of Ingesdon Berry of Com. Devon liveinge 1620 Esq. in Devon Croscom John 2 sone atat. 1 Arthure sone & heire atat. 2, 1620 Margt 1 Da. atat. 5 Dorithie 2 Dau. atat. 4 HUGHE WYCHEHALSE. Deo. John Gasgell yonger sone of Gasgell of Gasgell Thorp in Craven Willm Yeo of heamton Ellin Da. of Wm. Sackvile Esq. 1 sone of | Grenvile of John Yeo Stowe in Margt Sist. of Chawers Maior of Callis Will'm Gas- gell Auxillia Da. & Coh. of Anne hey. to Jo. Nevill Rob't 1 sone Nicho. Yeo of Heatherley 2 sonne A Geo. Stapleton Margt Da. & hey, of Wm. Gasgell B ¹ Peter Lutton of Cofford in Parish of Kenton. Visit. Devon, 1620, Harl. MS. 1163, fo. 19. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 293 A | Leonard Yeo 2 sonne Λ John Yeo of Hather-Anne Da. of ley sone & heire Honychurch | 1 Rob. Yeo of Hather- ley 1 sonne Margt Da. of Hugh Gifford B | Geo. Stapleton of Kemp- ston in Com. Nott. T John Yeo sone & hey. Edm. Yeo Elizb. Da. of Jo. Ebbott ux'Arth. sone & hey. | Killegrewe of liveing 1620 Arscot of Dans- Arwanneck Esq. land Esq. Leonard Yeo of North-Gartrude Da. & Sole hey. of Geo. petherwyn in Com. Devon Esq. liveing 1620 1 Stapleton of Rempston in Com. Nott. & widow of Baldwyn Ack- land of Hawkridge | 2 Armenell ux' Digorie Penfound of Penfound in Cornw. Ar. Marye 1 Dorithy 3 Suzan 5 Judith 7 Gartrude 2 Elizab. 4 Margt 6 Anne 8 Not signed. 294 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. COMPLAINT BY SIR WILLIAM SEGAR, GARTER, AGAINST RALF BROOK, YORK HERALD. Imprimis for that lowlye & humble cariag where he hath beene . . . . it generally knowne how proudly & audaciously he hath ever caried himself & especially to his own societte abusing & slandering the Kings Armes. For his trecherie & devilish practises sufficiently appeared in that notable plott against Sr Wm Segar for the Armes of Brandon, whom he pretended was for a gentleman lyving in spaine the circumstances wherof being so well knowne, were tedious to repeate being intended for the subversion & utter undoing of the saide Sr Will'm Segar Garter principal King of Armes by his subtile practice to confirme a coate of Armes to the hangman of london.* Item the like plotte he lately practised against the whole office of Armes for the confirmation of the like cote for one Renolds in Spaine for whom he had drawne a coate & crest of his owne devisinge & written the subscription himself naming the saide Reinolds to be the 3 sonne of an Esquier of Burford in Oxfordsh. the same Reinolds being there a meane tradesman & never reputed a gentleman. Item for his farther treacherie & abuses even towards his maiestie In that question of precedence betweene the Erles younger sonnes & the knights privie counsellers when we had received a special comande from his highnes to make a trewe collectione of all the p'sidents in or office touching the right both of the one & the other. This Yorke secretlye under hand practised wth some of or companie. to conseale all those that were most materiall & to produce but only one that was made in H. 7 time wch was most erronious & wch the kinge himself did utterly condemne, all wch was proved to his face before the king & other his misdemeans & also his being burnt in the hand, at wch time he beene kicte out of the place by some of the nobilitie had not the Kings presence bridled them. Item his false reporte he lately made under his hand of Sr Tho. Bishop of sussex who was to receive a certificat fro' or office of the antiquitie of his gentrie to be a Barronett according to that order prescribed by his maiestie yt evrie Baronett that should be made was to prove his gentillitie of 3 descents both by father & mother, this matter coming to or office to be testified we refusing the same, bycause we could not make a trewe certificate therof. This yorke notwith- standing wth Treswell his companion certified the same under booth thiere hands contrarie to the kings order & thier othe. LIST OF PERSONS DISCLAIMED. (HARL. MS. 1079.) Disclaimed at Bodmyn 30 Septemb., 1620. John Skinner of St. John's. Sampson Bond of Salt Ashe. John Vincent of Northill. Anthony Furlong of Anthony. Phillip Wallis of Shevioke. John Hore of Landilp. James Finch of St. Germins. Will'm Bere of Linkinhorne. Thomas Roberts of the same. Ignobilis. * It is said that for confirming a Coat to the Hangman, both Sir William and Ralf were put into the Marshalsea, where the latter was long detained. For the imprisonment of Yorke, etc., and "The Earl Marshall's demaunde of Yorke," see Harl. 4204, ff. 80-88. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 295 John Squire of Lawannik. Walter Harewood of Mariston. George Drinnick of South Petherm. John Mill of Lanist. Will'm Squire of the same. Thomas Vosper of Tamerton. John Lucas of St. Cleere. John Minors of Dulo. John Mill of Lancells. John Hoare of Dulo. John Lankeston of Liskerd. Lazarus Harris of St. Kaine. Thomas Hawky of St. Winow. Thomas Reswell of St. Pinnok. Thomas Hoblin of the same. Christopher Hendor of Minster. Nicholas Hender of Tintagell. Robert Mullis of Michelstow. John Hockyn of Advyn. John Taperell of Alternon. Nicholas Axworthy of Treneglas. Arthur Houlman of Poundstock. John Murfield of the same. Thomas Peirse of Dewstowe. Abbot French of Otterham. Ignobilis. Disclaimed at Truro 6 October, 1620. Walter Sweete of Lanlevery. John Colquit of St. Samsons. Walter Trewbody of Trewardreth. Will'm Ludlow of the same. Christopher Furlong of Feoke. Zachary Walter of St. Geron's. Will'm Foote of St. Vivian (Veryan). Edmond Candy of St. Allen. John Tregagall of the same. Walter Peirse of St. Erne. John Garland of St. Cuby. John Wymond of Lanhidrock. Drew Perkins of St. Wenne. John Marke of the same. Thomas Daye of Collumb maior. John Andrew of Cubert. Will'm Smith of Newlin. John Pellamounter of Cullomb Minor. Richard Westcot. Thomas Ricord of Enneder. John Hockin of St. Esie. Ignobilis. Thomas Culley of St. Blasey. 296 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. COMPARATIVE PEDIGREE OF Carminowe. (See Preface and p. 33.) 1 Robert Carmynowe= Ped. fin. 47 Hen. III., Mich., No. 20. Stephen Beauchamp assigns to Jno. Le Petit and Alice his wife, inter alia, all the services of Robert Carmynow. Rob. Carmynow held by mil. ser. 40 Hen. III. Cott. Cl., C. II. 2 John s. & h. s. p. 2 Gervais Hornacote= Ped. fin. 40 Hen. III., Mich., No. 23. 1 Roger Carmynow 2 Sarra da. & coh. (& heir to her niece Margery) ¹ Roger de Carminow 2-Joanna bro. & h. to John Assize Roll, 30 Ed. I. Rog. de C. petit v'sus Pet. de Lancuck t'ras in Est Dysart and West Dysart. (Sarra de Honyacote mater p'd'ci Rogeri.) By Inq. p. m. 29 Ed. I., No. 56, Roger C. held 2 knt.'s fees in Trelo- wyth and Eglosros of John Dynham. Inq. p. m. Chan. 2 Edw. II., No. 73, recites the lands of Roger C., and names s. & h. Oliver C., aged 30. 3 Joane m. Wm. de Wal- Elizb. lesbro (whence Trevelyan.) Pome- roy 1st Year Book of Ed. I., A.D. 1302. Wm. Bottreux bro't wife Writ of Wardship against Roger Carminow, and de- manded Wm., the bro. & h. of John de Whalesboro. Roger answers, "Nous vous dioms qe vivant Jon frere Willame, e en vostre garde esteant, si fut Willame marie a nostre fille." (William whilst your ward married our daughter.) Bottraux said, Wm. W. was only 5 years old then, and under 14 now, &c. Ped. fin. 14 Ed. II., No. 7. Ob. Grey Friars, Bod- min, between 1299 and 1329 dominæ Johannæ de Kaer- mynaw.-Wm. of Worcester. 2 Cenota da. & coh. 1 2 Margery d. & h. s. p. Maud Sir Rob. V Heligan Coll. of Arms, F. 1. fo. 210. Called da. of Sir Roger and sister of Jervis Carminow,ob. 1276, in a MS. penes H. H. Drake. 2 Sr Oliver Carminowe¹¹ Isould⁹ da. of Rey- aged 30 at father's death Knt. of Shire 7 Ed. II. ; Man-at-Arms, held £40 in lands 17 Ed. II.; Commiss. of Array, Cornw., 19 Ed. II. (Parl. Writs.) By Inq. p. m. 6 Ed. III., No. 59, Oliver C. held in Trelowyth, Eglosros, and Trethenes of John de Dyn- ham. Pipe Roll 16 Ed. II. Oli- ver C. deb. lx ix d. $ nold Ferrers 2nd wife Queen's Rememb. Misc. Excheq. Inq. B’k of Hen. VI. Tho. Carmy- now held fee in West- disard which Jno. de Ferrys once held. A B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 297 A B | | | Sir John 4 Elizab. Matilda Arundel Sir John- Arundel m. Tre- varthian 4 John Trevar- thian æt. 36, 1396, one of the heirs of Joane Carminow (whence Reskymer 6). 4 John Arundel one of the heirs of Joanna Carminow æt. 28, 1396. ¹Sir Roger Carminow Queen's Re- memb. Misc. Excheq. B'k of Aids, 20 Edw. III., un feod. in Moreland quod Rog'us avus suus quondam tenuit, -Elizab. da.1 of Sr Will. Bottraux MSS. ped. penes H. H. Drake. Tho. Rec- Deed tor of Mawgan dat. 16 Ed. III., penes John J. J. Rogers, Richard Esq., Cornw. ¹Sir Thomas Carmi--Elizab. da. of Sr Ralph nowe 1369. obit Dominus Tho. deCarmynow miles Grey Friars, Bod.-Wm. of Worc. Belloprato al's Beaupell By deed, p. 33, and by Inq. p. m, 19 Ric. II., No. 15. Tho. Carminow Inq. p. m. 12 Ric. II. No. 11. Johanna d. & h. æt. 3. Katherin Assignment at Westm'r 33 May 12 Ric. II. of dower in Man of Wynyanton. Inq. p. m. 13 Ric. II. No. 105, Joanna aged 3 years at father's death, ob. 21 Feb. 1396 Inq. p. m. 19 Ric. II., No. 15. | 2 Margt Simon Berkele *Whence John Chenduit, ob. 1426 Inq. p. m. 6 Hen. VI., No. 57. 3 Sir John Carminow West- minster 17 Ed. II.-Parl. Writ. Ob. before 8 Nov., 5 Ed. III. Pipe Office, Enrolled Escheator's Acc., No. 8. 1 | 5 Johanna m. Petyt Michael Petit Amicia 5 John Petit aged 60 5 H. VI. Johan d. & h. of Sr Jno. Glyn 1349. Johanna de Carmynaw ob. Grey Friars, Bod.-Wm. of Worc. Sir J. Maclean quotes autho- rity for this marriage, 'Hist. Trigg,' vol. ii. p. 58. Harl. MS. 4199, fo. 7, which is much earlier than 1620, gives Carminow, bringing in Glyn, Tinten, Bloyou, and Nanscut among the ascer- tained quarterings of Trelawney. John Carminow Ped. fin. 18 Ed. II., No. 4. John de Carminow son of John de C. 6 3 Rich- 3 Minanus Matilda Sr Wm. ard V Ferrers Sir Walter Carminow s. & h. Minor at Father's death, and in ward of John Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall. Pipe Office, Enrolled Escheator's Acc., No. 8. Thomazine Fine Roll. 15 Ed. II. Alice da. of Sr Stephen Tyn- ten by Elizb. da. of 7Alan Bloyou8 Harl. 4031, A 2 Q 298 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 1 Sir Ralph Car-Alice minow s. & h. s. V Inq. p. m. 4 Hen. p.m. Inq. p. m. 10 Ric. II., No. 11, names Will, C. as bro. and heir, aged 31. Will June, 1386, names Alice his wife. VI., No. 28. Will. Bonville miles, filius Elizb. filie p'dct. Alicie que fuit ux. Ralf C. Chev. A | 8 William Carminow-Margaret Kelly bro. & h. of Ralph aged 31 at death of Ralph Inq. p. m. 8 Hen. IV., No. 16, names John, s. & h. Inq. p. m. 8 Hen. V., No. 99, pt. 6. A certain Nich. Kelly, p'son of Laddock, etc., gave Manor of Ashwater to Will.Carminow and Mar- garet his wife. Wm. C. father of John C. and Tho. C. John Carminow s. & Alice da. Sir Jno. h. aged 23 at father's death 8 Hen. IV. Ob. 26 July, 1421. Inq. p. m. 8 Hen. V., No. 99, names his father Wm. C. and his s. & h. John. Dynham Harl. 4031. 2 Thomas Carminow 2nd heir to his nephew John aged 25 at nephew's death 8 H. V. Ob. 21 H. VI. Inq. p. m. No. 46. Inq. p. m. 5 H. VI., No. 57, names Thomas, aged 30, s. of Will. Carminowe, s. of Alice, da. of Elizab. Inq. a. q. d. Hen. VI., No. 1, recites will of Tho. C. Jane da. Rob. Hill Tho. C. enfeoffed Rob. Hill and o'rs p' Inq. p. m. 21 H. VI., No. 46. John C. s. & h. o. s. p. 6 May 8 H. V. a ward of Jno.Arun- del of Trerice Inq. p. m. 8 H. V., No. 99. John C., s. & h. of John, son of Will. C. Tho. C., bro. of s'd John, son of Will., next heir, æt. 25. Manors of Polrode, Tynten, Dysert, Tamer- ton, Boconnoc, Pen- pent, and Glyn. Johanna "ux. Stephen Bo- dulgate nup. ux. Johis Carmynow fil. et her. Johis Carmynow ar. frat. ipsius Thome C." Her dower re- lated under Inq. p. m. 21 Hen. VI., No. 46. Nicho. Carminow: Johan aged 15 and more at time of Father's death 21 H. VI. and was then mar- ried to Sir Tho. Carew Inq. p. m. 11 Ed. IV., No. 44. Names his father Will, C., and lands to revert to Joanna, aged about 40, the wife of Halnathe Maleverer and widow of Sir Tho. Carew, as d. & h. of Tho. C., the uncle and h. of John, s. and h. of John, s. and h. of Sir Will. C. Named also in will. of his bro. Thomas. Inq. a. q. d. 24 H. VI. Sir Thomas Carew. second- ly Sir Hal- nathe Male- verer 8 Will of Sir H. M. prob. 4 Ap., 1502, P. P. C. Blamye 73. Margaret aged 20 21 H. VI. at father's death mar. Sir Hugh Cour- teney Walter Carminow-Jane Resprin All the descents from this match are taken from an old MSS. penes H. H. Drake. John Car- minow Philippa da. & coh. of Jno. Trenowth of Fentongollan Eliza. m Elinor m. Jno. Bere Philippa Nich. Opie m. Peter of Pengelly of Bodmin Bevill Catherine m. Humfrey Isabel m. Jane m. Hum- Baten Duns- Jno. Viell frey Calwood- of Trevor- ley land der Jane Calwoodley A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 299 } Thomas Carmi- Elizb. da. to Ches- John Car- Margt. da. & coh. of Ches- now man minow man A | Nicholas Carminow m. Catherin 2nd da. & coh. to Jno. Wolve- don of Wolvedon 구 ​gollan John Carmi--Margt. da. of Nicho. Elizb. m. Philippe m. now Fenton-X'fer Tre- Rich. Rich. Pen- dennick Walter Herle pons Jane Mary m. Wm. Flamanke 3. Juell 2. George m. Jane da. of Lower 1. Oliver 8. & h. Mary da. of Peter Coryton Т Tho. Carminow Anne Margaret 1 These four generations follow in order according to a pedigree drawn up temp. Hen. VII. (Harl. 1074, fo. 320), supposed by Sir Harris Nicolas to have been the work of a Herald to prove several families to be" of the king's blood;" also according to Harl. MS. 4031, fo. 221. 2 Assize Roll, 30 Ed. I., Mich. In an Assize Roll 12 Ed. I. a Michael de Caer- minow is twice named. M M 1 1 also 1 2 m. 21. 21 21 "" M 6 Ed. I. 14 m. 14. Rogerus de Kermynow plene ætatis et nondum miles. 20 30 Ed. I. M 21 Roger tenet man'ia Wynyenton & Mervyn in excamb' maner' de Bochyny & Tyntagel que comes modo tenet. 1 -2 m. 22. Roger de Carminow, called to reply to the King for his man' of Wynyenton, said that Richard, formerly E. of Cornw., gave to a certain Gervaise de Hornyngcote, his ancestor, the manor of Wynyton, Merthyn, and Tam'ton in exchange for the manor of Bochym, wh' exchange King Henry, father of this King (Ed. I.), ratified, which same charter and deed Roger presents. a Ped. fin. 12 Ed. II. 4 Note 3, p. 30, under Carminow. Inq. p. m. 19 Ric. II., No. 15. 5 Inq. p. m. 5 Hen. VI., No. 57. See under Petit, also Sir Jno. Maclean's' Hist. of Trigg,' vol. i., p. 545. By Inq. p. m. 8 Hen. VI., No. 24, and 33 Hen. VI.. No. 27, it is proved that Petit by inheritance held Trelowyth and Eglosros of Dynham. Trelowyth descended to and was sold by Tresaher. See under respective pedigrees, pp. 235, 277. (These manors were perhaps settled by Roger Carminow on his son Oliver and the issue of the marriage with Isould Ferrers.) 6 Recites the exchange between Rich., bro. of Hen. III., and Gervais Hornacote, and states that Jno. Arundel held Wynienton, the heirs of Reskimer held Merthyn, and Walter Carminow held Tamerton. 7 Alan Bloyo held in cap. the manor of Polrode. Tho. Carmynow, s. & h. of Will. C., held under the manor of Polrode. 8 Extenta de ter' &c. que fuerunt Alani Bloyon. Manor de Polrode, etc. 34 Ed. III. Vic' Cornub' & recipi et t'ui de Tho. Carmynow ar. fil. et her. Will'i Carmynow ar. defuncti 68/70° p' rel'io de man'io de Polrode, &c., 6 Hen. VI. Halnathe Maleverer, who married Johan Carminow, the relict of Sir Tho. Carew, held part of manor of Polrode 6 Ed. 1V. Exch. Misc. Minister's Acc. 557. T. G. 13. 103. Queen's Remembrancer, Excheq., vol. iii., 20 Ed. III. Book of Aids. Alice Carminow held in Polrode and Donnant q'd Alan Bloighou prius tenuit. Vol. iv., Inq. H. VI., Tho. Carmynow and o'rs held Polrode and Davanant fee which Alice Carmynow held. Vol. iv., also held in Hornecote, Reskere and Ashwater, wh' Roger Carminow held. 9 By Harl. 4031, f. 221, Sir Oliver Carminow married also Elizb., da. of Pomeroy. Joanna Petit was issue by Ferrers, and the other children were by Pomeroy. ↑ Notes continued on next page, 300 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. (Notes continued.) *Inq. p. m. 6 H. VI.. No. 57. John Chenduit, of whom John Petit, aged 60, is heir, in this manner : Jur' dicunt q'd quidam Oliverus Carmynowe miles nup' seisitus in d'm'cio suo ut de feod' de Maner' de Trewerys & Seynt Maudyt. Man'ia illa dedit pr'fato Simoni Berkeley ar. lib'rum maritagium cu' Marg'ia filia ipius Oliveri, virtute cujus doni idem Simon & Margeria fuerunt inde seisiti, tota vita sua, p' formam doni p'dicti. Et de ipis Simone et Margeria descendebat jus manor' cu' p'tin' Bartho' ut filio et hered' eor'dem Simonis et Margerie qui obiit inde seisitus p' formam doni p'dci. Et de ip'o Bartho' descendebat jus p'dcor' cu' p'tin Bened'co filio et hered' eiusdem Barth'i qui obit inde seisitus p' formam doni p'dci, et de ip'o Bened'co descendebat jus eor'dem manor' cu' p'tin, p'fate Johanne ut filie & heredi eiusdem Bened'ci p' formam doni p'dci. Et de ip'a Johanna descendebat jus eoru'dem manor' cu' p'tin p'fato Johi Cheynduit, ut filio et hered' p'dce Johanne filie Bened'ci p' formam doni p'dci et de tali statu idem Johes obiit inde seisitus sine hered' de corpore suo exeunte et d'ca Maneria in Trewerys & Seynt Maudit cum p'tin rev'tebantur & rev'tere debent cuidam Johi Petyt, Armigo, adhuc superstiti ut consanguineo & hered' p'fati Johis videlt fil' Michis fil' Johanne filie ip'ius Oliveri. Et q'd Man'ia illa tenuit de p'fato Johe Petyt p' serviciu' reddendi ei xiijs p' an' o'mi s'v'cio &c. q'd Johes Petyt est etatis sexaginta annor' &c." Et "" Also of the same John Chenduit, Thomas Carmynow, aged 30, is heir under the same Inquisition in the manner following: John Chenduit held at his death, being jointly enfeoffed with Joan his then wife, still living, of mess' and lands in Trymore and Penscras by gift of W. Aleyn, clerk, to s'd John and Joan and heirs of John's body, remainder in default to Thomas Carmynowe as kinsman and heir of s'd John. "Eidem Thome Carmynowe ut consanguineo & hered' ip'ius Joh'is videlt, ut filio Will'i Carmynowe fil' Alicie filie Elizabeth sororis Johanne matris Marg'ie matris Simonis Berkle patris Barth'i patris Benedicti patris perfate Johanne matris p'dci Joh'is Cheynduyt, idem John Cheynduyt obiit sine herede de corpore suo exeunte.' This Inquisition, together with that taken at Michell 19 Ric. II., No. 15, on the death of Johanna Carminowe, proves that Sir Oliver Carminowe left three daughters, who might be regarded eventually as his co-heirs. It is evident that Sir Oliver had at least two wives; on the issue of the first marriage were settled the manors of Wynyanton, Merthyn, etc., and the issue of the second held certain other manors and lands by gift in libero maritagio. The first wife is said to have been Elizabeth Pomeroy (Harl. 4031, f. 221), and the Inquisition states that Joanna Carminow held of Sir Tho. de la Pomeray as of his manor of Tregony. The second wife, according to note 1, as well as Harl. MS. 4031, fo. 221, was Isould, daughter of Reginald Ferrers. The Harl. MS. mentions a Matilda Carminow, sister of Sir Oliver C. and wife of William Ferrers, " a quo descendunt, Baro de Slane Jo. Bonville, Champernon de Beer Ferris." Sir Wm. Pole aids this statement (Devon,' p. 336) by saying that Sir Reginald Ferrers of Beere married Marget, sister and one of the heirs of Sir Rob. le Deneis of Pancrasewicke, by whom he had issue Sir William, which by Matilda his wife had, etc., whence Slane and Champernon, as before said. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 301 ADDENDA. Carolus Basset, son of Francis B., ar., "" "" Francis, Tho. Carveth and Anne Bassett Esq., BASSET, p. 5. bur. 29 May, 1627.) "" mar. 18 Jan., 1637. Illogan Par. Reg. 31 Dec., 1691, at St. Enoder. John Pendarves Basset a Squar (Esq.) and Ann Predeeks (Prideaux) mar. by licenss } St. Stephen's in 12 Ap., 1737. § Bran. Par. Reg. BEAUCHAMP, p. 8. John Beauchamp, Esq., and Emblyn Edwards mar. William Beauchamp, gent., and Mrs. Elizab. Courteney of Truro mar. at Kea 1684. 9 Ap., 1695. BEVIL. Peter Bevill, Esq., and Mistress Grace Viel Philip Bevil, Esq., bur. at Talland St. Collumb Major Par. Reg. Gwennap Par. Reg. mar. 1591. Breock Par. Reg. BULLER, p. 24. 1617.} Bp. of Exeter's Tran- }Bp. Jane, da. of Matthew and Elizab. Buller, bap. at Lanreath Barnard Tanner, ar., and Julian, da. of Sir Ric. Buller, mar. at St. Stephen's in Brannel Francis Tanner and Lady Carew mar. at Anthony Francis Buller, Esq., bur. at Pelint Tho. Dodson of St. Ive, Esq., and Mrs. Mary Buller, gent., 1694. 21 Nov., 1625. Bp. of Exeter's Tran- scripts. 27 June, 1749, 18 May, 1664. mar. 16 May, 1584. Morval Par. Reg. CAREW, p. 33. 7 Sept., 1623. Bp. of Exeter's Tran- CARY, p. 37. Weymond, son of Rich. Carew, ar., bap. at Anthony William Carye, gent. and Elizab. Eddye (? Geyde) mar. at Menhenniott 21 Mar., 1621. P. of Exeter's Tran- scripts. COURTENEY, p. 54. Peter Courteney and Grace Moor mar. at Creed 21 Ap., 1725. Bp. of Exeter's Tran- } 302 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. DENNIS, p. 61. Ind., 20 Mar., 1657, betw. Augustyne Drake of Alphyngton, Exeter, Deed penes Sir gent., and Honor his wife, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Edmund Dennis of St. Nyott, Cornw., 1st part, and Edw. Champernon of Ide, Dev., gent., and Jno. Turner of Alphington, Dev., gent., other part. Lands in several parishes, Dev. and Cornw. GODOLPHIN, pp. 80-83. Charles Graves Sawle, Bart., Penrice. Sidney, son of Sir Wm. Godolphin, bap. William, son of Wm. Godolphin, 16 Jan., 1609. 1611. "" Elizb., da. Francis Godolphin, ar., and Dorothy, Sidney, son ,, 8 Feb., 1635. 15 June, 1644. 15 Aug., 1648. Henry, " Francis Godolphin, Esq., and Margaret, da. of John Killegrew, mar. 24 June, 1652. George Kervyth, Esq., and Blanche, da. of Sir Francis Godolphin, Walhelmus Godolphin miles My Ladie Blanche Godolphin Francis Godolphin miles William William "" miles bur. Prudence, da. of Nicholas Godolphin, Esq., bap. 1613. Gentle, son of Gentle Godolphynne, bap. 21 Ju., 1614. mar. 3 Dec., 1584. 30 July, 1570. 1583. 22 Ap., 1608. 21 Oct., 1611. 5 Sept., 1613. St. Paul's Par. Reg. Teingrace Par. Reg. ST. AUBYN, p. 212. St. Breage Par. Reg. John St. Aubyn, Esq., bur. 17 Jan., 1697, at Crowan. Bp. of Exeter's Transcripts. TREVANION, p. 240. Rich. Trevanion and Mary Pristwood, mar. 30 Jan., 1591. Allhallows, Goldsmith Street, Exeter Par. Reg. FACSIMILES FROM THE VISITATION OF 1620, HARL:MSS. 1162 Francis Frenfe актурное Gaming Gollakin Gia: Corry, Peter Courtry John Courtenaye Fish Werffian! Edw: Eybyan Krzy Mayoll · Gy are ナ ​W Antsony soused John perbian The Troplaser Gregorz Bicholas Trophe Tm हे n John Gegroegh & Lymfoy you Thomas Dings Richan Erisey M Lo Wow. Jaiye: Nuh : Doyle John Boyby: Milbia. H.H.D. る ​J fforte for Peter fofolly Tho: 72 undry Whiteman & Bass, Photo Litho to the Queen, 236, High Holborn 1 1 3. W Scawry John Beanery Brauchamp Box Gremple Forms Dr. Boscawen Stays) BU: "Richard Pendantes- ling Robart Grofoll Bu. Promove for airys tab aset Pinx Manmyton! Pera John Felony), Willysore John 7 me Johame Brilione Enholas Londall Pichard Williams. Buch Butter : hrispher Worthivale Pa Fonciljan Raffleighed. Spordimande Lowery Thomas Polwhvile. Seward Edgrombed Jon Glanville. Єверство, Walter Langson. Lamanks. "plesworth H.H.D Bor rethon John Treffry. Br: #lamooks: teman & Bass, Photo Litho to the Queen. 236. High Holbora. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 303 BLAZON OF ARMS NOT ENTERED ON THE PEDIGREES. In the following blazons, B stands for Azure. Arscott.-Per chevron B. and Erm. in chief 2 bucks' heads cabossed Or. Arundel.-Sa. 6 swallows arg.-3, 2, and 1. Ayre (Devon).-Gu. on a bend betw. 6 crosses formée fitcheé Ar., 3 mullets Sa. Barkley.-Sa. a fess Erm., inter 3 cinq- foils Arg. Barret of Penquite.-Ar. a chev. engr. betw. 3 bears pass. Sa., muzzled Or. Barret of Tregarden.-Ar. a chev. eng. Gu. betw. 3 bears' heads Sa., muzzled Or. Basset.-Barry undée of 8, Or and Gu. Bastard. Or a chevron B., charged with a martlet of the first. Bawden.-B. a chev. betw. 3 griffins' heads couped Or, each transfixed with a dagger blade p'pr, pommel of the 2nd. Beauchamp.-Vairé Ar. and B. Beer.-Ar. a bear saliant Sable. Bennett.-Gu. 3 demi-lions ramp., couped Ar. Billing. Or on a bend Sa. 3 bucks' heads erased of the first. Blake.-Ar. a chev. betw. 3 garbs Sa. Bligh.-B. a griffin segreant Or betw. 3 crescents Ar. Crest, an arm embowed per pale Or and B., cuffed A., hand p'pr, holding a battle-axe, blade Ar. helve B. Bogans.-Sa. a cockatrice displ. Ar., crested, membered, and jelloped Gu. Bonithon.-Ar. a chev. betw. 3 fleurs- de-lis Sa. Bosaverne or Thomas.-Per pale nebu- lée Arg. and B. Bosawsack.-A saltire engrailed (p' seal). Boscawen.-Erm. a rose Gu., barbed Vert, seeded Or. Bosusto.-B. 3 escalops Ar. (Harl.890). Bosvargus.-Ar. on a fess B. 3 bezants betw. 2 chev. Gu. Bray.-Quarterly Ar. and B., on a bend Gu. 3 fleurs-de-lis Or. Buller.-Sa. on a cross Arg., pierced of the field, 4 eagles displayed of the first. Burell.-Barry of 6 Ar. and Sa., on a chief Gu. 3 leopards' heads Or. Burgess.-Chequy Gu. and Or, on a chief Ar. 3 cross-crosslets B. Calmady.-B. a chevron betw. 3 pears Or. Carew.-Or 3 lions pass. Sa. Carnsew.-Sa. a goat pass. Or, attired, bearded, and ungued Or. Carter.-B. 2 lions ramp. combattant Or. Cavel.-Erm. a calf pass. Gu. Ceely.-B. a chev. Or betw. 3 mullets Ar. Chapman of Res-) Per chev. Ar. and pryn or Whit-Gu. a crescent stone. counterch. Chenouth.-Sa. on a fess Or 3 choughs' heads p'pr. Cock, of Plymouth.-Ar. a chev. engr. betw. 3 cocks' heads eras. Sa., on a canton B. an anchor Or. 304 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Connock.-Ar. a fess dancettée betw. 3 eagles displ. Gu. Cooke of Trerice.-Erm. on a bend cotised Sa. 3 cats Or. Coriton or Corynton.-Ar. a saltire Sa. Cory.-Ar. a saltire Sa., on a chief B. 3 cinqfoils Or. Cossen al's Maddern.-B. a lion ramp. Or, guttée de sang, ducally crowned of the 2nd. Coswarth.-Ar. on a chev. betw. 3 falcons' wings B. 5 bezants. Cowling.-Ar. a chev. Sa. betw. 3 Cornish choughs p'pr. Crabb.-B. a chev. betw. 3 fleurs-de- lis Ar. Crewes.-B. a bend per bend dancettée Gu. and Ar. betw. 2 escutcheons Or. Croker.-Ar. a chev. engr. Gu. betw. 3 ravens p'pr. Crookhays.-Party per pale Ar. and Sa., on a chevron 3 escalops, all counterchanged. Dandy.-Ar. on a bend cotised Sa. 3 cinquefoils Or. Darrell.-B. a lion ramp. Or., Ar. lang. and crowned Gu. Dewin.-Gu. on a chev. Ar. 3 cinqfoils slipped Sa. Dodson.-Ar. a bend engr. B. betw. 2 choughs p'pr. Edmonds.-B. an eagle vol. Or. Edwards. Erm. an antelope ramp. Or. Elford.-Q'rly 1 and 4. Per pale wavy Ar. and Sa. a lion ramp. Gu., crowned Or. 2 and 3. Gu. 3 stirrups Ar. Erisey. Sa. a chev. betw. 3 griffins segreant Or. Ferrers.-Ar. on a chev. Sab. betw. 3 cinqfoils Gu. pierced of the field, 3 horse-shoes Or. (Harl. 4632.) Ferrers.—Ar. on a bend Sa. 3 horse- shoes Or. (Harl. 4632.) Fleming.-Chequy Or and Gu. Fletcher.-Erm. a cross moline Sa. Fortescue.-B. a bend engr. Ar. co- tised Or. Fownes.-B. two eagles displ. in chief, and a mullet in base Arg. Gamon.-Ar. on a fess betw. 3 men's legs couped at the thigh Sa. a crescent. George.—Ar. on a fess engr. Gu. betw. 3 doves volant B. 3 bezants charged each with a lion's head eras. Sa. Gerveis.—Ar. a chev. betw. 3 garbs Sa. Glynn.-Ar. 3 Salmon spears Sa. Goode.-Gu. on a chev. betw. 3 lions ramp. Or 3 cinqfoils of the field. Godolphin.-Gu. a double-headed eagle displ. Ar. betw. 3 fleurs-de-lis Or (sometimes Ar.). Grose.-Q'rly Ar. and B. on a bend Sa. 3 martlets Or. Harris. Sa. 3 crescents within a bor- ber Ar. Hatch.-Gu. 2 demi-lions pass. guard. Or. Hawke.-Bendy of six B. and Or a chief Erm. Hele. Ar. 5 lozenges in pale Erm., the centre one charged with a leopard's face Or. Hender.-B. a lion ramp. within an orle of escalops Or. Herle.-Gu. a fess Or betw. 3 shovellers p'pr. Herle. Gu. 3 escalops and a bordure engr. Ar. Hext or Hicks.