asia 488 PUBLICATIONS SOCIETY'S HARLEI N 10 JUN. KASUTA THE VISITATIONS OF BEDFORDSHIRE. westerns of the pers ARE THEIR FATHERS? VIROVOL GASTRUP SH KARTIKA MITTEN FIDE GLORY OF CHIL Lim ECHAR Fior MAGNUM H28 f S .~. : . T Library of the University of Michigan The Coyl Collection. Miss Jown D.Goyl of 'I droit in memory of her brother Col. William Henry bwyt 7894. 1.. 929.03 A.2 $410 428 M THE Publications The Harleian Society. OF ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. FATHERS MICHE THE VIRGVGO ALTHY NEXOTIHO GLORY OF CT FIDE Volume XIX. FOR THE YEAR MD.CCC.LXXXIV. سلام سید برای The C Visitations of Bedfordshire, ANNIS DOMINI 1566, 1582, AND 1634. MADE BY WILLIAM HARVEY, ESQ., Clarencieulx King of Arms, ROBERT COOKE, ESQ., Clarencieulr King of Arms, AND GEORGE OWEN, ESQ., York Herald, AS DEPUTY FOR SIR RICHARD ST. GEORGE, KT., Clarencieulx King of Arms. TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES, CHIEFLY FROM HARLEIAN MS. 1531; AND AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A LIST OF PEDIGREES ENTERED AT THE VISITATION OF 1669; ALSO LISTS OF BEDFORDSHIRE KNIGHTS AND GENTRY TAKEN FROM LANSDOWNE MS. 887. EDITED BY FREDERIC AUGUSTUS BLAYDES. LONDON: 1884. 1 us... LIK 心 ​ARDOVA DV PR ᎤᏓ ESTABLISHED.1797: || 1941 WARDCVK STREET. LONDON VỪ - le mode pa mag- Preface. THE County of Bedford was visited on four different occasions by the officers of the College of Arms for the purpose of recording the pedigrees of the gentry entitled to bear arms. These Visitations were made in the years 1566 by Harvey; 1582 by Cooke; 1634 by George Owen, York Herald, as deputy for Sir Richard St. George, Clarencieux; and 1669 by Bysshe. The last mentioned is the latest Visitation of this county. Three out of the four are now, for the first time, printed in the following pages. I have not been able to discover an available copy of the Visita- tion of 1669; the only one that I know of is in the College of Arms, MS. D. 24. I have reason, however, to think that there is a copy of this in some private collection, for I have come across, in what are known as the Dawson MSS.,* a list of Bedfordshire pedigrees comprising (inter alia) a list of the pedigrees taken during this Visitation. In Gutch's 'Collectanea Curiosa,' vol. ii., p. 212, Oxford, 1781, 8vo, is the following notice of this Visitation: "Sir Ed. Bysshe. 1669. 81 B 21, f. 15, Harley." 81 B 21 is the old press-mark of MS. Harl. 1405, which does not contain the Visitation of 1669, but only a list of the pedigrees therein, with the arms in trick. Regarding this Visitation Gutch adds the following note: "A copy was at Mr. Sheldon's at Weston in 1675, No. 139; as appears by A Catalogue of MSS., etc., in closet at Weston 1675' (in Mr. Sheldon's hand, but no dates mention'd) among Wood's MSS. in Ashm. Mus. at Oxford, 8578, 116, B. 7." I have appended the list at the end of this volume, as it will probably be of use to those interested in Bedfordshire genealogies. Many of the within pedigrees will be found in an extended form in 'The History of the Hundred of Willey,' by W. Marsh Harvey; London, 1872-8; 4to. * See notes on pages 204, 209, post. 260358 vi PREFACE. When I first undertook to edit this volume I had little idea of the amount of work it would entail; for at the very threshold of my inves- tigations I was bewildered by the number of MSS. and the want of internal reliable evidence to guide me in selecting the most trustworthy, and assigning them to their respective dates; no two were exactly alike, either as to their contents or as to the number of pedigrees contained in each. After much patient investigation, I have at length been enabled to finish my task, and to evolve something like order out of the chaotic confusion which at first confronted me. It may be as well for me here to enumerate the various MSS. I have collated and examined. First, amongst the manuscripts in the British Museum Library, the following contain collections of pedigrees relating to this county: HARLEIAN MSS. 1097, 1390, 1531, 2109, 3968, 4600, and 5186. Of these, No. 1531, which is in Mundy's handwriting,* contains 111 pedigrees; being a collection formed apparently out of the four Visita- tions. Those which I have not been able to assign to either of the Visitations in the following pages, I have included in this work under the heading "Additional Pedigrees." No. 4600 contains 71 pedigrees, with arms in trick, indifferently executed. No. 5867 contains the Visita- tions of 1566 and 1582, and on the first folio are written the following words: "Comitatus Bedfordie D. G. R. A. Genealogies 1583." No. 2109 contains additions by Challoner and Randal Holme, and apparently formerly belonged to the latter, as attested by the following words on folio 1: "Randle Holme Booke sonne to Randle Holme of ye citty of Chester Alderman 1632 May 15." I have also carefully examined LANS- DOWNE MSS. 584, 864, 887, and 888, being the miscellaneous heraldic collections of John Pomfret, Rouge Croix, and John Warburton, Somerset, with notes, etc., relating to Bedfordshire families. In the Library of QUEEN'S COLLEGE, OXFORD, rich in heraldic MSS., I came across one, MS. cxiv., being a manuscript volume of pedigrees in Glover's handwriting. The pedigrees are very neatly written in tabular form in roundles, and the arms carefully tricked. The Index * See page 153. PREFACE. vii contains 47 pedigrees, which I have extended, for convenience sake, to 51. On one of the fly-leaves is written, "This book formerly belonged to Joseph Williamson."* He was, I believe, the donor of the above- mentioned and other heraldic MSS. to this Library. As this is by far the most reliable and authentic manuscript of all I have seen, I have adopted it as the basis of the Visitation of 1566. Another MS. which I carefully examined is No. 541, article 13, in the Library of CAIUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. This appears to be a copy of the Visitation of 1566, with a few additions which I have incorporated in “Additional Pedigrees." It is very indifferently written in tabular form, and slightly imperfect at the fore-edges. In the Library of Sir CHARLES ISHAM, Bart., at Lamport Hall, are two volumes of Bedfordshire genealogies, one of which I made a transcript of; it contains 50 pedigrees, neatly written in narrative form, with the arms carefully tricked; evidently the work of a professional herald. On folio 87 is a note relating to the arms of Butler of Biddenham as follows: "Note-this quarterings be as the were sett forth in the pedegree maid for William Butteler of Kirton in the Parish of Byddenden [i.e. Bidden- ham] co. Bedford by Cooke Clarenceulx and Glouer Somesset A° 1587." This MS. corresponds in nearly every particular with that in the Library of Queen's College, Oxford. The other volume I was unable to see, as it could not be found at the time of my visit. I have adhered strictly to the original spelling, only departing from this rule in using contractions for the words, "son," "daughter," and “heir." The few footnotes that I have made use of in this Work are chiefly in elucidation of doubtful points, in correction of obvious errors, and to direct those interested to further sources of information. I could have made much freer use of footnotes, as I have collected a great deal of useful material from parish registers, monumental inscriptions, old deeds, wills, etc., which would have enabled me to add considerably to the value of this Work, but in deference to the wish of the Council I have confined myself to the limits above mentioned. * Sir Joseph Williamson, Secretary of State in the reign of Charles II. viii PREFACE. In the course of my work I was particularly struck by the similarity which exists between the Visitations of 1566 and 1582; this for a long time puzzled me, and were it not for internal evidence I should have hesitated ere I assigned Harl. MS. 5186 to the Visitation of 1582, so exactly alike are the pedigrees which are common to both; but I think the explanation arises from the fact of there being an interval of only sixteen years between the two, and in so short a period it is not likely that many changes could have taken place. At the same time I am at a loss to account for the fact that the first two Visitations came so close together in point of time, as the average interval between Visitations in other counties appears to be from thirty to forty years; in many cases, indeed, this interval is exceeded; while, on the other hand, in the counties of Bucks and Essex, Visitations appear to have been made so near to each other as to allow of periods of only eight years and six years respectively intervening. I was also struck by the frequent changes that appear to have taken place in the ownership of land in this county: even as between the years 1566 and 1634 the change is remarkably apparent, and still more so in comparing these Visitations with the Domesday of 1875. In the latter I do not think there can be found twelve landowners whose names appear in this volume. Fuller, in his 'Worthies of England,' ed. Nuttall, vol. i., p. 175, after giving the List of Gentry of this county in 12 Hen. VI., 1433, quaintly says: "Hungry Time hath made a glutton's meal on this Catalogue of Gentry, and hath left but a very little morsel for manners remaining; so few of these are found extant in this shire, and fewer continuing in a genteel equipage." There is probably scarcely an- other county in England where land has changed hands so frequently as in this, and if the study of genealogy serves no other purpose, it will at least dispel the illusion prevalent amongst a certain class, that the majority of the present owners of land derive their title from feudal times. This county cannot claim to be historically famous; nevertheless, to give it its due, it has produced a few men eminent as statesmen, warriors, etc., as a study of the history of the following noble families will shew: Bray, Cheyney, Mordaunt, St. John, Wahull, Wentworth. The names of PREFACE. ix Anderson, Catelyn, Gascoigne, Keeling, Luke, Newdigate, Snagg, Turner, and Winch, are also notable as having attained to high eminence in the legal profession. Other very important documents relating to the gentilitial history of Bedfordshire are the following: 1. “The Parliamentary Roll" (as it is styled by Mr. Greenstreet), c. 1300-15, called N in Papworth's 'Ordinary,' contains a List of Knights, etc., of Bedfordshire, with their arms in blazon. Of this there are several copies, with some variations. The Cottonian copy was printed in Pal- grave's 'Parliamentary Writs,' i., 413, 1827; and by Sir N. Harris Nicolas, 1828. Rowe Mores's copy was printed by him in 1749; and another copy in 'The Antiquarian Repertory,' ed. 1780, iii., 86; ed. 1807, i., 81. 2. The Return of Gentry in 1433 (above referred to), which is entered on the Patent Roll, 12 Hen. VI., pt. 2, memb. 28. Concerning this Mr. GOUGH writes: "The Commons in the Parliament of 1433 (11-12 Hen. VI.) having complained that the country swarmed with pilours, robbers, oppressors of the people, and various other evil-doers, it was enacted that certain Commissioners in every county should have power to summon before them all persons of quality, and to administer to them an oath for the better keeping of the peace and observing of the King's laws, both as to themselves and their retainers. Not- withstanding the reason assigned for this proceeding, it can scarcely be doubted that its real purpose was the suppression of the movement which had then set in in favour of the Royal House of York. The first of the Commissioners in every county was the Bishop of the diocese. There were generally three others, of whom one was commonly an Earl, or at least a Baron, and the other two the Knights of the shire. The returns exhibit various degrees of completeness; for several counties there are none at all." The Bedfordshire Lists from this and the preceding Roll will be found printed at the end of this Preface. 3. The Register of the Guild or Fraternity of the Holy Trinity in the Church of Luton, a manuscript in the possession of the MARQUIS Of BUTE, K.T. It extends from 1475 to 1546. This Register, together with b X PREFACE. the Accounts of the Guild from 1526 to 1547, has been printed, under the editorial care of Mr. HENRY GOUGH, and will be published as soon as the Introduction and some supplementary materials are completed. This Register contains the names of some thousands of persons belonging to Bedfordshire, with the dates, approximately, of their admission to the Guild, and sometimes of their death, with other genealogical facts. 4. The Lists of Knights and Gentry of Bedfordshire taken in 1667-8, from the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum, which will be found printed in the Appendix. It will perhaps be within recollection that when this Work was first included in the list of "Proposed Publications," the name of Mr. HENRY GOUGH was appended as the Editor. Owing, however, to pressure of engagements, this gentleman was unable to undertake the work, and I was asked to act as co-editor with him; subsequently Mr. GOUGH inti- mated that as he was so fully engaged he could not spare the time, and the task of editing this Work was finally left entirely in my hands. I think it due to Mr. GOUGH to state this fact, and to express my great regret that I was deprived of his valuable assistance; and at the same time I take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude for the many valuable hints he has given me, and for the loan of some of his MSS. My thanks are also due to Sir CHARLES ISHAM, Bart., and to the Librarians of Queen's College, Oxford, and Caius College, Cambridge, for the courteous manner in which they aided me by giving me ready access to the MSS. in their libraries. Without this assistance I could not have completed my task. In conclusion, I may add that I have taken every care to guard against error; every pedigree has been carefully collated and re-read several times: nevertheless in works of this kind it can hardly happen. otherwise than that some errors may have been overlooked. F. A. BLAYDES. BEDFORD. December, 1884. NAMES AND ARMS OF KNIGHTS OF BEDFORDSHIRE, TEMP. EDW. I. From an ancient Roll, printed in 'The Parliamentary Writs, collected and edited by Francis Palgrave.' London: 1827; 4to, p. 413. BEDEFORDESHIRE. Sire JOHN DE PABENH’M: barre de azure e de argent de vj peces, a une bende de goules a iij moles de or. Sire JOHN sun Filz: meisme les armes, od les moles perces. Sire .... DE TRAILY: de or, a une crois de goules e iiij merelos de goules. Sire JOHN RIDEL: palee de argent e de goules, a une bende de sable. Sire WALTER DE BAA: de goules, a un cheveron e iij rouwels de argent. Sire JOHN DE SOUTHBURI: de ermyne, od le chef de goules a iij roses de or. Sire .... DE BEUCHAMP: de goules, frette de argent. · • Sire RICHARD LE ROUS: quartile de argent e de sable, a une bende de sable. Sire JOHN CONQUEST: quartile de argent e de sable, a un label de goules. Sire ROB'T DE HOO: quartile de argent e de sable, a une bende de or. Sire JOHN PEYVRE: de argent, a un cheveron de goules a iij flures de or. Sire RAFF* PEROT: quartile de or e de azure endente. Sire WILL'M YNGEE: de or, a un cheveron de vert. Sire ROGER DE HEYHAM: pale de argent e de azure, od le chef de goules a iij escalops de or. Sire JOHN DE MORTEIN: de ermyne, od le chef endente de goules. Sire DAVID DE FLITTEWIK: de argent, a ij lup[ard]s passanz de sable. Sire RAUF DE GOLDINGTONE: de argent, a ij lions passanz de azure. Sire .... DE WALHULLE :† de or, a iij cressanz de goules. Sire PERES LORING: quartile dargent e de goulys, a une bende de goulys. Sire ROGER PEYVERE: dargent, a un chev[er]oun [de] azure a iij flures dor. Sire ROB'T DE HOTTOT:‡ dazure, a une c[ro]ys patee dermyne a iiij rosses dor. § * "Raff" inserted from another copy. + "Wahull" in E. Rowe Mores's copy. Oxon : 1749; 4to. ‡ "Hotot." E. R. M. § The last three names from another copy. They are in E. R. M., with variations of spelling. RETURN OF GENTRY IN BEDFORDSHIRE, 12 HENRY VI. THE Commissioners for this county were William [Grey], Bishop of Lincoln, John de Faunhope, Chivaler; and John Wenloke and John Gascoyne, Esquires, Knights of the shire. (Of these, Sir John Cornwall, K.G. 1410, was created Baron of Fanhope, co. Hereford, 1433, Baron of Milbroke, co. Bedford, 1442, and died next year; and Sir John Wenlok, K.G. 1460, was created Baron Wenlok in 1461, and slain ten years later.) The list of names returned is as follows; the last column, shewing the residences, or presumed residences, of the persons named, being now added. PATENT ROLL, 12 HEN. VI., PT. 2, м. 28. Woburn. Warden. Abbatis de Woborne et soun Celerer Abbatis de Wardon Prioris de Dunstable Prioris de Chekesonde Prioris de Nunham Prioris de Caldewell Prioris de Buschemede Simonis Fylbrygge, Chivaler [K.G., ob. 1442] - Henrici Brounflete, Chivaler [Baron Bromflete, or de Vesci, 1449-68] B - Johannis Broughton Willelmi Loudesope (Ludsoppe). Johannis Enderby - Roberti Mordaunt Johannis Hertushorne Henrici Godfrey [ob. 1444] Johannis Boteler de Northzele - - . Thome Wauton, Chivaler Thome Manyngham Thome Hoo [K.G. 1445; Baron Hoo and Hast-Luton-Hoo. ings, 1447-55] Toddington. Dunstable. Chicksand. Newenham, in Goldington. Caldwell, in St. Mary's, Bedford. Bushmead, in Eaton-Socon. Felbrigg, co. Norfolk. Wimington. - Bassmead, in Eaton-Socon. Luton. Stratton, in Biggleswade. Turvey. Northill. Northill. Northill. RETURN OF GENTRY IN BEDFORDSHIRE, 1433. xiii Humfridi Acworthe Johannis Ragon Thome Ragon Johannis Fitz Geffrey Johannis Radewell - Johannis Fyse (Fitz) Johannis Coldington (Goldyngton) Christofori Preston. Stephani Crwker (Cruker) [? Crevequer] Thome Roxstone (Rokestone) · I Willelmi Launcelyne (Launceleyne) Henrici de Lye. Johannis Conquest (de Houghton) Thome Lounde. Walteri Lounde. Johannis Lounde. Richardi Merstone. Johannis Pekke, junioris - Thome Pekke. · Johannis Boughton. Hugonis Hasseldene Thome Bailly de Houghton Willelmi Trought. Henrici Mauntell. Roberti Valence. Johannis atte Hay - Willelmi Yppyng Johannis Petyfer [i.e. Pied-de-fer]. - Johannis Ferrour (Feron') de Bedford Johannis Gerveys de Maldon - Henrici Etewell. Roberti Bolloke. Willelmi Wale. Nicholai Ravenhull. Nicholai Lowe. Valentini Bailly de Litton [sic] Willelmi White de eadem # 1 Willelmi Pekke. Johannis Glove, junioris. Johannis Turvey de Turvey (Johannis Turvey) - - - · · Luton. Bromham. Bromham. Gt. Barford. Radwell, in Felmersham. Pulloxhill. Lidlington. Crekars, in Gt. Barford. Roxton. Cople. Houghton-Conquest. Cople. Turvey. Bedford. Maulden. Luton. Luton. Goldington. Houghton-[? Regis]. Luton. Luton. xiv Thome Purvey. Willelmi Purvey. Johannis Shotfolde Willelmi Wyngate Willelmi Kene. Thome Stokker Ade Alforde. Johannis Morton Thome Morton Thome Stratton. Thome Chamburleyne Radulfi Clerke. RETURN OF GENTRY IN BEDFORDSHIRE, 1433. Tôn Mathei Stepeyng Nicholai Hardyng Willelmi Marham Richardi Sampson Roberti Warner. Johannis Coke de Craweley Willelmi Syleham Willelmi Purvey. Willelmi Rede. Thome Blondell Willelmi Milwarde. Roberti Ratele. Johannis Kyggyll de Todyngton Johannis Pestell de Nunham - I Thome Chopper de Turvey Johannis Marram Thome Jakes - Johannis Pykot Willelmi Molso Johannis Sewell Henrici Sewell Radulfi Falwell. Hugonis Byllyngdon Johannis Baldoc Willelmi Palmer. Roberti Davy, junioris. Johannis Stanlowe. Richardi Lincolne. Walteri Taillarde 1 1 M - · 1 I 1 ↑ } I 1 C 1 I 1 1 F I I 1 1 ↓ - - - - But - Stotfold. Sharpenhoe, in Streatley. Wyboston, in Eaton-Socon. Potsgrave. Potsgrave. Tilsworth. Luton. Aspley-Guise. Barton-le-Clay. Maulden. Husborn-Crawley. Luton. Harlington. Toddington. Newenham, in Goldington. Turvey. Barton-le-Clay. Luton. Biggleswade, or L. Gravenhurst. Dunstable. Sewell, in Houghton-Regis. Sewell, in Houghton-Regis. Billington, in Leighton-Bosard. Holwell. Wrestlingworth. RETURN OF GENTRY IN BEDFORDSHIRE, 1433. XV Thome Spencer de Geton. Johannis Spencer. Johannis Kynge de Harowdon Johannis Wayte Willelmi Bochell. Thome William. Roberti Ratull. Roberti Warner de le Hethe Johannis Potter. Johannis Grecell. Willelmi Bocher de Henlowe - Willelmi Halle de Chitlyngdone Johannis Halle. 1 1 I - Harrowden, in Cardington. Renhold. Leighton-Bosard. Henlow. Shitlington. [After this many of the above names are repeated, with occasional varia- tions, which are in this printed list given within parentheses. Amongst them is the name following :] Johannis Mepurshale [ob. 1440] Mepshall. The Visitation of Bedfordshire, 1566. THE ARMES OF THE TOWNE OF BEDFORD. Per pale argent and gules, a bend azure. THE SEALE OF THE SAME TOWNE. An eagle displayed looking to the sinister with wings inverted sable, ducally crowned or, on the eagle a large castle surmounted by two more one above the other or. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Or, a talbot passant sable, on a chief of the second three martlets of the field, ALWAY; II, ALWAY, impaling, Sable, three unicorns courant in pale argent, FARINGDON. CREST.-On a wreath argent and sable a hind's head argent between two holly- branches vert, fructed gules. Alway [of Streatley]. John Alway of ffaringdon.... daughter of . . . . ffaringdon in com. Devon gent. de com. Devon gent. John Alway of Stretley in com. Bedf. gen. sonne and heire. John Alway eldest sonne † [ob. s.p.]. Mary daughter of . . . Belfelde* of Studham (? Standon) in com. Hertf. gen. Rauf second sonne [of Channons in the p'ish of Shenley in com. Hertfford ob. 22 March 1621]. A [Edmond Wyngate of Shar- penhoe in com. Bedfford 2 husband.] [Dorathye d. of John Rudall (? Unedall) of Linfford in com. Bucks.] * "Sable, three vnicorns currant argent, lynes and collar or." (MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs.) † Harl. MS. 4600 places here "Richard Alway of Stretley heir to his brother." B 2 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. [Mary 16 yeres old 1621 ux. Edward Wingate of Lockley in ye p'ish of Willan in com. Hert- Hert- fford.] Anscell [of Barford Magna]. ARMS (TIIREE SHIELDS).—I., Gules, on a saltire or between four bezants a mascle of the field, ANSCELL; II., Quarterly-1 and 4, ANSCELL-2 and 3, Sable, lavo hands conjoined proper, supporting a heart or, WHEATLEY; III., ANSCELL, impaling WHEATLEY. John Anscell al's Anstell neere Exeter in com. Devon.... . daughter of . . . . of Edward Anscell al's Welthlyan, Anstell of West- | daughter mounton and Tawn- ton in com. Som. gen. sonne and heire. Mary [ux. Will'm Carter of Kemps- ton in com. Bed- fford]. Nicholas second sonne dyed sans yssue. [Ursula d. of.... 1 wiffe.] A | [Anne 14 yere old 1621 mar- rid to Thomas Bearde sonn of Myles Bearde of Gateley in com. Norffolk.] • [Catherin ux. John Allen of Moger Anger in the p'ish of Blonham in com. Bedfford.] Appowell in Wales. John second sonne. Agnes [ux. John Bromhall of Stev- ington in com. Bedfford]. eldest sonne [of Barfford in com. Bedfford]. Thomas Anscell alias Anstell of Bar--Elizabeth daughter forde in com. Bedf. sonne and heire. and heire. Wheatley Anscell[Elizabeth d. of Henry Beecher of Fother- ingay in com. North- ampton.] [Dorathey ux. John Coc- kayne of Shin- gay in com. Cambridge.] [Dorothy 13 yere [Eliza- old 1621 ux. Rich- beth ard Bernard of died Petsoledg in com. yong.] Bucks.] Robert Wheate-Catherine daughter ley al's Quyt- of Richard ffyssher lawe of Joneby of Pavenham in in com. Cumber- com. Bedf. gen. land gen. Rose [1 ux..... Wol- rich of .... in com. 2 to Hurlestone]. [2. George Anscell.] I [1. Thomas [Eliza- Anscell.] beth.] Temperance [ux. Neatley of . in com. Sussex]. Anne [ux. Sr George Fitz Geffrey of Crekers in the p'ish of Barfford in com. Bedford]. [Alexander [Mary.] Anscell.] [Anna Anscell.] THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 3 Arderne [of Hawnes]. ARMS.-Gules, three cross-crosslets filchée or, on a chief of the second a martlet azure. CREST.-On a wreath or and gules a plume of three ostrich-feathers surmounted by a similar plume argent, charged with a martlet azure. Will'm Arderne of Hawnes in com. Bedf. Thomas Ardern-Anne wydowe of Thomas of Hawnes in Gonnell of London daugh- com. Bedf. ter of Richard Bowles of sonne and heire.* Wallington in com. Hertf. gen. [Margery-Harl. MS. 2109] daughter of [Hill of Lon- don] 1 wyfe. Elizabeth widow of George Thrale of Luton in com. Bedf. daughter of Will'm (read John) ffranckelin of Thurly in com. Bedf. gen. [Per chevron embattled argent and sable, three cinq- foils pierced, counterchanged -Harl. MS. 2109.] A Astry [of Parlington]. ARMS.-Barry wavy of six argent and azure, on a chief gules three bezants. CREST.-On a wreath or and azure a demi-ostrich argent, wings endorsed gules, in the beak a horse-shoe of the third. [Geffrey Astrey of Hitchin in com. Hertfford.] 1 Jone maryed to John Moore of Luton in com. Bedf. Elizabeth Thomas Jane daugh- daughter Astry of ter of John of Will'm Hitchin Pygott of Skip- in com. Beachamp- withe of Hertf. ton in com. Bucks ar. 2 wyfe. Whet- hampsted sonne in com. Herf. 1 wyfe. and heire. B S Rauf Astrye Knight=[Margaret - Harl. MS. lord maior of London in the 2109] daughter of . . . . time of Kinge Henry the 2 wyfe. seventh maryed three wyves [and had 8 sonns and 3 daughters hee ob. 18 of November 1494]. [Or, a saltire engrailed between four leopards' faces gules-Harl. MS. 2109.] Rauf second sonne [ob. 19 of Sept. 1501]. Henry third sonne sans yssue. [Margaret dyed yong.] Elizabeth maryed to John Lee of Harlington in com. Bedf. gen. * "And by her hathe no issuc." (Isham MS.) [William=[Eliza- Astrey beth of .. d. of in com. ... ob. 20 Oct. 1501.7 •] 4 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Will'm Astry sonne and heire. Thomas Astry sans yssue. B Rauf Astry of Harlington in com. Alice daughter of Thomas Bedf. ar. second sonne and heire | Wellfod (Wilford) citizen of to Will'm his brother. London.* George second sonne. Sr Thomas Barnardeston Knight sonne and heire [of Ketton in com. Suff. vide idem]. t George Barnard- cston sonne and heire. Mary vn- George Barnardeston of Norrell in com. Bedf. ar. second sonne. Alice vn- maryed. maryed. yed. Barnardiston [of Northill]. ARMS.-[Azure, a fesse dancettée ermine between six cross-crosslets argent, BAR- NARDISTON.] [Sir] Thomas Barnardeston of Kid-Elizabeth daughter of John [Roger] Newporte dington in com. Suff. ar. [Knt.]. of Pelham in com. Herf. A daughter mar. to [Thom.] Lorde Awdeley Chan- cellor of England. ffrancesse Ann vnmar- Christopher second sonne. Elizabeth daughter and sole heire of Thomas Barlye [Burley-Harl. 5867] of Lynne in com. Norff. ar. Thomas third sonne. Elizabeth vnmaryed. Margaret vnmaryed. vnmar- yed. [Elizabeth] mar- yed to George ffitzwilliam of Lincolnshire. John fourth sonne. [John 3 son a preest.] John Barnardeston of Norrell in com. Joane daughter of Thomas Mylles [Miller Bedf. ar. only sonne and heire. -Harl. 5867] of Lynne merchant. Rauf Astry eldest sonne. maryed to Jen- ney of Norf. gen. Sigismond fifte sonne. Suzan vnmaryed. to. of.. * "Widow to Tho. Rotheram." (MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs.) maryed . Ayre . . gent. Edward sixt sonne. Sare vnmaryed. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 5 Bawde [of Harrold]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Gules, three chevrons argent, BARHAM ; 2 and 3, Gules, three marlions' wings or, BAWDE. CREST.-On a wreath argent and sable a Satyr's head in profile sable, with wings to the side of the head or, the tongue hanging out of his mouth gules. daughter of .... Thomas Bawde of Haddam in com. Harf. ar.. F... Thomas Bawde of London ar. sonne and heire. John Bawde of Harwolde in com. Bedf. ar. sonne and heire. John Bawde of Bedford ar. sonne and heire. Anne daughter of Sir John ffortescue of Punesborough in com. Herf. Knight. Elizabeth daughter of John Norreys of Stevennage in com. Herf. ar. T Elizabeth daugh- ter of Silvester Danvers of Daun- cey in com. Wilt. George third ar. sonne. Thomas second sonne. fferdinand Bawde sonne and heire. John Bosgrave of Godmanstone in com. Som. gen. Anne maryed to Thomas Shefield of Temesford in com. Bedf. ar. Elizabeth eldest daughter. Jane third. A Bosgrave [of Renhold]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Argent, on a cross engrailed sable a griffin segreant of the field, BOSGRAVE; II. (sinister side), Per pale argent and gules, on a chevron between three trefoils slipped all counterchanged a luce naiant or, PYKE.* CREST.-On a wreath argent and sable a boar's head erased argent, between two oak- branches vert, fructed or. Margaret second daugh- ter maryed to ThomasStave- ley of Bygnell in com. Oxon gen. Margaret daughter of . . . . Dawnce de com. Glouc. *Papworth (p. 54) assigns this coat to Pitts of co. Bedf. 1 6 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Leonard Richard Mary maryed Johane maryed John Bosgravet Jane Bosgrave third to Thomas Kymes of Ranhall in daughter (alibi Reynes) com. Bedf. to .... Kymes FIERT eldest of. sonne. Vaughan of sonne. Brisselton in gen. and after fourth sonne. Pyke of to Grene • Ranhall in com. Bedf. gen. John com. Glouc. second sonne. John Bosgrave sonne and heire. Thomas second sonne. Boteler [of Biddenham] ARMS.—Argent, a fesse counter-compony or and azure between six crosses formée sable. CREST.-Out of a mural crown gules a boar's head argent, armed or. [Thomas Boteler of Bydenham in com. Bedfford Esq 6 E. II. and 12 È. III.] Sr Will'm Butteler. of Bydenham Knight Alderman and maior of Lon- don sonne and heire 1515. [John Boteler of Bydenham and of [Joane d. and heire of Walter Stathenden Esq'.] Mouldesworth.] A [William Boteler brother and heire.]T Richard Butteller of Bydenham in. . . . daughter of [Allen Kyrton of Bedenham com. Bedford. in com. Bedf.-Isham MS.]. 11 second ▸ daughter sonne. of... Basforde of Lon- don. * third ffrancys third sonne. sonne. fourth sonne. [John Boteler ob. s.p.] ... the youngest [Thomas-MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs.] sonne to Richard Butteller. Margaret Butteller maryed to [Ed- ward] Lord Northe that now is.‡ * Harl. 5867 gives another daughter, Anne; MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs., calls her Agnes. In Harl. 5867 called both Thomas and John. w According to Harl. MS. 1531 she was also wife successively of Andrew Frances, Sir David Brooke, Knt., and Robert Chertsey. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 7 John Buttel- ler eldest sonne dyed sans yssue. Emme maryed to Arthure Derycotte of London. | A Brigitte daughter of Sr John Abridges Knight and Alderman of London first wyfe. Will'm Butteller of Bydenham in com. Bedford ar. second sonne and heire. Will'm Butteller of Bydenham in com. Bedf. ar. sonne and heire lyving 1586.* Anne maryed to John Margaret maryed to Peter Gonnell of London. Sare of Hyde in com. Kant. gen. Dorothe daughter of Robert Sargar of Mowlsey in com. Surr. gen. Anne daughter of Thomas Pecocke de com. Suff. gen. second wyfe and his heire. Burgoyne [of Sutton]. John Burgoyne of Sutton in com. Bedf. ar. 11 Three daugh- ters all maryed. Robert second sonne. John third sonne. Be it remembered that Alane Kyrton of Bydenham in the Countie of Bedford had issue Walter Kyrton that dyed sans yssue, and a daughter called Grace that was maryed to Thomas Boteller Which Grace was sister and heire to Walter her brother and by the said Thomas Boteller her husband had issue Richard Boteller father to this Richard here first mentioned. Mary maryed to John Martha Newton of Axmouthe in com. Devon. vnmar- ried. ARMS.-Gules, a chevron or between three talbots argent, on a chief embattled of the last as many martlets azure, BURGOYNE; impaling, Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads sable as many escallops or, within a bordure vert bezantée, BOWLES. CREST.-A talbot sejant or, ears sable, and plain collared gules. Jone daughter of . . . . Byll of Ashwell in com. Hertford gen. Thomas Burgoyne of Sutton in Anne daughter of John Bowles of Robert second com. Bedf. ar. sonne and heire. | Wallington in com. Herff. ar. sonne. John Burgoyne of Sutton in com Bedf. ar. sonne and Robert second heire not yet married [ob. s.p.]. sonne. *"This Will'm hath to his second wyfe Vrsula the daughter of Thomas Smith of Osting- hanger in Kent by whome he hath yssue Thomas Boteler a sonne, and Alice a daughter now living 1586." (See Pedigree in MS. 541, f. 3, Caius Coll. Cambs., which does not accord with this.) 8 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Bury [of Toddington]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Quarterly of four—1 and 4, Sable, a chevron engrailed or between three plates each charged with a cross pattée gules, BURY; 2, Argent, on a chief indented sable three leopards' faces or, LICHFIELD; 3, Argent, a chevron between three lions' heads erased sable, DRIFFIELD: II., BURY, impaling, Vert, three bucks trippant or, ROTHERAM. Roger Lychfeilde. Roger Bury. of Bury Hall in com. Lanc. gen. John Bury of Bury Hall in com. Lanc. gen. sonne and heire. daughter of.... Henry eldest sonne and John second sonne dyed both sans yssue. Humffrey Bury of Tud- dington in com. Bedfford [and Hearne] sonne and heire. A [Elizabeth d. and heire of Anthony Haselden of com. Cambridge.] Lord. John Lorde. Isabell daugh- ter and heire. Humfery Bury of Bury Hall in com. Lanc. Margaret daughter and sonne and heire. sole heire. Thomas fourth Thomas fourth sonne. ffrancys fifte sonne. Jane d. of Tho- mas sonne and heire of Sr Tho- mas Rotheram of Someries in com. Bedford Knt. Mawde daughter and one of the heirs of John Swynfin. Margaret daughter and heire of John Dryfeld of Craneford in com. North- ampt. John Lord of Artilborough in com. Northampt. sonne and heire. | Richard Bury of Bury Hall third sonne and Hall third sonne and heire. Catherine maryed to Laurence Cheyney of Graundsden in com. Hunt. Elizabeth daughter=[Richard and one of the heires of Richard Reynes of Clyfton Reynes in com. Bucks ar. Elizabeth marryed to Ro- bert ffitzhew of Wanden in com. Bucks. Margaret first mar- yed to Edward Martyn after to Thomas Ruthall. Anne maryed to Hugh Rocke of Wolverton in com. Bucks. ffrancis second sonne [ofAsp- ley in com. Bed- fford]. B - Byrd of Tud- dington in com. Bed- fford 1st husband.] George third sonne. * In Harl. MS. 1531 there are several further descents from this match, but as they are not connected with the county I have omitted them. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 9 A | Henry Bury sonne [Elizabeth d. of ... and heire [of Cran- | Danser of London.] ffeld]. [Humffrey [Margery d. Bury of London ffishmon- of Robert Gascoigne of Eglistone in com. Lanck.] ger 1637.] [Jane ux. George Hull ofLon- don.] [Richard Bury.] [Elizabeth ux. James Wilsonne of New- port Paga- nell in com.Buck. Esq.] [Anne ux. Roger Ley Clerke and Minester B | [... . ux. Thomas Leige sadler of . . . in com. Hertford. of ye word of God at · · ·] [Jacob Bury.] [George 2 son.] [John 3 son.] [Allice.] [Mary.] [George [Mary d Bury of | of Abra- Cran- ffeld.] ham Ja- cob of London farmer of the cus- toms.] [Robert Boteler called in a Latin deed le Boteler.] Butler [of Sharnebrook]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, on a chief indented sable three covered cups or, BUTLER; 2 and 3 (not tricked). II., BUTLER, impaling, Quarterly of nine-1, Argent, on a chief gules tuo mullets pierced or, ST. JOHN; 2, Argent, a fesse between six cinqfoils gules, UMFREVILLE; 3, Azure, a bend argent, cotised or, between six martlets of the second, DELABERE; 4, Ermine, on a fesse azure three crosses pattée or, PAVELEY; 5, Argent, a lion rampant, queue fourché, charged on the shoulder with a cross pattée or, STURREY; 6, Gules, a fesse between six martlets or, a mullet sable for difference, BEAUCHAMP ; 7, Argent, a fesse sable between three crescents gules, PATESHULL; 8, Ermine, a lion rampant purpure, ducally crowned or, BROYE; 9, Paly of six argent and azure, on a bend gules three eagles displayed or, GRANDISON; over all a bar sinister. [Robert Boteler called in a Latin deed— without date Robertus pincerna.] al [2. Thomas.] [3. Will'm a preest.] [John Boteler] of Yatton-Harl. MS. 4600 [sonn and heire [Anne d. of . . . lived temp. E. I.] Hanbury.] Argent, on a fess sable three cups or-Harl. MS. 4600. A 10 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. [John Boteler sonn and heire of Jolin] of Yatton t'pe Ed'i II.—Harl. MS. 4600. Nicholas Boteler of Yatton Esq. [sonn [Jane d. and heire of John Boteler of and heire of John]. Droitwich in com. Worster.] Gules, a chevron between three cups or-Harl. MS. 4600. Will'm Butteller of Yatton ar.Margaret daughter and heire=[Henery sonne and heire. of John Wibbe. Hardesley.] Will'm Butteller of Wyche ar. sonne and heire. Will'm Butteller of Wyche in com. Wigorn Elizabeth daughter of . . . . Bradwell. ar. sonne and heire. Azure, two bars argent, in chief as many plates-Harl. MS. 4600. Will'm Butteller of Wiche ar. sonne and heire. George Butteller of Sharnbroke in com. Bedford ar. sonne and heire. B A | [Margaret d. and heire of Froxmer.] Dionisia daughter of . . . . Barnysley de com. Wigorn gen. Mary daughter of Richard Throgmerton of Higham Parke in com. Northampt. ar. [Mary d. and co-John Butteller heire of Thomas of Sharn- [Martha ux. Hum- ffrey Barrell a courtier.] Sable, a cross between four roses argent-Harl. MS. 4600. Gedg of Shen- | brooke in com. ffeld in com. Essex 2 wiffe Bedford ar. sonne and heire. widdow of Chris- topher Harris of Slicnffeld.] Jane daughter of . . . . Bachcotte de com. Wigorn gen. Or, on a bend engrailed gules three eaglells of ye first-Harl. MS. 4600. • [Mary ux. Richard Arkenstall of the Ile of Ely.] [Phillis ux. William Newporte of....] Crestyde* daugh- ter of St John St. John of Bletnes- hoe in com. Bedf. Knight [1 wiffe]. Gules, on a canlon ermine a fleur-de-lys sable-Harl. MS. 4600. Raphcel second sonne. Peter third sonne. I Anne [ux. George Digby of Barnes in com. Surrey]. 11 Margaret. Catherine maryed to Gilbert Martyn of Barford in com. Bedford gen. Jane [ux. Robert Wright of Don- nington in com. Suffolk Clark]. * According to Harl. MS. 1531, she was an illegitimate daughter by Anne, daughter of Thomas Nevell of Cotterstock, in com. Northampton, 2 sonn of Will'm Nevell of Holte in com. Lester, THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 11 | E B [2. John Boteler of Little Birchall in com. Essex.] [1. Sir John Boteler of Sharne- brooke.] = + [Jane d. of Edward Elliot of Newland in com. Essex.] [Allice d. of Sr Ed- ward Apsley of Thackham in com. Sussex Knt.] Olyver teller eldest sonne. But-[Anne only d. and heire of Thom. Borham of Teeson (read Teston) in com. Kent.] [Anne ux. Sr George Fane 2 sonn of the lady le Despencer.] Catelyn* [of Newenham]. [2. James Boteler.] [3. William.] NOTE.-In MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs., are several further descents. [Thomas dyed in his tender age.] ARMS.-Quarterly of ten-1, Azure (or argent), three chargers, on each a boar's head a chevron gules between ten cross-crosslets . 01", ; 2, " ; 3, Sable, a chevron argent between three bells, 4, Azure, a chevron ermine between three wings argent, 5, Chequée or and sable, a chief or guttée de sang, lions passant or, ; 7, Barry of six gules and 8, Gules, a lion rampant argent, ; 9, three cross-crosslets sable, within a bordure bezantée, two bends engrailed sable, John Catelyn of Randes in com. Northampt. gen..... daughter of . . . . ; ; 6, Azure, three ; · a chevron between ; 10,... Thomas Catelyn of Rawndes in Alice daughter and one of the heires of John com. Northampt.sonne and heire. | Barton of Hargrave in com. Northampt. Robert Catelyn eldest sonne [of Rands in com. North. vide idem]. Thomas Catelyn- t second sonne.† Sr Robert Catelyn of Newnam in com. Bedf.Anne daughter of John Bowles of Knight lord cheif Justice of England sonne | Wallington in com. Hertf. ar. widow and heire. of Thomas Burgoyne Esquire. * Cf. Le Neve's' Pedigrees of Knights,' Harl. Soc., vol. viii., p. 161. † In Harl. MS. 1531 this Thomas is omitted, and Sir Robert is made brother of Robert. [Sr John Spencer of Althorpe Mary only daugh-=[Sr Thom. ffowler of Islington in com. North'ton Knt. 1st ter and heire. in com. Midlesex Knt. 2nd husband.] husband.] 12 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Charnocke [of Dulcote]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Quarterly—1 and 4, Argent, on a bend sable three crosses botonée of the field, a crescent for difference, CHARNOCKE; 2 and 3, Argent, a cross engrailed gules, II., CHARNOCKE, impaling, Quarterly- 1 and 4, Argent crusily filchée sable, a stork of the last, PUTTENHAM; 2 and 3, Chequy or and azure, Robert Charnocke of Holcott ffrancesse daughter of. . . . Ackworthe in com. Bedf. ar. of Tuddington in com. Bedf. Richard Charnocke of Mary daughter of Robert Holcott in com. Bedf. | Puttenham of Shirvill in ar. sonue and heire. com. South. John Charnocke sonnc and heire. fflorence maryed to Syracke Pettyte of Boughton vnder Bleane in Kent.* Ambrose second sonne. fflorence, Cheyney [of Toddington]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly of twenty-1, Azure, six lions rampant argent, a canton ermine, CHENEY; 2, Ermine, a chief indented per pale argent and gules, charged on the dexter side with a rose of the last, SHOTISBROOKE ; 3, Argen!, a chevron between three mullets gules, BROUGHTON; 4, Azure, three men's heads couped argent, ? BEARD; 5, Sable, a chevron ermine between Three arrows or, FORSTER; 6, Argent, on a chief gules three fleurs-de-lys or, PEYVRE; 7, Quarterly argent and gules, a bend of the second, LORING; 8, Gules, a beni vair argent and azure between six escallops or, BEWPLE; 9, Sable, a sallire engrailed argent, BLOYON; 10, Gules, on a chief argent a lion passant sable, NANSCUTT; 11, Quarterly per fess indented or and azure, PERROTT; 12, Ermine, a chief indented gules, MORTEYNE; 13, Sable, on a cross or five escallops gules, STONHAM;† 14, Paly of six argent and sable, BURGATT; 15, Argent, a horse barnacle sable, BARNACKE; 16, Or, a cross engrailed vert, NOONE; 17, Gules, a fesse dancettée between six cross-crosslets or, ENGAYNE; 18, Gules, three fusils in fesse argent, in chief a fleur-de-lys of the second, DAWBNEY; 19, Azure, two lions passant-guardant or, DENSTONE; 20, Argent, on a chevron sable a fleur-de-lys of the field, WANTON. II. (sinister side), Quarterly of twenty-four—1, Sable, a chevron between three leopards' faces or, WENTWORTH; 2, Quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret or, on a bend sable three mullets of the first, SPENCER; 3, Or, three chevronells gules, CLARE; 4, Barry of six or and azure, a canton ermine, GAWSELL; 5, Quarterly per fesse indenled argent and gules, * Called Francisca and made daughter to Richard, Harl. MS. 5186. † According to Papworth the blazon should be, Argent, on a cross sable five escallops of the first. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 13 FITZWARINE; 6, Azure, semée of cross-crosslets or, three luces haurient argent, FOLKE DE OYREY; 7, Or, on a chief gules three plates pierced, CAMOYS; 8, Argent, a saltire engrailed gules, TIPTOFTE; 9, Burry of ten argent and azure, an orle of martlets, CHAWORTH ; 10, Argent, a fesse between two bars gemelles gules, BADLESMERE; 11, Azure, a bend engrailed, colised argent, FORTESCUE; 12, Azure, two bars dancettée or, a chief argent, STONOR; 13, Or, three roses gules, HARNEHALL; 14, Azure, six lions rampant argent, a canton ermine, CHENEY; 15, Azure, a fesse between three leopards' faces or, an annulet for difference, DELAPOOLE; 16, Gules, a saltire argent, NEVILL; 17, Argent, three fusils in fesse gules, MONTACUTE; 18, Or, an eagle displayed vert, membered and beaked gules, MONTHERMER; 19, Gules, a cross engrailed argent, INGLETHORPE; 20, Azure, a fesse between three leopards' faces or, DELAPOOLE; 21, Argent, on a canton gules a rose or, BRADESTONE; 22, Argent, a saltire engrailed gules, TIPTOFTE; 23, Gules, three leopards passant in pale within a bordure argent, HOLLAND; 24, Or, a lion rampant gules, ? CHARLTON. CREST.-On a wreath or, gules, and vert a bull's scalp argent. Robert Broughton sonne and heire. Broughton. St Rowland Broughton Knight sonne and heire.*T A Rauf Broughton daughter sonne and heire. of Sr John Boyland Knight. Roger Broughton sonne and heire. William Broughton sonne and heire. Robert Broughton sonne and heire.T Sr Robert Broughton Knight sonne and heire.T Matthew Broughton sonne and heire. Lorynge. Sr Peter Lorynge Knight .... da. and heire of . . . . Bearde. Forster. Hugh fforster of Stony Stratford in com. Bucks Kt. Ī T John fforster sonne and heire. T B sonne and heire. Sr Roger Lorynge sonne and heire. C Joane da. and heire of . . . . Mor- teigne. Cassander da. and heire of Reignold Perrott. Allen-. . . . da. Bloyon in com. Corn. Kt. Sr Raph-Elizabeth da. and heire of St Allen Bloyon of Cornwall Knight. Bewple Kt. and heire of Sr Pierse Nanscutt of Cornw. Knight. D * "NOTE.-This Sir Rowland Broughton, Knight, came oute of Denmarke with Kinge Aldridus in the yere of our Lord God 633. He built the towne of Broughton, and was called Baron of Broughton." (Ita se habet textus.) 14 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A B | John Broughton-Pawlyne sister sonne and heire. and one of the heires of Tho- mas fforster. • 이 ​Thomas fforster sonne and heire. John Broughton Agnes da. of .... sonne and heire. | Butler Esq. Thomas Pever. D | Sr Nele Lorynge Knight soune and heire. Margaret da. and one of the heires of S Nele Lorynge Knight. Margaret da. and heire of Sr Raphe Bewple. John Broughton sonne Mary da. and heire of Tho. Pever and of and heire. Margaret his wife. Barnacke. Ricardus Barnacke miles. Sara filia et hær. Will'm Dawbnay de Barkeston. William Barnacke.T ali T Joh'es Barnacke miles.- Will'mus Barnacke miles. Maria filia et hæres John Engaine militis. Joh'es Barnacke miles. Anna fil. et hær. Edm. Noone. Stonham. Rob'tus Stonham. Maria fil. et hær. Joh'is Barnacke militis. Rob'tus Stonham. Katherin fil. et coh. Will'i Burgett mil. John Broughton sonne and heire. Elizabeth da. and heire of Robert Stonham. Denston. John Denston... . . da. and heire of . . . . Wanton. John Denston sonne (Katherine d. by his first wife of W'm de Clopton.*) and heire. John Broughton sonne and heire. Anne da. and heire of John Denston. Sr Robert Broughton sonne and heire Knight (Katherine illegitimate da. of John de banerett in the time of Hen. 7. Vere Earl of Oxford. Vide Pole's 'Devonsh. Collections.') Sr John Broughton K. sonne and heire of Tuddington Anne da. and heire of St in com, Bed. E | Guy Sabcotts. *Cf. 'Topog. and Gencalogist,' vol. ii., p. 402, THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 15 Sr William Cheney. . . . daughter of.... Sallare. of Sheppey K. sonne and heire. Cheyney. John Cheyney of the Isle of Sheppey in Kent..... daughter of . . . . Sir Robert Shotisbroke Knight first husband. || a daugh- ter maryed to Pympe of Kent. • Margaret maryed to Sir John Sentleger. Garter third sonne. Sr John Cheney of Sheppey K. sonne and heire. Edmond Cheyney eldest sonne dyed yonge. Sr John Edward Cheyney Cheyney Deane of Salis- bury fourth Knight of the sonne. Eleanor daughter and heire of Sir Robert Shotis- broke. .. a daughter maryed to ... Wardener. Edythe daughter of Sr John Beauchampe of John lord Stourton. | Powyke second husband. Sr Olyver Saint John of Blet- neshoe K. first hus- band. St Robert Cheyney Knight fifte sonne. E = Sr ffrancis Cheyney Knight sonne=. and heire dyed sans yssue. Roger Cheyney a daughter maryed to Thomas at Towne. John Beau- champe. Margaret John Duke of daughter Somersett grate- and heire grandfather of Sr (read grand- father) to King Henry the eight second husband. Alexander Cheyney of Bark- seventh shire sonne. sixt sonne. Edith maryed to Sir Wil- liam Sandes Isabell daughter of S-Will'm Cheyney of.... daugh- Geffrey Boleyne Knight | the Isle of Sheppey ter of maior of London first in Kent ar. sonne Yonge wyfe 1457. and heire. second wife. daughter of.... father to Will'm lord Sandes. (Frideswide) daughter S Thomas Cheyney of Sheppey and one of the heires | Knight of the Garter lorde warden of .... (Sir Thos.) of the fyve portes and treasoror of ffrowyke (K.) first houshold to Kinge Henry the viijth wyfe. Edward the sixt and Quene Mary second sonne to Will'm and heire | wyfe. to his brother. Anne daughter and one of the heires of Sir John Broughton of Tuddington in com. Bedf. K. second Sr Henry Cheyney of Tuddington-Jane the seventh (read eldest) daughter in com. Bedf. Knight sonne and of Thomas Lorde Wentworthe of heire. Nettlested in com. Suff. Cf. ' Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica,' N.S., vol. iv., p. 340. 16 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Chybnale [of Felmersham]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Azure, two lions passant-guardant or between as many flaunches ermine, CHIBNALL; 2 and 3, Argent, a griffin segreant sable, GODFREY impaling, Gules, on a fesse between three crescents or as many escallops azure, ELLIS. [CREST.-On a wreath or and azure a dragon's head erased sable, ducally gorged or.] Thomas Chybnale.... daugh- of Astwoode in ter of... com. Bucks gen. John Chybnale of Astwoode in com. Bucks sonne and heire. Richard John Chybnale third eldest sonne sonne sans sans yssue. yssue. Thomas Chybnale of ffelmersham in com. Bedf. second sonne. Richard Chyb- nale sonne and heire. William fourth sonne sans yssue. * Robert John second sonne. Richard Willoughby of Grendon in com. Northampt. gen. Elizabeth daughter of Richard Willoughby of Grendon and of his wyfe the daughter and heire of Richard Godfrey. Amy maryed to Thom's Leylam de com. North- ampt. Elizabeth daughter of Anthony Ellys of Greate Pavonton in com. Linc. gen. Wyborowe unmaryed. George third fourth sonne. sonne. [Elizabeth-Isham MS.] .. daughter and heire of Richard Godfrey of Norrell in com. Bedf. ar. A ffrancesse maryed to Richard Wyllymott of Brys- towe. Anne maryed to Henry Ire- land of Hard- meade in com. Bucks gen. Mary maryed to Henry Cart- wright of Ast- wood in com. Bucks gen. Anthony John and Thomas died all three yonge. Elizabeth and Alice Cap vnmar- yed. ffran- Judith. cesse. Cobbet [of Sharnebrooke]. ARMS.-Gules, a chevron wavy between three luces naiant argent, on a chief of the second two shovellers sable, beaked and membered or. Will'm Cobbe of Sharnebroke Alice daughter of Thomas Lecke§ in com. Bedf. gen.‡ of ffelmersham in com. Bedf. *MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs., gives a fifth son, Anthonie ; also mentioned in Isham MS. as having died young. + This pedigree is not in the Isham MS. Harl. MS. 1531 gives four earlier generations of "Cobbc of Sentringham in com. Norff.," the immediate ancestors of William Cobbe who heads this pedigree, § Harl. MS. 5867 reads "Leche," probably Leach, THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 17 A | Thomas Richard second Joane maryed Cobbe sonne a priest. to Robert Carter. eldest sonne. Elizabeth_daughter of Thomas Heron of Emerton in com. Bucks first wyfe. Thomas Cobbe of Sharnebroke in com. Bedf. sonne and heire. John Cobbe eldest sonne. Elizabeth maryed to Richard Mar- ryott. Margaret daughter of Olyver Laurence St. John of Sharnebroke in second com. Bedf. ar. sonne. Will'm Cobbe of Sharne-Elizabeth daughter of broke in com. Bedf. third | Robert Tape of Mydle- ton Erneste in com. Bedf. second wyfe. sonne. George. John. Henry. Mary [Anne] maryd to Robert Walter Alice. Eliza- [Waller-Harl. MS. 5867] de com. . . . beth. Thomas second sonne, Cokayne [of Patley-Port). Sr John Cokayne of Cokayne Hatley in com. Bedf. K. [ob. 5 H. 6, 1427].† Anne. Agnes maryed to Robert Meryell. A William third sonne. Sibbell. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Argent, three cocks gules, membered and beaked azure, COKAYNE. II. (sinister side), Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a bugle-horn, stringed sable, tasselled or, LUKE; 2 and 3, Gules, a fleur-de-lys argent, LAUNCELYN.* Ede (alibi Edith) daughter of [Reignold] Lord Grey of Ruthyn. Reignold Cokayne of Cokayne Hatley [Beatrice] daughter [and coheire] ar. sonne and heire. of [John] Wallis.‡ Richard fourth sonne. M John Cokayne of Cokayne Hatley ar.[Elizabeth] daughter of [John] Boyfeld sonne and heire. Lal's Bosvile]. D * Harl. MS. 2109 has the following quarterings: Cockaine, Walleis, Turke, Kendall, Coluille, Bond, Cobham, Boyvill. Harl. MS. 2109 has nine generations earlier, of" Cockayne de Ashbourne." Through this match came in the Wallis, Turke, Kendall, and Colville quarterings. 18 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Edmond Cokayne of Cokayne Elizabeth daughter of [Beatrice ux. Sr Thom. Hatley ar. sonne and heire. Locke. Tirrell Knt. Bannerett.] Humfrey Cokayne-Catherine daughter Will'm second [Margaret 2ly to Ed. of Cokayne Hatley of John Savage de Neuell of Kidlington co. ar. sonne and heire. com. Cestr. gen. York-Harl. MS. 2109.] sonne. John Cokayne eldest sonne dyed yonge. • Michael ffissher of Clyfton in com. Bedf. gen. sonne naturall to Sr Michael ffissher of that place and county Knight. Isabell Cokaync. I John Nicholas George Rose vn- Cokayne second third maryed. eldest sonne. sonne. sonne. Richard Colbecke of Temys- forde sonne and heire. Chad Cokayne of Cokayne Elizabeth daughter of Nicholas Baron Hatley in com. Bedf. ar. Luke of Couple in com. Bedford. sonne and heire. Colbecke [of Tempsford]. John Colbecke Rose daughter of of Temysforde | John Spencer of in com. Bedf. Cowple in com. sonne and heire. Bedf. ar. A - James ffage of Clyfton in com. Bedf. yeo- man second husband. Thomas second sonne. Judith vnmaryed. [Francess 1 ux. (William) Rotherham 2 to Adam Markham.] │ Thomas Colbecke of Temysforde-Elizabeth daughter of William in com. Bedf. gen. Rogers of Temysforde. Margery daughter of Will'm Aldryche of Sandy in com. Bedf. Will'in, ffrancesse, Margery, and Anne dyed all yonge. [Margerett ob. s.p.] Alice maryed to John Barker of Bowmesse (? Bolnhurst) in com. Bedf. Anne dyed yonge. Richard and Alice dyed sans yssue. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 19 1 John Colbecke sonne and heire. A | Thomas second sonne. Symon third sonne. 11 Philippe fourth sonne. Edward fyfte sonne. Anne maryed to Thomas Hale of Ever- ton in com. Hunt. John Conquest of Houghton T. Conquest in com. Bedf. ar. I Conquest [of Houghton Conquest). | | Johane vnmaryed. Edmond Conquest of Houghton Conquest in com. Bedf. ar. sonne and heire. Catherine vnmaryed. MS. 5867.] Elizabeth vnmaryed. ARMS.-Quarterly of six-1, Quarterly argent and sable, in chief a label of three points gules, CONQUEST; 2, Ermine, a chief bendy of six azure and or, DABETOT (or FITZ RICHARD); 3, Argent, a fesse engrailed gules between three bulls' heads cabossed sable, ; 4, Ermine, a chief indented gules, an annulet argent for difference, BUTTON; 5, Sable, a fesse argent between three dexter hands couped or, BATTE; 6, Gules, two swords in saltire azure, hilted or, JELLIBRONDE. CREST.-On a wreath argent and sable a holly-tree vert, fructed gules. A Batte. daughter of . . . . [Mary- Harl. Richard Conquest of Houghton Conquest Isabell daughter of.... ar. sonne and heire. Gamage of Wales. Richard Conquest of Houghton Conquest.... daughter of . . . . Mallet of... ar. sonne and heire. Azure, three escallops or-Harl. MS. 5867. Richard Conquest of Houghton Conquest Elizabeth daughter of . . . . ar. sonne and heire. Jellybronde. Joane daughter of William Button of Amptell in com. Bedf. 20 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. E will Edmond Conquest of Richard Will'm George Houghton Conquest third fourth ar. sonne and heire. sonne. second sonne. sonne. Dorothe maryed to John Rowse of Stewkeley in com. Hunt. gen. William Creke of Rickmesworth in com. Hertf. år. A Anne maryed to Robert Newde- gate of Hawnes in com. Bedf. ar. William Creke eldest sonne sans yssue. Creke [of Bolnhurst). A Cicely maryed to Roger ffrancesse Duncombe of Bryckhill vnmaryed. in com. Bucks. Thomas Creke of Ryckmesworth ar. sonne and heire..... daughter of Saint John | of Kent ar. Martyn Creke eldest sonne. Elizabeth maryed to Philippe Kinge of Wornoll in com. Oxon. William Creke of Ryckmesworth ar. sonne Alice daughter of Thomas Asheby of and heire. Harvylde in com. Midd. ar. Margaret daughter and heire of . . . . Cromer de com. Glouc.* ar. John Creke of Ryckmesworth Jone daughter of . . . . Hunte of Coventry in com. sonne and heire. Warr. gen. Stephen Creke of Boulene-Olyve daughter of hurst in com. Bedf. 2 sonne and heire. Will'm Cordall of St. John Strete in London. Edward second sonne. John third sonne. Bonaventer third sonne dyed sans yssue. Anne vnmaryed. * "Glouc." in Harl. MS. 5867, but "Worc." in MS. 541 Caius Coll. Cambs. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 21 Dyve [of Bromham]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly of nine-1, Gules, a fesse dancettée or between three escallops ermine, DYVE; 2, Vair argent and azure, three bendlets gules, BRAY; 3, Gules, on a bend argent three martlets sable, QUYNTON; 4, Sable, a chevron between three bees (? three butterflies) volant or, SAYWELL; 5, Argent, a chevron sable, on a chief of the second three martlets of the field, WYLDE; 6, Argent, a chevron sable fretty or between three stags' heads couped gules, RAGON; 7, Argent, a fesse and canton gules, WOODVILLE; 8, Argent, a maunch sable, a mullet for difference, HASTINGS; 9, Argent, on a fesse azure three boars' heads couped or, in chief a lion passant gules, AP RICE. II. (sinister side), Quarterly—1 and 4, Sable, three escallops argent, STRICK- LAND; 2 and 3, Argent, a fesse dancettée between ten billets sable, four, three, two, and one, Deyncourt. CREST.-On a wreath argent and gules a wyvern with wings addorsed gules. Henry* [Sr Richard] Dyve of Wyke Dyve in com. North- ampt. Knight.† Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Raynes of Clyfton Raynes in com. Bucks. ar. Chequy or and gules a canton ermine. in [Henry Dyve eldest Will'mt Dyve of Brampton sonne.] in com. Bedf. ar. sonne and heire. | A Robert Dyves of Brampton [Holwell] ar.. daughter of Rauf Eldercare of sonne and heire [to Henry-Harl. MS. | Rersby in com. Ebor. ar. 5867]. Rauf Dyve of Brampton-Mawde [Jone] daughter of Henry Mantell [Holwell] ar. sonne and of Hayforde in com. Northampt. ar. heire. Argent, a cross engrailed between four martletts sable. [Dorothe] daughter of . . . . Wassy in com. Wassy in com. Cornub. gen. Simon brother to Alan. Allan de Diue.: e.T * "Be it noted that this Henry Dyve kylled a servant of Sr Robert Trogeant, by reason wherof all his lands wer confiscate and his lyfe was at the Kinge's pleasure: which was in the tyme of Kinge Stephen, who gave the sayde Henry Dyve body landes and goodes vnto the sayd Sr Robert Trogeant, knight, chamberleyne to the sayd kinge. And the sayd Trogeant did gyve vnto the sayd Henry Dyve haulf of Brampton Parva and no more." (Ita se habet textus.) † Harl. MS. 2109 commences thus: Rob't brother to Alan. Sir Richard.—Elizabeth. In Isham MS. Henry is called eld. s. and husb. of Dorothy Wassey, and Will'm 2nd son; also in Harl. MSS. 2109 and 5867. § "Rob't Dyve m, 1st Agnes, d. and h. of Roger Alwolde of Rothwell, and hath issue Ralf Dyve his eld. sonne. After, the said Rob't m. to his 2nd w. Maude, da. of St Roger Whelton, Kt., and hath issue Henry 2nd son." (Isham MS. and Harl. MS. 5867.) So also Harl. MSS. 1531, 5186, and MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs. 22 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Henry Dyve of Bramp-Jane daughter of John Holdenby of ton ar. sonne and heire. | Holdenby in com. Northampt. ar. Azure, five cinq foils in cross argent. John Dyve of Bramp--Alice daughter and heire of Henry ton ar. sonne and Bray of Harleston in com. North- heire. ampt. ar. [Edward [John second third.] sonne.] Will'm [Laurence] Dyve of Harleston ar. sonne and heire. Edmond Dyve of Quynton in com. Northampt. ar. sonne and heire. John second sonne. Henry Dyve of Harleston-Margaret sister and in com. Northampt. ar. sonne | heire to S Will'm and heire. Quynton K. Mawde sister and heire of Henry Say- well of Saywell in com. Bedf. maryed to Will'm Bowgh- ton of Lawforde in com. Warr. ar. Laurence Quynton of Quynton in com. Northampt. Knight. Eleanor daughter of.... Taylarde [da. of Rauf Eldeckar of Ryseby in com. York ar.] of Doddington in com. Hunt. ar. George Longevyle of Little Billynge in com. Northampt. ar. Quynton. •T.. John Dyve of Harleston in com.-Elizabeth daughter of Northampt. ar. sonne and heire. George Longevyle. Mawde maryed to ffurthoe of ffurthoe in com. Northampt. ar. Sr Will'm Quynton Knight. Elizabeth daughter and heire of John Baron Roche in Wales. [Godfrey Dive[Catherin d. and of Stamfford.] | heire of . Wigtofte.] [Anne d. and heire ux. Will'm Vincent.] Ragon. Reignold Ragon of Bromham Elizabeth sister and heire of Thomas Woodville in com. Bedf. ar. of Grafton in com. Northampt. Esquire. John Ragon sonne and heire. т Thomas Wylde of Bromham in com. Bedf. ar. Agnes daughter and heire. Henry Dyve of Bromham in com. Bedf. Elizabeth daughter and heire.* ar. sonne and heire. B | 7 Elisabett "She was also the wife of Will'm Salisbury of Horton in com. North'ton, and had by him, Mary, ux. Will'm Lord Par of Horton; Elizabeth, ux, John Enderby of Stratton in com, Bedfford.' (Harl. MS. 1531.) THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 23 Christopher second sonne. Sr John Dyve of Bromham Knight Isabell daughter and one of the heires of sonne and heire. Sr Rauf Hastinges Knight.* Fitn { Will'm Dyve of Brom--Anne daughter and heire ham in com. Bedf. ar. of Lewys Appryce of sonne and heire. Hansloppe in com. Bucks. ar. gen. Lewis Dyve of Bromham ar. sonne and heire. Thomas† third sonne. Isabell maryed to Anthony Wood of Collingtroughe in com. Northampt. John fourth sonne. B Mary daughter of Sr Walter Strickland of Sycer in com. Ebor. K. [John Lord=[Beatrix d. of Charles Digby Erle Walcott of Walcott in of Bristol 2 com. Sallop 2 wiffe.] husband.] 1 Lewys second Elizabeth sonne dyed dyed yonge. yonge. Anne dyed yonge. John Dyve second sonne. George fifte sonne. Elizabeth maryed to ffrancys Downes of Ramplingham in com. Norff. gen. John Dyve of ohn Bromham in com. Bedf. sonne and heire. William sixte sonne. Eleanor maryed to George Clapton of Sudbury in com. Suff. gen. Honor Dyve dyed yonge. [Humffrey Anne dyed Dive.] yonge. Dorothe maryed to Richard Wake of Hartwell in com. Northampt. ar. Henry seventh sonne. Catherine maryed to George Downes of Bromham in com. Bedf. gen. Douglas daughter of Sr Anthony Denny of Ches- ton in com. Hertf. Knight Grome of the Stole to Kinge Henry the eight.‡ Catherine Mary now dyed yonge. lyvinge. *"This Sr Rauf Hastinges, Knight, was capitayne of the castell, towne, and Countye Guynes, and was third brother to Willia' Hastinges, Lord Chamberleyne to Kinge Edward the fourthe.' (Ita se habet textus.) "Thomas, m. Elizabeth, widow of John West the elder, and da. to Will'm Borne of Bedford, and by her had issue Honor Dyve, who died young." (Harl. MS. 5867.) "And by her hath no issue living." (Harl. MS. 5867.) 24 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. • Eston [of Holme]. ARMS. (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Or, a fesse gules, in chief a spaniel courant, in base a cock sable, ESTON-Harl. MS. 5186. II. (sinister side), Quarterly of four- 1 and 4, Argent, a bend cotised sable, a bordure of the second bezantée, WESTCOTT; 2, Argent, a chevron between three escallops sable, LITTLETON; 3, Argent, a fesse between three dexter hands couped gules, ? QUATERMAYNE. Thomas Eston of Holme in com. Bedf. ar..... daughter of . . . . Thomas Eston of Holme ar. sonne Mawde da. of St Thomas Grene and heire. of Norff. Knt. Richard Eston of Holme ar. sonne Alice daughter of Thomas Mannefeld and heire. de com. Bucks ar. Thomas Margaret daugh- John second sonne. Eston of Holme sonne and heire. ter of [Henry] Gee [al's Joye] of Bedelowe in com. Bedf.* Henry and ffrancys dyed both sans yssue. * Olyver fourth sonne. Richard [Edward] Eston of Holme in com. Bedf. gen. sonne and heire. Richard third sonne sans yssue. Margarett maryed to John Gooderyke of Duddington in the İle of Ely gen. Jane daughter of.. of.... West- cott of Lurgis- hall in com. Bucks. gen. Suzan vnmaryed. Judith vnmaryed. Judythe dyed yonge. [Nicholas Eston of Holme.t] Alice maryd to Will'm Atkys of London merch- aunt. Catherine‡ maryed to Will'm Horley of Potton in com. Bedf. Agnes maryed to Oswald Butteller of Owdell in com. Bedf. Clerke. "Renupta Nicho' Pigott de Holme pr'd gen." (Harl. MS. 5186.) MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs. Isham MS. omits Catherine and makes Margaret wife of Wm. Horley. Lettys [Lucie] dyed yonge. Mary dyed yonge. Elizabeth vnmaryed. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 25 Everarde [of Biggleswade). ARMS.-Gules, on a fesse engrailed between three estoiles argent as many torteaux. Margaret daughter of Richard Humfrey of Baberham in com. Cantabr. Richard Everarde of London gen. Thomas Everard of Byggeswade-Grace daughter of . . . . Bray Other in com. Bedf. sonne and heire. [Gray] of Byggeswade in com. Bedf. gen. children. Henry Everarde of Beston-Margaret daughter of John [Other children— in com. Bedf. sonne and Rawlen of Bollenhurste in Harl. MS. 5867.] heire. com. Bedf. • Henry Everard Nicholas John Anne Margery Margaret Dennys sonne and second third sonne. heire. sonne. daughter of .... first wyfe. ARMS.-Sable, a bull passant or. CREST.-Out of a ducal coronet a demi-bull rampant or. Fitz Geffrey [of Barford and Thurleigh]). Will'm ffitzGeffry of Blackborne in com. Bedf. ar. John ffitzJeffrey eldest sonne. Thomas second sonne. Elizabeth first Anne first mar- maryed to John Massam of Bedf. after to Nicholas ffletam of Stowe in com. Northampt. yed to Gerard Gonnell of St. Needes in com. Hunt, after to Will'm Hall of Everton incom. Bedf. William third sonne. vnmaryed. Margaret maryed to Edmond Bendowe of Ever- ton in com. Bedf. Elizabeth daughter of.... Wannton of Bashine (? Bushmead) in com. Bedf, ar. second wyfe. John Will'm fourth fifte sonne. sonne. * Cicely mar- yed to Roger Hib- berdine [Hillers- den] de com. Oxon. [Exon.- MS. 541]. Edward Clement sixte seventh sonne. sonne. Cathe- rine vnmar- yed. Brigitt mar- yed to Ro- bert Sha [Sackvele of Riseley in com. Bedf. gent.]