BR 375 C662 1868 1.2062 +1868 COBBETT'S ABBEYS, PRIORIES, &c., CONFISCATED AT THE REFORMATION. انسان £ ་་ SILAS WRIGHT DUNNING BEQUEST UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GENERAL LIBRARY M BR 375 C662 1868 From J. Logan, March 22nd 1890– LIST OF ABBEYS. PRIORIES, NUNNERIES, HOSPITALS, AND OTHER RELIGIOUS FOUNDATIONS IN ENGLAND AND WALES AND IN IRELAND), CONFISCATED, SEIZED ON, OR ALIENATED, BY THE PROTESTANT "REFORMATION" SOVEREIGNS AND PARLIAMENTS. BY WILLIAM COBBETT. LONDON: THOMAS RICHARDSON AND SON; DUBLIN AND DERBY 1868. BR 375 .0662 INTRODUCTION. 1. The first Part of this Work contains the His- tory of the Protestant "Reformation," the object of which was to show, and, I trust, it has shown most clearly, that that event "has impoverished and degraded the main body of the people." In speaking of the mo- tives to the producing of the event, I said, that a fair and honest inquiry would teach us, that the chief of those motives was PLUNDER. The inquiry was fair and honest, and it has taught to every reader, that plun- der was the main object, and, indeed the only object, with all the most active, and the most powerful, of the actors in that drama of devastation. The chief object of the present little volume is to show, as far as my means will enable me, the enormous extent and amount of that plunder. 2. To this end I here present to the reader the LIST, which is described in the title-page, but which stands in need of those short explanations which I am now about to give; and, when I have given them, I shall add some observations, which, while they are suggested by bare justice to our well-fed and well-clad Catholic fore- fathers, are, as the reader will see, imperiously demand- ed at my hands by mercy to ourselves, their unfortu- nate, half-famished, ragged, pauperized descendants. 3. The EXPLANATIONS, to which I have alluded in the last paragraph, relate chiefly to the arrangement of the several articles in the List. The order is Alphabetical throughout, except that WALES follows ENGLAND, leav- ing IRELAND to come last. The List for England, begins, of course, with Bedfordshire, and ends with Yorkshire. Then, under the name of each county, the order is alphabetical again; the List of Bedfordshire, for instance, beginning with Bedford and ending with Woburn. 4. In each article I have given, as far as my mate- rials would enable me: 1. a description of the nature of the foundation; 2. the name of the founder; 3. the 4 INTRODUCTION. date of the foundation; 4. the estimated yearly value at the time of the confiscation by Henry VIII.; 5. the present yearly value, according to the change in the value of money; 6. by what king, or queen, the property was granted away; 7. to whom it was granted. I will here give a specimen in the article just mentioned. "At WOBURN.-A Cistercian Abbey, founded near this place, in the year 1145, by Hugh de Bolebec. Valued at 4301. 13s. 11d., now worth 8,6137. 19s. 2d. Granted 1 Edward VI., to John Lord Russell." 5. Alas! when the Russells were hunting the poor Catholics about in the reign of Charles II., I wonder whether they ever thought of pious and generous Hugh de Bolebec! Bishop TANNER tells us, that this grant was made to Russell in the first year of Edward VI.; Doctor HEYLIN tells us that the people of Devonshire rose in the second year of Edward VI., and, amongst other things demanded that some of the monasteries should be re-established: and HUME tells us, that they were, at last, quelled, and punished by martial law, by Lord Russell, aided by German troops! Alas! and poor Hugh de Bolebec never thought of all the while, I would almost be sworn ! 6. The whole of the articles are not so perfect in their information as is the one above cited. In some the name of the grantee has not been to be come at; in others the valuation is not recorded; in others the name of the founder is wanting; and, with regard to Ireland, the information is still more scanty, and that, too, in every respect, and in a very great degree. Nevertheless, the LIST, taken altogether, is, I trust it will be thought, a very interesting historical and statistical document, and will be found very commodious as a work of refer- ence; for, if you see, or hear of, any ancient foundation, in any part of the kingdom, and wish to know what it was, and when it arose, how it was put down, and who got it; knowing in what county it is, you turn to the county, which you will find in the order of the alphabet. Then, knowing in or near what city, town, or village it is, you turn according to the alphabet, to the city, town, or village; or, to the usual name of the Abbey, Priory, INTRODUCTION. 5 10 or other foundation. Thus you, with as little inconveni- ence as possible, get at the best information that I have been able to give. 7. But it is in the mass, it is as the ground of a gene- ral conclusion, that the contents of this volume are of the greatest importance. Here are about two hundred pages of close print filled with a bare list of pieces of once public property, now worth from one hundred pounds to upwards of fifty thousand pounds a year each! Some few of the things in the List, as in the cases of several of the Colleges, Chapters, Hospitals, and other founda- tions, still continue to be public property; but these form but a comparatively small part of the general mass; and there is, after all, wholly left out of the List, the numerous private estates, seized on and granted away by the "Reformation" sovereigns, in virtue of acts of attain ler and other means, grounded on the adherence of the owners to the religion of their fathers. As, for instance, estates like that of which Cowdry House, in Sussex, was the chief seat, and which was seized on by Henry VIII., in virtue of the attainder of the Countess of Salisbury and her heirs, and granted by him to his physician, Sir Anthony Brown, who obtained from that execrable tyrant manors and estates running over a con- siderable part of the north-west of Sussex and of the south-west of Surrey. 8. Besides the public property described in this List, there were the tithes, which were thus seized on and granted away to lay persons by the Protestant" Reform- ation" sovereigns. Until that event took place, no man had an idea that it could be possible for tithes to be claimed by any but those who administered religion. But it was soon found, that a large part of those tithes, the sole object of which were the promotion of religion, and the relief of the poor and the stranger, had, all at once by a mere touch of the Protestant Wand, been con- verted into estates for the already noble and rich men. Such they continue to this day; and hence those mon- strous things called lay impropriations, giving, in many cases, thousands of pounds a year to a layman, who never sees the parish, and a few pounds a year to a 6 INTRODUCTION. clergyman who does whatever clerical duty is done in that same parish. The whole affair was a real taking away from the middle and lower class, and a giving to the nobles and the rich. Yet are there men so blind, or so perverse, as to think, or to pretend to think, that the thing, called the "Reformation," ought to be looked. upon as a blessing!" 66 9. The whole of the rents of the estates of the Church, including those tithes which were confiscated and trans- ferred to lay-parsons, amounted to, perhaps, a third part of the whole rental of the kingdom. There are no means of knowing what the amount really was; for the valuation was, in fact, no valuation at all. It was all plundering with one hand and squandering with the other, as may well be imagined, when the historians tell us, that OLD HARRY (the name which the English gave to the Devil for many years after OLD HARRY'S death, and the name which the Americans give to the Devil to this day); when historians tell us that OLD HARRY gave a church-estate to a woman, who had made a pudding to please him, and that Sir MILES PARTRIDGE won a ring of church bells of him at dice! It is impos- sible to come at anything like an exact account of the worth of the possessions of the Catholic Church. Pro- testant writers have endeavoured to make the Church's rental as great as possible, in order to exhibit the clergy as monstrous devourers of the national income. cording to the recorded valuations, the rental did not amount to more than a tenth part of the rental of the kingdom. But, then, these valuations were founded apparently, solely upon the reserved rents, leaving out fines, renewals, heriots, deodands, and various other sources of income; and therefore, I agree with those historians, who think that the Church income including the impropriated tithes, amounted to a full third part of the income of all the landowners (clergy included) in the whole nation. Ac- 10. Well, then, the good and thoughtless Protestant, who has been, as I was, duped from infancy to man- "Was hood; well, then, such good Protestant will ask: not this a great deal too much to be devoured by a par- INTRODUCTION. 7 cel of lazy monks and priests and nuns, who did no work of any kind, who lived but to eat and drink and sleep, and who kept the people in ignorance?" Now, my good brother Protestant, be you who you may, you cannot be more zealous or more loud upon this score than I was, for many years of my life; until I, at last, examined or myself, not the pages of lying, hired, place-hunting, pension-hunting, benefice-seeking, or romancing his- torians; but the pages of the Statute-Book and of the books of the ancient laws of my country. This being the case, you are entitled to a patient hearing and a kind answer from me, to this, your very natural ques- tion; a question such as I should, about ten years ago, have been very likely to put myself. 11. Now, then, if the monks and priests and nuns were such lazy people; if they worked neither by hand nor head; if they did nothing but eat, drink and sleep; if this were their real character, and this the habit of their lives, how can you possibly believe, that they had any influence at all over the minds of the people? And unless they had very great influence over their minds, how can you possibly believe, that they kept the people in ignorance? What, my friend! Were the people susceptible of knowledge? Had they (just as we have) nature's works and laws to enlighten them? Had they a desire to become skilful and learned? And, were they kept in a state of ignorance, were their capacities benumbed and their propensities thus completely thwart- ed by lazy creatures who lived only to eat, drink, and sleep? 12. By this time you, I am sure, begin to be ashamed of these assertions: and, the further I go the more fully will you be convinced, that you have been and are, as I formerly was, the dupe of those, who now live upon the spoils of the Church of our fathers. Now, then, is it a fact, is it true, that the Catholic clergy kept or endea- voured to keep, the people in IGNORANCE? This is a charge that fat and luxurious fellows of the present day are incessantly preferring against them; but is it not a false charge? That it is a false charge you will find proved in the most satisfactory manner, in the first 8 INTRODUCTION. Part of this work, in paragraphs from 28 to 36, and in paragraphs from 129 to 134. But, my friend, look into the present volume. Turn over, zealous hater of "monk- ish ignorance;" turn over to the county of Oxford; then go on to Oxford city. Ay, there it is, in that "learned University," the colleges of which are all filled with rosy-gilled and most doctor-like Protestants, and the walls of which colleges incessantly ring with abuse poured forth on the Catholic religion, and especially on the clergy of that Church, who are here, above all the places in the world, accused of keeping the people in ignorance; there it is, surely that you will, my good Protestant friend, find something in the way of proof to make good this accusation! Turn over the leaves, then, and come to the word "OXFORD.” 13. What Ay, do! Rub your eyes bright, and then look again. What I nothing at all! Oh! everlast- ing shame on the name of Protestant! Not one single college, hall, or school, founded by Protestants nor since the day that the word Protestant was pronounced in England! About twenty colleges in all, and all founded and endowed by Catholics; and, as if to put the cal- umniators of the Catholic clergy to shame eternal, as if to make them undergo a sort of hell in this world, out of the twenty, eleven were founded by CATHOLIC BISHOPS; two by MONKS; one by NUNS; and five by Catholic kings, nobles, gentlemen, and ladies. Ay, and here is the re- cord, that the University itself was founded by Alfred, whose father took him to Rome where he was anointed by the Pope himself! Nay, as if all this were not enough, here is the record that the teaching at this University was begun by a Monk, who came to England for the express purpose, and in gratitude for the services of whom Alfred founded and endowed a monastery for him at Winchester. 14. Thus, then, my true and good Protestant friend, we have, I think, settled the question about keeping the people in ignorance. We now come to the other asser tion which is put forth by you, namely, that this full third part of the rents of the nation "was a great deal too much to be devoured by the monks and priests and INTRODUCTION. 9 nuns, and which you have, as I used to do, repeated out of the books of the really devouring vermin of the pre- sent day. Yes it was "a great deal too much to be so devoured;" but, then, my friend, you are not yet aware that your basis is an assumed fact; and that this assumed fact is a most monstrous lie! In the first place it was physically impossible that they should devour a fiftieth part of it. How, for instance, were the fourteen monks in the Abbey of Chertsey, in Surrey, to devour rents, which, in our money, amounted to 14.8931. a year? BISHOP TANNER (a Protestant Bishop, mind), says, that "all the monasteries were, in effect, great schools and great hospitals (meaning, in those days, places of hos- pitality); and were, many of them, obliged to relieve many poor people every day. They were likewise houses of entertainment for almost all travellers. In short, their hospitality was such, that in the Priory of Norwich one thousand five hundred quarters of malt, and above eight hundred quarters of wheat, and all other things in proportion, were generally spent every year." 15. There! my good duped Protestant friend; that is the way in which monks and nuns "devoured" their rents! There were but twenty-two monks in this priory; so that, in fact, they were the mere agents for distributing amongst the needy and the strangers the rents of their estates. Ah! good God! What has the thing called the "Reformation" produced at Norwich? Who is there at Norwich NOW to keep hospitality? "ST. ANDREW'S HALL," as it is now called, which was the church of this Priory, is the Corn Market, and now hears, instead of the chantings of its benevolent monks, the chafferings and the cheapenings, the lying and roguish cant of sly Quaker corn-monopolizers. The ques- tions here now are, not how and when malt and wheat shall be distributed to the poor and the stranger, but how they shall be hoarded up, made dear, and kept from the thirsty and the hungry. It was from the plat- form, on which once stood the high altar of this Priory, that I tendered to the people of Norfolk, that Petition, which they did me the honour to pass, which was after- wards presented to the Parliament, which now lies on 10 INTRODUCTION. the table of the House of Commons, and which is, I trust, destined finally to be the ground-work of mea- sures, calculated, not, certainly, to restore to us the happiness enjoyed by our Catholic fathers, but to take. away by law, and to give back to the poor, a part at least, of those Church revenues, which in Catholic times, were deemed to be, and actually were, the inheritance of the poor and the stranger: for this is the grand thing for which that Petition prays; and certainly, if the spot from which it sprang could be supposed capable of giving it any degree of effect, one more appropriate than the altar base of this munificent Priory could not have been chosen. 16. Yes my good and duped Protestant friend, "a great deal too much to be devoured by monks and priests and nuns "" ; and accordingly, the monks and nuus did not, as you have seen, devour it, nor, hardly any part of it. And now as to the priests, including the bishops. They could not marry they could have no wives; they had, in fact, no families to provide for; while, as to the monks and nuns, they could possess no private property, could leave nothing by will, and, therefore, were com- pletely trustees for the poor and the stranger. Of the manner in which the bishops spent their incomes we have a specimen in the eleven Colleges, out of twenty founded and endowed by them at Oxford. But the main thing of all is, that the Catholic priesthood, taken all together, wholly maintained the poor and the stranger, and suffered not the name of pauper to be known in England; and it never was known in England until the thing called the "Reformation," came. 17. This is a matter, which is, at this time (July 1827) of infinite importance. In the Norfolk Petition, before mentioned, we prayed, that "a part of the public pro- perty commonly called Church property," might be taken away by law and applied to other public purposes. My anxious wish, and my hope is, that the prayer of this petition may finally be granted by the Parliament; whether before the Parliament be reformed, I cannot say; but granted it will be, in the end, I have no doubt; and, with this in my mind it is that I put forth this little volume, the utility of which in the case thus hoped INTRODUCTION. 11 for, we shall presently see. But first we ought to con- sider a little the origin of this " Church property," as is now called, and as it never was called, and as no one ever presumed to call it, until it had the name given it by Protestant priests and bishops, when they once got it into their hands. It was, in fact, the portion of the poor, the infirm, the aged, the widow, the orphan, the stranger, and of all the necessitous, which portion was lodged in the hands of the clergy for just and wise distribution. 18. In the first part of this Work, in paragraphs from 49 to 59 inclusive, this matter is fully and clearly stated. To those paragraphs I beg to refer the reader. There it is clearly shown that tithes, and every other species of income of the clergy, were looked upon, and were, in fact and in practice, more the property of the poor than of the monks, nuns, priests and bishops. Thus it was that there were, in this then happy country neither paupers nor common beggars. But when a part of the tithes and estates had been seized and taken away from the clergy altogether, and when the remain- der had been given to bishops and priests, who were allowed to marry, and who of course, had families of their own to feed and clothe, and to get fortunes for, the beggars, as we have seen in Part First paragraphs 370 and 471, began to appear, and they soon "covered the land," as the lice did the land of Egypt. Attempts were, as we have there seen, made to keep down their numbers by punishments the most horrible; so that England, which had never before known what poverty was, now saw it in all its most hideous forms. 19. At last, when the butchering and racking Eliza- beth had tried whipping, scourging, and even martial law, in vain, and when she and the principal plunderers began to fear, that raging hunger would, if not by some means or other assuaged, deal them deadly blows; then, and not till then, the POOR-LAWS were passed; and this fruit of the famous "Reformation" sticks to the landowners, clings fast to them, unto the present day. The real history of the poor-rates and of English pau- perism is given Part 1., paragraphs from 227 to 237; and in paragraphs from 456 to 477. And we are al- 12 INTRODUCTION. ways to bear in mind, that the money, or food, or cloth- ing proceeding from the poor rates, is the poor's property. It is not alms; it is what they have a right to by the law of nature, by the law of God, and by the common law of the land; ay, that same law, which, and which alone, gives a man a right to the enjoyment of his field or his garden, also gives the poor and necessitous a right to be relieved out of the fruits of the earth. 20. Civil Society it was that caused that which is called private property. In a state of nature, when man was and the lands were as God made them and left them, the lands were for the common use of all the peo- ple. When the people of any country agreed to give up their common right, and to permit private ownership to exist, they must have done it with a view to make their lives safer and happier; and, therefore, it is im- possible; it is absolutely impossible, that they could have contemplated, as a consequence of their social compact, that the lives of the millions would ever be placed at the mere mercy of the thousands, or, perhaps, of the hundreds. MALTHUS denies the right of the poor to relief; he denies that they have any right to claim relief from those who hold the lands and houses as their private property; and he actually recommends to the Parliament to be so foolish as well as so unjust and cruel as to pass a law to refuse relief to all who shall be born after a certain day, and also to all the parents of such persons. In the way of justification of this horrid proposal, he says, that the man wanting relief after this, should be left to the punishment of nature"; that he should be told that the "laws of nature had doomed him and his family to starve ; " and that, whatever might be their state of distress, "they had no claim on Society for the smallest portion of food"! I need hardly say, that this came from the pen of a Church of England Parson! Arrogant, insolent, stupid, and cruel as it is, its source will be a question of doubt with few men. 21. To the "punishment of nature" this stupid and cruel projector would leave the necessitous. Well, Parson, the poor would, I dare say, take you at your word, and jump for joy to be thus referred to the laws INTRODUCTION. 13 of nature. Those laws, Parson, bid them, when they want food, to take it where they can find it, and to care nothing about the place or the person that they take it from. The laws of nature know nothing about theft, or robbery, or burglary. When, indeed, in no shop, house, barn, mill, or other place, the hungry man can discover food sufficient to satisfy his hunger; or, when finding it, he has not, whether by force of arms or other- wise, the ability to get at it and eat it; then, indeed, I allow that "the laws of nature have doomed him to starve"; but, Parson, it is only when he cannot dis- cover the existence of the food, or when, knowing where it is, he has not force to seize it, that the "laws of nature doom him to starve. 22. We very well know, that all men are subject, and ought to be subject, as I have on more than one occasion before stated, to be called forth, to be com- pelled to come forth, and, at the risk of their lives, de- fend their country against a foreign enemy, and also to defend the lands or houses which are the private pro- perty of the possessors, in case of any illegal attempt to take away, or to injure, those lands or houses. Now, suppose the country invaded, or suppose a band of rebels to be gutting, or pulling down, the house of a lord. Suppose PARSON MALTHUS to go to a poor man, to whom he has before been preaching his doctrine; and suppose him to call upon this man to come forth, as a militia-man, to repel the invaders, or to quell the rebels. PARSON.-Here CHOPSTICK ! Come away, and bring your arms to defend your country. CHOPSTICK.-My country, PARSON; how is it mine, if I have not in it even a security against being starved to death while the land abounds in food ? PARSON.-But here is the law, and forth you must come, or be punished severely. CHOPSTICK.-Law! Why, the law of nature bids me, first, not to risk my life; next, it bids me stay at home in these times of peril, to quiet the alarms of, and to protect my wife and children. 4 PARSON.-But here are a parcel of rebels, gutting and pulling down the good Lord Rottenborough's house. 14 INTRODUCTION. CHOPSTICK.-Well! Let him drive them away. PARSON. But he cannot; he is not able; one man cannot fight with a thousand; and the law commands us to come forth to the protection of each other. [Enter OVERSEER.] CHOPSTICK.-Law! Oh, no! Parson, the law of nature bids the strong to do what they please with that which the weak have got; that law bids these strong poor men to go and take the goods and to pull down and divide amongst them the big house of this rich weak man; and, if I be to be referred to that law, when I and my wife and children are starving for want of relief; if the Overseer be to answer my application by telling me," that the law of nature has doomed us to starve," surely I may refer my lord to the sentence of the same law. OVERSEER.--Why, John, who has been filling thy head with this nonsense? When did I talk to you about the law of nature? Are there not the poor-laws to provide for you, in case of distress; and do you not, in this way, partake in the yearly rents, and, in fact, in the ownership, of my lord's estate? [Exit PARSON, slipping of.] CHOPSTICK.-Ay! That's another man's matter, Master Pinchum ! Then, indeed, if I be a sort of a part-owner with my lord, it is just that I should [taking a club down from the rack] go and fight for the protection of his goods and his house; and here I go to do my best against these rebels, 23. This is the true, the common-sense view of the matter. Agreeably to these principles there are, and always have been, in all countries, except in ill-fated Ireland since the " Reformation," a legal provision, of some sort or other, for the necessitous; a law, of some sort, that effectually provided, that they should not die for want of food and raiment; and though, in England, many attempts have been made, by STURGES and others, to alter the law in such a way as to make it more and more difficult for the indigent to obtain relief; though attempts of this sort are continually making; they never can, upon the whole, be attended with success; for, before they could obtain that success, the kingdom. INTRODUCTION. 15 would be convulsed to its centre; and indeed, it is clear to every man of sense and reflection, that it is the poor- rates, and the poor-rates alone, which at this very mo- ment, cause the peace of the country to be preserved. 24. But, though these rates are just and necessary, we are never to forget, that they were not at all neces- sary, that they never existed, and that the hateful name of pauper never was known in England, until that "Re- formation,” as it is called, which caused the enormous confiscations, the particulars of which are stated in this second Part of my History. Before that time, the indi- gent were relieved out of the produce of the tithes, out of the revenues of the monasteries, and out of those of the manors and other estates of the bishops. We have seen, in the first Part of this work, how a large part of the tithes and almost all the revenues of the monasteries were alienated from the poor and from the public, and in what manner they became private property. As to the poor, they, after about fifty years of whipping, branding, iron-collaring, shooting, and hanging, got a provision, such as it was, in the poor-rates; but, observe, the public got no compensation for what the aristocracy had taken from it; and every man had now, if not a pauper himself, to pay poor-rates, to make up for what the aristocracy had got divided amongst them! 25. A pretty large part of the tithes and of the manors and the other estates belonging to the Bishops, the Cathedrals, and the Colleges, remained unconfis- cated, and were turned over to the Protestant Parsons, Bishops, Deans, Prebendaries, Fellows of Colleges, and other "spiritual persons" (as the law calls them) of the present Protestant Church of England, as by law established." Now, it is a clear case, that the Parlia- ment, which could take this property from the clergy of one religion, and give it to those of another religion; the Parliament that could, in spite of Magna Charta and in spite of the law of the land of a thousand years' stand- ing do this, though, in doing this the Parliament set at nought the wills, or grants, of all the founders of the numerous religious houses and establishments; it is a clear case, that all those who contend that the Parlia- 16 INTRODUCTION. ment had a right to do these things, must allow that the Parliament has a right to dispose as it pleases of all that part of the Church property, which still continues to belong to the nation, or, in other words, which is not private property. The divers religious foundations were made agreeably to the law. If the religion was to be changed, and a new one was to be established, the property in the foundations ought in justice, in bare justice, to have reverted to the founders, or to their heirs, who in most cases, were to be found, and were ready to put forward their claim to it. If the religion were found to be bad, the property, the lands, the trees and the buildings, had committed no offence. Nevertheless, the property was all seized on by the King and Parlia- ment. The Parliament gave it all to the King; and the King, and his successors, gave the greater part of it, in return, amongst the members of the two Houses of Parliament, or their relations! Now, if the King and Parliament had a right to deal thus with property, the heirs of the founders of which were ready to claim it, surely no one can deny, that the present King and Parliament have a right to apply to public purposes that part of this great mass of property, which, as stated above, continues to be the property of the public. There is, I venture to assert, no man that will deny this, and especially no man, who possesses, by descent or other- wise, any part of the Catholic Church estates; for what title has such man to his estate? What plea has he against an ejectment? He has no title, he has no answer, except those which are furnished by those Acts of Parliament of Henry VIII., which seized, and grant- ed to the King, the estates of the Church. This sauce for the goose, so delicious as it long has been acknow- ledged to be, must, when the time for another repast shall arrive, be allowed to be sauce for the gander ; and, of this sauce the Norfolk-Petition would, if acted upon, give the nation a taste. 26. PLUNKETT, who has now been made a Lord, and about whom the bleaters in Ireland are, just now, making such a fuss, asserted in the debate on Mr. HUME's motion for applying part of the clerical incomes INTRODUCTION. 17 in Ireland to other public purposes; this PLUNKETT asserted in the most unqualified terms, that all tithes, glebes, and all sorts of property called Church property, were as sacred from the touch of the Parliament, that the Parliament had not more right to sell them, or to apply them in any way, than it had to sell, or otherwise dispose of, any parcel of any man's private property! Indeed PLUNKETT! What, then are any of those titles good for, by which men now hold the immense masses of property described in this volume? If this King and Parliament have no right to touch that which belongs to the nation, could Harry VIII. and his Parliament have a right to seize and to alienate all these masses of property, great part of which were really private pro- perty, and had claimants, legal claimants, to deniand them? If this King and Parliament have no right to take public property, and to apply it to public purposes, can those titles be worth one single straw, which rest on Acts of Parliament, which Acts seized on private pro- perty and applied it to private purposes? I might, by comparing the tenure of what the Church parsons hold with the tenure of private property, show the gross absurdity of the doctrine of this Plunkett, who I recol- lect was anxious to check the circulation of small pamphlets, because the mass of the people were now become so much more enlightened than formerly; I might by the comparison just mentioned, show the monstrous absurdity of the doctrine of this Plunkett: but, I say no I say, let his doctrine stand, if the parsons like; and, then all the titles of all the holders of Abbey-lands, aye, and of the greater part of the Cathedral and College lands, are not worth one single pinch even of Scotch snuff. 27. However, as there certainly is not a man in the kingdom (except some parson, perhaps), besides PLUN- KETT, to hold a doctrine like this, we will leave PLUN- KETT to have his hearing faculties tickled by the bleaters of Ireland, and will now go on to see a little how, if applied to this mass of "public property, commonly called Church property," Norfolk Petition would work. 28. The property which remains to the nation is, I. THE PAROCHIAL TITHES AND GLEBES. II. 2 18 INTRODUCTION. THE BISHOPRIC REVENUES. III. THE DEAN AND CHAPTER REVENUES. IV. THE COLLEGE REVENUES. Here is still an immense mass of property, and all of it, or nearly all of it, di- verted from the uses to which it was formerly appliel, and to which it was intended that it should always be applied. But the questions for us here are, whether it be now well applied; and whether it could not be much better applied than it now is. As to the real amount of it, that will never be got at by the public, as long as it shall remain in the hands in which it now is. No man has ever been able to get an account laid before Parlia- ment, of the amount of this property! Accounts of everything else can be got; but of this no account can ever be come at. Some years ago, a return was made to Parliament, stating the name of each living, the population of the parish, the size of the Church, the state of the parsonage-house, and the annual worth of the liv- ing, IF UNDER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS! Here was a crafty trick! Why not state the annual worth, if ABOVE one hundred and fifty pounds? Why this close disguise if ABOVE that mark? Is not the answer ready? To have stated the annual worth of the whole of the livings would have shown to this beggared people what an immense sum is swallowed annually by these comparatively few men and their families, whose Catholic predecessors kept all the poor, and also kept the churches in repair out of these same tithes. The tithes of England, Wales, and Ireland have been estimated, by several writers, at eight millions a year. The parsons affect to say that this is an over-statement. But, when any public functionary hears his gains over-stated, and knows that he is there- by placed before the public in a disadvantageous light, what is his remedy? Why, to publish an exact account of what he really does receive. Ay and this is what the parsons would do, to be sure, if they had it in their power to prove that their gains have been over-rated. For my part, I am convinced, that if we include the rent of the parsonage-houses and glebes, the compulsory offer- ings and fees, and all the estates of the Bishops, Chapters, INTRODUCTION. 19 Colleges and other foundations, which, though not legally, or necessarily engrossed by the Church parsons, are so in fact; if we include the whole, I am convinced, that this Church-Establishment costs this " enlightened Protestant nation," more than TWELVE MILLIONS OF POUNDS STERLING A YEAR; and this, too, observe, without including further millions that are required to maintain the POLICE-Establishment and the TROOPS, which the public papers so frequently exhibit to us as employed in collecting, or in aiding and defending those who are employed in the collecting of tithes ! This "Church-property," as it is called, must, like the Debt, not be estimated by the bare amount of itself, but there must be added to this amount the cost of the army which is required on account of it. If we leave this out of our estimate, we shall be as far short of the true mark, as we should be if we were to leave out of the estimate of the custom and excise taxes the amount of the salaries of the custom-house and excise officers; or, as if we were, in our account of the cost of postchaise hire, to leave out the amount of the sums paid to the post-boy and the ostler. The cost, then, of this establishment is perfectly enormous: and, what is the establishment worth to the nation ? Is the "service" rendered by this body of persons, called the clergy, worth twelve or fifteen millions a year? Is it worth one mil- lion? Is it worth one pound? Is not the name of "service" wrongly applied in this case? Has not this establishment now been proved, by ample experience, to be injurious, rather than beneficial, to the country Ought the incomes to be applied to other public pur- poses? The stating, and shortly remarking on a few well-known facts, relating to each of the above four classes of "spiritual persons," taking the classes in t: e order in which they there stand, will enable us to answer these questions; and if we find the last of these questions to be answered in the affirmative; that is to say, if we And, that these several parcels of public property ought to be applied to other public purposes, there will remain for us to determine only on the manner and degree, in which it is our duty to petition the King and Parliament ? 20 INTRODUCTION. to cause the taking away, or alienation to be made. 29. To begin with the first class, the TITHES and GLEBES, or property now prossessed by the common parsons or parish clergy, it must always be borne in mind, that this property was only so much put into the hands of the priest for the purposes of relieving their indigent parishioners, of showing hospitality to the stranger, of keeping the Church in repair and keeping up its ornaments, and of furnishing a decent maintenance for the parish priests themselves. This was not only the intention of the founders and endowers of parish- livings; but it was the law of the land as well as the law of the Church. In the First Part, paragraph 51, I have shown by a reference to the canon law, that the poor were to have relief out of the tithes. And, to prove beyond all doubt, that this was the practice as well as the law, I need only mention an Act of the 15th year of Richard II., which provides, that if the living of the parish be in the hands of any convent, the con- vent shall always leave in the hands of their vicar, a part of the income sufficient for the relief of the poor. Another Act, enforcing this Act was passed in the 4th year of Henry IV. So that it is quite clear that the tithes, glebe, and all the income of every Church living, were to be employed, as far as necessary, in relieving and in otherwise doing good to the poor and the stranger. 30. It is not necessary to say that the income arising from this class of public property has been wholly di- verted from the purposes to which it was, at first, des- tined, and to which it was, until the "Reformation," as we Protestants call that sad event, fairly applied. Why, therefore, should these parcels of property remain any longer, at any rate, in the hands of the present posses- sors? If they would, even now, do as the Catholic priests did; if they would maintain the poor of their parishes, and would entertain and help all strangers in distress; if they would repair the churches, keep up the ornaments (there are none left, by-the-bye); if, in short, they would put an end to poor-rates and Church-rates, and keep the poor and repair the Church, they might still keep the tithes and the glebes and parsonage-houses INTRODUCTION. 21 They and gardens. But if they will do neither of these, what reason is there for their having the property ? have law for it." On, ay! And the Catholic clergy, and more especially the monks and nuns, had "law for it" too, and law a little older, at any rate, than the law that our parsons have for it. They have law for it till another law come to take this their law away; and what reason is there, I again ask, for leaving the pro- perty in their possession? What REASON is there that another law should not come to take this their law away? 31. Most monstrously have they always been afraid of questions like this. Most anxious have they always. been to keep out of sight the origin of the poor-rates. A Hampshire farmer, who had read the "Protestant REFORMATION," told me a few weeks ago, that at a meet- ing, relative to the poor, lately held at the poor-house, in his parish, and at which meeting the parson presided, there was a great deal said about the frightful increase of, and great hardship inflicted by, the poor-rates, of which the parson complained more vehemently than anybody else. He (the farmer) took this occasion to ask, in all simplicity, of his Reverence, "how there came to be such a thing as poor-rates in England, and who it was that used to maintain the poor in old times.” Well," said I," and what did he say to you in answer?" "Zay," replied he, "ha didn't zay much; but ha screwed down's brows, and, looking as black as the very devil; ha zed, that twou'd be a good deal better if every man wou'd mind 's woan business." This was a pincher indeed. Our parsons know all about the Catholic claims to tithes ; they know all about the collection of tithes; all about moduses and endowments and the like; they have at their fingers' ends all the history of the superstitions and idolatries" of the Catholic Church; but ignorant as horses they appear with regard to the way in which the poor were kept in Catholic times; and, I can tell you another thing; namely, that whoever dares to make any thing public on that subject, is, if they can reach him, sure to feel, in some way or other, the effects of their implacable vengeance; of the truth of which we have the most complete proof in the curious 22 INTRODUCTION. affair of Mr. RUGGLES, to the circumstances of which I have once before merely alluded, but which, in justice to myself as well as my subject, and, which is of still more importance, in justice to the middle and working classes of my countrymen, I must here fully relate. 32. In the year 1793, DEIGHTON, Bookseller, Holborn, published a book in two vols, octavo, with the following title: "The History of the poor: their rights, duties, and the laws respecting them in a series of Letters. BY THOMAS RUGGLES, F.A.S., One of His Majesty's jus- tices of the Peace for the Counties of Essex and Suffolk." In this work, Mr. Ruggles explained the foundation of the right of the poor to a maintenance from the land; he explained the principle on which the Catholic Church took charge of the poor; he traced the Church estates, including tithes, glebes, personal tithes and all, back to one and the same source: namely, CHARITY; he in- sisted that gifts, out of which the Church-property arose, were gifts, not to bishops and priests, or to any religious order for their own use, but that they were gifts IN TRUST to them for certain purposes, one of which purposes was, the maintenance of the poor; and this his doctrine he founded and upheld on the canons of the Church, on the writings of the fathers, on the common law of England, and on the statute-law of England. 33. Having established his doctrine of gifts in trust, he proceeded to inquire, whether this doctrine ought not now to be acted upon; and he came to the conclusion that it ought to be acted upon; and that, not only the holders of what is still called Church property, but even the holders of abbey-lands also, ought, EVEN NOW, to be made to pay annually, towards the maintenance of the poor, a full fourth, at least of the net yearly profits of such property, and this, observe, over and above the pro- portion that might be called for from those who held no such property! For, he contended, and, indeed, he proved, that the grants of the Parliament to Henry VIII. did not set aside, nor at all enfeeble, the claim of the poor to their share of the benefit of the gifts in trust; and that, though the claim had lain DORMANT for a Long while, it was BY NO MEANS BECOME EX- INTRODUCTION. 23 TINCT. In short, he proposed to revive the claim, to act upon it, and to call upon all the holders of Church- property, whether coming from the Catholic seculars or regulars, whether now held by clerical or lay persons, to give up, if it should be wanted by the poor, a fourth part of the net profits of their estates, be they of what nature they might, for or towards, the maintenance of the poor, and this, too, over and above the rates paid by other people. He proposed, in short, that the poor should be maintained out of the Church-property, if a fourth of its income would do it; and, if it would not, he proposed, first to take that fourth and then to raise in the present manner, and by general assessment, whatever might be wanted further. 66 "" 34. Observe, now, that it was no jacobin, no radical, no republican, who proposed this; but in the first place, a landowner; in the next place, a Justice of the Peace in two counties; in the next place, a most loyal gentle- man; in the next place, one of the adorers of the "Heaven-born" Pitt and, lastly, a most zealous Pro- testant, asserting that the Catholic Church had "rested on fear and superstition," and that the " Reformation," springing up at the "magic touch of Henry VIII." gave rise to a system "more consonant to the principles of sober piety and good sense”! A sort of “piely” and good sense that had it seems, Mr. Ruggles, little to do with charity, or with an honest execution of " trusts” ! However, such was the author of this book; such was the maintainer of these doctrines. "And" the reader will exclaim, "why were the doctrines not acted upon ?” Ay ! that is the pith of the story; that is the very thing we are going to see. See," the reader will exclaim ; “but, what answer was given to Mr. Ruggles?" Alas! reader, no answer was given to poor Mr. Ruggles; but he soon found himself under the necessity of answer- ing himself. In short, HE PUBLISHED A SECOND EDITION OF HIS BOOK, LEFT OUT ALL HIS ABOVE-MENTIONED DOCTRINES AND PRO- POSALS, AND ALMOST BEGGED PARDON FOR HAVING PUT FORTH THOSE DOC- TRINES AND PROPOSALS. 24 INTRODUCTION. 35. "What!" exclaims the honest reader, “an Englishman do this! an English Gentleman do such a thing as this!" O, yes O, yes! And your "Gentlemen of England," as that former demagogue and now creeping courtier, Sir Francis Burdett, calls them, have proved to the world by a long series of acts, that they are, generally speaking, the meanest and most cowardly of all mankind. But what was it, then, that this poor Thomas Ruggles, Esq., this unfortunate Justice of the Peace for the counties of Essex and Suffolk; what was it that the poor man left out of his second edition? We will now see what it was that he left out, what words he ate in order to appease the wrath of the parsons; for he expressly says in the preface to his second edition, that "HIS PRINCIPLES AS A FRIEND TO THE HIERARCHY, HAD BEEN SOMEWHAT CALLED IN QUESTION," in consequence of his attempt to revive the claim" of the poor on the re- venues of the clergy. Poor fellow ! That was enough for him! He was marked out for vengeance: evidently saw it and published his "second edition " in order to save himself, if possible. And now let us see what it was that the poor terrified "Esquire" left out. he 36. In the Preface to his first edition, he is speaking of the monstrous burdens on the land, especially of the poor-rates; and here he says, that, in his book, he has made an inquiry into the matter. "More especially," says he; and then he goes on in the following words; and, mind these words that I am going to copy here, are left out in the second edition. The poor "Squire " republishes, in the second edition, the Preface to the first edition; and at the end of the thirteenth paragraph of that preface he leaves out, he sinks, he eats the words, and every word, of the following passage: "More especially as to that part of the case, which relates to the productiveness and application of those estates which were originally given to the clergy, in trust for eleemosy nary purposes; but if the laity were to claim from the legislature, that equity which the Court of Chancery would decree on a bill filed in common cases, on com- plaints of a cestui que trust; that the trustees should INTRODUCTION. 25 fulfil those trusts, for the purposes for which the estate was granted; a cry of, the church is in danger,' much more serious and distressing would arise throughout the land, than any attempts of the sectaries have occa- sioned. This also requires the attention of the Minis- ter; but the pen of no individual can ever be expected to rouse him to action on this point; nothing but the public voice is equal to that effect; such an equitable decree of the legislature, clashing with the interests of so reverend a portion of our fellow subjects." Poor Squire! He was compelled to eat these words even in his Pre- face! But we are now to see what a dreadful meal, or, rather countervomit, he had to undergo, in the work itself. 37. In his 27th Letter, first edition, after describing the origin of tithes, he speaks of the practice as to the distribution of them. The following are his words, which words he leaves out in the second edition." That such was their origin is not only the true theory; but that, in former days, the practice flowed in conformity with the principle, has been already proved in the instance of an application from St. Augustine to Pope Gregory with respect to the distribution of tithes; from ancient canons of the Church, and from other instances, where the three-fold or four-fold division of the tithes was directed, as the sees of the Bishops were or were not, endowed. The writings of the Fathers also corro- borate the proof of this theory, as well as of the practice; and the evidence of those who first held these fiduciary estates for the benefit of the poor and the Church, is evidence of the highest authority, and establishes the most convincing proof. The statute law also proceeded on this idea; or else the legislature looked on the pos- sessions of the ecclesiastics as the property of the king- dom, in the reigns of Richard II. and Henry IV." -Yes! the parsons of Essex and Suffolk did not like to hear of any "division of the tithes, or any distribution of them." They did not like to hear of "fiduciary estates ; that is to say, trust-held estates. And so the poor Squire found that his safest way was to swallow all this down again. 38. The next is a still bigger mass for poor Squire 26 INTRODUCTION. Ruggles to get back down his throat. He has been, in the sentences immediately preceding what I am now about to quote, speaking of the turbulent times (from Henry V. to Henry VIII., and the still more turbulent in and after this last reign) which caused the above- mentioned claim of the poor to lie dormant. Then he goes on in the words which I am just about to quote, and which words the poor Squire has wholly sunk in his second edition :- "No wonder that" [during the turbulent times, and after the Reformation,] "these claims should have remained dormant, but, it by no means follows as a consequence, that because such rights of charity as these, owing to the rough and un- settled circumstances of the times, were dormant, they should BECOME EXTINCT, especially when so large a portion of the revenue still remained to the Church; the possessors of which, however charitable in their DOCTRINES, by DEGREES WITHDREW THE RIGHTFUL AND ACCUSTOMED PROPORTION OF THEIR ESTATES FROM THE REPAIR OF CHURCHES AND THE MAINTENANCE OF THE POOR; and although they still presided in our high court of conscience, and through the ensuing cen- tury gave us chancellors, were, notwithstanding, very careful how they permitted such a claim to be established over the estates of the dissolved monasteries: knowing that their own possessions were held by the same tenure given, at first, for the same purposes and liable to similar trusts."-No wonder that the Squire's "principles " as a friend to the hierarchy, where somewhat "called in question." No wonder that he was compelled to swallow these words. 39. Having told us that the claims, though they had been dormant, were not extinguished, he proceeded to prove, that the right still existed in 1793, as good as it was, as complete as it was in the 12th or 14th century, never having been weakened by any positive law. The following is the passage; most excellent it is, and it is unnecessary for me to add, that it was left out of the second edition.-" We all know that a claim to the third or fourth part of the ecclesiastic revenue for the INTRODUCTION. 27 benefit of the poor, is nearly vanished in the oblivion of past times; but a right may remain, although the use of it has been long neglected. A maxim of law prevails in ecclesiastical rights, nullum tempus occurrit ecclesiæ; the poor are a part of the Church; the possessions of the Church are the possessions of the poor; the revenues have been so styled by the fathers of the Church; they were obtained in the name of the poor, for the love of God; are not the poor, therefore, permitted to claim the benefit of the same naxim? Is not that the law of the part, which is the law of the whole? At least there is as much justice in the maxim for the one, as for the other; therefore, nullum tempus occurrit pauper- ibus. If positive ordinances of the state have not de- stroyed this right, no length of time should be allowed to weaken it. Let those who doubt the truth of these assertions, find, if they can, an affirmative injunction, that the Church should hold its revenues free and clear of those trusts, for the benefit of the poor, which were created by the donors, when they gave their lands and tithes for eleemosynary purposes; no such discharge is to be seen in the Acts of Parliament in the 27 and 31 Henry VIII., which empowered the crown to alienate the possessions of the monasteries: those therefore, who are possessed of estates, which were formerly monastic, held them QUOD HOC, subject to the same equitable claim." -Alas! for poor Justice Ruggles! No wonder, good God! that his " principles, as a friend to the hierarchy, were somewhat called in question." However, here we have law, not only equity, but law also, for going with a demand, if we chose it, on the holders of Abbey-lands for a part, at least, of their revenues! 40. One more extract shall finish; and, a pretty complete finish it is: for it contains nothing short of a proposition, to take away from all holders of what is, or what ever was, ecclesiastical property, a full fourth part of the net annual profits of such property! Not a word, not a breath of this, in the Squire's second edition I "MUM! "" says the Squire; but I have found out the first edition; and in that the Squire shall now be heard. "In any future revisal of the laws respecting the poor, 28 INTRODUCTION. their maintenance, employment, and relief, it may be worth the attention of the legislature to call to mind for what purposes the ecclesiastical revenues of the kingdom were originally granted, to inquire whether they are employed in those purposes; to investigate the fact, on what trusts and on account of what duties, the clergy originally received the clerical estates; and to ask whether those duties and those trusts are now fulfilled? and when they are convinced of the purposes for which those estates were originally granted, and can find no positive law to abrogate those purposes, and perceive that the poor stand as much in need of the performance of those duties, as they did when the estates were first granted to the Church; the principle on which the legislature should proceed is manifest. I am aware of the nature of such investigations, and fully sensible that no man can expect, in those whose performance of the duties, for which they have received their estates, is challenged and brought to the test, a favourable audience, nor expect from them a candid interpretation of the motives which instigate to the inquiry; but be that as it may; the present situation of the poor; their wretched state; their increasing misery; the increasing burden. upon the public for their maintenance; these warrant the inquiry; the inquiry brings to light the evidence; the deductions are the consequence of a free and candid use of the reasoning faculties; if any error lie either in fact or argument, candour requires an explanation from those who conceive that there is the least intention in the writer to mislead the judgment of the public; which explanation will be thankfully received; as it will never- theless tend to establish one great object of this investi- gation, that is truth. Assuming, therefore, the foregoing state of the matter as fact, would it be a hard compromise with the possessors of ecclesiastical estates, that those in the possession of lay patrons, on whom no parochial duty is incumbent, should, after a medium of the poor- rates has been taken throughout the kingdom for the last three years, bear the incueased expense of the maintenance of the poor alone until the rates upon their ecclesiastical estates amount to one fourth of the net annual receipt of INTRODUCTION. 29 і their profits, before the lay estates be further incumbered; and that the clergy should be rated in the same propor- tion?"-Not one word of all this in the second edition ! 