-Or a tower triple- turreted betw. 3 battle-axes Sa. Hill of Helligan.-Gu. a saltire vairé betw. 4 mullets Ar. Hill of Hilltop.-Gu. a chev. Erm. betw. 3 garbs Or. Hill of Shilston.-Ar. a chev. betw. 3 water bougets Sa. Crest, a dove, in the beak an olive branch Vert. Hoare.-B. on a bend Arg. three tor- teaux. Hoblyn.-B. a fess Or betw. 2 flanches Erm. Hunkin.—Ar. a mascle Sa., over all a fess of the last. Jenkins. Or a lion ramp. regard. Sa. Jennings.-Erm. a lion ramp. Gu. Jope.—Ar. in chief 2 pheons, and in base a mullet Sable. Keat.-Ar. 3 cats pass. in pale Sa. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 305 Kempthorne.-Ar. a chev. betw. 3 bears' heads bendways, coup. Sa., muzzled Or. and Ar. 3 pine trees p'pr. Kendall.-Ar. a chev. betw. 3 dolphins. naiant, embowed Sa. Kestle.-Ar. a chev. Sa. betw. 3 falcons close p❜pr. Kestle of Manaccan.-Or 3 castles Gu. Killiow. Or a chev. betw. 2 roses in chief and a mullet in base Sa. Knevet.-Ar. a bend within a bord. Sa., in chief a crescent charged with a cresc. for diff. Langdon of Keverell.-Ar. a chev. betw. 3 lizards' heads Sa. Langdon of Langdon.-Ar. a chev. betw. 3 bears' heads eras. Sa. Langford.-Paly of 6 Ar. and Gu., on a chief B. a lion pass. Or. Langharne.-B. a chev. betw. 3 escalops Or. Lampen.-Ar. on a chev. engr. Sa. 3 rams' heads caboshed of the first, attired Or. Lanyon.-Gu. a square castle in per- spective with a tower at each corner Or, a falcon p'pr rising from a mound Vert in the court- yard of the field. Launce.-Or on a fess dancettée Sa. 3 roses of the field. Leigh.—Ar. a lion ramp. Gu. Loveis. Or a chev. engr. Sa. betw. 3 sea pies p'pr. Lowelis.-Ar. 3 calves' heads couped Gu. Lower.-Sa. a chev. betw. 3 roses Ar. Lyneham.-Ar. a chev. Gu. betw. 3 boars passant Sa. Mark.-Gu. a lion ramp. within an orle of 8 fleurs-de-lis Or, a canton Erm. Martin (St. Dominic).-Ar. 2 bars Gu. Matthew of Milton.-Sa. a stork close Ar. Matthew of Kew.-As above, within a bordure of the second. Maynard.-Ar. 3 hands couped at the wrist Gu. Mayow.-Gu. a chev. vair betw. 3 coronets Or. Crest, a bird Erm., also a falcon devouring a serpent. Menwynick. Sa. a chev. betw. 3 falcons rising Ar. Michell of Truro.-Sa. an escalop betw. 3 birds' heads erased Or. Mohun.-Or a cross engr. Sa. Molesworth.-Gu. an escutcheon vairé betw. 8 cross-crosslets in orle Or. Moyle of St. Austell.—Gu. a mule pass. Ar., in chief a mullet for diff. Moyle of St. German's.-Same. Munday.-Q'rly Gu. and Sa. on a cross engr. Ar. 5 lozenges B., on a chief Or 3 eagles' legs erased à la quise of the fourth. Murth.-See Randall. Nance al's Trengove.-Ar. a humettée Sa. Nankevill.—Ar. voided Sa. a cross cross humettée Nanspian.-Ar. 3 lozenges in fess Sa. a chief of the last. Nicholls of Trewane.-Sa. 3 pheons Ar. Noy.-B. 3 cross-crosslets in bend Ar. Opie.-Sa. on a chev. betw. 3 garbs Or as many hurts p'pr. Parker.-B. fretty Ar. a fess Or. Paynter.-B. 3 billets Ar., each charged with an annulet Sa. Pendarves.-Sa. a falcon rising betw. 3 mullets Or. Penhalleck.-Sa. 3 butterflies volant Ar. Penhallow.-Vert a coney Ar. Penrose.-Ar. 3 bends Sa., each charged with as many roses of the field. Penwarne.-Sa. a chev. Or betw. 3 fleurs-de-lis Ar. Petit.-Ar. a lion saliant or ramp. Gu. Plumlegh. Erm. 6 lozenges in bend Gu. Polkinghorn.-Ar. 3 bars Sa. Pollard.-Ar. on a chev. Sa. betw. 3 escalops Gu., a cresc. for diff. Polwhele. Sa. a saltire engr. Erm. Pomeray of Tregony.-Or a lion ramp. Gu. within a bordure engr. Sa. Pomeray of St. Columb.-Same above, with bordure Gu. Porter of Lancells.-Gu. on a fess Or betw. 3 cherubs' wings Or a tor- teaux charged with a lion pass. guard. of the second. as 2 R 306 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Porter of St. Stephens.-Sa. 3 church bells, a cantón Ar. Poyle.-Arg. a pair of barnacles in pale Sa. Pye.-Ar. on a fess B. 3 escalops of the first. Quarme.-Barry lozengy Ar. and Gu. counterchanged. Randall al's Murth.-Ar. a lion ramp. betw. 3 fleurs-de-lis Gu. Rashleigh.-Q'rly Sa. a cross Or betw. a Cornish chough Ar., beaked and legged Gu., 1st q'r; in the 2nd q'r a text T of the third; 3rd and 4th, a crescent of the last, on the cross in chief a rose. Reskimer.-Ar. 3 bends Gu., in chief a wolf courant B. Crest, a lion ramp. Sa., holding a laurel branch Vert. Roberts.-B. 3 estoiles and a chief wavy Or. Roberts.-B. on a chev. Ar. 3 mullets pierced Sa. Robinson.-Per pale Ar. and Gu. over all a bend engr. Sa. Rogers. Ar. a chev. betw. 3 bucks trippant Sa. Roscarrock.-Ar. a chev. Gu., in chief 2 roses of the last, in base a fish naiant B. Roscrow.-Ar. a chev. betw. 3 roses Gu, seeded Or. Roscruge.-Ar. on a mound Vert. 3 red rose sprigs p'pr. Rosewarne.-Ar. 3 Catherine wheels Gu. betw. 2 pales B. Samuell.-Ar. 2 squirrels sejant, en- dorsed Gu. within a border Sa. Sawle.-B. 3 falcons erased, 2 and 1, within a border Or. Sayer. Or on a bend cotised Sa. 3 cinqfoils of the field. Scawen. Ar. a chev. Gu. betw. 3 griffins' heads erased Sa., the 2 in chief respecting each other. Scoble. Ar. 3 fleurs-de-lis Gu., a label of 3 B. Scoble of Tregonnan.-Per pale Ar. and Gu. 3 fleurs-de-lis, and a label in chief counterch. Smith.-B. a saltire Ar. betw. 4 mart- lets Or. Sparke. Chequy Or and Vert, a bend Erm., an annulet Gu. for diff. Sparnon.-B. 3 falcons' wings dis- played, each standing on a staff couped raguled Ar. Spoore. Gu. on a chev. Or a rose of the first betw. 2 mullets pierced Sa. Sprye.-B. 2 bars and a chev. in chief Or. Sprye.-Party per saltier Arg. and Gu. 4 crescents counterch. St. Aubyn.-Erm. on a cross Gu. 5 bezants. Stephens. Per chev. B. and Ar. in chief 2 falcons vol. Or. Tanner. Arg. on a chief Sa. 3 Moors' heads couped, banded about the temples Or. Thomas. Per pale nebulée Ar. and B. Tonkin. Sa. an eagle displ. Or, armed Gu. Trebarfoot.-Sa. a chev. betw. 3 bears' feet erect and erased Or. Tregeare. Ar. a fess betw. 3 Cornish choughs p'pr. Trelawney.-Ar. a chev. Sa., and Ar. a chev. Sa. betw. 2 oak leaves Vert. Trenance.-Sa. a fess betw. 3 swords erect Ar., in chief a crescent for diff. Trenerth.-A chev. betw. 3 horses' heads (?). Tresaugher.-B. a chev. betw. 3 dogs pass. and regardant. Trethewy. Or a chev. Sa. betw. 3 trefoils slipped B. Trevanion.-Ar. on a fess B. betw. 2 chevrons Gu. 3 escallops Or. Trevillian.-Gu. the base undée of 5 Ar. and B. a demi-horse issuant of the 2nd, maned and hoofed Or. Trevisa.-Gu. a garb Or. Treunwith.-Ar. on a bend cotised Sa. 3 cinqfoils of the field. Trewolla. Sa. 3 owls Ar., beaked and legged Or. Trewren.-B. a chev. Or. betw. 3 bezants. Trubody.-Ar. on a fess cotised B. 3. fleurs-de-lis Or, on a chief Gu. a demi-lion ramp. of the third. Tubb.-Ar. a chev. Sa. betw. 3 gurnets hauriant Gu. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. 307 Tucker.-Barry wavy of 10 Ar. and B. on a chev. embattled Or betw. 3 sea-horses naissant of the last, 5 guttées de poix. Upton.-Sa. a cross moline Ar. Verman.-Gu. on a bend cotised Ar. 3 eagles displayed of the last. Vivian of Bodmin.-Or on a chev. B. betw. 3 lions' heads erased pur. as many annulets of the field, on a chief Gu. 3 martlets Ar. Vivian of St. Columb.-Same as above, without the annulets and martlets (Coll. of Arms). Webber.-Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. 3 hurts as many annulets Az. White.-Ar. on a bend Sa. 3 griffins' heads erased of the first. Wichalse.-Per fess Ar. and Sa. 6 cre- scents in pale counterch. Williams of Trevervo.-Ar. a greyhound cour. Sa. betw. 3 Cornish choughs p'pr within a bordure engr. of the second, charged with 8 crosses formée Or, and as many bezants. Willoughby.-Sa. a cross engr. Or. Wills.-Ar. on a chev. engr. Vert betw. 3 martlets Sable 5 Ermine spots Or. Wodenote.-Ar. a cross couped and voided Sa. Worthivale. Gu. 3 pheons Ar., ringed Or. Wrey. Sa. a fess betw. 3 pole-axes Ar., helved Gu. Wyvel. Ar. 3 mullets betw. 2 bars Sa. within a bordure engr. Gu. Yorke.-Gu. a chev. betw. 3 hinds' heads erased Arg. f ( 309 ) INDEX OF NAMES. Names in Italics have their arms blazoned. " >> in LARGE CAPITALS are headings of the Visitation Pedigrees. in SMALL CAPITALS are pedigrees incidental to the Visitation Pedigrees. The letter м before the figures denotes "A Marriage." The letter n after the figures means "Note." Abbot, Abbott, Abbotte. Abi- gail, 211 n; Hanar, 132 ; Justinian, 85; William, 132. Abbyngton, 24 n. Abertivi, Stephen, Constable of, 30. Abraham, Ann, 124. Achim, Achym. Thomas, 248 n; William, 12, 184 n. Ackland, Acland. Baldwyn, 293; Hugh, 292; Mar- garet, 292; Scipio, 127. ADAM alias POLGWEST, 226. Adams, M 203. Addis, Anna, 146 n; Hannah, 224 n. Adlington, John, 285. Agus, Michael, 254 n. Albalanda, 20. ALBALANDA, 20. (See also De la Land, De la Laune.) Aldestowe, John de, 274 n. Aleigh, 1. ALEIGH,1. (Alee.) Lora, 132n. Aleth alias Abot, John, 258 n. Alexander, John, 282; Mary, 255 n; William, 19. Allder, м 57. Allen, Alleyn, Allyn. Kathe- rine, 247 n; Thomas, 74; Walter, 110; W., 300. Ally, Abigail, 136 n; Eliza- beth, 115. Alta, Hervy de, 261. Alwin, Matilda, 290. Amadis, John, 230; Judith, 230. Amerideth, Edward, 81, 120; Elizabeth, 120; Judith, 81. Amery, Johanna, 243 n. Andrew, Amy, 56; Isabella, 147; Joane, 136; John, 147, 153 n, 266 n, 295; Philippa, William, 56. 181 n; Andrewe alias Hoop, Petronell, 122; Stephen, 122. Anegos, Patricius Frisell, Earl of, 143. Angers, M 116. Anstis, Anna, 161 n; Edward, 161 n; Elizabeth, 161 n; Hugh, 161 m; John, 111 n, 161 n, 200 n; Mary, 111 n, 161 n; Philip, 161 n ; Ra- chel, 161 n; Roger, 161 n; William, 161 n; Wilmot, 161 n. ANTREWON, 75. ANTRON, 162. (Anthorne.) Jane, 276, 277; John, 257; Isabell, 257; William, 276. Anyon (? Lanyon), Walter, 154. Ap Conwyn, Rywallon, Prince of Wales, 30; Gladys, his da., 30. Apley, Apeley. J., 183; Mary, 101; Robert, 101, 241; Susan, 241. Ap Griffith, Llewellyn, 180 n; Rhys, Prince of South Wales, 31. Appledore or Appeldryffeld, Avice, 30; William, 30. APSLEY, 32. Ap Theodor Maur, Nesta, 30; Henry, 30; Rees, Prince of Wales, 30. Ap Thomas, 216. Margaret, 242; Sir Rhice, 242; Sir William, 216. Archar, Joan, 126; John, 126. Archard, John, 225; Jone, 225; Richard, 156 n. ARCHDECON, 31. (Archdeacon, Le Archdecon, Le Erce- dekne.) M 219, 239. Alice, 75; Amitia, 276; Elinor, 223; Roger, 75; Sir Tho- mas, 276; Thomas, 180 n., 223. Archedekne, 33 n. Arquill', Galfrid de, 261 n; Lucian de, 261 n; Ralph de, 261 n; Thomas de, 261 n; Vivian de, 261 n. Arscott, 303. ARSCOTT, 286, 287. Agnes, 12; Anne, 116; Arthur, 109, 140, 293; Elizabeth, 109; Honor, 140; Humphry, 154; Joane, 193; John, 12; Ka- therine, 154; Mary, 230; Rosseter, 243; Thomas, 12; Tristram, 230; William, 116, 193. Arthorn, Robert, 229 n. Arthur, Prince, 222. Arundel, 257, 303. Arundell, 258 n. ARUNDELL, 243, 297. ARUNDELL, 2, 3, 271, 272, 273, 274 n, 275 n. (Arrun- dell, Arundle, Arondell, de Arundell, etc.) M 34, 84, 95, 239 n, 240. Agatha, 27; Alice, 19, 20, 240 n; Alex- ander, 100 n; Anne, 212 n, 241 n; Christopher, 17, 42, 89; Dorothy, 50; The Earl of, 31, 258 n; Elizabeth, 36, 64 n, 89, 185 n; Florence, 257; George, 287; Gertrude, 287; Humphry, 9, 37 n; Isabell, 224; Jacquet, 22; Jane, 40, 213 n, 242 Sir John, 19, 34 n, 35 n, 36, 40, 64 n, 81, 84 n, 213 n, 220 Ն, 224, 233, 242, 277 n; 33 n, John, 27, 28, 29, 34 n, 50, 68, 83, 164, 164 n, 189 n, 212, 233, 235 n, 255 n, 277 n, 298, 299 n; Jone, 239; Julian, 28; Katherine, 164 n, 212; Lady Elizabeth, 213 n; Sir Law- rence, 20; Lawrence, 19, 112; Margaret, 189 n, 240; Mar- gery, 17, 233, 233 n; Maria, 85 n, 235 n; Mary, 243; Otho, 239; Philippa, 9 Ralph, 239; Richard, 257; Robert, 22, 39; Sir Thomas, 310 INDEX OF NAMES. ARUNDELL-continued. 145, 185 n; Thomas, 85, 240 n; Thomasine, 85; Wil- liam, 89, 171 n ; Zachary, 265. Arvos, Jane, 94; Joane, 94 n; Philip, 94; Richard, 94 n. Ashe, Ash. Edward, 116 n; Henry, 149; Loveday, 149 n. Ashford, м 194. Ann, 209, 211; Arthur, 209, 210, 211; Catherine, 210. Aston, Julian, 4. Ralph de, 4. Sir Roger, 146. AT COMB, 69. Atkins, м 207. At Ley, Thomas, 6. Atwill, At Will. John, 78 n; Ralph, 25. Audley, Audeley, 86 n. Anne, 45; Blanch, 91; James, Lord, 91; Rowland, 91; Thomas, 45. Auen, St. G., 43. Mary, 43. Austin, Henry, 274 n. Avent, Andrew, 180 n; Mary, 236 n. Avery, Averie. Jenepher, 65; Johanna, 115 n; Loveday, 238 n; Michael, 65; Wil- liam, 53, 53 n, 285. Axworthy, Nicholas, 295. Ayre, 303. AYRE alias EYRE, 3. (See also Eare and Eyre.) м 182. Alice, 68. Bab, Elizabeth, 10. Babbidge, Walter, 284. Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 235 n. Badcock, John, 83 n. Bagg, James, 215. Bagnall, Dudley, 32. ВАКЕ, 150. Catherine, 209; John, 209; Margaret, 179. Baker, 167 n. Abraham, 168; Avis, 73; Blandane, 168; Sir John, 238 n; John, 268 n; Margaret, 92 n; Nicholas, 281; Robert, 11; Thomas, 73; William, 238 n. Baldewyne, Richard, 151 n. Balson, Bridget, 274 n. Balune, Emena de, 223. Band, Bande. Blanch, 249; Elizabeth, 105 n. Banreck, M 97. BANT, 13. Barber, M 108. Bardfield, 108. Barkley, 303. BARKLEY, 287. Lady Elizabeth, 87. Barne, Johanna, 149 n. Barnhouse, 193, 194. BARNHOUSE, 194. Barret, 303. BARRET, (Barkly.) BARET, 4, 5. (Barratt, Barrat, etc.) Grace, 92 n; 81 n; John, 21, 47, 157 n; Nicholas, 180; William, 9, 71. Barry, Barrye. Katherine, 72; The Lord, 30, 72. Bartlet, Ellis, 142. Basset, 20, 303. BASSET, 5. M 75. Agnes, Anne, 184, 301; Charles, 301; Francis, 123 n, 230 n, 301; Gilbert, 143 ; Isabella, 144; James, 52, 53 n, 81, 233; Jane, 20, 52, 53 n, 208; Sir John, 84, 92 n; John Pendarves, 301; Mar- garet, 104 n; Margery, 233, 291; Ralph, 180 n; Sir Robert, 184; William, 20, 208. Bastard, 303. BASTARD, 6. M 182. Anne, 129; Dorothy, 136; George, 178 n; Grace, 178 n; Joseph, 60 n, 129, 136, 281. Bath, Bathe. Adam de (? Back), 150; Edmond, 48 n; James, 48 n; Tristram, 162 n; Wil- liam, 188 n. Battersbye, 6. BATTERSBYE, 6. Nicholas, 244. BATTYN, 286. (Batin, Bat- tin, Batten.) M 47,84. Ag- nes, 179 n; Humphry, 298; Johana, 248 n; John, 179 n; Richard, 279 n; Richow, 95 n. BAUGHTON, 39. Bawden, 303. (Bowden.) George, 73; Hugh, 162 n; Nicholas, 191; Reginald, 245. Bayley, M 202. Francis, 87 n. Bealburye, Bealbery, Baberie. (Beau- Bello Alice, Alice, 56 n; Johan, 56 n; John, 56 n, 80 n; Jone, 56; Thomasine, 56 n, 80 n. Beard, Katherine, 90 n; Sir Stephen, 6; Thomasine, 6. Beate, Richard, 112 n. Beauchamp, 86 n. Beauchamp, 7, 303. BEAUCHAMP, 7, 8. cham, Beawcham, Campo, etc.) M 144. 142, 276; Hugh de, 124 n; John, 24, 85, 301; Sir Mi- chael, 276; Pole, 142; Ste- phen, 278 n, 296; William, 126 n, 224, 301. Beauford, Beaufort, 86 n, 261 n. Anne, 197 n; Edmund, 254n; John, 234 n, 279 n; Mary, 197 n. Beaumont, Jois, 84; Thomas, 84. Beckett, X. Jane, 219 n; John, 219 n. Becton, Bickton, Bycton. John, 135, 229; Margaret, 229; Richard, 4 n. Bedford, Daniel, 282; The Duke of, 31. Beddlarke, Tamsen, 256 n. BEDOW, 98. M Bee, Edmund, 167; Mary, 167. Beets, Ellinor, 28. Bellamy, Martha, 227 n. Bello Loco, Abbas de, 185 n. Belloprato alias Beaupre, Beau- poll, etc. м 70. Elizabeth, 33, 297; Jane, 251; John, 251; Jone de, 239; Sir Ralph, 33, 297; Stephen de, 239. Benarklick, Banethlek. Alice, 75 n; John, 75, 75 n; Nicho- lea, 75. Benedict, William de, 222. Benford, Elizabeth, 232 n. Bennett, 303. BENNETT, 10. (Bennet, Be- nett.) Ellen, 259 n, 260 n; Jane, 104 n; Johan, 200 n, 259 n; Katherine, 228 n; Martha, 88; Peter, 259 n, 291; Richard, 262 n; Robert, 181 n; Thomas, 88. Benny, Alice, 66. Beorust, John, 113. Bere, x, 303. BERE, 9. (Beere, Beare.) м 47. Degory, 106n; George, 116; Grace, 88; John, 101, · 134, 298; Peter, 116; Ro- bert, 114 n; Roger le, 88 n; Sephronia, 116; William, 74 n, 88, 294. Berkele, Berkeley, Bartholo- mew, 300 n; Benedict, 300 n; Johanna, 300 n; Margery, 300 n; Simon, 297, 300 n. Bernard, Benedict, 4; Margaret, 4; William, 237. Berners, The Lord, 117. Berry, x. Martha, 11; Rich- ard, 292. Bersey, Frances, 96 n. Bertelet, Thomas, 215 n. Best, Christian, 264 n; John, 264 n. Bethever, John, 75 n. Bett, Elizabeth, 96; Luke, 96. Bettowe, Margery, 112 n; Mi- chael, 112 n. Betty, Giles, 172 n. Bevill, x. (Beville, Bevile, Bevil, Bevyll, Bevyill, Bovill, Bevylle). Agnes, 109, 111; Elizabeth, 85; Humphry, 69; Isabella, 275 n; Jane, 162 ; John, 9, 85, 85 n, 109, 111, 146 n, 162, 177, 235 n, 272, 276; Katherine, 42; Maria, 85 n, 177, 272; Matilda, 85, 85 n; Peers, 235 n; Peter, 76 n, 85 n, 171 n, 219 n, 235 n, 277 n, 298, 301 ; Philip, 85, 146 n, 301; Thomas, 42; Thomasine, 76 n, 235 n; Sir William, 146 n. Bewes, Alice, 45 n. Bice, Grace, 53 n. INDEX OF NAMES. 311 Bickford, Thomasine, 140 n. Biggs, Grace, 184 n. Billing, 303. BILLINGE, 10, 11. (Billin, Billyon, Billion al's Trelaw- der, Billen, etc.) Elizabeth, 72, 133 n, 230 n; John, 113, 133 n, 231 n, 263 n; Jone, 114; Margaret, 113; Philla- delphia, 267; Richard, 9, 46, 113, 267; William, 72. BIRRIE, 46. Bishop, Sir Thomas, 294. BLACKALL, 288. pher, 92. Blackaller, и 137. Blackdon, William, 69. Christo- Blackston, Blaxton. Henry, 28; John, 125; Rebecca, 28, 125. Blake, 303. BLAKE, 11. Bohun, 105 n. Humphry de, 31, 259 n; Margaret, 31. Bois, Boys. John, 68 n, 173; Katherine, 68 n. Bokelly, Alice, 108 n; Nicholas, 108 n. Bolithoe, Bolytho, Bolythoe. Alexander, 282; Christian, 91 ; Grace, 168 n; Mar- garet, 260 n. Bolson, Nicholas, 27. Bond, 14, 15. BOND, 36. BOND, 14, 15. M 197. Ag- nes, 251; Jane, 126; John, 255 ; Sampson, 284, 294 ; Sibill, 255 ; Thomas, 126, 251 n. Bonnatre, 275, 276. (Boniter.) Ephraim, 26; John, 275. Margaret, 95 n. Bonnock, John, 47. Bonnyface, Boniface. Blanchard, John, 214; Thoma- sine, 214. Blanche, Isabell le, 276, 277 n. Blanke, Alice, 91 n. Blathwayte, Elizabeth, 255 n. Blewett, Blewet, Bluett. M 10. Anne, 159 n; Colan, 131, 268 n; Emanuel, 54; Fran- cis, 189 n, 255 n; Johan, 134; Maude, 203; Sir Richard, 203; Richard, 84; Robert, 254 n. ; Bligh, 303. BLIGHE, 12, 13. (Bligh, Blygh.) Anne, 88; Chris- topher, 88; Honor, 159 n Philippa, 167, 168 n; Rich- ard, 141 n; Thomas, 159 n, 167; William, 53 n. Blompin, John, 209. Bloy, Bloyou, Bloyo, Bloighou. Alan, 35 n, 297, 299. Alice, 34; Amicia, 277 n; Elizabeth, 297; Sir John, 277 n; Ralph, 35 n; Roger, 121 n. Bobage, John, 218; Mary, 218. Bockerell, 61. Bodeler, Vivian, 261 n. Bodman, Emma, 201 n. Bodmin, 280. Thomas Mun- day, Prior of, 149 n, 151; Thomas Vivian, Prior of, 256. Bodrigie, Gerance, 98; Jane, 98. Bodrugan, Otho de, 213 n, 278 n. Boduckshued, Budockshed, But- side, etc. Agues, 99; Jo- hanna, 42; Robert, 42; Ro- ger, 99. Bodulgate, Bodulgatt, Bodeles- gat, etc. Anne, 37; Jo- hanna, 298; John, 37; Jone, 49; Stephen, 49, 298. Boffrasel, Oger de, 277 n. Bogans, 303. BOGANS, 14. (Bogins.) Doro- thy, 259 n; John, 168; Nicholas, 258. • Eliza - beth, 219; Jone, 37; Robert, 37, 219. Bonvill, Bonville, Bonvile, Bondvile, Bovele, м 4. Eliza- beth, 31, 102, 298; John, 194, 300 n; Katherine, 194 ; Lord, 84, 194, 219; Philippa, 84; Sir William, 31, 298; William, 102. Bony, Stephen, 150 n. Bonython, 303. BONYTHON, 16, 17. (Boni- thon, Bonythan.) Alice, 183; Edmond, 68 n, 81, 83; Eliza, 177; Elizabeth, 68 n ; James, 83 n, 250, 283; John, 68 n, 177, 212, 248 n, 257; Julian, 247; Katherine, 212; Mar- garet, 170; Nicholas, 285; Ralph, 68 n; Reskimer, 109; Richard, 68, 170; Thomas,83n. Boone, Boon, 105 n. Elizabeth, 163 n. Borlase, Burlace, Burlassy. M 249. Elizabeth, 111 n; John, 253 ; Margery, 23; Mary, 42; Walter, 21, 23. Boroughe, Borowe. Elizabeth, 125 n; John, 9; Thoma- sine, 9. Borrington, Bartholomew, 292. Bosavarne, 303. BOSAVARNE, 17. (Bosavern.) John, 3; William, 65 n. Boscawen, 303. BOSCAWEN, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. (Boscauin, Bascoyne, Bos- kawen, etc.) Alice, 111, 203; Bridget, 74 n; Christian, 169; Elizabeth, 180; Henry, 181 ~; Hugh, 5, 28, 52, 74 n, 111, 167, 180, 224, 235 n, 236 n, 277 n, 285; Jane, 52; Joane, 5; Johan, 224; John, 52, 169; Lady Margaret, 74 n; Mary, 28; Sir Thomas, 203. Boskennan, Ralph de, 195 n. Bossawsacke, 303. BOSSAWSACKE, 22; Rich- ard, 116 n. Bosustowe, 303. BOSUSTOWE, 23; John, 239 n; Martin, 68. Bosuysa, John, 167; Margaret, 167. Bosvennon, Edward, 126; Eliza- beth, 126. Boswaro, M 190. Boswathek, Boswarthick, Bos- wathick, John, 170 n; Kathe- rine, 170 n; Margaret, 170 n; Penelope, 170 n. Boteler, Matilda, 80. BOTTREUX, 291. (Botreux, Bot- reus, Botterell.) Edmund, 274 n; Elizabeth, 297; Joane, 228; John, 274 n; Margaret, Lady Hungerford, 132 n; Richard, 228; William, Lord, 132 n; Sir William, 297; Wil- liam, 120 n, 296. Boturnell, Jane, 113; Richard, 113; William, 290. Bowerman, Elizabeth, 52; Jo- hanna, 177; Thomas, 177. Boweyr, Bowyer. м 168. Alice, 167. BOWLE, 226, 227. Bowrd, John, 97; Jone, 97. Boyle, Anna, 152 n. Bozom, Elizabeth, 31. BRABYN, 36, 217. (Brabin, Bra- ban.) Frances, 151 n; John, 103; Katherine, 103. Bradley, Bradlye. M 289. Tho- mas, 232 n. Bragdon, Elynor, 90. BRANDON, 61; Anne, 32; Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 32. Brandon, 294. Bray, 303. BRAY, 23, 24; Alice, 131 n; Elizabeth, 38 n; Johanna, 238 n; Maria, 149 n; Robert, 131 n, 238 n; William, 38 n. Brende, Johanna, 187 n. Brendewoode, Alice, 238 n; Hugh, 238 n. Brendon, Elizabeth, 290; Joane, 58; Joanna, 137 n. Brentchurch, Baron, 30. Brett, Rose, 19, 20; William, 19, 20. Brewer, 61; Alice, 143; Pru- dence, 254 n; William de, 143. Brewin, 66. Brewys, Robert, 215 n. Brian, Constance, 79, 80; John, 79, 80. Bridges, Anne, 76; Richard, 76. Bridgman, Jasper, 292. Brightrixton, 193, 194; Johan- na, 194; John, 194. Bristol, Jonathan Trelawney, Bishop of, 110 n; Marquis of, 32. 312 INDEX OF NAMES. Bristow, Mary, 248 n. Brixston, 66. Broadbridge, Bishop of Exeter, 10. Broade, Joane, 177 n. BROGRAVE, 61. Broke, Willoughby de. See Willoughby. Brokin, Broken. Alice, 6; Christopher, 6, 78; Elizabetlı, 78. Brooke, Brook. John, 291; Ralph, 294. Brotherton, Thomas de, 64 n. Browncowse, Christian, 22; John, 22. Browne, 60 n; Ar., 220 n; Elizabeth, 173 n; Frances, 81 n; Sandry, 217. Browning, Browneing, Brown- inge. James, 41; Jane, 70; Katherine, 87; Richard, 7; Timothy, 128 n. Bruin, Bruyne. Argent, 200 n ; Margaret, 60; Richard, 60. Bruysye, M 55. Buckland, Thomasine, 275 ~. Bugges, Anne, 205; Edward, 205. Buleghe, Isabella de, 271 n. Bullen, Bullin. M 38. Anne 87 n; Mary, 87 n; Sir Thomas, 86n, 87 n; Sir William, 86 n. Buller, 303. BULLER, 24, 25._(Bouller.) Elizabeth, 301; Emlin, 43; Frances, 252; Francis, 26, 43, 63, 112, 135, 252, 301; John, 47 n; John Francis, 230 n; Jane, 301; Julian, 279 n, 301; Katherine, 161; Margaret, 112, 261 n; Mar- gery, 135; Maria, 26; Mary, 301; Matthew, 301; Sir Rich- ard, 26, 161, 279 n, 284, 301; Richard, 51 n, 161; Thoma- sine, 63. Bulteele, Mary, 259 n. Burdon, Burden. Digory, 291; Joane, 92; Margaret, 107; Peter, 210; Robert, 92, 123 n; Susan, 123 n. Burell, 25, 303. BURELL, 25, 26; Arthur, 25. Burges, 303. BURGES, 26. (Burgesse, Bar- ges, etc.) Anne, 237; Grace, 187 n; Henry,181; Humphry, 239; John 256 n; Thomas, 181, 237, 285. Burgoyne, Brjwyn. Joane, 44; John, 66; Margaret, 66; Richard, 44. Burnand, Peter, 54 n. Burnbury, Edward, 150. Burnell, Bridget, 49. Burnevy, Thomas, 107 n. Burnford, 13. Burthogg, Martin, 140 n. Burwash, Bartholomew, 144; Johanna, 14-4. Bury, Gertrude, 207 n; Hum- phry, 207 n. Buryngton, Robert, 125 n. Bushel, M 20. Richard, 208. Bussowe, Michael, 22. Busvargus, 303. BUSVARGUS, 27. Butler, x. M 20. Anne, 86n, 148; Baltizer, 148; Mar- garet, 86 n, 208; Thomas, Earl of Ormond, 86 n. Butevant, (?) Viscount, 30. Byll, 27. BYLL, 27. (Bill, Beyle, Byle, Bile, Beele, Beile, Beill, Beale, Biell, etc.) M 209. John, 204 n; Margery, 46; Tho- mas, 46; William, 284. BYRD, 28. (Bird.) Wil- liam, 21. CADE, 286. Caflin, Mary, 178 n. Call, Lawrence, 89. Callard, Florence, 8; Jane, 215; Ralph, 8. Callwaye, Joane, 247; John, 247. Honor, Calmadow, Mary, 187 n. Calmady, 303. CALMADY, 288. CALWOODLEY, 298. 262; John, 262. Camborne alias Paynter, see Paynter. Camden, William, 195. Cammes, 113; Johanna, 112; John, 113; Meliar, 113. Canas, Emma, 239 n; Hugh, 239 n. Candy, Edmund, 295. Canford, Johanna, 238 n; Wal- ter, 238 n. Cann, Can. Edmond, 37; Wil- mot, 37; William, 89 n. Canno, Nicholas, 138. Cantrebry, Thomas de, 277 n. Capell, Sir Gamaliel, 2; Mary, 2. Cara, Francis, 162. Cararthyn, Elizabeth, 82. Carance, Alice, 98. Carballa, William de, 55. Cardew, William, 285. Carew, 303. CAREW, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. (Carowe, Caerau, Kaeryw, Karrew, etc.) Ann, 83, 83 n, 103 n; Bridget, 102 n, 163 n; Candace, 242 n; Elizabeth, 68, 68 n; Sir Gawen, 61 n; Sir George, 81; Jane, 110 n, 183 n; Johanna, 34 n; Sir John, 183 n; John, 102 n, 103 n, 143, 144, 215 n; Jone, 110, 111 n; Lady, 301; Martha, 195 ₪ ; Nicho- las, 143; Peter, 68; Rachell, CAREW-continued. n; 135n; Richard, 2, 83, 83 n, 273 n, 301; Sarahı, 246 n; Sir Thomas, 34 n, 298, 299 n Thomas, 68, 110n; Wimund, 19, 301. Carkeete (Karkeke, Karkycke, etc.), 105 n; John, 118 n, 207 n; William, 102 n. Carlyon. (Carlyan, Carllyone, Carlighan, etc.) Anne, 191; Barbara, 149 n, 201 n; John, 191; Loveday, 253 n; Ni- cholas, 79, 191, 191 n; Rich- ard, 253 n; Thomasine, 79, 191 n; William, 169 n, 238, 253 n. Carmirowe, x, 33. X, CARMINOWE, 33, 34, 35, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300 n. (Carmy- now, de Carmyno, Carmyno, etc.) M 239. Blanche, 143 n; Catherine, 19; Elizabeth, 274 n; Gervais, 276 n; Jane, 273 n; Joane, 31; Johanna, 185 n, 274 n, 277 n; John, 72, 271 n; Katherine, 286; Margaret, 103, 276; Margery, 277 n; Mary, 72; Maude, 276 n; Matilda, 185 n; Ni- cholas, 19, 21, 80 n, 95; Sir Oliver, 185 n, 277 n; Oliver, 103; Philippa, 19, 21; Sir Roger, 20, 276 n; Roger de, 185 n; Robert, 20, 278 n; Thomas, 31, 276; Ralph, 38 n. Carnarther, Elizabeth, 21; Tho- mas, 21. CARNDOW, 46. Carne, Elizabeth, 153 n; Roger, 153 n. Carnedon, Robert de, 237. Carnsew, 303. CARNSEWE, 35; Alice, 37; George, 157 n; Gillian, 153 n; Jane, 7, 7n; John, 100; Mar- garet, 100; Mary, 265; Milli- cent, 224; Thomas, 115; Wil- liam, 2, 7, 7 n, 37, 224, 265, 273 n. Carpenter, William, 204 n. Carr, Edward, 46; Gabriell, 46. Carswell, 66. (Kerswell.) Brid- get, 66; Nicholas, 66 n. Carter, 303. CARTER, 36; Elizabeth, 204 n; Honor, 15, 279 n; James, 275 n; John, 15, 103, 103 n, 151 n, 252 n, 279 n; Katherine, 103; Mary, 103 n; Richard, 215 n, 254 n; William, 142 n. Carthewe, Carthew. Anna, 91n; Jane, 91n, 197n; John, 197n; Mary, 254 n; Thomas, 245 n, 253 n. Carvaddres, John, 155 n. Carveigh, Carveighe. Barbara, 181 n; John, 181 n; Richard, 181 n, 285. INDEX OF NAMES. 