. * Isham MS. and MS, 541 give John eldest son, and John fourth son by second wife. E A 26 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Jane daughter of John Baptiste of St. Mary Overey in Southwerke first wyfc. George ffitzJeffrey of Blackborne hall in com. Bedf. eight sonne. [St George Fitz- Geffrey eldest sonne.] [Robert ffitzGeffrey 2 sonne of Black- borne ob. s.p.] Goodith [Edith-Isham MS.] daughter of Rich- ard Throgmerton of Higham Parke second wyfc.* Leonard ffitzGeffrey of Clapham in com. Bedf. | sonne and heire. [Nicholas 3.] [Olyver fforthe.] Fitz Geffrey [of Clapham]. ARMS.-Sable, a bull passant or. (Isham MS.) John ffitzJeffrey of Clapham-Johane daughter of John Green of in com. Bedf. ar. Samforde in com. Essex Knight. George ffitzGeffrey eldest sonne. ffrancis ffitzGeffrey of Clapham Elizabeth daughter of . . . . Catcsey of Leigers sonne and heire. Ashby in com. Northampt. ar. Margaret daughter of Edward John Bugges of Harlowe in com. Essex gen. second sonnc. A | Mary maryed to Olyver Saint John of Sharn- brooke in com. Bedf. ar. ffrancys second sonne. [William fifte.] [Wi [Gerard sixt.] Fitzhugh [of Wilden]. Alexander third sonnc. Elizabeth. Joane. ARMS.—Quarterly-1 and 4, Ermine, on a chief gules three martlets or, FITZ- HUGH; 2 and 3, Argent, three chevrons sable, each charged with a bezanl, Will'm ffitzhewe of Wylden in com. Catherine daughter of . . . . Byll of Bedf. third sonne to . . .. Ashwell in com. Herf. gen. | "And by her hath no yssuc." (Isham MS.) K THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 27 William ffitz- hewe eldest sonne. Thomas dyed sans yssue. A | Robert-*[Elizab. d. of Rich. Bury of Tuddington in com. Bedd.] John fourth sonne [of Wavenden in com. Bucking- ham, vide idem]. fifte sonne. } Nicholas [Xpofer] ffitzhew eldest sonne. [Mary 1 da.] [Frances 2 da.] Nicholas ffitzhewe of Wylden Grace daughter of Richard Stokes third sonne. of White Notley in com. Essex. Will'm second sonne. Fitzwilliam: [of Kempston]. Mary maryed Cicely. to Thomas Nokest of Hatfelde Jane. Anne. Sr Will'm ffitzwilliam lorde of Emley in com. Ebor. K. came in with Wm the Conqueror and was his marshall. Brode Oke in com. Essex. A Job John third Elizabeth. sonne. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly of fifteen-1, Lozengy argent and gules, FITZWILLIAM; 2, Chequy or and azure, WARREN; 3, Ermine, a fesse gules, BERNACKE; 4, Argent, a chief gules, over all a bend azure, CROMWELL; 5, Argent, three cingfoils and a canton gules, DRIBY; 6, Chequy or and gules, a chief ermine, TATTERSHALL; 7, Gules, a lion rampant or, DAWBIGNEY; 8, Azure, three garbs or, CHESTER; 9, Azure, a wolf's head erased argent, E. OF CHESTER; 10, Argent, a cross engrailed gules, GREEN; 11, Chequy or and azure, a bordure gules, ; 12, Gules, three water-bougets argent, ; ;. 13, Quarterly or and gules within a bordure bezantée, 14, Gules, an eagle displayed or, ; 15, As No. 1. II., FITZWILLIAM, impaling, Argent, a chevron between three trefoils slipped sable, Rufford. CREST.-Out of a ducal coronet or a panache of ostrich-feathers argent. [Emma] daughter of [Golabis of Normandy-Harl. MS. 58678]. váll Sr Will'm ffitzwill'm of Emley K. [Ella-Harl. MS. 5867] daughter of [William sonne and heire.|| -Harl. MS. 5867] Erle Warren. T *In a different hand. "Tho. Nokes de Ashwell in com. Hertf." (Harl. MS. 5186.) Cf. Visitations of Essex,' Harl. Soc., vol. xiii., p. 198, and 'Visitation of Yorkshire,' Harl. Soc., vol. xvi., p. 122. There appear to be several generations omitted in the early portion of this pedigree. § In a different hand. Harl. MS. 5867 places here "Sr William Fitzwilliam Knight, sonne and heire, married Elianore, d. and h. to Sr John Emley, Lord of Emley." ¶ "In this woman's right came Warren Hall." (Harl. MS. 5867.) 28 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | [Sr Wm] ffitzwill'm of Emley Albreda daughter of [eld.] sonne and heire [Lord | Edmond Lacy Erle of Sprotburgh-Harl. MS. of Lincoln.* 5867]. [Sr Wa] ffitzwill'm of Emley sonne and heire [Lord of Sprotburgh etc.-Harl. MS. 5867]. Sr John ffitzwill'm of Sprotborough in com. Ebor. K. sonne and heire. Sr William ffitzwill'm of Emley Knight [Maude] daughter of [William- sonne and heire. Harl. MS. 5867] Deyncourte. || 1 Edmond John, Richard, second and Thomas dyed all three sans issue. sonne. Nicholas second sonne. [Roger ffitzwilliam 2 sonne to whom Wm Earle Warren his vncle gave the Lordshippe of Gretwell-Harl. MS. 5867.] St John ffitz-Eleanor daugh- will'm of Sprot-ter of Sir Henry borough Knight Grene Knight.† sonne and heire. [Agnes] daughter of the lord Grey of Wilton [Codnor- Harl. MS. 5867]. Mary maryed to maryed Henry Hastinges to Edmond of Pykeringlythe. Perpoynt Knight. Margaret daughter (and heire - Harl. MS. 5867) of John Tansley of Notting- ham-Isham MS.] Elizabeth daughter of the lord Clinton Erle of Huntingdon. Sr Will'm ffitzwill'm of Sprotborough Mawde daughter of Rauf Cromwell K. sonne and heire. lorde of Tattersall. Reignolde [Rafe- Harl. MS. 5867] second sonne sans yssue. maryed to Sr Bryan Thornell [Chorvile-Isham MS.] Knight. Raufe third sonne [m. (Johan—Harl. MS. 5867) da. of Boulton-Isham MS.]. Elizabeth maryed to‡.... Rockley Esquire. Jane maryed to [Sir-Harl. MS. 5867] Henry Suthill of Suthill. Will'm fourth Wile sonne [m. Eliz. da. of Sr Wm Chaworth -Isham MS.]. John fifte sonne. T John ffitzwill❜m of Gaynspark hall in com. Essex Helene daughter of Will'm Villers and of Melton in com. Northampt. ar.§ of Brokisby ar. B|° * IIarl. MS. 5867 calls her "da, and heire to Robert Lord Lizures, and heire to Robert Lacy Earle of Lincolne." + In a different hand-" of Drayton, co. North, K." (Harl. MS. 5867.) In a different hand-" Sr Robert of Rockley Hall Kt." (Ibid.) Harl. MS. 5867 has "Robert fourth son was seised of lands in Bentley, Cusworth, and Doncaster. William fifth sonne died at Plomtree w'hout yssue. John ffitzwilliams sixte sonne of Greensnorton." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 29 巍 ​Bartholomew Richard. Mary first maryed to ffitzwill❜m. Wadington after to Richard Ogle. Anne daughter of John Hawes of London ar. first wyfe. B Will'm ffitz- Richard will'm eldest second sonne. sonne. Wil S Will'm ffitzwill'm of Gayns-Mildrede daughter of Richard park hall and Melton in com. Sackville of Witham in com. Northampt. Knight sonne and Sussex esquire second wyfe. heire. Elizabeth maryed to Sr Thomas Brudenell of Dene in com. North- ampt. Knight. Christopher. Thomas ffitzwill'm ffrancys. of Kempston in com. Bedf. ar. third sonne to Sir Will'm. Catherine first maryed to Tho- mas Rowlston after to Richard ffranncys de com. Derby. Anne maryed to Anthony Cooke of Gydyhall in com. Essex Knight. Alice daughter of John Rufforde [Bufforde-Harl. MS. 5867] of Edlesborough in com. Bucks ar. Helene mar- yed to Sir Nicholas Strange Knight. Mary maryed to John Shelley of Mychelgrove in com. Sussex ar. Uryan ffitzwilliam Jane maryed to John Hitche [of Eleanor eldest sonne. Kempston in com. Bedfford]. vnmaried. Fowler [of Tilsworth). ARMS* (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly of six-1, Azure, on a chevron argent between three lions passant-guardant or as many crosses moline sable, FOWLER; 2, Barry of six argent and gules, on a chief or a lion passant azure, EGLES- FIELD; 3, Argent, three wolves' heads erased gules within a bordure azure, charged with eight castles or, FoWLER ; 4, Argent, a chief ermine, on a canton gules an owl of the first, BARTON; 5, Vair argent and gules, ? GRESLEY; 6, As No. 1. II., FOWLER, impaling, Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a fesse indented componée sable and gules between three mullets of the last, MOORE ; 2 and 3, Argent, a fesse between three annulets gules, CREST.—On a wreath argent and azure an owl, ducally crowned and membered or. [S* Jo. ffowler Kt.]=[.... da. and sole heire to .... Loueday.] [Sr Henry ffowler Kt.] [. . . . sister and heire to John Barton.] A * Harl. MS. 5867 has the quarterings thus: 1, Fowler; 2, Englefield; 3, Visdeloup; 4, Barton; 5, Grysley; 6, Ferrers. 30 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Sr Wm ffowler of Rycott in co. Oxford Kt. Ciceley da. and coheire to Nicholas Inglefield. [Tho. ffowler Esq. of the body to K. E. IV. Vide Sallop.] 不 ​[Henery Fowler [Will' [Henery Fowler [Will'm Fowler.] [. . . . d. of John Blockett of . . . . in com. 2nd son.] Buckingham.] [Will'm Fowler.]=[Jone d. and coheire of Richard....] George 1 sonne s.p. [Thomas Fowler.][Elizabeth d. of . . . . Greene of . . . . in com. Lester.] [Will'm Fowler.] will: Elizabeth da. to Adrew L° Windsore of Bradenham in co. Buck. of Cud- desdon co. Ox- ford second Richard ffowler of Ricott Chancellor of the Dutcbey of Lanc and of the privy Counsell to K. H. VII. Edward Anne da. Anthony ffowler to .... ffowler Pittes of 3 sonne. London. sonne and heire. Gabriell ffowler of Tilles- worth in com. Bedff. ar. sonne and heire. Elizabeth da. to Roger Moore of Bysseter in com. Oxford Knight. Richard ffowler Edward eldest sonne 2 sonne. [s.p.]. Sr Richard ffowler of Ricott Kt. Richard ffowler 2 sonne. Bridgett wife to Huggins of Borden- ham in Norff. Joane da. to Sr Tho. Danvers of Water- stock in co. Oxon. Kt. Katherin wife to Roger Har- man of Holm- don in North- ampt. [Mary ux. Richard Willoughby of Grendon in com. Northampton.] Julyan da. to Sr Jo. Shaw Kt. Alderman of London. [4.] John. [5.] Xpoer. Anne wife to Lettice wife Thomas Tanner of Malmesbury in Wilts. to Tho. Matthew of Hanslape in com. Bucks. William [6th son. Vide Buck- ingham]. Ciceley ffowler vn- maryed. Margaret wife to Christopher Wescott of Lurgishall in co. Buck. Elizabeth dyed yong. Dorothy wife to Tho. Tudor of Hartwell in Northamp- tonsh. gen. [Elizabeth ux. Richard Button of Wotton in com. Bedfford.] [Jone ux. Richard Gage.] THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 31 Franklin [of Thurleigh]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Argent, on a bend engrailed between two lions' heads erased gules a dolphin naiant between as many martlets or, FRANKLIN. II. (sinister side), Argent, a cross moline sable, in the first quarter a fleur-de-lys gules, COPLEY. CREST.-On a wreath argent and azure a dolphin's head or, erased gules, between two branches vert. Robert ffranklin of Skipton in Craven .... daughter of in com. Ebor. John ffranklin of Thurly in com. Bedf. sonne and heire. Will'm ffranklin of Thurly in Margaret daughter of .... Rysley of Ravensden com. Bedf. yongest sonne. in com. Bedf. gen. John ffrankelin. Thomas Thomas Elizabeth daughter of Will'm Barre of second Thurly in com. sonne. Bedf. yeoman. William ffrankelin. Richard Richard third sonne. WEKER Elizabeth daughter-John ffranklin of John Hall of of Thurly in Mydlam (? Middle- com. Bedf ham) in com. Dur- sonne and ham gen. first wyfe. | heire. Elizabeth maryed to Will'm Arderne of com. Bedf.gen. Hawnes in second wyfe. com. Bedf Anne daughter of Edward Copley of Southill in gen. Elizabeth. Will'm fourth sonne deane of Yorke, Dur- ham, and Wyndesore. George ffrankelin eldest sonne* Edward Thomas ffrancys John and heire apparent. third fourth fifte sonne. sonne. second sonne. *"By his 2 wyfe." (MS. 541.) Agnes maryed to Richard ffaldoe of Ravensden in com. Bedf. gen. Elizabeth. sonne. Anne. 32 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Gostwicke* [of Willington]. ; ARMS.-Quarterly of sixteent-1, Argent, a bend gules cotised sable between six Cornish choughs proper, beaked and membered of the second, GOSTWICKE; 2, Gules, a chevron ermine between three heads in profile proper in helmets argent, OWEN 3, Gules, a chevron between three lions passant-guardant or, ; 4, Or, a cross azure, BOHUN; 5, Argent, a bend gules, on a chief of the last two mullets or, ST. JOHN; 6, Sable, a chevron ermine between three maidens' heads couped at the shoulders argent, hair dishevelled or, ESTFIELD; 7, Vair, a canlon gules, FILIOL; 8, Paly of six or and gules, on a chief argent three mascles of the second, WILKES; 9, (Azure,) a bend (argent) cotised between six lions rampant (or), ВоHUN; 10, Gules, a bend between three mullets argent, HANSARD; 11, Ermine, a fesse counter- componée or and azure, ; 12, Barry nebulée of eight or and sable, BLOUNT; 13, Vair argent and azure, ; 14, Argent, two leopards sable within a bordure semée de torteaux, ; 15, Or, a triple-tower azure, BLOUNT; 16, Azure frelty argent, CREST.-A griffin's head between two wings expanded gules, semée de roundles of the last. Will'm de Gostwyke of Willington in com. Bedfford 9 H. 3, 1209.T Hugo de Gostwyke of Willington 30 E. 1. Roger de Gostwyke of Willington 35 E. 1. Will'm de Gostwyke of Willington 16 E. 2. wil Richard de Gostwyke de Willington 11 E. 3. Robert de Gostwyke of Willington 3 R. 2.T John Gostwike of Willington 5 H. 5. т Robert Gostwike of Willington 13 H. 6, 2 E. 4.T T Sr John Gostwike of Willington Knt.- [T'pe Hen. VI.]. A Will'm Gostwyke 9 H. 7.T al T B * I have preferred to give this pedigree from Harl. MS. 1531, as all the others are so meagre, and because there is no pedigree of the family entered in the subsequent Visitations. † Harl. MS. 5867 gives the following quarterings: 1, Gostwicke; 2, Owen of Medhurst ; 3,....; 4, Bohun; 5, St. John; 6, Estfield; 7, Filiol; 8, Wilkes; 9, ..; 10, . . . .; 11, . . . . 12, Blount, • • THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 33 Edward Gostwyke.T John Gostwyke. Roger Gostwyke. William. Thomas. Catherin d. of George Had- ley of Bark- way in com. Hertfford 1 wiffe. CD wil Will'm Gostwyke. Mary Gostwyke. Edmond Gostwike. A | Edward Gostwyke. Will'm Gostwike of Anne d. of . . . . Pyke of Willington. Ranhall in com. Bed- fford. Robert John Gostwyke. Gostwyke. Jane Gostwyke. 1. Will'm Gostwike. 2. John Gostwike. E 1. Robert Gostwike of Marston. Margarett d. of John 2. John. 3. Thomas. Taylor. Will'm Gost-Martha d. of wike of Shef- wike of Shef- Sr Humffrey ford. Radcliff of Elstow in com. Bed- fford. Elizebeth ux. . . . . Com- maunder of London. 4. Edward Gostwike of Shefford in—.... d. of . . . . Saunders of . . . . com. Bedfford. Surrey. B Thomas George Gostwyke. Gostwyke. Mary ux. Miller. Dorathey ux. King. Sr John Gost wike Knt.* Threaseror of the first Fruits and Rents to H. 8. Gertrude. Anne ux. Will'm Clarke of Rain- wold in com. Bedfford. in com. Allice ux. Will'm Ashwell of Dunstavill in com. Bed- fford. 5. Edmond Gostwicke of Will-Anne d. of Nicholas 6. Robert. Elizebeth. ington [of Southill in co. Beds Harding of Norwell -Harl. MS. 4600]. in com. Bedfford. ar 1. John Gostwike of Elizebeth d. of Sr John Peeter 2. Will'm Gostwike. Willington. of (Ingatestone). * He married Margaret, dau. of Oliver, Lord St. John (who remarried Francis, Earl of Bedford). He was Master of the Horse to Cardinal Wolsey, "wherefore he haue ye horses' heads in yº cheife." (Harl. MS. 5867.) F 34 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. CD 2. Edward Gostwick Captaine of the Sr Will'm Gostwike of Willington Knt. and Baronett [born 1565]. Millitary Garden nigh West- minster. 1. Edward Gostwike Baronett 11 yere old at his father's deth. E Gost- wike of Will- T Anne d. 3. Tho- Sr Edward—Anne d. of Sr of John Went- worth Will'm ington Knt. and Baronett. | | Jane d. of Henery (? John) Owen of Wootton in com. Bedfford and his sole heire vide follio 133. mas Gost- wick. 2. Thomas Gostwike. 3. Will'm Gostwike. Gostwike of Will- ington Knt. and Baronett ob. Sept. 1630. 1. Elizebeth Gostwike. of Gos- feld in com. Essex. Elizebeth ux. ....Row clarke and p'son of Stoke in com. Devon. 3. Frances ux. James Mor- daunt 1. Gabriell Mary ux. Smyth 2. Will’m Gostwyke. clarke and p'son of Gostwyke Bardfford Saling in in of London com. Essex. grocer. Gertrude ux. (Thomas) Prescott of Colmer in com. Bedford. 2. John Gostwike. 11 3. Nicholas Gostwike. 4. Francis Gostwike. 2 brother of John Earle of Peeterborough. 5. Will'm Gostwike. 6. Thomas Gostwike. 3. Roger Gost- wyke. Elizebeth ux. Elmer of . in • 1. Roger Gostwyke clarke parsonn of Samffourd Constance d. of.... Pelsant of Courtney in com. Devon 1630. Pelsanthall in com. Kent. com. Lincon. 4. Jane. 2. Mary ux. Nicholas 5. Anne. Spencer of Cople in com. Bedfford. || Constance. Jane. Annc. Myldred. Hester. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 35 Grey [of Segenhoe]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Argent, a bend vert, cotised dancettée gules, GREY. II., Or, on a fesse vert a bull passant argent, WoODE. CREST.-On a wreath argent and sable a demi-woman couped at the waist argent, hair flottant or, holding above her head a wreath vert. Rauf Grey de Pelham ar. sonne and heire. 1 Rauf Grey of Pelham in com. Herf. ar. . . . . daughter of baron of the Eschequer. Elizabeth only daughter and heire maryed to Anthony Walgrave de com. Suff. ar. Anne maryed to Sr Richard Mallory Knight Alderman of London 1564. Richard Grey eldest sonne and heire. [Anne] daughter of [Geruas Dodghson- Harl. MS. 5867]. Thomas Grey eldest sonne and heire. | | Andrew Grey. Matthew Grey. Edward Edward second sonne. Alice maryed to Andrew Smyth of London gen. Т Yon Grey. com. Richard Grey of Margaret Chissell in com. Essex ar. second sonne. Margaret maryed to.. Newman of Pel- ham in Hertf. Lyon daughter of .... first wyfe. Massy maryed to Will'm Stone of Lon- don haber- dasher. | daughter of Coper of Barley in com. Hertf. ffrancis Elizabeth third sonne. • John Grey of Barley in com. Hertf. gen. Peter Grey of Segen- hoe in com. Bedf. John Grey third sonne. Thomas fourth sonne. Grace daughter of Will'm Han- chett of Lech- worth in com. Herf. gen. second wyfe. Elizabeth daughter of Nicholas Woode of ffulburne in com. Cantabr. ar. sonne and heire.† gen. Mary Margaret vumaryed. vumaryed. vnmaryed. Dorothe VI- maryed. * "Naturalis filius Richardi." (Harl. MS. 5867, in a different hand.) † In Harl. MS. 5867 and Isham MS. Peter is made son by the first wife, the other children by the second wife. 1 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 36 } ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Quarterly of four-1 and 4, Gules, on a bend argent three trefoils slipped vert, HERVY; 2 and 3, Sable, a lion rampant argent within a bordure gobony of the second and first, NEYRNUTE. II. (sinister side), Quar- terly of ten-1, Gules, a saltire ermine, NEVILL; 2, Or fretty gules, on a canton per pale ermine and or a ship sable, NEVILL; 3, Gules billetée or, a lion rampant of the second, BULMER; 4, Gules, three bendlets vert, over all a chevron ermine, ; 5, Or, two bars counter-nebulée sable, a canton ; 7, Or, a ; 8, Or, a chevron gules, a chief ; 9, Argent, a saltire gules, a mullet for ; 10, Azure, a cross fleury or, ; 6, Azure, a fleur-de-lys argent, REST.-A leopard passant sable, spotted or, collared gules, holding a trefoil vert. [Henery Harvey lived temp. R. 1.]T Hervy [of Thurleigh]. ermine, chevron gules, a canton ermine, indented vert, difference, [Henery Harvey lived 2 K. John.]= [Osbert de Hervey ob. 7 K. John.] [Ciceley.] [Adam Hervey 8 H. 3.] [Julian d. and heire of John Fitzhugh.] [John Hervey of Thirley in com. [Joane d. of John Harman of Thirley in Bedfford ob. 25 E. 1.] co. Bedford Esq.-Vol. xiv., p. 735.] [S] John Harvy of Thurly in com. Bedf. ar. [Knt.] [Will'm Harvey of Thirley ob. 50 E. 3.] [Mary d. and heire of Richard Folliot.] [John Harvey of Thirley Esq.] [Margaret] (read Joanne) daughter and one of the heires of St John Neyrnute of fflete- marson in com. Bucks Knight. [Margery d. of Sr Will'm Calthrop Knt. ob. 5 H. 6.] [Thom. Harvey of Thirley Esq.][Jane d. of Will'm Paston.] Thomas [John] Hervy of Thurly Christian daughter of John Chicheley in com. Bedf. ar. sonne and heire. | Chamberleyn of London. A THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 37 [Anne.] 2. John Harvey [Christian.] junior.] [Alice.] Sr John Williams of Burfelde in com. Barks Knight. T Lord Williams of Thame. A | [Margarett d. and heire [3. Richard.] of Will'm Wickham, widdow of Wm Fynes Lord Say and Seale.] [4. Edward.] John Hervy of Thurly in com. Bedf. ar. sonne and heire. John Hervy of Thurly in com. Bedf. ar.Alice, daughter of sonne and heire.* Nicholas Morley. Sr George Hervy- of Thurly in com. Bedf. K. sonne and heire.† Jane [Elizabeth] widow of . Cheyney of Cal- lais, daughter of Sr John Williams first wife. | Nicholas Luke Baron of the Eschequer. T Gerard Harvy of Thurly in com. Bedf. ar. sonne naturall and heire by adoption vnto Sr George Harvy Knight. Mary daughter of Sr John Saint John of Bletneshoe in com. Bedf. K.‡ [Margery.] [Florance.] Anne. ffrancesse. Hewett [of Ampthill]. [Issabel a nun at Elstow.] [Elizabeth or Isabell ux. John Leigh of Adlington in com. Surrey.] Anne daughter of .... Hardynge Nicholas Luke baron of the Eschequer, wydow of [John] Har- dynge second wyfe. of Hill in com. Bedf. ar. first husband. Margery Agnes [or Mary]. Hervy. ARMS.-Sable, a chevron counter-embattled between three owls argent. Thomas Hewett of Shenleybury in com. Herff. ar. Dorothe [Margaret-Harl. MS. 1531] daughter of John Merry of Northall in com. Hertf. gen. Robert Hewett of Ampthell in com. Bedf. Margery daughter of . . . . ar. sonne and heire. Tylton de com. Cestr. * A quo the Harveys of Ickworth in Suffolk. Cf. 'Visitations of Suffolk,' p. 39 (ed. W. C. Metcalfe, 1882); and 'Visitations of Essex,' Harl. Soc., vol. xiii., p. 214. † Harl. MS. 1531 states that he married "Elizabeth (or Margaret) d. and coheire of John Stamfford of....” See note, ante, p. 10. 38 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | al Will'm Hewett of Edmond Arthure Robert Mylbrooke in com. third fourth Bedf. ar. sonne sonne. and heire unm. second sonne. sonne. [Margaret ux. Robert ffaldo of Malden in com. Bedford Esq.] ARMS.—Argent, on a chevron within a bordure bezantée gules an annulet or. CREST.-On a wreath or and azure a talbot sejeant sable, collared and lined or, in front of an oak-tree azure, fructed or. Dorothe maryed to Richard Conquest Elizabeth of Hovghton Conquest in com. Bedf. vnmaryed. gen. Hunte [of Chalverston). Roger Hunte of Chalversterne in com. Bedff.. ar. Baron of the Eschequer. Roger Hunte of Chalversterne sonne and heire.‡ Will'm HunteJane daughter of Chalver- of John Rus- sterne in com. sell of Lynslade Bedf. sonne in com. Buck. and heire.§ Taylarde Roger* Hunte of Chalversterne Elizabeth daughter of . . . . sonne and heire.† of Diddington in com. Hunt. ar. Thomas Hunte of Alice daughter of Will'm Chalversterne Hill of Maldon in com. sonne and heire. Bedf. gen. ca+++ * Anne maryed to Thomas Awdeley of Hovghton Conquest in com. Bedf. gen. (( Saxburge maryed to Thomas Kynge of Rocksonne in com. Bedf. Mary daughter of Thomas Wauton of Basmey in com. Bedf. ar. .. daughter Roger second sonne. of. Esq, aº 8 Hen. 7 et 1° R. 3." (Ibid.) "Fil. et her. 2° Eliz." (Ibid.) Gregory Edward third fourth sonne. sonne. [Joane ux. Tho. Wright [2. Mary.] [4. Joane.] [Roger Hunt of Chaluersterne.] eld. s. and [3. Margaret.] heire.] * MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs., omits this gencration. t "Sonne and hcire, Esq, ob. 28 H. 6." (Harl. MS. 4600.) Anne maryed to John Wal- ker of Mylton in com. Rut- land. Barbara mar- yed to Robert Gray of Sta- pelhoe in com. Bedf. [Thomas 2 sonne.] THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 39 Luke [of Cople]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Quarterly-quartered: First and Fourth Grand Quarters— 1 and 4, Argent, a buglehorn sable, stringed of the same, tasselled or, LUKE; 2 and 3, Gules, a fleur-de-lys argent, LAUNCELYN; Second and Third Grand Quarters-1 and 4, Argent, a chevron sable, in the dexter chief quarter an annulet of the second for difference, WAUTON; 2 and 3, Sable crusily fitchée, three lions rampant argent, tivo in chief, one in base, PREUX. II. (sinister side), Quarterly of four-1 and 4, Sable, a chevron between three bulls' heads cabossed argent, BULKELEY; 2 and 3, Quarterly-quartered-1 and 4, Argent, on a chief gules two stags' heads cabossed or, ; 2 and 3, Gules bezantée, a chevron argent, CREST.—On a wreath argent and sable a bull's head azure, ringed or. Sr Walter Luke of Coupley-Anne daughter and one of the heires=[Will'm in com. Bedford Knight of [Sr Thos.-MS. 541] Launcelyn of Oxenbridg one of the Judges of the the same place and countie ar. [She 1 husband.] Kinges benche. was nurse to H. VIII. and ob. 1538.] Nicholas Luke of Coupley ar. baron-Cicely daughter and one of the heires of the Exchequer [only-Harl. MS. of St Thomas Wawton of Basney in 5867] sonne and heire. com. Bedf. Knight. Walter Luke of Coupleyin com. Bedf. gen. second sonne.* Olyver Luke sonne and heire [ob. s.p.]. [Anne ux. Edward Collins of London.] Anne wydow to Thomas Spencer, daughter of Robert Boulkeley of Burgett in com. South. ar. [1 wiffe]. John Luke eldest sonne and heire.† [Elizabeth ux. Will'm Francis of Abbotesley in com. . . . .] Powle third sonne.‡ [Elizabeth d. of Nicholas second Simon Scuda- sonne [of Payton more of Finchley (? Paxton) parva in com. Middle- | in com. in com. Hunt.]. sex.] Jane maryed Will'm Bulkeley of Burgett in com. South. ar. [Mary ux. Edward Bernard of Barnett.] Anne maryed to John Hardynge of Norrell in com. Bedf. gen. | [Elizabeth d. of Thom. Crompton of Lound in com. Sallop.] [Anne.] [Oliver.] [Oliver Luke.] [Nicholas Luke.] † A A quo Luke of Woodend; see Additional Pedigrees, post. Cf. 'Visitation of Huntingdonshire,' Camd. Soc., p. 60. [Elizabeth ux. Chad Cockayne of Hatley in com. Bedfford.] [3. Edward Luke.] [Scudamore Luke ob. s.p. quere what sonn he was 1 or 3.] * According to Harl. MS. 1531 he m. for his second wife "Bridgitt d. of Thom. Parris of Hitchin in com. Hertford, widow of Will'm Walton," and had issue by her. 40 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly of four-1 and 4, Per pale argent and gules, on a chevron between three mullets as many talbots, all counterchanged, MARTYN ; 2 and 3, Argent, on a bend between two lions rampant sable a wyvern, wings expanded, of the field, RUDING. II. (sinister side), Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, on a chief indented sable three covered cups or, BUTLER; 2 and 3 (not blazoned). John Martyn of Wiche in com. Wigorn gen. Gilbert Martyn of Crekers in com. Bedford sonne and heire. Martyn [of Crekers]. Margaret daughter and one of the heires of Humfrey Rudinge of Wiche in com. Wigorn ar. Catherine daughter of George Butteller of Sharnbroke in com. Bedf. ar. Margaret. Jane. Robert Martyn George second Clement third John fourth John the yonger sonnc and heire. sonne. sonne. sonne. fifte sonne. Anne. Crestide. John second sonne [sans yssue-Harl. MS. 5867]. Mordaunt+ [of Turvey]. Catherine.* ARMS.-Quarterly of eight-1, Argent, a chevron between three estoiles sable, MOR- DAUNT; 2, Quarterly per pale indented or and gules, in the first and fourth quarters five lozenges in cross counterchanged, DANNO; 3, Argent, on a bend sable a hawk's lure, the line wavy in bend or, BROOKE; 4, Quarterly per fesse indented or and azure, in the first quarter a crescent for difference, PYROTT; 5, Or, a cross lozengy argent, in the first quarter on an escutcheon of the second an eagle displayed gules, ARGENTYNE; 6, Gules, an eagle displayed argent within a bordure engrailed or, LESTRANGE; 7, Gules, a cross paloncée or, LATYMER; 8, Quarterly-quartered-1 and 4, Argent, a cross engrailed sable, DRAYTON ; 2 and 3, Chequy or and azure, a bordure gules, MAUDUIT: impaling, Quarterly of four-1, Argent, three boars' heads erect and erased sable, BOOTH; 2, Argent, a chevron gules between three leopards' faces sable, FROWICKE; 3, Gules, three cing foils argent, FARINGTON; 4, Argent, a cross engrailed sable between four torteaux, CLAYTON. * "All vnmaryed." (Harl. MS. 5867.) ( † On ff. 27 and 28 is another pedigree of Mordaunt; but, as all is included within this, I have not thought it worth while to insert it here.-ED. Cf. Visitations of Essex,' Harl, Soc., vol. xiii., p. 253. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 41 CREST.-On a wreath or and azure a Blackamoor's head affrontée, couped at the shoulders, vested sable, bordered or, banded with a wreath round the temples or and gules, and ribbons of the same. [Osmundus (Osbertus-Harl. MS. 4600) Mordaunt-Isham MS.]= STANDA U Je queda d Eustace Mordaunt eldest sonne. Alice daughter and heire of Will'm Danno. CHE PRANGA ISLANDS UNDA NONG DONGA E DPT 6-9 m2 0 0 0 Metada omaa baas o 1500 AN Osbertus Mordaunt. Will'm Mordaunt sonne and heire. Avyce daughter of Sr Will'm de Olney | Knight. Will'm Mordaunt sonne and heire. Rose daughter of Sr Rauf Wake Knight. Robert Mordaunt sonne and heire. Jone daughter of [Tho.] ffrowyke. Rauf Pyrotte. Cassandra daughter and heire of Gyles Argentyne. Broke. [Sir] Laurence Broke [Knt.]—Elizabeth daughter and heire. Edmond Mordaunt Ellyn one of arg. sonne and the daughters heire. and heires. Rafe Broke sonne and heire. [Margaret d. to Tho. Hussey.] Sr John Mordaunt Knight sonne and heire. A John Strannge of Ampton Tymworthe and Brockley in com. Sussex arg. Robert Mordaunt arg. sonne and heire [of Turvey].Agnes [Ann] daughter and | heire. Robert Mordaunt arg. sonne Elizabeth daughter of John Oldenby of Oldenby in and heire. com. Northampt. arg. Elizabeth daughter of Will'm Boteler of Waldon in com. Essex gen. Will'm Mordaunt arg. sonne Margarett daughter of John Pecke of Cowple in and heire. com. Bedf. ar. Edith daughter and one of the heires of Sir Nicholas Latymer Knight and widow of John Grene of Stotford. Elizabeth maryed to Sr Wistan Browne Knight [of Rooding in Essex -Harl. MS. 5867]. Q 42 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ! A | John Lord Mordaunt of Turvey in com. Bedf. George fourth sonne.† Edmond Edith maryed to [alibi John Elmys of Edward] Lyleford in com. second Northampt. arg. sonne sans yssue. Elizabeth daughter and one of the heires of Henry Veer of greate Adington in com. North- ampt. arg. Anne first maryed to John ffisshar of Clifton in com. Bedf. ar. after to to John Rodney de com. Som'sett gen. ! Farington. Sr Henry ffarington of ffarington in com. Lancastr. Knight. John Lord Mordaunt of Turvey in com. Bed. § sonne and heire. Margaret maryed to Edmond ffeti- place of Besilles Lye in com. Berks arg. Dorothie maryed to Thomas More of Whaddon in com. Cantebridge arg. [Bampton in com. Oxon.]. Lewys Mordaunt eldest sonne and heire ap- parannt. Will'm second sonne.* Ela daughter and heire of Richard ffitzlewys of Thornton in com. Es- sex [renupt. Sr Thos. Kemp. of... Knt.]. Etheldred a nonne at Barkinge. Jane maryed to Gyles Strangways of Hynd- forde in com. Dorsett arg. Elizabeth maryed to Silvester Dan- vers of Dawntesey in com. Wilt. arg. Will'm ffarington of ffarington in com. Lanc. arg. Isabell daughter and heire. sonne and heire. Booth. Charles Bouthe of the Bisshopricke of Durham arg.‡Jane daughter and sole heire. John Clayton of Clayton Hall in com. Lanc. arg. William Mordaunt of Willie Okeley in com. Bedf. arg. third sonne to John Lord Mordaunt. || Edmond Mordaunt Jane. eldest sonne.|| Wynyfride maried to John Cheyney of Chesham Boyse in com. Bucks arg. Elizabeth. 61 A quo the Mordaunts of Oakley, see Additional Pedigrees, post, Agnes daughter and heire. Awdrey. Anne. * A quo the Mordaunts of Norfolk, cf. Harl. MS. 4600. † A quo the Mordaunts of Thunderley in Essex, cf. Harl. MS. 4600, and the Mordaunts of Northill, cf. Visitation of 1634, post. "The aforesaid Charles Boothe was brother and heire to John Boothe, brother to Thomas Boothe, sonne and heire to Roger Boothe of Sawleferrye in com. Darbyc, Esquire." (Isham MS.) "Of Thornton in com. Essex." (Harl. MS. 5867.) THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 43 > Reple [of Deane]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Per pale sable and gules, a lion passant-guardant argent, NEYLE. II. (sinister side), Per saltire argent and azure, in pale two moor- cocks of the first, in fesse as many escallops or, MORE. John Neyle de com. Staff. gen..... daughter of . . . Thomas Neyll of Elesborough in.... daughter of Emley Chesshere of Other com. Bucks sonne and heire. Wellington vnder the Wrecken in com. Salop. children. Richard Neyll of Deyn in com Bedf. Alice* daughter and one of the sonne and heire. heires of Thomas More of Burton in com. Bucks ar. Thomas Neyll sonne and heire. Richard second Helene. Mary. sonne. Neyll [of Vielden]. Thomas Neyll of Yelden in com. Bedf. second sonne of Thomas. A Thomas second sonne.† Catherine. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Per pale sable and gules, a lion passant-guardant argent, a crescent for difference, NEYLL. II. (sinister side), Quarterly of four- 1 and 4, Azure, three covered cups or, BUTLER; 2, Gules fretty argent, a fesse ; 3, Argent, three cocks in fesse sable, armed gules, CREST.-A demi-lion argent, collared and chained sable. (Isham MS.) azure, [John Neile in com. Staff. 1 Richard Neile fil. Thomas Neale of et hæres. Ellesborough. Emlyn Cheshire of Wellington vnder Wrecken.] Godythe daughter of Richard Throgmerton of Higham Parke in com. Northampt. ar. "Q're si Alicia non fuit vx. Tho. et mat. libror. p' eund'm Thomam." (Harl. MS. 5186.) † See next pedigree. In a different hand. 44 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Raphael Neyll second sonne. Jane daughter of Marlyon Ryve of Lysse in com. South. gen. first wyfe. [George Neylle.] [Grace ob. inf.] Jane maryed to Henry Saint John of Keyso in com. Bedf. gen. 1 [Elizabeth d. of George [2. John Neale FitzGeoffrey of Cre- of Wollaston in kers in com. Bedfford | com. Northamp- Catherine 1 wiffe.] ton 1618.] Neyll. A A | Mary maryed to Nicholas ffrankelin of Thurlie in com. Bedf. gen. John Neyll of Yelden in com. Bedf. sonne and heire [and of Wollaston in com. Northampton]. [Frances s.p.] Dorathy s.p.] John Page [Cecily] of London. daughter of [Conquest s.p.] [Grace s.p.] Page [of Arlesey]. Alice maryed to Robert ffitzJeffrey of Mylton in com. Bedf. gen. [1. Edmond Neale [Elizabeth.] [2. John Neale.] [3. Will'm Neale.] 7 yere old 1619.] Grace daughter of John Buttler of Cotkenles in com. Pembroke ar. second wyfe.* [Elizabeth d. of Sr Richard Conquest of † Houghton Conquest in com. Bedford 2 wiffe.] ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I. (sinister side), Argent, on a cross engrailed per pale gules and sable five escallops or, BROOKE. II., Quarterly of four-i and 4, Or, a fesse dancettée between three martlets azure, PAGE; 2, Azure, three bucks trippant or, a bend sinister argent, GREENE; 3, Gules, a cross fleurie or, LATIMER. in com. Bedf. ar. first hus- band. [Mary s.p.] [Grace s.p.] CREST.-On a wreath or and azure a demi-horse per pale dancettée or and azure, crined or. B [Mary s.p.] [Judith s.p.] John Greene-Edith daughter and one of Stotfailde of the heires of Sr Nicholas Latymer of Duntoyshe in com. Dorsett Knight. C Sr John Mor- dauntKnight second hus- band. * "And by her at this tyme had no yssue." (Harl. MS. 5867.) + In Harl. MS. 1531 several other children and descents are given, for which see Addi- tional Pedigrces, post. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 45 A Richard Page of Arlesey in com. Bedf. ar. sonne and heire. Mary daughter of Will'm Broke of Broughinge in com. Herf. first wife sans yssue. John Page of Arlesey ar. sonne and heire. Cicely daughter and one of the heires. B Margarett daughter of Laurence Snowe of Nether Gravenhurste in com. Bedf. gen. second wyfe. Robert second John third sonne. sonne. c | John Lord Mordaunt of Turvey in com. Bedf. sonne and heire. Richard Page Thomas second Mary. Elizabeth. Anne. Dorothe. eldest sonne. sonne. Penn [of Litlington]. John Penn of Coddecott in com. Herff. ar. grome of the chamber to Kinge Henry the eight and his cheif barbor. Elizabeth first maryed to Michael Coper of Arlesey in com. Bedf. yeoman, after to Jasper Smithe of Arlesey aforesayd yeoman. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, on a fesse gules, between three pavones proper, a lion passant-reguardant or between two small tooth-combs of the field, PENN; 2 and 3, Or, three nags' heads couped sable, bridled argent, CHEVALL. CREST.-On a wreath argent and azure a demi-lion rampant gules, in his paws a small tooth-comb azure. Lucy daughter and heire of Edmond Chevall of Coddy- cott in com. Herff. ar. Helene maryed Elizabeth to .... Barre. vnmaryed. Dorothe vnmaryed. John Penne eldest sonne and heire. Suzan. Mary. Thomas Penn of Litelington in com. Margery daughter of Thomas Saunders of Bedf. ar. sonne and heire. Agmondesham in com. Bucks gen. Alice [Lucy]. 46 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS.-Vert, a chevron between three mullets or, a mullet of the second for difference. CREST.-A cat passant proper. Pudsey [of Stotfold]. John Pudsey of Rygton in com. Ebor. third sonne to John Pudsey gen. sonne. Richard second John third Margaret maryed to Thomas Smyth yeoman. sonne. Margaret daughter of Thomas Dickson of Stayneborne in com. Essex.* Thomas Pudsey of Stotfolde in com. Catherine daughter of John Butler Beds gen. sonne and heire. of Waresley in com. Hunt. gen. John Pudsey eldest sonne and heire. sonne [of Dod- [of dershill]. Col- Jone maryed to Thomas [John -Isham MS.] ffowler of Rig- ton in com. Ebor. yeoman. Pygott [of Stratton and Volme]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly-1 and 4, Sable, three pickaxes argent, PYGOTT; 2 and 3, Argent, three bugle-horns, stringed sable, a crescent gules for difference, ? FORSTER. II. (dexter side), Quarterly-1 and 4, PYGOTT; 2 and 3, Argent, three bars dancettée sable, in chief a pale ermine, a crescent for difference, ENDERBY. CREST.-On a wreath or and azure a greyhound couchant sable, collared argent, charged on the breast with three millpicks of the fourth. [Elizabeth] daughter-Thomas Pygott of of [John Iwardby of Whaddon in com. Qucanton-Mallet]. Bucks ar.t [Sir-Harl. Thomas Robert Robert Roger MS. 5867] third fourth [Richard] Will'm fifte sonne sonne. Pygott sonne and heire [vide Bucking- ham]. wick]. • [Anne d. and heire of . Forster of Writtell in com. Essex.] [Isabell] a daughter maryed to Anthony Catesby of Whiston in com. Northampt. ar. [. . . . ux. Vaulx.] • [Maudlyn] maryed to Walter Hen- ley [Lindley] of Croshorne in Kent Knight.‡ A * "In the saide Countic." (Isham MS.) † Harl. MS. 1531 commences six generations earlier, with "Randolph Pigot of Melmarby in com. York, temp. E. III." Cf. 'Genealogist,' ii., 291. • • ‡ In Harl. MS. 1531 Maudlyn is said to have married, 1, Cotton of com. Cambridge; 2, to Sir Walter Lyndley of Kent; 3, to.... Warden of Kent; 4, to .... Roberts of Sussex. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 47 [Margery sister of Oliver Lord St John, widdow of Henry Gray of Tocester (? Wrest) Esq. 1 wiffe.] S Thomas Pygott† eldest sonne and third heire. sonne. 1 [Ob. s.p.] · ffrancys [Thomas Harl. MS. 5867] Pygott of Stratton in com. Bedf. ar. second sonne. ffrancys Robert fourth sonne. Eleanor daughter and sole heire of John Enderby of Stratton in com. Bedf. ar. [Margarett] maryed to Humfrey ffer- rers of Tam- worth Castle in com. Warr. Knight. Wyborowe maryed to John Copandall of Barnby iuxta Boshall in com. Ebor. gen. [Robert.] Nicholas [John-Harl.-Margaret daughter [Anthony.] MS. 5867] Pygott of Holme in com. Bedf. ar. second sonne to ffrancys.‡ [George.] Francis.] Edward. of Henry Joye of Bedelowe in com. Bedf., wydowe of Thomas Eston of Holme. Radcliffe [of Elstow]. A | [Anne] maryed to. to .... Bowstred de com. Bucks ar. Rose maryed to Robert Golson of London citizen. Margaret maryed to Will'm Wythynes of London mer- chaunt. § α ARMS.-Quarterly of eight-1, Argent, a bend engrailed sable, RATCLIFFE; 2, Or, fesse between two chevronells gules, FITZWALTER ; 3, Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or, within a bordure azure, BURNELL; 4, Or, a saltire engrailed sable, BOTETOURT; 5, Gules, three lucies haurient argent, LUCYE; 6, Argent, three bars gules, MULTON; 7, Or, semée of fleurs-de-lys sable, ? MORTYMER; 8, Argent, an eagle sable, membered gules, standing on a child proper, lying in a cradle vert, swaddled or, COULCHEIFE. "And by her hath no yssue." (Isham MS.) "William Withers of London, p'ronathery at Law." (Harl. MS. 1531.) * See Additional Pedigrees, post. † "S Tho. Pigott, eldest son and h., was of Stratton, Kt, high shreife of Bedd., mar. to his 1' wife Ann, da. of Sr Richard Riche, Lord Chaunceler of England, and had issu Mickells of • · com. 1594, 1t son, Oliuer, John, and other children; and by his 2ª wife he had issu Lewis, John, and daughters. Mickell, 1 son, had issu Tho. 1, Geo. 2, Beniamin 34, Eustace 4, Rich. 5, Clement 6, and 5 daughters." (Harl. MS. 5867, in Randle Holme's hand.) 48 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Anne maryed to St Thomas Wharton. Elizabeth daughter of Robert Lord ffitz-Margaret sister [Hen. Stafford] Duke | walter first Erle to th' Erle of of Buckingham first of Sussex. Derby second wyfe. wyfe. Henry [Humffrey] Erle of Sussex eldest sonne. Thomas Radcliff eldest sonne [ob. s.p.]. [S] John [Radcliffe] Lord ffitzwalter. Mary maryed to Sr Anthony Browne Knight after Vis- count Montague. George second sonne dyed sans yssue. ( Edward Mary. second sonne. ffrancesse. Thomas Randes of Radwell in com. Bedf. gen. A Sr John Radcliff=[(Ann) d. of (Thomas) Knight now lyv- Bennolte.] inge. Sr Humfrey* Rad-Isabell daughter and heire cliff of Elstowe of Edmond Hervy [of in com. Bedf Elstow by Margaret d. of Sr Gyles Wentworth Knt.] fourth son to Will'm Hervy. Knight third sonne. Randes [of Radwell in Felmersham]. [Note that this man standeth vpon his further tryall, for his Armes are vncertaine and not yet knowen.-Harl. MS. 5867 and Isham MS.‡] Radwell. Mary daughter of Sr John Arundell of Lanherne in com. Cornub. third wyfe. Elizabeth mar. to Henry Owen Martha. of Wotton in com. Surr.† arg. sonne and heire to . . . . Owen third sonne to Sr Davy Owen Knight. John Radwell. * Harl. MS. 1531 crroneously calls him "Edward." † Sic in Harl. MS. 5867. MS. 541 has "Potton in com. Bedf." com. Bcdf. Margery cousin and heire John Radwell sonne to Thomas Radwell. and heire. B It should be Wootton in In Burke's General Armory' the arms assigned to Randes are: Sable, a chevron eṛminę between three cross-crosslets fitchéc argent. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 49 Edward [Edmond-Harl. MS.-Catherine d. of.... 5867] Randes of Radwell Grey of Staple in gen. sonne and heire. com. Bedf. John Randes of Radwell sonne and heire. Edward Randes eldest sonne. A | Thomas Randes of Radwell gen. Jane daughter of John Joye of sonne and heire. Renhall in com. Bedf. A Wil Will'm Randes of Radwell Agnes daughter of gen. sonne and heire. Will'm Cousin. George second sonne. Joane daughter of Edward Slade [Chad] of Kimolton in com. Hunt. Thomas third sonne. John fourth sonne. [Thomas Scott al's Rotheram Bishop of lincon, Archbishop of Yorke and Chan- cellor of Ireland (read England), ob. at Cawood 1500.] Jane maryed to Will'm Catlyn of Lygrave in com. Bedf. gen. Sr Thomas Rotheram Knight eldest sonne. + Rotheram [of Farley in Luton). ARMS.-Vert, three bucks trippant or, over all a bend sinister (Isham MS.) [Scott of Rotheram in com. Yorke.] Thomas Radwell sonne and heire sans yssue. Elizabeth maryed to John Grene of Chil- tern Grene in com. Bedf. B Elizabeth Alice Margery all vnmaryed. George Rotheram of ffarley in com. Bedf. sonne naturall Alice daughter of to George. Weltche. Jane maryed to Will'm ffrancesse. Cullycke [Colbeck- MS. 541]. [S] John Rotheram Esquire Alice [Knt.] (Lord of Someries in | daughter Bedford-Harl. MS. of Beckett. com. 4600). * See next pedigree. George Rotheram of ffarley in com. Bedf. second sonne. Julyan Mary Awdrey vnmaryed. vnmaryed. vnmaryed H 50 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. | A George Rotheram of ffarley in com. Bedf. sonne and heire.* [Joane d. of . . . . Helder al's Squire (?Spicer)-Harl. MS. 1547.] [George, of Henston- Ibid.] Tho. died young. Elizabeth daughter of Edmond Bardolf of Harpeden in com. Hertf. gen. St Thomas Rotheram Kt.† Katherin da. to ... Lord Gray of Ruthen. George Rothcram-Elizabeth [Wallop eldest sonne. -Ibid.] Rotheram [of Someries in Luton). Sr John Rotheram Kt. Alice da. to . . . . Beckett. St Thomas Elizabeth da. to St John St John of Rotheram Bletnesho in com. Bedfford Knt. Kt. Thomas Rotheram. Alice da. to Thomas Wellefford. = 11 Edward Rotheram. Hugh Rotheram. [Thomas Rotheram of Farley-[Talbott d. of Luke Norton living 1634-Ibid.] of Offley, Hants—Ibid.] Richard Elizabeth da. to Hare of Ric. Barnes of London Lond. Mercer. 3dly to Sr Geo. Peryn Kt. died 1 husb. 1599. William second Willia sonne. 2. St Thomas Ro- theram a captayne and knighted in ye ffeld. L John third sonne. George Ro-Jane da. to Chris- theram of topher Smith, Someries Clerk of the pipe, died 1599. of Annables in com. Hertfford. Agnes ux. Thomas Snagg. [Elizabeth- Harl. MS. 5867.] George Rotheram 2 sonne- of ffarly in com. Bedfford. Elizabeth. George Rotheram of ffarley in com. Bed- fford. [Elizabeth Rotheram-Harl. MS. 4600.1 1. Sr John Rotheram Kt. Jane wife to Humphry Bury of Tuddington in com. Bedfford. Agnes d. of Thom. Snagg Serjeant-at- law. A B * In Luton Church is a brass to George Rotheram of Farley, Esq., 1593, and two wives: 1, Elizabeth, d. of Bardolfe (with children, George, Ralph, and Elizabeth); and 2, Anne, d. of William Gower, Esq. (with children, Isaac, Edmond, and Anna). "Orate pro animabus Thome Rotheram militis d'ni de Luton in Com. Bedford ct D'ne Catherine vxoris cius qui quidem Thomas obiit xxv dic mensis Maii Anno D'ni Mill'imo ccccc quarto ct predicta D'na Catherina obiit mensis A° ve quarum aiabus propicictur Deus." In Harl. MS. 1097, fo. 43, is the foregoing inscription (incompletely given in Nichols' 'Bib. Topog. Brit.,' vol. viii., pp. 15 and 36). There is also a pen-and-ink sketch depicting four shields, Rolheram and Gray, etc., and effigies of Sir Thomas Rotheram, Lady Catherine (da. of Anthony, Lord Grey de Ruthyn), and four children. The blanks were, apparently, never filled in. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 51 P John Rotheram. A | Sr Tho. Rotheram Kt. Elizabeth da. to ffranncis Evington of haffeld (read Enfield) in com. Midlesex. ||| Elizabeth John. Rotheram. George. Nicholas. 3. Nicholas Agnes d. of Thomas Rotheram Atwood of Luton in of London. com. Bedfford. Edward Rotheram. Jane. Elizabeth ux. Sr ffrancis Crawley Knt. liueing at Someirs and one of the Judges of (the Com- mon Pleas). Cordall ux. Will'm Dobson of London had issue Jane and Elizabeth. St. John+ [of Bletshoe]. B Elizabeth ux. Cheney Robert Payne Rotheram of Medlow in 4th son. com. Hunting- don. ARMS.-Quarterly of nine-1, Argent, on a chief gules two mullets pierced or, ST. JOHN; 2, Argent, a fesse between six cing foils gules, UMFREVILLE; 3, Azure, a bend argent cotised or, between six martlets of the second, DELABERE ; 4, Ermine, on a fesse azure three crosses patlée or, PAVELEY; 5, Argent, a lion rampant queue fourché purpure, charged with a cross pattée or, STURREY; 6, Gules, a fesse between six martlets or, a mullet sable for difference, BEAUCHAMP; 7, Argent, a fesse sable between three crescents gules, PATESHULL; 8, Ermine, a lion rampant purpure, ducally crowned or, BROYE; 9, Paly of six argent and azure, on a bend gules three eagles displayed or, GRANDISON: impaling, Quarterly of four-1, Argent, on a chevron between three demi-lions rampant gules as many plates, FISHER; 2, Azure, a chevron between three leopards' faces or, FROWYKE; 3, Azure, three sturgeons naiunt in pale or, fretty gules, STURGEON; 4, Argent, on a bend gules three martlets vert, legged or, DANVERS. Will'm Seint John of ffanmon in com... . . daughter of . . . . Glamorgan in Wales Knight. SUPPORTERS.-Dexter: A monkey or. Sinister: An asprey argent, armed or. CREST.—On a wreath argent and gules a mount vert, on which a falcon rising or, belled of the last, ducally gorged gules. Henry Scint John eldest St John Saint John of ffanmon Knight-Beatrix daughter sonne sans issue. second sonne and heire to his brother. | of [Jo. Broye- Isham MS.]. Alexander Seint John of ffanmon-Elizabeth daughter and one of the heires of ar. sonne and heire. Sr Henry Humfrevyic of Penmarke in com. A Glamorgan Knight. * Sec Additional Pedigrees, post. † In Harl. MS. 5867 there are five lines of cypher at the end of this pedigree.-Ed. Cf. Visitation of Huntingdonshire, 1613,' p. 2, Camd. Soc. 52 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Sr John St John of ffanmon in com. Glamorgan K. sonne and heire. Sr Olyver Saint John of ffanmon in com. Elizabeth daughter and one of the heires Glamorgan K. sonne and heire. of St John Delabere Knight. A Sr John Saint John of ffanmon K. sonne and heire. Elizabeth daughter of . Beauchamp. T. B Isabell daughter and heire of John Paveley of Paveleys Pury in com. Northampt. Knight. · [Wm-Isham MS.] Beauchamp baron of Emley father to the Erle of War- wyke and to Sr Walter [William— Harl. MS. 5867] Beauchamp of Powyke. Sr Walter Beauchampe of Powyke third sonne and brother to the Erle of Warwyke. St John Saint John of Bletneshoe in com. Bedf. K. sonne and heire. Patishull. John Patyshull Mabill one of the de com. Bedford sisters and heires of Otho Lord Grandson. ar. Sr Roger Beauchampe third sonne to Sr Walter of Powyke and Sibell daughter chamberleyn to King Edward the third. and heire. Will'm Patyshull— sonne and heire. Sr Roger Beauchampe sonne and heire. т Sr John Beauchamp of Bletneshoe in com. Bedford K. Edyth daughter of John sonne and heire. Lord Stourton. Sr Olyver Saint John of Bletneshoe-Margaret daughter=[John Beaufford Duke of in com. Bedf. Knight sonne and and heire. Somersett 2 husband.] beire. Alice daughter of Sr Thomas Bradshawe of Hawe in com. Lanc. K. Olyver Saint John of Wiltshire second sonne. [Agnes ux. (Sir) David Malpas.] [Mary ux. Edyth maryed to Sr Gefferey Poole Elizabeth first maryed to (Sir) Richard Knight. William Lord Zouche, Tregonnell.] after to the Lord Scroope. T Sr Richard Poole Knight maryed Mar- garet daughter and heire of George Duke of Clarence. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 53 | B Anne maryed to Henry Lord Clifforde. Alice [Anne] second daugh- ter maryed to Henry Parker Lord Morley. Olyver Saint John of Shernbroke second sonne (see p. 54). | Sr John Saint John of Bletneshoe Sibell daughter of [Rice ap] Morgan Morys K. sonne and heire.* ap Jenkyn ap Philippe. second sonne. [Charles St John.] с Eleanor maryed to Sr John Southe Margarett Abbesse [Zowche] of Codnore. of Shaftesbury 1459. Margaret third daughter maryed to St Thomas Gamage of Coyte in Wales Knight. [Anne d. of Thomas Nevell of Cotterstock in com. Northampton 2 sonn of Will'm Nevell of Holte in com. Lester.] Alexander Saint John of Thurley in com. Herf. third sonne (see p. 55). Margery maryed to Henry Grey sonne and heire of Sr Henry Grey, brother to Richard Grey Erle of Kent [2 to Francis Pigott of Whaddon in com. Buck.]. [Cressyd ux. John Boteler of Sharn- brooke in com. Bedfford.] Elizabeth fourth daughter maryed to Sr Thomas Rotheram of Someries in com. Bedf. K. Anne second daughter maryed to Richard Dennys of Dereham in com. Glouc. St John Saint-Margaret daughter of St Wm Walgrave John of Blet- of Smallbridge [Buers St Maryes] in neshoe K. com. Suff. Knight. sonne and heire. [Jane ux. John Gascoigne of Carington in com. Bedfford.] Catherine eldest daughter first maryed to Sr Gryffith Ryce of Wales K., after to Sr Richard [Peter] Edgecombe of Mount Edgecombe in com. Devon K. Sibill maryed to Sir Robert Kirkham of Warmington in com. Northampt. Knight. Frowike. Margaret third daugh- ter maryed to [Sr JohnGostwick of (Wil- lington) in com. Bed- fford, 2] ffrancys Erle of Bedford. [Mary ux. John Harvye of Thir- lye in com. Bedfford.] Sr Henry ffrowyke of Gonholesbury in com. Mydd. K. sonne and heire. Sr Thomas ffrowyke sonne and heire of Sr Henry ffrowyke lord of Gonholesbury maryed Jane daughter and heire of Sturgeon. [Henry Frowike Lord of Gonholsbery-Harl. MS. 5867.] [.... a daughter.] Alice fourth daugh- ter maryed to Edmond Elmes of Lylford in com. Northampt. ar. [Jane da. and heire of.... Sturgeon- Harl. MS. 5867.] Joane daughter and one of the heires D of Sr Henry Danvers Knight. "Maria, filia Davidis Mathew, quæ ob. s.p., vxor 2ª." (Harl. MS. 5186.) 54 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. C Fisher. Sr Michaell ffyssher of Clyfton in com. Bedf. K. Margaret daughter and one of the heires. in com. Martha [1 ux. Richard Cheney of Sussex, 2 to (John) Col- brand of (Boreham) in com. Sussex, 3 to George Wingate Esq']. John Saint John his eldest sonne [Lord St | John of Bletsho]. | 0 Sr Olyver St John Knight Baron of Agnes daughter and heire. Bletneshoe in com. Bedf. D John ffysher sonne and heire. Margaret [ux. Nicholas Luke of (Woodend) in com. Bedfford]. [Catherin d. of Sr Will'm Dormer of Wing in com. Buck. Knt.] Margaret eldest daugh- ter maryd to Thomas Cobbe of Shernbrooke. Anne [ux. Robert Cor- bett of Morton in com. Sallop, 2 to Sr Rowland S* Lylton of Knebworth in com. Hertfford Knt.]. 111 T Olyver second sonne. Thomas third sonne. ffrancys fourth sonne. St. John [of Sharnebrook]. * [Anne d. and heire ux. Will'm Lord Howard of Effingham sonn of Charles E. of Nottingham.] Alice 2 d. mar. to Anthony Pollard vncle to Sr John Pollard Knight. * Sec Additional Pedigrees, post. 11 [Margery.] [Agnes.] ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—The first as in ST. JOHN OF BLETSOE. II., Argent, on a chief gules two mullets pierced or, a crescent for difference, ST. JOHN; impaling, Sable, a bull passant or, FITZGEOFFREY. Judith [ux. Sr John Pelham of (Laughton) in com. Sussex Knt.]. T Olyver St John of Shernbroke in com. Bedford arg. second sonne to St John St John of Bletneshoe. Mary daughter of (William) ffitzGeffrey of Thurly in com. Bedf. arg. John St John George second Henry third Thomas fourth ffrancys fifte dyed sans yssue. sonne. sonne. sonne. sonne. Elizabeth third daugh- ter mar. to Will'mGood- fellow of Pavenham in com. Bedf. Margery fourth daughter vumaryed. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 55 St. John [of Thurleigh]. ARMS.-Argent, on a chief gules two mullets pierced or, a mullet for difference, ST. JOHN; impaling, Gules, two crescents in pale or, a canton ermine, DALYSON. Alexander St John of Thurley in com.Jane d. of George Dalyson of Cranesley Herf. (read Bedf.) Esquire third sonne in com. Northampt. arg. wydow of Tho- to St John St John Knight. mas Lenthroppe of Shinglehall in com. Hertf. arg. Olyver St John eldest=[Margaret d. of―[John Gooderick of sonne of Thurly in Thomas Eston Doddington in the com. Hertf. (read of Holme in Ile of Ely 1 hus- Bedf.) Esquire [as yet com. Bedford.]† band.] unm.—Harl. MS. 5867].* John Spencer of Patenham in com. [Bedf.] gen.sonne and heire. Spencert [of Cople]. [ARMS.-Quarterly Or and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret or; on a bend sable three fleurs-de-lis argent.] in com. Bedf. gen. Robert Spencer of Southmylles Anne daughter and heire of . . . . Pecke of Couple in com. Bedf. gen. Anne daughter and heire of Ar- noldes of St Needes in com. Hunt gen. Thomas Spencer of Couple in com. Bedf. sonne and heire. · Anne daughter of Robert Bowlkeley of Burgate in com. South ar. Robert Spencer of Couple in William com. Bedf. ar. sonne and second heire as yet vnmaryed. sonne. Alice maryed to John Clopton of com. Bedf. and dyed sans yssue. .... Alice maryed to Thom's Dyckons of Wylsham- sted in com. Bedf. gen. Elizabeth maryed to John Slade of St Needes in com. Hunt. † Harl. MS. 4600 calls her "relict of John Gostwick." This pedigree is not in the Isham MS. Cf. Visitation of 1634, post. Johane maryed to.... Battell. Rose maryed to John Colbecke of Tempesforde in com. Bedf. ar. Elizabeth maryed to Robert Anne vn- [Thomas-Harl. MS. 5867] maryed. Parrys of Kychen in com. Cantabrige gen. * In Harl. MS. 5186 Olyver St John is styled one of the Auditors of the Exchequer, and is stated to have married Margaret, dau. of.... Eston of .... co. Bedf., and to have been the father of Alice who m. John Clopton. 1 Visitatio Comitatus Bedd: fca: A. Dni: 1582, 23 Eliz: Extract' e li: W: G: (In the handwriting of St Thomas Jekyll the Essex Collector.) The Visitation of Bedfordshire 1582.* Figuræ Pag. Arma. Crista. Descensus. A. C. D. Ailway Ardern Astrie Auncell Barnardiston Bawde Bosgrave Boteler ::: Boteler † Briscoe Broughton Burgoyne Bury... Catleyn Charnock Cheney Chetwood Chibnall Cokaine Colbeck Conquest Creeke † Crew... ... : Dyve... Eston Everard FitzGeoffrey • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ · : : : : : ... A TABLE TO THIS BOOKE OF VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE OF THE NAMES OF THE NOBILITY & GENTRY WITH THEIR COATES OF ARMES CRESTS & NUMBER OF DESCENTS. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ·· ··· : 4 5 A. C. 6 A. C. 7 A. 9 A. 8 A. 32 A. C. 11 A. 10 A. 52 A. C. 12 31 A. 15 A. 46 A. 16 A. 13 55 A. C. 33 A. 17 29 26 A. 34 57 A. 19 A. 48 A. 30 A. 27 3 d. 2 d. 6 d. 5 d. 4 d. 5 d. 3 d. 7 d. 4 d. 8 d. 15 d. 3 d. 6 d. 4 d. 3 d. 6 d. 21 d. 4 d. 6 d. 4 d. 8 d. 6 d. 6 d. 14 d. 5 d. 4 d. 4 d. FitzGeoffrey Fitz Hugh 42 A. † Fortescue Fowler Francklyn... Gostwicke... Gray... 36 A. 35 A. 21 A. C. 28 A. Harvy Hewett 37 A. 39 A. 54 A. Hunt... † Lions Luke... Martin 24 A. 18 A. 3 d. 40 A. 49 Neyle... Nicholls Page... Penn Pigott Poole... 4 d. 6 d. 4 d. 3 d. 23 A. C. 41 A. C. 38 A. 3 d. 6 d. 14 A. 43 A. C. 2 d. 44 A. 4 d. 53 A. 5 d. 45 † Prannell Pudesey Radcliffe Randes Rotheram Seinct John Teringham 52 A. C. Wahull al's Woodhall 59 A. 6 d. 5 d. 47 A. 22 A. 4 d. ... ... ... .. ·· :: •• ... .. ·· ·· •• ·· ... ·· : : : .. : : : :: ... ... 27 A. C. 25 A. 3 A. C. 5 d. 3 d. 7 d. 6 d. 5 d. 3 d. 6 d. 6 d. 3 d. 6 d. 7 d. 4 d. I 13 d. 18 d. * As most of the Pedigrees in this Visitation are identical with those recorded in the previous Visitation of 1566, I have only given those which are not to be found in the latter, excepting those marked †, which do not appear to have any connection with the County. Additions and corrections in brackets are, unless otherwise expressed, from Harl. MS. 1097.—Ed. 58 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Baronetti de hoc Comitatu. 25 Novem: Will's Gostwick de Willington ar: 10 Jacobi. 21 Maij seu 24 Sept. 11 Jacobi, Rob'tus Napper al's Sandy de Luton Howe, Miles. Fo. 1.-A Visitation of the gentry of Bedfordshire made by . . . . Aº D’ni 1582, A° 24 Elizabethæ R'næ. This County hath 116 paryshes in 9 Hundreds-10 Market Townes. Hundred of Barford. Biggleswade. Clifton. fflitt. Manshead. Redbornstoke. Stoddon. Willy. Wixho'mtree. Abbey of Wardon Priory of Woburne of Dunstable Nunnery of Elstow Priory of Newenham 99 .. "" Priory of Caldwell ... ... .. ... ·· :: ... Nunnery of Margate, a priores of Chicksand ... CASTLES-Ampthill an Honor, Eaton, Temsford. An Abstract of such religious howses as were in the said county with their valuac❜ons as the same are expressed in Speed's Chronicle & recorded in the office of the first fruits & tenths. ... : : Nunnery of Bisco nere Mergate Priory of Bushmead….. : : Market Towns 10 ·· ... ·· ·· ... :: ... ... Nunnery of Harwald al's Harwood ……. Hospitall of Sanctingfield nere Whitsand of Sct. John in Bedford ,, ... .. · *· "" Colledge of Corpus Christi in Eaton in Northile not valued ffriory or Brotherhood in Dunstable ffriory or Howse of ffryers in Dunstable... ffriery in Bedford .. ·· : ... ... in Red: Ampthill on. Willy Bedford on. Big Bigleswade on. Man: Dunstable on. .. "" }} "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ... ... ·· : : ·· ·· Man: Leighton on. fflitt Luton on. Bigg: Potton on. Clyft: Shefford on. Mand Tuddington on. Man: Woburne. ... .. ... · :: : : ... : : ... ... of Sct. Leonard in Bedford ··· "" Colledge of Sct. Trinity in Sct. Andrewe's Church in Bigleswade... ... ... .. ·· : : li. S. d. 442 11 11 430 13 11 ob. 402 14 7 ob. 325 2 1q. 343 15 5 325 2 230 3 148 15 10 1 ob. 4 ob. 143 18 3 81 13 47 3 2 61 5 8 ob. 21 08 10 6 8 5 ob. 7 0 0 7 16 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 4 18 4 5 0 0 Fo. 2.—The Armes of the Corporate Townes of this County of Bedford . . . Knights of Bedfordshire elected for the parliamt begun 3rd of november 1640. Sr Oliver Luke, Knight. [to the Parliamt. Only the towne & borough of Bedford in Bedfordshire sendeth Burgesses Or Set John Beauchamp Knight. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 59 Astry [of Harlington]. ARMS.-Barule of vj wave Ar. and az., on a cheife gu. 3 bezants. CREST.-A demy Ostrich wings open gu., in the beake a horse-shooe ar. Galfr'us Ostrich al's Astrie de Hitchin in com. Hertf.= Will's Astrie. 2. Rad'us Astrie ob. in juventute 19 Sept. 1501 sepult vbi pat. Margeria filia....=Rad'us Astrie miles Prætor Ciuitatis London 1493 Margareta ob. 10 Martij 1492 A° 9 H. 7 ob. 18 Novembris 1494 sepults in eccl'ia | filia.. s'c'i Martini in le Vintrie London. vxor 2ª. vxor 1ª. Thomas Astrie [s.p.]. Jana filia=1. Thomas Astrie-Elizabeth filia 3. Henricus Joh'is de Hitchin in Will'iSkipwith [died Pigot de com. Hertf. ar. de Wethamsted young]. co. Bucks ob. s.p. VX. 28. in co. Hertf. gen. vxor 1ª. Rad'us Astrie heres f'tris 1583 de Alicia filia Thomæ Wilford Harlington in co. Bedd. ar. [of London] rel'c'a Tho. Rotheram ar. Maria. Elizabeth—1. Rad'us filia Petri Gray de com. Bedd. ar. Francisca vxor Astrie de Astrie de Petri Mallory Harlington de Shelton in co. Bedd. ar. 1599. I I 1. Henricus Astry. [Anne mar. to John Wal- levs of Brack ford in com. Bedf.] 2. Rad'us Astry. 2. George Lora Astry. filia Chetwood* [of Hockliffe]. ARMS.-Quarterly Ar. & gu., 4 crosses patée counterchanged, CHETWOOD. CREST.-A demy Manticher or mantiger saliant ar. out of a crescent gu. Joh'es Chetwood d'us de Chetwood in com. Buck. fundator Prioratus- ib'm vbi corpus eius sepultu' fuit. A Row- ley. Cf. 'Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica,' Second Series, vol. i., p. 69 (May, 1884), where there is an elaborate pedigree of this family. 60 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Johanna filia ....[vx. la]. Rob'tus Chetwood d'us de Chetwood. Rob'tus Chetwood de ead'm Sibilla filia Tho. le Strong vixit 5 H. 3. & Annabellæ vx'is. Joh'es Chetwood miles. Oliva filia . . . . Alicia [viv. 25 H. 6]. Rad'us Chetwood miles.- т Joh'es Chetwood miles d'us de Chet--Amicia filia .... wood & Hoclive vixit 14 E. 1 & Cagenho vixit 6 E. 2. 6 E. 2 [vx. 2ª]. Joh'es Chetwood miles vixit 10 E. 2. Lucia filia. . . . vixit 10 & 16 E. 2. 1. Joh'es Chetwood miles d'us de Chet- wood. 1. Joh'es ob. s.p. 1420 [bur. at Warkworth]. Rob'tus Chetwood vixit 10 & 14 E. 1. Joh'es Chetwood miles vixit 6 E. 3. Johanna filia .... Maria filia....—Joh'es vixit 45 E. 3 & 11 R. 2 vxor 1ª. Nich'us Chetwood miles--Elizabeth filia & d'us de Chetwood & Hocclive 20 & 30 E. 3. Lucia filia . . . . renupta Joh'i Gifford. heres Joh'is Lions | renupta Ric❜o Widville. Chetwood miles d'us de Chet- wood Hoclive & Warkworth ob. 1412. winn Will'us Chetwood. Johanna vxor Eliæ de Langworth [viv. 19 H. 6]. 2. Thomas Chet-Agnes filia wood miles (vixit 1458). rel'c'a vixit Annabel filia Tho. Greene de Greenes Norton ob. 1430 renupta Tho. Strange. 3 E. 4. Al Joh'es Chet-Elizabeth soror & heres wood vixit Will'i Okeley filij 5 E. 3. Steph'i de Okeley in com. Staff. 2. Rob'tus Chetwood- cui pat. dedit t'ras in Chetwood. 2. Chetwood. Joh'es Chetwood-Mar- de Okeley p'd'c'a | geria vixit 22 R. 2. filia Okeley p'd'c'a. Rog'us Chet-Margeria filia & wood de coheres Davidis Crew [de Pul- croft in co. Cestr.]. Thomas Chetwood de Oakeley & Margeria Warleston vixit 37 H. 6 & 2 E. 4. filia... B THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 61 Rog'us Chetwood fil. & heres intra no'iatoru' Thomæ & Margeriæ vixit 3 R. 3 & 11 H. 7. Rogrus Chetwood vixit 27 H. 8. Helena filia Tho. Berisford Thomas Chetwood de War-Helena fil. Joh'is Spur- de Bentley in com. Derb. | leston in com. Cestriæ fil. | stow de Spurstow in com. & heres. Cestr. ar. vxor 2ª. vxor 1ª Anna filia & her. Joh'is Leech de Nampt- wich. Chet- wood. 1 Margeria 1. Jacobus Catherina 2. Joh'es 3. Ric'us ob. s.p. filia Ph'i Hulso. Chet- wood. Chet- wood. Chetwood de Okeley & Warles- ton p'd' 28 H. 8. Will's ob. infans. 2. Thomas Chet- wood. B | Helena filia & heres Will'i de Ree ar. & Eliz. vx'is eius filiæ & coh. Will'i Rowley & Mar- greta ux'is eius filiæ & heredis Ric'i Hen- hull de co. Cestr. ar. 1. Dorothea. 2. Anna. Helena filia Tho. Musterson de Namptwich in co. Cestr. ar. Thomas-Anna filia Will'i Bulkley de Halghton in com. Cestr. 4. Rog'us Chetwood. Jana filia [Will'i] Drury mil. Joh'es Ranulphus obierunt s.p. I 1. Catherine vxor 2. Elizabeth. Will'i Skevington de Skevington in com. Leic. Agnes filia & he. Ant'ij Barons de Woodhall quæ ob. 18 Éliz. R'næ. 3. Anna vxor Egidij Bray de Barrington mil. Ric'us Chet- wood fil. & heres. Helena Ric'us Chet-Dorothea filia wood miles vixit A° 1603. Helena vxor 1º Jo. Hanky de Churtock in co. Cestr. ... Nodham de Shaventon in com. Salop ar. Anna filia & heres Valen- tini Knight- ley mil. 3. Catherina. 5. Elizabeth. 1. Knightleius.* 3. Valentinus.* 4. Jana. 6. Susanna. 2. Ric'us.* 11 4. Francisca. 6. Dorothea. 8. Gracia. 10. Beatrix. 3. Rob'tus. 5. Joh'es. 5. Maria. 7. Jana. 9. Abigal. 4. Thomas. 6. Tobias. There appears to be an error here; these three sons are probably the issue of Richard Chetwood by Dorothy, d. of.... Nodham.-ED. 62 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS.-Ar., a bend vert cotized indented gu., GRAY. CREST.-On a torce ar. & gu. halfe a mayden cowpie at the brest gu. haire expanded, a coronet on her head ar., a chaine of gold about her neck & a tablet hanging at yt supporting with both her hands a garland vert. Rad'us Gray de ead'm. gen. rij. T Rad'us Graye de Pelham in com. Hertf. gen' vnus Baronum Curiæ Scacarij. [qre.*] 1. Thomas Gray. Gray [of Segenhoe in Ridgmont). 2. Ric'us Gray de Chis--Margareta filia sell in com. Essex. Margeria vxor Newman de Pelham in com. Hertf. • Rad'us Gray de ead'm gen".T Gracia filia Will'i Hanchett de Sigenhoef in com. Bedd. vxor 2ª. Cooper de Barley in com. Hertf. Petrus Gray de Sigenhoe in com. Bedd. gen. Joh'is Gray.. de Barley p'd'. filia ………. Lions Lions vxor 1ª Elizabeth vxor Anth'ij Wal- grave de in com. Suff. ││ Alicia vxor Andreæ Smyth de London. 3. Joh'es. 4. Tho- mas. Anna vxor Ric'i Mal- oh² Masera vxor Will'i 4. Joh'es 3. Matheus 2. Andreas Stone de London Hab'dasher. Gray. Gray. Gray. lory de Lon- don Al'dri. [Elizabeth da. to Nicholas Wood of ffullborne in co. Cambridge gent.] Ed'rus Francisca. Elizabeth. Margareta. Maria vxor Joh'is Set George de Gray. [Hatley St George] in com. Can- tabr. ar. Dorothea. * Harl. MS. 1097 makes Elizabeth, wife of Anth. Walgrave, da. to Ralph Gray, brother of Richard. + "Of Letcheworth in co. Hertf." (Harl. MS. 1097.) "ffrancys." (Ibid.) t THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 63 ARMS.—Az., 6 crosse crosselets fitche or, on a bend engr. cotized or 3 eaglets ar. (gre.), NICHOLS. CREST.-A falcon wings displ. or, supporting in her right foote a crosse croslet patée fitche sa. MOTTO.-FIDE SED CUI VIDE. Arma confirmata fuerunt p' Will'm Seagar Norroy A° 44 Eliz. 1602. Elizabeth vxor Henry Charge de Wavendon in com. Buck. ப 1 Will's Nicholls Bellicosus. Nicholls* [of Ampthill]. Joh'es Nicholls de Islipp in com. North't. gen.T vixit 1464 & sepelitur in eccl'ia de Islipp. Maria filia Will's Nicholls de Willen Maria filia Laurentij Woodhall de Langedeway de | in co. Buck. gen. in com. Buck. gen. ↓ Henricus Nicholls de ead'm gen. 1. Georgius. Rogrus Nicholls de interiori templo 2. Will's. London gen. in gen. in vita 1619. Joh'es Nicholls de ead'm gen. Rogrus Susanna Nicholls filia de .... Georgij Georgij White. Ferdinando de Collegio s'c'æ Magdalinæ in Oxon. 1619. Henry. Joh'es Nicholls filius 2º de villa Buck. & de hospitio Cliffordiensi. 1. Mathias Nicholls de novo collegio in universitate Oxon. Baccalarius in legib' & theologiæ. Elizabetha. Elizabeth vxor Thomæ Hall de Ciuitate Wellen' [Bachilario & Theologiæ professor-Harl. MS. 3968]. Mariana. Johanna filia & heres Joh'is Grafton de London gen. 2. Joh'es Nicholls de Clifford's Inne London gen. Cf. 'Topographer and Genealogist,' vol. iii., p. 533. Catherina. 64 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS.-POOLE: Az., a lyon ramp ar. betw. 10 flowre de lizes or. PENDRED: Ar., on a chevron gu. 3 flowre de lizes or. Thomas Poole de Poole in com. Cestria miles vixit 24 H. 6. Joh'es Poole de ead❜m ar. Poole [of (?) ]. Thomas Poole miles de ead'm A° 1 E. 4.T Thomas Poole de ead'm ar. Maria filia Joh'is Talbot de Grafton mil. Will's Poole miles de ead'm. A Catherina filia Joh'is Minshull de Mynshull in co. Cestr. Elizabeth vxor Joh'is Butler Joh'es Pendred de Peggesden* in com. Bedd. | maritus 2º. gen. + Margareta. Maria. Joh'es Poole. Toh'e Radcliffe [of Elstow]. ARMS.-Ar., a bend engr. sa., RADCLIFFE. Joh'es Radcliffe miles submersus apud Elizabeth filia & heres Walt'i d'ni Fitzwalter Herry Bridge 1461 Aº 1 E. 4. de Woodham Walter in com. Essex. Joh'es Radcliffe miles† d'n's Fitzwalter Burnell Boutetort & Egremont. Rob'tus Pendred. [Margarett Rob'tus Radcliffe (primus comes Sussext) miles d'n's da. to Stan- | Fitzwalter Egremont & Burnell s'c'us vicomes Fitzwalter ley Earle 17 H. 8 & comes Sussex 21 H. 8. [He mar. 3 Mary da. of Derby of Sr Jo. Arundell of Lanherne in Cornwall.] 2 wife.] T [St John Ratcliff Knight.] * A hamlet in the parish of Shillington. Anna filia Ric'i Weheathill de villa Calisiæ in Gallia militis. In a different hand. B Elizabeth filia Hen. Stafford Ducis Buck. † Harl. MS. 1097 commences here. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 65 A | [Anne mar. to Sr Thomas Wharton.] 3. Humfr'us Isabella filia (seu Radcliffe de filia & heres*) Elnestowe in Ed'i Harvy de de com. Bedd. Elnestow p'd'c'a.† miles. [Thomas 1 sonne s.p.] 3. Elizabeth VX. Owen de co. Surr. • B | [Mar' mar. to Sr Anthony Browne Viscount Mountague.] 2. Georgius....filia d'ni Marney Radcliffe soror & cohe. d'ni fili' 2° [s.p.]. fili' 2º [s.p.]. Marney. 2. Francisca Vxor Henrici Cheeke Secretaris Consiliar' in borealibus p'tibus filij s'c'di Joh'is Cheeke mil. 1. Maria vna Ancellaru' Eliz. R'næ. ... filia Will'i—Ed'r'us Radcliffe de Elstow p'd'c'a=Jana filia Fran- Porter mil. cisci Hynde mil. rel'c'a ... Gostwick vxor 1ª. & tandem Comes Sussex vxor 3° fuit Helena filia Ric'i Wortley mil. & Baronetti rel'c'a . . . . rel'c'a Catesby vxor 2ª. Tiringham (of Winwick and Farndish). 1. Henricus d'n's Fitz- G walter Comes Sussex. 4. Martha vxor (William) Gostwick de (Willington) in com. Bedd 10. Ar., a crane sa, beaked & legged gu. 11. Sa., a fesse betw. 2 trefoyles in cheife & a libbart's head in base or. 12. As the 7th, therefore I think these last vj are but an Impaled coat. CREST. A Talbott's head cowpie billettée or. ARMS.-1. Az., a saltier engr. ar., TERINGHAM. 2. Az., a frett or seu ar. 3. Az., 3 water-bougetts ar. 4. Az., billettée of 10 or, 4, 3, 2, 1. 5. Ar., a fesse gu. within a bordure engr, sa. 6. Barrulée of 6 ar. & az., on a bend gu. 3 mulletts or, PABENHAM. 7. P'ty p' pale or & gu., a lion ramp & 3 flours de lizes counterchanged, 2 in cheife the 3ª in the base point. 8. Ar., a saltier barry bendée gu. & or betw. 4 escallops gu. 9. P'ty p' chevron gu. & er., 2 greyhounds combatant ar., a bordure sa. charged with 14 floure de lizes or. In a different hand. t † "And of his wife Margaret, da. of St Giles Wentworth; wch Edm. was 4 sonn of Wm eldest sonn to Tho. 2 sonn of Jo. Harvey of Thurley in com. Bedford." (Harl. MS. 1097.) Cf. 'Visitation of Huntingdonshire, A.D. 1613,' ed. Camd. Soc., p. 115, which differs materially from this; also Additional Pedigrees, post. K 66 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Ric'us Teringham de Teringham in co. Buck. gen. Joh'es Teringham. Cecilia filia Thomæ Heslerton. Godfr'us Teringham de ead'm.T Rogus Teringham. Christiana filia. . . . Rog'us Teringham. Margareta filia & heres Thomæ Cowdrey mil. Joh'es Teringham. Isabella filia Tho. Weston mil. Thomas Teringham miles. Catherina filia & cohc. Galfri. Lucy mil. 1. Joh'cs Teringham Elianora filia & heres Laurentij [ob. s.p. 8 H. IV.]. Pabenham mil. Joh'es Teringham. Alicia filia Joh'is Olney soror Rob'ti Olney mil. Thomas Teringham [ob. 1526]. Elizabetha filia Ed'i Brudnell. Joh'es Teringham [ob. 1484]. | C Catherine Thomas vxor Ed'i Teringham. Price de North Crawley. 2. Rog¹us. Teringham. Edmundus Thomas Teringham Petronilla filia Joh'is Teringham. de Teringham 1564. | Goodwin de Winching- ton in com. Buck. Francisca vxor Ed'r'i Sanders de Flower in co. Northt. genr. Elizabetha filia soror Will'i mil. Thomas. Elizabeth vxor Tho. Reade de Ludg'shall gen". • · · 1 Anna filia Humfr'i Catesby Elizabeth. Maria. Margareta. de Whiston in com. Northt. mil. Maria vxor Will'i Berner. Anna. filia Berisford. • Rog'us. .. Catesby Elizabeth vxor Berner. • Anth'us Teringham. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 67 Wahull* or Woodhall [of Odell]. ALL THE COATES BELONGING TO THE FAMILIES IN THE PEDIGREE OF THE CHETWOODS & WAHULL AL'S WOODHALL. BERISFORD: Or, a beare saliant sa., collared & cheyned or. BRAYBROKE: Ar., 8 mascles gu., 3, 3, 2. BULKELEY: Sa., a chev. betw. 3 bulls' heads ar., a mullet ar. for a diffe. CHETWOOD: Quart'ly ar. & gu., 4 crosses patée counterchanged. CREW: Az. fretty or, betw. every frett a cinq foyle ar. COTES: Gu., on a chev. ar. 2 barres gemelles gu. betw. 12 torteauzes betw. 3 leopards' heads ar. DRURY: Ar., on a cheife vert 2 mullets or, a crescent ar. p' diff. ETWALL: FOXCOTT: Ar., on a crosse az. 5 flowre de lizes (? escallops) or. GRAY: Barry of 6 ar. & az., a lable of 3 points gu. HANKY: Per pale az. & gu., a wolfe saliant or, vulned gu. HENHULL: Quart'ly ar. & sa., on the 2ª & 3d quart's a buck's head caboshed or. HULSO: Ar., 3 piles in point sa. HOBBY: Ar., a fesse betw. 3 hawks sa., bells & leggs or. FITZPETER, Comes Essex: Quart'ly or & gu. FITZWARIN: Quart'ly per fess ind. ar. & gu. KNESWORTH: Er., a chev. battelée count gu. betw. 3 greyhounds passt sa. KNIGHTLEY: Quart'ly er. & palée of vj gu. and or. GRIFFIN: Sa., a griffin sergreant ar. GRENE: Az., 3 bucks tripping or. LANGWORTH: Or, 3 dragons' heads coupie sa. LEECH: Er., on a cheife ind. gu. an annulet ar. betw. 2 crownes or. LEWSON: Az., a fesse nubile ar. & sa. betw. 3 okeleaves or. LIONS: Ar., a lion ramp't gu. LUDSUP: Ár., a greene-leaved branch & bordure engr. sa., on a canton gu. a dragon in bend or. MASTERTON: Er., a chev. az. betw. 3 garbes sa. NEEDHAM: Ar., a chev. engr. az. betw. 3 bucks' heads sa. OKELEY† Sa., fretty or & a fes er., on a cheife ar. 3 leopards' heads gu. PARRE, Baro': Ar., 2 barres az. & a bord. engr, sa. PRAERS: Gu., a fess betw. 4 barres gemewes ar. RAGON: Ar., a crosse gu., a bend az. REE: Az., a plate betw. 3 crescents or. RALEIGH: Ar., a crosse molin gu. betw. 9 ] sa. ROWLEY: Or, on a bend gu. cotized sa. 3 crescents or. SKEVINGTON: Ar., 3 bulls' heads erased sa., attired or. SMYTH: Ar., on a bend sa. 6 floure de lizes or, on a cheife az. a lyon pass' gard' or. SPURSTON: Az., 3 spurrerowells of vj points or. STRANGE: Gu., 2 lyons passt ar. TRACY: Or, 2 bends gu. TRESHAM: P'ty per saltier sa. & ar., 6 trefoils or, a crescent ar. for a diff. VIUONIA: Ar., on a cheife gu. a label of 3 points or. WIDEVILLE: Ar., a fesse & quart. gu. WOODHALL al's WAHULL: Or, 3 crescents gu. CHETWOOD CREST.—A demy mantiger saliant ar., out of a crescent gu., horned or. * Cf. Bib. Topog. Brit.,' No. 44, p. 15. "Or fretty sable, a bar ermine, on a chief gules three leopards' faces or, SOUNDE." ('N.Y. Gen. and Biog. Record,' vol. i., No. 4.) 68 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Walt'us Flandrensis A° 2 Will'i Conq'storis tenuit de Rege int' alia Man'm Woodhall in com. Bedd. Wahull al's Woodhall, Barones. Or, 3 crescents gu. Walt'us d'nus de Wahull vixit tempore H. 1.T T Simo' de Wahull Baro' de Wahull vixit etiam t. H. 1. Sibilla filia ... 1. Simon de Wahul ob. s.p. in vita p'tris. Agnes vxor Rob'ti Rhosia. Walt'us de Simo' de de Basingham. Wahul. Wahul. Ī Saerus de Wahul ob. 34 H. 3 d'n's honoris de Wahul.-Alicia filia. . . . 2. Walt'us de Wahull Baro' de Wahull ob. 52 H. 3. Joh'es de Wahull Baro' de Wahull d'n's de Longford sums int. Barones ad pugnand. contra Wallos A° 1 E. 1 ob. 24 E. 1. Woodhall ob. 41 E. 3. Havisia d'na de Longford vidua 1225 filia Hugonis de Viuonia Senescalli Gas- coniæ & Pictaviæ. Thomas de Woodhall miles Baro' Havisia filia Henr. Praiers re- de Woodhall ob. 32 E. 1. nupta Rob'to de Grey de Eyton. Vxor 2ª Isabella 1. Jol'es Woodhall-Elianora miles Baro' de filia Woodhall ob. 22 E. 3. ob. s.p. Rhosia vxor Rob'ti de Insula ip'a ob. s.p. 5 H. 3. miles Baro' de Joh'es de Woodhall—Isabella filia . . . . re- nupta Georgio seu Gerardo Braybroke sen" militi ob. 46 E. 3. Beatrix vxor Henrici filij. . . . Norgald de Torcester. Joh'es de Wahull Baro' de Woodhall Inq. Isabella filia . . . . vidua 10 E. 3. Aº 10 E. 3. 2. Nich'us de Woodhall con- sanguineus & heres prone- p'tu' Elizabethæ & Elianora Inq. 50 E. 3 ob. 12 H 4. Elizabeth filia sen" ob. s.p. • • Edith vxor .. Knes- worth matr. Ric'i. Michael de Wahul. T vxor Simonis Broune. Simo' de Wahull. Elianora ob. s.p. Will'us de Wahull. Margareta 2. Ric'us Woodhall ob. s.p. Margareta filia & heres Joh'es Fox- cott de com. Wiltes. A THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 69 2. Will'us Woodhall. Al Thomas Woodhall miles Baro' Elizabeth filia Jo. Chetwood mil. soror et heres Woodhall ob. 23 Junij 9 H. 5. | Thomæ & heres Joh'es de Lyons renupt' Will'o Ludsup ob. 1475. Thomas Woodhall. Joh'es Baro' de Woodhall filius & heres Tho. Woo. & Isabella Trussell ætatis vnius anni ad mortem p'ris ob. 6 H. 7. Isabella vxor Ric'i Tresham de New- ton in co. Northt. Jocosa vxor Will'i Mid- winter de Northbach in com. Glouc. 1. Thomas Baro' de Woodhall Isabella filia Will'i seu Thomæ ob. 19 H. 6. Trussell de Elmthorp mil. Will'us Woodhall. Jana vxor Will'i Bel- lingham de com. Linc. Ric'us Chetwoode marits prim³ filiu' 38 Rogi Chet- wood. Fulco Woodhall Baro' de Wood- hall ob. 24 H. 7. Anna filia Joh'es 1. Anth'us Woodhall Smyth mil. vnis | Baro' de Woodhall Baronu' de sc'c'io | de in com. vidua 37 H. 8 Northt. ob. 4 Dec. renupta Joh'i 33 H. 8 Inq. 6 Nov. Leveson renupta 34 H. 8. Ed'r'o Griffin. Agnes filia & heres ob. 18 Eliz. R'na æt. 17 die mortis. + Vide p. 61. Anna filia & coh. Will'i Newnham de Themford & Margeriæ vnis coh. Tho. Longports. Maria Maria filia-Nich'us Woodhall VX. Ed'r'i Ed'r'i Raleigh EFER Elizabeth filia & Baro' de Woodhall | coheres Will'i cui Rex H. 8 Parre militis & 27 Maij Aº 3 p'donavit intra- sionem & Anna.* Cope de Farn- borow in de Mariæ ux'is eis Vxor 2ª fuit Baro' de Horton in co. Northt. Tores com. in co. Linc. mil. vxor 1ª. Georgius Calverley de Ley in com. Cestr. miles marit. s'c'dus ob. s.p. per istam v'rem. Johanna filia Henrici Etwall in legibus doctoris in Lon- don. * Will dated 29 March 1532. Joh'es Elizabeth. Wood- hall. Maria vxor Ric'i Burnby de Mt Sorel in co. Northt. 6. Michael. Alicia. Dorothea. 1. Egidius 2. Fulco Woodhall. Woodhall. Anna. Maria. Anna vxor Davidis Seymor de .. in Fulco Woodhall fil. s'c'dus superstes 1600 de Thenford in com. Northt. ar. com. Southt. Nich'us Woodhall de Thenford-Barbara filia Will'i Hobby de Hales in com. p'd'c'a ar. Gloucr ar. Alicia filia Will'i Collis de .. in com. Wigorn. ar. 3. Will's. 5. Nich'us. 4. Job'es. The Visitation of Bedfordshire 1634.* THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD taken in the xth yeare of the raigne of or dread Soucraigne Lord King Charles by vertue of his Maties Commission under the greate Seale of England directed to Sr Richard St George Knight Clarenceux and St John Borowgh knight Norroy Kings of Armes; who deputed for the execution thereof George Owen Esqr Yorke Herald and Henry Lilly Rouge-rose Pursuivant; officers of Armes. THE COMMON SEALE OF YE TOWNE Of Bedford. Argent, an eagle displayed looking to the sinister with wings inverted sable, ducally crowned or, on the eagle a large castle surmounted by two more, one above the other, of the third. Which Towne was incorporated in the leauenth yeare of King Henry the second with all such Customes and Priuiledges as ye sayd Burgesses held in the tyme of King Henry his Grandfather That is to saye with such Priuiledges as ye Burgesses and Cittizens of Oxford enioyed being also confirmed by King Richard the first, King Richard the second, Henry ye fourth, Henry the sixt, Edward the fourth, Henry the seaucnth, Henry the eight, Queene Mary, Queene Elizabeth, and King James of blessed memory. The which Towne is Incorporated by the name of Mayor, Bayliffs, Burgesses, and Comunalty of the sayd Corporacion. And at this present visitac'on is Mayor Thomas Hawes, The Right Hoble Oliuer Earle of Bollinbrooke Recorder whoe executeth the same Office by his Deputy Richard Taylor Esq. Justice of ye Peace for the County of Bedford, William Warren al's Waller, Robert Bamford, Thomas Spencer, William Faldo, Thomas Waller, and Thomas Paradine associates to the saide Maior and haue been Maiors, Simon Becket and Robert Hawes Baliffes, John Beckett Chamberlain Aº 1634. THO. HAWES, maior. SIMON BECKETT, ROBERT HAWES, JOHN BECKETT, Baliffes. * Additions in brackets [ Words in italics in parentheses ( ], except where otherwise stated, are from Harl. MS. 1097. ) the Editor is responsible for. 72 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. TOWNE & BOROUGH OF BEDFORD. ARMS.-Per pale argent and gules, a fesse azure. These armes are of auncientie belonging & apperteyning to ye towne & boroughe of Bedford tyme out of mynd. WILL'M HERUY al's Clarenceux King of Armes. These armes here depicted ar belonginge & apperteyning to ye Maior, Balyffes, Burgesses & comunalty of yc towne & boroughe of Bedford wch Armes I Clarencculx King of Armes of the South East & Weste parties of England haue not onlic ratified & confirmed ye same vnto ye Maior Balyff's burgisses & comunalty of ye towne & boroughe of Bedford but also recorded ye same in ye registers of my visitation now made within ye county of Bedford &c. And at this p'scnt visitation was Robert Paradyne Mayor, St John Gascoigne Knight recorder, Henry Albanye, Thomas Leigh, William Bull, Richard Lawrence, Humfrey Lawrence, Henry Lawrence, Symond Beckett, & Alexander Hunt assotiate to ye saide Maior who haue been Mayors, Edward Smyth & Robert Goodalle Bayllyffs. George Huxley & William Ladd Chamberleynes. In wittness whereof I haue heerevuto subscribed my name ye 7th of June 1566. WILLIAM HERVEY al's Clarenciulx King of Armes. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 73 ARMS.-Gules, a fesse lozengy between three escallops argent. Thomas Abbis of Bedford three seucrall times Maior of the same Towne and in Commission for the Peace there. Abbis [of Bedford]. William Abbys of the Towne of Bedford in Com-Cicely d. of William Yarway mission for the Peace there seuerall yeares, Maior of Willington in com. Bedf. of the same Towne of Bedford. William Abbys now maior of the Towne Alice d. of Geo. Edwards of Bedford this third of Nouember A° of Emerton co. Bucks. 1634 for the following yeare. • Sciceley eld. da. 2. Alice. 3. Anne. Albanye* [of Bedford]. John Albaney eld. son and heire, aged 11 yeares A° 1634. ARMS.-Ermine, on a fesse between three cinqfoils gules a greyhound courant or, collared azure.† CREST.-Out of a ducal coronet gules a demi-dolphin hauriant or. WILL'I ABBIS. Albaney first of London after of the Towne of Bedford.— Thomas Abbys of Queen's Coll. Cambs. 2 son. Robert Albanye Elizabeth d. of Oliuer St John of Shernebrooke in com. Bedf. of Bedford. relict of Wm Goodfellow of Pauenham. John Albanye of Bromham Elizabeth dau'r of Tho. Webb co. Bedford A° 1634. of Roxton com. Bedf. 2. Edward. 3. Robert. Elizabeth. Mary. Annc. JOHN ALBANYE. * Cf. 'Visitation of London 1568,' p. 48, ed. Harl. Soc.-ED. + "The field should bee argent and not ermen as yt will appecre in the last Visitation of Surrey made 1623." "Vide the Vis. of Surrey for the difference.' Notes respecting grants of arms, in inverted commas, arc in the original MS.-ED. L 74 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Alston [of Odell]. ARMS.-I., Azure, ten étoiles or, four, three, two, and one, a martlet for difference, ALSTON. II., Quarterly per fesse indented or and azure, over all a bend gules, BLUNVILLE. William Alston of Newton in com. Suffolke. William Alston of Saiham hall mar.* Edward Alston of Saiham (Elizabeth) dau'r of (John) Colcman. Hall co. Suffolk. P. fesse ar. and sa., a crosse patounce bel. 4 mollets all counter- changed. William Alston of Saiham Hall eldest son. 小 ​(Dorothy) daughter and coheire of (Henry) Hampsted of Halsted co. Essex by the dau'r of Ser- geant Benlosse. Sab., 3 chevalls' heads erased, bitts, raines, and tassel arg., a canton erm. Edward Peter Alston Alston 2nd son. t (Ann) daughter of (Thomas) Simonds. Azur, a chevron inter 3 trefoiles slipped d'or. William Alston of the Inner Temple and of Wodhull vulgo Odell in com. Bedford A° 1634 eldest son. 3rd son. t Thomas Al- ston of the Inner Tem- ple 2nd son. Mak Thomas Alston second son maried another daughter and coheire of Mr Hampsted of Halsted. Edward Alston of the Inner Temple mar. Hester dau'r and coheire of S William Ashcomb of Alscot co. Ox- ford Knight 3rd son. ナ ​Polsted in com. Suff. iiijth son buried at Newton first husband. Thomas Alston of Frances daughter of | (Simon) Blunville al's Blomfeild of (Monks Illey) in Suffolk now the relict of Sr John Temple of Staunton co. Bucks Knight. John Alston Frances. of the Inner Temple iiijth son. Det dans wer Dorethiy John Temple WILL'M ALSTON. "The three upp discents of this pedegree togeather wth this Coate and the three matches were set forth on Collo" by Rafe Brooke Yorke Herald." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 75 Anderson [of Epworth]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a chevron between three crosses fleuries sable, ANDERSON; 2 and 3, . . ., five étoiles .. • CREST.-A water-spaniel passant or. Sr Edmund Anderson Knight Lord Chief (Magdalen) dau'r of Justice of the Common Pleas. (Christopher) Smyth. · Sr Francis Anderson of Stratton and Eworth in co. Bedford Kt son and Judeth da. of Sr Stephen Some Kt. maior of London 1st wife. | heire. (Grisill) wife to the Lord Sheffeild's eldest son. ... Sr John Anderson Knight and Baronet third son died without yssue. Etheldred da. of John Baron Boteler of Brand- feild second wife. • William Ander- son of Brough- ton co. Lin- colne 2nd son. Mary died yong. Alice dau'r and sole heire Edmund Anderson of Stratton and Eworth Esq Aº 1634 | of St John Conestable eldest son and heire. Knight. Edward Anthony of Chertsey in com. Surrey 2 son. + wife to St George (Elizabeth) wife to Sr Hat- Booth Knt. ton Farmer Knight. Dorothey Anderson aged about 5 yeres A° 1634. Stephen Anderson of Broughton in com. Lincolne. WILLIAM WELDON, seruant to Mr EDMUND ANDERSON. Anthony [of Bedford]. ARMS.-Argent, a leopard's head gules between two flaunches sable, a crescent for difference. Anthony of London Goldsmith Jeweller to Queene Eliz. Suzan his 1-Francis Anthony of London Elizth wife da. of Doctor of Phisick eld. s. his 2 How. disinherited by his father. wife. A B 76 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Francis and Sarah died yonge s.p. 1. Jolin Anthony Doctor in Phisick now liueing in London. John Anthony eld. s. 11 Sarah and Elizabeth. A | 1. Thomas Ashton of Shidlington liucing A° 1634 vnmaried aged about 57 yeres. 1. Mary wife to Thomas Negose of Thurning co. Hunt. 2. Charles Anthony of the Towne of Bedford Phisition A° 1634. Asheton [of Shillington]. Charles. Richard Asheton of Shidlington in com. Bedford Deones dau'r discended of the Ashtons of Midleton com. Lanc. Thomas Asheton of Shidlington Margaret da. of Tho. Hedge and of Greyes Inne. of Hertfordsh". T Martha. 2. Suzan wife to William Robin- son of Okenbury Weston co. Huntingdon. Anne wife to Roger Tuthill of Achurch in co. Northampton. B Martha d. of Edmund Thornton of Garlands in com. Essex. CHARLES ANTHONY. 2. Peter Ashton a fellow of Trinitic Colledge in Cambridge vnmaried. 3. Deones wife to Ed- mund Tufnell of Shid- lington. Ashton [of Tingrith]. Robert Ashton descended from the Ashtons of Leauer in com. Lancaster gentleman of the horse to Fr'ncis y' good Earle of Beford. IIester wife to Simon Sumpter Rector of Badingham co. Suff. THOMAS ASHETON. Alice da. of . . Furneys. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 77 A | Sr William Ashton of Tingreth in com. Bedford Anne dau'r of Knight A° 1634. Moate. William Ash-Mary dau'r of Henry Ewer of Mymms com. Midd. ton aged about 30 yeares A° 1634 eldest son and heire | gent. apparent. 2. Robert Ashton a student in Lincoln's Inne. 3. George Ash- ton Rector of the Church of Bow Brickhill com. Bucks. Mary onely child aged about 3 yeres A° 1634. Rafe Astry of Harlington Esqr eldest son. wal William Astry of Har- lington co. Bedf. Esqr eldest son died without yssue the King's ward. • 4. Clement. W. ASHTON. Astry [of Varlington]. ARMS.-Barry wavy of six argent and azure, on a chief gules three bezants.* CREST.-On a wreath or and azure a demi-ostrich proper, beaked and feathered gules, in its beak a horse-shoe of the second. Raufe Astry of Harlington com. Bedf. obijt Aº 12 January A 1584. Elizabeth dau'r of Peter Gray of Rougemont co. Bedf. Sr Henry Astry of Mary dau'r of (William) St John Harlington Captaine ouer fiue Regements in Knight. Hampshire. | | Anne. Francis Astry of Har- 3. Henry. Anne. lington Esq liueing A° 1634 the King's ward. Eliza- beth. Alice dau'r of Tho. Wilford of London relict of Tho. Rotheram. Barbara. Mary. FFRANCIS ASTRY. * C Exemplified by Tho. Clarenceulx principall hereaud and King of Armes at the south p of thes Realme of England otherwyse called Tho. Holme Kt to Ralphe Astry Citizen of London and borne in y° County of Hertford dated yº xijth of September in the 2ª yeare of yº Raigne of our Sou'ragne Lord yº King." I 78 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. [Thomas Audley Lord Chancellor. Vide Essex.] Audley [of Houghton-Conquest]. * ARMS.—Quarterly per pale indented or and azure, on a bend of the second between two eagles displayed a fret or. [CREST.-On a chapeau gules, turned up ermine, a wyvern azure with wings addorsed or, charged on the breast with a mullet argent.] [Thomas Audley of Berechurch and of Safforn Walden in com. Essex.] [Robert Audley of Berechurch.] [1. Robert Audley [George of Gransden. Vide s.p.] Huntington.] [Thomas Audley of— Houghton Conquest in com. Bedfford.] Thomas Audley of Houghton Anne d. of Robert (? Richard) Hewet of Milbrooke Conquest.† in com. Bedford gen. Anne ux. Nicholas Colquit of Watling street in London, linnen draper. Thomas s.p. Mary ux. Thomas Fitzgeoffrey of Wilshamstead in com. Bedfford. [2. William Audley [Anne.] 3. Thomas Audley of of Houghton Con- Houghton Conquest quest.] liueing Aº 1634. [Henery ob. s.p.] | | Joane. [Scissely, Dorathy, Anne, all dyed yong.] Anne d. of Geo. Wingate of Harlington in com. Bedfford Esq. Thomas Audley s. and h., died in ye lifetyme of Etheldred d. of Roger (Thomas) his father [19 yere old 1623]. Hackett, D.D. Elizabeth aged about 5 yeares. THO. AWDLEY. "The exemplification of thesc Armes and Crest vnder the hand of Will'm Segar Gartar principall of Armes and are remayning in the hand of Mr Robert Awdley of Gransden in yº County of Huntingdon. Mr Thomas Awdley of Houghton Conquest in ye County of Bedf. is third brother to the aforesaid Robert whose armes and his is with the due difference. RICHARD MUNDAY." + 'Visitation of Essex,' Harl. Soc., vol. xiii., p. 139, makes Thomas Audley son of Henry, which I think is right, as I do not think Henry had two brothers named Thomas. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 79 Bagshaw [of Bushmead]. . . ., a bugle-horn . . . . between three roses . . . John Bagshaw descended from the Bagshawes of the Frith in com. Derby being a yonger son. ARMS. Humfry Bagshaw of Agnes sister and coheire to Robert Paules Walden Arthur of Much Badew com. co. Hertford. Essex gen. 2. Robert Bag- shaw second son s.p. 3. Humfry s.p. 1. John Bagshaw of Stephenidge in | com. Hertford eldest son. Edmund Bagshaw of Basmey in com. Bedford gent. A° 1634 aged 68 yeres. | Luce wife to Wm Weddell of London. Agnes da. of . . . Mortimer of .... Jane wife to John Mills. Edmund Bagshaw 2. John. Elizabeth wife to Wil- eldest son and heire liam Andrewes of Twi- apparent Aº 1634. well co. Northampton. Elizabeth da. of George Con- quest of Houghton Conquest com. Bedford. 4. Thomas Bagshaw of London. Margaret wife to Sarah. George Hyer of London. George Barnardiston of Norrill second son of S Thomas Barnardiston of Kedington in com. Suff. A Edward Bagshaw second son s.p. Edward Bag- shaw of North- amptonsh. ナ ​Robert Three s.p. daughters. Anne first wife to John Beane of London after to Henry Roborough Clarke. Sarah wife to Thomas Thorowgood of St Neades. EDMUND BAGSHAW. Barnardiston [of Northill]. ARMS.—Azure, a fesse dancettée ermine between six cross-crosslets argent, a crescent for difference. [CREST.-Out of a mural crown gules a (?) boar's head argent, tusked or.] Elizabeth daughter and sole heire of Tho. Burley of Lynn. 80 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. John Barnardiston of Norrell al's Northill in com. Bedford. George Barnardis-Mary da. of Sr ton of Northill George Perient of Digeswell co. Hertford Kt. eldest son Esqr. Sigismund Barnardis- ton. apparent aged about 13 yeres 1634. [Elizabeth d. of Henry Barnardiston of Thomas Anlaby | Northill eldest son and of Etton in com. heire Esq' now liueing Yorke.] 1634. 4th son. John Barnardiston Richard of Yelding mar. Margaret da. of Thomas Winn of Warden 3rd son. T A | Joane daughter of Tho. Miller of Linn Merchant she was his coleire. t Robert Barnardiston of Katherine daughter of George Mordant of Northill onely son and | Moulson third son of John the first Lord heire Esq. Mordaunt. Katherine. Christopher, Thomas, John, and Edward all dead without issue. 2nd son. [Anlaby.] Robert Bar-=[Anne d. and heire George of Wm Vaughan of Terracoid in co. Carmarthen bro.- in-law to ye E. of Carberry.] [Henry.] nardiston eldest son and heire [Cathe- rine.] Margarett da. and coheir of Robert Hawes of the Towne of Bedford. | | | Thomas 3rd son. Katherin wife to William Chan- trell of Walking- ton co. Yorks. Beniamin 4th son. Margaret wife to William Fish. Margaret. George 2nd son [m. Alice d. of Rob't Ereswell of the p'rogative Office Lond.]. Elizabeth wife to John Winch son of William Winch. Margaret [ux. Judeth. Phil. Clarke s. and h. of Edm. Clarke of Edmonton in com. Midd.]. Mary wife to Thomas Bol- ton of Totten- ham high- crosse. HENERY BARNARDISTON. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 81 Beechar [of Howbury in Renhold]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Vair argent and gules, on a canton or a stag's head caboshed sable, BEECHER.* II., Azure, a chevron or between two lions passant-guardant argent, RICHE.† CRESTS.-I., A demi-lion erased argent, girded round the waist with a ducal coronet or.‡ II., On a wreath argent and sable a buck's head pellettée erased or, gorged with a ducal coronet gules. III., Out of a ducal coronet argent a demi-lion issuant ermine, RICHE.† Bartho- lomew Bechar 5 son. Henry Bechar of Bishops Morchard in com. Deuon gent..... dau'r of Sr Nicholas 1564 yongest son of eleuen sons, and was heire to all their | Heron of Edgecombe in lands wch they had in gauel kind in Kent. com. Kent Kt.§ Edward Becher 4. William: Esqr for the body Bechar. of Queene Eliz. ・・・・ da. of mar. the Lo. Cobham. 1. Elizabeth Fane wife to John Kelke of London. • Becher 3 son. 3. Margaret wife to Sr Richard Dabridgecourt Knight. Sr William Bechar Clarke of ye Counsell. 1 4. Mabel wife to Richard Norton Kt. wali Sr William Bechar of Howbury in the p'sh of Ranhall co. Bed- ford Knight Aº 1634. | Henry Becher of London Esquire Aº 1569, 11° Eliz., sometime Alderman of London, eldest son. Elizabeth eldest sister of Oliuer Lord St John, Earle of Bullingbrooke. 4. St John. 5. Francis. 2. Mary wife to Chedeoke Warder, mother of Sr Edward Wardour Kt. Judeth dau'r and sole heire of John Riche of London gent., son and heire of Thomas Riche of Marston co. Bedf. 2. Edward Bechar of Peterborow. 6. Howard. 3. George Bechar of Clauering co. Essex. 2. Henry. 3. William. Will *"This Creast was given and this auntient Coate of this ffamclie exemplified by l'res pattents from Wm Haruey Clarenceulx King of Armes dated Aº 1564 to Henry Bechar of Bishops Morchard." 7. John. Joho A (6 t Clarenceulx Cooke made an excmplificac'on of this Coat and crest to John Riche of London gen. son and heire of Thomas Riche of Marston in com. Bedf. gent. dated Aº 1573, 16th Eliz." M ‡ "Clarenceulx Cooke exemplefied and graunted to Hen. Becher of London Esq. this Creast by l'res pattent dated 11° Eliz. A° 1669." "Alice d. § C. Visitation of London, 1568,' ed. Harl. Soc., where the wife is described as of Thomas Heron of Croydon, 1 wife." 82 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Oliuer Bechar of Howbury Esq eldest son and heire apparent liueing Aº 1634. Elizabeth dau'r of S William Tate of Delaprec Tate of Delaprec in CO. North- ampton Kt. William Bechar* eldest son 2. Oliuer. 3. Edward. aged about 6 years Aº 1634. com. Yorke. 2. James Anne Beauerley d. of of . George Gilpin. Dorothey wife to William Cogniers William Cogniers of Walthamstow co. Essex Esq. John Beuerley Walter. eld. s., of Selby. T 1. James Beuerley of Eaton Socon co. Bedf., sometime high shreife of this county, liucing A° 1634. James Beuerley eld. s. and h., one of the Justices of the peace in co. Bedf. gent. 1634. 4. John s.p. Beverley+ [of Eaton Socon]. ARMS.-Argent, a fesse dancettée between three leopards' heads sable. Thomas Beaucrley of Selby com. Yorke. Alice d. and coh. of John Stocke. Anne wife 3. Elizabeth. to Edmund Harding of 4. Judeth. Aspley in co. Bedford 5. Katherin. gent. Robert Beverley of Eaton CO. Bedf., Clarke of the Kitchin to Queen Eliz., s.p. | | | Jane d. of Sr Richard Conquest of Houghton Conquest co. Bedf. A1 Elizabeth. O. BECHAR. Thomas Beuerley of Eaton s.p. Ellis Beuerley Rector of Tortworth. Elizabeth d. of 2. William. 3. Thomas. Robert. Tho. Docwray of Putridge co. Hertf. Esq. James Beucrley cld. s. and heire aged 2. Thomas. 3. Nathaniell. 4. William. about 5 yeres Aº 1634. JAMES BEVERLEY iu. *For continuation of pedigree cf. 'Le Neve's Knights,' p. 118, ed. Harl. Soc. † Cf. 'Le Neve's Knights,' p. 92, cd. IIarl. Soc. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 83 Bletsoe [of Wymington]. ARMS.—Or, on a bend sable between three escallops azure as many garbs of the first, all within a bordure gules. CREST.-A wolf's head couped or, semée of hurts and gorged with a mural crown azure. John s.p. Richard Bletso M'garet of Archester. Clarke. William Bletso of Archester com. Northampton. son 1634. Lug Hugh. Dorothey his 1 wife daughter of Thomas Gouldsborow of Litle Shelford com. Cambr. Thomas Bletso eldest Thomas Cobb of Cicely dau'r of Paule Luke of Sharnbrooke. Hardwick com. Huntingdon. Cobb. Thomas Cobb of Margaret daughter Sharnbrooke. of George St John. Anne dau'r of William Thomas Clarke Bletso second of Coton Cotes co. Northamp- son A° ton. 1634. William Bletso of Wymington in com. Bedford A° 1634. Elizabeth dau'r of William Sharpe of Risley in com. Bedford. 1. Thomas. 3. Saunderson. Anne. 2. Robert. Dorothey. Bolsworth [of Leighton-Bussard]. Agnes dau'r of Tho- mas Cobb of Sharn- brooke 2 wife. | | | 3. Edward. 3. Edward. 4. Paule. 5. Oliuer. 6. Samuell. Katherin. William Bletso. WILLIAM BLETSOE. ARMS.-Azure, three boars' heads couped argent.* Robert Bolsworth of Leighton Buzard in com. Bedf., Rhose. he died Aº 1541. A 11 1. Dorothey. 2. Agnes. 3. Sibbell. "Respit. for proof of these Armes till the Terme." Anne. 84 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | John Bolsworth Edmund Bolsworth of Anne d. of . . . . Child ob. s.p. Leighton Buzard. of Thickford. John. Robert Bolsworth of Leighton Buzard, he ob. 1624. Edmund Bolsworth of Elizabeth d. of John Ire- monger of Stanbridge. Leighton liveing A° 1634. Thomas. Joane d. of John George. Anne. Gauderie of Pitchcote. Banester. Alice. Edmund. Sarah. A Banester. Anne. Joane. Robert. Rhose. Suzan. Elizabeth. Ann. EDM. BOLSWORTH. Boteler [of Biddenham]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1, Gules, a fesse chequée argent and sable between six cross- crosslets or, BOTELER; 2, Gules, an escutcheon vair argent and azure between six cross-crosslets or, MOLESWORTH; 3, Azure, a fesse, and a chevron in chief gules, KIRTON; 4, Gules, a chevron between three peacocks in their pride argent, PEACOCK.* CREST.-Out of a mural crown gules a boar's head argent, tusked or. William Boteler of Kyrton Anne daughter and heire of Thomas wthin the p'sh of Bydenham | Pecocke of Coggeshall com. Essex Esqr. his second wife. William Boteler Ursula daughter of Kyrton Esq" of Tho. Smyth eldest son and of Ostinghanger ton of Ey- heire A° 1587. Mary wife to Martha wife Margaret first John New- SPVTA in com. Kent Esqr, his second mouth co. Deuon. to John Booth of Killing- holme in com. Lin- mar. to Peter Sare of Kent, after unto Wal- ter son of John Clerke of Lon- don. wife. colne. - "Certified thus in a pedegree vnder the hands of clarenceulx Cooke and Glon' Somerset made for Will'm Boteler of Kyrtons in Bydenham Co. Bedf. Esquier 1° D'ni 1587.” THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 85 A | St Thomas Anne daugh- T Boteler of ter and heire Kirton Kt. of Francis Farrar of Harwood com. Bedford Esq. Alice the eldest daugh- ter a twynn born wth Tho. Boteler, maried to Edward Osborne of the Inner Temple Esq. Boteler William Boteler of Hellen dau'r of Thomas Kirton in Byden- | George Nodes ham Esq liueing of Shephalbury A° 1634. in com. Hertf. gen. of Lin- colnes Inne 2nd son. Thomas Boteler eldest son and heire apparent liueing Aº 1634 aged about 5 yeres. Captain Oliuer Boteler of Bornend in the p'sh of Wooton com. Bedf. second son. He is in comission of the peace. Helen aged about 3 yeres eld. dau'r. 1. George Boteler eldest son and heire apparent Aº 1634 aged about 13 yeres. Katherin wife to John Kiners ley of Ward- end co. Warw. gen. | 1 Francis Boteler 3rd son. John 4th son. Martha wife Anne. to John Keeling of the Inner Temple Esq™. W. BOTELER. Elizabeth wife to Rich- ard Taylor of Lincolnes Inn Esq'. Anne aged about one yere 2nd dau'r. Judeth dau'r and coheire of Robert Hawes of Bedford Towne Alderman. William vi Boteler. 2. Oliuer. Ursula. A OLIUER BOTELER. Bressey [of Wootton]. ARMS.-Quarterly per fesse indented sable and argent, in the first quarter a martlet of the second, a mullet for difference or. CREST.-Out of a mural crown sable, purfled or, a demi-eagle displayed argent, beaked gold.* Edmund Bressey Cittizen of London younger brother Katherin da. of of ye Bresseys in Cheshire. Anderson. * "L'res Pattentes exemplified from Sr Wm Segar Garter to Edmund Bressy, son and heire of Edmund Bressy of Netledon, com. Bucks, Esq', dated 11th of King James." 86 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Edmund Bressey of Wootton in Constance da. of Thomas Shepard of com. Bedf. gen. Molden in com. Bedford. Thomas Bressey 2d sonn of Lon- don. John Bressey 3d sonn. Robert Bressey 4th sonn. 1. Constance. 3. Elizabeth. 2. Mary. 4. Martha. Edmund Bressey of Wootton in com. Bedford gen. now liueing 1634 eldest sonn. Elizab. da. of Reynes Lor of Clifton in com. Buck. Esq. Edmund Bressey eldest sonn aged about 8 yeers at ye tyme of this visi- tac'o' 1634. Anne d. of Noah Docket-Sr of Braughton Astley co. Leic. 1 wife s.p. Briers [of Pulloxhill]. . . . Briers of . . . . in com. Ralph Bressey 5th sonn. 1. Lucretia. 2. Hem- philles. Henry John Francis 2d 3d 4th sonn. sonn. sonn. ARMS.-Azure, a chevron fleurie counterfleurie between three mullets pierced argent. CREST.-A demi-leopard rampant-guardant erased azure, gorged with a collar argent, charged with three mullets pierced gules. EDMUND BRESSEY. in com. Lanc.T William Briers of Salford in com. Bedf. Alice d. of . . . . Frere. Williaz William Briers of Pullox--Arrabella d. of Sr John hill p'sh, the house named Crofts of Little Saxham Vpbury in the same, Knight, com. Suff. Kt, sister to the liueing A° 1634. Countesse of Cliueland, 2 wife. WILL'M BRIERS. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 87 ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Sable, a lion rampant or, BROMHALL. II., Azure, a chevron between three hanks of cotton argent, COTTON. CREST.—A demi-lion or, holding between the paws a cross pommée fitchée sable. MOTTO.-CALCAR VIRTUTIS HONOR. John Bromhall of Steuington in Agnes da. of Thom. Aunsell of com. Bedford gent. Barford co. Bedford gent. Bromhall [of Stevington]. 1. Robert Bromhall [Joane] da. of [Robert] of Steuington gent. | Throgmorton [of Elling- ton in com. Hunt.]. liueing A° 1634. [1. Oliver ob. at 18 yeres of age 21 of November 1624.] 3. Oliuer Brom-=[. . . . hall of Girtford widdow [in the p'ish of Sandy in] com. Bedford gent. A° 1634. of.... Tayler.] St John Bromhall eldest sonn and hr aged about 24 yeres Aº 1634. [John Burgoyne ob. s.p.] [John Burgoyne of Sutton in com. Bedfford.] * Robert Bromhall 2 sonn. Ann maryed to Tho- mas Burgoyne [of Sutton]. Katherin ux. Richard Bass [of London an Attorney in the King's Mayhew. London]. Bench]. 2. Lewes Brom-—[Anne hall of London | da. of 2 son 1634. •] [Robert Burgoyne of Sutton and of Wattonhall in com. Hertfford 2nd son.] A [Elizebeth] [Anne.] dau'r mar. to . . . . Boul- ton Clark. Vrsula un- maryed [ux. Edward Charde of ARMS.-Gules, a talbot or, on a chief embattled argent three martlets azure.† [Joane d. of . . . . Bill of Ashwell in com. Hertfford.] [Thomas [Anne d. of John Bowles=[Sr Robert Catlin Knt. Lord Burgoyne of Wallington in com. Cheefe Justice 2nd husband.] of Sutton.] Hertford.] [Elizabeth ux. Robert Tay- lor of Steving- ton in com. Bedfford.] OL. BROMHALL. [Robert Burgoyne 2nd son.] [Elizabeth d. and coheire of Thom. Munden of Wattonhall in com. Hertfford Esqr.] * Harl. MS. 1097 places here another son, "2. John Bromhall.” t "This coate was granted to John Burgoyn of Sutton in com. Bedfford by Sr Christopher Barker Knt. al's Garter principall kinge of Armes, wch John is the first in this descent here sett downe." (Harl. MS. 1097.) 88 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Robert Burgoyne of Wroxall in com. Warwick Esq. Peeter [Martha ux. [Anne Thomas died a Burgoyne Chamberlyn mayd.] 3rd son. of ....] Roger Burgoyne of Wroxall ye eldest sonne. [Susan ux. Robert George of John Burgoyne Bannton in com. Gloster Esq.] 2nd son. goyne of Sutton in John Bur-Jane d. and com. Bed- fford Esqr liueing ð 1634. A | [Judeth d. of Sr Thom. Wroth of Enffeld in com. Middlesex Knt.] Mary d. of Thom. Wendy of Has- lingffeld in com. Cambridge. heire of Will'm Kempe of Spayns Hall in Finching- field com. Essex Esq. 1. Roger Burgoyne eld. son and heire aged about 18 yeres 1634. [Thomas, went with the lord Delaware into Virginia and there dyed, 4th son.] [Mary ux. . . of London.] [Nathaniel 2nd son ob. s.p.] [Elizabeth ux. Richard Ruthall of Wolverton in com. Hertford Esq.] Elizabeth ux. Edmund Temple of Temple Hall in com. Lester. [Barbara d. of Thom. Kunings of Axe in com. Suff.] Judeth ux. Onslow Winch of Everton in com. Bedford [sonn of the Judge] now high shreife of Bed- fordsh. 1634. Jane ux. Simon Mayne of Denton in com. Buck- ingham Esq. [Robert, dyed with his brother in Virginia.] • Judeth [ux. William Ashworth (?Askwith) of in the County of Yorke Esq, who was married on shrove-tuesday 1640, her father then shreife of the County of Bedd. and her brother Roger then Sn' of the same shire for the then p'liament he being under Elizabeth. 23 yeares of age]. Mary ux. Robert Lloyd [of Atherbery in com. Oxon]. Robert Burgoyne [3rd son]. [....d. of Yorke of in com. Oxon.] Robert [Roger Burgoyne Burgoyne.] 3rd son. Mary [ux. Edward John Burgoyne Cater of Kempston 2nd son. in com. Bedfford]. ROB'T PHILLIPS, servant to Mr Jo. BURGOYNE. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 89 Button [of Ampthill and Wootton]. ARMS.-Ermine, a fesse gules. CREST.—On a wreath argent and gules a wyvern sable. James Button* Controller of ye King's howshold.= T Margaret m. to (Thos.) Huet of Ampthill. William Button of Ampthill..... d. to.... Frogmorton of Wescot in com. Buck. wali Joane m. to (Edm.) Wm Button of Margaret d. of John Rouse Conquest of Hough- Ampthill. of Rouseleach in com. Worc. ton Conquest. 1. Dorathey. 3. Anne. 2. Elizabeth. 4. Jane. Elizabeth m. to Wm Snagg of Leach- worth in com. Hartf. Esq. Richard Button s. and h. ob. s.p. Rich. Button of Wootton in com. Bedf. gent. liue- ing Aº 1634. Button Wingate. ton of James But-Ann d. of Rich- ard Fisher of Bedlowe in com. Bedf. Edm. Wingate of Ampthill in com. Bedf. gent. Ampthill s. and h. Richard Cater of Kerby. A Edmund. Elizabeth d. and coh. of Gabriell Fowler of Tilsworth in com. Bedf. Esq. | 2. William. 4. Humfrey. 3. Edmund. 3. Edmund. 5. George. 6. John. Roger. Anne m. to Edmund Conquest s. and h. of George Conquest of Houghton Parke Esq. Elizabeth d. and heire, widow of William Troche of London gent. Anne. James. Cater [of Kempston]. ARMS.-Sable, a chevron ermine between three salmon hauriant argent.† John Cater of Kerby in co. Leic. t'pe E. 4 and H. 7.T Elizabeth. EDM. WINGATE. John Cater of London vintner A° 1538, fyned for not being shreife of London.T B *"This James Button, Controwler of ye King's houshold, lyeth Buryed in ye Church of St Martin's in yº feilds iuxta London." † "The auntient Armes of the Auncestor of Cornelius Cater of London gent., son of John Cater of the same place, according to a declaration testified vnder the hand and seale of Claren- ceulx Cooke dated the xvjth yeere of the raigne of Queene Eliz. 1584.” N 90 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. William Cater of Kerby eld. s. A | Richard Cater of Kirby com. Leic. in the forrest of Leicester. William Cater of Kempston in com. Bedf. Aº 1634. Mary d. of Wm Dent of IIaloughton co. Leic. Henry Cater 3 son was of Desford com. Leic. Frances d. and in fine coh. of Richard Baynes of Shrewsbury Marchant of the staple. Thomas Cater eld. s. and h. 2. George. 2. George. 3. Edward. Suzan. B3 | Cornclius Cater of London vintner 1584. THO. PALMER, for my master WILL'I CATER. THOMAS CATER. Cornelius Cater of London A° 1634. Carter [of Kempston]. ARMS.-Azure, a talbot passant between three round buckles or. CREST.-Out of a mural crown or and azure a demi-talbot proper.† William Cranfeild senior A° 13 H. 8, al's Will'm Glouer of Katherin his wife Barford, made his will A° 27 H. 8. Aº 27 Hen. 8. Paradice wife Winifrid wife to Edward of .... Hart Will'ns of ye of Packington towne of in com. Bedford 1 da. Warrick 2 da. ford 3 da. I Mary wife to Nicholls of Bed- Will'm Carter of Kimpson--Elizabeth sister and sole heire in com. Bedford. of W Cranfcild of Barford in com. Bedford Aº 13 Eliz. Thomas Carter of Jane 3d da. of John Kimpson in com. | Bellay Dr of ye Ciuill Bedford liucing law and Chancellor 1634. of the Dioces of Lin- coln. Millicent 4th da. William Cranfeild son of William died wthout yssuc. Will'm Carter of Wirr Kimpson in com. 0 Bedford gent. A Thomas 27 Eliz. Rnac recogn. Anscell of B | A *For continuation of pedigree cf. Le Neve's Knights,' p. 116. + † "Testified p' Sr Ric. St Geo. Clarenceux." Cf. Visitation of London, 1633-4,' vol. i., p. 142, cd. Harl. Soc. Mary da. of 2. Anscell Carter Jane da. of John of London Aº | Myles of Graucley 1634. com. Hertford. Barford Esqr. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 91 1. Elizabeth. 2. Jane. 3. Suzan. A | А Willm Will'm Carter of Barford eldest sonn. Thomas Carter aged 1 yere et amplius at ye tyme of this visitacon 1634. Anne da. and coheire of Tho. Emmery of Alridgesey al's Earlsey in com. Bedf. Robert Cheney of Bramble-hanger in co. Bedford Esqr. Thomas Cheney. of Sundon in of Sr com. Bedford Esq. Liueing A° 1634. Thomas 2 sonn apprentice in London. Anne. Cheney [of Sundon]. ARMS.-[Chequée or and azure, a fesse gules fretty ermine.] • Sr Thomas Cheney of Margaret dau'r of Oliuer Sundon in co. Bed-| (third) Lord St John ford Knight. of Bletso. Thomas Merry Kt Clarke of the Greene- cloth. Thomas Cheney of Bramble-hanger Esq. Frances daughter of . . . . Brocas of Swakeley. B| 1. George. 2. John. 3. Anscell. 4. William. dau'r 2. William. Dorothey. eldest son. Mary sister of Thomas Docwra of Putridge. William Carter borne since the taking this s'vey. THO. CARTER. Jane. 2. John Cheney of Anne Luton in co. Bed- | Coultman. ford gent. 2 son. ITT 1. Thomas. Frances. 2. Robert. Anne. 3. George. Elizabeth. Katherin. JOHN CHEYNE. 92 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Chernocke* [of Hulcote]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, on a bend sable three cross-crosslets of the field, CHERNOCKE; 2 and 3, Argent, a cross engrailed gules, CREST.-A lapwing proper. Richard Chernock of Holcot in com. Bedford Esq". John Chernock of Holcot-Elizabeth daughter of Sr Esq. Liueing Aº 1634. John Arundell of Llanheron in com. Cornwall Kt. Sr Robert Chernock of Holcot Knight onely son and heire apparent Aº 1634. Mary daughter of Robert Puttenham of Sherbill in com. Southampton. Sr (? S") John Cher- nock eldest son (and heir) apparent aged about 15 yeres 1634. | Agnes dau'r of Oliuer Lord St John of Blet- nesho, sister to the now Earle of Bolling- brooke. Florence wife to Thomas Emery of Arlesey com. Bedford. William Child descended of the family surnamed Child of Worcestershire at Northwick. Mary first wife to Mr Barnby of Barnby co. Yorke after to Pratt of Weldon com. Northampton. TT Francis Robert Beauchamp 1. Elizabeth. 3. Katherine. 2nd son. 3rd son. 4th son. 2. Anne. John 5th son. A Martha first mar. to Henry Croft of Cloughton co. Lanc. after to Wm Skipwith. Child [of Poddington). ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Gules, a chevron engrailed ermine belween three eagles close argent, a crescent for difference, CHILD; 2 and 3, Sable, on a chevron between three bezants or as many fleurs-de-lys of the field, PAYNE.† CREST.-An eagle wings expanded argent, enveloped round the neck with a snake proper. ROBERT CHERNOCK. Payne. William Payne of Bedley in com. Worcester. B *For detailed account of this family cf. Burke's 'Extinct and Dormant Baronets,' p. 108, ed. 1844. † "An escocheon deliuered vnto him by Mr Vincent according to this trick." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 93 William Child of Wrington. Richard Child of Wrington Katherine dau'r of . . . . in com. Somerset. Wroynon co. Somerset. Margaret one of the sisters and heires of Will'm Payne. Richard Child of Poddington in com. Bedford gent., cosen and next heire of Henry Yeluerton Esqr deceased, son and heire of Margaret Child widdow; he liueth 1634. A William Payne eld. son s.p. George Orlibeare Richard John 3rd son. Margaret eldest son. 2nd son. Bury gent. eldest sonne and heire A° 1634. Margaret daughter and sole heire apparent of Richard Child aforesaid maried to George Orlibeare al's Orlingbury now of Puddington. T Elizabeth dau'r and coheir of John Barnes of Pudding- ton in co. Bedf. gent. Mary. Bartholomew Chisshul Alice daughter of Paule of Newton-Bury co. Luke of Hardwicke in Bedford 2nd son. com. Huntingdon Esq". B | Daniell Payne of Anne Poddington com. Bedford. Francis Payne second son died in the lifetime of William Payne his brother. ㅜ ​Chishull [of Newtonbury]. ARMS.-Argent, three bars nebulée azure, on a bend sable as many escallops or, a crescent for difference. CREST.-Three chisels or, one in pale and two per saltire. Christopher Chisshull of Morehall in Barfeild in co. Essex Esq. Jane. 1 1 1 Anne Maude Elizabeth eld. da. 2nd da. 3rd da. 4th da. RICHARD CHILDE. John Chisshull Suzan dau'r of 2. Bartholomew. Sarah of Newton- Francis Combes of Hempsted com. Hertford. 3. Paule. 4. Lawrence. 5. Christopher. Sibell da. and heire wife to Sr Xpofer Yeluerton Knight. T Henry Yeluerton died in his infancy. Barbara. 1 William Chisshull of Morehall, who sold the same, whose pos- terity remaineth in Ireland. t wife to John Mariet. Cony. Elizabeth Anne. wife to Henry JOHN CHISHULL. 94 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Mathew Clauer eldest son. t 1. Marmaduke Clauer of Newe Inne nigh London. Claver [of Bedford]. Marmaduke Claver of Foscot in co. Bucks.T 2. Clement. 1. John Clauer eldest son aged about 8 yeres 1634. Paul Cobbe of Sharnebroke eld. s. and h. Thos. Cobbe of Sharne- broke eld. s. liueing Ao 1634. Thomas Cobbe 2 sonne of Thos. Cobbe of Sharnebroke. A Arthur Clauer of Ouing Elizabeth da. of Will'm co. Bucks gen. liueing | Smyth Doctor of the A 1634. ciuile Lawe. 2. John Clauer of the Towne of Bedford gen. Register for the County of Bedf. in the Diocese of Lincolne liuing Aº 1634. 2. Marmaduke. Cobbe (of Sharnbrooke). ARMS.-Gules, a chevron wavy between three fishes argent, on a chief of the second three shovellers sable, beaked or. CREST.—A shoveller argent, head sable, beaked and membered or.* Thomas Cobbe of Sharnbrooke Margaret d. of Oliver St John A 1566. of Sharnbrook. 3. Henry. Catherin d. of John Duncomb of Brickhill co. Buck. gent. Anne dau'r of Robert Greene of Wauendon co. Bucks. | | JOHN CLAUER. Cecily d. of Paul Luke [2. John Cobb.] [Anne.] of Cople in com. Bedd. Esq. [Elizabeth.] Dorothy d. of William Lucy. [Jo.] Mulsho 2 son. of Thingdon in com. Northt. John Cobbe of Sharnbrook 2 s. Towne clarke of the Towne of Bedford Aº 1634. 4. Thomas. Elizabeth. broke eld. s. 1. John Cobbe[Eliz. d. of of Sharne- B Eliz. d. of .... Yonge. Chas. Orlebar of Podding- ton.] www I OD * "Wm Hervy al's Clarenceux King of Armes Aº 1566 to Tho. Cobb of Sharnbrooke, co. Bedford." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 95 A | [William.] Wi [Edward.] Anne. Sibell wife to John Whitaker of the Towne of Bedford gent. [George.] [Thomas.*] [Paul.] 2. Paul Cobbe.[Mary d. of . . . . Gardiner.] Margaret youngest d. wife to John Fitzgeoffrey of Wyming- ton. John Cokayn of Cokayn Hatley eldest son. + (See next Pedigree.) Anne. [Samuel.] Oliuer. Oliuer Cobbe of Mary d. of John Bedford Commis-Smith Batchelor sary and official of Lawe and for the Counties Commissary and of Beds and Bucks official of p'te of in the diocese of the Diocese of Linc. 1634. Lincoln. [John.] [Paul.] [George.] [Oliver.] Chad Cokayn of Cokayn Hatley in com. Bedford Esq¹. Cicely. Cokayne [of Cokayne-Hatley]. B Nicholas Cokayn of Cokayn Hat- ley second son. A ARMS.—Argent, three cocks gules, combs and spurs sable, a crescent on a crescent for difference. CREST.-A cock's head erased gules, charged with a crescent on a crescent. Elizabeth dau'r of Nicholas Luke one of the Barons of the Excheq'. Jane dau'r of . . Denys de .... co. Gloucester. JOHN COBBЕ. OL. COBB. C D Agnes wife to Wm Bletsoe of Wimyngton in com. Bedf. George Cokayne of Cotten end in the p'sh of Cardington third son. + * Harl. MS. 4600 calls Thomas "son and heire," and gives other issue, viz., John, Paul, Dorothy, Ann, Rebecca, and Mary. 96 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Charles Cokayne of London gold- smith. Al Elizabeth wife to George King of Bugden in co. Huntingdon. Oliuer Cokayne Dorothey. Nicholas Cokayne of eldest son. St John Cokayn eldest son and heire apparent Aº 1634 aged about 7 ycres. Margaret dau'r of . . . Hare sister of S Rafe Hare Knight 2nd wife. John Cokayne eldest son and heire ap- parent mar. Suzan da. of. Feld of Hertford that died without yssue. Souldrop in co. Bedford Esq of the Bath to Sr Powlet St John 2nd son. Nicholas 2nd son. Cokayne. John Cokayn of Cokayne Hatley Esq. eldest son and heire of Chad Cokayne of Cokayn Hatley co. Bedford by Eliz. Luke his wife. John Cokayne Thomas Cokaine of Steward to the Shingey co. Camb. Earle of Boll- 3rd son. ingbrooke 2nd son. t Margaret wife to John Haynes of Hunspill co. Somerset. Oliner Sibell. Katherin. Elizabeth. Jane. 3rd son. Arabella. Lawrence Cokayne 4th son. Elizabeth wife to Alexander Napperyonger son of Sr Robert Napier Baronet. Katherine da. of John Duncombe of Great Brickhill com. Bucks Esq. NICHOLAS COKAYN. 0 Elizabeth daughter of . . . . Stacy. Nicholas 5th son. Lewis Cokayn of Cokayn-Ursula dau'r of Sr Ri. Pell of Hatley Esq' son and heire Dimbleby | com. Lincolne of John. Knight, the relict of Mr Ellis of Chesterton co. Camb. Elizabeth sister of Lewis Cokaine mar- ried to St Patrick Hume Knight s.p. Mary wife to George Andrews of Tingrese (read Tingrith) Richard Cokayn Dorothey. son and heir ap- parent now liue- ing Aº 1634 aged about 18 yeares. yeoman. Thomas Cokayn. OLIUER COKAYN kinsman to the foresaid LEWIS. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 97 Conquest [of Houghton Conquest). ARMS.-Quarterly argent and sable, a label of three points gules. CREST.-A bay-tree (alibi a holly-tree) vert, fructed gules. Edm. Conquest of Houghton Joane d. of Wm Button of Ampthill Conquest in com. Bedf. Esq. | in com. Bedf. Esq. Edm. Conquest of Houghton Conquest eld. s. ob. s.p. Elizth wife to John Neale of Wollaston co. Northt. Judeth wife to Frances Theo- bald of .... Sr Edm. Conquest of Houghton Con- quest Kt. ob. May 1634. | Richard Conquest of Houghton Con- quest Esq. liue- ing Aº 1634. Sr Richard Conquest of Houghton Conquest Kt. brother and heire male of Edmond. 3. Lewes Conquest m. Mary d. of John Leigh of Caldwell co. Bedf. Elizth d. of Myles Sandys of Eaton Bray in com. Bedf. Esq. 4. John. Hester Conquest wife to Rob't Taylor of 5. Charles. Stevington in com. Bedf. Elizth d. of Richard Thimelby of Irn- ham in com. Lin- coln Esq. one of the ladies of the Priuie Chamber to the Queene. | | Anne wife to Francis Clarke of Houghton Conquest Kt. Jane wife to James Beuer- ley of Clophill in com. Bedf. Esq. Myles Conquest 2 son. Dorothey first m. to Ellis Walcot 2 to Francis Edes of (Sewell). 2. Sr Richard Conquest of Houghton Conquest Kt. John Thimelby Conquest Richard. Elizabeth. s. and heire aged about 7 years Aº 1634. Mary wife to Henry Sandys of Eaton. Elizabeth wife to John Gascoigne of Oldhurst in com. Hunt. Esq. Dorothy d. of Robert | Hewet of Ampthill in com. Bedf. Esq. Emma. Frances wife to John Feild of Jane Conquest by 1st wife. Sarah d. and coh. of Edw. Snow of Chicksands in com. Bedf. 11 Jane s.p. Dorothy. Bridgit. William Conquest m. for his 1 wife.... d. of Mr Nutting of Child's Hill co. Midd. his 2 wife was Dorothy d. of . . . . Miller sister of Sr John Miller of Islington com. Midd. Kt. William Conquest by 1st wife. RICH. CONQUEST. O 98 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Crawley [of Luton]. * ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Or, on a fesse gules between three storks proper as many cross-crosslets of the field, CRAWLEY 2 and 3, Argent, on a chevron between three cinqfoils gules as many bezants, EDGERLEY. CREST.-A crane proper, holding in the dexter talon a cross-crosslet or.† Edgerley. Katherine da. to Thomas Robert Edgerley of Milton Belson of Rowant in com. in com. Oxford. Oxon gent. 1 wife. John Crawley of Luton- in com. Bedford. Thomas Crawley of Luton sonn and heir. Mary wife to Wm Lambert of Buck. and after to Sr Edward Richardson. | | Dorothey. Elizabeth. Dorothey da. and coheire of John Edgerley of Milton in com. Oxon. Sr Francis Crawley of Luton Kt one of the Justices of ye Comon Pleas 1634. John Edgerley of Milton- in com. Oxon. Stephen Daniell of Newbury in Flitton in com. Bedf. A Florence wife to Wm Smyth Doctor of ye Ciuill Law. Elizabeth da. of Sr John Rotheram of Luton Kt. Daniell [of Flitton]. Anne da. of Wm Seycoll of Stanton Harcourt 2d wife. Thomas Crawley 2d sonn. Ann. Francis Thomas Robertt John Crawley Esq. sonn Mary da. and heir of 2 sonn. 3 sonn. and heir liueing Will'm Lambert A 1634. of Buck. 4 sonn. FFR. CRAWLEY. = Robert. Frances wife to John Grover of Leicestersh. Dorothey wife to William Warren of Buck. and after to Mathew Browne. Elizabeth dau'r of Robert. Huet of Ampthill. * "A vellom scochion in mettal thus subscribed: These Armes and Creast belong to the Auntiant name and ffamily of Crawley of Bedffordshire from whom Thomas Crawley of Luton in the scyd Countye is descended. Exempliffied and Conffirmed by me Wm Segar Garter principall King of Armes.” t "Or a fleur-de-lys or-the creast thus sett out by Sr Henry St George." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 99 1. Richard 2. George 2. George 3. Stephen Daniel. Daniel. Daniel of t Welling- borow co. North- ampton. 1. Dorothey. A | Thomas Daniel of Newbury Aº 1634 mar. for his first wife Dorothey Duncomb, he is receauer generall to his Matis for ye Countys of Bedford and Bucks. 1. Mary. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Ann. 2. Elizabeth. T Edmond Day of . . George Daye Nathaniell Daye of Thurly 2nd son. in com. Bedf. gen. nowe liueing 1634. Anne dau'r of Edward Roberts John Daye eldest sonne aged 22 years at ye tyme of this visitation. of Willesden co. Midd. Esq'. William Daye of Darbyshire gent.T T Suzan. Daye [of Thurleigh]. ARMS.-Gules, flanched ermine, on a chief azure three suns in splendour or. CREST.-A greyhound's head erased argent, collared and chained gules.* Edward Daniell of London 1633. Edmond Daye of ye Citye-Elizabeth da. of Nicholas Franklin of London gent. of Thurley in com. Bedford gent. William Daniell of London 1633. Mary. THO. DANIELL. Thomas Daye 2nd sonn. Nathaniell Daye 3rd sonn. Richard Daye 4th sonn. Mary da. of Thomas Anglesey of Marston in com. Bedford. William Day 3rd son. Edmond 5th sonn. Stephen 6th sonn. NATHANIELL Day. * "A graunt of Creast by Sr Will'm Dethick Garter principal King of Armes vnto Edmond Day of London sonn of Edmond sonn of Will'm Day of Darbyshire dated the 20th day of March Aº 1582," Dor M 100 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Dudley [of Harrold]. ARMS.-Quarterly—1 and 4, Azure, a chevron or between three lions' heads erased argent, DUDLEY; 2 and 3, Azure, a cross paltée or between four cingfoils argent, HUTOST. In the fesse point a crescent for difference. CREST.-On a ducal coronet or a woman's head with a helmet thereon, hair dis- hevelled, throat-latch loose proper. Will'm Dudley [Elizebeth] d. of [Augustin] Porter of Clopton Esq. [of Belton in com. Lincon]. Thomas Dudley of Clopton-Mary d. of Mr [Richard] Watson [of Liddington in in com. Northampton Esq. com. Rutland] aunt to Sr Edward Watson of Rock- ingham Castle Kt. Edward Dudley of Clopton-Margery d. of Kenelm Digby of Esq. eld. son. Stoke Dry in com. Rutland. [Mountague Dudley 15 ycare old 1618.] Edward Dudley of Clopton [1618] 2. Thomas Dudley of Esq. cld. son. Harwold in com. Bedfford [1618] gen. До 1634. t 1. Edward Dud--Elizabeth d. of 2. Thomas ley cld. son and heire A° 1634 aged about 24 yeres. Geo. Edwards of Emmerton in com.Bucks. Thomas Dudley eldest son. Dudley 2 son. Will'm Duncombe of Aston Ivinghoe in com. Bucks Esq. A Margarett d. of Robert Wood of Lamley in com. Nottingham [sister of Elizebeth]. [Allice.] Lettice wife. to Thomas Temple of Staughton in com. Hunts. Elizabeth. S THO. DUDLEY. Duncombe [of Battlesden]. ARMS.-Per chevron engrailed gules and argent, three talbots' heads erased counter- changed. CREST.-Out of a ducal coronet or a horse's hind-leg couped at the thigh sable, shoe argent. (Mary da. and col. of Richard Reynes.) 1 wife. (Alice da. of William Willon of Woodslock co. Oxon.) 2 wife. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 101 William Duncombe eldest sonn. (Sr) Saunders Duncombe (2nd son of London Kt.). William. Sr Edward Duncombe Kt. eldest sonn liuing 1634. Peeter eld. John. John. sonn obijt infans. Ann eld. Dorothey daugh. 2nd da. A | Ellen da. of Will'm Saunders of Pottesgraue in com. Bedford Esq. sister and hr of Thomas only sonn of William Saunders his father. Richard Edwards of Henlow 2 sonn. William Duncombe 2nd-Elizb. da. of St Thomas. sonne of Sr Edward and John Poynes of heir apparent now liv- Ockington in ing 1634. com. Essex Kt. Edward. A George Edwards of Henlow. in com. Bedford eldest sonn. John Edwards of Henlow in com. Bedford temp. H. 8. т Elizabeth da. of Peter Eliza- Osborne Esq. one of beth. the Treasurers Remem- brancer of the Excheq Edward eldest sonn about the age of John 2nd Henry 3rd 15 yeeres 1634. sonn. sonn. Edwards* [of Henlow]. ARMS.-Per bend sinister sable and ermine, a lion rampant or. CREST.-A helmet proper, garnished or, thereon on a wreath a plume of feathers argent.t THOMAS ELTHAM for my master Sr EDW. DUNCOMBE by his direction. da. of.... Tooke of . . . . in com. Barksh. Elizabeth da. of Michaell Vnderwood of Henlow in com. Bedford. Seven daugh- ters. Henry Edwards 2 sonn ob. s.p. Thomas 3 sonn Sericant-at-Arms to H. 8 ob. s.p. George Edwards of Henlow eldest sonn. Michael Edwards of Henlow eldest sonn and hr now liueing A° 1634 as yet without yssue. *Cf. Nichols' Collectanea,' vol. vi., p. 290. + "This Coatc and Creast is testified under y° hand of Sr Richard St George Clarenceux unto Rich. Edwards of Henlow in com. Bedford Aº 1632.” 102 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Elizabeth mar. to Christopher Halle- leigh of Hackney in co. Midlesex gen. A | sonn and hr. Richard Katherine Edwards da. of Sr eldest Henry Whitehead Ann mar. to 2. George. Richard Edwards Joh. Halle- eldest son and hr. leigh. | 1. Elizabeth. of Normans Court in com. Thomas Edwards eldest Southampt. sonn and hr. Constance d. of George Smyth of Marum in com. Salop gent. A 2. Mary. Thomas Edwards 2 sonn mar. Anne one of ye das of Thomas Hewson. Richard eldest son and hr aged about 5 yeers A° 1634. Edward Eedes died Alis da. of.... at South'ton eldest James of the Isle | of Wight. sonne. Richard Edwards char 6. Francis vnmaried. Dorothey da. of Rob. Dorington of Stow in com. Huntington gen. 3. Elianor. 11 3. John. 4. Jasper. 1. Elizabeth mar. to Rob. Page of Henning- 5. Laurence. ford in co. 2 sonn Register d. of of the Chancery Thomas liueing Aº 1634. Manfeild of Edes. Henry 2 sonn. Huntington Barrester. Elianor Gedes [of Sewell]. ARMS.-Azure, a chevron engrailed between three lions' faces argent. Spaldwik in com. Hunts. Capten Tho. Eades slaine at Portingall s.p. 2. Mary mar. to Rob. Deuenish of London. 3. Elianor. George 3 sonn. RICHARD EDWARDS. Doctor Richard Ecdes Deane of Worcester 2 sonne. * : * There is a monument to RICHARD EEDES, Dean of Worcester, ob. 1604, in Worcester Cathedral with these Arms: Az., a chev. eng. between three leopards' faces ar. Crest A lion's foot ar. out of a laurel vert. (Burke's 'Armory.') THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 103 А Al Francis Eedes of Reding in com. Berks and of Sewell com. Bedford Aº 1634 mar. Joane his first wife dau'r of Richard Llewelin of Barton co. Heref. gent. one of the heires of the Lady Hawkins. T Margaret 1 wife to Richard Stafford of Thornbury co. Gloc Esq, secondly she married to Willm Wroth of Heauenend co. Hertford. Dorothey dau'r of Sr Richard Conquest of Houghton-Conquest Knight. Everard [of Beeston in Biggleswade]. ARMS.-Gules, on a fesse between three estoiles argent as many torteaux. Thomas Everard of Becklesworth [Grace da. of . . . . Gray in com. Bedf. of Becklesworth.] Richard Eedes onely son and heire apparent A° 1634. RICHARD EEDES. Thomas Everard of Elizabeth da. of Beeston 1634. Adkins. Henry Everard of Beeston in Margarett d. of John Rawlen of Bullenhurst com. Bedford. in com. (Bedf.). Henry Everard Nicholas 2nd sonn. John Everard Jane da. [Henry Everard eldest sonn. + 3d sonn of of Mr 4th son.] Beeston. Dolman. Amy wife to (Robert) Yeomans after to Tho. Faldo of Bedford. John Everard onely son aged about 14 yeres 1634. THOMAS EVERARD. 104 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Ewer [of Luton]. ARMS.-Or, a tiger statant sable, on a chief gules three crosses pattée argent, EWER: impaling, Sable, three covered cups argent, SYMONDS. CREST.-A pheon or, headed argent, mounted on a broken dart gules, environed with a snake proper: MOTTO.-HONOS ARTES. Thomas Ewer of Lees Langley in com. Hertf.T John Ewer of Watford in com. Hertf. Rafe Ewer of Watford in com. Hertf.— John Ewer of Pinner in com. Midd. eld. son. Maude d. of . . . . Symonds of Mimes in com. Hertf. Edward Ewer of Luton in com. Mary d. of Thomas Atwood Bedf. gen. liueing 1634. of Luton in com. Bedf. Agnes Ewer. Thomas Atwood Ewer aged 20 yeers or thereabouts at ye tyme of this visitacon s. and heire. Faldo+ [of Goldington]. Richard Faldo of Malden eldest son. 小 ​ARMS.-Gules, three stags' heads cabossed or, attired argent, a fleur-de-lys of the second for difference. William Faldo of Malden and of Faldo Aº 6 E. 6. Margaret da. of . . . Pichard of Okeley. William Faldo of Gold-Anne da. of ington com. Bedford William second sonn. Norman. ED. EWER. A Thomas Faldo of Okeley. + (See next Ped.) * "The Cote and Crest of Ewer together wth this impalement are exemplified by two pattents dated A° 1572 and in yº 14th yeare of Elizabeth from Robert Cooke Claren. King of Armes to John Ewer of Pinner, gent., s. and h. of Raphe Ewer of Watford, s. and h. of John Ewer of Watford, com. Hertf., s. and h. of Tho. Ewer of Leet Langley in the county aforesaid gent." † See Additional Pedigrees, post. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 105 John Faldo of Gold- ington co. Bedford eld- est son. 구 ​A da. and heire in fine. Christian da. of Matthew Lawe Matthew Lawe of Brixstock co. North'ton 1 wife. William Faldo eldest son. Thomas Faldo eldest son died Richard Faldo second son A° 1634. in the lifetime of his father, mar. Amyd. of (John) Everard of Beeston relict of Robert Yomans. T Cresset a dau'r. A William Faldo of Bedford Towne A° 1634 alderman. Richard Faldo of Okeley eldest son. t 4. Robert. 5. Matthew. Mary. Christian. Mary. Joane d. of 2. John Faldo. Jane. Henry Angell of Bedford. 3. William. Thomas Faldo of Okeley co. Margaret d. of Bedf. 3 son of William. [Will'm*] Barber. Faldo [of Oakley]. ARMS.-Same as Faldo of Goldington, a mullet for difference. William Faldo of Malden Margaret d. of . . . . Pichard and of Faldo Aº 6 E. 6. of Okeley. Elizabeth da. of John Browne of Kempston co. Bedf. 2 wife. Robert Faldo of Okeley eldest son, heire masle to his unckle Richard after the death of Richard son of the saied Richard, he liueth Aº 1634. Elizabeth. Rafe Faldo eldest son and heire Suzan. aged about 6 yeres 1634. * "Robert "-Harl, MS, 4600. WILL'M FFALDO. [Mary ux. of London.] 2. John Faldo of Okeley Jane da. of . . . second son. Walsingham. Frances da. of . . . Booth of Lincoln- shire. Elizabeth. Morgan RO. FFALDO. Р 106 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Fishe* [of Biggleswade]. ARMS.-Azure, a fesse argent, over all on a bend gules five mullets or. [CREST.-A lion rampant argent, holding in the dexter paw a mullet sable.] John Fishe of Ayot Montfitchet. Will'm Fishe of Ayott Mount Fitchett in com. Hertfford. Thomas Fishe of Ayott Mount Fitchett. George Fishe of Southill eldest son. Sr John Fishe of Southill in com. Bedfford Knt. and Baronett in Ireland. [Elizebeth] d. of William [George].... Perient. Hyde of Throcking in com. Hert- fford. St George Perient Kt. will. Will'm Fishe of Stanfford in the Margarett d. of John Barnar- parish of Southill buried at Litle | diston of Norrell in com. Bed- Ayot aforesaide second son. fford. Mary ux. Thomas Ekins of Northal in com. Ilert- fford [after of Biglesworth]. Elizcbeth ux. Sr Richard Sutton Knt. Auditor of the prest. Barnardiston 2. Jane. 1 d. and coheire. 3. Elizebeth. 2. John Fishe Rector=[Susan d. of of Littell Hallingbery Price in com. Essex Minis- of Littell ter. Halling- bery.] 1. S Will'm Fishc=Elizebeth d. of Sr Tho- of Biglesworth in mas Barnardiston [of com. Bedfford Keton in com. Suffolk] Kut. Knt. 4. Margerett. 5. Mercy. 6. Martha. 8. Anne. 7. Edith. 3. Humffrey Fishc-Margerett d. of James of Norrel in com. Bedford Esqr Justice of peace A° 1634. Ellen 1 ux. [....Smyth of Ayott Lawrance in com. Hortfford 2] to Francis Barley of Kempton in com. Hertfford [3 to Thomas Hoo of Flam- sted in com. Hertfford]. Dolman of Newenham co. Hertford [widow of . . . . Scroggs of Norrell]. Martha ux. Nicho- las Calton of Cat- worth Parva in com. Huntington. *Sec Additional Pedigrees, post. Anne ux. Doc- ter John Part- ington Parson of Malden in com. Bedfford. A - THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 107 5. Elizebeth 1 ux. Tho. Taylor of Clif- ton in com. Bedfford [2 to Richard Lang- horne of Clifton]. 5. Thomas Fishe of Southill. Humffrey Fishe. 6. Margerett 1 ux. Will'm Finch of Biglesworth in com. Bedford 2 to Robert Raymond of . . . . in com. Essex Minister. Will'm Fishe. Will: 6. Henry Fishe. 1. Richard Fishe. 4. Oliver Fishe of Biglesworth in com. Bed- fford. Mary. [1. Will'm Fisher [2. Thomas of whome there is ob. s.p.] no issue remayn- ing 1639.1 7. Richard Fishe Anne d. of . . . of Bickleswade. Lowrey. 2. William. Will'm Fisher of [Hownslow in com. Middlesex] Carleton in com. Bedford Esq., deputy Auditor for the county of Yorke, descended out of Warwickshire from the Fishers there. [4. Jasper Fisher Docter=[Elizebeth d. of Will'm in Divinity Rector of Sams of Bursted in Wilden in com. Bedfford com. Essex.] 1639.] Mercy d. of Thom. Smyth of Bigles- worth. 3. Humffrey. Fisher [of Wilden]. ARMS.-Per bend or and gules, a griffin segreant counterchanged within a bordure vair argent and azure. CREST.-Amidst bulrushes proper a kingfisher azure, breast gules, in the beak a fish or. MOTTO.-IXOVE. Thomas Fisher of Worcester. Elizebeth d. of . . . Parker. 3. Gideon Fisher of Carlton in com. Bedford Esqre hath yssue son and heire liueing A° 1634. Anne. OLIVER FISHE. Gedcon Fisher eldest 2. Thomas. 3. William. Anne. son and heire apparent now a student in the Vniucrsity of Oxford A° 1634. Allice d. of Anthony Roane of Wellingburgh in com. Northampton gent. Elizebeth [ux. [ux. Thomas White of the Manner of Caldecott in com. Buck.]. | Anne d. of Edmund Dayrell of Lamport in the county of Buckingham Esq'. 1 Elizabeth. Frances. 4. Edmund. Mary. Suzan. Sarah. GEDEON FISHER, 108 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS.-Sable, a bull passant or, a crescent for difference. CREST.-Out of a ducal coronet a demi-bull or. Sir George Fitz- geoffrey eld. son. t Fitzgeoffrey* [of Blackborne Hall]. George Fitzgeoffrey of Blackborne-Jane d. of John Baptist of St Mary Hall com. Bedd. Sauiors in Southwerke co. Surrey. גנן Nicholas Fitzgeoffrey 3d son of Wigstock in Lilford com. Northampton second son of George after the death of Robert his brother. Cicely d. of W Walcot of WalcotJohn Fitzgeoffrey in com. Lincoln Esq. by Ann d. of Wimmyngton of Paule Luke of Hardwick Lodge in com. 2 wife. Bedford Aº 1634. 3. William. Anne. Judeth. 4. Nicholas. Foster [of Cardington]. Margaret d. of Thom. Cobb of Sharnebrooke in com. Bedford gent. by the daughter of Paule Luke of Hardwick. Thomas Fitzgeoffrey John eld. s. and heire aged 2 son. about 19 years. Ursula d. of . . . . Lenton of .... in com. Northampton. JOHN FITZIEOFFERY. Thomas Foster of Wellen in com. Hertford.— Elizabeth. Katherine. Sibell. ARMS.-Sable, on a chevron or between three bugle-horns of the second as many pheons azure.† CREST.-A slag's head couped sable goullée d'or, collared azure. Henry Foster of Cardington in com. Bed. A *Sec Additional Pedigrees, post. † "L'res Pattents exem. by Sr Richard St George Knight Clarenceux King of Armes dated A° 10° Car. Regis 1634 to Will'm Foster of Cardington in com, Bedford." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 109 William Foster eldest son aged about 27 yeares 1634. A | William Foster of Card-Elizabeth daughter of Michael Shawler of Riseley in com. ington in com. Bedford son of Gabriell son of Walter Shawler of Riseley Bedford 1634. and of Jane his wife daughter and sole heire in fine of Simon Sackuille of Riseley. Thomas 2nd son. Rowland Foster 3rd son. Margaret wife to Thomas Francklin of Marston Morton com. Bedf. John Fountaine of Salle Justice of Peace eldest son. Brigges Fountaine of the Inner Temple London a Counsellor of the law. Fountaine [of Kempston]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a fesse gules between three elephants' heads erased sable; 2, Sable, a bend between three lilies argent, stalked and leaved vert; 3, Sable, three fishes naiant in pale or; a martlet or for difference. Arthur Fountaine of Salle in Frances dau'r of Mr Palgraue of Norwood com. Norffolke. Barninghan in co. Norff. Thomas. WILLYAM FFOSTER. Constance da. of....Martin Fountaine of Kempstone Shepherd of Malden | in co. Bedford gent. 4 son relict of Edmund Bresey of Wotton. A° 1634. I Joane wife to Jacob Lawrence of Bedford. Frances Fountaine eldest daughter. Arthur Fountaine third son. John Fountaine of Lincolne's Inne Counsellor of the law. Jane. Sarah the relict of George Blundell eldest son of Sr George and da. of Will'm Mathew. MARTYNE FFOUNTEYN. 1 110 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS.-Argent, on a bend engrailed between two lions' heads erased gules a dolphin naiant between as many martlels or. CREST.-A dolphin's head per fesse or and gules between two branches vert. Elizabeth da. of John Hall of Milham in the Bishopricke of Durihme 1 wife. John Francklin eld. son. William 2nd son. Edmond Francklin of Mavorne Esq liueing Aº 1634 eldest son. George Francklin 2nd son. Englan J Nicholas 3rd son. John 4th son. Francklyn* [of Bolnhurst]. William Gery of Bush-. mead and of Royston and Bockway gent. A John Francklyn of Thurley in com. Bedford. Elizabeth. • Anne wife to Richard Gery of Bishmcad co. Bedford Esqr. Anne his second wife daughter of Edward Copley of Southill com. Bedford. George Francklyn of Maborne al's Mavorne co. Bedford. Gery [of Bushmead in Eaton-Socon]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Gules, two bars argent charged with three mascles of the field, on a canlon or a leopard's face azure,† GERY. II., Per fess nebulée argent and azure, three antelopes' heads counterchanged, altired gules, SNOW.‡ CRESTS. An antelope's head erased quarterly argent and sable, charged with four mascles counterchanged, attired or, GERY. An antelope's head erased per pale nebulée argent and azure, attired or, SNOW. . . d. of Hyde of Throck- ing co. Hert- ford. Elizabeth wife to Thomas Bosse of Birton in Thomas Gery of Royston in the county of Hertford gentleman 1503.- T co. Bucks gent. JOHN NEGUS for EDMOND FFRANKLIN my Mr. [Anne] daughter of Edmond Style of Langley in com. Kent. Margaret wife to Thomas Bacon of Earles Barton co. Northampton gent. Snow. Richard Snow of Chicksands co. Bedford. B Elizabeth a gentlewoman of the Priuie Chamb. to Queene Eliz., da. of . . . Cavendish, aunt to the old Countess of Shrewesbury. *Cf. 'Le Neve's Knights,' p. 300, and Additional Pedigrees, post. t "L'res Pattents exemplified by Thomas Wriothelsey Garter and Tho. Benolt Clarencoux A° 1503." $ "Lettres Pattents exemplified by Thomas Hawlay al's Clarcu' King of Armes to Richard Snow of Chicksand in yº County of Bedford gent. graunted at London y" xyth day of Febru, in yº xxxviijth yeare of King Hen. viijth.' t THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 111 A | William Gery of Bush-Rebecca dau'r of Richard mead in com. Bedford Snow of Chicksands co. Bedford. gent. Richard Gery of Bushmead co.Anne daughter of George Francklin of Maverne in com. Bedford gen. Bedf. Gentleman of the Priuie Chamber to King James and to or dread soueraigne King Charles A° 1634 eldest son. William Gery eldest son and heire apparent liueing A° 1634. Anne da. of Sr William Dyer of Great Stoughton co. Huntingdon Knight. Thomas Goddard of Ogborne St George in com. Wilts. William Goddard of Carlton in com. Bedf. eld. s. Richard Gery now a student in Cambridge 2nd son. A William died in his infancy. B | Daniell Snow eld. son s.p. Joane d. of. . . . Hatley widdow of Mr Vaux bro- ther to the Lord Vaux. George 3rd son. • William Gery of Greye's Inne Esq Councellor of the Law 2nd son. Edward Snow 2nd son. t Oliucr 4th son. Thomas 5th son. Vincent Goddard of Eastwoodhay.... sister of Sr Richard Varney of in co. Southt. gent. as appeareth the county of Warwick as appeareth by a letter of attorney dated A° by a letter vnder the hand of Robert 1566 A° 9° Eliz. and of Ogborne Earle of Leicester dated the 18th com. Wilts eld. s. of May 1568. Goddard [of Carlton]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Gules, a chevron vaire argent and azure between three crescents of the first, GODDARD of Wilts; 2 and 3, Azure, five fusils in fesse gules between three eagles' heads erased or, GODDARD of Hants. CREST.-A stag's head couped at the neck affrontée gules, attired or. Jane d. of John Ernley of Cannings in com. Wilts. RICH. GERY. Dorothy wife to Peter Lily Doctor of Diuinity. | | Anne. Eliza- beth. 2. William Goddard. 3. Anthony. wife to Anthony Hungerford. 112 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Al Vincent Goddard of Carleton cld. s. William Goddard of Carleton co. Bedf. Mary d. of Lewis gent. eld. s. liveing 1634. Richardson of . . . . Vincent Goddard aged about 7 yeres Aº 1634 eld. s. and heire. 1. Robert Gray of Eaton Soken in com. Bedf. eldest sonn. Edith d. of . . . . Pawlet brother to Sr Amyas Pawlet | of Hinton St George com. Somersett K'. Symond Gray 4 sonn now in ye Indies. 1. Katherin eld. da. now mar. to Hen. Gale of Little Stoughton in com. Bedf. Clarke. ARMS.-Argent, a bend vert cotised dancettée gules. CREST.-A demi-woman couped at the waist proper, hair flottant, holding in her hands a wreath vert. Gray [of Pertenhall]. Walter Gray of Pertenhall in . . . . d. of . . . . Denn of . . . . com. Bedford. in com. Bedford. 4. Symond Gray of Pertenhall in com. Bedford 4th sonn. hr liueing A° 1634. Henry. John. Ann 2 da. mar. to Rich. Spicer of Pertenhall in com. Bedford. Walter Gray of Pertenhall in com. Bedford eldest sonn and Judeth d. of Henry St John of Keysoe Berry in com. Bedford. Mary 3 dau'r mar. to John Mariett of Hartwell in co. North'ton. Sybell da. of Thomas Clark of Henlow in com. Bedford. WILLIAM GODDARD. Katherin. Will'm •• 2. John Gray of 3. Will'm Pertenhall Gray of 2 sonn mar. Tilbrooke d. of . . . . Gery in com. of Bushmead in Bedford. com. Bedford ob. s.p. Martha Elizab. 6 da. vnm. 4 da. vnm. Judith 5 da. vnm. Oliuer Gray 2 sonn now in Ireland. Rebecca 7 da. mar. to .... Capon Clark. Francys Gray of Higham Parke in com. North- ampton Clarke of ye Peace 3 son. Walter Gray onely sonn and hr aged 12 yeers Aº 1634. - WALTER GRAY. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 113 Griffin [of Cockayne-Hatley]. ARMS.-Sable, a griffin segreant argent, fore-legged or. Thomas Griffin of Dingley in the county of Northampton Esqr a yonger son. 3. John. 1. Thomas 2. George. 4. Richard Griffin Griffin of of Cockain- Compton Hatley in liueing co. Bedford Aº 1634 second husband. A° 1634. Elizabeth dau'r of . . . . Blande of Northamptonsh'. George Griffin of Compton in com. Warwick Alice daughter of Robert Harold of eldest son of Thomas ð 1634. Cherrel in com. Wilts. | Henry Griffin eldest son and heire apparent 1. Anne. aged about one year Aº 1634. Cokayn. Feild of Hartfordsh™ she had no yssue by the saied John Cokaine. Suzan dau'r=John Cokayn of Cokain- of Thomas Hatley first husband son and heire of Lewes Cokaine Esqr son and heire of John Cokaine of Cokaine-Hatley eldest. son of Chas. Cokain. John Hale of Hexton in com. Hartf. 2 sonn. Hale* [of Clifton]. Richard Hale of Hexton in com. Hartffordshire. RICHARD GRIFFIN. "Nouerint universi p' presentes me Johannem Hale de Aspley Gyse in com. Bedds recepisti et habuisse die confectionis presentium de Mathie Hale de Hexton in com. Hartford fratri meo xxvij li. vj s. viij d. in plenam solutionem pro monibus, &c. Dat' quarto die mensis Aprilis Aº Regni Henrici Octavi dei gracia Angliæ & Franciæ Regis fidei defensoris et d'ni Hiberniæ vicessimo primo." Thomas Hale of Hexton Counseller of law of Gray's Inn eld. sonn. * Cf. 'Le Neve's Knights,' p. 80. 1 2. Ellen. A т Elizabeth d. of. Symons of Harding in com. Hartf. Q 114 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Symon Hale of Clifton in com. Bedfford Judith d. of Beniamin Pigott of Nether gent. eldest sonn 1634. Gravenhurst in com. Bedd. Esq. Bridget. Judith. Mary. Margaret. Thomas Hale eldest sonn aged 12 yeres 1634. Oliuer Hale 2 sonn. William Harding ... dau. of of Aspley. Ateslow. Harding [of Aspley]. Harding of Aspley and of Chalgraue co. Bedf.T Francis Hale Symon Hale 3 sonn. 4 sonn. 1. St John Harding aged about 8 yeres A° 1634. SYMON HALE. Richard Harding of London Alderman. Edmund Harding of Aspley in Elizabeth dau'r of (Raphe) com. Bedford Esqr. Potts (of Chalgrave). John Harding of Aspley Esqr Counsellor Frances da. of Thomas Cheney of of the law. Sundon co. Bedf. Esq". Edmund Harding of Aspley Esq'Anne da. of Sr Will'm Bechar of Renhall liueing Aº 1634. co. Bedf. Knight. 11 2. John. 3. Edward. Mary. Elizabeth. Anne. Frances. EDMUND HARDINGE. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 115 Haselden [of Goldington]. ARMS.-Argent, a cross patonce sable. "Pateat Vniversis p. present' me Thomam de Hasulden att'nasse & loco meo posuiste dilt'm michi in xpo Joh'em rucborough fidelem att'uam meu' ad delib'and' Will'mo de Sneycale de Wakefeld Ric. Oult' de Wakefeld Joh'i Marchaund de Feribrigge capell'o & Joh'i de Ardern de com. Ebore et In cuius rei testimon' p'sent Sigillu' meu' apposui Datu' apud London die Lune p'ya ante festu' nat' S'c'i Joh' Bapt' et regni Regis Edwardi tertii post conquestu' quadragesimo 3 tio."* "Ego Thomas Haselden de Wakefeild dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmaui D'ne Johanne Marchunt de Feriebregge capell'o, Joh'i Mille de Wakefeild capell'o John de Brecherton capell'o Henrico Parbon'e de Stepilmordon capell'o Ric'o Bulter & Rico de Holond Maneriu' de Goldington cu' Redditib' & p'c'is past' & pastur' cu' Ward' Maritag' Releu' Escaet' & cum' omnibus alijs suis p'tin' p'd'c'o Manerijs quoiusmodo Spectantib' Hend' & tenend' p'd'c'm maneriu' cu' Redd' & s'uic' p'c'is past' et past' cu' Ward' et In cuius rei testimoniu' huic P'senti carta Sigillu' meu' apposui Hijs testib' Joh'ne Maleyu' Thomu' Gyldespynde Hamone Flan'ville Gi'b'to Drye Thom' Jurdu' alijs Dat' ap'd Goldington quartodecimo die Mencis Maii A° regnu' Regis Ric'i S'c'di post conquestu' quarto." Hugh Haselden as by his deed of ffeoffment and will made Aº 4 Hen. 8 he was of Goldington. Robert Haselden as appeareth by a Court Rolle Aº 4º E. 6—Alice vnckle and heire to John he was of Goldington. William Haselden as by a Court Rolle was son and heire of Robert as by a Court Rolle 4 E. 6 of Goldington. Robert Haselden of Goldington co. Bedford gent. Aº 1634. Robert Haselden eldest son died in the lifetime of his father. Mary da. of John Wright of Wright's- s.p. bridge, co. Essex. 1. Constance wife to 2. Mary. John Knapp Vicar of Goldington. Mary eldest dau'r of Robert Castell of East Hatley co. Cambridge Esq. Mary daughter of ... Faireclough of Weston com. Hertford gent. 2. Richard 3. John Haselden of London. 4. William. Beniamyn Haselden eldest son and heir apparent Margaret. aº 1634 aged about 6 yeres. Martha 3 da. wife to .... Maw Doctor in Phisick. Alice Haselden 5. Elizabeth. 4 daughter. ROBERT HASElden. *Underneath the copy (or abstract?) of above deed is an ink sketch of a circular scal having a shield charged with a cross patonce, and having the legend "Sigillum hasulden." ..omam de 116 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Hervy [of Thurleigh]. ARMS.—Quarterly of ten-1, Gules, on a bend argent three trefoils slipped vert, HERVY; 2, Sable, a lion rampant argent within a bordure gobony of the second and first, NERNUITE; 3, Argent, on a pale sable a conger's head erect couped or, GASCOIGNE; 4, Gules, three pickaxes argent, PICOT; 5, Azure, two bars or, in chief three plates, WAKE; 6, Quarterly or and gules, a bend gules, BEAUCHAMP; 7, Ermine, a lion rampant sable, VINTER or UNTER; 8, Ermine, a saltire engrailed gules, SCARGILL; 9, As No. 7; 10, As No. 8. Gascoigne. Gerrard Harvey al's Smart-Elizabeth sister of Thirley naturall son of John Lord and heire by adoption of Williams of Sr George Harvey of Thir- Thame. ley Kt. John Harvey Mary d. of St Thirley Esq. | John St John of Bletshoe Knight. Dorothey coheire. 2. Sr Gerrard Haruey knighted at Caddes by the Earle of Essex | d. and being the first that entered that Towne the wch he did with the losse of much bloode at the time of this Visitation his dwell- ing was at Cardington com. Bed- ford A° 1634, second son of John Heruy of Thurley Esq.* 7. Ben- Martha ux. jamyn Arthur Harvey Cornwall ob. s.p. of Mount Neysing in com. Essex. A John Gascoigne of Cardington unckle and heire of George. Sr John Gascoigne of Cardington Knight Recorder of Bedford. • Jane d. of (S" John) St John of Bletsoe Knight. Elizabeth cossen Elizabeth cossen and coheire of William Gas- coigne was mar- ied to Sir George Blundell of Cardington Knight. + 3. JohnĦ. . . . d. 4. Nathaniell Harvey. of.... Harvey ob. s.p. Amyce. George Gascoigne of Cardington eldest son. 1. Anne Heruey 2. Elizabeth wife to Cecil Bussy son and heire of eldest daughter. Andrew Bussey of Cheshunt co. Hertford Esq. 6. Daniell Har- vey ob. s.p. Margaret d. and heire of Rob. Scargill of Thorphall in Yorkshire. William Gas- coigne who died in the voiage wth St Francis Drake to St Domingo of Carthagen s.p. 3. Dorathey. [John Harvey.] [George Harvey.] [Judeth.] * "Sr Gerard Hcruy Kt, sometime seriant Maior of Ostend Vnder the Gouernment of Sr Edw. Naris than to Cades voiage then liuctenant Cornett wth Sr Arthur Sauage into France from thence returned to Ostend and there continued vntill my Lord of Essex went into Ireland where he was maior of the Army imploied in Conogh." 5. Samuel [(Dorothy) Harvey of d. of Shenfield (George) co. Essex. Wingate.] THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 117 1 } | A 1. Oliver Harvey of Thirley Esq™ eldest son and heire. Anne d. of.... Browne of London marchant, widdow of Robert Clarke m'chant. 1. Elizabeth. 3. Anne. 2. Mary. 4. Gertrude. Thomas Hewett of Shenley Berry com. Hertford Esq. John Harvye of Thirley in com. Bedford Esq. liueing Aº 1634. John Heruey eldest son and heire apparent aged about one yeare and a quarter Aº 1634. Will'm Hewett of Milbrooke in com. Bedford Esq. Robert Hewett of Ampthill Esqr liueing A° 1634. John Hewett 2nd son. Jane ux. Joseph Berners of Steple Bumsted in com. Essex a captaine. Hewett [of Ampthill]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Sable, a chevron counter-embattled between three owls argent, HEWETT; 2 and 3, Gules, ten billets or, 4, 3, 2, and 1, a crescent argent for difference, TILTON.* CREST.-On the stump of a tree proper a falcon close or. Charles Hewett 3d son. Robert Hewett of Ampthill in com. Bedford Esq. Margery d. of . . . . Tilston of Cheshire. Elizabeth ux. Mary s.p. Mary wife to Edward Charles de Boteler elder son by Boys of Par- the 2ª wife of Sr Edw. ris French- Boteler of Danbury in Essex Baronet.† Martha. man. Elizabeth d. of Stephen Heruy of London mar- chant. Robert Hewett 4th son. Mary ux. Thom. Fearclough of Weston in com. Hertfford. [Margarett d. of Will'm Button of Ampthill in com. Bedford.] Mary d. of Robert Price of Washingley in com. Huntingdon Esq¹. Thomas Hewett 5th son. JOHN HERVY. Mary d. of St Edward Monyngs of Walder- [William share in com. Kent Knt. [and Baronet- Hewett.] Harl. MS. 4600]. will Will'm Hewett 6th son. ffrancis Hewett eld. son and heire ap- parent aged about 24 Aº 1634. Edward Hewett 7th son. Henry s.p. Edward 9 son. ROBERT HEWETT. "L'res Pattentes exem. by Clar. Cooke dated 1579 (21 Eliz.) to William Huet of Milbrooke, † In another hand. com. Bedford, Esq." John s.p. 11 Edward Hewett 8th son. 118 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Hill [of Silsoe]. ARMS.-Sable, a chevron ermine between three cats argent, a crescent for difference. John Hill of Siuilshoe al's Elizabeth Silsoe in com. Bedford. Reginold Elizabeth Hill of da. of Silso. Betts. 1. Reginold Hill. t Mary wife to Thomas Hill of Silo.* 1. Edward Hill of Silso Aº 1634. 2. Edward Hill of Silson second son. Mary da. of Nicholas Denton of Silso. 2. Thomas Hill-Martha da. of of Silso Aº 1634. | Peter Martin of Amphill. [Joane ux. [2. Mary. Tho. Wright of Chaluer- sterne.] 3. Mary. 4. Joane.] Edward Hill. Hunte [of Chalversterne]. William Hunte of Chalversterne in com. Bedf. s. and h. of Thomas Hunte A° 2° Eliz. whose auncest's vsed the titles of Esquires as appeareth by seuerall Court Rolles remaining at Chaluerston. 2. Henry Hill of Ampthill mar. Joane da. of Jolin Greene of Shidlington. T ARMS.-Argent, on a chevron within a bordure bezantée gules an annulet or. CREST.—On a mound vert an oak-tree proper, frucled or, at the base a talbot couchant argent, collared or. Judeth da. of ... Daniell. Thomas Hill only son 1634. Roger Hunt of Chal--Mary d. of uerston gent. filius et hæres 38 Eliz. Ruac 1596. James Hunt eldest son and heire Tho. Hunt of apparent liucing Aº 1634 aged about 24 yeres. second son. * Sic in original. Wm Goodfellow of Pavenham in com. Bedf. Elizabeth Hill. EDWARD HILL. THO. HILL. Jane d. of John Russell of Lynslade in com. Buck. * Tho. Hunt of Chauls 'ton gent. sonne and heire of Roger Rhose d. of . . . . Hale of liueing Aº 1634. Euerton in com. Iunt. Thomas 2 filius of Kempston Hardwick co. Bedford second son. =[Margaret d. Mary. of....] THOMAS HUNT, Senior. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 119 Hynton [of Eversholt]. ARMS.-Per fesse indented sable and or, five fleurs-de-lis, 3 and 2, counterchanged.* Robert Hynton of Flitton in com. Bedford buried in the same church, branched out of Shropshire. George Hynton of Euersholt. T Thomas Hynton of Euersholt in co. Bedford. Francis daughter of . . . . Decons. George Hynton eldest son and heire apparent Mary. Frances. Dorothey. liueing A° 1634 aged about 11 yeres. GEORGE HYNTON. George Hynton of Euersholt g' maried and is liueing Mary da. of Geo. Foster of A 1634. Fleetwick in com. Bedf. Johnson+ [of Chalgrave and Milton-Bryant]. (Thomas) Johnson of the North. ARMS.-Argent, on a pile azure three leopards' heads erased of the field. CREST.-On a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a leopard's head erased argent, spotted sable.‡ Thomas Johnson of Chalgrave Mary da. of Mr Potts sister of co. Bedford. Nicholas Potts Esq. Nicholas Johnson of Milton Elizabeth da. of Richard Spicer Brian co. Bedford gent. liue- | al's Helder of Tingre co. Bed- ing Aº 1634. ford. Nicholas Johnson aged about 10 yeres 1634. * William 2nd son. Francis 2nd son. William 3rd son. Elizabeth. Mary. NICKOLAS JOHNSON. *"By certificate vnder the hand of Mr Tauerner and Mr Wyngatc, who veiwed the euidences and monuments of this family." † C. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica,' vol. ii., New Series, p. 122. "L'res Pattents exemplified by Sr Richard St George Knight Claren' King of Armes to Nicholas Johnson of Milton-Brian co. Bedford and to Francis Johnson and William Johnson brothers of the saide Nicholas and to their seucrall descendants. Dated the viijth day of May An'o D'ni 1632, 8º Car. Regis." 120 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Jones* [of Litlington]. ARMS.-Azure, a cross between four pheons or, a martlet gules for difference. CREST.—On a chapeau azure, turned up or, an armed arm embowed, tasselled gules, holding in the hand proper a spear-staff of the fourth, armed of the second.† MOTTO.-CALITUS MIHI VIVES. [Henery Jones of Midleton in com. Lanck.] T Sr Roger Jones Knt. Alderman and Shreeve of London. Anne [Jane] d. of Thomas Hackett of London sister to St Cuthbert Hackett Knight sometime maior of London. 1. Thomas Jones=[Sarah d. of Sr [of Lambeth in Thomas Hays Knt. Lord com. Surrey] eldest son and heire. Maior of London.] 4. Roger=[Elizebeth d. of [Robert] John Lacye of Jones [a Melton Mowbrey Captaine] in com. Lester ob. s.p. widdow of Peeter Bostock of London.] 2. Henery=[Jane d. of Jones Henery [liveing in Ire- land]. Peers of Ireland.] 5. Richard Jones of Littlington in com. Bedfford A° 1634. [Thomas Jones Arch- bishop of Dublyn and Chancellor of Ireland.] 3. John Jones. Christian d. of Roger Hackett Doctor in Diuinity elder brother to the said Sr Cuthbert Hacket Knight. [Catherin d. of Samwell Hare of London.] | | | | 6. Hugh Jones. 7. Peter. 8. Robert. Anne Duppa. Margaret Stubbs. Hester Estington. 1. Roger Jones eldest son and 2. Richard. 4. Thomas. Elizabeth. Margaret. heire aged about 15 yeres A° 1634. 3. William. Christian. Anne. RICHARD JONES. * C. 'Visitation of London, 1633-4,' vol. ii., p. 20, cd. IIarl. Soc. "Letters pattents exemplifyed to Thomas Jones of London Esq. eldest sonn of Sr Roger Jones K sometymes shreif and senator of London elder brother to the right reuerend father in god Thomas Jones first lord Bishop of Meath in Ireland then Arch Bishop of Dublyn then also lord Chancellor of Ireland Father to y° right hoble Sr Roger Jones Kt Viscount Rancleigh in y° County of Wicklow and Baron of Nauan in ye County of Eastmeath which Sr Roger Jones was sonn of Henry Jones gent. discended Lincally from a right worshipfull family of the TREOWENS in yo County of Monmouth in Wales. All which was exemplified by Sr Wm Scgar K' Garter vnto y' sayd Thomas Joncs Esq' and his posterity and all y° rest of y° Children of y' sayd Sr Roger Jones for euer. Dated 1628 A° 4 King Charles." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 121 Keynsham [of Tempsford]. ARMS.-Per pale argent and azure, three roses counterchanged. CREST.—A greyhound's head couped or, barry of six argent and vert, goullée d'eau. Richard Keynsham of Brixton in com. Deuon. Thomazen da. John Keyns--Thomazen of John da. of.... Leech of Iscomb Sowtham in 2nd wife. com. Deuon first wife. ham of Brixton in com. Deuon eldest sonne. Richard Keynsham sanz issue. [Elizabeth.] [Joane.] George Keynsha' sonn and heire. Elizabeth dau'r of . . . . Parker of Plumpton com. Deuon. m. to George Keynsham Elizabeth Alice of Temesford in ye | daughter county of Bedford of .. 2nd sonn of Rich- | Alpert. ard sometime high shreife co. Bed- ford. John Keynsha' sanz issue. George Keynsham of Tempesford com. Bedford Esqr A° 1634 sometime high | shreife for the county of Bedford. Stephen Keyns-Anne daughter ham of Temes- ford in com. Bedford. Anne daughter and sole heire apparent aged about 10 yeres. Liuia 1 da. Sarah 3. Constance 6. Thomas Lake eldest sonne. Elizab. 2. Mary 4. Suzan 7. of Edmund Lee of Pitston in com. Bucks Esqr. Frances daughter of Sr Richard Chitwood of Chit- wood com. Buckingham Knight. Thomas Lake of Pulloxhill in Annis d. of com. Bedfford liueing 1634. Reding. Payne. GEORGE Keynsham. Lake [of Pulloxhill]. ARMS.-Quarterly or and azure, four crescents counterchanged.* CREST.-A cross formée fitchée or and azure in a crescent or. Richard Lake of Pulloxhill in com. Bedfford. . . . . d. of . . . . Man. * * "Certified by Mr Cambden in an escocheon vnder his hand." Lidia 5 da. m. to Edward Smith of Ampthill. THOMAS LAKE. R 122 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS.—Or, a lion rampant queue fourchée gules, within a bordure of the second. CREST.-A horse's head couped gules, charged with a fleur-de-lys. John Mallory 2nd son. Mallory [of Shelton]. Anthony Mallory of Papworth in co. Cambridge and Huntingdon and of London mercer. William Peter Mallory Frances dau'r Mallory of Shelton in ❘ of (Ralph) eld. son. com. Bedford Astrey of 2nd son. Woodend co. Bedford. t Frances wife to Matthew Mallory of Shelton-Dorothey da. of.... Gates co. Bedford. of Fulham co. Midd. Beniamin onely son. Rafe Mallory of Shelton gent. liuing A° 1634 eldest son. Peter Mallory eldest son and heire apparent aged about 27 yeres Aº 1634. Nicholas Mallory 3rd son. t John Mal--Frances daugh- lory of ter of Walter Papworth Rolte of Abbot 4th son. Ripton co. Hunt- ingdon. Grace daughter of Tho. Neale of Deene in co. Bedford gent. Francis 2nd son. Thomas 3rd son. Anne wife Joane to wife to Moune. • • Cony. Mathias 4th son. Anne. Grace. PETERE MALLORY. Manley [of Wilshamstead]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a dexter hand couped and erect sable, a bordure engrailed of the last, MANLEY; 2 and 3, Vert, a bend ermine, ? WETTEN- HALL. - CREST.-On a wreath or and azure a Saracen's head affrontée proper, wreathed with a fillet vert. "MEMORAND: It appeareth by the Last Will and Testament of the first person named in this descent taken in the Visitation of Bedfordshire A° 1634 that his Christian name was Edward Manley and not Robert: which will and Testament mentioneth his wife and children as are expressed and is registered in the booke called Arundell 2° fo. 39-remayning in the Prerogatiue Office. Ita Testor, Will'm's Dugdale Norroy nccnon Fran: Sandford Rouge Dragon." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 123 1 wife. Robert Manley of Northampton. Ciceley d. of. . . . 2 wife. IT Francis Manley Anthony Manley eld. s. of Elstow in com. Bedd. 5 son. Richard 2 son. Mary d. of John Richardson of Turvey in com. Bedf. John Manley aged 2 yeeres at ye tyme of this visitacion 1634. James Manley of Wilshamstead in Mary d. of Wm Bedell of Kempston com. Bedf. now liueing 1634. in com. Bedf. Monour* [of Wootton]. Robert Manley 3 son and eldest by the 2 venture of Spratton co. Northt. George Monoux of Waltham--Elizebeth.da. of stow in com. Essex heire male | John Lord Mor- to Sir George Monoux Kt of daunt of Turvey London alderman. sister of Lewis Lord Mordaunt. Mary only da. [Thomas Monoux of Walthamstow [Anne da. of John Turbevile in com. Essex.] of . . . . in com. Dorsett.] [Dowglas ux. Habel [Anne ux. John Birch of Fickman.] London Vintner at the Star in Cheapside 1634.] ARMS.-Argent, on a chevron sable between three oak-leaves vert as many bezants, on a chief gules a martlet between two anchors of the first. CREST.-A turtle-dove azure, winged or, membered and beaked purpure, holding in the beak an oak-branch vert, acorned gold.† Edmund 4 son. JOHN MANLEY. [William ob. s.p.] Humffrey Monoux [of Wootton in com. Anne da. of Edward Walgrave of Bedfford] eldest son and heire. Lawfford in com. Essex Esqr. [Anne ux. Thomas Carpenter of . . . . in com. Gloster and hath yssue Richard, Mary, and Anne.] [Elizabeth ux. John [Lucy.] Parrat of . . . .] Cf. 'Visitations of Essex,' pp. 78-9, 253, ed. Harl. Soc. † A pattent of this Armes and Creaste to George Monox Cossen and heire to Sr George Monox Kut. lord maior of London by William Harvey Clarenceulx King of Armes 1561, the 3 of Queene Elizabeth." 124 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Jane da. of Henry-Lewes Monoux-Elizabeth da. [and [George.] [Walgrave.] Birch of Oldcombe of Wootton in co. Som. 2 wiffe. com. Bedfford [Humffrey.] Esq". Humffrey Monoux Frances. of Wootton Esq" liueing A° 1634. [Elizabeth.] Sidney Moore 2 sonne adged aboute 14 yeeres an❜o 1634. coheire] of Thomas Walshe of [Wal- derne] in com. Sus- sex 1 wiffe. | Anne wife 2. Thomas Monoux. [Margarett.] to Thomas [3. William Monoux.] Perrot of Shitling- ton. Moore [of Colmworth]. "Proofe of the armes to bee made in the tearme of Godfrey moore. No proofe made therefore the descent struck out and the fee repaicd." Richiard Moore of Colmwoorth com. Bedford. HUMPHRY MONOUX. Geffrey Moore of Colmwoorth-An' dau'r of . . . . of . . . . com. predict. com. Bedford. William Moore of Colmworth Margarett dau'r of William Godfrey com. Bedford. of Haslingefeild com. Cambridge. Godfrey Moore eldest son and heir aged about xxle yceres an❜o 1634. Suzan dau'r of John Leach of ffensham (read Felmersham) com. Bedford. Margarett eldest dau'r. Judith 2 dau'r. WILL'M MOORE. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 125 Mordaunt [of Northill]. ARMS.-Argent, a chevron between three étoiles sable, a mullet for difference. CREST.-A Blackamoor's head affrontée couped at the shoulders, vested sable, bordered or, banded with a wreath round the temples or and gules, and ribbons of the same, a mullet for difference. Sir John Mordaunt Knight the first Lord Mordaunt of Turuey co. Bedf. George Mordant of Moulson third son of the saide John Esq². Katherin daugh- ter of George Mordaunt of Moulson third son of John the first Lord Mor- daunt. son and heire. John Mor- daunt eldest son whose posteritie remaineth in daughters. + George Mor-Anne d. of dant eldest Geo. Smith of Biggles- wade. George Mordaunt of Caldecot. John 2nd son. Lewis Mor-Jane dau'r dant of of John Caldecot in Nedham of Little Wi- mondley com. Hert- ford Esq. Northill com. Bed- ford esquier 2nd son liueing A° 1634. Elizabeth dau'r and heire of Henry Vere of Addington Magna com. Northampton Esqr. Cicely daughter and heire of Nicholas Harding of Northill co. Bedford. Lewis 3rd son. John. George. Elizabeth first mar. Edw. Maynard of Great Windley after to William Ferne. Eliz. d. of John Everard Lewis. Charles. of Beeston. A wife to Parnell wife Elizabeth to Thomas Pell of Northamp- tonshr. Lewis. Daniell Cage of Buning- ford co. Hertford. Margaret wife to George Reding of.... Jane. LEWES MORDAUNT. Neale [of Deane]. ARMS.-Per pale sable and gules, a lion passant-guardant argent, NEALE: impaling, Quarterly-1 and 4, Azure, a lion rampant or, ducally crowned argent, DAYRELL; 2, Argent, a saltire gules between four eagles displayed azure, HAMPDEN; 3, Argent, on three bars sable six cinqfoils of the field, 3, 2, and 1, DAYRELL. John Neale de com. Stafford.T Thomas Neale of Ellesborough [... . d. of. . . . Cheshire of Willington in com. Buck. in com. Salop.] 126 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Richard Neale of Deane in com. Bedfford. Thomas Neale son and heire of Richard Neale of Deane in com. Bedf. aged 91 yeares Aº 1634. 1. John Neale of Deane eldest son and heire appa- rent. 1. Noah Neale of Deane. 1. John Neale of Deane son and heire. A | Allice da. and heire of Thomas Moore of Burton in com. Buckingham. Bridgit da. and sole heire of John More of Layton in com. Bedford. Anne da. of francis Dayrell of Lamport co. Bucks. 2. Peter Neale of Deane. [Ennis da. of Sam. (? Tho.) Wade.] Ann da. of Wm Cave of Bagrave co. Leic. 2. Samuell. 3. Thomas. [Noah.] [Ellen.] Richard Neale [Mary.] 2 sonne. Daniell. John. [.... da. of .... Cromwell of Up- Cromwell of Up- wood in com. Hunt.] Newman [of Langford]. William Newman. Thomas Neale of Yelden in com. Bedfford. 3. Paule Neale mar. Elizabeth da. of . . . Bennet of Swinsted. 4. Beniamyn. 5. James. [Catherin.] Grace wife to Raph Mallory of Shelton co. Bedf Thomas. Isaake. Grace. 2. Timothy. Anne. 3. Joseph. Bridget. ARMS.-Azure, three lions rampant argent gouttée de sang. CREST.-A demi-lion rampant erased argent gouttée de sang and holding between the paws a cross pattée gules. JOH. NEALE. Daniell Newman of Langford.-Mary daught of John Payne of Surrey. Anne. ANTHONY CASLETON for DANIEL NEWMAN. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 127 Newton [of Biddenham]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, three lozenges conjoined in fesse azure each charged with a garb or, NEWTON ;* 2 and 3, Gules, on a canton or a bend of the field, a mullet for difference, GODFREY. CREST.-Two arms counter-embowed dexter and sinister, vested azure, holding up in the hands proper a garb or. John Newton of Axmouth in com. Deuon..... d. of . . . . Fry of Deuonshire. William Newton of Axmouth—Joane d. of Will'm Mallock of Axmouth s. and heire. in com. Devon Esq. John Newton of Mary d. of Wm Boteler of Biddenham Axmouth s. and | in com. Bedd. Esq. s. of Sr William. heire. Anne wife to Tho. Layton of Lynn mar- chant. William Newton of Biddenham in com. Bedf. gent. liueing A° 1634 eld. sonn. ton eld. s. and heire liueing A° 1634. | Frances d. of John Godfrey of Bedford Towne gent. Arg., agrif- fin seg. pass. sa. William New-Joane d. and sole heire to Edward (alibi Gregory) Miller of Gilling- ham in Kent. Humphrey Newton of Ondle in co. Northt. | 2 s. m. Dorothy d. of Edw. Saunders of Flowre co. Northt. 구 ​Mary wife to Anne. Phillip Wil- loughby of Grendon co. Northt. Thomas Newton eld. s. aged about 1. Frances. 2. Ellen. 7 yeres and 4 months A° 1634. • to. Osborne. 3. Mary. wife Humfrey. Elizabeth. Edward. Anne. Sibell d. of Sr Anthony Tyring- ham of Tyring- ham Knt. 2 wife. Nodes [of Tempsford]. [ARMS.-Sable, on a pile argent three trefoils slipped of the first. CREST.-Two lions' gambs sable, holding a garb or.] | | | John. Thomas. WI. NEWTON, Jun'. Mary and another dau'r. William Nodes of Stevenedge in com.Joane his wife suruiued him Hert. gent. A° 1533 et A° 12° H. 8 | his relict A° 25° H. 8. et de London gen. A * "Exemplified the xiijth day of Decemb. Aº D'ni 1615, annoq' Regni regis Jacobi Decimo tertio By mee Will'm Segar principall King of Armes." 128 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 1. Will'm Nodes of Fleetewick in com. Bedfford and Steuenidge eldest son. [John Nodes.] Elizebeth d. of Gynne of .. in com. . . 1 wiffe. 1. John Nodes was 19 [Elizebeth d. of Edmond Rudd yere old 1572. of Stevenedge.] [Elizebeth ux. Charles Wynd of London.] 2. Edmond Nodes 3. Edward Nodes was 5 yere old 1572. was 3 yere old 1572. t t 1. John Nodes of Temsford in com. Bedfford gent. liueing Aº 1634. Edmond Nodes eldest son and heire appa- rent aged about 24 yeres Aº 1634. A | 2. Edmond Nodes of Steuenidge in com. Hertfford 1572, he was at the winning of Bullen wth Hen. 8 et 28 H. 8. [Joane ux. Thomas Grymes of Charterhouse Lane nigh London.] 4. William Nodes vali of Waltham. t Elizabeth [Mary] d. of Thos. Chapman of Stevenedge. Ellin d. of Carter of Hunt- ingdonsh. John Nodes eldest son. Agnes [Anne] ux. Benjamyn Lang- horne of Pollets co. Hertford. Elizebeth d. of.. Ashby by the da. of Mr Brocket of Brocket Hall. Thomas Norton of Luke Norton one of the mrs Sharpenhoe of the Chauncery dwelt at Of co. Bedford Esqr fley in com. Hertford Esq Counsellor at Law. and Councellor of the Law of the Inner Temple. + Rose. Beatrice. 5. George 6. Beniamin Nodes. Nodes. t t A [Mary ux. Edward Fish of Little Ayte in com. Hertfford.] Mary ux. Edward [George] Carter of Colne co. Hunting- don. JOHN NODES, gent. Norton [of Sharpenhoe in Streatley]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Gules, a fret argent, a crescent for difference, over all a bend vair or and gules, NORTON al's NERUILE; 2 and 3, Sable, a cross pointed argent, charged with a crescent, GRAVELEY. Norton of Sharpenhoe co. Bedford.T - Lettice d. and sole heire of George Graueley of Hitchin com. Hertford a yonger bro- ther of Graueley of Graueley com. Hertford. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 129 Graueley Norton of Sharpenhoe in the p'sh of Stretley co. Bedford and of the Inner Temple Esqr liueing Aº 1634 eldest son. Ellen dau'r of Will'm Angell Sergeant of the Acatery to King James. Lettice first wife to Robert Cheney of Bramhanger in Luton p'sh co. Bedford after to Richard Norton of Cornhill London Linnen Draper. Lettice Norton onely child A° 1634 aged about 7 yeres. 2. Beniamyn Norton of London Linnen Drap. t Alliced. of Wm Butler of Bidenham in com. Bedfford 1 wiffe. A Elizabeth wife to Doctor Peirce of Hitchin Deuine. 1. Sr Hewett Osborne knighted by the Earle of Essex in Ireland father to the Baronet. Vide London. + A | 3. Thomas Norton of London Silk- man in Lombard Streete. Martha wife to Thomas Coppin of Markett Cell co. Hertford gen. Suzan wife to John Berners of Sharfeild co. Hert- ford gen. Osborne [of Northill]. ARMS.-Quarterly—1, Quarterly ermine and azure, a cross or, OSBORNE ; 2, Barry of five argent and gules, on a canton of the second a cross of the first, ETTON; 3, Argent, a chevron vert between three torteaux, SINGLETURNE; 4, Azure, on a fesse fleurie counterfleurie or between three lions passant argent as many lapwings proper, HEWETT; in the fesse point a crescent for difference. CREST.—An heraldic tiger passant or, tufted and maned sable, charged with a crescent of the second. Richard Osborne of Ashfford in com. Kent. B Sr Edward Osborne Knt. Lord Allice d. and sole heire of St Will'm Hewett Knt. Maior of London 1583. Lord Maior of London 1559. Anne wife to Robert Offley of Grace Street London. Anne wife to Eustace Nedham of Litle Wi- mondley co. Hertford Esq'. 2. Edward Osborne-Frances d. of James of Norrell in com. Harvey of Dagen- Bedfford and of the ham in com. Essex Inner Temple a 2 wiffe. Vide Bencher. London. Talbot wife to Thomas Rotheram of ffarley co. Bedf. gen. GRA. NORTON. Jane wife to Jo. Welby of Tidd St Giles in the Isle of Ely. Allice ux. Sr John Payton of Isleham co.Cam- bridge Knt. and Barronett. S 130 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 1. Edward Osborne of Northill and of the Inner Temple liueing A° 1634. A Ursula ux. Will'm Buckby (or Buck- ley) bacheler of Divinity. 3. William Palmer of London m'chant. B | Anne ux. Ellis Yong of the Chequer office. 2. Will'm Osborne. Palmer* [of Hill in Warden]. Will'm Palmer of Hill in com. Bedfford Esq' one of the Jus- tices of the Peace in ye saide County A° 1634. ARMS.-Argent, two bars gules charged with three trefoils of the field, 2 and 1, in chief a greyhound courant sable, collared or. CREST.-On a mound vert a greyhound sejeant sable, collared or, on the shoulder a trefoil argent. Thomas Palmer of Marston in com. Stafford descended of a Familie of that Snanic in Yorksh¹. Robert Palmer of Hill in Mary dau'r of Walt'i Craddocke com. Bedfford gent. of Staffordshire. Dorothey dau'r of Sr John Bram- ston Knight the King's serieant. || [Elizebeth ob. yong.] [Elizebeth ob. yong.] John Palmer eldest son and heire apparent Aº 1634 aged about 3 yeares. [James ob. yong.] EDWARD OSBORNE. Mary. Paradyne [of Bedford). 2. John Palmer Tho. Palmer incumbent of of Marston the church of in com. Stafford. Stafford. Dorothey. Bridget. WILL. PALMER. ARMS.-Sable, two bars ermine between three (?) eagles' heads erased or, two in chief and one in base. CREST.-On a wreath or and sable a mound vert, upon which a wolf argent, tusked or, crined sable, holding in its dexter paw an escutcheon or.† * "A patt. ffeb. 1634 p. S. Rich. St George." (Harl. MS. 5867.) t "An excmplification of these Armes and guift of this Crest with a Cressant to George Paradyne of London gent. son of Robert Paradyne of Bedford gent. by Rob't Cooke al's Clarenccu' King of Armes the 4th of Septemb' Aº D'ni 1581, in the xxiijth yeare of the Raigne of Queene Elizabeth." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 131 Robert Paradyne of Bedford gent. three seuerall yeares Maior of Bedford.T 2. George Paradyne of London gent. of the society of the Grocers in London died with- out yssue. William Para-Dorothey dyne of Bed- dau'r of ford eldest R. West of Bed- son. ford. Robert Paradyne Mary dau'r of William of Bedford. Goodwin of Greene- feild. Thomas Paradyne of Bedford gent. thrice Maior of Anne dau'r of Matthew Child the same Towne liueing A° 1634. of Potton in com. Bedford. 11 Edward Parkinson Counsellor at law at Lincoln's Inne 2d sonne. Peter Paradyne Robert Paradyne of of London Essex second sonne. gent. | | 1. Robert Paradyne 2. Thomas. 4. William. 6. George. Mary. Elizabeth. eldest son and heire apparent 1634. 3. Richard. 5. Matthew. Anne. 3. Thomas Paradyne of Lon- don third son of Robert he was a marchant his wiues name was Eliz. Leigh of Caldwell co. Bedf. ㅜ ​ THOMAS PARADYNE. Parkinson [of Ampthill]. ARMS.-Gules, on a fesse between three ostrich-feathers argent as many escallops sable. James Parkinson of . . . . in com. York..... da. of . . . . John Parkinson of Lincoln's Inn Margery da. of Will'm Dimock Remembrancer of the duchyland. of Chester gent. John Parkinson Captaine of a foote Company in ye viage to Cales the Ile of Ree and Rochell now of Ampthill Esq. 1634 eldest sonn. ROBERT PARADINE. James Parkinson eldest sonne aged 4 yeeres et amplius at the tyme of this visitation 1634. Francis da. of John Graunt of ... in com. Sussex gent. by the dau'r of St Edward Wat- son of Rockingam Castle com. North'ton. Thomas Parkinson second sonn. JOHN PARKINSON. 132 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Pigott [of Gravenhurst). ARMS.-Sable, three pickaxes argent, a mullet for difference. CREST.-An arm couped at the wrist barry undee or and vert, cuffs argent, in the hand proper a pickaxe of the third. Agnes [Anne] da. and heire of Mr Forster of Writtell in com. Essex first wyfe. 1. William Pigott. Vide Bucking- ham. Thom. Pigott of Harwood and Whaddon in com. Buck- ingham made serieant of Law Aº 2 H. 8. Margery sister of Oliver Lord St John of Bletsoe. Winiffrid da. and sole heire of Ambrose Dormer wid- dow of St Will Ilawtrey of Chakers Knt 2 wiffe. Catherin Margarett borne borne 13 July 1597. 3 July. Anne borne 1 June 1598. 1. Henry Pigott of Gauen- hurst in co. Bedford Esqr A° 1634. 2. Oliuer Pigott s.p. [A dau'r.] John Pigott of Grays Inn an aprentice to the Law was of Edlesburgh in com. Buck. 2. Francis Pygott of Stratton in com. Bcdfford. 1. Thomas Pigott. of Thos. Wiseman Anne d. and cohcire 2. Benjamyn Pigott of Grauenhurst in com. Bedfford 10 1588. of Essex second wife. 1. Thomas. Winiffrid. 2. Francis. Mary. Children dyed. 2. Henry Pigott. Margery. Elizabeth da. of [Will'm John Iwardby of Elmes.] Swainton Mallet. 3. John Pigott of ... Winiffrid da. and heire of Thomas Sankey of Edles- burgh in com. Bucking- ham 1 wiffe. [Ellinor d. and sole heire of John Enderby of Stratton.] Margery ux. Oliuer Styles of Eaton. Mary d. of Raffe Astry of Woodend in com. Bed- fford widow of (Francis) Markham of Luton in com. Bcdf. Allice ob. a mayd. Frances ux. Henry Bruges. | | * See Additional Pedigrecs, post. Anne ux. Edward Wright Coun- sellor of the Lawe. - Briget 3 wife da. of John Nedham of Wimlic com. Hertf. Judeth wife to Simon Hale of Hex- ton co. Hertf. gen. Bridgit. Talbot. Mary. Suzan. HEN. PIGOTT. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 133 Randes [of Radwell in Felmersham]. ARMS.-Sable, a chevron ermine between three cross-crosslets fitchée argent. CREST.-A lion's head erased. . . . ducally crowned . . . . Thomas Randes of Radwell in com. Bedford. John Rands of Radwell eldest son. Jane dau'r of Edward Slade of Kimbalton. Edward Randes of Radwell Judeth dau'r of Thomas Kirby of the eldest son. province of Huntingdon. Jane dau'r of John Joye of Renhall. Oliuer Rands of Radwell eldest son Sciceley dau'r of Edmond Blofeild and heire liueing A° 1634. of ffleetwick co. Bedford. Giles Randes eldest son and heire aged about 20 yeres Aº 1634. William 2nd son. A Oliuer 3rd son. Edward 5th son. Frances wife to Cicely 6. Christopher Hall of Rad- well 4. OLIUER RANDES. Rolte* [of Milton-Ernest]. ARMS.—Argent, on a bend sable three dolphins of the field, crowned or. •† Thomas Rolte of Bolnehurst. . . . da. of . . . . Kent of Aston in com. Bedfford. | co. Hertf. 2 wiffe. A (See next Pedigree.) John Rolte of Judith da. of.... Half- William 3. Thomas Milton Erneys ob. s.p. in com. Bed- Rolte. hide [Engarsby] of Yardley in com. Ilert- fford gent. ford. B Elizabeth da. of John Rawlins of Rauensden graunge. * Cf. Le Neve's Knights,' p. 366. t + "Mr Camden exemplifieth this coate to Edward Rolt of Greys Inne Esq. now of Pirtenhall in com. Bcdf., wch Edward was son of Edward Rolt of the same county Esq., weh was son of Thomas Rolt of the same county gent. wherein he certifieth that their auntient and lawfull coate armor is: Argent, a bend sables charged with three dolphins of the first crowned or; the Creast: A griffin gulcs membered and beaked or sitting on a broken launce argent, holding the head thereof in his beake, weh creast he graunteth to the saide Edward and Henry Rolt onely dated Aº 1623.” 134 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A 1. Stephen Rolte of Thurley co. Bedf. eld. son m. Dorothy d. of Edmund Day. 구 ​Stephen Rolt eld. sonn. Will'm 2 son. [Judith ux. William Port- [Sarah ux. Thomas ington of . . . . in Rudd of Higham in com. Leicester.] com. Northampton.] [Rebecka.] Thomas* Rolte of Milton Erneys in com. Bedfford| Esq. one of the Justices of the Peace for this county A° 1634. Judith ux. Tho- mas Medwell of Gedington in com. North- ampton gent. Katherin. Elizebeth. Thomas 3 son. Edward 4 son. Ellen. Jane ux. Robert Guill'm of Fother- ingay in com. Northampton. 1. John Rolte eld. s. and heire ap- parent A° 1634 aged about 18 years. THO. ROLT. B 2. Will'm Rolte. Will John Samuel. Catherin d. of Thomas Staueley of West Langton in com. Leic. [Bignell in com. Oxon] Esqr by the da. of ... Brooke Esqr of Greate Oakley co. Northt. Elizebeth [ux. Richard Todd of Pertenhall in com. Bedfford]. Sara. Mary ux. St Will'm Hartop of Burton Lazars in com. Lester Knt. • 2. Edward. 5. Walter. 3. Charles. 6. Richard. 4. Thomas. Rolt [of Pertenhall]. Same Arms as ROLT of Milton-Ernest, a crescent argent for difference.† STEPHEN ROLTE. | Edward Rolte of Pertenhall in com. Bedford Counsellor at Law Justice of Peace and Recorder of the towne of Bedfford eldest s. of Tho. Rolt of Bolnehurst by the d. of Kent of Aston. Jane d. of John Baldwin of Much Stoughton in com. Huntington gent. sister to Thomas Baldwin now of Stoughton Magna Esq¹. Martha [ux. Robert Kings]. Mary. Lora ux. Michael Style of Baynton co. North. * "Edward." (Harl. MS. 5867.) † “L'res pattent exemplified by learned Camden clarenceulx of this Coate and Creast wthout difference to Edward Rolt of Grays Inne Esq' son and heire of Edward Rolt of Pertenhall co. Bedf. Esqr who was s. of Thomas Rolt of the same county gen. to whom he the saide Camden graunted the said Creast and also to Henry Rolt of St Margarets in Kent with their scuerall differences weh pattent beareth date the eighth day of September A° 1623, A° 21 Jac. Regis. This difference being a cressant was assigned to the said Edward Rolt with his consent in this visitation." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 135 A Judith wife Mary. to William Lane of Quenton co. Northt. Susanna. 3. John Rolte. Elizabeth d. of Richard Boughton of Plumsted in Kent relict of Wm Gibbon 3 wiffe. John Rolt 4th son by his 3 wiffe A° 1634. 2. Thomas Rolte. 4. Samuell Rolte. George Rotherham of Farley in co. Bedford 1566. 1. Edward Rolte of Pertenhall-Dame Muriell d. of Jus- Esq. eld. s. and heire liuing tinian Champneys of Bex- A° 1634 mar. for his 2 wife ley in com. Kent widow of Mary d. of Oliuer Cromwell of Sr Will'm Swann of South- Hinchingbrooke Knight of fleete co. Kent Knt. 1 wiffe. the Bath. George Rotherham of Farley eldest sonne and heire. 5. Nathaniell [John. Francis. Rolte. F 1. George Rotherham of Farley eldest son liueing Aº 1634. 6. Benjamyn Rolte. Edward Rolte his eldest son and 2. Giles. 3. Thomas. Jane. heire apparent aged about 5 yeares Aº 1634. Anne. Rotherham [of Farley in Luton). ARMS.-Vert, three bucks trippant or, over all a bend sinister argent. Will'm. Theophilus. All ob. s.p.] EDW. ROLT. Elizabeth da. of Edm. Bardolfe of Harpden co. Hertford. Joane da. of Richard Helder al's Spicer of Lilly in com. Hertford. Ollife da. of Henry Morton of Olney in co. Buck. Mary. 2. Thomas. GEORGE ROTHERHAM. 136 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Sadleir [of Aspley-Guise). ARMS.-Or, a lion rampant per fesse azure and gules, a crescent sable for difference. CREST.-A demi-lion azure, ducally crowned.... Sr Ralphe Sadler Knt. Baronett lord of the mannor of Stondon in com. Margaret Hertfford Chancellor of the Dutchey of Lanck. and one of the privy | Mitchell. councell to H. 8 Ed. 6 and Queene Elizebeth [ob. 30th of March 1587 buried at Stondon]. [Anne ux. George Horsey of Digswell in com. Hert- fford.] com. • Knt. 1 wiffe.] Esqre A° 1634. [Mary ux. Thomas Bolls of [Mary ux. Thomp- son of in com. Kent.] Walling- ton in com. Hert- fford.] Sr Henry Sherington of . . . . in [Ursula d. of=1. Sr Tho--[Gertrud d. of mas Sad- ler of Stondon Knt. Thomas Mark- ham of Cotham in com. Notting- ham 2 wiffe.] 1. Raphe=[Anne d. [Gertrud Sadler of of Sr Ed- ux. Sr Stondon Jane ux. Edward Bash of Stansted- bury in com. Hert- fford.] ward Cooke Knt. lord cheefe Justice of Eng- land.] [Dorathey ux. Edward Elrington of Byrchall in com. Essex.] [Thomas Sadler.] [Gertrude.] [Dorathey.] [Grace.] [Ellyn.] Walter Aston Knt. of the Bath and Baro- nett.] [Dorathey ux. James Ellis of St Albans in com. Hert- fford.] [Margarett.] [Mary ux. Thomas Connyngs- by of in com. ... .] [Mary d. of Ed- 1 11 [7. Henery.] [6. Blount.] [5. Edward.] ward Gilbert of Ever ley in com. Wilts 1 wiffe.] Henery =[Ursula Sadler d. of John Gill of Wydy- hall in of Ever- ley nere Hunger- fford in com. Wilts. * "Edward." (Harl. MS. 5867.) 2. Edward Sad-Anne d. and co- ler of Temple | heire of S Rich- Dionesley in ard Leigh of com. Hertford Sopwell nigh St and of Aspley Albans in com. co. Bedf. Esq. Hertford Knt. 2. Richard*[Joyce d. Sadler of Sopwell. com. Hert- fford 2 wiffe.] of Robert Hony- wood of Charing in com. Kent.] 3. Edward Sadler of Lottesford. 4. Thomas Sadler. [1. Robert Sadler [3. Richard.] 18 yere old 1623.] [4. Thomas.] [2. Raphell.] [5. Edward- Harl. 5867.] THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 137 1. Leigh Sadler of Temple Elizebeth d. of Will'm Paschall of Preston in com. Hertfford. [Southaningffeld] in com. Essex. Anne wife to Edward Aston second brother to Walter Lord Aston. Thomas Leigh Sadler of Temple Dionesley and of Aspley Hall in com. Bedford Esqr liueing A° 1634. Thomas Sadleir eldest son and heire apparent Aº 1634 aged about 15 yeres. 2. Edwin. Edw! 3. Rafe. 4. Leigh. 5. Edward. I 6. William. Willi 7. Richard. 8. Robert. Richard Thomas John Saunders of Elizabeth 2nd 3rd Marston Pillings | his wife. in com. Bedford Esqr. son. son. Sr John Saunders-Elizabeth dau'r of of Marston Pill- ing Knight eldest son and heire Aº 1634. Francis Roberts of Willesden in Middlesex Esq. William 2nd son. Frances d. and heire of Francis Bury of Beckering Parke [Aspley Hall] in com. Bedfford. Saunders [of Pottesgrove). ARMS.-[Per chevron argent and sable, three elephants' heads erased counterchanged.] CREST.-[An elephant's head erased sable.] Thomas Saunders of Potesgraue in com. Bedford.T Richard Saunders of Marston Ellen da. of John Francklin Pillings Esq' liucing A° 1634 | of Edgeworth co. Midd. and one of the Justices of Esq. Peace in this County 1634. 1. Elizabeth. 4. Jane. 2. Francis. 5. Sarah. 3. Anne. THOMAS SADLEIR. A William Saunders of (Isabell.) William Saunders of (Isabell.) Potesgraue in co. Bedford eldest son. (Ellen) wife to Mr (Wm) Dun- combe. Elizabeth wife first to Richard Saun- ders of North Mar- ston co. Bucks after to Thomas Cooke- son. (Anne.) Mary wife to John Dun- combe of East Cleydon co. Bucks Esqr. 1. John Saunders eldest son and heire apparent liueing Aº 1634. 2. Francis. JOHN SAUNDERS. T 138 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Jane wife to Francis Ewar of Bucknell co. Oxon. Sarah his second wife the relict of Alderman Smythes of London dau'r of Mr Sewester. SO John Sauage of Whaddon com. Bucks Amy Captaine of a Company. est son. t Savage [of Cardington]. S" Arthur Sauage of Cardington in com. Bedford Knight and owner of the Castell of Reban in the county of Kildare in Ireland obiit 13 M'ch A° 1633. St Thomas Sauage of Cardington and of Castell of Reban Knight eldest sonand heire liueing A°1634. William William Thomas Sheppard Sheppard Sheppard of Lid- cote eld- of Rol- right co. Oxon of Hock- ley co. Bedf. 2 son. 3 sonn. + Francis Sauage onely son and heire aged about 9 yeres ú 1634. A I Dowglas daughter of 2. John. S Tho. Snagg of Marston-Morton co. Bedford Knight. Sheppard [of Maulden]. | | ARMS.-Azure, on a chevron or between three fleurs-de-lys argent as many étoiles gules. William Sheppard of Lidcote in co. Bucks. Jane daughter of Tho. Stafford of Tattenhow in com. Bucks Esq' 1 wife. - Thomas Sheppard of [Hock-Amphillis da. and coheire ley] Malden in com. Bed- William Chamberlaine al's ford gent. Spycer of Normanton. 4. William. 3. Henry. 5. Edmund. Dowglas a daughter. THOMAS SAUAGE. Nevill. William Cham-Jane da. and coheire of Tho- berlaine alias mas Nevill of Coterstock and Cottingham com. North'ton eldest son of Sir Tho. Nevill of the Holt in com. Leces- ter Knt. Spicer of Nor- manton. of=[Richard Faldo of Mal- den in com. Bedfford 1 husband.] THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 139 A | Margaret da. of . . . . Raines Low (? Lord) of Clifton in co. Bucks Esqr. 2. Thomas. Margaret. 3. Francis. Amphillis. Thomas Sheppard of Malden gen. son and heire liueing A° 1634 hath the land of his ancestors in Lid- cote. Mary. John Sheppard onely son and heire apparent by the first wife liueing A 1634 aged about 21 yeres. Slingesby [of Husborne-Crawley]. Robert Slingesby of Husband Crawley in com. Bedf. Edmond Slingesby of Husband Crawley eld. s. now liueing 1634. Edmond Slingesby of Abbots Wooburne in com. Bedf. whose auncestors came out of Yorkshire. Eliz. da. of Tho. | Gold of London 1 wife. Elizabeth. T. SHEPPARD. Constance [ux. Edm. Bressey]. Abiath d. of Mathias Cony of Apwell in com. Camb. Hezekiah Slingesby artiu' Marke Slingesby magistr' Aule Cat'r' 2 son. 3 son. HEZ. SLINGESBY. Smyth [of Woburn]. ARMS.-Per pale or and azure, a chevron ermine between four lions passant-guardant counterchanged. CREST.-A leopard's head argent pellettée, murally gorged sable, lined gules and ringed of the second. Will'm Smyth of Woborne in com. Bedfford Esqr A° 3 E. 6. 6.T George Smyth of Bickleswade in com. Bedfford Esqr 3 Q. Eliz.T Thomas Smyth Mary d. of Thom. Parratt of Shitlington of Bickleswade. I in com. Bedfford. A 140 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Margerett ux. Lawrance Blakesley of com. North- ampton. [Thomas Snagg of Lech- worth.] G [Will'm Snagg of Lechworth in com. Hertfford.] 1. William Smyth. Will 1. George Smyth of Henlow-Margerett d. of Richard 2. Thomas in com. Bedford 1634. Balthrop of London. Smyth. Mary ux. Robert Eakyns. [Elizabeth d. of Calton of Walden in com. Essex.] Anne ux. George Mordaunt Esqr. 2. Thomas Smyth. Snagge [of Marston-Mortaine]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1, Argent, three pheons sable, SNAGG; 2, Or, a chevron gules fretty of the field between three roses azure slipped verl, DICKONS; 3, Chequée or and gules, a canton ermine, REYNES; 4, As No. 1. CRESTS.-1, Out of a ducal coronet or a demi-horse argent; 2, A demi-antelope ermine, attired or. Dicons. [Richard Dickons of Marston in com. Bedfford.] [1. Thomas Dickons of Marston.] Sir Thomas Anne da. of da. of Snagg of George Rother- Marston in ham of Luton co. Bedf. in com. Bed- Knight ford Esq. [8 yere old 1572]. A Judith ux. Thom. Newsam gent. 1. Thomas Snagg of Mar--Elizabeth d. and ston in com. Bedfford 1572 one of the sergeants to Queen Eliz. and one of the Judges in Ireland. coheire of Thomas Dickons of Mar- ston in com. Bed- fford. Barbara. [Frances d. of Tho- mas Chichley of Wimple in com. Cambridge.] Mercy ux. Oliver Fish. GEO. SMYTH. [Elizbeth d. and heire of John Rayns of Clifton Rayns in com. Buckingham.] | [2. Robert Snagg 7 yere old.] [3. Will'm Snagg 6 yere old.] [4. Phillip Snagg 4 yere old.] [2. Francis Dickons of Lillingstone in [Thomas [Frances Dickons ob. s.p.] com. Bedfford. Vide Warwick.] 小 ​ ux. Thomas Hinton.] [Allice ux. Richard 2 yere old.] Chibnall of Astwood in com. Buck- ingham.] [Lewes Snagg [Anne.] [Mary.] THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 141 A | 2. Rafe Snagg of Eliz. da. of Sr Will'm Kempston Stafford of Blather- wick com. North'ton Esq. co. Bedf. gent. 1. Thomas. 2. Charles. Anne. Thomas Snagg of Marston Esqr eldest son liueing A° 1634. 3. Rafe. Thomas Snagg of Marston Esqr eldest son and heire apparent aged about 12 yeres. Alice ux. Gaius Squier son and heire of Row- land. 2. Richard. 3. Mordant. RALPHE SNAGGE. Robert Spencer of Cople Esq. Anne da. of Edmond Mordaunt of Okeley in co. Bedf. THOMAS SNAGGE. Spencer [of Cople]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1, Quarterly or and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret of the first, on a bend sable three fleurs-de-lys argent, SPENCER; 2, Argent, three pickaxes sable, PECK; 3, Sable, two lions passant or, ARNOLD ; 4, blank. CREST.-Out of a ducal coronet gules a griffin's head argent, collared or, between two 11 Eliza- Anne. beth. Mary. wings expanded of the third, charged on the breast and on each wing with a fleur-de-lys sable, and on the neck a crescent. Thomas Spencer of Cople-Anne da. of Robert Bulkley of Burgate in com. Bedfford. in com. Southampton. Rhose da. of . . . . Cokain of Cokain Hatley co. Bedf. Nicholas Spencer Mary da. of Thomas Elmes of Lylford of Cople Esq. co. Northampton. Nicholas Spen--Mary second da. of Sr Ed- 2. Robert. Mary. cer of Cople ward Gostwick of Will- Esqr liueing ington in co. Bedf. A° 1634. Christian. Knight and Baronet. Rhose. Wil William Spencer eldest son and heire apparent 2. Nicholas. aged about two years Aº 1634. NICHOLAS SPENCER. 142 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Squier [of Eaton-Socon]. ARMS.-Sable, a chevron engrailed between three swans' heads erased argent, a crescent gules for difference. CREST.-An elephant's head erased argent, tusked, eared, and gorged with a crest coronel or.* William Squier son and heire of Richard. Joane daughter of . . . . Ferne. William Squier son and heire.Joane daughter of Robert Burton of London. Thomas Squier Rowland Squier of eldest son. Eaton-Soken in co. Bedf. gent. 1634. t Elizabeth dau'r of Mary wife of Jo. Taylor Tho. Rufford of Bickerto' in co. Ebor. of Butlers in com. Bucks Esqr. Gaius Squier onely son and heire apparent Alice da. of Nicholas Spencer of Cople liucing 1634. in com. Bedford Esqr. Mary Squier aged about 4 yeres 1634. Staunton [of Birchmore in Woburn]. Rob Robert Staunton of Birchmore Esq' eldest son and heire apparent до 1634. ARMS.-Vair argent and ermines, a canlon gules. CREST.-A demi-lion couped vair argent and ermines, ducally crowned or. John Staunton of Woborne in co. Bedford. St Francis Staunton of Birchmore co. Bedford Knight Aº 1634. GAIUS SQUIER. Elizabeth dau'r of Edmond Staunton. Mary da. of Edw. Francis 2. Edmund 3. Prescot of Lon- don. William 4. 1. Francis. 2. Robert. Elizabeth. Mary. Anne. FRA. STAUNTON. * "Exemplified vnder the hand and scale of Cla. Cooke to Will'm Squier of London gent. dat. Aº 23 Eliz. 1681." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 143 Stocker [of Wyboston in Eaton-Socon]. "Johannes Stockker filius et haeres Thomae Stockker filij et haered' Henrici Stockker nuper de Wyboston in com. Bedf. sal'tem in D'no sempiternam cum Ricardus Day serviand' ad legem et Margaret' uxor eius nuper uxor Gulielmi Stockker militis habeant et teneant in jure ipsius Margaret uniam mesuagium cum .... . p'tinentiis in p'ochia St Michaelis in Cornhull in civitat' London' in quo Johan Saunders nuper inhabitauit necnon aliud mesuagium in quo Reginaldus Rutter modo inhabitat cum tribus prius tenementis eidem mesuagio adiascent' pro termino vitae ipsius Margaretae reversione inde post decessum praefat' Margaretae mihi praefat' Johanni Stockker et haered' meis spectantibus, &c. Dat' 7° die mensis Augusti Aº 4º H. 7.' "" Henry Stokker of Wyboston in com. Bedf. John Stocker of Barford eldest sonn. John Stokker of Wyboston in com. Bedf. cosen to the Alderman Stocker of London A° 4 H. 7. Richard Stocker-Christian d. of . . . . Malcot of Wyboston. of Biddenham in com. Bedf. Richard Stocker of Wyboston 2 sonn. Thomas Stocker. John Stocker Richard Elizabeth wife eldest sonn. 2 sonn. to Tho. Good- son. [Anne wife of Richard Stone Sr Stephen Soame Kt.] of Segenhoc in co. Bedf. gent. Barbara d. of Ro- bert Bellaby yeoman. A John Stocker s.p. Oliuer 3 sonn. Jane wife to George Dixey. Katherine dau'r of Cobb of Ad- derbury com. Oxon. Stone [of Segenhoe in Ridgemont]. ARMS.-Argent, three cinqfoils sable, a chief azure. CREST.-Out of a ducal coronel or a griffin's head argent between two wings expanded or. William Stone of Segenhoe. rauli William Stocker of Wyboston father of Grace 4 soun. Christian. Mary. Agnes. RICHARD STOCKER. St George Rus- sell Knight 2nd husband. Joh John Stone of London a councellor of Lawe. t 144 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Richard Stone of Segenhoe gent. liueing A° 1634. A | Barbara da. of St Thomas William Cheney of Sundon in com. Stone Bedford Knight. 