66 41. These opinions, doctrines, and, especially, the last PROPOSITION, to take away a fourth part of the revenues, even of the lay impropriators, and from the abbey-land holders, as well as from the parsons and bishops, must have obtained for, and secured to poor Squire Ruggles a comfortable time of it. This book came out just before high Anti-Jacobin times, when it was pretty nearly as much as a man's life was worth to express a doubt of the excellence of the Church estab- lishment. The Church property and all private estates in general had been confiscated, or nearly so, together, in France; plunder, guillotining, burning of nobles' houses, putting royal persons in prison, and finally, to death; all those had, in France, come along with, in company with, a taking away of tithes. "Look you there!" said our parsons : see the dreadful conse- quences of touching tithes! If you touch tithes, you see, plunder, murder, house-burning, and king-killing, and atheism must follow! They must all follow, if you touch tithes." This was the cry of the parsons, throughout the whole of this then deluded country. Every one was called an enemy of GOD as well as of the King, if he but hinted a doubt of the wisdom of suffering this Church clergy to swallow up so many millions a year. In this state of things, the arrogance of the parsons was beyond description. They were as active as they were arrogant. And, at a time when a man dared hardly speak his mind in private conversa- tion, if his sentiments were at all hostile to the parsons, judge, reader, of the life that poor Justice Ruggles must have led, until he publicly, in a second edition, published his recantation, and in the face of the nation, did as good as do penance, for his sins against Tom Cranmer's and Old Betsy's Church, as by law, established." Judge of the life that he must have led at a time, when not to bow to the earth before a Church parson, was to run a risk of being deemed an atheist and a jacobin, and when such deeming had its practical 30 INTRODUCTION. effects always at hand, ready for the victim. As to tradesmen aud farmers, they dare not open their mouths to speak of a parson in any terms but those of positive praise. It was during this "reign of terror," real reign of terror, much more real than it ever was in France, that poor Squire Ruggles recanted! It is very curious. to observe the effect of the reign of terror in this case. The Squire wrote the matter of his book in 1792, and published it in a periodical work called the " ANNALS OF AGRICULTURE." He published the first edition, in the book-shape, very early in 1793. Now, observe, the war against the French was not begun when this edition must have been in the press. So that the reign of terror had not commenced, and could not have been anticipated, when this first edition, with all the above-quoted pas- sages in it, went to the press from the hands of Mr. Ruggles. But when the second edition went to the press, the reign of terror was in full swing; the Act of Habeas Corpus was suspended; and there was an Act to empower the Ministers to imprison, just where and when they pleased, anybody (Squires not excepted) HAT THEY MIGHT SUSPECT of treasonable practice No wonder, therefore, that Mr. RUGGLES changed his tone, recanted, and expunged the passages which were offensive to the parsons, who now saw plenty of barracks and German troops in the country, and who, to use their own phraseology, made the "enemies of social order and our holy religion" shake in their shoes! ! 42. Without stopping here to congratulate my readers (which had I room, I would, in the strongest and fullest terms that our language admits of) on the change which thirty years of war and borrowing money have produced relative to the parsons; without stopping to congratulate my readers on the amazing change in the mind of the people, relative to these same Church parsons, I now proceed again to ask, what reason is there that this great mass of property, now used solely by the clergy, should not be applied to some other public pur- pose; and again I come (after my long but most useful digression relating to Mr. RUGGLES); again I come to that class of property which is in the hands of the com- INTRODUCTION. 31 mon parsons, or parish clergy. This class of property consists of several sorts, tithes, great and small, land, glebes, tithes in money, parsouage-houses and gardens, compulsory offerings, compulsory fees. These, like all other religious property, whether secular or regular, were made, granted, or established, in trust. The objects that they were intended to effect, were, to make a sure provision for the poor, to build, repair, and ornament churches, to keep hospitality for the stranger, and to support unmarried priests, to be the personal friends, comforters, advisers, adnicnishers of all their parish- ioners; and, particularly, to teach all the CHILDREN of the parish their moral and religious duties: and that, too, not by merely the reading of prayers to them, and the reading of what are called sermons to them from the desk, or pulpit; but by personal, individual teaching, the church being, at certain appointed times of very frequent occurrence, a real religious and moral school. Are these objects now effected by the means of these several sorts of parish-church property? Will any man say, that any one of these objects is now effected by the parish clergy? Will any man say, that any one of these objects is now effected, or attempted to be effected, by means, for instance, of the 2s. 91. in the pound, which the citizens of London pay, for tithe, on the rack- rent of their houses? When that tithe was settled there were no poor-rates, no Church-rates; and the poor and church were, of course, to be maintained out of this 2s. 9. in the pound; and, as Mr. Ruggles most justly observes, there never has been any law passed to release the city clergy of this claim on the tithes. 43. Besides, as to the public utility of the thing, it is perfectly notorious that there are now about forty differ- ent religions, all professing to be founded on the Bible; it is equally notorious that a very small proportion of the people, even in England and Wales, go to the Established Church, and that, in Ireland, there is not above one person out of seven that goes to that Church. In the Hampshire list of persons taking out game certificates for 1825, there was one parson out of every thirteen persons; so that, if this were the case generally, 32 INTRODUCTION. a thirteenth part of all the sportsmen in England con- sisted of parsons alone. It is notorious, that there is a very large part of the parishes, even in the finest counties in England, in which the parsonage-houses have been suffered to fall down and totally disappear; and it is equally notorious, that in more than one half of the parishes, there are no houses that the parsons deem fit for them to live in, while, at the very same time, large, even enormous, sums of money have been voted out of the taxes for the "relief of the poor clergy of the Church of England." It is notorious, that in numerous parishes, the churches have been suffered to tumble down, and to leave scarcely a trace behind, while the tithes do, never- theless, continue to be most rigidly exacted by the parsons. It is notorious that many of the parsons have several livings; and that many receive the tithes for years together, without ever setting their eyes on the parish. It is notorious, that a considerable part of the parish parsons are, at the same time, colonels, captains, or subalterns, in the army or navy, and that they con- tinue to receive half-pay as such officers, though the half-pay is held by the Government, to be a retaining fee for future service, and though the law forbids these men ever to be military or naval officers again. Lastly (for the enumeration would never end), it is notorious that a large part of these parsons are Justices of the Peace, and are, at the same time, rectors or vicars of several parishes each. 44. It being manifest, then, that the revenues received by these persons are not applied as they formerly were, and that they are not applied to any beneficial public purpose, we must determine, that they ought to be other- wise applied, that they ought to be applied to some really useful public purpose. To what public purpose I will speak of by-and-by, and also of the manner and degree of the alienation, or subtraction. 45. Next come the ENORMOUS REVENUES OF THE BISHOPS, several of whom have died, of late years, each leaving personal property to an amount exceeding two hundred thousand pounds, after having lived in the style of princes. Will any man say that this ought to be INTRODUCTION. 33 and that, at the same time that these men's gains and accumulations are thus going on, the people at large ought to see one million six hundred thousand pounds of the money raised on them, taken from them, in taxes, or out of public loans, voted away for the "relief of the poor clergy of this same Church ?" Will any man say, that this ought to be? Will any man say it, let him be who or what he may? 46. As to the Deans and Chapters, of what use are they to the nation ? As far as I have ever heard, it is not even pretended that they perform any duty, any services at all to the public, to either king or people: and, besides, the persons who receive the revenues of the Cathedral Churches, have generally, if not always, a parish-living besides, at many miles' distance, and, sometimes, two or three such livings! Yet, as this Second Part of my work will show, the chapters have immense estates. And is there a man on earth, except he be one who gains by the thing, who will say, that the nation's estates ought thus to be used? Will even Sir James Graham say, that the fundholder, who has lent his money to those, who, in fact, enjoy the greater part of those and all such like estates; will even Sir James Graham say, that a farthing of interest ought to be deducted from the fundholder, while there is any part of this public property unapplied to the liquidation of the debt due to him? 47. The Colleges present us with another immense mass of public property, from which the parsons and the aristocracy alone derive or can under the present regula- tions, derive any possible advantage. The estates of these Colleges are very great in worth, and of course, in yearly amount. This amount is divided amongst par- sons, who are the schoolmasters to the aristocracy! As to the nation at large, it can have no share in the benefit produced by these estates, seeing that the scholars are admitted only on such terms as must effectually shut out all the middle and working classes. And are we, then, going to back the men, who would strip our neighbours, the fundholders, while these estates remain to be used for the exclusive benefit of the aristocracy and their 1 3 34 INTRODUCTION. schoolmasters? These estates, like all those which are held by the rest of the clergy, are public property; as such they may be dealt with by the King and Parlia- ment. It would be hypocrisy, calling for the punishment of the cat-o'-nine-tails, to pretend that this great mass of public property, or, that the whole of the Church Establishment, all taken together, is of any use to the public, as it is now employed. It is a large part of the property of the whole country, divided amongst, and enjoyed exclusively by, the aristocracy. That is the real fact. The Bishoprics, the Parish-livings, the Deanships, the Stalls, the Fellowships, are, in fact, all in their gift. The property is, in short, the public's in right and in name, and the aristocracy's in possession and enjoyment. And, as to its being necessary for the religious instruction of the people, that is the very thing that I have showed to be false, in the very first paragraph of the first Part of this work. In short, this is a great and enormous mass of public property, now enjoyed by the few ; and the time is apparently not far distant, when all men will be convinced of the necessity of applying it to purposes of a really public nature, or, in one word, to the liquida- tion of part of the Debt. 48. With regard to the manner of withdrawing this public property from the control that it is at present under, the means would be an Act of Parliament, and, provided the provisions of the Act were effectual, the manner might be as mild as the parsons themselves could have demanded, even in "Anti-Jacobin" times, when the workings of our avenging friend, the DEBT, were not perceived. The degree would be a matter of more difficulty; or, I should say, it would require a little more thought. There are two opinions with respect to new regulations; the one is, that there ought to remain no Church-establishment at all, but that each sect, or sort, ought to be left to provide for its own religious instructors. The other is, that there ought to be an establishment upon an almost apostolical allowance. I am for the former; because as long as there is an estab- lishment, making a part of the state, there must always be a contest going on amongst the divers sects for a pre- INTRODUCTION. 35 ference of some kind or other. Before, however, we can say what the degree of alienation or subtraction ought to be, we must know which of these two changes would be adopted. But, one thing I am fixed on, and that is, that I, for my own part, would never join in any petition to King or Parliament, for any new modelling or any alienation, or subtraction, of these public revenues, if such petition stopped short of taking, and applying to public purposes, nine-tenths of these revenues, taken as a whole. 49. If any one should be disposed to characterise such a deduction as harsh, I here, beforehand, beg leave to observe to him, that I have no desire to see any deduc- tion at all, if the nation can continue to pay the interest of the Debt in full and in gold of standard weight and fineness. I look upon this immense mass of public pro- perty as enjoyed almost exclusively by the aristocracy and its immediate dependents. I do not like this; but for me, let it still be thus, if the fundholders can continue to be paid as I have just stated. But, is there a man in the world, who will not say, that every shilling's worth of public property ought to be applied to the pay- ment of the Debt, before a thought be entertained of taking from those who have lent their money any portion of their right to a demand of payment? We have seen, that Mr. Ruggles insists on the right, the legal right, of the nation, to demand, that the Abbey-lands, that is, that all property seized and granted away by the "Reformation" sovereigns and Parliaments, whether it consist of lay impropriations, Abbey-lands, or what not, though now in the hands of lay persons, and deemed private property; we have seen, that he, who was a land-owner, a Justice, and, I believe, a lawyer, insists, that a part of even this property could be legally, and might be justly, applied, to the public purpose of relieving the poor. Now, as for me, I never wish to see proposed any measure that shall touch this description of property, which may now fairly be called private property. But, is not a man's stock certificate; is not that private pro- perty also? Has he not, to a certainly, given his money for it? Therefore, though God forbid the necessity 36 INTRODUCTION. should arise, I have no hesitation in saying, that I would rather see even the lay impropriations and the abbey-lands resumed by Act of Parliament, than see an Act of Parliament making a great deduction from the property of the fundholder; and most assuredly I would much rather see a resumption of grants by the Crown of the lands and houses and mines and other property, which the Crown has granted away since the reign of Henry VIII., out of the ancient Crown Estate; and, as we always ought to bear in mind, which granting away has been the cause of that continual and copious drain, the Civil List. But of all the horrible things in this world, would not the most horrible be, to borrow 1,600,000l. to make a present of to the parsons of the Church; and, to reduce the interest of the Debt, that is to say, take away a part of the property of the fund- holder, who lent the money thus made a present of; to take, I say, part of his property away while the clergy were suffered to keep the 1,600,000l.! Observe, that, during the years, during all the years, that the Parlia- ment was making the Church clergy a present of 100,000l. a year, the making of loans were going on so that this 100,000l. a year came out of the loans-it was borrowed money; the lender is to be paid his interest; and, will any man say, that it is not most horrible to think of deducting from this interest; to think of doing this on account of the poverty of the state, while the state suffers the clergy to keep this money? 50. The thing called QUEEN ANNE'S BOUNTY is an annual sum, taken from the people, to be given to the Church parsons, in addition to all their monstrous revenues. What pretty names they give to these things! The Crown had, for part of its income, the tenths and first-fruits of the clergy. QUEEN ANNE was the sove- reign when this branch of income was granted away from the Crown, in order to augment the value of small livings; but one good turn deserves another; such generosity" in the Queen merited a return; but, alas! the people had to make the return; and, accordingly, they have had to pay more to the Civil List ever since, on account of this " Bounty" than the "Bounty" itself 66 INTRODUCTION. 37 amounts to. However, here is another great annual sum (in addition to the tithes and all the other things that we have before seen) going from the pockets of the people into those of the clergy. 51. Here, again, we have another effect of the pro- testant Reformation." Before that event there was no Civil List. Poor-rates, Civil List, Queen Anne's Bounty, Septennial Bill, NATIONAL DEBT; all, yea all, are the fruit of the event, called "the Reformation ;” and though the rest might, or may be overcome, THE DEBT CANNOT, without making a change in that Protestant Church, to establish which on the ruins of the Catholic Church, the debt was made! All history, though full of instances of retribution, does not, I verily believe, throughout its thousands of volumes, furnish us with one so complete, so striking, and reading to man- kind so tremendous a lesson as this. Here, at this moment, is England, famed during fifty ages, for her liberties, and her laws; but, still more famed for the happiness of her people, and the plenty in which they lived here she is, and here she has been for years, avowedly in deep distress, engaged in contrivances for getting rid of her people, who are petitioning to be trans- ported from their native land, in the hope of mending their miserable lot! Here she is, covered with the dis- grace of ten times the gaol-room that was formerly necessary, and with that of a regulation which allots to the convicted felon in her gaols more and better food and raiment than to the honest labouring man in her woods and fields! And, what is the cause of this? The DEBT is the sole cause; for that renders mon- strous taxes necessary; they render a great standing army necessary: so that it is the Debt, and that alone, which has made England the most degraded and miser- able of countries, Ireland always excepted. And what caused the Debt? An Act of Parliament for the making of loans and paper money. And for what were loans and paper money made? Why, the very act itself declares, that they were made for the purpose of waging a war, in order to keep out Popery, and to preserve the protestant Church as by law established;" so that the 38 INTRODUCTION. Debt is an invention and institution as purely Protest- ant half-pay parsons are, or as is the treadmill itself. And, at last that Debt, that Protestant Debt, which was created for the declared, nay, the boasted, purpose of preserving this Church now threatens this very Church with destruction; now fixes its eyes on the property of that Church as the first thing to fly to in the case of necessity; and that such necessity will and must arise, and is even now at hand, where is the man of sense who does not believe? And where is the just man who will not say, that those who have lent their money for the waging of wars to "keep out Popery," ought not to be bilked of one farthing of their demand, while there is left to the Protestant clergy a single ear of wheat, or a single blade of grass? 52. Here I conclude. I had, before (in the First Part), given a history of the manner in which Church property had been dealt with heretofore. In the Second Part I give an account of the property, show the worth of it, and who has it. In this INTRODUCTION, I have endeavoured to show that it is just and reasonable, that the immense mass which still continues to be public property, ought to be dealt with again, and legally applied to purposes really public; and, as a reward for all the labour I have bestowed, I am quite satisfied with the firm belief, that the day is not far off, when the knowledge that I have communicated, and when the principles that I have taught, relative to this great sub- ject, will be adopted by persons in authority, and acted upon to their full extent... Here I had signed my name, and was about to put the date. It was on its way from my mind to my hand, when I stopped my hand all at once and exclaimed: "Good God! the ninth of July the anniversary of my sentence of two years' imprisonment in a felon's gaol, with a fine of a thousand pounds to the King, and, at the end of the two years, with seven years' bail, myself in three thousand pounds and two sureties in a thousand pounds each; and all this monstrous punishment for having expressed my indignation at Englishmen having been flogged, in the heart of England, under a guard of INTRODUCTION. 39 German troops! Good God!" exclaimed I again; "What! am I, on the anniversary of that day, which called forth the exultation of the Hampshire parsons, who (though I had never committed any offence, in private life, against any one of them) crowed out aloud, in the fulness of their joy, 'Ha! he's gone for ever! He will never trouble us any more!' and who, in a spirit truly characteristic of their corps, actually had, as a standing toast, 'Disgrace to the MEMORY of Cobbett.' -What!" exclaimed I again, "and am I, on the anni- versary of that very day, putting the finishing hand; yea, sending from under my fingers to the press, the last, the very last, words, the completing words, the closing point of a work, which does the JOB for them and for all their tribe; of the former part of which work, I, myself, have sold forty thousand copies, contain- ing six hundred and forty thousand numbers; and which work is now sold in English, in two stereotyped Editions in the United States of America; which work has been published in New York in Spanish, at Paris in French, at Geneva in German, and at Rome in Italian; and all this took place just about sixteen years after these Hampshire parsons had taken for a standing toast, • Disgrace to the MEMORY of Cobbett !" And, then, feeling health and vigour in every vein and in every nerve; seeing, lying before me, manuscript (equal to twenty pages of print) written by me this very day; knowing the effect, which, in the end, that manuscript must have on these parsons, and the great good that it must do to the nation; reflecting, feeling, seeing, knowing, thus it is, that I, in justice to our pious, sincere, brave, and wise forefathers, and in compassion to my suffering countrymen, and to the children of us all, send this little volume forth to the world. WM. COBBETT. Kensington, 9th July, 1827. 1 LIST OF ABBEYS, PRIORIES, &c. BEDFORD (County). AT BEDFORD. An Hospital of St. Leonard's Hospitalers, founded in the reign of Edward IV., by a townsman, whose yearly revenue was 16l. 6s. 8d. in 26 Henry VIII.; now worth 3261. 13s. 4d. A Franciscan Friary, founded by Mabilea de Plateshull, in the reign of Edward II., valued yearly at 5l.; now worth 100%. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to John Gostwyke. At BIGGLESWADE. A Chantry. Revenue 71.; now worth 1401. At BISSEMEDE. A Priory of Augustine Canons, founded by Hugh Beauchamp, in the reign of Henry II. Annual revenue, 817. 13s. 51d.; now worth 1,623l. 9s. 2d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir William Gascoign. At CALDWELL. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of John, by Robert of Houghton. Revenue 1487. 15s. 10d.; now worth 2,9751. 16s. 8d. Granted, 5 Elizabeth, to Thomas Leigh. At CHICKSAND. A Priory of Nuns of St. Gilbert, founded in the year 1150, by Pain de Beauchamp and his wife. Yearly value, 230l. 3s. 42d.; now worth 4,6031. 7s. 6d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to R. Snow. At DUNSTAPLE. A Priory of Augustine Canons, founded by Henry I. Yearly value 4021. 14s. 74d.; now worth, 8,0541. 12s. 6d. Granted to Sir Leonard Chamberlayne. AT EATON. A College or Guild. Yearly value, 71. 16s. ; now worth, 1561. At ELSTOW. An Abbey of Benedictine Nuns, founded by Judith, niece to the Conqueror, and wife to Waltheof, Earl of Huntington. Yearly value 3251. 2s. 1½d.; now worth 6,5021. 2s. 6d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Sir Humphrey Radcliff. At FARLE. AC Hospital, founded by Henry II. Granted, 26 Henry VIII., to the Provost and Fellows of Cambridge College. At GROVESBURY. Priory of Aliens, whose possessions still remain. Revenue uncertain. 42 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At HARWOOD. A Priory of Augustine Nuns, founded in the reign of Stephen, by Sampson le Forte. Yearly value 471. 3s. 2d.; now worth 9431. 3s. 4d. Granted to William Lord Parr, 35 Henry VIII. At MELCHBURN, or MECHELBURN. A Preceptory of Knights Hospitalers, with a Manor and a Church, settled by Lady Alice, or Adelize, de Claremonte, Countess of Pembroke, in the reign of Henry I. The lands belonging to this Preceptory were valued at 2417. 9s. 10d.; now worth 4,8291. 16s. 8d. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to John Earl of Bedford. - At MERGATE OF MARKET-STREET. A Nunnery of Benedictine Nuns, founded in a wood, near this place, in the parish of Caddington, by Ralph, the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London, in the year 1145. Valued, 26 Henry VIII., at 143. 18s. 3d.; now worth 2,8781. 5s. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to George Ferrers. At NEWENHAM, near BEDFORD. A Monastery of Augustine Canons, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Simon Beau- champ. Yearly revenue 3437. 15s. 5d.; now worth 6,8751. 8s. 4d. Granted 32 Henry VIII., to Urian Brereton. At NORTHWELL, NORTHILL, or NORRELL. A Collegiate Church, founded, 6 Henry IV., by Sir Gerard Braybroke, Knt., Thos. Pevre, John Harvey, John Ward, Edm. Hampden, and John Hertshorne, for the souls of Sir John Traylly and son. Yearly value at the dissolution, 616. 5s. 5d.; now worth 1,2251. 8s. 4d. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to William Fitzwilliam. At WARDEN. An Abbey of Cistercian Monks, founded in the year 1135, by Walter Espec. Yearly value 4427. 11s. 11d. ; now worth 8,8511. 18s. 4d. Surrendered, by the Abbot and fourteen Monks, December 4, 1538. At WOBURN. A Cistercian Abbey, founded near this place, in the year 1145, by Hugh de Bolebec. Valued at 4301. 13s. 11½d.; now worth 8.6137. 19s. 2d. Granted 1 Edward VI., to John Lord Russell. BERKS (COUNTY). At ABINGDON. Here was an Abbey of Benedictine Monks, 500 in number, in the time of the Ancient Britons, where Constantine the Great is said to have been educated; it was IN ENGLAND. 43 destroyed by the Danes, A.D. 955; but afterwards rebuilt by the Abbot Ethelwold, through the bounty of King Edred and King Edgar. Valued at the dissolution, at 2,0421. 2s. 84d. yearly; now worth 40,8427. 14s. 2d. Granted, I Edw. VI., to Sir Thomas Seimor; and, 5 Edw. VI., to Sir Thomas Wroth. At BUSTLESHAM. A Priory of Augustine Canons, founded by Hugh de Spencer, jun., originally for the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. Valued, at the dissolution, at 6617. 14s. 9d. yearly; now worth 13,2341. 15s. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Sir Edward Hoby. At CHOLSEY, near WALLINGFORD. Monastery, destroyed; founded by King Ethelred, in the year 986. The revenue, at the general dissolution, granted to Sir Francis Englefield. At DONINGTON, near NEWBURY. A Friary, of the Order of the Blessed Trinity, founded 16 Richard II. Valued at 201. 16s. 6d. ; now worth 4167. 10s. At FARENDon. A Cistercian Cell was settled here, by some monks, in the year 1203. The possessions were granted to Sir Francis Englefield. At HURLEY. A Priory, or Cell of Benedictine Monks, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Godfrey de Magna Villa. Valued, 26 Henry VIII., at 134l. 10s. 8d., now worth 2,6901. 13s. 4d. Granted to Leonard Chamber- leyn, 36 Henry VIII. At POUGHELY, in the parish of Chaddleworth. A Priory of Augustine Canons, founded in the year 1160, by Ralph de Chaddleworth. Valued at 717. 10s. 7d.; now worth 1,430. 11s. 8d. At READING. In the year 1121 Henry I. founded here an Abbey for 200 Benedictine Monks. Income, at the dissolu- tion, 2,116l. 3s. 91d.; now worth 42,323l. 15s. 10d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Edward Duke of Somerset. A Friary, in the north side of Castle-street, founded in the year 1400. Granted to the Mayor and Burgesses, as a site for a Bridewell ! At SANDLEFORD. A Priory of Augustine Canons, founded in the year 1205, by Jeffrey, Earl of Perch, and Maud his wife. Value 10. yearly; now worth 2001. At SHOTTESBROOKE. A Chantry or College, founded in the year 1337, by Sir William Trussell, Knt. Valued 33l. 18s. 8d.; 44 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. now worth 6781. 13s. 4d. Granted 2 Edward VI., to Thomas Edward Weldon. At STEVENTON, or STENINGTON, near Abingdon. An Alien Priory of Monks, founded by the Abbey of Bec, in Normandy, prior to the reign of Henry I. At STRATFIELD-SAY. A Priory of Alien Benedictine Monks, founded in the year 1170, by Nicholas de Stotevile. At WALLINGFORD, or WARING. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Gilfrid, Abbot of St. Alban. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to John Norres. A College, endowed before or during the reign of King John, by Edmond, Earl of Cornwall. Yearly revenue 1471. 8s. 04d; now worth 2,848l. Os. 10d. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Michael Stanhope and John Bellew. BUCKINGHAM (COUNTY). At ANKERWYKE. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry, by Sir Gilbert de Montficet, Knt., and his son. Yearly value 54l. 14s. 4d.; now worth, 914l. 7s. 8d. Granted to Lord Windsor, 31 Henry VIII., and to Sir Thomas Smith, 4 Edward VI. At BITTLESDEN. A Cistercian Abbey, founded here through the bounty of Ernald de Bosco, in the year 1147. Yearly value 1421. 1s. 3d.; now worth 2,8421. 5s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas Wriothesley. At BRADEWell. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the reign of Stephen, by the Baron of Wolverton. Valued at 531. 11s. 2d. yearly; now worth 1,0711. 3s. 4d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Arthur Longfield. At BURNHAM. An Augustine Nunnery, founded in the year. 1265, by Richard, King of the Romans. Yearly value, 911. 5s. 11½d.; now worth 1,8257. 19s. 2d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Tyldesly. At ESSERUG, or ASKERIDGE, in the parish of Pitston. A College of Bonhommes, founded by Edmund, Earl of Corn- wall, in the year 1283. Valued yearly at 4477. 18s. Ołd.; now worth 8,958l. 10d. Granted, 17 Elizabeth, to John Dudly and John Ayscaugh; it is now the seat of the Duke of Bridgewater. IN ENGLAND. 45 At GARE, or GORE, in the parish of Hanslap. A Nunnery, destroyed. At HOGSHAW. A Hospital of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, founded about 1180. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Matilda Lane. At LAVINDEN. An Abbey of Premonstratensians, founded and endowed in the reign of Henry II., by John be Bidun. Yearly revenue 911. 8s. 34d.; now worth 1,828l. 5s. 10d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Edmund Peckham. At LUDGARSHALL, or LITTERSHALL. An Alien Hospital, founded through the bounty of Henry II. At MEDMENHAM, or MENDHAM. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1204, by Hugh de Bolebec. Revenue, at the dissolution, 231. 17s. 2d.; now worth 4771. 3s. 4d, Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Robert Mone, and others. At LITTLE MERLOW, or MINCHIN MARLO. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded by Jeffrey, Lord Spensar, about the year 1244. Yearly revenue 371. 6s. 11d.; now worth 746l. 18s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to John Titley and E. Restwold. At MEURSLEY, or ST. MARGARET'S. A Benedictine Nun- nery, founded by Henry de Blois, Bishop of Winchester, in the year 1160. Here nine nuns were turned out, and their yearly property, 221. 6s. 7d.; now worth 446l. 11s. 8d., granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir John Dance. At MISSENDEN. An Abbey of Augustine Canons, founded by Sir William de Missenden, in the year 1133. Yearly value, at the dissolution, 2857. 15s. 9d.: now worth 5,715. 15s. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to the Duke of Northumber- land, and, 16 Elizabeth, to Robert, Earl of Leicester. At NEWINGTON-LONGAVILLE. A Priory of Foreign Monks, founded in the reign of Henry I. Granted to the College of Oxford. At NOCTELE, or NUTTLEY. An Abbey of Augustine Ca- nons, founded in the year 1162, by Walter Giffard, Earl of Buckingham, and Ermangard his lady. Yearly revenue 4957. 18s. 5½d.; now worth 9,9181. 9s. 2d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Sir William Paget. At RAVINSTON. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the reign of Henry III., by the bounty of Peter de Chaseport, Pastor of Ivingho. Value yearly 661. 13s. 4d.; now worth 46 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 1,3331. 6s. 8d. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Sir Francis Byran. At SNELLSHALL. A Benedictine Priory, founded 10 Henry III., by Ralph Mortel. Yearly revenue 241.; now worth 4801. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Francis Piggot. At STONY STRATFORD. An Hospital, founded prior to 1240. At TYKEFORD, or TICKFORD, near Newport St. Mary. A Prory of Aliens, founded before 1475. Yearly value 1261. 17s.; now worth 2,5371. Sold by James I. to Henry Atkins, M.D. At WENGE. A Priory of Aliens, bestowed by Maud, the Empress, to the Monastery of St. Nicholas, but granted, by Henry VIII., to Sir Robert Dormer. At ANGLESEY. CAMBRIDGE (COUNTY). A Priory of Augustine Canons, founded by Henry I. Yearly value 1497. 18s. 6d.; now worth 2,9987. 10s. Granted to John Hynde, 30 Henry VIII. At BAREHAM, or BERCHAM, in the Parish of Lynton. A Priory, founded before the reign of Edward I. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Philip Paris, and afterwards to John Mille- cent, Esq. At BARNWELL. A Priory, founded in year 1,092, by Picot, a Norman lord, and his lady. Yearly value, 351l. 15s. 4d.; now worth 7,035l. 6s. 8d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Anthony Brown; and, 6 Edward VI., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At CAMBRIDGE. A Benedictine Cell, founded by John de Cranden, Prior of Ely, in the reign of Richard III. Granted to William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich. A Gilbertine Priory, founded Prior to the year 1291, by the bounty or gift of B. fil. Walteri. Yearly revenue 167. 16s.; now worth 3361. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Edward Ebrington and Humphrey Metcalf. Catherine Hall, founded and endowed about the year 1474, by Robert Woodlark, D.D. Yearly revenue at the suppression, 391. 2s. 7d.; now worth 7821. 11s. 8d. Christ's College, for twenty-four scholars in grammar, founded by William Bingham, in the year 1442, pastor of St. Zachary, London, being afterwards augmented by the IN ENGLAND. 47 bounty of others. Yearly revenues at the dissolution, 26 Henry VIII., made 1907. 10s. 10d.; now worth 3,8101. 17s. 16d. King's College, built and endowed in the year 1443, by Henry VI. Revenues valued at 7511. 8s. ld.; now worth 15,0287. 1s. 8d. Queen's College, founded by Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI., about the year 1448. Yearly income 230l. 15s. 2d.; now worth 4,615l. 4s. 2d. An Augustine Friary, founded by Sir Jeffrey Piche- ford, Knight, before the year 1290. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Keynsham. A Dominican Priory, founded by some pious persons before the year 1275. Granted to Edward Erlington and Humphrey Metcalf, 35 Henry VIII. A Friary of Mendicant Franciscans, founded by the bounty of Edward I.. Sold, 38 Henry VIII., to the executors of Lady Frances Sidney. A Friary of Carmelites, founded by Edward I. and by some noblemen. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Eyer. At CHATERIS. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded by Alfwen, wife of Ethelstan, Earl of the East Angles, with the advice and assistance of her brother Ednod, Bishop of Ramsey, in the year 980. Yearly revenue 1127. 3s. 6d. ; now worth 2,2437. 10s. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to Edward Lord Clinton. At CHIPPENHAM. An Asylum of Knights Hospitalers, founded in the year 1184, most bountifully, by William de Mandevill. Valued at 331. 6s. 8d. yearly; now worth 6661. 13s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Edward North. At DENNY. An Abbey of Minor Nuns, founded 15 Edward III., by Mary de St. Paulo, widow of Adomare, Earl of Pem- broke. Revenues yearly 218. 1d.; now worth 4,360l. 2s. 6d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Edward Erlington. At ELY. A great Benedictine Priory and Cathedral, that had been often destroyed and rebuilt again during the various invasions of the Danes, and other convulsions of the country, were finally rebuilt and richly endowed, in the year 970, by Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester, through the bounty of King Edgar and others. Revenues of the Cathedral at the dissolu- tion 2,134. 18s. 64d., and of the Monastery 1,0847. 6s. 91d. 48 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. yearly; now worth 42,6981. 10s. 10d., and 21,6867. 15s. 10. Granted in the year 1541. An Hospital of Hospitalers, founded here early by a bishop, yearly revenue 251. 5s. 34d.; now worth 5051. 5s. 10d. Granted, 4 Elizabeth, to the Master and Fel- lows of Clare Hall, in Cambridge. At FORDHAM. A Convent of Gilbertine Canons, founded near this town by the Dean of Fordham, in the reign of Henry III. Yearly value 461. 3s. 8d.; now worth 9281. 13s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Philip Parry. At IKELINGTON. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Aubrey de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Yearly value 801. 1s. 10d.; now worth 1,6017. 17s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to the Bishop of Ely. At ISLEHAM. An Alien Priory, founded here at an early period. Valued yearly 101. 13s. 4d.; now worth 2137. 6s. 8d. At LYNTON. An Alien Priory. At MIRMAUD, MARMONDE, or WELLE. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the reign of Richard I., by Ralph de Hauvill. Valued, 26 Henry VIII., at 137. 6s. 14d. yearly; now worth 2661. 2s. 6d. Granted, 10 Elizabeth, to Percival Bowes and John Mosyer. At SHENGAY, near Wendy. A Preceptory of Knights Hospitalers, endowed in the year 1140, by Sibylla de Raynes. daughter of the Earl of Montgomery. Valued at 175l. 4s. 6d. yearly; now worth 3,504%. 10s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Richard Longe. At SPINNEY, it the parish of Wykes, or Wicken. An Au- gustine Priory, founded by Hugh de Malebisse and Beatrix his wife, in the reign of Henry III. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Edward North. An At STERESBERGH, or STURBRIDGE, near Cambridge. Hospital of Lepers, founded prior to the year 1245, under the patronage of the Bishop of Ely; but granted, 36 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Cambridge; and 4 James I., to John Shelbury, and Philip Chewte, gentlemen. At SWAFAM. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded by one of the Bolebec family, before the reign of King John; yearly value, 461. 10s. 8d., now worth 9301. 13s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to the Protestant Bishop of Ely. At THORNEY. A Benedictine Abbey, founded by the first IN ENGLAND. 49 Abbot of Peterburgh, as early as the time of St. Etheldreda. Yearly value 508l. 12s. 5d., now worth 10,172l. 8s. 4d. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to John Earl of Bedford. CHESHIRE (County). At BARAW. An Hospital of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, founded in the reign of Edward I., by Robert de Bachepuz. Yearly value at the dissolution 1077. 3s. 8d., now worth 2,143l. 13s. 4d. At BIRKENHEAD. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Hamon Massy, Baron of Dunham Massy. Valued at 1027. 16s. 10d. yearly; now worth 2,0561. 16s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Ralph Worseley. At DUNBURY. A College, founded in the year 1386, by Sir Hugh Calvely, Knight. Value 42l. 2s. 8d.; now worth 8421. 13s. 4d. yearly. Sold by Queen Elizabeth to Thomas Aldersey, London, merchant tailor. At CHESTER. A Benedictine Abbey, or Nunnery, founded in the time of the Saxons, but afterwards enlarged by Elfleda, Countess of Mercia, and by other benefactors. Yearly reve- nue, 1,0731. 17s. 74d.; now worth 21,4777. 12s. 6d. Granted. 26 Henry VIII. Valued at Granted, 33 A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Randal, Earl of Chester. 991. 16s. 2d.; now worth 1,9961. 3s. 4d. Henry VIII., to Urian Brereton and Son. St. John's College, founded by King Ethelred, in the year 689. Yearly income at the dissolution 881. 16s. Sd.; now worth 1,776l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 4 Elizabeth, to John Fortescue. St. John's Hospital, outside the north gate, possessing anciently great privileges, and containing at the dissolu- tion, 26 Henry VIII., a Chaplain and six poor Brethren, Yearly income 28l. 10s. 4d.; now worth 570l. 6s. Ed. A Friary, founded south ward of the city, by a Bishop of Chester. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Coke. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the reign of Henry III. Granted to John Coke. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1279, by 4 50 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Thomas Stadham, gentleman. Granted by Henry VIII. to John Coke. At COMBERMERE. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1133, by Hugh de Malbane, Lord of Nantwich. Yearly value 255l.; now worth 5,100. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to William Cotton, Esq., and now it belongs to Sir Robert Salusbury Cotton. At NANTWICH. An Hospital anciently founded here held the tithes, which were granted, 6 Elizabeth, to William Grys. At NORTON. A Priory of Augustine Canons, founded by a Mr. Williams, of Chester. Yearly value at the dissolution, 2581. 11s. 8d.; now worth 5,1717. 13s. 4d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Richard Brook. At PULTON. A Cistercian Abbey, founded by Robert, butler to the Earl of Chester, in the year 1153. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Cotton, Esq. At STANLAW. A Cistercian Abbey, founded by John Con- stable and Baron Holton, of Chester, in the year 1172. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Sir Robert Cotton, Knight. At VALEROYAL, King Edward, in the year 1277, expended on building a monastery here 32,000l. Yearly value at the dissolution 5407. 6s. 2d.; now worth 10,8061. 3s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Thomas Holcroft. At ST. ANTONY. as Richard's time. John Killigrew. CORNWALL (COUNTY). A Benedictine Cell, founded here as early Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to William and At BODMIN. A Priory of Augustine Cinons, founded in honour of the bones of St. Petroc that are deposited there, in the year 905. Yearly income at the dissolution 2897. 1ls. 11d.; now worth 5,7917. 18s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Thomas Sternhold. At ST. BURIEN. A College founded by King Athelstan, near the Land's End, in honour of St. Buriena, a holy woman from Ireland, who had an oratory and was buried here. Yearly income 55l. 7s. 1d.; now worth 1,1077. 1s. 8d. Granted to the Duke of Cornwall. At GERMANS. A Collegiate Church, founded in honour of IN ENGLAND. 51 St. German, one of the famous French Bishops who came into Britain to oppose the Pelagian heresy, in the year 936. Yearly revenue 2431. 8s.; now worth 4,868. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Catherine Champernoun, Jo n Ridgeway, &c. At HELSTON. An Hospital, founded by a Mr. Kyllegrew, at an early period. Yearly value 147. 7s. 4d.; now worth 2871. 6s. 8d. At ST. KARENTOC. A College, founded in the reign of Edward the Confessor, in honour of St. Carontocus, disciple of St. Patrick. Yearly value 891. 15s. 8d.; now worth 1,7951. 13s. 4d. Now in the patronage of John Buller, Esq. At LANACHEBRAN. A Cistercian Cell, founded about the Conquest, under the tutelage of St. Achebran. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to Francis Earl of Bedford. At LAUNCESTON. A College of Augustine Canons, founded before the Conquest, about half a mile from this town. Yearly "evenue 3927. Îls. 2d.; now worth 7,8511. 3s. 4d. Granted, 26 Henry VIII. At ST. MICHAEL'S MOUNT. A Priory of Alien Monks, founded in the year 1085, by Edward the Confessor. Yearly value 1107. 12s. 04d.; now worth 2,212l. 10d. At PENRYN, or GLASENEY, in the parish of Gluvias. A College, built by the good Bishop of Exeter, Walter Brones- comb, in the year 1270. Valued at 2051. 10s. 6d., now worth 4,1107. 10s. At ST. PROBUS. A College, founded before the Conquest. Yearly income 221. 10s.; now worth 450l. Granted, 26 Henry VIII. At ST. SYRIAC. A Cluniac Cell, founded as early as the time of Richard I. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Laurence Courtney. At TRELEIGH, or TURLEIGH. A Preceptory of Knights Hospitalers, founded by the bounty of Henry de Pomerai and Reginald Marsh. Yearly value 811. 8s. 5d.; now worth 1,628l. 8s. 4d. This, among other undisposed possessions, belonged to the Hospitalers, 5 Philip and Mary; but was granted at their dissolution, 16 Elizabeth, to Henry Wilby and George Blythe. At TRURO, A Dominican Convent, founded by the Reskiner family, in the reign of Henry III. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Edward Anglianby. At TRUWARDREATH, in the deanery of Pawder. An Alien 1 52 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Priory of Benedictine monks, founded in the year 1169, by some noblemen. Yearly value 151l. 16s. 1d.; now worth 3,056l. 1s. 8d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Edward, Earl of Hertford. CUMBERLAND (COUNTY). At ARMETHWAIT. A Benedictine Nunnery, endowed by William Rufus. Yearly value 181. 8s. 8d.; now worth 3681. 13s.4d. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to William Gryme, or Carleil. At ST. BEE'S. A Benedictine Cell, or Monastery, founded in the year 650, by Bega, a holy woman from Ireland. There were a prioress and six nuns at the dissolution. Yearly income 1491. 19s. 6d.; now worth 2,999l. 10s. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Challoner. At CALDRE, in Copeland, near Egremond. A Cistercian Abbey of Monks, founded in the year 1134, by Ranulph, Earl of Chester. Income at the dissolution 641. 3s. 9d.; now worth 1,2831. 15s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Thos. Leigh. At CARLILSE. An Augustine Priory of Monks, and a Nun- nery, founded in the year 686; were destroyed in the Danish wars, but rebuilt by William Rufus, and Walter, a Norman priest. Income 531l. 4s. 11d.; now worth 10,624l. 18s. 4d. St. Nicholas' Hospital, founded by the ancestors of Richard I., for thirteen lepers. Granted 33 Henry VIII. At GRAYSTOKE. A Collegiate Church, founded before the year 1359, by William Lord Graystock. Yearly income 821. 14s. ; now worth 1,6541. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to William Grice and Antony Foster. At HOLM-CULTRAM. A Cistercian Abbey, founded by Henry, son to David, King of Scotland, in the year 1150. Income 5351. 3s. 7d.; now worth 10,7037. 12s. 6d. At KIRK OSWALD. A College of twelve secular priests, founded, 20 Henry VIII., by Robert Threlkeld; valued at 781. 17s.; now worth 1,577. Granted, 30 Elizabeth, to Edward Downinge and Miles Doddinge, Esqs. At LANERCOST. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the year 1169, by Robert de Villibus, Lord of Gilleisland; yearly value 797. 19s.; now worth 1,5997. Granted to Thomas Lord Dacre. At SETON, alias LEKELY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded IN ENGLAND. 53 by Henry Kirby. Yearly income 131. 17s. 4d.; now worth 2771. 6s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Hugh Askue. At WETHERALL. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the reign of William Rufus, by Ranulph Meschin, Earl of Cumberland. Income 1281. 5s. 31d.; now worth 2,565l. 5s. 10d. Granted 33 Henry VIII. DERBY (COUNTY). At DE BELLO CAPITE, near Norton. An Abbey of White Canons, founded in the year 1183, by Robert, Lord Alfreton, one of the executors of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas à Becket. Income 1571. 10s. 2d.; now worth 3,150l. 3s. 4d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir Nicholas Strelly. At BRISOLL. An Augustine Friary, founded in the reign of Henry III. Income 101. 17s. 9d.; now worth 217. 15s. Granted, 6 Edward IV., to Henry, Duke of Suffolk. At CALKE. An Augustine Cell, founded in the year 1161, by Maud, widow of the Earl of Chester. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At CHESTERFIELD. An Hospital of Lepers, founded as early as the reign of Richard I.. Suppressed by Henry VIII. A Premonstraten- At LE DALE, in the deanery of Derby. sian Abbey, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Sterlo de Grendon. Yearly income 144l. 12s. ; now worth 2,8921. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Francis Poole. At DERBY. A Cell of Cluniac Monks, founded in the year 1140, by Waltheof. Yearly income 10%.; now worth 2007. Dissolved in the reign of Henry VIII. All Saints College. Income 381. 14s.; now worth 7747. A Monastery of Friars (Dominicans). Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to John Hynde. At LITTLE DIRBY, Or DArley. An Augustine Friary, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Robert de Ferraris, Earl of Derby. Yearly income 2851. 9s. 67d.; now worth 5,7097. 10s. 10d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir William West. At GREISLEY, in the deanery of Repingdon. A priory of Angustine Canons, founded in the reign of Henry I., by William de Greisley. Income 391. 13s. 8d.; now worth 7934. 13s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII, to Henry Cruche. 54 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At KING'S MEAD, near Derby. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1160, by the abbess of Derby. Value 217. 18s. Ed.; now worth 4381. 13s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Francis, Earl of Shrewsbury. At REPINGDON. A Monastery of Augustine Monks stood here in the year 660; destroyed in the Danish wars, but rebuilt in the year 1172, by Maud, widow of Ranulph, Earl of Chester. Yearly income 1671. 18s. 2d.; now worth 3,3581. 3s. 4d. At SPITTEL, on the Peak, between the villages of Hope and Castleton, an Hospital, founded 12 Edward III. Valued, 26 Henry VIII., at 21. yearly; now worth 40%. At YEVELY, or STEDE. A Preceptory of Knights Hos- pitalers, founded in the reign of Richard I., by Ralph le Fan and Sir William Meynill, in the year 1268. Valued at 1077. 3s. 8d. yearly; now worth 2,1437. 14s. 2d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Charles, Lord Montjoy. DEVON (COUNTY). At AXMINSTER. A College founded by King Ethelstan, for seven priests, to pray for the souls of those who were slain in a battle which he fought against the Danes at Bremaldown, near this place. At AXMOUTH. An Alien Priory, founded by Richard de Rivers, Earl of Devonshire, in the reign of Henry II. Granted, 6 Elward VI., to Walter Erle. At BARNSTAPLE, in the deanery of Barnstaple. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Johel of Totness. Yearly value 129l. 15s. 3½d.; now worth 2,595l. 5s. 10d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to William Lord Howard. At BUCKLAND, in the deanery of Tamerton. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1278, by Amicia Countess of Devonshire. Yearly income 341; now worth 6,8201. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Richard Grey nfeld. At BUCKFASTRE. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1137, by Ethelwerd, son of William Pomerei. Income 4667. 11s. 24d.; now worth 9,3317. 4s. 2d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII. to Sir Thomas Dennys. IN ENGLAND. 55 At CARESWELL. A Cluniac Cell, founded at some early period. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to John Etherege or Athrege. At CHULMELEIGH. A College, said to have been founded before the time of Edward I., by the Lady of the Manor, for seven children, whom she saved from being drowned by their own father, who looked upon himself as unable to maintain them. Yearly income 241. 8s. 4d.; now worth 4881. 6s. 81. At CORNWORTHY, in the deanery of Totness. An Augus- tine Nunnery, founded by the Edgecomb family. Income 631. 3s. 10d.; now worth 1,2637. 16s. S. Granted 2 Eliza- beth, to Elward Harris and John Williams. At CREDITON, or KIRTON, in the deanery of Kenne. A College, founded in the Saxon times, but underwent after- wards many alterations. Yearly income at the dissolution 3321. 17s. 5½d.; now worth 66571. 9s. 2d. yearly. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Elizabeth, Countess of Bath, and to Sir Thomas Darcy. At DUNKESWell. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1201, by Wm. Briwere. Yearly income 2987. 11s. 10d.; now worth 5,9711. 16s. 8d. Granted, 26 Henry VIII., to John, Lord Russell. At EXETER. The number of religious houses here sup- pressed is not known; though from the celebrity of this city in the Roman, British, and Saxon times, there is not the least doubt that vast numbers of religious of all orders flocked hither. There is particular mention of three religious houses within the precincts of the city: first, a Nunnery, which is now the dean's house; second, a Monastery, founded by Etheldred in the year 868; and the third, a Monastery, founded in the year 932, by Ethelstan, and endowed with twenty-six villages for its support. The monks repeatedly fled, for fear of the Danes, but were finally recalled, and settled in more lands and privileges than ever by King Canute, in the year 1019. A Benedictine Priory, founded by William the Con- queror. Yearly income, 1457. 12s.; now worth 2,9127. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Denys. Boneville's Hospital, founded in the year 1407, by Sir William Boneville, in Rock's-lane, for twelve poor people, with the income of fifty marks per annum. This 56 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Almshouse was demolished, and the site converted into a garden, and granted to Newton, Esq. St. Mary Magdalene Hospital, founded prior to the year 1163, without the south gate, to which Bishop Bartholomew Iscanus was a benefactor. Granted, 26 Henry VIII. A Dominican Friary, founded on the north side of the Cathedral Church. Granted, by Edward I., to John Lord Russell, now called Bedford House. A Franciscan Friary, founded without the south gate in the reign of Edward I., by Bishop Button; dissolved and granted to Humphrey Rolles. At FORD, in the parish of Thorncomb. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1136, by Richard Fitz Baldwin, Sheriff of Devonshire, and by Andelicia, his sister and heiress. Yearly income 381l. 10s. 61d.; now worth 770l. 10s. 10d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Richard Pollard. At FRETHELSTOKE, or FRISTOKE. An Augustine Friary, founded, 8 Henry III., by Sir Robert Beauchamp, Knt. Yearly income 1277. 2s. 44d.; now worth 2,542l. 7s. 6d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Arthur Viscount Lisle. At HERTLAND. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Githa, wife to the Earl Godwin. Yearly income 3061. 13s. 24d.; now worth 6,133l. 4s. 2d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to William Abbot. A a At LEGA, or LEYE, in the parish of Burlescombe. Augustine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Walter Clavell. Yearly income 2021. 15s. 3d.; now worth 4,0551. 5s. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir John St. Leger. At MODBURY, in the deanery of Plymton. An Alien Priory, founded, in the reign of Stephen, by Sir Peter sur Dive, in Normandy. At NEWENHAM, or NEUHAM, in the parish of Axminster. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1246, by Reginald de Mohun, Earl of Somerset. Income 2311. 14s. 4d. yearly; now worth 4,6341. 6s. 8d. Granted, 5 Elizabeth, to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. founded in the year 1337, by Income 3031. 2s. 9d. yearly; Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Ed- At OTTERY. A College, John Gradison, of Exeter. now worth 6,0621. 15s. ward, Earl of Hertford. IN ENGLAND. 57 At OTTERINGTON. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by the Monks of St. Michael, in Normandy. Income 871. 10s. 4d. yearly; now worth 1,7501. 6s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., as parcel of Sion, to Richard Duke. At PILTON, near Barnstaple. A Benedictine Cell, founded by King Ethelstan. Valuation 56l. 12s. 8d.; now worth 1,1327. 14s. 2d. At PLYMOUTH. A Friary, in the east part of the town. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Giles Iselham. At PLYMPTON. A Free Chapel of Augustines, founded in the year 1121, by William Warlewast, Bishop of Exeter. Value 9127. 12s. 8d.; now worth 18,252l. 14s. 2d. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to Arthur Champernoun. At POLLESHOO. A Benedictine Nunnery, erected in the reign of Richard I., by William Briwere, Bishop of Exeter. Value 1701. 2s. 34d. yearly; now worth 3402l. 5s. 10d. Granted, in the reign of Edw. VI, to John, Earl of Warwick. At SLAPTON. A College, founded in the year 1373, by Sir Guy de Brien. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Thomas Arundel. At TAVESTOCK. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 961, by Ordgar, Earl of Devonshire, and his son. Valued at 9021. 5s. 74d. yearly; now worth 18,045l, 12s. 6d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to John, Lord Russell. At TORR, in the deanery of Iplepen. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1196, by William Briwere. Yearly value 396l. Os. 1ld.; now worth 7,920l. 18s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir John St. Leger. At TOTNESS. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by John by John Aluredi. Value 1211. 10s. 217. yearly; now worth 2490l. 2s. 6d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Catherine Champernoun and others. At ABBOTSBURY. DORSET (COUNTY). A Benedictine Abbey, founded by Oreins, steward to King Canute, in the year 1026. Income 4851. 3s. 54d. yearly; now worth 9,7031. 9s. 2d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Giles Strangwaies. At ATHELINGTON. An Hospital, founded at an early time, 58 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. by Mr. Chidiock. Income 71. 8s. 4d. yearly; now worth 1481. 6s. 8d. Granted, 3 Edw. VI., to Sir Michael Stanhope. At BINDON. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1172, by Robert de Bergo and his wife Maud. Income 2291. 2s. 11d. yearly; now worth 4,5821. 2s. 6d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Poynings. At BRIDPORT. A Priory, at the end of the town. Income 61. yearly; now worth 120. Converted into a dwelling- house, called St. Jones. An Hospital over the bridge, to the west of the town. Income 81. 6s. Id. yearly; now worth 1667. Is. 8d. At CERN, or CERNELL. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the Saxon times, by a Mr. Egleward. Underwent several changes in after times. Valued, at the dissolution, at 6231. 13s. 24d.; now worth 12,4731. 4s. 2d. Granted, 17 Elizabeth, to John Dudley and others. At CRANBURN, in the deanery of Pimpern. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 980, by Elwardus Snew. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to Thomas Francis. At DORCHESTER. St. John's Hospital. A Franciscan Abbey, founded, 4 Henry II. by the ancestors of Sir John Chidiock. Granted, 35 Henry VIII. to Sir Edmund Peckham. At FRAMPTON. An Alien Priory, founded by William the Conqueror. Granted, 14 Elizabeth, to Sir Christopher Hatton, who sold it to John Brown, Esq. At HOLME. A Cluniac Cell, founded before the reign of Edward I. Granted, 1 Elward VI., to John Hannon. At HORTON. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 970, by Ordgar, Earl of Devonshire. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Edward Duke of Somerset, and after his attainder, to William Earl of Pembroke, 7 Edward VI. At LODRES. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Richard de Redveriis. At LYME. An Hospital. An Hospital. Valued at 38. 11s.; now worth 7711. At MAYNE. A Preceptory of Knights Hospitalers. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to William Pole and Edward Downing. At MELCOMB, or MILTON. A Dominican Friary, founded by Rogers, of Brianston. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir John Rogers, of the same family. IN ENGLAND. 59 At MIDDLETON. A Benedictine Abbey, founded by King Ethelstan, in the year 933, to expiate the murder of his brother Edwin. Income 7201. 4s. 1d. yearly; now worth 14,4087. 1s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Sir John Tregon wall. At SHAFTESBURY. Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 888, by King Alfred. Value 1,329. 1s. 3d. yearly; now worth 26,581l. 5s. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to William, Earl of Southampton. St. John's Hospital, super montem de Shaftesbury, founded. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Randal Burgh and others. An Almshouse, in St. James's parish, in the west side of St. Mary's Lane. Granted, 28 Elizabeth, to Edward Read. At SHIREBUrn. A Benedictine Abbey, founded about the year 1200, by King Jolin. Value, at the dissolution, 6921. 14s. 7 d. yearly; now worth 13,6541. 12s. 6d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Sir John Horsey. At SPECTESBURY. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Robert, Earl of Mallent and Leicester. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Charles Blount, Lord Mountjoy, as parcel of the possessions of Witham. At TARENT. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1230, by Richard Power, Bishop of Chichester. Valued, at the dissolution, at 2397. 11s. 10d.; now worth 4,6917. 16s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Wyat. At WARHAM. Alien Priory, bestowed, in the reign of Henry I., on the convent of Lira, in Normandy, by Robert, Earl of Leicester. Granted to Thomas Reve and Geo. Cotton. At WILCHESWOOD. A Priory, founded here at a very early period. Value 12. 16s. 4d. yearly; now worth 2561. 6s. 8d. Suppressed, with the minor monasteries, in the reign of Henry VIII. At WINBURN, or TWINBORN. A Nunnery, founded in the year 705, by St. Cuthburga, daughter of Kenred, King of the West Saxons, where several of the Saxon Kings were buried. Valuation, at the dissolution, 131. 14s.; now worth 2,6341. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Edward, Duke of Somerset, then to Giles Keylway and William Leonard, but finally to Edward, Lord Clinton. ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 60 DURHAM (COUNTY). At BISHOP'S AUCKLAND. A College, founded and well endowed by Anthony Beck, Bishop of Durham. Yearly value 1801. 3s. 2d.; now worth 3,6037. 3s. 4d. At CHESTER ON THE STREET. A College, founded in the year 883, by Bishop Eardulfus, who had been forced to flee hither with the body of St. Cuthbert from Lindisfarn. The seven prebends here were valued, 26 Henry VIII., at 771. 12s. 8d.; now worth 1,5527. 13s. 4d. At DERLINgton. A College, founded early, by Hugh Pusar, Bishop of Durham, in the reign of Henry II. Valued at 51l. 8s. 4d.; now worth 1,028/. 6s. 8d. At DURHAM. A Cathedral and Benedictine Priory, founded about the year 995. The body of the tutelar Saint, Cuthbert, was magnificently enshrined behind the high altar. Yearly income 4,436l. 16s. 3d.; now worth 88,7361. 5s. At FINCHALE. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 1128, by Randal, Bishop of Durham, for the Monks of Durham. Yearly value 1461. 19s. 2d.; now worth 2,9397. 3s. 4. Granted, 26 Henry VIII., to the Dean and Chapter of Durham. St. Edmond's Hospital, founded by Nicholas de Farne- ham, Bishop of Durham, in the year 1247. Yearly value 1091. 4s. 4d.; now worth 2,1841. 6s. 8d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle. At GRETHAM. An Hospital, founded in the year 1262, by Robert de Stichill, Bishop of Durham. Yearly value 977. 6s. 3d.; now worth 1,9461. 5s. 10d. Granted, 26 Henry VIII., to the Bishop of Durham. At JARROW. A Benedictine Cell, or Monastery, founded in the year 684, by King Egfrid. The learned and venerable Bede had his education here. Yearly income 40l. 7s. 8d.; now worth 8077. 13s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Lord Eure. At KEYPIER, near Durham. An Hospital, founded in the year 1112, by Randal, Bishop of Durham, and Hugh, Bishop of the said place. Yearly income 1677. 2s. 11d.; now worth 3,3401. 18s. 4d.. Granted, 36 Henry VIII, to Sir W. Paget. At LANGCESTER. A College, founded in the year 1283, by Anthony Beck, Bishop of Durham. Yearly income 497. IN ENGLAND. 61 3s. 4d.; now worth 9831. 6s. 8d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Simyn Weldbury and Christopher Moreland. At NORTON. A College, anciently founded, in the patron- age of the Bishop of Durham. Valued yearly at 34l. 13s. 4d.; now worth 6931. 6s. 8d. At SHIRBURN. An Hospital, founded by the above- mentioned Hugh Pusar, Bishop of Durham, in the reign of Henry II. Yearly revenue 1351. 7s.; now worth 2,7071. Here were maintained sixty-five Lepers, a master, and some priests. Granted, in the reign of Henry VIII., to the Bishop of Durham. At STAINDROP. A College, founded in the reign of Henry IV., by Ralph Nevell, Earl of Westmoreland, for six decayed gentlemen, six poor officers, and other poor men. Yearly revenue 126l. 5s. 10d.; now worth 2,5251. Ss. 4d. At WERMOUTH. A Benedictine Cell, built by the famous abbot, Benedict Biscopius, in the year 674, who received this town from King Egfrid. Yearly value 267.; now worth 5201. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Thomas Whitehead. ESSEX (COUNTY). At BERDEN. An Augustine Friary, founded in the reign of Henry III. Yearly income 311. 5s. 1d.; now worth 6251. 2s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Henry Parker. At BERKING, or Bedenham. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 675, by Erkinwald, son of Anna, King of the East Angles, and afterwards Bishop of London. Yearly income 1,0847. 6s. 24d.; now worth 21,6861, 4s. 2d. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At BILEIGH, near Maldon. Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1180, by Robert Mantel. Income 1967. 6s. 5d. yearly; now worth 3,926l. 8s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII, to Sir John Gate. At BLACKMORE. An Augustine Monastery, founded, in the reign of King John, by Adam and Jordan de Samford. Income 85l. 9s. 7d. yearly; now worth 1,7097. 11s. Sɗ. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to John Smith. At CHELMEsford. A Dominican Friary, founded at an early date here, or in the adjoining hamlet Fulsham, Income 62 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 91. 6s. 5d. yearly; now worth 186l. 8s. 4d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Antony Bonvixi. At CHICH. An Augustine Priory, founded, by Richard de Bolmeis, Bishop of London and St. Osith, before the year 1118. Income 7581. 5s. 8d.; now worth 15,165l. 8s. 4d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Lord Cromwell, and after his attainder, to Sir Thomas Darey, 5 Edward VI. At COGGESHALE, or COXHALL. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1142, by King Stephen. Yearly income 2981. 8s.; now worth 5,9681. Granted, 29 Henry VIII, to Sir T. Seymor. At COLCHESTER. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 1096, by Eudo, courtier of William the Conqueror. Income 5231. 17s. 03d. yearly; now worth 10,477l. Os. 10d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. An Augustine Friary, founded in the reign of Henry I., in the south part of the town, by Ernulphus, who became afterwards prior of it. Income 1137. 12s. 8d. yearly; now. worth 2,2721. 13s. 4d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Audley. A Friary, without the walls of the town, on the south- ward, founded in the year 1244, for the Crouched Friars. Value 71. 7s. 8d. yearly; now worth 1477. 13s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII, to Thomas, Lord Audley. Monastery of Grey Friars, founded in the year 1309, by Robert, Lord Fitzwalter, near the east gate, who be- came a Friar before his death, in 1325. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Francis Jolinson and Andrew Audley, and by King Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At COLUM, or COLUN. A Benedictine Priory, founded, in the reign of Henry I., by Albericus de Vere, who became a monk there. Yearly value 175l. 14s. 8d.; now worth 3,5147. 14s. 2d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to John, Earl of Oxford. At CRESSING TEMPLE. A Preceptory of Knights Templars, founded by King Stephen, in the year 1150. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir W. Hughes, Knight. At DUNMOWE PARVA. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the year 1104, by Lady Juga. Revenues, 173l. 2s. 4d.; now worth 3,4621. 6s. 8d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Robert, Earl of Sussex. At HALSTEDE. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the reign of IN ENGLAND. 63 William the Conqueror, by Ingelrica, wife of Ranulf Peverell. Income 831. 19s. 7d yearly; now worth 1,6791. 11s. 8d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Giles Leigh. At HALFIELD REGIS. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the year 1140, by Aubrey de Vere, father of the Earl of Oxford. Revenues, 1571. 3s. 24d.; now worth 3,1437. 4s. 2d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas Noke. At CASTLEHEDINGHAM, or HENINGHAM. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1190, by Aubrey de Vere, first Earl of Oxford, or rather by his Countess Lucia, who became the first Prioress. Revenues, at the suppression, 291. 12s. 10d.; now worth 3921. 16s. 8d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to John, Earl of Oxford. At HORKESLEY PARVA. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Robert Fitz Godebold. Revenues 381. 14s. 7d.; now worth 774l. 11s. 8d. At LATTON. An Augustine Priory, founded, before 20 Edward I., by some person, whose name is not known. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir Henry Parker. At LAYER MORNEY. A College, founded, in the year 1330, by William de Morney, Lord of the Manor. An Hospital, or Almshouse, erected in the year 1523. in pursuance of the will of Henry, Lord Morney. Granted, by Queen Elizabeth, to William Tipper and Robert Dawe. At LIGHES. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry III., by Sir Ralph Gernoun. Yearly revenue 1417. 14s. 8d.; now worth 2,8341. 13s. 4d.. Granted, 27 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Rich. At MALDON. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the reign of Edward II. by some persons unknown. Value 261. Os. 8d. yearly; now worth 5207. 13s. 4d.. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to George Duke and John Sterr. At MALDON JUXTA. An Hospital for the leprous townsmen, founded by some one of the ancient kings of England. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Thomas Dyer; and 25 Elizabeth, to Theophilus and Robert Adams. At LITTLE MAPLESTEAD. A Preceptory of Knights Hos- pitalers, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Juliana, daughter and heiress of Robert Dorsnell. Granted, at the dissolution, to George Harper. 64 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At MEROY, or WEST MERESEY. An Alien Priory, founded by King Edward the Confessor. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Robert Dacres, Esq. At NEWPORTPOND. An IIospital, founded in the reign of King John, by Richard Serlo. Valuation 231. 10s. 8d.; now worth 4701. 13s. 4d. Granted, by Henry VIII., to Sir Martin Bowes. At PAUNSFIELD. An Alien Priory, founded, 4 William the Conqueror, by Walteran Fitz Ranulph. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir Giles Caple. At PLECY. A College, founded 17 Richard II., by Thomas, Duke of Gloucester. Valuation 1391. 3s. 10d. yearly; now worth 2,7831. 18s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to John Gales. At PRITTLEWELL. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Robert Fitz Swain. Yearly value 1947. 14s. 3d.; now worth 3,8941. 5s. 10d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII, to Thomas Audley; and 5 Edward VI., to Sir Richard Rich. At SEDEBURBROOK. A Free Chapel, founded in the reign of Edward I. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Sir Anthony Brown and Richard Weston. At STANESGATE, in the parish of Steeple. A Cluniac Priory, founded by the predecessors of the Priory of Lewes, antecedently to the year 1176. Value 431. 8s. 6d. yearly; now worth 8681. 10s. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Edmund Mordaunt. At STRATFORD, in the parish of West Ham. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1134, by William de Montfichet. Income 5731. 15s. 6d. yearly; now worth 11,475l. 10s. 10d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Peter Meawtis, Esq. At THOBEY, near INGATEStone. An Augustine Priory, founded early, by Michael Capra and wife and son. Value 75l. 10s. 6d. yearly; now worth 1,5107. 10s. Granted, 22 llenry VIII., to Sir Richard Page, Knt. At THREMHALL. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Gilbert de Montefixo. Valuation 70l. 19s. 31d.; now worth 1,4197. 5s. 10d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to John Carey. At TILTEY. A Cistercian Abbey, founded about the year 1152, by Robert Ferrers, Earl of Derby, and Maurice Fitz IN ENGLAND. 65 Jeffery. Valuation 1771. 9s. 4d.; now worth 3.5491. 6s. 8d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Thomas Lord Audley. At TIPTREE. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the reign of Edward I., by Ralph de Munchensi. Value 221. 16s. 4d. yearly; now worth 456l. 6s. 8d. At LITTLE WALDEN. A Benedictine Abbey of Monks, founded in the year 1136, by Jeffrey Mandevil, Earl of Essex. Income 4067. 15s. 11d. yearly; now worth 8,1357. 18s. 46. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Audley. At WALTHAM. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the year 1062, by Earl Harold. Value 1,0797. 12s. Id. yearly; now worth 21,5927. 1s. 8d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Sir Antony Denny. At WIKES. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Walter and Alexander Mascherell, brothers. Value 921. 12s. 3d.; now worth 1,8521. 5s. Granted by Henry VIII. At WUDEHAM. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Maurice Fitz Jeffery and Tiretai, Sheriff of Essex. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Henry Polsted. GLOUCESTER (COUNTY). At BECCANFORD. An Alien Priory, given, in the reign of Henry I., to the abbey of St. Martin, in Normandy. Value 531. 6s. 8d. yearly; now worth 1,0667. 13s. 4d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Sir Richard Lee. At CIRENCESTER. An Augustine Monastery, magnificently built, in the year 1117, by Henry I. Yearly value 1,0517. 7s. 1d.; now worth 21,0271. 2s. 6d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Seymour; 6th Elizabeth, to Richard Masters. At DAEGLESford. A Monastery, founded in the year 718. by one Begia, on a site, granted him for that purpose by King Ethelbald. Dissolved. At DEREHURST. An Alien Priory, founded about the year 980, by Doddo, Duke of Mercia. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to William Throckmorton. At FLEXELEY, or DENE. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the time of Stephen, by Roger, Earl of Hereford. Value 1127. 13s. ld. yearly; now worth 2,2531. 1s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Antony Kingston. 5 66 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At GLOUCESTER. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 680, by Wulphere, the first Christian King of Mercia, and Ethelred, his brother and successor, who was afterwards Monk and Abbot of Bardney. There were, according to the Saxon custom, religious of both sexes. This house was honoured by having, for ninety years, three Queens succes- sively the presiding Abbesses. Valuation, at the dissolution, 1.550l. 4s. 5½d.; now worth 31,0041. 9s. 2d. Granted, by Henry VIII., to the Bishop and his officers. An Augustine Monastery, founded, as some writers say, in the year 660, by Merwald, Viceroy of West Mercia; or as others, with more appearance of certainty, say, by Ethelred, Earl of Mercia, in the year 909. Income 901. 10s. 24d. yearly; now worth 1,8107. 4s. 2d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to John Jennings. A Friary, not far from the south gate, founded before the year 1268, by Lord Berkley. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to John Jennings. A Monastery of Dominicans, founded near the Castle- yard, by Henry III., in the year 1239. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas Bell, who made it a drapering house. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the suburbs without the north gate, by Queen Elenor, Sir Thomas Gifford, and Sir Thomas Berkley, in the time of Henry III. Granted, 35 Henry VIII, to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. At MINCHIN HAMPTON. An Alien Priory, according to some authors, was founded here very early, but others say, that this idea took rise from the fact that the manor was given to the Nuns or Minchins of the Holy Trinity, in Normandy, by William the Conqueror; revenues valued at 1177. 16s. 11d.; now worth 2,356l. 18s. 4d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Andrews Lord Windsor. At HAYLES, or TRAY. A Cistercian Monastery, founded in the year 1251, by Richard, Earl of Cornwall, afterwards King of the Romans and Emperor of Germany. Valuation 3571. 7s. 84d.; now worth 7,147. 14s. 2d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Sir Thos. Seymour, and after his attainder, to William, Marquis of Northampton, 4 Edward VI. A HORKSLEGH, or HORSLEY. An Alien Priory, endowed IN ENGLAND. 67 in the time of William the Conqueror, by Roger, Earl of Shrewsbury. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Sir Walter Dennys. At LANTONY, near Gloucester. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the year 1136, by Milo, Earl of Hereford, on the south side of the city. Income 748l. 19s. 11.; now worth 14,9791. 19s. 2d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Arthur Porter. At LECHELADE. An Hospital, founded 30 Henry III., by Lady Isabel Ferrers. Granted, 14 Elizabeth, to Denis Tappes. At NOENT, or NEWENTON. An Alien Priory, founded on the manor given by William the Conqueror to the Convent of Cormelli, in Normandy. Granted, I Edward VI., to Sir Richard Lee. At QUEININGTON. A Preceptory of Knights Hospitalers, founded, through the bounty of Agnes de Lacy and her daughter, before the reign of John. Valued at 1371. 7s. 1½d. yearly; now worth 2,7471. 2s. 6d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Morisine and to Sir Anthony Kingston. At STANLEY. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 1136, by Roger Berkley. Yearly income 1261. Os. 8d.; now worth 2,5201. 13s. 4d. Granted to Sir Antony Kingston. At Srow-ON-THE-WOULd. An Hospital, founded about the year 1010, by Ailmer, Earl of Cornwall and Devonshire. Valued at 251. 4s. 4d. yearly; now worth 5041. 6s. 8d. At THEOKESBURY, or TEWKESbury. A Benedictine Monas- tery, built and endowed by two brothers, Oddo and Doddo, in the year 715, but enlarged in the year 1102, by Robert Fitz- Haimon, a noble Norman. Valued at 1,5987. Is. 3d. yearly ; now worth 31,9617. 5s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Thomas Strowde, Walter Erle, and James Paget. At WESTBURY-on-Trin, or TRYMME. A Benedictine Cell and College, founded in the year 824, and endowed with several lands by Ethelric, son of Ethelmund. Having suffered by wars and other convulsions, it was rebuilt, in the year 1288, by Godfrey Giffard, Bishop of Worcester. Valued at 2321. 14s. Od. yearly; now worth 4,654l. Os. 10. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Ralph Sadler. At WINCHELCOMBE. A Benedictine Monastery, or Nun- nery, founded 787, by King Offa; and, in 798, King Ranulph laid there the foundation of a stately Monastery. Valued at 68 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 7591. 11s. 9d. yearly; now worth 15,1917. 15s. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Seymour. HANTS (COUNTY). At SOUTH BADEISLEY. A Preceptory of Knights Templars. Valued at 1187. 16s. 7d. yearly; now worth 2,376l. 11s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Sir Nicolas Trockmorton. At DE BELLO LOCO REGIS, or BEAULIEU, in the New Forest. A Cistercian Abbey, founded by King John, in the year 1204, for thirty monks. Income 4287. 16s. 8d. yearly; now worth 8,5761. 4s. 2d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Thomas Wriothesley, Esq. At BROMERE. An Augustine Monastery, founded by Bald- win de Reveriis and his uncle Hugh, in the reign of Henry I. Valued at 2001. 5s. 1½d. yearly; now worth 4,005l. 2s. 6d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Henry, Marquis of Exeter. At BURTON, in the Isle of Wight. A College, founded 1282, by John de Insula, rector of Shalfleet, and Thomas de Winton, rector of Godshill. Granted, 18 Henry V., to Winchester College. At HALLING. An Alien Priory, founded by King William, and afterwards by King Henry I. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to the College of Arundel. At MEREWELL. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of John, by Henry of Blois, Bishop of Winchester. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to Sir Henry Seymore. At MOTISFONT. An Augustine Priory, founded by William Brimere, in the reign of John. Valued at 1671. 15s. 8d. yearly; now worth 3,3551. 14s. 2d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to William, Lord Sandys. At NETTELY, near Southampton. A Cistercian Abbey, founded 1239, by King Henry III. Valued at 1601. 2s. 9zd. yearly; now worth 3,2021. 15s. 10d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir William Paulet. At PORCHESTER. An Augustine Monastery, founded 1133, by King Henry I. Valued at 314l. 17s. 103d. yearly; now worth 6,2971. 17s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to John White. At PORTESMOUTH. An Hospital, founded in the time of IN ENGLAND. 69 John, by Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester. Valued at 33l. 19s. 51d. yearly; now worth 6791. 9s. 2d. At QUARRER, in the Isle of Wight. A Cistercian Monas- tery, founded 1132, by Baldwin de Redveriis, afterwards Earl of Devonshire. Valued at 18 l. 1s. 10d. yearly 1811. now worth 3,681l. 18s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John and George Mills. At RUMESEY. ; A Benedictine Nunnery, founded 967, by Edward, or Ethelwold, a Saxon nobleman. Valued at 5281. 8s. 10d. yearly; now worth 10.568l. 19s. 2d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to John Bellow and R. Pigot. At SOUTHAMPTON. An Augustine Priory, built by Henry I. upon the river, two miles above the town. Valued at 911. 9s. yearly; now worth 1,8291. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Francis Dawtrey. An Hospital, called God's House, founded in the time of Henry III., by two brothers, Gervase and Protase, of Hampton, for the poor. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital, founded 1179, for lepers. A Franciscan Friary, founded 1240, near the wall, in the south part of the town. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Pollard, and 5 Edward VI., to Arthur Darcy. At TWINHAM. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of Edward the Confessor. Valued at 5417. 16s. yearly; now worth 10,8967. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Joseph Kirton. At TYCHFIELD. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the time of Henry III., by Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester. Valued at 2801. 19s. 10. yearly; now worth 5,619l. 19s. 2d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Wriothesley, who built a stately house here. At WHREWELL. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded by Elfrida, Queen Dowager of King Edgar, in the year 986, to expiate the crime of her being concerned in the murders both of her first husband, Ethelwolf, that she might be queen, and of her son-in-law, King Edward, that her own son might be king; here she spent the latter part of her life in doing penance, like David, for her sins, and for regaining, like the prodigal child, the good graces of her heavenly Father. Valued at 4037. 12s. 10d yearly; now worth 8 072l. 18s 4d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas West, Lord de la Ware. 70 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At WINCHESTER. A Benedictine Priory, founded, as they say, by King Lucius, but destroyed in Diocletian's persecution, in the year 266; rebuilt by Deodatus, the abbot, in the year 300; the monks were massacred, and the house perverted into a temple for the idolatrous worship of Dagon, by Cerdic, King of the West Saxons, but finally restored by the Saxon Chris- tian kings. Value, at the suppression, 1,5071. 17s. 2d. yearly; now worth 30,1571. 3s. 4d. A Nunnery, founded in the east part of the city, by King Alfred. Here St. Edburg was abbess. Valued at 1791. 7s. 2d. yearly; now worth 3,5871. 3s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to John Bello and John Broxholme. A Monastery, founded by King Alfred for the learned monk Grimbald, whom he had brought from Flanders. It was removed, 1110, to Hyde, without the city. Valued at 865l. 1s. 6d. yearly; now worth 17,3017. Os. 10d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Richard Bethel. St. Elizabeth College, founded by John de Pontoys, Bishop of Winchester, 1300. Valued at 1127. 17s. 4d. yearly; now worth 2,2571. 6s. 8d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Lord Wriothesley. Wykeham College, founded by the munificent prelate, William of Wy keham, Bishop of Winchester, 1387, out- side the city to the southward. Valued at 6391. 8s. 7d. yearly; now worth 12,7887. St. Cross Hospital, founded, south-west of the town, by Henry le Blois, Bishop of Winchester, in the year 1132, for the whole maintenance of 13 poor brethren in lodging, clothing, and diet, and for dining 100 poor persons every day. In the year 1185, Richard, Bishop of Winchester, made provision for dining another 100 poor persons every day; and in the time of Henry VI., Cardinal Beaufort made additional provision for a rector, two chaplains, 35 poor men, and three poor women. Value, at the dissolution, 1841. 4s. 2d. yearly; now worth 3.6841. 3s. 4d. An Hospital for the poor folk stood outside the King's Gate, maintained by the Monks of St. Swithin, now suppressed. An Augustine Friary stood a little without the south IN ENGLAND. 71 gate, on the way to Hampton. The site of this as well as of three other friaries granted. Grey Friary, founded by King Henry III., close by the east gate, on the inside. Granted, 35 Henry VIII. At WINTENEY, A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the time of William the Conqueror, by the son of Peter Jeffrey. Valued at 591. 1s. yearly; now worth 1,1817. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Richard Hill, Esq., Serjeant of the King's Cellar. HEREFORD (COUNTY). At ACLEY. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1160, by the ancestors of Robert Chandos. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir Philip Hobby. Nunnery, founded by three miles south of Valued at 751. 7s. 53d. At ACORNBURY. An Augustine Margery, wife of Walter de Lacy, Hereford, in the reign of King John. yearly; now worth 1,5071. 9s. 2d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Hugh de Harry. At BROMYARD. A College, founded prior to the reign of Henry III. Granted, 14 Elizabeth, to one Henry James. At CLIFFORD. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the time of Henry I., by Simon Fitz Richard. Valued at 65l. 11s. 11d. yearly; now worth 1,3117. 18s. 4d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke. At DORE. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the time of King Stephen, by Robert Ewyas. Valued at 1181. 2s. yearly; now worth 2,3621. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to John Scudamore. , At DYNMORE. An Hospital of Knights Hospitalers, founded by Sir Thomas a brother of the order, in the time of Henry II. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Palmer. At FLANESFORD. An Augustine Monastery, founded 1347, by Richard, Lord Talbot. Valued at 157 8s. Id. yearly now worth 3081. 15s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to George, Earl of Shrewsbury. At HEREFORD. A Cathedral, founded here in the year 680; again destroyed by the wars, and rebuilt by William the 72 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Conqueror. Valued, at the general suppression, 831l. 4s. 1d. yearly; now worth 16,624l. 1s. 8d. A Benedictine Cell, founded here very early, but en- larged in after times by several benefactors. Valued at 1217. 3s. 3 d. yearly; now worth 2,4231. 5s. 10d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Jolin ap Rice. St. John's Hospital of Templars stood in the suburbs, without the north gate. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to Robert Freke and John Walker. A Friary, founded in the time of Edward III., in the north suburbs, by Sir John Daniel. Granted, 5 Elizabeth, to Elizabeth Wynne. A Friary, founded without the Frere-gate, by Sir William Pembrugge, in the time of Edward I. Granted, 36 Henry VII., to James Boyle. At KILPECKE. A Benedictine Cell, founded about 1134, by Hugh, the son of William the Norman. Granted, 13 Henry VIII., to the Bishop of Gloucester. At LEOMINSTER. A Benedictine Cell, founded about 660, by Merwald, King of West Mercia, but destroyed and rebuilt in after-times. Valued at 6601. 16s. 8d. yearly ; now worth 13,2167. 13s. 4d. Granted to the bailiffs and burgesses of the town. At LYMBROke. An Augustine Nunnery, founded about a quarter of a mile. from the left bank of the river Lugg. Valued at 231. 17s. 8d. yearly; now worth 4771. 13s. 4d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to John West and Robert Gratwick. At WIGMORE. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the year 1100, by Ralph de Mortimer; but, for want of water and convenience, shifted up and down, and finally settled into a stately monastery, a mile beyond the town. Valued at 3021. 12s. 3d. yearly; now worth 6,052l. 5s. 10d. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Palmer. At WORMELEY. An Augustine Abbey, founded in the time of King John, by Gilbert Talbot. Valued at 831. 10s. 2d. yearly; now worth 1,670l. 3s. 4d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Edward Lord Clinton. IN ENGLAND. 73 At ST. ALBan's. HERTS (COUNTY). A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 793, by King Offa, for 100 monks, in honour of St. Alban, the first Briton who suffered martyrdom. Valued at 2,5107. 6s. 14d.; now worth 50,2061. 2s. 6d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to the Mayor and Burgesses. St. Julian's Hospital, founded in the time of Henry I., by Jeffrey, the Abbot, near this town, on the London- road, for leprous persons. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Richard Lee. At BERKHAMSTEDE. Two Hospitals stood here in the reign of King John, for poor lepers. Revenues granted, 36 Henry VIII, to Robert Hordem. At CESTREHUNT, or CHESTHUNT. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1183. Valued at 271. 6s. 8d. yearly; now worth 5461. 13s. 4d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir Anthony Deny. At CLOTHALE. An Hospital of ancient foundation. Valued at 4l. 2s. 8d. yearly; now worth 821. 13s. 7d. Granted, 2 James I. At DE LA PRAYE. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1190, by Garinus, Abbot of St. Albans. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Ralph Rawlet, Esq. At TEMPLE DYNNESLEY. A Preceptory of Templars, richly endowed in lands, in the time of King Stephen, by Bernard de Balliol. Granted, by King Henry VIII., to Sir Ralph Sadler. At FLAMSTED. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the time of Stephen, by Roger de Toney. Yearly value 461. 16s. 1d.; now worth 9361. 2s. 6d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII, to Sir Richard Page. At HERTFORD. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the time of William the Conqueror, by Ralph de Limesie. Value yearly 861. 14s. 8d.; now worth 1,7341. 13s. 4d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir Antony Denny, and to his wife. At HITCHIN. A Gilbertine Nunnery, founded at some early period. Value yearly, at the suppression, 157. ls. lld.; now worth 301. 18s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Cokke. ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 74 A Dominican Friary, founded, at the end of this town, by King Edward, about 1316. Yearly value 4l. 9s. 4d.; now worth 891. 6s. 8d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Edward Watson and H. Hendson. At KING'S LANGLEY. A Friary, founded near the royal palace here, by Roger Helle, an English Baron, but endowed by Edward I., Edward II., Edward III., and Edward IV., so that it exceeded all houses of the order in England. Yearly value 150/. 14s, 8d.; now worth 3,014l. 138. 4d. Granted, 16 Elizabeth, to Edward Grimston. At REDBURN. A Benedictine Cell, subservient to St. Alban's, founded before 1195. Granted, Henry VIII, to John Cock. At ROYSTON. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the time of Henry II., by Eustace de Mere. Yearly value 1067. 3s. 1d.; now worth 3,1231. 1s. 8d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Robert Slete, Esq. St. John's Hospital, founded in the time of Henry III. Valued at 51. 6s. 10d.; now worth 1061. 8s. 4d. Granted, 5 James I., to Roger Aston. At ROWHEING, or RowNAY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded 10 Henry II., by Conan, Duke of Britain. Valued, at the dissolution, 137. 10s. 9d.; now worth 270l. 15s. At SOPEWELL. A Benedictine Nunnery, built b Jeffry, sixteenth abbot of St. Albans. Yearly revenues 681. 8s.; now worth 1,3681. Granted, 30 Ienry VIII., to Sir Richard Lee. At STANDON. An Hospital of Knights Hospitalers, en- dowed with 140 acres of land, by Richard de Clare, before 1180. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Ralph Sadler. At WARE. An Alien Priory, endowed by Hugo de Gren- temaisnil, before 1081. Granted by Henry VIII. At WYMONDESLEY PARVA. An Augustine Hospital, built in the time of Henry 111., by Richard Argentine. Yearly value 37. 10s. 6d.; now worth 750l. 10s. 10d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to James Needham, surveyor of the king's works. IN ENGLAND. 75 HUNTINGDON (COUNTY). At IIINCHINGBROOKE, near Huntingdon. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded by King William the Conqueror. Value yearly 191. 9s. 2d.; now worth 3891. 3s. 4d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Richard Williams, alias Cromwell. At HUNTINGDON. An Augustine Monastery, founded, out- side the town, by Eustace de Luvetot, in the time of King Stephen. Yearly value 2321. 78.; now worth 4,6477. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Cromwell, alias Williams. At ST. IVES, olim Slepe. A Benedictine Cell, founded by Ednoth, Abbot of Ramsay, in honour of St. Ivo, whose relics were found here in the year 1001. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Audley. At ST. NOET's. A Benedictine Priory, founded by Noet, but was destroyed in the subsequent wars, and restored in the year 1113. Yearly value 2561. 13s.; now worth 5,125l. 5s. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Williams, alias Cromwell. At RAMSEY. A Benedictine Abbey, founded 969, by Ailwine, Earl of East Angles. Yearly value 9831. 15s. 3d.; now worth 19,675l. 5s. 10d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Cromwell, alias Williams. A SALTREY. A Cistercian Abbey, founded 1146, by Simon, Earl of Northampton. Yearly value, 1997. 11s. Sd.; now worth 3.991l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Cromwell, alias Williams. At STONEY. An Angustine Priory, founded 1180, by William Mandeville. Yearly value 627. 12s. 33d.: now worth 1,252l. 5s. 10d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Oliver Leder. KENT (COUNTY). At AYLESFord. A Carmelite Friary, founded, 1240, by Richard, Lord Grey. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Wyat. At BILSINGTON. An Augustine Priory, founded 1253, by John Mansell. Valued yearly 811. 1s. 6d.; now worth 1,621 10s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to the Archbishop of Canterbury. 76 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At BOXLEY. A Cistercian Abbey, founded 1146, by Wil- liam de Ipre, Earl of Kent, who afterwards became a monk himself, at Laon in France. Valued at 218l. 19s. 10d. ; now worth 4,3797. 18s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Wyat. At BRADGARE. A College, founded 16 Richard II., by Mr. Robert, pastor of the town, an seven gentlemen. Granted, 22 IIenry VIII., to the Archbishop of Canterbury. At BRADSOLE, near Dover. A Premonstratensian Abbey. founded 1191, by King Richard I. Yearly value 1427. 8s. 9d.; now worth 2,8487. 15s. Granted, by Henry VIII., to the Archbishop of Canterbury. At BURNE, or PATRICKSBURn. An Alien Priory, founded 1200. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Cheiney. At CANTERBURY. A Cathedral Church and Benedictine Priory, founded by King Ethelbert, on his conversion to Christianity, in the year 600. The Cathedral was built by Lanfranc, in the year 1080. Besides the great offerings at Thomas a Becket's shrine, the yearly revenues, at the dissolu- tion, made 2.4891. 4s. 9d., now worth 49,7841. 169. St. Augustine's Monastery, founded by the same con- vert, Ethelbert, King of Kent, by the advice of St. Augustine, who was buried here. The yearly revenues, 1,2741. Os. 10d., are now worth 29,4801. 17s. 6d. St. Gregory's Hospital, founded in the year 1084, by Archbishop Lanfrane. Yearly revenues 166l. 4s. 5d, now worth 3,3281. 9s. 2d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to the Archbishop of Canterbury. St. Sepulchre's Nunnery, founded 1100, by Archbishop Anselm, in the south east of the city. Revenues 381. 19s. 7½d.; now worth 7791. 12s. 6d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to James Hale. Eastbridge Hospital, founded, as some say, by Lan- frane; or, as others think, by St. Thomas the Martyr, for the entertainment of pilgrims. Yearly value, 231. 18s. 91d.; now worth 478. 15s. 10d. St. Laurence's Hospital, founded, south-east of the town, in the year 1137, by Hugh, the Abbot of St. Augustine's. Yearly revenues 31l. 10s. 7d.; now worth 6307. 11s. 8d. Granted to Sir John Parrot. St. Margaret's Hospital, founded, 1243, by Simon de IN ENGI AND. 77 Langton, Archdeacon of Canterbury, for poor infirm priests. Yearly value 101. 13s. 8d.; now worth 2131. 13s. 4d. Granted, 13 Elizabeth, to the Mayor, &c. and is now a Bridewell. An Augustine Friary, founded, in the reign of Ed- ward I., by Richard French, baker. Granted, 33 Henry VIII. to G. Harper. A Dominican Friary, founded about 1221, by King Henry III. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to Thomas Wiseman, and then to John Harrington. A Franciscan Monastery, founded, 1270, by John Diggs, an alderman of the city. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas Spilman. At CUMBWELL, in the parish of Goudhurst. An Augustine Priory, founded by Robert de Turncham, in the reign of Henry II. Yearly value 80 17s. 64d.; now worth 16177. 10s. 10d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII, to Thomas Culpepper, and, 34 Henry VIII., to Sir John Gage. At DAVINGTON. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded, 1153, by Fulk de Newenham. Yearly value 211. 13s. 10d.; now worth 433. 8s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Cheney. At DERTFOrd. An Augustine Nunnery, founded, 1355, by King Edward III. Value, at the dissolution, 4081.; now worth 8,1601. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Edm. Mervyn, and finally became the property of the Earl of Salisbury. At DOVER. A Benedictine Priory, founded 640, within the Castle, by King Eadbald, removed down into the town 696. Yearly value 2321. ls. 5}d.; now worth 4,641l. 9s. 2d. At GREENWICH. A Dominican Friary, founded 1376, by King Eward III. and Sir John Norbury. The religious were restored by Queen Mary twenty years after they were expelled by her father, but finally expelled by Elizabeth. At HARBALDOWN. An Hospital, founded, about a mile from the west gate of Canterbury, for the poor, by Bishop Lanfranc. Yearly value 1097. 7s. 2d.; now worth 2,1877. 3s. 4d. Suppressed in the reign of Edward VI. At MONK'S HORTON. A Cluniac Cell, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Robert De Vere. Yearly value 1117. 16s. 11.; now worth 2,2361. 19s. 2d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Richard Tate, and after to Mantell. 78 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At WEST LANGDON. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded, 1192, by William de Aubervill. Yearly value, 561. 63. 9d.; now worth 1,1267. 15s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to the Archbishop of Canterbury. At LEEDES. An Augustine Priory, built, 1119, by Robert Croucheart, Knight. Yearly value, 3621. 7s. 7d. ; now worth 7,247l. 11s. Sd. Granted, 4 Edw. VI, to Sir Antony St. Leger. At LILLECHURCH, or HEYHAM. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded, 1151, bv King Stephen. Granted by Henry VIII., to Cambridge College. At MAIDSTONE. A College or Hospital, founded, 1260, by Boniface, Archbishop of Canterbury. Valuation 1591. 7s. 10d. yearly; now worth 3,1871. 18s. 4d. Granted, 1 Elward VI., to Lord Cobham, At MALLING. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of William Rufus, by Gundulf, bishop of Rochester. Yearly value 245l. 10s. 24d.; now worth 49107. 4s. 2d. Granted, 12 Elizabeth, to Henry Cobham, alias Brook. At MELTON. An Hospital, granted to Sir Henry Wyat. At MUTTIDEN. A Friary, founded, 1224, by Sir Michael de Ponynges. Yearly value 30/. 13s. 01d.; now worth 613. Os. 10. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir Antony Aucher. At OSPRING. An Hospital, founded, 1235, by King Henry III. Granted by Henry VIII. At WEST PECCHAM. An Hospital of Hospitalers. Yearly Value 631. 6s. 8d.; now worth 12667. 13s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Robert Southwell. At PUCKESHALL. An Hospital, granted by King Henry VIII. to Lynch, his physician. Granted to Sir John Parot. At ROCHESTER. A Cathedral and Benedictine Priory, founded in the year 600, by King Ethelbert. Yearly value 4861. 11s. 5d.; now worth 9,731. 8s. 4d. At SEVENOKE. Two Hospitals, one founded in the year 1418, for twenty men and women, by William Sevenoke ; another in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Both granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Archbishop Cranmer. At SHEPEY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 675, by Sexburg, widow of Ercombert, King of Kent. Yearly value 122l. 14s. 6d.; now worth 2,454l. 10s. 10d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Cheiney. At NEWWORK, near Rochester. An Hospital, founded in IN ENGLAND. 79 the year 1194, by Bishop Glanville, of Rochester, for the re- ception of poor travellers, and other indigent persons. Granted, 33 Henry VIII. At SWINGFIELD, near Dover. An Hospital of Sister Hospi- talers, founded in the year 1190, by Sir Robert de Cloting- ham, Arnulf Cade, and others. Yearly value 881. 3s. 34d. now worth 1,7631. 5s. 10d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., Sir Thomas Aucher. to At TANINGTON. An Hospital, founded in the reign of Henry II. Yearly value 337. 11s. 1d.; now worth 6711. 1s. 8d. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to Robert Dartnall. At THURLEIGH. An Alien Priory, bestowed, 22 Henry II. to the Abbey of St. Bertin at St. Omers. At WENGHAM. A College, founded in the year 1286, by John Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury. Yearly revenues 331. 6s. 8d.; now worth 6661. 13s. 4d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Palmer. At WESTWOOD. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1178, by Richard de Lucy, Viceroy here from the King, who was absent in France; next year he quitted his great palaces, took the religious habit, and died in this house. Yearly revenues 1867. 9s.; now worth 7,3291. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir Ralph Sadler. At WTE. A College, founded in the year 1431, by John Kempt, Archbishop of York. Yearly value 931. 2s. 0d.; now worth 18621. Os. 10d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Walter Buckler. [ LANCASTER (COUNTY). At BURSCOUGH. An Augustine Priory, founded, in the reign of Richard I., by Robert Fitz Henry, Lord of Latham. Yearly value 1291. 1s. 10d.; now worth 2,5811. 16s. 8d. At COCKERsand. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in in the reign of Henry II., by William Lancastre. Yearly value 2821. 7s. 7d. now worth 5,6471. 12s. 6d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to John Kechin. At CONISHEVED. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Gabriel Pennington. Yearly value 124l. 2s. 1d.; now worth 2,4821. 1s. Sd. 80 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At FURNES. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1127. Yearly value 9661. 7s. 10d.; now worth 19,3271. 16s. 8d. At HOLAND. A Benedictine Friary, founded in the year 1319, by Walter, Bishop of Litchfield. Yearly value 787. 12s.; now worth 1,5721. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Holcroft. At HORNEBY. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded by the ancestors of Sir Thomas Stanley. Valuation 261. yearly; now worth 5201. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Lord Montegle. At KERSHALL. A Cluniac Cll, bestowed by Henry II. to the monastery of Lenton, Nottinghamshire. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Baldwin Willoughby. At KERTMEL. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1188, by William Mareschall, Earl of Pembroke. Yearly value 2127. 118. 10d,; now worth 42517. 16s. 8d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to John Holcroft. At LANCASTER. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1094, by Earl Roger of Poictiers. Yearly value 901.; now worth 1,6001. A Dominican Friary, founded, 44 Henry III., by Sir Hugh Harrington. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to John Polcroft. At LYTHOM. A Benedictine Cell, founded by Richard Fitz Rogers, in the reign of Richard I. Yearly value 531. 15s. 10d. now worth 1,075l. 16s. 8d. Granted to Sir Thomas Holcroft. At MANCHESTER, A College, founded, 9 Henry V., by Thomas de la Ware, pastor of the town. Yearly value 2137. 10s. 11d.; now worth 4,270l. 18s. 4d. At PENWORTHAм. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by the bounty of Warine Bussel. Yearly value 114/. 16s. 9d.; now worth 22967. 15s. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to John Fleetwood. At PRESTON. A Friary, founded, on the north-west of this town, by Edmond, Earl of Lancaster, son of Henry III. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas Holcroft. At WARRINGTON. An Augustine Friary, built at the end of the bridge, in the year 1379. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas Holcroft. A Cistercian Abbey, At LOCUS BENEDICTUS DE WHALLEY. founded in the year 1296. Valued at 551l. 4s. 6d. yearly]; Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Richard now worth 11,0241. 10s. Aston and John Braudyll. IN ENGLAND. 81 LEICESTER (COUNTY). At BELTON. An Augustine Nunnery, of Henry III., by Rorsia de Verdon. 8s. 21d.; now worth 2,028l. 4s. 2d. VIII., to Humphrey Foster. founded in the reign Yearly value 1017. Granted, 30 Henry At BRADDLEY. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of King John, by Robert Bundy. Valued at 201, 15s. 7d. yearly; now worth 4157. 11s. 8d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII, to Thomas Newell, Esq. At BREDON. An Augustine Cell, founded in the year 1144, by Robert Ferrers, Earl Nottingham. Valued at 251. 8s. 1d. yearly; now worth 5081. 1s. Sd. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to John, Lord Grey. At BURTON LAZARS. An Hospital, founded in the time of King Stephen, by Roger de Moubray. Valued at 2651. 10s. 24. yearly; now worth 5,3101. 4s. 2d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Dudley, Lord Lisle. At CHORLEY and ULVEscroft. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of Henry II., by Blanchmaines, Earl of Leicester. Valued at 1017. 3s. 104. yearly; now worth 2,0231. 17s. 6d. Granted to Frides wide, widow. At CROXTON. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1162, by William Porcarius. Valuation at the suppres- sion, 458. 19s. 1d. yearly; now worth 9,1797. 19s. 2d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Rutland. At DALBY. An Hospital of Knights Templars, founded, it is thought, by Robert Bossu, Earl of Leicester, in the reign of Henry III. Yearly value 103l. 16s. 7½¿.; now worth 2.0767. 12s. 6d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Andrew Nowell. At CASTLE DONINGTON. An Hospital, founded in the reign of Henry II., or sooner, by John Lacy, Constable of Chester. Yearly value 5l. 13s. 4d.; now worth 113. 6s. 8d. At GERONDON. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1133, by Robert Bossu, good Earl of Leicester. Yearly value 1867. 15s. 23d.; now worth 3,735l. 4s. 2d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Rutland. At HETHER. An Hospital of Knights Hospitalers, founded 6 82 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. in the reign of King John. Yearly value 391. 1s. 5d.; now worth 7811. 8s. 4d. At HINKLEY. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1173, by Robert Blanchmaines, Earl of Leicester. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. At KERKBEY ON THE WRETHEK. An Augustine Priory, founded, 9 Edward II., by Roger Beller. Yearly value 1781. 7s. 10d.; now worth 3,5677. 17s. 6d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Charles Blount, Lord Mountjoy. At LANDA. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Richard Basset and Maud his wife. Yearly value 5107. 16s. 54d.; now worth 10,216l. 9s. 2d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Lord Cromwell. At LANGLEY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by William Pontulf. Yearly value 321. 6s. 2d.; now worth 646l. 3s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Thomas Grey. At LEICESTER. An Augustine Monastery, founded near the town, in the year 1143. by Robert Bossu, Earl of Leices- ter. Yearly value 1,0621. Os. 44d., now worth 21,2407. 7s. 6d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to William, Marquis of Northampton. The College of St. Mary the Less, founded in the year 1107, by Robert, Earl of Mallent and Leicester. Yearly value 231. 12s. 11d.; now worth 4721. 18s. 4d. The College of St. Mary the Greater, founded in the year 1330, by Henry, Earl of Leicester. Yearly value. 595l. 7s. 4d.; now worth 11,9071. 6s. Ed. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to John Beaumont and William Guyse. St. John's Hospital, founded prior to 1235, which was converted into a gaol, 31 Elizabeth. An Augustine Friary, granted to John Bellow and John Broxholm. A Dominican Friary, founded in the reign of IIenry III., by the Earl of Leicester. Granted, 38 Henry VIII, to Henry, Marquis of Dorset. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1265, by Simon de Montford, Earl of Leicester. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Bellow and John Broxholm. At LUTTERWORTH. An Hospital, founded in the reign of IN ENGLAND. 83 King John, by Roise de Verdon and her son. Yearly value 261. 9s. 5d.; now worth 5291. 8s. 4d. At MELTON MOUBRAY. A Cluniac Cell, subject to the Monastery of Lewes in Sussex. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Lord Cromwell. At MOUSELEY. A College, founded 2 Elward I., by Sir Anketine de Martival; yearly value 871.; now worth 3401. At OSULVESTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Sir Robert Grimbald. Yearly value 1734. 183. 9d.; now worth 3,4781. 15s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir John Harrington. At ROTHELEY. An Hospital of Knights Templars, endowed by Henry III. Yearly value 231l. 7s. 10d.; now worth 4.6271. 16s. 8d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Henry Cartwright. LINCOLN (County). At ALVINGHAM. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by Robert Cheiney, Bishop of Lincoln. Yearly value 1417. 15s.; now worth 2,835. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At ASLAKEBY. An Hospital of Templars, founded in the reign of Richard I., by John le Mareschal. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Lord Edward Clinton. At BARDNEY. A Benedictine Abbey, founded about the year 697, by the bounty of Ethelred, King of Mercia, who resigned his crown and became a Monk here, and afterwards an Abbot, until his death. Valuation 4297, 7s.; now worth 8,5871. Granted to Sir Robert Tirwhit. At BARLINGS. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1154, by Ralph de Haye. Yearly value 3077. 16s. Gd.; now worth 6,5567. 10s. Od. Granted to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At BELVOIR. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Robert de Belvedere. Yearly value 1291. 17s. 6d. ; now worth 2,5971. 10s. Od. Granted to Thomas, Earl of Rutland, and to Robert Tirwhit. At LONG BENYgton. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1175, by Ralph de Filgeries. Granted, 34 Henry VIII. 84 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At BOSTON. An Augustine Friary, founded by King Edward II. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Burgesses of the town. A Dominican Monastery, founded prior to the year 1288. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. A Franciscan Monastery, founded by the Esterling Merchants at an early period. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Burgesses. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1300, to the west of the river, by Sir Orreby, Knight. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Burgesses of the town. At BOURN. An Augustine Friary, founded in the year 1138, by Baldwin Fil. Gilsberti. Yearly value 2007. ; now worth 4000l. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Richard Cotton. At TEMPLE BRUER. An Iospital of Knights Templars, founded prior to the year 1185. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. Yearly value 1951. 2s. 24d.; now worth 3.9021. 4s. 2‹l. At BULLINGTon. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by Simon Fitzwilliam. Yearly value 1871. 7s. 9d.; now worth 3,7471. 15s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffo k. At BURWELL. An Alien Priory, founded by the Lords of Kyme. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At CAMERINGHAM. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Richard de Haya and Maud his wife. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Robert Tirwhit. At CATTERLEY. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by Peter de Belingey. Yearly value 387. 13s. Ed.; now worth 7731. 13s. 4d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Robert Carr, of Sleford. At C'OTHAM. A Cistercian Nunnery, in the reign of Henry I., by Alan Muncel. Yearly value 46l. 17s. 7d.; now worth 9371. 11s. 8d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Edward Shipwith. At CROWLAND. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 716, by Ethelbald, King of Mercia. After the Religious were murdered, and the Monastery burned, by the Danes, in the year 870, King Edred restored the lands, in the year 948, and rebuilt the house. Yearly value 1,217. 5s. 11d.; now IN ENGLAND. 85 worth 24,3457. 18s. 4d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At DEPING. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 1139, by Baldwin Fil. De. Gilsberti. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to the Duke of Norfolk. At EGLE. An Hospital of Knights Templars, founded by King Stephen. Yearly value 144. 18s. 10d.; now worth 2,8981. 16s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Ruland, and Robert Tirwhit. At ELLESHAM, or ALLESHAM. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1166, by Beatrix de Amundevill, for several poor brethren. Yearly value 831. 17s. 10d.; now worth 1,6771. 16s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At the PRIORY IN THE WOOD, near Eppworth, in the Isle of Axholm. A Carthusian Priory, founded, 19 Richard II., by Thomas Moubray, Earl of Nottingham. Yearly value 2901. 1ls, 7d.; now worth 5,811. 12s. 6d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Mr. John Candish. At Fosse. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of John, by the inhabitants of Torkeysy. Yearly value St. 5s. 4d.; now worth 165l. 6s. 8d. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At GoKWELLE. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1185, by William de alta ripa. Yearly value 191. 18s. 6d.; now worth 3981. 10s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir William Tirwhit. At GRANTHAM. A Franciscan Friary, built in the year 1290. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Robert Bocher and David Vincent. At GREENFIELD. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1153, by Eudo de Greinesby, and Ralph his son. Yearly value 797. 15s. 1d.; now worth 1,5951. 1s. 8d. Granted, 12 Elizabeth, to Sir Henry Stanley and Lord S range. At GRIMESBY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded before the year 1185. Yearly value 121. 3s. 7d.; now worth 2431. 11s. 8d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII. An Augustine Friary, founded prior to the year 1304. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Augustine Porter and John Bellew. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the reign of Edward 86 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. II. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to John Bellew and Robert Brokesby. At HAGH. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1164, by Henry II. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to John, Lord Russell. At HAGHAM. An Alien Priory, founded by Hugh, Earl of Chester. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Bellew and J. Broxholm. At HAGNEBY. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1175, by Herbert de Orreby, and Lady Agnes his wife. Yearly value 981. 7s. 4d. ; now worth 1,9671. 6s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to John Freeman, of London. At HAVERHOLM. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the year 1137, by the Bishop of Lincoln, Alexander. Yearly value 881. 5s. 5d.; now worth 1,7657. 8s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Lord Clinton. At HEYNINges. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1180, by Reyner Evermere. Yearly value 58/. 13s 4d.; now worth 1,1737. 6s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Henneage. At HOLLANDbridge. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the reign of King John, by Godwin, a citizen of Lincoln. Yearly value 51. 1s. 1ld.; now worth 1017. 18s. 4d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At HUMBERSTEYN. A Benedictine Monastery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by William Hermeri. Yearly value 42l. 11s. 3d.; now worth 8511. 5s. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to John Cheke, Esq. At HYRST. An Augustine Cell, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Nigel de Albini. Yearly value 77. 11s. 8. ; now worth 1511. 13s. 4d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At IRFORD. A Premonstratensian Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Ralph de Albini. Yearly value 147. 13s. 4d.; now worth 2931. 6s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII, to Robert Tirwhit. At KIRKSTEAD. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1139, by Hugh Britto. Yearly value 3387. 13s. 11d.; now worth 6,6731. 19s. 2d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At KYME. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Philip de Kyme. Yearly value 1387. 9s. 4d. ; IN ENGLAND. 87 now worth 2,7691. 6s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Rutland, and Robert Tirwhit. At LEKEBURN. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1150, by Robert Fitz Gilbert. Yearly value 571. 13s. 5½d.; now worth 1,153l. 9s. 2d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas Henneage. At LEMBURGH MAGNA. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Richard de Humet. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Bellew and others. At LINCOLN. A Cathedral, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Remigius, Bishop of Dorchester. The Bishop's revenue, 1,9627. 17s. 44d.; the Chapter's, 5751. 8s. 2d.; both sums would make now 50,765l. 10s. 10d. A Gilbertine Priory, in the south-west suburbs. Yearly value 270l. 1s. 3d.; now worth 5,4011. 5s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. A Benedictine Cell, founded by Henry II. Yearly value 261. Is. 3d.; now worth 5211. 5s. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Bellew and John Broxholm. The Holy Innocents' Hospital, founded by Remigius, Bishop of Lincoln, for leprous persons. Granted, 7 Edward VI, to Sir William Cecil. year An Augustine Monastery, founded prior to the 1291, south side the city. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Bellew and John Broxholm. A Dominican Friary, in the east of the city. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Bellew and John Broxholm. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1230, by Wm. de Beningworth. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to J. Pope. The White Friary, in High Street, founded by Olo, of Kilkenny, Ireland, in the year 1269. Granted, 36 Henry VIII, to John Broxholm. At LOUTH PARK. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1139, by Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln. Yearly value 1691. 5s. 61d.; now worth 3,3851. 10s. 10d. Granted, 12 Elizabeth, to Sir Henry Stanley. At MARKEBY. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of John, by Ralph Fitz Gilbert. Yearly value 163l. 17s. 6d. ; now worth 3,277. 10s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII, to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 88 At MINTING. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1129, by Ranulph de Meschines. Granted, 34 Henry VIII. At NEUBO. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1198, by Richard de Malebisse. Yearly value 1157. 11s. 8d.; now worth 2,2117. 13s. 4d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir John Markham. At NEUS, or NEWHOUSE. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1143, by Peter de Gousel. Yearly value 1147. ls. 4 d.; now worth 2,2811. 7s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At NEWSTEDE-ON-ALCOLM. A Gilbertine Priory, granted within the bounds of Cadney, by Henry II. 55. ls. 8d.; now worth 1,101. 13s. 4d. Henry VIII., to Robert Henneage. Yearly value Granted, 31 At NEWSTEDE. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry III., by William de Albini. Yearly value 421. 1s. 3d.; now worth 8417. 5s. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Richard Manners. At NOCTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by Robert D'Arcy. Yearly value 52. 19s. 2d.; now worth 1,0591. 4s. 2. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk; and 12 Elizabeth, to Sir John Stanley. At NORTHOMERSBY. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by William Earl of Albemarle. Yearly value 981.; now worth 1,9607. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Robert Henneage. At REVESBY. A Cistercian Monastery, founded in the year 1142, by William, Earl of Lincoln. Valued at 349%. 4s. 10d. yearly; now worth 6,988l. 18s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At SEMPRINGHAM. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the year 1139, by Sir Gilbert, of Sempringham. Valued at 3591. 12s. 7d. yearly; now worth 7,1927. 11s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At SIXHILL. A Gilbertine Priory, founded by Grelle. Valued at 170l. 8s. 9d. yearly; now worth 3,4081. 15s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Thomas Henneage. At SKIRBEKE. An Hospital, founded for ten poor persons, in the year 1130, by Sir John Multon: the Knights Hospi- IN ENGLAND. 89 tallers settled there. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At SPALDING. A Benedictine Monastery, founded by Thorold de Buckenhale, in the year 1052. Valued at 8781. 18s. 3d. yearly; now worth 17,5781. 5s. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to Sir John Cheke. At SPILLESBEY. A College, founded, 12 Edward III., by Sir J. Willoghby. Granted, 4 Edw. VI, to the Duchess of Suffolk. At STANFEld. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded, in the reign of Henry II., by Henry Percy. Valued at 1127. 5s. yearly; now worth 2,2451. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Robert Tirwhit. At STANFORD. A Benedictine Cell, or Nunnery, founded, in the reign of Henry II., by William, abbot of Peterburgh. Valued at 781. 18s. 10d. yearly; now worth 1,578l. 17s. 6d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Richard Cecil. Benedictine Cell, dedicated to St. Leonard. Valued at 371. 17s. yearly; now worth 7571. Granted, 1 El- ward VI., to Sir William Cecil; it is now a farm house belonging to the Earl of Exeter, under the name of St. Cuthbert's Fee. Augustine Friary, in the west of the town, founded before the year 1340, by the Archdeacon of Richmond. Granted, 6 Edw. VI, to Edward, Lord Clinton. Dominican Friary, founded on the east of the town, before the year 1240. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Robert Bocher and David Vincent. Franciscan Convent, founded, 48 Edward III. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At STYKESWOLD. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by the Countess Lucy. Valued at 163/. 1s. 24d, yearly; now worth 3,2611. 4s. 2d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Robert Dighton. At SWINSHED. A Cistercian Monastery, founded in the year 1134, by Robert de Griesley. Valued at 175l. 19s. 10d. yearly; now worth 3,5197. 16s. 8d. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At TATESHALE. A College, founded 17 Henry VI., by Sir Ralph Cromwell. Valued at 3481. 5s. 11d. yearly; now worth Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Charles, 6 9651. 18s. 4d. Duke of Suffolk. 90 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At THORNETON-UPON-THE-HUMBER. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1139, by William, Earl of Albemarle. Valued at 7307. 17s. 23d. yearly; now worth 14,6177. 4s. 2d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to the Bishop of Lincoln. At THORNHOLM. An Augustine Priory, founded by King Stephen. Valued at 155l. 19s. 6d. yearly; now worth 31197. 10s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At TORKESEY. An Augustine Priory, built by King John. Valued at 271. 2s. 8. yearly; now worth 542l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Philip Hobby. At TUPHOLM. A Premonstratensian Monastery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Alan de Nevill and Gilbert his brother. Valued at 1191. 2s. 8d. yearly; now worth 2,3821. 13s. 4d. Granted 30 Henry VIII. to Sir Thomas Henneage, At VAUDEY. A Cistercian Monastery, founded in the year 1147, by William, Earl of Albemarle. Valued at 1777. 15s. 74d. yearly; now worth 3,555l. 12s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At WELLOW. An Augustine Priory, founded by King Henry I. Valued at 152/. 7s. 4d. yearly; now worth 30477. 6s. 8d. Granted 36 Henry VIII. to Sir Thomas Henneage. At WILLESFord. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by Hugh de Evermue. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At WILKETONE. An Hospitalers' House, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by Roger de Buslei. Valued at 1747. 11s. 1d. yearly; now worth 3,491l. 2s. 6d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Cock and John Thurgood. At WITHAM. A Templars' Hospital, founded in the year 1164, by Hubert de Ria and Margaret de Perci. Elizabeth, to Stephen Holford. MIDDLESEX (COUNTY). At HERMONDESWORTH. An Alien Priory. Elward VI., to Sir William Paget. Granted, 5 Granted, 1 At HOUNSLOW. A Trinitarian Friary, founded for the re- demption of captives, 3 Edward I. Valued at 80l. 15s. 0§d. yearly now worth 1,6157. Os. 10d. Granted to William, Lerd Windsor. IN ENGLAND. 91 At KYLBURN. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry I., by the Convent of Westminster. Valued at 1217. 16s. yearly; now worth 24361. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. In LONDON. St. Paul's Cathedral, founded in the year 604, by Bishop Mellitus rebuilt, 961, by Elfstan; burnt, 1666; rebuilt, 1675. Yearly revenues 1,855l. 15s. 11 d.; now worth 17,115l. 19s. 2d. St. Bartholomew's Priory, founded in the year 1123, by Rayere. Valued at 7571. 8s. 44d. yearly; now worth 15,148l. 7s. 6d. Granted, 1 Elizabeth, to Lord Rich. Charter-House, founded in the year 1349, by Sir Walter de Manny, without West Smithfield Bars. Valued at 7361. 2s. 7d. yearly; now worth 14,7221. 11s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Audley. Christ Church, within Aldgate, founded by Queen Maud, in the year 1108. Granted, 23 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Audley, Speaker of the House of Commons. Clerkenwell Monastery, founded in the year 1100, by Robert, a Priest. Valued at 2821. 16s. 5d. yearly; now worth 5,6561. 8s. 4d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Walter Hanley, and John Williams, Knight. Eastminster, New Abbey, founded, east of the Tower of London, by King Edward III. in the year 1349. Revenues at the dissolution 6021. 11s. 10½d.; now worth 12,0517. 17s. 6d. ; the site granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Sir Arthur Darcy, on which Tower-hill now stands. At ELSING SPITTLE, near Cripplegate. A College, founded in the year 1329, by William Elsing, of London. Valued at 2391. 13s. 11d. yearly; now worth 4,793l. 18s. 4d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to John Williams, master of the King's jewels; but it was burnt on the following Christmas-eve, as he was living in it. At HALIWELL. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1127, by Robert Fitzmore. Yearly revenues 3477. 1s. 3d.; now worth 6,941. 5s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Webb. At St. HELEN'S. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1210, by William Fitz Williams. Revenues yearly 3761. 6s.; now worth 7,526. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Cromwell. 92 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. St. James's Chapel on the Wall, founded, near the wall, as early as the time of Richard I., corner of Monk- well-street. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to William Lumb, cloth-maker, from whom it was called Lamb's Chapel. St. John of Jerusalem, founded, near West Smithfield, by Jordan Briset, in the year 1100. Valued at 2,3851. 12s. 8d. yearly; now worth 47,7127. 13s. 4d. Sup- pressed, 1 Elizabeth. The Minories, or Nunnery of the Ladies of St. Clare, founded, by Blanche, Queen of Navarre, in the year 1293, in the street leading from the Tower to Aldgate. Yearly revenues 342l. 5s. 104d.; now worth 6,8457. 18s. 4d. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to Henry, Duke of Suffolk. Barking Chapel, within the Church of Allhallows, Barking, founded by King Richard I. Suppressed, 2 Edward VI. Holmes' College, founded by Chancellor Holmes, in the year 1395, near the north door of the Cathedral of St. Paul. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to John Hudson and W. Pendred. London, or Guild Hall College, founded, in the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen, by Adam Francis and Henry Frowick, in the year 1368. Yearly revenues 127. 18s. 9.; now worth 258l. 15s. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to the Mayor and Corporation of London. St. Martin-le-Grand, within Aldersgate, founded about the year 700, by Victred, or Wicthred, King of Kent. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. St. Michael, Crooked-lane, founded about the year 1380, by William Walworth, Mayor of London. Granted to George Cotton and Thomas Reeves. Poultney College, founded in the year 1332, by Sir John Poultnev. Yearly revenues 971., now worth 1,9407. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to John Cheke, and Osbert Mountford, and Thomas Gawdy. Whitingdon College, or Hospital, in the Church of St. Michael Royal, founded in the year 1424, by Sir Rich- ard Whitingdon, Mayor of London. Yearly revenues 201. 1s. 8d.; now worth 4017. 13s. 4d. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Armigel Wade. IN ENGLAND. 93 St. Antony's Hospital, on the west of Threadneedle- street. Given by King Henry III. to the Brethren of St. Antony. Yearly revenues 55l. 6s. 8d.; now worth 1,106/. 13s. 4d. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, founded, in Smithfield, by a courtier of King Henry I., for sick persons and women in labour, and for the maintenance of the or- phans, until the age of seven, whose mothers died in the Hospital. Yearly revenues 3717. 13s. 2d.; now worth 7,4337. 3s. 4d. St. Giles' College, for leprous persons, founded by the charitable Maud, Queen of Henry I. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John, Lord Dudley. St. Catherine's Chapel, near the Tower, founded, in the year 1148, by Maud, Queen of King Stephen. Yearly revenues 3157. 14s. 2d.; now worth 6,314l. 3s. 4d. St. Mary Spittle, without Bishopgate, a Priory, founded in the year 1197, by Walter Fitz Ealdred. Yearly revenues 557. 14s. 10d.; now worth 11,1547. 17s. 6d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Stephen Vaughan. Rouncivall Hospital, on the south side of the Strand, between York-buildings and Northumberland-House, founded by William Mareschall, Earl of Pembroke, in the time of Henry III. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to Sir Thomes Cawarden. Savoy Hospital, near the Strand, founded by Henry VII., in the year 1505, for 100 poor people. Yearly revenues 5291. 5s. 7d.; now worth 10,585l. 12s. 6d. Sup¡ ressed 7 Edward VI. Almshouses in Staining-lane, ten in number, founded near Haberdashers' Hall, by Thomas Huntlow, for the poor of that Company, in the year 1539. St. Thomas of Acon, an Hospital, founded on the north side of Cheapside, by Thomas Fitz Theobald and his wife, sister to St. Thomas, in the reign of Henry II. Yearly revenues 300l.; now worth 6,000l. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to the Mercer's Company. Augustine Monastery, founded on the west side of Broad-street, London, by Humphrey Bohun, Earl of Hereford, in the year 1253. Valued at 571. Os. 5d. yearly; now worth 1,140l. 8s. 4d. Granted, in the year ! 94 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 1550, to John a Lasco, as a preaching house for his con- gregation of Walloons, and still continues a Dutch house. Black Friars Monastery, founded about the year 1221, near Holborn, in Chancery-lane. Yearly revenues 1047. 15s. 7d.; now worth 2,0951. 11s. 8d. Granted, to Thomas Cawarden. Grey Friars, or Franciscan Abbey, founded near New- gate, about the year 1224, by Jon Ewin and others. Yearly revenues 321. 19s. 10d.; now worth 6591. 17s. 6d. Granted 38 Henry VIII. Carmelite Friary, founded on the south side of Fleet- street, between New Temple and Salisbury-Court, by Sir Richard Grey. Yearly revenue 621. 7s. 3d.; now worth 1,2477. 5s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Richard Moresyne and William Butts. Holy Cross Friary, founded near Tower Hill, in the year 1298, by Ralph Hosier and William Soberns. Yearly revenue 52l. 13s. 4d.; now worth 1,0531, 6s. 8d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Wyat. At RISELIPP. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Ernulph de Heding. Yearly revenue 181.; now worth 3601. Granted, 16 Henry VIII. At STRATFOrd. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by William, Bishop of London. Yearly Revenue 121l. 16s.; now worth 2,4361. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Ralph Sadler. At SYON. A Brigitine Nunnery, founded in the year 1414, by King Henry V. Yearly Revenue 1,944. Ils. 8d.; now worth 38,8917. 14s. 2d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to John, Duke of Northumberland. Syon, or Brentford Hospital, founded in the east end of the town, 25 Henry V., by John Summerset, Chan- cellor of the Exchequer. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Edward, Duke of Summerset. At WESTMINSTER. A Benedictine Abbey, founded on the ruins of the Temple of Apollo, by King Lucius. Rebuilt in the year 610, by the Saxon King Sebert; destroyed in the Danish wars; restored by King Ethelbert and Dunstan, bishop of London, in the year 958, and largely endowed by King Edward the Confessor. Yearly revenue 3,9771. 6s. 4½d.; now worth 79,546l. 7s. 6d. IN ENGLAND. 95 St. Stephen's Chapel, founded in the year 1347, hy King Edward II. Rents 1,085l. 10s. 5d.; now worth 21,710l. 8s. 4d. Granted, 6 Edw. VI, to Sir John Gate. St. James's Hospital, founded before the conquest, for 14 leprous women; on or near it is built St. James's Palace. Yearly value 1007.; now worth 2,000l. MONMOUTH (COUNTY). At ABERGAVENNY. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Hamelin Balon. Rents 591. 4s.; now worth 1,184. Suppressed. At GOLDCLIFF. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1113, by Robert de Chandos. Valued at 1447. 18s. 1d. yearly; now worth 2,898l. 1s. 81. At GRACE-DIEU, or STOW. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1226, by Sir John of Monmouth. Rents, 26l. 1s. 4d.; now worth 5211. 6s. 8d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Tho- mas Herbert and William Bretton. At ST. KENMERCY. A Priory, founded prior to 1291. Valued at 81. 4s. 8d.; now worth 1647. 13s. 4d. At LLANHODENEI, or LANTONY. An Augustine Priory, founded before the year 1108, by Hugh Lacy. Valued at 71l. 3s. 2d. yearly; now worth 1,4231. 3s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Nicholas Arnold. At LLANGKYWAN. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1183. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Doyley and John Scudamore. At LLANTARNAM. A Cistercian Monastery, with the yearly revenue of 711. 3s. 2d.; now worth 1,4237. 3s. 4d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to John Parker. At MALPAS. A Cluniac Cell, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Wine bald de Baeluna. Rents 151. 6s. 8d.; now worth 3067. 13s. 4d. Granted, 1 Edw. VI, to Sir Wm. Herbert. At MONMOUTH. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Wilenoc of Monmouth. Rents 56l. 1s. 11d.; now worth 1,121l. 18s. 4d. Granted to Richard Price and Thomas Perry. At NEWPORT. A Friary stood by the Key, beneath the bridge. Granted, 35 Henry VIII.., to Sir Edward Carn. 96 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At STROGULL. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of King Stephen, stood here. Rents at the dissolution, 321. 4s.; now worth 6447. At TINTERn. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1131, by Walter de Clare. Rents 2567. 11s. 6d. ; now worth 5,131. 10s. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Henry Earl of Worcester. At USK. year 1236. Granted, 36 A Benedictine Nunnery, founded before the Rents 691. 9s. 8d.; now worth 1,3897. 13s. 4d. Henry VIII., to Roger Williams. NORFOLK (COUNTY). At ALDEBY. A Benedictine cell, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Bishop Herbert. Rents 211. 16s. 01d. At ATTLEBURGH. A College, founded 7 Henry IV., by Sir Robert Mortimer. Rents 217. 16s. 02d.; now worth 4361. Os. 10d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Robert, Earl of Sussex. At BEESTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry III., by Lady Margery de Cressy. Yearly value 50l. 6s. 41d.; now worth 1,0061. 7s. 6d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Sir Edmond Windham and Giles Seafoule. At BEK HOSPITAL. An Hospital, founded in the reign of Henry I., by William de Bek, on the great road from Norwich to Walsingham, with thirteen beds and nights' lodging for poor travellers. Granted to Sir John Parrot. At ST. BENNET'S OF HULME. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 800, by Prince Horn, in this solitary place, for Hermits. Yearly value 6771. 9s. 84d.; now worth 13,549l. 14s. 2d. Granted, 27 Henry VIII., to the Bishop of Norwich. At BINHAM. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the reign of Henry I., by the nephew of William the Conqueror. Yearly value 1607. 1s.; now worth 3,2017. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Thomas Paston, Esq. At BLACKBorough. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Roger de Scales. Yearly value 761. 3s. 91d.; now worth 1,523l. 15s. 10d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to the Bishop of Norwich and his successors. At BLAKENEY. A Carmelite Monastery, founded, 24 IN ENGLAND. 97 Edward I., by Richard Stomer and others. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to William Rede. At BROMEHILL. An Augustine Priory, founded about the year 1528. Granted to the Cambridge, by Edward VI. At BROMHOLM. A Cluniac 1113, by William de Glanvil. now worth 2,8991. Os. 10d. Thomas Woodhouse. Fellows of Christ College, Priory, founded in the year Yearly value 1447. 19s. 0žd.; Granted, 37 IIenry VIII., to At OLDBUCKENHAM. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by William de Albini, Earl of Chi- chester. Rents 1317. 11s.; now worth 2,631. Granted to Sir Thomas Lovell. At BURNHAM NORTON. A Carmelite Monastery, founded in the year 1241, by Sir Ralph de Hemenhale. Yearly value 21. 5s. 4d.; now worth 857. 6s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to William, Lord Cobham. At CARBROKE. A House of Knights Hospitalers, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Maud, Countess of Clare. Yearly value 65l. 2s. 11d.; now worth 1,302. 18s. 4. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Gresham and Sir Richard Southwell. At CASTLEACRE. A Cluniac Priory, founded before the year 1085, by William Warren, Earl of Surrey. Yearly value 3241. 17s. 5d; now worth 6,4971. 9s. 2d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. At COSTRE, by YARMOUTH. A College, founded in the reign of Edward I., by Sir John Falstaff. Yearly value 21. 13s. 4d.; now worth 531. 6s. 8d. At CHOSELL. A Lazarite Monastery, founded before the time of Edward I., by Earl Giffard. Yearly value 131. 18s. 2d.; now worth 2767. 3s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir John Dudley, Viscount Lisle. At COKESFORD. Augustine Canons, established in the reign of King Stephen, by William Cheny. Yearly value 153, 7s. 1d.; now worth 3,0671. 1s. 8d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. At CRABHOUSE. An Augustine Nunnery, founded in the south of the parish of Wigenhale, in the year 1181, by the Convent of Reynham. Yearly value 31. 16s. 7d.; now worth 6367. 11s. 8d. Granted to Sir John Gage. 7 98 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At WEST DEREHAM. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1188, by Hubert, Bishop of Salisbury. Yearly value 2521. 12s. 11½d.; now worth 5,0521. 19s. 2d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas Dereham. At FIELDALlyng. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of Henry II., by Maud de Harscolye. Granted to Martin Hastings and James Borne. At FLITCHAM. An Augustine Cell, given in the reign of Richard I., to Dametta de Flicham. Yearly value 627. 10s. 64d.; now worth 1,2507, 10s. 10d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Edward, Lord Clinton. At HAMPTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time. of Henry I., by Roger de St. Martins. Rents 391. Os. 9d.; now worth 7801. 15s. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Sir William Fermer. At HERINGley. An Hospital de Dieu, founded in the year 1475, by Hugh Attefenne. Yearly value 231. 6s. 5d.; now worth 4661. 8s. 4d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII, to Sir T. Clere. At HICKLING. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1185, by Theobald de Valentia. Yearly value 1371. Os. 1½d.; now worth 2,7401. 2s. 6d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to the Bishop of Norwich and his successors. At HITCHAM. A Cluniac Cell, founded in the time of William Rufus, by William Warren, Earl of Surrey. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. At HORSHAM. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the year 1105, by Robert Fitzwalter. Rents 1931. 2s. 3½d. ; now worth 3,8647. 5s. 10d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Edward Elrington. At INGHAM. A College for the redemption of Captives, founded in the year 1360, by Sir Miles Stapleton. Yearly value 741. 2s. 74d.; now worth 1,4821. 12s. 6d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to the Bishop of Norwich. At LANGLEY. A Premonstratensian Abbey, built in the year 1198, by Robert Fitz Roger. Rents 1281. 19s. 9ąd.; now worth 2,5791. 15s. 10d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to John Berney. At LYNNE. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 1100. by Bishop Herbert. St. John's Hospital, founded in the reign of Elward I. Yearly value 71. 6s. 11d.; now worth 1467. 18s. 4d. IN ENGLAND. 99 St. Mary Magdalen's Hospital, founded 1145. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the reign of Edward I. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Eyer. Yearly value 11. 4s. 6d. ; now worth 24. 10s. A Dominican Friary, founded, 21 Edward I., by Thomas Gedney. Valued at 18s. yearly; now worth 18. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Eyer. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1264, by Thomas de Feltsham, Granted to John Eyer. The steeple stands as a sea mark. White Friar's House, founded in the year 1269, by some Noblemen. Yearly value 17. 15s. 8d. ; now worth 351. 13s. 4d. At MARHAM. A Cistercian Nunnery, endowed in the year 1251, by the Countess of Arundel. Yearly value 421. 4s. 7d.; now worth 8447. 12s. 6d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Sir Nicholas Hare and Robert Hare. At MASSINGHAM MAGNA. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1260, by Nicholas de Syre. Granted to Sir Thomas Gresham. At MODNEY. A Benedictine Cell, in the parish of Helgay. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Robert Hogan. At MONTE JOVIS, or MOUNTJOY. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of King John, by William de Gisnetto. At NEWBRIDGE. A Hermit's Chapel, built in the year 1373. Rents 3l. 7s. 6d. ; now worth 671. 10s. At NORWICH. A Cathedral and Benedictine Priory, built in the year 1094, by Herbert, Bishop of Thetford. The revenues of the bishoprick were valued at 1,050l. 17s. 6d., and of the convent 1,0617. 14s. 34d. yearly; both sums now worth 42,2517. 15s. 10d. The estates granted, 27 Henry VIII., to the Bishops of Norwich; but instead of the estates, they got the revenues of some monasteries. St. Leonard's Benedictine Cell, founded on a hill near the city, by Bishop Herbert. Granted, 5 Elizabeth, to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. Kairo, or Carow, Benedictine Nunnery, endowed in the year 1146, by King Stephen. Yearly value 841. 12s. 1½d.; now worth 1,6921. 2s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to John Shelton, Knight. Chapel in the Fields, built in the year 1250, by Sir ! 100 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. John Brown, Priest. Rents 861. 16s. 03d.; now worth 1,7361. Os. 10d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Doctor Miles Spenser. St. Giles's Hospital, founded in the year 1249, by Walter, Bishop of Norwich. Rents 90. 12s.; now worth 1,8121. Lazar's Houses, several of them founded here for the poor. Granted to Edmond Newport. An Augustine Friary, settled here in the time of Edward I. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Henneage, and to William, Lord Willoughby. The Black Friary, founded by Sir Thomas Gelham, in the year 1226. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Citizens. The House of Grey Friars, founded in the year 1226, by John de Hastingford. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to the Duke of Norfolk. The White, or Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1256, by Philip Cougate, of Norwich. Granted, 34 Henry VIII, to Richard Andrews and Leonard Chamberlain. At PENTNEY. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign. of William the Conqueror, by Robert de Vallileus. Yearly value 2151. 18s. 8d.; now worth 4,318. 13s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Thomas Mildmay. At PETERSTONE. An Augustine Priory, founded before the year 1200. Granted, 4 Edward VI. At RUSHWORTH. A College, founded in the year 1342, by Sir Edmond de Gonville, Priest. Yearly value 851. 15s. 0½d.; now worth 1,715l. Os. 10d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Henry, Earl of Surrey, and after that to Sir John Cheke. At SHOULDHAM. A Cistercian Priory, founded in the reign of Richard I., by Jeffery Fitz Piers, Earl of Essex. Rents 171l. 6s. 8d.; now worth 3,426l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Thomas Mildmay. At SLEVESHOLM. A Cluniac Cell, in the parish of Meth- wold, by William, Earl Warren, in the year 1222. Granted, 23 Elizabeth, to Osbert Mundeford. At SPORLE. An Alien Priory, granted, 1 Elizabeth, to Eton College. At THETFORd. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the year 1104, by Roger Bigod, Nobleman. Yearly value 4181. 6s. IN ENGLand. 101 3d.; now worth 8.3691. 5s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded about the year 1160, by Hugh de Norwold, Abbot. Rents 50l. 9s. 8d.; now worth 1,0091. 13s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Richard Fulmerstone, Esq. A College, or Guild, founded in the reign of Edward I., by Gilbert de Pykenham. Rents 5l. 9s. 7d.; now worth 1097. 11s. 8d. Granted, 7 James I., to Francis Morice and Francis Philips, Esqs. St. John's Hospital, founded for lepers. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Richard Fulmerstone, Esq. St. Mary Magdalen's Hospital, founded by John de Warren, Earl of Surrey, and he endowed it with 864 acres of land. Yearly value 17. 13s. 6d. only; now worth 331. 10s. Granted to Sir Richard Fulmerstone. An Augustine Friary. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Fulmerstone. At THOMESTON. A College, founded 23 Edward III., by Sir Thomas de Shardelau, and his brother. Yearly value 521. 15s. 74d.; now worth 1,0557. 12s. 6d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Elmond Knyvet. At WABURN. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Sir Ralph Meyngaryn. Yearly value 287. 7s. 2d.; now worth 5671. 3s. 4d. Granted to Richard Heydon, 37 Henry VIII. At WALSINGHAM. An Augustine Priory, built in the year 1061, by the widow of Richoldis de Favarches. Yearly value 446. 14s. 43d.; now worth 8,9341. 7s. 6d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas Sidney. A Franciscan Friary, founded about the year 1346, by Elizabeth de Burgo, Countess of Clare. Value yearly 31.; now worth 60%. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Eyer. At WELLES. An Alien Priory, founded in the time of William the Conqueror, by William de Streis. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to the Bishops of Ely. At WENDLING. A Premonstratensian Monastery, founded 50 Henry III., by the Rev. William de Wendling. Valua- tion 551. 18s. 4d.; now worth 1,118. 7s. 6d. Granted, 16 Elizabeth, to Edward Dyer and H. Cressener. 102 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At WESTACRE. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of William Rufus, by Oliver, the parish priest. Value 3081. 19s. 11d. yearly; now worth 6,1797. 19s. Zd. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Thomas Gresham. At WEYBRIDGE. An Augustine Priory, founded early, by the Bigod family. Value 71. 13s. 4d. yearly; now worth 1531. 6s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Richard Fulmerstone. At WIRHAM. An Alien Priory, founded by the Earls of Clare, in the time of Richard I. Value 71. 16s. yearly; now worth 1561. Granted to Thomas Guibon and William Mynn. At WORMGAY. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of Richard I., by William de Warren. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to the Bishop of Norwich. At WYMONDHAM. A Benedictine Monastery, founded in the year 1107, by William de Albini. Yearly value 721. 5s. 4d.; now worth 1,445l. 6s. 8d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Sir Walter Hadden. An Hospital, founded by William de Albini, in the year 1146. Granted to the Corporation of Norwich. At YARMOUTA. A Benedictine Cell, built in the year 1101, by Herbert, Bishop of Norwich; now belongs to the Cathedral of Norwich. St. Mary's Hospital, built in the time of Edward I., by Thomas Falstoff; the chapel and rooms are now a gram- mar school, and workhouse for the poor. A Dominican Friary, built, 55 Henry III., by Sir William Garbridge. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Richard Andrews and Leonard Chamberlain. A Grey Friary, founded in the time of Henry III., by Sir William Garbridge. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Williams, alias Cromwell. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1278, by King Edward I. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Thomas Denton and Richard Nottington. NORTHAMPTON (COUNTY). At CANON'S ASHBY. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of John. Valuation 1271. 19s. yearly; now worth 2,5591. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir Francis Bryan. IN ENGLAND. 103 At BARNACKE. A College. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to David Vincent. At CHACOMB. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of Henry II., by Hugh de Chacomb. Value 931. 6s. 3 d. yearly; now worth 1,8667. 5s. 10d. Granted, 35 llenry VIII., to Michael Fox. At COTHERSTOKE. A College, founded in the year 1336, by the Rev. John Gifford. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Sir Robert Kirkham. At DAVENTRE. A Cluniac Priory, built in the time of William the Conqueror, by Hugh de Leicester. Value 2361. 7s. 6d. yearly; now worth 4,7271. 10s. Granted by Henry VIII., to Christ Church, in Oxford. At ST. DEWES, or ST. DAVID's, near Northampton. An Ilospital, founded in the year 1200, by Walter, the Prior of St. Andrew's. Value 241. 6s. 1d. yearly; now worth 4861. 1s. 8d. At DINGLEY. A House of Hospitalers, built in the time of Stephen. Rents 1081. 13s. 54d.; now worth 2,173l. 9s. 2d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Edward Griffith. At FODRINGHEY. A College, founded in the year 1411, by King Henry IV. Value 4197. 11s. 103d yearly; now worth Granted to James Crew. 8,3911. 17s. 6d. At HIGHAM FERRERS. A College founded in the time of Henry V., by the Most Reverend and munificent Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury. Value 1567. 2s. 7d. yearly; now worth 3,124l. 12s. 6d. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to John Smith and Richard Duffield. At CASTLE HYMEL. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of John, by Richard Engain, Lord of Blatherwike. Value 621. 16s. yearly; now worth 1,2567. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to John, Lord Russell. At IRTELINGBURGH. A College, founded in the time of Edward III., by the executrix of John Pyel. Value 64. 12s. 103d. yearly; now worth 1,2921. 17s. 6d. Granted, 23 Elizabeth, to Edward Downing and P. Ashton. At KATEBI, or KATESBEY. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the time of Richard I., by Robert de Esseby. Value 1457. Os. 6d. yearly; now worth 2,9001. 10s. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to John Onley. At LUFFIELD. A Benedictine Priory, founded 24 Henry I., 104 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. by Robert Bossu, Earl of Leicester. Yearly value 19%. 19s. 2d.; now worth 399l. 3s. 4d. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to Sir Nicholas Throgmorton. At NORTHAMPTON. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the year 1076, by Simon Seinliz, Earl of Huntingdon. Value 3441. 13s. 7d. yearly; now worth 6.8937. 11s. 8d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Smith. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1112, by William Peverell, natural son of William the Conqueror. Value 213. 17s. 2d. yearly; now worth 4.3771. 3s. 4d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Nicholas Giffard. A Cluniac Nunnery de Pratis, founded in the time of Stephen, by Simon Seinliz, Earl of Northampton. Value 1191. 9s. 7d. yearly; now worth 2,3891. 12s. 6d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to John Mershe. A College, founded 38 Henry VI. Value 17. 19s. 4d. yearly; now worth 391. 6s. 8d. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to William Ward and Richard Venables. St. John's Hospital, for the sick, founded in the year 1137, by Walter, Archdeacon of Northampton. Value 251. 6s. 2d. yearly; now worth 516l. 4s. 2d. Granted, 26 Henry VIII. St. Leonard's Hospital, in East Cotton, founded ont- side the town, by William the Conqueror. Value 11. 6s. 8d. yearly; now worth 226l. 13s. 4d. An Augustine Friary, founded in the year 1322, by J. Longvile. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Robert Dighton. A Black Friary, founded in the year 1240, by John Dabington. Value 51. 7s. 10d. yearly; now worth 1077. 18s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Wm. Ramesden. A Grey Friary, founded about the year 1224; reve- nues 67. 13s. 4d.; now worth 1331. 6s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII, to Richard Taverner. A Carmelite Friary, built, in the year 1271, by Thomas Chetwood and Simon Montford. Value 107. 10s. yearly; now worth 230l. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Ramesden. At OXNEY. A Benedictine Cell, founded before the time of Richard I. Granted 33 Henry VIII. to Roger Horton. At PETERBUrgh. A Benedictine Abbey, begun in the year 665, by Peada, King of Mercia; but afterwards it underwent IN ENGLAND. 105 many changes during the wars; Ethelwold, Bishop of Win- chester, assisted by King Elgar, rebuilt it magnificently in the year 970. Income 1,9721. 7s. 04d. yearly; now worth 39,447. Os. 10d. At PIKEWELL. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1143, by William de Boutwylein. Value 3471. 8s. 04d. yearly; now worth 6,9481. Os. 10d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to William, Marquis of Northampton. At ROTHWELL. An Augustine Nunnery, supposed to have been founded by the Clare family. Value 107. 10s. 4d. yearly; now worth 2107. 6s. 8d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Henry Lee. At SEWARDESLEY. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the time of Henry II., by Richard de Lestre. Yearly value 18/ 11s. 2d.; now worth 3711. 3s. 4d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Richard Fermer. At SULBEY. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded about the year 1155, by William de Wideville. Rents 3051. 8s. 5 d. ; now worth 6,1081. 9s. 2d. Granted, 10 Elizabeth, to Sir Christopher Hatton. At TowCESTER. A College, founded in the time of Henry VI., by William Sponne, D.D., pastor of the town. Rents 191. 6s. 8d.; now worth 386l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Richard Heybourn and William Dalby. At WYRTHORP. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the time of Henry I. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Richard Cecil. NORTHUMBERLAND (COUNTY). At ALNWICK. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1147, by Eustace Fitzjohn. Value 1947. 7s. yearly; now worth 3,8571. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Ralph Sadler and Laurence Winnington. At BLANCA LANDA. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1165, by Walter de Boulbec. Yearly value 441. 9s. 1d.; now worth 8891. 2s. 6d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Bellow and John Broxholm. At BREKENBurne. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Osbertus Colutarius. Yearly value 771.; now worth 15401, Granted 4 Edw. VI,to John Earl of Warwick. At BAMBURGH. An Augustine Cell, founded by Henry I. 106 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Yearly value 124l. 15s. 7d.; now worth 2,4957. 11s. 8d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Foster. At HEXHAM. A Cathedral Church, Abbey, and Augustine Priory. St. Wilfred and St. Etheldreda, the Queen of Egfrid, King of Northumberland, founded in the year 674, a Church and Monastery, of the finest architecture ever seen in these parts of Europe. The Priory was founded in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Archbishop Thomas. Revenues at the dissolution 138. 1s. 9d.; now worth 2,761. 15s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir Reginald Carnaby. An Hospital, founded in the time of John, it is thought, by the Archbishop of York. Granted 30 Henry VIII. to Sir Reginald Carnaby. At HOLM. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1240, by John, Lord Vesci. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to Thomas Reve and William Ryvet. At LINDISFARNE. A Cathedral Church and Benedictine Cell. King Oswald gave this island, in the year 635, to St. Aidan, who came from Scotland to plant Christianity in Northumbria, and there fixed his see, The Cell was founded in the year 1082. Yearly value 601. 5s.; now worth 1,2051. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to the Dean and Chapter of Durham, At LAMBLEY UPON THE TYNE. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded by King John, in honour of St. Patrick. Yearly revenue 51. 15s. 8d.; now worth 1157. 13s. 4d. Granted, 7 Edw. VI, to John, Duke of Northumberland. At NESSEHAM. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded it is thought, by Lord Dacres. Yearly value 261. 9s. 9d.; now worth 5297. 15s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to James Lawson. At NEWCASTLE. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the reign of William the Conqueror. Yearly value 371. 4s. 2d.; now worth 7441. 3s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Barantine and others. St. Catherine's Hospital, built in the reign of Henry IV., by Roger Thornton. Yearly income 8l. Os. 1d.; now worth 160l. 1s. 8d. St. Mary the Virgin's Hospital, built in the reign of Henry III. Yearly value 26l. 13s. 4d.; now worth 5331. 6s. 8d. St. Mary the Virgin's IIospital, the second of that name, founded in the reign of Henry I. IN ENGLAND. 107 St. Mary Magdalen Hospital, founded by Henry I. Yearly value 9l. 11s. 4d.; now worth 1917. 6s. 8d. An Augustine Friary, founded by Lord Ross. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to Jolin, Duke of Northumberland. A Black Friary, founded, in the year 1260, by Sir Peter and Sir Nicholas Scott. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Burgesses of the town. A Carmelite Friary, founded by Richard I. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Richard Gresham and Richard Bill- ingford. A Trinitarian Friary, for the redemption of Captives, founded by William Wakefield, the master. Granted, 37 Henry VIII.., to Richard Gresham and Richard Bill- ingford. At NOVUM MONASTERIUM, near MORPETH. A Cistercian Abbey, founded, by Ranulph de Merlay, in the year 1138. Yearly value 140l. 10s. 4d.; now worth 2,810l. 6s. 8d. Granted, 7 James I., to Robert Brandling. At OVINGHAM. An Augustine Cell, founded by Mr. Ufran- vile. Rents 13l. 4s. 8d.; now worth 2687. 13s. 4d. At TINMOUTH. A Benedictine Cell, founded by St. Os- wald, the first Christian king of Northumberland. St. Here- bald was abbot here in the beginning of the eighth century. Yearly value 511l. 4s. ld.; now worth 10,224. 1s. Sc. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to John, Duke of Northumberland. NOTTINGHAM (COUNTY). At BEAUVALE. A Carthusian Priory, founded 17 Edward III., by Nicholas de Cantilupo. Valued at 2271. 8s. yearly; now worth 4,5481. Granted, 4 Edw. VI, to Richard Morison. At BLYTH. A Benedictine Priory, founded, in the year 1088, by Roger de Builly. Rents 1267. 8s. 2d. yearly; now worth 2,528l. 4s. 2d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Richard Andrews and William Ramesden. An Hospital, founded for the sick, by William de Cressy, Lord of Hodesac. Yearly value 8. 14s.; now worth 1471. At BRODHOLM. A Premonstratensian Nunnery, founded in the reign of Stephen, by Agnes de Camvile. Yearly revenue 108 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 161. 5s. 2d.; now worth 3251. 3s. 4d. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to John Caniers and William Haber. At CLIFTON. A College, founded in the year 1156, by Ralph Brito. Rents 611. 4s. 8d.; now worth 1,2247. 13s. 4d. Granted to Antony Strelley. At FISKARTON. An Augustine Cell, founded by Ralph de Ayncourt. Granted to Edward Fynes, Lord Clinton, and Thomas Morrison. At LENTON. A Cluniac Priory, founded by William Peverell, in the reign of Henry I. Rents 4177. 19s. 3d.; now worth 8,3591. 5s. Granted, 5 Elizabeth, to John Harrington. At MARSHE. A Benedictine Cell. Valued yearly at 631. 6s. 8d.; now worth 1,2667. 13s. 4d. At MATTERSEY. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the year 1192, by Robert de Maresey. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Antony Neville, Esq. At NEWARK. An Hospital, founded by Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln, in the reign of Henry I. Yearly revenue 177. 1s. 94d.; now worth 341l. 15s. 10ď. An Augustine Friary. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to John Andrews. At NEWSTEAD. An Augustine Priory, built by Henry II., in the year 1170. Yearly revenue 2191. 18s. 8d.; now worth 4,398. 14s. 2d. Granted, 32 IIenry VIII., to Sir John Byron. At NOTTINGHAM, St. Jone's Hospital for the sick poor, founded before the time of John. Rents 4l. 13s. 4d; now worth 931. 6s. 8d. Plumtree's Hospital, founded 16 Richard II., by John Plumtree, for poor old widows. Rents 117. ls.; now worth 2217. A House for Grey Friars, founded, Henry III., in the year 1250. Granted, 2 Edw. VI, to Thos. Henneage. A Carmelite Friary, founded about the year 1276, by Lord Grey, of Wilton, and Sir John Shirley. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to James Hurley. At RODDINGton. A College, founded by William Babing- ton, Esq., in the time of Henry VI. Rents 301.; now worth 6001. At RUFFORD. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1148, by Gilbert, Earl of Lincoln. Value 2541. 6s. 8d. IN ENGLAND. 109 yearly; now worth 5,0861. 13s. 4d. Granted to George, Earl of Shrewsbury. At SHELFORD. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of Henry II., by Ralph Hanselyn. Rents 1517. 14s. Id; now worth 3,034/. 1s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Michael Stanhope. At SIBTHORp. A College, founded in the time of Edward II, by Geffrey le Scrop. Rents 251. 18s 8d.; now worth 5181. 13s. 4d. Granted, 37 Ilenry VIII., to Richard Whalley and Thomas Magnus. At SOUTHWell. A College, founded in the year 630, by Paulinus, Archbishop of York. Worth at the valuation of 26 Henry VIII., 516l. Is. 63d.; now worth 10,3217. 10s. 10d. At STOKE, by Newark. An Hospital for sick persons, founded very early. Valued at 91. yearly; now worth 1807. Granted, 18 Elizabeth, to John Mersh and Francis Greneham. At THURGARTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1130, by Ralph de Ayncourt. Yearly value 359/. 15s. 10d.; now worth 7,1957. 16s. Sd. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to William Cooper. At WALLINgwells. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Stephen, by Ralph de Cheurolcourt. Yearly in- come 871. 11s. 6d.; now worth 1,751. 10s. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to Richard Pype and Francis Boyer. At WELBECK. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1153, by Thomas Jocei. Yearly income 298l. 4s. 8d.; now worth 5,964l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Richard Whalley. At WIRKESOP, or RADFORD. An Augustine Priory, founded, 3 Henry I., by William de Luvetol. Yearly value 3021. 6s. 10d.; now worth 6,0461. 16s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Francis, Earl of Shrewsbury. OXFORD (COUNTY.) At BANBURY. College. Yearly income 481. 6s.; now worth 9667. An Hospital for several sick persons, founded in the reign of John. Yearly value 15l. 1s. 10d.; now worth 3011. 6s. 8d. ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 110 At BRUERIA, or BRUERNE. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1147, by Nicholas Basset. Yearly value 124. 10s. 10d.; now worth 2,4901. 16s. 8d. Granted, 8 James I., to Sir Antony Coke. At BURCESTER. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1182, by Gilbert Basset, Baron of Hedington. Yearly value 1671. 2s. 10d.; now worth 3,3421. 16s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At BURFORD. worth 2667. 10s. Herman. At CAVERSHAM, 1162. An Hospital. Valued at 137. 6s. 6d.; now Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Edward An Augustine Cell, founded in the year At CHARLETON. An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1081, by Hugh Grentemoisnil. Granted to Sir Thomas White and others, At CLATTERcote. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the time of King John. Yearly value 34l. 19s. 11d.; now worth 6991. 18s. 4d. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to Thomas Lee. At CROWMERSH. An Hospital, built before the year 1248. Granted to Thomas Gratewick and Anselm Lamb. At DORCHEster. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1140, by Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln. Yearly value 2191. 12s. Ołd.; now worth 5927. Os. 10d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Edmond Ashfield. At EGNESHAM. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 1005, by Ailmer, Earl of Cornwall. Yearly value 4417. 16s. ld.; now worth 8,8367. 1s. 8d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Edward North and William Darcey. At EWELME. An Hospital for the poor, founded in the year 1437, by William de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk. Yearly value 201.; now worth 4007. At GODESTON. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded by Editha, a religious woman, in the reign of Henry I. Yearly value. 3191. 18s. 8d.; now worth 6,3981. 13s. 4d. Granted, by linry VIII., to his physician, Doctor George Owen. At GORING. An Augustine Nunnery, founded in the time of Henry II. Yearly value 60l. 5s. 6d. ; now worth 1,2051. 10s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk, and afterwards to Sir Thomas Pope. At GOSFORD. A House of Hospitalers, founded in the IN ENGLAND, 111 year 1180, by Robert d'Oily. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Antony Stringer and John Williams. At LITTLEMORE. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II. Yearly value 331. 6s. 8d.; now worth 6661. 13s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to William Owen and John Bridges. At NORTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by William Fitz Alan. Yearly value 50l.; now worth 1,000l. Granted to the Brazen Nose College, Oxford. At ASENEY. An Augustine Priory, built in the year 1129, by Robert Robert D'Oily, on an island in the river, near the Castle of Oxford. Yearly value 755l. 18s. 61d.; now worth 15,1181. 10s. 10d. At OXFORD. St. Frides wide's, now Christ Church. King Didanus built this as a Nunnery, in the year 730; his own daughter, Frides wide, who was afterwards canonized, had presided there. It became, in the course of time, a Priory, which was suppressed by virtue of a bull from Pope Clement VII., dated April 3, 1525; and the site and lands granted to Cardinal Wolsey, who founded there a noble College for a dean, sub-dean, one hundred canons, thirteen chaplains, pro- fessors of the Canon and Civil Law, Physic, and of all the Arts and Sciences, and other persons, to the number of 186 in the whole. The revenues were valued at 2241. 4s. 8d.; now worth 4,484l. 13s. 4d. It supports now a dean, eight canons, one hundred and one students, eight chaplains, eight clerks, eight choristers, twenty-four almsmen, &c. St. George's College, founded in the year 1149, on the ruins of an ancient Monastery, which was built by Robert D'Oily and Roger Tueri. All Souls' College, founded in the year 1438, by Henry Chichley, Archbishop of Canterbury, for a warden and forty fellows, with chaplains, clerks, and choristers. Yearly value 3921. 2s. 3d.; now worth 7,8421. 5s. Baliol College, built by the widow of Sir John Baliol, in the year 1284, for poor scholars. Yearly value 741. 3s. 4d.; now worth 1,4837. 6s. 8d. It now consists of a master, 12 fellows, and 14 scholars. St. Bernard's College, founded in the year 1436, by Henry Chichley, Archbishop of Canterbury, for monastic students. The revenues and buildings were converted, 112 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. in the year 1555, to support what is called St. John the Baptist. Brazen Nose College, built by William Smith, Bishop of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Sutton, in the year 1511, for a master and several students. Canterbury College, founded in the year 1349, by the Most Reverend Simon de Islip, Archbishop of Canter- bury, to repair the chasm which was made in the clergy by the pestilence. He purchased some lands and built on it this, under the name of Canterbury Hall, for stu- dents in the Canon and Civil Laws. It was made, 38 Henry VIII., a part of Christ Church College. Corpus Christi College, built in the year 1513, by Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, and Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, for Augustine students. Yearly value 3821. 8s. 9d.; now worth 7,6487. 15s. Supports at pre- sent a superior, twenty fellows, twenty scholars, two chaplains, and two clerks, &c. Durham College, founded in the year 1290, by the Convent of Durham, for their students; increased after- wards in buildings, revenues and books, by Hugh de Bury, the learned bishop of that see. Yearly value 1157. 4s. 4d.; now worth 2,3041. 6s. 8d. Now called Trinity College. Exeter College, or Stapleton Hall, founded in the year 1314, by Walter Stapleton, Bishop of Exeter, for his students, where Hart Hall now stands. Revenues 817. 9s. yearly; now worth 1,6291. Supports now a rector, twenty-two fellows, and some scholars. Gloucester Hall, or College. The site was given, in the year 1283, by Sir John Giffard, to the Benedictine Friars, to build a habitation in the University; called now Worcester College. Lincoln College, founded in the year 1427, by Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln, and the Archbishop of York and others. Yearly value 101l. 8s. 10d.; now worth 2,0281. 16s. 8d. Supports a rector, twelve fellows and some scholars. London College, founded in the year 1421, by Richard Clifford, Bishop of London, for secular and regular stu- dents of Civil Law. Suppressed in the reign of Henry VIII. IN ENGLAND. 113 Magdalen College. William Patten, Bishop of Win- chester, founded, in the year 1448, a hall for students, and in the year 1458 a fine College, for a president, forty fellows, thirty scholars, four chaplains, eight clerks, sixteen choristers, &c. Yearly value 1,0761. 5s. 2d.; now worth 21,525l. 3s. 4d. St. Mary College, founded by Thomas Holden, Esq., in the year 1435, for the Augustine students. Granted, 38 Henry VIII, to Wm. Ramesden and Richard Vavasor. Merton College, founded in the year 1267, by Walter de Merton, Lord Chancellor of England, and afterwards Bishop of Rochester, for chaplains and students. Yearly value 3541. 2s. 6d.; now worth 7,0821. 10s. Supports a warden, twenty-four fellows, fourteen post-masters, &c. New College, or Winchester College, founded and amply endowed by William of Wykeham, Bishop of Win- chester, in the year 1386, for a warden, seventy scholars, ten chaplains, three clerks, and sixteen choristers. Yearly value 4871. 7s. 8d.; now worth 9,7477. 13s. 4d. Oriel, or St. Mary College, built in the year 1324, by King Edward III., and Adam de Brom, Almoner to King Edward II., for students. Valued at 1821. Ss. 6d. yearly; now worth 3,6481. 10s. This supports now a provost, eighteen fellows, &c. Queen's College, founded in the year 1340, by Robert de Eglesfield, chaplain to Queen Philippa. Yearly value 302l. 2s. 10d.; now worth 6,042l. 16s. 8d. It supports now a provost, sixteen fellows, two chaplains, some bache- lors, two clerks, and nineteen undergraduate scholars. University College. King Alfred founded in this city three Societies or Halls; one for students in grammar, the second for philosophy, and the third for divinity : but it is certain that this University was either rebuilt or enlarged by the bounty of William, Archdeacon of Dur- ham, Walter Skirlaw, Bishop of Durham, and some noblemen, in the year 1249. Valued 26 Henry VIII., at 787. 14s. 7d.; now worth 1,574l. 11s. Sa. Supports now a master, 12 fellows, 13 scholars, &c. St. Bartholomew's College, half a mile east of the town, supposed to have been founded by King Henry I. Carmelite Friary, settled in the royal palace of Beau- со 114 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. mont, by King Edward II. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Edward Powel. Trinity House, for the redemption of captives, founded in the year 1291, by Edmund, Earl of Cornwall. At REWLEY. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1280, by the executors of Richard, King of the Romans, to pray for his soul. Yearly value 174l. 3s. 0d.; now worth 3,483l. Os. 10d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford. At SAUNFORD. A Templar's Hospital, founded by Maud, Queen of King Stephen. Granted, 33 Henry VIII, to Ed- ward Powel. At STODELEY. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the reign of Henry II., by Bernard de St. Walerico. Yearly value 1021. 6s. 7d.; now worth 2,046l. 12s. 6d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to John Croke. At TAME. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1137, by the bounty of Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln. Yearly value 256l. 13s. 74d.; now worth 5,1337. 12s. 6d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Edward, Duke of Somerset. At WROXTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry III., by Mr. Michael Belet. Yearly value 781. 14s. 3d.; now worth 1,5741. 5s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Pope, who gave a part to Trinity College, Oxford. RUTLAND (COUNTY). At BROOKE. An Augustine Priory, founded by Hugh Ferrers, in the reign of Richard I. Yearly value 431. 13s. 4d.; now worth 8731. 6s. 8d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Antony Coope. At EDITH Weston. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of Henry I., by William de Tankerville. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to William, Marquis of Northampton. A College, founded, 25 Edward III., by William Wade and John Wade, chaplain. Yearly value 22. 18s. 6d.; now worth 4587. 10s. Granted, 1 Elizabeth, to John, Lord St. John. At OKEITAM. A College for poor 398, by William Dalby, of Exton. people, built in the year Yearly value 26. 13s. T IN ENGLAND. 115 4d.; now worth 5331. 6s. 8d. Granted, 26 Henry VIII, to Richard Flower, of Whitwell. SALOP (COUNTY). At BATTLEField. A College, a mile north of Shrewsbury, founded in the year 1403, by Henry IV. Yearly value 54l. 1s. 10d. now worth 1,081l. 16s. 8d. At BILDEWAS. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1135, by Roger, Bishop of Chester. Yearly value 1297. 6s. 10d.; now worth 2,5867. 16s. 8d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Edward, Lord Powis. At BREWOOD. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded prior to the reign of King John. Yearly value 317. 14s; now worth 6211. 6s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to William Whorwood. At BRIDGENORTH. A College, founded in the reign of Wil- liam Rufus, by Robert, Earl of Shrewsbury. Granted, 21 Elizabeth, to Sir Christopher Hatton. Hospital, founded in the reign of Richard I, by Ralph le Strange. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Leonard Edwards. At BROMFIELD. A Benedictine Cell, built about the time of Henry I. Yearly value 777. 18s. 3d.; now worth 1,558. 5s. Granted to Charles Fox. At BURFORD. A Collegiate Church, founded in the reign of Edward I. Granted, 13 Elizabeth, to William James and John Grey. At CHIRBURY. An Augustine Priory, founded, 11 Henry III. Yearly value 871. 7s. 4d.; now worth 1,747l. 6s. 8d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Edward Hampton. At HAGHMON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1110, by William Fitz Alan, of Clun. Yearly value 2941. 12s. 9d.; now worth 5,8921. 15s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Edmund Littleton. At HALES. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded 16 John, by Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester. Yearly value 3371. 15s. 6d. ; now worth 6,755l. 10s. 10d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir John Dudley. At HALSTON. A Templars' Hospital. Yearly value 1607. 14s. 10d.; now worth 3,214. 16s. 8.l. Granted, 5 Elizabeth. to William Horne. 116 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At LILLESHULL. An Augustine Priory, built in the year. 1145. Yearly value 3277. 10s.; now worth 6,550l. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to James Leveson. At LUDLOW. An Hospital, built in the reign of John. Yearly value 271. 16s. 10d.; now worth 556l. 16s. 8d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. Augustine Priory, built about the year 1282. Granted to George Cotton and William Man. Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1349, by Law- rence of Ludlow. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to Richard Hacket and Thomas Trentham. At MORFIELd. A Benedictine Cell, founded and endowed by the Earl of Shrewsbury. Yearly value 151.; now worth 3007. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Henry, Lord Lisle. At NEWPORT. A College, founded, 20 Henry VI., by Thomas Draper. Granted, 13 Elizabeth, to Edmond Dowing and Peter Ashton. At PONSBURY. A College, built before the reign of Edward I. Yearly value 40l. 17s. 3d.; now worth 8171. 5s. At RATLINGcope. An Augustine Cell, built in the reign of John. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Robert Long. At SHREWSBURY. A Benedictine Monastery, founded in the year 1083, by Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Arundel. Yearly value 6157. 4s. 3d.; now worth 12,304l. 5s. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Edward Watson and Henry Herdson. St. Chadd's College, founded before the time of Wil- liam the Conqueror. Yearly value 14. 14s. 4d.; now worth 2941. 6s. 8d. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to John Southcott and John Chadderton. St. Michael's College, founded prior to the time of Edward the Confessor. Rents and tithes made 137. 1s. 8d.; now worth 2611. 13s., 4d. Granted to Thomas Reeve and George Cotton. St. Chadd's Hospital for poor persons, founded by the Society of Mercers in the town, St. John's Hospital, built prior to the time of Edward II. Rents 41. 10s. 4d.; now worth 901. 6s. 8d. An Augustine Friary, founded by the Staffords. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. A House of Black Friars, founded by Lady Genevile. IN ENGLAND. 117 Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. A House of Grey Friars, founded in the reign of Henry III., by Hawise, Countess of Powis. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. At TONGE. A College, founded in the year 1410, by Isabel, widow of Sir Fulk Pembroke, and the Rev. William Swan, and Rev. William Mosse. Valued yearly at 221. 8s. Id.; now worth 4487. 1s. 8d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Sir Richard Manners. At WENLOCK. A Cluniac Priory, founded, 14 William the Conqueror, by Roger of Montgomery, Earl of Arundel and Chichester, on the ruins of a Nunnery, founded in the year 680, by St. Milburga, daughter of King Merwald. Yearly value 4347. 1s. 23d.; now worth 8,6811. 4s. 2d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Augustino de Augustinis. At WOMBRIde. An Augustine Priory, founded in the reign of Henry I. by William Fitz Alan. Revenues at the dissolution 721. 15s. 8d. ; now worth 1,455l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to James Leveson. At WOODHOUSE. An Augustine Monastery, given to that Order by the Tuberville family in the year 1250. Granted to Thomas Reeves and George Cotton. SOMERSET (COUNTY). At ATHELNEY. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 888, by King Alfred. Yearly value 2091. Os. 3d.; now worth 4,180l. 5s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Clayton. At BARLINCH. An Augustine Priory, built in the reign of Henry II., by William Say. Yearly value 981. 14s. Sd.; now worth 1,974l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir John Wallop. At BATH. A Cathedral, founded in the reign of Henry I., by John, Bishop of Wells, on the ruins of a Benedictine Abbey, which was originally built 676, by King Osrie, but destroyed and rebuilt several times afterwards. Yearly value 6951. 6s. 1d.; now worth 13,806l. 2s. 6d. Henry VIII., to Humphrey Colles. Granted, 34 St. John's Hospital, near the Cross and Hot Baths, 118 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. founded in the year 1180, by Reginald, Bishop of Bath, for the poor strangers. Yearly value 221. 16s. 9d. ; now worth 4567. 15s. Granted by Elizabeth, to the Mayor and Corporation. At BEARWE, or BORROW GURNEY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1200, by Gurney, Lord of Stoke Hamden. Yearly value 291. 6s. 8d.; now worth 5861. 13s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Clerke. At BRIDGWATER. St. John's Hospital, founded before 15 John, by William Bruer, for secular clergy, under condition of keeping hospitality for the poor natives, and for strange ilgrims. Yearly value 120l. 19s. 1 d.; now worth 2,419%. 1‡d. 2s. 6d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Humphry Colles. At BRUTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1005, by Algar, Earl of Cornwall. Yearly value 4801. 17s. 2d.; now worth 9,6177. 3s. 44. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Maurice Berkely. At MINCHIN BUCKLAND. A Nunnery and Hospital of Hospitalers, founded about the year 1180, by Henry II. Yearly value 2231. 7s. 4d.; now worth 4,4671. 6s. 8d. Granted 36 Hen. VIII, to Alexander Popham and Wm. Halley. At BERKELY. An Augustine Priory, built in the year. 1199, by William of Edingdon. Yearly value 6l. 5s. 21d.; now worth 1251. 4s. 2d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Jolin and James Bisse. At CANYNGton. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of King Stephen, by Robert de Courcey. Yearly value 391. 15s. 8d.; now worth 7951. 13s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Edward Rogers. At CLYVE, or CLIFF. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1188, by William de Romare, Earl of Lincoln. Yearly value 1551. 9s. 5d.; now worth 3,1097. 8s. 4d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Sussex. At TEMPLE COMB. A House of Hospitalers, founded in the year 1185, by Serlo Odo. Yearly value 1281. 7s. 6d. ; now worth 2,5677. 10s. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Richard Andrews and Leonard Chamberlain, At DUNSTER. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the time of William the Conqueror, by Sir William de Mahun. Yearly value 371. 4s. 8d.; now worth 7447. 13s. 4d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Humphry Colles. IN ENGLAND. 119 At GLASTONBURY. A Benedictine Monastery, founded, as historians say, by Joseph of Arimathea. The first Congrega- tion of Monks, they say, were brought together by a disciple of St. Patrick, in the year 435. Yearly value 3,5087. 13s. 4d.; now worth 70,173l. 7s. 6d. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Edward, Duke of Somerset, and 1 Elizabeth, to Sir Peter Carew. At KEYNSHAM. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1170, by William, Earl of Gloucester. Yearly value 4501. 3s. 6d.; now worth 9,0037. 10s. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to Thomas Bridges, Esq. At MICHELNEy. A Benedictine Monastery, founded in the year 939, by King Athelstan. now worth 9,976l. 5s. 10d. Edward, Earl of Hertford. At MARTOCK. A Priory. Humphry Colles. Yearly value 4981. 16s. 33d.; Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to At CHARTERHOUSE ON MENDIP. A Cell. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Robert May. At MONTECUTE, OLIM MONS ACUTUS. A Clunic Priory, founded by William the Conqueror. Yearly value 5247. 11s. 8d.; now worth 10,4917. 13s. 4d. Granted, 16 Elizabeth, to Robert, Earl of Leicester. At SLAVERdale. An Augustine Priory, built by Sir Wm. Zouch. Granted 36 Henry VIII, to John, Earl of Oxford. At STOKE CURCY. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II. Valued, at the dissolution, at 58l.; now worth 1,1607. At STOKE. A Collage, founded in the year 1304, by Sir J. de Bello Campo. Granted, 2 Eliz., to Cuthbert Vaughan. At TAUNTON. An Augustine Priory, built in the reign of Henry I., by William Giffard, Bishop of Winchester. Yearly value 4381. 9s. 10d.; now worth 8,7691. 16s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Matthew Colehurst. At WELLS. A Cathedral Church, built in the year 704, by King Ina; enlarged afterwards by different bishops. Revenues of the bishop were valued at 1,8437. 19s. 4d.; and of the canons 8971, 5s. 11d.; both sums now worth 54,8251. 5s. Mauntery College, built in the year 1401, by Ralph Erghum, Bishop of Bath and Wells, for the clergy of the cathedral. Yearly value 117. 18s. 8d.; now worth 120 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 2381. 13s. 4. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to John Ayl- worth and John Lacy. Vicar's College, began by Walter de Hull, canon; en- larged in the year 1347, by Rad. de Salopia, Bishop of Wells. Yearly value 721. 10s. 9td.; now worth 1,450. 15s. 10d. Brigstreet Hospital, founded for twenty-four poor persons, by Nicholas Buthwith, Bishop of Bath, about the year 1424, but maintains now, they say, only twenty. St. John's Hospital, founded in the reign of King John, by Hugh of Wells, afterwards Bishop of Lincoln. Yearly value 411. 3s. 6d. ; now worth 8237. 10s. 10d. Granted, 13 Elizabeth, to Christopher Hatton. At WITHAM. A Carthusian Priory, built and endowed by King Henry II. Yearly value 2271. 1s. 8d.; now worth 4,5411. 13s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Ralph Hopton. At WORSPRing. A Regular Priory, founded in the year 1210, by William de Courteney. Yearly value 110. 18s. 41.; now worth 2,218l. 7s. 6d. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to William and John Lacy. At BRISTOL. A Benedictine Priory, built by Robert, son of Henry I., in the north-east of the city. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Henry Brayne. Great St. Augustine's, now Holy Trinity and Cathe- dral, founded in the year 1148, by Robert Fitz Harding. Yearly value 7671. 15s. 3d.; now worth 15,3551. 5s. St. Mary Magdalen Nunnery, founded by Eva, wife to Robert Fitz Harding, in the reign of Henry II. Yearly value 217. 11s. 3d.; now worth 4311. 5s. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Henry Brayne and John Marsh. St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Granted, by Henry VIII., to the executors of Robert Thorn and Sir Thomas West. Is now a grammar school. St. Catherine's Hospital, founded 4 Henry III., by Robert de Berkele. Yearly value 21l. 15s. 8d.; now worth 435l. 13s. 4d. Gaunt's, or Billes wyke IIospital, built in the year 1229, by Maurice de Gaunt, for one hundred poor people. Yearly value 140.; now worth 2,800l. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Citizens. Is now an Orphan Hospital. IN ENGLAND. 121 St. John's Hospital, built by John, Earl of Moreton, afterwards King of England, for the sick. Yearly value 51l. 10s. 4d.; now worth 1,0301. 6s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII. to G. Owen. St. Lawrence's Hospital, founded before 8 Henry III. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Ralph Sadleyr. Lyons, or Lewin's Mede-street Hospital, founded in the year 1460, by William Spenser. St. Michael's-hill Almshouse, founded, in the year 1504, by John Foster, for one priest, eight poor men, and five poor women, is yet in being. Radcliff-hill Almshouse, built in the year 1442, by William Cannings, is still in being, though having no endowment. Temple-street Hospitals. Under Tucker's Hall is one, founded by the Tucker's Company; under the Weaver's Hall is another, founded at a very early period. Temple Gate Hospital, built by Roger Magdalen of Nonney. Trinity Hospital, founded 4 Henry V., by John Bar- staple, merchant of the town. Granted, 20 Elizabeth, to the Mayor and Corporation; is still in being. An Augustine Friary, built in the reign of Edward II., by Sir Simon and Sir William Montacute. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Maurice Dennis. The Black Friary, founded by Sir Maurice Gaunt. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to William Chester. The Grey Friars' House, founded in the year 1234. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Citizens. STAFFORD (COUNTY). At BLYTHBURY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Hugh Malveysin. At BRIWERNE, or the BLACK LADIES of BREWOOD, founded prior to the time of Richard I. Yearly value 117. 1s. 6d; now worth 2211. 10s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Thomas Gifford. At BURTON-UPON-TRENT. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 1004, by Walfric Spot. Yearly value 3567. 16s. 34d.; now worth 7,1367. 5s. 10d. Granted by Henry VIII., to Sir William Paget. 122 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At CALWICK. A Benedictine Priory, built in the year 1142, by Geva, daughter of Hugh, Earl of Chester. Yearly value 251. 10s. 3d.; now worth 5101. 5s. At CHOTES. A Cistercian 1176, by Bertram de Verdun. now worth 2,0667. 11s. 8d. Jeffry Foljamb. Abbey, founded in the year Yearly value 1031. 6s. 7d. ; Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to At DIEULACRES. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1214, by Randal de Blunderville, Earl of Chester. Value 2431. 3s. 6d. yearly; now worth 4,8631. 10s. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to Ralph Bagnall. At DUDLEY. A Cluniac Cell, founded in the year 1161, by Ralph Painell, lord of the manor, in pursuance of his father's will. Value 331. 1s. 4d. yearly; now worth 661. 6s. 8d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir John Dudley. I. At GNOUSHALL. A College, founded, in the time of Henry Rents 547.; now worth 10801. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to the Bishop of Lichfield and his successors. At HULTON. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1223, by Henry Audley. Value 76l. 14s. 11d. yearly now worth 1,534l. 19s. 2d. Granted 34 Henry VIII., to Sir Edward Aston. At LAPPELE. An Alien Priory, founded in the time of Edward the Confessor, by Algar, Earl of Chester or Mercia. Granted, 1 Edward VI, to Sir Richard Mannors. At LICHFIELD. A Cathedral Church, built in the year 656, by King Oswy; underwent many changes and repairs since that time. Revenues 7031. 5s. 2d.; and of the Chapter 275l. 13s. 2d.; make together now 19,578l. 6s. 8d. Vicars Choral, that is, the Sub-chanter, Sachrist, and Clerks of this Cathedral, had a separate establishment. Value 1997. 10s. 7d. yearly; now worth 3,990l. 11s. 8d. St. John's Hospital. Value 467. 18s. 1d. .; now worth 938l. Is. 8d. It continues to this day. A Grey Friary, founded in the year 1299, by Alexan- der Bishop of Lichfield. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Richard Crumbilthorn. At PENKRIDGE. A College, or Free Chapel. Granted, 17 John, by Mr. Hugh House, to the Archbishop of Dublin and his successors. Valued 1061. 15s. yearly; now worth 2,1357. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. IN ENGLAND. 123 At ROUCESTER. An Augustine Priory, built in the year 1146, by Richard Bacoun. Rents 1117. 11s. 7d.; now worth 2.231l. 11s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Richard Trentham. At SANDWELL. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the time of Henry II., by William Guy, of Ophani. Rents made 261. 8s. 7d.; now worth 5281. 11s. 8d. At DE SARTIS, or RONTON. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of Henry II, by Robert Noeli. Value 102. 11s. 1d. yearly; now worth 2,031l. 1s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to John Wiseman. At STAFFORd. A College, or Free Chapel. Granted by King Stephen, to the Bishop and Chapter of Lichfield. Value 381. yearly; now worth 7601. Granted, 14 Elizabeth, to the Burgesses of Stafford. An Augustine Priory, built in the year 1180, by Richard Peche, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Value 1981. Os. 9d. yearly; now worth 3,9607. 15s. 10d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Doctor Rowland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. St. John's Hospital, for poor brethren. St. Leonard's Spytell, or Free Chapel. 4d. yearly; now worth 921. 6s. 8d. Value 4l. 12s. A Franciscan Friary, founded, 10 Edward I., Valued at 35l. 13s. 10d.; now worth 7137. 16s. 8d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to James Leveson. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the year 1344, by Ralph, Lord Stafford. Granted to Thomas Neve, and Giles Isam. At STONE. An Augustine Priory, built originally by Wol- phere, King of Mercia, for the salvation of his two sons Wolfadus and Rufinus, whom he murdered before his conver- sion to Christianity, in the year 670. Rents 1197. 14s. 11½d.; now worth 2,3941. 19s. 2d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII, to George Harpur. At TAMWORTH. A College. St. Editha, daughter of King Edgar, founded here a Convent, which became a College after- wards, and valued at 421. 2s. 4d.; now worth $421. 6s. Sd. Granted, 23 Elizabeth, to Edward Downing and Peter Ashton. An Hospital, founded 15 Edward I., by Philip Mar- mion, for the Premonstratensian Friars; and he gave ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 124 them in Ashfield pasture for four oxen and two horses, under condition of praying for his soul. Yearly value 31. 6s. 8d. now worth 66l. 13s. 4d. At TETENHALL. A College, founded in King Edgar's reign. Value 217., 6s. 8d. yearly; now worth 4261. 13s. 4d. Granted, 3 Elward VI., to Walter Wrottesley. At TRICKINGHAM. An Augustine Friary, founded in the time of Henry I., on the ruins of a Convent, founded in the year 680, by King Ethelred, for his daughter, St. Werburgh, who died there an Abbess. Value 106l. 3s. 10d. yearly; now worth 2,1231. 16s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At TUTBURY. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the year 1080, by Henry de Ferrers. Rents 2441. 16s. 8d.; now worth 4,8967. 13s. 4d. Granted, 6 Edward VI, to Sir Wil- liam Cavendish, At WOLVERHAMPTON. A College, or Monastery, built in the year 996, and amply endowed by a pious widow, Wul- fruna; underwent many alterations in after times, and finally became one of the King's Free Chapels; the Deanery valued, 26 Henry VIII., at 381. yearly, and five Prebends 287.; both sums would make now 1,3201. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to John, Duke of Northumberland. SUFFOLK (COUNTY.) At ALENSBORNE. An Augustine Priory, founded before the year 1466. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir John Wingfield. An Hospital of Templars, founded in the time of Henry II. Rents 537. 10s.; now worth 1,0707. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Gresham. At BLIBURGH. An Augustine Priory, settled by Henry I. Rents, 481. 8s. 10d.; now worth 9681. 16s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir Arthur Hopton. At BRUSYARD. A Nunnery of Minoresses, founded, at Ash, by Maud, Countess of Ulster, in the year 1354. Yearly value 56l. 2s. ld.; now worth 1,2221. 1s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Nicholas Hare. At BUNGAY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the time of Henry II., by Roger de Glanvill. Value 621. 2s. 1d. IN ENGLAND. 125 yearly; now worth 1,2421. 2s. 6d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. At BURY ST. EDMOND. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 633 by Segebert, King of the East Angles, who quitting his crown, became a religious there. The place took its name from the body of St. Edmond, King, that was tran- slated thither, in the year 903. Valued, at the dissolution, at 2,3361. 16s. Od.; now worth 46,736l. Os. 10d. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to John Eyre. A College, founded in the time of Edward IV. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Richard Corbet. St. Nicholas Hospital, founded by an Abbot of the town. Valued at 67. 19s. 11d.; now worth 1397. 18s. 4d. St. Peter's Hospital, founded in the time of Henry I., by Abbot Anselm, for the maintenance of aged and sick priests. Value 107. 18s. 10d. yearly; now worth 2187. 17s. 6d. St. Saviour's Hospital, founded in the year 1184, by Abbot Samson and his Convent, for the support of a warden, twelve chaplains, six clerks, twelve poor gentle men, and twelve poor women. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Antony Stringer and John Williams. A Grey Friary, founded about the year 1256. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Antony Harvey. At BUTLEY. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1171 by Ranulph de Glanvil, the famous lawyer. Income 3181. 17s. 21d.; now worth 6,377l. 4s. 2d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Forth. At CAMPESS. An Augustine Nunnery, founded, 6 Richard I., by Jane and Agnes, daughters of Theobald de Valoins, on a piece of ground which he gave them for that purpose. In- come 1821. 9s. 5d.; now worth 3,6491. 8s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir William Willoughby. At CLARE. An Augustine Monastery, built in the year 1248, by Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Richard Friend. At DODNASH. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of Edward I., by the ancestors of the noble family of Norfolk. Yearly value 421. 18s. 8d.; now worth 858l. 14s. 2d. Granted, by Henry VIII., to Thomas Alverde. 126 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At DUNWICH. A House of Knights Templars. Granted, 4 Elizabeth, to Thomas Andrews. St. James's Hospital, founded in the time of Richard I. Revenues 261.; now worth 5207 A Black Friary. Granted 36 Henry VIII, to J. Eyre. A Grey Friary, founded in the time of Henry III., by Robert Fitz John. Granted to John Eyre. At EYE. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the time of Wil- liam the Conqueror, by Robert Malet. Yearly value 1841. 9s. 74d.; now worth 3,6897. 12s. 6d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At FLIXTON. An Augustine Priory, built in the year 1258, by Margery Harnes, widow of Bartholomew de Clerk. Value 231. 4s. 1d. yearly; now worth 4687. Is. 8d. Granted, 26 Henry VIII., to John Tasburgh. At GISELINGHAM. A Preceptory of Templars, founded. before the time of Richard I., by Sir Robert de Burgate. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to John Grene and Robert Hall. At GORLESTON. An Augustine Priory, built in the time of Edward I., by William Woderove. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Eyre. At HERINGFLEET. An Augustine Priory, founded in the time of Henry III., by Roger Fitz Osbert. Rents 49. 11s. 7d.; now worth 9917. 11s. 8d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Henry Jerningham. At HoxON. A Benedictine Cell, founded about the year 950, by Theodred, Bishop of London; and richly endowed with lands in the year 1130, by Maurice of Winsor, and Egidia, his wife, for supporting three monks, in order to pray for the soul of Ralph Dapifer. Rents 18l. 1s.; now worth 3611. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Richard Gresham. At IPSWICH. An Augustine Priory, built before the year 1177, by Norman Eadnothi. Rents 881. 6s. 9d. ; now worth 1,7661. 15s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Pope. St. Peter and Paul, another Priory of Augustine Canons, founded in the time of Henry II., by Thomas Lacy. Granted, 9 James I., to Richard Percival and Edmund Duffield. St. Mary Magdalen and St. James's Hospital, founded in the time of King John. Dandy's Almshouse, founded in the year 1515, by IN ENGLAND. 127 Edmund Dandy, for the poor. Granted, by Edward VI. An Augustine Friary, founded in the time of Henry III., by Henry de Manesby and others. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to William Sabyne. A Carmelite Friary, built about the year 1279, by Sir Thomas de Loudham. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Eyre. An Augustine Priory, built in the time of William the Conqueror, by Gilbert Blund. Rents 2801. 9s. 5d. ; now worth 5,6091. 8s. 4d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Richard Codington. At KERSEY. An Austin Priory, founded before 3 Henry III. Granted, 25 Henry VIII., to the King's College in Cambridge. At LETHERINGTON. An Austin Cell. Yearly value 261. 18s. 5d.; now worth 5381. 8s. 4d. Granted, 7 Edw. VI., to Eliza- beth Naunton, daughter of Sir Antony Naunton, of Wingfield. At LEYESTONE. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1182, by Ralph de Glanville. Yearly value 1817. 17s. 1d.; now worth 3,6371. 2s. 6d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At METINGĦAM. A College, built 6 Richard II. Yearly value 2021. 7s. 53d.; now worth 4,0471. 9s. 2d. 33 Henry VIII., to Thomas Denny. Granted, At MINDHAM. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the time of Stephen, on the island of Hurst, in this parish, by William of Huntingfield. Granted to Richard Freston. At REDLINGfield. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1120, by Manasses, Earl of Ghisnes. Yearly value 817. 2s. 51d.; now worth 1,6221. 9s. 2d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Edmund Bedingfield. At RUMBURGH. A Benedictine Cell, built about the time of the Conquest. At SIBTON. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1149, by Wm. de Cheney. Yearly value 250l. 15s. 74d.; now worth 5,0151. 12s. 6d. Granted, 1 Edward VI, to Sir Antony Denny. At SNAPE. A Benedictine Priory, built in the year 1155, by William Martel. Yearly value 997. 1s. 11½d.; now worth 1,9817. 19s. 2d. Granted, 314 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. At STOKE. A College, founded in the year 1124, by Richard de Clare, Earl of Hertford. Yearly value 3241. 4s. ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 128 1d.; now worth 6,4841. 2s. 6d. Granted, 2 Edward VI, to Sir John Cheke and Michael Mildmay. At SUDBURY. A College, founded in the year 1374, by Simon, Bishop of London, on the ruins of a very ancient church. Yearly value 1227. 18s. 3d.; now worth 4581. 5s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Paston. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Wilfric. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. A Hospital, founded in the time of John, by Amicia, Countess of Clare. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to John Cheke, Esq. A Dominican Friary, founded in the reign of Edward I.. by Baldwin de Shipling. Granted, 31 Henry VIII, to Thomas Eden, Esq. At WANGFORD. A Cluniac Cell, founded before the year 1160, by Doudo Asini. Yearly value 301. 9s. 5d. ; now worth 6091. 8s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. At WILTON ST. FELIX. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the reign of William Rufus, by Roger Bigod. Granted, 19 Elizabeth, to Thomas Sexford. At GREAT WELTHAM. A House of Crossed Friars, founded 2 Edward I. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Antony Rouse. At WICKHAM. A Monastery, built in the reign of King Stephen, by Robert de Salco Villa, knight. At WINGField. A College, built in the year 1362, by Lady Alianor, relict of Sir John Wingfield. Yearly value 691. 14s. 5d.; now worth 1394l. 8s. 4d. Granted, by Edward VI., to the Bishop of Norwich. At WOODBRIDGE. An Austin Priory, founded, before the time of Edward II., by Ernaldus Ruffus. Yearly value 501. 3s. 54d.; now worth 10037. 9s. 2d. Granted, 19 Elizabeth, to Thomas Sexford, Master of Requests. SURREY (COUNTY). At ALDEBURY. An Austin Richard I., by Rual de Calva. now worth 5,898l. 7s. 6d. Sir Antony Brown. Priory, built in the reign of Yearly value 294l. 18s. 4½d.; Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to IN ENGLAND. 129 At BERMONDSEY. A Cluniac Abbey, built 1089, by Aylwin Child, citizen of London. 5481. 2s. 54d.; now worth 10,9621. 9s. 2d. Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Southwell. about the year Yearly income Granted, 33 At CHERTSEY. A Benedictine Abbey, built in the year 666, by Erkenwald, Bishop of London; destroyed, with the abbot and ninety monks killed in the Danish wars; rebuilt by King Edgar. Income 744. 13s. 6d. yearly; now worth 14,8937. 10s. 10d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Sir William Fitz Williams. At LINGFIELD. A College, built in the time of Henry VI., by Reginald Cobham. Income 791. 5s. 103d. yearly; now worth 1,5951. 17s. 6d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Thomas Cawarden. At MERTON. An Austin Priory, founded in the year 1117, by Gilbert Norman, Sheriff of Surrey. Yearly value 1,0391. 5s. 3d.; now worth 20,7851, 5s. At NEWINGTON. An Hospital continued here until the year 1551, when their proctor, William Cley broke, had a protection or license to beg. At REIGATE. An Austin Priory or Hospital, founded by William de Warren, Earl of Surrey. Income 781. 16s. 10d.; now worth 1,5761. 16s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to William, Lord Howard. At SHENE. A Carthusian Priory, founded in the year 1414, by Henry V. Income 962. 11s. 6d.; now worth 19,251. 10s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Edward, Earl of Hertford. At SOUTHWARK. St. Mary Overy, Austin Priory, built on the ruins of an ancient Nunnery, that was founded by Mary, and endowed with the profits of a ferry on the Thames. Value 656/. 10s. O½d. yearly; now worth 13,1307. Os. 10d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Antony Brown. Overy Hospital, or St. Thomas's, founded about the year 1228, by the Bishop of Winchester, Peter de Rupi- bus. Value 3091. 1s. 11d. yearly; now worth 6,1811. 18s. 4d. Contained, 30 Henry VIII., beds, food, and firing for forty poor and sick persons, when it was given up. At TANDRIDGE, or TANREGGE. An Austin Priory, founded in the time of Richard I., and much contributed to by Odo de Dammartin. Rents 861. 7s. 6d.; now worth 1,727. 10s. Granted 29 Henry VIII. to John Rede. 9 130 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At WAVERLEY. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1128, by William Giffard, Bishop of Winchester. Value 1967. 13s. 11d. yearly; now worth 3,9331. 18s. 4d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir William Fitz Williams. SUSSEX (COUNTY). At ARUNDEL. An Alien Priory, founded in the time of William the Conqueror, by Roger of Montgomery; became afterwards a College, and valued at 2631. 14s. 9d. yearly; now worth 5,2741. 15s. Granted, 36 1lenry VIII., to IIenry Earl of Arundel. An Hospital, built 18 Edward II., by Richard, Earl of Arundel. Rents 891. 5s. 24d.; now worth 1,7851. 4s.. 2d. Granted to Sir Richard Lee. At BATTEL. A Benedictine Abbey, founded by William the Conqueror, on the spot where a decisive battle was fought, Oct. 14, 1066, between King Harold, and William, Duke of Nor- mandy. Value 9871. Os. 103d. yearly; now worth 19,7407. 17s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir Antony Brown. At BEIGHAM. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1200, by Robert de Turrebam. Value 1521. 9s. 44d. yearly; now worth 3,0491. 7s. 6d. At BOSANHAM. A College, originally founded in the year 681, by St. Wilfrid. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to the Dean and Chapter of Chichester. At BOXGRAVE. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the time of Henry I., by Robert de Haya. Income 145l. 10s. 2½d.; now worth 2,910l. 4s. 2d. Granted, 3 Elizabeth, to Henry, Earl of Arundel. At BRAMBER. 20s. yearly. An Hospital, valued, 26 Henry VIII., at At CHICHESTER. A Cathedral, founded in the year 1075, by Bishop Stigand. Valued, at the dissolution, at 6771. 1s. 3d. yearly; the Chapter's revenues made 6017. 7s. 10d.; both together would make now 25,5891. 1s. 8d. A College of Vicars had revenues 317, 12s. 6d.; now worth 6321. 10s. St. James's Hospital, founded in the reign of King Jolin. Rents 41. 3s. 9d.; now worth 837. 15s. IN ENGLAND. 131 St. Mary's Hospital, founded for the poor. Value 117. 11s. 6d. yearly; now worth 231l. 10s. 10d. An Augustine Friary, founded in the time of Edward I., by Queen Alianor. Granted, 32 Henry VIII, to Edward Millet. A Dominican Friary, built in the reign of Henry III. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and citizens. At DUREFORD. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1169, by Robert Hoese. Value 1087. 13s. 9d. yearly; now worth 2,1731. 15s. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir William Fitz Williams. At EASEBORNE. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the time of Henry III., by Sir John Bohun. Yearly value 477. 3s.; now worth 9437. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir William Fitz Williams. At HASTINGS. A College, built in the time of Henry I., by Hugh de Augo. Value 411. 13s. 5d. yearly; now worth 8331. 8s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Sir Antony Brown. An Austin Priory, founded in the time of Richard I., by Sir Walter Bricet. Value 571. 1s. 9d. yearly; now worth 1,1591. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to John Baker. At LEWES. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the year 1078, by Earl William de Warrena. Income 1,0917. 9s. 6d. now worth 21,8291. 10s. 10d. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to Richard Baker and Richard Sackville. At SOUTH Mallyng. A College, founded in the year 688, by Ceadwalla, King of the West Saxons. Yearly value 451, 12s. 53d.; now worth 9127. Os. 2d. At MICHELHAM. Austin Canons, established in the time of Henry III., by Gilbert de Aquila. Yearly income 1917. 19s. 3d.; now worth 3,8391. 5s. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to William, Earl of Arundel. At PLEYDONE. An Hospital. Granted, 34 IIenry VIII., to Andrew, Lord Windsor. At PYNHAM. An Austin Priory, built in the time of Henry I., by his Queen, Adeliza. Income 431 Os. 10d.; now worth 8601, 16s. Sd. Granted 5 James I., to Antony, Lord Montage. At ROBERT'S BRIDGE. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1176, by Alfred de St. Martino. Yearly income 2724 9s. 8d.; now worth 5,449. 13s. 4d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir William Sidney., 132 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At RUSPUR. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded before the time of Richard I. Income 391. 13s. 7d.; now worth 7931. 11s. 8d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to Sir Robert South well. At SELE. An Austin Priory, built in the year 1075, by William de Braiosa. Valued at 261. 9s. 9d. yearly; now worth 5297. 15s. Granted to the College of Oxford. At SHOREHAM. St. James's Hospital. Valued at 11. 6s. 8d.; now worth 261. 13s. 4d. Granted, 16 Elizabeth, to John Mersh. At TORTINGTON. An Austin Priory, founded in the time of John, by Lady Hadwisa Corbet. Value 1017. 4s. ld. yearly; now worth 2,024l. 1s. 8d. Granted, 42 Elizabeth, to Sir John Spencer. At WILMINGTON. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of William Rufus, by Robert, Earl of Morteton. Elizabeth, to Sir Richard Sackvile. Granted, 7 Granted, 36 At WINCHELSEY. A Dominican Friary. Henry VIII., to William Clifford and Michael Wildbore. At WOLINCHMERE. An Austin Priory, founded by Ralph de Ardern. Income 791. 15s. 6d. ; now worth 1,5951. 10s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Antony Brown. WARWICK (COUNTY). At ALENCESTER. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 1140, by Ralph Pincerna. Yearly value 101. 14s.; now worth 2,0341. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William and John Sewster. At ASTLEY. A College, founded, 17 Edward III., by Sir Thomas de Astley. Rents 39l. 10s. 6d.; now worth 7901. 10s. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Henry, Marquis of Dorset. At ATHERSTON. An Austin Friary, built, 49 Edw. III., by Ralph, Lord Basset. Valued at 11. 10s. 2d. yearly; now worth 301. 3s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Henry Cartwright. At AVECOTE. A Benedictine Cell, built in the year 1159, by William Burdett, Rents 281. 6s. 2d.; now worth 5661. 3s. 4d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Lord Audley, and Sir Thomas Pope. At BALSHALL. A House of Templars, built in the reign of IN ENGLAND. 133 Stephen, by Roger de Moubray. Granted, 8 Elizabeth, to Sir Robert Dudley. At BERMINGHAM. An Hospital, founded before the time of Edward I. Yearly value 81. 5s. 3d.; now worth 165l. 5s. At COMBE. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1150, by Richard de Camvilla. Rents 3431. Os. 5d.; now worth 6,8601. 8s. 4d. Granted, 1 Edw. VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At COVENTRY. A Cathedral, created out of a Monastery that was built in the year 1048, by Leofric the Good, Earl of Mercia, on the ruins of a Nunnery built by the Saxons, before the year 1016. Rents 4991. 7s. 4d.; now worth 9,9871. 6s. 8d. Granted 37 Henry VIII., to John Combes and Richard Stansfield. A Chartre-House, founded in the year 1381, by Wil- liam, Lord Zouch. Rents 251l. 5s. 9d.; now worth 5,0351. 15s. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Richard An- drews and Leonard Chamberlain. Bablake College, founded before the year 1350, by the Burgesses. Yearly value 1117. 13s. 8d. now worth 2,2331. 13s. 4d. Bablake Hospital, founded in the year 1506, by Thomas Bond, draper. Rents 491. 11s. 7d.; now worth 9917. 11s. 8d. Grey Friars' Hospital, built in the year 1529, by Wil- liam Ford, for five poor men and one poor woman. St. John's Hospital, built in the reign of Henry II. by Edmund, Archdeacon of Coventry. Yearly value 831. 3s. 3d.; now worth 16631. 7s. Granted to John Hales, Esq. Grey Friary, founded in the year 1234, by Ralph, Earl of Chester. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to the Mayor and Bailiffs of the town. Carmelite Friary, erected in the year 1342, by Sir John Poultney. Yearly income 71. 13s. 8d.; now worth 1537. 13s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Ralph Sadler. At NUN EATON. A Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Robert Bossu, Earl of Leicester. Income 290l. 5s. Old.; now worth 5,805l. Os. 10d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Marmaduke Constable. At ERDBURY. An Austin Priory, built in the reign of Henry III., by Ralph de Sudley. Rents 1221. 8s. 6d.; now 134 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. worth 2,4487. 10s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII, to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. At HEANWOOD. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the reign of Henry II, by Katelbern de Langdon. Income 211. 2s. Old.; now worth 4227. Os. 10d. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to John Higford. At KENILWORTH. An Austin Priory, built in the year 1122, by Geffrey de Clintone, Chamberlain to Henry I. Income 5381. 19s.; now worth 10,7791. Granted by Henry VIII, to Sir Andrew Flamock. At MONK'S KIRBY, An Alien Priory, founded in the year 1077, by Gosfred de Wirchia. Income 2201. 3s. 4d.; now worth 4,403l. 6s. 8d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Trinity College, Cambridge. At KNOLL. A College, built, 4 Henry V., by Lady Elizabeth Clinton. Income 187. 5s. 6d.; now worth 3651. 10s. At MACKSTOKE. An Austin Priory, built in the year 1336, by Sir William de Clinton, Earl of Huntingdon. Income 1291. 11s. 8d.; now worth 2,5917. 4s. 2d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At MEREVAL. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1148, by Robert Earl of Ferrers. Income 3031.10s.; now worth 6,0701. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Walter, Lord Ferrers. At OLDBURY. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Walter de Hastings. Income 67. Os. 10d.; now worth 1201. 16s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At PINLEY. A Cistercian Nunnery, built in the reign of Henry I., by Robert de Pilardinton. Yearly value 27. 14s. 7d.; now worth 554l. 11s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Wigstone, Esq. At POLLESWORTH. A Benedictine Nunnery, built by King Egbert, for Modwenna, a holy woman lately come from Ire- land; here his own daughter, St. Editha, presided. Income 871. 16s. 3d.; now worth 1,756. 5s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Francis Goodyere, Esq. At STONELY. A Cistercian Abbey, built by King Henry II., in the year 1154. Income 1781. 2s. 53d.; now worth 3.5621. 9s. 2d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. At STRATFORD. A College, founded about the year 703. IN ENGLAND. 135 Income 1237. 12s. 9d.; now worth 2,4721. 15s. Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. Hospital, built in the reign of Henry II. Granted, 4 At STUDLEY. An Austin Priory, built in the reign of Henry II. Rents 1811. 3s. 6d. ; now worth 3,6231. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir Edmund Knightly. At THELESFord. A Maturine Friary, founded in the reign of John, by William de Cherlecote. Income 231. 10s.; now worth 4701. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to William Whor- wood, Esq., and William Walter. At WARMINGTON. An Alien Priory, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Paul de Prattelles. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to William and Francis Seldon, Esqrs. At WARWICK. An Austin Priory, built in the reign of Henry I., by Henry of Newburgh. Income, 491. 13s. 6d.; now worth 9931. 10s. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Thomas Hawkins. Hospital of Templars, built in the reign of Henry I., by Roger, Earl of Warwick. Income 141. 6s. Sd; now worth 2861. 13s. 4d. St. James's College, built in the reign of Richard II. St. Mary's College, built before the time of William the Conqueror. Income 247. 13s. 03d.; now worth 4,9537. Os. 10d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to the Bur- gesses of Warwick. St. John's Hospital, built in the reign of Henry II., by William, Earl of Warwick, for the entertainment of tra- vellers and strangers. Income 191. 3s. 7d.; now worth 3831. 11s. 8d. Granted, 27 1Ienry VIII., to Anthony Staughton. St. Michael's Hospital, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Roger, Earl of Warwick, for the sick. Income 107. 19s. 10d.; now worth 219l. 16s. 8d. Black Friary, built in the reign of Henry III., by the Botelers, Lords of Sudley. Income 4. 18s. 6d.; now worth 981. 10s. Granted, 5 Edward VI., to John, Duke of Northumberland. Carmelite Friary, built, 18 Edward III., by John Peyto, jun. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At WOLFRICHIESTON. An Alien Priory, built soon after the 136 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Conquest, by Roger de Montgomery. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to Richard Fielde and Richard Woodward. At WROXHALL, A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the reign of Henry I., by Hugh de Hatton. Yearly value 781. 10s. 1d.; now worth 1,570l. 2s. 6d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Robert Burgoin and John Scudamore. WESTMORELAND (COUNTY). At BROUGH. An Hospital, founded in the 16th century, by John Brunskill, with a chapel, and beds for travellers and other poor persons. Yearly income 71. 4s. 4d.; now worth 1441. 6s 8d. At IIEPP. A Premonstratensian Abbey, built in the reign of Henry II., by Thomas Fitz Gospatrick. Yearly value 1661. 10s. 6d.; now worth 3,330. 10s. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Lord Wharton. At KIRKLEY. An Hospital for lepers, built before the time of Henry II. Yearly income 61. 4s. 5d. ; now worth 1247. 8s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Alan Bellingham and Alan Wilson. WILTS (COUNTY). At AMESBURY. A Nunnery, built by Alfrida, Queen of Edgar. Income 5581. 10s. 2d.; now worth 11,170l. 3s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Edward, Earl of Hertford. At ANSTY. An Hospital of Hospitalers, built, 12 John, by Walter de Turbelville. Yearly income 81. 8s. 5d.; now worth 1,6281. 8s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to J. Zouch. At AVEBURY. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of Henry I., by William de Tancervilla. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Sir William Sharington. At BRADENSTOKE. An Austin Priory, founded in the year 1142, by Walter de Evereux. Yearly value 2701. 10s. 8d.; now worth 5,410l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Richard Pexhall. At MAYDEN BRADELEY. An Austin Priory, founded in the reign of Stephen, by Manasses Biset. Yearly value 1977. 18s. 8d; now worth 3,9581. 13s. 4d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII, to Sir Edward Seymore. IN ENGLAND. 137 At CALN. An Hospital, built in the reign of Henry III. Income 21. 2s. 8d.; now worth 42l. 13s. 4d. At CHARLETon. An Alien Priory, built in the year 1187, by Reginald de Pavely. Yearly income 221.; now worth 440. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Sir William Sharington. At CoSHAM. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of William the Conqueror. Yearly income 221. 13s. 4d.; now worth 4531. 6s. 8d. Granted, 6 James I., to Philip Moore. At CRICKLADE. An Hospital, built in the reign of Henry III. Yearly income 41. 7s. 103d.; now worth 871. 17s. 6d. At EDINDON. Bonhommes, built about the year 1347. Rents 5217. 12s. 5d.; now worth 10,4321. 9s. 2d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to William Pawlet, Lord St. John. At ESTON. A Trinitarian Friary, founded for the redemp- tion of Captives, in the reign of Henry III., by Stephen, Archdeacon of Salisbury. Yearly income 55l. 14s. 4d.; now worth 1,1147. 6s. 8d. Granted, 6 James I., to Edward, Earl of Hertford. At FARLEIGH. A Cluniac Priory, built in the year 1152, by Humphrey de Bohun. Yearly income 1521. 3s. 7d.; now worth 3,0437. 11s. 8d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir Edward Seymore. At HEYTESBURY. A College, built in the year 1300. Yearly income 281. 12s. 6d. ; now worth 572l. 10s. Hospital, founded about the year 1470, by Lady Mar- garet IIungerford, for twelve poor men and one poor woman. Yearly income 381. 4s. 7d.; now worth 7647. 11s. 8d. It stands to this day. At TOY CHURCH. An Austin Priory, built in the reign of Henry II. Yearly income, 1331. Os. 74d.; now worth 2,660l. 12s. 6d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Barwick. At KEINTON. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded 2 Henry II. Yearly income 38l. 3s. 101d.; now worth 7631. 17s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII, to Sir John Long. At KINGSWOOD. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1139, by William de Berkly. Yearly income 254l. 1ls. 2d.; now worth 5,0917. 3s. 4d. Granted, 2 Elizabeth, to Sir John Thynne. At LACOCK. An Austin Priory, built in the year 1232, by Ela, Countess of Salisbury. Yearly income 203l. 12s. 3d.; 138 ABBEYS, Priories, etc. now worth 4,0721. 5s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir William Sharington. At LONGLEAT. An Austin Priory. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir John Thynne. At MALMESBURY. A Benedictine Abbey, built in the year 675, in the place of an ancient Nunnery. Yearly income. 8031. 17s. 7d.; now worth 16,0771. 11s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Stump. At MARLEBURGH. A Gilbertine Abbey, founded in the reign of John. Yearly income 381. 19s. 2d.; now worth 7791. 3s. 4d. Granted to Anthony Stringer. Hospital, St. John's, built 16 John, by Mr. Levenoth. Yearly income 6l. 18s. 4d.; now worth 1381. 6s. 8d. Carmelite Friary, built in the year 1316, by John Godwin and Wm. Ramesbesch. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to John Pye and Robert Brown. At PULTON. A Gilbertine Priory, built 21 Edward III., by Sir Thomas Seymor. Yearly value 20l. 3s. 2d.; now worth 4031. 3s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Stroude, Walter Erle, and John Paget. At TEMPLE ROCKLEY. An Hospital of Templars, built 2 Henry II., by John Mareschall. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Edward Bainton. At SALISBURY. A Cathedral Church, the building of which took forty years; was finished in the year 1258; the revenues of the bishop made 1,3677. 11s. 6d.. of the chapter 6017. 12s.; both would now make 39,3831. 10s. St. Edmond's College, founded by Walter de la Wyle, Bishop of Salisbury, in the year 1270. Revenues 941. 5s.; now worth 1,8851. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to William St. Barbe. College de Vaux, and possessions. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir Michael Lister. Vicar's College, incorporated 11 Henry IV. Revenues 471. 18s. 0d.; now worth 958l. Os. 10d. Harnham College, founded in the year 1220, by Bishop Poore. Rents 251. 2s. 2d.; now worth 5021. 3s. 4d. lt was for the poor, and still continues. Trinity College, founded for the sick, 17 Richard II., by John Chandeler. Dominican Friary, founded by King Edward I. IN ENGLAND. 139 Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Pollard and William Byrte. Franciscan Friary, built by a bishop of the town. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Wroth. At STANLEGH. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1154, by King Henry II. and his mother, Maud. Rents 2221. 19s. 4d.; now worth 4,4597. 6s. 8d. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Sir Edward Bainton. At UPHAVEN. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of Henry I. Granted, 4 James I., to Francis and A. Anderson. At WILTON. A Benedictine Nunnery, built by King Edgar in the year 871, on the ruins of an abbey, built 773, and destroyed by the Danes. Yearly revenues 652l. 11s. 5½d.; now worth 13,051l. 9s. 2d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Sir William Herbert. St. Giles's Hospital, built by Queen Adelicia, wife of Henry I. Yearly value 5l. 13s. 4d.; now worth 1137. 6s. 8d. St. John's Hospital, built in the year 1217, for a prior and poor brethren. Rents 147. 13s. 10d.; now worth 3931. 17s. 6d. WORCESTER (COUNTY). At ASTLEY. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Ralph de Tedenei. Granted by Henry VIII., to Sir Ralph Sadler. At BORDESLEY. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1138, by the Empress Maud. Rents 3921 8s. 6d.; now worth 7,8481. 10s. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Andrew, Lord Winsor. At COKEHILL. A White Nunnery, built in the reign of Richard I., by Gervase of Canterbury. Rents 347. 15s. 11d. now worth 695l. 18s. 4d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Nicholas Fortescue, whose posterity now inhabit the ancient Priory-house. At DODFORD. A Premonstratensian Cell, built by King Henry II. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to John Dudley, who sold it to John Fownes. At DROITWICH. An Hospital, built, 13 Edward I., by 140 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. William de Dovere, pastor of Dodderhill, Rents 211. 11s. 8d.; now worth 431l. 13s. 4d. At ELMELY. A College, built in the reign of Edward II., by Guy, Earl of Warwick. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Sir Thomas Hobby. At EVESHAM. A Benedictine Abbey, founded and endowed 701, by Egwin, Bishop of Worcester. Yearly value 1,2681. 9s. 9d.; now worth 25,3691. 15s. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Philip Hobby, Esq. At MALVERN MAJOR. A Benedictine Priory, founded by Edward the Confessor. Rents 3751. Os. 6d.; now worth 7,500l. 10s. 10d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Pinnok. At MALVERN MINOR. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 1171, by Jocelyn and Edred, brothers, who were after- wards priors there. Rents 1027. 10s. 9½d.; now worth 2,0501. 15s. 10d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. At PERSHORE. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 689, by Oswald, nephew of King Ethelred. Rents 6667. 13s.; now worth 13,3331. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William and Francis Sheldon. ; At WESTWOOD. A Fontevrauld Nunnery, built in the reign of Henry II., by Eustachia de Say. Rents 75l. 18s. 11d. now worth 1,5187. 17s. 6d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to John Pakington. At WORCESTER. A Cathedral Church, built in the year 964, by Bishop Oswald, which became afterwards a Monastery. Rents 1,2907. 10s. 6d.; now worth 25,810l. 10s. 10d. Whiston Nunnery, built by a Bishop of Worcester. Rents 561. 3s. 7d.; now worth 1,123. 11s. 8d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Richard Callowhile. St. Oswald's Hospital, founded by Bishop Oswald himself, before the year 1268, for the poor; with reve- nues 15l. 18s.; now worth 318. Granted, by Henry VIII., to Christ Church, Oxford. A Dominican Friary, founded by Beauchamps, of Powike. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to the bailiffs and citizens of Worcester. A Franciscan Friary, built in the year 1268, by IN ENGLAND. 141 Charles, of Warwick. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to the bailiffs, &c., of Worcester. YORK (COUNTY). At NORTH ALLERTON. St. James's Hospital, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Hugh Pusar, Bishop of Durham, for the poor brethren. Rents 56l. 2s. 2d.; now worth 1, 1221. 3s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Christ Church, Oxford. Maison de Dieu, built in the year 1476, by Richard Moore, draper, for thirteen poor persons; four only are now supported on it. A Carmelite Friary, built in the year 1354, by Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham. At NUN APPLETON. A Cistercian Nunnery, built in the reign of King Stephen, by Adeliz de St. Quintin. Rents 837. 5s. 9d; now worth 1,6657. 15s. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Robert Darknall. At ARDEN. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the year 1150, by Peter de Hotton. Rents 137. 7s. 4d.; now worth 2677. 6s. 8d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas Culpeper. At ARTHINGton. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the time of King Stephen, by Peter de Ardington. Rents 197.; now worth 3801. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Archbishop Cranmer, of Canterbury. At NETHER AULCASTER. A llege, founded by Robert Stillington. Rents 271. 13s. 4d.; now worth 5531. 6s. 8d. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to John Hulse and William Pendred. At BAGBY. An Hospital for the sick and poor. At BASE DALE HOTON. A Cistercian Nunnery, built in the year 1162, by Ralph de Nevill. Yearly value 211. 19s. 4d.; now worth 4391. 6s. 8d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Ralph Bulmer and John Thynde. At BAWTRce. An Hospital, built in the year 1316, by Robert Moreton, Esq., for the poor. Rents 61. 6s. 8d.; now worth 1267. 13s. 4d. Yet in being. At BEGARE. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of Henry III. Granted to Eton College. At BEVERLEY. A College, built in the year 700, by John, Archbishop of York. After various alterations, it supported, 142 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. at the dissolution, one Provost, eight Prebendaries, a Chancel- lor, Precentor, seven Rectors Choral, nine Vicars Choral, many Chantry Priests, Clerks, Choristers, officers, and ser- vants. Revenues 345l. 13s. 2d.; now worth 6,9131. 1s. 8d. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Michael Stanhope and John Bellew. A House of Hospitalers, built in the year 1201, by Sibylla de Valoniis. Rents 1677. 10s. ; now worth 3,3501. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Barkley. St. Giles's Hospital, built before the Conquest, by a Mr. Wulse. Rents 8.; now worth 160%. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Rutland. St. Nicholas's Hospital, built before the year 1286. Yearly value 5l. 14s. 6d.; now worth 114l. 10s. A Dominicans' Friary, founded before the year 1311. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Pope and Antony Foster. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1297, by William Liketon and Henry Weighton. Granted, 32 Henry VIII,, to Thomas Culpeper. At BOLTON. An Austin Priory, founded in the year 1120, by William Meschines. Yearly value 2121. 3s. 4d.; now worth 4,2431. 6s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Henry, Earl of Cumberland. At MONK BRETTON. A Cluniac Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Adam Fitz Swain. Rents 3231. 8s. 2d.; now worth 6,4681. 3s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to William Blithman. At BRUNNum. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry III., by Roger de Merley, Lord Morpeth. Rents 101. 3s. 3d.; now worth 2031. 5s. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Robert Tyrwhit. At BURLINGTON. An Austin Priory, built in the reign of Henry I., by Walter de Gant. Rents 6821. 13s. 9d.; now worth 13,6531. 15s. At BYLAND. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1143, by Roger de Mowbray. Rents 2951. 5s. 4d.; now worth 5,9051. 6s. 8d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to William Pykering, At CORHAM. A Premonstratensian Abbey, built in the reign of Henry II., by Ralph Fitz Robert, Lord of Middle- ham. Rents 2077. 14s. 8d.; now worth 4,1547. 13s. 4d. At DONCASTer. A Franciscan Friary, erected before the IN ENGLAND. 143 year 1315. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Gifford and Michael Welbore. At DRAX. An Austin Priory, built before the reign of Henry I., by William Paynel. Rents 1817. 18s. 3‡d.; now worth 3,638. 5s. 10d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Sir Marmaduke Constable. At EGLESTOne. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Ralph de Multon. Rents 36l. 8s. 3d.; now worth 7281. 5s. Granted, 2 Edward VI., to Robert Shelley. At ELRETON. A Cistercian Nunnery, built in the reign of Henry II., by Warnerius Dapifer, Earl of Richmond. Rents 157. 10s. 6d.; now worth 3102. 10s. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to John Aske. At ELRETON ON THE DERWENT. A Gilbertine Priory, built in the year 1212, by William Fitz Peter, under condition that they would maintain thirteen poor persons. Rents 78l. Os. 10d.; now worth 1,5607. 16s. 8d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to John Aske. founded in the year At ESSEHOLT. A Cistercian Nunnery, 1172. Rents 191. ; now worth 3801. Granted, 1 Edward VI., to Henry Thompson. At NORTH FERRY. An Austin Priory. 11s. 74d.; now worth 1,911. 12s. 6d. VIII., to Thomas Culpeper. Valued yearly 951. Granted, 32 Henry At FOUNTAINS, in the Deanery of West Riding. A Cis- tercian Abbey, built in the year 1132. Rents 1.173l. Os. 7½d.; now worth 23,560l. 12s. 6d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Gresham. At GISEBURNE. An Austin Priory, founded in the year 1129, by Robert de Brus. Rents 7121. 6s. 6d.; now worth 14,2467. 10s. Granted, 4 Elizabeth, to Sir Thomas Chaloner. At GROSMONT. An Alien Priory, built in the reign of John, by Joanna, daughter of William Fossard. Rents 147. 2s. 8d.; now worth 2821. 13s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Edward Wright. At HALTEMPRICE. An Austin Priory, founded, 15 Edward II., by Thomas, Lord Wake, of Lyddel. Yearly value 1781. Os. 10d.; now worth 3,560l. 17s. 6d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII.,, to Thomas Culpeper. At HANDALE. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1133, by William Perey. Rents 201. 7s. S.; now worth 144 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 4071. 13s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Ambrose Beck- with. At HANEHOPE. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1170, by William de Clarefai. Rents 851. 6s. 11d.; now worth 1,7067. 18s. 4d. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to Francis Aislaby. At HEDON. An Hospital, founded in the time of King John, by Alan Ouberni. Rents 117. 18s. 4d. ; now worth 2381. 6s. 8d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Robert Constable. At HELAGH PARK. An Austin Priory, founded in the year 1218, by Berthram Haget. Rents 861. 5s. 9d.; now wortl 1,725. 15s. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to James Gage. At HEMINGBURGH. A College, founded in the year 1426 Rents 361. 1s. ; now worth 7217. At HOWDEN. A College, founded in the year 1266, by Robert, Bishop of Durham. Rents 131. 6s.; now worth 2667. At TEMPLE HURSTE. An Hospital of Templars, founded in the year 1152, by Ralph de Hostings. Granted to Lord Darcy. At JOREVAL. A Cistercian Abbey, founded about the year 1156, by Conan, Duke of Richmond. Yearly value 4551. 10s. 5d.; now worth 9,1107. 8s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Matthew, Earl of Lenox. At KELDON. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Robert Stutevile. Rents 291. 6s. 1d.; now worth 5861. 1s. 8d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland. At NUN KELYNGE. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the reign of King Stephen, by Agnes de Archis. Rents 501. 17s. 2d.; now worth 1,017. 3s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Richard Gresham. At KILLING WOLDGROVE. An Hospital, founded for women before the year 1169. Rents 127. 3s. 4d.; now worth 2431. 6s. 8d. At KINGSTON. A Cistercian Priory, built about the time of Richard III., by Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk. Rents 231l. 17s. 3d.; now worth 4,6371. 5s. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to Edward, Lord Clinton. Grigge's and Mariner's Hospitals. One for Priests, and the other for Sailors. Founded by John Grigge. Valued, 26 Henry VIII., at 10%.; now worth 400l. yearly. They are in being to this day. IN ENGLAND. 145 Pole's Hospital, founded in the year 1384, by Michael de la Pole, for thirteen poor men and so many poor women. Rents 10%.; now worth 2001. Still in being. A Carmelite Friary, founded by King Edward I., or by some others. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to John Henneage. A Dominican Friary. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Broxholm. At KIRKHAM. An Austin Priory, founded in the year 1121, by Walter Espec. Rents 3007. 15s. 6d. ; now worth 2,015l. 10s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII.,, to Henry Knyvet. At KIRKLEGHES. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Reynerus Flandersis. Rents 201. 7s. 8d.; now worth 4071. 13s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Tasburgh and Nicholas Savill. At KIRKSTall. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1147, by Henry de Lacy. Rents 5127. 13s. 4d.; now worth 10,2537. 6s. 8d. At KNARESBurgh. A Trinitarian Friary, built in the reign of Henry III., by Richard, Earl of Cornwall, and King of the Romans. Rents 35l. 10s. 11d.; now worth 7101. 18s. 4d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to Francis of Shrewsbury. At LAYSINGBY. A College, founded, 18 Edward I., by John de Lythegraynes. Rents 91. 6s. Sd.; now worth 1867. 13s. 4d. At OLD MALTON. A Gilbertine Priory, founded in the year 1150, by Eustace Fitz John. Rents 2571. 7s.; now worth 5,1472. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Robert Holegate, Bishop of Llandaff. At LITTLE MARCIS. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the year 1163, by Roger de Clere. Rents 261. 6s. 8d.; now worth 5261. 13s. 4d. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Robert Holegate, Bishop of Llandaff; after him to the Bishop of York. At MARTON. An Austin Priory, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Bertram de Bulmer. Rents, 1837. 12s. 4d.; now worth 3,6721. 6s. 8d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to the Archbishop of York. At MARYKE. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the reign of Henry II., by Roger de Asac. Rents 64l. 16s. 9d.; now worth 1,2961. 15s. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Uvedale. 10 146 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At MELSA. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1150, by William le Gross, Earl of Albemarle. Rents 4451. 10s. 5d.; now worth 8,9101. Es. 4d. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At MIDDLEHAM. A College, founded in the year 1476, by Richard, Duke of Gloucester, afterwards King Richard III. Rents 161. 9s. 4d.; now worth 3291. 3s. 4d. At MIDDLESburgh. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Robert de Bruce. Rents 217. 13s. 8d.; now worth 4331. 13s. 4d. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to Thomas Reve. At MOLESLEY. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded by Henry II., in the year 1167. Rents 321. 6s. 2d.; now worth 6467. 3s. 4d. Granted to the Archbishop of York. At NUN MONKETON. A Benedictine Nunnery, built in the reign of Stephen, by William de Arches. Rents 85l. 14s. 8d.; now worth 1,714. 13s. 4d. Granted, 29 Henry VIII., to John, Lord Latimer. At MOUNTGRACE. A Carthusian Priory, founded in the year 1396, by Thomas de Holland, Duke of Surrey. Rents 3231. 2s. 10½d.; now worth 6,4627. 17s. 6d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Robert Strangeways. At MOUNT ST. JOHN. A House of Hospitalers, founded in the reign of Henry I., by William Percy. Rents 102. 13s. 10d.; now worth 2,0531. 16s. 8d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to the Archbishop of York. At NEWBURgh. An Austin Priory, built in the year 1145, by Roger de Moubray. Rents 4571. 13s. 5d.; now worth 9,1531. Ss. 4d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Margaret Simp- son and Ant. Bellasis. At NEWLAND. A House of Hospitalers, founded by King. John. Rents 2021. 3s. 8d.; now worth 4,0437. 13s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Francis Jobson and Andrew Dudley. At NEWTON. An Hospital, built in the year 1179, by William Gross, Earl of Albemarle. Rents 217. Os. 2d.: now worth, 420/. 3s. 4d. Granted, 16 Elizabeth, to John Stanhope. At NOSTELL. An Austin Priory, built in the reign of Henry II., by Robert de Lacy. Rents 6067. 9s. 3d ; now worth 12,1297. 5s. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas Leigh. ! IN ENGLAND. 147 a At OVETON. A Gilbertine Priory, founded, 5 John, by Alan de Wilton. Rents 117. 2s. 8d.; now worth 2221. 13s. 4d. At PONTEFRACT. A Cluniac Priory, built in the time of William Rufus, by Robert de Lacy. Rents 472l. 16s. 1d.; now worth 9,456l. 2s. 6d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., William, Lord Talbot. to St. Clement's College, founded in the reign of William Rufus, by Ilbert de Lacy. Knolles' College and Almshouse. Sir Robert Knolles founded in the year 1385, a College for a Master and six Fellows; and adjoining it an Almshouse for a Master, two Chaplains, and thirteen poor men and women. Revenues 2001. 5s. 101d.; now worth 4,0057. Os. 10d. St. Nicholas' Hospital, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Robert de Lacy. Rents 791. 13s. 4d.; now worth 1,9531. 6s. 8d. It maintained until the dissolution one chaplain and 13 poor persons. Dominican Friary, built before the year 1266, by Simon Pyper. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to William Clifford and Michael Wildbore. A Franciscan Friary. At RERECROSS HOSPITAL. An Hospital, built in the year 1171, by Ralph de Multon. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to William Buckton and Roger Marshall. At RBSTANE. An Hospital of Templars, founded in the reign of Richard I., by Robert, Lord Ross. Rents 2651. 9s. 6d.; now worth 5,3597. 10s. 10d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Charles, Duke of Suffolk. At RICHMOnd. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 1100, by Wymar, steward to the Earl of Richmond. Rents 43l. 16s. 8d.; now worth 876l. 13s. 4d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Edward, Lord Clinton. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1151, by Roald, the Constable of Richmond. Rents 1881. 16s. 2d.; now worth 3,7761. 3s. 4d. Granted, 14 Elizabeth, to John Stanhope. St. Nicholas's Hospital, founded by King Henry II. Rents 101. yearly; now worth 2007. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1258, by Ralph Fitz Randal, Earl of Middleham. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to John Banaster and William Metcalf. 148 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At RIPPON. A College, built and endowed in the reign of William the Conqueror, by Archbishop Alfred, on the ruins of a monastery that had been founded before the year 661, by Alchfrid, King of Northumbers, but afterwards burnt down in the civil wars. Seven Prebends made here at the dissolution 3611. 19s. 6d., six Vicars Choral 361., other revenues 477. 16s. 3d.; total 4451. 15s. 3d.; now worth 8,9151. 5s. St. John's Hospital, Archbishops of York. 240l. 6s. 8d. founded before 4 John, by the Rents 127. Os. 4d.; now worth Magdalen Hospital, founded by the Archbishops of York, for lepers. Rents 241. Os. 7d.; now worth 4801. 11s. 8d. At RIVER. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1131, by Walter Espec. Rents 351l. 14s. 6d. ; now worth 7,1341. 10s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Rutland. At Roc. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1147, by Richard Fitz Turgis. Rents 271l. 19s. 4d. ; now worth 5,4391. 6s. 8d. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to William Rames- den and Thomas Vavasor. " founded in the Rents 417. 13s. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., At ROSEDALE. A Benedictine Nunnery, reign of Richard I.. by Robert de Stutevile. Sd. ; now worth 8331. 13s. 4d. to Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland. At SALLAY. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1146, by William de Percy. Rents 2211. 15s. 8d.; now worth 4,4351. 13s. 4d. At SELBY. A Benedictine Abbey, founded in the year 1069, by William the Conqueror. Rents 8191. 2s. 6d. ; now worth 16,382. 10s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Ralph Sadler. At SINNINGTHWAITE. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1160, by Bertram Haget. Rents 627. 6s.; now worth 1,246. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to Robert Tempest. At SNAITH. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 1106, by Girard, Archbishop of York. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At SPROTBURGH. An Hospital, founded in the year 1363, by Mr. Fitz Williams. Rents 91. 13s. 11d.; now worth 1937. 16s. 8d. IN ENGLAND. 149 At SUTTON. A College. Valued at 131. 18s. 8d. yearly; now worth 2781. 13s. 4d. An Hospital. Valued at 71. 18s. 4d.; now worth 1581. 6s. 8d. A't SWINHEY. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the reign of Stephen, by Robert de Verli. Rents 1341. 6s. 9.; now worth 2,6861. 15s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Gresham. At THICKHED. A Benedictine Nunnery, reign of Richard I., by Roger Fitz Roger. 2d.; now worth 472l. 3s. 4d. Granted, 33 John Aske. founded in the Rents 231. 12s. Henry VIII., to At TICKHILL. A College, founded by Eleanor, Queen of Henry II. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Francis, Earl of Shrewsbury. At TOCK WITH. An Austin Cell, founded in the year 1114, by Jeffery Fitz Pain. Rents 81.; now worth 1607. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas Leigh. At WARTER. An Austin Priory, built in the year 1132, by Jeffery Fitz Pain. Rents 2217. 3s. 10d.; now worth 4,4231. 16s. 8d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Rutland. At WALTON. A Gilbertine Priory, succeeded in the year 1150 a Nunnery that was built 686. Income 4531. 7s. 8d. ; now worth 9,0677. 13s. 4d. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At WELLE. An Hospital, founded in the year 1342, by Sir Ralph de Neville. Income 651. 5s. 7d.; now worth 1,3051. 11s. 8d. At WHITTEY. A Benedictine Abbey grew up in the time of Henry I., instead of an ancient one built by St. Hilda, in the year 657. Income 505l. 9s. 1d.; now worth 10,109%. 1s. 8d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At WIDKIRK. An Austin Cell, built in the reign of Henry I., by William, Earl of Warren, and others. Income 471. Os. 4.; now worth 940l. 6s. 8d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to George Talbot and Robert Savill. At WILBURFOSSE. A Benedictine Nunnery, founded in the year 1153, by Alan de Cotton. Income 281. 8s. 8d.; now worth 5681. 13s. 4d. Granted, 7 Edward VI. to George Gale. 150 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At WYKHAM. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1153, by Pain Fitz Osbert de Wykham. Rents 25l. 17s. 6d.; now worth 5171. 10s. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Francis Poole. At YARUM. An Hospital, founded before the year 1185, by the Brus family. Income 51.; now worth 100%. Dominican Friary, founded, in the year 1271, by Peter de Brus; surrendered by Miles Wilcock, Prior, five Friars, and Novices, 1539. At YORK. A Cathedral, built in the year 1137, by the care of Archbishops Roger, Romane, Milton, and Thoresby, in the place of a Church originally founded, 627, by King Edwin, on his conversion to Christianity, but was burnt down in 741. Yearly revenues of the Archbishop 2,0351. 3s. 7d., Canons 4391. 2s. 6d., Dean 3081. 10s. 7d.-total 2,7721. 16s. 8d.; now worth 55,4567. 13s. 4d. St. Mary's, a Benedictine Abbey, founded and en- dowed by William Rufus, in the year 1088. Income 2,085l. 1s. 5½d.; now worth 41,701l. 9s. 2d. St. Clement's, a Benedictine Convent, or Nunnery, founded in the year 1130, westward of the town, by Archbishop Thurston. Revenues 557. 11s. 11d.; now worth 1,1117. 18s. 4d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Edward Shipwith. St. Andrew's, a Gilbertine Priory, founded in the year 1200, by Hugh Murduc. Income 571. 5s. Id. 9d.; now worth 1,1457. 15s. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Bellow and John Broxholm. Trinity, or Christ Church, an Alien Priory, founded in the year 1089, by Ralph Painell. Yearly income. 196l. 17s. 2d.; now worth 3,9371. 3s. 4d. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Leonard Beckwith. All Saints, a Benedictine Cell, built by the bounty of William Rufus; completely demolished at the Reforma- tion, so that it could not be ascertained where it stood. Beddern, or Vicar's College, founded in the year 1252, by Walter Gray, archbishop, for the choristers and other officers of the cathedral. Revenues 255l. 7s. 8d.; now worth 5,1077. 13s. St. Sepulchre's College, founded in the year 1161 IN ENGLAND. 151 by Roger, Archbishop of York. Income 1387. 19s. 24d.; now worth 2,7791. 4s. 2d. St. William's College, founded in the year 1460, by Richard Neville, Earl of Northumberland, and his bro- ther George Neville, Bishop of Exeter. Yearly income 22l. 12s. 8d.; now worth 452. 13s. 4d. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to Michael Stanhope and John Belloe. Boutham Hospital, founded in the year 1314, by Robert Pykering, Dean of York. Income 117. 6s. 8d.; now worth 226l. 13s. 4d. Boutham Hospital Minor, built in the year 1481, by John Gyseburgh. Rents 97. 6s. 8d.; now worth 1861. 13s. 4d. Fossgate Hospital, founded, 45 Edward III., by John de Rucliff, for the poor. Income 6. 13s. 4d.; now worth 1331. 6s. 8d. Still in being. St. Nicholas' Hospital, said to have been founded by the Empress Maud, for leprous persons. Income 291. 1s. 4d.; now worth 5811. 6s. 8d. St. Peter's, or Leonard's Hospital, founded by King Stephen, for a Master, 13 Brethren, 4 Secular Priests, 8 Sisters, 30 Choristers, 2 Schoolmasters, 206 Beadmen, and 6 Servitors; with revenues of 3621. 11s. 1d.; now worth 7,2511. 2s. 6d. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to Robert Lord Dudley. It is now called the Mint Yard. St. Thomas' Hospital, founded before the year 1391, yet stands. An Austin Friary, founded in the year 1278, by Lord Scroop. Granted to Thomas Rawson. A Franciscan Friary, founded by King Henry II. and the city of York. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Leonard Beckwith. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1255, by Lord Vesey and Lord Percy. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Ambrose Becwith. 152 WALES. ANGLESEY (COUNTY). At GLANNAGH. A Benedictine Priory, founded in an island in the east part of Anglesey, in the year 1221, by Lleweline Prince of North Wales. Income 401. 17s. 93d.; now worth 817. 15s. 10d. Granted, 6 Elizabeth, to John Moore. At HOLY HEAD. A College rose instead of a Monastery, built in the year 380, by St. Kebius. Income 24l.; now worth 4801. Granted, 7 James I., to Francis Morrice and Francis Filips. At BRECKNOCK. BRECKNOCK (COUNTY). A Benedictine Priory. built in the reign of Henry I., by Bernard de Newmarch. Yearly income 134. 11s. 4d.; now worth 2,6911. 6s. 8d. Granted, by Henry VIII., to John ap Rice. A College, made of a Dominican Friary, is standing to this day. CAERMARTHEN (COUNTY). At ABERGWILLY. A College, founded in the year 1287, by Thomas Beck, Bishop of St. David's. Rents 421.; now worth 840/1. At ABELANDA. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1143, by Bernard, Bishop of St. David's. Yearly value 1531. 17s. 2d.; now worth 3,0771. 3s. 4d. Granted, 36 Henry VIII., to Henry Audely and John Cordel. At CADWELL. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the year 1130, by Roger, Bishop of Salisbury. Rents 297. 10s.; now worth 590Z. At CAERMARTHEN. An Austin Priory, founded before the year 1148. Rents 1641. Os. 4d.; now worth 3,2801. 6s. 8d. IN WALES. 153 Granted 35 Henry VIII., to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. A Franciscan Friary. Granted, 5 Edward VI. to Sir Thomas Gresham. At TALLAGH. A Premonstratensian Abbey, founded in the year 1197, by Rhese Griffith Price, of South Wales. Income 1537. ls. 4d.; now worth 3,0611. 6s. 8d. CAERNARVON (COUNTY). At BANGOR. A Cathedral Church, founded at some early time. The revenues of the Bishopric were valued at 1317. 16s. 4d.; now worth 2,6361. 6s. 8d. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1276, and granted, 7 Edward VI, to Thomas Brown, and converted into a Free School, 1557. At BARDSEY, Isle of Birds. An Abbey, founded before the year 516. It produced great numbers of holy men. Yearly income 56l. 6s. 2d. ; now worth 1,126l. 3s. 4d. Granted, 3 Edward VI., to John, Earl of Warwick. At BETHKELERT. An Austin Priory, founded very anciently. Yearly value 691. 3s. 8d.; now worth 1,3837. 13s. 4d. Granted, by Henry VIII., to Lord Radnor. CARDIGAN (COUNTY). At CARDIGAN. A Benedictine Cell, with revenues of 137. 4s. 9d.; now worth 2647. 15s. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to William Cavendish. At LLANDEWI-BREVI. A College, founded in the year 1187, by Thomas Beck, Bishop of St. David's, in honour of St. David, who preached at a Council held in 519, and thereby extinguished the Pelagian heresy. Rents 387. 11s. ; now worth 7717. At LLANLEIR. A Cistercian Nunnery, of yearly income 571. 5s. 4d.; now worth 1,1451. 6s. 8d. Granted, 7 Edward VI., to William Sackville and John Dudley. At STRATA FLORIDA. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the 154 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. year 1164, by Rhesus, son of Griffith, of South Wales. In- come 1227. 6s. 8d.; now worth 2,446l. 13s. 4d. DENBIGH (COUNTY). At MAYNAN. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1283, by King Richard I. Revenues 1627. 15s.; now worth 3,2551. Granted, 5 Elizabeth, to Elezeus Wynne, in whose family it continues still. At RUTHIN. A College, founded in the year 1310, by John de Grey, Lord of Dyffryn, Clywd. Granted, 4 Edward VI., to William Winlove and John Stevens. At DE VALLE CRUCIS LLANEGWAST. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1200, by Madoc ap Griffith Maylor, Prince of Powis. Income 2137. 5s. 5d.; now worth 4,2831. 8s. 4d. Granted, 9 James, to Edward Wotton. FLINT (COUNTY). At ST. ASAPH. A Bishopric, founded in the sixth century by a holy and good man, St. Asaph, or Hassaph. This See, and a Monastery that had been also there, were frequently destroyed and rebuilt during the wars between the English and Welsh. Revenues 1871. 11s. 6d. ; now worth 3,751l. 10s. At BASINGWERK. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1131, by Ranulph, Earl of Chester. Rents 1571. 15s. 2d. ; now worth 3,155l. 3s. 4d. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Henry ap Harry. At RHUDLAND. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1268. Granted, 32 IIenry VIII., to Henry ap Harry. GLAMORGAN (COUNTY). At LLANDAFFE. A Bishoprick, founded about the year 522, by St. Dubritius. Suffered much in the wars. Revenues 2421. 7s. 1d.; now worth 4,8471. 1s. 8d. At MORGAN. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year IN WALES. 155 1147, by Robert, Earl of Gloucester. Rents 1887. 14s.; now worth 3,7741. Granted, 32 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Moxell, and is now the property of Thomas, Lord Marsel. At NETH. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Richard de Grainville. Rents 150. 4s. 9d. now worth 3,0041. 15s. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Sir Richard Williams, alias Cromwell. At SWANSEY. An Hospital, founded in the year 1332, by Henry, Bishop of St. David's. Rents 201.; now worth 4007. At WENNY. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year 1141, by Maurice, of London. Rents 591. 4s.; now worth 1,1847. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Edward Carn. MERIONETH (COUNTY). At KINNER. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1200, by Lleweline, the son of Gervase. Rents 58l. 15s. 4d.; now worth 1,175l. 6s. 8d. MONTGOMERY (COUNTY). At LLANLUGAN. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded in the year 1239. Rents 227. 13s. S.; now worth 4531. 13s. 4d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to Sir Arthur Darcy. At YSTRAT MARCHEL, or POLA. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1170, by Owen Keveliog. Rents 73. 7s. 3d.; now worth 1,4671. 5s. Granted 8 Elizabeth, to Row- land Howard and Thomas Dixton. PEMBROKE (COUNTY). At CALDEY. A Tyrone Cell, the gift of Robert Fitz Mar- tin's mother. Rents 51.; now worth 100%. At ST. DAVID'S. A Bishoprick, founded by St. Patrick, about 470. Underwent several convulsions afterwards. Reve- nues at the dissolution 1937. 14s. 10d.; now worth 3,8741. 16s. 8d. ¡ 156 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. A College, founded in the year 1365, by John, Duke of Lancaster. Revenues 1061. 3s. 6d. ; now worth 2,1231. 10s. Dissolved by Edward VI. At St. DOGMAEL. A Tyrone Abbey, founded in the reign of Henry I., by Robert Fitz Martin. Rents 871. Ss. 6d. ; now worth 1,748l. 10s. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to John Bradshaw. At HAVERFord. An Austin Priory, founded in the year 1200, by Robert of Haverford, lord of the place. Rents 135l. 6s. ld.; now worth 2,7061. 1's. S. Granted, 38 Henry VIII., to Roger and Thomas Barlow. At PEMBROKE. A Benedictine Cell, founded in the year, 1098, by the Earl of Pembroke. Yearly value 1137. 2s. 6d. ; now worth 2,2621, 10s. Granted, 37 Henry VIII., to John Vaughan. At PILLA, or PILLE. A Benedictine Priory, founded in the year 1200, by Adam de Rupe. Yearly income 52l. 2s. 5d.; now worth 1,0421. 8. 4d. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Roger and Thomas Barlow. At SLEBAGH. A House of Hospitalers, founded, in the year 1301, by Wize and Walter his son. Rents 1847. 10s. 11½d.; now worth 3,690l. 19s. 2d. Granted, together with several things in these parts, to Roger and Thomas Barlow. RADNOR (COUNTY). At CUMHIRE. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1143, by Cadwathelan, though it seems that the fabric was finished. The revenues at the dissolution made 24l. 19s. 4d. yearly; now worth 4991. 6s. 8d. Granted, 37 Henry VIII, to Walter Henley and John Williams. THE ISLE OF MAN. A DUFFGLASS. Near this place was a Nunnery, which is now a dwelling-house. At RUSSIN. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1098, by Mac Manis, Governor of the island. This foundation con- tinued for some time after the general suppression of such houses in England. The Isle of Man was converted to Chris- tianity by St. Patrick, about the year 447. 157 LIST OF ABBEYS, PRIORIES, &c. IN IRELAND. ANTRIM (COUNTY). At BALLYCASTLE. An Abbey, when founded is not known, but it seems, from an inscription on a chapel that had been built in the year 1612, by Randal Mac Donnell, Earl of Antrim, that the abbey stood until the Reformation, At BONAMARGY. A Monastery, founded during the 15th century, by Mac Donnell. Granted to his apostate descendants. At CARRICKFERGUS. A Franciscan Abbey, founded in the year 1232, by Hugh Lacy, Earl of Ulster. Granted to Sir Arthur Chichester; is now the mansion of the Earls of Donegal. CLUAIN. An Abbey, built in the early ages, by St. Olcan; now the Protestant place of worship. At GLENARM. A Franciscan Abbey, built in the year 1465, by Robert Bisset, a Scotchman. Granted to Alexander Mac Donnell, ancestor to the Earl of Antrim. At GOODBORN. A Premonstratensian Priory, founded about the year 1242. Surrendered in the year 1542, to the Commissioners of Henry VIII. At KELLS, or DISERT. A Priory, founded in the year 1200. Surrendered, in the year 1542, to the Commissioners of Henry VIII. At KILITRAGH. A Church built by St. Patrick; now the Protestant place of worship. At LAMBEG. A Franciscan Monastery, founded by M'Donnell about the year 1500. At LHANNAVAGH. The Church of the Dwarf, founded by St, Patrick; now the Protestant place of worship. At MASSAREENE. A Franciscan Abbey, founded about the year 1500, by O'Neil. Granted, in the year 1621, to Sir Arthur Chichester, Baron of Belfast. At MUCKAMORE. A Monastery, founded in the year 550, by St. Colman; surrendered, after having been for many 158 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. ages the light of the world, the nursery of saints and of learn- ing, to Henry VIII. Granted in the year 1639 to the Long- ford family. At RACHLIN ISLAND. A Church, founded in the year 546, by St. Columb. This house, celebrated for learning and sanctity, stood in the year 1558, when the Earl of Essex, Lord Deputy, gained possession of the island. At RATHMOANE. A Church, founded by St. Patrick, for his disciple St. Ereclasius; now the Protestant place of worship. RATHMUIGHE, (on the seashore, eight miles from Dun- liffsia, or Dunluce). A Monastery, founded by St. Patrick. At TULACH. A Church, built by St. Patrick, for St. Nehemias, in the diocese of Connor; now the Protestant place of worship. [Besides these, there are upwards of thirty religious houses on record, which were principally founded by St. Patrick in this county, but they are omitted because there is no proof that they subsisted until the Reforma- tion.] At ARMAGH, by St. Patrick. ARMAGII (COUNTY.) An Augustine Abbey, built in the year 457, A Priory of the Culdei, or Choristers of the Cathedral, had for revenues seven bally boes, or townlands, worth 461.; now now worth 9207. Sir Toby Caulfield, Lord Charlemount, received, in the year 1620, the rents for Henry VIII. Temple Fortagh, founded by St. Patrick for St. Lupita, his eldest sister, who was buried here. Granted in the year 1618, by King James, to Francis Annesley, Esq. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1261, by Archbishop Scanlon. Solomon M'Conny was superior in 1583, when the Reformation was completed. CLONFEAKLE, that is, the Church of the Tooth, so named from a tooth of St. Patrick, which was preserved here; is now the Protestant place of worship; five miles from Armagh. At KILMORE. A Church founded by St. Mochtee; now the Protestant place of worship; three miles from Armagh, IN IRELAND. 159 At KILSLERE. A Franciscan Monastery. Thomas Ornay was superior in the year 1457. At KILLEVY. A Nunnery, built about the year 517, by St. Donerca, otherwise called Monenna, sister to St. Patrick, at the foot of Sliev Gullen; now a Protestant place of worship. At STRADHAILLOYSE. A Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1282. [There are five religious foundations of St. Patrick and his disciples omitted in this county, as in the preceding.] CARLOW (COUNTY). At ATHADDY. An Augustine Nunnery, founded in the year 1151, by Dermot, son of Murchard, King of Leinster. At BALLY M'WILLIAM-ROE, near Clonegall. A Preceptory of Templars, founded about the year 1300. At KILLARGE. A Preceptory of Templars, (which was afterwards granted to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem), founded in the reign of King John, by Gilbert de Borard. Granted, 1590, by Queen Elizabeth, to the wife of Gerard Aylmer. At LEIGHLIN, a town formerly of considerable note. The Great Abbey, founded by St. Gobban, celebrated for the Synod held there in the year 630, regarding the celebration of Easter. St. Laserian, abbot in 632, had at one time 1500 monks under him; he was consecrated bishop by Pope Honorius, and was legate from the Holy See. LEIGHLIN Bridge. A Carmelite Monastery, founded in the reign of Henry III., by one of the Carew family; had many endowments and privileges from Kings Henry III., Richard II., and Henry IV.; was finally converted, at the suppression, into a fort. At ST. MULLIN's. An Abbey of Augustines, founded in the year 632, by St. Moling; plundered and burnt before the year 1138. At TULLAGH. An Augustine Abbey, built in the reign of Edward II., on a grant of land made by Simon Lumbard and Hugh Tallon. Granted, 1557, by Queen Elizabeth, to Thomas, Earl of Ormond. ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 160 CAVAN (COUNTY). At BALLYLINCH. An Hospital, when founded, by whom, and with what endowments, is unknown. Granted by King James, 1605, to Sir Edward Moore, ancestor to the Earl of Drogheda, for threepence yearly rent. At CAVAN. A Dominican monastery, founded in the year 1300, by Giolla O'Reilly, of the dynasty of Breffiny; stood until the general dissolution, but there is not now the least remains of it. At DROMLOMMAN. An Hospital, leased by King James to Sir Edward Moore, for 2s. 6d. yearly rent. At DRUMLANE, or DROMLAHAN. A Monastery, founded before the year 550, as some suppose, by St. Maidoc, because he was born in that year. Granted, 13 Elizabeth, to Hugh O'Reilly, Head of the Brenie sept, for the term of 21 years, at the rent of 81. 14s. 8d.; now worth 1747. 13s. 4d. At KILLACHAD. An Abbey, founded before the year 800, by St. Tigernach, who was buried there in the year 805; plundered by the English in the reign of Henry II. At KILMORE. An Abbey, founded in the sixth century by St. Columb; now the Protestant bishop's see. At LOUGH OUGHTER. An Abbey, founded in the year 1237, by Clarus M. Moylin, Archdeacon of Elphin. Granted, 1570, by Queen Elizabeth, to Hugh O'Reilly, of the Brenie, head of his sept, for 21 years, at the rent of 21. 15s. 8d.; now worth 557. 13s. 4d. Perhaps he was ejected for non-payment of rent; for, by an inquisition taken, 27 Elizabeth, he was found in arrears for 11 years' rent, for this and the monastery of Drumlane, above said. At MOUNTERCONAGHT. An Endowed Hospital, granted by King James to Sir Edward Moore, at 1s. 3d. yearly rent; now worth 11. 5s. See Ballylinch. CLARE (COUNTY). At CLARE. An Augustine Abbey, founded in the year 1195, by Donald O'Brien, King of Limerick. Granted, 1661, to Henry, Earl of Thomond. IN IRELAND. 161 At CORCUMROE. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1194, and largely endowed by Donald O'Brien, King of Limerick. Granted to Richard Harding. At ENNIS. A Monastery of Franciscans, built in the year 1240, by Donagh Carbrac O'Brien; it is the place of inter- ment of the family of the O'Briens. Granted, 1621, to William Dongan, Esq.; is now the Protestant place of worship. At GLAN COLUMB-CHILLE. An Abbey, founded by St. Columb; is now a Protestant place of worship in the diocese of Kilfenora. A At INCHYCRONANE, an island on the river Shannon. Monastery, founded in the year 1190, by Donald O'Brien, King of Limerick. Granted, 1661, to Henry, Earl of Thomond. At INCHMORE, an island in the Shannon. An Abbey, founded by St. Senan, who placed over it his disciple St. Liberius. At INISANLAOI. A magnificent Abbey, built in the year 1305, by Turlogh, King of Thomond, where he is buried. At INISKELTAIR, an island in Loughderg. An Abbey, founded in the year 653, by St. Camin, who is interred there. This island is one of the stations for pilgrimage in the Loughderg. At INISNEGANANAGH, or the Island of Canons, in the Shannon. A Priory of Augustines, founded in the 12th cen- tury, by Donald O'Brien, King of Limerick. Granted, 1661, to Henry, Earl of Thomond. At INISSCATTERY, a rich and beautiful island in the mouth of the Shannon. An Abbey, founded by St. Senan, or, as some suppose, by St. Patrick himself, who appointed over it St. Senan; he had eleven churches for friars, and allowed no woman to come into the island. Granted, 20 Elizabeth, to the mayor and corporation of Limerick, at 3l. 12s. 8d. rent; now worth 72l. 13s. 4d. This island is a great resort of pilgrims on certain festivals. At KILCARRAGII. A Monastery. Granted to John King. At KILLOEN, in the Barony of Islands. A Nunnery, built in the year 1190, by Donald O'Brien, of Limerick. Slaney, daughter of Donogh, King of Thomond, was abbess, and died in 1260. She excelled all the women then in Munster for piety, almsdeeds, and hospitality. 11 162 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At KILSHONNY, in the Barony of Corcumroe. A Monastery. Granted to Robert Hickman. At QUIN, or QUINCHY, five miles east of Ennis. A Fran- ciscan Monastery, built in the year 1402, by M'Namara; the building is entirely of black marble. Granted, 1583, to Sir Tirlagh O'Brien, of Irishayman. The Roman Catholics repaired this monastery in 1604. At TOMGRANY, four miles east of Loughderg. An Abbey. St. Manchin, Abbot, died in the year 735. It is now the church. [Fifteen religious foundations of the early ages in this county are omitted.] CORK (COUNTY). At ABBEY MAHON, near Timoleague, by Count M'Sher- rybay. A Cistercian Monastery, built by the friars, and en- dowed by Lord Barry with eighteen plowlands, that is, the whole parish of Abbey Mahon, which were seized by the crown. At BALLYBEG, near Buttevant. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1229, by Philip de Barry; the steeple, the arcade over the dome, remaining yet, together with the traces of many external buildings, show that it had been a magnificent structure. Yearly value 2607.; now worth 5.2001. Granted, 16 Elizabeth, for 21 years, to George Boucher, Esq., who forfeited it for non-payment of rent; then granted to the wife of Sir Thomas Norris, Governor of Munster. At BALLYMACADANE, four miles south of Cork, on the Bandon Road. An Augustine Nunnery, founded in the year 1450, by Cormac M'Carthy. At BALLVOURNEY, or the Town of the Beloved. An Abbey, or Nunnery, built in the year 650, by St. Abban, for St. Gobnata, descendant of O'Connor the Great, Monarch of Ire- land; her festival was on the 14th February. A At BANTRY, a pretty town on the Bay of that name. Franciscan Monastery, built in the year 1466, by Dermot O'Sullivan Beare; is now demolished, At BRIDGE TOWN, on the Black Water, above Fermoy. A IN IRELAND. 163 Priory, pleasantly situated in a deep valley at the confluence. of the rivers Aubeg and Black Water. At BRIGOWNE, near Michelstown. St. Finchu. A Church, founded by At BUTTEVANT, formerly a corporate town, governed by a Mayor and Aldermen. A Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1290, by David Oge Barry, Lord Buttevant; the walls of the choir and nave are yet entire; the steeple, a high square tower, standing on a fine Gothic arch, fell in 1822. There is a beautiful window in the east end. At CAPE CLear. An island on the south-west coast of Ireland, containing 12 plowlands, 300 houses, and about 1,200 inhabitants. At CARIGILLILY, in the parish of Myros, West Carberry. A Monastery, built in the year 1172, by Dermot M'Carthy, King of Desmond. Granted, with all the possessions, 30 Elizabeth, to Nicholas Walshe for ever, at the yearly rent of 281. 6s. 6d.; now worth 566l. 10s. At CASTLE LYONS. A Dominican Monastery, founded in the year 1307, by John de Barry. The Earl of Cork obtained the possessions and bestowed them on the Countess of Barry- more, his daughter. A Carinelite Abbey, founded in the Barry family. At CLONMERE, in Duhallow. An Augustine Monastery; founded by Mr. O'Callaghan. At CLOYNE, a town near Youghal. A Cathedral Monas- tery, and Nunnery destroyed; the revenues preserved for parsons. At CORK. A Monastery, founded in the year 600, by St. Finbar; is recorded, that in the eighth century, 700 monks and 17 bishops were living there a contemplative life. The possessions were granted, 33 Elizabeth, to Cormac M'Carthy and to Sir Richard Grenville. A Protestant place of worship was erected on the site. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1214, by Dermont M'Carthy Reagh. Granted, 8 Elizabeth, to Andrew Skydy, at 21. 18s. Sd.; now worth 58l. 13s. 4d. This building stood on the north side of the city. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1229, by Philip de Barry; it stood on an island in the south of 161 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 12: the city. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to William Boure- man, for 9s. 6d. yearly rent; now worth 91. 10s. An Augustine Monastery, founded in the reign of Henry IV., by Lord Kinsale. Granted, 19 Elizabeth, to Cormac McCarthy, at 137. 16s. 8d. yearly rent; now worth 2761. 13s. 4d. It is converted into a sugarhouse, now called the Red Abbey. A Nunnery, founded by William de Barry, about the year 1327. It is thought it stood where the Market House now is. A Preceptory of Templars; built in the year 1292. Priory of St. Stephen, founded for lepers before the year 1295; converted into the Blue-coat Hospital in 1674. A At DONAGHMORE, eight miles north-west of Cork. Monastery, founded by St. Fingene, disciple of St. Finbar. It is now the Church. At FERMOY, a large town. A Cistercian Abbey, to which Maurice Flemming was a benefactor. Granted, 33 Elizabeth, to Sir Richard Grenville, at 15l. 18s. 4d. yearly rent; now worth 3187. 6s. 8d. At GLANWORTH. A Dominican Monastery, founded in the year 1227, by the Roche's family. At INISCARA, on the river Lee, five miles above Cork. An Abbey, built by St, Senan, of Iniscattery: dissolved. At INISKIERAN, near Cape Clear. A Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1460, by Florence Moar O'Driscoll; the walls and steeple are still in good order. At KILBEACON, in Muscryciure. A large Monastery, founded in the year 650, by St. Abban; St. Beacan presided there. At KILCREA. A Nunnery, where St. Chera was Abbess. A Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1465, by Cormac M'Carthy Moor, King of Desmond; great part of the buildings still remain. Granted by Oliver Cromwell, 1641, to Lord Broghill. At KINSALE. A Priory of Regular Canons, dedicated to St. Gobban. A Carmelite Friary: when founded is not known; it flourished in 1350. At LEGAN. A Monastery, stood in the year 1201; at th IN IRELAND. 165 suppression of religious houses, the Prior of St. John in Waterford was seized of this house. At LUEIM, near the City of Cork. A Monastery, of which David de Cogan was patron in the year 1318. At MIDDLETON. An Abbey, founded in the year 1180, by the Fitzgeralds, or, as some think, by the Barrys; Gerald, Bishop of Cloyne, endowed it with several vicarages in 1476. At MONANIMY, on the Black Water, three miles below Mal- low. A Commandery, for the support of which the parishes of Clenor, Carrigdownen, Carig, and Templebodane, were charged in the King's books with 37. 10s. crown-rent; now worth 70%. At MOURNE, or BALLYNAMONA, three miles south of Mal- low, on the Cork road. A Preceptory, first of Templars, and afterwards of Hospitalers, founded in the reign of John, by Alexander de Sancta Helena. At Ross CARBERRY. An Abbey, founded in the year 590, by St. Fachnan Mougach, or the hairy, because he was covered with hair at his birth; he was Abbot of Molona, in the county of Waterford, also; a city with a large seminary grown up here. It was also an Episcopal See. This diocese is now joined to the diocese of Cloyne. At TIMOLEAGUE, in the Barony of Barryroe, eight miles west of Kinsale. An Abbey of Franciscans, founded at Cregan, and translated hither in the year 1279, by William Barry, Lord of Ibaun. At the suppression, the possessions fell to Lord Inchiquin. The walls, arcades, and tower are still in good order. At TRACTON, two miles south of Carigline. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1224, by M'Carthy; great numbers of pilgrims resorted hither on Holy Thursday, to venerate the Holy Cross. Granted, by Queen Elizabeth, 1568, to Sir James Craig and Henry Guilford; the former assigned it to the Earl of Cork. At WEEME, near Cork. An Augustine Priory, stood at the fourteenth century, and, without doubt, until the general dis- solution. At YOUGHEL, a large seaport town. A Franciscan Monas- tery, built in the year 1224, by Maurice Fitzgerald, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, who died and was buried in 1257, after having spent many years here under the habit of a 166 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. monk. This house stood to the south of the town; there are no traces of it now. A Dominican Friary, built to the north, in the year 1268, by Maurice, descendant of Lord Offaly. Granted 23 Elizabeth, to William Walsh, at 1s. 10d. yearly rent; now worth 17. 16s. 8d. DERRY (COUNTY). At ARRAGELL, in the Barony of Coleraine. A Monastery, founded by St. Columb, to which the Protestant place of wor- ship has succeeded. At BADONEY, in Glaun Aicle, two miles from Derry. A Church, founded by St. Patrick. At COLERAINE. A Priory of Regular Canons, founded, it is thought, by St. Carbreus, a disciple of St. Finian, of Clonard, A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1244, by the O'Cahanes; Shane O'Boyle, the last Prior, surren- dered it to the King's Commissioners, 1 Jan. 1542. At DERRY. An Augustine Abbey, founded about the year 521, by St. Columb. A Nunnery, founded in the year 1218, by Turlogh O'Neil, of Strabane. A Dominican Friary, built in the year 1274, by O'Donnel, Prince of Tyrconnell. The house supported, generally, 150 monks. At DEZERTOGHILL. An Abbey, built by St. Columb, is now converted into a Protestant place of worship. At DONAGHMORE. A Church, built in the time of St. Pat- rick, is now converted into the Protestant place of worship. At DUNGIVEN. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1100, by Prince O'Cahane; it stood to the fourteenth, and, without doubt, to the sixteenth century. At MAGILLAGAN, near Loughfoyle. A Monastery, founded by St. Columb. At MOYCOSQUIN, near Coleraine. An Abbey, founded in the year 1172; it stood until the fifteenth century. IN IRELAND. 167 DONEGALL (COUNTY). At ASTRATH, on the river Erne, near Ballyshannon. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1178, by Roderick O'Cana- nan, Prince of Tyrconnell. By a valuation of Queen Eliza- beth the revenues made 197. 11s. 8d. yearly; now worth 391. 13s. 4d. At BOTHCHONAIS, in Inis-eoguin. A Monastery, in which St. Coemgall was Abbot in the eighth, and St. Maelisa (whose writings are still extant) in the eleventh century. At CLONLEIGH, on the river Foyle. A Church, built by St. Columb, where his disciple, St. Lugad, is honoured. St. Carnech was Abbot and Bishop here about the year 530. It is now the Protestant place of worship in the Diocese of Derry. At CLONMANY, near the sea. A Monastery, built by St. Columb; now the Church. At CONWALL, near the river Sevilly. An Abbey, founded about the year 587; now a Church of worship in the diocese of Raphoe. At CONDIAN, on the river Erne. A Monastery, in which St. Conan was abbot. 0 At DOMNACHGLINNE TOCHAIR, in Inisoen. A Church, founded by St. Patrick, in which he appointed Maccarthen, brother to the Saint of Clogher, Bishop. There are still pre- served the Saint's penitential bed, and other sacred relics; a great resort of pilgrims on St. Patrick's day, 17th March. At DONEGALL. A Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1474, by Odo Roe O'Donnell, Prince of Tyrconnell. The place of interment of great men and scholars. At DRUMHOLM, on the Bay of Donegall. A Monastery, in which St. Ernan lived in the year 640; continued to the general dissolution; now the Protestant place of worship. At FAHAN, six miles north-west of Derry, on Loughs willy. A noble Monastery, founded by St. Columb. This grand edifice was held in the greatest veneration, from the reverence paid to the patron saint, from the many monuments of anti- quity preserved there, and from its being the interment of many illustrious saints and great men. The only relics still remaining are some fragments of the acts of St. Columb, written in Irish verse by St. Muran, a large chronicle, and 168 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. the crosier of St. Muran, richly ornamented with jewels, which is preserved by the O'Neils. At FANEGARAGH. A Franciscan Friary, built by M'Ruini- faig. At GARTON, two miles west of Kilmacrenan. A Monastery, founded by St. Columb; now the Protestant place of worship. At HILFOTHUIR. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1194, by O'Dogharty. At INVER, five miles east of Killybegs. A Franciscan Friary, founded about the year 1500, on the ruins of an ancient Monastery, that was built, 563, by St. Natalis. At INIS KEEL, an island off the coast, an Abbey. At INES SAMER. Some Religious House; in which Fla- herty, King of Tyrconnell, died in retirement in the year 1197, after having laid off his crown and worldly cares. At KILBARON, on the Bay of Donegall. A Church, founded by St. Columb; now the Protestant Church. At KILCARTAICH. A Church, in which St. Carthach was Bishop about the year 540; it is supposed to be Killcarr, which is a Protestant house in the diocese of Raphoe. At KILLYBEGS. A Franciscan Friary, built by M'Sweeny- banning. At KILMACRENAN, on the river Gannon. An Abbey, richly endowed by St. Columb; and a Franciscan Friary, built by O'Donnell, which is now the Protestant Church. At KILL O'DONNELL. A Franciscan Monastery, founded before the year 1600, by O'Donnell; by an inquisition ordered by James I., the revenues made 3s. annually; now worth 31. At LOUGHDEARG, in the parish of Templecaran. There are several islands, and in the largest, called St. Dabeoc, was an Augustine Priory, founded by St. Dabeoc, about the year 492. St. Patrick's purgatory, celebrated all over Europe, and visited by all nations, particularly in the fourteenth century, is situated in one of these islands; the lough continues still to be the resort of great numbers of pilgrims. At MOVILL, on Loughfoyle. A Monastery, founded by St. Patrick; now the Protestant place of worship. At RAPHOE. A Monastery, founded by St. Columb. At RATHMULLIN, on Loughswilly. A Carmelite Friary, founded by M'Sweeny Fannagh. The revenues valued, 43 Elizabeth, at 6s. 8d.; now worth 61. 13s. 4d. IN IRELAND. 169 At SEINGLEAN, in the diocese of Raphoe. A Monastery, founded by St. Columb. At TOUGHBOYNE. A Monastery, founded by St. Baithen, disciple and kinsman of St Columb, in the year 584. At TORRE ISLAND. A Monastery, founded before the year 650, in which St. Ernan was abbot. At TULLY, near Loughswilly. An Abbey, founded by St. Columb. DOWN (COUNty). At ACADHEASIL, near the bay of Dundrum. An Abbey, in which St. Killen was abbot in the fifth, and St. Senan in the sixth century. At BANGOR, or the WHITE CHOIR, formerly the VALE OF ANGELS. An Abbey, founded in the year 555, by St. Corn- gall, of noble parentage in Ulster, and disciple of St. Fintan in Clonagh. This house continued until the Reformation a celebrated school for great men, and an asylum for Kings and Princes from the busy stage of the world; by an inquisition, held 5 James I., the revenues were worth 37.; now worth 601. At BLACK ABBEY, in the Great Ardes. A Benedictine Abbey, founded by Sir John de Courcey. Granted by James. 1., to the Protestant Bishop of Armagh, At BRETAIN, near the town of Down. An Abbey, in which St. Loarne was abbot, in the year 540; is now a noble- man's seat. At CASTLE BUY, near the Lough of Strangford. A Com- mandery, built in the year 1200, by Hugh de Lacie; now in ruins. The Echlin family possess the property. At CUMBER, on the Lough of Strangford. An Abbey, founded about the year 1201, by the O'Neils of Clandeboy. By an inquisition, held 1 James I., John O'Mulligan was abbot; the revenues made then 231. 19s. 4d.; now worth 4791. 6s. 8d. At DOWNPATRICK, a town on the Lough of Strangford. An Abbey, founded by St. Patrick, in which he was interred in the year 493. A Priory of Regular Canons, founded in the year 1138, by Malachi O'Morgair. Granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare. 170 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. A Priory of Crossbearers, founded by Sir John de Courcey. Granted to the above nobleman. A Cistercian Abbey, founded about the year 1200, by a Mr. Bagnal. A Cistercian Nunnery, founded there also. A Franciscan Friary, built in the year 1240, by Hugh de Lacey, Earl of Ulster. Granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare. An Hospital of Lepers. Granted to the same Earl. At DROMORE, a town originated by St. Colman, a disciple of M'Nissy, Bishop of Connor. A Franciscan Priory, built by him about the year 513. At DRUMBOE. An Abbey, founded by St. Patrick, in which St. Mochumma was abbot in the seventh century; now the Protestant place of worship. At DUNDRUM, in the Barony of Lecale. A Castle, built by Sir John de Courcey, for the Templars, in the year 1183. Yearly revenues 6l. 13s. 4d.; now worth 1331. 6s. 8d. Granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare. At ERNES. A Priory, founded in the year 1411, by Thomas Chelene; it became the dwelling of Charles Ecklin, Esq. At GLANGREAGH, VALE OF CHARITY. An Abbey, founded in the year 1200. GRAY ABBEY, on the Lough of Strangford, founded in the Jear 1192, by Africa, daughter of Godfrey, King of Man, and wife of Sir John de Courcey; by an inquisition held 1 James I., the revenues made 21.; now worth 401. Granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare; now the Protestant place of worship. At HOLLYWOOD, on the Bay of Carrickfergus. A Monas- tery of Franciscans. Rents valued, in 5 James I., 17. 3s. 4d.; now worth 23l. 6s. 8d. At INISCOURCEY, on the Lough of Strangford. A Cister- cian Abbey, built by Sir John de Courcey, in the year 1180. Granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare. At KILCLIFF, on the Lough of Strangford. An Abbey, in which St. Eugene and St. Niell were abbots; now the Pro- testant place of worship. An Hospital for Lepers, under the patronage of St. Peter. At KILMBIAN. An Abbey, built by St. Fergus, Bishop of Down, about the year 583. St. Neman lived here too. At MAGHERELIN, on the river Lagan, near Dromore. A IN IRELAND. 171 Monastery, built by St. Colman, who died in the year 699; now a Protestant place of worship. At MOVILLE. An Abbey of Augustines, flourished from the year 559 until 1542, when it had been suppressed, after having produced many illustrious saints and great literary characters. At NEWREY. A Cistercian Abbey, built by Maurice M‘Loch- lain, Monarch of all Ireland; made into a Protestant place of worship in 1543. College also destroyed. At NEWTOWN. A Monastery, founded in the year 1244, by Walter de Burgo, Earl of Ulster; surrendered 32 Henry VIII. Revenues worth 131. 3s.; now worth 13l. 5s. At SAUL, in the Barony of Lecale. An Abbey, founded by St. Patrick, where he died, March 17, 493, and in the 120th year of his age, and was buried with great solemnity at Downpatrick. Granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare. At SLIEVE DONARD, a high mountain. A Monastery, founded by St. Domangart, a disciple of St. Patrick. At TOBERGLORY, a well near Downpatrick. An Abbey, founded by Sir John de Courcey, and richly endowed. DUBLIN (COUNTY). At BALDONGAN, in the Barony of Balruddery. A Castle of Templars, that was converted into a Friary and Nunnery alternately. At BALLYMADUN, in the same Barony. A Cell and a Church; on the ruins of which Robert Preston, Esq., had his seat in the year 1542. At CASTLE KNOCK. An Augustine Abbey, founded by Richard Tirrel; now the Protestant place of worship. At CLONDALKIN. An Abbey, in which St. Cronan Mochua was the first abbot before the year 776; after having pro- duced many saints, it is made the Protestant place of worship. At CLONTARF. A Monastery, built in the year 550; now a Protestant place of worship. Commandery of Templars, founded in the reign of King John. At DUBLIN. Abbey of the Virgin Mary, founded, it is sup- posed, by the Danes, after their conversion to Christianity, 172 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. about the year 948. It was at first a Benedictine Monastery, but it was granted to the Cistercians in the year 1139. The house was considerably enriched by the bounty of Bishops, Abbots, and Princes, and always held in the greatest venera- tion for the numerous saints and learned men it produced, as well as for the sacred relics which it contained. In the year 1180, Fitz Andelm, and Miles Cogane, and Fitz Stephen, brought from Armagh, and bestowed upon this Church a stone altar and the most holy staff of Jesus, which St. Patrick used to carry in his hand; this staff was covered with gold, and overlaid was pearls, being held so sacred that the posses- sor of it, if a Bishop, was always deemed the canonical owner of the See of Armagh. The history of the staff is thus given by Joceline: "St. Patrick, moved either by divine instinct or angelical revelation, on his tour in the south of Europe, visited one Justus, an ascetic in the island of the Tuscan Sea, who was spending a solitary life of the most edifying sanc- tity. After mutual salutations and discourse on heavenly matters, he presented the Irish Apostle with a staff, which he averred he had received from the hands of Jesus Christ him- self. In this island there were some men in the bloom of youth, and others who appeared aged and decrepit. St. Patrick, upon conversing with them, found that those per- sons seemingly old were sons of those who appeared young. He was astonished at this miraculous appearance, until he was told that from their infancy they had served God; that they were constantly employed in works of charity, and their doors ever open to the traveller and the distressed; and that one night a stranger, with a staff in his hand, came to them, whom they accommodated to the best of their power; and that in the morning he blessed them, and said, I am Jesus Christ, whom you have always faithfully served, but last night you received me in my proper person. He then gave this staff to their spiritual father, with directions to deliver it to a stranger named Patrick, who would shortly visit them. On saying this, he ascended into heaven, and left us in that state of juvenility in which you behold us, and our sons, then young, are the old decrepit persons you now see." Joceline goes on then to relate, that with this staff our Apostle collected every venomous serpent and snake in the island of Erin to the top of the mountain of Crough Pha- IN IRELAND. 