313 Carver, John, 147; Isabella, 147. Carverth, Gawen, 285. Carveth, Joan, 201 n; John, 227 n; Richard, 177 n; Tho- mas, 301. Carveth alias Perguion, John, 249 n. Carwytham, Richard, 131. Cary, 37. CARY, 87. CARY, 37. (Carey, Carye.) Ag- nes, 106 n; Alice, 122; Anne, 64; Elizabeth, Lady Barkly, 87 n; Sir George, 64, 87 n; George, 2, 13, 122; Henry Bozon, Lord Hunsdon, 31; Henry, Lord Hunsdon, 87 n n; 281; James, 5; Margaret, 13; Mary, 2; Sir Robert, Earl of Monmouth, 240; Robert, 31, 94 n; Sir William, 87 n; William, 29, 301. Cavell, 303. CAVELL, 37, 38. (Cavill, etc.) M 68. Dorothy, 59; Jane, 253 n; Joane, 101; Johanna, 144; Mary, 87, 252, 253 n, 256 n; Nicholas, 59; William, 101, 177, 252, 253 n. Caskayes, Elizabeth, 238; James 238. Cason, John, 45; Margaret, 45. Catcher, Dorothy, 170 n; Wil- liam, 181. Ceely, 303. CEELYE, 38, 39 (Ceely, Celey, etc.) Thomas, 209; Tho- masine, 220 n; William, 170. Chalons, 257 (Challons); Ralph, 235 n; Sir Robert, 213 n. Chamond, 40. CHAMOND, 40. (Chamont, Chamon, etc.) M 165. Ema- nuel, 178 n; Gertrude, 178, 178 n; Jane, 165 n; Sir John, 165 n, 240; Margaret, 240; Richard, 178, 189 n, 255 n; Thomas, 240. Chamberlaine, x, 278. Champernon, (Champernown, Champnon) 31, 300 n; Ar- thur, 220; Bridget, 93, 220; Edward, 302; Henry, 64 n, 93; Margaret, 34; Sir Philip, 32; Philip, 170; Richard, 34. Chanler, William, 284. Chapman, 303. CHAPMAN, 41; CHEPMAN, 40. M 62, 139. Abigail, 47 n Agnes, 227; Edward, 283; John, 227. Chappel, Chappell. Elizabeth, 236; Margery, 123. Charfold, 7. (See Grenville.) Charles, I., King, 259 n. Charles II., King, 221. Charles, Prince, 10. Charlton, 257. Chaterton, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, 161; George, 161. Chatley, John, 173. Chawers, Margaret, 292. Chedington, Ann, 24; Nicholas, 24. Cheddore, Elizabeth, 271; Sir John, 271. Chely, Jane, 54 n; Mary, 96 n. Chenalls, Mary, 127 n. Chenduit, Cheynduit, Chandit, etc. Alice, 20, 208; John, 277 n, 297, 300; William, 20, 208. Chenouth, 303. CHENOUTH, 41, 42. (Cheno- weth, Chenowith, Chinoweth, Chenower, Chanough.) An- thony, 115; Ellen, 54; Elli- nor, 192; Henry, 115; James, 54; John, 217; Temperance, 115; Thomas, 192. Chesman, Elizabeth, 34, 299; Margaret, 299. Chester, Dorothy, 234 n; Wil- liam, 234 n. Chichester, Christian, 41; Sir John, 273 n; John, 196; Mary, 196; Robert, 41. Chidley, Dorothy, 145; John, 145. Childs, Mary, 260 n. Chiverton, 43, 303. Chiverton, 176 n. CHIVERTON, 42, 43; Eliza- beth, 247, 247 n; Henry, 25, 189 n, 212, 255 n; Katherine, 3; Margaret, 191; Richard, 238 n; Thomas, 3 n, 17 n, 82 n, 247 n; William, 3, 247. Cholwell, Chollwell. Elizabeth, 128; Thomasine, 128 n. Christenstow, 61. Christopher, James, 168. Chubbe, Chubb. M 6. Daniel, 281. Chudleigh, Bridget, 29; John, 29. Clarke, Clerk. M 269. Anne, 116; Arabella, 106 n; Eliza- beth, 106 n; Gefferi, 283; Thomas, 146 n. Clare of Solgena, 80. Clare, Gilbert de, Earl of Glou- cester, 86 n. Clapton, Clopton. Elizabeth, 3; Joyce, 32; Mr., 22; Wil- liam, 3, 22 n, 32. Claxton, M 97. Clemence, Clemens. Richard, 290; Thomas, 290; Thoma- sine, 263 n. Clement, Elizabeth, 204 n; John, 205; Robert, 204 n. Clese, Clyes. Anne, 72 n; John, 72 n, 241, 283. Clevedon, Richard, 218 n. Cleverton, Richard, 106 n. Clickerd, Elizabeth, 207. Clifford, M 226. Anthony, 128, 251, 251 n; Frances, 266; Henry, 266; Magdalen, 128 n, 251; Mawdelyn, 128, 226 n. Clobery, Cloberie, Clowberie, Cloberye, etc. Alice, 119; Andrew, 290; Grace, 290; Henry, 119, 284; John, 55; Margaret, 55; Mary, 10; Oliver, 10, 109 n. Cloford, M 286. Cloke, Cloake. Cunstice, 145 n; Henry, 281. Clotworthy, Clotworthie. Si- mon, 95 n, 183, 183 n. Clowter, John, 213; Wilmot, 213. Cock, 43 n, 303. COCK, 43. (Cocke, Cok.) Catherine, 232 n; Elizabeth, 72; Grace, 11; Gregory, 205; Hawisia, 223; Jane, 214; Joane, 255 n; John, 11, 119 n, 167, 204 n, 272 n, 282 ; Julian, 205; Katherine, 194 n; Mar- garet, 273 n; Mary, 118 n; Milysent, 169 n; Nicholas, 133; Ralph, 223; Robert, 282; Thomas, 72, 169 n, 194 n, 214, 254 n; William, 255 n. Cocke Lower. alias Lower. See Cocking, Robert, 253 n. Coffin, Ebit, 127; Jaquet, 5, 114; John, 5 n, 67, 114; Peter, 21; Richard, 127, 130 n. Coga (or Crooke), Anne, 230 n. Coga, Richard, 180 n. Cogan, Cougan. John, 261 n ; Miles, 30 n. Coke (Cooke), 304. COKE, 44. (Cooke.) Elizabeth, 43; Oswald, 281 ; Oswell, 43 John, 82; Margaret, 153 n Peter, 16; Radagund, 19; Robert, 108, 279; Thomas, 207 n, 265; Sir William, 19, 21. COKEYNE, 46. Colan, Ann, 223; Tristram, 223. Cole, 199. ; COLE, 13, 201. (Coles, Cooles.) Christian, 121, 121 n; Hum- phry, 195; Joan, 137n; Jo- hanna, 199; John, 121, 231 n, 262; Margaret, 103; Philip, 34, 103; Philippa, 195; Rich- ard, 21; Roger, 199; Thomas, 85; Thomasine, 85. Collard, Anstace, 101; Jane, 204; William, 101. Collerian, Amy, 233; Michael, 233. Collicotte, Joane, 214. COLLING, 44. Collings, Mary, 106 n. 2 S 314 INDEX OF NAMES. Collin, Collyn. M 108. Gef- fery, 200; Jane, 108; John, 108, 158n; Mary, 265; Tho- mas, 265. Collyer, Collier. William, 110 n. Collyns, Collins. Catherine, 265; John, 255 n, 261 n, 265, 285; Oliver, 215. Colman, Sophronia, 116; Johan, 59; Walter, 59. Colquit, 45. COLQUIT, 45. (Colquite, Co- quit, etc.) M 116. Johanna, 12; John, 295. Colscot, Daniel, 41. Colsull, Peter, 275 n. Colthurst, Henry, 233. Combe, Richard, 206. Come, Thomas, 282. Comitreff, John, 237. Commonwealth, Richard, Lord Protector of the, 106 n. Condon, M 16. Connock, 304. CONNOCK, 46. (Conock.) Elizabeth, 10; Jane, 249, 290; John, 10, 249, 255 n, 258, 290; Loweday, 258; Nicho- las, 258. Constantin, Isabell de, 30 n. Coode, 46. COODE, 46, 47, 48. (Coade, Code, etc.) Anne, 49; Amicia, 145; Blanche, 159 n; Edward, 115n; Elizabeth, 4; Jane, 109, 109 n, 126, 259 n; John, 4, 109 n, 123 n, 140 n; Richard, 49, 145, 258 n; Walter, 49, 126 n, 140 n, 258; William, 109, 111 n, 261 n. Cooke, Vyvyan alias. See Vivian. Copleston, Coplestone. Eliza- beth, 288; Honor, 195 n; John, 288; Susan, 195. Corbet, Elizabeth, 31; Peter, 177 n. Corey, 304. (Corry.) Andrew, 165n; Hugh, 165n; John, 280. Cornish, Jane, 78; John, 78; Robert Kestell Kestell, 115 n; William, 218 n. Cornwaleys, Mark le, 261 n. Cornwall, x. Cornewall, 278. Archdeacon of, 271 n; John Plantagenet, Earl of, 297; Reginald, Earl of, 285; Rich- ard, Earl of, 35 n, 299 n. Coryn, Coryne, Corne, Corin. Ann, 256 n; John, 231, 231 n; Marian, 181; Richard, 181, 256 n. CORYTON, 268. Coryton, 14, 15, 301. CORYTON, 49. (Coriton, Corryton, Corriton, Coring- ton, Curington, etc.) M 212. Edith, 47; Elizabeth, 14, 15, 242; Grace, 100; Sir John, CORYTON-continued. 43 n; Lady, 211 n; Lady Sarah, 242 n; Margaret, 89; Mary, 34, 222, 246, 299; Nichol, 4; Peter, 34, 47, 100, 222, 242, 299; Richard, 47; Thomas, 4, 246. Cosgarne, John, 200 n, 201 n, 259 n. Cossen alias Madern, 301. COSSEN alias MADERN, 51. (Cozen, Madderne, etc.) Grace, 260 n; John, 240 ; William, 285. Coswarth, 304. COSWARTH, 50. (Cosworth, etc.) Alice, 102 n; Cathe- rine, 2; Dorothy, 112; Ed- ward, 2; Henry, 139 n; John, 2 n, 93 n; Julyan, 139; Katherine, 28; Samuel, 93; Thomas, 112, 212. Coswyne, Katherine, 174; Tho- mas, 174. Coteeles, Mary, 64; Sir Thomas, 64. Coterell, Judith, 170 n. Cottell, M 206. Walter, 106 n; William, 50. Cotton, M 93. Dorothy, 101 n; Reve, 106 n; William, 93 n. Coty, Johana, 186 n. Couch, Couche, Cowche. M 231. Blanch, 58; Edward, 58, 135, 235 n; Elizabeth, 10; Frances, 135; John, 96, 185; Ralph, 76; Robert, 10, 107 n, 141 n. Courcye, Katherine, 30; Miles, Lord, 30. Courtenay, Courtney, 52, 257. COURTENAY, COURTE- NEY, COURTNEY, 51, 52, 53, 54n. M 137. Ann, 108 n, 243 n; Constance, 92; Doug- las, 244n; Earl of Devon, 259n; Edward, 24 n, 108, 229 n, 288, 244 n, 261 n; Edward, Earl of Devon, 21, 60 n, 145 n, 229n; Sir Edward, 60n; Eliza- beth, 7 n, 268, 301; Florence, 229; Francis, 112 n, 118 n, 133, 133 n; George, 92, 231; Henry, 152 n, 183 n; Sir Hugh, 229, 298; Hugh, 84, 145; Humphry, 32; Isabella, 145; Joane, 32, 33, 279; Johanna, 207; John, 161 n, 189 n, 212, 234n, 253 n, 255 n; Katherine, 108, 127, 288; Lady, 74 n; Lawrence, 21 n, 38; Lowday, 162; Margaret, 24 n, 84, 244, 244 n, 261 n; Maria, 112 n, 207; Mary, 264 n; Nan, 184 n; Nicholas, 112n, 262 n; Sir Peirse, 127, 288; Peter, 24n, 207, 227, 244, 301; Philip, 137 n; Philippa, 38, 112 n, 118. n; Richard, 112 n, 162, 162 n, 207; Ro- COURTENAY-continued. bert, 279; Thomas, Earl of Devon, 183 n, 229 n; Ursula, 137n; Sir William, 32, 268; William, 5, 63 n, 80 n, 241n, 264 n; W., 107 n. COURTNEY, 31. Courtier, John, 160; Maria, 160. Courtis, Curteis. John, 152 n; Richard, 21. Cowlin, Cowling, 301. COWLIN, 54. (Cowling, Cow- linge, Coulyn, Cowlynge, Cowlyn, etc.) M 174. Cla- rence, 42; Elizabeth, 99 n; John, 42, 80, 127 n, 258 n Melior, 80; Richard, 102; Thomas, 127 n; Thomasine, 223; William, 223, 258. COWLING, 102. Crab, 304. CRAB, 55. (Crabb, Crabbe.) Agnes, 198, 200; Jane, 186; John, 200; Richard, 91. Cradock, John, 59; Rose, 59. Crago, Philipa, 111 n. Crampporn, Thomas, 205. Crancann, Crankan, or Caran- kan. M 22. Jane, 82; Nicho- las, 82. Crane, Sir Francis, 15; Jone, 15. Crapp (? Crabb), John, 291. Creber, Reskymer alias. See Reskymer. Creswell, Henry, 60. Crimes, 270 n. 182. CRIMES, 3. (Crymes.) Elizabeth, 78 n; William, 90, 90 n. Crispin (Crispine), M Agnes, 182; Mary, 182; Robert, 182. Crocker, 304. CROCKER, 57; Agnes, 26, 165; Barbara, 66; John, 26, 66, 117; Mary, 57 n, 117. Crockhay, 304. CROCKHAY, 57. Crook, Johanna,63; Richard,63. Cromar, Elizabeth, 33; Sir James, 33. Cromwell, M 291. Oliver, 221 n; Richard, 106 n. Crosman, 58. CROSMAN, 58. (Crossman, Crasman.) Elizabeth, 54 n; Richard, 152 n, 188, 241, 241 n, 249 n; Richarda, 188; Thomas, 153 n. Crowan, Margery de, 113 ; Richard de, 113. CRESSEL, 55, 56; William, 198. Crewes, 304. CREWES, 56, 57; Anne, 80; Anthony, 80; John, 80 n. Crudge, Honor, 159 n; John, 81; Thomas, 72. Crypse, Joanne, 140 n. ; INDEX OF NAMES. 315 Cudlip, Elizabeth, 161 n. Culland, Ann, 62n; Tristram, 62. Culley, Thomas, 295. Cullow, 58. CULLOW, 58. Cundye, Catherine, 209. Cutland, 66. Cutting, Anne, 213; Robert, 213. CWTHY, 290. DABARNON, 286. Dabernon, 61. DAGGE, 59. (Dagh, Dag, Dagg, etc.) M 154. Cathe- rine, 168; John, 134; Mary, 220 n; Peter, 168; Philippa, 154 n. Dallamayne, John, 180 n. Dalley, Arthur, 105 n; Mar- garet, 105 n. DAMERELL, 46. (D'Aumarle.) Robert, 180 n. Danbye, M 97. Dandy, 304. DANDY, 60. (Danny.) Deeble, Debyll, Dible, Debell, Deble, etc. Elizabeth, 209, 211, 273 n; John, 209, 210, 211; Julian, 137; Margaret, 210. De la Brigge, Richard, 55. De la Champ, Andrew, 223; Emma, 223. Delahay, X. (De DE LA LAND, 19, 20, 203. la Landa, De la Laune; also Albalanda.) Margaret, 18; Otho, 18. De la Lande (see also Alba- landa), 20, 201 n. De la More or Mooringe, Alice, 83 n; Jane, 124; Richard, 83 n, 124. De la Poyle, 180 n. DE LA ROCHE, 31. (De Rupe.) Eve, 274n; Sir Richard, 274n. Denny, Sir Edward, 64. Dinham-continued. thy, 101; Elizabeth, 99; George, 275 n; Lady Jane, 275 n; John, Lord, 31, 275 n; Sir John, 298; John, 99, 101, 296; Joseus, 81 n, 258 n; Margaret, 31; Margery, 84 n; Oliver, 2; Philippa, 96 ; Robert, 180 n; Roger, 275 n; William, 96. Dodge, John, 78. Dodson, 304. DODSON, 63. (Dosten, Dosen, etc.) Mary, 46, 241 n; Ro- bert, 25; Thomas, 46, 301. Dodustow, Ralph de, 23; Rich- ard de, 23; William de, 23. Doe, Jane, 116. Dolton, Roger, 68. Donand, Warin, 59. Dowell, Mary, 226. Donnet, x. Donnet, 86 n. Dennys, 61. DENYS, 61, 62. Sir M 81. (Dennis, Le Alice, Downe, 66. John, 198; Nicholea, 198. Danet, Elizabeth, 2 n; Gerald, 2n; Thomas, 275 n. Danvers, Elizabeth, 24; Henry, 24; Sir John, 24. Daniell, Danyell. Humphry, 122, 254 n; Jacob, 207; Jane, 122; John, 124 n; Jone, 166; Richard, 285; Roger, 166. Dangrous, William, 20. Darley, 60. DARLEY, 60. Darrell, 304. DARRELL, 61. Elizabeth, 82 n, 230 n. Darsie, Sir Edward, 124; Isa- bell, 124. Dart. (See also Wallis alias Darte.) Charles, 201 n; Lewis, 190, 201 n; Philip, 201 n. John, 90; DASSELL, 214. Edward, 106 n; Margaret, 106 n. Daubney, Ann, 24; Giles, Lord, 24, 270 n; Margaret, 270 n. Davies, Davyes. Henry, 231; Samuel, 191 n. Davilles, м 165. Margaret, 90. Davy, Davey, 270 n. Dorothy, 192; Elizabeth, 260 n Emanuel, 125 n; Isabell, 69; John, 16, 170, 192, 240 n; Jone, 69; Nicholas, 16; William, 69. Dawe, Daw. Jennet, 219; John, 101; Jone, 213; Mar- garet, 101; Robert, 213; Thomas, 215 n; William, 219. Daye, Thomas, 295. Deane, Elizabeth, 218 n. De Broke. See Willoughby. De Burgh, 86 n. Dedicott, м 192. Deneis, etc.) 79; Edmund, 302; Eudon, 251; George, 127 n, 251; Ger- trude, 2; Honor, 82 n, 302 n; John, 236 n; Martha, 31; Philip, 118 n; Philippa, 118 n; Richard, 79; Sir Robert, 2, 273, 300 n. Derby, Dereby. Anne, da. of the Earl of, 243; Charles, Earl of, 257; Isabella, da. of the Earl of, 143; John de, 261 n; The Earl of, 243; William, Earl of, 143. Derwyn, Durwyn. Elizabeth, 91; Joan, 211 n; Roger, 211 n; Sibel, 211 n; Wil- liam, 91. Despencer, 86 n. Deuse, Johanna, 171 n. Devon, Edward Courtney, Earl of, 21, 60 n, 145 n; Thomas Courtney, Earl of, 183 n, 229 n; Courtney, Earl of, 259 n. Devonshire, Elizabeth, 266 n. Devreux, Robert, Earl of Essex, 31. Devyok, Devioke, Deviock, Deviell, 37 n. Edmond, 37; Jane, 37, 52; John, 291; William, 290. M Dewen, 304. DEWEN, 62. (Dewin, Duen.) 23. Katherine, 174; Thomas, 174. Dewhurst, M 202. Dickwood, Margaret, 263 n; Thomas, 221 n. Digby, Margaret, 197. Diggow, Martin, 169 n. DIMOCK, 184. Dingley, M 47. William, 47 n. Dinham, Dynham, Denham, de Dyneham. Alice, 298; Doro- DOWNE, 206. M 16. Joane, 83 n; John, 83 n. Downinge, Richard, 45. Dowrish, Dourich, Dourishe, etc. Agnes, 60 n, 101 n; Anne, 64 n; Edmond, 60 n, 101 n, 173 n; Elizeus, 104 n ; Hugh, 64 n; Johana, 104 n Lewis, 106 n; Margaret, 106 n; Walter, 32. Dowse, Ellinor, 167; Richard, 167. Doygnill, Walter, 55. Doyngle, Doyngull. John, 9, 228; Jone, 228; Richard, 228; Sibbell, 9. Drake, 270 n. M 119 n. Amy, 85 n; Augustyne, 302; Dun- combe, 242; Edmund, 196 n; Elizabeth, 66 n, 80 n, 224 n, 226 n, 232 n; Sir Fran- cis, 66 n, 68 n, 73 n, 85 n, 136 n, 195 n, 196 n; Fran- cis, 106 n, 122 n; Henry, 159 n; Honor, 302; Joane, 232 n; Lady Johanna, 221 n, 226n; John, 56 n, 80 n, 85, 143 n, 173 n; Margaret, 197n; Sarah, 243 n; Thomas, 66 n, 78 n, 197 n, 199 n; Thoma- sine, 56 n; William, 56 n, 63 n, 80 n, 232 n. Drew, Drewe, 270 n. м 92. Ag- neta, 169, 169 n; Emanuell, 169, 169 n; John, 243 n Maude, 217. Drinnick, George, 294. Dubber, John, 112 n; Merauld, 112 n. Ducket, м 108. ; Ducton, Margaret, 4; Rich- ard, 4. Dulyn, Henry, 217; Mary, 217. Dunheved alias Launceston, 280, 281, 316 INDEX OF NAMES. Dunkyn, Cecilia, 243 n; John, 243 n; Robert, 283. Dunn, Dune, Done. M 92. Margery, 92 n; Richard, 92 n; Richo, 104 n. DUNSLAND, 286. Dunrich, Anne, 249; Edmond, 249. Dunstanville, Margaret, 276 n; Sir William, 276 n. Durant, 67. M 272. Jane, 16; John, 16, 68, 257; Mar- garet, 68, 257; Richard, 280. Durhall, Durhull. Alice, 276n, 278 n; Emma, 278 n; Mira- bell, 276 n, 278 n; Roger, 278 n. Durham, John, Prior of, 94. Durnford, 46, 47. (Dernford.) M 63. James, 63 n ; Johanna, 63 n; Stephen, 63 n. Dyer, John, 202 n. E. ..., Margaret, 213. Eare, 67. (Ere.) Alice, 68. Eastchurch, M 171 n. East Lowe, 281. Eddye, Edye, Edy, Ede. Alice, 175; Elizabeth, 301; John, 153, 280; Otes, 175; Wil- liam, 58. Edgcombe, 63. EDGCOMBE, 63, 64, 65. (Egg- combe, Edgcomb, Edgecombe, Edgcumb, Edgcumbe.) M 47, 139. Alice, 114; Anne, 135, 239; Elizabeth, 28; Francis, 211n; Joan, 211 n; Sir Pierse, 47n; Pierse, 135; Sir Richard, 28, 239. Edmerston, 193. EDMERSTON, 193, 194. Edmondes, 304. EDMONDES, 65. (Emondes.) Everard, 285. Edunet Anuilla, Robert de, 285. Edward I., King, 180 n, 259 n, 299; Elizabeth, da. of, 259 n. Edward III., King, 32. Edwards, 304. EDWARD, EDWARDS, 225, 226. EDWARDES, 65. Emblyn, 301; Margery, 229 n ; Ralph, 235 n; Thomas, 115, 192, 229 n. Efford, Christopher, 136 n. Eger, Egar. David, 17; John, 281; Martin, 17; Thomas, 281. Egglosheill, Egloshei, Eggles- seil. Alice de, 113; Galfrid de, 113; John de, 113; Matthew de, 190 n; William de, 113. Elford, 304. ELFORD, 66. Alice, 211n ; Sarah, 179 n. Elise, Blanch, 176 n. Elizabeth, Queen, 73, 87 n. Ellyott, 66. ELLYOTT or ELIOT, 66. (Elliott, Elliot.) Mary, 253 n. Ellys, Pascowe, 283. Enedye, Thomas, 18. Enis, 20 n. ENIS, 169. Enys, 67. ENYS, 67. (Enis, Innis.) Margery, 63; Thomas, 185, 185 n; Samuel, 163 n. Ercedekne. See Archdeacon. Erisey, 67, 304. ERISEY, 67, 68, 69. (Erisy, Erysy, Erisie, Erisi, Erisye, Erisa, Erysye, Erissey, Herisi, Heris, Arisie, etc.) M 210, 272. Catherine, 171; Dionis, 158 n; Dorothy, 23, 98; Elizabeth, 218 n, 264 n; Flo- rence, 169; James, 23, 28, 85, 98 n, 105 n, 171, 238; Johanna, 23; John, 23, 105 n, 258 n; Margery, 238; Mar- tha, 210 n; Mary, 172, 259 n; Peter, 23; Richard, 98, 105n, 259 n; Robert, 103 n; Tho- mas, 169. Erlesman, Jane, 176; Richard, 176. Erncetle, Joan, 197 n; John, 197 n. Ernley, Anthony, 269 n; Isa- bella, 269 n; Margaret, 269 n. Erricke, Mary, 260 n. Eskler, Vivian de, 261 n. Estcott, Estcotte, 69, 213. ESTCOTT, 69, 70. (Estcote, Estcot, Escott.) Christian, 78; Joane, 120; John, 78, 204 n, 263; Osbert de, 251 n; Mr., 27, 58; Richard, 88, 215, 281. Esse, x. Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 31, 259 n. Eustace, Eustys. John, 58. Eustic, John, 132 n. Alice, 48 n; Eva, Evah. Anne, 164; John, 191 n; Thomas, 164. Eyre. (See also Ayre and Eare.) M 182. William, 226 n. Eyres, William, 38. Exeter, Broadbridge, Bishop of, 10; William Cotton, Bishop of, 93 n. Facy, Facie. (? Vacey.) Alice, 201 n; Jane, 58; Richard, 58. Fairford, x. Falmouth, Lord, 277 n. Fantleroy, Brian, 112; Eliza- beth, 112; Margaret, 100; Peter, 71. Fane, Mary, 243 n. Farnham, Mary, 268 n. Favell, Bernard, 4 n. Fayrfax, M 97. Feateley alias Fayrclowgh. Anna, 60; John, 60. Fenton, John de, 250. Ferrers, 299 n. Ferrers, 257, 304. (Farrers, Ferrars, Ferrys.) Earl, 144, 144 n; Honor, 257; Isabella, 143; Isot, 49; Isould, 296, 300; Johanna, 144; John, 49, 296; Katherine, 257; Richard, 257; Sir Reginald, 300 n; Reginald, 257, 296, 300; Sir William, 297; Wil- liam, 143 n, 300. Fil Galfrid, Hawisia, 143; John, 143. Fil Perlonis, Warin, 261 n. Fil Petri, Alianora, 144; Bea- trix, 143; Reginald, 143, 144. Fil Wybd, Richard, 195 n. Finch, James, 294. Firsdon, Auger de, 171 n; Mar- gery de, 171 n. Fitz, Fitze, Fites. Grace, 66, 122; Honor, 35; John, 14, 15, 35, 66, 85, 122, 235 n; Katherine, 14, 15; Robert, 235 n. Fitz Alan, 86. Alice, 31; Sir Edmund, 31; Richard, Earl of Arundell, 31. Fitzhugh. See Fursland alias. Fitzmorice, Lord, 30. Fitzpen alias Phippen, 71. FITZPEN alias PHIPPEN, 71. Fitz Pierse, William, 144 n. Fitz Roger, Elizabeth, 144. Fitz Stephen, Robert, 30. Fitz Walter, Walter, 144. Fitz Williams, Dennis, 281 ; Edmond, 281; Elizabeth, 144; Sir John, 144; Philip, 281. FITZ YVA, 276 n. Fitz Yve, x. Flamanke, 71. FLAMANKE, 71, 72. (Fla- mank, Flamanck, Flamick, Flamock, Flamocke, Fla- moke.) M 100. Ibott, 219; John, 9; Mary, 253 n; Sir Nicholas, 219; Nicholas, 261 n; Oliver, 11; Richard, 76; Roger, 255 n; William, 299. Fleming, 304. FLEMINGE, 72. (Flem- mynge.) Doctor, 123 n. Fletchar, 304. FLETCHAR, 73. (Fletcher.) M 97. Godolphin, 140 n. Floyer, Floyre. M 286. Fran- cis, 39; William, 39. Foalkroy, Margaret, 94; Wil- liam, 94. Foggins, Gregory, 123 n. Foote, John, 138 n; Richard, 138; William, 295. INDEX OF NAMES. 317 Ford, John, 114; Margaret, 114, 248 n; Roger, 11; Wal- ter, 248 n. Fornell, Thomas, 178 n. Forster, Elyn, 117; Julian, 177; Richard, 117. Fortescu, 304. FORTESCU, 73, 74. (For- tescue, Foskew, Foscue, etc.) м 171, 251. Agnes, 215 ǹ; Ann, 171 n, 230, 230 n; Arthur, 107n; Charles, 201n ; Edmond, 158; Edward, 288; Elizabeth, 158; Florence, 259 n; George M., 86 n; Honor, 288; Humphry, 11; Jane, 258 n; John, 171 n, 230, 257, 258 n; Mary, 11, 176 n; Nicholas, 258 n; Richard, 215 n; William, 210 n, 257. FORTESCUE, 150. Fortescue, 270 n. Fountaine, Margaret, 15; Wil- liam, 194. Fowey, Foye. Sir Adam de, 69; Asseria, 69; Vicar of, 180 n, 220 n. Fowler, Joane, 105; Richard, 105. Fownes, 304. FOWNES, 289. Fox, Agnes, 247 n, 255 n; An- thony, 133; Elizabeth, 133; William, 247 n, 255 n. Foxcomb alias Trenchard, M 249. Fragle, Henry, 266. Francis, Johan, 104 n; William, 113; John, 284. Frawn, Richard, 168. Free, Elizabeth, 166. French, Abbot, 295. Frigens, Friggens. Robert, 207; Gregory, 285. Frisell, Patricius, Earl of Ane- gos, 143. Frye, Grace, 28; William, 28. Fulford, M 47. Sir Baldwin, 31; Baldwin, 272 n; Elinor, 268; Elizabeth, 37; Sir John, 37, 268. Furlonge, Richard, 284; An- thony, 294; Christopher, 295. Furzland alias Fitzhugh, Mar- garet, 246. Furzland, Fursland. Elizabeth, 137; John, 134, 137; Tho- masine, 134. Fursman, м 81. John, 135 n, 136 n. Fuyge, Fudge, Fuge. Thomas, 179 n; William, 283. Gabriel, William, 137 n. Gache, Margaret, 13. Gain, Mary, 267; Thomas, 267. Gaire, Jone, 71; Reginold, 71. Galis, Frances, 74; Richard, 74. Game, John, 283. Gamon, 304. GAMON alias GAMBONE, 74. Garch, Commend, 243 n. Gardiner, Awdrey, 32; William, 32. Garland, John, 295; Margaret, 44; Richard, 44. Garrett. See Sharpe alias. GASCOYNE, 174. GASGELL, 292. Gatliffe, Gatley, 105. GAVERIGAN, 223,224. (Gavery- gan, Gaveregan, Gavrigan, etc.) Avis, 131 n; Jane, 81, 81 n, 83; John, 65, 131 n, 153, 186; Margaret, 65; Mary, 153; Philippa, 186; Walter, 21, 81, 83. Gears, Theobald, 179. Gedy, Gedye, Geyde. Eliza- beth, 37 n, 301; Radigund, 66 n, 67; Richard, 21, 66 n, 67, 67 n. Geere, Geare, Gere, Gerre. Alice, 62; John, 48; Mar- gery, 23; Richard, 23; Ste- phen, 284; Thomas, 23; William, 62. Geffery, Geffrey, Jeffery, Jeffrie. Alice, 250 n, 253 n; Elizabeth, 253 n; Johan, 186; John, 250 n; Nicholas, 107 n; Robert, 237. George, 304. GEORGE, 75. (Gorges, Gorg, de Gorges.) Dorothy, 54 n; Duglas, 51; Elizabeth, 51, 53 n, 54 n, 84; Ferdinando, 230 n; Mary, 135; Susanna, 221 n; Sir Theobald, 84; Tristram, 51, 135. Geirveis, 77, 304. GEIRVEIS, 75,76,77; GEYR- VEYS, 77. (Gerveis, Ger- veys, Gervys, Gerves, Gear- veis, Garvis, Jarvis.) M 70. Emlyn, 235 n; Grace, 182; James, 148 n, 223; John, 258 n; Margaret, 71; Mar- gery, 223; Melior, 163, 164; Peter, 71; Richard, 162 n, 163, 164, 182, 224 n, 231; William, 235 n. Genninge (? Jenning), Stephen, John, 281. 57. Gennis, Genys. Geraldines, 30. Germayne, Joane, 202. Gerner, John, 250. Gerratt, Jane, 192; Thomas, 192. Gerry, John, 173 n. Giffard, x, 61. GIFFORD, 206; Alice, 269; George, 185; Henry, 18; Hugh, 293; John, 58, 85, GIFFORD-continued. 286; Leonard, 26; Margaret, 26, 185, 293; Mary, 185 n; Philippa, 58. Gilbert, M 286. Geffry, 6 n; Isabell, 84, 87; Sir Oliver, 87; Otes, 6, 84; Richard, 40; Thomasine, 6, 40. Gilbert alias Webber, see Web- ber. Gill, 66. (Gyll.) Arthur, 265; John, 57; Margery, 57; William, 12. Gillard, Margaret, 51. Giles, M 52. Gilly, M 233. Ginn, Christopher, 235 n. Glanville, 77; Glanvile, 78. GLANVILLE, 77; GLAN- VILE, 78. (Glanvill, Gland- ville, Glandfield, etc.) Dio- ness, 173, 173 n; Duena, 173 n; Sir Francis, 196 n; Jane, 196 n; John, 70, 108, 173n, 197n; Mary, 108, 254n. Glason, Thomas, 126. Gloucester, Gilbert de Clare, Earl of, 86 n. Glover, Thomas, 95 n, 278 n. Glyn, 94 n. Glyn, 257, 304. GLYN, 79, 80. (Glinne, Glen, de Glen, etc.) George, 12; Johan, 56 n, 297; Sir John, 297; John, 47 n, 81, 83, 141, 257; Lowdy, 95; Margaret, 81, 83; Nicholas, 56 n, 95, 111 n; Thomas, 168 n, 175 n; Tomasin, 47, 191 n, 257. Goddare, Goddard. Richard, 131, 131 n. Godnesford, Johanna, 193; Ro- bert, 193. Godolphin, 304. GODOLPHIN, 29. GODOLPHIN, 80, 81, 82, 83. (Godolghan, Godolfyn, Godol- fin, Godolphynne, Godolphyn, etc.) Allexander, 68; Lady Alice, 78 n; Blanch, 109; Catherine, 212 n; Edward, 258 n; Elizabeth, 119, 235 n, 277 n; Frances, 176 n; Sir Francis, 5, 28, 78, 78 n, 109; Francis, 212 n, 241 n, 282; Jane, 5; Johanna, 68; John, 38, 42, 68, 216, 235 n, 277 n; Nicholas, 156 n; Prudence, 44; Thomasine, 28, 38, 42, 205, 205 n; Sir William, 119, 259 n; William, 44, 127 n, 151 n, 224. Godrewy, Joane, 155 n; Wil- liam, 155 n. Godye, Mawde, 223; Philip, 223. Golopin (? Godolphin), Nicho- las, 113; Johanna, 113. Golston, John, 209. 318 INDEX OF NAMES. Goode, 83, 304. GOODE, 83. Gough, м 85. Gourdon, Jane, 69. Gourlyn, Gerlyn, Gurland, M 272; Joane, 155 n; Johanna, 76; Nicholas, 131 n; Thomas, 155 n; William, 76. GOURNY, 73. (Gourney.) M 24. GOVILY, 234. (Goviley, Ghi- vaile.) Isabell, 277 n; Tho- mas, 277 n. Grace, 30. Grampound, 282. Grandison, 86 n. Gravenor, Gertrude, 69. Greatbatch, Anne, 261 n. Greby, Elizabeth, 141 n. Grees, Germain, 285. Gregory, Grigorie. 91; Elizabeth, 66 n, 91. Grenvile, x, 40, 87. GRENVILE, Baldwin, 84, 85, 86. GREIN EVILE, 87. (Grein- velle, Greenevile, Grenfeild, Greynvele, Greynvile, Grenef- felde, Greynfelde, de Grein- villa, etc.) M 165. Sir Bar- tholomew, 257; Sir Ber- nard, 146 n; Sir Bevile, 146 n, 277 n; Christian, 68; Digory, 178, 178 n; Ebbot, 195 n; Egidius, 234 n; Ellin, 292; George, 195 n; Grace, 74 n; Jane, 40, 272; Sir John, 146 n; John, 81, 83; Lady Mary Howard alias, 86n; Margery, 234n; Matilda, 235 n; Philippa, 178 n; Sir Richard, 273 n; Sir Roger, 7n; Roger, 68; Susan, 178; Sir Thomas, 40, 272; Tho- mas, 69; William, 292. Grevill, Sir Foulke, 90; Mary, 90; Francis, 285. Grey, Gray, M 22. John, 144. Griffin, Mary, 268 n. Grills, 88. GRILLS, 88. GRYLLS, 88, 89. (Gryles, Griles, de Grelles, etc.) Charles, 132 n, 199, 220 n; Elizabeth, 56, 199, 204 n; Jane, 132 n; John, 284; Mary, 96; Sampson, 70; William, 96; Willmot, 70. Grimes (Crimes), William, 90. Grimsbye, M., 97. Grose, 304. GROSSE, 89. David, 3, 127 n; Dorkis, 3; Edward, 123 n, 285; Jonathan, 108; Susan, 123 n; Thomas, 127 n, 133; William, 123 n; Zeakiell, 3. Grove, John, 284. Guavis, Anne, 51; John, 51. Gubbes, Amy, 43; John, 43. Guilford, Sir Henry, 32; Mary, 32. Gunmaylek, Simon, 131 n. Gwennow, Alice, 258n; Francis, 258 n. Gwinear (Winiore), Michael, Vicar of, 173. Gye, Alice, 66; Robert, 66. Haccomb, Cecilia de, 31. Jor- dan de, 31. Haddon, M., 65. Haigham, Sir John, 10. Let- tice, 10. Haill, John, 237. Halep, 21. HALEP, 223. (Hallop or Tre- wonwall.) Lawrence, 19, 21; Matilda, 19; Mawde, 21. Halet, Marina de, 222; Rich- ard de, 222. Halke, Jane, 91. Hall, Roger, 126. HALLACOMBE, 150. HALLAMORE, 90. (Holla- more.) Grace, 78; Peter, 78, 192 n, 245; Petronell, 162 n; Rachell, 245; Walter, 162 n, 217 n, 245. Halse, Elizabeth, 218 n; Honor, 196; Richard, 196. Haly, Robert, 45. Hamle, Hameley, Hambly, Hamblie. Agnes, 154 n Benedict, 189 n; Elizabeth, 220 n; Honor, 227; John, 227, 229 n. Hamlyn, Jone, 201 n. Hammett, Elizabeth, 45. HAMMOND, 61. M., 97. Hancock, Elizabeth, 246 n; Thomas, 282; William, 199. Hankford, x. (Hankeforde.) Ann, 86 n; Sir Richard, 86 n; Sir William, 86 n. Hankyn, Joseph, 131 n. Hansam, Gregory, 88. Hantkin, John, 40; Lore, 40. Hanyon (? Lanyon), Alice, 183; William, 183. Harding, Jane, 146 n. Harecurt, William de, 261 n. Harewood, Harwoode. Chris- tian, 201 n; Walter, 294. Harison, Gertrude, 69; Rich- ard, 282. Harlewyn, Edith, 279 n. Harlisdon, John, 198. Harp, M., 262. HARRINGTON, 180 n. (Haryng- ton.) Anne, 95 m, 277 n; Richard, 94 n, 95 n, 219 n, 277 n, 278 n. Harris, 270 n. Harris, 304. HARRIS, 90. (Harrys, Har- ryes, Harrice, etc.) M 76. Sir Christopher, 85; Chris- topher, 85; Dorothy, 264 n; Elizabeth, 101, 215, 251; HARRIS-continued. Frances, 114; Francis, 84; Henry, 1812; Honour, 120n; Hugh, 254n; Joane, 256 n; Johan, 116 n; John, 101, 106 n, 114, 120 n, 197 n, 246, 251, 284, 291; Lazarus, 295; Mary, 72 n, 80 n, 246; Philippa, 80 n, 181 n; Pye, 181 n; Richard, 149 n; Tho- mas, 254 n; William, 120 n, 159 n, 215. HARRY, 103. (Harrye.) Charles, 141 n; Joan, 126n; Johanna, 259 n; John, 80 n, 126 n; Joyce, 268; Nicholas, 247 n; Parker, 159; Thomas, 254 n; Tristram, 268. Harte, Hart. Jane, 90 n John, 135; Katherine, 135. Hartwell, Robert, 280. Harvy, 91. HARVY, 91. (Harvey, Har- vye.) Anne, 32; Francis, 270; George, 199 n; John, 97, 237; Jone, 97; Sir Nicho- las, 32; Marquis of Bristol, 32. Haston, M., 165. Hatch, 304. HATCH, 91, 92. Christopher, 53; Ellin, 286; Isabell, 31; Jane, 130, 131; Thomas, 286. Hatherley, Anne, 141; Bartho- lomew, 141. Haucksworthe, м 97. Haughton. See Houghton. Haward, Alice, 25; Sir Row- land, 25. HAWES, 256. (Hawys, Haweis.) Jane, 162; Joane, 254 n; John, 191 n; Reynold, 162. Hawke, 304. HAWKE, 92. Hawkestow, William, 275. Hawkins, Hawkyns, Haukins, Hawkin, Hawkyn. Ann, 232 n; Agnes, 139, 229; Barbara, 102 n, 200 n; Elinor, 254 n; Hugh, 179 John, 139, 229, 282; Jone, 237; Mary, 200 n; Richard, 135; William, 229, 237. Hawky, Thomas, 295. Haydon, Heydon. Ebit, 159; John, 188; Richard, 132 n; Thomasine, 188; William, 159. Haymer, Jane, 288; Raphe, 288. Hayne, Henry, 8; Wilmot, 8. Hayre, Elizabeth, 144; Rich- ard, 144. Heare, Cicily, 92; William, 92. Hekinson, Elinor, 186; Rich- ard, 186. Hela, Oger, 277 n. Hele, 304. INDEX OF NAMES. 