DG 75 K29 Cop. 2 A 827,537 ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIOUS UNDL TUEBOR 31-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM AMINAM “ CIRCUMSPICE THE GIFT OF Prof, F. N. Scott. IG 75 129 of, 2 1 DG 75 •K29 Caps 2 FIFTY TOPICS IN ROMAN ANTIQUITIES WITH REFERENCES BY FRANCIS W. KELSEY, PH. D. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Boston ALLYN AND BACON 1891 2·5~5~ FIFTY TOPICS IN A25 ROMAN ANTIQUITIES With references BY FRANCIS W. KELSEY, PH. D. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Boston ALLYN AND BACON 1891 Un DG ebin 75 K29 соръ Copyright, 1890, BY FRANCIS W. KELSEY. University Press : JOHN WILSON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE. PREFATORY NOTE. THESE Topics with References' are printed for convenience in assigning work in Roman Antiquities to university Latin students. The statement and arrangement of subjects are intended to be suggestive rather than systematic. Most of the 'topics' may be readily subdivided into several minor subjects, to each of which the references given under the main head will apply. In compiling the list of books the aim was, not to present an exhaustive bibliography under each topic, but to name the books most accessible to the student, with particular reference to the library of the University of Michigan. No attempt is made to indicate the value of the books cited; for in work of this kind, an important part of the student's train- ing consists in cultivating the ability to form an independent judgment of the value of books as he finds them. Only the student who has critically 3 R.H. 4 PREFATORY NOTE examined the modern literature of a subject in antiquities, is prepared to undertake the study of it from the original sources with discrimination. For the recent German, French, and Italian litera- ture of antiquities, Hübner's 'Bibliographie der klassi- schen Alterthumswissenschaft,' Second Edition, 1889, and the Periodicals, should be consulted. In this field one should never be deterred from examining a book because its title is in a foreign language. Many of the foreign works contain illustrations which are self-interpreting, and possess value independently of the text. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, September, 1890. FRANCIS W. KELSEY. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY. Outline of the Province and Scope of Classical Philology Bibliographical and Encyclopedic Helps. • 1. The Roman House 2. The Roman Family 3. The Roman Home-Life 4. The Roman Dress 5. The Roman Religion 6. Roman Education 7. Slavery among the Romans TOPICS. PAGE 7 II 13 14 • 15 16 17 19 8. Agriculture among the Romans 9. The Land Question in Ancient Italy 10. The Trades in Ancient Rome. II. The Practice of Medicine among the Romans 12. Roman Commerce 13. Luxury among the Romans 20 21 • 22 23 24 25 26 14. Roman Amusements 26 15. The Roman Art of War 28 16. The Roman Monetary System . 29 17. Roman Public Life . 30 18. History of the Roman Law to the Time of Justinian 31 19. The Roman Law as a System of Human Rights 32 20. History and Influence of the Roman Law since the Time of Justinian 33 21. The Organization of the Roman Government in the Time of the Republic + 5 • 35 6 CONTENTS 22. The Government of the City of Rome under the Empire 23. The Roman Provincial Administration 24. Roman Books and their Publication 25. The Theory and Use of Music among the Romans 26. Roman Musical Instruments 27. Roman Architecture - Origin, Character, Materials, and Orders PAGE 36 36 37 39 40 41 32. Themes of Ancient Art 28. Roman Public Architecture 29. Roman Religious Architecture 30. Roman Commemorative Architecture 31. Roman Architecture of Transit 33. Sculpture in the Roman Period 42 44 45 46 48 50 34. Roman Painting 35. Roman Mosaics . 36. Roman Pottery 51 53 54 37. Roman Glyptic • 55 38. View of the City of Rome in the Earlier Years of the Republic 39. View of the City of Rome in the Time of Augustus 56 57 40. View of the City of Rome in the Later Years of the Western Empire 58 41. Rome in the Middle Ages 42. The Remains of Ancient Architecture in Modern Rome 43. The Roman Campagna 59 60 61 44. The Roman Catacombs • 62 45. The Life of the Early Christians at Rome 46. Early Christian Art in Rome 47. The Survivals from Ancient Roman Life in Modern Italy 48. Indebtedness of the Roman Civilization to the Greek 49. The Causes of Rome's Decline 62 64 65 65 66 50. The Contributions of Rome to Modern Civilization 67 SUPPLEMENTARY. 1. Select List of Novels portraying Life in the Roman Period. 69 II. Editions of Works cited 71 INTRODUCTORY. OUTLINE OF THE PROVINCE AND SCOPE OF CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. INTRODUCTION. a. Definition. Philology. Classical Philology. b. Methods. c. Aim. Hermeneutics, or Interpretation. Criticism. Ideal Reconstruction of the Greek and the Roman Civilizations. d. History of Classical Philology. In Antiquity. In the Middle Ages. In Modern Times: Italian Period, about 1330—1550. French-Dutch Period, about 1550—1600. Dutch-English Period, about 1600-1750. German Period, about 1750 to the present time. 7 8 PROVINCE AND SCOPE OF I. LANGUAGE-GREEK, LATIN. Introductory. I. Remains. Epigraphic. Literary. Colloquial. 2. Transmission-Palaeography. Epigraphy. Diplomatics. 3. Relations to other Indo-European Languages. 4. Dialects. i. GRAMMAR, 1. Etymology. 2. Syntax. 3. Prosody. 4. Stylistic. ii. LITERATURE. II. RELIGION OF THE GREEKS AND ROMANS. Introductory. Character and Relations of the Greek and the Roman i. BELIEFS. Religions. Mythological. Religious. ii. RELIGIOUS ANTIQUITIES. III. PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF THE GREEKS AND ROMANS— THE STATE. Introductory. Theory of the State in Antiquity. CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 9 i. GEOGRAPHY. ii. CHRONOLOGY. iii. HISTORY. iv. POLITICAL ANTIQUITIES: a. Of Internal Relations, 1. Governmental Organization. 2. Law and Legal Procedure. 3. Finance. b. Of External Relations, 1. Peace Treaty-Making and Diplomacy. 2. War - Military System. IV. PRIVATE AFFAIRS OF THE GREEKS AND ROMANS. Introductory. Ancient estimate of the Individual. Complexity of the relations of life in Antiquity. i. METROLOGY. ii. OCCUPATIONS, Agriculture. Trades. Commerce. Mining. iii. PRIVATE LIFE. V. THE FINE ARTS AMONG THE GREEKS AND Introductory. ROMANS. Development of Ancient Art. Aesthetics of Ancient Art. 10 PROVINCE AND SCOPE OF i. ARCHITECTURE. ii. PLASTIC ART. Sculpture. Numismatics. Glyptic. iii. PAINTING. Surface-painting. Vase-painting. Mosaics. iv. MUSIC. VI. WISDOM OF THE GREEKS AND ROMANS. Introductory. Methods and Limitations of Speculation and Research in Antiquity. i. PHILOSOPHY. The Greek Philosophy. Philosophy among the Romans. ii. SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. Mathematics. Astronomy. Physical Geography. Physics and Chemistry. Botany. Zoology. Mineralogy. Medicine. CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 11 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND ENCYCLOPEDIC HELPS. Hübner, 'Bibliographie Bibliographie der klassischen Alterthumswissen- schaft.' Mayor, 'Guide to the Choice of Classical Books.' Engelmann, Bibliotheca Scriptorum classicorum.' To be consulted for editions of ancient writers referred to. Boeckh, Encyclopädie und Methodologie der philologischen Wissenschaften.' Freund, Triennium philologicum.' Reinach, Manuel de Philologie classique.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' particularly Vol. I. Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums.' Daremberg and Saglio, 'Dictionnaire des Antiquités grecques et romaines.' Pauly, Real-Encyclopädie der klassischen Alterthumswissen- schaft.' Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer.' ( Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities.' Smith, 'Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography.' Encyclopaedia Britannica, ninth edition. • TOPICS. I. THE ROMAN HOUSE. Viollet-le-Duc, "The Habitations of Man,' Chap. 18. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' < Becker, Gallus.' Guhl and Koner, Life of the Greeks and Romans.' < Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' Rich, 'Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 749. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' article Domus. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vI., under Pompeii. Merivale, 'History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index. Taine, Italy - Naples and Rome,' Book II., Chap. 3. Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries,' Chap. 5. Dennis, 'Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index under Roman House. Vitruvius, 'De Architectura,' Liber vi. ; translations by Gwilt and by Newton. 13 14 REFERENCES IN Monnier, 'The Wonders of Pompeii.' Dyer, Pompeii.' Gell, Pompeiana.' Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chapters 5, 6. Scarth, 'Roman Britain,' pp. 161-181. Greenough, 'The Fauces of the Roman House,' in ‘Harvard Studies in Classical Philology,' Vol. 1. Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' Vol. III., article Pompeji. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII. Overbeck, Pompeji.' Roux, 'Herculanum et Pompéi,' Vols. vi., VII. Wägner, 'Rom,' Vol. I., p. 313 et seq. 6 Weiss, Kostümkunde,' Vol. II., pp. 1166 et seq., 1304-1315. Mazois, 'Le Palais de Scaurus.’ Becker, 'Gallus.' 2. THE ROMAN FAMILY. Coulanges, The Ancient City.' Starcke, The Primitive Family,' Section 1., Chap. 6. Hearn, The Aryan Household.' Maine, 'Dissertations on Early Law and Custom.' Morgan, 'Ancient Society.' MacLennan, 'Studies in Ancient History - Primitive Marriage.' MacLennan, 'The Patriarchal Theory.' Ihne, History of Rome,' see Index under Family. Morey, 'Outlines of the Roman Law,' Chap. 1. Hadley, Introduction to Roman Law,' Chapters 5, 6. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. VI., under Father. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 15 Mommsen, History of Rome,' Book 1., Chap. 5. Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 11. Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Inge, Society in Rome under the Caesars.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Smith, 'Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' articles Familia, Matrimonium, Patria Potestas, Adoptio, Servus, Cliens. Müller, 'Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV. Marquardt and Mommsen, 'Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII. Mommsen, Römische Forschungen,' Vol. I. Lange, 'Römische Alterthümer,' Vol. 1. Rossbach, 'Geschichte der Gesellschaft.' Champagny, 'Les Césars,' Vol. п., pp. 290–330. 3. THE ROMAN HOME-LIFE. Guhl and Koner, Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Becker, 'Gallus.' Coulanges, 'The Ancient City.' Taine, Italy - Naples and Rome,' Book II., Chap. 3. Church, 'Roman Life in the Days of Cicero.' Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars.' Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Marriage, Funerals, etc. 6 Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, pp. 749-752. ( Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' articles Coena, Matrimonium, Funus, etc. 16 REFERENCES IN A Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. vii. Friedlaender, 'Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms.' Müller, Handbuch der klassichen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV. Wägner, 'Rom,' Vol. 11., p. 221. Overbeck, Pompeji.' 4. THE ROMAN DRESS. Guhl and Koner, ' Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Becker, Gallus.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 11. Hope, 'The Costume of the Ancients.' Dupont-Auberville, 'Ornamental Textile Fabrics,' Introduction. Smith, 'Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index under Dress, Ornaments, The Toilet, p. 1285. Rich, 'Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 748. Duruy, 'History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Dress. Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars,' Chap. 10. Racinet, Le Costume historique,' Vol II. Blümner, 'Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste bei Griechen und Römern,' Abschnitte 5-9. Baumeister,‘Denkmäler des klassichen Altertums,' articles Toga, Fussbekleidung, Kopfbedeckung. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. vii. Müller, 'Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 17 Weiss, 'Kostümkunde,' Vol. 11. Kretschmer and Rohrbach, 'Die Trachten der Völker.' Wieseler, 'Theatergebäude und Denkmäler des Bühnenwesens bei den Griechen und Römern.' See especially plates of costumes at the end. 5. THE ROMAN RELIGION. Coulanges, 'The Ancient City.' Hearn, 'The Aryan Household.' Maine, 'Dissertations on Early Law and Custom.' Tyler, 'Primitive Culture.' Ihne, 'Early Rome,' Chap. 6. Seeley, Livy, Book 1.', pp. 93–96. Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index, under Religion. C Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 754. " Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, under Priests and Priestly Offices, p. 1290, and under Sacrifices and Religious Rites, p. 1292. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Ihne, 'History of Rome,' see Index under Religion. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Religion. Long, 'Decline of the Roman Republic,' see Index under Religion. Merivale, 'History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index under Religion. < Merivale, Conversion of the Roman Empire.' Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em- pire,' see Index under Paganism. Lecky,' History of European Morals,' Vol. 1. 18 REFERENCES IN Mayor, 'A Sketch of Ancient Philosophy,' p. 212 et seq. Ritter, 'History of Ancient Philosophy,' Vol. IV., first part. Macmillan, 'Roman Mosaics,' p. 88 et seq. Dennis, Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index under Religion. Scarth, Roman Britain,' pp. 190-195. Princeton Review for January, 1880, pp. 147-176. Allen, "The Religion of the Ancient Romans,' in the North American Review, Vol. cxIII., pp. 30-62. C Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 9. Clarke, Ten Great Religions,' Chap. 8. C Lang, Myth, Ritual, and Religion.' Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars.' Alley, Vindiciae Christianae.' < " Boissier, La Religion romaine d'Auguste aux Antonins.' C Clavel, Histoire pittoresque des Religions.' Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VI. Friedlaender, Vol. III. 6 Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms,' Champagny, Les Césars,' Vol. II., p. 159 et seq. Bouché-Leclercq, 'Histoire de la Divination dans l'Antiquité.' Saalfeld, Der Hellenismus in Latium.' Preller, Römische Mythologie.' C Roscher, Ausführliches Lexicon der griechischen und römi- schen Mythologie.' ( Vollmer, Wörterbuch der Mythologie.' < Carriere, Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturentwicke- lung,' Vol. ш., pp. 448-457. Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' see under the names of the divinities. C Nissen, Das Templum.' Henzen, Acta Fratrum Arvalium.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 19 i Becker, Gallus.' 6. ROMAN Education. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Education, Philology, Philosophy. Liddell, ' History of Rome,' see Index. Duruy, 'History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. VI., under Schools, Education. Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index under Education. Sheppard, 'The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the New Nationalities,' p. 81 et seq. Trollope, 'Life of Cicero,' Vol. 1., Chap. 2. C Froude, Caesar,' Chap. 1. " Drane, Christian Schools and Scholars. ( Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations,' see Index, under Educa- tion. Church, 'Roman Life in the Days of Cicero.' Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars.' Compayré, History of Pedagogy.' Capes, University Life in Ancient Athens.' Andover Review, for February, 1890. Uhlhorn, 'The Place of Children in Classical Heathen Thought,' article in the Sunday-School Times for January 28, 1888. Grasberger, Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Alter- thum.' " Eckstein, 'Lateinischer und griechischer Unterricht,' pp. 3-42. Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer,' Vol.vII. 6 Schmidt, 'Geschichte der Pädagogik,' Vol. 1. " Schmidt, Geschichte der Denk- und Glaubensfreiheit,' pp. 404-448. 20 REFERENCES IN Friedlaender, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' Vol. III., article Schulen. Saalfeld, 'Der Hellenismus in Latium.' 7. SLAVERY AMONG THE Romans. Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' < Becker, Gallus.' Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 754. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, p. 1292. Long, 'Decline of the Roman Republic,' see Index under Slavery, Slaves. Gibbon, ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,' Chap. 2. Mommsen,' History of Rome,' see Index under Slavery, Slaves. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. VI., under Slavery, Slaves. Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index, under Slavery, Slaves, etc. Sheppard, 'The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the New Nation- alities,' p. 91 et seq. Conybeare and Howson, Life and Epistles of St. Paul,' Vol. II., Chap. 24. Coote, 'The Romans in Britain,' see Index. Ingram, ‘Slavery,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. xxii. Gurowski, Slavery in History.' Edwards, 'Roman Slavery in the Early Centuries of the Chris- tian Era,' in the Biblical Repository for 1835, p. 411. Wallon, 'Histoire de l'Esclavage dans l'Antiquité.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 21 Friedlaender, 'Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms,' Vol. II. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. vii. Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,’ Vol. IV. 8. AGRICULTURE AMONG THE ROMANS. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' article Agricultura. Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 754. " Daubeny, Lectures on Roman Husbandry.' < Pliny, Natural History,' Book xvii. Burn, 'Rome and the Campagna.' Niebuhr, 'History of Rome,' Vol. 1., p. 588. Ihne, 'History of Rome,' see Index. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi. Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon,' Chap. 6. Becker, Gallus,' Excursus to Scene v. Hoskyns, History of Agriculture,' p. 40 et seq. Mommsen,' History of Rome,' see Index under Agriculture, Domains, Lex Cassia Agraria, Grain, Gracchus, Assig- nations of Land, Estates, Land, Husbandry, Agrarian. Candolle, 'Origine des Plantes cultivées.' Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' Vol. 1., article Ackerbau. Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. iv., pp. 771, 834, 900, et seq. 22 REFERENCES IN Marquardt and Mommsen, 'Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. v., p. 151 et seq. Rodbertus, 'Zur Geschichte der agrarischen Entwickelung Roms unter den Kaisern,' in Jahrbücher fur National- ökonomie und Statistik for 1864, Vol. 11., pp. 206–268. Büchsenschütz, Bemerkungen über die römische Volkswirt- schaft der Königszeit.' < Saalfeld, Küche und Keller in Alt-Rom.' Kohl, Uber italischen Wein, mit Bezugnahme auf Horatius.' 9. THE LAND QUESTION IN ANCIENT ITALY. ( Blanqui, History of Political Economy in Europe,' Chap. 5. Beesly, 'The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla.' 6 Pliny, Natural History,' Book xviii. Long, ‘Decline of the Roman Republic,' see Index under Cul- tivators, Ejectments, Land, Public Land, Agrariae Leges. Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Agriculture, Domains, Gracchus, Agrarian, Estates, Land. ( Ihne, History of Rome,' see Index, under Land, Agrarian. Merivale,' History of the Romans under the Empire,' see In- dex, under Land, Agrarian. < Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em- pire,' see Index, under Land, Agriculture. Ramsay,Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' article Agrariae Leges. Encyclopaedia Britannica, article Agrarian Laws. Tighe, Development of the Roman Constitution,' Chap. 6. Scarth, Roman Britain,' p. 235 et seq. Lange, " Römische Alterthümer.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 23 I The New York Nation for December 8, 1887, 'The Land Question in the Home-Rule Struggle.' " Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. v., p. 151 et seq. C Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV., especially pp. 771, 834, 900, et seq. Rodbertus, 'Zur Geschichte der agrarischen Entwickelung Roms unter den Kaisern,' in the Jahrbücher für National- ökonomie for 1864, Vol. II., pp. 206–268. IO. THE TRADES IN ANCIENT ROME. Ramsay,' Manual of Roman Antiquities,' Chap. 14. Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 752. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, p. 1293. Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Trades. C Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 7. Blümner, Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste bei Griechen und Römern.' " Friedlaender, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassichen Altertums,' articles Bäckerei, Schmiede, Walker, etc. Müller, Handbuch der klassichen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII. Saalfeld, 'Der Hellenismus in Latium.' Jahn, Darstellungen antiken Reliefs, welche sich auf Hand- werk und Handelsverkehr beziehen.' 24 REFERENCES IN II. THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AMONG THE ROMANS. Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans,' p. 526 et seq. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see ar- ticles Medicina, Medicus, Archiater. Pliny, Natural History, Books xx.—xxxII. Becker, Gallus,' see Index, under Medici. Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index, under Medicine. ( Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Medical. Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars,' p. 140 et seq. C Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries,' see Index, under Medical, Medicine. Dunglison, History of Medicine.' Renouard, 'History of Medicine,' translated by Comegys. Adams, 'The Extant Works of Aretaeus, the Cappadocian.' Coxe, 'The Writings of Hippocrates and Galen.' Watson, The Medical Profession in Ancient Times.' Garratt, 'Myths in Medicine and Old-Time Doctrines.' " Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII., see Index under Medicus, Archiatri. Pauly, 'Real-Encyclopädie der klassischen Alterthumswissen- schaft,' article Medicina. Ritter von Rittershain, 'Die Heilkünstler des alten Roms und ihre bürgerliche Stellung.' Dictionnaire abrégé des Sciences médicales, Vol. xi. 6 Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. v., p. 108 et seq. Daremberg, 'Histoire des Sciences médicales.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 25 12. ROMAN COMMERCE. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities,' p. 402 et seq. Blanqui, History of Political Economy in Europe,' Chap. 7. Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Commerce, Cattle, Tradesmen. Ihne, 'History of Rome,' see Index. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Trade. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' article Navis. Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 755. Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index. Lindsay, 'A History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Com- merce.' Lanciani, ‘Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries,' Chap. 9. Conybeare and Howson, Life and Epistles of St. Paul,' Vol. II., Chap. 23. Somers, Commerce', in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. VI. Tighe, 'Development of the Roman Constitution,' pp. 51-54. Reinaud, Relations politiques et commercielles de l'Empire romain avec l'Asie orientale.' Hunt's Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review,' Vol. XIX., pp. 467–476. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII., pp. 389-413. Müller, 'Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. Iv., particularly pp. 842, 904, et seq. Friedlaender, 'Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms.' 26 REFERENCES IN 13. LUXURY AMONG THE ROMANS. Gibbon, 'History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em- pire,' Chap. 2, end. Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars.' C Becker, Gallus,' especially Excursus to Scenes 7-9. Lord, 'Old Roman World.' Blanqui, History of Political Economy in Europe,' Chaps. 7, 8. Roscher, Political Economy,' Vol. II. Mommsen, 'History of Rome,' see Index under Luxury, Dress, Table, Villas; also, Vol. IV., p. 610 et seq. Ihne, 'History of Rome,' see Index. Duruy, 'History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Wealth, Luxury. Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index under Epicureanism, and Chap. 41. Pliny, Natural History,' see Index. Aulus Gellius, 'Noctes Atticae,' Lib. 11., Cap. 24. Boudrillart, 'Histoire du Luxe,' Vol. II. Friedlaender, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms,' Vol. III. Simons, Aus altrömischer Zeit,' Vol. II. 14. ROMAN AMUSEMENTS. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' ( Becker, Gallus.' Westropp, ' Handbook of Archaeology.' Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 751. Smith, 'Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, pp. 1284, 1286. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 27 Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Drama, Ludi, etc. Gibbon, 'History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,' see Index under Amphitheatre, Baths, Circus, Games, Gladiators, etc. " Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Amphitheatre, etc. ( Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index under Baths, Circus, etc. Dennis, ‘Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index under Boxers, Pugilists, Gladiatorial Combats. ( Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries, Chap. 4. Story, 'Roba di Roma.' Monnier, 'The Wonders of Pompeii.' Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars.' Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' p. 210. Tylor, The History of Games,' in the Popular Science Monthly, Vol. xv., p. 225 et seq. Moulton, 'The Ancient Classical Drama.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' articles Amphitheater, Ballspiel, Gymnasion, Thermen, etc. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII. Friedlaender, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms.' Wägner, 'Rom,' Vol. III., pp. 117, 129, et al. Wieseler, Theatergebäude und Denkmäler des Bühnenwesens bei den Griechen und Römern.' Simons, 'Aus altrömischer Zeit.' Champagny, Les Césars,' Vol. II., p. 371 et seq. 28 REFERENCES IN 15. THE ROMAN ART OF WAR. Ramsay, Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, pp. 754, 755. Smith, ‘Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' article Exercitus. Gow, 'A Companion to School Classics.' Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Army, Legion, Military. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Army. Ihne, History of Rome,' see Index under Army, Military, War. Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index under Army. Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,' Chap. 1. 6 Arnold, Roman Provincial Administration,' p. 99 et seq. Duncan, The Commentaries of Caesar,' preceded by a Dis- course concerning the Roman Art of War. Judson, Caesar's Army.' Hope, 'The Costume of the Ancients.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. v. Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Waffen. Lindenschmidt, Tracht und Bewaffnung des römischen Heeres.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 29 Weiss, 'Kostümkunde,' Vol. I., pp. 1057–1099. Nissen, 'Das Templum,' pp. 23-53. ( Rheinhard, Griechische und römische Kriegsalterthümer.' Hartung, Römische Auxiliar-Truppen am Rhein.' Rüstow,' Heerwesen und Kriegführung Cäsars.' Von Göler, Caesars Kriege.' Jal, 'La Flotte de César.' De Saulcy, 'Les Champagnes de Jules César dans les Gaules.' 16. THE ROMAN MONETARY SYSTEM. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 754. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see arti- cles Aes, As, Argentum, Aurum, Moneta, Nummus. " Head, Historia Numorum,' see Introduction. Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Coins, Gold, Silver, Money, Cattle, Denarius. Duruy,' History of Rome,' see Index of Coins and Gems at at the end of each volume; also, General Index in Vol. VI., under Coinage. Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,' see Index under Money. Arnold, 'Roman Provincial Administration.' Scarth, Roman Britain,' p. 182. ( Pliny, Natural History,' Book XXXIII. Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. II. Grueber, 'Roman Medallions in the British Museum.' Poole, 'Numismatics,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. XVII. 30 REFERENCES IN Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. v. C Mommsen, Geschichte des römischen Münzwesens.' Samwer and Bahrfeldt, Geschichte des älteren römischen Münzwesens." Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Münzkunde. Hultsch, Griechische und römische Metrologie.' Boeckh, 'Metrologische Untersuchungen,' pp. 160-209 et al. Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV., p. 671 et seq. Babelon, Description des Monnaies de la République romaine.' Cohen, Description des Monnaies frappées sous l'Empire romain.' Friedlaender, 'Die oskischen Münzen.' 17. ROMAN PUBLIC Life. Gow, 'A Companion to School Classics,' p. 172 et seq. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Forsyth, Hortensius: or the Advocate.' Church, Roman Life in the Days of Cicero.' Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars.' Merivale, History of the Romans under the Empire,' Vol. I. Arnold, Roman Provincial Administration.' Knight, Marcus Flaminius.' Froude, 'Caesar.' Trollope, Life of Cicero.' Fausset, 'The Student's Cicero.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 31 Tighe, 'The Development of the Roman Constitution,' Chap. 7. Mommsen, History of Rome,' particularly Vols. III., v. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. II., p. 74 et seq. Drumann, 'Geschichte Roms,' particularly Vol. III. Rossbach, 'Geschichte der Gesellschaft.' Scherr, Gestalten und Geschichten,' pp. 201-277. Under this topic the career of prominent Romans should be studied as the basis of generalization; as, for example, of Marius, Sulla, Cicero, Caesar, Anthony, Maecenas, Agrippa, Agricola. 18. HISTORY OF THE ROMAN LAW TO THE TIME OF JUSTINIAN. Morey, 'Outlines of Roman Law,' Part First. Hadley, 'Introduction to Roman Law,' Chap. 3. Gow, 'A Companion to School Classics,' p. 235 et seq. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Maine, Ancient Law.' Maine, Early History of Institutions.' Maine, 'Dissertations on Early Law and Custom.' Coulanges, 'The Ancient City.' Freeman, Comparative Politics,' Chap. 3. Mommsen, 'History of Rome,' particularly Vol. 1. Arnold, 'Roman Provincial Administration.' Ortolan, History of Roman Legislation.' Clark, Early Roman Law.' Phillimore, Introduction to the Study and History of the Roman Law.' Forsyth, 'Hortensius: or the Advocate.' 32 REFERENCES IN Guizot, History of Civilization,' Vol. II., Lecture 11. ( Bruns, Fontes Iuris Romani antiqui.' Schoell, Legis XII. Tabularum Reliquiae.' Huschke, Iurisprudentiae anteiustinianae.' Ihering, 'Geist des römischen Rechts.' Walter, 'Geschichte des römischen Rechts bis auf Jus- tinian.' Göttling, 'Geschichte der römischen Staatsverfassung.' Zimmern, 'Geschichte des römischen Privatrechts bis Jus- tinian.' Troplong, 'De l'Influence du Christianisme sur le Droit civil des Romains.' 19. THE ROMAN LAW AS A SYSTEM OF RIghts and DUTIES. Morey, 'Outlines of the Roman Law,' Part Second. Hadley, 'Introduction to Roman Law.' Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,' Chap. 44. Gow, 'A Companion to School Classics.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, pp. 1291–1292. Sandars, Institutes of Justinian.' Gaius, 'Elements of the Roman Law,' with a translation and commentary by Edward Poste. Amos, History and Principles of the Civil Law of Rome.' Phillimore, Private Law among the Romans.' Mackenzie, 'Studies in Roman Law.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 33 Leapingwell, 'A Manual of the Civil Law of Rome.' < Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Law. Duruy, 'History of Rome,' see Index under Law. Lord, Old Roman World,' Chap. 6. Arnold, Roman Provincial Administration.' Hunter, 'Introduction to Roman Law.' Hunter, 'A Systematic and Historical Exposition of the Roman Law in the Order of a Code.' Watson, Life of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,' pp. 67-137. Kent, Commentaries on American Law.' Heron, 'Jurisprudence.' Huschke, 'Iurisprudentiae anteiustinianae.' Krueger and Mommsen, Corpus Iuris Civilis' Institu- tiones,' 'Codex,' edited by Krueger, 'Digesta,' by Mommsen. Gothofred, 'Codex Theodosianus.' Haenel, Codices Gregorianus, Hermogenianus, Theo- dosianus.' Haenel, Lex Romana Visigothorum.' 6 Boissonade-Boutry, Tableau synoptique du Droit romaine.' Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. III. Ihering, 'Geist des römischen Rechts.' Kuntze, Cursus des römischen Rechts.' 20. HISTORY AND INFLUENCE OF THE ROMAN LAW SINCE THE TIME OF JUSTINIAN. Morey, 'Outlines of Roman Law,' pp. 167-216. Hadley, 'Introduction to the Roman Law,' Chap. 2. Mackenzie, 'Studies in Roman Law.' 34 REFERENCES IN Savigny, History of the Roman Law during the Middle Ages.' 6 Ortolan, History of Roman Legislation.' Bryce, Holy Roman Empire.' Amos, History and Principles of the Civil Law of Rome.' Scrutton, 'The Influence of the Roman Law on the Law of England.' Guizot, 'A History of the Origin of Representative Gov- ernment in Europe,' Part I., Lecture 26. ( Guizot, History of Civilization,' Vol. 11., Chap. 11. Maine,Essay on Roman Law and Legal Education,' in Cam- bridge Essays, 1856. Coote, 'The Romans in Britain.' Tomkins and Jenckin, 'Modern Roman Law.' Reeves, History of the English Law,' see especially the In- troduction by Finlayson. Maine, 'Ancient Law,' especially Chap. 5. Hunter, Law,' Amos, 'Canon Law,' and Robertson, • Inter- national Law,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Lebas, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de la France,' article. Droit romain. 'Lehrbuch der Institutionen des römischen Marezoll, 'Lehrbuch Rechts.' Warnkönig, 'Vorschule der Institutionen und Pandekten.' Deurer, Grundriss für äussere Geschichte und Institutionen des römischen Rechts.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 35 21. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ROMAN GOVERN- MENT IN THE TIME OF THE REPUBLIC. Gow, 'A Companion to School Classics,' p. 172 et seq. Tighe, The Development of the Roman Constitution,' Chap. 7. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see. Index, p. 1288, under Magistrates and Rulers, and pp. 1290, 1291, under Public Officers. Mommsen, History of Rome,' Vols. III., IV. Long, 'Decline of the Roman Republic.' Arnold, History of the Later Roman Commonwealth.' Ihne, History of Rome.' Michelet, 'History of the Roman Republic.' Niebuhr, History of Rome.' Duruy, 'History of Rome.' Merivale, 'General History of Rome.' Ferguson, History of the Roman Republic.' " Froude, Caesar.' 6 Trollope, Life of Cicero.' Napoleon, Julius Caesar.' Seeley, 'Roman Imperialism.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer, Vols. 1.—III. < Lange, Römische Alterthümer.' Beaufort, 'La République romaine.' Drumann, Geschichte Roms.' Schwegler, Römische Geschichte.' Mommsen, Römische Forschungen.' Wägner, Rom.' ' 36 REFERENCES IN 22. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF ROME UNDER THE EMPIRE. Gow, 'A Companion to School Classics.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, p. 1288, under Magistrates and Rulers, and pp. 1290, 1291, under Public Officers. Dyer,' History of the City of Rome.' ( Duruy, History of Rome.' Curteis, History of the Roman Empire.' Merivale,' History of the Romans under the Empire.' Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders,' particularly Vol. iv. Seeley, Roman Imperialism.' C De Quincy, The Caesars.' Crevier, The History of the Roman Emperors.' < Capes, The Early Empire.' Capes, 'The Age of the Antonines.' ( Watson, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.' < Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV. Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vols. 1.—III. Champagny,Les Césars.' Tillemont,' Histoire des Empereurs.' Boissier, L'Opposition sous les Césars.' 23. THE ROMAN PROVINCIAL ADMINSTRATION. Ramsay, Manual of Roman Antiquities.' < Arnold, Roman Provincial Administration.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 37 Smith, 'Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' articles Colonia, Provincia. Mommsen, 'History of Rome,' Vol. iv. Mommsen, The Provinces of the Roman Empire.' Niebuhr, 'History of Rome.' Duruy,' History of Rome,' see Index under Province, Prov- inces, Provincial. Merivale, 'General History of Rome,' Merivale, 'History of the Romans under the Empire.' Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders.' ( Curteis, History of the Roman Empire.' Capes, The Early Empire.' 6 Capes, The Age of the Antonines.' Morey, 'Outlines of Roman Law.' Savigny, 'History of the Roman Law.' Ortolan, History of Roman Legislation.' Bryce, Holy Roman Empire.' < Guizot, History of Civilization.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. IV. ( Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. iv. 24. ' ROMAN BOOKS AND THEIR PUBLICATION. Becker, Gallus.' Gow, 'A Companion to School Classics.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' " Guhl and Koner, Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Pliny, Natural History,' Book XIII., Chapters 21-27. 38 REFERENCES IN i ( Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Classed Index, p. 753. 6 Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' articles. Codex, Liber, etc. Duruy, 'History of Rome,' see Index. Encyclopaedia Britannica, articles Palaeography, Papyrus. Scott, Fragmenta Herculanensia,' see Introduction. 6 Dyer, Pompeii.' Merrill, The Story of the Manuscripts.' ( Taylor, The Transmission of Ancient Books.' Humphreys, Art of Writing.' Silvestre, 'Universal Palaeography.' Horne, Bibliography.' ( Zangemeister and Wattenbach, Exempla Codicum Latino- rum.' ( Arndt, Schrifttafeln.' • Taylor, The Alphabet. Birt, 'Das antike Buchwesen.' Blümner, ‘Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste bei Griechen und Römern,' Abschnitt 7. Wattenbach, Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter.' ( Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer, Vol. VII., see Index under Buch, Bücher. Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' see Index under Briefe, Bücher und Buchhandel. Wägner, 'Rom,' Vol. 1., pp. 92, 368 et al. Mazois, ‘Le Palais de Scaurus,' p. 139 et seq. Schmidt, Geschichte der Denk- und Glaubensfreiheit.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 39 25. THE THEORY AND USE OF MUSIC AMONG THE ROMANS. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Smith, 'Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' article Musica. Rich, 'Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Index, P. 752. Pliny, Natural History,' see Index. Mommsen, 'History of Rome,' see Index under Music. Duruy, 'History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Music. Langhans, The History of Music,' translated by Cornell, Lecture 1. Burney, 'A General History of Music, Vol. 1. Hawkins, 'A General History of the Theory and Practice of Music,' Vol I. Stafford, 'A History of Music,' Vol. 1: Hunt, History of Music.' < Ritter History of Music,' Lecture 1. Kiesewetter, 'History of the Modern Music of Western Europe,' translated by Müller, see Introduction. Pole, 'The Philosophy of Music.' Pratt, The Origin and Development of Musical Scales,' in the Princeton Review for November, 1881, p. 324. Macfarren, Music, History of,' in the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. Gavaert, 'Histoire et Théorie de la Musique dans l'Antiquité.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassichen Altertums,' Vol. II., article Musik. 40 REFERENCES IN 6 Weiss, Kostümkunde,' Vol. 11., p. 1316 et seq. Marquardt and Mommsen, 'Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII., see Index under Musik. Westphal, Die Musik des griechischen Alterthums.' " Ambros, Geschichte der Musik,' Vol. 1. Boethius, 'De Institutione musica,' ed. Friedlein. Paul, Boetius und die griechische Harmonik.' 26. ROMAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ramsay,' Manual of Roman Antiquities.' Guhl and Koner, Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, p. 1289. Rich, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see In- dex, p. 752. Pliny, Natural History,' see Index. < Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Music. Duruy,' History of Rome,' see Index under Music. Chappell, ' History of Music,' Vol. 1. Engel, The Music of the most Ancient Nations.' 6 Burney, A General History of Music,' Vol. 1. Macfarren, 'Music, History of,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Gevaert, 'Histoire et Théorie de la Musique dans l'Antiquité.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des Klassischen Altertums,' Vol. II., article Musik. Rheinhard, Griechische und römische Kriegsalterthümer,' Tafel 7. Weiss,' Kostümkunde,' Vol. II., p. 1315 et seq. Wieseler, Theatergebäude und Denkmäler des Bühnenwesens,' see especially the Plates at the end. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 41 27. ROMAN ARCHITECTURE: ITS ORIGIN AND CHARACTER, MATERIALS AND ORDERS. De Forest, Elementary History of Art.' D'Anvers, 'Short History of Art.' Lübke, 'History of Art,' Vol. 1. Reber, History of Ancient Art.' Westropp, 'Handbook of Archaeology.' Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Rich, 'Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Index, p. 756, under The Fine Arts. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, p. 1284. Pliny, Natural History,' Book xxxvi. Vitruvius, De Architectura,' translations by Gwilt and by Newton. Fergusson, History of Architecture,' Vol. I. Jones, Grammar of Ornament,' Chapters 5, 6. Mollett, 'Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archaeology.' Gwilt, Encyclopaedia of Architecture,' revised by Papworth. Viollet-le-Duc, Discourses on Architecture,' Vol. I. < Rosengarten, 'Handbook of Architectural Styles,' Book 1. Macmillan, Roman Mosaics,' Chap. 10. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Architecture. Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Architecture. Dennis, 'Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index under Architecture, Art. Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Forbes, Rambles in Rome.' Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 5. 42 REFERENCES IN Burn, Rome and the Campagna.' Middleton, 'Ancient Rome in 1885.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' articles Baukunst, Pompeji. 6 Ziegler, Das alte Rom.' Overbeck, 'Pompeji.' Saalfeld, Der Hellenismus in Latium.' Weiss, Kostümkunde,' Vol. II., p. 1049 et seq. FORA. 28. ROMAN PUBLIC ARCHitecture. FORTIFICATIONS - WALLS, GAtes. COURTS. PRISONS. Lübke,' History of Art,' Vol. 1. Reber, History of Ancient Art.' De Forest, 'Short History of Art.' D'Anvers, Elementary History of Art.' • Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' ARCHIVES. THEATRES. AMPHITHEATRES. BATHS. Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Ramsay,Manual of Roman Antiquities.' < Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see Index, p. 1290, under Public Buildings. Rich, 'Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Index, p. 756, under The Fine Arts. Pliny, Natural History,' Book xxxvi. Vitruvius, 'De Architectura,' translations by Gwilt and by Newton. Fergusson, History of Architecture,' Vol. I. 6 Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Forum, Capitol, Walls, Aurelian, Basilica, Tullianum, Prison, Theatre, Amphitheatre, Colisseum, Portico. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 43 Winckelmann, 'History of Ancient Art.' Dennis, 'Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index under Architecture, Amphitheatre, Theatres. Shumway, 'A Day in Ancient Rome.' ( Taine, Italy - Naples and Rome,' Book 1., Chap. 2; Book II., Chap. 3; Book III., Chap. 4. Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 5. Scarth, Roman Britain,' see Index. Macmillan, Roman Mosaics,' Chap. 5. Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries.' Middleton, 'Ancient Rome in 1885.' Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Burn, 'Rome and the Campagna.' Nichols, 'The Roman Forum.' ( Parker, Archaeology of Rome,' volumes entitled Forum Romanum,' 'The Primitive Fortifications of Rome,' The Flavian Amphitheatre.' Story, Roba di Roma,' Vol. I., Chap. 9. Cresy and Taylor, 'Architectural Antiquities of Rome.' Overbeck, Pompeji.' Wyttenbach, 'Roman Antiquities of the City of Treves.' Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' articles Baukunst, Festungskrieg, Theatergebäude, etc. Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. III. Ziegler, 'Das alte Rom.' Jordan, 'Capitol, Forum, und Via Sacra.' < Wieseler, Theatergebaüde und Denkmäler des Bühnenwesens bei den Griechen und Römern.' < Weiss, Kostümkunde,' Vol. II., p. 1248 et seq. Piranesi, Le Antichità Romane,' see contents of separate volumes. 44 REFERENCES IN C 29. ROMAN RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTURE. Reber, History of Ancient Art.' Lübke, 'History of Art,' Vol. 1. De Forest, 'Short History of Art.' D'Anvers, 'Elementary History of Art.' Westropp, 'Handbook of Archaeology.' Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities,' see Index under Templum. Smith, Classical Dictionary,' pp. 650-652. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' articles Templum, Ara. Pliny, Natural History,' Book xxxvi. Vitruvius, 'De Architectura,' Books III., v., translations by Gwilt and by Newton. Winckelmann, 'History of Ancient Art,' Vol. 11. " Fergusson, History of Architecture,' Vol. 1. Duruy, 'History of Rome,' see Indices to Illustrations. Mommsen, 'History of Rome,' see Index under Temple. Shumway, 'A Day in Ancient Rome.' Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries.' Middleton, Ancient Rome in 1885.' Burn, 'Rome and the Campagna.' Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 5. Cresy and Taylor, Architectural Antiquities of Rome.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' articles Baukunst, Altar, etc. Mälier, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. III. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 45 Ziegler, 'Das Alte Rom.' Weiss, Kostümkunde,' Vol. II., p. 1199 et seq. Nissen, 'Das Templum.' Müller, Roms Campagna.' Overbeck, 'Pompeji.' Piranesi, 'Le Antichità Romane,' Vols. I., VI., XV., XVI., XVII. 30. ROMAN COMMEMORATIVe Architecture. C TOMBS. COLUMNS. Reber, History of Ancient Art.' ( Lübke, History of Art,' Vol. 1. De Forest, Short History of Art.' D'Anvers, Elementary History of Art.' Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' TRIUMPHAL ARCHES. Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities,' see Index under Arcus, Columna, etc. Smith, 'Classical Dictionary,' see Article Roma. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' articles Funus, Columna, Arcus. Pliny, Natural History,' Book xxxvi. Vitruvius, De Architectura,' translations by Gwilt and by Newton. Winckelmann, 'History of Ancient Art,' Vol. II. Fergusson, History of Architecture,' Vol. 1. Fergusson, ‘Handbook of Architecture,' Vol. 1. Duruy, 'History of Rome,' see Indices of Illustrations. Dennis, 'Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index under Tombs. Parker, 'Archaeology of Rome,' volume entitled 'Tombs in or near Rome.' 46 REFERENCES IN Middleton, Ancient Rome in 1885.' Burn, 'Rome and the Campagna.' Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 9. 6 Cresy and Taylor, Architectural Antiquities of Rome.' Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' articles Gräber, Triumphbogen. Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. III. Ziegler, 'Das alte Rom.' Weiss, Kostümkunde,' Vol. 11., pp. 1186–1199. Müller, Roms Campagna.' Overbeck, Pompeji.' Piranesi, Le Antichità Romane,' Vols. II., III., V., VIII., XIV. 31. ROMAN ARCHITECTURE OF TRANSIT. ROADS. BRIDGES. AQUEDUCTS. HARBORS. VIADUCTS. Reber, 'History of Ancient Art.' Lübke, 'History of Art,' Vol. 1. De Forest, 'Short History of Art.' < D'Anvers, Elementary History of Art.' Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Ramsay, Manual of Roman Antiquities,' see Index under Via, Pons, Pontes, Aqua, Aqueducts. Smith, Classical Dictionary,' see article Roma. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' articles Viae, Pons, Aquaeductus. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 47 Pliny,' Natural History,' Book xxxvi. Vitruvius, 'De Architectura,' Book VIII., translations by Gwilt and by Newton. Fergusson, History of Architecture,' Vol. 1. Duruy,' History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Via, Appian Way, Aqueducts, Roads; also Indices of Illustrations at the end of each volume. Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Road, Bridges, Aqueduct. 6 Middleton, Ancient Rome in 1885.' Burn, 'Rome and the Campagna.' Parker, 'Archaeology of Rome,' volume entitled 'The Roman Aqueducts.' Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries,' Chap. 9. Macmillan, 'Roman Mosaics,' Chap. 2. Waldstein, Essays on the Art of Pheidias,' p. 20. Story, 'Roba di Roma,' Vol. п., Chap. 17. Manning, 'Italian Pictures,' p. 39 et seq. Conybeare and Howson, 'Life and Epistles of St. Paul,' Vol. II., Chap. 24. ( Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chapters 4, 6. Scarth, Roman Britain,' Chap. 13. Jordan, 'Topographie der Stadt Rom.' ( Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII. Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' see Index under Wasserleitungen and Brücke, and the article Rom. 48 REFERENCES IN Piranesi, 'Le Antichità Romane,' Vols. iv., Ix., x. Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. III. Bergier, 'Histoire des grands Chemins de l'Empire romain.' Ziegler, 'Das alte Rom.' Overbeck, Pompeji.' Weiss,' Kostümkunde,' Vol. II., pp. 1239–1248. 32. THEMES OF ANCIENT Art. Müller, ‘Ancient Art and its Remains.' Harris, Theory of the Arts.' Newton, Essays on Art and Archaeology.' Van Dyke, 'Principles of Art.' Samson, Elements of Art Criticism.' Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' Clement, Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art.' Wright, History of Caricature and of Grotesque in Art.' 6 Parton, Caricature and other Comic Art.' Pliny, Natural History.' ( Lübke, History of Art,' Vol. 1. Winckelmann, 'History of Ancient Art.' Reber, 'History of Ancient Art.' Overbeck, 'Die antiken Schriftquellen zur Geschichte der bildenden Künste bei den Griechen.' Frank, Geschichte der Kunst,' pp. 1-69. Fergusson, History of Architecture,' Vol. 1. ( Rosengarten, Architectural Styles.' Upcott, Introduction to Greek Sculpture.' Grattan, On Sculpture,' in the Oxford Prize Essays, Vol. 1. Lübke, History of Sculpture.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 49 Overbeck, 'Geschichte der griechischen Plastik.' Paris, ‹ Manual of Ancient Sculpture.' ¿ Mitchell, History of Ancient Sculpture.' Waldstein, Essays on the Art of Pheidias.' Lloyd, 'The Age of Pericles.' Woltmann and Woermann, 'History of Painting,' Vol. I. Birch, 'Ancient Pottery.' Jännicke, 'Grundriss der Keramik.' Lessing, Laocoön.' Ruskin, Modern Painters,' Vol. I., p. 173. Ruskin, 'Queen of the Air.' Canova, 'Works.' Burn, Roman Literature and Roman Art.' Murray, 'Manual of Mythology.' Keightley, 'Classical Mythology.' Böttiger, 'Ideen zur Kunstmythologie.' ( Preller, Griechische Mythologie.' Preller, Römische Mythologie.' Ross, Archaeologische Aufsätze,' Vol. II., p. 236 et seq. Carriere, Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturentwicke- " lung,' Vol. II., pp. 460–466. Lemcke, Populäre Aesthetik.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums.' Seemann and Springer, Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen.' Lübke and Lützow,' Denkmäler der Kunst.' Wordsworth, Pictorial Greece.' Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' ( Baedeker, Central Italy and Rome.' Visconti, 'Museo Pio Clementino.' Visconti, Museo Chiaramonti.' Roux, Herculanum et Pompéi.' Piroli, Antiquités d'Herculanum.' 50 REFERENCES IN Overbeck, Pompeji.' Dyer,' Pompeii.' Gell, 'Pompeiana.' Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon.' 33. SCULPTURE IN THE ROMAN PERIOD. Perry, Greek and Roman Sculpture.' Reber, History of Ancient Art.' Winckelmann, 'History of Ancient Art.' Lübke, History of Art,' Vol. I. Mitchell, 'History of Sculpture.' Lübke, History of Sculpture,' Vol. 1. Upcott, Introduction to Greek Sculpture." 6 Paris, Manual of Ancient Sculpture.' : Overbeck, Geschichte der griechischen Plastik.' Murray, 'History of Greek Sculpture.' < Pliny, Natural History,' Books xxxIII-xxxvII. Lord, 'Old Roman World.' Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans.' Taine, Italy - Naples and Rome.' ' 6 Flaxman, Lectures on Sculpture,' Lectures 3, 9. Lessing, Laocoön.' 6 Lemcke, Populäre Aesthetik.' Frank, Geschichte der Kunst,' pp. 52-70. Duruy, History of Rome,' see Indices of Illustrations, and General Index under Statues. < Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index. Liddell, History of Rome,' see Index. Dennis, 'Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index under Sculpture, Statues. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 51 Burn, Roman Literature and Roman Art.' Rydberg, Roman Days.' ( Symonds, Studies and Sketches in Italy.' Mollett, 'Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archaeology.' Lübke and Lützow, 'Denkmäler der Kunst.' Seemann and Springer, 'Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen.' Lanciani, ‘Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries.' Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Visconti, Museo Pio Clementino.' Visconti, Museo Chiaramonti.' De la Chausse, 'Le grand Cabinet romain.' " Roux, Herculanum et Pompéi.' Piroli, 'Antiquités d'Herculanum.’ Overbeck, Pompeji.' Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 6. Nichols, Handy-Book of the British Museum.' Carriere, 'Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturent- wickelung,' Vol. 11., see Table of Contents. Vollmer, 'Wörterbuch der Mythologie,' see Plates. Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums.' Piranesi, ‘Le Antichità Romane,' Vol. xviii. 34. ROMAN PAINTING. < Reber, History of Ancient Art.' Lübke, 'History of Art,' Vol. I. Woltmann and Woermann, History of Painting,' Vol. I. Pliny, Natural History,' Books xxxii., xxxvii. Müller, Ancient Art and its Remains.' Westropp, 'Handbook of Archaeology.' Frank, 'Geschichte der Kunst,' pp. 52-60. 52 REFERENCES IN Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' see the article Pictura, and Index, p. 1290. Rich, 'Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Index, p. 756, under The Fine Arts. Wright, History of Caricature and of Grotesque in Art.' " Parton, Caricature and other Comic Art.' Morris and Middleton, 'Mural Decoration,' in the Encyclo- paedia Britannica, Vol. xvii. Jones, Grammar of Ornament,' Chapters 5, 6. Lemcke, 'Populäre Aesthetik.' Carriere, 'Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturentwicke- lung,' Vol. I., p. 465 et al. Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Painting, Pompeii. Mommsen, 'History of Rome,' see Index. Dennis, 'Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index. Macmillan, Roman Mosaics,' p. 212 et seq. Murray, Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Baedeker, Southern Italy,' see Pompeii. Monnier, 'Wonders of Pompeii.' Monnier, Pompéi et les Pompéiens.' Dyer, 'Pompeii.' Overbeck, 'Pompeji.' Roux, ‘Herculanum et Pompéi,' Volumes I., V. Piroli, 'Antiquités d'Herculanum.' Mazois, Le Palais de Scaurus.' Lagrèze, Pompéi, les Catacombes, l'Alhambra.' Abbate, ‘Raccolta de' più belli Dipinti...nel Museo Borbonico.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Pompeji. Seemann and Springer, Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen,' 188– 191. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 53 Lübke and Lützow, 'Denkmäler der Kunst.' Piranesi, 'Le Antichità Romane,' Vols. xxv., xxvi. 35. ROMAN MOSAICS. Parker, Archaeology of Rome,' volume entitled 'Mosaic Paintings.' Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities,' see Index, p. 756, under The Fine Arts. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' pp. 431, 915. • Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' Müller, 'Ancient Art and its Remains.' Birch, Ancient Pottery,' see Index. Duruy, ‘History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi. Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' Chap. 6. Middleton, 'Mosaics,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. XV. Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Mosaik. Seeman and Springer, Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen,' No. 189, fig. 2, and No. 190, fig. 3. Marquardt and Mommsen, 'Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. vi., see Index under Mosaik. Overbeck, 'Pompeji.' Dyer, 'Pompeii.' Gell, Pompeiana.' < Weiss, Kostümkunde,' Vol. II., see Index under Mosaikfuss- boden. Piroli, Antiquités d'Herculanum.' 54 REFERENCES IN C Abbate, Raccolta de' più belli Dipinti... nel Museo Bor- bonico.' Roux, Herculanum et Pompéi.' Piranesi, ‘Le Antichità Romane,' Vol. xx. 36. ROMAN POTTERY. Birch, Ancient Pottery.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' article Fictile. Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' Pliny, Natural History,' see Index. Müller, ‘Ancient Art and its Remains.' Jacquemart,' History of the Ceramic Art.' Jännicke, 'Grundriss der Keramik,' Book II. Kirk, Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Vases.' Moses, 'Vases from the Collection of Sir H. Englefield.' Duruy, History of Rome,' see Indices of Illustrations, under Vases. Dennis, 'Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria,' see Index. Middleton, 'Pottery and Porcelain,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. xix. Wright, The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon,' see Index. Krause, 'Angeiologie: die Gefässe der alten Völker.' Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Vasenkunde. Seemann and Springer, Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen,' 30- 32. Murray, Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Dorow, 'Voyage archéologique dans l'ancienne Étrurie.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Baedeker, 'Southern Italy.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 55 " Overbeck, Pompeji.' Dyer, 'Pompeii.' Gell, Pompeiana.' Piroli, 'Antiquités d'Herculanum.' Abbate, 'Raccolta de' più belli Dipinti... nel Museo Borbo- nico.' Heydeman, 'Humoristische Vasenbilder aus Unteritalien.' Weiss, Kostümkunde,' Vol. I., pp. 1277-1304. 37. ROMAN GLYPTIC. Lübke, 'History of Art,' Vol. I., p. 318. < Lübke, History of Sculpture,' Vol. I., p. 308 et seq. Murray, ' Gems,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. x. Smith, 'Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,' p. IOIO. · Westropp, Handbook of Archaeology.' Pliny, Natural History,' Book xxxvii. Müller, Ancient Art and its Remains,' pp. 354–366. King, Antique Gems.' King, 'Natural History of Gems.' 6 King, Natural History of Precious Stones and Precious Metals.' Westropp, 'Manual of Precious Stones and Antique Gems.' Propert, A History of Miniature Art.' Jones, Finger Ring Lore.' Duruy, History of Rome,' see Indices of Illustrations of Coins and Gems. Blümner, 'Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste bei Griechen und Römern,' Vol. ш. Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' Vol. m., article Steinschneidekunst. 56 REFERENCES IN Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischen Alter- thümer,' Vol. VII., p. 707. Seemann and Springer, Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen,' 28, 29. Piroli, 'Antiquités d'Herculanum.' Abbate, 'Raccolta de' più belli Dipinti... nel Museo Bor- bonico.' 38. VIEW OF THE CITY OF ROME IN THE Earlier YEARS OF THE REPUBLIC. Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities,' Chap. 1. Dyer, 'The City of Rome: its Vicissitudes and Monuments.' Dyer, 'History of the City of Rome.' Mommsen, History of Rome.' Duruy,' History of Rome.' < Arnold, History of Rome.' Ihne, 'Early Rome.' Middleton, 'Ancient Rome in 1885.' Middleton, Rome - Topography and Archaeology,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. xx. Lanciani, 'Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries.' Manning, 'Italian Pictures,' p. 37 et seq. ( Burn, Rome and the Campagna.' Ampère, 'Histoire romaine à Rome.' 6 Boissier, Promenades archéologiques Rome et Pompéi.' Wägner, Rom,' Vol. I. Jordan, Topographie der Stadt Rom.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. III. Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Rom. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 57 39. VIEW OF THE CITY OF ROME IN THE TIME OF AUGUSTUS. Dyer, 'The City of Rome : its Vicissitudes and Monuments.' Dyer, 'History of the City of Rome.' Ramsay, 'Manual of Roman Antiquities,' Chap. 1. Smith, Classical Dictionary,' article Roma. Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography,' article Roma. Shumway, 'A Day in Ancient Rome.' Lanciani, 'Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries.' Middleton, 'Ancient Rome in 1885.' C Middleton, Rome-Topography and Archaeology,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. xx. Mommsen, 'Res gestae Divi Augusti ex monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi.' Merivale, 'History of the Romans under the Empire,' Vol. iv., p. 458 et seq. Duruy, History of Rome.' Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,' Vol. 1. Fisher, 'Beginnings of Christianity.' Ampère, L'Empire romain à Rome.' Capes, 'The Early Empire.' Sellar, Roman Poets of the Augustan Age - Virgil,' pp. 32 et seq. Inge, 'Society in Rome under the Caesars.' " Church, Roman Life in the Days of Cicero." Burn, 'Rome and the Campagna.' Baedeker, Central Italy and Rome.' Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Conybeare and Howson, 'Life and Epistles of St. Paul,' Vol. II., Chapters 24, 26. 58 REFERENCES IN Lecky,' History of European Morals,' Vol. 1. " Boissier, Promenades archéologiques-Rome et Pompéi.' Boissier, 'L'Opposition sous les Césars.' Dezobry, 'Rom im Jahrhundert des Augustus.' ( Jordan, Topographie der Stadt Rom.' Wägner, 'Rom,' Vol. II. < Ziegler, Das alte Rom.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. III. Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Rom. Schmidt, Geschichte der Denk- und Glaubensfreiheit,' p. 21 et seq. Carriere, Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturentwicke- lung,' Vol. 11. 40. VIEW OF THE CITY OF ROME IN THE LATER YEARS OF THE WESTERN EMPIRE. Dyer, The City of Rome: its Vicissitudes and Monuments.' Dyer,' History of the City of Rome.' Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' Merivale, 'History of the Romans under the Empire.' Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders." Hodgkin, 'The Dynasty of Theodosius.' C Bury, A History of the Later Roman Empire.' Boissier, 'L'Opposition sous les Césars.' 6 Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries.' Murray,' Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, Central Italy and Rome.' Burn, Rome and the Campagna.' Parker, Archaeology of Rome." 1 ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 59 Middleton, 'Ancient Rome in 1885.' Middleton, Rome - Topography and Archaeology,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. xx. Neander, History of the Christian Religion and Church.' < Lindsay, History of Christian Art,' Vol. I., p. 203 et seq. Cresy and Taylor, Architectural Antiquities of Rome.' < Jordan, Topographie der Stadt Rom.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. III. Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Rom. Carriere, 'Die . nst im Zusammenhang der Culturent- wickelung,' Vol. I., pp. 595-615. Schmidt, 'Geschichte der Denk- und Glaubensfreiheit,' p. 21 et seq. 41. ROME IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Nichols, The Marvels of Rome.' Dyer, 'The City of Rome : its Vicissitudes and Monuments.' Dyer, 'History of the City of Rome.' Lanciani, ‘Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries,' particularly the Preface. Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' เ Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders.' Sheppard, 'The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the New Na- tionalities.' Bryce, Holy Roman Empire.' Hallam, ' Middle Ages,' see Index under Rome. Gregorovius, 'Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter.' Carriere, Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturentwicke- lung,' Vol. III., see Table of Contents. 60 REFERENCES IN 42. THE REMAINS OF ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE IN MODERN ROME. Middleton, Ancient Rome in 1885.' < Murray, Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Hare, 'Walks in Rome.' Burn, Rome and the Campagna.' " Parker, Archaeology of Rome.' Wey, 'Rome.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography,' article Rome. Smith, 'Classical Dictionary,' article Rome. Lanciani, 'Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries.' Fergusson, History of Architecture,' Vol. 1. 6 Lübke, History of Art,' Vol. I. Reber, History of Ancient Art.' Dyer, 'The City of Rome: its Vicissitudes and Monu- ments.' Taine, Italy — Naples and Rome.' Whiteside, Vicissitudes of the Eternal City.' Story, 'Roba di Roma.’ Cresy and Taylor, The Architectural Antiquities of Rome.' Middleton, Rome - Topography and Archaeology,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica,' Vol. xx. Platner, Beschreibung der Stadt Rom.' Urlichs, Codex urbis Romae topographicus.' Platner and Urlichs, Beschreibung Roms.' < Ampère, 'L'Histoire romaine à Rome.' " Ampère, L'Empire romain à Rome.' Boissier, 'Promenades archéologiques-Rome et Pompéi.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 61 Ziegler, 'Das alte Rom." " Jordan, Topographie der Stadt Rom.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. III. Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' article Rom. Piranesi, Le Antichità Romane.' Canina, 'Gli Edifizii di Roma antica e sua Campagna.' Canina, 'L'Architettura antica.' 43. THE ROMAN CAMPAGNA, Burn, Rome and the Campagna.' Hare, 'Days near Rome.' Story,Roba di Roma.' Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography,' article Latium. Murray, 'Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' < Baedeker, Central Italy and Rome.' Forbes, Rambles in Rome.' Lanciani, Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries.' Rydberg, Roman Days.' • Duruy, History of Rome,' Vol. I. Mommsen, 'History of Rome,' see Index. Boissier, Promenades archéologiques - Rome et Pompéi.' Müller, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,' Vol. II., p. 742 et seq. Gregorovius, 'Wanderjahre,' Vol. II. Westphal, 'Die römische Kampagna.' Müller, Roms Campagna.' " 62 REFERENCES IN 44. THE ROMAN CATACOMBS. Dyer, 'The City of Rome: its Vicissitudes and Monuments.' Dyer, 'History of the City of Rome.' Parker, The Archaeology of Rome,' volume entitled 'The Catacombs.' Murray, ' Handbook of Rome and its Environs.' Baedeker, 'Central Italy and Rome.' Hare, 'Walks in Rome.' Forbes, Rambles in Rome.' Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi. Farrar, The Early Days of Christianity.' Venable, Catacombs,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. v. Smith and Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography,' etc. Northcote, 'A Visit to the Roman Catacombs.' ( Boissier, Promenades archéologiques - Rome et Pompéi.' Lagrèze, Pompéi, les Catacombes, l'Alhambra.' Roller, ‘Les Catacombes de Rome.' Rio, 'Poetry of Christian Art.' De Rossi, La Roma Sotterranea.' 45. THE LIFE OF THE EARLY CHRISTIANS AT ROME. Dyer, History of the City of Rome.' Dyer, 'The City of Rome: its Vicissitudes and Monuments.' Parker, Archaeology of Rome,' volume entitled The Catacombs.' Duruy, History of Rome,' see General Index, under Chris- tianity, Christians. ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 63 Merivale,' History of the Romans under the Empire.' Merivale, 'Conversion of the Roman Empire.' Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' Sheppard, The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the New Nationalities.' < Curteis, History of the Roman Empire.' Keightley, History of the Roman Empire.' Sismondi, ‘Fall of the Roman Empire.' Milman, 'History of Christianity.' Milman, History of Latin Christianity,' see Index under Roman. Fisher, The Beginnings of Christianity.' Farrar, The Early Days of Christianity.' Neander, History of the Christian Religion and Church,' Vol. I. Alzog,' Universal Church History,' Vol. 1. Capes, The Early Empire.' Capes, 'The Age of the Antonines.' Watson, 'Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,' pp. 257–308. Conybeare and Howson, 'Life and Epistles of St. Paul.' Pressensé, 'The Early Years of Christianity.' Kingsley, 'The Roman and the Teuton.' Rydberg, 'Roman Days.' Hare, 'Walks in Rome.' Mrs. Jameson, Sacred and Legendary Art.' Clement, Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art.' " Starr, E. A., Pilgrims and Shrines.' Starr, E. A., 'Patron Saints.' Venable, Catacombs,' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. v. 64 REFERENCES IN 46. EARLY CHRISTIAN ART in Rome. Lübke, History of Art,' Vol. 1. Lübke, 'History of Sculpture,' Vol. 1. Reber, History of Mediaeval Art.’ Perkins, ‘Tuscan Sculptors,' Vol. I., see Introduction. < Tyrwhitt, Christian Art and Symbols.' Lacroix, 'The Arts in the Middle Ages,' pp. 339–357. Duruy,' History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Christianity, Art. < Fergusson, History of Architecture.' < Woltmann and Woermann, History of Painting.' Ruskin, Mornings in Florence.' Parker, 'Archaeology of Rome,' volume entitled 'The Cata- combs.' Northcote, 'A Visit to the Roman Catacombs.' Roller, Les Catacombes de Rome.' Didron, Christian Iconography.' " Audsley, Handbook of Christian Symbolism.' Owen, 'The Art Schools of Mediaeval Christendom,' Chap. 1. Mrs. Jameson, Sacred and Legendary Art. 6 " Clement, Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art.' Mollett, 'Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archaeology.' Rio, 'Poetry of Christian Art.' De Rossi, La Roma Sotterranea.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 65 47. THE SURVIVALS FROM ANCIENT ROMan Life in MODERN ITALY. Story, ‘Roba di Roma.' Manning, 'Italian Pictures.' Hare, 'Walks in Rome.' Hare, 'Days near Rome.' Taine, Italy Naples and Rome.' ( Stanley, Christian Institutions.' Gregorovius, 'Wanderjahre,' Vol. 1. 48. INDEBTEDNESS OF THE ROMAN CIVILIZATION TO THE GREEK. Merivale, 'History of the Romans under the Empire,' see Index under Greece, Literature. ( Mommsen, History of Rome,' see Index under Greece, Lit- erature. Duruy,' History of Rome,' see General Index in Vol. vi., under Greece, Greek. < Liddell, History of Rome.' Sheppard, 'The Fall of Rome and Rise of the New Nationali- ties,' p. 37 et seq. Lord, Old Roman World,' Chapters 7, 8. Guhl and Koner, 'Life of the Greeks and Romans,' § 61 et seq. Sellar, Roman Poets of the Republic,' pp. 3, 47, 48, 121, et seq., 165-168, 204, 268, 269, 292–297. Sellar, Roman Poets of the Augustan Age-Virgil,' p. 38 et seq., pp. 153–162, 196–198, 308–312, et al. 66 REFERENCES IN ' Simcox, History of Latin Literature,' particularly the Intro- duction and Part 1. Cruttwell, History of Roman Literature.' Teuffel, History of Roman Literature,' see Index under Greek Influence. Browne, History of Roman Classical Literature,' see Index under Greek. Ritter, History of Ancient Philosophy,' Vol. iv., Chapters 1, 2. ( Zeller, Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics,' see Index, under Roman, Rome. Zeller, 'Outlines of the Greek Philosophy,' pp. 274 et seq. Schwegler, History of Philosophy,' pp. 137, 138. Lecky, 'History of European Morals,' Vol. 1., pp. 140–144. Lübke, History of Art,' Vol. I. Reber, History of Ancient Art.' Burn, 'Roman Literature and Roman Art.' Fergusson, History of Architecture,' Vol. I. Baumeister, 'Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums,' articles Baukunst, Thermen, etc. Saalfeld, Der Hellenismus in Latium.' 