2nd son. Richard Stone aged Margaret. about one moneth. Thom. Style of Stepingley in com. Bedfford. Katherin. *- Katherin wife to St John Thompson son and heire of Sr John Thompson Kt. Style [of Steppingley]. John Style of Stepingley in com. Bedfford. Dorothey. RICHARD STONE. Alce d. of John Langford of Ludlow in co. Salop. John Style of Stepingley in Joane d. of Reynold Horne of Kenes- co. Bedford A° 1634. worth in co. Hertford. T John Style eldest sonne and heire Thomas Style Joane. Sarah. aged about 12 yeares ould 1634. 2 sonne. Mary. Elizebeth. JOHN STILE. Taylor [of Litlington and Clapham]. ARMS.-Ermine, on a chief dancettée sable a ducal coronet or between two escallops argent.* A CREST.-A demi-lion rampant ermine, holding between the paws a ducal coronet or. Thomas Taylor of Littlington in com. Bedford gen... . . dau'r of . . . . Hale who built the North Ile together with the church of Euerton in com. Hunt- porch of the saide church of Littlington. ingdon and of Bedford. * "An exemplification of this Coatc and Crest to Richard Taylor of Grymsbury in the p'ish of Bolnhurst in yº County of Bedford Esq', one of his Ma'ties Justices of the peace w'h" the sa County and also one of the Auntients or Benchers of Lincolns Inn London, graunted by Sr Richard St George Clarencieulx King of Armes vnder his hand and seale of Office. Dated the 15 of July 1624." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 145 Thomas Taylor of Grymesbury in the p'sh of Bolnehurst in com. Bedf. gent. Richard Taylor of Grymesbury and of Clapham in co. Bedford Esqr one of his Maties Justices of Peace in the saide County Aº 1634 one of the Benchers of Lincolns Inne. Richard Taylor eldest son and heire apparent aged about 14 yeres Aº 1634. ! Humfry 2nd son. [Elizebeth ux. Will'm Walker of ... in com. Bedfford.] William 3rd son. [Issabell d. of Robert Taillor John Wilkin- | of Stevington son of Steving- in com. Bed- ton in com. fford. Bedfford 1 wiffe.] [Issabell ux. ... Char- nock of in com. Bedfford.] Robert Taillor of Stevington in com, Bedfford [1613]. A A | Elizabeth dau'r of Wm King of Chaluerston and of Sexbridge by the daughter of Wm Hunt of Chal- uerston Esqr. Elizabeth daugh- ter of Wm Boteler of Biddenham com. Bedford Esq. Oliuer 4th son. John 5th son. Dorathey d. of Kilby of . . in com. Hertfford 2 wiffe. Taylor [of Stevington]. ARMS.-Azure, a sallire voided between four stags' heads cabossed or. [John Taillor.] [Dorathey ux. Wm Johnson of in com. North'ton.] Joyce wife to Parr Paris of Longstow com. Hunt- ingdon. Elizebeth d. of John Bromhall of Stevington. Samuel 6th son. Simon 7th son. Ursula aged about 18 yeres 1634. • [Elizebeth ux. Elizebeth ux. Will'm Hatley of.... in com. Bedfford.] RICH. TAYLOR. [Mary ux. Byrd of.... in com. Bedfford.] Margaret wife to Jo. Franck- lin of Great Stoughton co. Huntingdon. Cicely. Elizabeth. [Judith ux. Will'm Warde of . . . . in com. Bedfford.] [Margarett ux. Raffe Gostwike of Marston in com. Bedfford.] [Frances ux. Ric. Sherman of.... in com. Bed- fford.] [Clare.] [Martha.] U 146 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | [Elizebeth [Dorathey.] [Margerett.] ux. John [Ursula.] Bayly of London.] Rob Thomas Rob't Taillor aged 10 years at 4 son. ye time of this visitation 1634. [2. Thomas Thom- sonn. Vide Lincon.] 小 ​Thomson [of Husborne-Crawley]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1, Azure, a lion passant-guardant or, THOMPSON; 2, Or, a fesse between three martlets sable, CHADWORTH; 3, Sable, a fesse ermine between three crescents argent, GLOVER; 4, Argent, a fesse dancettée between three roses gules, SMYTH. [Richard Thomsonn of Laxton in com. York gent. usher to H. 4.]— Robert Thomson of Husborne- Crawley in com. Bedford Esqr. Robert Taillor [9 yere old 1613]. [Will'm Thomsonn.] [.. . . d. and heire of . . . . Chadworth.] [Richard Thomsonn.][Agnes d. of Hugh Gedney. Vert, 3 eagles splayd a.] John Thomsonn one of the Auditors to Q. Elizebeth. A Edmund 2 son. Conquest 3 son. wil Will'm Thomson of Wellinger in Catherin d. and coheire com. Lincon. of Robert Smyth. Elizab. d. of Sir [Anne.] Edm. Conquest of Houghton Conquest in com. Bedf. Kt. 1 [Allice d. and [John Thom-[Allice d. heire of Robertsonn.] of .... Glover.] Harvye.] Jane da. of Con- ingesby sister of Sr Rafe Conyngesby Knight Dorathy d. of Ric. Gilbert. Elizabeth 1. Jane 3. Hester 2. RICH. CONQUEST. [1. John Thom- sonn.] [Margery ux. Will'm Clarke.] 18. Will'm [3. Will'm Thomsonn. Vide Lincon.] [Thomas Thomson a preest.] [Allice ux. John Page.] [Elize- [2. Henery beth.] [3. Francis Thomsonn.] Thomsonn.] THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 147 A | Sr John Thomson of Husband-CrawleyJudeth sister of Oliuer Lord St John Earl Knight liueing A° 1634. of Bolingbrooke. St John Thomson Esq eldest son and heire apparent A 1634 aged about 22 yeres. Katherin da. of (Richard) 2. Francis-Anne da. Stone of Rougemont in Thomson. of... co. Bedford. Ascough. Christopher Turner of Milton Erneys in com. Bedf. descended of the Turners of the countie of Suffolke. Christopher Turner of Milton Erneys. Katheren. Turner [of Milton-Ernest]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1, Ermine, on a cross quarterly pierced argent four fers-de- moline sable, an annulet of the second for difference, TURNER; 2, Argent, on a chevron sable three gouttes d'or, ERNEYS; 3, Argent, a fesse sable, in chief a lion passant-guardant of the second, ZOUCH; 4, Azure, a bend ragulée or.* CREST.-A leopard argent, collared or, holding in his dexter paw a fer-de-moline sable. Edmund Turner Alice daughter of of Milton Erneys. Eastwick. Ellen daughter of (Thomas) Samm of Purton in com. Hertford. Christopher. Henry. Robert. Christopher Turner of Milton Erneys and of the middle Temple Councellor of the law A° 1634. Thomas 2nd son. Isabell daughter and coheire of Sr Walter Erneys de Milton Erneys co. Bedf. Knight. Elizabeth. Suzan. Edmund 3rd son. JOHN THO'SON. Thomas Turner of Melch--M'garet dau'r borne in com. Bedford I of Thomas second son. Dillingham. Christopher Turner Alice daughter of of Bedford Towne Hen. Clifton of A° 1634. Guildford com. Surry. Elizabeth mar- ried to Stephen Barker. *"Vnder the hand of Clar. Cooke." Martha. Margaret. Cicelly wife Ellen. to John Marsh of Marton in Kent. Sarah. CHRISTOPHER TURNER. 148 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Vaur [of Whipsnade]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).—I., Argent, a bend chequée or and gules, a crescent for difference, VAUX. II., Vert, a chevron argent gouttée de sang between three pheons or, HOLMAN.* CREST.-On a wreath argent and vert a bow and arrow drawn or, the arrow fesse- ways between two wings expanded gules, HOLMAN.† Robert Vaux of Cumberland. John Vaux of London. Robert Vaux of Whipsnade in com. Bedf. 1 husb. Margery Simon Holman of Stratton .... d. of Mr Vaux Saunders. co. Cornwall. and mother to Sr Samuel Aubrey Kt. Elizabeth d. of=William IIolman of Lincolne's ... Heriot she Inn a Counseller of the Law was twice mar- and of Whipsnade hall co. ried. Bedford Aº 1634 2nd husband. Nicholas Hol- man 2 son of Buckland Bruer co. Devon. John Vaux of Whipsnade Mary d. of Andrew Wilmer of Totteridge A° 1634. co. Hertf. John Vaux eld. s. and h. Aº 1634 Elizabeth. Mary. Alice. Margaret. aged about 14 years. W. HOLMAN. JOHN VAUX. Ventris [of Campton]. ARMS.-Azure, a dolphin naiant or between two bendlels wavy argent. [CREST.-A sword erect argent, hill and pommel or, between two wings expanded of the second.] John Ventris of Campton in Joane dau'r of. . . . Baude com. Bedford. of Walgraue. A St Francis Ventris of Campton in Mary dau'r of . . . . Dorrington com. com. Bedf. Huntingdon. "Certif. by Mr Philpot Som'set." + "An escochcon vnder the hand of Mr Camden to William Holman of Lincolne's Inn, son of Simon Holman of Stratton in Cornwall." THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 149 Francis Ventris Esqr eldest son died with- out yssue. A | Charles Ventris of Camp--Mary dau'r of Sr ton Esqr brother and heire Lewes Pemberton masle of Francis liucing of Rushdon com. A 1634. Northampton Kt. John Ventris eldest son and heire aged about 4 yeres A° 1634. Warren al's Waller [of Bedford]. Robert Warren al's Waller of Bedford descended of a branch of the Warrens al's Wallers of Ashwell co. Hertford. This Robert was three times maior of Bedford. 1. Robert Warren 2. Thomas. 3. William Warren al's al's Waller. Waller three seuerall times maior of Bed- ford liueing Aº 1634. t t John Wateson of Carlile. Mary. CHARLES VENTRIS. Richard Wateson of Ampthill in com. Bedfford liueing A° 1634. Henry Ventris third son. WILLIAM WARREN alias WALLER. Mary dau'r of (Wm) Cobbof Shernbrooke com. Bedford. Elizabeth dau'r of Michael Vnderwood of Henlow com. Bedford. Wateson [of Ampthill]. ARMS.-Argent, a fesse gules, in chief two crosses botonnée of the second. CREST.-An arm embowed in armour proper, garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a broken fetter-lock sable. John Wateson of London Anne d. of Thom. Ashby of a sea-captaine. Moulsham in com. Essex. Richard Wateson about 21 yere old 2. John 3. George 1634 eldest sonne and heire. Wateson. Wateson. Agnes d. of John Whitebred of Writle [Whitenotley] in com. Essex gent. Frances eldest Mary. daughter. RICH. WATESON. 150 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Whitaker [of Bedford]. * ARMS.-Argent, a chevron between three mascles azure. James Whitaker of Altham in co. Lancaster. Christopher Whitaker of Walshay in co. Lanc. John Whitacre of the Towne of Bedford gent. liueing A° 1634. Sibell dau'r of Tho. Cobb of Sharne- brooke com. Bedf. gent. Alice dau'r of . . . . Ormerod of Huncote com. Lanc. 3. James Whitaker Joyce dau'r of Sr Edward Batchelor of Diuinity. Greuile Knight. Mary mar. to George Bates of Milton Mowbray Clark in com. Buckingham. 2. Richard Whitaker rector of Gluiuas and Beaudoke co. Corn- wall. + 1. Edward. 2. John Whitaker now of London. 3. Thomas. JOHN WHITAKER. Martha mar. to John Sedg- wick of Southwick iuxta London bruer to King Charles. Wilkes [of Leighton-Bussard]. ARMS.—Per pale or and argent, a chevron between three eagles' heads erased sable.† CREST-On a mount vert a cross-bow erect or. MOTTOES.-IN DEO SALUS MEA. ARCUI MEO NON CONFIDO. John Wilkes of Layton Buzard in com. Bedford. 1 Edward Wilkes of Layton Buzard in com. Bedford now liueing 1634. Matthew Wilkes Ironmonger of London eldest sonn. Mark 2nd sonn. Jane wife to ... Jack- son. ±· Luke 3rd sonn. Jane da. of . . . . Besouth of Common (Corner) Hall in com. Harts. Thomas Joane 4th 2nd sonn. da. LUKE WILKES. * "Ex sigillo. res. for furth. proofe." †They also bear the following arms: Paly of eight or and gules, on a chief argent three lozenges of the second (another-three roses gules, seeded or). All these arms are depicted on the mural tablets set up to Luke Wilkes and Edward Wilkes in the chancel of Leighton-Bussard Church.-ED. THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 151 John Wingatt. Wingate [of Ampthi]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Sable, a bend ermine cotised between six martlets or, WINGATE. II., Quarterly-1 and 4, WINGATE; 2 and 3, Azure, a fesse between three goulles d'or, BELVERGE. In the centre point an escutcheon: Ermine, on a fesse.. a mullet gules, BUTTON. CRESTS.-1, A greyhound's head or, gorged with two bars-gemelles sable; 2, A gale or, a crescent for difference.* Elizabeth da. to Edmond Wingate Rafe Austry in of Sharpenhoe. com. Bedford. Burwell of Harling- ton. t (See next Pedigree.) Jane vxor Mary wife Edm. to Wm White- bread of Grauen- hurst in com. Bedford. Elizabeth ob. s.p. sonn and heire. da. of ....=Robert Wingate of Sharpen-Joane da. to . . Boteler of Wresley hoe in Stretley p'ish in com. 2 wife. Bedford. Porter 1 wife. William Wingate. Bedell of Chats- worth in com. Hunt. relict of Edw. Burwell of Harlington in com. Bedf. 1 1 Roger Anne Win- Wingate gate onely 3d sonne. da. Mary da. to Wm Belfeild of Studham 2 wife. Roger Dorothey da. of Edmund Wingate eldest [William] 2d sonn of Grey's Inn and now of Ampthill in com. Bedf. now liueing 1634. Thomas Wingate mar. the da. of Will'm Lockey of Wellen co. Hertf. Ralph 2 son mar. Doro- they da. of William Button of Ampthill. Edward Wingate 3d sonne Clarke of ye excheq. to Q. Eliz. com. Bed- ford eldest sonn. Roger Win-Jane da. 4. Wiil'm gate of of Henry ob. s.p. Borneud in Birch of (Sundon). Eliz. da. and hr of Rich. Button of Wootton in com. Bed- ford Esq. Button Wingate aged 5 yeares at ye tyme of this visitac'on 1634 eldest 2 sonne. sonn. Edmund Wingate Elizabeth vxor ... Short of London. Edward Wingate. Edward Wingate of Flam- borough in com. ton in com. York 3 Bedf. Jane da. to Edward Burwell of Harling- sonu. Dorothey. EDM. WINGATE. *"This creast did belong to Edward Wingate Clarke of the Check to him onely and no other of his family." 1 152 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Wingate [of Harlington]. ARMS.-Sable, a bend ermine cotised between six martlets or. Edmond Wingate Elizabeth da. to Rafe Astrey in com. Bedford. of Sharpenhoe. Anne dau'r of William Wise--George Wingate of Sharpenhoe Esq'Anne dau'r of man of Canfeild Hall com. Essex 2 wife relict of. Fitch and mother of Sr Wil- liam Fitch. one of the Justices of the Peace in this County his third wife was (Martha) da. of Oliuer Lo. St John of Bletneso. John Belfeild of Studham in co. Hertford 1 wife. Robert Wingate of Harlington in com. Bedf. Esq". John Wingate of Harlington Esq one of the Jus- tices of the Peace A° 1634. Amy da. of Roger Warr of Hester- combe co. Somer- set Esq'. 2. Edward Wingate of Lockley mar. Margaret da. to Peter Tauerner Soll of Richard Tauerner of Soundes co. Oxon. Alice da. of Francis Smallman of Kin- ersley in co. Here- ford Esq. Robert Wingate eldest sonne and heire apparent aged about 7 yeres Aº 1634. 2. Henry St Edmund Wyld of Kemsey Wylde. co. Worcester & Glaseley com. Salop. George Win- gate of the Middle Temple ob. s.p. 2. Francis. Wyld [of Bromham]. Wyld. T + Edward Wingate of Lock- ley co. Hertford mar. Mary Alway da. and coh. of Rafe Alway of Cannons com. Herford gent. 3. George. Richard, Rafe and George s.p. Hester. Amy. Jo. WINGATE. Dorothey dau'r and sole heire of George St Francis Clarke of Houghton Wyld. Conquest co. Bedford. Edmund Wyld of Houghton Conquest com. Bedford Esqr liueing A° 1634 now the King's Ward aged about 16 yeares Aº 1634. Walter Wyld 2ª son. EDMUND WYLDE, Additional Pedigrees. “The vissitation of Bedfordshire made in A° 1566 endeth at ye 90 lcaffe in this booke most of wh. descents are continued & enlarged by some of ye same ffamilyes and [one word here illegible] pedigrees the rest of ye descents ffolowing the 90 leaffe are descents of ye same county truly transcribed by me RICHARD MUNDY. "Noate that I lent this book to George owen yorke herald & henery lilly rouge when they went the vissitation of this county in A° 1634." (Harl. MS. 1531.) EDW. COPLEY of Southill.-Argent, a cross moline gules, in the dexter chief a fleur-de-lys of the second. RADCLIFF of Elstow.-Argent, a bend engrailed sable, a crescent for difference. NEWDIGATE of Hawns.-Gules, a chevron ermine between three lions' jambs. argent. SEWELL of Edworth.-Argent, on a bend gules three martlets of the field, within a bordure engrailed of the second. MOLYSWORTH.-Gules, an inescutcheon vair argent and azure within an orle of cross-crosslets or. PYNFFOLD of Dunstable.—Azure, a chevron or surmounted of another of the field between three doves proper. Crest.-A pine-tree or, leaved vert, fructed proper, enclosed within pales argent and sable. (Granted 18 Oct. 1501.) JOHN BRENKER.-Argent, a fesse gules between six estoiles sable. Judg or Jug.—Or, a chevron vert. Bardolffe.—Argent, a chevron ermine between three crosses pattée fitchće gules. CLOPTON.-Gules, a fesse ermine between six mascles or. BAA.-Gules, a chevron argent between three plates. BAA.—Gules, a chevron between three mullets argent. FAYREY.-Per pale or and azure, a chevron between three eagles all counterchanged, on a chief gules as many fusils ermine. [Crest. A griffin rampant wielding a sword in the dexter claw.] Kyl FLYTWECKS.-Or, two lions passant-guardant sable. [Crest.-An arm embowed, vested and cuffed argent, in the hand proper an arrow sable, headed and feathered of the first.] SOMERY.-Or, two lions passant-guardant azure. GOLDINGTON.—Or, two lions passant sable. GUBYON.-Gules, a cross pattée argent, over all a label of three points azure. HARNEYS.-Argent, a chevron sable gouttée d'or, a crescent gules for difference. [Crest.-A stag's head sable gouttée d'or, attired of the last.] X 154 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. HENXTON.-Gules, a chevron between three leopards' faces argent. ROGER HEIGHAM.-Paly of six argent and azure, on a chief gules three escallops of the first. [Crest.-An escallop or, charged with a mullet gules.] PAKINGHAM.—Barry of six or and azure (another sable and or), on a bend gules three mullets or. PEVER (of Toddington).-Argent, a chevron gules between three fleurs-de-lys or. PYGOTT.-Argent, a bend between six pickaxes sable. Rous [or RowsE].-Quarterly argent and sable, a bend of the second. SOMERY.-Quarterly or and azure, a bend gules. SLADE.-Argent, three horses' heads erased sable, a chief gules. [Crest.-A horse's head erased sable.] TRAYLEY (of Northill).—Or, a cross between four martlets gules. STOKES of Carlton.-Argent fretty azure, on a canton of the second a boar's head erased or. HUNT.-Sable, a fesse between three cinqfoils or. JACOB.-Per chevron or and argent, an eagle displayed sable. JOHN JOHNSON of Goldington.-Azure, a chevron between three eagles volant or. HENRY WHITLOCK of Shitlingtonbury.-Sable, a fesse embattled between three escallops or. Crest.-Out of a mural crown or a demi-talbot ermine. JUGER.-Quarterly-1, Or, a chevron vert; 2, Gules, a fesse on a chief argent a lion passant gules; 3, Gules, a chevron between three horse- shoes argent; 4, Blank. • JOHN LANCELOTT.—Argent, on a chief azure three fusils or. HUMFFREY WINCH (of Everton).-Per pale azure and gules, an escallop or. Crest.-An escallop per fesse or and argent. ST JOHN FOULTHORPE, KNT., t'pe E. I.—Ermine, on a chief gules three roses or. ALLEXANDER SCROGGS of Raynold, sonn of Thomas Scroggs of Patmore.—Argent, on a bend azure between two greyhounds courant bendways sable three Cornish choughs or. Crest.-A pewit's head argent, collared gulcs, wings endorsed bendy of four or and sable. THOMAS BEDELL of Wootton.-. a bend argent, cotised or, between six lions passant-guardant or. PYKE of Ranhall.-Per pale or and gules, on a chevron between three trefoils slipped a luce naiant all counterchanged. PATESHULL of Pateshull.-Paly of six or and gules, a fesse argent. RYDELL.-Paly of six argent and gules, a bend sable. JOHNSON of Leighton.-Argent, a fesse lozengy between three lions' heads erased gules. vert. Crest.-A nag's head sable, gouttée d'or and crined of the last. JOHN MANLEY of Wilshamstead.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a dexter hand couped and erect within a bordure sable; 2 and 3, Vert, a bend ermine. In the fesse point an annulet for difference. Crest.-A Saracen's head affrontée proper, wreathed about the temples ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 155 WM. BLETSHO of Wiminton.-Or, on a bend sable between three escallops azure as many garbs of the first, all within a bordure gules. Crest.-A wolf's head or, semée of hurts, and gorged with a mural collar azure. RICHARD WAGSTAFFE of Ravensden.-Argent, two bends engrailed gules, the lower one couped at the top, in chief an escallop of the second. Fo. 14. In Wouburne Church in com. Bedfford in the glasse windows of the same : 1. Azure, three bars wavy argent, CISTERCIAN ABBEY OF WOBURN. 2. Quarterly or and gules, in the first quarter a mullet argent, VERE. 3. Quarterly-1 and 4, Or, three bars wavy azure, SANDFORD; 2 and 3, VERE. 4. SANDFORD. In the South Ile :- 1. Argent, a chevron sable fretty or between three roses slipped vert, The armes of the ffather and Mother of Robert Hobbs, Abbot of Woborne :- Sable, a cross engrailed between four martlets or, a chief ermine, impaling, Azure, on a chief argent three torteaux, These inscriptions remain in the wall on the north side of the Inner Court there:- "HIC IACET Will'm's Weston. “Hic jacet Guido de Vere. On ye old buildings there: 1. SANDFORD. 2. Quarterly- Fo. 21. In Luton Church :- 19 and in the first quarter a mullet, in the second quarter three bars wavy.* The Baron of Sandfford and the erles of oxfford were ffounders of the Abbey of Wouborne. "Jesu Christ most of myght have mercy on John le Wenlock knight and of his wife Elizabeth wch out of this world is past by death wch founded thes chapell here helpe them with your harty praier that they may com to that place where ever is joy and solace.” ; ARMS.—Quarterly of eight-1, Argent, a chevron between three Blackamoors' heads erased sable, WENLOCK; 2, Quarterly argent and sable, Hoo; 3, Sable, a bend between six crosses fitchée or, ; 4, Barry of six ermine and gules, in chief a demi-lion rampant gules, ; 5, As No. 2; 6, 7, and 8, Blank. *The blazon of this shield is clearly wrong. It is probably intended to represent Vere impaling Sandford. 156 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. “Hie jacet Thomas Rotheram miles et D'na Katherina uxor eius qui quidem Thomas obiit ………. die ………. Ao d'ni 15 quidem Ratherina obiit Ao d'ni ....” .. qui ARMS.-Vert, three stags trippant or, ROTHERAM; impaling, Barry of six argent and azure, in chief three torteaux, GREY. In Bletso Church :- “Wie jacet Radulphus lannor quondam Cofferarius et custos Garderop prin? cum nobilissima Domina Margaret ducissa Somersatia ac? leon d'na Wells qui obiit 18 die Augusti 1458 Cuius a'ía propi'et, &c.” ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly-1 and 4, Azure, three fleurs-de-lys or, a crescent for difference, LANNOR; 2 and 3, three lions rampant 2 ? WELLES. II. (in an old glasse window), Quarterly-1 and 4, Ermine, three chevrons gules, ; 2 and 3, Gules, on a bend argent three trefoils slipped vert, HARVEY. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 157 Astry [of Eaton-Socon]. George Astry of Bushmead Lora d. of Thom. Rowley of in com. Bedfford. in com. Huntingdon. George John Astry of=Suzan d. of.... Astry Eaton (Socon) Low remarried ob.s.p. in com. Bed- Bury ford 2 son. clerke. Luke Astry-Anne d. of . in Ireland eld. son. 1. John Banester ob. s.p. Cullen of West- chester. Luke. James. • } Rafe Astry 4th son 1635. Anne. John Banester of Ferhurste in com. Lanck. a second sonn out of the howse of the Bank. • * James Astry of Eaton (Socon) in com. Bed- ford 3 son. • Devon. Banester [of Bedford]. ARMS.-Argent, a cross fleurie sable, a crescent gules for difference. CREST.-A peacock sejeant proper, encircled by a snake proper. 2. John Joane d. of Elizabeth Banester. Gent of ux. in com. Hubert Hussey. Diana d. of Edward Bee of Shenffeld in com. Essex Esqr. Grace d. of Edward Buckworth of Wisbich in Ile of Ely in com. Cambridg. Rebecka. Margarett d. of Richard | Lowth of Sawtrey in com. Huntington. Catherin d. and sole heire ux. Stephen Bradwell of London docter in phissick and had yssue Stephen. 3. Gabriell Banester. Issabel d. of .. Johnson of . . . . in com. Lester who wayted on the Lady Jane in her pros- perity and at her execution. Ellinor. Elizebeth. Anne. 1. Gabriell 2. John Banester. Anthony ob. s.p. ob. s.p. A Cf. 'Genealogical Memoirs of the Families of Astry,' p. 90, by R. E. Chester Waters. 158 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | 3. Francis Banester of the towne of Bedford Amy d. of Wi'm Carter of Kempton Docter in Phissick. in com. Bedfford. Mary ux. Joseph Lane of Hidgenton in com. Buckingham. William. Allice d. of Roger Gricc. Per pale a chevron be- lwene 3 annulels, 3 bucks' heds caboshed and counter- changed. ARMS.—Gules, on a chevron between three griffins' heads erased argent as many lozenges azure, on a chief crenellée or three birch-branches vert. CREST.-A hare rumpant barry or and azure, holding in its paws a branch of filbert- nuts. Catherin d. Richard Birch 구 ​of . . . . of Sundon in Tanner com. Bedfford. 1 wiffe. Huntington Birch. A Elizebeth ux. William Lane of Shaftesbury in com. Dorsett. T Thomas. Dominick Birch Jeromy Birch of.... in com. of London. Southampton.* Francis. Birch [of Sundon]. (? Dorothy) 1 wiffe Henery Birch..... d. of Robert Fitch of Aunsley in com. d. of . . . . Warwick 2 wiffe. Will'm Birch GromeT. porter to H. 8 descended from Birch of Birch in com. Lanc. lived 29 H.8 and Clarke of the Ex- chequer. | • widdow of Neale grandfather of Sr Thom. Neale Auditor 2 wiffe. + Anne ux. . . . . Clif- ton of . . . . in com. Norffolk. Jane d. of John Clarke of Elstow 2 wiffe. • Elizebeth ux. Thomas Jenisun of Walworth in the Bishoprick of Durham. 1 Anne ux. Jason Horsley of Mil- borne Grange in com. Northum- berland. TT Thomas. Samwell. William. Thomas. Nathaniell. Emanuell. * Harl. MS. 1600 makes Dominick and Jeremy sons of William Birch by the widow of. Ncale; and also makes Judith, Henry, Jane, Priscilla, and Susan issue of IIenry Birch by his wife, da. of Rob't Fitch. Mary ux. Richard Iplady of London draper. Elizebeth. Jane. B ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 159 | A 1. Henery. 3. Richard 4. John Birch of London 8.p. 2. Jeromy. 1. John dyed yong. Vintner 1634. 1. Thomas Birch. 2. John Birch [14 yeares old July 1634*]. Jane ux. Roger Wyngate of Barnend in com. Bed- fford.t Judith ux. Thomas Smyth of Slaphamn (? Slapton) in com. Buckingham. > Anne d. of Humffrey Monox of Walt- hamstow in com. Essex. Jane d. of Thomas Higham of Higham Greene in com. Suff. 1 wiffe. 3. Humffrey [8 years old*]. A Jane ux. Lewes Monox Elizebeth. 2 to John Gade a procter of the Civil Law. Dorathey. Priscilla 1 ux. John Moore- howse of Comberland 2 to John Cailton of Segston in com. York. 2. Henery Birch of Otcomb in com. Somersett. Elizebeth [12 years old*]. Blenerhasset [of Blunham]. 5. Nicholas. Frances ux.W'm Barnes of com. Dorsett. Anne [11 years old*]. Susan ux. Georg Bedells of Siton in com. Buck- ingham. Raffe Blenerhasset of Frens Jane d. and heire of Sr John Lowdham in com. Norff. of Lowdham in com. Suff. vid. idem. B Joane d. of Will'm Skipwith of St. Albans in com. Hert- fford. ARMS.-Quarterly of six-1, Gules, a chevron ermine between three dolphins embowed argent, BLENERHASSET; 2, Argent, three escutcheons sable, two and one, LOWDHAM; 3, Gules, a pallium inverted ermine, KELDON; 4, Azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned or, ; 5, Azure, a fesse between three ; 6, Blank. In the fesse point fleurs-de-lys or, a crescent for difference, a crescent for difference. CREST.-A wolf sejeant gules, a crescent on the shoulder. Mary. Grace ux. Edmond Iremonger. * Visitation of London,' Harl. Soc., vol. i., p. 131. "Widow to...." (Harl. MS. 4600.) "Coulton." (Harl. MS. 4600.) John Blenerhasset Jane d. of Sr Thomas Tyndall of of Frens in Nor- | Norff. 2 wiffe by whome hee had folk. yssue as in Suff. and Norfolk. 160 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A | Edward Blener-Mary d. of Thomas hassett of Blom- s.p. ham in com. Bedfford. Cressett of ... .. in com. Sallop. 1. Will'm Blundell lived 7 E. 3 ob. s.p. 3. Will'm 3. Will'm will, vide Norff. t Samwell Blenerhassett of=.... d. of Edward Duke of Giningham Blomham. in Norff. Blundell* [of Cardington]. ARMS.-Quarterly of six-1, Azure, ten billets, four, three, two, and one, and a canton or charged with a raven sable, BLUNDELL; 2, Sable, three lozenges in fesse between as many stags' heads cabossed argent, BUDOCKSHYDE; 3, Argent, three bendlets engrailed sable, TRAVALARD alias MORTON; 4, Argent, a chevron surmounted of a cross pattée sable, GOPHILL; 5, Argent, a chevron between three Blackamoors' heads sable, 6, Blank. CREST. A squirrel sejeant gules, collared and holding a nut or, on the shoulder a crescent for difference. Will'm Blundell of Ins. Will'm Blundell of Ins. Anne ux. Wm Baynham of Wostbury in com. Gloster. Richard Blundell of Ins 1241, 26 H. 3.— Will'm Blundell Lord of Ins 1283, 11 E. 1.— Joane d. of 2. Henery=Catherin d. of Matthew Will'm sonn of Hadock. Adam Leverpoole 4 E. 3. Blundell brother and heire. A Elizebeth 1 ux. Will'm Hadley 2 to Adams. Will'm Blundell of Ince Blundell 5 R. 2. John Blundell — of Ince 48 E 3. Will'm Blundell of Ince Blundell 3 H. 4. Allice d. of Nicholas Blundell of Crosby 3 H. 4. * Cf. 'Le Neve's Knights,' p. 135, and Burke's 'Extinct and Dormant Baronets,' p. 600, ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 161 A | Robert Blundell of Ince Blundell 25 H. 6. Elizebeth d. of .... Dawne of ... 25 H. 6. Will'm Blundell of Ince Joane d. of Roger Ashaw of Hill in com. Lanc. 1 E. 4. Blundell 1 E. 4. Thomas Blundell..... d. of . . . . Ballard. Will'm ob. s.p. all' Richard Blundell. Richard Blundell. Allice d. of . . .. White of Ravenstone in com. Northampton. John Blundell. Catherin d. and coheire of Roger Budoxshyde. 2. Sr Francis Blun-Joyce d. of dell Knt. and Will'm Sargant Baronett Secretary of Waldridg in to King James for the p'ish of the Irish causes Dynton in com. 1619 Knighted by Buckingham King James at sister of Anne. Newmarkett 30 of January 1617. 3. Arther Blundell. Blundell. George slaine at the Ile of 2. Josias. Rhe marid Sara d. and co- heire of Will'm Matthew of 3. Henery. Wootton in com. Bedfford. T George. 1. Thomas Blundell. 2. Francis Blundell. Josias s.p. Susan d. of Henery Ben- geratt of Antwerp. Elizebeth. Sr George Blundell of Carrington in Elizebeth d. and heire of John Gascoigne com. Bedfford Knt. of Carrington. 4. John-Anne d. Blun- dell. of Will'm Sergeant of Wald- ridg sister of Joyce. Sir George Blundell. Frances ux. Christofer Phillip- Anne. sonn 3 sonn of Christofer Phil- lipsonn of Canished in com. Lanc. Sara. Frances. Y I 162 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS.-Quarterly of nine-1, Argent, a chevron between three eagles' legs erased à la quise sable, BRAY; 2, Vair, three bendlets gules, LONGVALE; 3, Argent, on a bend gules three goats passant of the field, armed or, HALEIWELL ; 4, Sable, on a chevron between three bulls' heads argent a fleur-de-lys of the field, NORBURY; 5, Gules, a fesse counter-componée argent and sable between six crosses formée fitchée or, BOTTELER; 6, Or, two bendlets gules, SUDLEY ; 7, Bendy of ten or and azure, MOUNTFORT; 8, Sable, a cross between four bees erect or, CROSYER; 9, Azure, a chevron or, DABERNON. CRESTS.-1, A lion passant-guardant or between two wings endorsed vair or and azure; 2, A flax-breaker or; 3, A ? rabbit gules. Jakys or John Bray. A Bray, Lord Bray [of Eaton Bray]. Auncell Bray.T Thomas Bray.T Will' Bray.T 1. John Bray by―[.... da. of the 1 wiffe. .... Braxby.] Thomas Bray ob. s.p. John Bray. Richard Andrews-Lucey d. of of Frisfolke in com. South'ton. 〒 Richard Bray one of the Privy Counsell to H. 6. Richard Bray. 2. Sr Will'm Bray Knt. vide Surrey. t - Edmond Bray.T Roger Wal- wyn. John Bray. Jocelyn Bray. 2. Will'm Bray— by the 2 wiffe. Grace d. of . . . . Troughton. Richard Bray. Edmond Bray.T Allice. 3. Reignald Bray of Barington in com. Oxon vide idem. t Edmond Bray. 2. Sr Reignald 3. John Bray Knt. of Bray. the Garter. Joane. Jane ux. Isack ap Ras of Washing- ley. Elizabeth ux. Sr John Norris Knt. Norbury. Sr John Norbury Knt. Elizabeth d. and heire. B | Thomas Butler Baron of Sudley.—Allice d. and heire of John Beauchampe of Powick. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 163 A Hallywell. John Hallywell. Mary ux. Robert Peck- ham. Sr Henry Norbury Knt. Anne d. and heire of Sr Will'm Crosier. B 1. St Edmond Bray Knt. Lord Bray of Jane d. and heire of Eaton [Bray] in com. Bedfford. Richard Halywell. Richard Hallywell. Jane d. and heire. John Lord-Anne d. of Anne sister and coheire Bray ux. George Brooke Lord Cobham. ob. s.p. Sr John Norbury Knt. Joane d. of Thom. •T• was of Stoke. Gilbert. Francis Erle of Shrewsbury. [Frideswide] ux. Sr Percivall Harte of .... in com. Kent. Dorathey ux. (S) Ed- mond Bruges (K.G.) of (Sudley) in com. Gloster. Brydiman [of Tingrith]. George Brydiman of Tingrave in com. Bedfford. 1. Edmond Brydi-Margarett d. of S Walter man of Tingraue Waller of Groomsbridge | in com. Bedford. in com. Kent Knt. Jane dyed yong. Elizebeth sister and coheire ux. Sr Raffe Verney of Penley in com. Hertfford. ARMS.-Quarterly of eight-1, Argent, on a cross sable five fusils ermine, BRYDIMAN; 2, Sable, a lion rampant-guardant or, BROCAS ; 3, Sable, two lions passant- guardant argent, ROCHES; 4, Gules, six ragged staves argent, three, two, and ; 5, Argent, a cross between four mullets pierced gules, BANBURY ; 6, Or, a fesse gules between three mascles azure, ScOVILL; 7, Argent, a fesse sable between three bulls' heads gules, horned or, BODINANT; 8, Blank. CREST.-A wolf's head couped quarterly argent and sable. one, [Sir Urian Brereton of.... Kt.] 2. Charles Brydiman of Tin- graue. Edith d. and sole heire of John Brockas. = Frances ux. Tho. Ley- ffeld of Stok Daber- non in com. Surrey. Margerett d. Margerett of.... Giles ob. s.p. of. in com. Hunt. Mary d. and sole heire ux. John Cade sonn and heire of Sr Will'm Cade of King's Langley in com. Hertfford Knt. 164 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ARMS.-Quarterly of six-1, Sable, a chevron between three bulls' heads argent, armed or, a crescent for difference, BULKELEY; 2, Party per pale or and argent, an eagle displayed sable, BIRD; 3, Azure, on a fesse argent between six cross- crosslets fitchée or three escallops gules, TITLEY; 4, Or, on a bend azure a fret of the field, WORE; 5, Barry of six argent and gules, MOLTON; 6, As No. 1. In the fesse point a crescent for difference. Robert Bulkley lord of the mannor of Bulkley in com. Cester. Will'm Bulkley lord of Bulkley.T Robert Bulkley of Bulkley.(Jane) d. of (Sr Wm) Butler Baron of Warrington. T Hugh Bulkley of Wore. 1. Will'm Bulkley of Bulkley 2. Peter Bulkley. Nichola d. and heire of Thom. a quo Bulkley of Hayton in Bird by whome hee had land com. Cester vide idem. in Alpraham. John Bulkley. Ardeene d. and heire of John Titley Robert. of Wore in com. Sallop. Bulkley [of Odell]. Hellen d. of Thom. 2. Roger Bulkley-Margery d. and heire Wilbraham of of Broxton. of John Bird of Woodhey Esqr. Broxton. Humffrey Bulkley of Woore vid. Chesh he had issue Wil- liam who had this Thomas. Scissely d. and heire of John Molton of Molton. Thomas Bulkley of Wore.* ux. 1. Rowland Margerett Margerett Anne Bulkley of ux. Thom. Wore vide Smyth. Sallop. f Will'm Greene. Peter Bulkley of Odell.† Elizebeth d. of Randall Grosvenor of Bellapre in com. Esqr. Issabell ux. Sr Law- rance Warren of Pointon. Nathaniell. • 2. Edward Bulkley (Rector) of Odell in com. Bedfford Docter of Divinity had 3 sonns and 12 daughters. Margarett ux. Thom. Tatten- hall. Catherin ux. George Baker of Couls- hurst. Paule dyed at Cambridge. In the MS. Thomas is placed as above; his father William should immediately precede. † Rector of Odell in 1620; ob. at Concord, N. America, 9 March 1658. ('Non-Conformists' Memorial,' ed. 1778, vol. i., p. 505.) For issue of Peter see Harvey's 'Hist. Willey Hundred,' p. 365. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 165 John Carter de Lilly prope Luton in co. Bedford. Abraham Carter de Lilly prædicta. Carter* [of Higham]. ARMS.—Azure, a talbot passant between three round buckles or. CREST.-Out of a mural crown argent a demi-monkey proper. Thomas Carter de Higham in co. Bedford E. iv.T Elizabeth filia filia .... Carlton. John, de Settrington in co. Ebor. William. William eldest sone. Prudence filia and co- hæres D. Phillippi Haw- tree de Luton præd. militis. Richard Carter de co. Bedford.T * Willelmus Carter Elizabetha fil. . . . de Offley prope | Goldsmith de Hixon Lillie in Lillie. in com. Bedford. William....filia Gulielmi Carter Curtis de co. de Offley Cantabridgiæ. præd. Frances filia primogenita Willelmi Fuller decani Dublin. Thomas Carter.... filia de Denton in com. Buck. Charles. Elizabeth. Catheren. Will. Carter=. . . . daughter of Offley of Francis Drake præd. of London. Will' Curtis de co. Can- tabr. Francis. John Carter of Kinmel-Elizebeth da. and coheire Jana Carter. in co. Denbigh. of David Holland. Chester+ [of Tilsworth]. ARMS.-Quarterly of six-1, Per pale argent and sable, a chevron engrailed between three rams' heads erased, horned or, all counterchanged, within a bordure engrailed gules bezantée, CHESTER; 2, Azure fretty argent, a mullet for difference, CAVE; 3, Gules, three mullets argent, ; 4, Sable, on a bend fleurie counter-fleurie or three escallops gules, BROMFLEETE; 5, Ermine, on a bend sable three demi-luces argent, ; 6, Argent, three moorcocks William Chester of London gent.— A | vert, beaked and membered gules. CREST.-A ram's head couped argent, armed or, charged with a mullet for difference. By a later hand. Cf. Le Neve's Knights,' p. 65, ed. Harl. Soc. † C. Le Neve's Knights,' p. 16. 166 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Nicholas Chester of Lon- don. ㅜ ​Richard Chester ob. s.p. A | John Chester of London gent.Joane d. of . . . . Hill of London. John 3rd son. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Lovett of Astwell in com. Northampton 1 wiffe. Frances ux. W'm Rob- inson of London grocer. Danyell 4th son. s.p. Robert Chester yongest sonn. Jane ux. Richard Of- fley brother of Sr Thomas. Francis 5th son. Sr William Chester-Elizabeth d. of Thomas Knt lord maior of Turner of . . . . and wid- London 1561. dow of Will'm Beswick of London Alderman. Mary d. of John Ellis. Chester Anthony Elizabeth (eld.) da. of St John Payton of Dennington* in com. Cambridge. eld. son. Emme ux. John Gardiner of London grocer. Judith d. and coheire of Anthony Cave of Chichley in com. Buck. 1 wiffe. Mary d. of John-St Anthony Chester-Rebecka (? Roberta) Ellis of Reddall (? Kiddall) in com. Yorke 2nd wiffe. of Chichley in com. Buckingham Knt. and Barronett 1634. d. of Sr Hen. Botler of Bramffeld in com. Hertford yonger brother of Sr Phillip ffirst wiffe. Mary ux. Sr Robert Bell of Well in com. Nor- ffolk Knt. William Chester 2ndson. Susan ux. John Trott of London. William Chester of London Esq eldest son. Elizabeth ux. Gervas Cressy of Pickering in com. Yorke. * Dodington in the Isle of Ely. Thomas a bishop in Ire- land 2nd son. = Mary d. of [John] ffryer of [London] in com. [Midd.] 2nd wife. William Elizabeth ob. s.p. 2ndson. ux. Thomas Eaton. Henry Chester Judith d. of John of Tylsworth in com. Bedford high sherrif in A° 1637 3rd son. Bank- Chester worth of Bow 4th son. lane in Lon- don sister of Docter Bank- worth. Judith. Anne ob. yong. | | | Allice. Dorathy. 3 daus. Henry Chester eldest son. Anthony Chester 2nd son. thor ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 167 Crayford [of Ampthill]. ; ARMS.-Quarterly of six-1, Or, on a chevron vert three hawks' heads erased argent, CRAYFORD; 2, Sable, a saltire argent, an annulet for difference, 3, Sable, three salamanders in fesse or, two and one, ; 4, Argent, a chevron between three bulls' heads sable, ; 5, Argent, a luce hauriant azure between two flaunches barry of six argent and azure, ATSEE or SEE; 6, Blank. CREST.-A hawk's head couped or. John Crayfford of Great Moungam... . . d. of . . . . Monyngs. Will'm Crayfford temp. H. 4. Guy Crayfford.T John Crafford of Great Moungam in Kent.. John Crafford of Great Moungam gent. Margerett d. of John Cryspe Usher of the privy chamber to H. 8. of Thannet. 1. Will'm Crafford. Edward Crafford of Much Moungam. Mary d. and heire of Henery Atsee of Herne. Sr Will'm Crafford of Much Moungam Knt. ob. 15 August 1623, 68 yere of his age. 3. Sr Will❜m Crafford File: of Ampthill in com. Bedfford Knt. Elizebeth ux. Will'm Butler of Higham Abbey nigh Rochester in Kent Esq. 2. George 3. Richard. Crafford. d. and heire of Edward Wood of London. 1. Edward Crafford Anne d. of Sr Rowland 2. Tho- Anne ux. John Warren Esqr ob. in the liffe | Hayward Knt. Lord of his father. Maior of London. Anne d. of John Norton of London or Suffolk illa ob. 26 May 1624. Azure, a manch erm. Margarett d. of Abraham Campion of London Esqr. mas ob. s.p. 4. John s.p. Margerett Allice ux. John ob. s.p. Mery wether of Sheppards Well in Kent. of Riple in com. Kent 2 to Edward Boys of Godmanston in Kent. 5. John. 4. John s.p. 5. Robert Crafford. Anne. 6. Richard Crafford ob. s.p. Affra ux. Captaine Thom. Mansell of Vandy in com. Buckingham. 168 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Faldo [of Maulden]. ARMS (TWO SHIELDS).-I., Quarterly-1, Gules, three stags' heads cabossed or, attired argent, FALDO; 2, Gules, on a chevron between three escallops or a castle of the field, CHAMBERLEYN; 3, Gules, a saltire ermine, NEVELL of Rolston; 4, Blank. II., Quarterly of ten-1, FALDO; 2, CHAMBERLEYN ; 3, NEVELL; 4, Or fretty gules, on a canton per pale argent and ermine a lymphad sable, NEVIL of Holt; 5, Gules billettée sable, a lion rampant or, BULMER; 6, Bendy of six or and vert, a chevron ermine, INGLEBERT ; 7, Argent, two bars nebulée sable, a canton ermine, ROLLESTON; 8, Azure, a fleur-de-lys ermine, PALMER; 9, Bendy of six or and azure, a canton ermine, BISHOPTON; 10, Argent, a chevron gules, a chief indented vert, FANCOTS. Faldo is a hamlet in .. "The field is Gules, three stags' heads trunked or, armed or, attired_argent. This Coate is borne by the name of Faldo in the county of Bedford, where there are diuerse gentlemen of that name yet remayning, and some of them owners of the said manner (as I take it)." (Guillim, p. 183.) Simon de Faldo of com. Bedfford..... d. of John Nevell. Sr Will'm Faldo Knt.— Knt. T Will'm de Keynes de Faldo.Joane. Will'm de Keynes de Faldo [A° 6 E. 2-Harl. MS. 4600].T Richard de Faldo 40 E. III. Will'm de Faldo 17 R. II. Catherina. Johannes de Faldo. Will'm de Faldo 12 H. VI.— Johannes de Faldo de Malden et Faldo in com. Bedfford 23 E. IV.— Richard de Faldo de Malden T et Faldo 1 R. III, A Revell. Will'm Nevell of Holte in com. Le'ster. B Catherin d. and heire of Thomas Palmer of Holte. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 169 Johannes de Faldo de Malden et Faldo temp. H. VII. and H. VIII. Wi Will'm Faldo de Malden et Faldo [Aº 6 E. 6-Harl. MS. 4600]. 1. Richard Faldo of Malden. (Ob. 1576-brass at Maulden.) [*Thomas Shepard.] Anne ob. s.p.† A 1. Richard Faldo of Okley. Elizebath d. of .... Perin. 0 Margarett d. of Richard [Pichard-Harl. MS. 4600] de Okley. G., a fesse inter 3 escallops. 1. Will'm Wi Nevell of Holte. Robert [Raffe-Harl. MS. 4600] Faldo of Malden and of North Myms in com. Hertford.‡ [Elizabeth da. to Tho. Gould of London.] 1. John 3. Thomas 2. Robert Faldo Faldo of Faldo ob. North ob. s.p. s.p. Myms. T Amphillis d. and heire of John Chamb'leyn of Normanton in com. . . . . renupt. Thom. Shep- pard of Hockley. T B| 2. Thomas Nevill of Cotterstock and Cot- tingham in com. Northampton. Jane marid to John Chamberlayne al's Spicer of Normanton. wil 2. Will'm=Mary d. of Tho. Gold Faldo. of London. [*Constance wife to Edma Bressey.] Anne d. of John Palmer of Lon- don grocer. Anne ux. John Rose of London sopeboyler. Anne d. of . . . . Graveley of [Meldon-Harl. MS. 4600] in com. Hertfford. Henry ob. s.p. Will'm Fawcett and Anne both s.p. 3. Thomas Faldo of Okley-Margarett d. of Will'm [Rob't- in com. Bedfford. Harl. MS. 4600] Barber. Will'm Faldo-Ann d. of of Golding- Will'm ton. Norman. Anne ux. Will'm Bromsall. Allice d. of .... Wauton of Basmead in com. Bedfford. 1 Anne ux. Sr John St John of Bletneshoe in com. Bed- fford. John Will'm Faldo. Faldo. 4. Edmond ob. s.p. Robert Bromffeld of Lon- don brother to the Alder- man 2 husband. Jane ux. John Fawsett of Norwich 2 to James Ten- nant of Nealyng in com. York.§ T Mary ux... Morgan of London. 4. Thomas Faldo [of] Great Peatling [Pot- ley-Harl. MS. 4600] in com. Le'ster. Z D *Harl. MS. 4600. † Ob. 1594, æt. 18; brass in Maulden Church. In Westham Church, co. Midd., is a monument to Rob't Faldo, Esq., 1613; Francis his fifth son, 1632; and John Fawcit, gent. (who mar. Jane Faldo), 1625. § "Of Westham in com, Essex, A° 1634." (Visit. of Essex,' p. 500, Harl. Soc.) 170 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. o | 3. Will'm Faldo. John Richard Robert Faldo. ob. s.p. Faldo. Anne d. of John Reston. Mary [d. and coheir-Harl. MS. 4600] 1 ux. John Birkett of London vintner 2 to Stephen Knight of London vintner. 2. John Faldo=Jane d. of of Oakeley. Faldo. Will'm Faldo-Barbara d. of Adrian Evans of London. of London m'chant. Sr John Fishe of Southill in com. Bedfford Knt. and Baronett in Ire- land. Thomas Fishe of Ayott Mount Fitchett. Elizabeth d. of Auditor Thompson 1 wiffe. Fishe [of Southill]. ARMS.—Azure, a fesse argent, over all on a bend gules five mullets or. [CREST.-A lion rampant argent, holding in his dexter paw a mullet sable.] • George Fishe of Southill eldest son. Mary d. of Edward Pulter of Bradffeld and Wymondley in com. Hertfford. Sr Edward Elizebeth d. and Fishe Knt. I coheire of Martin and Heton Bishop Baronett in (of) Ely. Ireland. Elizabeth da. of William [George] Hyde of Throcking in com. Hertfford. Edward Fishe 6 yeare 1. Allice. ould in May 1635. Anne ux. Thom. Jane. Joanes of Barlye in com. Warwick. Frances ux. Nicholas Marsh (Rector) of Battlesden in com. Bedfford. Anne ux. William Margett of Rennham in com. Berks. Judith d. of John Hamby of London Auditor of the prest 2 wiffe. Elizabeth ux. Sr Richard Sutton Knt. Auditor of the prest. Mary ux. John Blundell Brother to Sr Francis. 2. Lettice. D Dorothey ux. Docter Michell Boyle Bishop of Waterford in Ireland. Anne ux. Sr George Sexton of .... in Ireland Knt. 3. Anne. 4. Elizabeth. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 171 3. Oliver Fitz- Geffrey ob. s.p. 5. Gerard ob.s.p. Gerrard FitzGeffrey of Ramsden (? Ravensden) in com. Bedfford Anne d. of . . . . (6th son of George Fitz Geffrey of Blackborne Hall). Rowesley. 1. Thom. Fitz--Mary d. of (Thomas) Geffrey of Audley of Hough- Wilhamsted ton (Conquest) in in com. Bed- com. Bedfford. fford. Catherin. 1. Thomas Fitz Henery. Edward s.p. Fitz Geffrey [of Wilshamstead). Wil Will'm FitzGeffrey. Mary. wil 4. Will'm FitzGef--Mary d. of frey of Rushden in John Cam- com. Northampton pion of 1618. Rushden. • John s.p. Mary ux. Edward Eastwell of Rams- den in com. Bed- fford. Elizabeth. George FitzGeffrey. Anne. 2. George. . . . d. Fitz- Geffrey. Fitzhenry [of Campton]. [ARMS.—Ermine, on a chief azure three lions rampant or.] Fitz Henery of . . . . in com. Essex.T . . . d. 6. John=. d. Fitz- of ... Geffrey. Waffer. of .... Saunders. George FitzGeffrey Suzan. 5 yere old 1618. Robert Fitzhenery of London..... d. and heire of .... Harris of.... in com. Essex. 11 Margery. Joane. 2. Robert Fitz Henery of Magdalen d. of . . . 3. Raffe. Camelton in com. Bed- | Crull of the Low fford. Contryes. 1. Theophilus Fitzhenery 2. Thoroughgood FitzHenery of Camelton. of.... in com. Bedfford. 172 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 4. Edward Franklyn. Franklyn. John Franklyn of Anne d. of Edmond Copley of Southill Thirley 1582. in com. Bedfford. 6. Francis 7. John Franklyn. Franklyn. 1. Edward 2. John Franklyn. Franklyn. 1. Thom. Mary d. of Rich- Franklyn ard Hale of of Mawl- ing in Kent. Tring in com. Hertfford. Thomas 1 yere and a quarter old in A° 1622 ob. yong. A 5. Thomas Franklyn. 2. George Frank- lyn of London Marchant. Augustin borne in May 1622 ob. yong. William Elizebeth d. and Gascoigne. heire of Will'm Bolton. Elizabeth ux. in com. Hertford. Gascoigne.. . . . d. and heire of . . . Gawthorpe. Pigott. Michell Pigott. Alice d. of Humffrey Browne of London Marchant. B • • Browne of.... Gascoigne [of Cardington]. ARMS.-Quarterly of six—1, Argent, on a pale sable a demi-luce erect or, GASCOIGN ; 2, Gules, three pickaxes azure, PIGOTT; 3, Or, three bars azure, in chief three torteaux, WAKE; 4, Quarterly or and gules, a bend of the second, BEAUCHAMP; 5, Ermine, a lion passant sable, VINTER [? WITHER]; 6, Ermine, a saltire gules, SCARGILL. CREST.-A demi-luce's head erect between two ostrich-feathers or. Beauchamp. Will'm Bechamp Baron of (Bedford).T (Bedford). T wil Frances d. of Zachariah Dove of Fenchurch Street in London. George Anne ob. yong. ob. yong. Anne ux. Aus- tin Skinner of Tutsamhall in Kent. Elizabeth. Frances. Will'm Bechamp (Baron of Bedford). Joane d. and coheire of Will'm=Raffe Becham Baron of (Bedford) in Paynell com. Bedfford.† 2 hus- band. ( * Cf. Visitation of London,' vol. i., p. 290, ed. Harl. Soc. ✦ There is an error here: Joane was daughter of the first-named William, and sister (and coheir with her sisters) of the second-named William.-ED. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 173 A B | Will'm Gascoigne. Margerett d. and heire of Nicholas Frank of Angedley. wil 2. Nicholas Gascoigne. 1. James 3. George Gascoigne Gascoigne ob. s.p. of Car- ington. Sr Will'm Gascoigne of Carington Knt. 3. Richard. St John Gascoigne of Carington. 1. George Gascoigne. Jane d. of Wi'm Sr Will'm Gascoigne Elizebeth d. and heire of Baldwyn Pickering of Knt. Justice.* Allexander Mowbray. Northumberland 2. Pygott. · ux. Sr Robert Constable. James Gascoigne of Carington-Dorathey d. and heire of Baldwyn Pygott. in com. Bedfford. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Rufford. Will'm Gascoigne. 小 ​2. John ob. s.p. slaine at the Battaile of St. Albans. .... d. and heire of John .... Vynter of Carington. Baldwyn Pygott. John Pygott 3 sonn Lord of Carington. Sr Robert Skargill. of Skargill. Will'm Gascoigne. ila Scargill. Sr Will'm Skargill Constance. of Skargill in the p'ish of Thorpe. Margerett d. and heire of Sr Robert Sr Marmaduke Scargill of Thorphall in the p'ish of Tunstall. Scargill in com. Richmond Knt. ob. 17 October 1575. Grey [of Segenhoe in Ridgmont]. d. of .... Conyers. 2. John Gas--Jane sister of William (read Elizebeth. Francis coigne. John) Lord St John. Tunstall. John Gray of Barley Grace d. of Will'm Hanchett of Lech- in com. Hertfford. worth in com. Hertfford 1 wiffe. .... d. and coheire. A * In Cardington Church is a brass to Sir Wm Gascoigne, Comptroller of the Household to Cardinal Wolsey, and his two wives, in heraldic dresses, circa 1540; inscription lost. He died in 1412 according to Burke. 174 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 2. Andrew Grey of Hinks-. worth in com. Hertfford. Richard Grey of Segen- hoe in com. Bed- fford. A | 1. Richard Grey. • Paschall. • Mary d. and coheire ux. Sr Gilbert Kniston sonn Anne d. and cohcire ux. of St John Kniston Knt. and Baronet. White of . . . . in com. Essex. 1. Peter Gray of Segenhoe in com. Bedfford. Hillers don. Mary d. of 2. Edward Will'm ob. s.p. Dade of Tanington in com. Suff. Esqre. 3. Francies ob. s.p. Mary ux. Will'm Drayton of Alderson in com. Warwick. of ... 3. Matthew ob. s.p. Anne ux. Will'm Masters of Lichfeld. Thomas-Allice d. of Sr Will'm Litton of Knebworth in com. Hertfford Knt. Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Wood of Fulborne in com. Cambridge. Elizabeth ux. Raffe Astry of Woodend in com. Bed- fford. Elizabeth ux. James. Martin. Margaret ux. Newman of Pelham in com. Hertfford. Mary ux. John St George of Hatley St George in com. Cambridge. 2. John 3. Peter Graye. s.p. Penolapye. 1. Sr Thomas Hillers-Elizabeth d. of John Hard- don of Ampthill in ing of (Chalgrave) in com. com. Bedford Knt. (Bedf.) Esq". (Sir Thomas) Hillersdon-(Elizabeth d. of John Huxley (of Elstow Kt.). of Edmonton co. Midd.) Hillersden [of Elstow]. ARMS.-Argent, on a chevron sable three bulls' heads of the field, within a bordure engrailed of the second. Joane ux. Thomas Baker of Smalebridge in com. Suffolk. • Dorathy ux. Nicholas Judd. Margarett. Jane ob. yonge. 4. George s.p. John Hillersdon of Stoke- hamon in com. Buck. vide Buckingham visitation made in Aº 1634. Elizabeth ux. Thomas Rouse of . . in com. • ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 175 Hitch [of Kempston]. ARMS.-Or, a bend vair between two cotises indented gules. CREST.-An antelope's head erased sable, horned and vulned through the neck with an arrow or, feathered and barbed argent, holding the end in the mouth. 1. John Hitch of Kempston. A Joh. John Hitch of Hardwyke in com. Bedfford. Thomas Hitch of Ingleton Catherin d. and heire Fells in com. Yorke. of . . . . Arches. 1. John 2. Roger Hitch of Kempston Christian d. of John Hitch. in com. Bedfford. Atwood of Kempston. Constance ux. Michell Mosley. Ellenor d. and heire of Richard Barbor of Hardwyke. Jane d. and coheire of Thom. Fitzwill❜ms of Kempston. 2. Will'm vide Oxon. Will'm Hitch. 3. Richard Hitch ob. s.p. Hoddesdon [of Leighton Buzzard]. ARMS.-Argent, a bend wavy gules between two horseshoes azure. CREST.—A man's head couped at the shoulders proper, vested azure, collared or, on the head a cap of maintenance turned up ermine. Thomas Hoddesdon descended from Hodsdon in com. Hertfford.— T Simon Hoddesdon of Hoddes-Janc d. of John Etheridge don and Edgworth. of Edgworth. 4. Thomas Hitch vide Oxon. Allice d. of St Christopher Hoddes--Elizabeth d. of Will'm Alexander don of Layton Bussard Blount of Osbaldeston in Carlisle of in com. Bedfford Knt. com. Lester widdow of London 1st ob. 1610. Saunders 2nd wiffe. wiff. Ursula ux. Sr John Lee of Stonleigh in com. Warwick Knt. 176 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A Nicholas Elizabeth d. of Robert Hoddes-Mayne of Bovington don. in com. Hertfford. Thomas.... d. of . . . d. of.... Hod- Markes of ... desdon. in com. Surrey. John Hod-Jane d. of.... desdon. Haywood. Anne ux. Richard Webb. Christopher Hod- desdon an attor- ney in the King's Bench. Bridgett. John Hoddes- Thomas Hoddes- Christopher Edward Hoddes- don. don. Hoddesdon. don. Grace ux. Weedon of . . . . in com. Buck- ingham. Edward Hoddes--Anne don of London draper. Elizebeth. 1. Richard Hodgkis of Bursley. Henery Hod--Anne d. of Robert Sybthorpe wid- desdon p'son dow of John Nicholas and beffore of Islington. him widdow of Richard Martin. Jane. Richard Hodgkis.. ... d. and heire of .... Soulton. wid- dow of.... Richardson. Hodgkis [of Ampthill]. ARMS.-Sable, a chevron or between three griffins' heads erased argent. CREST.—A cubit arm erect in a coat of mail argent, garnished or, holding in the hand proper a griffin's head erased of the second, beaked azure. Will'm Hodgkis... . . d. of . . . . Manwaring. Allan Hodgkis. Mary sister of Sr Richard Cotton of Warblington in com. Southampton. John Hodgkis Richard Hodgkis Jane d. of. . . . George Hodgkis of Cotton in. of Bursley in Fletcher. of Tussingham. com. Sallop. com. Cester. - Frances d. of Arther Burrows of Cholmondly in com. Cester. 2. Charles Hodgkis. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 177 2. Arther Hodgkis of London. A | 3. Tho- Elizebeth ux. Thom. Hill of Sovelsho (Silsoe) in com. Bed- fford. mas Hodg- kis. Jane ux. Will'm Dod of Harthill in com. Cester. 1. Robert Hurleston of Hurleston. Will'm Hurleston of Hurleston in com. Lanc. Hurlestone [of Cardington]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1, Argent, four ermine spots in cross sable, HURLESTONE; 2, Argent, two bendlets engrailed sable, the upper one couped at the upper extremity, SCARISBRICK ;* 3, Argent, a chevron between three stone-bows sable, HURLESTONE; 4, Blank. John Hurleston of Hurleston in com. Lanc. [t'pe E. 1].— Thomas Hurleston of Hurleston. Dorathey ux. John Povery of.... in com. Cester. Nicholas Hurleston Elinor d. of . . . . Chisnall of of Hurleston. in com. Lanc. 1. Richard-Elizebeth d. of ... Hodgkis of Chapman widdow Ampthill of Geffrey Palmer in com. of Ampthill. Bedfford. 1. Humffrey Hurleston Issabell d. of Thomas Poole 2. James of Hurleston. of Poole in com. Cester. Hurleston. Elizabeth d. of Adam Birkenhed of. . . . in com. 1. Richard Hurleston of Hurleston in com. Lanc. and of Picton in com. Cester vide Chester [viv. 1566]. Agnes d. of.... Scars- 2. Hugh Hurleston. 3. Gilbert brike of Scarsbrike. Hurleston. • Margerett ux. John Dod. - crosse of Man- chester. Maud ux. Rushton of Lanc. Elizabeth d. of 2. Randall. Margarett. 3. Robert. James Shal- Allice ux. Peter Farrington of Littell Farrington. A * In the 'Visitation of Cheshire,' 1580, Harl. Soc., vol. xviii., p. 130, the second coat is assigned to Wagstaff. A A 178 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. | A 4. Hugh Hurle-Rose d. of Thom' ston of Caring- | Anscell of Barfford ton in com. in com. Bedfford wid- Bedfford. dow of.... Wolrich. Humffrey Hurleston. Ursula ux. . . . . Egleby. John Kent of Aston in com. Hertfford. 1. Thomas Kent vide Hertfford. t 3. Edward Kent of Henlow in com. Bedfford. Anne ux.... Cocker of Strethill. Kent [of Henlow]. Mary d. of Thomas Saunders (of) Agmondisham in com. Buckingham. 1. Will'm Lavinder of the towne of Bedfford. Margerett [Mary-Harl. MS. 5867]. Edward Kent=. . . . d. of . . . . Harding of Henlow. of . . . . in com. Bedfford. Bedfford. Allice ux. Richard Ellen. Nutthall of Cop- nall [Cattenhall]. Jane d. of John Fare- clough of Weston in com. Hertfford. 3. Thomas Lavinder of London Grocer 1634. 2. John Lavinder of Stewkley in com. Huntington. Lavinder* [of Felmersham]. ARMS.-Per fesse gules and or, a pale and three round buckles of the second, tongues pendent azure.† 2. John 3. Thomas Kent. Kent. Richard Lavinder of Felmersham Anne d. of . . . . Risley of Risley in com. Bedfford. in com. Bedfford. 2. John Kent vide Hert- fford. Thomas Lavinder 4 yere old 1634. Elizebeth. 4. Charles Kent. 4. Richard Lavinder of Fellmersham in com. com. Bedfford. Anne marid to Henery Joy of the towne of Bedfford. Margerett d. of Ambrose Salesbery of Ravenston in com. Lester. | Elizebeth. Margerett. Mary. Anne. Sara. * Cf. 'Visitation of London,' 1633-4, ed. Harl. Soc., vol. ii., p. 52. "A smale vellom escuchion in collers thus subscribed; W DETHECK, York Herald, 1580," ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 179 Leigh. Sr John Leigh lord of the mannor of Highleigh in com. Cester Knt. Leigh. [of Cauldwell]. Phillip bill Leigh. Gilbert Leigh. T 1. John Leigh. 3. Henery. 1. John Leigh. Sr John Done of com. Cester Knt. T A Anne d. and coheire of Sr Allan Mol- lineux Knt. Hugh Leigh. Thomas Leigh of Caldwell in com. Bedford. 1. Nicholas Luke Margarett d. of of Woodend ob. I Oliver Lord July 1613.† St John of Bletsho. John Luke of Woodend in com. Bedfford (eldest son and heir of Nicholas). 2. Hugh Leigh. Catherin ux. John Hogshaw. T 2. Thomas Leigh. Emott ux. Will'm Hilton. Amy d. of Richard Wodden of Walingham. т T Luke [of Woodend in Cople]. ARMS.-Quarterly of six-1, Argent, a bugle-horn sable, stringed gules, LUKE; 2, Argent, a fleur-de-lys sable, LAUNCELIN; 3, Argent, a chevron between three annulets sable, WAUTON; 4, Argent, a chevron between three mullets gules, 5, Sable, semée de cross-crosslets fitchée argent, three lions passant gules, 6, Gules, on a fesse between three mascles or as many escallops of the field, on a bordure of the second eight torteaux, HEMING. 2. Sr John Luke of Annabl's in com. Hertfford Knt. Maude d. and heire of John Hogshaw. B Elizebeth. Anne d. and coheire of John Heming of Arle(se)y in com. Bedford. Mary d. of . . . . Coningsby of North Myms in com. Hertfford.t *"This descent is in a booke in the office, on the back of wch book is thees Pedegrees. E. 5 (1634) in this yere I saw it in the office." "Caldwell is in Derbysh" and I have scen a Pedigree under Mr Wyrley the Pursivant's hand with a Lion rampt gules in a field or for this Family, Distinguished with a mollet azure.-R. D." "This Nicholas Luke Esquire died ye forth of July 1613, and was solemly buried at Copley yº forth day of August, Sr Oliver Luke his son and heire being chief mourner, Sr John Luke Knt, his brother and Thomas Luke his 24 son being assistante. York herald officer." (Harl. MS. 4600.) + “Jane d. of . . . . Collet of Barkshire." (Ibid.) 180 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Sr Oliver Luke of Wood- end Knt. A Elizabeth d. and coheirc of Sr Val- lentyn Knightley of [Fawsley] in com. Northampton [ob. 1618]. Anne ux. Sr 2. Thomas MylesFleet- Luke. wood of .. in com. Knt. [S] Samuell Luke [of Woodend [Eliz. d. of Wm in Coupley Knt.].* Freeman.] [Oliver Luke [Eliz. d. of Onslow Winch of Everton of Woodend.] in com. Bedd.] [Nicholas.] [Oliver.] CREST.-A wing barry of ten argent and vert. B John Mills of Thrundrich in com. Hertfford. John Mylls of Hoding--Elizebeth d. of tont in com. Bedfford. Parr of Hodington.f π1 Judith ux. John Cooke. Catherin. Mills [of? Toddington]. ARMS.-Barry of ten argent and vert, over all six escutcheons gules, three, two, and one. A John Mills of Cashobery in com. Hertfford. Mordaunt [of Oakley]. 2. [John] 3. Nicholas [John] chol Luke. Luke. [Humfrey.] [John.] [Samuel.] Mary ux. John Mat- thewe of Bradden in com. North- ampton. Elizebeth d. of . . . . Grosvenor of Wades Myll in com. Hertfford. Thomas Mylls of Shelfford Magna vide Cambridge. Mary ux. Simon Cornell of Walden. Elizebeth. Will'm Mordaunt of Okley Agnes d. and coheire of Charles Booth in com. Bedfford. of the Bishoprick of Durham. * For further issue of this match, and issue by Elizabeth his second wife, cf. Malcolm's 'Londinium,' vol. ii., pp. 369-70. See also extracts from the registers of Hawnes and Cople, chiefly relating to the family of Luke, in Nichols's 'Collectanea Topographica,' vols. ii., p. 85, and v., p. 362. † Probably Toddington near Dunstable.-ED. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 181 Jane 1 ux. Richard Bould of Bould in com. Lanc. 2 to John Edwards of Chirk Castell in com. Denbeigh. Alexander earle of Lenox. Edmond Mordaunt of Okley [son and heire*]. A | Earle of Lenox.T Elizebeth [ux.Willia' Ersley of London s.p.*]. Alexander Earl of Lenox. Mary Anne 1 ux. (Simon) 2. John Mordaunt. Mordaunt. Throgmorton of in com. Hunt- Elizebeth ington 2 to (Thos.) Mordaunt. s, and heire of (S) 4. Will'm Mordaunt. Thom. Snagg. 3. Edward Mordaunt. Donalt 2 sonne for his good service called Naper. Stuart. Allen Steward.... the the Lo. Darnley younger and E. of da. and Lenox 1439. heire to the E. of A Lenox. Audrey [ux. Willia' .. Twyne hoe*]. Elizebeth d. of . . . . Staveley of in com. Lester. Papier [of Luton-Hoo). ARMS.-Argent, a saltire engrailed between four roses gules. CREST.-A greyhound sejant gules, collared and lined or. SUPPORTERS.—Dexter: An eagle proper, beaked or. Sinister: A greyhound gules, collared and lined or. Alexander Earle of Lenox.T T Alexander Naper of Mercaston. B Archabold Naper of Mercaston. Sr Jo. Men St Jo. Men.... eldest tish of Rus- | da. to Anne ux. Nicholas William- son of Tismore in com. Oxon [2 to Paule Cud- drington of Cuddrington in Surrey*]. Giltrist 3 sonne he killed 2 of the Abbot's of Pashley's servannts for fishing in the Ryuers of Lynbren lived out lawd in the hills of Arrychar for wch cause his father gave the lands of Kilpatrick. ley Kt. B. Alexander of Lenox. Earle of Lenox. * Harl. MS. 4600. 1. Sr Charles=(Elizabeth) Mordaunt d. of of Oakley Knt. Sr Thomas Snagg of Marston in com. Bed- fford. Parlon Lenox.Ħ Mateperley Lenox of whom discended the clan of out ffarlaw. Sr Alexander. Naper of Mercaston Kt. the da. to.... Lan- der of Haul- ton. 182 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Rob't Steward a great Cap- tayne wth Charles the 6 K. of ffrannce. A | Edward- Naper of Swyre. Mathew Steward Lo. Margaret da. Darnley and to James Lo. Aubeney. Hambleton. Georg Naper 2 sonne. Jo. Steward Lo..... the da. of Darnley and Aubeney E. of Lenox. Robert Steward Earle of Athold. John Naper of Swyre in com. Dorcet 2 sonne. 1 B | h John Steward. . . . da. Lo. Darnley of Torbailton. William. Christopher. John Naper of Buglark. ... da. to Sr Jo. Petts Kt. of Warwicksh. D to ye Lo. Moun- gomery. - Thomas. James Naper of Pettidye servant to K. H. 7. Katherine da. and heire to Sr James Twininhoe Kt. Jo. Naper of Pettedye. Anne da. to. . . . Barwick of . . . . Dorcetsh. ... the eld. da. and coh. mar. to ... Haddon of Glemegis. William Naper.... da. to of Swyre. Archibold Naper. of Mercaston and Rusley. James Naper of Pettedye. Robert Naper. cl ... the da. and coheire to Sr Jo. Mentish E. of Lenox. Sr Alexander NaperT the sister to of Rusley and Mer- | Rob't Steward caston Kt. Earle of Atholde. t'pe Jacob. 2, 3. Nicholas Naper of Tinkenhall in com. Somersett. da. to.... Dow- glas of Whittingham. A bord engr. gu. Jo. Naper of Mer- caston and Rusley. • Anne da. to John Russell of Batwick in com. Dorcett of the house of Bedford. E James Naper of.... da. to Midilmarsh hall ... Hillar of in com. Dorcett. Dorcetshere. James Naper of Tinken-T Powell of Samford in hall in the county of co. Exon. Som'set. Edward Naper-.... da. to.... Wake- Robert of Swyre. man of Warwicksh. Naper. William Naper of Pun-Anne da. to Humphrey Sheton of kenhall 2 sonne. Amger Parke in Essex. - FG ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 183 James Naper of Bug- lark. James Naper unmar. Anno 1610. D | ffranncis da. to John Jes- sope of East of East Chickerell in co. Dor- cett s.p. Anne Naper. H Sr Nathaniell Naper of Midlemarsh hall in co. Dorcett Kt. Gerard Naper sonne and heire. Maudelyn da. to Sr Robert Naper of Midlemarsh Denton Hall Lord cheife Justice of Ire- sister to Anthony | land. Denton. E John Naper-Elizabeth of Punken- of Punken- da. to Sr hall. Nicholas Saunders Kt. Katherin Naper. Robert Naper. Sr Alexander Naper s.p. John 5. Shelton 6. Arundell 7. Eliz. da. to Sr John Gerrard of Tudo in the Isle of Pur- beck in co. Dorcett. a da. mar. to Sr W'm Beufoy Kt. Sr Archibald Naper of RushleyT. and Mercaston Kt. John Naper. Sr Alexander Naper of Mercaston Kt..... the da. to Dun. a da. died a maide. Robert Naper 2 sonne of Pun- kenhall. William Naper sonne and heire. • Sr Alexander Naper of.... the da. of . . . . Granville [alibi Camville] of Mercaston Knight. Glenarches. Gerondy erm. et gu. Sr Archibald Naper of Mercaston Kt... under Thre'r of Scott. | Katherin da. to Jo. Warham of Dorcetshire sister to Edw. Warham of Mington in com. Dorcett. Katherin da. to Edward Warham of Mington in co. Dorcett. 2. Andrew. 3. Robert. 4. Edward. Anne wife to Sr Jo. Riues of Blandford in com. Dorcett Kt. s.p. the da. to.... Thorckholme of Maudelyn wife to . . . . Clarke of Hampshire. of Hallyard Houes. the da. to.... Bothwell St John Naper of Mer-. . . . the da. of . . . . caston Kt. 1593. Sterling of Kere. a da. mar. to Sr Patrick Gray Kt. FG Archibald Naper sonne and heire. a da. mar. • to the Lord Ogilbye. the da. to the Earle of Montros. Ar., on a cheife sa. 3 escallops or. 184 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. H Joane da. to Ambrose Burd of Hunston 1 wife. John and Peter s.p. John War--Eliz. da. ren of Stoke. to Henry Young of Kent. Elizabeth. Maudelyn. I Joane wife to Jo. Warren sonne of Tho. of Stoke in co. Devon. T John Joh Katherin wife to Edw. Kempton of London. T of Lond. 1 wife. Archibald Naper 2 sonne.T Alexander Naper of Exceter mar. Grace da. to Walter Taylor of Exceter 2 wife. T Anne wife to Phillip Abdey of Darbyshire. ㅜ ​Phillip Elizabeth da. Warren. Abdey. | to.... Richard Naper of Lindfford in com. Buckingham Esq. Henry Abdey. Allex- Allex- ander s.p. Richard Mary=Sr Robert Naper of da. to Lewton Howe in com. Bedff. Kt. and Baro- nett 1618 mar. Anne da. to Richard Stapers of Lond. 2 wife. Barnes Margaret wife to ffrancis Everington of Lond. T Elizabeth da. and Margaret wife to Elizabeth wife heire wife to Tho. Marshe of Wares- ley in com. Huntt. Baber of Som'sett widowe to.... Harrison. to Sr Thomas Rotheram Kt. T Eliza- beth. Thomas Marshe. Mary da. to Jo. Robin- son of Lon- don mar- channt of the Staple. 1 Jo. Naper Joane da. to eldest ……….Webbe of Devonsh. sonne. Anne da. to Edw. Bircheley of Hertff. 3 wife. Joane wife to Wm Gadesden. Anne d. and heire ux. Matthew Stocker of Basingstoke in com. Southampton s.p. Tho. Marshe of Waresley. Mary da. to Sr Morris Abbott of Lond. Kt. Anne d. of Sr Thom. Tiring- ham of Tiringham in com. Buckingham. Elizabeth wife to Jo. Leech of Devonsh. Anne wife to George Campion. Jo. Evering- ton in Midd. Sr James Evering- ton of Huntt. Alexander, Alexander, William, Jo., and Thomas, ob. s.p. and John, ob. s.p. Alexander. Richard Naper of Linford 3 sonne. Mary wife to Sr Thomas Midle- ton the younger Kt. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 185 | I Sr Robert Naper Kt. sonne and heire. ffranncis da. to Christian wife to Sr William Sr Tho. Evers- Thornburst of field of Deane in Agencourt in Sussex Kt. Kent Kt. Robert Naper sonne and heire. s.p. Lacon Neale 8 yere old 1618. 11 Elizebeth. Edmond. Jane. Ellen ux. Stephen Dryden of Thomas. Henery. Grace. Bulwike in com. North'ton brother to Erasmus. Reale [of Yielden]. ARMS.-As in Visitation of 1634. John Neyle of Yeldon in com. Bedfford Grace d. of John Butler of Coydkenles and of Wollaston in com. Northampton. | in com. Pembrooke 2 wiffe. 3. Henery Neale of Hanging Houghton in com. North'- ton 1618. 2. Walter. Frances. Maudelyn wife to Thos. Mitton of Halton in Shrop- shire. Elizabeth d. of Edward Lacon of Willey in com. Sallop. ffranncis a da. s.p. 4. Raphell Neale of Drury Lane in London. Lancelot. Lancelot. Grace. Frances ux. Rob. Margaret Freeman of Whitton and Houghton in com. Huntington. Anne. ux. • Cromer. Newdigate* [of Hawnes]. Sr Robert Newdigate of Elizebeth d. of Thom. Stutvile Hawns in com. Bedfford. | of Dalham in com. Suffolk. Sara 3 dau. Jane widdow of Forman • docter of phissick. James Neale 3 yere old 1618. 1. Will'm Newdigate. Robert ob. s.p. Dorothy. * See extracts from the Parish Registers and Epitaphs at Hawnes in Nichols's' Collectanea Topographica,' vol. iii., p. 85. BB A 186 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Sir Edw. Phillips-Elizabeth. Kt. of Rolles. Robert John s.p. s.p. 1. Thomas (Elizabelh Nicholls of Poplewell.) London [mercer]. 1. Robert Nicholls of London. (Ann) sister of (Henry) Tempest of Tong in com. Yorke. Tempest Nicholls ob. s.p. Nicholls* [of Ampthill]. ARMS.-Azure, a fesse between three lions' heads erased or. CREST.—A tiger sejant ermine. (Robert) Nicholls (citizen and brewer) of London. (Elizabeth or Isabell....) 1. Francis Nicholls of the Middle Temple one of the squiers of the Bath to Edward Bruse lyeth buried at Ampt- hill in com. Bedfford. 1. Edward Nicholls 13 yere old 1628. Simon s.p. Simon Muskett of Graies Inn Esq. younger Mary. brother to Muskett of Bushes co. Suff. Mary heire to her brethren ux. Tho. Smalwood of Chelford co. Cest. I Grace ob. s.p. d. of Ellin d. of James Holte-2. John Nicholls of Christian London comptrol- ler of the workes at London Bridge. Thomson. of Stubley [co. Lanc. Arg., on a bend eng. sa. three fleurs-de-lys of the first]. 2. Anthony Mary d. of 3. Richard Nicholls of Nicholls of London. the Middle Temple. Waldron of Say in com. Somersett. Margarett d. of St George Bruse Knt. brother to the Lord of Kin- losse Mr of the Rolles. A I 2. Francis 3. Richard 8 yere old. 3 yere old. 2. Anthony. 3. Will'm Nicholls parson of Chedley in com. Chester liveing 1628. Mary ux. Francis Gerrard. Elizebeth ux. Ed- mond Cooke of (Lesnes Abbey) in com. Kent. M Elizebeth ux. Lawrance Rudyard of Winchffeld elder brother of Sr Ben- jamin. Bruse ux. John Fretchvile Esqr sonn and heire of Sr Peter Fretch- vile of Staley in com. Darby Knt. * For detailed_account of this family of. Topographer and Genealogist,' vol. iii., p. 533, and 'Visitation of London, 1566,' p. 66, ed. Harl. Soc. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 187 1. William ob. s.p. ARMS.-Or, on a bend azure a fret of the first. CREST.-A bird rising or, beaked and membered gules, holding in the beak an olive- branch vert, fructed or. (Burke.) Stephen Over of Hayles in com. Oxon..... d. of. . . . Mobson. 1. John Over. F 1. Gregory Over. 2. Henery Over. Katherin d. and heire of. Grandy of . . . . in com. in com. Lester. A Over [of Woburn]. 2. Nicholas.... d. of .... Claxton of .... Over. in com. Buckingham. James Over. Bennett Over of Barking. .... d. of .... Birk- 2. Thomas sheium of Antwerp. Over. Medhurst vide Sussex. 3. Robert Over. Edward Over of Oburne in com. Bedfford. Joyce d. of=1. Sr Henery Dorathey Sr Edward Owen of Crofts and aunt of Sr James d. of Thom. West Lord Delaware 2 wiffe. 1 wiffe. B Owen [of Wootton]. ARMS.—Quarterly of seven-1, [Gules,] a chevron [ermine] between three esquires' helmets argent, OWEN TUDOR; 2, Gules, a chevron passant-guardant, ; 3, Vaire argent and azure, two leopards sable, a bordure charged with eight saltires gules, 5, Or, a castle azure, BLOUNT; 6, Azure fretty argent, between three lions ; 4, Argent, ; 7, .... a fret Sr Owen Tudor Knt.~~ Anne d. and coheire of Will'm S David Owen of Mary d. and heire of John Blount sonn and heire of Walter | Medhurste in Blount 1 Lord Mountjoy 2 wiffe. Bohun of Medhurste vide Sussex 1 wiffe. com. Sussex* Knt. Anne ux. Sr Arther Hopton Knt. Mary. Jane. Anne. Thomas Owen. Edward Will'm Over. Over. John Timothey Over. Over. Roger . . . . d. of Owen ob.s.p. Deverex of Ferrers in com. Darby. * "Of Cowdrey in Surrey, base son to Sr Owen Tudor." (Harl. MS. 4600.) Sir David Owen's will bears date 20th Feb. 1529, and contains genealogical notes of value. Cf. 'Test. Vetust.,' p. 700. 188 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A David Owen dyed in Flaunders s.p. John Owen of Wootton in com. Bedfford. com. 1594. * • Michell Pigott of . . . . in William Owen. Benjamyn. B | UX. Tin- gleton of Surrey. Anne d. of Richard [Lord] Rich Lord Chancellor of England 1 wiffe. David 2 son. Elizebeth d. and coheire ux. Nicholas Dering of Petworth in com. Sussex. Elizebeth d. of [S-Harl. MS.=John Prestolffe 4600] Richard Catesby of 2 husband. Legers Ashby in com. North- ampton. Robert 3 son. Levy. Thomas. Jane d. and sole heire ux. Sr Will'm Gostwike of Willington in com. Bedfford Knt. and Baronett vide ante p. 34. 이 ​* In Harl. MS. 4600 is this generation, here omitted: | Will'm will Owen. Margaret d. and Oliver. Margery. Joane. John. heire of Richard Gill of Angsdy in com. Cambridg. Frances. All s.p. Henry Owen of Wotton. Pigott [of Stratton]. S Thomas Pigott of Elizebeth d. of Will'm Thynn of Stratton Knt. high | Erith in com. Kent Esq. 1594. Shreeve of Bedfford. 1. Thomas Pigott. 3. Benjamyn. 5. Richard. 1. Anne. 3. Anne. 4. Dorothy. 2. George Pigott. 4. Eustace. 6. Clement. 2. Jane. 5. Margaret. Thomas Owen. William. Jane d. and sole heire (ut supra).— T Henery Jasper Owen. Owen. St Edward Gostwicke Baronet, Dorathy ux. Clement Lewes Elizabeth. of Erles Barton in com. Northampton. Elizabeth d. to Sr Humfrey Ratcliffe of Elstow in co. Bedf. A ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 189 Lewis Pigott. Catherine d. and coheire of Walter Dennis of Ferferd in com. Glo'ster. Elizabeth borne at Wootton Underwood in com. Buck. in September 1593. Issabell ob. at 12 yere old. Mary d. of Will'm Godffrey of Lech- worth in com. Hertfford 1 wiffe. Will'm Plomer of Radwell in com. Hertfford. Anne ux. George Cockayne of Cockayne Hatley in com. Cambridge. John Pigott of .... in com. ob. 1592.* ·· • Plomer [of Hill in Warden]. ARMS.-Vert, a chevron between three lions' heads erased or, on each as many goutles gules (another four billets). (Burke.) Francis ob. yong. John Pigott about 6 yeare old [16..] borne before mariage. Catherin d. of . . . . Moore of . . . in com. Southampton. Catherin ux. Robert Audley of Gransden in com. Huntington. 2. Thomas 3. John Plomer 4. Edward Plomer. of Grays Inn. Plomer. S Will'm Plomer of Hill in com. Bedfford High Shreeve of the same 1610 knighted by King James on Monday 23rd of September in the same yere in Enffeld Chase. Will'm Plomer-Anne d. and coheire of of Radwell. Stumpe of Malmes- bery in com. Wilts. A | Anne ux. Paule Frances. Streightley of Stricson in com. North'ton. 2. Thomas 3. Edward Plomer. Plomer. 5. George. Plomer. Margerett d. of Robert Warren of Elstree in com. Middlesex widdow of Richard Balthrop of London brewer. Rose. Elizebeth. Margerett.t Mary ux. (Christopher) Ridley a counsellor of (the Middle Temple). * In Edlesborough Church, co. Bucks, is a brass to John Pigott and wife, 1592; also inscription to Hen. Brugis, gent., who married Frances Pygott, 1647.-ED. (( + Ellen and Mary." (Harl. MS. 5867.) 190 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Pooley* [of Biddenham]. ARMS.-Quarterly of eight-1, Or, a lion rampant sable, POOLEY; 2, Argent, on a bend sable three cross-crosslets of the field, POOLEY; 3, Sable, a chevron engrailed or between three mullels pierced argent, BADWELL; 4, Azure, a saltire or between four billets argent, LYOSE; 5, Or, a chevron between three leopards' faces gules, HERVY; 6, Ermine, on a cross gules four escallops or, WEYLAND; 7, Gules, three fusils in fesse ermine between as many martlets argent, SHAA; 8, Blank. CREST.-Or, a lion rampant sable, collared and lined of the first. Thomas Pooley of Boxted in com. Suff. had a 2ª wiffe by whome hee had issue as in Suff. 1. Richard Margerett d. of Simon Blyant Pooley. of Thornham in com. Essex. 1. Simon Pooley of Badley in com. Suff. vide ülem. + John Pooley of Biden- ham. Maude d. and heire of John Gisling- ham by Maude d. and heire of John Gardevile. 1. John Pooley of Bidenham. 2. John a preest. Prudence d. Thomas Barbara ux. of Richard Sheldon. ob. s.p. Darrell of Kent. 2. John Pooley Joane d. of John of Bidenham in Hynde of Harl- com. Bedfford.ington in com. Bedfford. Anne ux. Nicholas Rose Lovell. Pooley. Margery ob. yong. Thomas Pooley. Joane ux. Wm Ernest Jane of . . . . in com Bed- ux.... fford. Baker. Margerett. Jane. 2. Thomas Pooley 3. Nicholas of Bidenham. Pooley. Robert Pooley of Bromham-Jane d. of John Carrisforth of in com. Bedford. Barnesley in com. York. Catherin ob. yong. John Pooley of . . . . in com. Cambridge. Allice d. of John Smyth of Cambridge. * Cf. 'Visitations of Suffolk,' p. 58, cd. W. C. Metcalfe. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 191 Sr John Rotheram Kt L. of Someryes place in the p'sh of Luton in the countye of Bedf Rotheram* [of Someries in Luton). ARMS (TWELVE SHIELDS).—1, (Az.,) a hound passant argent, BURGOYNE; 2, Sable, a fesse componée or and azure between three horses' heads erased argent, HIGHAM; 3, Argent, a bend vert cotised indented gules, GRAY; 4, (Argent,) on a chief gules two mullets (or), a crescent for difference, ST. JOHN ; 5, Ermine, a lion rampant gules, LEGAT; 6, a canton ermine, 7, Argent, ten torteaux, 4, 3, 2, and 1, GIFFORD; 8, Sable, a chevron engrailed between three plates argent, each charged with a pallet gules, DocwRA; 9, (Gules,) three arrows in pale or, feathered and barbed argent, HALES; 10, a bend engrailed between two?cing foils ; 11, Sable, a bend ermine cotised or between six martlets of the last, WINGATE; 12, Argent, a bend lozengy sable, TAVERNER. 2 Alice da. of Sr John Rotheram Kt. AB Alice da. of Beckett. John St. George of St. George Hatley Esq. sonne and heire. Docwra. John Docwra of Puttridge in com. Hertf. [nephew and heire to Sr Thomas Dockwra lord prior of S. John's-Harl. MS. 1531]. Rotheram. Thomas Rotheram Arch- bishop of York and Lo. Chauncellor of Engl. Tempe E. IV. Francis St. George of St. George Hatley in com. Cant. Esq. Thomas St. George of St. George Etheldred da. of . . . Hatley in com. Camb. Higham 2 wife. Ann da. of Tho. St. George Esq. Dorothy da. of Jo. Legatt of Hornchurch Esq. St. George. Sr Richard St. George ofSt.George Hatley in com. Cant. Kt. John St. Job George of St. George Hatley Esq.sonne and heire. D Rose da. of Thomas Hutton of Dry Drayton in the countie of Čamb. Esq. Mary S Richard da. of Graye. St. George Kt Claren- ceux Kinge of Armes. Sr Henry Mary da. of St.George S Tho. KtNorroy Kinge of Armes. Dayrell of Lillingston Dayrell in com. Buck. Kt. Ann da. of ... Bur- goyne of Long- stanton in com. Cant. Esq. Eliza. da. of Nicho. St. John of Lid- gard Esq. St George St.... George Kt. Vice Ad- mirall of Connaugh da. of Gif- and a captaine ford. in Ireland. *Pedigree of St. George and Rotheram, in the handwriting of Sr Henry St. George, MS. 541, Caius Coll. Cambs. 192 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. AB Periam Docwra of Putt- Thomas Docwra of Puttridge Esq. ridge Esq. c | D | John St. George sonne and heire maried the da. of . . . . Gage. Thomas Docwra of Puttridge. Meldreth da. of.... Hales. Taverner. Frances da. of Tho. Docwra married to Peter Tauerner of Hexton in com. Hertf. Esq. T Nicholas* Rotheram of London. ㅜ ​Jane da. and coheir of Sr Wm Periam Kt. Lo. Cheife Baron. Martha da. of Oliuer Lo. St. John of Bletshoe sister to Oliuer Earle of Bul- lingbroke. Thomas Docwra sonne and heire. George Rotheram 2 sonnc. George Rotheram of Farley a naturall sonne. 1 Sr Thomas T. ffrancis Taverner of Hexton in com. Hertf. Esq. Rotheram Kt. a councellor of state in Ireland. Richard Taverner sonne and heire. Jane wife to George Rotheram-Jane da. of Xpofer Humfry Bury of Someryes Esq. Smith Clarke of the of Tuddington. died 1599. pipe. Sr Thomas Rotheram of Someryes Kt. Thomas Rotheram of Someryes Esq.Alice da. to Tho. Wellesford. Crawley. John Crawley of Nether Crawley of the p'ish of Luton. T Sr John Rotheram St Thomas Rotheram of Katherine da. of Someryes. the Lo. Gray. of Someryes Kt. Thomas St. George sonne and heire. (Agnes) da. of Thomas Snagg serjeant-at- law. Jane da. of Gro.. Neile of Wi- mondley in com. Hertf. George. Sr Thomas Eliza. da. of Elizabeth da. Rotheram Francis of Sr John Thomas. Kt. Emington Rotheram. of London. John Crawley sonne-Mary da. and heire of and heire liuinge William Lambert of Buckingham. 1637. *See next pedigree, Margaret wife to Edw. Wingate of Wellwyn. T Edward Wyngate sonne and heire. Eliza. da. of Sr John St. John of Bletshoe Kt. Tho. Crawley of Nether Crawley in the p'ish of Luton. Dorothy da. and heire of Jo. Edgerley of Milton in co. Oxon. Sr Francis Crawley of Someryes Kt. one of the Justices of the Common pleas 1637. 2. Francis. 3. Thomas. 4. Robert. Ann. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 193 1 1. George Rother- ham. Rotherham. Nicholas Rotherham of London Agnes da. of Thomas Atwood 3d son (of George Rotherham). of Luton in com. Bedfford. 1. Nicholas Rotherham. Anne ux. Richard White minister of Carington in com. Bedfford. 2. George Rotherham. 1. John Rowe of Clapham in com. Bedfford. 2. Thomas Atwood Rother-Anne da. ham minester of Luton in of John com. Bedfford and after of Browne of Icklefford in com. Hertfford | Tring in com. 1637. Hertfford. John Rotherham eld. son about 7 yeares of age 1637. Elizebeth ux. John Fleming of.... in com. Yorke. 1. Thomas Rowe of Penshurst in com. Kent vide London. t Rowe [of Clapham]. ARMS.-Argent, on a chevron azure between three trefoils slipped, each per pale gules and vert, as many bezants. CREST.-A stag's head gules, attired or. Will'm Rowe of Rowe Place in com. Sr Thomas Rowe Knt. Lord Maior of London 1569 ob. 2 September buried at Hackney in com. Middlesex. Thomas 2nd son 4 yeares old. Reignald Rowe of Leigh in com. Kent. T Rebecka d. of Robert Brandon of London Chamberleyn and goldsmith to Q. Elize- beth renupt. Sr Hen. Seckfford Knt. 2. Robert Rowe of London Marchantalor and of Clap- ham in com. Bedford. Kent.T Mary d. of St John Gresham of.... Knt. [1607]. + 2. Sr Henery 3. Will'm. Will Row Knt. 4. Robert. Maior of London vide London Judeth ux. John Shoyswell Sara in com. Sussex widdow of Wetherhall. • • Jane. Nicholas 2 years old. Alice ux. Nicholas Ladington of London. Captaine Henery Mr of ux. the pauillions and tents Sek- to King James and King fford. Charles. Mary ux. Thomas Randall. Elizebeth ux. Sr Will'm Gerrard Knt. C C + 194 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Oliver St John of Ripton Regis in com. Dorathey d. of John Read of Bodington Huntington Lord St John of Bletsho. in com. Gloster. Margarett ux. Sr Thomas Cheney of (Sundon) in com. (Bed.) Knt. St. John [of Bletshoe]. 1. Will'm Sanderson of Tems- ford 1618. 4. Sr Alexander St John Knt. 5. Sr Row- Dorathey ux. land St Edward John. Earle of Bath. Dockwray. Knt. Oliver St John Lord-Elizebeth d. and St John and Earle heire of Will'm of Bullingbrooke. Pawlett of.... in com. South'ton. 2. Pawlett St John. Oliver St John Lord St John 3. Francis St John. Earle of Bol- lingbrooke. Martha ux. Jane d. of George Astry of Bash- meade in com. Bedfford. C 1. Frances. 2. Elizebeth. Judith ux. Sr John Thomp. son Knt. 6. Sr Henry St John Anne ux. Robert Charnock. 2. John 3. S Anthony St John St John Knt. ob. s.p. Arabella d. of Sr 4. Anthony John Egerton St John. Knt. Earle of Bridgwater. 3. Arbella. 7. Sr Beau- 8. Dudley champ St John Knt. St John. 2. John Sanderson of Littell Adington in com. North- ampton vide North’ton. t Catherin. 4. Dorathey. Sanderson [of Tempsford). Lawrance Sanderson of Temsford Joane d. of . . . . Mighton in com. Bedfford (clerke). of Temsford. Elizebeth ux. W'm Beecher (of Howbury co. Bedf.). Elizabeth. Dorathey. Barbara. 1. Lawrance Sanderson. 2. John Sanderson. Susan ux. Susan ux. Allexander Eykins of Cheveston and Caldecott in com. Northampton. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 195 = Scroggs [of Renhold]. ARMS.-Argent, on a bend azure between two greyhounds courant bendways sable three Cornish choughs or. CREST.-A pewit's head argent, collared gules, wings endorsed, bendy of four or and sable. Thomas Scrogs of Patmore in com. Hertfford. 1 Francis Scrogs of Patmore Jane d. of John Newporte of Pelham in com. Hertfford. in com. Hertfford. A Scrogs of Patmore. Allexander Scrogs of Rainhold in com. Bedfford. Jane d. of Weston Browne of Walter Bridges of Abbes Roding in com. Essex. Patmore 2 Husband. 1. Will'm Spencer of will: South Mylls and of Meyrs Ashby in com. North'ton. Richard Scroggs. Spencer [of South-Mills]. ARMS.-Quarterly or and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret of the first, on a bend sable three fleurs-de-lys argent. CREST.-Out of a mural crown per pale argent and gules, a griffin's head, collared or, beaked gules, between two wings expanded, charged on the breast and on each wing with a fleur-de-lys sable, all counterchanged. John Spencer of South Mylls in com. Bedfford 14 E. 4.— Will'm Bridges. Will'n Robert Spencer of South Mylls.T John Spencer of South Mylls. Christian d. of.... Baker. Issabell d. of Edward Osborne of Kenolmarsh in com. North- ampton. 2. Robert Spencer of St Albans in com. Hertfford [1572-Harl. MS. | fford. 5867]. B Frances d. of John Forster of Bran- ffeld in com. Hert- 196 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. A John Spencer was 10 yere old 1572 hee ob. 6 January 1622 s.p. Mary 1 ux. John White of Nordiam in com. Sussex 2 to Thomas Ballard of nere Wadehurst in com. Sussex. • John Speneser of London marchant. Anne d. of . . . . Clarke of London. Allice d. and heire of . . . . Silvester of North Eling- ham. B | Margerett d. of. . . .=Twyfford Wath of Bayly of in Slipton in com. com. Hertfford. Northampton 2 husband. 1. Richard Taver- ner of Wood Eaton in com. Oxon vide Oxon. 小 ​Christian ux. Reignald Greene of London. B., 3 buck Triping or [a trefoil slipped] A. in cheeſe. Taverner [of Marston-Mortaine]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a bend lozengy sable, in the sinister chief point a torteau, TAVERNER; 2 and 3, Ermine, a chevron argent, a martlet for difference, Jane ux. Richard Cockerham of London grocer. Henry Taverner of North Elingham in com. Norffolk descended from Warren Le Taverner who lived at North Ellingham temp. H. 2 as apereth by his deed scald with the seale of his Armes, viz. A bend fusile. Nicholas Taverner of Elingham.T т Anne ux.. Gylman of . in com. Hert- fford. 4. Silvester* Taverner of Marston in com. Bedford a Follower of the Duke of Somer- sett. Margerett ux. Law- rance Greene of London marchant free of the Grocers. G., a lyon rampant party per fess A. and sab., crowned or. John Taverner of North Elingham-Anne d. of . . . . Crane of ob. 1545 being 88 yeares of age in com. Norffolk buried at Brisley in Norffolk. w'th her husband and hath yssue as in Norffolk. 3. Robert Taverner of Artwys (alibi Arnoys) in com. Essex vide Essex. t 1. Silvester Taverner of Marston 2. Thomas Taverner of in com. Bedfford. . . in coin. Kent. 2. Roger Taver- ner of Up- minster in com. Essex vide Essex. t 3. John Taverner. 4... Taverner. * In Taverner pedigree, 'Visitations of Essex,' App., p. 607, ed. Harl. Soc., q.v., he is called "Gilbert." ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 197 Tyringham* [of Winwick]. ARMS.-Quarterly of six-1, Azure, a saltire engrailed or, TIRRINGHAM; 2, Azure, a fret argent, DAVILL; 3, Azure, three bougets argent, Roos; 4, Azure, ten billets or, four, three, two, and one, CowDRAY; 5, Argent, a fesse gules, (1 bordure engrailed sable, WELSH; 6, Barry of six argent and azure, on a bend gules three mullets or, PABENHAM. In the fesse point a crescent charged with a mullet for difference. CREST.-A talbot's head couped gules billettée or, on the shoulder a crescent charged with a mullet. John Tirringham of Tirringham Elizebeth d. of Edmund in com. Buckingham. Brudnell. John Tirringham Anne d. of Humffrey Catesby of Thomas. Anne. Elizabeth. of Tirringham. Whiston in com. Northampton. 1. Thomas Tirringham 2. Edmond of Tirringham vide Tirringham Buckingham. of Stouton. George Jane d. of Robert ob. s.p. Doyley of Merton in com. Oxon 1 wiffe. Elizebeth. 1. John Tirringham of Jane. Anne ux. George Butler of Lee Lodg' in com. Rutland. Elizebeth d. of Will'm Mary. Danvers of Cothorp in com. Oxon. Francis Tirringham Anne d. of John Shuk- Brid- of Weston Favell in | borough of Navesby in gett. com. Northampton. com. North'ton widdow of . . . . Hopkins 2 wiffe. Weston Favell in com. | Bainbrigg of Locking- Northampton 1618. ton in com. Lester. Robert Tirringham 5 yere old 1618. Elizebeth. Martha ux. Will'm Johnsonn of Kille- grave in com. York. Elizebeth d. of Will'm John Tirringham. Judith Tirringham. Elizebeth. 3. Joseph Tir--Elizebeth d. ringham of of Edward Hinwick in Favell of Wes- com. Bedfford. ton Favell in com. North'ton. Joseph Tirringham. * Vide ante, p. 65. 2. Francis Tirring- ham. 198 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Wauton* [of ? Eaton-Socon]. ARMS.-Quarterly-1, Argent, a chevron sable, an annulet of the second for difference, WAUTON; 2, Gules, a lion rampant vair argent and azure, ducally crowned or, MARMYON; 3, Argent, a chevron between three mullets gules, CRETING; 4, Sable, on a bend or three goats gules, CHENDRCOTTS. CREST.-A trefoil slipped sable, charged with another argent, a crescent gules for difference. John Wauton of Great Stoughton in com. Huntington.T "T Thomas Wauton of Stoughton... . . d. of . . . . Barrey of Wales. 1. Thomas Elizebeth d. Wauton of of George Stoughton. Beconsaw. Allice ux. Tho- mas Treheron Somersett Herald. 1. George Wanton=. . . . d. of John Tresham of Rush- 2. Thomas John of Stoughton. don in com. Northampton. Wanton. Wanton. Willi 3. William 4. Osbert Wanton of ob. s.p. Great Yarmouth in Norfolk vide Nor- folk. + Henery Marleborough. John Dyve of . . . . in com. Bedfford no issue. 2. Nicholas Wanton of Elizebeth Keinsamt in com. Bed- | d. of fford had divers children. Thomas Marleborough Agnes Gabriell of Pertnall in com. Wan- Throg- Bedford 1 husb. ton. morton. Audrey Wanton. Walter Marleborough. 2 Sonns. Gabriell Quadring 2 sonn of Wi'm Quad- ring of Irby in com. Lincon. Arther Quadring. *This name appears to be indifferently spelt WAUTON, WANTON, WAWTON, and Waulton. This is probably the same family as that mentioned on p. 39, ante, as the arms of WAUTON above agree with the impaled arms of WAULTON on the brass to Nicholas Luke (ob. 1563) and "Cecyle his wyffe, one of the doughters and heyre of Sir Thomas Waulton, knyght," in Cople Church. According to Lysons the family of Wauton was seated at Bassmead in the parish of Eaton- Socon, co. Bedford, temp. H. VIII. See also p. 25, ante.-ED. † Sic in original, but there is no such place in this county.-ED. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 199 Onslow Winch of Everton in com. Bedfford. Sr Humffrey Winch of (Everton) in com. Bedfford Knt. one of the Justices of the Comon Pleas.* Winch [of Everton]. = Judith d. of Roger Burgoyne of Wrox- all in com. War- wick. Scissely d. of Richard Onslow of Knowll in com. Surrey [Solicitor General to Q. Elizabeth]. Dorathy ux. George Scott of Congherst in com. Kent. (Humphrey (Hellen ob. inf.) ob. inf.) (Margaret ob. inf.) Wingate [of Sharpenhoe in Streatley, and Harlington]. ARMS.-Sable, a bend ermine cotised between six martlets or. CRESTS.-1, A gate or. MOTTO over : "WIN." 2, A hind's head couped proper. ["William Beleuerge of Sharpenho in the p'sh of Stretlie in the Countie of Bed- ford where he liued about or before the Reigne of Hen. 3 as appeares by antient euidences without date of wch one was sealed by Ailcoyne son of Henry de Albury concerning a house and land in the p'sh of Stretlie to wch deed William Beluerge wth others witnesses as also he was witnes to another deede sealed by William de Dene of land in Sharpenhoe."] Beleverge. [John Beleuerge of Sharpenho proued by seucrall deeds without date.]— [William Beleuerge of [Alice relict of the saide Sharpenho Aº 31 E. 1.] | William Aº 34 E. 1.] A "In memory of Sr Humphrey Winch al's De-la-Winch, Knt., who in ye 4 yeare of King James Ano Dmii 1606 was sent by him to serve in Ireland, First as Chiefe Baron after as Chiefe Justice and Councillor of State for that Kingdom. From whence recalled he served his Maj'tie as one of his justices in ye court of Common Pleas at Westminster and Councillor of State fore Ireland until an apoplexye scized him in his Roabes ye 4 Day of Feb'ry 1624, in ye 71 yeare of his age, whereof in about 24 hours after he died in Chancery Lane, London, whose Corps imbalmed was brought down and buried heare belowe. He took to Wife Cicely one of ye daughters of Richard Onslow Alias Ondeslow Esq. Solliciter Gencrall to Queene Elizabeth by whome he had issue 2 sonnes and 3 daughters, viz., Onslow, Humphrey, Margaret, Helle', and Dorothy. Humphrey, Marg't, and Helle' died in their infancy. His wife dame Cicely with Onslow and Dorothy surviving him. Onslow married Jvdeth only daughter of Roger Burgoyne of Sutto' Esq. Dorothy married Gcorgo Scott of Hawkhvrst in ye Countie of Kent Esq." (M.I. Everton Ch.).—Lansd. MS. 887, ƒ. 97. 200 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Al [John Beleuerge of Sharpenho Aº 3º E. 2.]— [William son of John Beleuerge of Sharpenho Aº 5 E. 3.] [Nicholas Beleuerge of London cellerar eldest son had the lands of his Father Wm in Sharpenhoe 37, 49 and 50 E. 3 et de Aº 1 R. 2.] | [John Wyngate husband of Agnes Beleuerge a yonger son of the Wyngates of Wyngate now called the mann" of Groue in the p'sh of Ellesborow in com. Bucks de- scended from Hemyng de Wyngate Lord of the saide mann about the raigne of H. 2. The saide John de Wyngate was a follower of the Lord Zouch who had a cheife mann" house at Ellesborow and greate possessions neere Dunstable and Stretley the said John Wyngate died Aº 19 R. 2.] [John Wyngate of Sharpenho [John Wyngate of Sharpenho son and heire of Agnes Aº 12 H. 4 died without yssue.] [Robert Wingate of Harlington in the life time of his father nigh Sharpenhoe Ais 2 E. 4 et 36 H. 6 made his will A° 1 H. 7, 1486.] [.... the relict of.... Botiler of Waresley 2 wife.] B [William Wingate of Sharpenhoe eldest son and heire 1, 6, and 7 H. 7, 16 and 18 H. 7 made his will Aº 13 H. 8 Aº 1522.] Robert Wyn- gate of Shar- penhoe. C [Margery dau'r of Tho. Blundell sister of John Blundell of Harl- ington gent.] [Isabelle his wife A° 37 E. 3.] [William Wyngate of Sharpenho [Willi brother and heire of John A¹s 10, 16, 20, 26, and died Aº 30 H. 6, 1452.] | 2. John Wyngate [. . . . dau'r of [had his father's Botiler of lands in Stotfold]. Stotfold.] Joaned. of[John] Potter [or Porter of Barton Hartes- horne in com. Buckingham 1 wife]. [Edmund Wingate Chap- laine had xls annu' of the guift of his father Дº 8 Н. 7.] [William Bele-T uerge second son.] [Agnes dau'r and sole heire of Nicholas Beleuerge Aº 8 R. 2.] [Richard Wyn- gate A 12 E. 4 and 1 R. 3 died without yssue.] John Wyn- gate [second son of William до H. VIII.]. VIII. [William Beleuerge Citizen and Gold- smith of London 13 H. 4 and 3 H. 5.] [Joane his wife dau'r of John Fitz.] [John Wyn- gate Canon in the Priory of Dun- stable.] [Joane Wingate married to Henry Note- man.] [Joane Wingate nunne buried at Harlington 5 and 6 Phi. and Mar. She taught her little nephew George his booke.] 3. Edward Wyngate of Sharpenhoe Clarke of the Check of the Gard to Q. Elizebeth ob. 1597 s.p. bured at St Martins in the Felds nigh London, ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 201 B cl Edward Wyngate one of the Garde 1597 ob. s.p. [Elizabeth ux. Short of London- Harl. MS. 4600.] Jane ux. Edward Bur- well of Harlington in com. Bedfford. Elizebeth ob. s.p. [Marie wife to Richard Norton.] Elizabeth [sister and heire of Edward mar. to Mr Roberts father to Docter Roberts Rector of the Church of Enfeild 1635]. Elizebeth d. of Raffe Astry-Edmond Wyngate of [Woodend in Harling- of Sharpenhoe ton] in com. Bedford [Esq. dyed 1 wiffe. A 1559]. 0 Mary. [Robert Wingate of [William Wingate a London mercer soldier slaine at the ob. s.p.] battaile of St Quintin.] 2. Raffe Wyngate twin brother with Roger [ob. s.p.]. 4. Thomas-[.... da. of Wyngate ob. s.p. Whit- Lucey a yere and a halfe old 1637 January. 1. Roger Wyn-Dorathey d. of Will'm gate of Lon- Bedell of Catworth in don 1637 in com. Huntington wid- January. dow of Edward Bur- well of Harlington in com. Bedfford. Mary d. of Will'm Belffeld of Stud- ham in com. Hertfford renupta John Alway of Stretley in com. Bedfford. bred.] [Mary ux. Will'm Whitebreed 1. Roger Wyngate of Gravenherst in com. Bed- of Barnend in com. fford-Harl. MS. 4600.] Bedfford. 2. Edmond Wyngate of Grays Inn and of Ampthill in com. Bedfford | A° 1634. ———— Dorathy d. of Will'm Button of Ampthill. wal William Wingate of Grays Inn ob. s.p. Edward Wyngate. | Jane d. of Henry Birch [of Sundon in co. Bedf. Harl. MS. 4600]. 3. Edward Wyngate [of Flamborough and of Great Kelke co. York-Harl. MS. 4600]. Jane d. of Edward Bur- well [of Harl- ington in com. Bed- ford]. Dorathey. Elizebeth d. and heire of Richard Button of Wootton in com. Bed- fford Esq. 1. Button Wyngate [son and heire 3. Roger. Anne. 2. Edmond Wingate. apparent aged 5 yeares at y° time of this visitacon 1634]. Jane. D He appears to have had another son, " Richard," bapt. 25 Sept. 1636. (P.R. Wooton.) DD 202 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. | D Anne d. of John Belffeld of Stud-| ham in com. Hertfford [niece to Mary Win- gate] 1 wiffe. 1. Nicholas.. Wyngate of Sr of Harling- Charles ton and of Hunsdon. Corn- wallis of .... Knt. George Wyngate of [Harlington EsqAnne* d. of John Aº 41 Eliz. died A° 1604] [mar. (Martha) | Wiseman of Canffeld da. to ye Lord St John 3 wife-Harl. in com. Essex 2 wiffe MS. 4600]. (She mar. 1 Rich. Cheney of [relict of Mr Fitch com. Sussex 2 to Colbrand also of and mother to Sr Wm Sussex.) Fitch]. Robert Wyngate† eldest sonne [died in ye lifetime of his father 1603. 5. George ob. s.p. 4. Raffe ob. s.p. d. Dorathy ux. Samwell Harvey of Brentwood in com. Essex. John Wyngate§ 16 yerc old 1617 [of Harling- ton Esqr liueing A° 1634]. Amyc‡ d. of [Roger] Warre of [Hestcrcomb] in com. Somer- sett [Esq and of his wife da. of Sr John Popham K Cheife Justice of the Kinges Bench]. r Judith. 2. Raffe Wyn- gate. [Mary Wyngate.] [Robert Wingate eldest son and heire apparent aged about 7 yeres A° 1634.] [3. Richard- Harl. MS. 4600.] [Alice da. of Francis Smallman of Kiners- ley in co. Hertford Esqr.] [Margery ob. s.p.- Harl. MS. 4600.] [2. Francis.] [3. George.] 2. Edward Wyngate of Harlington in com. Bedfford [Esq A° 1634]. I Jane d. of Sr George Fitz Geffrey of [Great Bar- ford in E com. Bed- fford Knt. Mary ux. George Ereswell of Saf- forn Walden in Essex. [1. William Wingate [1. William Wingate died s.p.] Sh George ob. [in ye Temple-Harl. MS. 4600] s.p. 3. Henry Wyn- gate. Anne ux. Thom. Audley of Houghton- Conquest. ㅜ ​[Hester.] [Amy.] K [Thomas- Harl. MS. 4600.] [John died in London s.p.] S Margarett d. of Peeter Taverner of Hexstonbury in com. Hertfford [Esqr by his wife da. of Tho. Docwray thelder Esq']. * In 'Visitation of Essex,' ed. Harl. Soc., vol. i., pp. 51, 129, she is called Agnes and Ellen. † He was s. and h. of George Wingate, and ob. v.p. 5 Aug. 1603, æt. 29. (M.I. Leighton.) She mar. secondly Gifford Long of Rowd Ashton, Sheriff of Wilts 1624. Will dated 19 July, proved 20 Aug. 1642. He mar. 1, Alice, d. of Francis Smallman of Kinnersley, co. Hereford, Esq., and 2, Eliz'th, 3rd da, of Sir Anthony Chester by his first wife Eliz'th Boteler, ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 203 1. Edward Wyngate* of Lockley in the p'ish of Willan in com. Hertfford [sonne and heire apparent liueing Ao 1634]. Mary d. and coheire of Raffe Alway of Channons in the p'ish of Shenley in com. Hertfford. [Rafe Wingate eldest son ob. s.p.] E Frances Wyngate ux. Eustace Ned- ham of Wembley in com. Hertfford. in com. Hertfford. [Edward Wingate son and heire.] [George Wingate.] Botiler. Jone ux. John Botiler sonn and heire of William younger sonn of old Sr John Botiler of Woodhall in com. Hertfford. [Frances.] * He had an only da. Mary, who mar. Sir Jerome Smithson of Stanwick, co. York, Bart., and had issue Sir Hugh Smithson, Bart., ex quo the Dukes of Northumberland. 204 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. APPENDIX. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PEDIGREES ENTERED AT THE VISITATION OF 1669. (Ex DAWSON MSS.*) 1. ABBIS of Bedford. 2. ALEYN of Blunham. 3. ALSTON of Odell. 4. ARMIGER of Cople. 5. BARNARDISTON of Northill. 6. BEDFORD of Clifton and Henlow. 7. BEECHER of Howbury. 8. BERKELEY of Colworth. 9. BLUNDELL of Cardington. 10. BOTELER of Kirton. 11. BROMSALL of Beeston. 12. CAREY of Everton. 13. CARTER of Kempston. 14. CHARNOCK of Holcutt. 15. CHEYNE of Luton and Sundon. 16. COBB of Sharnebrooke. 17. COCKAIN of Cokayn-Hatley. 18. CORBETT of Sundon. 19. CROMPTON of Elstow. 20. DANIEL of Flitton. 21. DAY of Thurleigh. 22. DENTON of Houghton-Conquest. 23. DIMOCK of Cranfield. 21. EDWARDS of Henlow and Arlesey. 25. FITZGEOFFREY of Blackbornhall. 26. FRANOKLIN of Thurleigh. 27. HASELDEN of Goldington. 28. HASTINGS of London. 29. HUNT of Chalversterne. 30. KEYLING of Southill. 31. LONGVILLE of Blunham. 32. LUKE of Cople. 33. MANLEY of Wilshamstead. 34. MORDAUNT of Oakley. 35. NAPIER of Luton-Hoo. 36. NEAL of Deane and Yielden. 37. ORLEBAR of Hinwick. 38. OsborneE of Chicksands. 39. PEMBERTON of Wootton. 40. SMYTH of Biggleswade. 41. SMYTHES of Bedford. 42. SYMCOTTS of Clifton. 43. VAUX of Whipsnade. 44. VENTRIS of Campton. * A valuable collection of Bedfordshire notes and sketches collected and made by Mr. Dawson of Clapham, co. Bedford.-Ed. APPENDIX. 205 A LIST OF BEDFORDSHIRE KNIGHTS. TRANSCRIBED FROM WARBURTON AND POMFRET'S GENEALOGICAL COLLECTIONS FOR THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD, LANSDOWNE MS. 887, IN B.M. Knights made- At the Charterhouse, 11 May 1603, Sir Oliver Luke. At Sir John Fortescue's, June 1603, Sir John Dives, Sir Thomas Snagg, Sir Edmond Conquest. At Sir George Farmour's, July 1603, Sir Richard Conquest. At Whitehall, 3 May 1607, Sir Edward Gostwick. At Whitehall, 27 May 1607, Sir Richard Conquest. At Bletsho, July 1608, Sir Alexander St. John. At Whitehall, 7 January 1610, Sir Peter Osborne. At Hounslow, 21 July 1612, Sir Robert Napper al's Sandy, Baronet. At Whitehall, 10 March 1616, Sir George Blundell. At Bletshoe, 24 July 1619, Sir Henry St. John, Sir Beauchamp St. John. At Kirkby, 27 July 1619, Sir William Beecher, Sir Robert Charnock. At Whitehall, 19 April 1620, Sir Lewis Dives. At Ampthill, 21 July 1621, Sir William Crawford (i.e. Crayford). At Bletshoe, 24 July 1621, Sir Francis Stanton. At Whitehall, 30 April 1622, Sir Robert Napper, Junior. At Houghton Lodge, 20 July 1624, Sir Samuel Luke. In the way between Bletshoe and Castle Ashby, Sir Francis Clerke de Houghton Conquest, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire. Knights made by Charles I.- At Whitehall, 29 April 1627, Sir William Bryers of Pulloxhill. At Ampthill, 22 July 1627, Sir George Russel de Rougemout. At Ampthill, 23 July 1627, Sir IIenry Austry de Woodend. At Theobald's, 19 December 1628, Sir William Ashton of Tingreth. At Whitehall, 1 January 1628, Sir John Bracking of Eaton. At Whitehall, 4 November 1632, Sir Francis Crawley of Luton, Judge. At Windsor, by Charles, Prince of Wales, 20 May 1638, Thomas, Earl of Elgin. At Whitehall, 4 July 1641, Sir William Boteler of Biddenham. 1641. 18 July, Sir Roger Burgoine of Sutton. 1641. 9 August, Sir John Rolt of Milton. Date ignota, Sir John Duncombe of Battlesden.* CHARLES II. 1660. 11 July, Sir James Beaverley of Boyneney, co. Bedf. 1660. 16 July, Sir Christopher Turner of Milton Erneys, one of the Barons of the Exchequer. 1660. 20 October, Sir Henry Piggot of Nether Gravenhurst. 1660. 6 November, Sir Edward Cater of Kempston. 1660. 16 November, Sir William Beacher of Howberry. 1660. 4 December, Sir Samuel Browne of Arlesey, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas. 1661. 17 April, Sir George Blundell of Cardington. 1661. 22 December, Sir John Moore, brother of Sir Henry Moore of Fawley. 1661. 21 January, Sir John Keling of Southill. *Ho was knighted in 1648 by King Charles I. while a prisoner at Carisbrooke; cf. Wood's 'Athon. Oxon.,' vol. iv., ii., od. Bliss. 206 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 1662. 16 March, Sir John Huxley of Eaton Park. 1668. 24 November, Sir William Gostwick of Willington. 1671. 30 April, Sir Francis Wingate of Harlington. 1678. 30 August, Sir William Franklin of Malverne.* 1678. 28 November, Sir William Millard of Houghton Regis. 1679. 20 October, Sir John Keling of Southill. 1683. 20 November, Sir James Astrey of Harlington. 1700. 24 October, Sir Thomas Bromsell. 1712. 23 June, Sir Samuel Ongley of Warden. 1715-16. A LIST OF BEDFORDSHIRE GENTRY OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY.+ (LANSDOWNE MS. 887, In B.M.) A Catalogue of the names of Gentlemen of Quality that have sold their Estates and are quite gone out of Bedfordshire within lesse than the space of fifty years and a known truth by Sir Robert Chernocke of Hullcott. Mr. Abbiss of Stotfold. "" "" Ackworth of Limberry in Luton. Allen of Moggerhanger. Ansell of Barford. Ardds of Renhold. "" Sir Wm. Ashen of Tingrith. Mr. Astrey of Northill. "" "" , Sir George Bing of Southill, Bart., Sir William Smith of Warden. "" Sir James Beverley of Clophill. Mr. Blofeild of Flitwick. "" Lord Boteler of Higham Gubbin. Mr. Bray of Wootton. Sir Wm. Bryers of Pulloxhill. Mr. Button of Wootton. "" Audley of Houghton Conquest. Berry of Cranfeild. Lord Capel of Warden Abbey. Mr. Catesbye of Roxhill Mannor. Cator of Renhold. Chase of Milton Ernesse. Geo. Cheyne of Stopsley. "" Lord Cheyne of Toddington. Mr. Child of Wimmington. Sir Richard Chetwood of Odhill. Mr. Clerk of Wootton Pilling. Sir Francis Clerke of Houghton Con- quest. The Earl of Cleaveland. در Mr. Geo. Conquest of Houghton Park. Sam. Cotton of Hinwick Hall. "" Sir Wm. Crawford of Beckerings Park. John Crofts of Ufberry (Upbury). John Crofts of Toddington. "" Mr. Delaune of Roxton. Mr. Duncombe of Lidlington Park. Eades of Seawell (Sewell). Richard Edwards of Henlow. "" "" "" "" "" Sir John Ferris of Caddington. Edward Fish of Southill. "" Wm. Fish of Carleton. "" Mr. Fitzgeoffery of Crecors. Sir John Fitzwilliams of Kempston. Mr. Tho. Fowler of Tillsworth. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" >> Emery of Arlesey. Estwick of Wootton Woodend. Farrer of Harrold. Harding of Aspley. "", Sir Gerard Harvey of Fenlake. Mr. Hawkins of Tillbrooke. >" "" Phillip Garroway of Tingrith. Gascoyn of Carrington. Gostwick of Marston. "" Grey of Segenho. Grigg of Dunstable. Hale of Stotfold. Hewit of Millbrook. Hinton of Eversholt. Iremonger of Stanbridge. Jakeman of Billington. Johnson of Brockborough Park. Kempson of Tempsford. "" Five Earles of Kent died without issue, only this sixth remaines. Mr. Langford of Sawford. Sir Tho. (now Lord) Leigh of Leigh- ton. Mr. Ley of Caudwell by Bedford. * Maverns in the parish of Bolnhurst. + The numerals before the names are so in the original. The only alteration I have made is that of arranging the names in alphabetical order to facilitate reference.-ED. APPENDIX. 207 Mr. Lillingston of Lidlington Towne. Lovett of Elstow. Marborough of Warden. "" "" "" "" "" Sir St. John Moore. Charles Mordaunt of Oakeley. "" Mr. Nicholls of Ampthill Great Park. Norton of Sharpenhoe. "" Sir Robert Nudigate of Hawnes. Mr. Paine of Puddington. "" "" Michael of Totternhoe. Middleton of Brocksborough. Moore of Leighton. "" ,, Piggot of Gravenhurst. Sir Wm. Plummer of Hill. Mr. John Potts of Chalgrave. Sir Edward Ratcliffe of Elstow. Mr. Ravens of Henlow. Rolt of Clifton. Rookes of Roxton. "" Palmer of the Great Park. Paradine of Bedford. ON Astrey of Harlington. "" Sir Wm. Beecher of Hooberry. Geo. Blundell of Carrington. "" 17. Mr. Boteler of Biddenham. 15. Bromsall of Biggleswade. Sir Sam. Brown, a Judge of the Com'on Pleas. "" 9. 26. "" 25. Mr. Cary of Everton. 27. "" Sir Edward Cater of Kempston. St. John Chernocke of Hull- cott. Anthony Chester of Lidling- ton. "" 6. Mr. Cheyne of Bramingham. Cheyne of Sundon. Cockaine of Cockaine Hatley. Conquest of Houghton Con- quest. Ben. Conquest, Esq., of Hawnes. Coppin of Market Sell, now Pulloxhill. Cotton of Hinwick Hall, now Mr. Livesay's. 22 در "" "" "" This list was taken in February 1667-8. Feb. 14th, 1667-8, was taken a List of the Gentlemen now remaining: Sir Tho. Alston of Odhill. Mr. Stephen Anderson of Ey- worth. Roger Burgoyne of Sutton. Sir John Cotton of Stratton. 24. Mr. Daniel of Silsoe. "" "" "" Davies of Goldington. Dennis of Kempston. Denton of Barton, Sir John Rotheram of Luton. George Russell of Ridgemont. Mr. Sadler of Aspley. "" Sir Beauchamp St. John of Tillbrooke. Golden Sandys of Eaton Bray. Sir Arthur Savage of Carrington. Mr. Shepherd of Malden. Ralph Snag of Kempston. Spicers of Marston. Robert Staunton of Beckerings. Taylor of Steventon. "" Sir Tho. Tirringham of Hinwick Hall. Nicholas Trott of Eaton Bray. "" "" "" Mr. Vites of Pulloxhill. Waller of Knotting. Watson of Little Park. "" "" Waverer of Clapham. "" Sir Humphrey Winch of Everton. Mr. Wingate of Wootton. "" 20. 3. Sir Lewis Dives of Bromham. 18. Mr. Dodsworth of Ridgemont. 1. Sir John Duncombe of Battlesden. 4. Lodwick Dyer of Colmworth. Mr. Edwards of Arlesey. *" Fish of Ickwell. 16. Franklin of Malvern. 2. Sir Edward Gostwick of Willing- 19. 21. Geo. Wyant of Moggerhanger. 12. 22. 29. >> ton. Mr. Granger of Shidlington. Halfpenny of "" رو >> "" Hillersden of Elstow. "" Sir John Huxley of Eaton. Mr. Johnson of Milton Bryan. 5. Sir John Keiling Lord Chief Jus- tice of Kings B. "" Harvey of Ickwell. Harvey of Thurleigh. Hide of Mr. Leigh of Leighton Sir Sam. Luke of Cople Woodend. Humphrey Monoux of Woot- ton. "" Mr. Orlebarr of Harrold. Osborn of Chicksand. John Napier of Luton. "", Sir William Palmer of Hill. "" "" "" Mr. Rolt of Milton Ernys. Saunders of Marston. Simcotts of Clifton. Snagg of Marston Park. ,, Spencer of Cople. "" William Palmer of Warden. 208 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 23. Mr. Squire of Eaton Socon. Stanton of Woburn. 8. 28. 10. 13. ∞ در >> "" "" "" >> "" "" "" The following have sold their Estates since the List was taken by Sir Robert Chernocke, and they are now in the possession of those Persons I have sett against them in the following List, viz. :— " Sir John Duncombe to Sir Gregory Page. Edward Gostwick to the Duchess of Marlborough. Lewis Dives to Lord Trevor. "" "" "" Lodwick Dyer to Mr. Richard Hillersden. John Keiling to Lord Torrington. "" Mr. Cheyne of Brammingham to Mr. Crosse a Brewer. "" "" • Taylor of Clapham to Lord Ashburnham. "" Wells of Heath and Reach to . "" "" "" "" "" "" }} "" Page "" در Bromsall of Biggleswade to his Granddaughter. Franklin of Malvern to . . . . . . Boteler of Biddenham to Lord Trevor. Dodsworth of Ridgemont to Francis Lowe, Esq. Harvey of Thurleigh to Hide to . • Simcots of Clifton to his Daughter. Squire of Eaton Socon to .. Daniel of Silsoe to Mr. Coghill. Cary of Everton to Mr. Astell a late S.S. Director. Benjamin Conquest of Hawnes to Sir Pyn. Chernocke. Cotton of Hinwick Hall to Mr. Livesay. "" Captain Stone of Brockborough to the Duke of Bedford. Mr. Spencer of Cople to Mr. Francis Brace, Duchess Dowager of Marlborough. "" "" "" "" "" Capt. Stone of Brockborough. Stone of Ridgemont. Taylor of Clapham. 11. Mr. Thomson of Crawley. Vaux of Whipsnade. Ventris of Campton. 14. Stone of Ridgemont to Ralph Ratcliffe, Esq. Thomson of Crawley to Mr. Williamson. Saunders of Marston to "" 137. 174. 178. >> 207. 208. "" • "" Luke of Cople, Woodend, to Duchess Dowager of Marlborough. Edward Snagg, Esq., of Marston to . . . . ༄ Cheyne of Sundon to William Clayton, Esq. Stanton of Wooborn to Sir Gilbert Pickering's Lady. "" Wells of Heath and Reach. Wingate of Harlington. CORRIGENDA. 86. 9. Read [(Frances) ux. Thomas Leigh Sadler of (Aspley-Guise) in com. Bedford.] For "Lor" read "Lowe." Edmond Brassey and Elizabeth Lowe were mar. 31 Aug. 1620. (P.R. Wootton.) For "Francis" read "Frances," line 9. Dele all within () in first generation of HILLERSDEN pedigree, and in third generation after "Allice" read" (Margaret)." After "Ursula" dele "ux. • 0 • Egleby." It was Ambrose Eglionby who mar. Margaret 24 Feb. 1611. (P.R. Cardington.) Ursula mar. 3 Feb. 1611 to "Walter Hill of Alveston in com. Glouc." (Ibid.) After "Golden" read "(? Edwyn)," in 2nd col., line 5. It was Edward, eld. s. of William Duncomb, by Jane, only da. of Frederick, Lord Cornwallis, who sold the Battlesden Estates, etc., to Dame Frances Bathurst, and Allen Bathurst, Esq. (afterwards Lord Bathurst of Battlesden), in 1706; and in 1724 the Bathurst family sold the same estates to Sir Gregory Page of Wrickle- marsh, Bart., having first obtained a special Act of Parliament enabling them to do so. APPENDIX. 209 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PEDIGREES ENTERED AT THE VISITA- TION OF 1669.* EXTRACTED FROM THE DAWSON MSS.,† WITH VARIATIONS IN ( FROM MS. HARL. 1405, Fo. 15, AND ADDITIONS IN [ ] CHIEFLY EX INFORM. H. GOUGH. 1. ABBIS (Wm) of Bedford (Stotfold). [Arms as in Visitation 1634.] 2. ALEYN (Wm) of Blunham (Eyne[son House in Upper Gravenhurst] 2ª brother to Sr Tho. Aleyne of London Kt and Bar. Sable, a cross potent or, a crescent for difference. Crest-A demi-lion rampant or holding in the paws a rudder sable). ‡3. ALSTON of Odell. [Azure, ten estoiles or, four, three, two, and one, on a chief argent a crescent reversed gules between two boars' heads sable.] 4. ARMIGERS (Sr Clement) of Cople (Kt. Quarterly-1 and 4, Azure, three helmets or between two bars argent, ARMIGER; 2 and 3, Vair, argent and sable, a bend gules, MANCHESTER. Crest-On a ducal coronet or a tiger sejant gules, crined and tufted gold). 5. BARNARDISTON (Robert) of Northill (Esq. Quarterly-1 and 4, Azure, a fesse dancettée ermine between six cross-crosslets argent, Barnardiston; 2 and 3, Argent, a lion rampant collared argent queue fourché gules, HAVERING. Crest-An antelope's head argent, charged with a crescent for difference. Pedigree signed by Geo. Owen and Hen. Lilly). 6. BEDFORD (Samuel) of Clifton and Henlow (Esq. Argent, three lions' Crest-A demi-lion gambs couped within a bordure engrailed sable. rampant erased sable, collared argent). 7. (BEDFORD, the Towne of.-Per pale argent and gules, a fesse azure.) 8. BEECHER (Sr Wm) of Howbury [in Renhold. Arms as in Visitation 1634, surcharged with an escutcheon of pretence-Argent, on a chief gules two mullets pierced or, St JOHN]. 9. BERKELEY (John) of Col[m]worth. (A yonger family of ye Lo. Berkley. Gules, a chevron ermine between ten crosses pattée argent, an annulet for difference. By a discent in writing.) 10. BLUNDELL (St George) of Cardington (Kt. Quarterly of eight-1, BLUN- DELL; 2. GASCOYNE; 3. PIGOT; 4. WAKE; 5. BEAUCHAMP; 6. VINTER; 7. SCARGILL; 8. Blank). [Cf. pp. 160, 172, ante.] CC * Since page 204 was in type I have been enabled to identify the MS. referred to on page v, ante, as 81 B 21," with Harl. MS. 1405 in the British Museum. On turning to f. 15 of same I found a list of Pedigrees entered at the Visitation of 1669 with the arms in trick. As this MS. contains valuable information not in the former list, I append a transcript of it here. The above Names have not been included in the Index, as it was already prepared before the MS. was iden- tified, but they will be found on p. 204, which is indexed. † A valuable collection of Bedfordshire notes and sketches collected and made by Mr. Dawson, late of Clapham, co. Bedf.-Ed. ‡ Not in Harl. MS. 1405. § Cf. Le Neve's 'Knights,' ed. Harl. Soc., page 76. E E 210 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 11. BOTELER (Wm) (Butler of Kirton [in Biddenham, Kirton's or Biddenham- ford] Esq. Quarterly of six [first four quarters as in Visitation of 1631]; 5, Argent, on a bend engrailed sable three horseshoes of the field, [FARRER, of IIarrold]; 6, Blank). 12. BROMSALL* (Tho.) of Beeston (Esq., now High Shreef of Bedford, mar. d. and h. of John Chase of Milton-Vrnis in co. Bodf. 2 shields-1., Azure, a lion rampant queue fourché or, (?) BROMSALL. II., [Gules,] six crosses, 3, 2, and 1, [argent,] on a canton [or] a lion passant [azure], CHASE. By a seale). 13. CAREY (Walter) of Everton (Esq. Argent, on a bend sable three roses of the field, in the sinister chief a swan. .). 14. CARTER (Tho.) of Kempston. [Arms as in Visitation 1634.] 15. CIIARNOCK (Villiers) of Holcut (Esq. [Arms as in Visitation 1634, a crescent for difference.] Crest-A lapwing proper). 16. CHENEY (Wm) of Sundon (Cheyne. Quarterly-1 and 4, [Or and azure,] a fesse [gules] fretty [ermine, CHENEY]; 2 and 3, . . . . a lion rampant...., BROCKAS, Bucks). 17. CHEYNE (Tho. of Bramblehanger [in Luton]. Same arms, a crescent for difference). 18. COBB (Tho.) of Sharnebrooke (and John Cobb of Sharnebrooke, with a crescent). [Arms as in Visitation 1634.] • • • 19. COCKAIN (Tho.) of Cockayn-Hatley (Astwick. Argent, three cocks gules. By a discent from Cokeyn Lo. Cheife Baron of ye Exchequer). 20. CORBETT (Francis) of Sundon. 21. CROMPTON (Robert) of Elstow. (Quarterly of four-1, Argent, on a chief vert three pheons or, CROMPTON; 2, Argent, a chevron ermine between three crosses formée fitchée sable, BouaIITON; 3, Gules, three falchions barwise argent, pomelled or, HUDSON; 4, LOUETT. A scocheon p. Rich. Lee, Clar. 1596.) 22. DANIELL (Wm) of (Newbery in yº Parrish of) Flitton. • • • a pale fusilée. . . . ; 2 and 3, . a unicorn ... head couped. By a seale. Ent 1634 without arms). 23. DAY (John) of Thurleigh. [Arms as in Visitation 1634.] 24. DENTON (Matthew) of Houghton-Conquest. ([Argent,] two bars [gules], in chief three cinqfoils [sable], a crescent for difference. Lanc.) 25. DYMOCK (Charles) of Cranfield. (Sable, two lions passant argent ducally crowned or, in the dexter chief a mullet pierced. Linc.) 26. EDWARDS (Rich.) of Arlesey (Esq.). [Arms as in Visitation 1634] (p. Rich. St George, Clar. 27 Aug. 1632). 27. FITZGEOFFREY (John) of Blackbornhall (Bedford). [Arms as in Visita- tion 1634.] Quarterly-1 and 4, Crest-A unicorn's * Burke gives these arms s.n. "Bromhall," but "Bromsall" is undoubtedly right. There is a monumont in Biggleswado Church with a curious Latin inscription to Sir Thomas Bromsall, Knt., who died in 1706, aged 63. APPENDIX. 211 28. FRANCKLIN (John) of Thurleigh (Bedford). [Arms as in Visitation 1634.] 29. (HASELDEN, John, of Clophill.) 30. HASELDEN (Beniamin) of Goldington. (Argent, a cross fleurie sable. Enta 1634.) 31. HASTINGS of London. (Argent, a maunch sable, in chief a trefoil slipped gules.) 32. HUNT (Tho.) of Chalversterne [in Roxton. Arms and Crest as in Visitation 1634.] 33. KEYLING of Southill.* 34. LONGVILLE (Grey) of Chidlington [Shitlington] Esq. Quarterly of eight— 1, Gules, a fesse dancettée ermine between six cross-crosslets argent [LONGUEVILLE]; 2, Azure, an eagle displayed or debruised by a bend gules [WOLVERTON]; 3, Or, on a chief gules two dexter-hands argent [MENFELIN, old lords of Wolverton]; 4, Gules, three fishes naiant in pale argent [? RocпE]; 5, Quarterly gules and or, in the first quarter a cross patonce argent [MIDDLETON]; 6, Azure [? vert], three lions passant-guardant argent [? LUDLOW]; 7, Sable [? azure], semée de [or an orle of] cross-crosslets argent, three covered cups of the second, ; 8, Blank. A crescent for difference). 35. LUKE (Oliuer) of (Woodend in) Cople. (Quarterly-1 and 4, LUKE; 2 and 3, LAUNCELYN. To Tho. Luke of Cowpull in com. Bedf., Esq', p. Tho. Hawley, Clar., 1 Oct. 36 H. VIII.) 36. MANLEY (Wm) of Wilshamstead. [Arms as in Visitation 1634.] 37. MORDAUNT (George) of Oakley (Northill, Esq. Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a chevron between three étoiles sable, MORDAUNT; 2 and 3, Blank. Crest [as in Visitation 1631]). 38. NAPIER (Sr John) of Luton-Hoo (Baronet). 39. NEAL (John) of Deane (Esq. Enta 1631). 40. ORLEBAR (Rich.) of Hinwick (in Pudington. Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, two bars gules, charged, the upper with as many roses, and the lower with one of the field, barbed vert, seeded or [ORLEBAR]; 2 and 3, Gules, a chevron engrailed between three eaglets close argent [CUILDE]. Ent the first Coate p. Sr Edw. Bysshe, Clar., 1 Apr. 1662). 41. OSBORNE (Edw.) (of Norrell and of ye Inner Temple). [Arms as in Visi- tation 1634.]) 42. PEMBERTON (John) of Wootton. (Quarterly-1 and 4, Argent, a chevron between three buckets sable, hoops and handles or [PEMBERTON]; 2 and 3, Argent, three dragons' heads erect sable, couped and langued gules [ ]. Crest-A dragon's head erect sable, couped and langued gules. Hertf., by a scocheon.) 43. (SMITH, JOHN, of Old-Warden. Sable, on a chevron between six crosses pattée or three fleurs-de-lys azure. By a seale. Crest-A stork's (?) head crased. . . ., in the beak a fish . . . .) * For arms and pedigree cf. Le Neve's 'Knights,' page 150. 212 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. *44. SMYTH of Biggleswade. 45. SMYTHES (Wm) of Bedford (grandchild to Alderman Smithes of London. Argent, a chevron azure between three oak-leaves vert, upon each an acorn or. Granted p. Wm Camden, Clar., to Alderman Smithes). 47. VAUX (John) of Whipsnade. 48. VENTRIS (John) of Campton. 46. SYMCOTTS (Wm) of Clifton. (Sable, on a chevron engrailed between three spearheads argent as many annulets gules. By a seale.) [Arms as in Visitation 1634.] [Arms as in Visitation 1634.] *Not in Harl. MS. 1405. [N.B.-In Richard Blome's 'Britannia,' London, 1673, folio, pages 348-9, is a list of "Nobility and Gentry, which are, or lately were, related unto the County of Bedford: with their Seats and Titles by which they are, or have been known." Browne Willis's 'Notitia Parliamentaria,' London, 1715, contains a list of Knights of the Shire, Borough Members from K. Edward 1. to Q. Anne; and the 'Records of the Bedford Corporation,' printed at Bedford, 1883, by order of the Corporation, contains a list of Mayors of the Borough of Bedford from 1647 to 1883.— ED.] Pedigrees are printed in SMALL CAPITALS: Arms in italics. Angell, Ellen, 129; Henry, 105; Joane, 105; William, 129. Anglesey, Mary, 99; Thomas, 99. Anlaby, Elizabeth, 80; Thomas, 80. Ansell, 2. ANSELL alias ANSTELL, 2 Agnes, 2, 87; Alexander, 2; Anna, 2; Anne, 2; Catherine, 2; Dorothy, 2; Edward, 2; Elizabeth, 2; George, 2; John, 2; Mary, 2, 90; Nicholas, 2; Rose, 2, 178; Temperance, 2; Thomas, 2, 87, 90, 178; Ursula, 2; Welthlyan,2; Wheatley, 2; 206. Anthony, 75. ANTHONY, 75; Dr. Charles, 76; Charles, 76; Edward, 75; Elizabeth, 75; Dr. Francis, 75; Francis, 76; Dr. John, 76; John, 76; Martha, 76 ; Sarah, 76; Susan, 75. Appowell, Welthlyan, 2. Apprice, Anne, 23; Lewis, 23. Ap Rice, 21. Apsley, Alice, 11; Sir Edward,11. Arches, Catherine, 175. Ardds, 206. Ardern, 3. ARDERN, 3; Anne, 3; Elizabeth, 3, 31; Joane, 3; John, 115; Thomas, 3; William, 3, 31. Argentine, 40. Argentine, Cassandra, 41; Giles, 41. A Abbis, 73. ABBIS, 73; Alice, 73; Anne, 73; Cicely, 73; Thomas. 73; William, 73; —, 204, 206. Abbott, Mary, 184; Sir Morris, 184. Abdey, Anne, 184; Elizabeth, 184; Henry, 184; Joane, 184; Philip, 184. Abridges, Bridget, 7; Sir John, 7. Ackworth, Frances, 12 ; -, 206. Adkins, Elizabeth, 103. Albany, 73. ALBANY, 73; Anne, 73; Ed- ward, 73; Elizabeth, 73; Henry, 72; John, 73; Mary, 73; Robert, 73. Albury, Ailcoyne, 199; Henry, 199. Aldrich, Margery, 18; William,18. Aldridus, King, 13. Aleyn,, 204. Allen, Catherine, 2; John, 2; 206. Alpert, Elizabeth, 121. Alston, 74. ALSTON, 74; Anne, 74; Doro- thy, 74; Edward, 74; Eli- zabeth, 74; Frances, 74; Hester, 74; John, 74; Peter, 74; Sir Thomas, 207; Tho- mas, 74; William, 74 ; -, 204. Alway, 1. ALWAY, 1; Anne, 2; Dorothy, 1, 2; Elizabeth, 2; John, 1, 201; Mary, 1, 2, 152, 201, 203; Ralph, 1, 152, 203; Richard, 1. INDEX. Alwolde, Agnes, 21; Roger, 21. Amyce,, 116. Anderson, 75. ANDERSON, 75; Alice, 75; Dorothy, 75; Sir Edmond, 75; Edmond, 75; Elizabeth, 75; Etheldred, 75; Sir Francis, 75; Grisell, 75; Sir John, 75; Judith, 75; Katherine, 85; Magdalen, 75; Mary, 75 ; Stephen, 75, 207; William, 75. Andrews, Elizabeth, 79; George, 96; Lucy, 162; Mary, 96 ; Richard, 162; William, 79. Arkenstall, Mary, 10; Richard, 10. Armiger, 204. Arnold, 141. Arnoldes, Anne, 55. Arthur, Agnes, 79; Robert, 79. Arundell, Elizabeth, 92; Sir M John, 48, 64, 92; Mary, 48, 64. Ascough, Anne, 147. Ashaw, Joane, 161; Roger, 161. Ashburnham, Lord, 208. Ashby, Alice, 20; Anne, 149; Elizabeth, 128; Thomas, 20, 149. Ashcombe, Hester, 74; Sir William, 74. Ashen, Sir William, 206. ASHTON, 76; Alice, 76; Anne, 77; Clement, 77; Dionisia, 76; Elizabeth, 77; George, 77; Margaret, 76; Mary, 76, 77; Peter, 76; Richard, 76; Robert, 76, 77; Susan, 76; Thomas, 76; Sir William, 77, 205; William, 77. Ashwell, Alice, 33; William, 33. Ashworth, or Askwith, Judith, 88; William, 88. Astell, 208. Aston, Anne, 137; Edward, 137; Gertrude, 136; Walter, Lord, 137; Sir Walter, 136. Astry, 3, 59, 77. ASTRY, 3, 59, 77, 157; Alice, 4, 59, 77; Anne, 4, 59, 77, 157; Barbara, 77; Diana, 157; Elizabeth, 3, 59, 77, 151, 152, 174, 201; Frances, 4, 59, 122; Francis, 77; Geoffrey, 3, 59; George, 4, 59, 157, 194; Grace, 157; Sir Henry, 77; Henry, 3, 59, 77; Sir James, 206; James, 157; Jane, 3, 59, 194; John, 157; Lora, 59, 157; Luke, 157; Margaret, 3, 59; Mary, 4, 59, 77, 132; Sir Ralph, 3, 59; Ralph, 3, 4, 59, 77, 122, 132, 151, 152, 157, 174, 201; Rebecca, 157; Susan, 157; Thomas, 3, 4, 59; William, 3, 4, 59, 77; —, 206, 207. See Austry. Ateslow,, 114. Athole, Earl of, 182. Atkys, Alice, 24; William, 24. Atsee, 167. Atsee, Henry, 167; Margaret,167. Atwood, Agnes, 51, 193; Chris- tian, 175; John, 175; Mary, 104; Thomas, 51, 104, 193. Aubrey, Sir Samuel, 148. Audley, 78. W AUDLEY, 78; Anne, 38, 78, 202; Catherine, 189; Cicely, 78; Dorothy, 78; Elizabeth, 78; Etheldred, 78; George, 78; Henry, 78; Joane, 78; Mary, 78, 171; Robert, 78, 189; Thomas, Lord, 4, 78; Tho- 214 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. mas, 38, 78, 171, 202; Wil- liam, 78; —, 206. Austry, Sir Henry, 205. Ayre, -, 4. B Baa, 153. Baber, Margaret, 184. Bachcott, 10. Bachcott, Jane, 10. Bacon, Margaret, 110; Thomas, 110. Badlesmere, 13. Badwell, 190. Bagshaw, 79. BAGSHAW, 79; Agnes, 79: Anne, 79; Edmund, 79; Ed- ward, 79; Elizabeth, 79; Humphrey, 79; Jane, 79; John, 79; Lucy, 79; Mar- garet, 79; Robert, 79; Sarah, 79; Thomas, 79. Bainbrigg, Elizabeth, 197; Wil- liam, 197. Baker, Catherine, 164: Chris- tian, 195; George, 164; Jane, 190; Joane, 174; Thomas, 174. Baldwin, Jane, 134; John, 134 ; Thomas, 134. Ballard, Mary, 196; Thomas, 196; -, 161. Balthrop, Margaret, 140, 189; Richard, 140, 189. Bamford, Robert, 71. Banbury, 163. Banester, 157. BANESTER, 157; Amy, 158; Anne, 157; Anthony, 157; Catherine, 157; Eleanor, 157; Elizabeth, 157, 158; Dr. Fran- cis, 158; Gabriel, 157; Isa- bel, 157; Joane, 157; John, 157; Margaret, 157; Mary, 158. Bankworth, Dr., 166; Judith, 166. Baptist, Jane, 26, 108; John, 26, 108. Barber, Elcanor, 175; Margaret, 105, 169; Richard, 175; Ro- bert, 169; William, 105, 169. Bardolfe, 153. Bardolfe, Edmond, 50, 135; Elizabeth, 50, 135. Barham, 5. Barker, Alice, 118; Sir Chris- topher, Garter, 87; Eliza- beth, 147; John 18; Stephen, 147. Barley, Elizabeth, 4; Ellen, 106; Francis, 106; Thomas, 4. Barnacke, 12. Barnacke, Anne, 14; Sir John, 14; Mary, 14; Sir Richard, 14; Sarah, 14; Sir William, 14; William, 14. Barnardiston, 4, 79. BARNARDISTON, 4, 79; Alice, 80; Anlaby, 80; Annc, 80; Benjamin, 80; Christopher, 4, 80; Edward, 4, 80; Eliza- beth, 4, 79, 80, 106; George, 4, 79, 80; Henry, 80; Joane, 4, 80; John, 4, 80, 106; Judith, 80; Katherinc. 80; Margaret, 4, 80, 106; Mary, 80; Richard, 80; Robert, 80; Sarah, 4; Sigismond, 4, 80; Susan, 4; Sir Thomas, 4, 79, 106; Thomas, 4, 80 ; 204. Barnby, Mary, 92. Barnes, Elizabeth, 50, 93; Fran- ces, 159; John, 93; Mary, 184; Richard, 50, 184; Wil- liam, 159. Barnesley, 10. Barnesley, Dionisia, 10. Barre, Elizabeth, 31; Ellen, 45; William, 31. Barrell, Humphrey, 10; Mar- tha, 10. - Barrey, —, 198. Barton, 29. Barton, Alice, 11; John, 11, 29. Barwick, Anne, 182. Basford, -, 6. Bash, Edward, 136; Jane, 136. Basingham, Agnes, 68; Robert, 68. Bass, Katherine, 87; Richard, 87. Bates, George, 150; Mary, 150. Bath, Dorothy, Countess of, 194; Edward, Earl of, 194. Bathurst, Allen, Lord, 208; Lady Frances, 208. Batte, 19. Batte, — 19. p Battell, Joane, 55. Bawde, 5. BAWDE, 5; Anne, 5; Elizabeth, 5; Ferdinand, 5; George, 5; Jane, 5; Joane, 148; John, 5; Margaret, 5; Thomas, 5. Bayly, Elizabeth, 146; John, 146; Margaret, 196. Baynes, Frances, 90; Richard, 90. Baynham, Anne, 160; William, 160. Beaue, Anne, 79; John, 79. Beard, 12. Beard, Anne, 2; Miles, 2; Tho- mas, 2 ; -, 13. Beauchamp, 9, 51, 116, 172. Beauchamp, Alice, 162; Edith, 15, 52; Isabel, 52; Joane, 172; Sir John, 15, 52, 58; John, 162; Margaret, 15, 52; Sir Roger, 52; Sir Walter, 52; William, Baron of Bed- ford, 172; Sir William, 52; William, 52; Earl of War- wick, 52. Beaufort, John, Duke of Somer- set, 15, 52; Margaret, Duchess of Somerset, 15, 52. Beaufoy, Sir William, 183. Beckett, Alice, 49, 50, 191; John, 71; Simon, 71, 72. Elizabeth, Beconsaw, George, 198. Bedell, 154. Bedell, Dorothy, 151, 201; Mary, 123; Thomas, 154; William, 123, 151, 201. Bedells, George, 159; Susan, 159. Bedford, 1, 71, 72. Bedford, Francis, Earl of, 33, 53, 76; Margaret, Countess of, 33, 53; Duke of, 208; 198; 204. Bee, Diana, 157; Edward, 157. Beecher, 81. BEECHER, 81; Anne, 82, 114; Bartholomew, 81; Dorothy, 82; Edward, 81, 82; Eliza- beth, 2, 81, 82, 194; Fane, 81; Francis, 81; George, 81; Henry, 2, 81; Howard, 81; John, 81, 82; Judith, 81, 82; Katherine, 82; Mabel, 81; Margaret, 81; Mary, 81; Oliver, 82; St. John, 81; Sir William, 81, 114, 205, 207 ; William, 81, 82, 194; -; 204. Beleverge, 151. Beleverge, Agnes, 200; Alice, 199; Isabel, 200; John, 199, 200; Nicholas, 200; William, 199, 200. Belfield, 1. Belfield, Anne, 152, 202; John, 152, 202; Mary, 1, 151, 201; William, 151, 201. Bell, Mary, 166; Sir Robert, 166. Bellaby, Barbara, 143; Robert, 143. Bellay, Jane, 90; Dr. John, 90. Bellingham, Jane, 69; William, 69. Belson, Katherine, 98; Thomas, 98. ―――― - Bendowe, Edmond, 25; Mar- garet, 25. Bengcratt, Henry, 161; Susan, 161. Benlosse, Sergeant, 74. Bennett, Elizabeth, 126. Benolte, Annc, 48; Thomas, Clarenceux, 110; Thomas, 48. Berisford, 67. Berisford, Ellen, 61; Thomas, 61; -, 66. Berkeley, 204. Bernacke, 27. Bernard, Dorothy, 2; Edward, 39; Mary, 39; Richard, 2. Berner, Elizabeth, 66; Mary, 66; William, 66. Berners, Janc, 117; Jolin, 129; Joseph, 117; Susan, 129. Berry, 206. Besouth, Jane, 150. Beswick, Elizabeth, 166; Wil- liam, 166. Betts, Elizabeth, 118. Beverley, 82. BEVERLEY, 82; Alicc, 82; Anne, 82; Elizabeth, 82; Ellis, 82; INDEX. 215 Sir James, 205, 206; James, 82, 97; Jane, 82 97; John, 82; Nathaniel, 82; Robert, 82; Thomas, 82; Walter, 82; William, 82. Bewple, 12. Bewple, Elizabeth, 13; Mar- garet, 14; Sir Ralph, 13, 14. Bill, Catherine, 26; Joane, 7, 87. Bing, Sir George, 206. Birch, 158. BIRCH, 158; Alice, 158; Anne, 123, 158, 159; Catherine, 158; Dominick, 158; Do- rothy, 158, 159; Elizabeth, 158, 159; Emanuel, 158 Frances, 159; Grace, 159 ; Henry, 124, 151, 158, 159, 201; Humphrey, 159; Hunting- don, 158; Jane, 124, 151, 158, 159, 201; Jeremy, 158, 159; Joane, 159; John, 123, 159; Judith, 158, 159; Mary, 158, 159; Nathaniel, 158; Nicho- las, 159; Priscilla, 158, 159; Richard, 158, 159; Samuel, 158; Susan, 158, 159; Tho- mas, 158, 159; William, 158. Bircheley, Anne, 184; Edward, 184. Bird, 164. Bird, Elizabeth, 8; John, 164; Margery, 164; Mary, 145; Nichola, 164; Richard, 8; Thomas, 164. Birkenhead, Adam, 177; Eliza- beth, 177. Birkett, John, 170; Mary, 170. Birksheium, —: 187. Bishopton, 168. Blakesley, Lawrence, 140; Mar- garet, 140. Bland, Elizabeth, 113. Blennerhasset, 159. BLENNERHASSET, 159; Anne, 160; Edward, 160; Eliza- beth, 160; Jane, 159; John, 159; Mary, 160; Ralph, 159; Samuel, 160; Thomas, 160; William, 160. Bletsoc, 83, 155. BLETSOE, 83; Agnes, 83, 95; Anne, 83; Dorothy, 83; Ed- ward, 83; Elizabeth, 83; Hugh, 83; Isabella, 83; John, 83; Katherine, 83; Margaret, 83; Oliver, 83; Paul, 83; Richard, 83; Ro- bert, 83; Samuel, 83; Saunder- son, 83; Thomas, 83; Wil- liam, 83, 95, 155. Blockett, John, 30. Blofield, Cicely, 133; Edmund, 133; -, 206. Blount, 32, 187. Blount, Anne, 187; Elizabeth, 175; Walter, Lord Mountjoy, 187: William, 175, 187. Bloyon, 12. Bloyou, Sir Allen, 13; Eliza- beth, 13. Blundell, 160. BLUNDELL, 160; Alice, 160, 161; Anne, 161; Arthur, 161; Catherine, 160, 161; Eliza- beth, 116, 161; Frances, 161; Sir Francis, 161, 170; Fran- cis, 161; Sir George, 109, 116, 161, 205, 207; George, 109, 161; Henry, 160, 161; Joane, 160, 161; John, 160, 161, 170, 200; Josias, 161; Joyce, 161; Margery, 200; Mary, 170; Nicholas, 160; Richard, 160, 161; Robert, 161; Sarah, 109, 161; Susan, 161; Thomas, 161, 200; Wil- liam, 160, 161; 204. Blunville, 74. Blunville alias Blomfield, Fran- ces, 74; Simon, 74. Blyant, Margaret, 190; Simon, 190. Bodinant, 163. Bohun, 32. Bohun, John, 187; Mary, 187. Bold, Jane, 181; Richard, 181. Boleyne, Sir Geoffrey, 15; Isa- bel, 15. Bolingbroke, Oliver, Earl of, 71, 81, 92, 96, 147, 192, 194. Bolsworth, 83. BOLSWORTH, 83; Alice, 84; Anne, 84; Banester, 84; Ed- mund, 84; Elizabeth, 84 ; George, 84; Joane, 84; John, 84; Robert, 83, 84; Rose, 83; Sarah, 84; Susan, 84; Thomas, 84. Bolton, Elizabeth, 87, 172; Joane, 28 Mary, 80; Tho- mas, 80; William, 172. Bond, 17. Booth, 40. Booth, Agnes, 42, 180; Charles, 42, 180; Frances, 105; Sir George, 75; Jane, 42; John, 42, 84; Martha, 84; Roger, 42; Thomas, 42. Borham, Anne, 11; Thomas, 11. Borne, Elizabeth, 23; William, 23. Borough, Sir John, Norroy, 71. Bosgrave, 5. BOSGRAVE, 5; Agnes, 6; Anne, 6; Francis, 6; Jane, 6; Joane, 6; John, 5, 6; Leon- ard, 6; Margaret, 5; Mary, 6; Richard, 6; Thomas, 6. Bosse, Elizabeth, 110; Thomas, 110. Bostock, Elizabeth, 120; Peter, 120. Boteler. See Butler. Botetourt, 47. Bothwell, 183. Boughton, Elizabeth, 135; Richard, 135; William, 22. Bowles, 7. Bowles, Anne, 3, 7, 11, 87; John, 7, 11, 87; Mary, 136 ; Richard, 3; Thomas, 136. Dr. Bowstred, Anne, 47. Boyfield alias Bosvile, Eliza- beth, 17; John, 17. Boyland, Sir John, 13. Boyle, Dorothy, 170; Michael, Bp.ofWaterford,170. Boys, Anne, 167; Edward, 167. See De Boys. Brace, Francis, 208. Bracking, Sir John, 205. Bradestone, 13. Bradshaw, Alice, 52; Sir Tho- mas, 52. Bradwell, 10. Bradwell, Catherine, 157; Eli- zabeth, 10; Dr. Stephen, 157; Stephen 157. Bramston, Dorothy, 130; Sir John, 130, Brandon, Rebecca, 193; Robert, 193. " Braxby, 162. Bray, 21, 162. BRAY, 162; Alice, 22. 162; Anne, 61, 163; Auncell. 162; Dorothy, 163; Sir Edmund, Lord, 163; 163; Edmund, 162 ; Sir Egidius, 61; Elizabeth, 162, 163; Frances, 163; Frideswide, 163; Grace, 25, 162; Henry, 22; Jane, 162, 163; Jaques, 162; Joane, 162; Jocelyn, 162; John, Lord, 163; John, 162: Lucy. 162; Mary, 163; Sir Reig- nald, 162; Reignald, 162; Richard, 162; Thomas, 162; Sir William, 162; William, 162; -, 206. Braybrooke, 67. Braybrooke, Sir George. 68; Sir Gerard, 68; Isabella, 68. Brecherton, John, 115. Brenker, 153. Brenker, Johu, 153. Brereton, Jane, 163; Sir Urian, 163. Bressey, 85. BRESSEY, 85; Constance, S6, 109, 139, 169; Edmund, 85, 86, 109, 139, 169; Elizabeth, 86; Francis, 86; Hemphilles, 86; Henry, 86; John, 86; Katherine, 85; Lucretia. 86; Martha, 86; Mary, 86; Ralph, 86; Robert, 86; Thomas, 86. Bridges, Jane, 195; Walter, 195; William, 195. Bridgwater, John, Earl of, 194. Briers, 86. BRIERS, 86; Alice, 86; Anne, 86; Arabella, 86; Sir Wil- liam, 86, 205, 206; William, $6. Briscoc, 57. Bristol, Beatrice, Countess of, 23; John, Earl of, 23. Brocas, 163. Brocas, Edith, 163; Frances, 91; John, 163. Brocket, 128. Add 216 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. ; Bromfield, Alderman, 169; Anne, 169; Robert, 169. Bromfleet, 165. Bromhall, 87. BROMHALL, 87; Agnes, 2, 87; Anne, 87; Elizabeth, 87, 145 Joane, 87; Sir John, 87; John, 2, 87, 145; Katherine, 87; Lewis, 87; Oliver, 87; Robert, 87; Ursula, 87. Bromsall, Anne, 169; Sir Tho- mas, 206; William, 169; 204, 207, 208. Brooke, 40, 44. - Brooke, Anne, 163; Sir David, 6; Elizabeth, 41; Ellen, 41; George, Lord Cobham, 81, 163; Sir Lawrence, 41; Mar- garet, 6, 41; Mary, 45; Ralph, York Herald, 74; Ralph, 41; William, 45; 134. Broughton, 12. Broughton, Agnes, 14; Anne, 14, 15; Elizabeth, 14; Sir John, 14, 15; John, 14; Katherine, 14; Mary, 14; Matthew, 13; Pauline, 14; Ralph, 13; Sir Robert, 13, 14; Robert, 13; Roger, 13; Sir Rowland, 13; William, 13. Browne, Alice, 172; Anne, 117, 193; Sir Anthony, Viscount Montagu, 48, 65; Dorothy, 98; Elizabeth, 41, 105, 172; Humphrey, 172; Jane, 195 ; John, 105, 193; Margaret, 68; Mary, 48, 65; Matthew, 98; Sir Samuel, 205, 207; Simon, 68; Weston, 195; Sir Wistan, 41. Broye, 9, 51. Broye, Beatrice, 51; John, 51. Bruce, Edward, 186; Sir George, 186; Margaret, 186; Lord of Kinloss, 186. Brudenell, Edmund, 66, 197; Elizabeth, 29, 66, 197; Sir Robert, 29. Bruges, Dorothy, 163; Sir Ed- mund, 163; Frances, 132, 189; Henry, 132, 189. Brydiman, 163. BRYDIMAN, 163; Charles, 163 ; Edith, 163; Edmund, 163; George, 163; Margaret, 163; Mary, 163. Bryers. See Briers. Buckby, or Buckley, Ursula, 130; William, 130. Buckingham, Henry, Duke of, 48, 64. 157; Buckworth, Edward, Grace, 157. - Budockshyde, 160. Budockshyde, Catherine, 161; Roger, 161. Bugges, Edward, 26; Margaret, 26. Bulkeley, 39, 67, 164. BULKELEY, 164, Annc, 39, 55, 61, 141, 164; Ardeene, 164; Catherine, 164; Cicely, 164; Dr. Edward, 164; Elizabeth, 164; Ellen, 164; Hugh, 164; Humphrey, 164; Isabel, 164; Jane, 39, 164; John, 164; Margaret, 164; Nathaniel, 164; Nichola, 164; Paul, 164; Peter, 164; Robert, 39, 55, 141, 164; Roger, 164; Rowland, 164; Thomas, 164; William 39, 61, 164. Bull, William, 72. Bulmer, 36, 168. Bulter, Richard, 115. Burd, Ambrose, 184; Joane, 184. Burgatt, 12. Burgett, Katherine, 14; Sir William, 14. Burgoyne, 7, 87, 191. BURGOYNE, 7, 87; Anne, 7, 11, 87, 88, 191; Barbara, 88; Elizabeth, 87, 88; Jane, 88; Joane, 7, 87; John, 7, 87, 88; Judith, 88, 199; Martha, 88 ; Mary, 88; Nathaniel, 88 ; Peter, 88; Robert, 7, 87, 88; Sir Roger, 205, 207; Roger, 88, 199; Susan, 88; Thomas, 7, 11, 87, 88. Burleigh, Elizabeth, 4, 79; Tho- mas, 4, 79. Burnby, Mary, 69; Richard, 69. Burnell, 47. Burrows, Arthur, 176; Frances, 176. Burton, Joane, 142; Robert, 142. Burwell, Dorothy, 151, 201; Edmund, 151; Edward, 151, 201; Jane, 151, 201. Bury, 8. BURY, 8; Alice, 9 ; Anne, 8, 9 ; Catherine, 8; Elizabeth, 8, 9, 27; Frances, 137, 204; Francis, 8, 137; George, 8, 9; Henry, 8, 9; Humphrey, 8, 9, 50, 192; Isabel, 8; Jacob, 9; Janc, 8, 9, 50, 192; John, S, 9; Margaret, 8, 9; Mary, 9; Richard, 8, 9, 27; Roger, 8; Susan, 157; Tho- mas, 8. Bussey, Andrew, 116; Cecil, 116; Elizabeth, 116. Butler, 6, 9, 10, 40, 43, 84, 162. BUTLER, or Boteler, 6, 9, 84; Agnes, 14, 24; Alice, 7, 11, 85, 129, 162; Anne, 7, 9-11, 84, 85, 197; Bridget, 7; Catherine, 10, 40, 46, 85; Crestyde, 10, 53; Dionisia, 10; Dorothy, 7; Sir Edward, 117; Edward, 117; Eliza- beth, 10, 11, 64, 85, 145, 162, 167, 202; Ellen, 85; Emma, 7; Etheldred, 75; Francis, 85; George, 10, 40, 85, 197; Grace, 7, 44, 185; Sir Henry, 166; James, 11; Jane, 10, 11, 164; Joanc, 6, 203; John, Baron, 75; Sir John, 11, 203 ; John, 6, 7, 9-11, 44, 46, 53, 64, 85, 185, 203; Judith, 85; Margaret, 6,7,10,84; Martha, 7, 10, 84, 85; Mary, 7, 10, 84, 117, 127; Nicholas, 10; Oliver, 11, 85; Oswald, 24; Peter, 10; Sir Philip, 166; Phillis, 10; Raphael, 10; Rebecca, 166; Richard, 6, 7; Robert, 7, 9; Roberta, 166; Thomas, Baron, of Sudley, 162; Sir Thomas, 85; Thomas, 6, 7, 9, 11, 85; Ursula, 7, 84, 85; Sir William, Baron of War- rington, 164; Sir William, 6, 127, 205; William, 6, 7, 9-11, 41, 84, 85, 127, 129, 145, 167, 203; -, Lord, 206; —, 151, 200, 204, 207, 208. Button, 19, 89, 151. BUTTON, 89; Anne, 89; Doro- thy, 89, 151, 201; Edmund, 89; Elizabeth, 30, 89, 151, 201; George, 89; Humphrey, 89; James, 89; Janc, 89; Joane, 19, 89, 97; John, 89; Margaret, 89, 117; Richard, 30, 89, 151, 201; William, 19, 89, 97, 117, 151, 201; 206. Button, —, 206. } M с Cade, John, 163; Mary, 163; Sir William, 163. Cage, Daniel, 125; Elizabeth, 125. Cagenho, Amicia, 60. Cailton, John,159; Priscilla,159. Calthrop, Mary, 36; Sir Wil- liam, 36. Calton, Elizabeth, 140; Martha, 106; Nicholas, 106. Calverley, Agnes, Agnes, 69; Sir George, 69. Camden, Clarenceux, 121, 133, 134, 148. Camoys, 13. Campion, Abraham, 167; Anne, 184; George, 184; John, 171; Margaret, 167; Mary, 171. Camville, 183. Capel, Lord, 206. Capon, Rebecca, 112. Carberry, Earl of, 80. Carey,, 204, 207, 208. Carlisle, Alexander, 175; Alice, 175. M Carlton, Elizabeth, 165. Carpenter, Anne, 123; Mary, 123; Richard, 123; Thomas, 123. Carrisforth, Jane, 190; John, 190. Carter, 90, 165. CARTER, 90, 165; Abraham, 165; Amy, 158; Anne, 91; Aunsell, 90, 91; Catherinc, 165; Charles, 165; Edward, 128; Elizabeth, 90, 91, 165 Ellen, 128; Frances, 165; INDEX. 217 Francis, 165; George, 91, 128; Jane, 90, 91, 165; Joane, 17 John, 91, 165; Mary, 2, 90, 128; Millicent, 90; Paradise, 90; Prudence, 165; Richard, 165; Robert, 17; Susan, 91; Thomas, 90, 91, 165; William, 2, 90, 91, 158, 165; Winifred, 90; 204. Cartwright, Henry, 16; Mary, " 16. Casleton, Anthony, 126. Castell, Mary, 115; Robert, 115. Cuter, 89. CATER, 89; Cornelius, 89, 90; Sir Edward, 205, 207; Ed- ward, 88, 90; Frances, 90; George, 90; Henry, 90; John, 89; Mary, 88, 90; Richard, 89, 90; Susan, 90; Thomas, 90; William, 90; —, 206. Catesby, Anne, 66, 197; An- thony. 46; Elizabeth, 66, 188; Sir Humphrey, 66, 197; Isa- bel, 46; Jane, 65; Richard, 188; Sir William, 66; —, 206. Catescy, Elizabeth, 26. Catlin, 11. CATLIN, 11; Alice, 11; Anne, 11, 87; Jane, 49; John, 11; Mary, 11; Sir Robert, 11, 87; Robert, 11; Thomas, 11; William, 49. Cave, 165. Cavc, Anne, 126; Anthony, 166; Judith, 166; William, 126. Cavendish, Elizabeth, 110. Chad, Edward, 49; Joane, 49. Chadworth, 146. Chadworth, -, 146. Chamberlain, 168. Chamberlain, Martha, 88; Tho- mas, 88. Chamberlain alias Spicer, Am- philis, 138, 169; Jane, 138, 169; John, 169; William, 138. Champneys, Justinian, 135 ; Muriel, 135. Chantrell, Katherine, 80; Wil- liam, 80. Chapman, Elizabeth, 128, 177; Mary, 128; Thomas, 128. Chard, Edward, 87; Ursula, 87. Charge, Elizabeth,63; Henry,63. Charles VI. of France, 182. Charlton, 13. Charnock, 12, 92. CHARNOCK, 12, 92; Agncs, 92; Ambrose, 12; Anne, 92, 194; Beauchamp, 92: Elizabeth, 92; Florence, 12, 92; Fran- ces, 12; Francis, 92; Isabel, 145; Sir John, 92; John, 12, 92; Katherine, 92, 194; Mar- tha, 92; Mary, 12, 92; Sir Pyn., 208; Richard, 12, 92; Sir Robert, 92, 205; Robert, 12, 92, 194; Sir St. John, 207; St. John, 92; 204. Chase, 206. Chaworth, 13. D } Chaworth, Elizabeth, 28; Sir William, 28. Checke, Frances, 65; Henry, 65; Sir John. 65. Chendercotts, 198. Cheney, 12, 13, 91. CHENEY, 12, 91; Alexander, 15; Anne, 15, 91; Barbara, 144; Catherine, 8, 91; Do- rothy, 91; Edith, 15; Ed- mond, 15; Edward, Dean of Salisbury, 15; Eleanor, 15; Elizabeth, 37, 91; Frances, 91, 114; Sir Francis, 15; Frideswide, 15; George, 91, 206; Sir Henry, 15; Isabel, 15; Jane, 15, 37; Sir John, 15; John, 15, 42, 91; Lawrence, 8; Lettice, 129; Margaret, 15, 91, 194; Martha, 54, 202 ; Mary, 91; Richard, 54, 202; Sir Robert, 15; Robert, 91, 129; Roger, 15; Sir Thomas, 15, 91, 144, 194; Thomas, 91, 114; Sir William, 15; Wil- liam, 15, 91; Winifred, 42; Lord, 206; —, 204, 207, 208. Chertsey, Margaret, 6; Robert, 6. Cheshire, Emley, 43; ——, 125. Chester, 27, 165. CHESTER, 165; Alice, 166; Anne, 166; Sir Anthony, 166, 202, 207; Anthony, 166; Daniel, 166; Dorothy, 166; Elizabeth, 166, 202; Emma, 166; Frances, 166; Francis, 166; Henry, 166; Jane, 166; Joane, 166; John, 166; Ju- dith, 166; Mary, 166; Nicho- las, 166; Rebecca, 166; Rich- ard, 166; Robert, 166; Ro- berta, 166; Susan, 166; Tho- mas, 166; Sir William, 166; William, 165, 166. Chester, Earl of, 27. Chetwood, 59, 67. ; CHETWOOD, 59; Abigail, 61 Agnes, 60, 61, 69; Alice, 60 Amicia, 60; Annabel, 60 Anne, 61; Beatrice, 61; Catherine, 61; Dorothy, 61; Elizabeth, 60, 61, 69; Ellen, 61; Frances, 61, 121; Grace, 61; Isabel, 60; James, 61; Jane, 61; Joane, 60; Sir John, 60, 69; John, 59-61; Knightley, 61; Lucy, 60 Margery, 60, 61; Mary, 60, 61; Sir Nicholas, 60; Olive, 60; Sir Ralph, 60; Randolph, 61; Sir Richard, 61, 121, 206 ; Richard, 61, 69; Robert, 60, 61; Roger, 60, 61, 69; Su- sanna, 61; Sir Thomas, 60; Thomas, 60, 61, 69; Tobias, 61; Valentine, 61; William, 60, 61. Chevall, 45. Chevall, Edmond, 45; Lucy, 45. Cheyne. See Cheney. Chibnall, 16. CHIBNALL, 16; Alice, 16, 140; Amy, 16; Anne, 16; An- thony. 16; Elizabeth, 16; Frances, 16; George, 16; John, 16; Judith, 16; Mary, 16; Richard. 16, 140; Ro- bert, 16; Thomas, 16; Wil- liam, 16; Wyborow, 16. Chicheley, Christian, 36; Fran- ces, 140; John, 36; Thomas, 140. Child, 92. CHILD, 92; Anne, 84, 131: Elizabeth, 93; Katherine, 93; Margaret, 93; Matthew, 131; Richard, 93; William, 92, 93 ; 206. Chishull, 93. CHISHULL, 93; Alice, 93; Anne, 93; Barbara, 93; Bar- tholomew, 93; Christopher, 93; Elizabeth, 93; Jane, 93; John, 93; Lawrence, 93: Mary, 93; Paul, 93; Sarah, 93; Susan, 93; William, 93. Chisnall, Eleanor, 177. Chorvile, Sir Bryan, 28. Clapton, Eleanor, 23; George, 23. Clare, 12. Clarence, George, Duke of, 52. Clarke, Anne, 33, 83, 97, 117, 196; Dorothy, 152; Edmund, 80; Sir Francis, 152, 205, 206; Francis, 97; Isabel, 112; Jane, 158; John, 84, 158; Magdalen, 183; Mar- garet, 80, 83, 84, 146; Philip, 80; Robert, 117; Thomas, 83, 112; Walter, 84; William, 33, 146; —, 206. CLAVER, 94; Anne, 94; Arthur, 94; Clement. 94; Elizabeth, 94 Henry, 94; John, 94; Marmaduke, 94; Matthew, 94; Thomas, 94. Claxton, -, Clayton, 40. 187. Clayton, Isabel, 42; John, 42. Cleveland, Countess of, 86; Earl of, 206. Clifford, Anne, 53; Henry, Lord, 53. Clifton, Alice, 147; Anne, 158; Henry, 147. Clinton, Elizabeth, 28; Lord, Earl of Huntingdon 28. Clopton, 153. Clopton, Alice, 55; John, 55; Katherine, 1; William, 14. Cobb, 16, 94. COBB, 16, 94; Agnes, 17, S3, 95; Alice, 16, 17; Anne, 17, 94. 95, 108; Catherine, 94, 143; Cicely, 83, 94, 95; Do- rothy, 94, 95; Edward, 95; Elizabeth, 17, 94; George, 17, 95; Henry, 17; Isabel, F F 218 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 17, 95, 150; Joane, 17; John, 17, 94, 95; Lawrence, 17; Lucy, 94; Margaret, 17, 54, 83, 94, 95, 108; Mary, 17, 95, 149; Oliver, 95; Paul, 94, 95; Rebecca, 95; Rich- ard, 17; Samuel, 95; Tho- mas, 17, 54, 83, 94, 95, 108, 150; William, 16, 17, 94, 95, 149; -, 204. Cobham, George, Lord, 81, 163; 17. " Cockayne, 17, 95. COCKAYNE, 17, 95; Anne, 18, 189; Arabella, 96; Beatrice, 17, 18; Catherine, 18, 96; Chad, 18, 39, 95, 96; Charles, 96, 113; Dorothy, 2, 96; Edith, 17; Edmund, 18; Eli- zabeth, 17, 18, 39, 95, 96; Frances, 18; George, 18, 95, 189; Humphrey, 18; Isabel, 18, 96; Jane, 95, 96; Sir John, 17; John, 2, 17, 18, 95, 96, 113; Judith, 18; Law- rence, 96; Lewis, 96, 113 Margaret, 18, 96; Mary, 96 ; Nicholas, 18, 95, 96; Oliver, 96; Reynold, 17; Richard, 96; Rose, 18, 141; St. John, 96; Susan, 96, 113; Thomas, 96; Ursula, 96; William, 18; 204, 207. G Cocker, Aune, 178. Cockerham, Jane, 196; Rich- ard, 196. Coghill,, 208. Cogniers, Dorothy, 82; Wil- liam, 82. COLBECK, 18; Alice, 18; Anne, 18, 19; Catherine, 19; Ed- ward, 19; Elizabeth, 18, 19; Jane, 49; Joane, 19; John, 18, 19, 55; Margery, 18; Mary, 19; Philip, 19; Rich- ard, 18; Rosc, 18, 55; Simon, 19; Thomas, 18, 19; William, 49. Colbrand, John, 54; Martha, 54, 202. Coleman, 74. Coleman, Elizabeth, 74; John, 74. Collet, Jane, 179. Collins, Anne, 39; Edward, 39. Collis, Alice, 69; William, 69. Colquit, Anne, 78; Nicholas, 78. Colville, —, 17. Combes, Francis, 93; Susan, 93. Commaunder, Elizabeth, 33. Coningsby, Jane, 146; Mary, 136, 179; Sir Ralph, 146; Thomas, 136. Conquest, 19, 97. CONQUEST, 19, 97; Anne, 20, 89, 97; Benjamin, 207, 208; Bridget, 97; Charles, 97; Cicely, 20; Dorothy, 20, 38, 97, 103; Sir Edmond, 97, 146, 205; Edmond, 19, 20, 89, 97; Elizabeth, 20, 44, 79, 97, 146; Emma, 97; Frances, 20, 97; George, 20, 79, 89, 206; Hester, 97; Isabel, 19; Jane, 82, 97; Joane, 19, 89, 97; John, 19, 97; John Thimelby, 97; Ju- dith, 97, 108; Lewis, 97; Mary, 97; Miles, 97; Sir Richard, 44, 97, 103, 205; Richard, 19, 20, 38, 82, 97 Sarah, 97; William, 20, 97; -,207. Constable, Alice, 75; Sir John, 75; Robert, 173. - Cony, Abiah, 139; Anne, 122; Elizabeth, 93; Henry, 93; Matthias, 139. Conyers, 173. Cooke, Anne, 29, 136; Anthony, 29; Edmund, 186; Sir Ed- ward, 136; Elizabeth, 186; John, 180; Judith, 180; Ro- bert, Clarenceux, 81, 89, 104, 117, 130, 142, 147. Cookeson, Elizabeth, 137; Tho- mas, 137. Cooper, Elizabeth, 45; Marga- ret, 35, 62; Michael, 45. Copandall, John, 47; Wyborow, 47. — Cope, Edward, 69; Mary, 69. Copley, 31, 153. Copley, Anne, 31, 110, 172; Edward, 31, 110, 153, 172. Coppin, Martha, 129; Thomas, 129; -, 207. Corbett, Anne, 54; Robert, 54; 204. Cordall, Olive, 20; William, 20. Cornell, Mary, 180; Simon, 180. Cornwall, Arthur, 116; Martha, 116. Cornwallis, Sir Charles, 202; Frederick, Lord, 208; Jane, 208. Cotes, 67. Cotton, 87. Cotton, Sir John, 207; Magda- len, 46; Mary, 176; Sir Richard, 176; Samuel, 206; 207, 208. Coulcheife, 47. Coultman, Anne, 91. Coulton, John, 159; Priscilla, 159. Cousin, Agnes, 49; William, 49. Condray, 197. Cowdray, Margaret, 66; Sir Thomas, 66. Craddock, Mary, 130; Walter, 130. Crane, Anne, 196. Cranfield alias Glover, Eliza- beth, 90; Katherine, 90; Wil- liam, 90. Crawford. See Crayford. Crawley, 98. CRAWLEY, 98; Anne, 98, 192 ; Dorothy, 98, 192; Elizabeth, 51, 98, 192; Florence, 98; Frances, 98; Sir Francis, 51, 98, 192, 205; Francis, 98, 192; John, 98, 192; Mary, 98, 192; Robert, 98, 192; Thomas, 98, 192. Crayford, 167. CRAYFORD, 167; Afra, 167; Alice, 167; Anne, 167; Ed- ward, 167; Elizabeth, 167; George, 167; Guy, 167 ; John, 167; Margaret, 167; Mary, 167; Richard, 167; Robert. 167; Thomas, 167; Sir William, 167, 205, 206 ; William, 167. CREKE, 20; Alice, 20; Anne, 20; Bonaventer, 20; Ed- ward, 20; Joane, 20; John, 20; Margaret, 20; Martin, 20; Olive, 20; Stephen, 20; Thomas, 20; William, 20. Cressett, Mary, 160. Cressy, Elizabeth, 166; Gervas, 166. Creting, 198. Crew, 67. Crew, David, 60; Margery, 60; -, 57. Crispe, John, 167; Margaret, 167. Croft, Henry, 92; Martha, 92. Crofts, Arabella, 86; Sir Ed- ward, 187; Sir James, 187; Sir John, 86, 206; Joyce, 187; ; -, Countess of Cleve- land, 86. Cromer, Margaret, 20, 185. Crompton, Elizabeth, 39; Tho- mas, 39; -, 204. Cromwell, 27. Cromwell, Mary, 135; Maude, 28; Ralph, 28; Sir Oliver, 135; -, 126. Crosier, 162. Crosier, Anne, 163; Sir Wil- liam, 163. Crosse, -, 208. Crull, Magdalen, 171. Cuddrington, Anne, 181; Paul, 181. Cullen, Anne, 157. Cullick, Jane, 49; William, 49. Curtis, William, 165. D Dabernon, 162. Dabetot, 19. Dabridgecourt, Margaret, 81; Sir Richard, 81. Dade, Mary, 174; William, 174. Dalison, 55. Dalison, George, 55; Jane, 55. Dance, Margaret, 5. Dancer, Elizabeth, 9. DANIELL, 98; Anne, 99; Doro- thy, 99; Edward, 99; Eliza- beth, 98, 99; George, 99 Judith, 118; Mary, 99; Rich- ard, 99; Stephen, 98, 99; ; INDEX. 219 Susan. 99; Thomas, 99; Wil- liam, 99; —, 204, 207, 208. Danno, 40. Danno, Alice, 41; William, 41. Danvers, 51. Danvers, Elizabeth, 5, 42, 197; Sir Henry, 53; Joane, 30, 53; Silvester, 5, 42; Sir Thomas, 30; William, 197. Darnley, Lord, 181, 182. Darrell, Barbara, 190. Davies, 207. Davill, 197. Dawbigney, 27. Dawbney, 12. Dawbney, Sarah, 14; William, 14. Downe, Elizabeth, 161. Day, 99. DAY, 99; Anne, 99; Dorothy, 134; Edmund, 99, 134; Eli- zabeth, 99; George, 99 ; John, 99; Margaret, 143; Mary, 99; Nathaniel, 99; Richard, 99, 143; Stephen, 99; Tho- mas, 99; William,99 ; —, -,204. Dayrell, 125. Dayrell, Anne, 107, 126; Ed- mond, 107; Francis, 126; Mary, 191; Sir Thomas, 191. De Boys, Charles, 117; Eliza- beth, 117. Decons, Francis, 119. Delabere, 9, 51. Delabere, Elizabeth, 52; Sir John, 52. Delapoole, 13. 206. Delaune, -, Delaware, Thomas, Lord, 187; —, Lord, 88. Dene, William, 199. Denu, —, 112. Dennis. Anne, 53; Catherine, 189; Jane, 95; Richard, 53; Walter, 189; —, 207. Denny, Sir Anthony, 23; Doug- las, 23. Denston, 12. Denston, Anne, 14; John, 14; Katherine, 14. Dent, Mary, 90; William, 90. Denton, Anthony, 183; Mag- dalen, 183; Mary, 118; Nicholas, 118; 201, 207. Derby, Stanley, Earl of, 48, 64. Dering, Elizabeth, 188; Nicho- las, 188. Derycott, Arthur, 7; Emma, 7. Dethick, Sir William, Garter, 99; York Herald, 178. Devenish, Mary, 102; Robert, 102. Devereux, -, 187. Deyncourt, 21. Deyncourt, Maude, 28; Wil- liam, 28. Dickons, 140. Dickons, Alice, 55, 140; Eli- zabeth, 140; Frances, 140; Francis, 140; Richard, 140; Thomas, 55, 140. Dickson, Margaret, 46; Tho- mas, 46. Digby, Anne, 10; Beatrice, 23; George, 10; John, Lord, Earl of Bristol, 23; Kenelm, 100; Margery, 100. Dillingham, Margaret, 147; Thomas, 147. Dimock, Margery, 131; Wil- liam, 131; -, 204. Dives, Sir John, 205; Sir Lewis, 205, 207, 208. Dixey, George, 143; Jane, 143. Dobson, Cordall, 51; Elizabeth, 51: Jane, 51; William, 51. Docket, Anne, 86; Noah, 86. Docwra, 191. Docwra, Anne, 191; Elizabeth, 82; Frances, 192; Jane, 192; John, 191; Martha, 192, 194; Mary, 91; Meldreth, 192; Periam, 192; Sir Thomas, 191; Thomas, 82, 91, 192, 202. Dodd, Jane, 177; John, 177; Margaret, 177; William, 177. Dodgson, Anne, 35; Gervase, 35. Dodsworth, -, 207, 208. Dolman, James, 106; Jane, 103; Margaret, 106. Done, Emott, 179; Sir John, 179. Dorington, Dorothy, 102; Mary, 148; Robert, 102. Dormer, Ambrose, 132; Cathe- rine, 54; Sir William, 54; Winifred, 132. Douglas, 182. Douglas, 182. Dove. Frances, 172; Zachariah, 172. Downes, Catherine, 23; Eliza- beth, 23; Francis, 23; George, 23. Doyley, Jane, 197; Robert, 197. Drake, Sir Francis, 116; Fran- cis, 165. Drayton, 40. Drayton, Mary, 174; William, 174. Driby, 27. Driffield, 8. Driffield. John, 8; Margaret, 8. Drury, 67. Drury, Jane, 61; Sir William,61. Dry, Gilbert, 115. Dryden, Ellen. 185; Erasmus, 185; Stephen, 185. Dudley, 100. DUDLEY, 100; Alice, 100; Ed- ward, 100; Elizabeth, 100; Lettice, 100; Margaret, 100; Mary, 100; Montagu, 100; Thomas, 100; William, 100. Dugdale, William, Norroy, 122. Duke, Edward, 160. Duncombe, 100. DUNCOMBE, 100; Alice, 100; Anne, 101; Catherine, 94, 96; Cicely, 20; Dorothy, 99, 101; Sir Edward, 101; Ed- ward, 101, 208; Elizabeth, 101; Ellen, 101, 137; Henry, 101; Jane, 208; Sir John, 205, 207, 208; John, 94, 96, 101, 137; Mary, 100, 137; Peter, 101; Roger, 20; Sir Saunders, 101; Thomas, 101; William, 100, 101, 137, 208; 206. Dyer, Anne, 111; Sir Lodwick, 207, 208; Sir William, 111. Dyve, 21. DYVE. 21; Agnes, 21; Alan, 21; Alice, 22; Anne. 22, 23 : Audrey, 198; Beatrice, 23; Catherine, 22, 23; Chris- topher, 23; Dorothy, 21, 23 ; Douglas, 23; Edmond, 22; Edward. 22; Eleanor, 22, 23; Elizabeth, 21-23; George, 23 Godfrey, 22; Henry, 21-23; Honor, 23; Humphrey, 23 ; Isabel, 23; Jane, 22; Joane, 21; Sir John, 23; John, 22, 23, 198; 198; Lawrence, 22; Lewis, 23; Mary, 23; Maude, 21, 22; Ralph, 21; Sir Rich- ard, 21; Robert, 21; Simon, 21; Thomas, 23; William, 21-23. E Eades. See Eedes. Eastwell, Edward, 171; Mary, 171. Eastwick, Alice, 147. Eaton, Elizabeth, 166; Tho- mas, 166. Edgcumbe, Catherine, 53; Sir Peter, 53; Sir Richard, 53. Edgerley, 98. Edgerley, Anne, 98; Dorothy, 98, 192; Elizabeth, 98; John, 98, 192; Katherine, 98; Ro- bert, 98. Edwards, 101. EDWARDS, 101; Alice, 73; Anne, 102; Constance, 102; Dorothy, 102; Eleanor, 102; Elizabeth, 100-102; Francis, 102; George, 73, 100-102; Henry, 101, 102; Jane, 181; Jasper, 102; John, 101, 102, 181; Katherine, 102; Law- rence, 102; Mary, 102; Michael, 101; Richard, 101, 102, 206; Thomas, 101, 102; -, 204, 207. Eedes, 102. EEDES, 102; Alice, 102; Doro- thy, 97, 103; Edward, 102 Francis, 97, 103; Joane, 103 Margaret, 103; Dr. Richard, Dean of Worcester, 102: Richard, 103; Thomas, 102; -,206. Egerton, Arabella, 194; John, Earl of Bridgwater, 194. Egleby, Ursula, 178, 208. 220 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Eglesfield, 29. Eglionby, Ambrose, 208; Mar- garet, 208. Ekins, Mary, 106, 140; Robert, 140; Thomas, 106. See Ey- kins. Eldercar, Eleanor, 22; Ralph, 21, 22. Elgin, Thomas, Earl of, 205. Elliott, Edward, 11; Janc, 11. Ellis, 16. Ellis, Anthony, 16; Dorothy, 136; Elizabeth, 16; James, 136; John, 166; Mary, 166; Ursula, 96. Elmer, Elizabeth, 34. Elmes, Alice, 53; Edith, 42; Edmond, 53; Elizabeth, 132; John, 42; Mary, 111; Tho- mas, 141; William, 132. Elrington, Dorothy, 136; Ed- ward, 136. Eltham, Thomas, 101. Emery, Anne, 91; Florence, 92; Thomas, 91, 92; 206. 192; Emington, Elizabeth, Francis, 192. Emley, Eleanor, 27; Sir John, 27. > Enderby, 46. Enderby, Eleanor, 47, 132 ; Elizabeth, 22; John, 22, 47, 132. Engarsby, Judith, 133. Engayne, 12. Engayne, Sir John, 14; Mary, 14. Englefield, 29. Ereswell, Alice, 80; George, 202; Mary, 202; Robert, 80. Ernest, Joane, 190; William, 190. Erneys, 147. Erneys, Isabel, 147; Sir Walter, 147. Ernley, Jane, 111; John, 111. Ersley, Elizabeth, 181; Wil- liam, 181. Essex, Earl of, 116, 129. Estfield, 32. Eston, 24. ESTON, 24; Agnes, 24; Alice, 24; Catherine, 24; Edward, 24; Elizabeth, 24; Francis, 24 ; IIenry, 24; Jane, 24; John, 24; Judith, 24; Lct- tice, 24; Lucy, 24; Mar- garet, 24, 47, 55; Mary, 24 ; Maude, 24; Nicholas, 24 Oliver, 24; Richard, 24; Susan, 24; Thomas, 24, 47, 55. Estwick, -,206. Etheridge, Jane, 175; John, 175. Elton, 129. Etwall, Dr. Henry, 69; Janc, 69; -, 67. Evans, Adrian, 170; Barbara, 170. Everard, 25, 103. EVERARD, 25, 103; Amy, 103, 105; Anne, 25; Dennis, 25; Elizabeth, 103, 125; Grace, 25, 103; Henry, 25, 103; Jane, 103; John, 25, 103, 105, 125; Margaret, 25, 103; Nicholas, 25, 103; Richard, 25; Thomas, 25, 103. Everington, Elizabeth, 184; Francis, 184; Sir James, 184; John, 184; Margaret, 184. Eversfield, Christian, 185; Sir Thomas, 185. Evington, Elizabeth, 51; Fran- cis, 51. Ewer, 104. EWER, 104; Agnes, 104; Ed- ward, 77, 104; Francis, 138; Jane, 138; John, 104; Mary, 77, 104; Maude, 104; Ralph, 104; Thomas, 104; Thomas Atwood, 104. Eykins, Alexander, 194; Susan, 194. See Ekins. F Fage, Isabel, 18; James, 18. Fairclough, Janc, 178; John, 178; Mary, 115, 117; Tho- mas, 117. Fairey, 153. Fuldo, 104, 105, 168. FALDO, 104, 105, 168; Agnes, 31; Amphilis, 138, 169; Amy, 103, 105; Anne, 104, 169, 170; Barbara, 170; Cathe- rinc, 168; Christian, 105; Cresset, 105; Edmond, 169; Elizabeth, 105, 169; Frances, 105, 170; Francis, 169 Henry, 169; Jane, 105, 169, 170; Joane, 105, 168; John, 105, 168-170; Margaret, 38, 104, 105, 169; Mary, 105, 169, 170; Matthew, 105 ; Ralph, 105, 169; Richard, 31, 104, 105, 138, 168-170 ; Robert, 38, 105, 169, 170 ; Simon, 168; Susan, 105; Thomas, 103-105, 169; Sir William, 168; William, 71, 104, 105, 168-170; William de Keynes de, 168. Funcots, 168. F'ane, Annc, 11; Sir George, 11. 1. Faringdon, 1. Faringdon, -, Farington, 40. Farington, Alice, 177; Sir Henry, 42; Isabel, 42; Jane, 42; Peter, 177; William, 12. Farmer, Elizabeth, 75; Sir Hatton, 75. Farmour, Sir George, 205. Farrer, Anne, 85; Francis, 85; -,206. Favell, Edward, 197; Eliza- beth, 197. Fawcett, Anne, 169; Jane, 169; John, 169; William, 169. Ferne, Elizabeth, 125; Joane, 142; William, 125. Ferrers, 29. Ferrers, Humphrey, 47; Mar- garet, 17. Ferris, Sir John, 206. Fetiplace, Edmond, 42; Mar- garet, 42. Fickman, Douglas, 123; Habel, 123. Field, Frances, 97; John, 97; Susan, 96, 113; Thomas, 113. Filiol, 32. Finch, Margaret, 107; William, 107. Fish, 106, 170. FISH, 106, 170; Alice, 170; Anne, 106, 107, 170; Bar- nardiston, 106; Dorothy, 170; Edith, 106; Sir Edward, 170, 206; Edward, 128, 170; Elizabeth, 106, 107, 170; Ellen, 106; George, 106, 170; Henry, 107; IIumphrey, 106, 107; Jane, 106; Sir John, 106, 170; John, 106; Judith, 170; Lettice, 170; Margaret, 80, 106, 107; Martha, 106; Mary, 106, 107, 128, 170; Mercy, 106, 107, 140; Oliver, 107, 140; Richard, 107; Susan, 106; Thomas, 106, 107, 170; Sir William, 106, 206; William, 80, 106, 107; 207. Fisher, 51, 107. FISHER, 107; Agnes, 54; Alice, 107; Annc, 42, 89, 107; Cathc- rinc, 2; Edmund, 107; Eli- zabeth, 107; Frances, 107; Gideon, 107; Isabel, 18; Dr. Jasper, 107; John, 42, 54 Margaret, 54; Mary, 107; Sir Michael, 18, 54; Michael, 18; Richard, 2, 89; Sarah, 107; Susan, 107; Thomas, 107; William, 107. Fitch, Anne, 152, 202; Robert, 158; Sir William, 152, 202. Fitz, Joane, 200; John, 200. Fitz Geoffrey, 25, 26, 54, 108. FITZGEOFFREY, 25, 108, 171; Alexander, 26; Alice, 44 Anne, 2, 25, 171; Bridget, 25; Catherine, 25, 108, 171; Cicely, 25, 108; Clement, 25; Edith, 26; Edward, 25; Eli- zabeth, 25, 26, 44, 108, 171; Francis, 26; Sir George, 2, 26, 108, 202; George, 26, 44, 108, 171; Gerard, 26, 171; Goodith, 26; Isabel, 108; Jane, 26, 108, 202; Joane, 26, 171; John, 25, 26, 95, 108, 171; Leonard, 26; Mar- garet, 25, 26, 95, 108, 171; Mary, 26, 54, 78, 171; Nicho- las, 26, 108; Oliver, 26, 171; Robert, 26, 44, 108; Susani, - INDEX. 221 171; Thomas, 25, 78, 108, 171; Ursula, 108; William, 25, 26, 54, 108, 171; 204, 206. Fitz Henry, 171. FITZHENRY, 171; Edward, 171; John, 171; Magdalen, 171; Ralph, 171; Robert, 171; Theophilus, 171; Tho- mas, 171; Thoroughgood, 171. Fitzhugh, 26. FITZHUGH, 26; Anne, 27; Catherine, 26; Christopher, 27; Cicely, 27; Elizabeth, 8, 27; Frances, 27; Grace, 27; Jane, 27; John, 27, 36; Julian, 36; Mary, 27; Nicho- las, 27; Robert, 8, 27; Tho- mas, 27; William, 26, 27. Fitzlewis, Ela, 42; Richard, 42. Fitzpeter, 67. Fitz Richard, 19. Fitzwalter, 47. Fitzwalter, Elizabeth, 64; John, Lord, 48, 64; Robert, Lord, 48, 64; Walter, Lord, 64. Fitzwarren, 13, 67. Fitzwilliam, 27. FITZWILLIAM, 27; Agnes, 28; Albreda, 28; Alice, 29 Anne, 29; Bartholomew, 29; Catherine, 29; Christopher, 29; Edmond, 28; Eleanor, 27-29; Elizabeth, 4, 28, 29; Ella, 27; Ellen, 28, 29; Emma, 27; Francis, 29; George, 4; Jane, 28, 29, 175; Joane, 28; Sir John, 28, 206 ; John, 28; Margaret, 28; Mary, 28, 29; Maude, 28 Mildred, 29; Nicholas, 28; Ralph, 28; Reynold, 28; Richard, 28, 29; Robert, 28; Roger, 28; Thomas, 28, 29, 175; Urian, 29; Sir William, 27-29; William, 28, 29. Flanville, Hamon, 115. Fleetwood, Anne, 180; Sir Miles, 180. Fleming, Elizabeth, 193; John, 193. Fletam, Elizabeth, 25; Nicho- las, 25. Fletcher, Jane, 176. Flitwecks, 153. Folke de Oyrey, 13. Folliot, Mary, 36; Richard, 36. Forman, Dr. 185; Janc, 185. Forster, 12, 46. Forster, Agnes, 132; Anne, 46, 132; Frances, 195; Sir Hugh, 13; John, 13, 195; Pauline, 14; Thomas, 14. Fortescue, 13. Fortescue, Anne, 5; Sir John, 5, 205; -, 57. Foster, 108. FOSTER, 108; Elizabeth, 109; George, 119; Heury, 108; Joanc, 109; Margaret, 109 ; Mary, 119; Rowland, 109; Thomas, 108, 109; William, 109. Foulthorpe, 154. Foulthorpe, Sir John, 154. Fountain, 109. FOUNTAIN, 109; Arthur, 109; Briggs, 109; Constance, 109; Frances, 109; Jane, 109 John, 109; Martin, 109; Sarah, 109; Thomas, 109. Fowler, 29. FOWLER, 29; Anne, 30; An- thony, 30; Bridget, 30 ; Christopher, 30; Cicely, 30 Dorothy, 30; Edward, 30; Elizabeth, 30, 89; Gabriel, 30, 89; George, 30; Sir Henry, 29; Henry, 30; Joane, 30, 46; Sir John, 29; John, 30; Julian, 30; Katherine, 30; Lettice, 30; Margaret, 30; Mary, 11, 30; Sir Rich- ard, 30; Richard, 30; Sir Thomas, 11; Thomas, 30, 46, 206; Sir William, 30; Wil- liam, 30. Foxcott, 67. Foxcott, John, 68; Margaret, 68. Francis, Andrew, 6; Catherine, 29; Elizabeth, 39; Margaret, 6; Richard, 29; William, 39. Frank, Margaret, 173; Nicho- las, 173. Franklin. 31. 110. FRANKLIN, 31, 110, 172; Agnes, 31; Alice, 172; Anne, 31, 110, 111, 172; Augustin, 172; Edmond, 110; Edward, 31, 172; Elizabeth, 3, 31, 99, 110, 172; Ellen, 137; Frances, 172; Francis, 31, 172; George, 31, 110, 111, 172; John, 3, 31, 110, 137, 145, 172; Margaret, 31, 109, 110, 145; Mary, 44, 172; Nicho- las, 44, 99, 110; Richard, 31 ; Robert, 31; Thomas, 31, 109, 172; William, Dean of York, Durham, and Windsor, 31; Sir William, 206; William, 3, 31, 110; —, 204, 207, 208. Freeman, Elizabeth, 180; Fran- ces, 185; Robert, 185; Wil- liam, 180. Frere, Alice, 86. Fretchvile, Bruce, 186; John, 186; Sir Peter, 186. Frogmorton, -, 89. Frowicke, 40, 51. Frowicke, Frideswide, 15; Sir Henry, 53; Jane, 53; Joane, 41, 53; Margaret, 54; Sir Thomas, 15, 53; Thomas, 41. Froxmer, Margaret, 10. Fry, -, 127. Fryer, John, 166; Mary, 166. Fuller, Frances, 165; William, Dean of Dublin, 165, Furneys, Alice, 76. Furtho, Maude, 22. Fynes, Margaret, 37; William, Lord Say and Scale, 37. Ꮐ Gade, Jane, 159; John, 159.' Gadsden, Joane, 184; William, 184. Gage, Joane, 30; Richard, 30; 192. Gale, Henry, 112; Katherine, 112. Gamage, Isabel, 19; Margaret, 53; Sir Thomas, 53. Gardevile, John, 190; Maude, 190. Gardiner, Emma, 166; John, 166; Mary. 95. Garroway, Philip, 206. Gascoigne, 116, 172. GASCOIGNE, 172; Dorothy, 116, 173; Elizabethi, 97, 116, 161, 172, 173; George, 116, 173; James, 173; Jane, 53, 116, 173; Sir John, 72, 116, 173; John, 53, 97, 116, 161, 173; Margaret, 9, 116, 173; Nicho- las, 173; Richard, 173; Ro- bert, 9; Sir William, 173; William, 116,172,173; —,206. Gates, Dorothy, 122. Gawdrey, Joanc, 81; John, 81. Gawsell, 12. Gawthorpe, -, 172. Gedge, Mary, 10; Thomas, 10. Gedney, 146. Gedney, Agnes, 146; Hugh, 146. Gee alias Joy, Henry, 24; Mar- garet, 24. Gent, Joane, 157. George. Robert, 88; Susan, 88. Gerrard, Elizabeth, 183, 193; Francis, 186; Sir John, 183 Mary, 186; Sir William, 193. Gery, 110. GERY, 110; Anne, 110, 111; Elizabeth, 111; George, 111; Oliver, 111; Rebecca, 111; Richard, 110, 111; Thomas, 110, 111; William, 110, 111; 112. Gibbon, Elizabeth, 135; Wil- liam, 135. Gifford, 191. Gifford, John, 60; Lucy, 60; 191. " Gilbert, Dorothy, 146; Edward 136; Joane, 163; Mary, 136; Richard, 146; Thomas, 163. Gildespin, Thomas, 115. Giles, Margaret, 163. Gill, John, 136; Margaret, 188; Richard, 188; Ursula, 136. Gilman, Ann, 196. Gilpin, Anne, 82; George, 82. Gislingham, John, 190; Maude, 190. Glover, 146. 222 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Glover, Alice, 146; Robert, 146. See Cranfield. Goddard, 111. GODDARD, 111; Anthony, 111; Dorothy, 111; Edith, 112; Henry, 112; Jane, 111; Joane, 111; John, 112; Katherine, 112; Mary, 112 Thomas, 111; Vincent, 111, 112; William, 111, 112. Godfrey, 16, 127. Godfrey, Elizabeth, 16; Fran- ces, 127; John, 127; Mar- garet, 124; Mary, 189; Rich- ard, 16; William, 124, 189. Golabis of Normandy, 27. Goldington, 153. Goldsmith, Elizabeth, 165. Golson, Robert, 47; Rose, 47. Gonnell, Anne, 3, 7, 25; Gerard, 25; John, 7; Thomas, 3. Goodall, Robert, 72. Goodfellow, Elizabeth, 54, 73; Mary, 118; William, 54, 73, 118. Goodrick, John, 24, 55; Mar- garet, 24, 55. Goodson, Elizabeth, 143; Tho- mas, 143. Goodwin, John, 66; Mary, 131; Petronilla, 66; William, 131. Gophill, 160. Gostwick, 32. GOSTWICK, 32; Alice, 33; Anne, 33, 34; Catherine, 33; Constance, 34; Dorothy, 33; Edmund, 33; Sir Edward, 34, 141, 188, 205, 207, 208; Edward, 33, 34; Elizabeth, 33, 34; Frances, 34; Francis, 34; Gabriel, 34; George, 33; Gertrude, 33, 34; Hester, 34; Hugh, 32; Jane, 33, 34, 188; Sir John, 32, 33, 53; John, 32-34, 55; Margaret, 33, 53, 145; Martha, 33, 65; Mary, 33, 34, 141; Mildred, 34; Nicholas, 34; Ralph, 145; Richard, 32; Robert, 32-34 ; Roger, 32-34; Thomas, 33, 34; Sir William, 34, 188, 206; William, 32-34, 58, 65; 65, 206. Gould, Elizabeth, 139, 169; Mary, 169; Thomas, 139, 169. Gouldsborough, Dorothy, 83; Thomas. 83. Gower, Anne, 50; William, 50. Grafton, Joane, 63; John, 63. Grandison, 9, 51. Grandison, Mabel, 52; Otho, Lord, 52. Grandy, Katherine, 187. Granger, 207. Granville, 183. Granville,, 183. Graunt, Frances, 131; John, 131. Graveley, 128. Graveley, Anne, 169; George, 128; Lettice, 128. Gray, or Grey, 35, 62, 67, 112, 156, 191. GRAY, or GREY, 35, 62, 112, 173; Agnes, 28; Alice, 35, 62; Andrew, 35, 62, 174; Anne, 35, 62, 112, 174; An- thony, Lord, 50; Barbara, 38; Catherine, 49, 50, 112, 192; Dorothy, 35, 62, 174; Edith, 17; Edward, 35, 62, 174; Elizabeth, 35, 59, 62, 77, 112, 174; Frances, 62; Fran- cis, 35, 62, 112, 174; George, 174; Grace, 25, 35, 62, 103, 173; Hawise, 68; Sir Henry, 53; Henry, 47, 53; Isabel, 112; Lady Jane, 157; Jane, 174; John, 35, 62, 112, 173, 174; Judith, 112; Lyon, 35; Margaret, 35, 47, 53, 62, 174; Martha, 112; Mary, 35, 62, 112, 174, 191; Masera, 62; Massy, 35; Matthew, 35, 62, 174; Oliver, 112; Sir Pat- rick, 183; Penelope, 174 Peter, 35, 59, 62, 77, 174 ; Ralph, 35, 62; Rebecca, 112 Reynold, Lord, 17; Richard, Earl of Kent, 53; Richard, 35, 62, 174; Robert, 38, 68, 112; Simon, 112; Thomas, 35, 62; Walter, 112; Wil- liam, 112; Yon, 35; -, Lord, 28, 192; 206. Green, 27, 44, 67, 196. Green, Annabel, 60; Anne, 94, 164; Christian, 196; Cicely, 45; Edith, 41, 44; Eleanor, 28; Elizabeth, 30, 49; Sir Henry, 28; Joane, 6, 26, 118; John, 26, 41, 44, 49, 118 Lawrence, 196; Margaret, 196; Maude, 24; Reynold, 196; Robert, 94; Sir Tho- mas, 24; Thomas, 60; Wil- liam, 164. Gresham, Sir John, 193; Mary, 193. Gresley, 29. Greville, Sir Edward, 150; Joyce, 150. Grice, 158. ; Grice, Alice, 158; Roger, 158. Griffin, 67, 113. GRIFFIN, 113; Alice, 113; Anne, 69, 113; Edward, 69 Elizabeth, 113; Ellen, 113 George, 113; Henry, 113 John, 113; Richard, 113; Su- san, 113; Thomas, 113. Grigg, 206. ; 2 ; Grosvenor, Elizabeth, 164, 180; Randall, 164. Grover, Frances, 98; John, 98. Grymes, Joane, 128; Thomas, 128. Gubyon, 153. Guilliam, Jane, 134; Robert, 134. Gynne, Elizabeth, 128. H Hackett, Anne, 120; Christian, 120; Sir Sir Cuthbert, 120 ; Etheldred, 78; Jane. 120; Dr. Roger, 78, 120; Dr. Tho- mas, 78; Thomas, 78, 120. Haddon, -, 182. Hadley, Catherine, 33; Eliza- beth, 160; George, 33; Wil- liam, 160. Hadock, Joane, 160; Matthew, 160. HALE, 113; Anne, 19; Bridget, 114; Elizabeth, 113; Francis, 114; John, 113; Judith, 114, 132; Margaret, 114; Mary, 114, 172; Matthew, 113; Oliver, 114; Richard, 113, 172; Rose, 118; Simon, 114, 132; Thomas, 19, 113, 114; -, 144, 206. Hales, 191. Hales, Meldreth, 192. Halfhide, Judith, 133. Halfpenny, 207. Hall, Anne, 25; Christopher, 133; Elizabeth, 31, 63, 110 Frances, 133; Henry, 63 John, 31, 110; Marian, 63: Thomas, 63; William, 25. Halleleigh, Anne, 102; Chris- topher, 102; Elizabeth, 102; John, 102. Halliwell, 162. Halliwell, Jane, 163; John, 163; Richard, 163. Hamby, John, 170; Judith, 170. Hamilton, James, Lord, 182; Margaret, 182. Hampden, 125. Hampstead, 74. Hampstead, Dorothy,74; Henry, 74. Hanbury, Anne, 9. Hanchett, Grace, 35, 62, 173; William, 35, 62, 173. Hanky, 67. Hanky, Ellen, 61; John, 61. Hansard, 32. Hardesley, Henry, 10; Mar- garet, 10. ; HARDING, 114; Anne, 33, 37, 39, 82, 114; Cicely, 125; Ed- mund, 82, 114; Edward, 114 Elizabeth, 114, 174; Frances, 114; John, 37, 39, 114, 174; Mary, 114; Nicholas, 33, 125; Richard, 114; St. John, 114; William, 114; —, 178, 206. Hare, Catherine, 120; Eliza- beth, 50; Margaret, 96; Sir Ralph, 96; Richard, 50; Samuel, 120. Harman, Joane, 36; John, 36; Katherine, 30; Roger, 30. Harnchall, 13. Harneys, 153. Harold, Alice, 113; Robert, 113. Harris, Christopher, 10; -, 171. V INDEX. 223 Harrison, Margaret, 184. Hart, Frideswide, 163; Sir Per- cival, 163; Winifred, 90. Hartop, Mary, 134; Sir Wil- liam, 134. Harvey, 36, 116, 156, 190. HARVEY, 36, 116; Adam, 36; Agnes, 37; Alice, 37, 146; Anne, 37, 116, 117; Benja- min, 116; Christian, 36, 37; Cicely, 36; Daniel, 116; Dorothy, 116, 202; Edmond, 48, 65; Edward, 37; Eliza- beth, 37, 116, 117; Florence, 37; Frances, 37, 129; Sir George, 37, 116; George, 116; Sir Gerard, 116, 206; Gerard, 37; alias Smart, Gerard, 116; Gertrude, 117; Henry, 36; Isabel, 37, 48, 65; James, 129; Jane, 36, 37, 117; Joane, 36; Sir John, 36; John, 36, 37, 53, 65, 116, 117; Judith, 116; Julian, 36; Margaret, 36, 37,48,65; Martha, 116; Mary, 36, 37, 53, 116, 117; Na- thaniel, 116; Oliver, 117 Osbert, 36; Richard, 37; Samuel, 116, 202; Stephen, 117; Thomas, 36, 65; Wil- liam, Clarenceux, 72, 81, 94, 123; William, 36, 48, 65; --, 207, 208. ; Haselden, 115. HASELDEN, 115; Alice, 115; Anthony, 8; Benjamin, 115; Constance, 115; Elizabeth, 8, 115; Hugh, 115; John, 115; Margaret, 115; Martha, 115; Mary, 115; Richard, 115; Robert, 115; Thomas, 115; William, 115; -, 204. Hastings, 21. Hastings, Isabel, 23; Henry, 28; Mary, 28; Sir Ralph, 23 William, 23; —, 204. Hatley, Elizabeth, 145; Joane, 111; William, 145. Hawes, Anne, 29; John, 29; Judith, 85; Margaret, 80; Ro- bert, 71, 80, 85; Thomas, 71. Hawkins, Lady, 103; 206. Hawley, Thomas, Clarenceux, 110. M Hawtrey, Sir Philip, 165; Pru- dence, 165; Sir William, 132 Winifred, 132. ; Hayes, Sarah, 120; Sir Thomas, 120. Haynes, John, 96; Margaret, 96. Hayward, Anne, 167; Sir Row- land, 167. Haywood, Jane, 176. Hedge, Margaret, 76; Thomas, 76. Heigham, 154. Heigham, Roger, 154. Helder alias Spicer, Elizabeth, 119; Joane, 135; Richard, 119, 135. Helder alias Squire (? Spicer), Joane, 50. Heming, 179. Heming, Anne, 179; John, 179. Lenhull, 67. Henhull, Margaret, 61; Rich- ard, 61. Henley, Magdalen, 46; Sir Walter, 46. Henry VIII., 15, 39, 45. Henston, 154. Heriot, Elizabeth, 148. Heron, Alice, 81; Elizabeth, 17; Sir Nicholas, 81; Tho- mas, 17, 81. Hervey. See Harvey. Heslerton, Cecilia, 66; Thomas, 66. ; Heton, Elizabeth, 170; Martin, Bp. of Ely, 170. Hewett, 37, 117, 129. HEWETT, 37, 117; Alice, 129; Anne, 38, 78; Arthur, 38; Charles, 117; Dorothy, 37, 38, 97; Edmond, 38; Edward, 117; Elizabeth,38, 98, 117 Francis, 117; Henry, 117 John, 117; Margaret, 37, 38, 117; Martha, 117; Mary, 117; Richard, 78; Robert, 37, 38, 78, 97, 98, 117; Thomas, 37, 117; Sir William, 129; Wil- liam, 38, 117 ; —, 206. See Huet. Hewson, Anne, 102; Thomas, 102. Hibberdine, Cicely, 25; Roger, 25, Hide. See Hyde. Higham, 191. Higham, Etheldred, 191; Jane, 159; Thomas, 159. Hill, 3, 118. ; HILL, 118; Alice, 38; Edward, 118; Elizabeth, 118, 177 Henry, 118; Joane, 118, 166; John, 118; Judith, 118; Mar- gery, 3; Martha, 118; Mary, 118; Reynold, 118; Thomas, 118, 177; Ursula, 208; Wal- ter, 208; William, 38. Hillar, —, 182. Hillersden, 174. HILLERSDEN, 174; Alice, 174; Cicely, 25; Elizabeth, 174; Joane, 174; John, 174; Mar- garet, 208; Richard, 208 ; Roger, 25; Sir Thomas, 174; Thomas, 174; 207. Hilton, Catherine, 179; Emott, 179; William, 179. Hinde, Sir Francis, 65; Jane, 65; Joane, 190; John, 190, Hinton, 119. HINTON, 119; Dorothy, 119; Frances, 119, 140; George, 119; Mary, 119; Robert, 119; Thomas, 119, 140; -, 206. Hitch, 175, HITCH, 175; Catherine, 175; Christian, 175; Eleanor, 175; - Jane, 29, 175; John, 29, 175; Richard, 175; Roger, 175; Thomas, 175; William, 175. Hobbs, 155. Hobbs, Robert, 155. Hobby. 67. Hobby, Barbara, 69; William, 69. Hoddesdon, 175. Hoddesdon, 175; Alice, 175; Anne, 176; Bridget, 176; Sir Christopher, 175; Christo- pher, 176; Constance, 175 ; Edward, 176; Elizabeth, 175, 176; Grace, 176; Henry, 176; Jane, 175, 176; John, 176; Nicholas, 176, Simon, 175; Thomas, 175, 176; Ursula, 175. Hodgkis, 176. HODGKIS, 176; Allan, 176; Arthur, 177; Charles, 176; Dorothy, 177; Elizabeth, 177 Frances, 176; George, 176; Jane, 176, 177; John, 176; Margaret, 177; Mary. 176; Richard, 176, 177; Thomas, 177; William, 176. Hogshaw, Catherine, 179; John, 179; Maude, 179. Holdenby, 22. Holdenby, Jane, 22; John, 22. Holland, 13. Holland, David, 165; Elizabeth, 165; Richard, 115. Holman, 148. Holman, Elizabeth, 148; Mar- gery, 148; Nicholas, 148; Simon, 148; William, 148. Holme, Randle, 188; Thomas, Clarenceux, 77. Holt, 186. Holt, Ellen, 186; James, 186. Honywood, Joyce, 136; Robert, 136. Hoo, 155. Hoo, Ellen, 106; Thomas, 106. Hopkins, Anne, 197. Hopton, Anne, 187; Sir Arthur, 187. Horley, Catherine, 24; Mar- garet, 24; William, 24. Horne, Joane, 144; Reynold, 144. Horsey, Anne, 136; George, 136. Horsley, Anne, 158; Jason, 158. How, Susan, 75. Howard, Aune, Lady, 54; Char- les, Earl of Nottingham, 54; William, Lord, 54. Huet, Margaret, 89; Thomas, 89. Huggins, Bridget, 30. Hull, George, 9; Jane, 9. Hulso, 67. Hulso, Catherine, 61; Philip, 61. Hume, Elizabeth, 96; Sir Pat- rick, 96. Humfrevile, Elizabeth, 51; Sir Henry, 51. 224 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Humfrey, Margaret, 25; Rich- ard, 25. Hungerford, Anthony, 111. Hunt, 38, 118, 154. HUNT, 38, 118; Alexander, 72; Alice, 38; Anne, 38; Barbara, 38; Edward, 38; Elizabeth, 38, 145; Gregory, 38; James, 118; Jane, 38, 118; Joane, 20, 38, 118; Margaret, 38, 118; Mary, 38, 118; Roger, 38, 118; Rosc, 118; Saxburge, 38; Thomas, 38, 118; Wil- liam, 38, 118, 145; —, 204. Huntingdon, Earl of, 28. Hurlestone, 177. HURLESTONE, 177; Agnes, 177; Alice, 177, 178; Anne, 178; Eleanor, 177; Elizabeth, 177; Ellen, 178; Gilbert, 177; Hugh, 177, 178; Humphrey, 177, 178; Isabel, 177; James, 177; John, 177; Margaret, 177, 178, 208; Mary, 178; Maude, 177; Nicholas, 177; Randall, 177; Richard, 177; Robert, 177; Rose, 2, 178; Thomas, 177; Ursula, 178, 208; Wil- liam, 177. Hussey, Elizabeth, 157; Hu- bert, 157; Margaret, 41; Thomas, 41. Hutost, 100. Hutton, Rose, 191; Thomas, 191. Huxley, Elizabeth, 174; George, 72; Sir John, 206, 207; John, 174. Hyde, Elizabeth, 106, 170 ; George, 106, 170; William, 106, 170; -, 110, 207, 208. Hyer, George, 79; Margaret, 79. I Inglebert, 168. Inglefield, Cicely, 30; Nicho- las, 30. Inglethorpe, 13. Insula, Robert, 68; Rosc, 68. Iplady, Mary, 158; Richard, 158. Ireland, Anne, 16; Henry, 16. Iremonger, Edmund, 159; Eli- zabeth, 84; Grace, 159; John, 84; -, 206. Iscomb, Thomasine, 121. Iwardby, Elizabeth, 46, 132; John, 46, 132. J Jackson, Jane, 150. Jacob, 154. Jacob, Abraham, 9; Mary, 9. Jakeman,, 206. James, Alice, 102. Jekyll, Sir Thomas, 57. Jellibronde, 19. Jellibronde, Elizabeth, 19. Jenisun, Elizabeth, 158; Tho- mas, 158. Jenkin ap Philip, Rice ap Mor- gan ap, 53. Jenney, 4. Jessop, Frances, 183; John, 183. Johnson, 119, 154. JOHNSON, 119; Dorothy, 145; Elizabeth, 119; Francis, 119; Isabel, 157; John, 154; Mar- tha, 197; Mary, 119; Nicho- las, 119; Thomas, 119; Wil- liam, 119, 145, 197; —, 206, 207. Jones, 120. ; JONES, 120; Anne, 120, 170; Anne Duppa, 120; Cathe- rine, 120; Christian, 120; Elizabeth, 120; Henry, 120; Hester Estington, 120; Hugh, 120; Jane, 120; John, 120 Margaret, 120; Margaret Stubbs, 120; Peter, 120; Richard, 120; Robert, 120; Roger, Viscount Raneleigh and Baron of Navan, 120; Sir Roger, 120; Roger, 120; Sarah, 120; Thomas, Archbp. of Dublin, 120; Thomas, 120, 170; William, 120. Joy, Anne, 178; Henry, 47, 178; Jane, 49, 133; John, 49, 133; Margaret, 47. See Gee. Judd, Dorothy, 174; Nicholas, 174. Judg, or Jug, 153. Juger, 154. Jurden, Thomas, 115. K Keeling, Sir John, 205-208; John, 85; Martha, 85. Keldon, 159, Kelke, Elizabeth, 81; John, 81. Kemp, Ela, 42; Jane, 88; Sir Thomas, 42; William, 88. Kempson, 206. Kempton, Edward, 184; Eliza- beth, 184; Katherine, 184. Kendall, 17. KENT, 178; Charles, 178; Ed- ward, 178; Jane, 178; John, 178; Mary, 178; Thomas, 178; -, 133, 134. Kent, Richard, Earl of, 53; Earls of, 206. Keyling,, 204. Keynsham, 121. KEYNSHAM, 121; Alice, 121 Anne, 121; Elizabeth, 121; Frances, 121; George, 121 Joanc, 121; John, 121; Richard, 121; Stephen, 121; Thomasine, 121. Kilby, Dorothy, 145. Kincrsley, John, 85; Kathe- rine, 85. S King, Dorothy, 33; Elizabeth, 20, 96, 115; George, 96; Philip, 20; Saxburge, 38; Thomas, 38; William, 145. Kings, Martha, 134; Robert, 134. Kirby, Judith, 133; Thomas, 133. Kirkham, Isabel, 53; Sir Ro- bert, 53. Kirton, 84. Kirton, Allen, 6, 7; Grace, 7; Walter, 7. Knapp, Constance, 115; John, 115. Knesworth, 67. Knesworth, Edith, 68; Richard, 68. Knight, Mary, 170; Stephen, 170. Knightley, 67. Knightley, Anne, 61; Eliza- beth, 180; Sir Valentine, 61, 180. Kniston, Sir Gilbert, 174; Sir John, 174; Mary, 174. Kunings, Barbara, 88; Tho- mas, 88. Kymes, Joane, 6. L Lacey, Albreda, 28; Edmond, Earl of Lincoln, 28; Eliza- beth, 120; John, 120; Ro- bert, Earl of Lincoln, 28. Lacon, Edward, 185; Eliza- beth, 185. Ladd, William, 72. Ladington, Alice, 193; Nicho- las, 193. Lake, 121. LAKE, 121; Agnes, 121; Con- stance, 121; Elizabeth, 121; Livia, 121; Lydia, 121; Mary, 121; Richard, 121; Sarah, 121; Susan, 121; Thomas, 121. Lambert, Mary, 98, 192; Wil- liam, 98, 192. Lancelott, 154. Lancelott, John, 154. Lander, —, -, 181. Lane, Elizabeth, 158; Francis, 158; Joseph, 158; Judith, 135; Mary, 158; Thomas, 158; William, 135, 158. Langedeway, Mary, 63. Langford, Alice, 144; John, 144; -, 206. Langhorne, Agnes, 128; Anne, 128; Benjamin, 128; Eliza- beth, 107; Richard, 107. Langworth, 67. Langworth, Elias, 60; Joane,60. Lannor, 156. Lannor, Ralph, 156. Latimer, 40, 44. Latimer, Edith, 41, 44; Sir Nicholas, 41, 44. INDEX. 225 Launcelin, 17, 39, 179. Launcelin, Anne, 39; Sir Tho mas, 39. Lavinder, 178. LAVINDER, 178; Anne, 178; Elizabeth, 178; John, 178 Margaret, 178; Mary, 178; Richard, 178; Sarah, 178; Thomas, 178; William, 178. Law, Christian, 105; Matthew, 105. Lawrence, Henry, 72; Hum- phrey, 72; Jacob, 109; Joane, 109; Richard, 72. Layton, Anne, 127; Thomas, 127. Leach, Alice, 16; John, 124; Susan, 124; Thomas, 16. Lecke, Alice, 16; Thomas, 16. Le Despencer, Lady, 11. Lee, Anne, 121; Edmund, 121; Elizabeth, 3; Sir John, 175; John, 3; Ursula, 175. Leech, 67. Leech, Anne, 61; Elizabeth, 184; John, 61, 121, 181; Thomasine, 121. Legatt, 191. Legatt, Dorothy, 191; John, 191. Leicester, Robert, Earl of, 111. Leigh, 179. LEIGH, 179; Amy, 179; Anne, 136, 179; Elizabeth, 37, 131, 179; Gilbert, 179; Henry, 179; Hugh, 179; Isabel, 37; Sir John, 179; John. 37, 97, 179; Mary, 97; Maude, 179; Philip, 179; Sir Richard, 136; Thomas, Lord, 206; Sir Thomas, 206; Thomas, 72, 179 ; —, 207. Lenox, Alexander, Earl of, 181; Donald, 181; Giltrist, 181 ; John, Earl of, 182; Mateper- ley, 181; Parlon, 181. Lenthrop, Jane, 55; Thomas, 55. Lenton, Ursula, 108. Lestrange, 40. Leverpoole, Adam, 160; Cathe- rinc, 160; William, 160. Lewis, Clement, 188; Dorothy, 188. Lewson, 67. Lewson, Anne, 69; John, 69. Ley, Anne, 9; Roger, 9; - 206. Leyfield, Frances, 163; Thomas, 163. Leylam, Amy, 16; Thomas, 16. Lichfield, 8. Lichfield, Isabel, 8; Maude, 8; Roger, 8. Lillingston, 207. Lilly, Henry, Rougcrose, 71, 153. Lilton, Anne, 54; Sir Rowland, 54. Lily, Dorothy, 111; Dr. Peter, 111. " Lincoln, Edmond, Earl of, 28; Robert, Earl of, 28. Lindley, Magdalen, 46; Sir Walter, 46. Lions, 67. Lions, Elizabeth, 60; John, 60, 69; -, 57, 62. Littleton, 24. Litton, Alice, 174; Sir William, 174. Livesay, —; 208. Lizures, Albreda, 28; Robert, Lord, 28. Llewelin, Joane, 103; Richard, 103. Lloyd, Mary. 88; Robert, 88. Locke, Elizabeth, 18. Lockey, William, 151. Long, Amy, 202; Gifford, 202. Longports, Margery, 69; Tho- mas, 69. 22 ; Longvale, 162. Longville, Elizabeth, George, 22; —, 204. Lord, John, 8; Margaret, 8. Loring, 12. Loring, Cassander, 13; Joane, 13; Margaret, 14; Sir Nele, 14; Sir Peter, 13; Sir Roger, 13. Loveday, -, 29. Lovell, Anne, 190; Nicholas, 190. Lovett, Elizabeth, 166; Thomas, 166; 207. Lowdham, 159. Lowdham, Jane, 159; Sir John, 159. Lowe, Elizabeth, 86, 208; Fran- cis, 208; Reynes, 86; Susan, 157. Lowrey, Anne, 107. Lowth, Margaret, 157; Rich- ard, 157. Lucy, 47. Lucy, Catherine, 66; Sir God- frey, 66. Ludsup, 67. Ludsup, Elizabeth, 69; William, 69. Luke, 17, 39, 179. LUKE, 39, 179; Alice. 93; Anne, 37, 39, 108, 179, 180 Bridget, 39; Catherine, 180; Cicely, 39, 83, 94, 198; Ed- ward, 39; Elizabeth, 18, 39, 95, 96, 180; Humphrey, 180 Janc, 39, 179; Sir John, 179; John, 39, 179, 180; Judith, 180; Margaret, 54, 179; Mary, 39, 179, 180; Nicholas, Baron, 18, 37, 39, 95; Nicho- las, 39, 54, 179, 180, 198; Sir Oliver, 58, 179, 180, 205 ; Oliver, 39, 180; Paul, 39, 83, 93, 94, 108; Sir Samuel, 180, 205, 207; Samuel, 180; Scudamore, 39; Thomas, 179, 180; Sir Walter, 39; Walter, 39; -, 204, 208. Lyose, 190. M Malcott, Christian, 113. Maliverer, John, 115. Mallet, 19. Mallet, 19. Mallock, Joane, 127; William, 127. Mallory, 122. MALLORY, 122; Anne, 35, 62, 122; Anthony, 122; Benja- min, 122; Dorothy, 122; Frances, 59, 122; Francis, 122; Grace, 122, 126; John, 122; Matthias, 122; Matthew, 122; Nicholas, 122; Peter, 59, 122; Ralph, 122, 126; Sir Richard, 35, 62; Thomas, 122; William, 122. Malpas, Agnes, 52; Sir David, 52. Man, -, 121. Manfield, Alice, 24; Eleanor, 102; Thomas, 24, 102. Manley, 122, 154. MANLEY, 122; Anthony, 123; Cicely, 123; Edward, 122; Francis, 123; James, 123; John, 123. 154; Mary, 123; Richard, 123; Robert, 122, 123; - —, 201. Mansell, Afra, 167; Thomas, 167. Mantell, 21. Mantell, Henry, 21; Joane, 21; Maude, 21. Manwaring, 176. Marchant, John, 115. Margett, Anne, 170; William, 170. Mariett, John, 93, 112; Mary, 112; Sarah, 93. Markes,, 176. Markham, Adam, 18; Frances, 18; Francis, 132; Gertrude, 136; Mary, 132; Thomas, 136. Marlborough, Agnes, 198 ; Duchess of, 208; Henry, 198; Thomas, 198; Walter, 198; 207. Marmion, 198. Marney, Lord, 65. Marriott. Elizabeth, 17; Rich- ard, 17. Marsh, Cicely, 147; Elizabeth, 184; Frances, 170; John, 147; Mary, 184; Nicholas, 170; Thomas, 184. Martin, 40. MARTIN, 40; Annc, 40, 176; Catherine, 10, 40; Clement, 40; Crestide, 40; Edward, S; Elizabeth, 174; George, 10; Gilbert, 10, 40; James, 174 ; Jane, 40; John, 40; Mar- garet, 8, 10; Martha, 118; Peter, 118; Richard, 176; Robert, 40. Massam, Elizabeth, 25; John, 25. Masters, Anne, 174; William, 174. a G 226 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Masterton, 67. Matthew, David, 53; John, 180; Lettice, 30; Mary, 53, 180; Sarah, 109, 161; Thomas, 30; William, 109, 161. Mauduit, 40. Maw, Dr., 115; Martha, 115. Mayhew, Anne, 87; Thomas. 87. Maynard, Edward, 125; Eli- zabeth, 125. Mayne, Elizabeth, 176; Janc, 88; Robert, 176; Simon, 88. Medwell, Judith, 134; Thomas, 134. Mentish, Sir John, Earl of Lenox, 181, 182. Meriell, Agnes, 17; Robert, 17. Merry, Dorothy, 37; John, 37; Margaret, 37; Sir Thomas, 91. Merywether, Alice, 167; John, 167. Michael, 207. Middleton, Mary, 184; Sir Tho- mas, 184; -, 207. Midwinter, Joyce, 69; William, 69. Mighton, Joane, 194. Mill, John, 115. S Millard, Sir William, 206. Miller, Dorothy, 97; Edward, 127; Gregory, 127; Joane, 4, 80, 127; Sir John, 97; Mary, 33; Thomas, 1, 80. MUs, 180. MILLS, 180; Elizabeth, 180 ; Jane, 79; John, 79, 180; Mary, 180; Thomas, 180. Minshull, Catherine,64; John,64. Mitchell, Margaret, 136. Mitton, Magdalen, 185; Tho- mas, 185. Moate, Anne, 77. Mobson, -, 187. Molesworth, 84, 153. Molesworth, Joanc, 6; Walter, 6. Mollincux, Sir Allan, 179; Anne, 179. Molton, 164. Molton, Cicely, 164; John, 164. Monings, Sir Edward, 117; Mary, 117; 167. Monoua, 123. MONOUX, 123; Anne, 123, 124, 159; Douglas, 123; Eliza- beth, 123, 124; Frances, 124; Sir George, 123; George, 123, 124; Sir Humphrey, 207; Humphrey, 123, 124, 159; Jane, 124, 159; Lewis, 124, 159; Lucy, 123; Margaret, 124; Thomas, 123, 124; Wal- grave, 121; William, 123, 121. Montacute, 13. Montagu, Anthony, Viscount, 48, 65. Montgomery, Lord, 182. Monthermer, 13. Montrose, 183. Moutrose, Earl of, 183. Moore, 29. MOORE, or MORE, 124; Alice, 43, 126; Anne, 124; Bridget, 126; Catherine, 189; Doro- thy, 42; Elizabeth, 30; God- Trey, 124; Sir Henry, 205 ; Joane, 3; Sir John, 205 ; John. 3, 126; Judith, 124; Margaret, 124; Richard, 124; Roger, 30; Sidney, 124; Sir St. John, 207; Susan, 124; Thomas, 42. 43, 126; William, 124; -, 207. Moorhouse, John, 159; Priscilla, 159. Mordaunt, 40, 125. MORDAUNT, 40, 125, 180 ; Agnes, 41, 42, 180; Alice, 11; Annc, 41, 42, 125, 140, 141, 181; Audrey, 42, 181; Avice, 41; Sir Charles, 181, 207; Charles, 125; Cicely, 125; Dorothy, 42; Edith, 41, 42, 44; Edmund, 41, 42, 141, 181; Edward, 42, 181; Ela, 42; Elizabeth, 41, 42, 123, 125, 181; Ellen, 41; Ethel- dred, 42; Eustace, 41; Fran- ces, 34; George, 42, 80, 125, 140; James, 34; Jane, 42, 125, 181; Joane, 41; John, Earl of Peterborough, 34; John, Lord, 42, 45, 80, 123; Sir John, 41, 44, 125; John, 125, 181; Katherine, 80, 125; Lewis, Lord, 123; Lewis, 42, 125; Margaret, 41, 42, 125; Mary, 181; Osbert, 41; Os- mund, 41; Parnell, 125; Ro- bert, 41; Rose, 41; William, 41, 42, 180, 181; Winifred, 42; - 204. More, 43. Morgan, Mary, 105, 169. Morgan ap Jenkin ap Philip, Rice ap, 53. Morley, Alice, 37; Henry, Lord, 53; Nicholas, 37. Morteyne, 12. Morteyne, Joane, 13. Mortimer, 47. Mortimer, Agnes, 79. Morton, Henry, 135; Olive, 135. See Travalard, Mosley, Constance, 175; Mich- acl, 175. Moune, Joane, 122. Mountfort, 162. Mountjoy, Lord, 187. Mowbray, Alexander, 173; Eli- zabeth, 173. Mulsho, Dorothy, 94; John, 91. Mullon, 47. Munday, Richard, 78, 153. Munden, Elizabeth, 87; Tho- mas, 87. Muskett, John, 186; Mary, 186; Robert, 186; Simon, 186. Musterson, Ellen, 61; Thomas, 61. Myles, Jane, 90; John, 90. Mylles, Joane, 4; Thomas, 4. N Nanscutt, 12. Nanscutt, Sir Pierse, 13. Napier, 181. NAPIER, 181; Sir Alexander, 181-183; Alexander, 96, 181, 184; Andrew, 183; Anne, 182-184; Sir Archibald, 183; Archibald, 181-184; Arun- dell, 183; Christian, 185; Christopher, 182; Donald, 181; Edward, 182, 183; Eli- zabeth, 96, 183, 184; Fran- ccs, 183, 185; George, 182 ; Gerard, 183; Grace, 184; James, 182. 183; Joane, 184; Sir John, 183, 207; John, 182-184; Katherine, 182-184; Magdalen, 183, 185; Mar- garet, 184; Mary, 184; Sir Nathaniel, 183; Nicholas, 182; Peter, 184; Richard, 184; alias Sandy, Sir Robert, 58, 96, 205; Sir Robert, 96, 183-185, 205; Robert, 182, 183, 185; Sarah, 185; Shel- ton, 183; Thomas, 182, 184; William, 182-184; 201. Naris, Sir Edward, 116. Navan, Baron of, 120. Neale, 43, 125. NEALE, 43, 125, 185; Alicc, 43, 44, 126; Anne, 126; Benja- min, 126; Bridget, 126; Catherine, 43, 44, 126; Con- quest, 44; Dorothy, 44; Ed- mond, 44, 185; Elizabeth, 44, 97, 126, 185; Ellen, 13, 126, 185; Ennis, 126; Fran- ccs, 44, 185; George, 44 ; Goodith, 43; Grace, 44, 122, 126, 185; Gro . . ..., Henry, 185; Isaac, 126 ; James, 126, 185; Janc, 44, 185, 192; John, 43, 44, 97, 125, 126, 185; Joseph, 126; Judith, 44; Lacon, 185; Lancelot, 185; Margaret, 185; Mary, 43, 44, 126; Noah, 126; Paul, 126; Peter, 126; Ra- phael, 44, 185; Richard, 43, 126; Samuel, 126; Sir Thomas, 158; Thomas, 43, 122, 125, 126, 185; Timothy, 126; Walter, 185; William, 44 204. Neatley, Temperance, 2. Nedham, Anne, 129; Bridget, 132; Eustace, 129, 203 ; Frances, 203; Jane, 125 John, 125, 132. Needham, 67. · tak 192; Negus, John, 110; Mary, 76; Thomas, 76. Nernuite, 116. Nevill, 13, 36, 168. Nevill, Alice, 169; Anne, 10, 53, 169; Catherine, 168; Ed., 18; Janc, 138, 169; John, 168; Margaret, 18; Sir Tho- INDEX. 227 mas, 138; Thomas, 10, 53, 138, 169; William, 10, 53, 168, 169. Newdigale, 153. NEWDIGATE, 185; Anne, 20,185; Dorothy, 185; Elizabeth, 185, 186; Mary, 186; Sir Robert, 185, 207; Robert, 20, 185; William, 185. Newman, 126. NEWMAN, 126; Anne, 126; Daniel, 126; Margaret, 35, 62, 174; Mary, 126; William, 126. Newnham, Anne, 69; Margery, 69; William, 69. Newport, 10. Newport, Elizabeth, 4; Jane, 195; John, 4, 195; Phillis, 10; Roger, 4; William, 10. Newsam, Judith, 140; Thomas, 140. Newton, 127. NEWTON, 127; Anne, 127; Dorothy, 127; Edward, 127; Elizabeth, 127; Ellen, 127; Frances, 127; Humphrey, 127; Isabel, 127; Joane, 127; John, 7, 84, 127; Mary, 7, 84, 127; Thomas, 127; William, 127. Neyrnute, 36. Neyrnute, Joanc, 36; Sir John, 36; Margaret, 36. Nicholas, Annc, 176; John, 176. Nicholls, 63, 186. NICHOLLS, 63, 186; Annc, 186; Anthony, 186; Bruce, 186; Catherine, 63; Christian, 186; Edward, 186; Elizabeth, 63, 186; Ellen, 186; Ferdinand, 63; Francis, 186; George, 63; Grace, 186; Henry, 63 ; Isabel, 186; Joane, 63; John, 63, 186; Margaret, 186 ; Mary, 63, 90, 186; Matthew, 63; Richard, 186; Robert, 186; Roger, 63; Susanna, 63; Tempest, 186; Thomas, 186; William, 63, 186; 207. Nodes, 127. NODES, 127; Agnes, 128; Anne, 128; Beatrice, 128; Benja- min, 128; Edmund, 128; Edward, 128; Elizabeth, 128; Ellen, 85, 128; George, 85, 128; Joane, 127, 128; John, 128; Mary, 128; Rose, 128; William, 127, 128. Nodham, Dorothy, 61. Nokes, Mary, 27; Thomas, 27. Noone, 12. Noonc, Anne, 14; Edmund, 14. Norbury, 162. Norbury, Anne, 163; Elizabeth, 162; Sir Henry, 163; Janc, 163; Joane, 163; Sir John, 162. 163. Norgald, Beatrice, 68; Henry, 68. Norman, Anne, 104, 169; Wil- liam, 104, 169. Norreys, Elizabeth, 5; John, 5. Norris, Elizabeth, 162; Sir John, 162. North, Edward, Lord, 6; Mar- garet, Lady, 6. Northumberland, Dukes of, 203. Norton, 167. NORTON, 128; Anne, 129, 167; Benjamin, 129; Elizabeth, 129; Ellen, 129; Graveley, 129; John, 167; Lettice, 128, 129; Luke, 50, 128; Mabel, 81; Martha, 129; Mary, 201; Sir Richard, 81; Richard, 129, 201; Susan, 129; Tal- bott, 50, 129; Thomas, 128, 129; - 207. Norton alias Nervile, 128. Noteman, Henry, 200; Joane, 200. Nottingham, Charles, Earl of, 54. Nutthall, Alice, 178; Richard, 178. Nutting, —, 97. D Oakley, 67. Oakley, Elizabeth, 60; Stephen, 60; William, 60. Offley, Anne, 129; Jane, 166; Richard, 166; Robert, 129; Sir Thomas, 166. Ogilbey, Lord, 183. Ogle, Mary, 29; Richard, 29. Oldenby, Elizabeth, 41; John, 41. Olney, Alice, 66; Avice, 41; John. 66; Sir Robert, 66; Sir William, 41. Ongley, Sir Samuel, 206. Onslow, Cicely, 199; Richard, 199. Orlebar, Charles, 91; Elizabeth, 94; 204, 207. Orlibeare alias Orlingbury, Anuc, 93; Elizabeth, 93; Goorge, 93; John, 93; Mar- garet, 93; Maude, 93; Rich- ard, 93. Ormerod, Alice, 150. Osborne, 129. Osborne, 129; Alice, 85, 129; Anne, 129, 130; Sir Edward, 129; Edward, 85, 129, 130, 195; Elizabeth, 101, 130; Frances, 129; Sir Hewett, 129; Isabel, 195; James, 130; Janc, 129; Sir Peter, 205; Peter, 101; Richard, 129; Ursula, 130; William, 130; -, 127, 204, 207. Oulton, Richard, 115. Over, 187. OVER, 187; Anne, 187; Bennett, 187; Edward, 187; Gregory, 187; Henry, 187; James, 187; Janc, 187; John, 187; Katherine, 187; Mary, 187; Nicholas, 187; Robert, 187; Stephen, 187; Thomas, 187; Timothy, 187; William, 187. Owen, 32. OWEN, 187; Anne, 187; Ben- jamin, 188; Sir David, 48, 187; David, 188; Dorothy, 187; Elizabeth, 48, 65, 188; George, York Herald, 71, 153; Sir Henry, 187; Henry, 34, 48, 188; Jane, 34, 188; Jasper, 188; John, 34, 188; Joyce. 187; Levi, 188; Mary, 187; Robert, 188; Roger, 187; Thomas, 187, 188; William, 188. Owen Tudor, 187. Oxenbridge, Anne, 39; William, 39. Oxford, John de Vere, Earl of, 14. P Pabenham, 65, 197. l'abeuham, Elianora, 66; Sir Lawrence, 66. Page, 41. PAGE, 44; Alice, 146; Anne, 45; Cicely, 44, 45; Dorothy, 45; Elizabeth, 45, 102; Sir Gregory, 208; John, 11. 45, 146; Margaret, 45; Mary, 45; Richard. 45; Robert, 102 ; Thomas, 45. Pakingham, 154. Palgrave, Frances, 109. Palmer, 130, 168. PALMER, 130; Anne, 169; Bridget, 130; Catherine, 168; Dorothy, 130; Elizabeth, 177; Geoffrey, 177; Johm, 130, 169; Mary, 130; Robert, 130; Thomas, 90, 130, 168; Sir William, 207; William, 130; 207. Paradine, 130. PARADINE, 130; Anne, 131; Dorothy, 131; Elizabeth, 131; George, 130, 131; Mary, 131; Matthew, 131; Peter, 131; Richard, 131; Robert, 72, 130, 131; Thomas, 71, 131; William, 131; 207. Parbone, Henry, 115. Paris, Joyce, 145; Parr, 145. Parker, Alice, 53; Anne, 53; Elizabeth, 107, 121; Henry, Lord Morley, 53. Parkinson, 131. PARKINSON, 131; Edward, 131; Frances, 131; James, 131; John, 131; Margery, 131; Thomas, 131. Parr, 67. Parr, Elizabeth, 69, 180; Lady Mary, 69; Mary, 22; Sir William, Baron of Horton, 69; William, Lord, 22. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A 228 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. | Parratt, Elizabeth, 123; John, 123; Mary, 139; Thomas, 139. Parris, Bridget, 39; Elizabeth, 55; Robert, 55; Thomas, 39, 55. Partington, Annc, 106; Dr. John, 106. Paschall, Elizabeth, 137; Wil- liam, 137; -, 171. Pashley, Abbot of, 181. Paston, Jane, 36; William, 36. Patishull, 9, 51, 154. Patishull, Isabel, 52; John, 52; Mabel, 52; William, 52. Paveley, 9, 51. Paveley, Isabel, 52; John, 52; Pawlett, Sir Amyas, 112; Edith, 112; Elizabeth, 194; Wil- - liam, 194. Payne, 92. Payne, Alice, 121; Anne, 93; Daniel, 93; Elizabeth, 51; Francis, 93; Isabel, 93; John, 126; Margaret, 93; Mary, 126; Robert, 51; William, 92, 93; —, 207. Paynell, Joane, 172; Ralph, 172. Payton, Alice, 129; Elizabeth, 166; Sir John, 129, 166. Peacock, 84. Peacock, Anne, 7, 84; Thomas, 7,84. Peck, 141. Peck, Anne, 55; John, 41; Mar- garet, 41. Peckham, Mary, 163; Robert, 163. Peers, Henry, 120; Jane, 120. Peirce, Dr., 129; Elizabeth, 129. Pelham, Sir John, 54; Judith, 54. Pell, Parnell, 125; Sir Richard, 96; Thomas, 125; Ursula, 96. Pelsant, Constance, 34. Pemberton, Sir Lewis, 149; Mary, 149; -, 201. Pendred, 64. Pendred, Elizabeth, 64; John, 64; Robert, 64. Penfold, 153. Penn, 45. PENN, 45; Alice, 45; Dorothy, 45; Elizabeth, 45; Ellen, 45; John, 45; Lucy, 45; Mar- gery, 15; Mary, 45; Robert, 45; Susan, 45; Thomas, 45. Periam, Jaue, 192; Sir William, Lord Ch. Baron, 192. Perient, Elizabeth, 106; Sir George, 80, 106; Mary, 80. Perin, Elizabeth, 50, 169; Sir George, 50. Perrott, 12. Perrott, Anue, 124; Cassander, 13; Reynold, 13; Thomas, 124. See Pyrott. Peter, Elizabeth, 33; Sir John, 33. Peterborough, John, Earl of, 34. Pettitt, Florence, 12; Frances, 12; Sirach, 12. Petts, Sir Johm, 182. Pever, 12, 151. Pever, Margaret, 14; Mary, 11; Thomas, 14. Philip, Rice ap Morgan ap Jeukin ap, 53. Phillips, Sir Edward, 186; Eli- zabeth, 186; Robert, 88. Phillipson, Christopher, 161; Frances, 161. Philpot, Somerset Herald, 148. Pichard, 169. Pichard, Margaret, 104, 105, 169. Pickering, Sir Gilbert, 208; Jane, 173; William, 173. Pierpoint, Sir Edmond, 28. Pigott, 46, 116, 132, 154, 172. PIGOTT, 46, 132, 188; Agnes, 132; Alice, 132; Aune, 46, 47, 132, 188, 189; Anthony, 47; Baldwin, 173; Benjamin, 47, 114, 132, 188; Bridget, 132; Catherine, 132, 189; Clement, 17, 188; Dorothy, 173, 188; Edward, 47; Elca- nor, 47, 132; Elizabeth, 46, 132, 188, 189; Eustace, 47, 188; Frances, 132, 188, 189 ; Francis, 47, 53, 132, 189 ; George, 47, 188; Sir Henry, 205; Henry, 132; Isabel, 46, 189; Jane, 3, 59, 188; Joane, 172, 188; John, 3, 47, 59, 132, 173, 188, 189; Judith, 114, 132; Lewis, 47, 189 Magdalen, 46; Margaret, 21, 47, 53, 132, 188; Mary, 132; Michael, 17, 172, 188; Nicho- las, 24, 47; Oliver, 17, 132, 188; Randolph, 46; Richard, 46, 47, 188; Robert, 46, 47; Roger, 46; Rosc, 47; Susan, 132; Talbott, 132; Sir Tho- mas, 47, 188; Thomas, 46, 47, 132, 188; Sir William, 46; William, 132; Winifred, 132; Wyborow, 47; -, 207. Pimpe, 15. 1 Pilts, 5. Pitts, Anne, 30. Plomer, 189. PLOMER, 189; Annc, 189; Catherine, 189; Edward, 189; Elizabeth, 189; Ellen, 189; George, 189; John, 189; Mar- garet, 189; Mary, 189; Rose, 189; Thomas, 189; Sir Wil- liam, 189, 207; William, 189. Pollard, Alice, 54; Anthony, 54; Sir John, 54. Poole, 61. POOLE, 64; Catherine, 64; Edith, 52; Elizabethi, 64; Sir Geoffrey, 52; Isabel, 177; John, 64; Margaret, 52; Mary, 64; Sir Richard, 52; Sir Thomas, 64; Thomas, 64, 177; Sir William, 64. Pooley, 190. POOLEY, 190; Alice, 190; Anne, 190; Barbara, 190; Catherine, 190: Jane, 190; Joane, 190; John, 190; Mar- garet, 190; Maude, 190; Nicholas, 190; Prudence, 190; Richard, 190; Robert, 190; Rosc. 190; Simon, 190; Thomas, 190. Popham, Sir John, 202. Popplewell, Elizabeth, 186. Porter, Augustin, 100; Eliza- beth, 100; Joane, 151, 200; John, 200; William, 65. Portington, Judith, 134; Wil- liam, 134. Potter, 200. Potts, Elizabeth, 114; John, 207; Mary, 119; Nicholas, 119; Ralph, 114. Joane, 200; John, Povery, John, 177; Dorothy, 177. Powell, 182. Poynes, Elizabeth, 101; Sir John, 101. Pracrs, 67. 