319 HELE, 92, 93. (Heale.) Ag- nes, 287; Dulcebella, 50; John, 145, 287; Jone, 289; Philippa, 145; Thomas, 50; Walter, 289. HELIGAN, 276n, 277 n. (Hele- gan, Helligan.) Joane, 228; Nicholas, 228; Sir Robert, 296. Helligan, 258 n. HELL, 174. Helleston, David de, 17. Mar- tinus Eger, son of David, 17. Helliard, Blanche, 34; Tho- mas, 34. Hellier, Heliar, Hellyer. John, 244 n; Thomas, 231, 232 n, 280. Hellier alias Mayow. See Mayow. Hellinge, Mary, 92; Thomas, 92. Helstone, 282. Hender, x, 93 n, 304. HENDER, 93. (Hendar, Hen- dor, Hinder, Hendre, Hen- dra, etc.) Catherine, 147 ; Christopher, 295; Edward, 186; Elizabeth, 228, 229 n; Frances, 186, 187; John, 147, 180n, 187, 228, 229 n; Julyan, 116; Nicholas, 295; Richard, 191 n; William, 116, 172 n. Hendy, John, 209. Hennah, Richard, 210 n. Henry I., King, 30, 285, 299 ; Henry, his son by Nesta, 30; Reginald, Earl of Cornwall, son of, 285. Henry III., 276n, 299 n; Rich- ard, brother of, 299 n. Henry VII., King, 63. Henry VIII., King, 87 n. Henry, Prince, 19. Herbert, Harbert. John, 167, 282. Somerset, Lord, 258 n. Hereford and Essex, Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of, 259 n. Herle, 304. HERLE, 94, 95. (Hearle, Hearell, Horrell, Horwell, etc.) Anue, 76, 77, 126, 180 n; Edward, 125, 224 n, 225 n; Elizabeth, 101 n; Jenophah, 125; Joan, 226; John, 76 n, 180 n; Loveday, 121 n; Margaret, 180 n; Nicholas, 76, 77; Richard, 299; Robert, 284; Sibell, 126; Thomas, 80, 121 n, 126, 239 n; Walter, 226; Wil- liam, 173. Herring, Edmond, 79 n. Hext, 304. HEXT, 96. (Hexte, Hexet, Hixt, Hix, Heaxtt, etc.) Digory, 177, 215; George, 281; Jane, 177; John, 262; Nicholas, 283; Thomas, 254; William, 182. Hext, 105 n. HEY, 63. Hickes, 304. HICKES, 96. (Hicks, Hickst.) Ephue, 101; Hannah, 120 n; Jane, 188; John, 188, 216; Richard, 188; Thomas, 101. Hichins, Hitchins, Hitchings. Henry, 179; Johan, 140 n; Mary, 179; Thomasine, 101. Hickinge, Elizabeth, 129 n. Higgowe, John, 245 n. Hill, 193, 304. HILL, 73, 194. HILL, 97, 98, 99. HYLL, 100. Agatha, 119; Agnes, 27; Francis, 183; Honor, 249; Jane, 258 n, 298; John, 27, 170; Katherine, 249; Michael, 258; Morris, 249; Pawle, 68; Philippa, 27; Richard, 285; Robert, 27, 119, 258 n, 298. Hillersdon, Elizabeth, 26. Hinckston, Elizabeth, 190; Thomas, 190. Hoare, 304. HOARE, 100, 101. (Hore.) M 76. Joane, 181 n; John, 38, 181 n, 294, 295; Kathe- rine, 254 n. Hobbes, Thomas, 19. Hoblyn, 304. HOBLYN, 101, 102, 103 n. (Hobelyn, Hoblynge, Ho- blyng, etc.) Agnes, 246; Margerie, 9; Powley, 164; Thomas, 9, 50 n, 181 n, 246, 246 n, 254 n, 295. Hockin, Hocking, Hocken, Hockyn. M 101. Elizabeth, 10; Jane, 29 n; John, 88, 101 n, 295; William, 133 n. Hockings, Mileson, 72 n. Hodgshonn, Philip, 165. Hogge, John, 156 n; Mabel, 156 n; Stephen, 41. Hole, Margaret, 160 n. Holman, Helman, Hilman, Hill- man, Holliman, Holdman, Houlman. Alice, 29; Arthur, 295; Fulke, 211 n; Honor, 211 n; John, 29, 105 n, 172 n; Lowdye, Lourdei, 11 n; Mary, 201 n; Sir Thomas, 220 n; Thomas, 6n, 211 n; William, 120 n, 199 n. Holmes, Joane, 28; William, 107 n. Holland, 63. Roger, 31; Tho- masine, 31. Hollewey, William de, 250. Holwell, Thomas, 256 n. Honichurch, Honychurch, 270 n. Anne, 293. Honnywood, Honywood. Thomas, 25, 112 n. Sir Honstant, Joyce, 71. Sir Rich- ard, 71. Hoop. See Andrewe alias. Hooper, Johan, 201 n; Jone, 45; Mary, 197 n; William, 207 n. Hope, Elizabeth, 273 n. Hora, Johanna, 158 n; John, 158 n. Horde, Johanna, 141 n; Wil- liam, 141 n. HORNACOTE, 35 n, 296. (Hor- nicot, Hornyngecote, Horny- acote, etc.) Gervaise de, 299 n; Jarveis, 20; Mawd, 20. Horndon, Grace, 135 n. Hornell or Norwell. Elizabeth, 275 n. Horsey, Elizabeth, 24, 145; Sir John, 24; John, 145; Sir Ralph, 145. Houghton, Haughton. Maria, 60; Willmot, 14. Howard, John, Duke of Norfolk, 60 n; Lady Mary (alias Grenfield), 86 n; Mary, 106 n. Howe, Ann, 253 n. Howell, Francis, 261 n; Mary, 179 n. Howsaye, Johanna, 137 n. Howse, Elizabeth, 154 n. Huckmore, Elizabeth, 10. Huddersfield, Catherine, 31; Sir William, 31. Hudisland, Alice, 214; Robert, 214. Humphrie, Humfry, Hump- frey. Alice, 161; James, 56, 189 n; Jane, 56; John, 164. Hungerford and Bottreaux, Margaret, Lady, 132 n. Hungerford, x. Hunicome, Dorothy, 88. Hunkin, 304. HUNKIN, 290. John, 46, 283. Hunny, John, 134. Hunsdon, Henry Bozon Cary, Lord, 31; Lord, 87 n. Henry Carey, Hunt, John, 168; Peter, 15. Huntingdon, Henry, Earl of, 170 n; Katherine, Countess of, 170 n. Hurst, M 70. Anne, 31; Ro- bert, 194. Husband, George, 248 n; Tho- mas, 256 n; John, 119; Maria, 137 n. Hussie, M 75. Hutchins, Thomas, 23. IIuthnans, Anna, 89 n. Hyelton, Sir Robert, 289. Ilcomb, x. Inch. Elizabeth, 121; Philip, 121; William, 253 n, 254n. Ingpenny, Ingepenne. Alice, 33; Roger de, 271. 320 INDEX OF NAMES. Ingram, Mary, 48 n; Richard, 227 n; Robert, 117. Inkleton, M 177. Innis, 21 n. Irishe, Robert, 104 n. Isack, Isseck. M 126. Edward, 182. Isam, Katherine, 23; William, 23. Ised, Vivian, 261 n. Jackman, Jane, 206; Johanna, 139; John, 206. Jago, Jagow. Alice, 166, 166 n; George, 122 n; Henry, 166; John, 285; Philip, 285; Robert, 72. Jagow, Michell alias. See Michell. James, Agnes, 245 n; Jane, 254 n; Johanna, 245 n ; John, 24; Thomas, 282. Jane, Christian, 105 n; John, 199; Thomas, 283, 284. Jenkin (Jenkins), 304. JENKIN, 36. JENKYN, 103, 104 n. (Jen- ken, Jenkin.) Anne, 212 n; James, 212 n; Johanna, 155 n; John, 159; Patrick, 160; Walter, 177 n. Jennings, 301. JEYNENES, 104. (Jennens, Jennyngs, Jennynge, Jen- nings.) M 263. Alice, 179 n. Jewell, Joane, 3; John, 3. Joeche, Florence, 250 n; Tho- mas, 250 n. John, King, 276 n; Isabell his da., 276 n. John, Ellenor, 150 n; Florence, 152 n; Paris, 262 n; Wil- liam, 256 n. Jollar (? Jollowe). Ellinor, 120; Thomas, 120. JOLLYFE, 105, 106, 107. (Jollye, Joll, Jole, Jowl, Joyliffe, Jollowe, etc.) Joan, 141 n; John, 35, 218 n; Katherine, 120 n; Leonard, 141, 141 n; Nathaniah, 141; Nicholas, 207 n; Peter, 207, 207n; William, 120 n, 122 n, 140 n. Jon, Thomas, 76 n. Jones, Rebecca, 138. Jonwan, Roger, 76. Jope, 304. JOPE, 108. (Jop.) John, 10, 78. Jordan de Haccombe. Haccombe. See Jordan, Jordon. Cicilie, 71; Robert, 129; Thomas, 71; Thomasine, 127, 129. Josselin, see Mont Tregomynion Joyce, John, 245. Joye, Richard, 38. Juyl, Celnance, 216 n; Tho- mas, 216 n. KAILL, 290, 291. (Kayell.) Margerie, 20; Ralph, 20. Karkeek. See Carkeete. Keagle, Elizabeth, 74 n. Keigwin, Elizabeth, 72; Jen- kin, 72; Mrs., 124 n. Kekewich, 108. KEKEWICH, 108, 109. (Keck- wich, Keckwych, Ketchwich.) Edward, 47; George, 81; Samuel, 107 n; William, 48. Kelerion, Johanna de, 271 n; John de, 271 n. Kelloway, x. (Kellaway, Kel- wa.) M 165. Catherine, 206; Dorothy, 24; Florence, 86; Johanna, 229 n; Sir John, 24; John, 206; Roger, 229 n; William, 70. Kelly, Kelley, м 150. Anne, 200; John of, 58; Katherine, 130; Lore, 133; Margaret, 34, 298; Nicholas, 298; Tho- mas, 90, 200; Walthen, 58; William, 46, 130, 133; Wil- mot, 130. Kellye, Trelawney alias, see Trelawney. Kelverth, Henry, 192. Kempe, Kemp, Kympe. Doro- thy, 246; Grace, 242 n; Humphry, 107 n; John, 210, 215, 241 n; Mary, 242 n; Robert, 117, 285; William, 21. Kemple or Kemyll. Alice, 257; Peter, 257. Kempthorne, 305. KEMPTHORNE, 226, 227 (see also Ley alias); Edward, 262; John, 53 n; Richard, 6. Kendall, 305. KENDALL, 109, 110, 111, 112. (Kendale, Kendell, Kendle, de Kendale.) м 197. Anne, 118; Blanch, 4; Constance, 129; Jane, 80, 196, 203 n; Jone, 231; Katherine, 151 n, 245 n; Lawrence, 149, 151 n, 152 n, 275 n; Leodia, 47; Lowday, 17; Margery, 148; Mary, 47 n, 149; Nicholas, 4, 52, 196, 227, 231, 275n; Philippa, 142; Richard, 21, 25, 203 n, 245 n; Stephen, 80 n, 141 n, 275 n; Thomas, 118, 129, 151; Thomasine, 52; Walter, 47, 80, 142, 143 n, 152 n; William, 17, 148, 195 n, 197 n. Kenegy, Kenege. Alexander, 229 n; Honor, 7. Kensham, Richard, 153. Kent, Nicholas, 219 n; Tho- mas, 114. Kerne alias Tresilian, Jane, 205; John, 16; Margery, 16; Pasco, 205. Kerrise, Ralph de, 17. Kervyth, George, 302. Keste, George, 152 n; Robert, 152 n. Kestell, 113, 305. KESTELL, 112, 113, 114, 115. (Kestle, Kestill, Castell, Castle, etc.) M 10, 183. An- stice, 267; Edward, 53, 217, 233, 285; James, 42; Ja- quet, 9; John, 9, 10 n, 257; Mary, 42, 170 n, 233; Phi- lippa, 253 n; Robert, 131 n; Sibell, 217; Thomas, 267; Thomasine, 220 n; Walter, 42, 258 n; William, 159 n. Ketcher, William, 285. Kete, 304. KETE, 116, 117 n. (Keat, Keet, etc.) M 150. Ralph, 22; Sara, 22. Keynwood, John, 76. Kidbroke, Baron, 32. Kildare, Christopher, Count of, 257; Margaret his da., 257. Killegabes, Reginald de, 222. Killigollan, John, 191 n. Killegrath, x. Killegrew, 220. KILLEGREW, 268. (Kyllygrew, Killygrewe, Killigrey, etc.) M 219. Agneta, 169, 169 n; Alexander, 236 n; Elizabeth, 220, 229, 293; Sir Henry, 145, 229; Jane, 142; Joane, 204; John, 81, 83, 86, 142, 169, 169 n, 220, 236 n, 293, 302; Margaret, 81, 83, 302; Margery, 172; Maria, 86, 145, Sir Peter, 235 n; Robert, 204; Walter, 172. Killyowe, 305. KILLYOWE, 117, 118. (Killy- awe, Kyllow, Killiowe, Ke- low, Kellowe, etc.) Anne, 6; Florence, 154n; John, 6, 109, 111, 111 n, 158, 240; Love- day, 109, 111; Richard, 119n; Sibell, 158. Killivorne, Jenkyn, 167; Tho- masin, 167. Kilquite, John, 198; Sibilla, 198. Kingdon, Kindon. Alice, 43, 43 n; John, 135. KINGE, 226, 227. (King.) Agnes, 101; Alice, 229; Mr., 225; Philip, 281; Tho- mas, 229; William, 101. Kirkham (Kerkham), 193. KIRKHAM, 194. Mary, 291; Thomas, 32, 291. Kittow, Elizabeth, 207. Knapman, M 47. Knight, Constance, 147; John, 147; William, 38. INDEX OF NAMES. 321 Knighton, John, 119 n; Rich- ard, 211 n. Knoles, Margerie, 65; Richard, 65. Knyvett, 305. Knyvett, 86 n. KNYVETT, 117. Henry, 57 n. Laa, William, 255 n. Lacy, Bishop, 275 n. Lagher, Elizabeth, 166. Lahere, M 227. Lambe, John, 45. LAMBERT, 187. Richard, 179. Lambron, Johanna, 272 n; William, 272 n. Lamelyon, Margery, 229; Tho- mas, 229. Lamerton, Henry, 291. Lampen, 305. LAMPEN, 119. (Lampene.) John, 222; Katherine, 222, 225 n; Robert, 138. Lancaster, 86 n. Lancuck, Peter de, 35 n, 296; William, 35 n. Lander, Landare. Honor, 149n; Susan, 173 n. Landrey, John, 119; Wilmot, 119. Langdon, 305. LANGDON, 119, 120. (Lan- don, de Langdon, etc.) Blanch, 13, 81, 83; Elizabeth, 139; John, 13, 81, 83; Mary, 188; Robert, 83 n; Walter, 139, 154; William, 188. Langeston, Johanna, 265. Langford, Langeford, 122, 122n, 305. LANGFORD, 121. LANGE- FORD, 122. (Langefford, etc.) Emanuell, 107 n Grace, 47 n; Margery, 66; Roger, 66. Langharne, 305. LANGHARNE, 122, 123. (Lawharne.) John, 233. Langollan, Langollen. Ann, 179 n; Walter, 178 n. Langmaid, Nicholas, 153 n. Langson, Thomasine, 146 n. Langworthy, Elizabeth, 66 n; Frances, 66 n; Richard, 66 n. Lanhergy, X. Lanherne, Alice, 274 n; Sir John, 274 n. Lankeston, John, 295. Lanyon, 204 n, 305. LANYON, 123, 124. (Lanion, Linyine, Lanian, Lanyne, etc.) Elizabeth, 239 n; Katherine, 263 n; Mar- garet, 48, 203; Margery, 120 n; Maria, 187 n; Mary, 42; Philippa, 158; Ralph, 127 n; Richard, 75; Robert, 203; Thomas, 127 n; Tho- LANYON-continued. masine, 75; Walter, 155 n; William, 42, 48. Lap, Walter, 113. Lapfeild, м 97. Launce, 305. LAUNCE, 124, 125. (Lawnce, etc.) John, 65; Matilda, 65; Thomas, 130. Launcelles, Basilia, 69; Wil- liam, 69. Lavers, Nicholas, 104. Lawharne, see Langherne. Lawse, Ralph, 138. Leach, 261 n. Leache, 125. LEACHE, 125. (Leach, Leche.) Charity, 70; John, 70; Nicholas, 95; Samuel, 254 n. Le Archdecon, Le Ercedekne, etc. See Archdeacon. Lee, M 47. John, 248 n n; Sir Richard, 85. Le Fort, Claryce, 257; Henry, 257. Legg, Jane, 195. Le Grys, Robert, 225 n. Leigh, 193, 194, 257, 305. LEIGH, 194. LEIGH, 125, 126. (Leighe, Leygh, de Leghe, etc.) M 47, 88. Barnaby, 178 n; Genet, 183; Grace, 62 Joane, 287; Mabell, 91; Nicholas, 133; Thomas, 91, 183, 235 n; Thomasine, 235 n, 277 n; William, 62, 177, 178 n. Leigh, Aleigh alias. See Aleigh. Lenn, John, 227. Lennard, Sampson, 216; Wil- liam, 215. Lentall, Mary, 204. Sir 204. Leswaren or Lawarren. James, 285. Le Tailleur, x. Levelis, 127 n. Lowelis, 305. LEVELIS, 126, 127. (Love- ales, Lavelys, Lavelis, Lowe- lis, etc.) John, 100 n; Ka- therine, 54; William, 54. LEVENTHORP, 61. Lew, Hervey de, 222. Lewell, M 289. Lewis, Jolin, 201. Ley, Sir James, 68; Mary, 68. Ley, 127. Kempthorne, 305. LEY alias KEMPTHORNE, 127, 128, 129, 130 n. (See also Kempthorne.) Chris- tian, 214; Edward, 262; Elizabeth, 123; John, 53 n, 251 n; Magdalen, 251 n; Richard, 6, 123. Lickfald, Joane, 28. LIFFNEY (or Luney), 226. John, 128; Margaret, 128. Lillyck, Walter, 284. Linan, John, 138. Lipkencott, John, 72; Mary, 72. Liskerett alias Liskerd, 283. Lisly, Arthur, Lord, see Plan- tagenet. Littleher, м 100. Littleton, Thomas, 231, 231 n; William, 290. Lock, Anne, 151; Dorothy, 50; Henry, 151; Sir William, 50. Longe, Longge. Joanna, 232n; Winifred, 266 n. Longman, see Langmaid. Louis, Joane, 57. Lovday, Loveday. Jennor, 61 ; Philip, 61; William, 240 n. Lovelace, Leonard, 130 n. Lovell, Elinor, 215 n. Loveys (Loveis), 305. LOVEYS, 130, 131. (Loves, Lowis, etc.) Amye, 291; Grace, 124 n; Leonard, 124 n; Richard, 291; Theo- philus, 128 n, 251. Lower, 132, 133, 305. LOWER, 132, 133. (Loure, Lowre, etc.) Anne, 251; Barbara, 126; Catherine, 52; Edward, 52; Elizabeth, 19, 21; Ferdinando, 126; Grace, 172; Jane, 34, 119, 299; John, 34, 197 n; Margery, 194; Nicholas, 19, 21, 119; Peter, 108 n, 251; Richard, 202 n, 231 n; Thomas, 89 n, 108 n; William, 194, 221 n. Lucas, Lucos. Alice, 247 n; John, 295; Lettice, 85; Sampson, 247 n. LUCCOMBE, 291. (Lucome.) Ann, 219. Luccon, see Lutton. Lucy alias Lacam, Richard, 285. Ludlow, William, 295. Lugar, Elizabeth, 11; Robert, 11. Lugie, Thomas, 192. Luke, Jane, 260 n; Robert, 283. Lukie, Lukye, Luky, Lukey, etc. M 114. Alice, 172; Ellyn, 57; Johanna, 158 n; John, 35, 158 n; Otes, 172; Thomas, 57, 167 n, 170. Luney, see Liffney. Lupus, Jane, 271, 272. Luscombe, Agnes, 179; Henry, 179. Lutton, Luccon. Peter, 292, 292 n. Luttrell, Lutterell, Luterell. Sir Andrew, 64, 64 n, 65, 269, 269 n, 270 n; Andrew, 130, 131; Eleanor, 269 n, 270 n; Grace, 130, 131; Sir Hugh, 269 n, 270 n; Hugh, 160 n; Sir John, 270 n; Margaret, 64, 64 n, 65; Walthen, 270 n. Lycheborowe, Johanna, 158 n; Thomas, 158 n. 2 T 322 INDEX OF NAMES. Lynam, 305. LYNAM, 134. (Lyneham, Lynham, etc.) Agnes, 9; Dorothy, 59; George, 138 n; John, 9, 237; Richard, 59; Sara, 138 n; Ursula, 138 n. Mac Morrough, Dermot, 30. Madern, Madderne (see also Cossen alias). John, 240, 283; William, 283. Madocke, Alice, 56 n; John, 56 n. Maior (? Maioe), Jane, 184 n. Major, Rose, 221 n. Malbant, M 289. Malerbe, Cristina, 112 n; John, 112 n. Maleverer, Sir Halnathe, 298; Halnathe, 31, 34 n, 299; Johanna, 34 n, 298. Mallet, x. MALLET, 240. (Malet.) Adam, 259 n; Ann, 257; Baldwin, 92, 257; Elizabeth, 53 n; John, 212; Robert, 180 n; Thomas, 259 n, 261 n; Wil- liam, 107 n, 207 n; Zenobia, 212. Man, Joan, 151; J., 151. Manington, 134. MANINGTON, 134, 135, 136 n. (Manyngton, Manaton, etc.) Alice, 262; Ambrose, 64; Anthony, 207; Francis, 266 n; Henry, 44; Katherine, 44; Peter, 262; Piers, 25; Sam- son, 21. MANNING, 214. (Maning, etc.) Anne, 70; Hugh, 213; Phi- lippa, 213. Marat al's Treludders, M 114. Marchant, Avis, 38. Marifeild, Merefield, Merrifield. M 97. John, 72 n, 170 n, 255 n; Otho, 72 n, 255 n. Marke, 305. MARKE, 136, 137 n. (Marrke, Marek, etc.) Alice, 238 n; James, 6; John, 46, 295; Joseph, 127n; Margerie, 249; Peter, 46, 103 n, 169 n, 249. Marlborough, The Duke of, 81 n; Henrietta, Duchess of, 81 n. Marquille, Ermano de le, 55. MARRAYS, 291. (Mareys.) John, 74 n; Richard, 112 n. Martyn, Martin, 222, 305. MARTYN, 223. MARTYN, 137. (Martin.) M 183. Agnes, 31; Alice, 261 n; Charles Wykeham, 87 n; David, Bp. of St. David's, 30; Henry, 284; Humphry, 251; John, 153, 153 n, 205, 231 n ; Margaret, 205, 261 n; Mary, 105 n, 201 n; Robert, 218 n; Thomas, 57, 90; Sir Wil- MARTYN-continued. liam, 31, 144 n; William, 183 n. Maruni, Sir Edmund, 194; Elinor, 194. Marwood, Jaquet, 41. Maryett, Ann, 34. Masey, John, 279 n. Mason, Adryan, 28; Ann, 191n; Cicily, 28. Masters, Ursula, 268 n. Mathedarva, x. Mathew, 305. MATHEW, 137, 138, 139. (Mathewe, Matthew, etc.) Anne, 176; Elizabeth, 131 n, 203; Sir George, 176; John, 215; Jerome, 254 n; Rich- ard, 134 n, 151, 189 n, 203 n; William, 131, 134 n, 155 n, 189, 190, 203, 262; Wilmot, 120 n. Maude, M 97. (Mi- Maunder, Jane, 263 n. May, Joseph, 182 n, 218 n. Maynard, 14, 15, 305. MAYNARD, 50 n, 143. MAYNARD, 139, 140. nerd, Mainard.) Anna, 253 n; Bridget, 197 n; Margaret, 253 n; Nicholas, 120; Wil- liam, 284. Mayne, Alexander, 230; Eliza- beth, 230. Mayow, 305. MAYOW, 140, 141 n. (Mahow, Mayo, etc.) Ann, 73, 152, 152 n; Cecilia, 112n; Eliza- beth, 44; John, 73, 148 n, 183, 258 n; Judith, 259 n; Lore, 290; Margaret, 60; Margery, 47, 47 n; Nicholas, 107; Peter, 21, 44; Philip, 47, 47 n; Thomas, 60, 152, 152 n, 290; Walter, 112 n. Mayow alias Hellier. Anne, 241; Katherine, 220 n; Tho- mas, 220 n, 241. Mayow alias Vivian. John, 259 n. Meacke, Johanna, 262 n. Melhuise, John, 16; Margery, 16. Melton, M 97. Menwynick, 305. MENWYNICK, 141. (Men- wyneeke, Menwynnyk, Men- wincke, etc.) Anne, 79; Joanna, 146 n; Matilda, 70; Maude, 228; Robert, 79, 228; William, 70, 190. Meriett, John, 143, 210. Merritt, Merrett. Anne, 239 Elizabeth, 227; John, 227, 239. METHEROS, 169. (Matherose, etc.)Joan, 223; Johanna, 244 n; Philip, 223; Walter, 244 n. Mewthing, Margaret, 76; Wil- liam, 76. Michell, 142, 305. MICHELL, 142, 143. M 121. Gilbert, 139 n, 190; Honor, 224; Jane, 139; John, 52, 186, 224, 285; Lawrence, 153 n; Maude 52; Richard, 111 n; Sibill, 197 n; William, 284. Michell alias Jagow. Amie, 226; John, 226. Michelstow, Amice, 219; John, 219. Mill, Myll. Benett, 165 n; John, 295; Margaret, 220 n. Millard, Sarah, 267 n. Milleton, 67. Milliton, 222, (Millington, Mylyton, etc.) Avice, 68; Elianor, 16; Eliza- beth, 95, 239; Grace, 222; Mary, 168; Philippa, 123; William, 16, 68, 81, 95, 123, 168, 222, 239. Millionick, Florence, 7; Rich- ard, 7. Mohun, 305. MOHUN, 143, 144, 145, 146. (Mowhown, Mohen, Moone, etc.) Bridget, 158 n; Doro- thy, 140 n; Elinor, 30; Elizabeth, 229; Jane, 220; John, 31, 47, 47n, 141n; Mar- garet, 31, 70; Mary, 224 n; Sir Reginald, 158 n, 229, 259 n, 281; Reginald, 220, 240; Richard, 70; William, 30, 140 n, 141 n, 224 n, 240 n. Mohun, 105 n. Molesworth, 305. MOLESWORTH, 147. (Mollesworth, Molsworth, etc.) John, 93; Mary, 178 n. Molynes, Molyns. M 63. Vivian de, 261 n; William de, 261 n. Monke, Mary, 287; Thomas, 287. Monmouth, Robert Cary, Earl of, 240. Monpesson, Sir Giles, 2; Ra- chell, 2. Montacute, 86 n; William, Earl of Salisbury, 31. Montague, William, 144. Montgomery, Adam de, 30; Robert de, 30; Thomas de, 30. Mont Tregomynion, Isabell de, 84; Josselin de, 84. Moor, Moore. Anne, 137; Grace, 301; Jane, 205; Robert, 137; Susan, 215; Thomas, 215; Tristram, 191n; William, 146 n. Mooringe. See De la More. Morden, Barney, 106 n. Morecombe, Morcombe. Nicho- las, 249; Philippa, 131 n. INDEX OF NAMES. 323 Morgan, Sibell, 240. Morice, Catherine, 212 n; Nicholas, 212 n. Morish, Elizabeth, 221 n. Morley, Edward, Lord, 2. Morris, M 165. Sir Morshead, Robert, 146 n. Morthe, see Randall, 306. MORTHE, 147, 148. (Murthe, Morthure, etc.) Edward, 243 n; John, 258 n. MORTON, 148. Thomas, 281. Moulton, William, 60 n. Mounsell, Anne, 246 n. Mount Edgcumb, Earl of, 31. Moyle, 305. MOYLE, 103. MOYELL, 149. MOYLE, 150, 151. (Moule, Moile, Mule, etc.) M 252 n. Anne, 272; Constantine, 182 n; David, 254 n; Elizabeth, 102 ~; Jane, 96 n; James, 253 n; Joane, 112; John, 291 Mary, 36; Olivia, 90 n; Richard, 112, 253 n; Robert, 36; Samuel, 254 n; Sir Tho- mas, 19; Sir Walter, 272. Moyse, Honour, 156 n. MULES, 286. Mullis, Robert, 295. Munday, 305. MUNDAY, 151, 152, 153. (Monday, Mundaye, Mundye al's Wansworth, etc.) Anne, 16, 259 n; Edward, 72; Eliza- beth, 180; Hugh, 16, 180, 180 n, 285; John, 259 n; Katherine, 149 n; Nicholas, 225 n; Richard, 259 n; Tho- mas, 149 n. Murdoke, Guinthian, 91; Sir John, 91. Murfield, John, 295. Muschamp, Katherine, 186. Myler, 30. Mylton, Loveday, 248 n. Myners, Mynars, Minors. M 45. John, 295; Margaret, 58; Maria, 253 n: Richard, 58, 80 n. Nancarowe, Ursula, 244 n. Nance, 305, see also Trengove alias Nanse. Richard, 124 n. Jane 274 n; Nanconan, Nanconnan. Eliza- beth, 104 n; Jane, 36. Nancoras, Katherine, 126. NANCOTHON, 174 (Nancothan). Elizabeth, 167; John, 167. Nankevell, 305. NANKEVELL alias TIP- PETT, 153, 154; John, 118 n. Nanfan, Jane, 208; Jacob, 208; Johanna, 20; James, 20. NANGOTHAN, 167. Nans, Agnes de, 238 n. Nanscaven, M 21. Nanscut, Nanscoet, 297; Peter de, 261 n. Nanspian, 305. NANSPIAN, 154, 155, 156 n. (Nanspean,etc.) M 235. Agnes, 235 n; Cheston, 233; Henry, 186, 233; James, 138 n, 258; Katherine, 258; Wilmot, 138 n. Nantian, x. Nappar, Napper. Alexander, 125; Baronet, 125; Elizabeth, 125. Newcastle - on - Tyne, Robert Whelpington, Mayor of, 94. Newcourt, Newcort. Agnes, 93; Johanna, 12; John, 12, 93, 215; Mary, 215; Tobias, 90. NEWMAN, 36; William, 5. Newman, 270 n. Newminster, William, Abbot of, 94. Newton, Jane, 114; John, 114, 134. Nevill, 86 n; Anne, 292; Aux- illia, 292; Elizabeth, 82; John, 292; Richard, 82. Nicholas, Penrose alias, see Penrose. Nicholls, 305. NICHOLLS, 157, 158. (Ni- cholles, Nicholl, Nicholas, etc.) Anne, 200; Jane, 248 n, 263 n; John, 35, 46 n; 145, 145 n, 168, 191 n, 200, 256 n, 289; Margaret, 107; Prudence, 289; Robert, 117; Sibilla, 165 n; Thomas, 10; Thomazin, 35; Walter, 283. Nicoll, 156, 199. NICOLL, 156, 157. (Nicholls, Nicolls, etc.) Amy, 253 n; Humphry, 82, 133, 195, 199; Isabella, 199; Mary, 133; Philippa, 82. Nick, Mary, 288; Robert, 288. Ninnis (? Innis), Thomas, 21. Noble, м 69. Johanna, 79 n. Nononant, Roger de, 250. Norbrooke, Joane, 66; John, 66. Norfolk, John Howard, Duke of, 64 n. Norreys, Henry, Lord, 32. Norrish, Elizabeth, 32; Sir John, 32. North, Frances, 136; Francis, 136. Northcott, John, 195. Northumberland, Roger Wod- rington, Sheriff of, 94. Nosworthy, Nosworthie. Alice, 89 n; Francis, 285; William, 89 n, 283. Nottell, Katherine, 241 n. Novant, John de, 274 n; Rosa- mund de, 274 n. Noy, 305. NOYE, 158, 159 n. (Noie, etc.) Barbara, 186; Edward, 48, 186; Philip, 104 n; Richard, 104 n; William, 104 n, 123 n, 186, 270, 270 n. Odrone, Digon, Baron of, 30; Avice, his da., 30. Oglethorpe, M 116. Oliver, Olliver, Olver. M 174. Elizabeth, 175, 175 n; Jane, 53 n; John, 119 n, 172 n; Thomas, 175, 175 n, 248 n. Opie, 305. OPY, 159, 160. M 174. Ni- cholas, 12, 298. Oram, William, 235 n. Orchard, Thamasine, 24. Ormond, Thomas Butler, Earl of, 86 n; Anne, Countess of, 86 n. (See Butler.) Orwell, Sara, 109. Osborne, 195; John, 195; Mag- dalen, 195. Osgood, Arthur, 285. Osmond, Christopher, 179 n. OUGHE, 160; Christopher, 266. Owen, M 216. Loveday, 261 n; Philip, 261 n; Thankfull, 261 n, OWRYE, 226. (Owry alias Tre- gonwall, etc.) Oxford, The Earl of, 31. Packer, Mary, 133 n. Padarda, Paderda, Padreda. Matilda, 150 n; Nicholas de, 55; Noel, 100 n; Ralph, 150n; Thomas, 55, 198. Pafford, M 150. Palke, Mary, 201 n. Palmer, м 160; Sir William, 106 n. Panchard, Johanna, 161. Parker, 305. PARKER, 161; Anne, 137; James, 25; Sir Nicholas, 68 n; Thomas, 137. Parkhouse, Johanna, 279 n. Parkyng, William, 179. Parloben, Ramund, 250. Parmere, Alice, 54; John, 54. Parnell, Parnall. Constance, 129 n; John, 39, 285; Wil- liam, 172 n. Parrat, M 288. Parris, William, 281. Parsons, John, 139; Susan, 139. Pascoe, Pascowe. Elizabeth, 179; John, 179, 242 n. Pasemere, Patrick, 282. Paule, Nicholas, 285. Pawlet, Elizabeth, 141; Giles, 141. Pawley. M 216. James, 16. Pawlherman, 66. Paynell, William, 143, 324 INDEX OF NAMES. Paynter, 305. PAYNTER, 162. (Penter, Painter, etc.) Anne, 263 n; Arthur, 270 n; Edmond, 58; Ellinor, 215; George, 90; Grace, 270 n; William, 52, 215. Pearce, Pearse. Degory, 136 n; John, 106 n; Mary, 163 n. Peard, Rachell, 159 n. Pearne, Frances, 105 n. Peek, Peeke. Elizabeth, 197n; Joan, 201 n. Peirse, Pierse, Peirs. Agnes, 168; Alice, 71; Jane, 59; John, 59, 114; Nicholas, 11; Richard, 160; Thomas, 168, 295; Tristram, 79; Walter, 295; William, 160. Pellamounter, Catherine, 175 ; John, 295; Mary, 239 n; Richard, 175. Pembroke, Richard, Earl of, see Strongbow, Penant, Jane, 251; William, 251. Penarth, Walter, 285. Pencarowe, Jane, 191; Ralph, 191. Pendarves, 305. PENDARVES, 163, 164; PENDARVÍS, 164. (Pen- darvers, etc.) Alexander, 3; Ann, 273 n; Bridget, 236 n; Catherine, 264 n; Dorothy, 53 n; Elizabeth, 79 n; Flo- rence, 263, 263 n; Grace, 187 n; John, 76 n, 216; Mary, 216; Mellior, 76 n; Peter, 79 n; Samuel, 187 n; William, 236 n. Pender, Pendre. Ellinor, 8; Martin, 8; Richard, 23. Pendergast, 30. PENFÖUN, 164, 165. (Pen- found, Penfownd, etc.) Di- gory, 293; Elizabeth, 105; Margaret, 218; William, 105, 218. Pengelley, x; Richard, 181 n. Penhalurick, William, 282. Penhallow, 305. PENHALLOW, 166. (Pen- haloo, etc.) Penhellick, 305. PENHELLICK, 167, 168. (Penhillick, etc.) Alexander, 14; Alice, 14; John, 12. Penhergard, Walter de, 222. Penhergie, Edith, 4; Henry, 4. Penhyll, Alexander, 234 n. Penkevil, 222. (Penkevell, etc.) M 83. Catherine, 100; Do- rothy, 83 n; Elizabeth, 287; Francis, 12, 287; Jane, 12, 159; Philip, 100. Pennance, Penans. Annora, 189n; John, 22, 189 n; Wil- liam, 189 n. Penpons, 21. (Penpan.) м 21. Amicia, 255 n; John, 22; Richard, 255 n, 299. Penquit, William de, 55. Perose, 305. PENROSE, 168, 169. PEN- ROS, 169, 170. (Penrosse, Penrees, Penrise, etc.) Alice, 98; Anne, 38; Enis, 247; Grace, 154, 155n ; Johan, 223 ; John, 154, 155 n, 223, 224, 247; Katherine, 188; Mariet, 223; Margerie, 18; Thomas, 38, 98, 188; Vivian, 18; William, 223. Penrose alias Nicholas, Henry, 169 n, 255 n; Margaret, 169 n; Mary, 255 n. Penrose alias Treveare, Henry, 170 n. Pensance (Penzance), 283. Penticost, Gertrude, 182; Jane, 216; Nicholas, 182, 216. Pentier, Pentire, Pentyre. Ely- nor, 133; Jane, 189, 190; John, 8, 69, 70, 235 n; Mary, 8; Richard, 70, 152; Samuel, 152 n; Thomas, 264; William, 189, 190. Penvrane, Lawrence, 113; Mar- garet, 113. Penwarne, 305. PENWARNE, 170, 171. (Pen- warren, Penwerin, Penwarn, etc.) Anne, 211 n; Eliza. beth, 274 n; John, 22; Mary, 166; Nicholas, 219 n; Rich- ard, 180 m, 211 n; Thomas, 69, 274 n; Vivian, 166. Percivall, Margaret, 132. Percy, 86 n. Perdew, Bennet, 282. Peres alias Pryske, William, 235 n. Perkins, Drew, 295. Perne, Josias, 192. Perrie, Perrye. Agnes, 188; Elizabeth, 201; Thomas, 188; William, 201. Perrow, Susan, 150 n; William, 150 n. Peryam, Christian, 170. Pester, Henry, 180 n, 219 n. Peters, Hugh, 221 n; Thomas, 81. Petherbridge, Alice, 56 n; John, 56 n. Petit, x, 234, 305. PETIT, 180 n, 234, 235, 297. PETIT, 276, 277 n, 278 n. (Pedyt, Petyt, le Petit, etc.) Alice, 296; Emlin, 76, 76 n; Johanna, 299 ~; John, 239, 296, 300 n; Maude, 239; Michael, 76, 76 n, 300 n Thomas, 95 n; Thomasine, 76 n. Pett, John, 283. Pever, x, 278 n. n; Peverell, 71. (Peferell.) Amicia or Avice, 30 n; Constance, 257; Sir Hugh, 257; Hugh, 30 n, 75; Sir James, 258 n; James, 257; John, 30 n. Phillipa, Queen, 32. Phillips, Elizabeth, 237 n; Jane, 263 n; Margaret, 237 n; Re- becca, 192 n. Philpott, Mr., 134. Phippen, George, 170 n. Picford, Julian, 217; William, 217. Pike, Anne, 150 n. Pillaton, John, 291. Pim, Pime, Pym. Alexander, 195; Jane, 195; Philippa, 195. Pipard, Pypard. Arthur, 281. Piper, Elizabeth, 63; William, 63. Pitchard, Elinor, 188. Pitford, M 177. Pitt, Pitts. John, 101, 153 n. Plantagenet, Arthur, Lord Lisly, 84; Elizabeth, 31, 259 n; John, Earl of Corn- wall, 297. Plumleigh, 305. PLUMLEIGHE, 171, 172 n. (Plumley, etc.) Mary, 138; Thomas, 138. Poher, Poer. Florence, 20; Vivian, 261 n; Walter, 20. Poldresak, Vincent de, 55. Poleglasse, William, 94. Polgoner, John de, 237. Polgreene, Peter, 219; Senata, 219. Polgwest, Adam alias. See Adam. Polhelon, Walter de, 55. Polkinghorne, 305. POLKINGHORNE, 173, 174. POLKINHORNE, 175, 176 n. Alexander, 162; Henry, 261 n; John, 62 n; Mary, 79 n, 168 n; Otho, 79 n, 168 n;. Richard, 262 n; Roger, 51, 261 n, 283. Polland, Christopher, 137 n. Pollard, 305. POLLARD, 176. M 165. Anne, 249; Elizabeth, 240, 243; Sir Hugh, 63, 195; Hugh, 249; Isat, 76; Sir Lewis, 240; Mary, 63; Pro- besia, 249 n; Sir Richard, 32; Richard, 76, 243; Susan, 195. Pollexfen, Ann, 165. Pollowyn, Furnifell, 110 n. Polsewe, Poulsewe. Edward, 108; Katherin, 89 n. Polsulsack, Cheston, 155 n; John, 155 n. Polmarva, Alice, 34. Polwhele, 305. POLWHEILE, 172, 173. (Pol- while, Polewheele, etc.) INDEX OF NAMES. 