49. THE CAUSES OF ROME'S DECLINE. Seeley, 'Roman Imperialism.' Sheppard, The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the New Nationalities,' p. 61 et seq. Sismondi, The Fall of the Roman Empire.' C Duruy, History of Rome,' Vol. vi. Hodgkin, 'The Dynasty of Theodosius,' Lectures 1, 2. Hodgkin, 'Italy and her Invaders.' ROMAN ANTIQUITIES 67 Bury, 'The Later Roman Empire.' Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' Mommsen, History of Rome,' Vol. iv., latter part. Kingsley, 'The Roman and the Teuton,' Lecture 2. Blackwell, Memoirs of the Court of Augustus,' Book 3. Lord, Ancient States and Empires,' Chap. 45. 6 Lord, Old Roman World,' Chapters 10-13. Heron, Jurisprudence,' pp. 29, 30. Blanqui, History of Political Economy in Europe,' Chap. 8. Bancroft, Literary and Historical Miscellanies.' Carriere, 'Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturentwicke- lung,' Vol. II., pp. 609–636. Montesquieu, 'De la Grandeur des Romains et de leur Déca- dence.' 50. THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ROME TO MODERN CIVILIZATION. De Quincy, The Philosophy of Roman History,' in his Essays. Freeman, 'Historical Essays,' Second Series, p. 234 et seq. Freeman, 'The Chief Periods of European History.' Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders,' Vol. I., p. 231 et seq. Sheppard, 'The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the New Nationalities,' Lecture 1. Guizot, 'History of Civilization in France,' especially Vol. 1. Bryce, 'Holy Roman Empire.' Hallam, Literature of Europe,' see Index under Latin, Learning, Rome. Symonds, 'The Renaissance in Italy,' volume entitled 'The Revival of Learning.' J 68 REFERENCES IN ROMAN ANTIQUITIES Godwin, 'The History of France,' Vol. I., Chapters v.-VIII. Morey, 'Outlines of Roman Law,' p. 167 et seq. Hadley, 'Introduction to Roman Law, Chap. п. ( Mackenzie, Studies in Roman Law,' pp. 31-41. Scrutton, 'Influence of the Roman Law upon the Law of England.' < Stanley, Christian Institutions.' Clarke, Ten Great Religions,' Chap. VIII. Chappell, History of Music.' Burney,' History of Music.' Coote, 'The Romans of Britain.' Wright, 'The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon.' Scarth, Roman Britain,' pp. 161-181, 196-231. Goldwin Smith, 'The Greatness of the Romans,' in the Con- temporary Review for May, 1878. Edinburgh Review for July, 1851, 'The Romans in Britain,' Vol. XCIV., p. 177. I. SUPPLEMENTARY. Select List OF HISTORICAL NOVELS PORTRAY- ING LIFE IN THE ROMAN PERIOD. Eckstein, ‘Prusius.' First half of the First Century, B. C. Herbert, 'The Roman Traitor.' First half of the First Cen- tury, B. C. Conspiracy of Catiline. Wallace, 'Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.' First half of the First Century, a. D. Eckstein, 'Nero.' Second half of the First Century, A. D. Lytton, 'Last Days of Pompeii.' Second half of the First Century, A. D. Eckstein, Quintus Claudius.' Second half of the First Cen- tury, A. D. Reign of Domitian. Ebers, The Emperor.' First half of the Second Century, A. D. Reign of Hadrian. Taylor, Antinous.' 'Antinous.' First half of the Second Century, a. D. Reign of Hadrian. Richardson, The Son of a Star.' First half of the Second Century, A. D. Reign of Hadrian. Pater, ‘Marius the Epicurean.' Last half of the Second Cen- tury, A. D. Reign of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Ware, 'Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra.' Second half of the Third Century, A. D. Reign of Aurelian. Eckstein, 'The Chaldaean Magician.' Close of the Third Century, A. D. 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London, 1877-1882. 373. Stafford, W. C., A History of Music. Edinburgh, 1830. 374. Stanley, A. P., Christian Institutions. Essays on Ecclesi- astical Subjects. New York, 1881. 375. Starcke, C. N., The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development. London, 1889. 376. Starr, Miss E. A., Patron Saints. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1881, 1883. 377. Starr, Miss E. A., Pilgrims and Shrines. 2 vols. Chicago, 1883. 378. Story, W. W., Roba di Roma. New edition. 2 vols. Boston and New York, 1887. 379. Symonds, J. A., Renaissance in Italy. 7 vols. London, 1875-1886. In 5 vols. New York, 1885. 380. Symonds, J. A., Sketches and Studies in Italy. London, 1879. 98 EDITIONS OF 381. Taine, H., Italy - Naples and Rome. French by J. Durand. London, 1867. Translated from the 382. Taine, H., The Philosophy of Art. Translated by the Author. London, 1867. Taylor, G. L., see Cresy and Taylor. 383. Taylor, I., The Alphabet. An Account of the Origin and Development of Letters. 2 vols. London, 1883. 384. 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B., Primitive Culture: Researches into the Devel- opment of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Language, Art, and Custom. Third American, from the second Eng- lish edition. 2 vols. New York, 1888. 393. Tyrwhitt, R. S. J., Christian Art and Symbolism. London, 1872. 394. Upcott, L. E., Introduction to Greek Sculpture. Oxford, 1887. Würz- 395. Urlichs, C. L., Codex urbis Romae topographicus. burg, 1871. WORKS CITED 99 396. Van Dyke, J. C., Principles of Art. New York, 1887. 397. Viollet-le-Duc, E., Discourses on Architecture. by Van Brunt. 2 vols. Translated Boston, 1875, 1881. 398. Viollet-le-Duc, E., The Habitations of Man in all Ages. Translated by B. Bucknall. Boston, 1876. 399. Visconti, G. and E. Q., Il Museo Pio Clementino illustrato e descritto. 7 vols. Milan, 1818–22. 400. Visconti, F. A., and G. A. Guattani, Il Museo chiaramonti, descritto e illustrato. Milan, 1820. 401. Vitruvius, De Architectura libri decem. Ediderunt Rose et Müller-Strübing. Leipsic, 1867. 402. Vitruvius, The Architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, in Ten Books. Translated from the Latin by Joseph Gwilt. • New edition, revised. London, 1874. 403. Vitruvius, On Architecture. Translated into English by W. Newton. 2 vols. London, 1791. 404. Vollmer, W., Ein vollständiges Wörterbuch der Mythologie aller Völker. Second edition. Stuttgart, 1850. 405. Wägner, W., Rom. Anfang, Fortgang, Ausbreitung und Third edition. 3 vols. Verfall des Weltreiches der Römer. Leipsic, 1876-77. 406. Waldstein, C., Essays on the Art of Pheidias. Cambridge and New York, 1885. 407. Wallon, H. A., Histoire d'esclavage dans l'antiquité. 3 vols. Paris, 1879. 408. Walter, F., Geschichte des römischen Rechts bis auf Justi- nian. 2 vols. Bonn, 1860. 409. Warnkönig, L. A., Vorschule der Institutionen und Pandek- ten. Freiburg, 1854. 410. Watson, P. B., Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. London, 1884. 411. Watson, J., The Medical Profession in Ancient Times. New York, 1856. 412. Wattenbach, W., Anleitung zur lateinischen Palaeographie. Fourth edition. Leipsic, 1886. 100 EDITIONS OF ! 413. Wattenbach, W., Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. Second edition. Leipsic, 1875. 414. Weiss, H., Kostümkunde: Handbuch der Geschichte der Tracht, des Baues und des Geräthes der Völker des Alter- thums. 4 vols. Berlin, 1860. Berlin, 1860. Second edition, Berlin, 1881-83. 415. Westphal, J. H., Die römische Kampagne in topographischer und antiquarischer Hinsicht dargestellt. Berlin and Stettin, 1829. 416. Westphal, R., Die Musik des griechischen Alterthums, nach den alten Quellen neu bearbeitet. Leipsic, 1883. 417. Westropp, H. M., Handbook of Archaeology, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman. Second edition. London, 1878. 418. Westropp, H. M., A Manual of Precious Stones and Antique Gems. London, 1873. 419. Wey, F., Rome... With an Introduction by W. W. Story. New edition, London, 1875. 420. Whiteside, J., The Vicissitudes of the Eternal City: or, An- cient Rome. London, 1849. 421. Wieseler, F., Theatergebäude und Denkmäler des Bühnen- wesens bei den Griechen und Römern. Göttingen, 1851. 422. Winckelmann, J., The History of Ancient Art. Translated into English by G. H. Lodge. 4 vols. Boston, 1880. 423. Woltmann, A., and K. Woermann, History of Painting. Translated by C. Bell. Edited by S. Colvin. 2 vols. London, 1880. 424. Wordsworth, C., Greece, Pictorial, Historical, and Descrip- tive. Third edition, revised by H. F. Tozer. London, 1882. 425. Wright, I., A History of Caricature and Grotesque in Litera- ture and Art. London, 1875. 426. Wright, T., The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. Second edition. London, 1861. Fourth edition. London, 1885. WORKS CITED 101 427. Wright, T., Essays on Archaeology. 2 2 vols. London, 1861. 428. Wyttenbach, J. H., The Stranger's Guide to the Roman An- tiquities of the City of Treves. Edited under the direction of D. Turner. London, 1839. 429. Zangemeister, K., and W. Wattenbach, Exempla codicum Latinorum litteris maiusculis scriptorum. Heidelberg, 1876. 430. Zangemeister, K., and W. Wattenbach, Exemplorum Codi- cum Latinorum litteris maiusculis scriptorum supple- mentum. Heidelberg, 1879. 431. Zeller, E., A History of Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy. Translated by S. F. Alleyne. London, 1883. 432. Zeller, E., Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy. Translated by Sarah F. Alleyne and Evelyn Abbot. New York, 1886. 433. Zeller, E., The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. Trans- lated from the German by O. J. Reichel. London, 1870. 434. Ziegler, C., Das alte Rom. Tafeln in Farbendruck und Holzschnitte, mit erläuterndem Texte. Stuttgart, 1882. 435. Zimmern, S. W., Geschichte des römischen Privatrechts bis Justinian. Heidelberg, 1826. Allyn & Bacon.... Boston. R. G. Huling, Principal of High School, New Bedford, Mass. In its original English form it was a delightful primer, and in many schools has relieved the drudgery of elementary work in Latin. The changes introduced by Mr. Scudder are genuine im- provements, making the book far better for early translation than before. George W. Harper, Principal Woodward High School, Cincinnati. The Gradatim well bridges the gulf, to most pupils unfathomable, between the Latin Lessons and the Cæsar. Scudder's Gradatim, An Easy Latin Reader for Beginners. With Vocabulary. . . 16mo, cloth, 230 pages, 50 cents. Adopted in such schools as Concord High School, Keene High School, N. H.; Miss Hersey's School, Hopkinson's School, Boston; High Schools at Brockton and Braintree, Mass.; Binghamton, Cooperstown, and Glens Falls, N. Y.; Albany and Troy Academies, New York; Easton Academy and Reading Seminary, Pa.; Cleveland High School, Marietta Academy, Ohio; Whipple Academy, Jacksonville, Illinois; North High School and Harvard School, Chicago; Wabash College Preparatory Department, Ind.; Carleton College Preparatory Department, Minn.; Pantops Academy, Va. ; Rugby School, Ky.; Wofford College Preparatory Department, S. C. ; University School, Nashville, Tennessee. I Scudder's Gradatim. George H. Browne, Preparatory School, Cam- bridge, Mass. I have used the English edition of the book for six years. With your additions to the text and improved vocabulary, it will be still more satisfactory. I cordially commend this edition. F. S. Fosdick, Principal Classical Dept., Buffalo High School, N. Y.- Scudder's edition of Gradatim. is, in my opinion, far superior to any other book for elementary translation. Prof. Jacob Cooper, Rutgers College, N. J.