Records OF THE Connecticut State Society OF THE ין Cincinnati 1783-1804 ཀ་ བ་འད་བ་ ليا 202.1 .C82 *** 11 . NAST UND Connecticut Historical Society **** ** ** 2 h,***ཐཱཥ་ འདེམཁཏུ་ P',£R། โ S *ས ་** тора C 451,894 1༞༞** SE المري 2X: RECORDS OF THE ECTICUT STATE SOCIETY ة السيد AZ EM HALTUNGENTI...? い ​OF-THE CINCINNATI 1783 - 1804 す ​་་་ 3372 HUB, MA. • ARTES LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN EXE FURIOUS UNUL TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM • CIRCUMSPICE THE GIFT OF Yale Univ. Lib. EXX 202.1 C82 SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY RECORDS OF THE CONNECTICUT STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI Um 1783 1804 1 HARTFORD CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1916 C TH HE Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati, one of the distinct state organ- izations which together constitute the General Society, was, like the General The So- Society, organized in camp on the Hudson River in July 1783. ciety, composed of officers who had served for three years in the American army during the war of the Revolution, was organized upon an "Institution" which breathed a lofty spirit of patriotism, friendship and benevolence. Unfortunately for the Society, as it proved, the right of membership descended from the original mem- bers and officers in the line of eldest male descent. This regulation at once created a feeling of prejudice and opposition toward the Society throughout the country; a feeling which the French idea of liberty and equality so prevalent in the United States a few years later probably served to increase. It was believed that the Society was an attempt to establish a military aristocracy in the new republic. The opposition to it was so strong in Connecticut that the Society was refused an act of incorporation by the General Assembly in October 1803. This was the beginning of the end; for at its annual meeting on July 4 of the following year, 1804, the Society passed a formal vote of dissolution because of the strong prejudice against it. At the same meeting votes were passed that each member or his legal heirs should be entitled to receive his pro- portion of the funds of the Society, and that all moneys not paid to members by the 10th day of the following May should be placed in the treasury of Yale College in trust, to be paid over on application to the several persons entitled to receive them. A vote was also passed that all the books, papers and other documents of the Society be deposited in the hands of John Mix of Farmington, the then Secretary. Lieutenant John Mix died February 23, 1826, and on January 12, 1842, Egbert Cowles, the ad- ministrator on his estate, delivered these books of records, accompanying manuscript documents and printed pamphlets, to the Connecticut Historical Society, in whose custody they have since remained. The records proper are contained in two small volumes; the earlier consisting of 168 pages of which three are blank, the other of 58 written pages followed by many blank pages. Together they form the volume here published, the reproduction being the exact size of the original pages. b21-88- Yale University Library Recla 300074 Notwithstanding the vote of the Society at the time of its dissolution, that all of its records should remain in the hands of its late Secretary, John Mix, the Treasurer's book of Records accompanied the balance of the Society's funds when they were depos- ited with Yale College, and still remains in its custody. The College paid to former members or their heirs after receipt of the funds $2078.40; but since August 31, 1835, no further payments have been made. The sum now remaining is $1700.00, and the in- come derived from it is expended in the purchase of books for the University Library. The publication of this volume of RECORDS and of the accompanying volume of PAPERS of the original Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati is due to the in- terest and generosity of Morgan Gardner Bulkeley of Hartford, sometime Governor of the State and United States Senator, and a member of the revived Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati in right of his great-grandfather Lieutenant-Colonel Elipha- let Bulkeley of Colchester, Connecticut. Senator Bulkeley, who for more than a score of years has been a valued member of the Connecticut Historical Society, and who with his brother the late General William Henry Bulkeley has previously pre- sented the Society with one volume of its Collections, now presents to the Society these two volumes of Cincinnati Records and Papers. A number of orations and a sermon delivered before the Society at its annual meetings were printed. With the exception of that of Colonel David Humphreys of 1789, which was probably paid for by himself, all were published at the request and the charge of the Society. As they form a part of its life and activities, a list of them is given below. The toasts given at some of the dinners were also printed; but no copies of any of these minor publications are now known. An | Oration, | Delivered at the North Church in Hartford, at the meeting of the | Connecticut Society | of the | Cincinnati, | July 4th, 1787. In commemoration of the | Independence of the United States. By Joel Barlow, Esquire. | Hartford: | Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, near the Bridge. | [1787] Small quarto, 20 pages. Officially published. An | Oration | on | The Political Situation of the United States of America, in the Year 1789. | Pronounced before the State Society of the Cincinnati | of Connecticut, at New-Haven, in Celebration of the Thirteenth Anniversary of Independence. | Published at the request of the Society. | Octavo, pages 331-348. In The Miscellaneous Works of Colonel [David] Humphreys. New York. M.DCC.XC. 1:5 An | Oration, spoken before the Society of the | Cincinnati, | of the state of Connecti- cut, Met in Hartford, on the 4th of July, 1792. | By Theodore Dwight, Esquire. | Printed at Hartford, | By Hudson and Goodwin. | MDCCXCII. | Octavo, 18 pages. Officially published. An | Oration, | delivered before the Society of Cincinnati, | Hartford, July 4, 1794. | By Elijah Waterman. [Four lines of quotations.] Printed at Hartford, | By Hudson and Goodwin. | MDCCXCIV. | Octavo, 20 pages. Officially published. | The true means of establishing public happiness. | A | Sermon, | delivered | on the 7th of July, 1795, | before the | Connecticut Society of Cincinnati, | and published at their request. | [1795.] New-Haven: | Printed by T. & S. Green, and sold by I. Beers, at his Book-Store. | Octavo, 40 pages. By Rev. Timothy Dwight. Officially published in an edition of 300 copies. An | Oration, | on | Party Spirit, | pronounced before the | Connecticut Society | of | Cincinnati, convened at Hartford, for the | Celebration | of | American Independence, | on the 4th of July, 1798. | By Thomas Day. | Printed at Litchfield by T. Collier. | [1798] Octavo, 28 pages. Officially published in an edition of 300 copies. An | Oration, | spoken at | Hartford, | in the State of Connecticut, on the | anniversary of American Independence, July 4th, 1798. | By Theodore Dwight. | Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. | 1798. | Octavo, 31 pages. The Society in June 1799 paid Hudson and Goodwin for printing 300 copies of Mr. Dwight's Oration. An | Oration, on the | Apparent, and the Real Political Situation of the | United | States, pronounced | Before the Connecticut So- | ciety of Cincinnati, | assembled, at New- Haven, for the celebra- tion of | American Independence, | July the 4th, 1799. | By Zechariah Lewis, a Tutor of Yale-College. | New-Haven: | Printed by Thomas Green and Son. | 1799. | Octavo, 27 pages. Officially published in an edition of 300 copies. Sun-Beams may be extracted from | Cucumbers, but the process is tedious. | An | Oration, pronounced | on the | Fourth of July, 1799. At the request of the citizens of | New-Haven. By David Daggett. | New-Haven: | Printed by Thomas Green and Son. | | | 1799. ❘ [Copy Right Secured.] | Octavo, 28 pages. Delivered before the Society at the request of the citizens of New Haven. The Society paid for printing 300 copies of it. An | Oration, | delivered at New-Haven on the 7th of July, | A. D. 1801, | Before the Society of the Cincinnati, | for the State of Connecticut, As- | sembled to Celebrate the An- | niversary of | American Independence. | By Theodore Dwight. [Three lines of quota- tion.] Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. | 1801 1 Octavo, 43 pages. Officially published in an edition of 300 copies. An | Oration, delivered at Hartford on the 6th of July, | A. D. 1802. | Before the Society of the Cincinnati, | for the State of Connecticut, | Assembled to celebrate the Anniver- sary of American Independence. | By Benjamin Silliman. [Three lines of quotation.] Hartford: | Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. | 1802. | Octavo, 34 pages. Officially published in an edition of 300 copies. An | Oration, pronounced at | Hartford, | before the Society of the | Cincinnati, | for the State of Connecticut, | convened to celebrate the anniversary of American Indepen- dence, July 4th, 1804. | By Junius Smith | Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin. | 1804. | Octavo, 27 pages. Officially published in an edition of 300 copies. In A Valedictory Discourse, | delivered | before the Cincinnati of Connecticut, Hartford, July 4th, 1804, | at the dissolution of the society. | By D. Humphreys, | late Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, at the Court of Madrid. | Pub- lished at the request of the Society. | Boston, | Printed by Gilbert and Dean, No. 78, State-Street. 1804. | Octavo, 60 pages. Officially published in an edition of 300 copies. Colonel Humphreys at the annual meeting of July 1788 communicated to the Society his life of Major-General Putnam, for which the Society returned its thanks and expressed the wish that it might be printed. It appeared in print during the year with the following title: An Essay on the Life of the Honorable Major-General | Israel Putnam: | Addressed to the State Society of the Cincinnati | in Connecticut. | By Col. David Humph- reys. | Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, | M.DCC.LXXXVIII. | Duodecimo, 187 pages. An oration delivered before the Society by James Gould at the annual meeting of July 1795 was requested for publication but apparently was not given. It was later issued with the following title: An | Oration, pronounced at Litchfield, | on the | Anniversary | of the | Indepen- dence of the United States of America, | in the year M,DCC,xcvIII. | By James Gould. [Litchfield] Printed by T. Collier. Octavo, 32 pages. [1798.] Most of the following pages were written in the year 1795, and pronounced, on the Anniver- sary of American Independence, before the Cincinnati of Connecticut, at New-Haven." Steps were taken in 1890 to revive the Connecticut State Society of the Cin- cinnati, by sending to the meeting of the General Society held in Baltimore in May of that year, a delegation selected by a meeting of persons who had presumably the right to inherit membership. A petition asking that the Connecticut Society be restored was presented by the delegation. At the next triennial meeting of the General Society in 1893 the restoration of the Connecticut Society was voted as soon as it should comply with certain conditions relating to its finances. At the next following triennial meeting in 1896, the conditions having been complied with, the Connecticut Society was recognized and the representatives thereof duly admitted as members" of the Gen- eral Society. On July 4th of that year a meeting was held in the Senate Chamber of the State Capitol at Hartford, a full complement of officers was elected, and the Con- necticut Society became fully reorganized and restored. (C A. C. B. Rrecords and Precedings of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati . 3 – 1783- 3 Cantonment of the American limy Cen the Hudsons Zwier 80th May 1783. Proposals for establishing a Societin in conjunc upon principles Theren mentioned, whores Members shall be Officer of the American Army, having been conmmunicated to the se :veral regiments of the respective Lines, they appointed an Oficer from each, who, in Fron with the General Officers, should take the came into consideration, at their meeting that Day, at wheels The Hon Major General Bann de Steuber the senior Officer present, was pleased priside.. The Proposals being read บุ read, fully considered, paragraph by jhara graph, and the Amendments agreed to – Major General knox. B General Huntington B General Handi, and Captain Traw, نے were chosen to revise the same, and prepare a Copy to be laid be: fore this Assembly, at their next meeting, to be holden at Major General Bason Isten: bens Quarters, on Tuesday the 13th instanty 13th May 0183– Suesday 13. The representatives of the Americas Ammy being assembled, agreably to adiono ment, the plan for establishing a Society, whereof. to whereof the Offices of the Army are I be Members, is accepted, and is as follows + It having pleased the Supreme Governor of the Universe, in the disposition I human Svents, to cause the seperation of the Colonies of North America pom the Domination of Great Britain; and after a bloody conflict of Eight Years, to establish them pee, Independ: -ent & sovereign States, connected by Allianct pounded on reciprocal advantages with some of the Great Princes & Powers of the Earth, – perpetuate therefore, as well the res membrance of this vast lvent, as the mutual friendships. friendships whichs. have been formed under the pressure of common danger, and in many instances, comented by the Blood of the parties, the Officers of the Americais Army do hereby in the most solemn manner, associate, stitute and combine themselves into one. - Society of Friends _ to endure as long as they shall endure, or any of their eldest male posterity, and in failure thereof, the collateral branches who may be judged worthy of be: coming its supporters of members an The Ofries of the American Army, Laving generally been taken from the Etogens Amenia, possess Ligt veneration for the character of that illustrious Proman, Lucius uintius Cincinnatus, and being resolved $follow 7 to follow his example, by returning their litizenship, they think they may with propriety denominate themselves the quiety of the Cincinnation The following Puniciples shall be Le immutable, and form the Basis of the oeichs of the Cincinnati. – An incesant Attention to preserve. inviolate those exalted rights and Liberties of human nature, for which they have fought & bled; and without which, the Ligh rank of a rational being is a Curses stead of a Blessing. lusse in An unalterable determi nation to promote & cherish, between the respective States, that Union & national Honor, 30 essen Fially necessary to their happiness, and the future Dignity of the American Imprie : – To render permanent the cordial affection This spirit subsisting among the Oficer. will dictate brotherly kindness in all things, and particularly, extend to the most substan tal acts of Beneficence, according to the ability of the Society, towards thore Pficers and their families, who unfortunately may under the necessity of receiving it – of he The general Society will, for the sake (frequent comm communications, be suided into Stote Societies; and there again mits such Districts as shall be directed by the State Souctres en The 9 an: The Societies of the Districts to meet as often as shall be agreed upon by the State Societies. Those of the State, on the fourth day of July nually, or oftner if they shall find it 'expedient and the Seneral Recety on the first Monday of May, annually, so long as they shall deer necessary; and afterwards, at least once in tuce Grass - – At each meeting, of the Institution will be fully considered, and the best measures to promote them adopteduc 60 eaux the Innciples The State Societies will consist of all the Members residing in each State respectively And any Member removing pom Ane State to another, is to be considered, in all respects, as belonging to the Locrity of the State in which he chall actually reside- The State 10 The State Societies to horie a Pesident Vice President, Keretary, Leasurer and assistant Treasurer, to be chosen annually. by a majority of loter, at the State. Meeting Cach State Meeting shall write, an= -mally, if ally, or oftner is necessary, a circular Litter to the other State Societies ; noting, whatever they the may think worthy of Observation, respecting Good of the builty or general Union of the Aater- giving Information of the Officers choren for the current year. Copies of these Letters shall be regularly transmitted to the Suretay General of the Society, who will record them in a Book to be assigned for that purposes, The State Society will regulate wery thing importing thrill, and the Soniction and ич the день of its may be a of its districts, consistent with the general maxims of the Cincinnati : – judge of the qualifications of the Members who proposed, and expel any member, who, by Conduct inconsistent with a Gentleman and a Man of Honor, or by Opposition to the Interests of the Community in genesal, or the Society in particular, may render himself umvorthy to continue a an a membera which may In Order to form funds, chutem be respectable, and assist the unfortunate, cach Officer shall deliver to the Treasurer of the State Society One Month's pay, which shall remain forever to the Use of the State lociety: __ the Inte rest only of which, if necessars, to be appropie. vated to the relies of the unfortunater _ Donations may 72 Dy Donations may be made, by persons not of the Society, and by member of the Society, for the express purpose of forming permanent funds, for the Use of the State Society, and the sur terest of there donations appropriated in the same manner at that of the Months Payens Monies, at the pleasure of each be subsented in the Societies of the districts, or the State Societies, for the re- lies of the unfortunate Members, or their Member, may Widows or doptions, to be appropriated by the State Society only .- The Meeting of the General Society, shall consist of its Officers, & a representation pom each State Society, in number not exceed := ing five, whose lepences shall be born by their respective respectivic Itate Societies. 1.3 In the Ineral Meeting the President Que President, Secretary, Assistant écretari, Treasurer of Apirtant Treasurer, Senerals, chace be chosen, to serve until the next meeting by the The Circular Letters which have been written respective State Societies to each other, and their particular Laws, shall be read of considered, & all measures concerted which conduce to the general intendment of may the Society. may con Vall may It is probable that come persons make Donations to the general Society, for the purpose of establishing a fund, for the further comfort of the unfortunate; in which base, such donations shall be placed in the Hands of the the of the Treasurer General, the Interest only which to be dispored of ich necessary, by General Meeting.. All the Offices of the Amencion Mome as well those who have resigned with honor of Fer three Years Lowrie in the Capacity of 97: off. :fices, or who have been deranged by the Re- - solutions of Congress, upon the several reforms of the Army, as those who shall have con: tinued to the End of the War- have the night to become parties to this smititution. Provided that they subscribe cêne Months, 8 pay Jugn their Names to the general rules in the respective State Societies; _ those who are present with the Amey immediately, and others within six months after The Anny dérangéo, and Army shall be disbanded – extrordinary cases excepted. – The sank, Tine of Leurie, resolution of Congress by which any have been place of residence, must be added to cach naime, lend as a testimony of Affection to the Memor, and the Jsuch officess as have died on the Service, their eldest Male Branches shall have the same night of becoming member, as the thir dren of the actual Member of the locistyn Those ofrien who and foreigners, not resident in If the States will have their Names enrolled by the Secretary General, & are to be considered as member in the loci: :eties of any of the States in which they mayß happen to be a And as there are. & will 16 and will at all Jimies be Men in the respée: 右 ​Five States, eminent for their Abilities and patriotism, whose views may be directed u the same laudable Objects with thore of the Cincinnati, it shall be a rule to admit uut Characters, as honorary Members of the Society, for their own Lives only. Priided always, that the number of honorary Member of this in each State, does not exceed & ratio of One to four of the oppiess, or their descendents. Each State Society, shall obtain a Sist if its Members, and at the first annual Meet- -ing, the State Secretary shall have engrossed on parchment, two Copies of the Institution, which every Member present shall sign & the Seater Secretary shall endeavour to prouve the signiture of every absent Member. One of there lists to be transmitted to the Secretary General, to be kept in the Archives of the Boit ciety, and the other to remain in the Hande of the State Cecretary. From the State Lists the lecretary. General must make out, at the first Zeneral meeting, a compleat List of the wholerocity. with a Copy of which he will famich each State Lecretary- The Society shall have an Order- by which its Members shall be known, and dir Tinguished ; — which shall be a Medal of Pole, of a proper cise to receive the Emblems, and suspended by a deep blue ribbon, two Inches wide 18 wide, edged with white, descriptive of the Union of America & France –– on a The principal piqure, Cincinatus_ three Lenators presenting him with a Sword and other military Ensigns- a field in the bach ground, his Wife, standing at the Door of their bottage, rear it, a plough & Instruments of hus: Landry, _ round the whole, Amnia reliquit servare Rempublicans.. On the reverse. with open Gater- Sun rising - Ality with, - a and lepels entering the Fort – Tame crowning Cincinnates with Meath, insiribed Virtutis Prominu below- a Hands joined, cupporting à Mad with the motto _ Esto perpétua – -round the whole, Societas Cincinnatorum, instituta P 1783. 