325 POLWHEILE-continued. M 278. Anna, 216; Digory, 262; Grace, 62; John, 62; Isa- bell, 43; Mary, 124; Stephen, 227; Susan, 262. Pomeroy, 305. POMEROY, 176, 177. (Po- mery, Pomeroi, etc.) Andrew, 1, 103 n; Anne, 103 n; Christopher, 204 n; Constance, 158; Dorothy, 292; Elizabeth, 299, 300 n; Henry, 17, 285; Hugh, 158; Jane, 38; John, 38 n, 253 n; Mary, 1; Richard, 119 n; Stephen, 137 ; Sir Thomas, 300 n; Thomas, 292; Wil- liam, 38. Pope, 194. Jane, 194; John, 194; George, 119 n. Popham, Hugh, 248 n. Portbyan alias West Loe, 284. Porter, 305, 306. PORTER, 178, 179. Chris- tian, 131 n; Mary, 166; Thomas, 131 n; Walter, 130, 166. Post, Robert, 113. Pound, Pownd. Blanch, 229; Constance, 181; John, 229; William, 181. Power, Isabella, 255 n; Michael, 255 n. Poyle, 180, 180 n, 306. POYLE, 180. (Poile, de la Poyle, etc.) Jane, 126, 235 n, 277 n; Richard, 21; Robert, 95 n, 126, 219 n, 235 n, 277n; Thomas, 171 n. Prade, Praed. James, 36, 103; Jane, 48; William, 48, 103, 235 n. Prawle, 66. Predeney, Jane, 238; Richard, 238. Preston, Margaret, 246 n. Prideaux, Pridiux, Prideis, Pre- deeks, etc., 31, 32. M 47,210. Admonition, 151, 151n, 164n; Ann, 301; Charitie, 134; Edmund, 64, 151, 151 m; Edward, 164 n; Elizabeth, 152 n, 288; John, 151 n., 156 n, 201 n, 255 n; Mar- garet, 276 n; Milicent, 74 n; 41, 133 n, 151 n; Honor, 288; Humphry, 134, 151 n, Sir Nicholas, 269, 288; Ni- cholas, 107 n; Peter, 86; Richard, 41, 74 n, 154, 155 nl, 156n, 210; Sir Roger, 276 n; Thomas de, 18; William, 152 n, 199 n; Zenobia, 155 n, 156 n. Prisk, William, 73. Pristwood, Mary, 302. Proseper, John, 55; Margerie, 55. PROUTE, 87. (Prowt, etc.) PROUTE-continued. Digory, 70; Edward, 248; Matilda, 236. Prowse, Prouse, Prouze, etc. Elizabeth, 121; Hugh, 121n; Humphry, 54 n; Philippa, 54 ; Prudence, 49; Robert, 292; Thomas, 279 n; Ursula, 105 n. Prust, Prost, Prist, etc. Charles, 70, 92, 215; Henry, 37; Honor, 70; Hugh, 35, 115 n, 178n; Lawrence, 214; Margaret, 214; Maria, 70; Philippa, 178; Temperance, 92; William, 280. Pryor, Warne, 175. Prys, Catherine, 268; John, 268. Pube, Katherine, 101 n. Purfrey, Purefoy, Purforoy. Alice, 16; Joanna, 39; Tho- mas, 39. Putt, Mary, 196 n; Nicholas, 205. Pye, 306. PYE, 181, 182 n. (Pie.) An- thony, 26, 235 n, 238; Eliza- beth, 26; Jane, 26; John, 101, 279; Philippa, 101. Pyne, Elizabeth, 209; Hugh, 209; Johanna, 273 n. Quarme, 306. QUARME, 182. Abigail, 96; Robert, 96, 225 n. Quarton, Dorothy, 97; Wil- liam, 97. Quych, John, 255 n. Raby, Thomas, 219 n. Radcliffe, Martha, 135 n, 136 n. Raddona, Richard de, 285. Raleigh, Ralegh. M 84. Henry de, 180; Sir Walter, 31. Ramesland, 193. Rose of, 194; William of, 194. Randall, 306. RANDALL, 182, 183. Alice, 151; Grace, 98; Jone, 139; John, 74, 139, 284; Mary, 27; Thomas, 27, 98, 282; Philip, 284. Randolph, William, 232 n. Raoll, Margery, 19; Ralph, 19. Rashleigh, 306. RASHLEIGH, 183, 184. (Raysshleligh, Rayshley, Rashley, etc.) Agneta, 169; Alice, 54 n, 196; Avis, 115; Deborahı, 205; Elizabeth, 259 n; Jane, 139; John, 23, 115, 139, 140, 169, 196, 205, 255 n, 259 n; Jonathan, 54 n; Jone, 45 n, 140; Lettice, 245, 245 n; Margaret, 247; Mary, 90 n; Philip, 220 n; Robert, 45, 222, 245, 247. Ravell, see Revell. Rawfis, Joane, 8; John, 8. Rawle, see Roll. Rawlyn, Richard, 235 n. Rawton, м 97. RAYNFRY, 13. Reade, Reede. Edward, 108 n; John, 70. Redris, Grace, 203; Robert, 203. Redvers, 52, 257. RENCIE, 80. Renolds, Reinolds, 294; Eliza- beth, 174; John, 174; Redy- gan, 119. Rensby, M 97. Renston, M 286. Reparijs, John de, 228; Mar- gery de, 228. Reprin, or Wroughton, x. Reskimer, 306. RESKIMER, 185. (Reskim- mer, Reskemer, Reskemere, etc.) Alexander, 230 n; Anne, 145, 229, 230 n; Eu- sada, 20; John, 19, 20, 67, 212; Katherine, 51, 67; Margaret, 145 n; Matilda, 19; Philippa, 216; Roger, 19; William, 51, 76 n, 145, 206, 216, 229. Reskimer, 35 n, 297, 299 n. Resprin, Jane, 34, 298; Rich- ard, 34. RESTORAKE (Roscarrock), 234. Reswell, Thomas, 295. Retallack, Retallick. Edward, 201 n; Elinor, 201 n; John, 183. RETALLER, 103. Revell, 193. REVELL, 194. (Ravell.) Reynell, Alice, 6; Edmond, 6; Sir Thomas, 230 n. Reyney, Elizabeth, 49; John, 49. Ricard, Ricord. Johanna, 229n; Thomas, 229 n, 295. Rich, Riche. Hugh, 188 n; Sir Richard, 19. Richardes, Jane, 96; Joan, 96n; Richard, 162; William, 96. Richowe, Elizabeth, 7; Nicho- las, 7. Ridge, Roger, 257. Ridgwaye, Philippa, 9; Thomas, 195. Rilston, Anna, 77; Elizabeth, 74; Jacob, 77; James, 74. RISDON, 147. (Risden.) Eliza- beth, 107; Prudence, 79; Thomas, 107. Rise, Thomas, 67; Wynifred, 67. Rivers, Sir John, 33. Ritt, John, 150. Robarts, 186. Roberts, 306. ROBARTS, 186. ROBERTS, 187. (Roberds, Robartes, 326 INDEX OF NAMES. ROBARTS-continued. etc.) Cristobel, 142; Dorothy, 137 n; Elizabeth, 263; Fran- ces, 254 n; Grace, 163, 163 n ; Jane, 17, 153 n; John, 163, 248 n; Margaret, 154, 155 n; Maria, 1957; Philippa, 141 n; Sir Richard, 93, 93n; Richard, 15, 17, 137 n, 142, 154, 155 n, 263; Thomas, 294; William, 163 n. Robins, Robyns. м 139. George, 247 n; Grace, 111 n, 253 n; James, 260 n; Jane, 38 n; John, 242 n, 255 n, 265 n; Robert, 96 n, 188; Stephen, 210 n, 242 n; Thomas, 155 n; 235 n. Robinson, 306. ROBINSON, 188; Anne, 129n ; Thomas, 243 n; William, 170, 282. Rockwood, м 97. Rodd, James, 207 n; Mary, 207 n. Rogers, 306. ROGERS, 214. ROGERS, 188; Christopher, 120 n; Elizabeth, 25; Sir John, 25; Mary, 243 n. ROLL, 290. (Rolls, Rawle, etc.) Frances, 130, 130 n, 131; Francis, 153, 153 n; Henry, 130, 131, 147; John, 107 n; Mary, 241; Miss, 29; Moris, 147n; Philippa, 147; Robert, 92 n. Ronnell, Edward, 101; Sibell, 101. Roope, Rope. Barbara, 152; John, 152, 266; Margaret, 266. Roscarrock, 306. ROSCARROCK, 189, 190. (Roscowreake, Resoryk, de Roskareo, etc.) Agnes, 141; Anthony, 142, 215; Cha- mond, 279 n; Charles, 146 n; Elizabeth, 100, 279; Frances, 142; Grace, 279 n; Jane, 156; John, 84, 100, 138, 240, 277 n; Katherine, 278; Margaret, 231, 277 n, 278 n; Mary, 87; Ralph, 278 n; Richard, 156, 255 n; Sibilla, 138; Thomas, 20, 141, 208, 231, 278, 279; Walter, 17. Roscorla, Roscorly. George, 45; Henry, 253 n. Rose, Faith, 39; Judith, 39. Rosewaran, 306. ROSEWARAN, 191. (Rose- warne.) M 216. Jane, 156 n; Steven, 156 n; Thomas, 53. Rositer, Rosetor. Christian, 54; Hugh, 14; Robert, 54. Rosiwike, Jane, 98; Reginald, 98. Roskrow, 306. ROSKROWE, 192. Roskruge, 306. ROSKŘÚGE, 192. (Roscruge, Roskirke, Reskreck, etc.) Christian, 210 n; Grace, 162, 162 n; Jane, 65; John, 41, 41 n, 65, 162, 162 n, 210 n; Richard, 174. Roskyr, Reskere. Elizabeth, 59; Galfrid, 244 n; John, 59; Julia, 244 n. ROSMELL, 216. ROSMODRES, 291. (Rosmadres, Rosmoders, etc.) Elinor, 238; Johanna de, 18; Richard, 258 n; Thomas de, 18; Tho- mas, 23, 238. Rosuggan, 193. ROSÜGGAN, 193. (Rosogan, Resuggan, etc.) M 145, 244. Katherine, 193 n; Robert, 193 n. Rous, 193. ROUS, 193, 194, 195. (Rows, Rufus, etc.) Ambrose, 269; Sir Anthony, 281; Anthony, 119, 119 n, 156; Blanch, 114; Emlin, 138; Jane, 119; Katherine, 269; Philippa, 156, 156 n; Richard, 11; W., 107 n; William, 107 n, 114, 187 n. ROWSE, ROUSE, 187, 206. Rowe, Rawe, Roe. M 231. Alexander, 274 n; Alice, 112; Digory, 12; Elizabeth, 12, 125 n, 201 n; Johan, 46, 115 n; John, 112, 123, 123 n, 125 n, 282; Margaret, 228 n; Mary, 54; Nichola, 232 n; William, 46. Rowland, Jane, 214; John, 214. Rownsewall, Richard, 253 n. Rumoe, William, 183. Rupe. See De la Roche. Russell, Andrew, 112; Anne, 156; John, 177; Nicholas, 112; Rohaysia, 177 n. Rutter, Matthew, 162 n; Nicho- las, 107, 107 n; Richard, 107 n. Ryder, Thomas, 56 n; Thoma- sine, 56 n. St. Clair, M 32. St. David's, David Martyn, Bishop of, 30. St. John, Seynt John. Alice, 272 n; Edward, 272, 272 n; Johanna, 272 n; William, 272 n. St. Leger, x. Anne, 87 n; Sir George, 86 n, 87 n; Sir James, 86n, 86 n; Sir John, 85, 87 n; John, 87 n; Mary, 85. St. Tavy (St. Aubyn), Ann, 151, 151 n; Thomas, 151, 151 n. Sakfen, Joan, 135 n. Salisbury, Salisburie, Salisberie. Alice, 41; Jane, 213; John, 41; William Montacute, Earl of, 31; William, 213. Sallamon, Rose, 196. Saltashe, 284. Salter, Anne, 180 n; Elizabeth, 94; John, 94, 180 n; William, 34. Samford, м 65. Sampson, Bethseba, 142n; Mar- tin, 283; Robert, 80 n. Samuell, 306. SAMUELL, 196. (Samwell.) Elizabeth, 20; John, 73; Lower, 73; Margaret, 160; William, 160, 204. Sancto Martino, Alred de, 285. Sanders, Elizabeth, 61; John, 142, 190. Sapcot, Johanna, 177 n; Sir John, 177 n. Savell, M 97. Savory, Savery. Christopher, 14; Jane, 139; Margaret, 14. Sawle, 306. SAWLE, 196, 197 n. (Sawell, Sawl, Saull, etc.) Amy, 90n; Sir Joseph, 253 n; Joseph, 220 n; Mary, 253 n; Nicho- las, 184; Oliver, 78 n. Sawle, 29 n. Sayer, 306. SAYER, 197. Scafe, M 97. Scawen, 198, 306. SCAWEN, 198, 199. SCAWNE, 200. (Scawyne, etc.) Agnes, 56; Christian, 60; Edward, 56; John, 55, 227; Margerie, 55; Robert, 156n; William, 55, 60. Scheplyn, Nicholas, 290. Scobell (Scoble), 306. SCOBELL, 200, 201. (Scob- bell, Skobell, etc.) Francis, 50 m, 261 n; Richard, 50 n, 149, 242 n, 261 n. Scoble, 254 n. Scutoris, Nicholas, 18; Wil- liam, 18. Searle, 202. SEARLE, 202. (Sorrell, Searell, etc.) Alice, 219; Elizabeth, 1; Jane, 74 n; Philadelphia, 133 n; Wy- mund, 1. Secom, Thomas, 118 n. Segar, Sir William, 294. Segrave, Christian, 144; John, 144. Sele, Margaret, 183 n; Thomas, 183 n. Seler, John, 76. Selman, M 1. Thomasine, 92; William, 92. Seneschall, Seneshall, Steward, 258 n. Elizabeth, 271, 271 n; INDEX OF NAMES. 327 Seneschall-continued. n. Jane, 98 Sir John, 271; John, 271; Richard, 98. Sergiaux, Le Sergeaux, Ser- geant, Sargeant, 258 Alice, 213; Jane, 271; Jone, 239; Katherine, 213 n; Laura, 228; Philippa, 213 n; Sir Richard, 228, 239, 271; Richard, 213 n. Seward, Judith, 28. Seymour, Seamour. Sir Ed- ward, 200 n; Mary, 200 n; John, 70, 107 n. Seyntaubyn (St. Aubyn), 257, 306. SEYNTAUBYN vel ST. AUBIN, 212, 213 n. (Sancto Albino, St. Albone, St. Albyn, St. Ablyn, St. Aybyn, etc.) M 84. 151 n. Agnes, 50; Anne, 54 n; Elizabeth, 21, 275 n; Francis, 274 n; Geof- rey, 21; Grace, 185; Isabell, 275 n; Jane, 90 n; Johanna, 144; John, 2, 2 n, 43 n, 50, 101 n, 185, 283, 302; Mary, 43 n; Thomas, 185 n, 282. Sharpe alias Garrett, John, 284. Shapley, Shapleigh. M 41. Elizabeth, 171; Robert, 171. Sheere, Grace, 43; George, 262 n. Shelton, 203 n. Anne, 189, 190; Maria, 203 n; Thomas, 203 n. Sherley, Katherine, 33. Shern, John, 11. Sherston, Jane, 7 n; Lawrence, 7 n. Shillstone, Shilstone. Anne, 32, 61 n; Elizabeth, 288; Sir John, 32, 61 n; John, 288. Shirwill, John, 39. Shoote, Shute. Thomas, 197 n ; Timothy, 197 n. SHORROCK, 202, 203. (Shar- rock, Sharock.) Anne, 138 n; John, 138, 138 n; Philip, 138 n. Short, Joanna, 207 n. Sibly, Honor, 279 n. Sidenham, Sidnam, Sydnam. Alice, 24; Cuthbert, 285; Honor, 26; Humphry, 26, 261 n, 285; Sir John, 81. Sidney, Thomas, 81; Thoma- sine, 81. Sillye, John, 156 n; Richard, 156n; William, 279 n. Singleton, Ann, 256 n; Richard, 256 n. Skelton, Skellton. Elizabeth, 58; Nicholas, 58, 210 n. Skenoke, Isabell, 27; John, 27. Skerrett, Skirrett, Skirritt, etc. Alice, 78 n; Edward, 173 n; John, 78, 78 n; Mary, 78. Skewys, John, 76. Skinner, Agnes, 12; John, 294; Walter, 13. Skipwith, Margaret, 32; Sir William, 32. Skory (Scory), 204 n. SKORY, 203, 201. Skore, etc.) Skott, M 239. (Score, Slade, John, 262 n; Mary, 254 n; William, 262 n. Slader, Maude, 227; Roger, 227. Slane, Baro de, 300 n. Slaninge, Slanning, Slannig, etc. Elizabeth, 11; John, 11, 177; Mary, 177; Sir Nicholas, 104 n; Philippa, 225 n. Slarder, Henry, 128 n. Sleeman, Eliza, 73; 212 n; Roger, 73. Sloget, Jone, 248 n. Small, George, 107 n. Smith, 306. SMYTH, 204. Mary, Bernard, 268; Elinor, 268; Sir George, 85; George, 107 n, 111 n; Grace, 83; Jennet, 59; Johan, 209; John, 59, 92; Julian, 92; Katherine, 88; Lucy, 59; Margaret, 140; Mary, 111 n; Richard, 59; Walter, 198; William, 88, 295. Snelling, M 47. Thomas, 47 n. Snith, Margaret, 140. Sobye, John, 282. Solgena, Clare of, 80. Soor, Soar. John, 272 n; Melior, 20; Sir Osbert, 20; Ralph, 242 n, 274 n. Somer, Thomas, 115. Somerset, Lord Herbert, 258 n. Somester, Somaster. Elizabeth, 221; Henry, 2, 273 n ; John, 69, 91, 221; Mary, 91; Wal- ter, 275 n. Soper, Wilmot, 201 n. Souch, Charles, 23. Soughte, Richard, 104 n. SOUTHCOT, 194, 195. 83 n; Elizabeth, George, 83 n, 287, Margaret, 99; Mary, Thomas, 57, 99. Southwell, Sir Robert, 19. Sowden, Margaret, 95 n. Sparke, 306. Cicily, 287; 288; 288; SPARKE, 205. John, 184. Sparnon, 306. SPARNON, 205. (Sparnan, Spernon.) Jenefer, 27; John, 27; Mary, 163; Thomas, 82. Speccot, Specot, Speckett. м 68. Amy, 157, 157 n; Edmond, 120; Humphry, 130; Ibott, 130; Johanna, 193; Sir John, 64, 145; Katherine, 120; Peter, 157, 157 n; Sir Richard, 193. Speeke, Alice, 61. Spent, Edmond, 85. Spicer, James, 266; Maria, 266. Spoore, 306. SPOORE, 206, 207. (Spoure, Speur, Spurre, etc.) м 107 n. Anna, 107; Elinor, 185; Elizabeth, 104; Grace, 41; Henry, 104, 107 n, 185; Jane, 14; Katherine, 87; Richard, 107; Thomas, 14, 41, 87; Widow of, 107 n. Spry, 208, 306. SPRY, 208, 209, 210, 211. (Sprie, etc.) Agnes, 229; Alice, 66, 199, 200; Edward, 66; Oliver, 38; Peter, 69, 192; Thomas, 199, 200, 229; Thomasine, 38 n. SPREY, 207. (Spray, etc.) Christopher, 52; Ursula, 104 n; Nicholas, 280. Squire, John, 148, 295; Mawd, 148; William, 295. Stafford, 86 n. Staly, 24; Ann, 24; Roger, 24. Stanberye, 213. STANBERYE vel STAN- BURYE, 213, 214. Stapledon, x. Staplehill, Gilbert, 168 n. STAPLETON, 292, 293. START (Stearte), 74. Thoma- sine, 202; Walter, 202. Stening, M, 84. Stephen of Abertivi, 30. Stephens, 306. STEPHENS, 214, 215 n. (Ste- vens, Stephyn, etc.) M 65. Anthony, 212; Jane, 176 n; Nicholas, 9, 285; Henry, 172 n; Humphry, 37. Stewert? Jane, 129 n. Stiler, M. 210. Stoford, Katherine, 49; Philip, 49; Walter, 70. Stoke, Thomas, 74 n. STONARD, 290. Stone, 215. STONE, 215; Elizabeth, 93 n; Honor, 70; Isabella, 190; John, 70, 138, 190, 280; Lower, 224 n; Mary, 254 n; Thomas, 90; William, 280; Winifred, 138. Stourton, Lady, 275 n. Stradling, Jane, 35; Edmund, 35. Strange, John, Lord, 144. Strechly, Andrew, 99 n; Joane, 99 n. Strike, Nicholas, 198. Stronge, Argent, 15; John, 15, 183; Katherine, 183. Strongbow, Richard, Earl of Pembroke, 30; Pricilla, his sister, 30. Stroud, Strowd, Stroude. м 176. Julyan, 45; Philip, 14; Wil- liam, 45; Willmot, 14. 328 INDEX OF NAMES. Stuart, Anne, 160 n. Stubb, Agnes, 88; George, 88. Stubley, Gregory, 173 n. Stukeley, Stuckley, 270n; Anna, 47; Frances, 141 n; John, 47, 141 n; Katherine, 32; Lewis, 47 n. Sturbridge, Peter, 118 n. Sture, John, 171; Jone, 171. Suffianus, Sir Emanuel Assanes, 274 n; Amicia, 274 n. Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of, 32. Sulyn, Nicha de, 20. Sutton, Walter de, 212 n. Sweete, Walter, 295. Symons, Nicholas, 228 n; Rich- ard, 104 n. Tabernar, William, 261 n. Tailleur, John le, 139 n; Rich- ard le, 139 n. Taland, Joanna, 148; John, 148. Talbois, George Lord, 32; Mar- garet, his wife, 32. Talbot, 105 n, 270 n; Elinor, 31; Elizabeth, 31; Sir Gilbert, 30; Joan, 30; Sir John, 31; Julyan, 276; Margaret, 94`; Richard, Lord, 31; Sir Wil- liam, 94, 276. Talverne, Sir Osbert de, 208; Melior, 208. Tamline, Honor, 262 n. Tancred, Tankred. Isabell, 12; Margaret, 30; Richard, 30. Tanner, 278, 306. TANNER, 278, 279; Anthony, 238 n; Barnard, 301; Francis, 301; Jane, 181; John, 181, 190; Julian, 254 n; Michael, 168. Taperell, John, 295. Tapson, Joan, 201 n. Taverner, Alice, 178 n; William, 254 n. Taylor, Agnes, 41. Telham, M 289. TEMPEST, 57. Thinn, Thynne. Dorothy, 189, 190; Sir John, 190; Sir Thomas, 189. Thomas alias Bosaveron, Mar- tyn, 186. See Bosavarne. Thomas, 306. Thoms, 216. THOMAS, THOMS, 215, 216; Johanna, 228 n; John, 62, 228 n; Margaret, 62; Wil- liam, 163, 163 n. THOMS alias CARNSEW, 217; Grace, 42, 90; Henry, 42, 90, 126 n; Maria, 62 n. Thorne, M 93, 141. Zenobia, 131 n. Thorning, Robert, 11. Thorp, Robert de, 18. Thurlbere, John de, 126 n. Ties, Joan, 8; Henry, 8. Tindall, Joane, 289. Tingcombe, Tinkcombe, Tyn- comb. Anne, 265 n; Philip, 118, 118 n; Sibilla, 246 n. Tinmouth, Thomas, Prior of, 94. Tippett, see Nankevell alias. Tiptoft, Ada, 144; Paganns, 144. Tirrell, Tirell, Tyrel. Elinor, 150; Elizabeth, 41; John, 41; Richard, 244 n; Robert, 271 n; William, 150. Todiford, Nicholas de, 55. Toinkein, 306. TOINKEIN, 217, 218 n. (Ton- kin, Tonken, Tonckin.) Anne, 129 n; John, 124; Philip, 192 n. Tolkarne, 108. (Tolcarn, Tal- karn, etc.) Elizabeth, 79, 80; Johanna, 198 n; John, 79, 80, 198, 198 n. Toll, Tole, Toule. Agnes, 218; Elizabeth, 205; Henry, 122; John, 205; Wilmot, 122. Toller, Elizabeth, 246 n; John, 220 n. Tom, Tome. Gregory, 138; Jone, 14; T., 14. Tomking, John, 243 n. Tone, Florence, 167; William, 167. Totworthy, 69. TOTWORTHY, 69, 70. Towse, Isabell, 229. Tracher, William, 248 n. Trafford, м 36. Travais, M 207. Trebarfoot, 306. TREBARFOOTE, 218. (Tre- barfett.) Olive, 149 n; Wil- liam, 106 n. TREBARTHA, 206. Trebilcock, John, 254 n. Trebner, John, 258 n. Trecarrel, Trecarl. M 249. Jolin, 135; Lora, 229 n; Richard de, 69 n. Trecarren, Alice, 37; John, 37. TREDIDON, 105, 106. Tredinham, Tredenham. Eliza- beth, 273; Hugh, 240; John, 147; Sir Joseph, 200 n; Mary, 200 n; Robert, 273. TREDINICK, 150. (Tredeneck, Treddennick, etc.) Amicia de, 151 ; Blanche, 259 n; Charles, 151 n; Christopher, 34, 56 n. 299; Constantia, 151 n; Dorothy, 114; Eliza- beth, 114; Francis, 258 Henry, 219; Jane, 82, 151 n; John, 82, 151 n, 232 n; Mar- garet, 34, 299; Marose, 152; Mary, 21; Nicholas, 151 n; Peter, 249; Philippa, 110 n, 255 n; Ralph de, 151 n ; Ro- bert, 114; Thomas, 21, 249; William, 255 n. Tredwene, Elizabeth, 248 n. Treffry, 219, 221. TREFFRY, 219, 220. TREF- RIE, 221. (Trevroi, Trevry, etc.) M 59. Agnes, 133; Anne, 95; Elizabeth, 93, 148; Jane, 224, 225 n, 253 n, 254n; Jennet, 239; Sir John, 171 n, 180 n, 235 n; John, 93, 95, 145 n, 148, 214 n, 254 n; Thomas, 133, 180 n, 239; William, 224. Trefusis, 222. TREFUSIS, 222, 223, 224, 225n, 226 n. (Trefuses, etc.) Jane, 76, 76 n, 98, 145 n, 170; John, 7, 76, 170, 220, 235 n, 242 n; Katherine, 7, 182 n; Maria, 95 n; Mary, 152 n; Nicholas, 119, 119 n; Otes, 98; Richard, 64, 135 n; Samuel, 152 n; Thomas, 76, 76 n, 145 n, 182 n. Trefyns, Trevince, Trewinse. Henry, 7, 7n; Hervy de, 222; Margaret, 7. Tregagall, John, 295. Tregallest, Amy, 227. Tregarick, 20. (Tregorck.) Anne, 219n; John, 20, 219n; Mawde, 20. Tregarthan, 40, 278. (Tregartyn etc.) Honor, 21, 208; Mar- garet, 40, 278; Sir Thomas, 180; Thomas, 40; William, 21, 208. Tregasaw, Tregasow, Tregasse. M 150. John, 49; Jone, 49; Margaret, 137 n; Walter, 137 n. Trege, Philip, 244 n; Roger, 244 n; Walter, 244 n. Tregeare, 306. TREGEARE, 225. TREGENDER, 155. Tregenna, Edward, 254 n. Tregennowe, Richard, 176 n. Tregian, M 64. Elizabeth, 275n; Katherine, 275 n; Mary, 275 n. Tregiskie, Tregesky. Johanna, 226, 226 n; Richard, 226, 226 n. Tregithew, Tregetho. John, 168, 226; Nora, 168; Udon, 226. Treglethenek, Roger, 113. Treglyne, Michael, 282. Tregodack, Tregodeck. Agnes, 228; Robert, 228; William de, 237. Tregof (? Tregose), Elizabeth, 256; Thomas, 256. Tregolles, Tregolse. Richard, 152. M 16. Tregonell, Alice, 204; John, 204. Tregonny, 285. Tregonwall, 225. INDEX OF NAMES. 329 TREGCNWALL, 225; Doctor, 254 n; John, 254 n. Tregose, Tregos, Tregosa, etc. Ann, 41, 254 n; Catherine, 23; Elizabeth, 7, 7 n; Joane, 154, 155 n; Richard, 7 n; Thomas, 41, 154, 155 n, 215 n; Walter, 23. TREGOST, 39; Walter, 68. Tregothnan, 20. (Treguthnan.) Joan, 20; John, 18, 20. Tregoys, John, 244 n; Margery, 244 n; Richard, 255 n. Tregrilla, Richard de, 55. TREHANE, 227, 228 n. (Tre- hayne, etc.) Amye, 53; Elizabeth, 199; John, 53, 111, 199, 252; Katherine, 252; Lawrence, 88; Mary, 111. Trehake, Trehauke. Elinor, 106; John, 106; Jone, 117; Richard, 117. Trehaverock, John, 37; Sibell, 37. Trehey, Alice, 167; John, 167. TREIAGOW, 20, 208. (Trejea- gowe, Treagowe, etc.) Joane, 118 n, John, 22. Trejoskie, John, 259 n. Treladerw, Johanna, 223; Otes, 223. M Trelawny, 306. TRELAWNY, 228, 229, 230. (Treloney, Trelane, etc.) 268. Ann, 5, 185 n; Charles, 220 n; Elizabeth, 71, 133 n, 244; Sir Jonathan, 5; Jona- than, Bp. of Bristol, 110 n; John, 71, 146, 185 n, 201, 240, 244; Jone, 201; Robert, 210; Samuel, 133 n. Treledris, Margaret, 89; Rich- ard, 89. Trelother, Otes, 160 n. Trelowarren, x. Treludders, see Marat alias. Tremayne, Tremain. Agnes, 49; Arthur, 85, 85 n, 132, 132 n; Edmund, 132 n; Eu- lalia, 132, 132 n; James, 47 n; Jane, 156 n, 265; John, 18, 85 n, 180 n, 279; Lewis, 201n; Margaret, 61; Martha, 263 n; Mary, 196; Philippa, 257, 259; Richard, 85 », 135, 196n; Roger, 204, 257, 259 n; Sampson, 265; Thomas, 61, 85, 196; Ursula, 220, 220 n; William, 156n, 181 n, 220; Wilmot, 204. Tremearne, Trewren als., see Trewren. Tremerne, James, 273 n. Tremidren, Luke de, 261 n. Treminheere, Tremenhere. Ann, 237 n; Ellyn,57; Thomas, 57. Tremlet, 107 n. Tremouth, John, 108; Kathe- rine, 108. Tremrow, John, 80; Marion, 80. Trenance, 306. TRENANCE, 231, 232; Con- stance, 53; Johanna, 208; Littleton, 190; Richard, 208; Thomas, 53, 76; Wilmot, 76. Trenant, Alice, 113; John, 113; Luke de, 113. Trenchard, Nicholas, 113. Trenchard, see Foxcomb alias. Trencreke, Tancreke. Ann, 210; Honor, 145; Jane, 171, 256; John, 145, 256; Katherine, 172; Robert, 80 n, 171, 172. Trenerth, 306. TRENERTH, 233. (Trenarth, etc.) Anne, 225 n; James, 225 n. Trenger, Isabella, 290; John, 69; Thomas, 290. Trengove alias Nanse, 305. TRENGOVE alias NANSE, 233, 234. (Tringove, Tren- goffe, etc.) Catherine, 123; Elizabeth, 2, 52; Henry, 5; Jane, 274 n; John, 123 n ; Richard, 52, 124 n. Trenhall, James, 162. Trenoda, John de, 237. Trenouth, 20. Trenowith, 208. TRENOUTH, 20, 21. TRENO- WITH, 208, 209. (Trenowth, Trenoweth, Trenewyth, etc.) M 68, 169. Johanna de, 19, 255 n; John, 276, 298; Mar- garet, 255 n, 276, 277 n; Philippa, 298; Ralph, 19, 277 n; Stephen, 255 n; Tho- mas, 68 n. Trenowithe, see Vivian alias. Trerice, Trerys, Trerise. Jane, 271 n; Joan, 126; Margaret, 272 n; Michael, 271 n; Sir Nicholas, 272 n; Renold, 126. M Trenthall, John, 185 n. Trenvroth, John, 249 n. Trenwith vel Treunwith, 306. TRENWITH vel TREUN- WITH, 238, 239. (Treun- wyth, Treanwith, etc.) 220. Ann, 23; Elizabeth, 95, 273 n; Ezechiel, 123 n; John, 31, 89, 89 n; Mathew, 23; Philippa, 34; Thomas, 89, 89 n. Trereneke, Alan, 258 n. Treruf, Treuroufe, Trerraffe alias Treruthe, 169 n, 193 n. Elizabeth. 223; Richard, 223; William, 72. Tresaher, 234. Tresaugher, 306. TRESAHER, 234, 235, 236, 237 n. (Tresahare, etc.) Anne, 181 n, 242 n; Ezechiel, 277 n; James, 155 n, 180 n, 277 n; John, 163 n; Michael, TRESAHER-continued. 65 n, 155 n; Thomas, 65 n, 181 n, 241 n, 242 n, 270. Tresaster, Taesalster. Olive, 36, 252, 252 n. Tresawell, Treswell. M 255 n. Johanna, 258 n; Robert, 199, 258 n. Tresilian, Jane, 124 n; John, 273 n; Robert de, 126 n. Tresithney, x, 222. (Tresyney.) Emlyn, 220, 221; John, 76, 220, 221, 224, 224 n; Melior, 76, 222, 224, 224 n. Treskillard, Margaret, Thomas, 123. 123 ; Tresole, Tresula. M 18. Mabel de, 17. Tresoye, м 172. Trestene, Robye, 273 n. Trestrale, Agnes, 75; John, 75. Tresuggan, John, 233; Mary, 233. Tresulgan, Henry, 55. Tresungar, M 134 n, 138. Treswesweth, Henry de, 258 n. Trethack, Johanna, 244 n; John, 244 n; William, 244 n. Tretherf (Trethurf), 257. TRETHERF, 169. (Tredurff, Tre- thref, etc.) Elizabeth, 257; John, 155 m, 261 n; Mar- garet, 21, 24n, 51; Reginald,, 213 n; Thomas, 21, 24 n, 51 257, 259 n, 261 n. Trethewy, 237, 238 n, 306. TRETHEWY, 237, 238. (Tre- 22, thewe, Tredewey, Trethewye, etc.) Elizabeth, 181; Ro- bert, 26, 181; Thomas, 148 258 n. Trethias, Emmott, 255 n; John, 169 n, 255 n; Margaret, 169 n, 255 n; Mellyar, 169 n; Pas- cowe, 255 n. Trethowen, John, 67. Treughans, Elizabeth, 40; Tho- mas, 40. Treuronet, Alan de, 261 n; Ranulph de, 261 n. Trevagan, Trevegan. Andrew de, 261 n; Philip, 113. Trevage, Jordan de, 261 n. Trevail, Trevaile. Alice de, 19, 20; Elizabeth, 91 n; Odo de, 19, 20. Trevais, M 207. Trevalscus, Trevalscois. Chris- tian, 166; Edward, 101; Judith, 101. Trevanion, 306. TREVANION, 239, 240, 241, 242n. (Trevanyan, Trevanian, etc.) Alice, 19, 21; Amy, 197 n; Anne, 51, 117, Bea- trix, 229 n; Charles, 201 n; Elizabeth, 183 n, 184 n, 189; Sir Hugh, 95, 117, 145 ; Hugh, 181 n, 189, 189 n, 2 U 330 INDEX OF NAMES. TREVANION- continued. 190, 235 n; Jane, 208; Jenophes, 95; Johanna, 145; Sir John, 20; John, 13, 19, 21, 208, 219 n, 220 n, 224 ; Jone, 13, 20, 76, 77; Kathe- rine, 81 n, 189 n, 190; Mary, 58, 224; Richard, 51, 58, 183 n, 252 n, 302; William, 77, 219 n, 235 n. Trevars, Sir John, 240. TREVARTHIAN, 297. (Trever- then. Sir John, 34; John, 34 n, 185 n. Trevasco, M 47. Treveare, see Penrose alias. Treveglos, Isabella, 75 n; Roger, 75 n. M Trevelizek, John, 41. Trevelyan, 306. TREVELYAN, 242, 243. (Tre- villian, Trevillion, etc.) 164, 227. Dorothy, 249; Hugh, 197; John, 38, 69, 128, 227 n; Richard, 21; Thoma- sine, 197 n; Ursula, 128, 197, 227 n. Trevener, 40. TREVENOUR, 169. (Trevener alias Dewy, Trevenor, etc.) Grace, 203; Hugh, 203; Isa- bella, 189, 190; Margaret, 40 ; Richard, 21, 40, 189, 190; William, 189 n. Treverga, Andrew de, 261 n. Trevergan, Vivian, 261 n. Trevervo, Richard, 263. Trevethwane, Trevythvan. John, 80 n; Thomas, 80 n; William, 80 n. TREVIADOS, 222, 223. Trevilla, Treville, Trevilli, Tre- vill, etc. M 114. Elinor, 19, 21, 223; Philip de, 18; Rodolph de, 18; William de, 19, 21, 223. Treviniel, Vivian de, 261 n. Trevisa, 257, 306. TREVISA, 244. (Trevisa.) Elizabeth, 6; Henry, 203; John, 6; Katherine, 203. Trevithick, William, 267 n. Treviwen, Robert de, 55. Trewanwell, 222. (See Halep.) Trewarthenick, 20, 208. TREWARTHENICK, 20, (Trewarthenek, Trewarthe- nik, Trewythenick, etc.) John, 223; Pascatia, 223. Trewavas, Trewawas. M 188. Katherine, 263 n. Trewbody, 306. 208. TREW BODY, 246, 247 n. (Trwbody, Trubody, Tru- bodie, etc.) Charles, 101; Elizabeth, 204; John, 119 n, 204, 209; Jone, 262; Walter, 295. Trewenhelek, William, 112 n. M Trewethy, John de, 23. TREWIKE, 7. (Treweike, etc.) Mary, 79; Robert, 79. Trewin, William, 282. Trewinard, Trewynard, Trewin- nard, Trewinward, etc. 192. Henry, 71; Jane, 71; John, 76, 270 n; Joseph, 87 n; Matthew, 145; Mary, 87 n. Trewint, Trewent, Trewynt. M 203 n. Isabella, 228 n; Jane, 84; Stephen de, 228 n; William, 84. Trewolla, 306. TREWOLLA, 244, 245. (Tre- walla, Trewolly, Trewyla, Tre- whilla, Trewhella, Trewhela, Trewheler, etc.) Agnes, 90 n; Ann, 90; John, 90, 111 n; Katherine, 111; Richard, 111 n; Thomas, 90, 111; William, 111. Trewoof, Trewoofe. Joan, 126; Hawise, 20; Thomas de, 18; William, 20. Treworgy, Treworga. John, 216 n, 226; Melior, 226. Trewren, 306. TREWREN, 247. (Treuren, Truran, Treowran, Tryourne, etc.) Alice, 123; John, 42, 123, 183, 260 n; Thomas, 169; Roger, 255 n. Trewynick, Jane de, 228; Ste- phen de, 228; William, 183. Triggs, Trigges. Catherine, 108; Thomas, 72. Tripconney, Tripconie, Trep- conye, etc. Alexander, 141; Alice, 193; Charity, 217; Elizabeth, 22; Francis, 226; Jane, 115; John, 22, 115, 217. Trithwall, Agnes, 155; John, 155, 185. Triwancamstell, Reginald de, 18. Troblefeild, Jone, 116. Trochynock, Richard de, 55. Trowbridge, Trobridg. Cathe- rine, 157; John, 157; Judith, 39. Trowte, Elinor, 140 n. Truro (Truro), 285. Tubb, 248 n, 306. TUBB, 247, 248 n. (Tub, 103 n; Joane, Julian, Tobbe, etc.) Anne, George, 9, 46, 124; 7,9; John, 155 n; 217; Mary, 46; Robert, 158 n, 174; Susan, 124 ; William, 7. Tucker, 307. TUCKER, 248, 249, 250 n. (Tocker, Toker, Tooker.) Catherine, 268 n; Christo- pher, 100; George, 154 n; John, 176 n, 203, 233; Mary, 233; Peter, 100; Reginald, TUCKER-continued. 229 n; Robert, 148, 258 n; Roger, 186; Stephen, 46; William, 68. Tuitt, Avice, 30; Richard, 30. Tully, John, 18. Turberville, 275 n. Katherine, 125 n. Turnavyne, John, 153. Turner, John, 302; Thomas, 156 n. Turney, Ralph, 280. Tylley, Tilley. M 286. Eliza- beth, 278. Tynton, Tynten, Tinten. Alice, 297; Sir John, 277, 278 n; John, 272n; Margaret, 277, 278 n; Sir Stephen, 297. Tyrack, Henry, 67. Udey, x. Ugler, John, 153 n. Uglow, George, 107 n. Umfravile, Alice de, 274 n; John de, 274 n. Unvile, Reginald de, 250. Upcott, Upcote. Jane, 130, 131. Upton, 307. UPTON, 268. UPPETON, 291. (Upeton, Upton.) Eliam, 229 n; John, 195; William, 131. Urhan, Anna, 199 n. Vacye, 250. VACYE, 128. (Vasie.) VACYE, 250, 251. (Vacey, Vasie, Vesie, and Facey.) Elizabeth, 131, 131 n; Leon- ard, 131, 131 n. Vallet, William, 70. Vallitort, Valle Torte. Ralph de, 211 n; Roger de, 285. Vanson, Elizabeth, 110 n. Vashment, Ann, 210; John, 209, 210. (Ver- Velour, John, 239 n. Vere, Sir Robert, 31. Verman, 307. VERMAN, 251, 252. mon.) Anne, 241 n; John, 227, 241 n; Mary, 241 n. Verney, Sir Edmond, 32. VIELL, 242, 243. (Viall, Vyell.) M 10. George, 10 n; Grace, 301; John, 298; Julyan, 86; Thomas, 69; William, 85, 86, 275 n. Vigurs, Vygars. Hugh, 281; Thomas, 106 n. Vincent, Vyncent. Anne, 47 n ; Elizabeth, 238; Henry, 47 n; John, 154 n, 238, 294; Mar- gery, 123; Thomas, 123. Vine, Michael, 45. Vivian, 307. Vivyan, 257. VIVIAN, 36, 50 n. VIVIAN, 252, 253 n, 254 n. VYVYAN, 256. VIVYAN, INDEX OF NAMES. 