- An admirable book for beginners. Nothing can be more natural than its method, and the stories selected are so interesting that they will surely fix the attention of the pupil. Prof. John H. Grove, Wesleyan University, Ohio. -It is certainly an excellent book to put into the hands of beginners in Latin. In its admirable choice of material, as well as by its attractive appearance, it will commend itself to all instructors. W. T. Jackson, Supt. of Schools, Fostoria, Ohio. – The book gives thorough satisfaction. The plan of giving just enough grammar for the needs of the scholar, as he advances, is excellent; and interest is better sustained by narrative than by detached sen- tences. O. S. Westcott, Principal North Div. High School, Chicago. Scudder's Gradatim I am using regularly as supplementary work in my Virgil class. M Prof. B. L. D'Ooge, Normal School, Ypsilanti, Mich. It is in my judgment by far the best avail- able collection of easy Latin selections, and cannot fail to be useful as an introduction to Caesar, or afterwards for supplementary work. Allyn & Bacon.... Boston. Comstock's First Latin Book. 12mo, half leather, 320 pages, $1.00. It contains: I. A Review of English Grammar. II. Elementary Principles and Definitions. III. The Latin Lessons. IV. The Essentials of Latin Syntax. V. An Appendix of Forms of Inflection. VI. Complete Vocabularies. It has no rival in the vital points of fulness and accuracy, of clearness and conciseness, of judicious gradation and arrangement, and of absolute complete- ness. H. C. Missimer, Principal High School, Erie, Pa. It is very easy to see that Comstock's First Latin Book is the work of a thorough teacher, who has had actual experience in the class-room with the difficulties which beginners in Latin usually meet. Its classification and methods are thorough and com- plete. The language is so clear, so simple, and school-like, that the dullest pupil, if he read care- fully, should understand without further explanation. Mr. Comstock has hit the nail on the head. He knows just what and just how much grammar is needed for good, clean work. We have had Leigh- ton and Jones, both good; but we like Comstock more, because it is better. Comstock's First Latin Book. W. H. Lambert, Principal of High School, Fall River, Mass. I have found it a thoroughly practi- cal book. There are many of its features which are worthy of the highest praise, but I am especially delighted with the manner in which the subjunctive and the indirect discourse have been treated. The plan devised for the review of English grammar deserves to be copied into other books. Dr. John S. White, Head-Master Berkeley School, New York City. - Comstock's Latin Book I find the best book for its purpose that I have ever used. The review of English grammar at the beginning; the separation of the vocabularies from the exer- cises; judicious and progressive presentation of the various uses of the verb in the different moods; and the condensed exhibit of the grammar, such valuable features gathered within the covers of a text-book, that it has no rival. are Prof. H. G. Buehler, Pennsylvania College, Gettys- burg. For mature students, who are able to think at all, it is one of the few thoroughly satisfactory text- books which I have used. I regard it one of the best school books published for the older class of beginners. Prof. John W. Heston, State College, Pa. — I consider it the best preparatory book I have ever used. My classes begin Caesar two months earlier and read it with more facility and better success than with any other beginners' book. Prof. H. W. Johnston, Illinois College.-It has proved in all respects the best manual for the use of beginners that I have ever had. Allyn & Bacon.... Boston. Kelsey's Caesar's Gallic War. BOOKS I. TO VII. With Introduction, Notes, Vocabulary, Table of Idioms, and twenty full- page Illustrations. 12mo, half leather. $1.25. Throughout the book every effort has been made, by way of illustration and comment, to render the study of Caesar attractive and useful,- a means of culture as well as of discipline. That the result has been to produce the best-equipped edi- tion of the Gallic War is generally con- ceded. Dr. J. H. Hanson, Classical Institute, Waterville, Me. It is the ideal Caesar realized. That it sur- passes all its competitors must, it seems to me, be the universal verdict. Richard M. Jones, Head-Master Wm. Penn Charter School, Philadelphia.- Kelsey's Caesar is in my judgment the nearest approach yet made in this country to what a school edition of an ancient classic should be. Dr. James M. Milne, Normal School, Oneonta, N. Y.- I am delighted with it. Its accurate scholar. ship, its broad scope, its illustrations, the clearness of the text, all make it the ideal book. Kelsey's Caesar. Miss Ellen Hyde, Principal State Normal School, Framingham, Mass.-This is one of the few text- books which leave nothing to be desired. It is a day of good omen for education when such appreciative and scholarly work is put into school text-books; and that pupil must be very dull or very ill-taught who does not derive some genuine culture from a book which embodies so much of it. Charles S. Chapin, Hartford High School, Conn. - I consider Kelsey's Caesar, both for teacher and pupil, the most admirable edition in the field, com- bining in one volume all the instruments for success- ful study of the Commentaries. L. C. Hull, Lawrenceville School, N. J. — It seems to me the very best edition of our schoolboy's friend. The introduction is unquestionably superior to any- thing of the kind in other editions; the maps are placed where they should be, in the body of the text; the illustrations are so good that they speak for themselves; the notes are helpful, without parad- ing the impertinent erudition of the editor; and the vocabulary is as full as any of our pupils can use advantageously. John F. Kent, Principal of High School, Concord, N. H.-I have been delighted to see what a grand success it is. In text and illustration it is a marvel of the printer's art, and in my opinion easily takes the lead of all other editions. W. W. Grant, Principal High School, Indian- apolis, Ind. -It seems to me decidedly the best edition of Caesar published for school use. Allyn & Bacon.... Boston. Maine; Adopted at the High Schools of Bath and Hallowell, Hartford, Norwich, and Meriden, Ct.; Ogdensburgh, Ilion, Plattsburgh, Adams, and Flushing, New York; Jersey City, Montclair, and Plainfield, New Jersey; York, Pittsburgh, and Beaver, Pa.; Cleveland and Findlay, Ohio; Decatur and Quincy, Ill.; Saint Paul, Minnesota; and at Phillips Academy Exeter, N. Hampshire; Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass.; Thayer Academy, Braintree, Mass. ; Colgate Academy, Hamilton, N.Y.; Friends' Central High School, 12mo. Bound in Leather. With col- ored Maps, Plans, Illus- trations, and Vocabulary. $1.60. Adopted at Kelsey's Xenophon's Anabasis. Philadelphia; Horner Sch., Oxford, N. C. Berkeley School, New York City; Dr. Pingry's School, Hasbrouck Institute, Dearborn-Morgan Sch., Peddie Institute, N. J.; De Lancy School and Germantown Academy, Pa. In the Prep. Dep'ts of Bucknell University, Westminster College, De Pauw University, Oberlin College, Cornell College, University of Neb., Iowa College, Colorado College, Hanover College, and many other schools and colleges. Kelsey's Anabasis. F. S. Morrison, High School, Hartford, Conn. - I have examined it with interest and pleasure; and am particularly pleased with the maps, the introduc- tory matter, and the table of idioms, supplying so much that is valuable yet lacking in our other editions. E. E. Wentworth, Principal High School, Great Barrington, Mass.- In my opinion, it leads all other editions by as wide a stride as was made by Kelsey's Caesar, and that is saying a great deal. C. S. Halsey, Classical Institute, Schenectady, N. Y.-The notes are excellent; they furnish just the aid that is needed and no more. Especially worthy of commendation are the vocabulary and pages devoted to Idioms and Phrases. John G. Wight, Union School, Cooperstown, N. Y. - For complete and comprehensive excellence — in respect to text, clear and exhaustive introduction, instructive illustrations, maps, notes, and vocabulary -it is unequalled by any text-book with which I am acquainted. -I am D. C. Farr, Glens Falls Academy, N. Y. sure every teacher ought to introduce the book first, and then congratulate you on making the best edition of the Anabasis yet published. Prof. H. S. Kritz, Wabash College, Crawfords- ville, Ind. - Nothing so beautiful and elegant in typography, or more neat and substantial in binding, has come under my observation for a long time. The editorial work has been done with rare appre- ciation of the wants of the students. Dr. William B. Corbyn, Principal High School, Quincy, Ill. It is admirable. We shall adopt it immediately. Allyn & Bacon . . . . Boston. Frost's Illustrated. BY 12mo, cloth. Greek W. G. FROST, $1.00. Oberlin College. Primer. The prominent features of the book are: I. A Select Vocabulary of 650 words, includ- ing all that appear as many as seven times in the Anabasis, Books I.-III. II. A Rational Use of the Grammar, giving a topical review of Syntax, but without refer- ence to exceptional usage. III. The Inductive Method, not dominating the plan of the book, but constantly kept in view. IV. In Improved Order of Development, ab- breviating details and placing emphasis upon matters of practical importance. V. Copious and Varied Exercises for reading as well as for translation. for The Nation, N. Y. This book marks a decided advance towards a rational treatment of Greek for beginners. The author has dared to compose some easy Greek in connected discourse, has inserted an epitaph and an ode of Anacreon; and un-Attic words are sometimes employed. This will never do the "machine." . . . In general the book indicates some respect for a pupil's reason, and some recog- nition of the fact that first steps in Greek may safely be made similar to those in use for modern languages. Frost's Greek Primer. Adopted for use at: Wesleyan Seminary, Kent's Hill, Me.; Thayer Academy, Braintree, Mass.; Berkeley School, New York City; Riverview Academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Dearborn-Morgan School, Orange, N. J.; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa.; University School, Petersburg, Virginia; Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.; Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C.; Mercer University, Macon, Georgia; and the High Schools at: Bath, Me.; Springfield, Mass.; Meriden, Ct. ; Binghamton, Adams, Kingston, Waverly, N. Y.; Franklin, Titusville, Williamsport, Pa.; Quincy and Rockford, Ill.; Burlington, Ia.; Leavenworth, Kan.; Denver, Colo.; and many others of similar standing. Prof. H. S. Kritz, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. You will be pleased to know that I am having better success in teaching a beginners' class in Frost's Primer than with any other book hitherto used. R. W. Tunstall, Principal Norfolk Academy, Va. - It is a delight alike to eye and mind. The next time I hear anybody question the educational value of Greek, I am going to show him this book as my only argument. It shall certainly be adopted for our next class. Charles E. Lord, Principal Franklin Academy, Pa. I think the Greek Primer by far the best book for beginners that I have ever seen. It works admi- rably with the class, and they are much interested. Allyn & Bacon.... Boston. Keep's Homer's Iliad AND Thurber's Vocabulary Are now made in the following forms: Iliad, Books I.-III., cloth Iliad, Books I.-VI., leather • $0.90 bound with Vocab., leather 1.20 1.40 bound with Vocab., leather 1.60 Vocabulary to Iliad, I.-VI., paper 0.50 The editions of Books I.-VI. contain a fac- simile of a page of the famous Venetian Manu- script of the Iliad. No pains have been spared to make these the most useful and practical editions of the Iliad that can be put into the hands of a beginner, and they are almost univers- ally accepted, not only as the best school editions of any part of Homer, but also as text-books of altogether exceptional merit. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge, University of Michigan. — It is unquestionably the most useful and the most attractive school edition of the first six books of the Iliad that has ever been prepared for English-speaking students. The Introduction, the Essay on Scanning, and the Sketch of the Epic Dialect are each admi- rable in its way; while the notes in general seem well suited to the wants of those for whom the edition is designed. • T 独 ​$ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY MAR 2 $1977 DATE DUE UN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02674 4212 ייז DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD BRC PRINTED IN U S. A DAN Cat. No. 23 520