2 Pracrs, Hawisc, 68; Henry, 68. Prannell, - 57. Pratt, Mary, 92. Prescott, Edward, 142; Ger- trude, 34; Mary, 112; Tho- mas, 34. Prestolffe, Elizabeth, 188; John, 188. Preux, 39. Price, Catherine, 66; Edward, 66; Mary, 117; Robert, 117; Susan, 106. Pudsey, 46. PUDSEY, 46; Catherine, 16; Joane, 16; John, 46; Mar- garet, 46; Richard, 46; Tho- mas, 16; —, 57. Pulter, Edward, 170; Mary, 170. Puttenham, 12. Puttenham, Mary, 12, 92; Ro- bert, 12, 92. , - Pyke, 5, 151. Pyke, Anne, 33; Jane, 6. Pyrott, 40. Pyrott, Cassandra, 41; Eliza- beth, 41; Ralph, 41. See Perrott. Q Quadring, Arthur, 198; Audrey, 198; Gabriel, 198; William, 198. Quatermayne, 24. Quinton, 21. Quinton, Lawrence, 22; Mar- garet, 22; Sir William, 22. Quitlaw. Sec Wheatley. INDEX. 229 R Radcliffe, 47, 64, 153. RADCLIFFE, 47, 64; Anne, 48, 64, 65; Edward, Earl of Sussex, 65; Sir Edward, 48, 207; Edward, 48; Eliza- beth, 48, 61, 188; Ellen, 65 ; Frances, 48, 65; George, 48, 65; Henry, Earl of Sussex, 48, 65; Humphrey, Earl of Sussex, 48; Sir Humphrey, 33, 48, 65, 188; Isabel, 48, 65; Jane, 65; John, Lord Fitzwalter, 48, 64; Sir John, 48, 64; Margaret, 48, 64; Martha, 33, 48, 65; Mary, 48, 64, 65; Robert, Lord Fitz- walter, 1st Earl of Sussex, 48, 64; Thomas, 48, 65. Radwell, John, 48; Margery, 48; Thomas, 48, 49. Ragon, 21, 67. Ragon, Agnes, 22; Elizabeth, 22; John, 22; Reynold, 22. Raleigh, 67. Raleigh, Sir Edward, 69; Mary, 69. Randall, Mary, 193; Thomas, 193. Randes, 48, 133. RANDES, 48, 133; Agnes, 49 ; Alice, 49; Catherine, 49 Cicely, 133; Edmond, 49; Edward, 49, 133; Elizabeth, 49; Frances, 49, 133; George, 49; Giles, 133; Jane, 49, 133 ; Joane, 49; John, 49, 133 Judith, 133; Margery, 48, 49 ; Oliver, 133; Thomas, 48, 49, 133; William, 49, 133. Raneleigh, Viscount, 120. Ras, Isaac ap, 162; Jane, 162. Ratcliffe, Ralph, 208. Ravens,, 207. Rawlen, John, 25, 103; Mar- garet, 25, 103. Rawlins, Elizabeth, 133; John, 133. Raymond, Margaret, 107; Ro- bert, 107. Raynes, 21, 140. Raynes, Elizabeth, 21, 86, 110; John, 140; Margaret, 139; Mary, 100; Richard, 100 ; Thomas, 21. Reade, Dorothy, 194; Elizabeth, 66; John, 194; Thomas, 66. Reding, Agnes, 121; George, 125; Margaret, 125. Ree, 67. Ree, Elizabeth, 61; Ellen, 61; William, 61. Reston, Anne, 170; John, 170. Reynes, Elizabeth, 8; Joane, 6; Richard, 8. Rice, Catherine, 53; Sir Griffith, 53. Rice ap Morgan ap Jenkin ap Philip, Isabel, dau. of, 53. Rich, 81. Rich, Anne, 47, 188; John, 81; Judith, 81; Richard, Lord, 188; Sir Richard, 47; Tho- mas, 81. Richard, 169. Richard, Margaret, 169. Richardson, Aune, 176; Sir Edward, 98; John, 123; Lewis, 112; Mary, 98, 112, 123. Ridley, Christopher, 189; Mary, 189. Risley, Anne, 178; Margaret, 31. Rives, Anne, 183; Sir John, 183. Roane, Alice, 107; Anthony, 107. Roberts, Anne, 99; Dr., 201; Edward, 99; Elizabeth, 137, 201; Francis, 137; Magdalen, 46. Robinson, Elizabeth, 76; Fran- ces, 166; John, 184; Mary, 184; Sarah, 76; Susan, 76; William, 76, 166. Roborough, Anne, 79; Henry, 79. Roche, Elizabeth, 22; John, Baron, 22. Roches, 163. Rocke, Anne, 8; Hugh, 8. Rockley, Elizabeth, 28; Sir Robert, 28. Rodney, Anne, 42; John, 42. Rogers, Elizabeth, 18; William, 18. Rolleston, 168. Rolt, 133, 134. ROLT, 133; Benjamin, 135; Catherine, 134; Charles, 134; Dorothy, 134; Edward, 133- 135; Elizabeth, 133-135 ; Ellen, 134; Frances, 122; Francis, 135; Giles, 135; Henry, 133, 134; Jane, 134, 135; John, 133-135; Judith, 133-135; Lora, 134; Martha, 134; Mary, 134, 135; Muriel, 135; Nathaniel, 135; Re- becca, 134; Richard, 134; Samuel, 134, 135; Sarah, 134; Stephen, 134; Susanna, 135; Theophilus, 135; Thomas, 133-135; Walter, 122, 134; William, 133-135; —, 207. Rookes,, 207. Roos, 197. Rosc, Anne, 169; John, 169. Rotherham, 8, 49, 135, 156, 191. ROTHERHAM, 49, 135, 191, 193; Agnes, 50, 51, 192, 193; Alice, 4, 49, 50, 59, 77, 191, 192; Anna, 50; Anne, 50, 135, 140, 193; Audrey, 49; Catherine, 50, 156, 192; Cheney, 51; Cordall, 51; Edmond, 50; Edward, 50, 51; Elizabeth, 49-51, 53, 98, 135, 184, 192; Frances, 18; George, 49-51, 135, 140, 192, 193; Hugh, 50; Isaac, 50; Jane, 8, 49- 51, 192, 193; Joane, 50, 135; Sir John, 49, 50, 98, 191, 192, 207; John, 50, 51, 193; Julian, 49; Mary, 49, 135; Nicholas, 51, 192, 193; Olive, 135; Ralph, 50; Talbott, 50, 129; alias Scott, Thomas, Archbp. of York, 49, 191; Sir Thomas, 8, 49-51, 53, 156, 184, 192; Thomas, 4. 8, 50, 59, 77, 129, 135, 192, 193; Thomas Atwood, 193; Wil- liam, 18, 50. Rouse, 154. Rouse, Dorothy, 20; Elizabeth, 174; John, 20, 89; Mar- garet, 89; Thomas, 174. Rowe, 193. ROWE, 193; Alice, 193; Eliza- beth, 34, 193; Sir Henry, 193, Henry. 193; John, 193; Judith, 193; Mary, 193; Rebecca, 193; Reynold, 193; Robert, 193; Sarah, 193; Sir Thomas, 193; Thomas, 193 ; William, 193. Rowesley, Anne, 171. Rowley, 67. Rowley, Elizabeth, 61; Lora, 59, 157; Margaret, 61; Tho- mas, 157; William, 61. Rowlston, Catherine, 29; Tho- mas, 29. Rudall, Dorothy, 1; John, 1. Rudd, Edmund, 128; Elizabeth, 128; Sarah, 134; Thomas, 134. Ruding, 10. Ruding, Humfrey, 10; Mar- garet, 40. Rudyard, Sir Benjamin, 186; Elizabeth, 186; Lawrence, 186. Rueborough, John, 115. Rufford, 27. Rufford, Alice, 29; Elizabeth, 142, 173; John, 29; Thomas, 142, 173. Rushton, Maude, 177. Russell, Anne, 182; Sir George, 143, 205, 207; Jane, 38, 118; John, 38, 118, 182; Kathė- rine, 143. Ruthall, Elizabeth, 88; Mar- garet, 8; Richard, 88; Tho- mas, 8. Rutter, Reginald, 143. Rydell, 154. Ryve, Jane, 44; Marlyon, 44. Sabcotts, Anne, 14; Sir Guy, 14. Sackville, Bridget, 25; Janc, 109; Mildred, 29; Richard, 29; Robert, 25; Simon, 109. Sudler, 136. SADLER, 136; Anne, 136, 137 ; Blount, 136; Dorothy, 136; Edward, 136, 137; Edwin 230 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. 137; Elizabeth, 137; Ellen, 136; Frances, 137, 208; Gertrude, 136; Grace, 136 ; Henry, 136; Jane, 136, 137 Joyce, 136; Leigh, 137 Margaret, 136; Mary, 136 ; Sir Ralph, 136; Ralph, 136, 137; Raphael, 136; Richard, 136, 137; Robert, 136, 137; Sarah, 137; Sir Thomas, 136; Thomas, 136, 137; Thomas Leigh, 9, 137, 208; Ursula, 136; William, 137 ; —, 207. Salisbury, Ambrose, 178; Eli- zabeth, 22; Margaret, 178; Mary, 22; William, 22. Sallare, —, 15. Samın, Ellen, 147; Thomas, 147. Sams, Elizabeth, 107; William, 107. SANDERSON, 194; Jane, 194; Joane, 194; John, 194; Law- rence, 194; Susan, 194; Wil- liam, 194. Sandes, Edith, 15; William, Lord, 15; Sir William, 15. Sundford, 155. Sandford, Francis, Rouge Dragon, 122; -, Baron of, 155. Sandy. See Napier. Sandys, Elizabeth, 97; Golden, or Edwin, 207, 208; Henry, 97; Mary, 97; Miles, 97. Sankey, Thomas, 132; Wini- fred, 132. Sare, Margaret, 7, 81; Peter, 7, 84. Sargar, Dorothy, 7; Robert, 7. Sargeant, Anne, 161; Joyce, 161; William, 161. Saunders, 137. SAUNDERS, 137; Annc, 137; Dorothy, 127; Edward, 66, 127; Elizabeth, 137, 175, 183; Ellen, 101, 137 ; Frances, 66 ; Francis, 137; Isabel, 137 ; Sir John, 137; John, 137, 143; Margery, 45, 148; Mary, 137, 178; Sir Nicholas, 183; Richard, 137; Thomas, 45, 101, 137, 178; William, 101, 137; -, 33, 171, 207, 208. SAVAGE, 138; Amy, 138; Sir Arthur, 116, 138, 207; Cathe- rine, 18; Douglas, 138; Ed- mund, 138; Francis, 138; Henry, 138; Janc, 138; John, 18, 138; Sarah, 138; Sir Thomas, 138; William,138. Say and Scale, Lord, 37. Saywell, 21. Saywell, Henry, 22; Maude, 22. Scargill, 116, 172. Scargill, Constance, 173; Mar- garet, 116, 173; Sir Robert, 173; Robert, 116; Sir Wil- liam, 173. Scarisbrick, 177. Scarisbrick, Agnes, 177. Scott, Dorothy, 199; George, 199. See Rotherham. Scovill, 163. Soroggs, 154, 195. Scroggs, 195; Alexander, 154, 195; Francis, 195; Janc, 195; Margaret, 106; Rich- ard, 195; Thomas, 154, 195. Scroope, Elizabeth, 52; Lord, 52. Scudamore, Elizabeth, 39; Si- mon, 39. Seckford, Sir Henry, 193; Rc- becca, 193; Sarah, 193. Sedgwick, John, 150; Martha, 150. See, 167. Segar, Sir William, Garter, 78, 85, 98, 120, 127. Sewell, 153. Sewester, Sarah, 138. Sexton, Anne, 170; Sir George, 170. Seycoll, Anne, 98; William, 98. Seymour, Anne, 69; David, 69. Sha, Bridget, 25; Robert, 25. Shaa, 190. Shalcross, James, 177. Sharpe, Elizabeth, 83; Wil- liam, 83. Elizabeth, 177; Shaw, Sir John, 30; Julian, 30. Shawler, Elizabeth, 109; Gabriel, 109; Jane, 109; Michael, 109; Walter, 109. Sheffield, Anne, 5; Grisell, 75; Lord, 75; Thomas, 5. Sheldon, Prudence, 190; Rich- ard, 190. Shelley, John, 29; Mary, 29. Shelton, Anne, 182; IIumphrey, 182. Sheppard, 138. SHEPPARD, or Shepherd, 138; Amphilis, 138, 138, 139, 169; Constance, 86, 109, 139, 169; Elizabeth, 139, 169; Fran- cis, 139; John, 139; Mar- garet, 139; Mary, 139; Tho- mas, 86, 138, 139, 169; Wil- liam, 138; — 207. Sherington, Sir Henry, 136; Ursula, 136. Sherman, Frances, 145; Rich- ard, 145. 201. Short, Elizabeth, 151, Shotisbrooke, 12. Shotisbrooke, Edith, 15; Elca- nor, 15; Sir Robert, 15. Shoyswell, John, 193; Judith, 193. Shrewsbury, Anne, dau. of Fran- cis, Earl of, 163; Countess of, 110. Shuckborough, Anne, 197; John, 197. Sibthorpe, Annc, 176; Robert, 176. 204, 207, 208. Silvester, Alice, 196. Simcotts, Simons, 74. Simons, Annc, 74; Thomas, 71. Singleturne, 129. Shevington, 67. Skevington, Catherine, 61; Wil- liam, 61. Skinner, Anne, 172; Austin, 172. Skipwith, Elizabeth, 3, 59; Joane, 159; Martha, 92; William, 3, 59, 92, 159. Slade, 154. Slade, Edward, 49, 133; Eliza- beth, 55; Jane, 133; Joane, 49; John, 55. SLINGSBY, 139; Abiath, 139; Edmund, 139; Hezekiah, 139; Mark, 139; Robert, 139. Smallman, Alice, 152, 202; Francis, 152, 202. Smalwood, Mary, 186; Thomas, 186. Smart, Gerard, 116. Smith, 67, 139, 146. SMITII, Or Smyth, 139; Alice, 35, 62, 190; Andrew, 35, 62; Anne, 35, 69, 125, 140; Bar- bara, 140; Catherine, 146; Christopher, 50, 75, 192; Constance, 102; Edward, 72, 121; Elizabeth, 45, 94; Ellon, 106; Florence, 98; George, 102, 125, 139, 140; Janc, 50, 192; Jasper, 45; Sir John, 69; John, 95, 190; Judith, 140, 159; Lydia, 121; Magdalen, 75; Margaret, 46, 140, 164; Mary, 34, 95, 139, 140; Mercy, 107, 140 ; Ro- bert, 146; Thomas, 7, 46, 84, 107, 139, 140, 159, 164; Ur- sula, 7, 84; Sir William, 206; Dr. William, 94, 98; William, 139, 140; 204. Smithson, Sir Hugh, 203; Sir Jerome, 203; Mary, 203. Smythes, Alderman, 138; Sarah, 138; 204. Snagg, 140. Snagg, 140; Agnes, 50, 192; Anne, 140, 141, 181; Charles, 141; Douglas, 138; Edward, 208; Elizabeth, 89, 140, 141, 181; Lewis, 140; Mary, 140, 141; Mordaunt, 141; Philip, 140; Ralph, 141, 207; Rich- ard, 141 Robert, 140; Sir Thomas, 138, 140, 181, 205 ; Thomas, 50, 140, 141, 181, 192; William, 89, 140; 207. : B " Sneycale, William, 45. Snow, 110. Snow, Daniel, 111; Edward, 97,111; Elizabeth, 110; Law- rence, 15; Margaret, 45; Rebecca, 111; Richard, 110, 111; Sarah, 97. Soame, Anne, 143; Judith, 75; Sir Stephen, 143; Stephen, 75. Somerset, John, Duke of, 15, 52, 196; Margaret, Duchess of, 15, 52, 156. INDEX. 231 Somery, 153, 154. " Soulton, 176. Sounde, 67. South, Eleanor, 53; Sir John, 53. Spencer, 12, 55, 141, 195. SPENCER, 55, 141, 195; Alice, 55, 141, 142; Anne, 39, 55, 141, 196; Christian, 141, 195, 196; Elizabeth, 55; Frances, 195; Isabel, 195; Jane, 196; Joane, 55; Sir John, 11; John, 18, 55, 195, 196; Mar- garet, 196; Mary, 11, 34, 141, 196; Nicholas, 34, 141, 142; Robert, 55, 141, 195; Rose, 18, 55, 141; Thomas, 39, 55, 71, 141; William, 55, 111, 195; -, 207, 208. Spicer, Anne, 112; Richard, 207. See Helder, 112; Chamberlain. Spurston, 67. Spurstow, Ellen, 61; John, 61. Squire, 142. SQUIRE, 142; Alice, 141, 142; Elizabeth, 142; Gaius, 141, 142; Joane, 142; Mary, 142; Rowland, 142; Thomas, 112 ; William, 142 ; -, 208. See Helder. P Stacy, Elizabeth, 96. Stafford, Elizabeth, 48, 64, 141; Henry, Duke of Buckingham, 48, 64; Jane, 138; Margaret, 103; Richard, 103; Thomas, 138; Sir William, 141. Stamford, Elizabeth, 37; John, 37; Margaret, 37. Stanley, Margaret, 48, 64; —, Earl of Derby, 48, 64. Stapers, Anne, 184; Richard, 184. Staunton, 142. STAUNTON, 142; Annc, 142; Edmund, 142; Elizabeth, 142; Sir Francis, 142, 205; Francis, 142; John, 142; Mary, 142; Robert, 142, 207; William, 142; —, 208. Staveley, Catherine, 134; Eli- zabeth, 181; Margaret, 5; Thomas, 5, 134. Sterling, -, 183. Stewart, Allen, Lord Darnley and Earl of Lenox, 181; John, Lord Darnley and Au- beney, Earl of Lenox, 182; John, Lord Darnley, 182; Margaret, 182; Matthew, Lord Darnley and Aubeney, Earl of Lenox, 182; Robert, Earl of Atholl, 182; Robert, 182. St. George, Alice, 191; Anne, 191; Dorothy, 191; Eliza- beth, 191; Etheldred, 191; Francis, 191; Sir George, 191; Sir Henry, Norroy, 98, 191; John, 62, 174, 191, 192; Mary, 62, 174, 191; Sir Rich- ard, 191; Sir Richard, Claren- ceux, 71, 90, 101, 108, 119, 130, 144, 191; Rose, 191; Thomas, 191, 192. St. John, 9, 32, 51, 54, 55, 191. ST. JOHN, 51, 194; Agnes, 52, 54, 192; Sir Alexander, 191, 205; Alexander, 51, 53, 55; Alice, 52-55; Anne, 53, 54, 169, 194; Sir Anthony, 194; Anthony, 191; Arabella, 194; Barbara. 194; Beatrice, 51; Sir Beauchamp, 194, 205, 207; Catherine, 53, 51; Charles, 53; Crestide, 10, 53 ; Dorothy, 194; Dudley, 194; Edith, 52; Eleanor, 53; Eli- zabeth, 50-51, 73, 81, 191, 192, 194; Frances, 194; Francis, 54, 191; George, 54, 83; Sir Henry, 194, 205; Henry, 44, 51,54, 112; Isabel, 52, 53; Jane, 44, 53, 55, 116, 173; John, Lord, 173; Sir John, 10, 37, 50-55, 116, 192; John, 54, 169, 194; Judith, 54, 112, 147, 194; Margaret, 15, 17, 33, 47, 52-55, 83, 91, 94, 132, 179, 194; Martha, 54, 152, 192, 194, 202; Mary, 26, 37, 52-54, 77, 116; Morris, 53; Nicholas, 191; Oliver, Earl of Bolingbroke, 71, 81, 92, 96, 147, 192, 194; Oliver, Lord, 33, 47, 91, 132, 152, 179, 192, 191; Sir Oliver, 15, 52, 54; Oliver, 17, 26, 52-55, 73, 94 ; Sir Pawlett, 96 ; Pawlett, 194; Sir Rowland, 194; Tho- mas, 54; William, Lord, 173; William, 51, 77; -, Lord, 54, 202; -, 20. St. Leger, Sir John, 15; Mar- garet, 15. Stocke, Alice, 82; John, 82. STOCKER., 143; Agnes, 143; Alderman, 143; Aune, 184; Barbara, 113; Christian, 143 ; Elizabeth, 143; Henry, 143; Janc, 143; John, 143; Mar- garet, 143; Mary, 143; Mat- thew, 184; Oliver, 143; Rich- ard, 143; Thomas, 143; Wil- liam, 143. Stokes, 154. Stokes, Grace, 27; Richard, 27. Stone, 143. STONE, 143; Anne, 143; Bar- bara, 144; Dorothy, 144 ; John, 143; Katherine, 143, 144, 147; Margarci, 144; Masera, 62; Massy, 35; Rich- ard, 143, 144, 147; William, 35, 62, 143, 144; —, 208. Stonham, 12. Stonham, Elizabeth, 14; Kathe- rine, 14; Mary, 14; Robert, 14. Stonor, 13. Stourton, Edith, 15, 52; John, Lord, 15, 52. Strange, 67. Strange, Agnes, 41; Annabel, 60; Anne, 41; Elizabeth, 41; Ellen, 29; John, 41; Sir Nicholas, 29; Thomas, 60. See Lestrange. Strangways, Giles, 42; Jane, 42. Streightley, Anne, 189; P'aul, 189. Strickland, 21. Strickland, Mary, 23; Sir Walter, 23. Strong. Annabella, 60; Isabel, 60; Thomas le, 60. Stump, Anne, 189. Sturgeon, 51. Sturgeon, Jane, 53. Sturrey, 9, 51. Stutvile, Elizabeth, 185; Tho- mas, 185. STYLE, 144; Alice, 114; Anne, 110; Edmond, 110; Eliza- beth, 144; Joane, 111; John, 141; Lora, 134; Mary, 144 Michael, 131; Sarahi, 144 ; Thomas, 144. Styles, Margery, 132; Oliver, 132. Sudley, 162. Sumpter, Hester, 76 ; Simon, 76. Sussex, Edward, Earl of, 65; Henry, Earl of, 48, 65; Hum- phrey, Earl of, 48; Robert, Earl of, 48, 64. Suthill, Sir Henry, 28; Jane, 28. Sutton, Elizabeth, 106, 170; Sir Richard, 106, 170. Swann, Muriel, 135; Sir Wil- liam. 135. Swinfin, Johu, 8; Maude, S. Symcotts. See Simcotts. Symons, 104. Symons, Elizabeth, 113; Maude, 101. T Talbot, Sir John, 64; Mary, 64. Tanner, Anne, 30; Catherine, 158; Thomas, 30. Tansley, John, 28; Margaret, 28. Tape, Elizabeth, 17; Robert, 17. Tate, Elizabeth, 82; Sir Wil- liam, 82. Tattenhall, Margaret, 164; Tho- mas, 164. Tattershall, 27. Taverner, 191, 196. TAVERNER, 196; Alice, 196; Anne, 196; Frances, 192 Francis, 192; Gilbert, 196 Henry, 196 ; Janc, 192; John, 196; Margaret, 152, 192, 202; Nicholas, 196 ; Peter, 152, 192, 203; Richard, 152, 192, 196; Robert, 196; Roger, 196; Silvester, 196 ; Thomas, 196; 196; Warren le, 196; —, 119. 232 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Taylard, Eleanor, 22; Eliza- beth, 38. Taylor, 144, 145. TAYLOR, 144 ; Anne, 146; Cicely, 145 ; Clara, 145; Conquest, 146; Dorothy, 145, 146; Edmond, 146; Eliza- beth, 85, 87, 107, 145, 146; Frances, 145; Grace, 184; Hester, 97, 146; Humphrey, 145; Isabel, 145; Jane, 146 ; John, 142, 145; Joyce, 145 Judith, 145; Margaret, 33, 145, 146; Martha, 145; Mary, 142, 145; Oliver, 145; Rich- ard, 71, 85, 144. 145; Robert, 87, 97, 145, 146; Samuel, 145; Simon, 145; Thomas, 107, 141-146; Ursula, 145, 146; Walter, 184; William, 145; -, 87, 207, 208. Tempest, Anne, 186; Henry, 186. Temple, Edmond, 88; Elizabeth, 88; Frances, 74; Sir John, 74; Lettice, 100; Thomas, 100. Tennant, James, 169; Jane,169. Teringham. See Tyringham. Theobald, Francis, 97; Judith, 97. Thimelby, Elizabeth, 97; Rich- ard, 97. Thompson, 146. THOMPSON, 146; Agnes, 146 ; Alice, 146; Anne, 147; Auditor, 170; Catherine, 144, 146, 147; Christian, 186; Dorothy, 146; Elizabeth, 146, 170; Francis, 146, 147; Henry, 146; Jane, 146; Sir John, 144, 147, 194; John, 146, 147; Judith, 147, 194; Margery, 146; Mary, 136 Richard, 146; Robert, 146; St. John, 144, 147; Thomas, 146; William, 146; 208. Thorckholme, 183. Thornell, Sir Bryan, 28. Thornhurst, Frances, 185; Sir William, 185. ; " Thornton, Edmund, 76; Martha, 76. Speak Thorowgood, Sarah, 79; Tho- mas, 79. Thrale, Elizabeth, 3; George, 3. Throgmorton, Agnes, 198; Anne, 181; Edith, 26; Gabriel, 198; Goodith, 26, 43; Joane, 87; Mary, 10; Richard, 10, 26, 43; Robert, 87; Simon, 181. Thynne, Elizabeth, 188; Wil- liam, 188. Tilton, 117. Tilton, Margery, 37, 117. Tingleton, -, 188. Tiptoft, 13. Tiringham. See Tyringham. Tirrell, Beatrice, 18; Sir Tho- mas, 18. Titley, 164. Titley. Ardeene, 164; John,164. Todd, Elizabeth, 134; Richard, 134. Tooke, 101. Torrington, Lord, 208. Town, Thomas at, 15. Tracy, 67. M Travalard alias Morton, 160. Trayley, 154. Tregonnell, Mary, 52; Sir Rich- ard, 52. Treheron, Alice, 198; Thomas, Somerset Herald, 198. Treowen, —, 120. Tresham, 67. Tresham, Isabella, 69; John, 198; Richard, 69. Trevor, Lord, 208. Troche, Elizabeth, 89; James, 89; William, 89. Trogcant, Sir Robert, 21. Trott, John, 166; Sir Nicholas, 207; Susan, 166. Troughton, Grace, 162. Trussell, Isabella, 69; Sir Tho- mas, 69. Tudor, 187. Tudor, Dorothy, 30; Sir Owen, 187; Thomas, 30. Tufnell, Anne, 76; Dionisia, 76; Edmond, 76; Hester, 76. Tunstall, Francis, 173; Sir Marmaduke, 173. Turbeville, Anne,123; John,123. Turke, 17. Turner, 147. TURNER, 147; Alice, 147; Sir Christopher, 205; Christo- pher, 147; Cicely, 148; Ed- mund, 147; Elizabeth, 147, 166; Ellen, 147; Henry, 147 Isabel, 147; Margaret, 147; Martha, 147; Robert, 147 Sarah, 147; Susan, 147; Tho- mas, 147, 166. K Tuthill, Anne, 76; Roger, 76. Twinehoc, Audrey, 181; Wil- liam, 181. Twininhoc, Sir James, 182; Katherine, 182. ; Tyndall, Jane, 159; Sir Tho- mas, 159. Tyringham, 65, 197. TYRINGHAM, 65, 197; Alice, 66; Anne, 66, 184, 197; Sir Anthony, 127; Anthony, 66 Bridget, 197; Catherine, 66 Cecilia, 66; Christian, 66; Edmund, 66, 197; Elianora, 66; Elizabeth, 66, 197; Frances, 66; Francis, 197; George, 197; Godfrey, 66 Isabella, 66, 127; Jane, 197 John, 66, 197; Joseph, 197 Judith, 197; Margaret, 66 Martha, 197; Mary, 66, 197 Petronilla, 66; Richard, 66; Robert, 197; Roger, 66; Sir Thomas, 66, 184, 207; Tho- mas, 66, 197. U Umfreville, 9, 51. Underwood, Elizabeth, 101, 149; Michael, 101, 149. Uncdall, Dorothy, 1; John, 1. Unter, 116. V Varney, Sir Richard, 11. Vaughan, Anne, 80; Mary, 6; Thomas, 6; William, 80. Vaux, 148. VAUX, 148; Alice, 148; Eliza- beth, 148; Joane, 111; John, 148; Margaret, 148; Mary, 148; Robert, 148 ; -, 46, 204, 208. Ventris, 148. VENTRIS, 148; Charles, 149; Sir Francis, 148, 149; Henry, 149; Joane, 148; John, 148, 149; Mary, 148, 149; 204, 208. Vere, 155. Verc, Elizabeth, 42, 125; Guy de, 155; Henry, 42, 125; John de, Earl of Oxford, 14, 155; Katherine de, 14. Verney, Elizabeth, 163; Sir Ralph, 163. Villers, Ellen, 28; William, 28. Vincent, Anne, 22; William, 22; 92. Vinter, 116, 172. Vinter, John, 173. Visdeloup, 29. Vites, -, 207. Vivonia, 67. Vivonia, Helvise, 68; Hugh, 68. W ; Wade, Ennis, 126; Samuel, 126; Thomas, 126. Wadington, Mary, 29. Waffer, 171. Wagstaff, 155, 177. Wagstaff, Richard, 155. Wahull alias Woodhall, 67, 68. WAIIULL alias WOODHALL, 68; Agnes, 61, 68, 69; Alice, 68, 69; Annc, 69; Anthony, Baron, 61, 69; Barbara, 69; Beatrice, 68; Dorothy, 69 Edith, 68; Egidius, 69; Eleanor, 68; Elizabeth, 68, 69; Foulke, Baron, 69; Foulke, 69; Hawise, 68; Isabella, 68, 69; Jane, 69; Joane, 69; John, Baron, 68, 69; John, 69; Joyce, 69; Lawrence, 63 Margaret, 68; Mary, 63, 69; Michael, 68, 69; Nicholas, Baron, 69; Nicholas, 68, 69 ; Richard, 68; Rose, 68; Sae- rus, 68; Simon, Baron, 68; Simon, 68; Thomas, Baron, 68, 69; Thomas, 69; Walter, G INDEX. 233 Baron, 68; Walter, 68; Wil- liam, 68, 69. Wake, 116, 172. Wake, Dorothy, 23; Sir Ralph, 41; Richard, 23; Rose, 41. Wakeman, -, 182. Walcott, Anne, 108; Beatrice, 23; Charles, 23; Cicely, 108; Dorothy, 97; Ellis, 97; Wil- liam, 108. Waldron, Mary, 186. Walgrave, Anne, 123; Anthony, 35, 62; Edward, 123; Eliza- beth, 35, 62; Margaret, 53; Sir William, 53. Walker, Anne, 38; Elizabeth, 145; John, 38; William, 145. Waller, Anne, 17; Margaret, 163; Mary, 17; Robert, 17; Thomas, 71; Sir Walter, 163; William, 71; —, 207. Wallis, Anne, 59; Beatrice, 17; John, 17, 59. Wallop, Elizabeth, 50. Walsh, Elizabeth, 124; Tho- mas, 124. Walsingham, Jane, 105. Walter, Anne, 17; Mary, 17; Robert, 17. Walton, Bridget, 39; William, 39. Walwyn, Lucy, 162; Roger, 162. Wanton, or Wauton, 12, 39, 179, 198. WANTON, Wauton, or Waulton, 198; Agnes, 198; Alice, 169, 198; Audrey, 198; Cicely, 39, 198; Elizabeth, 25, 198; George, 198; John, 198; Mary, 38; Nicholas, 198; Osbert, 198; Sir Thomas, 39, 198; Thomas, 38, 198; Wil- liam, 198; 14. Ward, Judith, 145; William, 145. > Warden, Magdalen, 46. Wardener, -, 15. Wardour, Chedeoke, 81; Sir Edward, 81; Mary, 81. Warham, Edward, 183; John, 183; Katherine, 183. Warre, Amy, 152, 202; Roger, 152, 202. Warren, 27. Warren, Anne, 167, 184; Do- rothy, 98; Elizabeth, 184; Ella, 27; Isabella, 164 ; Joane, 184; John, 167, 184; Sir Lawrence, 164; Magda- len, 184; Margaret, 189; Ro- bert, 189; Thomas, 184: Wil- liam, Earl, 27, 28; William, 71, 98. WARREN alias WALLER, 149; Elizabeth, 149; Mary, 149; Robert, 149; Thomas, 149; William, 149. Warwick, Earl of, 52. Wassy, Dorothy, 21. Wath, Margaret, 196; Twiford, 196. Watson, 149. WATSON, 149; Agnes, 149; Anne, 149; Sir Edward, 100, 131; Frances, 149; George, 149; John, 149; Mary, 100, 149; Richard, 100, 149; 207. Waverer, -, 207. Webb, Anne, 176; Elizabeth, 73; Joane, 184; Richard, 176; Thomas, 73. Weddell, Lucy, 79; William, 79. Weedon, Grace, 176. Weheathill, Annc, 64; Sir Rich- ard, 64. Welby, Jane, 129; John, 129. Welch, Alice, 49. Weldon, William, 75. Welford, Alice, 50; Thomas, 50. See Wilford. Wellesford, Alice, 192; Tho- mas, 192. Wells, 156. Wells, Lady, 156 ; Welsh, 197. -,208. Wendy, Mary, 88; Thomas, 88. Wenlock, 155. Wenlock, Elizabeth, 155; Sir John, 155. Wentworth, 12. Wentworth, Anne, 34; Sir Giles, 48, 65; Jane, 15 ; John, 34; Margaret, 18, 65; Tho- mas, Lord, 15. West, Dorothy, 131, 187; Eli- zabeth, 23; John, 23; R., 131; Thomas. Lord Delaware, 187. Westcott, 24. Westcott, Christopher, 30; Jane, 24; Margaret, 30. Weston, Isabella, 66; Sir Tho- mas, 66; William, 155. Wetherhall, Judith, 193. Wettenhall, 122. Weyland, 190. Wharton, Anne, 48, 65; Sir Thomas, 48, 65. Wheatley, 2. Wheatley alias Quitlaw, Cathe- rine, 2; Elizabeth, 2; Ro- bert, 2. Whelton, Maude, 21; Sir Roger, 21. Whitaker, 150. WHITAKER, 150; Alice, 150; Christopher, 150; Edward, 150; Isabel, 95, 150; James, 150: Jane, 150; John, 95, 150; Joyce, 150; Richard, 150; Thomas, 150. White, Alice, 161; Anne, 174, 193; Elizabeth, 107; George, 63; John, 196; Mary, 196; Richard, 193; Susanna, 63; Thomas, 107. Whitebread, Agnes, 149; John, 149; Mary, 151, 201; Wil- liam, 151, 201; —, 201. Whitehead, Sir Henry, 102; Katherine, 102. Whitlock, 154. Whitlock, Henry, 154. John, 10; Mar- · • "" Wibbe garet, 10. Wickham, Margaret, 37; Wil- liam, 37. Wideville, 67. Wideville, Elizabeth, 60; Rich- ard, 60. Wigtoft, Catherine, 22. Wilbraham, Ellen, 164; Tho- mas, 164. Wilford, Alice, 4, 59, 77; Tho- mas, 4, 59, 77. Wilkes, 32, 150. WILKES, 150; Edward, 150; Jane, 150; Joane, 150; John, 150; Luke, 150; Mark, 150; Martha, 150; Mary, 150; Matthew, 150; Thomas, 150. Wilkinson, Isabel, 145; John, 145. William the Conqueror, 27. Williams, Edward, 90; Eliza- beth, 37, 116; Jane, 37; John, Lord, 37, 116; Sir John, 37; Paradise, 90. Williamson, Anne, 181; Nicho- las, 181; 208. Willmott, Frances, 16; Rich- ard, 16. Willoughby, 16; Elizabeth, Mary, 30. 127; Philip, 127 ; Richard, 16, 30. Wilmer, Andrew, 148; Mary, 148. Wilson, Elizabeth, 9; James, 9. Winch, 154. Winch, Cicely, 199; Dorothy, 199; Elizabeth, 80, 180; Ellen, 199; Sir Humphrey, 88, 199, 207; Humphrey, 154, 199; John, 80; Judith, 88, 199; Margaret, 199; Onslow, 88, 180, 199; William, 80. Windsor, Andrew, Lord, 30; Elizabeth, 30. Wingate, 151, 152, 191. 199. WINGATE, 151, 152, 199; Agnes, 200, 202; Alice, 152, 202; Amy, 152, 202; Anne, 78, 89, 151, 152, 201, 202; Button, 89, 151. 201; Dorothy, 116, 151, 201, 202; Edmond, 1, 89, 151, 152, 200, 201; Edward, 2, 151, 152, 192 200-203 Elizabeth, S9, 151, 152, 201, 202; Ellen, 202; Frances, 203; Sir Francis, 206; Francis, 152, 202; George, 54, 78, 116, 152, 200, 202, 203; Heming, 200; Henry, 202; Hester, 152, 202; Jane, 151, 159, 201, 202; Joane, 151, 200, 203; John, 151, 152, 200, 202 ; Judith, 202; Lucy, 201; Mar- garet, 152, 192, 200, 202 ; Martha, 54, 202; Mary, 1, 2, 151, 152, 201-203; Nicholas, 202; Ralph, 151, 152, 201- 203; Richard, 152, 200, 202; H H 234 THE VISITATION OF BEDFORDSHIRE. Robert, 151, 152, 200-202; Roger, 89, 151, 159, 201; Thomas, 151, 201; William, 151, 200-202; -, 119, 207, 208. Winn, Margaret, 80; Thomas, 80. Wiseman, Agnes, 202; Anne, 132, 152, 202; Ellen, 202; John, 202; Thomas, 132; William, 152. Wither, 172. Withers, Margaret, 47; Wil- liam, 47. Witton, Alice, 100; William, 100. Woburn Abbey, 155. Wodden, Amy, 179; Richard, 179. Wolrich, Rose, 2, 178. Wolsey, Cardinal, 33, 173. Wood, 35. Wood, Anthony, 23; Edward, 167; Elizabeth, 35, 62, 100, 174; Isabel, 23; Margaret, 100; Nicholas, 35, 62, 174; Robert, 100. Woodhall. See Wahull. Woodville, 21. Woodville, Elizabeth, 22; Tho- mas, 22. Wore, 164. Wortley, Ellen, 65; Sir Rich- ard, 65. Wright, Anne, 132; Edward, 132; Jane, 10; Joane, 38, 118; John, 115; Mary, 115; Robert, 10; Thomas, 38, 118. Wriothelsey, Thomas, Garter, 110. Wroth, Judith, 88; Margaret, 103; Sir Thomas, 88; Wil- liam, 103. Wroynon, Katherine, 93. Wyant, George, 207. Wylde, 21. WYLDE, 152; Agnes, 22; Doro- thy, 152; Sir Edmund, 152; Edmund, 152; Elizabeth, 22; George, 152; Henry, 152; Thomas, 22; Walter, 152. Wynd, Charles, 128; Elizabeth, 128. Wyrley,, 179. UNIV. OF MICHIGAN DEC 151913 Y Yarway, Cicely, 73; William, 73. Yelverton, Sir Christopher, 93 ; Henry, 93; Isabel, 93. Yeomans, Amy, 103, 105; Ro- bert, 103, 105. Yorke, 88. Young, Anne, 130; Elizabeth, 94, 184; Ellis, 130; Henry, 184; —, 15. London: Mitchell and Hughes, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W. Z Zouche, 147. Zouche, Eleanor, 53; Eliza- beth, 52; Sir John, 53; Wil- liam, Lord, 52; -, Lord, 200. The Harleian Society, PUBLICATION OF INEDITED MANUSCRIPTS INSTITUTED FOR THE GENEALOGY, FAMILY HISTORY, AND HERALDRY. .. THEIR RELATING TO FATHERS Rock THE VIRTVTE HEY MEETHO GLORY CT FIDE OF The Harleian Society, INSTITUTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF INEDITED MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO GENEALOGY, FAMILY HISTORY, AND HERALDRY. COUNCIL ROOM-140 WARDOUR STREET, W. President. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF MANCHESTER, K.P. Vice-Presidents. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF BUTE, K.T. THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT MIDLETON. THE RIGHT HON. LORD MONSON. THE HON. HENRY ROPER-CURZON. SIR HENRY M. VAVASOUR, BART., F.S.A. RALPH ASSHETON, Esq. Council. W. PRIDEAUX COURTNEY, Esq. DUDLEY G. CARY ELWES, Esq., F.S.A. SIR JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. W. AMHURST TYSSEN AMHERST, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. J. PAUL RYLANDS, Esq., F.S.A. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A, JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. THOMAS BROOKE, Esq., F.S.A. THE REV. F. T. COLBY, D.D., F.S.A. CAPT. EDWARD ARTHUR WHITE, F.S.A. Committee for Publication of Parish Registers. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, Esq., F.S.A. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. CAPT. EDWARD ARTHUR WHITE, F.S.A. Honorary Treasurer. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, ESQ., LL.D., F.S.A., 3 Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, S.E. Honorary Secretaries. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A., Clifton Woodhead, near Brighouse. *J. PAUL RYLANDS, Esq., F.S.A., 25 Stanley Gardens, Belsize Road, N.W. Bankers. THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANK, 21 Lombard Street, E.C. Auditors. HENRY WAGNER, ESQ., F.S.A. THE REV. C. J. ROBINSON, M.A. Hon. Local Secretary for U.S.A. W. H. WHITMORE, ESQ. * To whom all communications are to be addressed relative to the Society. Rules. 1. This Society shall be called the HARLEIAN SOCIETY. 2. It shall have for its chief object the publication of the Heraldic Visitations of Counties, and any manuscripts relating to Genealogy, Family History, and Heraldry, selected by the Council. 3. The Council shall consist of a President, nine Vice-Presidents, and twelve Members of Council, two of whom shall hold the posts of Secretary and Treasurer; and any four, including the Treasurer or Secretary, shall form a quorum. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman to have a casting vote. Any Candidate may be elected with the consent in writing of one Member of the Council, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. 4. Three Members of the Council shall retire in rotation annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. 5. The Annual Subscription shall be One Guinea, paid in advance, and due on the 1st day of January in each year; and new Members shall pay an Entrance Fee of 10s. 6d. in addition to their first Annual Subscription. 6. Members may at their option subscribe Two Guineas per annum, in which case they will be entitled to the publications of the Register Section of the Society. 7. The funds raised by the Society shall be expended in publishing such works as are selected by the Council; but no payment in money shall be made to any person for editing any work for the Society. 8. One volume at least shall be supplied to the Members every year. 9. An Annual Meeting shall be held in the month of January every year, at such time and place as the Council may direct; and due notice shall be sent to the Members of the Society at least a fortnight pre- viously. 10. No work shall be supplied to any Member unless his Subscription for the year be paid; and any Member not having paid his Subscription for two years, having received notice thereof, shall cease to belong to the Society. 11. No copies of the publications of the Society shall be supplied to persons not actually Members, and each Member shall be restricted to a single Subscription. 12. An account of the receipts and expenses of the Society to be made up to the 31st of December in each year, and published with a list of the Members and the Rules of the Society in the following Volume. 13. These Rules shall not be altered except at the Annual Meeting, and three clear weeks' notice must be given to the Secretary of any such intended alteration, Report for the Year 1884. DURING the year twenty-four Members have joined the Society; fifteen have resigned, five have died, and the names of eight have been removed under Rule X. Three hundred and sixty-eight remain on the Roll, of whom one hundred and eighty are subscribers to the Register Section. The Second Volume of the "Visitation of London, 1633-4," was issued in the Spring. The "Visitations of Bedfordshire" are complete, and the Index will be printed in a few days. The "Visitation of Gloucestershire has again been delayed by the Editors, but it is hoped it may be ready to follow the Bedford- shire Visitations. "" The " Visitation of Dorsetshire in 1623" is ready for the press, and the "Visitation of Shropshire" is now being transcribed. The First Volume of the "Registers of St. James, Clerkenwell," is now being issued to Members who subscribe to the Register Section. The Second Volume is well advanced. The "Registers of Christ Church, Newgate Street," have been transcribed. The Accounts are appended to this Report, and it is hoped they will meet with the Members' approval. The retiring Members of Council are Mr. BROOKE, Dr. Colby, and Capt. WHITE. They offer themselves for re-election. Br. Balance to 31st Dec., 1883 Subscriptions.. Harleian Society. ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER, 1884. • · Books purchased by Members Dividend on Stock (£632: 8s.) Interest on Deposit (£150) Balance of London Visitation Illustration Fund ORDINARY ACCOUNT. Cr. Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes :- Balance of London Visitation.. S. d. £ 671 6 8 367 7 6 55 18 6 19 11 6 2 16 7 53 2 2 £1170 2 11 On account of Gloucestershire and Bedford- shire Visitations General Printing, Carriage, etc. Ditto ditto, including Insurance, £8: 8s., and Rent of Room, £5.. Advertisements ❤ · Incidents, Honorary Treasurer and Secretary Mr. Eedes, Dorset Visitation Transcript Correction of London Visitation Woodcuts Bedford Visitation, Transcript Balance કો 0 11 0 20 0 0 4 4 0 53 2 2 Mr. E. Cleghorn, London Visitation Woodcuts .. 227 0 10 s. d. 74 13 3 240 0 0 16 7 2 28 17 10 700 6 0 0 £677 16 3 492 6 8 £1170 2 11 Balance to 31st Dec., 1883 Subscriptions.. Books purchased by Members To Balance, Ordinary Account Register Section "" 16th January, 1885. REGISTER SECTION. £ s. d. 149 10 7 164 17 0 15 12 0 £329 19 7 Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes Binding Registers, etc. Registers of St. James, Clerkenwell, Vol. I... Miss Morse, Transcript of Christ Church Regis- ters. Mr. Eedes, Transcript of St. James, Clerkenwell, Registers GENERAL BALANCE. £ S. d. 492 6 8 70 4 3 £562 10 11 Balance Net Balance in Bank Examined and found correct, £ s. d. 15 10 3 185 15 1 15 10 0 43 0 0 259 15 4 70 4 3 £329 19 7 £ s. s. d. 562 10 11 £562 10 11 HENRY WAGNER, CHARLES J. ROBINSON. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Honorary Treasurer. 1 List of Members, with the Dates of their Election. CORRECTED TO JANUARY 1ST, 1885. Those marked (*) are Subscribers to the Register Section. 27 Sept. 1876. 24 Nov. 1869. 29 Apr. 1869. 31 Dec. 1875. 24 Nov. 1869. 1 July, 1870. 27 Mar. 1869. 12 Apr. 1869. 6 Dec. 1870. 5 Oct. 1872. 4 Sept. 1880. 9 Aug. 1884. 8 21 Jan. 1882. 13 June, 1874. 22 Sept. 1869. 28 July, 1869. 14 Jan. 1879. 1 Jan. 1883. 4 Nov. 1870. 12 June, 1871. 7 June, 1877. 21 Sept. 1876. 11 Aug. 1877. 17 June, 1875. 13 Dec. 1878. 9 Mar. 1871. *F. WILLIAM ALINGTON, 13 Mitre Court Chambers, Temple, E.C. *REGINALD AMES, 2 Albany Terrace, Park Square East, N.W. *W. AMHURST T. AMHERST, M.P., F.S.A. (Council), Didlington Hall, Brandon. *JOHN AMPHLETT, Clent, Stourbridge. FRANK ANDREW, Chester Square, Ashton-under-Lyne. WILLIAM SUMNER APPLETON, Boston, U.S.A. *GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, F.S.A. (Hon. Secretary), Clifton Wood- head, near Brighouse. FRANCIS JOSEPH BAIGENT, Winchester. *JOHN E. BAILEY, F.S.A., Egerton Villa, Stretford, Manchester. CHARLES BAKER, F.S.A., 7 Westbourne Crescent, Hyde Park, W. JOSEPH GURNEY BARCLAY, 54 Lombard Street, E.C. *The Rev. C. W. BARDSLEY, Vicarage, Ulverston, Lancaster. *Captain H. BATHURST, Springhill, Frome, Somerset. JOHN BATTEN, F.S.A., Aldon, Yeovil. *FRANCIS BAYLEY, F.S.A., 66 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, W. EDWIN J. BEDFORD, 37 Elmore Road, Broomhill, Sheffield. BEDFORD ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Bedford (D. G. C. ELWES, Hon. Secretary). WALTON GRAHAM BERRY, Broomfield, Fixby, near Huddersfield. SAMUEL BIRCHAM, 46 Parliament Street, S.W. . THOMAS BIRD, Canons, Romford. *BIRMINGHAM LIBRARY, Union Street, Birmingham (C. E. SCARSE, Librarian). 24 July, 1883. *BIRMINGHAM CENTRAL FREE LIBRARY, Ratcliffe Place, Bir- 31 May, 1879. 24 Apr. 1869. 1 June, 1869. 22 Oct. 1874. 20 Jan. 1871. *RALPH ASSHETON (Vice-President), Downham Hall, Clitheroe. JOHN ASTLEY, Stoneleigh Terrace, Coventry. ATHENÆUM, Liverpool (W. ROSCOE JONES, Librarian). *Capt. F. W. T. ATTREE, R.E., Springfield House, Worthing. T. A. CARLESS ATTWOOD, The Cliff, Malvern Wells. mingham (J. MULLINS, Librarian). The Rev. C. M. BLAKE, San Francisco (care of B. F. Stevens, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). F. A. BLAYDES, Shenstone Lodge, Ashburnham Road, Bedford. *The Rev. CHARLES W. BOASE, Exeter College, Oxford. *REGINALD STEWART BODDINGTON, 15 Markham Square, S.W. *BODLEIAN LIBRARY, Oxford. 16 Feb. 1884. 27 July, 1871. 26 Jan. 1871. 25 Apr. 1877. 8 Sept. 1874. 15 Oct. 1875. 20 Jan. 1877. 3 Apr. 1877. 28 July, 1869. 12 Sept. 1872. 18 May, 1870. 26 Aug. 1882. 13 Aug. 1878. 24 Nov. 1869. 24 Nov. 1869. 29 Apr. 1869. 4 Nov. 1870. 28 Nov. 1876. 19 June, 1869. 12 June, 1871. 21 May, 1869. 5 Mar. 1878. 20 Apr. 1880. 11 June, 1869. 2 May, 1871. 15 Mar. 1884. 5 Feb. 1879. 24 Mar. 1883. 18 Oct. 1870. 12 Apr. 1882. 9 21 May, 1878. 18 Oct. 1870. CHARLES NEWPORT BOLTON, Brook Lodge, Waterford. *WILLIAM EDWARD BOOLS, 7 Cornhill, E.C. 6 Oct. 1881. 12 Aug. 1881. 11 Sept. 1880. 23 June,1869. 23 June, 1869. 1 June, 1869. Lieut.-Colonel HAWORTH-BOOTH, Hullbank House, Hull. *R. C. BOSTOCK, Little Langtons, Lower Camden, Chislehurst. *BOSTON ATHENÆUM, Boston, U.S.A. (per Trübner and Co., 57 Ludgate Hill). *BOSTON FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Boston, US.A. (per Trübner and Co., 57 Ludgate Hill). *C. E. B. BOWLES, M.A., 34 Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol. *Miss JULIA BOYD, Moor House, Leamside, Durham. *EDMUND M. BOYLE, F.S.A., 14 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, W. EDWARD W. BRABROOK, F.S.A., 28 Abingdon Street, West- minster, S.W. The Rev. WILLIAM BREE, The Rectory, Allesley, Coventry. *WILLIAM ERNEST BRENNAND, Blandford, Dorset. *The Hon. and Rev. Canon BRIDGEMAN, Wigan Hall, Wigan. *The Hon. and Rev. JOHN R. O. BRIDGEMAN, 89 Harley Street, W. *THOMAS BROOKE, F.S.A. (Council), Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield. *FRANCIS CAPPER BROOKE, Ufford Place, Woodbridge. *The_Rev. FREDERICK BROWN, F.S.A., Fern Bank, Beckenham, Kent. *J. R. BROWN, F.R.G.S., 14 Hilldrop Road, Camden Town, N. *PERCY C. S. BRUERE, Rockville, Lansdown, near Bath. 20 Nov. 1873. *CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Cambridge (H. BRAD- SHAW, M.A., Librarian). 27 Mar. 1879. H. H. SMITH CARINGTON, Brookfield House, Whaley Bridge, Stockport. R. SMITH CARINGTON, St. Cloud, near Worcester. WILLIAM FOWLER CARTER, 33 Waterloo Street, Birmingham. *Major TANKERVILLE J. CHAMBERLAIN, 80th Reg., Govern- ment House, Natal (care of V. Holt and Co., 17 Whitehall Place, S. W.). C. G. PRIDEAUX-BRUNE, 10 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. *Colonel W. E. G. LÝTTON-BULWER, Quebec House, East Dereham. HENRY C. J. BUNBURY, Barton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. *GEORGE R. BURNABY, 128 East 24th Street, New York (care of Cassell, Smith and Co., 80 Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.). *Sir_BERNARD_Burke, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King-of-Arms, The 1 Sept. 1884. *W. H. C. CHAMBERLAINE, Blagden House, Keevil, Trowbridge, Wilts. Castle, Dublin. *The Most Noble_the MARQUIS OF BUTE (Vice-President), 118 Grosvenor Road, S.W. THOMAS CHAPMAN, F.R.S., F.S.A., 25 Bryanston Square, W. *JOHN H. CHAPMAN, M.A., F.S.A., 38 St. Charles Square, North Kensington, W. *THOMAS WILLIAM CHARLTON, Chilwell Hall, Nottingham. *CHETHAM'S LIBRARY, Hunt's Bank, Manchester. J. W. CLAY, Rastrick House, near Brighouse. *HOWARD COGHILL, 29 East 39th Street, New York, U.S.A. H. T. COGHLAN, 14 Hyde Park Gardens, W. B. COKAYNE, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. *G. E. COKAYNE, F.S.A., Norroy King-at-Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. The Rev. FREDERIC T. COLBY, D.D., F.S.A. (Council), Litton Cheney Rectory, Dorchester, Dorset, 4 Dec. 1883. 6 Dec. 1870. 22 Mar. 1883. 16 Mar. 1874. 10 Mar. 1871. 2 Nov. 1877. 21 Feb. 1882. 28 July, 1869. 18 May, 1870. 20 July, 1873. 24 June, 1878. 10 July, 1884. 12 Aug. 1881. 8 Dec. 1883. 25 Nov. 1882. 28 Apr. 1869. 15 May, 1874. 18 May, 1875. 8 Oct. 1874. 2 Dec. 1884. 20 Nov. 1883. 5 May, 1874. 29 May, 1869. 18 Mar. 1874. 28 July, 1869. 4 Nov. 1870. 27 Dec. 1876. 25 Aug. 1883. 31 Dec. 1875. 18 Apr. 1878. 1 Jan. 1879. 22 Sept. 1869. 12 June,1874. 4 Oct. 1872. 9 Nov. 1875. 10 Jan. 1878. 1 Nov. 1882. 22 June, 1870. 17 June, 1878. 12 Jan. 1872. 18 Apr. 1878. 10 Feb. 1883. 18 May, 1870. 22 Sept. 1869. 28 July, 1869. 10 CHARLES F. COLE, Flintfield, Caterham, Surrey. Major J. KYRLE COLLINS, Wiltondale, Ross, Herefordshire. EDWARD CONDER, Elmhurst, Romford, Essex. EDWARD COODE, Polapit Tamar, Launceston. WM. HENRY COOKE, Q.C., F.S.A., 42 Wimpole Street, W. JAMES HERBERT COOKE, F.S.A., Berkeley, Gloucestershire. *Colonel EDWARD H. COOPER, 42 Portman Square, W. W. H. COTTELL, Ycolmbridge, Wood Vale, Forest Hill, S.E. *W. PRIDEAUX COURTNEY (Council), Ecclesiastical Commission, 10 Whitehall Place, S.W. *J. C. CRABB, Clifton Lodge, Fallowfield, near Manchester. *E. B. CRANE, Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S.A. WILFRID CRIPPS, Farleigh House, Sandgate, Kent. *F. A. CRISP, Inglewood House, Grove Park, Denmark Hill, S.E. *TALBOT K. CROSSFIELD, 354 Hackney Road, E. *GERY MILNER-GIBSON CULLUM, Hardwick House, Bury St. Edmunds. *The Hon. HENRY ROPER-CURZON (Vice-President), The Ants' Nest, Tonbridge. J. E. CUSSANS, 4 Wyndham Crescent, Junction Road, N. *Lady ELIZABETH CUST, 13 Eccleston Square, S.W. *Miss Cust, 20 Thurloe Place, South Kensington, S. W. J. EDWARD K. CUTTS, 28 Southampton Street, Strand, W.C. *Mrs. DALISON, Greetwell Hall, Kirton Lindsey, Lincolnshire. The Rev. JOHN NEALE DALTON, M.A., F.S.A., Marlborough House, S.W. R. S. LONGWORTI-DAMES, M.A., 21 Herbert Street, Dublin. *The Rev. G. H. DAVENPORT, Foxley, Hereford. *GORDON DAYMAN, St. Giles's, Oxford. The Rev. JonN BATHURST DEANE, M.A., F.S.A., Sion Hill, Bath. *DE BERNARDY BROTHERS, 28 John Street, Bedford Row, W.C. *JOHN T. DICKINSON, Eastbourne, Prince's Park, Liverpool. The Hon. HAROLD A. DILLON, F.S.A., 3 Swan Walk, Chelsca, S.W. JOSEPH DODGSON, 33 Park Row, Leeds. THOMAS DORMAN, Sandwich, Kent. *ROBERT DOWMAN, 29 Shakspeare Street, Ardwick, Manchester. WILLIAM DOWNING, Springfield House, Olton, Acock's Green, Birmingham. *Sir WILLIAM DRAKE, F.S.A., 46 Parliament Street, S. W. *The Rev. JOHN INGLE DREDGE, Buckland Brewer, Bideford. *Mrs. DUGDALE, Wroxall Abbey, Warwick. *The Rev. R. E. H. DUKE, Mark Fryston, South Milford, Yorkshire. GEORGE F. DUNCOMBE, 17 St. Stephen's Road, Bayswater, W. *The Dean and Chapter of DURHAM, Chapter Offices, Durham. ROBERT DYMOND, F.S.A., 1 St. Leonard Road, Exeter. JOHN PARSONS EARWAKER, M.A., F.S.A., Pensarn, Abergele, North Wales. *The Hon. DANIEL C. EATON, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. The EARL OF EGMONT, 26 St. James's Place, S.W. The Rev. HENRY T. ELLACOMBE, M.A., F.S.A., Clyst St. George Rectory, Topsham. WILLIAM SMITH ELLIS, 6 Holtham Road, Abbey Road, N.W. 15 Apr. 1869. 22 June,1870. 18 Oct. 1870. 19 May, 1869. 19 Jan. 1878. 22 Sept. 1869. 3 Apr. 1877. 3 Nov. 1873. 16 June, 1872. 3 Dec. 1874. 8 Dec. 1877. 31 Dec. 1875. 29 Jan. 1879. 31 Dec. 1875. 28 Nov. 1870. 11 June, 1884. 16 Jan. 1884. 27 Apr. 1871. 5 Feb. 1883. 17 Apr. 1871. 27 Mar. 1872. 12 May, 1878. 8 Sept. 1871. 25 Jan. 1870. 12 Apr. 1869. 7 Oct. 1882. 22 Sept. 1869. 31 Dec. 1881. 16 Dec. 1870. 24 Nov. 1869. 26 May, 1883. 26 July, 1878. 29 Dec. 1872. 29 Apr. 1869. 12 June, 1882. 10 Aug. 1874. 11 Apr. 1883. 29 Sept. 1880. 1 Jan. 1884. 11 *DUDLEY G. CARY ELWES, F.S.A. (Council), 9 The Crescent, Bedford. *V. CARY ELWES, F.S.A., Billing Hall, Billing-road Station, Northampton. WILLIAM ROBERT EMERIS, M.A., F.S.A., Louth, Lincolnshire. J. G. FANSHAWE, 2 Halkin Street West, Belgrave Square, S.W. HENRY ST. CLAIR FEILDEN, Corpus Christi College, Oxford. WILLIAM FENNELL, Wakefield. *RICHARD S. FERGUSON, F.S.A., Lowther Street, Carlisle. Miss FFARINGTON, Worden, Preston. J. LEWIS FFYTCHE, M.A., F.S.A., Thorpe IIall, Louth, Lin- colnshire. *OSGOOD FIELD, F.S.A., 4 Grosvenor Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. *Colonel THOMAS WM. FLETCHER, M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., Lawnes- wood House, Stourbridge. *CECIL G. S. FOLJAMBE, M.P., F.S.A., 2 Carlton House Terrace, S.W. JOHN FOSTER, Town Head, Horton in Ribblesdale, Settle. *JOSEPH FOSTER, 21 Boundary Road, St. John's Wood, N.W. *CHARLES H. Fox, M.D., The Beeches, Brislington, Bristol. A. W. FRANKS, M.A., F.S.A., British Museum, W.C. *EDWIN FRESHFIELD, LL.D., F.S.A., 5 Bank Buildings, Old Jewry, E.C. CLEMENT S. BEST-GARDNER, Eaglesbush, Neath. CHARLES W. GEORGE, 24 Aberdeen Terrace, Clifton. *HENRY H. GIBBS, St. Dunstan's Villa, Outer Circle, Regent's Park, N.W. *JAMES GIBSON, Salem. Washington County, New York, U.S.A. *JOSEPH GILLOW, 19 Northwood Road, Highgate. N. C. GOLDING, Colchester. *HENRY GOUGH, Sandcroft, Redhill. *Henry *GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, F.S.A. (Council), Titsey Place, Limpsfield, Surrey. HENRY GRAY, 25 Cathedral Yard, Manchester. *HENRY SYDNEY GRAZEBROOK, Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, S.W. *JOSEPH J. GREEN, Stansted Montfitchet, Bishop's Stortford. BENJAMIN WYATT GREENFIELD, 4 Cranbury Terrace, South- ampton. The Rev. HENRY THOMAS GRIFFITH, B.A., Smallburgh Rectory, Norwich. Sir WILLIAM GUISE, Bart., Elmore Park, Gloucester. *RICHARD H. J. GURNEY, North Repps Hall, Cromer, Norfolk. J. E. A. GWYNNE, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., 97 Harley Street, W. EDWARD HAILSTONE, F.S.A., Walton Hall, Wakefield. Mrs. HALLIDAY, West View, Torquay, South Devon. *Captain PHILIP HAMOND, care of C. A. HAMOND, Twyford Hall, Guist, Norfolk. *Sir REGINALD HANSON, M.A., F.S.A., 4 Bryanston Square, W. *THEODORE J. HARE, Crook Hall, Chorley. HENRY SEATON HARLAND, F.S.A., Stanbridge, Staplefield, Crawley, Sussex. 30 Apr. 1869. 17 Apr. 1869. 22 Feb. 1883. 3 June, 1873. 11 May, 1869. 18 May, 1876. 22 Sept. 1869. 27 Dec. 1879. 1 Jan. 1883. 24 Apr. 1869. 31 Dec. 1879. 2 Nov. 1877. 16 June, 1872. 27 Mar. 1869. 4 Nov. 1870. 20 Feb. 1874. 20 Feb. 1879. 12 June, 1878. 3 June, 1873. 17 Apr. 1880. 1 Jan. 1879. 31 Dec. 1870. 30 Dec. 1882. 13 Dec. 1883. 11 Dec. 1871. *INNER TEMPLE LIBRARY, The Librarian, E.C. 23 Sept. 1872. 22 July, 1872. 9 Feb. 1880. 1 July, 1869. 2 Nov. 1877. 20 Mar. 1881. 6 Mar. 1871. 4 Nov. 1870. 2 Jan. 1871. 22 Sept. 1869. 27 Dec. 1882. 24 Nov. 1883. 27 Apr. 1874. 12 3 Apr. 1869. 2 Sept. 1872. WILLIAM MARSH HARVEY, Goldington Hall, Bodford. *The Rev. SAMUEL HAYMAN, M.A., The Rectory, Douglas, Cork. C. ARTHUR HEAD, Hartburn IIall, Stockton-on-Tees. *WILLIAM C. HEANE, The Lawn, Cinderford, Gloucestershire. Lady HEATHCOTE, Iursley Park, Winchester. Miss FRANCES MARGERY HEXT, Lostwithiel, Cornwall. JOIN HIRST, Jun., Dobcross, Saddleworth. *HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA (care of B. F. Stevens, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). RICHARD A. HOBLYN, 2 Sussex Place, Regent's Park, N.W. The Ven. Archdeacon HOLBECH, Farnborough, Banbury. WILLIAM J. HOLLWAY, Woodrising, Pinner, Watford. CHARLES G. HORNYOLD, Blackmore Park, Great Malvern. *ROBERT HOVENDEN, Heathcote, Park IIill Road, Croydon. *JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, ÚL.D., F.S.A. (Hon. Treasurer), 3 Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, S.E. *THOMAS HUGHES, F.S.A., The Groves, Chester. W. ESSINGTON IIUGHES, 89 Alexandra Road, South Hampstead, N.W. HULL SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, Albion Street, Hull (ALFRED MILNER, Librarian). *WILLIAM JACKSON, F.S.A., 33 South Castle Street, Liverpool. *T. E. JACOBSON, M.D., Sleaford, Lincolnshire. FRANCIS JAMES, 190 Cromwell Road, S.W. *The Rev. EDMUND JERMYN, M.A., Forbescourt, Dundee, N.B. ARTHUR J. JEWERS, F.S.A., Chester Place, Mutley, Plymouth. *JOHN JOSEPH JONES, Abberley Hall, Stourport. MORRIS C. JONES, F.S.A., Gungrog, Welshpool. AUGUSTUS KELHAM, 67 Ashburnham Road, Bedford. The Rev. EDWARD KING, B.A., F.S.A. Scot., Werrington Vicar- age, near Launceston. KING'S INNS LIBRARY, Dublin (J. M. LA BARTE, Librarian). *Mrs. HENRY KINGSLEY, 10 Ridgway Place, Wimbledon. THOMAS C. SNEYD KYNNERSLEY, Moor Green, Moseley, Bir- mingham. *FREDERIC DE HOCHEPIED LARPENT, Barrackpore, Bombay. C. MILLER LAYTON, F.S.A., Shortlands, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone. *THOMAS LAYTON, F.S.A., Kew Bridge, Middlesex. Sir EDMUND A. II. LECHMERE, Bart., M.P., 13 Bolton Row, Mayfair, W. The Rev. F. G. LEE, D.C.L., F.S.A., All Saints' Vicarage, York Road, Lambeth, S.E. *JOSEPH LEETE, Eversden, South Norwood Park, S.E. *LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (per II. Sotheran and Co., 136 Strand, W.C.). *STANLEY LEIGHTON, M.P., Athenæum Club, 107 Pall Mall, S.W. *Mrs. LITTLEDALE, 26 Cranley Gardens, S.W. *LIVERPOOL FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, William Brown Street, Liverpool (PETER COWELL, Librarian), 8 Sept. 1871. 9 May, 1873. 20 Dec. 1877. 2 Nov. 1877. 24 June, 1881. 7 Apr. 1869. 31 Dec. 1878. 14 May, 1869. 28 Nov. 1870. 1 Feb. 1879. 16 Mar. 1874. 23 June, 1869. 10 Apr. 1869. 7 Oct. 1882. 7 June, 1877. 20 May, 1869. 7 May, 1878. 24 May, 1869. 20 July, 1878. 24 Aug. 1870. 10 Sept. 1877. 1 Apr. 1879. 1 Nov. 1881. 12 Apr. 1869. 19 Jan. 1878. 18 May, 1870. 17 June, 1878. 20 Feb. 1880. 31 Dec. 1869. 16 Apr. 1875. 28 May, 1884. 14 Sept. 1872. 4 Feb. 1884. 13 The Rev. W. J. LOFTIE, F.S.A., 3a Sheffield Terrace, Campden Hill, Kensington, W. *LIBRARY COMMITTEE OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, Guildhall Library, E.C. (W. H. OVERALL, Librarian). LONDON LIBRARY, 12 St. James's Square, S.W. (ROBERT HARRISON, Librarian). *WILLIAM LONG, F.S.A., West Hay, Wrington, Somerset. *G. B. LONGSTAFF, Southfield Grange, Wandsworth, S.W. *WILLIAM H. DYER LONGSTAFFE, Gateshead. B. DE BERTODANO LOPEZ, 22 Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. + Sir JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. (Council), Glasbury House, Richmond Hill, Clifton, Bristol. *The Rev. A. R. MADDISON, Vicars' Court, Lincoln. Mrs. MANBY, care of Charles Jenser, Esq., Oakhill, Bath. *MANCHESTER FREE LIBRARY, Manchester (CHARLES W. SUTTON, Librarian). His Grace the DUKE OF MANCHESTER (President), 1 Great Stanhope Street, W. *GEORGE Ŵ. MARSHALL, LL.D., F.S.A. (Council), 60 Onslow Gardens, S.W. EDMUND STORY-MASKELYNE, Hatt House, Box, Wilts. The Rev. G. S. MASTER, West Dean Rectory, Salisbury. *WALTER C. METCALFE, F.S.A., 10 Lupus Street, St. George's Square, S.W. *THOMAS TINDAL METHOLD, 7 Ashburn Place, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, S.W. The Right Hon. VISCOUNT MIDLETON (Vice-President), Eaton Square, S.W. SAMUEL MILNE MILNE, Calverley House, near Leeds. The Rev. JOHN MIREHOUSE, Colsterworth Rectory, Grantham. MITCHELL LIBRARY, Ingram Street East, Glasgow (F. P. Barrett, Librarian). *W. J. C. MOENS, Tweed, near Lymington, Hants. J. B. M. LINGARD-MONK, Belmore, Craneswater Park, Southsea. *The Right Hon. LORD MONSON (Vice-President), 29 Belgrave Square, S.W. The Rev. CECIL MOORE, M.A., Lovell Heath Lodge, Charlwood, Crawley, Sussex. *Colonel CHARLES THOMAS JOHN MOORE, F.S.A., Frampton Hall, near Boston. Mrs. MOORE, Lawneswood House, Stourbridge. *JOHN MULLINGS, Cirencester. GEORGE J. MURRAY, Mytchett Place, Frimley, Surrey. *W. MARTIAL MYDDELTON, 12 Albion Grove, Stoke Newington, N. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRELAND (care of Hodges, Figgis, and Co., 104 Grafton Street, Dublin). NAVAL AND MILITARY CLUB, 94 Piccadilly, W. FRANK NEAME, Luton House, Faversham. 24 Jan. 1878. The Rev. CHARLES NEVE, Oak Road, Woolston, Southampton. 7 Sept. 1878. *NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, 18 Somerset Street, Boston, U.S.A. (J. WARD DEAN, Librarian), (care of E. G. Allen, 28 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.). 15 Feb. 1879. *NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY, Albany, U.S.A. (care of Stevens and Haynes, Bell Yard, Temple Bar). 30 June, 1873. 11 Aug. 1876. 8 Sopt. 1871. 20 May, 1881. 3 Apr. 1874. 28 May, 1879. 7 June, 1875. 31 Dec. 1875. 19 June, 1874. 20 Feb. 1880. 28 Feb. 1877. 28 July, 1869. 6 May, 1871. 14 Feb. 1880. 24 Feb. 1874. 7 Sept. 1877. 7 Apr. 1869. 28 July, 1869. 28 May, 1884. 28 July, 1869. 1 Jan. 1884. 28 July, 1869. 1 May, 1871. 29 Dec. 1872. 22 July, 1875. 30 May, 1881. 20 May, 1881. 5 Apr. 1883. 15 Feb. 1873. 18 Apr. 1878. 31 Dec. 1875. 18 Dec. 1878. 8 Dec. 1877. 29 July, 1875. 11 May, 1869. 6 Dec. 1870. 11 Dec. 1874. 29 Oct. 1875. 13 Jan. 1883. 31 Oct. 1884. 10 Mar. 1874. 29 Apr. 1871. 30 Mar. 1869. 14 FREDERICK I. NICHOLL, F.S.A., 120 Harley Street, W. G. W. NICHOLL, The Ham, Cowbridge, Glamorganshire. J. W. STRADLING NICHOLL-CARNE, D.C.L., St. Donat's Castle, Bridgend, Glamorganshire. J. GAMSON NICHOLSON, 19 St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff. The Rev. C. B. NORCLIFFE, Langton Hall, Malton, Yorkshire. J. N. PYKE NOTT, Bydown, Swymbridge, Barnstaplo. *NOTTINGHAM FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY (J. P. BRISCOE, Librarian). NOTTINGHAM SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, Nottingham (W. P. PHILLIMORE, Hon. Secretary). The Rev. T. R. O'FFLAHERTIE, Capel Vicarage, Dorking. JOHN O'HART, Ringsend, Dublin. *HENRY LEIGH ORMSBY, 2 Harcourt Buildings, Inner Temple, E.C. EVAN ORTNER, 3 St. James's Street, S.W. Sir CHARLES J. PALMER, Bart., Dorney Court, Windsor. *Captain JOHN W. R. PARKER, 19th Foot, The Barracks, Tralee, Kerry, Ireland. MANSFIELD PARKYNS, Woodborough Hall, near Nottingham. *THOMAS W. PARR, The Grove, Cossington, Leicester. DANIEL PARSONS, M.A., Stuart's Lodge, Malvern Wells. D. WILLIAMS PATERSON, Newark Valley, New York, U.S.A. *W. K. PAULI, Luton, Bedfordshire. EDWARD PEACOCK, F.S.A., Bottesford Manor, Brigg, Lincolnshire. Captain FREDERICK CLINTON PEARCE, Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. The Rev. A. J. PEARMAN, Merstham, Surrey. IRA B. PECK, Woonsocket, Rhode Island, U.S.A. RICHARD LAWRENCE PEMBERTON, Hawthorne Tower, Seaham Harbour, co. Durham. HUGH PENFOLD, Rustington, Worthing. WILLIAM P. W. PHILLIMORE, M.A., 28 Budge Row, Cannon Street, E.C. Mrs. PIERCE, Sherbourne House, Leamington. *Sir LIONEL M. SWINNERTON PILKINGTON, Bart., Chevet Park, Wakefield. *W. DUNCOMBE PINK, 5 King Street, Leigh, Lancashire. The Rev. ALFRED STEPHENSON PORTER, M.A., The Vicarage, Claines, Worcester. The Rev. F. J. POYNTON, Kelston Rectory, Bath. JOHN EDWARD PRICE, F.S.A., F.R.S.L., 60 Albion Road, Stoke Newington, N. *Lieut.-Col. W. F. PRIDEAUX, 2 Sidlaw Terrace, Bognor. *BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 Piccadilly, W. The Rev. Canon RAINE, York. J. R. RAINES, Burton Pidsea, Burstwick, near Hull. EVELYN W. RASHLEIGH, Menabilly, Cornwall. JONATHAN RASHLEIGH, Kilmarth, Par Station, Cornwall. R. NORMAN S. REDMAYNE, South Dene, Gateshead-on-Tyne. REFORM CLUB, 104 Pall Mall, S.W. (care of Mr. Ridgway, 169 Pic- cadilly, W.). The Rev. O. J. REICHEL, Sparsholt Vicarage, Challow Station, Great Western Railway, Berks. *SAMUEL RIGBY, Fern Bank, Liverpool Road, Chester. The Rev. C. J. ROBINSON, M.A. (Auditor), West Hackney Rectory, Stoke Newington, N. 11 Sept. 1880. 12 Nov. 1883. 6 Jan. 1883. 14 Apr. 1880. 27 May, 1869. 7 Doc. 1883. 12 Sept. 1877. 1 Jan. 1883. 3 Dec. 1873. 20 Jan. 1871. 28 May, 1869. 28 July, 1869. 18 May, 1870. 12 Dec, 1874. 20 Jan. 1871. 29 Jan. 1878. *ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY (P. EDWARD DOVE, Secretary), 11 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W. ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin. ROYAL LIBRARY, Windsor Castle, Windsor. The Rev. DAVID ROYCE, Netherswell Vicarage, Stow-on-the- Wold. 31 Dec. 1881. 27 July, 1879. 24 June, 1878. 3 June, 1873. 18 Aug. 1873. 12 July, 1881. 8 Dec. 1877. 15 Dec. 1883. 10 July, 1884. 18 Feb. 1873. 6 Sept. 1882. 29 Jan. 1878. 12 Jan. 1871. 5 June, 1874. 10 Nov. 1873. 25 Jan. 1871. 22 Mar. 1871. 12 Nov. 1883. 20 Jan. 1877. 7 June, 1872. 27 Jan. 1879. 24 Dec. 1881. 30 May, 1884. 10 Oct. 1884. 15 31 Dec. 1875. 22 Sept. 1869. 28 Dec. 1871. 3 Apr. 1876. *BROOKE ROBINSON, Barford House, Warwick. *W. P. ROBINSON, care of Messrs. E. and J. B. Young and Co., New York (per Trübner and Co., 57 Ludgate Hill, E.C.). ARNOLD HENRY ROBSON, The Esplanade, Sunderland. ROCHDALE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Rochdale. *The Rev. EDWARD ROGERS, M.A., Odcombe Rectory, Ilminster. *GEORGE A. Rooks, 12 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. W. O. ROPER, Southfield, Lancaster. *SIMPSON ROSTRON, 1 Hare Court, Temple, E.C. J. BROOKING ROWE, F.S.A., Plympton Lodge, Plympton, South Devon. *JAMES RUSBY, F.R. Hist. Soc., 18 Oppidans Road, Regent's Park, N.W. EDWARD RUSSELL, Boston, U.S.A. J. PAUL RYLANDS, F.S.A. (Hon. Secretary), 25 Stanley Gardens, Belsize Park, Hampstead, N.W. *THOMAS GLAZEBROOK RYLANDS, F.S.A., Highfields, Thelwall, near Warrington. *W. DE RYTHRE, Riverstown House, Monasterevan, Ireland. S. SUTHERLAND SAFFORD, Parkshot, Richmond, Surrey. *General Sir JOHN ST. GEORGE, K.C.B., 22 Cornwall Gardens, Queen's Gate, S.W. JOHN EDMUND SANDBACH, Stoodley Hall, Eastwood, Todmorden. Mrs. LEOPOLD SCARLETT, Parkhurst, Dorking. G..D. SCULL, Rugby Lodge, 12 Norham Road, Oxford. *WALTER H. S. SHADWELL, 21 Nottingham Place, Marylebone, W. MICHAEL SHEARD, Boothroyd, Birstall, Leeds. *CONINGSBY C. SIBTHORP, Canwick Hall, Lincoln. RICHARD SIMPSON, 13 Thurlow Road, Roslyn, Hampstead, N.W. *SION COLLEGE LIBRARY, London Wall, E.C. (Rev. W. R. MILMAN, Librarian). *ROBERT HARDISTY SKAIFE, 5 Blenheim Place, Holgate Road, York. HUBERT SMITH, Belmont House, Bridgenorth. *J. C. C. SMITH, H.M. Probate Court, Somerset House, W.C. The Rev. WALTER SNEYD, 55 Portland Place, W. *SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, Burlington House, W. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE, The Castle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. *EDWARD SOLLY, F.R.S., F.S.A., Camden House, Sutton, Surrey. *SOMERSETSHIRE ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Museum, Taunton. *Rev. J. H. STANNING, Leigh Vicarage, Leigh, Lancashire. *JOHN STANSFELD, Daisy Bank, Meanwood, Leeds. The Rev. FRANCIS STERRY, Poltimore Rectory, Exeter. EDWARD STONE, 5 Finsbury Circus, E.C. The Rev. HUGH A. STOWELL, Breadsall Rectory, Derby. *JOHN SYKES, M.D., F.S.A., Doncaster. *The Rev. JAMES TAYLOR, Whicham Rectory, Sylecroft, Cum- berland. Mrs. G. BLUNDELL-THOMPSON, The Grove, Allerton, Liverpool. 1 15 June, 1878. 15 Dec. 1883. 23 Dec. 1884. 28 Dec. 1876. 1 Jan. 1884. 16 Mar. 1871. 8 Mar. 1881. *C. H. TINDALL, Platt Hall, Rusholme, Manchester. *JOHN TOLHURST, F.S.A., Glenbrook, Beckenham, Kent. GEORGE W. TOMLINSON, F.S.A., The Elms, Huddersfield. JOHN TREMAYNE, Heligan, St. Austell, Cornwall. *HENRY TRETHEWY, Silsoe, Ampthill, Bedfordshire. *JOSEPH HERBERT TRITTON, 36 Queen's Gate Gardens, S. W. H. J. TROTTER, 2 Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C. *STEPHEN TUCKER, Somerset Herald, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 1 Feb. 1876. 19 Jan. 1881. WM. MURRAY TUKE, Saffron Walden. 31 Oct. 1884. *WM. H. UPTON, Wallawalla, Washington, U.S.A. 9 Jan. 1875. HENRY F. J. VAUGHAN, 30 Edwardes Square, Kensington, W. 10 June, 1869. *Sir HENRY M. VAVASOUR, Bart., F.S.A. (Vice-President), 8 Upper Grosvenor Street, W. 3 Dec. 1874. Colonel P. D. VIGORS, Holloden, Bagenalstown, co. Carlow, Ireland. 18 Dec. 1874. 23 Feb. 1884. 26 May, 1883. 18 May, 1870. 2 Jan. 1871. 28 Feb. 1877. 22 Feb. 1883. 2 Sept. 1872. 22 June, 1870. 4 Nov. 1870. 18 Oct. 1884. 1 Mar. 1871. 18 May, 1870. 1 Dec. 1882. 22 Sept. 1869. 2 Oct. 1874. 1 July, 1876. 17 Nov. 1876. 28 July, 1869. 1 May, 1872. 12 June, 1878. 22 Dec. 1870. 24 Apr. 1879. 31 Dec. 1880. 13 Apr. 1871. 16 13 Apr. 1880. 24 Nov. 1869. *HENRY WAGNER, F.S.A. (Auditor), 13 Half Moon Street, Picca- dilly, W. *Sir HEREWALD WAKE, Bart., 5 Belgrave Place, Belgrave Square, S.W. HUBERT H. WALL, P.O. Box 19, Flatbush, Long Island, New York, U.S.A. *EDWARD WALTHAM, Watcomb House, House, St. Anne's St. Anne's Place, Streatham Hill, S.W. The EARL OF WARWICK, 1 Stable Yard, St. James's, S.W. *WASHINGTON LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, U.S.A. (care of E. G. Allen, 28 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.). *A. JAS. WATERLOW, 25 Park Crescent, Portland Place, W. *WATKINSON LIBRARY, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. (care of E. G. Allen). FRANK G. WATNEY, Landmore, Aghadowey, co. Derry. *JOHN WATNEY, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., Mercers' Hall, Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside, E.C. The Rev. F. W. WEAVER, Milton Vicarage, Evercreech, Bath. ARCHIBALD WEIR, M.D., St. Mungho's, Great Malvern. *W. H. WELDON, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. His Grace the DUKE OF WESTMINSTER (Vice-President), Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Street, W. Lieut.-Colonel GOULD HUNTER-WESTON, F.S.A., Hunterston, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. CHARLES A. WHITE, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. *Captain EDWARD ARTHUR WHITE, F.S.A. (Council), Old Elvet, Durham. *GEORGE WHITE, Ashley House, Epsom. WILLIAM H. WHITMORE, Boston, U.S.A. (Hon. Local Sec. for U.S.A.). The Rev. THOMAS WHORWOOD, D.D., Willoughby, near Rugby. J. J. GARTH WILKINSON, M.D., F.R.G.S., 76 Wimpole Street, W. The Rev. AUGUSTIN WILLIAMS, Todenham Rectory, Moreton- in-the-Marsh. CHARLES WILLIAMS, Moseley Lodge, Birmingham. EDWARD WINDEATT, Totnes, Devon. *The Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, 90 Marlborough Street, Boston, U.S.A. *BENJAMIN WINSTONE, 53 Russell Square, W.C. R. H. WOOD, F.S.A., Penrhos House, Rugby. 18 May, 1876. 14 Jan. 1884. 21 Feb. 1882. 18 May, 1870. 10 Mar. 1871. 20 Aug. 1878. 17 CHARLES H. L. WOODD, F.G.S., 34 New Bond Street, W. *The Rev. ADOLPHUS F. A. WOODFORD, M.A., 25A Norfolk Crescent, Hyde Park, W. *JOHN WOODGATE, Little Bentley Hall, Colchester. *Sir ALBERT W. WOODS, F.S.A., Garter King-of-Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. *ASHBEL WOODWARD, M.D., Franklin, Connecticut, U.S.A. Dr. A. E. WOOLBYCH, 43 King's Road, Chelsea, S.W. 7 Oct. 1879. *YALE COLLEGE, U.S.A. (care of E. G. Allen, 28 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.). 23 Feb. 1884. LAMBTON YOUNG, 16 Harcourt Terrace, Radcliffe Square, S.W. PUBLICATIONS. 1.—The Visitation of London, in 1568, by Cooke. Edited by J. J. HoWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., and G. J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. VOL. 2.—The Visitation of Leicestershire, in 1619, by Lennard and Vincent. Edited by JouN FETHERSTON, Jun., Esq., F.S.A. 3.--The Visitation of Rutland, in 1618, by Camden. Edited by GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. 4.—The Visitations of Nottingham in 1563 and 1614. Edited by Gro. W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A· 5.-The Visitations of Orford, 1574 and 1634. Edited by W. H. TURNER, Esq. 6.-The Visitation of Devon in 1620. Edited by the Rev. F. T. COLBY, 1).D., F.S.A. 7.-The Visitation of Cumberland in 1615. Edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, Esq., F.S.A. [The preceding Seven Works are out of Print. 8.—Le Nebe's Catalogue of Knights. Edited by GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. £1: 1:0 9.-The Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. Edited by Col. VIVIAN and Dr. II. H. DRAKE. £1:1:0 10.—The Registers of Westminster Abbey. Edited by Colonel CHESTER, D.C.L., LL.D. £1: 1:0 11.—The Visitation of Somersetshire in 1623. Edited by the Rev. F. T. COLBY, D.D., F.S.A. £1:1:0 12.—The Visitation of Warwickshire. Edited by JOIN FETIERSTON, Esq., F.S.A. £1:1:0 13.-The Visitations of Esser in 1552, 1558, 1612, and 1634. Part I. Edited by WALTER C. METCALFE, Esq., F.S.A. 14.—The Visitation of Esser, consisting of Miscellaneous Pedigrees, and Berry's Pedigrees. Part II. With general Index. 15.—The Visitation of London, 1633-4. Vol. I. Edited by J. J. HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., and Colonel CHESTER, D.C.L., LL.D. 16.-The Visitation of Yorkshire in 1564. Edited by the Rev. C. B. NORCLIFFE, M.A. 17.—The Visitation of London, 1633-4. Vol. II. Edited by J. J. HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. 18.—The Visitation of Cheshire in 1580. Edited by J. PAUL RYLANDS, Esq., F.S.A. 19.—The Visitations of Bedfordshire in 1566, 1582, and 1634. Edited by F. A. BLAYDES, Esq. 20.--The Visitation of Dorsetshire, in 1623, by St. George and Lennard as deputies to Camden. Edited by J. PAUL RYLANDS, Esq., F.S.A. 21.—The Visitation of Gloucestershire, in 1623, by Chitting and Phillipot as deputies to Camden. Edited by Sir JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A., and W. C. IIEANE, Esq. £110 £1: 1:0 £1: 1:0 £1: 1:0 £1:1:0 £1: 1:0 £11:0 Entrance Fee: Half-a-Guinea. [In the Press. [In the Press. PROSPECTIVE PUBLICATIONS. The Visitation of Shropshire, in 1584, by Lee as deputy to Cooke. To bo Edited by J. PAUL RYLANDS, Esq., F.S.A. The Registers of Durham Cathedral. To be Edited by Captain WHITE, F.S.A. The Visitation of Hertfordshire, in 1572, by Cooke. To be Edited by WALTER C. METCALFE, Esq., F.S.A. The Visitations of Worcestershire in 1569 and 1634. The Visitations of Hampshire, in 1530, 1552, 1575, and 1622, by Benolte, Hawley, Cooke, and Philipat as deputy to Camden. To be Edited by the Rev. F. W. WEAVER. The Visitations of Sussex, in 1530, by Benolte; 1574, by Cooke; and 1633, by Philipot and Owen as deputies to St. George and Burrough. The Book of Heirs from 1 Edward E. to 17 Henry UX. To be Edited by Sir JoпN MACLEAN, F.S.A. The Visitation of Berkshire, in 1531, by Benalte. 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