331 VIVIAN-continued. 257, 258, 259 n, 260 n, 261 n, 262 n. (Vyvian, Vivion, Vavion, Viveon, Vivean, Vivyon, de Vivien, de Vivo- nia, Vivian alias Cooke, Vivian alias Trenoweth, etc. M 138, 197. Adam, 247 n; Agnes, 149 n; Anue, 114; Anor, 148 n; Barbara, 270, 270n; Bridget, 197n; Charles, 68 n; Christian, 73; Doro- thy, 14, 125 n; Edeth, 140; Edward, 173 n; Elizabeth, 149 n; Emlyn, 136, 138 n, 149, 149 n; Sir Francis, 46; Francis, 139 n, 184 n, 200 n; Haniball, 14, 14 n, 47 n, 90 n, 140, 140 n, 269 n; Henry, 214 n; Ina, 107 n; Jane, 53 n, 73, 221 n; Joane, 68 n; Johanna, 84, 247 n; John, 25, 38, 38 n, 72 n, 73, 114, 139 n, 148 n, 149 n, 156 n, 157 n, 164 n, 169 n, 181 n, 189 n, 197 n, 220 n, 221 n, 270, 270 n; Judith, 140 n; Katherine, 155 m; Loveday, 218 n; Margerie, 98, 115 ; Maria, 184 n, 189 n; Mary, 38 n, 197 n, 211 n; Matilda, 149 n; Matthew, 125 n; Michael, 47, 73, 154, 154 n, 155 n, 156 n; Miss, 214 n; Odo, 149 n; Olive, 102 n; Pascowe, 177 n; Peter, 186 n, Philippa, 47 n, 104n; Sir Richard, 220 n; Richard, 23, 68 n, 72 n, 138 n, 139 n, 177 n ; 72n, Robert, 98, 115; Stephen, 184 n, 189 n; Thomas, 136, 148 n, 149, 197 n ; Thomasine, 90 n; William, 114 n; Sir Viell, 84. Voly, Nicholas, 70. Vosper, 254 n. Arthur, 127 n; Barbara, 256 n; Elizabeth, 127 n; John, 283; Prudence, 127n; Richard, 127 n, 254 n; Thomas, 295. Vowell, Sibil, 194; William, 194. Waddon, M 39. Wade, Johanna, 250; John, 250 n. Wadham, Wadda. Dorothy, 123; Frances, 77; George, 77; William, 68. Waff (?), x. Wainwright, James, 106 n. Wales, Prince of. See Ap Conwyn, Ap Griffith, and Ap Theodor Mawr. WALKER, 207. Wallacomb, Jenor, 5; John, 2. Waller, Erasmus, 17; Francis, 17. Wallis, Wallys. Christopher, 13; Henry, 128 n; John, 222; Margaret, 102; Philip, 294. Wallis alias Darte, 279. WALLIS alias DARTE, 279. See also Dart. Walrond, Waldron. Elinor, 269, 269 n; Joane, 286; Henry, 269, 269 n; Maria, 252 n; William, 252 n. Walsbury, Walesbrew, Whales- bury, Whalisborough. M 42. Elizabeth, 242; Jane, 34; Johanna, 228 n; John, 296; Thomas, 242; William de, 228 n, 296. Walsh, John, 235 n. Walter, Zachary, 295. Walthen, Elizabeth, 266; Ro- ger, 266. Walton, Thomas, 37. Ward, Thomas, 252. Wardon, Stephen, 88. Warne, Elizabeth, 102 n; Phi- lippa, 260 n. Warren, Warrin. Christopher, 160 n; Elizabeth, 249 n; John, 114; Nicholas, 253 n; Richarda, 201 n. Warwick, Richard, Earl_of, 186; Lucy, da. of the Earl of, 186. Watt (? Harry). See Harry. Watta, William, 221 n. Way, Waye, Wey. Alice, 159; Emlyn, 152; John, 105 n; Temperance, 109, 111; Wil- liam, 109, 111, 152, 159. Webb, M 140. Jone, 118 n; Thomas, 107 n; Walter, 139. Webber, 307. WEBBER, 262. M 286. Bridget, 182; Jane, 90 n; John, 35, 173; Margery, 59, 200; Mary, 35; Nicholas, 280; Robert, 182; William, 59, 200. Weekes, Weeke. Elizabeth, 197 n; Hugh, 98; John, 11; Justian, 137; Lora, 99; Stivolla, 11. Wellington, Willington. M 138. Ralph de, 144. Welsh, Mary, 292; Richard, 292. Wenmouth, Wenemouth. Anas- tacia, 198, 200; Joan, 102 n; John, 102 n; Robert de, 198, 200. West, Francis, 238. Westcot, Agnes, 200; Alice, 199; Anne, 266; John, 199, 200; Margaret, 147; Richard, 295; Roger, 266; William, 147. Westlake, Christian, 107 n; Richard, 107 n. Westmarch, Peter de, 237. Weston, M 74. Whelpington, Robert, 94. Whethall, Robert, 85. Whiddon, William, 119 n. White, 307. WHITE, 262, 263. Ambrose, 284; Anne, 99; Jane, 21; Richard, 99; William, 21. Whitfeld, Thomas, 117. Whitford, John, 269; Thoma- sine, 269. Whiting, Whitinge, Whitting. M 278. Nicholas, 82; Tho- mas, 270 n. Whitleigh, x. (Whitleygh, Whetleighe.) Margaret, 84, 87; Richard, 84, 87. Whitt, Walter, 284. Whittington, Whityndon. Blanche, 212, 212 n; Tho- mas, 212, 212 n, 275 n. Wiat, Richard, 12. Wilcock, Katherine, 152. Wilford, Sir Thomas, 32; Wil- liam, 32. William, Peter, 186 n. Williams, 307. WILLIAMS, 39. WILLIAMS, 263, 264, 265 n. (Willeams, Willyams, etc.) M 65. Anne, 91 n; Bal- thazer, 162 n, 186; Bartho- lomew, 103 n; Charles, 158 n; Frances, 170 n; George, 235 n; Henry, 285; Honor, 63 n, 241 n; Hugh, 197 n; James, 176 n; Jane, 197 n; John, 103 n, 123 n, 164 n, 168 n, 235 n, 249 n; Mary, 220 n; Michael, 215 n; Patience, 91 n; Prudence, 217 n; Rebecca, 109 n; Richard, 53 n, 104 n; Ruth, 109 n; Thomas, 24; Thomasine, 24; Warren, 151 n; William, 12, 103 n, 214 n, 268 n. Williams alias Boswathick. See Boswathek. Willoughby, 307. WILLOUGHBY, 265. Willoughby de Broke. M 31. Sir Robert, Lord de Broke, 219 n; Lord, 171n; Robert, Lord, 220 n. Wills, 307. WILLS, 269. WILLS, 265, 266. (Wylles, Wylls, Willes.) Dorothy, 227; George, 165 n; Hugh, 188; Joanna, 136 n; Mar- gery, 186; Richard, 199; William, 284. Wilshman, Cecilia, 198; John, 198. Wilson, Jane, 185; John, 61, 185. Wilton, Elizabeth, 162; Robert, 280; William, 60. Winard, x, 332 INDEX OF NAMES. Windham, Wyndham. Mar- garet, 64 n; Sir Thomas, 64 n, 270 n. WINDSOR, 106, 150. The Lord, 30. WINTER (Wynter), 120, 270 n. M 223. Philippa, 100. Wise, Wyse. Constance, 80; Jane, 247; John, 64 n; Tho- mas, 24, 247; William, 80. WODELAND, 25. Wodenote, 307. WODENOTE, 266. (Wood- nott.) Prisilla, 160; Thomas, 160. Wodman, м 139. Wodrington, Sir John, 94; Roger, 94. Wolcott, Wolcot. Barbara, 141; Katherine, 174; Peter, 142; Thomas, 174. Woldridge, Woulrydge. Mat- thew, 67, 282. Wollesdon, Joane, 55; Thomas, 55. Wollye, John, 250 n. Wolvedon, Catherine, 19, 299; John, 19, 299. Wolverston, Mary, 117. Woode, Wood, Waade. Alice, 146 n; Dorothie, 11; Henry, 102; Jane, 160, 160 n; Jo- han, 102; John, 11, 160, 160 n. Worlington, Jane, 91; Sir Matthew, 91; William, 91. Wortham, x; Joanna, 84. Worthe, 40. (Worth, Writhe.) Agnes, 40; Isabell, 194; Powle, 279; Thomas, 40. Worthevale, 307. WORTHEVALE, 267, 268 n. (Worthivale, Worthyvale, Warthewale, Worthywell, Worthwale, etc.) M 231 n. Christopher, 11, 114n, 249 n. Wotton, Wotten, Wootton. M 265. Alice, 51; John, 3, 51; Margaret, 3; Mary, 32 n. Woyne, Thomas, 272 n. Wrey, 193, 307. WREY, 268. (Wray.) Eliza- beth, 254 n; Johanna, 194; John, 194, 291; Philippa, 291; Sir William, 132 n, 283. Wroughton or Reprin, x. Wychehalse, 307. WYCHEHALSE, 292. (Wich- halse.) Jone, 240. Wydeslade, Widdeslade. John, 255 n; Mary, 92; William, 92. Wykkett, Wyket. Elizabeth, 165 m; Johanna, 215 n; Ni- cholas, 165 n; Richard, 215 n. Wylle, John, 243 n. Wymond, John, 295. Wyvel, 307. WYVELL, 269. Wythyby, Thomasine, 200. Yarde, John, 253 n. YEO, 292, 293; Alice, 91 Ebbott, 285; George, 162 n; John, 91, 128 n; Leonard, 115 n, 165, 285; Margaret, 273 n; Robert, 7; Sara, 162 n; William, 84 n. York, Edward, Duke of, 144. York, 307. YORKE, 269, 270. (York, Yeorcke.) Anne, 236; Hum- phry, 155 n, 158, 158 n, 236, 257; Sara, 158, 158 n. Young, Yonge. Ellin, 263. Helen, 263n; William, 142, 263. Carter, 279 n. Essex, The Earl of, 252. Hender, 186. Hill, 194. M 84. OMISSIONS IN INDEX. Incledon, John, 80 n. John, Martha, 150 n. Revel, 194. Rochford, x. Trecarrel alias Esse, x. Tredignie, x. Trefouis, x. Tregarthan, x. ( 333 ) INDEX OF PLACES. Abbotsham, 78. Abraham Hall, Lancashire, 124. Acland, 292. Acton, Middlesex, 151. Addeston, Devon, 6. Advent, Adven, etc., Cornwall, 125 n, 133 n, 200, 254 n, 295. Afton, 141 n, 270 n. Albominster, 271. Aldercombe, 87. Aler, 286. Alet, 272 n. Aliscomb, 107 n. Allington, Devon, 87, 205. Alphyngton, Devon, 302. Alta, 261 n. Alternon, 92, 105 n, 107 n, 108 n, 141 n, 295. Amell, St. Kew, 262, 262 n. Ampthill, Bedfordshire, 106 n. Anglesea, 30. Annery, 230. Anthony, Anthonie, 1, 2, 28, 29, 29 n, 31, 68, 83, 83 n, 118 n, 135 n, 210 n, 211 n, 294. Antron, Antorne, Cornwall, 162, 162 n, 276. Apledrum, Sussex, 28. Ardevora Vear, 242 n. Ardevoro, Ardeverey, 251, 277, 277 n. Arrallas, Argallas, in St. Enoder, 212 n, 259 n, 261 n. Arrington, Berks, 116. Arscott, 286. Arundell, 31. Arundell Street, London, 161 n. Arwanneck, Arwenneck, Arwa- nick, 81, 86, 293. Arworthell, 277 n. Ashwater, 63 n, 207 n, 298, 299 n. Ashwell Thorp, Norfolk, 117. Aston, Devon, 47, 79. Atte hole, 204 n. Atte Water, 255 n. Austell, see St. Austell. Austle alias Hawsewell Park, Alternon, 122 n. Axham, Lincolnshire, Isle of, 289. Axmouth or Exmouth, 243 n. Babligh, 106. Bake, Cornwall, 150, 151, 179. Balowdan, 223. Barkley, 220 n. Barne, Dorset, 28. Barnstaple, Barstable, Borstable, Devon, 45, 101, 159 n, 207, 241, 279, 292. Barowhall, Suffolk, 10. Barum, 259 n. Basill, Cornwall, 242, 243. Barley, Exeter, 29 n. Battersby Hall, Yorkshire, 6. Beaga-Cubie, 180 n. Beard Hill, Sussex, 6. Beardon, Beredon, Bordon, 131, 251, 291. Beauchamp Court, Warwick- shire, 90. Beckles, Suffolk, 60. Bedham, 289. Bednall Greene, 186. Beere, 300 n. Beill, 46. Belenick, see Meleneck. Benethewood, 9. Bennalack, Benathleck, Baneth- lek, Bonathlek, 75 n, 76, 76 n, 150 n, 162 n. Berican erber, Devon, 134, 173. Berie, Devon, 170. Berkshire, 30, 116. Bickingham, 61. Bickington, Devon, 134, 137. Bickley, Devon, 32, 68. Bickton, Bicton, Cornwall, 119, 229. Bickwel, Devon, 90. Biddiford, Bitellford, Bydeford, Devon, 79, 107, 209, 255 n. Binnerton, Benherton, 7, 278n. Blaboll, 18. Blackawton, 199 n. Blackdon, Blackdoune, Devon, 194, 291. Black Torrington, Blaketoriton, Black Torrinton, 107 n, 131 n, 139, 272 n. Blasey, see St. Blazey. Blaxton Hall, Durham, 28. Bisland, Cornwall, 21, 25, 96, 161, 188, 204 n, 246. Bliston, 27. Blowfleming, 186. Boatesfleminge, Botusfleming, 54 n, 266. Bocarren, 146 n. Bochym, 35 n, 299 n. Bochyny, 299 n. Boconnoc, Bokonock, etc., Corn- wall, 144, 146 n, 158, 160 n, 298. Boddrane, Bodreyn, 101, 102. Bodgall in Lanlivery, 261 n. Bodinick-Veor, Cornwall, 181. Bodinnick, Cornwall, 56 n. Bodmalgan, 150 n. Bodmin, Bodmyn, Bodman, Badman, Cornwall, 11 n, 12, 42 n, 46 n, 48 n, 52, 56 n, 59 n, 72, 88 n, 111 n, 112 n, 114, 139 n, 142, 143, 143 n, 146 n, 150 n, 153, 158 n, 159, 159 n, 160 n, 163 n, 167, 174, 175, 180 n, 190, 207, 214, 216, 219 n, 223, 231, 232 n, 238, 249, 254 n, 256, 256 n, 267, 298. Bodrennek, 156 n. Bodrigan, Bodringham, 64, 64n, 65, 65 n, 278 n. Bodriggey, 79 n. Bohemia, 279. 334 INDEX OF PLACES. ► Bokedock in Lanivet, 114. Boleth, 18. Bonithan, Bonythan in Cury, Cornwall, 16, 17, 109, 248 n. Borlawren, Barlawren in Egle- sheyle, 9, 114 n. Bosawsake, Bossawsack, 22. Boscawen Rose, 17, 18. Boscombe, Wilts, 251, 266. Boscovey alias Boscavevyn, in St. Austell, 189 n, 255 n. Boscovill in St. Austell, 246 n. Boshavarne, 258 n. Bosiron, 9. Boskenna in St. Buryan, 162 n. Boskennan, 79 n. Boskerin in Bodmin, 195 n. Bosmawgan, Cornwall, 104. Bossagran, 50 n. Bossiney, 107 n. Bossinver, 181 n. Boswednock in Senar (Zennor), 22. Boswithegie, 257. Bosworgy, 274 n. Botadon, Botaden, Botathan, 13. Botallack in St. Just, 169 n. Botnole Bichan, 124 n. Botreaux Castle, 93, 93 n, 116, 147, 186, 187, 248 n. Bovey, Bovye, Devon, 99, 287. Bowrings Lee, 182. Boyton, Cornwall, 79, 79 n, 80n, 141. Bradfield, Devon, 252 n, 269, 269 n. Bradford, Devon, 250. Bradston, Devon, 11, 290. Bradworthy, 107 n, 218 n, 273 n. Brampton, 24. Brannell, 278. Branton, 91. Bratton, 80 n. Bread Street, London, 160. Breage, Breague, Bereage, etc., Cornwall, 48, 48 n, 77, 82, 93, 123 n, 152, 174, 205, 270, 273. Brembowet, 46. Breward, see St. Breward. Breock, see St. Breock, Brewory, 18. Brey in Morvall, Cornwall, 140. Bridge, 107 n, 207 n. Bridgend juxta Lostwithiel, 112 n. Bridgerule, 107 n. Brightley, 85. Bristol, Bristow, Glostershire, 38, 38 n, 57, 72, 214, 254 n, 289. Brixton, Devon, 11, Broadstone, 55. Broadwood, 213. Brousholm in Bolland, York- shire, 161. Brownlarsh, 60 n. Brown Park, 207 n. Bryggend, 158 n. Buckelley, Bokally, 2, 100. Buckish, Devon, 21. Buckland Bruer, Devon, 41, 213. Buckland Monachorum, Devon, 90, 226 n, 249 n. Buckland Philly, 230, 251. Budeox, see St. Budeaux. Budock, 42, 235, 235 n, 251, 261 n. Budokeshed, Budeuxshed, Bud- side, Butshed, etc. 51, 54 n. 99, 135. Budyn, 23. Bukian, Cornwall, 71. Burford, Oxfordshire, 294. Burye, 31. Burian, Buryan, Borian, Berian, St. Burian, Cornwall, 74, 89, 123 n, 126 n, 158, 159 n, 170 n, 234 n, 238, 270. Burncoose in Stithians, 22 n. Burrell juxta Saltash, 25 n, 26. Bury Pomeroy, Devon, 177. Buscane, Cornwall, 71, 72. Buswistock, Cornwall, 92. Buttercram, Yorkshire, 60. Cadley, 125 n. Caeruner, 272 n, 274 n, 275 n. Callard, Devon, 215. Callington, Killington, 135 n, 199, 200. Callis, 85, 292. Callwoodley, Devon, 83 n, 288. Calstock, Cawlstock, Cornwall, 88, 135 n, 136 n. Camborne, Cornwall, 3, 17, 42, 89, 123, 123 n, 164, 191, 234n, 237 n, 261 n, 263, 273 n. Camelford, Cambelford, etc., Cornwall, 11, 29 n, 250 n, 262 n, 268 n. Camerton, see Connerton. Canelegie, 245 n. Canington, Somersetshire, 223, 278. Carbons, 239 n. Carclew, Calclew, Cruceleu, Kertleowe, etc., 20, 68, 183, 212, 247, 257. Cardigan, 30. Cardinham, Cornwall, 231 n, 233, 249, 249 n, 268 n. Cargamowe, 235 n. Cargreene, 199. Carhais Castle, 265 n. Carheis, Carhayes, Cary Hayes, Kerehayes, etc., 51, 117, 189, 190, 239, 240, 241 n, 242 n, 271, 271 n. Carickfergus, Castro de, 261 n. Carlennek, 274 n. Carlyan, Carlighan, Carlyon Key, Cornwall, 79, 191, 191 n. Carminowe, 33, 212 n. Carnanton, Carnington, 186, 265 n. Carne Greowe, 148 n. Carnewynek Wartha, 151 n. Carnsew, Carnesuwe, 217, 239 n. Carnworthy in Warbstow, 120n. Carnyny, 239 n. Carpenters, 255 n. Carver, Cornwall, 147. Carveynack Pettit, 235 n. Carwin, 89 n. Cary, Devon, 37. Castle, Castell, in Lanlivery, Cornwall, 101, 246, 246 n. Castle Gotham, 189 n, 255 n. Castle Horneck, Cornwall, 126. Castlesance, Castlezans, etc., Cornwall, 180, 180 n. Castlewich, Cornwall, 55. Catherloghe, Ireland, 32. Caultock, 244. Cavan, Ireland, 187. Cayrowe, 112 n. Chaford, 119 n. Chagford, 54 n, 121 n. Chalton, 195. Chappell in Winklye Tracy, Devon, 127. Cheepside, Chepeside, London, 16, 238. Chekington, Berks, 116. Chelsea, 187 n. Cheshire, 202. Cheston, Suffolk, 61. Chestow, Devon, 200. Chichester, 28. Chidown, 177 n. Chinals, 23. Chipons, 149 n. Christeroy, 260 n. Chiton, Cornwall, 7, 8. Chiverton, 191 n. Chudleigh Chudley, Devon, 29, 292. Cleargarn, 162. Cleere, see St. Cleere. Clemense, Clements, Cornwall, 173 n, 180 n, 263. See also St. Clements. Cleverton, 106 n, 218 n. Clopton, Warwickshire, 32. Cloveley, Devon, 2, 13, 29, 41, 122. Clowance, Clowans, St. Clowins, Cornwall, 2, 2 n, 43 n, 50, 185, 185 n, 212. Cliffe, 213. Cliffe Close, The, 235 n. Cockington, 5, 64. Codner, 144. Cofford in Kenton, Devon, 292 n. Colampton, Devon, 278. Colan, Colon, 50 n, 139 n, 224. Cold Ashby, Northamptonshire, 65. Coldrenick, 230 n. Coleford, 255 n. Colewood in St. Nightons, Bod- min, 56 n. Collacombe, Cullacombe, Devon, 85, 132, 132, n 196, 259 n, INDEX OF PLACES. 335 Colliton, Coleton in Newton Ferrers, Devon, 49, 176, 177. Colridge, 231 n. Colshull, 197. Combe, Devon, 11. Combesberie, Somersetshire, 38. Combeshed, Cornwall, 135. Comb Ryall, 269 n. Connerton, 80, 274 n. Constantine, Constenton, Kes- tenton, etc., Cornwall, 22, 48 n, 54, 54 n, 77, 96, 107, 107 n, 152 n, 163 n, 164, 182, 187 n, 225 n, 233, 236 n, 261 n, 264 n. Coome Florie, Somersetshire,65. Coriton, Devon, 49. Cork, 30, 32. Corkington, 31. Cornelly, 180 n. Cornwithie, 231 n. Cornwood, Devon, 92. Corry Mallet, 73. Coswarth, Cosworth, Cornwall, 2, 50, 50 n, 112, 197 n, 200 n, 261 n. Cosworthie, 291. Coswyn, 68 n. Court, 181, 279 n. Coventrie, 220 n. Cowick, Devon, 288. Craford, Kent, 74. Crantock, Carantock, Cornwall, -22, 130, 272. Crecombe, 279 n. Crediton, Devon, 70, 125 n, 170, 269, 269 n, 270 n. Creede, Cornwall, 61, 138. Cressell, Cressoll, etc., Cornwall, 55, 56. Crofthole, 204 n. Crokadon, Cornwall, 6, 244. Croscom, 292. Crosse, Cornwall, 58, 241. Crowan, Cornwall, 54 n, 61, 62, 142, 154, 155, 155 n, 163, 164, 185 n, 186, 190, 212 n, 215, 226, 227, 274 n. Crugantallan, see Tregantallan. Cruse Morchard, Devon, 56 n. Crutched Friars, London, 220 n. Cubert, Cuthbert, 173 n, 107 n, 261 n, 295. Cuby, Kebye, etc., 181 n, 235 n, 261 n, 295. Culleton in Chumleigh, 207 n. Cury, Kewry, Cornwall, 48 n, 73, 163, 177, 216, 261 n. Cutcrew, Cornwall, 209, 211. Cutland, Devon, 66. Cutparrot, 111 n. Dalverton, Somerset, 205. Dancy, Wiltshire, 24. Danet's Hall, 2 n. Dartford, Kent, 124. Dartmouth, Devon, 6, 138, 168n, 171. Dassell in Morewinstow, Corn- wall, 213. Davanant, 299. Davies, 69. Deliobell, 190 n. Derby, 151, 261 n. Descombe, Wiltshire, 128, 251n. Desmond. 32. Deverell, 162. Deviok, 52, 80 n, Devon, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 29 n, 31, 32, 34, 35, 47, 54, 70, 70 n, 81, 83, 90, 93, 107 n, 122, 124, 130, 131, 138, 142, 160, 168, 169, 183, 184, 200 n, 205, 218, 246, 257, 259 n, 261 n, 265 n, 270 n. Dewstock, 138. Dewston, 134. Dewstowe, Cornwall, 3, 295. Dinham, 114. Dodacomb, 207 n. Dodbroke, Devon, 137. Dodford in Bramsgrove, Wor- cestershire, 289. Dodustow, 23. Dominock, see St. Dominick. Donnant, 299 n. Dorsetshire, 34, 38, 71, 263, 288. Dotington, Devon, 137. Downend, East, 106 n. Dowrish, Devon, 32, 106 n. Drannek, 158 n. Drussell, 255 n. Dublin, Ireland, 32, 202. Dunheved, 13, 107 n, 126 n. Dulo, Duloe, Dewlo, Cornwall, 6, 136, 161 n, 214, 270 n, 295. Dunsfeld, Dontsfeld, 272 n, 275 n. Dunsland, Donsland, Devon, 12, 286, 287, 293, 298. Dunster, 31, 143, 269, 269 n. Durworthy, 190. Dynasia, 174. Dysard, Dysert, 271 n, 298. Dysart, East, 35 n. Dysart, West, 35 n. Earth juxta Saltash, 14, 15, 36, 251. East Allington, Devon, 153 n. East Ashton, 238 n. Eastclose, 235 n. East Down, Devon, 209. East Downend, 106 n. East Haddon, Northampton- shire, 234 n. Easthendra in St. Kew, 56 n. East Indies, 88, 182. East Lowe, Eastlow, 73, 73 n, 181 n. East Ogwell, Devon, 230 n. Easton, Worcester, 106 n. East Stonehouse, 63 n. Ebbeford, 69 n. Edgcomb, Cornwall, 28, 64. Efford, 272 n. Egglesford, Devon, 49. Egloshaile, Eglesyehle, Egglo- sheile, Egloshey, etc., Corn- wall, 9, 112, 113, 114, 134. Egloskerry, Egleskerrie, 45, 105 n, 106 n. Eglosros, 277 n, 296, 299 n. Elam, Kent, 74. Elerkie alias Verian, 180 n. Empingham, Lincolnshire, 65. Endellion, 11, 120 n, 189 n. Enis, Eneys, Cornwall, 21 n, 67, 185. Enmor, 240. Enneder, see St. Euoder. Erisey, Erysy, Erisa, etc., Corn- wall, 23, 28, 68, 258 n. Ermington, 231 n. Ernsettle on the Tamar, near Saltash, 197 n. Erthholewood, 247 n, 255 n. Ervin, see St. Ervan. Escote, 251 n. Essex, 100. Essex Street, London, 161 n. Estwell, 272. Ethye, 118 n. Eton, 195 n. Exeter, Exiter, 12, 32, 61 n, 66, 68, 85, 85 n, 92, 125, 135 n, 136 n, 142, 156 n, 159 n, 207 n, 217, 230, 249, 249 n, 256 n, 269 n, 270 n, 288, 292. Exeter College, Oxford, 203. Falmouth, 67 n, 235 n, 236 n, 237 n, 285. Falopit, 73, 158, 171, 171 n. See also Vallopit. | Farringdon, 279 n. Farway, 151 n. Favant, Wiltshire, 215. Fellick, see Phillack. Fen Carpenters, 255 n. Fenne, 255 n. Fennesland, 255 n. Fenton, 69. Fentongeock, Fentongok, Fen- tongoeth, etc., in Cuby, 181 n, 235 n, 236 n, 272 n. Fentongollan, Fentongollen, Cornwall, 34, 72, 298, 299. Fentongorge, 235 n. Fenton Vacy, 250, 251. Feock, Feok, etc., 181 n, 191 n, 295. Filley, see Philleigh. Fitz Ford, Devon, 15. Fleete, Devon, 50, 92, 92n, 93, 93 n, 194. Fodringay, 147. Forde, 125 n. Forde in Hartland, 207 n. Forest of Knavesbury, 97. Fosnewyth, Fosnewith, 100 n, 216 n. Fowelscombe, 194. 336 INDEX OF PLACES. Fowey, Foye, etc., Cornwall, 21, 45, 54 n, 57, 93, 94 n, 95 n, 115, 116, 133, 140, 145 n, 146, 148, 148 n, 169, 180 n, 183, 183 n, 196, 204 n, 205, 205 n, 219 n, 220 n, 221, 224, 231 n, 239, 245, 247, 277, 278 n. Foxcomb, 250 n. Foxehall, 181 n. Foxholle, 255 n. Foy Moor, 107 n. Fulham, 161 n. Fulford, Devon, 37. Furland, 29. Fursdon, 259 n. Furson, 255 n. Gamon House by Padstow, 74. Gatherley, Devon, 46, 290. Gasgell Thorp in Craven, 292. Gaverigan, Gavrigan, etc., Corn- wall, 65, 83, 185, 223, 224. Geare in Gwennap, 248 n. George Come, Gloucestershire, 75. Gerrans, Garrens, St. Garons, etc., Cornwall, 56, 57, 197 n, 295. Gidley, Goodleigh, 47 n, 63 n. Glewyas alias Kenwyn, 240 n. Glin, 12. Gluvias, Gluish, Glwvies, etc., Cornwall, 7, 185 n, 192, 203 n, 252. Gluvyan Margh, 255 n. Glynn, Glin, etc., in Cardinham, Cornwall, 79, 79 n, 80, 80 n, 95, 111 n, 298. Godolphin, Godolphyn, 5, 81, 82, 83, 109, 214 n. Golden, 64. Gollant, 4. Golocotte, Godacote, 79, 80. Goodorock, 262 n. Gorran, St. Gorna, etc., Corn- wall, 55, 180 n, 181 n, 241, 274 n. Gorwena, Cornwall, 156 n. Goviley, 234, 235 n, 236 n, 277, 277 n. Govileybyhan, 272 n. Govileymur, 272 n. Govyley Vean, 181 n, 235 n. Grampound, 181 n, 215. Grantham, 261 n. Grayston, 80. Great Woodstock Street, in St. Michael's, London, 106 n. Grenway, Devon, 6. Grey's Inn, Middlesex, 106 n. Grindreth, 68. Grogoth. 240 n. Grove, Buckinghamshire, 32. Grymsbye, 97. Guernsey, Isle of, 156 n. Gulval, Gowlvale, Gulver, 22, 82, 115, 158 n, 264 n, 270 n. Gurlyn Lountha alias St. Earthe Church Town, 155 n. Gurlyn, Garlyn, Gurland, Corn- wall, 138 n, 154, 155 n, 156n, 237 n, 258. Gurlyn Rebah, 155 n. Gunwalloe, 184 n. Gweek Wood, 167 n. Gwendron, see Wendron. Gwennap, Gwinhop, Gwenip, etc., Cornwall, 8, 46 n, 68, 126 n, 216, 247, 248 n, 270 n. Gwinear, Gwynnyer, Gwiniard, Wynier, etc., Cornwall, 23, 23 n, 62, 73, 158, 168 n, 173 n, 174, 175, 261 n, 270 n. Gwarnack, Guarnack, 42 n, 272, 273, 276. Haccombe, 31. Hale in Linkinghorne, Corn- wall, 91. Hall, Devon, 41, 47, 196, 248 n. Hallisburie, Devon, 58, 269. Hallivick, in St. Stephen's in Branwell, 181 n. Halton, 187. Hamond Aley, 97. Hampte, 44. Hampton Poyle, Oxfordshire, 180 n. Hanckford, Devon, 41. Handsaker, Staffordshire, 147. Hanger, Hengar in St. Tudy, Cornwall, 10, 46, 72 n, 133 n, 267. Harberford, 231 n. Harelesdon, 55. Harford, 244 n. Harlow, Essex, 205. Harrabeare, Harraver, Corn- wall, 6. Harroboro, 110 n. Hartland, Devon, 35, 85, 92, 131, 132, 207 n. Harvena alias Harmera in St. Enoder, 170 n. Harwood, 97. Hatch, 66, 144. Hatch Arundell, 66 n. Hatherlegh, Devon, 272 n. Hatherley, Heatherley, 292, 293. Haucksworthe, 97. Haughton Tower, Lancashire, 14. Havenant, 190 n. Hawcombe in Beer Ferris, 197n. Hawkridge, 293. Hawsewell Park, see Austle alias. Hawton, 269. Hay in Veryan, 242 n. Haye, Hey in St. Ive, 25, 63, 63 n. Hayne, Devon, 90, 215. Heampton, Heamton, Heanton, Devon, 29 n, 92 n, 131, 147, 241. Heamton Sackvile, 292. Hedswell, 182, Heldrop, Wiltshire, 116. Hele, 221 n. Helland, Hellon, Hellond, Corn- wall, 35, 72, 100, 188, 249. Hellegan, Helligan alias Heli- gan, etc., Cornwall, 27, 73, 100, 119, 180 n, 249, 258 n. Helligan in St. Mabyn, 157 n. Hellond juxta Bodmin, Corn- wall, 249. Helman Tor, Lanlivery, 211 n. Helpeston, Northamptonshire, 147. Helsbery Park, 275 n. Helston, Cornwall, 11, 12, 14, 17, 75, 75 n, 76, 76n, 77, 79 n, 82, 167, 167 n, 168, 168 n, 173 n, 175 n, 188, 188 n, 189 n, 212, 234 n, 239 n, 243 n, 248 n, 262 n, 264 n. Hempshill, 97. Hender, Hendra, Hendre, 120n, 199, 246 n. Hereford, 204 n, 213. Heringston, Dorsetshire, 263. Hernefred, 231 n. Herston, Devon, 160. Hertfordshire, 28. Hewgose Wood in Kea, 126 n. Heybullien, 201 n. Heydon in Jacobstowe, Corn- wall, 188. Heye juxta Calington, 216 n. Heywartha, 201 n. Higher Millcombe, 119 n. Highhampton, Devon, 133. Highleigh, Cheshire, 1. Highnam, Hinam, Gloucester- shire, 19, 21. Highweeke, Devon, 11. Hill Tope, 97. Hinderthyn, 13. Hockland, Devon, 262. Holberton, Devon, 45, 99 n, 195 n. Holcombe, Devon, 2, 61. Holesworthy, Hollsworthy, etc., Devon, 12, 69, 92 n, 93, 116, 193, 286, 287. Holewood, Holewode, Cornwall, 14, 184 n, 247 n, 255 n. Hollocombe, 150. Hornecote, 299 n. Horwell, 240 n, 268. Horwood, 119 n, 243. Horwood House, Wiltshire, 165. Hoton Conquest, Bedfordshire, 45. Houghton, 60, 135. Hugborne, Berkshire, 116. Huish, Devon, 162 171. Hurledith, 68. Idderlegh, 107 n. Iddeslegh, 207 n. Ide, Devon, 302. Idford, 292. n, Ilbruers, Somersetshire, 23. INDEX OF PLACES. 337 Illogan, Cornwall, 167, 230 n, 235 n, 238 n, 261 n. Ilmister, Illmester, Somerset- shire, 14, 186. Ilstor, 144. Indies, The, 85 n. Ingesdon, Devon, 292. Ingleborne, near Totnes, Devon, 3, 265. Inner Temple, London, 279, 286. Insworth, Insworke, Cornwall, 209, 210, 210 n, 211. Ireland, 30, 68, 71, 72, 177. Isle of Axham, Lincolnshire, 289. Isle of Guernsey, 156 n. Isle of Wight, 176, 177. Islington, Middlesex, 186. Jacobstowe, Cornwall, 120. Karlunyck, 189 n. etc., Kea, Key, St. Kaye, Cornwall, 7, 119 n, 162 n, 173 n, 191, 245, 256, 256 n, 263 n, 301. Kebye, see Cuby. Kelley, Devon, 46, 90, 200. Kellygarth, Killgarth, Cornwall, 9, 85, 177. Kempston or Rempston, Not- tinghamshire, 293. Kempthorne, Devon, 127, 129. Kenal in Stithians, 48 n. Kenegy, Keneg, 7, 215 n. Keneton, Devon, 196. Kent, 25, 32, 52, 106 n, 112 n, 239, 272. Kenwyn, 107 n, 123, 173 n, 256 n. Kernick, 70. Kerry, 30, 32. Kerrys in Paul, 42 n. Kestell, Kestle, Cornwall, 112, 113, 114, 115, 180 n, 217, 257. Ketchfrench, 48, 81, 109. Keverell in St. Martins, Corn- wall, 119, 119 n, 120, 120 n, 139, 154, 305. Keverne, see St. Keverne. Kew, see St. Kew. Kildare, Ireland, 257. Kilkenny, 30. Kilkhampton, Cornwall, 41, 84 n, 86 n, 168, 199 n. Killiowe, 225, 226, 226 n. Killiver, 135 n. Kilquite in Mabin, 198, 213 n. Kingsale, Ireland, 203. Kingsbridge, Devon, 66, 269 n, 287. Kingston-upon-Hull, 57. Kirtheu, 42. Kirton, Devon, 116, 134. Knaton, Devon, 289. Knell, 107 n, 207 n. Krabrill, 107 n. Kyllyou Edwards, 226 n. Lachebrook, Devon, 272. Ladock, Laddock, Lazack, Corn- wall, 54 n, 103 n, 212, 212 n, 227, 243 n, 244 n, 298. Lamaelt, Lamayle, 18, 20. Lamartyn, Devon, 248. Lamerton, 132 n, 136 n. Lamerton juxta Tavistock, 249. Lammoran, Cornwall, 170 n, 227, 251, 252, 252 n, 264 n. Lampene, Cornwall, 119. Lancashire, 202. Lancrentyn, 228 n, 229 n. Landew, Landu, Cornwall, 18, 119, 222, 224, 271 n. Landithe in Maderne, Cornwall, 72. Landrake, Lanrack, etc., Corn- wall, 15, 24 n, 46, 51, 108, 209, 269. Landulph, Landilp, Landilt, Cornwall, 58, 294. Laneast, Lanist, 272 n, 295. Langdon in Jacobstowe, Corn- wall, 120 n, 188, 305. Langetree, Devon, 227. Langford, Devon, 121, 122. Langford Hill, Cornwall, 121, 121 n. Langles, Devon, 76. Lanherne, Cornwall, 2, 2 n, 34, 84, 213 n, 242, 273 n, 274 n, 275 n, 287. Lanhidrock, Lanhydrock, 80 », 231, 231 n, 295. Lanion, Lanyan, Cornwall, 123, 124. Lanivet, Lanheved, etc., Corn- wall, 12, 18, 51, 52, 54 n, 133, 160, 162, 207, 231 n. Lankarffe in Bodmin, Cornwall, 188, 249. Lanke, Cornwall, 120 n, 188. Lanlivery, Lanlevery, Cornwall, 80 n, 96 n, 110 n, 172 n, 204, 295. Lannergh, 185 n. Lanowemere, 159 n. Lanreath, Landreyth, Lanre- thoe, etc., Cornwall, 58, 60, 88, 126, 199. Lanrest, Landrest, Cornwall, 90 n, 101, 114, 246, 251. Lansallos, Cornwall, 111 n, 117, 118, 118 n, 158, 240, 240 n. Lanteglos by Camelford, 238 n. Lanteglos by Fowey, 47 n, 86 n, 230 n. Lanteglos, Cornwall, 9, 86 n, 178 n, 267 n. Lappeford, 272 n. Lastilion, 231. Latchford, Oxfordshire, 204. Launcells, Lancells, Cornwall, 40, 107 n, 111, 128 n, 178, 178 n, 179 n, 295, 305. Launceston, Lanston, Cornwall, 5 n, 27 n, 37, 43, 70, 70 n, 78, Launceston-continued. 