- &s tº a e º e o f : C ºn º a reº º/a in e of hºn S Y M B O T. S S () ---- B H A G A V A D – M. + r M F. . S 3. O F A ted by F. N WI I 8 9 0---0--- ransla K. N. () copy ºf ImED l D E W, \ ---0--- J O H N }* Cº. {º * ** & . º tº -\, . 143* Trinity of God the Father. Fire. --(Fire.) Sulphur. --(Yellow.) Water, -($on.) Şālt. ... (Blue.) . . Mineral Color. Oxygen. Earth. Mercury. . . (Red.) Hydrogen. Air. Electricity. º Gretºn. Brown. Water . . . , , , , , . . . . Flectric rāy. , Orange . Purple . f{alie. Sperma. º Earth. . . . . . . . . Female. Ether . Air . . . . . . . . . . . Ajaf, erial. Hän. Tinct, Tire . Spirifial. Natiºne. Master. Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Royal Orănge. J. Lluminat, i.on. The Trinities in Evolut; ion. The Trinity of God the Fățher. First, age in trinity is fire. Second " t! # * Water. Third li il * earth. Follrth. " H H " air. The Tº inity of Hafer. First age in trinity is sulphur. Second. " H H " salt. Third. " H th " mercitry. Fourth ji H " electric. : The Trinity of Earth, First age in trinity is male. Second " h iſ " sperma. Third t! H * female. Foirºth * h H * 6 ther. The Trinity of Air. First, age in fºr inity is material man. Second " h H " (, inct, irré . Third n # " spiritual nature. F6 ºrth. " h H " master. -e º ©. <■ &\\ -\� THE PYRAA III). Frºm the absolute darkness God manifest, is light; . flight, is the divine soul. Which is manifest, in an e.tmosphere called thought , to the psychic soul, which is rian, in an atmosphere called mind to the physical man in an atmosphere called air which is the firmament of the planet made up of the elements: fire, water, air and earth. Upon the principles of fire, Water, and water being the mascilloid, air and earth being iloid - is ſilän. air, and earth – fire the fern- The physical plan manifests in an atmosphere Cºlieſ ºir, - in as culine and feminina separately. The active and passive of the brain expresses in an at- raosphere called mind in which the psychic soil moves and H.&S. ii., § he ing. - These two plane 5 are mortal sense and darkness. When active and passive are harmonized the fruit is thought, the Son of măn. - Thought is an atmosphere in which the divine soul. moves and 6xpresses. - The diving soil is tight: . Flight is #66 ºnifest. from the absºlute tººkness – darkness being the ether rigº-mºnifes $5. , , , , , , , , |, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ); // ¿ // a yº : ſes , , , , , , , \,\! , ! - ( ) ( ) |×ſae ae ſae |-ſae) -|× º -|- ||- №. |×№. № :) (). ºn a y º º - - sº 2 r * * * * Zºº & S ºr e > * , º, e / º ſº ae|×ſaeae:ſae a / S C C / 277 (7. # e º a Z ~ ))) & / e :aeaeaeaeaeae 777 & 7 c 4/ º y ſº: , , , , , , , , , , , , ( ) WTBRATION OF ADEPT. The law of dual vibrat frid it, y which - produces he divine soul. liminat, ion of t. secret, figure of which a a , o b. * º, e i v e º f ; ; c. º o º sº º , , , , , , , - Zºo a , , , , , , , , 217 e ºf ºz //7. - v / / / / / o y z º.º. nº ºn 1 * - / , , , , THE CROSS + ł, he The Cross represent, 5 brazen serpent – the law of º Moses as he taught, it to the Children of Israël in the désert, . º №. : THE SERPENT OF CHRIST. This represents the father mother nafire of God as t, aught, by the Nazarene. ºf £ºkºtº's WHEEL. 6 senses are in the head . The 7th is in the solar plexus . 5 senses are in the feet. l and 2 – hlood &nd flesh – did not inherit, the kingdom of heaven. Th a 5 physical senses are the five fool lish virgins . The 5 ill.iiminated senses are the five wise virgins. The 7th sense becomes f, he 8th and passes into perdition. s That, which was the ist, and 2nd pāşşeş away and re-expresses as the house of Wisdom and understanding. |© ( º € 1, ſº , , , // ſº º ae, --◄◄◄ae..……………………. _. - |-| |- |- |-| pos ( , , , , - ? aeſ ) , , , , , º // ± ø ·| , ، ، ، ، ، ، |-| __ //|×ſae , e , №, , , , , , |- ||- / \ & 0 \\ s ºſ o ſº ºſº e º º | | ſae – s S o ,, , , , ſº: ) º, , , , , , . . . . - -******* % · | # -º-º-º-º-º- ---> --------. -------- * -º-º-º-º-º-º: -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-tºº-º-º-º-º: *-*.*.* ---> | | { } | r · | 27 , , , - ſe p ?) /s z o ?? º Q S oſ e « + ſ. ---------------------- ſaess º - ------ ºr- · * ! |- -**--- º- ------- · -º-º-º-º-º: º-º-º-º-º-º: } ? |- ſ így / ſ- // e a ?- na ?? } f e g- &#~ 2 C 7,2 *************************************…*s*…!!!!!!!--…--~~~~…, ……!--…-……………-…---……… ………………………*…*…*** , ) }}, e ? ? o ?? !------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ……*…!!!!!!! · · (A/ Ól.+ e}~ - º -º-º-º-º: · |× º cael №fſ wº-º-º-º-º: ---, ºr 1 a * - ***--ſae!!!!!!--.*?--~~~~,~…,-,-,-,*, **, o £ € © ·} // e /ſ a ſá e ), ---------------- - -----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- § ſº > º º Sr. S& ~~~~ ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,,,,,,,,***): Sø ºg · **-*-*-***-****** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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