173 druig, or Patrick's Hill, in the county of Mayo, and from thence precipitated them into the ocean. This story was handed down by general tradition in that country since the earliest ages, being related by many authors who flourished prior to the days of Joceline, in the year 1185. This house and possessions were granted, 31 Elizabeth, to Edmund Fitz Alexander. Rents 41. 17s. 8d.; now worth 977. 13s. 4d. Nunnery of St. Mary de Hogges; founded in the year 1186, by Dermot, son of the King of Leinster. Granted, 6 Edward VI., to James Sedgrave. Rent 11s. 8d.; now worth 117. 13s. 8d. Nunnery of St. Mary les Dames; without the gate. Abbey of St. Olave. Priory of All Saints, in Hoggin Green, now called College Green, was founded about the year 1166, by Dermot, son of Murchard, King of Leinster. Granted, 30 Henry VIII., to the Mayor, &c., of the city of Dub- lin, for the yearly rent of 41. 3s. 03d.; now worth 831. Os. 10d. Abbey of St. Thomas, founded by Henry II., in that part which is now called Thomas Court; the possessions were granted to divers persons, in 33 Elizabeth. Yearly value 241. 2s. 4d.; now worth 4821. 6s. 8d. Priory of St. John Baptist, founded in the 12th cen- tury by Ailred le Palmer. In this house was an infirmary, which contained fifty beds for the sick; the house, site, and possessions were granted to James Sedgrave, of Dublin, for 1,0781. 15s. 8d.; now worth 21,575l.; and the yearly rent of 2s. 6d.; now worth 21. 10s. Friary of St. Saviour, near the old bridge, on the north bank, founded about the year 1202, by William Mareschal, Earl of Pembroke. The King's Inns, con- taining courts of law, rolls, &c., are built on the site of this sacred edifice. Monastery of St. Francis, built where Francis-street now runs, by Ralph le Porter, in the year 1235. Granted, 24 Henry VIII., to Thomas Stephens, at 2s. yearly rent; now worth 21. Monastery of the Holy Trinity, founded in the year 1259, by the Talbot family. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., 174 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. to Walter Terrell, at the yearly rent of 6s. ld.; now worth 61. 1s. 8d. A Carmelite Monastery, in the parish of St. Peter, built in the year 1278. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Nicholas Stonyhurst, at the yearly rent of 2s. 6d.; now worth 21. 10s. Hospital of St. Stephen, founded in the year 1344. Steyne Hospital, built and endowed in the year 1220, by Henry Loundres, Archbishop of Dublin. Allen's Hospital, founded for the poor about the year 1500, by Walter, Archbishop of Dublin. At FINGLAS, two miles from Dublin. An Abbey, founded, as people think, by St. Patrick. St. Kenicus was Abbot and its patron Saint. Here is a well dedicated to St. Patrick, and remarkable for many miracles and its sanative effects; now the house is made a Protestant place of worship. At GLASSMORE. A Nunnery, founded in the year 1190, by John Comin, Archbishop of Dublin, in this place, which is three miles north of Swords; an inquisition of 33 Henry VIII., the revenues made yearly 112. 1s.; now worth 2,2417. At HOLM PATRICK. A Priory, founded by Sitrie, son of Murchard, on Inis Patrick. The holy Moel Finian, Prince of the Bregii, resigning his throne, became a monk here, was afterwards abbot, and died in the year 898. Granted, 20 Elizabeth, to Thomas Fitz Williams. At INIS-PATRICK, IRELAND'S EYE, a small rocky island, north of Howth Hill, where St. Nessau founded, in the year 570, an Abbey, in which he spent the evening of a holy life in prayer and fasting. KILMAINHAM PRIORY, founded in the year 1174, by Richard Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke, for the Knights Templars, but on the suppression of that order by the Pope, in 1312, the Priory was given to the Hospitalers. By an inquisition taken, 32 Henry VIII., the revenues made 647. 14s. 1d.; now worth 1,2941. Is. 8d. Granted, 20 Elizabeth, to William Browne, part of the revenues for 577. 10s.; now worth 1,1507. yearly. At KILSAGHLAN, in the Barony of Castle Knock. A Monastery, valued, 28 Henry VIII.; that is all we know of it. At Lusk. An Abbey, founded very early. At MOORTOWn. A Monastery, in which St. Cronan was the first abbot, before the year 571. IN IRELAND. 175 At PALMERSTOWN, on the Liffey, three miles from Dublin. A Priory of St. Laurence. At SAGGARD. A Priory, founded about the year 650, by St. Mosacre; now the Protestant place of worship. At ST. CATHERINE'S. A Priory, amply endowed by War- risius de Peche, for the salvation of his soul and of the souls of his ancestors, about the year 1220. At SWORDS. A Monastery, founded in the year 512, by St. Columb, on which he bestowed a small Missal, written by himself, and appointed St. Finian Lobhar, Leper, as abbot. This is the church at present. A Nunnery, founded before the reign of King Edward IV. At TALLAGHT, five miles from Dublin. A Monastery, founded early by St. Maelwan, they suppose, because he was first bishop; now a Protestant place of worship. FERMANAGH (COUNTY). At CLINISH, an island in Lough Earn. St. Synell was Abbot of Clain Inis about the year 550; now a Protestant place of worship. At DEROUGH. A Collegiate Church, vested in the Crown on the general suppression. At DEVENISH, an island in Lough Earn near Enniskillen. An Abbey, built in Daimb-inis, about the year 563, by St. Lase- rian; it stood until the general plunder. At GOLA, near Lough Earn. A Monastery, founded by M'Manus, lord of the place. Granted to Sir John Davis, Knight. At Ross ORRY, on Lough Earn. A Nunnery, A Nunnery, founded about the year 480, by St. Fanchea; now a Protestant place of worship, in the diocese of Clogher. GALWAY (COUNTY). ABBEY GORMOGAN, nine miles east of Loughrea. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Ulick, first Earl of Clanricarde. A1ABBEY KNOCKMOY, near Tuam. An Abbey, founded for " ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 176 the Cistercians, in the year 1190, by Cathol O'Connor, King of Connaught, who took there the religious habit, and died in 1224, and is interred there. Valued, 27 Elizabeth, yearly 2091. 4s.; now worth 4,184. Granted to Valentine Blake, Esq. At AGHRIM, near Ballinasloe. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1220, by Theobald Butler. Granted, with several other houses, to Richard, Earl of Clanricarde, for the yearly rent of 681. 9s. 6d. At AHASKERAGH, in the Barony of Kilconnell. An Abbey, in which St. Cuan died in the year 788; now a Protestant place of worship, in the diocese of Elphin. At ARRAN NEOME, that is, Arran of the Saints. Many churches were erected in these islands, (three in number), on the coast of Galway; the bodies of many saints repose in them. The King of Cashell, at the request of St. Albeus, granted the largest of these islands to St. Enna, who built ten churches in it, about the year 490. At the MIDDLE ISLAND. Two Churches. At ARDOILEN, the third of the Islands of Arran. Three Churches and a Monastery, which was founded by St. Fechin; the pious Abbot St. Gormgal died here in 1017. A Francis- can Friary was founded in these islands about the year 1485. At ATHENRY. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1241, by Meyler de Bermingham. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1464, by Thomas, Earl of Kildare, the Earl of Desmond, and by O'Tully. At BALLYNOHINCH. A Carmelite Monastery, founded in the year 1356, by O'Flaherty. At BEAGH. A Franciscan Monastery, founded about the year 1441. Valued, in the 28 Elizabeth, 6l. 13s. 4d. yearly; now worth 6181. At BOILEAN CLAIR, in the diocese of Tuam. A rich Fran- ciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1291. At CLARE GALWAY. A Franciscan Monastery, built about the year 1290, by John de Cogan; now a Roman Catholic chapel is built in its stead. At CLONFERT. An Abbey, founded by St. Brendan, about the year 553 553; he founded several other abbeys, and had at one time presided over three thousand monks, each of whom did industriously earn a sufficiency for his own support; we IN IRELAND. 177 find that many saints lived and died here; dissolved at the Reformation. At CLANKEEN. A Franciscan Monastery, founded about the year 1435, by Thomas O'Kelly, Archbishop of Clonfert. At CLONTHUSKERT. A Monastery of Canons, founded about the year 809, by Boadan. Granted to Richard, Earl of Clan- ricarde. At CLOONEYVORNAGE. An Augustine Cell, founded about the year 1441. Worth, according to an inquisition held 28 Elizabeth, 6s. 8d.; now worth 6s. 13s. 4d. At CREVAGHBANE. A Carmelite Friary, founded in or about the year 1400, by the Earl of Clanricade. Granted to the burgesses and citizens of Athenry. At DUNDRYNAN. A Monastery, in which Thomas was abbot in the year 1374. At DUNMORE. An Augustine Friary, built in the year 1425, on the site of the monastery founded by St. Patrick; the market-place and the Protestant place of worship stand in its stead. At ENAGH DUNE, in the Barony of Clare. An Abbey, founded in the seventh century, of which St. Meldan was Abbot. A Nunnery, founded by St. Brendan, of Clonfert, for his sister Briga. Granted to the Earl of Clanricarde. St. Mary's Abbey. A Franciscan Abbey, to which were subordinate all the Connaught and Ulster monasteries. Revenues made yearly 31. 6s.; now worth 667. At FALLIG. A Monastery, founded by a Mr. Fallig, an Irishman, for Grey Friars, in the year 1390. A Parson re- sides there at present. At FIDHARD. An Abbey, founded by St. Patrick, for St. Justus; it is now a Protestant place of worship, in the diocese of Elphin. At GALWAY. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1296, by Sir William de Burgh, Leigh, or Grey, in the island of St. Stephen, by the north gate. A Dominican Friary, built first for nuns, which, when they forsook it, was possessed a long time by the secular clergy; but finally granted, by Innocent III., to the 12 178 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Dominicans, in the year 1488. Demolished in 1652, by the orders of Oliver Cromwell. An Augustine Friary, founded on a hill near the town, in the year 1508, by Stephen Lynch, son to the mayor of Galway. A Nunnery, built in the island of Lough Corrib, west of the town. At IMMAGH. An Abbey, founded in the year 664, in this island, on the coast of Galway, by St. Fechin, who is the patron saint of the island. Now a Protestant place of worship. At INISQUIN, an Island of Lough Corrib. St. Brendan erected an Abbey, and made St. Meldan Abbot, who died in the year 626. At KILBOUGHT. A Monastery, built by the Waley family. Suppressed by the orders of Queen Elizabeth. At KILBRENAN. A Monastery and its appurtenances. Granted to the Mayor, &e., of Athenry. At KILCORBAN. A Dominican Friary. Granted, by Tho- mas Burgh, Bishop of Confert, to the Dominicans, in the year 1446. Pope Eugene IV. confirmed the grant. At KILCOLGAN. An Abbey, built in the year 580, by St. Colgan, the patron saint; it is now the Protestant place of worship. At KILCOLGAN, in the diocese of Clonfert, founded by St. Columbkill. At KILCONNELL. A Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1400, by William O Kelly, a nobleman, on the ruins of an Abbey, built in the days of St. Patrick, as it is supposed, by the Abbot St. Conall. Granted to Charles Calthorpe. At KILCOONAGII. An Abbey, founded by Tipraid, a prince of that country, for St. Columb, who placed over it St. Cuonnan, maternal brother to St. Carthag. This is now a Protestant place of worship. At KILCREUnata, A Nunnery, founded in the year 1200, by Cathald O'Connor Crovderg, for Benedictine Nuns. Lady Fynola, daughter of Felym O'Connor, was Abbess in 1300. Granted to Richard, Earl of Canricarde. At KILLINE BONAINE. A Franciscan Friary, built about the year 1428. At KILLOEBIAIN. A religious house of some sort. St. Maccetus of this house was smith to St. Patrick, and made IN IRELAND. 179 the famous relic called Finnfaidheach. Now the Protestant place of worship. At KILMACDUACII. An Abbey, founded in the year 620, by St. Colman, son of Duach; it became an Augustine Monas- tery in 1283; here are many venerable and noble ruins that bespeak the former greatness and piety of the Irish. The round tower projects seventeen feet from its perpendicular line. The celebrated leaning tower of Pisa, in Italy, projects only thirteen feet. Granted to the Earl of Clanricarde. At KILRICKILL. A Nunnery, built by St. Patrick for his sister St. Richella; now a Protestant place of worship, in the diocese of Clonfert. At KILTULLAGH, year 1441. A Franciscan Cell, built prior to the At KINALEKIN. A Commandery of Hospitalers, founded about the year 1250, by O'Flaherty. A Franciscan Friary, founded before the year 1325. At LOUGHREAGII. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the year 1300, by Richard de Bergo, Earl of Ulster. Granted to Richard, Earl of Clanricarde. A Leper Hospital was there too. or At MAGHEE, MAGHELE, OF MAGIIELLE. Three Monasteries, founded by St. Alban, who died in the year 650. At MILICK, on the Shannon. A Franciscan Friary, founded by O'Madden, Dynast of that country. Granted to the Earl of Clanricarde. At MUCINIS. An Abbey, wherein Regulus was Abbot in the time of St. Columb; this place is on Loughdearg, in the County Galway. At PALLICE. A Carmelite Friary, built in the 14th cen- tury, by Bermingham, Baron of Athenry. Granted, 31 Elizabeth, to John Rawson, at the yearly rent of 81. 12s. 7d., Irish; now worth 1727. 11s. 8d. At PORTUMNA. A Cistercian Abbey, which became in the course of time a Dominican Friary; the still existing walls show that it had been a noble structure. The ancient choir is now the Protestant place of worship. At RATHMATH, on Lough-Corrib. An Abbey, built by St. Fursey, son of Fintan, of the royal race of South Munster; who died about the year 653, being called now Kilfursa; it is the Protestant place of worship. 180 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At Ross, in the diocese of Tuam. A Franciscan Friary, built in the year 1431. At ROSSERELLY. A Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1498, by Lord Gannard. Granted to the Earl of Clan- ricarde. At SLEVSHANCOGH. A Franciscan Friary. Granted to Sir Francis Sammes. At TEMPLEGAILE, or TEAGHI SASSAN. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the reign of Henry VII., by the Burgo family. Granted to the Burgesses and Commonalty of Athenry. Another Franciscan Friary was granted here to Edmond Barret. At TOMBEOLA, at the head of Roundstowne Bay. A Domi- nican Friary, founded in the year 1427, by O'Flaherty, Dynast of that country; demolished in the reign of Elizabeth, and the stones carried away to build a castle in the neighbourhood. At Tuм. An Abbey, built in the year 487, was converted in the sixth century into a Cathedral by the good St. Jarlath. A Priory of St. John the Baptist, built in the year 1140, by Tirdelvoc O'Connor, King of Ireland. Granted to Richard, Earl of Clanricarde. A Premonstratensian Abbey. founded in the reign of King John, by the Burgh family. Granted 20 Elizabeth, to the Burgesses and Commonalty of Athenry. KERRY (COUNTY). At AGHADOE. An Abbey, where Aodh, grandson of Auliff Mor. O'Donoghue, King of Aoganacht Lochialein, was buried in the year 1231. At ACHAMORE. An Abbey, founded in the seventh cen- tury, by the Friars of St. Finbar, of Cork; it is situated on a small island near the mouth of the Kenmare river. At ARDFERT. A sumptuous Monastery, built in the sixth. century, by St. Brendan; destroyed repeatedly by fire and wars. Thomas Lord of Kerry built, in the year 1253, a mon- astery there, which became the burial ground of several illus- trious families; this house was in high estimation for the numerous miracles wrought there. The ruins of this noble edifice stand a little east of the town; the walls of the steeple, IN IRELAND. 181 choir, cloisters, dormitory, and chapel for morning are entire. In the church is a figure of St. Brendan in relievo; the round tower, the finest in Ireland, 120 feet high, unfortunately fell in the year 1771. At BALLYNASKELIGS, or ST. MICHAEL'S MOUNT, in Toragha. An Augustine Abbey, removed thither from the island of Great Skelig; the ruins on the sea shore, that is continually wearing it away, represent the ancient abbey as a noble edi- fice. There is a holy well consecrated to St. Michael, which is annually visited on the 29th of September. Granted, 28 Elizabeth, to John Blake. Rent Gl. 13s. 4d. yearly; now worth 1337. 6s. 8d. At CROEBHEAGH. An Abbey, founded by St. Patrick, for his disciple St. Daluan; St. Trian was abbot and bishop here about the year 450. At DINGLE. A Monastery, which was a cell to the Abbey of Killagh, Castlemain. At INNISFALLEN, an island on the Lake of Killarney. An Abbey, founded by St. Finian Lobhar, or the Leper, disciple of St. Brendan, and son of the King of Munster, in the sixth century. In 1180 this house was held sacred as paradise, and the clergy were deemed so holy and trustworthy, that the treasures and valuable effects of the whole country were deposited in their hands, notwithstanding the abbey was in this year destroyed by Maolduim, son of Daniel O'Donoghue, and many of the clergy were slain, even in their cells, by the M'Carthys. Granted, 37 Elizabeth, to Robert Collan. Rent 721. 3s.; now worth 1,4437. At IRRELAGH, near Loughlean. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1440, by Thady M'Carthy. Granted to Robert Collan at 16s. yearly rent; now worth 167. At KILLACHAD-CONCHIGAN. A Nunnery, founded in the sixth century, by St. Abban, for St. Conchenna. At KILLAGE. A Priory of Regular Canons, founded in the reign of John, by Geoffry de Mariscis. Granted to Thomas Clinton. Rent 17. yearly; now worth 2407. At LISLAGHTIN. A Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1464, by O'Connor, Prince of Kerry. Granted to Sir Edward Denny. Rent 37. 11s. 13.; now worth 71l. 2s. 6d. MONASTER NE ORIEL, in the Barony of Glanerought. At ODORNEY. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 182 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 1154; was demolished 39 Elizabeth, and the possessions granted to the Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin. It is now a shapeless ruin. A At RATTOO, or RATHOY, in the Barony of Clanmaurice. Monastery of Regular Canons, founded in the 13th century, in the place of a Commandery of Hospitalers. Granted, 23 Elizabeth, to John Zouche, at the rent of 6s. 7d.; now worth 6l. 11s. 8d. At SKELIG, an island on the coast of Iveragha. An Abbey, founded by St. Finian in the year 812. The Danes plun- dered and destroyed the Abbey, and kept the monks in close confinement until, through hunger, they perished. At TRALEE. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1213, by Lord John Fitz Thomas. The general burial place of the Earls of Desmond. Commandery of the Knights of St. Jolin. KILDARE (COUNTY). At ATHY. A Monastery of Crossed Friars, founded in the reign of King John, by Richard de St. Michael. Granted, 17 Charles II., to Dame Mary Meredith. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1253, by the families of Boiseles and Hogans. Granted, with all its possessions, 35 Henry VIII., to Martin Pelles. Rent 2s. 8d. Irish; now worth 27. 13s. 4d. At CASTLE DERMOT. A Priory of Regular Canons, founded in the year 500, by St. Dermot, whose festival falls on 21st June. A Friary of Crouched or Crossed Friars, founded in the reign of King John, by Walter de Riddlesford. Granted, 23 Elizabeth, to IIenry Harrington. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1302, by Thomas Lord Offaley. At CLANE. A Priory, founded about the year 548, by St. Ailbe. A Franciscan Friary, founded about the year 1266, by Gerald Fitz Maurice, Lord Offaley, as people suppose. Granted, 24 Henry VIII., to Robert Eustace, John IN IRELAND. 183 Trevor, and others, in capite, at the yearly rent of 2s. 4d. Irish; now worth 21. 6s. 8d. At CLONAGH. A Chapel, dedicated to St. Fynan, de- molished by John Lye, of Rathbridge, according to an inqui- sition that was held 6 James I. At CLONCURRY. A Carmelite Friary, built in the year 1347, by John Roche. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to Wil- liam Dickson, at 8d. yearly rent. Granted, 8 Elizabeth, to Richard Slayne, for 21 years. Rent 16s.; now worth 167. At GRANY, near CASTLE DERMOT. A Nunnery, built in the year 1200, by Walter de Riddlesford; richly endowed by the benefactions of several ladies and noblemen. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Sir Anthony St. Leger. At GREAT CONALL. A Priory, founded in the year 1202, by Mayler Fitz Henry, grandson of Henry I. It became the cradle and tomb of great and learned men. Granted, 3 Elizabeth, for 61 years, to Sir Nicholas White. Rent 261. 19s. 5d.; now worth 5397. 8s. 4d. At KILDEGS. A Commandery of Hospitalers. At KILCOCK. A Monastery, dedicated to the virgin St. Cocho. At KILCULLEN. A Monastery, founded by St. Patrick, who appointed St. Isernin superior. He was succeeded by St. Mactalius, who died of the plague in the year 548. At KILDARE. A Nunnery and Monastery, founded in the year 453, by St. Brigid, the first nun in Ireland. The houses and revenues granted by Elizabeth to Antony Deer- ige. Rent 31. 10s. 8d. Irish; now worth 70l. 13s. 4d. A Franciscan Abbey, built in the year 1260, by Lord William de Vesey. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Daniel Sutton. Rent 2s. 3d. Irish; now worth 21. 5s. A Carmelite Friary, built in the year 1290, by Wil- liam de Vesey. At KILHILL. A Commandery of Hospitalers, built in the 13th century, by Maurice Fitzgerald. Granted to John Allen. At KILLOSSEY, near KILDARE. An Abbey, founded by St. Patrick, for his nephew St. Auxil, who died 27 August, 454; hence the place was called Kil-usaille, and afterwards Kill- ussi. It is now the Protestant place of worship. At KILRUSHE. An Augustine Abbey, founded in the 13th 184 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. century, by William Mareschal, Earl of Pembroke. Granted to the Earl of Ormond. At LEIXLIP. A Monastery stood in the year 1463 near this village. At MAYNOOTH. A College, founded about the year 1518, by Gerald, Earl of Kildare, for a Provost, Vice Provost, five Priests, two Clerks, and three boys, to pray for his own soul and for the soul of his wife. At MONASTEREVAN. A sumptuous Abbey, built by St. Alban, in the 7th century. St. Emin, or Evin, of the Eogo- nacht's family in South Munster, brought a number of monks from thence to this house; his festival is held on 22nd December. At the suppression it fell into the hands of the Earl of Drogheda, and is now the mansion of that family, under the name of Moore Abbey. At MOONE. A large old Church, of which the cross, and several Irish inscriptions, still remain. At NAAS. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1200, by the Baron of the town. Granted, 1553, to Richard Mannering, at the rent of 351. 18s. 2d; now worth 7187. 3s. 4d. A Dominican Friary, founded about the year 1355, by the Eustace family. Granted, 34 Henry VIII, to Sir Thomas Luttrell, at 9s. 4d. rent; now worth 91. 6s. Sd. An Augustine Friary, founded in the year 1484. The possessions were valued, in the reign of Elizabeth, at 6l. 12s. 8d.; now worth 1321. 13s. 4d. Granted to Nicholas Aylmer. At NEW ABBEY. A. Franciscan Monastery, founded in the year 1460, by Sir Rowland Eustace, Lord Treasurer of Ire- land. Granted, 1582, to Edmond Spenser. Yearly rent 31. Irish; now worth 601. At St. WOLSTAN'S. A Priory, built in the year 1202, by Adam de Hereford, in honour of St. Wolstan, Bishop of Worcester, lately canonized. Granted, 28 Henry VIII., to Allen of Norfolk, at the rent of two knights' fees. At TIMOLIN. A Priory of Regular Canons, founded here. very early; stood in the year 927, and, of course, continued until the general suppression. A Nunnery, founded in the reign of John, by Robert, son of Lord Noragh, in which his grand-daughter, Lece- lina, was nun. This house was richly endowed by the IN IRELAND. 185 bounty of several Catholic Bishops. Granted, 23 Eliza- beth, to Henry Harrington and his heirs, at the yearly rent of 21l. 19s., Irish money; now worth 4391. At TULLY, near Kildare. A Commandery of Hospitalers, founded before the year 1308. This Commandery, with all its possessions, was granted to Sir Henry Harrington, at the rent of 211. 6s. 8d.; now worth 426. 13s. 4d. It is now held in commendam with the Protestant See of Kildare. KILKENNY (COUNTY). At CALLAN. An Augustine Friary, founded as some per- sons say, by Hugh de Mapilton, Bishop of Ossory, in the year 1251; or, as others think, by the Ormonds. Granted, together with the Abbey of Athassel, to Thomas, Earl of Ormond, in the year 1557. Chantry, of which the nave and aisles are still in good preservation; the choir being the Protestant place of worship. At FERTOGH. A Priory, dedicated to St. Kieran, by the Blanchfield family, in the thirteenth century. Granted, 9 Elizabeth, to James Butler, jun. Rent 127. 13s. 3d.; now worth 2531. 5s. At FIDDOWN. An Abbey, by St. Maidoc, in the year 590. Now a Protestant parochial place of worship. At FRESHFord. An Abbey, founded by St. Lactan, bishop and abbot; he died in the year 622. There is a celebrated fountain near Cashell dedicated to him. This is now a Pro- testant place of worship, and called a Prebend of Aghour. At GRAIGNEMANAGH. A Monastery, founded in the year 1212, by William Mareschal, Earl of Pembroke; this was enriched by the bounty of several bishops and nobles. The house, with all its possessions, was granted, 8 Elizabeth, to the Butlers. At JERPOINT, near THOMASTown. A Cistercian Abbey, founded by Donogh O'Donoghue (in the year 1180), King of Ossory, and richly endowed by him. The house, with all the possessions, were granted to James, Earl of Ormond, at the annual rent of 491. 3s. 9d.; now worth 9831. 15s. At INISTIOGE, on the Noire. An Augustine Priory, built 186 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. in the year 1210, by Thomas Seneschal, of Leinster. Granted with all the possessions, to James Butler and his heirs, at the rent of 281. 12s.; now worth 5721. A Rectory, granted in Whitchurch to the Earl of Ormond, 31 Elizabeth. At KELLS. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1193, by Geoffrey, for the salvation of Earl Richard, Gover- nor of the country. Granted, by Henry VIII., to James, Earl of Ormond. At KILLAGHY. An Abbey, in which St. Sinchell was abbot, and died of the plague, 26th of March, 548, in the 130th year of his age; he was interred in this place. At KILLAMARY, five miles south of Callan. St. Gobban presided here over a thousand monks; the place is now a Protestant place of worship. At KILCLEHEEN, opposite the City of Waterford. A Nun- nery, built in the year 1151, by Dermot, son of Murchad, King of Leinster. It was sumptuously endowed by himself and other noblemen. Catherine Motvng, the last abbess, surrendered the Abbey, 2nd April, 31 Henry VIII. Granted, 26 Elizabeth, to the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Corporation of Waterford. Rent yearly 59l. 1s. 8d; now worth 1,1817. 13s. 4d. At KILFANE. An Abbey, erected by St. Phian; it is now a Protestant place of worship, seven miles from Kilkenny. At KILKENNY, a large handsome town on the river Noire, and capital of the county; it can justly boast of three singu- lar properties-fire without smoke, water without mud, and streets paved with marble. The Cathedral of St. Kenny, though long since made the Protestant place of worship, still retains the ancient Catholic Cross, and many statues of Saints and Catholic Bishops, with several other relics of Catholicity. St. John's Abbey, founded in the year 1211, for the relief of the indigent poor, by William Mareschal, Earl of Pembroke; and richly endowed by him with several lands. Richard Cantwell, the last Prior, surrendered this house with all the possessions, 31 Henry VIII. Granted to the mayor and citizens of Kilkenny, with 100 acres of land, 40 gardens, a water-mill in Magda- len-street, a wood called Channonsgrove in the liberties of the town, with 200 acres of land adjoining, teu mes- IN IRELAND. 187 A suages, and 200 acres in Drakeland, in the county, and another messuage in the town. The Black Abbey, in the Irishtown. A Dominican Priory, founded in the year 1225, by William Mare- schal, jun., Earl of Pembroke; he was interred in the choir in the year 1231. The house was endowed by King Henry VI., and the Bishops of Ossory. Peter Cantwell, the last Prior, surrendered it; and 35 Henry VIII., it was granted to Walter Archer, the sovereign, and to the burgesses of Kilkenny for ever, at the yearly rent of 12s. 4. Irish money; now worth 121. 6s. 8d. A Franciscan Priory, founded on the bank of the Noire, by Richard Mareschal, Earl of Pembroke, 15th October, 1244. King Henry III. granted 20l. to be paid annually for buying albs for the Franciscans of Kil- kenny, Dublin, Cork, Waterford, and Athlone. 17th Nov. 1338, a great flood destroyed all the bridges, mills, and buildings in and about Kilkenny, but did not ap- proach the great altar of this Monastery. The noble and venerable ruins of this edifice stand yet, reaching from the city wall to the river. Yearly value of the posses- sions was then 9l. 7s. 1d.; or, in money of the present day, 1871. 1s. 8d. At KILMANAgh. An Abbey,founded in the year 563, by St. Natalis. At KNOCKTOPHER. A Carmelite Friary, founded in 1356, by James, the second Earl of Ormond. Granted, with all the appurtenances, to Patrick Barnwall, 34 Henry VIII., for ever, at the yearly rent of 4s. Irish; now worth 41. At ROSSIBERCAN. A Monastery, founded 1267, by the Walsh family. Granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Luke Blake, of New Ross, County Wexford. At THOMASTOWN. A Dominican Friary. At TIBRACH, on the Suir below Carrick. An Abbey, where St. Dominic lived in the sixth century; now a Protestant place of worship. THE KING'S (COUNTY). At BIRR, now PARSONSTOWN, a beautiful town, fifty-seven 188 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. miles west of Dublin. An Abbey, founded by St. Brendan, son of Neim. At CLONEMORE. An Abbey, founded by St. Pulcherius. At CLONEFErtmulloe. An Abbey, founded in the sixth century, by St. Molua, or St. Luan, the son of Carthar, of Munster. Clonefertmulloe is now a Protestant place of wor- sbip. [Clone, with which these names are compounded, is an Irish word, and signifies enclosure; and ferta, another Irish word, signifying miracles, so that this name signifies the miracle retreat of St. Mulloa.] At CLONMACNOIES, on the Shannon, in the Barony of Garycastle. St. Kieran having received this place, and the Island of Saints, together with one hundred Churches in Meath, from Dermid, son of Cervail, monarch of Ireland, and having bestowed the Church of Clonard upon his master, St. Finian, and the island upon St. Domnan, he founded, in the year 548, an Abbey for himself at Clonmacnoise, which be- came a celebrated monastery. Besides, there was a Cathedral Church, ten small churches built by different provincial kings, and a Nunnery with a Church, which was accidentally burnt in 1180, and rebuilt by the Queen of Meath. At DURROW. A Monastery of Augustine Canons, founded in the sixth century, which flourished in learning and sanctity for many ages, until it was granted, 4 Elizabeth, to Nicholas Herbert, Esq., for the term of twenty-one years, at 10l. yearly rent; now worth 2001. At FRANKFORT, formerly called KILCORMUCK, on the Shan- non. A Monastery of Carmelites, founded by Odo O'Molloy, a chief of that country. In the year 1479, died Charles O'Molloy, a brave and holy man. This house, with all the possessions, were granted to Robert Leicester. At GALLEN. A Monastery, founded in the year 492, by St. Canoc. Granted, with all the possessions, 4th June, 1612, to Sir George Moore, at the yearly rent of 15l. 7s. 11d.; now worth 4077. 18s. 4d. At GLEAN, or GLIN, on the river Brusna, near Firbance. A Monastery, founded by St. Dermid, whose feast is held on the 8th on July; it stood till the eleventh century, and, of course, until the general dissolution. At CILCOLGAN. An Abbey, founded in the year 580, near IN IRELAND. 189 the parish of Birr, by St. Colgan, son of Aengus, King of Munster; now a Protestant place of worship. At KILCOMIN, near Roscrea. An Abbey, founded or governed by St. Cumene, surnamed the White, who was educated in the Abbey of Hy. At KILLEGALLY. An Abbey, in which St. Trena was Abbot in the sixth century; now a Protestant place of worship, in the Barony of Garycastle. At KILLEIGH. A Priory of Regular Canons, in which the Abbot St. Sinchell died of the plague in the year 550. This house, 18 Elizabeth, with three messuages, 124 acres of arable land, 24 of pasture, three of meadow, and 4 of wood, and 3 messuages, 6 cottages, 24 acres of arable land, and 7 of pasture, in the town of Donfeigh, in this county, with the tithes, &c, were granted to Gerald, Earl of Kildare, and his heirs, at the yearly rent of 1l. 13s. 4d.; now worth 331. 6s. Sd., with the condition that he maintain besides one able horseman. A Nunnery, founded by the Warren family soon after the arrival of the English. A Dominican Friary, built in the reign of Edward I., by O'Connor. Granted to John Allee. At KILLIADHUIN. A Nunnery, founded in the 5th century, by St. Keran, for his mother Liadana. At KINNITTY, near Birr. An Abbey, founded in the year 557, where St. Finan was Abbot that year. In the year 871, died Abbot Colga M'Conagan, who was esteemed the best and most polished poet of those days in the kingdom, and the principal historian. At LEMANAGHAN. A Monastery, in which St. Mauchan died of the plague in the year 661; became aftewards a Pro- testant place of worship. At LEITHMORE. A Monastery, founded in the year 655, by St. Pulcherius, in the Irish language Mochoemoc. Many saints and holy abbots flourished here until the dissolution. At LYNNALLY. A monastery, founded 516, by St. Col- man. At MONISTERORAS. A Franciscan Friary, built, 1325, by Sir John of Bermingham, Earl of Louth. Granted to Nicholas Herbert. At MUGNA. An Abbey, founded by St. Finan, of Clonard, 190 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. on a piece of land which was given him by the King of Leinster, Carbreus. At RATHBEG. An Abbey, founded south of Birr, by St. Abban, who died in the year 650. At RATHLIBTHEN, in the Barony of Fercall. An Abbey, founded by St. Illand about 540; his statue is still to be seen in the church, with his mitre and crosier in his hand. At RAYNAGH. A Nunnery, founded by St. Regnacia, sister to St. Finian, who died in the year 563; his mother, Tolacia, was Abbess here; now a Protestant place of worship. At SEIRKERAN, four miles east of Birr. A Monastery, founded, 402, by St. Kieran, native of Cape Clear, in the county Cork. It was consigned, with all the possessions, in the year 1568, to Sir William Taafe, who assigned it to James, Earl of Roscommon. At TUILEIM. in the year 556. A Monastery, in which Abbot Carnech died LEITRIM (County). An ANAGHDUFFE, near Loughboffin. An Abbey, founded in the year 766; now a Protestant place of worship in the diocese of Ardagh. At BALLEGARCY. A beautiful Monastery, founded in the year 1518, by Cornelius O'Brien; some writers attach this place to the county of Longford. At CLONE. An Abbey, formerly of great repute, founded about the year 570, by St. Fraech; now a Protestant place of worship in the diocese of Ardagh. At CREEVLEA, on the river Boonid. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1508, by Margaret, daughter of Lord O'Brien, and wife to Lord O'Roik; she died in 1512, and was interred here; dissolved in the reign of James I. A DOIREMELLE, in Lower Breffiny. A Nunnery, founded by St. Tigenach, for his mother St. Mella, who died before the year 787. At DROMLEAS, on Loughgille. A Monastery, built by St. Patrick for St. Benignus; now a Protestant place of worship. At DROMAHAIRE. See CREEVLea. At FENAUGH, in the Barony of Leitrim. A Monastery, in IN IRELAND. 191 which St. Callin was abbot in the time of St. Columb. This place was formerly celebrated for the School of Divinity, and was the general resort of students from all parts of Europe; half a mile from the edifice is a well dedicated to St. Callin now a Protestant place of worship in the diocese of Ardagh. At JAMESTOWN. A Franciscan Friary. At KILDAREIS, or Cell of the Two Palms of the Hands, called also Carcuir. Shineill, or the Reclusory of St. Shinell, is situated in Lough Melvin. St. Shinell, who was bell-founder to St. Patrick, died in the year 584. At KILNAILE. St. Natalis, or Naal, was abbot of the abbey here, and died in the year 563; the festival is on the 27th of January. At LEITRIM, on the Shannon. An Abbey, in which St. M'Leigus was abbot. At MOHILL. An Abbey, founded in the year 608, by St. Manchan, who was the patron of seven churches. Many glebes, fees, lands, and tithes, were given to this house. They were valued at the dissolution at 21. 6s. Sd.; now worth 467. 13s. 4d. LIMERICK (COUNTY). At ABBINGTON. A Monastery, founded for the Cistercian Monks, in the year 1205, by Theobald Fitzwalter, Lord of Carrick, who richly endowed it, and was interred here in the year 1206. December 6th, 5 Elizabeth, this monastery was granted, with its appurtenances in the counties of Limerick, Kerry, and Carlow, to Peter Walshe, at the yearly rent of 571. 2s. 3d. Irish money; now worth 1,1427. 5s. He was to maintain one horseman on the premises besides. At ABBEYFEAL. A Cistercian Abbey, built in the year 1188. At ADAIRE, formerly a respectable place, though now but a miserable village. A Friary of the Order of the Holy Trinity, founded in the reign of Edward I., by John, Earl of dare. Granted, 37 Elizabeth, with all the possessions, together with the possessions of the Grey Friars, Preaching Friars, and Au- gustinian Friars, the Abbey of Monasternenagh, and the Nunnery of St. Katherine, to Sir Henry Wallop, at the rent 192 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. of 261. 17s. 8d.; now worth 5377. 13s. 4d., he being bound to maintain two horsemen on the premises. Augustine Friary, founded about 1315, by John, Earl of Kildare. Granted to Sir Thomas Wallop, together with the possessions. Of this Friary remain, still in good preservation, the steeple, which is supported on an arch, the choir, nave, and aisle; there are some beautiful cloisters with Gothic windows, the sides of which are ornamented with escutcheons and saltire crosses alter- nately; the workmanship is both simple and elegant. Grey Friary, founded in the east part of the town, in the year 1465, by Thomas, Earl of Kildare, and Joan his wife, daughter to the Earl of Desmond; they presented unto the house two silver chalices and a bell that cost 101.; now worth 2001. The Countess was interred in the choir in the year 1486. The Friary, with its possessions, sixteen acres of land, a church, three parks, a water-mill and water course, with a fishing weir on the river Mage, was granted, 37 Elizabeth, to Sir Henry Wallop, Knt. At ANY, in the Barony of Small County. Augustine Friary, built in the reign of Henry II., by sundry persons. Granted, 31 Elizabeth, to Edward, John, and Mary Absley, at the yearly rent of 471. 7s. 6d.; now worth 9477. 10s. 10d. At CLUNCAGH, near Rathkeale. A Convent, built by St. Maidoc, of Ferns, who died in the year 624; now a Protes- tant place of worship. At CROAGH, near Rathkeale, formerly a large town. There is a large church, which was anciently collegiate. At GALBALLY, in the Barony of Cashlea. A large Monas- tery, founded by the O'Briens; the ruins thereof, which are yet visible, together with the ruins of several other religious foundations, clearly evince the ancient magnificence of this town. This Monastery, with three gardens, six messuages, and six acres of arable land, was granted, 35 Henry VIII., to John Desmond for ever, at the yearly rent of 4d. Irish; now worth 6s. 8d. At GRANY, formerly a town of Corporation in the Barony of Coanagh. A Collegiate Church, destroyed when the town fell into insignificance and obscurity. This town took its name from a celebrated Hospital of IN IRELAND. 193 Hospitalers, which was founded in the reign of King John, by Geoffrey de Mariscis, chief governor of Ireland in the year 1215. Queen Elizabeth granted this Hospital and all the possessions to Sir Valentine Brown, ancestor of the noble family of Kenmare in Killarney; he built a magnificent castle on the venerable ruins. At KILDIMMA, near ADAIRE. A Monastery, built by Dimma, a priest, who was the preceptor of St. Declan. At KILMALLOCK, formerly a respectable walled town, but now a miserable Priory of Regular Canons, founded by St. Mocheallog, who died about 639; now the Protestant place of worship. Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1291, by Gilbert, son of Lord Offaley. Granted, 36 Elizabeth, with the possessions, to Nicholas Maigh, sovereign, and the Corporation, for ever, at the yearly rent of 2l. 13s. Sd.; now worth 531. 13s. 4d. At KILSHANE, or KILSHONNA, near the County of Cork. A Franciscan Monastery, founded by Fitzgerald, Lord of Clenlis. A Cistercian Abbey, founded in the year 1198. At KILTEEL. An Hospitaler's Commandery, founded in the Barony of Counagh. At KILTEIDHILL, in the territory of Ara. An Abbey, which was the place of interment of the Saints Mumis and Lomchuo, disciples of St. Patrick, and of seven other holy bishops. KYNNETHIN. An Abbey stood there in the year 1300, and we may presume that it stood until the general devastation. At LIMERICK, as celebrated for its brave defence against King William in the year 1691, as for the infamous treachery on his part in violating the articles of capitulation. A Nunnery founded in the year 1374, by Donald O'Brien, King of Limerick. A Priory of Regular Canons, founded by Simon Minor, before the year 1319. Granted, at the suppression, to Edmond Sexton. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1250, by Donogh C. O'Brien, King of Thomond. In the year 1462 died James, son of the Earl of Desmond; the ancient records of this house represent them bound to celebrate annual masses for the soul of this nobleman, and for the souls of his parents and successors, with their wives. 13 194 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Henry, the last Prior, was found at the suppression to be seized of the site, church, steeple, dormitory, three chambers, a cemetery, and sundry closes, containing one and a half acre, within the precincts; a garden of four acres without the walls of the monastery, and thirty acres of land, called Cortbrecke, in the liberties; salmon weir, St. Thomas's Island, and land near Parteen, called Monabrahir. This house, with all the possessions, was granted, 35 Henry VIII., to James, Earl of Desmond, in capite, at the yearly rent of 5s. 2d.; now worth 57. 3s. 4d. A part of the Friary is converted into a tanyard, and a large barrack is built on the other part. A Grey Friary, founded in the time of Henry III., by O'Brien, of the royal houses of Limerick and Thomond, outside the walls of the city, on the spot where a court- house was built, which is since converted into an hospital. Granted to Edmond Sexton, by King Henry VIII., at the yearly rent of 2s. 2d.; now worth 21. 3s. 4d.; though, by a valuation then made, it was worth a great deal more. An Augustine Friary, founded in the 13th century, by O'Brien, of the kingly race of Limerick and Thomond, near Quay-lane, but not a trace of it is to be seen now. The possessions of this house in lands and houses, through town and country, were valued at 81. 6s. Id.; now worth 1661. 1s. 8d. An Hospital of Templars stood near the above house, but not a vestige of either is to be seen. At MILTOWN, or BALLYMULLIN. A Carmelite Friary, founded by Nellan O'Mulloy. At MONANASTERNENAGH, in the Barony of Poble O'Brien. A Cistercian Abbey, founded by O'Brien, in the year 1151. This house, with all the possessions, consisting of five plough- lands, and many other revenues and privileges, was granted to Sir Henry Wallop. At MONASTERNACALLIAGII, near Lough Girr. An Augustine Nunnery, to which belonged the rectories of Drishane, Cullen, Nohavel, Kilmeen, and Dromtariff, in the county of Cork. Granted to Sir Henry Wallop. At MUNGRET, three miles south of Limerick. A Monastery, built prior to the coming of St. Patrick to Munster; he IN IRELAND. 195 placed St. Nessan over it, who died in the year 551. The Psalter of Cashel relates that there were, within the walls of this abbey, six churches, that contained 1,500 religious; 500 of whom were learned preachers, 500 psalmists, and the remaining 500 engaged in spiritual exercises. The ruins are still visible. At NEWCASTLE. Hospital of Templars founded here, and then a walled town, which, since the destruction of this hos- pital, or castle, fell into its present insignificance. At RATHKEALE. A Priory of Augustinians, built by a Mr. Harvey. LONGFORD (County). ABBEY SHRULE, near the river Inny, founded by O'Farrell, for Cistercian Monks. Granted, 11 Elizabeth, to Robert Dillon, with the appurtenances, 24 cottages in the town of Vore; 180 acres of land near it; 80 acres of pasture and underwood, near said town also; one messuage, four cottages in Granaghe; 60 acres near said town; two messuages and four cottages in Ballynamanoghe; 64 acres near the same, for the yearly rent of 10l. 14l. 4d.; now worth 214l. 6s. 8d. At ARDAGH, near LONGFORD. A Monastery, founded by St. Patrick. At BALLYNASAGGART. O'Farrells. A Franciscan Friary, built by the At CLONEBRONE, near GRANArd. A Nunnery, founded by St. Patrick, for the two Emerias of St. Guasact, Abbot of Lerha. This great asylum of virgins stood until the year 1107, and, of course, until the general dissolution of abbeys. At DEIRG, or ABBEY DEIRG. A Priory, founded in the time of Joan, by Gormgall O'Quin. Value at the suppression 21. yearly; now worth 401. Granted to Nicholas Aylmer. At INCHYMORY, or GREAT ISLAND. A Monastery, founded by St. Columb, about the year 450, where St. Boadan, of Inismore, died, on the 14th January. In the year 1414 died Edward M Findbair, Prior. At INISBOFFIN, an island in Lough Rie. An Abbey, founded by St. Risch, son of St. Dorerca, sister of St. Patrick. At INISCLOTHRANN, an island in the same Lough. An Abbey, founded in the year 540, by St. Dhearmuid Naoimb or St. 196 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Jerome the Just, and brother to Felix, Bishop of Kilmore, who wrote a learned and pious work, in the nature of a Psal- ter. On the 17th December, 1160, died Gilla or Nehemias O'Dunin, professor and celebrated scholar, poet, and historian. At ISLAND OF ALL SAINTS, in Lough Rie. A noble Monas- tery, built in the year 544, by St. Kieran. In four years afterwards he procured a very large endowment for the support of its poor; and having appointed St. Domnan his successor, he quitted this island, and built the Abbey of Clonmacnoise. At KILGLASS. A Nunnery, where St. Echea, sister of Mell, was abbess. At KILLINMORE. An Abbey, founded by St. Palladius, who lived in the year 450; now the Protestant place of worship. At LERHA, near GRANARD. A Monastery, founded by St. Patrick, for St. Guasacht, the son of his old master; another Monastery, founded in the year 1205, by Lord Richard Tuit, who was killed in Athlone, in the year 1211, by the falling of a tower, and was buried here. The possessions, at the surrender, valued at 8l. 13s. 4d. yearly; now worth 1731. 6s. 8d. At LONGFOrd. An Abbey, founded by St. Idus, a disciple of St. Patrick, whose feast falls on the 14th July. In 1400, a fine Monastery was founded by O'Farrell, for the Domini- cans. Granted, together with possessions, in the year 1615, by King James I., to Francis, Viscount Valentia. church of this Priory is now the Protestant place of worship in the parish. ! The St. Modan, whose At MOYDOE, three miles from Ardagh. feast falls on the 12th February, was abbot in 591. At ST. JOHNSTOWN. There was a Grey Friary near this town, which had, of course, been ingulfed in the general vor- tex of the Reformation. LOUTH (COUNty). At ARDEE. A Crouched Friary, founded by Roger, Lord Ardee, for the salvation of his own soul, and the souls of his wife Alicia, his father William, his mother Joan, his brethren Gilbert and Peter, in the year 1207, for the Augustinians. The founder, for the better support of this house, and to enable the Friars to exercise more liberally their works of mercy and charity, granted them the carucate of land which Os- IN IRELAND. 197 mond Doubleday held; also full liberty to bring water for the use of the house, and a sufficient cartway. This house was considerably endowed by grants and donations from several other pious Catholics. In the year 1612, James I. granted the house and possessions to Sir Garrett Moore, at the yearly rent of 1151. 5s. 8d.; now worth 2,305l. 13s. 4d. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the time of Richard I. In the year 31 Henry VIII., Patrick, the last Prior, surrendered this house and all the possessions, valued yearly at 11. 7s. 2d.; now worth 271. 3s. 4d. ARDPATRICK. Church founded by St. Patrick. At CARLINGford. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1305, by Richard de Burgh, Earl of Ulster. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Nicholas Bognell, at the yearly rent of 41. 6s. 8d.; now worth 867. 13s. 4d. At DROGHEDA, A Priory of Regular Canons, celebrated for the Synod held there by Cardinal Papiro, in the year 1152. St. Mary's Hospital, founded by Ursus de Swemele, who, by the consent of his wife Christiana, bestowed on this house all his lands and rents in Ireland. The house was seized, 31 Henry VIII., of 60 acres of land in Glas- pistell, rent 13s. 4d.; 30 acres in Carlingford, rent 13s. 4d.; two messuages in Dundalk, rent 6s. ; two acres in Stabanane, rent 2s.; besides some other rectories, lands, &c. Granted to the Mayor of Drogheda. Rent 17. 14s. 4d.; now worth 341. 13s. 4d. St. Laurence's Priory. Granted to the Mayor of Drogheda. A Dominican Priory, founded in the year 1224, by Lucas, Archbishop of Armagh. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., with all the possessions, to Walter Dowdell and Edward Becke, at the rent of 2s. 2d.; now worth 21. 3s. 4d. A Franciscan Friary, in which some murderers took shelter, and abjured the land, in the year 1300. Granted, 34 Henry VIII, to Gerald Aylmer. Rent 3s. 6d.; now worth 37, 10s. An Augustine Friary, founded in the time of Richard I. Granted to the Mayor, &c. of the town. A House of St. Bennet. In the Parliament held at Drogheda, in the year 1467, under John Earl of Wor- 198 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. cester, the Lord Deputy, it was decreed that several lands and rents would be granted to this house. At DROMCARr. An Abbey, in which Ceallagh, Abbo", died in the year 811; now a Protestant place of worship, in the diocese of Armagh. At DRUIMFINIAN. An Abbey, where St. Finian was abbot and bishop, in the time of St. Columb. At DRUMSHALlon. A noble Monastery, founded by St. Patrick. In 969 the Danes plundered and possessed this house; it reformed in 1247. At DUNDALK. An Hospital, founded for the sick and the aged of both sexes; founded in the time of Henry II., by Berthram de Verdon, lord of the town. Granted, with all the possessions, in town and country, 1. Elizabeth, to Henry Draycot, at the yearly rent of 11.; now worth 2207. A Grey Friary, built in the time of Henry III.,, by Lord John de Verdun. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to James Brandon, at the fine of 91. 10s., and rent 6d. ; now worth 190l. 10s. At FAUGHER, the native place of St. Brigid. A Nunnery, founded by St. Monenna, in the year 638, where she presided over 150 virgins, but resigned it to Orbilla, or Servila, and built another Nunnery for herself at Kilsleive, in the county of Armagh. A Priory of Canons, built in the early ages, and now become the Protestant place of worship. At INISKIN. A Monastery, built by St. Dageus, smith to St. Kieron; it is now Protestantized. At KILCLOGHER, on the Boyne. A Monastery, founded by St. Nectan, nephew to St. Patrick; now Protestantized also. At KILSARAN. A Commandery of Templars, founded in the twelfth century, by Maud de Lacie; it was given to the Hos- pitalers, in the reign of Edward II. This house was rich in lands. At KNOCK, near LOUTH. An Augustine Priory, founded in the year 1148, by Donchad Hua Kervail, prince of that country, and Edan, Bishop of Clogher. This house and all the possessions were granted, 31 Henry VIII., to Sir John King, at the yearly rent of 161. 5s. 4d.; now worth 3251. 6s. 8d. At LOUTH. A noble Monastery and School, founded by St. Patrick, for St. Mocteus, or Mochtalugh, a Briton, who died IN IRELAND. 199 19th August, 534, after the age of 300 years. The house and immense possessions were granted to Sir Oliver Plunket. At MELLIFONT, five miles from Drogheda. A Cistercian Abbey, built by Donogh M'Carroll, Prince of Uriel, to which St. Bernard sent the monks from the Monastery of Clairveaux, in France, in the year 1142. A great Synod was held there in the year 1157, at which assisted the Archbishop of Armagh, the then Pope's legate, together with many bishops and princes; on this occasion many rich presents were made to the Abbey, particularly by Murchertach O'Loughlainn, King of Ireland; he gave 140 oxen, 60 ounces of gold, and a townland near Drogheda, called Finnabhuir Naninghean; O'Carrol, Prince of Uriel, gave 60 ounces of gold; Dervor- gilla, wife to O'Rourke, Prince of Breffiny, gave 60 ounces of gold, a gold chalice for the high altar, and vestments for nine other altars in the same house. This house and its extensive possessions were granted, in the year 1641, to Sir Gerald Moore. At MONASTERBOICE. A Religious House, founded by St. Bute, who died 7th December, 521. We find that it con- tinued a celebrated school of religion, and both profane and sacred literature, until the 12th century, and doubtless until the fifteenth. At TERFECKAN. A Monastery, founded in the year 665. A Nunnery, founded in the year 1195, by M'Mahon. By an inquisition taken, 33 Henry VIII, the last abbess, Mar- garet Hobbert, was found to be seized of one hall, two houses in a ruinous state, a haggard, park wood, three gardens within the precincts of the convent, valued, besides reprises, 3s. 4d.; two messuages, two gardens, three parks, and five acres of land in Termonfeghan, valued, besides reprises, 17s. 4d.; eight messuages, three parks, six acres, and three stangs of land, and one of meadow in Killiligger, value 17.; thirteen messuages, four parks, one hundred acres of arable land and four of meadow, and twenty of pasture, in Killaghton, annual value, besides reprises, 41. 8s. and the church or rectory of Killaghton, value 50s.; making together 8. 18s. 8d.; now worth 1781. 13s. 4d. Granted, 20 April, 1578, to Catherine Bruton. 200 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. MAYO (COUNTY). At AGHAGOWER, five miles from Ballintobber. A Monas- tery, built by St. Patrick for St. Senach; now a Protestant place of worship. At AGHAMORE. A Monastery, built by St. Patrick, for his disciple St. Loarn; now a Protestant place of worship. At ANNAGH. A Franciscan Friary, worth 13s. 4d.; now worth 131. 6s. 8d.; it stood to the year 1440, when Walter, Lord M'William Oughter, died there. At BALLOGH, in the Barony of Clonmorris. An Abbey, built by St. Mochuo, who was the first abbot of it, and died in the year 637, whose feast falls on the first January. At BALLENTULLY. A Monastery, worth at the suppression, eight quarters of land, value each 13s. 4d.; now 131. 6s. 8d. each, or 1067. 13s. 4d. At BALLYHAUNES. An Augustine Friary, which was founded by the Nangle family, and which, according to an inquisition held 12 May, 1608, possessed twelve acres of land. At BALLINA, on the river Moy. An Abbey; suppressed. At BALLYNASMALL. A Carmelite Friary, founded in the 13th century, by the Prendergast; Donogbuy O'Gormealy was the last Prior, and possessed, at the suppression, lands worth yearly 13s. 4d.; now worth 137. 6s. 8d. Granted to Sir John King. At BALLINROBE. An Augustine Friary. By an inquisition held 27 Elizabeth, the possessions were worth 14s. 10d.; now worth 147. 16s. 8d. At BALLINTOBBER, or Town of Well. An Augustine Abbey, founded in the year 1216, by Cathol O'Conogher, King of Connaught. Inquisition, held 13 Elizabeth, found this house. possessed of many lands. Granted, in the year 1605, to Sir John King. At BоGHMOYEN. A Franciscan Friary; dissolved. At BOPHIN ISLAND, in the Ocean, twelve miles from the Barony of Morisk. An Abbey, founded in the year 667, by St. Colman; in the year 916 died Abbot Fearadagh. At BORRISCARRA. A Carmelites' Friary, which Pope John XXIII. gave, in the year 1412, to the Augustine Friars; at the general suppression it possessed one quarter of land, then valued at 13s. 4d.; now 131. 6s. 8d. At BOWFINan. A Franciscan Friary, possessed at the IN IRELAND. 201 suppression, in the year 1608, four quarters of land and their appurtenances. At BURISHOOL. A Dominican Friary, built, as appears from the bull of Pope Innocent VIII., dated 9th February, 1486, by Richard de Burke, Lord M'William Oughter, and the head of the Turlogh family. Consigned to Theobald Vin- cent Castillogalen. At CLARA, an island near the town of Morisk. A Car- melite Friary, founded in the year 1224. At CONG, formerly the royal residence of the Kings of Connaught, now but a miserable village, a magnificent Monas- tery, built by St. Fechan, who died in 664. Æneas M'Don- nell, the last abbot, surrendered it at the general suppression. Granted 10 December, 1605, to Sir John King, ancestor to the Earl of Kingstone, county of Cork. The ruins of several churches are seen there. At CROSS. A Monastery, belonging to the Abbey of Bal- lintobber. By an inquisition, held 27 Elizabeth, it possessed lands then valued at 13s. 4d.; now 13l. 6s. Sd. At CROSSMALYNE. An Abbey. In 1306, three men were indicted for assaulting and imprisoning the abbot, and for taking away his goods and chattels, to the amount of ten mares. By an inquisition of 27 Elizabeth, this house pos- sessed four quarters of land, each valuing 13s. 4d.; now worth 137. 6s. 8d. each, or 531. 2s. Sd. the four. At DOMNAGHMORE. An Abbey, founded by St. Patrick, for St. Muckna. At EREW. A Friary, erected at the extreme end of Erew, which is a peninsula, stretching out into the barony of Tiraw- ley, in which St. Leogar was abbot; his feast is held on the 30th September. By an inquisition of 27th Elizabeth, it pos- sessed one quarter of land, then worth 13s. 4d.; now 13l. 6s. 8d. At INCHMEAN, an island, where there was an Abbey, in which Maoliosa, son of Thurlogh O'Connor was abbot, in the year 1223. At INISTORMOR. An Augustine Friary, built by Eugene O'Gorman and Thady M'Firbiss, on a spot of ground which was granted them, in the year 1454, by 'T'hady O'Doud, which grant was confirmed by a bull of Pope Nicholas V. At KILLECRAW. A Religious House was seized at the inquisi- tion of 30 Eliz. of some lands worth 6s. yearly; now worth 67. 