88, 101, 108, 108 n, 135 n, 148, 177, 178 n, 179 n, 181, 215, 262, 278 n. Lavaren, 196. Lawhitton, Lawhidon, Corn- wall, 10, 197 n. Lee, 85. Leicester, 16, 73. Leigh, 177, 194. Leigh, Cornwall, 126. Leigh, Devon, 287. Lelant, Lenant in Penwith, Cornwall, 65, 78 n, 216. Lescarwell, 101. Lescawen, 209. Lesnewth, 74 n, 106 n, 108. Leviston, 96. Lewannik, Lewannack, etc., 105 n, 132 n, 295. Lewell, 289. Lewhire in Foy, 45. Lew Trenchard, 250 n. Ley, 11, 275 n. Leyante, 10. Ley Wood, 288. Lezant, Le Sante, Cornwall, 45, 119 n, 133, 225 n, 266. Lidington, Rutland, 65. Lifton, 131 n. Ligorne, Italy, 106 n. Lillesdon, Somersetshire, 24, 25. Lincoln, 161. Lincoln's Inn, 70, 85, 88, 186. Lincolnshire, 261 n. Linkinghorne, Cornwall, 91, 119 n, 160, 207 n, 225 n, 262, 294. Liskeard, Leskerde, Liscard, etc., Cornwall, 6, 11 n, 15, 40, 46, 46 n, 47, 47 n, 56, 56 n, 71, 80 n, 89, 102, 122, 127 n, 133, 136, 137 n, 141 n, 146 n, 169 n, 202 n, 215 n, 228 n, 249, 250 n, 255 n, 295. Little Colan, 93 n, 253 n, 268 n. Little Collom, Cornwall, 131. Littlecote, 215 n. Little Dartmouth, Devon, 152. Little Peran, 191. Little Petherick, 138. Little Torington, 83 n. Lizard, Leysard, 126, 126 n, 225. Lockage, Berkshire, 116. Lockstowe, 240. Logan, Cornwall, 217. London, 11, 17, 25, 43 n, 45, 46, 50, 50 n, 53 n, 60, 64, 74, 76, 95, 97, 106 n, 160, 160 n, 164 n, 173, 190, 278, 279 n, 288. Longclose, 235 n. Lostwithiel, Lestithell, Listi- diall, Lostwithian, etc., Corn- wall, 17, 17 n, 34, 52, 109, 111, 111 n, 112 n, 143 n, 150 n, 152, 158 n, 159, 197 n, 231, 231 n, 241, 259. Low Countries, The, 120, 210. 2 X 338 INDEX OF PLACES. 1 Lowe, Loowe, Cornwall, 47, 140. Lucestow, Devon, 287. Ludgvan, 159 n, 270 n. Luney, Lewney, Luna, 111 n, 128, 128 n, 146 n. Lupton, 195. Luscombe, Somersetshire, 272n. Luxulyan, Luxillian, Cornwall, 72 n, 95, 96, 96 n, 225 n, 227, 231 n, 255 n. Lyme, 39. Lynam, Linham, Devon, 26, 57, 57 n, 117. Mabe, Cornwall, 115. Madagascar, 115. Madron, Madderne, Cornwall, etc., 54, 72, 176 n, 212 n, 274 n. Maker, 210 n, 211 n. Malpas, 289. Malston, Devon, 6. Malta, 32. Manaccan, Monnaccon, etc., Cornwall, 42, 148 n, 168, 169, 226, 247, 305. Mannington, Mannaton, Corn- wall, 44, 134, 135, 262. Manoid alias Manor Mylls, 148 n. Marazion, Market Jew alias Marasion, Marrasow, 51, 62, 62 n. Marham Church, 128 n. Mariston, 295. Maristowe, Devon, 269. Marland, Devon, 90. Marrays, Devon, 291. Marsh, Devon, 194. Marshwood, Somersetshire, 160 n. Marston, Marston Tute, 30, 32. Martin in Meneage, see St. M. Marwynchurch, 272 n. Maryweek, Cornwall, 37. Matherose, Medrose, 111, 223. Maugan in Pyder, 159 n. Mawgan, Cornwall, 73, 74, 258n. Mawgan in Meneage, Mogian, 41, 41 n, 42, 73, 248 n, 261 n. Mawnan, Cornwall, 65 n, 66, 87 n, 152 n, 192, 274 n. Medeshole (Michell), 212 n, 261 n, 274 n, 275 n. Megara, 256. Melcombe, Devon, 274 n. Melcombe Regis, 107 n. Meleneck, Meneleck, Beleneck, Molinick, etc., 55, 198, 200. Mellydar, 111. Mellyn, 155 n. Melynnewyth, 258 n. Memland, Devon, 26. Menabilley, Menabilie, etc., 183 n, 184 n, 220 n. Menadarvy, 89. Menaguins, 149 n. Menheniot, Menhenet, Minhen- nit, etc., Cornwall, 48, 60, 62, 107, 229 n, 290. Menver, see St. Minver. Menwynnick, Minwenick, etc., Cornwall, 71, 79, 141. Merkwell, 179. Merthen, Cornwall, 35 n, 67, 76n, 185, 185 n, 206, 216. Merther, Cornwall, 6, 127, 129, 130 n, 183 n. Merthyn, Mervyn, 299 n, 300 n. Meryfeild in Stokeclymsland, Cornwall, 78, 108. Methe (Meath), Ireland, 32. Methlowe, 155 n. Mevagissey, Mevagesye, 29 n, 89 n, 108, 170, 209, 220 n, 224 n, 270 n. Mevey, Devon, 3. Mevy, Cornwall, 183. Mewan, see St. Mewan. Mewden in Mawnan, 210. Michelstow, Cornwall, 136, 147, 295. Middelonde, 112 n. Middle Temple, London, 13, 101, 116, 140, 155 n, 240, 258. Middlesex, 203. Milbrook, Milbroke, 119 n, 209, 210 n. Miler, 170, 171 n, 224 n, 226, 226 n, 235 n, 236 n, 274 n. Milton, Devon, 139. Milton in Lanlivery, Cornwall, 138, 139. Minster, 154 n, 295. Misterton, Somersetshire, 206. Mochamchurch, 291. Modbury, Devon, 11, 136 n, 231 n. Mohuns Ottery, 31, 143. Molana Abbey, near Youghal, 30. Molland, Devon, 137, 279. Monkhampton, 207 n. Monk Okehampton, 106n, 107n. Monster (Munster), Ireland, 72. Morchard, Devon, 56, 274 n. Moresk, 238 n. Morestow, 226. Moristow, 121. Mortlake, Surrey, 161 n. Morvall, Morevale, Morle, etc., 47, 49, 81, 83, 109, 109 n, 111 n, 126, 140 n, 257, 258, 258 n, 261 n, 270 n. Morwinstow, Cornwall, 11, 106n, 108, 127 n, 128 n, 213, 243 n. Mount Edgcombe al's West Stonehouse, Mont Edgcomb, Devon, 63, 64, 64 n, 65 n, 135. Mousehole, 124 n, 247 n, 258 n. Mowleton, Devon, 292. Mulesford, Moulesford, Berk- shire, 29 n, 30, 30 n, 31, Mullion, 130 n, 152 n, 171, 218 n, 235 n. Murthe, Cornwall, 147. Musbery, Devon, 85 n. Mylton Abbott, Devon, 143. Nampean in St. Enoder, 279 n. Nance, Nans in Illogan, Corn- wall, 2, 2 n, 233, 238 n. Nansarth, Cornwall, 181. Nansavallen, 18. Nanspellye in St. Gerans, 189 n. Nanswhiddon, Nanswedon, Cornwall, 101, 102, 102 n, 246. Nantwich, Cheshire, 205. Naphissick, 181 n. Netherlands, 76, 114. Nether Polscoth, 158 n. Netherton, Devon, 64, 151. Netleham, 128. Nettlecomb, Somersetshire, 242, 243 n, 249. Newbury, Berkshire, 261 n. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 94. Neweton, 252 n, 255 n, 258 n. Newham in Axmister, 143. Newlyn, Cornwall, 23, 173, 218 n, 295. Newminster, 94. Newport, Cornwall, 5 n. Newton Abbott, Devon, 195. Newton, Cornwall, 47, 100, 222, 242. Newton, Durham, 125. Newton Ferrers, Ferris, etc., Devon, 2, 2 n, 131, 217. Newtown, Ireland, 268_n Ninnis (? Innis or Ennis), 21 n. Norfolk, 89, 203 n. Northam, 69, 72. Northamptonshire, 65, 91, 93. Northdowne, 69. North Huish, 106 n. Northill, Cornwall, 14, 60, 107, 119, 185, 206, 207 n, 294. Northlew, Devon, 99, 133. Northmolton, Devon, 137, 249. North Paderda, 100 n. North Petherwin, 115 n. North Petherwyn, Cornwall, 40. Northpetherwyn, Devon, 92, 115 n, 293. Northrussell, Devon, 268. North Tamerton, Devon, 273 n. Northtawton, Devon, 218. Northumberland, 94. Northyeldelond, 229. Nuham in Kenwyn, 241 n. Nuthurst, Lancashire, 161. Nymet, Bishop, 243 n. Odrone or Idrone, Ireland, 30, 30 n, 32, 32 n. Offwell, 279 n. Ogbeare, Cornwall, 130, 131. Oglethorp, Berkshire, 116. Okehampton, Devon, 37, 81, 106 n. Okenburye, Devon, 287. Orchard overa Saltash, 255 n. INDEX OF PLACES. 339 Osmondton, Dorsetshire, 75. Otterham, 295. Ottery, 30. Ottery Mohun, 32. Over Bichan, 124 n. Over Penquite alias Carpenters, 255 n. Overa Penquyte, 255 n. Oxford, 60, 139. Oxford Park, 180 n. Owby, Norfolk, 225 n. Paderda, Padardaye, Padreda, etc., Cornwall, 119, 222. Padstow, 31, 32, 74, 90 n, 104 n, 107 n, 130, 164 n, 190, 215, 262. Painsford, Peynsford, Devon, 2, 221. Pancrasewicke, 300 n. Panston, Devon, 131. Pardnon, 176. Park, 9. Parkgate, 190. Park in Bodmin and Eglosheile, 160 n. Parva Modberie, 193. Paul, Pawle, etc., Cornwall, 3, 3 n, 17 n, 18, 27, 42, 42 n, 48, 72, 82 n, 159 n, 234 n, 247 n. Pawntley, Gloucestershire, 212. Peccam, Surrey, 185. Peleite, Cornwall, 252. Pefine, Pelyn, etc., 80, 109, 109 n, 111, 142, 231. Pelint, 12, 203 n, 241 n. Pellawyne, Pollawyne, 234 n, 252 n, 259 n, 261 n. Pembroke, 30, 31. Penboghe, 180 n. Penborgard, Cornwall, 160. Pencarrow, Cornwall, 147. Pencorse, 107 n. Pencradock, 255 n. Pendarves in Camborne, Corn- wall, 164. Pendennis Castle, 197 n, 236 n, 242 n. Pendevy, Cornwall, 114. Penelwyn, 229. Penere, Peneare, Pennare, Corn- wall, 8, 124, 125. Penfound in Poundstock, Les- nuth, Cornwall, 105, 164, 165, 293. Pengelley, 9, 100 n, 298. Pengersick, Pengarsick, etc., Cornwall, 68, 81, 168, 222, 239, 257, 258 n, 259. Penhalow in Filley, 166. Penhargard, 160 n. Penheale, Penhale, 40, 85, 87, 195 n. Penhellick, 167, 224 n. Penhellick in Pelynt, 184 n. Penhergie, 4. Penishill, Pewishill in Abbot- sham, Devon, 70. Penkevell, Penkivel, Cornwall, 52, 53, 92, 227, 231. Pennaguinnell, 113. Penpole, Cornwall, 106 n, 148, 256. Penpol Melyn, 148 n. Penpons, 155 n. Penpons Alverton in Madron, 104 n, 159 n. Penponte in St. Kew, 262n, 298. Penquite, Cornwall, 4, 4 n, 47, 112n, 194, 259 n. Penrise, 29 n, 196, 197 n, 220 n. Penrose, etc., Cornwall, 38, 152 n, 195, 224. Penrose in St. Breward, 188 n. Penrose Metheley, Cornwall, 169, 170 n, 223. Penryn, Perin, Peryn alias Penryn, Cornwall, 57, 71, 71 n, 78, 90, 91, 107 n, 152 n, 155 n, 162, 170, 182, 185, 192 n, 217 n, 245. Pensinans, Pensinguns, Corn- wall, 16, 68. Pentewan, 201 n. Pentier, Pentiene, Pentune, Cornwall, 189, 190.. Penventynes or Penventennow in Kenwyn, 256 n. Penverane, 219. Penvose, Cornwall, 156, 157 n. Penvose in St. Tudy, 82. Penwarren, Penwarne, Penorne, in Mawnan, 69, 74 n, 102 n, 103 n, 170, 171, 177 n. Penwithes, 18. Penyllike, 255 n. Penytenny, Penetenny, 138. Penzance, Pensance, etc., 7, 51, 124, 127 n, 237 n, 241. Peranorworthall, 291. Peransand, 261. Peterwthk in Pider, 152 n. Petroke Stowe, Devon, 61. Peytevynespark, 255 n. Phillack, Fillick, etc., Cornwall, 39, 39 n, 158, 236, 258, 270. Philleigh, Filley, Cornwall, 35, 74 n, 167 n, 242 n, 251. Pickwell, Devon, 215. Pill, Pembroke, 31. Pilton, 83 n, 292. Pinnock, see St. Pinnock. Place, Fowey, 220 n. Plemyn, 5. Plimpton, 11. Plymouth, Devon, 38, 39, 43, 43 n, 66, 83 n, 97, 146 n, 160 n, 179 n, 200, 201, 204 n, 205, 209, 214, 215, 219, 229 n, 230, 231 n, 242, 262 n, 266, 289, 303. Plympton St. Mary, Devon, 66 n, 177, 201 n. Plympton St. Maurice, Devon, 205. Polewheele, Cornwall, 62, 124, 172, 173. Polkinhorne, Polkinghorne, Cornwall, 79 n, 141 n, 173, 174, 175, 175 n. Polmagan, Cornwall, 34. Polmeder, 201 n. Polrode, 35 n, 298, 299 n. Polruddan Port, 173, 174, 175, 175 n, 201 n. Polscoth, 150 n, 272 n. Polveyn juxta Fowey, 221 n. Pordhenis, 258 n. Porghol, 112 n. Port Eliott, Cornwall, 66, 67. Portheast in St. Goran, 181 n. Porthenes, 18. Porthledge, Portlage, Porthlich, Devon, 5, 5 n, 114, 127. Porth Merthen, 255 n. Porthpigan, 255 n. Porthvean, 152 n. Porthvyan in Lower St. Columb, 169 n, 255 n. Porthyalananta, 239 n. Portsmouth, 261 n. Posninch, Devon, 291. Poughill, 106 n. Poules Church Yard, London, 10. Poundstock, Cornwall, 165 n, 218, 218 n, 295. Powderham, Devon, 31, 32, 52, 268. Powdridge, 287. Pradannack Wartha, 277 n, 278 n. Preston, Devon, 150. Prideaux Hearle, Cornwall, 94, 95, 121 n, 180 n, 239 n. Prideaux Place, Padstow, 32. Pritwell, 61. Probus, Cornwall, 53 n, 78 n, 89 n, 173 n, 227, 227 n, 239, 263 n, 264 n. Pulsack, 155 n, 261 n. Puslich, 268. Putford, Devon, 41. Pyeworthy, Puerthy, 58, 107 n. Pyran in Powder, 104 n. Quethiock, Cornwall, 49, 102 n, 133, 184 n, 229, 261 n. Quotoule, 75. Radford, Devon, 90 n, 197 n. Rashleigh, 183. Rayles, 181 n. Redrife juxta London, 193. Redruth, 162. Rescradock, 60 n. Reserens, 261 n. Reskere, 59, 299 n. Resprin, Cornwall, 41. Resteck, 277 n. Restormell, Cornwall, 160, 196. Restrewg, 240 n. Retyn, 255 n. Rialton, 151, 152, 152 n, 153 n. 340 INDEX OF PLACES. Ribblesdale, Lancashire, 202. Richard's Castle, 31. Roche, Cornwall, 56 n, 80 n. Roche, Pembrokeshire, 31. Rockwood, 97. Rodeland, 4. Rooke, 220 n. Rosalen, 261 n. Roscarrock, Cornwall, 117, 138, 141, 146 n, 189, 190, 231, 240, 278, 279 n. Roscrowe, Cornwall, 163, 163 n, 192. Roscrude, 65. Roseland, 226. Roselion, in St. Blazey, Corn- wall, 118 n, 255 n. Rosemeryn, 117. Roseverth, Cornwall, 123 n. Rosgerence, etc., 149 n, 255 n. Rosplede, 261 n. Rossara, 287. Rowehill, 255 n. Ruan, 166. Ruan Lanihorne, 242 n. Rye, 90, Saffron Waldon, Essex, 28. St. Agnes, St. Ann's, 57, 212 n. St. Allen, 163 n, 187 n, 197 n, 264 n, 295. St. Andrew's, 219 n. Tywardreath, St. Anthony, Cornwall, 48 n, 148 n, 182, 192. St. Anthony in Meneage, 252 n. St. Austell, Cornwall, 50n, 107n, 149, 149 n, 189 n, 196 n, 197 n, 200 n, 201 n, 231 n, 232 n, 253 n, 255 n, 305. St. Barre, Fowey, 219 n. St. Blasey, Cornwall, 117, 189 n, 201 n, 226, 231 n, 295. St. Breague, 82, 186. St. Breock, 56 n, 74, 107 n. St. Breward, 10, 10 n, 268 n. St. Budeaux, Devon, 54 n, 106 n, 120 n, 230 n. St. Burian, see Burian. St. Catherine's, Devon, 178 n. St. Cleather, Cleder, etc., 92, 243 n. St. Clements juxta Truro, St. Clements, 65, 99 n, 139 n. St. Cleere, Cornwall, 10, 38 n, 122 n, 160, 177 n, 253 n, 266, 295. St. Colan, 52 n. St. Columb, Cornwall, 9, 25, 36, 36 n, 37, 38, 50 n, 102, 116, 125 n, 136, 139, 142, 149, 149 n, 177, 217, 226, 252, 253 n, 254 n, 279 n, 305, 307. St. Columb Major, St. Collumbe the higher, etc., Cornwall, 15, 36, 36 n, 72 n, 103 n, 149 n, 153, 197 n, 204 n, 252, 253 n, 254 n, 255 n, 256 n, 273 n, 279 n, 295. St. Columb Minor, Lower St. Colomb, etc., 16, 152 n, 153 n, 212 n, 215 n, 254 n, 259 n, 295. St. David's, 30. St. Dominick, Cornwall, 137, 137 n, 195 n, 199, 305. St. Donnett's, Wales, 35. St. Dunstan's in the West, London, 33. St. Earth, Cornwall, 41, 154, 162 n, 168 n, 215, 227, 239. St. Endellion, see Endellion. St. Enoder, 103 n, 107 n, 242 n, 265, 279 n, 295. St. Erme, Cornwall, 22, 53 n, 72, 123, 173 n, 193. St. Erney, Erne, 295. St. Ervan, Ervin, etc., Cornwall, 76, 116, 153, 210 n, 251. St. Eval, Cornwall, 210 n, 274 n. St. Ewe, St. Tua, etc., Cornwall, 141, 180 n, 181 n, 226, 231 n, 235 n, 265 n. St. Fembaron in Fowey, 180 n, 219 n. St. Gees, 76 n. St. Gennys, Cornwall, 88, 165 n, 218 n. St. Germans, Germins, etc., Cornwall, 36, 38, 56, 60, 66, 149 n, 151n, 204 n, 219, 229, 246 n, 294, 305. St. Giles in the Fields, Middle- sex, 238 n. St. Gilt, Cornwall, 153. St. Gorran, 181 n, 266, 273 n, 274 n. St. Gregory's, Crediton, 270 n. St. Hillary near the Mount, 83 n, 176 n, 212 n. St. Issey, Tissey, etc., Cornwall, 12, 76 n, 90 n, 96, 149 n, 231 n, 254 n, 295. St. Ive, near Liskeard, 46, 46n, 49. St. Ives, Cornwall, 23, 38, 39, 96n, 159 n, 174, 235 n, 270 n. St. James, Poole, 105 n. St. James, Tregours (? Trego- ney), 148 n, 258 n. St. John, Exeter, 268 n. St. John's, 79, 294. St. John's Park, 234 n. St. Juliot, 107 n, 268 n. St. Just, Cornwall, 17, 27, 164, 242 n. St. Just in Roseland, 255 n. St. Kaine, 295. St. Katherin's, Cornwall, 62. St. Keverne, Cornwall, 14, 48, 48 n, 99, 148 n, 153, 168, 182, 185 n, 226, 240 n, 261 n. St. Kew, Cue, etc., Cornwall, 3, 9, 35, 35 n, 59, 59 n, 82 n, 101, 117, 121, 134, 138, 165 n, 173, 203, 215, 252, 253 n, 262, 265. St. Lawrence, Exeter, 268 n. St. Levan, Cornwall, 23. St. Leonard's by Exeter, 52. St. Logan, 234 n. St. Mabyn, Cornwall, 81 n, 100 n, 137 n, 172 n, 179. St. Martin, 54, 192. St. Martin's, Cornwall, 120 n, 258 n. St. Martin in the Fields, 254 n. St. Mary Ov'y, Devon, 71. St. Mary Tavey, 47 n. St. Maudyt, 300 n. St. Maws, 226. St. Mellion, 244 n. St. Meriodoc, Camborne, 234 n. St. Merryn, 36 n, 254 n, 255 n. St. Mewan, 65 n, 149 n, 181 n, 235 n. St. Michael, Caerhais, 240 n. St. Michael Penkivel, 54 n, 197. St. Michael's, 106 n. St. Michael's Mount, 90 n, 274 n. St. Minver, 8, 12, 110 n, 182 n. St. Neott's, Nyott, etc., 68 n, 79 n, 88, 105 n, 152 n, 217, 264 n, 302. St. Paul, Covent Garden, 238 n. St. Paul. See Paul. St. Peran in the Sands, 243 n. St. Peter, Padstow, 254 n. St. Peter's, Bodmin, 215 n. St. Peter's, Exeter, 125 n. St. Pinnock, Penioke, etc., Cornwall, 58, 136 n, 266 n, 295. St. Sampson's, Cornwall, 4, 45, 295. St. Stephen's, 27, 58, 103 n, 106 n. St. Stephen's in Brannell, 180 n. 181 n, 182 n, 237, 238 n. St. Stephen's juxta Saltash, Cornwall, 179, 242 n. St. Stephens, St. Steven's, Corn- wall, 27, 58, 68, 103 n, 181, 238, 306. St. Stephen's, Stevens juxta Lanston, Cornwall, 87, 262. St. Teath, St. Eath, etc., Corn- wall, 59, 59 n, 117 n, 168, 190 n. St. Thomas, 107 n. St. Thomas, Glasney, 234 n. St. Tudy, Tidy, etc., Cornwall, 5, 72 n, 133, 133 n, 199, 231 n, 253 n. St. Veepe, 231 n. St. Wenn, St. Twin, etc., Corn- wall, 74 n, 152 n, 153, 154, 158 n, 237, 252, 295. St. Winnow, St. Wynowe, etc., Cornwall, 19, 132n, 133, 231n, 255 n, 270 n, 295. Salt Ashe, Cornwall, 14, 15, 25 n, 60 n, 104 n, 119, 136 n, 183, 186, 255 n, 265, 266 n, 294. Samford, Devon, 192. INDEX OF PLACES. 341 Sampford Arundel, 269 n. Sancreed, Sancret, etc., Corn- wall, 123, 124 n, 126, 159 n, 247. Sandford, Devon, 32, 106 n, 125 n. Santon, 27. Savoye, London, 157 n. Saxbye, 289. Scobell, Devon, 156 n. Sconer, Cornwall, 269. Selworth, Somersetshire, 272 n. Sendelowe, 258 n. Sendy, 156n, 191 n. Senobell, 8. Shavington, 266. Shebeare, Devon, 200. Sheepwash, 131 n. Shelton, Cornwall, 189. Sherford, 165 n. Shernepark, 255 n. Sheviock, Cornwall, etc., 56, 60, 60 n, 196, 273n, 294. Shillingham, 24, 25, 42, 63. Shilston, 14, 99. Shippesford, 66. Shippester, Devon, 66. Shropshire, 97, 104. Shute, 31. Sidbury, Devon, 231 n. Sidenham, 24. Sidmouth, 279 n. Silley, Seelye, 81 n, 82. Sithney, Seeny, etc., Cornwall, 48 n, 51, 168, 170 n, 188, 234 n, 273 n. Skyberio, 73 n, 258 n. Skewys, 252 n, 261 n. Skynter, 56 n. Slade, 85. Slapton, 120. Slasney (? Glasney), 76. Smithick alias Pennycomquick, Falmouth, 235 n, 236 n. Soldon, 288. Somersetshire, 28, 37, 90, 132, 137, 142, 188, 213 n, 227, 259 n, 261 n, 269, 272. Soren, 235. Southampton, 28, 261 n. Southhill, Cornwall, 88. Southkymbar, 290. South Petherwin, Cornwall, 64, 133, 135, 213, 295. South Tavistock, Devon, 249. Southweek, 150. Sowton, Devon, 149. Sparnon, Cornwall, 205. Spain, 294. Spryleston, 257. Spurwaye, 11. Stafford, 3, 22. Stanberye, Stanburye in More- winstow, Cornwall, 213, 214. Stapbley, 266. Staunton, 255 n. Stellonorgan, Dublin, 32. Stevenston, Devon, 291. Stithians, Stediens, etc., 79, 148. Stoford, Devon, 49, 70. Stoke, 108, 209. Stoke Brewer, 273 n. Stokeclymsland, Cornwall, 88, 95, 108, 125, 200, 206. Stoke, Cornwall, 27. Stoke Damerel juxta Plymouth, Devon, 146 n, 242 n. Stoke Flemynge, 199 n. Stoke, Sussex, 28. Stokenham, 231 n. Stoliford, 194. Stonarton (Staverton), Devon, 96, 194. Stone, Devon, 148. Stowe, Cornwall, 7 n, 18, 146 n, 292. Stratton, Statton, 70, 271. Streete, 181 n. Strete alias Trevervyn, 199 n. Strevigo. See Trevigo. Surrey, 204 n. Sussex, 10, 28. Swandrop, Hampshire, 141. Talland, Tilland, etc., Cornwall, 148, 199, 200, 209, 210, 243 n. Tamerton, 35 n, 69, 70, 79, 131, 213, 298, 299 n. Tamerton Foliot, 225 n. Taunton, Toanton, Somerset, 73, 84, 229, 279 n. Tavistock, Tavestock, etc., Devon, 25, 35, 47, 57, 60, 66, 77, 78, 78 n, 81, 85, 86 n, 88, 96, 119 n, 137, 139, 140, 144 n, 173, 173 n, 197 n, 211 n, 229, 243, 250 n, 289. Tehidy, Tehiddye, Cornwall, 5, 52, 53 n, 233, 276 n. Telham, 289. Temple, 118. Tencreke, 210. Tendeyll, 155 n. Terris in St. Stephen's in Bran- nell, 181 n. Thanks, Cornwall, 202. Thankes, Cornwall, 202. Thewborow, Thewburie, Devon, 41, 210. Thorlbeare, 272 n. Thornborowe, Devon, 120. Thornbury, Devon, 157. Thorne, Devon, 44, 44 n, 141. Thory, Thori in Hartland, 70, 214. Tingrase, Devon, 10. Tinmouth, 94. Tinnyo, 69. Tintagell, Tintodgwell, Corn- wall, 35 n, 58, 58 n, 139, 172 n, 295, 299 n. Tintenhall, Somersetshire, 136 n. Tiptquet, Devon, 227. Tisick. See St. Issey. Titcott, Tetcot, Devon, 109, 140. Tiverton, 185, 243 n. Toba alias Gyllyn Wolla, 148 n. Tolcarne, Talcarn, etc., 159 n Tolgarrock, 240 n. Tolverne, Talverne, etc., 20, 29, 36, 51, 81, 224, 235 n, 240, 274 n. Tomyowe, 252 n, 255 n. Tonacombe, Tohacombe, etc., Cornwall, 127, 128, 129, 251. Torr, Cornwall, 44, 179. Torry, 143. Totnes, Devon, 6, 13, 14 n, 78, 140 n, 167, 168, 183, 231 n, 268. Tottin Mill, Lancashire, 104 n. Totworthy, 69, 70. Towan Wartha in St. Merryn, 252 n, 255 n. Towan Wollas in St. Merryn, 252 n, 255 n. Tower Hill, 221 n. Townstall juxta Dartmouth, 171. Toye, 28. Traytor in Padstowe, 175 n. Trebarfoote, Cornwall, 218. Trebathe, Trebarthe, 87, 104. Trebeigh, Cornwall, 268. Trebigh in Eggloskerry, 188 n. Trebuskan, 234 n. Treberthes (? Treverthes), 189n, 240 n. Trebisker, 210 n. Trebithe, 291. Tredareppe, 255 n. Tredawle, 107 n. Tredeage, 250. Tredannain, 271. Tredewi, 195 n. Tredidon in Egloskerry, Corn- wall, 69 n, 105, 106, 107, 207. Tredinnick, Tredynnek, Tre- dynek, etc., 242 n, 255 n, 259 n. Tredinnyal, 169 n. Tredreysowe, Tredreyses, 274 n. Tredrym, 255 n. Tredurff, Cornwall, 207. Trefry, 219, 220. Trefuses, etc., Cornwall, 7, 76, 220, 224 n. Tregadek, 255 n. Tregagelwales, 158 n. Tregagelwortha, 158 n. Tregaminion juxta Liscard, 195 n. Treganaw, 147. Tregantallan,Tregandallion, etc. 65 n, 112 n, 181 n, 235 n, 272 n. Tregarne, Tregarin, Tregardon, etc., 5, 71, 180. Tregarrock, 180 n. Tregarthen, 201, 242 n. Tregasow, Tregaso, Cornwall, 49, 186. Tregearchapell, 158 n. Tregellas, 164 n. 342 INDEX OF PLACES. 1 Tregellas in Probus, 53 n. Tregender, 155 n. Tregenha, near St. Ives, 22. Tregenstock, 274 n. Tregerthick, 181 n. Tregethowe, 168 n. Tregewe, 235 n, 250 n. Tregiddin, 19. Tregiskie, 226. Tregolse, 152. Tregon John, Cornwall, 203. Tregonake in St. Germayns, 204. Tregoney, Tregonie, etc., 16, 17, 26, 72, 152 n, 158, 167, 173 n, 177, 177 n, 180, 180 n, 214, 217, 234 n, 236 n, 261 n. Tregonnan, 306. Tregonowe, Tregenewe, 155 n, 271 n, 279. Tregorrek, 189 n, 255 n. Tregorthian, 108 n. Tregose, Tregos, 7, 7 n, 274 n. Tregothnan, Treguthnan, etc., 18, 19, 236 n. Tregovethan, 122, 233. Tregownan, 28. Treguden, 18. Tregullow, 265 n. Trehane, Trehayne in Probus, Cornwall, 111, 199, 227, 227n. Trehauke, 47, 106. Trehaverock alias Treharrock, etc,, 37 n, 38, 59. Trehenford, 238 n. Trehunsey, Trehunsie in Que- thiock, 43, 43 n. Treire, 101. Trekurnel, 261 n. Trekynnen in Trigg, 271 n. Treladerw, 223. Trelanmaur, 277 n. Trelawarren, Trelaworen, etc., in Mawgan, Cornwall, 14, 14 n, 46, 47 n, 73, 90 n, 114, 140, 148 n, 257, 258 n, 259 n, 260 n, 261 n, 269 n, 270. Trelaske, Treloske, etc., Corn- wall, 108 n, 132, 132 n, 172. Trelawny, Treloney, Trelani, Trelaune, etc., Cornwall, 5, 94, 146, 228, 229. Treleague, 258. Treledyk, 238 n. Trelege Vean, 148 n. Treleswythen, 277 n. Treleven, 47 n. Treleweth juxta Treloy, 277 n. Treley, Cornwall, 233, 274 n. Treloddrow, 155 n. Trelonk, 277, 278 n. Trelowith the Lower, 181 n. Trelowyth, 181 n, 235 n, 277, 277 n, 278 n, 296, 299 n. Trelugan, Cornwall, 241. Tremabe, Tremade, Cornwall, 122, 122 n. Tremargh, 255 n. Trematon, 25 n, 56 n. Tremaylek, Tremalik overa Pen- quyte, 255, 255 n. Tremaynon, 262 n. Trembath, 41. Trembleth, Tremblyth, Trem- leth, etc., 239, 274 n. Trembrase, 56 n. Trembrotheke, 234 n. Tremedow in Senar (Zennor), 22. Tremeer, Tremeere, Tremere, Tremure, etc., Cornwall, 5, 28, 52, 86 n, 133 n, 156 n, 275 n. Tremerake, Cornwall, 49. Tremodrut, Cornwall, 274 n. Trenaek, 151 n. Trenale, 158 n. Trenance, 252 n. Trenancmoor, 18. Trenans, 272 n. Trenans Austell, 189 n, 255 n. Trenart, 113. Trenastell, 242 n. Trenay, 248 n. Treneglas, 295. Trenerth, Cornwall, 233, 277 n, 278 n. Trenevesack, 243 n. Trenewyth, Trenowith, 255 n, 272 n, 276, 277. Trengale in St. Cleere, 100 n, 262. Trengove alias Trengoffe, Trin- goff, and Trangoe, Cornwall, 7, 46, 124, 234 n, 247. Trengwainton, Trenguenthen, in Madren, 54, 54 n, 127 n. Trenhale in Newlin, 259 n, 261 n. Trenouth, Trenowthe, etc., Corn- wall, 38, 68, 75, 76, 80, 100, 125, 126, 138, 138 n, 252 n. Trenowre, 18. Trent, Somersetshire, 142, 263. Trenwith, Treunwith, Cornwall, 89, 220, 238, 239. Trenyne in Mynver, Cornwall, 91. Trenynnock, 181 n. Trenythen in Probus, 215 n. Trerice, Trerise, Trerys, etc., in St. Allen, Cornwall, 2, 3 n, 19, 28, 40, 44, 50, 68, 82, 83 n, 84, 81n, 212, 233, 233 n, 242, 257, 271, 272, 272 n, 273 n, 275 n, 277 n, 298, 304. Treriven, Cornwall, 92. Tresagher, Constantine, 244 n. Tresawell, 252 n, 258 n. Tresawell le Lower, 255 n. Tresawell le Over, 255 n. Treseles, 179 n. Tresilian, Cornwall, 16, 118, 205. Tresoren alias Soren, 181 n. 235 n. Tresoye, 172. Trespresyne, 234 n. Tresula, 186 n. Tresulbrethen, 277 n. Tresungar, Cornwall, 134, 138, 138 n, 189, 190, 203 n. Treswithen, Tresudyan in Cam- borne, 23, 23 n, 24. Trethack, 255 n. Trethake in St. Cleere, 118 n. Trethank, 109 n. Trethannicke, 114 n. Tretharas, 153 n. Tretharlffe, Tredurfe, etc., Corn- wall, 207, 244. Tretharrope, Tretharup, 234 n, 255 n. Trethyn, 258 n. Trithell juxta Crofthole, 204 n. Trethenes, 296. Trethewy, 238 n, 277 n. Trethias Towen in St. Merryn, 255 n. Trethias in St. Merryn, 169 n, 255 n. Trethowen, 67. Trethyrgy,Trethrygy,Trethygy, 189 n, 255 n, 272 n. Treune, 217. Treuryek, next the village of St. Wenn, 271 n. Trevagethyghan, 185 n. Trevagetmur, 185 n. Trevaile, 18. Trevalack in St. Keverne, Corn- wall, 217. Trevalane, 191. Trevalga, 136 n. Trevalla Vean, 180 n. Trevalster, 224, 239. Trevalster, Cornwall, 13, 224, 239. Trevanhener, 255 n. Trevanion, 257. Trevarrack, 262 n. Trevathelek, 261 n. Trevedowe, Trevedo, 9, 101, 118 n. Trevegles, Treveglas, 54, 75 n. Trevelli, 18. Trevemeder, 255 n. Treveneage, Treverege, etc., Cornwall, 29, 81, 83. Trevenetheke, 98. Trevenge, 238 n. Trevenhedee, 8. Treveniel, 79 n. Trevenwyn, 258 n. Treverbon, 8. Trevervo, Trevorvoe in Probus, Cornwall, 186, 263. Trevethan, Cornwall, 180 n, 235 n, 236, 236 n. Trevethan Wartha, 235 n. Trevethan Wollas, 235 n. Trevidren, Trevudren, etc., 68, 255 n, 257, 258 n. Trevigo, 70, 215. Trevince, Trefins in Gwinop, 7, 7 n, 224. Trevithan, Trevethan, Cornwall, 180 n, 235 n. Trevithick, 242 n. INDEX OF PLACES. 343 Trevorder, Trevourder, etc., Cornwall, 10, 113, 118 n, 242, 243, 298. Trevorungowe, 258 n. Trevyan, 23. Trewan, Trewen, 56 n, 157 n, 221 n, 253 n, 255 n. Trewand, 170 n. Trewane in St. Kew, Cornwall, 145, 157, 158 n. Trewardrevah, 67. Trewareton Hale, Cornwall, 75. Trewarnon, 54 n, 80. Trewarveneth, Trewarvenner, etc., in Paule, Cornwall, 44, 82, 127 n, 156 n, 205. Trewaythe, 100 n. Trewegett, Trewegit, 59, 134. Trewenhelek, etc., in Resgerens, 255 n. Trewerys, 277 n, 300 n. Trewethock, 68. Trewhilla in St. Enoder, 245 n. Trewidlonde, 56 n. Trewinny in Mevagesy, 209. Trewola, Trewolley, 111, 245. Trewolla-Vean, 180 n. Trewonwell, Trewonwall, 21, 223. Trewooffe, 126, 127 n. Treworgan, Cornwall, 171, 173n, 262. Treworget, 228 n. Treworgie Skorie, Cornwall, 201 Treworgy, Treworgie, etc., 25, 111 n, 112, 112 n, 118, 129, 151, 216 n, 290. Treworgy in St. Cleere, Corn- wall, 46, 258. Treworgy in St. Gennys, Corn- wall, 88. Treworgy juxta Lanstenetha, 216 n. Treworles, 38 n. Treworrek, Treworricke, 119 n, 209. Treworthen, 228 n. Treworwale Vyan, 255 n. Trewthand, 46. Trewynt in Alternon, 107 n. Trewynt in Blisland, Cornwall, 204. Trey, 152. Trimerton in St. Stephen's, 179. Trink, 185. Trobridge, Devon, 157. Truro, Trwro, Trewro, etc., 7 n, 17, 26, 26 n, 48 n, 65, 71, 93, 99, 142, 154, 155 n, 71n, 163, 163, 173, 173 n, 181, 186, 187, 187 n, 189 n, 207, 215 n, 219 n, 224, 237, 238 n, 252, 263, 264 n, 301. Truro Merther, 16. Trworbonett, 82. Trymore, 300 n. Tudyford, Cornwall, 229, 229 n, 230 n. Tunsted, Kent, 33. Turner's Pidle, Dorsetshire, 265. Turkey, 39. Twelmona More, 290. Twynyo, 105. Tynten, 298. Tywardreath, Trewardreth, etc., 11, 95 n, 231n, 268 n, 295. Ugborough, Devon, 15. Umberleigh, Umberley, Devon, 5, 92 n. Uny Lelant, Uni juxta Lelant, Cornwall, 48, 192, 235 n. Upchurch, Kent, 196. Upcott, Upcote, Devon, 156 n, 220. Valapit, 288. Vallopit, Devon, 73, 288. Vasie, 128. Veep, see St. Veep. Ventogon, 120 n. Veryan, Cornwall, 75, 93, 241 n, 242, 252 n, 295. Vileston, Devon, 147. Vounder, Trewoone, 235 n. Wadefast, 158 n. Wadeford, 171 n. Wadham College, Oxford, 72. Wales, 30, 176, 216, 265 n. Wallelond, Weylonde, 255 n. Walton-on-Thames, 106 n. Warle, 288. Warleggan, 118 n. Warwickshire, 22, 39. Washfield, 40. Waterford, 32. Wellington, Somersetshire, 269, 269 n. Wemburie, Devon, 288. Wembworthy, 95 n. Wenbury, Devon, 108 n, 288. Wendron, Gwendron, etc., Corn- wall, 168, 170, 173 n. Wennet, 97. Werrestone, 107 n. Werrington, 79 n. West Allington, 269 n. West Anthony, 273 n. Westburie, Wiltshire, 68. Westcott, Devon, 41. West Disard, 296. West Herle, Northumberland, 94. West Langdon, 181 n. Westley, Devon, 41. Westmarker in Dwlo, Cornwall, 129. Westminster Abbey, 31. Westmoreland, 22. West Newton, Cornwall, 49. Westnorth in Duloe, 6 n. Weston Peverell juxta Ply- mouth, 30. West Putford, or Pudford, Devon, 41, 106 n. Weststanbery, 213. Westwillesworth, 69. Wexford, 30. Weymouth, Wamouth, Dorset- shire, 71, 107 n. Whaddon prope Sarum, Wilt- shire, 116. Whalesbury, 203 n, 242. Cornwall, 203, Whetstone, Whitston, Cornwall, 40, 83, 83 n, 165, 206, 212 n. Whitechurch, 78, 173 n. Whitehall, 43 n, 64 n, 67 n. Whitesday, 272 n. Whitfeld, 44. Wibberie, Devon, 72. Wideslade, 92. Widicomb, Devon, 11. Wight, the Isle of, Southamp- ton, 176, 177. Wilcombe, Cornwall, 119. Wiltshire, 38, 131, 161, 189, 190. Windsor, 30, 32, 74, 81. Winscott in Puerthy, 58. Witchampton, Dorsetshire, 201. Witheridge, 279 n. Withicomb, 231 n. Withiel, 77, 78 n. Wodeland, 25, 26. Woenhosken, Cornwall, 216. Wollesdon, 55. Wolley, 212. Wolston, 268. Wolvecombe, 255 n. Wolvedon, 299. Wonewell, Wonwell, Devon, 194, 209, 210, 211. Wood, 10 n, 24, 32, 74 n, 278, 286. Woodford in Lansalloes, 242 n. Woodhill, 127 n, 137 n. Woodhouse, Devon, 182. Worcester, 106 n, 180 n, 188, 192, 289. Worington, Devon, 267. Wortham, Devon, 99. Worthevale, Worthivall, Corn- wall, 11, 267. Wotton, Cornwall, 119. Wrighton, Norfolk, 81. Wyk St. Mary, St. Mary Week, Cornwall, 1, 212 n, 291. Wynyanton, 35 n, 297, 299 n, 300 n. Wynyard (Gwinear), 123. Wyvellscombe in St. Stephen's by Saltash, Cornwall, 269, 269 n. Yalwelegh, 126 n. Yaresborowe, 286. Yarmouth, 72. Yarnescombe, 197. Yeweton, Devon, 274 n. Yoe, 26. York, 144. Zennor, Sunner, etc., 54, 54 n, 159 n. UNIV. C *DEC 151918 CORRIGENDA. Page 3. "" وو وو وو 61. 150. 201. 206. 272. Number of note at bottom should be 4. Darrell pedigree, the drop from Rich. Hamond is erroneously placed over Wm. Darrell ; it should be over his wife Phillip, da. and coh. of Rich. Hamond. Moyle pedigree, at bottom of the page the drop from John to Rich. Moyle of Bake, is erroneously carried on over his wife Eliza, da. of Willm. Fortescue. Scobell pedigree, the drop from John Scobbell to Jone, his da., is wrongfully carried on over her husband John Cole. Spoore pedigree, Joan, wife of Rich. Coombe, in the eighth descent is erroneously described as da. and coh. of John Rouse; for "Rouse" read Downe. Note 4, for Inq. p. m. Y. O., &c., read Inq. p. m. V. O., &c. The Harleian Society, INSTITUTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF INEDITED MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO GENEALOGY, FAMILY HISTORY, AND HERALDRY, President. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF MANCHESTER, Vice-Presidents. THE MOST HON. THE MARQUIS OF BUTE, THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT MIDLETON. THE RIGHT HON. LORD MONSON. THE HON. HENRY ROPER-CURZON. SIR GEORGE F. DUCKETT, BART., F.S.A. SIR HENRY M. VAVASOUR, BART. RALPH ASSHETON, Esq., M.P. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, Esq., F.S.A. R. E. EGERTON-WARBURTON, Esq. Council. FAIRLESS BARBER, Esq., F.S.A. W. AMHURST TYSSEN AMHURST, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Hon. Secretary. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Hon. Treasurer, COLONEL JOSEPH LEMUEL CHESTER. REV. F. T. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A. J. R. DANIEL-TYSSEN, Esq., F.S.A. JOHN FETHERSTON, Esq., F.S.A. DUDLEY G. CARY ELWES, Esq., F.S.A. SIR JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. Bankers. THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK, 21 Lombard Street, Auditors. EDWARD BASIL JUPP, Esq., F.S.A. EVERARD GREENE, Esq., F.S.A. Hon. Local Secretary for U. §. A. W. H. WHITMORE, Esq. ૧૭ Rules. 1. This Society shall be called THE HARLEIAN SOCIETY. 2. It shall have for its chief object the publication of the Heraldic Visitations of Counties, and any manuscripts relating to Genealogy, Family History, and Heraldry, selected by the Council. 3. The Council shall consist of a President, nine Vice-Presidents, and twelve Members of Council, two of whom shall hold the posts of Secretary and Treasurer; and any four, including the Treasurer or Secretary, shall form a quorum. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman to have a casting vote. Any Candidate may be elected with the consent in writing of one Member of the Council, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. 4. Three Members of the Council shall retire in rotation annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. 5. The Annual Subscription shall be One Guinea, paid in advance, and due on the 1st day of January in each year; and Members elected after two hundred and fifty shall have joined, shall pay an Entrance Fee of 10s. 6d. in addition to their first Annual Subscription. 6. The funds raised by the Society shall be expended in publishing such works as are selected by the Council. 7. One volume at least shall be supplied to the Members every year. 8. An Annual Meeting shall be held in the month of June every year, at such time and place as the Council may direct; and due notice shall be sent to the Members of the Society at least a fortnight previ- ously. 9. No work shall be supplied to any Member unless his Subscrip- tion for the year be paid; and any Meinber not having paid his sub- scription for two years, having received notice thereof, shall cease to belong to the Society. 10. The Council may, at their discretion, pay the expense of tran- scribing from manuscripts whenever two hundred Members, at least, shall have joined the Society; but no payment in money shall be made to any person for editing any work for the Society. 11. No copies of the publications of the Society shall be supplied to persons not actually Members, and each Member shall be restricted to a single Subscription. 12. An account of the receipts and expenses of the Society to be made up to the 1st of June in each year, and published with a list of the Members and the Rules of the Society in the following Volume. 13. These Rules shall not be altered except at the Annual Meeting, and three clear weeks' notice must be given to the Secretary of any such intended alteration. 3 Report for the Year 1873-4. THE Council have the pleasure to report that during the past year the Society has been steadily increasing, twenty-nine new members having joined since the last Annual Meeting. Three hundred and sixty members have joined the Society since its foundation, forty-one have died or re- signed, leaving the number at present on the roll three hundred and nine- teen. The publication for the past year has been 'Le Neve's Catalogue of Knights,' edited by the Hon. Secretary, a volume nearly double the size of most of the Society's previous publications, and hence the only one which the Society's funds have enabled it to publish for 1873. The Council have accepted the generous offer of Col. CHESTER of the results of his labours for the last ten years on the "Registers of West- minster Abbey." These comprise the entire official Registers of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, from the earliest period to the present day, with original notes of inestimable value, which he has, at great expense, col- lected for their illustration. Colonel CHESTER will enable this work to be presented to the members as the volume for 1875. The Visitation of London in 1633-5 is therefore postponed till 1876. The Council feel sure that considering the great historical value of such national archives as the Westminster Abbey Registers, the members will concur with them in the desirability of postponing the London Visitation for another year. The original Visitation of Cornwall in 1620, edited by Col. VIVIAN and Dr. DRAKE, is in the press, and will shortly be ready for delivery. The Balance Sheet is appended to this Report, and the Council hope that it will meet with unanimous approval. Harleian Society. BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MAY, 1874. Br. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance to 31st May, 1873. Subscriptions, etc. £149 15 2 Payments to Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes Binding 299 13 7 • Illustration Fund Donations. 191 9 6 Index to Le Neve. 341 4 4 8 Subscriptions, etc. 361 3 6 Rent of Room Donations to London Visitation Illustration Fund 46 1 6 Cleghorn, Engraver, for Illustration of Le Neve.. Incidental Expenses- 960 8 15 6 Hon. Treasurer. 5 11 0 5 5 0 4 12 0 Examined and found correct by us, 12th June, 1874. Hon. Secretary Small payments :— To Sir George Duckett Commission on Irish Cheque Balance Illustration Fund Donations £748 9 8 DUDLEY G. CARY-ELWES. EDWARD B. Jupp. 0 19 0 006 0 18 0 0 19 6 175 18 1 237 11 0 £748 9 8 JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Hon. Treasurer. 15 List of Members. G. BRINDLEY ACWORTH, F.S.A., Star Hill, Rochester. REGINALD AMES, Cote House, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. W. AMHURST T. AMHURST, F.S.A., (Council), Didlington Hall, Brandon. FRANK ANDREW, Apsley Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. ELY ANDREW, Mere Bank, Ashton-under-Lyne. J. E. ANDREWES, War Office, S.W. CHARLES FREDERICK ANGELL, F.S.A., 15 Grove Lane, Camberwell, S.E. The SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, Somerset House, W.C. WILLIAM SUMNER APPLETON, Boston, U.S.A. FRANCIS R. ARMYTAGE, 27 Cambridge Square, W. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, F.S.A. (Council), Clifton, Brighouse. GEORGE A. ARMYTAGE, Clifton, Brighouse. The EARL OF ARRAN, The Pavilion, Hans Place, S.W. RALPH ASSHETON, M.P. (Vice-President), Downham Hall, Clitheroe. JOHN ASTLEY, Broad Gate, Coventry. ATHENEUM, Liverpool. (W. ROSCOE JONES, Librarian.) Captain W. J. ST. AUBYN, 68th Light Infantry, Brecon Barracks, Brecon, N. Wales. ROBERT A. C. GODWIN-AUSTEN, Chilworth Manor, Guildford. Lieut-Colonel BAGNALL, Shenstone Moss, near Lichfield. JOHN E. BAILEY, Chapel Lane, Stretford, Manchester. BOSTON ATHENEUM, Boston, U.S.A. CHARLES BAKER, F.S.A., 11 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W. FAIRLESS BARBER, F.S.A. (Council), Castle Hill, Rastrick, near Brighouse. Joseph GURNEY BARCLAY, 54 Lombard Street, E.C. THOMAS H. BATES, Mayfield, Wolsingham. CHARLES BATH, Ffynone House, Swansea. JOHN BATTEN, F.S.A., Aldon, Yeovil. FRANCIS BAYLEY, 66 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, W. GEORGE FREDERICK BEAUMONT, The Knowles, Fixby, Huddersfield. ROBERT S. BIRKBECK, Anley, Settle. The BIRMINGHAM LIBRARY, Union Street, Birmingham. (A. S. DUDLEY, Librarian.) W. H. BLISS, James Street, St. Clement's, Oxford. T. WELD-BLUNDELL, Ince Blundell Hall, Great Crosby, Liverpool. The Rev. CHARLES W. BOASE, Exeter College, Oxford. R. S. BODDINGTON, 15 Markham Square, S.W. WILLIAM EDWard Bools, 7 Cornhill, E.C. THOMAS WILLIAM BOORD, F.S.A., 180 Belsize Road, Kilburn, N.W. Lieut-Colonel HAWORTH-BOOTH, Derwent Bank, Malton, Yorkshire. Lieut-Colonel JOHN BUTLER-BOWDEN, Pleasington Hall, Blackburn. EDMUND M. BOYLE, Rockwood, Torquay. EDWARD BRABROOK, F.S.A., 28 Abingdon Street, Westminster. The Rev. WILLIAM BREE, The Rectory, Allesley, Coventry. The Hon. and Rev. JOHN R. O. BRIDGEMAN, Weston-under-Lyzard, Shifnal, THOMAS BROOKE, Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield. FRANCIS CAPPER BROOKE, Ufford Place, Woodbridge. The Rev. FREDERICK BROWN, F.S.A., Fern Bank, Beckenham, Kent. The Rey. HENRY BROWNE, B.A., B.C.L., Eastham Rectory, Tenbury, : 6 PERCY C. S. BRUERE, Middleham, Bedale, Yorkshire. C. G. PRIDEAUX BRUNE, Prideaux Place, Padstow, Cornwall. The Rev. JOSEPH BUCKLEY, M.A., Sopworth Rectory, Chippenham. Captain W. E. G. LYTTON-BULWER, Quebec House, East Dereham. CHARLES JOHN BURGESS, Naval and Military Club, London, W. SIR BERNARD BURKE, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King-of-Arms, Dublin. The MARQUIS OF BUTE (Vice-President), 83 Eccleston Square, S.W. BENJAMIN BOND CABBELL, F.R.S., F.S.A., 39 Chapel Street, Edgware Road, W. The UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, CAMBRIDGE. (H. BRADSHAW, M.A., Librarian.) F. TEAGUE CANSICK, 28 Jeffreys Street, Kentish Town, N.W. R. BROWN CANSICK, 2 Cavendish Road, St. John's Wood, N.W. The DOWAGER COUNTESS OF CARNARVON, Pixton Park, Dulverton. GEORGE ALFRED CARTHEW, F.S.A., East Dereham, Norfolk. THOMAS CHAPMAN, F.R.S., F.S.A., 25 Bryanston Square, W. Colonel J. L. CHESTER (Council), 16 Linden Villas, Blue Anchor Road, Ber- mondsey, S.E. CHETHAM'S LIBRARY, Manchester. (THOMAS JONES, Librarian.) Sir ALEXANDER P. BRUCE CHICHESTER, Bart., Arlington Court, Barnstaple. THOMAS CLOSE, F.S.A., Nottingham. The Rev. RICHARD CHUTE CODRINGTON, Haygrove, Bridgewater, Somerset. The Rev. FREDERIC T. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A. (Council), Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. JAMES EDWIN COLE, St. Stephen's Club, Westminster, S.W. JAMES COLEMAN, 22 High Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. J. KYRLE COLLINS, Wiltondale, Ross, Herefordshire. EDWARD COODE, Polapit Tamer, Launceston. JOHN COODE, Polcarm, St. Austell. WM. HENRY COOKE, Esq., Q.C., F.S.A., 42 Wimpole Street, London. W. H. COTTELL, 1 Manor Rise, Brixton, S.W. J. GREGORY COTTINGHAM, Edensor, Chesterfield. JAMES COUPER, Lombard Chambers, Brown Street, Manchester. W. PRIDEAUX COURTNEY, Ecclesiastical Commission, S.W. The Rev. H. O. COXE, Bodleian Library, Oxford. J. C. CRABB, 9 Queen's Terrace, Victoria Park, Manchester. Mrs. JOHN WOODHEAD CROSLAND, Thornton Lodge, Huddersfield. EDWIN PURVES ROPER-CURZON, Upper Sheen House, Mortlake, S.W. The Hon. HENRY ROPER-CURZON (Vice-President), 47 Argyle Road, Kensington. The Hon. SIDNEY C. ROPER-CURZON, Upper Sheen House, Mortlake, S.W, J. E. CUSSANS, 66 Leverton Street, N.W. Miss CUST, 67 Seymour Street, Hyde Park, W. The Rev. JOHN NEALE DALTON, M.A., F.S.A., Marlborough House. R. S. LONGWORTH DAMES, M.A., 32 Upper Mount Street, Dublin. The Rev. G. H. DAVENPORT, Foxley, Hereford. C. W. DAVID, Cardiff, Glamorganshire. JOHN DAVIDSON, 14 St. George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, S.W. ROBERT DAVIES, F.S.A., The Mount, York. E. MAY DAVIS, Green Hill, Mosely, Birmingham. WILLIAM DOWNING, Swiss Cottage, Acocks Green, Birmingham. ROBERT DAY, jun., F.S.A., M.R.I.A., Rockview, Montenotte, Cork. GORDON DAYMAN, St. Giles's, Oxford. The Rev. JOHN BATHURST DEANE, M.A., F.S.A., Sion Hill, Bath. Comm' JOHN DE HAVILLAND, K.J., F.S.A., Langford Court, Somerset. GEORGE DIGBY WINGFIELD DIGBY, Sherborne Castle, Sherborne, Dorsetshire. ROBERT DOWMAN, 29 Shakspeare Street, Ardwick, Manchester. HENRY HOLMAN DRAKE, LL.D., Esplanade, Fowey, Cornwall. 7 Sir WILLIAM DRAKE, F.S.A., 46 Parliament Street, S.W. Sir GEORGE F. DUCKETT, Bart., F.S.A. (Vice-President), Manor House, Bampton, Farringdon. GEORGE F. DUNCOMBE, 17 St. Stephen's Road, Bayswater, W. ROBERT DYMOND, F.S.A., Bampfylde House, Exeter. Albert EDWARDS, Philadelphia, U.S.A. J. EDWARDS, M.D., 20 Westmoreland Place, Bayswater, W. The Rev. HENRY T. ELLACOMBE, M.A., F.S.A., Clyst St. George Rectory, Topsham, Devon. WILLIAM SMITH ELLIS, Hydecroft, Charlwood, Surrey. DUDLEY G. CARY ELWES, F.S A. (Council), 5 The Crescent, Bedford. V. CARY ELWES, F.S.A., Brigg, Lincolnshire. WILLIAM ROBERT EMERIS, M.A., F.S A., Louth, Lincolnshire. C. J. EYSTON, Hendred House, Wantage. THOMAS FALCONER, one of the Judges of the County Courts, Usk, Monmouthshire. J. G. FANSHAWE, Board of Trade,. Whitehall, S.W. Miss FFARINGTON, Worden, Preston. HENRY MASTER FEILDEN, M.P., Witton Park, Blackburn. WILLIAM FENNELL, Wakefield. ROBERT FERGUSON, F.S.A., Morton Hall, Carlisle. JOHN FETHERSTON, jun., F.S.A., (Council), 108 Wheeley Road, Edgbaston, Bir- mingham. W. S. FETHERSTONHAUGH, Rock View, Killucan, Ireland. GEORGE FITZWILLIAMS, New York, U.S.A. EDWARD FITZWILLIAMS, Philadelphia, U.S.A. WILLIAM FLOYD, London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. CHARLES H. Fox, M.D,, The Beeches, Brislington, Bristol. J. LEWIS FFYTCHE, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., Thorpe Hall, Louth, Lincolnshire. J. F. FULLER, F.S.A., 179 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin. CLEMENT S. BEST-GARDNER, Eagle's Bush, Neath, Swansea. JOHN RIBTON GARSTIN, F.S.A., Greenhill, Killiney, co. Dublin. ARTHUR EDWARD GAYER, Q.C., LL.D., Abbotsleigh, Upper Norwood, S.E. HENRY H. GIBBS, St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, N.W. JOSEPH GILLOW, jun., Winckley Square, Preston. Rev. E. F. GLANVILLE, Park Villas, Oxford. C. GOLDING, 16 Blomfield Terrace, Upper Westbourne Terrace, W. HENRY GOUGH, 20 Lorn Road, Brixton, S. W. GRANVILLE Leveson GoweR, F.S.A. (Council), Titsey Park, Godstone. JAMES GIBSON, Salem, State of New York, U.S.A. HENRY SYDNEY GRAZEBROOK, Stourbridge, Worcester. EDWARD GREAVES, M.P., Avonside, Warwick. EVERARD GREENE, F.S.A., 12 John Street, Adelphi, W.C. BENJAMIN WYATT GREENFIELD, Cranbury Terrace, Southampton. W. H. GREER, 29 High Street, Belfast. The Rev. WILLIAM GRICE, Sherborne House, Warwick. The Rev. HENRY THOMAS GRIFFIFH, B.A., Felmingham Vicarage, Norwich, J. E. A. GWYNNE, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., 97 Harley Street, W. GORDON GYLL, Remenham House, Wraysbury, Staines. EDWARD HAILSTONE, F.S.A., Walton Hall, Wakefield. The Rev. H. F. HALL, M.A., Walton D'Eivile, Warwick. Sir ROBERT N. C. HAMILTON, Bart., Avoncliffe, Stratford-on-Avon. PHILIP HAMOND, Mousehold House, Norwich. EDWARD HARDCASTLE, M.P., Headlands, Prestwich, Lancashire. * 8 Col. HARDING, Upcott House, Barnstaple. WILLIAM HARVEY, Harrold Hall, Bedford. The Rev. SAMUEL HAYMAN, M.A., Grange Erin, Douglas, Cork. WILLIAM C. HEANE, Cinderford, Gloucestershire. Lady HEATHCOTE, Hursley Park, Winchester. C. P. HEIGHAM, Wetherden, Stowmarket. THOMAS HELSBY, 15 York Chambers, King Street, Manchester. SPENCER HEREPATH, 18 Upper Phillimore Gardens, W. WILLIAM PERRY HERRICK, Beaumanor Park, Loughborough, Leicestershire. Miss FRANCES MARGERY HEXT, Lostwithiel, Cornwall. THOMAS ROWLEY HILL, St. Catherine's, Worcester. JOHN HIRST, jun., Dobcross, Saddleworth. The Ven. Archdeacon HOLBECH, Farnborough, Banbury. DANIEL DEAN HOPKINS, F.S.A., Weycliffe, St. Catherine's, near Guildford. ROBERT HOVENDEN, 8 Gower Street, W.C. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, LL.D., F.S.A. (Hon. Treasurer), 3 Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, S.E. THOMAS HUGHES, F.S.A., 1 Grove Terrace, Chester. WILLIAM HUGHES, 89 Alexandra Road, South Hampstead, N.W. The Rev. E. B. HUNTINGTON, M.A., Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A. The INNER TEMPLE LIBRARY, E.C. The ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Fleatham House, St. Bees, by Carnforth. T. E. JACOBSON, M.D., Sleaford, Lincolnshire. The Rev. EDMUND JERMYN, B.A., care of R. F. Jermyn, Esq., 13 Neville Street, Onslow Square, S.W. JOSEPH JONES, Abberley Hall, Stourport. MORRIS C. JONES, F.S.A., 20 Abercromby Square, Liverpool. EDWARD BASIL JUPP, F.S.A., Carpenters' Hall, London Wall, E.C. J. C. FITZGERALD KENNY, 2 Merrion Square South, Dublin. The Rev. EDWARD KING, B.A., F.S.A. Scot., Launceston. ARTHUR JOHN KNAPP, Llanforst House, Clifton, Bristol. T. C. SNEYD KYNNERSLEY, Moor Green, Moseley, Birmingham. Lieut-Colonel J. H. BAGOT LANE, King's Bromley Manor, Lichfield. C. T. LANE, 3 Lombard Court, Lombard Street, E.C. PHILIP LANGMAN, 4 Savage Gardens, E.C. THOMAS LAYTON, F.S.A., Kew Bridge, Middlesex, W. Sir EDMUND A. LECHMERE, Bart., The Rhydd Court, Upton-on-Severn, Worcester. The Rev. F. G. LEE, D.C.L., F.S.A., All Saints' Vicarage, York Road, Lambeth, S. W. STANLEY LEIGHTON, Sweeney Hall, Oswestry. J. LINDOW, Eheu House, Cleator, viâ Carnforth. JOHN BURNS LINDOW, Park House, Cleator, viâ Carnforth. Mrs. LITTLEDALE, 19 Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensington, W. The LIVERPOOL LIBRARY, Liverpool. The LIVERPOOL FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, William Brown Street, Liverpool. (GEO. HUDSON, Librarian.) BEN. LOCKWOOD, Huddersfield. The Rev. W. J. LOFTIE, F.S.A., 57 Upper Berkeley Street, W. The LIBRARY COMMITTEE OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, Guildhall Library, E.C. 9 WILLIAM H. DYER LONGSTAFFE, F.S.A., Gateshead. Sir JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. (Council), Pallingswick Lodge, Hammersmith, W. The Rev. A. R. MADDISON, Croft, Boston, Lincolnshire. The MANCHESTER FREE LIBRARY. (A. CRESTADORO, Ph.D., Librarian.) G. BUCKLEY MATHEW, H.B.M. Minister Plenipotentiary, Rio de Janeiro. C. H. MALLOCK, Cockington Court, Torquay. The DUKE OF MANCHESTER (President), 1 Great Stanhope Street, W. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, LL.D., F.S.A. (Hon. Secretary), Hanley Court, Tenbury, Worcestershire, and 60 Onslow Gardens, S.W. WALTER C. MELLER, B.A., St. John's College, Oxford. WALTER C. METCALFE, Epping, Essex. The Right Hon. VISCOUNT MIDLETON, Peper Harrow Park, Godalming. Lieut-Colonel MILLER, R.A., Woolwich, S.E. The Rev. JOHN MIREHOUSE, Colsterworth Rectory, Grantham. Captain R. MOLESWORTH, High Legh, Knutsford. The Right Hon. LORD MONSON (Vice-President), Gatton Park, Reigate. THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY, 400 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Lieut-Col. CHARLES THOMAS JOHN MOORE, F.S.A., Frampton Hall, near Boston, FREDERICK J. MORRELL, St. Giles's, Oxford. GEORGE J. MURRAY, Hartford House, Werneth, Oldham. C. R. SCOTT-MURRAY, Danesfield, Great Marlow. NAVAL AND MILITARY CLUB, 94 Piccadilly, W. Miss NEWMAN, 6 Patshull Road, Kentish Town, N.W. Miss CHARLOTTE NEWMAN, 6 Patshull Road, Kentish Town, N.W. JAMES NEWMAN, 235 High Holborn, W.C. Captain W. NEWSOME, R.E., Gravesend. FREDERICK T. NICHOLL, F.S.A., 120 Harley Street, W. J. W. NICHOLL-CARNE, D.C.L., St. Donat's Castle, Bridgend, Glamorganshire. The Rev. C. B. NORCLIFFE, Petergate House, York. Colonel SIDNEY NORTH, M.P., Wroxton Abbey, Banbury. WILLIAM JOHN O'DONNAVAN, LL.D., M.R.I.A., Foxcroft House, Portarlington. The Rev. T. R. O'FFLAHERTIE, Capel Vicarage, Dorking. EVAN ORTNER, 3 St. James's Street, S.W. FREDERICK OUVRY, F.S.A., 12 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, W. The Rev. THOMAS DOUGLAS PAGE, Sibson Rectory, Atherstone. Sir CHARLES J. PALMER, Bart., Dorney Court, Windsor. The Rev. FIELDING PALMER, Eastcliffe, Chepstow. The Rev. GEORGE PALMER, F.S.A., 53 Lowndes Square, S.W. The Rev. JOHN PAPILLON, M.A., F.S.A., Lexden Rectory, Colchester. The Rev. J. T. PARKINSON, D.C.L., F.S.A., Ravendale, Grimsby. MANSFIELD PARKYNS, 59 Princes Square, W. DANIEL PARSONS, St. Germain's, Woodstock Road, Oxford. D. WILLIAMS PATERSON, Newark Valley, New York, U.S.A. EDWARD PEACOCK, F.S.Á., Bottesford Manor, Brigg, Lincolnshire. The Rev. A. J. PEARMAN, Rainham Vicarage, Sittingbourne. CHARLES GEORGE PERCEVAL, Passenham Manor, Stony Stratford. IRA B. PECK, Woonsocket, Rhode Island, U.S.A. HENRY PECKETT, Carlton Husthwaite, Thirsk, Yorkshire. RICHARD LAWRENCE PEMBERTON, The Barnes, Sunderland. W. DUNCOMBE PINK, 5 King Street, Leigh, Lancashire. George PluckNETT, F.S.A., Manor House, Finchley, N. The Rev. CANON RAINE, York. J. R. RAINES, Burton Pidsea, Hull, 10 GENERAL MEREDITH READ, Consul-General of the United States, 37 Avenue d'Autin, Champs Elysées, Paris. The Rev. O. J. REICHEL, Theological College, Cuddesdon, Oxford. SAMUEL RIGBY, Bruch Hall, Warrington. The Rev. C. J. ROBINSON, M.A., Norton Canon Vicarage, Weobly. The Rev. EDWARD ROGERS, M.A., Moor Cross, Ivy Bridge, Devon. R. R. COXWELL-ROGERS, F.S.A., Dowdeswell Court, Andoversford, Gloucester. The ROYAL LIBRARY, Windsor Castle. J. BROOKING ROWE, 16 Lockyer Street, Plymouth. The Rev. DAVID ROYCE, The Vicarage, Lower Swell, Stow-on-the-Wold. JAMES RUSBY, 21 Ainger Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. J. PAUL RYLANDS, Highfield, Thelwall, Warrington. Lieut.-General Sir JOHN ST. GEORGE, K.C.B., 22 Cornwall Gardens, Queen's Gate, W. JOHN EDMUND SANDBACH, Shaw Holme, Withington, Manchester. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, F.S.A. (Vice-President), Lower Eatington Park, Strat- ford-on-Avon. ROBERT HARDISTY SKAIFE, The Mount, York. The Rev. E. H. MAINWARING SLADEN, M.A., F.R.G.S., The Gore, Bournemouth. J. S. SMALLFIELD, 32 University Street, W.C. A. R. SMITH, 36 Soho Square, W.C. HUBERT SMITH, Belmont House, Bridgnorth. J. C. C. SMITH, H.M. Probate Court, Doctors' Commons, E.C. The Rev. WALTER SNEYD, Keele Hall, Newcastle, Staffordshire. SOMERSETSHIRE ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Museum, Taunton. CONINGSBY C. SIBTHORPE, Canwick Hall, Lincoln. THOMAS STEWARDSON, Germantown, Philadelphia, U.S.A. JOHN SYKES, M.D., F.S.A., Doncaster. The Rev. JAMES TAYLOR, Brigham by Carlisle. Miss CAROLINE C. THAYER, Boston, U.S.A. SAMUEL VOSPER THOMAS, Newborough, Wimborne, Dorset. CHARLES THURMAN, Bookseller, Carlisle. ROBERT F. TOMES, Weston, Stratford-on-Avon. T. G. TOMKINS, Great Ouseburn, York. GEORGE D. TOMLINSON, Huddersfield. HENRY TREHERNE, Latymer House, Brook Green, W. Sir J. SALUSBURY TRELAWNY, Bart., M.P., Trelawne, Liskeard, Cornwall. Sir WALTER C. TREVELYAN, Bart., Wallington, Newcastle-on-Tyne. JOSEPH HERBERT TRITTON, 54 Lombard Street, E.C. GEORGE TUCK, New Road, Windsor. WILLIAM HENRY TURNER, 8 Turl Street, Oxford. The Rev. SAMUEL BLOIS TURNER, F.S.A., South Elmham, Halesworth, Suffolk. PHILIP TWELLS, M.P., Chase Side House, Enfield. J. R. DANIEL-TYSSEN, F.S.A. (Council), 9 Lower Rock Gardens, Brighton. Sir HENRY M. VAVASOUR, Bart. (Vice-President) 8 Upper Grosvenor Street, W. BENJ. LLEWELYN VAWDREY, Tushington Hall, Whitchurch, Salop. Colonel VIVIAN, Rose Hill, Camborne, Cornwall. EDWARD WALTHAM, Walcombe House, Stockwell Green, London, S.W. R. E. EGERTON-WARBURTON (Vice-President), Arley Hall, Northwich. The EARL OF WARWICK, Warwick Castle, Warwick. EDMOND CHESTER WATERS, Upton Park, Poole. WATKINSON LIBRARY, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. FRANK G. WATNEY, 17 Pembridge Crescent, Bayswater, W. 11 JOHN WATNEY, jun., F.R.G.S., F.S.A., 16 London Street, Fenchurch Street, E.C. The Rev. JAMES WEBB, M.A., The Parsonage, Hartshead, Normanton. ARCHIBALD WEIR, M.D., St. Mungho's, Great Malvern. Lieut-Colonel WESTON, Hunterstone House, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. HENRY WHITE, New Haven, Connecticut. WILLIAM H. WHITMORE, Boston (Hon. Local Sec. for U.S.A.). The Rev. THOMAS WHORWOOD, D.D., Vicar of Willoughby, near Rugby. The Rev. AUGUSTIN WILLIAMS, Icomb Rectory, Stow-on-the-Wold. FRANCIS WILLINGTON, Tamworth, Warwickshire. The Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, Boston, United States. R. H. WOOD, F.S.A., Crumpsall, Manchester. CHARLES H. L. WOODD, F.G.S., Roslyn, Hampstead, N.W. ASHBEL WOODWARD, M.D., Franklin, Connecticut, U.S.A. RICHARD WOOF, F.S.A, F.R.S.L., Guildhall, Worcester. W. H. WRIGHT, Philadelphia, U.Š.A. WILLIAM W. E. WYNNE, F.S.A., Peniarth, Towyn, Merioneth. . PUBLICATION S. VOL. I.-The Visitation of London, in 1568, by Cooke. Edited by J. J. HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., and G. J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. VOL. II. The Visitation of Leicestershire, in 1619, by Lennard and Vincent. Edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. VOL. III. The Visitation of Rutland, in 1618, by Camden. Edited by GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. VOL. IV.-The Visitation of Nottingham in 1614. Edited by GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.M. VOL. V.-The Visitations of Oxford in 1574 and 1634. Edited by W. H. TURNER, Esq. VOL. VI.—The Visitation of Devonshire in 1620. Edited by the Rev. F. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A. VOL. VII.-The Visitation of Cumberland in 1615. Edited by J. FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. VOL. VIII.-Le Neve's Catalogue of Knights. Edited by GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. VOL. IX.-The Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. Edited by Col. VIVIAN and H. H. DRAKE, Esq., LL.D. TO BE PUBLISHED. The Registers of Westminster Abbey. To be Edited by Colonel CHESTER. The Visitation of London, 1633-4. To be Edited by J. J. HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., and Colonel CHESTER. The Visitation of Lincoln. To be Edited by EDWARD PEACOCK, ESQ., F.S.A. The Visitation of Staffordshire. To be Edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. The Visitation of Bedfordshire. To be Edited by H. GOUGH, Esq. The Visitation of Berkshire. To be Edited by W. H. TURNER, Esq. The Visitation of Warwickshire. To be Edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. The Visitation of Somersetshire in 1623. To be Edited by the Rev. F. T. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A. The Visitation of Devon in 1564. To be Edited by the Rev. F. T. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A. Printed by MITCHELL and HUGHES, 24 Wardour Street, W. BOUND AUG 241939 UNIV. OF MICH. LIBRARY RESTRICTED MATERIAL TOT PHOTOCOг. TV TO TT UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02591 8429 Gr 1. DO NOT PLACE 'DE LABEL