19 The Society deeply impresed with auna of the generous afccitance this Country has received pom France, and decrous of perpetuating the piendships which have been formed, and is happily subaited be tween the officers of the Allied Forces, in the prosecution of the War, direct, that the President Seneral transmit, as coon as may be, to each of the Characters here :after 20 hereafter named, a Medal, containing the Order of the Society His Exe 7 The Cheval de la Luzerne, Minister Plenipo Hii de ff the heir Gerard, late Minister Penipu Their Excellencies, The Count de Estaing The Count de Grasse. The Count de Barras. The Cheval des Touches Admirals Hommand" in the Navy Navy Ext. The Count de Rochambeau Command in thics - And The Generals &plonels in his Armag 1 and acquaint them, that the Society do them selver the Honor to consider them Members 21 Resolved That a Copy of the afregning Institution be given to the senin Offrier Jesh State Line, and that the Officers of the respective Fate Linies segue their Names to the same, in manner & form following. – Myten We the Subscribers, officers of the Ameri Army, do hereby voluntarily become parties to the aforegoing Inchtutions, and do bind ourselves to observe the govens therein contained pinciples therein ed by the for the performance whereof we do pledge to each other, our sacred Honor. Done in the Cantonments on da 22 River- in the Fear 1783– 22 That the Member of the Society, at the Seme of subsenbing their Names of the Institution do also sign a Draft on the day Master Seneral, in the following terms, _ "The Regiments to do it Regimentally, and the Sinerals and thin of: fies not belonging to Regiments, each for úmall individually – – Mlöyt L To Sohen Parie Bege PayMiehend to the Army of the United States Please to pay to reasurer for the State Apociation of the Cincinnati, or his Order, Ane Monthe pay of our several Grades respectively, and deduct the same from the Ballance which shall be found due to us on the pral liquidation of our Accounts; _ for white this shall be your Marrant 23 That the members of the several state Societies assemble, mble, as soon as may as may be, for the Chois of their Presidents & Other Officers; – and that the Presidents conespond together, and appoint Meeting of the Officers who may be chosen for a each State, in order to pursue such further mea- may be judged necessary. sures as mag That _The General Officers, and the offies- delegated to represent the several lospr of the Army, subscribe to the Entitution of the Sineral Society,, for themselves their constitut ents, in the Mannes & form before prescribed. That General Heath General Person de tauleene General Knox. lea 24 this Excellency, be a Committee, to wait on this Exec the Command in thuch with a Copy of the Institution, and request him to honor the ociety, by placing his Name at the Head of it - That, Major And Heath, second hereby in Command in this Amy, be of the Louby, is desired to hansmit Copies of the Institie: tion, with the proceedings thereon, to the liringe Commanding Ofreer of the Souther the senior officer in each State from :sylvania to Georgia inclusive, and, to the Commandy Officer of the Rhode Island fine; requesting them to communicate the same to the Officess under their several Command 25 Command, and to tatre such measures ex: as may appear to them necessary, for pediting the Establishments of their Stall Societies, and cending a delegation to represent them in the prit General Meeting to be holden on the first Monday in May 1984. Meeting then adjourned withert The day Heuber Maj. Gen. President A true Copy from the Original Atterts Jhumball and bedst to the Connectent State Cristy 26 Cantonment of the Anrencan Army 19 June 1783 let a meeting of the Send Offices and the Gentlemen delegated by the respective Regiments as a Convention for establishing the Society of the bincinnati, held by request of the President, at which were present- Major General Baron Steuben, Resident Major Gerd Howe LendCole Suntington L Maj Gerd Knox. B Gird Paterson. Brend Hand B3 Bend Huntington. Brew. Putnam Colo S.B. Welb bols Cortlandt Major Pettingal Lient- Whiting Cole 87 Jackson Cap Than Lien Cole Hull Lund Colo Maxwell– 27 Bason Stenben acquainted the bone contion that he had, agreeably to their request at the last meeting, hansmitted to the Ex of the Cheval da Luzerne, Minister Peniss- pom the Court of a song Copy of the Zuutitution of the Society of the Cincinnati with then Uoto respecting the dehf. & the other character therein mentioned; and that this Excelly had retur : ned an Answer, declaring his acceptance of the. and expressing the gratefull Sense he entertains o the Monor conferred on himself and the other Zen. Hemen of the French Nation, by this but of the Resolved that the Letter Convention a of the Cheval de la Luzerne be recorded in the proceedings of this Day, and depouted in the Ar- chives of the society, as a Testimony of the high sense this Convention entertain of the Honor done to the Society, by his becom I a Member thereis The 28 The Letter is as follows Zir toch Philadelphia 3 June 1985 "I have received with much Gratitude the Institution of the respectable Order, while the Officers of the American Any have formed; If Courage, Patience foll fall the Untries which this 20 _ brave Army have so often displayed, in the Counce of the War, could ever be forgotten, this Monument alone would recall them Idara assure you Ser. That all the Officers of my Nation, whom you have been plea red to admit into your Society, will be infi- it – – I pay you nitely honored by it–– persuaded, that for 2 for my to be oron part, Sentertain most lively sense of the Honor, which the Ofries of the Army. Lave done me, in deignt to hinter to think of me on this occasion – 29 Sexpect as soon as the definitive Treaty arrives, to pay my respects to the be for Send Washington, when Schall Lave the Honor res: personally to assere the Sentlemen of my Soure with great an pectfull Gratitude. eagerness, this Accasion of reneroing to you the Sentiments of the most perfect trespectfull Attachment with which I have the Honor to be Your most humble and Most Obedient Lewank Isheball de la Luzerne To The Baron Destentien Mr Bond in the Lewrie of the U States – Hind Quarters- The Bason having also commu :nicated 30 a Letter from Major Infant, enclosing a design for the Medal & Order, containing the Emblems of the Institution Resolved that the Bald Eagle, canying the Emblems on its Breach be established as the Order of the Society :_ And that the Ideas of Mayor D'Infant, respecting it. of the manner of its being by the Members as expressed in his Letter hereunto annexed, be adopted. __ that the Order be of the ич om by me sam lize, and in in every other respect conformable to the said design, which for that puspore is certified by the Baron Stenber President of this Convention, and to be deposited in the archives of the Soviety, as the Original, pom which all Copies are to be made. – – Asso, that Silver Medals, not exceeding the size of Spanish Milled Dollar, with the Emblems as designed by Major Diesant, & certified by a the the 31 the President; be given to each and way member Society, together with a Diploma on parchment where on shall be impressed the exact figures the Arder and Medal as abovementioned; an thing in the orginal Sustitution respecting Fold Medals, to the contrary notwithstand J Copy of Major D Ensants Letter கன் the Orginal written in penches Kry General Riladelphia 10th June 1783 Immediately on receiving your late Ler of the 20th of May, which I met with by accid dent, at the post office on the of "initants, Scott my self about the plan of the Medal – – Scend you the design with both faces, which I have made large, that you may better judge of thems. Suntre Excention, they may be reduced to a convenients Size, which, Account of the precision required the design, ought not to be less than a Bollar, the Subject being too complex to admit its being, in populy 32 properly detailed in a smaller compass in I have not complied with your desire in making it Doal, as such a form is not preoper for a Medal; Medal; _ besides it can be done in the Sacciation, should the Idea be persisted in, of having the Arder in that forms, _ to which Lowever, think any other preserable. Salſo beleive & hope that you will be persuaded of this, and endeavour to con vince the Bentlemen of it, who compare the Commit tee for forming the Institution, and to whom d bey you to communicate the follon & Observations A Medal, whether wound or Aval, is consi: -dered in the different States of Europe only as a reward to the Labourer and to the Artist, or as a sign of a manupaturing Society : _—_ besides, the abusive bustom prevailing, particularly in Sermany I Italy, Jcending & Trance, Mocntebanks, dancers & Musicians, omamented in this manner un ders it necessary to distinguish this Order, by a Topp, which shall be peculion to itself, and which will nuver one of the twofold purpose of honoring there inverted with it, and making itself respected for its simplicity, by such as shall not be in a si tuation to minutely examine its different parts Not that suppore Form or another will, change the opinion of a Republican people accos: Comed to thinki ; - Donly say that, in an Institution of this sort, the main deugis chould be to render it respectable to every body; and that it is only engage in appealing to the senses, that you can the attention of the common people, who have cer tain habitual prejudices which cannot be des A Gentleman already inverted European Order, would be unwilling Beany a Medal: but, if flattered by receing a Mark of distinction from a respectable Society, Le chould do it, the manner of it would by increase the Value of the Order an An the contrary, giving it a ne troyed with any gro mean it a new particular Forms, would be ad: a recommendation to its real Value, and engage thore inverted thore inverted with it, to wear it in the Lame 34 Manner as Keir other Military Order"; which is the curest means of putting it at once on a footing with them an The Bald Eagle, which is peculiar to this Continent, & is distinguished pom those of other Climates by its White Head & Tail, appear to me to deserve Attention. Siend you two Epags which I have made, and desire one of them may be adopted instead of the Medal ... In one Imake the Eagle, supporting a Star with thirteen points, in the centre of which is the figure of the Medal, with its inscriptions, as well in front as on the reverse on A Legend might be added in the flaws and round the Neck of the Eagle, with a partion Car insenption, or the Contour of the Medal trans In the other I have made the ferred there... Eagle simply, supporting on its Breast the figure of the Medal, with a Legend in its Claws, and about the Neck, which passes behind & sustains the reverse – – Iwould prefer the latter, as it does not - resemble any other Order, and bear, a distinct Character; – nor will it be expensive in its Exécution. The prit device, althamore com plex, would not be so dear as people might imagine, especially if the Execution of it chould be committed to stilfull persons, which would not be the base, any more than with the Medal, but by sending it to Europe, where it would not take up much time, nor be so expensive, as to must the Execution of it here, to Workmess not well acquainted with the Business en A Medal is a Monument to be hand :mitted to posterity, and consequently it is necess ry. that it be executed to the highest Degree of per Jection possible, in the Age in wheil it is struct To prike a Medal well is a matter that requiess machie & a good Die; and as there is not here, either a Press proper for this Work, nor people who can make a good Die, I would willingly under- take to recommend the Execution of the Medal, the Eagle, or the Order, to such persons in Paris, atque capable 36 capables of executing it to perfection en die proposing to change the Oval Medal into an Eagle on which should be impressed the Medal, I do note pretend to say Medals cannot be made; _ on the contrary, my Idea is, that Silver Medals should be struck, at the common Expence of the Lociety, and distributed to each Member, as in Appendage to a Diploma or Pachment, wherean it would be proper to stamp the figure of the Medal, the Eagle or the Star, in its full dimensions, enjoining the Members to conform trit; the beaving them the Liberty, provided it be at their own Expence, of having it made of such Metal and as small as they please, without altering any of its Emblems. It seems to me, by no meains proper, honorary Members should wear the Order in the same manner as the original Members. It would therefore be necessary that they should wear the the - dal, the Star, or the Eagle round their Neck; and the Original Members of the third Button Polen. that There remarks beg you my 37 Seneral, to have Banslated & submitted to the Gentlemen concernede Ithall be obliged to you to let me. to let me know the Essue of this Letter, and then decision upon I have the Honor to be Jers NB. The Head & Tail. L'Enfant" of the Eagle should be Silver or enameled in White the Body & Wings Gold – the Medal on its Breast + Beck enamelled in the same Colour as the Lagend Grigs of Laurel & Oake might be added in the Wings, and enamelled in Green ._ _ The Star should be pointed in Gold – or enamelled in Blue & White. Those who would be at the Expense might instead of white have Diamonds. in the Ribbon, as is customary in all Orders, should be watered an 〃 Resolved, that the thanks of this Convention, be transmitted by the President, to Major L'Infant, for his bare fangenuity in preparing the aforementioned designs: – and that సు 38 offers be acquainted, they cheerfully embrace his sper I apistance; and request a continuance of his Attention in carrying the designs mito Execution. for which purspore, the President is desired to cor- respond with him an Resolved that this Excellency The bourmand in thief, be requested to officiate as President General, until the first General Meeting to be held in May nexte. _–_That a Treasurer Jun- and a Secretaus General be Ballotted for, to officiate in like manner. The Ballots being taken. – Major General Lines al Mc Dongall, was decled Treasurer, Generals- Major General Knox Secretary who are hereby requested to accept & Appointment Resolved – That all the proceedings 39 proceedings of this Convention, including the da titution, be recorded from the Original Papers (in his possession) by Captain Shaw, who, at the gioil Meeting, wons requested to act as Suretary. and then- the same, signed by the Resident & récretary, together with the Original papers, be given into the lands of Major Son Knox, Suretary bend to the Society; – and that Caps North, andé de Camp to Baron Hember and acting Secretary to him as President, sign the said Records – The Disolution of a very considerable Part of the Army since the last Meeting of this fon- :vention, having rendered the Attendance of some fits Members impracticable, and the necessity of some temporary arrangements, previous to the frist Meet ing of the Send Society, being to thickingly obvious, the Convention found itself constrained to make thes beforementioned; __ which they have done with the utmost 40 utmost diffidence of themselves; and dependien entirely on the Candor of their Constituents to make allowance for the Measure The principal boots chute appoint sume, ment being this accomplished, the Members of this Convention thinth fit to dissolve the. and it is hereby dissolved accordinglye Steuben Major den st. Frundt S: Sheriv 1pm North Aide de Camp & bar Artillery Lectory to Lesty the Convention Buretung to the dundt A. Tone Copy Kambull und Seeth to the Connectical Souston одд 241 To o the foregoing Institution, the following Gentlemen became ubscribers. – Nöz? – Buy dont huntington + Lei Moz: Aubbard *Co 10 Zebulon Britter – Lund Lebleus Loomiss D6000 86 Huntington-Liend Me Glenney 4. Major In P. Wyllys – Lecid Reuben Landerson. Lewd ppm Higgins Captain Soward Elles. j ※ 2 Cast Edward Bulkley –– En / George Cotton Huse spin Wamsley. Cap Son Hart. Bay John H. Buell –– Lieid Charles Fanning Rev John Ellis. – Enja Ozias Goodrichs Surgeon Solin Noyes – Lund 86r Walls –– John Cap Elias Stillwell – Justus Storrs Sing M bat Lemuel (list Cays David Endsosi Lint Charles Miller Liend Silas Goodel muid Pownal Demming Ensegue Joshua Knapp Lied ThadHeeler Cap David Bushnell, Luid Cole Jon Trumbull Lind Colo David Thimphuys * Cap Theophi: Monson – Cap Stephen Potter 42 John Purce PM Gerd – Liend Siles Curtis + Wetmore DPM––Lindserede d Forest # Cole Reman Swift – Luit James Bennet Liend (xte Son Johnson – Lien Siriah Tiffany Major David mith Lien John White Cap With Richards Land Comstock Inpin John Heart Enje John Cleveland Ensor Solomon Pinto Enjo Joel Smith cap 18m Colfax- Cap Lucid, ames Lord. – – – 18. Capt Elijah Chapman. + Fap Timothy Jaylor Cap Peter Robertson har Iphraim Kimberly. – Lucid deter Modward seid John Mansfield – – Licit Comelius Ruhell – Liend RPeck 6 Leid Nehemi? Gorham – Major Mühlists Lieid Henry Dagget – Major The Woodbridge Cape from Judd. Lund John Sherman – – Enjor Coseph Rogers John Simpson Largeon Delaware #Joseph Higgins SM, * Capsund Fraiah Thompson Lund du R: Throope view Land Gibbs * Lien! Talmage Hall Liend Iaar heeler 43 Meeler. Lient Won Linn. Colo Samer 13. Webb. Lien Dard Bradley Lieu Coll 26: Gray Lien Sofia Whitney Major Los: A. Wright Len Lund Rait Captephen Betts #bap Wow Selden. Enstoreph Clark Lujo Abner Cole, Captly Ten Eyck (84) Ense Jaques Harmon Cap Slishedophins Life Jacob Kingsburg *Cap Roger Welles Enj Aaron Heeler Cap David Donance Surgeon John Rose Cat Reik Douglass Gays Hez: Rogers Lien Nathan Beers. lient John Mix. Lucu A Benjamin Lien John Meigs. *cu iu Konbridge Lient in Hobart Lunger M. R. Munion Rev A Baldwin. Lient prm Beamount. Lind Hosmer Singean & Migen Sand H: Parsons Colo Imac Therman. #Major Hi Leavenworth Zient James Olmited Lunt 86 Brothingham Cols R Sona Meigs 44 Cap Thad' Weed Hole * Cap & Thumphrys Cole Land Myllys Licid Cole John Summer Lund Mate Gregory. Lien Latinklubbel ん ​Fund Allyn badu Find Philemon Hall Fund Ralph Tumroy. Fieir Chias Robinson Lied Simeon Belding Liendfall form. The Corvenon Lucid Nathan dt: Whiting 으 ​Bajahmin Falding Major Abner Por Caps Abijah Savage Cap Sphr Chamberlain Liend Simon Averye sien Thomas Farmer Lund Sand Richards Asahel Hodge base bäntiend Siley Heath Cap Leew Lund Robert Allys * Noah Coleman Jurgeon John R. Nations _d_ Capleth Phelps Thomas Shinner de sent Martin Denslow Cap John Duskel – tried rentice Hormer Major Amor Walbridge * #bap Nehemi » Rice Cap Thomas Converse Capt Daved thong Cap James Morris * Cast Hephen Bellings Lieid 16r Janner. Liew The Anderson. # Captande M: Williams gle David F. Sill Lien Colo, Lund prm Henshawe Leeid John Balle bar John Barnard Lund Vera Smitte Caps John Riley Lin Reuben, J. Mather, Surgeon Cap And Fitchs Inde + Caps Thomas Wooster Major Dand Putram baj Jesse Cook Cap Major Robert Warner - Li Mm Plump Cap David Starr Cap Jesse Grant. - Lund Nath & Bishop Portor Tiles Turner & Luid Thomas thoma frent Los: Shaylor – Maj Albert Chapman Cole Sosial Farr. Cap Gustus Woliothe Lt Puyal Tanner Inzal Liend David Beech ん ​Ph 18m Nichols + bay. Sonus Prentic Holo Hez: Holdridge fese kliker Lyman- Caps dos: Fox - Maps / La Hopkint Cap Aron Stephens Mi Amor Hall – ir Right & Br Joffery Whiting of his Father (Bu bap baleb Bull unde Cap Simeon Newell. – Cap di Cleaveland Cap Janus Hyde * Lent Asa Lyon / вар 46 bazi Shen Perking Lee Benz Furtling Prajor Roger Alden 4 6010 Elisha Sheldon 6010 Lohn Jameson Pray Binya Tallmadge Cap lligats Wadsworth * Capt David Legar. D'Elijah Janes #James Dole ✓ Cape Joshen Welche Les Eschon Kirby M Beardslee in right of his Father Dr Ebre Picardsle M. Rouden alle in rightshir Frather Caps - Edward Ells dec Mr Send-Forthingham in right of his Brother L.Ebd. Ferottingham. du M. John Trowbridge in right of hi Father Live John Troubrage- Mr. Tamuxe De Forest in right oftie Father. Lewi Fam. De Forest – t Horace Seymour Stephen t hedh J. Whiting Joshua King – Iliron Rhea + Gideon Hawley Aaron Bull Grm Pite * # Sedidiale Argess Situs his uncle. in right Liebt Prentiss Hosmer Mr Porter Waldbridge in right of his Father May Amor Waldbridge. Mh. Ara Holdridge in right of his father Cof: Fuz Holdridge dead - July 17. 1799 Mulher Selaton in right of his father Cont Ulifus Ezra Feldon decci. July 4. 5799. * Pays Jeronimus Hoogland K. Evelyn Hart in Right of his father bay Mum Stanton Sokep John Well's but the Munson 24 Jasper Mead, Maj: Jonathan Part det. Jully 1801 Eni James M. Scott, Massach", line 47 22 Camp as West Points July 1988. – Agreeably to the Recommende :ations contained in the Son Institution, for forming the several State Soviètics, the Ballots of the Mimber being called for, se: ceived, & counted, the following Gentlemers were chosen, & declared to be Offices of the Society for the Year ensur M ensuing ん ​Bug Ceneral dedir Huntington, President Coll Remain, Soift thie President Lien Coll den Zumbull Secrétange Lien bolo Eb: "Huntington Beasurer Coll 26: Major David Smith: Apsir meer C 49 At a meeting of the Members of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati reed by particular notice, at Hartford, the 17th day of March 1784 at whiche the following Members liz on I gave their Attendance, Magen Huntington Captain Wells Cole Butter Liew Meigs. Aholo Huntington Leid Frothingham Ray Send Parsons. Leit Mix Bhend Sand 13 Webb- Liend Cole Hamphreys Major Bulkley- Major Woodbridge Captain Hast. Liew fold Trumbull – Doctor Noyes Cap Wadsworth. Captain Sudion Leid Seymour BGerd Heman Swift Lund Bulle Major Smith Capt John Webb Major Wright Colo Sherman Liew Olmsted Cast Dorrance Cole Starp Lent Beach new Whiting Captain Fox Colo Meigs. 60 Leid Dumroy Liew Anderson Captain Wooster Captain book Lient Pratt - & Pennsylv bastam Hist Captain Savage Captain Grant Doctor Hosmer Captain Sudd Zen Richards Captain Williams Caps Lund Heath Lid Coll Lill lient Miller Captain Barnard Luid Farmer Captain Riley Doctor Mather. Liend Mansfield Mr. Nichols Mamos Hall Lieu Hosmer Liend Shaylor 0 Lien Russell Rev M. Barlow (Mass) 370 as were also, The general Institution, with the proceedings mverous & subsequent thereto, were introduced Fread: a Letter from the Excelly General Washington, appointing the place of Preeting for the general Society, in Maynid and a Letter from the State Louity of Delaware On Motion. ケ ​Gerd Swiste Liew Colo Humphry & Of Colo Meigs, were ap: pointed a fommittee to hear Jexamine The Claims of such Gentlemen as propore to become Members at this present meeting. An Report of the above Committee. accepted by the society, Captain Newells is admitted to signs the general Institution. – An Application, by Letter, from Liend Moses, land and Captan Webb, there Gentlemen not Her 51 tee being able to attend this meching, the fom report that the Door be open for them to sign fill the next annual meeting – accepted by - The Cosiety An Appliation made by Manor Hall, second Son of Capt topher Hall (der), the elder Brother relinquishing his Birthright, the Committee report his Admission as a Member, and the same is accepted by the lociety, on (on: sideration of the particular percumstances -- the relinquishment of the eldest son, bing pro duced to this Meeting, is ordered to be placed on the Records _ and is in the Words follong 11 Guilford 15 March 1784- Gentlemen. There may cestify, Keto 52 I Stephen Hall, the eldest son of Captain Stephen Hall (Deccared) do quit, for me and my Heirs, the right and privilèges d'am Entituled to as a member of the Cincinnate, as pom the Institution of that society. rei eldest Brother Amos Hall, 17 signing it to 11 41 "1 to m my to him & his Heirs forever In presence of Certified & Stephen Hall Pilemon Hall – I To the Non Society of the finein nati of Connecticut Voted – A Delegation to attend the Meeting of the General Louety in May next to consist of five Members, to be choun by Ballet 373 Ballot; – Pros of whom to be supported. the Expence of the State Society – at l'oted – That à l'ax of two Zoilarn a He laid on each of the members of the State Cocieles, for depraying the Expencer s the above Delenation, and for other contingen: -gies of the Society; to be paid into the thunde of the Treasurer by the 15th day of April nech And for the conveniency of Collections, bass Williams for the Coreng if Fanford, Lid Beers for the County of New Haven, lolo Erosue: nor for the bounty of Mindhcom, and Major Cometach for the Cousity of Paispels, are appointed, in addition to the Treasurer and apaitant Treasurer, to receive the custar of the several members in their respective Dis- Fruits, and to hansmit the sand to the 5-4 Feasures- The Ballots being Patres and count Ed for Delegates to attend the Meeting of the General Soucity in May next, Mair General Parsons, May Bend Huntington 133en Swist, bolo Zumbull & Cole Sumpt ys, were were chores- 24/5, Voted _ "That Major Myllys for Fastford County, bot Sherman for recoltaver County, bolo Grosvenor for Windham Eventy Cole thuntington for New London County, Miy Smith for Litchfield County, and Major Saupt Walker for Fairfield County, be a Committee to hear freceive the Halms of such Sentleme ir as with to become Members of this Cociety, _ report to _and 373 report to the next Annual Meeting - Woted. That the Gentlemen choren as Delegates to attend the Meeting of the End Society in May next, together with Lucid Comery, Cold Sherman, M. Barlow, Easte Sudd & Cole Myllys, be a Committee to prepare & report a Code of Bye Laws; be laid before the Louity at their Annual Meeting in Julu nech – subject to their next_subject Discussion, revision & Acceptance –– Voted_ That the Presen dents this Society be desired to hansmit ér of this soon as Society may be to this Excellency, Governor, Trumbull a Metal, contained the Order of The Lociety, and acquaint him, that the Sonety 56 Souity does itself the Honor to consider as a Member - Member. The 4th of July Lappening this Year on a Sunday – Voted – That the Annual Meeting of the Louity be holder on the 77th the convened at Hartford on 3 day and that Notice be quien accordingly A tuve Record Attest Den Kumball Funden Lucretary 5T7 D let an Annual Meeting of the Connee. hent State Society of the Cincinnati holder at Hartford on the for day of Labs 1984– July Present the Offriess of the Society, per cept MeGen thuntington the Pendents and about 50 other memless – Big Lund hocht in the Chair in The Committee of Claims, appointed in the preceeding Meeting Report – that he startsch a sufficient. Number of their for the pecent, they have been unable to compleat their Businest, and request to know if they shall proceed. to The Question being put, they are directed porced in their Report – and bold Myllys withe Major Hist, are are added to their Number – รช An motion or Voted, as a Direction for the form the of blaims, _ That Officers having sewed in three campaigns in the Continental Army in the coops raised for the depoce of this or any other of the United States, and reciding in this State; – Officers who have left Lewrie with reputation; and all Officers whose accumulated lewice amounts of thin Campaigns, are entituled to Admiseron into this loc provided, in the Opinion of the Soucty of their Committee, their particular Lurces shall be judged such, as to entitule them to become members ety ~ ara The Committee of Charms Laving finished their business-reported _ That the following Lentlemen Living exhibited to theon their several Claims, by them adjudged worthy to be come Members of the Society Cold John Trumbull - Cole Jore Maderonte Cola Johm Chester – Chaptbaleb Bull- x. Y – Egetniel Capt Jonas Prentice – Cap Eychiel P. Belding – Cap James Watson Major Exchiel Scott - Liei Lande Mills Cap Peter burtiss- 'x Lingeon Mate. Josiah Root Luid Soreph Miles Lund Elihu Lyonar X Lien ym Leverett. Lien Chuiles Hopkins & Caps Thomas Y: Leymour. Capt More's Cleveland Bay Roger Hooker H&M Jeffery Whiting – as Mother & tire to cart Charles Whiting who died in Service June 1778 – Which Report was accepted – and the Son: Hemen above named are considered as Mem: : Auss accordingly. The Meeting proceeded to Ballot for Officers of the Society for the ensuing Censuing Year The Ballot living received and Counted the following 60 the following Sunkermen were duly elected - ligh Mhen Major Lund S. H. Parsons – Presidents thie Mlard Sid: Kontingtox Que President Colo Son Zumbull Blend H: Swift Secretary Treasurer Cole the Grosvenor Apis Treasurer The Ballots being tather for Delegates for the ensuing Year, to attend the Send Meeting of the Society, in base it choud be neupay. I the following Gentlemen were Elected Mherd Passons: L Elected High Mlsen Huntington Blad Frechts Ralph Ferarry deſen Coll Londe Kumbulle Voted — that cither two of the Above Scutlemen attend shall be a Representation z Migurd honorary f 61 Sein Resolved that Mijnd Passons, bet Myllyst Coll thorntington, End swift, Mazer Night, w Judd, May "flicht, May Sonette & Cole Kumbull, lie a fommittee to receive Applications from any may desire to become members of this Loriety _ and also to receive Nominations, romanly of the members of the Couety, of such per they may judge Worthy to be admitted Members and report to this Hemen who m sons as al の ​honorary > afutive Meeting, with there Opinion on such Applications or Nominations a the same with Mr Pomeroy & Mr Nichols are appointed a Committee to Audit the Accounts of the late Treasu :rer, and to make the proper transfer of the the Funds into the Hands of the new Treasurer they are also directed to audit the Au of the Delegates whe attended the last Send Meeting, for their Expences Lo 42 le Report of the Delegates to the Bend Meeting May last was made & received – and the Circular Letter from the Send Meeting to the stair Society, with the Institution as amended &'alleud,. was received Flaid on the Table Coled. That the Liv Gana Stiles ode the new Tamis Dancs, DD. & the hec Nather- trong be admitted at Honorary Members of this Lociety Woted that the Lentlemers who wer appointed in the last State Meeting as Aputant Collectors of the Torx then laid to defray the depen of Delegation, be desired to continue their Secchions In the ſollection _ of pay over their Monies they may receive, into the Hands of the mea unes or hier - sistants. The Meeting adjourned sine die – 63 The foregoing is a true Record Attect Jord Trumbull 2nd Sectly At an annual Meeting of the Connechint State Society of the fincinnati, holder of Hast: Jord the 4th of July Ad 1785 in Present the President, Secretary, and about 33 Members lifter reading several Letters addressed to the Society, & appoints à for :mittee for arranging the Business of the Meeting adjourned tell Trionon more 8 Glocken July 5th Met according to Adjoumments July On Motion – Major Mylly, & M Bacton were appointed a committe to prepare frcular Letters to the several 64 State Lorieties – Jomvers to Letters fimpartintan States who have addreped this Couetyr len An Application for Major Rogue Alden, ſchen & particular reasons why his request had been defereed to this Time – Le u admitted as a Member on sizing the Institution & matiz his Deport n The Meeting proceeded to Ballot for Offices of the Society for the ensuing Year The Ballots bung received scounded the follow") Centlemen were duly elected Wise, Major Len Passons Presidentes 25 Coto Jere: Waduvorth Que Press – Colo Kimball - Secretarye Cole Grosvenor Treasurer L Colo 18. Talmadge Offer Framser "The Ballots being received scounted for bele gates to attend the Send Meeting, in care it chale the follow & Gentlemen were be recepoczy duly July elected Mgend Parsons – Coll Wadsworth Colo Trumballes 6010 Land Myllys M. Ralph Pomroye 65 The ongenal destitution with the Putitation as amended &`attered at the fruit General Mech my of the Louity ons were made. Them wrie read sundry Niivate bust no order taken respecting Seaport the Committee appointed at the last meeting to receive the accounts of the thei tate Treauren – to examinetet reported that they had received & examined the Accounts of the late maurer Colorbenegre Shuntington_of that having found them very exach paid regular they had settled them accordingly succeived the papus Lacounts in 66 The Committee for preparing Erjois & Letties reported the follow & Drafts – which being read Lapproved were ordered to be transcribed offometed :ed by the Secretarye Mögleg Gentlemer. Hartford 4th July 185 The Connecticut State Society of the Cincinati have met this Day agreeably Institution. to the For a vanity of prudential reasons, arising four the present situation of the Society, the mutinition as altered tamen ed, has not been outd upow by this Liter and altho. different state most we Meeting ings have acted differently upon it, yet camently with that, by a free concspondence t mature deliberation, every branels of this ex: tensive paternity may Establishment, that the benevolent pumpous unite in a a generat of the Intitition may the World may principles. our Affairs. be answered – and that be convinced of the purity of our In the precent unsettled situation of we consider it as the Dusty of every state Society at their annual meeting, to correspond with the Other State Societies directed in the original Institution us The offens of this Lociety the Year ensuing - are as follow Aliye (naming them Cescalar Copy choren In the Name of the Con: nuchint State Lociety dir Jo Sutte Gentlemen Hartford 4th July 1785 The Connecticut State Society of The In the (incinnati acknowlege the receipt of your oblé :ging of the 10th of January last ––– :station as aprended of attered, for prudential reason Letter 68 arising from ou particular estruation, has not as yet been acted upon, by this Society – and atthe different State Societies have auled disse: rently upon it, yet we earnestly with that, by fre concepondence &mative deliberations, a brunch of the extensive patianity, may aque upon a general Sitablishments, in order that the benevolent purposes of ots Enititutions may be effected __ & that the World me of the punty of our Ententions It is not only our wing on may be convived with, but we consider it the Duty of worry stateLociety, at thin annual meetings to write a quicular Letter to the other State Corieties as directed in the pict Entitution. The Greis of Qari State Meeting for the Rear encing an as- ( naming them au as follows North Carolina them as chores, - chover. Elegte. In the Name Ler Gentlemes ga Hartford 4th July 485 69 The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Connecticuti acknowlege, the receipt of you Letter of the 3 of felry last, & hatte paid that Attenhir to the Sentiments there is offered, which a subject ofucks Importance deceives The circulas Letter pon the Gerd Society, with the Alterations in the Institution propored, hor been read at this annual State Meeting - - For a couity of prudential reasons, this Louity has not entered into a full disquisition of the plan of alterations, & have made no lcicise determination مه thereon – Mithe It is the camut Mish of this Society, that the most perfect 4 perfect unanimity may subsist throughs – -out all the State Societies of the fincinnati _ and nothing 221 motion their power shall be omitted for its pro: We send you gore a list of the Officis chaus serve W this Muting to cure for the ensuing pur at meeting In the Name of the Louity die State Louity of Nhampfire The Meeting adjoumed sine dies A true Record of proceedings Just Jord Kumbull 2nd Jetzen 71 let an Annual Meeting of the Connectients State Society of the Cincinnati ___ holden at Hartford on the 4 day of July 1786 – precent _ the Officer of the Society - & nine other members. only ones Love Letters (the which had been received) from Sohanse – Tina of No Carolina – being acad _ the toy meeting proceeded to achoice of their Officers for the Year inferng When, the Ballots. burg received of counted _ The follow & Bentle men were chosen to their respective officere, köister Maj Gerd Parsons President Colo Madsworth - Vie Pust bols Zumbull-Luretans Cole Grosvenor Freamer. bolo Talmadge Asses Bread 6 72 The Meeting being very ffiple, the shore of Delegates to attend at the next Sundtracting Meeting is for the present postponed same On Motion _ Voted – That the Treasurer tute measures to obtain the Interst due on the Society's funders and to dispore of thes to the best advantage he can _ so that the no- minal Amount of ♪ Interest be vested in sinal Lettlement Lucinties, for the Accumulation The Funds - and the remainder whatever it may J 2 be) to be applied to the particular purposes of the Society, at then direction, _ such as the payi ment of incidental tharger-procuring a Real- paying portage_procuring Diplomar for the Members fin In Conformity to a vote of Resociety pased in 2oly 1984. respecting the Admision - Members – Holed that Major John Davenport Md James Davenport for their reputable Charac ters & Services, are entituled to be come Membus of this society, and are admitted accordingly_they signing the buttction & make the autored Des : posits On Motion _ Voled that this meeting stand adjourned to the Day preceeding the Com- mencement at New Haven in Leptember next – To be holden at Pd New Haven on 2 the 12th Day of September ว Day-bing A true Record of proceedings Attert Lone Jumbull Len ә 74 At a Meeting of the Connectient Sale Society of the Cincinnati, held by ledgemerent at New Haven, on the 12th Pay of Septemd 1986, Presents the President. the Seretary of the Apir Treasurer – and the follow & Members - Wogle Myllys 6010 with Cots Thimpheys Dort Bouncon May Scott. Maj Leavenworth Cap Morris lap James Watson Luit Welles Dosts Munson. Maj Munson bay stilwell kap Endsor 6010 Starr. May Might Cap Wooster Luci Meting вар Lin Robinson M Laggeh Docts Hosmer Luis Beers Caj. Prentrie Lie" Jumroy bap Taylor quit Mears dài khả Hợp hinh Cay book Can Troup baj Beebe In Ley: Wetmore May The-Woodbudge The May in Doverpork" Mr James Davenport Lap Adonigale thong Ir Woodward Leer Sherman J. Dort Stiles. Maj The Mumion Capt Benyamies proceedings of the State Souity of New Fork hav I been transmitted to this lociety they were read & laid on the Table J Whereupon An Motion, whether the New Institution should, at this time, he acted upon as Tract the Discussion and Noted. Determination on that subject, shouts, at present be postponed – On Motion Voted - That call Member of this Society, on receiving his Diploma, 76 shall pay into the Hands of the Treasurer, one dollar, to be applied towards depraying the mudental Charges of the Society — par: hcularly the Expences of the Delegation to the west ben Meeting of the Ser Sonely Society next Voted - That Desk Chienezer Beardsley & Lien Solomon Mears be admitted as Members of this Sonety- The treeting proceeded to a thore Send of Delegates to attend the next Bird Meeting held in May next the When the Ballots bung received counted – The follow & Gentlemenuene duly chorew Maj der Parsons Colo Madsworth Colo Thimphuys Lied Pumboy. Red. Fra Files DD. 4LD. Fundent of the Unvercits de Falé On Motion. Woted That Mail 77 Barlow be desired to prepare of deliver a pettined Oration, on the next Anniversary Meeting of their Lovety - united to the leccasion On Motion Noted – That Colo Land Wyllie ColoWadsworth of When Parsons-le a forespond & Committee, to receive tanner any Letters Communications addieped to this lociety. as also to receive any flairns of Kentlemen who may be desirous of becoming members of the Society Noted That the Treamer An Motion be desired to report & lay before the Lociety at thin next meeting, the Names of such Membeus as are deficient in the payment of the Tax imposed by a former Meeting of the Lointy The meeting expreped their Opinion 78 that the next Anniversary meeting be held at Hartford ___ of that notice then of be suitably given by the Lector The Reeting was then adjouned sine stie A true Record of Proceedings attest. Sonde Kumbull Suitz ә 79 th a meeting of the Connechcil State Louity of the Cincinnati – holden at Hartford on the 4th of July 1787 Present _ the Affiess of the Souchy - Seccept the Treauver / _ and about fiftysthe Members – Cole Talmadge & Lund Beers were appointed a Committee to receive examine the Accounts a= whe :gainst the Society __ of to report what they find dur After wheels – The Members formed a Procésair gmauched from the Court House to the Per Motronge Meeting House _ where the Exhibitions of the Day introduced by an excellent Ra- an excellent Rayer, by Mithoon the list of Independance was read by the Surday of a pertinents Oration was delivered by M Baden which bung inded the Procession retinend the to бо Council Room in the State House - The Meeting then proceeded to the those of then offres for the Fear cosuing were The Ballots being taken, the follow & Membry choren to the several Offres –– Vogte, lot Jeremiah Wadsworth - Rendent Colo Samuel Wyllys – Que Presi Coll 2nd Zumbull – Suretany Col 26 Huntington - Apd_Testze Cote Thomas Grosvenor Procures lots Beny a Tallmadge Apes Shade, M. The Appointment of an Apeut Lecreta was loted on special Motion for that Puspore- of that such appointments be continued to be made in future_as of other Offices – On Motion Noted एन् That the Delegates, to be appointed to the next Eind Meeting of the Society in May next be empowered to agree upon & finally establiili all such Alterations as may Constitution of the Society be necessary in in the The Gentlemen chosen as Delegates – follow – Cloitre were as follow Maj Lend Parsons Colo Madsworth Col thumphiyes Coco Tumbull- Major Ludde On Motion and Cloted that loto Lumbull flove thimphys le a Committee to wait on M Barlowe – to retien him the thanks of this locity for his Oration delivered this Day — to desicca bopy, that it may be printed _ at lepense of that вору &to Wold_ That the Rev M Thong- & Coll thumphreyes, be desired to prepare each ar Oration, to be delivered on the next Anniver sary Meeting of this Society A Report of the Proceedings of the late Sen. Meeting of the Society was laid on the Table inf partially réced Fattended to The Committee of Accounts made a Report – by while it appeared that there is sue from the Society as follows llege To Mey Sind Porrsons – Balli of hi Bill of Sepmess as a delegute 851269 23. 3.7 To Colo Mumphrys — Ball: as do Tolote Kumball – Boll: If former Bellard 2 30.6.4. which report was accepter fordurd the Suns to be paid It tinig also reported to this meeting by our Delegates - That alonsiderable time was yet 83 w due to May L'Enfant from the Gud Society – for pro- cunig lagles – a copper plate with Devices for the de ploma's – a dye for Medals – his Agency qu France – which Lum was lotes by the Send meeting My proportion of to be paid to hime _ of whub, this States Sout apportionment was found to be 265 Dollars in Cloted that this Louity, will make proviper の ​forthe Payment of the appces sum of 26580l2 as our proportion of the Depciences abovemenhoud be that the Lorety may Mereupon- enabled to Discharge the afores Debts-lying upon them Noted that the Diplomas be dilivued into the Hands of the Ircacuer or his lepistant __ with Instructions, that at the deliver ing out each Diploma, he shall receive from each member who takes it, the sum of Two Dollar initead of the One Dollar voted by a previous Res & colution of this Louety or to any and that no diploma". the delivered to any Member not paying the sure. Member who does not pay the Sac Two dollars heretofore laid by a vote of this Louity at their meeting the 17 of March 1984 lloted also _ that the Monies which are re- the Hands of Cap Watson in Nhate, aising maing on ou from the Tales of the Interest funds-shall be applied towards the Delets due as aforementioned so far as they may be necessary - anese, ther اور Woted that for the regular Payment of Sums – as also for all othey that may arch President for the Time being chall draw his War- al sant on The Treasurer – which Marsant withi Receipt threcon endorsed chall be sufficient Voucher to the Freaurees for the sums thereby advanced e That il lie a On Mohon it was lotid standing Order of this society that of the Open: img # 85 the ing the chibitions of each homiversary, declaration of Independence by the United Stater, In Congress, Shall be read, by The Secretary Voted that – God Parsons Goto Madsworth. The contred Colo Myllys be 6 as a conespond & Committee of the Louity for the purposes expressed in the bote of their former as pointment. The Committee of blaines reported. – That they had examined the pretensions of the Follow & Sentlemen – Wöcht 9 Mes = Thomas Lewis Leth Lewis Arora Keyes Slijarh Hubbard Solomon Cowles Zur Nehemiat Hubbard and Peter Colt and find them en- tituled to become members of this Society – de 86 that, upor fign] the Butibustion &mately their several deposits in the Hands of the Treasurer they be admitted as Mundens accordingly – An Motion ____ Voted – That this Meeting be adjoumed to the day preceeding the home- mencement at N Haven - to be convenedot NHaven on 2 day-lung the 11" day September next A true Record of Proceedings lettert of Lone Tumball Secretary 87 ett a Meching of the Connecheut State Sucty of the Cincinnati _ holden by Adjoun ment at New Haven on the 11th day of Leptend வர Present the Resident &about 20 Membur On Motion – Poted that the Treasurer be de :sised, with advice of the Pucident, to procure the Interest due on the Society & Funds. 3 – Voted _ That the Secretary be requested to write the Treasurer. &f desire him to have a state ment of his Accounts laid before the Louity at their Meeting in Euly next _ and that the Reosiner bu dicised in Gutine, to lay a Statement of tu Accounts before the Society at each Annual Meeting Voted Voted - That the Diploma & for the Member of the Society be filled up as may as near the follows form Be it known –That et B_mn the Regiment of _— in the Connecticut Line is a Member & ca mitituted of t In Testimony where of fear have Lereunto sets my Hand at Mount Vernon in the State of Virginia this 4 Bay of July 品 ​in the Year of our Lord 1786 — and in the 11- Zeas of the Independence of the United Statesn signed for GM By Order & Ahn The Committee of blamis reported that they head examined the pretensions of the follow ] Lentlemen Cloyste 189 Caps John Miles Dort. John Spalding Leen Stephen Alling Cap David Phipper J. Jonathan Dun all dig – lete DPMG- of find them entituled to become Members of this lociety, and that, upon signing the th - Thtution & making their several Deposits in the Nands of the Treasurer, they be admitted Members accordingly, L A true Copy of Procesinge tittech Gumball Leer, J σο 98000円 ​ १० At a Meeting of the Connectient Fall Society of bikeinnati - holden at Martyod on the 3rd July 1788 in Present the opsiess of the Soucety. spices of the Society _ and about officers The Members onet in the four 30 Members อ in was au cil Chandler _ pom whence they marched in pos repion to the North Meeting House – The Public Exhibitions were opened by reading the Act of M dependence aspertinent &pathetic Prayer made by the Rei M. Perkins – enccceded by excellent Sermon, suited to the Occasions, delivierd by the Re MStrong-faconcluding Prayer by die Ja Rus M. Bardkan – several select peices of void of in humental Music, wie solemnuly performed by the Gentlemen & Ladies of the City - sembly of People present C a The procession ac tumed to the Council Chamfeer – ypnocided to Bu Officers chosen for the ensuing on as follow-Unit Coto Jeremiah Wadsworth President. Colo Sand Wylys Colo Mumball Suntanz Colo When thuntington Assn Setze Cole Thomas Grosvenor Treasure bot Bery" Tallmadge the Zens Delegates to the Zen Meeting Cole Madsworth. – Meeting Augu Lew Huntington Gen Swiss Cole Kumballe C010 Thimphecyse An Motion - Uoted that loto Wyllys & Col qa Trumbull be a Committee to wait on the hid Wishing to retum him the Thanks of this Socity for his Sermon delivered before them this dagen And to request a Copy, that it may be printed - loted the thanks of this Louity to be givers to Colo Humphuy's for bis History of the Life of Maj Gend Putman – communiccard to the Louitte, then Wirls that the same. And Le Cloted that the Ren M Perkins the heo- Timothy Dwight – & loss dried thumphrys - desired to prepare cach an Oration or Lemmon, to be delivered before this Louity at their next And Chiversary lloted that bot⁰ Shuntingtas & bolo 16 : Tray Le algnmittee to inquire into the State of the Louety's Funds – to make a Lettlements with the Treasurer to this time. and makettai Report to the Lociety 43 lloted that the Intercest on the Funds) so Jaras may be necessary be drawn, &applied towards the discharge of the present existing Debts of the Loceity, Noted that the Committee of Clains do miest what sums shall be deported by the Ofreins of the Staff Departments, on their signing the Mottition toted that the next Anniversary Meeting of this Lociety be holden at Newllaven – unless for come particular reasons, not now existing, the President should judge it :venient to be attended at some othu place de shall Order accordingly more com – A true Copy of Proceedings - attest. Jonimball Leu tr 94 At the anniversary of the Connecticut State Porcity offincinnati held at New Haven the 9th July 1789 (by order of the Vice President the 41" being saturday) priesent the Resident, dice President, Assistant Tuasures, Vabart therly then minbert s at the Council Chamber The members met twist to the Exercises of the day & prouded to the choice of their annual Office when by the ballots the Zollowing Gentlemen Cd Jeremiah Wadsworth President, e Gun Sam Wyllys Fin President, a Cut Fon Frunnbull Secretary 174 bet Benj. Tallmadge Juanenes, Cost Eberd: Funtington Asses See J Cot Philije 13. Bradley Après Fuasures, were elected The foltaries Gentlinien were élected Delegates to the General muitive Cost Inremiah Wadsworth Gen Jedidiale Husztimpton, Cot Jonathan Frumbull Cor David Humphrecht Cot Ebenezer Huntington, Voted m dece that reading the declaration of Indycendence the publick exhibitions of the day, be at this opening procession the day were onetted and the members of the society, then moved in anniversary, to the Brick Meeting Strese, when the Exercises of ſperſed with a prayer from the Ine Rathair Pickers, then a sumon was preached by the same, then and Anthem, was sung, then follow. & an Pcation bis hoch Davia kus Khurshung after which the exercises were closed with singinpe the auctitang was large Abrilliant, Verſorches the baghest satisfaction, for the pleasing satisfaction which they had received, The Society returned to the Council Chamber I proceeded to business, when the following voter were passed On mastions, Voted that the thanks of this meeting be given to the Reus M Brition for bis sermon, & to for Humphreys for his Orations deliveria before the sority this day, I that the Afrir dee) request copies, that my may be printed. thep Voled that the up to the Casure with the advice of the President be directed to draw the interest in the funds of the Soucely, use 1 day of Jan 75758, to be disposed of; for the purpose discharg of 96 discharging the debts of the Sommety Noted, that the Frammer be permitted to exchange the Certificates Treasurer constitucting the funds of the Friety, for others, bearing Interest on the at I may society in 1 " day of Jan 1988, and of seech amount be most convenient for the purposes of the meeting, the descrits from all the members shall be Noted that on or before the next annual subscriber who shall befand before the vaid longer le considéréd compleated; & that any not to have made his deport annual day insunich. w member. shall no Voted that the following Gentlemen be appointed collectors in the respective counties viz. ∫ L. Forhua Thing for the Count, of Fanfield, L Mathan Buri for the County of New Haven, Cape Charles Mackin for the Cantig Hartford, Cop Sohn Meiggs for the City of Michaleur, bot Eben: Huntington for the County of New London, Wilberd: Groß- for the Emrity of Windham, & Caſe Elijah Chapman, futte for County of Solland, I that they be requested, to call an members of the society within this respective Counties, to complete payment of the taxes du from them, Vurge (there who have neglected) to an immediate payment of the deposits the on the requisite collectors da appointed for the respective Counties, be desired, to call on th requisite to become a member –––– Voled that the monies they further the Treasury by former collectors, & receive what have collected, which with whatever receive, are to be paid into may sunes they may the next annual meeting a se Voted that the Ru Fort Stiles be requested to deliver a sermon, & that May Judd be requested to deliver an this next anniversary requesting society at their next Pui Dot Sites. to be. he was was excused. ехце be requested to deliver their next ann annwersary a an 1 excused e oratine, before the On motion So the fine delivering a Votice that the Pur Don Dana bration before the society, at On application of Dr. Pam 22 Voted D' Forest à necesitous member, praying the society, for relief, & presenting ertificates & proofs of his disability Vnecessity, that the Officers of the society, or any three of them, shall be a committee to take into consideration, the case &r Pt De Priest any unfortunate member, Vafford her such relich from the interest of the funds, as in this discretion, they shall judge proper after the debts of the society shall have bun discharged Cool Huntington reported to the Society, that he an any Gary (who won appointed a committee at the last ardinial mating to settle the Treansers Auments) Loggen 6 were d called 98 called on make a they had En Grosvenor tate Treasurer of the Society to settlement, but that for vant of certain documents settlement – Noed, That (° not made a a f a speedy B. Hantußten, &c. 8. Grey be desired, to make settlement with the Treasurer of this society, & all this that have received monin, the fraquity of the Dostate 1the sanie an account cument, Payport the state of the funds to the President, by the first day of Sext next a true voy of Roudings atte ! Eberd : Funtington Ghüffich At the annual meeting of the sounty Flincinnati held at Wartford the 7 day der July 1790 by order of the President, the 4 happening sunoday) present the vice president, luasures, ahir sech &' about fortyz members. On motion, voled, that reading the declaration of independence of independence on opening bitions of the day be milled society formed themselves d'anoved in the exhi : At 11 Clark. The procession from the Council Chamber to the North Meeting House, where an 99 an was a delivered exeffent & well adapted sermon to them by the Dew Dortos Dana; after the exercises wen over, the society returned to the council chamber Veluted the following gentlemen Officers for the year A Sundry Cô⁰ Premiah Wadsworth Paivident Gen Samuel Wyllys Vice President Bot don Trumbull Surytary a communications. were made Cool Beny Pallinadge Tuasures, Cor Eben : Huntington, Ahn Leis Co1° Philije 13. Bradley Affi Framn to the society by the the President, V' among them the proceedings of the Gind Meeting held in May Cast, and also a "letter from the secretary general of the society, uquesting that this states society would appoint a special delca = gation to attend at on the first mon- Philadelphia Jules Jenter 411 agree day of may next, I that they be empowered to I finally establish all such alterations be thought nachsary to adopt carry into execution such muamuis may. in the Constituction, as 700 as may conduce to the security of the funds, I to the promotion of the general interests of the souity On motion, Voted that this states society will - point a delegation for the bes mentioned pupones with full & ampele power there to of their before ap The meeting this procedade to the cleiation ater delegates chous. when the followine gentlemens Cet⁰ Wadsworth Gerdd Myllys were Cat Follmadge of dat? Beardsley Coro Huntington V suncel of the members expressed a with that three of the delegates should attend, but no vote taken on the subject wat in the in motion Notia that Casi Gurdon Bill late kun Navey of the United States, is intitled by his serviers to become a member of this society by paying a months pay & regning the institution. On motion Voted that Cats George Starr is als intitha to become a member of this society by months pay, & signing the institution paying a m LOW to On onation Noticed that this meeting be adjourned to meet at this plane 6 Clock this Even) At 6 Clock the meeting convened & proceeded to business in On motion votice that the vote of the last meeting, directing that all deposits of the one months should be made A meeting the day, on or before the annual be so far dispensed with, al to extend the said vote to the next annual mu- =hing The Committer appointed at the last meeting to settle the auxrents with && Groſandr late treasures, of the society. Hopkins be res was made their report, which by oote Campted, Vordered on file. Notea that Est Huntington Hape Charles a committee to pass the papiis u from the late treasures, into the hand of the present tuanier & take his neccipit therefor – Foud that the treasurer with the advice of the President be directed to demande V obtain all the funds of the society into his hands as soon as may be, fosther wond benefit of thin society & make aport of the sam to 102 to the next annual meeting Notes that the sum of five pande two shillings beich the amount of Cot Humphrey's expences in attending the last Gin meeting be paid by the treasures es Noted that Dont Beardsley & Mayer Pustice, be a committer to wait on the Bus Doctor Dana, with the thanks of this society for his sermon delweird them ther day Notia that the President of this society be desired, to request. a sermon, or deliver at this Society и some Gentleman, to preach an oration before the souity next anniversary Noted, that the next anniver anniversary be held at New Haven of the A tum record of Proceedings attent Eben : Frentington Afsir Lof 103 Cep an annual Meeting of the for :nectient Society of the Cincinnatic hot- en at Nellavers on the 6th Day July 1791 Presents all the Officers of the Socid, except the Assistant Lectry – witty about 40 other members i Locity bleety_witty After the Secrcises off day concity of an Oration delivved by David Dogget hot & rome elegant Music performed by the Citizens in the Brick Meeting meeting The Members convened for Business in the State House Lundry by the Prindent respecting the 2nd Meety of the Louity in Phile in Thile in May Cart – a litter from the Mapa Louity requnty communication were made lark-g an "the concurrence of this torcity in application to Congress for which ensur Just of their pay during the Warged On Motion - Uoted that's the Connde. ration of the Memorial of the Offices of the Make Line of the late Amy, bee pat - posed to some pritur meeting of this Society The treanser made a report of the State of the Funds of this souity which was approud. The officers of the Louity for the ensuing Fear were chouers – and ar Coll Wadsworthe Prendent Gold Wyllys – die Qui & Colo Zimball Sectz.. C010 Follmadge. Frear L 601 api Got Huntington Apud Sectre Got Bradley – Apud Linden 105 Mr Bearsley, Sidest son of the late dont Beanley presented himself of was accepted as a Mender of this Lorety in rooms of his Father Deccared u Au Motion-Resolved - That the Vote directing all deports of one months pay to be made on or before the Anual My Meeting in 1790- Lofterwards suspended to the present time, _ be further extended until the next Anual Meeting - And that in theman time The Treasurer, by himself, or the segeral Collectors appointed for the puspone, be request particularly on each deficient Ad to call Menteer Resolved, That the Treame 106 with M Khirley be desired to ixamine the Books & Papers to ascistan's the true & just sum which has been or ought to Lave been paid by the respective suben bing Members as this Deposits-of to compare the Amouch with the Jums & Dépicéncis dus – now on make a compleat Statements of the same in with writing, to be reported to the next Meeting of this lovely An Motion Voted – Fruts the Leanne Treame of this Society he directed to subéénte the limount of the Funds in the UStates Loan Office in this State – and take Cer: tificates therefor in the Name of the rear s in truch for the Use & Benefit of the Comer - hint Itate loucity of Cincinnati _ag agreally The Terms of the new Loan proponed by Congen to 107 Voted - That the Treamines le directed 1. to obtain the Intent now due on the Kunds of the Locity & payable in hard Money - of that the same he appropriated to discharge the the existing Claims again the societyny Zudd werd Major Walker Major appointed a Committee to examie the Hate ment of the Treamer respecting the present State of the Trende. Noted That the amount of foue Dollars & Month be advanced to Lind de Lorents for the term of Six Months / provided he lives so long) for relics of his recipitives and that the Treamer pay the same accord singly On the Memonal of Mr Abigail Elle Wide of the late Caps Edward Ells – Cole & 108 Member of this Society, representing he very necesitons chaumitances de Noted that the sum of que Dollar & month - payable In Yearly for One Years [of the line so long) be advanced to the s Wide Abigail Ills for which of hu ne cipities - ofthat the Reaune pay aguably to this Voter hune: the same On Motion Noted_Trah a Members be appointed in each County of this Stales to whom all applications for relies pon the funds of the Louity shall be modo S And Thats Co10 Tallmadadge for the County of Litchfield - Cost Bradly for Fair: ſield County – M. Burs of Maven County –der Meigly, for Middlesex –Gerd Myllys for Hartford County – Cost Corriner for Windhand 109 Cap Chapman for the County of Tolland- of Col thinkingtors for the County of NLondon - be appointed each within his Cousity for the pumpor of receis quch Applications & that they be desired, wherein such Applieſti -one are made, that they make diligent of carefull Enquiring into the particular Circuns stances & Saturation of the several Applicants report the Lame to this Loccity for their Informs And that the Lectly do publiche this Note in the averal. Newspapers within the State c cation a in - On Motion Resolved that the conside - nation of the recommendations of the bend Meeting May Cart - rupecting a delegation to the next triennial End theeting to be held in May 1993 – for the purpose of Alterations in the End Con tttition _ of the mode of make the same big a repre "sentation of Nine States _ be postponed till the next Annual Meeting of this locie Society Noted-That the Treasurer be dricks to pay to Gerd Sand Wylly the Lam of Feylet polends one shilling shy to depay the be: pences of his Attend the late Send meeting of the wurdtoriety at Mila in May And that he also pay lach the labre Lum & 8 ich. I to lol Fallen depay the lapsing of his Attendance at the come time. agroally to their Accounts rendreed to this meeting of apported On Motion Noted - Thats May Prentice of M King be a Commitee to retune the thanks of the Society to M David Dagget for his Oration ſiliverd before the Loicity at their Meeting this Daye Voted That the President be desired to July 19792 I prouve some Gintleman to prepare Voli ver an Bration or Sermon before the Louity on their next Anniversary in July 1792 And that the next Ammversary Meeting be held at the lity of Hartford' Adjoumed sine Die Ahme Record – Leste Sonde Zumbull See See 7 1/2 At an annual meeting of the Connec: - : treat Society of Cincinnati – holder at Hartford on the 466 4. Day of July 1792. Present the Affiess of the Society, cepts the lessis » Reassurer. with about 4on other. Members – The Mendens met in the Coun cil Chamber – pom whence they moved in prise sion to the North Meeting House –– where the Ex- ercises began with Singing – after which a concise & pertinent Prayer Mr Flynt _ succeeded by was made by the leo?» an Anthem for the Oc: :casion, performed by the Singers of the City – The Public Exercises closed with an animated bration S 7 delivered by Mr Theodore Dwight – The Soinity returned to the Court House – & paraded to Bring of the Days The Ofrien of the Souity for 13 the ensuing Year ihnen and avers ние President Colo Jure Wadsworth. Send Lande Wyllys – Vii-Jun- Colo Jone Trumbull Suredange Cole B Tallmadge – Leanner 6010 Mr Huntington _Amis - Tecitye Cap Thomas Y : Leyman And Reamer Y: Mand Frothingkan. Mother trent Hair to the late Lieir Ebr Frothingham (deceand) was by unanimous consents, admitted a Member of This Society. in room of his deccand This Society in room. の ​Brothery Resolved that the delegates chover by this State Society to attend the next triennial and Meetings to be held in Phila on 1 the "7" Monday in May next, bie instucted &fully empowered to aque upon & finally establish all such Alterations be thors necessary in the Gud Contti: as may 714 L tration of the Cincinnati – Resbloed – That any Amendments or Alle rations in the Gend Constitution of the Society of the Cincinnati, which may be agreed to, fron : cured in by the Delegates of Nine State Sociitung choun to attend the next triennial Fund Meeting. thall be obligatory on this State Socity, shall be considered as binding Societies, whether present or not by their delegate, at & Meeting And shall thenceforth be obsumed as part or parts of the Constitution of the Sud Sain :ety of the Cincinnati in : : gates and on the other Itale The follow & Sontlemen were chosen dele: to attend the erst End Meeting of the lin the r " Monday in May news cinnati, in Phila. Hoy - on Col Wadworth Coto Zumbullis Send Wyllys 6010 Tallmadge 6010 M Shuntington _ 115. Resolved. That the Vote respecting tipang ment of deficient Deposits, passed at the Carte annual meeting, he further extended for the Term of Six Months pom this time, and no longer Resolved – That the Surgeons of Reginnt, who have deported 40 dollars, be conſidund having compleated their full Deposits al Resolved – That the Teamer be direct - cd, prom time to home, to apply the surplus of her Intenst, arising on the Funds, in his hands, to the purchase of Fork, for the Use of this Pociety The Treaurer made a Report respecting the Subcription of the Funds to the New Loan of the Ustaty 116 in Also respecting Intenst received – and diebens ments made with Ballance remain) odre Whumpor - Woled — That Cold thertogter bass Ball & Md. Richards, be a Comittee to ix: amine the Accounts of the Freamer-greporte An Motion – Voted. That the Sum of Sie Dollers of Month be advanced to Luid de pract through the ensuing Year, should he live es long for relief of his necessities, and that the Traurer pay the same accordingly a loted That Cap Seymour, & Caps Bull be Comte to present the thankes of this Louity to 2dr Dwight for his pertinent & animated Aration, this day delivered _ of to request a Copy for the press, Voted – That the next Anniversary Meetz of this toriety be held at Nolaven and that. the Presidenti be dived to pound some penow 117 to deliver an Oration or Lemmon on the Aucopione Adjoined Line Die – Jette Jo Kumbull See 17 Dr th 8 118 If an annual Meeting of the Connectunt Society of the Cemcinnati, holden at New Haven on day of July 1793 Present. the fourth Maj. Hard Sand Wyllys, Sie brene Cot. Benja Fallshadge. Frear" and about thirty Members es ced house The membert conveened and moved in Procession to the Brick Marting where the Exercises of the Day were introdu. by reading the Declaration of Inde_ pendance, after which several pières of Vocal & Instrumental Musick were perform. ed by the Gentlemen & Ladies of the City, and a well adapted Prayer made by the The Society ad Rev? President Stiles. returned to the Court House and proviend to the business of the day S The ballots for a President being taken R May-Gen - Samuel Wyllgr declined. The ballots 119 was chosen, but were agam taken and the following Gentlemen chosen Officer of the Sonety the ensuing Year Gerd-Ebend: Huntington – President Cot. Bery a Tallmadge Vice-President Caps - Cophraim Kirby - Secretary - Nathan Beers Erf Treasurer Henry Dagget hun: Ey: Are Fre May. "Joseph Melior. Ass Wand On – Motion, Resolved – that bas-David Phipps, Caps John Miles and Paint, Stephen Allen, who have not made their deposits. agreable to the Institution, be nav permitted to depost their respective Obligations with Surety payable to Mr Nathan Beers, demand with Interest, the Treasurer Society. in in He handi trust for the use 128 On the Petition of Caps - Enoch Reed Representing that by various misfortunes, he 120 he is reduced to the last degree of indigence and want, and praying, This Society Resolved y relief from that Gerd- - Eber = Shuntington, be dequested to inquire into the truth of the tacts Stated in the Petition, and ascertain what relief. Hought Abe granted (if any), and that he be ou the fired to draw Supon the Treasurer for judge such sume quarterly as he shall, proper until the next Annual Meeting, not exceeding the sum of twelve dollard El quarter and that the money whene drawn shall be placed in the hands of Cot. David F. Sill to be delivered out at his diserations according of the Petitioner ending to the necessities If Resolved, that Cap – Stillwell and Col. Prentice be a Committee to Audit & fettle the late Treasurers Accounts, and to make the proper transfer of the sam with the Fund into the hands of the new Treasurer. Oor Motion. Resolved that the 121 Expence of the day be paid out of the Treasury of the Society, and and that May - King & Mary Wilion, be la Committee to Audit the accounts & Report, & that the Treasurer pay the fame accordingly. Voted that the Treasurer pay & Garde Sand Wyllys £12.3.6 for his Expences Delegate attend ate attending the General Mast- ing at Philadelphia in 16. Bot. B. Tallmadge £11. 19–8 for his as a Expences as a May laste Zand Delegate at the same time. Voted, that the Treasurer pay May- Joshua King 28. 8.44½ being monies by him actanced for the relief of St. Sand Deforest, agreable to a ble to a former Tote of the Society; On Motion Resolved, that the names Im Munson and Defasher Mead, being having been omitted in the list of Members, be now The Sentary inserted by Resolved 1,22 Resolved – that the next Anniversary Meeting of this Society be held at Start- ford and that the President be desired to procure some fuitable to deliver an Aration (er Helmon Adjourned Sine Fie Jest. en Messen The occasion. See Ephraim Kirby Suz 123 At an Society of the Cincinnati holden at on the fourth day of July 1794 an Annual Meeting of the Hartford about. Present The Officers of the Sorcity and hixty members. fenty J a was The members assembled at the Court- in procession house, from whence they moved in to the North Meeting hair, preceded by Band of Musick, where a pertinent prayer made by the Red-Nathan Strong and a spirited and elegant Oration Gloken by M Elijah Waterman Seunal excellent pins Several of vocal Musich, wer performed by the Singer of the bety, after which the Procession boty: "I the same returned in the same order to the Cout Kruse, and fire Society proceeded to the business of the day. On motion that the Officers of the Society for the ensuing year be chosen, the 124 the ballots were taken, and the following entlemen elected in vit - Gend- Eben Huntington. President Bot. Beny » Tallmadge Five President Col. Cast-Cschraim Kirby Suntany Nathan Beers Esg. Teaseden Henry Dagget hund Ery: Ahr Sich- Coh Joseph Belion Ass Treasurer Col. Resolved – that it be a standing rule that all applications for admission into the Society in right of any deceased member shall be made to a Committee, who shall inquire into the facts and Report to the Society and that the Fine President & - Secretary for the time being shall be for that purpose. a Committe The Committee reported that M Reuben Ells was the eldest son of Cap- Edward Ells ducased, when upon he was 135 admitted to take his seat, and was ordered to be enrolled a member of the Society. The Committee appointed to examine into the fate of the Funds Reported as follows vint by the as well. We the fuburibers, being a Committe appointed to examin into the amount of the payments which have been made as those which ought to have been made the Subscribing members of the Society of the Cincinnate of the State of Conant dients, beg leave to Report, that we find the amount of the payments which ought to have been made by the members of the Society is nine Kousand six hundred and Phantly dollars That the sums sume which, the which appeur 18 have amoun bun paid into the Treasury to Eight thousand fou fundrich and thirty four dollars. That is number of persons appears. by 126 by the Treasurers, Books, still the defi- cient in their payments (u List of whose names, shall be annexed) the sums of which amount Eleven hundred & ninety seven doblars. The Funds of the Cincinnati Society appear to consist of the following are Six per et Stock Défered — de Three & 6t-do: - Jums bts- 651334 68 2,896.. 63 1.646.36 11.056 38 As an accumulation 18 the fund of hie per Cent Staith, the Committee would further observe, that the late Treasurer, Benjamin Tallmadge, purchased fuen hundred and twenty dollars of her styt Stack from the surplus of interest arising from the Funds belongings to the Society. So. that the funds arising from the Subſcriber payments would be as follows – vört Six per f Doll Six per cent Stock. Defered do 127 Cents 5793...34 2896.68 8690. 2 Three & &r Stock amounting to 1646 36 is formed agreable to the Sfunding fystem from The Interest which was was due orginally deposited – on the sume So that there of Tor plus of our Funds, beyond what the Jubreribing Members Raid in hundred and sisty six dollars, fifty six dollars, independant of the 720 Dollars of 68 r. Stock per- chard by the daid Benjamin Tallmadge as before stated All which is hubnitted Benjamin Tallmadge boy Lithfull April 12. 1794 Committer 128 The Committer would further obave that the said Benjamin Tallmadge has delivered over over to the present Treasurer Nathan Bers, Eighteen dollars to in addition to the above maken above making making the fur. plus 274 Dollar B. Tallmadge Committe Eph m Kirby Which Repoſt, being read, was acceptes, and Cordered Abe récorded. On the Petition of Phebe Reed, widow of laſt Enock Reed dewar referesenting the cessitous situation of herself and dildren & praying for relief – Resolved — That The Treasurer pay to the said Phebe the summe of thuty six dollars to be paid in quarterly installments. On the Petition of Abigail Start, widow of Major Jonathan kant die. representing that she has an only child. en son aboutfloder Major Jonathan Bant die? 129. Jage of age which appear to possess an Sunconned degree of genius; that by the misfortunes attending her husbands death she is rendered incapable of bestowing that attention to her sons éducation which it ments and praying the aid of the Society Resolded that the Treasured pay to the said Abigail the sum the purpose mentioned in her Petition, to be paid quarterly by installments and a half dollars init o of fifty dollars for of twelve On the Petition of Thankful Hodge wise of laß- Arahel säg a representing Lon red that the is at a great desire from her family attend for his health, that she is Restitute of money to bean her onessary expences, & praying The assistance of the Society Menable hey to promete her founney Resolved - that the Treamer pay the Faid thankful for the purpose aforesaid the sum of forty dollars. 136 On the Petition of Lieut Cornelius an accidental, Russel representing th fall from a building ersuch brake his thigh he is rendered meapable of obtaining a support for himself and relief Family from the Society Resoluifs = that the Treasurer patch the said St. Russel the sum of fifty to dollars 18 be paid quarterly by installments of twelve and half dollars Seach. On the Petition of D'Enra Smith representing that by various misfortunes he is redited to great want, and prayenne for relieffe Resolved – that the Treasur pay baid St Sonith the sum of twenty dollars Abe paid quarterly by of five dollars each. by installments Resolved – that Dat Hrs: Higgins, for: Lone month and Me Im Plumb be allowed to alter their respective deposits of one pay each with the Treasurer. & 131 Resolved – that West Beer & Heirby be Committed, to examine bre respecting the Members of the quiety who have nectarted to make their deposits of one months pay. Welch Resolved that Cap Kirby. Caſt Selek and Caps Wadsworth be a Committee 15. digest the different Votes of the Society into Prosser form, and to Report such other votes of said Committee conceive the necessar Bo form a proper Cade of Bye Lawren Resolved – that for the protection and security of the Funds of the Society, apple cation be made to the Legislature of this State for an Act of dressporation; and that let. Wadsworth May – Judd, and Gen Smith be a Committee to devise a propen of application, and when the same, is approved by the President and Fice President of the Society, said Committee are requested to introdene Ptition accordingly i mode 732 an turn Resolved – that Maj - Seymore. M Beers be a lonémittee to re- the thanks of the Society to. M Waterman for the Oration delivered this day, and I request a: Copy for the Press, (and that said Committee procure the same to be published at the expence of the Society. on Resolved – that the next anniver- sane meeting be held at New Haven fch day as the President shall dient & that he be requested to procure for the day an Adjourned without day I Fest Pretter Ephraim Ricky day. Att an Annual Meeting of the Connections State Lority of the Cincinnati - holden at New Haven on the o7th day of July 1795 133 Present. The Officers of the Souity (exupting the Seentary) and about forty Members – On Motion. Voted that reading the dularation of Ind dependance be omitted in the exercises of the day- The Members having convened at the City of by Room moved in shroussion to the Brock Med- house, where a ing house, where a Sermon was practia by the Oration Grotten by W. James Gould, I several Jetect pins of Music were performed by the Cittens - The Prousion returned The Assembly Room and proward in the business of the day. Offeins shown for the ensuing Year News ? Dort : Dwight, and to the and an Gen. Eben Huntington President Col. Deny? Talmadge. Vii Presiden Capt. Ephr. Kirby Suntary Mr Nott: Burs Trosurr Mr. Theme Dazque Opis Suntary Col. Joseph Hillion: Apis Freasurer C 134 On motion- Douce That the thanks of the Jacin -ity be given to the Ru? Dott. Dwight for his Sermon, I to Mr. Gould for his Oration & that Mess. Pents & Burs be a Committee for the purpose drequest a Cappy of each and cause them to be printia at the expense of the Touity opike Mr. Russ be requested to express the thanks of the Tocilly to the Singers for their potite opistance in utebrating the day Society –– - also that J On the application of John Frou briap & Sam. De Fenit to bueme Members of the Soulty Voted - That the Vice President and Asus Suntary be a Committee to examine their claims – The Comm² nportia - That John Troubridge is the eldest Male Heir of Lui John Troubriage amar - & Sam. DiTrust The eldest Mall this of Lust Sam. Du Foust awaren The Souity accepted their Report & or dira Their Names ensold as Members of the Souity Lane entitled to buime Members – C Petitions wen presented to the Society by the following persons for relief stating their indijen & nuestions in verstanus - Ellen De Ferest . Hiar of The Late Liu? Sam? De Forest duiard - Phebe Rea Hiar of the tate Capt. Enoch Aud. award – Lun Elias Robbinson - Col: Jonath? Johnson - Cap: Cornelius Russell – Sally Leavenworth Briar of Map. Eli. Leav enworth award - On which the Souity granted the following Sums... To Ellen De Forest - 40 dots pays to Cap: Hubbel Phive Reed. • . 20--- Luci Robbinson – 60 A... Col? Sill Col. Johnson ... 50.... Elijah Hubbard Ef On the Petitions of Capt. Russell & Solly Leavenworth - Word That as they are at ponsent Member of other States, they cannot be entitled to apsistance from the Funds of This State Society On mation ... Dota That our grants of money for the Voted relief of the Indigent Members of the Society be paid in half rearly payments, unless specially desutia otherwiin The Committu appointed to digest the differen Votes of the Society into proper : form and sport fuck other Votes as they they consiive to be neysary to form proper Code of Bye Laws report the followery a + 136 7. The Anniverary Meetings of the Souity shart be alternatity held in the litus of Hartford & New Haven- 2. It shall be the awry of the President for the time auty being to provide an Orator, to dituer a Desmon or Oration at each Anniversary Meeting, unless ord- -derd otherwise by a Vate of the Pocity ruises of the a o 2. . To call to mind the great events of the American Reo- -otution & the causes which led to them, the Public Ever- day shall be in trodigued by reading the declaration of Independence by the Suretary 4 ... Introductory to the busines of the day the doings of the preceding Muting shall be nad 5. Then shall be annually appointia a Committe of thom, who shall Audit I aqjust the Treasurers Accounts, I make report to the nexs Anniversary Meeting whin shall be read before the appointment of Officers - The Report shall sheee the state of the Treasury at the time it is made. I the Jums revived in, paid and in the course of the preceding year I being aupted I approved by the Sovvity, shall be murdia et full length by the Suntary 6. At each Anniversary Meeting there shall be appa 737 two Members from each County, to any of whom applications may be made by distressed Frawviduals for nlief. And it shall be the duty of the Members Jo appointed to examine minutely into the merits of the case of each Opplicant, & to report the facts I wiαinue to the next Muting of the Douity - Di applications to the Socitly for rich from the Funds shall be a amittia, (unless in cases of a Jingulas nature) but upon report as before mer tioned no if. It shall be the any of the Suntary immediany after each Anniversary Meeting to cause to be publishes in the Several Gasites in this State the Names of the Committee to ruive applications for relief. to gether with such part of these rules as are muyssary to give information to all concerned ones oun J 8 All applications for admission into the Souity, either in right, or the right of any award Member, shall be made to a Committee who shall enquire into the fails and report to the Society Voled that the Souity accept the Report of the Com mitter & a dopt the foregoing as the standing Rules Reputations for the Sosietes. 139 On Motion - Dotice that the expences of the day be paid by the Treasures out of the Funds of the Sou- -ity, & that Mesir Buns, Allen, & Daqque be a Committee to aajust them. is to be made by the Indigent L Voua Thai Capt. Eph. Hirby Capt. Still well- dagjust d Maj. Munson be a Committee to audit da The Grasurers Quounts, & report at the next Annee. "Marty The Souity proceded to the choice of the Annual Committee of two two in cach County, to whom applices Members of the Society for Rele relief & the following Gentlemen were cluted Hart. County. Copt. Calls Bull... Cap. Erast? Holwitt N. Haven. O. M. Nothan Buss. Mr. Stephen Allen - N. London. O: Gen Eben". "Huntingter Col. Um Richards Fairfuld_O._." Col. Tim: Taylor - Capt Salmon Hubbell Hindham. O: Cot: Moses Cleveland. Col: The Grosvenor Litchfield O. Cap. Elej! Hadsworth. Col. David Juason Midalifer O: M. John Meigs. – Col. Joseph, Hillion Folland....O. Col. Elijor Chapmar. Dou Jurum West 3 Resoura that the Delegates chosen by this State Loving to attend the next Trennial Gin? Meeting to be holder in Philadelphia in May next, be instructed to agree 139 to such amendments to the Constitution of the General Pocity of the Cincinnate or they may dum necessary. which when rattified by the Souters of Nine Stats shall be binding upon the Soutties 20 ra The Soutties 20 rattifing the some The Battets bung taken, the following Gentlemen chosen-any three of whom are desina to attend the next Gen ! Meeting. Capt. Ephraim Kirby Col. Benjamin Falmadje Gen! Ebenezer Ftunting tor Maj. Joseph. Halker – Col. Jouph. Million Voted That the Ru. Dout. Dwight be admitted an en were Honorary Member of this Society & the Vice President is requestra to acquains him with the Jame Adjourned without Test. days Tumy Dagger Ops Sage 140 At an Anniversary meeting The Connecticut State Society. Pofthe Cincinnati Golden at Staftsord Tuesday the 5..." July (except 6 en Purent – the Sfiers of the Society Preſent. Seif (caupt the treasurer and After days and about fifty member. on mo. in converored in the Ren The society convened zweventatives, Chamber, and tion -Fold that the reading of the (Declaration of Indepentance in the exercises of the day, be dispensed with. The members then moved in processi.. to the north meeting house, whene in th the Rev. Mr Flint made a well adapte Mayer, an oration was spoken by Mr Jon 2. H. Edward and fernal pies of wool musick performe by the Gent & Ladies of the late Joha 141 The procession returned the State," fit house; and the Society made chorie of the following Offriers for the year Cot. Verjamein Tallmadge Benden Cot. The free Grosvenor With President Cass-Ephraim Kinley Surretary Mr Bathan Balls. Treasamen Mr Honey Zaggett Afin Fully Gend Joſeph Milion Ass Freed to the business of the day The doings of the last recting Introductory read, The Committee appointed, audit. the Treasurers accounts, ex hibited t instatement shaving the present state of the Fund of the society. and a Report on the Treasures accounts, which were read provi ous to the choice of offices, and 142 accessed and approved by the Society and are llows An Estimate of Fund belonging to the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati. Stork in the Books at Hartford 5977-148 Six & bunt Stock Three phent d' 4- ασ Befored Six plent – do do. + do 2896-68 New York =-1323.. Three notes for - 96.60. this final settlements -18.67 huly 1796 Erron Excited /1843-52 115-27 Dollars 11.958-79 of Nathan Beers 143 D. The Connections, scriety of the Cincin - nati in aut with Nathan Bars Buly; - br To expense of the Sority at tren 20. Ct. meeting in Newttaven Is Cash granted. Elias Roberveen 60- To dobit Celler de Forest 40 To ditto Cool. In Johnson To stitts Pheble Reu 50 -20 To base paid Themes and for 300 But Duighting a 5½ To 300 Dollars 6 ghent Storite purchased a 18/9 87.. 25 1700. 22.92 281-25 561-42 To Callance due the Souity 77- 43 Dollars 63885 144 M 1795 By Cellare due on former qu Zuly Pay shree quarters Interest on 916 Funds at Hartford to the 15. January 1796 By Shafer quarters bitwest on the 297 75 Funds at Newworth to the 15 & рэд Jany 7796 Bef Reimbensment 727) but one 34 $793,000 dollars 67 on The Booths at the gut stock. My quarters Interest on Stock at Hartford is April 1796 My By. Reinbonsment of 3 fflant on 1120 dollars 5 Plant Stock 57.30 115.86 101-92 an The Booth at New York. 22-40 By Quarter Interest on ditto to April 16.46. By back rec for diploma's –– 6.. By ditts for Cast- David Stronge tax By bash due the widowis Cast trahel Hodge. July 44 = 1796 Huron Exasted of Nathan Beers 2 10.0 Dollars 638-85 1457 He the Subscribers appointed to audit the accounts of Nathan Beers, Treasurer of the Connecticut State Society of the have bencinoratio for the examined the chifees with the Vou chers, and his credits and find the above ballance of seventy seven dollar forty three benlich in far of the society Ephraim Kirby Chias Stillwell Auditors Millian Munson The Committee appointed to arcustan, ambers who had neglected to make their deposit of one months pay the mc ted рек a list names which was read and ordered to by on télé. 7 Elijah Hubbard Erg: and Gad-forepte Willcox being appointed a Committee to receive pulpplications for admission that into the Society, Reported, that 146 is Stephen Titus Hormen Eryr Middletons the eldest male Hair of Leint Prentist Hormer deccared, and that. Mr Porter Walbridge of Stafford in The oldest male heir of Major Amor Halbridge ducand, and entitled to become member issue Society, whereupon resolved that the said Porter Balbridge und Stephen Fitus Hormer be admittan into the Socity, the said Hormen praying that deposit of one months hay flakes, or producing Bufficient evidence that the same häth already been done, and that the Seif Anroll thein dingly. names accon Goud that the butificate M Purne Regulate Pay M signed by John die Gud that he had ru for the 147 benefit of the Society of the Cincinna ti from leaks? shen Munson and Casti rook fly Lee one months pay rach, shall be considered as full évidence of their complied with the Article Institution in ma havy the King Keir deposit; and that the Spacemen be required to lathe the messing stefes for Sotamimig payment Toff, said Bertificate Sprove the estate of ſaid John Purce and make report at the next annual meeting. Sundry applications from receptetin persons being made to the society thro the Commetters apponited for that purpose, the Pottraining The following b are the fund'th the society wint Pott Charles Miller Liventy dollars to be paid to haft St huges trust Solit zu Johnson, forte dollars lobe pard to haſt Eljähe Hubbard in 148 intrist, to the widow of Lieut. Beich Lustliff twenty dollars the hand to St. John Breigs – to the widowe op haff. Edward Bels houty sour dollar. Bberpaid to Caps & Davage in trust __ to the widow of Fond Reforest twenty dollars to be paid bat Salmon Hubbel in trust to Lient Cornelens Russell thirty dollars, ſobe paid to himself. and that the Treassiver pay the same accordingly by hall peale The Society. installments agreable foMe. дай standist order Poted that the Treas» be Trailed to the account of Col. Benjamin Fellmadge for his expences Pattending The Gund Meeting at Philadelpher in May last, amounting to £25. 16.3 Fold, that the Treasurer be the account of dincited to h Bray 149 letters contame. Cap Extrain Kiely for expones attending the Glad meeting dir May last, and for cash advanced for the postage tous to the soci ing communications to the Soie- an conting in the whole to eighty eight dollars and Kiity mine Couts. Thirty an Ford thatt. Lt Daggett, batt Committer to audit the Treasmens Stillwell, and May Munson be in accounts for the you report to the next annual meeting Sted that the following Gend committer, for the several Counties to recive the applications of necessities persons and report thucon to the next annual thereon mective wit Brattes Voleott Hartford County, Cast Caleb Bull, Cass Crashes Noleathe 1. Laver de Mathan Beer, Mr Stepiten Allen 1. London dr Garde E. Huntington, Cot. Devid J. Sill Franfuls de Coſ. Tiin: Taylor, bass: Salmon Hubbel Mudhand Cot. The Connor, God. J. Frambull Litchfield d. Cape Elijah Wadreworth, Grußavid Hedion "Middleux County, Mr John Meigs, Geer for. Nolicx Forland - Cest. Elish Chapman, Mr Porter Waldbridge Noud that the expence of the day be pard out of the Fund of the Society and that Caps Bull & Masi Lexmon be My Committee to audit the Paill (and the Treasurer Voted Seymour be that best Bull and May en Commettee to wait. By J. H. Edward and retina the Manly of the Society for the Ination delivered by kine this day and request copy for the press also that this same Committee return the thanks of the society to the dingen. for then polite attention on Min occasion. Bud, that bass-Click Hubbard and Gend Joseph Milion, be Committe to Ptition the Legislature for an act of incorporation so far as to sume and protect the Fund of the dining for the uses intended su the original 151 institution, and that said Committer be divcitted to conduct (said business agreably ccably to their own discretion. Adjoined without day Fest. Eph Kirby d At a Neeting of the Connectivul Siau Sauity of the Comemorate halden at N. Haven the 4th day of July 1797 S present the Officer of the Socity & about forty Member The Member of the Society having convind in the Pare-House moved in prousion to the Bruk meeting House where the Lausires of the play bedochyno duced by reading the auta. ration of Independance, after which a pertinent prraijer was made by the Ru. Day: Dana, Lan elegam Jentersting Oration was spoken by Mr. Jereremiate Aluater sinier Juter of Coblige - several schut prius of performed by the Ladies & Gentlemen of the City I Studines from the teneversity – after the public exercins of the day wen losia the Sottity movia in proupion to Mr. Sho! Aluaters & Musuk were, 152 I transavia the Annual business of the Society The asings of the last Muting being read The Committee appointra le audie The Inasures Out moaned this sport which was read & ausplice – Their which is as follows- An estimate of the hinges belonging to the Connutuus State Loiitty of The Cenunnais 6 fr. Cent. Stock on the Books at on the Books at Hartford -- Cuello I pr Cente difered ...See You 2 Final settlement Notes Hartford dino Aumbursements from 67 lents. say $290 $300 Intress. 6 fr. Certs yearly. Z pc. Cones... dius Maven July 4th 1797 86093, 34 1581.88 1646 36 289668 12218 26 12 67 12236 93 $460.50 49.40 509,90 Nathan Bears Joras". CD. The Conner Stall Society of the Cincinnati in Cast 1796 July To paid Col: Jalma ager, Rice of expence Aille. Capt. Eph Kirby dise 8864 88,39 aitto pr. Daved Bull for dinner J! for the Sowey 5. in: 93,63 Aug: 13" dute. prostage 2 Latest. Sept. 16-A... The Midaus of Berry : Sutte if Oil 11. Nov. 1. 16" a: postage of a letter A: Cal. J. Johnson pr. Elijah Hubbard a: Charles Miller. A: Hidanu Abigail Eels.. to araw Forteress Du: 28. pr. – power of Attorney to araw a. Cornelius Rupill, Пирм t A. ._. The triadow of L. Deprest 4 231300 Aollan purihara @ 17/3. on the pound. 1/2 pr. Cess on the avevi. 13 20/~ 7 20 2223 20- 24- 50 30k 10- 200 3- 50 2014 104 626 36 216 5 8842 41 Frower of Attorney to draw Forenst at Philadelphia Bal que Colo Cole Jornion Quis Hidave DeForest и To Bas aur The Sacrity Maven July 4th 1797 We the Subscribers ceppointed to exam in the Aucunts the Cincinnate for the year past, have examind the twe hundra fextun docian to in favor of the Socity. Our with Nathani Biest 1796 By Bal. of former Au".. Cast ru on wwe Notes Aug 3 Out. 15 25 " Noo 4 1797. Jan 75 April 8 $ 643 77.43 78167 Quarters drusest on the Funds at Hartford to July 1. 102 1 1. Cate Cast ru? on Davia Phipps Note амь deco ---October 1 103 175 3592 Interest on 6 pr Cents at Mork to Octob? ) t 44 29 Aumbuni mints & Interest on Junds @ Hertford to Jary. 1997 225 62 1 Quarters Interest. on Junas Incense & Rumbursements on Junas @Mark 117 Auro. Apris. 5797 103 75 70197 8842 41 of инг in Nashan Russ. Nathan Bun Treasuns of the Connectivul State Bouiry of charges with the vouchers & his Consils, I find the above balance of Thiliam Humon Elias Stilwell } Comm- Home Danged Jun. 156 "The Lority nine provided to the choice of Offers for ensuring Year & the following Several were duely cluted Col: Benjamin Farmaaje Maj. Eptain Kirby. M. Herry Dagged sun. Mr Sathan Buss. Gen. Joseph Walker Gen. Jouph Million Puudist Vice Preisaint. Suntary Treasurer - Aper : Susitary Asses. Irasurer – the applications were to the Lovely by Jaeger Persons through the Committee appointia for the purpose, to when The following sums were nspectively grantia Hear Eller DesForest. 30 dollars. to be paid to. Capt. Hubbel Col. Jonil" Johnson. - 40 divo Cap. Elijah Hubbard – Hiddow of Ruben Ed 20 амь dillo- Cap. A Savage Lune? Charles Miller -- 20 dillo Mr.N.H. Writing Mean Abigail Hart. 50 Re: Sam Mills 70 The payments to be made agreably to the standing rules of the Society, excepting the sum granted to the Red - Samuel Mills which is to be to his Orair. Vaud - That the following Gentlemen be a Coronettee for to nucive & communicate the applications of muccpitous Persons to the next Annual Me Hartfordr. – Cap. S. Hilliams ...._ Cel: John Mix N. Havin Fairfield Hindham L Mr Natlan Buss Cool Tim: Taylor Goven? Trumbul Selets field... Gen? D. Judson. Migdlesir.. Gen. J. Stillion- Jolland - Gol E. Chapman a Mr. Stephen Alling Cap. Sam. Hubbel Col: Grosvenor Cap. C. Hadsworst Cap. A Savage Mr. Halbriap 1577 Fated Trai Commetter be appointed to ruieve appli cations, digist & report a method for method for the introduction of new Members into the Society.. & the Vice Punain Suntary, & Treasures even duqungly appointede " and _ Thai Maj? Yon Munson, Capt Elias Stilwell & Mr. Herrry daggill Jun. be a Committe te examin I report the State of the Treasurers Acounts at the next Annual Meeting. Faux raud That the Treasurer. I Seentary be a Committee to ce ait on Mr. Jeremiah Aluates with the thanks of The Society for the Oration spoken by him this day I request a copy, корру for publicatione also to return the Thanks of the Scuity to the Singers for their polite apsis tanu in uteterating the day. -tance Valid. That the expenses of the day tupaia out of the Tunas of the Loirety, & that Maj. Munson. Capt. Stilwell 2 Cap. Aller be a Committee asustain L'adjiest them Adjourned without day in Flaggett Lenslee 158 at a meeting of the Connect int Stake Socity of the Cincinnati at Hartford on the 4 Day of July 1798 Present about thistl the Socity Member of the members of the Society having contened in the State House moved in proups in to the North, meeting House, where the exercises of the Day were introdund, by reading the declaration of Independence, after which a pertinent Prayed was made by the Bud. M. Strong and two elegant & interesting Orations were spothen, the fist to the Society by M' Thomas Day the other to the Citizens present, by Meſ. don Dwight Esg several sclubpreins of musick were performed by performed by the Ladies of Hastferie, asted the publick exediuses the Day were cond the Socity returned in proupier to the and Gentlemen. State Hown, being excorted both in going from Vocturn Vocturning to the State Honic by three military wit by the Govermen Companies belonging to the Town, to Besses & soot Guards. by Mhe Jinz bem pany of Militia commanded by bass. Céleste Valso by the new reised leorps of Artillerish, all in com -plete uniform, and transacted the Animal Business of the Soirety the doings of the last mater being read, the Committee appointed to and it the Treasurers Aut prodmusthen report, which was und dampted, die Jollars. as Estimate of the funds of the Soinity of the 15 Cincinnati July 4 1798. Six fie pus Cents — 7875-22. Dedent reimbursements 431-40-7443-82 1646-36 Cent Deserved 2 final settlers: Notes 1867 go Total amount –– Hollan Bollan 2896-68 11986-86 18-75 1.2.005-61 760 Amount of C fi bent punichaded 1348 Hot Do Erron imple " "Nathan Been We the Subscribens having examined the above Estimate find the same correct " William Munson Elins Stilwell. Stephen Mlinz 162 4. The Connect unt, State Society of the Cincinnatis in Cass 1797 Julys so portage Letter Sepsis to puid Pres. Samuel Mills -18 -yo 18 yo 18 10 8. to Atwater for dinner & 44 July as f. Bil 12.5 108. sundry expences for 8. Orfe 26 10 d. Charles Millis 1798 The 16 8. Mr Hart 31 10 d. Ellen De Morrest July, 10 d. sordon Cells. Mank Man To 8. Barnard Lamarquesie. до ap 168. Col. Tallmadge crowd sauch 80- May 10 8. for power of attorney to draws int. u. 14 99 20 50 150 10 30 40 108 for six fur. Cent, Stocke 187‰‰0 at 15/2 141 85 108. Carsons on above purchase & pale. 9% due Ellen Beferred. 10d. Mr. Elli 10 d. Cesta Jonathan Johnson. so Ballance due the Socity 288 15 10 410 58540 326 3 Dollan G11 49 We the Subsisilun appointed to and is the auch ih berity of the bein cinnulis for the year rust, have and find the above ballance of three hundred twenty 1797 Account with Nathan Beers July 5 By ballance due on formed aut By Joseph Higgins déposit as Jerrillat. 30. dollan tan 2. Mak 1 Quartess interest on Hands Harthe By to 1 July aug. By Sept 30 By oir 2 By 1 ditto in Ddisso のし ​b 165 216 Ju J320 10375 Dr. A. York to d 2372 d to 1 Oct. 23 72 103 45 to d 14. By 1 ditto on dr Hartferd 10 1798 By Jany91 Many Bry 14 By riembamment. Vinter12 d. Hartsend 225 62 ditt. & two Quartes intends Ngode. 797 1 Quartes interest Harthed to 1. ap. 103 75 Dollan Erson coupled ски Nathan Berns я 911 43 Nathan Been Iscnsured of the Cennet int Stat ccamined the changes with the coouchers, and his bredit six Kollan : 700 in (moury the Society William. Munson rims still will Stephon allens the Jointy next prounded to the choice of Officer. for the ensuing yead, & the follori ing wire duly cluted lat. Benjamin Talmadge Insident, General David Smith Vice President May Mro. y. Jeymond Sentary M. Nathan Bein – Treasund best. John mix apsistant Secretary lust. Ezekiel S. Belden apsis Treasured several applications were made to the Sority by Indigent persons through the Comitter appointed for the purpose, to whom the following sumes were respectively granted leap. Sohn Briley tobe pd to himself 50 dolles leap. Stanton chups wm Ball Leuit Charles melled to be puto W. Whiting Follen de Morrest, to Salmon Hubbell Evelin Bart, to his uncle Schn Itach lect. Sina. Johnson, to Eliz Hubbard esz widow Ciutharine Sut lifs to trup. Snoux 20 dolls 30 30 Co 60 24 bollar 274 The payments to be made to be made agreeably the standing Builes of the touch Society to 165 bited that the following gentlemen be a Committee to ruine, & communicate the up- plications of neupituous pissons, to the rust annual meeting Harther in Cap. I. Williams: John min Nenhavn Nathan Brun Stephen wollen. Newtonden Wichard, leup. Bill Hairfied Simothy Taylor, Salmon Hubbell wind ham Governors Forum well, bot Growned Litchfield David Sadson. Es bijuts westworth Middlesex Gen. wilson Savage. bap. walbridge Solland Hon Chapman –M. Gend. cested that May william munsins leup. This Stillwill & Mr. Stephen the Measurin alle be auditon of the Breas & repost mahe at the т next ännual annual mating of muting of the Society out tested that the express of the buy be paid the side of the Bounty & that Maj lescoles, Leymond, & No williams be a Committer ta 1 , certain Nadjust them 166 Mesolved that the Belizates chosen. this State Society to attend the next tri ennial general muting to be holdin in Philadelphia in May ouest, be instructe to agree to sunt amendments to the Consti such tution of the General Society of the bin they may dum neupurg cinnati as which when ratified by the Socities of nine States, shall be binding upon the Societies 10 rectifying the same The Balloh being taken Meſollowing Gentlemen were were chosen, any desired to attend the next General threesation are meeting lut. m best. Benzin Talmadge lust. Jeremiah wadswirts Gen. Dawid Smitte Gen. Eben Hantington M. Nathan H. Whiting Voted that the Secretary present the thanks of the Souity to Mr. Day for the ovation spoken by him this Day N request a the same !67 leopy of for publication & the Suretury is dire to have 300 struck off at the expence the Pocity for their use & he is at the same time directed to purchase the Souity 300 of the for the use cxcction, delivered this bay by Mr. Prodere Dewight, in Владите case his cration shall be printed at the expence of of the Word. the listy noted that the expenus of of M. Buy in um to staying at Horchard hoone tu depayed outch of Misunds of this Pointy & that the Sentary adjunt the currunt, ch Motume Idraw an arded the user on the Treasured of the Souity bited that the Survetury prevent Me thanks of the Socity to the moral Military Comparin in Nartheid Barksid for the attention shaun the Society in Mum to & from the Nest House this Buy resenting meeting that vote Mut the Suretary present the Thanks of the Socity to the Ladies is égentlemen of Markson, who so polit 16 M to savond the Soinity with sunday schut pines of musiche Mis king at the main Bonse muting muting Records of the (Vol. 2) Connecticus State Souity of Cincinati, July ly 4. A.D $799; Being the Twenty fourth year of the Independance United States of America. of the h At an annual meeting of the Connecticut State Society of Cincinate at the City of New Fraven on the [1. day/ of July A.D $799. — being the 24. year of the independence the United State of America. Present about forty members The members having convened in A convened in the State house, moved in procesion to the brick meeting house, where the exercise of the day were introduced by, prayer, _ after which the declaration of independence was read; __ M. Tutor Lewis, at the request of the President, delivered an oration on the apparent, and real situation of the United States, as the the present period. The Front? David Daggett E197, in an oration, delivered at the request of the citoyens, exhibited inhibitor a. comparative view of the nature and consequences of the principles pursued by reason and common sense, and by the theorizing in philosophers, in the great prae = -_tical concerns of life. Sundry pieces of Sacred music were performed ___ The audience r respectable, numerous, brilliant, and to appearance, highly satisfied with the exhibitions Prayer cloud the public exercises. modern of the day. was The Society then mooved in like order of procession to the hour of Col: Prentice; being escorted by the Company of foot guards and matross, where they transacted the annual busines of the Society. The doings of the last muting having been read, the Commiter appointed to audis the Treasurers accounts, produced their Report, which was accepted, and is as followr, vix, Estimate of the fence of the Connecticut State Society of Cincinati funds July 4.5799.v 787522 deduct reimbursment -588 87 Six offent 7286~35 Three Allent Defered ~ 1646.36 W 2896.68. 2 Final Settement Notes 1890 $11,829.39 % 18-15 8 11 8 4 8 14 Sixe 100~ fflents purchased from May 94, to May 98, inclusive $134,8.79%/% New Haven July 4. 1799. Errors excepted, If Nathan Burs. We the Subreribou have examined the above estimate, and find the Elias Stitwill same correct. 4. New Raven July 14 1999. Stephen Alling William Munson Auditors. "D.. The Connecticut State Society of Cincinati in Cash Acc. 1798 "July th. So paid David Bull for dinner dr So a: Cole Johnion July 25. So dr. for portage on Orations Bug : 10 To d John Riley - 1 So it. Evelyn Hart -- 20 So d' the Presidents two drafts do Det: 18. So a William Stanton To d'Presidents draft for printing Orations Dice: 9th To dr Charles Mitter Altr 10. So do for postage - 29. To do for power of I Jan". 14. So a. Ellen Deforest Febr. 2 So di Charles Mitter 5 So d. Widow Sutliff. S June So d. Fudion Goodwin bill for printing To a Ellen Deforrest To d: Col. Johnion Jalyft. So balance due the Society; S 23 7527 30 424 50 60 25 9513 20 23 20 84 125 15 ~10 24 16-69 15 30 40565 583-95 Dollars 8989.40 44.5799, Errors excepted, New Fracen July 126.19799. Nathan Burs. 1408 with Nathan Burs July 4 By bal: due on former Account By Interest on funds at Fartford July, D. – 2. October -d Nov. 4. By-do 17994 By Interest and reimbursment, on Funds at Hartford Jan" quarter 30 By three quarters interest and reimbursement on Funds at New York - 326 3 10375 103 75p 95 225-62 2 102.98 103145 do 23 72 $989.40 9:11 By Pinterest on funds at Hartford. Apt. D d on dr. N. York – Ap May 20 By-d~ - Dollars We the Subscribers being appointed to audir the accounts of Nathan Burs Treasurer of the Connecticus State Society Cincinati for the year past, have attended to the same, and find the above balance of Five hundred eight three dollars, 175 Cents in favour of the Poriety. 4, N. Fravin July 14. 1799. - Elias Stillwill William Munson Auditors Stephen Alling year ensuing year; The Society then proceded to the choice of officers for the the ballote having been taken, the following Gentlemen were declared to be duly elected; __ vr, Col. Benjamin Pallmadge President Gen. David Smith Vice President Col. John Mix Secretary Pr. Nathan Burs Fraurer fol Joupli Wather Histant Secretary Col Solomon Cowles Asistant Treasurer. Gen. Wilcox and fol. Mix were were appointed a fommittee to receive any applications that may be made by thon who consider themselves as candidate for admission into this Sority, and Report make of such applicants, together with their opinion on the propriety, the propriety and justice of their said claims. The above said Committee Reported that application had been made to them by Mess". Asa Holdridge, son of the late Col: Frezekiah Foldridge decer, and Uliser Seldon, son of fapt ogra Sildon decer., who both claim a right of membership on account of their saice fathers; ___ they being fully identified as sons, and eldest sons of their said fathers; ____ the Committe to be do consider them as regular and proper members of this Society- Which Report was accepted, and the names O of ta Goldridge, and Ulifur Seldon, ordered enrolled in the books of the Soriety as members thereof. Sundry applications were made for relief, by indigent members, their widower, and orphans, through the Committees appointed for that purpose; _ to whom the e following were se respectively granted. — vir, For Evelyn Hart dr. Charles Miller - 60 all' _ paid. N. Burs 2nd mind. N. B Jums Writing dr. Sarah Leavenworth man 2nd mind. N. Burs d. John R. Throop a. Ellen Deforrest Capt Stanton d. A d. Rev. Sam. Mille d. Abigail Elli dr. Bonnah Elle d. Catharini Sutliff -- -70~d. ( on demand) - himself - 20-d – paid Z. Bubbell 2nd mine di Wm Bull ~~~ 70. d. ( on demand) himself ~~15.d. 15. d. paid lapt Savage. 24-α d. Col. Jonathan Johnson ____ 35 – de Dollars 369 d. E. Grubbard. The payment of which sums to be made by the Treanour agreably to the standing rules of the Society, exceping where it is otherwise particularly noted. S Voted, that the following Gentlemen be Committer for the surral Counties in which they respectively ruvide, to receive and commu- =nicate the application of necesitous persons, who have a claim the charity of this Society, to the next annual meeting, vir, Hartford, Col: John Mix, Capt Sam. W. Williams. N. Raven, Miji. Nathan Burs, Stephen Allyn. N. London, Col. Mm Richards, Gen. E. Fruntington Fairfield, Col. Tim Paylor, Catt Z. Stubbell Windham, Col. The Growenor, Gen! M. Herland Litchfield, GenD. Juction, Maj. E. Wadeworth. Middleux, Gen. Wilcox, Capt. Savage. Solland, Gen. Phapman, Maj. P. Walbridge Voted, that Major William Munson, faft Elias Stilwell, and M. Stephen Allyn be a Committe to audit the Treasurers accounts, and Report to the next annual meeting. S Voted, that the expence of the day be paid from the funds of the Society ; being for a very elegant dinner I., furnished by Col: Prentice; and 9 Voled, that the gentlemen last above named, adjust the bill and draw the Treasurer for the amount. on L that the President and Secretary be the corresponding Committer of this Sority for the year insuring . Resolved, _ that fol: Benjamin Tallmadge, fol: Jeremiah Wadsworth, Gen David Smith, Gen? Eben: Huntington and N. Nathan Fr. Writing who were appointed Delegater by this Society to the last General meeting of the Cincinate, be still considered as our deligates to the general meeting to be held at Philadelphia The first monday in May next by adjournment; the same powers be still continued which were - given to the Delegates at the last meeting on the 17. of July 1798. Pusolvid, — delegates be instructed to propose that our M and on and that agri. to such additions and amendments to the original constitution as they may judge necessary, particularly as relative to the admision of members. Voted, — that Myfi". Buri and R. Daggett be desired to wait on W. Sutor Lewis, with the thanks of this Society, for his interesting, and will adapted oration delivered this day, and request of him a Copy for publication : _ 250 copies to be, printedt at the expence of the Society — and a like number of M. Daggett's purchased, should that be printed as by the fetizens. Voted, in that Mifi: Beers and Ir. Daggett be requested to return B. the most cordial thanks of this Soceity to the officers and privater of the Matros Company, for their pointed and Solder like attention to the various duties of the day; as also to the ladies and gentlemen of the lity for their highly 1 entertaining performances in the various pieces of Music performed during the public exhibitions at the meeting house. Voted, ___ that the Treasurer be directed to distribute the orations to the several County Committee, as the expence of the Society . __ day The muting adjourned without John Mix Secreta At an annual meeting of the Connecticut State Society of Cincinnati as the City of Fartford, July 14. A.D. 1800, bring the 25. year of the independence of the United State of America. present, _— the President, Vice President, Secretary, Asistant Secretary, and about forty members of the Society. convened in The member of the Society having the Court house moved in procession to the North meeting house, where the public exercises of the day. introduced by prayer, after which the declaration of independence ce was read; were an were elegant and well adapted oration was delivered by Nathaniel Terry E197, at the request of the President; _ Sundry selech piece of Sacred music w were performed by the ladies and gentlemen of the City ; ____ the exercisere were cloud by prayer; the audience was very numerous and respectable, and appeared highly entertained with the public exhibitions of the day; the Society returned in like order of procession to the Court house, being escorted both in going to, and return =ing from the meeting by the Companice of Matrose and food guards, accompanied by an exullent band of Musier the The proceedings of the last meiting having been nax agreeably to the Regulation of the Society; — the Commtt, viz Major Munion, Capt Stillwell, and Mt. Stephen Alling who were appointed to audit and adjust accounts of the Treasurer, produced their Report; on examination there appeared some little inacuracy in the statement. — Whereupon it was ordered that it be recommited to them again for the purpore of making the necessary connections, and Report to the next annual meeting The Poriety 2 "The Soriety then proceeded to the choice of Officers for the year envering ; — the ballots having been taken, following gentlemen were declared as duly elected to the officer affixed to their names respectively, vix, Col: Benjamin Tallmadge President: the Gen. David Smith Vice President. Pol. John Mix Secretary, Druirer Nathan Beers E19). Trianurer. Col. Joseph Walker Ahr. Seontary Col: Solomon Powles Art Treaurretivo, it 13 Sundry applications were made for relief by instigent member, their widows, and orphans, through the several "County Committee appointed for that purpore; __ for whose benefit the following following sums were granted, Caps Peleg Breath $4 Capt John Riley Liens Charles Miller Widow Sarah Leavenworth Widow Eleanor Deforrest — Deforrest Lieut Elias Robinson Laph William Stanton viz S $70__ to be paid Col. John Mix 50 d. Capt. S.W. Williams 20. d. Caft. Amara Preyes – 20m dr. N. Beers wigs. 20 mnd. Capt Z. Hubbell 40 d. Gen. M. Cleveland 20 20 d. fol. Tallmadje Widow Ratharine Sutliff 20 d. Cat Savage $250 The payment of which sume to be made by the Treasurer agreably to the standing rule of the Society. Voted, that the following gentlemen be Committee for the several Counties in which they respectively rude, to receive and communi = = cate the applications of necessitous persons who have a claim on the charity of this Society, to the next annual meeting, eix, Hartford, Col. John Mix, Sam W. Williams E19). N. Raven, Refs. Nathan Beers, Stephen Allyng. N. London, Gen? Eben Huntington fol. Wm Richards. Fairfield, fol: Tim: Taylor, Capt Z. Hubbell. Windham, Gent. Mones Cleveland Col• Tho. Growenor Litchfield, Gen David Juction, James Morris E19). Middleux, Gen? Joseph Wilcox, Capt Savage. Solland, Gen Elijah Chapman, Major Porter Walbridge. Voted, ___ that in future the several County Committer shall Repar to the annual meetings of the Society, such proper subjects for the Society to exercise ther charity upon, that may come to their knowledge, within their respective Counties, tho' no direct application should be made to them for that purpose. — that Major Munson, Caps Stillwell, and M. S. Allyng be appointed a Committee to audit and adjust the Treasurers accounts and Report to the mesh meeting. next Voted, Voted, in ___ that the deligates to the last general meeting at Philad ritain all the powers and authorities that have been verted in them for that purpou, or by their said appointment, untite the next annual mueting of the Society; Voted, _ that the Treasurer be directed to pay the bills of expence as exhibited by the deligates to the last general meeting; Col: Pallmadge', amounting to $$ 98. 82. Gen Shuntington', to $85. charge the Society. Voted, ་་ and #gs. L that the expence of the day be paid from the funds, and that fol: Mix, and Major Symnour be a Committ: to liquidate the bills and draw on the Treat" for the amount 15 and and were so were d day as to entertain us with obliging a Voted, — that Major Tho. Y. Seymour be requested to wait on Nathaniel Perry Eig", and present him the thanks of this Society for his excellent and will adapted oration this pronounced, and requed trove of a Copy thereof for publication... Voted; ___ that the thanke of the Society be presented to the ladies gentlemen of the Pity, for the various, and well performed pieces of music they during the public exhibitions at the meeting house; ___ and also to Commissioned, Non Commissioned officers, Musicians, and private of the military companies who attended on the parade of the day, for the peculiarly soldierlike spirit, shill, promptitude, with which they performed the various duties devolving them . ___ Major Seymour is requestect to do this service for the Society. Voted; ___ that Gen. Smith and fol. Mix be and they hereby appointed a Committe to examine the Constitution of the Society, and the regulations that have been been heretofore adopted respecting those who succed as members on the right of their fathers, particularly in their minority, and their power of voting & in said state of minority, and report make to the next annual meeting, with their opinion thereon. Voted; that Col: Wadworth, Gen. Wylly, and Col: Tallmadge be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to petition the on are Legislature at their next session, for an act to incorporate the Society, for the purpon of giving security and permanency to its fundi. Voted; ___ that the testimonial of Respect for the memory of our late illustrious President, General Watchington, as entered on the proceedings of the & general muting at Philadelphia in May last, be also entered on the Ricorde of this Society, and printed with the oration this day delivered : which is as follows, vir, or Under the most profound impresion of veneration and affection, the society of the Pincinnati, at a general meeting, are called upon to expres the mournfel tribute of their sorrow, at that awful dispensation of provid =ence, which has recently removed from their council, their much revered and lamented President General. — The arduous, tho succesful struggle which terminated in establishing the liberties of our Country, of our Country, and in which they fought under his banners, and shared with him the dangers and toil of the field, attached him to this Sor by ties of the most intimate and endearing nature. ___ valor and prudence seemed to controul the events of war, led the American armies to victory, and atchieved the Society his 17 Independence of their Country ; __ whild mingling their tears with those of their fellow-citizens, they are naturally impelled pour out the effusions of a deeper regret, for the irreparable loss which they have sustained. But it is not only their relationship to the illustrious character, as Soldiers, that the Society of Pincinnati have cause to deplore his loss. and the Blekinge under When the storm of war had land to rage, and of peace had been restored, their Country was suffering the weakness of a confederation which threatned the existence of that Union, which their joint efforts in arme had so esentially contributed to establish. n a With his auspicious co-operation à constitution evas formed, calculated by its wisdom and energy, to redeem us from that prostrate state, to which we had been reduced, and restore that reputation which our Country had lost, from the imbecility of the old system. The administration of the government was committed to his was committed to his care, and his Country will ever hold in grateful remembrance, the inflexible virtue and fortitude, with which he conducted its affaire, and saved it from the effects of domutic faction and foreign intrique. 18 After a second retirement from the active scenes of public life, in which his merits as a Staturman, rivaled his fame as a Soldier, his Country at the approach of danger, again required his services. The crisis was important, and the situation delicate; ___ a Nation which had mingled it's blood with ours, in the defence of our liber= =tice, had now asumed a hortitle appearance . _ A war pom this unexpected quarter threatened the peace of our Country. Washington, who never hesitated when urged by of dutif, obeyed the call of government, abandoned his beloved retirement, hazarded a reputation, consummate in every point of view, and assured the com= His military companion, who had frequently witnesud the magnanimity of his conduct in sever of adversity, as well as of triumph, felt the force of their Country ' appeal to arms, whiles Washington Jense =mand of the armies. world. the Bull a again was their leader. -seasons In this momentous crisis of our affaire, by the inscrutable decree of heaven, he was snatched from America and the Under this pressure of calamity, which more peculiarly operate upon the sensibilities of this Society, ther only consolation is derived from the animating reflection, 19 that altho he is summoned to the enjoyment of the happy destinies of a future state, the bright example of his virtue and talents will still survive, and the inheritance of his name prove a future incen - - two to heroes and legislator, who will strive to emulate his and merit the glory he has acquired!? _ Jame, day. The meeting as meeting adjowned wrthour day. John Mix Secretary 20 Al an annual meeting of the Connecticut State society of Cincinnati at the Lity of New Haven, July 7. A. D. 1808, being the 26. year of the indepe= =ndance of the United States of America; present, — the president, vice president, and the other officers of the society, with about thirty five members. was read The muting having formed at the Court house moved in procession to the brick meeting house, where the public exercises of the day were introduced by prayer; after which the declaration of independence by the Secretary; man oration was delivered by Theodore Dwight Eigt at the request of the president; sundry select piece of sacred music were performed by the ladies and gentlemen of the fily, highly to the credit of the performers, and to the entertainment of the society and audience; the exercises wer cloned by prayer. The Society moved in like order of procession to the assembly room, where they partook of a very elegant dinner, composed of all the varieties of the The proceedings of the last meeting season. 2/ having been read agreeably to the regulations of the society, the Committe appointed to audit and adjust the accounts of the Treasurer made their report, which was accepted, and is as follows, followr, vrr, – Estimate of the funds of the Connecticut State Society of Cincinnati, July 4, 1805. Six Plent Stock $84234 Deduct reimburements to Apr:3.1805. 1696-68 7226-36~ Defred Rock 2896-68. Three plent dr 1646.36 2 final settlement Certificater 18. 18 by 835769-40 New Haven July 4. 1806. Errors excepted, Nathan Burs. We have examined the above estimate, and find the same accurate. (Yearly interest is $656.78. Elias Stilwill William Minion Auditor Stephen Alling Dr. the Connecticut State Society of Cincinnati in lash Acet 1800 July 5. To paid David Bull's bill. in 96.67 10 Po. d² for power of attorney to draw interest .. ____ To" postage letter To" Col: Benj. Tallmadge Polgen. Eben: Guntington 18. Son Capt Peleg Freath 22 Ton Caps William Stanton Aug. 2 Son Capt John Riley –– + 8 19. So. Charles Miller. Sipt. & Jon Elias Robinson 10 Pour Ellin Deforest Bet q.. Son postage. Bettg. 10 M AA ~~ 44 A To" Tro! Y. Seymour for fire Company. 150" postage a Nov" To 11 postage (two charges) 44 March To Col. Mix an after bill of David Bull": So.. Ford May To portage; - ( three charges) So 6 Ment stock purchand in 547..82 deduct reimbursment me 17t To paid Catharine Sutliff ~ w M 469.98247/2 To balance due the Society in ~ 11 94482 85 70 20 228232 50 20~ 30 20 71 8 6 8 20 24 6.50 46 415-20 20 928.76 397 80 132396 Jan" with Nathan Bers 51 – July 54 By balance due on former Acctu 11 quarters Interest as Hartford. 103.75 17 Betts B. 2 di New York. "I dr at Fartford, to 1. Bett 1805, By 1-d. and Rumbursement, Fartford -225.62 231 62984 53.44 103.75 11-4. do and idm N. York. York 62.35 April Bys - de-at Fartford 195 19546 52.20 July 1804 Errors excepted, 69612 11 - Ind. sted on defered If Nathan Beers. 81325196 We the subscribers being appointed to audit the accounts of Nathan Beers Treasurer of the Connecticar State Society of Cincinnati for the year flash, have examined the charges with the vouchers and his credits, and and find a balance of three hundred ninety seven dollars eighty cents in favour of the Society. New Haven July 4.1805 Elias Stilwill Auditors William Munson Aude Stephen Alling 24 "The Sority then proveded to the choice of officere for the year encing, the ballot having been taken, the following gentlemen Atlemen were were declared to be duly clicted to the several offices as affixed to their names respectively, vrr, Gen. David Smith President Gen? Joseph Walker Vice President Cob. John Mix Secretary. Hathan Burs &19). Treasurer - Col• Timothy Taylor Afr. Secretary, Col: Solomon Cowles Afs. Treasurer. The Gentlemen hereafter after named were appointed delegater to attend the general meeting of the Society at the City of Washington in May next, vir Gen. David Smith, Col: Benj - Tallmadge, Gen: Ebenezer Huntington, Gen? Joseph Walker Col: Tim: Paylor. Whereas some gentlemen who are entitled to become members of this Society, by various causes have omited to make the requisite deports; __ Whereupon Aesolved, that in all cases of the of the foregoing description, the applicant applicants may have liberty to lodge his or their noter with ou " 1/ 개 ​the Treasurer for the amount of one monthe pay including interest from the first of July 1800, payable on or before the first of July 1802, with interest from the date, or pay such amount in cash, which when paid shall entitle such applicant to become a member of the institution; ____ and for the present, any persons in this situation are requested to asociate with the Society. 6 The Committee appointed at the annual meeting July last for the purpose of examining the constitution and subsequent regulations of the Society, relative to those who succeed as members on the right of their fathers decer, their power of voting to during their minority, made the following report, _ vix, that we have made the examination as directed by our appointment, and do not find any thing either in the constitution, or any subsequent regulation of the Society respecting thone who are, or have a right of membership while in their minority; ___ and that it is opinion they ought to be considered as members in every 1 Our sense except in the power of voting in any of the meetings of the society, and that this right they ought not to be permitted 1 to exercise untill they arrive at the age of twenty one 26 31 years. New Faven) 1 July 7 + 1801. all which is submitted by Which report was accepted, David Smith Committer John Mix and ordered to be entered on m the records of the Society ; and that the principle therein contained relative to minor members, be adopted. permanent regulation. as a The Committ: appointed to petititon the Legislature, of this State for for an act of incorporation, made a verbal report, which was in substance, that they had prefered a memorial in the name and behalf of the society to the Gent: Afsembly, that as directed, that had paid all necessary attention to the business, and that the application was negatived. Voted, _ that the expences incur'd in prosecuting the above said petition for an act of incorporation before the Gent Arembly of the State, be paid by the Treasurer of the Society, when approbated by the President) _ Sundry applications de for relief by indigent members th their widows, and orphans, orphans, for whore benefit the were made #1 11 Capt John Ailey – 11 Caps Hem Stanton following sums were granted, granted, vir to Lieut Charles Miller 40 – to be paid N. Sr. Whiting Engß- Capt Peleg Feath Widow Sarah Leavenworth 15 30 ~30. 11 Col. E. P. Bilden Nathan Beers 8191. 30 11 Col: A. Pallmadge 11 Widow Elen Deforest ~ -20 11 11 Rev. Sam Mille 30 11 Cole Jon Johnson 20 Capt. Z. Hubbell. Gent. Wilcox Capt Jeho・ Starr $215 The payment of all which sums to be made by the Treat agreeably to the stated rules of the Society, and to the persons hereby appointed to receive the same in triest for the relief of there to whom of those to whom the grants are severally made, Voted, — that the following gentlemen be Committeer for the several Counties in which they respectively reside, to receive and communicate the applications of necesitous persons who have a claim on the charity of the Society to the ruck annual meeting, Hartford County, Col. John Mix, El dyr P. Belden Hathan Beers Big)"; Capt. Stephen Allying New London Gen. Eben. Funtington, Col. David F. Sill." Col: Tim: Taylor, Copt Talmon Rubbell. New Haven Fairfield 11 vrz "Windham, Col Tho' Gronvenor, Gent Moves Cleveland Litchfield, Genor David Smith, Col: Epht: Fairly Thirby Middleux, Gent Joseph Milion Elijah Fredband Eng). Wilcox, Tollande, Gen Elijah Rahman, Maj. Porter Walbridge #d and Mr. 1 Voted, that Maj. Stelwell, Caps S. Allyng, Genery Daggett be a Commtt to audit and adjust the accounts of the Treaurer up to the close of the prevent year, and report the state of the funds in his hands at that time, to the next meeting. Voted, that the Treasurer be directed to revest the surplus interest and reimbursments as fast as it comes into his hands, in any stock of the United Stater, or bank stock at his discretion. Voted, ___ that fol: Benjamin Tallmadge be requested to wait on Theodore Dwight Ergft. and prevent him the thanks of this Society for his oration delivered before them this day; and that the Treasurer be requested to procure 300 copies of the same for the use of the members. 154 10. 29 Voted, that the dining expences of the day be paid from the funds; ____ and that Mesi : G. Daggett, J. Starr, Starr, and S. "Allyng be a Commit: to liquidate the bills and draw on the Treasurer for the amount. Voted, - that Maj: Judd and Col: Taylor be a a Commite to examine the claims of Evelyn Park to a right of member -ship in this Society; who after a short examination reported, that he was the only son of Maj. Jonathan Fark _____ deces, and there would be no doubt but that he was entitled to succeed his said father; ___ Whereupon it was ordered that the name of said Evelyn Part be registered on the books of the Society as a member thereof. Voled, that the that the name of James M. Scott be entered on the books of the Society as a member, he having produced the following urtificate, Boston Decct 12. 1800 the may certify that Ensign James M. Scott is a member of the Mosiachusetts Society of Cincinnati, he having deported " a months pay towards the establishment of the funds agreably, to the institution of the Society 5 Ft. Jackson Treasurer of the Massachusetts Society. The meeting was then dissolved, John Mix Secretary. 30 "At an annual meeting of the Connecticut State Society of Cincinnati at the City of Peertford, July 6 + 1802, being the 27. year of the Independance of the United States of America; present, the President, Vice President, and the other officers of the Society, with about forty members. The members of the Sority having convened at the Court house moved in proussion to the North presbiterian Church, where the exercises of the day were introduced by reading the declaration of independanc; after which a prayer prayer was made by Rev. Doct. Strong, and an oration delivered by Mt. Sillyman a Putor of Yale College ; in Sundry select piece of musich were performed by the ladies and gentlemen of the fity, highly to the credit of the performers, and to the entertainment of the Society and audience._ After the public exercises of the day were closed, the Society returned in like order of procesion to the fours house and transacted the annual besines of the Pociety. Rev William Lockwood fruntect a fortificate of which the following copy ver a "Camp West point June 28. 1783, Rice of N William Lockwood Chaplain to the first Massachusetts Brigade, his order in my favor on John Pierce E19) . Pay master Gent of the American Army for the full amount of one m pay, to be appropriated to the establishment of a func " agreable to the Institution of the society of Cincinnati. one mon the thereop Henry Jackson Preas. Mass Society r Whereupon ordered, that the said Certificate be Recorded, and the name of the Rev. William Lockwood be Registered on the books of this Society as a member Gen Cleveland andolijah Hubbard were appon- -=ted a Commtt: to examine the pretentions of those who claimed a right of admission as members of the Society, and to Report: The Committer which was appointed at the lack annual meeting to audis and to audit and adjust the accounts of the Treasurer, made their Report, which was read follour – vix, and accepted; and is as 3. D. The Connecticus State Society of the Cincinnati 1805 July 8 Jo lash paid laht John Riley Phol Belden Pilig Heath & Col. Mix and quills -30 30 1 20 40 To paid fol® Fallmadge', bill for att 7 Gen Asembly 244 46 To a: (ot John Mix for a book To. d. Praae Burs of for paper To-do-Sundries for Fingers Po & Green Son for printing To dr. J. Butter', bill for dinner & Po-2: postage of letters Agr.14 To- dr. Charles Miller s Sehl. 23 So - d. Farah Leavenworth α Poasts. betere To d: Fr. G. for printing 300 Copies Mr. Dwight; brat - 45 22 24 To - a paid Col: Johnson of Phorophat Starr Dev: 22 So - dr. Caps Stanton, Plot: Pallmas Jan 1802 So - d. Ellen Deforrest Po- Tallmadge June Jo - d. Rev. Same: Mills & Au. F. W. Frotchkiss July So balance due the Society Dollars 1-50 18462 40 40 15 45 20 -30 -20 30 $472.67 871.86 34453 in fash Act with Nathan Burs 1807 July 8f By balance due on former acct 394.80 25 By 2 quarters interest, D. York to 4. July 6565 Aug 10 By 1 d° dr. - Fartford 147/26 Gb.10 By-1-do do La² to ft Beloter 14726 1802 and reimbursment 3271 N. York - to 1. October 3493 81 51 Dollars 14726 344 53 Jan! ! By -1_d 1 20 By-1 - d. By-1 Ap. 8 By-1- αo -1-do Hartford New Faven July 2:1802. Nathan Burs. We the Subscribers appointed to audit the Accounts of Nathan Beers Treas of the Connecticut Society of the finum = -nate for the year past, have examined the charges with the vouchers and his credits, and find the above balance of Eight hundred Seventy one dollars 86 (ents in favor of the Society. 9 New Fraven July 2. 1802. Elias Stilwell Stephen Alling Committe 34 "Estimate of the funds of the Connecticus Society of the Cincinnati, — July b. 180%. – Six Pent Stock Defered Three Plent &°~ Deduct Reimburements on bil. 1486.602 8423 4 2896~68- 1646.36- 12966-8 dd on 5911 54560 Dollars 11420 48 2 final settioment Certificates 1800 by 90 do — on defer'd Enrous excepted, Nathan Burs. and The Society then proceeded to the election of officers for the year ensuing, after the ballots had been taken, the gentlemen hereafter named, were declared duly elected to the several offices affixed to their names respectively, — viz, Gen. David Smith President Gene Joseph Walker Vice President John Mix Secretary Nathan Beers E19). Preasurer Col. Ezekiel P. Belden Ah. Secretary Gen Solomon Cowles Ahrt. Preasurer. The Gentlemen hereafter named were choun delegates to attend the next triennial general meeting of the Society to be holden as the City of Washington in May 1805, vir, Gin David Smith Hol: Benjamin Fallmadge Gen Ebenezer Fruntington Gen. Joseph Walker "Colt David Humphrey - "Voted, that the gentlemen hereafter name be Committer for the several Counties in which they respectively reside, to receive and communi= = cate the applications of necessitous persons, who have a claim on the charity of the Society, to the next annual muting, vix.. Hartford, Col: John Mix, Cold E. P. Belden, H. Haven, Nathan Burs bigt., Capt S. Alling, H. London, Gen. E. Runtington, Col: Sill, Windham, Col. Grosvenor, Gen. Cleveland Fairfield, Capt.2. Subbell, Col: Bradley. Litchfita, Gene Smith, Col: Thirby Middlesex, Gen. Wilcox, &, Hubbard Ergs. – Polland, Gen Chapman, Major Walbridge. 11 h 1 The Committee of claims made the followin Report, ver, that Enoch Parsons is now the oldest male heir of „Major Gen. S. Sr. Parsons decis, and harali is entitled to become a member in right of his said father; ~ and n Ebenezer Gray of Windham a minor of about fifteen you 11 an 4 " " years of age, and is the oldest male heir of fol Ebenezer Gray late 1, a member of the Society dices, and is intitled to become , a member as representative of his said father; ___ And " Also Ephraim now the eldest son of Lieut Ephraim Inow officer in the 1. New York Regiment, decês, and as representative of his deceased father, is entitled to become a member of this Society, on condition he shall execute his note to the Treasurer of said Society for the usual depont payable in a reasonable time, unless he can hereafter make it appear that his father did make the requisite deposite for the establishment of the funds, in this or the Soceity in the State of New York. — all which is พ " submitted by Mubbard Committe Mover Claveland 1 and Whereupon Voted, that the preceding Report of Commett be accepted so far as it relates to Mefi! Parsons and Gray, that their names be Registered on the books of the Pociety as members thereof; un and that as it relates to W. Snow the farther consideration thereof be postponed untilt the next annual meeting. L Voted, that the Treasurer be directed to pay to fob Benj. Sallmadge ten dollars seventy five lents, being the amo! of his bill of expence while attending the Gen Afsoonblit during the pendency of the petition for an aon of incorp. -eration, A Communication from the General meeting and riad. was Ruce. Ordered to be hept on the Secretary', files. Sundry applications were made from for relief in bray of indigent members, their widows and orphans, and for whose benefit the following sums were granted, vir,. To Lieur fornelius Russell – $20 to be paid Mr. Denslow 30 Mr. Amara Reyes do St. Charles Miller 20. Capt Teleg Freath 30. d 25. Lol: Belden Capt. 2. Gubbell 50. Gen. Cleveland 30. Col. Kirby 30 E. Hubbard Eigt. 20- Gen! Wilcox on ~ Capt John Riley The Ellen Deforest St. Elias Robinson Capt William Stanton Cole Jonathan Johnson Rev. Sam, Thills 8247- The payment of all which sums to made by the Treasurer agreably to the regulations heretofore adoptace by the Society, and to the persons hereby appointed to receive the same in trust for the relief of thon for whose benefit the grants severally made. are Voted, that M. Nathan Beers be requested to present the thanks of this Society to Mr. Benj. Silliman for his oration delwered before them this day, and request a copy there of for the press; and that he procure three hundred of the expence of the Society for the use of the members. Voted, that the expence of the day be paid from the Junds of the Society; ~ and that fol: Belden and Sam. W. Williams Exgf. be a Commlt: for adjusting the bills, Esq. and to draw on the "Treas. for the amount. Voted, that the bill presented by Mr. Moow for attending at the meetings of the Sovely, Ringing the bell for be referred to the abovesaid Commelt. Voted, that Gen? E. Guntington, folo : Thirby and Min be appointed agents to petition the Legislatione of the States to grant an act of incorporation, so far only as will be necesary to give security to the funds of the Society. The meeting was then dissolved. A true entry, Test John Min Secretary 410 الو an annual muting of the Connecticut State Society of Cincinnate at the lely of New Haven July 6t 1803, being the 28. year of the independance of the the 28th United States of America), ...present, the President, Vice President, and about forty members of the Sority - There were no public exhibitions in consequinu of the indisportion of the Crator; mm Rev. Doet: Dwight, at the request of the President, introduced the business of the day by a pertinent and well adapted prayer at the State house. The proceedings of the last meeting having bun read agreably to the Regulations of the Society; fap hajors Stilwell and Morris were appointed a Committer of claims. The Committee which was appointed at the last annual meeting to audil and adjust the Treasurer's accounts, made their Report, which was read, accepted, and is as follows, _vir), Extimate of the funds of the Connee. Society of Cincinnati for the year 1803. ar 1803. in vrr, Six plent Stock 954,8. 97. Reimbursem off 7625. 2 Defered in Dun Du 3118.36. unde un 2988.4 Threeffent - Dun 1843-95, @boffent 1106.32 Dollars 1451124 Dollars -11,715.38 2 final settlement Certificates $18.6% Errors excepted H Nathan Beers- We the Subscribers hairing examined the above statement do find the same to be accurate. Elias filwill Stephen Alling Committe Fenry Daggett Jn. S کل 12. 31 2. Po d. B. Silliman the Crator, his expences To d. William Stanton', Grant unde D. The Connecticus Society of Cincinnati in lash accompl 180% سل 4. Se paid D. Bull for dinner dim To d. & Moore's bill for his attendance at State house To di Elias Robinson's Grant So. d. John Riley's 7484 50 30~ 285 30 1075 harm 575 3436 m mine 4689 56 75 Aug 9 To d. Benjamin Tallmadge 23 To d. for 6 plente reimbursments off in @ par Po d. for Letered debt in d° 0 To d. for 3 flente, 73.244, @ 64 offent Te a for hower of attorney 8 36 To di for portage and power of attt @par Sipity to d" for portage on brations from Fartford 30 So d' postage Bet 15 To d: Jonathan Johnson's Grant Nov. 16 To Cornelius Russell's Granit To a Fr. G. for 300 copies Sillimans Prations ad. M. 1803, R To. d. Pileg Death, Grant Du. 24 Po di Samuel Mills Grant Jan 13 To di Charles Miller, Grant To di for diffent Stock reimbursment off at par To do for defired d. To d for 3 Mente $107 m @ 64 ffent 30 20 26 2625 20 30- 20 33581 at par 16854 6850 177 1064 94 To d' for my expences to Hartford to purchase Roch ind 1 To a for power of allorney Sportage Carried forward 43 1802 with Nathan Beers By balance of former accompt July! By 1 quartert interest, Hartford to 1 July Oct. 4+ By 3 quarters interest. H. York to P. of October 20 By 1 quarter - d: Hartford By, quarter - & Hartford H23 By 1 quarter _d: Hartford 1803 Jan 10 Hartford Dollars Errors excepted, Nathan Burs. H. Raven June 1803. Brot over over m S 28 Se d. for beffents reimbursments offat par To do for difered debt d°. Mat par To d. for 3 flents $17.34. @60ffent 871 82 14725 164 14930 33115 27616 1880.47 S 1064 GL 1844 m11-5 970 m 125 Mar 19 to d James Fillhouse for transfer of Certificate May 17. So 6. 1 Pent Comme on $2252700 to P. W. Gallaudet o or receiving Int. I dividends at Hartford L. office I To biffent Stock reimbursment off, & 95 plent To Ellen Deforrest; Grant You 2252 off, @95 Flint 46630 due To balance due the briety Dollars 0 25m 762920 255.27 388047 We the Subscribers appointed to audis the accompts of Nathan Bury Treasurer of the Connecticut State Society of the fincinnati for the year past, have examined the charges with the vouchers and his credits, and find the above balance of two hundred fifty one dollars twenty seven lente in favour of the Society. الله Elias Sitwill I Stephen Alling Committ Henry Daggetthe. The Society proceded to the election of officers for the year ensuing ~ the ballots having been taken, the gentlemen hereafter named we declared to be duly/ elected to the several offices as affixed to their names respectively vir, General Joseph Walker, President. – Col: Baird Humphrey, Vice President. Cob. John Mix Secretary & Nathan Beers Esg). Treasure Preasurer. Lob. Ezekiel P. Belden Afr. Secretary). Gen: Solomon Powles Afs. Treasurer. The gentlemen hereafter. after named we appointed Committeer within and for the several founties where they respectively reside, to receive and communicate the applications of necessitous persons who have a claim on L S 45* S the charity of the Society to the next annual meeting, vir, Hartford County - Maj. G. Curtis, Col. E. P. Belden. ~ M. Haven uden fapt S. Alling, May. Munson. H. London und : ~ Gen. E. Buntington, Col. -- Sill Fairfield draft Z. Frubbell, Gen! J. King. Windham und: Col: P. Grosvenor Gen. M. Cleveland Litchfield und Gen D. Smith, Col. E. Kirby. Middlesex und. E. Hubbard Eigh, Gen? J. Wilcox Solland d. Gen. E. Rahman, Col. Buel. Sundry applications we made for relief in behalf of indigent members their widows and orphans, and for whose benefit the following vir, So lght ~ Death - To Quent Miller un in To Paph Riley To Widow of Dout. Higgins To Widow of Maj Laughworth sums were granted, $302 haid to A. Keyes 819). 201 302 d: to fol: Belden 307 20. m 10 d. H. Beers Eigen To Widow of lakes. S. Fray! 30 d. J. Davenport So Lieut Robinson Je fapt Stanton To thaw, S. Mills To fol: Johnson 30 d. Gen. Hleveland 30. d. fol. Kirby. - imum 20 und. Gen. Wilcox. mm 30m d. 6. Stubbard Eigh $250 46 The payment of all which sums to be made by the Treasurer agreeably to regulations heretofore adopted by the Societyf, and to the persons hereby appointed to receive the same in trust for the relief of those for whose benefit the grants are severally made. that The Committee of (Claims Reported, that Aw. John Sherman is the eldest son of Livul John Sherman deles. dues."; that h. Elijah Humphrey is the eldest son of laft Elijah Humphrey deces; and that Mr. Thaddeus Peeler is the eldest son of Lieut Thaddeus Pheeler deces,, and They are all entitled to the right of membership succesors of their decks fathers; un Wherereton Voted 8. un that said Report be accepted, and that the names of thon gentlemen be entered on the books of the Society as members thered. as Voted, that the Suretary and Preasurer be appointed a Committee to examine all the documents in their hands respectively, to find what persons who are suppond to be members of this Society, have made the requish deposits, and Report. こ ​ Voted, that Colo. Humphrey Kirby and Mix be a Committee to peletion the General. Afiembly (if they shall expedient) to grant an act of incorporation so far only as will be necesary to secure the funds of the Society, for the purposes for which they were originally designed by the donors. S Voted, that Mefi Seilwill, Allyng, and Fr. Daggete Jr. Be a mmitter to audit and adjust adjust the accounts of the Treasurer up to the 14. day of July next, Report. Voted, _ that the expence of the day be paid from the Junds, _ and that Myfi : Stilwill and Allyng be a Committee to liquidate the bills and draw on the Treas. for amount. The meeting was disolved, Fremeeting A truventry Pest John Mix Secretary 48 + At a meeting of the Connecticus Stati Society of famed fincinnati at the lity of Hartford on the 4", day of July A.D.1804, being the 20. year of the independence of the United States of America; present the officers of the Society and about forty five members, m were 1 mone The Society having convened in the fours house, Voted to dispence with reading the declarition of independence on this occasion; and moved in procession to the North presbiterian Church, where the public exercises of the day wire introduced by a pertinents and well adapted prayer by the Rev. Dort Perkins; mm two orations spoken, one by Junius Smith E197; in and one by fol: David Gumphreys, Vice President; un sundry select pieces of sacred music were performed by the ladies and gentlemen of the lity, highly to the entertainment of the Society and audience; at the clow of the public exercies, the Society returned in like order of procession to the Court house, and provided to transach the annual busines. The doings of the last meeting read, un fapt Morris and Gen! Wilcox appointed a Commit to examine the pretinsions of any that may claim a Right of membership, and Report. were were we The Committee appointed at the last annual meeting to audit and adjust the Treasurer's accounts, made their Report, which was read, acepted, and is as follows, vix, an Estimate of the Funds of the Connecticul Society of the Cincinnati July 2.1804 Six per lents 9548,97~ Six per Cents, un defered, 3118.36 m Three per lents 1843-91 Dollars un 14,51124 2 Final settlement Certificates ~ 1800% N.B. there is also purchased but not transfered biffent and 3 flent Stock to the amo. of $702.12% – Specie. New Haven July 2. 1804. S Errors excepted, & Nathan Burs. "It appears that the above statement is correct. New Haven July 2. 1804. Stephen Alling Elias Stilwell } Committe 44 "Dr the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati in fash 50 1803, July 6 To paix Ralph Traacs for dinner Fr 175m 114 150 1-20 1 So. d. Thomas Green & fon or printing toasts toasts To d. Praac Burs the for Stationary... To John Clause for his attendance Sept. 13th So Rev. Samuel Mills his grant. 15 So William Stanton d Bett. 19. To fol: Jonathan Johnson und. 28. So faft Pileg Freath un To Charles Miller Nov. 4. So John Ailey m So Widow Inne Friggins dmm 5804 H) Poloms of one flent paid P. W. Gallauder for receiving ? interest d. at the loan office Hartford on $1068.7/u 16. So haid Widow Leavenworth So portagi on sundry letters So biffents def. $744 equal to $695.16 purch. 93%. Plent To 3 plente, $93.30. d: @ 10/6 To Grant due Widow of left Samuel Prayt Som d'und. – Elias Robinson July 2. So balance due the Society Society m m New Haven D. July 1804. S 3220 зори 30m 30 20 30 20- 10 68 10 150 650 52129 30 ~30 177.957 131996 ace with Nathan Beers in on on former acetin By one quarters interest to 1. of July pr 180.3. July By balance due Bett. 13th By- M dom 1804 Jan Byn / und mind. h Ap. 11 am Byet und mein&um Errors excepted, Nathan Beers. – العرب سنہ mine 251 25 203 20384 457/19 20384 $1319.96 We the subscribers appointed to audis the acet of Nathan Burs Preasurer of the Connecticul Society of Cincinnati for the with his vouchers. hundred seventy year past, have examined the charges with hi and credits, and find the above balance of one hundred seven dollars ninely five and a half lents in favour of the Society New Haven 2. July 1804. Stephen Alling? Committee is Elias Stitwell } The Society proceeded to the choice of officers for the year ensuing and after the ballots had been duly taken the following gentlemen were declared to be elected to the several offices affixed to their names respectively, vir, as General foreph Walker, President. Col & David Humphrey, Vice President. __ Col. John Mix, Secretary Nathan Burs Esgt. Treasurer. Cof® Ezekiel P. Belden, Mr. Secretary. Gent. Solomon Powles Aft. Treasurer. The Committee which was appointed at the last meeting to petetion the Legislature of the State for an act of incorpo= =ration of the Society so far as would be necefsary to give security to the funds, Reported that they had made the application directed, in October last, that their petetion was granted in the House of Representatives by a handsome majority but was negatived in the Upper Stouse; and that there now remained no prospect of success. was accepted.. um which report Sundry applications were made for relief in behalf of indigent members, their widows, and orphans, for whore benefit sums were granted, von, the following sums u To the Widow of Capt John Riley - 202 to be paids fol: Belden Tom & mm Doct. Higgins un 201 407 2. Amasa Tinyer Erg). 30 – So Widow Leavenworth unen 10 d. N. Bers Esgr. 102. um 30m dim fol: Starr. ~ So Capt Peleg Greath So Lieur Charles Miller To Liver Frederich Whiting So laps Stanton So Rev. Samuel Mills in Lo fol: Johnson Lo Luel. Fez. Gubbard ~30) 30m din fot: Tallmadge 40m diu H. Burs Eigt. en 53 302_d: E. Hubbard Ergt. 30m di fol: Buell. ~ Lo Porter Wallridge Total $310 A motion was made and seconded for the dissolution of the society; in after a lengthy and critical discusion of the subject; the previous question was moved and taken ; mm Voted in the affirmative; un after which the following was passed, ver ; . The members of the briety having as its institution bun actuated by the purest of friendship for each other, and being desirous of perpetuating that friendship and affection, which had been formed in the hour of common danger, vos; 0 Sprinsipler and in many instances umented by the blood of their blood, did not expect that their fellow citizens to whom the members of this Society had given so many proofs of their virtues 54 and patriotism) would have suffered their jealousy to have ariun, and without a cause, oppone a clase of whom they - they were were under so great obligations: but the members with infinite pain and mortification, having ing seen the opposition made to the Society which opposition has expond and endangered their funds, funds to which they fondly looked to afwage, if not entirely, relieve their misfortunes and those of their desundant. . ..... realizing no hopes of eradicating thon jealousies that exist, and obtaining an act of incorpo= ration whereby their funds may be squurely loaned and applied agreably to their original intentions; with the same purity of heart and intention which actuated the members of this Society at its institution and a willingness to remove every cause of offence from the breasts of their fellow citizens, do hereby Resolve, in that the Connectivit Itate Society, shall this 4. day of July 18044 be disolved, and that each original member his legal heirs or representatives, shall be entitled to receive his proportion of the funds of the Society, in equal proportion to the surns by them remove every 55 respectively paid in, as soon as the same can be avertained by a Committee to be appointed for that purpow. Resolved, in that Joseph Walker, John. Mix, and Nathan Beers Esquires be a Committee to make out a schedule of of the original members, the sums which they have respectively paid, and the amount which they are respectively entitled to receive. Resolved, we that said Committee be authorized and directed" to make sale of the Stock standing in the name of the Socity for cash, and that they deposit the avails thereof in the Hartford bank, with all the other monies or effects belonging to said Society by the first next, in the name of said Committu, subject a majority of the members there of present, who convene for the purpose aforesaid, and as herein after clirected. direction of the 4 Resolved, that on the first wednesday in Febr. next, a meeting of the persons, now comporing this Society shall be held at Hartford, for the purpone of hearing the Report of the Committe and distributing the funds, and no other busines respecting the Society or its difso lution shall be transacted. Resolved, that all mony belonging to this Society not paid to the members by the 10. day of May next, shall be by said Committe placed in the treasury of Gale follege in trust as a place of safe deposit for the members or their legal representatives, provided the or Corporation of Yale folege shall authorire and direct their Treasurer to receive the same, and execute his bond to Jorph Wather John Mix, and Nathan Burs Esquires and their heirs, that the several persons to whom said moneys are due (as by list. schedule thereto annexed) shall naive on reqular on regular application the sums to which they are respectively entitted, which list or schedule shall be signed by Joseph Walker John Mix, and Nathan Burs Esquires.. Resolved,... that the meeting of the members of this briety on the first wednesday of Fibr", nexes shall be advertind by John hie Ligt, in the Connecticut Courant and Connecticut Journal six weeks previous to the time of meeting; and the voter respecting the dipolution be published at the same time. .... shall not comply with the terms prescribed by the preceding Resolve for receiving and safe keeping such monys as shall be put into their treasury and under the terms and limitations Resolved; um that if the Corporation of Gale follege aforesaid, that Joseph Walker, John Mix, and Nathan Beers, Eequ be directed to find some suitable place for the purposes aforesaid, lodge the same in truck, as directed if received by the Corporation of Yale College. men and ་ on the Resolved, that one hundred and fifty dollars be reserved by the Committee before an apportionment takes place, for paying said Committe, and defraying the expences of the day first wednesday in Febr". next, in Febr" next, and if that sum is insufficient, the residue shall be taxed on the individuals present; and if any surplus remains, it shall be by said Committee paid to Peleg Breath gratuity. as a Voled, in un that the evidence this day exhibited to the Society by Caft George Starr, shall be considered as full proof that he has made the requisite deposit of a monthe pay. Voted, un that fol: Benj: Tallmadge, and M. Nathan Bure be appointed a Committee to present the thanks of this Society to Col: David Humphrey, and Junius Smith Erg): for their orations delivered this day, and to request copies of them respectively for publication. chie Voted, in that the treasurer be directed to procure three hundred ies of each of the orations this day delivered before the Society for the use of the members. Voted, in that the expences of this day, in or any expence that arise in consequence of any vote this day passed, be paid by the treasurer previous to any apportionment. is may Voted, in that fol. Mix and Belden be appointed a Committe to liquidate the bill for the dining expences. &r of this day, and draw on the Treasurer for Atmeentry of the proceedings of the bounty Jocly 1 1604. Lite urer for amount. Voted, that all the books, papers and other documents of the Society be deposited in the hands of John Mix E. gr. for safe huping. A true entry of the procedings of the Society July 4 . 18044. John Mix Sury. JUN 7 1917 ! UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02704 1436