202 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At KILLEDAN. A Franciscan Friary, possessed, at the inquisition of 1608, several lands and tenements. At KILLNATRYNODA, or the Abbey of the Trinity, endowed with a quarter of land. At KILFINIAN. An Abbey, founded by St. Finian. At KILMORMOYLE, in the Barony of Tirawley. A Monas- tery, founded by St. Olcan, disciple of St. Patrick, now a Protestant place of worship, in the diocese of Killala. At KILNEGARVAN. A Church, founded by St. Fechan, who died in the year 664. At KILVENY. A Franciscan Friary, which, according to an inquisition of 27 Elizabeth, was worth in lands and tene- ments 13s. 4d. yearly; now worth 13l. 6s. 8d. At KILLYN. An Abbey was found, possessed, at the same time of some lands. At MAYO. A Priory of Regular Canons, founded in the year 670, by St. Colman, who came over from Lindisfarne, Northumberland. He was followed hither by St. Gerald and his three brothers, with three thousand disciples from England. Many illustrious saints and great men lived and died here. Granted, 20 Elizabeth, to the Burgesses and Corporation of Galway. Rent 26l. 12s.; now worth 5321. A Nunnery, in which St. Segretia, the abbess, (sister to St. Gerald) and one hundred virgin nuns died of the plague in the year 664. At MORISK, a town on the Bay of Newport. An Augus- tine Friary, founded by the O'Mallies, lords of the country. At the suppression it possessed lands valued at 13s. 4d. ; now worth 137. 6s. 8d. At MOYNE. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1460, by William O'Rourke. Granted, 37 Elizabeth, to Edmund Barrett, with all the possessions, at 5s. rent; now worth 57. At RATIIBRAN. A Dominican Friary, founded by the Dexter family. Granted in the year 1577, to Thomas Dexter. The venerable ruins of the sacred edifice stand there amidst a few wretched cabins. At ROSSERICK. A Franciscan Friary, built by a Mr. Joice. Granted to James Garvey. There is here, and also in Moyne, a confessional of hewn stone for two confessors to sit in, and a hole in each side for the penitents to speak through. At STRADE, on the Moy, near Athlethan. A Franciscan IN IRELAND. 203 Friary, built by the sept of M'Jordan, but it was given to the Dominicans in the year 1252, by Jordan, of Exeter, Lord of Athlethan, at the request of Basilia, his wife, daughter of Lord Meiler, of Birmingham. On the 18th of March, 1434, Pope Eugene IV. granted several indulgences to this house. Granted, 30 Elizabeth, to Patrick Barnwell. At TARMANCARRA. A Nunnery stood in the peninsula of Mullet. At URLARE, in the Barony of Costello. A Dominican Friary, founded by the Wangle family, who afterwards took the name of Costello, and became Lords of the Barony. The Dominicans settled there in the year 1430. The house under- went two inquisitions, one on the 12th of May, 1608, the other 24th May, 1610. Granted to Lord Dillon. MEATH (COUNTY). At ARDBRAGCAN, a village in the Barony of Navan, an Abbey. At ARDEATH, a village near Duleek. A Church or Per- petual Chantry; a priest was stationed, with the obligation of celebrating mass; the chantry was a body corporate. The inquisition held 14 James found it in possession of some lands against the statute. At ARDMULCHAN, near Painstown. There was a parish church, a perpetual chantry of one priest; but the inquisition of 10th James found it in possession of lands against the statute, which of course was sufficient cause for suppressing it. Value 17s. annually; now 171. At ARDSALLAGH, a village on the Boyne. A Monastery, founded by St. Finian, who died 12th December, 563. At ATHBOY. A Carmelite Friary, founded on a site which was given by William of London, in the year 1517. This Friary, with eleven messuages, three cellars, one orchard, and six gardens, in Athboy, with four acres of meadow, called the Friar's Meadow in Advenston, were granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Thomas Casey for ever, at the yearly rent of 2s.; now worth 21. At BALLYBOGAN, or PRIORY DE LAUDE DEI. An Augustine Friary, founded in the 12th century, by Jordan Comin. Tuis 204 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. house was granted, 34 Henry VIII., to Lord Carbray, at the yearly rent of 41. 3s. 4d.; now worth 831. 6s. 8d. Some of the possessions were granted, 4 Eliz. to Edward Fitzgerald. At BEAUBEC. A Church of St. Mary and St. Laurence, endowed in the reign of King John, by Walter de Lacie, stood until the 14th century, and, without doubt, until the general dissolution. At BECTIFF, near Trim. A Cistercian Monastery, founded in the year 1146, by Murchard O'Melaghlin, King of Meath; surrendered, 34 Henry VIII., with all the possessions. At CLONARD. An Abbey of Canons, founded by St. Finian. This Abbey, with all the possessions, was granted, 6 Edward VI., to Thomas Cusacke, at the yearly rent of 81.; now worth 1601. Some of the possessions were granted, 8 Elizabeth, to Richard Hayne; rent 3l. 8s. 6d.; now worth 68l. 10s. Another parcel of the possessions was granted, 36 Elizabeth, to William Browne. At COLPE, a village on the Boyne. An Abbey of Regular Canons, founded in the year 1182, by Hugh de Lacie. At the suppression of the monasteries, the prior was seised of the following tithes in Meath; Colpe, eight couple of corn; New- town, one and a half; St. James, one; Pylleston, one; Bal- langstone, four and a half; Paynstone, two and a half." At DISERTTOLA. An Abbey, founded by St. Tola, who was made Bishop of Clonard, and died in the year 733. This house stood until the 12th century. At DONNYGARNEY. A Nunnery, granted to Miss Draycot, who married a Mr. Talbot. At DONOGH PATRICK. An Abbey founded by Conol O'Nei'. At DROGHEDA. A Priory of Hospitalers, founded in the time of Joan, or principally endowed by Walter de Lacie. It possessed immense revenues, though they were granted, 6 Edward VI., to James Sedgrave, for 10s. 10d. yearly rent; now worth 210l. A Carmelite Friary, built by the inhabitants of Drogheda. There were two grants made, one by the Corporation, in the time of Edward II., of eighty virgates of land, and another by William Messager, of Drogheda, in the time of Edward III., in the year 1346, of four acres of land to the Friars, for the purpose of maintaining lights before the image of the B. Virgin in this church, IN IRELAND. 205 At DULEEK, an Abbey, the extensive possessions of which were granted, 10 James I., to Sir Gerald Moor. A Priory of the Virgin Mary. Several inquisitions were held on this house; all the possessions were granted to Sir Gerald Moor. Rent 9. 11s. 7d.; now worth 1917, 11s. 8d. An Hospital, founded before the year 1403. At DUNSIIAGHLIN. A Church, founded by St. Seachlan. At INDENEN, near Slane, an Abbey. At KELLS, a celebrated Monastery, founded about the year 550. Henry VIII. granted it, in the 34th year of his reign, to Gerald Fleming and to Sir Gerald Plunket. A Priory, or Hospital, founded in this town, in the time of Richard I., by Walter de Lacie, Lord of Meath. This house was surrendered by the last Prior, with the several possessions, 31 Henry VIII., and granted, 8 Elizabeth, to Richard Slayne, at the yearly rent of 14. 10s.; now worth 2901. A Chantry for three Priests. At KILBERRY, near NAVAN. A Chantry of two priests or chaplains. At KILLEEN, a Priory of Canons, founded by St. Eudeus, in the year 540. A Nunnery, built by St. Eudeus previous to the year 580. At KILMAINHAMBEG, twelve miles north of Navan. A Com- mandery of Templars, founded in the time of Richard I., by Walter de Lacie, Lord of Meath. This Commandery was granted, 33 Elizabeth, to Sir Patrick Barnwall, at the yearly rent of 637. 12s. 2}d.; now worth 1,2721. 4s. 2d.; now the church. At KILMAINHAM WOOD. A Commandery of Hospitalers, built in the 13th century by the Prestons. Granted, 23rd September, 1587, to Henry Duke, at the yearly rent of 47. 10s.; now worth 907. At KILSHIRE. An Abbey, founded in the year 580. At LISMULLIN, near TARAH. A Nunnery, founded in the year 1240. This house, with its valuable possessions, was granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Gerald, Earl of Kildare, and to Mabell his wife, and to Robert Harrison. At LOUGH SHILLEN, near CAVAN. A Friary, built on an island in this lake, which is still a remarkable burying-place. 206 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At NAVAN. A Monastery, built or rebuilt in the 12th century, by Joceline de Angulo, or Nangle; it stood with a great deal of celebrity until 31 Henry VIII.; it was granted, with all the possessions; the horse-barrack is now erected on the site of it. At NEWTOWN. A Priory of Canons, founded in the year 1206, by Simon de Rochfort; it flourished for many cen- turies, and possessed many valuable lands and tenements. Granted by the Parliament, in the year 1536, to King Henry VIII.; he granted, in 1550, a parcel of them to Henry Draycot, at 41. rent yearly; now worth 801. A Priory, or Hospital of Cross-bearers, or Crouched Friars, founded by the Bishop of Meath, in the 13th century. Granted to Robert Dillon. At ODDER. A Nunnery, founded by the Barnwall family, before the year 1195. This house and all the possessions were granted, 15 Elizabeth, to Richard Power. At PIERSTOWN. An Abbey, founded in the early ages. At RATHOSSIAN. A Monastery, founded by St. Ossan, who died 17th February, 686. At RATOATH, thirteen miles north of Dublin; an Abbey that possessed, in the reign of Henry III., forty acres of land, value 6s. 8d.; now worth Gl. 13s. 4d. A Chantry for three priests; by the inquisition of Henry VIII., they were found to possess some lands contrary to the statute, and were suppressed. At Rosse, near TARAH. An Abbey, founded by St. Coe- man Breae, who died 14th Semptember, 614. At SHRINE, an Abbey of Regular Canons. Granted, 34 Henry VIII., to T. Cusack, at the rent of 5d.; now worth 8s. 4d. A Chantry. At SLANE, an Abbey of Regular Canons; this house, with all the possessions, was granted, 32 Henry VIII., to James Fleming, Knt. Rent 1d. yearly; now worth 1s. 8d. At TELTOWN, or KILTALTON. A Church, founded by St. Abban; now a Protestant place of worship. At TREVET, a large monastery. At TRIM, a magnificent Monastery, founded by St. Patrick. This house was granted, 34 Henry VIII., with all the lands, &c., to Antony St. Leger, Knt. A Grey Friary, founded by King John, but granted, IN IRELAND. 207 with all the appurtenances, 34 Henry VIII., to Lodwick O'Tudor, parson of Roslaye, John Morye, parson of Walterston, and John Wakely. Rent 2s. 10s.; now worth 21. 8s. 4d. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1263, by Geoffry de Geneville, Lord of Meath; there was a great Synod held in this church in the year 1291. A priory of Cross-bearers, a magnificent building; the parliament, in the years 1484, 1487, and 1491, was held in the spacious hall of it. Granted, with all the posses- sions, to Sir Thos. Cusack, 27 Henry VIII., at the rent of 8s. 5d. yearly; now worth Sl. 8s. 4d. A Nunnery, founded by some person unknown. A Church of Grecians, founded very anciently. A Chantry for three priests. MONAGHAN (COUNTY). At CLONES, a small town. A Priory of Regular Canons. Elizabeth granted the house and possessions, in the 29th of her reign, to Sir Henry Duke, At MONAGHAN, a Monastery, built by St. Moeldodius, before the 8th century. Granted to Edward Withe; Lord Blaney has erected a castle on the site. At TEHALLAN, in the Barony of Monaghan. A religious house, in which St. Killian was abbot. QUEEN'S (County). ABBEY LEIX, founded in the year 1183, by Corcherger O'Moore, for Cistercian monks. There were two inquisitions held on this house, one 5 Edward VI., and the other 5 Eliza- beth, when the lands were estimated at 820 acres, and were let to the Earl of Ormond for 10l. 5s. yearly rent; now worth 205l. At AGHABOE, four miles from Montrath, a magnificent. Monastery, founded by St. Canice. The Monastery, with its appurtenances, was granted, 43 Elizabeth, to Florence Fitz- patrick. Rent 5l. 18s.; now worth 1187. At AGHMACART, four miles west of Durrow, Upper Ossory, an Abbey, built about the year 550; also a Priory. Granted, 208 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. 43 Elizabeth, together with several other Monasteries and parcels of their possessions, to Florence Fitzpatrick, at the rent of 361. 8s. 2d.; now worth 7281. 3s. 4d. At ANNATRIM, in Upper Ossory. An Abbey, founded about the year 550; now a Protestant place of worship. At CLONENAGH, a village in the barony of Maryborough. A magnificent Monastery, founded by St. Fintan. It is now a Protestant place of worship in the diocese of Leighlin. At DESERT ENOS, two miles south-east of Maryborough. This is now called Desert, and is the Protestant place of wor- ship, in the diocese of Leighlin. At DESERT ODRAIN, in the territory of Hyfalgia. At KILLEDELIG, in Upper Ossory, a Monastery, now a Church. At KILLEBANE, four miles south-west of Athy. A sump- tuous Abbey, built by St. Abban, about the year 650; now a Church. At KILLORMOGH, in Upper Ossory. An Abbey, built by St. Columb, about the year 558; now a place of worship. At LEAMCHUILL. An Abbey, built, by Finton-chorach, in the 6th century. At MUNDREHID, in Upper Ossory. A Monastery, built by St. Lasren, in the year 600. At ROSSTUIRG. An Abbey, near the mountain of Sliev Bloom, governed by St. Brendan. At SLETTY, near Carlow. An Abbey, by St. Ficah. At STRADBALLY. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the 12th century, by Lord O'Mora. Granted, with all the possessions, in the year 1592, to Francis Cosby, by knight's service, or the twentieth part of a knight's fee, and at the annual rent of 171. 6s. 3d.; now worth 3461. 5s. At TIMOHOE. A Monastery, built by St. Mochoe, who died in the year 497. There is a round tower, with some ruins of the ancient building to be seen yet. ROSCOMMON (COUNTY). At ARDCARNA, in the Barony of Boyle. An Abbey of Regular Canons. Granted, 39 Elizabeth, to the Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, with eighty acres of land. in_Cloncalliagh; six acres of land in Kilgefin. IN IRELAND. 209 A Nunnery of Benedictines, which was a cell to the Abbey of Kilcreunata, in the county of Galway. At AGHDALARAGH. An Abbey of Canons, where Comgallan was Bishop in the time of St. Patrick. This Abbey existed in the year 1201. At ATHLONE, a Cistercian Abbey. It was enriched by grants from King John and King Edward I. Granted, with all the possessions, 20 Elizabeth, to Edmond O'Fallon, of Athlone. At BASLICK, three miles south of Castlereagh. An Abbey, now a Protestant place of worship. At BEALANENY. A Franciscan Friary. Granted, together with the possessions, to Edmond O'Fallon, of Athlone, at the yearly rent of 21. 4s. 7d.; now worth 44l. 11s. Ed. At BOYLE. A celebrated Cistercian Abbey, granted, with all the property, in the year 1603, to Sir John King. At CALDRYWOLAGH, in the Barony of Boyle. A Franciscan Friary. Granted, 24 August, 1582, to Bryan M’Dermot, at the yearly rent of 9s. 4d.; now worth 941. At CLONRAHAN. A Franciscan Monastery, built by O'Conor, in the reign of Henry VIII. At CLONSHAVILL. An Abbey, built by St. Patrick. Grant- ed to Lord Dillon. At CLOUNTHUSKERT, seven miles north-east of Roscommon. A Priory, founded in the early ages by St. Faithlec. Granted 33 Elizabeth, to Fryal O'Farrell, for 21 years, at the rent of 111. 9s. Sd.; now worth 229l. 13s. 4d. At CLOONCRAFF. A Monastery, founded by St. Patrick; it existed in the 12th century; now a Protestant place of worship. At CLOAINEMUIN. An Abbey existed in the 11th century. At EDARDRUIM. An Abbey, founded by St. Diradius, bro- ther to St. Canoe, who flourished in the year 492; now a Protestant place of worship. At ELPHIN. A church, founded by St. Patrick, for St. Assicus. The house and possessions were granted to Terence O'Dirne. At FITHARD, in South Connaught. An Abbey, built by St. Patrick, for St. Justus; now a Protestant place of worship. At INCHMACNERIN, an island in Loughree. A Monastery, Granted, with the extensive possessions in lands and tithes, 28 Eliz. to Wm. Taaffe, who assigned them to Thomas Spring. At INCHMORE, an island in Loughree. A Priory of Canons, built, as people think, by St. Liberius, whose memory is held in much honour on the island even to this day. Granted, 9 14 210 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Elizabeth, to Lord Delvin, for 21 years, at 61. 14s. 8d. rent; now worth 134l. 13s. 4d. At KILCOOLEY. An Abbey, built by St. Olcan; now a Protestant place of worship. At KILLARAGHT. A Nunnery, built by St. Patrick, for St. Athracta. At the inquisition held 10 Aug. 33 Eliz., the Abbess of this house was seized of three carucates of land near the water of Lorgbella; two to the north of the waters and on the west. The whole valued at 5s. besides reprises. Granted to Terence O'Birne, who assigned it to the Earl of Clanrickard. At KILLUCKIN, four miles north of Elphin. A Nunnery, where St. Lunechaixia is honoured; she was born before the year 637; now a Protestant place of worship. At KILMORE. An Abbey, built by St. Patrick; now Pro- testantized. A Priory, built by Con. O'Flanagan, and consecrated by Donogh O'Conor, Bp. of Elphin, in 1232, granted in 1580, for 21 years, to Tyren O'Farrell. Rent 34. 10s.; now worth 701. Granted afterwards to Sir Patrick Barnwell. At KILLOMY. A Monastery, founded before the year 760. At KILTULLAGH. A Franciscan Friary, founded about 1441. At KNOCKVICAR. A Monastery of Dominicans, founded, four miles east of the town. Granted, 26 Elizabeth, together with the Abbey of Tocmonia, Clonemeaghan, and Court, in the county of Sligo, to Richard Kendlemarch. At LOUGHKEE, in this lake is Trinity Island, where stood a Monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity, in the year 700; rebuilt in 1215, by Clarus M'Moylon, Archdeacon of Elphin. Granted, 10th August, 36 Elizabeth, with all the possessions, to Robert Harrison, for ever, in free soccage, at 26l. 13s. 8d.; now worth 5331. 13s. 4d. At LYSDUFFE. A Priory in O'Conor's country. Granted to the Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin. At MONASTEREVAN, a Monastery. At ORAN, five miles west of Roscommon. A Monastery, built by St. Patrick; continues a remarkable place for pil- grimaga; now the Protestant place of worship. At RANDOWN, seven miles north of Athlone. A Priory of Hospitalers or Crossbearers, built in the reign of King John. Phil Nangle was a great benefactor in the reign of Henry III. This town died away, as well as the castle. IN IRELAND. 211 A Priory, founded by Clarus, Archdeacon of Elphin. ROSCOMMON, a town that has acquired much respectability from its monastic edifices. An Abbey of Regular Canons, founded by St. Coemon, disciple of St. Finian. This house was granted, 20 Elizabeth, with the appurtenances, to Sir Nicholas Malleye. Rent 301. 5s. 10d.; now worth 605l. 18s. 4d. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1253. Granted, with all the possessions, 29 January, 1615, to Francis Viscount Valentia. At TEAGHNEVIGHEAN. A religious house in Connaught, where the seven daughters of Fergus are honoured. At TIBSHIN. A Church, and formerly a great School; but now a Protestant place of worship. At TOBERELLY, in the plain of Roscommon. A Franciscan Cell; it possessed some lands of the value of 13s. 4d.; now worth 131. 6s. 8d. At TOEMONIA. A Franciscan Monastery, founded by O'Connor. Granted, with all the lands, 30 Elizabeth, for 21 years, to Richard Kyndelirske, at the yearly rent of 21. 17s. 23d.; now worth 571. 4s. 2d. At TULSK, a Dominican Monastery, built in the 15th cen- tury, by M'Duill. It fell under the inquisition which was held 33 Elizabeth. SLIGO (COUNTY). At ACHONRY, a small village and Episcopal See. An Abbey. At AKERAS, or KILMATIN. A Priory, founded in 1280, by the O'Donalds. By the inquisition this house was found to possess lands to the value of 161. 8s. 4d.; now worth 3081. 6s. 8d. At ARDNAXY. A Monastery for Eremites, following the rule of Augustine, built in the year 1427. At ATHMEY. A Premonstratensian Monastery, founded by Clarus M'Maylin, Archdeacon of Elphin, in 1251; possessions were granted to R. Harrison, who assigned them to W. Crofton. A Dominican Friary, founded in the year 1243, by David M'Kelly, Archbishop of Cashell, Granted, 35 Henry VIII., with the appurtenances, to Walter Flem- ing, at the yearly rent of 2s. 6d. ; now worth 27. 10s. Hare Abbey, or St. Mary's Abbey, of the rock of 112 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Cashell, founded by the Benedictines, but given, in the course of time to the Cistercian Monks. This really splen- did edifice was richly endowed. Granted to Thos. Sinclair, 42 Elizabeth, at the yearly rent of 2s.; now worth 21. Hacket's Abbey, belonging to the Franciscans. The house and its possessions were valued, when surrendered by the last Prior, at 31. 10s. 2d. Granted, 30 Henry VIII. for ever, to Edmond Butler, Archbishop of Cashell, at the yearly rent of 2s. 10d.; now worth 21. 16s. 8d. At CLONAUL. An Hospital of Hospitalers, founded before the 13th century. At CLONMELL. A Dominican Friary founded in the year 1269. A Franciscan Friary, built in the year 1269, by Otho de Grandison. There was a miraculous image of St. Francis. This splendid house and all its extensive pos- sessions were granted, 34 IIenry VIII., to James Earl of Ormond and to the Commonalty of Clonmell. At DONAGHMORE, in the Barony of Offa and Iffa, there was an Abbey by St. Farannan; now a Protestant place of worship. At EMLY, an ancient and celebrated Archiepiscopal city, in the county of Tipperary. A Monastery, founded by St. Ailbe, who was styled a second St. Patrick; he died in 527, and was interred here. At FETHERD. An Augustine Monastery. By an inquisi- tion of 31 Henry VIII., this house had possessions to the amount of 77. 13s. 4d,; now worth 1531. Gs. 8d. Granted to Sir E. Butler, at the yearly rent of 5s. 4d.; now worth 5l. 6s. 8d. At HOLY CROSS. A Cistercian Monastery, built by Donogh O'Brien, King of Limerick. This was a sumptuous house, and was very richly endowed in lands and other tenements. Granted, 5 Eliz, with the appurtenances, to Gerald, Earl of Or- mond, at the yearly rent of 15l. 10s. 4d.; now worth 3101. 6s. 8d. At INISLOUNAGH, in the Barony of Offa and Iffa, on the Suir. An Abbey, founded by St. Mochoemse, who died on the 13th March, 655; he was succeeded by Congan, about the year 1153, who supplied St. Bernard with materials for writing the Life of St. Malachy. Donald O'Brien, King of Limerick, rebuilt this monastery in 1187, and endowed it, with the assistance of Malachy O'Foelan, Prince of the Decies. Granted 33 Eliz. to Edward Geogh. Rent 241.; now worth 4801. There is a holy well, which is frequented by people from all quarters. IN IRELAND. 213 At KILCOMIN. A Benedictine Priory, founded by Philip of Worcester, chief governor of Ireland, in the year 1184. He supplied it with friars from the Abbey of Glastonbury. At KILCOELY. A Cistercian Abbey, built by Donogh Car- bragh O'Brien, in the year 1200; it had extensive possessions. Granted, 31 Henry VIII, to Thomas Earl of Ormond. At KILMORE, in Upper Ormond. An Abbey, founded in the year 540; now a Protestant place of worship. At KILLINENALLAGH. A Franciscan Friary, built in the time of Henry VI. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., with the pos- sessions, to Dermot Ryan. Rent 4d. Irish; now worth 6s. 8. At LORRAH, a small village in Lower Ormond, near the Shannon. An Abbey, founded by St. Ruadan, who presided over 150 monks, and died in 584. Turgesius and his Norwe- gians burnt and destroyed this town, with all the religious houses, in 845. This is now a Protestant place of worship. A Dominican Priory, founded in the year 1269, by Walter de Burgo, King of Ulster. At MONANCHA, situated almost in the centre of the great bog of Monela, three miles south-east of Roscrea, a Monas- tery of Culdean Monks. The house and revenues were granted, 28 Elizabeth, to Sir Lucas Dillon. At MOYLAGH, two miles west of Carrick. A Nunnery, under the invocation of St. Brigid. Granted to Sir H. Radcliff. At NENAGII. An Hospital for Augustines, who were to attend constantly the sick and infirm; it was endowed by T. Walter. Though the possessions of this house were immense, they were granted, together with the house, 5 Eliz. to Oliver Grace, for the rent of 391. Os. 10d.; now worth 7801. 16s. Sd. A Franciscan Friary, built in the reign of Henry III., by the Butler family. Granted 30 Eliz. to R. Collum, at the yearly rent of 221. 17s. Sd.; now worth 4577. 13s. 4d. At ROSCREA. A magnificent Monastery, built by St. Cronan. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1490, by Mulruany na Feasoige O'Carroll, or by his wife Bibiana. An inquisition was held 27 December, 1568. This house and the possessions were granted to the Earl of Ormond, who assigned the same to William Crow. At THURLES. A Carmelite Monastery, founded in the year 1300, by the family of Butler. Granted, together with the possessions, to the Earl of Ormond. 214 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. TIPPERARY. A Monastery of Augustine Eremites, founded in the reign of Henry III. Granted, with the possessions, 34 Hen. VIII. to Dermot Ryan. Rent 8d. Irish; now worth 13s. 4d. TIRDAGLASS, on the bank of Lough Derg. A Monastery, founded by St. Columba, a disciple of St. Finian; he died of the plague in 552. His feast falls on 13th Dec., and the feast of St. Aidbeus falls on 24 May. Many illustrious saints and scholars flourished in this house until the twelfth century. TOOME, six miles south of Tipperary. A Priory of Canons, St. Donan was honoured here, and it is supposed that he was the founder. Queen Elizabeth granted this for twenty-one years to Miler Magragh, Archbishop of Cashell. TYRONE (COUNTY). ARDBOE. A noble and celebrated Monastery built by St. Colman. BALLINESAGART, in the Barony of Dungannon. A Fran- ciscan Friary, built by Con. O'Neil in the year 1489. CLOGHER. Ar Episcopal See and Borough, three miles and a half south-west of Lurgan. A Priory of Regular Canons, presided over by St. Patrick, who resigned it to St. Kertern, who founded the celebrated Abbey here. King James granted this Abbey and revenues to G. Montgomery, Bishop of Clogher. CLUAINDUBHAIN, near CLOGHER, A large Nunnery, founded by St. Patrick. COROCK.. A Franciscan Monastery, built in the 15th cen- tury. Granted to Sir Henry Piers. DONNAGHMORE, three miles west of Dungannon. An Abbey, built by St. Patrick, in which St. Columb was honoured; it stood until the 13th century, and of course until the dissolution. DUNGANNON, a borough town. A Franciscan Friary, built by Con. O'Neil, in the reign of Henry VII. Granted to Richard, Earl of Westmeath, who assigned it to Sir Arthur Chichester. GERVAGHKERIN. A Franciscan Friary, built in the 15th cen- tury. Granted to Sir Henry Piers, with the Friary of Corock. ОMAGH. An Abbey, founded in the early ages, and in the 15th century, a Franciscan Friary. Granted with the Friary of Corock. PUBLE. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the 15th century. Granted to Sir Henry Piers. IN IRELAND. 215 WATERFORD (COUNTY). ACHADDAGAIN. An Abbey, by St. Dogain, who was a strenuous supporter of the ancient mode of celebrating Easter. ARDMORE. a village four miles east of Youghal. An Abbey founded by St. Declan, whose feast falls on 24 July. St. Ulstan, his successor, was living after the year 550. The splendid round tower and stately ruins of sevaral churches; the Adam and Eve, with the tree and serpent; the judgment of Solomon, all in alto relievo, strike the traveller's mind with awe, as well as with regret for its fallen degraded state from its ancient wealth and piety. BALLYVONY, Six miles north-east of Dungarvan. A large building in ruins, 150 feet by 90, which is supposed to be a Commandery of Hospitalers. BEWLEY, two miles south of Lismore. An Hospital of Hospitalers, in ruins. CAPPAGH, three miles and a half west of Dungarvan. The ruins of a Commandery of Hospitalers. CARRICKBEG, near Carrick-on-Suir. A Franciscan Friary, built in the year 1336, by the Earl of Ormond. Granted 31 Henry VIII., to Thomas, Earl of Ormond. The steeple still remains, a very curious building, about sixty feet high, rising like a pyramid, which point begins several feet from the ground in the middle of the church. CLASHMORE, three miles and a half north of Youghal. An Abbey, founded by Cuanceor, according to the orders of Mochoemoc, who had raised Cuanchear from the dead; that saint died 13th March, 655. Granted to Sir Walter Raleigh. CROOKE, on the bay, four miles from Waterford. A Com- mandery, founded in the 13th century, for the Hospitalers, by the Baron of Curraghmore. Granted 27 Eliz. to A. Power, for sixty years. Rents, 127. 11s. 10d.; now worth 2511. 16s. 8d. DUNGARVAN. There was a Priory of Canons, founded in the 7th century, by St. Garbhan, a disciple of St. Finbar. An Augustine Friary, founded by Thomas, Lord Offa- ley; the O'Briens were benefactors. Granted, with sundry lands, 37 Elizabeth, for 21 years, to Roger Dalton. Rent 40%. 10s.; now worth 810l. There was an Hospi- tal also under the invocation of St. Brigid. KILBARRY, one mile and a half from Waterford. An Hos- pital of Hospitalers. 216 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. KILLUNKART near Dungarvan, a Commandery of Hospitalers. KILLURE, two miles east of Waterford. A Commandery of Hospitalers. Granted, together with revenues, 25 Eliza- beth, to Nicholas Aylmer, for fifty years, at the yearly rent of 131. 6s. 8d.; now worth 2661. 16s. Sd. Kilmboynan Abbey had a house in Waterford, called the Old Court, which could not escape the all-seeing in- quisition of Elizabeth. LISMORE. An Abbey of Regular Canons, founded by St. Mocheda, in the year 630, together with a celebrated school; though St. Senan, St. Lugad, St. Neman, and St. Madoc, seem to have been there bishops before him. Corcran Cleirach, anachorite of all Ireland, died at Lismore, in the year 1140. He was a celebrated divine; and so greatly excelled all the western Europe in religion and learning, that every contest throughout the kingdom was referred to him. In 1127 Cor- mac M'Carthy, King of Munster, being dethroned, he was compelled to go on a pilgrimage to Lismore, where he erected two churches. In 1135 Daniel O'Brien, King of Dublin, re- signed his crown, and died a professed monk in this house. An Hospital for Lepers, founded under the invocation of St. Brigid. A Cell of Anachorites, appertaining to the church of Lismore. MOLANA, an island in the Black Water, two miles and a half above Waterford. There was an Abbey, founded in the sixth century by St. Molanfide. Queen Elizabeth granted this house and possessions to Sir Walter Raleigh, who assigned them to the Earl of Cork. MOTHEL, two miles south of Carrick. An Augustine Monastery, built by St. Brogan, and was succeeded by St. Coan in the sixth century. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., with all the possessions, to Butler and Peter Power. Rent 61. 4s.; now worth 1281. RHINCREW, 2 miles west of Youghal. An Hospital of Hospita- lers. Granted to Sir W. Raleigh, who assigned it to Earl of Cork. WATERFORD, a large commercial seaport. An Augustine. Priory, founded by the Ostmen; it was richly endowed by different persons in the course of time. Granted, with several other possessions, 31 Eliz. to Elizabeth Butler, alias Sherlock, for 21 years. Rent 471. 5s. 8d.; now worth 2,345l. 13s. 4d. IN IRELAND. 217 The Hospital of St. Stephen, founded for Lepers, by the Power family. The Priory of St. John the Evangelist, founded in the year 1185, by John, Earl of Morton, for the Benedictines. This house received several grants of lands and tenements. Granted to W. Wyse, at the annual rent of a knight's fee. The Monastery of our Saviour, built by the Dominicans, in the reign of Henry III. Granted, 34 Henry VII, to James White. Rent 4s.; now worth 41. now worth 41. The County Court House is called the Black Friars. A Franciscan Friary, founded in the year 1240, by Lord Hugh Purcell, who was interred here the same year, by the side of the high altar. Granted, 33 Henry VIII., to Patrick Walsh and scholars, at the yearly rent of 8s.; now worth 81.; and a fine of 1517. 13s. 4d.; now worth 3,0331. 6s. 8d. The Holy Ghost Hospital has been erected on a part of the ruins of this Priory. WESTMEATH (COUNTY). ARDCHARN. An Abbey by St. Beoaid, who died Mar. 8, 523. ATHLONE. This town is built on the river Shannon, partly in the county of Roscommon and partly in the county of Westmeath. A Monastery was built on this side for Francis- cans, by Charles, or Cathal Croibh Dearg O'Connor, Prince of Connaught; and by Sir Henry Dillon, who was interred here. ATHRECARNE. A Dominican Friary, built in the 14th century, by Robert Dillon, of Drumrany. Granted, with all its possessions in this county, 37 Henry VIII., to Robert Dillon, at the fine of 131. 13s. 4d.; now worth 2731. 6s. 8d.; and a rent of 6d.; now worth 10s. BALLIMORE, on Lough-Seudy, ten miles west of Mullingar. A Monastery, founded before the year 700. An Abbey, built in the year 1218, by the family of Lacie, for Nuns and Friars: they lived under the same roof, but in different apartments. This house had ex- tensive possessions, and underwent several inquisitions in the reigns of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth. CLONFAD, fives milss and a half east of Mullingar. A Church, founded by St. Ethchen, who died in the year 577. Clonfad is now a chapel. 218 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. CLONRANE, 7 miles south of Mullingar. An Abbey, inhabited by several saints from the 6th to the 10th century, suppressed. COMRA IRE, near the hill of Usmeach. An Abbey, in which St. Colman was honoured; he died in the year 652. DRUMRANY, or DRUMRATH, six miles north east of Athlone. An Abbey, built in the year 588. In the year 946 this house, with 150 persons in it, was burnt to the ground by the Ostmen. A DYSART, four miles south of Mullingar. An Abbey built by St. Colman; it became a Franciscan Friary before 1331. At FARRENENAMANAGHE. The inquisition of James in the third year of his reign, finds this Abbey in ruins, though pos- sessed of a certron of land, tithes, and other tenements, value 12d.; now worth 17. FARREN-MAC-HICKEES. The inquisition of James III. finds the ruins of a Nunnery that was possessed of some lands. There was an Abbey here; and it is recorded that, in the year 665, St. Finchin governed 3000 monks in it. FORE, Once a celebrated town, now an obscure village. This abbey and possessions made, according to the inquisition held 31 Hen. VIII. 1617. 12s.; now worth 3,2321. yearly. Granted in the year 1588, for 31 years, to Christopher Baron, of Delvin. At CLONCALL, bordering on Kilkenny West. A Monastery, built in the year 486, by St. Munis; now a chapel. At HARE ISLAND, in Loughree. A Monastery, built by the family of Dillon. At KENARD, near the county of Longford, north of Inny. A Nunnery, built early. At KILLARE, in the Barony of Raconrath. Three churches, one dedicated to St. Aid, another called Temple Brigid, and the third the Court of St. Brigid; there were three holy wells. St. Cuman was abbot there. At KILBEGGAN, a borough town. A Monastery, built by St. Becan. Another Monastery, founded on the same, rebuilt in 1200, by the family of Dalton. This abbey, and all its posses- sions, were granted, after having undergone several inquisitions. in the reign of Hen. VIII. and his son Edwd.VI., to be held of the King and the Castle of Dublin, in free and common soccage. At KILBEXY, an ancient town adorned with a castle be- longing to the Lacie family; and a Monastery or an Hospital for the lepers, under the invocation of St. Brigid; it stood until the fifteenth century. IN IRELAND. 219 KILCONIREGH and CONRY, were chapels in the barony of Moy cashell; St. Fearfio, son of a smith, was abbot in 758. At KILKENNY WEST. A Friary, built by Thomas, a priest and Friar, the grandsire of Sir Thomas Dillon, who came into Ireland in the year 1185. Granted, with the possession, 11 Elizabeth, to Robert Dillon. Rent 221. 10s.; now worth 4501. There was also a holy well here. At KILLUKEN, five miles east of Mullingar. An Abbey, built by St. Luican, whose feast falls on the 27th July; now a Protestant place of worship. At KILMACAHILL, or KILMICHAEL. A Franciscan Friary, built by the family of Petyt. Granted to Robert Nangle. At KILTOMA, or KILTOAMEN. An Abbey, built by St. Nennid or Ninn, whose feast falls on the 13th November. At LECKIN, in the barony of Corkerry. An Abbey, built by St. Crumin, who died in the year 664; now a parish church. At LYNN, in the barony of Delvin. An Abbey, founded in the early ages; but now a Protestant place of worship. At MULLINGAR, an ancient town. A Priory, called the House of God of Mullingar; founded for Canons, in the year 1227, by Ralph Petyt, Bishop of Meath, who died in 1229; this house, with all the possessions, was granted, 34 Eliz. to Richard Tuyte. Rent 16l. 5s. 10d.; now worth 325l. 16s. 8d. A Dominican Friary, founded by the family of Nugent, in the year 1237. Granted, 8 Elizabeth, to Walter Hope. Rent 107; now worth 2007. A Franciscan Friary, built in the year 1622, by the Friars; like the lambs building amongst the wolves. At MULTIFERNAM. A Monastery, built in 1236, by W. Dela- mar for the Franciscans. Granted, with the possessions, 8 Henry VIII., to E. Field, P. Clynch, and Phil. Petency, for a fine of 801.; worth now 1,6007., together with the rent of 4s., that is 47. of the present money. It appears that the Friars possessed themselves again of this house until the year 1641. At RATHUGH. A Monastery by St. Aid; now a chapel. At RATHYNE, six miles east of Mullingar. A Monastery, built by St. Carthag, or Mochuda, where he presided for forty years, over 867 Monks, who supported themselves and the neighbouring poor by labour. At TEAGHBAOITHEN. A Monastery, built by St. Baithen; stood until the 13th century. 220 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. At TEAGHTELLE. A Monastery, built by St. Cera, of Muskerry, but being recommended by St. Munnu to resign the house to St. Tellius, she did, and then returned home to her native country, in the year 576. At TIPPERT. A Monastery, built by St. Fechin, of Fore; now a chapel. At TOBER. Pope Innocent VIII. granted license to Edmond de Lantu Laici to build a monastery here for Dominicans. Granted, 31 Elizabeth, to Henry Matthews. At TRISTERNAGH, on the banks of Lough Iron. A Priory, founded by Geoffrey de Constantine, an English emigrant, about 1200. Granted for 21 years, to Captain Wm. Piers, 31 Henry VIII., at the yearly rent of 60.; now worth 1207. WEXFORD (COUNTY). At ACHADHABIILA. of Clonard. A Monastery, founded by St. Finian, At AIRDNE COEMHAIN. A Monastery, by St. Coeman, bro- ther of St. Dagan, who died in the year 639, abbot here. At BALLYHACK. A Commandery, subordinate to that of Kilcloghan. At BEGERY, or LITTLE ISLAND, an island north of Wexford harbour. A celebrated Monastery and a School founded by St. Ibor or Ivor, who died in the year 500. At CAMROS. An Abbey, built by St. Abban, who died in 640; and the Abbot St. Mosacre died in 650. At CARNSORE. A Monastery, built by St. Domangort, of Ossory, at the foot of a high hill that overhangs the Irish Channel; now a Protestestant place of worship. At CLONEMORE, two miles south of Inniscorthy. A Monas- tery, built by St, Maidoc. At CLONMINES. An Augustine Monastery, founded by the Cavanagh family, before 1385. Granted, with the possessions, 35 Hen. VIII, to J. Parker. Rent 2s. 6d.; now worth 2l. 10s. At DARINIS, an island near Wexford. A Monastery, built by St. Nemhan, whose feast falls on the 8th March; St. Gobban and St. Caiman were abbots here before 540. At Down, six miles from Inniscorthy. A Monastery, built before the arrival of the English, and continued until it was granted, in 1637, to the Lord Baltimore. IN IRELAND. 221 At DRUIM CHAOIN. An Abbey, founded by St. Abban, who died in the year 650. At DUNBRODY, four miles south of Ross. An Abbey, founded through the bounty of Harvey de Monte Maurisco, Seneschal to the Earl of Pembroke. The Earl himself and his son Walter were benefactors; by an inquisition held 37 Ilenry VIII., the possessions were valued at 251. 4s. 8d.; now worth 5041. 3s. 4d. Granted to Osborne Itchingham. Rent 31. 10s. 6d. ; now worth 70l. 10s. A Cell to the Abbey of At INNISCORTHY, a borough town. St. Thomas, in Dublin; founded and richly endowed for the salvation of his own and the souls of his wife, father, and mother, by Gerald de Prendergast, about 1225. Granted in 1581, to Edward Spenser. Rent 137. 5s.; now worth 2651. A Franciscan Friary, founded in 1460, by Donald Ca- vanagh. Granted, 37 Eliz., to Sir H. Wallop, for a knight's service, and rent 10l. 16s. 4d.; now worth 216l. 6s. 8d. FERNS. Abbey, founded on land given by Brandub, King of Leinster, to St. Moadhog, called also Aidan; it continued a celebrated house until the general suppression. In 1166, Dermot M'Meerchad, King of Leinster, burned the town, and in atonement to God for this sin, he founded an Augustine Abbey here, and richly endowed the same. Granted, with all the possessions, 26 Elizabeth, for 60 years, to Thomas Masterson. Rent 167. 4d.; now worth 3201. 6s. 8d. GLASSCARIG. On the sea, six miles north of Gorey. Griffin Cordon, Cicilia Barry, his wife, and Roboric Burke, her father, and three other persons, granted all their lands, in Cousinquilos, &c., for building here a Benedictine Priory. Two inquisitions, one 35 Hen. VIII., and the other, 5 Edw. VI., found this house in possession of many lands and tenements. HOARTOWN. Carmelite Priory, built in the 14th century, by Mr. Furlong. Granted to Sir John Davis and Francis Talbot. INBIERDAOILE. Monastery, built by St. Dagain, brother to St. Coemgene, who was also Bishop of Achad Dagain in Leinster, and died 639. KILCLOGHAN, near the mouth of the Suir. Commandery, built by O'Moore, for the Templars, but on the suppression of this Order, it was given to the Hospitalers. Underwent an inquisition 32 Henry VIII. Granted, 30 Elizabeth, to Sir 222 ABBEYS, PRIORIES, ETC. Henry Harrington, for the fourth part of a knight's fee, and rent 351. 16s. 8d.; now worth 7167. 13s. 4d. MAGHERE NUIDHE. A noble Monastery, founded by St. Abban, who died in the year 650. 1 * Cross Friary, for the redemption of captives, was built on a rising ground. Monastery of St. Saviour, erected for the Franciscans, by Sir John Devereaux, before 1300. Granted, 30 Elizabeth, to the Earl of Ormond. The east end of the house is now a Protestant place of worship. Augustine Friary, built in the reign of Edward III. This house had some valuable possessions. though grant- ed, 35 Henry VIII., to Richard Butler, at the yearly rent of 17d. Irish; now worth 17. 8s. 4d. TINTERN. On the Bannowbay, three miles north-east of Duncannon Fort. William, Earl of Pembroke, having been in great danger on sea, made a vow to build an Abbey on the first spot where he should land in safety; he put into this bay, and religiously redeemed his vow, by erecting a Cister- cian Abbey for Monks, whom he brought from Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire; he endowed it with many valuable lands; he died in 1219, and King John confirmed his will. Though this house and possessions amounted, according to the inqui- sition held 31 Henry VIII., to 75l. 7s. 8d.-now worth 1,5177. 13s. 4d.-they were granted to Anthony Colclough, at 261. 4s. yearly rent; now worth 5241. WEXFORD. A sea-port town, and a borough. Priory of Regular Canons. It was richly endowed by several noblemen. There was an inquisition held on it, 31 Henry VIII., another 1 Edw. VI., when it was granted for ever to John Parker, for the annual rent of 15s. 0d.; now worth 15l. 10s.; but a third inquisition was held, 26 Eliz. when the house and pos- sessions were in the hands of Philip Devereux, of Wexford. This Church still remains with a large tower in the middle. Priory of Hospitalers, founded by William Mareschal, Earl of Pembroke. Grey Friary, or Franciscan, founded in the reign of Henry III. Granted, 35 Hen. VIII., to Paul Turner and James Devereux. Rent 10d. Irish; now worth 16s. 8d. Hospital of Lepers, to which Henry IV., in 1408, made a grant of lands. IN IRELAND. 223 WICKLOW (COUNTY). ARKLOW. Formerly the residence of the kings of Dublin, a town then of great note, and adorned with a Monastery, which Theobald Fitz Walter founded for the Dominicans. Granted, 35 Henry VIII., to John Travers. Rent 2s. 2d. ; now worth 21. 3s. 4d. BALLYKINE. Six miles and a half west of Arklow Abbey, founded by St. Keivin. On the site of which a Mr. Whaley built a house, called the Whaley Abbey. BALTINGLASS. A borough town on the River Slaney. Cis- tercian Abbey, built in the year 1148, by Dermot M'Murchad O'Cavanagh, King of Leinster. Granted, 30 Elizabeth, to Sir Henry Harrington, at 117. 19s. yearly rent; now worth 2391.; though it was worth double that sum. DONARD. A Church, built by St. Silvester, who came to Ireland with St. Palladius, about the year 430; now a Pro- testant place of worship. GLANDALOGH. Twenty-two miles from Dublin, and 11 north-west of Wicklow, formerly an episcopal see, and a well- inhabited city full of religious edifices. An Abbey, founded and presided over for many years by St. Keivin, who died 3rd June, 618, at the age of 120 years. On the 3rd June, im- mense multitudes of pilgrims visit the seven churches of Glandalogh, to venerate St. Keivin, and his sister, St. Molibba. The seven churches are, the Cathedral Church, St. Keivin's Kitchen, Our Lady's Church, Priory of St. Saviour, the Ivy Church, Teampul na Skellig, the Rhepart. TRISBOYNE. Four miles east of Wicklow. An Abbey, by St. Baithen. KILGORM. An Abbey, by St. Gorman, nephew to St. Pa- trick; now a Protestant place of worship. KILLAIRD. A Nunnery, built in 588, by St. Tamthinna. SRUTHAIR. An Abbey, built by St. Mogoroc, brother to St. Canoc; it stood to the 14th century. WICKLOW. Capital of the county and a borough. A Fran- ciscan Friary, founded in the reign of Henry III., by the O'Byrnes and the O'Tooles. Granted, 7 Eliz. to Henry Har- rington for 21 years. Rent 31. 12s. 9d.; now worth 727. 15s. 224 APPENDIX TO SECOND EDITION (1853). The following Extract and Letter from a Correspondent to Mr. Cobbett afford some further illustration respecting the value and alienation of Church Property. Captain Steven's book is among the works named in the list given by Sir John Sinclair, in his History of the Revenue. It should be observed, however, that Captain Stevens was professedly an enemy of the Reformers and the Commonwealth, and a defender of the Stuarts and the Roman Catholic Party. EXTRACT from "The Royal Treasury of England; or, an His- torical Account of all Taxes," &c. By Captain John Stevens: published in 1725. The several totals as to the counties separately, which are stated by the author, are here omitted; but his general sum total will be seen below. "After what has been said of the endless mass of treasure King Henry engrossed to his own use, by the seizure of lands and goods devoted to the service of God, as represented by the above quoted authors, Mr. Udal, Sir Henry Spelman, and Stow, it will be proper to make some sort of estimate, though very uncertain, of what those things have been reputed to be worth. It must be very uncertain, in regard that the valua- tions given in at that time were made as the Commissioners pleased, who underrated everything to obtain grants of the same for themselves; besides that the lands of the Church were scarce ever let at the tenth part of the real value, the pro- prietors being the best of landlords, and letting the lands on the same rates that they had been two, three, or five hundred years before, notwithstanding that the value of lands had been continually increasing, as was that of all other things; and since the suppression those very rents are so much advanced as scarce appears credible. To perform what is here mentioned, we insert the totals of the valuations given in at the time of the suppression of all the monasteries and religious houses in each county of England and Wales, because it would be too tedious to mention every house. "The sum total of the value of all the reli- } gious houses in England and Wales "The nett sum £. S. d. 152,517 18 10 131,607 6 43 "These are the particulars of the several counties, and the totals of the whole nation, as then given in; so that we find 152,5177. 18s. 104d. the total; an immense yearly sum at that time; but then if we compute this as the gift of one year, for the next we have seen the Parliament was obliged to give more, we must take it as at the intrinsic value, that is, at twenty APPENDIX. 225 years' purchase, at that rate arising to 3,050,3407., an amazing gift then, tho' much outdone since. Now if we proceed a step farther, and allow for what the real value of the lands was, that is, including the frauds of the Commissioners in their re- turns, and the low rents at which all those lands of monasteries were really let, for the advantage of the gentry and farmers that held them, they cannot be suppos'd to have been worth less than ten times the value here mention'd, as has been said before; and at that rate the amount will rise to 30,503,4002. This may appear stupendous and hyperbolical, but is certainly no more than the bare truth, and yet we are not come to the extent of what those lands are worth at this day with their im- proved rents; for if we proceed to that, it will exceed all mea- sure; and yet it is but looking back to the computation made by Mr. Udal, and it will appear that all that has been hitherto said falls very short of his reckoning. He values the only estate of the abbey of St. Alban's at 200,000l. a year, as those lands are now let; and many other abbeys he rates proportion- ably. Now the return of it made at the suppression was 2,5107. 6s, 1 d. for the total; and the nett sum 2,1021. 7s. 13d. of yearly income; which being supposed to have been ten times as much, allowing for frauds and the lowness of rents, still the whole is but 25,1007. a year, little more than the eighth part of 200,000l. assigned by Mr. Udal; so that the other advance of eight times the value must arise from the improvements upon lands from that time to this. In short, these computations carry us too far, tho' too much can never be said of the subject. However, this is only as to the lands; for the treasure in gold, silver, and precious stones, we have already heard, amounted to 100,000l., as those who made ten times as much of it to their own profit were pleased to value it. We see how the wisest and most prudent kings have been impos'd upon, and what vast estates have been purloin'd out of their settled reve- nues, and that very often by such officers as were reputed very honest men and trusty servants: What then must we believe those wicked commissioners, and others employed in robbing of churches for the use of the king, conceal'd and stole for their own advantage? Besides that, when the people saw all going to ruin, everyone pillag'd what he could, without making the least scruple of that sacrilege, but believing they had as much right to it as the king himself; and in reality they had SO. Chantries and chapels were also given to this king; but they escap'd till the time of his successor, when they shall be spoken of. But that reprieve was not owing to any remorse or want of good will to proceed in that sort of rapine; but it was ordain'd that he should leave those remains of sacrilege to his son and daughter, who finish'd what he had so far carried on; as we shall see in their reigns."-Page 212. 15 226 APPENDIX. ON THE VALUE OF CHURCH AND ABBEY LANDS.-Sir, I observe in your Second Part of the "History of the Reformation" (a work, permit me to say, that has probably arrested the atten- tion of the country more than any that was ever written) that you have multiplied the yearly value of the Church Property, as estimated at the time of its confiscation by King Henry VIII., by 20, to give your idea of the yearly value of the same property at the present period; but on referring to paragraph 4 of the introduction to the Second Part, I see no data given by which you have arrived at that calculation; on looking back, however, to paragraph 466 of the First Part, I presume that you have been guided by a comparison of the average price of wheat during the progress of the Reformation and the price at the time you were writing. I shall now relate some facts, from which I think it will be evident to you that you have very much undervalued the pre- sent annual value; for I have referred to the title deeds of a small estate, consisting of a cottage or small farm house, and eight acres of land, situate at a retired spot in a parish in Kent; which property, from the description in all the writings up to the 16th Henry VIII. and its present condition, I have no doubt, from knowing it well, is now, and has from the time of Henry VIII., always remained in the same state, nor has its intrinsic value been increased by any manufacturing having been introduced into its vicinity, or by any other means, save that of the improvement of the roads, which may be said to be general throughout the kingdom. The above-mentioned property was acquired by two pur- chases; that is to say, in 1525, 16th Henry VIII., the tenement and four acres were purchased for 81,, and in 1529, second Edw. VI., the other four acres were purchased for 21. 10s. (the yearly value being stated in the deed to be ls. 8d.) so that the pro- perty comprised in the two deeds was in 1529, worth 107. 10s. In 1560 the tenement and eight acres were sold for 207, and were purchased (being always similarly described) by the an- cestor of the present proprietor, in 1675, for 1607.; and in 1815 the same property was valued by an eminent surveyor at 4607., exclusive of the timber, which was of long growth, and had previously been sold for 3507. The estate is now, and has been for some years past, rented by a small farmer, who holds only this property, at 161. a year, and pays the land tax of 11. 4s. per annum, and all other outgoings. I ought to mention that there is a previous title-deed of the property purchased in 1525, which deed is dated in 1521 (in which no price is men- tioned), by which it appears, from the property being particu- larly described, there was then no tenement, so that a cottage must have been erected between that period and 1525. The APPENDIX. 227 substantially built cottage now standing on the property has not been erected since 1675; whether it is the same erected before 1525 I am unable to state; at any rate, whether it be, or be not, it is suitable to the property, as it must be presumed was the one standing in 1525; and it therefore follows that the property was and is of the same intrinsic value at both periods; and it accordingly results from the above statement, as the property was by no means over-valued in 1815, and even leaving out the value of the timber altogether, that in 1529, second Edward VI., 5d.; in 1560, second Elizabeth, 103d.; and in 1675, twenty eighth Charles II., 6s. 11d., bore a relative value to 17. of the mixture of silver and paper money exclusively cur- rent in the United Kingdom in 1815. To exemplify the result of the calculation grounded on the facts above stated, I have selected from the Second Part of your History of the Reformation the following list of estates, with the estimated yearly value of each at the time of its con- fiscation by Henry VIII., which fell to the lot of one among the numerous other aristocratic families, that of the present Duke of Bedford. The Cistercian Abbey, at Woburn, in the county of Bedford, granted by Edward VI. to John, Lord Russell, 4301. 13s. 11 d. The Preceptory of Knights Hospitalers, with a Manor and Church at Melchburn, in the same county, granted by Edward VI. to the same John, Lord Russell, then Earl of Bedford, 2417. 9s. 10d. The Benedictine Abbey at Thorney, in the county of Cam- bridge, granted by Edward VI. to the same John Russell, Earl of Bedford, 5087. 12s. 5d. The Cistercian Abbey at Dunkeswell, in the county of Devon, granted by Henry VIII, to the same John Russell, Earl of Bedford, when Lord Russell, 2987. 1ls, 10d. The Benedictine Abbey at Tavistock, in the same county, granted by Henry VIII. to the same John, Earl of Bedford, when Lord Russell, 9027. 5s. 7½d.; and The Augustine Priory at Castle Hymel, in the county of Northampton, granted by Henry VIII. to the same John Rus- sell, Earl of Bedford, when Lord Russell, 627. 16s. The aggregate amount of the foregoing valuation is 2,4417. 9s. 8d., which, instead of being multiplied by twenty only, as you have done in your work, should, on the fact above shown, that 54d. in 1529, second Edward VI., was equal to 17. of the present day, be multiplied by 45, which will give the sum of 110,00 1 7. 15s. as the annual value of the above property at this time; and taking the estates to be worth 30 years' purchase, are now of the value of 3,300,0521. 10s., exclusive of the timber and of 228 APPENDIX. the improved value which the property may now have fortui- tously acquired. To the above list should be added, The Alien Priory at Lincoln, granted by Henry VIII., to the same John Russell, Earl of Bedford, when Lord Russell. The Dominican Friary at Exeter, in the county of Devon, granted by Edward VI. to the same John Russell, Earl of Bed- ford, when Lord Russell; and the Cistercian Cell at Lanache- bran, in the county of Cornwall, granted by Elizabeth to Fran- cis Russell, Earl of Bedford, and son of the preceding Earl, the yearly value of which, at their confiscation by Henry VIII., not being stated in your work, I have no means of applying the same calculation to. It must be evident, therefore, how enormous is the value at this day of the property of the Catholic institutions given away by the Reformation Sovereigns, the list of which forms an entire volume of your History of the Reformation, and to how many useful purposes the rents might have been applied for the benefit of the nation during the last three centuries. I cannot better conclude this letter than by calling your attention to the following note of Hasted, in his folio edition of the History of Kent, vol. 4, p. 569, in reference to the origin of the poor laws. It has generally been supposed, though there have been some few who have thought otherwise, that the dissolution of monasteries occasioned that provision made for the poor, some years afterwards, by the statutes in Queen Elizabeth's reign, passed for that purpose, the necessity for which arose from their being left destitute from that event. That this was the fact, and that King Henry foresaw this would happen, plainly appears from the express clause and covenant which was gene- rally inserted in the first grants of the sites and lands of most of these dissolved houses, several of which I have seen, viz., that the grantees should continue the like hospitality and alms to the indigent travellers and poor, which had usually and constantly been afforded to them by the religious, before their houses were suppressed; but these estates often changing owners, and many of them through fear of their uncertain tenure, the above injunction was after some time but little ob- served, and at length neglected and entirely laid aside; by which means the distress of the poor was felt the heavier, and gradually increasing, at last induced the legislature to make provision for them by those statutes."-I am, Sir, A READER OF THE REGISTER. Inner Temple, 29th August, 1827. PRINTED BY RICHARDSON AND SON, DERBY. DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD